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  1. O Trabalho Psíquico da Intersubjetividade

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    Maria Inês Assumpção Fernandes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho procura refletir sobre o trabalho psíquico da intersubjetividade nos grupos. Trata-se de pensá-lo na relação com a ruptura de investimentos durante o processo de Transformação x Criação, em primeiro lugar. A partir desse ponto, discutiremos a relação entre Transformação, Trabalho e Dispositivo. Neste caso pensamos nas possibilidades de intervenção, refletindo sobre a intervenção inpidual e a intervenção grupal. A questão da Transmissão Psíquica entre gerações será focalizada, fundamentalmente, no que se refere aos tempos lógicos do recalque.

  2. Em torno da causalidade e da causalidade psíquica

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    Olivier Douville

    Full Text Available O projeto deste artigo é retraçar um percurso. Partir do “mútuo engendramento do aparelho psíquico e do aparelho de linguagem” (A. Green para encontrar, no exame dos modelos do pensamento e do julgamento em Freud, os próprios princípios daquilo que, ao causar o psíquico, causa o sujeito e suas linhas de divisão. Em seguida, examinar a problemática da realidade da fala e do objeto no tratamento, para também contribuir com alguns grãos no debate: psicanálise e epistemologia contemporânea. Mostrando, aqui, que a causalidade de que se trata na intimidade do sujeito não é um “ponto de partida” dado para uma programação irredutível do sentido vivido, tentaremos indicar que a racionalidade psicanalítica vai bem mais longe do que queremos admitir.

  3. As saídas para o trabalho psíquico da adolescência




    O processo de adolescência coloca em questão o trabalho psíquico da elaboração do Édipo, do narcisismo e da problemática de separação. Como se desenvolvem estes processos ao longo do tempo e aonde é que eles chegam? A partir de romances propondo retratos da adolescência e de romances de juventude, de diários e de cartas da adolescência, mas também de pesquisas feitas com a metodologia projetiva junto a adolescentes e a criadores, o autor questiona o que se entende por « crescimento psíquico »...

  4. Os 4Ps do composto de marketing na literatura de Ciência da Informação


    Amaral,Sueli Angelica Do


    Analisa 60 documentos sobre os 4Ps do composto de marketing em unidades de informação da literatura de Ciência dei Informação no período de 1975 a 1995, para conhecer quantos e quais autores escreveram sobre o tema, qual o pioneiro, quem foi o pioneiro a propor adição de Ps. Apresenta a cronologia dos documentos estudados e discute as 4Ps do composto de marketing. Propõe a adoção da mais completa proposta analisada como forma de garantir o futuro das unidades de informação.

  5. Os 4Ps do composto de marketing na literatura de Ciência da Informação

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    Sueli Angelica Do Amaral

    Full Text Available Analisa 60 documentos sobre os 4Ps do composto de marketing em unidades de informação da literatura de Ciência dei Informação no período de 1975 a 1995, para conhecer quantos e quais autores escreveram sobre o tema, qual o pioneiro, quem foi o pioneiro a propor adição de Ps. Apresenta a cronologia dos documentos estudados e discute as 4Ps do composto de marketing. Propõe a adoção da mais completa proposta analisada como forma de garantir o futuro das unidades de informação.

  6. Sofrimento psíquico da equipe de enfermagem na assistência à criança hospitalizada

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    Juliane Pagliari


    Full Text Available Essa pesquisa objetivou apreender o sofrimento psíquico da equipe de enfermagem que assiste à criança hospitalizada e identificar a presença de sofrimento psíquico e as estratégias defensivas utilizadas pelos trabalhadores na dinâmica do trabalho. Os dados empíricos foram coletados por meio de entrevista e observação participante com profissionais de enfermagem do alojamento conjunto pediátrico de um hospital público no Oeste do Paraná, no período de 2003 a 2005, analisados qualitativamente por meio de uma organização dos dados em ordem determinada englobando o conjunto do material coletado, uma classificação inicial seguida da leitura repetida dos textos e classificação e reagrupamento dos temas relevantes determinando as unidades de análise. Observamos que o sofrimento psíquico ocorre em decorrência da organização do trabalho, da falta de recursos materiais e humanos, do não reconhecimento da instituição frente ao trabalho realizado, do relacionamento conflituoso entre profissionais da equipe de enfermagem com as crianças, com a família e com a equipe multiprofissional. Os mecanismos de defesa mais evidenciados foram fuga, negação e banalização. Os sentimentos desencadeados são estresse e ansiedade. Salienta-se a necessidade de repensar a forma de organização do trabalho na assistência à criança hospitalizada.

  7. In vitro degradation of the 32kDa PS II reaction centre protein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eckenswiller, L.C.; Greenberg, B.M.


    The 32kDa thylakoid membrane protein is an integral component of the PS II reaction centre. The protein, although stable in the dark, undergoes light dependent turnover. Light from the UV, visible and far-red spectral regions induce 32kDa protein degradation. To better understand 32kDa protein metabolism, an in vitro degradation system is being developed. It consists of isolated thylakoid membranes than contain radiolabelled protein. The 32kDa protein is actively and specifically degraded when the thylakoid preparation is exposed to UV or visible radiation. The protein is stable in the dark. The herbicides (atrazine and DCMU) inhibit degradation in the in vitro system as they do in vivo. Additionally, several methods of isolating thylakoids are being compared to optimize the 32kDa protein degradation reaction. The preparations will be evaluated based on their ability to permit light dependent degradation of the 32kDa protein without affecting the other membrane components

  8. Representação psíquica e teoria da linguagem nos textos iniciais freudianos: um estudo da monografia sobre as afasias

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    Érico Bruno Viana Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o tema da representação psíquica e sua vinculação com a linguagem na obra inicial de Freud. Apresenta os aspectos gerais da teoria da representação implícita no texto sobre as afasias e problematiza a leitura desses conceitos sob uma perspectiva contemporânea de linguagem. Defende que a teoria da representação, desde o início, está para além da estrutura da linguagem, pois essa abordagem é secundária à investigação do sentido das produções do inconsciente e das pulsões. Conclui que uma abordagem da representação sob o prisma da linguagem é um passo necessário, porém insuficiente, para o estudo da metapsicologia freudiana.

  9. Contribuições de Sándor Ferenczi para a compreensão dos efeitos psíquicos da violência sexual

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    Anna Paula Njaime Mendes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo teórico que apresenta os efeitos da violência sexual na infância sob a ótica de Sándor Ferenczi (1873-1933, psicanalista da primeira geração dos discípulos de Freud o qual conferiu grande importância ao trauma sexual e ao papel do adulto na constituição do psiquismo infantil. Serão analisadas suas contribuições - originadas da clínica com pacientes adultos que haviam sofrido abuso sexual na infância - privilegiando o artigo ferencziano, publicado em 1933, "Confusão de língua entre os adultos e a criança". A fim de compreender determinados movimentos psíquicos marcados pela ação da clivagem psíquica, pretendemos examinar a descrição de dois arranjos psíquicos: a identificação com o agressor e a progressão traumática ou prematuração, aportes teóricos ferenczianos que serão utilizados para uma reflexão clínica.

  10. O sofrimento psíquico na perspectiva da psicopatologia fundamental Psychic suffering from the fundamental psychopathology perspective

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    Paulo Ceccarelli


    Full Text Available Partindo da palavra PSICOPATOLOGIA, o autor mostra, de forma resumida, como cada contexto histórico tentou "decompor" o sofrimento psíquico em seus elementos de base para classificá-lo, estudá-lo e tratá-lo. Após uma breve apresentação da psicopatologia na contemporaneidade, o autor introduz os pressupostos da Psicopatologia Fundamental e suas contribuições na compreensão do sofrimento psíquico. Ainda que não seja objetivo do texto participar do debate atual sobre as diretrizes curriculares que norteiam a formação do psicólogo, o autor toma o estudo do conhecimento (logos da alma (psyché - a psicologia - como exemplo de um dos campos de aplicação da Psicopatologia Fundamental.From the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY the author briefly shows how each historical context had its own way to decompose psychic suffering in order to classify, study and search for its cure. After a short discussion about psychopathology in contemporaneity the author introduces the theoretical bases of Fundamental Psychopathology and its contributions to understanding psychic suffering. Although this text does not claim to participate in the debate about psychology students training, the author exemplifies through the study of the soul (psyche knowledge (logos one of the applications of Fundamental Psychopathology.

  11. Acoso laboral - daño psíquico Laboral abuse - psychological damage

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    Osvaldo Varela


    Full Text Available El escrito se enmarca en el proyecto UBACyT P433 El acoso laboral en la administración pública. Aportes de la psicología jurídica, de la Programación Científica 2008-2010, bajo la dirección del Profesor Osvaldo Varela. La temática abordaba en la actualidad constituye un área científica de vacancia a pesar de la importancia que día a día adquiere en el ámbito laboral y judicial. En esta ocasión se trabajará en la relación y articulación entre la noción de acoso laboral y la de daño psíquico, estimando que el acoso laboral provocaría en las personas que lo padecen un daño psíquico.This document is inserted in the UBACyT P433 project: The laboral abuse in the public administration. Juridic - psychology contribution, of 2008-2010 scientific program, under Professor Osvaldo Varela direction. The thematic approached in present days establish a scientific area of vacancy in front of the day by day importance in the laboral and judicial ambit. In this occasion the work will be done in the relation and articulation between the laboral abuse notion and the psychological damage, estimating that the laboral abuse will provoke in people that suffer it a psychological damage.

  12. A transmissão psíquica geracional

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    Vinícius Oliveira dos Santos

    Full Text Available O artigo seguinte refere-se a um estudo sobre como ocorre a transmissão psíquica entre as gerações e qual sua importância na constituição psíquica do sujeito. É também objetivo deste artigo explicar o que são as transmissões intergeracional e transgeracional. Para buscar respostas para essas questões, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a transmissão psíquica, pelo viés psicanalítico, principalmente a partir da teoria lacaniana e com conceitos oriundos da linguística saussuriana. Será a partir de uma determinada ordem simbólica, constituída pela linguagem que precede o sujeito, nomeado por Lacan como o Outro, que a transmissão psíquica entre gerações ganhará o seu caráter unívoco, sempre se tendo em mente a importância fundamental do recalcamento e de seus efeitos, bem como do retorno do recalcado nas diferentes gerações. A transmissão psíquica é necessária e concomitante à constituição do sujeito, e ocorre através da linguagem, dos significantes que irão determinar uma ordem simbólica para o ser que nasce através dos diferentes discursos que perpassam as gerações nas figuras dos pais desse novo ser. Essa ordem simbólica continuará a se fazer presente nesse novo sujeito pelo restante de sua existência. Este artigo busca dar nova luz ao aspecto da transmissão psíquica transgeracional, diferenciando-se da recalque s abordagens psicanalíticas contemporâneas por ser uma leitura lacaniana. Serão usados dois exemplos: um de como a transmissão aparece na cultura, outro, na subjetividade do sujeito através da arte.

  13. The four Ps of marketing mix in Information Science literature


    Amaral, Sueli Angelica Do


    Analisa 60 documentos sobre os 4Ps do composto de marketing cm unidades de informação da literatura de Ciência da Informação no período de 1975 a 1995, para conhecer quantos e quais autores escreveram sobre o tema, qual o pioneiro, quem foi o pioneiro a propor adição de Ps. Apresenta a cronologia dos documentos estudados e discute as 4Ps do composto de marketing. Propõe a adoção da mais completa proposta analisada como forma de garantir o futuro das unidades de informação. ___________________...

  14. Influência da temperatura, da massa molar e da distribuição de massa molar na tensão superficial de PS, PP e PE: experimento e teoria

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    Moreira José C.


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho a influência da temperatura, da massa molar (n e da distribuição de massa molar (MWD na tensão superficial de poliestireno (PS foi avaliada utilizando o método da gota pendente. A influência da temperatura na tensão superficial de polipropileno isotático (i-PP e de polietileno de baixa densidade (PELBD também foi estudada aqui. As teorias de Patterson-Rastogi e Dee-Sauer foram utilizadas em conjunção com a teoria de equação de estado de Flory, Orwoll, e Vrij (FOV para prever a tensão superficial (gama utilizando dados de pressão-volume-temperatura (PVT dos polímeros. Ambas teorias prevêem que a tensão superficial diminui linearmente com o aumento da temperatura e aumenta com a massa molar concordando com os resultados experimentais. Entretanto, ambas teorias subestimam a mudança de entropia de formação de superfície por unidade de área a volume constante para sistemas poliméricos de baixa massa molar e polidisperso e subestimam o efeito da distribuição de massa molar na tensão superficial

  15. Violência contra crianças/adolescentes em sofrimento psíquico e cuidado de enfermagem: reflexões da fenomenologia social


    Freitas, Rodrigo Jácob Moreira de; Moura, Natana Abreu de; Monteiro, Ana Ruth Macêdo


    RESUMO Objetivo : Refletir sobre a violência contra crianças e adolescentes em sofrimento psíquico e o cuidado de enfermagem a partir da fenomenologia social. Métodos : Estudo teórico fundamentada nas concepções de Alfred Schütz. Resultados : O sujeito em sofrimento psíquico apresenta conflitos nas relações familiares, estando imerso em uma situação biográfica que retira sua autonomia, contribuindo para que aconteça ações violentas. Trata-se de um fenômeno social expresso por meio das rela...

  16. Caracterização viscosimétrica de nanocompósitos híbridos PS/POSS Viscometric characterization of PS/POSS hybrid nanocomposites

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    Otávio Bianchi


    Full Text Available Nanocompósitos híbridos de poliestireno (PS e poliedros oligoméricos silsesquioxanos (POSS com diferentes composições e graus de hibridização foram obtidos por processamento reativo no estado fundido utilizando-se peróxido de dicumila (DCP como iniciador, na presença ou não de estireno como agente de transferência de radical. Os materiais foram caracterizados viscosimetricamente por cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC usando detecção tripla por espalhamento de luz, viscosimetria e índice de refração. As amostras PS/POSS processadas com estireno apresentaram maiores valores de massa molar ponderal média (Mw e menores valores de polidispersão (Mw/Mn, devido ao maior grau de conversão da reação de hibridização do PS-POSS (28-40% e do menor grau de degradação (cisão das cadeias do PS, quando comparadas com amostras PS/POSS processadas sem estireno nas quais o grau de conversão ficou em torno de 24-28%. Para os sistemas PS e PS/POSS em solução com THF, os parâmetros da equação de Mark-Houwink-Sakurada (MHS, α ≅ 0,7 e log K ≅ -3,5 a -3,9 e os valores dos parâmetros de interação polímero-solvente, χij ≅ 0,49, não apresentaram diferenças significativas com relação aos tamanhos moleculares. Por outro lado, essas diferenças de tamanhos moleculares foram caracterizadas por uma função cumulativa da fração mássica de cadeias em função da distância média quadrática entre pontas de cadeia (0½.Polystyrene (PS and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS hybrid nanocomposites with different compositions were obtained by reactive melt processing using dicumyl peroxide (DCP as initiator in the presence or absence of styrene as radical transfer agent. The materials were characterized by viscosimetry by means of gel permeation chromatography (GPC using triple-detector: light scattering, viscometer and refractive index. PS/POSS samples processed with styrene showed higher weight average molecular

  17. As saídas para o trabalho psíquico da adolescência Las salidas del trabajo psiquico de la adolescencia The issues of psychic work at adolescence

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    Michèle Emmanuelli


    Full Text Available O processo de adolescência coloca em questão o trabalho psíquico da elaboração do Édipo, do narcisismo e da problemática de separação. Como se desenvolvem estes processos ao longo do tempo e aonde é que eles chegam? A partir de romances propondo retratos da adolescência e de romances de juventude, de diários e de cartas da adolescência, mas também de pesquisas feitas com a metodologia projetiva junto a adolescentes e a criadores, o autor questiona o que se entende por « crescimento psíquico » e interroga o destino destas elaborações.Las salidas del trabajo psíquico de la adolescencia. El proceso de adolescencia pone en juego un trabajo psíquico de elaboración del Edipo, del narcisismo y de la problemática de separación. Cómo se despliega con el paso del tiempo este proceso y qué consigue? A partir de novelas que ofrecen retratos de adolescencia y novelas de juventud, diarios y cartas de adolescentes, pero también de investigaciones llevadas a cabo a partir de la metodología proyectiva ante adolescentes, de jóvenes adultos y de creadores, el autor plantea la pregunta de aquéllo que sostiene el “ crecimiento psíquico ”, e interroga los destinos de estas elaboraciones.The process of adolescence triggers psychic elaboration work on the Oedipus, on narcissism and the problem of separation. How is this process expressed through time and what are the results? Based on fictional work furnishing portraits of adolescents and young people, the personal diaries and letters of adolescents, but also research carried out using projective methods with random adolescents, adults and creative people, the author reflects about what underlies “ psychic growth ” and considers the various destinies of its elaboration.

  18. Sofrimento psíquico e trabalho

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    Sarah Rosa Salles Vieira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo aprofunda questões clínico-téoricas relacionadas especificamente ao trabalho docente e ao sofrimento psíquico a ele relacionado a partir da observação clínica e vivência grupal nos atendimentos terapêuticos ocupacionais realizados no Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São Paulo "Francisco Morato de Oliveira" (HSPE-FMO. Partindo dos estudos acerca da Psicopatologia do Trabalho de Christophe Dejours, do trabalho docente e do relato de um caso clínico, caracteriza a problemática do sofrimento no trabalho, os sistemas de defesa contra este sofrimento, a ameaça à subjetividade do próprio trabalhador, as representações e conflitos vivenciados no trabalho docente, bem como a relação aditiva estabelecida como uma estratégia inconsciente de sobrevivência psíquica.

  19. Transmissão psíquica entre as gerações

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    Olga B. Ruiz Correa


    Full Text Available O reconhecimento da alienação da subjetividade, comprometida numa transmissão psíquica geracional defeituosa, possibilita um novo olhar clínico sobre as patologias da modernidade. O vínculo mãe-bebê e o grupo familiar constituem o berço psíquico do sujeito, constituído por uma tecelagem grupal geracional que poderíamos denominar arquivos de família. Os processos de transmissão são sustentados por mecanismos de identificação junto a um interjogo de projeções-introjeções e incorporações, assim como por uma referência ao superego parental. Neste espaço psíquico intersubjetivo se processa a transmissão psíquica geracional, que precisa ser metabolizada e sofrer transformações. Na clínica do grupo familiar são considerados os traços traumáticos e feridas narcisistas que são transmitidos como restos do "negativo", sem modificação e de forma repetitiva, nos persos vínculos do espaço grupal-familiar, gerando, assim, persos sintomas e sofrimento intra e intersubjetivo.

  20. Reflexões a cerca das estruturas psíquicas e a prática do Ciberbullying no contexto da escola

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    Jefferson Cabral Azevedo

    Full Text Available Estudo teórico a cerca do Bullying e o Ciberbullying na escola e sua relação com as estruturas psíquicas dos sujeitos envolvidos nesta prática. O objetivo é refletir sobre a potencialização do Bullying na escola por meio dos ambientes virtuais e das redes de computadores, bem como relacionar estas questões com as estruturas psíquicas dos sujeitos envolvidos. Dentro desta perspectiva, pergunta-se: qual é a relação existente a potencialização do Bullying na escola com o aumento de convivência no ciberespaço? Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Constata-se que vivemos na era da informação, de rápidas mudanças nas estruturas sociais e em suas relações. Portanto, há ressignificação dos papéis e a reconstrução dos parâmetros exercidos pela apropriação da convivência diária, não mais fechados e inertes. Poder acessar em tempo real toda sorte de informação de qualquer lugar do mundo, bem como suas principais fontes, representa uma forte mudança de paradigma social e proporciona um futuro cheio de possibilidades e fluidez. Tais fatos, com facilidade do ciberespaço e nas tendências trazidas por ele, são espraiadas pela virtualização das relações nas Redes Sociais.

  1. On the crystallization behavior of syndiotactic-b-atactic polystyrene stereodiblock copolymers, atactic/syndiotactic polystyrene blends, and aPS/sPS blends modified with sPS-b-aPS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Annunziata, Liana, E-mail: [Organométalliques et Catalyse, UMR 6226 Sciences Chimiques CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes Cedex (France); Monasse, Bernard, E-mail: [Mines-ParisTech, CEMEF, Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux, UMR CNRS 7635, Sophia Antipolis (France); Rizzo, Paola; Guerra, Gaetano [Dipartimento di Chimica e Biologia, Università degli studi di Salerno, Via Ponte don Melillo, I-84084 Fisciano, SA (Italy); Duc, Michel [Total Petrochemicals Research Feluy, Zone Industrielle Feluy C, B-7181 Seneffe (Belgium); Carpentier, Jean-François, E-mail: [Organométalliques et Catalyse, UMR 6226 Sciences Chimiques CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes Cedex (France)


    Crystallization and morphological features of syndiotactic-b-atactic polystyrene stereodiblock copolymers (sPS-b-aPS), atactic/syndiotactic polystyrene blends (aPS/sPS), and aPS/sPS blends modified with sPS-b-aPS, with different compositions in aPS and sPS, have been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized light optical microscopy (POM) and wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXRD) techniques. For comparative purposes, the properties of parent pristine sPS samples were also studied. WAXRD analyses revealed for all the samples, independently from their composition (aPS/sPS ratio) and structure (blends, block copolymers, blends modified with block copolymers), the same polymorphic β form of sPS. The molecular weight of aPS and sPS showed opposite effects on the crystallization of 50:50 aPS/sPS blends: the lower the molecular weight of aPS, the slower the crystallization while the lower the molecular weight of sPS, the faster the crystallization. DSC studies performed under both isothermal and non-isothermal conditions, independently confirmed by POM studies, led to a clear trend for the crystallization rate at a given sPS/aPS ratio (ca. 50:50 and 20:80): sPS homopolymers > sPS-b-aPS block copolymers ∼sPS/aPS blends modified with sPS-b-aPS copolymers > sPS/aPS blends. Interestingly, sPS-b-aPS block copolymers not only crystallized faster than blends, but also affected positively the crystallization behavior of blends. At 50:50 sPS/aPS ratio, blends (Blend-2), block copolymers (Cop-1) and blends modified with block copolymers (Blend-2-mod) crystallized via spherulitic crystalline growth controlled by an interfacial process. In all cases, an instantaneous nucleation was observed. The density of nuclei in block copolymers (160,000−190,000 nuclei mm{sup −3}) was always higher than that in blends and modified blends (30,000−60,000 nuclei mm{sup −3}), even for quite different sPS/aPS ratio. At 20:80 sPS/aPS ratio, the block copolymers

  2. Próteses psíquicas: a psicofarmacologia como biotecnologia e a téchne trágica da psicanálise

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    Glaucia Dunley

    Full Text Available Considerando a relevância do estudo das próteses na cultura informacional contemporânea, e aproximando-o do campo psicopatológico através da idéia dos psicofármacos funcionando como próteses psíquicas, pretendo problematizar a inserção das novas tecnologias – especialmente as biotecnologias, como a psicofarmacologia – no projeto de longa duração da metafísica, descortinando a lógica da vontade de poder em jogo, e suas máscaras. Procurando formas de resistir a esta disponibilização sem fim do real, pela qual o próprio sujeito se vê atingido, objetivando-se das mais variadas formas, a psicanálise se configura como téchne trágica, herdeira de uma transmissão estética e ética da existência, propondose a restituir ao homem contemporâneo um saber sobre a sua própria tragicidade, pela qual seria possível afirmar um bem-viver em que a dor de existir não ficaria encoberta.

  3. Nuclear 82-kDa choline acetyltransferase decreases amyloidogenic APP metabolism in neurons from APP/PS1 transgenic mice. (United States)

    Albers, Shawn; Inthathirath, Fatima; Gill, Sandeep K; Winick-Ng, Warren; Jaworski, Ewa; Wong, Daisy Y L; Gros, Robert; Rylett, R Jane


    Alzheimer disease (AD) is associated with increased amyloidogenic processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to β-amyloid peptides (Aβ), cholinergic neuron loss with decreased choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity, and cognitive dysfunction. Both 69-kDa ChAT and 82-kDa ChAT are expressed in cholinergic neurons in human brain and spinal cord with 82-kDa ChAT localized predominantly to neuronal nuclei, suggesting potential alternative functional roles for the enzyme. By gene microarray analysis, we found that 82-kDa ChAT-expressing IMR32 neural cells have altered expression of genes involved in diverse cellular functions. Importantly, genes for several proteins that regulate APP processing along amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic pathways are differentially expressed in 82-kDa ChAT-containing cells. The predicted net effect based on observed changes in expression patterns of these genes would be decreased amyloidogenic APP processing with decreased Aβ production. This functional outcome was verified experimentally as a significant decrease in BACE1 protein levels and activity and a concomitant reduction in the release of endogenous Aβ1-42 from neurons cultured from brains of AD-model APP/PS1 transgenic mice. The expression of 82-kDa ChAT in neurons increased levels of GGA3, which is involved in trafficking BACE1 to lysosomes for degradation. shRNA-induced decreases in GGA3 protein levels attenuated the 82-kDa ChAT-mediated decreases in BACE1 protein and activity and Aβ1-42 release. Evidence that 82-kDa ChAT can enhance GGA3 gene expression is shown by enhanced GGA3 gene promoter activity in SN56 neural cells expressing this ChAT protein. These studies indicate a novel relationship between cholinergic neurons and APP processing, with 82-kDa ChAT acting as a negative regulator of Aβ production. This decreased formation of Aβ could result in protection for cholinergic neurons, as well as protection of other cells in the vicinity that are sensitive to

  4. The chitinase C gene PsChiC from Pseudomonas sp. and its synergistic effects on larvicidal activity

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    Wanfang Zhong


    Full Text Available Pseudomonas sp. strain TXG6-1, a chitinolytic gram-negative bacterium, was isolated from a vegetable field in Taixing city, Jiangsu Province, China. In this study, a Pseudomonas chitinase C gene (PsChiC was isolated from the chromosomal DNA of this bacterium using a pair of specific primers. The PsChiC gene consisted of an open reading frame of 1443 nucleotides and encoded 480 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 51.66 kDa. The deduced PsChiC amino acid sequence lacked a signal sequence and consisted of a glycoside hydrolase family 18 catalytic domain responsible for chitinase activity, a fibronectin type III-like domain (FLD and a C-terminal chitin-binding domain (ChBD. The amino acid sequence of PsChiCshowed high sequence homology (> 95% with chitinase C from Serratia marcescens. SDS-PAGE showed that the molecular mass of chitinase PsChiC was 52 kDa. Chitinase assays revealed that the chitobiosidase and endochitinase activities of PsChiCwere 51.6- and 84.1-fold higher than those of pET30a, respectively. Although PsChiC showed little insecticidal activity towards Spodoptera litura larvae, an insecticidal assay indicated that PsChiC increased the insecticidal toxicity of SpltNPV by 1.78-fold at 192 h and hastened death. These results suggest that PsChiC from Pseudomonas sp. could be useful in improving the pathogenicity of baculoviruses.

  5. A “adoção psíquica” e suas dificuldades

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    José Roberto de Almeida Correia

    Full Text Available Visando prevenir distúrbios psíquicos precoces, nós nos interessamos pela articulação do psicanalista com o pediatra e a assistente social no atendimento público de nossa região. Neste contexto, apresentamos reflexões surgidas no Centro Médico Psicopedagógico Infantil, CEMPI, desenvolvidas pelo Grupo Psicanálise e Pediatria. Procuramos entender fatores em causa na adoção, e nos seus impedimentos. Estabelecemos a hipótese de que é a assunção da fantasia relacionada com a criança que dá lugar à adoção da fantasia realizando assim a “adoção psíquica”. Dificuldades no investimento dos pais se traduzem em transtornos da “adoção psíquica”. Distinguimos: adoção bem-sucedida, adoção recusada (autismo, abandono e adoção não decidida. Tentamos desenvolver os conceitos propostos buscando basear a construção de suas formulações na literatura e em situações clínicas. A necessidade de formular esses conceitos e suas articulações justifica-se pelo entendimento de que as situações clínicas a eles associadas são terreno de escolha para a intervenção precoce.

  6. Fatores associados ao sofrimento psíquico de policiais militares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Factors associated with psychological distress among military police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Edinilsa Ramos de Souza


    Full Text Available Nesse artigo, foram investigados fatores associados ao sofrimento psíquico dos policiais militares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, a partir de estudo transversal com 1.120 policiais, sendo caracterizados o perfil socioeconômico e demográfico, a qualidade de vida, as suas condições de saúde e de trabalho. Para mensurar o sofrimento psíquico, utilizou-se o Self-Reported Questionnaire. Na análise de associações, usou-se o modelo de regressão logística, considerando-se variáveis relacionadas ao sofrimento psíquico. Os resultados indicaram associação entre sofrimento psíquico e fatores como: capacidade de reagir a situações difíceis e grau de satisfação com a vida; problemas de saúde, sobretudo, digestivos, nervosos, musculares e ósseos; e condições adversas de trabalho, como carga excessiva, constante exposição ao estresse e à vitimização. Conclui-se apontando a necessidade de intervenções que visem à promoção da saúde desses profissionais, sobretudo da sua saúde mental.This study investigates factors associated with psychological distress among military police (n = 1,120 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The article describes their social, economic, and demographic characteristics, quality of life, mental health, and work conditions. Measurement of psychological distress used the Self-Reported Questionnaire. Analysis of associations used logistic regression, considering factors associated with psychological distress. The results indicate an association between psychological distress and factors such as ability to react to difficult situations, dissatisfaction with life, health problems (especially digestive, nervous, and musculoskeletal symptoms, and adverse work conditions such as excessive workload, constant stress, and victimization. The article concludes by highlighting the need for health promotion interventions for the military police, focusing especially on their mental health.

  7. Theoretical considerations regarding the existence of PsO and PsS+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farazdel, A.; Cade, P.E.


    It has been proposed from experimental studies and in analogy with hydrogen compounds that PsO may be an entity of some importance, or an intermediate, in the reaction of positronium, Ps, with aqueous oxyacid species such as H 2 PO 4 - , HSO 4 - , ClO 4 - , and NO 3 - . This communication explores the stability of PsO and PsS, or [O - :e + ] and [S - :e + ], respectively, relative to dissociation into Ps and O( 3 P) or S( 3 P) on the basis of restricted Hartree-Fock calculations for the PsO and PsS systems and certain correlation correction arguments. A reasonable lower estimate of the dissociation energy to Y+Ps of >-0.47 eV for PsO and >0.70 eV for PsS is obtained. It is suggested that a modest correlation correction to the positron affinity (PA) of O - would very probably lead to a bound state system for PsO. (Auth.)

  8. Asymmetric PS-block-(PS-co-PB)-block-PS block copolymers: morphology formation and deformation behaviour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adhikari, Rameshwar; Huy, Trinh An; Buschnakowski, Matthias; Michler, Goerg H; Knoll, Konrad


    Morphology formation and deformation behaviour of asymmetric styrene/butadiene triblock copolymers (total polystyrene (PS) content ∼70%) consisting of PS outer blocks held apart by a styrene-co-butadiene random copolymer block (PS-co-PB) each were investigated. The techniques used were differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy, uniaxial tensile testing and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. A significant shift of the phase behaviour relative to that of a neat symmetric triblock copolymer was observed, which can be attributed to the asymmetric architecture and the presence of PS-co-PB as a soft block. The mechanical properties and the microdeformation phenomena were mainly controlled by the nature of their solid-state morphology. Independent of morphology type, the soft phase was found to deform to a significantly higher degree of orientation when compared with the hard phase

  9. Synthesis of NiPS3 and CoPS and its hydrogen storage capacity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ismail, N.; Madian, M.; El-Meligi, A.A.


    Highlights: • Preparation of NiPS 3 and CoPS using solid state reaction. • Characterization of compounds using XRD, TEM, SEM and IR. • Measuring the compounds thermal stability. • Estimation of the hydrogen storage capacity. -- Abstract: Prepared CoPS and NiPS 3 are studied as new materials for hydrogen energy storage. Single phase of CoPS and NiPS 3 were grown separately in evacuated silicatube via solid state reaction at 650 °C with controlled heating rate 1 °C/min. X-ray diffraction patterns confirm the formation of the desired compounds. Both CoPS and NiPS 3 exhibited high thermal stability up to 700 °C and 630 °C, respectively. The morphology of the prepared samples was investigated using scanning electron microscopy and folded sheets appeared in the transmission electron microscopy. The samples were exposed to 20 bar applied hydrogen pressure at 80 K. Both compounds appear to have feasible hydrogen storage capacity. CoPS was capable to adsorb 1.7 wt% while NiPS 3 storage capacity reached 1.2 wt%

  10. Recalque originário, gênero e sofrimento psíquico Recalque originario, género y sufrimiento psíquico Originary repression, gender and psychic suffering

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    Felippe Figueiredo Lattanzio


    Full Text Available São propostas, neste artigo, articulações entre o recalque originário, compreendido desde a teoria da sedução generalizada de Jean Laplanche, e o conceito de gênero. O enfoque principal será o papel da alteridade na formação do conflito psíquico em suas relações com o gênero, o sexo e a identificação. Por essas articulações, procura-se demonstrar como o conceito de gênero ocupa lugar fundamental dentro da metapsicologia psicanalítica. Em seguida, serão exploradas as vicissitudes que a identidade de gênero pode vir a assumir na masculinidade e na feminilidade, procurando entender a especificidade do sofrimento psíquico ligado a cada uma dessas categorias.Se proponen, en el presente artículo, articulaciones entre el recalque originario, comprendido a partir de la teoría de la seducción generalizada de Jean Laplanche, y el concepto de género. El enfoque principal será el rol de la alteridad en la formación del conflicto psíquico, en sus relaciones con el género, el sexo y la identificación. A partir de esas articulaciones, se buscará demostrar cómo el concepto de género ocupa un lugar fundamental en la metapsicología psicoanalítica. Posteriormente, se explorará las vicisitudes que la identificación de género puede asumir en la masculinidad y en la femineidad, buscando entender la especificidad del sufrimiento psíquico ligado a cada una de esas categorías.From Jean Laplanche's theory of general seduction, articulations between primal repression and gender are proposed in the present article. The main focus will be the role of otherness in the formation of psychic conflict, especially in its relations to gender, sex and identification. From these articulations, we will aim to demonstrate how the concept of gender occupies a fundamental place in psychoanalytical metapsychology. Next, the vicissitudes that gender identity can assume both in masculinity and femininity will be explored, bringing forth an

  11. Uma contribuição para a discussão sobre as imagens psíquicas no contexto da Psicologia Analítica

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    Paulo Afrânio Sant'Anna


    Full Text Available A discussão sobre a natureza das imagens psíquicas ocorre desde os primórdios da Psicologia. Nas últimas décadas, o tema vem ganhando destaque em todas as abordagens, notadamente em modalidades clínicas que se apóiam predominantemente no discurso imagético. Para a Psicologia Analítica, a questão da imagem tem sido tema de diversas discussões, destacando-se três direcionamentos teórico-práticos - clássico, desenvolvimentista e arquetípico -, que vão determinar diferentes perspectivas sobre a questão. Observa-se uma tendência em abordar a imagem a partir de sua própria fenomenologia, em detrimento de sua interpretação e, apesar da importância das imagens para o contexto clínico, o tema está praticamente ausente dos programas de graduação em Psicologia e da própria estruturação das teorias psicológicas. Nesse sentido, algumas propostas são discutidas a título de possibilidades de aprendizado e de teorização no campo da imagem. Como a relação dialética entre teoria e prática é necessária para que a teoria permaneça atualizada e vitalmente ligada à realidade sociocultural contemporânea, por meio de dados obtidos em entrevistas com psicoterapeutas brasileiros, buscou-se identificar contribuições para a discussão sobre as imagens no contexto clínico.

  12. The PrPS4 type structure and a filled variant: the compounds TbPS4 and LiEuPS4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joergens, S.; Alili, L.; Mewis, A.


    Colourless single crystals of TbPS 4 (a = 10.696(2), c = 19.053(4) Aa) were obtained by reaction of the elements (750 C; 30 h). The compound crystallizes with the PrPS 4 type structure (I4 1 /acd; Z = 16). The structure consists of isolated PS 4 tetrahedra each surrounded by four Tb 3+ cations. Both crystallographically different Tb 3+ cations are coordinated by eight sulfur atoms which are part of four PS 4 tetrahedra. Orange single crystals of LiEuPS 4 (a = 11.498(2), c = 19.882(4) Aa) were prepared by reaction of Eu and P with Li 2 S 4 (700 C; 20 h). The crystal structure corresponds to the PrPS 4 type, in which tubes running along [001] are occupied by Li atoms, which are surrounded by four S atoms in strongly distorted tetrahedra. LiS 4 and PS 4 tetrahedra are connected via common edges into alternating chains. (orig.)


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    CARVALHO José Carlos de Paula


    Full Text Available Propõe-se estudar os dinamismos simbólicos-organizacionais não-manifestos da cultura de um grupo-classe através das heurísticas da culturanálise de grupos, assim evidenciando os mitemas que atuam como organizadores psíquicos da socialidade do grupo dentro de uma cultura escolar francófona.

  14. Immunogenesity of spesific protein molecular weight 16 KDa (PS16 leaf of siam citrus infected by citrus vein phloem degeneration (CVPD disease

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    Made Sritamin


    Full Text Available Citrus Vein Phloem degeneration (CVPD is an important citrus disese, which damaged citrus plantation and causing decrease of citrus production. In Indonesia, the CVPD disease caused by Liberobacter asiaticum bactery and the disease spread out by vectir insect Diaphorina citri and using infected bud in wood grafting. In infected citrus plant, two specific protein molecules with molecular weigt 16 kDa and 66 kDa are found. These protein molecules are not found in healthy citrus plant. The immunogenicity of PS16 accumulated on leaf of citrus plant infected by CVPD is known yet. The research material were leaves of citrus plant infected CVPD, leaves of healthy citrus plant and reagent used these research are for isolation of the total protein leaf of citrus plant, SDS-PAGE electroforesis, electroelution of PS16, ELISA Methods, Dot-Blot Method, anti-PS16 as aprimery antibody and secondary antibody is anti-Rabbit IgG Conjugated AP. The result of the research showed that of PS16 accumulated on leaf of citrus plant infected CVPD has immunogenic character. It is indicated by increase of the titer anti-PS16 after first immunization ang 2nd booster by indirect ELISA method and can be used to induce antibody (anti-PS16 and so showed that positive reaction between PS16 with anti-PS16. It is indicated by purples dark blue on cellulose membrane by Dot Blot method.

  15. Characterization of cucurbita maxima phloem serpin-1 (CmPS-1). A developmentally regulated elastase inhibitor. (United States)

    Yoo, B C; Aoki, K; Xiang, Y; Campbell, L R; Hull, R J; Xoconostle-Cázares, B; Monzer, J; Lee, J Y; Ullman, D E; Lucas, W J


    We report on the molecular, biochemical, and functional characterization of Cucurbita maxima phloem serpin-1 (CmPS-1), a novel 42-kDa serine proteinase inhibitor that is developmentally regulated and has anti-elastase properties. CmPS-1 was purified to near homogeneity from C. maxima (pumpkin) phloem exudate and, based on microsequence analysis, the cDNA encoding CmPS-1 was cloned. The association rate constant (k(a)) of phloem-purified and recombinant His(6)-tagged CmPS-1 for elastase was 3.5 +/- 1.6 x 10(5) and 2.7 +/- 0.4 x 10(5) m(-)(1) s(-)(1), respectively. The fraction of complex-forming CmPS-1, X(inh), was estimated at 79%. CmPS-1 displayed no detectable inhibitory properties against chymotrypsin, trypsin, or thrombin. The elastase cleavage sites within the reactive center loop of CmPS-1 were determined to be Val(347)-Gly(348) and Val(350)-Ser(351) with a 3:2 molar ratio. In vivo feeding assays conducted with the piercing-sucking aphid, Myzus persicae, established a close correlation between the developmentally regulated increase in CmPS-1 within the phloem sap and the reduced ability of these insects to survive and reproduce on C. maxima. However, in vitro feeding experiments, using purified phloem CmPS-1, failed to demonstrate a direct effect on aphid survival. Likely roles of this novel phloem serpin in defense against insects/pathogens are discussed.

  16. Aspectos Psicossociais do Trabalho e Sofrimento Psíquico na Estratégia de Saúde da Família

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    Izadora Joseane Borrajo Moreira


    Full Text Available Justificativa e objetivos: O estresse ocupacional pode estar relacionado ao surgimento de doenças físicas e psíquicas. Objetiva-se avaliar a associação dos aspectos psicossociais do trabalho, de acordo com o Modelo Demanda-Controle, com a ocorrência de transtornos mentais entre os trabalhadores das Estratégias de Saúde da Família em Santa Cruz do Sul, RS. Métodos: estudo com abordagem epidemiológica, de corte transversal e quantitativo. A população alvo do estudo foi constituída por 89 profissionais, entre médicos, enfermeiros, técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem (TE e agentes comunitários de saúde, pertencentes às equipes das 11 Estratégias de Saúde da Família do município de Santa Cruz do Sul. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo questões sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e outras pertencentes à Job Stress Scale e ao Self Reporting Questionnaire. Resultados: Constatou-se que 30,1% dos profissionais apresentavam alta demanda e baixo controle sobre o trabalho, resultando em alta exposição ao desenvolvimento de estresse ocupacional. A prevalência de transtorno mental comum nos profissionais submetidos ao trabalho de alta exigência foi de 38%. Conclusão: Frente a esses resultados preocupantes faz-se necessário que se tomem atitudes visando a prevenção ou redução do estresse laboral e do adoecimento no trabalho. DESCRITORES: Estresse Psicológico. Saúde do Trabalhador. Saúde Mental. Atenção Primária à Saúde.

  17. Minor psychiatric disorders among nurses university faculties Disturbios psíquicos menores en enfermeros docentes universitarios Distúrbios psíquicos menores em enfermeiros docentes de universidades

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    Juliana Petri Tavares


    Full Text Available This cross-sectional study addresses 130 nursing faculty members in federal universities from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It investigated the psychological demands and decision latitude (the Demand-Control Model by Karasek and their association with Minor Psychological Disorders (MPDs. The Brazilian versions of the Self-Report-Questionnaire-20 and the Job Stress Scale were used. MPDs were prevalent in 20% of the studied individuals. After adjusting for potential confounders, the chances of participants presenting mental disorders were higher in the quadrant 'active strain jobs' (OR=14.23, 95% CI 1.55 to 130.73, followed by the 'high strain jobs' quadrant (OR=10.05, 95% CI 1.23 to 82.44, compared to nursing professors classified in the 'low strain jobs' quadrant. We conclude that high psychological demands and low control over work can cause disorders in nursing professors, among them, MPDs.Estudio epidemiológico seccional entre 130 enfermeros docentes de las universidades federales del estado de Rio Grande do Sul, en Brasil, que tuvo como objetivo investigar la demanda psicológica y el control del trabajo (Modelo Demanda-Control de Karasek y sus asociaciones con Disturbios Psíquicos Menores. Se utilizaron las versiones brasileñas del Self-Report-Questionnaire-20 y del Job Stress Scale. La prevalencia de Disturbios Psíquicos Menores fue del 20,1%. Después de ajustar los posibles factores de confusión, las posibilidades de trastornos psíquicos fueron mayores en el cuadrante Trabajo Activo (OR=14,13; IC95%=1,55-130,73, seguido del cuadrante Alta exigencia (OR=10,05; IC95%=1,23-82,44, en comparación con los enfermeros docentes del cuadrante Baja Exigencia. Se concluyó que la alta demanda psicológica y el bajo control del trabajo pueden provocar daños a la salud, entre ellos los Disturbios Psíquicos Menores en enfermeros docentes.Trata-se de estudo epidemiológico seccional, incluindo 130 enfermeiros docentes das Universidades Federais do

  18. Fatores de risco psíquico ao desenvolvimento infantil: implicações para a fonoaudiologia Psychical risk factors to the child development: implications on speech-language and hearing therapy


    Luciele Dias Oliveira; Mariana Rodrigues Flores; Ana Paula Ramos de Souza


    TEMA: fatores de risco psíquico ao desenvolvimento infantil e as implicações para a fonoaudiologia. OBJETIVOS: estudar, por meio de uma revisão teórica os riscos psíquicos ao desenvolvimento infantil, com ênfase nos riscos para aquisição da linguagem, e discutir as implicações para a atuação fonoaudiológica em idade precoce. CONCLUSÃO: a partir da literatura revisada, constatou-se que crianças que convivem com riscos biológicos e, sobretudo psíquicos, nos primeiros anos de vida, são mais prop...

  19. Percepções do sofrimento psíquico na obra de Patativa do Assaré

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    Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda as "Percepções do Sofrimento Psíquico na obra de Patativa do Assaré" a partir de pesquisa sob perspectiva transdisciplinar, onde desenvolveu-se uma investigação no sentido de verificar quais características comuns que podem ser consideradas como identitárias da cultura cearense e que se encontram expressas em manifestações da poesia popular. O estudo dos valores de identidade e identificações, relacionados ao sentido de territorialidade existente nos indivíduos que ocupam determinado espaço geográfico, serviu como situação para se delimitar um contexto onde processos psíquicos ocorrem e que marcam a vida destes indivíduos. A obra do poeta popular cearense Patativa do Assaré e sua própria existência individual serviu como parâmetro para a verificação dos conceitos elaborados ao longo do estudo, sendo possível fazer relações entre o sentido de ser cearense definindo-se alguns dos aspectos de identificações culturais consolidados em um determinado espaço territorial possíveis de serem articulados através de processos psíquicos.

  20. Clínica sensível à cultura popular na atenção ao sofrimento psíquico grave

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    Ileno Izídio da Costa


    Full Text Available Este estudo problematiza a atenção em saúde mental, resgatando a cultura popular como forma de encontro afetivo, cuidado e criação na clínica do sofrimento psíquico grave. Por meio de reflexão teórica, articularemos o conceito de cultura popular à noção de presença sensível e ambiente suficientemente bom. Compreendemos a cultura popular, no campo da saúde mental, pelo jogo do conformismo e da resistência frente à cultura hegemônica. Ressaltamos a importância de uma atenção sensível aos modos de expressão da cultura popular no cotidiano dos serviços de saúde mental, a partir de uma postura ética e estética frente ao sofrimento psíquico grave.

  1. Determination of grafting conversion degree in PS/PS-graft-POSS/POSS hybrid nanocomposites obtained through reactive processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bianchi, Otavio; Repenning, Gustavo B.; Mauler, Raquel S.; Oliveira, Ricardo V.B.; Canto, Leonardo B.


    Hybrid nanocomposites of polystyrene (PS) and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) - PS/PS-graft-POSS/POSS - with different grafting degrees were prepared by reactive melt processing using dicumyl peroxide (DCP) as initiator in the presence or absence of styrene monomer as radical transfer agent. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) using triple-detector and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR 1 H) analyses were used together to determine the conversion degree of PS-graft-POSS as a function of the reactive processing conditions adopted. GPC was employed to evaluate the effects of grafting (PS-graft-POSS) and PS chains degradation (β scission) that occur simultaneously during processing on the variation of average molecular masses and distributions for each PS/POSS sample. PS/POSS systems processed with styrene showed higher weight average molecular weights (M w ) and lower polydispersity indexes (M w /M n ), as a result of higher grafting (PS-graft-POSS) conversion (28-40%) and lower PS chain degradation level, as compared to PS/POSS systems processed without styrene in which the degree of grafting conversion was around 25-28%. (author)

  2. Sofrimento psíquico da família de crianças hospitalizadas El sufrimiento psiquico de la familia de niños hospitalizados Psychological suffering of the families of hospitalized chidren

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    Karina Milanesi


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se apreender a percepção da família das crianças hospitalizadas acerca do sofrimento psíquico, identificar situações da assistência desencadeadoras de estresse, e estratégias defensivas utilizadas pela família. Para coletar dados utilizou-se entrevista semi-estruturada. A análise qualitativa seguiu os princípios de interpretação de textos. A mãe está exposta a pressões geradoras de sofrimento psíquico, expressando-o em atitudes agressivas, sentimentos de culpa, preocupações, medo. O sofrimento é desencadeado tanto pela estrutura física quanto pela organização do trabalho. As estratégias defensivas são evitar falar da hospitalização, chorar, desabafar, afastar-se do local gerador do sofrimento. Percebe-se a necessidade de implantar novas condutas na organização do trabalho para construir uma prática assistencial que atenda às necessidades da criança e família.Esto estudio tubo como objetivo aprehender la percepción de la familia de niños hospitalizados acerca del sufrimiento psíquico, identificar situaciones de la asistencia que llevaran al estríese y las estrategias defensoras utilizadas. Los datos fueron colectados por medio de la entrevista seme-estructurada y para el analices se utilizó los principios de la interpretación de textos. La madre es expuesta a presiones que llevan al sufrimiento psíquico, lo cual es demostrado por medio de actitudes agresivas; sentimientos de culpa; preocupaciones y medo. Las estrategias defensoras usadas son no hablar acerca de la hospitalización; llorar; desahogar; salir de donde el sufrimiento viene. Pudo se notar que es preciso mudar las conductas en la organización de trabajo para que se pueda construir una practica asistencial que se vuelta a la necesidad de la familia y sus niños.The aim in this study is to understand the child hospitalized family perceptions about the psychic suffering, to identify the presence of situation in the childcare that caused

  3. ps-ro Fuzzy Open(Closed Functions and ps-ro Fuzzy Semi-Homeomorphism

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    Pankaj Chettri


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to introduce and characterize some new class of functions in a fuzzy topological space termed as ps-ro fuzzy open(closed functions, ps-ro fuzzy pre semiopen functions and ps-ro fuzzy semi-homeomorphism. The interrelation among these concepts and also their relations with the parallel existing concepts are established. It is also shown with the help of examples that these newly introduced concepts are independent of the well known existing allied concepts.

  4. Last PS magnet refurbished

    CERN Multimedia


    PS Magnet Refurbishment Programme Completed. The 51st and final refurbished magnet was transported to the PS on Tuesday 3 February. The repair and consolidation work on the PS started back in 2003 when two magnets and a busbar connection were found to be faulty during routine high-voltage tests. The cause of the fault was a combination of age and radiation on electrical insulation. After further investigation the decision was taken to overhaul half of the PS’s 100 magnets to reduce the risk of a similar fault. As from 20 February the PS ring will start a five-week test programme to be ready for operation at the end of March.

  5. A relação linguagem, pensamento e ação na microgênese das funções psíquicas superiores

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    Jairo Werner


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar, de forma concreta, a mediação da fala na constituição das funções psíquicas superiores do sujeito, buscando articular autores da vertente histórico-cultural, como Vigotski,1 com a perspectiva metodológica de Heloisa Marinho, pesquisadora brasileira que centrou na linguagem sua contribuição pioneira no âmbito do desenvolvimento infantil. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se no estudo da relação oral-gráfica (MARINHO; WERNER, 1982, em amostra constituída por três mil crianças, foi realizada a análise microgenética-indiciária (WERNER, 1999, 2001 da atividade gráfica de menino de dois anos de idade cronológica, oriundo da creche UFF. Como resultado, foi possível ilustrar como, na vigência de processo de interação-interlocução adulto-criança e criança-crianças, ocorrem transformações qualitativas nas funções psíquicas (microgênese, nas quais a mediação, por meio dos signos da linguagem (mediação semiótica, reveste-se de papel fundante e constitutivo.

  6. Salinity reduced growth PS2 photochemistry and chlorophyll content in radish Crescimento reduzido por salinidade, fotoquímica PS2 e conteúdo de clorofila em rabanete

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    Muhammad Jamil


    Full Text Available When plants are grown under saline conditions, photosynthetic activity decreases leading to reduced plant growth, leaf area, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence. Seeds and seedlings of radish (Raphanus sativus L. were grown in NaCl solutions under controlled greenhouse conditions. The NaCl concentrations in complete nutrient solutions were 0 (control, 4.7, 9.4 and 14.1 dS m-1. The salinity reduced germination percentage and also delayed the germination rate as the salt level increased. Lengths and fresh weights of root and shoot decreased with the increasing salt concentration. Furthermore, photochemical efficiency of PS2 (Fv/Fm, photochemical quenching coefficient (qP, non photochemical quenching coefficient (qN, leaf area and chlorophyll content (SPAD value were also reduced (P Quando plantas crescem sob condições de salinidade, sua atividade fotossintética diminui levando a um crescimento reduzido, menor área foliar, conteúdo de clorofila e fluorescência de clorofila. Sementes e plântulas de rabanete (Raphanus sativus L. foram germinadas e conduzidas em soluções de NaCl sob condições controladas de casa de vegetação. As concentrações de NaCl adicionado a solução nutritiva completa foram 0 (Controle, 4,7; 9,4 e 14,1 dS m-1. A salinidade diminui a percentagem de germinação e também atrasou a taxa de germinação com o aumento do nível de sal. Comprimento e peso fresco da parte aérea e da raiz decresceram com o aumento da concentração salina. Além disso, a eficiência fotoquímica de PS2 (Fv/Fm, o coeficiente fotoquímico de 'quenchin" (q p, o coeficiente não fotoquímico de "quenching" (q n, a área foliar e o teor de clorofila (valor SPAD também foram reduzidos (P < 0,001 por estresse de sal. Ao contrário, a relação Fo/Fm aumentou com a concentração salina, ao passo que a salinidade não teve efeito sobre a eficiência de excitação capturada pelo PS2 aberto (Fv'/Fm', taxa de transporte eletr

  7. Dor na psicanálise - física ou psíquica?

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    Natália Amendola Santos


    Full Text Available A dor tem se apresentado contemporaneamente como um tema importante para a psicanálise. Um dos móveis desse interesse é a fibromialgia, descrita por profissionais da medicina como uma síndrome caracterizada pela dor crônica na ausência de lesões ou sinais de anormalidade na maquinaria biológica. Levanta-se o impasse - como pensar psicanaliticamente uma dor que é física? Algumas leituras são propostas, tais como associações da dor com o estado melancólico, com inibições psíquicas e com a hipocondria. A dor é tomada como expressão de uma vivência traumática e não simbolizada.

  8. Contexto de formação e sofrimento psíquico de estudantes de medicina


    Andrade,João Brainer Clares de; Sampaio,José Jackson Coelho; Farias,Lara Maciel de; Melo,Lucas da Ponte; Sousa,Dalmy Pinheiro de; Mendonça,Ana Luisa Barbosa de; Moura Filho,Francisco Felinto Aguiar de; Cidrão,Ingrid Sorensen Marinho


    A formação em Medicina é densa e com grandes responsabilidades. Contato com a morte, ambiente competitivo, privação de lazer e sensação de insegurança técnica funcionam como um retrato da formação. Objetiva-se descrever os diferentes processos que interferem no sofrimento psíquico discente em todas as escolas médicas do Ceará. O estudo acompanhou, do segundo ao sexto ano, 40 alunos da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (Uece) e 20% dos demais estudantes com ingresso comum em todas as outras escol...

  9. Agricultura urbana agroecológica na perspectiva da promoção da saúde

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    Silvana Maria Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A agricultura urbana tem sido tema de diversas pesquisas no contexto brasileiro e no mundo, principalmente no que diz respeito à geração de trabalho e renda. O presente artigo tem por objetivo sistematizar a experiência do projeto Colhendo Sustentabilidade: práticas comunitárias de segurança alimentar e agricultura urbana (PCS, realizado em Embu das Artes, região metropolitana de São Paulo, durante o período compreendido entre 2008 e 2011, analisando-o sob a ótica da Promoção da Saúde (PS. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa os participantes, os técnicos dos serviços públicos envolvidos e integrantes da equipe técnica do projeto. Os dados foram obtidos através da realização de três oficinas de sistematização, seguidas de outra em que os resultados foram apresentados aos participantes, e também por meio de entrevistas com informantes-chave. Os mesmos foram analisados à luz dos princípios e campos de ação da PS. As conclusões revelaram a agricultura urbana agroecológica (AUA como ferramenta promotora de saúde por contribuir com o fortalecimento do protagonismo individual e comunitário, empoderamento, criação de ambientes favoráveis à saúde, bem como seu potencial para a multiplicação de "saberes", pelos envolvidos, sobre temas relacionados à geração de renda, saúde e meio ambiente.

  10. Synthesis and Characterization of the Rubidium Thiophosphate Rb 6 (PS 5 )(P 2 S 10 ) and the Rubidium Silver Thiophosphates Rb 2 AgPS 4 , RbAg 5 (PS 4 ) 2 and Rb 3 Ag 9 (PS 4 ) 4

    KAUST Repository

    Alahmary, Fatimah S.; Davaasuren, Bambar; Khanderi, Jayaprakash; Rothenberger, Alexander


    The metal thiophosphates Rb2AgPS4 (2), RbAg5(PS4)2 (3), and Rb3Ag9(PS4)4 (4) were synthesized by stoichiometric reactions, whereas Rb6(PS5)(P2S10) (1) was prepared with excess amount of sulfur. The compounds crystallize as follows: 1 monoclinic, P21

  11. A relação linguagem, pensamento e ação na microgênese das funções psíquicas superiores




    O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar, de forma concreta, a mediação da fala na constituição das funções psíquicas superiores do sujeito, buscando articular autores da vertente histórico-cultural, como Vigotski,1 com a perspectiva metodológica de Heloisa Marinho, pesquisadora brasileira que centrou na linguagem sua contribuição pioneira no âmbito do desenvolvimento infantil. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se no estudo da relação oral-gráfica (MARINHO; WERNER, 1982), em amostra constituída...

  12. Um Estudo Descritivo do Funcionamento Psíquico de uma Autista

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    Marina Bialer

    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente artigo se baseou na análise de autobiografias de pais de autistas com objetivo de aprofundar o conhecimento científico atual acerca do funcionamento psíquico no autismo. A análise qualitativa dos livros autobiográficos evidencia como autistas que manifestaram um quadro sintomatológico severo na infância, saíram do quadro de autismo clássico, puderam se tornar falantes e se desenvolver em todas as áreas. Enfocamos particularmente a análise qualitativa dos relatos autobiográficos da família Clark, o que nos permitiu elucidar diversos aspectos da estruturação do pensamento e da linguagem da sua filha autista Jessy Park, além de nos propiciar um repertório de intervenções e dos efeitos que elas tiveram, favorecendo a evolução do quadro autístico. A opção de utilização do material autobiográfico como substrato da pesquisa, embora pouco usual no campo dos estudos em Psicologia no campo do autismo, viabilizou uma quantidade significativa de dados clínicos ao abarcar 40 anos da vida de Jessy. Privilegiamos seus primeiros 15 anos, nos quais foi possível detectar a evolução do quadro sintomático, o que nos permitiu cumprir o objetivo proposto de aprofundar o conhecimento científico acerca do autismo.

  13. A depressão na economia dos processos de diferenciação e integração psíquicas

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    Daniel Delouya

    Full Text Available Interrogados sobre as questões atuais acerca da depressão – tema proposto para a primeira jornada desta revista –, o presente trabalho sugere que a depressão nos permite relançar as questões cruciais em relação à dimensão econômica do aparelho psíquico, integrando-a a outras, tópica e dinâmica, do mesmo. A depressão encontra-se no cerne de um princípio que, em analogia à biologia, condiciona e possibilita o surgimento da vida e sua permanência. Ou seja, abriga dentro dela um princípio paralelo ao que rege, na termodinâmica, a tendência negentrópica. Em outras palavras, ela conduz a construção da vida psíquica através das duas classes de processos que possibilitam, nesta analogia, a vida: diferenciação e integração. Alguns momentos e vinhetas clínicas são trazidos como ilustração desses processos.

  14. PS Booster - Festive colloquium

    CERN Multimedia


    A festive colloquium will be held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the PS Booster on Friday, 28 September at 2 p.m. in the CERN council chamber. The meeting will be open to everybody. Read more on the PS Booster in the CERN Bulletin and in the CERN Courier.

  15. Symmetry of dipositronium Ps2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schrader, D.M.


    We work out the complete symmetry and spin problem for diatomic positronium Ps 2 for the ground and singly excited states of zero orbital angular momentum. The general form of the wave function for each state is given, with due regard to charge conjugation parity. Annihilation rates are discussed, and correlations to dissociation products are deduced. We indicate how the approach is extensible to larger aggregates: i.e., PsPs n , n>2

  16. Materialismo histórico e definição de psíquico Historical materialism and definition of psychic

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    Fernando G. Castro


    Full Text Available No Brasil, autores de referência no campo da Saúde Mental e trabalho vêm trabalhando no sentido de demarcar o objeto da Psicologia com base no materialismo histórico, em função de uma série de insuficiências teóricas detectadas na ciência psicológica. Este artigo analisa as fontes teóricas da definição de psíquico utilizada por Codo e colaboradores baseados no materialismo histórico em seus estudos sobre o sofrimento psíquico e trabalho, identifica suas deficiências teóricas e mostra as razões pelas quais os autores não conseguiram superar a noção de psíquico psicanalítica como se propuseram. Indica, por fim, uma hipótese teórica baseada na definição de práxis, para um avanço na compreensão das relações entre sofrimento psíquico e trabalho que não se reporte a posições metafísicas como fizeram os autores analisados.In Brazil, authors of reference in the field of Mental Health and Labour have been working to demarcate the object of Psychology based on historical materialism, according to a series of theoretical shortcomings detected in psychological science. This paper examines the theoretical functions of the definition of psychic used by Codo and collaborators, based on historical materialism in their studies about psychic suffering and work, and mean to identify its theoretical shortcomings, and show the reasons why the authors failed to overcome the notion of psychic psychotherapy as proposed. Finally, indicates a theoretical hypothesis based on the definition of praxis for a breakthrough in the understanding of the relationship between psychic suffering and work that does not carry the metaphysical positions as did the authors analyzed.

  17. PL-DA-PS: A hardware architecture and software toolbox for neurophysiology requiring complex visual stimuli and online behavioral control

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    Kyler M. Eastman


    Full Text Available Neurophysiological studies in awake, behaving primates (both human and nonhuman primates have focused with increasing scrutiny on the temporal relationship between neural signals and behaviors. Consequently, laboratories are often faced with the problem of developing experimental equipment that can support data recording with high temporal precision and also be flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of experimental paradigms. To this end, we have developed an architecture that integrates several modern pieces of equipment, but still grants experimenters a high degree of flexibility. Our hardware architecture and software tools take advantage of three popular and powerful technologies: the PLexon apparatus for neurophysiological recordings (Plexon, Inc., Dallas TX, a DAtapixx box (Vpixx Technologies, Saint-Bruno, QC, Canada for analog, digital, and video signal input-output control, and the PSychtoolbox MATLAB toolbox for stimulus generation (Brainard, 1997. The PL-DA-PS (Platypus system is designed to support the study of the visual systems of awake, behaving primates during multi-electrode neurophysiological recordings, but can be easily applied to other related domains. Despite its wide range of capabilities and support for cutting-edge video displays and neural recording systems, the PLDAPS system is simple enough for someone with basic MATLAB programming skills to design their own experiments.

  18. Psychometric properties of the OARSI/OMERACT osteoarthritis pain and functional impairment scales: ICOAP, KOOS-PS and HOOS-PS. (United States)

    Ruyssen-Witrand, A; Fernandez-Lopez, C J; Gossec, L; Anract, P; Courpied, J P; Dougados, M


    To evaluate the psychometric properties of the OARSI-OMERACT questionnaires in comparison to the existing validated scales. Consecutive hip or knee osteoarthritis patients consulting in an orthopedic department were enrolled in the study. Data collected were pain using the Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain (ICOAP), a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), the Western Ontario McMaster Universities' Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) pain subscale, the Lequesne pain subscale; functional impairment using the Knee disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Shortform (KOOS-PS), the Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Shortform (HOOS-PS), a NRS, the WOMAC function sub-scale, the Lequesne function subscale. Validity was assessed by calculating the Spearman's correlation coefficient between all the scales. Reliability was assessed in out-patients with stable disease comparing the data collected within 2 weeks using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Responsiveness was assessed on the data from hospitalised patients prior to and 12 weeks after a total joint replacement (TJR) using the standardised response mean. Three hundred patients (mean age=68 years, females=62%, hip OA=57%) were included. There was a moderate to good correlation between ICOAP, KOOS-PS, HOOS-PS and the WOMAC, NRS and Lequesne scales. Reliability of the ICOAP hip OA HOOS-PS and KOOS-PS was good (ICC range 0.80-0.81) whereas it was moderate for knee ICOAP (ICC=0.65). Responsiveness of the ICOAP, KOOS-PS and HOOS-PS 12 weeks after TJR was comparable to responsiveness of other scales (SRM range: 0.54-1.82). The psychometric properties of the ICOAP, KOOS-PS and HOOS-PS were comparable to those of the WOMAC, Lequesne and NRS.

