
Sample records for quiste paratiroideo gigante

  1. Cirugía radioguiada para la extirpación de un quiste paratiroideo gigante con hiperparatiroidismo Radio-guided surgery for removal of a giant parathyroid cyst related to hyperthyroidism

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    Edelberto Fuentes Valdés


    Full Text Available Entre los avances actuales del tratamiento quirúrgico del hiperparatiroidismo se encuentra la localización preoperatoria de la(s glándula(s hiperfuncionante(s mediante gammagrafía preoperatoria e intraoperatoria, esta última a través de una sonda gamma especial. Por otro lado, los quistes paratiroideos son raros; pueden ser funcionantes o no. Se describe un nuevo caso de quiste paratiroideo hiperfuncionante, así como los hallazgos de la gammagrafía con 99mTc-MIBI y el uso intraoperatorio de la sonda gamma para evaluar todos los sitios probables donde pudieran existir glándulas hiperproductoras de hormona paratiroidea. Se describen aspectos de la manipulación, seguridad y administración del radiofármaco en el período preoperatorio inmediato, así como la utilización de la sonda gamma durante la intervención. Se informa la evolución durante el seguimiento. Este caso representa el tercer paciente intervenido por hiperparatiroidismo mediante cirugía radioguiada en nuestro centro, institución en la que se introdujo esta técnica en el paísAmong present advances of surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism is the preoperative localization of hyper-functioning glands by preoperative and intraoperative scan, this later one by a special gamma probe. By the other hand, parathyroid cysts are rare; may be of functioning type or not, as well as the findings of 99mTc-MIBI, and the intraoperative use of gamma probe to assess all the possible sites where could be hyperproductive glands of parathyroid hormone. We describe features of management, safety, and administration of radiological agent during the immediate preoperative period, as well as use of gamma probe during intervention. Evolution over follow-up is reported. This case represents the third patient operated on from hyperthyroidism by radio-guided surgery in our center, which introduced this technique in our country.

  2. Quistes radiculares. Posibilidad de tratamiento endodóncico


    Canalda Sahli, Carlos; Canalda Piera, Carlos


    Las principales complicaciones apicales y periapicales de la gan­grena pulpar, son la periodontitis apical crónica y el quiste radicular. Representan el 90 por ciento del total de lesiones apicales (BHASKAR). El 10 por ciento restante, corresponde a lesiones mucho menos habi­tuales: cementoma, absceso alveolar, quiste residual, tumor de células gigantes, etc. El tratamiento del granuloma y del quiste radicular ha evolucio­nado en el tiempo en un sentido más conservador. La existencia de una l...

  3. Quiste óseo aneurismático mandibular

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    Denia Morales Navarro

    Full Text Available El quiste óseo aneurismático es definido como una lesión osteolítica expansiva que consiste en espacios llenos de sangre y canales divididos por tabiques de tejido conectivo, los cuales contienen tejido osteoide y células gigantes multinucleadas. El objetivo es presentar un caso clínico poco común de un quiste óseo aneurismático de la región del cuerpo mandibular. Se trata de una paciente femenina de 39 años de edad que acudió a consulta externa del Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" por aumento de volumen en región mandibular derecha y dolor intenso de 1 mes de evolución. Radiográficamente se detectó un área radiolúcida unilocular de bordes bien definidos; se realizó curetaje de la cavidad, y estudio histopatológico de la lesión que informó la presencia de un quiste óseo aneurismático. Se concluye que el quiste óseo aneurismático es más común en los huesos largos y en la región del ángulo mandibular en el esqueleto facial, por lo que la presentación de este en el cuerpo mandibular resulta de interés.

  4. Quiste gigante de ovario en una adolescente: presentación de un caso Giant ovarian cyst in an adolescent: a case report

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    Olimpia Contreras Leal


    Full Text Available Se trata de una adolescente de 13 años de edad con antecedentes de salud con menarquía a los 11 años y metrorragias frecuentes que acudió a consulta de Pediatría del Hospital Regional de Bata Litoral en la República de Guinea Ecuatorial por aumento de volumen del abdomen, específicamente del hemiabdomen derecho, es ínter consultada con Ginecología por sospecha de tumor de ovario, lo cual se corroboró por ultrasonografía. Se realiza intervención quirúrgica encontrándose quiste gigante de ovario derecho que pesó 6 kg del cual no tuvimos el diagnóstico histológico por no disponer de laboratorio de Anatomía Patológica, pero por las características macroscópicas se trató como un Quiste Seroso Simple, La paciente tuvo una evolución favorable.A 13- year-old girl is presented, having undergone a good health and menarche at 11 years old, she has had vaginal bleeding frequently, and came to Pediatrics Clinics at Bata Littoral Provincial Hospital in Equatorial Guinea with the Pediatrician. The main symptoms were abdominal volume increase, more specifically at right hemiabdomen and pain to deep palpation. This case was sent to the Gynecologist and an ovarian tumor was suspected, afterwards verified by the ultrasonographic study. The patients was referred to surgery, the final clinical diagnosis was Right Ovary Giant Cyst, weighing 6 kg. The histological diagnosis was not assessed because the lack of pathology lab in this country. Following the macroscopic features the tumor was treated as a Simple Serous Cyst. The patient had a favorable evolution.

  5. Tratamiento de quiste hepático simple gigante mediante cirugía laparoscópica Treatment of giant simple hepatic cyst by means of laparoscopic surgery

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    Vladimir Írsula Ballaga


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una fémina de 45 años de edad, con antecedente de hipertensión arterial, ingresada en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba por presentar un quiste hepático simple gigante desde hacía 3 años, que fue eliminado mediante cirugía laparoscópica. La paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente y egresó sin complicaciones, pero con seguimiento por consulta externa.The clinical case of a 45-year-old woman with history of hypertension is described, who was admitted to "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" General Teaching Hospital of Santiago de Cuba due to a giant simple hepatic cyst for 3 years that was removed by means of laparoscopic surgery. The patient made good progress and was discharged without complications, but she was followed up by outpatient monitoring.

  6. Quiste óseo simple de cóndilo mandibular


    Cifuentes, Julio; Barrera, Ariel; Jerez, Daniel; Bohmann, Stephanie


    El quiste óseo simple (QOS) es una entidad descrita por primera vez por Lucas en 1929. En 1946, Rushton describió las paredes internas del quiste que consistían en tejido óseo sin contenido patológico o químico. Esta entidad intraósea también es conocida con múltiples sinónimos como quiste óseo solitario, quiste óseo traumático, quiste óseo hemorrágico, quiste unicameral, cavidad ósea idiopática y cavidad o quiste óseo progresivo. Cuando afecta a los maxilares suelen ser asintomáticos, siendo...

  7. Quiste óseo aneurismático de los maxilares. Caso clínico. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas


    Román Pilco, Sandra; Sánchez Lihón, Juvenal


    El quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA) de los maxilares es una lesión benigna intraósea compuesta por espacios cavernosos llenos de sangre, de tamaños variables, sin recubrimiento endotelial, asociados con tejido conectivo fibroso conteniendo células gigantes multinucleadas y tejido osteoide; clínicamente el lado afecto de los maxilares aumenta de tamaño y muestra una discreta inflamación. Puede haber ligero dolor a la palpación y donde pueden faltar o desplazarse ...

  8. Quiste óseo aneurismático mandibular de tipo sólido Mandibular solid aneurysmal bone cyst


    Marta Saldaña Rodríguez; Maria Fe García Reija; Belén García-Montesinos Perea; Marta Mayorga Fernández; Ramón Carlos Saiz Bustillo


    El quiste óseo aneurismático sólido es una lesión ósea benigna muy infrecuente de la que no existe consenso en relación a su origen etiopatogénico. Presenta características clínicas, radiológicas e histológicas inespecíficas, por lo que los estudios ultraestructurales son fundamentales para su diagnóstico y clasificación. El diagnóstico diferencial es extenso e incluye múltiples lesiones óseas como el granuloma reparativo de células gigantes e incluso tumores malignos como el osteosarcoma. El...

  9. Quiste dermoide cervical

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    Yurian Gbenou Morgan

    Full Text Available Los quistes dermoides presentan una incidencia de 1,6 hasta 6,9 % en la región de cabeza y cuello. Se realiza el siguiente reporte de caso clínico con el objetivo de enfatizar en la importancia de un adecuado manejo diagnóstico preoperatorio, para establecer una acertada planificación quirúrgica en la exéresis de este tipo de lesiones de la región cervicofacial. Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente masculino, de 13 años de edad, quien hacía 3 años se notaba un crecimiento redondeado en región submentoniana, lo cual le ocasionaba molestias al hablar y ligera afectación de su estética facial. Una vez realizados los estudios complementarios preoperatorios, se decide tratamiento quirúrgico, empleando una cervicotomía medial para la extirpación de la lesión quística, dada la ubicación anatómica por debajo del músculo milohiodeo y su gran dimensión. El diagnóstico histopatológico se corresponde con un quiste epidérmico. Se concluye que resulta imprescindible realizar un exhaustivo examen físico e imagenológico, para lograr resultados satisfactorios en el tratamiento quirúrgico del quiste dermoide cervical.

  10. Quiste dentígero en niños

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    Fernanda Astrogilda de Sousa Feitosa


    Full Text Available Introducción: El quiste dentígero es el segundo tipo de quistes odontogénicos más frecuentes de los maxilares, desarrollándose a partir de alteraciones del epitelio del órgano del esmalte, donde ocurre una acumulación de líquido entre el epitelio y el esmalte. Por lo general está relacionado a la corona de un diente no erupcionado. Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los aspectos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de los quistes dentígero en pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos indexados en la base de datos bibliográficos PUBMED® en el período comprendido entre febrero y marzo de 2015, mediante el descriptor "dentigerous cyst". Resultados: Se encontraron 147 artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Todos los artículos que trataban sobre quiste dentígero en niños fueron incluidos en este estudio. La literatura revisada destaca puntos importantes sobre la epidemiología, manejo y tratamiento de quiste dentígero en pacientes pediátricos. Conclusión: De los artículos revisados se puede concluir que el quiste dentígero es más frecuente en los niños del género masculino y con una edad media de 10 años. Afecta principalmente a la mandíbula y tanto la enucleación como la marsupialización están indicados para el tratamiento de quistes

  11. Quistes pulmonares congénitos

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    Nuvia Suárez García


    Full Text Available Introducción: las malformaciones pulmonares congénitas constituyen una alteración en el desarrollo embriológico y fetal de las distintas estructuras pulmonares y una rara expresión de estas son los quistes pulmonares congénitos. Caso clínico: se presenta un recién nacido a término, de buen peso, asintomático y estable hasta el tercer día de vida al debutar con un estado de shock séptico secundario, de bronconeumonía complicada con derrame pleural derecho. En los estudios evolutivos hacia el cuarto de día de vida se le diagnostica como hallazgo radiológico la presencia de quistes pulmonares que evolucionan de forma asintomática. Después de una valoración multidisciplinaria es egresado con un seguimiento por su condición de alto riesgo. Actualmente saludable y con buen desarrollo psicomotor. Conclusiones: la importancia del tema que se presenta es que se describe una presentación rara de quistes pulmonares congénitos en un recién nacido que desarrolló un estadio avanzado de sepsis.

  12. Estudio de la fertilidad y viabilidad de quistes hidatídicos ovinos

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    García Llamazares José Luis


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: La finalidad de este trabajo es analizar la fertilidad de los quistes hidatídicos de origen ovino, especie de gran interés epidemiológico en la hidatidosis, y la adecuación del gerbillo (Meriones unguiculatus como modelo experimental para el estudio "in vivo" de dicha hidatidosis, fase preliminar de posteriores estudios terapeúticos. MÉTODOS: Se ha realizado un estudio de la fertilidad y viabilidad de quistes hidatídicos procedentes de pulmones e hígados de ganado ovino de Castilla y León a través del examen y evaluación de una serie de parámetros entre los que figura la producción de una hidatidosis secundaria experimental en animales de laboratorio. RESULTADOS: El índice quístico total obtenido fue de 8,57 quistes por ovino infestado (5,97 quistes por pulmón infestado y 5,57 quistes por hígado infestado. El porcentaje de fertilidad obtenido en los quistes hidatídicos de origen ovino que contenían protoescólex viables "in vitro" fue del 43,97% (43,02% en los quistes pulmonares y 46,16% en los quistes hepáticos. La viabilidad "in vivo" de los protoescólex seleccionados se puso de manifiesto al producirse en el 100% de los gerbillos infectados una hidatidosis secundaria experimental. CONCLUSIONES: Se destaca la validez de los criterios utilizados para estudiar la viabilidad "in vitro" de los protoescólex procedentes de quistes hidatídicos de origen ovino. La hidatidosis secundaria producida en gerbillos nos conduce a considerarlos como especie de experimentación adecuada para la investigación "in vivo" de la hidatidosis de origen ovino.

  13. Quistes de los maxilares

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    Ivan Alberto Manotas Arevalo


    Full Text Available Los Grandes Quistes de los Maxilares han estado vinculados siempre a la humanidad, desde tiempos remotos, pues han sido halladas en restos de especimenes fosiles, han llamado la atencion de los clínicos, en torno a su etiologia, en la que se ha introducido la participacion de la genetica, (demostrada en el desarrollo de los queratoquistes maxilares, la fisiopatologia, caracteristicas histologicas (inmunohistoquimica, posibilidades diagnosticas por la imagen, (como la tomografia computarizada y la resonancia nuclear magnetica y otras pruebas. Además llaman la atención al estudio, por sus alternativas de manejo especialmente las formas radicales, y el analisis de asociaciones a otras patolo-gias benignas y malignas, y de la recurrencia muy alto de algunas de estas lesiones. Mucho se ha desarrollado para elucidar su naturaleza real, estadificar adecuadamente la lesion descartando asocia-ciones patologicas sindromicas, indicar un tratamiento apropiado, y realizar seguimientos a largo plazo. Este articulo pretende recaudar una information general que de parametros para abordar el estudio de los quistes maxilares a partir de la presentacion de un caso clinico.

  14. Hidrocele gigante en paciente anciano

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    Ada Arleny Pérez Mayo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 87 años, intervenido por primera vez en el Hospital Nacional “San Pedro Necta” del Departamento de Huehuetenango en Guatemala, por presentar hidrocele gigante de más de veinte años de evolución. El examen físico mostró tumoración translúcida dolorosa en la bolsa escrotal izquierda, con el posible diagnóstico de hidrocele tabicado o no comunicante. El preoperatorio consistió en la canalización de vena periférica, administración de profilaxis antibiótica con ceftriaxona y rasurado de la piel. Durante el acto operatorio se constató hidrocele izquierdo, con acumulación de líquido acuoso de la túnica vaginal que rodeaba el testículo, cuantificable alrededor de los 500 ml. La técnica quirúrgica consistió en la eversión o plicatura de la vaginal. No se presentaron entidades asociadas, como quiste del cordón, hernia inguinal o fimosis. No existieron complicaciones. Se reportó una estadía hospitalaria de cuatro días y el paciente evolucionó favorablemente. No ocurrió recidiva durante el año de seguimiento

  15. Quiste dermoide en la cola de la ceja

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    Lázara Kenia Ramírez García

    Full Text Available El quiste dermoide es un tipo de coristoma que corresponde a una anomalía congénita del desarrollo. Se presenta una transicional de dos años. Desde su nacimiento, la mamá notó un aumento de volumen a nivel de la cola de la ceja del ojo derecho, de bordes delimitados, blanda, movible, reborde orbitario libre, sin cambios de coloración, con un crecimiento acelerado clínico y ultrasonográfico en meses. Se decidió exéresis y biopsia para estudio anatomopatológico. Los resultados finales mostraron confirmación del diagnóstico de quiste dermoide en la cola de la ceja. La evolución posoperatoria fue satisfactoria sin recidiva de la lesión.

  16. Múltiples quistes parapiélicos en la enfermedad de Fabry

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    María A. Azancot


    Presentamos un caso de un paciente varón afecto de la enfermedad de Fabry, que presentaba múltiples quistes parapiélicos e insuficiencia renal, sin presentar angioqueratomas. El estudio genético mostró una mutación en el gen de alfa-GLA A que no ha sido descrita previamente en el registro de mutaciones, y de novo, ya que no se encontró en otros familiares, además que no fue trasmitida a la descendencia. La presencia de múltiples quistes parapiélicos y su peculiar aspecto fue lo que hizo sospechar el diagnóstico de la enfermedad.

  17. Quiste óseo aneurismático mandibular de tipo sólido Mandibular solid aneurysmal bone cyst

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    Marta Saldaña Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El quiste óseo aneurismático sólido es una lesión ósea benigna muy infrecuente de la que no existe consenso en relación a su origen etiopatogénico. Presenta características clínicas, radiológicas e histológicas inespecíficas, por lo que los estudios ultraestructurales son fundamentales para su diagnóstico y clasificación. El diagnóstico diferencial es extenso e incluye múltiples lesiones óseas como el granuloma reparativo de células gigantes e incluso tumores malignos como el osteosarcoma. El tratamiento de elección es la cirugía conservadora. La recidiva se debe fundamentalmente a la extirpación incompleta.Solid aneurysmal bone cyst is a rare benign bone lesion for which no consensus exists regarding its origin. It has nonspecific clinical, radiological and histological features so ultrastructural studies are essential for diagnosis and classification. The differential diagnosis is extensive and includes a variety of bone lesions, such as giant cell reparative granuloma, and even malignant tumors like osteosarcoma. The treatment of choice is conservative surgery. Recurrence is due mainly to incomplete resection.

  18. Quiste dermoide intracraneal con rotura espontánea. Reporte de caso

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    Leonardo Andrés Chacón-Zambrano


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los quistes dermoides son tumores raros, que se originan por la inclusión de elementos de origen ectodérmico en el momento del cierre del tubo neural durante la embriogénesis. Su contenido incluye una variedad de derivados del ectodermo como glándulas apocrinas, sudor, quistes sebáceos, folículos pilosos, epitelio escamoso y dientes. Los síntomas que generan estos tumores benignos son tanto por el efecto de masa sobre las estructuras neurovasculares adyacentes (cefalea, convulsiones, hidrocefalia, isquemia, como por la irritación meníngea en los casos de ruptura hacia el espacio subaracnoideo. Objetivo: Presentar el curso clínico de paciente femenino de 21 años de edad, que acude a la consulta de neurocirugía con clínica de cefalea y síncope. Presentación del caso: Paciente con rotura espontánea de un quiste dermoide intracraneal que consultaba previamente por clínica de cefalea, a la cual se asocia más recientemente episodios de alteración de la conciencia, realizándose estudio de neuroimágenes con evidencia de quiste dermoide intracraneal roto, el cual fue manejado quirúrgicamente con resolución exitosa de la sintomatología. Conclusiones: Se considera relevante el caso teniendo en cuenta lo inusual de la patología según la epidemiología consultada, además este reporte de caso, permite sensibilizar al personal de salud sobre esta patología tumoral la cual puede llegar a la cura en caso de resección quirúrgica completa, con resolución de la clínica.

  19. Comportamiento del quiste branquial en pacientes del Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, 1993-2009

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available El quiste branquial de origen congénito que aparece en la región lateral del cuello es, con frecuencia, motivo de consulta. Se tuvo como objetivo determinar el comportamiento de los quistes branquiales en el Hospital "Ciro Redondo García", de Artemisa en el periodo de 1993 al 2009. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de los quistes branquiales diagnosticados en pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial. Se estudiaron la edad, el sexo, el color de la piel, el lado del cuello afectado, el resultado histopatológico y los medios auxiliares empleados. Se encontraron 12 quistes branquiales que afectaron el 50 % de ambos sexos, un 75 % a pacientes entre 15 y 30 años y un 75 % de la piel blanca, un 66,7 % afectó el lado derecho del cuello y en un 100 % de los casos se utilizó la biopsia y el ultrasonido como medios auxiliares para su diagnóstico. Se encontró epitelio escamoso estratificado en un 100 % de los quistes y en un 91,6 % el tejido linfoide. No se encontró predilección por el sexo, la mayoría de los pacientes eran menores de 30 años, de piel blanca y presentaban los quistes en el lado derecho del cuello. En todos los pacientes se empleó la biopsia y el ultrasonido como medios auxiliares de diagnóstico. El epitelio escamoso estratificado y el tejido linfoide fueron los hallazgos histopatológicos más relevantes.

  20. Quiste de erupcion en denticion mixta

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    Mileydis Esther Fernández Munive


    Full Text Available Title: Cyst of eruption in mixed dentition.ResumenLos quistes de erupción se presentan como áreas en la mucosa de levantamiento de volumen blando, de diferente coloración: azulado, rojo, vinaceo; mantiene un vaso presionado del que no solo sale agua, sino también sangre. Determinado como una variante del quiste dentígero, de origen odontogénico epitelial, diferentes porque este existe dentro del hueso; habitualmente en asociación con dientes próximos a erupcionar y en su gran mayoría relacionados con dentición mixta. En este caso clínico expuesto, la relación es con la erupción del diente 44, se muestra el abordaje y el control posoperatorio en el cual demuestra a través de fotografías la erupción adecuada del diente. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 2, 196 - 200AbstractThe cysts of eruption appear as areas in the mucous one of raising of soft volume, of different coloration: bluish, red, vinaceo; it keeps a glass pressed of the one that not only goes out waters down, but also bleed. Determined as a variant of the cyst dentígero, of origin odontogénic epitelial, different because this one exists inside the bone; habitually in association with near teeth to erupcionar and in his great majority related to mixed dentition. In this clinical exposed case, the relation is with the eruption of the tooth 44, the boarding and the control appears posoperatorio in which it demonstrates across photographies the suitable eruption of the tooth.Keywords: Tooth eruption; Odontogenic Cysts; Dentition Mixed. (MeSH.

  1. Quiste hidatídico cerebral: a propósito de un caso


    Madeo Gómez, I.; Pérez, M.; Pujol, J.; Montero L. E.; Sarti, N.; Torres, M.; Yafar, C.; Zapata, V.


    La hidatidosis es una parasitosis frecuente en Argentina. La localización más frecuente es la hepática. La presencia de quistes hidatídicos en sistema nervioso central es rara y se da generalmente en edad pediátrica.

  2. Quiste hidatídico cardiaco en un niño. Presentación de un caso.


    Castillo De la Cadena, Luis; Cuba, Yany; Mendoza, Carlos; Mispireta, Martín; Parra, José; Pacheco, Primo


    El quiste hidatídico es una enfermedad parasitaria humana causada por el estado quístico del parasito Echinococcus granulosus. En el Perú la prevalencia de hidatidosis humana en los últimos 5 años oscila de 7 - 11 / 100 000 habitantes. Se localizan principalmente en hígado (> 65% de los casos) y en pulmones (25%). La localización cardiaca es infrecuente; reportándose entre 0,5 a 2%. Presentamos el caso de un niño de 11 años con quiste hidatídico cardíaco tratado quirúrgicamente utilizando cir...

  3. Quiste óseo simple atípico: Presentación de un caso clínico Atypical Simple Bone Cyst: A Case Report

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    L.R González


    Full Text Available El quiste óseo simple (sinonimia quiste óseo traumático, quiste óseo solitario, quiste óseo hemorrágico es un pseudoquiste intraóseo desprovisto de recubrimiento epitelial con un contenido seroso y/o hemático que en ocasiones puede estar ausente. Es una patología poco frecuente que afecta a los huesos maxilares con predilección por el maxilar inferior. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar un caso de quiste óseo simple en maxilar inferior que difiere de los habitualmente encontrados en los huesos maxilares en cuanto a su presentación clínica, radiográfica e histopatológica.The simple bone cyst (reported in the literature as traumatic bone cyst, solitary bone cyst, hemorrhagic bone cyst is an intraosseous pseudocyst devoid of epithelial lining and filled with serous and/or hematic fluid that may also be lacking. Is a an uncommon condition that usually affects the jaws, with predilection for the lower jaw. The aim of the present work was to report a case of traumatic bone cyst of the jaw that differs from other maxillary bone cysts in its clinical, radiologic, and histologic presentation.

  4. Equinococosis humana (quiste hidatidico: dos casos

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    Egon Lichtenberger


    Full Text Available Se describen dos casos de quiste indatídico hepático en pacientes colombianos, oriundos del Chocó y de la Guajira, respectivamente. La equinococosis es posiblemente más frecuente en Colombia de lo que comúnmente se supone. Se hace un corto resumen de la anatomía patológica, morfología, ciclo vital, epidemiología y medios diagnósticos de esta parasitosis. The author describes two cases of hepatic echinococcosis demonstrating again, as correa henao and bojanini have done before, that this parasitosis exists in Colombia and is probably more common than usually believed. The pathology, morphology, life cycle, epidemiology, symptomatology and diagnosis are briefly reviewed.

  5. Heterodera schachtii, el nematodo del quiste de la remolacha


    Gutiérrez Sosa, Manuel; Castillo, Pablo


    Los nematodos fitoparasitos estan ampliamente distribuidos en suelos naturales y cultivados de todas las regiones del mundo. De hecho, cualquier planta cultivada puede sufrir un perjuicio importante en su crecimiento cuando existen elevadas densidades de poblaci6n de estos microorganismos en suelo ylo farCeS de sus huespedes. EI nematodo del quiste de la remolacha Heterodera schacht;; constituye uno de 105 principales problemas fitopatol6gicos de este cultivo en todo ...

  6. Quiste epidérmico de inclusión de párpado. Presentación de 2 casos


    Eréndira Güemez Sandoval; Fátima Cedillo Azuela; Rosalba García Ramírez


    El quiste epidérmico de inclusión o quiste epidermoide es una lesión intraepitelial, redonda u ovalada, de color amarillo, de crecimiento progresivo y consistencia suave; de diversa etiología, se origina por la proliferación de las células epidérmicas superficiales dentro de la dermis y su contenido es queratina. Se presenta frecuentemente en los párpados. El diagnóstico se realiza por la clínica y por el estudio histopatológico; el tratamiento es con escisión quirúrgica completa.

  7. Quiste dermoide en la cola de la ceja


    Ramírez García, Lázara Kenia; Ortiz Ramos, Datia Liset; Gómez Cabrera, Clara Gisela; Vigoa Aranguren, Lázaro; Rojas Rondón, Irene; Abreu Perdomo, Franklyn Alain


    El quiste dermoide es un tipo de coristoma que corresponde a una anomalía congénita del desarrollo. Se presenta una transicional de dos años. Desde su nacimiento, la mamá notó un aumento de volumen a nivel de la cola de la ceja del ojo derecho, de bordes delimitados, blanda, movible, reborde orbitario libre, sin cambios de coloración, con un crecimiento acelerado clínico y ultrasonográfico en meses. Se decidió exéresis y biopsia para estudio anatomopatológico. Los resultados finales mostraron...

  8. Enucleación de quiste periapical simultáneo a la obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares

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    Lida Velazque

    Full Text Available Introducción: los quistes periapicales representan el tipo más frecuente dentro de los quistes odontogénicos. Su origen está relacionado con una necrosis pulpar y un consecuente estímulo de los restos epiteliales del ligamento periodontal (Malassez. Objetivo: describir un caso clínico de enucleación de quiste periapical simultáneo a la obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares. Presentación del caso: paciente de sexo femenino, 67 años de edad, sin alteraciones sistémicas; buscó atención odontológica por presentar dolor dental y acúmulo de alimentos en la región de molares inferiores del lado izquierdo. Al examen clínico se observó caries extensa en el segundo molar inferior izquierdo con compromiso de furca, ausencia de aumento de volumen vestibular, sin fistula; en la radiografía periapical se evidenció lesión cariosa extensa recidivante en el segundo molar inferior izquierdo, y primer molar inferior izquierdo con tratamiento endodóntico y presencia de área radiolúcida de contornos bien definidos en la región periapical compatible con quiste periapical. El tratamiento estuvo a cargo de un equipo multidisciplinario por lo que se decidió realizar exodoncia del segundo molar inferior izquierdo y cirugía paraendodóntica con enucleación quirúrgica simultánea a la obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares primer molar inferior izquierdo; el examen histopatológico de la muestra extraída comprobó tratarse de un quiste periapical. Se realizó seguimiento radiográfico dos años después y mostró un completo reparo óseo del área afectada. Conclusiones: se concluye que el tratamiento descrito constituye una alternativa válida para la resolución de casos donde la endodoncia convencional es limitada para mantener la función y estética de una pieza dentaria.

  9. Genetics of Gigantism and Acromegaly (United States)

    Hannah-Shmouni, Fady; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Stratakis, Constantine A.


    Gigantism and acromegaly are rare disorders that are caused by excessive GH secretion and/or high levels of its mediator, IGF-1. Gigantism occurs when excess GH or IGF-1 lead to increased linear growth, before the end of puberty and epiphyseal closure. The majority of cases arise from a benign GH-secreting pituitary adenoma, with an incidence of pituitary gigantism and acromegaly of approximately 8 and 11 per million person-years, respectively. Over the past two decades, our increasing understanding of the molecular and genetic etiologies of pituitary gigantism and acromegaly yielded several genetic causes, including multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and 4, McCune-Albright syndrome, Carney complex, familial isolated pituitary adenoma, pituitary adenoma association due to defects in familial succinate dehydrogenase genes, and the recently identified X-linked acrogigantism. The early diagnosis of these conditions helps guide early intervention, screening, and genetic counseling of patients and their family members. In this review, we provide a concise and up-to-date discussion on the genetics of gigantism and acromegaly. PMID:27657986

  10. Genetics of gigantism and acromegaly. (United States)

    Hannah-Shmouni, Fady; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Stratakis, Constantine A

    Gigantism and acromegaly are rare disorders that are caused by excessive GH secretion and/or high levels of its mediator, IGF-1. Gigantism occurs when excess GH or IGF-1 lead to increased linear growth, before the end of puberty and epiphyseal closure. The majority of cases arise from a benign GH-secreting pituitary adenoma, with an incidence of pituitary gigantism and acromegaly of approximately 8 and 11 per million person-years, respectively. Over the past two decades, our increasing understanding of the molecular and genetic etiologies of pituitary gigantism and acromegaly yielded several genetic causes, including multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and 4, McCune-Albright syndrome, Carney complex, familial isolated pituitary adenoma, pituitary adenoma association due to defects in familial succinate dehydrogenase genes, and the recently identified X-linked acrogigantism. The early diagnosis of these conditions helps guide early intervention, screening, and genetic counseling of patients and their family members. In this review, we provide a concise and up-to-date discussion on the genetics of gigantism and acromegaly. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  11. Genetics of Gigantism and Acromegaly


    Hannah-Shmouni, Fady; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Stratakis, Constantine A.


    Gigantism and acromegaly are rare disorders that are caused by excessive GH secretion and/or high levels of its mediator, IGF-1. Gigantism occurs when excess GH or IGF-1 lead to increased linear growth, before the end of puberty and epiphyseal closure. The majority of cases arise from a benign GH-secreting pituitary adenoma, with an incidence of pituitary gigantism and acromegaly of approximately 8 and 11 per million person-years, respectively. Over the past two decades, our increasing unders...

  12. AIP mutations and gigantism. (United States)

    Rostomyan, Liliya; Potorac, Iulia; Beckers, Pablo; Daly, Adrian F; Beckers, Albert


    AIP mutations are rare in sporadic acromegaly but they are seen at a higher frequency among certain specific populations of pituitary adenoma patients (pituitary gigantism cases, familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) kindreds, and patients with macroadenomas who are diagnosed ≤30 years). AIP mutations are most prevalent in patients with pituitary gigantism (29% of this group were found to have mutations in AIP gene). These data support targeted genetic screening for AIP mutations/deletions in these groups of pituitary adenoma patients. Earlier diagnosis of AIP-related acromegaly-gigantism cases enables timely clinical evaluation and treatment, thereby improving outcomes in terms of excessive linear growth and acromegaly comorbidities. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. Pituitary gigantism: Causes and clinical characteristics. (United States)

    Rostomyan, Liliya; Daly, Adrian F; Beckers, Albert


    Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism are very rare conditions resulting from excessive secretion of growth hormone (GH), usually by a pituitary adenoma. Pituitary gigantism occurs when GH excess overlaps with the period of rapid linear growth during childhood and adolescence. Until recently, its etiology and clinical characteristics have been poorly understood. Genetic and genomic causes have been identified in recent years that explain about half of cases of pituitary gigantism. We describe these recent discoveries and focus on some important settings in which gigantism can occur, including familial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA) and the newly described X-linked acrogigantism (X-LAG) syndrome. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  14. Manejo clínico del quiste periapical

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    Clara Vergara Hernández


    Full Text Available ResumenEl quiste periapical es una lesión inflamatoria de los maxilares formada en el periápice de dientes con pulpa necrótica e infectada siendo una secuela directa de un granuloma apical, están asociados a la raíz dentaria y se encuentran con mayor frecuencia en el maxilar superior. Por lo general no provocan síntomas y su lenta evolución hace que el paciente no se percate del mismo hasta que aparece la asimetría facial. Se presenta un caso correspondiente a un paciente masculino con lesión de aspecto clínico tumoral en hemicara izquierda. Al examen radiográfico se observa imagen radiolúcida a nivel de incisivo central superior que continua con el ligamento periodontal. Se realiza biopsia por aspiración y basado en el estudio histopatológico, se diagnostica como quiste periapical. La conducta que se siguió con respecto al tratamiento fue quirúrgica. (DUAZARY 2010, 219 - 222AbstractThe periapical cyst it is an inflammatory injury of maxillaries formed in periápice of teeth with necrotic and infected pulp being a direct sequel of granuloma apical, is associate to the dental root and they are most frequently in superior maxilary. By the general they do not cause symptoms and its slow evolution causes that the patient does not notice of he himself until appears the face asymmetry. A case is exposed corresponding to a masculine patient with left injury of tumor like clinical aspect in hemicara. The radiographic examination radiolúcida image at level of superior central incisor is observed that continuous with the periodontal ligament. It makes biopsy by aspiration and based on the histopatológico study, it is diagnosed like periapical cyst. The conduct that was followed with respect to the treatment was surgical.Keywords: Periapical cyst; periapical disease; apical granuloma; periodontal ligament.

  15. Thunderstorm Charge Structures Producing Negative Gigantic Jets (United States)

    Boggs, L.; Liu, N.; Riousset, J. A.; Shi, F.; Rassoul, H.


    Here we present observational and modeling results that provide insight into thunderstorm charge structures that produce gigantic jet discharges. The observational results include data from four different thunderstorms producing 9 negative gigantic jets from 2010 to 2014. We used radar, very high frequency (VHF) and low frequency (LF) lightning data to analyze the storm characteristics, charge structures, and lightning activity when the gigantic jets emerged from the parent thunderstorms. A detailed investigation of the evolution of one of the charge structures by analyzing the VHF data is also presented. The newly found charge structure obtained from the observations was analyzed with fractal modeling and compared with previous fractal modeling studies [Krehbiel et al., Nat. Geosci., 1, 233-237, 2008; Riousset et al., JGR, 115, A00E10, 2010] of gigantic jet discharges. Our work finds that for normal polarity thunderstorms, gigantic jet charge structures feature a narrow upper positive charge region over a wide middle negative charge region. There also likely exists a `ring' of negative screening charge located around the perimeter of the upper positive charge. This is different from previously thought charge structures of the storms producing gigantic jets, which had a very wide upper positive charge region over a wide middle negative charge region, with a very small negative screening layer covering the cloud top. The newly found charge structure results in leader discharge trees in the fractal simulations that closely match the parent flashes of gigantic jets inside and outside the thundercloud. The previously used charge structures, while vital to the understanding of gigantic jet initiation and the role of charge imbalances inside the cloud, do not produce leader discharge trees that agree with observed gigantic jet discharges.Finally, the newly discovered gigantic jet charge structures are formed near the end of a convective pulse [Meyer et al., JGR, 118

  16. Quiste Tímico

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    IsnerioValerio Arzuaga Anderson


    Full Text Available Los quistes tímicos son lesiones poco frecuentes. La mayoría se presenta en las primeras décadas de la vida, aunque pueden estar presentes desde el nacimiento. Otros se descubren incidentalmente en radiografías torácicas y autopsias y pueden confundirse con tumores malignos. Se reporta 1 caso, con hemorragia antigua y granulomas de colesterol, en el estudio necrópsico de una anciana de 71 años de edad, localizado en la porción anterosuperior del mediastino, no relacionado con su fallecimiento, el cual fue por infarto miocárdico agudo. El estudio histológico de la pieza reveló la naturaleza tímica del proceso. Se discuten los aspectos microscópicos del caso y se precisa su diagnóstico diferencial con otros tumores del mediastinoThymic cysts are uncommon lesions. Most of them occur in the first decade of life, although they may be present at birth. Other thymic cysts are incidentally discovered in chest X-rays and in autopsy and may be mistaken for malignant tumors. It is reported the case of a woman aged 71 with an old hemorrhage and cholesterol granuloma detected by necropsy study, where a cyst was located in the mediastinum anteroposterior portion.. It was not related to her death, since she died from acute myocardial infarction. The histologic study of the cyst revealed the thymic nature of the process. The microscopic features of the case are discussed and its differential diagnosis is specified in relation to other mediastinal tumors

  17. Differential diagnosis of gigantic pulmonary abscesses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinner, M.G.; Khachatryan, M.A.; Abelyan, A.M.


    The paper is concerned with an analysis of the clinical X-ray picture in 100 patients with gigantic pulmonary abscesses (the diameter over 6 cm) and in 102 patients with retrostenotic abscesses in central lung cancer, gigantic peripheral cancer with disintegration, tuberculous infiltrate with dissociation, an echinococcal cyst with suppuration and rupture in the bronchus. The reliable clinical differential diagnostic symptoms were not revealed. The chief method of X-ray examination is tomography. In addition to examination of the gigantic focus of lesion in the lung, tomography of the major bronchi should be also performed. The difference between a gigantic pulmonary abscess and peripheral lung cancer is in the nature of the walls and contours; of particular importance is the symptom of nodularity and radiance of the outlines of the pathological shadow which is more distinctive in peripheral cancer. Correct diagnosis was established in 96.6% of the patients

  18. Cerebral gigantism (Sotos' syndrome) and cataracts. (United States)

    Yeh, H; Price, R L; Lonsdale, D


    A five-year-old girl with cerebral gigantism (Sotos' syndrome) and cataracts is described. Sotos' syndrome, characterized by generalized gigantism with normal endocrine studies has rarely been reported with ocular abnormalities and never with cataracts. It is important to study any child with cataracts for systemic disease.

  19. Pituitary gigantism.


    Lu, P W; Silink, M; Johnston, I; Cowell, C T; Jimenez, M


    A case of pituitary gigantism resulting from a pituitary adenoma which secreted growth hormone is described. The patient was successfully treated by surgery, which led to the normalisation of endogenous growth hormone secretion. An acceptable final height was achieved with high dose intramuscular testosterone treatment.

  20. CT diagnosis of retroperitoneal gigantic liposarcoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Wei; Zheng Zhaohua; Liao Zuyuan; Hu Yinsong


    Objective: To analyze CT manifestation of retroperitoneal gigantic liposaxcoma and to improve the image understanding. Methods: Five cases of retroperitoneal gigantic liposarcoma confirmed by surgery and pathology in our hospital were collected. Plain and enhanced CT scan were performed. Results: Of five cases, one was substantive, two was pseudocyst and two was mixed tumor. Several patterns of enhancement such as strip, floccule, irregular patchy or nodular enhancement were revealed inside the lesions on enhanced CT scan. And strip-form of high density enhancement was a typical type. Conclusion: CT examination could determine the tumor's location, size and density, together with the relationship to adjacent organizations CT scan is an important method in diagnosing retroperitoneal gigantic liposarcoma. (authors)

  1. Adolescente con inestabilidad lumbosacra por presencia de quiste hidatídico: reporte de caso

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    Miguel Vizcarra

    Full Text Available La hidatidosis, causada por el Echinococcus granulosus, afecta a la columna vertebral en 0,5-2% del total de casos, siendo la columna sacra una ubicación rara, típica de personas en edad adulta. Se reporta el caso de un varón de 14 años oriundo de Juliaca (Puno, Perú quien presentó lumbalgia crónica y síndrome de cauda equina. Atendido inicialmente en Juliaca, fue trasladado al Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins (Lima, Perú con el diagnóstico de tumoración sacra. En la resonancia magnética se mostró una tumoración multiquística con lisis del L5 y S1 e inestabilidad. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue una laminectomía L5-S2 y extracción de múltiples quistes de hidátide más estabilización lumbopélvica con tornillos transpediculares. En el posoperatorio se recetó albendazol (15 mg/kg/d por el periodo de seis meses. Se debe considerar al quiste hidatídico dentro del diagnóstico diferencial cuando existan lesiones quísticas en la columna vertebral, sobre todo en regiones endémicas como el Perú.

  2. Dos casos de quiste de intestino anterior en cavidad oral

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    Celso Chuquisana-Mostacero

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivo: El quiste de intestino anterior es una entidad congénita poco frecuente. Cuando aparece, su localización más frecuente es el íleon y, aunque pueden aparecer a lo largo de todo el tracto digestivo, es rara su ubicación en la cavidad oral. A menudo se caracteriza por tres hallazgos principales: presencia de una capa de músculo liso bien desarrollada, una capa epitelial típica de alguna porción del tracto alimentario, y la unión íntima a alguna porción del tracto gastrointestinal. Las lesiones quísticas del suelo de boca en la edad infantil más frecuentes son los quistes salivares y las malformaciones linfáticas, ambas englobables en el término ránula. Sin embargo hay otras posibilidades, y la duplicación de intestino anterior, como aparece en los casos que presentamos, es una de ellas. Material y Método: Presentamos 2 pacientes en edad pediátrica con lesión lingual o de suelo de boca, que tras el estudio de imagen adecuado fueron operados por vía intraoral para la extirpación de la tumoración. En uno de los casos se usó abordaje cervical para extirpación de un segundo locus quístico. Resultados: El estudio anatomopatológico mostró en uno de los casos epitelio respiratorio, y en el segundo mucosa gástrica y epitelio respiratorio. Conclusiones: La importancia del diagnóstico y la extirpación completa en este tipo de lesiones viene dada por el riesgo de degeneración maligna en la edad adulta.

  3. Gigantism and Its Implications for the History of Life.

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    Geerat J Vermeij

    Full Text Available Gigantism-very large body size-is an ecologically important trait associated with competitive superiority. Although it has been studied in particular cases, the general conditions for the evolution and maintenance of gigantism remain obscure. I compiled sizes and dates for the largest species in 3 terrestrial and 7 marine trophic and habitat categories of animals from throughout the Phanerozoic. The largest species (global giants in all categories are of post-Paleozoic age. Gigantism at this level appeared tens to hundreds of millions of years after mass extinctions and long after the origins of clades in which it evolved. Marine gigantism correlates with high planktic or seafloor productivity, but on land the correspondence between productivity and gigantism is weak at best. All global giants are aerobically active animals, not gentle giants with low metabolic demands. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere correlates with gigantism in the Paleozoic but not thereafter, likely because of the elaboration of efficient gas-exchange systems in clades containing giants. Although temperature and habitat size are important in the evolution of very large size in some cases, the most important (and rare enabling circumstance is a highly developed ecological infrastructure in which essential resources are abundant and effectively recycled and reused, permitting activity levels to increase and setting the stage for gigantic animals to evolve. Gigantism as a hallmark of competitive superiority appears to have lost its luster on land after the Mesozoic in favor of alternative means of achieving dominance, especially including social organization and coordinated food-gathering.

  4. Gigantism and Its Implications for the History of Life. (United States)

    Vermeij, Geerat J


    Gigantism-very large body size-is an ecologically important trait associated with competitive superiority. Although it has been studied in particular cases, the general conditions for the evolution and maintenance of gigantism remain obscure. I compiled sizes and dates for the largest species in 3 terrestrial and 7 marine trophic and habitat categories of animals from throughout the Phanerozoic. The largest species (global giants) in all categories are of post-Paleozoic age. Gigantism at this level appeared tens to hundreds of millions of years after mass extinctions and long after the origins of clades in which it evolved. Marine gigantism correlates with high planktic or seafloor productivity, but on land the correspondence between productivity and gigantism is weak at best. All global giants are aerobically active animals, not gentle giants with low metabolic demands. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere correlates with gigantism in the Paleozoic but not thereafter, likely because of the elaboration of efficient gas-exchange systems in clades containing giants. Although temperature and habitat size are important in the evolution of very large size in some cases, the most important (and rare) enabling circumstance is a highly developed ecological infrastructure in which essential resources are abundant and effectively recycled and reused, permitting activity levels to increase and setting the stage for gigantic animals to evolve. Gigantism as a hallmark of competitive superiority appears to have lost its luster on land after the Mesozoic in favor of alternative means of achieving dominance, especially including social organization and coordinated food-gathering.

  5. Pulsars: gigantic nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Renxin


    What is the real nature of pulsars? This is essentially a question of the fundamental strong interaction between quarks at low-energy scale and hence of the non-perturbative quantum chromo-dynamics, the solution of which would certainly be meaningful for us to understand one of the seven millennium prize problems (i.e., "Yang-Mills Theory") named by the Clay Mathematical Institute. After a historical note, it is argued here that a pulsar is very similar to an extremely big nucleus, but is a little bit different from the gigantic nucleus speculated 80 years ago by L. Landau. The paper demonstrates the similarity between pulsars and gigantic nuclei from both points of view: the different manifestations of compact stars and the general behavior of the strong interaction. (author)

  6. Pituitary gigantism. (United States)

    Lu, P W; Silink, M; Johnston, I; Cowell, C T; Jimenez, M


    A case of pituitary gigantism resulting from a pituitary adenoma which secreted growth hormone is described. The patient was successfully treated by surgery, which led to the normalisation of endogenous growth hormone secretion. An acceptable final height was achieved with high dose intramuscular testosterone treatment. Images Figure 1 PMID:1520009

  7. Gigantism of the foot: our experience in seven cases. (United States)

    Turra, S; Santini, S; Cagnoni, G; Jacopetti, T


    We report our experience in seven patients with congenital gigantism of the foot with the following diagnoses: neurofibromatosis (two), fibrolipomatosis (two), Proteus syndrome (two), and idiopathic localized gigantism (one). Our purpose is to introduce a new classification of foot gigantism, based on the concept of "neuroinduction." In our experience, intraoperative examination and subsequent histologic examination show consistently pathologic findings in the plantar nerve and its terminal branches in the foot affected by gigantism. Limited surgical treatment was used in five patients. To prevent forefoot enlargement and recurrence of deformity, we suggest complete ray resection. We evaluated our results using radiographs, functional status, and cosmetic considerations.

  8. Etiologies and clinical presentation of gigantism in Algeria. (United States)

    Chentli, Farida; Azzoug, Said; Amani, Mohammed El Amine; Haddam, Ali El Mahdi; Chaouki, Dalal; Meskine, Djamila; Chaouki, Mohamed Lamine


    True gigantism is an exceptional and fascinating pediatric disease. Our aim in this study was to describe the different etiologies of a large group of children with gigantism and the natural history of their growth. In this multicenter study, we considered as giant children, adolescents and adults whose heights were ≥3 SD compared to their target stature or to our population average lengths. Isolated hypogonadism and Klinefelter syndrome were excluded from this series. All underwent clinical exam, and hormonal and neurological investigations. From 1980 to 2010, we observed 30 giants: 26 males (86.6%) and 4 females (mean age 19.8 ± 11 years). Among the 13 patients (40.3%) who consulted before the age of 16 years, 9 had acromegaly and 6 had mental retardation and body malformations. Based on growth hormone (GH) secretion evaluation, 2 groups were observed: pituitary gigantism (n = 16): GH = 150 ± 252 ng/ml (n ≤ 5), and other causes with normal GH (0.7 ± 0.6 ng/ml): 6 Sotos syndrome and 8 idiopathic cases. Only the first group had neurological, ophthalmological, metabolic and cardiovascular complications and received treatment. The result was not optimal as GH normalization was not observed. Reduction of tumor size and decreased GH plasma values were not observed. Gigantism predominates in males. The main cause is GH excess. The diagnosis was very late except for cerebral gigantism. Complications were observed in pituitary gigantism only. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  9. 177. Hidatidosis cardíaca. resección de quiste miocárdico

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    R. Pérez-Caballero


    Full Text Available El vídeo muestra la cirugía de una enferma de 42 años que acude a nuestro centro diagnosticada de hidatidosis miocárdica. Bajo anestesia general, hipotermia moderada y circulación extracorpórea se realiza una pericistectomía completa, con instilación de suero hipertónico dentro del quiste y con reconstrucción posterior de la pared ventricular. La película incluye clips de ecocardiograma pre y postoperatorio, así como la cardiorresonancia.

  10. Presentación clínica atípica de un quiste dentígero Atypical clinical presentation of a dentigerous cyst

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denia Morales Navarro


    Full Text Available Los quistes dentígeros suelen ser, en la mayor parte de los casos, un hallazgo casual; por lo general se descubren al investigar la no erupción de un diente permanente. Ocupan el segundo lugar en frecuencia de aparición en los maxilares después del quiste radicular. Cuando el seno maxilar es invadido por estos quistes los síntomas usualmente aparecen tardíos en el proceso. Estos pueden incluir dolor facial, parestesia como consecuencia de la presión sobre un nervio, dolor de cabeza, trismo, trastornos de la gustación y congestión nasal. Por lo infrecuente de la localización maxilar y la corta edad de la paciente nos vimos motivados a revisar lo más reciente de la bibliografía que aborda este tema y a presentar el caso clínico de una paciente femenina de 17 años que fue diagnosticada y tratada por presentar un quiste dentígero en dicha ubicación. Se enfatiza en la importancia del correcto diagnóstico y el establecimiento de una terapéutica concordante en cada caso.Dentigerous cysts are a casual finding in most of cases, in general discovered in investigation of a not eruption of permanent tooth. These occupy the second place in appearance frequency in maxillaries after radicular cyst. When maxillary sinus is invaded by these cysts, symptoms usually appear late in the process. These could include facial pain, paresthesia as consequence of pressure on nerve, headache, trismus, taste disorders and nasal congestion. Due the infrequent of the maxillary location and the short age of patient we reviewed the more recent of bibliography on this subject and to present the clinical case of other female patient aged 17 diagnosed with and treated by dentigerous cyst in such location, emphasizing on the significance of a appropriate diagnosis and establishment of a therapy in accord in each case

  11. Preoperative embolization of gigantic meningioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Hongsheng; Chen Huaqun; Dong Congsong; Li Wenhui; Dai Zhenyu; Chen Guozhi


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of preoperative embolization in treatment of patients with gigantic meningioma. Methods: Fourteen cases of gigantic meningioma diameter from 6 to 11 cm were measured by CT and MRI scan. DSA manifested that they are vascularizd meningioma and showed the mainly feeding arteries. We used getation sponge to superselectively embilized the feeding arteries. All tumors were performed surgical excision 3-7 days after the embolization. Results: DSA showed the blood supplies in the tumors in 9 cases were completely blocked, and that in 5 cases were dramatically eliminated. All patients were operated 3-7 days after the embolization. During the operations the bleeding were dramatically decreased and the operation time was shortened compared with those in unembolized cases. It helps us remove the tumors easy and quickly from the attachments. No complication occurred during and after the operations. Conclusion: Preoperative embolization of gigantic meningioma is a useful and relatively safe method in helping surgicaly and completely excised of tumor with significant reduction of blood loss and operation time. (authors)

  12. Gigantism and Its Implications for the History of Life (United States)

    Vermeij, Geerat J.


    Gigantism—very large body size—is an ecologically important trait associated with competitive superiority. Although it has been studied in particular cases, the general conditions for the evolution and maintenance of gigantism remain obscure. I compiled sizes and dates for the largest species in 3 terrestrial and 7 marine trophic and habitat categories of animals from throughout the Phanerozoic. The largest species (global giants) in all categories are of post-Paleozoic age. Gigantism at this level appeared tens to hundreds of millions of years after mass extinctions and long after the origins of clades in which it evolved. Marine gigantism correlates with high planktic or seafloor productivity, but on land the correspondence between productivity and gigantism is weak at best. All global giants are aerobically active animals, not gentle giants with low metabolic demands. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere correlates with gigantism in the Paleozoic but not thereafter, likely because of the elaboration of efficient gas-exchange systems in clades containing giants. Although temperature and habitat size are important in the evolution of very large size in some cases, the most important (and rare) enabling circumstance is a highly developed ecological infrastructure in which essential resources are abundant and effectively recycled and reused, permitting activity levels to increase and setting the stage for gigantic animals to evolve. Gigantism as a hallmark of competitive superiority appears to have lost its luster on land after the Mesozoic in favor of alternative means of achieving dominance, especially including social organization and coordinated food-gathering. PMID:26771527

  13. Operation of arc heating furnace on manufacturing gigantic ingots and segregation of gigantic ingots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niimi, Takayasu; Okamura, Masayoshi


    The techniques and procedure for manufacturing gigantic ingots heavier than 200 t are described. Especially, practical results of an arc heating furnace which plays an important role in the procedure and segregation of gigantic ingots are discussed in detail. By appropriate operations of the arc heating furnance, hydrogen and phosphorus are kept unchanged, and oxygen and sulphur decrease to very low levels. Furthermore, the temperature can be accurately controlled. The application of multipour technique reduces segregation and its degree is dependent on kinds of steel. V-segregation and inverted V-segregation in steel deoxidized with carbon in vacuum seem to be very slight. (auth.)

  14. Pituitary gigantism: update on molecular biology and management. (United States)

    Lodish, Maya B; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Stratakis, Constantine A


    To provide an update on the mechanisms leading to pituitary gigantism, as well as to familiarize the practitioner with the implication of these genetic findings on treatment decisions. Prior studies have identified gigantism as a feature of a number of monogenic disorders, including mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein gene, multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 and 4, McCune Albright syndrome, Carney complex, and the paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma, and pituitary adenoma association because of succinate dehydrogenase defects. We recently described a previously uncharacterized form of early-onset pediatric gigantism caused by microduplications on chromosome Xq26.3 and we termed it X-LAG (X-linked acrogigantism). The age of onset of increased growth in X-LAG is significantly younger than other pituitary gigantism cases, and control of growth hormone excess is particularly challenging. Knowledge of the molecular defects that underlie pituitary tumorigenesis is crucial for patient care as they guide early intervention, screening for associated conditions, genetic counseling, surgical approach, and choice of medical management. Recently described microduplications of Xq26.3 account for more than 80% of the cases of early-onset pediatric gigantism. Early recognition of X-LAG may improve outcomes, as successful control of growth hormone excess requires extensive anterior pituitary resection and are difficult to manage with medical therapy alone.

  15. Dwarfism and gigantism in historical picture postcards. (United States)

    Enderle, A


    A collection of 893 historical picture postcards from 1900 to 1935, depicting dwarfs and giants, was analysed from medical and psychosocial viewpoints. In conditions such as 'bird headed dwarfism', achondroplasia, cretinism, so-called Aztecs or pinheads, Grebe chondrodysplasia, and acromegalic gigantism, the disorder could be diagnosed easily. In hypopituitary dwarfism, exact diagnosis was more difficult because of heterogeneity. The most common conditions depicted were pituitary dwarfism and achondroplasia. Most of those with gigantism had pituitary gigantism and acromegaly. Brothers and sisters or parents and their children provided evidence of mendelian inheritance of some of these disorders. The cards suggest that being put on show provided, at least in some cases, social benefits. Images Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 PMID:9764085

  16. Infección experimental en el perro con quistes de Entamoeba coli asociados al estreptococo hemolítico por vía oral

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    Víctor M. Ayulo Robles


    Full Text Available El 94.1 % de los animales a los que les dimos en su alimentación quistes de Entamoeba coli, mezclados con cultivos de Estreptococo hemolítico y que recibieron un enema de retención, de la mezcla de cultivos en caldo de Estreptococo hemolítico más, bilis de buey, reprodujeron el cuadro agudo de la disentería amebiana, siendo las lesiones anátomo-patológicas e histológicas, semejantes a las obtenidas por otros autores, empleando para sus experiencias E. histolytica. El 100 % de los controles a los que se incluyó en su alimentación, solo cultivos de Estreptococo hemolítico y que recibieron un enema de retención de la mezcla de cultivo de Estreptococo y bilis de buey, hicieron un síndrome disenteriforme con un cuadro anátomo-patológico e histológico semejante a los que se les dió la mezcla de quistes de E. coli más Estreptococo hemolítico. En tanto que el 100 % de los que solamente recibieron en su dieta alimenticia quistes de E. coli, no presentaron en ningún momento, formas vegetativas de E. coli (en las heces y, a la autopsia, no revelaron lesión anátomopatológica alguna.

  17. Tratamiento de quistes óseos aneurismáticos con aloinjerto. [Treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts with allograft].

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    Dany Olivera Nùñez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes Los pacientes con quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA plantean dificultades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Han sido descritas múltiples opciones terapéuticas. Objetivos Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar los resultados obtenidos en pacientes tratados con curetaje y relleno con aloinjerto óseo. Material y métodos  Fue analizado un total de 16 quistes, correspondientes a 15 pacientes, con un seguimiento mínimo de 28 meses y una mediana de seguimiento de 83 meses. Resultados La edad media de los niños fue de 10 años (rango: 3-16 . La principal complicación fue la recidiva en el 37,5% de los pacientes, siendo más frecuente cuando existió compromiso fisario (62,5%  vs. 12,5% sin compromiso; p=0,05. La frecuencia de recidiva no varió para ambos sexos, para las distintas edades analizadas y respecto al uso o no de fresa de alta velocidad. Conclusión Pensamos que el tratamiento realizado es seguro, pero tiene una alta tasa de recidivas, similar a las publicadas en otras series.

  18. Quiste esplénico abscedado: reporte de un caso

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    Roxana Montenegro


    Full Text Available Los autores reportan un raro caso de un absceso esplénico crónico, en un paciente varón de 52 años de edad; a quien dos años antes de su ingreso al hospital se le diagnosticó en forma casual -diagnóstico por imágenes- un quiste esplénico con paredes calcificadas, estando previamente asintomático. Al momento de su ingreso se presentó con una historia de 12 meses de dolor leve en cuadrante superior izquierdo del abdomen como única manifestación positiva. Luego de una intervención quirúrgica, el diagnóstico correspondió a un absceso esplénico crónico o seudoquiste esplénico por los hallazgos anatomopatológicos. Se describe las características del caso y se revisa la literatura.

  19. Late paleozoic fusulinoidean gigantism driven by atmospheric hyperoxia. (United States)

    Payne, Jonathan L; Groves, John R; Jost, Adam B; Nguyen, Thienan; Moffitt, Sarah E; Hill, Tessa M; Skotheim, Jan M


    Atmospheric hyperoxia, with pO(2) in excess of 30%, has long been hypothesized to account for late Paleozoic (360-250 million years ago) gigantism in numerous higher taxa. However, this hypothesis has not been evaluated statistically because comprehensive size data have not been compiled previously at sufficient temporal resolution to permit quantitative analysis. In this study, we test the hyperoxia-gigantism hypothesis by examining the fossil record of fusulinoidean foraminifers, a dramatic example of protistan gigantism with some individuals exceeding 10 cm in length and exceeding their relatives by six orders of magnitude in biovolume. We assembled and examined comprehensive regional and global, species-level datasets containing 270 and 1823 species, respectively. A statistical model of size evolution forced by atmospheric pO(2) is conclusively favored over alternative models based on random walks or a constant tendency toward size increase. Moreover, the ratios of volume to surface area in the largest fusulinoideans are consistent in magnitude and trend with a mathematical model based on oxygen transport limitation. We further validate the hyperoxia-gigantism model through an examination of modern foraminiferal species living along a measured gradient in oxygen concentration. These findings provide the first quantitative confirmation of a direct connection between Paleozoic gigantism and atmospheric hyperoxia. © 2012 The Author(s). Evolution© 2012 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  20. Quiste sinovial en articulación interapofisaria lumbar. Una causa infrecuente de lumbociática


    Villas, C. (Carlos); Leyes, M. (Manuel)


    Los quistes sinoviales de las articulaciones facetarias pueden ser asintomáticos o provocar dolor lumbar, con o sin clínica radicular. Se considera que son secundarios a traumatismos o a degeneración articular, y ocurren con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con espondi lolistesis. El diagnóstico se establece con la tomografía axial computarizada o la resonancia magnética, que mues tran una lesión quísti ca adyacente a la faceta articu lar. Realizamos una revis...

  1. Partial gigantism

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    М.М. Karimova


    Full Text Available A girl with partial gigantism (the increased I and II fingers of the left foot is being examined. This condition is a rare and unresolved problem, as the definite reason of its development is not determined. Wait-and-see strategy is recommended, as well as correcting operations after closing of growth zones, and forming of data pool for generalization and development of schemes of drug and radial therapeutic methods.

  2. Evolution of gigantism in amphiumid salamanders.

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    Ronald M Bonett


    Full Text Available The Amphiumidae contains three species of elongate, permanently aquatic salamanders with four diminutive limbs that append one, two, or three toes. Two of the species, Amphiuma means and A. tridactylum, are among the largest salamanders in the world, reaching lengths of more than one meter, whereas the third species (A. pholeter, extinct amphiumids, and closely related salamander families are relatively small. Amphiuma means and A. tridactylum are widespread species and live in a wide range of lowland aquatic habitats on the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States, whereas A. pholeter is restricted to very specialized organic muck habitats and is syntopic with A. means. Here we present analyses of sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear loci from across the distribution of the three taxa to assess lineage diversity, relationships, and relative timing of divergence in amphiumid salamanders. In addition we analyze the evolution of gigantism in the clade. Our analyses indicate three lineages that have diverged since the late Miocene, that correspond to the three currently recognized species, but the two gigantic species are not each other's closest relatives. Given that the most closely related salamander families and fossil amphiumids from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene are relatively small, our results suggest at least two extreme changes in body size within the Amphuimidae. Gigantic body size either evolved once as the ancestral condition of modern amphiumas, with a subsequent strong size reduction in A. pholeter, or gigantism independently evolved twice in the modern species, A. means and A. tridactylum. These patterns are concordant with differences in habitat breadth and range size among lineages, and have implications for reproductive isolation and diversification of amphiumid salamanders.

  3. Mammary gigantism and D-penicillamine. (United States)

    Finer, N; Emery, P; Hicks, B H


    Mammary gigantism is a rare complication of D-penicillamine treatment. We report a further case with pathological and endocrine details together with a review of the seven cases previously reported and possible mechanisms.

  4. Quiste de Gorlin asociado a Odontoma: reporte de un caso con su tratamiento quirúrgico Gorlin cyst associated with odontoma: Case report with surgical treatment

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    P. Villarroel Castro


    Full Text Available El quiste de Gorlin es un quiste odontogénico que puede presentarse en dos variedades, una quística rodeada por epitelio y de carácter benigno, y una neoplásica localmente agresiva. Se presenta elcaso de una mujer de 18 años con aumento de volumen facial indoloro en región infraorbitaria izquierda. Se realiza la exéresis total de la lesión. Con el estudio histopatológico se obtiene el diagnóstico definitivo de quiste de Gorlin asociado a odontoma. Luego de controles por 3 años, se observa el restablecimiento de la simetría facial, una adecuada regeneración ósea y de los tejidos adyacentes, sin signos de recidiva.Gorlin cyst is an odontogenic cyst that may appear as two types, one cystic and surrounded by epithelium of a benign nature, and the other a locally aggressive neoplasm. The case is presented of an 18-year-old female that had experienced an increase in facial volume in the left infraorbital area that was painless. Total exeresis of the lesion was carried out. The histopathologic study provided the definitive diagnosis of Gorlin cyst associated with odontoma. After a follow-up of three years, facial symmetry was reestablished, there was adequate regeneration of bone and of the adjacent tissue, and there were no signs of relapse.

  5. Fibroma ameloblástico versus quiste folicular hiperplásico Ameloblastic fibroma versus hyperplastic follicular cyst

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    J. Azúa-Romeo


    Full Text Available Resumen: El fibroma ameloblástico (FA es un tumor odontogénico mixto, compuesto por tejido mesenquimal y epitelio odontogénico, representando el 2% de los tumores odontogénicos, mientras que el quiste dentígero o folicular (QF, el segundo quiste odontogénico en frecuencia, está compuesto exclusivamente por tejido conjuntivo laxo (mesénquima, si bien, el saco fibroso puede contener restos de epitelio odontogénico incluidos, dando lugar a una imagen histológica muy similar. La importancia de esta diferenciación radica en el tratamiento, que es ligeramente más agresivo en el FA y en el comportamiento biológico, ya que el FA puede derivar en un sarcoma ameloblástico, y el QF puede evolucionar hacia ameloblastoma y más raramente carcinoma mucoepidermoide.Abstract: Ameloblastic fibroma (AF is a mixed odontogenic tumor composed of mesenchymal tissue and odontogenic epithelium, accounting for 2% of all odontogenic tumors, while dentigerous or follicular cyst (FQ, second odontogenic cyst in frequency, is formed exclusivelly by soft conective tissue (mesenchyme. Nevertheless, hiperplastic fibrous sac may contain rests of odontogenic epithelium, showing a similar histologic pattern. The importance of an adequate differentiation lies in the treatment, which is slightly aggresive for AF, and regarding the biological behaviour of both lesions, since AF might become in an ameloblastic sarcoma, while over an FQ could develope an ameloblastoma or even a mucoepidermoid carcinoma.

  6. Estudio prospectivo de quistes de la lámina dental en neonatos venezolanos vih(+ y vih(-

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de quistes de la lámina dental en un grupo de neonatos venezolanos VIH (+ y VIH (- verticalmente expuestos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, analítico y descriptivo. Se recolectaron datos en neonatos VIH(+ y VIH (- verticalmente expuestos. Fueron examinados clínicamente con la técnica rodilla a rodilla y con iluminación de la lámpara de la unidad dental. Se analizó la información general obtenida de las madres. El tratamiento de los datos se realizó mediante el Programa SPSS versión 11 de la escuela de Estadística y Actuario de la Facultad de Economía Universidad Central de Venezuela. Resultados: La población estuvo conformada por 62 neonatos 32 VIH (+ Y 30 VIH(-. La ocupación de la madre en su mayoría eran amas de casa, 68% procedía de Caracas, 57% pertenecían al género masculino, el motivo de consulta de los expuestos fue el control 72% y el de VIH(+ emergencias 88%, el 83% presentaron quistes, con un predominio en el reborde maxilar. Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten destacar la importancia de la participación del odontopediatra dentro del equipo interdisciplinario que atiende a neonatos así como destacar la importancia del examen bucal del recién nacido.

  7. Cerebral gigantism with West syndrome. (United States)

    Ray, Munni; Malhi, P; Bhalla, A K; Singhi, P D


    A case of cerebral gigantism (Sotos syndrome) with West syndrome in a one-year-old male child is reported. The case had a large stature, typical facies and neurodevelopmental delay along with infantile spasms, which were refractory to treatment with valproate and clonazepam.

  8. Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa: An Unusual Cause of Localized Gigantism. (United States)

    Maheswari, S Uma; Sampath, V; Ramesh, A; Manoharan, K


    Macrodystrophia lipomatosa (MDL) is a rare congenital form of localized gigantism characterized by progressive overgrowth of all mesenchymal elements with a disproportionate increase in fibro adipose tissue. Here we report a case of 20 years old male who presented with history of painless gradual enlargement of entire left upper limb since childhood. Magnetic resonance imaging and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of macrodystrophia lipomatosa. This condition has to be differentiated from other causes of localized gigantism, since these conditions differ in their course, prognosis, complications and treatment.

