
Sample records for proteksi generator tegangan

  1. Studi Perencanaan Koordinasi Proteksi Mempertimbangkan Busur Api Pada Sistem Kelistrikan PT. Semen Indonesia Aceh Menggunakan Standar IEEE 1584-2002

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    Dhimas Oktavian Andryana


    Full Text Available PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh merupakan perusahaan patungan (joint venture company antara PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero bersama PT. Samana Citra Agung. Total daya listrik yang dibutuhkan sebesar 85.8 MW dengan sistem kelistrikan pada sistem tegangan rendah dan menengah. Guna menjaga kontinuitas daya listrik, diperlukan koordinasi proteksi untuk meminimalisir dampak yang ditimbulkan ketika terjadi gangguan. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah adanya busur api (arc flash. Namun demikian, energi yang dihasilkan oleh busur api setelah dilakukan koordinasi proteksi perlu dipertimbangkan agar tidak melampaui standard yang diizinkan. Analisa busur api dilakukan dengan menggunakan perhitungan standar IEEE 1584-2002. Setelah dilakukan beberapa analisa didapatkan bahwa beberapa daerah di PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh memiliki nilai insiden energi diatas kategori 4, sehingga diperlukan tambahan peralatan berupa rele differensial sebagai pengaman utama agar nilai insiden energi busur api bisa dikategorikan sesuai standard NFPA 70E.

  2. Probabilitas Tegangan Sentuh Dan Tegangan Langkah Di Lokasi Rencana Gardu Induk 500 kV Antosari

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    Abdul Latif


    Full Text Available Semakin berkembangnya pertindustrian di Indonesia, maka kebutuhan daya listrik yang dibutuhkan semakin meningkat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daya listrik tersebut pada tahun 2016, PT PLN (Persero merencanakan pembangunan GITET 500 kV Antosari. Pembangunan GITET 500 kV Antosari merupakan tindak lanjut dari rencana PT PLN (Persero yang akan menambah pasokan energi listrik ke Bali melalui sistem interkoneksi Jawa – Bali menggunakan jaringan transmisi SUTET 500 kV, dimulai dari GITET 500 kV Paiton dan akan sampai di GITET 500 kV Antosari. Untuk mengamankan gardu induk dari ancaman sambaran petir, salah satu cara yang digunakan adalah dengan mengamankan sistem perntanahan dilokasi gardu induk. Maka dipilih sistem pentanahan grid di lokasi rencana pembangunan Gardu Induk 500 kV Antosari. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis perbandingan ukuran luas pentanahan dengan kedalaman batang konduktor terhadap tahanan pentanahan grid, tegangan sentuh, tegangan langkah dan probabilitas timbulnya tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah. Data tahanan tanah yang didapatkan dari pengukuran secara langsung digunakan untuk mengetahui  nilai tahanan jenis tanah kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung tahanan pentanahan grid, tegangan sentuh, tegangan langkah dan probabilitas tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah. Perhitungan tahanan pentanahan grid menggunakan persamaan IEEE, Standard 80-2000 sedangkan untuk perhitungan tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah menggunakan IEEE, Standard 665-1995. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di lokasi gardu induk untuk kondisi tanah basah dengan luas grid 3 m x 3 m dan kedalaman 5 m didapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan grid 0,49 ohm dan nilai tegangan langkah 125 volt dengan probabilitas 0,72%. Sedangkan untuk kondisi tanah kering dengan luas grid 3 m x 3m dan kedalaman 5 didapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan grid 1,11 ohm dan nilai tegangan langkah 281 volt dengan probabilitas 0,72%. Dari hasil analisis juga menunjukan dengan luas grid 3 m x 3

  3. Perbaikan Jatuh Tegangan Dengan Pemasangan Automatic Voltage Regulator

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    Ija Darmana


    Full Text Available Pada jaringan distribusi telah dipertimbangkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan terjadinya penurunan tegangan karena beban puncak akibat penambahan beban dan pelepasan beban disisi konsumen.Dengan adanya variasi beban, maka disisi konsumen pada saat tertentu akan terjadi variasi tegangan yang besarnya berada antara tegangan minimum dan tegangan maksimum. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dapat dilakukan dengan pemasangan kapasitor shunt atau pemasangan Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR. Adapun titik-titik beban tempat pemasangan kapasitor shunt adalah gardu hubung Painan sebesar 600 kVAR. Dengan pemasangan kapasitor ini  profil tegangan di titik beban untuk gardu hubung Painan ke Balai Selasa mengalami kenaikan tetapi belum memenuhi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan karena masih adanya rugi-rugi tegangan gardu hubung Surantih dan Balai Selasa. Oleh karena itu dilakukan pemasangan  Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR  diletakkan pada gardu hubung Painan.Setelah pemasangan AVR didapat hasil perhitungan kenaikan tegangan pada gardu hubung Painan sebesar 20,4123 kV, Surantih sebesar 19,5916 kV dan Balai Selasa sebesar 18,6180 kV. Setelah pemasangan Automatic Voltage Regulator  (AVR dilakukan pada gardu hubung Painan telah memenuhi stendard kecil dari 10% tegangan normal, artinya performansi sistem distribusi akan menjadi lebih baik dan handalKata kunci : Perbaikan faktor daya, AVR.

  4. Analisis Proteksi Relay Differensial Terhadap Gangguan Internal Dan Ekternal Transformator Menggunakan PSCAD/EMTDC


    Syukriyadin,; Syahrizal,; Nakhrisya, Cut Rizky


    Proteksi transformator berfungsi untuk memproteksi transformator apabila terjadi gangguan, sehingga transformator dapat terhindar dari kerusakan. Dalam paper ini akan dibahas tentang relay differensial yang digunakan untuk memproteksi transformator. Relay ini bekerja apabila terdapat perbedaan arus pada CT sisi primer dan sekunder di zona proteksi. Apabila gangguan terjadi di luar zona proteksi, relay tidak akan bekerja. Penelitian ini berupa simulasi dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak PSCAD/...


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    Eko Budiyanto


    Full Text Available Listrik merupakan sumber energi utama pada peralatan elektronik terutama pada AC ( air conditioner,  sehingga besar kecilnya tegangan listrik sangat mempengaruhi kinerja mesin. Selain tegangan listrik, kerja mesin pendingin juga dipengaruhi oleh tekanan refrigeran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tegangan input kompresor dan tekanan refrigeran terhadap COP serta untuk mengetahui perubahan temperatur yang terjadi pada evaporator dan kondensor karena pengaruh tegangan input kompresor dan tekanan refrigeran. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengambilan data pada AC split dengan tegangan input kompresor yang divariasikan 200V, 210V, 220V, dan 230V (tekanan refrigeran 70 Psi. Selain memvariasikan tegangan input kompresor juga memvariasikan pada tekanan refrigeran yaitu pada tekanan refrigeran 30 Psi, 50 Psi, dan 70 Psi (tegangan input kompresor 220V. Dari hasil perhitungan data diperoleh nilai COP pada tegangan input kompresor 200V, 210V, 220V, dan 230V masing-masing adalah 16,87; 17,855; 19,865; dan 18,23. COP pada tekanan refrigeran 30 Psi, 50 Psi, dan 70 Psi masing-masing adalah 14,980; 17,296; 19,865. Dari besarnya nilai COP pada beberapa varian percobaan didapatkan hasil bahwa tegangan input kompresor yang paling baik adalah 220V dan tekanan refrigeran yang paling baik adalah 70Psi.

  6. Analisa Tegangan Jatuh pada Sistem Distribusi Listrik di Kapal Penumpang dengan Menggunakan Metode Simulasi

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    Muhammad Farid Wahyudianto


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan akan listrik di kapal saat ini sangat tinggi, karena hampir semua aktivitas di kapal seperti berlayar, bermanuver, bongkar muat dan lego jangkar membutuhkan konsumsi listrik yang besar. Pada berbagai macam kondisi tersebut perlu diketahui seberapa besar nilai losses tegangan atau tegangan jatuh dan cara untuk melakukan perbaikan tegangan jatuh. Pada penulisan tugas akhir akan dikaji secara teknis cara melakukan perhitungan tegangan jatuh secara manual dan membandingkannya dengan simulasi software. Pada simulasi software digunakan load flow analysis dan motor acceleration analysis sebagai metode untuk melakukan perhitungan tegangan jatuh secara simulasi. Hasil yang diperoleh terdapat tegangan jatuh terbesar pada kondisi maneuver, saat starting bow thruster terdapat tegangan jatuh selama 60 detik yang tidak sesuai dengan standar IEC 5% dan tidak direkomendasikan oleh IEEE. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan pada bow thruster dengan cara menaikkan tap transformator sebesar 2,5% dengan tegangan sekunder 400V pada hasil running load flow analysis dan memberi kapasitor sebesar 2000 kVAr, tegangan jatuh pada hasil running motor acceleration analysis tegangan jatuh dapat diturunkan menjadi 13 detik yang sesuai dengan standar IEC dan rekomendasi IEEE.

  7. Performansi Pendingin Termoelektrik Alat Transportasi Ikan Segar pada Berbagai Tegangan

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    Tri Nugroho Widianto


    Full Text Available Thermoelectric performance test of refrigerated fish container at various voltages was conducted. Performance test aims to determine temperature of heat pipe, heat sink, room container and electric current requirements of thermoelectric refriferator at various voltages. Thermoelectric refrigerator composed of two pieces peltier elements, aluminiums bracket, fan, heat sink and heat pipe. Thermoelectric refrigerator was placed at the top of fish container. Various voltages used were 8 V, 10 V, and 12 V. Parameters measured were the amount of electric current through the thermoelectric, temperature of heat sink, heat pipe and room container. Room container temperature could be reached on 12, 10 and 8 V were 14, 16 and 17 °C respectively. Heat sink temperature on 12 V was -0.1 °C and temperature on 8 and 10 V were 3-4°C. Heat pipe temperature on 12 and 10 V reached 30-31 °C, while temperature on 8 V was 27 °C. The electric current requirements on 12, 10 and 8 V were 6.3, 4.8 and 3.8 A with energy requirements of refrigerated fish container were 75, 48 and 30 watt respectively. The cooling capacity of peltier module on 12 V was 12.5 W, while the cooling capacity on 10 and 8 V were 10.5 W respectively. ABSTRAK Uji performansi pendingin termolektrik alat transportasi ikan segar pada berbagai tegangan telah dilakukan. Uji performansi dilakukan untuk mengetahui suhu heat pipe, heat sink serta ruang peti insulasi serta kebutuhan listrik sistem pendingin pada berbagai tegangan. Sistem pendingin termoelektrik tersusun dari dua buah elemen peltier, bracket alumunium, fan, heat sink dan heat pipe. Pendingin termoelektrik dipasang di bagian atas peti insulasi. Uji performansi dilakukan pada tegangan 8, 10 dan 12 V. Parameter yang diukur adalah jumlah arus listrik yang melalui sistem pengingin, suhu heat sink, heat pipe dan suhu ruang peti insulasi. Suhu ruang peti insulasi yang dicapai pada tegangan 12, 10 dan 8 V berturut-turut sebesar 14, 16 dan 17

  8. Studi Perbaikan Stabilitas Tegangan Sistem Jawa-Madura-Bali (Jamali dengan Pemasangan SVC Setelah Masuknya Pembangkit 1000 MW Paiton

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    Heru Pujo Prayitno


    Full Text Available Sebagian besar pemadaman sistem tenaga listrik yang terjadi disebabkan oleh tekanan yang tinggi pada sistem daya dengan besarnya permintaan daya aktif dan reaktif dan kondisi tegangan yang rendah. Ketika tegangan pada sistem tenaga bus rendah, kerugian juga akan meningkat. Sehingga diperlukan pengembangan teknik khusus untuk meningkatkan tegangan dan menghilangkan ketidakstabilan tegangan dalam sistem tenaga. Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS sangat intensif untuk menjaga stabilitas tegangan pada jalur transmisi untuk memanipulasi aliran daya. Performa sistem tenaga dan stabilitas sistem tenaga dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan perangkat FACTS, salah satunya dengan Static VAR Compensator (SVC. Pada tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki stabilitas tegangan terutama memperbaiki profil tegangan terhadap penambahan suatu beban P dan Q pada rencana pengembangan sistem kelistrikan Jawa-Madura-Bali (Jamali 500kV tahun 2021 dengan pemasangan SVC pada bus yang sensitif. Analisis stabilitas tegangan dapat dilakukan dengan metode kestabilan kurva PV. Hasil perbandingan kurva PV sebelum dan sesudah pemasang SVC dapat menunjukkan adanya perbaikan perbedaan kestabilan tegangan. Perbaikan tegangan dengan menggunakan SVC dapat menjaga tegangan untuk tetap berada pada batas nilai kestabilan tegangan.  



    Dzakwan, Akhmad


    Telah dilakukan penelitian daya dan sistem kontrol tegangan rangkaian peningkatan suhu motor DC. Banyak energi listrik yang diubah menjadi panas sehingga dapat menyebabkan peningkatan suhu motor DC pada stator dan rotor. Dalam penelitian ini, daya dan sistem kontrol tegangan rangkaian mendeteksi peningkatan suhu motor DC dan juga sebagai umpan balik variabel. Kontrol sistem pasokan tenaga listrik berdasarkan perubahan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini kami memperoleh tenaga maksimum dan tegangan...

  10. Penempatan Optimal Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) Dengan Integer Programming


    Amrulloh, Yunan Helmy


    Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) merupakan peralatan yang mampu memberikan pengukuran fasor tegangan dan arus secara real-time. PMU dapat digunakan untuk monitoring, proteksi dan kontrol pada sistem tenaga listrik. Tugas akhir ini membahas penempatan PMU secara optimal berdasarkan topologi jaringan sehingga sistem tenaga listrik dapat diobservasi. Penempatan optimal PMU dirumuskan sebagai masalah Binary Integer Programming (BIP) yang akan memberikan variabel dengan pilihan nilai (0,1) yang menu...



    Afred Suci


    Abstrak: Penelitian dilakukan di PT. ACE Jaya Proteksi cabang Pekanbaru guna menganalisis seberapa besar nasabah menyadari keberadaan merek perusahaan dengan adanya media dan pesan iklan. Populasi penelitian adalah nasabah ACE Jaya Proteksi cabang Pekanbaru. Dengan menggunakan formulasi dari Djarwanto dan Subagyo diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 96 orang yang kemudian digenapkan menjadi 100 orang nasabah. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bah...

  12. Pembentukan Kesadaran Merek Melalui Pilihan Media Dan Pesan Iklan Yang Efektif (Studi Pada PT. Ace Jaya Proteksi Cabang Pekanbaru)


    Suci, Afred


    : The study held in PT. ACE Jaya Proteksi Pekanbaru branch in order to analyze how strong customers' awareness of corporate brand existence through advertising media and messages. Population were customers of ACE Jaya Proteksi Pekanbaru Branch. By using Djarwanto & Subagyo formulation, was obtained 96 samples and rounded up to 100 respondents. Data was analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The result reveals that either simultaneously or partially, advertising media and message ...

  13. Prototipe Rele Proteksi Overheating pada Motor 1 Phasa Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89C51

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    Endi Permata


    Full Text Available Rele proteksi panas berlebih berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51 merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memproteksi motor agar tidak terjadinya kerusakan pada motor. Pada penelitian ini dibuat prototipe rele proteksi panas berlebih pada motor 1 phasa berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51 berdasarkan kelas isolator yang dipakai pada motor yaitu Y dan A dengan sistem pengendalinya adalah miukrokontroler AT89C51. Mikrokontroler AT89C51 sebagai pengendali dari piranti – piranti lain yang digunakan seperti sensor suhu LM35, Op-Amp, dan ADC, apabila suhu yang terdeteksi oleh sensor tidak sesuai dengan penyetingan batasnya tersebut maka mikrokontroler AT89C51 memerintahkan ke relay 12 Vdc untuk membunyikan alarm dan juga menghidupkan kontaktor yang terhubung ke motor. Sehingga Motor terselamatkan dari gangguan panas berlebih yang dapat menyebabkan motor terbakar. Adapun untuk mengetahui pada suhu berapa terjadinya gangguan pada motor ditampilkan melalui display LCD 16x2.


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    I Wayan Arta Wijaya


    Full Text Available Pengubah daya DC-DC topologi boost dapat menghasilkan tegangan yang lebih tinggi dari tegangan input dengan riak (ripple yang kecil dan efisiensi yang cukup tinggi. Nilai dari sebuah induktansi dan kapasitansi dari pengubah daya DC-DC dengan menggunakan topologi boost dioptimalkan menggunakan analisa transien. Fungsi ini diatur berdasarkan pada analisa dari pengubah daya selama kondisi transien. Nilai induktansi dan kapasitansi yang telah dioptimalkan dengan perhitungan dibandingkan dalam simulasi pada pengubah daya DC-DC dan hasilnya akan dibuktikan dengan menggunakan hasil percobaan. Nilai optimal untuk kapasitor dan induktor pada frekuensi 666,7 Hz, siklus kerja (duty cycle 66,7 %, resistansi output 36 Ώ dan tegangan input 12 volt adalah 1038 μF dan 11,9 mH

  15. PROTEKSI VAKSIN MONOVALEN DAN KOKTAIL SEL UTUH TERHADAP KO-INFEKSI Mycobacterium fortuitum DAN Aeromonas hydrophila PADA IKAN GURAME, Osphronemus gouramy Uni

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    Uni Purwaningsih


    serangan agen patogen. Pemberian vaksin diharapkan dapat merangsang respons imun spesifik dan non spesifik pada ikan. Keberhasilan vaksinasi dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi antigen, reaksi silang dan kompetisi di antara antigen yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis level proteksi vaksin monovalen dan koktail sel utuh terhadap ko-infeksi M. fortuitum dan A. hydrophila pada ikan gurame. Respons imun perlakuan vaksin monovalen maupun koktail pada gurame pasca ko-infeksi menunjukkan nilai parameter-parameter yaitu: hematokrit, hemoglobin, indeks fagositik, persentase fagositik, titer antibodi, uji respiratory burst (NBT, aktivitas komplemen, dan diferensial leukosit yang berbeda nyata (P<0,05 dibanding kontrol. Vaksin monovalen A. hydrophila menunjukkan nilai RPS sebesar 92,3% dan monovalen M. fortuitum sebesar 78,6% setelah ditantang dengan infeksi tunggal bakteri homolog namun menunjukkan proteksi yang rendah terhadap ko-infeksi. Vaksin koktail 50Mf :50Ah memberikan proteksi yang lebih baik dari vaksin monovalen pasca uji tantang dengan ko-infeksi bakteri M. fortuitum dan A. hydrophila.


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    Afred Suci


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian dilakukan di PT. ACE Jaya Proteksi cabang Pekanbaru guna menganalisis seberapa besar nasabah menyadari keberadaan merek perusahaan dengan adanya media dan pesan iklan. Populasi penelitian adalah nasabah ACE Jaya Proteksi cabang Pekanbaru. Dengan menggunakan formulasi dari Djarwanto dan Subagyo diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 96 orang yang kemudian digenapkan menjadi 100 orang nasabah. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa baik secara simultan maupun parsial, media iklan dan isi pesan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesadaran merek. Variabel media iklan merupakan faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kesadaran merek. Kesadaran konsumen pada merek produk maupun perusahaan sebesar 96,5% tergantung pada efektivitas pilihan media iklan dan isi pesan. Direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan intensitas iklan di surat kabar serta memperluas cakupan surat kabar. Model iklan di radio sebaiknya dilakukan dengan melakukan program kuis berhadiah. Isi pesan iklan sebaiknya divisualisasikan lebih berwarna dan bergambar agar memiliki keunikan dan berbeda dengan iklan lainnya. Abstract: The study held in PT. ACE Jaya Proteksi Pekanbaru branch in order to analyze how strong customers’ awareness of corporate brand existence through advertising media and messages. Population were customers of ACE Jaya Proteksi Pekanbaru Branch. By using Djarwanto & Subagyo formulation, was obtained 96 samples and rounded up to 100 respondents. Data was analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The result reveals that either simultaneously or partially, advertising media and message significantly influence the brand awareness. Customers’ awareness of product or corporate brand is 96,5% affected by the effectivity of media choice and ads content. It is recommended to enhance ads intensity in newspaper and broaden its coverup. Prize-base quiz is recommended to be model for radio advertisement. Ads

  17. Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Tanggem Pada Pengelasan Pipa Carbon Steel Dengan Metode Pengelasan SMAW Dan FCAW Terhadap Deformasi Dan Tegangan Sisa Menggunakan Analisa Pemodelan Elemen Hingga

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    Mahfud Mahfud


    Full Text Available Salah satu yang mempengaruhi deformasi dan tegangan sisa pada pengelasan pipa adalah pemasangan tanggem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deformasi dan tegangan sisa pada pengelasan pipa carbon steel dengan variasi pemasangan tanggem. Dilakukan analisa pemodelan ANSYS yang hasilnya divalidasikan dengan hasil pengujian. Pengujian pada penelitian ini menggunakan pipa carbon steel SA 106 grade B schedule 40 dengan las kombinasi SMAW dan FCAW yang mengacu pada WPS dari pihak galangan kapal. Analisa pemodelan menggunakan elemen hingga dengan memvariasikan pemasangan tanggem, yaitu: pengelasan pipa tanpa tanggem, pengelasan pipa dengan 2 tanggem, dan pengelasan pipa dengan 4 tanggem. Dari analisa didapatkan pengelasan pipa dengan pemasangan tanggem berdasarkan tegangan sisa yang paling kecil, yaitu: pada variasi pengelasan pipa dengan 2 tanggem. Pada pengelasan pipa diameter 10 inches dengan 2 tanggem nilai deformasi total dan tegangan sisa adalah 0.193 mm dan 79.9 Mpa, pada pengelasan pipa diameter 12 inches dengan 2 tanggem nilai deformasi total dan tegangan sisa adalah 0.184 mm dan 74.9 Mpa.

  18. Perencanaan Sistem Proteksi Petir Masjid Raya Mujahidin Menggunakan Metode Bola Bergulir (Rolling Sphere Method)


    Zainal Hakim


    Masjid Raya Mujahidin memiliki struktur bangunan yang tinggi, dimana 4 buah tower masing-masing memiliki tinggi ± 62 meter dan Kubah yang berada di tengah dengan tinggi ± 40 meter. Mengingat hari guruh di wilayah Kota Pontianak yang sangat tinggi yaitu 219 hari/tahun, maka Masjid Raya Mujahidin sangat rentan akan sambaran petir. Oleh karena itu untuk menghindari dampak dari sambaran petir, Masjid Raya Mujahidin sangat perlu dipasang proteksi petir eksternal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penent...

  19. PLTS Transformerless Tegangan 20 kV menggunakan Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter

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    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Aplikasi dari inverter multilevel pada sistem Pusat Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS dapat menghilangkan kebutuhan terhadap transformator, sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya investasi, mengurangi kompleksitas instalasi dan menghilangkan rugi-rugi daya transformator. Pada penelitian ini, sebuah inverter dengan topologi Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter dirancang agar mampu mengubah tegangan rendah DC dari beberapa Photovoltaic (PV array menjadi tegangan fasa-fasa 20 kV AC. Perancangan menghasilkan sebuah inverter 3 fasa 27-level dimana setiap level masing-masing memiliki PV array, DC-DC boost converter, H-bridge inverter, dan keluaran 3 fasa terhubung dengan filter LCL. Setiap komponen dari inverter dan sistem tersebut kemudian dimodelkan pada MATLAB Simulink untuk mensimulasikan kinerja dari setiap komponen dan sistem pada Standard Test Condition (STC dari modul PV. Pada keadaan STC, daya 3 fasa maksimum yang dapat dihasilkan adalah 1,716 MW atau 68,54% dari daya DC maksimum sebesar 2,5 MWp. Sistem dapat menghasilkan tegangan fasa-fasa keluaran sebesar 20 kV dengan Total Harmonic Distortion (THD di bawah 5%. Kata kunci: Pusat Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS, photovoltaic, Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter ABSTRACT The application of Multilevel Inverter in a Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant system could eliminate the needs of step-up transformer, which will reduce the system investment cost, simplify the system installation and also eliminate power losses of the transformer. In this paper, an inverter design was proposed with Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter topology that is capable of converting low voltage DC power from several PV arrays into 20 kV AC power. The design resulted a 3 phase 27-level inverter where each level in the inverter has its own photovoltaic array, DC-DC boost converter, H-bridge inverter, and the 3 phase output is connected to LCL filter. Each component of the Inverter and the system were then modelled in MATLAB

  20. Analisis Perbandingan Karakteristik Luar Generator Arus Searah Penguatan Bebas Dengan Generator Arus Searah Penguat Shunt




    Generator DC digunakan untuk peralatan yang membutuhkan supply arus searah. Berdasarkan cara memberikan fluks pada kumparan medannya, generator DC dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu generator berpenguatan bebas dan generator berpenguatan sendiri. Karakteristik yang ada pada generator DC antara lain karakteristik beban nol, karakterik berbeban, dan karakteristik luar. Karakteristik luar sebuah generator DC menunjukkan bagaimana perubahan tegangan terminal ( Vt ) terhadap beban yang berubah – ubah...

  1. Analisis Perbandingan Karakteristik Berbeban Generator Arus Searah Penguatan Bebas Dengan Generator Arus Searah Penguatan Shunt


    Ardian S., Randy Niko


    Berdasarkan cara memberikan fluks pada kumparan medannya, generator DC dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu generator berpenguatan bebas dan generator berpenguatan sendiri. Karakteristik yang ada pada generator DC antara lain karakteristik beban nol, karakterik berbeban, dan karakteristik luar. Pada karakteristik berbeban sebuah generator DC menunjukkan bagaimana hubungan antara tegangan terminal Vt dan arus medan If ketika generator dibebani. Bila generator dibebani maka akan mengalir arus beb...

  2. Rancang Bangun Generator Sinkron 1 Fasa Magnet Permanen Kecepatan Rendah 750 RPM

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    Herudin Herudin


    Full Text Available Energi listrik merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup. Untuk memenuhi peningkatan kebutuhan akan energi listrik maka diperlukan juga pengembangan sistem pembangkit energi listrik alternatif yang dapat diperbaharui (renewable . Salah satu komponen utama untuk menghasilkan energi listrik alternatif yaitu generator. Generator berfungsi sebagai perubah energy mekanik menjadi energy listrik. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut maka pada penelitian ini akan dirancang dan dibuat sebuah generator sinkron magnet permanen 8 kutub, satu fasa dengan menggunakan magnet Neodynium Ferit Boron ( NdFeB tipe Neoflux-30 yang dioperasikan pada kecepatan 750 rpm. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa pada saat generator tidak dibebani menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 7,91 Volt dan pada saat berbeban, tegangan yang dihasilkan generator sebesar 6,11 Volt dengan efisiensi sebesar 32,84% .

  3. Penempatan Optimal Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU dengan Integer Programming

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    Yunan Helmy Amrulloh


    Full Text Available Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU merupakan peralatan yang mampu memberikan pengukuran fasor tegangan dan arus secara real-time. PMU dapat digunakan untuk monitoring, proteksi dan kontrol pada sistem tenaga listrik. Tugas akhir ini membahas penempatan PMU secara optimal berdasarkan topologi jaringan sehingga sistem tenaga listrik  dapat diobservasi. Penempatan optimal PMU dirumuskan sebagai masalah Binary Integer Programming (BIP yang akan memberikan variabel dengan pilihan nilai (0,1 yang menunjukkan tempat yang harus dipasang PMU. Dalam tugas akhir ini, BIP diterapkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah penempatan PMU secara optimal pada sistem tenaga listrik  Jawa-Bali 500 KV yang selanjutnya diterapkan dengan penambahan konsep incomplete observability. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa penerapan BIP pada sistem dengan incomplete observability memberikan jumlah PMU yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan sistem tanpa konsep incomplete observability.

  4. Studi Penggunaan GPC (Generator Paralelling Control) Pada PLTD Di Sun Plaza


    Juanda, T.


    Sistem pembangkitan listrik yang sudah umum digunakan adalah mesin generator tegangan AC, di mana penggerak utamanya bisa berjenis mesin turbin, mesin diesel atau mesin baling-baling. Dalam pengoperasian pembangkit listrik dengan generator, karena faktor keandalan dan fluktuasi jumlah beban, maka disediakan dua atau lebih generator yang dioperasikan dengan tugas terus-menerus, cadangan dan bergiliran untuk generator-generator tersebut. Penyediaan generator tunggal untuk pengoperasian terus me...

  5. Pembuatan Dan Analisis Exciter Generator Rf Untuk Siklotron Proton Decy-13


    Prajitno, Prajitno


    PEMBUATAN DAN ANALISIS EXCITER GENERATOR RF UNTUK SIKLOTRON PROTON DECY-13.Telah dilakukan analisis dan pembuatan exciter generator RF untuk siklotron proton 13MeV. Generator RFakan digunakan sebagai sumber tegangan pemercepat bolak-Balik siklotron DECY-13 rancangan PTAPBBATAN.Berdasarkan dokumen rancangan dasar yang telah dibuat siklotron Decy-13 akan menggunakanmedan magnet 1,275 Tesla, sehingga frekuensi generator RF bila menggunakan harmonik keempat adalah77,667 MHz. Salah satu teknik pem...

  6. Prosedur Strategis Untuk Mengurangi Level Bahaya Arc-Flash Pada Medium Voltage Dengan Metode Koordinasi Proteksi Di PT Ipmomi Paiton

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    inas ratnaning zafirah


    Full Text Available Di area sistem kelistrikan, operasi, dan maintenance, perhatian terbesar adalah keselamatan dan keamanan pekerja yang mengoperasikan dan menjaga sistem. Sistem kelistrikan didisain tidak hanya untuk tindakan pencegahan yang diperlukan pada sistem proteksi dan peralatan, tetapi juga harus memperhatikan keselamatan personal untuk tingkat tertentu dari arc-flash atau busur api karena arcing fault. Pada tugas akhir ini, bahaya busur api akan dianalisis dan diperhitungkan. Hasilnya akan diketahui level energi arc-flash atau busur api yang mungkin terjadi sesuai standar NFPA 70E-2004. Data yang nanti digunakan diambil dari plant yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya yaitu PT IPMOMI. Dari data tersebut, parameter – parameter yang diperlukan akan dihitung dan diketahui level busur api. Bila diperlukan, maka juga akan dilakukan resetting atau penambahan rele over current.

  7. Analisis Pengaruh Beban Terhadap Karakteristik dan Efisiensi Generator Arus Searah Penguatan Kompon Kumulatif dan Kompon Diferensial (Aplikasi pada Laboratorium Konversi Energi Listrik FT-USU)


    Lubis, Syahrizal


    Salah satu jenis generator DC yang cukup banyak digunakan adalah generator DC kompon panjang dan generator DC kompon pendek. Berdasarkan sifat penguatnya terhadap jangkar generator kompon dibagi menjadi dua yaitu generator DC kompon diferensial dan generator DC kompon kumulatif. Pada karakteristik berbeban sebuah generator DC menunjukkan bagaimana hubungan antara tegangan terminal Vt dan arus medan If ketika generator dibebani. Pada generator DC penguatan kompon, peningkatan...


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    Kadek Amerta Yasa


    Full Text Available Hotel Golden Tulip Seminyak  merupakan pelanggan listrik tegangan menengah yang sangat potensial. Pada penelitian di hotel ini,  kami menemukan bahwa error ratio trafo arus sebelum rekonfigurasi grounding berkisar – 67% dan rugi-rugi daya sebesar - 214.809,00 W pada persentase beban 20%.  Error ratio memengaruhi arus yang terbaca di sisi sekunder trafo dan juga memengaruhi rugi daya.  Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi nilai error ratio dan rugi daya tersebut yaitu dengan melakukan rekonfigurasi grounding yaitu dengan memindahkan posisi tap grounding kabel power 20 kV masuk kembali melalui sisi primer trafo arus.  Nilai error ratio setelah rekonfigurasi grounding diperoleh berkisar – 0,05% dan  rugi-rugi daya - 20,18 W pada persentase beban 20%.


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    Yuri Ariyanto


    Full Text Available In this research will be worked through about how cryptography RC4's algorithm implementation in protection to query result and of query, security by encryption and descryption up to both is in network. Implementation of this research which is build software in client that function access databases that is placed by the side of server. Software that building to have facility for encryption and descryption query result and of query that is sent from client goes to server and. transmission query result and of query can secure its security. Well guaranted transmission security him of query result and of query can be told to succeed if success software can encryption query result and of query which transmission so that in the event of scanning to both, scanning will not understand data content. Conclusion of this research that is woke up software succeed encryption query and result of query which transmission between application of client and of server databases. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai bagaimana mengimplementasikan algoritma kriptografi RC4 dalam proteksi terhadap query dan hasil query, pengamanan dilakukan dengan cara melakukan enkripsi dan dekripsi selama keduanya berada di dalam jaringan. Pengimplementasian dari penelitian ini yaitu membangun sebuah software yang akan diletakkan di sisi client yang berfungsi mengakses database yang diletakkan di sisi server. Software yang dibangun memiliki fasilitas untuk mengenkripsi dan mendektipsi query dan hasil query yang dikirimkan dari client ke server dan juga sebaliknya. Dengan demikian tramsmisi query dan hasil query dapat terjamin keamanannya.Terjaminnya keamanan transmisi query dan hasil query dapat dikatakan berhasil jika software berhasil mengenkripsi query dan hasil query yang ditransmisikan sehingga apabila terjadi penyadapan terhadap keduanya, penyadap tidak akan mengerti isi data tersebut. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu software yang dibangun


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    I Made Mataram


    Full Text Available Penerapan teknik fuzzy membawa perubahan yang signifikan khusus pada perhitungan dan analisis sistem konvensional. Peranan peralatan FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System untuk memperbaiki kualitas tegangan dari pembangkit menuju beban sangat besar. STATCOM merupakan peralatan paling berpengaruh untuk memperbaiki tegangan pada jaringan transmisi tenaga listrik. Pembahasan pada penelitian ini dikhususkan pada FLSTATCOM. Model Fuzzy Logic dengan dua input digunakan sebagai pengontrol IGBT, sehingga mampu meningkatkan unjuk kerja STATCOM konvensional. Sistem Single Machine Infinite Bus menjadi sistem uji coba penggunaan FLSTATCOM.Hasil simulasi menggunakan simulink MATLAB, diperoleh nilai tegangan pada tiap sisi terima tanpa menggunakan STATCOM menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 217,3 kV, menggunakan STATCOM menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 220 kV, dan penggunaan FLSTATCOM mampu meningkatkan tegangan menjadi 228,9 kV (5,34%

  11. Kajian Fisis Energi Terbarukan Panel Surya Melalui Eksperimen Sederhana untuk Siswa SMA

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    Sunaryo Sunaryo


    Full Text Available Abstract Has conducted research on the effects of light intensity on the output voltage, current, and power. Research conducted generate data in the form of quantitative and graphs that show a link between the intensity of light, the output voltage, current, and power. The data obtained were used as sources of learning in senior high school (SMA. The implication is capable of enhancing creativity, motivation and learning outcomes of Physics subject of high school students in future studies. Keywords: light intensity, current, voltage, solar panel Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh intensitas cahaya terhadap tegangan output, arus, dan daya listrik. Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan data dalam bentuk kuantitatif dan grafik yang menunjukkan adanya kaitan antara intensitas cahaya, tegangan output, arus, dan daya listrik. Data yang diperoleh dijadikan sebagai sumber informasi dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA. Implikasinya adalah mampu meningkatkan kreativitas, motivasi, dan hasil belajar Fisika siswa SMA pada penelitian selanjutnya. Kata-kata kunci: intensitas cahaya, arus, tegangan, panel surya

  12. Studi Eksperimen dan Numerik Pengaruh Penambahan Vortex Generator pada Airfoil NASA LS-0417

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    Ulul Azmi


    Full Text Available Separasi boundary layer merupakan fenomena penting yang mempengaruhi performansi airfoil. Salah satu upaya untuk menunda atau menghilangkan separasi aliran adalah meningkatkan momentum fluida untuk melawan adverse pressure dan tegangan geser permukaan. Hal ini mengakibatkan separasi aliran akan tertunda lebih ke belakang. Upaya tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan turbulent generator pada upper surface airfoil. Vortex generator (VG merupakan salah satu jenis turbulent generator yang dapat mempercepat transisi dari laminar boundary layer menjadi turbulent boundary layer. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak penempatan dan ketinggian VG terhadap perkembangan turbulent boundary layer sehingga dapat meningkatkan performansi airfoil. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan eksperimen dan numerik pada Re = 1.41x105 dengan angle of attack 16°. Benda uji yang digunakan adalah airfoil NASA LS-0417 dengan dan tanpa VG. Variasi jarak penempatan dan ketinggian VG yaitu x/c = 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 (h = 1 mm; 3 mm; 5 mm. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah variasi vortex generator paling optimal adalah vortex generator dengan x/c = 0.3 dan h = 1 mm dimana Nilai CL/CD mengalami kenaikan sebesar 14.337%.

  13. Analisa Compact Wireless Power Transfer (CWPT menggunakan Metode Magnetic Resonator Coupling

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    Bambang Sudibya


    Full Text Available Magnetic Resonator Coupling banyak dipergunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi Wireless Power Transfer (WPT. Pada penelitian ini berhasil dirancang WPT dengan tegangan sebesar 5 V. Jika Tx dan Rx diposisikan saling berhadapan, tegangan maksimum 4,7 volt pada jarak 1 cm. Sementara itu, jika Tx dan Rx diposisikan berdampingan, tegangan yang dihasilkan dari 3.5V.

  14. Desain dan Implementasi Konverter DC-DC Rasio Tinggi Berbasis Pensaklaran Kapasitor dan Induktor Terkopel untuk Aplikasi pada Photovoltaic

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    Gusti Rinaldi Zulkarnain


    Full Text Available Seiring dengan berkembangnya pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan photovoltaic sebagai salah satu energi terbarukan, maka berdampak kepada perkembangan teknologi konverter. Tegangan output dari photovoltaic masih perlu ditingkatkan agar mampu dihubungkan pada sistem grid. Salah satu pengembangan topologi konverter boost untuk aplikasi keluaran photovoltaic yaitu konverter DC-DC rasio tinggi berbasis pensaklaran kapasitor dan induktor terkopel. Konverter ini merupakan pengembangan dari konverter gabungan boost-flyback yang ditambahkan rangkaian pensaklaran kapasitor. Kelebihan dari konverter ini adalah memiliki rasio konversi dan efisiensi yang tinggi. Konverter ini mampu menjaga tegangan output konstan ketika tegangan inputnya berubah-ubah. Konverter ini sangan cocok diaplikasikan pada sumber energi alternatif yang menghasilkan tegangan DC rendah seperti photovoltaic.

  15. Perancangan dan Proses Pembuatan Inner Door Panel Mobil Pick Up Multiguna

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    Bambang Prayogi


    Full Text Available Sejak tahun 2012 Jurusan Teknik Mesin bekerja sama dengan PT. INKA mengembangkan mobil murah multigna. Mobil pick up tersebut diberi nama GEA. Pengembangan dilakukan pada body, chasis dan engine. Sebagai bagian dari body, pintu mobil juga akan dikembangkan. Pada tahun 2013, penelitian terhadap posisi handle pengatur kaca jendela atau window regulator mobil pick up GEA telah dilakukan. Evaluasi tersebut mengharuskan adanya perubahan desain dari inner door panel. Suatu rancangan pengembangan desain inner door panel perlu dilakukan agar inner door panel dapat diproduksi secara massal. Langkah-langkah penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi penyusunan list of requirement untuk pengembangan konsep, analisa getaran dan tegangan yang terjadi pada panel dengan bantuan software CATIA. Selanjutnya perancangan proses pembuatan dan perancangan punch and dies-nya dilakukan. Dari analisa getaran yang dilakukan, dapat diketahui inner door panel memiliki frekuensi natural sebesar 166,94 Hz (10.016,4 rpm artinya panel aman dan tidak terpengaruh oleh getaran dari mesin mobil. Tegangan yang terjadi pada inner door panel akibat gaya pembebanan pada handle pintu bagian dalam adalah 2,9159 x 107 Pa (2,97 Kg/mm2 sehingga lebih kecil dari tegangan ijin materialnya 13,94 Kg/mm2 dan rancangan masih berada dalam kategori aman. Untuk membuat inner door panel dilakukan 3 macam proses pembentukan yaitu trimming, embossing dan piercing. Total gaya pembentukan masing-masing proses sebagai berikut: Gaya pembentukan proses trimming = 48.96 ton, proses embossing = 26.89 ton dan proses piercing = 41.66 ton. Window regulator yang disarankan untuk digunakan pada mobil pick up multiguna ini adalah scissor type window regulator dengan tenaga penggerak manual. Pada perancangan punch and dies, tegangan kompresi masing-masing proses dihitung dan hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut: Tegangan kompresi proses trimming 0.11 Kg/mm2, tegangan kompresi proses embossing 0.28 Kg/mm2, tegangan kompresi

  16. Desain dan Implementsi Soft Switching Boost Konverter dengan Simple Auxillary Resonant Switch (Sarc)


    Saputra, Dimas Bagus; Suryoatmojo, Heri; Musthofa, Arif


    Boost konverter merupakan penaik tegangan DC ke tegangan DC yang mempunyai tegangan output yang lebih tinggi dibanding inputnya. Penggunaan boost konverter diera modern semakin meningkat dan dibuat dengan dimensi yang lebih kecil, berat yang lebih ringan dan efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan boost konverter generasi terdahulu. Tetapi rugi-rugi periodik saat on/off meningkat. Untuk meraih kriteria tersebut, teknik hard switching boost konverter berevolusi menjadi teknik soft switchi...


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    Lukmanul Hakim


    Full Text Available This paper illustrates the brawl that made the male students of SMK Padang, then look for a solution in the form of policy by competent parties overcome. This paper will explain the social and religious conditions of the students involved brawl, as well as the causes, forms, chronological brawl. The results of this study indicate that the fighting is done by the men's by way of a group of students. The reason to defend against another school,or attacking out of revenge. Leading to the anarchic attitude is a social life and a poor understanding of religion and problematic. Keywords : Gender-responsive education policies, expanding access, womenCopyright © 2013 by Kafa`ah All right reservedDOI : 10.15548/jk.v3i2.63

  18. ¬MPPT Pada Sistem PV Menggunakan Algoritma Firefly dan Modified P&O dengan Konverter Hybrid Cuk terkoneksi ke Grid Satu Phasa di Bawah Kondisi Partial Shaded

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    Dhuhari Chalis Bani


    Full Text Available Abstrak— Photovoltaic (PV merupakan sumber energi terbarukan yang paling banyak dijumpai di alam serta merupakn energi alternatif yang sangat pesat perkembangannya. Untuk mengahasilkan daya, sebuah PV dipengaruhi sebuah nilai intensitas cahaya matahari yang mengenainya. Sebuah sistem PV membutuhkan sebuah kontrol yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisien daya PV tersebut. Kontrol ini adalah Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT yang dapat mengoptimalkan daya yang dihasilkan oleh PV.  Sebuah PV hanya menghasilkan nilai tegangan yang rendah, untuk itu perlu menggunakan koverter DC-DC step up untuk menaikan rasio tegangan DC tadi. Untuk mengoptimalkan sistem ini, diperlukan sebuah konverter yang efisien dan dapat menghasilkan rasio konversi tegangan yang tinggi. Pada penelitian menggunakan firefly algoritm (FFA dan modified perturb and observe (P&O sebagai MPPT untuk mendapatkan nilai daya optimal pada keluaran PV.  Konverter DC-DC yang digunakan adalah hybrid cuk converter boost mode yang memiliki rasio tegangan yang tinggi. Dari DC-link kemudian masuk ke inverter (VSI yang diinterkoneksi dengan grid menggunakan current control. Hasil analisis simulasi menunjukan bahwa FFA dan P&O mampu menghasilkan daya PV yang optimum dengan riak yang kecil dan konverter hybrid cuk converter boost mode dapat menghasilkan rasio tegangan yang lebih besar dibandingkan konverter cuk biasa.   Kata Kunci — PV, MPPT FFA, MPPT P&O, Hybrid Cuk Converter, DC-Link, Inverter Grid Connected


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    Lukman Nulhakim


    Full Text Available Thermoelectric cooling (TEC teknologi dimana ketika arus DC dialirkan ke elemen peltier yang terdiri dari beberapa pasang sel semikonduktor tipe p dan tipe n dimana akan mengakibatkan salah satu sisi elemen peltier menjadi dingin dan sisi lainnya menjadi panas. Proses perakitan pendingin menggunakan 2 buah thermoelectric cooling tipe TEC1-12706, heatsink, fan dan rongga berbentuk persegi panjang dengan ukuran 80 x 80 x 150 mm dengan menggunakan isolator styrofoam. Pengujian dilakukan selama 30 menit dengan variasi tegangan 3, 6, 9 dan 12 V, variasi selain tegangan juga menggunakan variasi kecepatan udara pada sisi dingin 1, 2 dan 3 m/s. Hasil terbaik pada variasi dengan tegangan 12 V dan kecepatan 1 m/s yaitu 20 oC.

  20. Kinerja Prototipe Sistem Elektronis Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3 Untuk Pemantauan Analogi Instalasi Listrik

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    Arief Goeritno


    Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini dirancang prototipe sistem elektronis berbasis mikrokontroler untuk pemantauan analogi instalasi listrik, berupa sistem terintegrasi dalam satu paket modul berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3.  Sistem terintegrasi terdiri atas (1 analogi instalasi listrik; (2 sistem elektronis berupa (i subsistem sensor-transduser, (ii subsistem mikrokontroler, dan (iii subsistem Liquid Crystal Display (LCD; dan (3 catu daya. Setiap fase dipasang sensor untuk pemantauan keberadaan tegangan melalui pengubahan parameter tegangan bolak-balik (alternating current, ac ke parameter tegangan arus searah (direct current, dc melalui sistem sensor-transduser.  Keluaran sistem sensor-transduser diproses pada mikrokontroler dan hasil pemantauan ditampilkan pada LCD. Pengukuran kinerja sistem dilakukan terhadap lima kondisi akibat pemberian asumsi perubahan pada MCB dan pemantauan jalur instalasi untuk ruang khusus.

  1. Analisa Beban Kerja Dan Gaya Dinamis Pada Round Roller Dan Sliding Roller Untuk Sistem CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission Sepeda Motor Matic

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    Ahmad Bagus Prasojo


    Full Text Available Primary shave weight atau sering disebut roller merupakan salah satu komponen dari sistem CVT pada motor matik yang sering mengalami kerusakan, baik itu aus maupun crack atau pecah. Metodologi yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah menganalisa beban kerja (gaya yang dialami oleh roller. Selanjutnya akan dihitung besar tegangan (stress yang terjadi pada roller menggunakan teori tegangan kontak (contact stress. Kemudian analisa akan dilanjutkan menggunakan teori kelelahan (fatigue. Gaya normal yang didapat pada posisi stasioner sebesar 37,268 N dan posisi puncak sebesar 525,279 N. Untuk total tegangan ekivalen yang terjadi berbeda dikarenakan luasan kontaknya, round roller dengan luasan kontak yang lebih kecil menghasilkan total tegangan yang lebih besar yaitu 21,423 MPa sedangkan sliding roller sebesar 14,559 MPa. Dengan frekuensi real pembebanan roller sebesar 0,0667 Hz dan berdasarkan teori kelelahan Gerber stress amplitude round roller didapatkan 8,8756 Mpa dan untuk sliding roller sebesar 6,195 Mpa. Jadi setelah stress amplitude diplotkan pada sn-curve PTFE hasil prediksi umur untuk round roller adalah 4,081 ≈ 4 bulan dan untuk sliding roller adalah 5,89 ≈ 6 bulan.


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    M. Khairudin, Efendi, N Purwantiningsih,


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Paper ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa rangkaian sistem kendali putaran motor menggunakan Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR atau Thyristor. Eksperimen sistem kendali putaran motor ini menggunakan dua rangkaian yang berbeda. Rangkaian pertama menggunakan dua sumber, yaitu sumber tegangan DC 12 v terhubung dengan motor universal secara seri dengan resistor dan SCR, sedangkan sumber tegangan DC variabel 0 sampai 1.5 v dihubung paralel dengan kapasitor dan resistor. Rangkaian kedua menggunakan satu sumber tegangan AC 5 v yang dihubungkan dengan saklar dan motor. Pada rangkaian kedua ini motor dihubungkan dengan potensio, SCR, dioda serta kapasitor yang dipasang paralel dengan sumber tegangan AC. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan dalam rangkaian menggunakan sumber tegangan DC, motor DC akan berputar saat saklar S1 tertutup. Kondisi motor akan berputar lebih cepat ketika sumber tegangan variabel diatur lebih besar dari 0 v sehingga arus gate Ig lebih bear dari 400 mA. Adapun Eksperimen dengan sumber tegangan AC, motor akan berputar dengan menambahkan dioda D3 dan pengaturan kecepatan melalui potensio meter Rv sampai posisi maksimum. Kata kunci: analisa, motor DC, SCR, sistem kendali ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to analyse the circuit of DC motor control system using Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR or Thyristor. In this experiment the circuit of control system for the motor using two different circuits. The first circuit using two sources, the 12 v DC voltage is connected to universal motor and series with a resistor and SCR, while the DC variable voltage source of 0 to 1.5 v connected in parallel to the capacitor and resistor. The second circuit uses a single source of 5 V AC voltage connected to the switch and the motor. In the second circuit, the motor is connected to the potentio meter, SCR, diode and capacitor in parallel with the AC voltage source. The experimental results showed the circuit using a DC voltage source impacted the

  3. Analisis Perbandingan Material Slab Beton Pada Perkerasan Apron Dengan Menggunakan Program Bantu Elemen Hingga

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    Hendrawan Setyo Warsito


    Full Text Available Kekuatan slab beton sangat dipengaruhi oleh jenis material yang dipakai. Jenis material yang dimaksud adalah material beton dengan menggunakan PC (Portland Cement dan penggunaan geopolimer dalam komposisi campuran slab beton. Beton geopolimer merupakan beton yang ramah lingkungan. Permasalahan lain yang timbul adalah letak roda pesawat tidak selalu berada pada titik yang sama disuatu permukaan slab beton apron. Pada tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis suatu slab beton yang dibebani roda pesawat dengan campuran variasi material beton dan variasi letak roda pesawat pada slab beton dengan program bantu metode elemen hingga. Dengan data pergerakan pesawat, spesifikasi apron bandara Juanda kondisi eksisting. Dilakukan perhitungan tebal slab beton menggunakan software FAARFIELD dan diperoleh tebal slab beton sebesar 442,5 mm. Dari analisis program bantu elemen hingga dapat diperoleh tegangan pada slab beton yang ditimbulkan oleh pembebanan roda pesawat. Hasil validasi dari analisis tegangan menggunakan program bantu elemen hingga dengan analisis Westergaard yaitu memiliki nilai tegangan yang hampir sama pada ketebalan slab beton 450mm. Nilai tegangan tiap-tiap material beton menunjukan nilai tebal slab beton yang diijinkan untuk tipe pesawat tertentu. Dari analisis menggunakan program bantu elemen hingga tebal slab beton yang diijinkan untuk material slab beton PC yaitu sebesar 425mm. Sedangkan untuk material beton geopolimer yaitu sebesar  415 mm.


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    Mutiara Widawati


    Full Text Available Daun Sirih (Piper betle L. merupakan tanaman yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku repelan. Penelitian bertujuanuntuk mengetahui potensi minyak atsiri dari daun sirih dengan penambahan minyak nilam sebagai repelan. Penelitianeksperimental dengan rancangan post test only control group design dilakukan tahun 2013, menggunakan sampel nyamukAe. aegypti betina lapar darah. Konsentrasi digunakan yaitu 2%, untuk kontrol positif digunakan losion DEET denganulangan lima kali. Lengan diolesi losion sirih selanjutnya dimasukkan pada kurungan berisi 100 ekor nyamuk uji, kemudiandihitung rata-rata jumlah nyamuk hinggap selama lima menit pengamatan setiap jam periode (uji efikasi repelan dilakukanselama 6 jam. Pada kondisi yang sama, diujikan pula losion biasa tanpa minyak sirih dan fiksatif yang dioleskan ke lenganyang lain terhadap nyamuk Ae. aegypti (kontrol negatif. Efektifitas penolakan hinggapan nyamuk Ae. aegypti dianalisismenggunakan daya proteksi, kemudian dianalisis lebih lanjut dengan uji paired t-test. Losion sirih hasil modifikasi yangdioleskan pada lengan mampu menolak hinggapan nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Losion sirih dengan penambahan minyak nilammemiliki daya proteksi rata-rata 90,33%. Walaupun daya proteksi losion sirih tidak berbeda secara nyata dengan dayaproteksi DEET, tetapi masih memenuhi syarat efektivitas repelan. Minyak sirih dengan penambahan minyak nilamberpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai repelan terhadap nyamuk Ae. aegypti.Kata kunci: losion, daun sirih, minyak nilam, repelan, Aedes aegypti

  5. Prototype Pompa Air Portable Tenaga Surya


    Taufik, Mohammad


    Makalah ini menyajikan purwarupa pompa air portable tenaga surya. Sistem pompa air portable terdiri atas pompa air, panel surya, solar charge controller, battery, solar frame, tiang, dan box. Sistem dapat dirangkai, sehingga bersifat portable. Pompa air portable ini berguna untuk kolam, irigasi, dan penyediaan air bersih. Hasil optimasi memberikan spesifikasi pompa air berdaya 50 Watt dan tegangan 12 VDC, solar panel berdaya 50 Wp, battery berkapasitas 50 Ah dan tegangan 12 VDC, da...