  19. Sofrimento psíquico em crianças e adolescentes: a busca pelo tratamento Sufrimiento psíquico en niños y adolescentes: la búsqueda por tratamiento Psychic suffering in children and adolescents: the search for treatment

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    Ana Ruth Macêdo Monteiro


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um centro de atenção psicossocial infantil - CAPSi, do município de Fortaleza-CE. Este estudo objetiva descrever a atitude da família na busca de tratamento da criança/adolescente em sofrimento psíquico. Os sujeitos desta pesquisa constituem-se de 42 familiares cuidadores de crianças e adolescentes, usuários do CAPSi. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas divididas em categorias, em que as falas com ideias semelhantes se reuniam em uma mesma categoria. Os resultados mostram um importante elemento sobre a falta de assistência à família do indivíduo em adoecimento psíquico, evidenciando a fundamental importância de englobar toda a família no processo terapêutico. Concluiu-se que se fazem necessárias reflexões acerca da atenção de saúde direcionada ao adoecimento psíquico, em relação às crianças e adolescentes, bem como em relação às famílias envolvidas, prevenindo ou intercedendo precocemente no adoecimento psíquico.Se trata de una investigación de naturaleza descriptiva con abordaje cualitativo, realizada en un centro de atención psicosocial infantil - CAPSi, del municipio de Fortaleza-CE. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir la actitud de la familia en la busca de tratamiento del niño/adolescente con sufrimiento psíquico. Los sujetos de esta investigación son 42 familiares cuidadores de niños y adolescentes, usuarios del CAPSi. La colecta de datos fue realizada por medio de entrevistas semeestructuradas. El análisis de los datos fue hecho a través de entrevistas divididas en categorías, reuniendo las respuestas con ideas semejantes en una misma categoría. Los resultados muestran un importante elemento sobre la falta de asistencia a la familia del individuo en padecimiento psíquico, evidenciando la importancia fundamental

  20. Expectation values of the e+PsH system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, J.-Y.; Mitroy, J.


    Close to converged energies and expectation values for e + PsH are computed using a ground-state wave function consisting of 1500 explicitly correlated Gaussians. The best estimate of the e + PsH ∞ energy was -0.810 254 hartrees, which has a binding energy of 0.021 057 hartrees against dissociation into e + +PsH. The 2γ annihilation rate was 2.7508x10 9 s -1 . Binding energies and annihilation rates are also given for the different finite-mass variants of e + PsH. Comparisons between expectation values for e + PsH and PsH provide compelling evidence that the e + PsH ground state can be regarded as consisting of a weakly bound positron orbiting the PsH ground state

  1. Sequence control of phase separation and dewetting in PS/PVME blend thin films by changing molecular weight of PS. (United States)

    Xia, Tian; Qin, Yaping; Huang, Yajiang; Huang, Ting; Xu, Jianhui; Li, Youbing


    The morphology evolution mechanism of polystyrene (PS)/poly (vinyl methyl ether) (PVME) blend thin films with different PS molecular weights (M w ) was studied. It was found that the morphology evolution was closely related to the molecular weight asymmetry between PS and PVME. In the film where M w (PS) ≈ M w (PVME), dewetting happened at the interface between the bottom layer and substrate after SD phase separation. While in the film where M w (PS) > M w (PVME), dewetting happened at the interface between the middle PS/PVME blend layer and bottom PVME layer near the substrate prior to phase separation. The different sequences of phase separation and dewetting and different interface for dewetting occurrence were studied by regarding the competitive effects of viscoelasticity contrast between polymer components and preferential wetting between PVME and the substrate. The viscoelastic nature of the PS component played a crucial role in the sequence of phase separation and dewetting.

  2. O sentido como máquina de guerra contra a naturalização do psíquico

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    Rosane Zétola Lustoza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute como a adoção do conceito de sentido permitiu a Lacan renovar a condução da praxis analítica. Recorrendo à obra de Lacan e comentadores, o conceito de sentido será investigado em seu/ duplo aspecto, tanto crítico - como forma de combate às propostas de naturalização do psíquico - quanto propositivo - como responsável pelo estabelecimento da intersubjetividade como dimensão fundamental da experiência clínica. Embora admitindo que Lacan posteriormente tenha subordinado o sentido à estrutura, abandonando a noção de intersubjetividade, o artigo examina o legado da teoria do sentido para a psicanálise. Sua principal contribuição foi o combate à naturalização do sujeito.

  3. Electron Spin Resonance studies on PS, PP and PS/PP blends under gamma irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes, J.; Claro, M.; Albano, C.; Venezuela Central University, Caracas; Moronta, D.


    Complete text of publication follows. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) studies on Polystyrene (PS), Polypropylene (PP) and their mixtures at compositions of 80/20 with and without a compatibilizer (SBS in block), 7.5 wt.%, irradiated with gamma rays from a Cobalt-60 source with a dose rate of 4.8 KGy/h at integral doses of radiation of 10, 25, 50, 60, 70, 400, 800 and 1300 KGy in the presence of air and at room temperature (RT) are reported. The dependence of resonance line width, Hpp; resonance line shapes K, and radical concentration, S, with the integral dose of irradiation is investigated. The nature of the free radicals after ten days of air storage is discussed. The free radical concentration, the double integral of the resonance line, S, has been estimated at room temperature, RT, for a group of single lines, characterized by the same giromagnetic, g, value by direct numerical double integration. In the samples studied no spectrum of 0 kGy of integral dose was observed. The concentration of radicals, S, observed when the integral radiation doses was increased, presents a maximum value in the PP samples at high doses (70-1300 kGy) and minimum values in the PS samples with the same doses. This shows that the PP degrades at a faster rate than the PS, owing to the presence of the bencenic ring in the latter. In the PS/PP mixtures studied with and without compatibilizer, the values of the radical concentration is found between the observed values in the homopolymers, being closer to the PS, which might imply that the presence of PS decays the degradation process of the PP in the mixture

  4. Cs0.49NbPS6

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    Hoseop Yun


    Full Text Available The quaternary thiophosphate, Cs0.49NbPS6, caesium hexathioniobiophosphate(V, has been synthesized by the reactive halide flux method. The title compound is isotypic with Rb0.46TaPS6 and is made up of a bicapped trigonal–biprismatic [Nb2S12] unit and a tetrahedral [PS4] group. The [Nb2S12] units linked by the [PS4] tetrahedra form infinite chains, yielding a three-dimensional network with rather large van der Waals gaps along the c axis in which the disordered Cs+ ions reside. The electrons released by the Cs atoms are transferred to the pairwise niobium metal site and there are substantial intermetallic Nb—Nb bonding interactions. This leads to a significant decrease of the intermetallic distance in the title compound compared to that in TaPS6. The classical charge balance of the title compound may be represented as [Cs+]0.49[Nb4.51+][P5+][S2−]4[S22−].

  5. A Implementação da Pós-Venda na Empresa PS Pneus em Guarapuava/PR: Um Estudo Proposto pela Área de Assessoria

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    Enéia Viviane Antunes


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta resultados parciais de uma pesquisa realizada no ano de 2011 que se propôs, por meio da área de assessoria, a implementar a pós-venda na empresa PS Pneus, localizada na cidade de Guarapuava – Paraná. Dessa forma, para realização da pesquisa utilizou-se a participação efetiva dos profissionais de secretariado, pois estes podem atuar em várias áreas da empresa, assessorando na elaboração de estratégias, para que os resultados almejados pela organização possam ser alcançados. Assim, elegeu-se como metodologia de pesquisa o estudo de caso exploratório com uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa em complemento com a pesquisa de campo. Como resultado principal elaborou-se uma proposição de melhoria para o relacionamento com o cliente, vinculada com a área de pós-venda. Assim, o estudo realizado partiu do pressuposto teórico, que no atual ambiente competitivo as empresas precisam de estratégias para alcançar a diferenciação e permanecer no mercado. Percebeu-se de forma concreta que o diferencial está em oferecer aos clientes serviços de qualidade, evidenciando a excelência no atendimento. Entretanto, torna-se necessário ir além e oferecer meios para que a empresa possa conhecer a opinião dos clientes, sendo indispensável, neste contexto, a disponibilização de um serviço de pós-venda, pois este permite a identificação de falhas no atendimento, na prestação dos serviços, bem como, nas oportunidades de novas vendas.DOI:10.7769/gesec.v3i2.104

  6. SPS and PS Experiments Committee

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    OPEN SESSION: 09:00 Status report of NA58 / COMPASS: A. Magnon 09:40 Status report of PS212 / DIRAC: L. Tausher 10:10 PS212 / DIRAC Addendum: L. Nemenov CLOSED SESSION on Tuesday, 27 April 2004 after the open session, Main Building, 6th floor conference room

  7. Psühhodramaatikud annavad Pärnus eksami

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    29. maist kuni 1. juunini kestab Pärnus psühhodraama konverents "Geeniuste kohtumine", kus rahvusvahelise koolituse läbinud annavad eksami. Ruuda Palmquist on psühhodraama kui teadusharu rajajaid Eestis. Pärnus on kohal Rootsi Moreno Instituudi juhataja, psühhodraama lavastaja Marc Treadwell

  8. LEADIR-PS: providing unprecedented SMR safety and economics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hart, R.S., E-mail: [Northern Nuclear Industries Incorporated, Cambridge, ON (Canada)


    Northern Nuclear Industries Incorporated (N{sup 2} I{sup 2}) is developing Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) called LEADIR-PS, an acronym for LEAD-cooled Integral Reactor-Passively Safe. LEADIR-PS integrates proven technologies including TRISO fuel, Pebble Bed core and graphite moderator, with molten lead coolant in an integral pool type reactor configuration to achieve unprecedented safety and economics. Plants under development are LEADIR-PS30, producing 30 MWth, LEADIR-PS100 producing 100 MWth and LEADIR-PS300 producing 300 MWth that are focused on serving the energy demands of areas with a small electrical grid and/or process heat applications. A plant consisting of six LEADIR-PS300 reactor modules serving a common turbine-generator, called the LEADIR-PS Six-Pack, is focused on serving areas with higher energy demands and a robust electricity grid. The Gen{sup +} I LEADIR-PS plants are inherently/passively safe. There is no potential for a Loss Of Coolant Accident, a reactivity transient without shutdown, a loss of heat sink, or hydrogen generation. No active systems or operator actions are required to assure safety. The unprecedented safety of LEADIR-PS reactors avoids large exclusion radius and demanding evacuation plan requirements. LEADIR-PS, with steam conditions of 370 {sup o}C and 12 MPa can serve over 85% of the world's non-transportation process heat demands. In Canada, the electricity and process heat demands, ranging from those of remote communities and the oil sands to densely populated areas can be served by LEADIR-PS. (author)

  9. Fatores de risco psíquico ao desenvolvimento infantil: implicações para a fonoaudiologia Psychical risk factors to the child development: implications on speech-language and hearing therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciele Dias Oliveira


    Full Text Available TEMA: fatores de risco psíquico ao desenvolvimento infantil e as implicações para a fonoaudiologia. OBJETIVOS: estudar, por meio de uma revisão teórica os riscos psíquicos ao desenvolvimento infantil, com ênfase nos riscos para aquisição da linguagem, e discutir as implicações para a atuação fonoaudiológica em idade precoce. CONCLUSÃO: a partir da literatura revisada, constatou-se que crianças que convivem com riscos biológicos e, sobretudo psíquicos, nos primeiros anos de vida, são mais propensas a desenvolver problemas que podem afetar o seu desenvolvimento. Assim, considera-se a necessidade daatuação fonoaudiológica estar vinculada a uma constante observação dos fatores de risco psíquico ao desenvolvimento infantil e aquisição da linguagem, podendo participar da detecção e estimulação precoces em uma perspectiva promocional.BACKGROUND: psychical risk factors to child development and implications on speech-language and hearing therapy. PURPOSE: to study, through a theoretical review, the psychical risks to the child development, emphasizing the risks for language acquisition, and discuss the implications on the speech-language and hearing therapy performance for precocious age. CONCLUSION: through reviewed literature, we evidenced that children who live with biological and especially psychic risks, during their first years, are more inclined to develop problems that may come to affect their development. So, we consider the need for speech-language and hearing therapy to be linked to a constant observation of the psychical risk factors to the child development and language acquisition, being this professional able to take part in the precocious detection and stimulation under a promotional perspective.

  10. "Suzana e os velhos": sedução, trauma e sofrimento psíquico

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    Viviana Carola Velasco Martinez


    Full Text Available Discute-se a violência das mensagens enigmáticas que o adulto sempre comunica ao cuidar da criança. Trata-se da sexualidade recalcada do próprio adulto, por isso inconsciente para ele mesmo, que impregna toda situação de apego, instalando por um lado uma sedução dirigida à criança - por isso traumatizante - e, por outro, convocando-a para iniciar um trabalho de tradução, de metabolização do excesso. Esse trabalho de tradução da sedução do adulto é, para Laplanche, estruturante, pois não somente funda o psiquismo da criança, mas inaugura uma atividade psíquica, organizadora e humana, por meio de um constante movimento après-coup de tradução, destradução e retradução do enigmático. Nesse movimento tradutivo, a cultura, como um assistente na tradução, permite amenizar a violência das mensagens. Ilustra-se esta discussão com o episódio bíblico de "Suzana e os velhos" e com a sua representação pictográfica da artista Artemísia Gentileschi (1593-1651, em que um cenário edípico se desdobra da tradução.

  11. Síndrome da anovulação crônica hiperandrogênica e transtornos psíquicos Hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation and psychologic disturbances

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    José Arnaldo S. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Os autores fazem uma revisão da síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP com relação aos seus aspectos etiopatogênicos, clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos, dando ênfase aos transtornos de ordem psíquica que freqüentemente acompanham esse distúrbiio. Tecem considerações sobre a importância não só de um efetivo tratamento médico, mas também de uma abordagem e um apoio psicológico, no sentido de melhorar ainda mais o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida dessas mulheres.The authors have reviewed the main aspects of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS with respect to its etiopathogenic, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features, highlighting the psychological distresses that frequently arise in the syndrome. They also make considerations on the importance of an effective clinical treatment as well as on the approaches and psychological support, aiming to improve women’s well-being and quality of life.

  12. Two-year survival rates of anti-TNF-α therapy in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients with either polyarticular or oligoarticular PsA. (United States)

    Iannone, F; Lopriore, S; Bucci, R; Scioscia, C; Anelli, M G; Notarnicola, A; Lapadula, G


    To evaluate the 2-year drug survival rates of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α blockers adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients with either oligoarticular (oligo-PsA) or polyarticular PsA (poly-PsA). We studied a prospective cohort of 328 PsA patients with peripheral arthritis (213 with poly-PsA and 115 with oligo-PsA), beginning their first ever anti-TNF-α treatment with adalimumab, etanercept, or infliximab. The aim of the study was to evaluate the drug survival rates and possible baseline predictors at 2 years. After 24 months, persistence in therapy with the first anti-TNF-α blocker was not statistically different in the oligo-PsA (70.4%) and poly-PsA (65.7%) subsets. Predictors of drug discontinuation were female sex [hazard ratio (HR) 1.63, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.00-2.68, p = 0.04] and starting the therapy in years 2003-8 (HR 0.51, 95% CI 0.33-0.80, p = 0.003). In poly-PsA, the persistence of etanercept (68.3%) was significantly higher than that of adalimumab (51.9%, p = 0.01), whereas in oligo-PsA no significant difference was detected. In poly-PsA, the period 2003-8 was a negative predictor (HR 0.36, 95% CI 0.21-0.62, p = 0.0001) whereas in oligo-PsA female gender was a positive predictor of drug discontinuation (HR 2.08, 95% CI 1.02-4.24, p = 0.04). With regard to clinical outcomes, the best responses in terms of European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 'good' response or Disease Activity Score (DAS28) remission, crude or adjusted according to the LUND Efficacy indeX (LUNDEX), were seen in patients on etanercept or infliximab. Our study provides some evidence that anti-TNF-α drugs may perform differently in PsA, and that the analysis of clinical disease subsets may improve our knowledge and promote better management of PsA.

  13. Reconhecer a diferença: o desafio da etnopsiquiatria

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    Lucienne Martins Borges


    Full Text Available *Artigo publicado em 2006, em francês, na revista Santé Mentale au Quebec, 31 (2, 43-56Reconhecer a diferença do Outro é o fundamento da etnopsiquiatria, que é necessariamente múltipla e portadora de nuances e de diferenças. É com base na prática clínica no Serviço de Auxílio Psicológico Especializado aos Imigrantes e Refugiados – Sapsir, em Quebec, Canadá, que os autores propõem outro olhar sobre essa disciplina, levando em consideração a dimensão cultural e psíquica da pessoa; apoiam-se também sobre os universos existenciais e humanistas como a necessidade de sentido, de continuidade de si mesmo e de coerência, assim como sobre as diversas dimensões da identidade. O dispositivo clínico proposto, de acordo com os princípios da etnopsiquiatria, articula-se em três eixos: trabalho sobre as relações, trabalho sobre as diferentes dimensões da identidade, trabalho sobre a coerência e o sentido das situações vividas. Essa abordagem permite acompanhar e facilitar as elaborações essenciais implicadas no trabalho psíquico dos refugiados e das pessoas que foram expostas a situações extremas, como a tortura

  14. Updating the Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) Core Domain Set: A Report from the PsA Workshop at OMERACT 2016. (United States)

    Orbai, Ana-Maria; de Wit, Maarten; Mease, Philip J; Callis Duffin, Kristina; Elmamoun, Musaab; Tillett, William; Campbell, Willemina; FitzGerald, Oliver; Gladman, Dafna D; Goel, Niti; Gossec, Laure; Hoejgaard, Pil; Leung, Ying Ying; Lindsay, Chris; Strand, Vibeke; van der Heijde, Désirée M; Shea, Bev; Christensen, Robin; Coates, Laura; Eder, Lihi; McHugh, Neil; Kalyoncu, Umut; Steinkoenig, Ingrid; Ogdie, Alexis


    To include the patient perspective in accordance with the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Filter 2.0 in the updated Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) Core Domain Set for randomized controlled trials (RCT) and longitudinal observational studies (LOS). At OMERACT 2016, research conducted to update the PsA Core Domain Set was presented and discussed in breakout groups. The updated PsA Core Domain Set was voted on and endorsed by OMERACT participants. We conducted a systematic literature review of domains measured in PsA RCT and LOS, and identified 24 domains. We conducted 24 focus groups with 130 patients from 7 countries representing 5 continents to identify patient domains. We achieved consensus through 2 rounds of separate surveys with 50 patients and 75 physicians, and a nominal group technique meeting with 12 patients and 12 physicians. We conducted a workshop and breakout groups at OMERACT 2016 in which findings were presented and discussed. The updated PsA Core Domain Set endorsed with 90% agreement by OMERACT 2016 participants included musculoskeletal disease activity, skin disease activity, fatigue, pain, patient's global assessment, physical function, health-related quality of life, and systemic inflammation, which were recommended for all RCT and LOS. These were important, but not required in all RCT and LOS: economic cost, emotional well-being, participation, and structural damage. Independence, sleep, stiffness, and treatment burden were on the research agenda. The updated PsA Core Domain Set was endorsed at OMERACT 2016. Next steps for the PsA working group include evaluation of PsA outcome measures and development of a PsA Core Outcome Measurement Set.

  15. The PS Booster hits 40

    CERN Multimedia

    Joannah Caborn Wengler


    Many accelerators’ "round" birthdays are being celebrated at CERN these days – the PS turned 50 in 2009, the SPS was 35 in 2011, and this year it's the turn of the PS Booster to mark its 40th anniversary. Originally designed to accelerate 1013 protons to 800 MeV, it has far exceeded its initial design performance over the years.   The PS Booster in the 1970s. Imagine the scene: a group of accelerator physicists staring expectantly at a monitor, when suddenly a shout of joy goes up as a signal flickers across the screen. Does that sound familiar? Well, turn the clock back 40 years (longer hair, wider trouser legs) and you have the situation at the PS Booster on 26 May 1972. On that day, beam was injected into the Booster for the first time. “It was a real buzz,” says Heribert Koziol, then Chairman of the Running-in Committee. “We were very happy – and also a little relieved – when the beam finally...

  16. The PS locomotive runs again

    CERN Multimedia


    Over forty years ago, the PS train entered service to steer the magnets of the accelerator into place... ... a service that was resumed last Tuesday. Left to right: Raymond Brown (CERN), Claude Tholomier (D.B.S.), Marcel Genolin (CERN), Gérard Saumade (D.B.S.), Ingo Ruehl (CERN), Olivier Carlier (D.B.S.), Patrick Poisot (D.B.S.), Christian Recour (D.B.S.). It is more than ten years since people at CERN heard the rumbling of the old PS train's steel wheels. Last Tuesday, the locomotive came back into service to be tested. It is nothing like the monstrous steel engines still running on conventional railways -just a small electric battery-driven vehicle employed on installing the magnets for the PS accelerator more than 40 years ago. To do so, it used the tracks that run round the accelerator. In fact, it is the grandfather of the LEP monorail. After PS was commissioned in 1959, the little train was used more and more rarely. This is because magnets never break down, or hardly ever! In fact, the loc...

  17. Contribuições psicanalíticas acerca da violência conjugal

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    Suzana Catanio dos Santos Nardi


    Full Text Available A violência é uma questão que há muito tempo vem despertando a atenção de estudiosos. Assim, a temática da agressividade humana e dos aspectos psíquicos associados aos impulsos agressivos tem sido extensamente abordada como objeto de estudo da teoria psicanalítica. O presente artigo se propõe apresentar algumas contribuições psicanalíticas acerca da violência. Para isso, autores clássicos como Freud e Klein, passando pela teoria do apego, com Bolwby, e contemporâneos como Kernberg e Fonagy, são considerados neste trabalho. Observa-se que a psicanálise tem feito um percurso na tentativa de compreender o funcionamento psíquico de indivíduo violento, constituindo-se um referencial que pode oferecer subsídios interessantes para uma identificação mais aprofundada dos aspectos intrapsíquicos envolvidos na agressão.

  18. Sofrimento psíquico na perversão: o caso dexter

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    Fábio Roberto Rodrigues Belo


    Full Text Available A análise do personagem fictício Dexter permite construir hipóteses metapsicológicas sobre as origens da perversão. A posição perversa nesse caso deve-se à presença maciça de violência nas origens do sujeito psíquico. Dexter expressa o abandono sofrido pela atuação pulsional, os assassinatos em série, tentando inverter o estado de passividade no qual se encontra. Sua angústia pode ser organizada de duas formas distintas: a primeira é consciente, fornecida por seu pai, Harry, que o ensina a não deixar vestígios dos seus crimes. A segunda maneira é inconsciente, e traduz o desejo de submeter o outro à dor, fazendo com que, por meio do mecanismo de identificação projetiva, o perverso desfrute deste sofrimento que provoca, sendo remetido, então, às suas vivências originárias de submissão. Conclui-se que na perversão a angústia não apenas está presente, como também é constitutiva da escolha do sujeito de operar pela via da violência.

  19. A mãe em sofrimento psíquico: objeto da ciência ou sujeito da clínica? La madre en sufrimiento psíquico: ¿objeto de la ciencia o sujeto de la clínica? Mother in psychic suffering: object of science or subject of the clinic?

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    Denise Tomaz Aguiar


    Full Text Available A vivência da maternidade é abordada no modelo médico científico do ponto de vista orgânico. Porém, para algumas mulheres, isso se dá como uma experiência de intenso sofrimento psíquico. Desenvolvemos uma reflexão teórica visando refletir acerca das possibilidades de abordagem dessa questão na perspectiva de uma clínica do sujeito, conforme delimitado na abordagem psicanalítica, contrapondo-a à visão do modelo médico científico. A ciência moderna institui-se como práxis pela exclusão do sujeito, e é esta racionalidade que subsidia a abordagem dos sintomas psíquicos no modelo médico, percebidos como algo a ser eliminado. A psicanálise surge a partir da descoberta do inconsciente e do sintoma como portando uma verdade sobre o sujeito que sofre. Consideramos que os conceitos apontados pela perspectiva psicanalítica podem nos apoiar na construção de uma clínica menos objetificadora, que permita ao próprio sujeito se interrogar sobre o sentido daquilo que o faz sofrer.La experiencia de la maternidad es mirada en el modelo médico científico y discutida bajo la perspectiva orgánica. Sin embargo, para algunas mujeres, esto se realiza como una experiencia de gran sufrimiento psíquico. Desarrollamos una reflexión teórica con el fin de reflexionar sobre las posibilidades de abordar esta cuestión desde la perspectiva de una clínica del sujeto, definida en el abordaje psicoanalítico, en contraste con la visión del modelo médico científico. La ciencia moderna se ha establecido como práctica para la exclusión del sujeto, y es esta racionalidad que subsidia el abordaje de los síntomas psicológicos en el modelo médico, que se percibe como algo que debe eliminarse. El psicoanálisis surge a través del descubrimiento del inconsciente y del síntoma como una verdad sobre el sujeto que sufre. Creemos que los conceptos subrayados por la perspectiva psicoanalítica nos pueden ayudar en la construcción de una cl

  20. Gamma Transition Jump for PS2

    CERN Document Server

    Bartmann, W; Métral, E; Möhl, D; Peggs, S


    The PS2, which is proposed as a replacement for the existing ~50-year old PS accelerator, is presently considered to be a normal conducting synchrotron with an injection kinetic energy of 4 GeV and a maximum energy of 50 GeV. One of the possible lattices (FODO option) foresees crossing of transition energy near 10 GeV. Since the phase-slip-factor $\\eta$ becomes very small near transition energy, many intensity dependent effects can take place in both longitudinal and transverse planes. The aim of the present paper is on the one hand to scale the gamma transition jump, used since 1973 in the PS, to the projected PS2 and on the other hand based on these results the analysis of the implementation and feasibility of a gamma transition jump scheme in a conventional FODO lattice.

  1. iPS-Cinderella Story in Cell Biology

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    Full Text Available As we step through the frontiers of modern Science, we are all witnesses to the Cinderella story repeating itself in the form of the iPS. The process of re-programming adult somatic cells to derive Induced Pluripotent stem cells (iPS with the wand of transcription factors and then differentiating them back to adult somatic cells resembles the transformation of Cinderella from a Cinder girl to princess and back to a Cinder girl after the ball; but the iPS-Cinderella is the most fascinating thing ever in cell biology!From the day iPS first made its headlines when it was first produced by Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University in Japan, Stem Cell scientists all over the world are re- doing their experiments so far done using other sources like embryonic and adult Stem cells with the iPS cells exploring their potential to the fullest. A Stem Cell science news page without this magic word of iPS is difficult to imagine these days and Scientists have been successful in growing most of the adult Cell types from iPS cells.iPS cells was the key to solve the problems of Immune rejection and Immunosupression required when using other allogeneic Stem cell types which had baffled scientists previously. But the issues raised by scientists about the use of viruses and Oncogenes in producing iPS cells were made groundless when scientists in February 2008 published the discovery of a technique that could remove oncogenes after the induction of pluripotency and now it is possible to induce pluripotency using plasmid transfection, piggyback transposon system and piggyback transposon system combined with a non viral vector system. The word of the day is pIPS which are protein-induced Pluripotent stem cells which are iPS cells that were generated without any genetic alteration of the adult cell. This research by the group of Sheng Ding in La Jolla, California made public in April 2009 showed that the generation of poly-arginine anchors was sufficient to induce

  2. Novel botanical drug DA-9803 prevents deficits in Alzheimer's mouse models. (United States)

    Pagnier, Guillaume J; Kastanenka, Ksenia V; Sohn, Miwon; Choi, Sangzin; Choi, Song-Hyen; Soh, HyeYeon; Bacskai, Brian J


    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by deposition of amyloid plaques and disruption of neural circuitry, leading to cognitive decline. Animal models of AD deposit senile plaques and exhibit structural and functional deficits in neurons and neural networks. An effective treatment would prevent or restore these deficits, including calcium dyshomeostasis observed with in-vivo imaging. We examined the effects of DA-9803, a multimodal botanical drug, in 5XFAD and APP/PS1 transgenic mice which underwent daily oral treatment with 30 or 100 mg/kg DA-9803 or vehicle alone. Behavioral testing and longitudinal imaging of amyloid deposits and intracellular calcium in neurons with multiphoton microscopy was performed. Chronic administration of DA-9803 restored behavioral deficits in 5XFAD mice and reduced amyloid-β levels. DA-9803 also prevented progressive amyloid plaque deposition in APP/PS1 mice. Elevated calcium, detected in a subset of neurons before the treatment, was restored and served as a functional indicator of treatment efficacy in addition to the behavioral readout. In contrast, mice treated with vehicle alone continued to progressively accumulate amyloid plaques and calcium overload. In summary, treatment with DA-9803 prevented structural and functional outcome measures in mouse models of AD. Thus, DA-9803 shows promise as a novel therapeutic approach for Alzheimer's disease.

  3. Masculinidade e ciúme na perspectiva da teoria da sedução generalizada

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    Paulo Carvalho Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Partindo das contribuições freudianas sobre as relações do ciúme com a projeção e a homossexualidade, propõe-se no presente artigo uma retomada do papel do masoquismo primário e da identificação feminina como elementos definidores do ciúme masculino patológico. As condições originárias de constituição do psiquismo, vistas sob o ângulo da Teoria da Sedução Generalizada, proposta por Jean Laplanche, são relacionadas tanto ao masoquismo primário quanto à identificação feminina. A situação assimétrica entre o adulto, portador de uma sexualidade inconsciente, e a criança, destituída de recursos psíquicos para lidar com as mensagens sexuais do adulto, caracteriza, segundo esse autor, a situação antropológica fundamental.

  4. Reflexões a cerca das estruturas psíquicas e a prática do Ciberbullying no contexto da escola


    Azevedo, Jefferson Cabral; Miranda, Fabiana Aguiar de; Souza, Carlos Henrique Medeiros de


    Estudo teórico a cerca do Bullying e o Ciberbullying na escola e sua relação com as estruturas psíquicas dos sujeitos envolvidos nesta prática. O objetivo é refletir sobre a potencialização do Bullying na escola por meio dos ambientes virtuais e das redes de computadores, bem como relacionar estas questões com as estruturas psíquicas dos sujeitos envolvidos. Dentro desta perspectiva, pergunta-se: qual é a relação existente a potencialização do Bullying na escola com o aumento de convivência n...

  5. Functional characterization of calcineurin homologs PsCNA1/PsCNB1 in Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici using a host-induced RNAi system.

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    Hong Zhang

    Full Text Available Calcineurin plays a key role in morphogenesis, pathogenesis and drug resistance in most fungi. However, the function of calcineurin genes in Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst is unclear. We identified and characterized the calcineurin genes PsCNA1 and PsCNB1 in Pst. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that PsCNA1 and PsCNB1 form a calcium/calmodulin regulated protein phosphatase belonging to the calcineurin heterodimers composed of subunits A and B. Quantitative RT-PCR analyses revealed that both PsCNA1 and PsCNB1 expression reached their maximum in the stage of haustorium formation, which is one day after inoculation. Using barely stripe mosaic virus (BSMV as a transient expression vector in wheat, the expression of PsCNA1 and PsCNB1 in Pst was suppressed, leading to slower extension of fungal hyphae and reduced production of urediospores. The immune-suppressive drugs cyclosporin A and FK506 markedly reduced the germination rates of urediospores, and when germination did occur, more than two germtubes were produced. These results suggest that the calcineurin signaling pathway participates in stripe rust morphogenetic differentiation, especially the formation of haustoria during the early stage of infection and during the production of urediospores. Therefore PsCNA1 and PsCNB1 can be considered important pathogenicity genes involved in the wheat-Pst interaction.

  6. Preparação, caracterização e degradação de blendas PS/TPS usando glicerol e óleo de buriti como plastificantes Preparation, characterization and degradation of PS/TPS blends using glycerol and buriti oil as plastiscizers

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    Daniela Schlemmer


    Full Text Available Poliestireno (PS é um dos materiais descartáveis mais usados no nosso cotidiano, mas ele não se decompõe facilmente. A adição de amido de mandioca ao PS pode melhorar a sua degradabilidade, tendo em vista ser o amido um polímero biodegradável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver blendas de PS e (amido termoplástico TPS usando dois diferentes plastificantes: glicerol e óleo de buriti, sendo esse óleo um plastificante natural e original para o amido. As blendas PS/TPS foram preparadas em diversas composições por casting e em seguida caracterizadas por termogravimetria (TG, calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC, análise termomecânica (TMA e ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN 13C. As blendas PS/TPS com óleo de buriti apresentaram uma contínua redução em suas Tg e Ta. Nas blendas com glicerol esses parâmetros permaneceram praticamente constantes. As blendas também foram submetidas a testes de degradação no solo e depois analisadas por TG e RMN. A análise das blendas PS/TPS com óleo de buriti mostrou que houve um aumento da perda de massa nas curvas TG. Nos espectros de RMN 13C, todos os picos referentes ao amido desapareceram, depois do teste de aterro, sugerindo que houve consumo do amido das blendas por microorganismos. De acordo com as análises realizadas, a adição do TPS produzido com óleo de buriti pode melhorar a degradabilidade do PS.Polystyrene (PS is one of the most used disposable materials in our daily life, but it does not decompose easily. The addition of cassava starch to PS can improve its degradability since starch is a biodegradable polymer. The aim of this work was to develop blends of PS and thermoplastic starch (TPS using two different plasticizers: buriti glycerol and buriti oil, a novel and natural plasticizer for starch. PS/TPS blends were prepared in various contents with the casting technique and analyzed by thermogravimetry (TG, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC

  7. 100-ps framing-camera tube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalibjian, R.


    The optoelectronic framing-camera tube described is capable of recording two-dimensional image frames with high spatial resolution in the <100-ps range. Framing is performed by streaking a two-dimensional electron image across narrow slits. The resulting dissected electron line images from the slits are restored into framed images by a restorer deflector operating synchronously with the dissector deflector. The number of framed images on the tube's viewing screen equals the number of dissecting slits in the tube. Performance has been demonstrated in a prototype tube by recording 135-ps-duration framed images of 2.5-mm patterns at the cathode. The limitation in the framing speed is in the external drivers for the deflectors and not in the tube design characteristics. Faster frame speeds in the <100-ps range can be obtained by use of faster deflection drivers

  8. PsHint1, associated with the G-protein α subunit PsGPA1, is required for the chemotaxis and pathogenicity of Phytophthora sojae. (United States)

    Zhang, Xin; Zhai, Chunhua; Hua, Chenlei; Qiu, Min; Hao, Yujuan; Nie, Pingping; Ye, Wenwu; Wang, Yuanchao


    Zoospore chemotaxis to soybean isoflavones is essential in the early stages of infection by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora sojae. Previously, we have identified a G-protein α subunit encoded by PsGPA1 which regulates the chemotaxis and pathogenicity of P. sojae. In the present study, we used affinity purification to identify PsGPA1-interacting proteins, including PsHint1, a histidine triad (HIT) domain-containing protein orthologous to human HIT nucleotide-binding protein 1 (HINT1). PsHint1 interacted with both the guanosine triphosphate (GTP)- and guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-bound forms of PsGPA1. An analysis of the gene-silenced transformants revealed that PsHint1 was involved in the chemotropic response of zoospores to the isoflavone daidzein. During interaction with a susceptible soybean cultivar, PsHint1-silenced transformants displayed significantly reduced infectious hyphal extension and caused a strong cell death in plants. In addition, the transformants displayed defective cyst germination, forming abnormal germ tubes that were highly branched and exhibited apical swelling. These results suggest that PsHint1 not only regulates chemotaxis by interacting with PsGPA1, but also participates in a Gα-independent pathway involved in the pathogenicity of P. sojae. © 2015 BSPP AND JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD.

  9. LS1 Report: PS beams are back!

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony & Anaïs Schaeffer


    For the first time in over 15 months, there are beams back in the PS. Making their first tour of the accelerator today, 20 June, their injection marks the end of weeks of cold checkouts and hardware commissioning in the PS.   The CERN Control Centre (CCC) is back in business: people gather to restart the LHC injectors, today the PS. Since hardware commissioning was wrapped up on 23 May, the Operations Group (BE-OP) has been conducting cold checkouts on the PS. This involves switching on all of the machine's systems, verifying that they respond to commands by OP and ensuring they are calibrated to beam timings. "These verifications were done, in part, during the hardware commissioning dry runs," says Rende Steerenberg, PS section leader. "But the cold checkouts are on a much larger scale, as we act as if there is beam in the whole machine. We placed a full load on the controls system, cooling, networks, etc. in order to setup the accelerator in the most realis...

  10. Enhanced personal protection at the PS

    CERN Multimedia

    Samuel Morier Genoud


    Pictures 03, 06, 07 08 : Pierre Ninin, deputy group leader of GS-ASE and responsible for the installation of the new PS complex safety system, in front of a new access control system.Pictures 10, 12 ,13 : View of Building 271, the future control centre of the new PS complex safety system.

  11. The PS will soon be back in operation

    CERN Multimedia


    The PS's power supply system is undergoing repairs for the accelerator to restart on 26 June. The AB Department's Power Converter Group is working flat out with Siemens to return the PS's power supply system to working order. A problem appeared on the insulation of the power cables of the rotor of the rotating machine (photo) which supplies power to the PS magnets. To prevent more significant damage to the rotating machine, the AB Department, with the approval of the CERN Management, decided to shut down the PS which had started running on 15 May. Everything is being done to restart the accelerator on 26 June. The PS's rotating machine comprises a motor coupled to a generator. The generator's rotor acts like a flywheel, supplying high-power pulses of 40 to 50 megawatts to the PS magnets. The 6 megawatt motor drives the installation at 1000 revolutions per minute and compensates only for variations in speed. It is an essential interface since it would be hard to imagine connecting such an electrical charge, p...

  12. Back to work for the PS

    CERN Multimedia


    On 22 June, the PS's rotating machine started turning again for the first time since its enforced shutdown one month ago (see Bulletin No. 23-24/2006) - and the PS was back in operation the very next day! A team from Siemens worked their socks off, 6 days a week for one month (including public holidays), to repair the electrical power supply in collaboration with the AB/PO Group's Main Power Converters (MPC) Section. The generator's faulty rotor was dismantled and replaced by the renovated spare rotor. The multitude of electrical and mechanical connections together with the sheer weight of the rotor (80 tonnes) made this an extremely complex job. The AB/PO Group used the shutdown to test a back-up solution for the PS power supply. The accelerator was directly wired up to the 18 kV electrical network via a 13 MVA transformer, installed at the end of the 1970s but never used. This solution succeeded in bringing the PS back into operation but at limited energy and frequency. Just 14 GeV could be achieved, whic...

  13. Fatores contribuintes para o sofrimento psíquico em âmbito psiquiátrico para a equipe de enfermagem

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    Glaudston Silva de Paula


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO As relações entre saúde mental e trabalho despontaram a partir da década de 1970 como marco fundamental da nova abordagem da Saúde do Trabalhador.1 O trabalho de enfermagem tem se apresentado como forma de prazer, mas, também de sofrimento. Apresenta-se como fonte de prazer quando traz satisfação pessoal, quando o profissional desenvolve suas potencialidades humanas através de seu ofício e sente-se útil a sociedade. No entanto, quando existe submissão repressão, o trabalho passa a ser uma mercadoria ou mero serviço prestado, podendo haver repressão das potencialidades humanas, gerando insatisfação, angústia e sofrimento psíquico. OBJETIVO Descrever os fatores contributivos para o sofrimento psíquico da equipe de enfermagem em âmbito psiquiátrico.   MÉTODO Pesquisa de cunho descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa realizada por meio de pesquisa de campo, localizada no município do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, especializada em transtornos mentais, aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Clínica da Gávea sob CAAE nº 02/2009. Foram selecionados 41 profissionais de quadro de enfermagem de todas as categorias, sem critério de exclusão. O instrumento utilizado foi o formulário estruturado com questões abertas e fechadas. Na categorização dos dados empíricos, foram utilizados os passos de Minayo: 2 ordenamento dos dados, classificação dos dados e análise final. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO Em relação ao perfil dos sujeitos, dos 41 participantes, 52% são solteiros e 48% são casados. No que se refere à pater-maternidade, 51,0% dos entrevistados não possuem filhos. No que concerne ao grau de instrução, dividem-se em dois grupos, no qual a prevalência é o nível técnico com 95,0% e o grupo de nível superior que totalizam 5,0%. Foram geradas duas categorias que serão expostas a seguir. Fatores ocupacionais e interpessoais contributivos para o estresse e o sofrimento psíquico O sofrimento mental

  14. Synthesis and Characterization of the Rubidium Thiophosphate Rb 6 (PS 5 )(P 2 S 10 ) and the Rubidium Silver Thiophosphates Rb 2 AgPS 4 , RbAg 5 (PS 4 ) 2 and Rb 3 Ag 9 (PS 4 ) 4

    KAUST Repository

    Alahmary, Fatimah S.


    The metal thiophosphates Rb2AgPS4 (2), RbAg5(PS4)2 (3), and Rb3Ag9(PS4)4 (4) were synthesized by stoichiometric reactions, whereas Rb6(PS5)(P2S10) (1) was prepared with excess amount of sulfur. The compounds crystallize as follows: 1 monoclinic, P21/c (no. 14), a = 17.0123(7) Å, b = 6.9102(2) Å, c = 23.179(1) Å, β = 94.399(4)°; 2 triclinic, P ¯ (no. 2), a = 6.600(1) Å, b = 6.856(1) Å, c = 10.943(3) Å, α = 95.150(2)°, β = 107.338(2)°, γ = 111.383(2)°; 3 orthorhombic, Pbca (no. 61), a = 12.607(1) Å, b = 12.612(1) Å, c = 17.759(2) Å; 4 orthorhombic, Pbcm (no. 57), a = 6.3481(2) Å, b = 12.5782(4) Å, c = 35.975(1) Å. The crystal structures contain discrete units, chains, and 3D polyanionic frameworks composed of PS4 tetrahedral units arranged and connected in different manner. Compounds 1-3 melt congruently, whereas incongruent melting behavior was observed for compound 4. 1-4 are semiconductors with bandgaps between 2.3 and 2.6 eV and thermally stable up to 450 °C in an inert atmosphere. Copyright © 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Apropriações da Instrução ao Sósia na análise da atividade de trabalho

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    Alda Karoline Lima da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo fundamenta-se em quatro experiências de pesquisa nas quais foi utilizada a técnica de Instrução ao Sósia (IaS para análise da atividade de trabalho em variados contextos laborais. São apresentadas e discutidas as aplicações da técnica nessas pesquisas norteadas pela abordagem teórica e metodológica da Clínica da Atividade. As experiências mencionadas efetivaram-se em diferentes ambientes laborais - hospitais, universidades, praias - com seus respectivos participantes (profissionais de saúde, professores e trabalhadores informais. O uso da técnica ensejou diversos fenômenos psíquicos, dentre os quais se destaca a reflexão do trabalhador sobre sua atividade, tanto no âmbito da dimensão clínica da atividade de trabalho como na esfera da identificação de competências diante os possíveis desenrolar da atividade. As contribuições oriundas de tais experiências permitem indicar a técnica para futuros estudos em diferentes contextos laborais, o que evidencia amplas possibilidades de utilização.

  16. High-precision calculation of loosely bound states of LiPs+ and NaPs+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamashita, Takuma; Kino, Yasushi


    A positronic alkali atom would be the first step to investigate behavior of a positronium(Ps) in an external field from atoms/molecules because the system can be regarded as a simple three-body system using model potentials reflecting electron orbitals of the ion core. In order to precisely determine binding energies and structures of positronic alkali atoms (LiPs + and NaPs + ), we improve the model potential so as to reproduce highly excited atomic energy levels of alkali atoms (Li and Na). The polarization potential included by the model potential is expanded in terms of Gaussian functions to finely determine a short range part of the potential which has been assumed to be a simple form. We find better reproducibility not only of atomic levels of the alkali atoms but also of the dipole polarizability of the core ion than previous works. We construct a model potential between a positron and an ion core based on the model potential between the valence electron and ion core. Binding energies associated with a dissociation of the alkali ion core and positronium, and interparticle distances are recalculated. Our results show slightly deeper bound than other previous studies. (paper)

  17. Musicalidade(s e ressonâncias psíquicas: variações subjetivas e destinos à pulsão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro Anselmo Todesqui Tavares

    Full Text Available O presente artigo presta-se a relacionar alguns importantes conceitos da psicanálise, tais como a pulsão invocante, a experiência pática do estranho e as possibilidades de gozo e destinos da pulsão, enredados pela via da Psicanálise Implicada circunscrita ao campo teórico de Freud e Lacan. Tomamos a música como uma enigmática poética do indizível e do inaudito que se articula aquém e além do significante. A experiência musical pode suscitar rearranjos psíquicos, e sua singular função de contágio pode propiciar a transmissão de um real inaudito que mobiliza o campo pulsional, sendo capaz de promover diferentes destinos ao pathos.

  18. Phosphorene-directed self-assembly of asymmetric PS-b-PMMA block copolymer for perpendicularly-oriented sub-10 nm PS nanopore arrays (United States)

    Zhang, Ziming; Zheng, Lu; Khurram, Muhammad; Yan, Qingfeng


    Few-layer black phosphorus, also known as phosphorene, is a new two-dimensional material which is of enormous interest for applications, mainly in electronics and optoelectronics. Herein, we for the first time employ phosphorene for directing the self-assembly of asymmetric polystyrene-block-polymethylmethacrylate (PS-b-PMMA) block copolymer (BCP) thin film to form the perpendicular orientation of sub-10 nm PS nanopore arrays in a hexagonal fashion normal to the interface. We experimentally demonstrate that none of the PS and PMMA blocks exhibit preferential affinity to the phosphorene-modified surface. Furthermore, the perpendicularly-oriented PS nanostructures almost stay unchanged with the variation of number of layers of few-layer phosphorene nanoflakes between 15-30 layers. Differing from the neutral polymer brushes which are widely used for chemical modification of the silicon substrate, phosphorene provides a novel physical way to control the interfacial interactions between the asymmetric PS-b-PMMA BCP thin film and the silicon substrate. Based on our results, it is possible to build a new scheme for producing sub-10 nm PS nanopore arrays oriented perpendicularly to the few-layer phosphorene nanoflakes. Furthermore, the nanostructural microdomains could serve as a promising nanolithography template for surface patterning of phosphorene nanoflakes.

  19. Phosphorene-directed self-assembly of asymmetric PS-b-PMMA block copolymer for perpendicularly-oriented sub-10 nm PS nanopore arrays. (United States)

    Zhang, Ziming; Zheng, Lu; Khurram, Muhammad; Yan, Qingfeng


    Few-layer black phosphorus, also known as phosphorene, is a new two-dimensional material which is of enormous interest for applications, mainly in electronics and optoelectronics. Herein, we for the first time employ phosphorene for directing the self-assembly of asymmetric polystyrene-block-polymethylmethacrylate (PS-b-PMMA) block copolymer (BCP) thin film to form the perpendicular orientation of sub-10 nm PS nanopore arrays in a hexagonal fashion normal to the interface. We experimentally demonstrate that none of the PS and PMMA blocks exhibit preferential affinity to the phosphorene-modified surface. Furthermore, the perpendicularly-oriented PS nanostructures almost stay unchanged with the variation of number of layers of few-layer phosphorene nanoflakes between 15-30 layers. Differing from the neutral polymer brushes which are widely used for chemical modification of the silicon substrate, phosphorene provides a novel physical way to control the interfacial interactions between the asymmetric PS-b-PMMA BCP thin film and the silicon substrate. Based on our results, it is possible to build a new scheme for producing sub-10 nm PS nanopore arrays oriented perpendicularly to the few-layer phosphorene nanoflakes. Furthermore, the nanostructural microdomains could serve as a promising nanolithography template for surface patterning of phosphorene nanoflakes.

  20. Comparative, validity and responsiveness of the HOOS-PS and KOOS-PS to the WOMAC physical function subscale in total joint replacement for osteoarthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davis, A M; Perruccio, A V; Canizares, M


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the internal consistency of the Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Short-form (HOOS-PS) and the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Short-form (KOOS-PS) in total hip replacement (THR) and total knee (TKR) replacement....... Construct validity and responsiveness were compared to the Western Ontario McMaster Universities' Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) Likert 3.0 physical function (PF) subscale and the PF excluding the items in the short measures (PF-exclusions). METHODS: Participants completed the full HOOS or KOOS, measures...... of fatigue, anxiety, depression and the Chronic Pain Grade (CPG) pre-surgery and the HOOS or KOOS 6 months post-surgery. Internal consistency for the HOOS-PS and KOOS-PS was calculated using Cronbach's alpha. For construct validity, it was hypothesized that correlations between the HOOS-PS or KOOS-PS and PF...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Betty Bernardo Fuks


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta algumas das principais reflexões de Freud sobre os temas da guerra e do pacifismo.  Partindo do texto “Da guerra e morte. Temas da atualidade”, escrito  durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial,  a autora mostra de que modo  Freud estabeleceu a incursão da psicanálise no campo da política e de que modo esta conexão exige do analista  manter sua escuta voltada  para a singularidade contemporânea.  Conclui que  em relação a dimensão catastrófica do psiquismo, que podemos observar hoje, por exemplo, na passagem ao ato violento; na delinqüência; na toxicomania; no totalitarismo que se coloca acima da lei e no fundamentalismo como  instrumento da lei divina etc,  importa salientar que a existência desses  novos modos de expressão dos sintomas, põe à prova o devir da psicanálise.  Lança, por fim, a aposta: o futuro da psicanálise depende da responsabilidade do analista em manter seu trabalho voltado à dinâmica psíquica do sujeito, individual ou coletivo, sem abrir mão do rigor dos conceitos freudianos.

  2. The LLL compact 10-ps streak camera

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, S.W.; Houghton, J.W.; Tripp, G.R.; Coleman, L.W.


    The 10-ps streak camera has been redesigned to simplify its operation, reduce manufacturing costs, and improve its appearance. The electronics have been simplified, a film indexer added, and a contacted slit has been evaluated. Data support a 10-ps resolution. (author)

  3. PS, SL and LHC Auditoria change names

    CERN Multimedia


    Following the replacement of the PS, SL and LHC Divisions by the AB and AT Divisions, the Auditoria are also changing their names. PS Auditorium is renamed AB Meyrin SL Auditorium is renamed AB Prévessin LHC Auditorium is renamed AT

  4. Human hair follicle pluripotent stem (hfPS) cells promote regeneration of peripheral-nerve injury: an advantageous alternative to ES and iPS cells. (United States)

    Amoh, Yasuyuki; Kanoh, Maho; Niiyama, Shiro; Hamada, Yuko; Kawahara, Katsumasa; Sato, Yuichi; Hoffman, Robert M; Katsuoka, Kensei


    The optimal source of stem cells for regenerative medicine is a major question. Embryonic stem (ES) cells have shown promise for pluripotency but have ethical issues and potential to form teratomas. Pluripotent stem cells have been produced from skin cells by either viral-, plasmid- or transposon-mediated gene transfer. These stem cells have been termed induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells. iPS cells may also have malignant potential and are inefficiently produced. Embryonic stem cells may not be suited for individualized therapy, since they can undergo immunologic rejection. To address these fundamental problems, our group is developing hair follicle pluripotent stem (hfPS) cells. Our previous studies have shown that mouse hfPS cells can differentiate to neurons, glial cells in vitro, and other cell types, and can promote nerve and spinal cord regeneration in vivo. hfPS cells are located above the hair follicle bulge in what we have termed the hfPS cell area (hfPSA) and are nestin positive and keratin 15 (K-15) negative. Human hfPS cells can also differentiate into neurons, glia, keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells, and melanocytes in vitro. In the present study, human hfPS cells were transplanted in the severed sciatic nerve of the mouse where they differentiated into glial fibrillary-acidic-protein (GFAP)-positive Schwann cells and promoted the recovery of pre-existing axons, leading to nerve generation. The regenerated nerve recovered function and, upon electrical stimulation, contracted the gastrocnemius muscle. The hfPS cells can be readily isolated from the human scalp, thereby providing an accessible, autologous and safe source of stem cells for regenerative medicine that have important advantages over ES or iPS cells. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  5. Psühhodraama - spontaansuse kool / Taimi Elenurm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elenurm, Taimi


    Viinis ja New Yorgis tegutsenud psühhiaatri Jakob Levy Moreno loodud psühhodraamast, mis võimaldab rollimängu kaudu näha ennast läbi teiste silmade, aga ka vabaneda pingetest andes võimaluse käituda teisiti kui tavaelus

  6. Ps 22 in Gospels’ interpretation of Passion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylwester Jędrzejewski


    Full Text Available Ps 22 is a piece of artistically high poetry, clear images and metaphors, historical and prophetic references. The conviction of biblical scholars that the New Testament writers has recognized in Ps 22 prophetic witness of passion, accompanies the Church from its beginnings. The words of Jesus on the cross, taken from Ps 22: 2, have a character of lamentable re-symbolization of the prayer of Israel. These words establish a theological answer in the form of suitable credo as well. Dramatic question “why?” is connected with a proclamation and identification “My God”. The personal experience of oppression and death is included by Jesus in the history of his nation and in the experience of God. Ps 22 in the Gospels’ passion context becomes a proclamation form of prayer and a very personal, expressed in such dramatic circumstances confession of the faith.

  7. Contribuições psicanalíticas acerca da violência conjugal


    Nardi, Suzana Catanio dos Santos; Benetti, Silvia Pereira da Cruz


    A violência é uma questão que há muito tempo vem despertando a atenção de estudiosos. Assim, a temática da agressividade humana e dos aspectos psíquicos associados aos impulsos agressivos tem sido extensamente abordada como objeto de estudo da teoria psicanalítica. O presente artigo se propõe apresentar algumas contribuições psicanalíticas acerca da violência. Para isso, autores clássicos como Freud e Klein, passando pela teoria do apego, com Bolwby, e contemporâneos como Kernberg e Fonagy, s...

  8. Psychic workloads and strain processes in nursing workers of brazilian university hospitals Cargas psíquicas y procesos de desgaste en trabajadores de enfermería de hospitales universitarios brasileños Cargas psíquicas e processos de desgaste em trabalhadores de enfermagem de hospitais universitários brasileiros

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    Vivian Aline Mininel


    , especialmente a las cargas psíquicas. Esta exposición desencadena procesos de desgaste que comprometen la salud y calidad de vida, señalando la necesidad de realizar intervenciones en esta realidad.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o processo de trabalho, as cargas psíquicas e os desgastes gerados em trabalhadores de enfermagem, Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em cinco hospitais universitários brasileiros. A amostra foi composta por 62 trabalhadores de enfermagem e a coleta foi realizada por meio da técnica de grupo focal, seguida da aplicação da enquete coletiva. Os dados foram descritos numericamente e sistematizados, segundo análise temática. A população de estudo representou 35,37% da força de trabalho hospitalar, no cenário nacional. Os resultados mostram que os trabalhadores referiram exposição a diversos tipos de cargas psíquicas, relacionando-as a outras cargas de trabalho, destacando-se os desgastes decorrentes desse tipo de carga, como estresse, fadiga, gastrite e cefaleia. Conclui-se que os trabalhadores de enfermagem estão expostos a diversas cargas de trabalho no ambiente hospitalar, especialmente às cargas psíquicas. Essa exposição desencadeia processos de desgaste que comprometem a saúde e qualidade de vida, sinalizando a necessidade de intervenções nessa realidade.

  9. Real-life experience of using conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Retrospective analysis of the efficacy of methotrexate, sulfasalazine, and leflunomide in PsA in comparison to spondyloarthritides other than PsA and literature review of the use of conventional DMARDs in PsA (United States)

    Roussou, Euthalia; Bouraoui, Aicha


    Objective With the aim of assessing the response to treatment with conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) used in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), data on methotrexate, sulfasalazine (SSZ), and leflunomide were analyzed from baseline and subsequent follow-up (FU) questionnaires completed by patients with either PsA or other spondyloarthritides (SpAs). Material and Methods A single-center real-life retrospective analysis was performed by obtaining clinical data via questionnaires administered before and after treatment. The indices used were erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) level, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Function Index (BASFI), wellbeing (WB), and treatment effect (TxE). The indices measured at baseline were compared with those measured on one occasion in a FU visit at least 1 year later. Results A total of 73 patients, 51 with PsA (mean age 49.8±12.8 years; male-to-female ratio [M:F]=18:33) and 22 with other SpAs (mean age 50.6±16 years; M:F=2:20), were studied. BASDAI, BASFI, and WB displayed consistent improvements during FU assessments in both PsA patients and controls in comparison to baseline values. SSZ exhibited better efficacy as confirmed by TxE in both PsA patients and controls. ESR and CRP displayed no differences in either the PsA or the SpA group between the cases before and after treatment. Conclusion Real-life retrospective analysis of three DMARDs used in PsA (and SpAs other than PsA) demonstrated that all three DMARDs that were used brought about improvements in BASDAI, BASFI, TxE, and WB. However, the greatest improvements at FU were seen with SSZ use in both PsA and control cohorts. PMID:28293446

  10. Sofrimento psíquico em familiares de usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Fabiana Pegoraro


    Full Text Available Investiga-se o sofrimento psíquico em familiares de usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS do interior paulista. Participaram do estudo nove familiares identificados como cuidadores desses usuários, em sua maioria do sexo feminino, com idades entre 60-76 anos e pertencentes às camadas populares. Utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada, abordando o relato livre da história de vida do cuidador, o sentido atribuído ao cuidar e o impacto da doença mental no cotidiano dos entrevistados e familiares. A análise temática das entrevistas permitiu a identificação de sofrimento psíquico (nervoso e depressão em familiares, inclusive cuidadores, e realização de tratamento psiquiátrico com uso de ansiolíticos. A presença de sofrimento mental em familiares, além do usuário, pode implicar mais sobrecarga para o cuidador, em virtude do acúmulo de tarefas, e indica necessidade de atenção e intervenção junto às famílias por parte das equipes de saúde.

  11. JAK1 kinase forms complexes with interleukin-4 receptor and 4PS/insulin receptor substrate-1-like protein and is activated by interleukin-4 and interleukin-9 in T lymphocytes. (United States)

    Yin, T; Tsang, M L; Yang, Y C


    Interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-9 regulate the proliferation of T lymphocytes through interactions with their receptors. Previous studies have shown that unknown tyrosine kinases are involved in the proliferative signaling triggered by IL-4 and IL-9. Here we show that IL-4 and IL-9 induce overlapping (170, 130, and 125 kilodalton (kDa)) and distinct (45 and 88/90 kDa, respectively) protein tyrosine phosphorylation in T lymphocytes. We further identify the 170-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein as 4PS/insulin receptor substrate-1-like (IRS-1L) protein and 130-kDa protein as JAK1 kinase. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that JAK1 forms complexes with the IL-4 receptor and 4PS/IRS-1L protein following ligand-receptor interaction. In addition, we demonstrate that IL-9, but not IL-4, induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat 91 transcriptional factor. The overlapping and distinct protein tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the same JAK1 kinase in T lymphocytes strongly suggests that IL-4 and IL-9 share the common signal transduction pathways and that the specificity for each cytokine could be achieved through the unique tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins triggered by individual cytokines.

  12. Updating the Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) Core Domain Set

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Orbai, Ana-Maria; de Wit, Maarten; Mease, Philip J


    OBJECTIVE: To include the patient perspective in accordance with the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Filter 2.0 in the updated Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) Core Domain Set for randomized controlled trials (RCT) and longitudinal observational studies (LOS). METHODS: At OMERACT 2016, research...... conducted to update the PsA Core Domain Set was presented and discussed in breakout groups. The updated PsA Core Domain Set was voted on and endorsed by OMERACT participants. RESULTS: We conducted a systematic literature review of domains measured in PsA RCT and LOS, and identified 24 domains. We conducted...... and breakout groups at OMERACT 2016 in which findings were presented and discussed. The updated PsA Core Domain Set endorsed with 90% agreement by OMERACT 2016 participants included musculoskeletal disease activity, skin disease activity, fatigue, pain, patient's global assessment, physical function, health...

  13. NaPdPS{sub 4} and RbPdPS{sub 4}: systems with infinite straight ((1)/({infinity}))[PdPS{sub 4}]{sup -} chains soluble in polar solvents and the structure of cubic RbPdPS{sub 4}{l_brace}Rb{sub 0.33}P{sub 0.4}S{sub 2.23}O{sub x}{r_brace}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coste, Servane; Hanko, Jason; Bujoli-Doeuff, Martine; Louarn, Guy; Evain, Michel; Brec, Raymond; Alonso, Bruno; Jobic, S; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G


    The synthesis, crystal structures, chemical and spectroscopic properties of NaPdPS{sub 4}, RbPdPS{sub 4}, and RbPdPS{sub 4}{l_brace}Rb{sub 0.33}P{sub 0.4}S{sub 2.23}O{sub x}{r_brace} are described. NaPdPS{sub 4}, RbPdPS{sub 4}, are isostructural and crystallize in the tetragonal system I4/mcm with cell parameters a=7.3074(8) A, c=12.2308(14) A and a=8.2954(3) A, c=12.2284(4) A respectively. RbPdPS{sub 4}{l_brace}Rb{sub 0.33}P{sub 0.4}S{sub 2.23}O{sub x}{r_brace} is cubic, space group Pm-3n and a=12.0042(2) A. All compounds contain the same ((1)/({infinity}))[PdPS{sub 4}]{sup -} chains made of alternating square planar Pd{sup 2+} cations and tetrahedral [PS{sub 4}]{sup 3-} anions. RbPdPS{sub 4}{l_brace}Rb{sub 0.33}P{sub 0.4}S{sub 2.23}O{sub x}{r_brace} contains co-crystallized highly disordered molecular species encapsulated within [Rb{sub 8}] cubic cavities. Spectroscopic solid state {sup 31}P NMR, infrared and Raman data as well as elemental analysis suggest that these species could be S{sub n}{sup 2-} (n=3 or 4) anions and possibly cationic [P{sub 4}S{sub 6}O]{sup 6+} fragments. NaPdPS{sub 4} and RbPdPS{sub 4} exhibit exfoliative dissolution in polar solvents giving rise to solutions that show signs of complex fluid behavior.

  14. An HDAC2-TET1 switch at distinct chromatin regions significantly promotes the maturation of pre-iPS to iPS cells (United States)

    Wei, Tingyi; Chen, Wen; Wang, Xiukun; Zhang, Man; Chen, Jiayu; Zhu, Songcheng; Chen, Long; Yang, Dandan; Wang, Guiying; Jia, Wenwen; Yu, Yangyang; Duan, Tao; Wu, Minjuan; Liu, Houqi; Gao, Shaorong; Kang, Jiuhong


    The maturation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) is one of the limiting steps of somatic cell reprogramming, but the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we reported that knockdown of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) specifically promoted the maturation of iPS cells. Further studies showed that HDAC2 knockdown significantly increased histone acetylation, facilitated TET1 binding and DNA demethylation at the promoters of iPS cell maturation-related genes during the transition of pre-iPS cells to a fully reprogrammed state. We also found that HDAC2 competed with TET1 in the binding of the RbAp46 protein at the promoters of maturation genes and knockdown of TET1 markedly prevented the activation of these genes. Collectively, our data not only demonstrated a novel intrinsic mechanism that the HDAC2-TET1 switch critically regulates iPS cell maturation, but also revealed an underlying mechanism of the interplay between histone acetylation and DNA demethylation in gene regulation. PMID:25934799

  15. PS overcomes two serious magnet failures

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Two magnets and a bus bar connection in the PS were found to be faulty during high-voltage tests at the end of the accelerator shutdown. A five-week repair schedule was quickly devised. A team of mechanics, technicians and engineers worked at full speed to replace the faulty magnets, succeeding in limiting the delay of the accelerators' spring start-up to two weeks. Here we see the PS magnet string awaiting the replacement no. 6 magnet.

  16. PS Control Room

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The good old PS Control Room, all manual. For each parameter, a knob or a button to control it; for each, a light or meter or oscilloscope to monitor it; carefully written pages serve as the data bank; phones and intercom for communication. D.Dekkers is at the microphone, M.Valvini sits in front.

  17. O uso da interpretação na clínica do amadurecimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elsa Oliveira Dias


    Full Text Available Pensando a prática clínica, em especial, a interpretação, à luz da teoria do amadurecimento, Winnicott propõe 1 que o uso da interpretação, no sentido tradicional, isto é, referida aos conteúdos reprimidos, fique limitado aos casos em que já há o estabelecimento do eu unitário e de uma realidade psíquica pessoal e 2 uma redescrição da função, do sentido e do uso da interpretação como parte do procedimento terapêutico, assinalando os riscos que lhe são inerentes.

  18. Prognostic significance of cytosolic pS2 content in ovarian tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raigoso, P.; Allende, T.; Zeidan, N.; Llana, B.; Bernardo, L.; Roiz, C.; Tejuca, S.; Vazquez, J.; Lamelas, M.L.


    Aim: pS2 is an estrogen regulated peptide which has been associated with a good prognosis an with a more favorable response to treatment in breast cancer patients. In ovarian tumors, the expression of pS2 was demonstrated at both mRNA and protein levels. In addition, it has been showed significant association of pS2 with mucinous differentiation or well differentiation grade of the tumors. However, it is little know about the prognostic significance of the pS2 content in ovarian carcinomas. The aims of the present work were to analyze the cytosolic pS2 content in benign and malignant ovarian tumors, its relationship with clinico-pathologic parameters, steroid receptor status, and prognostic significance. Material and Methods: We analysed the cytosolic concentrations of pS2 in 91 specimen ovarian tissues by an immunoradiometric assay (ELSA-pS2, CIS, France). The tissues were 8 normal ovaries, 43 benign tumors and 40 malignant ovarian tumors. The same ovarian tissues processed to pS2 were analyzed to Estrogen (ER) and Progesterone (PgR) Receptor status. These steroid receptors were quantified biochemically following commercial ELISA method (ABBOTT Diagnostics, Germany). The relationship between cytosolic content and clinico-pathologic factors was examined by the Mann-Whitney or Kruskall-Wallis test. Correlation between steroid receptors and pS2 content was calculated with the Spearman test. Survival curves were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by the log-rank test. Differences were considered significant at 5% probability level. Results: pS2 could be detected in 30 cases (32.9%) with values ranged from 0.04 to 89 ng/mg prt. Only one normal ovary showed detectable levels of pS2 and there were not differences in cytosolic content between benign and malignant ovarian tumors. The pS2 levels were only associated to mucinous differentiation in both benign and malignant ovarian tumors (p=0.029 and p=0.015, respectively). Significantly higher

  19. Marion Milner e a clínica da criatividade: estilo, ética e técnica


    Devito, Juliana


    Despertado pelo interesse de estudar o papel das artes na vida cotidiana e no espaço terapêutico e aprofundar o estudo sobre a criatividade nesses dois campos, o objetivo deste estudo é apresentar as ideias e os insights da psicanalista e artista inglesa Marion Milner acerca dos fenômenos psíquicos, do processo terapêutico e como eles ampliaram consideravelmente o âmbito da criatividade na Psicanálise. Veremos como sua obra dá ênfase ao papel da criatividade e da experiência estética no favor...