  9. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa: An unusual cause of localized gigantism

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    S Uma Maheswari


    Full Text Available Macrodystrophia lipomatosa (MDL is a rare congenital form of localized gigantism characterized by progressive overgrowth of all mesenchymal elements with a disproportionate increase in fibro adipose tissue. Here we report a case of 20 years old male who presented with history of painless gradual enlargement of entire left upper limb since childhood. Magnetic resonance imaging and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of macrodystrophia lipomatosa. This condition has to be differentiated from other causes of localized gigantism, since these conditions differ in their course, prognosis, complications and treatment.



    Rosales G., Sofía; Gavidia C., César; Lopera B., Luis; Barrón G., Eduardo; Ninaquispe B., Berenice; Calderón S., Carmen; Gonzáles Z., Armando


    El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo reproducir experimentalmente el ciclo biológico del Echinococcus granulosus en perros. Se utilizó 12 perros (4-50 meses de edad) que fueron infectados experimentalmente con 80,000 a 308,000 protoescólices de quistes hidatídicos de pulmón e hígado de ovinos procedentes de Junín y Ayacucho. Los perros se sacrificaron 28 a 39 días post infección (p.i). El intestino delgado se dividió en tres porciones iguales (anterior, media y posterior). Los parásitos fuer...

  11. Reacción anafiláctica secundaria a quiste hidatídico hepático roto


    Morales G,Juan L; Tapia C,Claudio; Muñoz C,César; Otero V,Eduardo; Rebolledo R,Ricardo


    La hidatidosis es una enfermedad parasitaria, zoonótica y endémica de gran importancia en nuestro país. El quiste hidatídico no complicado suele ser asintomático y es más frecuente encontrarlo en población adulta, siendo infrecuente su diagnóstico en la población pediátrica. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 4 años de edad derivada al Servicio de Urgencia del Hospital de Chillán por cuadro de abdomen agudo posterior a trauma abdominal con manubrio de bicicleta, cuyo estudio tomográfico r...

  12. Why might they be giants? Towards an understanding of polar gigantism. (United States)

    Moran, Amy L; Woods, H Arthur


    Beginning with the earliest expeditions to the poles, over 100 years ago, scientists have compiled an impressive list of polar taxa whose body sizes are unusually large. This phenomenon has become known as 'polar gigantism'. In the intervening years, biologists have proposed a multitude of hypotheses to explain polar gigantism. These hypotheses run the gamut from invoking release from physical and physiological constraints, to systematic changes in developmental trajectories, to community-level outcomes of broader ecological and evolutionary processes. Here we review polar gigantism and emphasize two main problems. The first is to determine the true strength and generality of this pattern: how prevalent is polar gigantism across taxonomic units? Despite many published descriptions of polar giants, we still have a poor grasp of whether these species are unusual outliers or represent more systematic shifts in distributions of body size. Indeed, current data indicate that some groups show gigantism at the poles whereas others show nanism. The second problem is to identify underlying mechanisms or processes that could drive taxa, or even just allow them, to evolve especially large body size. The contenders are diverse and no clear winner has yet emerged. Distinguishing among the contenders will require better sampling of taxa in both temperate and polar waters and sustained efforts by comparative physiologists and evolutionary ecologists in a strongly comparative framework.

  13. Giant basal cell carcinoma Carcinoma basocelular gigante

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    Nilton Nasser


    Full Text Available The basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer but the giant vegetating basal cell carcinoma reaches less than 0.5 % of all basal cell carcinoma types. The Giant BCC, defined as a lesion with more than 5 cm at its largest diameter, is a rare form of BCC and commonly occurs on the trunk. This patient, male, 42 years old presents a Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma which reaches 180 cm2 on the right shoulder and was negligent in looking for treatment. Surgical treatment was performed and no signs of dissemination or local recurrence have been detected after follow up of five years.O carcinoma basocelular é o tipo mais comum de câncer de pele, mas o carcinoma basocelular gigante vegetante não atinge 0,5% de todos os tipos de carcinomas basocelulares. O Carcinoma Basocelular Gigante, definido como lesão maior que 5 cm no maior diâmetro, é uma forma rara de carcinoma basocelular e comumente ocorre no tronco. Este paciente apresenta um Carcinoma Basocelular Gigante com 180cm² no ombro direito e foi negligente em procurar tratamento. Foi realizado tratamento cirúrgico e nenhum sinal de disseminação ou recorrência local foi detectada após 5 anos.

  14. Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and gigantism syndrome. (United States)

    Skyllouriotis, M L; Marx, M; Bittner, R E; Skyllouriotis, P; Gross, M; Wimmer, M


    We report a 20-year-old man with gigantism syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, muscle weakness, exercise intolerance, and severe psychomotor retardation since childhood. Histochemical and biochemical analysis of skeletal muscle biopsy revealed myoadenylate deaminase deficiency; molecular genetic analysis confirmed the diagnosis of primary (inherited) myoadenylate deaminase deficiency. Plasma, urine, and muscle carnitine concentrations were reduced. L-Carnitine treatment led to gradual improvement in exercise tolerance and cognitive performance; plasma and tissue carnitine levels returned to normal, and echocardiographic evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy disappeared. The combination of inherited myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, gigantism syndrome and carnitine deficiency has not previously been described.

  15. Treatment of pituitary gigantism with the growth hormone receptor antagonist pegvisomant. (United States)

    Goldenberg, Naila; Racine, Michael S; Thomas, Pamela; Degnan, Bernard; Chandler, William; Barkan, Ariel


    Treatment of pituitary gigantism is complex and the results are usually unsatisfactory. The objective of the study was to describe the results of therapy of three children with pituitary gigantism by a GH receptor antagonist, pegvisomant. This was a descriptive case series of up to 3.5 yr duration. The study was conducted at a university hospital. Patients included three children (one female, two males) with pituitary gigantism whose GH hypersecretion was incompletely controlled by surgery, somatostatin analog, and dopamine agonist. The intervention was administration of pegvisomant. Plasma IGF-I and growth velocity were measured. In all three children, pegvisomant rapidly decreased plasma IGF-I concentrations. Growth velocity declined to subnormal or normal values. Statural growth fell into lower growth percentiles and acromegalic features resolved. Pituitary tumor size did not change in two children but increased in one boy despite concomitant therapy with a somatostatin analog. Pegvisomant may be an effective modality for the therapy of pituitary gigantism in children. Titration of the dose is necessary for optimal efficacy, and regular surveillance of tumor size is mandatory.

  16. Increased Population Risk of AIP‐Related Acromegaly and Gigantism in Ireland (United States)

    Radian, Serban; Diekmann, Yoan; Gabrovska, Plamena; Holland, Brendan; Bradley, Lisa; Wallace, Helen; Stals, Karen; Bussell, Anna‐Marie; McGurren, Karen; Cuesta, Martin; Ryan, Anthony W.; Herincs, Maria; Hernández‐Ramírez, Laura C.; Holland, Aidan; Samuels, Jade; Aflorei, Elena Daniela; Barry, Sayka; Dénes, Judit; Pernicova, Ida; Stiles, Craig E.; Trivellin, Giampaolo; McCloskey, Ronan; Ajzensztejn, Michal; Abid, Noina; Akker, Scott A.; Mercado, Moises; Cohen, Mark; Thakker, Rajesh V.; Baldeweg, Stephanie; Barkan, Ariel; Musat, Madalina; Levy, Miles; Orme, Stephen M.; Unterländer, Martina; Burger, Joachim; Kumar, Ajith V.; Ellard, Sian; McPartlin, Joseph; McManus, Ross; Linden, Gerard J.; Atkinson, Brew; Balding, David J.; Agha, Amar; Thompson, Chris J.; Hunter, Steven J.; Thomas, Mark G.; Morrison, Patrick J.


    ABSTRACT The aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) founder mutation R304* (or p.R304*; NM_003977.3:c.910C>T, p.Arg304Ter) identified in Northern Ireland (NI) predisposes to acromegaly/gigantism; its population health impact remains unexplored. We measured R304* carrier frequency in 936 Mid Ulster, 1,000 Greater Belfast (both in NI) and 2,094 Republic of Ireland (ROI) volunteers and in 116 NI or ROI acromegaly/gigantism patients. Carrier frequencies were 0.0064 in Mid Ulster (95%CI = 0.0027–0.013; P = 0.0005 vs. ROI), 0.001 in Greater Belfast (0.00011–0.0047) and zero in ROI (0–0.0014). R304* prevalence was elevated in acromegaly/gigantism patients in NI (11/87, 12.6%, P gigantism cases. tMRCA is consistent with historical/folklore accounts of Irish giants. Forward simulations predict many undetected carriers; geographically targeted population screening improves asymptomatic carrier identification, complementing clinical testing of patients/relatives. We generated disease awareness locally, necessary for early diagnosis and improved outcomes of AIP‐related disease. PMID:27650164

  17. Gigantism in sibling unrelated to multiple endocrine neoplasia: case report. (United States)

    Matsuno, A; Teramoto, A; Yamada, S; Kitanaka, S; Tanaka, T; Sanno, N; Osamura, R Y; Kirino, T


    The cases of gigantism sisters with somatotroph adenomas unrelated to multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) Type 1 are reported. The sisters grew rapidly since they were 5 or 6 years old and were diagnosed to have gigantism with pituitary adenoma by computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging. A serum endocrinological examination showed the elevated growth hormone values. After thyroxine-releasing hormone stimulation, growth hormone values exhibited a paradoxical rise. They were supposed to be unrelated to MEN Type 1, because analysis of the 11th chromosomes and the other endocrine functions were normal. They were operated on by the transphenoidal method. Immunohistochemical staining of both tumor specimens confirmed somatotroph adenomas. Pituitary adenoma associated with MEN Type 1 is a well-recognized entity. However, the sporadic occurrence of pituitary adenoma unrelated to MEN Type 1, especially in siblings, is extremely rare. Fifteen cases of pituitary adenomas in siblings were described in the literature. As for gigantism, only two brothers were reported. Our case of gigantism sisters is the second sporadic case. In our review of the isolated cases of pituitary adenoma in siblings described in the literature, 12 (70%) of 17 cases including ours are acromegaly or gigantism. This incidence is much higher than that of MEN Type 1 patients with pituitary adenomas. The cause of the familial occurrence of pituitary adenomas is still unclear, although autosomal recessive inheritance has been suggested. It has been stated that point mutations in codon 201 or 227 of the Gs alpha gene located in chromosome 20 were found in about 35 to 40% of somatotroph adenomas.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  18. First observations of Gigantic Jets from Monsoon Thunderstorms over India (United States)

    Singh, Rajesh; Maurya, Ajeet; Chanrion, Olivier; Neubert, Torsten; Cummer, Steven; Mlynarczyk, Janusz; Bór, József; Siingh, Devendraa; Cohen, Morris; Kumar, Sushil


    Gigantic Jets are electric discharges from thunderstorm cloud tops to the bottom of the ionosphere at ~80 km altitude. After their first discovery in 2001, relatively few observations have been reported. Most of these are from satellites at large distances and a few tens from the ground at higher spatial resolution. Here we report the first Gigantic Jets observed in India from two thunderstorm systems that developed over the land surface from monsoon activity, each storm producing two Gigantic Jets. The jets were recorded by a video camera system at standard video rate (20 ms exposure) at a few hundred km distance. ELF measurements suggest that the jets are of the usual negative polarity and that they develop in less than 40 ms, which is faster than most jets reported in the past. The jets originate from the leading edge of a slowly drifting convective cloud complex close to the highest regions of the clouds and carry ~25 Coulomb of charge to the ionosphere. One jet has a markedly horizontal displacement that we suggest is caused by a combination of close-range cloud electric fields at inception, and longer-range cloud fields at larger distances during full development. The Gigantic Jets are amongst the few that have been observed over land.

  19. Multiple origins of gigantism in stem baleen whales (United States)

    Tsai, Cheng-Hsiu; Kohno, Naoki


    Living baleen whales (Mysticeti) include the world's largest animals to have ever lived—blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculus) can reach more than 30 m. However, the gigantism in baleen whales remains little explored. Here, we compiled all published stem mysticetes from the Eocene and Oligocene and then mapped the estimated body size onto different phylogenies that suggest distinct evolutionary histories of baleen whales. By assembling all known stem baleen whales, we present three novel findings in early mysticete evolution. Results show that, regardless of different phylogenetic scenarios, large body size (more than 5-m long) evolved multiple times independently in their early evolutionary history. For example, the earliest known aetiocetid ( Fucaia buelli, 33-31 Ma) was small in size, about 2 m, and a later aetiocetid ( Morawanocetus-like animal, 26-23 Ma) can reach 8-m long—almost four times the size of Fucaia buelli—suggesting an independent gigantism in the aetiocetid lineage. In addition, our reconstruction of ancestral state demonstrates that the baleen whales originated from small body size (less than 5 m) rather than large body size as previously acknowledged. Moreover, reconstructing the evolution of body size in stem baleen whales suggests that the initial pulse of mysticete gigantism started at least back to the Paleogene and in turn should help to understand the origin, pattern, and process of the extreme gigantism in the crown baleen whales. This study illustrates that Cope's rule is insufficient to explain the evolution of body size in a group that comprises the largest animals in the history of life, although currently the lack of exact ancestor-descendant relationships remains to fully reveal the evolutionary history of body size.

  20. Quiste de duplicación gástrico: diagnóstico por punción-aspiración guiada por ecoendoscopia Adult gastric duplication cyst: diagnosis by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA)


    S. Seijo Ríos; J. Lariño Noia; I. Abdulkader Nallib; A. Lozano León; B. Vieites Pérez-Quintela; J. Iglesias García; J. E. Domínguez Muñoz


    Los quistes de duplicación son anomalías congénitas infrecuentes del tracto gastrointestinal que pueden localizarse a cualquier nivel desde la boca hasta al ano. Los quistes de duplicación gástricos son los más excepcionales y constituyen tan sólo el 4-8% de todos ellos. Su patogénesis es controvertida y hoy en día aun existen múltiples teorías que tratan de explicar su mecanismo etiopatogénico. En la mayoría de los casos el diagnóstico se realiza en la primera infancia y tan sólo en una pequ...

  1. Evidence for autosomal recessive inheritance in cerebral gigantism (United States)

    Nevo, S.; Zeltzer, M.; Benderly, A.; Levy, J.


    Three cases of cerebral gigantism, two sibs and their double first cousin, are described in a large inbred family from Israel. Two of the three were observed and diagnosed at birth and two were followed for two years. They all presented the signs and symptoms considered typical of this syndrome, as well as some of the less frequent findings. Generalized oedema and flexion contractures of the feet were observed in two of the three at birth. This has not hitherto been reported in cases of cerebral gigantism, of whom only a few have been observed and diagnosed at birth. Autosomal recessive inheritance is clearly implied in this family. Images PMID:4841084

  2. An evolutionary cascade model for sauropod dinosaur gigantism--overview, update and tests.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P Martin Sander

    Full Text Available Sauropod dinosaurs are a group of herbivorous dinosaurs which exceeded all other terrestrial vertebrates in mean and maximal body size. Sauropod dinosaurs were also the most successful and long-lived herbivorous tetrapod clade, but no abiological factors such as global environmental parameters conducive to their gigantism can be identified. These facts justify major efforts by evolutionary biologists and paleontologists to understand sauropods as living animals and to explain their evolutionary success and uniquely gigantic body size. Contributions to this research program have come from many fields and can be synthesized into a biological evolutionary cascade model of sauropod dinosaur gigantism (sauropod gigantism ECM. This review focuses on the sauropod gigantism ECM, providing an updated version based on the contributions to the PLoS ONE sauropod gigantism collection and on other very recent published evidence. The model consist of five separate evolutionary cascades ("Reproduction", "Feeding", "Head and neck", "Avian-style lung", and "Metabolism". Each cascade starts with observed or inferred basal traits that either may be plesiomorphic or derived at the level of Sauropoda. Each trait confers hypothetical selective advantages which permit the evolution of the next trait. Feedback loops in the ECM consist of selective advantages originating from traits higher in the cascades but affecting lower traits. All cascades end in the trait "Very high body mass". Each cascade is linked to at least one other cascade. Important plesiomorphic traits of sauropod dinosaurs that entered the model were ovipary as well as no mastication of food. Important evolutionary innovations (derived traits were an avian-style respiratory system and an elevated basal metabolic rate. Comparison with other tetrapod lineages identifies factors limiting body size.

  3. An evolutionary cascade model for sauropod dinosaur gigantism--overview, update and tests. (United States)

    Sander, P Martin


    Sauropod dinosaurs are a group of herbivorous dinosaurs which exceeded all other terrestrial vertebrates in mean and maximal body size. Sauropod dinosaurs were also the most successful and long-lived herbivorous tetrapod clade, but no abiological factors such as global environmental parameters conducive to their gigantism can be identified. These facts justify major efforts by evolutionary biologists and paleontologists to understand sauropods as living animals and to explain their evolutionary success and uniquely gigantic body size. Contributions to this research program have come from many fields and can be synthesized into a biological evolutionary cascade model of sauropod dinosaur gigantism (sauropod gigantism ECM). This review focuses on the sauropod gigantism ECM, providing an updated version based on the contributions to the PLoS ONE sauropod gigantism collection and on other very recent published evidence. The model consist of five separate evolutionary cascades ("Reproduction", "Feeding", "Head and neck", "Avian-style lung", and "Metabolism"). Each cascade starts with observed or inferred basal traits that either may be plesiomorphic or derived at the level of Sauropoda. Each trait confers hypothetical selective advantages which permit the evolution of the next trait. Feedback loops in the ECM consist of selective advantages originating from traits higher in the cascades but affecting lower traits. All cascades end in the trait "Very high body mass". Each cascade is linked to at least one other cascade. Important plesiomorphic traits of sauropod dinosaurs that entered the model were ovipary as well as no mastication of food. Important evolutionary innovations (derived traits) were an avian-style respiratory system and an elevated basal metabolic rate. Comparison with other tetrapod lineages identifies factors limiting body size.

  4. Cerebral gigantism of hypothalamic origin. (United States)

    Ranke, M B; Bierich, J R


    In five cases of Sotos Syndrome serum somatomedin activities were measured. In two of these cases elevated levels and an increased secretion of growth hormone was observed. In one case (index case) a suspected hypothalamic tumor mass could be excluded, but hydrocephalus with increased intracranial pressure was present. The pathogenesis of gigantism in this syndrome is discussed.

  5. Increased Population Risk of AIP-Related Acromegaly and Gigantism in Ireland. (United States)

    Radian, Serban; Diekmann, Yoan; Gabrovska, Plamena; Holland, Brendan; Bradley, Lisa; Wallace, Helen; Stals, Karen; Bussell, Anna-Marie; McGurren, Karen; Cuesta, Martin; Ryan, Anthony W; Herincs, Maria; Hernández-Ramírez, Laura C; Holland, Aidan; Samuels, Jade; Aflorei, Elena Daniela; Barry, Sayka; Dénes, Judit; Pernicova, Ida; Stiles, Craig E; Trivellin, Giampaolo; McCloskey, Ronan; Ajzensztejn, Michal; Abid, Noina; Akker, Scott A; Mercado, Moises; Cohen, Mark; Thakker, Rajesh V; Baldeweg, Stephanie; Barkan, Ariel; Musat, Madalina; Levy, Miles; Orme, Stephen M; Unterländer, Martina; Burger, Joachim; Kumar, Ajith V; Ellard, Sian; McPartlin, Joseph; McManus, Ross; Linden, Gerard J; Atkinson, Brew; Balding, David J; Agha, Amar; Thompson, Chris J; Hunter, Steven J; Thomas, Mark G; Morrison, Patrick J; Korbonits, Márta


    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) founder mutation R304 * (or p.R304 * ; NM_003977.3:c.910C>T, p.Arg304Ter) identified in Northern Ireland (NI) predisposes to acromegaly/gigantism; its population health impact remains unexplored. We measured R304 * carrier frequency in 936 Mid Ulster, 1,000 Greater Belfast (both in NI) and 2,094 Republic of Ireland (ROI) volunteers and in 116 NI or ROI acromegaly/gigantism patients. Carrier frequencies were 0.0064 in Mid Ulster (95%CI = 0.0027-0.013; P = 0.0005 vs. ROI), 0.001 in Greater Belfast (0.00011-0.0047) and zero in ROI (0-0.0014). R304 * prevalence was elevated in acromegaly/gigantism patients in NI (11/87, 12.6%, P acromegaly/gigantism cases. tMRCA is consistent with historical/folklore accounts of Irish giants. Forward simulations predict many undetected carriers; geographically targeted population screening improves asymptomatic carrier identification, complementing clinical testing of patients/relatives. We generated disease awareness locally, necessary for early diagnosis and improved outcomes of AIP-related disease. © 2016 The Authors. **Human Mutation published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. An Evolutionary Cascade Model for Sauropod Dinosaur Gigantism - Overview, Update and Tests (United States)

    Sander, P. Martin


    Sauropod dinosaurs are a group of herbivorous dinosaurs which exceeded all other terrestrial vertebrates in mean and maximal body size. Sauropod dinosaurs were also the most successful and long-lived herbivorous tetrapod clade, but no abiological factors such as global environmental parameters conducive to their gigantism can be identified. These facts justify major efforts by evolutionary biologists and paleontologists to understand sauropods as living animals and to explain their evolutionary success and uniquely gigantic body size. Contributions to this research program have come from many fields and can be synthesized into a biological evolutionary cascade model of sauropod dinosaur gigantism (sauropod gigantism ECM). This review focuses on the sauropod gigantism ECM, providing an updated version based on the contributions to the PLoS ONE sauropod gigantism collection and on other very recent published evidence. The model consist of five separate evolutionary cascades (“Reproduction”, “Feeding”, “Head and neck”, “Avian-style lung”, and “Metabolism”). Each cascade starts with observed or inferred basal traits that either may be plesiomorphic or derived at the level of Sauropoda. Each trait confers hypothetical selective advantages which permit the evolution of the next trait. Feedback loops in the ECM consist of selective advantages originating from traits higher in the cascades but affecting lower traits. All cascades end in the trait “Very high body mass”. Each cascade is linked to at least one other cascade. Important plesiomorphic traits of sauropod dinosaurs that entered the model were ovipary as well as no mastication of food. Important evolutionary innovations (derived traits) were an avian-style respiratory system and an elevated basal metabolic rate. Comparison with other tetrapod lineages identifies factors limiting body size. PMID:24205267

  7. Gigantism and acromegaly due to Xq26 microduplications and GPR101 mutation. (United States)

    Trivellin, Giampaolo; Daly, Adrian F; Faucz, Fabio R; Yuan, Bo; Rostomyan, Liliya; Larco, Darwin O; Schernthaner-Reiter, Marie Helene; Szarek, Eva; Leal, Letícia F; Caberg, Jean-Hubert; Castermans, Emilie; Villa, Chiara; Dimopoulos, Aggeliki; Chittiboina, Prashant; Xekouki, Paraskevi; Shah, Nalini; Metzger, Daniel; Lysy, Philippe A; Ferrante, Emanuele; Strebkova, Natalia; Mazerkina, Nadia; Zatelli, Maria Chiara; Lodish, Maya; Horvath, Anelia; de Alexandre, Rodrigo Bertollo; Manning, Allison D; Levy, Isaac; Keil, Margaret F; Sierra, Maria de la Luz; Palmeira, Leonor; Coppieters, Wouter; Georges, Michel; Naves, Luciana A; Jamar, Mauricette; Bours, Vincent; Wu, T John; Choong, Catherine S; Bertherat, Jerome; Chanson, Philippe; Kamenický, Peter; Farrell, William E; Barlier, Anne; Quezado, Martha; Bjelobaba, Ivana; Stojilkovic, Stanko S; Wess, Jurgen; Costanzi, Stefano; Liu, Pengfei; Lupski, James R; Beckers, Albert; Stratakis, Constantine A


    Increased secretion of growth hormone leads to gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults; the genetic causes of gigantism and acromegaly are poorly understood. We performed clinical and genetic studies of samples obtained from 43 patients with gigantism and then sequenced an implicated gene in samples from 248 patients with acromegaly. We observed microduplication on chromosome Xq26.3 in samples from 13 patients with gigantism; of these samples, 4 were obtained from members of two unrelated kindreds, and 9 were from patients with sporadic cases. All the patients had disease onset during early childhood. Of the patients with gigantism who did not carry an Xq26.3 microduplication, none presented before the age of 5 years. Genomic characterization of the Xq26.3 region suggests that the microduplications are generated during chromosome replication and that they contain four protein-coding genes. Only one of these genes, GPR101, which encodes a G-protein-coupled receptor, was overexpressed in patients' pituitary lesions. We identified a recurrent GPR101 mutation (p.E308D) in 11 of 248 patients with acromegaly, with the mutation found mostly in tumors. When the mutation was transfected into rat GH3 cells, it led to increased release of growth hormone and proliferation of growth hormone-producing cells. We describe a pediatric disorder (which we have termed X-linked acrogigantism [X-LAG]) that is caused by an Xq26.3 genomic duplication and is characterized by early-onset gigantism resulting from an excess of growth hormone. Duplication of GPR101 probably causes X-LAG. We also found a recurrent mutation in GPR101 in some adults with acromegaly. (Funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and others.).

  8. Hamartoma mamario gigante: dos casos de una entidad rara


    T.A. Gomes-Rodrigues; A. López-Ojeda; J. Muñoz i Vidal; M.T. Soler-Monsó; J.M. Serra-Payro; A. Guma-Martínez; F. Chavarría-Marín; M. Dewever


    El hamartoma gigante de la mama es una entidad clínico-patológica inusual que tiende a confundirse con otros tumores. A pesar del avance en las técnicas diagnósticas, su diagnóstico clínico es difícil y normalmente solo se confirma cuando se analiza toda la pieza de resección. El diagnóstico diferencial debe incluir entidades como el fibroadenoma, lipoma, tumor phyllodes y diversos tipos de carcinomas. Presentamos 2 casos de hamartoma gigante de mama en mujeres de edad media, de los cuales un...

  9. Neurofibromatosis with unilateral lower limb gigantism. (United States)

    Sabbioni, Giacomo; Rani, Nicola; Devescovi, Valentina


    The case of a 3-year-old child diagnosed with Type 1 neurofibromatosis is presented, showing pigmented birthmarks and gigantism of the left lower limb associated with the presence of multiple neurofibromas. Increased bone growth appears to be the direct or indirect consequence of a still undefined paracrine effect of nerve tumor cells.

  10. Quiste odontógeno: Presentación de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gladys Pérez López


    Full Text Available Se presenta un paciente de 18 años de edad, remitido al Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico "Comandante Manuel Fajardo", con el cuadro clínico de sinusitis recurrente y opacidad homogénea de seno maxilar izquierdo . La radiografia convencional de senos perinasales es considerada un medio diagnóstico muy importante al nivel de la atención primaria de salud, aunque también se considera necesario el ortopantograma para el diagnóstico diferencial (dientes supernumerarios, quistes dentígenos, molares retenidos. La técnica de Caldwell-Luc mejora la visibilidad y accesibilidad de las lesions, contribuye al diagnóstico, al alivio del paciente y está exenta de complicaciones.A case of 18-years old male patient with recurrent maxillary sinusitis and radiographic study with opacity in left maxillay sinus was reported. He was admitted at the Otorhinolaringology Department of "Comandante Manuel Fajardo" university clinical and surgical hospital. Conventional radiographic examination of perinasal sinus is considered a very important tool in primary health care; but also orthopantogram is required to exclude diverse diagnosis (supernumerary teeth, dentigenous cyst, and embedded tooth. The Caldwell-Luc approach improves visibility of and accesibility to lesions, contributes to make diagnosis and relieves the patient's condition without further complications. The most relevant quotations found in research works about the topic were selected.

  11. Fungal cell gigantism during mammalian infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Zaragoza


    Full Text Available The interaction between fungal pathogens with the host frequently results in morphological changes, such as hyphae formation. The encapsulated pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is not considered a dimorphic fungus, and is predominantly found in host tissues as round yeast cells. However, there is a specific morphological change associated with cryptococcal infection that involves an increase in capsule volume. We now report another morphological change whereby gigantic cells are formed in tissue. The paper reports the phenotypic characterization of giant cells isolated from infected mice and the cellular changes associated with giant cell formation. C. neoformans infection in mice resulted in the appearance of giant cells with cell bodies up to 30 microm in diameter and capsules resistant to stripping with gamma-radiation and organic solvents. The proportion of giant cells ranged from 10 to 80% of the total lung fungal burden, depending on infection time, individual mice, and correlated with the type of immune response. When placed on agar, giant cells budded to produce small daughter cells that traversed the capsule of the mother cell at the speed of 20-50 m/h. Giant cells with dimensions that approximated those in vivo were observed in vitro after prolonged culture in minimal media, and were the oldest in the culture, suggesting that giant cell formation is an aging-dependent phenomenon. Giant cells recovered from mice displayed polyploidy, suggesting a mechanism by which gigantism results from cell cycle progression without cell fission. Giant cell formation was dependent on cAMP, but not on Ras1. Real-time imaging showed that giant cells were engaged, but not engulfed by phagocytic cells. We describe a remarkable new strategy for C. neoformans to evade the immune response by enlarging cell size, and suggest that gigantism results from replication without fission, a phenomenon that may also occur with other fungal pathogens.

  12. Fungal cell gigantism during mammalian infection. (United States)

    Zaragoza, Oscar; García-Rodas, Rocío; Nosanchuk, Joshua D; Cuenca-Estrella, Manuel; Rodríguez-Tudela, Juan Luis; Casadevall, Arturo


    The interaction between fungal pathogens with the host frequently results in morphological changes, such as hyphae formation. The encapsulated pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is not considered a dimorphic fungus, and is predominantly found in host tissues as round yeast cells. However, there is a specific morphological change associated with cryptococcal infection that involves an increase in capsule volume. We now report another morphological change whereby gigantic cells are formed in tissue. The paper reports the phenotypic characterization of giant cells isolated from infected mice and the cellular changes associated with giant cell formation. C. neoformans infection in mice resulted in the appearance of giant cells with cell bodies up to 30 microm in diameter and capsules resistant to stripping with gamma-radiation and organic solvents. The proportion of giant cells ranged from 10 to 80% of the total lung fungal burden, depending on infection time, individual mice, and correlated with the type of immune response. When placed on agar, giant cells budded to produce small daughter cells that traversed the capsule of the mother cell at the speed of 20-50 m/h. Giant cells with dimensions that approximated those in vivo were observed in vitro after prolonged culture in minimal media, and were the oldest in the culture, suggesting that giant cell formation is an aging-dependent phenomenon. Giant cells recovered from mice displayed polyploidy, suggesting a mechanism by which gigantism results from cell cycle progression without cell fission. Giant cell formation was dependent on cAMP, but not on Ras1. Real-time imaging showed that giant cells were engaged, but not engulfed by phagocytic cells. We describe a remarkable new strategy for C. neoformans to evade the immune response by enlarging cell size, and suggest that gigantism results from replication without fission, a phenomenon that may also occur with other fungal pathogens.

  13. Video, LMA and ULF observations of a negative gigantic jet in North Texas (United States)

    Bruning, E. C.; Cummer, S.; Palivec, K.; Lyons, W. A.; Chmielewski, V.; MacGorman, D. R.


    On 8 September 2016 at 0125:38 UTC video of a negative gigantic jet was captured from Hawley, TX. VHF Lightning Mapping Arrays in West Texas and Oklahoma also observed the parent flash (duration of about 1 s) and, for the first time, mapped dozens of points along ascending negative leaders, lasting about 50 ms, which extended well above cloud top to about 35 km MSL altitude. A few well-located VHF sources were also detected near 50 km. Together, the video and VHF observations provide additional confirmation of the altitude at which the leader-to-streamer transition takes place in gigantic jet discharges. ULF magnetic field data from the Duke iCMC network show a current excursion associated with the onset of the upward movement of negative charge and leaders in the VHF. As the gigantic jet reached its full height, current spiked to 80 kA, followed by several hundred milliseconds of continuing current of 10-20 kA. Total charge moment change was about 6000 C km. The storm complex produced predominantly negative large charge moment change events, which is characteristic of storms that produce negative gigantic jets.


    Patt, Hiren P; Bothra, Nikita; Goel, Atul H; Kasaliwal, Rajeev; Lila, Anurag R; Bandgar, Tushar R; Shah, Nalini S


    Limited data are available on pituitary gigantism, as it is a rare disorder. This study was carried out to assess the clinical, hormonal, and radiologic profiles and management outcomes of patients with pituitary gigantism. We conduced a retrospective analysis of 14 patients with pituitary gigantism who presented to a single tertiary care institute from 1990 to 2014. Thirteen patients were male, and 1 was female. The mean age at diagnosis was 21.9 ± 6.1 years, with a mean lag period of 6.5 ± 5.6 years. The mean height SD score at the time of diagnosis was 3.2 ± 0.6. Symptoms of tumor mass effect were the chief presenting complaint in the majority (50%) of patients, while 2 patients were asymptomatic. Six patients had hyperprolactinemia. At presentation, the nadir PGGH (postglucose GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF 1)-ULN (× upper limit of normal) were 63.2 ± 94.9 ng/mL and 1.98 ± 0.5, respectively. All (except 1 with mild pituitary hyperplasia) had pituitary macroadenoma. Six patients had invasive pituitary adenoma. Transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) was the primary modality of treatment in 13/14 patients, and it achieved remission in 4/13 (30.76%) patients without recurrence over a median follow-up of 7 years. Post-TSS radiotherapy (RT) achieved remission in 3/5 (60%) patients over a median follow-up of 3.5 years. None of the patients received medical management at any point of time. Gigantism is more common in males, and remission can be achieved in the majority of the patients with the help of multimodality treatment (TSS and RT).

  15. Discharge processes, electric field, and electron energy in ISUAL-recorded gigantic jets (United States)

    Kuo, Cheng-Ling; Chou, J. K.; Tsai, L. Y.; Chen, A. B.; Su, H. T.; Hsu, R. R.; Cummer, S. A.; Frey, H. U.; Mende, S. B.; Takahashi, Y.; Lee, L. C.


    This article reports the first high time resolution measurements of gigantic jets from the Imager of Sprites and Upper Atmospheric Lightning (ISUAL) experiment. The velocity of the upward propagating fully developed jet stage of the gigantic jets was ˜107 m s-1, which is similar to that observed for downward sprite streamers. Analysis of spectral ratios for the fully developed jet emissions gives a reduced E field of 400-655 Td and average electron energy of 8.5-12.3 eV. These values are higher than those in the sprites but are similar to those predicted by streamer models, which implies the existence of streamer tips in fully developed jets. The gigantic jets studied here all contained two distinct photometric peaks. The first peak is from the fully developed jet, which steadily propagates from the cloud top (˜20 km) to the lower ionosphere at ˜90 km. We suggest that the second photometric peak, which occurs ˜1 ms after the first peak, is from a current wave or potential wave-enhanced emissions that originate at an altitude of ˜50 km and extend toward the cloud top. We propose that the fully developed jet serves as an extension of the local ionosphere and produces a lowered ionosphere boundary. As the attachment processes remove the charges, the boundary of the local ionosphere moves up. The current in the channel persists and its contact point with the ionosphere moves upward, which produces the upward surging trailing jets. Imager and photometer data indicate that the lightning activity associated with the gigantic jets likely is in-cloud, and thus the initiation of the gigantic jets is not directly associated with cloud-to-ground discharges.

  16. Tyrannosauroid integument reveals conflicting patterns of gigantism and feather evolution. (United States)

    Bell, Phil R; Campione, Nicolás E; Persons, W Scott; Currie, Philip J; Larson, Peter L; Tanke, Darren H; Bakker, Robert T


    Recent evidence for feathers in theropods has led to speculations that the largest tyrannosaurids, including Tyrannosaurus rex , were extensively feathered. We describe fossil integument from Tyrannosaurus and other tyrannosaurids ( Albertosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Gorgosaurus and Tarbosaurus ), confirming that these large-bodied forms possessed scaly, reptilian-like skin. Body size evolution in tyrannosauroids reveals two independent occurrences of gigantism; specifically, the large sizes in Yutyrannus and tyrannosaurids were independently derived. These new findings demonstrate that extensive feather coverings observed in some early tyrannosauroids were lost by the Albian, basal to Tyrannosauridae. This loss is unrelated to palaeoclimate but possibly tied to the evolution of gigantism, although other mechanisms exist. © 2017 The Author(s).

  17. Observations of Seven Blue/Gigantic Jets above One Storm over the Atlantic Ocean (United States)

    Liu, N.; Spiva, N.; Dwyer, J. R.; Rassoul, H.; Free, D. L.; Cummer, S. A.


    Blue/gigantic jets are electrical discharges developing from thundercloud tops and propagating to the upper atmosphere [e.g., Pasko et al., Nature, 416, 152, 2002; Su et al., Nature, 423, 973, 2003]. Not just producing an impressive display, gigantic jets establish a direct path of electrical contact between the upper troposphere and the lower ionosphere, capable of transferring a large amount of charge between them [Cummer et al., Nat. Geosci., 2, 617, 2009]. It has been suggested that they may play an important role in the earth's electrical environment [e. g., Pasko, Nature, 423, 927, 2003]. Upward discharges from thunderstorms like blue/gigantic jets are believed to originate from lightning leaders escaping from thunderclouds when the cloud's charges of different polarities are not balanced [Krehbiel et al., Nat. Geosci., 1, 233, 2008; Riousset et al., JGR, 115, A00E10, 2010]. On the evening of August 2, 2013, 4 gigantic jets, 2 blue jets and 1 blue starter were recorded within 26 min above a storm over the Atlantic Ocean by a low light level camera from the campus of Florida Institute of Technology. The events were also captured by two all-sky cameras: one again from the Florida Tech campus and the other from a nearby location. According to the NLDN data, positive intra-cloud flashes preceded all events except one gigantic jet. The distance between the observation site to the locations of the NLDN lightning discharges varies from 77 to 82 km. Optical signatures of intra-cloud discharge activities accompanied the events are clearly visible in the videos. The duration of each jet varies from about 300 ms to 1.2 s, and the 1.2 s duration is probably the longest that has been reported to date for jets. Rebrightening of gigantic jet structures occurs for at least two of the events. The upper terminal altitude of the 4 gigantic jets is greater than 76-81 km, the 2 blue jets reach about 48 and 51 km altitude, respectively, and the blue starter reaches 24 km altitude

  18. Gene expression reprogramming during the formation of feeding sites induced by plant endoparasitic nematodes


    Cabrera Chaves, Javier


    Los nematodos parásitos de plantas constituyen una de las principales plagas para la agricultura, causando pérdidas en la producción estimadas en un 12-15% a nivel mundial cada año. Entre ellos, los nematodos endoparásitos sedentarios, establecen una relación altamente sofisticada con la planta, induciendo sus propias células de alimentación en el interior de las raíces, las células gigantes (CGs) y los sincitios en el caso de los nematodos formadores de agallas o formadores de quistes, respe...

  19. Autotrasplante de células madre adultas en defecto óseo de rama mandibular por quiste dentígero


    Torres Rodríguez, Luís E; Marimón Torres, Maria E; Morejón Álvarez, Felicia C; Camacho Díaz, René; León Amado, Liseet


    Propósitos del estudio: indagar en la formación ósea de cavidades quísticas de los maxilares a partir de células madres adultas. Método: se realiza la presentación de un paciente que presentaba un quiste dentígero en rama mandibular izquierda y que había provocado gran destrucción ósea, lo cual se comprobó al examen físico y estudios complementarios, tomografía axial compuarizada (TAC) e imágenes gráficas (Fotos). Se decide colocar las células madres adultas, previa valoración y preparación d...

  20. Pituitary Gigantism: A Case Report


    Rana Bhattacharjee; Ajitesh Roy; Soumik Goswami; Chitra Selvan; Partha P Chakraborty; Sujoy Ghosh; Dibakar Biswas; Ranen Dasgupta; Satinath Mukhopadhyay; Subhankar Chowdhury


    Objective: To present a rare case of gigantism. Case Report: A 25-year-old lady presented with increased statural growth and enlarged body parts noticed since the age of 14 years, primary amenorrhea, and frontal headache for the last 2 years. She has also been suffering from non-inflammatory low back pain with progressive kyphosis and pain in the knees, ankles, and elbows for the last 5 years. There was no history of visual disturbance, vomiting, galactorrhoea, cold intolerance. She had no si...

  1. Sotos syndrome (cerebral gigantism: analysis of 8 cases

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    Melo Débora Gusmão


    Full Text Available Sotos syndrome or cerebral gigantism is characterized by macrocephaly, overgrowth, mental retardation and central nervous system abnormalities. Congenital heart defects may be present. We report 8 patients with this syndrome and relate their clinical features, neuroimaging and echocardiographic findings.

  2. Ondas T negativas gigantes de origen indeterminado

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    Eduardo Eyheremendy


    Full Text Available Se define onda T negativa gigante o inversión masiva de la onda T a la aparición de ondas T negativas con una amplitud = 1 mV en por lo menos dos derivaciones contiguas del ECG. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 66 años con antecedentes de dislipidemia tipo IV e hipertensión arterial leve, a la que en buen estado de salud y totalmente asintomática en un examen de rutina se le detecta en el ECG de superficie un hemibloqueo anterior y ondas T negativas gigantes en las derivaciones I, II, aVL, aVF y de V1 a V6. La paciente fue internada en la UCI, donde se descartó que fueran de origen coronario. Durante el seguimiento, las ondas T se tornaron menos negativas hasta que al cabo de un tiempo (45 días aproximadamente se normalizaron. A pesar de los estudios cardiológicos y no cardiológicos realizados, no se pudo establecer su origen.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2009;77:131-134.

  3. Gigantic Suprapubic Lymphedema: A Case Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roozbeh Tanhaeivash


    Full Text Available We present the first case study of idiopathic gigantic suprapubic lymphedema and buried penis treated with puboscrotal reconstruction in a patient with initial extreme obesity after an extensive weight reduction (120 kg. Massive localized lymphedema of the suprapubic region should be differentiated from the scrotal type. Severe lymphedema could not resolve on its own and weight reduction does not seem to be helpful in such cases.

  4. Constitutional chromosome anomalies in patients with cerebral gigantism (Sotos syndrome). (United States)

    Haeusler, G; Guchev, Z; Köhler, I; Schober, E; Haas, O; Frisch, H


    Two boys are presented with the clinical features of cerebral gigantism and chromosomal variants which have not been described so far in this syndrome. In the first boy a de novo pericentric inversion of chromosome Y was found, the karyotypes of all other investigated family members were normal. The patient had an obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and atrial septal defect type II. The second boy had inherited pericentric inversion of the heterochromatic region of chromosome 9 from his mother. This chromosome 9 variant was also found in his sister who had a similar phenotype but without gigantism. Endocrine evaluation demonstrated normal results in both boys. The intellectual achievement in both cases was average.

  5. [Cerebral gigantism. Review of the literature apropos of one case]. (United States)

    Maes, B; Caron, J; Couchot, J; Gross, A; Leutenegger, M

    The authors report a case of cerebral gigantism and review 83 cases found in the world literature. The diagnosis depends on the association of several factors, none of which alone are specific but which, on the whole, form a fairly characteristic picture. Large size at birth, leading only rarely to gigantism at adult age. Facial dysmorphia of acromegaloid type. Ecephalopathy with mental deficiency without any neuroradiological abnormality. Finally, endocrine investigations and somatotropic function were normal. No etiology has been found up to now. The most satisfactory theory is that of a hypothalamopituitary disturbance. Treatment may simple avoid excess height at adult age and is based on sex hormone therapy to accelerate bony maturation.

  6. Diversidad de sistemas planetarios sin gigantes gaseosos en discos de baja masa


    Ronco, María Paula


    Como indica el título de esta tesis, el objetivo general de nuestro trabajo es poder analizar la diversidad de sistemas planetarios que podrían formarse alrededor de estrellas de tipo solar y sin gigantes gaseosos. Nuestro interés particular es estudiar estos sistemas en discos de baja masa, pues podemos asegurar que en ellos no hay posibilidad de formar planetas gigantes gaseosos. Para poder lograr este análisis desarrollamos simulaciones de N-cuerpos orientadas a estudiar el proceso de form...

  7. Dominant inheritance of cerebral gigantism. (United States)

    Zonana, J; Sotos, J F; Romshe, C A; Fisher, D A; Elders, M J; Rimoin, D L


    Cerebral gigantism is a syndrome consisting of characteristic dysmorphic features, accelerated growth in early childhood, and variable degrees of mental retardation. Its etiology and pathogenesis have not been defined. Three families are presented with multiple affected members. The vertical transmission of the trait and equal expression in both sexes in these families indicates a genetic etiology with a dominant pattern of inheritance, probably autosomal. As in previously reported cases, extensive endocrine evaluation failed to define the pathogenesis of the accelerated growth present in this disorder.

  8. Starvation reveals the cause of infection-induced castration and gigantism. (United States)

    Cressler, Clayton E; Nelson, William A; Day, Troy; McCauley, Edward


    Parasites often induce life-history changes in their hosts. In many cases, these infection-induced life-history changes are driven by changes in the pattern of energy allocation and utilization within the host. Because these processes will affect both host and parasite fitness, it can be challenging to determine who benefits from them. Determining the causes and consequences of infection-induced life-history changes requires the ability to experimentally manipulate life history and a framework for connecting life history to host and parasite fitness. Here, we combine a novel starvation manipulation with energy budget models to provide new insights into castration and gigantism in the Daphnia magna-Pasteuria ramosa host-parasite system. Our results show that starvation primarily affects investment in reproduction, and increasing starvation stress reduces gigantism and parasite fitness without affecting castration. These results are consistent with an energetic structure where the parasite uses growth energy as a resource. This finding gives us new understanding of the role of castration and gigantism in this system, and how life-history variation will affect infection outcome and epidemiological dynamics. The approach of combining targeted life-history manipulations with energy budget models can be adapted to understand life-history changes in other disease systems.

  9. Starvation reveals the cause of infection-induced castration and gigantism (United States)

    Cressler, Clayton E.; Nelson, William A.; Day, Troy; McCauley, Edward


    Parasites often induce life-history changes in their hosts. In many cases, these infection-induced life-history changes are driven by changes in the pattern of energy allocation and utilization within the host. Because these processes will affect both host and parasite fitness, it can be challenging to determine who benefits from them. Determining the causes and consequences of infection-induced life-history changes requires the ability to experimentally manipulate life history and a framework for connecting life history to host and parasite fitness. Here, we combine a novel starvation manipulation with energy budget models to provide new insights into castration and gigantism in the Daphnia magna–Pasteuria ramosa host–parasite system. Our results show that starvation primarily affects investment in reproduction, and increasing starvation stress reduces gigantism and parasite fitness without affecting castration. These results are consistent with an energetic structure where the parasite uses growth energy as a resource. This finding gives us new understanding of the role of castration and gigantism in this system, and how life-history variation will affect infection outcome and epidemiological dynamics. The approach of combining targeted life-history manipulations with energy budget models can be adapted to understand life-history changes in other disease systems. PMID:25143034

  10. Independent evolution of baleen whale gigantism linked to Plio-Pleistocene ocean dynamics. (United States)

    Slater, Graham J; Goldbogen, Jeremy A; Pyenson, Nicholas D


    Vertebrates have evolved to gigantic sizes repeatedly over the past 250 Myr, reaching their extreme in today's baleen whales (Mysticeti). Hypotheses for the evolution of exceptionally large size in mysticetes range from niche partitioning to predator avoidance, but there has been no quantitative examination of body size evolutionary dynamics in this clade and it remains unclear when, why or how gigantism evolved. By fitting phylogenetic macroevolutionary models to a dataset consisting of living and extinct species, we show that mysticetes underwent a clade-wide shift in their mode of body size evolution during the Plio-Pleistocene. This transition, from Brownian motion-like dynamics to a trended random walk towards larger size, is temporally linked to the onset of seasonally intensified upwelling along coastal ecosystems. High prey densities resulting from wind-driven upwelling, rather than abundant resources alone, are the primary determinant of efficient foraging in extant mysticetes and Late Pliocene changes in ocean dynamics may have provided an ecological pathway to gigantism in multiple independent lineages. © 2017 The Author(s).

  11. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Obesity “Pituitary gigantism: Update on Molecular Biology and Management” (United States)

    Lodish, Maya B.; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Stratakis, Constantine A.


    Purpose of review To provide an update on the mechanisms leading to pituitary gigantism, as well as to familiarize the practitioner with the implication of these genetic findings on treatment decisions. Recent findings Prior studies have identified gigantism as a feature of a number of monogenic disorders, including mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) gene, multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 and 4, McCune Albright Syndrome, Carney Complex, and the paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma and pituitary adenoma association (3PA) due to succinate dehydrogenase defects. We recently described a previously uncharacterized form of early-onset pediatric gigantism caused by microduplications on chromosome Xq26.3 and we termed it X-LAG (X-linked acrogigantism). The age of onset of increased growth in X-LAG is significantly younger than other pituitary gigantism cases, and control of growth hormone excess is particularly challenging. Summary Knowledge of the molecular defects that underlie pituitary tumorigenesis is crucial for patient care as they guide early intervention, screening for associated conditions, genetic counseling, surgical approach (partial or total hypophysectomy), and choice of medical management. Recently described microduplications of Xq26.3 account for more than 80% of the cases of early-onset pediatric gigantism. Early recognition of X-LAG may improve outcomes, as successful control of growth hormone excess requires extensive anterior pituitary resection and are difficult to manage with medical therapy alone. PMID:26574647

  12. Oxygen hypothesis of polar gigantism not supported by performance of Antarctic pycnogonids in hypoxia (United States)

    Woods, H. Arthur; Moran, Amy L.; Arango, Claudia P.; Mullen, Lindy; Shields, Chris


    Compared to temperate and tropical relatives, some high-latitude marine species are large-bodied, a phenomenon known as polar gigantism. A leading hypothesis on the physiological basis of gigantism posits that, in polar water, high oxygen availability coupled to low metabolic rates relieves constraints on oxygen transport and allows the evolution of large body size. Here, we test the oxygen hypothesis using Antarctic pycnogonids, which have been evolving in very cold conditions (−1.8–0°C) for several million years and contain spectacular examples of gigantism. Pycnogonids from 12 species, spanning three orders of magnitude in body mass, were collected from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Individual sea spiders were forced into activity and their performance was measured at different experimental levels of dissolved oxygen (DO). The oxygen hypothesis predicts that, all else being equal, large pycnogonids should perform disproportionately poorly in hypoxia, an outcome that would appear as a statistically significant interaction between body size and oxygen level. In fact, although we found large effects of DO on performance, and substantial interspecific variability in oxygen sensitivity, there was no evidence for size×DO interactions. These data do not support the oxygen hypothesis of Antarctic pycnogonid gigantism and suggest that explanations must be sought in other ecological or evolutionary processes. PMID:19129117

  13. Evolution of gigantism in nine-spined sticklebacks. (United States)

    Herczeg, Gábor; Gonda, Abigél; Merilä, Juha


    The relaxation of predation and interspecific competition are hypothesized to allow evolution toward "optimal" body size in island environments, resulting in the gigantism of small organisms. We tested this hypothesis by studying a small teleost (nine-spined stickleback, Pungitius pungitius) from four marine and five lake (diverse fish community) and nine pond (impoverished fish community) populations. In line with theory, pond fish tended to be larger than their marine or lake conspecifics, sometimes reaching giant sizes. In two geographically independent cases when predatory fish had been introduced into ponds, fish were smaller than those in nearby ponds lacking predators. Pond fish were also smaller when found in sympatry with three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) than those in ponds lacking competitors. Size-at-age analyses demonstrated that larger size in ponds was achieved by both increased growth rates and extended longevity of pond fish. Results from a common garden experiment indicate that the growth differences had a genetic basis: pond fish developed two to three times higher body mass than marine fish during 36 weeks of growth under similar conditions. Hence, reduced risk of predation and interspecific competition appear to be chief forces driving insular body size evolution toward gigantism.

  14. Cardiac and metabolic effects of chronic growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I excess in young adults with pituitary gigantism. (United States)

    Bondanelli, Marta; Bonadonna, Stefania; Ambrosio, Maria Rosaria; Doga, Mauro; Gola, Monica; Onofri, Alessandro; Zatelli, Maria Chiara; Giustina, Andrea; degli Uberti, Ettore C


    Chronic growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) excess is associated with considerable mortality in acromegaly, but no data are available in pituitary gigantism. The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term effects of early exposure to GH and IGF-I excess on cardiovascular and metabolic parameters in adult patients with pituitary gigantism. Six adult male patients with newly diagnosed gigantism due to GH secreting pituitary adenoma were studied and compared with 6 age- and sex-matched patients with acromegaly and 10 healthy subjects. Morphologic and functional cardiac parameters were evaluated by Doppler echocardiography. Glucose metabolism was assessed by evaluating glucose tolerance and homeostasis model assessment index. Disease duration was significantly longer (Pgigantism than in patients with acromegaly, whereas GH and IGF-I concentrations were comparable. Left ventricular mass was increased both in patients with gigantism and in patients with acromegaly, as compared with controls. Left ventricular hypertrophy was detected in 2 of 6 of both patients with gigantism and patients with acromegaly, and isolated intraventricular septum thickening in 1 patient with gigantism. Inadequate diastolic filling (ratio between early and late transmitral flow velocitygigantism and 1 of 6 patients with acromegaly. Impaired glucose metabolism occurrence was higher in patients with acromegaly (66%) compared with patients with gigantism (16%). Concentrations of IGF-I were significantly (Pgigantism who have cardiac abnormalities than in those without cardiac abnormalities. In conclusion, our data suggest that GH/IGF-I excess in young adult patients is associated with morphologic and functional cardiac abnormalities that are similar in patients with gigantism and in patients with acromegaly, whereas occurrence of impaired glucose metabolism appears to be higher in patients with acromegaly, although patients with gigantism are exposed to GH excess for a

  15. Dwarfism and gigantism in historical picture postcards.


    Enderle, A


    A collection of 893 historical picture postcards from 1900 to 1935, depicting dwarfs and giants, was analysed from medical and psychosocial viewpoints. In conditions such as 'bird headed dwarfism', achondroplasia, cretinism, so-called Aztecs or pinheads, Grebe chondrodysplasia, and acromegalic gigantism, the disorder could be diagnosed easily. In hypopituitary dwarfism, exact diagnosis was more difficult because of heterogeneity. The most common conditions depicted were pituitary dwarfism and...

  16. Defects in codoped NiO with gigantic dielectric response (United States)

    Wu, Ping; Ligatchev, Valeri; Yu, Zhi Gen; Zheng, Jianwei; Sullivan, Michael B.; Zeng, Yingzhi


    We combine first-principles, statistical, and phenomenological methods to investigate the electronic and dielectric properties of NiO and clarify the nature of the gigantic dielectric response in codoped NiO. Unlike previous models which are dependent on grain-boundary effects, our model based on small polaron hopping in homogeneous material predicts the dielectric permittivity (104-5) for heavily Li- and MD -codoped NiO (MD=Ti,Al,Si) . Furthermore, we reproduce the experimental trends in dielectric properties as a function of the dopants nature and their concentrations, as well as the reported activation energies for the relaxation in Li- and Ti-codoped NiO (0.308 eV or 0.153 eV depending on the Fermi-level position). In this study, we demonstrate that small polaron hopping on dopant levels is the dominant mechanism for the gigantic dielectric response in these codoped NiO.

  17. Pituitary Gigantism: A Case Report

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    Rana Bhattacharjee


    Full Text Available Objective: To present a rare case of gigantism. Case Report: A 25-year-old lady presented with increased statural growth and enlarged body parts noticed since the age of 14 years, primary amenorrhea, and frontal headache for the last 2 years.She has also been suffering from non-inflammatory low back pain with progressive kyphosis and pain in the knees, ankles, and elbows for the last 5 years. There was no history of visual disturbance, vomiting, galactorrhoea, cold intolerance. She had no siblings. Family history was non-contributory.Blood pressure was normal. Height 221 cm, weight 138 kg,body mass index (BMI28. There was coarsening of facial features along with frontal bossing and prognathism, large hands and feet, and small goitre. Patient had severe kyphosis and osteoarthritis of knees. Confrontation perimetry suggested bitemporal hemianopia. Breast and pubic hair were of Tanner stage 1. Serum insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF1 was 703 ng/ml with all glucose suppressedgrowth hormone (GHvalues of >40 ng/ml. Prolactin was 174 ng/ml. Basal serum Lutenising Hormone (LH, follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH was low. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT, liver and renal function tests, basal cortisol and thyroid profile, Calcium, phosphorus and Intact Parathyroid hormone (iPTH were normal.Computed tomographyscan of brain showed large pituitary macroadenoma. Automated perimetry confirmed bitemporal hemianopia. A diagnosis of gigantism due to GH secreting pituitary macroadenoma with hypogonadotrophichypogonadism was made. Debulking pituitary surgery followed by somatostatin analogue therapy with gonadal steroid replacement had been planned, but the patient refused further treatment.

  18. Pituitary gigantism: a case report. (United States)

    Bhattacharjee, Rana; Roy, Ajitesh; Goswami, Soumik; Selvan, Chitra; Chakraborty, Partha P; Ghosh, Sujoy; Biswas, Dibakar; Dasgupta, Ranen; Mukhopadhyay, Satinath; Chowdhury, Subhankar


    To present a rare case of gigantism. A 25-year-old lady presented with increased statural growth and enlarged body parts noticed since the age of 14 years, primary amenorrhea, and frontal headache for the last 2 years. She has also been suffering from non-inflammatory low back pain with progressive kyphosis and pain in the knees, ankles, and elbows for the last 5 years. There was no history of visual disturbance, vomiting, galactorrhoea, cold intolerance. She had no siblings. Family history was non-contributory. Blood pressure was normal. Height 221 cm, weight 138 kg, body mass index (BMI)28. There was coarsening of facial features along with frontal bossing and prognathism, large hands and feet, and small goitre. Patient had severe kyphosis and osteoarthritis of knees. Confrontation perimetry suggested bitemporal hemianopia. Breast and pubic hair were of Tanner stage 1. Serum insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF1) was 703 ng/ml with all glucose suppressedgrowth hormone (GH)values of >40 ng/ml. Prolactin was 174 ng/ml. Basal serum Lutenising Hormone (LH), follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH) was low. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), liver and renal function tests, basal cortisol and thyroid profile, Calcium, phosphorus and Intact Parathyroid hormone (iPTH) were normal. Computed tomographyscan of brain showed large pituitary macroadenoma. Automated perimetry confirmed bitemporal hemianopia. A diagnosis of gigantism due to GH secreting pituitary macroadenoma with hypogonadotrophichypogonadism was made. Debulking pituitary surgery followed by somatostatin analogue therapy with gonadal steroid replacement had been planned, but the patient refused further treatment.

  19. Efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of sustained-release lanreotide (lanreotide Autogel) in Japanese patients with acromegaly or pituitary gigantism. (United States)

    Shimatsu, Akira; Teramoto, Akira; Hizuka, Naomi; Kitai, Kazuo; Ramis, Joaquim; Chihara, Kazuo


    The somatostatin analog lanreotide Autogel has proven to be efficacious for treating acromegaly in international studies and in clinical practices around the world. However, its efficacy in Japanese patients has not been extensively evaluated. We examined the dose-response relationship and long-term efficacy and safety in Japanese patients with acromegaly or pituitary gigantism. In an open-label, parallel-group, dose-response study, 32 patients (29 with acromegaly, 3 with pituitary gigantism) received 5 injections of 60, 90, or 120 mg of lanreotide Autogel over 24 weeks. Four weeks after the first injection, 41% of patients achieved serum GH level of gigantism) received lanreotide Autogel once every 4 weeks for a total of 13 injections. Dosing was initiated with 90 mg and adjusted according to clinical responses at Weeks 16 and/or 32. At Week 52, 47% of patients had serum GH levels of gigantism.

  20. Combined treatment with octreotide LAR and pegvisomant in patients with pituitary gigantism: clinical evaluation and genetic screening. (United States)

    Mangupli, Ruth; Rostomyan, Liliya; Castermans, Emilie; Caberg, Jean-Hubert; Camperos, Paul; Krivoy, Jaime; Cuauro, Elvia; Bours, Vincent; Daly, Adrian F; Beckers, Albert


    Pituitary gigantism is a rare condition caused by growth hormone secreting hypersecretion, usually by a pituitary tumor. Acromegaly and gigantism cases that have a genetic cause are challenging to treat, due to large tumor size and poor responses to some medical therapies (e.g. AIP mutation affected cases and those with X-linked acrogigantism syndrome). We performed a retrospective study to identify gigantism cases among 160 somatotropinoma patients treated between 1985 and 2015 at the University Hospital of Caracas, Venezuela. We studied clinical details at diagnosis, hormonal responses to therapy and undertook targeted genetic testing. Among the 160 cases, eight patients (six males; 75 %) were diagnosed with pituitary gigantism and underwent genetic analysis that included array comparative genome hybridization for Xq26.3 duplications. All patients had GH secreting pituitary macroadenomas that were difficult to control with conventional treatment options, such as surgery or primary somatostatin receptor ligand (SRL) therapy. Combined therapy (long-acting SRL and pegvisomant) as primary treatment or after pituitary surgery and radiotherapy permitted the normalization of IGF-1 levels and clinical improvement. Novel AIP mutations were the found in three patients. None of the patients had Xq26.3 microduplications. Treatment of pituitary gigantism is frequently challenging; delayed control increases the harmful effects of GH excess, such as, excessive stature and symptom burden, so early diagnosis and effective treatment are particularly important in these cases.

  1. Prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma in a man with gigantism: a case report. (United States)

    Peillon, F; Philippon, J; Brandi, A M; Fohanno, D; Laplane, D; Dubois, M P; Decourt, J


    A prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma was removed trans-sphenoidally from a 37 years old man with gigantism (218 cm). Serum levels of prolactin (PRL) were elevated pre-operatively and decreased after administration of L-Dopa with no increase after TRH as is usually observed in PRL-secreting adenomas. Growth hormone (GH) and somatomedin serum levels were normal with no modification of GH after insulin hypoglycemia, oral glucose loading or L-Dopa. Morphological examination of the tumour demonstrated the presence of lactotrophs by light and electron microscopy and by immunofluorescense staining. No somatotrophs were found. In this unique case, the relationship between a PRL-secreting adenoma and gigantism is discussed.

  2. Spontaneous remission of acromegaly or gigantism due to subclinical apoplexy of pituitary growth hormone adenoma. (United States)

    Wang, Xian-Ling; Dou, Jing-Tao; Lü, Zhao-Hui; Zhong, Wen-Wen; Ba, Jian-Ming; Jin, Du; Lu, Ju-Ming; Pan, Chang-Yu; Mu, Yi-Ming


    Subclinical apoplexy of pituitary functional adenoma can cause spontaneous remission of hormone hypersecretion. The typical presence of pituitary growth hormone (GH) adenoma is gigantism and/or acromegaly. We investigated the clinical characteristics of patients with spontaneous partial remission of acromegaly or gigantism due to subclinical apoplexy of GH adenoma. Six patients with spontaneous remission of acromegaly or gigantism were enrolled. The clinical characteristics, endocrinological evaluation and imageological characteristics were retrospectively analyzed. In these cases, the initial clinical presences were diabetes mellitus or hypogonadism. No abrupt headache, vomiting, visual function impairment, or conscious disturbance had ever been complained of. The base levels of GH and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) were normal or higher, but nadir GH levels were all still > 1 µg/L in 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Magnetic resonance imaging detected enlarged sella, partial empty sella and compressed pituitary. The transsphenoidal surgery was performed in 2 cases, and the other patients were conservatively managed. All the patients were in clinical remission. When the clinical presences, endocrine evaluation, biochemical examination and imageology indicate spontaneous remission of GH hypersecretion in patients with gigantism or acromegaly, the diagnosis of subclinical apoplexy of pituitary GH adenoma should be presumed. To these patients, conservative therapy may be appropriate.

  3. Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus associated with pituitary gigantism. (United States)

    Ali, Omar; Banerjee, Swati; Kelly, Daniel F; Lee, Phillip D K


    Pituitary gigantism, a condition of endogenous growth hormone (GH) hypersecretion prior to epiphyseal closure, is a rare condition. In the adult condition of GH excess, acromegaly, the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) have been reported, with resolution following normalization of GH levels. We report the case of a 16-year-old male with pituitary gigantism due to a large invasive suprasellar adenoma who presented with T2DM and DKA. Despite surgical de-bulking, radiotherapy and medical treatment with cabergoline and pegvisomant, GH and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels remained elevated. However, the T2DM and recurrent DKA were successfully managed with metformin and low-dose glargine insulin, respectively. We review the pathophysiology of T2DM and DKA in growth hormone excess and available treatment options.

  4. Familial occurrence of cerebral gigantism, Sotos' syndrome. (United States)

    Hansen, F J; Friis, B


    Since the original description of cerebral gigantism, about 85 cases have been reported. Four papers comment on familial occurrence but never in parents and their children. This paper describes the syndrome in a mother and her child, which, together with facts pointing towards prenatal etiology, such as excessive birthweight, striking mutual resemblance and abnormal dermatoglyphics, points to a genetic defect. Previous endocrine studies are enlarged by the findings of normal serum somatomedin and serum prolactin.

  5. Hereditary pituitary hyperplasia with infantile gigantism. (United States)

    Gläsker, Sven; Vortmeyer, Alexander O; Lafferty, Antony R A; Hofman, Paul L; Li, Jie; Weil, Robert J; Zhuang, Zhengping; Oldfield, Edward H


    We report hereditary pituitary hyperplasia. The objective of the study was to describe the results of the clinical and laboratory analysis of this rare instance of hereditary pituitary hyperplasia. The study is a retrospective analysis of three cases from one family. The study was conducted at the National Institutes of Health, a tertiary referral center. A mother and both her sons had very early-onset gigantism associated with high levels of serum GH and prolactin. The condition was treated by total hypophysectomy. We performed clinical, pathological, and molecular evaluations, including evaluation basal and provocative endocrine testing, neuroradiological assessment, and assessment of the pituitary tissue by microscopic evaluation, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy. All three family members had very early onset of gigantism associated with abnormally high serum levels of GH and prolactin. Serum GHRH levels were not elevated in either of the boys. The clinical, radiographic, surgical, and histological findings indicated mammosomatotroph hyperplasia. The pituitary gland of both boys revealed diffuse mammosomatotroph hyperplasia of the entire pituitary gland without evidence of adenoma. Prolactin and GH were secreted by the same cells within the same secretory granules. Western blot and immunohistochemistry demonstrated expression of GHRH in clusters of cells distributed throughout the hyperplastic pituitary of both boys. This hereditary condition seems to be a result of embryonic pituitary maldevelopment with retention and expansion of the mammosomatotrophs. The findings suggest that it is caused by paracrine or autocrine pituitary GHRH secretion during pituitary development.

  6. A rare association of localized gigantism with tuberous sclerosis. (United States)

    Reddy, B S; Sheriff, M O; Garg, B R; Ratnakar, C


    An unusual association of localized gigantism with hypertrophy of the long bones and soft tissues in the left lower limb in an 18-year-old male with tuberous sclerosis (TS) is reported. The significance of this association is discussed from the point of view of its common neural crest origin during embryogenesis.