  6. Evaluasi Unjuk Kerja Sistem Proteksi Water Hammer pada Sistem Perpipaan (Studi Kasus Di Rumah Pompa Produksi Unit Instalasi Pengolahan Air Minum (IPAM Karang Pilang 2 PT. PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya

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    Handi Prasetya


    Full Text Available Sistem jaringan perpipaan merupakan komponen penting dalam menunjang produksi maupun distribusi pada sektor industri. Jaringan perpipaan mengalami beberapa fenomena seperti distribusi fluida dan water hammer. Water hammer sering terjadi di daerah discharge pompa pada saat pengoperasian pompa maupun pada saat kegagalan operasi pompa. Beberapa cara untuk mengurangi dampak water hammer adalah dengan menambahkan flywheel ataupun gas accumulator pada jaringan perpipaan. Lonjakan tekanan serta aliran balik yang terjadi akibat fenomena water hammer akan dilawan oleh putaran impeller  pompa yang dibebani oleh flywheel dan akan memperlambat lonjakan tekanan dalam pipa dan tekanan yang berlebih akan dibuang ke gas accumulator sehingga tekanan dalam pipa berangsur stabil. Pemodelan sistem perpipaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software sistem perpipaan. Pemodelan yang disimulasikan merupakan sistem perpipaan dengan rangkaian pompa paralel yang dilengkapi flywheel pada instalasi pompa dan divariasikan dengan penambahan gas accumulator sebagai sistem proteksi water hammer. Analisa yang dilakukan adalah untuk mempelajari fenomena water hammer pada saat kondisi ekstrim yakni ketika dua pompa operasi mati dan juga ketika empat pompa operasi mati, untuk melihat pengaruh variasi ukuran flywheel terhadap fluktuasi tekanan yang terjadi. Ukuran flywheel divariasikan yakni ukuran diameter luar 1100mm, 1200mm dan 1300mm dengan tebal masing-masing 300mm, 400mm dan 500mm. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pada sistem perpipaan tanpa menggunakan gas accumulator, tekanan maksimum yang terjadi pada discharge pompa mencapai 19,807 bar dari kondisi tekanan kerjanya 5,6 bar. Variasi ukuran flywheel memberi dampak pada perlambatan terjadinya lonjakan tekanan, semakin besar ukuran flywheel akan menunda terjadinya lonjakan tekanan akibat water hammer. Dan penambahan gas accumulator berperan dalam meredam serta mempersingkat waktu terjadinya lonjakan tekanan, sehingga fluktuasi


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    Hasyim Asy’ari


    Hasi lpercobaan pertama dilakukan pada intensitas cahaya 103700 lux tegangan 19 V dan arus 2 A menghasilkan  kecepatan putar 1705 Rpm sehingga mesin pemipil jagung bekerja dengan sangat baik dengan waktu pemipilan 0,10 menit per jagung. Begitu seterusnya dengan intensitas yang berbeda sampai ke intensitas terendah yaitu 29300 lux tegangan 8,2 V dan arus 1 A menghasilkan kecepatan putar 402,4 Rpm sehingga mesin pemipil jagung tidak mampu lagi bekerja dengan baik (tidak dapat memipil jagung lagi. percobaan selanjutnya untuk melakukan pemipilan dengan energi listrik PLN disaat mesin pemipil jagung tidak mendapatkan suplai energi yang cukup dari panel surya karena intensitas cahaya yang rendah maka mesin dapat berpindah kesumber energi lain dengan memindahkan sumber energi ke listrik PLN. Pada penelitian ini didapati hasil setelah listrik PLN dikonversikan dengan konverter menunjukkan tegangan 11,2 V, arus 1,5 A dan kecepatan putar 910,2 Rpm sehingga didapati waktu pemipilan adalah 0,19 menit per jagung.


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    Erhankana Ardiana Putra


    Full Text Available Pada sistem kelistrikan terutama pada sistem proteksi kelistrikan dewasa ini sangat dibutuhkan sistem yang handal, sehingga  perkembangan pada sistem proteksi sudah semakin maju dengan adanya penggunaan rele digital. Rele digital digunakan dengan mempertimbangkan kecepatan, keakuratan dan serta flexible dalam sistem koordinasi. Flexibilitas ini dimaksudkan bahwa rele digital dapat digunakan menjadi rele arus lebih (overcurrent relay sesuai pembahasan tugas akhir ini dan dapat disetting menurut keinginan user sesuai karakteristik kurva OCR konvensional/standart (normal inverse, very inverse, long time inverse, extreme inverse yang akan digunakan dalam koordinasi. Jenis kurva pada rele digital juga dapat disetting diluar rumus kurva konvensional/standart yang seperti sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, kurva diluar rumusan standart disebut kurva rele non-standart. Kurva rele non-standart digunakan untuk memudahkan pengguna untuk menentukan waktu trip berdasarkan arus yang diinginkan dan sebagai solusi jika pada koordinasi proteksi mengalami kendala dalam koordinasi kurva rele. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dibahas bagaimana membuat atau memodelkan kurva karakteristik inverse overcurrent rele non-standart dengan menggunakan metode (Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System atau biasa disebut metode pembelajaran ANFIS. Kurva non-standart didapatkan dengan pengambilan titik-titik data baru berupa arus dan waktu trip sesuai keinginan user. Data baru tersebut akan digabungkan dengan data lama sehingga menghasilkan data non-standart yang nantinya akan dilakukan pembelajaran dengan metode ANFIS untuk mendapatkan desain kurva non-standart. Setelah didapatkan desain kurva non-standart akan dilakukan pengujian keakuratan dengan mengganti nilai MF (membership function didapatkan hasil rata-rata error terkecil 2,56% (MF=10 dan epoch=100. Pengujian selanjutnya dengan mengubah nilai epoch didapatkan nilai keakuratan dengan error terkecil pada epoch = 500. Simulasi pada

  9. Potential topical natural repellent against Ae. aegypti, Culex sp. and Anopheles sp. mosquitoes

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    Dewi Nur Hodijah


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang:Minyak atsiri daun sirih diketahui mempunyai daya proteksi. Dibuatkan losion berdasarkan pengantar sediaan farmasi yang ditambahkan minyak atsiri daun nilam. Sediaan losion dipilih agar dapat menempel lebih lama di permukaan kulit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membandingkan daya proteksi antara losion dengan penambahan minyak nilam dan losion tanpa penambahan minyak nilam dibandingkan daya proteksi dengan DEET. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium. Semua nyamuk uji berasal dari insektarium laboratorium penelitian kesehatan Loka litbang P2B2 Ciamis. Konsentrasi minyak atsiri daun sirih dalam losion adalah 4%; konsentrasi minyak nilam sebagai zat pengikat adalah 0,4%. Formula yang digunakan yaitu formula dasar yang ada pada pengantar sediaan farmasi. Uji repelensi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda yang direkomendasikan oleh Komisi pestisida.Hasil: Dihasilkan formulasi losion yang stabil dan masih memenuhi standar formulasi sediaan. Berdasarkan hasil, diperoleh data bahwa DEET dan losion hasil modifikasi memiliki rata-rata daya proteksi di atas 90% selama 6 jam terhadap nyamuk Ae.aegypti dan Culex sp. Kesimpulan: Penambahan minyak nilam pada losion sirih dapat meningkatkan daya proteksi terhadap hinggapan nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan Culex sp. (Health Science Indones 2014;1:44-8Kata kunci:repelen alamiah, minyak atsiri, daun sirih, daun nilam, Ae. aegypti, Culex sp.AbstractBackground: Betel leaf essential oil lotion has been known to have insect repellent properties. A lotion was made based on a pharmaceutical formula from a monograph where patchouli leaf essential oil was added. A lotion preparation was intended to enhance adherence of the formula on the surface of the skin. The purpose of this study was to compare protection percentage of lotion with patchouli oil and without patchouli oil lotion compared to DEET.Methods: This study is an experimental laboratory-based research. All mosquitoes


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    Dimas Bagus Saputra


    Full Text Available Boost konverter merupakan penaik tegangan DC ke tegangan DC yang mempunyai tegangan output yang lebih tinggi dibanding inputnya. Penggunaan boost konverter diera modern semakin meningkat dan dibuat dengan dimensi yang lebih kecil, berat yang lebih ringan dan efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan boost konverter generasi terdahulu. Tetapi rugi-rugi periodik saat on/off meningkat. Untuk meraih kriteria tersebut, teknik hard switching boost konverter berevolusi menjadi teknik soft switching dengan menambah rangkaian simple auxiliary resonant circuit (SARC. Karena penambahan rangkaian SARC tersebut konverter bekerja pada kondisi zero-voltage switching switch (ZVS dan zero current switch (ZCS, sehingga saklar semikonduktor tidak bekerja secara hard switching lagi. Pada penelitian ini akan di desain dan diimplementaskan soft switching boost konverter dengan SARC. Kelebihan dari soft switching boost konverter dengan SARC adalah mempunyai efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan boost konverter konventional. Dari hasil implementasi menunjukkan konverter yang diajukan telah meraih zero voltage switch (ZVS. Sehingga boost konverter zero voltage switch (ZVS bisa diaplikasikan pada sistem power suplay yang membutuhkan efisiensi energi yang tinggi terutama pada daya yang tinggi.

  11. The effectiveness of fixative addition on Zodia (Evodia suaveolens S. and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis l. gel against Aedes aegypti

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    Mutiara Widawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Nyamuk Aedes aegypti merupakan salah satu penyebab penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD. Sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahannya, bahan tanaman sering dijadikan sebagai bahan penolak nyamuk, di antaranya Zodia (Evodia suaveolens Scheff dan Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.. Salah satu pengembangan yang banyak dilakukan adalah modifikasi sediaan yang mudah dipakai agar lebih tahan lama, misalnya formulasi gel minyak atsiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui efek penambahan zat fiksatif (minyak nilam terhadap daya proteksi repelan gel Rosemary dan Zodia.Metode:Penelitian ini bersifat ekperimen yang menggunakan minyak atsiri dari bunga Rosemary dan daun Zodia dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 0,1%, 0,5%, 1%, 2%, 4%. Kontrol (+ menggunakan N,Ndiethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET dan kontrol (- menggunakan lengan tanpa perlakuan. Uji repelan menggunakan lengan sukarelawan yang sudah dilatih. Pengamatan dilakukan tiap jam selama enam jam. Daya proteksi baik jika bernilai 90% atau lebih. Hasil:Data menunjukkan bahwa penambahan zat fiksatif meningkatkan daya proteksi repelan mulai dari konsentrasi 2% untuk Rosemary dan konsentrasi 4% untuk Zodia. Daya proteksi di atas 90% selama 6 jam. Kesimpulan:Penambahan zat fiksatif gel Rosseamary dan Zodia terbuti efektif untuk meningkatkan daya proteksi repelen terhadap nyamuk Aedes aegypti. (Health Science Indones 2013;2:103-6Kata kunci:Aedes, Efektivitas repellent,Evodia suaveolens S., Rosmarinus officinalis L.AbstractBackground: Aedes aegyptiis a mosquito is one of the vectors for dengue. One method of preventing dengue is to use bio insecticides from plants. A plant that is often used as a mosquito repellent is Zodia (Evodia suaveolens scheff and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis l.. Some studies have modified the dosage of bio insecticides to achieve more durable repellent, including developing a gel form. The aim of this study is to measure the protective effect of additional


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    Devia Eka Yunida dan T. Haryono


    Full Text Available Indonesia is a tropical area with a high intensity of repeating lightning strikes. The voltage is produced by lightning by increasing the presence of sensitive loads. Therefore, lightning can easily worsen the quality of consumer power, even if the generated voltage is relatively low. Lightning strikes can cause excessive voltage along the power lines. Its propagation can cause a voltage surge on low voltage systems, which can damage the equipment. Maintenance and protection against lightning strikes are necessary for the prevention of such damage. Arrester is a device that is intensively used nowadays by the general public to protect equipments from lightning strikes. It is used to protect the system from the danger of lightning by flowing current into the ground and leaving a certain resistance value, so that the system does not experience a surge voltage.This research was conducted through laboratory-scale testings using several major equipments, such as a high voltage generator, an impulse voltage generator, and an oscilloscope. Modifications of the tests were done using one to four 220 volt low voltage Merlin Gerin LTD arresters arranged in series, with a maximum current of 6.5 kA . Calculations using equations for low voltage circuit in series were done for more than four arresters. From the test results, it was found that the characteristics of the arrester residual voltage will rise when connected in series. Low voltage arresters can be used for higher voltage requirements by counting the number of arresters needed. The equation for the number of arresters in series required to cut the overvoltage surge is y = 0.694x – 0.106. Therefore, if more than 4 arresters will be needed, the residue voltage can be estimated through this formula.

  13. Analisa Pengaruh Water Hammer Terhadap Nilai Strees Pipa Pada Sistem Loading-Offloading PT.DABN

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    Tri Adi Siswanto


    Full Text Available Jalur pipa (pipeline merupakan media yang  digunakan sebagai alat transportasi fluida (cair atau gas, mixed of liquid, solid dan fluid-solid mixture. Ada beberapa tahap penting dalam siklus suatu jalur perpipaan yang digunakan sebagai alat transportasi minyak atau gas: desain, konstruksi, operasional dan pemeliharaan, dan terakhir perbaikan. Operasional merupakn proses kemungkinan terbesar terjadinya kegagalan pada suatu jalur perpipaan. Salah satu kegagalan yang mungkin terjadi adalah fenomena water hammaer. Water hammer adalah sebuah fenomena terjadinhya kenaiakan tekanan yang disebabkan oleh terhenti atau dihentikannya aliran di dalam pipa secara mendadak. Hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh operasional penutupan katup yang dilakukan secara tiba-tiba. Pada paper ini akan dijelaskan kajian mengenai pengaruh kenaikan tekanan yang terjadi karena adanya fenomena water hammer terhadap nilai tegangan jalur perpipaan di sisi discharge. Dari hasil perhitungan diketahui bahwa kenaikan tekanan akibat fenomena water hammer sangat mempengaruhi naiknya nilai tegangan pada pipa. Hasil analisa menunjukan bahwa tegangan yang terjadi ketika fenomena water hammer masih dapat diterima, tetapi kenaikan tekanan ketika terjadi fenomena water hammer melebihi dari batas yang diizinkan sehingga perlu dilakukan prosedur penutupan katup yang sesuai untuk menjaga agar pada saat dioperasionalkan pipa dalam kondisi aman.


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    I Wayan Rinas


    Full Text Available Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah (RSUP memiliki tingkat THD (Total Harmonics Distortion  arus yang tidak sesuai dengan standar IEEE 159-1992. THD arus yang berlebih dapat menyebabkan berbagai kekurangan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini digunakan filter aktif shunt berbasis inverter. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi penggunaan filter aktif menggunakan sofware simulink MATLAB 7.0.4 Hasil analisis menunjukan pemasangan filter aktif menyebabkan terjadi penurunan kandungan THD arus dan THD tegangan pada feeder yang bermasalah. Kandungan THD arus dan THD tegangan telah sesuai dengan IEEE 152-1992. Daya distorsi harmonisa pada sistem mengalami penurunan dan terjadi peningkatan faktor daya mendekati unity power factor pada feeder.


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    Peter Garlans Sina


    Full Text Available Abstract: Analysis of Economic Literacy. The aim of this research is as an effort to increase economic literacy for individuals and households who want to achieve prosperity. Therefore, the obligation of improving the economic literacy needs to be done in a well-planned manner and come from the strong intention to learn in order to improve the economic literacy. It could have an effect on the assets accumulation, a better debt management, as a protection, as well as to increase savings and managing spending intelligently.   Keyword: economic literacy, asset, debt, protection, saving, spending   Abstrak: Analisis Literasi Ekonomi. Tulisan ini bertujuan sebagai upaya meningkatkan literasi ekonomi bagi individu maupun rumah tangga yang menginginkan mencapai kesejahteraan. Oleh karena itu, kewajiban meningkatkan literasi ekonomi perlu dilakukan secara terencana dan diawali dari niat untuk belajar meningkatkan literasi ekonomi karena dapat berefek pada akumulasi aset, pengelolaan utang yang tepat, proteksi, meningkatkan tabungan dan cerdas mengelola pengeluaran.   Kata kunci: literasi ekonomi, aset, utang, proteksi, menabung, pengeluaran

  16. Rancang Bangun Penstabil Tegangan pada Pembangkit Termoelektrik Skala Pico Berbasis Boost Converter

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    Ailin Rohmatul Fajria


    Full Text Available Least of using thermoelectric module as an electric generator in society was often because of energy which was produced by it was unstable. So we need  voltage stabilizer circuit to push up and down the voltage to certain voltage. The purpose of this final project is to design a voltage stabilizer circuit in pico scale DC voltage based on boost converter. This experiment is done by three stage there are, stabilizer experiment by adaptor, performance of thermoelectric generator and also stabilizer experiment by thermoelectric generator. The yield of the first experiment, when we gave input voltage 3 until 9 V produced 5,07 until 5,08 V, so it has 98,55% accuracy toward 5 V expect. On the second experiment, when it is given by ∆T 30, 50 and 70 °C produced 2,5, 3,04 and 3,39 V. While on third experiment, with the same ∆T produced 5,08 until 5,09 V. But, when ∆T which given by 12 °C produced only 0,8 and 0,9 V in second and third experiment, it is because of the voltage is not fulfill accupation voltage 2 until 24 V on datasheet of used IC. Relation between ∆T and Voltage (V, Current (I  also Power (P which was produced have positive R value 0,76 until 1, this mean that ∆T directly proportional to V,I and P. So, the higher ∆T we give, the higher V, I and P will be. Keywords : stabilizer, thermoelectric, boost converter.


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    Eka Yulisari Asmawati


    Full Text Available Have performed experiments to compare the surface tension of water by the surface tension of alcohol use food dye. The research method is to perform a simple test. With a drop of food dye into water will make the water molecules become larger and when alcohol was dropped into the solution there will be a tug between water and alcohol with water or with alcohol-called cohesion. Tug between different molecules such as water to alcohol is called adhesion. Cohesion of water molecules is greater than the cohesion of the alcohol molecules. Cohesion of water is also greater than the adhesion between the two fluids. Competition between cohesion and adhesion molecules of water and alcohol lead to mutual attraction between water and alcohol resulting in vibrations when the fluid is met. The results obtained when this trial is water that has spilled food dye will move away from the alcohol and water colored parts that come into contact with alcohol will vibrate.


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    Mursalin -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan “One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design”. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa calon guru fisika yang dipilih dengan teknik random sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes pilihan ganda dengan pertanyaan (alasan terbuka disertai dengan model Certainty of Response Index. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meremediasi miskonsepsi mahasiswa calon guru pada topik rangkaian listrik dengan model simulasi PhET berbantuan lembar kerja. Hasil penelitian pasca pretest diperoleh persentase mahasiswa yang miskonsepsi, terbesar pada konsep: (a arus listrik pada lampu-2 pasca lampu-1 dicabut pada rangkaian paralel (53%, (b beda potensial rangkaian terbuka yang mengandung sumber tegangan (48%, (c gaya gerak listrik dan tegangan jepit (47%, (d tegangan jepit dan arus listrik rangkaian yang mengandung sumber tegangan paralel (37%, dan (e arus listrik pada hubungan singkat (28%. Pasca treatment dengan model simulasi PhET berbantuan lembar kerja, hasil posttest menunjukkan 9 konsep (90% berhasil dipahami dengan baik oleh mahasiswa termasuk yang berstatus menebak konsep, kurang paham konsep, dan miskonsepsi; sedangkan konsep ggl dan tegangan jepit (1 konsep hanya berhasil meminimalkan pemahaman konsep dan miskonsepsi mahasiswa dengan persentase menebak konsep 22%, kurang paham konsep 17%, dan miskonsepsi 11%. This research used the experiment method withOne-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The research samples were students of physics teacher candidates that selected by random sampling technique. The research instrument used a multiple-choice test accompanied by Certainty of Response Index model. The aims of this research was to remediate misconceptions of students of physics teacher candidates on the electrical circuits topic with the PhET simulation model. The results of this research after pretest showed that the largest percentage of students’ misconceptions was on the concept of (a an

  19. Studi Tentang Penggunaan Recloser Pada Sistem Jaringan Distribusi 20 KV


    Silaban, Abraham


    Jaringan distribusi adalah sarana untuk mengalirkan energi listrik dari pembangkit kekonsumen. Jaringan distribusi yang digunakan untuk menditribusikan aliran energi listrik tidak luput dari berbagai gangguan yang mungkin terjadi yang dapat mengganggu supplai aliran tenaga listrik ke konsumen yang mengakibatkan pemadaman aliran listrik dan juga keruasakan pada peralatan yang dipakai. Dalam hal ini jaringan distribusi harus menggunakan suatu peralatan proteksi recloser yang dapat mengamank...

  20. Tipe Dry Cell dan Wet Cell berdimensi 80 x 80 mm dengan Penambahan PWM E-3 FF (1 kHz

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    Yanur Arzaqa Ghiffari


    Full Text Available Ketersediaan bahan bakar minyak semakin terbatas dan hasil pembakarannya berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan, salah satu solusinya dengan memanfaatkan gas HHO pada kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian dengan sistem direct connection, temperatur mencapai lebih dari 90oC menyebabkan  generator HHO menjadi rusak dan meleleh, maka penelitian ini menambahan alat untuk mengkontrol besarnya arus, frekuensi, dan duty cycle. Pengembangan generator HHO menggunakan tipe kering (dry cell dan tipe basah (wet cell dengan penambahan PWM (Pulse Width Modulation E-3 Fixed Frequency 1 kHz divariasikan berupa duty cycle: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%  dan direct connection. Pengujian dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Pembakaran dan Bahan Bakar - Teknik Mesin ITS.  Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan karakteristik unjuk kerja terbaik pada kedua tipe generator HHO dengan penambahan PWM. Nilai arus dan tegangan lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan tanpa penambahan PWM (direct connection, namun arus cenderung meningkat seiring dengan kenaikan temperatur mencapai 70oC. Efisiensi terbaik pada generator tipe wet dengan duty cycle 80%,  yaitu 27,7 %.


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    Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


    Full Text Available AbstractCorruption, collusion and nepotism in  our nation has become an integral part. They can not be separated, so it is still very difficult to be erased. Resistance to corruption that has pushed by a number of people, yet seem to produce something significantly. Efforts to eradicate corruption is our task. Although this certainly is a very difficult choice, because it is more based on the bitter fact that the corrupt behavior has dominated  in all aspects of life. There are a myriad of empirical fact which has been pointed out that there is no empty space in this country that are not filled by the corruptor. However, it does not mean that the problem of corruption in this country can not eradicate. Eradication of corruption must be done at every layer of society that no longer corrupt culture upon all parties. This  article is focused on the approach to the implementation of Islamic law in order to solve all the problems we are facing together, as children of the nation, in terms of combating corruption.Kata-kata kuncikorupsi, implikasi korupsi, upaya pencegahan, syariat islam


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    Samuel Samuel


    Full Text Available KM. Zaisan Star yang semula merupakan kapal general cargo dimodifikasi menjadi kapal pengangkut kendaraan (vehicle carrier dengan penambahan geladak pada ruang muat dan diatas geladak utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai stabilitas dan kekuatan memanjang kapal dari 32 simulasi kondisi karena pengaruh pengisian geladak muat dan kondisi pelayaran kapal. Perhitungan dan analisa pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan rumus stabilitas dan kekuatan memanjang kapal yang terintegrasi pada perangkat lunak pekapalan yang mengacu standar IMO dan Rules BKI. Hasil analisa stabilitas menunjukkan nilai GZ terendah pada kondisi XXXI dengan 1,103 m sedangkan kriteria minimumnya 0,200 m. Nilai GM terendah pada kondisi XXXII dengan 1,160 m, sedangkan nilai minimumnya 0,150 m. Pada analisa kekuatan memanjang diperoleh nilai tegangan geladak kondisi air tenang 0,009 N/mm2, sagging 0,013 N/mm2 dan hogging 3,40 N/mm2 serta tegangan alas kondisi air tenang 0,020 N/mm2, sagging 0,029 N/mm2 dan hogging 7,825 N/mm2, nilai tersebut tidak melebihi nilai tegangan ijin kapal 188,815 N/mm2. Perhitungan modulus penampang menunjukkan nilai modulus penampang geladak 831,990 m3 dan alas 1913,974 m3, nilai tersebut memenuhi nilai modulus minimum kapal 0,1824 m3. Perhitungan momen inersia menunjukkan nilai momen inersia sebesar 2899,540 m4, nilai ini memenuhi nilai minimum momen inersia kapal 0,4103 m4.

  3. Analisa Pengaruh Penambahan Kapasitor Terhadap Proses Pengisian Baterai Wahana Bawah Laut

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    Muhammad Muhammad Chanif


    Full Text Available Potensi wisata bawah laut Indonesia banyak yang belum dikembangkan, hanya Pulau Bali yang sudah memanfaatkannya dengan membuat wahana bawah laut yang berpenggerak motor DC yang listriknya disuplai oleh baterai. Setiap satu jam pelayanan berupa penyelaman, wahana bawah laut ini melakukan pengisian baterai sekaligus muat penumpang. Agar terdapat nilai ekonomis dan efektivitas selama proses itu di pelabuhan, dalam skripsi ini akan diuraikan mengenai pengaruh kapasitor untuk menambah muatan baterai charger, sehingga arus yang masuk bisa bertambah. Dalam rangkaian baterai charger yang telah dimodifikasi jumlah kapasitor menjadi 3 buah, nilai arus yang keluar sebesar 18 Ah dan tegangan yang keluar adalah tegangan input ditambah 4 V. Perbandingan rangkaian baterai charger yang termodifikasi penambahan kapasitor mampu mempercepat 1.44 kali dibanding dengan rangkaian sederhana. Selain itu, penambahan kapasitor bank juga mampu memberikan penghematan daya sebesar 22 % dengan menambahkan kapasitor berkapasitas 0.00519 Farad.


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    Luthviyah Choirotul Muhimah


    Full Text Available Sel surya berpewarna tersensitisasi atau dikenal dengan dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC dengan menggunakan semikonduktor tipe-n dan tipe-p serta ekstrak jeruk Mentui (khas Aceh sebagai biomolekul pewarna sensitisasi (dye telah difabrikasi dan dikarakterisasi. Sebagai pembanding, ekstrak jeruk nipis dan jeruk purut juga digunakan. Ekstrak jeruk mentui berdasarkan spektrum inframerah mengandung berbagai macam karotenoid dan flavonoid seperti beta karoten, hesperidin, lutein, naringin, quersetin, tangeretin, dan zeaxanthin. Karakteristik optik ekstrak jeruk Mentui juga menunjukkan nilai absorptivitas molar yang cukup tinggi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan DSSC. Hasil pengujian arus-tegangan menunjukkan hasil bahwa penggunaan ekstrak jeruk Mentui pada semikonduktor tipe-n mampu menghasilkan efisiensi yang lebih besar daripada semikonduktor tipe-p. Adapun tegangan rangkaian terbuka (VOC dan faktor pengisian (fill factor, FF relatif sama untuk semua jenis ekstrak jeruk yaitu VOC ~ 0.340 V dan FF ~ 0.4. Rapat arus pada rangkaian singkat terbesar (Jsc = 1.21 mA·cm-2 dihasilkan DSSC dengan molekul pewarna ekstrak jeruk mentui.

  5. Aplikasi Short Message Service (SMS dan Email Sebagai Media Komunikasi Data dalam Sistem Pemantauan Suhu

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    Andi Adriansyah


    Full Text Available      Sistem pemantauan suhu secara langsung dengan mencatat setiap perubahan suhu secara manual, terlebih pada kondisi suhu yang ekstrim, memiliki resiko yang dapat berakibat fatal. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat melakukannya secara otomatis. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sebuah sistem mandiri yang dapat melakukan pemantauan dan pencatatan perubahan suhu secara near real time (NRT dan mengirimkan laporan secara otomatis melalui email dan SMS. Sistem terdiri dari Sensor suhu LM35 yang berfungsi merubah besaran fisis suhu ke besaran listrik tegangan, Microcontroller Atmega8535 yang memegang peranan untuk mengkonversi tegangan keluaran LM35 kedalam bentuk digital, serta mengirimkan data hasil konversi melalui komunikasi serial ke computer. Program Java yang dijalankan di computer berfungsi memproses data yang dikirim mikrokontroler ATmega8535, menyimpannya ke basis data MySQL, menampilkannya dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik, dan mengirimkan laporan melalui email dan SMS bila data suhu yang diterima melebihi ambang batas yang telah ditentukan.

  6. Pengujian Bending Biomaterial Hidroksiapatit Dari Tulang Sapi Sebagai Prosthesis Sendi Rahang (TMJ Pada Manusia

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    Hikmah Annur


    Full Text Available Dalam dunia kedokteran jika terapi fisik dan obat-obatan tidak dapat mengatasi kelainan atau kerusakan pada sendi rahang pasien maka jalan satu-satunya adalah dengan dilakukan perawatan bedah dengan mengganti sendi yang mengalami gangguan dengan prosthesis sebagai pengganti anggota gerak yang hilang. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan material hidroksiapatit dalam pengujian bending karena memiliki komposisi kimia yang sama dengan jaringan keras pada manusia seperti gigi dan tulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari nilai tegangan bending maksimum yang bisa diterima oleh komposit hidroksiapatit. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil variasi fraksi volume hidroksiapatit 40% HA, 50% HA, 60% HA, dan 70% HA. Setelah itu material di uji bending dengan menggunakan standar ASTM D790 dengan menggunakan metode pengujian three point bending. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa tegangan bending maksimum sebesar 31.2 Mpa pada spesimen dengan persentase hidroksiapatit 50% fraksi volume. Fraksi ini adalah fraksi yang paling optimal di antara variabel-variabel uji lain.

  7. Deteksi Jarak Lokasi Gangguan Pada Saluran Transmisi 500 Kv Cilegon Baru - Cibinong Menggunakan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS

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    Muhamad Otong


    Full Text Available Pada saluran transmisi diperlukan metode deteksi lokasi gangguan yang akurat dan cepat untuk mengurangi waktu pencarian, sehingga mempercepat proses perbaikan. Dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode Transformasi Park dan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS, dapat dideteksi jarak lokasi gangguan secara langsung setelah terjadinya gangguan dengan cara menganalisa gelombang berjalan pada saluran transmisi. Saat terjadi gangguan, akan menyebabkan timbulnya gelombang berjalan yang berupa tegangan dan arus. Tegangan dan arus ini akan ditransformasikan oleh transformasi park pada kedua ujung saluran untuk mendapatkan waktu kedatangan gelombang berjalan, yang mana terdapat perbedaan waktu pada tiap ujung saluran dikarenakan adanya perbedaan jarak yang ada. Perbedaan waktu ini akan di input kedalam ANFIS untuk mendapatkan jarak lokasi gangguan. Dengan membandingkan jumlah nilai keanggotaan dan pemilihan input, maka diperoleh desain ANFIS terbaik adalah dengan jumlah nilai keanggotaan (MF 5 serta input perbedaan waktu ∆tV dan ∆tI (V dan I dengan nilai Mean Absolute Error (MAE sebesar 1,33.

  8. Karakteristik Morfologi Permukaan Pada Polimer PVdF-LiBOB-ZrO2 dan Potensinya untuk Elektrolit Baterai Litium

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    Etty Marti Wigayati


    Full Text Available Membran elektrolit polimer pada baterai litium ion berfungsi sebagai media transport ion dan sebagai separator antara anoda dan katoda. Dalam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan sintesis membran elektrolit polimer LiBOB (Lithium Bis Oksalato Borate dengan rumus kimia LiB(C2O42 dengan menggunakan Polyvilinidine fluoride (PVdF sebagai matriks dan bahan aditif  Zirkonium Oksida (ZrO2. Metoda yang dipergunakan adalah solution cast. Konsentrasi bahan aditif dibuat bervariasi. Membran yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi morfologi permukaan menggunakan Scanning Electrone Microscope (SEM, sifat elektrokimia dengan Cyclic Voltametric (CV dan kapasitas baterai dengan kurva charge discharge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa morfologi permukaan rantai polimer saling berikatan dan tersusun dengan bagus. Pori tertutup oleh rantai polimer secara rata yang berikatan membentuk jaring dan saling bertumpukan pada keadaan amorf. Terjadi reaksi oksidasi dan reduksi pada sel baterai dengan kapasitas charge sekitar 24 mAh pada tegangan 4 volt, sedangkan kapasitas discharge bernilai sama sekitar 24 mAh pada tegangan 4 volt dengan penambahan 10% ZrO2.


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    Prayitno Prayitno


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK REDUKSI AKTIVITAS URANIUM DALAM LIMBAH RADIOAKTIF CAIR MENGGUNAKAN PROSES ELEKTROKOAGULASI. Limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses pengembangan bahan industri bersifat radioaktif yang mengandung uranium yang dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif pada manusia dan lingkungan. Pengolahan limbah radioaktif pada saat ini masih banyak menggunakan bahan-bahan kimia.Penambahanbahan kimiauntuk mereduksi bahan pencemar dinilai kurang efisien karena kurang ramah lingkungan, memerlukan waktu yang lama, dan biaya yang mahal. Untuk itu akan diterapkan metode proses elektrokoagulasi untuk menurunkan aktivitas uranium dari larutan limbah cair. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efisiensi penurunan aktivitas uranium dalam limbah radioaktif cair yang dihasilkan pada proses elektrokoagulasi dengan variasi tegangan, waktu tinggal, jarak elektroda dan pH inlet limbah. Limbah simulasi yang digunakan memiliki kadar kontaminan uranium sebesar 500 mg/L. Percobaan ini dilakukan dengan metode batch dengan elektroda aluminium. Hasil penelitian diperoleh parameter optimal pada tegangan 12,50 V, jarak 1 cm, pH 7, dan waktu proses selama 60 menit diperoleh efisiensi penurunan limbah uranium sebesar 97,20 %. Kata Kunci:elektrokoagulasi, reduksi limbah uranium, tegangan, aluminium. ABSTRACT REDUCTION OF URANIUM ACTIVITIES IN LIQUID WASTE RADIOACTIVE BY USING OF ELCTROCOAGULATION PROCESS.  Waste generated from the process of the industrial material development one of which waste containing uranium radioactive, can have negative impact on humans and the environment. In  the present time, chemicals are still mostly use in radioactive waste treatment. To reduce pollutants with the use of chemicals is less efficient, because less environmentally friendly, take long time and costly. Therefore, a system of electrocoagulation process will be applied to decrease the activity of uranium from waste solution. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of uranium

  10. Pengembangan Sistem Proteksi Digital Arus Lebih Berbasis Logika Fuzzy sebagai Pengaman PLTMH

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    Full Text Available In this paper discussed digital overcurrent protection system fuzzy logic on plant systems or Micro Hydro Power Plants with fuzzy logic approach to the identification of the signal changes due to interference overcurrent short circuit the lifeboat station on the system. A digital overcurrent protection with a fuzzy logic-based method and the rules set if-then, fuzzification and defazzification which has 2 inputs are crisp and delta error and error the actual fault current has a crisp output 1 to input changes in current to drive the relay breaker. This system consists of a hardware system with microcontroller (mc ATMega8535 and other series as well as software that helps in the protection process performance Delpi 7 computer using fuzzy logic and program using C language and dicompel with CodeVisionAVR software and uploaded to the microcontroller using ponyprog2000 ATMega8535. The success of a prototype digital overcurrent protection system was tested on a fuzzy logic system voltage of 220 volts with a simple system technique burdened beyond any current settings and calculated over a given working time protection relay. After testing and calculations, then the inverse Characteristics of digital protection between the current disruption to the working time protection can be envisaged that a larger fault current less time working to secure protection from interference generating systems.

  11. Analisis Keandalan Struktur Padeye Berdasarkan Konfigurasi Rigging pada Lifting Upper Deck Modul Modec dengan Pendekatan Dinamik

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    Iqbal Gayuh Raharjaning Mukti Sumarsono


    Full Text Available Di dalam perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang fabrikasi, lifting merupakan salah satu tahapan terpenting dalam membangun bangunan lepas pantai sehingga diperlukan perhitungan dan analisis tambahan untuk memperhatikan apakah struktur tersebut aman ataupun tidak. Sekenario lifting berdasarkan konfigurasi rigging dapat dibuat untuk menentukan rigging equipment yang tepat. Pada kasus ini, struktur yang di-lifting adalah struktur upper deck dari modul MODEC yang dikerjakan oleh PT. GPS Batam. Deck ini memiliki panjang sekitar 19,5 m dan lebar 9 m. Berat total struktur dengan equipment sebesar 55 ton. Konfigurasi rigging yang akan digunakan ada tiga, yaitu Model A (tanpa spreader bar, Model B (satu spreader bar, dan Model C (dua spreader bar. Dari ketiga konfigurasi tersebut akan diperoleh dimensi padeye yang berbeda- beda. Model A, Model B, dan Model C memiliki diameter hole padeye masing-masing sebesar 74 mm, 65 mm, dan 52 mm. Tegangan dan UC tertinggi sama- sama terjadi pada Model A sebesar 17625,99 psi dan untuk UC sebesar 0,52. Tetapi hal ini berbanding terbalik apabila ditinjau dari daerah lubang. Tegangan ataupun UC yang lebih tinggi jatuh pada Model C yang menggunakan dua spreader bar sebesar 13936,58 psi dan nilai UC sebesar 0,45. Tegangan yang terjadi di attachments maupun sekitar hole dijadikan variabel dalam mencari keandalan yang terjadi pada tiap padeye dengan metode Mean value first order second moment (MVFOSM. Sehingga didapatkan Probality of Failure (PoF pada attachments padeye pada Model A, B, dan C masing- masing sebesar 0,126%, 0,064 %, dan 0,0001 %. Sedangkan PoF pada hole padeye sebesar 0,062% untuk Model A, 0,10 % untuk Model B, dan 0,23% untuk Model C.


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    Imam Pujo Mulyatno


    Full Text Available KM. DHARMA KENCANA II adalah kapal tipe Ro - Ro (Passanger Ship yang memiliki rute pelayaran Surabaya - Kumai - Semarang yang mampu mengangkut penumpang dan kendaraan dalam jumlah yang relatif banyak. Untuk memudahkan akses keluar masuk kendaraan yang akan diangkut, maka kapal ini dilengkapi dengan empat buah ramp door sistem steel wire rope, salah satunya adalah ramp door yang terletak dibagian kiri lambung kapal (side ramp door. Side ramp door akan menerima beban statis secara berulang - ulang sehingga dapat mengakibatkan deformasi, keretakan, kerusakan, dll. Penelitian tentang kekuatan konstruksi side ramp door perlu diperhatikan dan dilakukan dimana tegangan yang diakibatkan oleh beban yang mengenainya tidak boleh melebihi batas maksimum σyield bahan dan σijin berdasarkan rules dari klas, adapun acuan rules yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan rules Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. Analisa kekuatan konstruksi side ramp door dilakukan dengan menggunakan program berbasis FEM sedangkan untuk pemodelan dilakukan dengan menggunakan program berbasis CAD. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa beban statis untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan letak tegangan terbesar pada konstruksi side ramp door berdasarkan empat variasi pembebanan. Hasil analisa menggunakan program berbasis FEM didapatkan hasil maximum stress terbesar terjadi pada kondisi side ramp door dengan beban kendaraan truck yaitu sebesar 93,91 N/mm2 dimana daerah paling kritis terjadi pada node 22097 yang terletak pada gading nomor 8 bagian memanjang dan gading nomor 1 bagian melintang. Tegangan ini masih dalam kondisi aman karena setelah dibandingan dengan σyield bahan sebesar 400 N/mm2 dan σijin berdasarkan rules BKI sebesar 225,24 N/mm2 menghasilkan nilai safety factor sebesar 3,87 dan 2,18.


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    Asroni Asroni


    Full Text Available Dudukan Peredam Kejut (Stand Shock Absorbers pada sepeda motor ada dua bagian atas dan bawah. Stand Shock Absorbers pada bagian atas terdapat batang poros berguna untuk menyatukan Shock Absorbers dengan rangka. Sementara yang di atas untuk memperkuat garpu agar tetap pada posisinya saat bekerja meredam getaran[1]. Pemodelan Stand Shock Absorbers menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga dengan pembebanan sebesar 1000 N, 63.135 N ke arah vektor X dan 998.005 N ke arah vektor Y. material yang digunakan Besi Tuang dengan Massa Jenis 7.15 g/cm3, Massa 0.0408248 kg, Luas Area 5182.95 mm2 dan Volume 5709.76 mm3. Analisis tegangan menggunakan Software berbasis elemen hingga Inventor 2015. Hasil simulasi dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Tegangan (Stress yang terbesar (Maksimum Stress terjadi ke arah vektor ZZ dengan nilai 40.3231 MPa, Regangan (Strain yang terbesar (Maksimum Strain terjadi ke arah vektor ZZ dengan nilai 0.000313922 ul dan Perpindahan (Displacement yang terbesar terjadi ke arah vektor Z dengan nilai 0.0195378 mm.


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    Andi Sofrany Ekariansyah


    Full Text Available Pada tanggal 9 Februari 1991, terjadi kecelakaan putusnya pipa pemanas pembangkit uap (Steam Generator Tube Rupture/SGTR pada PLTN Mihama Unit 2. Dari kejadian tersebut, diperoleh catatan sekuensi kecelakaan berupa aktuasi sistem proteksi dan fitur keselamatan terekayasa dalam memitigasi kebocoran dari sistem primer ke sistem sekunder. Urutan sekuensi tersebut kemudian diterapkan pada PWR standar Jepang untuk disimulasikan menggunakan program perhitungan RELAP5/SCDAP/Mod3.2. Tujuannya untuk mengevaluasi konsekuensi yang terjadi bila kecelakaan tersebut terjadi pada PWR standar Jepang. Parameter yang dibandingkan adalah laju alir kebocoran, perubahan tekanan primer dan sekunder dan perubahan level di dalam pressurizer. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan perbedaan lama waktu kejadian SGTR hingga berhentinya kebocoran yang berlangsung lebih pendek pada PWR standar Jepang. Selain itu jumlah pendingin primer yang bocor dan jumlah uap yang terlepas dari MSRV tercatat lebih besar daripada PWR Mihama unit 2. Karakter aliran kebocoran, fluktuasi tekanan primer, dan level pressurizer sedikit berbeda pada tahap-tahap awal kejadian, namun relatif sama pada tahap akhir ketika aliran kebocoran dapat dihentikan. Hasil simulasi juga menunjukkan perlunya tindakan operator secara manual yang ditunjukkan dari isolasi sistem air umpan bantu (AFW pada pembangkit uap yang bocor, aktuasi katup pelepas uap (MSRV pada pembangkit uap yang utuh dan aktuasi auxiliary spray dan power operated relief valve (PORV pada pressurizer untuk mengantisipasi kejadian sebagai bagian dari prosedur operasi darurat. Kata kunci: SGTR, PWR Mihama Unit 2, PWR standar Jepang   On February 9,1991, a Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR took place at the Mihama Unit No. 2. From that event, the accident sequence representing the actuation of protection system and engineered safety feature to mitigate the leak from primary system to secondary system is recorded. That sequence is then applied on the


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    Sobron Lubis


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi objek dalam pembuatan protipe cepat (rapid prototyping dengan menggunakan 3D printing untuk bahan polymer PLA dan ABS terhadap kekuatan tarik maupun ketelitian dimensi yang dihasilkan. Untuk  mencapai objektif penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan dengan membuat prototype spesimen ujitarik berdasarkan ASTM dengan menggunakan 3D printer. Produk yang dihasilkan dilakukan pengukuran dimensi untuk melihat akurasi peroduk melalui perubahan dua posisi variasi orientasi objek yakni secara vertikal dan horizontal. Setelah proses pengukuran dimensi, dilakukan pengujian tarik spesimen dengan menggunakan alat uji tarik. Dari eksperimen yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa posisi orientasi dan besar layer pada proses printing memberi efek terhadap kualitas permukaan, efisiensi waktu dan kekuatan dari benda. Produk material PLA dengan orientasi posisi objek horizontal memiliki kualitas dimensi yang paling baik. Jumlah kesalahan akurasi material ini tidak melebihi 1 mm pada setiap layer. Material ABS dengan posisi orientasi objek  vertikal dan tebal layer sebesar 0,10 mm menghasilkan kekuatan tegangan tarik yang terkecil sebesar 8,62 MPa dan material PLA dengan orientasi posisi objek horizontal dengan dan tebal layer sebesar 0,40 mm menghasilkan kekuatan tegangan tarik terbesar 35,57 MPa

  16. Penggunaan Recloser


    -, Sutikno


    Dilapangan dijumpai juga kasus recloser yang bermasalah, baik dari awal perencanaan, prosedur pemeliharaan bahkan pemeliharaan yang kurang baik sehingga kinerja recloser sendiri tidak bisa optimal. Oleh karena itu perencanaan dan prosedur kinerja recloser distribusi pada jaringan tegangan menengah harus diperhatikan dan yang lebih penting lagi, sebelum recloser dipakai sebaiknya diuji terlebih dahulu supaya dapat memastikan bahwa recloser yang akan digunakan betul-betul baik dan tepat nilai r...

  17. Analisis Ripple Masukan Dan Keluaran PWM AC Chopper 3-Fasa Pada Beban Motor Induksi 3-Fasa


    Luthfi, Muhamad; Dachlan, Harry Soekotjo; Wijono, Wijono


    Penggunaan chopper dalam sistem kelistrikan akan menimbulkan ripple pada tegangan keluarannya. Kebanyakan ripple difahami terbangkit pada sisi output. Pada penelitian ini ripple pada sisi input juga dianalisis. Disamping ripple, penggunaan chopper akan membangkitkan harmonisa yang akan menimbulkan rugirugi. Untuk memperkecil rugi-rugi tersebut, pada sisi input maupun output perlu dipasang filter LC. Penentuan nilai komponen filter ini dipengaruhi oleh ripple yang timbul. Dengan mengetahui m...

  18. Analisa Perbandingan Efisiensi Motor Dc Kompon Pendek Dengan Motor Dc Kompon Panjang Akibat Penambahan Kutub


    Sitompul, Fuad Rahim


    Motor listrik merupakan perangkat elekromagnetis yang mengubah energi listrik menjadi energi mekanik. Motor DC memerlukan tegangan searah pada kumparan medan untuk diubah menjadi energi mekanik. Energi mekanik ini digunakan sebagai penggerak peralatan listrik seperti pompa,penggerak kipas angin, lift dan lain-lain. Karena penggunaannya yang cukup luas maka kinerjanya harus baik. Kinerja suatu motor DC dikatakan baik jika efisiensi motor tersebut tinggi. Hal itu dapat dicapai dengan mengatur b...

  19. Studi Pengaruh Gerak Semi-submersible Drilling Rig dengan Variasi Pre-tension Mooring Line terhadap Keamanan Drilling Riser

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    Arda Arda


    Full Text Available Analisis terhadap sistem tambat pada anjungan pengeboran semi-submersible drilling rig perlu dilakukan sebelum dilakukannya operasi di lapangan untuk mengetahui perencanaan sistem tambat yang tepat dan aman. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa perilaku gerak semi-submersible dengan variasi pre-tension mooring line untuk mengetahui berapa besar pre-tension minimal yang harus digunakan agar operasi pengeboran di lingkungan laut Natuna dapat berjalan dengan aman. Variasi pre-tension yang digunakan adalah sebesar 400kN-2000kN dengan penambahan sebesar 400kN. Karakteristik gerakan semi-submersible diprediksi dengan menghitung RAO free floating dengan pemodelan numerik dalam domain frekuensi. Kemudian dilakukan analisa simulasi sistem lengkap (platform, mooring dan drilling riser dengan pemodelan numerik dalam domain waktu. Hasil yang didapat yakni nilai maksimum tegangan mooring line memenuhi batas kriteria API-RP2SK untuk semua variasi pre-tension dengan safety factor terkecil 2.44. Sudut flex joint drilling riser yang terjadi melewati batas kriteria API-RP16Q pada pre-tension 400kN-800kN yang mencapai 6.20 untuk sudut maksimum dan 4.80 untuk sudut rata-rata. Tegangan von Mises yang terjadi pada drilling riser melebihi kriteria API-RP16Q pada pre-tension 400kN-1200kN karena nilainya mencapai 369 MPa (0.82 yield stress.

  20. Maximum Power Point Tracking menggunakan Buck Converter dengan Algoritma P & O untuk Turbin Angin

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    Erik Tridianto


    Full Text Available Energi terbarukan adalah salah satu energi alternatif sebagai pengganti bahan bakar untuk pembangkit listrik. Dari berbagai energi terbarukan,yang ada energi angin adalah yang paling mudah dicari. Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan dengan ratusan pantai dan dengan kecepatan angin yang besar dan berfluktuasi 3-5 m / s. Dan solusi dari masalah angin yang berfluktuasi ini adalah dengan menggunakan kontrol MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking dengan lm2596 dc-dc buck converter. Ketika daya yang dihasilkan kurang dari yang diharapkan, maka kontrol MPPT akan menurunkan tegangan untuk mendapatkan daya maksimum. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan lm2596 buck dc-dc converter menggunakan kontrol MPPT dengan tujuan mendapatkan daya maksimum pada kondisi kecepatan angin yang bervariasi, dan jenis MPPT yang digunakan adalah Perturb and Observation (P & O. Untuk membaca daya yang dihasilkan menggunakan Voltage dan Current sensor. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa, dengan penambahan kontrol MPPT dapat meningkatkan output daya dari generator sebesar 23%-49%.

  1. Studi Analisa Stabilitas Transien Sistem Jawa-Madura-Bali (Jamali 500kV Setelah Masuknya Pembangkit Paiton 1000 MW Pada Tahun 2021

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    Prima Prahasta Rezky


    Full Text Available Dengan kebutuhan akan listrik yang setiap tahunnya meningkat khususnya di pulau jawa dan sekitarnya, pemerintah melalui PLN merencanakan pengembangan kapasitas dan energi listrik guna mengatasi meningkatnya kebutuhan tersebut. Sehingga pada tahun 2021 sistem kelistrikan di Jawa-Bali menambahkan satu unit pembangkit Paiton 1000 MW. Dengan adanya pembangkit baru tersebut maka diperlukan rekonfigurasi jaringan dan perlu dilakukan analisis ulang terhadap kinerja sistem secara keseluruhan. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa untuk kasus lepasnya generator, lepasnya satu saluran dan saluran dobel sirkit tidak menyebabkan sistem lepas sinkron. Karena ketika generator lepas, daya supply yang hilang hanya 2% dari total pembangkitan dan lepasnya saluran dapat di backup oleh sistem interkoneksi. Begitu juga dengan kasus single pole auto reclosing dengan waktu CB kembali tertutup sebesar 500 ms setelah gangguan, hasil respon sudut rotor, frekuensi dan tegangan menunjukkan sistem tetap stabil. Kemudian untuk kasus waktu pemutusan kritis (CCT, nilai CCT pada sistem berada pada kisaran 300 ms – 400 ms. Sehingga dengan standart batas pemutusan CB untuk sistem transmisi adalah 120 ms – 140 ms maka dapat dikatakan sistem tetap stabil ketika terjadi hubung singkat tiga fasa ke tanah.

  2. Analisis Kekuatan Tangki CNG Ditinjau dengan Material Logam Lapis Komposit pada Kapal Pengangkut Compressed Natural Gas

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    Aulia Firmansah


    Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan analisa perbandingan pada kekuatan pressure vessel compressed natural gas. Pressure vessel yang digunakan yaitu tipe satu dan tipe tiga, tipe satu adalah tabung menggunakan material logam yaitu Carbon Steel SA 516 Grade 70 dan Aluminium Alloy T6-6061. Pada tabung tipe tiga material menggunakan Aluminium Alloy T6-6061 dengan lapisan Komposit (Carbon Fibre – Epoxy pada seluruh tabung (full wrapped. Sudut orientasi serat yang digunakan 54.73560 dan terdiri dari 4 lapis komposit yang membungkus aluminium. Variasi yang dilakukan pada tebal komposit yaitu 25% komposit, 50% komposit, dan 75% komposit. Pressure vessel mendapat perlakuan internal pressure sebesar 125 bar dan temperatur -300C. Analisa dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu dengan perhitungan manual dan software finite element method (NASTRAN 2010. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut tabung tipe satu dengan material logam terbukti aman karena memenuhi dari faktor keamanan yang ditentukan tetapi pressure vessel sangat berat. Pada tabung tipe tiga lamina dengan komposisi 75% komposit dan 50% komposit dinyatakan aman karena memenuhi dari kriteria tegangan maksimum. Sedangkan pada komposisi 25% komposit lamina mengalami kegagalan yang disebabkan terlalu rendahnya lapisan komposit. Dari keseluruhan hasil perhitungan dan analisa didapatkan komposisi ideal pressure vessel yaitu 75% komposit dan 25% aluminium dari tebal keseluruhan sehingga menghasilkan tegangan yang sangat kecil dan memiliki berat yang paling ringan.

  3. Khasiat Proteksi Madu terhadap Kerusakan Hepar Tikus yang Diinduksi Etano


    Muhartono; Larasati N. D; Rizki Hanriko; Sutyarso


    Honey is one of the honeybee’s’ products which are often used as medicine since a long time ago. Honey has a high antioxidant activity, but studies to investigate its protective effect on ethanol-induced liver injury have not been carried out in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of honey on ethanol-induced rat liver injury. This study done conducted in the Pharmacology and Pathology laboratory in November 2011. This experimental laboratory study used ra...

  4. Khasiat Proteksi Madu terhadap Kerusakan Hepar Tikus yang Diinduksi Etano

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    Full Text Available Honey is one of the honeybee’s’ products which are often used as medicine since a long time ago. Honey has a high antioxidant activity, but studies to investigate its protective effect on ethanol-induced liver injury have not been carried out in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of honey on ethanol-induced rat liver injury. This study done conducted in the Pharmacology and Pathology laboratory in November 2011. This experimental laboratory study used randomized complete design on 25 rats divided into five groups. Group 1: control; group 2: ethanol; group 3, 4 and 5: honey + ethanol. Ethanol 0.01 mL/g body weight was given orally to group 2, 3, 4 and 5 for 14 days. Honey + ethanol groups were given honey at a dose of 0.0018 mL/g body weight, 0.0054 mL/g body weight, and 0.016 mL/g body weight orally at 1.5 hours prior to ethanol administration. Liver samples were taken for histopathological examination. The parameter of liver injury was fatty degeneration. The results showed that ethanol induced fatty degeneration compared to control group. Group 3, 4 and 5 showed significantly decreased fatty degeneration (p<0.050, p <0.001, p <0.001. The improvement was prominent in group 5. In conclusion, honey has a protective effect on rat liver injury.