  20. The new heart of the PS is beating strongly

    CERN Multimedia

    Corinne Pralavorio


    The PS has resumed operation with a brand new electrical power system called POPS; this enormous system comprising power electronics and capacitors is crucial because if it broke down practically no particles would be able to circulate at CERN. As soon as it started, POPS passed all the tests with flying colours and is now pulsing at full power.   The new PS power system is made up of 6 containers, each with 60 tonnes of capacitors and 8 power converters. The date 11/02/11 will always be remembered with affection by the engineers in the Electrical Power Converters Group. At 11:11 in the morning (no joke), the first beams powered by the new system began to circulate in the PS. The cutely-named POPS (POwer for PS) took over from the old rotating machine that had been working since 1968. From now on it will be POPS that supplies the PS main magnets with the electrical pulses needed to accelerate the beams for the LHC and all CERN's other facilities. The system is crucial as the PS is one of the lyn...

  1. LEADIR-PS: the path to a safe and economic SMR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hart, R.S. [Nothern Nuclear Industries Inc., Cambridge, Ontario (Canada)


    Northern Nuclear Industries Incorporated (N{sup 2} I{sup 2}) is developing a family of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) called LEADIR-PS, an acronym for LEAD-cooled Integral Reactor-Passively Safe. LEADIR-PS plants under development, focused on process heat applications and the energy demands of Canada, are the LEADIR-PS100 with an output of 100 MWth and LEADIR-PS300 with an output of 300 MWth. A plant consisting of six LEADIR-PS300 reactor modules serving a common turbine-generator, called the LEADIR-PS Six-Pack, is focused on serving areas with higher energy demands. LEADIR-PS integrates the inherent safety features of the Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor and molten lead coolant in an integral pool type reactor configuration. Molten lead coolant, which boils at 1750 {sup o}C,avoids the cost of a reactor pressure vessel and high pressure/high temperature reactor coolant systems, and the safety concerns regarding pressure vessel and large capacity reactor coolant system piping rupture and precludes evaporation of the coolant. Molten lead does not chemically react with air, water, or graphite. The Gen IV+ LEADIR-PS plants are inherently/passively safe. There are no active systems required for safe shutdown and decay heat removal. Safety is assured without active or stored energy power supply, without a requirement to reposition valves or other devices and operator intervention or action. The unprecedented safety achieved by LEADIR-PS reactors avoids requirements for a large exclusion radius and demanding evacuation plan requirements. LEADIR-PS, with steam conditions of 370 {sup o}C and 12 MPa (more than twice that of water cooled reactors), can serve over 85% of the world's non-transportation process heat demands and is ideally suited to serving Combined Heat and Electricity demands and industrial parks. Energy utilization of over 95% is feasible in process heat and Combined Heat and Electricity applications. The simple robust design of LEADIR-PS plants in

  2. Pressure Monitoring Using Hybrid fs/ps Rotational CARS (United States)

    Kearney, Sean P.; Danehy, Paul M.


    We investigate the feasibility of gas-phase pressure measurements at kHz-rates using fs/ps rotational CARS. Femtosecond pump and Stokes pulses impulsively prepare a rotational Raman coherence, which is then probed by a high-energy 6-ps pulse introduced at a time delay from the Raman preparation. Rotational CARS spectra were recorded in N2 contained in a room-temperature gas cell for pressures from 0.1 to 3 atm and probe delays ranging from 10-330 ps. Using published self-broadened collisional linewidth data for N2, both the spectrally integrated coherence decay rate and the spectrally resolved decay were investigated as means for detecting pressure. Shot-averaged and single-laser-shot spectra were interrogated for pressure and the accuracy and precision as a function of probe delay and cell pressure are discussed. Single-shot measurement accuracies were within 0.1 to 6.5% when compared to a transducer values, while the precision was generally between 1% and 6% of measured pressure for probe delays of 200 ps or more, and better than 2% as the delay approached 300 ps. A byproduct of the pressure measurement is an independent but simultaneous measurement of the gas temperature.

  3. Dubois d'Amiens e a sua concepção sistemática da hipocondria e da histeria na França

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sophie Maurissen


    Full Text Available Frédéric Dubois d'Amiens foi o vencedor do concurso da Sociedade Real de Medicina de Bordeaux em 1830, graças à apresentação da sua tese intitulada "História filosófica da hipocondria e da histeria". De um ponto de vista existencial, sistemático e por meio de um método histórico-filosófico, ele propõe uma descrição inédita da hipocondria, pois descreve passo a passo a constituição do sujeito afetado, revolucionando assim as concepções médicas e psicopatológicas dessa doença. Apesar das diversas críticas que lhe são apontadas, Dubois d'Amiens reconhece à hipocondria, desde 1830, um sofrimento psíquico e físico específico e vê nela uma forma de pensar, enquanto que Freud a classificará mais tarde como uma neurose atual.

  4. The OMERACT psoriatic arthritis magnetic resonance imaging scoring system (PsAMRIS): definitions of key pathologies, suggested MRI sequences, and preliminary scoring system for PsA Hands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Mikkel; McQueen, Fiona; Wiell, Charlotte


    This article describes a preliminary OMERACT psoriatic arthritis magnetic resonance image scoring system (PsAMRIS) for evaluation of inflammatory and destructive changes in PsA hands, which was developed by the international OMERACT MRI in inflammatory arthritis group. MRI definitions of important...... pathologies in peripheral PsA and suggestions concerning appropriate MRI sequences for use in PsA hands are also provided....

  5. Energy and expectation values of the PsH system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitroy, J.


    Close to converged energies and expectation values for PsH are computed using a ground state wave function consisting of 1800 explicitly correlated gaussians. The best estimate of the Ps ∞ H energy was -0.789 196 740 hartree which is the lowest variational energy to date. The 2γ annihilation rate for Ps ∞ H was 2.471 78x10 9 s -1

  6. Emission properties of porphyrin compounds in new polymeric PS:CBP host (United States)

    Jafari, Mohammad Reza; Bahrami, Bahram


    In this study, a device with fundamental structure of ITO/PEDOT:PSS (60 nm)/PS:CBP (70 nm)/Al (150 nm) was fabricated. The electroluminescence spectrum of device designated a red shift rather than PS:CBP photoluminescence spectra. It can be suggested that the electroplex emission occurs at PS:CBP interface. By following this step, red light-emitting devices using porphyrin compounds as a red dopant in a new host material PS:CBP with a configuration of ITO/PEDOT:PSS (60 nm)/PS:CBP:porphyrin compounds(70 nm)/Al (150 nm) have been fabricated and investigated. The electroluminescent spectra of the porphyrin compounds were red-shifted as compared with the PS:CBP blend. OLED devices based on doping 3,4PtTPP and TPPNO2 in PS:CBP showed purer red emission compared with ZnTPP and CoTPP doped devices. We believe that the electroluminescence performance of OLED devices based on porphyrin compounds depends on overlaps between the absorption of the porphyrin compounds and the emission of PS:CBP.

  7. Chemotherapy and quality of life in NSCLC PS 2 patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helbekkmo, Nina; Strøm, Hans H; Sundstrøm, Stein H


    , fatigue, dyspnea, sleeping problems and appetite loss in comparison to the PS 0/1 group. CONCLUSIONS: PS 2 NSCLC patients seem to achieve valuable HRQOL benefits from platinum-based combination therapy. Prospective clinical studies with predefined HRQOL outcomes in PS 2 patients are needed to confirm...

  8. In vivo quantitative whole-brain diffusion tensor imaging analysis of APP/PS1 transgenic mice using voxel-based and atlas-based methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qin, Yuan-Yuan [Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Department of Radiology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Wuhan (China); The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Baltimore, MD (United States); Li, Mu-Wei; Oishi, Kenichi [The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Baltimore, MD (United States); Zhang, Shun; Zhang, Yan; Zhao, Ling-Yun; Zhu, Wen-Zhen [Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Department of Radiology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Wuhan (China); Lei, Hao [Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Center for Magnetic Resonance, State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Wuhan (China)


    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been applied to characterize the pathological features of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in a mouse model, although little is known about whether these features are structure specific. Voxel-based analysis (VBA) and atlas-based analysis (ABA) are good complementary tools for whole-brain DTI analysis. The purpose of this study was to identify the spatial localization of disease-related pathology in an AD mouse model. VBA and ABA quantification were used for the whole-brain DTI analysis of nine APP/PS1 mice and wild-type (WT) controls. Multiple scalar measurements, including fractional anisotropy (FA), trace, axial diffusivity (DA), and radial diffusivity (DR), were investigated to capture the various types of pathology. The accuracy of the image transformation applied for VBA and ABA was evaluated by comparing manual and atlas-based structure delineation using kappa statistics. Following the MR examination, the brains of the animals were analyzed for microscopy. Extensive anatomical alterations were identified in APP/PS1 mice, in both the gray matter areas (neocortex, hippocampus, caudate putamen, thalamus, hypothalamus, claustrum, amygdala, and piriform cortex) and the white matter areas (corpus callosum/external capsule, cingulum, septum, internal capsule, fimbria, and optic tract), evidenced by an increase in FA or DA, or both, compared to WT mice (p < 0.05, corrected). The average kappa value between manual and atlas-based structure delineation was approximately 0.8, and there was no significant difference between APP/PS1 and WT mice (p > 0.05). The histopathological changes in the gray matter areas were confirmed by microscopy studies. DTI did, however, demonstrate significant changes in white matter areas, where the difference was not apparent by qualitative observation of a single-slice histological specimen. This study demonstrated the structure-specific nature of pathological changes in APP/PS1 mouse, and also showed the

  9. Projeção e sofrimento psíquico na paranoia Proyección y sufrimiento psíquico en la paranoia Projection and psychic suffering in paranoia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Carlos Tarelho


    Full Text Available O presente artigo se propõe a discutir o sofrimento psíquico e o papel exercido pela projeção na paranoia. Ele questiona a relação estabelecida por Freud entre paranoia e homossexualidade e traz à tona a questão dos enclaves psicóticos ligados a mensagens parentais, que assumem a forma de injunções paradoxais e não se prestam a uma retomada ativa e simbolizante por parte da criança. Enclaves que tendem a se enquistar no plano do superego, impedindo a evolução deste para o nível edipiano e produzindo um curto-circuito na estruturação da tópica psíquica, uma vez que parte deste superego passa a ocupar um espaço intermediário entre o eu e o mundo externo e a propiciar um tipo de projeção diferente do descrito por Freud, que é próprio do universo psicótico e do grau de certeza que acompanha as produções delirantes subjacentes.Este artículo propone discutir el sufrimiento psíquico y la función ejercida por la proyección en la paranoia. Se cuestiona la relación establecida por Freud entre paranoia y homosexualidad y plantea la cuestión de los enclaves psicóticos asociados a mensajes parentales, que asumen la forma de imposiciones paradójicas y no se prestan a una retomada activa y simbolizante por parte del niño. Enclaves que tienden a enquistarse en el plano del superyó, impidiendo su evolución para el nivel edipiano y produciendo un cortocircuito en la estructuración de la tópica psíquica una vez que una parte de este superyó pasa a ocupar un espacio intermedio entre el yo y el mundo externo y a proporcionar un tipo de proyección diferente de lo descripto por Freud, que es proprio del universo psicótico y del grado de seguridad que acompaña las producciones delirantes subyacentes.The aim of this paper is to discuss psychological suffering and the role of projection in paranoid states. It criticizes the relationship established by Freud between paranoid states and homosexuality, and brings about the

  10. PS Main Control Room (partial view)

    CERN Multimedia


    Jean-Pierre Potier (turning buttons) and Bertran Frammery (telephoning) on shift. The 26 GeV Synchrotron and later also its related machines (Linacs 1,2,3; PS-Booster; LEP-Injector Linacs and Electron-Positron Accumulator; Antiproton Accumulator, Antiproton Collector, Low Energy Antiproton Ring and more recently Antiproton Decelerator) were all controlled from the PS control room situated on the Meyrin site. The SPS and LEP were controlled from a separat control centre on the Prevessin site. In 2005 all controls were transferred to the Prevessin centre.

  11. PS overcomes two serious magnet failures

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Two magnets and a bus bar connection in the PS were found to be faulty during high-voltage tests at the end of the accelerator shutdown. A five-week repair schedule was quickly devised. A team of mechanics, technicians and engineers worked at full speed to replace the faulty magnets, succeeding in limiting the delay of the accelerators' spring start-up to two weeks. These pictures show one of the magnets (no. 19) on the PS locomotive brought back into service for the removal and replacement operations.

  12. Beyond iPS!

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available It’s undoubtedly a jubilant moment for scientists and clinicians working in the stem cell arena as Prof. Gurdon and Prof. Shinya Yamanaka have been chosen for the Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine this year. The mystery of cell biology is something unfathomable and probably the work of this duo as well as the other scientists, who have put their hands on in- vitro de-differentiation have opened our eyes to a new window or a new paradigm in cell biology. The iPS invention has brought a lot of hope in terms of potential direct benefits to treat several diseases, which have no definite options at the moment. But, we envisage that several spin-offs could come out of this invention and one very significant spin-off finding recently witnessed is the finding by Prof. Masaharu Seno and his team of researchers at the Okayama University, Japan (Chen L, et al. 2012, PLoS ONE 7(4:e33544.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033544. According to Prof. Seno, mouse iPS cells (miPS when cultured in the conditioned medium derived from cancer cell lines, differentiate into cancer stem cells (CSCs. While differentiating into CSCs, they do retain the potential to develop endothelial progenitor cells. Several questions arise here: 1.Are these miPS derived CSCs really pluripotent, even if the terminal differentiation destined to specific phenotypes? 2.Shouldn’t the Cancer Stem Cells be termed as cancer progenitor cells, as till date they are considered to be producing only cancer cells but not pluripotent to yield other types of normal tissues? The spin-offs could be infinite as the process of differentiation and de-differentiation happening due to trillions of signals and pathways, most still remaining not-so-well understood. A special mention should be made to Prof. Shinya Yamanaka as he has several sterling qualities to be a role-model for budding scientists. Apart from his passion for science, which made him shift his career from orthopedics to a cell biologist, his

  13. PS auxiliary magnet

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    Units of the PS auxiliary magnet system. The picture shows how the new dipoles, used for vertical and horizontal high-energy beam manipulation, are split for installation and removal so that it is not necessary to break the accelerator vacuum. On the right, adjacent to the sector valve and the windings of the main magnet, is an octupole of the set.

  14. Os filhos de Medeia e a Síndrome da Alienação Parental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yvanna Aires Gadelha Sarmet

    Full Text Available Resumo A Síndrome da Alienação Parental (SAP refere-se a um conjunto de sintomas manifestos pela criança durante e após o processo de separação dos seus pais. A SAP demonstra o sofrimento da família e os golpes psíquicos sofridos pela criança quando enredada nos sentimentos de vingança, ódio e rejeição. A criança é desrespeitada e usada como instrumento para punir e provocar dor no genitor alienado. Como no mito de Medeia, no qual a mãe mata seus filhos, na alienação parental, o alienador os sufoca e aniquila neles a capacidade de perceber, sentir e julgar livremente. A criança torna-se uma extensão do alienador, impedida de pensar, discriminar e escolher por si mesma. Ao adotar a tragédia de Medeia e o referencial teórico junguiano, este trabalho analisa as referências feitas às crianças no mito, relaciona-o à SAP e apresenta as consequências da alienação parental para o desenvolvimento psíquico da criança.

  15. Práticas da psicologia clínica em face do sofrimento psíquico causado pelo desemprego contemporâneo Prácticas de psicologia clinica frente al sufrimiento psíquico causado por el desempleo contemporáneo Psychology clinical practices towards psychological suffering caused by contemporary unemployment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Abs


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou compreender as práticas da Psicologia Clínica em face do sofrimento psíquico causado pelo desemprego contemporâneo. Para tanto, foram entrevistados 8 psicólogos da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, abordando os seus entendimentos sobre as temáticas de trabalho e desemprego, as suas consequências para a subjetividade dos pacientes, as intervenções utilizadas, o auxílio da abordagem teórica nessas intervenções e as possíveis contribuições da Psicologia em relação ao fenômeno estudado. Foi realizada análise de conteúdo para os dados coletados. Os enunciados foram agrupados em quatro temáticas, com as respectivas categorias: Trabalho, Desemprego, Intervenções sobre o desemprego na clínica e Lugar da Psicologia em face do desemprego. Os enunciados destacaram a falta de operadores clínicos para se lidar com esse fenômeno. Concluiu-se que o desemprego é uma temática da clínica psicológica contemporânea, e que esta necessita produzir operadores capazes de, na clínica, dar conta de fenômenos contemporâneos que estão emergindo, como o desemprego. Concluiu-se igualmente que são necessários mais estudos abordando essa temática.Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de comprender las prácticas de Psicología Clínica frente al sufrimiento psíquico causado por el desempleo contemporáneo. Para tal, fueron entrevistados 8 psicólogos de La región metropolitana de Porto Alegre, abordando sus entendimientos de las temáticas de trabajo y desempleo, consecuencias estas para la subjetividad de los pacientes, intervenciones utilizadas, auxilio del abordaje teórico en estas y posibles contribuciones de la Psicología frente al fenómeno estudiado. Fueron realizados análisis del contenido para los datos colectados. Los enunciados fueron agrupados en cuatro temáticas, con sus respectivas categorias: Trabajo, Desempleo, Intervenciones sobre el desempleo en la clínica y lugar de la Psicología frente al

  16. O sofrimento psíquico dos enfermeiros que lidam com pacientes oncológicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Bastoni da Silva


    Full Text Available A fim de identificar as situações enfrentadas pelos enfermeiros, que mais lhes desencadeiam sofrimento psíquico no cotidiano com paciente oncológico, e verificar as formas encontradas por estes profissionais para lidar com tal sofrimento, foram entrevistados quatro enfermeiros de um hospital-escola da cidade de Campinas, estado de São Paulo, que trabalhavam com pacientes oncológicos. A abordagem etnográfica foi empregada para realizar a coleta de dados. A entrevista não-diretiva, associada com observação de campo, foi a técnica utilizada para esta coleta. Para a análise dos dados, foi empregado como referencial metodológico a Análise do Conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que muitas situações do relacionamento enfermeiro-paciente oncológico suscitam sofrimento psíquico neste profissional. Estas situações estão ligadas ao trabalho dos enfermeiros, ao tipo de paciente cuidado por estes profissionais e ao tipo de doença que apresenta o paciente. O presente estudo mostrou que, muitas vezes, os enfermeiros usam mecanismos de defesa contra esse sofrimento psíquico. A intenção do trabalho é contribuir para o conhecimento do assunto e assim servir de base para a elaboração de medidas que possam amenizar problemas dessa natureza, que ocorrem, com os enfermeiros, que atuam na Área de Oncologia. Com este estudo, espera-se poder contribuir para a compreensão do desafio que é o câncer, doença que amedronta profissionais e a população em geral.

  17. O sofrimento psíquico dos enfermeiros que lidam com pacientes oncológicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Bastoni da Silva

    Full Text Available A fim de identificar as situações enfrentadas pelos enfermeiros, que mais lhes desencadeiam sofrimento psíquico no cotidiano com paciente oncológico, e verificar as formas encontradas por estes profissionais para lidar com tal sofrimento, foram entrevistados quatro enfermeiros de um hospital-escola da cidade de Campinas, estado de São Paulo, que trabalhavam com pacientes oncológicos. A abordagem etnográfica foi empregada para realizar a coleta de dados. A entrevista não-diretiva, associada com observação de campo, foi a técnica utilizada para esta coleta. Para a análise dos dados, foi empregado como referencial metodológico a Análise do Conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que muitas situações do relacionamento enfermeiro-paciente oncológico suscitam sofrimento psíquico neste profissional. Estas situações estão ligadas ao trabalho dos enfermeiros, ao tipo de paciente cuidado por estes profissionais e ao tipo de doença que apresenta o paciente. O presente estudo mostrou que, muitas vezes, os enfermeiros usam mecanismos de defesa contra esse sofrimento psíquico. A intenção do trabalho é contribuir para o conhecimento do assunto e assim servir de base para a elaboração de medidas que possam amenizar problemas dessa natureza, que ocorrem, com os enfermeiros, que atuam na Área de Oncologia. Com este estudo, espera-se poder contribuir para a compreensão do desafio que é o câncer, doença que amedronta profissionais e a população em geral.

  18. Exact PsTd invariant and PsTd symmetric breaking solutions, symmetry reductions and Bäcklund transformations for an AB-KdV system (United States)

    Jia, Man; Lou, Sen Yue


    In natural and social science, many events happened at different space-times may be closely correlated. Two events, A (Alice) and B (Bob) are defined as correlated if one event is determined by another, say, B = f ˆ A for suitable f ˆ operators. A nonlocal AB-KdV system with shifted-parity (Ps, parity with a shift), delayed time reversal (Td, time reversal with a delay) symmetry where B =Ps ˆ Td ˆ A is constructed directly from the normal KdV equation to describe two-area physical event. The exact solutions of the AB-KdV system, including PsTd invariant and PsTd symmetric breaking solutions are shown by different methods. The PsTd invariant solution show that the event happened at A will happen also at B. These solutions, such as single soliton solutions, infinitely many singular soliton solutions, soliton-cnoidal wave interaction solutions, and symmetry reduction solutions etc., show the AB-KdV system possesses rich structures. Also, a special Bäcklund transformation related to residual symmetry is presented via the localization of the residual symmetry to find interaction solutions between the solitons and other types of the AB-KdV system.

  19. PS-Modules over Ore Extensions and Skew Generalized Power Series Rings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Refaat M. Salem


    Full Text Available A right R-module MR is called a PS-module if its socle, SocMR, is projective. We investigate PS-modules over Ore extension and skew generalized power series extension. Let R be an associative ring with identity, MR a unitary right R-module, O=Rx;α,δ Ore extension, MxO a right O-module, S,≤ a strictly ordered additive monoid, ω:S→EndR a monoid homomorphism, A=RS,≤,ω the skew generalized power series ring, and BA=MS,≤RS,≤, ω the skew generalized power series module. Then, under some certain conditions, we prove the following: (1 If MR is a right PS-module, then MxO is a right PS-module. (2 If MR is a right PS-module, then BA is a right PS-module.

  20. Proceedings of the workshop on the PS-spin collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Yoshiharu


    This volume is a record of the PS-Spin Collider Workshop which was held at KEK, Jan. 31-Feb.1, 1992. As a future project of the KEK 12-GeV proton synchrotron (KEK-PS), the hadron collider (PS-Collider), has been under discussion. Originally, the PSC was designed for heavy ion beam collisions with the energy range of 5-7 GeV/u. If polarized protons are accelerated in PSC, 19 x 19 GeV collisions are possible. This workshop was proposed to bring together interested experimentalists and accelerator physicists to discuss the case that could be made for polarization physics and the technical feasibility at the PS Spin Collider. More than 30 physicists participated in the workshop and very interesting and useful discussions took place. (author)

  1. Sofrimento psíquico, acontecimento traumático e angústia pulsional Sufrimiento psíquico, evento traumático y angustia pulsional Psychic pain, traumatic event and neurotic anxiety

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    Maria Teresa de Melo Carvalho


    Full Text Available O presente artigo aborda o sofrimento psíquico desencadeado por um acontecimento traumático, buscando, inicialmente, em uma perspectiva histórica, os elementos conceituais que concorrem para a delimitação do quadro clínico da neurose traumática no texto freudiano. Estuda, em seguida, sua conceituação no trabalho dos primeiros psicanalistas, em especial, Sandor Ferenczi e Karl Abraham, para então tomar alguns elementos conceituais da teoria da sedução generalizada de Jean Laplanche visando a enriquecer sua compreensão. Ao lado da discussão teórica, são apresentados dois fragmentos clínicos no intuito de ilustrar as principais ideias defendidas ao longo do artigo e que se fundamentam, em seus pontos essenciais, na tese freudiana segundo a qual toda angústia ante um acontecimento traumático, desde que se desenvolve, subentende, invariavelmente, a angústia ante o ataque pulsional.Este artículo abarca el sufrimiento psíquico desencadenado por un evento traumático, buscando, inicialmente, en una perspectiva histórica, los elementos conceptuales que convergen para la delimitación del cuadro clínico de la neurosis traumática en el texto freudiano. Estudia, enseguida, su conceptuación en el trabajo de los primeros psicoanalistas, en especial Sandor Ferenczi y Karl Abraham, para así tomar algunos elementos conceptuales de la teoría de la seducción generalizada de Jean Laplanche, pretendiendo enriquecer su comprensión. Juntamente con la discusión teórica, son presentados dos fragmentos clínicos con el objetivo de ilustrar las principales ideas defendidas a lo largo del artículo y que, en sus puntos esenciales, se fundamentan en la tesis freudiana según la cual toda angustia delante de un evento traumático, desde que se desarrolla, sobrentiende, invariablemente, la angustia delante del ataque pulsional.This article discusses the psychological distress triggered by a traumatic event and starts with a historical

  2. Provocações para uma sociologia da sexualidade: Sistemas, linguagem, amor

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    Marcelo Augusto de Almeida Teixeira


    Full Text Available O artigo busca pensar, a partir de uma sociologia da sexualidade, as provocações epistemológicas propostas por Judith Butler e Niklas Luhmann, sobretudo os pressupostos de que o sujeito é “inexistente”, vindo a existir por meio da linguagem, e de que a sociedade existe apartada do sujeito – sendo composta por comunicações. O texto discorre sobre os modos pelos quais a sociologia refletiu o corpo sexuado, passando pela polarização entre essencialistas/construcionistas, até as recentes tentativas de síntese entre esses polos, ilustrada com uma topologia baseada na faixa de Mobius lacaniana. O objetivo é ilustrar a importância dada à linguagem na constituição de corpos, sexualidade e valor de “humano”, a partir do exemplo de “crianças-feras” e do conceito butleriano de “abjeto”. Por fim, considera-se o Amor a partir de uma perspectiva sistêmica, com contribuições da Neurociência, concluindo que a Sociologia da Sexualidade se beneficia do sistema luhmanniano: o sujeito se configura mais autônomo em seu contexto social, psíquico e biológico e nos sistemas da sexualidade. Nesse cenário, não só o sujeito se torna central, porquanto seu próprio corpo físico seja a interseção de sistemas sociais, psíquicos e biológicos, mas também a sexualidade se torna cada vez mais autônoma, estetizada, atomizada a uma questão de escolha individual, com repercussões políticas, espaciais, corporais e sociais.

  3. Transmissão psíquica transgeracional e construção de subjetividade: relato de uma psicoterapia psicanalítica vincular

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    Isabel Cristina Gomes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo refletir acerca do conceito de transmissão psíquica entre gerações, especificamente de uma modalidade - a transmissão psíquica transgeracional - e sua influência na construção das subjetividades individuais e dos vínculos familiares, enfatizando-se aqui o vínculo mãe-filha como gerador de sintomas na criança e conflitos no âmbito familiar, através de um relato clínico de uma psicoterapia psicanalítica vincular, segundo os referenciais de Eiguer (2006 e Berenstein e Puget (1997, 2005. A apresentação do caso clínico permite discutir, ainda, a relação entre a transmissão psíquica transgeracional e o estabelecimento da “maternagem”, bem como os resultados obtidos ao longo de todo o processo psicoterápico. A finalidade desse espaço terapêutico familiar é a de propiciar transformações frente ao legado geracional, promovendo o surgimento de uma subjetividade nova, impulsionadora de vida.

  4. Omega-conotoxin- and nifedipine-insensitive voltage-operated calcium channels mediate K(+)-induced release of pro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone-connecting peptides Ps4 and Ps5 from perifused rat hypothalamic slices. (United States)

    Valentijn, K; Tranchand Bunel, D; Vaudry, H


    The rat thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) precursor (prepro-TRH) contains five copies of the TRH progenitor sequence linked together by intervening sequences. Recently, we have shown that the connecting peptides prepro-TRH-(160-169) (Ps4) and prepro-TRH-(178-199) (Ps5) are released from rat hypothalamic neurones in response to elevated potassium concentrations, in a calcium-dependent manner. In the present study, the role of voltage-operated calcium channels in potassium-induced release of Ps4 and Ps5 was investigated, using a perifusion system for rat hypothalamic slices. The release of Ps4 and Ps5 stimulated by potassium (70 mM) was blocked by the inorganic ions Co2+ (2.6 mM) and Ni2+ (5 mM). In contrast, the stimulatory effect of KCl was insensitive to Cd2+ (100 microM). The dihydropyridine antagonist nifedipine (10 microM) had no effect on K(+)-evoked release of Ps4 and Ps5. Furthermore, the response to KCl was not affected by nifedipine (10 microM) in combination with diltiazem (1 microM), a benzothiazepine which increases the affinity of dihydropyridine antagonists for their receptor. The dihydropyridine agonist BAY K 8644, at concentrations as high as 1 mM, did not stimulate the basal secretion of Ps4 and Ps5. In addition, BAY K 8644 had no potentiating effect on K(+)-induced release of Ps4 and Ps5. The marine cone snail toxin omega-conotoxin, a blocker of both L- and N-type calcium channels had no effect on the release of Ps4 and Ps5 stimulated by potassium. Similarly, the omega-conopeptide SNX-111, a selective blocker of N-type calcium channels, did not inhibit the stimulatory effect of potassium. The release of Ps4 and Ps5 evoked by high K+ was insensitive to the non-selective calcium channel blocker verapamil (20 microM). Amiloride (1 microM), a putative blocker of T-type calcium channels, did not affect KCl-induced secretion of the two connecting peptides. Taken together, these results indicate that two connecting peptides derived from the pro-TRH, Ps

  5. Entre os sonhos e a interpretação: aparelho psíquico/aparelho simbólico Between dreams and interpretation: psychic apparatus/symbolic apparatus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João A. Frayze-Pereira


    Full Text Available Este texto interroga a idéia de "aparelho psíquico" nos limites da primeira tópica freudiana. Considerando que, no capítulo VII da Interpretação dos Sonhos, Freud define a realidade psicológica como uma forma especial de existência e o sonho como uma forma especial de pensamento, interroga-se que relação há entre essas formas, a forma de existir e a forma de pensar. Há equivalência entre elas? Ou há uma relação de fundamentação de uma pela outra? Tais perguntas levam o autor a analisar a questão da interpretação para chegar, com Freud, a uma compreensão do "aparelho psíquico" como "aparelho simbólico", aberto à intersubjetividade e às formações culturais como a literatura e as artes.This paper presents and discusses the idea of the "psychic apparatus" within the limits of Freudian First Topography. Considering that in chapter VII of Interpretation of Dreams, Freud defines the psychological reality as a special form of existence and the dream as a special form of thought, the relation between these forms is questioned. Then the author analyzes the question of interpretation to reach, along with Freud, a comprehension of the "psychic apparatus" as a symbolic apparatus opened to intersubjectivity and to cultural formations, such as literature and art.

  6. New safety training for access to the PS complex areas

    CERN Multimedia


    Since 10/08/2012, a new course dedicated to the specific radiological risks in the accelerators of the PS complex has been available on SIR ( This course complements the general classroom-based Radiation Safety training. Successful completion of the course will be obligatory and verified by the access system as from 01/11/2012 for access to the following accelerator areas: LINAC2, BOOSTER, PS and TT2. Information and reminder e-mails will be sent to all persons currently authorized to access the accelerators of the PS complex. For questions please contact the HSE unit and in particular, the Radiation Protection Group (+41227672504 or

  7. The PS booster

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The PS booster which accelerates protons from the linac at an energy of 50 MeV to an energy of 800 MeV before injecting them into the main magnet ring of the synchrotron. The booster consists of four superposed rings. In the photograph can be seen the input beam line from the linac and the output beam lines, where beams from the four booster levels have been combined into two beams before final recombination.

  8. In vivo quantitative whole-brain diffusion tensor imaging analysis of APP/PS1 transgenic mice using voxel-based and atlas-based methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin, Yuan-Yuan; Li, Mu-Wei; Oishi, Kenichi; Zhang, Shun; Zhang, Yan; Zhao, Ling-Yun; Zhu, Wen-Zhen; Lei, Hao


    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been applied to characterize the pathological features of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in a mouse model, although little is known about whether these features are structure specific. Voxel-based analysis (VBA) and atlas-based analysis (ABA) are good complementary tools for whole-brain DTI analysis. The purpose of this study was to identify the spatial localization of disease-related pathology in an AD mouse model. VBA and ABA quantification were used for the whole-brain DTI analysis of nine APP/PS1 mice and wild-type (WT) controls. Multiple scalar measurements, including fractional anisotropy (FA), trace, axial diffusivity (DA), and radial diffusivity (DR), were investigated to capture the various types of pathology. The accuracy of the image transformation applied for VBA and ABA was evaluated by comparing manual and atlas-based structure delineation using kappa statistics. Following the MR examination, the brains of the animals were analyzed for microscopy. Extensive anatomical alterations were identified in APP/PS1 mice, in both the gray matter areas (neocortex, hippocampus, caudate putamen, thalamus, hypothalamus, claustrum, amygdala, and piriform cortex) and the white matter areas (corpus callosum/external capsule, cingulum, septum, internal capsule, fimbria, and optic tract), evidenced by an increase in FA or DA, or both, compared to WT mice (p 0.05). The histopathological changes in the gray matter areas were confirmed by microscopy studies. DTI did, however, demonstrate significant changes in white matter areas, where the difference was not apparent by qualitative observation of a single-slice histological specimen. This study demonstrated the structure-specific nature of pathological changes in APP/PS1 mouse, and also showed the feasibility of applying whole-brain analysis methods to the investigation of an AD mouse model. (orig.)

  9. Delay-line cables for the fast bumpers in the PS.

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    For 'continuous transfer' to the SPS, the beam accelerated in the PS is shaved off over several turns, so as to form a continuous sequence of bunches several times the length of the PS circumference. Fast bumpers, powered in a 'staircase' way, displace the PS beam stepwise towards the ejection septum. Each step lasts 2.1 microsec and the cable drums in this picture contain some of the bumper delay-lines of altogether 10 km.

  10. Differential expression of GSK3β and pS9GSK3β in normal human tissues: can pS9GSK3β be an epithelial marker? (United States)

    Lee, Hojung; Ro, Jae Y


    Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) and phosphorylated GSK3β at Ser9 (pS9GSK3β) are crucial in cellular proliferation and metabolism. GSK3β and pS9GSK3β are deregulated in many diseases including tumors. Data on altered expression of GSK3β and pS9GSK3β are mainly limited to tumor tissues, thus the expression of GSK3β and pS9GSK3β in normal human tissue has been largely unknown. Thus, we examined the immunohistochemical localization of GSK3β and pS9GSK3β in human fetal and adult tissues, and also compared the expression pattern of GSK3β and pS9GSK3β with that of the CK7 and CK20. We found GSK3β expression in neurons of brain, myenteric plexus in gastrointestinal tract, squamous epithelium of skin, and mammary gland. The expression of pS9GSK3β was restricted to the epithelial cells of breast and pancreaticobiliary duct, distal nephron of kidney, gastrointestinal tract, fallopian tube, epididymis, secretory cell of prostatic gland, and umbrella cell of urinary tract. The staining pattern of pS9GSK3β and CK7 was overlapped in most organs except for gastrointestinal tract where CK7 was negative and CK20 was positive. Our results show that the expression of GSK3β may be associated with differentiation of ectodermal derived tissues and pS9GSK3β with that of epithelial cells of endodermal derived tissues in human. In addition, the expression of pS9GSK3β in the selective epithelial cells may indicate its association with secretory or barrier function of specific cells and may serve as another immunohistochemical marker for epithelial cells.

  11. O sofrimento psíquico do profissional de enfermagem da unidade hospitalar

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    Glaudston Silva de Paula


    Full Text Available El personal de enfermería a menudo no es consciente de los problemas de salud a que está expuesto. El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar las condiciones laborales en los centros hospitalarios que llevan al profesional de enfermería a sufrir enfermedades psíquicas, para que a partir de ahí, puedan surgir estrategias de cambio para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo y, en consecuencia mejorar la salud física y mental del profesional. Este estudio es descriptivo explicativo exploratorio, con un enfoque de cualicuantitativo, realizado a través de la investigación de campo en el hospital y la maternidad Luiz Palmier, donde se ha entrevistado técnicos de enfermería, enfermeros del sector hospitalário , a través de un cuestionario con cuestiones abiertas y cerradas. En el análisis de datos, los resultados mostraron que el profesional afectado está satisfecho, realizado con una relación interpersonal satisfactoria con el liderazgo. El resultado, a pesar de los puntos de satisfacción, apunta que la visión profesional técnica mediante su superior es inadecuada. A pesar de los resultados, de la visión distorsionada, forjada por la falta de conceptos tales como la gestión y liderazgo, los profesionales trabajan con el espíritu de enfermería: el cuidado.

  12. A sindrome da tensão pre-menstrual : uma abordagem psicanalitica


    Vera Aparecida de Carvalho Zoldan


    Resumo: O interesse por esta pesquisa orienta-se sobre as questões surgidas na clinica psicanalítica a partir do atendimento de pacientes vítimas da Síndrome da Tensão Pré-Menstrual (STPM) e suas manifestações sintomáticas, não somente físicas, mas predominantemente psíquicas. Embora seja considerada pela Medicina como uma doença resultante das próprias alterações orgânicas e hormonais associadas ao ciclo reprodutor feminino, a análise psicanalítica revela a existência de relações particularm...

  13. Motor-generator set of the PS main supply

    CERN Multimedia

    Photographic Service; CERN PhotoLab


    Already in 1964, the PS improvement programme included a new main magnet supply with more power for the longer cycles needed for slow extraction at the full energy of 26 GeV. This motor-generator set was installed in 1967 and took up service at the beginning of 1968. Regularly serviced and fitted with modern electronic regulation, it pulses the PS to this day.

  14. Interleaving of beam lines inside the PS tunnel

    CERN Multimedia


    View against the direction of the proton beams. The PS ring (section 26) is on the left. The injection tunnel for LEAR leaving from here has increased the trafic in this already busy area where the two Linacs and the transfer tunnel leading to the SPS, ISR and AA join the PS ring (cf. photo 7802260, 7802261, Annual Report 1981, p. 89, fig. 12).

  15. The PS Booster, PS and SPS Magnets for the next 25 years

    CERN Document Server

    Tommasini, D


    This note provides information and analysis on the present status of the magnets installed in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB), the Proton Synchrotron (PS) and the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) in view of their possible operation for the next 25 years. The note does not cover the magnets installed in the transfer lines, neither it covers the fast injection/extraction magnets (septa and kickers).

  16. Probability-of-Superiority SEM (PS-SEM—Detecting Probability-Based Multivariate Relationships in Behavioral Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johnson Ching-Hong Li


    Full Text Available In behavioral research, exploring bivariate relationships between variables X and Y based on the concept of probability-of-superiority (PS has received increasing attention. Unlike the conventional, linear-based bivariate relationship (e.g., Pearson's correlation, PS defines that X and Y can be related based on their likelihood—e.g., a student who is above mean in SAT has 63% likelihood of achieving an above-mean college GPA. Despite its increasing attention, the concept of PS is restricted to a simple bivariate scenario (X-Y pair, which hinders the development and application of PS in popular multivariate modeling such as structural equation modeling (SEM. Therefore, this study addresses an empirical-based simulation study that explores the potential of detecting PS-based relationship in SEM, called PS-SEM. The simulation results showed that the proposed PS-SEM method can detect and identify PS-based when data follow PS-based relationships, thereby providing a useful method for researchers to explore PS-based SEM in their studies. Conclusions, implications, and future directions based on the findings are also discussed.

  17. Intron-exon organization of the active human protein S gene PS. alpha. and its pseudogene PS. beta. : Duplication and silencing during primate evolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ploos van Amstel, H.; Reitsma, P.H.; van der Logt, C.P.; Bertina, R.M. (University Hospital, Leiden (Netherlands))


    The human protein S locus on chromosome 3 consists of two protein S genes, PS{alpha} and PS{beta}. Here the authors report the cloning and characterization of both genes. Fifteen exons of the PS{alpha} gene were identified that together code for protein S mRNA as derived from the reported protein S cDNAs. Analysis by primer extension of liver protein S mRNA, however, reveals the presence of two mRNA forms that differ in the length of their 5{prime}-noncoding region. Both transcripts contain a 5{prime}-noncoding region longer than found in the protein S cDNAs. The two products may arise from alternative splicing of an additional intron in this region or from the usage of two start sites for transcription. The intron-exon organization of the PS{alpha} gene fully supports the hypothesis that the protein S gene is the product of an evolutional assembling process in which gene modules coding for structural/functional protein units also found in other coagulation proteins have been put upstream of the ancestral gene of a steroid hormone binding protein. The PS{beta} gene is identified as a pseudogene. It contains a large variety of detrimental aberrations, viz., the absence of exon I, a splice site mutation, three stop codons, and a frame shift mutation. Overall the two genes PS{alpha} and PS{beta} show between their exonic sequences 96.5% homology. Southern analysis of primate DNA showed that the duplication of the ancestral protein S gene has occurred after the branching of the orangutan from the African apes. A nonsense mutation that is present in the pseudogene of man also could be identified in one of the two protein S genes of both chimpanzee and gorilla. This implicates that silencing of one of the two protein S genes must have taken place before the divergence of the three African apes.

  18. Evaluation of Recycling Polystyrene (PS) from a Microbiology Product


    Eklöf, Jonas


    Detta är ett beställningsarbete av Plastone Oy och i det undersöks möjligheterna vad man kan göra genom återvinning med avfallsmaterialet som uppstår då man tillverkar en mikrobiologisk produkt i deras plastfabrik. Produkten tillverkas genom formsprutning och materialet som används är polystyren (PS). Ur litteraturstudien fann man varierande möjligheter på hur man kan återvinna PS på bästa sätt, men ingen lösning som har varit effektiv i praktiken. Det framgick också att återvunnet PS inte är...

  19. Motor-Generator powering the PS (Proton Synchrotron) main magnets

    CERN Multimedia


    This motor-generator,30 MW peak, 1500 r.p.m.,pulsed power supply for the PS main magnet replaced in 1968 the initial 3000 r.p.m. motor-generator-flywheel set which had served from the PS start-up in 1959 until end 1967. See also photo 8302337 and its abstract.

  20. The surface properties of PS/PMMA blends nanostructured polymeric layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prosycevas, I.; Tamulevicius, S.; Guobiene, A.


    Solvent cast thin films of blends polystyrene (PS) and poly (methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) with nominal compositions ranging from 25/75 wt.%/v% (w/v) up to 75/25 w/v PS/PMMA with toluene as the mutual solvent on crystalline Si (100) and silica substrates has been studied. Films of PS and PMMA blends have been examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ellipsometry. The blend films with less than 50% PMMA bulk concentration generally exhibit pitted surfaces; the pit size varies with film thickness and bulk composition. When the PMMA bulk concentration is greater than 50%, the film surface can be described as island-like phase-separated structure. The surface segregation and morphology are explained in terms of solubility of the two polymers in the solvent and rewetting of PMMA relative to PS

  1. Effectiveness of early adalimumab therapy in psoriatic arthritis patients from - EARLY PsA. (United States)

    Santos, Helena; Eusébio, Mónica; Borges, Joana; Gonçalves, Diana; Ávila-Ribeiro, Pedro; Faria, Daniela Santos; Lopes, Carina; Rovisco, João; Águeda, Ana; Nero, Patrícia; Valente, Paula; Cravo, Ana Rita; Santos, Maria José


    Objective To compare outcomes in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients initiating adalimumab (ADA), with short- and long-term disease duration and to evaluate the potential effect of concomitant conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARD) or glucocorticoids. Methods Analyses included adult PsA patients registered in the Rheumatic Diseases Portuguese Register ( between June 2008-June 2016 who received ADA for ≥3 months. Psoriatic Arthritis Response Criteria (PsARC) response, tender and swollen joint count, inflammatory parameters, patient (PtGA) and physician global assessment (PhGA), Disease Activity Score-28 joints (DAS28), and Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI) were compared between patients with PsA) and those with ≥5 years of disease duration (late PsA). Time to achieving PsARC response was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results Of 135 PsA patients treated with ADA, 126 had information on disease duration (earlyPsA, n=41). PsARC response was achieved by 72.9% of the patients (88.0% early PsA vs 62.2% late PsA; P=0.022) after 3 months and by 85.4% after 24 months (100% early PsA vs 75.9% late PsA; P=0.044). Early PsA patients achieved significantly less painful joints (2.7 vs 6.7, p=0.006), lower mean C-reactive protein (0.5 mg/dL vs 1.3 mg/dL; P=0.011), and PhGA (18.3 vs 28.1; P=0.020) at 3 months. In the long term, early PsA patients also had fewer swollen joints (0.3 vs 1.7; P=0.030) and lower PhGA (6.3 vs 21.9; PPsA, respectively. Early PsA patients obtained PsARC response more rapidly than late PsA (3.8 and 7.4 months, respectively; P=0.008). Concomitant csDMARDs showed clinical benefit (2-year PsARC response, 88.3% vs 60.0%; P=0.044). Concomitant glucocorticoids had no effect on PsARC response over 2 years of follow-up. Persistence on ADA was similar in both groups. Conclusion Early PsA patients had a greater chance of improvement after ADA therapy and better functional outcome, and

  2. CoPs Facing Rationalization: The Politics of Community Reproduction (United States)

    Kilskar, Stine Skaufel; Ingvaldsen, Jonas A.; Valle, Nina


    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the relationship between the contemporary forms of manufacturing rationalization and the reproduction of communities of practice (CoPs) centred on tasks and craft. Building on critical literature highlighting the tensions between CoPs and rationalization, this paper aims to develop a nuanced account of how CoPs…

  3. Antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin antibodies (aPS/PT) as potential markers of antiphospholipid syndrome. (United States)

    Vlagea, Alexandru; Gil, Antonio; Cuesta, Maria V; Arribas, Florencia; Diez, Jesús; Lavilla, Paz; Pascual-Salcedo, Dora


    The antiphospholipid antibodies present in antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) are directed at a number of phospholipid-binding proteins: β2 glycoprotein I (β2GPI), prothrombin, and so on. Antibodies directed at β2GPI are accepted as a classification criterion for APS, while the presence of antiprothrombin antibodies is not. In the present article, we investigated the possible role of antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin antibodies (aPS/PT) as marker of APS on a cohort of 295 individuals with APS (95 primary APS and 45 secondary APS) and APS-related diseases. We found aPS/PT to be highly associated with venous thrombosis (immunoglobulin G [IgG] aPS/PT odds ratio [OR], 7.44; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.97-13.92 and IgM aPS/PT OR, 2.54; 95% CI, 1.35-4.77) and obstetric abnormalities (IgG aPS/PT OR, 2.37; 95% CI, 1.04-5.43), but not with arterial thrombosis. A very high degree of concordance between the concentration of aPS/PT and lupus anticoagulant activity was demonstrated. Therefore, we support the inclusion of aPS/PT determination as second-level assay to confirm APS classification.

  4. Enhanced personal protection system for the PS

    CERN Multimedia

    Caroline Duc


    During the first long shutdown (LS1) a new safety system will be installed in the primary beam areas of the PS complex in order to bring the standard of personnel radiation protection at the PS into line with that of the LHC.   Pierre Ninin, deputy group leader of GS-ASE and responsible for the installation of the new PS complex safety system, in front of a new access control system. The LHC access control systems are state-of-the-art, whereas those of the injection chain accelerators were running the risk of becoming obsolete. For the past two years a project to upgrade the access and safety systems of the first links in the LHC accelerator chain has been underway to bring them into compliance with nuclear safety standards. These systems provide the personnel with automatic protection by limiting access to hazardous areas and by ensuring that nobody is present in the areas when the accelerator is in operation. By the end of 2013, the project teams will ha...

  5. Beyond the Point Ps Approximation


    Stepanov, Sergey V.; Zvezhinskiy, Dmitry S.; Byakov, Vsevolod M.


    In application to positron annihilation spectroscopy, Ps atom is considered not as a point particle, but as a finite size e+ e- pair localized in a bubble-state in a medium. Variation of the internal Coulombic e+ -e- attraction vs. the bubble radius is estimated.

  6. RF Scenarios for Pb54+ Ions in the PS2

    CERN Document Server

    Benedikt, M; Hancock, S; CERN. Geneva. AB Department


    This note analyses some of the rf scenarios that are presently being considered for lead ions in the PS2. An earlier note principally concerning protons [1] highlighted the problem of the large revolution frequency swing of ions in the PS2 and the issue of bunching factor with direct injection from the LEIR machine. We present solutions based on additional rf systems in LEIR and consider the 40 MHz principal rf system proposed for the PS2 in the earlier work to have switchable tuning ranges to cover the large frequency swing required.

  7. A&T Sector Note on the PS transverse feedback

    CERN Document Server

    Coly, Marcel; Blas, Alfred; Sterbini, Guido; CERN. Geneva. ATS Department


    In a particle accelerator, several contributions can degrade the beam quality and particularly the beam transverse emittance. In this document we will describe a system used in the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) to cope with the injection steering errors and the transverse instabilities: the PS transverse feedback (PS TFB). As time progresses, this system is also being used for other purpose, to increase in a controlled way the beam transverse emittance and to excite the beam for the Multi-Turn-Extraction (MTE). In 2016, it has been successfully used on some operational beams to damp injection oscillations. This allowed to test the reliability of the system for its operational deployment. A piquet service is available in case of problem.

  8. Role of trapped and solvated electrons in Ps formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepanov, S.V.; Byakov, V.M.; Mikhin, K.V.; He, C.; Hirade, T.


    Role of trapped and solvated electrons in Ps formation is discussed. Combination of thermalized positron with such electrons is possible from the view point of the energy balance and may results in Ps formation. This process proceeds during all e = lifetime matter. Fitting of raw experimental e + -e - annihilation spectra has to be based on an adequate physical input, which often leads to necessity of nonexponential deconvolution of the spectra. We have interpreted the Ps formation data in polyethylene, ethylene-methylmethacrylate and polymethylmethacrylate in dark and in light vs. tome of the measurement and temperature. parameters characterized accumulation of trapped electrons and their recombination with counter ions and positrons are obtained. (author)

  9. The Jeremiah Metzger Lecture. Polycystic kidney disease: old disease in a new context. (United States)

    Grantham, Jared J


    I want to thank the organizers for inviting me to present the Jeremiah Metzger Lecture at this, the 114th meeting of the ACCA. It is a high honor, indeed, to join a list of very distinguished predecessors. And for this opportunity to tell you about my passion in medicine and science, I am most grateful. Most of you in this room have passing knowledge of polycystic kidney disease, probably hearing about it in your medical school Pathology course where you were shown an especially grotesque, enormously enlarged kidney either encased in transparent plastic or submerged in a bucket of formaldehyde. In that minute or two when PKD was discussed in lecture, you may have been told that this is a rare, hereditary disorder that causes kidney failure and that nothing can be done to alter that course. Unless you chose to specialize in General Internal Medicine or Nephrology, you may not have encountered PKD again until today, despite the fact there are approximately 600,000 PKD patients in the USA and over 10,000,000 worldwide, and it accounts for approximately 5% of non-diabetic dialysis and renal transplant patients (Table 1). I might have overlooked PKD as well had it not been for a close friend that I grew up with who had inherited the disease from his mother. He was very open about the fact that he had cysts in his kidneys that caused bleeding into the urine from time to time, especially after a solid hit during a game of tackle football. We remained friends long after I left home for college and medical school. At an early stage of my research career in medicine, while wondering how nephron segments processed glomerular filtrate, I inadvertently discovered that renal tubules could secrete as well as reabsorb salt and water. This was quite an unexpected finding at the time (1). But it occurred to [table: see text] me that this might be a means to fill renal cysts with fluid and so I decided to learn more about the pathology and pathogenesis of PKD. This didn't take long

  10. Clinical and Patient-reported Outcomes in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) by Body Surface Area Affected by Psoriasis: Results from the Corrona PsA/Spondyloarthritis Registry. (United States)

    Mease, Philip J; Karki, Chitra; Palmer, Jacqueline B; Etzel, Carol J; Kavanaugh, Arthur; Ritchlin, Christopher T; Malley, Wendi; Herrera, Vivian; Tran, Melody; Greenberg, Jeffrey D


    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is commonly comorbid with psoriasis; the extent of skin lesions is a major contributor to psoriatic disease severity/burden. We evaluated whether extent of skin involvement with psoriasis [body surface area (BSA) > 3% vs ≤ 3%] affects overall clinical and patient-reported outcomes (PRO) in patients with PsA. Using the Corrona PsA/Spondyloarthritis Registry, patient characteristics, disease activity, and PRO at registry enrollment were assessed for patients with PsA aged ≥ 18 years with BSA > 3% versus ≤ 3%. Regression models were used to evaluate associations of BSA level with outcome [modified minimal disease activity (MDA), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score, patient-reported pain and fatigue, and the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire score]. Adjustments were made for age, sex, race, body mass index, disease duration, and history of biologics, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, and prednisone use. This analysis included 1240 patients with PsA with known BSA level (n = 451, BSA > 3%; n = 789, BSA ≤ 3%). After adjusting for potential confounding variables, patients with BSA > 3% versus ≤ 3% had greater patient-reported pain and fatigue and higher HAQ scores (p = 2.33 × 10 -8 , p = 0.002, and p = 1.21 × 10 -7 , respectively), were 1.7× more likely not to be in modified MDA (95% CI 1.21-2.41, p = 0.002), and were 2.1× more likely to have overall work impairment (1.37-3.21, p = 0.0001). These Corrona Registry data show that substantial skin involvement (BSA > 3%) is associated with greater PsA disease burden, underscoring the importance of assessing and effectively managing psoriasis in patients with PsA because this may be a contributing factor in PsA severity.

  11. Jagiellonian University Advances in Ps Manipulations and Laser Studies in the AEgIS Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Caravita, R; Amsler, C; Bonomi, G; Brusa, R S; Caccia, M; Castelli, F; Cerchiari, G; Comparat, D; Consolati, G; Demetrio, A; Di Noto, L; Doser, M; Evans, C; Ferragut, R; Fesel, J; Fontana, A; Gerber, S; Giammarchi, M; Gligorova, A; Guatieri, F; Haider, S; Hinterberger, A; Holmestad, H; Kellerbauer, A; Khalidova, O; Krasnický, D; Lagomarsino, V; Lansonneur, P; Lebrun, P; Malbrunot, C; Mariazzi, S; Marton, J; Matveev, V; Mazzotta, Z; Müller, S R; Nebbia, G; Nedelec, P; Oberthaler, M; Pacifico, N; Pagano, D; Penasa, L; Petracek, V; Prelz, F; Prevedelli, M; Ravelli, L; Rienäcker, B; Robert, J; Røhne, O M; Rotondi, A; Sandaker, H; Santoro, R; Smestad, L; Sorrentino, F; Testera, G; Tietje, I; Widmann, E; Yzombard, P; Zimmer, C; Zmeskal, J; Zurlo, N


    Positronium (Ps), the unstable bound state of electron and positron, is a valuable system for neutral antimatter spectroscopic studies and for antihydrogen production. Forming a pulsed beam cold antihydrogen using charge-exchange with the Rydberg Ps is the goal of the AEgIS Collaboration, which aims to measure gravity on neutral antimatter. Recent results achieved in producing, manipulating and studying Ps are summarized. Ps has been first produced with mesoporous silica targets in a reflection geometry. Spectroscopy of Ps n = 3 state has been conducted, yielding as a byproduct an independent estimate of the produced Ps temperature. Efficient laser excitation to the Rydberg levels was then achieved, validating the proof-of-concept of AEgIS. Subsequently, production of Ps from a new class of transmission targets was also achieved, opening the possibility for future experiments.

  12. DiPS: A Unifying Approach for developing System Software


    Michiels, Sam; Matthijs, Frank; Walravens, Dirk; Verbaeten, Pierre


    In this paper we unify three essential features for flexible system software: a component oriented approach, self-adaptation and separation of concerns.We propose DiPS (Distrinet Protocol Stack), a component framework, which offers components, an anonymous interaction model and connectors to handle non-functional aspects such as concurrency. DiPS has effectively been used in industrial protocol stacks and device drivers.

  13. Modelling of Ne-like copper X-ray laser driven by 1.2 ps short pulse and 280 ps background pulse configuration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demir, A.; Kenar, N.; Goktas, H.; Tallents, G.J.


    Detailed simulations of Ne-like Cu x-ray laser are undertaken using the EHYBRID code. The atomic physics data are obtained using the Cowan code. The optimization calculations are performed in terms of the intensity of background and the time separation between the background and the short pulse. The optimum value is obtained for the conditions of a Nd:glass laser with 1.2 ps pulse at 4.4 x 10 15 W cm -2 irradiance pumping a plasma pre-formed by a 280 ps duration pulse at 5.4 x 10 12 W cm -2 with peak-to-peak pulse separation set at 300 ps. X-ray resonance lines between 6 A and 15 A emitted from copper plasmas have been simulated. Free-free and free-bound emission from the Si-, Al-, Mg-, Na-, Ne- and F-like ions is calculated in the simulation. (author)

  14. Framing-camera tube developed for sub-100-ps range

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A new framing-camera tube, developed by Electronics Engineering, is capable of recording two-dimensional image frames with high spatial resolution in the sub-100-ps range. Framing is performed by streaking a two-dimensional electron image across narrow slits; the resulting electron-line images from the slits are restored into a framed image by a restorer deflector operating synchronously with the dissector deflector. We have demonstrated its performance in a prototype tube by recording 125-ps-duration framed images of 2.5-mm patterns. The limitation in the framing speed is in the external electronic drivers for the deflectors and not in the tube design characteristics. Shorter frame durations (below 100 ps) can be obtained by use of faster deflection drivers

  15. Electrophysical properties of PMN-PT-PS-PFN:Li ceramics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Skulski


    Full Text Available We present the technology of obtaining and the electrophysical properties of a multicomponent material 0.61PMN-0.20PT-0.09PS-0.1PFN:Li (PMN-PT-PS-PFN:Li. The addition of PFN into PMN-PT decreases the temperature of final sintering which is very important during technological process (addition of Li decreases electric conductivity of PFN. Addition of PS i.e., PbSnO3 (which is unstable in ceramic form permits to shift the temperature of the maximum of dielectric permittivity. One-step method of obtaining ceramic samples from oxides and carbonates has been used. XRD, microstructure, scanning calorimetry measurements and the main dielectric, ferroelectric and electromechanical properties have been investigated for the obtained samples.


    CERN Multimedia

    G. Daems


    The PS accelerators will soon stop for several months. Work will take place in controlled areas in the PS and will involve many people who are not always aware of the risks associated with the work sites. To guarentee the safety of these workers, the following two measures will be applied: everyone working in a controlled zone - Linacs, PSB, and PS machines tunnels, and transfer lines - must wear, visibly, his CERN access card and his film badge. the CERN access card and the film badge will only be issued after following a basic safety course. Regular checks will be carried out during the shutdown. Anyone without these two items on their person will be obliged to leave the area immediately.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Maimoni Aguillar

    Full Text Available Nenhuma cirurgia realizada atualmente produz mais profundas alterações fisiológicas e psíquicas que a laringectomia. Estas pessoas, após a cirurgia, vêem-se impossibilitadas de falar, respiram através da traqueostomia, tem alteração do olfato e do paladar e, na maioria das vezes, suspeitam de que possuem câncer. O propósito deste trabalho, é testar o método de aprendizagem da voz esofágica com a finalidade de ajudar a reabilitação do paciente laringectomizado. Concluímos que o método utilizado para adquirir a voz esofágica teve resultados satisfatórios; que o enfermeiro é profissional capaz de orientar esse aprendizado e que além do problema de comunicação, muitos outros afligem o paciente laringectomizado.

  18. HiPS - Hierarchical Progressive Survey Version 1.0 (United States)

    Fernique, Pierre; Allen, Mark; Boch, Thomas; Donaldson, Tom; Durand, Daniel; Ebisawa, Ken; Michel, Laurent; Salgado, Jesus; Stoehr, Felix; Fernique, Pierre


    This document presents HiPS, a hierarchical scheme for the description, storage and access of sky survey data. The system is based on hierarchical tiling of sky regions at finer and finer spatial resolution which facilitates a progressive view of a survey, and supports multi-resolution zooming and panning. HiPS uses the HEALPix tessellation of the sky as the basis for the scheme and is implemented as a simple file structure with a direct indexing scheme that leads to practical implementations.

  19. Physics with primary beams of the KEK-PS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Kazuhiro; Yoshii, Masahito


    The 12-GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) at the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK) has provided great opportunities to high-energy-physics and related communities as a unique high-energy hadron machine, since its operation in 1976. Activities of the KEK-PS are indispensable for the rapid development in the field. Six experimental subjects are proposed in this Report; (1) media effects in φ meson decay, (2) multifragmentation in high-energy reactions, (3) mechanism of high-energy reactions by means of radio-chemical methods, (4) physics with polarized high-energy neutrons, (5) physics with polarized high-energy deuterons, and (6) hypernucleus with high-energy heavy-ion beams. As a summary, new facilities (a new injector, a new beamline and a new experimental area) and physics programs with primary beams, proposed in this Report are themselves unique and valuable. Moreover, technical developments and physics outcomes stimulated with those new facilities are indispensable for future plans of the KEK-PS. (J.P.N.)

  20. Facile Synthesis of Mono-Dispersed Polystyrene (PS/Ag Composite Microspheres via Modified Chemical Reduction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wen Zhu


    Full Text Available A modified method based on in situ chemical reduction was developed to prepare mono-dispersed polystyrene/silver (PS/Ag composite microspheres. In this approach; mono-dispersed PS microspheres were synthesized through dispersion polymerization using poly-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP as a dispersant at first. Then, poly-dopamine (PDA was fabricated to functionally modify the surfaces of PS microspheres. With the addition of [Ag(NH32]+ to the PS dispersion, [Ag(NH32]+ complex ions were absorbed and reduced to silver nanoparticles on the surfaces of PS-PDA microspheres to form PS/Ag composite microspheres. PVP acted both as a solvent of the metallic precursor and as a reducing agent. PDA also acted both as a chemical protocol to immobilize the silver nanoparticles at the PS surface and as a reducing agent. Therefore, no additional reducing agents were needed. The resulting composite microspheres were characterized by TEM, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, XRD, UV-Vis and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS. The results showed that Ag nanoparticles (NPs were homogeneously immobilized onto the PS microspheres’ surface in the presence of PDA and PVP. PS/Ag composite microspheres were well formed with a uniform and compact shell layer and were adjustable in terms of their optical property.

  1. Atendimento à crise psíquica no pronto-socorro: visão de profissionais de enfermagem La atención a la crisis psíquica en la unidad de urgencias: la visión del equipo de enfermería Psychic crisis care in the emergency room: nursing staff's view

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro da Rosa Borges


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi conhecer a visão da equipe de enfermagem sobre o atendimento à crise psíquica em uma unidade de emergência de um Pronto-Socorro. Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa que utilizou, como técnica para coleta de dados, a aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas com dois enfermeiros e três técnicos de enfermagem que trabalhavam na unidade de emergência durante o turno da manhã e tarde. A análise dos dados foi orientada a partir da análise de conteúdo com formação das seguintes categorias temáticas, que permitiram a melhor visualização dos resultados: o conceito de crise para a equipe do pronto-socorro e as diferentes expressões do sofrimento e os recursos terapêuticos para o enfrentamento e a minimização dos encargos da crise. Evidenciou-se que a equipe de enfermagem costuma justificar as dificuldades de atendimento à crise psíquica pela falta de tempo, inadequação do espaço físico e despreparo da mesma.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la visión del equipo de enfermería sobre la atención a la crisis psíquica en una unidad de urgencias. Se trata de un estudio de abordaje cualitativo que utilizó, como técnica de recolección de datos, entrevistas semiestructuradas. Participaron de la investigación dos enfermeras y tres técnicos de enfermería que trabajaban en la unidad de urgencias durante las mañanas y las tardes. El análisis de datos fue orientado a partir de las siguientes temáticas: el concepto de crisis para el equipo de una unidad de urgencias y las diferentes expresiones del sufrimiento y los recursos terapéuticos para el enfrentamiento y disminución de los encargos de la crisis. Suele justificar las dificultades de atención a la crisis por la falta de tiempo, inadecuación de espacio físico y la falta de preparación de la misma.This study was aimed at finding out the nursing staff's view about psychic crisis care in an emergency room unit. This is a

  2. Kultuur isiksuse psühholoogiat ei mõjuta / Tiit Kändler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kändler, Tiit, 1948-


    Psühholoogia uuemate andmete kohaselt ei sõltu indiviidi seadumus kultuurist, soost, vanusest, haridusest. Eesti psühholoogide Jüri Alliku ja Ann Realo osalusel ajakirjas "Journal Personality and Social Psychology" ilmunud artiklist

  3. Kultuur isiksuse psühholoogiat ei mõjuta / Tiit Kändler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kändler, Tiit, 1948-


    Psühholoogia uuemate andmete kohaselt ei sõltu indiviidi seadumus kultuurist, soost, vanusest, haridusest. Eesti psühholoogide Jüri Alliku ja Anu Realo osalusel ajakirjas "Journal Personality and Social Psychology" ilmunud artiklist

  4. File list: His.PSC.10.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.10.AllAg.iPS_cells hg19 Histone Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX110016,S...315,SRX381309 ...