  7. Gigantic subcutaneous lipoma – A case report

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    Christian Lyngsaa Lang


    Full Text Available Lipomas are the most common benign mesenchymal tumour. The solitary subcutaneous lipoma accounts for approximately one-quarter to one-half of all soft tissue tumours. The preferred locations include the trunk, shoulder, upper arm, and the neck. In this case report, we present a gigantic axillary lipoma weighing 23.35 kg. Due to the tumour mass and its long-term presence, the lipoma caused anatomical changes in the axilla making its removal challenging and difficult.

  8. Estructura del quiste hidatídico producido por Echinococcus oligarthrus en el hospedero intermediario Proechimys c.f. guairae (rata espinosa en Casanare, Colombia

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    Gerzain Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La equinococosis es un parasitismo grave producido en el hombre y en los animales por larvas de tenias del género Echinococcus que se desarrollan en el higado, el pulmón, el bazo y en otras visceras y tejidos. De las cuatro tenias dei género Echinococcus, tres se presentan en Suramerica: E granulosus, E. vogeli y E. oligarihrus. En Colombia se han informado casos en humanos y en animales cuyo agente etiológico más frecuente es E. vogeli. En este trabajo presentamos la estructura macroscópica, microscópica y de microscopia electrónica de barrido de quistes hidatídicos múltiples y de sus protoescólices encontrados en un Proechimys c.f guairae o rata espinosa, capturado en la vereda La Plata del municipio de Pore, Casanare, durante la búsqueda de reservorios del virus de la encefalitis equina venezolana. En la autopsia del animal se encontraron quistes múltiples en el higado, el bazo y el pulmón, la gran mayoría fértiles. Están constituidos por una pared franjeada que origina cápsulas proligeras dentro de las cuales están los protoescólices. El protoescólex es el escólex inmaduro del parásito adulto formado por cuatro ventosas y un rostelo con ganchos, cuyo tamaño y morfologia corresponden con las medidas de E. oligaiihrus. Ilustramos las caracteristicas morfológicas de las larvas, el desarrollo de los protoescólices y revisamos las caracteristicas de la equinococosis en Colombia.

  9. 1er. Taller internacional sobre oso hormiguero gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)


    M.V. Guillermo Pérez Jimeno


    ResumenLos pasados días 2 y 3 de noviembre se llevó a cabo el 1er. Taller internacional sobre oso hormiguero gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), en instalaciones del Zoológico de Florencio Varela. Participaron activamente representantes de Brasil, Colombia, Holanda, Alemania y Argentina.

  10. Fractura patológica de la mandíbula asociada a quiste radicular: Reporte de 3 casos clínicos Mandibular pathologic fracture associated with radicular cyst: Report of three clinical cases

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    J. Bouguila


    Full Text Available Introducción. El quiste radicular es el quiste más común de los maxilares. Su tamaño puede variar desde una lesión que abarca el proceso alveolar hasta uno extenso que oblitera el espacio antral maxilar o causa una fractura patológica mandibular. Reporte de casos. Se reportan tres casos con fractura patológica mandibular asociados a quiste radicular ocurridos después de trauma facial. El diagnóstico fue sugerido por un estudio clínico, radiografía panorámica y confirmado por el estudio histopatológico de la pieza operatoria. El tratamiento consistió en enucleación quística seguido por inmovilización de fragmentos con osteosíntesis o bloqueo intermaxilar. El resultado clínico y radiológico a corto plazo fue favorable. Discusión. Se discuten aspectos propios de la patología y su terapia. Conclusión. El éxito del tratamiento depende de una adecuada terapia en que sus principios más importantes son la remoción de la lesión mediante enucleación y una fijación estable.Introduction. Radicular cyst is the most common cyst of the oral cavity. It may range in size from a small periapical lesion to one that can obliterate the antral space or cause mandibular fracture. Case reports. We report three cases of radicular cyst complicated by mandibular fracture that occurred after maxillofacial trauma. The diagnosis was strongly suggested by panoramic radiography and confirmed by pathology examination of the operative specimen. Treatment consisted in cyst enucleation followed by immobilization of fragments by osteosynthesis or maxillomandibular fixation. The clinical and radiologic outcome was favorable. Discussion. The particularities and treatment are discussed. Conclusion. Treatment success is dependent on adequate therapy, the principles of which are removing the lesion and providing stable fixation.

  11. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa: An unusual cause of localized gigantism


    S Uma Maheswari; V Sampath; A Ramesh; K Manoharan


    Macrodystrophia lipomatosa (MDL) is a rare congenital form of localized gigantism characterized by progressive overgrowth of all mesenchymal elements with a disproportionate increase in fibro adipose tissue. Here we report a case of 20 years old male who presented with history of painless gradual enlargement of entire left upper limb since childhood. Magnetic resonance imaging and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of macrodystrophia lipomatosa. This condition has to be differentiated fro...

  12. The effect on infection of irradiated fasciola gigantic (liver flukes) on goats (Capra hircus linn) blood values

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuasikal, BJ.; M-Arifin; Yusneti; Dinardi; Suhardono


    This experiment was carried out to study the effect of infection Fasciola gigantic irradiated by using 60 Co to goat’s blood values. Twenty local male goats, ten to twelve old months, 115-20 kg of body weight were used for this study. The animals were divided into 5 groups consisting of four replications. Three groups received irradiated metacercariae of Fasciola gigantic a using 45, 55 and 65 Gy respectively. One group in the positive control and another one is the negative control. Each goat received 350 metacercariae. The study in was undertaken for 25 weeks. Body weight, Eosinofil, PCV and Hb were measured. These indicated that infectivity reduced on irradiated Fasciola gigantic. In all parameters, among negative control group and three irradiation-groups showed non significant (p>0,05). (author)

  13. A gigantic nothosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of SW China and its implication for the Triassic biotic recovery (United States)

    Liu, Jun; Hu, Shi-Xue; Rieppel, Olivier; Jiang, Da-Yong; Benton, Michael J.; Kelley, Neil P.; Aitchison, Jonathan C.; Zhou, Chang-Yong; Wen, Wen; Huang, Jin-Yuan; Xie, Tao; Lv, Tao


    The presence of gigantic apex predators in the eastern Panthalassic and western Tethyan oceans suggests that complex ecosystems in the sea had become re-established in these regions at least by the early Middle Triassic, after the Permian-Triassic mass extinction (PTME). However, it is not clear whether oceanic ecosystem recovery from the PTME was globally synchronous because of the apparent lack of such predators in the eastern Tethyan/western Panthalassic region prior to the Late Triassic. Here we report a gigantic nothosaur from the lower Middle Triassic of Luoping in southwest China (eastern Tethyan ocean), which possesses the largest known lower jaw among Triassic sauropterygians. Phylogenetic analysis suggests parallel evolution of gigantism in Triassic sauropterygians. Discovery of this gigantic apex predator, together with associated diverse marine reptiles and the complex food web, indicates global recovery of shallow marine ecosystems from PTME by the early Middle Triassic.

  14. Regional endothermy as a trigger for gigantism in some extinct macropredatory sharks.

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    Humberto G Ferrón

    Full Text Available Otodontids include some of the largest macropredatory sharks that ever lived, the most extreme case being Otodus (Megaselachus megalodon. The reasons underlying their gigantism, distribution patterns and extinction have been classically linked with climatic factors and the evolution, radiation and migrations of cetaceans during the Paleogene. However, most of these previous proposals are based on the idea of otodontids as ectothermic sharks regardless of the ecological, energetic and body size constraints that this implies. Interestingly, a few recent studies have suggested the possible existence of endothermy in these sharks thus opening the door to a series of new interpretations. Accordingly, this work proposes that regional endothermy was present in otodontids and some closely related taxa (cretoxyrhinids, playing an important role in the evolution of gigantism and in allowing an active mode of live. The existence of regional endothermy in these groups is supported here by three different approaches including isotopic-based approximations, swimming speed inferences and the application of a novel methodology for assessing energetic budget and cost of swimming in extinct taxa. In addition, this finding has wider implications. It calls into question some previous paleotemperature estimates based partially on these taxa, suggests that the existing hypothesis about the evolution of regional endothermy in fishes requires modification, and provides key evidence for understanding the evolution of gigantism in active macropredators.

  15. Regional endothermy as a trigger for gigantism in some extinct macropredatory sharks. (United States)

    Ferrón, Humberto G


    Otodontids include some of the largest macropredatory sharks that ever lived, the most extreme case being Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon. The reasons underlying their gigantism, distribution patterns and extinction have been classically linked with climatic factors and the evolution, radiation and migrations of cetaceans during the Paleogene. However, most of these previous proposals are based on the idea of otodontids as ectothermic sharks regardless of the ecological, energetic and body size constraints that this implies. Interestingly, a few recent studies have suggested the possible existence of endothermy in these sharks thus opening the door to a series of new interpretations. Accordingly, this work proposes that regional endothermy was present in otodontids and some closely related taxa (cretoxyrhinids), playing an important role in the evolution of gigantism and in allowing an active mode of live. The existence of regional endothermy in these groups is supported here by three different approaches including isotopic-based approximations, swimming speed inferences and the application of a novel methodology for assessing energetic budget and cost of swimming in extinct taxa. In addition, this finding has wider implications. It calls into question some previous paleotemperature estimates based partially on these taxa, suggests that the existing hypothesis about the evolution of regional endothermy in fishes requires modification, and provides key evidence for understanding the evolution of gigantism in active macropredators.

  16. Proteus syndrome: A rare cause of gigantic limb


    Nandini Chakrabarti; Chandan Chattopadhyay; Majhi Bhuban; Salil Kumar Pal


    A congenital disorder with variable manifestations, including partial gigantism of the hands and feet with hypertrophy of soles, nevi, hemihypertrophy, gynecomastia, macrocephaly and other skull abnormalities, and abdominal lipomatosis. The cause is unknown, although a genetic origin, generally of autosomal-dominant transmission, has been conjectured. Symptoms can be treated, but there is no known cure. We present the case of a young male with grotesque overgrowth of the right lower limb, spl...

  17. Von recklinghausen neurofibromatosis-pachydermatocele causing lower limb gigantism: a case report. (United States)

    Rekha, Arcot; Gopalan, T R


    Gigantism of the lower limb can occur because of plexiform neurofibromas. This condition is seen with café au lait patches and multiple neurofibromatosis in this case of von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis. We report our patient and review literature of this uncommon condition.

  18. [Digital gigantism of the foot: a clinical study of 12 cases]. (United States)

    Wang, Hai-hua; Tian, Guang-lei; Zhu, Yin; Zhang, You-le; Zhao, Jun-hui; Tian, Wen


    To summarize the clinical characteristic and outcome of digital gigantism of the foot. Retrospectively analyze the clinical documents of cases of digital gigantism of the foot. Twelve 12 cases with 13 feet in this study included 8 male and 4 female with an average 4.6-years-old. All the deformities were found at birth. Multiple toes involved were more than single toe, and tibial toe involved more than fibular. Forefoot was enlarged. All the phalanges involved and partial metatarsal bones were enlarged. Marked increase in subcutaneous fat was found in all cases in the operation which infiltrated interossei and articular capsules. The appearance of the nerves and its branches in the foot were normal and fat infiltrating was not discovered. The operation types included debulking, epiphyseal arrest, amputation, nerve stripping and anastomosis. Seven cases were followed up with mean periods 25.6 months. Functional evaluation according to a criterion formulated by author revealed a result of 2 excellent, 2 good and 3 fair. Digital gigantism of the foot is an uncommon congenital deformity of the foot characterized by overgrowth of both the soft-tissue and the osseous elements of the enlarged toe and forefoot. Surgical treatment is the unique method, and the goal is to reduce the size of the foot to allow fitting regular shoes and walking readily. There are several types of operations which to be chosen. The indication, the timing of operative intervention and the selection of operation type should be paid more attention.

  19. Breast gigantism induced by D-penicillamine: case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cha, Ji Hyeon; Kim, Hak Hee; Kim, Sun Mi; Seo, Myung Hee; Yoon, Hoi Soo


    D-penicillamine, a chelating agent of copper, is the drug of choice for the treatment of Wilson's disease. Breast enlargement is a rare complication arising from its use, and we report a case of breast gigantism which developed after it had been used for ten months to treat this condition. Mammography demonstrated bilaterally enlarged dense breasts; ultrasonography, similarly, demonstrated enlargement, revealing the presence of a mass, shown at biopsy to be benign, in the left one

  20. Breast gigantism induced by D-penicillamine: case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cha, Ji Hyeon; Kim, Hak Hee; Kim, Sun Mi; Seo, Myung Hee; Yoon, Hoi Soo [College of Medicine, Ulsan Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    D-penicillamine, a chelating agent of copper, is the drug of choice for the treatment of Wilson's disease. Breast enlargement is a rare complication arising from its use, and we report a case of breast gigantism which developed after it had been used for ten months to treat this condition. Mammography demonstrated bilaterally enlarged dense breasts; ultrasonography, similarly, demonstrated enlargement, revealing the presence of a mass, shown at biopsy to be benign, in the left one.

  1. A novel neonatal Michelin Tire Baby Syndrome with craniosynostosis and gigantism

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    Ižbrahim Akalin


    Full Text Available     Michelin Tire Baby Syndrome is a rare congenital disorder and characterized clinically well defined multiple ring shaped skin creases. Our patient was born to onconsanguineous healthy parents as the third child of the family at 40 weeks of uneventful gestation with distinctive skin creases and gigantism. He was 4,950 g in weight (>90 percentile, 57.5 cm in length (>90 percentile, and had a head circumferences of 39.5 cm (>90 percentile at birth. The physical examination showed a rough face, brachicephaly and craniosynostosis. His vital and laboratory findings were within normal limits at birth. Cranial and renal ultrasonograms, Xray graphics and cytogenetic analyses were normal. Echocardiography revealed small patent ductus arteriosis and patent foramen ovale. In this report, we present a new case of Michelin Tire Baby Syndrome who is the first neonate associated with severe gigantism and craniosynostosis, in the literature. A review of the related literature has also been presented.

  2. Gigantic negative magnetoresistance in the bulk of a disordered topological insulator (United States)

    Breunig, Oliver; Wang, Zhiwei; Taskin, A. A.; Lux, Jonathan; Rosch, Achim; Ando, Yoichi


    With the recent discovery of Weyl semimetals, the phenomenon of negative magnetoresistance (MR) is attracting renewed interest. Large negative MR is usually related to magnetism, but the chiral anomaly in Weyl semimetals is a rare exception. Here we report a mechanism for large negative MR which is also unrelated to magnetism but is related to disorder. In the nearly bulk-insulating topological insulator TlBi0.15Sb0.85Te2, we observed gigantic negative MR reaching 98% in 14 T at 10 K, which is unprecedented in a nonmagnetic system. Supported by numerical simulations, we argue that this phenomenon is likely due to the Zeeman effect on a barely percolating current path formed in the disordered bulk. Since disorder can also lead to non-saturating linear MR in Ag2+δSe, the present finding suggests that disorder engineering in narrow-gap systems is useful for realizing gigantic MR in both positive and negative directions.

  3. Gigantic negative magnetoresistance in the bulk of a disordered topological insulator (United States)

    Breunig, Oliver; Wang, Zhiwei; Taskin, A A; Lux, Jonathan; Rosch, Achim; Ando, Yoichi


    With the recent discovery of Weyl semimetals, the phenomenon of negative magnetoresistance (MR) is attracting renewed interest. Large negative MR is usually related to magnetism, but the chiral anomaly in Weyl semimetals is a rare exception. Here we report a mechanism for large negative MR which is also unrelated to magnetism but is related to disorder. In the nearly bulk-insulating topological insulator TlBi0.15Sb0.85Te2, we observed gigantic negative MR reaching 98% in 14 T at 10 K, which is unprecedented in a nonmagnetic system. Supported by numerical simulations, we argue that this phenomenon is likely due to the Zeeman effect on a barely percolating current path formed in the disordered bulk. Since disorder can also lead to non-saturating linear MR in Ag2+δSe, the present finding suggests that disorder engineering in narrow-gap systems is useful for realizing gigantic MR in both positive and negative directions. PMID:28541291

  4. Sotos syndrome: An interesting disorder with gigantism. (United States)

    Nalini, A; Biswas, Arundhati


    We report the case of a 16-year-old boy diagnosed to have Sotos syndrome, with rare association of bilateral primary optic atrophy and epilepsy. He presented with accelerated linear growth, facial gestalt, distinctive facial features, seizures and progressive diminution of vision in both eyes. He had features of gigantism from early childhood. An MRI showed that brain and endocrine functions were normal. This case is of interest, as we have to be aware of this not so rare disorder. In addition to the classic features, there were two unusual associations with Sotos syndrome in the patient.

  5. Sotos syndrome: An interesting disorder with gigantism (United States)

    Nalini, A.; Biswas, Arundhati


    We report the case of a 16-year-old boy diagnosed to have Sotos syndrome, with rare association of bilateral primary optic atrophy and epilepsy. He presented with accelerated linear growth, facial gestalt, distinctive facial features, seizures and progressive diminution of vision in both eyes. He had features of gigantism from early childhood. An MRI showed that brain and endocrine functions were normal. This case is of interest, as we have to be aware of this not so rare disorder. In addition to the classic features, there were two unusual associations with Sotos syndrome in the patient. PMID:19893668

  6. Sotos syndrome: An interesting disorder with gigantism

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    Nalini A


    Full Text Available We report the case of a 16-year-old boy diagnosed to have Sotos syndrome, with rare association of bilateral primary optic atrophy and epilepsy. He presented with accelerated linear growth, facial gestalt, distinctive facial features, seizures and progressive diminution of vision in both eyes. He had features of gigantism from early childhood. An MRI showed that brain and endocrine functions were normal. This case is of interest, as we have to be aware of this not so rare disorder. In addition to the classic features, there were two unusual associations with Sotos syndrome in the patient.

  7. Central neurocytoma presenting with gigantism: case report. (United States)

    Araki, Y; Sakai, N; Andoh, T; Yoshimura, S; Yamada, H


    We report a case of central neurocytoma presenting with gigantism. The patient was a 19-year-old man with a 2-year history of rapid growth. Computed tomography revealed a round, slightly enhancing calcified tumor in the septal region. This lesion was resected, and postoperative radiotherapy was given. The preoperative serum growth hormone level was 20.7 ng/mL, and postoperatively this fell to 0.9 ng/mL. Pituitary dysfunction was not noted either before or after the operation. A low level of production of growth hormone releasing factor was detected when tumor cells obtained during surgery were cultured.

  8. Transsphenoidal microsurgery in the treatment of acromegaly and gigantism. (United States)

    Arafah, B U; Brodkey, J S; Kaufman, B; Velasco, M; Manni, A; Pearson, O H


    Twenty-five patients with acromegaly and 3 patients with gigantism underwent transsphenoidal microsurgery in an attempt to remove the tumor and preserve normal pituitary function whenever possible. An adenoma was identified and removed in 27 of 28 patients. Evaluation 3--6 months postoperatively revealed a GH level less than 5 ng/ml in 29 patients, 5--10 ng/ml in 4 patients and 11--29 ng/ml in 4 other patients. Dynamics of GH secretion were normal in 11 patients who had normal pituitary function and are considered cured. Two patients with low or undetectable GH levels are also considered cured at the expense of being hypopituitary. Three of 7 patients with normal basal GH levels but abnormal dynamics of GH secretion relapsed within 1 yr. Eleven of the 13 patients considered cured did not have extrasellar extension, while 14 of the 15 patients not cured had extrasellar extension. Five patients who were not cured with surgery received radiation therapy. Three patients were treated with an ergot derivative, Lergotrile mesylate, after surgery and radiation therapy failed to normalize GH levels. Transsphenoidal microsurgery is an optimal form of therapy for patients with acromegaly or gigantism, especially those with no extrasellar extension. Dynamics of GH secretion are very useful in evaluating the completeness of adenoma removal.

  9. Coexisting diseases modifying each other’s presentation - lack of growth failure in Turner syndrome due to the associated pituitary gigantism


    Dragović Tamara; Đuran Zorana; Jelić Svetlana; Marinković Dejan; Kiković Saša; Kuzmić-Janković Snežana; Hajduković Zoran


    Introduction. Turner syndrome presents with one of the most frequent chromosomal aberrations in female, typically presented with growth retardation, ovarian insufficiency, facial dysmorphism, and numerous other somatic stigmata. Gigantism is an extremely rare condition resulting from an excessive growth hormone (GH) secretion that occurs during childhood before the fusion of epiphyseal growth plates. The major clinical feature of gigantism is growth acceler...

  10. Gigantism caused by growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma


    Rhee, Noorisaem; Jeong, Kumi; Yang, Eun Mi; Kim, Chan Jong


    Gigantism indicates excessive secretion of growth hormones (GH) during childhood when open epiphyseal growth plates allow for excessive linear growth. Case one involved a 14.7-year-old boy presented with extreme tall stature. His random serum GH level was 38.4 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was noted during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; nadir serum GH, 22.7 ng/mL). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a 12-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Transsphenoidal surgery was...

  11. Granuloma central de células gigantes Giant cells central granuloma

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    Ayelén María Portelles Massó


    Full Text Available El granuloma reparativo central de células gigantes es una lesión proliferativa no neoplásica de etiología desconocida. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 40 años de edad, portador de prótesis parcial superior. Fue remitido al Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital "V. I. Lenin" por presentar aumento de volumen en reborde alveolar superior, de color rojo grisáceo y que provocaba expansión de corticales óseas. Una vez analizados los exámenes clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos se diagnosticó un granuloma reparativo central de células gigantes Se realizó exéresis quirúrgica de la lesión y extracción de dientes adyacentes con una evolución satisfactoria sin señales de recidivas luego de tres años del tratamiento. El granuloma reparativo central de células gigantes se presentó como respuesta a un trauma. La correcta interpretación de los datos clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos nos permitió llegar al correcto diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento.Giant-cell central reparative granuloma is non neoplastic proliferative lesion of unknown etiology. We report a 40 years old male patient who was admitted at the Maxillofacial Service of the "V. I. Lenin" Hospital. The patient had partial upper prosthesis and was complaining of red-grey volume increase lesion in upper alveolar ridge which led to the expansion of cortical bone. Having analyzed clinical, radiographic and histopathological findings the case was concluded as a giant-cell central reparative granuloma. Surgical exeresis and adjunct tooth extraction were done. After three years of treatment, satisfactory follow up without recurrence is reported.

  12. Proteus syndrome: A rare cause of gigantic limb. (United States)

    Chakrabarti, Nandini; Chattopadhyay, Chandan; Bhuban, Majhi; Pal, Salil Kumar


    A congenital disorder with variable manifestations, including partial gigantism of the hands and feet with hypertrophy of soles, nevi, hemihypertrophy, gynecomastia, macrocephaly and other skull abnormalities, and abdominal lipomatosis. The cause is unknown, although a genetic origin, generally of autosomal-dominant transmission, has been conjectured. Symptoms can be treated, but there is no known cure. We present the case of a young male with grotesque overgrowth of the right lower limb, splenomegaly and multiple nevi. Angiography revealed venous malformation within the limb. The findings are in conformity to the criteria for the Proteus syndrome.

  13. Blue jets and gigantic jets: transient luminous events between thunderstorm tops and the lower ionosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pasko, V P


    An overview of general phenomenology and proposed physical mechanisms of large scale electrical discharges termed 'blue jets' and 'gigantic jets' observed at high altitude in the Earth's atmosphere above thunderstorms is presented. The primary emphasis is placed on summarizing available experimental data on the observed morphological features of upward jet discharges and on the discussion of recently advanced theories describing electrodynamic conditions, which facilitate escape of conventional lightning leaders from thundercloud tops and their upward propagation toward the ionosphere. It is argued that the filamentary plasma structures observed in blue jet and gigantic jet discharges are directly linked to the processes in streamer zones of lightning leaders, scaled by a significant reduction of air pressure at high altitudes.

  14. Ecological explanations to island gigantism: dietary niche divergence, predation, and size in an endemic lizard. (United States)

    Runemark, Anna; Sagonas, Kostas; Svensson, Erik I


    Although rapid evolution of body size on islands has long been known, the ecological mechanisms behind this island phenomenon remain poorly understood. Diet is an important selective pressure for morphological divergence. Here we investigate if selection for novel diets has contributed to the multiple independent cases of island gigantism in the Skyros wall lizard (Podarcis gaigeae) and if diet, predation, or both factors best explain island gigantism. We combined data on body size, shape, bite force, and realized and available diets to address this. Several lines of evidence suggest that diet has contributed to the island gigantism. The larger islet lizards have relatively wider heads and higher bite performance in relation to mainland lizards than would be expected from size differences alone. The proportions of consumed and available hard prey are higher on islets than mainland localities, and lizard body size is significantly correlated with the proportion of hard prey. Furthermore, the main axis of divergence in head shape is significantly correlated with dietary divergence. Finally, a model with only diet and one including diet and predation regime explain body size divergence equally well. Our results suggest that diet is an important ecological factor behind insular body size divergence, but could be consistent with an additional role for predation.

  15. Efectividad y seguridad de la laparotomía vs laparoscopía en abdomen agudo de origen gineco-obstétrico causado por embarazo ectópico roto y quiste de ovario roto.


    Luna Aveiga, Cristhian


    Comparar efectividad, tiempo y sangrado operatorio, estadía y complicaciones entre laparotomía y laparoscopía en abdomen agudo (AA) por embarazo ectópico roto (EER) y quiste de ovario roto (QOR). Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo en el Hospital de Santa Elena y Clínica Granados de Enero 2010-Diciembre 2011. Se obtuvieron las causas, procedimientos, edad, hemoglobina, edad gestacional, antecedentes personales y complicaciones. Tiempo, sangrado operatorio y estadía fueron comparadas por T de stud...

  16. Citoqueratinas 14 y 19 en quistes y tumores de origen odontogénico: Una revisión

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    Sabrina Nieves

    Full Text Available Todas las células de los mamíferos contienen un sistema citoplasmático de fibras esencial para la movilidad celular, el citoesqueleto, el cual se encuentra integrado por tres unidades estructurales principales y proteínas asociadas: microfilamentos, microtúbulos y filamentos intermedios. Las citoqueratinas son filamentos intermedios que forman una red compleja que se extiende desde la superficie del núcleo a la porción periférica de la célula, donde se insertan en desmosomas y hemidesmosomas. Las citoquerarinas 14 y 19 han sido utilizadas como marcadores de diagnóstico y pronóstico en diversas neoplasias de origen epitelial, no sólo permiten identificar a una célula como epitelial, sino que permiten identificar diferentes etapas durante diferenciación del epitelio y caracterizar el tumor. Existen numerosos trabajos en la literatura biomédica que han ejemplificado la utilidad de citoqueratinas 14 y 19 para identificar epitelio odontogénico. Esta revisión analiza la utilidad de su inmunoexpresión en los diferentes quistes y tumores odontogénicos

  17. Cope's Rule and Romer's theory: patterns of diversity and gigantism in eurypterids and Palaeozoic vertebrates (United States)

    Lamsdell, James C.; Braddy, Simon J.


    Gigantism is widespread among Palaeozoic arthropods, yet causal mechanisms, particularly the role of (abiotic) environmental factors versus (biotic) competition, remain unknown. The eurypterids (Arthropoda: Chelicerata) include the largest arthropods; gigantic predatory pterygotids (Eurypterina) during the Siluro-Devonian and bizarre sweep-feeding hibbertopterids (Stylonurina) from the Carboniferous to end-Permian. Analysis of family-level originations and extinctions among eurypterids and Palaeozoic vertebrates show that the diversity of Eurypterina waned during the Devonian, while the Placodermi radiated, yet Stylonurina remained relatively unaffected; adopting a sweep-feeding strategy they maintained their large body size by avoiding competition, and persisted throughout the Late Palaeozoic while the predatory nektonic Eurypterina (including the giant pterygotids) declined during the Devonian, possibly out-competed by other predators including jawed vertebrates. PMID:19828493

  18. Gigantism Precedes Filter Feeding in Baleen Whale Evolution. (United States)

    Fordyce, R Ewan; Marx, Felix G


    Baleen whales (Mysticeti) are the largest animals on Earth, thanks to their ability to filter huge volumes of small prey from seawater. Mysticetes appeared during the Late Eocene, but evidence of their early evolution remains both sparse and controversial [1, 2], with several models competing to explain the origin of baleen-based bulk feeding [3-6]. Here, we describe a virtually complete skull of Llanocetus denticrenatus, the second-oldest (ca. 34 Ma) mysticete known. The new material represents the same individual as the type and only specimen, a fragmentary mandible. Phylogenetic analysis groups Llanocetus with the oldest mysticete, Mystacodon selenensis [2], into the basal family Llanocetidae. Llanocetus is gigantic (body length ∼8 m) compared to other early mysticetes [7-9]. The broad rostrum has sharp, widely spaced teeth with marked dental abrasion and attrition, suggesting biting and occlusal shearing. As in extant mysticetes, the palate bears many sulci, commonly interpreted as osteological correlates of baleen [3]. Unexpectedly, these sulci converge on the upper alveoli, suggesting a peri-dental blood supply to well-developed gums, rather than to inter-alveolar racks of baleen. We interpret Llanocetus as a raptorial or suction feeder, revealing that whales evolved gigantism well before the emergence of filter feeding. Rather than driving the origin of mysticetes, baleen and filtering most likely only arose after an initial phase of suction-assisted raptorial feeding [2, 4, 5]. This scenario differs strikingly from that proposed for odontocetes, whose defining adaptation-echolocation-was present even in their earliest representatives [10]. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Proteus syndrome: A rare cause of gigantic limb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nandini Chakrabarti


    Full Text Available A congenital disorder with variable manifestations, including partial gigantism of the hands and feet with hypertrophy of soles, nevi, hemihypertrophy, gynecomastia, macrocephaly and other skull abnormalities, and abdominal lipomatosis. The cause is unknown, although a genetic origin, generally of autosomal-dominant transmission, has been conjectured. Symptoms can be treated, but there is no known cure. We present the case of a young male with grotesque overgrowth of the right lower limb, splenomegaly and multiple nevi. Angiography revealed venous malformation within the limb. The findings are in conformity to the criteria for the Proteus syndrome.

  20. Un nuevo ejemplar de tortuga gigante del Mioceno de Arévalo (Ávila)


    Jiménez Fuentes, Emiliano; Acosta, Pilar; Fincias San Martín, Benito


    RESUMEN: Se describe un nuevo ejemplar de tortuga gigante, encontrado en el Mioceno (Vallesiense-Inferior) de Arévalo (Ávila), clasificado como un macho adulto de Cheirogaster (s.l.) richardi (Bergounioux 1938; emend. Jiménez 1984).

  1. Unilateral glaucoma in Sotos syndrome (cerebral gigantism). (United States)

    Yen, M T; Gedde, S J; Flynn, J T


    To report a patient with unilateral glaucoma associated with Sotos syndrome. Sotos syndrome (cerebral gigantism) is a disorder of growth and development with characteristic facial changes and normal endocrine function. Ocular manifestations may also include megalocornea, iris hypoplasia, cataracts, megalophthalmos, strabismus, nystagmus, and retinal dystrophy. Case report. A 50 year-old man with the clinical features of Sotos syndrome presented with complaints of decreased vision in the left eye. Ophthalmologic examination revealed bilateral megalocornea, megalophthalmos, iris hypoplasia and transillumination defects, cataracts, and unilateral glaucoma. Intraocular pressure was lowered, and visual field loss was stabilized with topical medications. Sotos syndrome patients should be examined routinely to allow for early detection and treatment of potential ocular problems, including glaucoma.

  2. Hidatidosis cardíaca primaria: quiste hidatídico en aurícula derecha con diseminación pulmonar

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    Christian Muñoz-Guijosa


    Full Text Available La hidatidosis es una enfermedad parasitaria producida por la larva del cestodo Echinococcus. El quiste hidatídico, la forma más habitual de presentación, es producida por la especie E. granulosus. la afectación cardíaca es muy rara, produciéndose en aproximadamente el 0,5–2% de los casos. El 65% de los casos de hidatidosis cardíaca se localizan en las cavidades izquierdas. Presentamos el caso de un paciente en el que la primera localización de la enfermedad fue la aurícula derecha (Ad, junto con diseminación pulmonar quística. La localización exclusiva en las cavidades cardíacas derechas y en la arteria pulmonar constituye una presentación clínica inusual. se ha revisado la bibliografía, prestando especial interés en la importancia de las técnicas de imagen disponibles en la actualidad para su diagnóstico, así como la necesidad de un tratamiento quirúrgico precoz para evitar sus posibles complicaciones.

  3. Pituitary gigantism in a 31 month old girl: endocrine studies and successful response to hypophysectomy. (United States)

    Espiner, E A; Carter, T A; Abbott, G D; Wrightson, P


    A case of pituitary gigantism occurring in a 31 month old female child is reported. Growth records indicate that the disorder began early in the second yr of life. Apart from her size and history of excessive sweating, there were no characteristic clinical features of endocrinopathy. Elevated and autonomous secretion of GH (60-109 microgram/l) and prolactin were corrected by the removal of an eosinophilic pituitary adenoma. In the subsequent 6 yr, despite the presence of immunoreactive GH (4.6-17.3 microgram/l), plasma somatomedin was subnormal and the patient showed growth failure which responded normally to exogenous GH therapy. This case, which appears to be the youngest example of verified pituitary gigantism on record, illustrates that a successful outcome can be achieved by surgical ablative therapy.

  4. Spontaneous endocrine cure of gigantism due to pituitary apoplexy. (United States)

    Arisaka, O; Hall, R; Hughes, I A


    An 11 year old, tall boy presented with symptoms typical of pituitary apoplexy. A large necrotic and haemorrhagic tumour was removed, which was shown to be an adenoma secreting growth hormone and prolactin. Subsequent treatment comprised cranial irradiation and hormone replacement. Eighteen months after operation growth was static and plasma growth hormone and prolactin concentrations were undetectable. Treatment of pituitary apoplexy should comprise excision of the tumour and postoperative irradiation; such treatment after early recognition of the condition offers the best chance of preserving normal pituitary function in children with gigantism.

  5. Hereditary Gigantism-the biblical giant Goliath and his brothers. (United States)

    Donnelly, Deirdre E; Morrison, Patrick J


    The biblical giant Goliath has an identifiable family tree suggestive of autosomal dominant inheritance. We suggest that he had a hereditary pituitary disorder possibly due to the AIP gene, causing early onset and familial acromegaly or gigantism. We comment on the evidence within the scriptures for his other relatives including a relative with six digits and speculate on possible causes of the six digits. Recognition of a hereditary pituitary disorder in the biblical Goliath and his family sheds additional information on his and other family members' battles with David and his relatives.

  6. Spontaneous endocrine cure of gigantism due to pituitary apoplexy. (United States)

    Arisaka, O; Hall, R; Hughes, I A


    An 11 year old, tall boy presented with symptoms typical of pituitary apoplexy. A large necrotic and haemorrhagic tumour was removed, which was shown to be an adenoma secreting growth hormone and prolactin. Subsequent treatment comprised cranial irradiation and hormone replacement. Eighteen months after operation growth was static and plasma growth hormone and prolactin concentrations were undetectable. Treatment of pituitary apoplexy should comprise excision of the tumour and postoperative irradiation; such treatment after early recognition of the condition offers the best chance of preserving normal pituitary function in children with gigantism. PMID:6311318

  7. Vínculos observacionais para o processo-S em estrelas gigantes de Bário (United States)

    Smiljanic, R. H. S.; Porto de Mello, G. F.; da Silva, L.


    Estrelas de bário são gigantes vermelhas de tipo GK que apresentam excessos atmosféricos dos elementos do processo-s. Tais excessos são esperados em estrelas na fase de pulsos térmicos do AGB (TP-AGB). As estrelas de bário são, no entanto, menos massivas e menos luminosas que as estrelas do AGB, assim, não poderiam ter se auto-enriquecido. Seu enriquecimento teria origem em uma estrela companheira, inicialmente mais massiva, que evolui pelo TP-AGB, se auto-enriquece com os elementos do processo-s e transfere material contaminado para a atmosfera da atual estrela de bário. A companheira evolui então para anã branca deixando de ser observada diretamente. As estrelas de bário são, portanto, úteis como testes observacionais para teorias de nucleossíntese pelo processo-s, convecção e perda de massa. Análises detalhadas de abundância com dados de alta qualidade para estes objetos são ainda escassas na literatura. Neste trabalho construímos modelos de atmosferas e, procedendo a uma análise diferencial, determinamos parâmetros atmosféricos e evolutivos de uma amostra de dez gigantes de bário e quatro normais. Determinamos seus padrões de abundância para Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu e Gd, concluindo que algumas estrelas classificadas na literatura como gigantes de bário são na verdade gigantes normais. Comparamos dois padrões médios de abundância, para estrelas com grandes excessos e estrelas com excessos moderados, com modelos teóricos de enriquecimento pelo processo-s. Os dois grupos de estrelas são ajustados pelos mesmos parâmetros de exposição de nêutrons. Tal resultado sugere que a ocorrência do fenômeno de bário com diferentes intensidades não se deve a diferentes exposições de nêutrons. Discutimos ainda efeitos nucleossintéticos, ligados ao processo-s, sugeridos na literatura para os elementos Cu, Mn, V e Sc.

  8. Gigantism caused by growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma. (United States)

    Rhee, Noorisaem; Jeong, Kumi; Yang, Eun Mi; Kim, Chan Jong


    Gigantism indicates excessive secretion of growth hormones (GH) during childhood when open epiphyseal growth plates allow for excessive linear growth. Case one involved a 14.7-year-old boy presented with extreme tall stature. His random serum GH level was 38.4 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was noted during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; nadir serum GH, 22.7 ng/mL). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a 12-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Transsphenoidal surgery was performed and a pituitary adenoma displaying positive immunohistochemical staining for GH was reported. Pituitary MRI scan was performed 4 months after surgery and showed recurrence/residual tumor. Medical treatment with a long-acting somatostatin analogue for six months was unsuccessful. As a result, secondary surgery was performed. Three months after reoperation, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL and insulin-like growth factor 1 was 205 ng/mL. Case two involved a 14.9-year-old boy, who was referred to our department for his tall stature. His basal GH level was 9.3 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was reported during OGTT (nadir GH, 9.0 ng/mL). Pituitary MRI showed a 6-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Surgery was done and histopathological examination demonstrated a pituitary adenoma with positive staining for GH. Three months after surgery, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL and nadir GH during OGTT was less than 0.1 ng/mL. Pituitary MRI scans showed no residual tumor. We present two cases of gigantism caused by a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma with clinical and microscopic findings.

  9. Gigantism caused by growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noorisaem Rhee


    Full Text Available Gigantism indicates excessive secretion of growth hormones (GH during childhood when open epiphyseal growth plates allow for excessive linear growth. Case one involved a 14.7-year-old boy presented with extreme tall stature. His random serum GH level was 38.4 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was noted during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; nadir serum GH, 22.7 ng/mL. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI of the brain revealed a 12-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Transsphenoidal surgery was performed and a pituitary adenoma displaying positive immunohistochemical staining for GH was reported. Pituitary MRI scan was performed 4 months after surgery and showed recurrence/residual tumor. Medical treatment with a long-acting somatostatin analogue for six months was unsuccessful. As a result, secondary surgery was performed. Three months after reoperation, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL and insulin-like growth factor 1 was 205 ng/mL. Case two involved a 14.9-year-old boy, who was referred to our department for his tall stature. His basal GH level was 9.3 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was reported during OGTT (nadir GH, 9.0 ng/mL. Pituitary MRI showed a 6-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Surgery was done and histopathological examination demonstrated a pituitary adenoma with positive staining for GH. Three months after surgery, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL and nadir GH during OGTT was less than 0.1 ng/mL. Pituitary MRI scans showed no residual tumor. We present two cases of gigantism caused by a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma with clinical and microscopic findings.

  10. Gigantism caused by growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma (United States)

    Rhee, Noorisaem; Jeong, Kumi; Yang, Eun Mi


    Gigantism indicates excessive secretion of growth hormones (GH) during childhood when open epiphyseal growth plates allow for excessive linear growth. Case one involved a 14.7-year-old boy presented with extreme tall stature. His random serum GH level was 38.4 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was noted during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; nadir serum GH, 22.7 ng/mL). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a 12-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Transsphenoidal surgery was performed and a pituitary adenoma displaying positive immunohistochemical staining for GH was reported. Pituitary MRI scan was performed 4 months after surgery and showed recurrence/residual tumor. Medical treatment with a long-acting somatostatin analogue for six months was unsuccessful. As a result, secondary surgery was performed. Three months after reoperation, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL and insulin-like growth factor 1 was 205 ng/mL. Case two involved a 14.9-year-old boy, who was referred to our department for his tall stature. His basal GH level was 9.3 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was reported during OGTT (nadir GH, 9.0 ng/mL). Pituitary MRI showed a 6-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Surgery was done and histopathological examination demonstrated a pituitary adenoma with positive staining for GH. Three months after surgery, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL and nadir GH during OGTT was less than 0.1 ng/mL. Pituitary MRI scans showed no residual tumor. We present two cases of gigantism caused by a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma with clinical and microscopic findings. PMID:25077093

  11. CT of the "Tegernsee Giant": juvenile gigantism and polyostotic fibrous dysplasia. (United States)

    Vogl, T J; Nerlich, A; Dresel, S H; Bergman, C


    We report the radiological findings in the unusual case of the Bavarian "Tegernsee Giant." With conventional radiography, CT, and histologic examination, we succeeded in diagnosing two disorders: The Tegernsee Giant suffered from (a) juvenile gigantism caused by a growth hormone-secreting tumor of the pituitary gland and (b) a polyostotic form of fibrous dysplasia of the skull and multiple bones particularly on the left side of the body.

  12. Unilateral delayed opercularization in a case of Sotos' syndrome (cerebral gigantism)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barth, P.G.; Vlasveld, L.; Valk, J.


    A case of Sotos' syndrome (cerebral gigantism) is described. Pneumencephalography, performed at the age of 15 days, revealed abnormal separation of the opercula on the right. By comparing the contours with developmental anatomical features of this area it agreed with a foetal development of 24 weeks gestational age. Bilateral carotid angiography was normal. CT showed normal development of the Sylvian area at the age of 27 months. (orig.)

  13. Change in the immunophenotype of a somatotroph adenoma resulting in gigantism


    Thawani, Jayesh P.; Bailey, Robert L.; Burns, Carrie M.; Lee, John Y. K.


    Background: Examining the pathologic progression of a pituitary adenoma from the point of a prepubescent child to an adult with gigantism affords us an opportunity to consider why patients may develop secretory or functioning tumors and raises questions about whether therapeutic interventions and surveillance strategies could be made to avoid irreversible phenotypic changes. Case Description: A patient underwent a sublabial transsphenoidal resection for a clinically non-functioning macroa...

  14. Gate-tunable gigantic lattice deformation in VO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okuyama, D.; Hatano, T.; Nakano, M.; Takeshita, S.; Ohsumi, H.; Tardif, S.; Shibuya, K.; Yumoto, H.; Koyama, T.; Ohashi, H.; Takata, M.; Kawasaki, M.; Tokura, Y.; Iwasa, Y.; Arima, T.


    We examined the impact of electric field on crystal lattice of vanadium dioxide (VO 2 ) in a field-effect transistor geometry by in-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements. Whereas the c-axis lattice parameter of VO 2 decreases through the thermally induced insulator-to-metal phase transition, the gate-induced metallization was found to result in a significant increase of the c-axis length by almost 1% from that of the thermally stabilized insulating state. We also found that this gate-induced gigantic lattice deformation occurs even at the thermally stabilized metallic state, enabling dynamic control of c-axis lattice parameter by more than 1% at room temperature

  15. Formación y evolución de planetas gigantes (United States)

    Benvenuto, O. G.; Brunini, A.

    Presentamos el estado actual del trabajo que estamos realizando en el estudio de la formación de planetas gigantes. Detallamos los algoritmos numéricos necesarios para realizar este tipo de cálculo. Presentamos algunos resultados de la formación de objetos con masas de hasta una docena de veces la del planeta Júpiter, resaltando las principales caracteríticas. Finalmente detallamos los problemas que pensamos abordar en un futuro cercano en este tema de investigación.

  16. Pituitary gigantism presenting with depressive mood disorder and diabetic ketoacidosis in an Asian adolescent. (United States)

    Kuo, Sheng-Fong; Chuang, Wen-Yu; Ng, Sohching; Chen, Chih-Hung; Chang, Chen-Nen; Chou, Chi-Hsiang; Weng, Wei-Chieh; Yeh, Chih-Hua; Lin, Jen-Der


    Hyperglycemia is seldom described in young patients with pituitary gigantism. Here, we describe the case of a 17-year-old Taiwanese boy who developed depressive mood disorder and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at the presentation of pituitary gigantism. The boy complained of lethargy and dysphoric mood in June 2008. He presented at the emergency department with epigastralgia and dyspnea in January 2009. Results of laboratory tests suggested type 1 diabetes mellitus with DKA. However, serum C-peptide level was normal on follow-up. Although he had no obvious features of acral enlargement, a high level of insulin-like growth factor 1 was detected, and a 75 g oral glucose suppression test showed no suppression of serum growth hormone levels. A pituitary macroadenoma was found on subsequent magnetic resonance imaging. The pituitary adenoma was surgically removed, followed by gamma-knife radiosurgery, and Sandostatin long-acting release treatment. He was then administered metformin, 500 mg twice daily, and to date, his serum glycohemoglobin has been <7%.

  17. High-detail snapshots of rare gigantic jet lightning (United States)

    Schultz, Colin


    In the ionosphere, more than 80 kilometers above Earth's surface, incoming radiation reacts with the thin air to produce highly charged ions, inducing an electric potential between the ionosphere and the surface. This charge difference is dissipated by a slow leak from the ionosphere during calm weather and reinvigorated by a charge built up near the surface during a thunderstorm. In 2001, however, researchers discovered gigantic jets (GJs), powerful lightning that arcs from tropospheric clouds up to the ionosphere, suggesting there may be an alternate path by which charge is redistributed. GJs are transient species, and little is known about how much charge they can carry, how they form, or how common they are. In a step toward answering these questions, Lu et al. report on two GJs that occurred near very high frequency (VHF) lightning detection systems, which track the development of lightning in three spatial dimensions, giving an indication of the generation mechanism. The researchers also measured the charge transfer in the two GJs through remote sensing of magnetic fields. They found that both jets originated from the development of otherwise normal intracloud lightning. The dissipation of the cloud's positively charged upper layer allowed the negative lightning channel to break through and travel up out of the top of the cloud to the ionosphere. The first jet, which occurred off the coast of Florida, leapt up to 80 kilometers, depositing 110 coulombs of negative charge in 370 milliseconds. The second jet, observed in Oklahoma, traveled up to 90 kilometers, raising only 10-20 coulombs in 300 milliseconds. Each new observation of gigantic jets such as these can provide valuable information toward understanding this novel atmospheric behavior. (Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2011GL047662, 2011)

  18. Clinical and genetic characterization of pituitary gigantism: an international collaborative study in 208 patients. (United States)

    Rostomyan, Liliya; Daly, Adrian F; Petrossians, Patrick; Nachev, Emil; Lila, Anurag R; Lecoq, Anne-Lise; Lecumberri, Beatriz; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Salvatori, Roberto; Moraitis, Andreas G; Holdaway, Ian; Kranenburg-van Klaveren, Dianne J; Chiara Zatelli, Maria; Palacios, Nuria; Nozieres, Cecile; Zacharin, Margaret; Ebeling, Tapani; Ojaniemi, Marja; Rozhinskaya, Liudmila; Verrua, Elisa; Jaffrain-Rea, Marie-Lise; Filipponi, Silvia; Gusakova, Daria; Pronin, Vyacheslav; Bertherat, Jerome; Belaya, Zhanna; Ilovayskaya, Irena; Sahnoun-Fathallah, Mona; Sievers, Caroline; Stalla, Gunter K; Castermans, Emilie; Caberg, Jean-Hubert; Sorkina, Ekaterina; Auriemma, Renata Simona; Mittal, Sachin; Kareva, Maria; Lysy, Philippe A; Emy, Philippe; De Menis, Ernesto; Choong, Catherine S; Mantovani, Giovanna; Bours, Vincent; De Herder, Wouter; Brue, Thierry; Barlier, Anne; Neggers, Sebastian J C M M; Zacharieva, Sabina; Chanson, Philippe; Shah, Nalini Samir; Stratakis, Constantine A; Naves, Luciana A; Beckers, Albert


    Despite being a classical growth disorder, pituitary gigantism has not been studied previously in a standardized way. We performed a retrospective, multicenter, international study to characterize a large series of pituitary gigantism patients. We included 208 patients (163 males; 78.4%) with growth hormone excess and a current/previous abnormal growth velocity for age or final height >2 s.d. above country normal means. The median onset of rapid growth was 13 years and occurred significantly earlier in females than in males; pituitary adenomas were diagnosed earlier in females than males (15.8 vs 21.5 years respectively). Adenomas were ≥10 mm (i.e., macroadenomas) in 84%, of which extrasellar extension occurred in 77% and invasion in 54%. GH/IGF1 control was achieved in 39% during long-term follow-up. Final height was greater in younger onset patients, with larger tumors and higher GH levels. Later disease control was associated with a greater difference from mid-parental height (r=0.23, P=0.02). AIP mutations occurred in 29%; microduplication at Xq26.3 - X-linked acrogigantism (X-LAG) - occurred in two familial isolated pituitary adenoma kindreds and in ten sporadic patients. Tumor size was not different in X-LAG, AIP mutated and genetically negative patient groups. AIP-mutated and X-LAG patients were significantly younger at onset and diagnosis, but disease control was worse in genetically negative cases. Pituitary gigantism patients are characterized by male predominance and large tumors that are difficult to control. Treatment delay increases final height and symptom burden. AIP mutations and X-LAG explain many cases, but no genetic etiology is seen in >50% of cases. © 2015 Society for Endocrinology.

  19. The Oldest Recorded Case of Acromegaly and Gigantism in Iran. (United States)

    Najjari, Mohsen


    Here we commemorate the character and academic authority of Prof. Zabiholah Gorban (1903-2006), the founder of Shiraz medical school. No doubt, in the scope of history of contemporary medicine, he has been efficient and effective. With respect to this fact, his article on a rare case described in Acta anatomica published in Iran in 1966, entitled (Observations on a giant skeleton) is browsed and reviewed. A case named Siah Khan with combined acromegaly and gigantism that appears to have letters to say still after nearly half a century.

  20. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa: a reconstructive approach to gigantism of the foot. (United States)

    Watt, Andrew J; Chung, Kevin C


    Localized gigantism poses a challenging surgical dilemma, and it may be treated with amputation. This case report documents the application of a reconstructive approach to a severe case of pedal macrodystrophia lipomatosa in a 1-year-old girl. A series of 3 surgeries were designed to reduce the length, width, height, and overall bulk of the congenitally enlarged foot. The 3 procedures debulked the foot for normal ambulation and same-size shoe wear for both feet. The resulting functional and aesthetic improvements achieved through reconstructive treatment provided a desirable alternative to amputation.

  1. An orphan G-protein-coupled receptor causes human gigantism and/or acromegaly: Molecular biology and clinical correlations. (United States)

    Trivellin, Giampaolo; Hernández-Ramírez, Laura C; Swan, Jeremy; Stratakis, Constantine A


    X-linked acrogigantism (X-LAG) is a recently described form of familial or sporadic pituitary gigantism characterized by very early onset GH and IGF-1 excess, accelerated growth velocity, gigantism and/or acromegaloid features. Germline or somatic microduplications of the Xq26.3 chromosomal region, invariably involving the GPR101 gene, constitute the genetic defect leading to X-LAG. GPR101 encodes a class A G protein-coupled receptor that activates the 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling pathway. Highly expressed in the central nervous system, the main physiological function and ligand of GPR101 remain unknown, but it seems to play a role in the normal development of the GHRH-GH axis. Early recognition of X-LAG cases is imperative because these patients require clinical management that differs from that of other patients with acromegaly or gigantism. Medical treatment with pegvisomant seems to be the best approach, since X-LAG tumors are resistant to the treatment with somatostatin analogues and dopamine agonists; surgical cure requires near-total hypophysectomy. Currently, the efforts of our research focus on the identification of GPR101 ligands; in addition, the long-term follow-up of X-LAG patients is of extreme interest as this is expected to lead to better understanding of GPR101 effects on human pathophysiology. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  2. An Evolutionary Cascade Model for Sauropod Dinosaur Gigantism - Overview, Update and Tests


    Sander, P. Martin


    Sauropod dinosaurs are a group of herbivorous dinosaurs which exceeded all other terrestrial vertebrates in mean and maximal body size. Sauropod dinosaurs were also the most successful and long-lived herbivorous tetrapod clade, but no abiological factors such as global environmental parameters conducive to their gigantism can be identified. These facts justify major efforts by evolutionary biologists and paleontologists to understand sauropods as living animals and to explain their evolutiona...

  3. Unilateral delayed opercularization in a case of Sotos' syndrome (cerebral gigantism)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barth, P.G.; Vlasveld, L.; Valk, J.


    A case of Sotos' syndrome (cerebral gigantism) is described. Pneumencephalography, performed at the age of 15 days, revealed abnormal separation of the opercula on the right. By comparing the contours with developmental anatomical features of this area it agreed with a foetal development of 24 weeks gestational age. Bilateral carotid angiography was normal. CT showed normal development of the Sylvian area at the age of 27 months.

  4. Cisto intraespinal em comunicação com o disco intervertebral na coluna lombar: relato de um caso e revisão da literatura Quiste intraespinhal en comunicación con el disco intervertebral em la columna lumbar: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura Intraspinal cyst communicating with the intervertebral disk in the lumbar spine: case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauricio Marteleto Filho


    Full Text Available A hérnia discal lombar é causa importante bem como a mais freqüente de lombalgia e ciática. Muitos dos casos podem prontamente ser diagnosticados através do simples exame semiológico. A ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM estabelece um diagnóstico definitivo mesmo em bases ambulatoriais. Diversos tipos de cistos intraespinais com diferentes patogenias foram descritos no passado como cistos perineurais, cistos sinoviais, cistos aracnóides e cistos ganglionares, que são doenças difíceis de diferenciar da hérnia de disco lombar. Os autores observaram recentemente um caso de cisto intraespinal comunicante com o disco intervertebral correspondente, apresentando sinais e sintomas e mesmo alguns achados radiológicos indistinguíveis daqueles da herniação discal lombar. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido pela RNM e confirmado no momento da cirurgia. Este artigo descreve as características dessa entidade clínica, incluindo quadro clínico, aparência radiográfica e achados histológicos, a fim de discutir possíveis patogenias e tratamento.Una hernia de disco lumbar es una causa importante, así como la más frecuente causa del dolor lumbar y ciática. Muchos casos pueden ser fácilmente diagnosticados por el examen semiológico simple. La resonancia magnética (RM proporciona un diagnóstico definitivo, incluso en atención ambulatoria. Varios tipos de quistes intraespinales con diferentes patogénesis se han descrito en el pasado como quistes perineurales, quistes sinoviales, los quistes aracnoideos y quistes ganglionares, enfermedades que son difíciles de diferenciar de la hernia de disco lumbar. Los autores observaron recientemente un caso de quiste intraespinal, que en comunicación con el disco intervertebral correspondiente, presentando signos y síntomas e incluso algunos hallazgos radiológicos que no se distinguen de los de la hernia discal lumbar. El diagnóstico fue determinado por RM y confirmado en la cirugía. En este art

  5. Gate-tunable gigantic lattice deformation in VO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okuyama, D., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:; Hatano, T. [RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako 351-0198 (Japan); Nakano, M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako 351-0198 (Japan); Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Takeshita, S.; Ohsumi, H.; Tardif, S. [RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Shibuya, K. [National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba 305-8562 (Japan); Yumoto, H.; Koyama, T.; Ohashi, H. [Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, SPring-8, Hyogo 679-5198 (Japan); Takata, M. [RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, SPring-8, Hyogo 679-5198 (Japan); Kawasaki, M.; Tokura, Y.; Iwasa, Y., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako 351-0198 (Japan); Quantum-Phase Electronics Center and Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656 (Japan); Arima, T. [RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako 351-0198 (Japan); RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8561 (Japan)


    We examined the impact of electric field on crystal lattice of vanadium dioxide (VO{sub 2}) in a field-effect transistor geometry by in-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements. Whereas the c-axis lattice parameter of VO{sub 2} decreases through the thermally induced insulator-to-metal phase transition, the gate-induced metallization was found to result in a significant increase of the c-axis length by almost 1% from that of the thermally stabilized insulating state. We also found that this gate-induced gigantic lattice deformation occurs even at the thermally stabilized metallic state, enabling dynamic control of c-axis lattice parameter by more than 1% at room temperature.

  6. Pegvisomant treatment in gigantism caused by a growth hormone-secreting giant pituitary adenoma. (United States)

    Müssig, K; Gallwitz, B; Honegger, J; Strasburger, C J; Bidlingmaier, M; Machicao, F; Bornemann, A; Ranke, M B; Häring, H-U; Petersenn, S


    Gigantism is rare with the majority of cases caused by a growth hormone (GH)-secreting pituitary adenoma. Treatment options for GH-secreting pituitary adenomas have been widened with the availability of long-acting dopamine agonists, depot preparations of somatostatin analogues, and recently the GH receptor antagonist pegvisomant. A 23-year-old male patient presented with continuous increase in height during the past 6 years due to a GH-secreting giant pituitary adenoma. Because of major intracranial extension and failure of octreotide treatment to shrink the tumour, the tumour was partially resected by a trans-frontal surgical approach. At immunohistochemistry, the tumour showed a marked expression of GH and a sparsely focal expression of prolactin. Somatostatin receptors (sst) 1-5 were not detected. Tumour tissue weakly expressed dopamine receptor type 2. The Gs alpha subunit was intact. Conversion from somatostatin analogue to pegvisomant normalized insulin-like-growth-factor-I (IGF-I) levels and markedly improved glucose tolerance. Pegvisomant is a potent treatment option in patients with pituitary gigantism. In patients who do not respond to somatostatin analogues, knowledge of the SST receptor status may shorten the time to initiation of pegvisomant treatment.

  7. Assessment of Unusual Gigantic Jets observed during the Monsoon season: First observations from Indian Subcontinent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Singh, Rajesh; Maurya, Ajeet K.; Chanrion, Olivier


    observations. Here we report first observations of Gigantic Jets in Indian subcontinent over the Indo-Gangetic plains during the monsoon season. Two storms each produced two jets with characteristics not documented so far. Jets propagated similar to 37 km up remarkably in similar to 5 ms with velocity...

  8. Efficacy and safety of long-acting pasireotide in Japanese patients with acromegaly or pituitary gigantism: results from a multicenter, open-label, randomized, phase 2 study. (United States)

    Tahara, Shigeyuki; Murakami, Mami; Kaneko, Tomomi; Shimatsu, Akira


    A multicenter, open-label, phase 2 study was conducted to investigate the efficacy and safety of long-acting pasireotide formulation in Japanese patients with acromegaly or pituitary gigantism. Medically naïve or inadequately controlled patients (on somatostatin analogues or dopamine agonists) were included. Primary end point was the proportion of all patients who achieved biochemical control (mean growth hormone [GH] levelsacromegaly, n=32; pituitary gigantism, n=1) were enrolled and randomized 1:1:1 to receive open-label pasireotide 20mg, 40mg, or 60mg. The median age was 52 years (range, 31-79) and 20 patients were males. At month 3, 18.2% of patients (6/33; 90% confidence interval: 8.2%, 32.8%) had biochemical control (21.2% [7/33] when including a patient with mean GHacromegaly or pituitary gigantism.

  9. Immune response of cattle against fasciolopsis induced by inoculation of irradiated metacercariae of fasciola gigantic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    An experiment was carried out to study the immune response of cattle against fasciolopsis induced by inoculation of irradiated metacercariae of F. gigantic. Four groups of experimental cattle were used e.g: the first group (Vp) were inoculated by the unirradiated metacercariae as a positive control, the second group (Vi) were once inoculated with irradiated metacercariae and then challenged with the infected metacercariae three weeks later, the third group (Vii) were twice inoculated with irradiated metacercariae and then challenged with the infected metacercariae three weeks later, while the forth group (Vn), the negative control without any inoculation of metacercariae. Irradiation dose of 45 Gy was used, and each experimental animal received 700 live’s metacercariae of F. gigantic. The immune response towards fasciolopsis in cattle has been observed in the development of body weight, the number of red blood cells (RBC), the number of white blood cells (WBC), level of haemoglobin (Hb), percentages of Packed cell volume (PCV), the number of eosinophil cells, serological test by ELISA, pathology anatomic inspection and evaluation of the development of worm.The average every measurement of body weight development are Vp = 6 kg, Vi = 9 kg, Vii = 9 kg and Vn = 10 kg. The group of Vi, Vii and Vn were normal of their heart, but the group of Vp was disorder. The group of Vi, Vii and Vn were negative of adult worm’s, while the group of Vp was positive of adult worm’s. These results showed that inoculation of irradiated metacercariae F. gigantic could stimulate good immune response which was able to protect against the infectivity of the challenge in cattle. (author)

  10. Gigantic uniaxial pressure effect in single crystals of iron-based superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakashima, Y.; Yui, H.; Sasagawa, T.


    In order to elucidate the anisotropic pressure effect on superconductivity in an iron-based superconductor, magnetization measurements have been performed in Ba(Fe 0.92 Co 0.08 ) 2 As 2 single crystals under uniaxial pressures applied along the c-axis. Gigantic T c suppression, dT c /dP //c = -15 K/GPa, was observed when the anisotropic deformation with the a-expansion and c-compression was induced by the c-pressure, which should be compared with dT c /dP c .

  11. Análisis socioeconómico de la pesquería de calamar gigante en Guaymas, Sonora

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    Francisco Javier de la Cruz-González


    Full Text Available En este trabajo hacemos un análisis socioeconómico de la pesquería de calamar gigante en Guaymas, Sonora. Se generó una base de datos con información pesquera y se aplicó una encuesta a pescadores y a trabajadores de la industria del calamar para determinar sus principales características socioeconómicas. Los resultados muestran que esta pesquería ha tenido una participación importante en la estructura productiva del sector pesquero de la región; sin embargo, el repunte en las capturas de calamar gigante en los últimos años ha permitido el crecimiento de esta pesquería, pero no su desarrollo. El documento resalta la necesidad de orientar las políticas de manejo al aprovechamiento integral de este recurso.

  12. Condiloma acuminado gigante (tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein

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    Ibis Beltrán Pérez

    Full Text Available Se presenta un paciente masculino de 72 años de edad de la raza blanca, que es remitido al Servicio de Coloproctología por presentar desde hace más de un año, aumento de volumen alrededor del ano que le dificulta la defecación y sentarse. Se han realizado múltiples tratamientos tópicos con resultados no satisfactorios por el servicio de dermatología. Se le realiza estudio histopatológico de la lesión y se obtuvo un condiloma acuminado gigante (tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein. Se ha dado seguimiento sin presentarse hasta el momento recurrencia. El tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein es una entidad rara, considerada una lesión premaligna provocada por el papiloma virus humano. Hasta el momento no se ha podido encontrar el tratamiento ideal y continúa presentando una alta tasa de recurrencia.

  13. Long-term effects of octreotide on pituitary gigantism: its analgesic action on cluster headache. (United States)

    Otsuka, Fumio; Mizobuchi, Satoshi; Ogura, Toshio; Sato, Kenji; Yokoyama, Masataka; Makino, Hirofumi


    We report the case of 19-year-old man with pituitary gigantism due to growth hormone-producing pituitary macroadenoma. The patient complained of recurrent headache and excessive growth spurt since age 15. Octreotide administration was initiated following transsphenoidal pituitary adenomectomy. Octreotide injection for 4 years efficaciously reduced the size of remnant adenoma as well as serum growth hormone levels. Notably, octreotide exhibited a potent analgesic effect on his intractable cluster headache that has continued even after reduction of the adenoma volume. The analgesic effect lasted 2 to 6 hours after each injection and no tachyphylaxis to octreotide appeared during 4-year treatment. To characterize the headache and the pain intensity, analgesic drugs including octreotide, lidocaine, morphine and thiopental were tested using a visual analogue scale (VAS) evaluation, with the result that octreotide exhibited a prompt and complete disappearance of the headache. Headache relief was in part reproduced by morphine injection (56% reduction) but not by lidocaine or thiopental. The present case suggests that the intractable headache associated with pituitary gigantism is possibly related to the endogenous opioid system. Thus, the headache control by octreotide is clinically helpful for continuation of the self-injection regimen.

  14. Gigantic Jet Environments: A Meteorological Evaluation Using Reanalysis Data Sets (United States)

    Splitt, M. E.; Lazarus, S. M.


    The meteorological conditions of gigantic jet (GJ) producing thunderstorms tend to be connected to maritime tropical environments. In particular, they have an affinity toward tropical disturbances including those with moderate values of upper tropospheric environmental wind shear. Wind shear related effects (including turbulence) in association with deep convection in these environments have been proposed as mechanisms for the arrangement of GJ favorable charge structures. This study focuses on a climatological evaluation in an effort to assess whether the proposed ingredients are consistent with observed GJ event regions. The Climate System Forecast System - Version 2 (CFSR V2) is used here to test for the proposed GJ conditions.

  15. Gigantic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the MnBi ultrathin films (United States)

    Yu, Jie-Xiang; Zang, Jiadong; Zang's Team

    The magnetic skyrmion, a swirling-like spin texture with nontrivial topology, is driven by strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction originated from the spin-orbit coupling in inversion symmetry breaking systems. Here, based on first-principles calculations, we predict a new material, MnBi ultrathin film, with gigantic DM interactions. The ratio of the DM interaction to the Heisenberg exchange is about 0.3, exceeding any values reported so far. Its high Curie temperature, high coercivity, and large perpendicular magnetoanisotropy make MnBi a good candidate for future spintronics studies. Topologically nontrivial spin textures are emergent in this system. We expect further experimental efforts will be devoted into this systems.

  16. Gigantic uphill drift of vacancies and self-interstitials in silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voronkov, V.V.; Falster, R.


    Point defect transport in a growing crystal includes a drift along the temperature gradient, G, at a velocity αG. It was not clear if the drift is negligible or strong in silicon crystal growth. It is now found that reported microdefect patterns in crystals grown with a temporarily halt provide a clear evidence in favour of a strong (even gigantic) drift of both kinds of intrinsic point defects. The drift coefficients α V (for vacancies) and α I (for self-interstitials) are deduced by fitting the simulating defect profiles to the observed location of halt-induced interstitial region immersed into a vacancy-type crystal.

  17. Gigantic optical magnetoelectric effect in CuB2O4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Mitsuru; Taniguchi, Kouji; Arima, Taka-hisa


    Although it has been well known that materials in which both space inversion and time reversal symmetries are broken can host optical magneto-electric effect, i.e., change in optical constants with the reversal of propagating direction of light, the largest change in absorption ever reported on this effect was 0.2%. Here we show that optical absorption in noncentrosymmetric weak ferromagnetic material CuB 2 O 4 changes by more than 100% with reversal of a low magnetic field of 300 Oe. The gigantic optical magneto-electric effect is ascribed to the canted antiferromagnetic spin ordering of square-coordinated Cu 2+ sites, where the local inversion is slightly broken. (author)

  18. A Gray-purple Mass on the Floor of the Mouth: Gigantic Mucogingival Pyogenic Granuloma in a Teenage Patient. (United States)

    Brunet-LLobet, Lluís; Miranda-Rius, Jaume; Lahor-Soler, Eduard; Mrina, Ombeni; Nadal, Alfons


    Pyogenic granuloma is defined as a benign neoplasm of vascular phenotype. This case describes the clinical and histopathological features of a gigantic mucogingival pyogenic granuloma, in a 14-year-old healthy black boy. This exophytic gray-purple mass, related to a toothpick injury, had more than twelve-month evolution on the anterior mandible involving lingual area besides to the floor of the mouth pressing the right salivary duct. Conservative excision was performed, followed by uncomplicated healing with no recurrence in two years. The histopathological examination reported a pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary haemangioma). The authors provide a discussion of the presurgical differential diagnosis of the lesion. This case report presents an extremely uncommon location of a gigantic pyogenic granuloma, involving mucogingival complex and affecting the salivary outflow. This clinical manuscript may shed light on the controversies about possible mechanisms inducing oral pyogenic granuloma.