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    Indra Baskara


    Full Text Available Tibubeneng feeder equipped with protective devices over current relay (OCR and ground fault relay (GFR installed in Recloser Dama, Recloser Tandeg and relay feeder Tibubeneng in GI. Based on data from PLN Bali, there are 3 times the interference with the feeder Tibubeneng that cause coordination protection error system. The problem of protection error coordination can be addressed by the study coordinated analysis of protection systems. The analysis was performed by making a curve existing coordination OCR settings and GFR in Tibubeneng feeders and comparing it with the coordination curve setting calculation results. The calculation is performed based on the standards system of protection of sensitive, reliable, fast and remain selective. Based on the analysis of the existing curve setting, an error occurred coordination between the curve and the GFR Recloser Recloser Tandeg Dama indicated by the curves that intersect at several levels of short circuit current value and the value of grading time OCR and GFR was less than 0.4 seconds. Repair work coordination OCR and GFR in Tibubeneng feeder can be done by re-setting in accordance with the results of calculations in order to obtain protection system in accordance with the terms of the security system


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    Rina Marina


    Full Text Available Abstract. Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes being the vector of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF. Various efJort have been done to control the mosquitoes, including using plant extract as repellent. Pandanus amaryllifolius and Notophanax scutellarium leaf were known to posses repellent activity for mosquito species. The study aimed to examine efJectiveness ofP. amaryllifolius and N. scutellarium leaf as repellent for Ae. albopictus. The result study on i-hr treatment showed that power protection of pandan leaves (N. scutellarium was 93.55%, while mangkokan leaves (p. amaryllifolius was 87.5%. Based on ANOVA analysis, there was not significantly dijJerent of power protection between N. scutellarium leafs and P. amaryllifolius leafs extracts against Ae. albopictus mosquitoes. Both of these test, plants has showed the potential to be a repellent and eliminate the emergence of Ae. albopictus mosquitoes, so it may efJectively reduce contact between host and dengue vector. Keywords: P. amaryllifolius, N. scutellarium, repellent, Ae. albopictus, dengue Abstrak. Nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Ae. albopictus merupakan vektor dari Demam Berdarah Dengue. Pengendalian nyamuk vektor untuk memutus rantai penularan di antaranya menggunakan repelen tanaman. Daun pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius dan mangkokan (Notophanax scutellarium adalah tanaman lokal yang mempunyai potensi sebagai repelensi nyamuk. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui tentang efektivitas daun F amaryllifolius dan N scutellarium sebagai bahan repelen nyamuk Ae. albopictus. Daya proteksi daun pandan (N scutellarium pada jam satu jam pertama perlakuan adalah 93,55%, sedangkan daun mangkokan (F amaryllifolius sebesar 87,5%. Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukan bahwa daya proteksi ekstrak daun pandan dan mangkokan terhadap nyamuk Ae.albopictus berdasarkan jam perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata. Kedua tanaman uji tersebut mempunyai potensi sebagai repelen atau dapat menghalau kedatangan nyamuk Ae

  7. Analisa Kekuatan Desain Meja Kursi Lipat dengan Simulasi Komputer

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    Jatmoko Awali


    Full Text Available Desain meja dan kursi biasanya dibuat dengan fungsi yang terpisah. Pada studi ini akan dibuatproduk yang mengabungkan meja dan kursi agar multi-fungsi dengan desain lipat sehingga bisamenghemat ruang. Multifungsi ini memberikan kebebasan pengguna merubah desain mejakursi lipat ini menjadi kursi atau meja. Desain menggunakan dimensi yang dikaji secaraergonomik agar dapat digunakan secara fungsional untuk pangsa pasar utama untuk bisnismakanan yang menggunakan media duduk lesehan. Desain ini dimodelkan dengan bantuansoftware ANSYS 14.5 dimana desain dimodelkan secara 3 dimensi (3D. Model materialmemakai 2 model yaitu kayu jati untuk desain berharga tinggi dan polipropilena untuk desainberharga lebih ekonomis. Beban operasi diaplikasikan arah aksial sebesar 100 kgmenyesuaikan dengan asumsi berat tubuh rata-rata maksimal orang Indonesia. Dari hasilsimulasi, besar tegangan operasional masih dapat menerima beban maksimum tanpa terjadikerusakan sesuai dengan kriteria kegagalan von-misses. Lokasi besar tegangan kritis terdapatpada bagian tumpuan tangan sehingga nantinya dapat diperbaiki dengan memperbesarinersianya. Ergonomik yang dilakukan memberikan batas range pemakaian meja kursi lipat iniuntuk orang dengan tinggi rata-rata 160 cm dan memiliki sudut sandaran 70 derajat.Kata kunci: Meja kursi, pemodelan 3 dimensi, ergonomik, tegangan von-misses Design for tables and chairs are usually made with a separate function. In this study, it will bemade a product that combines a table and chairs so that space can be saved. Thismultifunctional gives the user freedom to change the design of this folding chair into a deskchair or a table. The dimension of the design is examined ergonomically in order to be usedfunctionally for major market share for business meals using the media to sit cross-legged. Thisdesign is modeled with the help of ANSYS 14.5 software where design modeled 3-dimensional(3D. The mModel using 2 materials namely: with teak for the design of

  8. Sistem Proteksi Arus Bocor Menggunakan Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker Berbasis Arduino


    Syukriyadin, Syukriyadin


    Touching a live part of electrical equipment either intentionally or unintentionally can cause an electric shock. The touch can occur directly or indirectly and results in the flow of electric current through the human body to the ground. This electric current is known as the leakage current and can have fatal effects on the human body such as burns, cramps, faint and death. This paper aims to design a prototype protection model of the earth leakage circuit breaker device based on Arduino (EL...

  9. Sistem Proteksi Arus Bocor Menggunakan Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker Berbasis Arduino

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    Syukriyadin Syukriyadin


    Full Text Available Touching a live part of electrical equipment either intentionally or unintentionally can cause an electric shock. The touch can occur directly or indirectly and results in the flow of electric current through the human body to the ground. This electric current is known as the leakage current and can have fatal effects on the human body such as burns, cramps, faint and death. This paper aims to design a prototype protection model of the earth leakage circuit breaker device based on Arduino (ELCBA to protect the human body from the electrical hazards. The performance of the ELCBA is investigated by detecting the earth leakage current to the grounding system (TN.  The prototype is designed and simulated by using Proteus software. Based on the response test carried out on the prototype, it can be concluded that the ELCBA can operate properly to disconnect the electric circuit if the leakage current is detected greater than or equal to 30 mA with a time delay of 15 ms and to reclose the circuit again after 5 minutes.

  10. Perancangan Penguat Awal Menggunakan Tabung Hampa Pada Aras Tegangan Rendah

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    Matias H.W. Budhiantho


    Full Text Available Vacuum tube amplifiers have been known as softly-cliping audio amplifiers, as opposed to solid-state based amplifiers which exhibit hard-cliping properties. However, vacuum tubes are operated in high voltage level. Meanwhile, in order to work in low voltage level, a vacuum tube amplifier must employ step down transformers that leads to complexity. This study aims to make use of vacuum tubes in a pre-amplifier working on 12 VDC level. First, several measurements were done to obtain graphics of characteristic of triode 12AT7 in low voltage level. Common-cathode topology was cascaded with a common-anode topology to realize such amplifier. The results show that the preamplifier has an input impedance of 1.11 MΩ, output impedance of 3.5 kΩ for the right channel and 3.2 kΩ for the left channel. Maximum Total Harmonic Distortion of 1.7% occurs on frequency of 4 kHz. Voltage gains of 20.08 dB and 20 dB were obtained for the right and left channels, respectively. This pre-amplifier also shows sensitivity of 212 mVrms, maximum output level of 2 Vrms, and relatively flat frequency response within 60 Hz–20 kHz with ripple of ± 0.5dB. This pre-amplifier can be alternatively used in two modes, namely linear mode and distorted mode.

  11. Robot Beroda Perambat Dinding Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega 2560 Dilengkapi Kendali Nirkabel dan Penghindar Rintangan

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    Eko Didik Widianto


    Full Text Available This research developed a mobile wall climbing robot prototype using 4 DC motors as its driver and a suction tube. It can avoid obstacles. This robot uses Arduino Mega 2560 as its controller board. The robot's weight is 747 grams. The suction tube produces a suction force of 7.815N capable of holding the robot load in a stall vertical position using 12V of voltage. The robot able to crawl down and horizontal, but still can not climb vertically. The robot is able to receive a command of motion manually from a 2.4GHz wireless joystick. In automatic mode, the robot can avoid obstacles using the HC-SR04 proximity sensor. This research also shows the relationship between suction force and the given voltage of DC brushless motor and its throtle value. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sebuah purwarupa robot perambat dinding beroda dengan 4 buah motor DC sebagai penggerak dan sebuah tabung hisap serta dapat menghindari rintangan. Robot ini menggunakan Arduino Mega 2560 sebagai papan kontrolernya. Bobot robot adalah 747 gram. Gaya hisap dari tabung hisap sebesar 7,815N mampu menahan beban robot dalam posisi diam vertikal di tegangan 12V. Robot mampu merambat turun dan mendatar, namun masih tidak bisa naik vertikal. Robot mampu diberikan perintah gerak secara manual dari tombol joystick playstation nirkabel 2,4 GHz. Di mode otomatis, robot dapat bergerak menghindari rintangan menggunakan sensor jarak HC-SR04. Dalam penelitian ini ditunjukkan hubungan antara gaya hisap dengan nilai tegangan motor DC brushless dan nilai throtle-nya.


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    Febriansyah Febriansyah


    Full Text Available Sistem penyimpanan barang semakin berkembang pemakaiannya, terutama pada industri-industri maju. Hal ini disebabkan semakin banyaknya jumlah permintaan akan barang-barang kebutuhan baik industri maupun rumah tangga. Oleh karena itulah dikembangkan sistem penyimpanan dan pengambilan barang secara otomatis yang biasa dikenal dengan AS/RS. Untuk merancang sistem penyimpanan dan pengambilan barang tersebut, perlu terlebih dahulu memilih model sistem yang digunakan. Dalam perancangan ini dipilih model Telescopic Shuttle, dengan pertimbangan lebih efisien dari sisi pemakain ruang.Untuk merancang Telescopic Shuttle menggunakan bantuan software Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015, yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan perhitungan manual tegangan serta efek defleksi terjadi.

  13. Studi Numerik Variasi Pemilihan Gas Accumulator Untuk Pencegahan Water Hammer Pada Sistem Perpipaan Sepanjang 1 Kilometer dan Debit Aliran 800 GPM

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    Anindika Bagus Pradana


    Full Text Available Sistem jaringan perpipaan sangat penting dalam menunjang produksi pada bidang industri. Jaringan perpipaan mengalami beberapa fenomena seperti distribusi fluida dan water hammer. Water hammer sering terjadi di daerah discharge pompa saat pengoperasian dan gagalnya beroperasinya pompa. Water hammer dapat merusak jaringan perpipaan. Fenomena water hammer dapat terjadi hampir di setiap sistem instalasi perpipaan. Fenomena ini mempunyai dampak buruk apabila sistem perpipaan tersebut tidak memperhatikan akibat dari water hammer. Fenomena dalam sistem perpipaan mempunyai dampak negatif dengan selang waktu tertentu, water hammer adalah fenomena dimana dampak yang ditimbulkan terjadi seketika itu juga. Penanggulangan yang tidak tepat terhadap dampak tersebut dapat mengakibatkan instalasi tersebut harus dimatikan (shutdown. Pada simulasi ini digunakan sistem instalasi perpipaan dengan panjang 1 kilometer dan debit aliran 800 gpm.Pada sistem instalasi ini memiliki rangkaian pompa tunggal yang dilengkapi dengan gas accumulator di sisi discharge pompa. Ketika terjadi perubahan flow rate yang menyebabkan pompa beroprasi atau gagal beroprasi akan menimbulkan fenomena water hammer.Penelitian dilakukan secara numerik menggunakan software AFT Impulse 4.0. Water hammer dapat diminimalisi dengan memasang gas accumulator pada daerah dekat discharge pompa. Variasi gas accumulator adalah gas accumulator merk NOK tipe AT 175-20 dengan volume maksimum 20 liter, tipe AT 210-60 dengan volume maksimum 60 liter dan tipe AT 230-120 dengan volume maksimum 100 liter. Hasil yang didapatkan pada simulasi menunjukan pada jarak 4 meter dari rumah pompa masing-masing P max dan P min  untuk sistem perpipaan dengan simulasi proses trip pompa tanpa proteksi water hammer adalah 1729 Kpa dan 381 Kpa, untuk sistem perpipaan dengan gas accumulator volume setting 20 liter adalah 1228 Kpa dan 927 Kpa, untuk sistem perpipaan dengan gas accumulator volume setting 60 liter adalah 1161 Kpa

  14. Self generation, small generation, and embedded generation issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The New Brunswick Market Design Committee for electric power restructuring has been directed to examine issues regarding cogeneration and small-scale, on-site generation and how they will fit within the framework of the bilateral contract market. The Committee will also have to deal with issues of generation embedded in a distribution system. The Committee has defined cogeneration as the simultaneous production of electricity and useful thermal energy. Self-generation has been defined as small-scale power generation by an end-user, while embedded generation has been defined as a generation facility that is located within a distribution utility but is not directly connected to the transmission system. The Committee has postponed its decision on whether embedded generation will be eligible to participate under the bilateral contract market for electricity. This report discusses general issues such as the physical support of generation, market support of generation, transition issues and policy issues. It also discusses generation support issues such as operating reserves, transmission tariff issues, and distribution tariffs. Market support issues such as transmission access for generation sales were also considered, along with market access for generation sales, and net metering for behind the meter generation. 7 refs., 1 tab

  15. Effect of Crude Palm Oil Protection on Fermentation Parameter and Rumen Microbial Activity of Male Local Lamb

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    NC Tiven


    Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proteksi kelapa sawit mentah (CPO dalam ransum terhadap parameter fermentasi in-vivo dan aktivitas mikroba. Lima belas ekor domba lokal muda jantanumur 9-12 bulan dengan bobot 14-17 kg, dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok perlakuan ransum. Kelompok pertama hanya diberi ransum basal (R0, kelompok kedua diberi ransum basal dan 3% CPO (R1, kelompok ketiga diberi ransum basal dan 3% CPO terproteksi dengan 2% formaldehid (R2. Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan dan anova satu arah digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan uji lanjut jarak ganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan CPO terproteksi dengan formaldehida (R2 pada ransum domba meningkatkan protein mikroba dalam cairan rumen. Kata kunci: parameter fermentasi, aktivitas mikroba rumen, CPO   NC Tiven  et al/Animal Production 14(3:141-146, September 2012

  16. Analisa Tegangan, Regangan Dan Deformasi Pada Perkerasan Konvensional Dan Perkerasan Porus

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    Mukhammad Mukhlis


    Full Text Available In Indonesia generally use conventional flexible pavement, where the ability to pass water is not good. One prevention effort is using porous flexible pavement. To determine the effect of stress, strain, and deformation on porous and conventional pavement, a semi-field pavement study was conducted and focused on improving track performance. Semi-field scale is an analytical method that using a certain scale that can represent the actual conditions that occur in the field, both on the load, material, and thickness. From the measurement results, the value of stress and strain increased along with the increasing number of tracks. Meanwhile, the deformation on the surface of the asphalt due to the passing wheel load increases as the number of tracks increases.

  17. Magnet Free Generators - 3rd Generation Wind Turbine Generators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Bogi Bech; Mijatovic, Nenad; Henriksen, Matthew Lee


    This paper presents an introduction to superconducting wind turbine generators, which are often referred to as 3rd generation wind turbine generators. Advantages and challenges of superconducting generators are presented with particular focus on possible weight and efficiency improvements. A comp...

  18. Desain Kontrol Multi – Input DC–DC Converter Sistem Hibrid Turbin Angin dan Sel Surya Menggunakan Kontrol Fuzzy Logic untuk Tegangan Rendah

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    Feby Agung Pamuji


    Full Text Available this paper describes a hybrid system that consist of Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic to supply electricity continuously for load. Output of Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic is controlled in order to generate maximum power. Multiple-input dc-dc converters is used to control power flow in order to have MPP (Maximum Power Point. Converter control using Fuzzy logic controller to control the output in order to be obtained MPP (Maximum Power Point from Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic, so the efficiency of wind turbines and photovoltaic can be improved.


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    Eko Sasmito Hadi


    Full Text Available Ketersediaan energi tak terbarukan yang kian menipis akan menjadi permasalahan besar bagi kehidupan manusia, banyak pemikiran sudah dicurahkan oleh para ilmuan guna mengantisipasi adanya kemungkinan krisis energi di masa yang akan datang. Selain dari permasalahan keterbatasan energi yang ada juga timbul masalah baru dari penggunaan energi tak terbarukan tersebut yaitu berupa polusi dan pencemaran lingkungan yang berdampak pada perubahan iklim di dunia. Para pemimpin dari berbagai negara menggelar konferensi tentang perubahan iklim di Bali (UNFCCC, sebagai tindak lanjut dari Protokol Kyoto yang diselenggarakan di Jepang sebelumnya, sehubungan dengan perubahan iklim dunia, beberapa negara sepakat untuk mengurangi emisi gas buang pada mesin berbahan bakar mineral, yang dianggap sebagai penyumbang polusi udara terbanyak, dengan membuat kebijakan yang diharapkan dapat menjadi suatu solusi untuk mengurangi polusi udara, salah satu solusi yang dibahas penulis adalah penggunaan motor listrik sebagai pengganti mesin berbahan bakar mineral, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung parameter pendukung propeller engine matching (putaran mesin, BHP mesin, dan hambatan kapal , pada kapal ikan tradisional KM Brandal, dan penentuan ukuran propeller yang sesuai dengan kapal ikan KM Brandal dengan menggunakan sistem hybrid. Dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan pengukuran dan perhitungan pada sistem penggerak kapal baik di lapangan maupun simulasi hybrid, rangkaian hybrid ini terdiri dari beberapa komponen antara lain 2 buah solar cell 100 WP, genset 800 VA, 2 buah baterai 70 Ah, dan motor listrik 12 volt 80 ampere, sedangkan untuk mendapatkan tegangan listrik yang sama pada rangkaian hybrid beberapa komponen seperti baterai, genset, dan solar cell disusun secara paralel. Penelitian tentang Propeller-Engine Matching pada rangkaian hybrid kapal ikan KM Brandal menghasilkan beberapa parameter optimasi propeller antara lain hambatan kapal 1,04 kN, daya efektif


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    Dityo Pradana


    Full Text Available Kendala yang dimiliki oleh seorang penggemar elektronik untuk membuat PCB diantaranya adalah efisiensi waktu, tenaga, dan biaya. Pembuatan CNC milling machine merupakan salah satu solusi yang tepat untuk membuat PCB. CNC milling machine adalah mesin bubut otomatis yang bekerja atas dasar perintah Numerical Code. Rancang bangun CNC Milling Machine Home Made ini dikontrol oleh komputer yang akan mengontrol IC L297 melalui parallel port. IC L297 ini kemudian memberikan empat data digital a, b, c dan d untuk mengatur phase IC L298 yang menyalurkan tegangan untuk koil motor stepper unipolar. Pada akhirnya motor stepper unipolar akan memutar baut dan dapat menggerakkan meja sumbu menggunakan prinsip kerja ulir.

  1. Commanding Generation Y: How Generation X Military Leaders Can Better Utilize Generational Tendencies (United States)


    generation ( Baby Boomers ). Although the profession of arms is a time-honored tradition steeped in discipline...senior leadership generational tendencies. Command; Leadership; Generation ; Baby Boomer ; Generation X; Generation Y Unclass Unclass Unclass UU 32 USMC...enable commanders to better lead Generation Y within the U.S. military. Discussion: Baby Boomers , Generation X, and Generation Y are

  2. Analisa Spektrum Motor Imagery pada Sinyal Aktivitas Otak

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    Johan Chandra


    Full Text Available Otak merupakan organ vital pada tubuh manusia yang berperan sebagai pusat kendali sistem saraf manusia. Sinyal yang dikeluarkan otak (EEG mengandung berbagai informasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada teknologi BCI. Salah satu informasi yang dapat digunakan adalah informasi motorik baik mengenai motor execution maupung motor imagery. Pada penderita stroke yang biasanya mengalami kelumpuhan pada anggota gerak tubuhnya, informasi mengenai motor imagery dapat dimanfaatkan untuk aplikasi Brain Computer Interface terutama dalam rehabilitasi kelumpuhan anggota gerak pasien tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah alat sistem EEG untuk merekam sinyal EEG pada otak untuk menganalisa spektrum motor imagery pada sinyal aktivitas otak. Sistem terdiri dari rangkaian filter pasif, rangkaian proteksi, penguat isntrumentasi, common mode rejection, amplifier, dan filter. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan sinyal EEG pada tasking motor imagery dan motor execution. Selanjutnya, informasi motorik baik motor execution dan motor imagery dapat diaplikasikan lebih lanjut pada sistem BCI terutama pada rehabilitasi medik.

  3. Manual for the ELL (2) - parser generator and tree generator generator


    Heckmann, Reinhold


    Regular right part grammars extended by tree generator specifications are interpreted by a combined parser generator and tree generator that produces an ELL(2) parser. This parser is able to translate programs of the specified language into abstract syntax trees according to the tree specifications in the generator input.

  4. Induksi Dan Konduksi Gelombang Elektromagnetik Akibat Sambaran Petir Pada Jaringan Tegangan Rendah


    Reynaldo Zoro


    Induction and Conduction Electromagnetic Waves Caused by Lightning Strike on the Low Voltage Network.Direct and indirect lightning strikes can disturb and induce low voltage overheadlines and it can produced overvoltagedue to traveling waves along the lines. This overvoltage can damage the equipments connected to it. It was recordedthat there were already a lot of damages of electronic equipments and arrestesr located inside the building of LightningMeasurement Station at Mnt. Tangkuban Perah...

  5. Comparing Generative and Inter-generative Subjectivity in Post-Revolutionary Academic Generations in Iran

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    mehran Sohrabzadeh


    Full Text Available Comparative study of different post-revolutionary generation has been broadly applied by social scientists; among them some believe there is a gulf between generations, while some others endorsing some small differences among generations, emphasis that this variety is natural. Avoiding being loyal to any of these two views, the present study attempts to compare three different post-revolutionary academic generations using theory of “generative objects” which explores generations’ view about their behaviors, Beliefs, and historical monuments. Sampling was carried among 3 generations; firstly ones who were student in 60s and now are experienced faculties in the university, secondly ones who are recently employed as faculty members, and finally who are now students in universities. Results show that in all 3 generations there are essential in-generation similarities, while comparatively there are some differentiations in inter-generative analysis.

  6. Trip generation characteristics of special generators (United States)


    Special generators are introduced in the sequential four-step modeling procedure to represent certain types of facilities whose trip generation characteristics are not fully captured by the standard trip generation module. They are also used in the t...


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    Rahesa Dwi Putri


    Full Text Available Dalam pembangunan sebuah gedung terdapat suatu utilitas keamanan salah satunya adalah sistem instalasi sprinkler yang dirancang sesuai dengan standar proteksi kebakaran yang disiapkan untuk mencegah, memadamkan dan menanggulangi kebakaran dalam bangunan gedung. Pada perencanaan sistem sprinkler ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan melakukan perhitungan pada kecepatan aliran dan tekanan serta merencanakan kebutuhan air pada pemadaman fire fighting gedung hotel. Penulis melakukan penganalisaan dan perhitungan dengan menentukan discharge coefficient of the sprinkler k-factor pada kecepatan aliran fluida, selanjutnya menggunakan presure loss dari Hazen-Williams dan dilakukan kebutuhan air dengan mengacu pada Azas Bernoulli, yang penulis sebut dengan metode Step by Step. Dari hasil perhitungan ini didapat bahwa hubungan antara kecepatan aliran pada sprinkler otomatis ini dengan pressure loss yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh area yang direncanakan, diameter pipa yang digunakan serta panjang pipa. Dimana perencanaan ini mengacu pada standar yang berlaku seperti Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI dan National Fire Protection Association (NFPA yang harus dipakai dalam perencanaan siste sprinkler otomatis pada sebuah gedung.

  8. Distributed generation induction and permanent magnet generators

    CERN Document Server

    Lai, L


    Distributed power generation is a technology that could help to enable efficient, renewable energy production both in the developed and developing world. It includes all use of small electric power generators, whether located on the utility system, at the site of a utility customer, or at an isolated site not connected to the power grid. Induction generators (IGs) are the cheapest and most commonly used technology, compatible with renewable energy resources. Permanent magnet (PM) generators have traditionally been avoided due to high fabrication costs; however, compared with IGs they are more reliable and productive. Distributed Generation thoroughly examines the principles, possibilities and limitations of creating energy with both IGs and PM generators. It takes an electrical engineering approach in the analysis and testing of these generators, and includes diagrams and extensive case study examples o better demonstrate how the integration of energy sources can be accomplished. The book also provides the ...


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    Full Text Available The reliability condition of fire rescue system is a system built by setting the completeness of site, means of salvation, passive protection system and active protection system for occupants evacuation time and fire fighting in apartment. AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Process is used in the process to get the grade in reliability of a buildings security systems. The study is to obtain the value systems of fire and building safety certainty at this stage wheter the use of this building and its environment reliability in accordance with its function and is safe for humans.

  10. Steam-Generator Integrity Program/Steam-Generator Group Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Steam Generator Integrity Program (SGIP) is a comprehensive effort addressing issues of nondestructive test (NDT) reliability, inservice inspection (ISI) requirements, and tube plugging criteria for PWR steam generators. In addition, the program has interactive research tasks relating primary side decontamination, secondary side cleaning, and proposed repair techniques to nondestructive inspectability and primary system integrity. The program has acquired a service degraded PWR steam generator for research purposes. This past year a research facility, the Steam Generator Examination Facility (SGEF), specifically designed for nondestructive and destructive examination tasks of the SGIP was completed. The Surry generator previously transported to the Hanford Reservation was then inserted into the SGEF. Nondestructive characterization of the generator from both primary and secondary sides has been initiated. Decontamination of the channelhead cold leg side was conducted. Radioactive field maps were established in the steam generator, at the generator surface and in the SGEF

  11. Pengaruh penggunaan modifikasi DIS Tipe 2 terhadap gas buang kendaraan

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    I GNP Tenaya


    Full Text Available Abstrak Sistem pengapian adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pembakaran didalam mesin. Gas buang adalah salah satu indikator untuk mengetahui proses pembakaran dan performa mesin. Pengapian dengan modifikasi DIS tipe 2 sistemnya adalah setiap silinder ditangani dengan satu koil pengapian dan tidak menggunakan kabel tegangan tinggi serta titik persambungan yang dapat mengurangi energi pengapian pada area tegangan tinggi. Untuk membuktikan kebenarannya terhadap proses pembakaran maka dilakukan penelitian pengaruh penggunaan modifikasi DIS tipe 2 terhadap gas buang kendaraan. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan kendaraan 1300 cc. Pada putaran 800 rpm sampai 3300 rpm yang menggunakan DIS tipe 2 dan modifikasi DIS tipe 2. Data yang diamati adalah kadar CO, CO2, HC dan O2.Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan pengapian dengan menggunakan modifikasi DIS tipe 2 kadar gas buang CO dan HC lebih rendah sedangkan kadar gas buang O2 dan CO2lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan pengapian menggunakanDIS tipe 2. Kata kunci: DIS Tipe 2, Modifikasi, Gas Buang Abstract The ignition system is a factor which influence the combustion process of engine. Exhaust gas is one indicator to know about a combustion and engine performance. The modification ignition of DIS type 2 system is each cylinder handlled using an ignition coil and it is without the high tenssion cord and also splace points which can be ignition energy decrease in high voltage area. To approve that truth about the combustion process is done by research for the effect of modification DIS type 2 toward vehicle exhaust gas.This research use vehicle in 1300 cc. On the circle about 800 rpm until 3300 rpm which using DIS type 2 and DIS type 2 modification. The data by observed was degree of CO, CO2, HC and O2.From this research, that by DIS type 2 modification ignition, degree of CO and HC was decrease while degree of O2 and CO2 was increase if compare by DIS type 2 ignition. Keywords: DIS Type 2

  12. Refrigeration generation using expander-generator units (United States)

    Klimenko, A. V.; Agababov, V. S.; Koryagin, A. V.; Baidakova, Yu. O.


    The problems of using the expander-generator unit (EGU) to generate refrigeration, along with electricity were considered. It is shown that, on the level of the temperatures of refrigeration flows using the EGU, one can provide the refrigeration supply of the different consumers: ventilation and air conditioning plants and industrial refrigerators and freezers. The analysis of influence of process parameters on the cooling power of the EGU, which depends on the parameters of the gas expansion process in the expander and temperatures of cooled environment, was carried out. The schematic diagram of refrigeration generation plant based on EGU is presented. The features and advantages of EGU to generate refrigeration compared with thermotransformer of steam compressive and absorption types were shown, namely: there is no need to use the energy generated by burning fuel to operate the EGU; beneficial use of the heat delivered to gas from the flow being cooled in equipment operating on gas; energy production along with refrigeration generation, which makes it possible to create, using EGU, the trigeneration plants without using the energy power equipment. It is shown that the level of the temperatures of refrigeration flows, which can be obtained by using the EGU on existing technological decompression stations of the transported gas, allows providing the refrigeration supply of various consumers. The information that the refrigeration capacity of an expander-generator unit not only depends on the parameters of the process of expansion of gas flowing in the expander (flow rate, temperatures and pressures at the inlet and outlet) but it is also determined by the temperature needed for a consumer and the initial temperature of the flow of the refrigeration-carrier being cooled. The conclusion was made that the expander-generator units can be used to create trigeneration plants both at major power plants and at small energy.

  13. Power Generation for River and Tidal Generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muljadi, Eduard [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Wright, Alan [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Gevorgian, Vahan [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Donegan, James [Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC), Portland, ME (United States); Marnagh, Cian [Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC), Portland, ME (United States); McEntee, Jarlath [Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC), Portland, ME (United States)


    Renewable energy sources are the second largest contributor to global electricity production, after fossil fuels. The integration of renewable energy continued to grow in 2014 against a backdrop of increasing global energy consumption and a dramatic decline in oil prices during the second half of the year. As renewable generation has become less expensive during recent decades, and it becomes more accepted by the global population, the focus on renewable generation has expanded from primarily wind and solar to include new types with promising future applications, such as hydropower generation, including river and tidal generation. Today, hydropower is considered one of the most important renewable energy sources. In river and tidal generation, the input resource flow is slower but also steadier than it is in wind or solar generation, yet the level of water turbulent flow may vary from one place to another. This report focuses on hydrokinetic power conversion.

  14. Efek Tegangan Searah pada Aliran Ionik dan Geometri Pelepah dan Daun Kelapa Sawit

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    Toto Saktioto


    Full Text Available Productivity of palm tree grown are generally measured in months periods, but in a shorter time scale is particularly less measured by the plant maintenance of palm tree. Consideration of the general productivity in time is how to produce good fruit fertilizer (chemical aspect, healthy plants, fast growing and evolving (agricultural aspect and genetic type of palm that grows (biological aspect. However, the growth and production on the physical aspect is still less attention. Through physical treatment, the growth of palm tree can be optimized, as it has been proven in advanced countries on the plant Aloe Vera, Avocado and Pine trees. This paper proposes a treatment of direct current voltage to palm tree that can accelerate the flow of ions to grow and develop nutrients with the increment of geometry and sturcture of leaf and midrib. The palm tree samples are aged 1 to 5 years corresponding to the provision of various current voltage. Identification of samples before and after treatment by electricity determined is based on the geometry of leaves and midrib and ions effect. This identification can support the productivity of palm trees.

  15. Studi Adsorpsi Larutan Gliserol Menggunakan Karbon Aktif: Efek Konsentrasi, Tegangan Permukaan Dan Temperatur

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    Yuniawan Hidayat


    Full Text Available The effect of adsorbate concentration, surface tension and temperature on glycerol adsorption  over  activated  carbon  have  been  conducted.  Activity  of  adsorbent  was increased  by  soaking  activated  carbon  in  H2SO4  10%  solution  for  12  hours  followed heating  at  a  temperature  of  500oC  under  N2  gas  flow  for  3  hours.  Furthermore,  the identification  and  characterization  of  activated  carbon  were  done  by  infrared spectroscopy  (IR    and  gravimetric  method  acidity  test.  Conditions  of  adsorption  of glycerol  by  activated  carbon  were  carried  out  using  batch  method  with  ±12  hours  of contact time on the variation of adsorbate concentration or the ratio glycerol : water (v/v 1 : 2, 1 : 3, 1 : 4, and 1 : 5, as well as variations in 30, 40, 50, and 60 oC.  The  result  showed  that  increased  activity  of  activated  carbon  increased  acidity from 0.5 mmol/gram  to 2.7 mmol/gram.  Increasing concentration of glycerol causes  the surface  tension  decreases  and  (∂γ/∂C  becomes  negative with means  that  glycerol was adsorbed  over  the  surface.  It  has  been  confirmed  by  the  increase  of  actvated  carbon capacity is proportional to the increased concentration of glycerol. Temperature was also playing the role of glycerol adsorption where at 60 oC maximum adsorption was riched.   Keywords:  Adsorption,  Glycerol,  Adsorbate  concentration, Temperature,  Surface tension, Activated Carbon


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    Susiono Susiono


    Full Text Available Dampak negatip akibat harmonik pada sistem distribusi daya listrik akan menjadi masalah yang sangatserius pada masa yang akan datang. Hal ini terjadi karena semakin meningkatnya penggunaan peralatan listrikberbasis elektronika daya, di masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Active power line conditioner ( APLC adalah filter aktif yang dapat digunakan untuk mereduksi cacat gelombang tegangan sinusoida yang diakibatkan oleh harmonik pada sistem distribusi daya listrik. Masalah yang timbul adalah bagaimana menentukan lokasi pemasangan filter tersebut pada jaringan distribusi bila ada beberapasumber harmonik dengan orde yang berbeda (multiple source harmonics. Penentuan lokasi pemasangan filterdapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan metode pusat beban,disesuaikan untuk sistem radial tanpa sectionalizer,selanjutnya dilakukan optimasi untuk menentukan arus injeksi dari filter.Simulasi menunjukkan hasil yang cukupbaik, cacat harmonik total (THD lebih dari 9,8% menjadi kurang dari 0,4 %

  17. Alternative energy and distributed generation: thinking generations ahead

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunt, P.D.


    Alternative Energy will be discussed in the context of Distributed Generation, which is defined as a delivery platform for micro-power generation, close to the end-users, that can also supplement regional electricity grids. Many references in the paper pertain to Alberta. This is for two reasons: First, familiarity by the author, and more importantly, Alberta is the first region in Canada that has de-regulated it's electricity sector. De-regulation allows independent and smaller power generators to enter the market. Focussing on Alberta, with some references to other Canadian provinces and USA, electricity consumption trends will be reviewed and the pressures to decentralize electricity generation discussed. Re-structuring of the electricity sector, convergence of power generation and natural gas industries, advances in technologies, and environmental concerns are collectively contributing to the creation of a new business called 'Distributed Generation'. Efficiency benefits of combined heat and power associated with the more prominent emerging distributed generation technologies like micro-turbines and fuel cells, will be highlighted. Areas of research, development and demonstration that will enable the successful deployment of Distributed Generation will be suggested with respect to Generation Technologies, Systems Controls, Supporting Infrastructure, and Socio-Political Barriers. Estimates of investments in the various alternative energy technologies will be presented. Using current trends and emerging technologies the Paper will conclude with some predictions of future scenarios. (author)

  18. Generative Contexts: Generating value between community and educational settings

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    Dan Lyles


    Full Text Available As educators and researchers, the authors of this paper participated, at different points in time, in a National Science Foundation funded research program to place culturally responsive education into generative justice frameworks. We discovered that the mechanisms to create generative contexts—contexts where value can possibly be returned to the community where the people generating that value live and work—in-school, after-school, and not-school were not uniform and required individual attention and care. One can think of generative contexts as the educational preconditions for generative justice. We aim to show how generative contexts are crucial to understanding a larger theory of generative justice. To do this we provide three examples of generative contexts. First is a generative context in-school, where a technology teacher brought a community hairstylist into her classroom to help teach computer programming through cornrow braiding; a skill relevant to her African American students. Next is a generative context after-school where a student demonstrates soldering skills that she learned from family members. The third is a not-school “E-Waste to Makerspace” workshop where students created garden-technology designs for low-income communities. 

  19. Teaching Millennials and Generation Z: Bridging the Generational Divide. (United States)

    Shatto, Bobbi; Erwin, Kelly


    Most undergraduate students today are part of the millennial generation. However, the next wave of students-Generation Z-are just beginning to enter universities. Although these groups share many similarities, they each have unique characteristics that create challenges in the classroom. Incorporating technology, engaging students with adaptive learning activities, and understanding basic generational differences are ways to limit the effects of generational conflict while keeping both millennials and Generation Z students engaged in learning. It is important to understand basic differences and distinctions across generations for developing pedagogy that reaches these unique student populations.

  20. Cheaper power generation from surplus steam generating capacities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, K.


    Prior to independence most industries had their own captive power generation. Steam was generated in own medium/low pressure boilers and passed through extraction condensing turbines for power generation. Extraction steam was used for process. With cheaper power made available in Nehru era by undertaking large hydro power schemes, captive power generation in industries was almost abandoned except in sugar and large paper factories, which were high consumers of steam. (author)

  1. The different generation of nuclear reactors from Generation-1 to Generation-4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cognet, G.


    In this work author deals with the history of the development of nuclear reactors from Generation-1 to Generation-4. The fuel cycle and radioactive waste management as well as major accidents are presented, too.

  2. A large capacity turbine generator for nuclear power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, Susumu; Miki, Takahiro; Suzuki, Kazuichi


    In future large capacity nuclear power plant, capacity of a generator to be applied will be 1800 MVA of the largest class in the world. In response to this, the Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. began to carry out element technology verification of a four-pole large capacity turbine generator mainly using upgrading technique of large capacity, since 1994 fiscal year. And, aiming at reliability verification of the 1800 MVA class generator, a model generator with same cross-section as that of an actual one was manufactured, to carry out some verifications on its electrified tests, and so on. Every performance evaluation result of tests on the model generator were good, and high reliability to design and manufacturing technique of the 1800 MVA class generator could be verified. In future, on the base of these technologies, further upgrading of reliability on the large capacity turbine generator for nuclear power generation is intended to be carried out. (G.K.)

  3. Generational diversity. (United States)

    Kramer, Linda W


    Generational diversity has proven challenges for nurse leaders, and generational values may influence ideas about work and career planning. This article discusses generational gaps, influencing factors and support, and the various generational groups present in today's workplace as well as the consequences of need addressing these issues. The article ends with a discussion of possible solutions.

  4. A viable technology to generate third-generation biofuel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Singh, Anoop; Olsen, Stig Irving; Nigam, Poonam Singh


    First generation biofuels are commercialized at large as the production technologies are well developed. However, to grow the raw materials, there is a great need to compromise with food security, which made first generation biofuels not so much promising. The second generation of biofuels does...

  5. Motor/generator (United States)

    Hickam, Christopher Dale [Glasford, IL


    A motor/generator is provided for connecting between a transmission input shaft and an output shaft of a prime mover. The motor/generator may include a motor/generator housing, a stator mounted to the motor/generator housing, a rotor mounted at least partially within the motor/generator housing and rotatable about a rotor rotation axis, and a transmission-shaft coupler drivingly coupled to the rotor. The transmission-shaft coupler may include a clamp, which may include a base attached to the rotor and a plurality of adjustable jaws.

  6. Wind Generators (United States)


    When Enerpro, Inc. president, Frank J. Bourbeau, attempted to file a patent on a system for synchronizing a wind generator to the electric utility grid, he discovered Marshall Space Flight Center's Frank Nola's power factor controller. Bourbeau advanced the technology and received a NASA license and a patent for his Auto Synchronous Controller (ASC). The ASC reduces generator "inrush current," which occurs when large generators are abruptly brought on line. It controls voltage so the generator is smoothly connected to the utility grid when it reaches its synchronous speed, protecting the components from inrush current damage. Generator efficiency is also increased in light winds by applying lower than rated voltage. Wind energy is utilized to drive turbines to generate electricity for utility companies.

  7. [Intel random number generator-based true random number generator]. (United States)

    Huang, Feng; Shen, Hong


    To establish a true random number generator on the basis of certain Intel chips. The random numbers were acquired by programming using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 via register reading from the random number generator (RNG) unit of an Intel 815 chipset-based computer with Intel Security Driver (ISD). We tested the generator with 500 random numbers in NIST FIPS 140-1 and X(2) R-Squared test, and the result showed that the random number it generated satisfied the demand of independence and uniform distribution. We also compared the random numbers generated by Intel RNG-based true random number generator and those from the random number table statistically, by using the same amount of 7500 random numbers in the same value domain, which showed that the SD, SE and CV of Intel RNG-based random number generator were less than those of the random number table. The result of u test of two CVs revealed no significant difference between the two methods. Intel RNG-based random number generator can produce high-quality random numbers with good independence and uniform distribution, and solves some problems with random number table in acquisition of the random numbers.

  8. Modeling and Simulation of Generator Side Converter of Doubly Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Power Generation System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guo, Yougui; Zeng, Ping; Blaabjerg, Frede


    A real wind power generation system is given in this paper. SVM control strategy and vector control is applied for generator side converter and doubly fed induction generator respectively. First the mathematical models of the wind turbine rotor, drive train, generator side converter are described...

  9. Second harmonic generation and sum frequency generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pellin, M.J.; Biwer, B.M.; Schauer, M.W.; Frye, J.M.; Gruen, D.M.


    Second harmonic generation and sum frequency generation are increasingly being used as in situ surface probes. These techniques are coherent and inherently surface sensitive by the nature of the mediums response to intense laser light. Here we will review these two techniques using aqueous corrosion as an example problem. Aqueous corrosion of technologically important materials such as Fe, Ni and Cr proceeds from a reduced metal surface with layer by layer growth of oxide films mitigated by compositional changes in the chemical makeup of the growing film. Passivation of the metal surface is achieved after growth of only a few tens of atomic layers of metal oxide. Surface Second Harmonic Generation and a related nonlinear laser technique, Sum Frequency Generation have demonstrated an ability to probe the surface composition of growing films even in the presence of aqueous solutions. 96 refs., 4 figs

  10. Next generation of weather generators on web service framework (United States)

    Chinnachodteeranun, R.; Hung, N. D.; Honda, K.; Ines, A. V. M.


    Weather generator is a statistical model that synthesizes possible realization of long-term historical weather in future. It generates several tens to hundreds of realizations stochastically based on statistical analysis. Realization is essential information as a crop modeling's input for simulating crop growth and yield. Moreover, they can be contributed to analyzing uncertainty of weather to crop development stage and to decision support system on e.g. water management and fertilizer management. Performing crop modeling requires multidisciplinary skills which limit the usage of weather generator only in a research group who developed it as well as a barrier for newcomers. To improve the procedures of performing weather generators as well as the methodology to acquire the realization in a standard way, we implemented a framework for providing weather generators as web services, which support service interoperability. Legacy weather generator programs were wrapped in the web service framework. The service interfaces were implemented based on an international standard that was Sensor Observation Service (SOS) defined by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Clients can request realizations generated by the model through SOS Web service. Hierarchical data preparation processes required for weather generator are also implemented as web services and seamlessly wired. Analysts and applications can invoke services over a network easily. The services facilitate the development of agricultural applications and also reduce the workload of analysts on iterative data preparation and handle legacy weather generator program. This architectural design and implementation can be a prototype for constructing further services on top of interoperable sensor network system. This framework opens an opportunity for other sectors such as application developers and scientists in other fields to utilize weather generators.

  11. Lexicon generation methods, lexicon generation devices, and lexicon generation articles of manufacture (United States)

    Carter, Richard J [Richland, WA; McCall, Jonathon D [West Richland, WA; Whitney, Paul D [Richland, WA; Gregory, Michelle L [Richland, WA; Turner, Alan E [Kennewick, WA; Hetzler, Elizabeth G [Kennewick, WA; White, Amanda M [Kennewick, WA; Posse, Christian [Seattle, WA; Nakamura, Grant C [Kennewick, WA


    Lexicon generation methods, computer implemented lexicon editing methods, lexicon generation devices, lexicon editors, and articles of manufacture are described according to some aspects. In one aspect, a lexicon generation method includes providing a seed vector indicative of occurrences of a plurality of seed terms within a plurality of text items, providing a plurality of content vectors indicative of occurrences of respective ones of a plurality of content terms within the text items, comparing individual ones of the content vectors with respect to the seed vector, and responsive to the comparing, selecting at least one of the content terms as a term of a lexicon usable in sentiment analysis of text.

  12. Instant Generation (United States)

    Loveland, Elaina


    Generation Z students (born between 1995-2010) have replaced millennials on college campuses. Generation Z students are entrepreneurial, desire practical skills with their education, and are concerned about the cost of college. This article presents what need to be known about this new generation of students.

  13. Radionuclide generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambrecht, R.M.; Wollongong Univ.; Tomiyoshi, K.; Sekine, T.


    The present status and future directions of research and development on radionuclide generator technology are reported. The recent interest to develop double-neutron capture reactions for production of in vivo generators; neutron rich nuclides for radio-immunotherapeutic pharmaceuticals: and advances with ultra-short lived generators is highlighted. Emphasis is focused on: production of the parent radionuclide; the selection and the evaluation of support materials and eluents with respect to the resultant radiochemical yield of the daughter, and the breakthrough of the radionuclide parent: and, the uses of radionuclide generators in radiopharmaceutical chemistry, biomedical and industrial applications. The 62 Zn → 62 Cu, 66 Ni → 66 Cu, 103m Rh → 103 Rh, 188 W → 188 Re and the 225 Ac → 221 Fr → 213 Bi generators are predicted to be emphasized for future development. Coverage of the 99 Mo → 99m Tc generator was excluded, as it the subject of another review. The literature search ended June, 1996. (orig.)

  14. Cylindrical neutron generator (United States)

    Leung, Ka-Ngo [Hercules, CA


    A cylindrical neutron generator is formed with a coaxial RF-driven plasma ion source and target. A deuterium (or deuterium and tritium) plasma is produced by RF excitation in a cylindrical plasma ion generator using an RF antenna. A cylindrical neutron generating target is coaxial with the ion generator, separated by plasma and extraction electrodes which contain many slots. The plasma generator emanates ions radially over and the cylindrical target is thus irradiated by ions over its entire circumference. The plasma generator and target may be as long as desired. The plasma generator may be in the center and the neutron target on the outside, or the plasma generator may be on the outside and the target on the inside. In a nested configuration, several concentric targets and plasma generating regions are nested to increase the neutron flux.

  15. Pengaruh Tingkat Adopsi IFRS dan Proteksi Investor terhadap Persistensi Laba: Analisis Lintas Negara Emerging Markets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ikrima Shobriati


    Full Text Available Abstract. The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence about the effect of IFRS adoption and investor protection on earnings persistence. Based on prior studies, there are some problems that existed in the accounting practices in emerging markets such as less an accountant who have good qualifications, incomplete accounting information or inaccuracy of time in preparing financial statements, the lack of accounting data that are used for internal management incentives, the lack of legislation, auditing standards and procedure of accounting standards and this issues will can affect the quality of accounting information that reported in financial statements. So this view initiate to investigate extensively about the effect of institutional factors on earnigs persistence.This study uses panel data with 12.903 firm-year observations in emerging markets evidence from 2011 to 2013. To measure IFRS adoption uses score based on three distinctions of the type from IFRS adoption in respective countries. And then for dependent variable in this study is earnings persistence. While for the investor protection uses strength of investor protection index proxy from World Bank.The findings imply that in the context of emerging markets, IFRS adoption is not associated with future earnings persistence. While a stronger investor protection in the country significantly correlated with greater earnings persistence. Keywords: IFRS adoption, investor protection, earnings persistence, emerging markets, properties of earnings

  16. Leading Generation Y

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Newman, Jill M


    .... Whether referred to as the Millennial Generation, Generation Y or the Next Generation, the Army needs to consider the gap between Boomers, Generation X and the Soldiers that fill our junior ranks...

  17. Random pulse generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Ya'nan; Jin Dapeng; Zhao Dixin; Liu Zhen'an; Qiao Qiao; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing


    Due to the randomness of radioactive decay and nuclear reaction, the signals from detectors are random in time. But normal pulse generator generates periodical pulses. To measure the performances of nuclear electronic devices under random inputs, a random generator is necessary. Types of random pulse generator are reviewed, 2 digital random pulse generators are introduced. (authors)

  18. Generation Z: Educating and Engaging the Next Generation of Students (United States)

    Seemiller, Corey; Grace, Meghan


    In 1995, the Internet was born. So, too, was Generation Z. The oldest of this post-Millennial generation arrived to college in 2013, and more than four years later, Generation Z students fill the nation's classrooms, campus programs, and residence halls. In order to recruit, educate, and graduate this new generational cohort effectively, educators…

  19. Analisis Perubahan Tegangan Dalam Deteksi Keadaan Air Dengan Free-Dipping Method Menggunakan Sensor Kitosan


    Afrianto, Muhammad Ficky


    Detection of water quality river water before and after treatment, mineral water and aqudes based on the observation time. This study aims to detect multiple types of water quality based sensor voltage change using chitosan in order to get water to the observed differences. Chitosan sensor is a sensor fabricated by coating a thin film using chitosan. Non-immersion method is a new method to detect the state of the water. The detection is done by exposing the water molecules, molecules Exposure...

  20. Efek Tegangan Geser Dasar yang Terjadi pada Lapisan Pelindung Terhadap Karakteristik Kemiringan Dasar Saluran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cahyono Ikhsan


    Full Text Available Armouring is one of the development processes of armour layer on the base of a river, started from the movement of the transported base sediment of eroded surface reaching to stabile base layer condition or equilibrium, where there is no more transported base sediment. Armour layer is a type of gravel with almost uniform composition of granule gradation in surface base position which hampers the sediment moving above it. This research was carried out at the Hydraulic Laboratory of PS-IT UGM, using the main infrastructure of sediment recirculacy flume on the wall made from plexiglass in 10.00 m length, 0.60 m width, and 0.45 m height. The base slopes were 1%, 1.4%, 1.8%, 2.2%, and 2.6%. The flow debit was constant at 25 l/s, 30 l/s, 40 l/s and 45 l/s capacities. The material consisted of sand and gravel which was evenly mixed within 5 different variations of grainsize. At each running, there were two phases of eroded surface and equilibrium. The instruments used during the running were digital current meter, point gauge, sediment traps. Within the eroded surface process, the armour layer structure looked standing out in the base surface due to the granule critical shear stress of armour that was larger than the base shear stress, thus the armour layer was the structure of sediment granule with larger critical shear stress than bed shear stress.

  1. Analisa Perbaikan Profil Tegangan Sistem Tenaga Listrik Sumbar Menggunakan Kapasitor Bank dan Tap Transformator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akbar Abadi


    Full Text Available Voltage stability evaluation is needed to get the information of electrical power distribution system performance. Power flow calculation is used to determine the important parameters of power system in a steady state. An electric power system must have voltage value that does not exceed the limits of tolerance and the power loss as well as small. The improvement of voltage profile can be done by using voltage-control equipments, such as capacitor banks and transformer tap. Through simulation using the PowerWorld simulator, the value and location of capacitor banks and transformers tap will obtained in order to improve system performace. Sumbar electrical system was used in this study. From the simulation results, for the initial condition of the system, there are several buses that have voltage drop with total system losses 14.4 MW. After capacitor added, the system voltage has increased significantly so that no one passed the value of tolerance and the losses in the system down to 14.1 MW. As for setting the ratio of tap transformer, voltage system did not change so much, except on the secondary side of the transformer bus arranged with system losses almost the same that equal to 14.4 MW. For the case of the addition of the capacitor and transformer tap settings in the same time, the voltage drop no longer exceeds 5% and the total system losses decreased to 13.9 MW.

  2. Optimising generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guerra, E.J.; Garcia, A.O.; Graffigna, F.M.; Verdu, C.A. (IMPSA (Argentina). Generators Div.)


    A new computer tool, the ARGEN program, has been developed for dimensioning large hydroelectric generators. This results in better designs, and reduces calculation time for engineers. ARGEN performs dimensional tailoring of salient pole synchronous machines in generators, synchronous condensers, and generator-motors. The operation and uses of ARGEN are explained and its advantages are listed in this article. (UK)

  3. DC Motor control using motor-generator set with controlled generator field (United States)

    Belsterling, Charles A.; Stone, John


    A d.c. generator is connected in series opposed to the polarity of a d.c. power source supplying a d.c. drive motor. The generator is part of a motor-generator set, the motor of which is supplied from the power source connected to the motor. A generator field control means varies the field produced by at least one of the generator windings in order to change the effective voltage output. When the generator voltage is exactly equal to the d.c. voltage supply, no voltage is applied across the drive motor. As the field of the generator is reduced, the drive motor is supplied greater voltage until the full voltage of the d.c. power source is supplied when the generator has zero field applied. Additional voltage may be applied across the drive motor by reversing and increasing the reversed field on the generator. The drive motor may be reversed in direction from standstill by increasing the generator field so that a reverse voltage is applied across the d.c. motor.

  4. Generational Differences in Work Attitudes : A comparative analysis of Generation Y and preceding generations from companies in Sweden


    Sajjadi, Amir; Åkesson Castillo, Lars Christian Felipe; Sun, Bicen


    Introduction: A population that can live and work longer has resulted in a wider range of generations being active in the workplace simultaneously and the diverse multi-generational work environment is a new challenge for human resource management. The most recent generation that is entering the job market is Generation Y, which is also referred to as Millennials. Currently, organizations and Human Resource departments are facing the issue of Generation Y entering the workforce and the issue ...

  5. Digital generation, net generation, millennials, Y generation: reflecting about the relation between the youths and digital technologies


    Martins, Cristina; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) Rede La Salle


    This study aimed is critically reflect on the relationship of the youths with the TD, by discussing the generational approach. This approach in different researches linked the youths, through terms like Digital Generation, Net Generation, Millennials and Y Generation, creating stereotypes and excluding social, cultural, economic and political perspectives. The results of this qualitative research, based on reflections through literature, sees reality of Brazilian youths that do not have acces...

  6. Isotope generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The patent describes an isotope generator incorporating the possibility of stopping elution before the elution vessel is completely full. Sterile ventilation of the whole system can then occur, including of both generator reservoir and elution vessel. A sterile, and therefore pharmaceutically acceptable, elution fluid is thus obtained and the interior of the generator is not polluted with non-sterile air. (T.P.)

  7. Generation unit selection via capital asset pricing model for generation planning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romy Cahyadi; K. Jo Min; Chung-Hsiao Wang; Nick Abi-Samra [College of Engineering, Ames, IA (USA)


    The USA's electric power industry is undergoing substantial regulatory and organizational changes. Such changes introduce substantial financial risk in generation planning. In order to incorporate the financial risk into the capital investment decision process of generation planning, this paper develops and analyses a generation unit selection process via the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). In particular, utilizing realistic data on gas-fired, coal-fired, and wind power generation units, the authors show which and how concrete steps can be taken for generation planning purposes. It is hoped that the generation unit selection process will help utilities in the area of effective and efficient generation planning when financial risks are considered. 20 refs., 14 tabs.