  5. File list: His.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_cells hg19 Histone Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX317576,S...077,SRX317607 ...

  6. File list: Oth.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_cells mm9 TFs and others Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX65...RX146524 ...

  7. File list: His.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_cells hg19 Histone Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX110015,S...315,SRX381309 ...

  8. Comparison of molecular species of various transphosphatidylated phosphatidylserine (PS) with bovine cortex PS by mass spectrometry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chen, S.; Li, K.W.


    The exogenous introduction of a molecular species mixture of bovine cortex phosphatidylserine (BC-PS) has been claimed to improve memory function in subjects suffering from age-associated memory impairment and dementia. However, it has been also reported that oral administration of another molecular

  9. Chemical resistance of core-shell particles (PS/PMMA) polymerized by seeded suspension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, Luiz Fernando Belchior; Machado, Ricardo Antonio Francisco, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais; Gonçalves, Odinei Hess [Universidade Técnológica Federal do Paraná(UTFPR), Campo Mourão, PR (Brazil); Marangoni, Cintia [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Blumenau, SC (Brazil); Motz, Günter [Lehrstuhl Keramische Werkstoffe, Universität Bayreuth (Germany)


    Core-shell particles were produced on seeded suspension polymerization by using polystyrene (PS) as polymer core, or seed, and methyl methacrylate (MMA) as the shell forming monomer. Two synthesis routes were evaluated by varying the PS seed conversion before MMA addition. The main purpose of this work was to investigate the influence of synthesis routes on the morphology and chemical resistance of the resulting particles. {sup 1}H NMR spectroscopy showed that the use of PS seeds with lower conversion led to the formation of higher amount of poly(styrene-co-MMA). The copolymer acted as a compatibilizer, decreasing the interfacial energy between both homopolymers. As a consequence, a larger amount of reduced PMMA cluster were formed, as was revealed by TEM measurements. Samples in this system showed enhanced resistance to cyclohexane attack compared with pure PS, with a PS extraction of only 37% after 54 hours test. (author)

  10. Chemical resistance of core-shell particles (PS/PMMA polymerized by seeded suspension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Fernando Belchior Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Abstract Core-shell particles were produced on seeded suspension polymerization by using polystyrene (PS as polymer core, or seed, and methyl methacrylate (MMA as the shell forming monomer. Two synthesis routes were evaluated by varying the PS seed conversion before MMA addition. The main purpose of this work was to investigate the influence of synthesis routes on the morphology and chemical resistance of the resulting particles. 1H NMR spectroscopy showed that the use of PS seeds with lower conversion led to the formation of higher amount of poly(styrene-co-MMA. The copolymer acted as a compatibilizer, decreasing the interfacial energy between both homopolymers. As a consequence, a larger amount of reduced PMMA cluster were formed, as was revealed by TEM measurements. Samples in this system showed enhanced resistance to cyclohexane attack compared with pure PS, with a PS extraction of only 37% after 54 hours test.

  11. File list: ALL.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells mm9 All antigens Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX9773...1,SRX035985,SRX1090869 ...

  12. File list: ALL.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells hg19 All antigens Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX088...16,SRX189400,SRX189399 ...

  13. File list: ALL.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_cells hg19 All antigens Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX088...27,SRX189400,SRX189399 ...

  14. File list: ALL.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_cells mm9 All antigens Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX9773...30,SRX146522,SRX146547 ...

  15. File list: Pol.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_cells mm9 RNA polymerase Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX97...7435,SRX027462,SRX977434 ...

  16. The PS complex as proton pre-injector for the LHC - design and implementation report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benedikt, M.; Blas, A.; Borburgh, J.


    The LHC will be supplied with protons from the pre-injector chain comprising Linac2, PS Booster and PS. These accelerators have undergone a major upgrading programme during the last five years so as to meet the stringent requirements of the LHC. This implies that many high-intensity bunches of small emittance and tight spacing (25 ns) be available at the PS extraction energy (26 GeV/c). The upgrading project involved an increase of Linac2 current, new RF systems in the PS Booster and the PS, raising the PS Booster energy from 1 to 1.4 GeV, two-batch filling of the PS, and the installation of high-resolution beam profile measurement devices. With the project entering its final phase and most of the newly installed hardware now being operational, the emphasis switches to producing the nominal LHC beam and tackling the associated beam physics problems. This report describes all the hardware changes related to the upgrading project. (orig.)

  17. Shallow PS-logging by high frequency wave; Koshuha wo mochiita senbu PS kenso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakajima, A; Miyazawa, M; Azuma, H [OYO Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper describes the following matters on down-hole PS logging in shallow subsurface. Determining an elastic wave velocity structure in shallow subsurface with high accuracy by using down-hole PS logging requires reduction of errors in reading travel time. Therefore, a high-frequency vibration source was fabricated with an objective to raise frequencies of waves used for the measurement. Measurements were made on two holes, A and B, at a measurement interval of 0.5 m, whereas at the hole A a measurement was performed simultaneously by using a normal type (low-frequency) vibration source. A spectral analysis on the waveform record revealed that the frequencies with each vibration source were 127 Hz and 27 Hz for the hole A, 115 Hz for the hole B, and the S/N ratio was all the same for both holes. When the high-frequency vibration source was used, the velocity was determined at accuracy of 5% over the whole length of the shallow section. When the low-frequency vibration source was used, sections with the velocity determining error greater than 5% were found, and it was not possible to derive the velocity structure in the shallow subsurface in fine segments. 3 refs., 8 figs., 2 tabs.

  18. File list: ALL.PSC.10.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.PSC.10.AllAg.iPS_cells mm9 All antigens Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX9774...30,SRX146524,SRX146547,SRX146522 ...

  19. EDH 'Millionaire' in PS Division

    CERN Multimedia


    Christmas cheer! Left to right: Gerard Lobeau receives a bottle of Champagne from Derek Mathieson and Jurgen De Jonghe in recognition of EDH's millionth document. At 14:33 on Monday 3 December a technician in PS division, Gerard Lobeau, unwittingly became part of an important event in the life of CERN's Electronic Document Handling system (EDH). While ordering some pieces of aluminum for one of the PS's 10Mhz RF cavities, he created EDH document number 1,000,000. To celebrate the event Derek Mathieson (EDH Project Leader) and Jurgen De Jonghe (Original EDH Project Leader) presented Mr Lobeau with a bottle of champagne. As with 93% of material requests, Mr Lobeau's order was delivered within 24 hours. 'I usually never win anything' said Mr Lobeau as he accepted his prize, 'I initially though there may have been a problem with EDH when the document number had so many zeros in it, and was then surprised to get a phone call from you a few minutes later.' The EDH team had been monitoring the EDH document number ...

  20. Characterizing Lithospheric Thickness in Australia using Ps and Sp Scattered Waves (United States)

    Ford, H. A.; Fischer, K. M.; Rychert, C. A.


    The purpose of this study is to constrain the morphology of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary throughout Australia using scattered waves. Prior surface wave studies have shown a correlation between lithospheric thickness and the three primary geologic provinces of Australia, with the shallowest lithosphere located beneath the Phanerozoic province to the east, and the thicker lithosphere located beneath the Proterozoic and Archean regions. To determine lithospheric thickness, waveform data from twenty permanent broadband stations spanning mainland Australia and the island of Tasmania were analyzed using Ps and Sp migration techniques. Waveform selection for each station was based on epicentral distance (35° to 80° for Ps and 55° to 80° for Sp), and event depth (no greater than 300 km for Sp). For both Ps and Sp a simultaneous deconvolution was performed on the data for each of the twenty stations, and the resulting receiver function for each station was migrated to depth. Data were binned with epicentral distance to differentiate direct discontinuity phases from crustal reverberations (for Ps) and other teleseismic arrivals (for Sp). Early results in both Ps and Sp show a clear Moho discontinuity at most stations in addition to sharp, strong crustal reverberations seen in many of the Ps images. In the eastern Phanerozoic province, a strong negative phase at 100-105 km is evident in Ps for stations CAN and EIDS. The negative phase lies within a depth range that corresponds to the negative velocity gradient between fast lithosphere and slow asthenosphere imaged by surface waves. We therefore think that it is the lithosphere- asthenosphere boundary. On the island of Tasmania, a negative phase at 70-75 km in Ps images at stations TAU and MOO also appears to be the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. In the Proterozoic and Archean regions of the Australian continent, initial results for both Ps and Sp migration indicate clear crustal phases, but significantly

  1. Analüütilised voolud psühholoogias ja nende rakendamine pedagoogikas / Aleksander Elango

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elango, Aleksander, 1902-2004


    Analüütise psühholoogia kolm koolkonda - S.Freudì koolkond e. päris-psühhoanalüüs, A.Adlerì koolkond e. individuaalpsühholoogia ja C.G.Jungì psühhoanalüüsi ja individuaalpsühholoogia sünteesi luua püüdev koolkond. Analüütise psühholoogia koolkondade ja pedagoogika suhetest

  2. Human iPS Cell-Derived Germ Cells: Current Status and Clinical Potential

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetsuya Ishii


    Full Text Available Recently, fertile spermatozoa and oocytes were generated from mouse induced pluripotent (iPS cells using a combined in vitro and in vivo induction system. With regard to germ cell induction from human iPS cells, progress has been made particularly in the male germline, demonstrating in vitro generation of haploid, round spermatids. Although iPS-derived germ cells are expected to be developed to yield a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART that can address unmet reproductive needs, genetic and/or epigenetic instabilities abound in iPS cell generation and germ cell induction. In addition, there is still room to improve the induction protocol in the female germline. However, rapid advances in stem cell research are likely to make such obstacles surmountable, potentially translating induced germ cells into the clinical setting in the immediate future. This review examines the current status of the induction of germ cells from human iPS cells and discusses the clinical potential, as well as future directions.

  3. (PS)2: protein structure prediction server version 3.0. (United States)

    Huang, Tsun-Tsao; Hwang, Jenn-Kang; Chen, Chu-Huang; Chu, Chih-Sheng; Lee, Chi-Wen; Chen, Chih-Chieh


    Protein complexes are involved in many biological processes. Examining coupling between subunits of a complex would be useful to understand the molecular basis of protein function. Here, our updated (PS)(2) web server predicts the three-dimensional structures of protein complexes based on comparative modeling; furthermore, this server examines the coupling between subunits of the predicted complex by combining structural and evolutionary considerations. The predicted complex structure could be indicated and visualized by Java-based 3D graphics viewers and the structural and evolutionary profiles are shown and compared chain-by-chain. For each subunit, considerations with or without the packing contribution of other subunits cause the differences in similarities between structural and evolutionary profiles, and these differences imply which form, complex or monomeric, is preferred in the biological condition for the subunit. We believe that the (PS)(2) server would be a useful tool for biologists who are interested not only in the structures of protein complexes but also in the coupling between subunits of the complexes. The (PS)(2) is freely available at © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  4. A paralogous decoy protects Phytophthora sojae apoplastic effector PsXEG1 from a host inhibitor. (United States)

    Ma, Zhenchuan; Zhu, Lin; Song, Tianqiao; Wang, Yang; Zhang, Qi; Xia, Yeqiang; Qiu, Min; Lin, Yachun; Li, Haiyang; Kong, Liang; Fang, Yufeng; Ye, Wenwu; Wang, Yan; Dong, Suomeng; Zheng, Xiaobo; Tyler, Brett M; Wang, Yuanchao


    The extracellular space (apoplast) of plant tissue represents a critical battleground between plants and attacking microbes. Here we show that a pathogen-secreted apoplastic xyloglucan-specific endoglucanase, PsXEG1, is a focus of this struggle in the Phytophthora sojae -soybean interaction. We show that soybean produces an apoplastic glucanase inhibitor protein, GmGIP1, that binds to PsXEG1 to block its contribution to virulence. P. sojae , however, secretes a paralogous PsXEG1-like protein, PsXLP1, that has lost enzyme activity but binds to GmGIP1 more tightly than does PsXEG1, thus freeing PsXEG1 to support P. sojae infection. The gene pair encoding PsXEG1 and PsXLP1 is conserved in many Phytophthora species, and the P. parasitica orthologs PpXEG1 and PpXLP1 have similar functions. Thus, this apoplastic decoy strategy may be widely used in Phytophthora pathosystems. Copyright © 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  5. Sub One-Hundred-PS Pyroelectric Detector Research and Evaluation Program at LASL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLellan, E.J.; Stotlar, S.C.


    Preliminary devices have been designed and evaluated with 1 ns and 90 ps FWHM CO 2 laser pulses. Good agreement between calculated and measured values of falltime and voltage responsivity has been obtained. The female SMA to male BNC connector appears to be the most desirable easily available package for sub-one-hundred ps CO 2 laser pulses. A new detector with an expected risetime of 13 ps has been designed

  6. Perceptions of Community Health Workers (CHWs/PS in the U.S.-Mexico Border HEART CVD Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hector G. Balcazar


    Full Text Available Although prior research has shown that Community Health Workers/Promotores de Salud (CHW/PS can facilitate access to care, little is known about how CHW/PS are perceived in their community. The current study reports the findings of a randomized telephone survey conducted in a high-risk urban community environment along the U.S.-Mexico border. In preparation for a community-based CHW/PS intervention called the HEART ecological study, the survey aimed to assess perceptions of CHW/PS, availability and utilization of community resources (recreational and nutrition related and health behaviors and intentions. A total of 7,155 calls were placed to complete 444 surveys in three zip codes in El Paso, Texas. Results showed that participants felt that healthful community resources were available, but utilization was low and variable: 35% reported going to a park, 20% reported having taken a health class, few reported using a gym (12%, recreation center (8%, or YMCA/YWCA (0.9%. Awareness and utilization of CHW/PS services were low: 20% of respondents had heard of CHW/PS, with 8% reporting previous exposure to CHW/PS services. Upon review of a definition of CHW/PS, respondents expressed positive views of CHW/PS and their value in the healthcare system. Respondents who had previous contact with a CHW/PS reported a significantly more positive perception of the usefulness of CHW/PS (p = 0.006, were more likely to see CHW/PS as an important link between providers and patients (p = 0.008, and were more likely to ask a CHW/PS for help (p = 0.009. Participants who utilized CHW/PS services also had significantly healthier intentions to reduce fast food intake. Future research is needed to evaluate if CHW/PS can facilitate utilization of available community resources such as recreational facilities among Hispanic border residents at risk for CVD.

  7. LS1 Report: PS Booster prepares for beam

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    With Linac2 already up and running, the countdown to beam in the LHC has begun! The next in line is the PS Booster, which will close up shop to engineers early next week. The injector will be handed over to the Operations Group who are tasked with getting it ready for active duty.   Taken as we approach the end of LS1 activities, this image shows where protons will soon be injected from Linac2 into the four PS Booster rings. Over the coming two months, the Operations Group will be putting the Booster's new elements through their paces. "Because of the wide range of upgrades and repairs carried out in the Booster, we have a very full schedule of tests planned for the machine," says Bettina Mikulec, PS Booster Engineer in Charge. "We will begin with cold checks; these are a wide range of tests carried out without beam, including system tests with power on/off and with varying settings, as well as verification of the controls system and timings." Amon...

  8. File list: DNS.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells hg19 DNase-seq Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX040379...,SRX040378,SRX135563,SRX040376,SRX040377,SRX189427,SRX189400,SRX189399 ...

  9. File list: His.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_cells mm9 Histone Pluripotent stem cell iPS cells SRX977417,SR...RX127376,SRX146530,SRX146522,SRX146547,SRX333561,SRX035985,SRX1090869 ...

  10. Density functional theory study of bulk and single-layer magnetic semiconductor CrPS4 (United States)

    Zhuang, Houlong L.; Zhou, Jia


    Searching for two-dimensional (2D) materials with multifunctionality is one of the main goals of current research in 2D materials. Magnetism and semiconducting are certainly two desirable functional properties for a single 2D material. In line with this goal, here we report a density functional theory (DFT) study of bulk and single-layer magnetic semiconductor CrPS4. We find that the ground-state magnetic structure of bulk CrPS4 exhibits the A-type antiferromagnetic ordering, which transforms to ferromagnetic (FM) ordering in single-layer CrPS4. The calculated formation energy and phonon spectrum confirm the stability of single-layer CrPS4. The band gaps of FM single-layer CrPS4 calculated with a hybrid density functional are within the visible-light range. We also study the effects of FM ordering on the optical absorption spectra and band alignments for water splitting, indicating that single-layer CrPS4 could be a potential photocatalyst. Our work opens up ample opportunities of energy-related applications of single-layer CrPS4.

  11. PS overcomes two serious magnet failures

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Two magnets (no.'s 6 and 19)and a bus bar connection in the PS were found to be faulty during high-voltage tests at the end of the accelerator shutdown. A five-week repair schedule was quickly devised. A team of mechanics, technicians and engineers worked at full speed to replace the faulty magnets, succeeding in limiting the delay of the accelerators' spring start-up to two weeks. Pictured here are members of the PS team with the replacement no. 6 magnet. From left to right: In the back row, Frédéric Roussel (Transport DBS), Yves Bernard (Transport DBS), Luc Moreno (Cegelec), Thierry Battimanza (Transport DBS), Raymond Brown (AB/ABP), Thomas Zickler (AT/MEL); at the front, Steven Southern (AT/VAC), Thierry Gaidon (Brun & Sorensen), Philippe Vidales (Cegelec), Daniel Aubert (Cegelec), Jerome Cachet (Transport DBS), Jose Manual Gomes de Faria (AT/MEL), Eric Page (AT/VAC).

  12. Rab21, a Novel PS1 Interactor, Regulates γ-Secretase Activity via PS1 Subcellular Distribution. (United States)

    Sun, Zhenzhen; Xie, Yujie; Chen, Yintong; Yang, Qinghu; Quan, Zhenzhen; Dai, Rongji; Qing, Hong


    γ-Secretase has been a therapeutical target for its key role in cleaving APP to generate β-amyloid (Aβ), the primary constituents of senile plaques and a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. Recently, γ-secretase-associating proteins showed promising role in specifically modulating APP processing while sparing Notch signaling; however, the underlying mechanism is still unclear. A co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) coupled with mass spectrometry proteomic assay for Presenilin1 (PS1, the catalytic subunit of γ-secretase) was firstly conducted to find more γ-secretase-associating proteins. Gene ontology analysis of these results identified Rab21 as a potential PS1 interacting protein, and the interaction between them was validated by reciprocal Co-IP and immunofluorescence assay. Then, molecular and biochemical methods were used to investigate the effect of Rab21 on APP processing. Results showed that overexpression of Rab21 enhanced Aβ generation, while silencing of Rab21 reduced the accumulation of Aβ, which resulted due to change in γ-secretase activity rather than α- or β-secretase. Finally, we demonstrated that Rab21 had no effect on γ-secretase complex synthesis or metabolism but enhanced PS1 endocytosis and translocation to late endosome/lysosome. In conclusion, we identified a novel γ-secretase-associating protein Rab21 and illustrate that Rab21 promotes γ-secretase internalization and translocation to late endosome/lysosome. Moreover, silencing of Rab21 decreases the γ-secretase activity in APP processing thus production of Aβ. All these results open new gateways towards the understanding of γ-secretase-associating proteins in APP processing and make inhibition of Rab21 a promising strategy for AD therapy.

  13. Avaliação da contratransferência no atendimento inicial de pacientes vítimas de trauma psíquico


    Mariana Eizirik


    O conceito de contratransferência foi introduzido por Freud e ampliado por outros autores, sendo compreendido como as reações emocionais despertadas pelo paciente no terapeuta. Tem papel central na teoria e na técnica psicanalíticas atuais por ser uma importante ferramenta para o entendimento do mundo interno e das comunicações do paciente, com influência no desenvolvimento da relação terapêutica e no desfecho do tratamento. A partir do reconhecimento da importância da mente do terapeuta e do...

  14. Assédio moral no trabalho em universidade sob a perspectiva dos observadores da violência.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago Soares Nunes


    Full Text Available O assédio moral no trabalho é uma violência que pode acarretar em danos à integridadefísica e psíquica da vítima, sua vida pessoal e o desempenho no trabalho. Além da vítima,observadores da violência, podem sofrer as consequências na medida em que visualizamas agressões. Portanto, verifica-se a relevância científica de identificar a ocorrência deassédio e seus desdobramentos sob a percepção de observadores da violência. A pesquisafoi classificada como descritiva, quali-quanti e estudo de caso. Evidenciou-se que 52,2% dospesquisados têm conhecimento de casos de assédio no setor e/ou na instituição em queestão vinculados.

  15. NIKHEF: AmPS of electron beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Now operational at the Dutch National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics (NIKHEF), Amsterdam, is a new tool for studying the electromagnetic properties of nuclei. Called AmPS - Amsterdam pulse stretcher - this ring provides experiments with a smoother, almost continuous supply of electrons

  16. Look into the PS Main Control Room (partial view)

    CERN Multimedia


    Jean-Pierre Potier at work. The 26 GeV Synchrotron and later also its related machines (Linacs 1,2,3; PS-Booster, LEP-Injector Linacs and Electron-Positron Accumulator; Antiproton Accumulator, Antiproton Collector, Low Energy Antiproton Ring and more recently Antiproton Decelerator) were all controlled from the PS control room situated at the Meyrin site. The SPS and LEP were controlled from a separat control centre on the Prevessin site. In 2005 all controls were transferred to the Prevessin centre.

  17. Multiple bunch-splitting in the PS results and plans

    CERN Document Server

    Garoby, R


    The nominal longitudinal characteristics of the PS proton beam for the LHC were attained during the year 2000, using a sequence of triple- and double-splittings to divide each PS Booster (PSB) bunch into 12. This method minimizes longitudinal emittance blow-up and preserves a gap, free of particles, in the bunch train. Some of the ideas for alternative bunch trains have also been tested. The performance achieved is described and the sources of limitations are discussed together with the foreseen improvements.

  18. Preliminary Specifications for the PS Transverse Damper Control Interface

    CERN Document Server

    Blas, A


    The transverse feedback system foreseen for the PS in 2004 is composed of different units to be remotely controlled and monitored: the pick-up amplifiers, the DSPU, the fine delay, the driver and power amplifiers. A special VME unit being dedicated to the pick-up amplifier ("The VMOD-TRX: a device for communication with remote instrumentation", A. Barreira Sevillano, J. Belleman, PS/BD/Note 96-02), the new interface will have to deal with the remaining parts of the loop.

  19. A dialética da linguagem oral e escrita no desenvolvimento das funções psíquicas superiores La dialéctica del lenguaje oral y escrito en el desarrollo de las funciones psíquicas superiores The dialectics of oral and written language in the development of higher psychological functions

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    Carlos Henrique de Souza Gerken


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste texto é examinar as contribuições de Vygotsky e Luria relativas à construção dos processos psíquicos superiores, porquanto estamos certos de que seus conceitos apresentam uma riqueza heurística a ser incorporada nas análises dos processos de escolarização e apropriação da escrita. Essa reflexão teve origem em trabalhos de pesquisa sobre esses processos e suas conseqüências sociais, culturais e cognitivas. As pesquisas desenvolvidas há aproximadamente 20 anos suscitaram problemas teóricos e metodológicos, dentre os quais se destaca a compreensão dos processos por meio dos quais sujeitos pertencentes a culturas tradicionalmente orais constroem referências sobre a cultura escrita, situando-se ainda como sujeitos de sua própria história. O confronto de princípios teóricos e metodológicos disponíveis no campo da psicologia e da antropologia tem sido fundamental nessa busca, acentuando a necessidade de superação das antinomias clássicas na psicologia: indivíduo e cultura, concreto e abstrato.El objetivo de este texto es examinar las contribuciones de Vygotsky y Luria sobre la construcción de formaciones psíquicas superiores, ya que sus conceptos presentan una riqueza heurística que debe ser incorporada en los análisis de los procesos de escolarización y apropiación de la escritura. Esa reflexión se origina a partir de trabajos investigativos sobre eses procesos y sus consecuencias sociales, culturales y cognitivas. Las investigaciones suscitaron problemas teóricos y metodológicos, como la comprensión de los procesos a través de los cuales los sujetos pertenecientes a culturas tradicionalmente orales construyen referencias sobre la cultura escrita, considerándose de esta manera como sujetos de su propia historia. La confrontación de los principios teóricos y metodológicos disponibles en el campo de la Psicología y la Antropología ha sido fundamental en esa búsqueda, destacando la

  20. Positron Annihilation Ratio Spectroscopy (PsARS) Applied to Positronium Formation Studies (United States)


    Positron Annihilation Ratio Spectroscopy (PsARS). These experimental techniques have been used for a variety of military and civilian applications ... POSITRON ANNIHILATION RATIO SPECTROSCOPY (PsARS) APPLIED TO POSITRONIUM FORMATION STUDIES THESIS...of Defense, or the United States Government. AFIT/GNE/ENP/10-M07 POSITRON ANNIHILATION RATIO SPECTROSCOPY

  1. Contribuições da psiquiatria clássica ao diagnóstico da melancolia: o delírio de negação e o delírio de indignidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Fátima Ferreira


    Full Text Available Discute-se a respeito da importância que teve a pesquisa empreendida pelos psiquiatras franceses Jules Cotard e Jules Séglas nas primeiras elaborações freudianas acerca da melancolia. No esforço feito por Freud em distinguir as afecções psíquicas, ele leva em consideração os principais conceitos destacados pela psiquiatria clássica: a dor moral, condição para o delírio de indignidade, o mecanismo de auto-acusação e a hemorragia de libido. Busca-se uma articulação entre esses autores. Neste artigo essa retomada é importante para um aprimoramento no diagnóstico da melancolia. Constata-se que a melancolia na contemporaneidade nos remete não somente aos clássicos, mas sobretudo a Freud, em seus primeiros rascunhos.

  2. Network structure control of binary mixed langmuir monolayers of homo-PS and PS-b-P2VP. (United States)

    Wen, Gangyao


    Our recent work showed there existed a composition window for mixed Langmuir monolayers of homopolystyrene (h-PS) and a symmetric diblock copolymer polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) to form necklace-network structures at the air/water interface. In order to study further the possible mechanism and control the network structure (i.e., surface coverage and nanoaggregate diameter), effects of spreading solution concentration and volume, subphase temperature, and transfer pressure on the network structure were studied by the Langmuir monolayer technique and tapping mode atomic force microscopy. With the increase of transfer pressure, there existed a novel nonlinear behavior for the nanoaggregate diameter first to increase, then to decrease, and finally to increase again, while the surface coverage tended to increase step by step. Moreover, with the elevation of temperature, chain motion between the adjoining nanoaggregates tended to be improved and thus the nanoaggregate diameter tended to be more uniform.

  3. The development of the Asian Forum for Polar Sciences (AFoPS) (United States)

    Kim, Yeadong; Jeong, Jihoon


    The Asian Forum for Polar Sciences (AFoPS), an international forum of Asian polar research institutes, was established for the advancement of polar sciences among its members in 2004. The Forum has served as an important medium of Asian collective endeavors for polar affairs in human and information exchange, research collaboration, and logistics cooperation for the last decade. The historical development of the AFoPS in retrospect can be divided into four phases: inception and establishment (2003-2004), growth and expansion (2005-2007), review and restructuring (2008-2011), and achievements and further measures (2012-2014). The progress of the AFoPS has not been linear and this trend will continue into the next decades. The Forum, however, clearly made achievements in this period of time, realizing multilateral research and logistics cooperation that would have been previously unimaginable; by doing so, it has laid the foundation for the future. Responsible for a great portion of the world's polar activities, the AFoPS will rise to meet the expectations of the world by producing notable research output, initiating international cooperative programs, and supporting non-polar Asian countries with education and research collaboration. These are the tasks of the AFoPS for the next decade and they require strategy that promotes and facilitates collaboration in a practical way and draws attention of non-polar Asian countries to the polar sciences.

  4. Paper sludge (PS) to bioethanol: Evaluation of virgin and recycle mill sludge for low enzyme, high-solids fermentation. (United States)

    Boshoff, Sonja; Gottumukkala, Lalitha Devi; van Rensburg, Eugéne; Görgens, Johann


    Paper sludge (PS) from the paper and pulp industry consists primarily of cellulose and ash and has significant potential for ethanol production. Thirty-seven PS samples from 11 South African paper and pulp mills exhibited large variation in chemical composition and resulting ethanol production. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of PS in fed-batch culture was investigated at high solid loadings and low enzyme dosages. Water holding capacity and viscosity of the PS influenced ethanol production at elevated solid loadings of PS. High viscosity of PS from virgin pulp mills restricted the solid loading to 18% (w/w) at an enzyme dosage of 20 FPU/gram dry PS (gdPS), whereas an optimal solid loading of 27% (w/w) was achieved with corrugated recycle mill PS at 11 FPU/gdPS. Ethanol concentration and yield of virgin pulp and corrugated recycle PS were 34.2g/L at 66.9% and 45.5 g/L at 78.2%, respectively. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Contribution of defective PS recognition and efferocytosis to chronic inflammation and autoimmunity

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    Stanley Gititu Kimani


    Full Text Available Rapid and efficient clearance of apoptotic cells results in elimination of auto-antigens and provides a strong anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive signal to prevent autoimmunity. While professional and non-professional phagocytes utilize a wide array of surface receptors to recognize apoptotic cells, recognition of phosphatidylserine (PS on apoptotic cells by PS receptors on phagocytes is emblematic signal for efferocytosis in metazoans. PS-dependent efferocytosis is associated with production of anti-inflammatory factors such as IL-10 and TGF-β that function, in part, to maintain tolerance to auto-antigens. In contrast, when apoptotic cells fail to be recognized and processed for degradation, auto-antigens persist, which can trigger immune activation leading to autoantibody production and autoimmunity. Despite the fact that genetic mouse models clearly demonstrate that loss of PS receptors can lead to age-dependent autoimmune diseases reminiscent of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, link between PS and defective clearance in chronic inflammation and human autoimmunity is not well delineated. In this hypothesis and theory, we review emerging questions developing in the field that may be of relevance to SLE and human autoimmunity.

  6. An investigation into radiosensitizer mechanisms using o-Ps lifetime measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beling, C.D.; Smith, F.A.


    Lifetime measurements have been made in a number of radiosensitizer solutions as a function of both concentration and temperature. The o-Ps yields, which were corrected for chemical quenching, showed that these compounds are strong Ps inhibitors. The temperature dependence of the yields in Misonidazole/water and Misonidazole/ethanol solutions may be associated either with the different electron solvation times in the two solvents, or with changes in electron mobility. (Auth.)

  7. Tribology and Microstructure of PS212 with a Cr2O3 Seal Coat (United States)

    Sliney, Harold E.; Benoy, Patricia A.; Korenyi-Both, Andras; Dellacorte, Christopher


    PS212 is a plasma sprayed metal bonding chrome carbide coating with solid lubricant additives which has lubricating properties at temperatures up to about 900 deg C. The coating is diamond ground to achieve an acceptable tribological surface. But, as with many plasma spray coatings, PS212 is not fully-dense. In this study, a chromium oxide base seal coating is used in an attempt to seal any porosity that is open to the surface of the PS212 coating, and to study the effect of the sealant on the tribological properties of PS212. The results indicate that the seal coating reduces friction and wear when it is applied and then diamond ground leaving a thin layer of seal coating which fills in the surface pits of the PS212 coating.

  8. At PS170 (APPLE)

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    APPLE stands for Antiproton-Proton to Pair of LEptons (an acronym of the ancestor experiment PAPLEP), the PS170 experiment setup at LEAR to study e+e-pair production in antiproton-proton annihilation by Padova-(CEN) Saclay- Torino Collaboration. It consisted of a liquid hydrogen target surrounded by several layers of proportional chambers in the vertical field of a C-magnet (this photo), a gas Cerenkov counter, wire chambers, hodoscopes, and an electromagnetic calorimeter (see photo 8302539X, 8302540X). See also photo 8301539X for the setup assembly at an early stage.

  9. Improvement of Data Acquisition of the BRTR (PS-43) Seismic Array (United States)

    Ozel, N. M.; Kocak, S.; Semin, K. U.; Necmioglu, O.; Destici, T. C.; Teoman, U.


    Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute(KOERI) is currently operating the BRTR( PS-43) seismic arrays located in the vicinity of Ankara and town Keskin, providing real-time data to IDC. PS-43 is composed of two sub-arrays, the medium-period array with a ~45km radius located in Ankara and the short-period array with ~3 km radius located in Keskin. In 2009, data availabilty of the BRTR is exceeded %98 that value is the requirment of IDC. Substantial contribution to obtain this availabiliy is implementing the improvements that mainly replacement of the grid type parabolic antennas with the heavy-duty dish antennas at necessary sites called the repeater sites RE-BRTR (CCF), RE-PS43 (Mt. Elmadag), CF-PS43 (Central Recording Building) and all MP sites. Even this renewed system is at the tentative stage, communication status of the seismic arrays are solid and continuous. BRTR is expecting another improvement, June 2010, about the power system at Mt. Elmadag and the MP site BR237. Completion of this improvement will be stabilize of our current mission.

  10. Lysosomal proteolysis and autophagy require presenilin 1 and are disrupted by Alzheimer-related PS1 mutations. (United States)

    Lee, Ju-Hyun; Yu, W Haung; Kumar, Asok; Lee, Sooyeon; Mohan, Panaiyur S; Peterhoff, Corrinne M; Wolfe, Devin M; Martinez-Vicente, Marta; Massey, Ashish C; Sovak, Guy; Uchiyama, Yasuo; Westaway, David; Cuervo, Ana Maria; Nixon, Ralph A


    Macroautophagy is a lysosomal degradative pathway essential for neuron survival. Here, we show that macroautophagy requires the Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related protein presenilin-1 (PS1). In PS1 null blastocysts, neurons from mice hypomorphic for PS1 or conditionally depleted of PS1, substrate proteolysis and autophagosome clearance during macroautophagy are prevented as a result of a selective impairment of autolysosome acidification and cathepsin activation. These deficits are caused by failed PS1-dependent targeting of the v-ATPase V0a1 subunit to lysosomes. N-glycosylation of the V0a1 subunit, essential for its efficient ER-to-lysosome delivery, requires the selective binding of PS1 holoprotein to the unglycosylated subunit and the Sec61alpha/oligosaccharyltransferase complex. PS1 mutations causing early-onset AD produce a similar lysosomal/autophagy phenotype in fibroblasts from AD patients. PS1 is therefore essential for v-ATPase targeting to lysosomes, lysosome acidification, and proteolysis during autophagy. Defective lysosomal proteolysis represents a basis for pathogenic protein accumulations and neuronal cell death in AD and suggests previously unidentified therapeutic targets.

  11. Spectra and relaxation dynamics of the pseudohalide (PS) vibrational bands for Ru(bpy)2(PS)2 complexes, PS = CN, NCS and N3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Compton, Ryan; Gerardi, Helen K.; Weidinger, Daniel; Brown, Douglas J.; Dressick, Walter J.; Heilweil, Edwin J.; Owrutsky, Jeffrey C.


    Highlights: ► Static and transient infrared spectroscopy of pseudohalide bipyridine ruthenium complexes. ► Vibrational energy relaxes faster for the azide than the thiocyanate and cyanide analogs. ► Intramolecular vibrational relaxation is prevalent in cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (N 3 ) 2 . - Abstract: Static and transient infrared spectroscopy were used to investigate cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (N 3 ) 2 (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine), cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (NCS) 2 , and cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (CN) 2 in solution. The NC stretching IR band for cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (NCS) 2 appears at higher frequency (∼2106 cm −1 in DMSO) than for the free NCS − anion while the IR bands for the azide and cyanide complexes are closer to those of the respective free anions. The vibrational energy relaxation (VER) lifetime for the azide complex is found to be much shorter (∼5 ps) than for either the NCS or CN species (both ∼70 ps in DMSO) and the lifetimes resemble those for each corresponding free anion in solution. However, for cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (N 3 ) 2 , it is determined that the transition frequency depends more on the solvent than the VER lifetime implying that intramolecular vibrational relaxation is predominant over solvent energy-extracting interactions. These results are compared to the behavior of other related metal complexes in solution

  12. The Pan-STARRS PS1 Image Processing Pipeline (United States)

    Magnier, E.

    The Pan-STARRS PS1 Image Processing Pipeline (IPP) performs the image processing and data analysis tasks needed to enable the scientific use of the images obtained by the Pan-STARRS PS1 prototype telescope. The primary goals of the IPP are to process the science images from the Pan-STARRS telescopes and make the results available to other systems within Pan-STARRS. It also is responsible for combining all of the science images in a given filter into a single representation of the non-variable component of the night sky defined as the "Static Sky". To achieve these goals, the IPP also performs other analysis functions to generate the calibrations needed in the science image processing, and to occasionally use the derived data to generate improved astrometric and photometric reference catalogs. It also provides the infrastructure needed to store the incoming data and the resulting data products. The IPP inherits lessons learned, and in some cases code and prototype code, from several other astronomy image analysis systems, including Imcat (Kaiser), the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (REF), the Elixir system (Magnier & Cuillandre), and Vista (Tonry). Imcat and Vista have a large number of robust image processing functions. SDSS has demonstrated a working analysis pipeline and large-scale databasesystem for a dedicated project. The Elixir system has demonstrated an automatic image processing system and an object database system for operational usage. This talk will present an overview of the IPP architecture, functional flow, code development structure, and selected analysis algorithms. Also discussed is the HW highly parallel HW configuration necessary to support PS1 operational requirements. Finally, results are presented of the processing of images collected during PS1 early commissioning tasks utilizing the Pan-STARRS Test Camera #3.

  13. Percepções de familiares sobre o portador de sofrimento psíquico institucionalizado Percepciones de familiares sobre el portador de sufrimiento psíquico institucionalizado Family perceptions about the institutionalized psychic suffering patient

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    Dulcian Medeiros de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se investigar a percepção do sofrimento psíquico na visão familiar. Estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado em junho de 2005 em um hospital psiquiátrico de médio porte. Entrevistaram-se 15 familiares que acompanhavam o tratamento e a assistência no hospital. As falas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, categoria temática. Nesse sentido, os familiares demonstraram conhecer as alterações comportamentais decorrentes do sofrimento psíquico e o seu período de instalação. Relataram ainda um percurso angustiante e difícil na procura por ajuda, afirmando não saber a quem ou o quê procurar, valendo-se, inicialmente, do auxílio mágico-religioso e, posteriormente, do conhecimento médico-científico. No âmbito da convivência familiar, os conflitos existem e reforçam o comprometimento nas relações interpessoais e vínculos sociais. Torna-se um desafio para os profissionais de saúde mental estabelecer vínculos terapêuticos com familiares de portadores de sofrimento psíquico, ensejando um redirecionamento das práticas assistenciais e, sobretudo, de educação em saúde.El objetivo fue investigar la percepción del sufrimiento psíquico desde la visión de la familia. Estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo, realizado en junio de 2005 en un hospital psiquiátrico de tamaño medio. Fueron entrevistados 15 familiares que acompañaban el tratamiento y la asistencia en el hospital. Los discursos fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido, la categoría temática. En este sentido, los familiares demostraron conocimiento de los cambios de comportamiento resultantes del sufrimiento psíquico y el tiempo que toma para instalarse.. Relataron un angustiante y difícil recorrido en busca de ayuda, explicando que desconocen quién yo qué buscar, recurriendo en primera instancia a auxilios mágico-religiosos y, en seguida, al conocimiento médico-científico. En el ámbito de la convivencia familiar, los

  14. File list: ALL.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 All antigens Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived ...

  15. File list: His.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 Histone Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived ...

  16. File list: His.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 Histone Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived ...

  17. Ps beam production and scattering from gaseous targets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garner, A.J.; Laricchia, G.; Oezen, A.


    We have investigated the conversion of a positron beam into an ortho-Ps beam via charge exchange in gaseous H 2 , He and Ar at energies up to 120 eV and gas pressures up to 14 μmHg. H 2 has been found to be the most efficient converter at energies up to 90 eV. At higher energies, Ar has been found to be the best. Total cross sections of ortho-Ps scattering from H 2 and He have also been measured. A comparison with available theories suggests that electron exchange at lower energies and target inelastic collisions at higher energies are playing a major role in the collisions. (author)

  18. Structure-properties relationships of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS filled PS nanocomposites

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    J. J. Schwab


    Full Text Available The polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS additivated polystyrene (PS based nanocomposites were prepared by melt processing and the structure-properties relationships of the POSS-PS systems were compared to those of the neat PS. In order to investigate the effect of these structural parameters on the final properties of the polymer nanocomposites, five different kinds of POSS samples were used, in particular, POSS with different inorganic cage and with different organic pendent groups. The rheological investigation suggests clearly that the POSS acts as a plasticizer and that the processability of the PS was positively modified. The affinity between the POSS samples and the PS matrix was estimated by the calculated theoretical solubility parameters, considering the Hoy’s method and by morphology analysis. Minor difference between the solubility parameter of POSS and the matrix means better compatibility and no aggregation tendency. Furthermore, the POSS loading leads to a decrease of the rigidity, of the glass transition temperature and of the damping factor of the nanocomposite systems. The loading of different POSS molecules with open cage leads to a more pronounced effect on all the investigated properties that the loading of the POSS molecules with closed cage. Moreover, the melt properties are significantly influenced by the type of inorganic framework, by the type of the pendent organic groups and by the interaction between the POSS organic groups and the host matrix, while, the solid state properties appears to be influenced more by the kind of cage.

  19. Persistência na lactação para vacas da raça Holandesa criadas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul via modelos de regressão aleatória Lactation persistency for Holstein cows raised in the State of Rio Grande do Sul using a random regression model

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    Cristian Kelen Pinto Dorneles


    Full Text Available Foram utilizados 21.702 registros de produção de leite no dia do controle de 2.429 vacas primíparas da raça Holandesa, filhas de 233 touros, coletados em 33 rebanhos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre 1992 e 2003, para estimar parâmetros genéticos, para três medidas de persistência (PS1, PS2 e PS3 e para a produção de leite até 305 dias (P305 de lactação. Os modelos de regressão aleatória ajustados aos controles leiteiros entre o sexto e o 300o dia de lactação incluíram o efeito de rebanho-ano-mês do controle, a idade da vaca ao parto e os parâmetros do polinômio de Legendre de ordem quatro, para modelar a curva média da produção de leite da população e os parâmetros do mesmo polinômio, para modelar os efeitos aleatórios genético-aditivo direto e de ambiente permanente. As estimativas de herdabilidade obtidas foram 0,05, 0,08 e 0,19, respectivamente, para PS1, PS2 e PS3 e 0,25, para P305 sugerindo a possibilidade de ganho genético por meio da seleção para PS3 e para P305. As correlações genéticas entre as três medidas de persistência e P305, variaram de -0,05 a 0,07, indicando serem persistência e produção, características determinadas por grupos de genes diferentes. Assim, consequentemente, a seleção para P305, geralmente praticada, não promove progresso genético para a persistência.There were used 21,702 test day milk yields from 2,429 first parity Holstein breed cows, daughters of 2,031 dams and 233 sires, distributed over 33 herds in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, from 1992 to 2003. Genetic parameters for three measures of lactation persistency (PS1, PS2 e PS3 and for milk production to 305 days (P305 were evaluated. A random regression model adjusted by fourth order Legendre polynomial was used. The random regression model adjusted to test day between the sixth and the 305th lactation day included the herd-year-season of the test day, the age of the cow at the parturition effects and the

  20. N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone-degrading Pseudomonas aeruginosa PsDAHP1 protects zebrafish against Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection. (United States)

    Vinoj, Gopalakrishnan; Jayakumar, Rengarajan; Chen, Jiann-Chu; Withyachumnarnkul, Boonsirm; Shanthi, Sathappan; Vaseeharan, Baskaralingam


    Four strains of N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (AHL)-degrading Pseudomonas spp., named PsDAHP1, PsDAHP2, PsDAHP3, and PsDAHP4 were isolated and identified from the intestine of Fenneropenaeus indicus. PsDAHP1 showed the highest AHL-degrading activity among the four isolates. PsDAHP1 inhibited biofilm-forming exopolysaccharide and altered cell surface hydrophobicity of virulent green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Vibrio parahaemolyticus DAHV2 (GFP-VpDAHV2). Oral administration of PsDAHP1 significantly reduced zebrafish mortality caused by GFP-VpDAHV2 challenge, and inhibited colonisation of GFP-VpDAHV2 in the gills and intestine of zebrafish as evidence by confocal laser scanning microscope and selective plating. Furthermore, zebrafish receiving PsDAHP1-containing feed had increased phagocytic cells of its leucocytes, increased serum activities of superoxide dismutase and lysozyme. The results suggest that Pseudomonas aeruginosa PsDAHP1 could protect zebrafish from V. parahaemolyticus infection by inhibiting biofilm formation and enhancing defence mechanisms of the fish. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. New Electron Cloud Detectors for the PS Main Magnets

    CERN Document Server

    Yin Vallgren, Ch; Gilardoni, S; Taborelli, M; Neupert, H; Ferreira Somoza, J


    Electron cloud (EC) has already been observed during normal operation of the PS, therefore it is necessary to study its in fluence on any beam instability for the future LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU). Two new electron cloud detectors have been discussed, developed and installed during the Long Shutdown (LS1) in one of the PS main magnets. The first measurement method is based on current measurement by using a shielded button-type pick-up. Due to the geometry and space limitation in the PS magnet, the button-type pick-up made of a 96%Al2O3 block coated with a thin layer of solvent-based Ag painting, placed 30 degrees to the bottom part of the vacuum chamber was installed in the horizontal direction where the only opening of the magnet coil is. The other newly developed measurement method is based on detection of photons emitted by the electrons from the electron cloud impinging on the vacuum chamber walls. The emitted photons are reected to a quartz window. A MCP-PMT (Micro-Channel Plate Photomultiplier Tube) wit...

  2. CNA-motion in a PS - Fn

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, M.P.; Mishra, C.K.


    A Finsler space Fn (n > 2), throughout with the projective curvature tensor possessing vanishing covariant derivative, has been called a ''projectively symmetric Finsler space'' and such a space is denoted PS-Fn. The conditions in which an infinitesimal transformation defines non-affine motion with a contra-field, briefly called CNA-motion, are discussed. 7 refs

  3. File list: Pol.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 RNA polymerase Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived neural... cells ...

  4. File list: Unc.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.PSC.50.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 Unclassified Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived neural... cells ...

  5. File list: DNS.PSC.10.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.PSC.10.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 DNase-seq Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived neural... cells ...

  6. MYC cis-Elements in PsMPT Promoter Is Involved in Chilling Response of Paeonia suffruticosa.

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    Yuxi Zhang

    Full Text Available The MPT transports Pi to synthesize ATP. PsMPT, a chilling-induced gene, was previously reported to promote energy metabolism during bud dormancy release in tree peony. In this study, the regulatory elements of PsMPT promoter involved in chilling response were further analyzed. The PsMPT transcript was detected in different tree peony tissues and was highly expressed in the flower organs, including petal, stigma and stamen. An 1174 bp of the PsMPT promoter was isolated by TAIL-PCR, and the PsMPT promoter::GUS transgenic Arabidopsis was generated and analyzed. GUS staining and qPCR showed that the promoter was active in mainly the flower stigma and stamen. Moreover, it was found that the promoter activity was enhanced by chilling, NaCl, GA, ACC and NAA, but inhibited by ABA, mannitol and PEG. In transgenic plants harboring 421 bp of the PsMPT promoter, the GUS gene expression and the activity were significantly increased by chilling treatment. When the fragment from -421 to -408 containing a MYC cis-element was deleted, the chilling response could not be observed. Further mutation analysis confirmed that the MYC element was one of the key motifs responding to chilling in the PsMPT promoter. The present study provides useful information for further investigation of the regulatory mechanism of PsMPT during the endo-dormancy release.

  7. Preliminary Evaluation of PS300: A New Self-Lubricating High Temperature Composite Coating for Use to 800 C (United States)

    Dellacorte, C.; Edmonds, B. J.


    This paper introduces PS300, a plasma sprayed, self-lubricating composite coating for use in sliding contacts at temperatures to 800 C. PS300 is a metal bonded chrome oxide coating with silver and BaF2/CaF2 eutectic solid lubricant additives. PS300 is similar to PS200, a chromium carbide based coating, which is currently being investigated for a variety of tribological applications. In pin-on-disk testing up to 650 C, PS300 exhibited comparable friction and wear properties to PS200. The PS300 matrix, which is predominantly chromium oxide rather than chromium carbide, does not require diamond grinding and polishes readily with silicon carbide abrasives greatly reducing manufacturing costs compared to PS200. It is anticipated that PS300 has potential for sliding bearing and seal applications in both aerospace and general industry.

  8. checkCIF/PLATON report Datablock: ps75

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


  9. Crystal structure of the mixed-metal thiophosphate Nb1.18V0.82PS10

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    Joobin Sun


    Full Text Available The mixed-metal thiophosphate, Nb1.18V0.82PS10 (niobium vanadium phosphorus decasulfide, has been prepared though solid state reactions using an alkali-metal halide flux. The title compound is isostructural with two-dimensional Nb2PS10. [M2S12] (M = Nb or V dimers built up from two bicapped trigonal prisms and tetrahedral [PS4] units share sulfur atoms to construct 1∞[M2PS10] chains along the a axis. These chains are linked through the disulfide bonds between [PS4] units in adjacent chains to form layers parallel to the ab plane. These layers then stack on top of each other to complete the three-dimensional structure with van der Waals gaps. The M sites are occupied by 59% of Nb and 41% of V and the average M—S and M—M distances in the title compound are in between those of V2PS10 and Nb2PS10. The classical charge balance of the title compound can be represented by [(Nb/V4+]2[P5+][S2−]3[S−]7.

  10. PS3 CELL Development for Scientific Computation and Research (United States)

    Christiansen, M.; Sevre, E.; Wang, S. M.; Yuen, D. A.; Liu, S.; Lyness, M. D.; Broten, M.


    The Cell processor is one of the most powerful processors on the market, and researchers in the earth sciences may find its parallel architecture to be very useful. A cell processor, with 7 cores, can easily be obtained for experimentation by purchasing a PlayStation 3 (PS3) and installing linux and the IBM SDK. Each core of the PS3 is capable of 25 GFLOPS giving a potential limit of 150 GFLOPS when using all 6 SPUs (synergistic processing units) by using vectorized algorithms. We have used the Cell's computational power to create a program which takes simulated tsunami datasets, parses them, and returns a colorized height field image using ray casting techniques. As expected, the time required to create an image is inversely proportional to the number of SPUs used. We believe that this trend will continue when multiple PS3s are chained using OpenMP functionality and are in the process of researching this. By using the Cell to visualize tsunami data, we have found that its greatest feature is its power. This fact entwines well with the needs of the scientific community where the limiting factor is time. Any algorithm, such as the heat equation, that can be subdivided into multiple parts can take advantage of the PS3 Cell's ability to split the computations across the 6 SPUs reducing required run time by one sixth. Further vectorization of the code can allow for 4 simultanious floating point operations by using the SIMD (single instruction multiple data) capabilities of the SPU increasing efficiency 24 times.

  11. File list: Oth.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 TFs and others Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived neural...X968908 ...

  12. Psühholoog Pulver: uskumatu. Kurb. Õõvastav / Aleksander Pulver ; intervjueerinud Tiina Jõgeda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pulver, Aleksander, 1956-


    Vestlus Tallinna Ülikooli psühholoogia instituudi direktori Aleksander Pulveriga pedofiilia teemal. Psühholoogi seisukohavõtud laste õiguste kaitsjana ja koolihariduse uuendajana silma paistnud Kaur Hansoni pedofiiliasüüdistuste kohta

  13. Phosphatidylserine-dependent anti-prothrombin antibodies (aPS/PT) in infliximab-treated patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. (United States)

    Malíčková, Karin; Ďuricová, Dana; Bortlík, Martin; Janatková, Ivana; Zima, Tomáš; Lukáš, Milan


    To (1) examine the occurrence and concentrations of aPS/PT and aPL in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients at the beginning of and during anti-TNF-alpha therapy with infliximab; (2) investigate the link of the aPS/PT and aPL presence with antibodies to infliximab (ATI) formation; and (3) examine possible clinical consequences of aPS/PT and/or aPL positivity in IBD patients. Thirty (30) IBD patients treated with infliximab were analyzed regarding aPS/PT, aPL, and ATI antibody serum levels by standardized ELISAs at treatment weeks 2 (W2) and 14 (W14). At W2, 40 % of infliximab-treated patients had elevated aPS/PT and 16.7 % had elevated aPL serum levels. At W14, the proportion of aPS/PT-positive sera decreased to 16.6 %, whereas aPL distribution remained unchanged. Moreover, concentrations of aPS/PT have shown significant differences at W2 (16.64 [10.06; 33.06] U for IgG and 18.46 [9.18; 32.48] U for IgM) and at W14 (8.24 [2.78; 19.82] U for IgG and 8.57 [5.55; 26.82] U for IgM), p = 0.009 and p = 0.003, respectively. In ATI-positive samples, aPS/PT IgG were more frequent (p = 0.001 for W2 and p = 0.003 for W14), whereas aPS/PT IgM and aPL IgG/IgM did not show such association. Higher concentrations of aPS/PT IgG and IgM were found in IBD patients at the beginning of the biological treatment period compared to the maintenance treatment period. Moreover, aPS/PT IgG were more frequent in ATI-positive individuals, which was not observed in aPL. We speculate that there is a relationship between the aPS/PT and the severity of inflammation and auto-aggressive processes in IBD.

  14. Psychosocial stress and minor psychiatric disorders among Agentes Socioeducadores Estrés psicosocial y disturbios psíquicos menores en agentes socio-educadores Estresse psicossocial e distúrbios psíquicos menores em agentes socioeducadores

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    Patrícia Bitencourt Toscani Greco


    necesaria la planificación de acciones de promoción a la salud, a fin de precaver la enfermedad mental de eses trabajadores.OBJETIVO: verificar a associação entre estresse psicossocial e a ocorrência de Distúrbios Psíquicos Menores em agentes socioeducadores. MÉTODO: estudo transversal com 381 agentes socioeducadores dos Centros de Atendimento Socioeducativo do Rio Grande do Sul, em 2011. Utilizaram-se as versões brasileiras da escala de demanda-controle-apoio social no trabalho e do Self-Reporting Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de distúrbio psíquico menor foi de 50,1%. As chances de ser classificado com tal distúrbio foram maiores no quadrante trabalho em alta exigência (OR=2,05; IC95%=1,03-4,09 e trabalho ativo (OR=1,99; IC95%=1,09-3,63, quando comparados ao de baixa exigência, após ajuste por potenciais fatores de confusão. CONCLUSÃO: há associação positiva entre estresse psicossocial (alta exigência e trabalho ativo e distúrbios psíquicos menores em agentes socioeducadores. Faz-se necessário o planejamento de ações de promoção à saúde, a fim de prevenir o adoecimento mental desses trabalhadores.


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    Maria Acelina Carvalho


    Full Text Available A reprogramação de células somáticas para uma célula pluripotente indiferenciada, com características de uma célula-tronco embrionária (CTE, é um dos avanços promissores no campo da biologia celular na última década. O objetivo desse trabalho foi reunir informações como base de uma prospecção tecnológica prévia sobre o tema células-tronco pluripotente induzidas (iPS e verificar se existe correlação entre o número de publicações científicas e número de patentes na referida área. Foram pesquisadas patentes depositadas no EPO, USPTO e INPI e publicações científicas na base de dados Web of Science com a finalidade de realizar a correlação entre a quantidade de publicações científicas e o número de patentes depositados por ano e por países .A Organização Mundial de Propriedade Intelectual (WO seguida dos Estados Unidos e China detém os maiores números de patentes depositadas envolvendo iPS. Observa-se que as patentes envolvendo iPS aparecem a partir de 2007 com uma única patente japonesa registrada no INPI. Os EUA lidera o número de publicações científicas sobre iPS com 1.679 publicações na base de dados Web of Science.

  16. Longitudinal coupled-bunch instability studies in the PS

    CERN Document Server

    Damerau, H


    The main longitudinal limitation for LHC-type beams inthe PS are coupled-bunch instabilities. A dedicated proto-typefeedbacksystemusingaFinemetcavityasalongitudinalkicker has been installed. Extensive tests with beam havebeen performed to explore the intensity reach with this feed-back. The maximum intensity with nominal longitudinalemittance at PS extraction has been measured, as well as theemittance required to keep the beam longitudinally stableat the design intensity for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). A higher-harmonic cavity is a complementary op-tion to extend the intensity reach beyond the capabilities ofthe coupled-bunch feedback. Preliminary machine develop-ment (MD) studies operating one20MHzor one40MHzRF system as a higher harmonic at the flat-top indicate thebeneficial effect on longitudinal beam stability

  17. Quantitative analysis of intraneuronal transport in human iPS neurons

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    Haruko Nakamura


    Full Text Available Induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells are promising tools to investigate disease mechanism and develop new drugs. Intraneuronal transport, which is fundamental for neuronal survival and function, is vulnerable to various pharmacological and chemical agents and is disrupted in some neurodegenerative disorders. We applied a quantification method for axonal transport by counting CM-DiI–labeled particles traveling along the neurite, which allowed us to monitor and quantitate, for the first time, intraneuronal transport in human neurons differentiated from iPS cells (iCell neurons. We evaluated the acute effects of several anti-neoplastic agents that have been previously shown to affect intraneuronal transport. Vincristine, paclitaxel and oxaliplatin decreased the number of moving particle along neurites. Cisplatin, however, produced no effect on intraneuronal transport, which is in contrast to our previous report indicating that it inhibits transport in chick dorsal root ganglion neurons. Our system may be a useful method for assessing intraneuronal transport and neurotoxicity in human iPS neurons.

  18. Validity and reliability of the Dutch adaptation of the Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of Life (PsAQoL Questionnaire.

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    Freke Wink

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of Life (PsAQoL questionnaire is a disease- specific instrument developed to measure quality of life (QoL in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA. The aim of this study was to translate the measure into Dutch and to determine its psychometric properties. METHOD: Translation of the original English PsAQoL into Dutch was performed by bilingual and lay panel. Ten field-test interviews with PsA patients were performed to assess face and content validity. In total, 211 PsA patients were included in a test-retest postal survey to investigate the reliability and construct validity of the Dutch adaptation of the PsAQoL. The PsAQoL, Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ and Skindex-17 were administered on two different occasions approximately two weeks apart. RESULTS: The Dutch version of the PsAQoL was found to be relevant, understandable and easy to complete in only a few minutes. It correlated as expected with the HAQ (Spearman's ρ = 0.72 and the 2 subscales of the Skindex-17 (ρ = 0.40 for the psychosocial and ρ = 0.46 for the symptom scale. Furthermore, the measure had good internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.92 and test-retest reliability (ρ = 0.89. The PsAQoL was able to define groups of patients based on self-reported general health status, self-reported severity of PsA and flare of arthritis. Duration of PsA did not influence PsAQoL scores. CONCLUSIONS: The Dutch version of the PsAQoL is a valid and reliable questionnaire suitable for use in clinical or research settings to asses PsA-specific QoL.

  19. Experiments at the KEK 12-GeV PS in 1991-1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshimura, Y.


    This report has been edited mainly to introduce the various activities at the KEK 12-GeV PS. Chapter 1 is a list of experiments which have been approved by the PS-PAC since May 2, 1975. The machine time executed from FY 1990 to Fy 1993 is shown in chapter 2. In chapter 4, experiments which are currently in various stages of preparation, running and data analyzing are briefly described. The information was extracted from the 'KEK-PS Proposal', 'KEK Annual Report 1990-1993' and various published papers listed in chapter 5. In the descriptions the author sometimes might give 'sensitive' information concerning the experimental groups very directly. Readers of this publication are therefore requested not to directly quote the descriptions given in chapter 4. (J.P.N.)

  20. Risk Management Capability Maturity and Performance of Complex Product and System (CoPS Projects with an Asian Perspective

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    Ren, Y.


    Full Text Available Complex Products and Systems (CoPS are high value, technology and engineering-intensive capital goods. The motivation of this study is the persistent high failure rate of CoPS projects, Asian CoPS provider’s weak capability and lack of specific research on CoPS risk management. This paper evaluates risk management maturity level of CoPS projects against a general CoPS risk management capability maturity model (RM-CMM developed by the authors. An Asian based survey was conducted to investigate the value of RM to project performance, and Asian (non-Japanese CoPS implementers’ perceived application of RM practices, their strengths and weaknesses. The survey result shows that higher RM maturity level leads to higher CoPS project performance. It also shows project complexity and uncertainty moderates the relationship between some RM practices and project performance, which implies that a contingency approach should be adopted to manage CoPS risks effectively. In addition, it shows that Asian CoPS implementers are weak in RM process and there are also rooms for improvement in the softer aspects of organizational capabilities and robustness.

  1. PsOr1, a potential target for RNA interference-based pest management. (United States)

    Zhao, Y Y; Liu, F; Yang, G; You, M S


    Insect pests cause billions of dollars in agricultural losses, and attempts to kill them have resulted in growing threats from insecticide resistance, dietary pesticide pollution and environmental destruction. New approaches to control refractory insect pests are therefore needed. The host-plant preferences of insect pests rely on olfaction and are mediated via a seven transmembrane-domain odorant receptor (Or) family. The present study reports the cloning and characterization of PsOr1, the first candidate member of the Or gene family from Phyllotreta striolata, a devastating beetle pest that causes damage worldwide. PsOr1 is remarkably well conserved with respect to other insect orthologues, including DmOr83b from Drosophila melanogaster. These insect orthologues form an essential non-conventional Or sub-family and may play an important and generalized role in insect olfaction. We designed double-stranded (ds) RNA directly against the PsOr1 gene and exploited RNA interference (RNAi) to control P. striolata. The chemotactic behavioural measurements showed that adult beetles were unable to sense the attractant or repellent odour stimulus after microinjection of dsRNA against PsOr1. Reverse Transcription (RT)-PCR analysis showed specific down-regulation of mRNA transcript levels for this gene. Furthermore, host-plant preference experiments confirmed that silencing PsOr1 by RNAi treatment impaired the host-plant preferences of P. striolata for cruciferous vegetables. These results demonstrate that this insect control approach of using RNAi to target PsOr1 and its orthologues might be effective in blocking host-plant-seeking behaviours in diverse insect pests. The results also support the theory that this unique receptor type plays an essential general role in insect olfaction. © 2010 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. Insect Molecular Biology © 2010 The Royal Entomological Society.

  2. Ampliando o campo de intervenção da educação física escolar a partir da análise da escada da aptidão para toda a vida Broadening the scope for intervention of school physical education from the analysis of the ladder of physical aptitude for life Ampliando el campo de intervención de la educación física escolar a partir del análisis de la escala de la aptitud para toda la vida

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    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva analisar o modelo da Escada da Aptidão para Toda a Vida (EATV à luz do ideário da Promoção da Saúde (PS e da Cultura Corporal do Movimento (CCM, no sentido de ampliar a proposta de Educação Física Escolar (EFE. Primeiramente, constatamos que a EATV enfatiza a aquisição de saúde via aptidão física; ignora aspectos sócio-políticos e econômicos da saúde; não supera a relação causal entre exercício e saúde; e fragmenta os seus conteúdos. Num segundo momento, sugerimos um redirecionamento da EATV através da exposição de uma Proposta Temática para a EFE, que pressupõe a transmissão de outros conteúdos, visando à formação de um aluno crítico no que concerne ao consumo da CCM. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: educação física escolar – promoção da saúde – cultura corporal do movimento. This article aims at analyzing the model for the Ladder of Physical Aptitude for Life (EATV in the light of the ideals of Health Promotion (PS and the Body Culture of Movement (CCM, in the sense of broadening the scope for School Physical Education (EFE. Firstly we verified that EATV emphasizes the acquisition of health via physical aptitude: it ignores the social-political and economic aspects of health; it does not surpass the causal relation between exercise and health; and it fragments its contents. Secondly, we suggest a redirecting of EATV through the presentation of a theme proposal for the EFE which implies the transmission of other contents, aiming at creating critical thinking students on the issue of CCM consumption. KEY WORDS: school physical education – health promotion – body culture of movement. Este artículo objetiva analizar el modelo de la Escala de la Aptitud para Toda la Vida (EATV a la luz del ideal de la Promoción de la Salud (PS y de la Cultura Corporal del Movimiento (CCM, en el sentido de ampliar la propuesta de Educación Física Escolar (EFE. Primero, constatamos que la EATV enfatiza la

  3. Effect of PS-K on long-term survival of primary lung cancer patients treated with radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okazaki, Atsushi; Nakajima, Nobuaki; Hayakawa, Kazushige; Saito, Yoshihiro; Mitomo, Osamu; Niibe, Hideo


    The effect of PS-K on long-term survival of primary lung cancer patients irradiated over 60 Gy through 1977 to 1982 was studied. PS-K was administrated orally 3.0 g, daily or intermittently in the pattern of 2 weeks per a month on patients of positive PPD skin test. All cases irradiated over 60 Gy were 174 (Group A) containing 62 cases with PS-K (Group B) and 112 cases without PS-K (Group C). Of group B, 44 cases were administrated within a month after curative irradiation (Group B1), 7 cases were administrated on time maintaining long-term good condition after irradiation (Group B2) and 11 cases were administrated after recognition of recurrence or metastasis (Group B3). Following results were obtained. 1. Obvious prolongation of survivals was recognized in the patients with PS-K after irradiation. (1) The cumulative 5 years survival rates of Group A, B 1 and C were 11.0%, 28.8% and 4.8%, respectively. (2) The cumulative 5 years survival rates of stage I,11 were 45.7% with PS-K and 10.7% without PS-K. (3) The cumulative 5 years survival rates of 21 cases matched age, sex, stage, histological type and tumor dose with and without PS-K were 37.8% and 7.2%. (4) In Group B 2, 5 cases out of 7 cases have been alived, but in Group B 3, satisfactory long-term survivals ware not obtained. 2. The necessary conditions which obtain long-term survival with PS-K were thought to be follows. One is that the tumor is brought almost to vanish by irradiation. Another is that the condition of host is superior to that of tumor in host-tumor relationship. 3. The possibility of intermittent administration of PS-K was suggested. (author)

  4. Síndrome pós-laqueadura: repercussões clínicas e psíquicas da pós-laqueadura Post-tubal sterilization syndrome: evaluation of the psychological and clinical disturbances in tubal ligation syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério Dias


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as alterações menstruais e os efeitos psíquicos decorrentes da laqueadura tubária - síndrome pós-laqueadura. Os autores acompanharam prospectivamente 300 mulheres do Setor de Endoscopia Ginecológica e Planejamento Familiar do Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, durante um, três e cinco anos após o procedimento cirúrgico de laqueadura. Diferentes parâmetros foram analisados após a laqueadura, tais como: intervalo do ciclo menstrual, duração e intensidade do fluxo menstrual, dismenorréia, dor pélvica, taxa de arrependimento e outros, comparando-se com os padrões prévios ao procedimento. Nossos achados sugerem que a maioria das mulheres estudadas não apresentaram alterações pós-laqueadura. Tais achados não negam ou diminuem a importância e os benefícios da esterilização tubária, mas servem como ponto de partida para futuras investigações.The purpose of the present study was to investigate the menstrual disturbances and the psychological effects of post-tubal sterilization - the so-called post-tubal sterilization syndrome. Does it exist? The authors followed-up prospectively 300 women from the Gynecological Endoscopy and Family Planning Section, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Botucatu Medical School, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP during one, three and five years after tubal sterilization surgery. Different parameters such as menstrual cycle length, duration of menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, regret rates etc, after tubal ligation, were analyzed. Each woman served as her own control. In conclusion, our findings suggest that most women reported no menstrual changes subsequent to sterilization. These findings do not deny or diminish the importance or benefits of tubal sterilization, but serve as a focus for further investigation.