  19. Model of UV flashes due to gigantic blue jets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milikh, G M; Shneider, M N


    Analysis of UV flashes observed by the UV detector on board the 'Tatiana' microsatellite suggests, based on their location, pulse width and energy of the source of the photons, that the flashes were generated by gigantic blue jets (GBJs). Presented in this paper is a numerical model of UV flashes due to a bunch of long streamers which form a leader, a prong such as that observed in a GBJ. Using a previously developed model of upward propagation of a long streamer in the exponential atmosphere the paper describes temporal evolution of the UV flux generated by a bunch of long streamers, in the given spectral range 300-400 nm used by the UV detector on board 'Tatiana'. The model is in agreement with the observations.

  20. Acromegaly and gigantism in the medical literature. Case descriptions in the era before and the early years after the initial publication of Pierre Marie (1886). (United States)

    de Herder, Wouter W


    In 1886 Pierre Marie used the term "acromegaly" for the first time and gave a full description of the characteristic clinical picture. However several others had already given clear clinical descriptions before him and sometimes had given the disease other names. After 1886, it gradually became clear that pituitary enlargement (caused by a pituitary adenoma) was the cause and not the consequence of acromegaly, as initially thought. Pituitary adenomas could be found in the great majority of cases. It also became clear that acromegaly and gigantism were the same disease but occurring at different stages of life and not different diseases as initially thought. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century most information was derived from case descriptions and post-mortem examinations of patients with acromegaly or (famous) patients with gigantism. The stage was set for further research into the pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of acromegaly and gigantism.

  1. Underground cosmic-ray measurement for morphological reconstruction of the ''Grotta Gigante'' natural cave

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caffau, E.; Coren, F.; Giannini, G.


    Measurement of the muon flux as a function of direction inside the Grotta Gigante natural cave near Trieste (Italy) was carried out using a tracking apparatus. The measured flux, depending in a well established way on the zenith angle and the rock mass crossed by the muons, allowed the determination of the shape of the cave vault which could be compared with that known from topography and related to the available microgravimetric data of the area. (orig.)

  2. The Perlman syndrome: familial renal dysplasia with Wilms tumor, fetal gigantism and multiple congenital anomalies. (United States)

    Neri, G; Martini-Neri, M E; Katz, B E; Opitz, J M


    We describe a familial syndrome of renal dysplasia, Wilms tumor, hyperplasia of the endocrine pancreas, fetal gigantism, multiple congenital anomalies and mental retardation. This condition was previously described by Perlman et al [1973, 1975] and we propose to call it the "Perlman syndrome." It appears to be transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. The possible relationships between dysplasia, neoplasia and malformation are discussed.

  3. The parasitic castration and gigantism of Lymnaea truncatula infected with the larval stages of Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Wilson, R A; Denison, J


    The shells of Lymnaea truncatula infected with the larval stages of Fasciola hepatica were significantly longer than those of comparable uninfected controls. The dry mass (tissue, shell + parasite) of the same infected snails, 56 days after infection, was approximately twice that of the controls (tissue + shell). The increased mass of infected snails was not due to a disproportionate increase in shell weight relative to tissues. Infected snails maintained at 20 degrees C had virtually ceased egg production by 21 days post-infection whereas control snails continued to lay eggs steadily for the duration of the experiment. The dry mass of snail tissue plus the cumulative dry weight of eggs produced was taken as an indication of the ability of control snails to generate biomass. Similarly the tissue mass plus cumulative egg weight and parasite weight was taken as an indication of the ability of the infected snails to generate biomass. The control and infected snails were not significantly different in this respect indicating that the gigantism of infected snails could be the result of a switch in nutrient supply from reproduction to somatic tissue growth and parasite growth. Castration was brought about 17-21 days after infection as a result of the direct consumption of the ovotestis by a proportion of the redial population. In a separate experiment it was demonstrated that a population of infected snails maintained at 20 degrees C survived as long as a similar group of control snails. The findings with this host-parasite system are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms causing castration and gigantism in other digene-snail interactions, and in relation to parasitic castration in other groups. It is concluded that the observed gigantism of infected snails is more likely to have a nutritional rather than endocrine origin.

  4. Arteritis de células gigantes (Arteritis temporal Utilidad del Eco-Doppler Color en el diagnóstico

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    Hugo Tarigo


    El objetivo de la presente comunicación es reafirmar la utilidad y valor de este método diagnóstico, subutilizado en nuestra práctica clínica, en pacientes con planteo de arteritis de células gigantes.

  5. Are sick individuals weak competitors? Competitive ability of snails parasitized by a gigantism-inducing trematode.

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    Otto Seppälä

    Full Text Available Parasitized individuals are often expected to be poor competitors because they are weakened by infections. Many trematode species, however, although extensively exploiting their mollusc hosts, also induce gigantism (increased host size by diverting host resources towards growth instead of reproduction. In such systems, alternatively to reduced competitive ability due to negative effects of parasitism on host performance, larger size could allow more efficient resource acquisition and thus increase the relative competitive ability of host individuals. We addressed this hypothesis by testing the effect of a trematode parasite Diplostomum pseudospathaceum on the competitive ability of its snail host Lymnaea stagnalis. We experimentally examined the growth of snails kept in pairs in relation to their infection status and intensity of resource competition (i.e. food availability. We found that parasitized snails grew faster and their reproduction was reduced compared to unparasitized individuals indicating parasite-induced gigantism. However, growth of the snails was faster when competing with parasitized individuals compared to unparasitized snails indicating reduced competitive ability due to parasitism. The latter effect, however, was relatively weak suggesting that the effects of the parasite on snail physiology may partly override each other in determining competitive ability.

  6. Quiste óseo aneurismático Aneurysmal bone cyst

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    Ferdinando de Conto


    Full Text Available El quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA es una lesión benigna rara en huesos maxilares, su mayor frecuencia es en huesos largos del esqueleto y columna vertebral. Algunos autores especulan que el origen sea por trauma, mala formación o un neoplasma. El aspecto radiográfico puede mostrar desde una imagen difusa hasta una imagen bien definida, muy semejante a las otras lesiones de los maxilares volviendo el diagnóstico diferencial amplio. Con la destrucción del córtex óseo puede todavía formar una imagen reaccional del periostio en forma de rayos de sol, característico de una lesión maligna. En este estudio, se presenta caso de paciente femenino, 17 años de edad, que buscó el Servicio de Cirugía y Traumatología Buco maxilofacial del Hospital São Vicente de Paulo-RS, que presentó dolor y aumento de volumen en la mandíbula. Informó que hace cerca de un año empezó a sentir malestar en la región junto al ángulo mandibular derecho, lo cual fue progresivamente aumentando de volumen. El aspecto radiográfico acordaba una lesión maligna. Después de la confirmación histopatológica de QOA, el tratamiento seleccionado para el caso fue quirúrgico conservador, con legrado de la cavidad ósea, y fue mantenido en control posoperatorio de rutina con 6 y 18 meses. En las radiografías panorámicas realizadas se verifica la neoformación ósea y cura del caso.The aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC is a benign and rare lesion in maxillary bones, is more frequent in largo bones of skeletal and spinal column. Some authors speculate about that its origin be traumatic, malformation of neoplasm. The radiographic appearance may to show from a diffuse image up to a well defined image very similar to the other maxillary lesions turning wide the differential diagnosis. With destruction of the bon cortex it is possible to create a reaction image of periosteum in sunbeams characteristic of malignant lesion. This is the case of a female patient aged 17 seeking

  7. Breast vasculitis in association with breast gigantism in a pregnant patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. (United States)

    Propper, D J; Reid, D M; Stankler, L; Eastmond, C J


    A 24 year old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) developed widespread necrotic skin ulceration and gigantism of both breasts during an exacerbation of SLE in the last trimester of her second pregnancy. Over the remainder of the pregnancy the ulceration was only controlled by high dose corticosteroids. After parturition, however, it was possible to reduce the steroid dose without recurrence of the ulceration. Images PMID:1888201

  8. Coexisting diseases modifying each other’s presentation - lack of growth failure in Turner syndrome due to the associated pituitary gigantism. (United States)

    Dragović, Tamara; Đuran, Zorana; Jelić, Svetlana; Marinković, Dejan; Kiković, Saša; Kuzmić-Janković, Snežana; Hajduković, Zoran


    Turner syndrome presents with one of the most frequent chromosomal aberrations in female, typically presented with growth retardation, ovarian insufficiency, facial dysmorphism, and numerous other somatic stigmata. Gigantism is an extremely rare condition resulting from an excessive growth hormone (GH) secretion that occurs during childhood before the fusion of epiphyseal growth plates. The major clinical feature of gigantism is growth acceleration, although these patients also suffer from hypogonadism and soft tissue hypertrophy. We presented a girl with mosaic Turner syndrome, delayed puberty and normal linear growth for the sex and age, due to the simultaneous GH hypersecretion by pituitary tumor. In the presented case all the typical phenotypic stigmata related to Turner syndrome were missing. Due to excessive pituitary GH secretion during the period while the epiphyseal growth plates of the long bones are still open, characteristic stagnation in longitudinal growth has not been demonstrated. The patient presented with delayed puberty and primary amenorrhea along with a sudden appearance of clinical signs of hypersomatotropinism, which were the reasons for seeking medical help at the age of 16. Physical examination of children presenting with delayed puberty but without growth arrest must include an overall hormonal and genetic testing even in the cases when typical clinical presentations of genetic disorder are absent. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of simultaneous presence of Turner syndrome and gigantism in the literature.

  9. Coexisting diseases modifying each other’s presentation - lack of growth failure in Turner syndrome due to the associated pituitary gigantism

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    Dragović Tamara


    Full Text Available Introduction. Turner syndrome presents with one of the most frequent chromosomal aberrations in female, typically presented with growth retardation, ovarian insufficiency, facial dysmorphism, and numerous other somatic stigmata. Gigantism is an extremely rare condition resulting from an excessive growth hormone (GH secretion that occurs during childhood before the fusion of epiphyseal growth plates. The major clinical feature of gigantism is growth acceleration, although these patients also suffer from hypogonadism and soft tissue hypertrophy. Case report. We presented a girl with mosaic Turner syndrome, delayed puberty and normal linear growth for the sex and age, due to the simultaneous GH hypersecretion by pituitary tumor. In the presented case all the typical phenotypic stigmata related to Turner syndrome were missing. Due to excessive pituitary GH secretion during the period while the epiphyseal growth plates of the long bones are still open, characteristic stagnation in longitudinal growth has not been demonstrated. The patient presented with delayed puberty and primary amenorrhea along with a sudden appearance of clinical signs of hypersomatotropinism, which were the reasons for seeking medical help at the age of 16. Conclusion. Physical examination of children presenting with delayed puberty but without growth arrest must include an overall hormonal and genetic testing even in the cases when typical clinical presentations of genetic disorder are absent. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of simultaneous presence of Turner syndrome and gigantism in the literature.

  10. Galls and gall makers in plants from the Pé-de-Gigante Cerrado Reserve, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, Brazil. (United States)

    Urso-Guimarães, M V; Scareli-Santos, C


    Thirty-six morphologically different types of galls were obtained in leaves, leaflets, veins, petioles, stems, tendrils and flower buds from twenty-five species of plants in the Pé-de-Gigante Reserve, municipality of Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The host plant species belong to the closely related families Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Asteraceae, Bignoniaceae, Caryocaraceae, Erythroxylaceae, Fabaceae, Malpighiaceae, Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae, Ochnaceae, Polygalaceae, Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, and Smilacaceae. The most common gall makers included Cecidomyiidae (Diptera), Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera) and Diaspididae (Sternorrhyncha-Hemiptera). This is the first report of galls found in the following plant genera: Gochnatia (Asteraceae), Distictela (Bignoniaceae), Banisteriopsis (Malpighiaceae), Ouratea (Ochnaceae), and Bredemeyera (Polygalaceae). The results of this work contribute to the body of knowledge about the relationship among host plants, gall makers, and the gall morphology of Pé-de-Gigante Cerrado Reserve.

  11. Galls and gall makers in plants from the Pé-de-Gigante Cerrado Reserve, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, Brazil

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    M. V. Urso-Guimarães

    Full Text Available Thirty-six morphologically different types of galls were obtained in leaves, leaflets, veins, petioles, stems, tendrils and flower buds from twenty-five species of plants in the Pé-de-Gigante Reserve, municipality of Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The host plant species belong to the closely related families Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Asteraceae, Bignoniaceae, Caryocaraceae, Erythroxylaceae, Fabaceae, Malpighiaceae, Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae, Ochnaceae, Polygalaceae, Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, and Smilacaceae. The most common gall makers included Cecidomyiidae (Diptera, Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera and Diaspididae (Sternorrhyncha-Hemiptera. This is the first report of galls found in the following plant genera: Gochnatia (Asteraceae, Distictela (Bignoniaceae, Banisteriopsis (Malpighiaceae, Ouratea (Ochnaceae, and Bredemeyera (Polygalaceae. The results of this work contribute to the body of knowledge about the relationship among host plants, gall makers, and the gall morphology of Pé-de-Gigante Cerrado Reserve.

  12. Pegvisomant therapy in pituitary gigantism: successful treatment in a 12-year-old girl. (United States)

    Rix, M; Laurberg, P; Hoejberg, A S; Brock-Jacobsen, B


    The use of a growth hormone (GH) receptor antagonist, pegvisomant has shown great promise in adults with acromegaly, but experience in paediatric patients is lacking. We aimed to describe the results of pegvisomant therapy in a 12-year-old girl with an aggressive GH-secreting pituitary tumour. To evaluate the ability of pegvisomant therapy to control the effects of peripheral GH excess in a case of pituitary gigantism. Pegvisomant was introduced at 10 mg/day, given subcutaneously, and gradually increased to 20 mg/day until serum IGF-I was normal for age. A large pituitary adenoma with suprasellar extension was diagnosed in a 12-year-old girl with progressive tall stature (178 cm), GH hypersecretion without suppression during oral glucose loading (nadir serum GH, 90 mU/l), high serum IGF-I and serum prolactin levels. Surgical extirpation was not possible because tumour tissue was fibrous and adherent to the optical nerves. Histological examination showed a mixed GH- and prolactin-secreting adenoma with lymphocytic infiltration of B and T cells. Treatment with a dopamine agonist, cabergoline, normalized serum prolactin, but GH secretion was resistant to both somatostatin analogue, octreotide and cabergoline. Radiation followed by pegvisomant therapy titrated up in dose to 20 mg/day led to a marked reduction in GH secretion and normalization of IGF-I, and to growth arrest and improvement of well-being. We suggest that treatment in pituitary gigantism with pegvisomant is safe and may normalize IGF-I levels and effectively stop growing.

  13. Can Oxygen Set Thermal Limits in an Insect and Drive Gigantism? (United States)

    Verberk, Wilco C. E. P.; Bilton, David T.


    Background Thermal limits may arise through a mismatch between oxygen supply and demand in a range of animal taxa. Whilst this oxygen limitation hypothesis is supported by data from a range of marine fish and invertebrates, its generality remains contentious. In particular, it is unclear whether oxygen limitation determines thermal extremes in tracheated arthropods, where oxygen limitation may be unlikely due to the efficiency and plasticity of tracheal systems in supplying oxygen directly to metabolically active tissues. Although terrestrial taxa with open tracheal systems may not be prone to oxygen limitation, species may be affected during other life-history stages, particularly if these rely on diffusion into closed tracheal systems. Furthermore, a central role for oxygen limitation in insects is envisaged within a parallel line of research focussing on insect gigantism in the late Palaeozoic. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we examine thermal maxima in the aquatic life stages of an insect at normoxia, hypoxia (14 kPa) and hyperoxia (36 kPa). We demonstrate that upper thermal limits do indeed respond to external oxygen supply in the aquatic life stages of the stonefly Dinocras cephalotes, suggesting that the critical thermal limits of such aquatic larvae are set by oxygen limitation. This could result from impeded oxygen delivery, or limited oxygen regulatory capacity, both of which have implications for our understanding of the limits to insect body size and how these are influenced by atmospheric oxygen levels. Conclusions/Significance These findings extend the generality of the hypothesis of oxygen limitation of thermal tolerance, suggest that oxygen constraints on body size may be stronger in aquatic environments, and that oxygen toxicity may have actively selected for gigantism in the aquatic stages of Carboniferous arthropods. PMID:21818347

  14. Can oxygen set thermal limits in an insect and drive gigantism?

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    Wilco C E P Verberk

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Thermal limits may arise through a mismatch between oxygen supply and demand in a range of animal taxa. Whilst this oxygen limitation hypothesis is supported by data from a range of marine fish and invertebrates, its generality remains contentious. In particular, it is unclear whether oxygen limitation determines thermal extremes in tracheated arthropods, where oxygen limitation may be unlikely due to the efficiency and plasticity of tracheal systems in supplying oxygen directly to metabolically active tissues. Although terrestrial taxa with open tracheal systems may not be prone to oxygen limitation, species may be affected during other life-history stages, particularly if these rely on diffusion into closed tracheal systems. Furthermore, a central role for oxygen limitation in insects is envisaged within a parallel line of research focussing on insect gigantism in the late Palaeozoic. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we examine thermal maxima in the aquatic life stages of an insect at normoxia, hypoxia (14 kPa and hyperoxia (36 kPa. We demonstrate that upper thermal limits do indeed respond to external oxygen supply in the aquatic life stages of the stonefly Dinocras cephalotes, suggesting that the critical thermal limits of such aquatic larvae are set by oxygen limitation. This could result from impeded oxygen delivery, or limited oxygen regulatory capacity, both of which have implications for our understanding of the limits to insect body size and how these are influenced by atmospheric oxygen levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings extend the generality of the hypothesis of oxygen limitation of thermal tolerance, suggest that oxygen constraints on body size may be stronger in aquatic environments, and that oxygen toxicity may have actively selected for gigantism in the aquatic stages of Carboniferous arthropods.

  15. Esplenomegalia gigante en la leucemia linfocítica crónica

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    José Luis González González

    Full Text Available La leucemia linfocítica crónica constituye la forma de leucemia más frecuente en el mundo occidental; sus síntomas más frecuentes son la aparición de adenopatías, el cansancio, la pérdida de peso y aquellos derivados de las infecciones y del síndrome anémico. Aunque es una de las enfermedades que rara vez son tributarias de una esplenectomía por hiperesplenismo, es una entidad frecuente en hematología y debe ser del dominio y conocimiento del cirujano general. Presentamos un paciente con una esplenomegalia de proporciones gigantes, de inusual aparición.

  16. Gigantic Jets and the Tropical Paradigm: A Satellite Perspective (United States)

    Lazarus, S. M.; Splitt, M. E.


    While not exclusively oceanic, gigantic jets (GJ) appear to have a preference for the tropical environment. In particular, a number of GJs have been observed in conjunction with tropical disturbances (i.e., weak tropical storms, depressions, and remnant lows). Given the remote aspect of TC convection and general lack of radar coverage, we explore this subset of events via analysis of their infrared and water vapor satellite presentations. The satellite perspective is relevant given that storm top mixing (dilution) of charge associated with storm-scale turbulence in this portion of the storm is thought to be connected to GJs. The thunderstorm overshoot, upper level divergence / outflow are examined in an effort to better understand the tropical paradigm. Specifically, an analysis of cloud top temperature, anvil expansion rates and asymmetries as well as placement of the GJ events with respect to the large (storm) scale circulation will be conducted.

  17. Hepatocarcinoma gigante unifocal en mujer con ingesta prolongada de anticonceptivos hormonales: ¿casualidad o causalidad?




    Presentamos un caso de una paciente de mediana edad con ingesta mantenida de anticonceptivos hormonales (AH) que desarrolla múltiples adenomas hepáticos (asociación bien documentada) y un carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) unifocal gigante sin encontrar otros factores de riesgo para el mismo (enolismo, tabaquismo, cirrosis, hemocromatosis,....). Si bien en la literatura no hay unanimidad respecto a la asociación del consumo de AH con el CHC, algunos autores ya contemplaron esa posibilidad, excluye...

  18. Bariones y gravitones gigantes en el marco de la correspondencia AdS/CFT


    Picos Sol, Marco Antonio


    Se construyen y analizan dos tipos de configuraciones que pueden construirse en el espacio dual a la teoría ABJM (en la dualidad AdS_4/CFT_3): gravitones gigantes y vértices bariónicos. Ambas configuraciones hacen uso de la posibilidad de enrrollar branas en ciclos topológicamente no triviales en el lado gravitatorio de la dualidad. Los vértices bariónicos están formados por branas enrrolladas atadas a cuerdas que se extienden hasta la frontera de AdS, y son vistos desde el lado gauge com...

  19. Giants among larges: how gigantism impacts giant virus entry into amoebae. (United States)

    Rodrigues, Rodrigo Araújo Lima; Abrahão, Jônatas Santos; Drumond, Betânia Paiva; Kroon, Erna Geessien


    The proposed order Megavirales comprises the nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDV), infecting a wide range of hosts. Over time, they co-evolved with different host cells, developing various strategies to penetrate them. Mimiviruses and other giant viruses enter cells through phagocytosis, while Marseillevirus and other large viruses explore endocytosis and macropinocytosis. These differing strategies might reflect the evolution of those viruses. Various scenarios have been proposed for the origin and evolution of these viruses, presenting one of the most enigmatic issues to surround these microorganisms. In this context, we believe that giant viruses evolved independently by massive gene/size gain, exploring the phagocytic pathway of entry into amoebas. In response to gigantism, hosts developed mechanisms to evade these parasites. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Unusual AIP mutation and phenocopy in the family of a young patient with acromegalic gigantism


    Syed Ali Imran; Khaled A Aldahmani; Lynette Penney; Sidney E Croul; David B Clarke; Donato Iacovazzo; Márta Korbonits


    Summary Early-onset acromegaly causing gigantism is often associated with aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting receptor protein (AIP) mutation, especially if there is a positive family history. A15y male presented with tiredness and visual problems. He was 201 cm tall with a span of 217 cm. He had typical facial features of acromegaly, elevated IGF-1, secondary hypogonadism and a large macroadenoma. His paternal aunt had a history of acromegaly presenting at the age of 35 years. Following transspheno...

  1. Diagnóstico visual en patología quirúrgica infantil


    Elías Pollina, J.


    Hay una serie de lesiones (quiste dermoide, frenillo vestibular, frenillo lingual, orejas alatas, apéndices preauriculares, fístulas preauriculares, hendidura cervical media, linfangioma quístico cervical, fístulas y quistes branquiales, quistes del conducto tirogloso, politelia, pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum, hernia umbilical, hernia epigástrica, granuloma umbilical, hernia inguinal, hidrocele, criptorquidia, varicocele, fimosis, sinequia vulvar, himen imperforado, hidrometrocolpos, qui...

  2. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with gigantism and huge pelvic tumor: a rare case of McCune-Albright syndrome. (United States)

    Sakayama, Kenshi; Sugawara, Yoshifumi; Kidani, Teruki; Fujibuchi, Taketsugu; Kito, Katsumi; Tanji, Nozomu; Nakamura, Atsushi


    We report a rare case of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia on endocrine hyperfunction with elevated human growth hormone and normal serum level of prolactin. There were some differential points of gender, gigantism, endocrine function, and GNAS gene from McCune-Albright syndrome. Malignant transformation was suspected in the pelvic tumor from imaging because rapid growth of the tumor by imaging was observed; however, no malignant change occurred in this case.

  3. Aggressive tumor growth and clinical evolution in a patient with X-linked acro-gigantism syndrome.


    Naves, Luciana A.; Daly, Adrian Francis; Dias, Luiz Augusto; Yuan, Bo; Zakir, Juliano Coelho Oliveira; Barra, Gustavo Barcellos; Palmeira, Leonor; Villa, Chiara; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Junior, Armindo Jreige; Neto, Florencio Figueiredo Cavalcante; Liu, Pengfei; Pellegata, Natalia S.; Stratakis, Constantine A.; Lupski, James R.


    X-linked acro-gigantism (X-LAG) syndrome is a newly described disease caused by microduplications on chromosome Xq26.3 leading to copy number gain of GPR101. We describe the clinical progress of a sporadic male X-LAG syndrome patient with an Xq26.3 microduplication, highlighting the aggressive natural history of pituitary tumor growth in the absence of treatment. The patient first presented elsewhere aged 5 years 8 months with a history of excessive growth for >2 years. His height was 163 cm,...

  4. Origin of gigantic magnetostriction and crystal field effects in terbium dititanate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aleksandrov, I.V.; Lidskij, B.V.; Mamsurova, L.G.


    The temperature and magnetic field dependences of the magnetostriction and magnetization and the temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and lattice parameter are investigated experimentally in a broad range of temperature and field strength for polycrystalline and single crystal Tb 2 Ti 2 O 7 . A conclusion is drawn regarding the structure of the energy levels of Tb 3+ in Tb 2 Ti 2 O 7 . A qualitative and quantitative explanation of all observed magnetic effects, and in particular of gigantic magnetostriction in Tb 2 Ti 2 O 7 , is presented which is based on the crystal field theory. It is shown that the huge magnitude of the magnetostriction in terbium dititanate is due to the specificity of the energy spectrum of Tb 3+ in Tb 2 Ti 2 O 7

  5. Cordoma Sacrococcígeo gigante: relato de caso Giant Sacrococcygeal chordoma: case report

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    Tiago Leal Ghezzi


    Full Text Available Cordoma sacrococcígeo é uma neoplasia maligna rara que se origina de remanescentes da notocorda. A localização crítica, comportamento localmente agressivo, reconhecida resistência à radioterapia, significativa morbimortalidade cirúrgica e elevada taxa de recidiva tornam seu tratamento um desafio. Descrevemos um caso de cordoma sacrococcígeo gigante.Sacrococcygeal chordoma is a rare malignant neoplasm arised from the remmants of the notochord. The critical localization, locally aggressive behavior, well-known resistance to radiation therapy, meaningful surgical morbimortality and increased recurrence rate become its treatment a challenge. We describe a case of a giant unresectable sacrococcygeal chordoma.

  6. Pituitary gigantism: a retrospective case series. (United States)

    Creo, Ana L; Lteif, Aida N


    Pituitary gigantism (PG) is a rare pediatric disease with poorly defined long-term outcomes. Our aim is to describe the longitudinal clinical course in PG patients using a single-center, retrospective cohort study. Patients younger than 19 years diagnosed with PG were identified. Thirteen cases were confirmed based on histopathology of a GH secreting adenoma or hyperplasia and a height >2 SD for age and gender. Laboratory studies, initial pathology, and imaging were abstracted. Average age at diagnosis was 13 years with an average initial tumor size of 7.4×3.8 mm. Initial transsphenoidal surgery was curative in 3/12 patients. Four of the nine patients who failed the initial surgery required a repeat procedure. Octreotide successfully normalized GH levels in 1/6 patients with disease refractory to surgery (1/6). Two out of five patients received pegvisomant after failing octreotide but only one patient responded to treatment. Five patients were ultimately treated with radiosurgery or radiation patients were followed for an average of 10 years. PG is difficult to treat. In most patients, the initial transsphenoidal surgery failed to normalize GH levels. If the initial surgery was unsuccessful, repeat surgery was unlikely to control GH secretion. Treatment with octreotide or pegvisomant was successful in less than half the patients failing surgery. Radiosurgery was curative, but is not an optimal treatment for pediatric patients. Despite the small sample, our study suggests that the treatment outcome of pediatric PG may be different than adults.

  7. What lies beneath: sub-articular long bone shape scaling in eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs suggests different locomotor adaptations for gigantism. (United States)

    Bonnan, Matthew F; Wilhite, D Ray; Masters, Simon L; Yates, Adam M; Gardner, Christine K; Aguiar, Adam


    Eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs both evolved lineages of huge terrestrial herbivores. Although significantly more saurischian dinosaurs were giants than eutherians, the long bones of both taxa scale similarly and suggest that locomotion was dynamically similar. However, articular cartilage is thin in eutherian mammals but thick in saurischian dinosaurs, differences that could have contributed to, or limited, how frequently gigantism evolved. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that sub-articular bone, which supports the articular cartilage, changes shape in different ways between terrestrial mammals and dinosaurs with increasing size. Our sample consisted of giant mammal and reptile taxa (i.e., elephants, rhinos, sauropods) plus erect and non-erect outgroups with thin and thick articular cartilage. Our results show that eutherian mammal sub-articular shape becomes narrow with well-defined surface features as size increases. In contrast, this region in saurischian dinosaurs expands and remains gently convex with increasing size. Similar trends were observed in non-erect outgroup taxa (monotremes, alligators), showing that the trends we report are posture-independent. These differences support our hypothesis that sub-articular shape scales differently between eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs. Our results show that articular cartilage thickness and sub-articular shape are correlated. In mammals, joints become ever more congruent and thinner with increasing size, whereas archosaur joints remained both congruent and thick, especially in sauropods. We suggest that gigantism occurs less frequently in mammals, in part, because joints composed of thin articular cartilage can only become so congruent before stress cannot be effectively alleviated. In contrast, frequent gigantism in saurischian dinosaurs may be explained, in part, by joints with thick articular cartilage that can deform across large areas with increasing load.

  8. Controlled Growth of Gigantic Swirls in a Laboratory Magnetosphere (United States)

    Worstell, M. W.; Mauel, M. E.; Roberts, T. M.


    Space and laboratory plasma confined by a strong magnetic field have remarkable properties. Low frequency mixing of the plasma occurs through the interchange of long plasma-filled tubes aligned with the magnetic field. The plasma dynamics becomes two-dimensional because these tubes can only move radially or circulate around the poles of the magnetic dipole. Studies of turbulent interchange dynamics made using the Collisionless Terella Experiment (CTX) show that turbulence appears as chaotic time-varying modes with broad global mode structures that interact nonlinearly and form an inverse cascade.footnotetextB.A. Grierson, M.W. Worstell, M.E. Mauel, Phys. Plasmas 16 055902 (2009) When we drive vortex mixing through the application of electrostatic bias to multiple probes, we break the rotational symmetry of the plasma and small vortex tubes are seen to drive larger ``gigantic'' swirls. Statistical analysis of the time-evolving spectra and measurement of the bicoherence of the turbulence show an increase of three wave coupling during non-axisymmetric electrostatic drive of the probe array.

  9. Aggressive tumor growth and clinical evolution in a patient with X-linked acro-gigantism syndrome. (United States)

    Naves, Luciana A; Daly, Adrian F; Dias, Luiz Augusto; Yuan, Bo; Zakir, Juliano Coelho Oliveira; Barra, Gustavo Barcellos; Palmeira, Leonor; Villa, Chiara; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Júnior, Armindo Jreige; Neto, Florêncio Figueiredo Cavalcante; Liu, Pengfei; Pellegata, Natalia S; Stratakis, Constantine A; Lupski, James R; Beckers, Albert


    X-linked acro-gigantism (X-LAG) syndrome is a newly described disease caused by microduplications on chromosome Xq26.3 leading to copy number gain of GPR101. We describe the clinical progress of a sporadic male X-LAG syndrome patient with an Xq26.3 microduplication, highlighting the aggressive natural history of pituitary tumor growth in the absence of treatment. The patient first presented elsewhere aged 5 years 8 months with a history of excessive growth for >2 years. His height was 163 cm, his weight was 36 kg, and he had markedly elevated GH and IGF-1. MRI showed a non-invasive sellar mass measuring 32.5 × 23.9 × 29.1 mm. Treatment was declined and the family was lost to follow-up. At the age of 10 years and 7 months, he presented again with headaches, seizures, and visual disturbance. His height had increased to 197 cm. MRI showed an invasive mass measuring 56.2 × 58.1 × 45.0 mm, with compression of optic chiasma, bilateral cavernous sinus invasion, and hydrocephalus. His thyrotrope, corticotrope, and gonadotrope axes were deficient. Surgery, somatostatin analogs, and cabergoline did not control vertical growth and pegvisomant was added, although vertical growth continues (currently 207 cm at 11 years 7 months of age). X-LAG syndrome is a new genomic disorder in which early-onset pituitary tumorigenesis can lead to marked overgrowth and gigantism. This case illustrates the aggressive nature of tumor evolution and the challenging clinical management in X-LAG syndrome.

  10. Escleritis nodular posterior gigante compatible con sarcoidosis ocular simulando un melanoma de la coroides


    Pérez-Campagne, E.; Guex-Crosier, Y.; Schalenbourg, A.; Uffer, S.; Zografos, L.


    Caso clínico: Un paciente de 30 años fue enviado a nuestro servicio oncológico de referencia con el diagnóstico de melanoma amelanótico de la coroides del ojo izquierdo. Se hicieron los siguientes exámenes: oftalmoscopía, angiografía fluoresceínica, angiografía con verde de indocianina, ecografía, resonancia magnética y biopsia. Discusión: El diagnóstico de escleritis nodular posterior gigante basado en la ecografía se confirmó mediante una biopsia. Se realizó un examen médico completo buscán...

  11. What lies beneath: sub-articular long bone shape scaling in eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs suggests different locomotor adaptations for gigantism.

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    Matthew F Bonnan

    Full Text Available Eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs both evolved lineages of huge terrestrial herbivores. Although significantly more saurischian dinosaurs were giants than eutherians, the long bones of both taxa scale similarly and suggest that locomotion was dynamically similar. However, articular cartilage is thin in eutherian mammals but thick in saurischian dinosaurs, differences that could have contributed to, or limited, how frequently gigantism evolved. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that sub-articular bone, which supports the articular cartilage, changes shape in different ways between terrestrial mammals and dinosaurs with increasing size. Our sample consisted of giant mammal and reptile taxa (i.e., elephants, rhinos, sauropods plus erect and non-erect outgroups with thin and thick articular cartilage. Our results show that eutherian mammal sub-articular shape becomes narrow with well-defined surface features as size increases. In contrast, this region in saurischian dinosaurs expands and remains gently convex with increasing size. Similar trends were observed in non-erect outgroup taxa (monotremes, alligators, showing that the trends we report are posture-independent. These differences support our hypothesis that sub-articular shape scales differently between eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs. Our results show that articular cartilage thickness and sub-articular shape are correlated. In mammals, joints become ever more congruent and thinner with increasing size, whereas archosaur joints remained both congruent and thick, especially in sauropods. We suggest that gigantism occurs less frequently in mammals, in part, because joints composed of thin articular cartilage can only become so congruent before stress cannot be effectively alleviated. In contrast, frequent gigantism in saurischian dinosaurs may be explained, in part, by joints with thick articular cartilage that can deform across large areas with increasing load.

  12. Gigantic spin splitting of exciton states in CdSe:Mn hexagonal crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komarov, A.V.; Ryabchenko, S.M.; Semenov, Yu.G.; Shanina, B.D.; Vitrikhovskij, N.I.; AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Poluprovodnikov)


    Gigantic spin splitting of exciton states in magneto-doped semiconductors is observed for the first time in the CdSe: Mn hexagonal crystal. A theoretical interpretation of some features of the effect due to the anisotropy of the crystal is presented. The parameters of the band structure are determined by comparing with the experiments: Δ 1 =46+-3, Δ 2 =137+-1, Δ 3 =140.6+-0.3 meV. It is shown that in CdSe:Mn just as in cubic semiconductors, exchange interaction with magnetic impurities is ferromagnetic for electrons of the conductivity band and antiferromagnetic for electrons of the valence band. The exchange constants are of the same order of magnetude as those for the CdTe:Mn, ZnTe:Mn and ZnSe:Mn crystals

  13. A Gigantic, Exceptionally Complete Titanosaurian Sauropod Dinosaur from Southern Patagonia, Argentina (United States)

    Lacovara, Kenneth J.; Lamanna, Matthew C.; Ibiricu, Lucio M.; Poole, Jason C.; Schroeter, Elena R.; Ullmann, Paul V.; Voegele, Kristyn K.; Boles, Zachary M.; Carter, Aja M.; Fowler, Emma K.; Egerton, Victoria M.; Moyer, Alison E.; Coughenour, Christopher L.; Schein, Jason P.; Harris, Jerald D.; Martínez, Rubén D.; Novas, Fernando E.


    Titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs were the most diverse and abundant large-bodied herbivores in the southern continents during the final 30 million years of the Mesozoic Era. Several titanosaur species are regarded as the most massive land-living animals yet discovered; nevertheless, nearly all of these giant titanosaurs are known only from very incomplete fossils, hindering a detailed understanding of their anatomy. Here we describe a new and gigantic titanosaur, Dreadnoughtus schrani, from Upper Cretaceous sediments in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Represented by approximately 70% of the postcranial skeleton, plus craniodental remains, Dreadnoughtus is the most complete giant titanosaur yet discovered, and provides new insight into the morphology and evolutionary history of these colossal animals. Furthermore, despite its estimated mass of about 59.3 metric tons, the bone histology of the Dreadnoughtus type specimen reveals that this individual was still growing at the time of death. PMID:25186586

  14. Control químico del Nematodo quiste Heterodera trifolii en clavel miniatura Chemical control of the cyst nematode, Heterodera trifolii in miniature carnation

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    Marroquin Alicia


    Full Text Available Una de las enfermedades en el cultivo del clavel recientemente registradas en Colombia es el nemátodo quiste, Heterodera trifolii. Un aumento del marchitamiento vascular ocasionado por Fusarium oxysporumof. sp. dianthi se ha observado en algunas fincas afectadas por los dos patógenos. La investigación se realizó para evaluar el efecto de varios productos químicos en el control del nemátodo, en un invernadero comercial con clavel miniatura de la variedad Red Baron. Los fumigantes DD-metilisotiocianato, Dazomet y Metan sodio se aplicaron al suelo antes de la siembra, solos y en combinación con tres nemáticidas no fumiqantes Aldicarb, Carbofuran y Oxamil, en tres épocas de aplicación. Los fumigantes fueron máseficientes para la reducción de la población del nemátodo en el suelo que los nematicidasno fumigantes. El mejor tratamiento fue DD-metilisotiocianato con una reducción del 52% de la población de quistes viables y de 38% en la población de larvas en el suelo, un adelanto de 15 días en la cosecha, un aumento del 9% en rendimiento y del 19% en ingresos netos, en comparación con el Testigo no tratado. Entre los nematicidas no fumigantes, los mejores tratamientos fueron Aldicarb y Carbofuran aplicados en el momento de la siembra y Oxamil aplicado 30 días después de la siembra. La combinación de los fumigantes y de los nematicidas no fumigantes no mejoró el control del nemátodo, el rendimiento y la calidad de las flores, pero si aumentó notablemente los costos de producción.
    One of the diseases recently registered on carnation in Colombia is the cystnematode caused by Heterodera trifolii. An increase of the vascular wilt was observed in some farms affected by the two pathogens. A trial was carried out in a commercial greenhouse with miniature carnation of the variety Red Baron. The fumigants DD memethylisothiocianate, Dazomet and Methamsodium applied to the soil before planting were used alone and in combination with


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    Dra. Paulina Neira


    Las Neoplasias Endocrinas Múltiples incluyen entre sus manifestaciones los tumores paratiroideos, los feocromocitomas, los tumores gastroenteropancreáticos y el cáncer medular de tiroides. Estas lesiones presentan características fisiológicas como expresión de receptores o hiperfunción celular que permiten obtener imágenes con técnicas de Medicina Nuclear que actualmente se denominan Imágenes Moleculares.

  16. Management of pituitary gigantism. The role of bromocriptine and radiotherapy. (United States)

    Ritzén, E M; Wettrell, G; Davies, G; Grant, D B


    True gigantism with overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) was diagnosed in two boys, aged 13 years (case I) and 7 1/2 years (case II). Both had shown increased growth rates since early childhood (from 4 years and 1 1/2 years, respectively), but no skeletal acromegalic features were noted. However, both showed increased sweating and both had advanced pubic hair relative to testis volume. No other pituitary dysfunction was recorded. Case I underwent transsphenoidal surgery with only incomplete and temporary suppression of GH and PRL levels. However, in both patients bromocriptine administration promptly suppressed PRL levels. Following combined irradiation and bromocriptine treatment, GH also gradually normalized over a period of 2 years. Both boys are still on treatment, and both showed an increase in plasma GH concentrations when the dose of bromocriptine was reduced or discontinued, indicating that even 3 1/2-5 years after irradiation therapy (and during continuous treatment with bromocriptine) the disease was controlled but not cured. However, in these two boys bromocriptine has proved effective in controlling the PRL/GH oversecretion.

  17. Hepatocarcinoma gigante unifocal en mujer con ingesta prolongada de anticonceptivos hormonales: ¿casualidad o causalidad?

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    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso de una paciente de mediana edad con ingesta mantenida de anticonceptivos hormonales (AH que desarrolla múltiples adenomas hepáticos (asociación bien documentada y un carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC unifocal gigante sin encontrar otros factores de riesgo para el mismo (enolismo, tabaquismo, cirrosis, hemocromatosis,..... Si bien en la literatura no hay unanimidad respecto a la asociación del consumo de AH con el CHC, algunos autores ya contemplaron esa posibilidad, excluyendo también otras etiologías reconocidas de CHC, por lo que debería reevaluarse si su asociación es aleatoria o por el contrario existe nexo causal.

  18. Gigantic transverse voltage induced via off-diagonal thermoelectric effect in CaxCoO2 thin films (United States)

    Takahashi, Kouhei; Kanno, Tsutomu; Sakai, Akihiro; Adachi, Hideaki; Yamada, Yuka


    Gigantic transverse voltages exceeding several tens volt have been observed in CaxCoO2 thin films with tilted c-axis orientation upon illumination of nanosecond laser pulses. The voltage signals were highly anisotropic within the film surface showing close relation with the c-axis tilt direction. The magnitude and the decay time of the voltage strongly depended on the film thickness. These results confirm that the large laser-induced voltage originates from a phenomenon termed the off-diagonal thermoelectric effect, by which a film out-of-plane temperature gradient leads to generation of a film in-plane voltage.

  19. Molecular design of TiO2 for gigantic red shift via sublattice substitution. (United States)

    Shao, Guosheng; Deng, Quanrong; Wan, Lin; Guo, Meilan; Xia, Xiaohong; Gao, Yun


    The effects of 3d transition metal doping in TiO2 phases have been simulated in detail. The results of modelling indicate that Mn has the biggest potential among 3d transition metals, for the reduction of energy gap and the introduction of effective intermediate bands to allow multi-band optical absorption. On the basis of theoretical formulation, we have incorporated considerable amount of Mn in nano-crystalline TiO2 materials. Mn doped samples demonstrate significant red shift in the optical absorption edge, with a secondary absorption edge corresponding to theoretically predicted intermediate bands/states. The gigantic red shift achievable in Mn-doped TiO2 is expected to extend the useful TiO2 functionalities well beyond the UV threshold via the optical absorption of both visible and infrared photon irradiance.

  20. Adenoma paratiroideo ectópico mediastinal: Diagnóstico por sonda de detección gamma y resección por videotoracoscopia Ectopic mediastinal parathyroid adenoma: Detection with a radioisotopic probe and resolution with videothoracoscopy

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    Daniel Moncet


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 66 años con diagnóstico de hiperparatiroidismo primario por adenoma paratiroideo ectópico mediastinal realizado por gammagrafía paratiroidea con 99mtc-metoxi-isobutil-isonitrito (Tc99-MIBI. Fue intervenida exitosamente mediante la técnica de videotoracoscopia. Durante el procedimiento se utilizó la medición de parathormona y a los 10 minutos de extirpado el adenoma se obtuvo un descenso mayor del 50% del basal. La sonda de detección gamma no fue efectiva in situ por la superposición del radioisótopo con el miocardio pero confirmó la radioactividad dentro del quirófano una vez extirpado el adenoma. La paciente normalizó los valores de calcemia y parathormona en el postoperatorio y permaneció normocalcémica luego de 9 meses de seguimiento. En nuestro caso, la localización prequirúrgica y el monitoreo de parathormona intraoperatoria fueron de gran utilidad para el éxito quirúrgico, la sonda detectora marcada con Tc99-MIBI no fue efectiva in situ pero confirmó la radioactividad una vez extirpado el adenoma. El tratamiento quirúrgico endoscópico por videotoracoscopia fue bien tolerado, menos doloroso que la toracotomía y acortó el tiempo de internación.We report a 66 years old woman with a diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism. Localization to mediastinum was obtained with parathyroid scintigraphy using 99mtc-methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrite (Tc99-MIBI. The patient was successfully operated upon by means of a videothora-coscopic approach. During the procedure serum parathormone was measured before and 10 minutes after adenomectomy, showing a more than 50% reduction from the basal level. An attempt to detect the precise site of the adenoma with a Tc99-MIBI probe was unsuccessful because of its proximity to the myocardium, but radioactivity was confirmed on the surgical specimen after resection. The patient's calcemia and parathormone levels became normal during the postoperative course and she

  1. Utilización de Colloss® para el tratamiento de quistes mandibulares: Descripción de una serie clínica The use of lyophilized bovine collagen (Colloss® for treating mandibular cysts: Description of a clinical series

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    J. Arias Gallo


    Full Text Available La enucleación de quistes óseos conlleva la aparición de defectos óseos. Se acepta que los cuando son menores de 3 cm. de diámetro y están alejados del reborde alveolar se rellenan de hueso neoformado en unos meses. Por el contrario, defectos óseos mayores no regeneran completamente. "Colloss®" parece ser un interesante material osteoinductivo. Se trata de un complejo liofilizado de las proteínas extracelulares extraídas del hueso bovino diafisario. Contiene fundamentalmente colágeno tipo I y cantidades variables de BMPs. En el período comprendido entre Febrero de 2002 y Enero de 2004 se utilizó colágeno liofilizado bovino para la reconstrucción ósea de 7 pacientes con quistes mandibulares tratados en el Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid. Este material se combinó con injertos óseos autólogos o con mallas de titanio en varios de los casos. Se observó en la totalidad de los casos una adecuada regeneración ósea. En dos de los casos, en los que se mezcló Colloss® con hueso autólogo se produjo el rechazo de este último. Tras sus retirada el proceso curativo discurrió sin incidencias. También se constató una tendencia a la exposición intraoral de las mallas de titanio sin que ello se viese reflejado en el proceso de curación. Podemos señalar como ventajas de la utilización del colágeno liofilizado bovino (Colloss® para el tratamiento de quistes odontogénicos: su capacidad osteoinductiva demostrada; la ausencia de efectos adversos de importancia y su utilidad en la determinación precoz de recidivas. Como posibles desventajas destacaríamos: su difícil manejo; la conveniencia de encontrar un carrier adecuado que permitiese una manipulación más sencilla, la necesidad de ajustar la dosis necesaria de forma precisa y, por último, las complicaciones potenciales relacionadas con cualquier tipo de xenoinjerto de origen bovino.The treatment of mandible bone cysts commonly leads to the development of bone defects

  2. The role of the seed coat in the light sensivity in Raphanus sativus L. cv. redondo gigante seeds O papel do tegumento na sensibilidade à luz em sementes de Raphanus sativus L. cv. redondo gigante

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    Maura Lúcia Costa Gonçalves


    Full Text Available The role of the seed coat in the light sensitivity of seeds of Raphanus sativus L. cv. redondo gigante was analysed by germination tests of intact and naked seeds. Far-red light caused high inhibition of seed germination, while under white and red lights low inhibition was found. Naked seeds presented no light sensitivity with high percentage germination under light and darkness. However, incubation of naked seeds in -0.6MPa polyethylene glycol solution resulted in light inhibition as observed in intact seeds. The analysis of the seed coat transmitted light indicated that the filtered light presented the same photoequilibrium of phytochrome when compared to the white light, with a decrease of only 33% in the light irradiance which reaches the embryo.O papel do tegumento sobre a sensibilidade à luz em sementes de Raphanus sativus L. cv. redondo gigante foi analisado por testes de germinação de sementes intactas e nuas. A luz vermelho-extremo inibiu fortemente a germinação, enquanto as luzes branca e vermelha apresentaram baixa inibição. Por outro lado, sementes nuas não apresentaram sensibilidade à luz, com alta porcentagem de germinação tanto na luz como no escuro. Entretanto, a incubação das sementes nuas em condições de estresse em solução de polietilenoglicol a -0,6MPa, resultou em inibição na luz, como observadas em sementes intactas. A análise da luz transmitida pelo tegumento das sementes indicou que a luz filtrada apresenta o mesmo fotoequilíbrio teórico do fitocromo obtido na luz branca, com um decréscimo em apenas 33% da irradiância que atinge o embrião.

  3. Mucocele de la glandula submaxilar: a propósito de un caso


    Boneu Bonet, F.; Vidal Homs, Eric; Maizcurrana Tornil, Aránzazu; González Lagunas, J.


    El mucocele es un término que incluye dos conceptos: el quiste de extravasación, que resulta de la ruptura del conducto de la glándula salival y el consiguiente derrame de la mucina en los tejidos blandos que rodean a dicha glándula, y el quiste de retención, que tiene su origen en la disminución o ausencia de la secreción glandular como consecuencia de la obstrucción del conducto de la glándula salival. No se puede considerar al mucocele como un verdadero quiste, ya q...

  4. Pelletization of seeds of Raphanus sativus L. cv. Redondo Gigante with graphite for germination under water stress conditions

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    Nobel Penteado Freitas


    Full Text Available The effect of water stress on germination of radish seeds is dependent on the presence of light. The effect of pelletization of radish seeds with powdered graphite on the tolerance to water stress under light was analysed. White light and far-red lights were filtered by graphite increasing slightly the tolerance of pelleted seeds to water stress of -0.77MPa. Although red light also inhibited seed germination the graphite had no effect. We propose the pelletization of seeds of Raphanus sativus, at least in cv redondo gigante with graphite as a pratice before planting to increase the tolerance to water stress.O efeito do estresse hídrico é dependente da presença de luz em sementes de rabanete. O efeito da peletização com grafite em pó foi analisado. Luz branca e vermelho-extremo são filtradas pelo grafite aumentando parcialmente a tolerância ao estresse hídrico de -0,77MPa em sementes peletizadas. Embora a luz vermelha também iniba a germinação em condições de estresse a peletização não teve efeito. Nós propomos a peletização de sementes de Raphanus saivus L. cv. redondo gigante como uma prática antes do plantio para aumentar a tolerância ao estresse hídrico.

  5. In-frame seven amino-acid duplication in AIP arose over the last 3000 years, disrupts protein interaction and stability and is associated with gigantism. (United States)

    Salvatori, Roberto; Radian, Serban; Diekmann, Yoan; Iacovazzo, Donato; David, Alessia; Gabrovska, Plamena; Grassi, Giorgia; Bussell, Anna-Marie; Stals, Karen; Weber, Astrid; Quinton, Richard; Crowne, Elizabeth C; Corazzini, Valentina; Metherell, Lou; Kearney, Tara; Du Plessis, Daniel; Sinha, Ajay Kumar; Baborie, Atik; Lecoq, Anne-Lise; Chanson, Philippe; Ansorge, Olaf; Ellard, Sian; Trainer, Peter J; Balding, David; Thomas, Mark G; Korbonits, Márta


    Mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein ( AIP ) gene are associated with pituitary adenoma, acromegaly and gigantism. Identical alleles in unrelated pedigrees could be inherited from a common ancestor or result from recurrent mutation events. Observational, inferential and experimental study, including: AIP mutation testing; reconstruction of 14 AIP -region (8.3 Mbp) haplotypes; coalescent-based approximate Bayesian estimation of the time to most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) of the derived allele; forward population simulations to estimate current number of allele carriers; proposal of mutation mechanism; protein structure predictions; co-immunoprecipitation and cycloheximide chase experiments. Nine European-origin, unrelated c.805_825dup-positive pedigrees (four familial, five sporadic from the UK, USA and France) included 16 affected (nine gigantism/four acromegaly/two non-functioning pituitary adenoma patients and one prospectively diagnosed acromegaly patient) and nine unaffected carriers. All pedigrees shared a 2.79 Mbp haploblock around AIP with additional haploblocks privately shared between subsets of the pedigrees, indicating the existence of an evolutionarily recent common ancestor, the 'English founder', with an estimated median tMRCA of 47 generations (corresponding to 1175 years) with a confidence interval (9-113 generations, equivalent to 225-2825 years). The mutation occurred in a small tandem repeat region predisposed to slipped strand mispairing. The resulting seven amino-acid duplication disrupts interaction with HSP90 and leads to a marked reduction in protein stability. The c.805_825dup allele, originating from a common ancestor, associates with a severe clinical phenotype and a high frequency of gigantism. The mutation is likely to be the result of slipped strand mispairing and affects protein-protein interactions and AIP protein stability. © 2017 The authors.

  6. Actitud terapéutica ante sacos foliculares de terceros molares incluídos Therapeutic approach to impacted third molar follicles

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    R. González García


    Full Text Available El quiste dentígero o folicular es un quiste odontogénico del desarrollo. Está revestido por el epitelio del folículo dentario, y suele estar en relación con un diente permanente incluído. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente en el que se observa la aparición de un quiste dentígero a partir del saco folicular de un tercer molar incluído no exodonciado, y lo comparamos con la evolución de un cordal incluído y su saco folicular contralaterales en los que se realizó la exodoncia. El tratamiento definitivo del quiste dentígero asociado a un tercer molar incluído es quirúrgico, con la exodoncia de la pieza y enucleación del quiste. Los sacos foliculares mayores de 2 mm asociados a terceros molares incluídos evolucionan en numerosas ocasiones a quistes foliculares. Está indicada la exodoncia de dichos cordales para evitar la evolución a quiste dentígero.The dentigerous cyst or follicular cyst is a developmental odontogenic cyst. It is covered by the epithelium of the dental follicle, and it tends to be related to an impacted permanent tooth. The case report of a patient who was seen to develop a dentigerous cyst arising from the follicle of an impacted non-extracted third molar is presented. This is then compared with the evolution of the contralateral impacted third molar and its follicle that was extracted. The definitive treatment for a dentigerous cyst associated with an impacted third molar is surgical, the extraction of the tooth and enucleation of the cyst. Follicles measuring more+ than 2 mm and that are associated with impacted third molars often develop into follicular cysts. The extraction of these third molars is indicated in order to avoid the development of a dentigerous cyst

  7. Gigantism due to growth hormone excess in a boy with optic glioma. (United States)

    Drimmie, F M; MacLennan, A C; Nicoll, J A; Simpson, E; McNeill, E; Donaldson, M D


    True gigantism is rare in early childhood and is usually due to excess GH secretion from a pituitary adenoma. We report a case in which the endocrine abnormality is secondary to an optic glioma. Careful endocrine evaluation has shown that GH peak amplitude was not increased but rather there was failure of GH levels to suppress to baseline and a lack of pulsatility. There is no evidence of a direct secretory role for the tumour and we postulate that the tumour is affecting GH secretion through an effect on somatostatin tone. Specific tumour therapy is not indicated for this patient in the absence of mass effect or visual disturbance. The GH excess is being treated with somatostatin analogue (Octreotide) and as he has developed precocious puberty he is also receiving long acting GnRH analogue (Zoladex). This boy appears likely to have neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) which raises the question of subtle GH excess in NF1 patients with tall stature.

  8. Biology of the sauropod dinosaurs: the evolution of gigantism (United States)

    Sander, P Martin; Christian, Andreas; Clauss, Marcus; Fechner, Regina; Gee, Carole T; Griebeler, Eva-Maria; Gunga, Hanns-Christian; Hummel, Jürgen; Mallison, Heinrich; Perry, Steven F; Preuschoft, Holger; Rauhut, Oliver W M; Remes, Kristian; Tütken, Thomas; Wings, Oliver; Witzel, Ulrich


    The herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods were the largest terrestrial animals ever, surpassing the largest herbivorous mammals by an order of magnitude in body mass. Several evolutionary lineages among Sauropoda produced giants with body masses in excess of 50 metric tonnes by conservative estimates. With body mass increase driven by the selective advantages of large body size, animal lineages will increase in body size until they reach the limit determined by the interplay of bauplan, biology, and resource availability. There is no evidence, however, that resource availability and global physicochemical parameters were different enough in the Mesozoic to have led to sauropod gigantism. We review the biology of sauropod dinosaurs in detail and posit that sauropod gigantism was made possible by a specific combination of plesiomorphic characters (phylogenetic heritage) and evolutionary innovations at different levels which triggered a remarkable evolutionary cascade. Of these key innovations, the most important probably was the very long neck, the most conspicuous feature of the sauropod bauplan. Compared to other herbivores, the long neck allowed more efficient food uptake than in other large herbivores by covering a much larger feeding envelope and making food accessible that was out of the reach of other herbivores. Sauropods thus must have been able to take up more energy from their environment than other herbivores. The long neck, in turn, could only evolve because of the small head and the extensive pneumatization of the sauropod axial skeleton, lightening the neck. The small head was possible because food was ingested without mastication. Both mastication and a gastric mill would have limited food uptake rate. Scaling relationships between gastrointestinal tract size and basal metabolic rate (BMR) suggest that sauropods compensated for the lack of particle reduction with long retention times, even at high uptake rates. The

  9. Change in the immunophenotype of a somatotroph adenoma resulting in gigantism. (United States)

    Thawani, Jayesh P; Bailey, Robert L; Burns, Carrie M; Lee, John Y K


    Examining the pathologic progression of a pituitary adenoma from the point of a prepubescent child to an adult with gigantism affords us an opportunity to consider why patients may develop secretory or functioning tumors and raises questions about whether therapeutic interventions and surveillance strategies could be made to avoid irreversible phenotypic changes. A patient underwent a sublabial transsphenoidal resection for a clinically non-functioning macroadenoma in 1999. He underwent radiation treatment and was transiently given growth hormone (GH) supplementation as an adolescent. His growth rapidly traversed several percentiles and he was found to have elevated GH levels. The patient became symptomatic and was taken for a second neurosurgical procedure. Pathology and immunohistochemical staining demonstrated a significantly higher proportion of somatotroph cells and dense granularity; he was diagnosed with a functional somatotroph adenoma. While it is likely that the described observations reflect the manifestations of a functional somatotroph adenoma in development, it is possible that pubertal growth, GH supplementation, its removal, or radiation therapy contributed to the described endocrine and pathologic changes.

  10. Hidatidosis retroperitoneal secundaria a quiste hidatídico de localización hepática Retroperitoneal hydatidosis secondary to hepatic hydatid cyst

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    Katherina A Vizcaychipi


    Full Text Available La hidatidosis es una enfermedad de distribución mundial, producida por un platelminto parásito del género Echinococcus. El caso que se presenta corresponde a una paciente con una tumoración fluctuante en el espacio retroperitoneal lumbar, secundaria a un quiste hepático. El diagnóstico inicial de certeza fue dado por el hallazgo de ganchos rostelares de protoescólices en el líquido aspirado de un absceso. Este trabajo describe el cuadro clínico, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento médico-quirúrgico de esta paciente. Se analiza cómo la elaboración de un diagnóstico certero requiere de un análisis adecuado de los antecedentes epidemiológicos, las manifestaciones clínicas, los estudios de imágenes y las pruebas de laboratorio, ya que el conjunto de estos datos confirman el caso.Hydatid disease in a worldwide zoonosis. It is caused by a parasitic platyhelminth of the genus Echinococcus. We present a patient with a fluctuating lumbar tumor in the retroperitoneal space, secondary to a hepatic cyst. The initial diagnosis was made by identification of rostellar hooks from protoscoleces in the fluid aspirated from the abscess. We herein describe the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of this unusual case and conclude that the development of an accurate diagnosis required a proper analysis of the patient's epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, imaging studies and laboratory tests. A multidisciplinary approach and differential diagnosis is paramount to be able to establish a cause of the disease to deliver appropriate treatment.

  11. Mucocele de la glandula submaxilar: a propósito de un caso


    Boneu Bonet, Fernando; Vidal Homs, Enric; Maizcurrana Tornil, Aránzazu; González Lagunas, Javier


    El mucocele es un término que incluye dos conceptos: el quiste de extravasación, que resulta de la ruptura del conducto de la glándula salival y el consiguiente derrame de la mucina en los tejidos blandos que rodean a dicha glándula, y el quiste de retención, que tiene su origen en la disminución o ausencia de la secreción glandular como consecuencia de la obstrucción del conducto de la glándula salival. No se puede considerar al mucocele como un verdadero quiste, ya que su pared carece de re...

  12. Gigantic transverse x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in ultrathin Co in Au/Co/Au(001) (United States)

    Koide, T.; Mamiya, K.; Asakura, D.; Osatune, Y.; Fujimori, A.; Suzuki, Y.; Katayama, T.; Yuasa, S.


    Transverse-geometry x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (TXMCD) measurements on Au/Co-staircase/Au(001) reveal the orbital origin of intrinsic in-plane magnetic anisotropy A gigantic TXMCD was successfully observed at the Co L3,2 edges for Co thickness (tC0) in the 2-monolayer regime. A TXMCD-sum-rule analysis shows a remarkable enhancement of an orbital-moment anisotropy (Δmorb) and of an in-plane magnetic dipole moment (m||T). Both Δmorb and m||T exhibit close similarity in tCo dependence, reflecting the in-plane magnetic anisotropy These observations evidence that extremely strong, intrinsic, in-plane magnetic anisotropy originates from the anisotropic orbital part of the wave function, dominating the dipole-dipole-interaction-derived, extrinsic, in-plane magnetic anisotropy.

  13. A novel germline mutation in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene in an Italian family with gigantism. (United States)

    Urbani, C; Russo, D; Raggi, F; Lombardi, M; Sardella, C; Scattina, I; Lupi, I; Manetti, L; Tomisti, L; Marcocci, C; Martino, E; Bogazzi, F


    Acromegaly usually occurs as a sporadic disease, but it may be a part of familial pituitary tumor syndromes in rare cases. Germline mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene have been associated with a predisposition to familial isolated pituitary adenoma. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the AIP gene in a patient with gigantism and in her relatives. Direct sequencing of AIP gene was performed in fourteen members of the family, spanning among three generations. The index case was an 18-year-old woman with gigantism due to an invasive GH-secreting pituitary adenoma and a concomitant tall-cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. A novel germline mutation in the AIP gene (c.685C>T, p.Q229X) was identified in the proband and in two members of her family, who did not present clinical features of acromegaly or other pituitary disorders. Eleven subjects had no mutation in the AIP gene. Two members of the family with clinical features of acromegaly refused either the genetic or the biochemical evaluation. The Q229X mutation was predicted to generate a truncated AIP protein, lacking the last two tetratricopeptide repeat domains and the final C-terminal α-7 helix. We identified a new AIP germline mutation predicted to produce a truncated AIP protein, lacking its biological properties due to the disruption of the C-terminus binding sites for both the chaperones and the client proteins of AIP.

  14. Early descriptions of acromegaly and gigantism and their historical evolution as clinical entities. (United States)

    Mammis, Antonios; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Liu, James K


    Giants have been a subject of fascination throughout history. Whereas descriptions of giants have existed in the lay literature for millennia, the first attempt at a medical description was published by Johannes Wier in 1567. However, it was Pierre Marie, in 1886, who established the term "acromegaly" for the first time and established a distinct clinical diagnosis with clear clinical descriptions in 2 patients with the characteristic presentation. Multiple autopsy findings revealed a consistent correlation between acromegaly and pituitary enlargement. In 1909, Harvey Cushing postulated a “hormone of growth" as the underlying pathophysiological trigger involved in pituitary hypersecretion in patients with acromegaly. This theory was supported by his observations of clinical remission in patients with acromegaly in whom he had performed hypophysectomy. In this paper, the authors present some of the early accounts of acromegaly and gigantism, and describe its historical evolution as a medical and surgical entity.

  15. In-frame seven amino-acid duplication in AIP arose over the last 3000 years, disrupts protein interaction & stability and is associated with gigantism.


    Salvatori, R.; Radian, S.; Diekmann, Y.; Iacovazzo, D.; David, A.; Grabovska, P.; Grassi, G.; Bussell, A-M; Stals, K.; Weber, A.; Quinton, R.; Crowne, E.; Corazzini, V.; Metherell, L. A.; Kearney, T.


    OBJECTIVE: Mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene are associated with pituitary adenoma, acromegaly and gigantism. Identical alleles in unrelated pedigrees could be inherited from a common ancestor or result from recurrent mutation events. DESIGN & METHODS: Observational, inferential and experimental study, including: AIP mutation testing; reconstruction of 14 AIP-region (8.3 Mbp) haplotypes; coalescent-based approximate Bayesian estimation of the time to mo...

  16. Pituitary tumour causing gigantism. Morphology and in vitro hormone secretion. (United States)

    Anniko, M; Ritzén, E M


    True gigantism with overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) was diagnosed in a 13-year-old boy. The clinical history indicated that the tumour had caused an oversecretion of GH since the age of 4-5 years. At diagnosis, the sella turcica was markedly enlarged. No infiltrative growth was noted at surgery. Endocrine investigations showed elevated GH and PRL secretion. Light and electron microscopy of tumour tissue revealed densely packed pleomorphic cells of both GH and PRL type. In addition, oncocyte-like cells were observed. Organ culture of pieces of tumour tissue demonstrated continued secretion of GH and PRL into the medium for more than 5 days in vitro. Addition of bromocriptine to the medium caused a rapid decline in PRL secretion while GH secretion remained the same. X-ray irradiation in vitro also caused a decrease in PRL secretion. These effects of bromocriptine and X-ray on hormone secretion in vitro mirrored the corresponding effect of treatment, when the patient showed signs of tumour recurrence after pituitary surgery. It is concluded that also in childhood, the in vitro response of tumour tissue to various treatments may be explored as a possible way to predict the efficacy of pharmacological or irradiation treatment of pituitary tumours.