  8. The Employees of Baby Boomers Generation, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z in Selected Czech Corporations as Conceivers of Development and Competitiveness in their Corporation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bejtkovský Jiří


    Full Text Available The corporations using the varied workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of their resources. The current labor market mentions four generations that are living and working today: the Baby boomers generation, the Generation X, the Generation Y and the Generation Z. The differences between generations can affect the way corporations recruit and develop teams, deal with change, motivate, stimulate and manage employees, and boost productivity, competitiveness and service effectiveness. A corporation’s success and competitiveness depend on its ability to embrace diversity and realize the competitive advantages and benefits. The aim of this paper is to present the current generation of employees (the employees of Baby Boomers Generation, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z in the labor market by secondary research and then to introduce the results of primary research that was implemented in selected corporations in the Czech Republic. The contribution presents a view of some of the results of quantitative and qualitative research conducted in selected corporations in the Czech Republic. These researches were conducted in 2015 on a sample of 3,364 respondents, and the results were analyzed. Two research hypotheses and one research question have been formulated. The verification or rejection of null research hypothesis was done through the statistical method of the Pearson’s Chi-square test. It was found that perception of the choice of superior from a particular generation does depend on the age of employees in selected corporations. It was also determined that there are statistically significant dependences between the preference for eterogeneous or homogeneous cooperation and the age of employees in selected corporations.

  9. Gamma ray generator (United States)

    Firestone, Richard B; Reijonen, Jani


    An embodiment of a gamma ray generator includes a neutron generator and a moderator. The moderator is coupled to the neutron generator. The moderator includes a neutron capture material. In operation, the neutron generator produces neutrons and the neutron capture material captures at least some of the neutrons to produces gamma rays. An application of the gamma ray generator is as a source of gamma rays for calibration of gamma ray detectors.

  10. Semi-Supervised Generation with Cluster-aware Generative Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maaløe, Lars; Fraccaro, Marco; Winther, Ole


    Deep generative models trained with large amounts of unlabelled data have proven to be powerful within the domain of unsupervised learning. Many real life data sets contain a small amount of labelled data points, that are typically disregarded when training generative models. We propose the Clust...... a log-likelihood of −79.38 nats on permutation invariant MNIST, while also achieving competitive semi-supervised classification accuracies. The model can also be trained fully unsupervised, and still improve the log-likelihood performance with respect to related methods.......Deep generative models trained with large amounts of unlabelled data have proven to be powerful within the domain of unsupervised learning. Many real life data sets contain a small amount of labelled data points, that are typically disregarded when training generative models. We propose the Cluster...

  11. Generation unit selection via capital asset pricing model for generation planning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cahyadi, Romy; Jo Min, K. [College of Engineering, Ames, IA (United States); Chunghsiao Wang [LG and E Energy Corp., Louisville, KY (United States); Abi-Samra, Nick [Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA (United States)


    The electric power industry in many parts of U.S.A. is undergoing substantial regulatory and organizational changes. Such changes introduce substantial financial risk in generation planning. In order to incorporate the financial risk into the capital investment decision process of generation planning, in this paper, we develop and analyse a generation unit selection process via the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). In particular, utilizing realistic data on gas-fired, coal-fired, and wind power generation units, we show which and how concrete steps can be taken for generation planning purposes. It is hoped that the generation unit selection process developed in this paper will help utilities in the area of effective and efficient generation planning when financial risks are considered. (Author)

  12. Solar thermoelectric generator (United States)

    Toberer, Eric S.; Baranowski, Lauryn L.; Warren, Emily L.


    Solar thermoelectric generators (STEGs) are solid state heat engines that generate electricity from concentrated sunlight. A novel detailed balance model for STEGs is provided and applied to both state-of-the-art and idealized materials. STEGs can produce electricity by using sunlight to heat one side of a thermoelectric generator. While concentrated sunlight can be used to achieve extremely high temperatures (and thus improved generator efficiency), the solar absorber also emits a significant amount of black body radiation. This emitted light is the dominant loss mechanism in these generators. In this invention, we propose a solution to this problem that eliminates virtually all of the emitted black body radiation. This enables solar thermoelectric generators to operate at higher efficiency and achieve said efficient with lower levels of optical concentration. The solution is suitable for both single and dual axis solar thermoelectric generators.

  13. Generating Units (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — Generating Units are any combination of physically connected generators, reactors, boilers, combustion turbines, and other prime movers operated together to produce...

  14. Understanding portable generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hills, A.; Hawkins, B. [Guelph Univ., ON (Canada); Clarke, S. [Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Toronto, ON (Canada)


    This factsheet is intended to help consumers select a small portable generator for emergency electrical needs. Interest in standby generators has been heightened ever since the prolonged power outage in Eastern Ontario and Southwestern Quebec during the 1998 ice storm and the concern over Y2K related outages. Farmers, in particular, have been reassessing their need for emergency electrical power supply. This document presents some of the factors that should be considered when purchasing and operating a portable generator in the 3 to 12 kW size. It provides a detailed review of power quality and describes the use of tractor-driven power-take-off generators of 15 kW and larger. Several manufacturers make portable generators in many sizes with a whole range of features. This document includes a table depicting generator Feature/Benefit analysis to help consumers understand the differences between features and benefits. A second table provides a check list for generator feature/benefits. Specific details for the operations of various generators are available from manufacturers, distributors and electrical contractors. 2 tabs., 1 fig.

  15. Generativity Does Not Necessarily Satisfy All Your Needs: Associations among Cultural Demand for Generativity, Generative Concern, Generative Action, and Need Satisfaction in the Elderly in Four Cultures (United States)

    Hofer, Jan; Busch, Holger; Au, Alma; Polácková Šolcová, Iva; Tavel, Peter; Tsien Wong, Teresa


    The present study examines the association between various facets of generativity, that is, cultural demand for generativity, generative concern, and generative action, with the satisfaction of the needs for relatedness, competence, and autonomy in samples of elderly from Cameroon, China (Hong Kong), the Czech Republic, and Germany. Participants…

  16. Knowing Generation Y: a new generation of nurses in practice. (United States)

    Chung, Stephanie M

    Generation Y is commonly defined as those people born between 1980 and 2000, now aged in their 20s and 30s. Their grandparents experienced post-World War II reconstruction, their parents the economic boom of the 1980s. There are currently 81 million individuals in the Generation Y cohort in the USA, making it the second-largest, and possibly most influential, cohort since World War II (Manion, 2009). Members of Generation Y are diverse, technologically advanced and vocal about their opinions. They tend to resist traditional hierarchy, want recognition/reward for achievements and distrust institutions. Knowing these characteristics is useful for nurse managers, preceptors and team members working with members of Generation Y. Studies have proven that Generation Y is challenging the nursing workforce through rapid turnover (Cogin, 2012). This article explores a theoretical model that predicts retention and/or turnover of nurses in light of Generation Y behaviours and motivators-for example, moving from agency to agency rather than devoting many years to a single practice. Further research is needed to find out whether these behaviours and motivators are unique to Generation Y alone.

  17. FlexibleSUSY-A spectrum generator generator for supersymmetric models (United States)

    Athron, Peter; Park, Jae-hyeon; Stöckinger, Dominik; Voigt, Alexander


    We introduce FlexibleSUSY, a Mathematica and C++ package, which generates a fast, precise C++ spectrum generator for any SUSY model specified by the user. The generated code is designed with both speed and modularity in mind, making it easy to adapt and extend with new features. The model is specified by supplying the superpotential, gauge structure and particle content in a SARAH model file; specific boundary conditions e.g. at the GUT, weak or intermediate scales are defined in a separate FlexibleSUSY model file. From these model files, FlexibleSUSY generates C++ code for self-energies, tadpole corrections, renormalization group equations (RGEs) and electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) conditions and combines them with numerical routines for solving the RGEs and EWSB conditions simultaneously. The resulting spectrum generator is then able to solve for the spectrum of the model, including loop-corrected pole masses, consistent with user specified boundary conditions. The modular structure of the generated code allows for individual components to be replaced with an alternative if available. FlexibleSUSY has been carefully designed to grow as alternative solvers and calculators are added. Predefined models include the MSSM, NMSSM, E6SSM, USSM, R-symmetric models and models with right-handed neutrinos.

  18. Penentuan Letak dan Kapasitas Optimal Bank Kapasitor pada Jaring Transmisi 150 kV Sumatera Utara Menggunakan Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andita Noor Shafira


    Full Text Available Listrik merupakan suatu kebutuhan mutlak yang harus dipenuhi untuk menjamin keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat masa kini. Kebutuhan ini terus meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan beban yang semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Pertumbuhan beban yang diikuti dengan peningkatan permintaan suplai daya reaktif akibat beban bersifat induktif meningkat menyebabkan perencanaan dan operasi dari sistem interkoneksi menjadi lebih kompleks sehingga kualitas sistem menjadi kurang dapat diandalkan. Aliran daya reaktif dapat menyebabkan drop tegangan dan kerugian daya dalam sistem transmisi. Untuk itu dilakukan penentuan letak dan kapasitas kapasitor shunt untuk mengurangi kerugian daya dengan menggunakan Newton-Raphson dan metode optimisasi Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Pada percobaan ini dilakukan pemasangan lima kapasitor dengan jumlah koloni sebesar 50 dan Max Cycle Number sebesar 150. Hasil simulasi menggunakan metode Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm menunjukkan bahwa pemasangan kapasitor pada Jaring Transmisi 150 kV Sumatera Utara dapat menurunkan kerugian daya aktif sebesar 8,37%.

  19. Perangkat Lunak Untuk Analisis Gaya Gelombang Di Laboratorium Lingkungan Dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Ftk-Its

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fendi Hidayat


    Full Text Available Laboratorium Lingkungan dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, FTK-ITS sering digunakan untuk pengujian. Salah satunya menguji gaya mooring pada floating breakwater. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu alasan untuk membuat suatu perangkat lunak dalam membantu dalam proses analisis gaya mooring tersebut. Perangkat lunak yang dibuat berfungsi untuk membantu proses kalibrasi sensor load cell LUB-B 5 to 50 KB dan melakukan analisis gaya gelombang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan regresi linier, korelasi linier, perhitungan varian, standar deviasi, dan hukum Newton yang kemudian disusun dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Penyusunan perangkat lunak yang bernama FORYS ini memiliki tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah dalam pemakaian. Perangkat lunak yang telah dibuat juga bersifat portable sehingga bisa digunakan di berbagai komputer atau laptop. Hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan bahwa semakin besar gaya gelombang yang terjadi, maka semakin besar pula tegangan yang terjadi pada tali.  

  20. Generator for radionuclide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weisner, P.S.; Forrest, T.R.F.


    This invention provides a radionuclide generator of the kind in which a parent radionuclide, adsorbed on a column of particulate material, generates a daughter radionuclide which is periodically removed from the column. This invention is particularly concerned with technetium generators using single collection vials. The generator comprises a column, a first reservoir for the eluent, a second reservoir to contain the volume of eluent required for a single elution, and means connecting the first reservoir to the second reservoir and the second reservoir to the column. Such a generator is particularly suitable for operation by vacuum elution

  1. Advancing the CANDU reactor: From generation to generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hopwood, Jerry; Duffey, Romney B.; Yu, Steven; Torgerson, Dave F.


    Emphasizing safety, reliability and economics, the CANDU reactor development strategy is one of continuous improvement, offering value and assured support to customers worldwide. The Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR-1000) generation, designed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), meets the new economic expectation for low-cost power generation with high capacity factors. The ACR is designed to meet customer needs for reduced capital cost, shorter construction schedule, high plant capacity factor, low operating cost, increased operating life, simple component replacement, enhanced safety features, and low environmental impact. The ACR-1000 design evolved from the internationally successful medium-sized pressure tube reactor (PTR) CANDU 6 and incorporates operational feedback from eight utilities that operate 31 CANDU units. This technical paper provides a brief description of the main features of the ACR-1000, and its major role in the development path of the generations of the pressure tube reactor concept. The motivation, philosophy and design approach being taken for future generation of CANDU pressure tube reactors are described

  2. The Perceived Work Ethic of K-12 Teachers by Generational Status: Generation X vs. Baby Boom Generation (United States)

    Petty, Gregory C.


    This was an investigation of the work ethic of K-12 educators from Generation X and Baby Boomer generations. Teachers of the baby boom generation were born between 1946 and 1964, and many are beginning to retire. There is an impending teacher shortage due to the large numbers of this group retiring or leaving the profession. School administrators…

  3. Steam generator life cycle management: Ontario Power Generation (OPG) experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maruska, C.C.


    A systematic managed process for steam generators has been implemented at Ontario Power Generation (OPG) nuclear stations for the past several years. One of the key requirements of this managed process is to have in place long range Steam Generator Life Cycle Management (SG LCM) plans for each unit. The primary goal of these plans is to maximize the value of the nuclear facility through safe and reliable steam generator operation over the expected life of the units. The SG LCM plans integrate and schedule all steam generator actions such as inspection, operation, maintenance, modifications, repairs, assessments, R and D, performance monitoring and feedback. This paper discusses OPG steam generator life cycle management experience to date, including successes, failures and how lessons learned have been re-applied. The discussion includes relevant examples from each of the operating stations: Pickering B and Darlington. It also includes some of the experience and lessons learned from the activities carried out to refurbish the steam generators at Pickering A after several years in long term lay-up. The paper is structured along the various degradation modes that have been observed to date at these sites, including monitoring and mitigating actions taken and future plans. (author)

  4. Radio-isotope generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benjamins, H.M.


    A device is claimed for interrupting an elution process in a radioisotope generator before an elution vial is entirely filled. The generator is simultaneously exposed to sterile air both in the direction of the generator column and of the elution vial

  5. Experimental Testing of a Van De Graaff Generator as an Electromagnetic Pulse Generator (United States)



  6. GeneratorSE: A Sizing Tool for Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sethuraman, Latha [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Dykes, Katherine L [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    This report documents a set of analytical models employed by the optimization algorithms within the GeneratorSE framework. The initial values and boundary conditions employed for the generation of the various designs and initial estimates for basic design dimensions, masses, and efficiency for the four different models of generators are presented and compared with empirical data collected from previous studies and some existing commercial turbines. These models include designs applicable for variable-speed, high-torque application featuring direct-drive synchronous generators and low-torque application featuring induction generators. In all of the four models presented, the main focus of optimization is electromagnetic design with the exception of permanent-magnet and wire-wound synchronous generators, wherein the structural design is also optimized. Thermal design is accommodated in GeneratorSE as a secondary attribute by limiting the winding current densities to acceptable limits. A preliminary validation of electromagnetic design was carried out by comparing the optimized magnetic loading against those predicted by numerical simulation in FEMM4.2, a finite-element software for analyzing electromagnetic and thermal physics problems for electrical machines. For direct-drive synchronous generators, the analytical models for the structural design are validated by static structural analysis in ANSYS.

  7. HTGR steam generator development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuetzenduebel, W.G.; Hunt, P.S.; Weber, M.


    More than 40 gas-cooled reactor plants have produced in excess of 400 reactor years of operating experience which have proved a reasonably high rate of gas-cooled reactor steam generator availability. The steam generators used in these reactors include single U-tube and straight-tube steam generators as well as meander type and helically wound or involute tube steam generators. It appears that modern reactors are being equipped with helically wound steam generators of the once-through type as the end product of steam generator evolution in gas-cooled reactor plants. This paper provides a general overview of gas-cooled reactor steam generator evolution and operating experience and shows how design criteria and constraints, research and development, and experience data are factored into the design/development of modern helically wound tube steam generators for the present generation of gas-cooled reactors

  8. Distributed generation - customer owned generation - Duke Energy case study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iung, Anderson M. [Duke Energy International, Geracao Paranapanema S.A., SP (Brazil). Market Analysis Dept.; Ribeiro, Paulo F. [Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (United States); Oliveira, A.R. [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    Distributed generation (DG) is getting more attractive. Although unit costs show strong economies of scale for all generation technology types, there is a potential niche market for DG technology to drive growth in addition to environmental concern issues. Duke Energy encourages the installation of cost effective small scale costumer owned generation. The objective of this article is to evaluate some aspects of DG connection in the Duke's distribution system regarding power quality, voltage stability, system protection, power balance control policy and the economical viability. (author)

  9. Comparing Generation X and Generation Y on their preferred emotional leadership style


    Kraus, Markus


    Research Question: What are the differences and similarities between employees of Generation X and Gen-eration Y and do these generations prefer different emotional leadership styles? Methods: Empirical study across different organizations using an online survey to examine potential dif-ferences in the emotional leadership style preferences of Generation X and Y. Results: The results of the theoretical part demonstrate an increasing tendency of similarities between Generation X and Y with res...

  10. Compact neutron generator (United States)

    Leung, Ka-Ngo; Lou, Tak Pui


    A compact neutron generator has at its outer circumference a toroidal shaped plasma chamber in which a tritium (or other) plasma is generated. A RF antenna is wrapped around the plasma chamber. A plurality of tritium ion beamlets are extracted through spaced extraction apertures of a plasma electrode on the inner surface of the toroidal plasma chamber and directed inwardly toward the center of neutron generator. The beamlets pass through spaced acceleration and focusing electrodes to a neutron generating target at the center of neutron generator. The target is typically made of titanium tubing. Water is flowed through the tubing for cooling. The beam can be pulsed rapidly to achieve ultrashort neutron bursts. The target may be moved rapidly up and down so that the average power deposited on the surface of the target may be kept at a reasonable level. The neutron generator can produce fast neutrons from a T-T reaction which can be used for luggage and cargo interrogation applications. A luggage or cargo inspection system has a pulsed T-T neutron generator or source at the center, surrounded by associated gamma detectors and other components for identifying explosives or other contraband.

  11. Microwatt thermoelectric generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goslee, D.E.


    A microwatt thermoelectric generator suitable for implanting in the body is described. The disclosed generator utilizes a nuclear energy source. Provision is made for temporary electrical connection to the generator for testing purposes, and for ensuring that the heat generated by the nuclear source does not bypass the pile. Also disclosed is a getter which is resistant to shrinkage during sintering, and a foil configuration for controlling the radiation of heat from the nuclear source to the hot plate of the pile

  12. Microwatt thermoelectric generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goslee, D.E.; Bustard, T.S.


    A microwatt thermoelectric generator suitable for implanting in the body is described. The generator utilizes a nuclear energy source. Provision is made for temporary electrical connection to the generator for testing purposes, and for ensuring that the heat generated by the nuclear source does not bypass the pile. Also disclosed is a getter which is resistant to shrinkage during sintering, and a foil configuration for controlling the radiation of heat from the nuclear source to the hot plate of the pile

  13. Third generation coaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stelter, Reinhard


    Third generation coaching unfolds a new universe for coaching and coaching psychology in the framework of current social research, new learning theories and discourses about personal leadership. Third generation coaching views coaching in a societal perspective. Coaching has become important...... transformation. Coaching thus facilitates new reflections and perspectives, as well as empowerment and support for self-Bildung processes. Third generation coaching focuses on the coach and the coachee in their narrative collaborative partnership. Unlike first generation coaching, where the goal is to help...

  14. Experiment of Neutron Generation by Using Prototype D-D Neutron Generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, In Jung; Kim, Suk Kwon; Park, Chang Su; Jung, Nam Suk; Jung, Hwa Dong; Park, Ji Young; Hwang, Yong Seok; Choi, H.D.


    Experiment of neutron generation was performed by using a prototype D-D neutron generator. The characteristics of D-D neutron generation in drive-in target was studied. The increment of neutron yield by increasing ion beam energy was investigated, too

  15. Magnetic field generation device for magnetohydrodynamic electric power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuriyama, Yoshihiko.


    An existent magnetic field generation device for magnetohydrodynamic electric power generation comprises at least a pair of permanent magnets disposed to an inner circumferential surface of a yoke having such a cross sectional area that two pairs of parallel sides are present, in which different magnetic poles are opposed while interposing a flow channel for a conductive fluid therebetween. Then, first permanent magnets which generate main magnetic fields are disposed each at a gap sandwiching a plane surface including a center axis of a flow channel for the conductive fluid. Second permanent magnets which generate auxiliary magnetic fields are disposed to an inner circumferential surface of a yoke intersecting the yoke to which the first permanent magnets are disposed. The magnetic poles on the side of the flow channel for the second permanent magnets have identical polarity with that of the magnetic poles of the adjacent first permanent magnets. As a result, a magnetic flux density in the flow channel for the conductive fluid can be kept homogeneous and at a high level from a position of the axial line of the flow channel to the outer circumference, thereby enabling to remarkably improve a power generation efficiency. (N.H.)

  16. Evaluation of the efficiency and fault density of software generated by code generators (United States)

    Schreur, Barbara


    Flight computers and flight software are used for GN&C (guidance, navigation, and control), engine controllers, and avionics during missions. The software development requires the generation of a considerable amount of code. The engineers who generate the code make mistakes and the generation of a large body of code with high reliability requires considerable time. Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools are available which generates code automatically with inputs through graphical interfaces. These tools are referred to as code generators. In theory, code generators could write highly reliable code quickly and inexpensively. The various code generators offer different levels of reliability checking. Some check only the finished product while some allow checking of individual modules and combined sets of modules as well. Considering NASA's requirement for reliability, an in house manually generated code is needed. Furthermore, automatically generated code is reputed to be as efficient as the best manually generated code when executed. In house verification is warranted.

  17. Conceptualizing Media Generations: the Print-, Online- and Individualized Generations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Westlund, Oscar; A Färdigh, Mathias


    During the 1990s news publishers established an online presence and in the 2000s they developed cross-media news work. This has resulted in changing news accessing habits, with varied magnitude among generations. This article aims to construct theoretically sound news media generations, through...... statistical analysis of data from a nationally representative scientific omnibus survey conducted in 2010. Firstly the article presents a descriptive and explanatory analysis of how eight generational cohorts utilize news in print and/or online and/or mobile. Secondly these findings are used for merging...... highest of online only news accessing (Pearson’s r = .135). The heterogeneous news usage patterns exhibited by the individualized generation (1980s-1990s) were accommodated for by two cohorts. The online cohort shows high probability for online-only news usage (49%) and a positive correlation (Pearson’s r...


    Jones, C.S.; Eaton, T.E.


    This patent relates to pulse generating circuits and more particularly to rectangular pulse generators. The pulse generator of the present invention incorporates thyratrons as switching elements to discharge a first capacitor through a load resistor to initiate and provide the body of a Pulse, and subsequently dlscharge a second capacitor to impress the potential of its charge, with opposite potential polarity across the load resistor to terminate the pulse. Accurate rectangular pulses in the millimicrosecond range are produced across a low impedance by this generator.

  19. Microwatt thermoelectric generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hittman, F.; Bustard, T.S.


    A microwatt thermoelectric generator suitable for implanting in the body is described. The generator utilizes a nuclear energy source. Provision is made for temporary electrical connection to the generator for testing purposes, and for ensuring that the heat generated by the nuclear source does not bypass the pile. Also disclosed is a getter which is resistant to shrinkage during sintering, and a foil configuration for controlling the radiation of heat from the nuclear source to the hot plate of the pile. 2 claims, 4 drawing figures

  20. Microwatt thermoelectric generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barr, H.N.


    A microwatt thermoelectric generator suitable for implanting in the body is described. The disclosed generator utilizes a nuclear energy source. Provision is made for temporary electrical connection to the generator for testing purposes, and for ensuring that the heat generated by the nuclear source does not bypass the pile. Also disclosed is a getter which is resistant to shrinkage during sintering, and a foil configuration for controlling the radiation of heat from the nuclear source to the hot plate of the pile. 4 claims, 4 figures

  1. Steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenet, J.-C.


    Steam generator particularly intended for use in the coolant system of a pressurized water reactor for vaporizing a secondary liquid, generally water, by the primary cooling liquid of the reactor and comprising special arrangements for drying the steam before it leaves the generator [fr

  2. Logarithmic-function generator (United States)

    Caron, P. R.


    Solid-state logarithmic-function generator is compact and provides improved accuracy. Generator includes a stable multivibrator feeding into RC circuit. Resulting exponentially decaying voltage is compared with input signal. Generator output is proportional to time required for exponential voltage to decay from preset reference level to level of input signal.

  3. Composite electric generator equipped with steam generator for heating reactor coolant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watabe, Masaharu; Soman, Yoshindo; Kawanishi, Kohei; Ota, Masato.


    The present invention concerns a composite electric generator having coolants, as a heating source, of a PWR type reactor or a thermonuclear reactor. An electric generator driving gas turbine is disposed, and a superheater using a high temperature exhaust gas of the gas turbine as a heating source is disposed, and main steams are superheated by the superheater to elevate the temperature at the inlet of the turbine. This can increase the electric generation capacity as well as increase the electric generation efficiency. In addition, since the humidity in the vicinity of the exit of the steam turbine is reduced, occurrence of loss and erosion can be suppressed. When cooling water of the thermonuclear reactor is used, the electric power generated by the electric generator driven by the gas turbine can be used upon start of the thermonuclear reactor, and it is not necessary to dispose a large scaled special power source in the vicinity, which is efficient. (N.H.)

  4. Quantum random number generator (United States)

    Pooser, Raphael C.


    A quantum random number generator (QRNG) and a photon generator for a QRNG are provided. The photon generator may be operated in a spontaneous mode below a lasing threshold to emit photons. Photons emitted from the photon generator may have at least one random characteristic, which may be monitored by the QRNG to generate a random number. In one embodiment, the photon generator may include a photon emitter and an amplifier coupled to the photon emitter. The amplifier may enable the photon generator to be used in the QRNG without introducing significant bias in the random number and may enable multiplexing of multiple random numbers. The amplifier may also desensitize the photon generator to fluctuations in power supplied thereto while operating in the spontaneous mode. In one embodiment, the photon emitter and amplifier may be a tapered diode amplifier.

  5. Hydrogen generator characteristics for storage of renewably-generated energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotowicz, Janusz; Bartela, Łukasz; Węcel, Daniel; Dubiel, Klaudia


    The paper presents a methodology for determining the efficiency of a hydrogen generator taking the power requirements of its auxiliary systems into account. Authors present results of laboratory experiments conducted on a hydrogen generator containing a PEM water electrolyzer for a wide range of device loads. On the basis of measurements, the efficiency characteristics of electrolyzers were determined, including that of an entire hydrogen generator using a monitored power supply for its auxiliary devices. Based on the results of the experimental tests, the authors have proposed generalized characteristics of hydrogen generator efficiency. These characteristics were used for analyses of a Power-to-Gas system cooperating with a 40 MW wind farm with a known yearly power distribution. It was assumed that nightly-produced hydrogen is injected into the natural gas transmission system. An algorithm for determining the thermodynamic and economic characteristics of a Power-to-Gas installation is proposed. These characteristics were determined as a function of the degree of storage of the energy produced in a Renewable Energy Sources (RES) installation, defined as the ratio of the amount of electricity directed to storage to the annual amount of electricity generated in the RES installation. Depending on the degree of storage, several quantities were determined. - Highlights: • The efficiency characteristics of PEM electrolyzer are determined. • Generalized characteristics of hydrogen generator efficiency are proposed. • Method of choice of electrolyser nominal power for Power-to-Gas system was proposed. • Development of Power-to-Gas systems requires implementation of support mechanisms.

  6. Sound generator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkhoff, Arthur P.


    A sound generator, particularly a loudspeaker, configured to emit sound, comprising a rigid element (2) enclosing a plurality of air compartments (3), wherein the rigid element (2) has a back side (B) comprising apertures (4), and a front side (F) that is closed, wherein the generator is provided

  7. Sound generator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkhoff, Arthur P.


    A sound generator, particularly a loudspeaker, configured to emit sound, comprising a rigid element (2) enclosing a plurality of air compartments (3), wherein the rigid element (2) has a back side (B) comprising apertures (4), and a front side (F) that is closed, wherein the generator is provided

  8. Sound generator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkhoff, Arthur P.


    A sound generator, particularly a loudspeaker, configured to emit sound, comprising a rigid element (2) enclosing a plurality of air compartments (3), wherein the rigid element (2) has a back side (B) comprising apertures (4), and a front side (F) that is closed, wherein the generator is provided

  9. Free piston linear generator for low grid power generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdalla Izzeldin


    Full Text Available Generating power is of great importance nowadays across the world. However, recently, the world became aware of the climatic changes due to the greenhouse effect caused by CO2 emissions and began seeking solutions to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Besides, the exhaustion of fossil fuels and their environmental impact, make it is crucial to develop clean energy sources, and efforts are focused on developing and improving the efficiency of all energy consuming systems. The tubular permanent magnet linear generators (TPMLGs are the best candidate for energy converters. Despite being suffering problem of attraction force between permanent magnets and stator teeth, to eliminate such attraction force, ironless-stator could be considered. Thus, they could waive the presence of any magnetic attraction between the moving and stator part. This paper presents the design and analysis of ironless -cored TPMLG for low grid power generation. The main advantages of this generator are the low cogging force and high efficiency. Therefore, the magnetic field computation of the proposed generator has been performed by applying a magnetic vector potential and utilizing a 2-D finite element analysis (FEA. Moreover, the experimental results for the current profile, pressure profile and velocity profile have been presented.

  10. Emotion-driven level generation


    Togelius, Julian; Yannakakis, Georgios N.


    This chapter examines the relationship between emotions and level generation. Grounded in the experience-driven procedural content generation framework we focus on levels and introduce a taxonomy of approaches for emotion-driven level generation. We then review four characteristic level generators of our earlier work that exemplify each one of the approaches introduced. We conclude the chapter with our vision on the future of emotion-driven level generation.

  11. Design of improved controller for thermoelectric generator used in distributed generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molina, M.G. [CONICET, Instituto de Energia Electrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Av. Libertador San Martin Oeste, 1109, J5400ARL, San Juan (Argentina); Juanico, L.E. [CONICET, Centro Atomico Bariloche, 8400 Bariloche (Argentina); Rinalde, G.F.; Taglialavore, E.; Gortari, S. [Centro Atomico Bariloche, 8400 Bariloche (Argentina)


    This paper investigates the application of thermal generation based on solid-state devices such as thermoelectric generators (TEGs) as a novel technological alternative of distributed generation (DG). The full detailed modeling and the dynamic simulation of a three-phase grid-connected TEG used as a dispersed generator is studied. Moreover, a new control scheme of the TEG is proposed, which consists of a multi-level hierarchical structure and incorporates a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) for better use of the thermal resource. In addition, reactive power compensation of the electric grid is included, operating simultaneously and independently of the active power generation. Validation of models and control schemes is performed by using the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Moreover, a small-scale TEG experimental set-up was employed to demonstrate the accuracy of proposed models. (author)

  12. Generative Semantics. (United States)

    King, Margaret

    The first section of this paper deals with the attempts within the framework of transformational grammar to make semantics a systematic part of linguistic description, and outlines the characteristics of the generative semantics position. The second section takes a critical look at generative semantics in its later manifestations, and makes a case…

  13. Talkin' 'bout My Generation (United States)

    Rickes, Persis C.


    The monikers are many: (1) "Generation Y"; (2) "Echo Boomers"; (3) "GenMe"; (4) the "Net Generation"; (5) "RenGen"; and (6) "Generation Next". One name that appears to be gaining currency is "Millennials," perhaps as a way to better differentiate the current generation from its…

  14. Rugi Daya Dan Energi Akibat Korona Pada Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi (SUTET 500 Kv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhamad Haddin


    Full Text Available The use of extra high voltage in electrical power transmission system causing corona. A visual corona phenomenon shown by the appearance of visible light radiation, hissing noise, ozone formation and power losses. The impact of corona affect the environment surrounding the overhead line transmission and power losses in the line. This research discusses power and energy losses due to corona by using quantitative method. Calculations performed by calculating relative air density values, disruptive critical voltages, power losses and corona energy. The research object was taken by extra high voltage  overhead line transmission 500kV Tanjung Jati B Power Plant to Ungaran Substation.The result show that corona power losses are 0.41-0.44 kW/mil (0.25-0.27kw/km per phase, with total 1.25-1.30kW/mil (0.78-0.81k/w/km. corona power losses 107.57-112.08 kW along of line. Average of corona energy losses obtained 2642.67 kWh. The percentage of corona power losses to electrical power supplied is between 0.005% to 0.011%.

  15. Pengaruh proses oil terhadap tegangan putus dan perpanjangan putus karet untuk komponen pompa air tangan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Rochani


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to know influence of process oil to the physical properties tensile strength and elongation at break of rubber compound for hand water pump. Vulcanized rubber makes from Rubber Smoke Sheet (RSS and Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR 1502 as raw material. Ingredient which added to raw material were Paraffin Wax, Strearic Acid, ZnO, CaCO3, Carbon Black, Process Oil, CBS, TMT, AOSP and Sulphur. Raw material rubber and ingredient were compounded in a two roll mill and formed to slab by hydraulic press at temperature 1500C and pressure 150 kg/cm2. It should be carry out by varying process oil 3 – 9 part by weight raw material. The compound was tested tensile strength and elongation at break. The result of this research indicated that process oil (X1 and tensile strength (Y1 have regression equation as Y1 = 235,697 – 8,33 X (correlation coeffisien = 0,72 while process oil and elongation at break has regression equation as Y2 = 251,64 + 12,75 X (correlation coeffisien = 0,97.

  16. Pengaruh suhu vulkanisasi terhadap sifat tegangan putus, perpanjangan putus dan ketahanan sobek kompon sol karet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prayitno Prayitno


    Full Text Available One of the processes steps for producing rubber sole is vulcanization process. This process is carried out by using pressed moulding methods in which rubber compound was heated and pressed in the mould of rubber sole at certain time and temperature. The aim of this research is to know the influence of the temperature used for vulcanization for the tensile strength, elongation and tearing strength properties of the rubber sole compound. Temperature vulcanization used for the research was varied at 1400C, 1500C, 1600C and 1700C. The results shows that vulcanization at 1400C, give the highest properties in tensile strength, elongation and tearing strength, those are : 113,70 kg/cm2; 326,60 % and 107,00 kg/cm2respectively. Increasing temperature vulcanization cause decreasing those physical properties.

  17. Work Values across Generations (United States)

    Hansen, Jo-Ida C.; Leuty, Melanie E.


    Mainstream publication discussions of differences in generational cohorts in the workplace suggest that individuals of more recent generations, such as Generation X and Y, have different work values than do individuals of the Silent and Baby Boom generations. Although extant research suggests that age may influence work values, few of the…

  18. TFTR Motor Generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murray, J.G.; Bronner, G.; Horton, M.


    A general description is given of 475 MVA pulsed motor generators for TFTR at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Two identical generators operating in parallel are capable of supplying 950 MVA for an equivalent square pulse of 6.77 seconds and 4,500 MJ at 0.7 power factor to provide the energy for the pulsed electrical coils and heating system for TFTR. The description includes the operational features of the 15,000 HP wound rotor motors driving each generator with its starting equipment and cycloconverter for controlling speed, power factor, and regulating line voltage during load pulsing where the generator speed changes from 87.5 to 60 Hz frequency variation to provide the 4,500 MJ or energy. The special design characteristics such as fatigue stress calculations for 10 6 cycles of operation, forcing factor on exciter to provide regulation, and low generator impedance are reviewed

  19. Radionuclide generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambrecht, R.M.


    The status of radionuclide generators for chemical research and applications related to the life sciences and biomedical research are reviewed. Emphasis is placed upon convenient, efficient and rapid separation of short-lived daughter radionuclides in a chemical form suitable for use without further chemical manipulation. The focus is on the production of the parent, the radiochemistry associated with processing the parent and daughter, the selection and the characteristic separation methods, and yields. Quality control considerations are briefly noted. The scope of this review includes selected references to applications of radionuclide generators in radiopharmaceutical chemistry, and the life sciences, particularly in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. The 99 Mo-sup(99m)Tc generator was excluded. 202 references are cited. (orig.)

  20. Generational differences in work ethic among 3 generations of registered nurses. (United States)

    Jobe, Laura L


    The purpose of this study was to understand if differences in dimensions of work ethic exist among 3 generations of nurses working in an inpatient setting at an acute care facility. Generational differences are linked with increased turnover, with work ethic frequently cited as an important difference. The quantitative, quasi-experimental cross-sectional study recruited inpatient registered nurses from 2 teaching hospitals in a southern US metropolitan area to complete the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile online. The 285 completed surveys indicated that similarities exist among the 3 generations, with statistically significant differences only in leisure, hard work, and delay of gratification dimensions. Understanding differences in work ethic dimensions could lead to strategies for improving the generational conflict. These results also lead to the conclusion that work ethic differences may not be the cause of the generational conflict among nurses.

  1. Minding the Generation Gap (United States)

    Field, John


    Generational conflict is back. After years of relative silence, and mutual ignorance, the young and old are once more at war. With youth unemployment high on the political agenda, the fortunes of the "jobless generation" are being contrasted with those of the "golden generation" of baby boomers, but is one generation really…

  2. Generative Semantics (United States)

    Bagha, Karim Nazari


    Generative semantics is (or perhaps was) a research program within linguistics, initiated by the work of George Lakoff, John R. Ross, Paul Postal and later McCawley. The approach developed out of transformational generative grammar in the mid 1960s, but stood largely in opposition to work by Noam Chomsky and his students. The nature and genesis of…

  3. New Generator Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, Roy S. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    New generator technology project is driven by the need to be able to remotely deploy generator technology where it is needed, when it is needed. Both the military and aid programs that provide assistance after disasters could use the ability to deploy energy generation that fits the needs of the situation. Currently, pre-specified generators are deployed, sometime more than half way around the world to provide electricity. Through our Phase-I to Phase III DARPA grant, we will provide a mechanism where a 3d print station and raw materials could be shipped to a deployment site and remotely deployed personnel. These remote personnel can collaborate with engineers at a home location where 3d print plans can be optimized for the remote purpose. The plans can then be sent electronically to the remote location for printing, much like NASA sent the plans for a socket wrench to the International Space Station for printing in . If multiple generators need to be deployed at different remote locations, within miles of each other the printer rig can be moved to print the generators where they are needed. 3d printing is growing in the field of manufacturing. 3d printing has matured to the point where many types of materials are now available for many types of manufacturing. Both magnetic and electrically conductive material materials have recently been developed which can now lead to 3d printing of engines and generators. Our project will provide a successful printer rig that can be remotely deployed, to print a generator design in the field as well as provide a process for deploying the printed generator as well. This Systems Engineering Management Plan(SEMP) will provide the planning required for a Phase I DARPA grant that may also include goals for Phase II and Phase II grants. The SEMP provides a proposed project schedule, references, system engineering processes, specialty engineering system deployment and product support sections. Each section will state how our company

  4. Wind Turbine Generator Efficiency Based on Powertrain Combination and Annual Power Generation Prediction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongmyung Kim


    Full Text Available Wind turbine generators are eco-friendly generators that produce electric energy using wind energy. In this study, wind turbine generator efficiency is examined using a powertrain combination and annual power generation prediction, by employing an analysis model. Performance testing was conducted in order to analyze the efficiency of a hydraulic pump and a motor, which are key components, and so as to verify the analysis model. The annual wind speed occurrence frequency for the expected installation areas was used to predict the annual power generation of the wind turbine generators. It was found that the parallel combination of the induction motors exhibited a higher efficiency when the wind speed was low and the serial combination showed higher efficiency when wind speed was high. The results of predicting the annual power generation considering the regional characteristics showed that the power generation was the highest when the hydraulic motors were designed in parallel and the induction motors were designed in series.

  5. Factor Xa generation by computational modeling: an additional discriminator to thrombin generation evaluation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathleen E Brummel-Ziedins

    Full Text Available Factor (fXa is a critical enzyme in blood coagulation that is responsible for the initiation and propagation of thrombin generation. Previously we have shown that analysis of computationally generated thrombin profiles is a tool to investigate hemostasis in various populations. In this study, we evaluate the potential of computationally derived time courses of fXa generation as another approach for investigating thrombotic risk. Utilizing the case (n = 473 and control (n = 426 population from the Leiden Thrombophilia Study and each individual's plasma protein factor composition for fII, fV, fVII, fVIII, fIX, fX, antithrombin and tissue factor pathway inhibitor, tissue factor-initiated total active fXa generation was assessed using a mathematical model. FXa generation was evaluated by the area under the curve (AUC, the maximum rate (MaxR and level (MaxL and the time to reach these, TMaxR and TMaxL, respectively. FXa generation was analyzed in the entire populations and in defined subgroups (by sex, age, body mass index, oral contraceptive use. The maximum rates and levels of fXa generation occur over a 10- to 12- fold range in both cases and controls. This variation is larger than that observed with thrombin (3-6 fold in the same population. The greatest risk association was obtained using either MaxR or MaxL of fXa generation; with an ∼2.2 fold increased risk for individuals exceeding the 90(th percentile. This risk was similar to that of thrombin generation(MaxR OR 2.6. Grouping defined by oral contraceptive (OC use in the control population showed the biggest differences in fXa generation; a >60% increase in the MaxR upon OC use. FXa generation can distinguish between a subset of individuals characterized by overlapping thrombin generation profiles. Analysis of fXa generation is a phenotypic characteristic which may prove to be a more sensitive discriminator than thrombin generation among all individuals.

  6. A high-voltage pulse generator for corona plasma generation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yan, K.; Heesch, van E.J.M.; Pemen, A.J.M.; Huijbrechts, P.A.H.J.; Gompel, van F.M.; Leuken, van H.E.M.; Matyas, Z.


    This paper discusses a high-voltage pulse generator for producing corona plasma. The generator consists of three resonant charging circuits, a transmission line transformer, and a triggered spark-gap switch. Voltage pulses in the order of 30-100 kV with a rise time of 10-20 ns, a pulse duration of

  7. Generation by Generation Correlation and Path Analysis for Yield ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Six advanced generations (F7 - F12) of tomato hybrids were evaluated in the Department of Crop Science Research Farm, University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 2004 to 2008 to estimate the magnitude of character association of yield and yield related attributes in each filial generation. Traits under focus were days to flowering, ...

  8. Distributed generation hits market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The pace at which vendors are developing and marketing gas turbines and reciprocating engines for small-scale applications may signal the widespread growth of distributed generation. Loosely defined to refer to applications in which power generation equipment is located close to end users who have near-term power capacity needs, distributed generation encompasses a broad range of technologies and load requirements. Disagreement is inevitable, but many industry observers associate distributed generation with applications anywhere from 25 kW to 25 MW. Ten years ago, distributed generation users only represented about 2% of the world market. Today, that figure has increased to about 4 or 5%, and probably could settle in the 20% range within a 3-to-5-year period, according to Michael Jones, San Diego, Calif.-based Solar Turbines Inc. power generation marketing manager. The US Energy Information Administration predicts about 175 GW of generation capacity will be added domestically by 2010. If 20% comes from smaller plants, distributed generation could account for about 35 GW. Even with more competition, it's highly unlikely distributed generation will totally replace current market structures and central stations. Distributed generation may be best suited for making market inroads when and where central systems need upgrading, and should prove its worth when the system can't handle peak demands. Typical applications include small reciprocating engine generators at remote customer sites or larger gas turbines to boost the grid. Additional market opportunities include standby capacity, peak shaving, power quality, cogeneration and capacity rental for immediate demand requirements. Integration of distributed generation systems--using gas-fueled engines, gas-fired combustion engines and fuel cells--can upgrade power quality for customers and reduce operating costs for electric utilities

  9. Analisa Pembuatan Tabung Gas Lpg 3 Kg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mustafa -


    Full Text Available Program konversi minyak tanah ke LPG merupakan program pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk mengurangisubsidi BBM, dengan mengalihkan pemakaian minyak tanah ke LPG. Tujuan analisa untuk mengetahui proses pembuatantabung gas, proses deep drawing dan metode pengelasan yang baik. Karena masih banyak orang yang takut memakai bahanbakar LPG tersebut karena takut meledak akibat kualitasnya yang kurang bagus. Deep Drawing atau biasa disebut drawingadalah salah satu jenis proses pembentukan logam, dimana bentuk pada umumnya berupa silinder dan selalu mempunyaikedalaman tertentu. Pada proses pembuatan tabung gas elpiji untuk mendisain suatu proses pembentukan logam , sepertipenarikan (drawing. Salah satu pekerjaan yang harus kita lakukan adalah menentukan atau memilih kapasitas mesin(energi, gaya, torsi serta perkakas dan peralatan yang akan digunakan untuk proses tersebut. Pada proses deep drawingdengan kecepatan tekan yang telah ditentukan (sesuai tabel daya tekan maksimal tidak boleh melebihi: 167,330 kg. Padaproses pengelasan circum, tegangan normal mencapai 61.16 kg/cm2, karena masih diatas uji ketahanan hidrostastik, makamasih dalam batas aman.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badaruddin Badaruddin


    Full Text Available Transformator daya merupakan peralatan yang vital dalam penyaluran energi listrik dari unit pembangkit menuju sistem jaringan saluran tegangan. Kehandalan transformator daya sangat penting untuk keberhasilan operasi dari sistem tenaga listrik. Untuk itu dilakukan pendekatan sistematis dengan cara mengetahui kondisi peralatan komponen utama dari transformator daya tersebut. Transformator secara ideal memiliki useful life sesuai dengan design life yang direkomendasikan yaitu 30 tahun. Sedangkan transformator daya PT X sudah tidak berada dalam range useful life, dimana transformator daya tersebut diproduksi oleh Takaoka Electric pada tahun 1976. Oleh karena factor usia transformator yang sudah berumur maka diperlukan inspeksi khusus secara mendalamsebagai pendukung untuk membuat keputusan pembatasan operasi atau keputusan investasi pembangkit secara tepat dan tidak merugikan unit pembangkit itu sendiri. Untuk itu penulis melakukan serangkaian pengujian dan analisa penilaian kondisi transformator daya PT X untuk memperoleh nilai kondisi dengan mengacu  pada referensi penilaian HAP (Hydro Power Advancement Project. Hasil penilaian kondisi diharapkan nantinya akan digunakan sebagai bahan pendukung tindak lanjut pengambilan keputusan oleh PT. X.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wiharyanto Oktiawan


    Full Text Available Secara umum air limbah kegiatan rumah tangga (domestik dibuang langsung menuju badan air seperti sungai dan danau. Pengolahan limbah cair secara biologis (aerob sering menghasilkan lumpur dalam jumlah besar. Jumlah lumpur dapat dikurangi dengan pengolahan anaerob. Sistem bioelektrokimia merupakan salah satu terobosan teknologi yang memungkinkan untuk mengolah limbah sekaligus menghasilkan energi berupa gas metana. Penggunaan biocatalys electrolysis dapat mengatasi kelemahan proses anaerob secara konvensional dalam penurunan konsentrasi TSS dan COD limbah domestik salah satunya mampu menghasilkan gas H2 dari proses elektrolisis. Penambahan daya ekternal sebesar 6 volt mampu menyisihkan TSS sampai kadar 82 mg/l dari kadar semula 157 mg/l. Tegangan 12 volt mampu menurunkan kadar COD sampai 47,46 mg/l dari kadar awal 223 mg/l. Penyisihan TSS paling rendah pada waktu elektrolisis 15 menit dengan kadar 87 mg/l. Penambahan waktu elektrolisis sebanding dengan penurunan konsentrasi COD limbah domestik. Pada penelitian ini kualitas maupun kuantitas gas metana tidak diketahui secara jelas. Selain gas metan, produk fermentasi juga belum diketahui.

  12. Review of Micro Magnetic Generator


    Lin DU; Gengchen SHI; Jingjing ZHAO


    This paper discusses the research progress of micro magnetic generator systems. Micro magnetic generator systems convert energy from the environment to electric energy with advantages as high reliability, high power density, long life time and can be applied to extreme environment. This paper summarizes methods for improving generator performance of micro magnetic generator, including rotational magnetic generator, vibrational magnetic generator and hybrid magnetic generator, analyzes and com...

  13. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandra, Avinash


    The concept of MHD power generation, principles of operation of the MHD generator, its design, types, MHD generator cycles, technological problems to be overcome, the current state of the art in USA and USSR are described. Progress of India's experimental 5 Mw water-gas fired open cycle MHD power generator project is reported in brief. (M.G.B.)

  14. Dynamic participation of doubly fed induction generator in automatic generation control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhatt, Praghnesh [Department of Electrical Engineering, Charotar Institute of Technology, Changa, Gujarat-388421 (India); Roy, Ranjit [Department of Electrical Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat-395007 (India); Ghoshal, S.P. [Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal-713209 (India)


    Increasing levels of wind generation have resulted in an urgent need for the assessment of their impact on frequency control of power systems. The displacement of conventional generation with wind generation will result in erosion of system frequency. The paper analyzed the dynamic participation of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) to system frequency responses of two-area interconnected power system having variety of conventional generating units. Frequency control support function responding proportionally to frequency deviation is proposed to take out the kinetic energy of turbine blades in order to improve the frequency response of the system. Impacts of different wind penetrations in the system and varying active power support from wind farm on frequency control have been investigated. Integral gains of AGC loop are optimized through craziness-based particle swarm optimization (CRPSO) in order to have optimal transient responses of area frequencies, tie-line power deviation and DFIG parameters. (author)

  15. Generational Affiliation as a Component of Culture: Focus Group Perspectives of Three Generational Cohorts (United States)

    Nesbit, Elisabeth Anne


    The purpose of this study was to explore the multicultural elements related to generational affiliation. Much of current generational literature is anecdotal and does not empirically explore the culture of each generation. A constructivist ground theory approach was applied to the study of three generational cohorts (Baby Boomers, Generation Xers,…

  16. [Generation Y in ENT: leading a young generation of doctors]. (United States)

    Schmidt, K; Meyer, J; Liebeneiner, J; Schmidt, C E; Hüttenbrink, K B


    The shortage of qualified doctors and nurses has led to a competition between hospitals. Analyzing the circumstances of the competition, nurses and doctors of so-called generation Y are important. These employees are mainly female and have different requirements compared to previous generations. Therefore, knowledge of these requirements will become a critical success factor for hospitals in the future. We interviewed medical students in Kiel and Hannover from 2005 to 2011 about the clinical department chosen, the criteria for choosing a specific clinic, and the importance of MD and PhD programs. In addition, we conducted an internet and Medline search for scientific studies on labor shortage, generation Y, and demographics. The data were sorted by main categories and relevance for hospitals. Statistical analyses were performed using descriptive measures. We received 1,097 answers which represents approx. 75% of all students. Sixty-seven percent of the students were female, 33% male. Preferences for departments revealed internal medicine, pediatrics, and anesthesiology as the top three. ENT followed at rank 10. The main criteria for choosing a clinic were working climate, structure and broadness of education, family friendliness, and respect. MD programs were rated 2.6, while PhD programs were rated 3.6. Staff members of Generation Y "live while working" and disagree with hierarchies. Internet and computers are part of their daily routine. Employees of Generation Y challenge leadership in hospitals by increasing demands. However, Generation Y can increase professionalization and competitiveness for hospitals significantly.

  17. Pulse Generator (United States)

    Greer, Lawrence (Inventor)


    An apparatus and a computer-implemented method for generating pulses synchronized to a rising edge of a tachometer signal from rotating machinery are disclosed. For example, in one embodiment, a pulse state machine may be configured to generate a plurality of pulses, and a period state machine may be configured to determine a period for each of the plurality of pulses.

  18. Magnetohydrodynamic generation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masai, Tadahisa; Ishibashi, Eiichi; Kojima, Akihiro.


    The present invention relates to a magneto-hydrodynamic generation method which increases the conductivity of active gas and the generated energy. In the conventional method of open-cycle magnetohydrodynamic generation, the working fluid does not possess a favorable electric conductivity since the collision cross section is large when the combustion is carried out in a condition of excess oxygen. Furthermore, combustion under a condition of oxygen shortage is uncapable of completely converting the generated energy. The air preheater or boiler is not sufficient to collect the waste gas resulting in damage and other economic disadvantages. In the present invention, the combustion gas caused by excess fuel in the combuster is supplied to the generator as the working gas, to which air or fully oxidized air is added to be reheated. While incomplete gas used for heat collection is not adequate, the unburned damage may be eliminated by combusting again and increasing the gas temperature and heat collection rate. Furthermore, a diffuser is mounted at the rear side of the generator to decrease the gas combustion rate. Thus, even when directly absorbing the preheated fully oxidized air or the ordinary air, the boiler is free from damage caused by combustion delay or impulsive force. (M. Ishida)

  19. Next generation PWR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Toshihiko; Fukuda, Toshihiko; Usui, Shuji


    Development of LWR for power generation in Japan has been intended to upgrade its reliability, safety, operability, maintenance and economy as well as to increase its capacity in order, since nuclear power generation for commercial use was begun on 1970, to steadily increase its generation power. And, in Japan, ABWR (advanced BWR) of the most promising LWR in the world, was already used actually and APWR (advanced PWR) with the largest output in the world is also at a step of its actual use. And, development of the APWR in Japan was begun on 1980s, and is at a step of plan on construction of its first machine at early of this century. However, by large change of social affairs, economy of nuclear power generation is extremely required, to be positioned at an APWR improved development reactor promoted by collaboration of five PWR generation companies and the Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. Therefore, on its development, investigation on effect of change in social affairs on nuclear power stations was at first carried out, to establish a design requirement for the next generation PWR. Here were described on outline, reactor core design, safety concept, and safety evaluation of APWR+ and development of an innovative PWR. (G.K.)

  20. Heat wave generates questions about Ontario's generation capacity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horne, D.


    Concerns regarding Ontario's power generation capacity were raised following a major blackout which occurred in August 2003. Power demand reached 26,170 MW during the weeks leading to the blackout, forcing the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to ask residents to reduce electricity use during the day. The grid operator had also issued a forecast that Toronto could face rolling blackouts during times of heavy power demand. Ontario power consumption records were set in June and July of 2003 due to a heat wave, with hourly demand exceeding 25,000 MW on 53 occasions. Ontario was forced to import up to 3,400 MW (13 per cent of its power needs) from neighbouring provinces and the United States. During that period, the price of power had risen sharply to over 30 cents a kilowatt hour, although household consumers were still charged in the 5 to 10 cent range per kilowatt hour. However, it was noted that taxpayers will eventually bear the cost of importing power. The IESO noted that importing electricity is cheaper than the generation available in Ontario and that it is more economical to import, based on the market clearing price of all generators. In 2004, the IESO purchased 6 per cent of their electricity from the United States. That figure is expected to increase for 2005. Ontario generators produced 26.9 million MWh more in the summer of 2005 than during the same period in 2004 to meet electricity demand levels. It was noted that although importing power presently meets peak demand, the IESO agrees there is a need for new generation within Ontario. In addition to restarting Ontario's Pickering and Bruce nuclear facilities, more than 3,300 MW of new gas-fired generation is under construction or approved, and more than 9,000 MW are in various stages of approval. This paper discussed the effect of high energy costs on industry and Ontario's ability to meet future electricity demand in comparison to neighbouring jurisdictions. Issues regarding grid maintenance

  1. Study of entropy generation in a slab with non-uniform internal heat generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    El Haj Assad Mamdouh


    Full Text Available Analysis of entropy generation in a rectangular slab with a nonuniform internal heat generation is presented. Dimensionless local and total entropy generation during steady state heat conduction through the slab are obtained. Two different boundary conditions have been considered in the analysis, the first with asymmetric convection and the second with constant slab surface temperature. Temperature distribution within the slab is obtained analytically. The study investigates the effect of some relevant dimensionless heat transfer parameters on entropy generation. The results show that there exists a minimum local entropy generation but there does not exist a minimum total entropy generation for certain combinations of the heat transfer parameters. The results of calculations are presented graphically.