  5. Au coated PS nanopillars as a highly ordered and reproducible SERS substrate (United States)

    Kim, Yong-Tae; Schilling, Joerg; Schweizer, Stefan L.; Sauer, Guido; Wehrspohn, Ralf B.


    Noble metal nanostructures with nanometer gap size provide strong surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) which can be used to detect trace amounts of chemical and biological molecules. Although several approaches were reported to obtain active SERS substrates, it still remains a challenge to fabricate SERS substrates with high sensitivity and reproducibility using low-cost techniques. In this article, we report on the fabrication of Au sputtered PS nanopillars based on a template synthetic method as highly ordered and reproducible SERS substrates. The SERS substrates are fabricated by anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template-assisted infiltration of polystyrene (PS) resulting in hemispherical structures, and a following Au sputtering process. The optimum gap size between adjacent PS nanopillars and thickness of the Au layers for high SERS sensitivity are investigated. Using the Au sputtered PS nanopillars as an active SERS substrate, the Raman signal of 4-methylbenzenethiol (4-MBT) with a concentration down to 10-9 M is identified with good signal reproducibility, showing great potential as promising tool for SERS-based detection.

  6. Inhibition of Ps Formation in Benzene and Cyclohexane by CH3CI and CH3Br

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wikander, G.; Mogensen, O. E.; Pedersen, Niels Jørgen


    Positron-annihilation lifetime spectra have been measured for mixtures of CH3Cl and CH3Br in cyclohexane and of CH3Cl in benzene. The ortho-positronium (Ps) yield decreased monotonically from 38% and 43% in cyclohexane and benzene respectively to 11% in pure CH3Cl and 6% in pure CH3Br. The strength......− anions to form Ps. while it forms a bound state with the halides. X−. CH3Cl was a roughly three times weaker Ps inhibitor in benzene than in cyclohexane, which shows that CH3Cl− does not dechlorinate in times comparable to or shorter than 400–500 ps in benzene. An improved model for the explanation of Ps...

  7. "Suzana e os velhos": sedução, trauma e sofrimento psíquico "Susana y los viejos": seduccíon, trauma y sufrimiento psíquico "Susanna and the elders": seduction, trauma and psychic suffering

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviana Carola Velasco Martinez


    Full Text Available Discute-se a violência das mensagens enigmáticas que o adulto sempre comunica ao cuidar da criança. Trata-se da sexualidade recalcada do próprio adulto, por isso inconsciente para ele mesmo, que impregna toda situação de apego, instalando por um lado uma sedução dirigida à criança - por isso traumatizante - e, por outro, convocando-a para iniciar um trabalho de tradução, de metabolização do excesso. Esse trabalho de tradução da sedução do adulto é, para Laplanche, estruturante, pois não somente funda o psiquismo da criança, mas inaugura uma atividade psíquica, organizadora e humana, por meio de um constante movimento après-coup de tradução, destradução e retradução do enigmático. Nesse movimento tradutivo, a cultura, como um assistente na tradução, permite amenizar a violência das mensagens. Ilustra-se esta discussão com o episódio bíblico de "Suzana e os velhos" e com a sua representação pictográfica da artista Artemísia Gentileschi (1593-1651, em que um cenário edípico se desdobra da tradução.Se discute la violencia de los mensajes enigmáticos que el adulto comunica siempre al cuidar de un niño. Se trata de la sexualidad recalcada del propio adulto, por eso inconsciente para él mismo, que impregna toda situación de apego, instalando por un lado una seducción dirigida al niño - por eso traumatizante - y, por otro, convocándolo para iniciar un trabajo de traducción, de metabolización del exceso. Para Laplanche, ese trabajo de traducción de la seducción del adulto es estructurante, pues no solamente basa el psiquismo del niño, sino que inaugura una actividad psíquica organizadora y humana a través de un constante movimiento après-coup de traducción, des-traducción y re-traducción de lo enigmático. En este movimiento traductivo, la cultura, como un asistente en la traducción, permite amenizar la violencia de los mensajes. Ilustramos esta discusión con el episodio bíblico de "Suzana

  8. 75 FR 16748 - Final Voluntary Product Standard; DOC PS 20-10 “American Softwood Lumber Standard” (United States)


    ...-0146-02] Final Voluntary Product Standard; DOC PS 20-10 ``American Softwood Lumber Standard'' AGENCY... of Standards and Technology (NIST) announces voluntary product standard DOC PS 20-10 ``American Softwood Lumber Standard'' which will supersede DOC PS 20-05. The Standard establishes standard sizes and...

  9. Preliminary evaluation of PS300: A new self-lubricating high temperature composite coating for use to 800{degrees}C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DellaCorte, C.; Edmonds, B.J.


    This paper introduces PS300, a plasma sprayed, self-lubricating composite coating for use in sliding contacts at temperatures to 800{degrees}C. PS300 is a metal bonded chrome oxide coating with silver and BaF{sub 2}/CaF{sub 2} eutectic solid lubricant additives. PS300 is similar to PS200, a chromium carbide based coating; which is currently being investigated for a variety of tribological applications. In pin-on-disk testing up to 650{degrees}C, PS300 exhibited comparable friction and wear properties to PS200. The PS300 matrix, which is predominantly chromium oxide rather than chromium carbide, does not require diamond grinding and polishes readily with silicon carbide abrasives greatly reducing manufacturing costs compared to PS200. It is anticipated that PS300 has potential for sliding bearing and seal applications in both aerospace and general industry.

  10. File list: NoD.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.PSC.05.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 No description Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived neural... cells ...

  11. Nouvelle application de control des cavités 200 MHz RF du PS (CERN)

    CERN Document Server

    Cotte, D


    Le système Radio Fréquence (RF) 200MHz du PS est un outil essentiel pour la préparation des faisceaux haute intensité du PS. Dans l’anneau PS on trouve 6 cavités 200 MHz utilisées pour contrôler : • l’émittance longitudinale des « bunches » • le processus de « Rebunching » du faisceau avant de l’envoyer au SPS. Chaque cavité est pilotée par des événements appelés « timing » et suit une fonction de tension programmée. Cependant, l’électronique utilisée pour piloter les cavités 200 MHz du PS est obsolète et sa fiabilité non garantie pour cause du manque de pièces de rechange. Ce document décrit le fonctionnement du nouveau programme d’application qui fait abstraction de l’ancienne matrice hardware. Elle suit les recommandations décrites dans l’étude d’une nouvelle structure pour le système RF 200MHz du PS. [1

  12. Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) deficiency decreases reprogramming efficiency and leads to genomic instability in iPS cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinoshita, Taisuke [Department of Cell Differentiation, The Sakaguchi Laboratory, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo 160-8582 (Japan); Nagamatsu, Go, E-mail: [Department of Cell Differentiation, The Sakaguchi Laboratory, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo 160-8582 (Japan); Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012 (Japan); Kosaka, Takeo [Department of Urology, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo 160-8582 (Japan); Takubo, Keiyo [Department of Cell Differentiation, The Sakaguchi Laboratory, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo 160-8582 (Japan); Hotta, Akitsu [Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012 (Japan); Department of Reprogramming Science, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University, Kyoto (Japan); Ellis, James [Ontario Human iPS Cell Facility, Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, SickKids, Toronto, Canada MG1L7 (Canada); Suda, Toshio, E-mail: [Department of Cell Differentiation, The Sakaguchi Laboratory, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo 160-8582 (Japan)


    Highlights: {yields} iPS cells were induced with a fluorescence monitoring system. {yields} ATM-deficient tail-tip fibroblasts exhibited quite a low reprogramming efficiency. {yields} iPS cells obtained from ATM-deficient cells had pluripotent cell characteristics. {yields} ATM-deficient iPS cells had abnormal chromosomes, which were accumulated in culture. -- Abstract: During cell division, one of the major features of somatic cell reprogramming by defined factors, cells are potentially exposed to DNA damage. Inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 raised reprogramming efficiency but resulted in an increased number of abnormal chromosomes in established iPS cells. Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), which is critical in the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks, may also play an important role during reprogramming. To clarify the function of ATM in somatic cell reprogramming, we investigated reprogramming in ATM-deficient (ATM-KO) tail-tip fibroblasts (TTFs). Although reprogramming efficiency was greatly reduced in ATM-KO TTFs, ATM-KO iPS cells were successfully generated and showed the same proliferation activity as WT iPS cells. ATM-KO iPS cells had a gene expression profile similar to ES cells and WT iPS cells, and had the capacity to differentiate into all three germ layers. On the other hand, ATM-KO iPS cells accumulated abnormal genome structures upon continuous passages. Even with the abnormal karyotype, ATM-KO iPS cells retained pluripotent cell characteristics for at least 20 passages. These data indicate that ATM does participate in the reprogramming process, although its role is not essential.

  13. Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) deficiency decreases reprogramming efficiency and leads to genomic instability in iPS cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinoshita, Taisuke; Nagamatsu, Go; Kosaka, Takeo; Takubo, Keiyo; Hotta, Akitsu; Ellis, James; Suda, Toshio


    Highlights: → iPS cells were induced with a fluorescence monitoring system. → ATM-deficient tail-tip fibroblasts exhibited quite a low reprogramming efficiency. → iPS cells obtained from ATM-deficient cells had pluripotent cell characteristics. → ATM-deficient iPS cells had abnormal chromosomes, which were accumulated in culture. -- Abstract: During cell division, one of the major features of somatic cell reprogramming by defined factors, cells are potentially exposed to DNA damage. Inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 raised reprogramming efficiency but resulted in an increased number of abnormal chromosomes in established iPS cells. Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), which is critical in the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks, may also play an important role during reprogramming. To clarify the function of ATM in somatic cell reprogramming, we investigated reprogramming in ATM-deficient (ATM-KO) tail-tip fibroblasts (TTFs). Although reprogramming efficiency was greatly reduced in ATM-KO TTFs, ATM-KO iPS cells were successfully generated and showed the same proliferation activity as WT iPS cells. ATM-KO iPS cells had a gene expression profile similar to ES cells and WT iPS cells, and had the capacity to differentiate into all three germ layers. On the other hand, ATM-KO iPS cells accumulated abnormal genome structures upon continuous passages. Even with the abnormal karyotype, ATM-KO iPS cells retained pluripotent cell characteristics for at least 20 passages. These data indicate that ATM does participate in the reprogramming process, although its role is not essential.

  14. File list: InP.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.PSC.20.AllAg.iPS_derived_neural_cells hg19 Input control Pluripotent stem cell iPS derived neural... cells SRX702550 ...

  15. Performance of a dual-process PVD/PS tungsten coating structure under deuterium ion irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyunmyung; Lee, Ho Jung; Kim, Sung Hwan [Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Song, Jae-Min [Department of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Jang, Changheui, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • D{sup +} irradiation performance of a dual-process PVD/PS W coating was evaluated. • Low-energy plasmas exposure of 100 eV D{sup +} with 1.17 × 10{sup 21} D/s{sup −1} m{sup 2} flux was applied. • After D ion irradiation, flakes were observed on the surface of the simple PS coating. • While, sub-μm size protrusions were observed for dual-process PVD/PS W coating. • Height of D spike in depth profile was lower for dual-process PVD/PS W coating. - Abstract: A dual-process coating structure was developed on a graphite substrate to improve the performance of the coating structure under anticipated operating condition of fusion devices. A thin multilayer W/Mo coating (6 μm) was deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD) method with a variation of Mo interlayer thickness on plasma spray (PS) W coating (160 μm) of a graphite substrate panel. The dual-process PVD/PS W coatings then were exposed to 3.08 × 10{sup 24} D m{sup −2} of 100 eV D ions with a flux of 1.71 × 10{sup 21} D m{sup −2} s{sup −1} in an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) chamber. After irradiation, surface morphology and D depth profiles of the dual-process coating were analyzed and compared to those of the simple PS W coating. Both changes in surface morphology and D retention were strongly dependent on the microstructure of surface coating. Meanwhile, the existence of Mo interlayer seemed to have no significant effect on the retention of deuterium.

  16. Considerações psicanáliticas sobre o trabalho: possibilidades de transformação da psíque e do mundo material

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Garcia Navarro


    Full Text Available No presente artigo apresento reflexões acerca da relação entre imaginação e razão, contidas nas obras de Gaston Bachelard e Herbert Marcuse, e a importância de tal discussão para a educação. A docência adquire categoria filosófica porque ela pode estabelecer parâmetros para uma disciplina estética que redimensione a relação da imaginação com a razão. O que se propõe é outro paradigma epistemológico e uma filosofia do psiquismo imaginante. O primeiro sugere rupturas epistemológicas, a segunda, novas possibilidades estéticas. Trata-se de uma disciplina estética que procura compreender a relação dialética e oscilante da imaginação com a razão. Bachelard sugere, para tanto, uma pedagogia psicanalítica que propõe como conceito e método a vigilância intelectual de si, e distingue a censura moral, imbuída de caráter autoritário, do relativismo da vigilância intelectual. O trabalho docente assume posição estratégica na formação e na transformação da cultura quando procura transcender a realidade e considera a possibilidade de construção de um novo mundo. Tal transformação só pode se realizar através da ação de um sujeito histórico, essencialmente novo, que busca autonomia e confronta a mecânica da submissão que impõe os padrões psicológicos e de organização do aparato.

  17. 80 kV electrostatic wire septum for AmPS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linden, A. van der; Bijleveld, J.H.M.; Rookhuizen, H.B.; Bruinsma, P.J.T.; Heine, E.; Lassing, P.; Prins, E.


    The Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher (AmPS) ring aims at a 100% duty cycle operation by means of slow extraction of injected electron beam pulses of 2.1 μs. In the extraction process of the AmPS, the extracted beam is intercepted from the circulating beam by the 1 m long electrostatic wire septum. For a bending angle of 4.4 mrad the maximum anode voltage is 80 kV. Care has been given to the electric field distribution at the entrance and exit of the septum and to the insulators, required to support the anode. Prototype tests have been successful up to an anode voltage of 120 kV. (R.P.) 9 refs.; 5 figs

  18. Well-oriented ZZ–PS-tag with high Fc-binding onto polystyrene surface for controlled immobilization of capture antibodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Jin-Bao; Sun, Xi-Feng; Yang, Hong-Ming; Zhang, Bao-Gang; Li, Zhi-Jian; Lin, Zhi-Juan; Gao, Zhi-Qin


    Graphical abstract: -- Highlights: •A versatile platform for immobilizing functionally intact IgG is proposed. •The mechanism relies on properly oriented ZZ–PS-tag onto a hydrophilic PS surface. •The oriented ZZ–PS-tag presents ∼fivefold higher IgG-binding activity. •The platform shows tenfold higher sensitivity and a wider linear range in ELISA. -- Abstract: The site specificity and bioactivity retention of antibodies immobilized on a solid substrate are crucial requirements for solid phase immunoassays. A fusion protein between an immunoglobulin G (IgG)-binding protein (ZZ protein) and a polystyrene-binding peptide (PS-tag) was constructed, and then used to develop a simple method for the oriented immobilization of the ZZ protein onto a PS support by the specific attachment of the PS-tag onto a hydrophilic PS. The orientation of intact IgG was achieved via the interaction of the ZZ protein and the constant fragment (Fc), thereby displayed the Fab fragment for binding antigen. The interaction between rabbit IgG anti-horseradish peroxidase (anti-HRP) and its binding partner HRP was analyzed. Results showed that the oriented ZZ–PS-tag yielded an IgG-binding activity that is fivefold higher than that produced by the passive immobilization of the ZZ protein. The advantage of the proposed immunoassay strategy was demonstrated through an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in which monoclonal mouse anti-goat IgG and HRP-conjugated rabbit F(ab′) 2 anti-goat IgG were used to detect goat IgG. The ZZ–PS-tag presented a tenfold higher sensitivity and a wider linear range than did the passively immobilized ZZ protein. The proposed approach may be an attractive strategy for a broad range of applications involving the oriented immobilization of intact IgGs onto PS supports, in which only one type of phi-PS (ZZ–PS-tag) surface is used

  19. Well-oriented ZZ–PS-tag with high Fc-binding onto polystyrene surface for controlled immobilization of capture antibodies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tang, Jin-Bao, E-mail: [School of Pharmacy and Biology, Weifang Medical University, Weifang 261053 (China); Sun, Xi-Feng [Clinical Laboratory, Weifang People' s Hospital, Weifang 261041 (China); Yang, Hong-Ming [School of Pharmacy and Biology, Weifang Medical University, Weifang 261053 (China); Zhang, Bao-Gang [School of Basic Medicine, Weifang Medical University, Weifang 261053 (China); Li, Zhi-Jian [School of Pharmacy and Biology, Weifang Medical University, Weifang 261053 (China); Lin, Zhi-Juan [School of Basic Medicine, Weifang Medical University, Weifang 261053 (China); Gao, Zhi-Qin, E-mail: [School of Pharmacy and Biology, Weifang Medical University, Weifang 261053 (China)


    Graphical abstract: -- Highlights: •A versatile platform for immobilizing functionally intact IgG is proposed. •The mechanism relies on properly oriented ZZ–PS-tag onto a hydrophilic PS surface. •The oriented ZZ–PS-tag presents ∼fivefold higher IgG-binding activity. •The platform shows tenfold higher sensitivity and a wider linear range in ELISA. -- Abstract: The site specificity and bioactivity retention of antibodies immobilized on a solid substrate are crucial requirements for solid phase immunoassays. A fusion protein between an immunoglobulin G (IgG)-binding protein (ZZ protein) and a polystyrene-binding peptide (PS-tag) was constructed, and then used to develop a simple method for the oriented immobilization of the ZZ protein onto a PS support by the specific attachment of the PS-tag onto a hydrophilic PS. The orientation of intact IgG was achieved via the interaction of the ZZ protein and the constant fragment (Fc), thereby displayed the Fab fragment for binding antigen. The interaction between rabbit IgG anti-horseradish peroxidase (anti-HRP) and its binding partner HRP was analyzed. Results showed that the oriented ZZ–PS-tag yielded an IgG-binding activity that is fivefold higher than that produced by the passive immobilization of the ZZ protein. The advantage of the proposed immunoassay strategy was demonstrated through an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in which monoclonal mouse anti-goat IgG and HRP-conjugated rabbit F(ab′){sub 2} anti-goat IgG were used to detect goat IgG. The ZZ–PS-tag presented a tenfold higher sensitivity and a wider linear range than did the passively immobilized ZZ protein. The proposed approach may be an attractive strategy for a broad range of applications involving the oriented immobilization of intact IgGs onto PS supports, in which only one type of phi-PS (ZZ–PS-tag) surface is used.

  20. Purification and characterization of lipase by Bacillus methylotrophicus PS3 under submerged fermentation and its application in detergent industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pushpinder Sharma


    Full Text Available Lipase production bacterial isolate was isolated from soil of service station and identified as Bacillus methylotrophicus PS3 by 16SrRNA with accession number |LN999829.1|. Lipase enzyme was purified by sequential methods of ammonium sulfate precipitation and Sephadex G-100 gel column chromatography. The molecular weight of purified enzyme was 31.40 kDa on SDS-PAGE. This purification procedure resulted in 2.90-fold purification of lipase with a 24.10% final yield. The purified lipase presented maximal hydrolytic activity at a temperature of 55 °C, and pH of 7.0. Lipase activity was stimulated by Triton X-100 and SDS with Mg2+ and Ca2+ metals employ a positive effect and outlast its stable in organic solvent i.e. methanol and ethanol.

  1. Package-friendly piezoresistive pressure sensors with on-chip integrated packaging-stress-suppressed suspension (PS3) technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Jiachou; Li, Xinxin


    An on-chip integrated packaging-stress-suppressed suspension (PS 3 ) technology for a packaging-stress-free pressure sensor is proposed and developed. With a MIS (microholes interetch and sealing) micromachining process implemented only from the front-side of a single-side polished (1 1 1) silicon wafer, a compact cantilever-shaped PS 3 is on-chip integrated surrounding a piezoresistive pressure-sensing structure to provide a packaging-process/substrate-friendly method for low-cost but high-performance sensor applications. With the MIS process, the chip size of the PS 3 -enclosed pressure sensor is as small as 0.8 mm × 0.8 mm. Compared with a normal pressure sensor without PS 3 (but with an identical pressure-sensing structure), the proposed pressure sensor has the same sensitivity of 0.046 mV kPa −1 (3.3 V) −1 . However, without using the thermal compensation technique, a temperature coefficient of offset of only 0.016% °C −1 FS is noted for the sensor with PS 3 , which is about 15 times better than that for the sensor without PS 3 . Featuring effective isolation and elimination of the influence from packaging stress, the PS 3 technique is promising to be widely used for packaging-friendly mechanical sensors. (paper)

  2. Successful online learning the five Ps


    Jim FLOOD


    Successful online learning the five Ps Jim FLOOD E-learning Consultant-UK Key learning points An important aspect of design for online learning is visual ergonomics. Learning theories offer poor predictive power in terms of how learners work and learn. Success at learning is closely related to emotional engagementand learning designers tend to ignore this aspect. Online learning poses a challenging experience for learnersand they need support t...

  3. An elementary presentation of the PS ''beam control'' system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boussard, D.


    The PS synchrotron control system is explained in general terms, covering the topics of frequency control, beam transfer, damping, stability, conservation of longitudinal emittance, and second order problems

  4. A Myb transcription factor of Phytophthora sojae, regulated by MAP kinase PsSAK1, is required for zoospore development.

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    Meng Zhang

    Full Text Available PsSAK1, a mitogen-activated protein (MAP kinase from Phytophthora sojae, plays an important role in host infection and zoospore viability. However, the downstream mechanism of PsSAK1 remains unclear. In this study, the 3'-tag digital gene expression (DGE profiling method was applied to sequence the global transcriptional sequence of PsSAK1-silenced mutants during the cysts stage and 1.5 h after inoculation onto susceptible soybean leaf tissues. Compared with the gene expression levels of the recipient P. sojae strain, several candidates of Myb family were differentially expressed (up or down in response to the loss of PsSAK1, including of a R2R3-type Myb transcription factor, PsMYB1. qRT-PCR indicated that the transcriptional level of PsMYB1 decreased due to PsSAK1 silencing. The transcriptional level of PsMYB1 increased during sporulating hyphae, in germinated cysts, and early infection. Silencing of PsMYB1 results in three phenotypes: a no cleavage of the cytoplasm into uninucleate zoospores or release of normal zoospores, b direct germination of sporangia, and c afunction in zoospore-mediated plant infection. Our data indicate that the PsMYB1 transcription factor functions downstream of MAP kinase PsSAK1 and is required for zoospore development of P. sojae.

  5. psRNATarget: a plant small RNA target analysis server (2017 release). (United States)

    Dai, Xinbin; Zhuang, Zhaohong; Zhao, Patrick Xuechun


    Plant regulatory small RNAs (sRNAs), which include most microRNAs (miRNAs) and a subset of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), such as the phased siRNAs (phasiRNAs), play important roles in regulating gene expression. Although generated from genetically distinct biogenesis pathways, these regulatory sRNAs share the same mechanisms for post-translational gene silencing and translational inhibition. psRNATarget was developed to identify plant sRNA targets by (i) analyzing complementary matching between the sRNA sequence and target mRNA sequence using a predefined scoring schema and (ii) by evaluating target site accessibility. This update enhances its analytical performance by developing a new scoring schema that is capable of discovering miRNA-mRNA interactions at higher 'recall rates' without significantly increasing total prediction output. The scoring procedure is customizable for the users to search both canonical and non-canonical targets. This update also enables transmitting and analyzing 'big' data empowered by (a) the implementation of multi-threading chunked file uploading, which can be paused and resumed, using HTML5 APIs and (b) the allocation of significantly more computing nodes to its back-end Linux cluster. The updated psRNATarget server has clear, compelling and user-friendly interfaces that enhance user experiences and present data clearly and concisely. The psRNATarget is freely available at

  6. Experiments at the 12 GeV PS in 1986 - 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshimura, Y.


    This book has been edited mainly to introduce the various activities at the KEK 12 GeV PS. In the chapter 4, experiments which are currently in the stages of preparation, running and data analyzing are briefly described using information extracted from the 'KEK PS Proposal', 'KEK Annual Report 1986-1989' and various published papers listed in chapter 5. In the descriptions the author sometimes gives 'sensitive' information concerning the experimental groups very directly. Readers of this publication are therefore requested not to directly quote the descriptions given in chapter 4 (since that information was not provided by them). (author)

  7. Inauguration of POPS: the new power system of the PS

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Pictures 03 and 04 : The team from the Electrical Power Converters Group (TE/EPC) is joined by the Director of Accelerators, the heads of the BE, TE and FI departments, CERN managers and Converteam representatives in a group portrait in front of three of the containers that house the capacitor banks of the PS's new power supply system, POPS. Pictures 01, 06 and 07 : Magid-Michel Saikaly, energy and infrastructure director at Converteam, receives a prize from Steve Myers, Director of Accelerators at CERN, for the development and fabrication of the new electrical power system for the PS, called POPS.

  8. Administration of Bifidobacterium breve PS12929 and Lactobacillus salivarius PS12934, Two Strains Isolated from Human Milk, to Very Low and Extremely Low Birth Weight Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Moles


    Full Text Available The preterm infant gut has been described as immature and colonized by an aberrant microbiota. Therefore, the use of probiotics is an attractive practice in hospitals to try to reduce morbidity and mortality in this population. The objective of this pilot study was to elucidate if administration of two probiotic strains isolated from human milk to preterm infants led to their presence in feces. In addition, the evolution of a wide spectrum of immunological compounds, including the inflammatory biomarker calprotectin, in both blood and fecal samples was also assessed. For this purpose, five preterm infants received two daily doses (~109 CFU of a 1 : 1 mixture of Bifidobacterium breve PS12929 and Lactobacillus salivarius PS12934. Bacterial growth was detected by culture-dependent techniques in all the fecal samples. The phylum Firmicutes dominated in nearly all fecal samples while L. salivarius PS12934 was detected in all the infants at numerous sample collection points and B. breve PS12929 appeared in five fecal samples. Finally, a noticeable decrease in the fecal calprotectin levels was observed along time.

  9. Administration of Bifidobacterium breve PS12929 and Lactobacillus salivarius PS12934, two strains isolated from human milk, to very low and extremely low birth weight preterm infants: a pilot study. (United States)

    Moles, Laura; Escribano, Esperanza; de Andrés, Javier; Montes, María Teresa; Rodríguez, Juan M; Jiménez, Esther; Sáenz de Pipaón, Miguel; Espinosa-Martos, Irene


    The preterm infant gut has been described as immature and colonized by an aberrant microbiota. Therefore, the use of probiotics is an attractive practice in hospitals to try to reduce morbidity and mortality in this population. The objective of this pilot study was to elucidate if administration of two probiotic strains isolated from human milk to preterm infants led to their presence in feces. In addition, the evolution of a wide spectrum of immunological compounds, including the inflammatory biomarker calprotectin, in both blood and fecal samples was also assessed. For this purpose, five preterm infants received two daily doses (~10(9) CFU) of a 1:1 mixture of Bifidobacterium breve PS12929 and Lactobacillus salivarius PS12934. Bacterial growth was detected by culture-dependent techniques in all the fecal samples. The phylum Firmicutes dominated in nearly all fecal samples while L. salivarius PS12934 was detected in all the infants at numerous sample collection points and B. breve PS12929 appeared in five fecal samples. Finally, a noticeable decrease in the fecal calprotectin levels was observed along time.

  10. Bioética e promoção da saúde docente na educação superior: uma interface necessária/Bioethics and promotion of teacher health in higher education: an interface required

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    Ivani Nadir Carlotto


    Full Text Available Data de Submissão: 1-11-2017 Data de Aceitação 20-12-2017A abordagem denominada Health Promoting Universities (HPU ou Universidades Promotoras da Saúde (UPS – Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS considera que as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES possuem um papel preponderante na preservação da saúde e bem-estar da comunidade acadêmica. As IES são, sob este paradigma, conduzidas pelos marcos conceituais da promoção da saúde (PS, e por valores interdisciplinares como inclusão, equidade, justiça social e sustentabilidade. A Bioética, em conjunto com as UPS e a PS, apresenta-se como uma ferramenta reflexiva, mutuamente compartilhada e interdisciplinar que objetiva a adequação das ações que compreendem a vida e a cidadania, em seu caráter equitativo e inclusivo, no contexto da Educação Superior. Neste texto a Bioética busca refletir sobre a PS docente nas IES, contribuindo para a construção de processos qualificados de ações em saúde docente.Bioethics and promotion of teacher health in higher education: an interface requiredThe Health Promoting Universities (HPU - World Health Organization (WHO approach considers that Higher Education Institutions (HEI play a preponderant role in preserving the health and well-being of the academic community. HEIs under this paradigm are driven by conceptual frameworks of health promotion (HP, and by interdisciplinary values such as inclusion, equity, social justice and sustainability. Bioethics, together with HPU and HP, presents itself as a reflexive, mutually shared and interdisciplinary tool that aims at the adequacy of actions that comprise life and citizenship, in its equitable and inclusive character, in the context of Higher Education. In this text Bioethics seeks to reflect on the teaching HP in HEI, contributing to the construction of qualified processes of actions in teacher’s health.Keywords: Bioethics; Higher Education; Teachers; Health Promotion

  11. PS Booster Orbit Correction

    CERN Document Server

    Chanel, M; Rumolo, G; Tomás, R; CERN. Geneva. AB Department


    At the end of the 2007 run, orbit measurements were carried out in the 4 rings of the PS Booster (PSB) for different working points and beam energies. The aim of these measurements was to provide the necessary input data for a PSB realignment campaign during the 2007/2008 shutdown. Currently, only very few corrector magnets can be operated reliably in the PSB; therefore the orbit correction has to be achieved by displacing (horizontally and vertically) and/or tilting some of the defocusing quadrupoles (QDs). In this report we first describe the orbit measurements, followed by a detailed explanation of the orbit correction strategy. Results and conclusions are presented in the last section.

  12. Microproteins (miPs) - the next big thing. (United States)

    Feller, Stephan


    With iPS cells, sncRNAs, chromatin modification regulation and cancer stem cells already cooling off again, i.e. not being guaranteed publications in the 'ultimate' journals anymore, what will be very soon the new red-hot (or super-cool, i.e. anything but lukewarm) 'kid on the block'? We would vote for microproteins.

  13. Characterization of in vivo MRI detectable thalamic amyloid plaques from APP/PS1 mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dhenain, M. [URA CEA CNRS 2210, I2BM, SHFJ, 4 Place du General Leclerc, 91401 Orsay Cedex (France); Dhenain, M.; El Tannir El Tayara, N.; Wu, T.D.; Volk, A.; Quintana, C. [U759 INSERM, Centre Universitaire, Laboratoire 112, 91405 Orsay Cedex (France); Dhenain, M.; El Tannir El Tayara, N.; Wu, T.D.; Volk, A.; Quintana, C. [Institut Curie, Centre Universitaire, Laboratoire 112, 91405 Orsay Cedex (France); Guegan, M.; Delatour, B. [Instituto de Microelectronica de Madrid-CSIC, 8, Isaac Newton, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid (Spain)


    Amyloid deposits are one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. Recent studies, in transgenic mice modeling Alzheimer's disease showed that, using in vivo, contrast agent-free, MRI, thalamic amyloid plaques are more easily detected than other plaques of the brain. Our study evaluated the characteristics of these thalamic plaques in a large population of APP/PS1, PS1 and C57BL/6 mice. Thalamic spots were detected in all mice but with different frequency and magnitude. Hence, the prevalence and size of the lesions were higher in APP/PS1 mice. However, even in APP/PS1 mice, thalamic spots did not occur in all the old animals. In APP/PS1 mice, spots detection was related to high iron and calcium load within amyloid plaques and thus reflects the ability of such plaque to capture large amounts of minerals. Interestingly, calcium and iron was also detected in extra-thalamic plaques but with a lower intensity. Hypointense lesions in the thalamus were not associated with the iron load in the tissue surrounding the plaques, nor with micro-hemorrhages, inflammation, or a neuro-degenerative context. (authors)

  14. Da violência ao vínculo: construindo novos sentidos para a atenção à crise

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    Janaína Quinzen Willrich


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetiva conhecer os sentidos presentes nas práticas discursivas de profissionais de Centros de Atenção Psicossocial produzidos pelas novas formas de lidar e se relacionar com o sujeito em crise psíquica grave. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, embasada na perspectiva teórica do Construcionismo Social. Analisou-se 27 entrevistas de profissionais a partir da identificação dos repertórios interpretativos e da construção dos Mapas de Associação de Ideias. Os dados foram organizados nos temas: Dificuldades da contenção no serviço; Sentidos construídos em torno dessa prática; Posicionamentos dos profissionais em relação a essa prática; Participação da Polícia Militar no cuidado da crise; Sentido de responsabilidade da equipe de enfermagem em cuidar da crise. Demonstra-se a necessidade de discussão e construção de práticas de atenção à crise que sejam mais coletivas e embasadas em relações de contrato que respeitem a singularidade e subjetividade dos sujeitos.

  15. Ataxia telangiectasia derived iPS cells show preserved x-ray sensitivity and decreased chromosomal instability


    Fukawatase, Yoshihiro; Toyoda, Masashi; Okamura, Kohji; Nakamura, Ken-ichi; Nakabayashi, Kazuhiko; Takada, Shuji; Yamazaki-Inoue, Mayu; Masuda, Akira; Nasu, Michiyo; Hata, Kenichiro; Hanaoka, Kazunori; Higuchi, Akon; Takubo, Kaiyo; Umezawa, Akihiro


    Ataxia telangiectasia is a neurodegenerative inherited disease with chromosomal instability and hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation. iPS cells lacking ATM (AT-iPS cells) exhibited hypersensitivity to X-ray irradiation, one of the characteristics of the disease. While parental ataxia telangiectasia cells exhibited significant chromosomal abnormalities, AT-iPS cells did not show any chromosomal instability in vitro for at least 80 passages (560 days). Whole exome analysis also showed a compa...

  16. Virus-induced plasma membrane aquaporin PsPIP2;1 silencing inhibits plant water transport of Pisum sativum. (United States)

    Song, Juanjuan; Ye, Guoliang; Qian, Zhengjiang; Ye, Qing


    Aquaporins (AQPs) are known to facilitate water transport across cell membranes, but the role of a single AQP in regulating plant water transport, particularly in plants other than Arabidopsis remains largely unexplored. In the present study, a virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) technique was employed to suppress the expression of a specific plasma membrane aquaporin PsPIP2;1 of Pea plants (Pisum sativum), and subsequent effects of the gene suppression on root hydraulic conductivity (Lp r ), leaf hydraulic conductivity (K leaf ), root cell hydraulic conductivity (Lp rc ), and leaf cell hydraulic conductivity (Lp lc ) were investigated, using hydroponically grown Pea plants. Compared with control plants, VIGS-PsPIP2;1 plants displayed a significant suppression of PsPIP2;1 in both roots and leaves, while the expression of other four PIP isoforms (PsPIP1;1, PsPIP1;2, PsPIP2;2, and PsPIP2;3) that were simultaneously monitored were not altered. As a consequence, significant declines in water transport of VIGS-PsPIP2;1 plants were observed at both organ and cell levels, i.e., as compared to control plants, Lp r and K leaf were reduced by 29 %, and Lp rc and Lp lc were reduced by 20 and 29 %, respectively. Our results demonstrate that PsPIP2;1 alone contributes substantially to root and leaf water transport in Pea plants, and highlight VIGS a useful tool for investigating the role of a single AQP in regulating plant water transport.

  17. Processo de enfermagem na saúde mental: revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Ana Paula Rigon Francischetti Garcia

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: identificar evidências da literatura sobre a aplicação do processo de enfermagem no cuidado desenvolvido pelo enfermeiro na saúde mental. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura, entre 1990 e 2013, nas bases PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL e LILACS. Descritores: processos de enfermagem, saúde mental, cuidados de enfermagem. Resultados: identificaram-se 19 artigos. Uso limitado e parcial do processo de enfermagem no cuidado estabelecido por meio da relação terapêutica que respeita a individualidade do paciente. Observaram-se propostas de cuidados sistematizados para pacientes que apresentam aspectos patológicos no limite entre físico e psíquico, podendo ser uma resposta à influência da prática baseada em evidências. Conclusão: constatou-se movimento antagônico entre cuidado pautado na relação e situado na padronização de diagnósticos que respondem ao mal-estar físico. Verificou-se falta de evidência para o uso do processo de enfermagem na saúde mental e aponta-se para necessidade da criação de novas possibilidades de diálogo entre perspectivas relacional e biológica.

  18. Industrial Network Membership: reducing psychic distance hazards in internationalization of firmsPertencer a Redes Industriais: reduzindo os efeitos da distância psíquica na internacionalização da empresaPertenencia a la red Industrial: reduciendo los riesgos de la distancia psíquica en la internacionalización de la empresa

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    SANTOS, João Carvalho


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe network approach to internationalization of firms has been the research focus of many international business scholars. Firms are increasingly involved in international business ventures and arguably need to learn to adapt to the idiosyncratic milieus of foreign markets. This paper proposes a conceptual model suggesting that integration in industrial networks strengthens corporate competitiveness in international markets. Network membership provides access to knowledge and a wider array of physical, technical, reputational and financial resources that facilitate adaptation to the various dimensions – economic, political, legal, cultural – of international business environments. Membership in social and business networks is likely to ease internationalization by reducing the psychic distance perceived by firms.RESUMOA perspectiva da teoria de redes sobre a internacionalização das empresas foi escolhida por diversos autores de negócios internacionais para sua pesquisa. As empresas estão cada vez mais envolvidas em operações internacionais e precisam aprender a se adaptar aos meios idiossincráticos que encontram nos mercados internacionais. Este artigo propõe um modelo conceptual que sugere que a integração em redes industriais aumenta a competitividade nos mercados internacionais. A integração em uma rede permite aceder a conhecimento e a um conjunto alargado de recursos físicos, técnicos, financeiros e de reputação que facilitam a adaptação às várias dimensões – econômica, política, legal, cultural – dos ambientes internacionais de negócios. A integração em redes sociais e de negócios pode facilitar a internacionalização ao reduzir a distância psíquica percebida das empresas.RESUMENLa aproximación de la red hacia la internacionalización de las empresas ha sido el eje de la investigación de muchos académicos de negocios internacionales. Las empresas están cada vez más involucradas en los

  19. PS proton source

    CERN Multimedia


    The first proton source used at CERN's Proton Synchrotron (PS) which started operation in 1959. This is CERN's oldest accelerator still functioning today (2018). It is part of the accelerator chain that supplies proton beams to the Large Hadron Collider. The source is a Thonemann type. In order to extract and accelerate the protons at high energy, a high frequency electrical field is used (140Mhz). The field is transmitted by a coil around a discharge tube in order to maintain the gas hydrogen in an ionised state. An electrical field pulse, in the order of 15kV, is then applied via an impulse transformer between anode and cathode of the discharge tube. The electrons and protons of the plasma formed in the ionised gas in the tube, are then separated. Currents in the order of 200mA during 100 microseconds have benn obtained with this type of source.

  20. Mõõtmise probleem 18. sajandi psühholoogias / Konstantin Ramul ; tõlk. Kenn Konstabel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ramul, Konstantin, 1879-1975


    Mentaalsete mõõtmiste tähtsusest 18. sajandil teadusliku psühholoogia arengule 19. sajandil. 18. sajandi erinevate autorite arvamustest psühholoogiliste mõõtmiste võimalustest ja meetoditest. Varem ilmunud: American Psychologist, 1960, nr. 15, lk. 256-265

  1. Fantasia e teorias da sedução em Freud e em Laplanche

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    Lea Silveira Sales

    Full Text Available Os elementos fornecidos por Freud ao teorizar sobre as fantasias inevitavelmente conduzem a dúvidas e obscuridade. O objetivo do presente artigo foi percorrer as indagações decorrentes do tratamento freudiano do problema, tomando como base, além de seus próprios textos, o desenvolvimento sugerido por Pontalis e, principalmente, por Laplanche na construção de sua teoria da sedução generalizada, que se desdobra especialmente nos conceitos significante enigmático e objeto-fonte da pulsão. Com isso, Laplanche torna possível a argumentação de que a sedução não é apenas um acontecimento pontual, mas aquilo que permite pensar as origens do sujeito psíquico no que ele possui de universal.

  2. Semi-empirical formula for large pore-size estimation from o-Ps annihilation lifetime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen Duc Thanh; Tran Quoc Dung; Luu Anh Tuyen; Khuong Thanh Tuan


    The o-Ps annihilation rate in large pore was investigated by the semi-classical approach. The semi-empirical formula that simply correlates between the pore size and the o-Ps lifetime was proposed. The calculated results agree well with experiment in the range from some angstroms to several ten nanometers size of pore. (author)

  3. Marketing e saúde - 11 P\\'s: avaliação de um protocolo de ferramentas e técnicas de marketing aplicado a consultórios odontológicos


    Heloisa Ribeiro Borges


    Foi realizado um estudo entre 10 dentistas da cidade de Itu, interior do estado de São Paulo, para avaliar o impacto do conhecimento e aplicação das ferramentas de marketing nos consultórios odontológicos. Para isso foi feito um levantamento inicial e selecionado profissionais que não haviam tido nenhum contato especifico com cursos ou consultorias de marketing anteriormente. O protocolo final sugerido com 11Ps foi uma fusão adaptada baseada nas tradicionais ferramentas de marketing divulgada...

  4. 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C plant application-study report: alumina-plant application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, R.; McMain, A.T. Jr.; Stanley, J.D.


    This report considers the HTGR-PS/C application to producing alumina from bauxite. For the size alumina plant considered, the 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C supplies 100% of the process steam and electrical power requirements and produces surplus electrical power and/or process steam, which can be used for other process users or electrical power production. Presently, the bauxite ore is reduced to alumina in plants geographically separated from the electrolysis plant. The electrolysis plants are located near economical electric power sources. However, with the integration of an 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C unit in a commercial alumina plant, the excess electric power available [approx. 233 MW(e)] could be used for alumina electrolysis

  5. The 1.4 GeV PS Booster in its tunnel.

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    The PS Improvement Programme, launched as early as 1964, had a "Booster" as the key element in the quest for higher beam intensity and density. These were limited in the PS at injection of the 50 MeV proton beam from the linac by the incoherent (Laslett-) Q-shift. Boosting the linac beam to 800 MeV would raise the PS intensity limit by an order of magnitude, from 1E12 protons per pulse to 1E13. The main motivation was the supply of intense beams to the ISR. Soon, the Booster proved to be crucial for the neutral current experiment. A unique feature of the Booster are its 4 superposed rings. Its lattice is also unusual: between its 32 bending magnets, every second straight section contains a quadrupole triplet (F,D,F), while the alternate ones are drift spaces (mostly filled with essential components like septa, kickers, RF-cavities, etc.). In each picture we see one of the 16 periods. Following the direction of the beam from right to left: a bending magnet (green); an empty straight section; a bending magnet; ...

  6. Hiperatividade: doença ou essência um enfoque da gestalt-terapia

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    Sheila Antony

    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute a hiperatividade considerando a metáfora do corpo da criança e o seu funcionamento psicológico, de forma a esclarecer se a sua expressão constitui doença ou um modo próprio de ser. O transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH tem sido extensivamente investigado em pesquisas que visam aprimorar os critérios diagnósticos e conhecer sua etiologia. Poucos estudos são orientados para elucidar a dimensão psíquica da criança hiperativa. A Gestalt-Terapia é uma abordagem fenomenológico-existencial assentada em teorias holísticas que reconhecem a multidimensionalidade do humano, enfocando a relação (o contato como ontológica à existência humana.

  7. 7YSZ coating prepared by PS-PVD based on heterogeneous nucleation

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    Ziqian DENG


    Full Text Available Plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD as a novel coating process based on low-pressure plasma spray (LPPS has been significantly used for thermal barrier coatings (TBCs. A coating can be deposited from liquid splats, nano-sized clusters, and the vapor phase forming different structured coatings, which shows obvious advantages in contrast to conventional technologies like atmospheric plasma spray (APS and electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD. In addition, it can be used to produce thin, dense, and porous ceramic coatings for special applications because of its special characteristics, such as high power, very low pressure, etc. These provide new opportunities to obtain different advanced microstructures, thus to meet the growing requirements of modern functional coatings. In this work, focusing on exploiting the potential of gas-phase deposition from PS-PVD, a series of 7YSZ coating experiments with various process conditions was performed in order to better understand the deposition process in PS-PVD, where coatings were deposited on different substrates including graphite and zirconia. Meanwhile, various substrate temperatures were investigated for the same substrate. As a result, a deposition mechanism of heterogeneous nucleation has been presented showing that surface energy is an important influencing factor for coating structures. Besides, undercooling of the interface between substrate and vapor phase plays an important role in coating structures. Keywords: 7YSZ, Deposition mechanism, Heterogeneous nucleation, PS-PVD, TBC

  8. Nanoporous polymeric nanofibers based on selectively etched PS-b-PDMS block copolymers. (United States)

    Demirel, Gokcen B; Buyukserin, Fatih; Morris, Michael A; Demirel, Gokhan


    One-dimensional nanoporous polymeric nanofibers have been fabricated within an anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane by a facile approach based on selective etching of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) domains in polystyrene-block-poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PS-b-PDMS) block copolymers that had been formed within the AAO template. It was observed that prior to etching, the well-ordered PS-b-PDMS nanofibers are solid and do not have any porosity. The postetched PS nanofibers, on the other hand, had a highly porous structure having about 20-50 nm pore size. The nanoporous polymeric fibers were also employed as a drug carrier for the native, continuous, and pulsatile drug release using Rhodamine B (RB) as a model drug. These studies showed that enhanced drug release and tunable drug dosage can be achieved by using ultrasound irradiation. © 2011 American Chemical Society

  9. Chronic Stress Contributes to Cognitive Dysfunction and Hippocampal Metabolic Abnormalities in APP/PS1 Mice

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    Bing Han


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Stress response is determined by the brain, and the brain is a sensitive target for stress. Our previous experiments have confirmed that once the stress response is beyond the tolerable limit of the brain, particularly that of the hippocampus, it will have deleterious effects on hippocampal structure and function; however, the metabolic mechanisms for this are not well understood. Methods: Here, we used morris water maze, elisa and gas chromatography-time of flight/mass spectrometry to observe the changes in cognition, neuropathology and metabolomics in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 mice and wild-type (C57 mice caused by chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS, we also further explored the correlation between cognition and metabolomics. Results: We found that 4 weeks of CUMS aggravated cognitive impairment and increased amyloid-β deposition in APP/PS1 mice, but did not affect C57 mice. Under non-stress conditions, compared with C57 mice, there were 8 different metabolites in APP/PS1 mice. However, following CUMS, 3 different metabolites were changed compared with untreated C57 mice. Compared to APP/PS1 mice, there were 7 different metabolites in APP/PS1+CUMS mice. Among these alterations, 3-hydroxybutyric acid, valine, serine, beta-alanine and o-phosphorylethanolamine, which are involved in sphingolipid metabolism, synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies, and amino acid metabolism. Conclusion: The results indicate that APP/PS1 mice are more vulnerable to stress than C57 mice, and the metabolic mechanisms of stress-related cognitive impairment in APP/PS1 mice are related to multiple pathways and networks, including sphingolipid metabolism, synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies, and amino acid metabolism.

  10. Motor-Generator Set, PS Main Supply

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    This is the "new" motor-generator set. It replaced the previous, original, one which had served from the PS start-up in 1959. Ordered in 1965, installed in 1967, it was brought into operation at the beginning of 1968. Regularly serviced and fitted with modern regulation and controls, it still serves at the time of writing (2006) and promises to serve for several more years, as a very much alive museum-piece. See also 6803016 and 0201010.

  11. PS overcomes two serious magnet failures

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Two magnets and a bus bar connection in the PS were found to be faulty during high-voltage tests at the end of the accelerator shutdown. A five-week repair schedule was quickly devised. A team of mechanics, technicians and engineers worked at full speed to replace the faulty magnets, succeeding in limiting the delay of the accelerators´ spring start-up to two weeks. Here we see one of the replacement magnets (no. 19) being prepared.

  12. PS overcomes two serious magnet failures

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Two magnets and a bus bar connection in the PS were found to be faulty during high-voltage tests at the end of the accelerator shutdown. A five-week repair schedule was quickly devised. A team of mechanics, technicians and engineers worked at full speed to replace the faulty magnets, succeeding in limiting the delay of the accelerators' spring start-up to two weeks. Here we see one of the replacement magnets (no. 6) being prepared.

  13. Measuring target for the PS Booster

    CERN Multimedia


    The measuring target for the PS Booster (originally 800 MeV, now 1.4 GeV). It measures the size of the beam by destroying all particles with amplitudes greater than the size of the fork, the position and width of which are adjustable. The plunging time is only 20 ms and the acceleration at the tip of the fork reaches 90 g. The servo-controlled linear motor is shown detached from the mechanism. See also 7602008.

  14. Efficient programming of human eye conjunctiva-derived induced pluripotent stem (ECiPS) cells into definitive endoderm-like cells. (United States)

    Massumi, Mohammad; Hoveizi, Elham; Baktash, Parvaneh; Hooti, Abdollah; Ghazizadeh, Leili; Nadri, Samad; Pourasgari, Farzaneh; Hajarizadeh, Athena; Soleimani, Masoud; Nabiuni, Mohammad; Khorramizadeh, Mohammad R


    Due to pluripotency of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and the lack of immunological incompatibility and ethical issues, iPS cells have been considered as an invaluable cell source for future cell replacement therapy. This study was aimed first at establishment of novel iPS cells, ECiPS, which directly reprogrammed from human Eye Conjunctiva-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (EC-MSCs); second, comparing the inductive effects of Wnt3a/Activin A biomolecules to IDE1 small molecule in derivation of definitive endoderm (DE) from the ECiPS cells. To that end, first, the EC-MSCs were transduced by SOKM-expressing lentiviruses and characterized for endogenous expression of embryonic markers Then the established ECiPS cells were induced to DE formation by Wnt3a/Activin A or IDE1. Quantification of GSC, Sox17 and Foxa2 expression, as DE-specific markers, in both mRNA and protein levels revealed that induction of ECiPS cells by either Wnt3a/Activin A or IDE1 could enhance the expression level of the genes; however the levels of increase were higher in Wnt3a/Activin A induced ECiPS-EBs than IDE1 induced cells. Furthermore, the flow cytometry analyses showed no synergistic effect between Activin A and Wnt3a to derive DE-like cells from ECiPS cells. The comparative findings suggest that although both Wnt3a/Activin A signaling and IDE1 molecule could be used for differentiation of iPS into DE cells, the DE-inducing effect of Wnt3a/Activin A was statistically higher than IDE1. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Beyond metric gravity: Progress on PS-200

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldman, T.; Brown, R.E.; Camp, J.B.; Darling, T.; Dyer, P.; Holzscheiter, M.H.; Hughes, R.J.; Jarmie, N.; King, N.S.P.; Lizon, D.C.; Nieto, M.M.; Schauer, M.M.M.; Schecker, J.A.; Cornford, S.; Hosea, K.; Kenefick, R.A.; Hoibraaten, S.; Midzor, M.M.; Parry, S.P.; Ristenen, R.A.; Witteborn, F.C.


    The reconciliation of quantum mechanics and gravity on varying distance scales requires changes to General Relativity that may be testable implications. We briefly review the status of tests with matter of the inverse square law and the principle of equivalence, then report on progress on the drift-tube measurement section of PS- 200, the experiment to measure the gravitational acceleration of antiprotons

  16. Nanostructured silicate substituted calcium phosphate (NanoSiCaPs) nanoparticles — Efficient calcium phosphate based non-viral gene delivery systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shekhar, Sudhanshu [Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States); Center for Complex Engineered Multifunctional Materials, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States); McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States); Roy, Abhijit; Hong, Daeho [Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States); Kumta, Prashant N., E-mail: [Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States); Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States); Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (United States); Center for Complex Engineered Multifunctional Materials, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States); McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (United States)


    Nanostructured ceramic particles, particularly, nanoparticles of calcium phosphate (CaP) remain an attractive option among the various types of non-viral gene delivery vectors studied because of their safety, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and ease of handling as well as their adsorptive capacity for DNA. We have accordingly developed an enhanced version of nanostructured calcium phosphates (NanoCaPs), by substituting known amounts of silicate for phosphate in the hydroxyapatite (HA) lattice (NanoSiCaPs). Results indicate that in addition to the excellent transfection levels exhibited by un-substituted NanoCaPs alone in vitro, an additional 20–50% increase in transfection is observed for NanoCaPs containing 8.3–50 mol% silicate aptly called NanoSiCaPs, owing to its rapid dissolution properties enabling nanoparticles escaping the lysosomal degradation. However, high silicate substitution (> 50 mol%) resulted in a drastic decline in transfection as the synthesized NanoCaPs deviated far from the characteristic hydroxyapatite phase formed as evidenced by the materials characterization results. - Highlights: • Successful demonstration of nanostructured NanoSiCaPs formation • Demonstration of superior transfection of NanoSiCaPs contrasted to NanoCaPs • Silicate substitution leads to smaller aggregates of nanoparticle complexes. • Enhanced dissolution of NanoSiCaPs demonstrated • Faster NanoSiCaPs dissolution leads to escape of pDNA from lysosomal degradation.

  17. Spectra and relaxation dynamics of the pseudohalide (PS) vibrational bands for Ru(bpy){sub 2}(PS){sub 2} complexes, PS = CN, NCS and N{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Compton, Ryan; Gerardi, Helen K. [Chemistry Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 (United States); Weidinger, Daniel [SRA International, 4300 Fair Lakes Court, Fairfax, VA 22033 (United States); Brown, Douglas J. [Chemistry Department, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402 (United States); Dressick, Walter J. [Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 (United States); Heilweil, Edwin J. [Radiation and Biomolecular Physics Division, Physical Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (United States); Owrutsky, Jeffrey C., E-mail: [Chemistry Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 (United States)


    Highlights: ► Static and transient infrared spectroscopy of pseudohalide bipyridine ruthenium complexes. ► Vibrational energy relaxes faster for the azide than the thiocyanate and cyanide analogs. ► Intramolecular vibrational relaxation is prevalent in cis-Ru(bpy){sub 2}(N{sub 3}){sub 2}. - Abstract: Static and transient infrared spectroscopy were used to investigate cis-Ru(bpy){sub 2}(N{sub 3}){sub 2} (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine), cis-Ru(bpy){sub 2}(NCS){sub 2}, and cis-Ru(bpy){sub 2}(CN){sub 2} in solution. The NC stretching IR band for cis-Ru(bpy){sub 2}(NCS){sub 2} appears at higher frequency (∼2106 cm{sup −1} in DMSO) than for the free NCS{sup −} anion while the IR bands for the azide and cyanide complexes are closer to those of the respective free anions. The vibrational energy relaxation (VER) lifetime for the azide complex is found to be much shorter (∼5 ps) than for either the NCS or CN species (both ∼70 ps in DMSO) and the lifetimes resemble those for each corresponding free anion in solution. However, for cis-Ru(bpy){sub 2}(N{sub 3}){sub 2}, it is determined that the transition frequency depends more on the solvent than the VER lifetime implying that intramolecular vibrational relaxation is predominant over solvent energy-extracting interactions. These results are compared to the behavior of other related metal complexes in solution.

  18. Antibodies to phosphatidylserine/prothrombin (aPS/PT) enhanced the diagnostic performance in Chinese patients with antiphospholipid syndrome. (United States)

    Zhang, Shulan; Wu, Ziyan; Zhang, Wen; Zhao, Jiuliang; Norman, Gary L; Zeng, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Fengchun; Li, Yongzhe


    Increasing evidence has highlighted the role of non-criteria antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLs) as important supplements to the current criteria aPLs for the diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). In this retrospective study, we evaluated the clinical relevance of antibodies to phosphatidylserine/prothrombin (aPS/PT) in Chinese patients with APS. A total of 441 subjects were tested, including 101 patients with primary APS (PAPS), 140 patients with secondary APS (SAPS), 161 disease controls (DCs) and 39 healthy controls (HCs). Serum IgG/IgM aPS/PT was determined by ELISA. The levels of IgG/IgM aPS/PT were significantly increased in patients with APS compared with DCs and HCs. IgG and IgM aPS/PT were present in 29.7% and 54.5% of PAPS, and 42.1% and 53.6% of SAPS, respectively. For diagnosis of APS, IgG aCL exhibited the highest positive likelihood ratio (LR+) of 21.60, followed by LA (13.84), IgG aβ2GP1 (9.19) and IgG aPS/PT (8.49). aPS/PT was detected in 13.3% of seronegative PAPS patients and 31.3% of seronegative SAPS patients. LA exhibited the highest OR of 3.64 in identifying patients with thrombosis, followed by IgG aCL (OR, 2.63), IgG aPS/PT (OR, 2.55) and IgG aβ2GP1 (OR, 2.33). LA and IgG aCL were correlated with both arterial and venous thrombosis, whereas IgG aPS/PT and IgG aβ2GP1 correlated with venous or arterial thrombosis, respectively. Our findings suggest that the inclusion of IgG/IgM aPS/PT may enhance the diagnostic performance for APS, especially in those in whom APS is highly suspected, but conventional aPLs are repeatedly negative. In addition, IgG aPS/PT may contribute to identify patients at risk of thrombosis.

  19. Cholinergic degeneration is associated with increased plaque deposition and cognitive impairment in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Bettina; Mørk, Arne; Plath, Niels


    mice was not due to a more extensive cholinergic degeneration since the reduction in choline acetyltransferase activity was similar following SAP treatment in APP/PS1 mice and Wt. Interestingly, plaque load was significantly increased in SAP treated APP/PS1 mice relative to sham lesioned APP/PS1 mice....... Additionally, APP/PS1 mice treated with SAP showed a tendency towards an increased level of soluble and insoluble Aß1-40 and Aß1-42 measured in brain tissue homogenate. Our results suggest that the combination of cholinergic degeneration and Aß overexpression in the APP/PS1 mouse model results in cognitive...... decline and accelerated plaque burden. SAP treated APP/PS1 mice might thus constitute an improved model of Alzheimer's disease-like neuropathology and cognitive deficits compared to the conventional APP/PS1 model without selective removal of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons....

  20. PS buildings : reinforced concrete structure for shielding "bridge" pillar

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The PS ring traverses the region between the experimental halls South and North (buildings Nos 150 and 151) under massive bridge-shaped concrete beams. This pillar stands at the S-W end of the structure.

  1. The Development of the Genital Psoriasis Sexual Frequency Questionnaire (GenPs-SFQ) to Assess the Impact of Genital Psoriasis on Sexual Health. (United States)

    Gottlieb, Alice B; Kirby, Brian; Ryan, Caitriona; Naegeli, April N; Burge, Russel; Potts Bleakman, Alison; Anatchkova, Milena D; Cather, Jennifer


    Patient-reported outcome measures (PROs) exist for psoriasis but not genital psoriasis (GenPs). This cross-sectional, qualitative study in patients with moderate-to-severe GenPs was conducted to support development of a PRO for measuring the impact of GenPs on sexual activity and to establish content validity. The impacts of GenPs were identified in a literature review. Findings from the literature review were discussed with clinicians, and then patients with GenPs were interviewed. From the literature review, 52 articles, 44 abstracts, and 41 clinical trials met predefined search criteria. Of these, 11 concepts emerged as having theoretical support for use as measurable impacts of psoriasis symptoms on patients; these concepts included sexual functioning and general health-related quality of life (HRQoL). These concepts were confirmed and expanded upon by two clinicians who routinely care for patients with GenPs. Interviews were then conducted with GenPs patients (n = 20) to discuss the impact of GenPs on their HRQoL. Eighty percent of patients reported that GenPs impacted sexual frequency. The two-item GenPs Sexual Frequency Questionnaire (GenPs-SFQ) was developed to assess limitations on sexual activity frequency because of GenPs. Cognitive debriefing with an additional 50 patients with GenPs confirmed the utility and understandability of the GenPs-SFQ. The GenPs-SFQ may have utility in clinical trials involving GenPs patients and in routine clinical practice. Eli Lilly and Company. Plain language summary available for this article.

  2. Lack of tau proteins rescues neuronal cell death and decreases amyloidogenic processing of APP in APP/PS1 mice. (United States)

    Leroy, Karelle; Ando, Kunie; Laporte, Vincent; Dedecker, Robert; Suain, Valérie; Authelet, Michèle; Héraud, Céline; Pierrot, Nathalie; Yilmaz, Zehra; Octave, Jean-Noël; Brion, Jean-Pierre


    Lack of tau expression has been reported to protect against excitotoxicity and to prevent memory deficits in mice expressing mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP) identified in familial Alzheimer disease. In APP mice, mutant presenilin 1 (PS1) enhances generation of Aβ42 and inhibits cell survival pathways. It is unknown whether the deficient phenotype induced by concomitant expression of mutant PS1 is rescued by absence of tau. In this study, we have analyzed the effect of tau deletion in mice expressing mutant APP and PS1. Although APP/PS1/tau(+/+) mice had a reduced survival, developed spatial memory deficits at 6 months and motor impairments at 12 months, these deficits were rescued in APP/PS1/tau(-/-) mice. Neuronal loss and synaptic loss in APP/PS1/tau(+/+) mice were rescued in the APP/PS1/tau(-/-) mice. The amyloid plaque burden was decreased by roughly 50% in the cortex and the spinal cord of the APP/PS1/tau(-/-) mice. The levels of soluble and insoluble Aβ40 and Aβ42, and the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio were reduced in APP/PS1/tau(-/-) mice. Levels of phosphorylated APP, of β-C-terminal fragments (CTFs), and of β-secretase 1 (BACE1) were also reduced, suggesting that β-secretase cleavage of APP was reduced in APP/PS1/tau(-/-) mice. Our results indicate that tau deletion had a protective effect against amyloid induced toxicity even in the presence of mutant PS1 and reduced the production of Aβ. Copyright © 2012 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Thermal stability of gold-PS nanocomposites thin films

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Low-temperature transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies were performed on polystyrene (PS, w = 234 K) – Au nanoparticle composite thin films that were annealed up to 350°C under reduced pressure conditions. The composite thin films were prepared by wet chemical approach and the samples were then ...

  4. PS-b-PMMA/PLA blends for nanoporous templates with hierarchical and tunable pore size (United States)

    Nguyen, Thi-Hoa; Vayer, Marylène; Sinturel, Christophe


    Blends of poly(styrene)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) and poly(lactide) (PLA) were deposited in the form of thin films on the surface of modified silicon wafers and exposed to tetrahydrofuran (THF) vapor annealing. It was shown that in specific experimental conditions, a core-shell morphology consisting in cylinders with a PMMA shell and a PLA core, within a continuous matrix of PS, was formed. In this case, PLA naturally segregated in the core of the PMMA cylinders, minimizing the PS/PLA interaction, which constitutes the most incompatible pair (the interaction strength between the various components was confirmed in thin films of the corresponding polymer blends). Compared to other block copolymer/homopolymer blends described in the literature, this system exhibits unexpected high increase of the characteristic lengths of the system (center-to-center distance and diameter). This was attributed to a partial solubilization of the PLA in the PMMA corona (the two polymers are highly compatible), inducing an enhanced level of PS and PLA stretching caused by the strong repulsion between these two polymers. The selective extraction of the PLA yielded to porous domains with small dimensions (6 ± 2.5 nm), reaching the performances that are currently attained in highly incompatible block polymers with low molecular weight. Further PMMA removal revealed a second porosity level, with higher pores diameter and center-to-center distance compared to the neat PS-b-PMMA system. This work highlights how PS-b-PMMA, that currently represents one of the industrial standards nanoporous template precursors, can be modified in an easy and costless approach using PLA homopolymer addition.