  17. Biology of the sauropod dinosaurs: the evolution of gigantism. (United States)

    Sander, P Martin; Christian, Andreas; Clauss, Marcus; Fechner, Regina; Gee, Carole T; Griebeler, Eva-Maria; Gunga, Hanns-Christian; Hummel, Jürgen; Mallison, Heinrich; Perry, Steven F; Preuschoft, Holger; Rauhut, Oliver W M; Remes, Kristian; Tütken, Thomas; Wings, Oliver; Witzel, Ulrich


    The herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods were the largest terrestrial animals ever, surpassing the largest herbivorous mammals by an order of magnitude in body mass. Several evolutionary lineages among Sauropoda produced giants with body masses in excess of 50 metric tonnes by conservative estimates. With body mass increase driven by the selective advantages of large body size, animal lineages will increase in body size until they reach the limit determined by the interplay of bauplan, biology, and resource availability. There is no evidence, however, that resource availability and global physicochemical parameters were different enough in the Mesozoic to have led to sauropod gigantism. We review the biology of sauropod dinosaurs in detail and posit that sauropod gigantism was made possible by a specific combination of plesiomorphic characters (phylogenetic heritage) and evolutionary innovations at different levels which triggered a remarkable evolutionary cascade. Of these key innovations, the most important probably was the very long neck, the most conspicuous feature of the sauropod bauplan. Compared to other herbivores, the long neck allowed more efficient food uptake than in other large herbivores by covering a much larger feeding envelope and making food accessible that was out of the reach of other herbivores. Sauropods thus must have been able to take up more energy from their environment than other herbivores. The long neck, in turn, could only evolve because of the small head and the extensive pneumatization of the sauropod axial skeleton, lightening the neck. The small head was possible because food was ingested without mastication. Both mastication and a gastric mill would have limited food uptake rate. Scaling relationships between gastrointestinal tract size and basal metabolic rate (BMR) suggest that sauropods compensated for the lack of particle reduction with long retention times, even at high uptake rates. The

  18. Gigantic transverse x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in ultrathin Co in Au/Co/Au(001)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koide, T; Mamiya, K; Asakura, D; Osatune, Y; Fujimori, A; Suzuki, Y; Katayama, T; Yuasa, S


    Transverse-geometry x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (TXMCD) measurements on Au/Co-staircase/Au(001) reveal the orbital origin of intrinsic in-plane magnetic anisotropy A gigantic TXMCD was successfully observed at the Co L 3,2 edges for Co thickness (t C0 ) in the 2-monolayer regime. A TXMCD-sum-rule analysis shows a remarkable enhancement of an orbital-moment anisotropy (Δm orb ) and of an in-plane magnetic dipole moment (m || T ). Both Δm orb and m || T exhibit close similarity in t Co dependence, reflecting the in-plane magnetic anisotropy These observations evidence that extremely strong, intrinsic, in-plane magnetic anisotropy originates from the anisotropic orbital part of the wave function, dominating the dipole-dipole-interaction-derived, extrinsic, in-plane magnetic anisotropy.

  19. A Gigantic Jet Observed Over an Mesoscale Convective System in Midlatitude Region (United States)

    Yang, Jing; Sato, Mitsuteru; Liu, Ningyu; Lu, Gaopeng; Wang, Yu; Wang, Zhichao


    Gigantic jets (GJs) are mostly observed over summer tropical or tropical-like thunderstorms. This study reports observation of a GJ over a mesoscale convective system (MCS) in the midlatitude region in eastern China. The GJ is observed over a relatively weak radar reflectivity region ahead of the leading line, and the maximum radar echo top along the GJ azimuth was lower than the tropopause in the same region, significantly different from past studies that indicate summer GJs are usually associated with convective surges or overshooting tops. Also different from most of previous observations showing GJ-producing summer thunderstorms only produced GJ type of transient luminous events during their life cycles, two sprites were also captured in a time window of 15 min containing the GJ, indicating that the MCS provides favorable conditions not only for the GJ but also for the sprites. The balloon-borne soundings of the MCS show that there were large wind shears in the middle and upper levels of the thundercloud, which may have played important roles for the GJ production.

  20. On the shoulders of giants: Harvey Cushing's experience with acromegaly and gigantism at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1896-1912. (United States)

    Pendleton, Courtney; Adams, Hadie; Salvatori, Roberto; Wand, Gary; Quiñones-Hinojosa, Alfredo


    A review of Dr. Cushing's surgical cases at Johns Hopkins Hospital revealed new information about his early operative experience with acromegaly. Although in 1912 Cushing published selective case studies regarding this work, a review of all his operations for acromegaly during his early years has never been reported. We uncovered 37 patients who Cushing treated with surgical intervention directed at the pituitary gland. Of these, nine patients who presented with symptoms of acromegaly, and one with symptoms of gigantism were selected for further review. Two patients underwent transfrontal 'omega incision' approaches, and the remaining eight underwent transsphenoidal approaches. Of the 10 patients, 6 were male. The mean age was 38.0 years. The mean hospital stay was 39.4 days. There was one inpatient death during primary interventions (10%) and three patients were deceased at the time of last follow-up (33%). The mean time to death, calculated from the date of the primary surgical intervention, and including inpatient and outpatient deaths, was 11.3 months. The mean time to last follow-up, calculated from the day of discharge, was 59.3 months. At the time of last follow-up, two patients reported resolution of headache; four patients reported continued visual deficits, and two patients reported ongoing changes in mental status. This review analyzes the outcomes for 10 patients who underwent surgical intervention for acromegaly or gigantism, and offers an explanation for Cushing's transition from the transfrontal "omega incision" to the transsphenoidal approach while practicing at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

  1. Deep Invasive Fungal Infection of the Hand in a Child Mimicking a Local Gigantism. (United States)

    Chatterjee, Anirban; Chatterjee, Shamita


    Subcutaneous and deep fungal infections in the hand are rare among children. These are usually found in immunocompromised adults or in persons engaged in soil handling activities, due to direct exposure, especially in the tropics. Delay in diagnosis is usual because pyogenic and other granulomatous infections are considered first. The authors present the case of a healthy, immunocompetent 2½-year-old child who presented with progressive swelling of the right hand mimicking a localized gigantism of the entire hand. Multiple operative drainage procedures done previously had failed to resolve the condition. A biopsy established the presence of fungal hyphae, thus confirming the diagnosis of deep fungal infection of the hand and guided proper therapeutic intervention. A strong index of suspicion needs to be maintained in cases not responding to conventional antibacterial therapy, and both microbiologic and histopathologic samples need to be obtained to establish the diagnosis.

  2. In-frame seven amino-acid duplication in AIP arose over the last 3000 years, disrupts protein interaction and stability and is associated with gigantism


    Salvatori, Roberto; Radian, Serban; Diekmann, Yoan; Iacovazzo, Donato; David, Alessia; Gabrovska, Plamena; Grassi, Giorgia; Bussell, Anna-Marie; Stals, Karen; Weber, Astrid; Quinton, Richard; Crowne, Elizabeth C; Corazzini, Valentina; Metherell, Lou; Kearney, Tara


    Objective Mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene are associated with pituitary adenoma, acromegaly and gigantism. Identical alleles in unrelated pedigrees could be inherited from a common ancestor or result from recurrent mutation events. Design and methods Observational, inferential and experimental study, including: AIP mutation testing; reconstruction of 14 AIP-region (8.3?Mbp) haplotypes; coalescent-based approximate Bayesian estimation of the time to mo...

  3. Unusual AIP mutation and phenocopy in the family of a young patient with acromegalic gigantism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syed Ali Imran


    Full Text Available Early-onset acromegaly causing gigantism is often associated with aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting receptor protein (AIP mutation, especially if there is a positive family history. A15y male presented with tiredness and visual problems. He was 201 cm tall with a span of 217 cm. He had typical facial features of acromegaly, elevated IGF-1, secondary hypogonadism and a large macroadenoma. His paternal aunt had a history of acromegaly presenting at the age of 35 years. Following transsphenoidal surgery, his IGF-1 normalized and clinical symptoms improved. He was found to have a novel AIP mutation destroying the stop codon c.991T>C; p.*331R. Unexpectedly, his father and paternal aunt were negative for this mutation while his mother and older sister were unaffected carriers, suggesting that his aunt represents a phenocopy.

  4. Cisto gigante de colédoco Giant choledochal cyst

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    Olival Cirilo Lucena da Fonseca-Neto


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A doença cística das vias biliares é anomalia congênita que pode acometer as vias biliares intra e/ou extra-hepáticas. A extra-hepática inclui os cistos de colédoco e a intra-hepática é conhecida por Doença de Caroli. Os cistos de colédoco de tamanho gigante são muito raros. OBJETIVO: Relatar o caso de um cisto de colédoco de tamanho gigante em uma paciente feminina. RELATO DE CASO: Mulher de 19 anos foi admitida com história de icterícia e acolia fecal há sete dias. Referia dor epigástrica associada com ingestão de dieta rica em gordura. Nos antecedentes pessoais relatou dois episódios de icterícia, aos 8 e 14 anos, que progrediram espontaneamente. No exame físico apresentava icterícia (+3/+4 e uma massa palpável indolor em mesogástrio foram os únicos achados. A ultrassonografia demonstrou grande formação cística de paredes finas adjacente ao hepatocolédoco, pâncreas e rim direito que media 18,5 x 10,2 cm. A colangioressonância confirmou o grande cisto de colédoco e hepatojejunoanastomose em "Y" de Roux após excisão do cisto e colecistectomia foi realizada. A formação cística media 20 x 15,5 x 12,5 cm e com um volume médio de 1000 mL. A paciente encontra-se em acompanhamento ambulatorial sem alterações hepatobiliares após o sétimo mês da operação. CONCLUSÃO: O cisto de colédoco deve fazer parte do diagnóstico diferencial em pacientes adultos jovens com icterícia e massa palpável; no entanto, a diferenciação entre ele e neoplasia maligna deve ser pesquisada.BACKGROUND: Choledochal cyst represents a rare congenital anomaly, eventually associated with intra and extrahepatic biliary tract disorders. Extrahepatic diseases include choledochal cysts and congenital dilation of the lower intrahepatic bile duct is known as Caroli's disease. Giant choledochal cyst constitutes a very rare abnormality. AIM:To report a giant choledochal cyst in a female patient. CASE REPORT: A 19-year

  5. The clinical presentation and biochemical diagnosis of acromegaly and gigantism. (United States)

    Jialal, I; Nathoo, B C; Joubert, S; Asmal, A C; Pillay, N L


    Over a 5-year period 14 patients with acromegaly and gigantism were seen at the endocrine clinic of King Edward VIII Hospital: 9 were Blacks and 5 Indians; 8 of the patients were women. The mean age of the patients was 46 years. Surprisingly, only 2 patients complained of acral overgrowth. Symptomatology was varied and not characteristic of the condition. On examination all patients had unequivocal signs of soft-tissue and bony overgrowth, 64% had visual abnormalities and 50% hypertension. Radiologically, 88% showed an enlarged pituitary fossa. On biochemical investigation, the fasting levels of growth hormone (GH) were increased in 12 patients and during oral glucose tolerance tests, the GH levels in these 12 patients were not suppressed. One patient in whom the fasting GH level was not increased had progressed to the stage of panhypopituitarism, in the remaining patient challenge with thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) led to increased GH levels and L-dopa challenge resulted in a paradoxical decrease in GH levels. Seven patients with increased GH levels who were challenged with L-dopa showed the typical decrease in GH levels found in this condition; in 5 of these patients, challenged with TRH, GH levels increased. The findings emphasize that despite the ease of clinical diagnosis, appropriate biochemical investigations are necessary to confirm the exact status of the disease, which is rare in the population studied.

  6. 'Gigantic' increase of AFMR frequencies induced by nonmagnetic impurity ions in orthoferrites RFe1-xAlxO3 (R=Gd,Tb)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukhin, A.A.; Parsegov, I.Yu.


    We observed a 'gigantic' increase (up to three times) of the AFMR frequencies ν 1,2 with decreasing temperature in GdFe 0.9 Al 0.1 O 3 and TbFe 0.925 Al 0.075 O 3 in contrast to pure GdFeO 3 and TbFeO 3 . The effects observed are explained by the appearance of an additional exchange field H mv ∼20 -36 kOe on rare-earth ions due to decompensation of the surrounding antiferromagnetically ordered Fe ions near nonmagnetic impurity ions. (orig.)

  7. Discovery of gigantic molecular nanostructures using a flow reaction array as a search engine. (United States)

    Zang, Hong-Ying; de la Oliva, Andreu Ruiz; Miras, Haralampos N; Long, De-Liang; McBurney, Roy T; Cronin, Leroy


    The discovery of gigantic molecular nanostructures like coordination and polyoxometalate clusters is extremely time-consuming since a vast combinatorial space needs to be searched, and even a systematic and exhaustive exploration of the available synthetic parameters relies on a great deal of serendipity. Here we present a synthetic methodology that combines a flow reaction array and algorithmic control to give a chemical 'real-space' search engine leading to the discovery and isolation of a range of new molecular nanoclusters based on [Mo(2)O(2)S(2)](2+)-based building blocks with either fourfold (C4) or fivefold (C5) symmetry templates and linkers. This engine leads us to isolate six new nanoscale cluster compounds: 1, {Mo(10)(C5)}; 2, {Mo(14)(C4)4(C5)2}; 3, {Mo(60)(C4)10}; 4, {Mo(48)(C4)6}; 5, {Mo(34)(C4)4}; 6, {Mo(18)(C4)9}; in only 200 automated experiments from a parameter space spanning ~5 million possible combinations.

  8. Intraspecific competition and high food availability are associated with insular gigantism in a lizard. (United States)

    Pafilis, Panayiotis; Meiri, Shai; Foufopoulos, Johannes; Valakos, Efstratios


    Resource availability, competition, and predation commonly drive body size evolution. We assess the impact of high food availability and the consequent increased intraspecific competition, as expressed by tail injuries and cannibalism, on body size in Skyros wall lizards (Podarcis gaigeae). Lizard populations on islets surrounding Skyros (Aegean Sea) all have fewer predators and competitors than on Skyros but differ in the numbers of nesting seabirds. We predicted the following: (1) the presence of breeding seabirds (providing nutrients) will increase lizard population densities; (2) dense lizard populations will experience stronger intraspecific competition; and (3) such aggression, will be associated with larger average body size. We found a positive correlation between seabird and lizard densities. Cannibalism and tail injuries were considerably higher in dense populations. Increases in cannibalism and tail loss were associated with large body sizes. Adult cannibalism on juveniles may select for rapid growth, fuelled by high food abundance, setting thus the stage for the evolution of gigantism.

  9. A Paleocene penguin from New Zealand substantiates multiple origins of gigantism in fossil Sphenisciformes. (United States)

    Mayr, Gerald; Scofield, R Paul; De Pietri, Vanesa L; Tennyson, Alan J D


    One of the notable features of penguin evolution is the occurrence of very large species in the early Cenozoic, whose body size greatly exceeded that of the largest extant penguins. Here we describe a new giant species from the late Paleocene of New Zealand that documents the very early evolution of large body size in penguins. Kumimanu biceae, n. gen. et sp. is larger than all other fossil penguins that have substantial skeletal portions preserved. Several plesiomorphic features place the new species outside a clade including all post-Paleocene giant penguins. It is phylogenetically separated from giant Eocene and Oligocene penguin species by various smaller taxa, which indicates multiple origins of giant size in penguin evolution. That a penguin rivaling the largest previously known species existed in the Paleocene suggests that gigantism in penguins arose shortly after these birds became flightless divers. Our study therefore strengthens previous suggestions that the absence of very large penguins today is likely due to the Oligo-Miocene radiation of marine mammals.

  10. A gigantic new dinosaur from Argentina and the evolution of the sauropod hind foot. (United States)

    González Riga, Bernardo J; Lamanna, Matthew C; Ortiz David, Leonardo D; Calvo, Jorge O; Coria, Juan P


    Titanosauria is an exceptionally diverse, globally-distributed clade of sauropod dinosaurs that includes the largest known land animals. Knowledge of titanosaurian pedal structure is critical to understanding the stance and locomotion of these enormous herbivores and, by extension, gigantic terrestrial vertebrates as a whole. However, completely preserved pedes are extremely rare among Titanosauria, especially as regards the truly giant members of the group. Here we describe Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Mendoza Province, Argentina. With a powerfully-constructed humerus 1.76 m in length, Notocolossus is one of the largest known dinosaurs. Furthermore, the complete pes of the new taxon exhibits a strikingly compact, homogeneous metatarsus--seemingly adapted for bearing extraordinary weight--and truncated unguals, morphologies that are otherwise unknown in Sauropoda. The pes underwent a near-progressive reduction in the number of phalanges along the line to derived titanosaurs, eventually resulting in the reduced hind foot of these sauropods.

  11. Respiratory evolution facilitated the origin of pterosaur flight and aerial gigantism.

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    Leon P A M Claessens

    Full Text Available Pterosaurs, enigmatic extinct Mesozoic reptiles, were the first vertebrates to achieve true flapping flight. Various lines of evidence provide strong support for highly efficient wing design, control, and flight capabilities. However, little is known of the pulmonary system that powered flight in pterosaurs. We investigated the structure and function of the pterosaurian breathing apparatus through a broad scale comparative study of respiratory structure and function in living and extinct archosaurs, using computer-assisted tomographic (CT scanning of pterosaur and bird skeletal remains, cineradiographic (X-ray film studies of the skeletal breathing pump in extant birds and alligators, and study of skeletal structure in historic fossil specimens. In this report we present various lines of skeletal evidence that indicate that pterosaurs had a highly effective flow-through respiratory system, capable of sustaining powered flight, predating the appearance of an analogous breathing system in birds by approximately seventy million years. Convergent evolution of gigantism in several Cretaceous pterosaur lineages was made possible through body density reduction by expansion of the pulmonary air sac system throughout the trunk and the distal limb girdle skeleton, highlighting the importance of respiratory adaptations in pterosaur evolution, and the dramatic effect of the release of physical constraints on morphological diversification and evolutionary radiation.

  12. Respiratory evolution facilitated the origin of pterosaur flight and aerial gigantism. (United States)

    Claessens, Leon P A M; O'Connor, Patrick M; Unwin, David M


    Pterosaurs, enigmatic extinct Mesozoic reptiles, were the first vertebrates to achieve true flapping flight. Various lines of evidence provide strong support for highly efficient wing design, control, and flight capabilities. However, little is known of the pulmonary system that powered flight in pterosaurs. We investigated the structure and function of the pterosaurian breathing apparatus through a broad scale comparative study of respiratory structure and function in living and extinct archosaurs, using computer-assisted tomographic (CT) scanning of pterosaur and bird skeletal remains, cineradiographic (X-ray film) studies of the skeletal breathing pump in extant birds and alligators, and study of skeletal structure in historic fossil specimens. In this report we present various lines of skeletal evidence that indicate that pterosaurs had a highly effective flow-through respiratory system, capable of sustaining powered flight, predating the appearance of an analogous breathing system in birds by approximately seventy million years. Convergent evolution of gigantism in several Cretaceous pterosaur lineages was made possible through body density reduction by expansion of the pulmonary air sac system throughout the trunk and the distal limb girdle skeleton, highlighting the importance of respiratory adaptations in pterosaur evolution, and the dramatic effect of the release of physical constraints on morphological diversification and evolutionary radiation.

  13. Technical treatment options for the mill effluents of the Los Gigantes Complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asenjo, A.R.


    The Mining/Milling Los Gigantes Complex is located in Cordoba Province, about 100 km to the West of the capital city. The uranium mining and milling activities have been carried out during the period between 1980 and 1990. As result of those activities, mine wastes, low grade ore, sludge, heap leach wastes and liquid effluents have been accumulated in the site. At present, the National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina is developing the Remediation Project of the site. Within the frame of this Project it is necessary to define the liquid effluent treatment methodology of the liquids accumulated in a pond in order to achieve the proper quality to be released to the environment, according with the national and provincial regulations. In this paper several liquid treatment methods are described. These methods were also developed at the lab scale. Among these we can mention hot and cool alcalinization with barium chloride addition and ion exchange resins treatments. Also a pilot scale assay has been done in the site (about 450 m 3 ) in order to verify the obtained lab scale results. Nevertheless that other assays are yet under developing, the obtained results are reported. (author)

  14. Aneurisma gigante parasselar simulando tumor de hipófise

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    Luiz Augusto Casulari Roxo da Motta


    Full Text Available Revisamos 7 pacientes com comprometimento da sela turca ao raio X do crânio que apresentavam aneurisma gigante da porção intracavernosa da artéria carótida (6 casos e aneurisma da artéria comunicante anterior (1 caso. As alterações encontradas foram: cefaléia (7/7, oftalmoplegia complexa interessando III, IV e VI nervos cranianos (5/7 e comprometimento do V nervo (4/7, dor ocular (4/7. Outras alterações encontradas foram: sinais meníngeos (2/7, cegueira unilateral (1/7, hemiparesia (1/7 cacosmia (1/7 e quadrantanopsia bitemporal inferior (1/7. Cinco pacientes com aneurisma da porção intracavernosa da artéria carótida beneficiaram-se com a ligadura progressiva da artéria carótida interna a nível cervical; o outro paciente faleceu antes da realização da operação. O paciente com aneurisma da artéria comunicante anterior foi submetido a clipagem do aneurisma, tendo boa evolução. Baseados neste estudo e em concordância com a literatura, concluímos que o diagnóstico diferencial entre aneurisma localizado na região parasselar e outras patologias dessa área freqüentemente apresenta dificuldade. O diagnóstico definitivo requer a realização de angiografia cerebral. O tratamento cirúrgico, por ligadura da carótida interna na região cervical, é benéfico e quase desprovido de complicações.

  15. Corticoides intralesionales en lesiones a células gigantes

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    J.P. Crestanello Nese


    Full Text Available Desde su descripción original, las lesiones de células gigantes (LCG han sido entidades controvertidas, desde el punto de vista de su origen, de su comportamiento clínico, de sus características radiográficas e histológicas, así como de su tratamiento. Para su tratamiento se han considerado alternativas quirúrgicas y no quirúrgicas. En este trabajo, se presentan tres nuevos casos de LCG, en los cuales se realizó infiltración intralesional con corticoides como una maniobra previa y complementaria a la quirúrgica. Luego de la infiltración, se observó una disminución del tamaño de las lesiones y un cambio en sus características macroscópicas, se trato por enucleación un caso y por remodelación quirúrgica los dos restantes.Giant cell lesions (GCL have been controversial entities since its original description. Its origin, clinical behavior, radiographic and histological features and also its treatment are polemical. The therapeutic possibilities are surgical or non surgical. In this paper, the intralesional infiltration with steroids is presented like a previous and complementary therapy to surgery alone. Three new cases of GCL are presented. All of them were first treated with intralesional infiltration with steroids. After that,a partial remission and a change of the macroscopic characteristics were observed and one of the lesion was then enucleated while for the others two surgical remodelation were necessary to do.

  16. Astrocitoma subependimario de células gigantes asociado a complejo de esclerosis tuberosa: recomendaciones para el diagnóstico oportuno y tratamiento.


    Matilde Ruiz; Sandra Sánchez; Alejandro Rea; Roberto Sanromán; Joao García; Antonio Bravo; Infante Cantú; Hugo Ceja; Ariadna González; María del Mar Sáez


    RESUMEN El complejo de esclerosis tuberosa es una enfermedad genética poco frecuente, autosómica dominante con fenotipo y expresión clínica muy variables. Se caracteriza por alteraciones en la migración, diferenciación y proliferación celulares con formación de múltiples tumores benignos llamados hamartomas, las cuales afectan principalmente piel, encéfalo, riñón, ojo, corazón y pulmón. Los astrocitomas subependimarios de células gigantes son tumores benignos de crecimien...

  17. Characteristics and generation of secondary jets and secondary gigantic jets (United States)

    Lee, Li-Jou; Huang, Sung-Ming; Chou, Jung-Kung; Kuo, Cheng-Ling; Chen, Alfred B.; Su, Han-Tzong; Hsu, Rue-Rou; Frey, Harald U.; Takahashi, Yukihiro; Lee, Lou-Chuang


    Secondary transient luminous events (TLEs) recorded by the ISUAL-FORMOSAT2 mission can either be secondary jets or secondary gigantic jets (GJs), depending on their terminal altitudes. The secondary jets emerge from the cloud top beneath the preceding sprites and extend upward to the base of the sprites at ˜50 km. The secondary jets likely are negative electric discharges with vertically straight luminous columns, morphologically resembling the trailing jet of the type-I GJs. The number of luminous columns in a secondary jet seems to be affected by the size of the effective capacitor plate formed near the base of the preceding sprites and the charge distribution left behind by the sprite-inducing positive cloud-to-ground discharges. The secondary GJs originate from the cloud top under the shielding area of the preceding sprites, and develop upward to reach the lower ionosphere at ˜90 km. The observed morphology of the secondary GJs can either be the curvy shifted secondary GJs extending outside the region occupied by the preceding sprites or the straight pop-through secondary GJs developing through the center of the preceding circular sprites. A key factor in determining the terminal height of the secondary TLEs appears to be the local ionosphere boundary height that established by the preceding sprites. The abundance and the distribution of the negative charge in the thundercloud following the sprite-inducing positive cloud-to-ground discharges may play important role in the generation of the secondary TLEs.


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    Full Text Available Cementos Argos ha sido catalogado como uno de los gigantes de la industria cementera colombiana por su gran capacidad de consolidación en el mercado nacional y sus estrategias de internacionalización poco convencionales. Esta investigación documenta la experiencia internacional de Argos bajo la perspectiva de las teorías de internacionalización de mayor aceptación en laliteratura internacional, haciendo uso del enfoque metodológico de los estudios de caso. Como resultado se encontró que las estrategias de fidelización,aunadas al rediseño organizacional resultado del liderazgo de la alta gerencia, han sido herramientas vitales para asegurar el crecimiento de la compañía en los mercados local y externo.

  19. Pituitary tumor with gigantism, acromegaly and preclinical Cushing's disease diagnosed from the 10th row. (United States)

    Tourtelot, John B; Vesely, David L


    A 7'3" basketball player was noted to have 2 to 3 times thicker tissue in his hands than 6'10" players by an endocrinologist sitting 10 rows above the player in a basketball arena. This led to the diagnosis of pituitary gigantism where the history revealed that he was 7'3" at 15 years of age. At age 19 when the acryl enlargement was noted, a diagnostic workup revealed elevated growth hormones and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) with a 2 × 1.3 cm pituitary tumor. His history suggested that his epiphyseal plates had closed at age 15, and because he continued to produce IGF-1, he now has acromegaly. His elevated adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) before surgery suggests that he also had preclinical Cushing's disease. After pituitary transsphenoidal surgery, all acryl enlargement in hands and ligaments disappeared. His growth hormone, IGF-1 and ACTH returned to normal 2 weeks after surgery.

  20. Surgical trauma induces overgrowth in lower limb gigantism: regulation with use of rapamycin is promising. (United States)

    Pinto, Rohan Sebastian; Harrison, William David; Graham, Kenneth; Nayagam, Durai


    We describe an unclassified overgrowth syndrome characterised by unregulated growth of dermal fibroblasts in the lower limbs of a 35-year-old woman. A PIK3CA gene mutation resulted in lower limb gigantism. Below the waist, she weighed 117 kg with each leg measuring over 100 cm in circumference. Her total adiposity was 50% accounted for by her legs mainly. Liposuction and surgical debulking were performed to reduce the size of the limbs but had exacerbated the overgrowth in her lower limbs. Systemic sepsis from an infected foot ulcer necessitated treatment by an above-knee amputation. Postoperatively, the stump increased in size by 19 kg. A trial of rapamycin to reverse the growth of the stump has shown promise. We discuss the clinical and genetic features of this previously unclassified disorder and the orthopaedic considerations involved. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  1. The Perlman syndrome: familial renal dysplasia with Wilms tumor, fetal gigantism and multiple congenital anomalies. 1984. (United States)

    Neri, Giovanni; Martini-Neri, Maria Enrica; Katz, Ben E; Opitz, John M


    The ensuing paper by Professor Giovanni Neri and colleagues was originally published in 1984, American Journal of Medical Genetics 19:195–207. The original article described a new family with a condition that the authors designated as the Perlman syndrome. This disorder, while uncommon, is an important multiple congenital anomaly and dysplasia syndrome; the causative gene was recently identified. This paper is a seminal work and is graciously republished by Wiley-Blackwell in the Special Festschrift issue honoring Professor Neri. We describe a familial syndrome of renal dysplasia, Wilms tumor, hyperplasia of the endocrine pancreas, fetal gigantism, multiple congenital anomalies and mental retardation. This condition was previously described by Perlman et al. [1973, 1975] and we propose to call it the "Perlman syndrome." It appears to be transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. The possible relationships between dysplasia, neoplasia and malformation are discussed. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Lower limb gigantism, lymphedema, and painful varicosities following a thigh vascular access graft. (United States)

    Thompson, Michael; Mathuram Thiyagarajan, Umasankar; Akoh, Jacob A


    Prosthetic arteriovenous grafts (AVGs) are associated with greater morbidity than autogenous arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs), but their use is indicated when AVF formation is not possible. This report adds to the literature a case of lower limb gigantism, painful varicosities, and lymphedema following long-term use of AVG in the upper thigh. The patient's past medical history included renal transplantation on the same side well before the AVG was inserted and right leg deep vein thrombosis. Suspicion of AVG thrombosis was excluded by Doppler ultrasound, which demonstrated an access flow of 1700 mL/min. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis did not identify the cause of her symptoms. Whereas functional incompetence of the iliac vein valve might be responsible for the varicosities, the extent of hypertrophy in this case raises the suspicion of lymphatic blockage possibly secondary to groin dissection undertaken at the time of graft insertion, in addition to the previous dissection at the time of transplantation. This case highlights the need for minimal groin dissection during AVG insertion, particularly in patients with a history of previous abdominopelvic surgery. © 2014 International Society for Hemodialysis.

  3. Florística em um hectare de cerrado stricto sensu na ARIE - cerrado Pé-de-Gigante, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP


    Weiser, Veridiana de Lara; Godoy, Silvana Aparecida Pires de


    Foi realizado um levantamento florístico em um ha de cerrado stricto sensu, na parte norte da ARIE - Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, São Paulo. Foram coletados 428 espécimes em fase reprodutiva, em vinte e cinco excursões de coleta, durante o período de novembro de 1996 a abril de 1998. A listagem florística obtida apresenta 141 espécies, distribuídas em 109 gêneros e 49 famílias. As famílias mais representativas foram: Leguminosae, Asteraceae, Malpighiaceae e Myrtaceae. A ...

  4. Neurofibromatosis, gigantism, elephantiasis neuromatosa and recurrent massive subperiosteal hematoma: a new case report and review of 7 case reports from the literature. (United States)

    Steenbrugge, F; Poffyn, B; Uyttendaele, D; Verdonk, R; Verstraete, K


    The authors report the case of a 13-year-old patient with neurofibromatosis (NF-I), who suffered blunt trauma to the left tibia in 1993. The diagnosis of subperiosteal hematoma was made. Treatment consisted of temporary rest. There was a recurrence in 1996, and the subperiosteal hematoma was drained. In 1997, a shortening osteotomy of the left tibia was performed. However, massive gigantism with elephantiasis of the left leg remained, causing a serious functional and cosmetic problem. In 1999, the leg was amputated above the knee. The literature is reviewed and 7 case reports are compared. The pathogenesis of subperiosteal hematoma is discussed.

  5. Tratamento de hemangioma gigante com interferon alfa: relato de dois casos Treatment of giant hemangioma with interferon-alpha: report of two cases

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    Ana Julia Balau


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho é descrever o uso de interferon alfa no tratamento de pacientes com hemangioma gigante. Os autores relatam e analisam dois casos de hemangioma gigante em tratamento com interferon alfa. IBS, 3 anos, em acompanhamento no Ambulatório de Hematologia desde um ano de idade com quadro de lesão angiomatosa em praticamente toda hemiface direita, acompanhada de sangramentos gengivais importantes. Após a realização de exames complementares (Angiorressonância magnética e feito o diagnóstico de hemangioma gigante em face, foi iniciado tratamento com prednisona e, posteriormente, associação com interferon alfa e observada importante melhora do quadro, resultando na diminuição dos episódios de sangramento e no tamanho do tumor. C.N.P., 12 anos, apresentando nódulo em região lateral de joelho esquerdo há 2 anos, com aumento progressivo do tamanho e dor local. Fez uso de prednisona e, sem melhora do quadro, introduzido interferon alfa com regressão importante do tamanho do tumor. O tratamento com interferon alfa deve ser considerado no tratamento de hemangiomas, pois apresenta bons resultados em relação à diminuição do tamanho do tumor e, conseqüentemente, reduz as intercorrências clínicas associadas à sua presença, principalmente os sangramentos.The aim of this study is to describe the treatment using interferon-alpha of giant hemangiomas in children. The authors report two cases of children presenting with giant hemangiomas treated using interferon-alpha and analyze the results. IBS, 3 years-old, has been followed up in Famema Hemathology Service since she was 1 year-old with a tumor on the face and persistent bleeding. After clinical and radiologic evaluations and suggested the diagnosis of giant hemangioma, she started treatment with interferon-alpha. A great clinical improvement was observed a reducing of the number of episodes of bleedings and a decrease in of the tumor size. CNP, 12 years-old, came to

  6. Five-year follow-up of a 13-year-old boy with a pituitary adenoma causing gigantism--effect of octreotide therapy. (United States)

    Schoof, Ellen; Dörr, Helmuth G; Kiess, Wieland; Lüdecke, Dieter K; Freitag, Eduard; Zindel, Volker; Rascher, Wolfgang; Dötsch, Jörg


    In children, there is little experience with octreotide therapy for pituitary tumors, especially growth hormone (GH) producing adenomas. We report on a 13-year-old boy with gigantism due to a GH-producing pituitary adenoma caused by a Gsalpha mutation on the basis of McCune-Albright syndrome. At the age of 6.5 years a GH- and prolactin-producing pituitary adenoma was diagnosed. The adenoma was surgically removed. Immediately thereafter, the small adenoma residuum was treated with octreotide (2 x 100 microg/day s.c.). During therapy with octreotide, the growth rate dropped to normal values; however, rose again after 2 years of treatment. The insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels remained above the 95th percentile, the GH level mostly >2 microg/l. After 5 years of octreotide therapy, GH (6.9 microg/l), IGF-I (620 microg/l), IGF-binding protein 3 (5.4 mg/l), and prolactin (17.0 ng/ml) levels were still elevated. The growth velocity was +2.4 SDS (standard deviation score), the pubertal status was mature, and the bone age was 14.3 years (prospective final height 208 cm). A magnetic resonance imaging scan showed an unchanged residual 4-mm rim of adenoma at the pituitary site. Side effects from octreotide therapy were not reported by the patient or his family. The therapy was changed to the long-acting release octreotide analog octreotide-LAR. After 1 year of treatment with octreotide-LAR, the GH level was 1.0 microg/l, and the prospective final height dropped by 10 cm. This case demonstrates that combined surgical and medical treatment can influence the prognosis of childhood gigantism; however, the prognosis of this rare condition remains uncertain. Copyright 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

  7. Liderazgo, la competencia esencial que transformó una empresa colombiana en un gigante internacional : el caso de Cementos Argos

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    Héctor Ochoa Díaz, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available Cementos Argos ha sido catalogado como uno de los gigantes de la industria cementera colombiana por su gran capacidad de consolidación en el mercado nacional y sus estrategias de internacionalización poco convencionales. Esta investigación documenta la experiencia internacional de Argos bajo la perspectiva de las teorías de internacionalización de mayor aceptación en la literatura internacional, haciendo uso del enfoque metodológico de los estudios de caso. Como resultado se encontró que las estrategias de fidelización, aunadas al rediseño organizacional resultado del liderazgo de la alta gerencia, han sido herramientas vitales para asegurar el crecimiento de la compañía en los mercados local y externo.

  8. Investigación experimental de la equinococosis canina a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino en México

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    Ismael Zuñiga-A


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Para evaluar la infección y obtener el estado adulto del cestodos, se buscó reproducir la equinococosis en perros a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino. MÉTODOS: Se formaron 2 grupos, uno de 5 y otro de 3 perros, a cada animal del grupo experimental se le dió 2 g de membrana germinativa de quíste hidatídico fértil por vía oral, el segundo grupo fue testigo. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados clínica, serológica y parasitológicamente, en el grupo experimental se sacrificó un animal el día 35 de la infección y los siguientes cada 5 dias hasta el 55, en el segundo grupo todos se sacrificaron el día 55. Se observaron huevos del cestodos en heces a partir del dia 51 postinfección. La evaluación morfológica se realizó mediante observación microscópica del raspado de mucosa intestinal. RESULTADOS: De 50 cestodos analizados, 10 de cada uno de los perros infectados, 49 (98% presentaron 3 proglótidos y 1 (2% tenía 4; 18 (36% de los cestodos presentaban un proglótido grávido. La longitud de los estróbilos varió de 1,6 a 2,6 mm. El número promedio de los ganchos largos y cortos fue de 31 y 34 respectivamente. La longitud de los ganchos largos varió entre 0,081 y 0,09 mm, los ganchos cortos fluctuaron entre 0,034 y 0,041 mm. En los perros evaluados clínicamente, el número de leucocitos y la cantidad de proteínas plasmáticas fue significativamente mayor en el grupo testigo (P < 0,05; la cantidad de alfa globulinas fue mayor en el grupo infectado (P < 0,05. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados permiten confirmar el ciclo perro-cerdo y una infección subclínica en los huéspedes definitivos, lo que dificulta su diagnóstico y control en una especie intimamente relacionada con el hombre.

  9. Investigación experimental de la equinococosis canina a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino en México

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    Zuñiga-A Ismael


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Para evaluar la infección y obtener el estado adulto del cestodos, se buscó reproducir la equinococosis en perros a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino. MÉTODOS: Se formaron 2 grupos, uno de 5 y otro de 3 perros, a cada animal del grupo experimental se le dió 2 g de membrana germinativa de quíste hidatídico fértil por vía oral, el segundo grupo fue testigo. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados clínica, serológica y parasitológicamente, en el grupo experimental se sacrificó un animal el día 35 de la infección y los siguientes cada 5 dias hasta el 55, en el segundo grupo todos se sacrificaron el día 55. Se observaron huevos del cestodos en heces a partir del dia 51 postinfección. La evaluación morfológica se realizó mediante observación microscópica del raspado de mucosa intestinal. RESULTADOS: De 50 cestodos analizados, 10 de cada uno de los perros infectados, 49 (98% presentaron 3 proglótidos y 1 (2% tenía 4; 18 (36% de los cestodos presentaban un proglótido grávido. La longitud de los estróbilos varió de 1,6 a 2,6 mm. El número promedio de los ganchos largos y cortos fue de 31 y 34 respectivamente. La longitud de los ganchos largos varió entre 0,081 y 0,09 mm, los ganchos cortos fluctuaron entre 0,034 y 0,041 mm. En los perros evaluados clínicamente, el número de leucocitos y la cantidad de proteínas plasmáticas fue significativamente mayor en el grupo testigo (P < 0,05; la cantidad de alfa globulinas fue mayor en el grupo infectado (P < 0,05. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados permiten confirmar el ciclo perro-cerdo y una infección subclínica en los huéspedes definitivos, lo que dificulta su diagnóstico y control en una especie intimamente relacionada con el hombre.

  10. Aspectos radiológicos e epidemiológicos do granuloma central de células gigantes Radiological and epidemiological aspects of central giant cell granuloma

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    José Wilson Noleto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os principais aspectos radiográficos e epidemiológicos das lesões de células gigantes (granulomas centrais de células gigantes e tumores marrons do hiperparatireoidismo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu de 26 lesões de células gigantes diagnosticadas em 22 pacientes divididos em dois grupos, um deles composto por 17 pacientes que não tinham hiperparatireoidismo (grupo A e o outro formado por cinco pacientes portadores de tal distúrbio (grupo B. RESULTADOS: O sexo feminino (72,7% foi o mais acometido. As lesões ocorreram mais freqüentemente na segunda década de vida, com média de idade de 27 anos. A mandíbula (61,5% foi o arco mais envolvido. Radiograficamente, 57,7% das lesões eram multiloculares e 42,3% eram uniloculares com limites definidos. Todas as 26 lesões provocaram expansão óssea, 15,4% produziram reabsorção radicular, 50% causaram deslocamento dentário e 11,5% produziram dor. Na mandíbula, 18,7% das lesões cruzavam a linha média. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões na mandíbula e o grupo B mostrou igualdade na distribuição das lesões entre os arcos. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões multiloculares e 33,3%, uniloculares. O grupo B apresentou 62,5% das lesões uniloculares e 37,5%, multiloculares. CONCLUSÃO: As lesões de células gigantes podem manifestar-se, radiograficamente, com um amplo espectro, desde pequenas lesões uniloculares de crescimento lento até extensas lesões multiloculares. Elas apresentam características de benignidade, embora algumas lesões possam demonstrar um comportamento localmente agressivo.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at evaluating main radiological and epidemiological aspects of giant cell lesions (central giant cell granuloma and brown tumors of hyperparathyroidism. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample consisted of 26 giant cell lesions diagnosed in 22 patients divided into two groups, one of them

  11. Genomic gigantism: DNA loss is slow in mountain grasshoppers. (United States)

    Bensasson, D; Petrov, D A; Zhang, D X; Hartl, D L; Hewitt, G M


    Several studies have shown DNA loss to be inversely correlated with genome size in animals. These studies include a comparison between Drosophila and the cricket, Laupala, but there has been no assessment of DNA loss in insects with very large genomes. Podisma pedestris, the brown mountain grasshopper, has a genome over 100 times as large as that of Drosophila and 10 times as large as that of Laupala. We used 58 paralogous nuclear pseudogenes of mitochondrial origin to study the characteristics of insertion, deletion, and point substitution in P. pedestris and Italopodisma. In animals, these pseudogenes are "dead on arrival"; they are abundant in many different eukaryotes, and their mitochondrial origin simplifies the identification of point substitutions accumulated in nuclear pseudogene lineages. There appears to be a mononucleotide repeat within the 643-bp pseudogene sequence studied that acts as a strong hot spot for insertions or deletions (indels). Because the data for other insect species did not contain such an unusual region, hot spots were excluded from species comparisons. The rate of DNA loss relative to point substitution appears to be considerably and significantly lower in the grasshoppers studied than in Drosophila or Laupala. This suggests that the inverse correlation between genome size and the rate of DNA loss can be extended to comparisons between insects with large or gigantic genomes (i.e., Laupala and Podisma). The low rate of DNA loss implies that in grasshoppers, the accumulation of point mutations is a more potent force for obscuring ancient pseudogenes than their loss through indel accumulation, whereas the reverse is true for Drosophila. The main factor contributing to the difference in the rates of DNA loss estimated for grasshoppers, crickets, and Drosophila appears to be deletion size. Large deletions are relatively rare in Podisma and Italopodisma.

  12. Análise química do bambu-gigante (Dendrocalamus giganteus Wall. ex Munro em diferentes idades

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    Nelson Potenciano Marinho


    Full Text Available bambu é uma planta monocotiledônea de origem tropical, de rápido crescimento, sendo considerado um importante regenerador ambiental devido ao seu sistema radicular. O Dendrocalamus giganteus é popularmente conhecido por bambu-gigante, sendo uma espécie entouceirante de grande porte, cujos colmos podem variar de 24 a 40 metros de altura, com diâmetros entre 10 e 20 cm. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo analisar quimicamente os colmos do bambu-gigante visando fornecer informações sobre a sua composição química nas idades de 2 a 6 anos. Os colmos do bambu foram coletados na área Experimental Agrícola do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da UNESP-Bauru, onde é realizado o manejo sistemático de diversas espécies de bambu para fins de pesquisas e divulgação dessa planta. Foram retiradas amostras da base entre bambus com idade de 2 a 6 anos de uma mesma touceira, totalizando 5 amostras, com 2 metros de altura cada, colhidas na lua minguante no mês de março. As análises químicas foram feitas com os entrenós, utilizando as normas e procedimentos da TAPPI. A porcentagem média de extrativos em água quente, extrativos em água fria, extrativos totais e teor de cinzas não apresentaram relação direta com a idade. A maior porcentagem de extrativos em água quente, com valor de 12,04%, extrativos em água fria, com 10,25%, e extrativos totais, com 12,91%, foi observada aos 2 anos de idade. A maior porcentagem de cinzas foi obtida aos três anos, com valores de 1,09%. O teor médio de extrativos em NaOH diminui de 25,72% aos dois anos para 20,17% aos seis anos de idade. O mesmo comportamento foi observado para os extrativos em etanol tolueno, diminuindo de 10,91% para 4,61%. O teor médio de lignina não sofreu influência da idade, variando de 22,66 a 24,11%.

  13. Unusual AIP mutation and phenocopy in the family of a young patient with acromegalic gigantism. (United States)

    Imran, Syed Ali; Aldahmani, Khaled A; Penney, Lynette; Croul, Sidney E; Clarke, David B; Collier, David M; Iacovazzo, Donato; Korbonits, Márta


    Early-onset acromegaly causing gigantism is often associated with aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting receptor protein ( AIP ) mutation, especially if there is a positive family history. A15y male presented with tiredness and visual problems. He was 201 cm tall with a span of 217 cm. He had typical facial features of acromegaly, elevated IGF-1, secondary hypogonadism and a large macroadenoma. His paternal aunt had a history of acromegaly presenting at the age of 35 years. Following transsphenoidal surgery, his IGF-1 normalized and clinical symptoms improved. He was found to have a novel AIP mutation destroying the stop codon c.991T>C; p.*331R. Unexpectedly, his father and paternal aunt were negative for this mutation while his mother and older sister were unaffected carriers, suggesting that his aunt represents a phenocopy. Typical presentation for a patient with AIP mutation with excess growth and eunuchoid proportions.Unusual, previously not described AIP variant with loss of the stop codon.Phenocopy may occur in families with a disease-causing germline mutation.

  14. Multiple organ gigantism caused by mutation in VmPPD gene in blackgram (Vigna mungo). (United States)

    Naito, Ken; Takahashi, Yu; Chaitieng, Bubpa; Hirano, Kumi; Kaga, Akito; Takagi, Kyoko; Ogiso-Tanaka, Eri; Thavarasook, Charaspon; Ishimoto, Masao; Tomooka, Norihiko


    Seed size is one of the most important traits in leguminous crops. We obtained a recessive mutant of blackgram that had greatly enlarged leaves, stems and seeds. The mutant produced 100% bigger leaves, 50% more biomass and 70% larger seeds though it produced 40% less number of seeds. We designated the mutant as multiple-organ-gigantism ( mog ) and found the mog phenotype was due to increase in cell numbers but not in cell size. We also found the mog mutant showed a rippled leaf ( rl ) phenotype, which was probably caused by a pleiotropic effect of the mutation. We performed a map-based cloning and successfully identified an 8 bp deletion in the coding sequence of VmPPD gene, an orthologue of Arabidopsis PEAPOD ( PPD ) that regulates arrest of cell divisions in meristematic cells . We found no other mutations in the neighboring genes between the mutant and the wild type. We also knocked down GmPPD genes and reproduced both the mog and rl phenotypes in soybean. Controlling PPD genes to produce the mog phenotype is highly valuable for breeding since larger seed size could directly increase the commercial values of grain legumes.

  15. Comparative Analysis of Vertebrate Dystrophin Loci Indicate Intron Gigantism as a Common Feature (United States)

    Pozzoli, Uberto; Elgar, Greg; Cagliani, Rachele; Riva, Laura; Comi, Giacomo P.; Bresolin, Nereo; Bardoni, Alessandra; Sironi, Manuela


    The human DMD gene is the largest known to date, spanning > 2000 kb on the X chromosome. The gene size is mainly accounted for by huge intronic regions. We sequenced 190 kb of Fugu rubripes (pufferfish) genomic DNA corresponding to the complete dystrophin gene (FrDMD) and provide the first report of gene structure and sequence comparison among dystrophin genomic sequences from different vertebrate organisms. Almost all intron positions and phases are conserved between FrDMD and its mammalian counterparts, and the predicted protein product of the Fugu gene displays 55% identity and 71% similarity to human dystrophin. In analogy to the human gene, FrDMD presents several-fold longer than average intronic regions. Analysis of intron sequences of the human and murine genes revealed that they are extremely conserved in size and that a similar fraction of total intron length is represented by repetitive elements; moreover, our data indicate that intron expansion through repeat accumulation in the two orthologs is the result of independent insertional events. The hypothesis that intron length might be functionally relevant to the DMD gene regulation is proposed and substantiated by the finding that dystrophin intron gigantism is common to the three vertebrate genes. [Supplemental material is available online at] PMID:12727896

  16. Earth’s oldest ‘Bobbit worm’ – gigantism in a Devonian eunicidan polychaete (United States)

    Eriksson, Mats E.; Parry, Luke A.; Rudkin, David M.


    Whilst the fossil record of polychaete worms extends to the early Cambrian, much data on this group derive from microfossils known as scolecodonts. These are sclerotized jaw elements, which generally range from 0.1–2 mm in size, and which, in contrast to the soft-body anatomy, have good preservation potential and a continuous fossil record. Here we describe a new eunicidan polychaete, Websteroprion armstrongi gen. et sp. nov., based primarily on monospecific bedding plane assemblages from the Lower-Middle Devonian Kwataboahegan Formation of Ontario, Canada. The specimens are preserved mainly as three-dimensional moulds in the calcareous host rock, with only parts of the original sclerotized jaw walls occasionally present. This new taxon has a unique morphology and is characterized by an unexpected combination of features seen in several different Palaeozoic polychaete families. Websteroprion armstrongi was a raptorial feeder and possessed the largest jaws recorded in polychaetes from the fossil record, with maxillae reaching over one centimetre in length. Total body length of the species is estimated to have reached over one metre, which is comparable to that of extant ‘giant eunicid’ species colloquially referred to as ‘Bobbit worms’. This demonstrates that polychaete gigantism was already a phenomenon in the Palaeozoic, some 400 million years ago. PMID:28220886

  17. Pteridófitas do Parque Estadual de Vassununga, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro (SP, Brasil. Gleba Pé-de-Gigante. Pteridophytes from Vassununga State Park, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, Brazil. Gleba Pé-de-Gigante.

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    Áurea Maria Therezinha COLLI


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi realizado um levantamentode pteridófitas na Gleba Pé-de-Gigante do ParqueEstadual de Vassununga, localizado no municípiode Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, sob as coordenadas21º36’39,01054’’S e 47º37’03,46727’’W. As coletasforam realizadas em três trilhas, denominadasTrilha do Meliponário, Trilha do Córrego Paulicéiae Trilha da Torre. Foram reconhecidas 15 espéciesde pteridófitas pertencentes a 7 famílias. Dessas,as mais representativas foram Polypodiaceae eThelypteridaceae com quatro espécies cada,e Pteridaceae e Schizaeaceae que apresentaramduas espécies cada. Das 15 espécies registradas9 apresentam distribuição bastante restrita, ocorrendoapenas na Trilha do Córrego Paulicéia. Por outrolado, Microgramma squamulosa (Kaulf. de laSota, Pleopeltis angusta Willd e Polypodiumpolypodioides (L. Watt são as espécies deocorrência mais ampla. Em todas as trilhas hápteridófitas, sendo que a Trilha do CórregoPaulicéia é a mais rica, e a Trilha da Torre a maispobre em número de espécies. As pteridófitasocorrem no cerrado “sensu stricto”, cerradão e nafloresta de galeria. A maior diversidade de espéciesfoi encontrada na floresta de galeria.This work presents a pteridophyticalsurvey carried out at the Gleba Pé-de-Gigante ofthe Vassununga State Park, in the municipality ofSanta Rita do Passa Quatro (21º36’39.01054’’Sand 47º37’03.46727’’W. Collections wereaccomplished at three trails called “Trilha doMeliponário, Trilha do Córrego Paulicéia andTrilha da Torre ”. Fifteen species of pteridophytespertaining to 7 families were recognized. From these,the most representative ones were Polypodiaceaeand Thelypteridaceae, with 4 species each, andPteridaceae and Schizaeaceae, with two specieseach. From the 15 species registered, nine present avery restricted distribution occurring only in the“Trilha do Córrego Paulic��ia”, Microgrammasquamulosa, Pleopeltis angusta and

  18. Gigantic terahertz magnetochromism via electromagnons in the hexaferrite magnet Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 (United States)

    Kida, N.; Kumakura, S.; Ishiwata, S.; Taguchi, Y.; Tokura, Y.


    Effects of temperature (6-225 K) and magnetic field (0-7 T) on the low-energy (1.2-5 meV) electrodynamics of the electromagnon, the magnetic resonance driven by the light electric field, have been investigated for a hexaferrite magnet Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 by using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. We find the gigantic terahertz magnetochromism via electromagnons; the magnetochromic change, as defined by the difference of the absorption intensity with and without magnetic field, exceeds 500% even at 0.6 T. The results arise from the fact that the spectral intensity of the electromagnon critically depends on the magnetic structure. With changing the conical spin structures in terms of the conical angle θ from the proper screw (θ=0°) to the ferrimagnetic (θ=90°) through the conical spin-ordered phases (0°origin of this electromagnon is argued in terms of the exchange-striction mechanism.

  19. Comportamiento de la infección experimental por aislamientos colombianos de Giardia duodenalis en el modelo animal del gerbo (Meriones unguiculatus.

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    Adriana Arévalo


    Full Text Available Introducción. Se han informado infecciones naturales y experimentales con Giardia sp. en bovinos, equinos, caprinos, caninos, felinos y roedores como ratones, ratas y gerbos; estos últimos son el modelo más adecuado para estudios de la infección por Giardia duodenalis y Giardia muris. Objetivo. Establecer el comportamiento de la infección con aislamientos colombianos de Giardia duodenalis en el modelo animal del gerbo. Materiales y métodos. Se purificaron mediante gradientes de sacarosa y percoll quistes del parásito obtenidos a partir de heces de pacientes sintomáticos infectados. La inoculación a los animales se realizó mediante sonda gástrica con 5x103 quistes. El curso de la infección se estableció mediante recuento diario de quistes y semanal de trofozoítos durante treinta días. Resultados. La eliminación de quistes presentó un patrón intermitente de excreción, con ausencia en la primera y cuarta semanas de infección, y presencia constante durante la segunda y tercera semanas, en número variable con promedio mínimo de 79 y máximo de 17.943 quistes liberados en heces recolectadas en un período de dos horas. Se observó colonización de los trofozoítos en el intestino delgado, en número que osciló entre 15.000 y 6'577.778 trofozoítos por ml. Conclusiones. En gerbos infectados con aislamientos de Giardia duodenalis circulantes en otras regiones geográficas, la resolución natural de la infección oscila entre 86 y 114 días mientras que los gerbos infectados con aislamientos colombianos del parásito la resuelven al día 30. El gerbo constituye un modelo animal adecuado para la infección con aislamientos colombianos de G. duodenalis. La infección experimental por Giardia en gerbo permite obtener quistes y trofozoítos del parásito en cantidades suficientes con la finalidad de ser utilizados como antígenos para la inmunización de animales y para la obtención de anticuerpos que puedan utilizarse para la detecci

  20. Off-center displacements of Ti ions in oxide ferroelectrics and a gigantic photo-induced dielectric constant of quantum paraelectric perovskite oxides in the electron-lattice theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konsin, P; Sorkin, B


    In this work we investigate the coupling of the F 1u vibrations with the actual electronic states of BO 6 n- cluster in ABO 3 ferrorelectric-oxides. This coupling leads to the dynamical covalency hybridization of B(Ti,Ta,Nb) and oxygen electronic states. It is shown that at fulfilment of definite criteria the free energy at T = 0, the adiabatic potential of BO 6 n- cluster have the following configurations: (1) one maximum at x 0 = y 0 = z 0 = 0 (ferroelectric instability); (2) eight minima in the points vertical bar x 0 vertical bar = vertical bar y 0 vertical bar = vertical bar z 0 vertical bar = y 0 ; (3) twelve saddle points at vertical bar p vertical bar = vertical bar q vertical bar ≠ 0, r = 0 (p, q, r = x, y, z) with a maximum in the r cross-section and minima along p and q. We show that the photo-induced changes of local ferroelectric distortions can take place. A gigantic enhancement of the dielectric constant by UV-light illumination is calculated in the electron-lattice theory in quantum paraelectrics of perovskite oxides, such as SrTiO 3 and KTaO 3 , under a weak DC electric field. The temperature dependence of the gigantic real part of the dielectric constant ε UVDC of SrTi 16 O 3 under both UV-light and DC electric fields is calculated in satisfactory agreement with the experiment

  1. Estudio de la expresión de calmodulina y detección de posibles cambios en transducción de señales durante los procesos de diferenciación del parásito Giardia intestinalis / Study of calmodulin expression and detection of changes in signal transduction pathways during the differentiation processes of parasite Giardia intestinalis


    Alvarado Mora, Magda Elvira


    Giardia intestinalis es un parásito que infecta humanos. El proceso de exquistación es fundamental para que Giardia pueda infectar a un nuevo hospedero. Es un proceso biológico muy interesante, en donde la forma dormitante (quiste) detecta que las condiciones ambientales son las adecuadas para la reactivación celular. En este trabajo se estableció un método para la purificación de quistes del parásito, y se realizaron experimentos de exquistación. Se analizaron cambios en el patrón de fosfori...

  2. Ameloblastic fibroma versus hyperplastic follicular cyst


    Azúa-Romeo, J.; Saura Fillat, E.; Usón Bouthelier, T.; Tovar Lázaro, M.; Azúa Blanco, J.


    Resumen: El fibroma ameloblástico (FA) es un tumor odontogénico mixto, compuesto por tejido mesenquimal y epitelio odontogénico, representando el 2% de los tumores odontogénicos, mientras que el quiste dentígero o folicular (QF), el segundo quiste odontogénico en frecuencia, está compuesto exclusivamente por tejido conjuntivo laxo (mesénquima), si bien, el saco fibroso puede contener restos de epitelio odontogénico incluidos, dando lugar a una imagen histológica muy similar. La importancia de...

  3. Resección quirúrgica de mucocele utilizando relleno siliconado


    Martínez, Adel; Gómez Arcila, Verónica; Carmona, Zenén


    El mucocele es una lesión que afecta especialmente las glándulas salivales menores; se forma debido a la extravasación de saliva mucosa producto de un trauma por mordedura. Teniendo en cuenta el factor causal, el mucocele se puede clasificar como quiste de extravasación mucosa o quiste de retención mucosa. Afecta primordialmente el labio inferior y se manifiesta como un nódulo, translúcido y circunscrito con un contenido mucoso o muestra una elevación del color de la mucosa que la cubre. El t...

  4. Sex Determination and Polyploid Gigantism in the Dwarf Surfclam (Mulinia Lateralis Say) (United States)

    Guo, X.; Allen-Jr., S. K.


    Mulinia lateralis, the dwarf surfclam, is a suitable model for bivalve genetics because it is hardy and has a short generation time. In this study, gynogenetic and triploid. M. lateralis were successfully induced. For gynogenesis, eggs were fertilized with sperm irradiated with ultraviolet light and subsequently treated with cytochalasin B to block the release of the second polar body (PB2). Triploidy was induced by blocking PB2 in normally fertilized eggs. The survival of gynogenetic diploids was very low, only 0.7% to 8 days post-fertilization (PF), compared with 15.2% in the triploid groups and 27.5% in the normal diploid control. Larvae in all groups metamorphosed at 8-10 days PF, and there was no significant post-larval mortality. At sexual maturation (2-3 months PF), all gynogenetic diploids were female, and there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in sex ratio between diploids and triploids. These results suggested that the dwarf surfclam may have an XX-female, XY-male sex determination with Y-domination. Compared with diploids, triploids had a relative fecundity of 59% for females and 80% for males. Eggs produced by triploid females were 53% larger (P 0.33) different from normal diploid females, suggesting that inbreeding depression was minimal in meiosis II gynogens. Triploid clams were significantly larger (P gigantism due to the increased cell volume and a lack of cell-number compensation. PMID:7896101

  5. Futures, fakes and discourses of the gigantic and miniature in ‘The World’ islands, Dubai

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    Pamila Gupta


    Full Text Available This article takes the “island” as a key trope in tourism studies, exploring how ideas of culture and nature, as well as those of paradise (lost are central to its interpretation for tourists and tourist industries alike. Increasingly, however, island tourism is blurring the line between geographies of land and water, continent and archipelago, and private and public property. The case of ‘The World’ islands mega project off the coast of Dubai (UAE is used to chart the changing face and future of island tourism, exploring how spectacle, branding and discourses of the gigantic, miniature, and fake, particularly alongside technological mediations on a large-scale, reflect the postmodern neoliberal world of tourism and the liquid times in which we live. Artificial island complexes such as this one function as cosmopolitan ‘non-places’ at the same time that they reflect a resurgence in (British nascent nationalism and colonial nostalgia, all the whilst operating in a sea of ‘junkspace’. The shifting cartography of ‘the island’ is thus mapped out to suggest new forms of place-making and tourism’s evolving relationship to these floating islandscapes.

  6. Expressão imuno-histoquímica da vimentina e do HHF-35 em fibroma de células gigantes, hiperplasia fibrosa e fibroma da mucosa oral Immunohistochemical expression of vimentin and HHF-35 in giant cell fibroma, fibrous hyperplasia and fibroma of the oral mucosa

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    Márcia Cristina da Costa Miguel


    Full Text Available O fibroma de células gigantes, a hiperplasia fibrosa e o fibroma constituem algumas das mais freqüentes lesões fibrosas orais, compartilhando características clínicas e histopatológicas. Este estudo teve o objetivo de investigar a imunorreatividade das células gigantes estreladas mono, bi ou multinucleadas, características do fibroma de células gigantes e, ocasionalmente presentes na hiperplasia fibrosa e no fibroma, a anticorpos anti-vimentina e anti-actina de músculo (HHF-35, visando detectar características fenotípicas destas células. Os resultados demonstraram que na maioria dos casos houve imunorreatividade para a vimentina, sugerindo um fenótipo fibroblástico para estas células.The giant cell fibroma, fibrous hyperplasia and fibroma are the most frequent fibrous oral lesions, sharing clinical and histopathological features. The purpose of this study was to investigate the immunoreactivity of the large stellate-shaped mononuclear and multinucleated cells, reported as the most characteristic histological feature of the giant cell fibroma but present occasionally in fibrous hyperplasia and fibroma, for the antibodies vimentin and HHF-35 in order to detect phenotypical characteristic of these cells. The results showed in the most of cases positive staining for vimentin, suggesting a fibroblast phenotype for these cells.

  7. Growth-hormone-induced signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 signaling causes gigantism, inflammation, and premature death but protects mice from aggressive liver cancer. (United States)

    Friedbichler, Katrin; Themanns, Madeleine; Mueller, Kristina M; Schlederer, Michaela; Kornfeld, Jan-Wilhelm; Terracciano, Luigi M; Kozlov, Andrey V; Haindl, Susanne; Kenner, Lukas; Kolbe, Thomas; Mueller, Mathias; Snibson, Kenneth J; Heim, Markus H; Moriggl, Richard


    Persistently high levels of growth hormone (GH) can cause liver cancer. GH activates multiple signal-transduction pathways, among them janus kinase (JAK) 2-signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 5 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 5). Both hyperactivation and deletion of STAT5 in hepatocytes have been implicated in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); nevertheless, the role of STAT5 in the development of HCC as a result of high GH levels remains enigmatic. Thus, we crossed a mouse model of gigantism and inflammatory liver cancer caused by hyperactivated GH signaling (GH(tg) ) to mice with hepatic deletion of STAT5 (STAT5(Δhep) ). Unlike GH(tg) mice, GH(tg) STAT5(Δhep) animals did not display gigantism. Moreover, the premature mortality, which was associated with chronic inflammation, as well as the pathologic alterations of hepatocytes observed in GH(tg) mice, were not observed in GH(tg) animals lacking STAT5. Strikingly, loss of hepatic STAT5 proteins led to enhanced HCC development in GH(tg) mice. Despite reduced chronic inflammation, GH(tg) STAT5(Δhep) mice displayed earlier and more advanced HCC than GH(tg) animals. This may be attributed to the combination of increased peripheral lipolysis, hepatic lipid synthesis, loss of hepatoprotective mediators accompanied by aberrant activation of tumor-promoting c-JUN and STAT3 signaling cascades, and accumulation of DNA damage secondary to loss of cell-cycle control. Thus, HCC was never observed in STAT5(Δhep) mice. As a result of their hepatoprotective functions, STAT5 proteins prevent progressive fatty liver disease and the formation of aggressive HCC in the setting of hyperactivated GH signaling. At the same time, they play a key role in controlling systemic inflammation and regulating organ and body size. Copyright © 2011 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

  8. High-precision chronology for Central American maize diversification from El Gigante rockshelter, Honduras. (United States)

    Kennett, Douglas J; Thakar, Heather B; VanDerwarker, Amber M; Webster, David L; Culleton, Brendan J; Harper, Thomas K; Kistler, Logan; Scheffler, Timothy E; Hirth, Kenneth


    The first steps toward maize ( Zea mays subspecies mays ) domestication occurred in the Balsas region of Mexico by ∼9,000 calendar years B.P. (cal B.P.), but it remains unclear when maize was productive enough to be a staple grain in the Americas. Molecular and microbotanical data provide a partial picture of the timing and nature of morphological change, with genetic data indicating that alleles for some domestication traits were not yet fixed by 5,300 cal B.P. in the highlands of Mexico. Here, we report 88 radiocarbon dates on the botanical remains from El Gigante rockshelter (Honduras) to establish a Bayesian chronology over the past ∼11,000 y spanning the transition to maize-based food production. Botanical remains are remarkably well preserved and include over 10,000 maize macrofossils. We directly dated 37 maize cobs to establish the appearance and local change of maize at the site. Cobs are common in deposits dating between 4,340 and 4,020 cal B.P., and again between 2,350 and 980 cal B.P. The earliest cobs appear robustly domesticated, having 10-14 rows, suggesting strong selection for increased yield. The later cobs are comparable to these earliest ones, but show clear emergence of diverse traits, including increased cob width, rachis segment length, and cupule width. Our results indicate that domesticated landraces of maize productive enough to be a staple grain existed in Central America by 4,300 cal B.P.

  9. Parâmetros astrofísicos de estrelas gigantes do aglomerado globular 47 Tucanae (United States)

    Alves-Brito, A.; Barbuy, B.


    Os aglomerados globulares são considerados laboratórios astrofísicos para a verificação da teoria de evolução estelar, bem como a trajetória químio-dinâmica das galáxias hospedeiras. Em particular, 47 Tucanae (NGC 104) configura-se como um dos mais extensivamente estudados aglomerados globulares da Galáxia devido a relativa proximidade ao Sol (R¤ = 4.5 kpc) e alta latitute galáctica (b = -44°,89). Neste trabalho, apresentamos a velocidade radial heliocêntrica e os parâmetros atmosféricos (Teff, logg, [Fe/H]) de 5 estrelas gigantes do aglomerado globular 47 Tucanae. Os espectros foram obtidos pelo espectrógrafo UVES (Ultaviolet Visual Echelle Spectrograph) de alta resolução (R = 60000) e alta razão sinal-ruído (S/N > 200), acoplado ao telescópio de 8,2m Kueyen do VLT (Very Large Telescope). Nós encontramos = -22,43 +/- 3,97 km/s, [Fe/H] ~ -0.7, 1,2 estrelas cobrem um intervalo de magnitude 12,2 < V < 14,2. Os parâmetros atmosféricos são fundamentais para a construção de espectros sintéticos de outros aglomerados globulares ricos em metais. Trabalho financiado pela FAPESP e pelo CNPq.