  2. Cue generation and memory construction in direct and generative autobiographical memory retrieval. (United States)

    Harris, Celia B; O'Connor, Akira R; Sutton, John


    Theories of autobiographical memory emphasise effortful, generative search processes in memory retrieval. However recent research suggests that memories are often retrieved directly, without effortful search. We investigated whether direct and generative retrieval differed in the characteristics of memories recalled, or only in terms of retrieval latency. Participants recalled autobiographical memories in response to cue words. For each memory, they reported whether it was retrieved directly or generatively, rated its visuo-spatial perspective, and judged its accompanying recollective experience. Our results indicated that direct retrieval was commonly reported and was faster than generative retrieval, replicating recent findings. The characteristics of directly retrieved memories differed from generatively retrieved memories: directly retrieved memories had higher field perspective ratings and lower observer perspective ratings. However, retrieval mode did not influence recollective experience. We discuss our findings in terms of cue generation and content construction, and the implication for reconstructive models of autobiographical memory. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Digital random-number generator (United States)

    Brocker, D. H.


    For binary digit array of N bits, use N noise sources to feed N nonlinear operators; each flip-flop in digit array is set by nonlinear operator to reflect whether amplitude of generator which feeds it is above or below mean value of generated noise. Fixed-point uniform distribution random number generation method can also be used to generate random numbers with other than uniform distribution.

  4. Modular Stirling Radioisotope Generator (United States)

    Schmitz, Paul C.; Mason, Lee S.; Schifer, Nicholas A.


    High-efficiency radioisotope power generators will play an important role in future NASA space exploration missions. Stirling Radioisotope Generators (SRGs) have been identified as a candidate generator technology capable of providing mission designers with an efficient, high-specific-power electrical generator. SRGs high conversion efficiency has the potential to extend the limited Pu-238 supply when compared with current Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs). Due to budgetary constraints, the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) was canceled in the fall of 2013. Over the past year a joint study by NASA and the Department of Energy (DOE) called the Nuclear Power Assessment Study (NPAS) recommended that Stirling technologies continue to be explored. During the mission studies of the NPAS, spare SRGs were sometimes required to meet mission power system reliability requirements. This led to an additional mass penalty and increased isotope consumption levied on certain SRG-based missions. In an attempt to remove the spare power system, a new generator architecture is considered, which could increase the reliability of a Stirling generator and provide a more fault-tolerant power system. This new generator called the Modular Stirling Radioisotope Generator (MSRG) employs multiple parallel Stirling convertor/controller strings, all of which share the heat from the General Purpose Heat Source (GPHS) modules. For this design, generators utilizing one to eight GPHS modules were analyzed, which provided about 50 to 450 W of direct current (DC) to the spacecraft, respectively. Four Stirling convertors are arranged around each GPHS module resulting in from 4 to 32 Stirling/controller strings. The convertors are balanced either individually or in pairs, and are radiatively coupled to the GPHS modules. Heat is rejected through the housing/radiator, which is similar in construction to the ASRG. Mass and power analysis for these systems indicate that specific

  5. Experience and Its Generation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Chen Youqing


    Experience iS an activity that arouses emotions and generates meanings based on vivid sensation and profound compreh ension.It iS emotional,meaningful,and personal,playing a key role in the course of forming and developing one'S qualities.The psychological process of experience generation consists of such links as sensing things,arousing emotions,promoting comprehension and association,generating insights and meanings,and deepening emotional responses.Undergoing things personally by means of direct sensation,taking part in activities,and living life are the most important preconditions of experience generation.Emotional influence,situational edification,and arts edification ale extemal factors that induce experience generation.

  6. Generators for Miranda

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angiolini, G.; Borgna, H.; Garcia, A.; Fernandez, M.; Piriz, H.; Verdu, C. [IMPSA Hydrogenerators (Argentina)


    The three generators at the Miranda hydroelectric power plant on the Araguari river northwest of Belo Horizonte in the state of Minas Gerais began operation in 1998. All the electromechanical equipment for the project was supplied by IMPSA. The generators, which are driven by Francis turbines, are vertical shaft, three-phase, salient-pole synchronous machines with an output of 137 MVA. The generators successfully completed a series of studies and trials before commercial operation began and Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais (CEMIG) is considering increasing the operation power to 150 MVA. The specification and design of the electrical aspects, stator winding, rotor, bearings, shaft line, generator cooling system, excitation system and monitoring systems are described. Electromagnetic requirements and acceptance testing results are given in two summary tables.

  7. Fast generation of computer-generated holograms using wavelet shrinkage. (United States)

    Shimobaba, Tomoyoshi; Ito, Tomoyoshi


    Computer-generated holograms (CGHs) are generated by superimposing complex amplitudes emitted from a number of object points. However, this superposition process remains very time-consuming even when using the latest computers. We propose a fast calculation algorithm for CGHs that uses a wavelet shrinkage method, eliminating small wavelet coefficient values to express approximated complex amplitudes using only a few representative wavelet coefficients.

  8. Solar fuels generator (United States)

    Lewis, Nathan S.; Spurgeon, Joshua M.


    The solar fuels generator includes an ionically conductive separator between a gaseous first phase and a second phase. A photoanode uses one or more components of the first phase to generate cations during operation of the solar fuels generator. A cation conduit is positioned provides a pathway along which the cations travel from the photoanode to the separator. The separator conducts the cations. A second solid cation conduit conducts the cations from the separator to a photocathode.

  9. MHD Generating system (United States)

    Petrick, Michael; Pierson, Edward S.; Schreiner, Felix


    According to the present invention, coal combustion gas is the primary working fluid and copper or a copper alloy is the electrodynamic fluid in the MHD generator, thereby eliminating the heat exchangers between the combustor and the liquid-metal MHD working fluids, allowing the use of a conventional coalfired steam bottoming plant, and making the plant simpler, more efficient and cheaper. In operation, the gas and liquid are combined in a mixer and the resulting two-phase mixture enters the MHD generator. The MHD generator acts as a turbine and electric generator in one unit wherein the gas expands, drives the liquid across the magnetic field and thus generates electrical power. The gas and liquid are separated, and the available energy in the gas is recovered before the gas is exhausted to the atmosphere. Where the combustion gas contains sulfur, oxygen is bubbled through a side loop to remove sulfur therefrom as a concentrated stream of sulfur dioxide. The combustor is operated substoichiometrically to control the oxide level in the copper.

  10. Electromechanical x-ray generator (United States)

    Watson, Scott A; Platts, David; Sorensen, Eric B


    An electro-mechanical x-ray generator configured to obtain high-energy operation with favorable energy-weight scaling. The electro-mechanical x-ray generator may include a pair of capacitor plates. The capacitor plates may be charged to a predefined voltage and may be separated to generate higher voltages on the order of hundreds of kV in the AK gap. The high voltage may be generated in a vacuum tube.

  11. Passive flow heat exchanger simulation for power generation from solar pond using thermoelectric generators (United States)

    Baharin, Nuraida'Aadilia; Arzami, Amir Afiq; Singh, Baljit; Remeli, Muhammad Fairuz; Tan, Lippong; Oberoi, Amandeep


    In this study, a thermoelectric generator heat exchanger system was designed and simulated for electricity generation from solar pond. A thermoelectric generator heat exchanger was studied by using Computational Fluid Dynamics to simulate flow and heat transfer. A thermoelectric generator heat exchanger designed for passive in-pond flow used in solar pond for electrical power generation. A simple analysis simulation was developed to obtain the amount of electricity generated at different conditions for hot temperatures of a solar pond at different flow rates. Results indicated that the system is capable of producing electricity. This study and design provides an alternative way to generate electricity from solar pond in tropical countries like Malaysia for possible renewable energy applications.

  12. Measurement for skyshine of neutron generated by the K-600 neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhen Huazhi; Li Guisheng; Wu Jingmin; Li Jianping


    The attenuation low of neutron scattering in atmosphere that generated by K-600 neutron generator at IMP was measured in order to evaluate the effect of the neutron generator to surroundings. The attenuation lenth λ = 396m was obtained and this result is in aggreement with the measured data at some laboratories abroad

  13. Wind Generators and Market Power

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Misir, Nihat

    price thresholds are significantly higher when the monopolist at the peakload level owns both types of generators. Furthermore, when producing electricity with the peakload generator, the monopolist can avoid facing prices below marginal cost by owning a certain share of the wind generators.......Electricity production from wind generators holds significant importance in European Union’s 20% renewable energy target by 2020. In this paper, I show that ownership of wind generators affects market outcomes by using both a Cournot oligopoly model and a real options model. In the Cournot...... oligopoly model, ownership of the wind generators by owners of fossil-fueled (peakload) generators decreases total peakload production and increases the market price. These effects increase with total wind generation and aggregate wind generator ownership. In the real options model, start up and shut down...

  14. Nanosecond neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobov, S.I.; Pavlovskaya, N.G.; Pukhov, S.P.


    High-voltage nanosecond neutron generator for obtaining neutrons in D-T reaction is described. Yield of 6x10 6 neutron/pulse was generated in a sealed gas-filled diode with a target on the cathode by accelerating pulse voltage of approximately 0.5 MV and length at half-height of 0.5 ns and deuterium pressure of 6x10 -2 Torr. Ways of increasing neutron yield and possibilities of creating generators of nanosecond neutron pulses with great service life are considered

  15. Quantum random number generator (United States)

    Soubusta, Jan; Haderka, Ondrej; Hendrych, Martin


    Since reflection or transmission of a quantum particle on a beamsplitter is inherently random quantum process, a device built on this principle does not suffer from drawbacks of neither pseudo-random computer generators or classical noise sources. Nevertheless, a number of physical conditions necessary for high quality random numbers generation must be satisfied. Luckily, in quantum optics realization they can be well controlled. We present an easy random number generator based on the division of weak light pulses on a beamsplitter. The randomness of the generated bit stream is supported by passing the data through series of 15 statistical test. The device generates at a rate of 109.7 kbit/s.

  16. Self-assembling software generator (United States)

    Bouchard, Ann M [Albuquerque, NM; Osbourn, Gordon C [Albuquerque, NM


    A technique to generate an executable task includes inspecting a task specification data structure to determine what software entities are to be generated to create the executable task, inspecting the task specification data structure to determine how the software entities will be linked after generating the software entities, inspecting the task specification data structure to determine logic to be executed by the software entities, and generating the software entities to create the executable task.

  17. Airburst-Generated Tsunamis (United States)

    Berger, Marsha; Goodman, Jonathan


    This paper examines the questions of whether smaller asteroids that burst in the air over water can generate tsunamis that could pose a threat to distant locations. Such airburst-generated tsunamis are qualitatively different than the more frequently studied earthquake-generated tsunamis, and differ as well from tsunamis generated by asteroids that strike the ocean. Numerical simulations are presented using the shallow water equations in several settings, demonstrating very little tsunami threat from this scenario. A model problem with an explicit solution that demonstrates and explains the same phenomena found in the computations is analyzed. We discuss the question of whether compressibility and dispersion are important effects that should be included, and show results from a more sophisticated model problem using the linearized Euler equations that begins to addresses this.

  18. Power Maximization Control of Variable Speed Wind Generation System Using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (United States)

    Morimoto, Shigeo; Nakamura, Tomohiko; Takeda, Yoji

    This paper proposes the sensorless output power maximization control of the wind generation system. A permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is used as a variable speed generator in the proposed system. The generator torque is suitably controlled according to the generator speed and thus the power from a wind turbine settles down on the maximum power point by the proposed MPPT control method, where the information of wind velocity is not required. Moreover, the maximum available generated power is obtained by the optimum current vector control. The current vector of PMSG is optimally controlled according to the generator speed and the required torque in order to minimize the losses of PMSG considering the voltage and current constraints. The proposed wind power generation system can be achieved without mechanical sensors such as a wind velocity detector and a position sensor. Several experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.

  19. The additive congruential random number generator--A special case of a multiple recursive generator (United States)

    Wikramaratna, Roy S.


    This paper considers an approach to generating uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers which works well in serial applications but which also appears particularly well-suited for application on parallel processing systems. Additive Congruential Random Number (ACORN) generators are straightforward to implement for arbitrarily large order and modulus; if implemented using integer arithmetic, it becomes possible to generate identical sequences on any machine. Previously published theoretical analysis has demonstrated that a kth order ACORN sequence approximates to being uniformly distributed in up to k dimensions, for any given k. ACORN generators can be constructed to give period lengths exceeding any given number (for example, with period length in excess of 230p, for any given p). Results of empirical tests have demonstrated that, if p is greater than or equal to 2, then the ACORN generator can be used successfully for generating double precision uniform random variates. This paper demonstrates that an ACORN generator is a particular case of a multiple recursive generator (and, therefore, also a special case of a matrix generator). Both these latter approaches have been widely studied, and it is to be hoped that the results given in the present paper will lead to greater confidence in using the ACORN generators.

  20. Coal-fired generation

    CERN Document Server

    Breeze, Paul


    Coal-Fired Generation is a concise, up-to-date and readable guide providing an introduction to this traditional power generation technology. It includes detailed descriptions of coal fired generation systems, demystifies the coal fired technology functions in practice as well as exploring the economic and environmental risk factors. Engineers, managers, policymakers and those involved in planning and delivering energy resources will find this reference a valuable guide, to help establish a reliable power supply address social and economic objectives. Focuses on the evolution of the traditio

  1. Review of Micro Magnetic Generator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin DU


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the research progress of micro magnetic generator systems. Micro magnetic generator systems convert energy from the environment to electric energy with advantages as high reliability, high power density, long life time and can be applied to extreme environment. This paper summarizes methods for improving generator performance of micro magnetic generator, including rotational magnetic generator, vibrational magnetic generator and hybrid magnetic generator, analyzes and compares their design and performance, and concludes key technologies and ongoing challenges for further progress. The paper is instructive and meaningful to for research work of related field.

  2. Generational Accounting in Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahdi Salehi


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to study of the generation accounts for Iranian’s generation. We applied the method of Auerbach, Gokhale and Kotlihoff (1991 on the period 1967-2008 in Iran. Our calculation shows with compare to industrial countries, fiscal burden for Iranian’s population is very chip and that depend on fiscal system in Iran. Except the recent years the rate of tax in Iran has been very low. The generation account for the old people (40 olds is 2117 $ but the future generation (t+1 is 36985 $. The share of male and female, during the years, in this burden is similar. Fiscal burden for Iranian’s generation is low but this population should support other burden that calls inflation. Because when the government do not receive the tax income, a low generation account transfer to price general level.

  3. EGG: Empirical Galaxy Generator (United States)

    Schreiber, C.; Elbaz, D.; Pannella, M.; Merlin, E.; Castellano, M.; Fontana, A.; Bourne, N.; Boutsia, K.; Cullen, F.; Dunlop, J.; Ferguson, H. C.; Michałowski, M. J.; Okumura, K.; Santini, P.; Shu, X. W.; Wang, T.; White, C.


    The Empirical Galaxy Generator (EGG) generates fake galaxy catalogs and images with realistic positions, morphologies and fluxes from the far-ultraviolet to the far-infrared. The catalogs are generated by egg-gencat and stored in binary FITS tables (column oriented). Another program, egg-2skymaker, is used to convert the generated catalog into ASCII tables suitable for ingestion by SkyMaker (ascl:1010.066) to produce realistic high resolution images (e.g., Hubble-like), while egg-gennoise and egg-genmap can be used to generate the low resolution images (e.g., Herschel-like). These tools can be used to test source extraction codes, or to evaluate the reliability of any map-based science (stacking, dropout identification, etc.).

  4. Procedure generation and verification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheely, W.F.


    The Department of Energy has used Artificial Intelligence of ''AI'' concepts to develop two powerful new computer-based techniques to enhance safety in nuclear applications. The Procedure Generation System, and the Procedure Verification System, can be adapted to other commercial applications, such as a manufacturing plant. The Procedure Generation System can create a procedure to deal with the off-normal condition. The operator can then take correct actions on the system in minimal time. The Verification System evaluates the logic of the Procedure Generator's conclusions. This evaluation uses logic techniques totally independent of the Procedure Generator. The rapid, accurate generation and verification of corrective procedures can greatly reduce the human error, possible in a complex (stressful/high stress) situation

  5. Next-generation phylogenomics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chan Cheong Xin


    Full Text Available Abstract Thanks to advances in next-generation technologies, genome sequences are now being generated at breadth (e.g. across environments and depth (thousands of closely related strains, individuals or samples unimaginable only a few years ago. Phylogenomics – the study of evolutionary relationships based on comparative analysis of genome-scale data – has so far been developed as industrial-scale molecular phylogenetics, proceeding in the two classical steps: multiple alignment of homologous sequences, followed by inference of a tree (or multiple trees. However, the algorithms typically employed for these steps scale poorly with number of sequences, such that for an increasing number of problems, high-quality phylogenomic analysis is (or soon will be computationally infeasible. Moreover, next-generation data are often incomplete and error-prone, and analysis may be further complicated by genome rearrangement, gene fusion and deletion, lateral genetic transfer, and transcript variation. Here we argue that next-generation data require next-generation phylogenomics, including so-called alignment-free approaches. Reviewers Reviewed by Mr Alexander Panchin (nominated by Dr Mikhail Gelfand, Dr Eugene Koonin and Prof Peter Gogarten. For the full reviews, please go to the Reviewers’ comments section.

  6. Financing Distributed Generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, A.


    This paper introduces the engineer who is undertaking distributed generation projects to a wide range of financing options. Distributed generation systems (such as internal combustion engines, small gas turbines, fuel cells and photovoltaics) all require an initial investment, which is recovered over time through revenues or savings. An understanding of the cost of capital and financing structures helps the engineer develop realistic expectations and not be offended by the common requirements of financing organizations. This paper discusses several mechanisms for financing distributed generation projects: appropriations; debt (commercial bank loan); mortgage; home equity loan; limited partnership; vendor financing; general obligation bond; revenue bond; lease; Energy Savings Performance Contract; utility programs; chauffage (end-use purchase); and grants. The paper also discusses financial strategies for businesses focusing on distributed generation: venture capital; informal investors (''business angels''); bank and debt financing; and the stock market

  7. Power generation technologies

    CERN Document Server

    Breeze, Paul


    The new edition of Power Generation Technologies is a concise and readable guide that provides an introduction to the full spectrum of currently available power generation options, from traditional fossil fuels and the better established alternatives such as wind and solar power, to emerging renewables such as biomass and geothermal energy. Technology solutions such as combined heat and power and distributed generation are also explored. However, this book is more than just an account of the technologies - for each method the author explores the economic and environmental costs and risk factor

  8. PC Scene Generation (United States)

    Buford, James A., Jr.; Cosby, David; Bunfield, Dennis H.; Mayhall, Anthony J.; Trimble, Darian E.


    AMRDEC has successfully tested hardware and software for Real-Time Scene Generation for IR and SAL Sensors on COTS PC based hardware and video cards. AMRDEC personnel worked with nVidia and Concurrent Computer Corporation to develop a Scene Generation system capable of frame rates of at least 120Hz while frame locked to an external source (such as a missile seeker) with no dropped frames. Latency measurements and image validation were performed using COTS and in-house developed hardware and software. Software for the Scene Generation system was developed using OpenSceneGraph.

  9. Generational Pension Plan Designs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huang, Xiaohong; Mahieu, Ronald


    We propose a generational plan for the occupational pension provision in which people from the same generation are pooled in a generational fund. Each fund can set its own policies independently. This plan provides the benefits of differentiation missing in the prevailing collective plan and the

  10. Solar Fuel Generator (United States)

    Lewis, Nathan S. (Inventor); West, William C. (Inventor)


    The disclosure provides conductive membranes for water splitting and solar fuel generation. The membranes comprise an embedded semiconductive/photoactive material and an oxygen or hydrogen evolution catalyst. Also provided are chassis and cassettes containing the membranes for use in fuel generation.

  11. Diagnostic system of steam generator, especially molten metal heated steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matal, O.; Martoch, J.


    A diagnostic system is described and graphically represented consisting of a leak detector, a medium analyzer and sensors placed on the piping connected to the indication sections of both tube plates. The advantage of the designed system consists in the possibility of detecting tube failure immediately on leak formation, especially in generators with duplex tubes. This shortens the period of steam generator shutdown for repair and reduces power losses. The design also allows to make periodical leak tests during planned steam generator shutdowns. (A.K.)

  12. The protective duration of Streptococcus agalactiae vaccine in Nile Tilapia for the prevention of streptococcosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    , Sukenda


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the protective duration of Streptococcus agalactiae vaccine against streptococcosis in Nile tilapia. Fish were treated by the whole cell vaccine, ECP vaccine and mixture of whole cell and ECP vaccine. After 14, 28, 42, and 52 day post-vaccination (DPV, the fish were intraperitoneally challenged with 104  cfu/mL S. agalactiae. The results showed mortality rate of whole-cell vaccine (A, ECP vaccine (B and mix vaccine (C up to day 42 was significantly (P<0.05 lower than the control treatment, namely 73.33%; 80%; and 76%, respectively. The mortality rate of vaccine treatments A, B, and C on day 56 had no significant difference (P>0.05 with the control. The value of antibody titer vaccine treatments A, B, and C indicate that antigen-antibody reaction on day 28 after the vaccination was significantly (P <0.05 higher than the control that were 3.67; 3.33; and 3.67. Antigen-antibody reaction on day 42 after the vaccination was founded, but did not different significantly (P>0.05 with the control. Bacterial population in treatment A, B, and C in the organs of the fish until the 28th day was still under the control of 104  cfu/mL. S. agalactiae vaccine protection duration is 42 days after the vaccination. Keywords : nile tilapia, Streptococcus agalactiae, duration, vaccine, streptococcosis  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis durasi proteksi dari vaksin Streptococcus agalactiae sebagai pencegahan terhadap streptococcosis pada ikan nila. Ikan divaksinasi dengan vaksin sel utuh, ECP dan gabungan sel utuh dan ECP dari S. agalactiae yang diinjeksi secara intrapetorineal. Ikan diuji tantang S. agalactiae 104  cfu/mL pada hari ke-14, ke-28, ke-42, dan ke-56 pascavaksinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat mortalitas perlakuan vaksin sel utuh (A, vaksin ECP (B, dan gabungan vaksin sel utuh dengan ECP (C hingga hari ke-42 masih signifikan (P<0,05 lebih rendah dari perlakuan kontrol yaitu 73

  13. OMG: Open Molecule Generator. (United States)

    Peironcely, Julio E; Rojas-Chertó, Miguel; Fichera, Davide; Reijmers, Theo; Coulier, Leon; Faulon, Jean-Loup; Hankemeier, Thomas


    Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation has been used for decades to discover the chemical structure of unknown compounds. In this work we introduce the first open source structure generator, Open Molecule Generator (OMG), which for a given elemental composition produces all non-isomorphic chemical structures that match that elemental composition. Furthermore, this structure generator can accept as additional input one or multiple non-overlapping prescribed substructures to drastically reduce the number of possible chemical structures. Being open source allows for customization and future extension of its functionality. OMG relies on a modified version of the Canonical Augmentation Path, which grows intermediate chemical structures by adding bonds and checks that at each step only unique molecules are produced. In order to benchmark the tool, we generated chemical structures for the elemental formulas and substructures of different metabolites and compared the results with a commercially available structure generator. The results obtained, i.e. the number of molecules generated, were identical for elemental compositions having only C, O and H. For elemental compositions containing C, O, H, N, P and S, OMG produces all the chemically valid molecules while the other generator produces more, yet chemically impossible, molecules. The chemical completeness of the OMG results comes at the expense of being slower than the commercial generator. In addition to being open source, OMG clearly showed the added value of constraining the solution space by using multiple prescribed substructures as input. We expect this structure generator to be useful in many fields, but to be especially of great importance for metabolomics, where identifying unknown metabolites is still a major bottleneck.

  14. OMG: Open Molecule Generator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peironcely Julio E


    Full Text Available Abstract Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation has been used for decades to discover the chemical structure of unknown compounds. In this work we introduce the first open source structure generator, Open Molecule Generator (OMG, which for a given elemental composition produces all non-isomorphic chemical structures that match that elemental composition. Furthermore, this structure generator can accept as additional input one or multiple non-overlapping prescribed substructures to drastically reduce the number of possible chemical structures. Being open source allows for customization and future extension of its functionality. OMG relies on a modified version of the Canonical Augmentation Path, which grows intermediate chemical structures by adding bonds and checks that at each step only unique molecules are produced. In order to benchmark the tool, we generated chemical structures for the elemental formulas and substructures of different metabolites and compared the results with a commercially available structure generator. The results obtained, i.e. the number of molecules generated, were identical for elemental compositions having only C, O and H. For elemental compositions containing C, O, H, N, P and S, OMG produces all the chemically valid molecules while the other generator produces more, yet chemically impossible, molecules. The chemical completeness of the OMG results comes at the expense of being slower than the commercial generator. In addition to being open source, OMG clearly showed the added value of constraining the solution space by using multiple prescribed substructures as input. We expect this structure generator to be useful in many fields, but to be especially of great importance for metabolomics, where identifying unknown metabolites is still a major bottleneck.

  15. Financing Distributed Generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walker, A.


    This paper introduces the engineer who is undertaking distributed generation projects to a wide range of financing options. Distributed generation systems (such as internal combustion engines, small gas turbines, fuel cells and photovoltaics) all require an initial investment, which is recovered over time through revenues or savings. An understanding of the cost of capital and financing structures helps the engineer develop realistic expectations and not be offended by the common requirements of financing organizations. This paper discusses several mechanisms for financing distributed generation projects: appropriations; debt (commercial bank loan); mortgage; home equity loan; limited partnership; vendor financing; general obligation bond; revenue bond; lease; Energy Savings Performance Contract; utility programs; chauffage (end-use purchase); and grants. The paper also discusses financial strategies for businesses focusing on distributed generation: venture capital; informal investors (''business angels''); bank and debt financing; and the stock market.

  16. LMFBR steam generator development: duplex bayonet tube steam generator. Volume II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeFur, D.D.


    This report represents the culmination of work performed in fulfillment of ERDA Contract AT(11-1)-2426, Task Agreement 2, in which alternate steam generator designs were developed and studied. The basic bayonet tube generator design previously developed by C-E under AEC Contract AT(11-1)-3031 was expanded by incorporating duplex heat transfer tubes to enhance the unit's overall safety and reliability. The effort consisted of providing and evaluating conceptual designs of the evaporator, superheater and reheater components for a large plant LMFBR steam generator (950 MWt per heat transport loop)

  17. Optimized Generator Designs for the DTU 10-MW Offshore Wind Turbine using GeneratorSE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sethuraman, Latha; Maness, Michael; Dykes, Katherine


    Compared to land-based applications, offshore wind imposes challenges for the development of next generation wind turbine generator technology. Direct-drive generators are believed to offer high availability, efficiency, and reduced operation and maintenance requirements; however, previous research suggests difficulties in scaling to several megawatts or more in size. The resulting designs are excessively large and/or massive, which are major impediments to transportation logistics, especially for offshore applications. At the same time, geared wind turbines continue to sustain offshore market growth through relatively cheaper and lightweight generators. However, reliability issues associated with mechanical components in a geared system create significant operation and maintenance costs, and these costs make up a large portion of overall system costs offshore. Thus, direct-drive turbines are likely to outnumber their gear-driven counterparts for this market, and there is a need to review the costs or opportunities of building machines with different types of generators and examining their competitiveness at the sizes necessary for the next generation of offshore wind turbines. In this paper, we use GeneratorSE, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's newly developed systems engineering generator sizing tool to estimate mass, efficiency, and the costs of different generator technologies satisfying the electromagnetic, structural, and basic thermal design requirements for application in a very large-scale offshore wind turbine such as the Technical University of Denmark's (DTU) 10-MW reference wind turbine. For the DTU reference wind turbine, we use the previously mentioned criteria to optimize a direct-drive, radial flux, permanent-magnet synchronous generator; a direct-drive electrically excited synchronous generator; a medium-speed permanent-magnet generator; and a high-speed, doubly-fed induction generator. Preliminary analysis of leveled costs of

  18. Pulse-voltage fast generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valeev, R.I.; Nikiforov, M.G.; Kharchenko, A.F.


    The design is described and the test results of a four-channel pulse-voltage generator with maximum output voltage 200 kV are presented. The measurement results of generator triggering time depending on the value and polarity of the triggering voltage pulse for different triggering circuits are presented. The tests have shown stable triggering of all four channels of the generator in the range up to 40 % from selfbreakdown voltage. The generator triggering delay in the given range is <25 ns, asynchronism in channel triggering is <±1 ns

  19. Uniform random number generators (United States)

    Farr, W. R.


    Methods are presented for the generation of random numbers with uniform and normal distributions. Subprogram listings of Fortran generators for the Univac 1108, SDS 930, and CDC 3200 digital computers are also included. The generators are of the mixed multiplicative type, and the mathematical method employed is that of Marsaglia and Bray.

  20. Generation and Context Memory (United States)

    Mulligan, Neil W.; Lozito, Jeffrey P.; Rosner, Zachary A.


    Generation enhances memory for occurrence but may not enhance other aspects of memory. The present study further delineates the negative generation effect in context memory reported in N. W. Mulligan (2004). First, the negative generation effect occurred for perceptual attributes of the target item (its color and font) but not for extratarget…

  1. Third Generation Coaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stelter, Reinhard


    , Gruppen oder Teams neue Orientierung auf einer tieferen Sinnebene ermöglicht. Im Gegensatz zum Coaching der ersten Generation, bei dem das Erreichen bestimmter, festgeschriebener Ziele im Vordergrund steht, und im Gegensatz zum Coaching der zweiten Generation, in dem wünschenswerte zukünftige...

  2. Steam generator life management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tapping, R.L.; Nickerson, J.; Spekkens, P.; Maruska, C.


    Steam generators are a critical component of a nuclear power reactor, and can contribute significantly to station unavailability, as has been amply demonstrated in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). CANDU steam generators are not immune to steam generator degradation, and the variety of CANDU steam generator designs and tube materials has led to some unexpected challenges. However, aggressive remedial actions, and careful proactive maintenance activities, have led to a decrease in steam generator-related station unavailability of Canadian CANDUs. AECL and the CANDU utilities have defined programs that will enable existing or new steam generators to operate effectively for 40 years. Research and development work covers corrosion and mechanical degradation of tube bundles and internals, chemistry, thermal hydraulics, fouling, inspection and cleaning, as well as provision for specially tool development for specific problem solving. A major driving force is development of CANDU-specific fitness-for-service guidelines, including appropriate inspection and monitoring technology to measure steam generator condition. Longer-range work focuses on development of intelligent on-line monitoring for the feedwater system and steam generator. New designs have reduced risk of corrosion and fouling, are more easily inspected and cleaned, and are less susceptible to mechanical damage. The Canadian CANDU utilities have developed programs for remedial actions to combat degradation of performance (Gentilly-2, Point Lepreau, Bruce A/B, Pickering A/B), and have developed strategic plans to ensure that good future operation is ensured. This report shows how recent advances in cleaning technology are integrated into a life management strategy, discusses downcomer flow measurement as a means of monitoring steam generator condition, and describes recent advances in hideout return as a life management tool. The research and development program, as well as operating experience, has identified

  3. Graph Generator Survey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lothian, Joshua [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Powers, Sarah S. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Sullivan, Blair D. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Baker, Matthew B. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Schrock, Jonathan [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Poole, Stephen W. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    The benchmarking effort within the Extreme Scale Systems Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory seeks to provide High Performance Computing benchmarks and test suites of interest to the DoD sponsor. The work described in this report is a part of the effort focusing on graph generation. A previously developed benchmark, SystemBurn, allowed the emulation of different application behavior profiles within a single framework. To complement this effort, similar capabilities are desired for graph-centric problems. This report examines existing synthetic graph generator implementations in preparation for further study on the properties of their generated synthetic graphs.

  4. Superconducting current generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Genevey, P.


    After a brief summary of the principle of energy storage and liberation with superconducting coils,two current generators are described that create currents in the range 600 to 1400 A, used for two storage experiments of 25 kJ and 50 kJ respectively. The two current generators are: a) a flux pump and b) a superconducting transformer. Both could be developed into more powerful units. The study shows the advantage of the transformer over the flux pump in order to create large currents. The efficiencies of the two generators are 95 per cent and 40 to 60 per cent respectively. (author) [fr


    Kerns, Q.A.


    >An electronlc circuit for synthesizing electrical current pulses having very fast rise times includes several sinewave generators tuned to progressively higher harmonic frequencies with signal amplitudes and phases selectable according to the Fourier series of the waveform that is to be synthesized. Phase control is provided by periodically triggering the generators at precisely controlled times. The outputs of the generators are combined in a coaxial transmission line. Any frequency-dependent delays that occur in the transmission line can be readily compensated for so that the desired signal wave shape is obtained at the output of the line. (AEC)

  6. Magnetohydrodynamic power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheindlin, A.E.; Jackson, W.D.; Brzozowski, W.S.; Rietjens, L.H.Th.


    The paper describes research and development in the field of magnetohydrodynamic power generation technology, based on discussions held in the Joint IAEA/UNESCO International Liaison Group on MHD electrical power generation. Research and development programmes on open cycle, closed cycle plasma and liquid-metal MHD are described. Open cycle MHD has now entered the engineering development stage. The paper reviews the results of cycle analyses and economic and environmental evaluations: substantial agreement has been reached on the expected overall performance and necessary component specifications. The achievement in the Soviet Union on the U-25 MHD pilot plant in obtaining full rated electrical power of 20.4 MW is described, as well as long duration testing of the integrated operation of MHD components. Work in the United States on coal-fired MHD generators has shown that, with slagging of the walls, a run time of about one hundred hours at the current density and electric field of a commercial MHD generator has been achieved. Progress obtained in closed cycle plasma and liquid metal MHD is reviewed. Electrical power densities of up to 140 MWe/m 3 and an enthalpy extraction as high as 24 per cent have been achieved in noble gas MHD generator experiments. (Auth.)

  7. Impacts on power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, J.; Sidebotton, P.


    The future impact of the arrival of natural gas in the Maritime provinces on electricity generation in the region was discussed. Currently, electrical generation sources in Nova Scotia include hydro generation (9 per cent), coal generation (80 per cent), heavy fuel oil generation (8 per cent), and light oil, wood chips and purchased power (3 per cent). It is expected that with the introduction of natural gas electric utilities will take advantage of new gas combustion turbines which have high efficiency rates. An overview of Westcoast Power's operations across Canada was also presented. The Company has three projects in the Maritimes - the Courtney Bay project in New Brunswick, the Bayside Power project, the Irving Paper project - in addition to the McMahon cogeneration plant in Taylor, B.C. figs

  8. Pulsed corona generation using a diode-based pulsed power generator (United States)

    Pemen, A. J. M.; Grekhov, I. V.; van Heesch, E. J. M.; Yan, K.; Nair, S. A.; Korotkov, S. V.


    Pulsed plasma techniques serve a wide range of unconventional processes, such as gas and water processing, hydrogen production, and nanotechnology. Extending research on promising applications, such as pulsed corona processing, depends to a great extent on the availability of reliable, efficient and repetitive high-voltage pulsed power technology. Heavy-duty opening switches are the most critical components in high-voltage pulsed power systems with inductive energy storage. At the Ioffe Institute, an unconventional switching mechanism has been found, based on the fast recovery process in a diode. This article discusses the application of such a "drift-step-recovery-diode" for pulsed corona plasma generation. The principle of the diode-based nanosecond high-voltage generator will be discussed. The generator will be coupled to a corona reactor via a transmission-line transformer. The advantages of this concept, such as easy voltage transformation, load matching, switch protection and easy coupling with a dc bias voltage, will be discussed. The developed circuit is tested at both a resistive load and various corona reactors. Methods to optimize the energy transfer to a corona reactor have been evaluated. The impedance matching between the pulse generator and corona reactor can be significantly improved by using a dc bias voltage. At good matching, the corona energy increases and less energy reflects back to the generator. Matching can also be slightly improved by increasing the temperature in the corona reactor. More effective is to reduce the reactor pressure.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gary D. Seifert; G. Shawn West; Kurt S. Myers; Jim Moncur


    SECTION 01000—SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY The work to be performed under this project consists of providing the labor, equipment, and materials to perform "Buildout and Upgrade of Central Emergency Generator System, Generator 3 and 4 Electrical Installation" for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at the Dryden Flight Research Center (NASA/DFRC), Edwards, California 93523. All modifications to existing substations and electrical distribution systems are the responsibility of the contractor. It is the contractor’s responsibility to supply a complete and functionally operational system. The work shall be performed in accordance with these specifications and the related drawings. The work of this project is defined by the plans and specifications contained and referenced herein. This work specifically includes but is not limited to the following: Scope of Work - Installation 1. Install all electrical wiring and controls for new generators 3 and 4 to match existing electrical installation for generators 1 and 2 and in accordance with drawings. Contractor shall provide as-built details for electrical installation. 2. Install battery charger systems for new generators 3 and 4 to match existing battery charging equipment and installation for generators 1 and 2. This may require exchange of some battery charger parts already on-hand. Supply power to new battery chargers from panel and breakers as shown on drawings. Utilize existing conduits already routed to generators 3 and 4 to field route the new wiring in the most reasonable way possible. 3. Install electrical wiring for fuel/lube systems for new generators 3 and 4 to match existing installation for generators 1 and 2. Supply power to lube oil heaters and fuel system (day tanks) from panel and breakers as shown on drawings. Utilize existing conduits already routed to generators 3 and 4 to field route the new wiring in the most reasonable way possible. Add any conduits necessary to

  10. The external costs of electricity generation: a comparison of generation technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozdemiroglu, E [Economics for the Environment Consultancy, London (United Kingdom)


    Electricity generation, like any economic activity, leads to costs that can be grouped in two categories: (a) private or internal and (b) external. Private costs are those paid by the buyers and sellers of energy within the market system. The external costs, however, are not included in the market price mechanism as they accrue to third parties other than the buyer and the seller. External costs include environmental external costs and non-environmental external costs. There are two conditions for the existence of external costs: (a) market failure, or the inability of markets to account for the cost of environmental impacts of energy generation and the market structure and (b) government or policy failure, or the policies that cause private generators to pay either higher or lower costs than they would if these interventions did not exist. A third reason can be added for the existence of non-environmental externalities: energy security, or certain costs faced by society as a result of over-reliance on imported energy. Section A introduces the concept of external costs and benefits. Section B looks at the environmental externalities of energy generation. The procedure is to develop the methodology to estimate what are known as externality adders, i.e. a monetary value for the environmental costs and benefits associated with selected generation technologies, expressed in pence per kilowatt-hour. The result is an `adder` because, in principle, the sum can be added to the private cost of generating electricity to obtain a measure of the `full` or `social` cost. The selected generation technologies are conventional coal, wind power, small-scale hydro, energy crops, incineration of municipal solid waste and energy recovery from landfill. The data reported are based on the application of the technologies in Scotland, but the methodology can be applied anywhere. Section C takes a brief look at the non-environmental externalities including the general theory and evidence

  11. The external costs of electricity generation: a comparison of generation technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozdemiroglu, E.


    Electricity generation, like any economic activity, leads to costs that can be grouped in two categories: (a) private or internal and (b) external. Private costs are those paid by the buyers and sellers of energy within the market system. The external costs, however, are not included in the market price mechanism as they accrue to third parties other than the buyer and the seller. External costs include environmental external costs and non-environmental external costs. There are two conditions for the existence of external costs: (a) market failure, or the inability of markets to account for the cost of environmental impacts of energy generation and the market structure and (b) government or policy failure, or the policies that cause private generators to pay either higher or lower costs than they would if these interventions did not exist. A third reason can be added for the existence of non-environmental externalities: energy security, or certain costs faced by society as a result of over-reliance on imported energy. Section A introduces the concept of external costs and benefits. Section B looks at the environmental externalities of energy generation. The procedure is to develop the methodology to estimate what are known as externality adders, i.e. a monetary value for the environmental costs and benefits associated with selected generation technologies, expressed in pence per kilowatt-hour. The result is an 'adder' because, in principle, the sum can be added to the private cost of generating electricity to obtain a measure of the 'full' or 'social' cost. The selected generation technologies are conventional coal, wind power, small-scale hydro, energy crops, incineration of municipal solid waste and energy recovery from landfill. The data reported are based on the application of the technologies in Scotland, but the methodology can be applied anywhere. Section C takes a brief look at the non-environmental externalities including the general theory and evidence

  12. Tredje generations coaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stelter, Reinhard


    ”Tredje generations coaching” udfolder et nyt univers for coaching og coachingpsykologi gennem en bearbejdelse af aktuel samfundsforskning, nye læringsteorier og diskurser om det personlige lederskab. ”Tredje generations coaching” er funderet på en samfundsmæssig forståelse af coaching. Coaching er...... blevet så betydningsfuld, fordi samfundet opleves som uoverskueligt og hyperkomplekst. Viden skal nu udformes og anvendes i specifikke kontekster og situationer, og både i privatliv og i det offentlige rum skal vi lære at forhandle os til rette. Coaching kan hjælpe os til at skabe ny viden og mestre...... sociale forhandlinger. Coaching er dermed en slags fødselshjælp til nye refleksioner og perspektiver, en hjælp til selvhjælp og en støtte til ens egen selvdannelsesproces. ”Tredje generations coaching” fremhæver coach og coachee i deres narrativ-samskabende partnerskab. Til forskel fra første generations...

  13. Simple and Realistic Data Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Kenneth Houkjær; Torp, Kristian; Wind, Rico


    This paper presents a generic, DBMS independent, and highly extensible relational data generation tool. The tool can efficiently generate realistic test data for OLTP, OLAP, and data streaming applications. The tool uses a graph model to direct the data generation. This model makes it very simple...... to generate data even for large database schemas with complex inter- and intra table relationships. The model also makes it possible to generate data with very accurate characteristics....

  14. Consolidated nuclear steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jabsen, F.S.; Schluderberg, D.C.; Paulson, A.E.


    An improved system of providing power has a unique generating means for nuclear reactors with a number of steam generators in the form of replaceable modular units of the expendable type to attain the optimum in effective and efficient vaporization of fluid during the generating power. The system is most adaptable to undrground power plants and marine usage

  15. Gearless wind power generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soederlund, L.; Ridanpaeae, P.; Vihriaelae, H.; Peraelae, R. [Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland). Lab. of Electricity and Magnetism


    During the wind power generator project a design algorithm for a gearless permanent magnet generator with an axially orientated magnetic flux was developed and a 10 kW model machine was constructed. Utilising the test results a variable wind speed system of 100 kW was designed that incorporates a permanent magnet generator, a frequency converter and a fuzzy controller. This system produces about 5-15% more energy than existing types and stresses to the blades are minimised. The type of generator designed in the project represents in general a gearless solution for slow-speed electrical drives. (orig.)

  16. SMUG: Scientific Music Generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scirea, Marco; A B Barros, Gabriella; Togelius, Julian


    Music is based on the real world. Composers use their day-to-day lives as inspiration to create rhythm and lyrics. Procedural music generators are capable of creating good quality pieces, and while some already use the world as inspiration, there is still much to be explored in this. We describe...... a system to generate lyrics and melodies from real-world data, in particular from academic papers. Through this we want to create a playful experience and establish a novel way of generating content (textual and musical) that could be applied to other domains, in particular to games. For melody generation...

  17. Submersible Generator for Marine Hydrokinetics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cinq-Mars, Robert S; Burke, Timothy; Irish, James; Gustafson, Brian; Kirtley, James; Alawa, Aiman


    A submersible generator was designed as a distinct and critical subassembly of marine hydrokinetics systems, specifically tidal and stream energy conversion. The generator is designed to work with both vertical and horizontal axis turbines. The final product is a high-pole-count, radial-flux, permanent magnet, rim mounted generator, initially rated at twenty kilowatts in a two-meter-per-second flow, and designed to leverage established and simple manufacturing processes. The generator was designed to work with a 3 meter by 7 meter Gorlov Helical Turbine or a marine hydrokinetic version of the FloDesign wind turbine. The team consisted of experienced motor/generator design engineers with cooperation from major US component suppliers (magnetics, coil winding and electrical steel laminations). Support for this effort was provided by Lucid Energy Technologies and FloDesign, Inc. The following tasks were completed: Identified the conditions and requirements for MHK generators. Defined a methodology for sizing and rating MHK systems. Selected an MHK generator topology and form factor. Completed electromechanical design of submersible generator capable of coupling to multiple turbine styles. Investigated MHK generator manufacturing requirements. Reviewed cost implications and financial viability. Completed final reporting and deliverables

  18. 78 FR 32385 - Exelon Generation Company, LLC; CER Generation II, LLC; Constellation Mystic Power, LLC... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. EL13-64-000] Exelon Generation Company, LLC; CER Generation II, LLC; Constellation Mystic Power, LLC; Constellation NewEnergy...) Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.207, Exelon Generation Company, LLC, CER Generation II, LLC...

  19. The Switching Generator: New Clock-Controlled Generator with Resistance against the Algebraic and Side Channel Attacks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jun Choi


    Full Text Available Since Advanced Encryption Standard (AES in stream modes, such as counter (CTR, output feedback (OFB and cipher feedback (CFB, can meet most industrial requirements, the range of applications for dedicated stream ciphers is decreasing. There are many attack results using algebraic properties and side channel information against stream ciphers for hardware applications. Al-Hinai et al. presented an algebraic attack approach to a family of irregularly clock-controlled linear feedback shift register systems: the stop and go generator, self-decimated generator and alternating step generator. Other clock-controlled systems, such as shrinking and cascade generators, are indeed vulnerable against side channel attacks. To overcome these threats, new clock-controlled systems were presented, e.g., the generalized alternating step generator, cascade jump-controlled generator and mutual clock-controlled generator. However, the algebraic attack could be applied directly on these new systems. In this paper, we propose a new clock-controlled generator: the switching generator, which has resistance to algebraic and side channel attacks. This generator also preserves both security properties and the efficiency of existing clock-controlled generators.

  20. Random number generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coveyou, R.R.


    The subject of random number generation is currently controversial. Differing opinions on this subject seem to stem from implicit or explicit differences in philosophy; in particular, from differing ideas concerning the role of probability in the real world of physical processes, electronic computers, and Monte Carlo calculations. An attempt is made here to reconcile these views. The role of stochastic ideas in mathematical models is discussed. In illustration of these ideas, a mathematical model of the use of random number generators in Monte Carlo calculations is constructed. This model is used to set up criteria for the comparison and evaluation of random number generators. (U.S.)

  1. Protocol Implementation Generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carvalho Quaresma, Jose Nuno; Probst, Christian W.


    Users expect communication systems to guarantee, amongst others, privacy and integrity of their data. These can be ensured by using well-established protocols; the best protocol, however, is useless if not all parties involved in a communication have a correct implementation of the protocol and a...... Generator framework based on the LySatool and a translator from the LySa language into C or Java....... necessary tools. In this paper, we present the Protocol Implementation Generator (PiG), a framework that can be used to add protocol generation to protocol negotiation, or to easily share and implement new protocols throughout a network. PiG enables the sharing, verification, and translation...

  2. When Generations Collide (United States)

    Fogg, Piper


    When four generations converge in the academic workplace, it can create serious culture clashes. It is happening across college campuses--in offices as diverse as admissions, student affairs, legal affairs, and technology. It is especially striking in the faculty ranks, where generational challenges have extra significance amid recruiting efforts,…

  3. Solar thermal aided power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Eric; Yang, YongPing; Nishimura, Akira; Yilmaz, Ferdi; Kouzani, Abbas


    Fossil fuel based power generation is and will still be the back bone of our world economy, albeit such form of power generation significantly contributes to global CO 2 emissions. Solar energy is a clean, environmental friendly energy source for power generation, however solar photovoltaic electricity generation is not practical for large commercial scales due to its cost and high-tech nature. Solar thermal is another way to use solar energy to generate power. Many attempts to establish solar (solo) thermal power stations have been practiced all over the world. Although there are some advantages in solo solar thermal power systems, the efficiencies and costs of these systems are not so attractive. Alternately by modifying, if possible, the existing coal-fired power stations to generate green sustainable power, a much more efficient means of power generation can be reached. This paper presents the concept of solar aided power generation in conventional coal-fired power stations, i.e., integrating solar (thermal) energy into conventional fossil fuelled power generation cycles (termed as solar aided thermal power). The solar aided power generation (SAPG) concept has technically been derived to use the strong points of the two technologies (traditional regenerative Rankine cycle with relatively higher efficiency and solar heating at relatively low temperature range). The SAPG does not only contribute to increase the efficiencies of the conventional power station and reduce its emission of the greenhouse gases, but also provides a better way to use solar heat to generate the power. This paper presents the advantages of the SAPG at conceptual level.

  4. Photovoltaic Bias Generator (United States)


    Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. Citation of manufacturer’s or trade names does not constitute an... Interior view of the photovoltaic bias generator showing wrapped-wire side of circuit board...3 Fig. 4 Interior view of the photovoltaic bias generator showing component side of circuit board

  5. Fourth-generation storage rings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galayda, J. N.


    It seems clear that a linac-driven free-electron laser is the accepted prototype of a fourth-generation facility. This raises two questions: can a storage ring-based light source join the fourth generation? Has the storage ring evolved to its highest level of performance as a synchrotrons light source? The answer to the second question is clearly no. The author thinks the answer to the first question is unimportant. While the concept of generations has been useful in motivating thought and effort towards new light source concepts, the variety of light sources and their performance characteristics can no longer be usefully summed up by assignment of a ''generation'' number

  6. Auxiliary Deep Generative Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maaløe, Lars; Sønderby, Casper Kaae; Sønderby, Søren Kaae


    Deep generative models parameterized by neural networks have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance in unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. We extend deep generative models with auxiliary variables which improves the variational approximation. The auxiliary variables leave...... the generative model unchanged but make the variational distribution more expressive. Inspired by the structure of the auxiliary variable we also propose a model with two stochastic layers and skip connections. Our findings suggest that more expressive and properly specified deep generative models converge...... faster with better results. We show state-of-the-art performance within semi-supervised learning on MNIST (0.96%), SVHN (16.61%) and NORB (9.40%) datasets....

  7. EPRI steam generator programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martel, L.J.; Passell, T.O.; Bryant, P.E.C.; Rentler, R.M.


    The paper describes the current overall EPRI steam generator program plan and some of the ongoing projects. Because of the recent occurrence of a corrosion phenomenon called ''denting,'' which has affected a number of operating utilities, an expanded program plan is being developed which addresses the broad and urgent needs required to achieve improved steam generator reliability. The goal of improved steam generator reliability will require advances in various technologies and also a management philosophy that encourages conscientious efforts to apply the improved technologies to the design, procurement, and operation of plant systems and components that affect the full life reliability of steam generators

  8. Welcome to the iGeneration! (United States)

    Rosen, Larry


    Defining and understanding a generation of Americans has always been difficult until years after the generation ends. Although there is universal agreement on the Baby Boomer generation (1946-1964) and most people agree that Generation X started in 1965 and ended around 1979, after that it gets murky. In his research, the author believes that the…

  9. Pengaruh Suhu Terhadap Tegangan Permukaan Sabun Cuci Piring Cair Buatan Sendiri, Sunlight, Dan S.O.S


    Siahaan, Okio Patar


    The effect of temperature on the surface tension of homemade liquid dish soap, Sunlight, and SOS was carried out. The temperatures was variated 280C(without heating), 300C, 400C and 500C. The homemade liquid dish soap was prepared by using an active ingredients. The active ingredient of the liquid dishwashing soap were sodium lauryl ether sulphate, sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate, and sodium lauril ether sulfate, respectively. The determination of surface tension was based the increasing of t...

  10. Memperbaiki Tegangan dan Rugi–rugi Daya pada Sistem Transmisi dengan Optimasi Penempatan Kapasitor menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syukri Yunus


    Full Text Available Electric power system is said to have a high degree of reliability if the system is able to provide a supply of electrical energy required by consumers continuously. Power loss that occurs in line resulting voltage drop on the line and cause a loss due to the decreasing reliability of the system to supply power to the load. To reduce the power loss in the line do installation of capacitors. Installation of capacitors conducted by calculating the position of the placement and size, so that placement of capacitors that do can be optimized to reduce losses that occur. Optimal methods are quite effective is algorithm genetics. In this method, capacitor placement is done with the chromosome leads to the selection obtained. The best results will be obtained from a chromosome that contains a condition that there is optimum placement of capacitors that can minimize power loss that occurs in the channel as well as minimize the amount of use of the capacitor. The comparison can be done by using Newton Raphson power flow between before and after forging capacitor.

  11. Penelitian pengaruh campuran carbon black dan china clay terhadap sifat tegangan putus dan kekerasan karet vulkanisat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Supraptiningsih Supraptiningsih


    Full Text Available It has been done a research of the influence of mixed carbon black and hardness properties on the vulcanization of rubber. It has been made with additive of carbon black and china clay mixed, in total variation. The result is seen that total variation of carbon black and china clay not influence to tensile strength, but their interacton can do it. The hardness of vulcanization of rubber will be influence by total variation of carbon black china clay anad their interaction.

  12. Procedure for generating steam and steam generator for operating said procedure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chlique, Bernard.


    This invention concerns the generation of steam by bringing the water to be vaporised into indirect thermal exchange relation with the heating steam which condenses when passing in series, along alternate routes, through bundles of tubes immersed in a vaporising chamber. A number of steam generators working on this principle already exist. The purpose of the invention is to modify the operating method of these steam generators by means of a special disposition making it possible to build a compact unit including an additional bundle of tubes heated by the condensates collected at the outlet of each bundle through which the heating steam passes [fr

  13. Energy generation device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araki, Takashi; Tatsumi, Masami; Tada, Koji.


    In a reaction estimated as nuclear fusion, a portion near of electrode is heated locally to a high temperature by the heat of the reaction generated on the electrode, by which the electrode is melted or heavy water is boiled. Then, Continuous reaction is difficult and not practical. In view of the above, a cathode made of deuterium absorbing materials is put into heavy water and electric current is supplied, to continuously take place the reaction and an anode is disposed in a cylindrical cathode to cause reaction of energy generation therein in order to continuously take out the generated energy to the outside safely. Further, heavy water is circulated inside the cylindrical cathode to externally take out heavy water the temperature of which is elevated by the generated energy, and fresh heavy water is supplied to the inside of the cylindrical cathode. Thus, heavy water does not boil on the electrode, temperature elevation can be suppressed and melting of the electrode itself can be prevented. (N.H.)

  14. Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for Procedural 3D Landscape Generation Based on DEM


    Wulff-Jensen, Andreas; Rant, Niclas Nerup; Møller, Tobias Nordvig; Billeskov, Jonas Aksel


    This paper proposes a novel framework for improving procedural generation of 3D landscapes using machine learning. We utilized a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DC-GAN) to generate heightmaps. The network was trained on a dataset consisting of Digital Elevation Maps (DEM) of the alps. During map generation, the batch size and learning rate were optimized for the most efficient and satisfying map production. The diversity of the final output was tested against Perlin noise u...

  15. Spherical neutron generator (United States)

    Leung, Ka-Ngo


    A spherical neutron generator is formed with a small spherical target and a spherical shell RF-driven plasma ion source surrounding the target. A deuterium (or deuterium and tritium) ion plasma is produced by RF excitation in the plasma ion source using an RF antenna. The plasma generation region is a spherical shell between an outer chamber and an inner extraction electrode. A spherical neutron generating target is at the center of the chamber and is biased negatively with respect to the extraction electrode which contains many holes. Ions passing through the holes in the extraction electrode are focused onto the target which produces neutrons by D-D or D-T reactions.

  16. Generation Expansion Planning Considering Integrating Large-scale Wind Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Chunyu; Ding, Yi; Østergaard, Jacob


    necessitated the inclusion of more innovative and sophisticated approaches in power system investment planning. A bi-level generation expansion planning approach considering large-scale wind generation was proposed in this paper. The first phase is investment decision, while the second phase is production...... optimization decision. A multi-objective PSO (MOPSO) algorithm was introduced to solve this optimization problem, which can accelerate the convergence and guarantee the diversity of Pareto-optimal front set as well. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed bi-level planning approach and the MOPSO...

  17. Modeling and analysis with induction generators

    CERN Document Server

    Simões, M Godoy


    ForewordPrefaceAcknowledgmentsAuthorsPrinciples of Alternative Sources of Energy and Electric GenerationScope of This ChapterLegal DefinitionsPrinciples of Electrical ConversionBasic Definitions of Electrical PowerCharacteristics of Primary SourcesCharacteristics of Remote Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Sites and Rural EnergySelection of the Electric GeneratorInterfacing Primary Source, Generator, and LoadExample of a Simple Integrated Generating and Energy-Storing SystemSolved ProblemsSuggested ProblemsReferencesSteady-State Model of Induction GeneratorsScope of This ChapterInterconnection and Disconnection of the Electric Distribution NetworkRobustness of Induction GeneratorsClassical Steady-State Representation of the Asynchronous MachineGenerated PowerInduced TorqueRepresentation of Induction Generator LossesMeasurement of Induction Generator ParametersBlocked Rotor Test (s = 1)No-Load Test (s = 0)Features of Induction Machines Working as Generators Interconnected to the Distribution NetworkHigh-...

  18. Steam generator tube failures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacDonald, P.E.; Shah, V.N.; Ward, L.W.; Ellison, P.G.


    A review and summary of the available information on steam generator tubing failures and the impact of these failures on plant safety is presented. The following topics are covered: pressurized water reactor (PWR), Canadian deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactor, and Russian water moderated, water cooled energy reactor (VVER) steam generator degradation, PWR steam generator tube ruptures, the thermal-hydraulic response of a PWR plant with a faulted steam generator, the risk significance of steam generator tube rupture accidents, tubing inspection requirements and fitness-for-service criteria in various countries, and defect detection reliability and sizing accuracy. A significant number of steam generator tubes are defective and are removed from service or repaired each year. This wide spread damage has been caused by many diverse degradation mechanisms, some of which are difficult to detect and predict. In addition, spontaneous tube ruptures have occurred at the rate of about one every 2 years over the last 20 years, and incipient tube ruptures (tube failures usually identified with leak detection monitors just before rupture) have been occurring at the rate of about one per year. These ruptures have caused complex plant transients which have not always been easy for the reactor operators to control. Our analysis shows that if more than 15 tubes rupture during a main steam line break, the system response could lead to core melting. Although spontaneous and induced steam generator tube ruptures are small contributors to the total core damage frequency calculated in probabilistic risk assessments, they are risk significant because the radionuclides are likely to bypass the reactor containment building. The frequency of steam generator tube ruptures can be significantly reduced through appropriate and timely inspections and repairs or removal from service

  19. Next generation initiation techniques (United States)

    Warner, Tom; Derber, John; Zupanski, Milija; Cohn, Steve; Verlinde, Hans


    Four-dimensional data assimilation strategies can generally be classified as either current or next generation, depending upon whether they are used operationally or not. Current-generation data-assimilation techniques are those that are presently used routinely in operational-forecasting or research applications. They can be classified into the following categories: intermittent assimilation, Newtonian relaxation, and physical initialization. It should be noted that these techniques are the subject of continued research, and their improvement will parallel the development of next generation techniques described by the other speakers. Next generation assimilation techniques are those that are under development but are not yet used operationally. Most of these procedures are derived from control theory or variational methods and primarily represent continuous assimilation approaches, in which the data and model dynamics are 'fitted' to each other in an optimal way. Another 'next generation' category is the initialization of convective-scale models. Intermittent assimilation systems use an objective analysis to combine all observations within a time window that is centered on the analysis time. Continuous first-generation assimilation systems are usually based on the Newtonian-relaxation or 'nudging' techniques. Physical initialization procedures generally involve the use of standard or nonstandard data to force some physical process in the model during an assimilation period. Under the topic of next-generation assimilation techniques, variational approaches are currently being actively developed. Variational approaches seek to minimize a cost or penalty function which measures a model's fit to observations, background fields and other imposed constraints. Alternatively, the Kalman filter technique, which is also under investigation as a data assimilation procedure for numerical weather prediction, can yield acceptable initial conditions for mesoscale models. The

  20. Generation Y Perspectives (United States)

    Skytland, Nicholas; Painting, Kristen; Barrera, Aaron; Fitzpatrick, Garret


    This viewgraph presentation reviews the perception of NASA and the importance of engaging those people born between 1977 and 2000, also known as Generation Y. It examines some of the differences in attitudes and experiences, and how it reflects on how they view NASA. It also discusses use of the internet in connecting to the people from that generation.

  1. Generativity does not necessarily satisfy all your needs: Associations among cultural demand for generativity, generative concern, generative action, and need satisfaction in the elderly in four cultures

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hofer, J.; Busch, H.; Au, A.; Poláčková Šolcová, Iva; Tavel, P.; Wong, T.T.


    Roč. 52, č. 3 (2016), s. 509-519 ISSN 0012-1649 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GP14-02889P Institutional support: RVO:68081740 Keywords : generative concern * internalized cultural demands * value orientations * generative behavior * basic need satisfaction * culture Subject RIV: AN - Psychology Impact factor: 3.228, year: 2016

  2. Horizontal steam generator thermal-hydraulics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ubra, O. [SKODA Praha Company, Prague (Czechoslovakia); Doubek, M. [Czech Technical Univ., Prague (Czechoslovakia)


    Horizontal steam generators are typical components of nuclear power plants with pressure water reactor type VVER. Thermal-hydraulic behavior of horizontal steam generators is very different from the vertical U-tube steam generator, which has been extensively studied for several years. To contribute to the understanding of the horizontal steam generator thermal-hydraulics a computer program for 3-D steady state analysis of the PGV-1000 steam generator has been developed. By means of this computer program, a detailed thermal-hydraulic and thermodynamic study of the horizontal steam generator PGV-1000 has been carried out and a set of important steam generator characteristics has been obtained. The 3-D distribution of the void fraction and 3-D level profile as functions of load and secondary side pressure have been investigated and secondary side volumes and masses as functions of load and pressure have been evaluated. Some of the interesting results of calculations are presented in the paper.

  3. Generative Contexts (United States)

    Lyles, Dan Allen

    Educational research has identified how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) practice and education have underperforming metrics in racial and gender diversity, despite decades of intervention. These disparities are part of the construction of a culture of science that is alienating to these populations. Recent studies in a social science framework described as "Generative Justice" have suggested that the context of social and scientific practice might be modified to bring about more just and equitable relations among the disenfranchised by circulating the value they and their non-human allies create back to them in unalienated forms. What is not known are the underlying principles of social and material space that makes a system more or less generative. I employ an autoethnographic method at four sites: a high school science class; a farm committed to "Black and Brown liberation"; a summer program geared towards youth environmental mapping; and a summer workshop for Harlem middle school students. My findings suggest that by identifying instances where material affinity, participatory voice, and creative solidarity are mutually reinforcing, it is possible to create educational contexts that generate unalienated value, and circulate it back to the producers themselves. This cycle of generation may help explain how to create systems of justice that strengthen and grow themselves through successive iterations. The problem of lack of diversity in STEM may be addressed not merely by recruiting the best and the brightest from underrepresented populations, but by changing the context of STEM education to provide tools for its own systematic restructuring.

  4. Generators for gearless wind energy converters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grauers, A. [Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Electric Power Engineering


    This paper discusses some design alternatives for directly driven generators, and one specific generator type is investigated for a wide range of rated power. First, the specification for a directly driven generator is presented, then different design alternatives are discussed. A radial-flux permanent magnet generator for frequency converter connection has been chosen for a more detailed investigation. The design, optimization and performance of that generator type are presented. Generators from 30 kW to 3 MW are designed and compared with conventional four-pole generators with gear. It is found that a directly driven generator can be more efficient than a conventional generator and gear and have a rather small diameter and a low active weight. 8 refs, 7 figs, 2 tabs

  5. Optimized Generator Designs for the DTU 10-MW Offshore Wind Turbine using GeneratorSE: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sethuraman, Latha; Maness, Michael; Dykes, Katherine


    Compared to land-based applications, offshore wind imposes challenges for the development of next generation wind turbine generator technology. Direct-drive generators are believed to offer high availability, efficiency, and reduced operation and maintenance requirements; however, previous research suggests difficulties in scaling to several megawatts or more in size. The resulting designs are excessively large and/or massive, which are major impediments to transportation logistics, especially for offshore applications. At the same time, geared wind turbines continue to sustain offshore market growth through relatively cheaper and lightweight generators. However, reliability issues associated with mechanical components in a geared system create significant operation and maintenance costs, and these costs make up a large portion of overall system costs offshore. Thus, direct-drive turbines are likely to outnumber their gear-driven counterparts for this market, and there is a need to review the costs or opportunities of building machines with different types of generators and examining their competitiveness at the sizes necessary for the next generation of offshore wind turbines. In this paper, we use GeneratorSE, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's newly developed systems engineering generator sizing tool to estimate mass, efficiency, and the costs of different generator technologies satisfying the electromagnetic, structural, and basic thermal design requirements for application in a very large-scale offshore wind turbine such as the Technical University of Denmark's (DTU) 10-MW reference wind turbine. For the DTU reference wind turbine, we use the previously mentioned criteria to optimize a direct-drive, radial flux, permanent-magnet synchronous generator; a direct-drive electrically excited synchronous generator; a medium-speed permanent-magnet generator; and a high-speed, doubly-fed induction generator. Preliminary analysis of leveled costs of

  6. Steam generators - problems and prognosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tapping, R.L.


    Steam-generator problems, largely a consequence of corrosion and fouling, have resulted in increased inspection requirements and more regulatory attention to steam-generator integrity. In addition, utilities have had to develop steam-generator life-management strategies, including cleaning and replacement, to achieve design life. This paper summarizes the pertinent data to 1993/1994, and presents an overview of current steam-generator management practices. (author)

  7. Generation 4 and the Nea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dujardin, T.


    In the previous edition of NEA News, W. D. Magwood of the US Department of Energy (DOE) outlined the future of nuclear energy in the context of the new US national energy policy. He cited the Generation IV initiative as a mechanism to implement a longer-term aspect of this policy. Although initiated in the US, the Generation IV initiative has quickly become an international effort and today ten countries are participating in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF). This article briefly reviews the context of Generation IV and describes NEA involvement in the Generation IV process. (author)

  8. Glas generator for the steam gasification of coal with nuclear generated heat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buchner, G.


    The use of heat from a High Temperature Reactor (HTR) for the steam gasification of coal saves coal, which otherwise is burnt to generate the necessary reaction heat. The gas generator for this process, a horizontal pressure vessel, contains a fluidized bed of coal and steam. An ''immersion-heater'' type of heat exchanger introduces the nuclear generated heat to the process. Some special design problems of this gasifier are presented. Reference is made to the present state of development of the steam gasification process with heat from high temperature reactors. (author)

  9. The Gel Generator option

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyd, R.E.


    The development of a national policy for guaranteeing an ample supply of 99m Tc to nuclear medicine, involves issues which go beyond the means by which radioactivation is achieved. Indeed, in such an exercise the pragmatic dictates of business and the sensitivities of politics must also be taken into account. Furthermore where a preference towards the nuclear reactor or the potential of cyclotrons is being questioned, the debate is incomplete if the only options that are considered are the fission-based 99 Mo generator versus the direct cyclotron production of 99m Tc. There is a third option (also neutron γ-based), an alternative to the fission 99 Mo generator, which ought not be overlooked. The application of low specific activity (n,γ) 99 Mo to a new type of generator, the Gel Generator, has been the focus of much research, particularly in Australia and more recently in China. After the initial concept had been established in the laboratory, the Australian researchers then undertook a comprehensive program of tests on the Gel Generator to assess its potential, either in the clinical laboratory or the centralised radiopharmacy, for supplying 99m Tc suitable for nuclear medicine. The outcome of this program was a clear indication that the Gel Generator innovation had the capability to provide both technical and economic advantages to the nuclear medicine industry. These advantages are described. Since that time the Gel Generator has been selected for routine use in China where it now satisfies more than 30% of the 99m Tc demand. (author)

  10. Status of thermal power generation in India-Perspectives on capacity, generation and carbon dioxide emissions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghosh, Subhodip


    India's reliance on fossil-fuel based electricity generation has aggravated the problem of high carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions from combustion of fossil fuels, primarily coal, in the country's energy sector. The objective of this paper is to analyze thermal power generation in India for a four-year period and determine the net generation from thermal power stations and the total and specific CO 2 emissions. The installed generating capacity, net generation and CO 2 emissions figures for the plants have been compared and large generators, large emitters, fuel types and also plant vintage have been identified. Specific emissions and dates of commissioning of plants have been taken into account for assessing whether specific plants need to be modernized. The focus is to find out areas and stations which are contributing more to the total emissions from all thermal power generating stations in the country and identify the overall trends that are emerging.

  11. Rechargeable radioactive isotope generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thornton, A.K.; Cerone, F.E.


    The description is given of a rechargeable radioactive isotope generator having the following features: a box containing a transport shield, a shielded generator including elements for the absorption and holding of the parent isotope, an eluant tank, a first pipe causing this tank to communicate with the transport shield, a second pipe causing this transport shield to communicate with the shielded generator and a third pipe placing the shielded generator in communication with the outside of the unit. It also includes a shelf across the external front part of the unit a part of which is shielded by external components, a shielded elution flask in which the eluate is poured and a filter set at a point between the flask and the third pipe [fr

  12. Generation and memory for contextual detail. (United States)

    Mulligan, Neil W


    Generation enhances item memory but may not enhance other aspects of memory. In 12 experiments, the author investigated the effect of generation on context memory, motivated in part by the hypothesis that generation produces a trade-off in encoding item and contextual information. Participants generated some study words (e.g., hot-c__) and read others (e.g., hot-cold). Generation consistently enhanced item memory but did not enhance context memory. More specifically, generation disrupted context memory for the color of the target word but did not affect context memory for location, background color, and cue-word color. The specificity of the negative generation effect in context memory argues against a general item-context trade-off. A processing account of generation meets greater success. In addition, the results provide no evidence that generation enhances recollection of contextual details. Copyright 2004 APA, all rights reserved

  13. Third generation nuclear plants (United States)

    Barré, Bertrand


    After the Chernobyl accident, a new generation of Light Water Reactors has been designed and is being built. Third generation nuclear plants are equipped with dedicated systems to insure that if the worst accident were to occur, i.e. total core meltdown, no matter how low the probability of such occurrence, radioactive releases in the environment would be minimal. This article describes the EPR, representative of this "Generation III" and a few of its competitors on the world market.

  14. High-voltage pulse generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roche, M.


    This generator is composed of elementary impulsion generators connected in series. Each of them have -storage capacities, and switchs. The closure of switch causes an accumulator discharge. -control means of these switches are electrically independent and forecast to switch on by pulses in the same time -loading means of storage means have a very low enough electric dependence not to induce a loss of power at the exit of the generator. Applications to particle accelerators [fr

  15. Semantic attributes based texture generation (United States)

    Chi, Huifang; Gan, Yanhai; Qi, Lin; Dong, Junyu; Madessa, Amanuel Hirpa


    Semantic attributes are commonly used for texture description. They can be used to describe the information of a texture, such as patterns, textons, distributions, brightness, and so on. Generally speaking, semantic attributes are more concrete descriptors than perceptual features. Therefore, it is practical to generate texture images from semantic attributes. In this paper, we propose to generate high-quality texture images from semantic attributes. Over the last two decades, several works have been done on texture synthesis and generation. Most of them focusing on example-based texture synthesis and procedural texture generation. Semantic attributes based texture generation still deserves more devotion. Gan et al. proposed a useful joint model for perception driven texture generation. However, perceptual features are nonobjective spatial statistics used by humans to distinguish different textures in pre-attentive situations. To give more describing information about texture appearance, semantic attributes which are more in line with human description habits are desired. In this paper, we use sigmoid cross entropy loss in an auxiliary model to provide enough information for a generator. Consequently, the discriminator is released from the relatively intractable mission of figuring out the joint distribution of condition vectors and samples. To demonstrate the validity of our method, we compare our method to Gan et al.'s method on generating textures by designing experiments on PTD and DTD. All experimental results show that our model can generate textures from semantic attributes.

  16. Micromotor-based energy generation. (United States)

    Singh, Virendra V; Soto, Fernando; Kaufmann, Kevin; Wang, Joseph


    A micromotor-based strategy for energy generation, utilizing the conversion of liquid-phase hydrogen to usable hydrogen gas (H2), is described. The new motion-based H2-generation concept relies on the movement of Pt-black/Ti Janus microparticle motors in a solution of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) fuel. This is the first report of using NaBH4 for powering micromotors. The autonomous motion of these catalytic micromotors, as well as their bubble generation, leads to enhanced mixing and transport of NaBH4 towards the Pt-black catalytic surface (compared to static microparticles or films), and hence to a substantially faster rate of H2 production. The practical utility of these micromotors is illustrated by powering a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell car by an on-board motion-based hydrogen and oxygen generation. The new micromotor approach paves the way for the development of efficient on-site energy generation for powering external devices or meeting growing demands on the energy grid. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Laboratory generation of gravitational waves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinto, I.M.; Rotoli, G.


    The authors have performed calculations on the basic type of gravitational wave electromagnetic laboratory generators. Their results show that laboratory generations of gravitational wave is at limit of state-of-the-art of present-day giant electromagnetic field generation


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, John Eli


    In Denmark several thousands of generators are connected to the distribution system (10 kV and 0.4 kV). The production from these generators many times exceeds the load. The generators can be divided into two types, Wind turbines and CHP generators. These generators have one thing in common......, the power system they are connected to, has never been designed to accommodate so many generators. In Denmark we now expect a third type of generators: the microgenerators. This time we want to be prepared. Denmark therefore now participates in a lot of research and full scale demonstration projects. A key...

  19. Millennials at Work: Investigating the Specificity of Generation Y versus Other Generations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florina PÎNZARU


    Full Text Available The present study intends to discuss the psychological profile of Generation Y versus other generations.The differences between Millennials and other generations are addressed in terms of values, personality characteristics, and reactions under stress. The topicality and relevance of the research theme are supported by the fact that most of the people who are currently employed in companies all over the world are members of the Generation Y. This situation requires a proper investigation of the characteristics and specificity of the so-called Millennials with a view to provide organizations with pertinent inputs for designing well-informed policies and for smoothly integrating Millennials in the workplace. To this end, Hogan Assessments personality inventories were applied online to more than 1000 persons from Generation Y (up to 29 years old and more than 3000 persons from other generations (above 29 years old. Among others, the findings show that Millennials are motivated by recognition, public acknowledgment, instant and frequent positive feedback and gratification. As they need balance between personal and professional life, as well as a comfortable environment, they require a flexible work schedule, resent staying after hours. Being motivated to become part of various social networks, work in various teams, Millennials are able to easily find satisfaction in missions that involve interactions with new persons coming from different cultures and geographical areas. They are motivated by work in a nonconformist environment without strict rules and traditional work approaches, they tend to challenge the status quo and they will not be patient to keep the same job many years.

  20. Power generating device

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Onodera, Toshihiro


    The existing power generating device consisting of static components only lacks effective measures to utilize solar energy and maintain power generation, hence it is inevitable to make the device much larger and more complicated in order to utilize it as the primary power source for artificial satellites. In view of the above, in order to offer a power generating device useful for the primary power source for satellites which is simple and can keep power generation by solar energy, this invention proposes a power generating device composed of the following elements: (1) a rectangular parallelopiped No. II superconductor plate; (2) a measure to apply a magnetic field to one face of the above superconductor plate; (3) a measure to provide a temperature difference within the range between the starting temperature and the critical temperature of superconductivity to a pair of faces meeting at right angles with the face to which the magnetic field was applied by the above measure; (4) a measure to provide an electrode on each of the other pair of faces meeting at right angles with the face to which the magnetic field was applied by the above measure and form a closed circuit by connecting the each electrode above to each of a pair of electrodes of the load respectively; and (5) a switching measure which is installed in the closed circuit prepared by the above measure and shuts off the closed circuit when the direction of the electric current running the above closed circuit is reversed. 6 figs.

  1. Plasmonic vortex generator without polarization dependence (United States)

    Wang, Han; Liu, Lixia; Liu, Chunxiang; Li, Xing; Wang, Shuyun; Xu, Qing; Teng, Shuyun


    In view of the limitations of vortex generators with polarization dependence at present, we propose a plasmonic vortex generator composed of rectangular holes etched in silver film, in which the optical vortex can be generated under arbitrary linearly polarized light illumination. Two sets of rectangular holes are arranged equidistantly on a circle and rotate in postulate directions. Theoretical analysis provides the design principle for the vortex generator, and numerical simulations give guidance on designating the vortex generator parameters. Experimental measurements verify the performance of the proposed vortex generator. Moreover, two alternative structures for the generation of a plasmonic vortex are also provided in this paper. The resulting perfect vortex, compact structure and flexible illumination conditions will lead to wide applications of this plasmonic vortex generator.

  2. Neutron generator instrumentation at the Department 2350 Neutron Generator Test Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bryant, T.C.; Mowrer, G.R.


    The computer and waveform digitizing capability at the test facility has allowed several changes in the techniques used to test neutron generators. These changes include methods used to calibrate the instrumentation and changes in the operation of the test facility. These changes have increased the efficiency of the test facility as well as increasing both timing and amplitude accuracy of neutron generator waveforms

  3. Generation IV reactors: economics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dupraz, B.; Bertel, E.


    The operating nuclear reactors were built over a short period: no more than 10 years and today their average age rounds 18 years. EDF (French electricity company) plans to renew its reactor park over a far longer period : 30 years from 2020 to 2050. According to EDF this objective implies 3 constraints: 1) a service life of 50 to 60 years for a significant part of the present operating reactors, 2) to be ready to built a generation 3+ unit in 2020 which infers the third constraint: 3) to launch the construction of an EPR (European pressurized reactor) prototype as soon as possible in order to have it operating in 2010. In this scheme, generation 4 reactor will benefit the feedback experience of generation 3 and will take over in 2030. Economic analysis is an important tool that has been used by the generation 4 international forum to select the likely future reactor systems. This analysis is based on 4 independent criteria: the basic construction cost, the construction time, the operation and maintenance costs and the fuel cycle cost. This analysis leads to the evaluation of the global cost of electricity generation and of the total investment required for each of the reactor system. The former defines the economic competitiveness in a de-regulated energy market while the latter is linked to the financial risk taken by the investor. It appears, within the limits of the assumptions and models used, that generation 4 reactors will be characterized by a better competitiveness and an equivalent financial risk when compared with the previous generation. (A.C.)

  4. TFTR generator load assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heck, F.M.


    Typical experimental load demands on the TFTR generators are illustrated based on the electrical characteristics of the field coils, the coil leads, the main bus work, the various auxiliary bus work, the rectifiers, and transformers. The generator MW capacities are shown to be adequate for the proposed experimental operations with allowances made for variations in the final designs. The generator MVA capacities are shown to be adequate provided portions of the TF and EF rectifiers are freewheeled at selected times

  5. The generation problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ecker, G.


    Evidence for the generation structure of quarks and leptons is reviewed. The two main aspects of the generation problem are emphasized. The concept and possible problems of horizontal symmetries are discussed. Two different mechanisms for horizontal symmetries are considered leading to a generalized permutation symmetry in SU(2)sub(L) x u(1) in one case. The second mechanism uses the discrete unbroken subgroup of an axial U(1) with hypercolour anomalies in composite models. A concrete realization in the rishon model is investigated. The two different approaches produce almost identical quark mass matrices for three generations. In addition to a correct prediction for the Cabibbo angle the models yield a very small Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing angle Theta 3 and thus provide for a natural explanation of the smallness of CP violation. (Author)

  6. Third Generation Coaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stelter, Reinhard


    German abstract: Auf der Grundlage aktueller Sozialforschung, neuer Lerntheorien und Diskurse der Personalführung entfaltet sich ein neues Verständnis von Coaching und Coaching-Psychologie. In der dritten Generation wird Coaching aus gesellschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet. Wenn sich die...... Gesellschaft verändert, muss sich auch Coaching als spezifische Form der Interaktion weiterentwickeln: Die Mission des Third Generation Coaching ist die Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeit in der Anwendung, indem sich der Dialog stärker auf Werte und Sinn-Schaffen ausrichtet, weg vom einengenden Zielfokus hin zur...... Betonung von Aspirationen, Leidenschaften und Werten. In diesem Sinne trägt Third Generation Coaching zur Entfaltung und Weiterentwicklung persönlicher Identität bei – ein entscheidender Faktor für die menschliche Entwicklung in unserer Zeit. Auf der Basis kollaborativer Zusammenarbeit dieses Ansatzes...

  7. Online branding to generation Z


    Wirokarto, Dewi Alismah


    Mestrado em Marketing/ JEL Classification System: M31, I21, D71 Generation Z is the first generation growing up in a digitalized world, where Internet has become a primary need. Growing up with touch screens, smartphones and tablets impacts the development of this generation. They are born between mid 1990s and 2010. This research will attempt to demonstrate and support the assumption that Generation Z exhibits more Early adopters than the other adopter levels. Analyses...

  8. Highly Reconfigurable Beamformer Stimulus Generator (United States)

    Vaviļina, E.; Gaigals, G.


    The present paper proposes a highly reconfigurable beamformer stimulus generator of radar antenna array, which includes three main blocks: settings of antenna array, settings of objects (signal sources) and a beamforming simulator. Following from the configuration of antenna array and object settings, different stimulus can be generated as the input signal for a beamformer. This stimulus generator is developed under a greater concept with two utterly independent paths where one is the stimulus generator and the other is the hardware beamformer. Both paths can be complemented in final and in intermediate steps as well to check and improve system performance. This way the technology development process is promoted by making each of the future hardware steps more substantive. Stimulus generator configuration capabilities and test results are presented proving the application of the stimulus generator for FPGA based beamforming unit development and tuning as an alternative to an actual antenna system.

  9. The nuclear power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serres, R.


    The French nuclear generating industry is highly competitive. The installations have an average age of fifteen years and are half way through their expected life. Nuclear power accounts for 70% of the profits of the French generating company, EDF. Nuclear generation has a minimal effect on the atmosphere and France has a level of CO 2 emissions, thought to be the main cause of the greenhouse effect, half that of Europe as a whole. The air in France is purer than in neighbouring countries, mainly because 75% of all electrical power is generated in nuclear plants and 15% in hydroelectric stations. The operations and maintenance of French nuclear power plants in the service and distribution companies out of a total of 100 000 employees in all, 90 % of whom are based in mainland France. (authors)

  10. Generating Community, Generating Justice? The production and circulation of value in community energy initiatives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taylor Chase Dotson


    Full Text Available In this paper, we explore the potentialities and interconnections between existing and hypothetical community energy systems and the concept of generative justice. New York State’s more recent official energy plan, for instance, includes provisions for community-scale microgrids, and several European nations offer significant financial support to citizens interested in building micro and intermediate-scale renewable energy systems. Such efforts and technologies appear to promise some degree of generative justice, returning much of the value generated by distributed renewable energy back to the community producing it. However, most currently conceived and implemented community energy systems recirculate value in very narrow and limited ways. Building upon an analysis of New York energy policy and on-the-ground cases, we explore community energy’s potential. What kinds of value are being generated by community energy systems and for whom? How could such efforts be more generative of justice across a broad range of values, not just electrons and dollars? Through the attempt to broaden thinking not only about community energy systems but also the concept of generative justice, we connect technological and organizational configurations of community energy systems and the forms of value they have the potential to generate: including, the production of grassroots energy and organizational expertise, the capacity for local and personal autonomy in energy planning and decision-making, and the enhancement of an affective sense and embodied experience of community. Finally, we examine some of the barriers to realizing more generatively just community energy systems. 

  11. Power generation enhancement in a salinity-gradient solar pond power plant using thermoelectric generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziapour, Behrooz M.; Saadat, Mohammad; Palideh, Vahid; Afzal, Sadegh


    Highlights: • Thermoelectric generator was used and simulated within a salinity-gradient solar pond power plant. • Results showed that the thermoelectric generator can be able to enhance the power plant efficiency. • Results showed that the presented models can be able to produce generation even in the cold months. • The optimum size of area of solar pond based on its effect on efficiency is 50,000 m 2 . - Abstract: Salinity-gradient solar pond (SGSP) has been a reliable supply of heat source for power generation when it has been integrated with low temperature thermodynamics cycles like organic Rankine cycle (ORC). Also, thermoelectric generator (TEG) plays a critical role in the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. This paper investigates the potential of thermoelectric generator as a power generation system using heat from SGSP. In this work, thermoelectric generator was used instead of condenser of ORC with the purpose of improving the performance of system. Two new models of SGSP have been presented as: (1) SGSP using TEG in condenser of ORC without heat exchanger and (2) SGSP using TEG in condenser of ORC with heat exchanger. These proposed systems was evaluated through computer simulations. The ambient conditions were collected from beach of Urmia lake in IRAN. Simulation results indicated that, for identical conditions, the model 1 has higher performance than other model 2. For models 1 and 2 in T LCZ = 90 °C, the overall thermal efficiency of the solar pond power plant, were obtained 0.21% and 0.2% more than ORC without TEG, respectively.

  12. 1 MV low-induction pulse generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koba, G.I.; Koba, Yu.V.; Slivkov, I.N.; Sukhov, A.D.; Tarumov, Eh.Z.


    A high-voltage pulse generator is described. The generator Uses the Arkadiev-Marx circuit at 1 MV voltage and 12 kJ energy; the inductance of the discharge circuit is 1.3 μN. Low inductance of the generator has been obtained due to the use of low-inductance capacitors and employment of bifilar buses with oil barrier insulation. To provide reliable generator triggering, an ignition circuit has been developed with a resistive coupling between generator steps, based on controlled three-electrode sparkgaps with a distorted field. The generator switching time is slightly dependent on pressure and constitutes 200-300 ns. The generator efficiency is 83%

  13. Distributed generation: definition, benefits and issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pepermans, G.; Driesen, J.; Haeseldonckx, D.; Belmans, R.; D'haeseleer, W.


    This paper starts from the observation that there is a renewed interest in small-scale electricity generation. The authors start with a survey of existing small-scale generation technologies and then move on with a discussion of the major benefits and issues of small-scale electricity generation. Different technologies are evaluated in terms of their possible contribution to the listed benefits and issues. Small-scale generation is also commonly called distributed generation, embedded generation or decentralised generation. In a final section, an attempt is made to define the latter concepts more precisely. It appears that there is no consensus on a precise definition as the concept encompasses many technologies and applications

  14. Multi-objective Generation Expansion Planning for Integrating Largescale Wind Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Chunyu; Ding, Yi; Kang, Chongqing


    Due to the growth of energy consumption, the extensive use of conventional fossil fuels from the exhaustible resources and the environmental concerns, high penetration of renewable energy resources is considerably observed worldwide. Wind power generation is holding the first rank in terms...... of utilization and importance. In the last decade, the growth rate of the global installed wind capacity has been about 30% per annum. Denmark, Germany, and Spain are the first few countries generating 20% of their electricity from wind turbines....

  15. Intersectionality family, generation and breastfeeding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Araújo Moreira


    Full Text Available Breastfeeding, sociocultural complex and multifaceted process, allows women of the same or of different generations within a group, parental experience and/or develop multiple meanings that can be modified or not depending on the social time in which they lived. Therefore, breastfeeding contributes to the interaction between family members, especially grandmothers, daughters and granddaughters when new generations appreciate lessons learned from the wisdom of a more experienced group. Therefore, it is a qualitative study, descriptive, exploratory-type literature review that had timeless selection for books, dissertations and theses, as series of articles from 1998 to 2008. The objective was to discuss the interface between family, generation and breastfeeding, underscoring the importance of aging and experience of older generations in the process of teaching and learning about breastfeeding to new generations. The literature review was done in the databases SciELO, LILACS and MEDLINE plus books, dissertations and theses, with the keywords: breastfeeding, family and generation. We identified 20 articles, 14 books, dissertations 4, 6 and 2 academic papers theses that were submitted to content analysis. In the analysis, it was noticed that the generations have a close relationship with each other, revealing that aging and maturity of the first generations contribute to greater acquisition of knowledge to be transmitted to younger generations of mothers who breastfeed. We conclude, believing that this study will look amplified, not only of health and related fields, but for those who want to analyze the possibilities of breastfeeding from intergenerational understanding it from the perspective of policymaker’s agents.

  16. Dynamic models for distributed generation resources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morched, A.S. [BPR Energie, Sherbrooke, PQ (Canada)


    Distributed resources can impact the performance of host power systems during both normal and abnormal system conditions. This PowerPoint presentation discussed the use of dynamic models for identifying potential interaction problems between interconnected systems. The models were designed to simulate steady state behaviour as well as transient responses to system disturbances. The distributed generators included directly coupled and electronically coupled generators. The directly coupled generator was driven by wind turbines. Simplified models of grid-side inverters, electronically coupled wind generators and doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) were presented. The responses of DFIGs to wind variations were evaluated. Synchronous machine and electronically coupled generator responses were compared. The system model components included load models, generators, protection systems, and system equivalents. Frequency responses to islanding events were reviewed. The study demonstrated that accurate simulations are needed to predict the impact of distributed generation resources on the performance of host systems. Advances in distributed generation technology have outpaced the development of models needed for integration studies. tabs., figs.

  17. Design of SMART steam generator cassette

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Y. W.; Kim, J. I.; Jang, M. H.


    Basic design development for the steam generator to be installed in the integral reactor SMART has been performed. Optimization of the steam generator shape, determination of the basic dimension and confirmation of the structural strength have been carried out. Individual steam generator cassette can be replaced in the optimized design concept of steam generator. Shape design of the steam generator cassette has been done on the computer based on 3-D CAE strategy. The structural integrity of the developed steam generator was investigated by performing the dynamic analysis for the steam generator cassette, flow induced vibration analysis for the tube bundle, and the thermo-mechanical analysis for the module header and tube. As for the manufacturing of steam generator, the numerical and the experimental simulation have been carried to control the amount of spring back and to eliminate residual stress. SMART steam generator cassette was developed by a sequential research of the aforementioned activities

  18. Looking ahead to our next generation of nurse leaders: Generation X Nurse Managers. (United States)

    Keys, Yolanda


    The present inquiry identifies elements of professional success, and personal and professional fulfilment as defined by Generation X Nurse Managers. Although work concerning Nurse Manager preparation has been documented, there is a paucity of research specific to the generation of nurses next in line to assume leadership roles. For the purposes of this study, a qualitative approach was used to develop insight regarding Generation X Nurse Managers and their perspectives on professional success, personal and professional fulfilment, and organisational environments that are conducive to loyalty and long-term professional commitment. Findings from this study reinforced those identified in the original study in that inflexible organisational cultures, a lack of opportunities for upward mobility, the need to be available at all times, feeling stereotyped or undervalued can all be barriers to members of Generation X perceptions of professional success and professional and personal fulfilment. Study findings suggest that Generation X Nurse Managers would benefit from initiatives focused on better preparation for the Nurse Manager role, openness to innovative scheduling alternatives and tailored support and feedback. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Y and Z Generations at Workplaces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bencsik Andrea


    Full Text Available At present, more and more researches deals with the characteristic features of generation Y and generation Z. As it is about the present and future generations, corporate success and the competitive operation are determined by the behav our of these generations in the long-run. Researches justifies that there are significant differences between the two generations despite the similarities. These differences appear rather emphasized in the corporate environment when several questions arise at workplaces in the process of cooperation – especially in the field of knowledge-sharing and knowledge transfer-regarding the characteristics of the two generations. Last year, the authors carried out a quantitative research by questionnaires in order to reveal what the managing of these two generations mean for the managers and also what difficulties occur when the two generations cooperate with each other and with elder generations as well. The main question of the research was how to approach the new generations from the view of HR? Although the research cannot be considered representative (410 respondents participated in the survey, it can give a picture about the examined issues. The hypothesis phrased by the authors was justified according to which of the HR activities have to adapt to the requirements of the new generations upon their appearance.

  20. Powerful nanosecond pulse train generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isakov, I.F.; Logachev, E.I.; Opekunov, M.S.; Pechenkin, S.A.; Remnev, G.E.; Usov, Yu.P.


    A generator permitting to shape on the load pulsed with the repetition frequency of 10 3 -10 6 Hz and more is described. The amplitude of shaped voltage pulses is up to 150 kV at pulse duration equal to 50 ns. The generator comprises connected in-series with the load two shaping and two transmission lines realized on the base of the KVI-300 low-ohmic cable. The shaping lines are supplied from two independently connected pulse voltage generators for obtaining time interval between pulses > 10 -6 s; they may be also supplied from one generator for obtaining time interval -6 s. At the expense of reducing losses in the discharge circuit the amplitude of the second pulse grows with increase of time interval between pulses up to 300 ns, further on the curve flat-topping exists. The described generator is used in high-current accelerators, in which the primary negative pulse results in generation of explosive-emission plasma, and the second positive pulse provides ion beam shaping including ions of heavy metal used for production of a potential electrode. The generator multipulse mode is used for successive ion acceleration in the transport system

  1. Communication of Parents, Sexual Content Intake and Teenage Sexual Behavior at Senior High School in Banjarmasin City

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rusmilawaty Rusmilawaty


    Remaja di Sekolah Menengah Atas Kota Banjarmasin Perilaku seks bebas di kalangan remaja Kota Banjarmasin belakangan ini semakin mengkhawatirkan para orangtua. Kurangnya pendidikan seksologi berdampak para remaja cenderung melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah yang akan berakibat pada kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan dan pernikahan dini. Komunikasi orangtua-anak dan paparan media baik media cetak maupun elektronik merupakan cara untuk mengurangi perilaku seksual berisiko. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan komunikasi orangtua dan asupan muatan seksual dengan perilaku seksual remaja sekolah menengah atas (SMA di Kota Banjarmasin. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian survei analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang dilakukan pada bulan Juli – Oktober 2015 di dua sekolah negeri dan satu sekolah swasta di Kota Banjarmasin. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA kelas XI dari tiga SMA yang diambil secara purporsive sampling. Variabel penelitian adalah perilaku seksual remaja, komunikasi orangtua, dan asupan muatan seksual diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Reliabilitas uji dinyatakan dengan cronbach alpha 0,746. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji kai kuadrat dan uji regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi orangtua dan asupan muatan seksual memengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja sedangkan usia, jenis kelamin, dan struktur keluarga tidak memengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja. Komunikasi orangtua yang baik dan asupan muatan seksual yang rendah dapat memberikan proteksi terhadap perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja.

  2. Laser light absorption and harmonic generation due to self-generated magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kruer, W.L.; Estabrook, K.G.


    It is shown that self-generated magnetic fields can play a significant role in laser light absorption. Even normally incident light will then be resonantly absorbed. Computer simulations and theoretical estimates for this absorption and the concomitant harmonic generation are given for parameters characteristic of some recent experiments

  3. Hybrid preheat/recirculating steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lilly, G.P.


    The patent describes a hybrid preheat/recirculating steam generator for nuclear power plants. The steam generator utilizes recirculated liquid to preheat incoming liquid. In addition, the steam generator incorporates a divider so as to limit the amount of recirculating water mixed with the feedwater. (U.K.)

  4. Electromechanically generating electricity with a gapped-graphene electric generator (United States)

    Dressen, Donald; Golovchenko, Jene


    We demonstrate the fabrication and operation of a gapped-graphene electric generator (G-GEG) device. The G-GEG generates electricity from the mechanical oscillation of droplets of electrolytes and ionic liquids. The spontaneous adsorption of ionic species on graphene charges opposing electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) on each half of the device. Modulating the area of contact between the droplet and graphene leads to adsorption/desorption of ions, effectively charging/discharging each EDLC and generating a current. The flow of current supports a potential difference across the G-GEG due to the device's internal impedance. Both the magnitude and polarity of the induced current and voltage show a strong dependence on the type of ionic species used, suggesting that certain ions interact more strongly with graphene than others. We find that a simple model circuit consisting of an AC current source in series with a resistor and a time-varying capacitor accurately predicts the device's dynamic behavior. Additionally, we discuss the effect of graphene's intrinsic quantum capacitance on the G-GEG's performance and speculate on the utility of the device in the context of energy harvesting.

  5. Micro thrust and heat generator (United States)

    Garcia, E.J.


    A micro thrust and heat generator have a means for providing a combustion fuel source to an ignition chamber of the micro thrust and heat generator. The fuel is ignited by a ignition means within the micro thrust and heat generator`s ignition chamber where it burns and creates a pressure. A nozzle formed from the combustion chamber extends outward from the combustion chamber and tappers down to a narrow diameter and then opens into a wider diameter where the nozzle then terminates outside of said combustion chamber. The pressure created within the combustion chamber accelerates as it leaves the chamber through the nozzle resulting in pressure and heat escaping from the nozzle to the atmosphere outside the micro thrust and heat generator. The micro thrust and heat generator can be microfabricated from a variety of materials, e.g., of polysilicon, on one wafer using surface micromachining batch fabrication techniques or high aspect ratio micromachining techniques (LIGA). 30 figs.

  6. Highly Reconfigurable Beamformer Stimulus Generator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vaviļina E.


    Full Text Available The present paper proposes a highly reconfigurable beamformer stimulus generator of radar antenna array, which includes three main blocks: settings of antenna array, settings of objects (signal sources and a beamforming simulator. Following from the configuration of antenna array and object settings, different stimulus can be generated as the input signal for a beamformer. This stimulus generator is developed under a greater concept with two utterly independent paths where one is the stimulus generator and the other is the hardware beamformer. Both paths can be complemented in final and in intermediate steps as well to check and improve system performance. This way the technology development process is promoted by making each of the future hardware steps more substantive. Stimulus generator configuration capabilities and test results are presented proving the application of the stimulus generator for FPGA based beamforming unit development and tuning as an alternative to an actual antenna system.

  7. Fourth Generation Reactor Concepts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furtek, A.


    Concerns over energy resources availability, climate changes and energy supply security suggest an important role for nuclear energy in future energy supplies. So far nuclear energy evolved through three generations and is still evolving into new generation that is now being extensively studied. Nuclear Power Plants are producing 16% of the world's electricity. Today the world is moving towards hydrogen economy. Nuclear technologies can provide energy to dissociate water into oxygen and hydrogen and to production of synthetic fuel from coal gasification. The introduction of breeder reactors would turn nuclear energy from depletable energy supply into an unlimited supply. From the early beginnings of nuclear energy in the 1940s to the present, three generations of nuclear power reactors have been developed: First generation reactors: introduced during the period 1950-1970. Second generation: includes commercial power reactors built during 1970-1990 (PWR, BWR, Candu, Russian RBMK and VVER). Third generation: started being deployed in the 1990s and is composed of Advanced LWR (ALWR), Advanced BWR (ABWR) and Passive AP600 to be deployed in 2010-2030. Future advances of the nuclear technology designs can broaden opportunities for use of nuclear energy. The fourth generation reactors are expected to be deployed by 2030 in time to replace ageing reactors built in the 1970s and 1980s. The new reactors are to be designed with a view of the following objectives: economic competitiveness, enhanced safety, minimal radioactive waste production, proliferation resistance. The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) was established in January 2000 to investigate innovative nuclear energy system concepts. GIF members include Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Euratom, France Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States with the IAEA and OECD's NEA as permanent observers. China and Russia are expected to join the GIF initiative. The following six systems

  8. Quality of Work Life among Generation Y and Generation Z employees in Private Sector Organizations


    George, Dr Elizabeth


    Purpose The study aims at finding out the overall Quality of work life of Generation Y and Generation Z employees in Private Sector Organizations in India. The study further investigates the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Quality of work life. The study also checks whether there is any relationship between demographic variables viz. experience, gender and Quality of work life.  Design/methodology/approach Sixty Generation Y and Generation Z employees from various private sector org...

  9. [Values of generation Y nurses compared to generation X and baby boomers - A cross-sectional study]. (United States)

    Huber, Peter; Schubert, Hans-Joachim


    Values of generation Y nurses compared to generation X and baby boomers - A cross-sectional study Abstract. Several studies point to special behaviours of generation Y employees. Starting from the assumption that there is an effect on the attitudes and behaviour of values, the study deals with the question of differences in the values between generation Y (1981 - 1995) and generations X (1966 - 1980) and the baby boomers (1956 - 1965). Values are identified by nurses (n = 421) in the self-assessment as well as by stranger estimations of station leads (n = 259) and nursing directors (n = 312) in a quantitative cross-sectional study based on the PVQ-21 questionnaire was laid. While the values of self-centredness, stimulation, and hedonism are of high importance to generation Y in both self-assessment and outside consideration, tradition, conformity, and safety are considered less important. Likewise, for some values of generation Y, differences in self and other views can be determined. In the sense of a transformational understanding of leadership, operative and strategic nursing management must consider generation-specific differences in dealing with nursing staff.

  10. Rhodium-103m generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mamadaliev, N.; Levin, V.I.; Malinin, A.B.


    103 Pd separated from metal rhodium irradiated with deuterons has been used without a carrier for sup( 03m)Rh generator The generator of sup(103m)Rh is a column 6mm in diameter filled with an anionite in Cl - form (Dowex-2,8,200-400 mesh) with an adsorbed parent isotope of 103 Pd. As a result of its decay, a 103 Rh daughter isotope is accumulated, which can be washed out from the generator from time to time with a corresponding solution. To prepare the generator, 0.5g of the resin with an adsorbed 103 Pd is charged into the column containing 1g of the same resin. Washing out with 2N HCl yields more than 90% of sup(103m)Rh with a radionuclide purity of more than 99.99%

  11. Steam generator water lancing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamler, F.; Schneider, W.


    The tubesheet and tube support plate deposits in CANDU steam generators are notable for their hardness. Also notable is the wide variety of steam generator access situations. Because of the sludge hardness and the difficulty of the access, traditional water lancing processes which directed jets from the central tube free lane or from the periphery of the bundle have proven unsuitable. This has led to the need for some very unique inter tube water lancing devices which could direct powerful water jets directly onto the deposits. This type of process was applied to the upper broached plates of the Bruce A steam generators, which had become severely blocked. It has since been applied to various other steam generator situations. This paper describes the flexlance equipment development, qualification, and performance in the various CANDU applications. 4 refs., 2 tabs., 7 figs

  12. Voltage regulator for generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naoi, K


    It is an object of this invention to provide a voltage regulator for a generator charging a battery, wherein even if the ambient temperature at the voltage regulator rises abnormally high, possible thermal breakage of the semiconductor elements constituting the voltage regulator can be avoided. A feature of this invention is that the semiconductor elements can be protected from thermal breakage, even at an abnormal ambient temperature rise at the voltage regulator for the battery charging generator, by controlling a maximum conduction ratio of a power transistor in the voltage regulator in accordance with the temperature at the voltage regulator. This is achieved through a switching device connected in series to the field coil of the generator and adapted to be controlled in accordance with an output voltage of the generator and the ambient temperature at the voltage regulator. 6 figs.

  13. Young generation actions in Finland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanskanen, A.


    The Finnish Young Generation was established in 1998 as a working group of the Finnish Nuclear Society to tackle the declining of the nuclear expertise. The objectives of the Young Generation are to attract more young students to the nuclear field, motivate and train young employees, enhance the transfer of knowledge between the generations, and to enable the young students and employees in nuclear field to build a personal network of contacts. This paper summarizes the results of the Finnish Young Generation program. (orig.)

  14. Self-generation of magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolan, T.J.


    The stars generate self-magnetic fields on large spatial scales and long time scales,and laser-produced plasmas generate intense self-magnetic fields on very short spatial and time scales. Two questions are posed : (1) Could a self-magnetic field be generated in a laboratory plasma with intermediate spatial and time scales? (2) If a self-magnetic field were generated,would it evolve towards a minimum energy state? If the answers turned out to be affirmative,then self-magnetic fields could possibly have interesting applications

  15. Steam 80 steam generator instrumentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carson, W.H.; Harris, H.H.


    This paper describes two special instrumentation packages in an integral economizer (preheater) steam generator of one of the first System 80 plants scheduled to go into commercial operation. The purpose of the instrumentation is to obtain accurate operating information from regions of the secondary side of the steam generator inaccessible to normal plant instrumentation. In addition to verification of the System 80 steam generator design predictions, the data obtained will assist in verification of steam generator thermal/hydraulic computer codes developed for generic use in the industry

  16. Large scale renewable power generation advances in technologies for generation, transmission and storage

    CERN Document Server

    Hossain, Jahangir


    This book focuses on the issues of integrating large-scale renewable power generation into existing grids. It includes a new protection technique for renewable generators along with the inclusion of current status of smart grid.

  17. Renewable energies for power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freris, L.; Infield, D.


    Power generation from renewable energy sources is different from power generation from classical energies (nuclear, thermal..). Therefore, the integration into the grid of the electricity supplied by renewable sources requires a deep thinking. The reason is that these power sources are controlled by variable elements, like wind, water and sun, which condition production. This book deals with the following aspects in detail: characteristics of classical and intermittent generators; grid balancing between supply and demand; conversion methods of renewable energies into electricity; power systems; privatizing of power generation and birth of new markets, in particular the 'green' power market; development of renewable energies thanks to technical advances. It gives a comprehensive overview of the present day available renewable energy sources for power generation. (J.S.)

  18. House of Generations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geert Jensen, Birgitte


    only the benefits of living close to the family. The Aarhus Municipality project "House of Generations" is a vision for creating a framework for relationships across all generations, for meaningful encounters and for rewarding neighbourliness. Three of Aarhus Municipality's magistrate departments...... participate in the project: Health and Care, Children and Youth, and Social Conditions and Employment. A public housing association that provides student dorms also participates in the project. The physical framework will be a building with a total area of approx. 25,000 m², located at Pier 4, at Aarhus......' harbour areas. The building will be a multi-generational house comprising a mixture of flexible public housing units for students, the elderly and residents who require care (elderly disabled people and people with acquired brain injuries). The building will be connected with common areas located in close...

  19. Grid generation methods

    CERN Document Server

    Liseikin, Vladimir D


    This new edition provides a description of current developments relating to grid methods, grid codes, and their applications to actual problems. Grid generation methods are indispensable for the numerical solution of differential equations. Adaptive grid-mapping techniques, in particular, are the main focus and represent a promising tool to deal with systems with singularities. This 3rd edition includes three new chapters on numerical implementations (10), control of grid properties (11), and applications to mechanical, fluid, and plasma related problems (13). Also the other chapters have been updated including new topics, such as curvatures of discrete surfaces (3). Concise descriptions of hybrid mesh generation, drag and sweeping methods, parallel algorithms for mesh generation have been included too. This new edition addresses a broad range of readers: students, researchers, and practitioners in applied mathematics, mechanics, engineering, physics and other areas of applications.

  20. CANDU steam generator life management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tapping, R.L.; Nickerson, J.; Spekkens, P.; Maruska, C.


    Steam generators are a critical component of a nuclear power reactor, and can contribute significantly to station unavailability, as has been amply demonstrated in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). CANDU steam generators are not immune to steam generator degradation, and the variety of CANDU steam generator designs and tube materials has led to some unexpected challenges. However, aggressive remedial actions, and careful proactive maintenance activities, have led to a decrease in steam generator-related station unavailability of Canadian CANDUs. AECL and the CANDU utilities have defined programs that will enable existing or new steam generators to operate effectively for 40 years. Research and development work covers corrosion and mechanical degradation of tube bundles and internals, chemistry, thermalhydraulics, fouling, inspection and cleaning, as well as provision for specially tool development for specific problem solving. A major driving force is development of CANDU-specific fitness-for-service guidelines, including appropriate inspection and monitoring technology to measure steam generator condition. Longer-range work focuses on development of intelligent on-line monitoring for the feedwater system and steam generator. New designs have reduced risk of corrosion and fouling, are more easily inspected and cleaned, and are less susceptible to mechanical damage. The Canadian CANDU utilities have developed programs for remedial actions to combat degradation of performance (Gentilly-2, Point Lepreau, Bruce A/B, Pickering A/B), and have developed strategic plans to ensure that good future operation is ensured. The research and development program, as well as operating experience, has identified where improvements in operating practices and/or designs can be made in order to ensure steam generator design life at an acceptable capacity factory. (author)

  1. On two-generator satellite knots


    Bleiler, Steven A.; Jones, Amelia C.


    Techniques are introduced which determine the geometric structure of non-simple two-generator $3$-manifolds from purely algebraic data. As an application, the satellite knots in the $3$-sphere with a two-generator presentation in which at least one generator is represented by a meridian for the knot are classified.

  2. Pulsed neutron generator for logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thibideau, F.D.


    A pulsed neutron generator for uranium logging is described. This generator is one component of a prototype uranium logging probe which is being developed by SLA to detect, and assay, uranium by borehole logging. The logging method is based on the measurement of epithermal neutrons resulting from the prompt fissioning of uranium from a pulsed source of 17.6 MeV neutrons. An objective of the prototype probe was that its diameter not exceed 2.75 inches, which would allow its use in conventional rotary drill holes of 4.75-inch diameter. This restriction limited the generator to a maximum 2.375-inch diameter. The performance requirements for the neutron generator specified that it operate with a nominal output of 5 x 10 6 neutrons/pulse at up to 100 pulses/second for a one-hour period. The development of a neutron generator meeting the preliminary design goals was completed and two prototype models were delivered to SLA. These two generators have been used by SLA to log a number of boreholes in field evaluation of the probe. The results of the field evaluations have led to the recommendation of several changes to improve the probe's operation. Some of these changes will require additional development effort on the neutron generator. It is expected that this work will be performed during 1977. The design and operation of the first prototype neutron generators is described

  3. Steam generator tube extraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delorme, H.


    To enable tube examination on steam generators in service, Framatome has now developed a process for removing sections of steam generator tubes. Tube sections can be removed without being damaged for treating the tube section expanded in the tube sheet

  4. User-Generated Video and Intertextuality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lars Holmgaard; Rasmussen, Tove Arendt; Kofoed, Peter

    This paper discusses the changing relationship between texts, producers and audiences and tries to understand user-generated audio-visual content or to be more precise, intertextuality in user-generated videos in relation to distribution formats, cultural form and genres. Continuing on from...... the work of John Fiske and the notion of vertical and horizontal intertextuality this paper tries to develop Fiske's original ideas so that his model incorporates the changing relationship between producers and their audiences, the text generated by mainstream media and the text generated by ordinary...

  5. Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation and Human Judgment (United States)

    Thomas, Rick P.; Dougherty, Michael R.; Sprenger, Amber M.; Harbison, J. Isaiah


    Diagnostic hypothesis-generation processes are ubiquitous in human reasoning. For example, clinicians generate disease hypotheses to explain symptoms and help guide treatment, auditors generate hypotheses for identifying sources of accounting errors, and laypeople generate hypotheses to explain patterns of information (i.e., data) in the…

  6. Heat generated by knee prostheses. (United States)

    Pritchett, James W


    Temperature sensors were placed in 50 knees in 25 patients who had one or both joints replaced. Temperature recordings were made before walking, after walking, and after cycling. The heat generated in healthy, arthritic, and replaced knees was measured. The knee replacements were done using eight different prostheses. A rotating hinge knee prosthesis generated a temperature increase of 7 degrees C in 20 minutes and 9 degrees C in 40 minutes. An unconstrained ceramic femoral prosthesis articulating with a polyethylene tibial prosthesis generated a temperature increase of 4 degrees C compared with a healthy resting knee. The other designs using a cobalt-chrome alloy and high-density polyethylene had temperature increases of 5 degrees-7 degrees C with exercise. Frictional heat generated in a prosthetic knee is not immediately dissipated and may result in wear, creep, and other degenerative processes in the high-density polyethylene. Extended periods of elevated temperature in joints may inhibit cell growth and perhaps contribute to adverse performance via bone resorption or component loosening. Prosthetic knees generate more heat with activity than healthy or arthritic knees. More-constrained knee prostheses generate more heat than less-constrained prostheses. A knee with a ceramic femoral component generates less heat than a knee with the same design using a cobalt-chromium alloy.

  7. Fabrikasi Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC Berdasarkan Fraksi Volume TiO2 Anatase-Rutile dengan Garcinia mangostana dan Rhoeo Spathacea sebagai Dye Fotosensitizer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sustia Agustini


    Full Text Available Sejak pertama kali dikembangkan, usaha untuk meningkatkan efisiensi Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC terus dilakukan. Mulai dari pemilihan bahan pewarna, jenis semikonduktor yang digunakan, desain counter elektroda, struktur sandwich atau yang lainnya. Anatase dan rutile adalah fase dari TiO2 yang sering digunakan untuk fabrikasi DSSC. Penelitian ini menggunakan kulit manggis dan Rhoeo spathacea yang diekstrak menggunakan ethanol sebagai pewarna alami yang mengandung antosianin. Pewarna tersebut dikarakterisasi menggunakan UV-Vis dan FTIR, dan menunjukkan absorpsi pada panjang gelombang 392 nm untuk kulit manggis dan 413 nm untuk Rhoeo spathacea. TiO2 disintesis menggunakan metode co-precipitation. Ukuran partikel yang dihasilkan adalah 11 nm untuk anatase and 54,5 nm untuk rutile dengan menggunakan persamaan Scherrer. DSSC difabrikasi dengan variasi fraksi volume TiO2 anatase dan rutile. DSSC diuji dibawah cahaya matahari dengan daya sebesar 17 mW/cm2. Kurva arus-tegangan (I-V DSSC yang dihasilkan fraksi volume 75%:25% memperlihatkan hasil terbaik dibanding yang lain. Efisiensi tertinggi adalah 0.037% dan 0.013% dihasilkan oleh DSSC dengan pewarna alami dari kulit manggis dan Rhoeo spathacea.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ira Nofitasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kesulitan belajar peserta didik dan faktor penyebabnya dalam memahami materi listrik dinamis kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Bengkayang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah teknik pengukuran dengan soal tes, dan teknik komunikasi tidak langsung dengan angket respon. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa: (1 Kesulitan yang dialami peserta didik dengan kriteria tinggi yaitu pada sub pokok bahasan Hukum Kirchoff dengan persentase sebesar 71,42 % dan energi serta daya hantar listrik dengan persentase sebesar 63,68 %, sedangkan untuk sub pokok bahasan dengan kriteria cukup tinggi yaitu pada sub pokok bahasan Hukum Ohm dan hambatan suatu konduktor dengan persentase sebesar 58,03 %, arus, tegangan, dan hambatan listrik dengan persentase sebesar 53,35 %, rangkaian resistor seri dan paralel dengan persentase sebesar 53,57 %.;(2 Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan peserta didik mengalami kesulitan yaitu faktor intern dan ekstern. Faktor intern yaitu kurangnya minat dan motivasi belajar peserta didik, sedangkan faktor ekstern yaitu kurangnya variasi media dan metode pembelajaran.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Budi Yanto Husodo


    Full Text Available Salah satu persoalan yang timbul pada pengoperasian motor induksi adalah arus pengasutan yang tinggi yang nilainya bisa mencapai sepuluh kali arus nominal. Arus pengasutan yang besar ini mengakibatkan penurunan tegangan sesaat (sag pada sistem jaringan. Selain itu juga menyebabkan tingginya pemakaian daya hingga sebesar 1,5 - 2,5 kali daya nominal yang berakibat pada tingginya energi pemakaian pada saat pengasutan. Metode pengasutan diperlukan untuk mengurangi arus pengasutan dan pemakaian energi yang besar tersebut. Pada makalah ini dilakukan perbandingan tiga metode pengasutan motor induksi yaitu berupa autotrafo, reaktor dan rangkaian star-delta. Dengan menggunakan software ETAP, pengujian dilakukan pada motor induksi 6 kV, 279 A, 2500 kW, dan faktor daya sebesar 0,879, sebagai penggerak fan pada bag filter. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa autotrafo memberikan penurunan arus pengasutan yang paling besar yaitu 73,82% dari arus pengasutan motor tanpa bantuan alat pengasutan. Sedangkan konsumsi energi yang paling kecil didapatkan dengan mengunakan pengasutan reaktor, di mana energi pemakaian berkurang dari 31,102 kWh tanpa pengasutan menjadi 17,676 kWh atau setara dengan 43,17%.

  10. Perancangan dan Implementasi Kontroler Knowledge Based-PI pada Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Induksi 3 Fasa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Faisal Afif Alhamdi


    Full Text Available Tugas Akhir ini membahas desain dan implementasi kontroler Knowledge Based-PI untuk pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi 3 fasa yang diberikan efek pembebanan melalui sebuah rem elekromagnetik. Rem elektromagnetik terdiri dari beberapa kumparan yang diberi input tegangan DC melalui sebuah auto transformator (0-240V yang telah disearahkan. Prinsip dasar rem elektromagnetik menggunakan hukum Faraday dan hukum Lenz. Kedua hukum ini menimbulkan arus eddy yang melingkar dan menginduksi medan magnet sehingga dapat memberikan gaya lawan terhadap arah gaya pergerakan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah kontroler agar kecepatan motor tetap konstan sesuai Set Point dengan tingkatan pembebanan yang berbeda-beda. Kontroler Knowledge Based-PI dapat menjadi solusi dari permasalahan ini dengan  cara membentuk sebuah direktori parameter kontrol PI (Proportional Integrator untuk berbagai kondisi pembebanan yang dimuat ke dalam sebuah fungsi look-up table. Metode knowledge base bekerja berdasarkan pengambilan dan pencocokan data (appropriate. Adanya hubungan langsung antara input dan output, maka diperoleh banyak kemungkinan keputusan aksi kontrol. Penggunaan kontroler knowledge based-PI dapat mengurangi Error Steady State serta memberikan kemudahan dalam menentukan berbagai macam model sesuai dengan variasi pembebanan.

  11. Implementasi Algoritma Perturb and Observe untuk Mengoptimasi Daya Keluaran Solar Cell Menggunakan MPPT di Laboratorium Energi Baru Terbarukan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Utami


    Full Text Available Energi yang dihasilkan oleh sel surya sangat bervariasi dan sangat tergantung pada kondisi cuaca. Untuk mengoptimasinya digunakan maximum power point. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan algoritma Perturb and Observe pada Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT sebagai kontroller untuk pembangkitan energi surya. Sistem dibangun menggunakan Arduino Uno R3 untuk mengekstraksi daya maksimum panel surya. Microcontroller ini mengontrol DC buck converter dan digunakan untuk charging baterai 6V. Metode ini beroperasi dengan memberi perturbing tegangan atau arus terminal array dan membandingkan daya yang dihasilkan dengan output panel surya. Diperlukan perturbing yang sesuai untuk mendapatkan nilai optimasi yang tepat. Validasi dari panel surya menggunakan metode yang diusulkan pada MPPT-nya memberikan performansi yang lebih baik dibuktikan pada nilai daya dan tegangannya. Menggunakan parameter perturbation 0.1, MPPT mampu mengoptimasi daya ouput panel surya sebesar 24.49 W dengan beban 5 ? dan nilai irradiasi 523 W/m2  dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional dengan beban sama dan nilai irradiasi sebesar 527 W/m2 yang menghasilkan daya keluaran 15.37 W


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anang Hadi Saputro


    Full Text Available Poros uji spesimen menggunakan bahan ST60. Pada poros uji spesimen ini mendapatkan momen torsi dan tekanan pada saat dilakukan pengujian yang memungkinkan terjadinya kegagalan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa kekuatan pada poros spesimen uji pada alat uji keausan untuk sistem kontak two-disc dengan memvariasikan putaran (500 Rpm, 1000 Rpm, 1500 Rpm dan beban dari pneumatik (30N, 40N, 50N. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode elemen hingga yang dimana dilakukan perhitungan tegangan Von  Misses Stress  secara  teotitis  kemudian dilakukan simulasi menggunakan software  Autodesk  Inventor  2015  dengan  variabel  beban  sebesar  30  N,  40N,  dan  50N.  Serta menggunakan variabel putaran  sebesar 500  Rpm,  1000  Rpm,  dan  1500  Rpm.  Poros  spesimen uji dinyatakan aman dikarenakan nilai dari Von Misses Stress yang terjadi pada poros uji spesimen lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan nilai yield strength per safety factor poros tersebut.

  13. Thermoelectric generators: A review of applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Champier, Daniel


    Highlights: • This paper reviews the state of the art of thermoelectric generators. • The latest thermoelectric modules are introduced. • Waste heat recovery in transport and industry with thermoelectric generators. • Domestic and industrial applications of thermoelectric generators. • Thermoelectric generators in space, micro-generation and solar conversion. - Abstract: In past centuries, men have mainly looked to increase their production of energy in order to develop their industry, means of transport and quality of life. Since the recent energy crisis, researchers and industrials have looked mainly to manage energy in a better way, especially by increasing energy system efficiency. This context explains the growing interest for thermoelectric generators. Today, thermoelectric generators allow lost thermal energy to be recovered, energy to be produced in extreme environments, electric power to be generated in remote areas and microsensors to be powered. Direct solar thermal energy can also be used to produce electricity. This review begins with the basic principles of thermoelectricity and a presentation of existing and future materials. Design and optimization of generators are addressed. Finally in this paper, we developed an exhaustive presentation of thermoelectric generation applications covering electricity generation in extreme environments, waste heat recovery in transport and industry, domestic production in developing and developed countries, micro-generation for sensors and microelectronics and solar thermoelectric generators. Many recent applications are presented, as well as the future applications which are currently being studied in research laboratories or in industry. The main purpose of this paper is to clearly demonstrate that, almost anywhere in industry or in domestic uses, it is worth checking whether a TEG can be added whenever heat is moving from a hot source to a cold source.

  14. Hospitality services generate revenue. (United States)

    Bizouati, S


    An increasing number of hospitals are undertaking external revenue-generating activities to supplement their shrinking budgets. Written at the request of Leadership, this article outlines an example of a successful catering service -- a money-generating business that more Canadian hospitals could profitably consider.

  15. OMG: Open molecule generator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peironcely, J.E.; Rojas-Chertó, M.; Fichera, D.; Reijmers, T.; Coulier, L.; Faulon, J.-L.; Hankemeier, T.


    Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation has been used for decades to discover the chemical structure of unknown compounds. In this work we introduce the first open source structure generator, Open Molecule Generator (OMG), which for a given elemental composition produces all non-isomorphic chemical

  16. Neural network based control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator in wind power generation (United States)

    Barbade, Swati A.; Kasliwal, Prabha


    To complement the other types of pollution-free generation wind energy is a viable option. Previously wind turbines were operated at constant speed. The evolution of technology related to wind systems industry leaded to the development of a generation of variable speed wind turbines that present many advantages compared to the fixed speed wind turbines. In this paper the phasor model of DFIG is used. This paper presents a study of a doubly fed induction generator driven by a wind turbine connected to the grid, and controlled by artificial neural network ANN controller. The behaviour of the system is shown with PI control, and then as controlled by ANN. The effectiveness of the artificial neural network controller is compared to that of a PI controller. The SIMULINK/MATLAB simulation for Doubly Fed Induction Generator and corresponding results and waveforms are displayed.

  17. Electricity market design for generator revenue sufficiency with increased variable generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levin, Todd; Botterud, Audun


    We present a computationally efficient mixed-integer program (MIP) that determines optimal generator expansion decisions, and hourly unit commitment and dispatch in a power system. The impact of increasing wind power capacity on the optimal generation mix and generator profitability is analyzed for a test case that approximates the electricity market in Texas (ERCOT). We analyze three market policies that may support resource adequacy: Operating Reserve Demand Curves (ORDC), Fixed Reserve Scarcity Prices (FRSP) and fixed capacity payments (CP). Optimal expansion plans are comparable between the ORDC and FRSP implementations, while capacity payments may result in additional new capacity. The FRSP policy leads to frequent reserves scarcity events and corresponding price spikes, while the ORDC implementation results in more continuous energy prices. Average energy prices decrease with increasing wind penetration under all policies, as do revenues for baseload and wind generators. Intermediate and peak load plants benefit from higher reserve prices and are less exposed to reduced energy prices. All else equal, an ORDC approach may be preferred to FRSP as it results in similar expansion and revenues with less extreme energy prices. A fixed CP leads to additional new flexible NGCT units, but lower profits for other technologies. - Highlights: • We model three market policies for resource adequacy in power systems with wind. • Unit expansion is comparable between ORDCs and fixed reserves scarcity pricing. • ORDCs lead to a more continuous spectrum of energy prices and fewer price spikes. • Revenues for baseload generators generally decrease with increasing wind penetration. • Capacity payments lead to additional NGCT units and lower energy prices.

  18. Computer-Generated Feedback on Student Writing (United States)

    Ware, Paige


    A distinction must be made between "computer-generated scoring" and "computer-generated feedback". Computer-generated scoring refers to the provision of automated scores derived from mathematical models built on organizational, syntactic, and mechanical aspects of writing. In contrast, computer-generated feedback, the focus of this article, refers…

  19. Superconducting generator technology--an overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edmonda, J.S.


    Application of superconducting technology to field windings of large ac generators provides virtually unlimited field capability without incurring resistive losses in the winding. Several small-scale superconducting generators have been built and tested demonstrating the feasibility of such concepts. For machines of much larger capacity, conceptual designs for 300 Mva and 1200 Mva have been completed. The development of a 300 Mva generator is projected. Designed, engineered and fabricated as a turbo generator, the superconducting machine is to be installed in a power plant, tested and operated in concert with a prime mover, the steam generator and the auxiliary support systems of the power plant. This will provide answers to the viability of operating a superconducting machine and its cryogenic handling systems in a full time, demanding environment. 21 refs

  20. A new type of hydrogen generator-HHEG (high-compressed hydrogen energy generator)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harada, H.; Tojima, K.; Takeda, M.; Nakazawa, T.


    'Full text:' We have developed a new type of hydrogen generator named HHEG (High-compressed Hydrogen Energy Generator). HHEG can produce 35 MPa high-compressed hydrogen for fuel cell vehicle without any mechanical compressor. HHEG is a kind of PEM(proton exchange membrane)electrolysis. It was well known that compressed hydrogen could be generated by water electrolysis. However, the conventional electrolysis could not generate 35 MPa or higher pressure that is required for fuel cell vehicle, because electrolysis cell stack is destroyed in such high pressure. In HHEG, the cell stack is put in high-pressure vessel and the pressure difference of oxygen and hydrogen that is generated by the cell stack is always kept at nearly zero by an automatic compensator invented by Mitsubishi Corporation. The cell stack of HHEG is not so special one, but it is not broken under such high pressure, because the automatic compensator always offsets the force acting on the cell stack. Hydrogen for fuel cell vehicle must be produce by no emission energy such as solar and atomic power. These energies are available as electricity. So, water electrolysis is the only way of producing hydrogen fuel. Hydrogen fuel is also 35 MPa high-compressed hydrogen and will become 70 MPa in near future. But conventional mechanical compressor is not useful for such high pressure hydrogen fuel, because of the short lifetime and high power consumption. Construction of hydrogen station network is indispensable in order to come into wide use of fuel cell vehicles. For such network contraction, an on-site type hydrogen generator is required. HHEG can satisfy above these requirements. So we can conclude that HHEG is the only way of realizing the hydrogen economy. (author)

  1. A Josephson radiation comb generator. (United States)

    Solinas, P; Gasparinetti, S; Golubev, D; Giazotto, F


    We propose the implementation of a Josephson Radiation Comb Generator (JRCG) based on a dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) driven by an external magnetic field. When the magnetic flux crosses a diffraction node of the critical current interference pattern, the superconducting phase undergoes a jump of π and a voltage pulse is generated at the extremes of the SQUID. Under periodic drive this allows one to generate a sequence of sharp, evenly spaced voltage pulses. In the frequency domain, this corresponds to a comb-like structure similar to the one exploited in optics and metrology. With this device it is possible to generate up to several hundreds of harmonics of the driving frequency. For example, a chain of 50 identical high-critical-temperature SQUIDs driven at 1 GHz can deliver up to a 0.5 nW at 200 GHz. The availability of a fully solid-state radiation comb generator such as the JRCG, easily integrable on chip, may pave the way to a number of technological applications, from metrology to sub-millimeter wave generation.

  2. Costs and benefits of embedded generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This project sought to evaluate the costs and benefits of embedded generation in the light of the UK government's consultation paper on the future of green generation, the government's aim to increase the levels of generation from renewable energy sources and cogeneration, the current Review of the Electricity Trading Arrangements, and the form of the Distribution Price Control. Definitions are given for embedded, centrally dispatched, and pooled generation, and licensed suppliers, and commercial and economic values. The commercial and economic value of embedded generation is examined in terms of generation prices, costs to electrical suppliers, losses (electrical, transmission, distribution), and effects on the national grid and distribution network. Diagrams showing the cost elements of trading through the Pool and the elements that are avoided by non-Pool embedded generator trading are presented

  3. Dust devil generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    G Onishchenko, O; A Pokhotelov, O; Horton, W; Stenflo, L


    The equations describing axi-symmetric nonlinear internal gravity waves in an unstable atmosphere are derived. A hydrodynamic model of a dust devil generation mechanism in such an atmosphere is investigated. It is shown that in an unstably stratified atmosphere the convective plumes with poloidal motion can grow exponentially. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that these convective plumes in an atmosphere with weak large scale toroidal motion are unstable with respect to three-dimensional dust devil generation. (papers)

  4. Wave Generation Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frigaard, Peter; Høgedal, Michael; Christensen, Morten

    The intention of this manual is to provide some formulas and techniques which can be used for generating waves in hydraulic laboratories. Both long crested waves (2-D waves) and short crested waves (3-D waves) are considered.......The intention of this manual is to provide some formulas and techniques which can be used for generating waves in hydraulic laboratories. Both long crested waves (2-D waves) and short crested waves (3-D waves) are considered....

  5. A New Current Control Strategy of Maximizing The Generated Power From a Doubly Fed Induction Generator System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Hui; Chen, Zhe


    Switched reluctance generator (SR Generator) has various desirable features which include simple and solid structure, easiness of maintenance, small moment of rotor inertia and low cost. However, the SR generator has not been put into practical use widely because an optimum design of SR generator...... is consist of half number of switching devices for the AHBC. The operating characteristics of the SR generators were discussed based on FEM analysis and experiments....

  6. Grid generation methods

    CERN Document Server

    Liseikin, Vladimir D


    This book is an introduction to structured and unstructured grid methods in scientific computing, addressing graduate students, scientists as well as practitioners. Basic local and integral grid quality measures are formulated and new approaches to mesh generation are reviewed. In addition to the content of the successful first edition, a more detailed and practice oriented description of monitor metrics in Beltrami and diffusion equations is given for generating adaptive numerical grids. Also, new techniques developed by the author are presented, in particular a technique based on the inverted form of Beltrami’s partial differential equations with respect to control metrics. This technique allows the generation of adaptive grids for a wide variety of computational physics problems, including grid clustering to given function values and gradients, grid alignment with given vector fields, and combinations thereof. Applications of geometric methods to the analysis of numerical grid behavior as well as grid ge...

  7. A 2MW 6-phase BLDC Generator Developed from a PM Synchronous Generator for Wind Energy Application

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Zhuihui; Chen, Zhe; Liu, Xiao


    rectifier is adopted. The cases the with different loads are studied. The finite element simulation shows the developed BLDC generator is better than the PMSM generator in terms of DC voltage ripple and torque ripple. Furthermore, the volume of the BLDC generator is smaller, despite of more permanent magnet......In the direct drive wind turbine application, a PMSM generator often works together with a diode rectifier, which connects to a boost converter. In this paper, a six-phase BLDC generator is developed from the prototype design of three-phase permanent magnet synchronous generator. The diode...... is required. The efficiencies and the costs are also compared. As the result shows, BLDC generators connected with the diode rectifiers are good candidates for direct drive wind turbines....

  8. Progress of 90Y generator preparation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin Bangshun; Li Mingqi; Deng Qimin; Cheng Zuoyong


    90 Y is an important radionuclide in radioimmunotherapy. The medical 90 Y is mainly obtained from 90 Y generator through methods of precipitation,coprecipitation, electrodeposition, solvent extraction, chromatography and so on. The progress of 90 Y generator, the advantages and disadvantages of different types of 90 Y generator, and the tendency of 90 Y generator preparation were described respectively. Comprehensive analysis showed that inorganic ion-exchange chromatography will be the main tendency of future 90 Y generator preparation. (authors)

  9. Harmonic arbitrary waveform generator (United States)

    Roberts, Brock Franklin


    High frequency arbitrary waveforms have applications in radar, communications, medical imaging, therapy, electronic warfare, and charged particle acceleration and control. State of the art arbitrary waveform generators are limited in the frequency they can operate by the speed of the Digital to Analog converters that directly create their arbitrary waveforms. The architecture of the Harmonic Arbitrary Waveform Generator allows the phase and amplitude of the high frequency content of waveforms to be controlled without taxing the Digital to Analog converters that control them. The Harmonic Arbitrary Waveform Generator converts a high frequency input, into a precision, adjustable, high frequency arbitrary waveform.

  10. Designing the next generation (fifth generation computers)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallich, P.


    A description is given of the designs necessary to develop fifth generation computers. An analysis is offered of problems and developments in parallelism, VLSI, artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering and natural language processing. Software developments are outlined including logic programming, object-oriented programming and exploratory programming. Computer architecture is detailed including concurrent computer architecture

  11. French steam generator design developments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ginier, R.; Campan, J.L.; Pontier, M.; Leridon, A.; Remond, A.; Castello, G.; Holcblat, A.; Paurobally, H.


    From the outset of the French nuclear power program, a significant R and D effort has been invested in improvement of the design and operation of Pressurized Water Reactors including a special committment to improving steam generators. The steam generator enhancement program has spawned a wide variety of specific R and D resources, e.g., low temperature hydraulic models for investigation of areas with single-phase flow, and freon-filled models for simulation of areas of steam generators experiencing two-phase flow (tube bundles and moisture separators). For the moisture separators, a large scale research program using freon-filled models and highly sophisticated instrumentation was used. Tests at reactor sites during startup of both 900 MWe and 1300 MWe have been used to validate the assumptions made on the basis of loop tests. These tests also demonstrated the validity of using freon to simulate two-phase flow conditions. The wealth of knowledge accumulated by the steam generator R and D program has been used to develop a new design of steam generators for the N4 plants. The current R and D effort is aimed at qualifying the N4 steam generator model and developing more comprehensive models. One prong of the R and D effort is the Megeve program. Megeve is a 25 MW steam generator which simulates operating conditions of the N4 model. The other prong is Clotaire, a freon-filled steam generator model which will be used to qualify thermal/hydraulic design codes used for multidimensional calculations for design of tube bundles

  12. Current multiplier to improved generator-to-load coupling for pulse-power generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chuvatin, A.S.; Rudakov, L.I.; Weber, B.V.; Bayol, F.; Cadiergues, R.


    The circuit presented improves the coupling of existing and future pulsed power generators to physical loads. The efficiency of the proposed current multiplication scheme could theoretically exceed the values for a typical direct load-to-generator circuit. The scheme could be beneficial for use in actual applications and two examples of such applications are given [ru

  13. New generation non-stationary portable neutron generators for biophysical applications of Neutron Activation Analysis. (United States)

    Marchese, N; Cannuli, A; Caccamo, M T; Pace, C


    Neutron sources are increasingly employed in a wide range of research fields. For some specific purposes an alternative to existing large-scale neutron scattering facilities, can be offered by the new generation of portable neutron devices. This review reports an overview for such recently available neutron generators mainly addressed to biophysics applications with specific reference to portable non-stationary neutron generators applied in Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). The review reports a description of a typical portable neutron generator set-up addressed to biophysics applications. New generation portable neutron devices, for some specific applications, can constitute an alternative to existing large-scale neutron scattering facilities. Deuterium-Deuterium pulsed neutron sources able to generate 2.5MeV neutrons, with a neutron yield of 1.0×10 6 n/s, a pulse rate of 250Hz to 20kHz and a duty factor varying from 5% to 100%, when combined with solid-state photon detectors, show that this kind of compact devices allow rapid and user-friendly elemental analysis. "This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Science for Life" Guest Editor: Dr. Austen Angell, Dr. Salvatore Magazù and Dr. Federica Migliardo". Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Advanced technologies on steam generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakata, Kaoru; Nakamura, Yuuki [Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co., Takasago (Japan); Nakamori, Nobuo; Mizutani, Toshiyuki; Uwagawa, Seiichi; Saito, Itaru [Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co., Kobe (Japan); Matsuoka, Tsuyoshi [Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co., Yokohama (Japan)


    The thermal-hydraulic tests for a horizontal steam generator of a next-generation PWR (New PWR-21) were performed. The purpose of these tests is to understand the thermal-hydraulic behavior in the secondary side of horizontal steam generator during the plant normal operation. A test was carried out with cross section slice model simulated the straight tube region. In this paper, the results of the test is reported, and the effect of the horizontal steam generator internals on the thermalhydraulic behavior of the secondary side and the circulation characteristics of the secondary side are discussed. (orig.). 3 refs.

  15. Generative electronic background music system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazurowski, Lukasz [Faculty of Computer Science, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Zolnierska Street 49, Szczecin, PL (Poland)


    In this short paper-extended abstract the new approach to generation of electronic background music has been presented. The Generative Electronic Background Music System (GEBMS) has been located between other related approaches within the musical algorithm positioning framework proposed by Woller et al. The music composition process is performed by a number of mini-models parameterized by further described properties. The mini-models generate fragments of musical patterns used in output composition. Musical pattern and output generation are controlled by container for the mini-models - a host-model. General mechanism has been presented including the example of the synthesized output compositions.

  16. Advanced technologies on steam generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakata, Kaoru; Nakamura, Yuuki [Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co., Takasago (Japan); Nakamori, Nobuo; Mizutani, Toshiyuki; Uwagawa, Seiichi; Saito, Itaru [Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co., Kobe (Japan); Matsuoka, Tsuyoshi [Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co., Yokohama (Japan)


    The thermal-hydraulic tests for a horizontal steam generator of a next-generation PWR (New PWR-21) were performed. The purpose of these tests is to understand the thermal-hydraulic behavior in the secondary side of horizontal steam generator during the plant normal operation. A test was carried out with cross section slice model simulated the straight tube region. In this paper, the results of the test is reported, and the effect of the horizontal steam generator internals on the thermalhydraulic behavior of the secondary side and the circulation characteristics of the secondary side are discussed. (orig.). 3 refs.

  17. Large superconducting wind turbine generators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abrahamsen, Asger Bech; Magnusson, Niklas; Jensen, Bogi Bech


    and the rotation speed is lowered in order to limit the tip speed of the blades. The ability of superconducting materials to carry high current densities with very small losses might facilitate a new class of generators operating with an air gap flux density considerably higher than conventional generators...... and thereby having a smaller size and weight [1, 2]. A 5 MW superconducting wind turbine generator forms the basics for the feasibility considerations, particularly for the YBCO and MgB2 superconductors entering the commercial market. Initial results indicate that a 5 MW generator with an active weight of 34...

  18. Generative electronic background music system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazurowski, Lukasz


    In this short paper-extended abstract the new approach to generation of electronic background music has been presented. The Generative Electronic Background Music System (GEBMS) has been located between other related approaches within the musical algorithm positioning framework proposed by Woller et al. The music composition process is performed by a number of mini-models parameterized by further described properties. The mini-models generate fragments of musical patterns used in output composition. Musical pattern and output generation are controlled by container for the mini-models - a host-model. General mechanism has been presented including the example of the synthesized output compositions


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alsaed, A.


    ''The Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report'' prescribes an approach to the methodology for performing postclosure criticality analyses within the monitored geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. An essential component of the methodology is the ''Configuration Generator Model for In-Package Criticality'' that provides a tool to evaluate the probabilities of degraded configurations achieving a critical state. The configuration generator model is a risk-informed, performance-based process for evaluating the criticality potential of degraded configurations in the monitored geologic repository. The method uses event tree methods to define configuration classes derived from criticality scenarios and to identify configuration class characteristics (parameters, ranges, etc.). The probabilities of achieving the various configuration classes are derived in part from probability density functions for degradation parameters. The NRC has issued ''Safety Evaluation Report for Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report, Revision 0''. That report contained 28 open items that required resolution through additional documentation. Of the 28 open items, numbers 5, 6, 9, 10, 18, and 19 were concerned with a previously proposed software approach to the configuration generator methodology and, in particular, the k eff regression analysis associated with the methodology. However, the use of a k eff regression analysis is not part of the current configuration generator methodology and, thus, the referenced open items are no longer considered applicable and will not be further addressed

  20. Nuclear power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirao, Katumi; Sato, Akira; Kaimori, Kimihiro; Kumano, Tetsuji


    Nuclear power generation for commercial use in Japan has passed 35 years since beginning of operation in the Tokai Nuclear Power Station in 1966, and has 51 machines of reactor and about 44.92 MW of total output of equipment scale in the 21st century. However, an environment around nuclear energy becomes severer at present, and then so many subjects to be overcome are remained such as increased unreliability of the public on nuclear energy at a chance of critical accident of the JCO uranium processing facility, delay of pull-thermal plan, requirement for power generation cost down against liberalization of electric power, highly aging countermeasure of power plant begun its operation as its Genesis, and so on. Under such conditions, in order that nuclear power generation in Japan survives as one of basic electric source in future, it is necessary not only to pursue safety and reliability of the plant reliable to the public, but also to intend to upgrade its operation and maintenance by positively adopting good examples on operational management method on abroad and to endeavor further upgrading of application ratio of equipments and reduction of generation cost. Here were outlined on operation conditions of nuclear power stations in Japan, and introduced on upgrading of their operational management and maintenance management. (G.K.)

  1. Thermoelectric generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purdy, D.L.


    The main components of a thermoelectric generator are housed in an evacuated cylindrical vessel. In the middle of it there is the radioactive heat source, e.g. 90 Sr or 238 Pu, enclosed by a gamma radiation shield. This one is surrounded by a heat-insulating screen from getter material or indicidual sheets of titanium. In the bottom of the screen there are arranged several thermocouples on a circle. The thermocouples themselves are contained within casings sealed gas-tight and filled with an inert gas, e.g. argon. By separating the internal space of the generator vessel from the thermocouple casings, made of e.g. n- respectively p-doped lead telluride cylinders, for both the optimal gas state may be obtained. (DG) [de

  2. Steam generator tube integrity program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dierks, D.R.; Shack, W.J.; Muscara, J.


    A new research program on steam generator tubing degradation is being sponsored by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) at Argonne National Laboratory. This program is intended to support a performance-based steam generator tube integrity rule. Critical areas addressed by the program include evaluation of the processes used for the in-service inspection of steam generator tubes and recommendations for improving the reliability and accuracy of inspections; validation and improvement of correlations for evaluating integrity and leakage of degraded steam generator tubes, and validation and improvement of correlations and models for predicting degradation in steam generator tubes as aging occurs. The studies will focus on mill-annealed Alloy 600 tubing, however, tests will also be performed on replacement materials such as thermally-treated Alloy 600 or 690. An overview of the technical work planned for the program is given

  3. Aerodynamically shaped vortex generators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Martin Otto Laver; Velte, Clara Marika; Øye, Stig


    An aerodynamically shaped vortex generator has been proposed, manufactured and tested in a wind tunnel. The effect on the overall performance when applied on a thick airfoil is an increased lift to drag ratio compared with standard vortex generators. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd....

  4. Fuzzy generation scheduling for a generation company (GenCo) with large scale wind farms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siahkali, H.; Vakilian, M.


    Wind power is a promising alternative in power generation because of its tremendous environmental and social benefits. Generation scheduling (GS) is more important in a power system integrating wind farms. Unlike conventional power generation sources, wind power generators supply intermittent power because of uncertainty in resource. This paper presents a fuzzy approach to the generation scheduling problem of a GenCo considering uncertainties in parameters or constraints such as load, reserve and available wind power generation. The modeling of constraints is an important issue in power system scheduling. A fuzzy optimization approach is an approach that can be used to obtain the generation scheduling under an uncertain environment. In this paper, a fuzzy optimization-based method is developed to solve power system GS problem with fuzzy objective and constraints. The crisp formulation of this GS problem is firstly defined and is rearranged by introduction of a membership function of some constraints and objective function. Then, this fuzzy optimization problem is converted to a crisp optimization and solved using GAMS software by mixed integer nonlinear programming. Employing the fuzzy optimization GS, it is expected that in practice a higher profit would be achieved in the operation and cost management of a real power system with large scale wind farms in different level of constraints' satisfaction. The proposed approach is applied to a sample system (including six conventional units and two wind farms) and the results are compared with the results of crisp solution. This approach is also applied to a larger test case to demonstrate the robustness of this fuzzy optimization method.

  5. Generational Differences In Organizational Justice Perceptions: An Exploratory Investigation Across Three Generational Cohorts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ledimo Ophillia


    Full Text Available Despite several reviews of generational differences across cohorts regarding their career stages in organizations, relatively few empirical investigations have been conducted to understand cohorts’ perceptions. Hence, there is paucity of studies that explored differences on the construct organizational justice across generational cohorts. The objective of this study was to explore the differences across three generational cohorts (Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers on dimensions of the organizational justice measurement instrument (OJMI. Data was collected through the administration of OJMI to a random sample size of organizational employees (n = 289. Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance were conducted to interpret the data. These findings provide evidence that differences do exist across cohorts on dimensions of organizational justice. In terms of contributions and practical implications, insight gained from the findings may be used in proposing organizational development interventions to manage multigenerational employees as well as to conduct future research.

  6. Toward New-Generation Intelligent Manufacturing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ji Zhou


    Full Text Available Intelligent manufacturing is a general concept that is under continuous development. It can be categorized into three basic paradigms: digital manufacturing, digital-networked manufacturing, and new-generation intelligent manufacturing. New-generation intelligent manufacturing represents an in-depth integration of new-generation artificial intelligence (AI technology and advanced manufacturing technology. It runs through every link in the full life-cycle of design, production, product, and service. The concept also relates to the optimization and integration of corresponding systems; the continuous improvement of enterprises’ product quality, performance, and service levels; and reduction in resources consumption. New-generation intelligent manufacturing acts as the core driving force of the new industrial revolution and will continue to be the main pathway for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in the decades to come. Human-cyber-physical systems (HCPSs reveal the technological mechanisms of new-generation intelligent manufacturing and can effectively guide related theoretical research and engineering practice. Given the sequential development, cross interaction, and iterative upgrading characteristics of the three basic paradigms of intelligent manufacturing, a technology roadmap for “parallel promotion and integrated development” should be developed in order to drive forward the intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry in China. Keywords: Advanced manufacturing, New-generation intelligent manufacturing, Human-cyber-physical system, New-generation AI, Basic paradigms, Parallel promotion, Integrated development

  7. Motivating the Generations: Economic and Educational Influences (United States)

    Herley, Wade


    This paper examines the various generations that include the greatest generation, the baby-boomers, generation X, and generation Y. The research encompasses many motivational elements that each generation covets, rejects, or shares. These generations are at different stages in life and each plays a vital role within our society. The workforce has…

  8. The generation game


    Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, Uracha


    Purpose – Explores the limited value of concepts such as Baby-Boomer, Generation X and Generation Y and advances the view that life course is more valuable.\\ud \\ud Design/methodology/approach – Examines how young adults in Britain, born between 1975 and 1982, conceptualized the notion of work-life balance as they were about to leave university and enter full-time paid employment. \\ud \\ud Findings – Reveals that the notion of individual choice strongly underpins young adults’ conceptualization...

  9. Distributed generation incorporated with the thermal generation for optimum operation of a smart grid considering forecast error

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howlader, Harun Or Rashid; Matayoshi, Hidehito; Senjyu, Tomonobu


    Highlights: • Optimal operation of the thermal generation for the smart grid system. • Different distributed generations are considered as the power generation sources. • Forecast error of the renewable energy systems is considered. • Controllable loads of the smart houses are considered to achieve the optimal operation. • Economical benefits can be achieved for the smart grid system. - Abstract: This paper concentrates on the optimal operation of the conventional thermal generators with distributed generations for a smart grid considering forecast error. The distributed generations are considered as wind generators, photovoltaic generators, battery energy storage systems in the supply side and a large number of smart houses in the demand side. A smart house consists of the electric vehicle, heat pump, photovoltaic generator and solar collector. The electric vehicle and heat pump are considered as the controllable loads which can compensate the power for the forecast error of renewable energy sources. As a result, power generation cost of the smart grid can reduce through coordinated with distributed generations and thermal units scheduling process. The electric vehicles of the smart house are considered as the spinning reserve in the scheduling process which lead to lessen the additional operation of thermal units. Finally, obtained results of the proposed system have been compared with the conventional method. The conventional method does not consider the electric vehicle in the smart houses. The acquired results demonstrate that total power generation cost of the smart grid has been reduced by the proposed method considering forecast error. Effectiveness of the proposed method has been verified by the extensive simulation results using MATLAB® software

  10. Impact of stent length on clinical outcomes of first-generation and new-generation drug-eluting stents. (United States)

    Konishi, Hirokazu; Miyauchi, Katsumi; Dohi, Tomotaka; Tsuboi, Shuta; Ogita, Manabu; Naito, Ryo; Kasai, Takatoshi; Tamura, Hiroshi; Okazaki, Shinya; Isoda, Kikuo; Daida, Hiroyuki


    The aim of this study is to compare first- and new-generation drug-eluting stents (DESs) which are implanted in long lesion. Stent length is known to be a predictor of adverse events after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), even with the first-generation DESs. The introduction of new-generation DESs has reduced the rates of adverse clinical events. However, the impact of stent length on long-term clinical outcomes is not well known. A total of 1181 consecutive patients who underwent PCI using either a first-generation DES (n = 885) or a new-generation DES (n = 296) between 2004 and 2011 were investigated. In each of the stent groups, the patients were divided into two groups by stent length (>32 and ≤32 mm) and compared. During the follow-up period, the incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) was significantly higher for patients with long stents implanted than with short stents (P stent groups in the new-generation DES group (P = 0.24; log-rank test). On multivariate Cox regression analysis, stent length was not associated with adverse events in the new-generation DES groups [hazard ratio (HR) 0.87; 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 0.71-1.04; P = 0.14]. Implanted stent length was significantly associated with a higher risk of MACEs in patients who received first-generation DESs, but not in patients who received the new-generation DESs.

  11. Engineering Education for Generation Z (United States)

    Moore, Kevin; Jones, Carol; Frazier, Robert Scott


    Generation Z is gaining popularity as the name used to refer to those born beginning in the mid to late 1990s. This is the generation that follows the Millennials, and they are just starting to arrive on college campuses. Much attention has been paid to Millennials and their impact on society, and because of this Generation Z members are often…

  12. A new generation in computing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kahn, R.E.


    Fifth generation of computers is described. The three disciplines involved in bringing such a new generation to reality are: microelectronics; artificial intelligence and, computer systems and architecture. Applications in industry, offices, aerospace, education, health care and retailing are outlined. An analysis is given of research efforts in the US, Japan, U.K., and Europe. Fifth generation programming languages are detailed


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Cristina dos Santos


    Full Text Available A generation is the entire group of individuals born and living at about the same time. Their children characterize a new generation (justified biologically and socially for about a period of 25 years and so forth. Members of the same generation - excluding differences in their social and economic status - would have similar habits, behaviors and aspirations. Generations would carry on themselves the traces of their time. However, because of the exponential advance in technology, especially communication, information and transportation, it is estimated that new generations are formed every ten years, which creates a considerable difference on the perception of role, attitude and commitment in work environment, amongst leaders and followers. This difference is a potential source of conflicts. This article aims to identify the different views of attributes, perceptions and values of each generation. It is an exploratory research and it uses questionnaires applied via social networking websites. The results show subtle differences amongst generations, which, not necessarily indicate conflicts. It is observed that the commitment and fidelity to work are unaltered as a value for the professionals.

  14. Structural Design Optimization of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Using GeneratorSE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sethuraman, Latha [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Fingersh, Lee J [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Dykes, Katherine L [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Arthurs, Claire [Georgia Institute of Technology


    A wind turbine with a larger rotor swept area can generate more electricity, however, this increases costs disproportionately for manufacturing, transportation, and installation. This poster presents analytical models for optimizing doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs), with the objective of reducing the costs and mass of wind turbine drivetrains. The structural design for the induction machine includes models for the casing, stator, rotor, and high-speed shaft developed within the DFIG module in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's wind turbine sizing tool, GeneratorSE. The mechanical integrity of the machine is verified by examining stresses, structural deflections, and modal properties. The optimization results are then validated using finite element analysis (FEA). The results suggest that our analytical model correlates with the FEA in some areas, such as radial deflection, differing by less than 20 percent. But the analytical model requires further development for axial deflections, torsional deflections, and stress calculations.

  15. Are you ready for generation X? (United States)

    Washburn, E R


    Generational analysis considers the differences in world view and attitude between various generations of Americans and uses this information to develop insight and business strategies. The much discussed generation gap between the Baby Boomers and their elders during the 1960s and 1970s is equaled or exceeded by the differences between Generations X and Y and the Boomers. Generation X physicians will be coming into practice over the next two decades. Successful medical leaders must understand Gen-Xers to create clinical environments that meet their unique needs and concerns. This article describes some of the philosophical and attitudinal differences between the generations and what these differences may mean to the future of medicine and health care organizations.

  16. Wroclaw neutrino event generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nowak, J A


    A neutrino event generator developed by the Wroclaw Neutrino Group is described. The physical models included in the generator are discussed and illustrated with the results of simulations. The considered processes are quasi-elastic scattering and pion production modelled by combining the Δ resonance excitation and deep inelastic scattering

  17. Generative Processes: Thick Drawing (United States)

    Wallick, Karl


    This article presents techniques and theories of generative drawing as a means for developing complex content in architecture design studios. Appending the word "generative" to drawing adds specificity to the most common representation tool and clarifies that such drawings are not singularly about communication or documentation but are…

  18. Method for protecting an electric generator (United States)

    Kuehnle, Barry W.; Roberts, Jeffrey B.; Folkers, Ralph W.


    A method for protecting an electrical generator which includes providing an electrical generator which is normally synchronously operated with an electrical power grid; providing a synchronizing signal from the electrical generator; establishing a reference signal; and electrically isolating the electrical generator from the electrical power grid if the synchronizing signal is not in phase with the reference signal.

  19. Generation Who, What, Y? What You Need to Know about Generation Y (United States)

    Goldgehn, Leslie A.


    Generation Y wants to know why! Today's youth are curious, they want the facts, they want the hard data, and most of all they want the truth. Advertisements and creative marketing tactics do not easily sway this group. They do their research before they believe most things they hear and see. Purchasing behaviors of Generation Y show that the group…

  20. Analisis Koordinasi Over Current Relay Dan Recloser Di Sistem Proteksi Feeder Gardu Induk Semen Nusantara (Snt 2) Cilacap


    Hariyanto, Dwi Puji; Tiyono, -; Sutarno, -


    The main aim of protection system is used to protect safety of human cause by electrics current and to protect equipment from the fault. The fault can cause over current which has big value and endangerous the equipment. Besides the fault can also cause supply of energy to consumer is disturbed. The fault can be permanently or temporary. Coordination of protection system between OCR and recloser is needed to anticipate the fault.To create good coordination in protection system, the threshold ...

  1. Employing online quantum random number generators for generating truly random quantum states in Mathematica (United States)

    Miszczak, Jarosław Adam


    The presented package for the Mathematica computing system allows the harnessing of quantum random number generators (QRNG) for investigating the statistical properties of quantum states. The described package implements a number of functions for generating random states. The new version of the package adds the ability to use the on-line quantum random number generator service and implements new functions for retrieving lists of random numbers. Thanks to the introduced improvements, the new version provides faster access to high-quality sources of random numbers and can be used in simulations requiring large amount of random data. New version program summaryProgram title: TRQS Catalogue identifier: AEKA_v2_0 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 18 134 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 2 520 49 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Mathematica, C. Computer: Any supporting Mathematica in version 7 or higher. Operating system: Any platform supporting Mathematica; tested with GNU/Linux (32 and 64 bit). RAM: Case-dependent Supplementary material: Fig. 1 mentioned below can be downloaded. Classification: 4.15. External routines: Quantis software library ( Catalogue identifier of previous version: AEKA_v1_0 Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 183(2012)118 Does the new version supersede the previous version?: Yes Nature of problem: Generation of random density matrices and utilization of high-quality random numbers for the purpose of computer simulation. Solution method: Use of a physical quantum random number generator and an on-line service providing access to the source of true random

  2. TIGER: Turbomachinery interactive grid generation (United States)

    Soni, Bharat K.; Shih, Ming-Hsin; Janus, J. Mark


    A three dimensional, interactive grid generation code, TIGER, is being developed for analysis of flows around ducted or unducted propellers. TIGER is a customized grid generator that combines new technology with methods from general grid generation codes. The code generates multiple block, structured grids around multiple blade rows with a hub and shroud for either C grid or H grid topologies. The code is intended for use with a Euler/Navier-Stokes solver also being developed, but is general enough for use with other flow solvers. TIGER features a silicon graphics interactive graphics environment that displays a pop-up window, graphics window, and text window. The geometry is read as a discrete set of points with options for several industrial standard formats and NASA standard formats. Various splines are available for defining the surface geometries. Grid generation is done either interactively or through a batch mode operation using history files from a previously generated grid. The batch mode operation can be done either with a graphical display of the interactive session or with no graphics so that the code can be run on another computer system. Run time can be significantly reduced by running on a Cray-YMP.

  3. Philosophy of power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amein, H.; Joyia, Y.; Qureshi, M.N.; Asif, M.


    In view of the huge power demand in future, the capital investment requirements for the development of power projects to meet the future energy requirements are so alarming that public sector alone cannot manage to raise funds and participation of the private sector in power generation development has become imperative. This paper discusses a power generation philosophy based on preference to the exploitation of indigenous resources and participation of private sector. In order to have diversification in generation resources, due consideration has been given to the development of nuclear power and even non-conventional but promising technologies of solar, wind, biomass and geothermal etc. (author)

  4. Current Control Method for Distributed Generation Power Generation Plants under Grid Fault Conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rodriguez, Pedro; Luna, Alvaro; Hermoso, Juan Ramon


    The operation of distributed power generation systems under grid fault conditions is a key issue for the massive integration of renewable energy systems. Several studies have been conducted to improve the response of such distributed generation systems under voltage dips. In spite of being less s...

  5. Experience and Its Generation (United States)

    Youqing, Chen


    Experience is an activity that arouses emotions and generates meanings based on vivid sensation and profound comprehension. It is emotional, meaningful, and personal, playing a key role in the course of forming and developing one's qualities. The psychological process of experience generation consists of such links as sensing things, arousing…

  6. Radioactive material generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czaplinski, T.V.; Bolter, B.J.; Heyer, R.E.; Bruno, G.A.


    A radioactive material generator includes radioactive material in a column, which column is connected to inlet and outlet conduits, the generator being embedded in a lead casing. The inlet and outlet conduits extend through the casing and are topped by pierceable closure caps. A fitting, containing means to connect an eluent supply and an eluate container, is adapted to pierce the closure caps. The lead casing and the fitting are compatibly contoured such that they will fit only if properly aligned with respect to each other

  7. D-D neutron generator development at LBNL. (United States)

    Reijonen, J; Gicquel, F; Hahto, S K; King, M; Lou, T-P; Leung, K-N


    The plasma and ion source technology group in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is developing advanced, next generation D-D neutron generators. There are three distinctive developments, which are discussed in this presentation, namely, multi-stage, accelerator-based axial neutron generator, high-output co-axial neutron generator and point source neutron generator. These generators employ RF-induction discharge to produce deuterium ions. The distinctive feature of RF-discharge is its capability to generate high atomic hydrogen species, high current densities and stable and long-life operation. The axial neutron generator is designed for applications that require fast pulsing together with medium to high D-D neutron output. The co-axial neutron generator is aimed for high neutron output with cw or pulsed operation, using either the D-D or D-T fusion reaction. The point source neutron generator is a new concept, utilizing a toroidal-shaped plasma generator. The beam is extracted from multiple apertures and focus to the target tube, which is located at the middle of the generator. This will generate a point source of D-D, T-T or D-T neutrons with high output flux. The latest development together with measured data will be discussed in this article.

  8. Thermoelectric coolers as power generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burke, E.J.; Buist, R.J.


    There are many applications where thermoelectric (TE) coolers can be used effectively as power generators. The literature available on this subject is scarce and very limited in scope. This paper describes the configuration, capability, limitations and performance of TE coolers to be used as power generators. Also presented are performance curves enabling the user to design the optimum TE module for any given power generation application

  9. Diagnostic and Therapeutic RI Generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jong-Sup; Lee, Jun-Sig; Park, Ul-Jae; Han, Hyon-Soo


    Different types of generators have been developed for the convenient use of 99m Tc as the demand for this radioisotope is strong. Currently, the demand for 99m Tc is more than 80 % of the total demand for medical isotopes in the world. A 99m Tc generator, in general, is composed of a column packed with ceramic adsorbent, tubing, eluent reservoir or vials, collection vials, and shielding. The key technology to develop a good generator is how to load 99 Mo as much as possible while maintaining the quality of eluted 99 mTc as good as possible. The technology is well developed and already available commercially for the case of the fission 99 Mo/ 99 mTc because loading of few curries of 99 Mo on a conventional adsorbent, i.e. alumina is not a serious task in the chemical point of view. However, the current infrastructure of the supply of 99 Mo to the world market is sturdy as the research reactors are getting aged. In this regard, alternative research activities to develop generators with (n,γ) 99 Mo have been performed by different groups. To develop commercially viable (n,γ) 99 Mo/ 99 mTc generator, the generator column should have high adsorption capacity for molybdenum at least several fold higher than the fission 99 Mo generator column. To achieve such high adsorption capacity, gel generator, PZC, and other technologies have been developed. However, there are still many restrictions to apply these technologies for the commercial production. As one of the latter approaches, several candidate adsorbents have been developed. One of the new adsorbents developed at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute shows a high adsorption capacity for Mo (∼200 mg/g) and reasonable elution efficiency for 99 mTc (60 (∼ 80%). In addition, (n,γ 99 Mo can be loaded by a column operation just like fission Mo generator production

  10. Determination of generator losses and efficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klasnić Ilija


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of deriving by calculation the local and total losses of the generator as well as efficiency determination of the revitalised hydro-generator unit A4 in HPP 'Djerdap 1'. In order to determine the generator losses and generator efficiency, measurements are performed during the acceptance tests of revitalised aggregate A4 in HPP 'Djerdap 1'.