  5. Distintos padrões de apoio social percebido e sua associação com doenças físicas (hipertensão, diabetes ou mentais no contexto da atenção primária

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ellen Ingrid Souza Aragão

    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho discute a relação entre hipertensão, diabetes, ansiedade, depressão e apoio social no contexto da atenção primária. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi detectar, na amostra pesquisada, a associação entre: adoecimento físico, adoecimento psíquico, rede de apoio e apoio social percebido. Este estudo é um corte transversal inserido numa pesquisa maior financiada pela Organização Panamericana da Saúde e realizada no município de Petrópolis (RJ em 2002. A amostra foi constituída de 714 pacientes com idade entre 18 e 65 anos. Os resultados demonstraram associação entre variáveis da rede de apoio tanto com a presença de hipertensão ou diabetes, como de transtornos mentais comuns, porém com padrões distintos. Enquanto nos pacientes portadores de hipertensão e diabetes, as associações com o apoio percebido foram positivas, naqueles portadores de Transtorno Mental Comum elas foram negativas, associadas de forma invertida ao grau de adoecimento psíquico.

  6. Effect of reactive monomer on PS-b-P2VP film. (United States)

    Kim, H J; Shin, D M


    Poly(styrene-b-2-vinyl pyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) lamellar film which is hydrophobic block-hydrophilic polyelectrolyte block polymer of 52 kg/mol-b-57 kg/mol and PS-b-P2VP film with reactive monomer (RM257) were prepared for photonic gel films. The lamellar stacks, which is alternating layer of hydrophilic and hydrophobic moiety of PS-b-P2VP, were obtained by exposing the spin coated film under chloroform vapor. The lamellar films were quaternized with 5 wt% of iodomethane diluted by n-hexane. We reported about the influence of reactive monomer on those photonic gel films. Added reactive monomer photonic gel film had higher absorbance than pure photonic gel films. As a result the photonic gel film with RM had more clear color. The lamellar films were swollen by DI water, ethanol (aq) and calcium carbonate solution. The band gaps of the lamellar films were drastically shifted to longer wavelength swollen by calcium carbonate solution. And the lamellar films were shifted to shorter wave length swollen by ethanol. So each lamellar film showed different color.

  7. Redetermination of AgNb2PS10 revealing a silver deficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hoseop Yun


    Full Text Available In comparison with a previous crystallographic study [Goh et al. (2002. J. Solid State Chem. 168, 119–125] of the title compound, silver diniobium tris(disulfide tetrathiophosphate(V, that reports a full occupation of the silver position and isotropic displacement parameters for the atoms, the current redetermination reveals a silver deficiency with a site-occupation factor of 0.88 (1 and reports all atoms with anisotropic displacement parameters. The structure of Ag0.88Nb2PS10 is composed of ∞1[Nb2PS10] chains, which are built up from pairs of distorted bicapped trigonal-prismatic [NbS8] polyhedra forming [Nb2S12] dimers and of tetrahedral [PS4] groups. These chains are connected via the statistically disordered Ag+ ions, forming double layers. Adjacent layers are stacked solely through van der Waals forces into a three-dimensional structure. Short and long Nb—Nb distances [2.880 (1 and 3.770 (2 Å, respectively] alternate along the chain and S22− and S2− anionic species are observed.

  8. Gestação e a constituição da maternidade Gestación y la constitución de la maternidad Pregnancy and motherhood


    Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Rita Sobreira Lopes; Aline Grill Gomes; Tatiana De Nardi


    Na gravidez ocorrem mudanças biológicas, somáticas, psicológicas e sociais que influenciam a dinâmica psíquica individual e as demais relações sociais da gestante, e maneira como ela vive estas mudanças repercute intensamente na constituição da maternidade e na relação mãe-bebê. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os sentimentos das gestantes sobre a maternidade, com destaque para a relação entre o período gestacional e a constituição da maternidade. Participaram do estudo 39 ...

  9. A influência do afastamento por acidente de trabalho sobre a ocorrência de transtornos psíquicos e somáticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabethe Cristina Borsonello

    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a associação entre o afastamento por acidente de trabalho e a ocorrência de ansiedade e de depressão, averiguando se houve desencadeamento de transtornos somáticos e/ou transtornos nas relações sociais dos indivíduos. Em todos os casos estudados, constatamos que houve aumento significativo de sintomas após o afastamento e que o retorno ao trabalho foi impossibilitado devido à persistência da patologia e ao desenvolvimento de outras manifestações. Assim, o afastamento pôde ser considerado um estímulo estressor, pois além de causar transtornos psíquicos provocou alterações orgânicas.

  10. The quinternary thiophosphate Cs0.5Ag0.5Nb2PS10

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sojeong Park


    Full Text Available The quinternary thiophosphate Cs0.5Ag0.5Nb2PS10, cesium silver tris(disulfido[tetrathiophosphato(V]diniobate(IV, has been prepared from the elements using a CsCl flux. The crystal structure is made up of ∞1[Nb2PS10] chains expanding along [010]. These chains are built up from bicapped trigonal-prismatic [Nb2S12] units and tetrahedral [PS4] groups and are linked through a linear S—Ag—S bridge, forming a two-dimensional layer. These layers then stack on top of each other, completing the three-dimensional structure with an undulating van der Waals gap. The disordered Cs+ ions reside on sites with half-occupation in the voids of this arrangement. Short [2.8843 (5 Å] and long [3.7316 (4 Å] Nb—Nb distances alternate along the chains, and anionic S22− and S2− species are observed. The charge balance of the compound can be represented by the formula [Cs+]0.5[Ag+]0.5[Nb4+]2[PS43−][S22−]3.

  11. POPS: the 60MW power converter for the PS accelerator: Control strategy and performances

    CERN Document Server

    Boattini, Fulvio; Skawinski, Gregory


    The main power supply of Proton-Synchrotron (PS) accelerator is one of the biggest at CERN. The old rotating machine system has been replaced with a new NPC based DC/DC power supply named POPS (Power system for PS main magnets) with capacitor banks as energy storage mean. POPS is in operation since February 2011. The operation of the PS accelerator requires a specific design of the control system with very high performance requirements in term of accuracy and precision. This paper describes the main lines of the control strategies analyzing the problems encountered and the solutions adopted. The performances of the converter are presented throughout the paper.

  12. Laboratory spectrum of the PS radical and related astronomical search

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohishi, M.; Yamamoto, S.; Saito, S.; Kawaguchi, K.; Suzuki, H.


    The millimeter-wave rotational spectrum of the PS radical (X 2Pi r) was observed in the laboratory for the first time in the frequency region of 79-293 GHz by discharging the mixture of PSCl3 and He. Some 44 lines were measured, and the rotational constant, the centrifugal distortion constant, the centrifugal distortion term of the spin-orbit coupling constant, the Lambda-type doubling constants, and the hyperfine coupling constants were determined. Based on the measured and calculated frequencies, an astronomical search for the interstellar and circumstellar PS radical was made without success in Orion KL, Sgr B2, L134N,IRC + 10216, VY CMa, and OH 231.8 + 4.2. 29 references

  13. The PS overcomes two serious magnet failures

    CERN Multimedia


    Two magnets and a bus bar connection in the PS were found to be faulty during high-voltage tests at the end of the accelerator shutdown. A five-week repair schedule was quickly devised. A team of mechanics, technicians and engineers worked at full speed to replace the faulty magnets, succeeding in limiting the delay of the accelerators' spring start-up to two weeks.

  14. Psiche e Techne - O ser humano na Idade da Técnica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Selvino Assmann


    abandonados ou refundados na sua raiz. Para esta refundação, urge abandonar as psicologias do sujeito; e neste caso se trata de todas as psicologias, construídas sobre alguma base “humanista” que prevê o homem como sujeito, para fundar uma nova psicologia, aqui denominada psicologia da ação, capaz de reconhecer na técnica a essência do homem e de encontrar, na sua atual extensão, que hoje aparece sem limites, aqueles instrumentos psíquicos que, se ainda consentem ao homem dominar a técnica, possam pelo menos evitar que a técnica, de condição essencial da existência humana, se transforme em causa da insignificância do seu próprio existir. De fato, a técnica pode significar o ponto absolutamente novo, e talvez irreversível, na história, na qual a pergunta não é mais “o que podemos fazer com a técnica”, mas sim “o que a técnica pode fazer conosco”.

  15. The order-to-disorder transition behavior of PS-b-P2VP thin film system (United States)

    Ahn, Hyungju; Ryu, Du


    We investigated the transition behavior such as the order-to-disorder transition (ODT) for symmetric poly(styrene)-block-poly(2-vinly pridine) (PS-b-P2VP) using SAXS and GISAXS for block copolymer bulks and films. The bulk transition temperature of PS-b-P2VP was significantly influenced by the interfacial interactions in thin films, leading to the different transition temperature. From these results, we will discuss about the interfacial interaction effects on the phase behaviors in bulks and thin films system of PS-b-P2VP.

  16. Hybrid fs/ps CARS for Sooting and Particle-laden Flames

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffmeister, Kathryn N. Gabet; Guildenbecher, Daniel Robert; Kearney, Sean P.


    We report the application of ultrafast rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) for temperature and relative oxygen concentration measurements in the plume emanating from a burning aluminized ammonium perchlorate propellant strand. Combustion of these metal-based propellants is a particularly hostile environment for laserbased diagnostics, with intense background luminosity, scattering and beam obstruction from hot metal particles that can be as large as several hundred microns in diameter. CARS spectra that were previously obtained using nanosecond pulsed lasers in an aluminumparticle- seeded flame are examined and are determined to be severely impacted by nonresonant background, presumably as a result of the plasma formed by particulateenhanced laser-induced breakdown. Introduction of fs/ps laser pulses enables CARS detection at reduced pulse energies, decreasing the likelihood of breakdown, while simultaneously providing time-gated elimination of any nonresonant background interference. Temperature probability densities and temperature/oxygen correlations were constructed from ensembles of several thousand single-laser-shot measurements from the fs/ps rotational CARS measurement volume positioned within 3 mm or less of the burning propellant surface. Preliminary results in canonical flames are presented using a hybrid fs/ps vibrational CARS system to demonstrate our progress towards acquiring vibrational CARS measurements for more accurate temperatures in the very high temperature propellant burns.

  17. Sofrimento psíquico na perversão: o caso dexter El sufrimiento psíquico en la perversión: el caso dexter Psychic suffering in perversion: the dexter affair

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio Roberto Rodrigues Belo


    Full Text Available A análise do personagem fictício Dexter permite construir hipóteses metapsicológicas sobre as origens da perversão. A posição perversa nesse caso deve-se à presença maciça de violência nas origens do sujeito psíquico. Dexter expressa o abandono sofrido pela atuação pulsional, os assassinatos em série, tentando inverter o estado de passividade no qual se encontra. Sua angústia pode ser organizada de duas formas distintas: a primeira é consciente, fornecida por seu pai, Harry, que o ensina a não deixar vestígios dos seus crimes. A segunda maneira é inconsciente, e traduz o desejo de submeter o outro à dor, fazendo com que, por meio do mecanismo de identificação projetiva, o perverso desfrute deste sofrimento que provoca, sendo remetido, então, às suas vivências originárias de submissão. Conclui-se que na perversão a angústia não apenas está presente, como também é constitutiva da escolha do sujeito de operar pela via da violência.El análisis del personaje ficticio Dexter permite la construcción de hipótesis metapsicológicas sobre los orígenes de la perversión. La posición perversa en este caso se debe a la presencia masiva de la violencia en los orígenes del sujeto psíquico. Dexter expresa el abandono sufrido a través de una actuación pulsional, los asesinatos en serie, intentando invertir el estado de pasividad en el que se encuentra. Su angustia puede ser organizada de dos maneras distintas: la primera es consciente, proporcionada por su padre, Harry, quien le enseña a no dejar rastros de sus crímenes. La segunda es inconsciente, y traduce el deseo de someter al otro al dolor, haciendo con que, a través del mecanismo de la identificación proyectiva, el perverso disfrute del sufrimiento que provoca, siendo remitido, así, a sus experiencias originarias de sumisión. Concluimos que, en la perversión, la angustia no sólo está presente, sino que es constitutiva de la elección del sujeto de operar

  18. The CERN PS/SL Controls Java Application Programming Interface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    I. Deloose; J. Cuperus; P. Charrue; F. DiMaio; K. Kostro; M. Vanden Eynden; W. Watson


    The PS/SL Convergence Project was launched in March 1998. Its objective is to deliver a common control as infrastructure for the CERN accelerators by year 2001. In the framework of this convergence activity, a project was launched to develop a Java Application Programming Interface (API) between programs written in the Java language and the PS and SL accelerator equipment. This Java API was specified and developed in collaboration with TJNAF. It is based on the Java CDEV [1] package that has been extended in order to end up with a CERN/TJNAF common product. It implements a detailed model composed of devices organized in named classes that provide a property-based interface. It supports data subscription and introspection facilities. The device model is presented and the capabilities of the API are described with syntax examples. The software architecture is also described

  19. Four-frame gated optical imager with 120-ps resolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, P.E.; Hares, J.D.; Kilkenny, J.D.; Phillion, D.W.; Campbell, E.M.


    In this paper we describe the operation and applications of a framing camera capable of four separate two-dimensional images with each frame having a 120-ps gate width. Fast gating of a single frame is accomplished by using a wafer image intensifier tube in which the cathode is capacitively coupled to an external electrode placed outside of the photocathode of the tube. This electrode is then pulsed relative to the microchannel plate by a narrow (120 ps), high-voltage pulse. Multiple frames are obtained by using multiple gated tubes which share a single bias supply and pulser with relative gate times selected by the cable lengths between the tubes and the pulser. A beamsplitter system has been constructed which produces a separate image for each tube from a single scene. Applications of the framing camera to inertial confinement fusion experiments are discussed

  20. The Automatic Test Features of the IDiPS Reactor Protection System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hur, Seop; Kim, Dong-Hoon; Hwang, In-Koo; Lee, Cheol-Kwon; Lee, Dong-Young


    The reactor protection system (RPS) is designed to minimize a propagation of abnormal or accident conditions of nuclear power plants. A digital RPS (Integrated Digital Protection System (IDiPS) RPS) is being developed in the Korea Nuclear Instrumentation and Control System (KNICS) R and D project. To make good use of the advantages of the digital technology, it is necessary to improve the reliability and availability of a system through automatic test features including an on-line testing, a self-diagnostics, an auto calibration, etc. This paper summarizes the system test strategy and the automatic test features of the IDiPS RPS

  1. Caracterização das atividades educativas de trabalhadores de enfermagem na ótica da educação permanente

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    Adriana Marques da Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo discute a reciprocidade entre práticas de saúde e educativas e objetiva caracterizar os trabalhadores deenfermagem e suas atividades educativas em região do município de São Paulo. Estudo exploratório-descritivoquantitativo, realizado em 18 serviços de saúde entre 2005/2006, cuja coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistae aplicação de dois formulários. Identificou-se que 84,8% dos trabalhadores de enfermagem atuam nos hospitais epronto socorro (PS; 22,5% são enfermeiros, 15,2%, técnicos de enfermagem (TE e 62,3%, auxiliares deenfermagem (AE. Das 245 ações educativas mapeadas, 78,4% são realizadas nos hospitais e PS,predominantemente, focadas na recuperação da saúde; 46,9% estão direcionadas aos enfermeiros, 39,6% aosenfermeiros, TE e AE e 13,5%, aos TE e AE; 21,2% ações utilizam estratégias tradicionais de ensino e 15,1%, asparticipativas; 69% têm duração de 01-20h; 55,5% são realizadas fora do serviço. Apesar de predominar atividadeseducativas voltadas aos enfermeiros, orientadas para recuperação da saúde, com utilização de estratégias de ensinotradicionais, a presença de ações ancoradas no cotidiano de trabalho, remete à concepção de educação permanente eassinala possibilidades de mudança da abordagem das práticas educativas de trabalhadores na perspectiva daintegralidade da saúde e do cuidado integral de enfermagem.

  2. Thermodynamics parameters of nano-Ni/PS composites prepared by in situ polymerization method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liao Qilong; Xiong Jie; Ning Haixia


    Spherical nickel nanoparticles with about 75∼200 nm in size were obtained by a liquid reduction method. The nickel nanoparticles/PS composites were synthesized via in situ polymerization method. XRD, FTIR, SEM and TG-DSC were respectively used to measure the properties of nickel nanoparticles, the microstructure of as-prepared composites samples, the distribution of nickel nanoparticles in PS and the thermodynamic parameters of as-prepared composites. The results show that the nickel nanoparticles will enhance the glass transition temperature of nano-Ni/PS composites. The enthalpy of composites is heightened by increasing of doping dose, and it reaches the top when the doping dose is from 1% to 2%. The specific heat of the composites will reduce with the doping dose of nickel nanoparticles increasing. (authors)

  3. The PS1 hairpin of Mcm3 is essential for viability and for DNA unwinding in vitro.

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    Simon K W Lam

    Full Text Available The pre-sensor 1 (PS1 hairpin is found in ring-shaped helicases of the AAA+ family (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities of proteins and is implicated in DNA translocation during DNA unwinding of archaeal mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM and superfamily 3 viral replicative helicases. To determine whether the PS1 hairpin is required for the function of the eukaryotic replicative helicase, Mcm2-7 (also comprised of AAA+ proteins, we mutated the conserved lysine residue in the putative PS1 hairpin motif in each of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mcm2-7 subunits to alanine. Interestingly, only the PS1 hairpin of Mcm3 was essential for viability. While mutation of the PS1 hairpin in the remaining MCM subunits resulted in minimal phenotypes, with the exception of Mcm7 which showed slow growth under all conditions examined, the viable alleles were synthetic lethal with each other. Reconstituted Mcm2-7 containing Mcm3 with the PS1 mutation (Mcm3(K499A had severely decreased helicase activity. The lack of helicase activity provides a probable explanation for the inviability of the mcm3(K499A strain. The ATPase activity of Mcm2-7(3K499A was similar to the wild type complex, but its interaction with single-stranded DNA in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay and its associations in cells were subtly altered. Together, these findings indicate that the PS1 hairpins in the Mcm2-7 subunits have important and distinct functions, most evident by the essential nature of the Mcm3 PS1 hairpin in DNA unwinding.

  4. Spatio-temporal responses of Arabidopsis leaves in photosynthetic performance and metabolite contents to Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN

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    Fan eSu


    Full Text Available A valuable strategy to improve crop yield consists in the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs. However, the influence of PGPR colonization on plant physiology is largely unknown. PGPR Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN (Bp PsJN colonized only Arabidopsis thaliana roots after seed or soil inoculation. Foliar bacteria were detected only after leaf infiltration. Since different bacterial times of presence and/or locations in host plant could lead to different plant physiological responses, photosynthesis and metabolite profiles in A. thaliana leaves were thus investigated following leaf, root or seed inoculation with Bp PsJN. Only Bp PsJN leaf colonization transiently decreased cyclic electron transport and effective quantum yield of photosystem I (PSI, and prevented a decrease in net photosynthesis and stomatal opening compared to the corresponding control. Metabolomic analysis revealed that soluble sugars, amino acids or their derivatives accumulated differently in all Bp PsJN-inoculated plants. Octanoic acid accumulated only in case of inoculated plants. Modifications in vitamin, organic acid such as tricarboxylic acid intermediates, and hormone amounts were dependent on bacterial time of presence and location. Additionally, a larger array of amino acids and hormones (auxin, cytokinin, abscisic acid were modified by seed inoculation with Bp PsJN. Our work thereby provides evidence that relative short-term inoculation with Bp PsJN altered physiological status of A.thaliana leaves, whereas long-term bacterization triggered modifications on a larger set of metabolites. Our data highlighted the changes displayed during this plant-microbe interaction to trigger physiological and metabolic responses that could explain the increase in plant growth or stress tolerance conferred by the presence of Bp PsJN.

  5. Temperature dependence of o-Ps annihilation lifetime in non-uniform cylindrical pores in comparison with ETE model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khaghani, Morteza, E-mail:; Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad, Ali Akbar, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Using the well known multi-physics program COMSOL calculating o-Ps annihilation lifetime in complex geometries. • Investigation of shape non-uniformity of cylindrical pores on o-Ps annihilation lifetime. • Verifying temperature dependency of o-Ps lifetime in non-uniform cylindrical pores. • Suggesting PALS at low temperature as a method to verify pore uniformity in porous material. - Abstract: Ortho-positronium (o-Ps) annihilation lifetime was calculated in non-uniform cylinder-shaped pores by solving Schrodinger equation using a well-known multi-physics program called COMSOL. The o-Ps annihilation lifetime variation in terms of temperature was calculated on the basis of ETE model via a numerical method. The COMSOL simulations indicate that as long as the pore is uniform cylinder-shaped, the results agree with those of two-dimensional ETE model, whereas deformations in the cylinder shape (indentation or protrusion) change the temperature behavior of ETE model and, thereby, higher values are predicted for o-Ps lifetime in the pore at lower temperatures. The geometry of the non-uniform cylinder-shaped pores, which is accompanied by empirical evidence, can be used for the analysis of empirical results obtained from positron lifetime spectroscopy in different temperatures.

  6. Rahuoperatsioonide Keskuses alustab sotsiaalse ja psühholoogilise toetuse sektsioon / Merle Tihaste, Marge Sillaste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parmak, Merle, 1968-


    Missioonidel osalevatele või pikaajalises lähetuses viibivatele kaitseväelastele ja nende peredele suunatud sotsiaalse ja psühholoogilise toetuse tagamiseks loodud sektsioonist Rahuoperatsioonide Keskuse koosseisus. Sektsiooni töömudelist, ülesannetest ja koostöövõrgustikust. Skeem: Sotsiaalse ja psühholoogilise toetuse sektsiooni töömudel ja partnerid

  7. 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C plant application study report: heavy oil recovery application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, R.; McMain, A.T. Jr.


    This report describes the application of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) which operates in a process steam/cogeneration (PS/C) mode in supplying steam for enhanced recovery of heavy oil and in exporting electricity. The technical and economic merits of an 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C are compared with those of coal-fired plants and (product) oil-fired boilers for this application. The utility requirements for enhanced oil recovery were calculated by establishing a typical pattern of injection wells and production wells for an oil field similar to that of Kern County, California. The safety and licensing issues of the nuclear plant were reviewed, and a comparative assessment of the alternative energy sources was performed. Technically and economically, the HTGR-PS/C plant has attractive merits. The major offsetting factors would be a large-scale development of a heavy oil field by a potential user for the deployment of a 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C; plant and the likelihood of available prime heavy oil fields for the mid-1990 operation

  8. Controlled supramolecular assembly of micelle-like gold nanoparticles in PS-b-P2VP diblock copolymers via hydrogen bonding. (United States)

    Jang, Se Gyu; Kramer, Edward J; Hawker, Craig J


    We report a facile strategy to synthesize amphiphilic gold (Au) nanoparticles functionalized with a multilayer, micelle-like structure consisting of a Au core, an inner hydroxylated polyisoprene (PIOH) layer, and an outer polystyrene shell (PS). Careful control of enthalpic interactions via a systematic variation of structural parameters, such as number of hydroxyl groups per ligand (N(OH)) and styrene repeating units (N(PS)) as well as areal chain density of ligands on the Au-core surface (Σ), enables precise control of the spatial distribution of these nanoparticles. This control was demonstrated in a lamellae-forming poly(styrene-b-2-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) diblock copolymer matrix, where the favorable hydrogen-bonding interaction between hydroxyl groups in the PIOH inner shell and P2VP chains in the PS-b-P2VP diblock copolymer matrix, driving the nanoparticles to be segregated in P2VP domains, could be counter balanced by the enthalphic penalty of mixing of the PS outer brush with the P2VP domains. By varying N(OH), N(PS), and Σ, the nanoparticles could be positioned in the PS or P2VP domains or at the PS/P2VP interface. In addition, the effect of additives interfering with the hydrogen-bond formation between hydroxyl groups on Au nanoparticles and P2VP chains in a diblock copolymer matrix was investigated, and an interesting pea-pod-like segregation of Au nanoparticles in PS domains was observed.

  9. RMS Pictorial Scale (RMS-PS: An innovative scale for the assessment of child′s dental anxiety

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    R M Shetty


    Full Text Available Background: Dental anxiety assessment for young children is as important as performing their treatment. Appropriate knowledge of patient′s anxiety boosts confidence and will help us to review potential management options specific to every child. Aim: This study aimed to validate (RMS Pictorial Scale (RMS-PS and to compare it with Venham Picture Test (VPT and Facial image scale (FIS in measuring dental anxiety for young children during their first dental visit. Materials and Methods: A total of 102 healthy children aged between 4 and 14 years during their first dental visit were randomly selected for the study. Childs anxiety level was measured using three different scales namely (i RMS-PS (ii VPT, and (iii FIS. Statistical Analysis: Student t test was used to compare the scores obtained from all the three scales. Pearson correlation test was used to obtain correlation among the scales used in the study. Results: A strong correlation (0·76 was found between the VPT and RMS-PS, and a moderate correlation (0.5 was found between RMS-PS and FIS, indicating good validity for the RMS-PS. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the RMS-PS can be a newer and easiest means for the assessment of dental anxiety for young children in a clinical context.

  10. Syntheses, crystal structure, and electronic properties of the five ABaMQ{sub 4} compounds RbBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaVS{sub 4}, RbBaVSe{sub 4}, and CsBaVSe{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesbah, Adel [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); ICSM, UMR 5257 CEA / CNRS / UM / ENSCM, Site de Marcoule-Bâtiment 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze Cedex (France); Prakash, Jai [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Rocca, Dario; Lebègue, Sébastien [Laboratoire de Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique, et Modélisations CRM2 (UMR UHP-CNRS 7036), Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Lorraine, BP 70239, Boulevard des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex (France); Beard, Jessica C.; Lewis, Benjamin A. [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Ibers, James A., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States)


    Five new compounds belonging to the ABaMQ{sub 4} family were synthesized by solid-state chemistry at 1123 K. The compounds RbBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaVS{sub 4}, RbBaVSe{sub 4}, and CsBaVSe{sub 4} are isostructural and have the TlEuPS{sub 4} structure type. They crystallize in space group D{sup 16}{sub 2h} – Pnma of the orthorhombic system. Their structure consists isolated MQ{sub 4} tetrahedra separated by A and Ba atoms to form a salt-like structure. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of the electronic structures with the use of the HSE functional suggest that the compounds are semiconductors with calculated band gaps of 3.3 eV (RbBaPS{sub 4}), 3.4 eV (CsBaPS{sub 4}), 2.3 eV (CsBaVS{sub 4}), and 1.6 eV (RbBaVSe{sub 4}). - Graphical abstract: General view of the ABaMQ{sub 4} structure down the a axis. - Highlights: • Five new ABaMQ{sub 4} compounds were synthesized by solid-state chemistry at 1123 K. • RbBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaVS{sub 4}, RbBaVSe{sub 4}, and CsBaVSe{sub 4} have the TlEuPS{sub 4} structure type. • The compounds are semiconductors with calculated band gaps ranging from 1.6 to 3.4 eV.

  11. Multi objective large power system planning under sever loading condition using learning DE-APSO-PS strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahdad, Belkacem; Srairi, K.


    Highlights: • An efficient planning strategy using DE and APSO in coordination with PS algorithm is proposed. • An interactive process is proposed to balance the exploitation and exploration capability of (DE-APSO) and PS. • Fuel cost, power loss, and voltage deviation considering loading condition are optimized. • The proposed strategy (DE-APSO-PS) is validated on three large practical test systems. - Abstract: This paper introduces an efficient planning strategy using new hybrid interactive differential evolution (DE), adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO), and pattern search (PS) for solving the security optimal power flow (SOPF) considering multi distributed static VAR compensator (SVC). Three objective functions such as fuel cost, power loss and voltage deviation are considered and optimized considering sever loading conditions. The main idea of the proposed strategy is that variable controls are optimized based on superposition mechanism, the best solutions evaluated by DE and APSO at specified stages are communicated to PS to exploit new regions around this solution, alternatively the new solution achieved by PS is also communicated to DE and APSO, this interactive mechanism search between global and local search is to balance the exploitation and exploration capability which allows individuals from different methods to react more by learning and changing experiences. The robustness of the proposed strategy is tested and validated on large practical power system test (IEEE 118-Bus, IEEE 300-Bus, and 40 units). Comparison results with the standard global optimization methods such as DE, APSO PS and to other recent techniques showed the superiority and perspective of the proposed hybrid technique for solving practical power system problems

  12. Demanda e oferta no encontro entre profissionais de saúde mental e familiares de pessoas com sofrimento psíquico

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    Teresinha Cid Constantinidis


    Full Text Available Este artigo é um desdobramento de tese de doutorado defendida pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Pretende-se analisar a elucidação de necessidades, a elaboração de demanda e oferta, no processo de produção de cuidado, na relação entre profissionais de saúde mental e familiares de pessoas com sofrimento psíquico. A perspectiva qualitativa de investigação configurou-se como método para alcançar os objetivos propostos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi estruturadas com profissionais de saúde mental de dois centros de atenção psicossocial (CAPS do município de Vitória ES e com familiares de usuários destas instituições. Após análise temática do conteúdo, foram evidenciados sentidos, significados e valores atribuídos às necessidades, demandas e ofertas, presentes nessa relação. É evidenciada a disparidade entre demanda e oferta, a desvalorização, o desconhecimento das necessidades dos familiares e as demandas dos familiares relacionadas à lógica manicomial. Tendo como referência a ética na filosofia de Espinosa, são discutidas as consequências do encontro entre profissionais de saúde mental e familiares de pessoas com sofrimento psíquico e a micropolítica da produção de cuidado no contexto desses atores.

  13. Cuidadores Principais Ante a Experiência da Morte: Seus Sentidos e Significados

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    Carolina Peres de Lima

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho teve como objetivo compreender os sentidos e significados atribuídos pelos cuidadores principais à experiência de acompanhamento de pacientes com câncer em Cuidados ao Fim de Vida. Com este intuito, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória, utilizando a observação participante como recurso metodológico. A análise de conteúdo foi utilizada como método de avaliação dos resultados, no qual a Teoria Existencialista de Viktor Frankl e a literatura contemporânea sobre Cuidados Paliativos serviram de substrato teórico à compreensão da temática em questão. Após a análise do diário de campo, foram extraídas cinco categorias temáticas: A espiritualidade atribuindo sentido à experiência; O tempo de espera; Morte como alívio do sofrimento; Revisão da história de vida; Incerteza quanto ao futuro. Foi possível perceber reações e sentimentos expostos pelos cuidadores, que, apesar do esgotamento físico e emocional, desejavam permanecer ao lado de seu familiar até sua morte. Entendemos que a comunicação da equipe ao cuidador sobre a aproximação da morte pode contribuir para o processo de elaboração psíquica desta vivência. A compreensão da experiência subjetiva do cuidador viabiliza uma abordagem efetiva da equipe às reais necessidades de cuidado do familiar.

  14. Long-term Culture of Human iPS Cell-derived Telencephalic Neuron Aggregates on Collagen Gel. (United States)

    Oyama, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Koji; Tanaka, Yoshikazu; Takemoto, Hiroshi; Haga, Hisashi


    It takes several months to form the 3-dimensional morphology of the human embryonic brain. Therefore, establishing a long-term culture method for neuronal tissues derived from human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is very important for studying human brain development. However, it is difficult to keep primary neurons alive for more than 3 weeks in culture. Moreover, long-term adherent culture to maintain the morphology of telencephalic neuron aggregates induced from human iPS cells is also difficult. Although collagen gel has been widely used to support long-term culture of cells, it is not clear whether human iPS cell-derived neuron aggregates can be cultured for long periods on this substrate. In the present study, we differentiated human iPS cells to telencephalic neuron aggregates and examined long-term culture of these aggregates on collagen gel. The results indicated that these aggregates could be cultured for over 3 months by adhering tightly onto collagen gel. Furthermore, telencephalic neuronal precursors within these aggregates matured over time and formed layered structures. Thus, long-term culture of telencephalic neuron aggregates derived from human iPS cells on collagen gel would be useful for studying human cerebral cortex development.Key words: Induced pluripotent stem cell, forebrain neuron, collagen gel, long-term culture.

  15. A triagem de lixo reciclável: análise ergonômica da atividade

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    Fernanda Flávia Cockell

    Full Text Available A análise do setor de triagem de uma cooperativa formada por catadores de material reciclável é objeto deste estudo. Utilizando a metodologia da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET, demonstra-se que, além dos riscos de acidentes e doenças, outras fontes de desconforto são geradas pela forma de organização adotada. O redirecionamento dos trabalhadores do antigo aterro sanitário para a cooperativa, na busca da inclusão social com geração de renda, intensificou sinais de sofrimento psíquico, sobrecarga física e mental e, especialmente, potencializou problemas financeiros que demandam modificações na organização do trabalho e parcerias institucionais.

  16. Sofrimento psíquico do bailarino: um olhar da psicodinâmica do trabalho

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    Selma Lancman


    Full Text Available The present article is part of a series of studies that articulate work and mental health. The aim is to analyze the relationships between the dance workers and the organization of dance as a work in light of the psychodynamic of work theory. This analysis focuses on the way dance workers mobilize their subjectivity while performing their daily work activities in Balé da Cidade de São Paulo (São Paulo City Ballet, a public dance company linked to the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo in Brazil (São Paulo City Theatre. We aimed at understanding the strategies that are subjectively mobilized by the dancers when facing suffering due to work based on a qualitative study conducted through interviews and personal observation of the work process. We concluded that one of the strategies adopted by this group of workers is the quest for a split between the biological body, which is exercised on a technical way and used as a work tool, and the erogenous body, that houses the subjective experiences.

  17. Transfer line from the PSB to the PS (recombination)

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    After sequential ejection of 5 bunches from each of the 4 rings of the Booster (originally 800 MeV, now 1.4 GeV), the 4 batches are brought to the same vertical level, so as to form a string of 20 bunches, filling the circumference of the PS. This vertical "recombination" is performed in the transfer line, using vertical bending magnets, septa and kickers. Here we see the section where the beam from ring 4 (the top one) is brought down to the level of ring 3, and the beam from ring 1 up to the level of ring 2. Further downstream (to the right, outside this picture), level 2 is brought up to level 3, identical to that of the PS. After this original recombination scheme, other ways of combining the 4 beams, vertically and/or longitudinally, were developed and used in operation.

  18. Images of Christ's Saving Work in Ps.-Epiphanius' Homilies

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    H. F. Stander


    Full Text Available Images of Christ's Saving Work in Ps.-Epiphanius' Homilies. One cannot really speak of a systematic theology on the subject of atone-ment in the patristic writers. Frances Young once said that 'it is in fact impossible to categorize neatly the thought of the major patristic writers on the subject of atonement'. She adds that one cannot do justice to the range of motifs and images that are found in describing the saving and atoning work of Christ if we merely dismember 'systematic theologies' to illustrate common soteriological themes. One can only appreciate patristic views of atonement if one begins by recognizing the multifaceted unity of imagery that pervades the literature. This then is the goal of this article: to discuss the rich images which Ps: -Epiphanius uses to describe the atoning work of Christ.

  19. Non-viral generation of marmoset monkey iPS cells by a six-factor-in-one-vector approach. (United States)

    Debowski, Katharina; Warthemann, Rita; Lentes, Jana; Salinas-Riester, Gabriela; Dressel, Ralf; Langenstroth, Daniel; Gromoll, Jörg; Sasaki, Erika; Behr, Rüdiger


    Groundbreaking studies showed that differentiated somatic cells of mouse and human origin could be reverted to a stable pluripotent state by the ectopic expression of only four proteins. The resulting pluripotent cells, called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, could be an alternative to embryonic stem cells, which are under continuous ethical debate. Hence, iPS cell-derived functional cells such as neurons may become the key for an effective treatment of currently incurable degenerative diseases. However, besides the requirement of efficacy testing of the therapy also its long-term safety needs to be carefully evaluated in settings mirroring the clinical situation in an optimal way. In this context, we chose the long-lived common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus) as a non-human primate species to generate iPS cells. The marmoset monkey is frequently used in biomedical research and is gaining more and more preclinical relevance due to the increasing number of disease models. Here, we describe, to our knowledge, the first-time generation of marmoset monkey iPS cells from postnatal skin fibroblasts by non-viral means. We used the transposon-based, fully reversible piggyback system. We cloned the marmoset monkey reprogramming factors and established robust and reproducible reprogramming protocols with a six-factor-in-one-construct approach. We generated six individual iPS cell lines and characterized them in comparison with marmoset monkey embryonic stem cells. The generated iPS cells are morphologically indistinguishable from marmoset ES cells. The iPS cells are fully reprogrammed as demonstrated by differentiation assays, pluripotency marker expression and transcriptome analysis. They are stable for numerous passages (more than 80) and exhibit euploidy. In summary, we have established efficient non-viral reprogramming protocols for the derivation of stable marmoset monkey iPS cells, which can be used to develop and test cell replacement therapies in

  20. Non-viral generation of marmoset monkey iPS cells by a six-factor-in-one-vector approach.

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    Katharina Debowski

    Full Text Available Groundbreaking studies showed that differentiated somatic cells of mouse and human origin could be reverted to a stable pluripotent state by the ectopic expression of only four proteins. The resulting pluripotent cells, called induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells, could be an alternative to embryonic stem cells, which are under continuous ethical debate. Hence, iPS cell-derived functional cells such as neurons may become the key for an effective treatment of currently incurable degenerative diseases. However, besides the requirement of efficacy testing of the therapy also its long-term safety needs to be carefully evaluated in settings mirroring the clinical situation in an optimal way. In this context, we chose the long-lived common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus as a non-human primate species to generate iPS cells. The marmoset monkey is frequently used in biomedical research and is gaining more and more preclinical relevance due to the increasing number of disease models. Here, we describe, to our knowledge, the first-time generation of marmoset monkey iPS cells from postnatal skin fibroblasts by non-viral means. We used the transposon-based, fully reversible piggyback system. We cloned the marmoset monkey reprogramming factors and established robust and reproducible reprogramming protocols with a six-factor-in-one-construct approach. We generated six individual iPS cell lines and characterized them in comparison with marmoset monkey embryonic stem cells. The generated iPS cells are morphologically indistinguishable from marmoset ES cells. The iPS cells are fully reprogrammed as demonstrated by differentiation assays, pluripotency marker expression and transcriptome analysis. They are stable for numerous passages (more than 80 and exhibit euploidy. In summary, we have established efficient non-viral reprogramming protocols for the derivation of stable marmoset monkey iPS cells, which can be used to develop and test cell replacement

  1. Status of the anti-proton production beam in the CERN PS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cappi, R.; Evans, B.J.; Garoby, R.


    A new scheme was put into operation in November 1988 to upgrade the proton beam delivered by the 26 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) for anti-proton production. It makes use of quasi-adiabatic manipulations of the RF parameters to squeeze a beam filling 1/2 of the PS circumference into a 1/4 turn and can in theory preserve the longitudinal emittance. A maximum intensity of 1.68 e 13 ppp in 5 bunches at 26 GeV has been reached in the course of 22 weeks of operation. The limitations of the performance are analysed together with possible improvements. (author) 6 refs., 9 figs

  2. Avaliação de medidas da persistência da lactação de cabras da raça Saanen sob modelo de regressão aleatória Evaluation of persistency lactation measures of Saanen goats under random regression model

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    Gilberto Romeiro de Oliveira Menezes


    Full Text Available Utilizaram-se 10.238 registros semanais de produção de leite no dia do controle, provenientes de 388 primeiras lactações de cabras da raça Saanen, na avaliação de seis medidas da persistência da lactação, a fim de verificar qual a mais adequada para o uso em avaliações genéticas para a característica. As seis medidas avaliadas são adaptações de medidas utilizadas em bovinos de leite, obtidas por substituir, nas fórmulas, os valores de referência de bovinos pelos de caprinos. Os valores usados nos cálculos foram obtidos de modelos de regressão aleatória. As estimativas de herdabilidade para as medidas de persistência variaram entre 0,03 e 0,09. As correlações genéticas entre medidas de persistência e produção de leite até 268 dias variaram entre -0,64 e 0,67. Por apresentar a menor correlação genética com produção aos 268 dias (0,14, a medida de persistência PS4, obtida pelo somatório dos valores do 41º ao 240º dia de lactação como desvios da produção aos 40 dias de lactação, é a mais indicada em avaliações genéticas para persistência da lactação em cabras da raça Saanen. Assim, a seleção de cabras de melhor persistência da lactação não altera a produção aos 268 dias. Em razão da baixa herdabilidade dessa medida (0,03, pequenas respostas à seleção são esperadas neste rebanho.It was used 10,238 weekly milk production records on the control day from the first 388 lactations of Saanen goats on the evalution of six lactation persistency measures in order to find out which was the best fitted for using in genetic evaluations on this trait. These six evaluated measures are adaptations from those used on dairy cattle, obtained by replacing, in the formula, bovine reference values by the goat ones. The values used in the calculations were obtained from random regression models. Heritability estimates for persistency measures ranged from 0.03 to 0.09. Genetic correlations between

  3. Microproteins (miPs – the next big thing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feller Stephan


    Full Text Available Abstract With iPS cells, sncRNAs, chromatin modification regulation and cancer stem cells already cooling off again, i.e. not being guaranteed publications in the 'ultimate' journals anymore, what will be very soon the new red-hot (or super-cool, i.e. anything but lukewarm 'kid on the block'? We would vote for microproteins.

  4. Psühhofüsioloogilised mängud / Kaivo Thomson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Thomson, Kaivo, 1956-


    Rmt.: Thomson, Kaivo. Psühhofüsioloogilised mängud : teooria & värvitoonide, helikõrguste ja liikumiskiiruste eristamisvõime testimine ning arendamine meetodiga "WinPsycho 2000" (CD-1). Tartu : Atlex, 2001.

  5. Noite e dia e alguns monocromos psíquicos Night and day - and some psychical monochromes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson Luiz André de Sousa


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta uma leitura do conto de Jack London "A sombra e o brilho" mostrando o funcionamento do princípio da mímesis no processo de identificação. Propõe-se a expressão monocromos psíquicos para esses espaços mentais de indiferenciação entre o eu e o Outro. Adota-se a tese de Caillois, que afirma que o eu é permeável ao espaço. Nessa perspectiva, o tema do duplo, amplamente desenvolvido por Freud, é fundamental. Partindo-se de notas sobre o trabalho do fotógrafo cego Bavcar, procura-se mostrar alguns traços da estrutura do olhar. O artigo finaliza mostrando as conexões possíveis dessas reflexões para a prática psicanalítica.The paper presents a reading of Jack London's tale "The Shadow and the brightness", showing how the principle of mimesis works in the process of the identification. We propose to call psychical monochromes the spaces of mental indifference between the self and the other. We follow the thesis of Roger Caillois: "the self is permeable in the space". In this perspective, the subject of the double, developped by Freud is essential. We try to show the dialectic of the structure of the look based in some notes about the work of the blind photographer Bavcar. The article finish with showing the possibles connections of all these points with the clinical work.

  6. Induction of host defences by Rhizobium during ineffective nodulation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) carrying symbiotically defective mutations sym40 (PsEFD), sym33 (PsIPD3/PsCYCLOPS) and sym42. (United States)

    Ivanova, Kira A; Tsyganova, Anna V; Brewin, Nicholas J; Tikhonovich, Igor A; Tsyganov, Viktor E


    Rhizobia are able to establish a beneficial interaction with legumes by forming a new organ, called the symbiotic root nodule, which is a unique ecological niche for rhizobial nitrogen fixation. Rhizobial infection has many similarities with pathogenic infection and induction of defence responses accompanies both interactions, but defence responses are induced to a lesser extent during rhizobial infection. However, strong defence responses may result from incompatible interactions between legumes and rhizobia due to a mutation in either macro- or microsymbiont. The aim of this research was to analyse different plant defence reactions in response to Rhizobium infection for several pea (Pisum sativum) mutants that result in ineffective symbiosis. Pea mutants were examined by histochemical and immunocytochemical analyses, light, fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy and quantitative real-time PCR gene expression analysis. It was observed that mutations in pea symbiotic genes sym33 (PsIPD3/PsCYCLOPS encoding a transcriptional factor) and sym40 (PsEFD encoding a putative negative regulator of the cytokinin response) led to suberin depositions in ineffective nodules, and in the sym42 there were callose depositions in infection thread (IT) and host cell walls. The increase in deposition of unesterified pectin in IT walls was observed for mutants in the sym33 and sym42; for mutant in the sym42, unesterified pectin was also found around degrading bacteroids. In mutants in the genes sym33 and sym40, an increase in the expression level of a gene encoding peroxidase was observed. In the genes sym40 and sym42, an increase in the expression levels of genes encoding a marker of hypersensitive reaction and PR10 protein was demonstrated. Thus, a range of plant defence responses like suberisation, callose and unesterified pectin deposition as well as activation of defence genes can be triggered by different pea single mutations that cause perception of an otherwise

  7. Supramolecular Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles in PS-b-P2VP Diblock Copolymers via Hydrogen Bonding (United States)

    Jang, Se Gyu; Hawker, Craig J.; Kramer, Edward J.


    We report a simple route to control the spatial distribution of Au nanoparticles (Au-NPs) in PS- b -P2VP diblock copolymers using hydrogen bonding between P2VP and the hydroxyl-containing (PI-OH) units in PS- b -PIOH thiol-terminated ligands on Au-NP. End-functional thiol ligands of poly(styrene- b -1,2&3,4-isoprene-SH) are synthesized by anionic polymerization. After synthesis of Au-NPs, the inner PI block is hydroxylated by hydroboration and the resulting micelle-like Au-NPs consist of a hydrophobic PS outer brush and a hydrophilic inner PI-OH block. The influence of the hydroxyl groups is significant with strong segregation being observed to the PS/P2VP interface and then to the P2VP domain of lamellar-forming PS-b-P2VP diblock copolymers as the length of the PI-OH block is increased. The strong hydrogen bonding between nanoparticle block copolymer ligands and the P2VP block allows the Au-NPs to be incorporated within the P2VP domain to high Au--NP volume fractions ϕp without macrophase separation, driving transitions from lamellar to bicontinuous morphologies as ϕp increases.

  8. Atividade educativa, pensamento e linguagem: contribuições da psicologia histórico-cultural

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    Maria Eliza Mattosinho Bernardes

    Full Text Available A finalidade deste estudo é examinar a questão da formação do educador relacionada à compreensão dos aspectos essenciais da constituição e desenvolvimento histórico do pensamento e da linguagem. Tem-se como tese que a formação do profissional da educação deve objetivar a promoção das condições universais na constituição dos sujeitos individuais para superar as concepções deterministas de psicologia e da educação pautadas na influência do ambiente e/ou das bases biológicas. Para tanto, o estudo apresenta uma síntese sobre as raízes filogenéticas e ontogenéticas do pensamento e da linguagem, além de propor o que é necessário para que a atividade educativa promova as funções psicológicas superiores. Conclui-se que tanto o pensamento quanto a linguagem devem ser considerados como apropriações que se objetivam nas atividades humanas. No âmbito educacional, considera-se fundamental que o educador tenha ciência de como ocorrem tais processos psíquicos e que organize ações na atividade pedagógica de modo a criar possibilidades para a potencialização das funções psicológicas superiores

  9. Magnetization transfer contrast imaging detects early white matter changes in the APP/PS1 amyloidosis mouse model

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    Jelle Praet


    Full Text Available While no definitive cure for Alzheimer's disease exists yet, currently available treatments would benefit greatly from an earlier diagnosis. It has previously been shown that Magnetization transfer contrast (MTC imaging is able to detect amyloid β plaques in old APP/PS1 mice. In the current study we investigated if MTC is also able to visualize early amyloid β (Aβ induced pathological changes. In a cross-sectional study, a comparison was made between the MT ratio of wild type (WT and APP/PS1 mice at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 24 months of age. We observed an increased MT-ratio in the cortex of 24 month old APP/PS1 mice as compared to WT mice. However, when comparing the MT-ratio of the cortex of WT mice with the MT-ratio of the APP/PS1 mice at 2, 4, 6 or 8 months of age, no significant changes could be observed. In contrast to the cortex, we consistently observed a decreased MT-ratio in the splenium of 4, 6 and 8 month old APP/PS1 mice as compared to age-matched WT mice. Lastly, the decreased MT-ratio in the splenium of APP/PS1 mice correlated to the Aβ plaque deposition, astrogliosis and microgliosis. This MT-ratio decrease did however not correlate to the myelin content. Combined, our results suggest that MTC is able to visualize early Aβ-induced changes in the splenium but not the cortex of APP/PS1 mice.

  10. 76 FR 35683 - Medicare Program; Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for Community Mental Health Centers (United States)


    ... Community Mental Health Centers; Proposed Rule #0;#0;Federal Register / Vol. 76 , No. 117 / Friday June 17... (CoPs) for Community Mental Health Centers AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS... participation (CoPs) that community mental health centers (CMHCs) would have to meet in order to participate in...

  11. Mõned varased mõõtmised ja hindamised psühholoogias / Konstantin Ramul ; tõlk. Kenn Konstabel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ramul, Konstantin, 1879-1975


    Varajaste psühholoogiliste mõõtmiste ja hinnangute kirjeldusi, mis on tehtud ajaloo jooksul mittepsühholoogide poolt ja mida ei tehtud psühholoogilise uurimistöö huvides. Varem ilmunud: American Psychologist, 1963, nr. 18 (10), lk. 653-659

  12. Optical design of beam lines at the KEK-PS new experimental hall

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, K.H.; Ieiri, M.; Noumi, H.; Minakawa, M.; Yamanoi, Y.; Kato, Y.; Ishii, H.; Suzuki, Y.; Takasaki, M.


    A new counter experimental hall [K.H. Tanaka et al., IEEE Trans. Magn. 28 (1992) 697] was designed and constructed at the KEK 12-GeV Proton Synchrotron (KEK-PS). The extracted proton beam from the KEK-PS is introduced to the new hall through the newly-prepared primary beam line, EP1, and hits two production targets in cascade. The upstream target provides secondary particles to the low momentum (0.4-0.6 GeV/c) separated beam line, K5, and the downstream target is connected to the medium momentum (0.6-2.0 GeV/c) separated beam line, K6. Several new ideas were employed in the beam optical designs of EP1, K5 and K6 in order to increase the number and the purity of the short-lived secondary particles, such as kaons and pions, under the limited energy and intensity of the primary protons provided by the KEK-PS. These new ideas are described in this paper as well as the first commissioning results. (orig.)

  13. Efeito dos polissacarídeos sulfatados da rodofícea Kappaphycus alvarezii em pós-larvas de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus submetidas a situações de estresse=Effect of sulfated polysaccharides from the Rodophyta Kappaphycus alvarezii in post larva of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus submitted to a stress situation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Lustosa Maciel


    Full Text Available O trabalho avaliou o efeito da administração oral dos polissacarídeos sulfatados (PS extraídos da macroalga marinha Kappaphycus alvarezii na sobrevivência e ganho de peso de pós-larvas da tilápia do Nilo, durante a reversão sexual em situação de estresse. Os PS foram extraídos por digestão enzimática e incorporados à ração antes da adição do hormônio 17-α-metiltestosterona, sendo administrados nas doses de 0,05; 0,1 e 0,2 mg g-1 de peso vivo e um controle (sem PS, durante 28 dias. Na última semana da reversão sexual foi estabelecida uma situação de estresse, pela supressão da aeração e renovações de água. Os dados de sobrevivência e ganhos de peso foram submetidos à análise de variância (Anova e teste de Tukey para diferenciação das médias, aos níveis de significância de 1 e 5%. Os ganhos de peso foram maiores nos animais que receberam os PS, independente da dose utilizada e as melhores sobrevivências obtidas quando os PS foram administrados nas doses de 0,05 e 0,1 mg g-1, com valores de 79,90 ± 5,68 e 77,60 ± 1,80%, respectivamente. O estudo revelou que pequenas doses dos PS, foram capazes de melhorar a sobrevivência, o ganho de peso diário e o peso médio final das tilápias submetidas a situações de estresse.The study evaluated the effect of oral administration of sulfated polysaccharides (SP extracted from the marine macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii on survival and weight gain of Nile tilapia post larvae during sex reversal in a stress situation. SP were extracted from the seaweed by enzymatic digestion and incorporated into the diet before the addition of the hormone 17-α-methyltestosterone, and administered at the doses of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 mg g-1 of body weight and a control (without SP, for 28 days. In the last week of sex reversal a stress situation was established by removing the aeration and water renewal. Survival and weight gains data were subjected to a variance analysis (ANOVA and

  14. Influência da equoterapia no desenvolvimento psicomotor de pessoas com necessidades especiais

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    Gardenia de Oliveira Barbosa


    Full Text Available equoterapia é um processo terapêutico e educacional que utiliza o cavalo com a finalidade de proporcionar ganhos físicos e psíquicos para pessoas com necessidades especiais. Nesse estudo objetivou-se analisar a influência da equoterapia no desenvolvimento psicomotor de pessoas com necessidades especiais. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e a partir dos artigos encontrados procedeu-se a análise por meio da leitura dos resumos e seleção dos que envolviam os aspectos psicomotores relacionados à intervenção equoterapêutica. Como resultados, foram encontrados 15 artigos relevantes ao objeto de estudo em questão, os quais apontaram evidências quanto a ganhos em habilidades motoras devido à intervenção com a utilização do cavalo. Foi possível analisar a periodicidade de publicação dos artigos, identificar as populações beneficiadas pela prática da equoterapia e as principais teorias que oferecem sustentação às pesquisas. Por meio da revisão de literatura, concluiu-se que a equoterapia pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz como intervenção nos aspectos psicomotores de pessoas com necessidades especiais. Palavras-chaves: equoterapia, psicomotricidade, necessidades especiais.

  15. A constituição do mundo psíquico na concepção winnicottiana: uma contribuição à clínica das psicoses The constitution of the psychic world in Winnicott’s conception: a contribution to the clinical treatment of psychosis

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    Manoel Antônio dos Santos


    Full Text Available A importância da obra de Winnicott para a psicanálise vem sendo reafirmada nos últimos anos, junto ao seu interesse crescente para o campo das psicoses. O propósito do presente estudo é apresentar as bases teóricas dessa que é uma das abordagens mais fecundas para a compreensão do fenômeno psíquico, não apenas em condições patológicas, como em condições normais de desenvolvimento. Trata-se de um arcabouço conceitual que nos permite pensar a problemática resultante das organizações não edipianas do aparelho psíquico, cujas incidências na clínica contemporânea são cada vez mais freqüentes. Enfoca-se, sobretudo, a gênese da organização psicótica, em suas relações com a constituição do mundo interno e o papel estruturante do objeto e da experiência ilusória no desenvolvimento psíquico.Over the last few years, the importance of Winnicott’s work for psychoanalysis has been reaffirmed together with its growing interest to the field of psychosis. The purpose of the present study was to present the theoretical basis of this approach, which is one of the most fecund for the understanding of the psychic phenomenon, not only in pathological conditions but also in normal developmental conditions. This is a conceptual framework that allows us to reflect about problems resulting from non-oedipal organization of the psychic apparatus, which incidence in contemporary clinical practice is increasingly frequent. Major emphasis is placed on the genesis of psychotic organization, on its relations to the constitution of the inner world and the structuring role played by the object, and the illusory experience in the psychic development of the human being.

  16. Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Physics at the AD/PS/SPS

    CERN Multimedia


    Physics at the AD/PS/SPS (1/4), by Lau Gatignon (CERN).   Monday, June 18, 2012 from 11:00 to 12:00 (Europe/Zurich) at CERN ( 222-R-001 - Filtration Plant )   Lecture 1: The CERN injector complex and beams for non-LHC physics. The various machines and beam lines in the CERN injector complex are presented, from the linacs to the SPS. Special emphasis is given to the beam lines at the PS and SPS machines: AD, North and East Areas, nTOF and CNGS and HiRadMad as well as the ion beams. A short outlook is given to possible future upgrades and projects.   More information here.  

  17. The PsB glycoprotein complex is secreted as a preassembled precursor of the spore coat in Dictyostelium discoideum. (United States)

    Watson, N; McGuire, V; Alexander, S


    The PsB glycoprotein in Dictyostelium discoideum is one of a diverse group of developmentally regulated, prespore-cell-specific proteins, that contain a common O-linked oligosaccharide. This post-translational modification is dependent on the wild-type modB allele. The PsB protein exists as part of a multiprotein complex of six different proteins, which have different post-translational modifications and are held together by both covalent and non-covalent interactions (Watson et al. (1993). J. Biol. Chem. 268, 22634-22641). In this study we have used microscopic and biochemical analyses to examine the cellular localization and function of the PsB complex during development. We found that the PsB complex first accumulates in prespore vesicles in slug cells and is secreted later during culmination and becomes localized to both the extracellular matrix of the apical spore mass of mature fruiting bodies and to the inner layer of the spore coat. The PsB associated with the spore coat is covalently bound by disulfide bridges. The PsB protein always exists in a multiprotein complex, but the composition of the PsB complex changes during secretion and spore maturation. Some of the PsB complex proteins have been identified as spore coat proteins. These data demonstrate that some of the proteins that form the spore coat exist as a preassembled precursor complex. The PsB complex is secreted in a developmentally regulated manner during the process of spore differentiation, at which time proteins of the complex, as well as additional spore coat proteins, become covalently associated in at least two forms of extracellular matrix: the interspore matrix and the spore coat. These and other studies show that proteins with modB dependent O-linked oligosaccharides are involved in a wide variety of processes underlying morphogenesis in this organism. These developmental processes are the direct result of cellular mechanisms regulating protein targeting, assembly and secretion, and the

  18. PTPN22 is associated with susceptibility to psoriatic arthritis but not psoriasis: evidence for a further PsA-specific risk locus.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Bowes, John


    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis; it has a higher estimated genetic component than psoriasis alone, however most genetic susceptibility loci identified for PsA to date are also shared with psoriasis. Here we attempt to validate novel single nucleotide polymorphisms selected from our recent PsA Immunochip study and determine specificity to PsA.

  19. GP pain management: what are the 'Ps' and 'As' of pain management? (United States)

    Wan, Aston


    Pain is one common reason for clinical encounters in primary care. The complex nature of chronic pain syndromes can make assessment and management daunting at times. This article presents an easy scheme to help general practitioners efficiently assess, manage and review/follow up patients with chronic pain. The mnemonic presented for assessment is the '4Ps' (pain, other pathology/past medical history, performance/function and psychological/psychiatric status). For management, we can also use '4Ps' (physical, psychological, pharmacological and procedural) and for review there are the '6As' (activities, analgesia, adverse effects, aberrance behaviours, affects and adequate documentation).

  20. Space charge studies in the PS

    CERN Document Server

    Asvesta, F; Damerau, H; Huschauer, A; Papaphilippou, Y; Serluca, M; Sterbini, G; Zisopoulos, P


    In this paper the results of Machine Development (MD)studies conducted at the CERN Proton Sychrotron (PS) arepresented. The main focus was the investigation of newworking points in an effort to characterize and potentiallyimprove the brightness for LHC-type beams in view of theLHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU). Various working points werecompared in terms of losses and emittance evolution. Sincespace charge and the resonances it excites are the main causefor emittance blow-up and losses, tunes close to excitedresonances were carefully studied. Mitigation techniques,such as bunch flattening using a double harmonic RF system,were also tested.

  1. Position pickup of the PS Booster

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The beam position around the 4 rings of the PS Booster (originally 800 MeV, now 1.4 GeV), is measured with electrostatic pickups (PU). They consist of a ceramic cylinder forming part of the vacuum chamber, and, in order to save space, they are located inside the multipole lenses. The inside of the ceramic is coated with a metallic layer, into which the form of the electrodes was cut by computer-controlled micro-sandblasting. Each PU has a pair of horizontal and a pair of vertical electrodes, as well as a separate intensity-sensing circular electrode.

  2. Plasma thermal performance of a dual-process PVD/PS tungsten coating on carbon-based panels for nuclear fusion application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyunmyung; Lee, Ho Jung; Kim, Sung Hwan; Jang, Changheui


    Highlights: • Plasma thermal performance of a dual-process PVD/PS W coating was evaluated. • Steady-state heat fluxes of 1–3 MW/m 2 were applied to the W coated specimens. • Less micro-pores and grain growth were observed for the dual-process coating. • Loss of coating thickness was observed for the simple PS W coating. • Dual-process PVD/PS W coating was resistant to erosion due to the surface PVD layer. - Abstract: Various tungsten (W) coating techniques have been used for the application of plasma facing material in nuclear fusion devices, which resulted in limited success. In this study, a dual-process W coating structure was developed on a graphite substrate to improve the thermal performance of the coating structure. The dual-process coating structure consisted of a thin (∼7 μm) multilayer W/Mo physical vapor deposition (PVD) coating layer deposited on top of the relatively thick (∼160 μm) plasma spray (PS) W coating on a graphite substrate panel. Then the coated sample was exposed to plasma heat flux of 1–3 MW/m 2 for 300 s. With addition of a thin surface PVD coating layer, the microstructure change in underlying PS W coating was substantially reduced compared to the simple PS W coating structure. The thickness of overall coating structure was maintained for the dual-process PVD/PS coated samples after the thermal loading tests, while a significant reduction in thickness due to surface erosion was observed for the simple PS W coated samples. The improvement in surface erosion resistance in the dual-process coating structure was discussed in view of the characteristics of PVD and PS coating layers.

  3. Plasma thermal performance of a dual-process PVD/PS tungsten coating on carbon-based panels for nuclear fusion application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyunmyung; Lee, Ho Jung; Kim, Sung Hwan; Jang, Changheui, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Plasma thermal performance of a dual-process PVD/PS W coating was evaluated. • Steady-state heat fluxes of 1–3 MW/m{sup 2} were applied to the W coated specimens. • Less micro-pores and grain growth were observed for the dual-process coating. • Loss of coating thickness was observed for the simple PS W coating. • Dual-process PVD/PS W coating was resistant to erosion due to the surface PVD layer. - Abstract: Various tungsten (W) coating techniques have been used for the application of plasma facing material in nuclear fusion devices, which resulted in limited success. In this study, a dual-process W coating structure was developed on a graphite substrate to improve the thermal performance of the coating structure. The dual-process coating structure consisted of a thin (∼7 μm) multilayer W/Mo physical vapor deposition (PVD) coating layer deposited on top of the relatively thick (∼160 μm) plasma spray (PS) W coating on a graphite substrate panel. Then the coated sample was exposed to plasma heat flux of 1–3 MW/m{sup 2} for 300 s. With addition of a thin surface PVD coating layer, the microstructure change in underlying PS W coating was substantially reduced compared to the simple PS W coating structure. The thickness of overall coating structure was maintained for the dual-process PVD/PS coated samples after the thermal loading tests, while a significant reduction in thickness due to surface erosion was observed for the simple PS W coated samples. The improvement in surface erosion resistance in the dual-process coating structure was discussed in view of the characteristics of PVD and PS coating layers.

  4. D-wave resonances in three-body system Ps- with pure Coulomb and screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kar, S.; Ho, Y.K.


    We have investigated the doubly excited 1 D e resonance states of Ps - interacting with pure Coulomb and screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potentials employing highly correlated wave functions. For pure Coulomb interaction, in the framework of stabilization method and complex coordinate rotation method we have obtained two resonances below the n = 2 threshold of the Ps atom. For screened Coulomb interaction, we employ the stabilization method to extract resonance parameters. Resonance energies and widths for the 1 D e resonance states of Ps - for different screening parameter ranging from infinity (pure Coulomb case) to a small value are also reported. (author)

  5. Understanding Craftsman’s Creativity in a Framework of Person, Process, Product and Press (4Ps)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Hui; Zhou, Chunfang; Tanggaard, Lene


    , Process, Product, and Press (4Ps) This research question drives to develop a theoretical study bridging two areas of creativity and craftsman’s work. This will further indicate craftsman’s working practice is full of complexity that stimulates creative behavior and that also requires a systematic view...... to understand craftsman’s creativity as involving interaction between 4Ps....

  6. Insatisfação da imagem corporal e estado nutricional em crianças de 7 a 11 anos: Estudo transversal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fátima Helena Cecchetto


    Conclusão: A insatisfação com a imagem corporal e distorção da percepção em relação ao estado nutricional atual foram elevadas em nossa amostra de crianças de 7 a 11 anos, o que corrobora achados de pesquisas com adolescentes e é relevante à luz das potenciais consequências para o desenvolvimento psíquico.

  7. The OMERACT Psoriatic Arthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (PsAMRIS) is reliable and sensitive to change: results from an OMERACT workshop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøyesen, Pernille; McQueen, Fiona M; Gandjbakhch, Frédérique


    The aim of this multireader exercise was to assess the reliability and sensitivity to change of the psoriatic arthritis magnetic resonance imaging score (PsAMRIS) in PsA patients followed for 1 year.......The aim of this multireader exercise was to assess the reliability and sensitivity to change of the psoriatic arthritis magnetic resonance imaging score (PsAMRIS) in PsA patients followed for 1 year....