  10. Nevus melanocítico intradérmico congénito gigante. "El niño tortuga (testudines": Caso clínico Giant congenital melanocytic nevus. "Turtle boy": Case report

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    J.F. Arango Ospina


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 2 años de edad, conocido en su pueblo, como "el niño tortuga (testudines" debido a la gran similitud con dicho reptil. Desde su nacimiento presentó nevus melanocítico gigante localizado en región torácica posterior, región lumbosacra y lesiones satélites en extremidades y abdomen, de 50 por 40cm de diámetro y color café oscuro; la piel en las zonas afectadas es gruesa con grandes surcos de aspecto corrugado (cerebriforme. El nombre dado al niño se basa en la similitud de sus lesiones con la morfología de una tortuga, ya que el caparazón cubre la zona superior, inferior y lateral del cuerpo de este animal, de la misma forma que el nevus gigante lo hacía en el caso de nuestro paciente. Este caparazón está formado por placas óseas revestidas de placas corneas, que se asemejan a los surcos de aspecto corrugado que conforman el nevus melanocítico gigante. Los estudios clínicos practicados revelaron compromiso cardiovascular, hepático y esplénico, así como una desfavorable evolución y pronostico del cuadro clínico, por lo que esta patología, específicamente para este niño y de acuerdo a la junta Médico-Quirúrgica y valoraciones, fue considerada inoperable.We present the case of a 2 years-old patient, known in his town as "turtle boy"(testudines due to his great simility with this reptile because of his giant congenital melanocytic nevus, located in the posterior and lateral aspect of the chest and in smaller proportion in abdomen and extremities, of 50 by 40cm and dark brown colour. The skin in this zone is thick with great furrows and corrugated aspect. He was called "turtle boy" based on the morphology of the turtle, its shell covers the superior, inferior and lateral zone like in our patient's case. It is formed by bone layers covered by cornea layers, which resemble the furrows and corrugated aspect of the giant congenital melanocytic nevus. Medical investigation reveals

  11. Spontaneous thrombosis of internal carotid artery: a natural history of giant carotid cavernous aneurysms Trombose espontânea da artéria carótida interna: a história natural dos aneurismas gigantes intracavernosos

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    Lucas Perez de Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe five cases of giant carotid cavernous aneurysms which evolved with spontaneous thrombosis of internal carotid artery (STICA, with emphasis at epidemiology, clinical presentation, natural history, related factors and neurological outcome. METHOD: There were 711 consecutives patients with 802 aneurysms with and without surgical treatment during a period of 19 years. We selected 35 patients with 40 carotid cavernous aneurysms (5% of which 20 (50% were giant aneurysms. Among those cases, 5 patients evolved with STICA (25%. Symptoms and findings at presentation were recorded and compared with those at outcome. RESULTS: Clinical presentation was commonly related to atherosclerotic factors such as elevated blood pressure (80%, diabetes mellitus (40% and dislipidemy (40%. All patients presented with hemicranial headache, ophthalmparesy and retro bulbar pain, and after STICA all presented improvement of symptoms. After STICA, 4 patients had regression of deficit, 2 partial and 2 complete. Four patients had sensorial trigeminal neuropathy in V1 and V2 territories, also showing improvement of symptoms after STICA. CONCLUSION: STICA is a common outcome in giant carotid cavernous aneurysms, and is related with significant improvement of symptoms; however, it may be catastrophic for those patients without efficient collateral circulation.OBJETIVO: Relatar cinco casos de aneurismas gigantes intracavernosos que evoluíram com trombose espontânea da artéria carótida interna (TEACI, estudando-se: prevalência, apresentação clínica, história natural, fatores associados e prognóstico neurológico. MÉTODO: Análise de 711 pacientes consecutivos com diagnóstico de 802 aneurismas cerebrais submetidos a tratamento clínico ou cirúrgico num período de 19 anos. Foram identificados 40 aneurismas intracavernosos, sendo que 20 desses eram gigantes. Dentre esses, 5 pacientes com aneurismas gigantes intracavernosos que evoluíram com TEACI

  12. Reconstrucción cervical tras resección de neurofibroma solitario gigante con colgajo anterolateral de muslo

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    Mauricio Mendieta-Espinosa

    Full Text Available Los tumores de cabeza y cuello son un grupo heterogéneo; los neurofibromas pueden originarse de cualquier nervio independientemente de su localización, incluyendo nervios periféricos o intracraneales y se dividen en 4 tipos. Los solitarios son tumores confinados, espontáneos y prácticamente sin ninguna manifestación. Anatómicamente, los neurofibromas del cuello son relativamente raros, con un crecimiento lento e indoloro. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 41 años de edad, remitido a nuestra consulta por presentar neurofibroma solitario gigante en la base del lado izquierdo del cuello, de 10 cm de diámetro, con zona central ulcerada y sangrados intermitentes, adherido a planos profundos, de 30 años de evolución y que había sido tratado en 3 ocasiones con resecciones parciales y cubertura con colgajo acromial. Practicamos resección completa de la tumoración y reconstrucción inmediata con colgajo anterolateral de muslo, logrando la mejoría estético-funcional de la zona cervical y sin complicaciones.

  13. Condiloma gigante del pene (Tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein: Presentación de un caso Peneal Buschke-Lowenstein tumor: Case report

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    A.A. Núñez Serrano


    Full Text Available El condiloma gigante del pene o tumor de Buschke- Lowenstein, es un tumor epitelial benigno de origen viral y sexualmente transmisible, que en raros casos puede malignizar. Presentamos un paciente en el que el condiloma de localización peneana, creció rápidamente y destruyó estructuras. Su histología se caracteriza por papilomatosis y acantosis endo y exofítica. Existen diferentes tratamientos del tumor, pero el más efectivo es la extirpación quirúrgica radical para evitar recidivas y malignización.Buschke-Lowenstein tumour is an epithelial benign tumour sexually transmitted with a viral origin. We present a case of peneal localization with exofitic growth, compression and displacement of the deeper tissues, ulceration and urethral fistulae. Histology is characterized by papillomatosis and endo or exophytic acantosis. Local malignancy is still discussed. There are many possible treatments, but radical excision is the best to avoid malignant transformation and recurrences.

  14. Evolución de planetas gigantes y posibilidades de su detección directa (United States)

    Brunini, A.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Desde la reciente detección de planetas gigantes orbitando estrellas cercanas de tipo solar por medio de efecto Doppler, uno de los principales problemas, en cuanto al estudio de los sistemas planetarios extrasolares, se refiere a la posibilidad de obtener evidencia directa de su existencia. Esto parece ser factible gracias a que en un futuro cercano entrarán en operación algunos telescopios especialmente adecuados a estos propósitos. Por tal motivo, hemos comenzado desde hace un tiempo un esfuerzo en cuanto al estudio de la evolución planetaria. A tales efectos hemos adaptado el código de evolución estelar de nuestro Observatorio al caso planetario. Las principales diferencias entre el caso estelar y el planetario se encuentran en la ecuación de estado. A tales fines hemos incluído la reciente ecuación de estado de Saumon, Chabrier y Van Horn, las opacidades radiativas de Guillot et al., procesos de quema de Deuterio, etc. También se ha considerado la posible existencia de fases de hielo y roca en el interior planetario. Por el momento hemos despreciado los efectos de la rotación planetaria. Con este código hemos computado la evolución de planetas con masas desde 10 hasta 0.3 masas de Júpiter. Utilizando nuestros resultados numéricos discutimos la detectabilidad de estos objetos en condiciones realistas.

  15. Gigantic perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of heavy transition metal cappings on Fe/MgO(0 0 1) (United States)

    Taivansaikhan, P.; Odkhuu, D.; Rhim, S. H.; Hong, S. C.


    Effects of capping layer by 5d transition metals (TM = Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au) on Fe/MgO(0 0 1), a typical magnetic tunneling junction, are systematically investigated using first-principles calculation for magnetism and magnetocrystalline-anisotropy (MCA). The early TMs having less than half-filled d bands favor magnetization antiparallel to Fe, whereas the late TMs having more than half-filled d bands favor parallel, which is explained in the framework of kinetic exchange energy. The Os capping, isovalent to Fe, enhances MCA significantly to gigantic energy of +11.31 meV/cell, where positive contribution is mostly from the partially filled majority d bands of magnetic quantum number of |m| = 1 along with stronger spin-orbit coupling of Os than Fe. Different TM cappings give different MCA energies as the Fermi level shifts according to the valence of TM: Re and Ir, just one valence more or less than Os, have still large PMCA but smaller than the Os. In the W and Pt cappings, valence difference by two, PMCA are further reduced; MCAs are lowered compared to Fe/MgO(0 0 1) by the cappings of the very early TMs (Hf and Ta), while the very late TM (Au) switches sign to in-plane MCA.

  16. A Thermodynamic, kinematic and microphysical analysis of a jet and gigantic jet-producing Florida thunderstorm (United States)

    Lazarus, S. M.; Splitt, M. E.; Brownlee, James; Spiva, Nicholas; Liu, Ningyu


    This paper presents a meteorological analysis of a storm that produced two jets, four gigantic jets (GJ), and a starter, which were observed by two radars as well as the Kennedy Space Center 4-Dimensional Lightning Surveillance System on 3 August 2013 in Central Florida. The work is the first application of dual polarization data to a jet-producing storm and is the fifth case related to a tropical disturbance. The storm environment is consistent with the moist tropical paradigm that characterizes about three quarters of the surface and aircraft observed jet and GJ events. The most unstable (MU) convective available potential energy is not unusual for Florida summer convection and is below the climatological mean for these events. An unusual speed shear layer is located near the storm equilibrium level (EL) and the storm exhibits a tilted structure with CGs displaced upshear. The turbulence, as measured by the eddy dissipation rate, is extreme near the storm top during the event window, consistent with the GJ mixing hypothesis. The individual events are collocated with, and track along, the center axis of the divergent outflow at the EL and occur within the region of the coldest GOES IR temperatures—placing the events within the overshoot. The dual polarization data indicate a deep graupel column, extending above the mixed phase layer, to a 13 km altitude.

  17. Endochondral gigantism: a newly recognized skeletal dysplasia with pre- and postnatal overgrowth and endocrine abnormalities. (United States)

    Schmidt, Heinrich; Kammer, Birgit; Grasser, Monika; Enders, Angelika; Rost, Imma; Kiess, Wieland


    We report on a 3-year-old male, born at 34 weeks of gestation, with marked pre- and postnatal overgrowth, birth weight of 6,600 g, length of 61 cm, and head circumference of 38.5 cm. A striking phenotype was recorded at birth, which became more evident during the follow-up period. He had macrobrachycephaly, facial abnormalities, small thoracic cage, long trunk, deformed spine, rhizomelia, large hands and feets, absent subcutaneous fat, small umbilical hernia, inguinal hernias, and large joints with mild contractures. Hypoglycemic episodes and obstructive apnea complicated the neonatal period. During follow-up, overgrowth continued with a height of 146 cm (+11.65 SDS) and a weight of 39 kg (BMI 18.3 kg/m(2)) at 3.5 years. Endocrinological work-up disclosed extremely low levels of growth hormone, insulin-like growth factors, and insulin. What makes our patient unique is the association of marked prenatal overgrowth; unusual phenotype; skeletal dysplasia caused by accelerated endochondral ossification resulting in cartilage hyperplasia of the skull base and spine, and postnatal gigantism; and complete absence of subcutaneous fat. Other well-known overgrowth syndromes were excluded. We hypothesize that autocrine/paracrine growth factors could be the cause of excessive endochondral ossification. Alternately, activating mutations in transcription factors involved in both growth and endocrine/metabolic homeostasis could be responsible for this unusual phenotype. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Multi-instrumental observations of a positive gigantic jet produced by a winter thunderstorm in Europe (United States)

    van der Velde, Oscar A.; Bór, József; Li, Jingbo; Cummer, Steven A.; Arnone, Enrico; Zanotti, Ferruccio; Füllekrug, Martin; Haldoupis, Christos; Naitamor, Samir; Farges, Thomas


    At 2336:56 UTC on 12 December 2009, a bright gigantic jet (GJ) was recorded by an observer in Italy. Forty-nine additional sprites, elves, halos and two cases of upward lightning were observed that night. The location of the GJ corresponded to a distinct cloud top (-34°C) west of Ajaccio, Corsica. The GJ reached approximately 91 km altitude, with a "trailing jet" reaching 49-59 km, matching with earlier reported GJs. The duration was short at 120-160 ms. This is the first documented GJ which emerged from a maritime winter thunderstorm only 6.5 km tall, showing high cloud tops are not required for initiation of GJs. In the presence of strong vertical wind shear, the meteorological situation was different from typical outbreaks of fall and winter thunderstorms in the Mediterranean. During the trailing jet phase of the GJ, a sprite with halo triggered by a nearby cloud-to-ground lightning flash occurred at a relatively low altitude (origins in the cloud (i.e., a positive cloud-to-ionosphere discharge, +CI), with a large total charge moment change of 11600 C km and a maximum current of 3.3 kA. Early VLF transmitter amplitude perturbations detected concurrently with the GJ confirm the production of large conductivity changes due to electron density enhancements in the D-region of the ionosphere.

  19. Miocarditis de células gigantes con bloqueo AV completo persistente: respuesta al tratamiento con resincronizador cardiaco Giant cell myocarditis with complete persistent A-V block: treatment response with cardiac resynchronization

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    Julián Aristizábal


    Full Text Available La miocarditis de células gigantes es una enfermedad grave y poco frecuente, cuya etiología, posiblemente autoinmune, se caracteriza por la presencia de células gigantes multinucleadas con infiltrado inflamatorio y necrosis extensa en la biopsia endomiocárdica. Es común su asociación con taquicardias ventriculares y con alteraciones de la conducción aurículo-ventricular, lo cual se resuelve algunas veces con tratamiento inmunosupresor. Dada la complejidad del pronóstico de esta entidad, el papel de los dispositivos de resincronización después de la estabilización de la falla cardíaca, no está claro. Aquí se reporta un caso en el cual el implante de uno de estos dispositivos fue parte fundamental de la terapia y recuperación del paciente.Giant cell myocarditis is an infrequent and serious illness, possibly of autoimmune etiology, characterized by the presence of multinucleated giant cells with inflammatory infiltrate and extensive necrosis in the endomyocardial biopsy. Its association with ventricular tachycardia is common and alterations in atrioventricular conduction are frequently solved through immunosuppressive treatment. Given the generally complex prognosis of this entity, the role of the resynchronization devices after the heart failure stabilization, is unclear. We reported a case in which the implant of one of these devices was a fundamental part of the therapy and patient recovery.

  20. Gigantic jets produced by an isolated tropical thunderstorm near Réunion Island (United States)

    Soula, Serge; van der Velde, Oscar; Montanya, Joan; Huet, Patrice; Barthe, Christelle; Bór, József


    Five gigantic jets (GJs) have been recorded with video and photograph cameras on 7 March 2010 above an isolated tropical storm east of Réunion Island. Three of them were produced before the storm reached its coldest cloud top temperature (approximately -81°C), and two others occurred during the cloud extension. Thanks to the close distance of observation (˜50 km), the luminosity within the cloud was recorded, and the events are analyzed in unprecedented detail. The tops of the GJs are estimated between 80 and 90 km. All these GJs are accompanied by long, continuous cloud illumination, and they are preceded and followed by intermittent optical flashes from the cloud, most of time without any cloud-to-ground (CG) flash simultaneously detected, which suggests they originated mainly as intracloud discharges and without any charge transfer to Earth. The CG lightning activity is observed to cease a few tens of seconds before the jets. According to ELF data recorded at Nagycenk, Hungary, the five GJs serve to raise negative charge. Their duration ranges from 333 to 850 ms. The leading jet has the most variable duration (33-167 ms) and propagates faster at higher altitudes. The trailing jet exhibits a continuous decrease of luminosity in different parts of the jet (lower channel, transition zone and, for most events, carrot sprite-like top) and in the cloud, with possible rebrightening. The lower channels (˜20-40 km altitude) produce blue luminosity which decreases with altitude and become more and more diffuse with time. The transition zone (around 40-65 km) consists of bright red, luminous beads slowly going up (˜104 m s-1), retracing the initial leading jet channels.

  1. Presencia de Giardia lamblia y Cryptosporidium spp. en aguas residuales depuradas reutilizadas para riego agrícola en la isla de Tenerife, España. Efectos del transporte a larga distancia sobre la calidad del agua reutilizada

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    N. Abreu Acosta


    Full Text Available El empleo de aguas residuales depuradas para riego agrícola es la alternativa de reutilización con más relevancia hoy día, siempre y cuando se desarrolle con garantías sanitarias y medioambientales.Giardia lamblia y Cryptosporidium spp. son dos protozoos patógenos entéricos de amplia distribución ambiental, frecuentes en hábitats acuáticos. La investigación y detección de estos parásitos en aguas ha adquirido importancia en los últimos años debido a que poseen formas de dispersión resistentes a los tratamientos habituales, aplicados tanto en procesos de potabilización como de depuración, y a que han sido clasificados como patógenos emergentes causantes de importantes brotes de transmisión hídrica.En este trabajo se estudia la presencia de quistes de Giardia lamblia y ooquistes de Cryptosporidium spp. en el agua residual depurada de la ciudad de Santa Cruz de Tenerife que es transportada hasta el sur de la isla de Tenerife para su reutilización en agricultura. Asimismo se investiga el efecto del transporte, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento avanzado sobre la concentración de quistes y ooquistes a través del sistema, y la existencia de relaciones con otros parámetros bacteriológicos y físico-químicos.Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto comportamientos variables de los contenidos en quistes y ooquistes frente a los tratamientos aplicados, y el efecto depurador que el transporte a larga distancia, parece tener sobre el agua residual depurada.No se han encontrado relaciones entre las concentraciones de quistes y ooquistes en el agua residual depurada y el contenido de los indicadores tradicionales de contaminación fecal.

  2. Paraganglioma pré-aórtico gigante Giant preaortic paraganglioma

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    Sergio Renato Pais Costa


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O paraganglioma é um tumor neuroendócrino raro que ocorre mais frequentemente em adultos jovens. Geralmente produz catecolaminas acarretando síndrome adrenérgica. No entanto, muito raramente, quando não-funcionante seus sintomas são mais frequentemente associados à massa abdominal ou mesmo dor. Nessas circunstâncias costumam representar diagnóstico difícil sendo confundidos com os sarcomas de retroperitônio. RELATO DO CASO: Paraganglioma pré-aórtico gigante não-funcionante em paciente com níveis baixos de catecolaminas (sérico e urinário. O diagnóstico pré-operatório foi dado por tomografia computadorizada, onde foi observada massa sólida, hipervascular com calcificações e área cística central. O paciente foi submetido à ressecção cirúrgica da massa com boa evolução pós-operatória. Um ano após a operação, o doente encontra-se vivo sem recidiva tumoral. CONCLUSÃO: Em que pese a raridade o paraganglioma pré-aortico não-funcionante deve ser lembrado com diagnóstico diferencial com os sarcomas de retroperitônio. Seu tratamento é cirúrgico e apresenta bom prognóstico.RACIONAL: Paraganglioma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor which often diagnosed in the young adult. Generally, paraganglioma produces catecholamines causing adrenergic syndrome. However, more rarely when tumor is nonfunctioning, their symptoms are more associated with an abdominal mass or even pain. In these circumstances, paraganglioma present a difficult diagnosis confounding with retroperitoneal sarcomas. CASE REPORT: The authors present a case of nonfunctioning giant preaortic paraganglioma. This patient had low levels of catecholamines (both seric and urinary. The preoperative diagnosis was done by means computed tomography. This lesion presented as well-vascularized tumor with calcifications and necrotic central area. The patient underwent a surgical resection with good postoperative outcome. To date, one year after surgical

  3. Case study of a 15-year-old boy with McCune-Albright syndrome combined with pituitary gigantism: effect of octreotide-long acting release (LAR) and cabergoline therapy. (United States)

    Tajima, Toshihiro; Tsubaki, Junko; Ishizu, Katsura; Jo, Wakako; Ishi, Nobuaki; Fujieda, Kenji


    The use of octreotide-LAR and cabergoline therapy has shown great promise in adults with acromegaly; however, the experience in pediatric patients has rarely been reported. We described a clinical course of a 15-year-old boy of McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) with pituitary gigantism. At the age of 8 years, a growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) producing pituitary adenoma was diagnosed at our hospital. He also had multiple fibrous dysplasia, so that he was diagnosed as having MAS. The tumor was partially resected, and GNAS1 gene mutation (R201C) was identified in affected tissues. We introduced octreotide to suppress GH secretion (100 mug 2/day s.c). During therapy with octreotide, IGF-1 and GH levels could not be suppressed and the patient frequently complained of nausea from octreotide treatment. Therefore, the therapy was changed to monthly injections of octreotide-LAR at the age of 12.3 years and was partially effective. However, as defect of left visual field worsened due to progressive left optic canal stenosis, he underwent second neurological decompression of the left optic nerve at 13.4 years of age. After surgery, in addition to octreotide-LAR, cabergoline (0.25 mg twice a month) was started. This regimen normalized serum levels of GH and IGF-1; however, he showed impaired glucose tolerance and gallstones at 15.7 years of age. Therefore, the dose of octreotide-LAR was reduced to 10 mg and the dose of cabergoline increased. This case demonstrated the difficulty of treating pituitary gigantism due to MAS. The use of octreotide-LAR and cabergoline should be considered even in pediatric patients; however, adverse events due to octreotide-LAR must be carefully examined.

  4. Dorsal resection of a thoracic hemivertebra in a 4-year-old boy with endochondral gigantism. A case report. (United States)

    Zarghooni, Kourosh; Sobotrke, Rolf; Schmidt, Heinrich; Rollinghoff, Marc; Siewe, Jan; Eysel, Peer


    The authors present what appears to be the first case of congenital kyphosis due to a T12 hemivertebra in a four-year-old boy with endochondral gigantism syndrome of unknown origin. Because of his overgrowth, the patient had severe medical and orthopaedic problems and was almost immobile. Prior to surgery, he experienced a rapidly progressive thoracolumbar kyphosis to 600 (T10-L2). MRI of the brain and spine showed critical protraction of the spinal cord and myelopathy from compression at T12. Single-stage posterior resection of the hemivertebra with spinal shortening and dorsal transpedicular instrumentation of T10-L2 was performed. Although the bone tissue was cartilaginous and dysplastic, 420 (30%) correction was achieved along with decompression of the spinal canal. The patient experienced no neurological impairment post-operatively. At follow-up examination 1.5 year after surgery, the patient's movement disorder had improved markedly and he was able to stand and walk. This very rare case demonstrates that single-stage posterior hemivertebra resection and transpedicular instrumentation for correction of congenital kyphosis can be a safe and effective procedure even in a very challenging case.

  5. Predation as the primary selective force in recurrent evolution of gigantism in Poecilozonites land snails in Quaternary Bermuda (United States)

    Olson, Storrs L.; Hearty, Paul J.


    During the last half million years, pulses of gigantism in the anagenetic lineage of land snails of the subgenus Poecilozonites on Bermuda were correlated with glacial periods when lower sea level resulted in an island nearly an order of magnitude larger than at present. During those periods, the island was colonized by large vertebrate predators that created selection pressure for large size and rapid growth in the snails. Extreme reduction in land area from rising seas, along with changes in ecological conditions at the onset of interglacial episodes, marked extinction events for large predators, after which snails reverted to much smaller size. The giant snails were identical in morphology during the last two glacials when the predators included a large flightless rail Rallus recessus (marine isotope stages (MIS) 4-2) and a crane Grus latipes and a duck Anas pachysceles (MIS 6). In a preceding glacial period (MIS 10), when the fauna also included the tortoise Hesperotestudo bermudae, the snails were not only large, but the shells were much thicker, presumably to prevent crushing by tortoises. Evolution of Poecilozonites provides an outstanding example of dramatic morphological change in response to environmental pressures in the absence of cladogenesis. PMID:20554560

  6. Efeito da adubação e do uso de nematicida na composição química da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill Fertilization and nematicide effects on the chemical composition of cactus forage cv. "Gigante"

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    Margareth Maria Teles


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFRPE, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adubação e de nematicida na composição da palma forrageira cv. gigante, com sintoma de amarelecimento. Para o plantio utilizaram-se cladódios de cor amarela de palma (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill. Cv. Gigante provenientes da Estação Experimental de Caruaru - IPA, onde foi observado o amarelecimento das plantas. Os tratamentos constaram da presença e ausência de macronutrientes, micronutrientes e de nematicida, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para teores de matéria seca, de K, de Ca e de Mg. Para teores de N, de P e de S, a análise de variância revelou diferença significativa. A média geral para teores de MS, N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S foi de 7,29; 1,19; 0,17; 3,31; 1,84; 0,59 e 0,17%, respectivamente. A adição de micronutrientes e de nematicida não influenciou os resultados obtidos para teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Os teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio foram superiores nos cladódios mais jovens da planta. Os nutrientes nitrogênio, fósforo e enxofre foram os únicos que influenciaram a composição química.This experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Animal Science Department/UFRPE and aimed to evaluate the fertilization and nematicide effects on the chemical composition of cactus forage cv. "Gigante" suffering chlorotic symptoms. Chlorotic cladodes of Cactus forage cv. "Gigante" were used as planting material and they were collected at the Caruaru Experimental Station/IPA in the same location where those symptoms were previously observed. The treatments tested the presence or absence of macronutrients, micronutrients, and nematicide. A completely randomized block design was used and the treatments were replicated four times. No significant differences were found for dry matter

  7. Electromagnetic-ram action of the plasma focus as a paradigm for the production of gigantic galactic jets and cosmic rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bostick, W.


    A recent paper suggests that the electromagnetic-ram action of the plasma focus is trying to tell us how cosmic rays acquire their energy. It will be only natural for those theoretical astrophysicists who are steeped in statistical mechanics and turbulent processes, and who are now having a love affair with the black hole, to scoff at such a suggestion. But this author, undaunted, plunges even further into this cosmical question: he has the audacity to suggest further that the gigantic galactic jets in the active galaxies such as are now being observed by the computer-synthesized data of the radio signals at a number of wavelengths with the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico, from radio galaxies like Cygnus A and Centaurus A (NGC 5128), are being produced by an electromagnetic-ram action similar to that of the plasma focus; and further, that this action is producing not only these spectacular jets, but also the acceleration of the cosmic ray at the same time in the same accelerating gap

  8. Florística em um hectare de cerrado stricto sensu na ARIE - cerrado Pé-de-Gigante, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP

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    Weiser Veridiana de Lara


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um levantamento florístico em um ha de cerrado stricto sensu, na parte norte da ARIE - Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, São Paulo. Foram coletados 428 espécimes em fase reprodutiva, em vinte e cinco excursões de coleta, durante o período de novembro de 1996 a abril de 1998. A listagem florística obtida apresenta 141 espécies, distribuídas em 109 gêneros e 49 famílias. As famílias mais representativas foram: Leguminosae, Asteraceae, Malpighiaceae e Myrtaceae. A floração e frutificação das espécies foram maiores no período chuvoso. Espécies zoocóricas (61 predominaram, seguidas pelas anemocóricas (46 e autocóricas (34. Analisou-se a flora como um todo e seus componentes herbáceo-subarbustivo e arbustivo-arbóreo, separadamente.

  9. Transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary gigantism and galactorrhea in a 3.5 year old child. (United States)

    Flitsch, J; Lüdecke, D K; Stahnke, N; Wiebel, J; Saeger, W


    The management of pituitary macroadenomas which lead to gigantism may require multiple therapeutical approaches, including medical treatment, surgery, and radiation therapy. Transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) during early childhood that achieves total removal of a growth hormone (GH) secreting tumor is rarely reported. The surgeon is confronted with special problems regarding the infantile anatomy. In this case, a 3.5 year old child, the youngest successfully treated by TSS so far, suffered from a GH- and prolactin (PRL) secreting macroadenoma of the pituitary gland. The girl initially presented with an increasing growth rate, later with breast development, and finally, at the age of 2.8 years, with galactorrhea and secretion of blood from the nipples. Increased levels of GH [122 micrograms/l], insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) [830 micrograms/l], insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) [8.6 mg/l] and PRL [590 micrograms/l] were found. MRI scans revealed a macroadenoma of 2.7 cm diameter. An eight-week trial of relatively low dose dopamine agonists led to a reduction of PRL, while the GH- and IGF-1 levels remained unchanged; the tumor showed only little shrinkage. Since there was chiasma compression, we opted for early TSS. A complete tumor removal was achieved despite the difficulties of a narrow approach. After TSS, low levels of GH, IGF-1, and PRL documented a complete tumor removal, but persistent diabetes insipidus and anterior lobe deficits resulted from surgery. In summary, if primary medical therapy alone is unable to adequately reduce hormone hypersecretion and tumor size in early childhood, TSS is recommended. Thus, radiation therapy may be reserved for surgical failure.

  10. Giant retroperitoneal lipoma: a case report Lipoma gigante do retroperitônio: relato de caso

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    Carlos Augusto Real Martinez


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Retroperitoneal lipoma is an extremely rare neoplasm. AIMS: The authors report a case of giant retroperitoneal lipoma in a 32-year-old white female, with a history of pain and an abdominal mass over a 2-year period. Total abdominal ultrasonography and barium enema showed a large mass located in the retroperitoneal space behind the ascending colon. Laparotomy showed a large encapsulated tumor measuring 20 x 13 x 10 cm and weighing 3.400 g. The histological study revealed a benign neoplasm of fatty cells. CONCLUSION: The patient remains well 17 years after surgery, without recurrentce of the disease.RACIONAL: O lipoma é a neoplasia mesenquimal mais freqüente, raramente localizada no retroperitônio. Na maioria das vezes, o diagnóstico diferencial pré-operatório com os lipossarcomas de baixo grau de malignidade é difícil de ser estabelecido. OBJETIVO: Apresentar um caso de lipoma gigante retroperitoneal em mulher de 32 anos que há 2 anos apresentava história de dor e tumor abdominal palpável. A ultra-sonografia abdominal e o enema opaco mostraram grande massa localizada no retroperitônio, que deslocava o ceco e o cólon ascendente. A laparotomia mostrou tumor encapsulado com 20 x 13 x 10 cm e 3.400 g de peso. O estudo histopatológico mostrou presença de lipoma retroperitonial. A paciente encontra-se bem, sem recidiva da doença, 17 anos após a cirurgia.

  11. Increase in tracheal investment with beetle size supports hypothesis of oxygen limitation on insect gigantism. (United States)

    Kaiser, Alexander; Klok, C Jaco; Socha, John J; Lee, Wah-Keat; Quinlan, Michael C; Harrison, Jon F


    Recent studies have suggested that Paleozoic hyperoxia enabled animal gigantism, and the subsequent hypoxia drove a reduction in animal size. This evolutionary hypothesis depends on the argument that gas exchange in many invertebrates and skin-breathing vertebrates becomes compromised at large sizes because of distance effects on diffusion. In contrast to vertebrates, which use respiratory and circulatory systems in series, gas exchange in insects is almost exclusively determined by the tracheal system, providing a particularly suitable model to investigate possible limitations of oxygen delivery on size. In this study, we used synchrotron x-ray phase-contrast imaging to visualize the tracheal system and quantify its dimensions in four species of darkling beetles varying in mass by 3 orders of magnitude. We document that, in striking contrast to the pattern observed in vertebrates, larger insects devote a greater fraction of their body to the respiratory system, as tracheal volume scaled with mass1.29. The trend is greatest in the legs; the cross-sectional area of the trachea penetrating the leg orifice scaled with mass1.02, whereas the cross-sectional area of the leg orifice scaled with mass0.77. These trends suggest the space available for tracheae within the leg may ultimately limit the maximum size of extant beetles. Because the size of the tracheal system can be reduced when oxygen supply is increased, hyperoxia, as occurred during late Carboniferous and early Permian, may have facilitated the evolution of giant insects by allowing limbs to reach larger sizes before the tracheal system became limited by spatial constraints.

  12. Gigantic Circular Shock Acoustic Waves in the Ionosphere Triggered by the Launch of FORMOSAT-5 Satellite (United States)

    Chou, Min-Yang; Shen, Ming-Hsueh; Lin, Charles C. H.; Yue, Jia; Chen, Chia-Hung; Liu, Jann-Yenq; Lin, Jia-Ting


    The launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket delivered Taiwan's FORMOSAT-5 satellite to orbit from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California at 18:51:00 UT on 24 August 2017. To facilitate the delivery of FORMOSAT-5 to its mission orbit altitude of 720 km, the Falcon 9 made a steep initial ascent. During the launch, the supersonic rocket induced gigantic circular shock acoustic waves (SAWs) in total electron content (TEC) over the western United States beginning approximately 5 min after the liftoff. The circular SAWs emanated outward with 20 min duration, horizontal phase velocities of 629-726 m/s, horizontal wavelengths of 390-450 km, and period of 10.28 ± 1 min. This is the largest rocket-induced circular SAWs on record, extending approximately 114-128°W in longitude and 26-39°N in latitude ( 1,500 km in diameter), and was due to the unique, nearly vertical attitude of the rocket during orbit insertion. The rocket-exhaust plume subsequently created a large-scale ionospheric plasma hole ( 900 km in diameter) with 10-70% TEC depletions in comparison with the reference days. While the circular SAWs, with a relatively small amplitude of TEC fluctuations, likely did not introduce range errors into the Global Navigation Satellite Systems navigation and positioning system, the subsequent ionospheric plasma hole, on the other hand, could have caused spatial gradients in the ionospheric plasma potentially leading to a range error of 1 m.

  13. Reparación de hernias inguinoescrotales gigantes bilaterales con realización preoperatoria de neumoperitoneo Repair of bilateral giant inguinoscrotal hernias with preoperative pneumoperitoneum

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    Eugenio Vicario Benito del Valle


    Full Text Available Se describe el manejo preoperatorio y quirúrgico de un paciente con hernia inguinoescrotal gigante “con pérdida del derecho de asilo” mediante neumoperitoneo preoperatorio, con el fin de facilitar su reducción y evitar la tensión y la insuficiencia respiratoria que conllevaría. Para realizar el neumoperitoneo se utilizó el aparato de laparoscopia a través de un drenaje peritoneal colocado percutaneamente con ayuda del radiólogo intervencionistaThe preoperative and surgical management of a patient with giant inguinoscrotal hernia with “loss of the asylum right” by preoperative pneumoperitoneum in order to facilitate its reduction and prevent the tension and respiratory failure it would lead to, is described. The pneumoperitoneum was performed by using the laparoscopy apparatus through a peritoneal drainage percutaneously placed with the help of the interventionist radiologist

  14. Análisis de los polimorfismos de longitud de los fragmentos de restricción (RFLP) del gen ribosómico 18S RNA de nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensis


    J. Hernández; A. Acosta; A. Gutiérrez; M. Hoyos; A. Esguerra; D. Merizalde; J. Bernal; Genética Molecular Grupo de Investigación en


    La nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensises un mamífero carnívoro de la familia Mustelidae, ala cual pertenecen también las tairas, las martas y los hurones. La nutria es considerada por elCITES como una especie vulnerable y por la IUCN como especie en peligro de extinción. Por estarazón, el Centro de Biología Molecular del Gimnasio Campestre inicio un proyecto de genética conservacionista que pretende proveer información utilizable para el análisis, tanto de la especieP. brasiliensisco...

  15. Gigantism treated by pure endoscopic endonasal approach in a case of McCune-Albright syndrome with sphenoid fibrous dysplasia: a case report. (United States)

    Sharifi, Guive; Jalessi, Maryam; Sarvghadi, Farzaneh; Farhadi, Mohammad


    McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is an uncommon polyostotic manifestation of fibrous dysplasia in association with at least one endocrinopathy that is mostly associated with precocious puberty and hyperpigmented skin macules named café-au-lait spots. We present an atypical manifestation of McCune-Albright syndrome in a 19-year-old man with the uncommon association of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia and gigantism in the absence of café-au-lait spots and precocious puberty. He presented with a height increase to 202 cm in the previous 3 years, which had become more progressive in the few months prior. Physical examination revealed only a mild facial asymmetry; however, a computed tomography (CT) scan discovered vast areas of voluminous bones with ground-glass density and thickening involving the craniofacial bones and skull base. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) found a right stalk shift of the pituitary with a 20 mm pituitary adenoma. We describe the diagnostic and endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach for excision of the tumor. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  16. Gigantic Cavernous Hemangioma of the Liver Treated by Intra-Arterial Embolization with Pingyangmycin-Lipiodol Emulsion: A Multi-Center Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng Qingle; Li Yanhao; Chen Yong; Ouyang Yong; He Xiang; Zhang Heping


    Purpose: To evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of pingyangmycin-lipiodol emulsion (PLE) intra-arterial embolization for treating gigantic cavernous hemangioma of the liver (CHL).Methods: Three hospitals (Nanfang Hospital, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's Hospital and Huai He Hospital) participated in the study during 1997-2001. A total of 98 patients with CHL were embolized with PLE via the hepatic artery. The therapeutic effects including changes in tumor diameter, symptomatic improvement and occurrence of complications were evaluated for a period of 12 months after the procedure.Results: The tumor diameters decreased significantly from 9.7 ± 2.3 cm to 5.6 ± 1.6 cm 6 months after the treatment (P < 0.01), and then to 3.0 ± 1.2 cm at 12 months (P < 0.01). Transient impairment of liver function was found in 77 cases after embolization, 69 cases of which returned to normal in 2 weeks, and the other eight cases of which recovered 1 month later. The clinical symptoms were significantly relieved in all 53 symptomatic patients. Persistent pain in the hepatic region was found in two cases, and these two patients resorted to surgery eventually.Conclusion: Intra-arterial PLE embolization proves to be effective and safe in treating patients with CHL

  17. Mucoceles gigantes: visão neurocirúrgica. Relato de dois casos Giant mucoceles: neurosurgical view. Report of two cases

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    Mirto N. Prandini


    Full Text Available São apresentados dois casos de mucocele gigante do seio frontal submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. A manifestação clínica foi cefaléia de evolução prolongada, associada com protrusão unilateral do globo ocular de curta duração. Em ambos os casos foi realizada craniotomia frontal com remoção completa da lesão, reparação do soalho frontal com retalho pediculado de gálea e cranialização do seio frontal. No segundo caso, uma abordagem endoscópica intranasal foi combinada à abordagem externa no mesmo ato cirúrgico. Alguns aspectos abordando a etiologia, associação com outras afecções e tratamento cirúrgico são discutidos.Two patients harboring giant frontal mucoceles are reported. In both cases complaints of chronic headaches and progressive unilateral proptosis were preponderant. Surgical treatment included a frontal craniotomy with excision of the lesion, skull base reinforcement with pedicled galea and wide opening of the frontal sinuses. In the second case an intranasal endoscopic approach was combined with craniotomy at the same surgical operative time. Some aspects regarding etiology, association with other diseases and some surgical aspects are discussed.

  18. Tumor pardo maxilar: Elemento diagnóstico de hiperparatiroidismo primario Maxillary brown tumor: A diagnostic tool for primary hyperparathyroidism

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    S. Gallana Álvarez


    Full Text Available El hiperparatiroidismo primario es un transtorno generalizado del metabolismo óseo producido por un aumento de la secreción de hormona paratiroidea (PTH. La etiología de este transtorno es múltiple; en la forma primaria la causa de la hipersecreción de la hormona es la propia glándula, y el motivo más frecuente el adenoma paratiroideo. Los tumores pardos son lesiones óseas focales secundarias a hiperparatiroidismo. El tratamiento de elección de los tumores pardos es la extirpación del adenoma de paratiroides, ya que la normalización de la función paratiroidea debería provocar una reducción del tamaño o desaparición del tumor. Presentamos un caso de tumor pardo mandibular en un paciente con hiperparatiroidismo primario, en el cual el tumor recidivó después de la extirpación del adenoma paratiroideo. La finalidad de la presentación de este caso es recordar el interés que para el cirujano oral y maxilofacial representan las manifestaciones orales de la patología sistémica.The primary hyperparathyroidism is a generalized disorder of the osseous metabolism, caused by hypersecretion of PTH. Hyperparathyroidism has a multiple etiology. In its primary form, the hypersecretion of the hormone is caused by the gland itself, the commonest reason being parathyroid adenoma. The treatment of first choice for brown tumor is the parathyroidectomy because the normalization of parathyroid function should lead to a reduction in size or disappearance of the tumor. We present a case of the brown tumor in the mandible and primary hyperparathyroidism in whom the tumor enlarged after removal of parathyroid adenoma. Upon presentation of this report, our aim is to bring forward the significance oral manifestations of systemic pathology has for oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

  19. Determinación parcial del mapa de restricción del DNA mitocondrial de la nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensis y comparación con otros mustélidos colombianos en cautiverio


    Bernal J.; Hernández J.; Samper M.


    La nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensises un mamífero carnívoro de la familia Mustelidae, ala cual pertenecen también las tairas y los hurones. La nutria es considerada por el CITES comouna especie vulnerable y por la IUCN como especie en peligro de extinción. Por esta razón, elCentro de Biología Molecular del Gimnasio Campestre inicio un proyecto de genética conser-vacionista que pretende proveer información utilizable para el análisis, tanto de la especieP. brasiliensiscomo de sus f...

  20. Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 11q13 in two families with acromegaly/gigantism is independent of mutations of the multiple endocrine neoplasia type I gene. (United States)

    Gadelha, M R; Prezant, T R; Une, K N; Glick, R P; Moskal, S F; Vaisman, M; Melmed, S; Kineman, R D; Frohman, L A


    Familial acromegaly/gigantism occurring in the absence of multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN-1) or the Carney complex has been reported in 18 families since the biochemical diagnosis of GH excess became available, and the genetic defect is unknown. In the present study we examined 2 unrelated families with isolated acromegaly/gigantism. In family A, 3 of 4 siblings were affected, with ages at diagnosis of 19, 21, and 23 yr. In family B, 5 of 13 siblings exhibited the phenotype and were diagnosed at 13, 15, 17, 17, and 24 yr of age. All 8 affected patients had elevated basal GH levels associated with high insulin-like growth factor I levels and/or nonsuppressible serum GH levels during an oral glucose tolerance test. GHRH levels were normal in affected members of family A. An invasive macroadenoma was found in 6 subjects, and a microadenoma was found in 1 subject from family B. The sequence of the GHRH receptor complementary DNA in 1 tumor from family A was normal. There was no history of consanguinity in either family, and the past medical history and laboratory results excluded MEN-1 and the Carney complex in all affected and unaffected screened subjects. Five of 8 subjects have undergone pituitary surgery to date, and paraffin-embedded pituitary blocks were available for analysis. Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 11q13 was studied by comparing microsatellite polymorphisms of leukocyte and tumor DNA using PYGM (centromeric) and D11S527 (telomeric), markers closely linked to the MEN-1 tumor suppressor gene. All tumors exhibited a loss of heterozygosity at both markers. Sequencing of the MEN-1 gene revealed no germline mutations in either family, nor was a somatic mutation found in tumor DNA from one subject in family A. The integrity of the MEN-1 gene in this subject was further supported by demonstration of the presence of MEN-1 messenger ribonucleic acid, as assessed by RT-PCR. These data indicate that loss of heterozygosity in these affected family

  1. Theory of super-para-electric large polaron for gigantic photo-enhancements of dielectric constant and electronic conductivity in SrTiO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Qiu; Nasu, Keiichiro


    In connection with the recent experimental discoveries on gigantic photoenhancements of the electronic conductivity and the quasi-static dielectric susceptibility in SrTiO 3 , we theoretically study a photo-generation mechanism of a charged ferroelectric domain in this quantum dielectric. The photo-generated electron, being quite itinerant in the 3d band of Ti 4+ , is assumed to couple weakly but quadratically with soft-anharmonic T 1u phonons in this quantum dielectric. The photo-generated electron is also assumed to couple strongly but linearly with the breathing type high energy phonons. Using a tight binding model for electron, we will show that these two types of electron-phonon couplings result in two types of polarons, a 'super-para-electric (SPE) large polaron' with a quasi-global parity violation, and an 'off-centre type self-trapped polaron' with only a local parity violation. We will also show that this SPE large polaron is nothing else but a singly charged (e - ) and conductive ferroelectric (or SPE) domain with a quasi macroscopic size. This polaron or domain is also shown to have a high mobility and a large quasi-static dielectric susceptibility

  2. Indicadores microbiológicos de la calidad del agua de los canales de Xochimilco de la Ciudad de México

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    Juárez-Figueroa Luis Alfredo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Cuantificar diversos indicadores de contaminación fecal en los efluentes de dos plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales y en muestras recogidas en varios canales de Xochimilco. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal efectuado en Xochimilco, México. Durante noviembre y diciembre de 2001 se muestrearon 10 sitios, cinco efluentes y cinco canales, para la cuantificación de coliformes fecales y enterococos (filtración en membrana de nitrocelulosa, colifagos somáticos (técnica de doble capa de agar, ooquistes de Cryptosporidium sp. y quistes de Giardia sp. (concentración en filtros Envirocheck y microscopía de inmunofluorescencia. Se efectuó comparación de los promedios de las cuentas de organismos hallados, en efluentes y canales, mediante t de Student. RESULTADOS: El agua tratada que descarga en los canales mostró cantidades bajas de coliformes fecales (media de 40.4/100 ml, enterococos (media de 58.8/100 ml y quistes de Cryptosporidium (media de 13.2/100 l, mientras que los colifagos y quistes de Giardia estuvieron presentes en gran cantidad (media de 1467.5/100 ml y 1199.8/100 l, respectivamente, sugiriendo que el tratamiento del agua puede ser ineficaz para remover estos agentes. En los canales de irrigación de vegetales se encontró una cantidad significativamente menor de quistes de Giardia (media de 45/100 l y no se encontraron ooquistes de Cryptosporidium, lo que sugiere la remoción natural de estos agentes. Algunos aislamientos de E coli obtenidos de un canal contaminado con descargas cloacales mostraron una multirresistencia a antibióticos que fue transferida por conjugación a otras bacterias mediante plásmidos. Esto sugiere la posible diseminación de la resistencia a bacterias del medio (posibles patógenas. Existen numerosos asentamientos humanos cercanos a las chinampas que descargan desechos directamente a los canales. CONCLUSIONES: La implantación de métodos de tratamiento de excretas que resulten

  3. Exigência de proteína para o caracol gigante (Achatina fulica em fase de crescimento Protein requirements for giant snail (Achatina fulica during the growth phase

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    Giovani Sampaio Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de determinar a exigência de proteína bruta (PB em dietas para o caracol gigante, 480 animais, com peso inicial médio de 4,05±0,04g, foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (12,00%, 15,00%, 18,00% e 21,00% de PB e três repetições de 40 animais por unidade experimental, durante um período de 90 dias. Foi observado efeito quadrático (P Achatina fulica é de 18,28%.Aiming to determine the requirements of crude protein (CP in diets for giant snail, 480 animals, with 4.05±0.04g initial mean weight were used, and distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments (12.00%, 15.00%, 18.00% and 21.00% CP, three replications of 40 animals per experimental unit, during a period of 90 days. A quadratic effect (P Achatina fulica is 18.28%.

  4. Análisis de los polimorfismos de longitud de los fragmentos de restricción (RFLP del gen ribosómico 18S RNA de nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensis

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    J. Hernández


    Full Text Available La nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensises un mamífero carnívoro de la familia Mustelidae, ala cual pertenecen también las tairas, las martas y los hurones. La nutria es considerada por elCITES como una especie vulnerable y por la IUCN como especie en peligro de extinción. Por estarazón, el Centro de Biología Molecular del Gimnasio Campestre inicio un proyecto de genética conservacionista que pretende proveer información utilizable para el análisis, tanto de la especieP. brasiliensiscomo de sus familiares mas cercanos, y de esta forma, proponer planes de manejo dela especie y su hábitat previniendo su extinción.

  5. Herbivory and body size: allometries of diet quality and gastrointestinal physiology, and implications for herbivore ecology and dinosaur gigantism. (United States)

    Clauss, Marcus; Steuer, Patrick; Müller, Dennis W H; Codron, Daryl; Hummel, Jürgen


    Digestive physiology has played a prominent role in explanations for terrestrial herbivore body size evolution and size-driven diversification and niche differentiation. This is based on the association of increasing body mass (BM) with diets of lower quality, and with putative mechanisms by which a higher BM could translate into a higher digestive efficiency. Such concepts, however, often do not match empirical data. Here, we review concepts and data on terrestrial herbivore BM, diet quality, digestive physiology and metabolism, and in doing so give examples for problems in using allometric analyses and extrapolations. A digestive advantage of larger BM is not corroborated by conceptual or empirical approaches. We suggest that explanatory models should shift from physiological to ecological scenarios based on the association of forage quality and biomass availability, and the association between BM and feeding selectivity. These associations mostly (but not exclusively) allow large herbivores to use low quality forage only, whereas they allow small herbivores the use of any forage they can physically manage. Examples of small herbivores able to subsist on lower quality diets are rare but exist. We speculate that this could be explained by evolutionary adaptations to the ecological opportunity of selective feeding in smaller animals, rather than by a physiologic or metabolic necessity linked to BM. For gigantic herbivores such as sauropod dinosaurs, other factors than digestive physiology appear more promising candidates to explain evolutionary drives towards extreme BM.

  6. Herbivory and body size: allometries of diet quality and gastrointestinal physiology, and implications for herbivore ecology and dinosaur gigantism.

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    Marcus Clauss

    Full Text Available Digestive physiology has played a prominent role in explanations for terrestrial herbivore body size evolution and size-driven diversification and niche differentiation. This is based on the association of increasing body mass (BM with diets of lower quality, and with putative mechanisms by which a higher BM could translate into a higher digestive efficiency. Such concepts, however, often do not match empirical data. Here, we review concepts and data on terrestrial herbivore BM, diet quality, digestive physiology and metabolism, and in doing so give examples for problems in using allometric analyses and extrapolations. A digestive advantage of larger BM is not corroborated by conceptual or empirical approaches. We suggest that explanatory models should shift from physiological to ecological scenarios based on the association of forage quality and biomass availability, and the association between BM and feeding selectivity. These associations mostly (but not exclusively allow large herbivores to use low quality forage only, whereas they allow small herbivores the use of any forage they can physically manage. Examples of small herbivores able to subsist on lower quality diets are rare but exist. We speculate that this could be explained by evolutionary adaptations to the ecological opportunity of selective feeding in smaller animals, rather than by a physiologic or metabolic necessity linked to BM. For gigantic herbivores such as sauropod dinosaurs, other factors than digestive physiology appear more promising candidates to explain evolutionary drives towards extreme BM.

  7. Knowledge collaboration & learning for sustainable innovation: an introduction to this special volume (Editorial)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huisingh, D.; Tukker, A.; Lozano, R.; Quist, J.


    This Special Volume is divided into two parts: the first part with seventeen articles (compiled by Rodrigo Lozano, Francisco J. Lozano, Karel Mulder, Donald Huisingh, and Tom Waas) focuses on the EMSU conference stream; whilst the second part with eleven papers (compiled by Jaco Quist and Arnold


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    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como finalidade obter dados morfológicos de frutos de tomateiro, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. `Ângela Gigante', submetidos à ação de reguladores vegetais, em dois ensaios que ocorreram em épocas distintas, em casa de vegetação. As mudas foram selecionadas e transplantadas para vasos com capacidade de 12 L de terra, contendo uma mistura de solo argiloso, areia, matéria orgânica e uma adubação mineral complementar de N, P, K. No segundo ensaio, após o transplante das mudas, além da adubação mineral complementar de N, P, K, efetuaram-se adubações adicionais (fertirrigação. Em ambos os ensaios, quando as plantas atingiram quatro folhas definitivas, realizaram-se as pulverizações com giberelina, GA3 50 mg/L; ácido naftalenacético, NAA 100 mg/L; cloreto (2-cloroetil trimetilamônio, CCC 1.500 mg/L e ácido succínico -2,2 dimetil-hidrazida, SADH 3.000 mg/L. Em relação aos estudos anatômicos, observou-se que os tratamentos com retardadores vegetais (CCC e SADH produziram frutos firmes, com formato tipo barril e ombros salientes; entretanto, em seção transversal, notou-se perda de viscosidade e atrofia de sementes, principalmente nos frutos de plantas tratadas com SADH. Os tratamentos com NAA e GA3 causaram eventual formação de frutos geminados. O tratamento com GA3 apresentou o parênquima do pericarpo com grãos de amido em processo de fragmentação, provavelmente em virtude de o GA3 acelerar a atividade da amilase, afetando o processo de maturação dos frutos e transformando o amido em açúcares. Notaram-se no mesocarpo células com grande quantidade de cristais de oxalato de cálcio sob a forma de areia cristalina. Do tratamento com CCC resultaram frutos suculentos com células da placenta degeneradas, deixando livre grande quantidade de mucilagem. O pericarpo apresentou grande quantidade de grãos de amido composto em toda a extensão, provavelmente por haver um atraso no processo de

  9. A probable case of gigantism/acromegaly in skeletal remains from the Jewish necropolis of "Ronda Sur" (Lucena, Córdoba, Spain; VIII-XII centuries CE). (United States)

    Viciano, Joan; De Luca, Stefano; López-Lázaro, Sandra; Botella, Daniel; Diéguez-Ramírez, Juan Pablo


    Pituitary gigantism is a rare endocrine disorder caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone during growing period. Individuals with this disorder have an enormous growth in height and associated degenerative changes. The continued hypersecretion of growth hormone during adulthood leads to acromegaly, a condition related to the disproportionate bone growth of the skull, hands and feet. The skeletal remains studied belong to a young adult male from the Jewish necropolis of "Ronda Sur" in Lucena (Córdoba, Spain, VIII-XII centuries CE). The individual shows a very large and thick neurocranium, pronounced supraorbital ridges, an extremely prominent occipital protuberance, and an extremely large and massive mandible. Additional pathologies include enlargement of the vertebral bodies with degenerative changes, thickened ribs, and a slight increased length of the diaphysis with an increased cortical bone thickness of lower limbs. Comparative metric analysis of the mandible with other individuals from the same population and a contemporary Mediterranean population shows a trend toward acromegalic morphology. This case is an important contribution in paleopathological literature because it is a rare condition that has not been widely documented in ancient skeletal remains.

  10. Tumor de células gigantes de bainha de tendão no LCA Tendon sheath giant cells tumor in ACL

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    André Pedrinelli


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um relato de caso de tumor de células gigantes de bainha do ligamento cruzado anterior, uma localização extremamente rara para esse tipo de lesão. O paciente do sexo feminino apresentava dor no joelho, sem relato de trauma anterior. Foi submetido ao exame clínico, ao estudo radiográfico e de ressonância magnética da região. Feita a hipótese diagnóstica de TGC de Bainha, o paciente foi então tratado com ressecção artroscópica do tumor. O diagnóstico foi confirmado com exame anátomo-patológico. O paciente evoluiu bem, com melhora dos sintomas referidos no pré-operatório.The author presents a case report of Tumor Giant Cells (TGC localized on the anterior cruciate ligament sheath, an extremely rare site for this kind of lesion. A 37 y-o female patient presented with knee pain, with no history of previous trauma. She underwent clinical examination, X-ray study and magnetic resonance of the region. The diagnostic hypothesis of Sheath TGC was provided, and the patient was treated with tumor arthroscopy resection. Diagnosis was confirmed by anatomicopathological examination. By the end point assessment, none of the pre-operative symptoms were reported.


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    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como finalidade observar aspectos morfológicos dos frutos de tomateiro, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Ângela Gigante, submetidos à ação de biorreguladores, com ou sem adubação adicional, e determinar as possíveis alterações na produtividade. Foram desenvolvidos, em casa de vegetação, em épocas distintas, dois ensaios. As mudas foram selecionadas e transplantadas para vasos com capacidade de 12 L de terra, contendo uma mistura de solo argiloso, areia, matéria orgânica e uma adubação mineral complementar de N, P, K. No segundo ensaio, após o transplante das mudas, além da adubação mineral complementar de N, P, K, efetuaram-se adubações adicionais (fertirrigação. Em ambos os ensaios, quando as plantas atingiram quatro folhas definitivas, realizaram-se as pulverizações com GA3 50 mg/L; NAA 100 mg/L; CCC 1.500 mg/L e SADH 3.000 mg/L. Realizaram-se, nos dois ensaios, quatro coletas de frutos maduros por planta. De modo geral, para o primeiro, o tratamento com CCC mostrou tendência em aumentar o número e a massa total de frutos por planta em relação à testemunha e aos demais tratamentos, enquanto o tratamento com NAA obteve efeito contrário. O ensaio com fertirrigação adicional não provocou alterações significativas na produção de frutos; no entanto, no tratamento com SADH, ocorreu maior incidência de anomalias. O tratamento com GA3 ocasionou, em alguns frutos, a maturação precoce da placenta em relação ao pericarpo e eventuais formações de frutos geminados. Não se observaram diferenças morfológicas significativas em relação ao comprimento e ao diâmetro médio de frutos provenientes do primeiro ensaio, porém frutos de plantas tratadas com CCC e de plantas testemunha, provindos do segundo ensaio, mostraram maior diâmetro.


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    Rosivaldo Gomes


    Full Text Available A utilização da internet, das mídias e redes sociais digitais e de celulares se constituiu como um diferencial importantíssimo no grande movimento social que mexeu com o País e com as visões sobre ele nas manifestações ocorridas em junho de 2013. Essas mídias e redes sociais digitais (YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. se constituíram como canais de informação, ambientes comunicacionais, pontos de encontro, enfim, em redes e, às vezes, até em comunidades que facilitaram os relacionamentos entre os que estavam conectados e dispostos a se manifestarem de algum modo. Nessa direção, os novos letramentos digitais e o novo ethos como defendido por Lankshear e Knobel (2007 proporcionaram contribuições significativas para o uso das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação na propagação dessas manifestações, e, buscando compreender o modo como esses novos letramentos favoreceram isso, neste artigo buscamos, a partir das noções de hibridismo e intercalação (GARCÍA CANCLINI, 2008 [1989]; BAKHTIN, 2002 [1934-5] e  nas discussões de Lankshear e Knobel (2007; 2008 sobre remix e sobre linguagens hipermidiática e híbrido digital (SANTAELLA, 2003; 2004, realizar uma análise qualitativa do remix digita Vem pra rua - O gigante acordou,  no que diz respeito as técnicas de produção e constituição desse gênero na construção de novos significado, considerando o horizonte espacial e temporal (VOLOCHINOV/BAKHTIN, [1926]1976 nos quais foi produzido

  13. Determinación parcial del mapa de restricción del DNA mitocondrial de la nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensis y comparación con otros mustélidos colombianos en cautiverio

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    M. Samper


    Full Text Available La nutria gigante de río Pteronura brasiliensises un mamífero carnívoro de la familia Mustelidae, ala cual pertenecen también las tairas y los hurones. La nutria es considerada por el CITES comouna especie vulnerable y por la IUCN como especie en peligro de extinción. Por esta razón, elCentro de Biología Molecular del Gimnasio Campestre inicio un proyecto de genética conser-vacionista que pretende proveer información utilizable para el análisis, tanto de la especieP. brasiliensiscomo de sus familiares mas cercanos, y de esta forma, proponer planes de manejode la especie y su hábitat previniendo su extinción.

  14. Urban peripheries and rural centres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Quist, Pia; Monka, Malene

    suburb. We find that in both communities the deployment of dialect serves a range of purposes among adolescents. In Vollsmose, an ethnically mixed suburb of the town of Odense, speakers use a distinct multiethnic youth style parallel to what has been described for young people in Copenhagen (e.g. Quist...

  15. Erosion processes of the collapsed mass of the gigantic landslide of Mt. Bawakaraeng, Sulawesi, Indonesia in 2004 revealed by multi-temporal satellite images (United States)

    Yamakoshi, T.; Shimizu, Y.; Osanai, N.; Sasahara, K.; Tamura, K.; Doshida, S.; Tsutsui, K.


    On March 26, 2006, a gigantic landslide occurred on the caldera wall of Mt. Bawakaraeng, Indonesia. This paper quantitatively shows the temporal change in gully erosion and sediment yield from the huge amount of the deposit of the landslide by analyzing satellite images. Firstly, the landslide buried the original river channel completely. In the next year, gully erosion dominated the entire landslide deposit, and parts of the gully bed were found to have eroded by up to 60 m. The total amount of sediment discharged from the landslide deposit was estimated to be 36 million m3. In the second year after the landslide, the severe widespread degradation almost ceased and river bed aggradation started to occur in some places. The total amount of discharged sediment drastically decreased and was estimated to be 8.3 million m3. In the third year, the total amount of sediment discharge declined further. On the other hand, satellite-derived DEMs showed that the width of gullies has increased. The drastic decrease in sediment discharge might have occurred because of the reduction in the erosive force applied by water flow whose depth was inevitably reduced as a result of the widening of gully channels.

  16. TROMBO GIGANTE DE AURÍCULA DERECHA COMO CAUSA DE ANGINA Y SÍNCOPE / Giant thrombus in right atrium as a cause of angina and syncope

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    José L. Aparicio Suárez


    Full Text Available ResumenLas tumoraciones intracardíacas son poco frecuentes, y pueden ser de tipo neoplásicas y no neoplásicas. De estas últimas, los trombos, constituyen las masas más frecuentes. Se presenta un paciente joven, operado en el Cardiocentro "Ernesto Che Guevara" de Villa Clara, Cuba, con antecedentes de trastornos hematológicos desde la infancia, que comienza con episodios de disnea progresiva, angina y síncope; con diagnóstico preoperatorio de tumoración gigante en aurícula derecha que resultó ser un trombo intracardíaco, y se demostró la presencia de un agujero oval permeable. / AbstractIntracardiac tumors are rare, and may be of neoplastic and non-neoplastic types. In the latter, the thrombi are the most frequent masses. This is the case of a young patient operated at the Cardiocentro "Ernesto Che Guevara" of Villa Clara, Cuba, with a history of blood disorders since childhood, starting with episodes of progressive dyspnea, angina and syncope, with pre-operative diagnosis of giant tumor in right atrium which turned out to be an intracardiac thrombus, and the presence of a patent foramen ovale was shown.

  17. Influência da baixa temperatura ambiental sobre a inflamação em rã-touro gigante (Rana catesbeiana: avaliações qualitativa e quantitativa

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    José Luiz Catão-Dias


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a modulação exercida pela temperatura ambiental sobre a cinética celular inflamatória experimentalmente induzida em Rana catesbeiana, rã-touro gigante. Para tanto, 120 espécimes pós-metamórficos foram mantidos a 6ºC e 24ºC e tratados pela transfixação do tecido muscular da coxa por fio de sutura ou injeção intramuscular de carragenina. Os resultados obtidos através de avaliações qualitativa e quantitativa do foco lesional mostraram que a baixa temperatura ambiental modula significativamente a evolução do processo inflamatório. Animais mantidos a 6ºC, em ambos os modelos, apresentaram números de células inflamatórias significativamente menores que os verificados a 24ºC, independentemente do tempo de avaliação. Por outro lado, algum fator pertencente aos mecanismos de defesa do hospedeiro não deve ter sido bloqueado pela temperatura, visto que a área de reação à injúria mostrou-se equivalente na maioria dos tempos pesquisados.

  18. Aplicación de terapia de vacío en el tratamiento de nevus pigmentario gigante en la infancia Negative pressure therapy in the treatment of a giant melanocytic nevus in chilhood

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    J. Fregenal


    Full Text Available Los nevus melanocíticos gigantes congénitos son muy infrecuentes. Su incidencia de malignización varía según las series clínicas entre el 2 y el 45%. Este riesgo de malignización y los problemas de adaptación psicosocial que suelen acarrear hacen recomendable el inicio del tratamiento quirúrgico de este tipo de lesiones antes de la edad escolar. Presentamos el caso de un niño de 7 años de edad con nevus melanocítico congénito gigante que afectaba a la espalda y al flanco derecho, de 30 x 19 cm de diámetro. Desarrollamos un protocolo terapéutico mediante programación de intervenciones quirúrgicas seriadas de mínima morbilidad, con postoperatorio simple y poco doloroso. En un primer tiempo realizamos extirpación de la lesión con bisturí ultrasónico y cobertura temporal del defecto creado con dermis artificial. En un segundo tiempo intentamos cobertura definitiva con piel cultivada autóloga, siendo necesario un tercer tiempo de cobertura con autoinjerto de espesor ultrafino. En este caso, el sistema de terapia de presión negativa VAC® mostró su eficacia para inmovilizar los apósitos de forma segura, indolora y en régimen ambulatorio.Giant congenital melanocytic nevi are very uncommon. Malignization incidence varies according to clinical series between 2 and 45%. This risk of malignization and psychosocial adaptation problems make necessary to begin the surgical treatment before school age. We present a 7-year-old child with a giant melanocytic nevus in the back and right flank, 30 x 19 cm in size. A therapeutic protocol using serial surgical interventions with minimal morbidity and an easy and painless postoperative care were developed. In the first surgery we removed the nevus with ultrasonic scalpel and used artificial dermis as a temporary coverage. In the second time we tried to complete the definitive coverage with autologous cultured skin, but we needed a third time to apply definitive ultrathin skin autograft. In

  19. Queratoquistes maxilares: cirugía resectiva Keratocysts of the jaw: Resective surgery

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    J. Acero Sanz


    Full Text Available Los queratoquistes de los maxilares constituyen una entidad propia con típicos hallazgos histopatológicos. Estos quistes son localmente agresivos y presentan una frecuente tendencia recidivante. El tratamiento de los mismos permanece siendo controvertido. Como conceptos terapéuticos se manejan la marsupialización y la resección del quiste. En el presente trabajo revisamos esta controversia, con especial atención al tratamiento resectivo en sus diferentes variantes. Aunque no existe una alternativa terapéutica clara, la marsupialización y la simple enucleación se siguen de inaceptables tasas de recidiva o persistencia de la lesión. La resección del quiste unida a la exéresis del tejido mucoso suprayacente y al tratamiento del lecho óseo mediante curetaje quirúrgico o soluciones químicas como la de Carnoy, parece ofrecer mejores resultados en el tratamiento de los queratoquistes de los maxilares. El tratamiento radical es asimismo controvertido, pudiendo indicarse en casos muy agresivos.Odontogenic keratocysts (OKC affecting the jawbones are clinical entities with typical histopathologic features. OKC are locally invasive showing a high frequency of relapse. Treatment of these cysts remains controversial. Therapeutic approaches are based on two concepts: Masupialization or excision of the lesion. The aim of this paper is to review the existing controversy regarding this topic, focusing especially on surgical excision as a therapeutic approach. Although no clear therapeutic approach has been defined, marsupialization and enucleation have higher recurrence or persistence rates than other methods. Surgical excision of the keratocyst combined with the elimination of epithelial islands in the overlying mucosa, and treatment of the surrounding bone with curettage or chemical cauterization with Carnoy´s solution, offer better results. Radical excision including wide bone margins remains also controversial. This approach can be considered

  20. Tradition og håb for dansk animationsfilm med brod

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kasper Østerholdt


    FEATURE. Fra Bennys satirisk samfundskritiske badekar til Morgenthalers konfronterende Princess. Dansk animationsfilm har siden 1960’erne, hvor ikoner som Jannik Hastrup og Flemming Quist Møller satte kursen med de første små kortfilm, markeret sig ved at ville mere end blot være kulørt og blød...