  11. Power generator system for HCL reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scragg, R. L.; Parker, A. B.


    A power generation system includes a nuclear reactor having a core which in addition to generating heat generates a high frequency electromagnetic radiation. An electromagnetic radiation chamber is positioned to receive at least a portion of the radiation generated by the reactor core. Hydrogen and chlorine are connected into the electromagnetic reactor chamber and react with controlled explosive violence when exposed to the radiation from the nuclear reactor. Oxygen is fed into the reactor chamber as a control medium. The resulting gases under high pressure and temperature are utilized to drive a gas turbine generators. In an alternative embodiment the highly ionized gases, hydrogen and chlorine are utilized as a fluid medium for use in magnetohydrodynamic generators which are attached to the electromagnetic reactor chambers

  12. International examples of steam generator replacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiechmann, K.


    Since 1979-1980 a total of twelve nuclear power plants world-wide have had their steam generators replaced. The replacement of the Combustion steam generators in the Millstone-2 plant in the United States was completed very recently. Steam generator replacement activities are going on at present in four plants. In North Anna, the steam generators have been under replacement since January 1990. In Japan, preparations have been started for Genkai-1. Since January 1992, the two projects in Beznau-1, Switzerland, and Doel-3, Belgium, have bee planned and executed in parallel. Why steam generator replacement? There are a number of defect mechanisms which give rise to the need for early steam generator replacement. One of the main reasons is the use of Inconel-600 as material for the heating tubes. Steam generator heating tubes made of Inconel-600 have been known to exhibit their first defects due to stress corrosion cracking after less than one year of operation. (orig.) [de

  13. The tradable value of distributed generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A general guide for all generators connected to the electric power distribution network is presented. It provides an indication of the tradable value of distributed generation in prevailing market conditions. The document covers (i) the elements of value for which distributed generators may be awarded; (ii) how generators can realize these values and (iii) references to other relevant sources of information. The value an individual generator can realize depends on size, technology, operating profile, location and connection voltage. Definitions of small, medium and large generators are given. The values received by a generator will depend at least on prevailing prices, time of day and time of year. Added value may come from Renewable Obligation Certificates and Climate Change Levy Exemption Certificates. Worked examples are given for a domestic PV system, an industrial CHP scheme and a wind farm. The study was carried out by Ilex Energy Consulting and supported by the DTI.

  14. Automatic Item Generation via Frame Semantics: Natural Language Generation of Math Word Problems. (United States)

    Deane, Paul; Sheehan, Kathleen

    This paper is an exploration of the conceptual issues that have arisen in the course of building a natural language generation (NLG) system for automatic test item generation. While natural language processing techniques are applicable to general verbal items, mathematics word problems are particularly tractable targets for natural language…

  15. The Always-Connected Generation (United States)

    Bull, Glen


    The Pew Internet and American Life project characterizes the millennials--the first generation to come of age in the new millennium--as the first "always-connected" generation. Significant aspects of culture are changing as a result. A changing world where all students are connected all the time has substantial educational implications. Despite…

  16. A rule-based software test data generator (United States)

    Deason, William H.; Brown, David B.; Chang, Kai-Hsiung; Cross, James H., II


    Rule-based software test data generation is proposed as an alternative to either path/predicate analysis or random data generation. A prototype rule-based test data generator for Ada programs is constructed and compared to a random test data generator. Four Ada procedures are used in the comparison. Approximately 2000 rule-based test cases and 100,000 randomly generated test cases are automatically generated and executed. The success of the two methods is compared using standard coverage metrics. Simple statistical tests showing that even the primitive rule-based test data generation prototype is significantly better than random data generation are performed. This result demonstrates that rule-based test data generation is feasible and shows great promise in assisting test engineers, especially when the rule base is developed further.

  17. Darlington steam generator life assurance program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jelinski, E.; Dymarski, M.; Maruska, C.; Cartar, E.


    The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station belonging to Ontario Hydro is one of the most modern and advanced nuclear generating stations in the world. Four reactor units each generate 881 net MW, enough to provide power to a major city, and representing approximately 20% of the Ontario grid. The nuclear generating capacity in Ontario represents approximately 60% of the grid. In order to look after this major asset, many proactive preventative and predictive maintenance programs are being put in place. The steam generators are a major component in any power plant. World wide experience shows that nuclear steam generators require specialized attention to ensure reliable operation over the station life. This paper describes the Darlington steam generator life assurance program in terms of degradation identification, monitoring and management. The requirements for chemistry control, surveillance of process parameters, surveillance of inspection parameters, and the integration of preventative and predictive maintenance programs such as water lancing, chemical cleaning, RIHT monitoring, and other diagnostics to enhance our understanding of life management issues are identified and discussed. We conclude that we have advanced proactive activities to avoid and to minimize many of the problems affecting other steam generators. An effective steam generator maintenance program must expand the knowledge horizon to understand life limiting processes and to analyze and synthesize observations with theory. (author)

  18. Is nuclear energy power generation more dangerous than power generation by wind and solar energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ding, Y


    Since the occurrence of the petroleum crisis, many countries have devoted a great deal of effort to search for substitute energy sources. Aside from nuclear energy, forms of power generation with wind, solar energy, and geothermal energy have all been actually adopted in one place or another. Most recently, a research report was published by the Canadian Bureau of Nuclear Energy Management stating that the use of wind and solar energy to generate electricity is much more dangerous than power generation with nuclear energy. When mining, transportation, machine manufacturing, etc. are included in the process of producing unit power, i.e. kilowatt/year, the data of various risks of death, injury, and diseases are computed in terms of man/day losses by the bureau. They indicate that of the ten forms of power generation, the danger is the least with natural gas, only about a 6 man/day, and nuclear energy is the next least dangerous, about 10 man/day. The danger of using temperature differential of sea water to generate electricity is about 25 man/day, and the most dangerous form of power generation is coal, amounting to three thousand man/day.

  19. Smart campus: Data on energy generation costs from distributed generation systems of electrical energy in a Nigerian University. (United States)

    Okeniyi, Joshua O; Atayero, Aderemi A; Popoola, Segun I; Okeniyi, Elizabeth T; Alalade, Gbenga M


    This data article presents comparisons of energy generation costs from gas-fired turbine and diesel-powered systems of distributed generation type of electrical energy in Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, a smart university campus driven by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Cumulative monthly data of the energy generation costs, for consumption in the institution, from the two modes electric power, which was produced at locations closed to the community consuming the energy, were recorded for the period spanning January to December 2017. By these, energy generation costs from the turbine system proceed from the gas-firing whereas the generation cost data from the diesel-powered generator also include data on maintenance cost for this mode of electrical power generation. These energy generation cost data that were presented in tables and graphs employ descriptive probability distribution and goodness-of-fit tests of statistical significance as the methods for the data detailing and comparisons. Information details from this data of energy generation costs are useful for furthering research developments and aiding energy stakeholders and decision-makers in the formulation of policies on energy generation modes, economic valuation in terms of costing and management for attaining energy-efficient/smart educational environment.

  20. A compact mobile neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Changgeng; Li Yan; Hu Yonghong; Lou Benchao; Wu Chunlei


    Through fitting the high voltage terminal from introducing overseas and pulse system et al. from oneself developing together, a compact mobile neutron generator is established. The length and weight of this neutron generator are 2 500 mm and less than 1 t, respectively. It can be expediently moved to the location which is required by experimental people. It is consisted of RF ion source, acceleration tube, high voltage generator, focus device, microsecond pulse system, gas leak system, control system, vacuum system and experimental target. It can produce 150 μA continuous deuterium ion beam current, also can produce the pulse deuterium ion beam current. The pulse widths are 10-100 μs and frequencies 10 Hz, 1 000 Hz, 10 000 Hz. The D-T neutron yields of the neutron generator may arrive 1.5 x 10 10 s -1 . The working principle and the structure of the main parts of this neutron generator are described. (authors)

  1. Steam generator reliability improvement project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blomgren, J.C.; Green, S.J.


    Upon successful completion of its research and development technology transfer program, the Electric Power Research Institute's Steam Generator Owners Group (SGOG II) will disband in December 1986 and be replaced in January 1987 by a successor project, the Steam Generator Reliability Project (SGRP). The new project, funded in the EPRI base program, will continue the emphasis on reliability and life extension that was carried forward by SGOG II. The objectives of SGOG II have been met. Causes and remedies have been identified for tubing corrosion problems, such as stress corrosion cracking and pitting, and steam generator technology has been improved in areas such as tube wear prediction and nondestructive evaluation (NDE). These actions have led to improved reliability of steam generators. Now the owners want to continue with a centrally managed program that builds on what has been learned. The goal is to continue to improve steam generator reliability and solve small problems before they become large problems

  2. Steam generator reliability improvement project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blomgren, J.C.; Green, S.J.


    Upon successful completion of its research and development technology transfer program, the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI's) Steam Generator Owners Group (SGOG II) will disband in December 1986, and be replaced in January 1987, by a successor project, the Steam Generator Reliability Project (SGRP). The new project, funded in the EPRI base program, will continue to emphasize reliability and life extension, which were carried forward by SGOG II. The objectives of SGOG II have been met. Causes and remedies have been identified for tubing corrosion problems such as stress corrosion cracking and pitting, and steam generator technology has been improved in areas such as tube wear prediction and nondestructive evaluation. These actions have led to improved reliability of steam generators. Now the owners want to continue with a centrally managed program that builds on what has been learned. The goal is to continue to improve steam generator reliability and to solve small problems before they become large problems

  3. Generation Y Online Buying Patterns

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katija Vojvodić


    Full Text Available The advantages of electronic retailing can, among other things, result in uncontrolled buying by online consumers, i.e. in extreme buying behavior. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and determine the buying patterns of Generation Y online consumers in order to explore the existence of different types of behavior based on the characteristics of online buying. The paper also aims at exploring the relationship between extracted factors and Generation Y consumers’ buying intentions. Empirical research was conducted on a sample of 515 consumers in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County. Based on the factor analysis, research results indicate that Generation Y online consumers are influenced by three factors: compulsivity, impulsivity, and functionality. The analysis of variance reveals that significant differences exist between the extracted factors and Generation Y’s online buying characteristics. In addition, correlation analysis shows a statistically significant correlation between the extracted factors and Generation Y’s buying intentions.

  4. [Generation Y : recruitment, retention and development]. (United States)

    Schmidt, C E; Möller, J; Schmidt, K; Gerbershagen, M U; Wappler, F; Limmroth, V; Padosch, S A; Bauer, M


    There is a significant shortage of highly qualified personnel in medicine, especially skilled doctors and nurses. This shortage of qualified labor has led to competition between hospitals. Analyzing the circumstances of the competition, nurses and doctors of the so-called generation Y are of importance. Recruitment and retention of these staff members will become a critical success factor for hospitals in the future. An internet search was conducted using the key words "generation Y and medicine, demography, personnel and hospitals". A search in Medline/pubmed for scientific studies on the topics of labor shortage was performed using the key words "personnel, shortage doctors, generation X, baby boomer, personnel and demographic changes, staff". Finally, sources from public institutions and academic medical societies were analyzed. The data were sorted by main categories and relevance for hospitals. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive measures. The analysis confirmed the heterogeneous and complex flood of information on the topic demography and generation. A comparison of the generations showed that they can be separated into baby boomers (born 1946-1964 live to work), generation X (born 1965-1980 work to live) and generation Y (born 1981 and after, live while working). Members of generation Y "live while working" are oriented to competence and less with hierarchies. They exchange information using modern communication methods and within networks. Internet and computers are part of their daily routine. Employees of generation Y challenge leadership in hospitals by increasing the demands. However, generation Y can significantly increase professionalization and competitiveness for hospitals.

  5. Turbo-Electric Compressor/Generator Using Halbach Arrays (United States)

    Kloesel, Kurt J. (Inventor)


    The present invention is a turbojet design that integrates power generation into the turbojet itself, rather than use separate generators attached to the turbojet for power generation. By integrating the power generation within the jet engine, the weight of the overall system is significantly reduced, increasing system efficiency. Also, by integrating the power generating elements of the system within the air flow of the jet engine, the present invention can use the heat generated by the power generating elements (which is simply expelled waste heat in current designs) to increase the engine performance.

  6. Steam generators, turbines, and condensers. Volume six

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Volume six covers steam generators (How steam is generated, steam generation in a PWR, vertical U-tube steam generators, once-through steam generators, how much steam do steam generators make?), turbines (basic turbine principles, impulse turbines, reaction turbines, turbine stages, turbine arrangements, turbine steam flow, steam admission to turbines, turbine seals and supports, turbine oil system, generators), and condensers (need for condensers, basic condenser principles, condenser arrangements, heat transfer in condensers, air removal from condensers, circulating water system, heat loss to the circulating water system, factors affecting condenser performance, condenser auxiliaries)

  7. Proposal of electric power generation from generators to water edge in the region of Sarapiqui

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez Fallas, Cindy Veronica


    A proposed electric power generation is developed from generators to water edge in the region of Sarapiqui. The environmental characteristics, such as the hydrological network, hydrogeology, soil type, life zones, climatology, precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration and water supply and demand, of rivers crossed by basin in the region of Sarapiqui, are determined by bibliographic consultations to implement the proposal. The most recent production statistics of the electric subsector of Costa Rica are described to reveal the growing annual demand and need for satisfaction. The zone of Sarapiqui is diagnosed as the right place to allow the generation of electric power from generators to water edge [es

  8. Electric power generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carney, H.C.


    An electric power generator of the type employing a nuclear heat source and a thermoelectric converter is described wherein a transparent thermal insulating medium is provided inside an encapsulating enclosure to thermally insulate the heat source and thermoelectric generator. The heat source, the thermoelectric converter, and the enclosure are provided with facing surfaces which are heat-reflective to a substantial degree to inhibit radiation of heat through the medium of the encapsulating enclosure. Multiple reflective foils may be spaced within the medium as necessary to inhibit natural convection of heat and/or further inhibit radiation

  9. ColloInputGenerator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    This is a very simple program to help you put together input files for use in Gries' (2007) R-based collostruction analysis program. It basically puts together a text file with a frequency list of lexemes in the construction and inserts a column where you can add the corpus frequencies. It requires...... it as input for basic collexeme collostructional analysis (Stefanowitsch & Gries 2003) in Gries' (2007) program. ColloInputGenerator is, in its current state, based on programming commands introduced in Gries (2009). Projected updates: Generation of complete work-ready frequency lists....

  10. Understanding Generational Diversity: Strategic Human Resource Management and Development across the Generational "Divide" (United States)

    Amayah, Angela Titi; Gedro, Julie


    There are more generations in today's workforce than ever before, which has the possibility to create challenges for Human Resource professionals. The purpose of this article is to interrogate existing stereotypes and generalities about the characteristics of different generations with respect to the workplace, and to offer suggestions for…

  11. The Next Great Generation? (United States)

    Brownstein, Andrew


    Discusses ideas from a new book, "Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation," (by Neil Howe and William Strauss) suggesting that youth culture is on the cusp of a radical shift with the generation beginning with this year's college freshmen who are typically team oriented, optimistic, and poised for greatness on a global scale. Includes a…

  12. Self-correcting random number generator (United States)

    Humble, Travis S.; Pooser, Raphael C.


    A system and method for generating random numbers. The system may include a random number generator (RNG), such as a quantum random number generator (QRNG) configured to self-correct or adapt in order to substantially achieve randomness from the output of the RNG. By adapting, the RNG may generate a random number that may be considered random regardless of whether the random number itself is tested as such. As an example, the RNG may include components to monitor one or more characteristics of the RNG during operation, and may use the monitored characteristics as a basis for adapting, or self-correcting, to provide a random number according to one or more performance criteria.

  13. Magnetohydrodynamic generator and pump system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birzvalk, Yu.A.; Karasev, B.G.; Lavrentyev, I.V.; Semikov, G.T.


    The MHD generator-pump system, or MHD coupling, is designed to pump liquid-metal coolant in the primary circuit of a fast reactor. It contains a number of generator and pump channels placed one after another and forming a single electrical circuit, but hydraulically connected parallel to the second and first circuits of the reactor. All the generator and pump channels are located in a magnetic field created by the magnetic system with an excitation winding that is fed by a regulated direct current. In 500 to 2000 MW reactors, the flow rate of the coolant in each loop of the primary circuit is 3 to 6 m 3 /s and the hydraulic power is 2 to 4 MW. This paper examines the primary characteristics of an MHD generator-pump system with various dimensions and number of channels, wall thicknesses, coolant flow rates, and magnetic fields. It is shown that its efficiency may reach 60 to 70%. The operating principle of the MHD generator-pump system is explained in the referenced patent and involves the transfer of hydraulic power from generator channels to pump channels using a magnetic field and electrical circuit common to both channels. Variations of this system may be analyzed using an equivalent circuit. 7 refs., 5 figs

  14. Power generation statistics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kangas, H.


    The frost in February increased the power demand in Finland significantly. The total power consumption in Finland during January-February 2001 was about 4% higher than a year before. In January 2001 the average temperature in Finland was only about - 4 deg C, which is nearly 2 degrees higher than in 2000 and about 6 degrees higher than long term average. Power demand in January was slightly less than 7.9 TWh, being about 0.5% less than in 2000. The power consumption in Finland during the past 12 months exceeded 79.3 TWh, which is less than 2% higher than during the previous 12 months. In February 2001 the average temperature was - 10 deg C, which was about 5 degrees lower than in February 2000. Because of this the power consumption in February 2001 increased by 5%. Power consumption in February was 7.5 TWh. The maximum hourly output of power plants in Finland was 13310 MW. Power consumption of Finnish households in February 2001 was about 10% higher than in February 2000, and in industry the increase was nearly zero. The utilization rate in forest industry in February 2001 decreased from the value of February 2000 by 5%, being only about 89%. The power consumption of the past 12 months (Feb. 2000 - Feb. 2001) was 79.6 TWh. Generation of hydroelectric power in Finland during January - February 2001 was 10% higher than a year before. The generation of hydroelectric power in Jan. - Feb. 2001 was nearly 2.7 TWh, corresponding to 17% of the power demand in Finland. The output of hydroelectric power in Finland during the past 12 months was 14.7 TWh. The increase from the previous 12 months was 17% corresponding to over 18% of the power demand in Finland. Wind power generation in Jan. - Feb. 2001 was exceeded slightly 10 GWh, while in 2000 the corresponding output was 20 GWh. The degree of utilization of Finnish nuclear power plants in Jan. - Feb. 2001 was high. The output of these plants was 3.8 TWh, being about 1% less than in Jan. - Feb. 2000. The main cause for the

  15. Steam generator operation and maintenance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, C.K.


    Corrosion of steam generator tube has resulted in the need for extensive repair and replacement of steam generators. Over the past two decades, steam generator problems in the United States were viewed to be one of the most significant contributor to lost generation in operating PWR plants. When the SGOG-I (Steam Generator Owners Groups) was formed in early 1977, denting was responsible for almost 90% of the tube plugging. By the end of 1982, this figure was reduced to less than 2%. During the existence of SGOG-II (from 1982 to 1986), IGA/SCC (lntergranular Attack/Stress Corrosion Cracking) in the tube sheet, primary side SCC, pitting, and fretting surfaced as the primary causes of tube degradation. Although significant process has been made with wastage and denting, the utilities experience shows that the percentage of reactors plugging tubes and the percentage of tubes being plugged each year has remained relatively constant. The diversity of the damage mechanisms means that no one solution is likely to resolve all problems. The task of maintaining steam generator integrity continues to be formidable and challenging. As the older problems were brought under control, many new problems emerged. SGOG-II (Steam Generator Owners Group program from 1982 to 1986) has focused on these problem areas such as tube stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and intergranular attack (IGA) in the open tube sheet crevice, primary side tube cracking, pitting in the lower span, and tube fretting in preheated section and anti-vibration bar (AVB) locations. Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC) in the tube to tubesheet roll transition has been a wide spread problem in the Recirculation Steam Generators (RSG) during this period. Although significant progress has been made in resolving this problem, considerable work still remains. One typical problem in the Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG) was the tube support plate broached hole fouling which affects the OTSG steam generating

  16. The PM-Assisted Reluctance Synchronous Starter/Generator (PM-RSM): Generator Experimental Characterization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pitic, Cristian Ilie; Tutelea, Lucian; Boldea, Ion


    and the parameters of the machine have to be known precisely. The present paper introduces a series of the tests for parameters and efficiency determination of a PM-assisted RSM in the generator mode. The testing methods consist of standstill tests (dc decay), generator no load testing with capacitor and on load ac...... and diode-rectifier dc tests. Satisfactory results are obtained but some unresolved questions are also raised....

  17. Tio Ie Soei Dan Nona Tjoe Joe (Pertjinta'an Jang Membawa Tjilaka: Tegangan Antara Konservatif dan Modern

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dwi Susanto


    Full Text Available Nona Tjoe (Pertjinta'an Jang membawa Tjilaka adalah sebuah cerita yang berbeda dari pcngarang ccrita peranakan China pada era 1920. Cerita ini juga memberikan karakteristik yang berbeda dari cerita-cerita Tio le Soci. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan mcnjclaskan keadaan kehidupan sosial masyarakat/komunitas China yang ter-refleksi dalam Nona Tjoe Joe. Dengan memfokuskan pada representasi kehidupan komunitas China, tulisan ini berusaha mcnjawab beberapa pertanyaan "dimanakah kita sekarang dan apa yang terjadi dengan kehidupan kita sekarang dan akan datang" (2 bagaimana masyarakat China merespon pengaruh Barat (3 dengan analogi posisi wanita, seperti apa pilihan identitas peranakan China. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu, artikel ini memfokusukan pada teks sebagai refleksi fakta sosial. Kemudian, refleksi itu dianggap sebagai fakta kemanusian seperti perasaan, identitas, strategi untuk. bertahan hidup masyarakat China Abstract: Nona Tjoe Joe (Pertjinta 'an Jang membawa Tjilaka is a different story compared to other peranakan Chinese stories in 1920 era. This story also gives the characteristic different from the other Tio le Soe.i stories, The study aims to explore and explain the condition of social life of Chinese community as reflected in Nona Tjoe Joe story. Giving the focus on the representation of the Chinese life, this article attempts to give answers of t.hc following questions: (1 how did Chinese community give answer "where is now and what happen with our present time and future", (2 how did Chinese community responds to the West influence, (3 with analogy of women position, what was the choices of identity peranakan Chinese. To answer those questions, this article gives the focus on the text as a reflection of social facts. The reflection is considered as human fact of feeling. identity, strategy to defending life of Chinese community. Keywords: reflection Chinese community, conservatism, modem

  18. Heat and electricity generating methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buter, J.


    A short synopsis on the actual methods of heating of lodgings and of industrial heat generation is given. Electricity can be generated in steam cycles heated by burning of fossil fuels or by nuclear energy. A valuable contribution to the electricity economy is produced in the hydroelectric power plants. Besides these classical methods, also the different procedures of direct electricity generation are treated: thermoelectric, thermionic, magnetohydrodynamic power sources, solar and fuel cells. (orig.) [de

  19. Algorithm for programming function generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bozoki, E.


    The present paper deals with a mathematical problem, encountered when driving a fully programmable μ-processor controlled function generator. An algorithm is presented to approximate a desired function by a set of straight segments in such a way that additional restrictions (hardware imposed) are also satisfied. A computer program which incorporates this algorithm and automatically generates the necessary input for the function generator for a broad class of desired functions is also described

  20. A multi-state model for the reliability assessment of a distributed generation system via universal generating function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yan-Fu; Zio, Enrico


    The current and future developments of electric power systems are pushing the boundaries of reliability assessment to consider distribution networks with renewable generators. Given the stochastic features of these elements, most modeling approaches rely on Monte Carlo simulation. The computational costs associated to the simulation approach force to treating mostly small-sized systems, i.e. with a limited number of lumped components of a given renewable technology (e.g. wind or solar, etc.) whose behavior is described by a binary state, working or failed. In this paper, we propose an analytical multi-state modeling approach for the reliability assessment of distributed generation (DG). The approach allows looking to a number of diverse energy generation technologies distributed on the system. Multiple states are used to describe the randomness in the generation units, due to the stochastic nature of the generation sources and of the mechanical degradation/failure behavior of the generation systems. The universal generating function (UGF) technique is used for the individual component multi-state modeling. A multiplication-type composition operator is introduced to combine the UGFs for the mechanical degradation and renewable generation source states into the UGF of the renewable generator power output. The overall multi-state DG system UGF is then constructed and classical reliability indices (e.g. loss of load expectation (LOLE), expected energy not supplied (EENS)) are computed from the DG system generation and load UGFs. An application of the model is shown on a DG system adapted from the IEEE 34 nodes distribution test feeder.

  1. Open circuit V-I characteristics of a coreless ironless electric generator for low density wind power generation (United States)

    Razali, Akhtar; Rahman, Fadhlur; Azlan, Syaiful; Razali Hanipah, Mohd; Azri Hizami, Mohd


    Cogging is an attraction of magnetism between permanent magnets and soft ironcore lamination in a conventional electric ironcore generator. The presence of cog in the generator is seen somehow restricted the application of the generator in an application where low rotational torque is required. Cog torque requires an additional input power to overcome, hence became one of the power loss sources. With the increasing of power output, the cogging is also proportionally increased. This leads to the increasing of the supplied power of the driver motor to overcome the cog. Therefore, this research is embarked to study fundamentally about the possibility of removing ironcore lamination in an electric generator. This research deals with removal of ironcore lamination in electric generator to eliminate cog torque. A confinement technique is proposed to confine and focus magnetic flux by introducing opposing permanent magnets arrangement. The concept is then fabricated and experimentally validated to qualify its no-load characteristics. The rotational torque and power output are measured and efficiency is then analyzed. Results indicated that the generator produced RMS voltage of 416VAC at rotational speed of 1762 RPM. Torque required to rotate the generator was at 2Nm for various rotational speed. The generator has shown 30% lesser rotational torque compared to the conventional ironcore type generator due to the absent of cogging torque in the system. Lesser rotational torque required to rotate has made this type of generator has a potential to be used for low wind density wind turbine application.

  2. On-site SiH4 generator using hydrogen plasma generated in slit-type narrow gap (United States)

    Takei, Norihisa; Shinoda, Fumiya; Kakiuchi, Hiroaki; Yasutake, Kiyoshi; Ohmi, Hiromasa


    We have been developing an on-site silane (SiH4) generator based on use of the chemical etching reaction between solid silicon (Si) and the high-density H atoms that are generated in high-pressure H2 plasma. In this study, we have developed a slit-type plasma source for high-efficiency SiH4 generation. High-density H2 plasma was generated in a narrow slit-type discharge gap using a 2.45 GHz microwave power supply. The plasma’s optical emission intensity distribution along the slit was measured and the resulting distribution was reflected by both the electric power distribution and the hydrogen gas flow. Because the Si etching rate strongly affects the SiH4 generation rate, the Si etching behavior was investigated with respect to variations in the experimental parameters. The weight etch rate increased monotonically with increasing input microwave power. However, the weight etch rate decreased with increasing H2 pressure and an increasing plasma gap. This reduction in the etch rate appears to be related to shrinkage of the plasma generation area because increased input power is required to maintain a constant plasma area with increasing H2 pressure and the increasing plasma gap. Additionally, the weight etch rate also increases with increasing H2 flow rate. The SiH4 generation rate of the slit-type plasma source was also evaluated using gas-phase Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy and the material utilization efficiencies of both Si and the H2 gas for SiH4 gas formation were discussed. The main etch product was determined to be SiH4 and the developed plasma source achieved a SiH4 generation rate of 10 sccm (standard cubic centimeters per minute) at an input power of 900 W. In addition, the Si utilization efficiency exceeded 60%.

  3. Current status of NPP generation IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yohanes Dwi Anggoro; Dharu Dewi; Nurlaila; Arief Tris Yuliyanto


    Today development of nuclear technology has reached the stage of research and development of Generation IV nuclear power plants (advanced reactor systems) which is an innovative development from the previous generation of nuclear power plants. There are six types of power generation IV reactors, namely: Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR), Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR), Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR), Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), and Super Critical Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR). The purpose of this study is to know the development of Generation IV nuclear power plants that have been done by the thirteen countries that are members of the Gen IV International Forum (GIF). The method used is review study and refers to various studies related to the current status of research and development of generation IV nuclear power. The result of this study showed that the systems and technology on Generation IV nuclear power plants offer significant advances in sustainability, safety and reliability, economics, and proliferation resistance and physical protection. In addition, based on the research and development experience is estimated that: SFR can be used optimally in 2015, VHTR in 2020, while NPP types GFR, LFR, MSR, and SCWR in 2025. Utilization of NPP generation IV said to be optimal if fulfill the goal of NPP generation IV, such as: capable to generate energy sustainability and promote long-term availability of nuclear fuel, minimize nuclear waste and reduce the long term stewardship burden, has an advantage in the field of safety and reliability compared to the previous generation of NPP and VHTR technology have a good prospects in Indonesia. (author)

  4. Power generation and the environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robert, L.E.J.; Liss, P.S.; Saunders, P.A.H.


    This book reviews environmental aspects of large-scale power generation. It includes historic background of present-generation patterns and a discussion of fossil fuel, nuclear energy, and renewable technologies

  5. Four-channel delay generator model 5740

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baumatz, D.; Milner, M.


    The 4-channel delay generator model 5740 generates 4-pulse groups in independent channels. The device offers the possibility of controlling both the time intervals between the pulses of a group and the rate of generation of groups

  6. A Generational Approach to Understanding Students (United States)

    Coomes, Michael D.; DeBard, Robert


    This chapter establishes the conceptual framework for understanding the Millennial generation by presenting a theoretical model of generational succession that demonstrates the value of studying how the values of one generation interact with and are influenced by others.

  7. Development of 50 MVA superconducting generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Kiyotaka; Maki, Naoki; Takahashi, Noriyoshi; Ogata, Hisanao; Sanematsu, Toshihiro.


    Superconducting synchronous generators are expected to be the large capacity turbogenerators of next generation, but they have the structural features considerably different from conventional generators, such as low temperature multiple cylinder rotors and air gap armature winding. For the purpose of grasping the performance of superconducting generators and establishing the fundamental technology for their practical use, Hitachi Ltd. manufactured a 50 MVA superconducting generator. As the results of test, the precooling operation was smoothly finished for about 40 hours, and the superconducting rotor rotated stably at 3000 rpm. The steady and transient electrical characteristics were able to be grasped. It is intended to reflect these results to the development of a practical generator of 500 MVA class expected as the next step. When the superconducting exciting winding cooled by liquid helium is used, the reduction of weight, the improvement of efficiency and the improvement of the stability of power system can be expected. The structural features and the function of superconducting generators, the present state of the development in the world, the outline of the 50 MVA generator, the test results and the problems and the prospect hereafter are reported. The superconducting winding was made of NbTiZr alloy multicore wires. (Kako, I.)

  8. Automotive dual-mode hydrogen generation system (United States)

    Kelly, D. A.

    The automotive dual mode hydrogen generation system is advocated as a supplementary hydrogen fuel means along with the current metallic hydride hydrogen storage method for vehicles. This system consists of utilizing conventional electrolysis cells with the low voltage dc electrical power supplied by two electrical generating sources within the vehicle. Since the automobile engine exhaust manifold(s) are presently an untapped useful source of thermal energy, they can be employed as the heat source for a simple heat engine/generator arrangement. The second, and minor electrical generating means consists of multiple, miniature air disk generators which are mounted directly under the vehicle's hood and at other convenient locations within the engine compartment. The air disk generators are revolved at a speed which is proportionate to the vehicles forward speed and do not impose a drag on the vehicles motion.

  9. Electricity generation cost

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bald, M.


    Also questions of efficiency play a part in the energy discussion. In this context, the economic evaluation of different energy supply variants is of importance. Especially with regard to the generation of electric power there have been discussions again and again during the last years on the advantage of the one or the other kind of electric power generation. In the meantime, a large number of scientific studies has been published on this topic which mainly deal with comparisons of the costs of electric power generated by hard coal or nuclear energy, i.e. of those energy forms which still have the possibilities of expansion. The following part shows a way for the evaluation of efficiency comparisons which starts from simplified assumptions and which works with arithmetical aids, which don't leave the area of the fundamental operations. The general comprehensibility is paid for with cuts on ultimate analytical and arithmetical precision. It will, however, turn out that the results achieved by this method don't differ very much from those which have been won by scientific targets. (orig./UA) [de

  10. 46 CFR 111.12-9 - Generator cables. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Generator cables. 111.12-9 Section 111.12-9 Shipping... REQUIREMENTS Generator Construction and Circuits § 111.12-9 Generator cables. (a) The current-carrying capacity of generator cables must not be: (1) Less than 115 percent of the continuous generator rating; or (2...

  11. Rotary Stirling-Cycle Engine And Generator (United States)

    Chandler, Joseph A.


    Proposed electric-power generator comprises three motor generators coordinated by microprocessor and driven by rotary Stirling-cycle heat engine. Combination offers thermodynamic efficiency of Stirling cycle, relatively low vibration, and automatic adjustment of operating parameters to suit changing load on generator. Rotary Stirling cycle engine converts heat to power via compression and expansion of working gas between three pairs of rotary pistons on three concentric shafts in phased motion. Three motor/generators each connected to one of concentric shafts, can alternately move and be moved by pistons. Microprocessor coordinates their operation, including switching between motor and generator modes at appropriate times during each cycle.

  12. Modeling Generational Transitions from Aggregate Data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ph.H.B.F. Franses (Philip Hans); S. Stremersch (Stefan)


    textabstractUsing only aggregate sales data, the model we propose decomposes the diffusion processes of the respective technological generations and tests if different technological generations have different diffusion parameters. It also estimates the location of the generational transition from

  13. Z a Fast Pulsed Power Generator for Ultra-High Magnetic Field Generation (United States)

    Spielman, R. B.; Stygar, W. A.; Struve, K. W.; Asay, J. R.; Hall, C. A.; Bernard, M. A.; Bailey, J. E.; McDaniel, D. H.


    Advances in fast, pulsed-power technologies have resulted in the development of very high current drivers that have current rise times ~100 ns. The largest such pulsed power driver today is the new Z accelerator located at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Z can deliver more than 20 MA with a time-to-peak of 105 ns to low inductance (~1 nH) loads. Such large drivers are capable of directly generating magnetic fields approaching 3 kT in small, 1 cm3 volumes. In addition to direct field generation, Z can be used to compress an applied, axial seed field with a plasma. Flux compression schemes are not new and are, in fact, the basis of all explosive flux-compression generators, but we propose the use of plasma armatures rather than solid, conducting armatures. We present experimental results from the Z accelerator in which magnetic fields of ~2 kT are generated and measured with several diagnostics. Issues such as energy loss in solid conductors and dynamic response of current-carrying conductors to very large magnetic fields are reviewed in context with Z experiments. We describe planned flux-compression experiments that are expected to create the highest-magnitude uniform-field volumes yet attained in the laboratory.

  14. Energy generation

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Osburn, L


    Full Text Available Current perceptions conjure images of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines when green building or sustainable development is discussed. How energy is used and how it is generated are core components of both green building and sustainable...

  15. Ion beam generation and focusing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, P.A.; Mendel, C.W.; Swain, D.W.; Goldstein, S.A.


    Calculations have shown that efficiently generated and focused ion beams could have significant advantages over electron beams in achieving ignition of inertially-confined thermonuclear fuel. Efficient ion beam generation implies use of a good ion source and suppression of net electron current. Net electron flow can be reduced by allowing electrons to reflex through a highly transparent anode or by use of transverse magnetic fields (either beam self-fields or externally applied fields). Geometric focusing can be achieved if the beam is generated by appropriately shaped electrodes. Experimental results are presented which demonstrate ion beam generation in both reflexing and pinched-flow diodes. Spherically shaped electrodes are used to concentrate a proton beam, and target response to proton deposition is studied

  16. Dual-loop self-optimizing robust control of wind power generation with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator. (United States)

    Chen, Quan; Li, Yaoyu; Seem, John E


    This paper presents a self-optimizing robust control scheme that can maximize the power generation for a variable speed wind turbine with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) operated in Region 2. A dual-loop control structure is proposed to synergize the conversion from aerodynamic power to rotor power and the conversion from rotor power to the electrical power. The outer loop is an Extremum Seeking Control (ESC) based generator torque regulation via the electric power feedback. The ESC can search for the optimal generator torque constant to maximize the rotor power without wind measurement or accurate knowledge of power map. The inner loop is a vector-control based scheme that can both regulate the generator torque requested by the ESC and also maximize the conversion from the rotor power to grid power. An ℋ(∞) controller is synthesized for maximizing, with performance specifications defined based upon the spectrum of the rotor power obtained by the ESC. Also, the controller is designed to be robust against the variations of some generator parameters. The proposed control strategy is validated via simulation study based on the synergy of several software packages including the TurbSim and FAST developed by NREL, Simulink and SimPowerSystems. Copyright © 2015 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. The Potential of Modern Russian Generations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valentina Grigor’evna Dobrokhleb


    Full Text Available The paper considers the necessity of socio-demographic approach to assessing the potential of modern generations. The demographic potential of generations is determined by their number, their share in total population, and their life expectancy. Their economic potential is determined by the proportion of representatives of different generations in total employment. Their social potential is determined by the system of values of generations. The rapid growth of differences in these characteristics leads to the break up of intergenerational relations and is connected with the aggravation of social contradictions. The potential of modern generations can be considered in different aspects: number of generations, life expectancy at birth, the share of representatives of different generations that share or do not share the basic social values of the society, including values related to reproductive and other types of demographic behavior. In order to identify existing differences between generations in the framework of the socio-demographic approach, the paper analyzes the dynamics of the number of young people in 1926, 1936, 2014 in the Russian Federation; the authors also carry out a comparative analysis of the secondary and authors’ sociological data of values-related and reproductive attitudes of conditionally parental and child generations. Russian researchers studied the life potential of the population and proved that in 1990–2010, the life potential of Russia’s population decreased. Reduction in the life potential in the population in general is associated with a decrease in this indicator for the younger generation (children’s ages due to the reduction in the number and proportion of this generation in the population structure. The reduction in the life potential has not stopped because the number of the younger generation continues to decrease. However, life expectancy in this period increased. Nevertheless, in general, mortality in

  18. Event generators in particle physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sjostrand, Torbjorn


    This presentation gives an introduction to the topic of event generators in particle physics . The emphasis is on the physics aspects that have to be considered in the construction of a generator, and what lessons we have learned from comparisons with data. A brief survey of existing generators is also included. As illustration, a few topics of current interest are covered in a bit more detail: QCD uncertainties in W mass determinations and γp/γγ physics. (author)

  19. Neutron generator control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peelman, H.E.; Bridges, J.R.


    A method is described of controlling the neutron output of a neutron generator tube used in neutron well logging. The system operates by monitoring the target beam current and comparing a function of this current with a reference voltage level to develop a control signal used in a series regulator to control the replenisher current of the neutron generator tube. (U.K.)

  20. Generation IV national program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preville, M.; Sadhankar, R.; Brady, D.


    This paper outlines the Generation IV National Program. This program involves evolutionary and innovative design with significantly higher efficiencies (∼50% compared to present ∼30%) - sustainable, economical, safe, reliable and proliferation resistant - for future energy security. The Generation IV Forum (GIF) effectively leverages the resources of the participants to meet these goals. Ten countries signed the GIF Charter in 2001


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darmawan Darmawan


    elektroosmosis yang dapat menurunkan kadar air sludge paling efisien dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh elektroosmosis terhadap karakteristik kimia sludge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 pengeringan sludge terjadi pada jenis sludge IPAL TPA namun tidak pada jenis lumpur PDAM; (2 tegangan listrik searah sekitar 30 volt merupakan tegangan optimum; (3 katoda batang tembaga menghasilkan proses elektroosmosis yang sebanding katoda batang stainless steel dan lebih baik dibanding katoda stainless steel anyam; (4 waktu pengeringan dari kadar air awal 1200% (b/b hingga kadar air akhir sekitar 400% untuk volume sludge 2500 cm3 (skala laboratorium sekitar 40 jam; (5 anoda perlu dipindahkan secara bertahap mendekati katoda karena arus terputus pada saat sludge di titik anoda mencapai kadar air sekitar 400% dan mengalami pengerutan; dan (6 kadar beberapa unsur kimia dalam sludge menurun secara signifikan setelah perlakuan.

  2. Vapor generation methods for explosives detection research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grate, Jay W.; Ewing, Robert G.; Atkinson, David A.


    The generation of calibrated vapor samples of explosives compounds remains a challenge due to the low vapor pressures of the explosives, adsorption of explosives on container and tubing walls, and the requirement to manage (typically) multiple temperature zones as the vapor is generated, diluted, and delivered. Methods that have been described to generate vapors can be classified as continuous or pulsed flow vapor generators. Vapor sources for continuous flow generators are typically explosives compounds supported on a solid support, or compounds contained in a permeation or diffusion device. Sources are held at elevated isothermal temperatures. Similar sources can be used for pulsed vapor generators; however, pulsed systems may also use injection of solutions onto heated surfaces with generation of both solvent and explosives vapors, transient peaks from a gas chromatograph, or vapors generated by s programmed thermal desorption. This article reviews vapor generator approaches with emphasis on the method of generating the vapors and on practical aspects of vapor dilution and handling. In addition, a gas chromatographic system with two ovens that is configurable with up to four heating ropes is proposed that could serve as a single integrated platform for explosives vapor generation and device testing. Issues related to standards, calibration, and safety are also discussed.

  3. Natural gas for utility generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moore, T.


    Forecasters predict that natural gas will be the dominant fuel choice for utility capacity additions in the coming decade and that power generation will be by far the largest growth market for gas sales. While gas's low emissions, high efficiency potential, and present low cost argue persuasively for a surge in gas-fired generation, many utilities have been slow to commit to a gas future, citing reasoned concern about long-term price trends and the ability of gas suppliers to deliver the fuel where and when it will be needed. Meanwhile, the relatively low cost of gas-fired units is providing an opportunity for independent power producers to compete strongly with utilities for generation contracts. EPRI studies suggest that a sound, competitive strategy will be based not on how much gas a utility burns, but rather on how this capacity fits into its overall generating mix at various fuel price levels. Gas suppliers will need to pay special attention to the operating needs of power generators if they are to solidify this important market

  4. Storage, generation, and use of hydrogen (United States)

    McClaine, Andrew W.; Rolfe, Jonathan L.; Larsen, Christopher A.; Konduri, Ravi K.


    A composition comprising a carrier liquid; a dispersant; and a chemical hydride. The composition can be used in a hydrogen generator to generate hydrogen for use, e.g., as a fuel. A regenerator recovers elemental metal from byproducts of the hydrogen generation process.

  5. Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace. (United States)

    Clark, Kevin R


    Today's workplace often includes workers from 4 distinct generations, and each generation brings a unique set of core values and characteristics to an organization. These generational differences can produce benefits, such as improved patient care, as well as challenges, such as conflict among employees. This article reviews current research on generational differences in educational settings and the workplace and discusses the implications of these findings for medical imaging and radiation therapy departments. ©2017 American Society of Radiologic Technologists.

  6. Seismic wave generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devaure, Bernard.


    This invention concerns a device for simulating earth tremors. This device includes a seismic wave generator formed of a cylinder, one end of which is closed by one of the walls of a cell containing a soil, the other end being closed by a wall on which are fixed pyrotechnic devices generating shock waves inside the cylinder. These waves are transmitted from the cylinder to the cell through openings made in the cell wall. This device also includes a mechanical device acting as low-pass filter, located inside the cylinder and close to the cell wall [fr

  7. Twenty-channel high-voltage pulse generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anan'in, P.S.; Kashirin, A.P.


    A 20-channel high-voltage pulse generator operating with a mismatched load is described. The generator contains shaping lines 20 m long made of coaxial cable, a trigatron-type discharged, and isolating plates. The channel characteristic impedance is 50 Ohm. The maximum pulse amplitude is up to 15 kV on a high-resistance load and 7.5 kV on a matched one. The pulse duration is 100 ns at a pulse rise time of 12 ns, the delay introduced by the generator is 200 +-2.5 ns. Provision is made in the control circuit for compensation of the shaped pulse and separation of a pulse reflected from the load. The reflected pulse shape and amplitude characterize load parameters. Generator tests proved its high operational reliability (after 10 5 operations no significant changes in generator performances have been observed). The generator is intended for filmless data output from spark chambers

  8. Dispersed solar thermal generation employing parabolic dish-electric transport with field modulated generator systems (United States)

    Ramakumar, R.; Bahrami, K.


    This paper discusses the application of field modulated generator systems (FMGS) to dispersed solar-thermal-electric generation from a parabolic dish field with electric transport. Each solar generation unit is rated at 15 kWe and the power generated by an array of such units is electrically collected for insertion into an existing utility grid. Such an approach appears to be most suitable when the heat engine rotational speeds are high (greater than 6000 r/min) and, in particular, if they are operated in the variable speed mode and if utility-grade a.c. is required for direct insertion into the grid without an intermediate electric energy storage and reconversion system. Predictions of overall efficiencies based on conservative efficiency figures for the FMGS are in the range of 25 per cent and should be encouraging to those involved in the development of cost-effective dispersed solar thermal power systems.

  9. Options for Steam Generator Decommissioning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krause, Gregor; Amcoff, Bjoern; Robinson, Joe


    Selecting the best option for decommissioning steam generators is a key consideration in preparing for decommissioning PWR nuclear power plants. Steam Generators represent a discrete waste stream of large, complex items that can lend themselves to a variety of options for handling, treatment, recycling and disposal. Studsvik has significant experience in processing full size Steam Generators at its metal recycling facility in Sweden, and this paper will introduce the Studsvik steam generator treatment concept and the results achieved to date across a number of projects. The paper will outline the important parameters needed at an early stage to assess options and to help consider the balance between off-site and on-site treatment solutions, and the role of prior decontamination techniques. The paper also outlines the use of feasibility studies and demonstration projects that have been used to help customers prepare for decommissioning. The paper discusses physical, radiological and operational history data, Pro and Contra factors for on- and off-site treatment, the role of chemical decontamination prior to treatment, planning for off-site shipments as well as Studsvik experience This paper has an original focus upon the coming challenges of steam generator decommissioning and potential external treatment capacity constraints in the medium term. It also focuses on the potential during operations or initial shut-down to develop robust plans for steam generator management. (authors)

  10. Smart campus: Data on energy generation costs from distributed generation systems of electrical energy in a Nigerian University

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joshua O. Okeniyi


    Full Text Available This data article presents comparisons of energy generation costs from gas-fired turbine and diesel-powered systems of distributed generation type of electrical energy in Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, a smart university campus driven by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT. Cumulative monthly data of the energy generation costs, for consumption in the institution, from the two modes electric power, which was produced at locations closed to the community consuming the energy, were recorded for the period spanning January to December 2017. By these, energy generation costs from the turbine system proceed from the gas-firing whereas the generation cost data from the diesel-powered generator also include data on maintenance cost for this mode of electrical power generation. These energy generation cost data that were presented in tables and graphs employ descriptive probability distribution and goodness-of-fit tests of statistical significance as the methods for the data detailing and comparisons. Information details from this data of energy generation costs are useful for furthering research developments and aiding energy stakeholders and decision-makers in the formulation of policies on energy generation modes, economic valuation in terms of costing and management for attaining energy-efficient/smart educational environment. Keywords: Smart campus, Energy consumption, Energy efficiency, Load forecasting, Energy management, Learning analytics, Nigerian university, Education data mining

  11. Projected costs of generating electricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Previous editions of Projected Costs of Generating Electricity have served as the reference in this field for energy policy makers, electricity system analysts and energy economists. The study is particularly timely in the light of current discussions of energy policy in many countries. The joint IEA/NEA study provides generation cost estimates for over a hundred power plants that use a variety of fuels and technologies. These include coal-fired, gas-fired, nuclear, hydro, solar and wind plants. Cost estimates are also given for combined heat and power plants that use coal, gas and combustible renewables. Data and information for this study were provided by experts from 19 OECD member countries and 3 non-member countries. The power plants examined in the study use technologies available today and considered by participating countries as candidates for commissioning by 2010-2015 or earlier. Investors and other decision makers will also need to take the full range of other factors into account (such as security of supply, risks and carbon emissions) when selecting an electricity generation technology. The study shows that the competitiveness of alternative generation sources and technologies ultimately depends on many parameters: there is no clear-cut ''winner''. Major issues related to generation costs addressed in the report include: descriptions of state-of-the-art generation technologies; the methodologies for incorporating risk in cost assessments; the impact of carbon emission trading; and how to integrate wind power into the electricity grid. An appendix to the report provides country statements on generation technologies and costs. Previous studies in the series were published in 1983, 1986, 1990, 1993 and 1998. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Levin


    Full Text Available The article presents a starter-generator system for an auxiliary power unit of an aircraft. A feature of the presented system is the use of a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets and a semiconductor converter. The main problem of the system is the generation of electric energy of an aircraft on the basis of a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets is the absence of the possibility of regulating the voltage and frequency of electrical energy, in this connection, a semiconductor converter that ensures the conversion of generated electric energy with significant mass-dimensions characteristics.The article proposes an approach to designing a starter-generator system with a parallel connection of a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets and a semiconductor converter. This approach makes it possible to significantly reduce the part of the electrical energy that needs to be converted, as a consequence, the semiconductor converter has significantly smaller mass-and-batch characteristics.In the article the modes of generation of electric energy and the starter mode of operation of the starter-generator system are considered in detail, the circuit realization of the semiconductor converter is shown. A scheme for replacing one phase of the system for generating electric energy and calculating electric parameters is presented.The possibility of creating a highly efficient starter-generator system based on a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets and a semiconductor converter for an auxiliary power plant of aircrafts is shown. Structural and basic schemes for constructing a system for generating electrical energy are proposed. The approach to the choice of rational circuit solutions is substantiated, basic estimates of the electrical parameters of the system are obtained. The possibility of achieving a specific mass of a semiconductor converter for synchronous

  13. Intra-cavity vortex beam generation

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Naidoo, Darryl


    Full Text Available at exploring the methods of generating optical vortex beams. We will discuss a typical extra-cavity approach that harnesses digital holography through the use of a SLM. We consider vortex beam generation as the fundamental mode of a monolithic microchip laser...-cavity phase diffractive elements can result in the desired mode as the fundamental mode of the cavity with pure modal quality. This approach, although very attractive is insufficient for the generation of these modes in monolithic microchip lasers. A...

  14. Power generation, operation and control

    CERN Document Server

    Wood, Allen J; Sheblé, Gerald B


    Since publication of the second edition, there have been extensive changes in the algorithms, methods, and assumptions in energy management systems that analyze and control power generation. This edition is updated to acquaint electrical engineering students and professionals with current power generation systems. Algorithms and methods for solving integrated economic, network, and generating system analysis are provided. Also included are the state-of-the-art topics undergoing evolutionary change, including market simulation, multiple market analysis, multiple interchange contract analysis, c

  15. Navy Advertising: Targeting Generation Z (United States)


    NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA MBA PROFESSIONAL REPORT NAVY ADVERTISING : TARGETING GENERATION Z recommends improvements for Navy advertising efficiency by examining characteristics of recruits defined as Generation Z. Data gathered from five

  16. A linear current injection generator for the generation of electrons in a nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kar, Moutushi; Thakur, Satish Kumar; Agiwal, Mamta; Sholapurwala, Zarir H.


    While, operating a nuclear reactor it is absolutely necessary for generating a chain reaction or fission. A chain reaction can be initiated by bombardment of a heavy nucleus with fast moving particles. One of the common methods used for generating a fast moving particle is injecting a very high voltage into a particle accelerator and accelerating high energy particle beams using machine like cyclotron, synchrotron, linear accelerators i.e. linac and similar equipment. These equipment generated and run by several high voltage applications like simple high voltage DC systems and supplies or pulsed electron systems. (author)

  17. Alternatives to the grid : distributed generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kline, R.H. [Mercury Electric Corp., Calgary, AB (Canada)


    This presentation highlighted the merits of distributed generation. The author began by discussing energy drivers, touching on issues such as reliability, power quality, and the confusion resulting from the energy market, and energy costs. It was pointed out that the deregulation of the electricity market in Alberta was implemented on January 1, 1996 which has resulted in steady price increases ever since. A review of the options available to the customer begin by understanding baseload and peaking. The options then available are buying from the utility, buying through a reputable marketer, buying direct from a large scale independent power producer, on-site generation, and finally, distributed generation. The emphasis was placed on distributed generation defined as small scale on-site power generation and offers advantages such as the reduction/elimination of peak strain on grid, and offset/defer utility capital costs, therefore reducing total energy costs. Regulatory changes are making it easier than ever before to make the transition to distributed generation. The author briefly reviewed the advantages of microturbines then presented the Honeywell Parallon 75 TurboGenerator{sup TM}, reviewing its characteristics, operating modes and commercial applications. Examples were provided of successful microturbines installations throughout the country. figs.

  18. Comparison of a quantum random number generator with pseudorandom number generators for their use in molecular Monte Carlo simulations. (United States)

    Ghersi, Dario; Parakh, Abhishek; Mezei, Mihaly


    Four pseudorandom number generators were compared with a physical, quantum-based random number generator using the NIST suite of statistical tests, which only the quantum-based random number generator could successfully pass. We then measured the effect of the five random number generators on various calculated properties in different Markov-chain Monte Carlo simulations. Two types of systems were tested: conformational sampling of a small molecule in aqueous solution and liquid methanol under constant temperature and pressure. The results show that poor quality pseudorandom number generators produce results that deviate significantly from those obtained with the quantum-based random number generator, particularly in the case of the small molecule in aqueous solution setup. In contrast, the widely used Mersenne Twister pseudorandom generator and a 64-bit Linear Congruential Generator with a scrambler produce results that are statistically indistinguishable from those obtained with the quantum-based random number generator. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayden, R.L.J.


    Steam generators for nuclear reactors are designed so that deposition of solids on the surface of the inlet side of the tubesheet or the inlet header with the consequent danger of corrosion and eventual tube failure is obviated or substantially reduced. (U.K.)

  20. Trends in Wind Turbine Generator Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Polinder, Henk; Ferreira, Jan Abraham; Jensen, Bogi Bech


    This paper reviews the trends in wind turbine generator systems. After discussing some important requirements and basic relations, it describes the currently used systems: the constant speed system with squirrel-cage induction generator, and the three variable speed systems with doubly fed...... induction generator (DFIG), with gearbox and fully rated converter, and direct drive (DD). Then, possible future generator systems are reviewed. Hydraulic transmissions are significantly lighter than gearboxes and enable continuously variable transmission, but their efficiency is lower. A brushless DFIG...