  8. Performance of Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membranes in the Clarification of Blood Orange Juice

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    Carmela Conidi


    Full Text Available The clarification of blood orange juice by ultrafiltration (UF was investigated by using three hollow fiber membrane modules characterized by different membrane materials (polysulfone (PS and polyacrylonitrile (PAN and molecular weight cut-off (MWCO (50 and 100 kDa. The performance of selected membranes was investigated in terms of productivity and selectivity towards total anthocyanin content (TAC, total phenolic content (TPC, and total antioxidant activity (TAA. All selected membranes allowed a good preservation of antioxidant compounds; however, the most suitable membrane for the clarification of the juice was found to be the PS 100 kDa membrane. In optimized operating conditions this membrane exhibited steady-state fluxes of 7.12 L/m2h, higher than those measured for other investigated membranes. Rejections towards TPC and TAA were of the order of 17.5% and 15%, respectively. These values were lower than those determined for PS 50 kDa and PAN 50 kDa membranes. In addition, the PS 100 kDa membrane exhibited a lower rejection (7.3% towards TAC when compared to the PS 50 kDa membrane (9.2%.

  9. A complete classification of minimal non-PS-groups

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. Let G be a finite group. A subgroup H of G is called s-permutable in G if it permutes with every Sylow subgroup of G, and G is called a PS-group if all minimal subgroups and cyclic subgroups with order 4 of G are s-permutable in G. In this paper, we give a complete classification of finite groups which are not ...

  10. PS-15: a potent, orally active antimalarial from a new class of folic acid antagonists. (United States)

    Canfield, C J; Milhous, W K; Ager, A L; Rossan, R N; Sweeney, T R; Lewis, N J; Jacobus, D P


    A new, orally-active inhibitor of dihydrofolic acid reductase (DHFR), PS-15 (N-(3-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)propyloxy)-N'-(1-methylethyl)- imidocarbonimidic diamide hydrochloride), has significant activity against drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. It is not cross-resistant with other inhibitors of DHFR (e.g., pyrimethamine and cycloguanil). Although it bears similarities to proguanil, PS-15 represents a new antifolate class of drugs that we have named oxyguanils or hydroxylamine-derived biguanides. This compound displays intrinsic antimalarial activity and also is metabolized in vivo to WR99210, an extremely active triazine inhibitor of DHFR. When tested in vitro against drug-resistant clones of P. falciparum, PS-15 was more active than proguanil, and the putative metabolite, WR99210, was more active than the proguanil metabolite cycloguanil. The drug is also more active as well as less toxic than proguanil when administered orally to mice infected with P. berghei. When administered orally to Aotus monkeys infected with multidrug-resistant P. falciparum, PS-15 was more active than either proguanil or WR99210. In 1973, WR99210 underwent clinical trials for safety and tolerance in volunteers. The trials showed gastrointestinal intolerance and limited bioavailability; further development of the drug was abandoned. Because PS-15 has intrinsic antimalarial activity, is not cross-resistant with other DHFR inhibitors, and can be metabolized to WR99210 in vivo, oral administration of this new drug should circumvent the shortcomings and retain the advantages found with both proguanil and WR99210.

  11. Dos discursos freudianos sobre a educação: considerações acerca da inibição intelectual

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    Lima, Maira Sampaio Alencar


    Full Text Available Freud apresentou diferentes posições sobre a educação, ora criticando-a como desencadeadora da neurose, ora aproximando-a da psicanálise enquanto profissão impossível. Este artigo, além de apontar esses diferentes momentos do pensamento freudiano, tem como objetivo discutir os conceitos de inibição e de desejo de saber. Ao relacionar o saber ao Complexo de Édipo e tratar a inibição como uma saídas da angústia, Freud possibilita deslocar a concepção da deficiência intelectual para o campo psíquico, evitando o reducionismo das explicações organicistas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter qualitativo. Ao incluir a psicanálise nas discussões sobre a deficiência intelectual poderia haver a abertura para pensar criticamente os conceitos clássicos de normalidade e patologia, já que essa teoria enfatiza a singularidade do sujeito

  12. PS-FW: A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm and Fireworks for Global Optimization (United States)

    Chen, Shuangqing; Wei, Lixin; Guan, Bing


    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) and fireworks algorithm (FWA) are two recently developed optimization methods which have been applied in various areas due to their simplicity and efficiency. However, when being applied to high-dimensional optimization problems, PSO algorithm may be trapped in the local optima owing to the lack of powerful global exploration capability, and fireworks algorithm is difficult to converge in some cases because of its relatively low local exploitation efficiency for noncore fireworks. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm called PS-FW is presented, in which the modified operators of FWA are embedded into the solving process of PSO. In the iteration process, the abandonment and supplement mechanism is adopted to balance the exploration and exploitation ability of PS-FW, and the modified explosion operator and the novel mutation operator are proposed to speed up the global convergence and to avoid prematurity. To verify the performance of the proposed PS-FW algorithm, 22 high-dimensional benchmark functions have been employed, and it is compared with PSO, FWA, stdPSO, CPSO, CLPSO, FIPS, Frankenstein, and ALWPSO algorithms. Results show that the PS-FW algorithm is an efficient, robust, and fast converging optimization method for solving global optimization problems. PMID:29675036

  13. Antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin antibodies (aPS/PT) as potential diagnostic markers and risk predictors of venous thrombosis and obstetric complications in antiphospholipid syndrome. (United States)

    Shi, Hui; Zheng, Hui; Yin, Yu-Feng; Hu, Qiong-Yi; Teng, Jia-Lin; Sun, Yue; Liu, Hong-Lei; Cheng, Xiao-Bing; Ye, Jun-Na; Su, Yu-Tong; Wu, Xin-Yao; Zhou, Jin-Feng; Norman, Gary L; Gong, Hui-Yun; Shi, Xin-Ming; Peng, Yi-Bing; Wang, Xue-Feng; Yang, Cheng-De


    The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and clinical associations of antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin antibodies (aPS/PT) with thrombosis and pregnancy loss in Chinese patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and seronegative APS (SNAPS). One hundred and eighty six Chinese patients with APS (67 primary, 119 secondary), 48 with SNAPS, 176 disease controls (79 systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE], 29 Sjogren's syndrome [SS], 30 ankylosing spondylitis [AS], 38 rheumatoid arthritis [RA]) and 90 healthy donors were examined. IgG and IgM aPS/PT, IgG/IgM/IgA anticardiolipin (aCL) and IgG/IgM/IgA anti-β2-glycoprotein I (anti-β2GPI) antibodies were tested by ELISA. One hundred and sixty (86.0%) of APS patients were positive for at least one aPS/PT isotype. One hundred and thirty five (72.6%) were positive for IgG aPS/PT, 124/186 (66.7%) positive for IgM aPS/PT and 99 (53.2%) positive for both. Approximately half of the SNAPS patients were positive for IgG and/or IgM aPS/PT. Highly significant associations between IgG aPS/PT and venous thrombotic events (odds ratio [OR]=6.72) and IgG/IgM aPS/PT and pregnancy loss (OR=9.44) were found. Levels of IgM aPS/PT were significantly different in APS patients with thrombotic manifestations and those with fetal loss (p=0.014). The association between IgG/IgM aPS/PT and lupus anticoagulant (LAC) was highly significant (pAPS was 101.6. Notably, 91.95% (80/87) of LAC-positive specimens were positive for IgG and/or IgM aPS/PT, suggesting aPS/PT is an effective option when LAC testing is not available. Anti-PS/PT antibody assays demonstrated high diagnostic performance for Chinese patients with APS, detected some APS patients negative for criteria markers and may serve as potential risk predictors for venous thrombosis and obstetric complications.

  14. Determinação da Distribuição de Tempos de Residência em Tempo Real no Processamento Reativo de Blendas Poliméricas

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    Mélo Tomás J. A. de


    Full Text Available Determinou-se por transmissão de luz a distribuição de tempos de residência (DTR em tempo real em uma extrusora com rosca dupla co-rotativa e autolimpante onde o sinal do detetor é sensível à presença da segunda fase dispersa, usada como traçador. Vários traçadores foram utilizados em diferentes concentrações: dois pigmentos (TiO2 e ftalocianina e dois polímeros (poliestireno PS e poliamida-6 PA6 sendo adicionados na forma de um pulso em um fluxo de polipropileno (PP. Os parâmetros temporais (tempos de residência inicial, t i e médio t n e a variância normalizada s q² medidos nas mesmas condições de processamento são muito próximos, dentro do erro experimental, indicando que a dispersão axial neste tipo de extrusora é independente do traçador. Por outro lado curvas de DTR medidas usando-se um polímero traçador (PS disperso em um polímero de fluxo (PP ficam deslocadas no tempo quando a situação é invertida, ou seja, usando-se PP como traçador em um fluxo de PS. Os parâmetros temporais são dependentes das características reológicas do polímero de fluxo, assim diferentes tipos de um mesmo polímero apresentam DTR com formas diferentes e deslocadas no tempo. A intensidade do sinal produzido pelo detetor é dependente não só da concentração mas também das características ópticas do par polímero/traçador, ou polímero/fase dispersa. Misturas poliméricas reativas (PP/PA6/PP-g-AA e não reativas (PP/PA6 apresentaram diferenças na intensidade do sinal da DTR, devido à ocorrência da reação de graftização com conseqüente mudança na morfologia e no comportamento reológico. Estes resultados foram corroborados com medidas "off-line" por espectroscopia no infravermelho.

  15. Psychological exhaustion and disorders of health in psychology students Desgaste psíquico y problemas de salud en estudiantes de psicologia Desgaste psíquico e problemas de saúde em estudantes de psicologia

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    Hugo Figueiredo-Ferraz


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los niveles de Desgaste psíquico y Desencanto en estudiantes de Psicología, la Sobrecarga y su relación con los Problemas de salud. Participaron 154 estudiantes universitarios de Psicología de 3º (48% y 4º (52% grado. Desgaste psíquico y Desencanto se evaluaron mediante el Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, Problemas de salud mediante una escala de once ítems y Sobrecarga mediante un ítem. Los estudiantes de cuarto percibían significativamente mayores niveles de Sobrecarga, Desgaste psíquico y Desencanto que los de tercero.O objectivo deste estudo foi analisar os níveis de desgaste psíquico e desencanto em estudantes de Psicología, a sobrecarga e a sua relação com os problemas de saúde. Participaram 154 estudantes universitários de Psicologia do 3º (48% e 4º (52% anos. Desgaste psíquico e desencanto foram avaliados mediante o Questionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, problemas de saúde mediante uma escala de onze itens e sobrecarga mediante um item. Os estudantes do quarto ano sentiam de maneira significativa maiores níveis de sobrecarga, desgaste psíquico e desencanto que os de terceiro ano.The aim of the study was to examine the levels of Psychological Exhaustion and Disillusionment in students of Psychology, the work overload and its relationship with Disorders of Health. The research participants were 154 university students of Psychology from junior (48% and senior. (52%. Psychological Exhaustion and Disillusionment were analysed with the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI, Disorders of Health with an eleven-item scale and Work overload with one item. The students from senior perceived higher Work overload, Psychological Exhaustion and Disillusionment than the students from junior.

  16. Refluxo gastroesofágico participando da cascata cognitiva do pânico


    Duailibi,Kalil; Lourenço,Rafael Brandes; Mello,Elisa Poleza; Magalhães,Marcelo Gontijo; Machado Netto,Geraldo Teles; Diaz,Mariana Campoy Noé; Tannous,Thaísa Saddi


    O transtorno do pânico (TP) é um transtorno ansioso não-fóbico que acomete de 1,5% a 4% da população mundial. É caracterizado por ataques imotivados de mal-estar psíquico e sintomas somáticos, além de ansiedade antecipatória à crise, com prejuízo funcional ao indivíduo. O objetivo deste relato de caso é descrever a associação entre transtorno do pânico e doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE). MCL, 25 anos, apresentava crises de pânico frequentes, pouco responsivas ao tratamento durante 6 m...

  17. Acerca da comunicação: entre Freud (1895 e Klein (1946 On communication: between Freud (1895 and Klein (1946

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    Daniel Delouya


    Full Text Available A identificação projetiva foi concebida como modalidade básica da comunicação inconsciente. O trabalho retoma esta primeira formulação para examinar o papel primordial da comunicação na construção da mente, segundo Klein e, de outro lado, do aparelho psíquico do Projeto para uma psicologia (1895, em que Freud reserva a comunicação para o lugar de origem do trilhamento mnêmico do desejo inconsciente.Projective identification was conceived as a prototype mode of unconscious communication. The review of its first formulation permits the investigation of the pivotal role of communication in the construction of the Kleinian mind and, on the other hand, of the psychic apparatus as depicted in Freud's Project (1895 where he assigned communication to the original starting point of the mnemic trajectory of the unconscious desire.

  18. Rejuvenation of the controls of the CERN PS/ISOLDE facility using industrial components

    CERN Document Server

    Allard, J.; Locci, F.; Mornacchi, G.


    In the context of the general consolidation of the CERN ISOLDE facility, a project has been started to upgrade the ISOLDE control system. We describe the new ISOLDE control system, emphasizing the systematic use of industrial components such as PLCs and field buses, their integration with the existing, VME based, CERN PS control system and their potential applicability to both existing and new controls problems at the CERN PS complex. We also discuss how to extend a PLC-based solution to the case where real-time response is an issue.

  19. Modeling of drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction by using human iPS cell-derived enterocyte-like cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Negoro, Ryosuke; Takayama, Kazuo; Nagamoto, Yasuhito; Sakurai, Fuminori; Tachibana, Masashi; Mizuguchi, Hiroyuki


    Many drugs have potential to induce the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes, particularly cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), in small intestinal enterocytes. Therefore, a model that can accurately evaluate drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction is urgently needed. In this study, we overlaid Matrigel on the human induced pluripotent stem cells-derived enterocyte-like cells (hiPS-ELCs) to generate the mature hiPS-ELCs that could be applied to drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction test. By overlaying Matrigel in the maturation process of enterocyte-like cells, the gene expression levels of intestinal markers (VILLIN, sucrase-isomaltase, intestine-specific homeobox, caudal type homeobox 2, and intestinal fatty acid-binding protein) were enhanced suggesting that the enterocyte-like cells were maturated by Matrigel overlay. The percentage of VILLIN-positive cells in the hiPS-ELCs found to be approximately 55.6%. To examine the CYP3A4 induction potential, the hiPS-ELCs were treated with various drugs. Treatment with dexamethasone, phenobarbital, rifampicin, or 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 resulted in 5.8-fold, 13.4-fold, 9.8-fold, or 95.0-fold induction of CYP3A4 expression relative to that in the untreated controls, respectively. These results suggest that our hiPS-ELCs would be a useful model for CYP3A4 induction test. - Highlights: • The hiPS-ELCs were matured by Matrigel overlay. • The hiPS-ELCs expressed intestinal nuclear receptors, such as PXR, GR and VDR. • The hiPS-ELC is a useful model for the drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction test.

  20. Modeling of drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction by using human iPS cell-derived enterocyte-like cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Negoro, Ryosuke [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Takayama, Kazuo [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); The Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of Global Leaders in Research (K-CONNEX), Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8302 (Japan); Laboratory of Hepatocyte Regulation, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, Osaka 567-0085 (Japan); Nagamoto, Yasuhito [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Laboratory of Hepatocyte Regulation, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, Osaka 567-0085 (Japan); Sakurai, Fuminori [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Laboratory of Regulatory Sciences for Oligonucleotide Therapeutics, Clinical Drug Development Project, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Tachibana, Masashi [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Mizuguchi, Hiroyuki, E-mail: [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Laboratory of Hepatocyte Regulation, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, Osaka 567-0085 (Japan); Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan)


    Many drugs have potential to induce the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes, particularly cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), in small intestinal enterocytes. Therefore, a model that can accurately evaluate drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction is urgently needed. In this study, we overlaid Matrigel on the human induced pluripotent stem cells-derived enterocyte-like cells (hiPS-ELCs) to generate the mature hiPS-ELCs that could be applied to drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction test. By overlaying Matrigel in the maturation process of enterocyte-like cells, the gene expression levels of intestinal markers (VILLIN, sucrase-isomaltase, intestine-specific homeobox, caudal type homeobox 2, and intestinal fatty acid-binding protein) were enhanced suggesting that the enterocyte-like cells were maturated by Matrigel overlay. The percentage of VILLIN-positive cells in the hiPS-ELCs found to be approximately 55.6%. To examine the CYP3A4 induction potential, the hiPS-ELCs were treated with various drugs. Treatment with dexamethasone, phenobarbital, rifampicin, or 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 resulted in 5.8-fold, 13.4-fold, 9.8-fold, or 95.0-fold induction of CYP3A4 expression relative to that in the untreated controls, respectively. These results suggest that our hiPS-ELCs would be a useful model for CYP3A4 induction test. - Highlights: • The hiPS-ELCs were matured by Matrigel overlay. • The hiPS-ELCs expressed intestinal nuclear receptors, such as PXR, GR and VDR. • The hiPS-ELC is a useful model for the drug-mediated CYP3A4 induction test.

  1. Methods for obtention of PS/clay nanocomposites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lins, Pedro G.; Valera, Ticiane S.; Coelho, Caio P.D.; Demarquette, Nicole R.


    In this work, nanocomposites of Polystyrene (PS) and organoclay were obtained using a twin-screw extruder and a mixer Haake. A commercial clay named Cloisite 20A was used. The clay and the nanocomposites were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction. The rheological properties were investigated carrying out small amplitude oscillatory strain (SAOS). The results of X-ray diffraction showed that the polymer was incorporated by the organoclay. The results of SAOS indicated a better clay dispersion for the samples obtained using the mixer. (author)

  2. Scalable Electrophysiological Investigation of iPS Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Obtained by a Lentiviral Purification Strategy

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    Stephanie Friedrichs


    Full Text Available Disease-specific induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells can be generated from patients and differentiated into functional cardiomyocytes for characterization of the disease and for drug screening. In order to obtain pure cardiomyocytes for automated electrophysiological investigation, we here report a novel non-clonal purification strategy by using lentiviral gene transfer of a puromycin resistance gene under the control of a cardiac-specific promoter. We have applied this method to our previous reported wild-type and long QT syndrome 3 (LQTS 3-specific mouse iPS cells and obtained a pure cardiomyocyte population. These cells were investigated by action potential analysis with manual and automatic planar patch clamp technologies, as well as by recording extracellular field potentials using a microelectrode array system. Action potentials and field potentials showed the characteristic prolongation at low heart rates in LQTS 3-specific, but not in wild-type iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Hence, LQTS 3-specific cardiomyocytes can be purified from iPS cells with a lentiviral strategy, maintain the hallmarks of the LQTS 3 disease and can be used for automated electrophysiological characterization and drug screening.

  3. Proceedings of the workshop on deuteron beam acceleration in the KEK 12 GeV PS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Yoshiharu


    The acceleration of atomic nucleus beam with the 12 GeV proton synchrotron in National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK-PS) has been demanded by the experimenters of nuclear physics, and there was the move to concretely realize it at the beginning of 1980, but actually it was not materialized up to now due to various circumstances. The reason that makes the acceleration even in light nuclear beam like deuterons difficult is various, but one is that the acceleration method considered so far particularly in a booster main ring is very complicated. Recently as one of the various proposals made from the viewpoint of the future utilization of the KEK-PS, that of using nuclear beam and the experiment with the PS-collider have been discussed, and the method of accelerating nuclear beam in the PS was reexamined. As the result, together with the technical progress such as ring RF and linear accelerator augmentation, the method with high realization possibility became to be proposed. This proceedings is the report of the first workshop on deutron acceleration held on February 20, 1991, to prepare for the experiment using deuteron beam. (K.I.)

  4. Broadband and short (10-ps) pulse generation on Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perry, M.D.; Browning, D.; Bibeau, C.; Patterson, F.G.; Wilcox, R.; Henesian, M.


    The ability to produce high power broadband pulses for purposes of focal spot beam smoothing has recently become an important issue in inertial confinement fusion (ICF). As the first step toward the generation and propagation of such pulses on Nova, the authors have performed a series of experiments with 10-ps pulses. Aside from the inherently broad bandwidth, these short pulses have important applications in ICF experiments and x-ray laser research. The author's experimental results are discussed. The short pulses were produced by diffraction grating pulse compression of chirped pulses formed from self-phase modulation in a single-mode 10-m fused silica fiber. Use of such a short fiber produces a nonlinearly chirped spectrum of 0.74 nm. The central nearly linearly chirped 0.26 nm is selected by polarization discrimination and compressed using 1800-line/mm diffraction gratings to a nearly Gaussian pulse of 10 ps FWHM with an energy contrast ratio of 20:1. This 1-nJ pulse is injected into a Nova amplifier chain with selected amplifiers unfired

  5. A Phytophthora sojae effector PsCRN63 forms homo-/hetero-dimers to suppress plant immunity via an inverted association manner. (United States)

    Li, Qi; Zhang, Meixiang; Shen, Danyu; Liu, Tingli; Chen, Yanyu; Zhou, Jian-Min; Dou, Daolong


    Oomycete pathogens produce a large number of effectors to promote infection. Their mode of action are largely unknown. Here we show that a Phytophthora sojae effector, PsCRN63, suppresses flg22-induced expression of FRK1 gene, a molecular marker in pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI). However, PsCRN63 does not suppress upstream signaling events including flg22-induced MAPK activation and BIK1 phosphorylation, indicating that it acts downstream of MAPK cascades. The PsCRN63-transgenic Arabidopsis plants showed increased susceptibility to bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato (Pst) DC3000 and oomycete pathogen Phytophthora capsici. The callose deposition were suppressed in PsCRN63-transgenic plants compared with the wild-type control plants. Genes involved in PTI were also down-regulated in PsCRN63-transgenic plants. Interestingly, we found that PsCRN63 forms an dimer that is mediated by inter-molecular interactions between N-terminal and C-terminal domains in an inverted association manner. Furthermore, the N-terminal and C-terminal domains required for the dimerization are widely conserved among CRN effectors, suggesting that homo-/hetero-dimerization of Phytophthora CRN effectors is required to exert biological functions. Indeed, the dimerization was required for PTI suppression and cell death-induction activities of PsCRN63.

  6. Analisis de PPcPs (pharmaceutical and personal care products en aguas residuales y suelos

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    Johana Andrea Velásquez Arias


    Full Text Available Los productos farmacéuticos y de higiene personal (PPcPs son conocidos como contaminantes emergentes,  ampliamente usados  por la sociedad  moderna. Las estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales (EDAR, mitigan la presencia de estos contaminantes emergentes en los efluentes que vierten al medio ambiente. La eficiencia de eliminación de las EDAR, varían en base a la precisión en la detección y en las técnicas utilizadas. Este estudio revisó literatura para estudios que informaron sobre la presencia de PPcPs en aguas, estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales y suelos, las técnicas biológicas degradadoras utilizadas y la frecuencia de evaluaciones ecotoxicológicas. Tras la búsqueda bibliográfica, se obtuvieron 119 artículos relacionados con la presencia PPcPs en suelos y aguas, de los cuales el 7% son revisiones que incluyen datos de degradación por estrategias de biorremediación, técnicas físico-químicas, acumulación de PPcPs en aguas y plantas y efectos en los organismos, el 40% se centran en aguas superficiales y estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales, el 28% en suelos irrigados con aguas residuales recuperadas o abonados con lodos de depuradoras y por último, solamente el 22% realizaron ensayos ecotoxicológicos en aguas y el 3% en suelos. A partir de estos resultados se puede concluir que, es necesario hacer énfasis en la realización de estudios sobre comunidades bacterianas con capacidad degradadora de PPcPS, así como la incorporación de ensayos ecotoxicológicos que confirmen la optimización del proceso.

  7. Desordens paralógicas e alógicas à luz da patologia cerebral

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    Isaías H. Melsohn


    Full Text Available A revisão das investigações de Kleist sôbre a patologia cerebral mostram como suas idéias sôbre o dinamismo surgem a partir da realidade clínica. As investigações neurológicas servem de guia para as psicopatológicas. E, assim, por etapas, elaborou Kleist as noções dos "sistemas cerebrais" e seu papel no que tange às funções neurológicas e psíquicas. Uma função nervosa qualquer é assegurada pelo concurso de dois setores funcionais a que correspondem substratos anatômicos próprios; ao exercício complexo das funções da motilidade automática, por exemplo, correspondem várias estruturas anatômicas em todas as quais distinguem-se dois grupos de centros com sentido funcional diverso: um, a que cabe o papel de recepção e coordenação de estímulos, outro, de efetuação. Tal dualidade de funções primordiais é a base para o desempenho de atividades neurológicas ou psíquicas, ocorrendo tanto no setor da motilidade automática, como no da psicomotilidade, no da ação explícita, no da linguagem, no do pensamento abstrato. Foi a patologia que permitiu a Kleist a separação entre dois setores funcionais prepostos a elaboração do pensamento abstrato: aos campos 19 e 39 de Brodmann correspondem funções receptivo-coordenadoras prepostas à elaboração dos conceitos; a perturbação dessas funções conduz a uma desordem que consiste na dificuldade ou impossibilidade de elaboração dos conceitos isolados: desordem paralógia. O homem, porém, não pensa por meio de conceitos isolados; reúne-os em juízos, por meio de relações predicativas. Ê ao córtex cerebral frontal, campo 46, que dizem respeito tais funções de reunião, de efetuação do pensamento discursivo. As perturbações dessas funções, por desarranjo meramente dinâmico ou por desorganização anatômica, determinam a desordem alógica. Conquanto os dois tipos sejam encontradiços em variadas moléstias por lesão cerebral - assumindo, então, o

  8. Extracellular Matrix-Dependent Generation of Integration- and Xeno-Free iPS Cells Using a Modified mRNA Transfection Method

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    Kang-In Lee


    Full Text Available Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells hold great promise in the field of regenerative medicine, especially immune-compatible cell therapy. The most important safety-related issues that must be resolved before the clinical use of iPS cells include the generation of “footprint-free” and “xeno-free” iPS cells. In this study, we sought to examine whether an extracellular matrix- (ECM- based xeno-free culture system that we recently established could be used together with a microRNA-enhanced mRNA reprogramming method for the generation of clinically safe iPS cells. The notable features of this method are the use of a xeno-free/feeder-free culture system for the generation and expansion of iPS cells rather than the conventional labor-intensive culture systems using human feeder cells or human feeder-conditioned medium and the enhancement of mRNA-mediated reprogramming via the delivery of microRNAs. Strikingly, we observed the early appearance of iPS cell colonies (~11 days, substantial reprogramming efficiency (~0.2–0.3%, and a high percentage of ESC-like colonies among the total colonies (~87.5%, indicating enhanced kinetics and reprogramming efficiency. Therefore, the combined method established in this study provides a valuable platform for the generation and expansion of clinically safe (i.e., integration- and xeno-free iPS cells, facilitating immune-matched cell therapy in the near future.

  9. 4PS/insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-2 is the alternative substrate of the insulin receptor in IRS-1-deficient mice. (United States)

    Patti, M E; Sun, X J; Bruening, J C; Araki, E; Lipes, M A; White, M F; Kahn, C R


    Insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) is the major cytoplasmic substrate of the insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 receptors. Transgenic mice lacking IRS-1 are resistant to insulin and IGF-1, but exhibit significant residual insulin action which corresponds to the presence of an alternative high molecular weight substrate in liver and muscle. Recently, Sun et al. (Sun, X.-J., Wang, L.-M., Zhang, Y., Yenush, L. P., Myers, M. G., Jr., Glasheen, E., Lane, W.S., Pierce, J. H., and White, M. F. (1995) Nature 377, 173-177) purified and cloned 4PS, the major substrate of the IL-4 receptor-associated tyrosine kinase in myeloid cells, which has significant structural similarity to IRS-1. To determine if 4PS is the alternative substrate of the insulin receptor in IRS-1-deficient mice, we performed immunoprecipitation, immunoblotting, and phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase assays using specific antibodies to 4PS. Following insulin stimulation, 4PS is rapidly phosphorylated in liver and muscle, binds to the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase, and activates the enzyme. Insulin stimulation also results in the association of 4PS with Grb 2 in both liver and muscle. In IRS-1-deficient mice, both the phosphorylation of 4PS and associated PI 3-kinase activity are enhanced, without an increase in protein expression. Immunodepletion of 4PS from liver and muscle homogenates removes most of the phosphotyrosine-associated PI 3-kinase activity in IRS-1-deficient mice. Thus, 4PS is the primary alternative substrate, i.e. IRS-2, which plays a major role in physiologic insulin signal transduction via both PI 3-kinase activation and Grb 2/Sos association. In IRS-1-deficient mice, 4PS/IRS-2 provides signal transduction to these two major pathways of insulin signaling.

  10. Acompanhar um filho hospitalizado: compreendendo a vivência da mãe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lúcia de Fátima Rocha Bezerra


    Full Text Available Seguindo alguns passos da abordagem fenomenológica, estudamos os sentimentos, medos e ansiedades vivenciados pela mãe por ocasião d a hospitalização de um filho. A hospitalização do filho é vivida pela mãe como um momento de intensa preocupação e sofri mento, agravados ou amenizados pelas condições de vida da família. As inúmeras tarefas atribuídas pela sociedade e introjetadas pela mãe fazem-na também vivenciar a situação com sentimentos de divisão e ambigüidade. A extrema dedicação e a ssistência para com o filho doente deixam-na temporariamente descuidada de si mesma. Na impossibilidade de negar suas próprias necessidades por um longo período, a mãe passa a conviver com evidentes sinais de sofrimento psíquico concretizados em insonia, anorexia, desconforto mental e depressão. A hospitalização da criança é verbalizada pela mãe como algo que estende seus efeitos sobre toda a família, gerando a lterações em sua dinâmica.

  11. Bioremediation potential of a newly isolate solvent tolerant strain Bacillus thermophilus PS11

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The increased generation of solvent waste has been stated as one of the most critical environmental problems. Though microbial bioremediation has been widely used for waste treatment but their application in solvent waste treatment is limited since the solvents have toxic effects on the microbial cells. A solvent tolerant strain of Bacillus thermophilus PS11 was isolated from soil by cyclohexane enrichment. Transmission electron micrograph of PS11 showed convoluted cell membrane and accumulation of solvents in the cytoplasm, indicating the adaptation of the bacterial strain to the solvent after 48h of incubation. The strain was also capable of growing in presence of wide range of other hydrophobic solvents with log P-values below 3.5. The isolate could uptake 50 ng/ml of uranium in its initial 12h of growth, exhibiting both solvent tolerance and metal resistance property. This combination of solvent tolerance and metal resistance will make the isolated Bacillus thermophilus PS11 a potential tool for metal bioremediation in solvent rich wastewaters.

  12. Assignment of Alzheimer's presenilin-2 (PS-2) gene to 1q42.1 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. (United States)

    Takano, T; Sahara, N; Yamanouchi, Y; Mori, H


    Presenilin-2 (PS-2) was suggested to be localized on 1q31-42 based on linkage analysis and cDNA cloning. The final identification of PS-2 as the causal gene for early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease in Voga-German pedigrees was concluded based on the point mutation found in the candidate cDNA isolated from this familial AD. We present evidence of its physical genome mapping of PS-2 on chromosome 1q42.1 by fluorescence in situ hybridization method.

  13. Ectopic expression of phloem motor protein pea forisome PsSEO-F1 enhances salinity stress tolerance in tobacco. (United States)

    Srivastava, Vineet Kumar; Raikwar, Shailendra; Tuteja, Renu; Tuteja, Narendra


    PsSEOF-1 binds to calcium and its expression is upregulated by salinity treatment. PsSEOF - 1 -overexpressing transgenic tobacco showed enhanced salinity stress tolerance by maintaining cellular ion homeostasis and modulating ROS-scavenging pathway. Calcium (Ca(2+)) plays important role in growth, development and stress tolerance in plants. Cellular Ca(2+) homeostasis is achieved by the collective action of channels, pumps, antiporters and by Ca(2+) chelators present in the cell like calcium-binding proteins. Forisomes are ATP-independent mechanically active motor proteins known to function in wound sealing of injured sieve elements of phloem tissue. The Ca(2+)-binding activity of forisome and its role in abiotic stress signaling were largely unknown. Here we report the Ca(2+)-binding activity of pea forisome (PsSEO-F1) and its novel function in promoting salinity tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Native PsSEO-F1 promoter positively responded in salinity stress as confirmed using GUS reporter. Overexpression of PsSEO-F1 tobacco plants confers salinity tolerance by alleviating ionic toxicity and increased ROS scavenging activity which probably results in reduced membrane damage and improved yield under salinity stress. Evaluation of several physiological indices shows an increase in relative water content, electrolyte leakage, proline accumulation and chlorophyll content in transgenic lines as compared with null-segregant control. Expression of several genes involved in cellular homeostasis is perturbed by PsSEO-F1 overexpression. These findings suggest that PsSEO-F1 provides salinity tolerance through cellular Ca(2+) homeostasis which in turn modulates ROS machinery providing indirect link between Ca(2+) and ROS signaling under salinity-induced perturbation. PsSEO-F1 most likely functions in salinity stress tolerance by improving antioxidant machinery and mitigating ion toxicity in transgenic lines. This finding should make an important contribution in our better

  14. Effects of External Digital Elevation Model Inaccuracy on StaMPS-PS Processing: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanan Du


    Full Text Available External Digital Elevation Models (DEMs with different resolutions and accuracies cause different topographic residuals in differential interferograms of Multi-temporal InSAR (MTInSAR, especially for the phase-based StaMPS-PS. The PS selection and deformation parameter estimation of StaMPS-PS are closely related to the spatially uncorrected error, which is directly affected by external DEMs. However, it is still far from clear how the high resolution and accurate external DEM affects the results of the StaMPS-PS (e.g., PS selection and deformation parameter calculation on different platforms (X band TerraSAR, C band ENVISAT ASAR and L band ALOS/PALSAR1. In this study, abundant synthetic tests are performed to assess the influences of external DEMs on parameter estimations, such as the mean deformation rate and the deformation time-series. Real SAR images, covering Shenzhen city in China, are also selected to analyze the PS selection and distribution as well as to validate the results of synthetic tests. The results show that the PS points selected by the 5 m TanDEM-X DEM are 10.32%, 4.25% and 0.34% more than those selected by the 30 m SRTM DEM at X, C and L bands SAR platforms, respectively, when a multi-look geocoding operation is adopted for X band in the SRTM DEM case. We also find that the influences of external DEMs on the mean deformation rate are not significant and are inversely proportional to the wavelength of the satellite platforms. The standard deviations of the mean deformation rate difference for the X, C and L bands are 0.54, 0.30 and 0.10 mm/year, respectively. Similarly, the influences of external DEMs on the deformation time-series estimation for the three platforms are also slight, except for local artifacts whose root-mean-square error (RMSE ≥ 6 mm. Based on these analyses, some implications and suggestions for external DEMs on StaMPS-PS processing are discussed and provided.

  15. Antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin (aPS/PT) antibodies are associated with Raynaud phenomenon and migraine in primary thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome. (United States)

    Kopytek, M; Natorska, J; Undas, A


    Objectives Antibodies to phosphatidylserine/prothrombin complex (aPS/PT) detectable in sera of some patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) have been shown to correlate with thrombosis. However, associations of aPS/PT antibodies with APS related disorders remain unclear. Aim To evaluate whether there are any associations between aPS/PT antibodies and Raynaud phenomenon, migraine and/or valvular lesions in primary thrombotic APS (PAPS). Methods We enrolled 67 consecutive patients (56 women) with thrombotic PAPS (VTE in 80.6%), aged 46.2 ± 13.5 years. The exclusion criteria were: acute coronary syndromes or stroke within preceding 6 months, cancer, severe comorbidities and pregnancy. The IgG and IgM aPS/PT antibodies were determined by ELISA with the cut-off of 30 units. We recorded Raynaud phenomenon, migraine and valvular lesions. Results Positive IgM or/and IgG aPS/PT antibodies were observed in 29 patients (43.3%), with a higher prevalence of IgM antibodies ( n = 27, 40.3%) compared with IgG isotype ( n = 12, 17.9%, p = 0.014). aPS/PT antibodies were observed most commonly in patients with triple aPL ( n = 12, 85.7%) compared with those with double ( n = 5, 35.7%) or single aPL antibodies (n = 12, 30.8%, p = 0.03), with no association with demographics, the ANA titre, the type of thrombotic events or medications. Raynaud phenomenon, migraine and valvular lesions were observed in 15% ( n = 10), 30% ( n = 20) and 18% ( n = 12) of the patients, respectively. Raynaud phenomenon and migraine, but not valvular lesions, were markedly more frequent in PAPS patients presenting with positive aPS/PT antibodies ( n = 10, 34.5% vs. n = 0, 0%; p = 0.0001). Conclusions In PAPS patients aPS/PT antibodies are related to the occurrence of both Raynaud phenomenon and migraine.

  16. Nearly penalty-free, less than 4 ps supercontinuum Gbit/s pulse generation over 1535-1560 nm (United States)

    Morioka, T.; Kawanishi, S.; Mori, K.; Saruwatari, M.


    Nearly penalty-free less than 4ps supercontinuum WDM pulses are generated at 6.3 Gbit/s over 1535-1560 nm for the first time using a 200 nm superbroadened supercontinuum in an optical fibre pumped by 1.7 W, 3.3 ps, 1542 nm short pulses from an Er(3+)-doped fibre ring laser.

  17. High-Pressure Raman Scattering in the Layered Antiferromagnet NiPS_3 (United States)

    Rosenblum, S.; Merlin, R.; Francis, A. H.


    We report on two-magnon and vibrational Raman scattering from NiPS3 for pressures up to 30 GPa and temperatures between 110 and 300 K. NiPS3 is an S=1, two-dimensional antiferromagnet with TN = 150 K. It is the only known S=1 compound with a relative two-magnon linewidth comparable in magnitude to that of the parent compounds of the high temperature superconductors.(Rosenblum et al., Phys. Rev. B 49), 4352 (1994) In the cuprates, this anomalous linewidth is well described by phonon-magnon coupling.(Knoll et al.), Phys. Rev.B 42, 4842 (1990).^,(Nori et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75), 553 (1995). Here, we will look at the measured Grüneisen parameters of the vibrational and magnetic excitations and relate them to the magnetostrictive model.

  18. Loss of GABAergic inputs in APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tutu Oyelami


    Full Text Available Alzheimer's disease (AD is characterized by symptoms which include seizures, sleep disruption, loss of memory as well as anxiety in patients. Of particular importance is the possibility of preventing the progressive loss of neuronal projections in the disease. Transgenic mice overexpressing EOFAD mutant PS1 (L166P and mutant APP (APP KM670/671NL Swedish (APP/PS1 develop a very early and robust Amyloid pathology and display synaptic plasticity impairments and cognitive dysfunction. Here we investigated GABAergic neurotransmission, using multi-electrode array (MEA technology and pharmacological manipulation to quantify the effect of GABA Blockers on field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP, and immunostaining of GABAergic neurons. Using MEA technology we confirm impaired LTP induction by high frequency stimulation in APPPS1 hippocampal CA1 region that was associated with reduced alteration of the pair pulse ratio after LTP induction. Synaptic dysfunction was also observed under manipulation of external Calcium concentration and input-output curve. Electrophysiological recordings from brain slice of CA1 hippocampus area, in the presence of GABAergic receptors blockers cocktails further demonstrated significant reduction in the GABAergic inputs in APP/PS1 mice. Moreover, immunostaining of GAD65 a specific marker for GABAergic neurons revealed reduction of the GABAergic inputs in CA1 area of the hippocampus. These results might be linked to increased seizure sensitivity, premature death and cognitive dysfunction in this animal model of AD. Further in depth analysis of GABAergic dysfunction in APP/PS1 mice is required and may open new perspectives for AD therapy by restoring GABAergic function.

  19. The four "P"s of marketing are dead. (United States)

    English, J


    For several decades marketing planning in the United States has relied upon the "four Ps" model. Product, price, place, and promotion were considered the foundation of the marketing mix. This model, however, has never been a comfortable fit for health care and, as the new century dawns, we find that a new marketing model--emphasizing the "four Rs"--is emerging. The foundations of the new model are relevance, response, relationships, and results.

  20. Physics at the AD/PS/SPS (1/4)

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Lecture 1: The CERN injector complex and beams for non-LHC physics. The various machines and beam lines in the CERN injector complex are presented, from the linacs to the SPS. Special emphasis is given to the beam lines at the PS and SPS machines: AD, North and East Areas, nTOF and CNGS and HiRadMad as well as the ion beams. A short outlook is given to possible future upgrades and projects.

  1. Monitoring the US ATLAS Network Infrastructure with perfSONAR-PS

    CERN Document Server

    McKee, S; The ATLAS collaboration; Laurens, P; Severini, H; Wlodek, T; Wolff, S; Zurawski, J


    We will present our motivations for deploying and using the perfSONAR-PS Performance Toolkit at ATLAS sites in the United States and describe our experience in using it. This software creates a dedicated monitoring server, capable of collecting and performing a wide range of passive and active network measurements. Each independent instance is managed locally, but able to federate on a global scale; enabling a full view of the network infrastructure that spans domain boundaries. This information, available through web service interfaces, can easily be retrieved to create customized applications. USATLAS has developed a centralized “dashboard” offering network administrators, users, and decision makers the ability to see the performance of the network at a glance. The dashboard framework includes the ability to notify users (alarm) when problems are found, thus allowing rapid response to potential problems and making perfSONAR-PS crucial to the operation of our distributed computing infrastructure.

  2. Preparations for Upgrading the RF Systems of the PS Booster

    CERN Document Server

    Albright, Simon; Shaposhnikova, Elena


    The accelerators of the LHC injector chain need to be upgraded to provide the HL-LHC beams. The PS Booster, the first synchrotron in the LHC injection chain, uses three different RF systems (first, second and up to tenth harmonic) in each of its four rings. As part of the LHC Injector Upgrade the current ferrite RF systems will be replaced with broadband Finemet cavities, increasing the flexibility of the RF system. A Finemet test cavity has been installed in Ring 4 to investigate its effect on machine performance, especially beam stability, during extensive experimental studies. Due to large space charge impedance Landau damping is lost through most of the cycle in single harmonic operation, but is recovered when using the second harmonic and controlled longitudinal emittance blow-up. This paper compares beam parameters during acceleration with and without the Finemet test cavity. Comparisons were made using beam measurements and simulations with the BLonD code based on a full PS Booster impedance model. Thi...

  3. Imaginário e contágio psíquico

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    Malena Contrera


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é refletir, a partir de fatos relatados pela mídia, a questão do contágio psíquico (possessões coletivas, bem como relaciona-lo com os estudos do imaginário, compreendendo como os processos de empatia e mimese facilitam tais contágios e os quadros de possessão coletiva. Dessa forma, este artigo conclui que o contágio psíquico (possessões coletivas são ações de conteúdos imaginários, os quais emergem do Inconsciente Coletivo, em momentos de forte comoção e afetação geral. O artigo tem como metodologia a coleta de dados e revisão bibliográfica, tendo como principais referenciais teóricos Carl G. Jung, Edgar Morin, Christoph Wulf, James Hillman, Frans de Waal, Rafael Lopez-Pedraza e Norval Baitello Júnior.

  4. Isoporous PS-b-PEO ultrafiltration membranes via self-assembly and water-induced phase separation

    KAUST Repository

    Karunakaran, Madhavan


    A simple and efficient approach towards the fabrication of a skinned membrane with highly ordered pores in the nanometer range is presented here. We successfully combined the self-assembly of PS-b-PEO block copolymer and water induced phase separation for the preparation of isoporous PS-b-PEO block copolymer membranes. We produced for the first time asymmetric isoporous PS-b-PEO membranes with a 100nm thin isoporous separating layer using water at room temperature as coagulant. This was possible by careful selection of the block lengths and the solvent system. FESEM, AFM and TEM measurements were employed to characterize the nanopores of membranes. The pure water fluxes were measured and the flux of membrane was exceptionally high (around 800Lm-2h-1bar-1). Protein rejection measurements were carried out for this membrane and the membrane had a retention of about 67% of BSA and 99% of γ-globulin. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.

  5. 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C plant application study report: SRC-II process application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, R.; McMain, A.T. Jr.


    The solvent refined coal (SRC-II) process is an advanced process being developed by Gulf Mineral Resources Ltd. (a Gulf Oil Corporation subsidiary) to produce a clean, non-polluting liquid fuel from high-sulfur bituminous coals. The SRC-II commercial plant will process about 24,300 tonnes (26,800 tons) of feed coal per stream day, producing primarily fuel oil plus secondary fuel gases. This summary report describes the integration of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor operating in a process steam/cogeneration mode (HTGR-PS/C) to provide the energy requirements for the SRC-II process. The HTGR-PS/C plant was developed by General Atomic Company (GA) specifically for industries which require energy in the form of both steam and electricity. General Atomic has developed an 1170-MW(t) HTGR-PS/C design which is particularly well suited to industrial applications and is expected to have excellent cost benefits over other sources of energy

  6. Human amniotic epithelial cell feeder layers maintain human iPS cell pluripotency via inhibited endogenous microRNA-145 and increased Sox2 expression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Te; Cheng, Weiwei; Huang, Yongyi; Huang, Qin; Jiang, Lizhen; Guo, Lihe


    Currently, human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells were generated from patient or disease-specific sources and share the same key properties as embryonic stem cells. This makes them attractive for personalized medicine, drug screens or cellular therapy. Long-term cultivation and maintenance of normal iPS cells in an undifferentiated self-renewing state are a major challenge. Our previous studies have shown that human amniotic epithelial cells (HuAECs) could provide a good source of feeder cells for mouse and human embryonic stem cells, or spermatogonial stem cells, but the mechanism for this is unknown. Here, we examined the effect of endogenous microRNA-145 regulation on Sox2 expression in human iPS cells by HuAECs feeder cells regulation, and in turn on human iPS cells pluripotency. We found that human IPS cells transfected with a microRNA-145 mutant expressed Sox2 at high levels, allowing iPS to maintain a high level of AP activity in long-term culture and form teratomas in SCID mice. Expression of stem cell markers was increased in iPS transfected with the microRNA-145 mutant, compared with iPS was transfected with microRNA-145. Besides, the expression of Drosha proteins of the microRNA-processor complex, required for the generation of precursor pre-miRNA, was significantly increased in human iPS cells cultured on MEF but not on HuAECs. Taken together, these results suggest that endogenous Sox2 expression may be regulated by microRNA-145 in human iPS cells with HuAECs feeder cells, and Sox2 is a crucial component required for maintenance of them in an undifferentiated, proliferative state capable of self-renewal. Highlights: ► microRNA-145 inhibits Sox2 expression in human iPS cells. ► microRNA-145 suppresses the self-renewal and pluripotency of human iPS cells. ► HuAECs regulate expression of microRNA-145 and Sox2 in human iPS cells. ► HuAECs feeder layers maintain human iPS cells pluripotency. ► HuAECs negatively regulates the synthesis of

  7. Human amniotic epithelial cell feeder layers maintain human iPS cell pluripotency via inhibited endogenous microRNA-145 and increased Sox2 expression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Te, E-mail: [School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Shanghai Geriatric Institute of Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200031 (China); Cheng, Weiwei [International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030 (China); Huang, Yongyi [Laboratoire PROTEE, Batiment R, Universite du Sud Toulon-Var, 83957 LA GARDE Cedex (France); Huang, Qin; Jiang, Lizhen [Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031 (China); Guo, Lihe, E-mail: [Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031 (China)


    Currently, human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells were generated from patient or disease-specific sources and share the same key properties as embryonic stem cells. This makes them attractive for personalized medicine, drug screens or cellular therapy. Long-term cultivation and maintenance of normal iPS cells in an undifferentiated self-renewing state are a major challenge. Our previous studies have shown that human amniotic epithelial cells (HuAECs) could provide a good source of feeder cells for mouse and human embryonic stem cells, or spermatogonial stem cells, but the mechanism for this is unknown. Here, we examined the effect of endogenous microRNA-145 regulation on Sox2 expression in human iPS cells by HuAECs feeder cells regulation, and in turn on human iPS cells pluripotency. We found that human IPS cells transfected with a microRNA-145 mutant expressed Sox2 at high levels, allowing iPS to maintain a high level of AP activity in long-term culture and form teratomas in SCID mice. Expression of stem cell markers was increased in iPS transfected with the microRNA-145 mutant, compared with iPS was transfected with microRNA-145. Besides, the expression of Drosha proteins of the microRNA-processor complex, required for the generation of precursor pre-miRNA, was significantly increased in human iPS cells cultured on MEF but not on HuAECs. Taken together, these results suggest that endogenous Sox2 expression may be regulated by microRNA-145 in human iPS cells with HuAECs feeder cells, and Sox2 is a crucial component required for maintenance of them in an undifferentiated, proliferative state capable of self-renewal. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer microRNA-145 inhibits Sox2 expression in human iPS cells. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer microRNA-145 suppresses the self-renewal and pluripotency of human iPS cells. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer HuAECs regulate expression of microRNA-145 and Sox2 in human iPS cells. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer HuAECs feeder

  8. CERN News: Slow ejection efficiency at the PS; Vacuum tests on the ISR; Fire in the neutrino beam-line; Prototype r.f . cavity for the Booster; Crane-bridge in ISR experimental hall; Modifications to the r.f . system at the PS

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN News: Slow ejection efficiency at the PS; Vacuum tests on the ISR; Fire in the neutrino beam-line; Prototype r.f . cavity for the Booster; Crane-bridge in ISR experimental hall; Modifications to the r.f . system at the PS

  9. Incineration experiences at the Tsuruga P.S. and outline of the advanced type incineration system at the Tokai No. 2 P.S

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yui, K.; Kurihara, Y.; Inoue, S.; Takamori, H.; Karita, Y.


    In 1978, the first radwaste incineration plant among Japanese nuclear power stations started its operation at Tsuruga P.S., and the first advanced radwaste incineration plant has been constructed and accomplished the test operation in September 1986. This paper describes the outline of Tsuruga incineration plant and its operation achievements, and the outline of advanced incineration technology, Tokai No. 2 incineration plant and its test operation results

  10. Hybrid fs/ps CARS for Sooting and Particle-laden Flames [PowerPoint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffmeister, Kathryn N. Gabet; Guildenbecher, Daniel Robert; Kearney, Sean P.


    We report the application of ultrafast rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) for temperature and relative oxygen concentration measurements in the plume emanating from a burning aluminized ammonium perchlorate propellant strand. Combustion of these metal-based propellants is a particularly hostile environment for laserbased diagnostics, with intense background luminosity, scattering and beam obstruction from hot metal particles that can be as large as several hundred microns in diameter. CARS spectra that were previously obtained using nanosecond pulsed lasers in an aluminumparticle- seeded flame are examined and are determined to be severely impacted by nonresonant background, presumably as a result of the plasma formed by particulateenhanced laser-induced breakdown. Introduction of fs/ps laser pulses enables CARS detection at reduced pulse energies, decreasing the likelihood of breakdown, while simultaneously providing time-gated elimination of any nonresonant background interference. Temperature probability densities and temperature/oxygen correlations were constructed from ensembles of several thousand single-laser-shot measurements from the fs/ps rotational CARS measurement volume positioned within 3 mm or less of the burning propellant surface. Preliminary results in canonical flames are presented using a hybrid fs/ps vibrational CARS system to demonstrate our progress towards acquiring vibrational CARS measurements for more accurate temperatures in the very high temperature propellant burns.

  11. Radiation Effects on PP/PS Blends as a Model of Protection Effects by Aromatics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gluszewski, W.


    Polypropylene (PP) is the most popular polymer for the application in construction of medical devices, due to the hardness and temperature resistance. Unfortunately, the virgin PP is of low resistance towards ionizing radiation, already to sterilization doses and cannot be applied without additives. Another option is a blend with a second polymer, especially aromatic, and therefore polystyrene (PS) was applied. The classic case of protection in the aliphatic/aromatic system (benzene/cyclohexane in liquid or solid state) shows that the surface area and structure of the interphase is crucial for the effectiveness of energy transfer. Our blends of PP (virgin, F401 from Orlen-Olefins) with PS were prepared in a variety of ways, from mechanical blending, to radiation induced grafting. Two linac accelerators (10 MeV, 6-9 kW) were applied, with different shapes of electron beam, formed according to particular methods used for the investigation of effects; doses were 10-600 kGy. As in the classic case, the protection effect was quantisized from the curve of the effect vs 0-100% PP, 100-0 % PS. Main recognition of the protection effect has been done by the diffused reflection spectroscopy (DRS) developed in our Laboratory for the application to irradiated polymers. The dependence of intensity of bands in the DRS spectrum, attributed to keton groups, which are final products of oxidation, shows clearly the protection effect of PP, executed by PS. The second method of observation of radiation effects is gas chromatography (GC), applied for irradiation products analysis. The maximum sensitivity has been achieved using the instrument type GC 2014 by Shimadzu, with thermal conductivity detector, column packed with molecular sieves 5A. Radiation induced formation of gaseous produced at ambient and lower temperatures is unique in the field of chemistry of polymers. There is no form of energy, except ionizing radiation, to cause chemical reactions to produce a wide spectrum of low

  12. Anti-Aβ drug screening platform using human iPS cell-derived neurons for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naoki Yahata

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes progressive memory and cognitive decline during middle to late adult life. The AD brain is characterized by deposition of amyloid β peptide (Aβ, which is produced from amyloid precursor protein by β- and γ-secretase (presenilin complex-mediated sequential cleavage. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells potentially provide an opportunity to generate a human cell-based model of AD that would be crucial for drug discovery as well as for investigating mechanisms of the disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We differentiated human iPS (hiPS cells into neuronal cells expressing the forebrain marker, Foxg1, and the neocortical markers, Cux1, Satb2, Ctip2, and Tbr1. The iPS cell-derived neuronal cells also expressed amyloid precursor protein, β-secretase, and γ-secretase components, and were capable of secreting Aβ into the conditioned media. Aβ production was inhibited by β-secretase inhibitor, γ-secretase inhibitor (GSI, and an NSAID; however, there were different susceptibilities to all three drugs between early and late differentiation stages. At the early differentiation stage, GSI treatment caused a fast increase at lower dose (Aβ surge and drastic decline of Aβ production. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results indicate that the hiPS cell-derived neuronal cells express functional β- and γ-secretases involved in Aβ production; however, anti-Aβ drug screening using these hiPS cell-derived neuronal cells requires sufficient neuronal differentiation.

  13. Beam test results of a 16 ps timing system based on ultra-fast silicon detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cartiglia, N., E-mail: [INFN, Torino (Italy); Staiano, A.; Sola, V. [INFN, Torino (Italy); Arcidiacono, R. [INFN, Torino (Italy); Università del Piemonte Orientale (Italy); Cirio, R.; Cenna, F.; Ferrero, M.; Monaco, V.; Mulargia, R.; Obertino, M.; Ravera, F.; Sacchi, R. [INFN, Torino (Italy); Università di Torino, Torino (Italy); Bellora, A.; Durando, S. [Università di Torino, Torino (Italy); Mandurrino, M. [Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy); Minafra, N. [University of Kansas, KS (United States); Fadeyev, V.; Freeman, P.; Galloway, Z.; Gkougkousis, E. [SCIPP, University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (United States); and others


    In this paper we report on the timing resolution obtained in a beam test with pions of 180 GeV/c momentum at CERN for the first production of 45 µm thick Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors (UFSD). UFSD are based on the Low-Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) design, employing n-on-p silicon sensors with internal charge multiplication due to the presence of a thin, low-resistivity diffusion layer below the junction. The UFSD used in this test had a pad area of 1.7 mm{sup 2}. The gain was measured to vary between 5 and 70 depending on the sensor bias voltage. The experimental setup included three UFSD and a fast trigger consisting of a quartz bar readout by a SiPM. The timing resolution was determined by doing Gaussian fits to the time-of-flight of the particles between one or more UFSD and the trigger counter. For a single UFSD the resolution was measured to be 34 ps for a bias voltage of 200 V, and 27 ps for a bias voltage of 230 V. For the combination of 3 UFSD the timing resolution was 20 ps for a bias voltage of 200 V, and 16 ps for a bias voltage of 230 V.

  14. Generation of iPS cell lines from schizophrenia patients using a non-integrative method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaroslaw Sochacki


    Full Text Available Skin biopsies were collected from three male patients (age 45, 44 and 44 with clinically diagnosed schizophrenia. The patients were diagnosed according to DSM-5 criteria by a trained psychiatrist. Dermal fibroblast cell lines were established and expanded for subsequent reprogramming procedures. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells were derived using the integration-free CytoTune®-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit, containing Sendai virus particles of the four Yamanaka factors Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc.

  15. Sn ion energy distributions of ns- and ps-laser produced plasmas (United States)

    Bayerle, A.; Deuzeman, M. J.; van der Heijden, S.; Kurilovich, D.; de Faria Pinto, T.; Stodolna, A.; Witte, S.; Eikema, K. S. E.; Ubachs, W.; Hoekstra, R.; Versolato, O. O.


    Ion energy distributions arising from laser-produced plasmas of Sn are measured over a wide laser parameter space. Planar-solid and liquid-droplet targets are exposed to infrared laser pulses with energy densities between 1 J cm‑2 and 4 kJ cm‑2 and durations spanning 0.5 ps to 6 ns. The measured ion energy distributions are compared to two self-similar solutions of a hydrodynamic approach assuming isothermal expansion of the plasma plume into vacuum. For planar and droplet targets exposed to ps-long pulses, we find good agreement between the experimental results and the self-similar solution of a semi-infinite simple planar plasma configuration with an exponential density profile. The ion energy distributions resulting from solid Sn exposed to ns-pulses agrees with solutions of a limited-mass model that assumes a Gaussian-shaped initial density profile.

  16. Synergistic efficacy in human ovarian cancer cells by histone deacetylase inhibitor TSA and proteasome inhibitor PS-341. (United States)

    Fang, Yong; Hu, Yi; Wu, Peng; Wang, Beibei; Tian, Yuan; Xia, Xi; Zhang, Qinghua; Chen, Tong; Jiang, Xuefeng; Ma, Quanfu; Xu, Gang; Wang, Shixuan; Zhou, Jianfeng; Ma, Ding; Meng, Li


    Histone deacetylase inhibitors and proteasome inhibitor are all emerging as new classes of anticancer agents. We chose TSA and PS-341 to identify whether they have a synergistic efficacy on human ovarian cancer cells. After incubated with 500 nM TSA or/and 40 nM PS-341, we found that combined groups resulted in a striking increase of apoptosis and G2/M blocking rates, no matter in A2780, cisplatin-sensitive ovarian cancer cell line OV2008 or its resistant variant C13*. This demonstrated that TSA interacted synergistically with PS-341, which raised the possibility that combined the two drugs may represent a novel strategy in ovarian cancer.

  17. Synthesis and structure of novel lithium-ion conductor Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inoue, Yuki [Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Suzuki, Kota [Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Matsui, Naoki [Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Hirayama, Masaaki [Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Kanno, Ryoji, E-mail: [Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan)


    The novel lithium-ion conductor Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12} was synthesized by slow cooling from the ternary Li{sub 2}S–GeS{sub 2}–P{sub 2}S{sub 5} system, and was shown to exhibit a cubic argyrodite-type structure. The phase composition was determined by varying the ratio of starting materials; the observed monophasic properties were close to those for the Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12} composition. The lattice parameter (a =9.80192(3) Å) of Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12} was slightly smaller than that of Li{sub 7}PS{sub 6} (a =9.993 Å), indicating that substitution of a Li cation by the smaller Ge cation contracted the cubic lattice. In addition, the novel structure consisted of a framework composed of four isolated (Ge/P)S{sub 4} tetrahedra. Li{sup +} ions occupied tetrahedral sites within the framework, forming a three-dimensional conduction pathway. Finally, Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12} exhibited a high ionic conductivity of 1.1×10{sup −4} S cm{sup −1} at 25 °C and an activation energy of 25 kJ mol{sup −1}. - Graphical abstract: A novel Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12} solid lithium ion conductor, with cubic argyrodite strucuture, shows high ion conductivity of 1.1×10{sup –4} S cm{sup –1} with an activation energy of 25 kJ mol{sup –1}. The argyrodite structure consists of (Ge/P)S{sub 4} tetrahedra units along with partial occupation of lithium and germanium at 48 h site. - Highlights: • A novel lithium-ion conductor Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12} was detected. • This was achieved through slow cooling of the ternary Li{sub 2}S–GeS{sub 2}–P{sub 2}S{sub 5} system. • This novel conductor revealed a cubic argyrodite-type structure. • Li{sub 7}Ge{sub 3}PS{sub 12} exhibited a high ionic conductivity of 1.1×10{sup −4} S cm{sup −1} at 25 °C. • These properties will aid in the design of superior lithium-ion conductors.

  18. Violência no trabalho da Enfermagem: um olhar às consequências

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    Maiara Bordignon

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: refletir acerca das consequências da violência no trabalho experienciada por profissionais de enfermagem. Método: trata-se de um artigo de reflexão que contou com o auxílio de publicações recentes relacionadas a esta proposta, sobretudo de pesquisas realizadas no Brasil e em outros países. Resultados: a exposição à violência no trabalho tem sido vinculada a problemas de saúde nos profissionais de enfermagem, que se apresentam por danos físicos, manifestações emocionais, transtornos e distúrbios psíquicos. Além disso, influencia o desempenho do trabalhador, sua dimensão familiar e social. Conclusão: aponta-se para o potencial nocivo e oneroso deste fenômeno, por ser capaz de ocasionar sofrimento, adoecimento, afastamentos do trabalho e até a morte. Esta reflexão sensibiliza, ainda mais, para a importância de ambientes de trabalho seguros e em condições adequadas na área da saúde.

  19. The Presenilin-1 ΔE9 Mutation Results in Reduced γ-Secretase Activity, but Not Total Loss of PS1 Function, in Isogenic Human Stem Cells

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    Grace Woodruff


    Full Text Available Presenilin 1 (PS1 is the catalytic core of γ-secretase, which cleaves type 1 transmembrane proteins, including the amyloid precursor protein (APP. PS1 also has γ-secretase-independent functions, and dominant PS1 missense mutations are the most common cause of familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD. Whether PS1 FAD mutations are gain- or loss-of-function remains controversial, primarily because most studies have relied on overexpression in mouse and/or nonneuronal systems. We used isogenic euploid human induced pluripotent stem cell lines to generate and study an allelic series of PS1 mutations, including heterozygous null mutations and homozygous and heterozygous FAD PS1 mutations. Rigorous analysis of this allelic series in differentiated, purified neurons allowed us to resolve this controversy and to conclude that FAD PS1 mutations, expressed at normal levels in the appropriate cell type, impair γ-secretase activity but do not disrupt γ-secretase-independent functions of PS1. Thus, FAD PS1 mutations do not act as simple loss of PS1 function but instead dominantly gain an activity toxic to some, but not all, PS1 functions.

  20. Vector-free and transgene-free human iPS cells differentiate into functional neurons and enhance functional recovery after ischemic stroke in mice.

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    Osama Mohamad

    Full Text Available Stroke is a leading cause of human death and disability in the adult population in the United States and around the world. While stroke treatment is limited, stem cell transplantation has emerged as a promising regenerative therapy to replace or repair damaged tissues and enhance functional recovery after stroke. Recently, the creation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells through reprogramming of somatic cells has revolutionized cell therapy by providing an unlimited source of autologous cells for transplantation. In addition, the creation of vector-free and transgene-free human iPS (hiPS cells provides a new generation of stem cells with a reduced risk of tumor formation that was associated with the random integration of viral vectors seen with previous techniques. However, the potential use of these cells in the treatment of ischemic stroke has not been explored. In the present investigation, we examined the neuronal differentiation of vector-free and transgene-free hiPS cells and the transplantation of hiPS cell-derived neural progenitor cells (hiPS-NPCs in an ischemic stroke model in mice. Vector-free hiPS cells were maintained in feeder-free and serum-free conditions and differentiated into functional neurons in vitro using a newly developed differentiation protocol. Twenty eight days after transplantation in stroke mice, hiPS-NPCs showed mature neuronal markers in vivo. No tumor formation was seen up to 12 months after transplantation. Transplantation of hiPS-NPCs restored neurovascular coupling, increased trophic support and promoted behavioral recovery after stroke. These data suggest that using vector-free and transgene-free hiPS cells in stem cell therapy are safe and efficacious in enhancing recovery after focal ischemic stroke in mice.

  1. [Severe idiopathic scoliosis. Does the approach and the instruments used modify the results?]. (United States)

    Sánchez-Márquez, J M; Sánchez Pérez-Grueso, F J; Pérez Martín-Buitrago, M; Fernández-Baíllo, N; García-Fernández, A; Quintáns-Rodríguez, J


    The aim of this work is to evaluate and compare the radiographic results and complications of the surgical treatment of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis greater than 75 degrees, using a double approach (DA) or an isolated posterior approach with hybrid instruments (posterior hybrid [PH]), or with «all-pedicle screws» (posterior screws [PS]). A retrospective review was performed on 69 patients with idiopathic scoliosis greater than 75°, with a follow-up of more than 2 years, to analyze the flexibility of the curves, the correction obtained, and the complications depending on the type of surgery. The Kruskal-Wallis test for non-parametric variables was used for the statistical analysis. There were no statistically significant differences between the 3 patient groups in the pre-surgical Cobb angle values (DA=89°, PH=83°, PS=83°), in the immediate post-surgical (DA=34°, PH=33°, PS=30°), nor at the end of follow-up (DA=36°, PH=36°, PS=33°) (P>.05). The percentage correction (DA=60%, PH=57%, PS=60%) was similar between groups (P>.05). The percentage of complications associated with the procedure was 20.8% in DA, 10% in PH and 20% in PS. Two patients in the PS group showed changes, with no neurological lesions, in the spinal cord monitoring, and one patient in the same group suffered a delayed and transient incomplete lesion. No significant differences were observed in the correction of severe idiopathic scoliosis between patients operated using the double or isolated posterior approach, regardless of the type of instrumentation used. Copyright © 2013 SECOT. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  2. Cloning and functional analysis of succinate dehydrogenase gene PsSDHA in Phytophthora sojae. (United States)

    Pan, Yuemin; Ye, Tao; Gao, Zhimou


    Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) is one of the key enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and a proven target of fungicides for true fungi. To explore the roles of the SDHA gene in Phytophthora sojae, we first cloned PsSDHA to construct the PsSDHA silenced expression vector pHAM34-PsSDHA, and then utilized PEG to mediate the P. sojae protoplast transformation experiment. Through transformation screening, we obtained the silenced mutants A1 and A3, which have significant suppressive effect. Further study showed that the hyphae of the silenced mutant strains were shorter and more bifurcated; the growth of the silenced mutants was clearly inhibited in 10% V8 agar medium containing sodium chloride (NaCl), hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) or Congo Red, respectively. The pathogenicity of the silenced mutants was significantly reduced compared with the wild-type strain and the mock. The results could help us better to understand the position and function of SDH in P. sojae and provide a proven target of fungicides for the oomycete. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  3. Funciones psíquicas de las marcas corporales. // Psychic functions of body marking.

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    Margarita María Valencia Valencia.


    Full Text Available This article shows the results of a research titled Funciones psíquicas de las marcas corporales (Psychic Functions of Body Marking that analyses the tattoo, scarification and piercing boom in teenagers and young people. Its aim is to elucidate the body statute in our days. From the acknowledgment of the changes in status of human body throughout history and in different cultures, we investigate the special psychic functions of those practices and their symbolic implications, by using some psychoanalytical theories about body image and adolescence. // Este artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación Funciones psíquicas de las marcas corporales, que interroga el significado del auge de tatuajes, escarificaciones y piercings en adolescentes y jóvenes, con el fin de esclarecer el estatuto del cuerpo en la contemporaneidad. A partir de un reconocimiento de los cambios de estatus que el cuerpo ha tenido a través de la historia y las culturas, se indaga, con ayuda de las teorizaciones psicoanalíticas sobre lo corporal y la adolescencia, acerca de las funciones psíquicas particulares de dichas prácticas y su alcance simbolizador.

  4. A novel cold-regulated gene from Phlox subulata, PsCor413im1, enhances low temperature tolerance in Arabidopsis. (United States)

    Zhou, Aimin; Sun, Hongwei; Feng, Shuang; Zhou, Mi; Gong, Shufang; Wang, Jingang; Zhang, Shuzhen


    Low temperature stress adversely affects plant growth, development, and crop productivity. Analysis of the function of genes in the response of plants to low temperature stress is essential for understanding the mechanism of chilling and freezing tolerance. In this study, PsCor413im1, a novel cold-regulated gene isolated from Phlox subulata, was transferred to Arabidopsis to investigate its function under low temperature stress. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis revealed that PsCor413im1 expression was induced by cold and abscisic acid. Subcellular localization revealed that PsCor413im1-GFP fusion protein was localized to the periphery of the chloroplast, consistent with the localization of chloroplast inner membrane protein AtCor413im1, indicating that PsCor413im1 is a chloroplast membrane protein. Furthermore, the N-terminal of PsCor413im1 was determined to be necessary for its localization. Compared to the wild-type plants, transgenic plants showed higher germination and survival rates under cold and freezing stress. Moreover, the expression of AtCor15 in transgenic plants was higher than that in the wild-type plants under cold stress. Taken together, our results suggest that the overexpression of PsCor413im1 enhances low temperature tolerance in Arabidopsis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Comparison of soft and hard tissue ablation with sub-ps and ns pulse lasers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Da Silva, L.B.; Stuart, B.C.; Celliers, P.M.; Feit, M.D.; Glinsky, M.E.; Heredia, N.J.; Herman, S.; Lane, S.M.; London, R.A.; Matthews, D.L.; Perry, M.D.; Rubenchik, A.M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States); Chang, T.D. [Veterans Administration Hospital, Martinez, CA (United States); Neev, J. [Beckman Laser Inst. and Medical Clinic, Irvine, CA (United States)


    Tissue ablation with ultrashort laser pulses offers several unique advantages. The nonlinear energy deposition is insensitive to tissue type, allowing this tool to be used for soft and hard tissue ablation. The localized energy deposition lead to precise ablation depth and minimal collateral damage. This paper reports on efforts to study and demonstrate tissue ablation using an ultrashort pulse laser. Ablation efficiency and extent of collateral damage for 0.3 ps and 1000 ps duration laser pulses are compared. Temperature measurements of the rear surface of a tooth section is also presented.

  6. Masin, organism või psüühiline vangla? / Mikk Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Juhtimisteoreetik Gareth Morgan õpetab oma raamatus "Organisatsiooni metafoorid" firmade toimimist ja juhtimist kaheksat eri tüüpi metafooride kaudu: organisatsioon kui masin, organism, aju, kultuur, poliitiline süsteem, psüühiline vangla, muutuste protsess, valitsemisvahend. Lisa: Praktiline õppevahend

  7. Future perspective of meson spectroscopy studies at KEK-PS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuru, T.


    Physics of light-quark meson spectroscopy at present is simply reviewed and a direction of next generation experiment is investigated. A new charge and gamma spectrometer is proposed to push forward next generation physics at KEK-PS. It should have almost 4π acceptance for both charged particles and gamma's and have options of π/K separation and good π 0 /γ separation. (author)

  8. Perceptual Characterization of the Macronutrient Picture System (MaPS for Food Image fMRI

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    Jill L. King


    Full Text Available Food image fMRI paradigms are used widely for investigating the neural basis of ingestive behavior. However, these paradigms have not been validated in terms of ingestive behavior constructs, engagement of food-relevant neural systems, or test-retest reliability, making the generalizability of study findings unclear. Therefore, we validated the Macronutrient Picture System (MaPS (McClernon et al., 2013, which includes food images from the six categories represented in the Geiselman Food Preference Questionnaire (FPQ (Geiselman et al., 1998. Twenty-five healthy young adults (n = 21 female, mean age = 20.6 ± 1.1 years, mean BMI = 22.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 rated the MaPS images in terms of visual interest, appetitive quality, nutrition, emotional valence, liking, and frequency of consumption, and completed the FPQ. In a second study, 12 individuals (n=8 female, mean age = 25.0 ± 6.5 years, mean BMI = 28.2 ± 8.7 kg/m2 viewed MaPS and control images (vegetables and non-food during two separate 3T BOLD fMRI scans after fasting overnight. Intuitively, high fat/high sugar (HF/HS and high fat/high complex carbohydrate (HF/HCCHO images achieved higher liking and appetitive ratings, and lower nutrition ratings, than low fat/low complex carbohydrate/high protein (LF/LCHO/HP images on average. Within each food category, FPQ scores correlated strongly with MaPS image liking ratings (p < 0.001. Brain activation differences between viewing images of HF/HS and vegetables, and between HF/HCCHO and vegetables, were seen in several reward-related brain regions (e.g., putamen, insula, and medial frontal gyrus. Intra-individual, inter-scan agreement in a summary measure of brain activation differences in seven reward network regions of interest was high (ICC = 0.61, and was even higher when two distinct sets of food images with matching visual ratings were shown in the two scans (ICC = 0.74. These results suggest that the MaPS provides valid representation of food

  9. Efficient generation of fully reprogrammed human iPS cells via polycistronic retroviral vector and a new cocktail of chemical compounds.

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    Zhonghui Zhang

    Full Text Available Direct reprogramming of human somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells by defined transcription factors (TFs provides great potential for regenerative medicine and biomedical research. This procedure has many challenges, including low reprogramming efficiency, many partially reprogrammed colonies, somatic coding mutations in the genome, etc. Here, we describe a simple approach for generating fully reprogrammed human iPS cells by using a single polycistronic retroviral vector expressing four human TFs in a single open reading frame (ORF, combined with a cocktail containing three small molecules (Sodium butyrate, SB431542, and PD0325901. Our results demonstrate that human iPS cells generated by this approach express human ES cells markers and exhibit pluripotency demonstrated by their abilities to differentiate into the three germ layers in vitro and in vivo. Notably, this approach not only provides a much faster reprogramming process but also significantly diminishes partially reprogrammed iPS cell colonies, thus facilitating efficient isolation of desired fully reprogrammed iPS cell colonies.

  10. Effect of running exercise on the number of the neurons in the hippocampus of young transgenic APP/PS1 mice. (United States)

    Jiang, Lin; Ma, Jing; Zhang, Yi; Zhou, Chun-Ni; Zhang, Lei; Chao, Feng-Lei; Chen, Lin-Mu; Jiang, Rong; Wu, Hong; Tang, Yong


    To investigate the effect of running exercise on the number of the neurons in the hippocampus of young APP/PS1 mice, twenty 6-month-old male APP/ PS1 transgenic mice were randomly divided into the APP/PS1 control (AD control) group and the APP/PS1 running (AD running) group (10 mice per group), and ten wild-type mice of the littermate were regarded as the wild-type (WT) group. The AD running mice ran on motorized treadmill machiene for 4 months, while the WT mice and AD control mice were housed in standard condition without running. Then, Morris water maze tests (MWM) were used to assess the special learning and memory abilities of mice in three groups. The stereological methods were used to quantitatively evaluate the volume of the hippocampus, CA1/2, CA3 and the dentate gyrus (DG) and count the number of the neurons in CA1/2, CA3 and DG. We found that 4-month running effectively shortened the escape latency of young APP/PS1 control mice in MWM. More importantly, 4-month running effectively increased the volumes of the hippocampus, CA1/2, CA3 and DG and increased the number of neurons in CA1/2, CA3 and DG in young APP/PS1 mice. The present results suggested that 4-month running has significant beneficial effects on the spatial learning and memory capacities of young APP/PS1 mice and could delay the progress of atrophy of hippocampus and the neuron death in CA1/2, CA3 and DG in young APP/PS1 mice. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. The development and initial validation of a clinical tool for patients' preferences on patient participation--The 4Ps. (United States)

    Eldh, Ann Catrine; Luhr, Kristina; Ehnfors, Margareta


    To report on the development and initial testing of a clinical tool, The Patient Preferences for Patient Participation tool (The 4Ps), which will allow patients to depict, prioritize, and evaluate their participation in health care. While patient participation is vital for high quality health care, a common definition incorporating all stakeholders' experience is pending. In order to support participation in health care, a tool for determining patients' preferences on participation is proposed, including opportunities to evaluate participation while considering patient preferences. Exploratory mixed methods studies informed the development of the tool, and descriptive design guided its initial testing. The 4Ps tool was tested with 21 Swedish researcher experts (REs) and patient experts (PEs) with experience of patient participation. Individual Think Aloud interviews were employed to capture experiences of content, response process, and acceptability. 'The 4Ps' included three sections for the patient to depict, prioritize, and evaluate participation using 12 items corresponding to 'Having Dialogue', 'Sharing Knowledge', 'Planning', and 'Managing Self-care'. The REs and PEs considered 'The 4Ps' comprehensible, and that all items corresponded to the concept of patient participation. The tool was perceived to facilitate patient participation whilst requiring amendments to content and layout. A tool like The 4Ps provides opportunities for patients to depict participation, and thus supports communication and collaboration. Further patient evaluation is needed to understand the conditions for patient participation. While The 4Ps is promising, revision and testing in clinical practice is required. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Transactivation domain of p53 regulates DNA repair and integrity in human iPS cells. (United States)

    Kannappan, Ramaswamy; Mattapally, Saidulu; Wagle, Pooja A; Zhang, Jianyi


    The role of p53 transactivation domain (p53-TAD), a multifunctional and dynamic domain, on DNA repair and retaining DNA integrity in human iPS cells has never been studied. p53-TAD was knocked out in iPS cells using CRISPR/Cas9 and was confirmed by DNA sequencing. p53-TAD KO cells were characterized by: accelerated proliferation, decreased population doubling time, and unaltered Bcl2, BBC3, IGF1R, Bax and altered Mdm2, p21, and PIDD transcripts expression. In p53-TAD KO cells p53 regulated DNA repair proteins XPA, DNA polH and DDB2 expression were found to be reduced compared to p53-WT cells. Exposure to low dose of doxorubicin (Doxo) induced similar DNA damage and DNA damage response (DDR) measured by RAD50 and MRE11 expression, Checkpoint kinase 2 activation and γH2A.X recruitment at DNA strand breaks in both the cell groups indicating silencing p53-TAD do not affect DDR mechanism upstream of p53. Following removal of Doxo p53-WT hiPS cells underwent DNA repair, corrected their damaged DNA and restored DNA integrity. Conversely, p53-TAD KO hiPS cells did not undergo complete DNA repair and failed to restore DNA integrity. More importantly continuous culture of p53-TAD KO hiPS cells underwent G2/M cell cycle arrest and expressed cellular senescent marker p16 INK4a . Our data clearly shows that silencing transactivation domain of p53 did not affect DDR but affected the DNA repair process implying the crucial role of p53 transactivation domain in maintaining DNA integrity. Therefore, activating p53-TAD domain using small molecules may promote DNA repair and integrity of cells and prevent senescence.

  13. Multipole stack for the 4 rings of the PS Booster

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The PS Booster (originally 800 MeV, now 1.4 GeV) saw first beam in 1972, routine operation began in 1973. The strive for ever higher intensities required the addition of multipoles. Manufacture of 8 stacks of multipoles was launched in 1974, for installation in 1976. For details, see 7511120X.

  14. The inhibitory effects of polysaccharide peptides (PsP of Ganoderma lucidum against atherosclerosis in rats with dyslipidemia

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    Titin Andri Wihastuti


    Full Text Available BackgroundAtherosclerosis occurs as a result of low-density lipoprotein (LDL deposits oxidation. Endothelial dysfunction is an early process of atherosclerosis. Restoring endothelial lining back to normal by endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs is critical for slowing or reversing vascular disease progression. Oxidative stress from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 is increased in dyslipidemia so that antioxidant agent is required to prevent destruction of blood vessels.ObjectivesThis study aims to report Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptide (PsP effects in atherogenic process by measuring H2O2 level, IL-10 level, and EPC number in blood serum, and also intima-media thickness of aorta in dyslipidemia Wistar rat model by giving them a hypercholesterol diet (HCD.Materials and methodsThe study was an experimental in vivo post-test with control group design. Thirty-five Wistar rats (Rattus norwegicus were divided into five groups (normal diet group, HCD group, and hypercholesterol groups that received 50 mg/kg, 150 mg/kg, and 300 mg/kg bodyweight PsP.ResultsEach treatment group showed significant results for the administration of PsP using the one-way analysis of variance test (p<0.050 for the reduction of H2O2 (p = 0.003, levels of IL-10 (p = 0.027, number of EPC in the blood serum (p = 0.011, and the intima-media thickness of the aorta (p = 0.000. PsP from G. lucidum is a potent antioxidant and may prevent atherogenesis process in patients with dyslipidemia.ConclusionsThe optimum doses of PsP in this study is 300 mg/kg bodyweight. Further studies are required to determine the antioxidant effects of PsP G. lucidum and its benefits in the management of dyslipidemia.

  15. Filmikunst ja psühhoanalüüs on pea ühevanused / Mikael Enckell ; tõlk. Jürgen Rooste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Enckell, Mikael


    Psühhoanalüütik ja arst Mikael Enckelli ettekanne "Sissejuhatus filmidele "Saatusetus" ja "Tõrjutud mälestused"" sümpoosionilt "Elokuva ja psyyke" ("Film ja psüühe") 2007. aasta oktoobris Soomes

  16. Diffusion and localization of o-Ps in Dsub(2)O determined from positron annihilation in SDS micellar solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vass, Sz.; Kajcsos, Zs.; Molnar, B.


    A microscopic diffusion model is presented for the determination of orthopositronium (o-Ps) lifetime in micellar solutions. Among other parameters, the lifetime density function depends on the o-Ps diffusion coefficient in the water phase. Orthopositronium diffusion coefficients are determined by fitting this lifetime density function to positron annihilation spectra obtained from 1 mol/dmsup(3) solution of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) in Dsub(2)O at different temperatures. The activation energy of the o-Ps diffusion in Dsub(2)O obtained from the Arrhenius-plot as Esub(a)=(0.9sub(22)+-0.1sub(03)) eV indicates strong localization. (author)

  17. VizieR Online Data Catalog: RR Lyrae stars from the PS1 3π survey (Sesar+, 2017) (United States)

    Sesar, B.; Hernitschek, N.; Mitrovic, S.; Ivezic, Z.; Rix, H.-W.; Cohen, J. G.; Bernard, E. J.; Grebel, E. K.; Martin, N. F.; Schlafly, E. F.; Burgett, W. S.; Draper, P. W.; Flewelling, H.; Kaiser, N.; Kudritzki, R. P.; Magnier, E. A.; Metcalfe, N.; Tonry, J. L.; Waters, C.


    Building on the work by Hernitschek+ (2016, J/ApJ/817/73), in this paper, we use the final PS1 data release (PV3) to significantly increase the completeness and purity of the PS1 sample of RR Lyrae stars. Pan-STARRS1 (PS1; Kaiser+ 2010, see II/349) is a wide-field optical/near-IR survey telescope system located at the Haleakala Observatory on the island of Maui in Hawai'i. The largest survey undertaken by the telescope, the PS1 3π survey (Chambers K.C. 2011, BAAS, 43, 113.01), has observed the entire sky north of decl. -30° in five filter bands, reaching 5σ single-epoch depths of about 22.0, 22.0, 21.9, 21.0, and 19.8mag in gP1, rP1, iP1, zP1, and yP1 bands, respectively. The uncertainty in photometric calibration of the survey is <~0.01mag, and the astrometric precision of single-epoch detections is 10mas. (4 data files).

  18. Effect of sulfated polysaccharides from the Rodophyta Kappaphycus alvarezii in post larva of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus submitted to a stress situation - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v34i3.13213 Efeito dos polissacarídeos sulfatados da rodofícea Kappaphycus alvarezii em pós-larvas de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus submetidas a situações de estresse - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v34i3.13213

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Lustosa Maciel


    Full Text Available The study evaluated the effect of oral administration of sulfated polysaccharides (SP extracted from the marine macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii on survival and weight gain of Nile tilapia post larvae during sex reversal in a stress situation. SP were extracted from the seaweed by enzymatic digestion and incorporated into the diet before the addition of the hormone 17-α-methyltestosterone, and administered at the doses of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 mg g-1 of body weight and a control (without SP, for 28 days. In the last week of sex reversal a stress situation was established by removing the aeration and water renewal. Survival and weight gains data were subjected to a variance analysis (ANOVA and Tukey's test for averages differentiation at significance levels of 1 and 5%. Weight gains were greater in animals that received SP, regardless of the used dose and better survivals were obtained when SP were administered at the doses of 0.05 and 0.1 mg g-1, with values of 79.90 ± 5.68 and 77.60 ± 1.80%, respectively. The study revealed that small doses of the SP were able to improve survival, daily weight gain and final average weight of tilapias submitted to a stress situation.O trabalho avaliou o efeito da administração oral dos polissacarídeos sulfatados (PS extraídos da macroalga marinha Kappaphycus alvarezii na sobrevivência e ganho de peso de pós-larvas da tilápia do Nilo, durante a reversão sexual em situação de estresse. Os PS foram extraídos por digestão enzimática e incorporados à ração antes da adição do hormônio 17-α-metiltestosterona, sendo administrados nas doses de 0,05; 0,1 e 0,2 mg g-1 de peso vivo e um controle (sem PS, durante 28 dias. Na última semana da reversão sexual foi estabelecida uma situação de estresse, pela supressão da aeração e renovações de água. Os dados de sobrevivência e ganhos de peso foram submetidos à análise de variância (Anova e teste de Tukey para diferenciação das médias, aos n

  19. Overexpression of Notch3 and pS6 Is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Human Ovarian Epithelial Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhaoxia Liu


    Full Text Available Notch3 and pS6 play important roles in tumor angiogenesis. To assess the expression of Notch3 and pS6 in Chinese ovarian epithelial cancer patients, a ten-year follow-up study was performed in ovarian epithelial cancer tissues from 120 specimens of human ovarian epithelial cancer, 30 specimens from benign ovarian tumors, and 30 samples from healthy ovaries by immunohistochemistry. The results indicate that the expression of Notch3 and pS6 was higher in ovarian epithelial cancer than in normal ovary tissues and in benign ovarian tumor tissues (p0.05 but positively associated with clinical stage, pathological grading, histologic type, lymph node metastasis, and ascites (p<0.05 or p<0.01. A follow-up survey of 64 patients with ovarian epithelial cancer showed that patients with high Notch3 and pS6 expression had a shorter survival time (p<0.01, in which the clinical stage (p<0.05 and Notch3 expression (p<0.01 played important roles. In conclusion, Notch3 and pS6 are significantly related to ovarian epithelial cancer development and prognosis, and their combination represents a potential biomarker and therapeutic target in ovarian tumor angiogenesis.

  20. Anomalies in social behaviors and exploratory activities in an APPswe/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Filali, Mohammed; Lalonde, Robert; Rivest, Serge


    Alzheimer's disease is characterized by deficits in social communication, associated with generalized apathy or agitation, as well as social memory. To assess social behaviors in 6-month-old male APPswe/PS1 bigenics relative to non-transgenic controls, the 3-chamber test was used, together with open-field and elevated plus-maze tests of exploration. APPswe/PS1 mice were less willing to engage in social interaction than wild-type, avoiding an unfamiliar stimulus mouse, probably not due to generalized apathy because in both tests of exploratory activity the mutants were hyperactive. This study reveals reduced "sociability" combined with hyperactivity in an APPswe/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer dementia. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. PS-CARA: Context-Aware Resource Allocation Scheme for Mobile Public Safety Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zeeshan Kaleem


    Full Text Available The fifth-generation (5G communications systems are expecting to support users with diverse quality-of-service (QoS requirements. Beside these requirements, the task with utmost importance is to support the emergency communication services during natural or man-made disasters. Most of the conventional base stations are not properly functional during a disaster situation, so deployment of emergency base stations such as mobile personal cell (mPC is crucial. An mPC having moving capability can move in the disaster area to provide emergency communication services. However, mPC deployment causes severe co-channel interference to the users in its vicinity. The problem in the existing resource allocation schemes is its support for static environment, that does not fit well for mPC. So, a resource allocation scheme for mPC users is desired that can dynamically allocate resources based on users’ location and its connection establishment priority. In this paper, we propose a public safety users priority-based context-aware resource allocation (PS-CARA scheme for users sum-rate maximization in disaster environment. Simulations results demonstrate that the proposed PS-CARA scheme can increase the user average and edge rate around 10.3% and 32.8% , respectively because of context information availability and by prioritizing the public safety users. The simulation results ensure that call blocking probability is also reduced considerably under the PS-CARA scheme.

  2. Repercussões da terapia comunitária no cotidiano de seus participantes

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    Fernanda Jorge Guimarães


    Full Text Available A reforma psiquiátrica brasileira tem apontado para um modelo de saúde de base comunitária, buscando atender a demanda de pessoas em situação de sofrimento emocional. No Brasil, a Terapia Comunitária (TC vem sendo utilizada como tecnologia de cuidado de superação do sofrimento, favorecendo o fortalecimento e/ou a construção de vínculos, bem como de redes sociais. A partir do projeto de extensão do Departamento de Enfermagem de Saúde Pública e Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, emergiu este estudo que objetivou conhecer as repercussões da Terapia Comunitária no cotidiano das pessoas, moradores da comunidade Ambulante, no Bairro de Mangabeira/ João Pessoa/ Paraíba/ Brasil. Utilizou-se o método de história oral temática, fazendo uso da técnica de entrevista para a coleta de dados, com nove participantes do grupo da Terapia Comunitária. Analisando o material empírico, identificou-se que os motivos que levaram os colaboradores a participar do grupo de TC foram: o convite feito pela equipe de saúde da família e a necessidade das pessoas em verbalizar as angústias e sofrimentos do cotidiano. As mudanças ocorridas no cotidiano dos colaboradores estão voltadas para uma maior compreensão de si e do outro e para a capacidade de transformação pessoal e social, bem como no fortalecimento dos vínculos: familiar, de amizade e espiritual. Destaca-se a construção dos vínculos de lazer, social e comunitário, a partir dos encontros de TC. Isto foi evidenciado pela conformação da rede de apoio social, a partir da mobilização dos participantes em busca de uma melhor qualidade de vida para si e para a comunidade. Consideramos que a TC se consolida como uma tecnologia de cuidado, que pode ser viabilizada pelas equipes de saúde da família, para a promoção da saúde, prevenção do sofrimento psíquico, fortalecimento de vínculos com a comunidade, construção de redes de apoio e inclusão social.

  3. GSK3 beta forms a tetrameric complex with endogenous PS1-CTF/NTF and beta-catenin. Effects of the D257/D385A and FAD-linked mutations. (United States)

    Tesco, G; Tanzi, R E


    We have previously shown that the endogenous C-terminal fragment of presenilin 1 co-immunoprecipitates with endogenous beta-catenin. Since PS1 has been suggested to be involved in beta-catenin stabilization, we further investigated whether GSK3 beta, responsible for beta-catenin phosphorylation and degradation, is part of the PS1/beta-catenin complex. In naïve H4 and CHO cells, PS1 co-immunoprecipitated with both endogenous beta-catenin and GSK3 beta. In addition, GSK3 beta endogenously binds to the PS1-CTF/NTF complex and beta-catenin in naïve CHO cells. GSK3 beta also co-immunoprecipitated with PS1 full length in CHO cell lines overexpressing PS1 wild type. Given that it has been recently shown that PS1 mutations of aspartate 257 or 385 result in prevention of PS1 endoproteolysis and inhibition of gamma-secretase activity, we also tested whether PS1 endoproteolysis is required for beta-catenin/GSK3 beta/PS1 binding and whether PS1 FAD-linked mutations affect GSK3 beta recruitment in the PS1/beta-catenin complex. GSK3 beta was detected in PS1 immunoprecipitates from H4 cell lines overexpressing PS1 wild type, delta E10, A286E, L246V and in CHO cell lines overexpressing aspartate or M146L mutations. The latter data show that the absence of PS1 endoproteolysis (D257A/D385A and delta E10) or the presence of PS1-FAD mutations does not interfere with beta-catenin/GSK3 beta/PS1 complex formation.

  4. A new method for testing pile by single-impact energy and P-S curve (United States)

    Xu, Zhao-Yong; Duan, Yong-Kang; Wang, Bin; Hu, Yi-Li; Yang, Run-Hai; Xu, Jun; Zhao, Jin-Ming


    By studying the pile-formula and stress-wave methods ( e.g., CASE method), the authors propose a new method for testing piles using the single-impact energy and P-S curves. The vibration and wave figures are recorded, and the dynamic and static displacements are measured by different transducers near the top of piles when the pile is impacted by a heavy hammer or micro-rocket. By observing the transformation coefficient of driving energy (total energy), the consumed energy of wave motion and vibration and so on, the vertical bearing capacity for single pile is measured and calculated. Then, using the vibration wave diagram, the dynamic relation curves between the force ( P) and the displacement ( S) is calculated and the yield points are determined. Using the static-loading test, the dynamic results are checked and the relative constants of dynamic-static P-S curves are determined. Then the subsidence quantity corresponding to the bearing capacity is determined. Moreover, the shaped quality of the pile body can be judged from the formation of P-S curves.

  5. Raising the 3Ps of Sustainable Facilities Management in Singapore – Profession, Perception and Prospection


    Thoo, S. L.; Marjanovic-Halburd, L.


    The purpose of this study is to determine if the target set by Singapore’s Inter-Ministerial Committee for Sustainable Development to have 80% of the buildings at least Green Mark certified by 2030 has any impact on raising the profession, perception and prospection (3Ps) of Sustainable Facilities Management (SFM) in Singapore. The objectives are to understand the tertiary students’ choice of study, determine the core knowledge for SFM, compare the pre-existing 3Ps of Tertiary Students (TS) a...

  6. Linac4, a New Injector for the CERN PS Booster

    CERN Document Server

    Garoby, R; Gerigk, F; Hanke, K; Lombardi, A; Pasini, M; Rossi, C; Sargsyan, E; Vretenar, M


    The first bottle-neck towards higher beam brightness in the LHC injector chain is due to space charge induced tune spread at injection into the CERN PS Booster (PSB). A new injector called Linac4 is proposed to remove this limitation. Using RF cavities at 352 and 704 MHz, it will replace the present 50 MeV proton Linac2, and deliver a 160 MeV, 40 mA H- beam. The higher injection energy will reduce space charge effects by a factor of 2, and charge exchange will drastically reduce the beam losses at injection. Operation will be simplified and the beam brightness required for the LHC ultimate luminosity should be obtained at PS ejection. Moreover, for the needs of non-LHC physics experiments like ISOLDE, the number of protons per pulse from the PSB will increase by a significant factor. This new linac constitutes an essential component of any of the envisaged LHC upgrade scenarios. It is also designed to become the low energy part of a future 3.5 GeV, multi-megawatt superconducting linac (SPL). The present desig...

  7. Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN reduces damages to freezing temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Fan eSU


    Full Text Available Several plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR are known to improve plant tolerance to multiple stresses, including low temperatures. However, mechanisms underlying this protection are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the endophytic PGPR, Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN (Bp PsJN, on Arabidopsis thaliana cold tolerance using photosynthesis parameters as physiological markers.Under standard conditions, our results indicated that Bp PsJN inoculation led to growth promotion of Arabidopsis plants without significant modification on photosynthesis parameters and chloroplast organization. However, bacterial colonization induced a cell wall strengthening in the mesophyllImpact of inoculation modes (either on seeds or by soil irrigation and their effects overnight at 0, -1 or -3°C, were investigated by following photosystem II (PSII activity and gas exchanges. Following low temperatures stress, a decrease of photosynthesis parameters was observed. In addition, during three consecutive nights or days at -1°C, PSII activity was monitored. Pigment contents, RuBisCO protein abundance, expression of several genes including RbcS, RbcL, CBF1, CBF2, CBF3, ICE1, COR15a, and COR78 were evaluated at the end of exposure. To assess the impact of the bacteria on cell ultrastructure under low temperatures, microscopic observations were achieved. Results indicated that freezing treatment induced significant changes in PSII activity as early as the first cold day, whereas the same impact on PSII activity was observed only during the third cold night. The significant effects conferred by PsJN were differential accumulation of pigments, and reduced expression of RbcL and COR78. Microscopical observations showed an alteration/disorganization in A. thaliana leaf mesophyll cells independently of the freezing treatments. The presence of bacteria during the three successive nights or days did not significantly improved A

  8. Avaliação da fidedignidade e validade do Mini - Rastreio de Transtornos Mentais (Mini-RTM)


    Lívia Maria Bolsoni


    Atualmente aumenta o reconhecimento da atenção primária em gerenciar os problemas de saúde mental e o uso de instrumentos de rastreio possibilita mensurar características psicológicas, psíquicas e comportamentais que nem sempre são consideradas. Dessa forma, o uso de instrumentos de rastreio pode auxiliar na detecção precoce de indivíduos que necessitam de tratamento, acompanhamento ou intervenção e são raros os instrumentos que englobam o rastreio de múltiplos transtornos mentais. Assim, o p...

  9. Comparison of the effect of plasma treatment and gamma ray irradiation on PS-Cu nanocomposite films surface (United States)

    Farag, O. F.


    Polystyrene-copper (PS-Cu) nanocomposite films were treated with DC N2 plasma and gamma rays irradiations. The plasma treatment of PS-Cu film surface was carried out at different treatment times, gas pressure 0.4 Torr and the applied power 3.5 W. On the other hand, the treatment with gamma rays irradiation were carried out at irradiation doses 10, 30 and 50 kGy. The induced changes in surface properties of PS-Cu films were investigated with UV-viss spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and FTIR spectroscopy techniques. In addition, the wettability property, surface free energy, spreading coefficient and surface roughness of the treated samples were studied by measuring the contact angle. The UV-viss spectroscopy analysis revealed that the optical band gap decreases with increasing the treatment time and the irradiation dose for plasma and gamma treatments, respectively. SEM observations showed that the particle size of copper particles was increased with increasing the treatment time and the irradiation dose, but gamma treatment changes the copper particles size from nano scale to micro scale. The contact angle measurements showing that the wettability property, surface free energy, spreading coefficient and surface roughness of the treated PS-Cu samples were increased remarkably with increasing the treatment time and the irradiation dose for plasma and gamma treatments, respectively. The contact angle, surface free energy, spreading coefficient and surface roughness of the treated PS-Cu samples are more influenced by plasma treatment than gamma treatment.

  10. Development of a 64-channel 100 ps TDC module

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiaohua; An Qi; Liu Shubin; Su Hong; Zhan Wenlong


    Multi-wire drift chamber at external target experiment in HIRFL-CSR measures drift time of charged particles to obtain the track information. A 64-channel TDC module hosting high density connectors and high performance TDC chips (HPTDC) are used to perform the time digitization. Data of the module is transferred to computer through PXI bus. The test results show that a 100 ps resolution has been achieved. (authors)

  11. Supervision Application for the New Power Supply of the CERN PS (POPS)

    CERN Document Server

    Milcent, H; Gonzalez-Berges, M; Voitier, A


    The power supply system for the magnets of the CERN PS has been recently upgraded to a new system called POPS (POwer for PS). The old mechanical machine has been replaced by a system based on capacitors. The equipments as well as the low level controls have been provided by an external company (CONVERTEAM). The supervision application has been developed at CERN reusing the technologies and tools used for the LHC Accelerator and Experiments (UNICOS and JCOP frameworks, SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture SCADA tool). The paper describes the full architecture of the control application, and the challenges faced for the integration with an outsourced system. The benefits of reusing the CERN industrial control frameworks and the required adaptations will be discussed. Finally, the initial operational experience will be presented.

  12. Validity and Reliability of the Dutch Adaptation of the Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of Life (PsAQoL) Questionnaire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wink, Freke; Arends, Suzanne; McKenna, Stephen P; Houtman, Pieternella M; Brouwer, Elisabeth; Spoorenberg, Anneke


    Objective: The Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of Life (PsAQoL) questionnaire is a disease-specific instrument developed to measure quality of life (QoL) in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). The aim of this study was to translate the measure into Dutch and to determine its psychometric

  13. Improved H-κ Method by Harmonic Analysis on Ps and Crustal Multiples in Receiver Functions with respect to Dipping Moho and Crustal Anisotropy (United States)

    Li, J.; Song, X.; Wang, P.; Zhu, L.


    The H-κ method (Zhu and Kanamori, 2000) has been widely used to estimate the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio with receiver functions. However, in regions where the crustal structure is complicated, the method may produce uncertain or even unrealistic results, arising particularly from dipping Moho and/or crustal anisotropy. Here, we propose an improved H-κ method, which corrects for these effects first before stacking. The effect of dipping Moho and crustal anisotropy on Ps receiver function has been well studied, but not as much on crustal multiples (PpPs and PpSs+PsPs). Synthetic tests show that the effect of crustal anisotropy on the multiples are similar to Ps, while the effect of dipping Moho on the multiples is 5 times that on Ps (same cosine trend but 5 times in time shift). A Harmonic Analysis (HA) method for dipping/anisotropy was developed by Wang et al. (2017) for crustal Ps receiver functions to extract parameters of dipping Moho and crustal azimuthal anisotropy. In real data, the crustal multiples are much more complicated than the Ps. Therefore, we use the HA method (Wang et al., 2017), but apply separately to Ps and the multiples. It shows that although complicated, the trend of multiples can still be reasonably well represented by the HA. We then perform separate azimuthal corrections for Ps and the multiples and stack to obtain a combined receiver function. Lastly, the traditional H-κ procedure is applied to the stacked receiver function. We apply the improved H-κ method on 40 CNDSN (Chinese National Digital Seismic Network) stations distributed in a variety of geological setting across the Chinese continent. The results show apparent improvement compared to the traditional H-κ method, with clearer traces of multiples and stronger stacking energy in the grid search, as well as more reliable H-κ values.

  14. Preparation of the beam for PS-MTE at the PSB

    CERN Document Server

    Chanel, M; CERN. Geneva. BE Department


    The Multi-Turn Extraction(MTE)1 at the PS requires, from the PSB, a beam(up to 6.5 1012 protons/ring) with a large horizontal emittance to better produce the five beamlets and a vertical emittance as small as possible. The ways to produce this beam and adjust the parameters are described in this note.

  15. Using PS-InSAR to detect surface deformation in geothermal areas of West Java in Indonesia (United States)

    Maghsoudi, Yasser; van der Meer, Freek; Hecker, Christoph; Perissin, Daniele; Saepuloh, Asep


    In this paper, the Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PS-InSAR) technique is applied in order to investigate the ground deformation in and around two geothermal areas in West Java, Indonesia. Two time-series of ALOS PALSAR and Sentinel-1A acquisitions, covering the period from 2007 to 2009 and 2015-2016, are analysed. The first case study examines the Wayang Windu geothermal zone where the PS-InSAR analysis provides an overview of the surface deformation around a geothermal reservoir. Uplift is observed around the injection wells in the area. The second example involves the use of the PS-InSAR technique over a more recent geothermal system in Patuha field. Again, a pattern of uplift was observed around the only available injection well in the area. Due to the dense vegetation coverage of the geothermal areas in West Java, the longer wavelength ALOS PALSAR data is provides better results by identifying a larger number of PS points. Additionally, experiments have been carried out to compare the resulting deformation with another example of the fluid migration process i.e. water extraction in Bandung basin. The potential of sentinel-1A and ALOS PALSR data are compared in all the experiments.

  16. GABA(A receptor-mediated acceleration of aging-associated memory decline in APP/PS1 mice and its pharmacological treatment by picrotoxin.

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    Yuji Yoshiike

    Full Text Available Advanced age and mutations in the genes encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP and presenilin (PS1 are two serious risk factors for Alzheimer's disease (AD. Finding common pathogenic changes originating from these risks may lead to a new therapeutic strategy. We observed a decline in memory performance and reduction in hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP in both mature adult (9-15 months transgenic APP/PS1 mice and old (19-25 months non-transgenic (nonTg mice. By contrast, in the presence of bicuculline, a GABA(A receptor antagonist, LTP in adult APP/PS1 mice and old nonTg mice was larger than that in adult nonTg mice. The increased LTP levels in bicuculline-treated slices suggested that GABA(A receptor-mediated inhibition in adult APP/PS1 and old nonTg mice was upregulated. Assuming that enhanced inhibition of LTP mediates memory decline in APP/PS1 mice, we rescued memory deficits in adult APP/PS1 mice by treating them with another GABA(A receptor antagonist, picrotoxin (PTX, at a non-epileptic dose for 10 days. Among the saline vehicle-treated groups, substantially higher levels of synaptic proteins such as GABA(A receptor alpha1 subunit, PSD95, and NR2B were observed in APP/PS1 mice than in nonTg control mice. This difference was insignificant among PTX-treated groups, suggesting that memory decline in APP/PS1 mice may result from changes in synaptic protein levels through homeostatic mechanisms. Several independent studies reported previously in aged rodents both an increased level of GABA(A receptor alpha1 subunit and improvement of cognitive functions by long term GABA(A receptor antagonist treatment. Therefore, reduced LTP linked to enhanced GABA(A receptor-mediated inhibition may be triggered by aging and may be accelerated by familial AD-linked gene products like Abeta and mutant PS1, leading to cognitive decline that is pharmacologically treatable at least at this stage of disease progression in mice.

  17. Teadvusenähtusi tähistavad mõisted ja psühhoanalüüs Eesti moodi / Talis Bachmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bachmann, Talis, 1951-


    Kommentaar artiklitele: Meelis Sütt, Ants Parktal. "Mõtisklusi psühhoanalüüsi eestindamisest." - Akadeemia, 2015, nr. 7, lk. 1236-1255 ; Endel Talvik. "Psühhoanalüütiliste terminite eestindamisest: Unbewusste - alateadvus?" - Akadeemia, 2015, nr. 12, lk. 2133-2142

  18. Electron cloud in the CERN accelerators (PS, SPS, LHC)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iadarola, G; Rumolo, G


    Several indicators have pointed to the presence of an Electron Cloud (EC) in some of the CERN accelerators, when operating with closely spaced bunched beams. In particular, spurious signals on the pick ups used for beam detection, pressure rise and beam instabilities were observed at the Proton Synchrotron (PS) during the last stage of preparation of the beams for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as well as at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). Since the LHC has started operation in 2009, typical electron cloud phenomena have appeared also in this machine, when running with trains of closely packed bunches (i.e. with spacings below 150ns). Beside the above mentioned indicators, other typical signatures were seen in this machine (due to its operation mode and/or more refined detection possibilities), like heat load in the cold dipoles, bunch dependent emittance growth and degraded lifetime in store and bunch-by-bunch stable phase shift to compensate for the energy loss due to the electron cloud. An overview of the electron cloud status in the different CERN machines (PS, SPS, LHC) will be presented in this paper, with a special emphasis on the dangers for future operation with more intense beams and the necessary countermeasures to mitigate or suppress the effect. (author)


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    Joyce Hilario Maranhão


    Full Text Available Esse estudo teórico apresenta um levantamento bibliográfico acerca das contribuições teóricas da clínica psicanalítica freudo-lacaniana no que se refere à constituição psíquica e à função do brincar como uma modalidade da fantasia. O objetivo foi realizar uma interlocução entre os escritos de Freud e Lacan com as ideias de autores psicanalíticos contemporâneos, que têm construído um conhecimento sobre a clínica psicanalítica com crianças. Realizou-se o levantamento bibliográfico das obras dos autores Ciaccia (2005, Flesher (2012, Kraemer e Betts (1989, Jerusalinsky (2004, Oliveira (2008, Santa-Roza (1993, Souza (2007, Vidal (1992. O estudo orientou atividades com crianças em uma instituição não governamental em que o brincar foi um dos caminhos possíveis para a escuta do sujeito na infância, discurso este produzido a partir da significação de suas vivências em contexto de privação alimentar e vulnerabilidade socioeconômica. Acredita-se que a apropriação da teoria psicanalítica sobre o brincar e sua relação com a constituição do sujeito pode auxiliar na construção de espaços que proporcionam a capacidade lúdica e o agenciamento de narrativas criativas, a fim de que o sujeito possa expressar suas fantasias e dar sentido as suas vivências no laço social.

  20. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Using iPS Cells and Spice Polyphenols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qi Ge


    Full Text Available Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that threatens human health. The disease is caused by a metabolic disorder of the endocrine system, and long-term illness can lead to tissue and organ damage to the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and urinary systems. Currently, the disease prevalence is 11.4%, the treatment rate is 48.2%, and the mortality rate is 2.7% worldwide. Comprehensive and effective control of diabetes, as well as the use of insulin, requires further study to develop additional treatment options. Here, we reviewed the current reprogramming of somatic cells using specific factors to induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells capable of repairing islet β cell damage in diabetes patients to treat patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. We also discuss the shortcomings associated with clinical use of iPS cells. Additionally, certain polyphenols found in spices might improve glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance in diabetes patients, thereby constituting promising options for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

  1. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Using iPS Cells and Spice Polyphenols (United States)

    Chen, Liang


    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that threatens human health. The disease is caused by a metabolic disorder of the endocrine system, and long-term illness can lead to tissue and organ damage to the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and urinary systems. Currently, the disease prevalence is 11.4%, the treatment rate is 48.2%, and the mortality rate is 2.7% worldwide. Comprehensive and effective control of diabetes, as well as the use of insulin, requires further study to develop additional treatment options. Here, we reviewed the current reprogramming of somatic cells using specific factors to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells capable of repairing islet β cell damage in diabetes patients to treat patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. We also discuss the shortcomings associated with clinical use of iPS cells. Additionally, certain polyphenols found in spices might improve glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance in diabetes patients, thereby constituting promising options for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. PMID:28758131

  2. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Using iPS Cells and Spice Polyphenols. (United States)

    Ge, Qi; Chen, Liang; Chen, Keping


    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that threatens human health. The disease is caused by a metabolic disorder of the endocrine system, and long-term illness can lead to tissue and organ damage to the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and urinary systems. Currently, the disease prevalence is 11.4%, the treatment rate is 48.2%, and the mortality rate is 2.7% worldwide. Comprehensive and effective control of diabetes, as well as the use of insulin, requires further study to develop additional treatment options. Here, we reviewed the current reprogramming of somatic cells using specific factors to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells capable of repairing islet β cell damage in diabetes patients to treat patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. We also discuss the shortcomings associated with clinical use of iPS cells. Additionally, certain polyphenols found in spices might improve glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance in diabetes patients, thereby constituting promising options for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

  3. Controlling pore morphology and properties of nanoporous silica films using the different architecture PS-b-P2VP as a template. (United States)

    Yu, Yang-Yen; Chien, Wen-Chen; Chen, Shih-Ting


    Nanoporous silica films were prepared through the templating of amphiphilic block copolymer, poly(styrene-2-vinyl pyridine) (PS-b-P2VP), and monodispersed colloidal silica nanoparticles. The experimental and theoretical studies suggested that the intermolecular hydrogen bonding existes between the colloidal silica nanoparticles and PS-b-P2VP. The effects of the loading ratio and P2VP chain length on the morphology and properties of the prepared nanoporous silica films were investigated. TEM and AFM studies showed that the uniform pore size could be achieved and the pore size increased with increasing porogen loading. The refractive index and dielectric constant of the prepared nanoporous films decreased with an increase in PS-b-P2VP loading. On the other hand, the porosity increased with an increasing PS-b-P2VP loading. This study demonstrated a methodology to control pore morphology and properties of the nanoporous silica films through the templating of PS-b-P2VP.

  4. Structural transition with thickness in films of poly-(styrene-b-2vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) diblock copolymer/homopolymer blends (United States)

    Mishra, Vindhya; Kramer, Edward; Hur, Su-Mi; Fredrickson, Glenn; Sprung, Michael


    In multilayer thin films of spherical morphology block copolymers, the surface layers prefer hexagonal symmetry while the inner layers prefer BCC. Thin films with spherical morphology of PS-b-P2VP blends with short homopolymer polystyrene (hPS) chains have an HCP structure up to a thickness n* at which there is a transition to a face centered orthorhombic structure. Using grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy we show that that n* increases from 5 to 9 with increase in hPS from 0 to 12 vol%. For thicknesses just below n* the HCP and FCO structures coexist, but on long annealing HCP prevails. We hypothesize that the PS segregates to the interstices in the HCP structure reducing the stretching of the PS blocks and the free energy penalty of HCP versus BCC inner layers. Self consistent field theoretic simulations are being carried out to see if this idea is correct.

  5. Doença de Alzheimer

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    Marília de Arruda Cardoso Smith


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta uma revisão sucinta dos aspectos genéticos da doença de Alzheimer e da metodologia empregada. Três genes distintos foram responsabilizados pela afecção até o momento: o da APP- responsável pela substância precursora da b-amilóide, a qual se deposita intensamente no cérebro dos afetados e está associada ao quadro demencial -, o gene da presenilina 1 (PS1 e o da presenilina 2 (PS2, proteínas de membrana celular. O gene da PS1 é responsável por cerca de 40% dos casos familiares e de acometimento precoce da DA . Os genes da ApoE4, da a-2-macroglobulina e da catepsina D, envolvidos no metabolismo da b-amilóide, foram caracterizados como fatores de risco para a DA. O gene da ApoE4 é fator de risco em cerca de 50% dos casos de DA esporádicos e de acometimento tardio. Muitos outros genes foram ainda associados à DA e são apresentados brevemente. São discutidas a conduta - quanto ao aconselhamento genético para familiares de afetados - e a utilização de diagnóstico molecular na predisposição genética à afecção. É apresentado como mecanismo comum às síndromes progeróides genéticas, como a DA, a alteração da atividade dos genes ribossômicos.This paper concisely reviews the genetics of Alzheimer Disease (AD. So far, three different genes have been implicated in AD. Specifically, the gene that codes for APP - the amyloid beta precursor protein, which is associated to dementia through intense brain deposition - the presenilin 1 gene (PS1 and the presenilin 2 gene (PS2. Both presenilin genes code for cellular membrane proteins and PS1 are responsible for approximately 40% of the early-onset familial cases. Genes that code for ApoE4, alpha-2 macroglobulin and cathepsin D, which are all involved in APP metabolism, have been considered as risk factors for AD. The ApoE4 gene is a risk factor in about 50% of the AD sporadic and late-onset cases. Several other genes that have been associated to AD are briefly

  6. Highly efficient biallelic genome editing of human ES/iPS cells using a CRISPR/Cas9 or TALEN system. (United States)

    Takayama, Kazuo; Igai, Keisuke; Hagihara, Yasuko; Hashimoto, Rina; Hanawa, Morifumi; Sakuma, Tetsushi; Tachibana, Masashi; Sakurai, Fuminori; Yamamoto, Takashi; Mizuguchi, Hiroyuki


    Genome editing research of human ES/iPS cells has been accelerated by clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) and transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) technologies. However, the efficiency of biallelic genetic engineering in transcriptionally inactive genes is still low, unlike that in transcriptionally active genes. To enhance the biallelic homologous recombination efficiency in human ES/iPS cells, we performed screenings of accessorial genes and compounds. We found that RAD51 overexpression and valproic acid treatment enhanced biallelic-targeting efficiency in human ES/iPS cells regardless of the transcriptional activity of the targeted locus. Importantly, RAD51 overexpression and valproic acid treatment synergistically increased the biallelic homologous recombination efficiency. Our findings would facilitate genome editing study using human ES/iPS cells. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  7. Spin dynamics, electronic, and thermal transport properties of two-dimensional CrPS4 single crystal (United States)

    Pei, Q. L.; Luo, X.; Lin, G. T.; Song, J. Y.; Hu, L.; Zou, Y. M.; Yu, L.; Tong, W.; Song, W. H.; Lu, W. J.; Sun, Y. P.


    2-Dimensional (2D) CrPS4 single crystals have been grown by the chemical vapor transport method. The crystallographic, magnetic, electronic, and thermal transport properties of the single crystals were investigated by the room-temperature X-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity ρ(T), specific heat CP(T), and the electronic spin response (ESR) measurements. CrPS4 crystals crystallize into a monoclinic structure. The electrical resistivity ρ(T) shows a semiconducting behavior with an energy gap Ea = 0.166 eV. The antiferromagnetic transition temperature is about TN = 36 K. The spin flipping induced by the applied magnetic field is observed along the c axis. The magnetic phase diagram of CrPS4 single crystal has been discussed. The extracted magnetic entropy at TN is about 10.8 J/mol K, which is consistent with the theoretical value R ln(2S + 1) for S = 3/2 of the Cr3+ ion. Based on the mean-field theory, the magnetic exchange constants J1 and Jc corresponding to the interactions of the intralayer and between layers are about 0.143 meV and -0.955 meV are obtained based on the fitting of the susceptibility above TN, which agree with the results obtained from the ESR measurements. With the help of the strain for tuning the magnetic properties, monolayer CrPS4 may be a promising candidate to explore 2D magnetic semiconductors.

  8. Decoding the Vertical Phase Separation and Its Impact on C8-BTBT/PS Transistor Properties. (United States)

    Pérez-Rodríguez, Ana; Temiño, Inés; Ocal, Carmen; Mas-Torrent, Marta; Barrena, Esther


    Disentangling the details of the vertical distribution of small semiconductor molecules blended with polystyrene (PS) and the contact properties are issues of fundamental value for designing strategies to optimize small-molecule:polymer blend organic transistors. These questions are addressed here for ultrathin blends of 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (C8-BTBT) and PS processed by a solution-shearing technique using three different blend composition ratios. We show that friction force microscopy (FFM) allows the determination of the lateral and vertical distribution of the two materials at the nanoscale. Our results demonstrate a three-layer stratification of the blend: a film of C8-BTBT of few molecular layers with crystalline order sandwiched between a PS-rich layer at the bottom (a few nm thick) acting as a passivating dielectric layer and a PS-rich skin layer on the top (∼1 nm) conferring stability to the devices. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) measurements performed in operating organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) reveal that the devices are strongly contact-limited and suggest contact doping as a route for device optimization. By excluding the effect of the contacts, field-effect mobility values in the channel as high as 10 cm 2 V -1 s -1 are obtained. Our findings, obtained via a combination of FFM and KPFM, provide a satisfactory explanation of the different electrical performances of the OFETs as a function of the blend composition ratio and by doping the contacts.

  9. Repercussões da violência na saúde mental de trabalhadores do Programa Saúde da Família Repercusiones de la violência en la salud mental de trabajadores del Programa Salud de la Família Repercussions of violence on the mental health of workers of the Family Health Program

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    Selma Lancman


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Descrever formas de violência externa e indireta que afetam a saúde mental de trabalhadores de programa de saúde da família, bem como as estratégias desenvolvidas pelos trabalhadores para viabilizar seu trabalho e se proteger psicologicamente. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo do processo de trabalho no Programa Saúde da Família, realizado nos municípios de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto e Embu (SP, em 2005. Foi utilizada a abordagem teórica da psicodinâmica do trabalho, que propõe a criação de grupos de reflexão com os trabalhadores. Buscou-se identificar aspectos subjetivos do trabalho, situações de sofrimento psíquico e estratégias utilizadas pelos trabalhadores para lidar com o sofrimento e continuar a trabalhar. RESULTADOS: A organização do trabalho no Programa expôs os trabalhadores a: situações de violência, por vezes invisível; sentimentos de impotência frente às situações de precariedade; não-reconhecimento dos esforços realizados; falta de fronteiras entre aspectos profissionais e pessoais; convívio intenso com situações de violência doméstica e social; medo do risco de exposição; sensação de integridade moral e física ameaçadas e temor de represália. Foram observadas situações de sofrimento psíquico decorrente da violência no trabalho, intensificados no Programa Saúde da Família pelo convívio cotidiano com situações de violência que geram medo e sentimento de vulnerabilidade. CONCLUSÕES: As repercussões psicológicas geradas pela violência no trabalho, nem sempre expressas sob a forma de transtornos psíquicos, foram observadas em situações de elevado sofrimento. Os trabalhadores desenvolvem estratégias para minimizar esse sofrimento, se protegem psiquicamente e continuam a trabalhar; buscam construir redes de solidariedade e de proteção com a população visando à diminuição da vulnerabilidade. Aprendem, na experiência acumulada, a detectar situações de risco

  10. PS main supply: motor-generator set.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    In picture 04 the motor is on the right in the background and the main view is of the generator. The peak power in each PS cycle drawn from the generator, up to 96 MW, is taken from the rotational kinetic energy of the rotor (a heavy-weight of 80 tons), which makes the rotational speed drop by only a few percent. The motor replenishes the average power of 2 to 4 MW. Photo 05: The motor-generator set is serviced every year and, in particular, bearings and slip-rings are carefully checked. To the left is the motor with its slip-rings visible. It has been detached from the axle and moved to the side, so that the rotor can be removed from the huge generator, looming at the right.

  11. Injection and transfer lines of the PS Booster

    CERN Multimedia

    Photographic Service


    In the foreground is the vacuum chamber for the 50 MeV proton beam coming from the Linac. The tank held by white frames houses the "Vertical Distributor", which deflects the Linac beam to the levels of the Booster's 4 superposed rings. After acceleration in the Booster, originally to 800 MeV, today to 1.4 GeV, the beams from the 4 rings are combined in the vertical plane and transfered to the 26 GeV PS. The "Recombination Line", intersecting the injection line, crosses the picture from left to right.

  12. Development of apparatus for high-intensity beam lines at the KEK-PS new experimental hall

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamanoi, Yutaka; Tanaka, Kazuhiro; Minakawa, Michifumi


    The new counter experimental hall was constructed at the KEK 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron (the KEK-PS) in order to handle high-intensity primary proton beams of up to 1 x 10 13 pps (protons per second), which is one order of magnitude greater than the present beam intensity of the KEK-PS, 1 x 10 12 pps. New technologies for handling high-intensity beams have, then, been developed and employed in the new hall construction. A part of our R/D work on handling high intensity beam is briefly reported. (author)

  13. Status of the maintenance for the KEK 12GEV-PS main ring and power supply

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Hikaru; Igarashi, Susumu; Marutsuka, Katsumi; Mikawa, Katsuhiko; Shirakata, Masashi; Sueno, Tsuyoshi; Tokuda, Noboru


    More than 30 years passed since the KEK 12GeV-PS construction, some of accelerator equipments are highly radiated, especially the injection and the extraction equipments. In recent years, the higher intensity beam has been required for such as the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment and rare decay experiments. Then, the circumference of the maintenance work has become severe. Further, almost equipments of main ring and power supply have deteriorated. Status of the Maintenance for the KEK 12GeV-PS main ring and power supply are presented. (author)

  14. Contribuições do PET-Saúde/Redes de Atenção Psicossocial à Saúde da Família

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    Larissa de Almeida Rézio


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou analisar as contribuições do Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde – PET-Saúde/Redes de Atenção Psicossocial à Saúde - a uma unidade de Estratégia de Saúde da Família em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, utilizando entrevista com cinco profissionais de saúde e dois acadêmicos bolsistas e registros de atividades realizadas no serviço. À luz da análise de conteúdo temática, sistematizamos quatro subtemas: “articulação da rede”; “qualificação da assistência à saúde mental”, “melhora do conhecimento dos profissionais” e “superação de estigmas sobre o paciente em sofrimento psíquico”. Houve sensibilização dos profissionais e bolsistas sobre a importância do acompanhamento das pessoas com sofrimento mental na atenção básica, em articulação com serviços de saúde mental.

  15. O acolhimento da religiosidade na psicoterapia : reflexões a partir de uma experiência clínica


    Lima, Antonio Paulo Pinheiro


    A religiosidade é parte significativa na vida cotidiana da grande maioria dos brasileiros, constituindo-se como um cenário no qual se desenrolam práticas tanto de comunhão e solidariedade quanto de conflitos e intolerância. No plano pessoal, as experiências de contato com o numinoso também podem ser fonte tanto de integração quanto de desorganização psíquica. Diante desse contexto, a psicologia não pode se furtar a prestar sua contribuição. Entretanto, os psicólogos muitas vezes não possuem r...

  16. RAId_aPS: MS/MS analysis with multiple scoring functions and spectrum-specific statistics. (United States)

    Alves, Gelio; Ogurtsov, Aleksey Y; Yu, Yi-Kuo


    Statistically meaningful comparison/combination of peptide identification results from various search methods is impeded by the lack of a universal statistical standard. Providing an E-value calibration protocol, we demonstrated earlier the feasibility of translating either the score or heuristic E-value reported by any method into the textbook-defined E-value, which may serve as the universal statistical standard. This protocol, although robust, may lose spectrum-specific statistics and might require a new calibration when changes in experimental setup occur. To mitigate these issues, we developed a new MS/MS search tool, RAId_aPS, that is able to provide spectrum-specific-values for additive scoring functions. Given a selection of scoring functions out of RAId score, K-score, Hyperscore and XCorr, RAId_aPS generates the corresponding score histograms of all possible peptides using dynamic programming. Using these score histograms to assign E-values enables a calibration-free protocol for accurate significance assignment for each scoring function. RAId_aPS features four different modes: (i) compute the total number of possible peptides for a given molecular mass range, (ii) generate the score histogram given a MS/MS spectrum and a scoring function, (iii) reassign E-values for a list of candidate peptides given a MS/MS spectrum and the scoring functions chosen, and (iv) perform database searches using selected scoring functions. In modes (iii) and (iv), RAId_aPS is also capable of combining results from different scoring functions using spectrum-specific statistics. The web link is Relevant binaries for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X are available from the same page.


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    Simone Coelho Amestoy


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou conhecer o exercício da liderança de enfermeiros que trabalham em um serviço de urgência e emergência. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório. Participaram dez enfermeiros que trabalham em um serviço de urgência e emergência. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisadas pela proposta operativa de Minayo, emergindo dois temas: liderança do enfermeiro na urgência e emergência e estratégias para o exercício da liderança na urgência e emergência, como conversa/diálogo, trabalho em equipe e escuta. Identificou-se que os enfermeiros optam por utilizar um estilo participativo e dialógico, mesmo sendo um serviço muito dinâmico e corrido. Evidenciou-se, também, a carência e a necessidade da instituição de ter um profissional especializado na área da saúde psíquica, para realizações de dinâmicas em grupo, tornando o ambiente de trabalho mais agradável e confortável para o trabalhador. A liderança dialógica poderá auxiliar o enfermeiro no gerenciamento do cuidado e da equipe de enfermagem, por meio do estabelecimento de relações horizontalizadas que promovam a coparticipação de todos os envolvidos.

  18. ExoMol molecular line lists - XXIII. Spectra of PO and PS (United States)

    Prajapat, Laxmi; Jagoda, Pawel; Lodi, Lorenzo; Gorman, Maire N.; Yurchenko, Sergei N.; Tennyson, Jonathan


    Comprehensive line lists for phosphorus monoxide (31P16O) and phosphorus monosulphide (31P32S) in their X 2Π electronic ground state are presented. The line lists are based on new ab initio potential energy (PEC), spin-orbit (SOC) and dipole moment (DMC) curves computed using the MRCI+Q-r method with aug-cc-pwCV5Z and aug-cc-pV5Z basis sets. The nuclear motion equations (i.e. the rovibronic Schrödinger equations for each molecule) are solved using the program DUO. The PECs and SOCs are refined in least-squares fits to available experimental data. Partition functions, Q(T), are computed up to T = 5000 K, the range of validity of the line lists. These line lists are the most comprehensive available for either molecule. The characteristically sharp peak of the Q-branches from the spin-orbit split components gives useful diagnostics for both PO and PS in spectra at infrared wavelengths. These line lists should prove useful for analysing observations and setting up models of environments such as brown dwarfs, low-mass stars, O-rich circumstellar regions and potentially for exoplanetary retrievals. Since PS is yet to be detected in space, the role of the two lowest excited electronic states (a 4Π and B 2Π) are also considered. An approximate line list for the PS X-B electronic transition, which predicts a number of sharp vibrational bands in the near ultraviolet, is also presented. The line lists are available from the CDS ( and ExoMol ( data bases.

  19. The histone acetyltransferase PsGcn5 mediates oxidative stress responses and is required for full virulence of Phytophthora sojae. (United States)

    Zhao, Wei; Wang, Tao; Liu, Shusen; Chen, Qingqing; Qi, Rende


    In eukaryotic organisms, histone acetyltransferase complexes are coactivators that are important for transcriptional activation by modifying chromatin. In this study, a gene (PsGcn5) from Phytophthora sojae encoding a histone acetyltransferase was identified as a homolog of one component of the histone acetyltransferase complex from yeasts to mammals. PsGcn5 was constitutively expressed in each stage tested, but had a slightly higher expression in sporulating hyphae and 3 h after infection. PsGcn5-silenced mutants were generated using polyethylene glycol-mediated protoplast stable transformation. These mutants had normal development, but compared to wild type strains they had higher sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and significantly reduced virulence in soybean. Diaminobenzidine staining revealed an accumulation of H2O2 around the infection sites of PsGcn5-silenced mutants but not for wild type strains. Inhibition of the plant NADPH oxidase by diphenyleneiodonium prevented host-derived H2O2 accumulation in soybean cells and restored infectious hyphal growth of the mutants. Thus, we concluded that PsGcn5 is important for growth under conditions of oxidative stress and contributes to the full virulence of P. sojae by suppressing the host-derived reactive oxygen species. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Genotype-induced changes in biophysical properties of frontal cortex lipid raft from APP/PS1 transgenic mice

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    Mario L Diaz


    Full Text Available Alterations in the lipid composition of lipid rafts have been demonstrated both in human brain and transgenic mouse models, and it has been postulated that aberrant lipid composition in lipid rafts is partly responsible for neuronal degeneration. In order to assess the impact of lipid changes on lipid raft functional properties, we have aimed at determining relevant physicochemical modifications in lipid rafts purified from frontal cortex of wild type (WT and APP/PS1 double transgenic mice. By means of steady-state fluorescence anisotropy analyses using two lipid soluble fluorescent probes, TMA-DPH (1-[(4-trimethyl-aminophenyl]-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and DPH (1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, we demonstrate that cortical lipid rafts from WT and APP/PS1 animals exhibit different biophysical behaviours, depending on genotype but also on age. Thus, aged APP/PS1 animals exhibited slightly more liquid-ordered lipid rafts than WT counterparts. Membrane microviscosity napp analyses demonstrate that WT lipid rafts are more fluid than APP/PS1 animals of similar age, both at the aqueous interface and hydrophobic core of the membrane. napp in APP/PS1 animals was higher for DPH than for TMA-DPH under similar experimental conditions, indicating that the internal core of the membrane is more viscous than the raft membrane at the aqueous interface. The most dramatic changes in biophysical properties of lipid rafts were observed when membrane cholesterol was depleted with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Overall, our results indicate that APP/PS1 genotype strongly affects physicochemical properties of lipid raft. Such alterations appear not to be homogeneous across the raft membrane axis, but rather are more prominent at the membrane plane. These changes correlate with aberrant proportions of sphingomyelin, cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, measured in lipid rafts from frontal cortex in this familial model of