  1. Climatic control on the growth of gigantic gypsum crystals within hypogenic caves (Naica mine, Mexico)? (United States)

    Garofalo, Paolo S.; Fricker, Mattias B.; Günther, Detlef; Forti, Paolo; Mercuri, Anna-Maria; Loreti, Mara; Capaccioni, Bruno


    Three hypogenic caves within the Naica mine of Mexico ( Cueva de los Cristales — CLC, Ojo de la Reina — OR, and Cueva de las Velas — CLV) host spectacular gypsum crystals up to 11 m in length. These caves are close to another shallow cave of the area ( Cueva de las Espadas — CLE), with which they cover a 160 m-deep vertical section of the local drainage basin. Similar to other hypogenic caves, all these caves lack a direct connection with the land surface and should be unrelated with climate. A record of multi-technique fluid inclusion data and pollen spectra from cave and mine gypsum indicates surprisingly that climatic changes occurring at Naica could have controlled fluid composition in these caves, and hence crystal growth. Microthermometry and LA-ICP-Mass Spectrometry of fluid inclusions indicate that the shallow, chemically peculiar, saline fluid (up to 7.7 eq. wt.%NaCl) of CLE could have formed from evaporation, during a dry and hot climatic period. The fluid of the deep caves was instead of low salinity (˜ 3.5 eq. wt.% NaCl) and chemically homogeneous, and was poorly affected by evaporation. We propose that mixing of these two fluids, generated at different depths of the Naica drainage basin, determined the stable supersaturation conditions for the gigantic gypsum crystals to grow. Fluid mixing was controlled by the hydraulic communication between CLE and the other deep caves, and must have taken place during cycles of warm-dry and fresh-wet climatic periods, which are known to have occurred in the region. Pollen grains from a 35 ka-old gypsum crystal of CLC corresponds to a fairly homogenous catchment basin made of a mixed broadleaf wet forest, which suggests precipitation during a fresh-wet climatic period and confirms our interpretation of the fluid inclusion data. The unusual combination of geological and geochemical factors of Naica suggests that other hypogenic caves found elsewhere may not host similar crystals. However, this work shows that

  2. Rapid and repeated origin of insular gigantism and dwarfism in Australian tiger snakes. (United States)

    Keogh, J Scott; Scott, Ian A W; Hayes, Christine


    It is a well-known phenomenon that islands can support populations of gigantic or dwarf forms of mainland conspecifics, but the variety of explanatory hypotheses for this phenomenon have been difficult to disentangle. The highly venomous Australian tiger snakes (genus Notechis) represent a well-known and extreme example of insular body size variation. They are of special interest because there are multiple populations of dwarfs and giants and the age of the islands and thus the age of the tiger snake populations are known from detailed sea level studies. Most are 5000-7000 years old and all are less than 10,000 years old. Here we discriminate between two competing hypotheses with a molecular phylogeography dataset comprising approximately 4800 bp of mtDNA and demonstrate that populations of island dwarfs and giants have evolved five times independently. In each case the closest relatives of the giant or dwarf populations are mainland tiger snakes, and in four of the five cases, the closest relatives are also the most geographically proximate mainland tiger snakes. Moreover, these body size shifts have evolved extremely rapidly and this is reflected in the genetic divergence between island body size variants and mainland snakes. Within south eastern Australia, where populations of island giants, populations of island dwarfs, and mainland tiger snakes all occur, the maximum genetic divergence is only 0.38%. Dwarf tiger snakes are restricted to prey items that are much smaller than the prey items of mainland tiger snakes and giant tiger snakes are restricted to seasonally available prey items that are up three times larger than the prey items of mainland tiger snakes. We support the hypotheses that these body size shifts are due to strong selection imposed by the size of available prey items, rather than shared evolutionary history, and our results are consistent with the notion that adaptive plasticity also has played an important role in body size shifts. We suggest

  3. Association of giant congenital melanocytic nevus, halo nevus and vitiligo in a 75-year-old patient Associação de nevo melanocítico congênito gigante, nevo halo e vitiligo. Relato de caso em paciente de 75 anos

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    Marina Leite da Silveira


    Full Text Available A giant congenital melanocytic nevus represents a rare condition. The halo phenomenon may be seen in congenital or acquired melanocytic nevi. In the literature, association of halo nevus and giant congenital melanocytic nevus is rare and the association of both with vitiligo even more rare. A 75-yearold woman at first consultation complained of a hyperchromic bluish-brown hairy macula on the lower back, buttocks and thighs present since birth and an achromic halo of onset three years ago. The histological features were consistent with congenital melanocytic nevus and halo nevus, respectively. After two years the patient developed achromic areas in normal skin, histologically consistent with vitiligo. The authors emphasize the rarity of this triple combination, the patient's age and the absence of malignant degeneration to date.Nevo melanocitico congênito gigante constitui uma condição rara. O fenômeno halo pode ser observado em nevos melanocíticos congênitos ou adquiridos. Na literatura a associação nevo halo e nevo melanocítico congênito gigante é rara e a associação de ambos com vitiligo ainda mais rara. Mulher de 75 anos que à primeira consulta apresentava mácula hipercrômica castanho-azulada pilosa na região lombar, nádegas e coxas desde o nascimento e halo acrômico de aparecimento há 3 anos. Os histológicos foram compatíveis com nevo melanocítico congênito e nevo halo respectivamente. Após dois anos evoluiu com áreas de acromia à distância, com histológico de vitiligo. Os autores ressaltam a raridade desta tripla associação; a idade da paciente e a ausência de degeneração maligna até o presente momento.

  4. Disease: H01864 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available (GH) causes acromegaly (H01483) and pituitary gigantism (H01618). They have the same pathogenetic mechanism...nd IGF-I levels ... See also H01483 Acromegaly and H01618 Pituitary gigantism. ICD-1...0: E22.0 MeSH: D000172 D005877 OMIM: 102200 300943 PMID:22584702 ... AUTHORS ... Herder WW ... TITLE ... Familial gigantism

  5. Fitorremediação de solo contaminado com picloram por capim-pé-de-galinha-gigante (Eleusine coracana Phytoremediation of picloram-contaminated soil by Eleusine coracana

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    Sergio de Oliveira Procópio


    Full Text Available O longo efeito residual do herbicida picloram no solo aumenta o risco de lixiviação e de fitotoxicidade em culturas sucedâneas; sua presença no solo pode ser abreviada com o uso da fitorremediação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da densidade populacional de capim-pé-de-galinha-gigante (Eleusine coracana sobre a fitorremediação de solo contaminado com o herbicida picloram. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação localizada no município de Rio Verde-GO, no período de setembro de 2006 a fevereiro de 2007. Os tratamentos foram compostos pela combinação entre quatro densidades populacionais da espécie vegetal Eleusine coracana (capim-pé-de-galinha-gigante (0, 7, 14 e 21 plantas por vaso, correspondendo a 0, 172, 344 e 516 plantas m-2, respectivamente e três doses do picloram (0, 80 e 160 g ha-1 - aplicadas diretamente nos vasos, simulando níveis de contaminação do solo. Após o cultivo da espécie vegetal fitorremediadora no substrato por 100 dias, efetuou-se, no próprio vaso, a semeadura da soja (Glycine max L., espécie utilizada como bioindicadora da presença do picloram. A espécie Eleusine coracana mostrou ter capacidade de remediar solos contaminados com o herbicida picloram. A partir de 172 plantas m-2, aumentos na densidade populacional da espécie fitorremediadora não proporcionaram redução de carryover do herbicida picloram sobre a cultura da soja semeada em sucessão.The long-term residual effect of the herbicide picloram poses risks of leaching and phytotoxicity to successive crops. Phytoremediation can abbreviate the long carryover effect. This research was carried out from September 2006 to February 2007, under green house conditions, in Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil, to study the influence of Eleusine coracana population density on phytoremediation of soil contaminated with picloram. The treatments consisted of the combination of four Eleusine coracana population densities (0, 7, 14

  6. Impacto da participação especial em campos gigantes offshore de petróleo Impact of special participation tax in offshore petroleum giant fields

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    Rodrigo Mendes Gandra


    Full Text Available Utilizando um cenário como estudo de caso, objetiva-se explorar o impacto econômico da Lei que rege a cobrança da Participação Especial (PE pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP sobre a decisão de investimento em projetos situados exclusivamente em campos gigantes de petróleo no Brasil. Embora este seja um exercício indutivo sem maiores pretensões, ele pode ser tomado como representativo para retratar a realidade das grandes empresas que têm em seu portfolio oportunidades de desenvolvimento de concessões com grande potencial petrolífero. Subsidiariamente, propõe-se uma alternativa ao modelo de tributação vigente.The main objective of this technical study is to show the economic impact of Special Participation Tax on decisions at projects of investments at Brazilian offshore fields with high production of petroleum. An alternative estimation approach is proposed in this paper for Special Participation Tax to facilitate the economic viability of offshore projects. This technical study is only a exercise of a real situation which big companies face when it have the opportunity to develop concessions with high potential of petroleum. Above all, we propose an alternative way to calculate the assessment.

  7. Endoprótese não cimentada no tratamento de tumor de células gigantes de tíbia, 18 anos de evolução Cementless endoprosthesis in the treatment of giant cell tumor of the tibia, eighteen years of evolution

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    Glauco Pauka Mello


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um relato de caso de tumor de células gigantes de tíbia proximal justarticular com fratura patológica. Paciente do sexo feminino, apresentando dor e aumento de volume local após ocorrência de queda da própria altura. Foi submetida ao exame clínico, ao estudo radiográfico e biópsia por punção. Feito diagnóstico de tumor de células gigantes. A paciente foi então tratada com ressecção tumoral e utilização de endoprótese não convencional parcial de tíbia com preservação da superfície articular do platô tibial. A paciente evoluiu com melhora dos sintomas e manutenção da função articular do membro operado, ausência de recidiva e complicações, sem necessidade de reintervenções cirúrgicas em um seguimento de 18 anos.A case report of a giant cell tumor of the proximal tibia justarticular with a pathological fracture. A female patient presenting pain and increase of local volume after a falling incident from an unelevated height. She underwent clinical examination, to radiographic study, and a puncture biopsy. A diagnosis of giant cell tumor was made. The patient was then treated with tumor resection and use of an unconventional partial endoprosthesis of the tibia with preservation of the surface of the tibial plateau. The patient evolved with improvement of symptoms and maintenance of joint function of the operated limb, absence of recurrence and complications, without necessity of reoperation during 18 years of follow-up.

  8. Razanandrongobe sakalavae, a gigantic mesoeucrocodylian from the Middle Jurassic of Madagascar, is the oldest known notosuchian

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    Cristiano Dal Sasso


    this gigantic predator is also attempted here. The very robust jaw bones of R. sakalavae, coupled with its peculiar dentition, strongly suggest a diet that included hard tissue such as bone and tendon.

  9. Case report 509: Proteus syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burnstein, M.I.; Kottamasu, S.R.; Katz, M.E.; Weiss, L.


    Radiographic features of Proteus syndrome include asymmetry of limbs, partial gigantism of the hands or feet, and hemihypertrophy. The patient described (a 16-year-old male) manifested features of Proteus syndrome which is another entity in the gamut of conditions associated with localized gigantism. This entity should be suggested particularly when localized gigantism is associated with diffuse intra-abdominal lipomatosis and extensive lipomas involving the chest wall and back.

  10. Case report 509: Proteus syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burnstein, M.I.; Kottamasu, S.R.; Katz, M.E.; Weiss, L.


    Radiographic features of Proteus syndrome include asymmetry of limbs, partial gigantism of the hands or feet, and hemihypertrophy. The patient described (a 16-year-old male) manifested features of Proteus syndrome which is another entity in the gamut of conditions associated with localized gigantism. This entity should be suggested particularly when localized gigantism is associated with diffuse intra-abdominal lipomatosis and extensive lipomas involving the chest wall and back. (orig.)

  11. Bocio multinodular gigante deformante. Presentación de un caso sin síntomas obstructivos

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    Paul Bogucki


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 50 años, con una tumoración en la parte anterior de cuello de 25 años de evolución, sin síntomas de compresión. Al examen físico se aprecia una glándula tiroides de gran tamaño que deforma el cuello, de superficie lisa y nodular, de aproximadamente 16x12cm. Los estudios de imágenes y de laboratorio confirmaron el diagnóstico. Se practicó una tiroidectomía total, obteniéndose una glándula de 17x12cm. Se identificaron y preservaron ambos nervios laríngeos recurrentes y las glándulas paratiroides. No hubo complicaciones postoperatorias y el resultado estético fue satisfactorio. En conclusión el bocio es una patología común en las zonas con insuficiente aporte de Yodo, donde tiene una incidencia aproximada de 11%. Las estadísticas obtenidas en nuestro hospital se corresponden con lo publicado en la literatura internacional. La variedad gigante es infrecuente, constituyendo una causa de síntomas compresivos y disconformidad estética, por lo que la cirugía es la indicación terapéutica. Abstract Giant multinodular goiter. A case report with no obstructive symptoms In this report we show a 50 years male patient with a tumor in the anterior part of neck of 25 years of evolution, without symptoms of compression. Physical examination shows a large thyroid gland, which deforms the neck, smooth and nodular, painless to palpation, approximately 16x12cm. Imaging studies and laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of multinodular goiter. A total thyroidectomy was performed, with a gland 17x12cm. Were identified and preserved both recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands. There were no postoperative complications and the aesthetic result was satisfactory. In conclusion the goiter is a condition common in areas with insufficient supply of iodine, which has an incidence of approximately 11%. The statistics obtained in our hospital are as published in the international literature to endemic

  12. Ataxia cerebelosa persistente despues de la administracion toxica de difenilhidantoina

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    Andrés M. Villa


    Full Text Available La intoxicacion cronica con difenilhidantoina (DFH es bien conocida como causa de ataxia irreversible en pacientes epilépticos debida a atrofia cerebelosa con perdida de células de Purkinje. No es asi con la intoxicación aguda, puesto que sus signos y síntomas son reversibles. Presentamos un paciente con convulsiones parciales complejas, secundarias a un quiste temporal, que habia sido tratado irregularmente con DFH durante dos años con dosis variables que oscilaban en los 100 mg/dia. Dada la refractariedad de su cuadro convulsivo en una entrevista previa a su ingreso se le indico un aumento brusco de la dosis del fármaco que alcanzo a los 400 mg/dia. Ello ocasiono un sindrome pancerebeloso severo que motivo su internación. Posteriormente a la suspension de la DFH y la exeresis del quiste temporal mejoro su cuadro convulsivo, aunque quedo con ataxia de miembros inferiores y asinergia de tronco, cuadro con el que fue dado de alta. Un año despues, el paciente se encontraba libre de convulsiones, pero su sindrome cerebeloso no se habia modificado. El estudio por imágenes no evidencio atrofia cerebelosa.

  13. Resección quirúrgica de mucocele utilizando relleno siliconado

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    Adel Martínez


    Full Text Available El mucocele es una lesión que afecta especialmente las glándulas salivales menores; se forma debido a la extravasación de saliva mucosa producto de un trauma por mordedura. Teniendo en cuenta el factor causal, el mucocele se puede clasificar como quiste de extravasación mucosa o quiste de retención mucosa. Afecta primordialmente el labio inferior y se manifiesta como un nódulo, translúcido y circunscrito con un contenido mucoso o muestra una elevación del color de la mucosa que la cubre. El tratamiento consiste en la resección quirúrgica de la lesión, que incluya las glándulas salivales menores afectadas. Se realizó la revisión de una caso clínico de paciente de 18 años de edad, que presenta mucocele profundo, el cual fue tratado con resección quirúrgica utilizando como relleno de la cavidad quística una silicona fluida, que permite mantener los reparos anatómicos y así poder realizar la remoción completa de la lesión y las glándulas afectadas.

  14. A distância e o conteúdo estelar da região HII gigante G333.1-0.4 - vínculos para a taxa de formação estelar da galáxia (United States)

    Figuerêdo, E.; Damineli, A.; Blum, R.; Conti, P.


    Neste trabalho apresentamos imagens de alta resolução angular da região HII gigante G333.1-0.4 obtidas através dos filtros J, H e K no telescópio de 4-m do CTIO. Este trabalho faz parte de um estudo de regiões HII gigantes no infravermelho próximo que tem por objetivo estudar a natureza da formação de estrelas massivas e traçar a estrutura espiral de nossa galáxia. Nossa determinação da distância é baseada no método da paralaxe espectroscópica de estrelas OB localizadas na seqüência principal de idade zero (ZAMS) do Diagrama HR. No caso de G333.1-0.4, a magnitude aparente das estrelas localizadas na ZAMS indica que a distância não pode ser maior do que o limite inferior determinado por técnica rádio (2,8 kpc). Resultados semelhantes foram encontrados para regiões estudadas anteriormente, reforçando a idéia de que a taxa de formação estelar na Via Láctea é menor do que o determinado a partir de dados rádio. Nossos resultados mais recentes sobre o conteúdo estelar de G333.1-0.4 revelaram vários objetos que possuem cores bastante avermelhadas (H-K > 2,0). Nós identificamos estes objetos usando os diagramas cor-cor e cor-magnitude dos aglomerados. Estes objetos apresentam um forte excesso em emissão na banda K e possivelmente se tratam de estrelas do tipo OB envolvidas por um disco/envelope circumestelar espesso. O estudo da função de massa inical desta região, em conjunto com resultados de nossos trabalhos anteriores, aponta para uma IMF independente da posição galática. A contagem de estrelas nos fornece um valor para o número de fótons no contínuo de Lyman que corrobora com a afirmação de que G333.1-0.4 se encontra mais próxima da menor distância determinada por rádio.

  15. Serodiagnóstico de giardiosis: identificación de inmunoglobulina G anti-Giardia duodenalis en suero mediante ELISA

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    Sofía Duque


    Full Text Available El diagnóstico de la infección por Giardia duodenalis se basa en la identificación de quistes o trofozoítos en materia fecal, alcanzando una sensibilidad máxima de 85% en muestras seriadas, debido a la excreción intermitente de quistes. Aunque la determinación de anticuerpos no permite diferenciar entre una infección pasada y una reciente, si podría ayudar en el diagnóstico diferencial. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos estandarizar y evaluar una prueba inmunoenzimática (ELISA para la detección de anticuerpos tipo IgG anti-Giardia duodenalis en sueros de pacientes con la infección. La preparación del antigeno se hizo a partir de trofozoitos cultivados que, inicialmente, fueron obtenidos del intestino de gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus infectados experimentalmente con quistes purificados a partir de muestras positivas de materia fecal humana. Para la estandarización y evaluación de la prueba, se emplearon 60 sueros de pacientes con giardiosis comprobada parasitológicamente (muestras positivas y 47 sueros de cordón umbilical recién cortado (muestras negativas. Como conjugado, se utilizó anti-lgG humana ligada a fosfatasa alcalina. La concentración óptima de antígeno de trofozoíto de G. duodenalis fue de 15 ug/ml y las diluciones óptimas de suero y conjugado fueron 1:25 y 1:400, respectivamente. El valor del punto de corte (absorbancia fue 0,300. Los parámetros de la prueba fueron: sensibilidad, 98,3% (intervalo de confianza de 95% (lC 95%: 89,9%-99,974; especificidad, 957% (IC 95%:84,3%-99,3%; valor predictivo positivo, 96,7% (IC 95%: 87,6%-99,4%, y valor predictivo negativo, 97,8% (IC 95%: 87,0%-99,9%. La prueba ELlSA descrita contribuirá a mejorar el diagnóstico de giardiosis y podrá ser empleada para estudios epidemiológicos de seroprevalencia.

  16. McCune-Albright syndrome (United States)

    ... bones in the face Gigantism Irregular, large patchy cafe-au-lait spots , especially on the back ... skull Abnormal heart rhythms ( arrhythmias ) Acromegaly Gigantism Large cafe-au-lait spots on the skin Liver disease, ...

  17. Growth hormone test (United States)

    ... is called acromegaly . In children it is called gigantism . Too little growth hormone can cause a slow ... growth due to excess GH during childhood, called gigantism. (A special test is done to confirm this ...

  18. Sotos Syndrome (United States)

    ... Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Sotos syndrome (cerebral gigantism) is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutation ... have also been reported. × Definition Sotos syndrome (cerebral gigantism) is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutation ...

  19. Genetics Home Reference: familial isolated pituitary adenoma (United States)

    ... children or adolescents can lead to increased height (gigantism), because the long bones of their arms and ... Information & Resources MedlinePlus (6 links) Encyclopedia: Acromegaly Encyclopedia: Gigantism Encyclopedia: Pituitary Tumor Encyclopedia: Prolactinoma Health Topic: Endocrine ...

  20. Familial gigantism

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    Wouter W. de Herder


    Full Text Available Familial GH-secreting tumors are seen in association with three separate hereditary clinical syndromes: multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, Carney complex, and familial isolated pituitary adenomas.

  1. Familial gigantism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    W.W. de Herder (Wouter)


    textabstractFamilial GH-secreting tumors are seen in association with three separate hereditary clinical syndromes: multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, Carney complex, and familial isolated pituitary adenomas.

  2. Near-Surface Dispersion and Circulation in the Marmara Sea (MARMARA) (United States)


    MARMARA) Pierre-Marie Poulain Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c 34010 Sgonico...S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale,Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c,34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy, 8

  3. Surface Circulation in the Northeastern Mediterranean (NEMED) (United States)


    NEMED) Pierre-Marie Poulain Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c 34010 Sgonico (Trieste...Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale,Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c,34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy, 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION

  4. Etiología del quiste óseo unicameral


    Gascó Gómez, J.; Pino Ortiz, J. M. del


    A 6 year-old gírl with a solitary unicameral cyst is reported. Three months before the patient had been diagnosticated of transient synovitis of the hip with a normal X-Ray pieture. This retrospective foIlouw-up suggests the tumor vascular theory.

  5. Neurocisticercosis en un hospital de la ciudad de Buenos Aires: estudio de once casos

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    A. M. Villa


    Full Text Available Fueron examinados 11 pacientes adultos con el diagnostico presuntivo de neuro-cisticercosis, 8 de ellos provenientes de Bolivia y los restantes del interior de la Argentina. Como manifestacion clinica inicial el 82% de ellos mostro convulsiones y el 73% cefaleas. Ambas alteraciones podían estar combinadas en el mismo paciente o presentarse en forma independiente. La tomografia computada de cerebro evidencio calcificaciones y quistes en 5 enfermos, solo calcificaciones en 3, hidrocefalia en 2 y un unico quiste en 1. En 7 casos se efectuo ELISA en el LCR, de ellos 6 resultaron positivos. El tratamiento medico se hizo en base a la administración de praziquantel o albendazol con buena evolución de los pacientes en todos los casos. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue indicado solo en el caso en que una lesion actuase como masa ocupante con aumento de la presión endocraneana (1 caso o produjera obstruccion de la circulacon del LCR llevando a una hidrocefalia (2 casos. El estudio presente pretende alertar sobre la posibilidad que nuevas regiones, como la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, puedan ingresar dentro del area endemica latinoamericana a consecuencia de los movimientos migratorios internos y externos y el asentamiento de portadores de la parasitosis en el perimetro urbano.

  6. Coastal Ocean Circulation Experiment off Senegal (COCES) (United States)


    Pierre-Marie Poulain Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c 34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy...ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale,Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c,34010 Sgonico (Trieste

  7. Disease: H01618 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available probably causes gigantism and acromegaly. Therapeutic modalities for the treatme...atakis CA ... TITLE ... Gigantism and acromegaly due to Xq26 microduplications and GPR101 mutation. ... JOURNAL ... N Engl J Med 371:2363-74 (2014) DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa1408028 ...

  8. Gigantic landslides versus glacial deposits: on origin of large hummock deposits in Alai Valley, Northern Pamir (United States)

    Reznichenko, Natalya


    As glaciers are sensitive to local climate, their moraines position and ages are used to infer past climates and glacier dynamics. These chronologies are only valid if all dated moraines are formed as the result of climatically driven advance and subsequent retreat. Hence, any accurate palaeoenvironmental reconstruction requires thorough identification of the landform genesis by complex approach including geomorphological, sedimentological and structural landform investigation. Here are presented the implication of such approach for the reconstruction of the mega-hummocky deposits formation both of glacial and landslide origin in the glaciated Alai Valley of the Northern Pamir with further discussion on these and similar deposits validity for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. The Tibetan Plateau valleys are the largest glaciated regions beyond the ice sheets with high potential to provide the best geological record of glacial chronologies and, however, with higher probabilities of the numerous rock avalanche deposits including those that were initially considered of glacial origin (Hewitt, 1999). The Alai Valley is the largest intermountain depression in the upper reaches of the Amudarja River basin that has captured numerous unidentified extensive hummocky deposits descending from the Zaalai Range of Northern Pamir, covering area in more than 800 km2. Such vast hummocky deposits are usually could be formed either: 1) glacially by rapid glacial retreat due to the climate signal or triggered a-climatically glacial changes, such as glacial surge or landslide impact, or 2) during the landslide emplacement. Combination of sediment tests on agglomerates forming only in rock avalanche material (Reznichenko et al., 2012) and detailed geomorphological and sedimentological descriptions of these deposits allowed reconstructing the glacial deposition in the Koman and Lenin glacial catchments with identification of two gigantic rock avalanches and their relation to this glacial

  9. Memoization in Type-Directed Partial Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balat, Vincent; Danvy, Olivier


    the functions and type-directed partial evaluation provides a convenient setting to obtain the normal form of their composition. However, off-the-shelf type-directed partial evaluation turns out to yield gigantic normal forms. We identify that this gigantism is due to redundancies, and that these redundancies...

  10. Presencia de Giardia lamblia y Cryptosporidium spp. en aguas residuales depuradas reutilizadas para riego agrícola en la isla de Tenerife, España. Efectos del transporte a larga distancia sobre la calidad del agua reutilizada Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium spp. Presence in treated wastewater reutilised for irrigation in Tenerife island, Spain. Long-distance transport effects in the reutilised water quality

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    Escolástico Aguiar González


    Full Text Available El empleo de aguas residuales depuradas para riego agrícola es la alternativa de reutilización con más relevancia hoy día, siempre y cuando se desarrolle con garantías sanitarias y medioambientales.Giardia lamblia y Cryptosporidium spp. son dos protozoos patógenos entéricos de amplia distribución ambiental, frecuentes en hábitats acuáticos. La investigación y detección de estos parásitos en aguas ha adquirido importancia en los últimos años debido a que poseen formas de dispersión resistentes a los tratamientos habituales, aplicados tanto en procesos de potabilización como de depuración, y a que han sido clasificados como patógenos emergentes causantes de importantes brotes de transmisión hídrica.En este trabajo se estudia la presencia de quistes de Giardia lamblia y ooquistes de Cryptosporidium spp. en el agua residual depurada de la ciudad de Santa Cruz de Tenerife que es transportada hasta el sur de la isla de Tenerife para su reutilización en agricultura. Asimismo se investiga el efecto del transporte, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento avanzado sobre la concentración de quistes y ooquistes a través del sistema, y la existencia de relaciones con otros parámetros bacteriológicos y físico-químicos.Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto comportamientos variables de los contenidos en quistes y ooquistes frente a los tratamientos aplicados, y el efecto depurador que el transporte a larga distancia, parece tener sobre el agua residual depurada.No se han encontrado relaciones entre las concentraciones de quistes y ooquistes en el agua residual depurada y el contenido de los indicadores tradicionales de contaminación fecal.Treated wastewater use for irrigation is, nowadays, the more relevant reutilization alternative of wastewater, if it is developed with sanitary and environmental warranties.Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium spp. two wide distributed enteric pathogen protozoan, which are frequent in aquatic

  11. Parâmetros morfométricos e biológicos de populações monoclonais e multiclonais do pulgão-gigante-do-pinus

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    Susete do Rocio Chiarello Penteado


    Full Text Available O pulgão-gigante-do-pinus, Cinara atlantica, originário da América do Norte, foi introduzido no Brasil na década de 1990 e encontra-se amplamente distribuído nos plantios comerciais de pínus. Este estudo teve como objetivo correlacionar os parâmetros morfométricos de insetos oriundos de colônias mono e multiclonais de C. atlantica com seu desempenho reprodutivo em mudas de viveiros comerciais e em progênies de Pinus taeda. Foi registrado o número de ninfas produzidas fêmea dia-1. Após a morte destas fêmeas, foram realizadas medições dos caracteres morfológicos, utilizando o programa, Axion Vision 4,5. O comprimento da tíbia, fêmur posterior e antena foram os parâmetros morfométricos que apresentaram maior correlação com o comprimento do corpo dos insetos, representando 98% da variação total. Com os valores destas variáveis foi criada uma nova variável, denominada “tamanho do inseto”, que foi utilizada para comparação dos tratamentos. Os insetos de colônias multiclonais apresentaram os maiores valores para a maioria dos parâmetros morfométricos e maior produção de descendentes. Insetos maiores e maior produção de ninfas foram observados em mudas originárias dos viveiros comerciais, sugerindo que as progênies estudadas podem apresentar algum fator de resistência que as torna candidatas para uso em programas de manejo integrado desta praga.

  12. Índice de mortalidad en cultivo del camarón gigante de agua dulce (Macrobrachium rosenbergii en estanques seminaturales en Loreto, Perú

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    Norma Arana Flores


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el índice de mortalidad en un cultivo del camarón gigante de agua dulce (Macrobrachium rosenbergii; para ello se acondicionaron 1000 post larvas con peso y longitud promedio de 0,2 g y 2 cm, respectivamente, en un estanque de tierra de 200m2 de espejo de agua, a una densidad de siembra de 5 ind/m2, el alimento suministrado fue de tipo extruzado con 35% PB para el primer mes; posteriormente se suministró una ración con 32% PB hasta el final, la frecuencia alimenticia fue de 3 veces/día los dos primeros meses, reajustándose a 2 veces/día los dos siguientes meses; la tasa alimenticia varió entre 13 y 3,5%; las evaluaciones biométricas se realizaron cada 10 días. Los parámetros limnológicos como temperatura, transparencia, OD, pH, CO2 y dureza se registraron cada 15 días. Los índices de crecimiento aplicados fueron ganancia de peso, ganancia de longitud, ICAA, TCE y supervivencia. Los resultados registran una ganancia en peso y longitud de 27,24 g y 12,37 cm; el incremento de peso y longitud diario en promedio fue de 0,23 g y 0,12cm; ICAA 3,30, TCE 3,59%; sobrevivencia 95%, índice de mortalidad 5%. El análisis limnológico registró variaciones mínimas que no influenciaron negativamente sobre el crecimiento y sobrevivencia de los camarones; la correlación entre el peso y longitud registra una relación positiva, con un nivel de correlación muy buena.

  13. Índice de mortalidad en cultivo del camarón gigante de agua dulce (Macrobrachium rosenbergii en estanques seminaturales en Loreto, Perú

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    Norma Arana Flores


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el índice de mortalidad en un cultivo del camarón gigante de agua dulce (Macrobrachium rosenbergii; para ello se acondicionaron 1000 post larvas con peso y longitud promedio de 0,2 g y 2 cm, respectivamente, en un estanque de tierra de 200m2 de espejo de agua, a una densidad de siembra de 5 ind/m2, el alimento suministrado fue de tipo extruzado con 35% PB para el primer mes; posteriormente se suministró una ración con 32% PB hasta el final, la frecuencia alimenticia fue de 3 veces/día los dos primeros meses, reajustándose a 2 veces/día los dos siguientes meses; la tasa alimenticia varió entre 13 y 3,5%; las evaluaciones biométricas se realizaron cada 10 días. Los parámetros limnológicos como temperatura, transparencia, OD, pH, CO2 y dureza se registraron cada 15 días. Los índices de crecimiento aplicados fueron ganancia de peso, ganancia de longitud, ICAA, TCE y supervivencia. Los resultados registran una ganancia en peso y longitud de 27,24 g y 12,37 cm; el incremento de peso y longitud diario en promedio fue de 0,23 g y 0,12cm; ICAA 3,30, TCE 3,59%; sobrevivencia 95%, índice de mortalidad  5%. El análisis limnológico registró variaciones mínimas que no influenciaron negativamente sobre el crecimiento y sobrevivencia de los camarones; la correlación entre el peso y longitud registra una relación positiva, con un nivel de correlación muy buena.

  14. The Frequency of Growing Season Frost in the Subalpine Environment (Medicine Bow Mountains, Southeastern Wyoming), The Interaction of Leaf Morphology and Infrared Radiational Cooling and the Effects of Freezing on Native Vegetation (United States)


    effect on photosynthetic properties (Long et al. 1983; Powles et al. 1983; Ögren et al. 1984; Strand and Öquist 1985; Steffen and Palta 1989; see...DeLucia and Smith 1987; Steffen and Palta 1989), very few have considered natural field conditions and the influence of light exposure the following...Physiol Plant 79:617-622 Steffen KL and Palta JP 1989. Light stress following a frost episode influences the frost tolerance of a wild potato species. J

  15. Macrodystrophila lipomatosa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alween, Z.F.; Al-Hiari, A.A.; Al-Majali, R.M.


    Macro dystrophia Lipomatosa is a congenital form of localized gigantism characterized by an increase in all mesenchymal elements particularly fibroadipose tissue. We describe two patients with Macro dystrophia lipomatosa affecting the hand that exhibited characteristic radiological and MRI finding that distinguish the lesion from other conditions associated with localized gigantism. (author)

  16. Gigantic neurocysticercosis: diagnosis and therapy;Neurocisticercose gigante: diagnostico e tratamento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brandao, Rafael Augusto Castro Santiago; Dellaretti Filho, Marcos Antonio, E-mail: [Hospital Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Nunes, Tadeu Wilker; Totola, Paolo Victor Fernandes; Fonseca, Vinicius Silveira; Souza, Warley Cristiano de [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina


    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common parasitic infection of the nervous system. Considered a global epidemic, the parasite presents, mainly, as asymptomatic. Usually treatment is clinical, but in some selected cases surgical intervention is a good treatment option. In our case, keeping in view the magnitude of intracranial injury, surgery was the therapy chosen. A female patient, aged 54, Mulatto, native of Novo Cruzeiro (MG) and raised in Belo Horizonte. Presented with intense frontal headache, which progressed to right hemiparesis and seizure. Ten days after onset of symptoms, sought the service of emergency care. Tomography (CT) revealed a hypodense area in left frontoparietal region with characteristics of cystic lesion.

  17. Gigantic Cosmic Corkscrew Reveals New Details About Mysterious Microquasar (United States)


    Making an extra effort to image a faint, gigantic corkscrew traced by fast protons and electrons shot out from a mysterious microquasar paid off for a pair of astrophysicists who gained new insights into the beast's inner workings and also resolved a longstanding dispute over the object's distance. Microquasar SS 433 VLA Image of Microquasar SS 433 CREDIT: Blundell & Bowler, NRAO/AUI/NSF (Click on Image for Larger Version) The astrophysicists used the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope to capture the faintest details yet seen in the plasma jets emerging from the microquasar SS 433, an object once dubbed the "enigma of the century." As a result, they have changed scientists' understanding of the jets and settled the controversy over its distance "beyond all reasonable doubt," they said. SS 433 is a neutron star or black hole orbited by a "normal" companion star. The powerful gravity of the neutron star or black hole draws material from the stellar wind of its companion into an accretion disk of material tightly circling the dense central object prior to being pulled onto it. This disk propels jets of fast protons and electrons outward from its poles at about a quarter of the speed of light. The disk in SS 433 wobbles like a child's top, causing its jets to trace a corkscrew in the sky every 162 days. The new VLA study indicates that the speed of the ejected particles varies over time, contrary to the traditional model for SS 433. "We found that the actual speed varies between 24 percent to 28 percent of light speed, as opposed to staying constant," said Katherine Blundell, of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. "Amazingly, the jets going in both directions change their speeds simultaneously, producing identical speeds in both directions at any given time," Blundell added. Blundell worked with Michael Bowler, also of Oxford. The scientists' findings have been accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Letters. SS 433 New VLA

  18. Variación del volumen espiratorio forzado y presión de oxígeno en reducción del volumen pulmonar en bullas gigantes unilaterales

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    Orestes N Mederos Curbelo


    Full Text Available Se presentan 15 enfermos con bullas enfisematosas gigantes, tratados mediante lobectomía reglada en el Hospital Universitario "Comandante Manuel Fajardo", en el período de 1995 a 2000; todos estos pacientes se abordaron mediante incisiones axilares y en el 100 % eran del sexo masculino fumadores de 2 cajetillas de cigarros diarios. La mortalidad quirúrgica fue del 6,6 % a causa de que uno de los pacientes falleció por trombolismo pulmonar. En los 14 enfermos restantes se valoraron las pruebas funcionales respiratorias y se observó un cambio del volumen espiratorio forzado de disminución del volumen residual. En la gasometría arterial, la presión de oxígeno (PO2 aumentó en todos los enfermos hasta valores entre 80 y 85 lo que les permitió incorporarse a su vida laboral activa15 patients with giant emphysematous bullas treated by ruled lobectomy at Comandante Manuel Fajardo Teaching Hospital, from 1995 to 2000, were presented. All these patients were approached by axillary incisions. 100 % were males who smoked 2 packages of cigarettes daily. Surgical mortality was 6.6 % due to the fact that one of the patients died from pulmonary trombolism. In the other 14 patients the functional respiratory tests were made and it was observed a change of the forced expiratory volume in the reduction of the residual volume. In the arterial gasometry, the oxygen pressure (02P increased in all patients, reaching values between 80 and 85, which allowed them to incorporate to their active working life

  19. First report of a human case of polycystic echinococcosis due to Echinococcus vogeli from neotropical area of Peru, South America Primer reporte de un caso humano de echinococcosis poliquística causada por E. vogeli procedente del área neotropical del Perú, America del Sur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José R. Somocurcio


    Full Text Available We report a human case of polycystic hidatidosis due to Echinococcus vogeli from Contamana (Department of Loreto village located in the central jungle of Peru. The patient is a 44 year-old lady, teacher, who carried a painless liver mass since a year ago. She was submitted to abdominal surgery and the liver mass was removed and showed multiple cysts containing colorless liquid as is showed in the polycystic hidatidosis. The morphology and measure of the hooks obtained from the liquid contained in the cysts are from Echinococcus vogeli. It is the first report of this parasitism in Perú.Reportamos un caso humano de hidatidosis poliquística debido a Echinococcus vogeli procedente de Contamana (Departamento de Loreto, localidad ubicada en la selva central del Perú. La paciente es una mujer de 44 años de edad, profesora, quien portaba una hepatomegalia no dolorosa de un año de evolución. Sometida a intervención quirúrgica, se removió la masa hepática que macroscópicamente mostró múltiples quistes conteniendo líquido incoloro. El examen microscópico correspondió a una hidatidosis poliquística. El examen y medida de los ganchos obtenidos del contenido de los quistes correspondieron a Echinococcus vogeli. Es el primer reporte de este parasitismo en el Perú.

  20. Determinação do ponto de colheita na produção de alho Determination of the harvest date for garlic cultivars

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    Carlos Manoel de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O ponto de colheita de cultivares de alho tropical foi obtido através de um experimento conduzido na UFLA (MG, no delineamento de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 5, com quatro repetições, avaliando quatro cultivares (Gigante Curitibanos, Gravatá, Gigante Lavínia e Gigante Roxo e cinco épocas de colheita (134, 141, 148, 155 e 162 dias após o plantio. Avaliou-se a produtividade total de plantas, produtividade total de bulbos e características físico-químicas (teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e índice de pH. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que as épocas de colheita influenciaram significativamente a produção e as características físico-químicas. A máxima produtividade foi obtida aos 148 e 156 dias após plantio, períodos em que se observou também aumento nas concentrações de sólidos solúveis e ácidos orgânicos no suco do alho.The harvest point for tropical garlic cultivars was determined through an experiment carried out in the Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil, with randomized block design, in a 4 x 5 factorial scheme, four replications, testing four cultivars: Gigante Curitibanos, Gravatá, Gigante Lavínia and Gigante Roxo and five harvesting dates: 134, 141, 148, 155 and 162 days after planting. The total yield of plant, total yield of garlic bulbs and physical-chemical characteristics (soluble acids content, titrable acidity and pH indices were determined. The harvest date influenced significantly the yield and physical-chemical characteristics: Maximum yield, soluble solids concentration, and organic acids in garlic juice were obtained when harvesting at 148 and 156 days after planting date.

  1. Trastorno en la biogénesis de los peroxisomas en un neonato con dimorfismo

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    Y. Cifuentes


    Full Text Available Se presenta la historia clínica de un recién nacido, femenino, segundo hijo, dismórfico, conlesiones en sistema nervioso central, hígado y riñones. La paciente falleció a los 20 días de vida,la autopsia mostró ictericia en todos los órganos, ascitis, dilatación y tapones de bilis en loscanalículos biliares (disgenesia biliar y múltiples quistes en los riñones.

  2. Melanopsin expressing human retinal ganglion cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Jens; Christiansen, Anders Tolstrup; Heegaard, Steffen


    microscopy and 3D reconstruction of melanopsin immunoreactive (-ir) RGCs, we applied the criteria used in mouse on human melanopsin-ir RGCs. We identified M1, displaced M1, M2, and M4 cells. We found two other subtypes of melanopsin-ir RGCs, which were named "gigantic M1 (GM1)" and "gigantic displaced M1...

  3. No More Gigantism (United States)

    Vohra, B. B.


    The food situation in India is critical. It requires the development of both land and water resources, both of which are largely untapped. Ground water is one undeveloped resource that can help alleviate the irrigation problems facing agriculture. More efficient utilization could free millions of hectares of land for cultivation. (MA)

  4. Gigantic environmental profit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The article presents studies on possible profits and advantages by converting vehicles such as buses and taxis from diesel to gas fuel engines for the environment and human beings in Norway. Some applications for automobiles are mentioned

  5. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa with syndactyly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahafza, Waleed S.; Haroun, Azmi A.; Abdul-Wahab, Ahmed D.; Hadidi, Saher T.


    Macrodystrophia lipomatosa (MDL) is a rare form of congenital localized gigantism characterized by hypotrophy of all mesenchymal tissues of the affected digits, with particular overgrowth of fat. Syndactyly is a rare association. We report a case of MDL associated with syndactyly affecting the hand. We describe the characteristic radiographic and MRI findings that distinguish the abnormality from other causes of localized gigantism. (author)

  6. Linfangioleiomiomatosis pulmonar


    Carlos Salazar-Vargas; Victoria Monterroso-Azofeifa; Gloria Arauz-Pacheco; Bayardo Robelo-Pentzke


    La Linfangioleiomiomatosis pulmonar es una enfermedad muy rara, que afecta sólo mujeres en edad reproductiva. Se presenta con disnea progresiva, pneumotórax a repetición y, ocasionalmente, con hemoptisis y quilotórax. El TAC de alta resolución muestra quistes pulmonares bilaterales de tamaño variable hasta bulas francas. Histológicamente, se aprecian múltiples cavidades de paredes finas, dilatación de vasos linfáticos, venas, arterias, bronquiolos y sacos alveolares, por proliferación de hace...

  7. Efeitos da Adubação e de Nematicida no Crescimento e na Produção da Palma Forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill cv. Gigante Effects of Nematicide and Fertilization on the Forage Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill cv. "Gigante" Growth and Production

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    Margareth Maria Teles


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado em telado do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFRPE, objetivando medir o efeito da adubação e de nematicida no crescimento e produção da palma, com sintoma de amarelecimento. Os tratamentos experimentais constaram da adição ou não de macronutrientes, micronutrientes e de nematicida em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados. Para número de cladódios primários, a análise de variância demonstrou efeito não significativo pelo teste F. Para número total de cladódios, número de cladódios secundários, área de cladódio, índice de área de cladódios e produção de matéria seca, a análise de variância revelou efeito significativo. Não houve efeito dos micronutrientes e de nematicida no grupo dos tratamentos de Solução de Macronutrientes Completa para número de cladódios primários, número de cladódios secundários, área de cladódio, índice de área de cladódios e produção de matéria seca, sendo a média geral 1,56; 0,84; 811,11 cm²; 1,15 e 42,73 g/vaso, respectivamente.The experiment was performed in a green house at the Animal Science Department of the Pernambuco Federal Rural University (UFRPE and aimed to study the nematicide and fertilization effects on the forage cactus cv. "Gigante" growth and production using propagative materials with clorotic symptom. The experimental treatments tested the addition or no of macronutrients, micronutrients and nematicide. It was used a complete randomized block design. Considering the primary cladode's number, no differences were found by F test. Significative differences were found to the total number of cladodes, secondary cladode number, cladode area, cladode area index and dry matter yield. The addition of micronutrients and nematicide did not influence the primary and secondary cladode number, cladode area, cladode area index and dry matter yield, and the mean values obtained were 1.56, 0.84, 811.11 cm², 1.15 and 42.73 g

  8. Translations from Kommunist, Number 12, August 1977 (United States)


    gigantic work which Lenin did in drafting decrees and other materials. Burdened by tremendous party and state work, the Sovnarkom chairman...appeared of genetic, toxicological, allergic, and endocrine origins. Their proliferation is closely linked with the extensive use of new substances...could have been crushed in the very first months, the first years (see "Poln. Sobr. Soch.," Vol 45, p 75). The gigantic inspirational and

  9. Portadores asintomáticos de hidatidosis: epidemiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento Asymptomatic carriers of hydatidosis: epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment

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    Edmundo Larrieu


    Full Text Available Hasta hace poco tiempo, la hidatidosis se consideraba un estado patológico de resolución exclusivamente quirúrgica. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha avanzado en los campos de la epidemiología, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad y la nueva información aportada sobre la historia natural de la hidatidosis ha permitido definir nuevos criterios de atención. Ahora se sabe que hasta 67% de los portadores no sintomáticos de quistes hepáticos mantienen esa condición durante toda la vida. Esta situación genera resultados especiales en el inmunodiagnóstico. Así, la inmunoadsorción enzimática (ELISA rinde una sensibilidad de 63% y una especificidad de 97% en portadores asintomáticos, mientras que la doble difusión cinco (DD5 tiene una sensibilidad de solo 31% en esos portadores. Por otra parte, los estudios por imágenes basados en la ecografía se han transformado en el método de elección para detectar a los portadores no sintomáticos. Son de 49 a 73% más sensibles que la serología e incluso pueden utilizarse como parte del sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica y del monitoreo de programas de control. También se han modernizado los esquemas de intervención. El tratamiento quimioterápico de portadores asintomáticos con albendazol produce hasta 69% de respuestas favorables, mientras que los tratamientos quirúrgicos mínimamente invasores como la punción-aspiración- inyección-reaspiración (PAIR producen una reducción del volumen medio del quiste de hasta 66%. Estos factores han permitido instaurar un protocolo de tratamiento para portadores asintomáticos en los servicios hospitalarios de la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. Este se basa en el seguimiento de los quistes pequeños (tipo Ia de la escala de Gharbi modificada, tratamiento inicial con albendazol y con PAIR si no hay respuesta, en los quistes de mayor tamaño o complejidad (tipos Ib, II y III, y seguimiento de los quistes no vitales o muertos

  10. Enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional

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    Ariel Labrada Salas


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso con enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional de diagnóstico tardío, que debutó con manifestaciones respiratorias, producidas por metástasis pulmonares. Los datos se obtuvieron de la historia clínica de la paciente y, además, se revisó la literatura. Se trata de una paciente de 23 años de edad, con antecedentes de dos abortos espontáneos recientes, que ingresó por manifestaciones clínicas y radiológicas sugestivas de neumonía de la comunidad, con derrame pleural paraneumónico, siendo tratada con antibióticos de amplio espectro sin respuesta adecuada. Después del ingreso apareció dolor en hipogastrio y se le realizó un ultrasonograma ginecológico, que mostró quistes de ovario bilaterales, y una laparoscopía que informó quiste de ovario con compromiso vascular, por lo que se le practicó histerectomía total. Se determinaron niveles elevados de gonadotropina coriónica humana en sangre. En la tomografía axial computarizada de pulmón se observaron imágenes nodulares en ambos campos pulmonares, de aspecto metastásico. El estudio citológico del líquido pleural fue positivo de células neoplásicas. Se planteó el diagnostico de enfermedad trofoblástica con metástasis pulmonares y se inició quimioterapia con metotrexato, con respuesta favorable

  11. Gigantes da internet e práticas fiscais desleais / Internet Giants and Unfair Tax Practices

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    Ludovic Ayrault


    analisa o problema com base na legislação tributária francesa, em contraste com fontes internacionais da OCDE – Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico – e de outros países, como Estados Unidos da América e Irlanda. Além da apreciação jurídica, são analisados relatórios e casos. Resultados – No que se refere às falhas de legislação, mostra-se a “relação territorial” e o “preço de transferência” como os principais elementos para o debate sobre a elisão fiscal. Em relação às formas de enfrentamento de práticas desleais, encontram-se a luta contra jurisdições fiscais complacentes bem como a exigência de transparência sobre as empresas, com obrigações de informação. Implicações práticas – Permite-se esclarecer, assim, o comportamento fiscal adotado pelas empresas gigantes da Internet, bem como as possíveis formas de enfrentamento dessas práticas desleais, com base no contexto europeu. Originalidade – A originalidade se dá justamente em problematizar o comportamento fiscal de grandes corporações da Internet e elucidar os meios possíveis para tentar coibir as práticas desleais.

  12. Secuencias repetidas en el genoma de Echinococcus granulosus : Su utilización para la detección del parásito y estudios de variabilidad genética


    Rosenzvit, Mara Cecilia


    Para determinar las cepas del parásito existentes en nuestro país, se analizaron quistes hidatidicos provenientes de distintos huéspedes intermediarios y zonas geográficas, mediante el estudio de polimorfismo de longitud de fragmentos de restricción de un gen nuclear y la secuenciación de dos genes mitocondriales. Se detectó la presencia de cuatro cepas: oveja, oveja de Tasmania, camello y cerdo, determinándose además que las tres primeras pueden infectar al hombre. Se realizaron experimentos...

  13. Giardia y giardiasis Giardia and giardiasis


    Hugo D. Luján


    Giardia lamblia es un protozoario parásito que habita el intestino delgado de los seres humanos y de muchos otros vertebrados y es una de las más comunes causas de diarrea en todo el mundo. Durante su ciclo de vida Giardia sufre significativos cambios bioquímicos y morfológicos que le permiten sobrevivir en ambientes y condiciones que de otro modo lo destruirían. Para sobrevivir fuera del intestino del hospedador, los trofozoítos de Giardia se diferencian a quistes, los que se caracterizan po...

  14. JPRS Report, Latin America. (United States)


    respect to weapons. Thus the Brazilian system is moving toward more complete and efficient coverage of our air space, which is as gigantic and our...Secretary of Popular Action and Secretary General of the National Confederation of Popular Organizations Mr Humberto Lugo Gil, Secretary General of...dazzled us 2 years ago with gigantic refrigerator trucks the size of aircraft carriers and led us to believe that the middlemen were gone forever

  15. For the Record - A History of the Nuclear Test Personnel Review Program, 1978-1986. (United States)


    expanding umbrella overhead ... For minutes the cloud stood solid and impressive, like some gigantic monument, over Bikini. Then finally the shearing of the...from all parts of the target fleet at once. A gigantic flash -- then it was gone. And where it had been now stood a white chimney of water * reaching...the bone/ joints, soft tissue, endocrine system, or multiple myeloma were found. With regard to mortality, the cohort had considerably fewer total

  16. Løven og dragen afgør verdens fremtid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brødsgaard, Kjeld Erik


    Sålænge Indien og Kina holder hinanden i skak, kan Vesten være rolig. Men hvis de to giganter etablerer en alliance, vil verdens politiske og økonomiske centrum endegyldigt flytte til Asien.......Sålænge Indien og Kina holder hinanden i skak, kan Vesten være rolig. Men hvis de to giganter etablerer en alliance, vil verdens politiske og økonomiske centrum endegyldigt flytte til Asien....

  17. High-Performance Work Practices: A Case Study Using the Phenomenological Approach (United States)


    The labor reporting has been farmed out to the shops, so I know there are gigantic holes in that.” One controller thought that having the shop...transformation. Ramstein, Germany: USAFE. 111 Mumford, E. (1994). New treatments or old remedies: Is business process reengineering really socio...know there are gigantic holes in that. The manner we go about doing that isn’t good. There’s probably better ways to do that. As kind of an

  18. Neoplasias endocrinas múltiples. desde el laboratorio al paciente

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    Dr. G. Nelson Wohllk


    Full Text Available Las neoplasias endocrinas múltiples (NEM tipo 1 y 2 son enfermedades genéticas heredadas en forma autosómica dominante. Las principales manifestaciones clínicas en NEM1 incluyen tumores paratiroideos, hipofisiarios y gastroenteropancreáticos. El test genético se puede realizar en los pacientes y potenciales portadores de mutaciones en el gen menin, pero la correlación genotipo-fenotipo es menos directa en comparación a NEM2. En la NEM2 el cáncer medular de tíroides (CMT es común a los tres subtipos: NEM2A (feocromocitoma e hiperparatiroidismo, NEM2B (feocromocitoma y neuromas mucosos y CMT familiar. A aquellos pacientes con mutación RET se les debe recomendar la realización de tiroidectomía profiláctica en la niñez, de acuerdo a la categoría de riesgo ATA. Algunos casos de CMT aparentemente esporádicos son actualmente NEM2 después de la realización del estudio genético para proto-oncogen RET, por lo tanto se recomienda la aplicación rutinaria de este estudio a todos los pacientes con CMT aparentemente esporádico.

  19. High-energy photons and neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dar, A.


    The Hubble Space Telescope has recently discovered thousands of gigantic cometlike objects in a ring around the central star in the nearest planetary nebula. It is assumed that such circumstellar rings exist around the majority of stars. Collisions of relativistic debris from gamma-ray bursts (GRB) in dense stellar regions with such gigantic cometlike objects, which have been stripped off from the circumstellar rings by gravitational perturbations, produce detectable fluxes of high energy γ rays and neutrinos from GRBs

  20. X-LAG: How did they grow so tall? (United States)

    Beckers, Albert; Rostomyan, Liliya; Potorac, Iulia; Beckers, Pablo; Daly, Adrian F


    X-linked acrogigantism (XLAG) is a new, pediatric-onset genetic syndrome, due to Xq26.3 microduplications encompassing the GPR101 gene. XLAG has a remarkably distinct phenotype with disease onset occurring before the age of 5 in all cases described to date, which is significantly younger than in other forms of pituitary gigantism. These patients have mixed GH and prolactin positive adenomas and/or mixed-cell hyperplasia and highly elevated levels of GH/IGF-1 and prolactin. Given their particularly young age of onset, the significant GH hypersecretion can lead to a phenotype of severe gigantism with very advanced age-specific height Z-scores. If not adequately treated in childhood, this condition results in extreme final adult height. XLAG has a clinical course that is highly similar to some of the tallest people with gigantism in history. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. Influência de épocas de plantio e cultivares no rendimento total da cultura do alho (Allium sativum l. em Santa Maria, RS Planting date and cultivar influence on the total yield of garlic (Allium sativum L. in Santa Maria, RS

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    Jorge Nadir Trevisan


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, no ano agrícola de 1984, afim de avaliar a influência de três épocas de plantio (27 de abril, 18 de maio e 14 de julho na produção total de bulbos de nove cultivares de alho (Allium sativum L.. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os maiores rendimentos totais de bulbos foram obtidos no plantio de 18 de maio. Gigante Lavínia foi a cultivar mais produtiva. As cultivares São Lourenço e Gigante Inconfidentes destacaram-se pelos rendimentos, os quais não diferiram significativamente entre si.The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Santa Maria, in southernmost Brazil, during the growing season of 1984, to determine the influence of three different planting dates (April 27, May 18 and July 14 on the yield of nine garlic, Allium sativum Z., cultivars. The experimental design was a split plot complete block, with planting dates as main plots and cultivars as subplots. Blocks were replicated four times. The highest yields were obtained with planting date May 18. Gigante Lavínia ranked first among cultivars. The outstanding performances of São Lourenço and Gigante Inconfidentes were not significantly different.

  2. Astrocitoma subependimário de células gigantes em pacientes com esclerose tuberosa: achados em ressonância magnética de dez casos Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma in patients with tuberous sclerosis: magnetic resonance imaging findings in ten cases

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    Karina Takata


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar os achados de ressonância magnética (RM em 10 casos de astrocitoma subependimário de células gigantes (ASCG em pacientes com esclerose tuberosa (ET. MÉTODO: Foram estudados de forma retrospectiva 10 pacientes com ET e diagnóstico histológico comprovado de ASCG. Quatro pacientes eram do sexo masculino e seis do feminino, com idade média de 15,7 anos. Todos os pacientes foram investigados com RM, sendo os exames revisados por dois radiologistas, havendo decisão por consenso sobre os achados de imagem. Foram analisados os seguintes achados: localização, dimensões, intensidade de sinal em T1/T2, realce pós-contraste e outros achados associados. RESULTADOS: Todos os pacientes apresentaram lesão única sugestiva de ASCG, medindo entre 1,5 cm e 8 cm em seu maior diâmetro. Oito lesões foram encontradas junto ao forame de Monro (80% e duas adjacentes ao corpo do ventrículo lateral (20%. Os tumores apresentavam nas imagens pesadas em T1 médio sinal (70% e em T2 alto sinal (100%, com realce intenso após a administração do gadolínio (100%. CONCLUSÃO: Os astrocitomas subependimários de células gigantes em pacientes com ET em geral apresentam-se como lesão única próxima ao forame de Monro, com médio sinal nas imagens ponderadas em T1, alto sinal em T2 e realce intenso após a administração de contraste.OBJECTIVE: To report the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI findings in 10 patients with subependimal giant cell astrocytoma (SGCA and tuberous sclerosis (TS. METHOD: Ten patients were retrospectively studied, presenting TS and histologically proven SGCA. Four patients were male and six female, with mean age 15.7 years. All patients underwent MRI, which was analyzed by two radiologists, final diagnosis was reached by consensus. The following findings were studied: topography, size, signal intensity on T1/T2-weighted images, contrast enhancement and associated findings. RESULTS: All patients presented a single lesion

  3. A Discrete X-Ray Transform for Chromotomographic HyperspectraI Imaging (United States)


    the Faculty Department of Mathematics and Statistics Graduate School of Engineering and Management Air Force Institute of Technology Air University Air...are dealing with an operator with a gigantic null space; in the literature, this space is known as the cone of missing information. This means that we...reconstruct f from g we would still be faced with solving a linear system L∗Lf = L∗g where the null space of L∗L is gigantic . This means that in order to

  4. X-linked Acrogigantism (X-LAG) Syndrome: Clinical Profile and Therapeutic Responses


    Beckers, Albert; Lodish, Maya Beth; Trivellin, Giampaolo; Rostomyan, Liliya; Lee, Misu; Faucz, Fabio R; Yuan, Bo; Choong, Catherine S; Caberg, Jean-Hubert; Verrua, Elisa; Naves, Luciana Ansaneli; Cheetham, Tim D; Young, Jacques; Lysy, Philippe A; Petrossians, Patrick


    X-linked acro-gigantism (X-LAG) is a new syndrome of pituitary gigantism, caused by microduplications on chromosome Xq26.3, encompassing the gene GPR101, which is highly upregulated in pituitary tumors. We conducted this study to explore the clinical, radiological and hormonal phenotype and responses to therapy in patients with X-LAG syndrome. The study included 18 patients (13 sporadic) with X-LAG and a microduplication in chromosome Xq26.3. All sporadic cases had unique duplications and the...

  5. High energy photons and neutrinos from gamma ray bursts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dar, A.


    The Hubble space telescope has recently discovered thousands of gigantic comet-like objects in a ring around the central star in the nearest planetary nebula. It is suggested that such circumstellar rings exist around most of stars. Collisions of the relativistic debris from gamma ray bursts in dense stellar regions with such gigantic comet-like objects, which have been stripped off from the circumstellar rings by gravitational perturbations, produce detectable fluxes of high energy gamma-rays and neutrinos from gamma ray bursts

  6. Mayor frecuencia de giardiosis en niños con raquitismo comparada con niños sanos de la población de Suárez, Cauca, Colombia


    Oscar L. Sierra; Lidia N. Peñalosa; Yolanda Alarcón


    Se examinaron huevos, quistes y trofozoítos de parásitos intestinales en heces de 332 niños sanos y 70 niños con raquitismo descrito como un trastorno heredado debido a malabsorción de calcio por resistencia a la vitamina D en Suárez, departamento del Cauca. La frecuencia total de parasitosis fue de 65,9% y la de poliparasitismo de 10,9%. Se encontraron frecuencias elevadas de giardiosis y poliparasitismo en niños con raquitismo (17,l y 18,6%) comparado con niños sanos (9,O y 9,3%) y dichas d...

  7. Cáncer de mama


    Camino Bravo, Ivonne Aracely


    El cáncer de mama es una de las principales causas de muerte entre las mujeres de entre 45-55 años y en las de avanzada edad, incluso está por encima del cáncer de pulmón. Hay diferentes tipos de cáncer según el tamaño, las zonas afectadas y la cantidad de quiste que haya, el más grave de los casos es el CARCIROMA INFLAMATORIO que se da en el 1% de los casos, es muy agresivo y se extiende con mucha rapidez.

  8. Giardia SP y su participación en las alteraciones nutricionales


    Abril Garrido, Paola


    La Giardia es un protozoo flagelado y binucleado que infecta al hombre y a otros mamíferos. La transmisión se produce por la ingesta de quistes presentes en agua o alimentos. En el huésped el parásito reside normalmente en la parte proximal del intestino delgado donde absorbe alimentos. La infección puede producir irritación progresiva de la mucosa intestinal que desemboca en una enteropatía con malabsorción y diarrea crónica. Los síntomas más característicos son dolor epigástrico, flatulenci...

  9. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso


    Escalante Fontalvo, Manuel; Rebolledo Cobos, Martha


    El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA) es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóv...

  10. Tratamiento Manual Postcirugía en un caso Clínico de Transposición muscular del Romboides y Angular de la Escápula


    Gómez García, Ana


    Descripción de un caso clínico en la que se secciona el nervio espinal derecho (neurotmesis) tras la exéresis de un quiste en el cuello. Debido a la falta de transmisión neuronal se produce una parálisis funcional en el músculo trapecio y en el músculo esternocleidomastoideo derecho y se suple sus funciones mediante una reinserción del músculo elevador de la escápula y del músculo romboides de dicho lado que recibe el nombre de transposición muscular. Se realiza tratamiento de fisioter...

  11. Consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp. = Intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.

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    Agenor Costa Ribeiro Neto


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma Orelhade-elefante (Opuntia sp.. Foram utilizados 20 animais mestiços, sendo dez caprinos e dez ovinos, alojados em galpão coletivo, contidos individualmente por meio de cordas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (duas espécies animais e duas variedades de palma. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em intervalos de 5 min. por um período de 24h. Os consumos de matéria seca, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergenteácido, carboidratos totais e carboidratos não-fibrosos foram menores (p 0,05 sobre o tempo gasto comalimentação e eficiência de alimentação. O tempo gasto com ruminação foi maior para a dieta com palma Gigante, consequentemente os animais da dieta com palma Orelha-de-elefante permaneceram mais tempo em ócio. Comparando as espécies caprina e ovina, verificou-se que aeficiência de ruminação, tanto de MS quanto de FDN, foi maior para a espécie ovina. Os animais gastaram mais tempo ruminando deitados do que em pé, mas não foi verificada diferença quanto ao lado escolhido para deitarem.The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.. Twenty crossbred animals – 10 sheep and 10 goats – were used. They were lodged in a collective shed, contained individually with ropes, distributed using a completely randomized design, and treated with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (2 animal species and 2 varieties of cactus. Behavioralobservations were made at five-minute intervals during a 24-hour period. Dry matter, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrate and non-fibrous carbohydrate intake were reduced (p 0.05 on feeding time and feeding efficiency. The time spent with

  12. Produção de fitomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea do sorgo de Guiné gigante Biomass production and accumulation of nutrients in shoots of Giant Guinea sorghum plants

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    Gustavo Pavan Mateus


    Full Text Available A escolha de espécies com elevada produção de fitomassa para utilização como plantas de cobertura no sistema de semeadura direta é extremamente importante em regiões de inverno seco. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de fitomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea das plantas de sorgo Guiné gigante (Sorghum bicolor subespécie bicolor raça guinea, semeados em diferentes épocas de semeadura. Foi utilizado um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por seis épocas de semeadura (25/09/2000; 25/10/2000; 24/11/2000; 22/12/2000; 22/02/2001 e 03/04/2001. Por ocasião do florescimento das plantas, avaliou-se a produção de matéria seca, o número e diâmetro de colmos e a altura das plantas. Também foi determinado o teor e acúmulo de macro e micronutrientes, além da relação C/N. O ciclo das plantas diminuiu com o atraso da época de semeadura, e, conseqüentemente, a produção de matéria seca e a relação C/N também foram menores. Comportamento contrário foi observado para o teor de nutrientes. O sorgo de Guiné gigante é sensível ao fotoperíodo e, portanto, semeaduras mais tardias ocasionam diminuição do crescimento das plantas, produção de biomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes. Esta espécie consiste em uma boa opção para cultivo como planta de cobertura no sistema de semeadura direta devido a alta produção de fitomassa e ciclagem de N, P e K.Choosing species with high phytomass production to be cropped in no tillage system is extremely important in dry winter regions. The purpose of this research was to study plant biomass production and accumulation of nutrients in shoots of Giant Guinea sorghum plants (Sorghum bicolor subspecies bicolor race Guinea sown in different sowing dates. A randomized complete block design with six treatments and four replications was performed. Treatments consisted of six sowing dates (09/25/2000; 10

  13. Installation of a permeable reactive barrier at the mining complex facility in Los Gigantes - Cordoba : Monitoring plan of surface and underground water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grande Cobian, Juan D.; Sanchez Proano, Paula; Cicerone, Daniel S.


    The Argentine National Atomic Energy Commission declares under its Environmental policy the commitment to restore those sites where activities concerning Uranium mining were developed. It makes it beyond the scope of the Project of Environmental Restitution of the Uranium Mining (PRAMU from its Spanish abbreviation). The Chemistry of Water and Soil Division at the Environmental Chemistry and Energy Generation Department belonging to the Chemistry Management Office assist the PRAMU on the installation of an hydroxyapatite permeable reactive barrier (PRB) inside the Mining Complex facility placed at Los Gigantes in the Argentine province of Cordoba (in advance named the site). Among the preliminary assessment activities that are being carried out before the installation of the PRB, it has been prepared a monitoring program of surface water and groundwater useful to develop an environmental baseline suitable for the efficiency assessment of the corrective action to be applied. An exploratory campaign was conducted in the site with the aim of establishing a monitoring net of meteorological and hydrological, as well as physical, chemical and biological parameters in matrixes of sediments, water and suspended particulate matter collected on a regular time basis from its surface water and groundwater bodies. The processed results turn into useful environmental information to: a) determine the status of the environmental baseline of the site, b) establish a water quality index (WQI) to manage the natural resource quality according to a rational basis, c) plan experiments related to the design process of a biogenic hydroxyapatite PRB and d) apply chemometric and mechanistic models to forecast the contaminants mobilization through different scenarios and improve the engineering design of the PRB. Once achieved the hydrogeological characterisation of the site and taking into account the originality of the system the following results have been reached: 1) The boundaries of

  14. Eficácia terapêutica do interferon alfa em criança com hemangioma gigante craniofacial: relato de caso Therapeutical effectiveness of interferon alpha in a child with craniofacial giant hemangioma: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilson Lopes da Fonseca Junior


    Full Text Available O hemangioma é o tumor benigno mais freqüente da infância. O hemangioma capilar geralmente apresenta-se como uma mancha ou tumoração violácea bem delimitada. O diagnóstico destas lesões é clínico. O hemangioma gigante é rara e extensa variação do hemangioma capilar, que geralmente ocorre em recém-nascidos e lactentes. Várias são as modalidades terapêuticas, como a injeção intralesional de corticóide, laserterapia, injeção intralesional de soluções esclerosantes, corticoterapia sistêmica, cirurgia, radioterapia e embolização. Novas modalidades terapêuticas têm sido desenvolvidas, com o objetivo de se obter melhores resultados e possibilitar o tratamento de lesões de difícil acesso cirúrgico e refratárias às modalidades terapêuticas utilizadas rotineiramente. Os melhores resultados tem sido obtidos com o interferon alfa. Este é um caso de uma paciente com três meses de idade, que apresentava desde o nascimento, tumoração arroxeada e amolecida em pálpebra superior do olho direito, lesões cutâneas planas e arroxeadas em região temporal e parietal direita. Realizada tomografia computadorizada de crânio evidenciando processo expansivo orbitário vascularizado com extensão para fossa média, seio cavernoso e fossa posterior. O tratamento inicial foi a corticoterapia oral durante quarenta dias, com redução progressiva por quatro semanas. Com o quadro praticamente inalterado, foi iniciado o tratamento com interferon alfa, na dose de 3.000.000 U/m², subcutâneo, três vezes por semana. Após 9 meses de tratamento, observa-se apenas uma pequena lesão orbitária residual. Neste caso, o interferon alfa apresentou-se como boa opção no tratamento do hemangioma gigante craniofacial.Hemangiomas are the most commom benign tumors of infancy. Capillary hemangioma generally is presented as a spot or well-defined purple lesion. The diagnosis of these tumors is based on physical examination. Giant hemangioma is a rare

  15. The Southern Ocean deep sea: first insights into biodiversity and biogeography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, A.; Brix, S.; Brökeland, W.


    Shallow marine benthic communities around Antarctica show high levels of endemism, gigantism, slow growth, longevity and late maturity, as well as adaptive radiations that have generated considerable biodiversity in some taxa1. The deeper parts of the Southern Ocean exhibit some unique environmen......Shallow marine benthic communities around Antarctica show high levels of endemism, gigantism, slow growth, longevity and late maturity, as well as adaptive radiations that have generated considerable biodiversity in some taxa1. The deeper parts of the Southern Ocean exhibit some unique...

  16. Complex paraclinoidal and giant cavernous aneurysms: importance of preoperative evaluation with temporary balloon occlusion test and SPECT Aneurismas paraclinoideos complexos e cavernosos gigantes: importância da avaliação pré-operatória com teste de oclusão temporária com balão e SPECT

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    Antônio Aversa do Souto


    Full Text Available In the treatment of complex paraclinoidal and giant cavernous aneurysms, preservation of the patency of the internal carotid artery (ICA is not always possible, and therapeutic occlusion of the carotid is still an important option for their management. A complete preoperative evaluation of the carotid reserve circulation, including the use of temporary balloon occlusion test and single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT should be included in the current paradigms of paraclinoidal and intracavernous aneurysms management. We present a series of fifteen patients with sixteen giant or complex carotid cavernous or ophthalmic aneurysms that were treated following a protocol for our preoperative decision-making analysis. Extracranial to intracranial saphenous vein bypass was reserved to the cases where carotid occlusion would be associated with high risk of ischemic complications and was performed in three patients. Besides the difficulties in dealing with those complex aneurysms, good clinical outcome was possible in our experience with the designed paradigm.No tratamento de aneurismas paraclinoideos complexos e cavernosos gigantes, a preservação da patência vascular nem sempre é possível, e a oclusão terapêutica da carótida ainda é uma opção importante no seu manejo. Uma avaliação pré-operatória completa da reserva circulatória carotídea, incluindo o uso do teste de oclusão temporária por balão associado à tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT podem ser de grande utilidade para definir a opção terapêutica a ser adotada. Nós apresentamos uma série de quinze pacientes com dezesseis aneurismas complexos ou gigantes do segmento oftálmico e cavernoso da artéria carótida, que foram tratados de acordo com determinado protocolo de investigação pré-operatória. Anastomose com enxerto de veia safena entre a carótida extra e intracraniana foi reservada para os casos em que a oclusão carot


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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Studies with nitrogen and potassium in yellow passion fruit cultivars with high yield potential are scarce in semiarid regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence the N and K doses on productivity and fruit quality of different passion fruit cultivars in irrigated conditions in the northern of Minas Gerais state. The study was installed at experimental farm located in Janaúba-MG. This area was located at 15º 47’ S and 43º 18’ W, 516 m above sea level. The experiment was in completely randomized block with four replications, arranged in 4 x 6 factorial design consisting of four Passion Fruit cultivars (BRS Sol do Cerrado, BRS Ouro Vermelho, BRS Gigante Amarelo, IAC 275 and six N and K doses, which corresponded to 0-0, 50-125, 100-250, 150-375, 200 -500 and 250-625 kg ha-1 yr-1 of N and K2O, respectively. BRS Gigante Amarelo and BRS Sol do Cerrado cultivars showed higher productivity. Total fruit yield and average fruit weight were higher for BRS Sol do Cerrado and IAC 275, BRS Gigante Amarelo and BRS Ouro Vermelho cultivars, respectively. IAC 275 showed the highest pulp yield and along with BRS Sol do Cerrado, showed the higher soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio. BRS Sol do Cerrado, BRS Gigante Amarelo and IAC 275 cultivars showed higher pulp productivity, indicating that they are more promising for passion fruit juice industry.

  18. Design bliver hentet hjem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bason, Christian


    Google, Facebook og andre af Silicon Valleys giganter har fået øjnene op for, at design er en afgørende strategisk intern kompetence. Det samme har førende offentlige organisationer. Så nu ansætter de designere i massivt omfang.......Google, Facebook og andre af Silicon Valleys giganter har fået øjnene op for, at design er en afgørende strategisk intern kompetence. Det samme har førende offentlige organisationer. Så nu ansætter de designere i massivt omfang....

  19. Enquistación in vitro de Giardia lamblia: análisis por electroforesis bidimensional de proteínas expresadas diferencialmente.

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    Paula C. Hernández


    Full Text Available La reconstrucción in vitro del ciclo de vida de Giardia lamblia es un excelente instrumento para el estudio de la biología molecular del parásito. El presente trabajo pretende contribuir al desarrollo de algunas técnicas por las cuales se puede definir mejor un modelo de diferenciación celular del parásito. El estudio presenta un protocolo de enquistación in vitro y establece un método para el aislamiento y la purificación de los quistes producidos, cuyas características morfológicas, por microscopía de luz, coinciden con las de los quistes obtenidos in vivo. Se estudió el mapa de las proteínas de G. lamblia por medio de electroforesis bidimensional de alta resolución y de electroforesis en una dimensión. Estos estudios mostraron que la mayoría de las proteínas del parásito son de carácter ácido. Se amplió, con base en ese resultado, la resolución de la región ácida por medio de un isoelectroenfoque de pH 4-7 en la primera dimensión. Se encontraron diferencias en la expresión de las proteínas durante el proceso de enquistación. Se obtuvieron, además, imágenes por microscopía de luz y electrónica de transmisión que permitieron observar morfológica y ultraestructuralmente las células producidas durante el proceso de la enquistación.


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    Full Text Available Rio Grande do Norte state despite having favorable conditions for growing garlic, currently depends on imports of this product to meet its domestic demand. Evaluation of cultivars from of other regions of Brazil was determined in order to verify the agronomic performance under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Mossoró. region The study consisted of an experiment conducted in the city of Mossoro from June to November/ 2011. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications and eleven treatments, cultivars Amarante, Branco Mossoró, Caturra, Chinês Real, Chinês São Joaquim, Cateto Roxo, Gravatá, Gigante do Núcleo, Gigante Lavinia , Gigante Roxo and Hozan. Cultivars Branco Mossoró, Caturra, Cateto Roxo and Gravatá had a greater percentage of plants with bulb and larger diameter bulb, indicating adaptability conditions of Mossoró. Most total yield bulbs was recorded by cultivar Branco Mossoró presented 65.22% and 11.53% distributed in bulb diameter grades 3 (32 to 37 mm and 4 (37 to 42 mm, respectively.

  1. Spontaneous resolution of pituitary apoplexy in a giant boy under 10 years old. (United States)

    Chentli, Farida; Bey, Abderrahim; Belhimer, Faiza; Azzoug, Said


    Pituitary gigantism is a very rare condition; the occurrence of pituitary apoplexy in children younger than 10 years old is even rarer. The aim of our study is to report this exceptional association. A boy aged 9 years and 6 months was hospitalized for the first time in November 2011 for symptoms suggesting pituitary apoplexy. The onset of his disease was difficult to determine as his health record has been poorly maintained. On October 10, 2011, he presented to an emergency department with a sudden drop of visual acuity with diplopia and retro-orbital headaches. An ophthalmological exam found very low visual acuity (1/20) with papillary edema. An MRI of the patient's brain revealed a hemorrhagic pituitary process reaching the chiasma, which was compressed, especially on the right side. Thereafter, the patient's vision improved spontaneously. Clinical examination was normal except for gigantism (+5 SD compared to the target stature). Hormonal assessment argued for mixed secretion [growth hormone (GH) = 39 ng/mL, n ≤ 5, prolactin ( PRL) = 470 ng/mL, n gigantism: phenomenon quite exceptional and worth to be reported.

  2. Composición proximal y propiedades funcionales del surimi liofilizado de Dosidicus gigas “ calamar gigante”

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    Armando Solari - Godiño


    Full Text Available El propósito de la investigación fue determinar la composición proximal y propiedades funcionales del surimi liofilizado de calamar gigante ( Dosidicus gigas . Se elaboró surimi a partir de calamar gigante y fue liofilizado hasta obtener surimi en polvo para evaluar sus características y prop iedades funcionales. El contenido de proteínas fue 58,7% y carbohidratos 30,5%. La solubilidad proteica en agua y sal (3% fueron 21,1% y 40,6% respectivamente, siendo estos valores superiores a surimi en polvo de especies comerciales. La capacidad de geli ficación fue 2,4% y la capacidad emulsificante fue 79,9% a una concentración del 1,0%. El color en la escala de Hunter fue L*: 91,5; a*: 0,5; b*:7,0. El surimi en polvo de calamar gigante fue considerado como un polvo proteico funcional debido a su conteni do porcentual proteico, y tuvieron buenas características tecnológicas y de gran potencial en la industria alimentaria .

  3. Nematóide de galha em rabanete: suscetibilidade de cultivares e patogenicidade Root-knot nematode: cultivars reaction and damage to radish

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    Carlos Eduardo Rossi


    Full Text Available Pesquisaram-se as reações de 11 cultivares de rabanete a Meloidogyne javanica e sua patogenicidade a uma dessas cultivares. No estudo de reações, os tratamentos/cultivares foram 'Comprido Branco', 'Crimson Gigante', 'Ponta Branca', 'Comprido Vermelho', 'Serrano', 'Gigante Wurzburgo', 'Saxa', 'Redondo Vermelho', 'Redondo Gigante', 'Cometo' e 'Akamaru Hatsuka'. Determinaram-se os índices de galhas (IG e de massas de ovos (IMO, o número de nematóides no sistema radicular (NSR e por grama de raiz (NGR e o fator de reprodução (FR 53 dias após a inoculação artificial com 2.000 ovos do parasito. Em outro experimento, avaliaram-se os efeitos de três densidades populacionais do nematóide [0, 500 (nível populacional baixo e 10.000 (nível populacional alto ovos/planta] sobre as massas frescas e secas de túberas e de parte aérea da cultivar 'Redondo Gigante', 39 dias após a inoculação. Os resultados mostraram que todas as cultivares permitiram a reprodução de M. javanica, sendo portanto consideradas suscetíveis. Valores de IG e IMO foram maiores ou iguais a 2,5 e os de FR, maiores do que 8,0 para todas as cultivares estudadas. O parasito causou diminuição significativa nas massas frescas e secas de túberas e de partes aéreas nos dois níveis populacionais estudados comparados com o controle não inoculado. As médias dos tratamentos contendo níveis populacionais baixo e alto do nematóide também diferiram estatisticamente entre si, comprovando-se, assim, a sua ação patogênica sobre a cultivar avaliada.Experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions to determine the reaction of eleven radish (Raphanus sativus cultivars to Meloidogyne javanica and the pathogenicity of this nematode to a previously selected cultivar. The cultivars tested were 'Comprido Branco', 'Crimson Gigante', 'Ponta Branca', 'Comprido Vermelho', 'Serrano', 'Gigante Wurzburgo', 'Saxa', 'Redondo Vermelho', 'Redondo Gigante', 'Cometo' and 'Akamaru

  4. Microbiological indicators of water quality in the Xochimilco canals, Mexico City Indicadores microbiológicos de la calidad del agua de los canales de Xochimilco de la Ciudad de México

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    Luis Alfredo Juárez-Figueroa


    efectuado en Xochimilco, México. Durante noviembre y diciembre de 2001 se muestrearon 10 sitios, cinco efluentes y cinco canales, para la cuantificación de coliformes fecales y enterococos (filtración en membrana de nitrocelulosa, colifagos somáticos (técnica de doble capa de agar, ooquistes de Cryptosporidium sp. y quistes de Giardia sp. (concentración en filtros Envirocheck y microscopía de inmunofluorescencia. Se efectuó comparación de los promedios de las cuentas de organismos hallados, en efluentes y canales, mediante t de Student. RESULTADOS: El agua tratada que descarga en los canales mostró cantidades bajas de coliformes fecales (media de 40.4/100 ml, enterococos (media de 58.8/100 ml y quistes de Cryptosporidium (media de 13.2/100 l, mientras que los colifagos y quistes de Giardia estuvieron presentes en gran cantidad (media de 1467.5/100 ml y 1199.8/100 l, respectivamente, sugiriendo que el tratamiento del agua puede ser ineficaz para remover estos agentes. En los canales de irrigación de vegetales se encontró una cantidad significativamente menor de quistes de Giardia (media de 45/100 l y no se encontraron ooquistes de Cryptosporidium, lo que sugiere la remoción natural de estos agentes. Algunos aislamientos de E coli obtenidos de un canal contaminado con descargas cloacales mostraron una multirresistencia a antibióticos que fue transferida por conjugación a otras bacterias mediante plásmidos. Esto sugiere la posible diseminación de la resistencia a bacterias del medio (posibles patógenas. Existen numerosos asentamientos humanos cercanos a las chinampas que descargan desechos directamente a los canales. CONCLUSIONES: La implantación de métodos de tratamiento de excretas que resulten costeables y culturalmente aceptables debe realizarse mediante una cuidadosa planeación y consulta, si estos métodos han de ser adoptados y sostenidos por la población local.

  5. Avaliação de diferentes cruzamentos sobre as características de carcaça e qualidade de carne de frangos em sistema alternativo


    Cruz, Fábio Loures


    Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes raças de frangos e cruzamentos no que diz respeito às características de rendimento de carcaça, qualidade de carne e perfil lipídico. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) disposto em esquema fatorial (6x2), sendo 6 genótipos (Índio Gigante - IG, Rodhe Island Red - RIR, New Hampshire - NHS, Gigante Negra de Jersey - GNJ, geração F1 resultante do cruzamento entre aves das raças IG e NHS - IG x NHS, geração F1 resultante do cruzamento entre ...

  6. Aplicación de inteligencia artificial en sistemas automatizados de producción


    Llata García, José Ramón; González Sarabia, Esther; Fernández Pérez, Dámaso; Arce Hernando, Jesús Antonio; Pérez Oria, Juan María


    “Soy un gigante tan gigante que puedo grabar una rosa en la uña de un niño recién nacido”. Para solucionar el problema el personaje de García Lorca puede emplear diferentes métodos o múltiples paradigmas, como haría un sistema de inteligencia artificial. La inteligencia artificial es “simplemente” la transferencia de la inteligencia a las máquinas, es decir que el computador haga cosas inteligentes. Sin embargo la inteligencia humana es una función tan compleja que los científicos están solo ...

  7. Theory of photoresistors on the base of trapezoidal δ-doped superlattices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osipov, V.V.; Selyakov, A.Yu.; Foygel, M.


    A theory of far infrared photoresistors that is based on trapezoidal δ-doped superlattices (TSL) has been developed. It is shown that photoconductivity of TSL in monopolar despite the interband absorption and generation of electron - hole pairs. In this way, photoelectric gain and responsivity of TSL photoresistor can reach gigantic values. It is established that tunneling-radiative lifetime of electron-hole pairs determines the kinetics of photoconductivity decay. It is shown that a surprising effect takes place: voltage responsivity does not depend virtually on lifetime of nonequilibrium carriers and on the doping level of TSL photoresistor and can reach gigantic values [ru

  8. Estandarización de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE en pacientes con equinococosis quistica y su utilidad en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes tratados con albendazol: reporte preliminar

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    Herman Vildózola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar las diluciones y concentraciones optimas de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE, así como su sensibilidad, espécificidad y valor predictivo en pacientes con equinococosis quistica. Analizar si los niveles de anticuerpos IgE especificos se correlacionan con la respuesta al tratamiento médico con albendazol en un periodo mayor a un año de finalizado el tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio cuasiexperimental con grupo control. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Material de estudio: Prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE. Intervenciones: Estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE y diseño preexperimento con preprueba y posprueba en un solo grupo, para evaluar su valor en el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de pacientes con quiste hidatidico hepatico tratados con albendazol. Para la estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA, se utilizó suero de cinco pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de equinococosis quistica, y la sensibilidad y especificidad de la prueba se usó suero de 30 pacientes aparentemente sanos. Para determinar las reacciones cruzadas, se utilizó 16 muestras de suero de pacientes con otras helmintiasis (ascariasis, strongiloidiasis, toxocariosis, trichuriasis, himenolepiasis, cisticercosis y teniasis. Para el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de equinocococosis quística, se utilizó el suero de 17 pacientes. Principales medidas de resultados: Sensibilidad y especificidad de prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE. Resultados: La prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE tuvo una sensibilidad de 95,6% y una especificidad de 100%. En los pacientes con quiste hidatídico hepático considerados curados, uniformemente disminuyeron los niveles de anticuerpo tipo IgE hasta la negativización. Se obtuvo elevación de los niveles de IgE en los pacientes que presentaron

  9. Design of the GIGANT-18

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szalay, Laszlo


    A transportable, continuously operating 'irradiation tunnel' type equipment was constructed for the radiation sterilization of seeds. The equipment consists of a control panel, a voltage regulator, a modular radiation protected tunnel with three MNR-203 type generators to each active unit, a water cooling unit, and their accessories. The output maxima of the generators are 200 Kv at 8 mA, and their electron beams can be collected to the same surface by means of a rotating device. For the in-service radiation protection of the modules iron plates with lead plate lining are used. The modular units are fastened first to a base pair of rails of a belt conveyor, then inserted into the tunnel. The equipment can be transported by a medium-size truck and handled by 4 persons. From its arrival at the spot, the equipment can be installed within 4 hours. (Sz.J.)

  10. Gigantic neurocysticercosis: diagnosis and therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brandao, Rafael Augusto Castro Santiago; Dellaretti Filho, Marcos Antonio; Nunes, Tadeu Wilker; Totola, Paolo Victor Fernandes; Fonseca, Vinicius Silveira; Souza, Warley Cristiano de


    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common parasitic infection of the nervous system. Considered a global epidemic, the parasite presents, mainly, as asymptomatic. Usually treatment is clinical, but in some selected cases surgical intervention is a good treatment option. In our case, keeping in view the magnitude of intracranial injury, surgery was the therapy chosen. A female patient, aged 54, Mulatto, native of Novo Cruzeiro (MG) and raised in Belo Horizonte. Presented with intense frontal headache, which progressed to right hemiparesis and seizure. Ten days after onset of symptoms, sought the service of emergency care. Tomography (CT) revealed a hypodense area in left frontoparietal region with characteristics of cystic lesion.

  11. Cerbral gigantism (Sotos' syndrome)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dijkstra, P.


    The metacarpophalangeal pattern (MCPP) profile in 17 out of 22 patients with Sotos' syndrome was studied throughout the growth period, from 2 weeks to 19 years of age. Two typical MCPP profiles will be described. The first type of profile was found in 13 patients. Although the form of the profile is the same throughout the years, the lengthening of the fingers is most pronounced around 2 years of age. Before and after that period there is a flattening of the curve. The metacarpals are relatively longer below the age of 3 years, above 3 years the lengthening of the proximal phalanges is more pronounced in the profile. The second type of profile was found in 4 patients. This curve is almost a mirror image of the first profile. The fingers are not as long as in the first type and the profile is less pronounced. In one of the 17 patients the transition from the first type to the second type could be demonstrated. One patient had a normal profile.

  12. Pituitary gigantism causing diabetic ketoacidosis. (United States)

    Alvi, N S; Kirk, J M


    Although growth hormone excess (acromegaly) in association with glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus is well documented in adult medicine, it is much less common in the paediatric age group. We report the case of a 13 year-old boy who presented with tall stature secondary to a large growth hormone secreting adenoma of the pituitary gland. Random growth hormone was 630 mIU/l and did not suppress during an oral glucose tolerance test. Following debulking of the tumour, he developed diabetic ketoacidosis requiring insulin treatment, but after further surgery glucose handling returned to normal. He has been started on testosterone to arrest further increase in height.

  13. Gigantic retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma - case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snarska, J.; Hady, H. R.; Kaminski, F.; Szajda, S. D.; Werel, D.; Zimnoch, L.; Siemiatkowski, A.


    Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcomas are very rare malignant neoplasms. They are built up of smooth muscle cells. They can be found beyond the retroperitoneal space in the uterus, the stomach, the intestines, the blood vessel walls and the skin. This type of tumour grows slowly and gives no characteristic clinical symptoms. This results in late diagnosis, when they grow to a huge size. Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcomas are most frequently described in the literature in the fifth or sixth decade of life. There are no biochemical markers which could suggest the development of leiomyosarcoma. The basic diagnostic examination includes: ultrasound and computer tomography of the abdomen. The fundamental treatment of retroperitoneal leiomyosarcomas consists in aggressive surgical treatment - complete tumour resection. Large size of the tumour can make it difficult to perform radical surgery. In the case presented in this report, our team managed to remove a retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma completely despite its huge mass and size (300 x 200 mm). Data from the literature indicate that a complete resection of the tumour is the most significant prognostic factor in the case of patients with retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma. The efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy has not been proved. The other unfavourable prognostic factor in the course of sarcomas is the age of the patient, below 50 years old. The patient presented in the report is a 31-year-old woman, which is associated with a worse prognosis. According to some authors, the size of the tumour is not significant for the fast recurrence of the disease, whereas others state that it is. The case was presented because of such a huge leiomyosarcoma being rarely found in the retroperitoneal space, the age of the patient and the asymptomatic course of the disease. (authors)

  14. Genotipos de Giardia duodenalis en muestras de niños de las guarderías del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar y de perros en Ibagué, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victoria Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Se han descrito ocho genotipos de Giardia duodenalis, del A al H. Los genotipos A y B se han aislado de humanos y de una gran variedad de mamíferos; sin embargo, los genotipos del C al H han mostrado mayor especificidad de huésped. Objetivo. Identificar los genotipos de G. duodenalis a partir de quistes obtenidos en heces de niños de las guarderías del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF y de perros en Ibagué, mediante PCR-RFLP de los genes de la beta giardina y la glutamato deshidrogenasa. Materiales y métodos. Los quistes de las muestras positivas para G. duodenalis fueron sometidos a concentración; se extrajo su ADN y se efectuó el análisis de PCR-RFLP de los genes de la beta giardina y de la glutamato deshidrogenasa. Como control positivo se utilizó la cepa MHOM/CO/04/G40 procedente del Grupo de Parasitología del Instituto Nacional de Salud. Resultados. De las muestras tomadas de niños, 11/23 (48 % correspondieron al genotipo A y, 12/23 (52 %, al genotipo B. Cuatro muestras de perros presentaron los genotipos C y D, específicos de este huésped. Conclusiones. En los niños solamente se encontraron los genotipos asociados a infecciones humanas (AII, BIII y BIV y en los perros, los genotipos específicos para este huésped (C y D. Debido al reducido tamaño de las muestras analizadas provenientes de perros, y dado que estos no estuvieron en contacto con los niños de las guarderías del ICBF, no fue posible determinar una interacción entre el ciclo de transmisión de los humanos y el de los animales.

  15. Sincronizador de tareas entre aplicación de escritorio y servicio web


    López Ruiz, Alejandro


    Internet, desde su creación, ha evolucionado a pasos de gigante y ha permitido que la sociedad en la que vivimos pueda disponer de más información que en cualquier otra época. Esto ha permitido, en gran medida, que podamos vivir mucho mejor y que las nuevas tecnologías se adapten a este gigante,porque es lo que realmente la gente utiliza día a día, ya sea en su trabajo o en su tiempo libre. En un principio todo era muy simple y con muy pocas posibilidades, páginas en las que no podías escribi...

  16. Ránula sublingual en un recién nacido


    Suárez García, Nuvia; Piloña Ruiz, Sergio Germán


    Introducción: la mucocele y ránula son quistes de retención mucosa, localizados en la cavidad oral donde se hallen glándulas salivales menores. Caso clínico: se presenta un recién nacido a término, de buen peso, sexo masculino, segundo gemelar producto de una cesárea. En el examen físico al nacer se observa una tumoración azulada en el piso de la boca que dificultó la alimentación del bebé, pero no ocasionó problemas respiratorios. Según la evolución clínica, a los 5 días de vida, la madre no...

  17. Gigantic teratoma - retroperitoneal tumor: a case report; Teratoma gigante - tumor retroperitoneal: relato de um caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueiredo, Rossana Lopes de [Paraiba Univ., Campina Grande, PB (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Franca Costa, Hamilton Belo de [Hospital Geral de Campina Grande, PB (Brazil); [Clinica Pronto-Socorro Infantil, Campina Grande, PB (Brazil); Nobrega, Rosangela Figueiredo [Clinica Inside, Campina Grande, PB (Brazil); Toscano, Carlos Alberto Regis [Hospital Pedro I, Campina Grande, PB (Brazil)


    The authors report a case of primary retroperitoneal teratoma which has grown for seven years. the diagnosis was presumed through image diagnostic methods and it was confirmed after surgery and histopathology analysis. (author). 7 refs., 6 figs.

  18. SOME ASPECTS OF EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE THYMUS: EMBRYOLOGICAL BASIS FOR ECTOPIC THYMUS AND THYMOPHARYNGEAL DUCT CYST. Algunas observaciones acerca del temprano desarrollo del timo: bases embriológicas del timo ectópico y del quiste del conducto timofar

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    Ivan Varga


    Full Text Available Introducción. El objetivo principal de nuestro trabajo es el estudio histológico del desarrollo del timo humano entre la 5ª y la 8ª semana de gestación. Describimos varios términos embriológicos poco usados como: timo secundus, descensus thymi (la base embriológica para situar el timo en la garganta, ductus timicus (la base embriológica para el defecto innato llamado conducto timofaríngeo con posibilidad de formar un quiste. Material y método. Nuestras observaciones se basan en la investigación de 18 embriones humanos entre la 6ª y la 8ª semana de gestación. Resultados. La base del timo es común con la base de las glándulas paratiroideas. Es comparable con las bolsas faríngeas (saccus pharyngeus en los embriones largos de 8 a 9 mm. La proliferación endodermal del epitelio en el tercer foco faríngeo (focus faringeus 3 es muy visible. La parte craneal y la parte dorsal son la base de origen de las glándulas paratiroideas inferiores. La parte caudal y la parte ventral son la base para el timo. Hemos observado también la notable proliferación del epitelio en la segunda bolsa faríngea, llamado por algunos autores Timo secundus. En nuestra opinión, en el ser humano no se forma un timo funcional en este lugar y la proliferación del epitelio en la mayoría de los casos, se detiene pronto. Conclusión. En este trabajo ofrecemos una vista general sobre la importancia clínica del desarrollo del timo y la descripción de los defectos innatos más frecuentes del mismo. Introduction. The aim of our morphological study is to describe the development of human thymus from 5th up to 8th week after fertilization in the context of its phylogenesis. We explicate some of the “forgotten” embryological terms with respect to their functions in thymic development, such as “thymus secundus”, “descensus thymi” (an embryological basis for cervical thymus and “ductus thymicus” (an embryologic basis for a congenital anomaly called

  19. Avaliaçao de híbridos de coqueiro (Cocos nucifera L. para produção de frutos e de albúmen sólido fresco Performance of hybrids of coconut palm for production of fruits and solid fresh albumen

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    Paulo Manoel Pontes Lins


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho de seis híbridos de coqueiro para produção de frutos e de albúmen sólido fresco no Município de Moju, PA. Os híbridos avaliados foram: PB 121 (Anão-amarelo da Malásia x Gigante Oeste Africano; PB 111 (Anão-vermelho de Camarões x Gigante Oeste Africano; PB 141 (Anão-verde do Brasil x Gigante Oeste Africano; PB 123 (Anão-amarelo da Malásia x Gigante de Renel; PB 132 (Anão-vermelho da Malásia x Gigante da Polinésia e PB 113 (Anão-vermelho de Camarões x Gigante de Renel, em delineamento em blocos casualizados com seis repetições. Verificou-se, pela análise de variância, diferença significativa para tratamentos, resultante da heterogeneidade do material genético estudado. As fontes de variação ano e a interação anos x tratamentos foram também altamente significativas, evidenciando que o comportamento dos híbridos foi induzido por aquelas fontes de variação. Considerando o desempenho dos híbridos no período de 9 anos de avaliação para produção de frutos e de albúmen fresco, pode-se recomendar para plantio os híbridos PB 111, PB 113, PB 141 nas condições do Estado do Pará, com vistas a atender às indústrias (albúmen sólido, quanto à venda de cocos "in natura" para consumo de água.The performance of six hybrids of coconut palm were evaluated for fruit and solid fresh albumen production in Moju, State of Pará. The evaluated hybrids were: PB 121 (Dwarf Yellow of Malaysia x West African Giant; PB 111 (Dwarf Red of Cameron x West Afican Giant; PB 141 (Dwarf Green of Brazil x West Aficam Giant; PB 123 (Dwarf Yellow of Malaysia x Renel's Giant; PB 132 (Red Dwarf of Malaysia x (Giant from Polynesia; PB 113 (Dwarf Red of Cameron x Renel's Giant in hazard blocks and six repetitions. It was verified through variance analysis, significancy difference between treatments, as result of the heterogeneity of the studied genetic material. The sources of variation year and the interaction years x

  20. Reconstrucción en linfedema peneano y escrotal secundario a hernia inguinal bilateral gigante Reconstruction in penile and scrotal lymphedema secondary to billateral giant inguinal hernia

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    A. Fernández García


    Full Text Available El linfedema peneano y escrotal tiene consecuencias funcionales, estéticas, sociales y psicológicas significativas para el paciente que lo padece. Es una enfermedad infrecuente en los países desarrollados, aunque relativamente prevalente en los países tropicales. Su causa más común es la filariasis, aunque en nuestra práctica diaria se asocia más frecuentemente a cirugía, radioterapia, procesos inflamatorios y neoplásicos. Presentamos un caso singular de linfedema penoescrotal secundario a cirugía por hernia inguinal gigante bilateral que persistía un año después de la intervención. El tratamiento quirúrgico consistió en la exéresis de toda la piel linfedematosa del escroto involucrada y el uso de colgajos de piel escrotal posterior para la cobertura testicular. En un segundo tiempo quirúrgico se llevó a cabo una extirpación total de la piel del pene y del tejido subcutáneo superficial a la fascia de Buck. Empleamos injertos de piel de grosor parcial para cubrir el pene denudado. El resultado estético postoperatorio fue aceptable y los resultados funcionales y psicológicos son satisfactorios para el paciente 3 años después de la cirugía.Lymphedema of the penis and scrotum has important functional, cosmetic, social, psychological consequences for the affected patient. It is a rare disease in the developed countries, although it is relatively frequent in tropical countries. Globally, the most common cause is filariasis, although in our practice it is most frecuently associated to surgery, radiotherapy, inflammatory and neoplasic diseases. We report one rare case of penoscrotal lymphedema due to billateral giant inguinal hernia reconstrction. The lymphedema was persistent one year after the repair of the billateral hernia. The technique of reconstruction consisted of excision of all involved lymphedematous skin of the scrotum, and use of posterior scrotal flaps for testicular coverage. In a second surgical time, a total

  1. Four new bat species (Rhinolophus hildebrandtii complex) reflect Plio-Pleistocene divergence of dwarfs and giants across an Afromontane archipelago. (United States)

    Taylor, Peter J; Stoffberg, Samantha; Monadjem, Ara; Schoeman, Martinus Corrie; Bayliss, Julian; Cotterill, Fenton P D


    Gigantism and dwarfism evolve in vertebrates restricted to islands. We describe four new species in the Rhinolophus hildebrandtii species-complex of horseshoe bats, whose evolution has entailed adaptive shifts in body size. We postulate that vicissitudes of palaeoenvironments resulted in gigantism and dwarfism in habitat islands fragmented across eastern and southern Africa. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences recovered two clades of R. hildebrandtii senso lato which are paraphyletic with respect to a third lineage (R. eloquens). Lineages differ by 7.7 to 9.0% in cytochrome b sequences. Clade 1 includes R. hildebrandtii sensu stricto from the east African highlands and three additional vicariants that speciated across an Afromontane archipelago through the Plio-Pleistocene, extending from the Kenyan Highlands through the Eastern Arc, northern Mozambique and the Zambezi Escarpment to the eastern Great Escarpment of South Africa. Clade 2 comprises one species confined to lowland savanna habitats (Mozambique and Zimbabwe). A third clade comprises R. eloquens from East Africa. Speciation within Clade 1 is associated with fixed differences in echolocation call frequency, and cranial shape and size in populations isolated since the late Pliocene (ca 3.74 Mya). Relative to the intermediate-sized savanna population (Clade 2), these island-populations within Clade 1 are characterised by either gigantism (South African eastern Great Escarpment and Mts Mabu and Inago in Mozambique) or dwarfism (Lutope-Ngolangola Gorge, Zimbabwe and Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa). Sympatry between divergent clades (Clade 1 and Clade 2) at Lutope-Ngolangola Gorge (NW Zimbabwe) is attributed to recent range expansions. We propose an "Allometric Speciation Hypothesis", which attributes the evolution of this species complex of bats to divergence in constant frequency (CF) sonar calls. The origin of species-specific peak frequencies (overall range = 32 to 46 kHz) represents the

  2. Endocrine glands (United States)

    ... Diabetes Gigantism Diabetes insipidus Cushing Disease Watch this video about: Pituitary gland Testes and ovaries: Lack of sex development (unclear genitalia) Thyroid: Congenital hypothyroidism Myxedema Goiter ...

  3. Genetics Home Reference: X-linked acrogigantism (United States)

    ... that is caused by pituitary gland abnormalities (pituitary gigantism). Related Information What information about a genetic condition can statistics provide? Why are some genetic conditions more common ...

  4. Globalization and State Soverignty

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Islam, Mainul


    .... Globalized capital is reorganizing business firms and undermining national politics. Globalization creates vast new markets and gigantic new wealth, as well as widespread suffering, disorder and unrest...

  5. Profile of patients with hepatic hydatid disease not treated surgically Perfil del paciente con hidatidosis hepática al que no se realiza tratamiento quirúrgico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Manuel Ramia


    .Introducción: la hidatidosis hepática (HH es todavía un problema sanitario importante en ciertas áreas endémicas en España. El tratamiento es habitualmente quirúrgico pero ciertos pacientes, tras ser valorados por los Servicios de Cirugía, no son intervenidos por un variado conjunto de causas (asintomático, comorbilidades, negativa del paciente,.... Material y métodos: descripción de pacientes valorados en el Servicio de Cirugía de hidatidosis hepática y no intervenidos. Resultados: hemos atendido a 70 pacientes con HH. De ellos, 27 pacientes no fueron intervenidos. Edad media: 72,7 años (rango: 47-97. Catorce eran mujeres (51,8%. El número de quistes que presentaban era 33, con 1,22 quistes/paciente (rango: 1-4. El tamaño del quiste fue 5,5 cm (rango: 2,1-12,5 cm. Los quistes, según la clasificación OMS, eran CE1: 3 pacientes, CE3B: 5, CE4: 10 y CE5: 9. La forma de presentación fue: 9 pacientes sintomáticos, aunque solo 6 atribuibles a la HH (22% y 18 asintomáticos. En estos se realizó la prueba de imagen por: estudio de extensión de neoplasia (6 pacientes y en 12 por variadas razones médicas. Solo hemos realizado dos actuaciones terapéuticas: CPRE y colocación de prótesis biliar y una punción-aspiración-inyección-reaspiración (PAIR, ambas en pacientes que no querían ser intervenidos. Diez pacientes tenían indicación quirúrgica: CE1 (3 pacientes, CE3B (5, CE4 (1, y CE5 (1. Las razones porque no se intervinieron fueron: negativa del paciente (9 y neoplasia avanzada (1. Creemos que la cirugía era necesaria en cinco pacientes. En el seguimiento medio efectuado de 17 meses (rango: 1-37 no hemos realizado ninguna cirugía. Conclusiones: las causas de no intervención de HH tras valoración médica son múltiples: pacientes asintomáticos, enfermos ancianos, pluripatólogicos y oncológicos. Habitualmente es el paciente el que voluntariamente decide no intervenirse.

  6. Excessive growth. (United States)

    Narayanaswamy, Vasudha; Rettig, Kenneth R; Bhowmick, Samar K


    Tall stature and excessive growth syndrome are a relatively rare concern in pediatric practice. Nevertheless, it is important to identify abnormal accelerated growth patterns in children, which may be the clue in the diagnosis of an underlying disorder. We present a case of pituitary gigantism in a 2 1/2-year-old child and discuss the signs, symptoms, laboratory findings, and the treatment. Brief discussions on the differential diagnosis of excessive growth/tall stature have been outlined. Pituitary gigantism is very rare in the pediatrics age group; however, it is extremely rare in a child that is less than 3 years of age. The nature of pituitary adenoma and treatment options in children with this condition have also been discussed.

  7. Gigantic enlargement of the thymus gland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regal, Mohamed A.


    True massive thymic hyperplasia is a very rare entity, characterized by an increase in the size and weight of the thymus gland without an apparent cause. Surgery has been required in patients with severe respiratory distress. We present an idiopathic true massive thymic hyperplasia in a 5-month-old boy. (author)

  8. Gigantic balloon type artificial lightning generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horii; kenji


    This paper outlines a hot-air balloon type Van de Graaf 50-MV generator which can generate a 50,000,000 V, 0.2 to 0.3 coulomb artificial lightning comparable to natural lightning discharge and reports the results of investigation on discharging experiments conducted using this apparatus. The subjects covered are as follows: (1) Outline of the hot-air balloon type Van de Graaf 50-MV generator, (2) electric characteristics of the Van de Graaf 50-MV generator, (3) charge transfer with film and balloon charging, (4) the load of the balloon and buoyancy calculation, (5) leakage of charges, (6) study of charging experiments, and (7) evaluation of the apparatus and its method and problems to be solved. (4 figs, 4 tabs, 4 refs)

  9. Perfluoroctano líquido como tamponante vitreorretiniano de curta duração no pós-operatório de portadores de descolamento de retina por ruptura gigante Perfluoroctane liquid as a short-term vitreous-retinal tamponade in the postoperative period in patients with retinal detachment due to giant tears

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    Marcelo Carvalho Ventura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Relatar os resultados de vitrectomia via pars plana com utilização de perfluocarbono líquido (Perfluoroctano-Ophtalmos®, como tamponante vítreo-retiniano de curta duração, no pós-operatório de portadores de descolamento de retina, por ruptura gigante. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se dez desses pacientes. Todos os casos eram complicados por vitreorretinopatia proliferativa grau B ou pior com rupturas que variavam em extensão de 90º a 210º. O perfluorocarbono líquido foi introduzido, por via pars plana, com o volume necessário para ultrapassar o limite posterior da ruptura, permanecendo no pós-operatório por cinco dias, estando os pacientes em decúbito dorsal. Após esse período submetiam-se a segunda intervenção para troca do perfluorocarbono líquido para gás ou óleo de silicone. RESULTADOS: Após período de acompanhamento médio de 16,2 ± 12,4 meses (2 a 43 meses, 80% das retinas estavam aplicadas, sendo necessária a repetição desta técnica em 1 caso (10% caso e em 2 casos (20% não houve reaplicação da retina por vitreorretinopatia avançada. Houve melhora da acuidade visual em 5 casos (50%. CONCLUSÃO: Observaram-se bons resultados quanto à aplicação da retina (80% e melhora da acuidade visual (50% quando do uso do perfluorocarbono líquido como tamponante vitreorretiniano de curta duração no pós-operatório de cirurgias de descolamento de retina por rupturas gigantes.PURPOSE: To report pars plana vitrectomy results of intravitreous use of liquid perfluorocarbon as a short-term postoperative tamponade in retinal detachment due to giant tears in a series of patients. METHODS: Ten of those patients, all of them complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade B or worse, with tear extension varying from 90º to 210º were studied. Perfluorocarbon liquid was injected via pars plana until the posterior tear limit, remaining in the postoperative period during five days, with the patients in supine position

  10. Consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4684 Intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4684

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    Valéria Louro Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma Gigante (Opuntia fícus-indica Mill e palma Orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp.. Foram utilizados 20 animais mestiços, sendo dez caprinos e dez ovinos, alojados em galpão coletivo, contidos individualmente por meio de cordas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (duas espécies animais e duas variedades de palma. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em intervalos de 5 min. por um período de 24h. Os consumos de matéria seca, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente ácido, carboidratos totais e carboidratos não-fibrosos foram menores (p 0,05 sobre o tempo gasto com alimentação e eficiência de alimentação. O tempo gasto com ruminação foi maior para a dieta com palma Gigante, consequentemente os animais da dieta com palma Orelha-de-elefante permaneceram mais tempo em ócio. Comparando as espécies caprina e ovina, verificou-se que a eficiência de ruminação, tanto de MS quanto de FDN, foi maior para a espécie ovina. Os animais gastaram mais tempo ruminando deitados do que em pé, mas não foi verificada diferença quanto ao lado escolhido para deitarem.The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.. Twenty crossbred animals – 10 sheep and 10 goats – were used. They were lodged in a collective shed, contained individually with ropes, distributed using a completely randomized design, and treated with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (2 animal species and 2 varieties of cactus. Behavioral observations were made at five-minute intervals during a 24-hour period. Dry matter, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrate and non-fibrous carbohydrate intake were reduced (p 0.05 on feeding time and feeding efficiency. The time

  11. Investigación experimental de la equinococosis canina a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino en México Experimental investigation of canine echinococcosis from swine hydatic cyst in Mexico

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    Ismael Zuñiga-A


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Para evaluar la infección y obtener el estado adulto del cestodos, se buscó reproducir la equinococosis en perros a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino. MÉTODOS: Se formaron 2 grupos, uno de 5 y otro de 3 perros, a cada animal del grupo experimental se le dió 2 g de membrana germinativa de quíste hidatídico fértil por vía oral, el segundo grupo fue testigo. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados clínica, serológica y parasitológicamente, en el grupo experimental se sacrificó un animal el día 35 de la infección y los siguientes cada 5 dias hasta el 55, en el segundo grupo todos se sacrificaron el día 55. Se observaron huevos del cestodos en heces a partir del dia 51 postinfección. La evaluación morfol��gica se realizó mediante observación microscópica del raspado de mucosa intestinal. RESULTADOS: De 50 cestodos analizados, 10 de cada uno de los perros infectados, 49 (98% presentaron 3 proglótidos y 1 (2% tenía 4; 18 (36% de los cestodos presentaban un proglótido grávido. La longitud de los estróbilos varió de 1,6 a 2,6 mm. El número promedio de los ganchos largos y cortos fue de 31 y 34 respectivamente. La longitud de los ganchos largos varió entre 0,081 y 0,09 mm, los ganchos cortos fluctuaron entre 0,034 y 0,041 mm. En los perros evaluados clínicamente, el número de leucocitos y la cantidad de proteínas plasmáticas fue significativamente mayor en el grupo testigo (P OBJETIVO: Avaliar a infeção e obter o estado adulto do cestóides, provocando-se a reprodução da equinococose em cães a partir do cisto hidático de origem suína. MÉTODOS: Formaram-se dois grupos, um de 5 e outro de 3 cães. Cada animal do grupo experimental recebeu, por via oral, 2 g de membrana germinativa de cisto hidático fértil. O segundo grupo serviu como testemunha. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados de maneira clínica, sorológica e parasitológica. No grupo experimental foi sacrificado um animal no 35º dia da infe

  12. Displasia oculoauriculovertebral o síndrome de Goldenhar: Estudio multidisciplinario de un caso clínico Oculoauriculovertebral displasia or Goldehar syndrome: Multidisciplinary study of a clinical case

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    Marina de La Barca Lleonart


    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso clínico de displasia oculoauriculovertebral o síndrome de Goldenhar en una paciente femenina de 26 años con múltiples anomalías congénitas y la presencia de quiste branquial y glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto. Mediante un estudio multidisciplinario, clínico, genético, imagenológico y con pruebas psicofísicas, se ponen en evidencia diversas anomalías craneofaciales, óseas y de vísceras toracoabdominales presentes en una misma paciente. Se señalan las diferentes deformidades que conforman actualmente un amplio espectro de anomalías, según la literatura revisada, así como las características clínicas, tratamiento y su evolución. El quiste branquial resulta un hallazgo novedoso que bien puede explicarse en este tipo de alteraciones morfogenéticas, sin embargo, el glaucoma parece ser una entidad casual. Se descartan otras anomalías oculares propias del Goldenhar que pueden ocasionar glaucoma. Se comenta la importancia del diagnóstico y tratamiento multidisciplinario, así como el riesgo quirúrgico de estos enfermos.We present a clinical case of oculoauriculovertebral displasia or Goldenhar syndrome in a 26-year-old female patient with multiple congenital abnormalities, branchial cyst and primary open-angle glaucoma. A multidisciplinary, clinical, genetic and imaging study is made in conjunction with psycophysical tests that show that the patient suffers from diverse craniofacial and osteal abnormalities and from abnormalities of the thoraco-abdominal viscera. The different deformities that are part at present of a wide spectrum of abnormalities, according to the literature reviewed by us, as well as the clinical characteristics, treatment and evolution are stressed. The branchial cyst is a novel finding that may be well explained in this type of morphogenetic alterations; however, glaucoma seems to be a causal entity. Other eye abnormalities inherent to Goldenhar syndrome that may cause glaucoma are

  13. Análisis palinológico de un homicidio en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Leticia Karina Povilauskas


    Full Text Available Los objetivos de esta contribución son dar a conocer las actividades desarrolladas en base a la Palinología Forense en un caso de homicidio calificado ocurrido en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina; y poner al alcance de los científicos naturalistas algunas metodologías periciales adecuadas para fomentar su participación con el fin de sumar aportes a la hora de esclarecer un crimen desde la Palinología. En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio y análisis palinológico sobre un homicidio realizado en los márgenes del río Reconquista, en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Se realizó un estudio exhaustivo de la flora del lugar y, el análisis de las muestras que han sido colectadas a lo largo de las márgenes del río Reconquista ha arrojado como resultado una asociación palinológica conformada por polen y quistes de algas. Los espectros polínicos están dominados principalmente por granos de polen de cañaverales (Arundo donax, Salicaceae, Cyperaceae y Poaceae, con Asteraceae y Myrtaceae subordinados. Las algas dinofíceas están representadas por quistes de dinoflagelados estuáricos del orden Gonyaulacales (Operculodinium centrocarpum (Deflandre y Cookson Wall.  Las algas clorofíceas consisten en cenobios de Pediastrum boryanum (Turpin Meneghini y colonias de Botryococcus braunii Kützing, y entre las Cyanophyta se encontraron vainas de Rivulariaceae (Gloeotrichia sp..  Un protocolo de investigación forense implica algunas consideraciones para tener en cuenta, como la escena del crimen, la recolección apropiada de muestras y, el análisis palinológico del laboratorio, quedando a disposición de los jueces y fiscales como pruebas muy útiles para la investigación de un homicidio.


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    Alberto Albornoz-Plata


    Full Text Available

    La amibiasis tiene importancia grande en nuestro medio, ya que puede considerarse epidémica o endémica en muchas zonas. No es raro observar que hay numerosos casos
    graves, incluso de diagnóstico difícil, que solamente un tratamiento de prueba permite aclarar.
    Se han ensayado no pocos remedios para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Pero. hasta hace poco, con el advenimiento de los derivados del IMIDAZOL, se han abierto nuevas perspectivas terapéuticas. Es lo que se está comprobando a diario, hasta el punto de que la mayoría de las drogas que se utilizaban antes, han quedado desplazadas por las recientemente descubiertas. En general, las drogas comprenden ahora tres tipos diferentes:
    1 - Amebicidas Intestinales o Luminales:
    Han sido las más empleadasen el curso de los años. Unicamente actúan en la luz del intestino. De donde, el nombre de luminales. Tienen como característica que no se absorben y que obran localmente, en forma directa contra la amiba alojada en la mucosa intestinal. Por ese motivo, no pueden utilizarse en las formas extraintestinales de la
    amibiasis, por ejemplo, en el absceso hepático.
    2 . Amebicidas Tisulares:
    Son drogas que sí se absorben y que van a obrar en los tejidos, especialmente a nivel hepático. Aún se utilizan y conservan bastante importancia terapéutica.
    3 - Amebicidas Tisulares y Luminales:
    Son, realmente, las principales drogas en la actualidad, porque obran a todo nivel. A nivel de la mucosa intestinal, cuando el trofozoito ha formado úlcera y donde pueden
    encontrarse quistes, y a distancia del intestino, por ejemplo, en la amibiasis hepática, en la amibiasis cutánea etc.
    De manera que este tercer tipo de drogas tiene doble acción. Su efecto local les concede importancia para el tratamiento de los portadores asintomáticos de quistes...

  15. Evolución de niños con anomalías del tracto urinario y propuesta de interrupción del embarazo

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    Sandalio Durán Álvarez

    Full Text Available Introducción: el ultrasonido diagnóstico prenatal realizado en los embarazos normales ha demostrado que por cada 500 embarazos debe aparecer una anomalía importante del tracto urinario. En diferentes situaciones puede sugerirse o recomendarse la interrupción del embarazo, que puede ser aceptado o rechazado por los padres. Objetivos: comparar el diagnóstico pre y posnatal, y valorar la evolución en 8 pacientes en los que se propuso la interrupción, pero el embarazo continuó. Resultados: en 6 de los fetos se propuso la interrupción por el diagnóstico de hidronefrosis bilateral; en uno, por quistes renales bilaterales, y en otro por hidronefrosis unilateral y displasia renal multiquística contralateral. En 2 recién nacidos hubo coincidencia total entre el diagnóstico prenatal y el posnatal, en uno con reflujo de alto grado se encontró ureterohidronefrosis bilateral en el estudio prenatal, mientras que en 2 solamente hidronefrosis; un paciente tiene megauréter bilateral no obstructivo, y otro pielectasia bilateral. En el feto que se plantearon los quistes renales bilaterales, el estudio posnatal mostró un doble sistema excretor derecho con el superior obstruido, y reflujo vesicoureteral grado III del inferior con riñón izquierdo normal. Durante el tiempo de seguimiento la conducta médica varió de acuerdo con el diagnóstico posnatal. Al concluir el período de seguimiento, un paciente tiene una enfermedad renal crónica etapa 3, y los 7 restantes tienen función renal conservada. Conclusiones: la indicación de interrupción del embarazo por el diagnóstico ultrasonográfico prenatal de una anomalía renal o de tracto urinario tiene un margen de error que es necesario seguir estudiando y buscar indicadores de alto riesgo vital, porque los factores predictivos no están bien precisados.

  16. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso

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    Manuel Escalante Fontalvo


    Full Text Available El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóvenes, generalmente mujeres, de mayor presentación en el maxilar superior, asintomático, de crecimiento lento y poco invasivo; el cual se puede semejarse a otras lesiones odontogénicas de mayor agresividad como el quiste dentígero y el ameloblastoma, entre otros benignos como el odontoma complejo y adenomas pleomórficos. A menudo se observa como una lesión radiolúcida de aspecto quístico unilocular, asociada a órganos dentales incluidos, usualmente dientes caninos. Su localización clásica nos orienta al diagnóstico y su patrón histológico ductiforme (apariencia basaloide con estructuras glanduliformes, calcificaciones esferulares y presencia de abundante material amiloide que facilitan su reconocimiento microscópico es muy propio de esta lesión tumoral. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 12 años de edad, asintomática y asimétrica facial, de sexo femenino, con un diagnóstico definitivo por biopsia de TOA en la región anterior del maxilar superior asociado a un órgano dental 23 incluido; intervenido quirúrgicamente, colocando material de injerto como sustituto óseo, teniendo en cuenta estado general del paciente, diagnósticos diferenciales, características radiográficas, tomográficas y clínicas.

  17. Four new bat species (Rhinolophus hildebrandtii complex reflect Plio-Pleistocene divergence of dwarfs and giants across an Afromontane archipelago.

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    Peter J Taylor

    Full Text Available Gigantism and dwarfism evolve in vertebrates restricted to islands. We describe four new species in the Rhinolophus hildebrandtii species-complex of horseshoe bats, whose evolution has entailed adaptive shifts in body size. We postulate that vicissitudes of palaeoenvironments resulted in gigantism and dwarfism in habitat islands fragmented across eastern and southern Africa. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences recovered two clades of R. hildebrandtii senso lato which are paraphyletic with respect to a third lineage (R. eloquens. Lineages differ by 7.7 to 9.0% in cytochrome b sequences. Clade 1 includes R. hildebrandtii sensu stricto from the east African highlands and three additional vicariants that speciated across an Afromontane archipelago through the Plio-Pleistocene, extending from the Kenyan Highlands through the Eastern Arc, northern Mozambique and the Zambezi Escarpment to the eastern Great Escarpment of South Africa. Clade 2 comprises one species confined to lowland savanna habitats (Mozambique and Zimbabwe. A third clade comprises R. eloquens from East Africa. Speciation within Clade 1 is associated with fixed differences in echolocation call frequency, and cranial shape and size in populations isolated since the late Pliocene (ca 3.74 Mya. Relative to the intermediate-sized savanna population (Clade 2, these island-populations within Clade 1 are characterised by either gigantism (South African eastern Great Escarpment and Mts Mabu and Inago in Mozambique or dwarfism (Lutope-Ngolangola Gorge, Zimbabwe and Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa. Sympatry between divergent clades (Clade 1 and Clade 2 at Lutope-Ngolangola Gorge (NW Zimbabwe is attributed to recent range expansions. We propose an "Allometric Speciation Hypothesis", which attributes the evolution of this species complex of bats to divergence in constant frequency (CF sonar calls. The origin of species-specific peak frequencies (overall range = 32 to 46 kHz represents the

  18. Distinct responses of soil respiration to experimental litter manipulation in temperate woodland and tropical forest. (United States)

    Bréchet, Laëtitia M; Lopez-Sangil, Luis; George, Charles; Birkett, Ali J; Baxendale, Catherine; Castro Trujillo, Biancolini; Sayer, Emma J


    Global change is affecting primary productivity in forests worldwide, and this, in turn, will alter long-term carbon (C) sequestration in wooded ecosystems. On one hand, increased primary productivity, for example, in response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), can result in greater inputs of organic matter to the soil, which could increase C sequestration belowground. On other hand, many of the interactions between plants and microorganisms that determine soil C dynamics are poorly characterized, and additional inputs of plant material, such as leaf litter, can result in the mineralization of soil organic matter, and the release of soil C as CO 2 during so-called "priming effects". Until now, very few studies made direct comparison of changes in soil C dynamics in response to altered plant inputs in different wooded ecosystems. We addressed this with a cross-continental study with litter removal and addition treatments in a temperate woodland (Wytham Woods) and lowland tropical forest (Gigante forest) to compare the consequences of increased litterfall on soil respiration in two distinct wooded ecosystems. Mean soil respiration was almost twice as high at Gigante (5.0 μmol CO 2  m -2  s -1 ) than at Wytham (2.7 μmol CO 2  m -2  s -1 ) but surprisingly, litter manipulation treatments had a greater and more immediate effect on soil respiration at Wytham. We measured a 30% increase in soil respiration in response to litter addition treatments at Wytham, compared to a 10% increase at Gigante. Importantly, despite higher soil respiration rates at Gigante, priming effects were stronger and more consistent at Wytham. Our results suggest that in situ priming effects in wooded ecosystems track seasonality in litterfall and soil respiration but the amount of soil C released by priming is not proportional to rates of soil respiration. Instead, priming effects may be promoted by larger inputs of organic matter combined with slower turnover rates.

  19. Our interests in protein-protein interactions

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    protein interactions. Evolution of P-P partnerships. Evolution of P-P structures. Evolutionary dynamics of P-P interactions. Dynamics of P-P interaction network. Host-pathogen interactions. CryoEM mapping of gigantic protein assemblies.

  20. Fibrous Dysplasia (United States)

    ... endocrine problems such as early puberty (precocious puberty), hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone), excess growth hormone (gigantism or ... awareness and enhance knowledge and understanding of the prevention, early detection, and treatment of these diseases as ...

  1. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    palms facing) to demonstrate the asymmetrical fatty and vascular hypertrophy ... most commonly involved) and the lower extremities (usually in the distribution of the medial ... MDL is a rare congenital form of localised gigantism. In.

  2. Tumor dermoide en órbita ocular en recién nacido

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    Juan Vives-Restrepo


    Full Text Available Descripción de un caso de un paciente neonato con quiste dermoide situado en órbita izquierda, con revisión de la literatura médica de la presentación de este tipo de lesiones. Estudio descriptivo y reporte de caso. Presentación del caso clínico del paciente y revisión de la literatura con aproximación al componente patológico de la enfermedad. La mayoría de los QD en oftalmología son superficiales y están presentes en la primera infancia como inflamaciones discretas en la ceja o el parpado, en el caso de QD existe un buen pronóstico y es todavía mejor si es tratado tempranamente.

  3. Welt in Fesseln

    CERN Multimedia

    Grolle, J


    A physicist from Harvard is impassioned for hidden dimension of the universe. The observable world, according to its assumption, would be only one among many islands in the middle of a gigantic space (4 pages)

  4. Charge-density-wave conductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thorne, R.E.


    Low-dimensional metal with moving lattice modulations display a host of unusual properties, including gigantic dielectric constants and the ability to close-quote remember close-quote electrical pulse lengths. copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics

  5. Seeking a Roadmap toward Neuroepigenetics


    Shin, Jaehoon; Ming, Guo-li; Song, Hongjun


    A group of papers investigates functional regulatory elements in genomes from human tissue samples and cell lines. What can neuroscientists learn from the gigantic data set and how will it affect the direction of neuroepigenetics?

  6. Immunodiagnostic confirmation of hydatid disease in patients with a presumptive diagnosis of infection Confirmación inmunodiagnóstica de la hidatidosis en pacientes con diagnóstico presuntivo de la infeccion

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    V. M. Varela-diaz


    anti-antígeno 5. Estos no se hallaron en 1 539 pacientes sospechosos de hidatidosis cuyos diagnósticos definitivos correspondieron a otras patologías. Con la prueba de aglutinación del látex, sin embargo, se obtuvieron resultados positivos falsos en dos casos. En todos los pacientes cuyo suero preoperatorio mostró tres o más bandas no características en ausencia de anticuerpos antiantígeno 5, se hallaron quistes en el acto quirúrgico. El examen por DD5 de líquido recolectado por punción estableció su etiología hidatídica. El seguimiento postope-ratorio de pacientes de hidatidosis demostró que la persistência de positividad en la DD5 durante dos o más años después de la cirurgía establece la presencia de otros quistes. En pacientes con quistes hidatídicos intratorácicos, abdominales o en otras localizaciones, se obtuvo evidencia adicional sobre la asociación entre la integridad de las membranas quísticas, la liberación de antígenos y la positividad del inmunodiagnóstico.

  7. How Many Equivalent Resistances?

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    preceding numbers; this is expressed as the linear recurrence relation ... is gigantic and there is even a journal, The Fibonacci Quarterly, devoted to the study of .... Circuit Analysis, 11th Edition, Pearson International, Prentice Hall, 2007.

  8. Der längste Kühlschrank

    CERN Document Server

    Grosse, Angela


    What happened in the seconds following the big band: The new particle accelerator should answer to this question. The gigantic energy which are produced in it probably will let also tiny black holes appear. (1 page)

  9. Sex determination in the Giant fish of Amazon Basin, Arapaima gigas (Osteoglossiformes, Arapaimatidae, using laparoscopy Determinação do sexo no peixe gigante da Bacia Amazônica, Arapaima gigas (Osteoglossiformes, Arapaimatidae, usando laparoscopia

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    Carlos Riedel Porto Carreiro


    Full Text Available The Giant of Amazon basin, pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, is the largest scaled freshwater fish in the world. pirarucu cultivation has recently started, driven by the decline in natural populations and high market value. Currently, there are no reliable methods for sexual differentiation in this species other than direct examination of gonads, which requires dissection of specimens. A non-lethal and less invasive method for sexual identification is highly desirable in order to properly group broodstock for mating and offspring production. We utilized laparoscopic examination in anesthetized pirarucu to differentiate between male and female individuals. This method allowed for the observation and differentiation of the reproductive organs within an individual. Our results suggest that laparoscopy is an efficient method for sex differentiation in pirarucu causing minimal stress to the fish.O gigante da bacia amazônica, pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, é o maior peixe de escamas de água doce do mundo. O seu cultivo teve início recentemente motivado pelo declínio de suas populações naturais em virtude do alto valor de sua carne no mercado. Não existem métodos para a diferenciação sexual nesta espécie, o único método é o exame direto das gônadas, o qual requer a dissecação do espécime. Um método para a identifica��ão sexual é altamente desejável, a fim de selecionar grupos de reprodutores para o acasalamento e, portanto, a produção de progênie. A fim de diferenciar reprodutores machos de fêmeas, foi utilizado o exame laparoscópico em animais previamente anestesiados. Este método permitiu a observação dos órgãos abdominais, incluindo gônadas, com grande precisão. Os resultados mostram que a laparoscopia é um método eficiente para a diferenciação do sexo em pirarucu e causam o mínimo de stress para os animais.

  10. Double lens collimator solar feedback sensor and master slave configuration: Development of compact and low cost two axis solar tracking system for CPV applications

    KAUST Repository

    Burhan, Muhammad; Oh, Seung Jin; Chua, Kian Jon Ernest; Ng, Kim Choon


    The conventional CPV systems, as big unit design, are only suitable to be installed in the open regions, like desert areas. This gigantic system design restricts their use on the rooftop of commercial and residential buildings, unlike

  11. Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa: A rare presentation | Kachewar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Macrodystrophia lipomatosa is a rare congenital nonhereditary mesenchymal hamartomatous malformation resulting in localized gigantism of parts of extremities that manifests clinically as macrodactyly or megalodactyly. Radiological and Pathological hallmark is the disproportionate fibroadipose tissue proliferation in ...

  12. Frog size on continental islands of the coast of Rio de Janeiro and the generality of the Island Rule.

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    Raoni Rebouças

    Full Text Available Island Rule postulated that individuals on islands tend to dwarfism when individuals from mainland populations are large and to gigantism when mainland populations present small individuals. There has been much discussion about this rule, but only few studies were carried out aiming to reveal this pattern for anurans. Our study focused on measuring the size of individuals on islands and to find a possible pattern of size modification for insular anurans. Individuals were collected on continental islands, measured and compared to mainland populations. We selected four species with different natural history aspects during these analyses. Island parameters were compared to size of individuals in order to find an explanation to size modification. Three of the four species presented size shifting on islands. Ololygon trapicheiroi and Adenomera marmorata showed dwarfism, Boana albomarginata showed gigantism and in Thoropa miliaris there was no evident size modification. Allometric analysis also revealed differential modification, which might be a result of different selective pressures on islands in respect of mainland populations. Regression model explained most of the size modification in B. albomarginata, but not for the other species. Our results indicate that previous assumptions, usually proposed for mammals from older islands, do not fit to the anurans studied here. We support the assumption that size modification on islands are population-specific. Hence, in B. albomarginata some factor associated to competition, living area and isolation time might likely be responsible for gigantism on islands.

  13. Die Jagd nach dem Allerkleinsten

    CERN Multimedia

    Wolter, Uwe


    Only with probes and telescopes scientists do not explore the universe. To understand the processes in the cosmos, researchers feign Big Bang in gigantic devices and look with extremely sensitive detectors for the most elementary particles (1 page)

  14. The evolution of high energy accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Courant, E.D.


    In this lecture I would like to trace how high energy particle accelerators have grown from tools used for esoteric small-scale experiments to gigantic projects being hotly debated in Congress as well as in the scientific community

  15. Technology Disruptions in Future Communication Payloads (Technologies de rupture pour futures charges utiles de telecommunications)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Gayrard, Jean-Didier


    ...: gigantism, adaptation, or modularity. Any of these ways will require satellite payloads to evolve from present levels of complexity that are mainly suited for TV broadcasting and telephone trunking in the Ku and C bands, to a new...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Bovine fasciolosis is a parasitic disease of cattle caused by trematodes usually. Fasciola gigantic ... and impaired fertility [6,7]. The value of the .... especially males with good body condition, are transported to these cities with higher population ...

  17. Aneurisma gigante do segmento intracavernoso da carótida interna associado a doença renal policística autossômica dominante: relato de caso Giant aneurysm of the intracavernous internal carotid artery associated with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keven F. Ponte


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se o caso de mulher de 60 anos com doença renal policística autossômica dominante (DRPAD que desenvolveu quadro de cefaléia e oftalmoplegia completa à direita. A TC levantou a hipótese de um aneurisma gigante do segmento intracavernoso da carótida interna direita, o que foi confirmado pela arteriografia. Realizou-se, então, tratamento endovascular por oclusão do vaso parental com molas destacáveis no segmento supraclinóideo. A paciente evoluiu com a interrupção da cefaléia e com redução parcial da ptose e da oftalmoplegia. Neste artigo, enfatiza-se a relação entre DRPAD e aneurismas intracranianos. Comenta-se a história natural dos aneurismas originados no segmento intracavernoso da artéria carótida interna e comparam-se as opções terapêuticas no manejo destas lesões.We report the case of a 60 years-old woman with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD that presented with headache and right complete ophthalmoplegia. The CT scan raised the possibility of a giant aneurysm of the right intracavernous internal carotid artery, confirmed by angiography. The patient underwent endovascular occlusion of parent vessel with detachable coils, then she presented interruption of headache and partial recovery of ptosis and ophthalmoplegia. We emphasize the relationship between ADPKD and intracranial aneurysms. We also discuss the natural history and compare the therapeutic options for the management of giant aneurysms of the cavernous portion of the carotid artery.

  18. Dynamic nucleus deformability and its effect on the structure of photoabsorption cross section and photodisintegration characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhivopistsev, F.A.; Shitikova, K.V.


    Considered is a microscopic theory of specific highly excited states of atomic nuclei-gigantic dipole resonances. Special attention is paid to the effect of complex states of different nature on the structure of the gigantic resonance and characteristics of photodisintegration. The pinning process by more complex states (both of collective and noncollective nature) brings about a condition, when a number of quasiparticles is added to the filled shell, so that the spheric nucleus form would become unstable (to the change of surface properties, ect.). In this case the closed shell is broken, that causes an increase of deformability of the nucleus composition in a highly excited state. The statistical group of 2p2h, 3p3h, et. states is of great value in explanation of characteristics of atomic nuclei photodisintegration, for it provides a statistical, irreversible process of preequilibrium decomposition

  19. Growth hormone suppression test (United States)

    ... Acromegaly - blood test; Gigantism - blood test Images Blood test References Kaiser U, Ho KKY. Pituitary physiology and diagnostic evaluation. In: Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, Kronenberg HM, eds. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology . 13th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; ...

  20. Circulation in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea (EGITTO-NICOP) (United States)


    Circulation in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea (EGITTO-NICOP) Pierre-Marie Poulain Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica ...Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale,Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c,34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy, , 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER