
Sample records for protecao individual utilizados

  1. Guidelines for the development and environmental protection of the outcrop area in the Guarani aquifer system in Sao Paulo State, Brazil; Diretrizes para o desenvolvimento e protecao ambiental da area de afloramento do Sistema Aquifero Guarani no estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alburquerque Filho, J. L.; Carvalho, A. M. de; Ikematsu, P.; Costa Barbosa, M.; Iritani, M.; Nogueira Pressinoti, M. M.; Rocha, G.; Pereira Militao da Silva, M.; Theodorovicz, A.


    The Guarani aquifer system (GAS) is an important public water source. The unconfined areas are those where the aquifer is more vulnerable to contamination, justifying the creation of a Protection and Recovery Source Area (Area de Protecao e Recuperacao de Manancial - APRM), as established in Act 9.866/97 of Sao Paulo State. We present here the results of the project Environmental Diagnosis in Support of the Plan for the Development and Environmental Protection Plan of the Outcrop Area of the Guarani Aquifer System in Sao Paulo State (Plano de Desenvolvimento e Protecao Ambiental da Area de Afloramento do Sistema Aquifero Guarani no Estado de Sao Paulo PDPA-SAG) and describe the areas of intervention defined by this law. The characterization of the area studied focuses on the physical and socio-economic aspects of the region, in addition to the pertinent legislation. Partial results indicate that the condition of the aquifer is satisfactory, but territorial discipline continues to be of prime importance. (Author)

  2. The protection system to Brazilian Nuclear Program; O sistema de protecao ao Programa Nuclear Brasileiro

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    Andreuzza, Mario Giussepp Santezzi Bertottelli [Secretaria de Assuntos Estrategicos (SAE), Brasilia, DF (Brazil)


    The Sistema de Protecao ao Programa Nuclear Brasileiro-SIPRON (Protection System to Brazilian Nuclear Program) was established in 1980. It is intended to accomplish in only one system, all the actions related to security and protection for Nuclear Facilities in Brazil. The author presents in detail the protection system SIPRON, describing the system structure and organization, the functions and obligations of the system involved main organizations, as well as, the system operation and behaviour during an postulated occurrence of a nuclear emergency. It is also described an Exercise that happened in June of 1997 at the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Angra I, after two simulated tests in December of 1996 and April of 1997. The NPP Angra I Emergency Plan Exercise was a good opportunity to test the SIPRON structure and preparedness program. It was verified, included by International Atomic Energy Agency observers, the system involved organizations effectiveness and the procedures efficacy to protect the public and the environmental. Finally, it is shown the SIPRON activities of routine, the system obstacles and the expected future performances. (author) 3 refs., 3 figs.

  3. Evaluation of personal protective devices used in diagnostic radiology; Avaliacao de dispositivos de protecao individual utilizados em radiologia diagnostica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soares, Fernanda Cristina Salvador


    In this work protective devices of five manufacturers were evaluated according to the NBR/IEC 61331-1 and NBR/IEC 61331-3 standards. Three different methodologies (linear interpolation, Archer model and sum of exponentials) were applied for the determination of the attenuation equivalent, since the standard does not indicate how it must be determined. Moreover, the uncertainties associated to each method, and the influence of the number of measurements in the combined uncertainty were estimated. The evaluated manufacture characteristics were: accompanying document, design, materials, dimensions and label marking. For this evaluation a check list about the requirements of the NBR/IEC 61331-3 standard was elaborated. The results showed a great difference between nominal and measured attenuation equivalent values. The comparison of the results using the three methodologies showed small variations among the obtained values and among the associated uncertainties in the different methodologies. It was possible to observe that the number of measurements does not contribute significantly for the increase of the uncertainty in all three methodologies. The best methodology for the laboratory routine is the linear interpolation methodology, with five measurements for each air kerma rate value. The discrepancy between the results obtained in this work and the requirements of the applied standards show the need to adopt a compulsory certification process for protective devices, thus contributing for the increase of the radiation protection of the users. (author)

  4. Quais os suplementos alimentares mais utilizados?

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    Alex Bisotto Ferreira


    Full Text Available O consumo de suplementos alimentares tem sido muito utilizado e difundido por praticantes de atividade física, em especial a musculação por pessoas com objetivos de melhora em desempenho, redução de gordura corporal, aumento de massa muscular entre outros. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo revisar sobre quais os suplementos alimentares são utilizados na atualidade, e destacar o mais utilizado. A fonte dos dados é uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada em média dos últimos 15 anos, foram examinados 232 estudos, sendo selecionados 48. Os suplementos alimentares discutidos nesse artigo foram: Carboidratos, vitaminas e minerais, l-carnitina, creatina, proteínas e aminoácidos. O principal motivo para a utilização de suplementos foi o aumento de massa muscular, predominantemente indicado por professores, instrutores e treinadores, apesar da grande variedade, os suplementos mais utilizados são as proteínas e aminoácidos, e, na maioria dos casos com o intuito de aumentar a massa muscular e melhorar sua recuperação.

  5. Porta-enxertos utilizados na citricultura

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    Schäfer Gilmar


    Full Text Available A muda cítrica é o insumo mais importante na formação de um pomar. As características mais importantes da muda cítrica são a origem do enxerto e do porta-enxerto, a qualidade do sistema radicular e a sua sanidade. Os porta-enxertos são capazes de influenciar várias características horticulturais e sanitárias nas árvores e nos frutos cítricos, como: sólidos solúveis totais, tamanho da copa e do fruto, resistência a moléstias e ao frio, distribuição da raízes, etc. O principal porta-enxerto utilizado no Brasil (cerca de 80% é o limoeiro ?Cravo? (Citrus limonia Osbeck cv. Cravo. No Rio Grande do Sul, mais especificamente, destaca-se o Poncirus trifoliata (L. Raf em mais de 90% dos pomares. Isso torna a citricultura vulnerável ao surgimento de moléstias que afetem estes porta-enxertos, como ocorreu na década de 40 em todo o Brasil com a 'Tristeza' dos citros em plantas enxertadas sobre laranjeira azeda, e, mais recentemente, com o 'declínio'. Assim, o conhecimento das características dos diversos porta-enxertos e de algumas particularidades do uso destes é de grande importância para a diversificação e escolha do porta-enxerto a ser utilizado pelo citricultor.

  6. Reflexões sobre os juramentos utilizados nas faculdades médicas do Brasil

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    Almir Galvão Vieira Bitencourt

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os juramentos médicos (JM utilizados nas faculdades de Medicina do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, incluindo as escolas médicas brasileiras com turmas formadas até 2004. Foi enviado um questionário aos responsáveis por cada faculdade, em três diferentes tentativas de contato, por correio convencional, telefone, fax e correio eletrônico. RESULTADOS: De um total de 96 faculdades, 48 (51,1% responderam ao questionário, sendo 25 destas (52,1% públicas. Todas as escolas utilizavam algum tipo de juramento durante o curso. Quanto ao texto utilizado: 44 faculdades (91,7% utilizavam o Juramento de Hipócrates (JH, trechos ou modificações deste. Trinta e oito respostas (79,2% continham o juramento na íntegra, que foram analisados quanto ao conteúdo. Os temas mais citados foram os princípios da beneficência e não-maleficência (94,7% e o segredo médico (97,4%. Somente um juramento citava autonomia dos pacientes, e nenhum o princípio da justiça. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de JM é amplamente difundida nas escolas médicas brasileiras, mas, ao contrário do que é visto em outros países, os textos utilizados ainda são baseados, em sua grande maioria, no JH e não abordam temas atuais importantes para a ética médica e bioética.

  7. Adaptación cultural de instrumentos utilizados en salud ocupacional

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    Alexandre Neusa Maria Costa


    Full Text Available Se han creado numerosos instrumentos estandarizados para evaluar el estado de salud y la eficacia de los tratamientos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de ellos han sido desarrollados y validados en la lengua inglesa. En la literatura se recomienda la utilización de escalas y cuestionarios estandarizados cuyos resultados puedan ser comparados internacionalmente. Las diferencias culturales no permiten hacer una simple traducción de estos instrumentos. En este artículo se resumen normas sistematizadas para la adaptación cultural de instrumentos utilizados en salud ocupacional, derivadas de investigaciones especializadas.

  8. O Talco deve ser utilizado para Pleurodese

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    Steven A. Sahn


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A pleurodese està recomendada nos den·ames pleurais malignos quando o tumor não é sensível à quimioterapia. Aprcsenta taxas de sucesso vari:lveis em parte justificadas pelos diferentes agentes e doses utilizadas, a selecção de doentes eo tipo de técnica aplicada. O talco parece ser o agente mais efi caz de pleurodese.Steven Sahn defende que o talco deve ser utilizado para pleurodese, apoiando a sua opini ao em diferentes factores:Mecanisme da pleurodese para talcagcm - o talco após contacto com as células mesoteliais promove um influxo de neutrófil os IL8 mediadus e posterior acumulação de macrófagos, diminuiçãa actividade fibrinolftica e aumento do factor de crescimento dos fi broblastos. Quando o tumor reveste uma grande area de mesotclio, a pleurodese não é tao eficaz.Eficácia - uma revisão da li teratura inglesa de I966 a 1994 constatou que u talco foi o agente mais eficaz de pleurodese, cum uma taxa de sucesso de 93%, comparada cum a da tetraciclina de 67 %, doxicicli na de 72% e bleomicina de 54%. Outras séries reve1aram uma taxa de sucesso do talco sempre superior a 91 %.Custo - o talco é pouco dispendioso e se apl icado em suspensao (“slutTy” por tubo de toracostomia ainda reduz mais os custos inerentes a uma toracoscopia 4uando se utiliza o talco em pó, aprescntando cstas duas tecnicas, taxas ue eticacia scmelhantes. Reacçãoes Adversas Minor e Major Agudas- a toracalgia e a febre são OS efcitos adversos mains frequcntes, frequcntes de todos os agentes de pleurudese. A toracalgia surge em 7% dos doentcs submetiuos a plcurodesc com talco, em 28% com a bleomicina c 40% com a dox iciclina. A tetraciclina provoca geralmente wracalgia grave. A febre surge entre I6 a 69% após talcagem não ultrapassando as 72 horas.As reacçãoes adversas graves sao raras e incluern o cmpiema. arritmia cardfaca e insufcicncia rcspiratória. Se o talco

  9. Personal radiation monitoring with thermoluminescent dosemeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miano, S.C.


    The technique of personal dosimetry used by SAPRA (Servico de Assessoria e Protecao Radiologica S/C Ltda., Brazil) is presented. Thermoluminescent monitors and CaSO 4 : Dy are used in pastilles united by teflon. Characteristics of the dosemeters are briefly reported. The system of thermoluminescent measurement, designed and constructed by SAPRA, and the system of personal monitoring are described. (M.A.C.) [pt

  10. Medios de recuperación utilizados por entrenadores en los IV Juegos Intercolegiados Centroamericanos y del Caribe

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    Hilario Moreno Bolívar


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos identificar los medios de recuperación y ayudas ergonutricionales empleados por parte de los entrenadores participes en los IV Juegos Intercolegiados Centroamericanos y del Caribe, así como la causa o razón por la que son utilizados. Métodos. A través de una encuesta validada, se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo y corte transversal donde fueron encuestados 41 entrenadores (36 de sexo masculino y 6 de femenino de 13 modalidades deportivas y de 8 países entre los días 10 y 15 de noviembre de 2013, en la ciudad de Armenia, Colombia. Resultados. El 87 % de los entrenadores encuestados utiliza algún medio de recuperación con sus deportistas después de un entrenamiento o competición deportiva, siendo el estiramiento (91 % y el masaje (66,6 % los más utilizados; estableciendo que el principal motivo de uso de estos recursos es la facilidad de aplicación de dichas técnicas. Respecto a las ayudas ergonutricionales, el 68% de los entrenadores hace uso habitual de ellas, suministrando las vitaminas (46,4 % y las bebidas hidratantes (32,1 % en primera y segunda instancia; por su parte se determinó que la principal causa de utilización de estos suplementos alimentarios es el criterio personal del entrenador/a. Conclusiones. La mayoría de entrenadores utilizan los medios de recuperación para facilitar la recuperación física de sus deportistas, pero sus dos recursos más utilizados cuentan con poco respaldo científico. Pese a que un mayor porcentaje de entrenadores emplea ayudas ergonutricionales con los deportistas para restablecer sus fuentes energéticas y restauración de tejidos, estos requieren de un mayor acompañamiento y asesoría por parte de profesionales expertos en nutrición.

  11. Prevalence of medicines used by mentally-ill individuals of APAE, in Londrina Prevalência de medicamentos utilizados por portadores de retardo mental da APAE de Londrina-Pr

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    Bruna Polacchine Da Silva


    Full Text Available Mental retardation (MR, after years of mites and beliefs, finally was considered to be a neurological affection that should be treated by a medical intervention. Psychotropic drugs, if correctly prescribed, are able to improve the capacity of MR individuals to productively interact socially and reintegrate themselves to the society. This work has as an objective to quantify, by a descriptive study, the frequency of use of medicines by students of the APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais from Londrina-PR, characterize those drugs and relate them to mental pathologies of major prevalence in the institution. To accomplish the objectives, a pool was conducted on a population of 147 students registered during the period from January/1989 to May/ 2003. The results shown the following medicines: antiepiletic (52.4%, neuroleptics (3.4%, hematopoietics (2.7%, anticolinergics and pro-kinetics agents (0.7% each. Fenobarbital was the most evident among the antiepiletic (29.8%. The prevalence of those drugs was higher among individuals with cerebral palsy (62.1% and lower for the Down syndrome group (17,24%. As a conclusion, we consider necessary to conduct research projects focusing on the dynamic of the personnel affected by MR, as well as to provide social assistance to destitute families. O retardo mental (RM, após anos de crenças e misticismos, finalmente passou a ser considerado uma afecção neurológica que deve ser tratada com intervenção médica. As drogas psicotrópicas, se administradas corretamente, podem permitir que os acometidos de RM recuperem a capacidade de interação social produtiva e reintegrem-se à sociedade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar, por meio de estudo descritivo, a freqüência da utilização de medicamentos utilizados pelos alunos da APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais de Londrina-PR, caracterizar essas drogas e relacionálas com as patologias mentais de maior prevalência na

  12. Radiation beans characterization and implantation for study of lead equivalent individual protection device used in radiodiagnostic practices; Caracterizacao e implantacao de feixes de radiacao para estudo de dispositivos de protecao individual com equivalencia em chumbo utilizados em praticas de radiodiagnostico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira, Leslie Silva


    The protective shielding (IPC) must be used by occupationally exposed professionals, patients and volunteers, in order to optimize the doses who receive due to radiological practices. International and national norms establish the methodology to be adopted for determination of the IPC attenuation. In this work, the IPC had been submitted to X-rays beams with known characteristics, standardized for determination of their attenuation equivalent thickness by comparison to an experimental lead attenuation slope. This comparison technique allowed insurance estimative of the IPC attenuation equivalent thickness in mm of lead. Thus, it was possible to verify the conformity of the attenuation equivalent thickness determined experimentally and the value of the thickness indicated by the manufacturer. To carry out this work, it was necessary the implementation of experimental setups stated in the specifics norms, the study of the X-rays beams original features and the determination of combined additional filters, in order to allow the X-ray equipment used operates in compliance with Norm IEC 61331-1 IEC. The radiation quality selected is characterized by a 100 kV voltage and a 0.25 mm of copper overall filtration. The implementation of this radiation quality it was carried through of its first and second HVL (Half Value Layer). Thus, a methodology according to the international Norms has been implemented in the laboratory. The results of the present work provide suitable and useful information about radiation beams features related to the determination techniques of the attenuation properties. Once implemented the procedures for conformity evaluation of the protection devices, it will be possible to carry out specific quality control tests, which will be helpful to manufacturers, customers, as well as authorities in the radiological protection and health areas. (author)

  13. Análise de custo de materiais utilizados em restaurações dentárias em resina composta

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    Eduardo Hebling

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As resinas compostas são materiais usualmente utilizados em restaurações dentárias diretas de dentes posteriores. O custo dos materiais faz parte do cálculo do valor dos honorários odontológicos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar e analisar o valor total do custo dos materiais utilizados para a confecção de restaurações dentárias diretas de dentes posteriores em resina composta. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O cálculo dos custos foi baseado no método de sistema de custeio variável. A lista dos materiais foi obtida por meio de consulta a uma banca de juízes e baseada nos padrões de excelência comprovados na literatura para atendimento em equipe. Os valores dos materiais foram obtidos de uma média dos valores consultados no mercado fornecedor. As repetições foram obtidas de preparos cavitários Classes I e II em dentes pré-molares e molares artificiais pré-fabricados. Os materiais foram quantificados para cada tipo de preparo. As resinas compostas utilizadas foram pesadas em balança de precisão após a sua inserção em cada tipo de preparo. Os dados foram avaliados por estatística descritiva e pelos testes de Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADO: O custo encontrado para restauração de Classe I foi de R$17,56 e, para a de Classe II, de R$17,73. Não houve diferença estatística no custo entre os tipos de preparo e de dentes, sendo a média total de R$17,65. CONCLUSÃO: Os valores encontrados podem ser utilizados no cálculo do valor final do procedimento restaurador, auxiliando na gestão de serviços odontológicos públicos ou privados.

  14. El «Tensor»: un nuevo tipo de hueso utilizado en el Solutrense y Magdaleniense asturianos

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    Full Text Available Como es bien conocido por los estudiosos del Paleolítico superior cantábrico, es un hecho frecuente encontrar en numerosos yacimientos una industria de hueso o asta constituida por útiles más o menos típicos pero siempre muy elaborados, y en la que es directamente perceptible, en la mayoría de los casos, la vinculación entre la forma del objeto y el fin técnico que ha presidido su elaboración, y juntamente con ella un acervo mucho más numeroso de restos óseos diversos o huesos utilizados, troceados en forma sistemática, y que presentan, además, en algunas partes de su superficie vestigios inequívocos de un uso frecuente y repetido como útiles; según la distinción de Leroi-Gourhan restos óseos transformados en objetos de uso técnico, y documentos de la misma naturaleza troceados con finalidad alimenticia. Uno de estos últimos es el tensor, que hemos identificado en el curso de nuestras excavaciones en el yacimiento de Las Caldas (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, relativamente bien documentado en todas las campañas realizadas hasta el momento (1971, 1973 y 1980. Como veremos, se trata de un tipo bien definido dentro de un conjunto numeroso y heterogéneo de útiles y huesos utilizados, que hemos sistematizaco en 30 Tipos presentes en aquel yacimiento, uno de los cuales (Tipo 22 corresponde al objeto que aquí estudiamos.

  15. El «Tensor»: un nuevo tipo de hueso utilizado en el Solutrense y Magdaleniense asturianos




    Como es bien conocido por los estudiosos del Paleolítico superior cantábrico, es un hecho frecuente encontrar en numerosos yacimientos una industria de hueso o asta constituida por útiles más o menos típicos pero siempre muy elaborados, y en la que es directamente perceptible, en la mayoría de los casos, la vinculación entre la forma del objeto y el fin técnico que ha presidido su elaboración, y juntamente con ella un acervo mucho más numeroso de restos óseos diversos o huesos utilizados, tro...

  16. Modelos utilizados pela educação a distância: uma síntese centrada nas instituições de ensino superior brasileiras

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    Andreza Regina Lopes da Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os diferentes modelos de práticas de Educação a Distância utilizados pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior no Brasil. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada caracteriza a pesquisa como teórico-empírico; já a sua abordagem classifica-se como quantitativa. A unidade de análise escolhida foi a totalidade das Instituições de Ensino Superior credenciadas pelo Ministério da Educação no ano de 2010, o que caracteriza o estudo como censitário para este universo. As análises foram realizadas com base em dados primários, adquiridos por meio de contatos realizados com as Instituições via sites, chats e emails. Como resultado, observa-se que, das Instituições credenciadas em 2010 para a modalidade da educação a distância, o modelo semipresencial é o mais utilizado, com 75%, seguido pelo virtual (14%, após o da tele-educação (7% e, por último, o híbrido (3%. Conclui-se que a educação a distância, em sua prática, vem assumindo um caráter multimidiático, haja vista que o modelo “hegemônico” utilizado pelas Instituições deste estudo possui, em seu cerne, tal característica.

  17. Los Centros y espacios de actividad física utilizados por las personas mayores en España


    Jiménez-Beatty Navarro, Jose Emilio; Martínez del Castillo, Jesus; Hierro Pinés, David del; Martin Rodriguez, Maria; González Rivera, Maria Dolores


    El objeto de la comunicación ha consistido en abordar las instalaciones y espacios utilizados por las personas mayores que realizan actividad física semanalmente. El método ha consistido en la realización de una encuesta, en la que mediante entrevista personal se ha aplicado un cuestionario a una muestra aleatoria de la población de personas mayores en España. Los resultados muestran que la mayor parte de estas personas practican en espacios cubiertos y de instalaciones deportivas (sobre todo...

  18. Modelos utilizados pela educação a distância: uma síntese centrada nas instituições de ensino superior brasileiras

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    Andreza Regina Lopes da Silva


    Full Text Available   O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os diferentes modelos de práticas de Educação a Distância utilizados pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior no Brasil. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada caracteriza a pesquisa como teórico-empírico; já a sua abordagem classifica-se como quantitativa. A unidade de análise escolhida foi a totalidade das Instituições de Ensino Superior credenciadas pelo Ministério da Educação no ano de 2010, o que caracteriza o estudo como censitário para este universo. As análises foram realizadas com base em dados primários, adquiridos por meio de contatos realizados com as Instituições via sites, chats e e-mails. Como resultado, observa-se que, das Instituições credenciadas em 2010 para a modalidade da educação a distância, o modelo semipresencial é o mais utilizado, com 75%, seguido pelo virtual (14%, após o da tele-educação (7% e, por último, o híbrido (3%. Conclui-se que a educação a distância, em sua prática, vem assumindo um caráter multimidiático, haja vista que o modelo “hegemônico” utilizado pelas Instituições deste estudo possui, em seu cerne, tal característica.


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    Full Text Available Alteraciones ambientales causadas por el calentamiento global y principalmente causa-das por la acción del hombre, han reducido poblaciones naturales de peces. Como forma de conservación, programas de repoblamiento han sido utilizados; sin embargo, sin una debida orientación científica, estas medidas pueden generar disturbios genéticos sobre la diversidad genética de poblaciones de peces naturales y sobre el ecosistema. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar y analizar la variabilidad genética de dos lotes y una progenie de Brycon orbignyanus utilizados en programas de repoblamiento, utilizando el marcador molecular RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Cincuenta y ocho reproductores de dos lotes (A y C y 30 larvas de la progenie del lote A (B pertenecientes a la Estação de Aqüicultura e Hidrologia da Duke Energy Internacional (Geração Parana-panema; São Paulo, Brasil fueron analizados. Los resultados de variabilidad genética estimados por el índice de diversidad de Shannon (A: 0,3184; B: 0,3433 y C: 0,3687 y por el porcentaje de fragmentos polimórficos (A: 54,02%; B: 57,47% y C: 58,62% mostraron que la variabilidad genética fue mantenida en la progenie, debido posiblemente al adecuado manejo reproductivo y al efecto fundador. Por el contrario, la variabilidad encontrada entre los dos lotes de reproductores indica una similaridad genética, a pesar de ser originarios de diferentes pisciculturas. Este resultado es comprobado en el valor moderado de diferenciación genética encontrado (0,0968, en el alto Nm (4,67 y en el dendrograma, que sugieren que los lotes poseen un pool genético similar

  20. Métodos de Avaliação Utilizados pelos Profissionais de Investimento

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    Dione Olesczuk Soutes


    Full Text Available A literatura especializada apresenta vários modelos para o processo de avaliação de empresas, sendo alguns de grande complexidade técnica. Para a aplicação prática, estes modelos possuem variações em suas formas de cálculo. Este artigo tem por objetivo caracterizar os principais métodos presentados pela literatura e identificar quais destes são os de maior utilização, especificamente para avaliação do valor da ação das empresas. A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi o levantamento de dados. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de questionário encaminhado aos profissionais de investimentos associados à APIMEC. A análise dos dados é descritiva, pois objetiva a caracterização da amostra pesquisada quanto à utilização dos métodos de avaliação. Os resultados apontam para a maior utilização e confiabilidade dos modelos baseados no fluxo de caixa descontado, porém os modelos de avaliação relativa, ou de múltiplos, também são bastante utilizados pelos profissionais pesquisados.

  1. Principales marcadores moleculares utilizados para la identificación de Babesia bovis y Babesia bigemina

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    Sandra Ríos T.


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe los principales marcadores moleculares utilizados para la identificación de B. bovis y B. bigemina reportados en la literatura científica. Para ello se diseñó una revisión sistemática a partir de la aplicación de la estrategia metodológica PICO modificada con el objetivo de definir las secuencias nucleotídicas detectadas en los diferentes sitios geográficos y su utilidad diagnóstica. Se realizó una búsqueda avanzada con los términos “Babesia bovis” y “DNA” y “Babesia bigemina” y “DNA” en las bases de datos ScienceDirect, SpringerLink y PubMed que después de ser filtradas permitieron obtener un resultado total de 68 artículos originales. Tanto los artículos incluidos como los excluidos fueron almacenados en tablas, en las cuales se presenta la justificación de su condición dentro del estudio. A los 68 artículos seleccionados se les aplicó una evaluación con criterios de inclusión y exclusión previamente definidos, de este modo, 21 artículos originales cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y se incluyeron en el estudio. Se describe la utilidad de los marcadores moleculares referenciados en la literatura científica desde 1995 hasta el 2010: la subunidad pequeña RNAr, el gen citocromo b, gen msa-1 and msa-2c, el gen Bv, el factor de elongación alfa (EF-1α, el gen de la beta-Tubulina, SBP 1-2-3, y los RAP; su aplicación diagnóstica y su utilización en los diferentes sitios geográficos. Los marcadores moleculares utilizados para la detección de las babesias bovinas varían dependiendo de la región geográfica, grado de conservación genética y resultados de estudios previos que concluyen su utilidad diagnóstica.

  2. Composição dos gastos privados com medicamentos utilizados por aposentados e pensionistas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Marina Guimarães Lima


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a composição dos gastos privados com medicamentos utilizados por indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais de idade, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A população estudada foi uma amostra representativa de aposentados e pensionistas do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS nessa faixa etária e residentes no Município de Belo Horizonte, entrevistados em um inquérito domiciliar. Foram calculados os gastos mensais com medicamentos obtidos no setor privado e analisada a sua composição considerando as características dos medicamentos. Responderam ao inquérito 667 indivíduos. Foi observado um gasto mensal privado médio de R$ 122,97 (US$ 38,91 com os medicamentos utilizados pelos participantes. Os grupos terapêuticos que representaram uma maior proporção dos gastos totais foram: sistema cardiovascular (26%, sistema nervoso (24% e trato alimentar e metabolismo (15%. Em relação à categoria de registro dos medicamentos utilizados, os medicamentos de referência foram responsáveis por uma maior proporção dos gastos totais (54%. Os resultados deste estudo podem subsidiar políticas destinadas a melhorar o acesso a medicamentos e às condições sanitárias da população idosa brasileira.


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    Jesús Alonso Botero


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la viabilidad de la utilización del índice de oferta residual (IOR en el mercado eléctrico mayorista en Colombia, con el fin de promover la competencia. Esto se hace a partir de la revisión de la literatura relacionada con las experiencias internacionales respecto a los mecanismos para monitorear el poder de mercado y del análisis del Documento 118 de la Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG, 2010. La principal conclusión es que el IOR no es un buen mecanismo de control en mercados hidráulicos, mientras que el desarrollo de los mercados de largo plazo ha sido utilizado con gran éxito para mitigar el riesgo de abuso de poder de mercado, seg°n lo muestra la experiencia internacional.

  4. Recursos e capacidades estratégicos utilizados por empresas de confecção de vestuário de luxo


    Lais Duarte Vieira


    Esta dissertação teve por objetivo a caracterização dos recursos e capacidades envolvidos nas estratégias de negócios mais recorrentes nas empresas de confecção de luxo, visando à vantagem competitiva, levando em conta a percepção de gestores e clientes deste tipo de produto. Foram utilizados os conceitos referentes à visão baseada em recursos e à estratégia. Para tanto, foram revisados os construtos de valor percebido, vantagem competitiva, administração estratégica e recursos estratégicos. ...

  5. Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de antissépticos e desinfetantes utilizados em um serviço público de saúde

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    Lúcia Margarete dos Reis


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo determinar in vitro a atividade antimicrobiana de antissépticos e desinfetantes utilizados no serviço de atenção primária à saúde de uma cidade do norte do Paraná, utilizando microrganismos padronizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Para tanto, foram realizadas análises da atividade antimicrobiana e da estabilidade química de três diferentes antissépticos e um desinfetante utilizados no serviço de atenção primária à saúde. A partir das análises realizadas no primeiro, sétimo, décimo quarto e vigésimo primeiro dias, após a abertura dos frascos, verificou-se que as amostras mantiveram sua atividade antimicrobiana in vitro em relação às cepas padronizadas, evidenciadas pela ausência de crescimento de unidades formadoras de colônias e estabilidade química dos princípios ativos dos antissépticos. O estudo permitiu verificar a eficácia das amostras frente a análises microbiológicas in vitro utilizando microrganismos padronizados.

  6. Evaluación de la modulación digital DPSK y OQPSK utilizados en sistemas de comunicaciones ópticos sobre OPTISYSTEM.


    Herrera Illescas, Milton Junior


    El proyecto de graduación denominado “EVALUACIÓN DE LA MODULACIÓN DIGITAL DPSK Y OQPSK UTILIZADOS EN SISTEMAS DE COMUNICACIONES ÓPTICOS SOBRE OPTISYSTEM” consistió en desarrollar dos modelos de simulación para la transmisión y recepción de información sobre sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas de alta velocidad. Estos modelos fueron diseñados en el software OptiSystem que permite modelar sistemas de comunicaciones a través de fibra óptica. En el Capítulo 1, se describe la parte preliminar del p...





    Con la realización de este proyecto de tesis doctoral se pretende obtener un extracto de antocianinas a partir de arándanos que pueda ser utilizado como antioxidante y colorante en la industria alimentaria. Esto permitiría valorizar una cantidad importante de arándanos que actualmente no se comercializan. Además, se obtendría un colorante natural que es a la vez fuente de compuestos bioactivos y que puede contribuir a mejorar la aceptabilidad de ciertos alimentos. Para ello se estudiará la ex...

  8. Relación entre las disposiciones cognitivas y el pensamiento científico, utilizados en entornos escolares por estudiantes de primero de primaria


    Rojas Sánchez, Luz Elena


    Esta investigación busca reconocer la relación entre la disposición cognitiva y el pensamiento científico, utilizados en entornos escolares por estudiantes de primero primaria, basada por una parte en la teoría de las Disposiciones cognitivas del profesor Ritchhart, que sostiene que existen al menos tres disposiciones de pensamiento : Disposición cognitiva hacia el pensamiento creativo, el reflexivo y el crítico| por otra parte el concepto de pensamiento científico, se basa en reflexiones ela...


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    Áurea de Paula Medeiros e Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil térmico de fornos tipo "caipira" utilizados pelo setor de cerâmica vermelha em Parelhas, na região do Seridó, RN, visando propor intervenções estruturais que possam colaborar para aumentar a produtividade e qualidade dos produtos, otimizar o consumo de madeira e mitigar as perdas durante o processo de queima. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Cerâmica Esperança, na cidade de Parelhas, RN. Foram realizados quatro tratamentos com três repetições, sendo a argila o parâmetro utilizado como referência para distinguir os tratamentos. Foram monitorados a quantidade da lenha, a qualidade da telha e o tempo de cada queima. Foram aferidas temperaturas em 15 pontos marcados na superfície da carga enfornada, em intervalos de 30 min a partir do pré-aquecimento até o final da queima, utilizando um pirômetro de mira a laser. Os resultados indicaram que a madeira utilizada como lenha apresentou densidade sem diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, umidade dentro dos padrões permitidos e consumo heterogêneo, enquanto a argila teve pouca retração linear quando submetida ao fogo e o forno, perfil térmico heterogêneo. O parâmetro do fio, que é utilizado como referência para o controle da queima, foi significativo, embora com oscilações diferenciadas, razão por que não deve ser o único critério para finalização do processo de queimas. A parte central do forno foi a área que atingiu maiores temperaturas de maneira homogênea, com maior concentração de produtos de primeira qualidade; a curva de temperatura ideal foi do tratamento 1, com uma média de 18,66% de produto de primeira qualidade, com temperatura de 100 °C a 400 °C.

  10. Evaluación a lo largo del tiempo de las propiedades mecánicas de los bloques de suelo-cemento utilizados en pavimentos semipermeables

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    M. Carvalho

    Full Text Available Un pavimento semipermeable fue construido con una capa de revestimiento de bloques de suelo-cemento hechos de suelo de desmonte (estabilizado con 30% de arena y cemento (con 20% de la mezcla y fabricados con una prensa. Este tipo de bloque no tiene estudios adicionales acerca de las mudanzas del comportamiento de las propiedades mecánicas a lo largo del tempo, entonces para realizar el estudio se seleccionaron algunos bloques (con 7, 14, 28, 130 y 1650 días de moldeado para medir las propiedades mecánicas (de durabilidad, de absorción de agua y de resistencia a compresión sencilla. Los resultados demostraron que no hubo mudanzas en las propiedades de absorción y de durabilidad de los bloques, después de 1650 días. La resistencia a la compresión tuvo un leve incremento de 9MPa (28 días de moldeados para 12MPa (1650 días de moldeados, bloques del pavimento en uso, lo que puede ser atribuido a las reacciones que todavía suceden entre cemento, suelo y agua o a la variabilidad de materia prima y de los equipamientos utilizados. Concluyese que las condiciones ambientales y el tráfico leve no afectaron las propiedades mecánicas de los bloques, entonces ellos pueden ser utilizados en pavimento semipermeable.

  11. Tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas

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    Natalia Rodríguez-Gil


    Full Text Available Introducción: Del tipo de tratamiento y la eficacia del mismo depende la evolución y la mejora en la calidad de vida del paciente con heridas crónicas; existen diversos tratamientos para las heridas crónicas de acuerdo con el tipo de lesión, la duración del tratamiento y los factores individuales del paciente. Los diversos tratamientos innovadores demuestran resultados favorables en cuanto a la reducción del tiempo y el tamaño de las heridas crónicas. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas, de uso poco frecuente en las clínicas de heridas. Metodología: revisión de la literatura estructurada en tres fases: recolección de artículos en bases de datos como Scopus, Pubmed, Dialnet, Ebscohots, y Elsevier; uso de palabras clave como pie diabético, herida crónica y úlcera por presión; revisión y clasificación de 50 artículos en idioma español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: se registraron 12 tratamientos innovadores para el manejo de las heridas cónicas, cada uno con evidencia científica de su utilidad en los distintos tipos de heridas crónicas. Conclusión: conocer nuevos tratamientos ayuda al enfermero a ampliar las opciones de intervención, presentar alternativas de tratamiento de menor costo, o más rápida dependiendo del tipo de herida y la condición del paciente.

  12. La confiabilidad de la información en Internet: criterios declarados y utilizados por jóvenes estudiantes mexicanos

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    Marina Kriscautzky


    Full Text Available La frecuencia del uso de Internet con propósitos de estudio entre jóvenes y niños pone de relieve la necesaria utilización de criterios de confiabilidad propios del medio. El tema es motivo de preocupación en el ámbito educativo y ha sido investigado, principalmente, con encuestas de opción múltiple. La originalidad del presente trabajo consiste en diseñar y aplicar un instrumento que permite un acercamiento a las discordancias entre datos de carácter declarativo y datos próximos a las decisiones a tomar en un contexto de acción. El TICómetro® es una encuesta en línea aplicada a 628 estudiantes mexicanos, entre 14 y 18 años de edad. Cuatro de las veintiséis preguntas del cuestionario son analizadas. Una de ellas remite a una lista de criterios para evaluar la confiabilidad de la información (opción múltiple; las otras tres preguntas exigen la selección de sitios Web confiables, con base en imágenes tomadas de Internet (screen shots. Es una situación más próxima a la búsqueda real en pantalla que permite contrastar los criterios declarados con los efectivamente utilizados. El análisis estadístico de los datos muestra que los criterios declarados no coinciden con los utilizados a la hora de seleccionar sitios Web confiables, en ambos grupos de edad. Sin embargo, aparecen diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de edad en lo que concierne a los criterios enunciados. Otra contribución del presente trabajo consiste en proponer un nuevo agrupamiento de los datos declarativos, utilizando la distinción clásica entre texto y paratexto, proveniente de la teoría literaria, con los ajustes necesarios para tratar textos informativos en el espacio digital.

  13. Glosario de términos utilizados en las licencias de revistas electrónicas Glossary of terms used for electronic journals licenses

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    Susana Romanos de Tiratel


    Full Text Available Se presentan dos listados del vocabulario utilizado en la redacción de licencias para acceder a revistas electrónicas: 1 los términos en español con sus equivalencias en inglés seguidas de sus definiciones y 2 los términos en inglés con sus equivalencias en español.Two lists of the vocabulary use for the writing of a license to access electronic journals are presented: 1 terms in both Spanish and English followed by their corresponding definition; 2 terms in English followed by their equivalent terms in Spanish.

  14. Critérios clínicos utilizados por profissionais para liberação de dieta via oral em pacientes adultos hospitalizados


    Furmann, Natalli; Costa, Francine Marson


    Resumo:OBJETIVO:identificar critérios clínicos utilizados por profissionais para liberação de alimentação via oral em pacientes hospitalizados que apresentam risco para disfagia.MÉTODOS:participaram do estudo 48 profissionais que atuam em dois hospitais gerais de uma cidade do interior do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de um questionário.RESULTADOS:100% dos profissionais consideram o nível de consciência importante para a deglutição, apenas 52,2% vê a importância da pr...

  15. Revision de materiales y recursos utilizados en educación infantil en el idioma inglés durante el periodo del practicum


    Navarro Ansón, María


    Éste es un Trabajo de Fin de Grado en el cual se desarrolla una revisión bibliográfica sobre los materiales y recursos utilizados en Educación Infantil en la enseñanza del inglés. Además, hay aportaciones propias de la autora, tras su experiencia en el Practicum y los conocimientos adquiridos durante la realización del Grado. En el trabajo se hace una breve reseña sobre la importancia de la enseñanza de un segundo idioma extranjero en Educación Infantil. Además, se analizan los diferentes ...

  16. Influencia de la adición al suelo de residuos de almazara en el comportamiento de herbicidas utilizados en el cultivo del olivar


    Cabrera Mesa, Alegría


    Texto completo descargado del CSIC En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se han estudiado los procesos de adsorción-desorción, disipación y lixiviación de cuatro herbicidas utilizados ampliamente en el cultivo del olivar (diurón, terbutilazina, MCPA y amitrol) en dos suelos con distintas características, un suelo arcillo limoso, procedente de Mengíbar (Jaén) y otro suelo clasificado como franco arenoso de Coria del Río (Sevilla), así como la influencia que la adición de residuos de almazara (a...

  17. Medical treatment of neuro diseases of dogs and cats / Fármacos utilizados no tratamento das afecções neurológicas de cães e gatos

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    Ronaldo Cassimiro da Costa


    Full Text Available A revision of the current literature regarding medical management of neurological diseases of dogs and cats is presented. The indications, doses, and duration of the recommended treatment of several medications are reviewed. The authors have reviewed analgesic, antibiotic, anticonvulsants, barbiturates, anticolinesterasics, antifungals, antifibrinolytics, steroidal and non-steroidal antiinflammatory, antineoplastics, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, antidepressants, free radical scavengers, diuretics, drugs used in the treatment of micturition disorders, phytotherapeutics, nutraceuticals, muscle relaxant and vitamins.Este trabalho compreende uma revisão da literatura, dos diferentes fármacos utilizados na terapêutica das afecções neurológicas de cães e gatos, assim como sua indicação, dosagens, e duração do tratamento. Nesse contexto incluíram-se analgésicos, antibióticos, anticonvulsivantes, barbitúricos, anticolinesterásicos, antifúngicos, antifibrinolíticos, antiinflamatórios esteróides e não esteróides, antineoplásicos, antipsicóticos, ansiolíticos, antidepressivos, antioxidantes e varredores de radicais livres, diuréticos, fármacos utilizados nos distúrbios da micção, fitoterápicos, modificadores do metabolismo articular (nutracêuticos, relaxantes musculares e vitaminas.

  18. Diversidade genética de pacu utilizado em programas de repovoamento nos rios Tietê e Grande, Brasil

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    Ricardo Pereira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Piaractus mesopotamicus é um peixe tropical que nos últimos anos tem apresentado uma diminuição no número de populações naturais. Programas de repovoamento vêm sendo utilizados como método de conservação, entretanto, o monitoramento genético das populações e dos estoques de reprodutores é importante para conferir a viabilidade desse tipo de programas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar de forma inédita a diversidade genética de populações selvagens (WPs e estoques de reprodutores (BSs de P. mesopotamicus utilizados em programas de repovoamento dos rios Tietê e Grande, através de marcadores microssatélite. Seis loci microssatélite foram amplificados usando DNA extraído de nadadeira caudal de 279 indivíduos adultos. Foi observada alta variabilidade genética intra-populacional, com medias de heterozigosidade observada entre 0.203 e 0.833. O número de alelos por locus foi de três (locus Pme28 e Pme32 a 13 (locus Pme4, Pme5 e Pme14 e houve diferenciação de alelos entre WPsxWPs e WPsxBSs. Essa diferenciação foi confirmada pela análise do dendrograma que mostrou a formação de três agrupamentos específicos. Observaram-se quatro alelos compartilhados entre WPs2012xBSs. Valores positivos de FIS mostraram a presença de endogamia em sete das 10 coletas realizadas nas WPs. A análise de AMOVA e do FST indicou moderada e muito alta diferenciação genética entre WPsxWPs e diferenciação genética muito alta em WPsxBSs. Esses resultados foram confirmados pelos valores de distância e identidade genética e pelo número de migrantes. Os resultados demonstraram uma adequada variabilidade genética intra-populacional, similaridade entre BSsxBSs e diferenciação genética entre WPs2011xWPs2012 e WPsxBSs. Observou-se parcialmente a presença de indivíduos oriundos do programa de repovoamento no ambiente natural.


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    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem o objetivo de traçar uma revisão sobre os combustíveis utilizados em diferentes processos industriais, com ênfase nos principais gases daí emitidos. A poluição do ar causada por tais poluentes exerce grande influência na saúde humana e em vários ecossistemas, pois diariamente são liberados altas taxas dos mesmos para a atmosfera. Há alguns anos já ocorrem discussões para que haja a minimização dos problemas ambientais, os acordos internacionais estão sendo fundamentais nesse contexto uma vez que, entre metas bem definidas, encontram-se a substituição de combustíveis altamente poluidores. As fontes alternativas de energia têm sido a escolha utilizada pelos países, que além de ambientalmente corretos, possibilitam benefícios para as indústrias.

  20. Determinación de la situación de dependencia funcional. Revisión sobre los instrumentos de evaluación más utilizados

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    Rubén González-Rodríguez

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción: la medición de la situación de dependencia es un acto fundamental para las diferentes administraciones públicas con competencias en el campo de la salud y de los servicios sociales, para así poder planificar de forma idónea las políticas encaminadas a la atención e intervención en este ámbito. Objetivo: el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los instrumentos de valoración de la situación de dependencia más utilizados en España, informando de su contenido y sus campos de aplicación más relevantes. Del mismo modo, conocer en qué se diferencian estas escalas de medida, del baremo de valoración de dependencia utilizado como puerta de acceso al Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia. Método: este estudio se lleva a cabo mediante una revisión bibliográfica en las siguientes bases de datos: Dialnet, Scopus, SciELO y Conclusiones: Tras la pertinente revisión de la literatura existente, los resultados apuntan a que, a causa de la variabilidad de contextos en los que se enmarcan las situaciones de dependencia, existen una gran variedad de instrumentos de medida.

  1. Valor nutricional e energia metabolizável de subprodutos do trigo utilizados para alimentação de suínos em crescimento


    Wesendonck,William Rui; Kessler,Alexandre de Mello; Ribeiro,Andréa Machado Leal; Somensi,Marcelo Luiz; Bockor,Luciane; Dadalt,Julio Cezar; Monteiro,Alessandra Nardina Trícia Rigo; Marx,Fábio Ritter


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o valor nutricional e energético de subprodutos do trigo, em dietas para suínos em crescimento, e obter equações de predição da energia metabolizável. Foram utilizados 36 suínos machos, castrados, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Realizou-se a coleta total de fezes e urina em dois períodos de dez dias: cinco para adaptação e cinco para coleta. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, tendo-se considerado o período de coleta como bloco, c...

  2. Modelagem do crescimento e de biomassa individual de Pinus

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    Ana Beatriz Schikowski


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo testar modelos matemáticos para estimativas de biomassa de diferentes compartimentos de Pinus spp., a partir de variáveis de fácil mensuração. Os dados utilizados são provenientes de plantios localizados no centro sul do estado do Paraná. Foram utilizados dados de peso seco total e parcial de 35 árvores de Pinus spp., obtidos por meio do método destrutivo direto. De cada árvore amostrada foram medidos também o CAP (circunferência à altura do peito e a altura total. Os modelos para estimativa de biomassa de folhagem não apresentaram bom desempenho, verificado pelos indicadores de ajuste. Entretanto, para os compartimentos: galhos, raízes, casca, fuste e para biomassa total, os ajustes apresentaram elevados valores de R² e baixos valores de Syx%. O modelo de crescimento de Richards obteve melhor desempenho que os demais testados para a estimativa da biomassa total.

  3. Desempenho de diferentes meios de cultura utilizados na avaliação de fungos presentes em ambientes de produção de alimentos.


    Marcio Adriani Gava


    O presente estudo foi dividido em duas fases; a primeira visou avaliar o desempenho de diversos meios de cultura, para fungos, no ar de ambientes de produção de alimentos, através da resposta de contagem e identificação dos gêneros que podem conter espécies indesejáveis; também foi avaliada a condição ambiental juntamente com a contagem total de bactérias. O ambiente de duas áreas foi utilizado para a pesquisa, uma indústria de doces, produção de doce de leite e doce de amendoim, na Cidade de...

  4. Coping mechanisms used by non-burned out and burned out workers in the family health strategy Mecanismos utilizados para enfrentar el agotamiento por trabajadores que actúan en el programa estrategia de la salud de la familia Mecanismos de enfrentamento utilizados por trabalhadores esgotados e não esgotados da estratégia de saúde da família

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    Letícia de Lima Trindade


    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate stress coping mechanisms used by workers of 16 Family Health Strategy (FHS teams in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Six workers with scores compatible with the Burnout Syndrome, identified through the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and six workers without the syndrome were interviewed in January and February 2007. In the reports' content analysis, we identified that burned out workers predominantly used individual mechanisms to cope with occupational problems, while non-burned out workers sought collective mechanisms. These findings indicate the importance of interpersonal relationships among FHS team members to cope with occupational stress and the need to develop collective strategies to prevent stress and maintain workers' health.La investigación objetivó investigar los mecanismos para enfrentar el estrés, utilizados por los trabajadores de los dieciséis equipos de la Estrategia de la Salud de la Familia (ESF de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Fueron entrevistados, en los meses de enero y febrero de 2007, seis trabajadores con puntajes compatibles con el síndrome de Burnout, identificados por el Maslach Burnout Inventory, y seis sin el síndrome. En el análisis de contenido de las declaraciones, se identificó que los trabajadores agotados utilizan, predominantemente, mecanismos individuales para enfrentamiento de los problemas laborales, en cuanto los no agotados recurren a mecanismos colectivos. Lo encontrado apunta para la importancia de las relaciones interpersonales entre los miembros del equipo de la ESF para el enfrentamiento del estrés laboral y para la necesidad de construir estrategias colectivas, con el objetivo de prevenir el estrés y mantener la salud del trabajador.A pesquisa objetivou investigar os mecanismos de enfrentamento do estresse utilizados pelos trabalhadores das dezesseis equipes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Foram entrevistados, nos meses de janeiro e

  5. Medicamentos que podem induzir prolongamento do intervalo QT utilizados por idosos em domicílio

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    Josiane Macêdo Martins


    Full Text Available O intervalo QT (iQT, parâmetro eletrocardiográfico, é um biomarcador não invasivo da repolarização ventricular. O aumento do iQT é uma alteração que pode ser de considerável importância clínica, pois predispõe a torsade de pointes e morte cardíaca súbita. O objetivo do presente trabalho é identificar os medicamentos utilizados em domicílio por idosos, que podem induzir o prolongamento do iQT. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo descritivo exploratório e retrospectivo, realizado em um hospital público de ensino. Foram incluídos 190 idosos com informação sobre uso domiciliar de medicamentos registrada em prontuário. A mediana da idade foi de 69,5 anos, sendo 99 (52,1% mulheres. O número de medicamentos utilizados por paciente em domicílio apresentou mediana de 4,0. Foram identificados 159 fármacos, sendo que 23 (14,5% apresentavam capacidade de induzir prolongamento do iQT. Entre os idosos, 39 (20,5% usavam estes fármacos, sendo os mais prevalentes a amiodarona, amitriptilina, nortriptilina, citalopram e fluoxetina. A hipertensão arterial foi o fator de risco mais frequente dentre aqueles que predispõem a prolongamento do iQT. As utilizações de medicamentos que induzem prolongamento do iQT e a presença de fatores de risco predisponentes mostram que os idosos estão expostos ao risco de desenvolvimento de torsade de pointes. A identificação dos fármacos que induzem prolongamento do iQT, das interações medicamentosas e das condições clínicas que predispõem a esse prolongamento são importantes para garantia da segurança da farmacoterapia de idosos e para evitar eventos adversos graves.Palavras-chave: Prolongamento do intervalo QT. Medicamentos. Idosos. Torsades de pointes. ABSTRACT The QT interval (QTi, an electrocardiographic parameter, is a noninvasive biomarker of ventricular repolarization. Increased QTi is a change that may have clinical importance because predisposes to torsade de pointes and sudden



    Carrera Castro, Silvia


    Este es un ensayo orientado a buscar las huellas de la modernidad-colonialidad en el análisis de las causas históricas y de los métodos utilizados durante el conflicto armado en Guatemala. Se sigue un modelo genealógico, tratando de rastrear como la modernidad fue traducida en colonialidad en Guatemala, desembocando en un conflicto armado que duró de 1960-1996. Por colonialidad se va a comprender la estructura lógica del dominio colonial que subyace en el control español, holandés, británico ...


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    Juliana E. Nóbrega


    Full Text Available Variações na microbiota leveduriforme presente no fermento endógeno utilizado para fabricação do queijo Canastra foram avaliadas no período das águas (PA e no período da seca (PS. O queijo Canastra é produzido na região da Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, de forma artesanal a partir de leite cru de vaca e utiliza como cultura iniciadora um fermento endógeno obtido após prensagem e salga do queijo. Um total de 115 estirpes foram isoladas de 16 amostras do fermento endógeno coletadas em 8 unidades produtoras nos dois períodos amostrados e identificadas pela metodologia tradicional e pelo sistema API C 20 AUX. As espécies de leveduras predominantes no PA foram Debaryomyces hansenii, Torulaspora delbruekii e Kluyveromyces lactis. No PS, predominaram as espécies Kluyveromyces lactis, Torulaspora delbruekii e Kluyveromyces marxianus. Os resultados demonstram que as espécies leveduriformes presentes no fermento endógeno da Serra da Canastra, nos dois períodos avaliados, são basicamente as mesmas, variando a freqüência com as quais ocorrem.

  8. Caracterización de un plasma pulsado utilizado para producir recubrimientos de TiN, por medio de espectroscopía óptica de emisión


    Restrepo Parra, Elisabeth


    En este trabajo se realiza la caracterización de un plasma pulsado utilizado para la producción de recubrimientos duros de TiN, utilizando técnicas de espectroscopía óptica de emisión. Con el fin de realizar esta caracterización se han calculado la temperatura y la densidad electrónica de dicho plasma. El cálculo de la temperatura electrónica se realiza suponiendo que esta es diferente de la temperatura de excitación de los átomos, esto nos permite modificar el método más convencional, co...

  9. O perfil profissional dos preparadores de goleiros dos clubes participantes da série A-2 do campeonato paulista de 2014 (categoria principal) e os métodos de treinamento mais utilizados, em relação às novas tendências de preparação de goleiros


    Simões, Eduardo Maia; Universidade Estácio de Sá


    O presente estudo visou colher informações, analisar e traçar o perfil desses profissionais, além de identificar quais são os métodos de treinamento mais utilizados. Foi utilizado um questionário, adaptado do modelo de Rigotti (2006) e Máximo (2012), que consiste de perguntas objetivas sobre aspectos socioeconômicos, familiares e de trabalho. A amostra foi composta por dezessete preparadores de goleiros de equipes de futebol profissional do Estado de São Paulo, participantes do Campeonato Pau...

  10. Dinamización de la clase magistral en medicina: diez ejemplos de minicasos utilizados en la docencia de la farmacología

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    J.E. Baños

    Full Text Available Las clases magistrales constituyen un método pedagógico muy utilizado en las facultades de medicina. Sin embargo, tiene diversas limitaciones entre las que se encuentran la pasividad y la pérdida de la atención de los alumnos. A fin de estimular la atención y revigorizar su empleo, se han empleado textos cortos que plantean preguntas que pueden resolverse con la información proporcionada en la clase magistral (minicasos. El presente artículo describe una experiencia de su uso en la docencia de la farmacología y ofrece diez ejemplos para ilustrar sobre su empleo. La mayoría de ellos están ambientados en el mundo real, permiten contextualizar los conocimientos básicos de farmacología y estimulan la comprensión de los conceptos claves.

  11. Revisión de los sistemas de control de versiones utilizados en el desarrollo de software

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    Edgar Tello-Leal


    Full Text Available Uno de los retos a los que se enfrentan los desarrolladores de software es generar productos eficientes y de calidad sin sacrificar tiempo o costos. Este objetivo sólo se alcanza si los actores involucrados en tal proceso pueden disponer de toda la información relacionada con el proyecto. Los sistemas de control de versiones son aplicaciones que ayudan al proceso de desarrollo de software, facilitando la gestión del control de versiones de los archivos de código fuente generados por los desarrolladores, proporcionando herramientas para la fusión y generación de una nueva versión de un proyecto, permitiendo que múltiples desarrolladores trabajen en el mismo proyecto sin ocasionar pérdida de datos o bloqueos de archivos. Además, permiten recuperar archivos generados previamente, los cuales pueden ser utilizados para solucionar errores del sistema. En el presente trabajo de investigación se presenta una revisión de las principales aplicaciones de software disponibles para la gestión del control de versiones con un enfoque hacia su utilización en el desarrollo de software. Adicionalmente, se analiza su funcionamiento de acuerdo al método de administración de la información contenida en los repositorios, describiendo el proceso de creación, actualización y generación de versiones de archivos de código almacenados en los repositorios.

  12. Seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados em pessegueiro sobre ovos e pupas do predador Chrysoperla externa

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    Rodolfo Vargas Castilhos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a seletividade de dezenove agrotóxicos utilizados na cultura do pessegueiro sobre ovos e pupas do predador Chrysoperla externa em condições laboratoriais (temperatura 25±1ºC, umidade relativa 70±10% e fotofase 14 horas. Os agrotóxicos foram pulverizados diretamente sobre ovos e pupas por meio de uma torre de Potter, utilizando a máxima dosagem recomendada para a cultura do pessegueiro. Foi avaliada a viabilidade de ovos e pupas, além da fecundidade e fertilidade de adultos emergidos de pupas tratadas. Os agrotóxicos foram classificados para ovos em função da redução na eclosão e, para pupas, em função do efeito total, conforme a escala de toxicidade proposta pela IOBC. A maioria dos agrotóxicos avaliados (8 inseticidas, 8 fungicidas e 2 herbicidas se mostrou inócua (classe 1 a ovos e pupas, com redução na eclosão de larvas e efeito total em pupas inferiores a 30%. A exceção se deu para o inseticida óleo mineral, que reduziu a eclosão de larvas em 69,55% quando pulverizado em ovos e proporcionou efeito total em pupas de 36,22%, sendo classificado como levemente nocivo (classe 2 a ovos e pupas de C. externa

  13. Instrumento Jurídico Utilizado en las Estructuras de Intercambio entre la Compañía Pública y su Subsidiaria e Pdropiedad Total

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    Luciano Monti Favaro


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar acerca de la subsidiaria de propiedad total, tal como se define en el artículo 251 de la Ley de Sociedades. En particular, se presentará a sus características, así como sus órganos de administración . Después se abordará en el establecimiento de propiedad total de las companhias públicas como una forma de descentralizar sus operaciones en el mercado. ¿Cuál es el instrumento legal para ser ejecutado entre la compañía pública y su subsidiaria en compartir estructuras? En conclusión, se constató que el instrumento utilizado es un Acuerdo (artículo 116, § 1 Ley 8.666/93.

  14. Investigação dos métodos avaliativos utilizados por fisioterapeutas na especificidade da neurologia funcional Investigación de los métodos de evaluación utilizados por fisioterapeutas en la especificidad de la neurología funcional Investigation of the evaluative methods used by physical therapists in the specificity of the functional neurology

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    Juliana dos Santos Llano


    Full Text Available A avaliação fisioterapêutica neurofuncional representa uma das ações mais importantes do profissional. Contudo, divergências nos métodos utilizados para elaboração diagnóstica fazem com que haja discrepâncias na prescrição e no prognóstico fisioterapêutico. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e discutir métodos e técnicas de avaliação utilizados por fisioterapeutas vinculados à atenção à saúde da população, na especificidade da neurologia funcional. Para a concretização desta pesquisa, foi realizado um estudo quali-quantitativo de delineamento transversal. A amostra foi composta por fisioterapeutas registrados no Conselho Regional de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional da comarca de Mato Grosso do Sul (CREFITO-13, especialistas na área da reabilitação neurofuncional, e atuantes em hospitais, universidades e clínicas da cidade de Campo Grande (MS. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva e inferencial (teste do χ², sob um nível de significância de 5% (pLa evaluación fisioterapéutica neuro-funcional representa una de las acciones más importantes del profesional. Sin embargo, los desacuerdos en los métodos utilizados para la elaboración diagnóstica hacen que haya discrepancias en la prescripción y pronóstico fisioterapéutico. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar y discutir los métodos y técnicas de evaluación utilizados por fisioterapeutas vinculados a la atención de salud de la población, en la especificidad de la neurología funcional. Para la concretización de esta investigación fue realizado un estudio cuali-cuantitativo de delineamiento transversal. La muestra fue compuesta por fisioterapeutas, especialistas en el área de rehabilitación neuro-funcional, registrados en el Consejo Regional de Fisioterapia y Terapia Ocupacional del estado Mato Grosso do Sul (CREFITO-13. La investigación involucra profesionales presentes en hospitales, universidades y cl

  15. Seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados em pomares de pêssego a adultos do predador Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae

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    Rodolfo Vargas Castilhos


    Full Text Available A seletividade de dezesseis agrotóxicos utilizados na produção integrada e convencional de pêssego foi avaliada sobre a fase adulta de Chrysoperla externa através de bioensaios de exposição residual conduzidos em laboratório (temperatura de 25±1ºC, umidade relativa 70±10% e fotofase 14 horas, utilizando-se de metodologia prescrita pela "International Organization for Biological Control" (IOBC. Os agrotóxicos (% de ingrediente ativo na calda azoxystrobina (0,016, captana (0,192, dodina (0,126, folpete (0,200, mancozebe (0,256, mancozebe + oxicloreto de cobre (0,140 + 0,096, tebuconazole (0,320, abamectina (0,002, óleo mineral 1 (2,420, óleo mineral 2 (1,920, dicloreto de paraquate (0,300 e glifosato (1,440 foram inócuos; deltametrina (0,002 foi levemente nocivo e dimetoato (0,160, fosmete (0,160 e malationa (0,240 foram nocivos a adultos de C. externa.

  16. Métodos tintoriais utilizados na identificação do Mycobacterium leprae: revisão histológica Staining methods used in the identification of Mycobacterium leprae: historical review

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    Luiz Fernando de Góes Siqueira


    Full Text Available Foi feita revisão histórica sobre métodos tintoriais utilizados na identificação baciloscópica do Mycobacterium leprae. Ao lado da descrição de cada método, e suas variantes, é feita extensa revisão bibliográfica.A historical review of the staining methods utilized in the bacilloscopic identification of the Mycobacterium leprae was made. Beside the description of each method and its variants, an extensive bibliographical review is made.

  17. Levantamento e identificação dos símbolos gráficos utilizados para a caracterização de controles e comandos em máquinas agrícolas Classification and identification of the graphic symbols used for the characterization of controls and commands in agricultural machines


    Airton dos S. Alonço; Mônica R. G. Balestra; Vilnei de O. Dias; Fabrício A. Medeiros


    Os símbolos gráficos utilizados para indicar a função dos comandos e controles das máquinas agrícolas tornam a operação mais segura. Logo, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a simbologia existente nas máquinas agrícolas disponíveis nas quatro principais concessionárias de Santa Maria - RS. No levantamento, foram utilizados como parâmetros os símbolos gráficos recomendados pelas normas técnicas, sendo os existentes nas máquinas estudadas fotografados e posteriormente anotados em plani...

  18. Selectividad de insecticidas utilizados en cultivos hortícolas del Cinturón Hortícola Platense sobre el depredador Eriopis connexa en el marco del Manejo Integrado de Plagas


    Fogel, Marilina


    El objetivo principal de esta tesis fue la evaluación de la toxicidad de los insecticidas comúnmente utilizados en cultivos hortícolas sobre el depredador generalista Eriopis connexa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Cochinellidae) con la finalidad de conocer el perfil toxicológico de los mismos y determinar la selectividad de los mismos hacia este organismo no blanco. La evaluación se realizó mediante ensayos de toxicidad aguda en laboratorio considerando los efectos letales y subletales seleccion...

  19. Individualizing Services, Individualizing Responsibility

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    Garsten, Christina; Hollertz, Katarina; Jacobsson, Kerstin

    possibilities for individual voice, autonomy and self-determination in the local delivery of activation policy? What barriers do specific organisational models and practices imply for clients to choose, determine and access tailor-made programmes and services? What policy technologies are at work in governing......-oriented, and the normative demands placed on individuals appear increasingly totalizing, concerning the whole individual rather than the job-related aspects only. The paper is based on 23 in-depth interviews with individual clients as well as individual caseworkers and other professionals engaged in client-related work...

  20. Construcción de un prototipo de dosificador con mezclador para el acrílico utilizado en la elaboración de prótesis temporales en odontología


    Restrepo Céspedes, Andrea; Ortíz Gómez, Natalia


    En el proyecto de grado se describe el diseño y la implementación de un prototipo de dosificador para el acrílico utilizado en odontología para prótesis dentales -- El diseño del equipo se encuentra soportado en 4 razones principales: -Mejoramiento de la calidad del producto por una dosificación adecuada de los materiales -- Disminución de desperdicios generados a partir de errores en la dosificación -- Conservación y almacenamiento de las materias primas para la preparación del acrílico -- F...

  1. en ocho cuentos utilizados en el tercer ciclo de la educación general básica del sistema educativo costarricense en el año 2005

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    Rodolfo Fernández Carballo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se realiza una enumeración de los diversos preceptos que la ideología patriarcal asigna a los géneros femenino y masculino, y se pretende demostrar, a partir de las concepciones teóricas de Bajtín sobre las relaciones texto-sociedad, el enunciado y las valoraciones sociales, cómo dichos preceptos se refractan en ocho cuentos de lectura obligatoria utilizados por los estudiantes del Tercer Ciclo de la Educación General Básica del Sistema Educativo Costarricense en el año 2005. Finalmente, se establecen, en la conclusión, algunas recomendaciones en torno al tema tratado por su incidencia en la formación de los estudiantes.

  2. Direcciones futuras de la ecotoxicología en Chile: implicancias para la evaluación de riesgo ambiental de productos veterinarios utilizados en acuicultura Future directions of Chilean ecotoxicology: Implications for the environmental risk assessment of veterinary products used in aquaculture

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    Full Text Available La relación bidireccional de influencia que la acuicultura establece con el ambiente en el cual se desarrolla determina límites al crecimiento de esta actividad económica en Chile. Esto se ha traducido tanto en restricciones técnicas, como en conflictos ambientales y sociales. La creciente demanda de nuevos productos quimioterapéuticos y su consecuente vertido en ambientes acuáticos es considerado uno de los principales problemas ambientales que enfrenta la industria del salmón en Chile. Sin embargo, poco se sabe acerca de los efectos que ejercen estas sustancias sobre especies no objetivo y, en general, sobre la estructura y función de los ecosistemas expuestos. Mediante la aplicación de teoría y métodos de ecología contemporánea, el trabajo aquí presentado busca contribuir oportunamente al desarrollo de una metodología que permita reducir el nivel de incertidumbre asociado a la evaluación de riesgo ambiental de productos veterinarios utilizados en acuicultura. Se revisa el estado actual de la evaluación de riesgo ambiental en Chile y se identifican aspectos críticos y factibles de corregir en el marco de los procedimientos utilizados. Finalmente, se entrega una propuesta metodológica general que contempla extender de un modo coherente las pruebas ecotoxicológicas estándar, combinando experimentación a niveles comunitario, poblacional e individual, junto a la modelización matemática de sistemas ecológicos.The bidirectional relationship that aquaculture has with the environment set limits to the growth this economic activity has in Chile. This condition has generated both technical constraints and environmental as well as social conflicts. The growing demand for new chemotherapeutic compounds and their reléase into aquatic environments is now considered one of the main problems being faced by the salmón industry in Chile. However, little is known about the effects these substances exert on non-target species and on the

  3. Disruptores endocrinos utilizados en la industria textil-confección en España Endocrine disruptors used in textile industry in Spain

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    Rafael Gadea


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los disruptores endocrinos son sustancias químicas que pueden alterar el sistema hormonal. Estas sustancias se utilizan en distintos procesos de la industria del textil-confección. Objetivos: Identificar las sustancias con efectos de disrupción endocrina utilizados en la industria del textil y la confección en España para prevenir la exposición de los trabajadores a estas sustancias. Material y métodos: En el estudio participaron 65 empresas de siete comunidades autónomas, seleccionadas mediante acuerdo entre las organizaciones empresariales y sindicales del sector. Técnicos de salud laboral de las federaciones sindicales visitaron las empresas participantes y recogieron información sobre los productos químicos utilizados mediante observación de etiquetas y fichas de datos de seguridad y mediante entrevistas con técnicos de prevención, trabajadores designados, delegados de prevención y trabajadores utilizando cuestionarios estandarizados. Resultados: Las empresas participantes cubren un amplio rango de actividades propias del sector, siendo la mayoría de ellas de tamaño medio (entre 51 y 250 trabajadores, n=39. Se identificaron diecisiete sustancias diferentes con efectos de disrupción endocrina utilizadas en distintos puestos de trabajo, incluyendo preparación de fibras y tejidos, lavado, tintado o acabado textil, entre otros. Conclusiones: Serían necesarios estudios que permitieran cuantificar el nivel de exposición en los puestos identificados para priorizar las medidas preventivas necesarias.Introduction: Endocrine disruptors are chemicals which can affect hormonal system in human beings. These substances are used in several processes in the textile industry. Objectives: Identifying chemicals with endocrine disruption potential used in Spanish textile industry to promoting risk prevention in exposed workers. Material and methods: The study includes 65 companies located in seven different Spanish regions

  4. Avaliação de seletividade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura do crisântemo a adultos de Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) em laboratório


    Morais, Alexandre Augusto; Carvalho, Geraldo Andrade; Moraes, Jair Campos; Godoy, Maurício Sekiguchi; Cosme, Luciano Veiga


    Objetivou-se avaliar a seletividade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura do crisântemo a adultos de Orius insidiosus (Say). Os bioensaios foram conduzidos a 25±1oC, UR 70±10% e fotofase de 12h, em Lavras, MG. Os inseticidas avaliados foram abamectina (0,0009 g i.a./100 ml), cartap (0,06 g i.a./100 ml), ciromazina (0,011 g i.a./100 ml), fenpropatrina (0,009 g i.a./100 ml) e imidaclopride (0,042 g i.a./100 ml). As pulverizações foram realizadas por meio de torre de Potter calibrada...

  5. Avaliação dos medicamentos utilizados e possíveis interações medicamentosas em doentes renais crônicos = Assessment of used medications and drug-drug interactions among chronic renal failure patients

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    Sgnaolin, Vanessa


    Conclusões: A prevalência de potenciais interações medicamentosas nos pacientes em hemodiálise foi elevada e esteve intimamente ligada ao número de medicamentos utilizados por cada paciente. A população com doença renal crônica necessita do uso de vários medicamentos, portanto é importante a seleção cuidadosa de alternativas terapêuticas, através da assistência farmacêutica, para o uso eficaz, racional e seguro de medicamentos

  6. "Estudo comparativo da resistência à infiltração que diferentes materiais resinosos utilizados na cimentação de retentores intra-radiculares oferecem à passagem de fluidos que atravessam a dentina"


    Marcio Katsuyoshi Mukai


    O Objetivo deste estudo é avaliar in vitro, a resistência que diferentes materiais resinosos têm a passagem de fluidos que atravessam a dentina na ausência de cemento radicular. Foram utilizados 60 dentes humanos cedidos pelo banco de dentes da FOUSP. Os dentes foram submetidos a tratamento endodôntico segundo a técnica de Paiva e Antoniazzi e armazenados a uma temperatura de 37°C em umidade 100% por 24 horas para o preparo do retentor intra -radicular respeitando o limite apical de 4 mm. Os ...

  7. Avaliação das emissões gasosas de diferentes tipos de combustíveis utilizados e seus impactos ambientais

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    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem o objetivo de traçar uma revisão sobre os combustíveis utilizados em diferentes processos industriais,com ênfase nos principais gases daí emitidos. A poluição do ar causada por tais poluentes exerce grande influência na saúdehumana e em vários ecossistemas, pois diariamente são liberados altas taxas dos mesmos para a atmosfera. Há alguns anos jáocorrem discussões para que haja a minimização dos problemas ambientais, os acordos internacionais estão sendo fundamentaisnesse contexto uma vez que, entre metas bem definidas, encontram-se a substituição de combustíveis altamente poluidores. Asfontes alternativas de energia têm sido a escolha utilizada pelos países, que além de ambientalmente corretos, possibilitambenefícios para as indústrias.Abstract This work reviews the main fuels used inindustrial processes, emphasizing the gases from theseemissions. The air pollution caused by these pollutants has adirect impact over the human health and ecosystems, due toliberation of these gases to the atmosphere at high rates. Forseveral years, discussions about this theme deal theminimization of the environmental problems andinternational agreements have been done focusing onsubstitution of conventional fuels for another ones. Thealternative energy resources has been chosen by theirbenefits.

  8. Avaliação da Resistência à Oxidação de Camadas de Ligação de Revestimentos Utilizados em Barreiras Térmicas

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    Maria Júlia Xavier Belém


    Full Text Available Resumo Revestimentos são crescentemente utilizados como alternativa de engenharia em projetos avançados. Diversas técnicas e processos estão disponíveis para a aplicação de revestimentos, dependendo da condição específica a que se destinam. Revestimentos para barreira térmica, conhecidos como TBC, fazem parte de uma série especial de revestimentos metal-cerâmicos com tradicional utilização na indústria aeronáutica e crescente aplicação nas indústrias automotiva e de turbinas industriais. Um dos maiores problemas dos TBCs é sua degradação devido à oxidação em alta temperatura da camada de ligação, levando à falha do revestimento por desplacamento. O presente estudo investiga e compara o comportamento de oxidação da camada de ligação de revestimentos para barreira térmica (TBC, tendo como material a liga NiAl, que é uma liga bastante utilizada devido a suas características em altas temperaturas e por ter uma boa adesão em vários substratos. A camada de ligação foi aplicada em um substrato de Aço ABNT 1020 pelo processo Flame Spray (Aspersão a chama. Para a realização dos testes de oxidação isotérmica, o forno utilizado foi regulado a uma temperatura de 1000°C em atmosfera de ar estático, com exposição das amostras por 24, 48, 96 horas e o resfriamento feito em ar atmosférico à temperatura ambiente. A análise do óxido crescido termicamente (TGO – Thermally Grown Oxide em cada amostra foi feita relacionando os tempos de exposição, avaliando a taxa de óxidos por meio de medições de ganho de massa das amostras com revestimentos oxidados e análises por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura e Microscopia Ótica.


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    Rosana Gonçalves Barros


    Full Text Available

    A mosca-branca (Bemisia argentifolli Bellows & Perring tem causado sérios prejuízos em muitas áreas produtoras de feijão no Brasil. O dano indireto através da transmissão do vírus do mosaico dourado é um dos fatores limitantes na produção do feijão, podendo causar perdas de até 100%. Uma das medidas recentemente desenvolvidas para o controle desta praga é o tratamento das sementes com inseticida. Neste trabalho foi testada a compatibilidade do inseticida thiamethoxam com alguns dos fungicidas utilizados para tratamento de sementes de feijão destinadas ao plantio (difenoconazole, fludioxonil e carboxin. As variáveis utilizadas na avaliação foram: porcentagens de germinação, de sanidade das sementes e de eficiência de controle da mosca-branca. Considerando todas as variáveis, constatou-se que não houve incompatibilidade do inseticida com os fungicidas utilizados. Os tratamentos thiamethoxam+carboxin e thiamethoxam+fludioxonil foram os que apresentaram maior eficiência no controle de fungos incidentes em sementes e da mosca-branca em plântulas até os onze dias após a emergência.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mosca-branca; Bemisia argentifolli; fungos de sementes; controle químico.

    The white fly (Bemisia argentifolli Bellows & Perring causes serious damage to the common bean crop in Brazil. The indirect damage through the transmission of bean gold mosaic virus can cause losses of up to 100%. One measure recently developed to control this pest is insecticide seed dressing. In this study, the compatibility of the insecticide thiamethoxam with the fungicides used for dry beans seed dressing was tested. These treatments included the fungicides difenoconazole, fludioxonil and carboxin. The variables evaluated were

  10. Formal auditory training efficacy in individuals with auditory processing disorder


    Zalcman, Tatiane Eisencraft; Schochat, Eliane


    OBJETIVO: Verificar a eficácia de um programa de Treinamento Auditivo comparando o desempenho inicial, nos testes comportamentais, com o desempenho após o treinamento auditivo aplicado em indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 30 sujeitos com idades entre oito e 16 anos, que passaram por uma avaliação comportamental inicial do processamento auditivo em que foram utilizados dois testes monóticos e dois dicóticos. Posteriormente foram submetidos a u...


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    Silvia Oliveira Dayube


    Full Text Available O monitoramento da planta destaca-se como o método ideal de manejo de irrigação, Alguns modelos de indicadores do estresse das culturas foram desenvolvidos, entre os quais se encontra o Índice de Estresse Hídrico da Cultura (IEHC, ou CWSI – Crop Water Stress Index proposto por Idso et al. (1981, que correlaciona a diferença de temperatura da folha e do ar (Tc-Ta com o déficit de pressão do vapor d’água (DPV. Desta forma, objetivou-se analisar os parâmetros atmosféricos (Ta, e umidade relativa do ar e da cultura (Tc, medidos com um termômetro infravermelho, que são utilizados para calcular o CWSI do algodoeiro irrigado. Plantas em condições normais de transpiração apresentam valores de Ta superiores a Tc. Altas temperaturas associadas a baixa disponibilidade hídrica, resulta em temperatura foliar acima do ideal. O CWSI do algodoeiro foi classificado como favorável na maioria dos dias avaliados. O método pode ser empregado no monitoramento da irrigação.

  12. Conocimientos de los alumnos de últimos años de Medicina y residentes sobre indicadores de riesgo epidemiológico utilizados en ensayos clínicos Knowledge of epidemiological risk indicators used in clinical trials among medical students in advanced years and medical residents

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    Alonso Zea-Vera


    Full Text Available Estudio que evaluó el conocimiento de 182 estudiantes de los dos últimos años de medicina y 70 residentes de un hospital nacional de Perú, sobre los indicadores de riesgo utilizados en la presentación de resultados en ensayos clínicos. Se realizó un estudio transversal en el que se aplicó un cuestionario que evaluó la capacidad de reconocer y calcular los indicadores de riesgo epidemiológico más utilizados en la literatura médica. El 19,4% no reconoció ninguno de los indicadores y el 81,4% no logró calcularlos. La reducción de riesgo relativo fue el indicador más reconocido (55,2%, seguida del número necesario a tratar (51,6%; reducción de riesgo absoluto (26,6%, y hazard ratio (9,5%. En conclusión, los alumnos de los dos últimos años de medicina y los residentes, no reconocen ni calculan adecuadamente los indicadores de riesgo utilizados en ensayos clínicos.A cross-sectional study evaluated 182 students in the last two years of medical school and 70 residents of a national hospital in Peru on the risk indicators used for reporting results in clinical trials. A questionnaire was used to assess the ability to recognize and calculate risk indicators most widely used in the epidemiological literature. From the participants, 19.4% did not recognize any of the indicators and 81.4% was not able to calculate them. The relative risk reduction was the most recognized indicator (55.2%, followed by the number needed to treat (51.6%, the absolute risk reduction (26.6%, and the hazard ratio (9.5%. In conclusion, medical students in the last two years of school and medical residents do not recognize or are able to calculate properly the risk indicators used in clinical trials.

  13. Seletividade de inseticidas utilizados em cultura cafeeira para larvas de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant Selectivity of insecticides used in the coffee crop to larvae of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant

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    Luiz Carlos Dias Rocha


    Full Text Available Assim como a maioria dos cultivos, em cafeeiro, a associação de inimigos naturais com produtos fitossanitários seletivos é uma importante estratégia no manejo integrado de pragas (MIP. Dessa forma, este estudo objetivou avaliar a seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados na cultura cafeeira sobre larvas de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, 1853 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, em laboratório. Os bioensaios foram realizados em condições controladas (25±2°C, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Cada bioensaio consistiu em seis tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo cada parcela composta por duas larvas. Para as comparações das médias dos tratamentos, empregou-se um esquema fatorial inteiramente ao acaso de produtos x número de instares para os diferentes instares subsequentes à aplicação. Os inseticidas utilizados e suas respectivas dosagens de aplicação, em g de i.a. L-1 foram: tiametoxam (0,5, imidacloprido (0,7, óleo mineral (13,3, endossulfam (2,63 e dimetoato (0,48. A testemunha foi composta apenas por água destilada. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada por meio de torre de Potter. Avaliaram-se a sobrevivência dos espécimes após serem contaminados com os produtos e os efeitos dos compostos sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos do predador. Tiametoxam (0,5, imidacloprido (0,7 e endossulfam (2,63 foram os mais prejudiciais, tendo sido observados, para os dois primeiros, 100% de mortalidade de larvas de primeiro e de segundo instares um dia após a aplicação e significativa redução na sobrevivência das larvas de terceiro e quarto instares. Dimetoato (0,48 foi nocivo para larvas de primeiro instar e levemente nocivo para larvas de quarto instar. Em função da seletividade apresentada pelo óleo mineral (13,3, este pode ser recomendado em compatibilização com o predador C. montrouzieri em programas de MIP na cultura cafeeira, sem prejuízo ao desempenho do inimigo natural.As well as most of the crops, in coffee crop, the

  14. The protection system to Brazilian Nuclear Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreuzza, Mario Giussepp Santezzi Bertottelli


    The Sistema de Protecao ao Programa Nuclear Brasileiro-SIPRON (Protection System to Brazilian Nuclear Program) was established in 1980. It is intended to accomplish in only one system, all the actions related to security and protection for Nuclear Facilities in Brazil. The author presents in detail the protection system SIPRON, describing the system structure and organization, the functions and obligations of the system involved main organizations, as well as, the system operation and behaviour during an postulated occurrence of a nuclear emergency. It is also described an Exercise that happened in June of 1997 at the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Angra I, after two simulated tests in December of 1996 and April of 1997. The NPP Angra I Emergency Plan Exercise was a good opportunity to test the SIPRON structure and preparedness program. It was verified, included by International Atomic Energy Agency observers, the system involved organizations effectiveness and the procedures efficacy to protect the public and the environmental. Finally, it is shown the SIPRON activities of routine, the system obstacles and the expected future performances. (author)

  15. Identificación de los efectos tóxicos producidos por los fármacos antineoplásicos utilizados en el Centro Radioncológico del Caribe en la Ciudad de Cartagena, durante el año 2010


    Escobar Torres, Carlos Alberto


    El presente trabajo estuvo encaminado a identificar los efectos tóxicos de los fármacos antineoplásicos utilizados en el Centro Radiooncológico del Caribe en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, en pacientes con cancer durante el año 2010. Para ello, se utilizaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes atendidos en este centro asistencial en el período de tiempo antes mencionado. Se encontró que todos los paciente, 165 en total, presentaron al menos un efecto tóxico. Estos efe...

  16. A eficácia do treinamento auditivo formal em indivíduos com transtorno de processamento auditivo Formal auditory training efficacy in individuals with auditory processing disorder

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    Tatiane Eisencraft Zalcman


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a eficácia de um programa de Treinamento Auditivo comparando o desempenho inicial, nos testes comportamentais, com o desempenho após o treinamento auditivo aplicado em indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 30 sujeitos com idades entre oito e 16 anos, que passaram por uma avaliação comportamental inicial do processamento auditivo em que foram utilizados dois testes monóticos e dois dicóticos. Posteriormente foram submetidos a um programa de treinamento de auditivo durante oito semanas, a fim de reabilitar as habilidades auditivas encontradas alteradas na avaliação inicial do processamento auditivo e por fim passaram por uma nova avaliação comportamental do processamento auditivo. RESULTADOS: Após o treinamento auditivo houve melhora em todos os testes aplicados. No teste PSI, pré-treinamento auditivo, as crianças, as crianças tinham uma média de acerto de 66,8% que passou para 86,2% após o treinamento auditivo. No teste de fala com ruído, as crianças tinham uma média de acerto de 69,3% pré-treinamento auditivo que passou a ser 80,5% pós-treinamento auditivo. No teste DNV, a média de acerto pré-treinamento auditivo era de 72,6% e passou a ser 91,4%. Finalmente, no teste SSW a treinamento auditivo média de acerto era de 42,2% pré-treinamento auditivo e passou a ser 88,9% pós. CONCLUSÃO: O programa de treinamento auditivo utilizado foi eficaz na reabilitação das habilidades auditivas encontradas alteradas nas crianças com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo.PURPOSE: To assess the effectiveness of the Auditory Training comparing the performance in the behavioral tests before and after auditory training in individuals with Auditory Processing Disorders. METHODS: Thirty individuals with ages ranging from eight to 16 years were submitted to an auditory processing evaluation, which consisted of two monotic and two dichotic tests. After that, the

  17. Valor nutricional e energia metabolizável de subprodutos do trigo utilizados para alimentação de suínos em crescimento Nutritional value and metabolizable energy of wheat by‑products used for feeding growing pigs


    William Rui Wesendonck; Alexandre de Mello Kessler; Andréa Machado Leal Ribeiro; Marcelo Luiz Somensi; Luciane Bockor; Julio Cezar Dadalt; Alessandra Nardina Trícia Rigo Monteiro; Fábio Ritter Marx


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o valor nutricional e energético de subprodutos do trigo, em dietas para suínos em crescimento, e obter equações de predição da energia metabolizável. Foram utilizados 36 suínos machos, castrados, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Realizou-se a coleta total de fezes e urina em dois períodos de dez dias: cinco para adaptação e cinco para coleta. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, tendo-se considerado o período de coleta como bloco, c...

  18. Determinação de dose absorvida em feixes de elétrons utilizado câmara de ionizacão de placas paralelas

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    Bulla Roseli T.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um procedimento para a determinação dos fatores de calibração e de doses absorvidas em feixes de elétrons. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados um irradiador de 60Co e um acelerador linear Varian, modelo Clinac 2100C, com feixes de fótons e de elétrons. Foram estudadas câmaras de ionização do tipo dedal e de placas paralelas. RESULTADOS: Os sistemas de medidas foram submetidos aos testes preliminares (estabilidade de resposta e corrente de fuga, com resultados muito bons. Quatro métodos de calibração de câmaras de ionização para utilização em feixes de elétrons foram testados. Para a determinação da dose absorvida em feixes de elétrons foram aplicadas três metodologias propostas pela Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica, com a obtenção de resultados concordantes em quase todos os casos. CONCLUSÃO: A maior parte das câmaras de ionização estudadas mostrou-se viável, com desempenho dentro dos limites internacionais estabelecidos.

  19. Avaliação do desempenho dos reagentes do tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada utilizados para detectar o anticoagulante lúpico Assessment of the performance of reagents of activated partial thromboplastin time used to detect the lupus anticoagulant

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    Fernanda Chiuso


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O anticoagulante lúpico é uma imunoglobulina pertencente à família dos anticorpos antifosfolípides. A sua ação in vitro é interferir nos testes de coagulação dependentes de fosfolípides. O tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPA é um teste utilizado como screening na pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico. Os reagentes utilizados neste teste apresentam grandes variações quanto à sensibilidade. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho dos reagentes do TTPA e detectar a presença do anticoagulante lúpico através de diferentes testes da coagulação. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico foi realizada em 50 amostras plasmáticas de pacientes do sexo feminino através dos testes do TTPA, do tempo de coagulação do caulim (TCC, do tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada diluída (TTPAd e do tempo do veneno da víbora de Russel diluído (TVVRd. Três cefalinas comerciais foram avaliadas pelos testes do TTPA e do TTPAd. Na comparação entre os reagentes estudados foi aplicado o cálculo do intervalo de confiança (95%. RESULTADOS: Os três reagentes avaliados apresentaram boa concordância e os métodos utilizados responderam bem à pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico. DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÃO: As três cefalinas comerciais avaliadas podem ser utilizadas na rotina laboratorial para a pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico.INTRODUCTION: The lupus anticoagulant is an immunoglobin which belongs to the antiphospholid antibodies family. Its in vitro function is to interfere with coagulation tests that are dependent on phospholipids. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT is a test used as screening on lupus anticoagulant research. Reagents used in this test demonstrate wide sensitivity ranges. OBJECTIVE: To assess the performance of APTT reagents and detect the presence of lupus anticoagulant through various coagulation tests. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The lupus anticoagulant research was performed in plasma from 50

  20. Instrumentos da Contabilidade Gerencial utilizados em micro e pequenas empresas comerciais e disponibilizados por empresas de serviços contábeis = Managerial Accounting instruments used in micro and small commercial businesses services provided by accounting services companies

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    Vanderlei dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo é verificar os instrumentos da contabilidade gerencial utilizados em micro e pequenas empresas comerciais na tomada de decisão e a disponibilização desses instrumentos por parte das empresas de serviços contábeis. Realizou-se pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa e por meio de uma survey. Para a coleta dos dados foram aplicados dois questionários,um direcionado às empresas comerciais e o outro aos escritórios prestadores de serviços contábeis.De 77 empresas comerciais cadastradas na prefeitura do município de Presidente Getúlio/SC,obteve-se o retorno de 16 delas, constituindo-se assim uma amostra por acessibilidade. Quanto às empresas de serviços contábeis, obteve-se um retorno de 100% da população, totalizando 7 escritórios de contabilidade. Os resultados monstram que os instrumentos da contabilidade gerencial mais utilizados pelas empresas são a formação do preço de venda e o fluxo de caixa,enquanto os menos utilizados são, a análise das demonstrações contábeis e análise do custo/volume/lucro e ponto de equilíbrio. Conclui-se que há necessidade de mudança na relação das micro e pequenas empresas com a contabilidade e o aperfeiçoamento dos serviços oferecidos pelos profissionais das empresas de serviços contábeis.The objective of the study is to examine the instruments of managerial accounting used in microand small commercial businesses in decision making and the availability of these instruments byaccounting services companies. A descriptive research was done using a quantitative approachand a survey. Two questionnaires were applied to collect the data, one directed to commercialenterprises and other to the accounting service providers office. Out of the 77 commercialcompanies registered in President Getúlio / SC city hall, was obtained the return of 16 of them,being a sample of accessibility. As for accounting services companies, we obtained 100% ofreturn from the

  1. Medicamentos utilizados para trastornos cognitivos: Análisis de un millón y medio de prescripciones en la Argentina

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    Galeno Rojas


    Full Text Available Los costos originados por trastornos cognitivos y demencias son significativos para los sistemas de salud. Según guías nacionales e internacionales, los fármacos recomendados para su tratamiento son inhibidores de colinesterasa (donepecilo, galantamina y rivastigmina y memantina. En la Argentina también son utilizados otros nootrópicos, galantamina, rivastigmina, vasodilatadores, vitaminas y antioxidantes. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir y comparar el patrón de prescripción de drogas para el tratamiento de trastornos cognitivos y demencias en las distintas regiones del país. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo a partir de las prescripciones (1 814 108 envases realizadas en la práctica clínica habitual durante el segundo semestre del 2008 y el primer y segundo semestre del 2009. El trabajo fue realizado sobre la población total del Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados. Se analizaron variables demográficas, cantidad y tasa de prescripciones, presentaciones y dosis utilizadas por regiones. Considerando todo el país, memantina fue la droga más prescripta en esos períodos, con un total de 570 893 envases. Memantina, donepecilo, rivastigmina e idebenona presentaron un incremento en las tasas de prescripción 2008-2009. Analizando los cambios regionales en tasas de prescripción, la memantina aumentó en el Noroeste y Noreste argentino, la idebenona en el Noroeste y la Patagonia y el donepecilo en el Noreste. Grupos de fármacos no recomendados fueron altamente prescriptos en todas las regiones del país. Algunos fueron indicados en adultos jóvenes o de mediana edad.

  2. Influencia de la composición y tratamiento térmico sobre el comportamiento a fluencia de aceros ferrítico-martensíticos del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb utilizados en calderas supercríticas

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    Gutiérrez Urrutia, I.


    Full Text Available In the present investigation, creep behaviour on various ferritic-martensitic steels (type 9Cr1MoVNb from last generation were studied. They’re amply used as high pressure and temperature tubes in supercritical boilers for advanced thermoelectric plant. The material used was produced with vacuum high frecuency induction furnace hot-rolling followed by normalizing plus and tempering heat treatments. Creep testing carry out with different stress (also constant lower than yield strength (σ < Re and temperatures at 600±50ºC. Influence by variation of some chemical elements (B, Ti, V, Nb, V, C, as well assessment Larson-Miller, Manson-Haferd and Orr-Sherby-Dorn parameters, they’re likewise studied.

    Se estudia el comportamiento a fluencia de varios aceros ferrítico-martensíticos de última generación, del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb, que son ampliamente utilizados como tubos presurizados de alta temperatura en calderas supercríticas para centrales térmicas avanzadas de producción de energía eléctrica. El material utilizado fue fabricado en hornos de inducción de alta frecuencia y al vacío, laminado en caliente y posteriormente aplicado diferentes tratamientos térmicos de Normalizado y Revenido. En los ensayos de fluencia se aplicaron diferentes y ctes. σ < Re y temperaturas de 550, 600 y 650º C. La influencia de la variación de determinados elementos (C, N, V, Nb, Ti, B de su composición química así como observar los valores que toman los parámetros de Larson-Miller, Manson-Haferd y Orr-Sherby-Dorn, son asimismo contemplados.

  3. Protection coordination program - PCP; Programa de coordenacao de Protecao - PCP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koehler, Marcos; Pinto, Jose Molinari; Shigueoka, Olimpio Sadao [Companhia Paranaense de Energia (COPEL), Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Sciammarella, Salvatore Filippo; Klimkowski, Mario [Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento (LACTEC), Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Niederheitmann Junior, Heinz Arthur [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil)


    This paper presents the potential of this tool and also the advantages obtained by the implantation of this new procedure in the COPEL. This paper approaches the elaboration of program modeling, the data bank, the types of equipment, and the various available functions, and a real case as an example.

  4. Valor nutritivo dos alimentos utilizados na formulação de rações para peixes tropicais Nutritive value of common feeds used in tropical fish diets

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    Luiz Edivaldo Pezzato


    Full Text Available A seleção de ingredientes para a formulação de dietas para peixes requer o conhecimento prévio dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da energia e nutrientes. O valor nutritivo de vários alimentos tem sido investigado no Brasil e o uso de fontes alternativas não deve resultar em efeitos negativos sobre o desempenho, saúde dos peixes e qualidade da água. Diversos fatores podem afetar a digestibilidade, sendo que os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos ingredientes devem ser utilizados para a formulação de rações mais precisas e econômicas.Selection of potential ingredients for feed formulation for any fish species requires knowledge of the apparent digestibility coefficients of energy and nutrients. The nutritive value of various ingredients has been investigated in Brazil and alternative source is must support similar fish performance and no adverse effects on fish health and the environment. Several factors can affect nutrient digestibility and the apparent digestibility coefficients of wide range of feed ingredients should be used for more accurate and economical feed formulation.

  5. Genders and Individual Treatment Progress in (Non-)Binary Trans Individuals. (United States)

    Koehler, Andreas; Eyssel, Jana; Nieder, Timo O


    Health care for transgender and transsexual (ie, trans) individuals has long been based on a binary understanding of gender (ie, feminine vs masculine). However, the existence of non-binary or genderqueer (NBGQ) genders is increasingly recognized by academic and/or health care professionals. To gain insight into the individual health care experiences and needs of binary and NBGQ individuals to improve their health care outcomes and experience. Data were collected using an online survey study on experiences with trans health care. The non-clinical sample consisted of 415 trans individuals. An individual treatment progress score was calculated to report and compare participants' individual progress toward treatment completion and consider the individual treatment needs and definitions of completed treatment (ie, amount and types of different treatments needed to complete one's medical transition). Main outcome measures were (i) general and trans-related sociodemographic data and (ii) received and planned treatments. Participants reported binary (81.7%) and different NBGQ (18.3%) genders. The 2 groups differed significantly in basic demographic data (eg, mean age; P < .05). NBGQ participants reported significantly fewer received treatments compared with binary participants. For planned treatments, binary participants reported more treatments related to primary sex characteristics only. Binary participants required more treatments for a completed treatment than NBGQ participants (6.0 vs 4.0). There were no differences with regard to individual treatment progress score. Because traditional binary-focused treatment practice could have hindered NBGQ individuals from accessing trans health care or sufficiently articulating their needs, health care professionals are encouraged to provide a holistic and individual treatment approach and acknowledge genders outside the gender binary to address their needs appropriately. Because the study was made inclusive for non

  6. The expressiveness of a university professor in his classroom performance: analysis of verbal resources and implications for nursing La expresividad del profesor universitario durante su actuación en la sala de clases: análisis de los recursos verbales utilizados y sus implicaciones para la enfermeira A expressividade do docente universitário durante sua atuação na sala de aula: análise dos recursos verbais utilizados e suas implicações para a enfermagem

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    Cristiane Conceição Romano


    Full Text Available Expressiveness is the ability of individuals to make their thoughts alive through language and body, effectively transmitting information. This study investigated the expressiveness of a university professor during nursing classes in relation to verbal resources from the perspective of students. This descriptive and quantitative study was carried out in a Higher Education Institution using specific instruments to assess expressiveness. The professor's class was video recorded and the video was first assessed by three speech and language experts and later assessed by 141 students with whom he had no previous contact. The results reveal that students and experts agreed in relation to the professors' expressive skills, which proved the ability of students to evaluate this communication skill.La expresividad es la capacidad del individuo de tornar vivo su pensamiento por medio del lenguaje y por la expresión corporal, permitiendo la transmisión de informaciones de modo efectivo. El presente estudio objetivó investigar la expresividad del profesor universitario de enfermería dando clases en relación a sus recursos verbales, a partir de la evaluación de los alumnos. Se trata de investigación descriptiva, cuantitativa, desarrollada en una Institución de Enseñanza Superior, para lo cual fueron utilizados instrumentos específicos de evaluación de la expresividad. Se realizó una película de una clase del referido profesor, que fue primeramente evaluada por tres expertos fonoaudiólogos y después sometida a evaluación por parte de 141 alumnos que no habían tenido contacto previo con el mismo. Los resultados mostraron que alumnos y expertos coincidieron en su evaluación sobre las habilidades expresivas del profesor universitario de enfermería, lo que comprobó la capacidad y la propiedad de los estudiantes en la evaluación de esa habilidad de comunicación.A expressividade é a capacidade de o indivíduo tornar vivo seu pensamento pela

  7. Caracterización química de los extractos colorantes de siete especies forestales y del fijador natural, utilizado en 19 comunidades indígenas de Ucayali, Perú

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    Luisa Riveros


    Full Text Available Se realizó la caracterización química de las sustancias colorantes provenientes de las 07 especies y del fijador natural identificadas en la primera parte de la investigación, y que son utilizados como materia prima para el teñido de telas y artesanías por 19 comunidades indígenas de la Región Ucayali. Estas especies son: Trichilia maynasiana, Trichilia poeppigiana, Swietenia macrophylla, Buchenavia parvifolia, Terminalia oblonga,  Terminalia sp., y Picramnia juniniana. Los tintes y cortezas de estas especies sometidas a un tamizaje fitoquímico presentaron mayormente taninos, lactonas y flavonoides, en diferentes concentraciones, como principales metabolitos, mientras que la especie Picramia juniniana “ami”, de coloración lila, presento básicamente quinonas. En la arcilla empleada como fijador, denominada greda, barro especial o “mano”, se encontraron 32 elementos químicos con predominancia de silicio y aluminio con un pH ácido, mientras que el fijador reacciona con el tinte formando complejos denominados quelatos los cuales fijan el color sobre las fibras naturales.

  8. An experiment on individual 'parochial altruism' revealing no connection between individual 'altruism' and individual 'parochialism'. (United States)

    Corr, Philip J; Hargreaves Heap, Shaun P; Seger, Charles R; Tsutsui, Kei


    Is parochial altruism an attribute of individual behavior? This is the question we address with an experiment. We examine whether the individual pro-sociality that is revealed in the public goods and trust games when interacting with fellow group members helps predict individual parochialism, as measured by the in-group bias (i.e., the difference in these games in pro-sociality when interacting with own group members as compared with members of another group). We find that it is not. An examination of the Big-5 personality predictors of each behavior reinforces this result: they are different. In short, knowing how pro-social individuals are with respect to fellow group members does not help predict their parochialism.

  9. Caracterización de los aceites de refrigeración utilizados en motocompresores herméticos que trabajan con el gas refrigerante LB-12

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    Celestino Oro Ortiz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo va dirigido a conocer las principales propiedades de los aceites de refrigeración de formulaciónnacional y extranjera concebidos para los sistemas que trabajan con el refrigerante R-12 y en la actualidad se utilizancon el gas refrigerante LB-12. Se realizó un análisis de laboratorio a los aceites estudiados según las normas de laASTM para los productos derivados del petróleo. Los resultados de este trabajo son de interés para la correctaselección del aceite de refrigeración atendiendo al modelo de compresor, refrigerante utilizado y condiciones deexplotación.  The use of the hydrocarbons as refrigerants in actuality have been a great diffusion in the hermetic motocompressorsof domestic refrigerators and other, in substitution of the R-12 refrigerant which result harmful to the ozone layer. Theobjective of this research was to know the principal properties of the refrigeration oils of national and foreign formulationmarketed for the refrigeration systems that work with the refrigerant R-12 and in the nowadays are using the refrigerantgas LB-12. In this work was made laboratories analysis to the oil using the ASTM norms for the oil products. Theresults of this work are interesting for the suitable selection of the refrigeration oil it must be taken into accountmotocompressor model, refrigerant used, and exploitation conditions.

  10. Environmental control of the wastes disposal of Abadia de Goias, Brazil; Controle ambiental do repositorio de rejeitos de Abadia de Goias

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    Magalhaes, Maisa H.; Acar, Maria Elizabeth E.D.; Lauria, Dejanira C. [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    In May 1997 the building of the Abadia de Goias disposal site was concluded. This waste disposal site was built to store the waste from Goiania cesium accident, which at the end of the city decontamination process amounted 3,500 m{sup 3} radioactive wastes, being 6,000 tons of solid waste. Since 1988 a radiological monitoring program has been performed at the site with the objective of assessing the site environmental impact. The site operator carries out measurements of the gamma exposure rate and {sup 137} Cs in different kind of samples (surface water, groundwater, soil, sediment, grass and milk). In order to assess the performance of the monitoring program, the Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), through the Departamento de Protecao Radiologica Ambiental (DEPRA/IRD), maintains a monitoring control program at the site. With the purpose of verifying the quality of the data supplied by the operator, some requirements have to be fulfilled by the site operator. This article presents the methodology adopted by the regulatory agency to control the monitoring program of the Abadia de Goias disposal site and discusses the results of the monitoring control program. (author)

  11. Underground waters management program at Camacari petrochemical complex; Programa de gerenciamento das aguas subterraneas do Polo Petroquimico de Camacari

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Paulo Roberto Penalva dos [Empresa de Protecao Ambiental S.A. (CETREL), Camacari, BA (Brazil); Nobre, Manoel de Melo Maia [Maia Nobre Engenharia Ltda., Maceio, AL (Brazil)


    The Camacari Petrochemical Complex, situated in the state of Bahia, is the largest and most important integrated industrial complex in Latin America. With the primary objective of preventing any environmental impact that could be caused by its processes, monitoring the quality of the air and water resources in the vicinity became common practice. In regard to the water resources, since 1992, the industries of the Camacari Complex, under the coordination of CETREL - Empresa de Protecao Ambiental S.A - have conducted an integrated program to monitor, protect and establish rational use of the groundwater resources at the region. This program complies with the conditions established by the Environmental Protection Board of Bahia State (CEPRAM). Several specific goals were already achieved by this program and others still under way. Some of them include: Elimination of most of the primary contaminant sources to groundwater; Evaluation of secondary sources based on plumes behavior and remediation of isolated areas with contaminated saturated and unsaturated zones; Interruption of production wells in the region to prevent contamination of deeper formations; Operations of a pump-and-treat system consisting of 12 extraction wells located down gradient of the Camacari Complex. (author) 7 refs.

  12. Eficácia do fembendazol e do pamoato de pirantel sobre Ancylostoma sp. e Toxocara canis, parasitos intestinais de cães


    Carvalho, Rogério Oliva


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia individual do fembendazol e do pamoato de pirantel contra nematóides intestinais de cães. Para tal, foram utilizados 36 filhotes de cães, sendo 18 machos e 18 fêmeas com menos de seis meses de idade , provenientes do canil do Departamento de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, selecionados por meio de exames coprológicos de Willis, sedimentação simples e contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG). Foram utilizados os animais que ap...

  13. Avaliação de uma cadeira de banho utilizada em ambiente hospitalar: uma abordagem ergonômica Evaluación de un hinodoro utilizado en el ambiente hospitalario: un abordaje ergonómico Assessment of a hospital bath chair: an ergonomic approach

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    Maria Estevam Comélio


    Full Text Available A literatura indica que a equipe de enfermagem apresenta uma elevada ocorrência de lesões osteomusculares. A utilização de equipamentos especiais tem levado a uma diminuição no risco de lesões na coluna nesses trabalhadores, além de satisfazerem as necessidades de conforto e segurança dos pacientes. Um desses equipamentos é a cadeira de banho. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar ergonomicamente uma cadeira de banho utilizada em um hospital. Foi utilizado um instrumento para os trabalhadores de enfermagem e um outro para os pacientes. Verificou-se que a cadeira avaliada apresenta inúmeros problemas ergonômicos em seus acessórios. Com relação à avaliação do esforço percebido, observou-se um elevado nível de esforço (8,33, segundo a Escala CR 10 de Borg, na manipulação do equipamento.La literatura indica que el equipo de enfermería presenta uma elevada ocurrencia de lesiones osteomusculares. La utilización de equipamientos especiales están llevando a una diminución en el riesgo de lesiones en la colunna de esos trabajadores, mas allá de satisfacer las necesidades de confort y seguridad de los pacientes. Uno de esos equipamientos es el hinodoro. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar ergonomicamente un hinodoro utilizado en un hospital. Fue utilizado un instrumento para los trabajadores de enfermeria y otro para los pacientes. Se verifico que el hinodoro presenta innumerables problemas ergonómicos en sus accesórios. Con relación a la evaluación del esfuerzo percibido, se observó un elevado nivel de esfuerzo (8,33, siguiendo la escala CR 10 de Borg, la manipulación del equipamiento.A high rate of musculoskeletal disorders in members of the nursing team is observed in the literature. The use of special devices such as the bath chair has reduced the risk of back injuries in these workers and has also provided the patient with greater safety as well as comfort. The aim of the present study was to

  14. Valor nutricional e energia metabolizável de subprodutos do trigo utilizados para alimentação de suínos em crescimento

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    William Rui Wesendonck


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o valor nutricional e energético de subprodutos do trigo, em dietas para suínos em crescimento, e obter equações de predição da energia metabolizável. Foram utilizados 36 suínos machos, castrados, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Realizou-se a coleta total de fezes e urina em dois períodos de dez dias: cinco para adaptação e cinco para coleta. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, tendo-se considerado o período de coleta como bloco, com seis tratamentos e seis repetições. A dieta referência foi substituída em 30% por um dos subprodutos testados: farinheta, farelo fino, farelo de trigo, farelo grosso e farelo grosso moído; este último usado para avaliar a influência da granulometria na digestibilidade. A fibra bruta foi a variável que proporcionou a melhor estimativa da energia metabolizável. O farelo fino foi superior em energia digestível e metabolizável, em comparação ao farelo grosso moído. O farelo grosso moído apresentou os menores coeficientes de digestibilidade, e a diminuição de seu diâmetro geométrico médio não aumentou a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e da energia. Entre os subprodutos avaliados, a farinheta apresenta maior energia digestível, energia metabolizável e proteína digestível, o que mostra elevado potencial para utilização em dietas para suínos em crescimento.

  15. The neurobiology of individuality (United States)

    de Bivort, Benjamin


    Individuals often display conspicuously different patterns of behavior, even when they are very closely related genetically. These differences give rise to our sense of individuality, but what is their molecular and neurobiological basis? Individuals that are nominally genetically identical differ at various molecular and neurobiological levels: cell-to-cell variation in somatic genomes, cell-to-cell variation in expression patterns, individual-to-individual variation in neuronal morphology and physiology, and individual-to-individual variation in patterns of brain activity. It is unknown which of these levels is fundamentally causal of behavioral differences. To investigate this problem, we use the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, whose genetic toolkit allows the manipulation of each of these mechanistic levels, and whose rapid lifecycle and small size allows for high-throughput automation of behavioral assays. This latter point is crucial; identifying inter-individual behavioral differences requires high sample sizes both within and across individual animals. Automated behavioral characterization is at the heart of our research strategy. In every behavior examined, individual flies have individual behavioral preferences, and we have begun to identify both neural genes and circuits that control the degree of behavioral variability between individuals.

  16. Individual Education. (United States)

    Corsini, Raymond


    Paper presented at the 66th Convention of the International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers, October 20, 1980, Baltimore, Maryland, describes individual education based on the principles of Alfred Adler. Defines six advantages of individual education, emphasizing student responsibility, mutual respect, and allowing students to progress at…

  17. Planossolos e Gleissolos Utilizados na Fabricação de Cerâmica Artesanal no Semiárido de Minas Gerais

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    Diana Ferreira de Freitas


    Full Text Available O conhecimento etnopedológico tem fornecido informações importantes sobre o modo de vida das populações rurais a respeito de suas tradições ancestrais, como a arte de elaborar peças artesanais a partir do barro advindo de solos com características próprias a esse uso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar física, química e mineralogicamente Planossolos e Gleissolos explorados para a produção de artefatos de cerâmica artesanal em Minas Gerais. Nos barreiros, foram coletados dois perfis de Planossolos (P1 e P2 e um Gleissolo (P3 usados como matéria-prima na produção artesanal de cerâmica. Foram realizadas análises físicas e químicas, limites de liquidez (LL e plasticidade (LP, índice de plasticidade (IP e de atividade coloidal (IA, além da mineralogia da fração argila. Os horizontes selecionados pelos ceramistas para a fabricação de cerâmica artesanal (BA, Btg e BCg, do P1; Btg1 e Btg2, do P2; e C2g e C3g, do P3 apresentaram os maiores teores de argila e silte, IP e IA, importantes para a qualidade final da cerâmica. O horizonte Cg do perfil P1 possui potencial de ser utilizado para a produção artesanal, em virtude do seu IP, superior aos dos horizontes normalmente usados, além dos teores de argila, silte e areia fina e suas características mineralógicas. A proporção ideal das frações areia, silte e argila e a porcentagem de matéria orgânica na definição de um bom material para cerâmica são difíceis de estabelecer e variam principalmente em razão de aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos da argila nos solos.

  18. Analyzing determinants influencing an individual׳s intention to use social commerce website

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    Prerna Lal


    Full Text Available The evolution of social media has changed the landscape of online commerce for both organizations as well as customers. Introduction of social commerce websites has bought shift in consumers׳ buying decision, i.e. from individual to social shopping. This study aims to identify factors that influence an individual׳s decision to use social commerce websites in an Indian Context. A conceptual model was developed based on extensive literature review. Wherein total six factors that influence an individual׳s intention to use social commerce were identified and were divided into three broad categories: social factors (informational support and community commitment, trust (towards members and community and website quality (ease of use and service quality. Research model was empirically examined using structural equation modeling. The findings of this study demonstrated positive relationship between all six factors and an individual׳s intention to use social commerce website. Additionally, study identified informational support as the most significant factor that influences an individual׳s intention to use social commerce website followed by trust towards members, service equality, trust towards community, ease of navigation, and community commitment.

  19. The stranded individualizer under compressed modernity: South Korean women in individualization without individualism. (United States)

    Kyung-Sup, Chang; Min-Young, Song


    South Korean families have functioned as a highly effective receptacle for the country's highly compressed conditions of modernity and late modernity. It is as much due to the success of South Korean families as an engine of compressed modernity as due to their failure that they have become functionally overloaded and socially risk-ridden. Such familial burdens and risks are particularly onerous to South Korean women because of the fundamentally gender-based structure of family relations and duties that has in part been recycled from the Confucian past and in part manufactured under industrial capitalism. Under these complicated conditions, South Korean women have had to dramatically restructure their family relations and duties as well as their individual life choices. Furthermore, under the most recent condition of what Beck calls second modernity, other institutions of modernity, such as the state, industrial economy, firms, unions, schools, and welfare systems, have become increasingly ineffective in helping to alleviate such (gender-based) familial burdens and dilemmas. As a result South Korean women have experienced dramatic changes in marriage patterns, fertility, family relations, etc. South Korean women's individualization has thereby taken place primarily as a matter of practicality rather than ideational change. A brief analysis of the situation in the neighbouring societies of Japan and Taiwan reinforces the conclusion that individualization without individualism, particularly among women, is a region-wide phenomenon in East Asia. © London School of Economics and Political Science 2010.

  20. Individual tree control (United States)

    Harvey A. Holt


    Controlling individual unwanted trees in forest stands is a readily accepted method for improving the value of future harvests. The practice is especially important in mixed hardwood forests where species differ considerably in value and within species individual trees differ in quality. Individual stem control is a mechanical or chemical weeding operation that...

  1. The Analysis of the Impact of Individual Weighting Factor on Individual Scores (United States)

    Kilic, Gulsen Bagci; Cakan, Mehtap


    In this study, category-based self and peer assessment were applied twice in a semester in an Elementary Science Teaching Methods course in order to assess individual contributions of group members to group projects as well as to analyze the impact of Individual Weighting Factors (IWF) on individual scores and individual grades. IWF were…

  2. The relationship of individual psychological and individual-typological characteristics in individuals with personality disorders, committed socially dangerous acts

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    Dubinsky A.A.


    Full Text Available The relationship between individual psychological and individually-typological characteristics of patients with personality disorders who committed socially dangerous acts were studied, taking into account the severity of the organic factor and the degree of their social dangerousness. 121 males were surveyed, 70 of them were diagnosed with "organic personality disorder" and 33 - personality disorder. The types of personality disorders were diagnosed. The individual variables, the ratio of processes of system activation of behavior and its inhibition, protective styles, especially coping behaviours that constitute aggression, styles of self-regulation were analyzed. It was revealed that low settings of the system activation behavior found in the group of persons with a high degree of social dangerousness, determines the formation of individual psychological treats related to the rigidity behavior, the instability of the motives, impulsivity, negative emotionality, disinhibition. During comparison of samples of individuals with medium and high degree of social dangerousness it has been discovered that self-centeredness, as a component of self-control, high levels of affective components of aggression – anger and immature defense mechanisms significantly distinguish individuals with a high degree of public danger.

  3. Individual variation in growth in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenck) housed individually (United States)

    Liang, Miao; Dong, Shuanglin; Gao, Qinfeng; Wang, Fang; Tian, Xiangli


    The exceptionally large individual growth variation has been previously recognized in several sea cucumber cohorts. However, there is a lack of information regarding the mechanism of such individual differences. In this study, the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) was reared individually in order to eliminate possible effects of social interaction, stocking density, etc. The results showed that there were substantial differences in growth among the sea cucumber individuals during the 100-day experiment. The special growth rate of the sea cucumber individuals differed by up to three folds (from 0.40% to 1.01%), and the coefficient of variation in body weight increased from 12.04% to 40.51%. The final wet body weight, food intake and food conversion efficiency for each sea cucumber were generally positively correlated with their initial wet body weight ( Psea cucumber individuals, largely accounting for the individual growth variation of the cohort sea cucumber. These results will provide some basic data for promoting selective breeding and farming of the sea cucumber.

  4. Social Security Individual Accounts in China: Toward Sustainability in Individual Account Financing

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    Tianhong Chen


    Full Text Available China has both mandatory and voluntary individual account pensions that are provided through the government. The experience of China makes a particularly interesting case study concerning the functioning of individual accounts in that its mandatory individual accounts have been defunded to pay for benefits in the associated pay-as-you-go system, while its voluntary individual accounts are fully funded. This paper examines three questions. First, it analyses why the mandatory individual accounts have become defunded and converted largely to notional accounts generally holding little in financial assets, while the voluntary accounts have been fully funded. Second, it examines the merits of funding versus pay-as-you-go financing of pensions in the context of China’s economic and demographic situation. Third, it discusses a policy change to insure the sustainability of financing for the defunded individual accounts. The experience of China, with its two types of individual accounts, and with different outcomes for those accounts, may provide lessons for other countries.

  5. An experiment on individual ‘parochial altruism’ revealing no connection between individual ‘altruism’ and individual ‘parochialism’ (United States)

    Corr, Philip J.; Hargreaves Heap, Shaun P.; Seger, Charles R.; Tsutsui, Kei


    Is parochial altruism an attribute of individual behavior? This is the question we address with an experiment. We examine whether the individual pro-sociality that is revealed in the public goods and trust games when interacting with fellow group members helps predict individual parochialism, as measured by the in-group bias (i.e., the difference in these games in pro-sociality when interacting with own group members as compared with members of another group). We find that it is not. An examination of the Big-5 personality predictors of each behavior reinforces this result: they are different. In short, knowing how pro-social individuals are with respect to fellow group members does not help predict their parochialism. PMID:26347703

  6. Propiedades mecánicas de los aceros aleados al cromo utilizados en la fabricación de cilindros de apoyo de trenes de laminación

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    Mammeri, A.


    Full Text Available Back up rolling rolls are very large mechanical components which have to be designed to withstand very high contact stresses produced, under the rolling load, in the region between the working and the back up rolls, along with severe wear actions. In this investigation, the thermal treatment (bainitic isotermic quenching followed by several temper treatments of these components is described and their most characteristic properties related to the in-service behaviour of these products are determined, using hardness, compresión, fracture toughness and sliding wear tests.

    Los cilindros de apoyo de los trenes de laminación de chapa, tanto en caliente como en frío, son unos elementos mecánicos grandes que deben diseñarse para soportar fuertes tensiones de contacto (contra el cilindro de trabajo, bajo la presión de laminación y también acciones importantes de desgaste superficial. En este trabajo, tras la descripción del tratamiento térmico más conveniente que es necesario aplicar a estos cilindros, basado en un tratamiento de temple bainítico seguido de tratamientos de revenido, se han determinado las propiedades más características simulativas del comportamiento en servicio de estos productos, para lo que se han utilizado ensayos de dureza, compresión, tenacidad a fractura y ensayos de desgaste en seco por deslizamiento.

  7. Disfunção do homoenxerto pulmonar utilizado na reconstrução do trato de saída do ventrículo direito

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    Andréa Weirich Lenzi


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O homoenxerto pulmonar tem sido utilizado como uma opção na correção de cardiopatia congênita com obstrução da via de saída do ventrículo direito. Os resultados em longo prazo, no entanto, mostram-se pouco satisfatórios. OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores de risco associados à disfunção e à falência do homoenxerto pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Estudo em crianças submetidas à ampliação da via de saída do ventrículo direito com homoenxerto pulmonar. As variáveis clínicas, cirúrgicas, evolutivas e de aspectos morfológicos da prótese foram analisadas como fatores de risco. RESULTADOS: A amostra final de 75 pacientes com idade mediana na cirurgia de 22 meses, variando de 1-157 meses, apresentou 13 pacientes (17,0% que desenvolveram disfunção do homoenxerto, caracterizado por estenose ou insuficiência pulmonar grave. O tempo de ocorrência entre o implante do homoenxerto e a detecção da disfunção foi de 45 ± 20 meses. Quando o tamanho do homoenxerto foi menor de 21 mm e o escore Z da valva pulmonar foi menor do que zero, ou maior do que três, foram considerados fatores de risco para a ocorrência de disfunção. CONCLUSÃO: O homoenxerto pulmonar de tamanho menor do que 21 mm e a valva pulmonar inadequada para idade e peso do paciente são fatores determinantes para disfunção da prótese.

  8. Pivôs utilizados nas brincadeiras de faz-de-conta de crianças brasileiras de cinco grupos culturais Pivots used in make-believe play by Brazilian children from five different cultural groups

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    Yumi Gosso


    Full Text Available O presente estudo comparou os pivôs utilizados nas transformações simbólicas de brincadeiras imaginativas de crianças de cinco grupos culturais brasileiros (41 meninas e 35 meninos, de quatro a seis anos de idade: de uma pequena comunidade praiana, de uma aldeia indígena e de três grupos de níveis socioeconômicos diferentes (alto, baixo e misto de uma metrópole. Os pivôs foram classificados como elementos naturais, utensílios e brinquedos. Constatou-se que: (i a escolha de pivôs relacionou-se com os objetos disponíveis: as crianças indígenas e da comunidade praiana usaram mais elementos naturais; as indígenas, mais utensílios e as da metrópole, mais brinquedos manufaturados; (ii objetos pouco estruturados prestaram-se a um grande número de transformações simbólicas; (iii meninas usaram mais reproduções de seres vivos e meninos, de veículos e armas. Em suma, os resultados indicam que as crianças, através dos pivôs, refletem nas brincadeiras sua individualidade e os valores de sua cultura.In the present study, the pivots used for symbolic transformations in imaginative play by children from 5 cultural groups were compared. The participants were 76 children (41 girls and 35 boys, four to six years old from five Brazilian cultural groups: a small seashore community, a village of Brazilian Indians, and three urban groups of different socioeconomic status (SES from a metropolis (low SES, high SES, and mixed SES. The pivots were classified as natural elements, utensils, and toys. The results showed that: (i the choice of pivots was associated with the available objects: Indian and seashore children used more natural elements; Indian children used more utensils and urban children, more toys; (ii objects that were low structured suited a large variety of symbolic transformations; (iii girls used more models of living beings, and boys, models of vehicles and weapons. In brief, the results indicate that the children, through

  9. An experiment on individual ‘parochial altruism’ revealing no connection between individual ‘altruism’ and individual ‘parochialism’

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    Shaun eHargreaves Heap


    Full Text Available Is parochial altruism an attribute of individual behaviour? This is the question we address with an experiment. We examine whether the individual pro-sociality that is revealed in the public goods and trust games when interacting with fellow group members helps predict individual parochialism, as measured by the in-group bias (i.e., the difference in these games in pro-sociality when interacting with own group members as compared with members of another group. We find that it is not. An examination of the Big 5 personality predictors of each behaviour reinforces this result: they are different. In short, knowing how ‘nice’ individuals are with respect to fellow group members does not help predict their parochialism.

  10. Bankruptcy of Individuals

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    Ionina M. B.


    Full Text Available This article discusses the bankruptcy of individuals under the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy", the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy" and some legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding regulation of rehabilitation procedures applicable to an individual debtor. The author analyzes the main ways to address the issue of the bankruptcy of an individual, identifies risks for both a bankrupt and credit institutions

  11. Tolerância de espécies de Mucuna a herbicidas utilizados na cultura da cana-de-açúcar Tolerance of Mucuna species to herbicides used in sugarcane culture

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    G.B.F. Silva


    Full Text Available Os fluxos de emergência de Mucuna em canaviais, mesmo após a aplicação dos herbicidas para o manejo de plantas daninhas, permitiu elaborar a hipótese de que essas plantas são tolerantes aos herbicidas comumente utilizados na cultura. Para comprovar a hipótese, objetivou-se estudar a tolerância de Mucuna aterrima, Mucuna cinerea e Mucuna deeringiana a herbicidas de diferentes mecanismos de ação aplicados em pré e pós-emergência. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com nove tratamentos, em cinco repetições, dispostos em esquema fatorial 3x3, mais testemunhas. Na pré-emergência, o primeiro fator foi constituído pelos herbicidas sulfentrazone (800 g ha-1, imazapic (245 g ha-1 e amicarbazone (1.400 g ha-1, e o segundo, pelas três espécies de Mucuna, além de uma testemunha para cada espécie estudada. Na pós-emergência, alteraram-se os herbicidas para clomazone (1.100 g ha-1, ametryn+trifloxysulfuron-sodium (1.463 + 37 g ha-1 e 2,4-D (1.209 g ha-1. No manejo químico em pré-emergência, verificou-se que as espécies foram sensíveis ao herbicida amicarbazone, seguido de sulfentrazone, e tolerantes ao imazapic. Na pós-emergência, todas as espécies foram sensíveis ao ametryn+trifloxysulfuron-sodium e 2,4-D, mas tolerantes ao clomazone.The emergence of Mucuna species in sugarcane plantations, even after herbicide spraying for weed management, allowed us to elaborate the hypothesis that these plants are tolerant to the herbicides commonly used in the culture. Thus, to prove this hypothesis, this work was carried out to study the tolerance of Mucuna aterrima, Mucuna cinerea and Mucuna deeringiana to application of herbicides with different mechanisms of action in pre- and post-emergence. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 9 treatments and five replications in a factorial 3 x 3, plus controls. At pre-emergence, the first factor was constituted by the herbicides

  12. Avaliação de seletividade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura do crisântemo a adultos de Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) em laboratório Selectivity of pesticides used on chrysanthemum crop to adults of Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)


    Alexandre Augusto Morais; Geraldo Andrade Carvalho; Jair Campos Moraes; Maurício Sekiguchi Godoy; Luciano Veiga Cosme


    Objetivou-se avaliar a seletividade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura do crisântemo a adultos de Orius insidiosus (Say). Os bioensaios foram conduzidos a 25±1oC, UR 70±10% e fotofase de 12h, em Lavras, MG. Os inseticidas avaliados foram abamectina (0,0009 g i.a./100 ml), cartap (0,06 g i.a./100 ml), ciromazina (0,011 g i.a./100 ml), fenpropatrina (0,009 g i.a./100 ml) e imidaclopride (0,042 g i.a./100 ml). As pulverizações foram realizadas por meio de torre de Potter calibrada...

  13. Capacidade seladora proporcionada por alguns materiais quando utilizados em perfurações na região de furca de molares humanos extraídos Sealing capacity produced by some materials when utilized under furcation perforations of extract human molars

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    Ulisses Xavier da Silva Neto


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se, in vitro, a capacidade seladora, do MTA-Angelus, ProRoot-MTA, Super-EBA e MBP-c, quando utilizados para selar perfurações na região de furca de molares humanos extraídos; quando aplicados isoladamente ou em associação com uma matriz de gesso Paris, aplicada no fundo do trajeto da perfuração. O selamento produzido pelos materiais foi analisado por meio da infiltração do corante rhodamine B 0,2%. A análise estatística aplicada aos dados obtidos demonstrou que, quando utilizado isoladamente (sem matriz, o cimento MBP-c apresentou os menores índices de infiltração marginal, seguido pelo Super-EBA, apresentando diferença estatística significante (pIt has been evaluated in vitro the sealing capacity of MTA-Angelus, ProRoot-MTA, Super-EBA and MBP-c when sealing furcal perforations of extracted human molars. The experiment took place with materials both isolated as well as in association with a plaster of Paris matrix applied at the bottom of the perfuration path. The materials sealing capacity was analyzed by dye leakage of rhodamine B 0,2%.The statistical analysis revealed that when isolated and tested (without the matrix, the cement MBP-c presented the smallest coefficient of marginal leakage, followed by the Super-EBA. There was a statistical significance between those and the cements ProRoot - MTA e MTA - Angelus (p<0,001. In the presence of the matrix, the cement MBP-c also had a superior performance having statistical significance between those and the cements ProRoot - MTA e MTA - Angelus (p<0,05; The Plaster of Paris matrix had a negative impact with statistical significance regarding the sealing capacity of the cements Super-EBA and the MBP-c (p<0,05. Nevertheless, it avoided the leakage of the respective sealing materials.

  14. The Role of Individualism-Collectivism in the Individual Creative Process (United States)

    Yao, Xiang; Wang, Shuhong; Dang, Junhua; Wang, Lei


    This study is among the first to examine how individuals' cultural value orientations impact 2 separate stages of creativity: idea generation and idea implementation. A total of 247 Chinese employees completed questionnaires including individualism-collectivism culture orientation and their idea generation behavior. Supervisor ratings of idea…

  15. Flexibilidade mental na resolução de problemas em indivíduos que cumprem pena por homicídio qualificado Problem-solving mental flexibility in individuals who were convicted for murder

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    Viviane Del Pino


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a flexibilidade mental na resolução de problemas em indivíduos que cumprem pena por homicídio qualificado em penitenciária de média segurança na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. O estudo foi quantitativo de tipo transversal. A amostra (n=60 foi localizada por conveniência, contou com 30 indivíduos homicidas pareados quanto a sexo, idade, escolaridade e classe social com 30 sujeitos sem antecedentes criminais. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Teste Wisconsin de Classificação de Cartas - WCST, Teste Stroop de Cores e Palavras, os subtestes Cubos, Códigos e Vocabulário do WAIS-III, a Mini-International Psychiatric Interview e uma ficha de dados sócio-demográficos. Nas categorias do WCST e no Teste Stroop o grupo de homicidas apresentou escores inferiores ao grupo controle com diferença estatisticamente significativa (pThis study aimed at assessing problem-solving mental flexibility in individuals who were convicted for qualified murder, and confined in a medium-security prison within the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre, Brazil. The quantitative cross-research study had a convenience sample (n=60 including 30 homicides, paired by gender, age, schooling and social class to 30 individuals who had no criminal records. Assessment instruments used were Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; Stroop Color and Word Test, WAIS-III Block Design, Digit-Symbol Coding and Vocabulary subtests, a Mini-International Psychiatric Interview and a socio-demographic datasheet. In the WCST categories and in the Stroop Test, the group of homicides showed lower scores than the control group with a statistically significant difference (p<0,05. It is concluded that individuals convicted for qualified murder show lower problem-solving flexibility, than the individuals having no criminal records.

  16. Annotating individual human genomes. (United States)

    Torkamani, Ali; Scott-Van Zeeland, Ashley A; Topol, Eric J; Schork, Nicholas J


    Advances in DNA sequencing technologies have made it possible to rapidly, accurately and affordably sequence entire individual human genomes. As impressive as this ability seems, however, it will not likely amount to much if one cannot extract meaningful information from individual sequence data. Annotating variations within individual genomes and providing information about their biological or phenotypic impact will thus be crucially important in moving individual sequencing projects forward, especially in the context of the clinical use of sequence information. In this paper we consider the various ways in which one might annotate individual sequence variations and point out limitations in the available methods for doing so. It is arguable that, in the foreseeable future, DNA sequencing of individual genomes will become routine for clinical, research, forensic, and personal purposes. We therefore also consider directions and areas for further research in annotating genomic variants. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Torkamani, Ali; Scott-Van Zeeland, Ashley A.; Topol, Eric J.; Schork, Nicholas J.


    Advances in DNA sequencing technologies have made it possible to rapidly, accurately and affordably sequence entire individual human genomes. As impressive as this ability seems, however, it will not likely to amount to much if one cannot extract meaningful information from individual sequence data. Annotating variations within individual genomes and providing information about their biological or phenotypic impact will thus be crucially important in moving individual sequencing projects forward, especially in the context of the clinical use of sequence information. In this paper we consider the various ways in which one might annotate individual sequence variations and point out limitations in the available methods for doing so. It is arguable that, in the foreseeable future, DNA sequencing of individual genomes will become routine for clinical, research, forensic, and personal purposes. We therefore also consider directions and areas for further research in annotating genomic variants. PMID:21839162

  18. Efeito de recipientes e substratos utilizados na produção de mudas de cafeeiro no desenvolvimento inicial em casa de vegetação, sob estresse hídrico Effect of different recipients and substrata used in the production of coffee tree seedlings in the initial development in greenhouse under water stress

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    Haroldo Silva Vallone


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de recipientes e substratos no desenvolvimento inicial de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. plantados em vasos dentro de casa de vegetação, sob diferentes níveis de estresse hídrico, foi conduzido um experimento no Setor de Cafeicultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, no período de janeiro a maio de 2004. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados (DBC em esquema fatorial (3 x 3 x 4, sendo o primeiro fator constituído de três recipientes utilizados na produção das mudas, tubetes de polietileno rígido de 50 mL; tubetes de 120 mL; e saquinhos de polietileno, nas dimensões de 20 cm de altura por 10 cm de largura e capacidade volumétrica, aproximada, de 700 mL; o segundo fator constituído de três substratos utilizados na produção das mudas, substrato alternativo, composto por 65% de casca de arroz carbonizada + 35% de substrato comercial; substrato comercial Plantmax hortaliças HT; e substrato padrão, composto por 70% de terra + 30% de esterco bovino peneirados e o terceiro fator foi constituído por quatro intervalos entre irrigações, 2, 6, 10 e 14 dias. Observa-se que os recipientes de capacidades volumétricas diferentes e os substratos utilizados influenciam, significativamente, o desenvolvimento dos cafeeiros, sendo que, após 120 dias do transplante das mudas para vasos em casa de vegetação com diferentes níveis de estresse hídrico, as plantas provenientes de mudas produzidas em saquinhos de polietileno e tubetes de 120 mL contendo substratos alternativo e comercial apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento.With the aim of evaluating the effects of different recipients and substrata in the production of coffee tree seedlings (Coffea arabica L., planted in pots inside the greenhouse, under different water stress levels, an experiment was carried out in the Section of Coffee of Department of Agriculture of Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, in the period from

  19. Individualizing Medicare. (United States)

    Chollet, D J


    Despite the enactment of significant changes to the Medicare program in 1997, Medicare's Hospital Insurance trust fund is projected to be exhausted just as the baby boom enters retirement. To address Medicare's financial difficulties, a number of reform proposals have been offered, including several to individualize Medicare financing and benefits. These proposals would attempt to increase Medicare revenues and reduce Medicare expenditures by having individuals bear risk--investment market risk before retirement and insurance market risk after retirement. Many fundamental aspects of these proposals have yet to be worked out, including how to guarantee a baseline level of saving for health insurance after retirement, how retirees might finance unanticipated health insurance price increases after retirement, the potential implications for Medicaid of inadequate individual saving, and whether the administrative cost of making the system fair and adequate ultimately would eliminate any rate-of-return advantages from allowing workers to invest their Medicare contributions in corporate stocks and bonds.

  20. Caracterização etnobotânica dos sistemas de manejo de samambaia-preta (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst Ching - Dryopteridaceae utilizados no sul do Brasil Ethnobotanical characterization of leatherleaf fern (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst Ching - Dryopteridaceae management systems used in southern Brazil

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    Cristina Baldauf


    Full Text Available (Caracterização etnobotânica dos sistemas de manejo de samambaia-preta (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst Ching - Dryopteridaceae utilizados no sul do Brasil. A samambaia-preta (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst Ching- Pteridophyta é utilizada comercialmente na produção de arranjos florais. A extração desta espécie é fonte de renda de muitas famílias da região sul do Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os sistemas de manejo da espécie utilizados no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS através do uso de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação participante com famílias extrativistas do município de Maquiné-RS. Foi verificada a ocorrência de uma grande diversidade de técnicas de manejo, a partir da qual foi proposta uma tipologia de sistemas de manejo. A tipologia consiste em quatro sistemas de manejo principais, de acordo com o manejo da paisagem e das populações de samambaia empregados. Constatou-se uma associação entre a situação fundiária e os sistemas de manejo utilizados. Nas terras arrendadas é realizada apenas a coleta das frondes, enquanto nas terras próprias são realizadas intervenções como podas, derrubadas de árvores, retirada de frondes mortas, pisoteio da área após coleta, além de interação com sistemas de agricultura de coivara e criação de gado. A tipologia dos sistemas de manejo elaborada, em associação com outros estudos sobre a sustentabilidade do extrativismo de samambaia-preta, vem fundamentando a regulamentação desta atividade no Rio Grande do Sul.(Ethnobotanical characterization of leatherleaf fern (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst Ching - Dryopteridaceae management systems used in southern Brazil. The leatherleaf fern (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst. Ching is commercially used in flower arrangements. The harvesting of this species is an income source for many families from southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to characterize species management systems used in Maquin

  1. Explicating Individual Training Decisions (United States)

    Walter, Marcel; Mueller, Normann


    In this paper, we explicate individual training decisions. For this purpose, we propose a framework based on instrumentality theory, a psychological theory of motivation that has frequently been applied to individual occupational behavior. To test this framework, we employ novel German individual data and estimate the effect of subjective expected…

  2. Melhoramento do milho: II - Germoplasma utilizado nos trabalhos de seleção

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    G. P. Viegas


    Full Text Available No trabalho de melhoramento de milho que, a partir de 1932, vem sendo conduzido pelo Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, procurou-se obter linhagens das mais diversas procedências e origens, tendo em vista a diversificação do material genético a ser eventualmente utilizado. Neste sentido, foram feitos esforços com o intuito de introduzir, no Estado de São Paulo, sementes de variedades, linhagens e híbridos cultivados alhures. Até o ano de 1951, haviam sido recebidas 1405 amostras, a maior parte das quais provenientes dos Estados Unidos e do próprio país. Da Colômbia, Peru e Bolívia, também foi recebido muito material. Ultimamente, deram ingresso numerosos híbridos efetuados pela Oficina de Estúdios Especiales, na Colômbia e no México, cruzando híbridos simples sintetizados naqueles países, com híbridos simples obtidos no Brasil. As variedades de milho amarelo-duro introduzidas, que melhor se portaram na coleção anualmente plantada, e onde foram feitas observações preliminares sobre o comportamento, nas nossas condições, foram incluídas em ensaios instalados em Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto e Pindorama. Dentre elas, salientaram-se as var. 1-Catêto; 333-Creole Yellow Flint e 417-Assis Brasil. Igualmente, as variedades amarelo-dente mais promissoras foram também ensaiadas, destacando-se: 373-Itaici e 986-Tuxpan. Mais de 50 variedades foram autofecundadas com o intuito de serem obtidas boas linhagens. De 20 variedades, existem linhagens na nossa coleção. A maior parte destas linhagens, no que concerne a milho duro-ama-relo, provém da var. Catêto. Dentre elas, podemos mencionar a L. 483, que apresenta bons caracteres agronômicos e capacidade específica e geral de combinação, igualmente, muito satisfatória. Outros investigadores, no país, também obtiveram boas linhagens derivadas dêsse milho. Dentre as variedades amarelo-dente, foi isolada, em Campinas, a L. 2233 da var. 739-Tuxpan. Em Ipanema, foram obtidas

  3. Análise da variação do tempo dedicado ás viagens urbanas da população de Manaus – AM, em função do modo de transporte utilizado

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    Aline Leite


    Full Text Available A ausência de planejamento, característica da maioria dos bairros de Manaus deixou como herança um sistema viário incompatível com o tamanho atual da cidade. Neste artigo busca-se analisar a variação do tempo dedicado às viagens urbanas em Manaus em função de três diferentes modos de transporte: ônibus, micro-ônibus e automóvel. Receptores do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS e recursos de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG foram utilizados para levantar e tratar os dados das viagens urbanas realizadas. Considera-se (por tudo o que o trabalho permitiu concluir, que a metodologia adotada foi bastante consistente para o reconhecimento da variação de desempenho de modos de transporte investigados. Os percursos mais longos permitiram melhor desempenho que os mais curtos, notadamente influenciado pela área central da cidade, que registrou os trechos mais lentos para os três modos.

  4. Respostas da Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus à atratividade e palatabilidade de ingredientes utilizados na alimentação de peixes

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    Pereira-da- Silva Elyara Maria


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se as respostas da tilápia do Nilo à atratividade e palatabilidade de 14 ingredientes. O método utilizado foi de dupla escolha, comparando-se cada ingrediente peletizado à uma ração controle. Foram empregados quatro aquários (750 litros contendo, cada um, três alevinos e dois comedouros instalados nos cantos direito e esquerdo, sendo registrados tempo decorrido entre colocação do ingrediente e chegada dos animais aos comedouros, freqüência de visitas aos comedouros, número de grânulos ingeridos e freqüência de ejeções. Os tratamentos foram comparados pela prova não-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis e a comparação dos ingredientes para o conjunto de variáveis, por intermédio da "Análise de Agrupamento" e "Análise de Componentes Principais". Os ingredientes foram assim classificados: a baixa atrato-palatabilidade = farelos de trigo, soja e algodão, farinha e raspa de mandioca, farinha de girassol e fubá de milho, b média atrato-palatabilidade = levedura de cana-de-açúcar e glúten de milho e c alta atrato-palatabilidade = ovo integral liofilizado, farinhas de crisálidas, peixes, carne e camarão. Ingestão de grânulos (manhã e tarde e freqüência de visitas aos comedouros (tarde foram consideradas as variáveis mais discriminatórias e freqüência de ejeção de grânulos e tempo gasto para aproximação dos comedouros (manhã e tarde, as menos discriminatórias. As respostas comportamentais dos peixes variaram de acordo com o ingrediente apresentado. A avaliação do grau de atrato-palatabilidade deve ser realizada considerando-se uma combinação de parâmetros.

  5. Transcending Cognitive Individualism (United States)

    Zerubavel, Eviatar; Smith, Eliot R.


    Advancing knowledge in many areas of psychology and neuroscience, underlined by dazzling images of brain scans, appear to many professionals and to the public to show that people are on the way to explaining cognition purely in terms of processes within the individual's head. Yet while such cognitive individualism still dominates the popular…

  6. Individual Hearing Loss

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    Sébastien Santurette


    Full Text Available It is well-established that hearing loss does not only lead to a reduction of hearing sensitivity. Large individual differences are typically observed among listeners with hearing impairment in a wide range of suprathreshold auditory measures. In many cases, audiometric thresholds cannot fully account for such individual differences, which make it challenging to find adequate compensation strategies in hearing devices. How to characterize, model, and compensate for individual hearing loss were the main topics of the fifth International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR, held in Nyborg, Denmark, in August 2015. The following collection of papers results from some of the work that was presented and discussed at the symposium.

  7. Individual differences in behavioural plasticities. (United States)

    Stamps, Judy A


    Interest in individual differences in animal behavioural plasticities has surged in recent years, but research in this area has been hampered by semantic confusion as different investigators use the same terms (e.g. plasticity, flexibility, responsiveness) to refer to different phenomena. The first goal of this review is to suggest a framework for categorizing the many different types of behavioural plasticities, describe examples of each, and indicate why using reversibility as a criterion for categorizing behavioural plasticities is problematic. This framework is then used to address a number of timely questions about individual differences in behavioural plasticities. One set of questions concerns the experimental designs that can be used to study individual differences in various types of behavioural plasticities. Although within-individual designs are the default option for empirical studies of many types of behavioural plasticities, in some situations (e.g. when experience at an early age affects the behaviour expressed at subsequent ages), 'replicate individual' designs can provide useful insights into individual differences in behavioural plasticities. To date, researchers using within-individual and replicate individual designs have documented individual differences in all of the major categories of behavioural plasticities described herein. Another important question is whether and how different types of behavioural plasticities are related to one another. Currently there is empirical evidence that many behavioural plasticities [e.g. contextual plasticity, learning rates, IIV (intra-individual variability), endogenous plasticities, ontogenetic plasticities) can themselves vary as a function of experiences earlier in life, that is, many types of behavioural plasticity are themselves developmentally plastic. These findings support the assumption that differences among individuals in prior experiences may contribute to individual differences in behavioural

  8. Study of a hybrid solar-electric oven to the curing composite materials used in aeronautics; Estudio de un horno hibrido solar-electrico para el curado de materiales compuestos utilizados en aeronautica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Roman, M. A.; Pineda Pinon, J.; Sanchez Sanchez, A. [CICATA - Unidad Queretaro, Santiago de Queretaro, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The study covers the curing of advanced composites in a hybrid solar electric oven. The furnace uses electricity from the grid power and solar energy provided by the heliostat concentrator system. The materials used in the experiments will be composite materials such as prepreg. The prepreg are fiberglass and carbon fiber. The resin used in the pre-impregnate will be epoxy resin. The work temperatures inside the furnace will be maximum 300 degrees Celsius. The obtained results will be useful to characterize the use of the solar energy and the characterize of the curing chamber. [Spanish] Se presenta el alcance para el estudio, el cual abarca el curado de materiales compuestos avanzados dentro de un horno hibrido solar electrico. El horno utilizara energia electrica suministrada por la red y energia solar suministrada por el sistema heliostato concentrador. Los materiales utilizados en los experimentos seran materiales compuestos tipo prepreg. Los prepreg seran de fibra de vidrio y de fibra de carbono. La resina utilizada en el preimpregando sera resina epoxica. Las temperaturas de trabajo dentro del horno seran como maximo de 300 grados centigrados. Los resultados obtenidos serviran para caracterizar el uso y aprovechamiento de la energia solar y la caracterizacion de la camara de curado.

  9. Evolution of the radiological protection paradigms; Evolucao dos paradigmas de protecao radiologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sordi, Gian Maria A.A. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Tecnologia Nuclear], E-mail:


    We consider as initial radiological protection paradigms those in vigour after the release of the atomic energy for pacific usages in 1955. In that occasion, only one paradigm was introduced, presently named dose limitation system. After arguing about the basis that raised the paradigm, we introduced the guidance, that is, the measurements to be implemented to comply with the paradigm. In that occasion, they were two, i.e., the radiation dose monitoring and the workplace classification. Afterwards, the reasons that caused the radiological protection paradigms changes in force until 1995 are discussed. The initial paradigm was modified introducing the justification and the optimization principles, adding that the radiological protection should be economical and effective. The guidance also increased to four: personal monitoring, workplace classification, reference level and workers classification. Afterwards, we give the main justifications for the present paradigms that besides the formers were added the dose constraints, the potential exposure and the annual risk limits. Due to these modifications, the workers classifications were eliminated from the guidance, but the potential exposure and the search for the dose constraints were added. Eventually, we discuss the tendencies for the next future and the main changes introduced by the ICRP in the Publication 103, 2007. (author)

  10. Estudio de los fundentes utilizados en la metalurgia del cobre en Cerro Muriano (Córdoba durante el período Romano Altoimperial

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    Criado, A. J.


    Full Text Available There are no doubts that Hispania was, under the Roman Empire, the most profitable and abundant in resources of all the mining districts exploded by Rome -Hispania, Galia, Danubian Provinces, Dacia, Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt and North Africa-. Plinius gives the same data and hands many more in the passages dedicated to the mining and the working of the metals in his Natural History. Of all the many mining places that this author refers, the exploiting in copper at Cerro Muriano presents the main interest; of this he says that it was of an unbeatable quality, used, among other applications, to manufacture the very famous "Copper of Campania". The utilization of fusing agents, adapted to the process of copper obtainment, is fundamental for obtaining this high quality. The addition of these fusing agents was very important for the control of the work parameters and to reach the required temperatures. The high purity of the obtained copper shows a very close knowledge of the phenomena involved in the process.

    Durante el Imperio Romano, de todos los distritos mineros explotados por Roma -Hispania, Galia, las provincias danubianas, Dacia, Grecia, Asia Menor, Siria, Egipto y el Norte de África-, sin duda el más rentable y más abundante en recursos era Hispania. Plinio facilita muchos datos en los pasajes dedicados a la minería y el trabajo de los metales en su Historia Natural. Entre los muchos lugares mineros que este autor cita, nos interesa ahora la explotación de cobre en Cerro Muriano, del cual dice que era de una calidad inmejorable, utilizado, entre otras aplicaciones, para fabricar el famosísimo cobre de Campania. Para poder obtener esta elevada calidad, es fundamental la utilización de fundentes adecuados en el proceso de obtención de cobre. La adición de estos fundentes era vital para controlar los parámetros de trabajo y alcanzar las temperaturas requeridas. La elevada pureza del cobre obtenido demuestra un

  11. Individual- vs. Culture-Level Dimensions of Individualism and Collectivism: Effects on Preferred Conversational Styles. (United States)

    Kim, Min-Sun; And Others


    Develops and uses a mediation model to investigate the links between culture, individual values (independent and interdependent construals of self), and perceptions of conversational constraints. Finds culture-level individualism and collectivism systematically related to individual-level cultural orientations (independent and interdependent…


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    A. A. Batsenkova


    Full Text Available One of the major trends of the modern world is a process of individualization. Despite the fact that the term “individualization” has existed since the XVII century, it is often confused, mixing with the concept of “individualism”, “individuation” and “individuality”. But individualization is not a political or moral worldview, it is not a process of identity formation, and it is the natural multi-level complex social process associated with defined design conditions of life of the individual and the conditions of its existence.The purpose of this paper is to, based on the works of U. Beck and Z. Bauman, to define the process of individualization, to consider the process of occurrence and development of individualization in the modern society. To reveal features of this process at the present stage of development of society, where the process of individualization acquires new features.According to sociologists, the process of individualization affects all aspects of society and has two levels of its manifestation. The first level the author calls structural or objective level, because it is independent on the actions of individuals and the inertia phenomenon associated with the spreading of social space, social differentiation, division of labor, with the processes of globalization and modernization.The second level is the sphere of individual action. At this level the meaning of individualization is the expansion of individual rights and opportunities and the liberation of the individual from traditional social forms and relationships that defined his model of behavior in the modern society. Due to the change in “life situations”, there is an increase of opportunities of the individual for independent decision-making, self-selection and successful action. The change in “life situations” (under U. Beck due to detraditionalization life spheres and emergence of new “spaces of freedom”, which create new challenges for

  13. Individual and group-level job resources and their relationships with individual work engagement


    F?llemann, D?sir?e; Brauchli, Rebecca; Jenny, Gregor J.; Bauer, Georg F.


    Objectives: This study adds a multilevel perspective to the well-researched individual-level relationship between job resources and work engagement. In addition, we explored whether individual job resources cluster within work groups because of a shared psychosocial environment and investigated whether a resource-rich psychosocial work group environment is beneficial for employee engagement over and above the beneficial effect of individual job resources and independent of their variability w...

  14. Coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína e energia de alguns ingredientes utilizados em dietas para o pintado (Pseudoplatystoma coruscans Apparent digestibility coefficients of protein and energy of some ingredients used in diets for pintado, Pseudoplatystoma coruscans (Agassiz, 1829

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    Emílio Guedes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína e da energia dos principais alimentos utilizados na formulação de dietas para alevinos de pintado. Foram utilizados 600 alevinos com peso médio inicial de 9,80 ± 1,48 g e comprimento total médio de 13,00 ± 1,00 cm. Na coleta de fezes, foi utilizado o sistema de Guelph modificado. As 12 dietas-teste foram constituídas por 69,50% de uma dieta de referência, 0,50% de óxido de cromo (marcador inerte e 30% do ingrediente estudado. Após receberem as dietas teste durante três dias, os peixes foram transferidos para os aquários de coleta (incubadoras de fibra de vidro de 80 litros de capacidade, onde as fezes foram coletadas em intervalos de meia hora. Com base nos coeficientes de digestibilidade da fração protéica, os alimentos que apresentaram maior aproveitamento para esse nutriente foram: farinha de peixe (84,14%, farelo de soja (67,10%, milho (64,18% e farinha de vísceras de aves (61,25%. Foram observados valores razoáveis somente para a digestibilidade do conteúdo energético em metade dos ingredientes estudados; para as farinhas de peixe, milho, soja integral tostada e os farelos de soja, de trigo e de arroz, os coeficientes médios foram: 72,80; 57,39; 64,95; 61,66; 53,20 e 51,84%, respectivamente. A farinha de peixe foi o melhor ingrediente para o pintado (45,38% PD e 2790,42 kcal ED/kg, seguido do farelo de soja (30,86% PD e 2708,45 kcal ED/kg, da soja integral tostada (18,34% PD e 3121,06 kcal ED/kg, do milho (5,86% PD e 2691,53 kcal ED/kg e do farelo de trigo (8,08% PD e 2265,13 kcal ED/kg.The present work was developed in order to determine the protein and energy apparent digestibility coefficients of the principal ingredients used in the pintado juvenile diets. Six hundred juveniles with initial weight and total length means of 9.80 ± 1.48 g and 13.00 ± 1.00 cm, respectively, were used. The modified

  15. 38 CFR 48.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 48.655...) GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 48.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  16. 36 CFR 1212.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 1212.655 Section... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1212.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  17. 32 CFR 26.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 26.655 Section 26.655 National... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 26.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  18. Aparelho de amplificação sonora individual: melhora a sensação de zumbido? Hearing aid: does it reduce the sensation of tinnitus?

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    Robson Caique Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: observar se o uso da amplificação sonora além de garantir melhora na inteligibilidade de fala pode proporcionar alívio na sensação de zumbido. MÉTODOS: participaram do presente estudo 21 indivíduos, usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI que referiam sensação de zumbido, além da perda auditiva sensorioneural, sendo 13 (61,9% indivíduos do sexo feminino e oito (38,1% do sexo masculino. A idade dos participantes variou entre 35 a 88 anos, com idade média de 61 anos. Para a avaliação dos participantes foi utilizado um questionário específico. Os dados foram analisados por meio de análise estatística descritiva e para tanto foram utilizados os testes não paramétricos: qui-quadrado e Kruskal-Wallis H. RESULTADOS: Entre os 21 participantes, 17 (80,9% apresentaram melhora do zumbido, enquanto quatro (19,1% referiram que o aparelho de amplificação não gerou nenhum efeito sobre o sintoma apresentado. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo verificou que a utilização do AASI reduziu imediatamente a sensação de zumbido apresentada na população estudada.PURPOSE: to observe if the use of hearing aid may provide relief in tinnitus sensation besides guarantying the improvement of speech intelligibility. METHODS: a sample was made up by 21 hearing aid users and a specific questionnaire was used for the evaluation of the participants. The ages ranged from 35 to 88-year old, with an average of 61-year old. The tinnitus sensation was mentioned by 13 (61.9% female beings and eight (38.1% male beings beyond sensory neural hearing loss. The results were obtained through a descriptive statistical analysis, and furthermore, non-parametric tests were used, such as chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis H. RESULTS: among the participants 17 (80.9% showed recovery from tinnitus, while four (19.1% said that the hearing aid device did not cause any effect on the evidenced symptoms. CONCLUSION: this study found out that the usage of

  19. Inter-individual Differences in Heart Rate Variability Are Associated with Inter-individual Differences in Empathy and Alexithymia

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    Alexander Lischke


    Full Text Available In the present study, we investigated whether inter-individual differences in vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV would be associated with inter-individual differences in empathy and alexithymia. To this end, we determined resting state HF-HRV in 90 individuals that also completed questionnaires assessing inter-individual differences in empathy and alexithymia. Our categorical and dimensional analyses revealed that inter-individual differences in HF-HRV were differently associated with inter-individual differences in empathy and alexithymia. We found that individuals with high HF-HRV reported more empathy and less alexithymia than individuals with low HF-HRV. Moreover, we even found that an increase in HF-HRV was associated with an increase in empathy and a decrease in alexithymia across all participants. Taken together, these findings indicate that individuals with high HF-HRV are more empathetic and less alexithymic than individuals with low HF-HRV. These differences in empathy and alexithymia may explain why individuals with high HF-HRV are more successful in sharing and understanding the mental and emotional states of others than individuals with low HF-HRV.

  20. 7 CFR 3021.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual. 3021.655 Section 3021.655 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, DEPARTMENT OF... Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  1. 2 CFR 182.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual. 182.655 Section 182.655 Grants and Agreements OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET GOVERNMENTWIDE GUIDANCE FOR GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS... Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  2. Individual monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Practical Radiation Technical Manual is one of a series which has been designed to provide guidance on radiological protection for employers, Radiation Protection Officers, managers and other technically competent persons who have a responsibility to ensure the safety of employees working with ionizing radiation. The Manual may be used together with the appropriate IAEA Practical Radiation Safety Manual to provide adequate training, instruction or information on individual monitoring for all employees engaged in work with ionizing radiations. Sources of ionizing radiation have a large number of applications in the workplace. The exposures of the individual workers involved may need to be routinely monitored and records kept of their cumulative radiation doses. There are also occasions when it is necessary to retrospectively determine a dose which may have been received by a worker. This Manual explains the basic terminology associated with individual monitoring and describes the principal types of dosimeters and other related techniques and their application in the workplace. The Manual will be of most benefit if it forms part of more comprehensive training or is supplemented by the advice of a qualified expert in radiation protection. Most of the dosimeters and techniques described in this Manual can only be provided by qualified experts

  3. 22 CFR 312.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Individual. 312.655 Section 312.655 Foreign Relations PEACE CORPS GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 312.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  4. 40 CFR 35.918 - Individual systems. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual systems. 35.918 Section 35... Individual systems. (a) For references to individual systems, the following definitions apply: (1) Individual... a function of individual systems where cost-effective. (2) Principal residence. Normally the voting...

  5. 22 CFR 133.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual. 133.655 Section 133.655 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE MISCELLANEOUS GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 133.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  6. 22 CFR 1008.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Individual. 1008.655 Section 1008.655 Foreign Relations INTER-AMERICAN FOUNDATION GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1008.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  7. 22 CFR 210.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual. 210.655 Section 210.655 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 210.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  8. 22 CFR 1509.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Individual. 1509.655 Section 1509.655 Foreign Relations AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1509.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  9. 10 CFR 607.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual. 607.655 Section 607.655 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (CONTINUED) ASSISTANCE REGULATIONS GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 607.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  10. 49 CFR 32.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual. 32.655 Section 32.655 Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 32.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  11. 20 CFR 439.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual. 439.655 Section 439.655 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 439.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  12. 28 CFR 83.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 83.655 Section 83.655 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (CONTINUED) GOVERNMENT-WIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTS) Definitions § 83.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  13. 29 CFR 94.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Individual. 94.655 Section 94.655 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 94.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  14. Individual neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauricio, C.L.P.


    The most important concepts and development in individual neutron dosimetry are presented, especially the dosimetric properties of the albedo technique. The main problem in albedo dosimetry is to calibrate the dosemeter in the environs of each neutron source. Some of the most used calibration techniques are discussed. The IRD albedo dosemeter used in the routine neutron individual monitoring is described in detail. Its dosimetric properties and calibration methods are discussed. (Author) [pt

  15. 13 CFR 147.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual. 147.655 Section 147.655 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 147.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  16. 29 CFR 1472.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 1472.655 Section 1472.655 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION SERVICE GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1472.655 Individual. Individual means a...

  17. 45 CFR 1155.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual. 1155.655 Section 1155.655 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE... ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1155.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  18. The evolution of individuality revisited. (United States)

    Radzvilavicius, Arunas L; Blackstone, Neil W


    Evolutionary theory is formulated in terms of individuals that carry heritable information and are subject to selective pressures. However, individuality itself is a trait that had to evolve - an individual is not an indivisible entity, but a result of evolutionary processes that necessarily begin at the lower level of hierarchical organisation. Traditional approaches to biological individuality focus on cooperation and relatedness within a group, division of labour, policing mechanisms and strong selection at the higher level. Nevertheless, despite considerable theoretical progress in these areas, a full dynamical first-principles account of how new types of individuals arise is missing. To the extent that individuality is an emergent trait, the problem can be approached by recognising the importance of individuating mechanisms that are present from the very beginning of the transition, when only lower-level selection is acting. Here we review some of the most influential theoretical work on the role of individuating mechanisms in these transitions, and demonstrate how a lower-level, bottom-up evolutionary framework can be used to understand biological complexity involved in the origin of cellular life, early eukaryotic evolution, sexual life cycles and multicellular development. Some of these mechanisms inevitably stem from environmental constraints, population structure and ancestral life cycles. Others are unique to specific transitions - features of the natural history and biochemistry that are co-opted into conflict mediation. Identifying mechanisms of individuation that provide a coarse-grained description of the system's evolutionary dynamics is an important step towards understanding how biological complexity and hierarchical organisation evolves. In this way, individuality can be reconceptualised as an approximate model that with varying degrees of precision applies to a wide range of biological systems. © 2018 Cambridge Philosophical Society.

  19. 40 CFR 36.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 36.655 Section 36.655 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GRANTS AND OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 36.655 Individual. Individual means a...

  20. 45 CFR 630.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual. 630.655 Section 630.655 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 630.655 Individual. Individual means a natural...

  1. 21 CFR 1405.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual. 1405.655 Section 1405.655 Food and Drugs OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1405.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  2. 14 CFR 1267.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual. 1267.655 Section 1267.655 Aeronautics and Space NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1267.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  3. 45 CFR 1173.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual. 1173.655 Section 1173.655 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE... (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1173.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  4. 15 CFR 29.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual. 29.655 Section 29.655 Commerce and Foreign Trade Office of the Secretary of Commerce GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 29.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  5. 43 CFR 43.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual. 43.655 Section 43.655 Public Lands: Interior Office of the Secretary of the Interior GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 43.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. ...

  6. 31 CFR 20.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 20.655 Section 20.655 Money and Finance: Treasury Office of the Secretary of the Treasury GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 20.655 Individual. Individual means a natural...


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    Snezhana NIKOLIKJ


    Full Text Available Inclusion, as a process of enrolling of children with disability in regular schools, demands obligation for adequate preparing regular schools, teachers, pupils and their parents for accepting those children. It, also, means that special services must be prepared to help teachers and children with disability too, in an adequate way. The first and most important step is developing of Individualized education programs (IEP.The purpose of IEP is to provide a disabled child with specialized or individualized assistance in school. In order an IEP to be developed for a child, it is necessary to evaluate a child, and than to determine goals of individual achievements for every pupil with disability.The aim of this paper is to show one of many ways for construction IEP. The paper will give some examples of IEP recommendation (general and special, goals and steps to determine programs and types of services.

  8. Genetic and environmental sources of individual religiousness: the roles of individual personality traits and perceived environmental religiousness. (United States)

    Kandler, Christian; Riemann, Rainer


    In the current study, we examined the genetic and environmental sources of the links between individual religiousness and individual personality traits, perceived parental religiousness, and perceived peer religiousness. Data from 870 individuals (incl. 394 twin pairs) were analyzed. Variance in individual religiousness was significantly influenced by genetic effects, environmental influences shared by twins reared together, and individual-specific environmental influences. Individual religiousness showed significant associations with age, sex, specific personality traits (e.g., agreeableness, openness to values), and perceived religiousness of important social interaction partners, such as parents, best friends, and spouses. The links to personality traits were relatively small and primarily genetically mediated. The associations between individual religiousness and parental religiousness were substantial and mediated by shared environmental effects. These links significantly decreased across age accompanying a significant decrease of shared environmental influences on individual religiousness. The correlations between individual religiousness and perceived religiousness of spouses and best friends were relatively moderate but increased with age. These associations were mediated by genetic as well as nonshared environmental sources accompanying an increase of nonshared environmental influences on individual religiousness with age. The results suggest that inter-individual differences in religiousness are due to multiple sources.

  9. Modelling individual difference in visual categorization. (United States)

    Shen, Jianhong; Palmeri, Thomas J

    Recent years has seen growing interest in understanding, characterizing, and explaining individual differences in visual cognition. We focus here on individual differences in visual categorization. Categorization is the fundamental visual ability to group different objects together as the same kind of thing. Research on visual categorization and category learning has been significantly informed by computational modeling, so our review will focus both on how formal models of visual categorization have captured individual differences and how individual difference have informed the development of formal models. We first examine the potential sources of individual differences in leading models of visual categorization, providing a brief review of a range of different models. We then describe several examples of how computational models have captured individual differences in visual categorization. This review also provides a bit of an historical perspective, starting with models that predicted no individual differences, to those that captured group differences, to those that predict true individual differences, and to more recent hierarchical approaches that can simultaneously capture both group and individual differences in visual categorization. Via this selective review, we see how considerations of individual differences can lead to important theoretical insights into how people visually categorize objects in the world around them. We also consider new directions for work examining individual differences in visual categorization.

  10. 24 CFR 21.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual. 21.655 Section 21.655 Housing and Urban Development Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTS) Definitions § 21.655 Individual. Individual means a...

  11. 34 CFR 84.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 84.655 Section 84.655 Education Office of the Secretary, Department of Education GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 84.655 Individual. Individual means a natural person. (Authority: E.O.s 12549 and...

  12. Individual protection of NPP personnel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koshcheev, V.S.; Gol'dshtejn, D.S.; Chetverikova, Z.S.


    Specific features of NPP personnel individual protection are considered, mainly with respect to maintenance and repair works on various type reactors. The major concern is given to the selection and application reglamentations of the individual protection system (IPS), employment of sanitary locks, the organization of individual protection under the conditions of a heating microclimate. The ways are specified to the development and introduction of the most effective IPS and improvement of the entire NPP personnel individual protection system with respect to providing the necessary protection effect for maintaining high working capability of the personnel and minimizing the IPS impact on human organism functional systems. The accumulated experience in the personnel individual protection can be applied during construction and operation of NPP's in CMEA member-countries [ru

  13. The Science of the Individual (United States)

    Rose, L. Todd; Rouhani, Parisa; Fischer, Kurt W.


    Our goal is to establish a science of the individual, grounded in dynamic systems, and focused on the analysis of individual variability. Our argument is that individuals behave, learn, and develop in distinctive ways, showing patterns of variability that are not captured by models based on statistical averages. As such, any meaningful attempt to…

  14. 5 CFR 319.302 - Individual qualifications. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual qualifications. 319.302... Individual qualifications. Agency heads are delegated authority to approve the qualifications of individuals appointed to SL and ST positions. The agency head must determine that the individual meets the...

  15. 10 CFR 835.402 - Individual monitoring. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual monitoring. 835.402 Section 835.402 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OCCUPATIONAL RADIATION PROTECTION Monitoring of Individuals and Areas § 835.402 Individual monitoring. (a) For the purpose of monitoring individual exposures to external radiation...

  16. Avaliação de um esquema de realimentação utilizado após 43 dias de jejum voluntário Evaluation of a refeeding plan employed after 43 days of voluntary fasting

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    Nídia Denise Pucci


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar um esquema de realimentação utilizado em pacientes após jejum prolongado voluntário. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo, com base em levantamento dos prontuários de 7 pacientes (média de idade de 41,6 anos e desvio-padrão=5,3 em jejum voluntário por 43 dias em jejum seguidos de 14 dias de realimentação. As variáveis estudadas foram: antropométricas, clínicas, dietéticas, laboratoriais e avaliação da composição corpórea por bioimpedância. Foram utilizadas as seguintes dietas por via oral na realimentação: oligomérica enriquecida com glutamina, associada à dieta hipogordurosa e isenta de lactose (primeira semana; dieta branda normolipídica com lactose (segunda semana. A análise descritiva dos dados apresentados incluiu média e desvio-padrão. A análise de variância ou o teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis foram utilizados para comparação dos dados nos períodos de jejum e realimentação. Utilizou-se o programa estatístico SIGMA STAT versão 2,03 sendo considerado o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: No jejum houve redução significativa do peso corpóreo (18,0% desvio-padrão=2,3, da prega cutânea do tríceps (48,2% desvio-padrão=9,0 e da hemoglobina (15,98g/dL desvio-padrão=0,99 para 12,74g/dL desvio-padrão=0,47. Na segunda semana de realimentação houve aumento significativo na contagem total de linfócitos (954 mil/mm³ desvio-padrão=242 para 1.619 mil/mm³ desvio-padrão=232 e dos distúrbios gastrointestinais, em relação à primeira semana. Não ocorreu Síndrome da Realimentação. CONCLUSÃO: O esquema de realimentação utilizado promoveu resultado global adequado, mas requer redução do aporte energético e definição de momento mais adequado para reintrodução de lactose e da dieta normolipídica.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a refeeding plan employed in patients after a long period of voluntary fasting. METHODS: A retrospective study was done by reviewing


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Martin Lund

    The primary concern of this thesis is to explore the relations between contemporary compensation systems based on individualization and individuality, the constitution of the fair claim, the causality of blame and the causality of rewarding, and the need to belong and it relation with human...... motivation. More specifically, the primary research question on which this thesis is based is: How is the fair claim constituted in, respec-tively, a compensation system based on individualization and individuality, a social relational perspective; and in which ways might potential differences influence...

  18. 48 CFR 2001.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Individual deviations. 2001... Individual deviations. In individual cases, deviations from either the FAR or the NRCAR will be authorized... deviations clearly in the best interest of the Government. Individual deviations must be authorized in...

  19. Assessment of Working Memory in Individuals With Stuttering in Comparison With Individuals With Normal Fluency

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    Aiswarya Liz Varghese


    Full Text Available It is common in literature to relate stuttering with some other deficit that interferes with communicative functions. Working memory comprises the system of human memory dedicated to both temporary storages of phonological detail and allocation of cognitive resources necessary for forming lasting memories. In this study we have analyzed the performance of individuals with stuttering on various working memory tasks. The aim of study is to compare the working memory abilities in individuals with stuttering and individuals with normal fluency on various working memory tasks. A total of 30 individuals with stuttering and 30 individuals with normal fluency in the age range of 18 – 40 years participated in the study. The Working Memory domain will be assessed using The Manipal Manual for Cognitive Linguistic Abilities (MMCLA which consists of auditory word retrieval, auditory letter and number recall, auditory word list recall, auditory delayed sentence recall, visual practice recall, visual letter and number recall, visual word list recall and visual delayed sentence recall. Results revealed that the individuals with normal fluency had superior performance compared to the individuals with stuttering. Hence, it’s helpful to understand the involvement of working memory in stuttering and incorporate working memory training along with the conventional fluency therapy.

  20. Individual and Community Socioeconomic Status: Impact on Mental Health in Individuals with Arthritis

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    Chivon A. Mingo


    Full Text Available To examine the impact of individual and community socioeconomic status (SES measures on mental health outcomes in individuals with arthritis, participants with self-reported arthritis completed a telephone survey assessing health status, health attitudes and beliefs, and sociodemographic variables. Regression analyses adjusting for race, gender, BMI, comorbidities, and age were performed to determine the impact of individual and community level SES on mental health outcomes (i.e., Medical Outcomes Study SF-12v2 mental health component, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health-Related Quality of Life Healthy Days Measure, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression [CES-D] scale. When entered singly, lower education and income, nonmanagerial occupation, non-homeownership, and medium and high community poverty were all significantly associated with poorer mental health outcomes. Income, however, was more strongly associated with the outcomes in comparison to the other SES variables. In a model including all SES measures simultaneously, income was significantly associated with each outcome variable. Lower levels of individual and community SES showed most consistent statistical significance in association with CES-D scores. Results suggest that both individual and community level SES are associated with mental health status in people with arthritis. It is imperative to consider how interventions focused on multilevel SES factors may influence existing disparities.

  1. Body Dissatisfaction in Individuals with Obesity Compared to Normal-Weight Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Natascha-Alexandra Weinberger


    Full Text Available Background: Body dissatisfaction has been identified as a psychological correlate of obesity that is related to disordered eating, poor self-esteem, and depression. However, not all individuals with obesity are equally vulnerable to these correlates, and ‘normative discontent' is present in individuals with normal weight, too. In this light, the complex relationship of body image and individual weight status seems like a worthwhile direction of research inquiry. As such, this review aims to systematically explore the degree of body dissatisfaction in individuals with obesity compared to normal-weight individuals. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted. All quantitative studies of adult samples reporting results regarding differences in body dissatisfaction between individuals with normal weight and obesity were included. Results: 17 articles were found. Across studies, individuals with obesity reported higher body dissatisfaction than normal-weight individuals (questionnaires: d = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.63-1.16, p Conclusion: The findings underline the severity of body dissatisfaction among individuals with obesity and especially among women. Future research recommendations are discussed.

  2. Collective Functionality through Bacterial Individuality (United States)

    Ackermann, Martin

    According to the conventional view, the properties of an organism are a product of nature and nurture - of its genes and the environment it lives in. Recent experiments with unicellular organisms have challenged this view: several molecular mechanisms generate phenotypic variation independently of environmental signals, leading to variation in clonal groups. My presentation will focus on the causes and consequences of this microbial individuality. Using examples from bacterial genetic model systems, I will first discuss different molecular and cellular mechanisms that give rise to bacterial individuality. Then, I will discuss the consequences of individuality, and focus on how phenotypic variation in clonal populations of bacteria can promote interactions between individuals, lead to the division of labor, and allow clonal groups of bacteria to cope with environmental uncertainty. Variation between individuals thus provides clonal groups with collective functionality.

  3. 48 CFR 501.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 501... Individual deviations. (a) An individual deviation affects only one contract action. (1) The Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) must approve an individual deviation to the FAR. The authority to grant an...

  4. Metodología para el Escalamiento de Agitadores Mecánicos Utilizados en Procesos con Fluidos No-Newtonianos

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    Oliveros T. Carlos E.


    Full Text Available Se determinó experimentalmente la tasa promedia de cortante (TCP generada por dos rotores utilizados para el desmucilaginado mecánico del café en Colombia: El CENICAFE III y El COLMECANO. Los valores experimentales de TCP fueron comparados con datos estimados con un modelo teórico obtenido asumiendo que el campo de flujo generado por el rotor se asemeja al flujo tipo Couette (TCP y un modelo propuesto por Oliveros (1993,1995. Se utilizó la prueba de X^2 (con 5% de significancia para comparar los valores experimentales y teóricos y se observó que hay diferencias entre ellos. A partir del modelo TCP se obtuvo una expresión semiteórica para estimar la TCP generada por el rotor COLMECANO con alta con fiabilidad (r^2 = 0.982. A una misma velocidad de rotación el agitador COLMECANO genera mayores valores de TCP que el rotor CENICAFE 1/1. luego debe generar mayores tasas de desmucilaginado. La potencia requerida para agitar suspensiones de café en baba-mucílago+agua adicionada (1 L/kg de cps. en el rango de 300 a l. 200 rpm, utilizando los rotores CENICAFE III y COLMECANO, fué medida experimentalmente y estimada teóricamente con dos modelos: el modelo propuesto por Oliveros (1993.1995 Y un modelo obtenido asumiendo que el campo de flujo generado por los rotores es del tipo Couette (modelo pc. Los valores experimentales y estimados fueron comparados por medio de la prueba de X^2 (al 5% de significancia observándose diferencias entre ellos. Mediante un análisis de regresión lineal simple aplicado a los valores obtenidos con el modelo pe se obtuvo una expresión semi-teórica la cual permite estimar con alta confiabilidad la potencia para agitar las suspensiones de café en baba-mucílago+agua (r^2 = 0,982 con el rotor COLMECANO. A una misma velocidad de rotación, el rotor COLMECANO requiere menos potencia que el CENICAFE III para agitar suspensiones de café en baba-mucílago+agua (1 litro de agua/kg de cps. Se utilizó el concepto

  5. Individual Attitudes Towards Trade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jäkel, Ina Charlotte; Smolka, Marcel


    Using the 2007 wave of the Pew Global Attitudes Project, this paper finds statistically significant and economically large Stolper-Samuelson effects in individuals’ preference formation towards trade policy. High-skilled individuals are substantially more pro-trade than low-skilled individuals......-Ohlin model in shaping free trade attitudes, relative to existing literature....

  6. 48 CFR 801.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 801... Individual deviations. (a) Authority to authorize individual deviations from the FAR and VAAR is delegated to... nature of the deviation. (d) The DSPE may authorize individual deviations from the FAR and VAAR when an...

  7. Sound lateralization test in adolescent blind individuals. (United States)

    Yabe, Takao; Kaga, Kimitaka


    Blind individuals require to compensate for the lack of visual information by other sensory inputs. In particular, auditory inputs are crucial to such individuals. To investigate whether blind individuals localize sound in space better than sighted individuals, we tested the auditory ability of adolescent blind individuals using a sound lateralization method. The interaural time difference discrimination thresholds of blind individuals were statistically significantly shorter than those of blind individuals with residual vision and controls. These findings suggest that blind individuals have better auditory spatial ability than individuals with visual cues; therefore, some perceptual compensation occurred in the former.

  8. Efeitos de variáveis individuais e contextuais sobre desempenho individual no trabalho Effects of individuals and contextual variables on individual performance at work

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    Francisco Antonio Coelho Junior


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou testar empiricamente um modelo teórico multinível de predição de desempenho individual no trabalho. As variáveis antecedentes investigadas, isoladas ou em interação, corresponderam à idade, gênero, cargo, grau de escolaridade, tempo de serviço e percepção de suporte à aprendizagem, medidas no nível individual e de contexto, e satisfação no trabalho, de nível individual. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma empresa pública, do ramo de pesquisas agropecuária e atuação nacional. A amostra (N = 808 contou com funcionários distribuídos em 45 unidades centralizadas e descentralizadas da empresa pelo Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada à distância, via e-mail. Os resultados multiníveis corroboraram o modelo teórico de pesquisa hipotetizado e evidenciaram que a variância de desempenho foi explicada por distintos preditores de nível individual e de contexto, isoladamente ou em interação.This paper aims to empirically test a theoretical multilevel model for the prediction of individual performance at work. Antecedent variables, isolated or in interaction, were age, gender, function, scholarity, period of function and perception of learning support, in the individual and contextual levels, and satisfaction at work, an individual variable. This study was accomplished in a public corporation which deals with agricultural research in a national scope. The participants (N = 808 were distribute in 45 central and noncentral units for the Brazil. Data collection was done online, by e-mail. The multilevel results confirm the hypothetic theoretical model and make evident that the performance's variance were predicted by different individuals and context variables, isolated or in interaction.

  9. 19 CFR 113.35 - Individual sureties. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual sureties. 113.35 Section 113.35 Customs... CUSTOMS BONDS Principals and Sureties § 113.35 Individual sureties. (a) Number required. If individuals...) Qualifications to act as surety—(1) Residency and citizenship. Each individual surety on a Customs bond must be...

  10. Mourning as individual chance

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    Vuković Marko


    Full Text Available Motives for preparing this paper, are personal and professional, there is mutual interference. Ending of the paper is considered as synchronicity, in author s personal mourning. A mourning, as hard experience, but also as a chance for development, integration of somebody s own capacities, embodied in relationship with another, is close connected with individuation, that is represented as spontaneous, unconcious process of self development of personality with the aim of searching unity and wholesness of personality, following number of compensations toward balance and wholesness as final aim, but also is considered as ideal. In close conection with individuation is transcedental function that integrates conscious and unconcsious attitude, overcomes struggle of consiousness and unconsciousness. In paper, there are examples of two myths, myth about Demetra and Persefona, and Orpheus and Euridica, that show possible individuation directions throughout mourning process. Individation is, there, put in the context of death and Under World. Beside individual, there is consideration of colective mourning, although that approach is restricted for some reasons. There is question of capacity of society for mourning.

  11. Global Increases in Individualism. (United States)

    Santos, Henri C; Varnum, Michael E W; Grossmann, Igor


    Individualism appears to have increased over the past several decades, yet most research documenting this shift has been limited to the study of a handful of highly developed countries. Is the world becoming more individualist as a whole? If so, why? To answer these questions, we examined 51 years of data on individualist practices and values across 78 countries. Our findings suggest that individualism is indeed rising in most of the societies we tested. Despite dramatic shifts toward greater individualism around the world, however, cultural differences remain sizable. Moreover, cultural differences are primarily linked to changes in socioeconomic development, and to a lesser extent to shifts in pathogen prevalence and disaster frequency.

  12. Genotoxicidad de tres plaguicidas utilizados en la actividad bananera de Costa Rica

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    Rebeca Vindas


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la genotoxicidad in vitro de los fungicidas imazalil y tiabendazol y del insecticida clorpirifos, formulaciones empleadas en las bananeras costarricenses, utilizando la técnica de electroforesis de células únicas (ensayo cometa. El ensayo cometa es una técnica simple, rápida y de bajo costo para la cuantificación de daños en el ADN, en términos de rupturas y sitios álcalilábiles, en la hebra simple del ADN de células individuales. Se expusieron linfocitos humanos a concentraciones de 0, 25, 50, 75 y 100 µg/ml de los plaguicidas, por 30 min a 37°C. Las células fueron embebidas en agarosa, se provocó la lisis de sus membranas citoplasmáticas y se sometieron a electroforesis alcalina durante 20 min a 25V. Por último, las preparaciones se neutralizaron y se deshidrataron, para el posterior teñido de las láminas con el fluorocromo y la visualización de los cometas en el microscopio de epifluorescencia. El clorpirifos y el imazalil inducen daños significativos en la hebra sencilla del ADN en forma dependiente de la concentración, siendo el clorpirifos el mayor inductor de rupturas en el material genético. Estos resultados indican que ambos se comportan como compuestos genotóxicos in vitro. El fungicida tiabendazol mostró resultados negativos en las concentraciones empleadas.Genotoxicity of three pesticides used in Costa Rican banana plantations. The in vitro genotoxicity of imazalil and thiabendazole fungicides and the insecticide chlorpyrifos, compounds used in Costa Rican banana plantations, was evaluated with the single-cell gel electrophoresis technique (comet assay. The comet assay is a simple, rapid and low cost technique for quantification of DNA damage. This assay detects DNA single- strand breaks and alkalilabile sites in individual cells. The effects were analyzed by using human lymphocytes exposed to doses of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 µg/ml of each pesticide for 30 min at 37°C. The cells were embedded in

  13. An Attitude Scale on Individual Instrument and Individual Instrument Course: Validity-Reliability Research (United States)

    Kuçukosmanoglu, Hayrettin Onur


    The main purpose of this study is to develop a scale to determine students' attitude levels on individual instruments and individual instrument courses in instrument training, which is an important dimension of music education, and to conduct a validity-reliability research of the scale that has been developed. The scale consists of 16 items. The…

  14. Providers and Patients Caught Between Standardization and Individualization: Individualized Standardization as a Solution (United States)

    Ansmann, Lena; Pfaff, Holger


    In their 2017 article, Mannion and Exworthy provide a thoughtful and theory-based analysis of two parallel trends in modern healthcare systems and their competing and conflicting logics: standardization and customization. This commentary further discusses the challenge of treatment decision-making in times of evidence-based medicine (EBM), shared decision-making and personalized medicine. From the perspective of systems theory, we propose the concept of individualized standardization as a solution to the problem. According to this concept, standardization is conceptualized as a guiding framework leaving room for individualization in the patient physician interaction. The theoretical background is the concept of context management according to systems theory. Moreover, the comment suggests multidisciplinary teams as a possible solution for the integration of standardization and individualization, using the example of multidisciplinary tumor conferences and highlighting its limitations. The comment also supports the authors’ statement of the patient as co-producer and introduces the idea that the competing logics of standardization and individualization are a matter of perspective on macro, meso and micro levels. PMID:29626403

  15. Collective individualism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baarts, Charlotte


    at a construction site. An ethnographic fieldwork, in which the researcher worked as an apprentice, will provide detailed and experiencenear insights into the complexity of these processes. Findings show that individualist and collectivist preferences influence the amount of risk the individual worker will assume...

  16. Categorical apparatus of individual marketing


    I.L. Reshetnikova; Yu.A. Eremenko


    The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to clarify the essence of individual marketing and its interconnection with relationship marketing, CRM, direct marketing and database marketing based on a study of the marketing genesis and the evolution of the process of individual communication between buyer and seller. We consider relationship marketing as the most general notion that involves individual marketing, CRM, direct marketing and database marketing. Relationship marketing is to ...

  17. The Local Bias of Individual Investors


    Ning Zhu


    This study investigates individual investors' bias towards nearby companies. Using data from a large U.S. discount brokerage, we find that individual investors tend to invest in companies closer to them relative to the market portfolio. Unlike Coval and Moskowitz's (1999) findings on institutional investors, however, we find that advantageous information cannot explain individual investors' local bias. Accounting numbers and information asymmetry matter less to individual investors' local bia...

  18. Moral individualism and elective death. (United States)

    Prado, C G


    Moral individualism (Brooks, 2011; Smith, 2011) is a contemporary interpretation of morality as entirely a matter of personal choice. It is a popular rather than theory-based interpretation and has a number of social generative sources related to present-day preoccupation with individuality and personal distinctiveness. A key generative source is popularization of postmodernism, which prioritizes self-reinvention and provides moral individualism with the appearance of intellectual legitimacy. Moral individualism is a deeply flawed misconception of morality because it abolishes moral communality. My concern in this paper is that in doing so, it seriously jeopardizes productive discussion of the moral permissibility of elective death or choosing to die in despairingly and dire circumstances. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Vulnerabilidade do doente versus autonomia individual The vulnerability of the patient versus individual autonomy

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    Inês Motta de Morais


    Full Text Available A autonomia é um conceito ético e individual, ao passo que a vulnerabilidade pressupõe a existência de relações desiguais entre indivíduos ou grupos. Tal desigualdade pode estar relacionada a questões sócio-econômicas. Muitas vezes os desprivilegiados têm dificuldades ou, mesmo impossibilidade de decidir. Portanto, é importante o reconhecimento dessa vulnerabilidade para garantir o direito à autonomia e respeito à dignidade de indivíduos, principalmente quando se trata de pesquisas na área da saúde. Este estudo procura analisar a importância do conceito de vulnerabilidade e seu alcance na relação com a autonomia individual. O estudo conclui que a consciência de vulnerabilidade é importante para alimentar a razão crítica que fundamenta a autonomia. Não pretende de forma alguma propor mais uma definição de autonomia individual e vulnerabilidade do doente, e sim apresentar os resultados do levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema demonstrando os pontos convergentes e divergentes de diversos expoentes literários.Autonomy is and ethical and individual concept, while vulnerability presupposes the existence of unequal relations between individuals or groups. Such inequality may be related to socio-economic issues. The underprivileged often have difficulty in making decisions or find it impossible to do so. It is, therefore, important to recognize this vulnerability in order to ensure the right to autonomy and respect for the dignity of the individual, especially in the case of health research. This study investigates the importance of the concept of vulnerability and the extent to which it is related to individual autonomy. The study concludes that awareness of vulnerability is important in fuelling the critical reason that is the foundation of autonomy. The intention here is certainly not to put forward yet another definition of individual autonomy and patient vulnerability, but rather to present the results of a

  20. Nuclear energy for environmental protection; A energia nuclear para protecao do meio ambiente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, Jair Albo Marques de


    In 1990 nuclear energy supplied about 17% of the total electric power produced in the world, what makes it the third most used power source after coal and hydropower. In this paper the advantages of using nuclear power for generating large quantities of electric power are presented 18 figs., 23 tabs.

  1. Radiological Protection Plan an ethic responsibility; Plano de protecao radiologica e responsabilidade etica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huhn, Andrea, E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil); Vargas, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil)


    The Radiological Protection Plan - PPR, quoted by the Regulatory Standard 32, requires to be maintained at the workplace and at the disposal of the worker's inspection the PPR, for it to be aware of their work environment and the damage that can be caused by misuse of ionizing radiation. Objective: to discuss the interface between PPR and ethical reflection. Method: this is a reflective study. Discussion and results: regulatory norm 32 points out that the worker who conducts activities in areas where there are sources of ionizing radiation should know the risks associated with their work. However, it is considered that the sectors of hospital radiology the multidisciplinary health team is exposed to ionizing radiation and has not always aware of the harm caused by it, so end up unprotected conduct their activities. Concomitantly, recent studies emphasize the radiological protection and concern for the dangers of radiation on humans, but rather refer to the legislation about the radiological protection. In this context an ethical reflection is necessary, seeking to combine work ethics liability to care in protecting themselves and the other with the institutional conditions for this protection becomes effective.

  2. Nuclear energy for environmental protection; A energia nuclear para protecao do meio ambiente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, Jair Albo Marques de


    In 1990 nuclear energy supplied about 17% of the total electric power produced in the world, what makes it the third most used power source after coal and hydropower. In this paper the advantages of using nuclear power for generating large quantities of electric power are presented 18 figs., 23 tabs.

  3. Radiologic protection in intensive therapy units; Protecao radiologica em unidades de terapia intensiva

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrea, H.; Juliana, C.; Gerusa, R.; Laurete, M.B.; Suelen, S., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil); Derech, Rodrigo D.A., E-mail: [Policlinica Municipal Sul, Florianopolis, SC (Brazil)


    The discovery of X-ray was a great achievement for humanity, especially for the medical community. In Intensive Care Units (ICUs), the RX tests, performed with mobile devices, add immense value to the diagnosis of inpatients who do not have the option to carry them out of bed. Following the technology and its improvements, fatalities arose from misuse of ionizing radiation, which mostly gave up for lack of knowledge of the biological effects caused by them, which leads to fear among professionals and often prevents a quick job and effectively by professionals of radiological techniques. The research it is a systematic review of the literature and justified by the scarcity of materials that reflect on the radiological protection in ICUs. For this study we found the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Pubmed were indexed terms radiological protection and intensive care units, the search in Portuguese and English terms were used radiological protection and intensive care unit. The study aims to inform professionals of ICUs on the main aspects that refer to X-rays in hospital beds, the standards of radiological protection and personal protective equipment, thus avoiding possible damage to the biological health of workers, addressing subjects in rules and laws about the X radiation, emphasizing the protection of professionals in intensive care. It is clear, finally, that little research is conducted in the context of radiological protection of workers ICU's and this is a place that receives daily RX equipment, deserving more attention to protect the worker. (author)

  4. Quelques conceptions juives de l’individu Some Jewish Conceptions of the Individual

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    Alessandro Guetta


    Full Text Available Is there a Jewish conception of the individual subject? The issue is quite problematic, for several reasons: 1 it is difficult to speak of Judaism in a monolithic manner, because Judaism is a multifaceted reality, varying according to different epochs and places, to the point that we should speak of “Judaisms”, in the plural; 2 if the question of the individual subject is connected to the vision that the Western (meaning, European, essentially Christian culture has constructed, Judaism can hardly be defined as “Occidental” or “Oriental”. After a short analysis of these two points, we present the conceptions of the individual subject as developed by two major Jewish thinkers of the twentieth century: Martin Buber (1878-1965 and Erich Fromm (1900-1980. Both based their visions on traditional Jewish sources (Bible, Talmud but attributed them a universal value.

  5. Green taxation and individual responsibility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ballet, Jerome; Bazin, Damien; Lioui, Abraham; Touahri, David


    The current article aims at studying the effects of taxation on environmental quality, in an economy where its agents are responsible. Individual responsibility towards nature is modelized by the voluntary effort to which the households have agreed insofar as the improvement of environmental quality is concerned. It is an original way to show that the individuals may feel committed towards the environment and assume obligations towards it as well as towards environmental public policy. Given that, in our model, such effort is taken from one's allocated time for leisure, its opportunity cost is that of the sacrificed time for leisure, and is therefore equal to the individual's wage. We shall highlight that State intervention through the introduction of a (green) tax always crowds out individual responsibility. However, the intensity of this crowding-out depends on the performance of the State. Moreover, State intervention could, depending on the amount of crowding-out, reduce the overall quality of the environment. In a general equilibrium setting, we show that the crowding-out effect is not systematic. This is because there will then be an interaction between effort (or work time) and the cost of that effort (linked to the individual's wage, and therefore to production and finally to work/effort). In this article, we shall discuss the conditions under which public policy crowds out individual responsibility within this context. (author)


    CERN Multimedia


    Personnel in the distribution groups Aleph, Delphi, L3, Opal who also work for other experiments than at LEP, should contact their dispatchers to explain their activities for the future, after LEP dismantling in order to be maintained on the regular distribution list at Individual DosimetryWe inform all staff and users under regular dosimetric control that the dosimeters for the monitoring period MAY/JUNE will be available from their usual dispatchers on Tuesday 2 May.Please have your films changed before the 12 May.The colour of the dosimeter valid in is MAY/JUNE is YELLOW.Individual Dosimetry Service will be closed on Friday 28 April.

  7. 48 CFR 3401.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 3401.403 Section 3401.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ACQUISITION REGULATION GENERAL ED ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Deviations 3401.403 Individual deviations. An individual...

  8. 48 CFR 1.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 1.403 Section 1.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION GENERAL FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM Deviations from the FAR 1.403 Individual deviations. Individual...

  9. 48 CFR 2501.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Individual deviations. 2501.403 Section 2501.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GENERAL FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM Deviations From the FAR 2501.403 Individual deviations. Individual...


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    Heribertus Jaka Triyana


    Full Text Available Rethinking of the role of person or individuals in international law has become more significant due to the development of branches of international law; the international criminal law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law. This essay focuses on issue of law enforcement of individuals responsibility toward international wrongful acts, mechanisms and their futher development. Historical development is used as a point of view in this essay to reach conclusion of the role of individuals in international law.

  11. 33 CFR 155.1026 - Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual. (United States)


    ... familiar with the implementation of the vessel response plan; and (4) Be trained in the responsibilities of... vessel may designate an organization to fulfill the role of the qualified individual and alternate...

  12. 48 CFR 1501.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Individual deviations. 1501.403 Section 1501.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GENERAL GENERAL Deviations 1501.403 Individual deviations. Requests for individual deviations from the FAR and the...

  13. Individualidade e conjugalidade na relação de casal de adolescentes Individualidad y conjugalidad en la relación de parejas adolescentes Individuality and conjugality in adolescent couples

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Centenaro Levandowski


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar as dimensões individualidade e conjugalidade na relação de casais de adolescentes, da gestação até o segundo ano de vida da criança. Participaram do estudo três casais adolescentes cujos membros tinham entre 14 e 18 anos de idade no início da coleta de dados. Foi utilizado um delineamento de estudo de caso coletivo, sendo cada casal entrevistado em quatro momentos: no terceiro trimestre de gestação, no terceiro mês, no primeiro e no segundo ano da criança. Análise de conteúdo qualitativa revelou que, de modo geral, a conjugalidade foi incrementada a partir da gravidez, ficando enfraquecida após o nascimento do bebê e sendo novamente enfatizada no segundo ano da criança.El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar las dimensiones individualidad y conjugalidad en la relación de parejas adolescentes, de la gestación hasta el segundo año de vida del hijo. Participaron del estudio tres parejas de adolescentes cuyos miembros tenían entre 14 y 18 años de edad al inicio de la colecta de datos. Fue utilizado un delineamiento de estudio de caso colectivo; cada pareja fue entrevistada en cuatro momentos: tercer trimestre de la gestación, tercer mes, primero y segundo año de vida del hijo. El análisis del contenido cualitativo reveló que, en general, la conjugalidad fue incrementada a partir del embarazo, debilitándose posteriormente al nascimiento del bebé y mostrándose nuevamente enfatizada en el segundo año de vida del hijo.The present study aimed to investigate the dimensions of individuality and conjugality in adolescents' romantic relationship, from pregnancy to the child’s second year of life. Three adolescent couples whose members were between 14 and 18 years of age in the beginning of data collection took part in the study. A collective case study design was used. Each couple was interviewed in four moments: third quarter of pregnancy, third month, first year and

  14. 48 CFR 201.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 201.403 Section 201.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM... Individual deviations. (1) Individual deviations, except those described in 201.402(1) and paragraph (2) of...

  15. 48 CFR 2401.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Individual deviations. 2401... DEVELOPMENT GENERAL FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Deviations 2401.403 Individual deviations. In individual cases, proposed deviations from the FAR or HUDAR shall be submitted to the Senior Procurement...

  16. Manual for Preparing Individualized Education Programs. (United States)

    Baylor, Terrill D.

    Presented are guidelines for developing an individualized program and services plan, an individual implementation plan, and daily activity and strategy plans for handicapped students. Instructions are outlined for utilizing forms related to planning and implementation of individualized education programs. Appended are sample forms. (SBH)

  17. 33 CFR 154.1026 - Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual. (United States)


    ... alternate must: (1) Be located in the United States; (2) Speak fluent English; (3) Be familiar with the... facility may designate an organization to fulfill the role of the qualified individual and the alternate...

  18. 48 CFR 1301.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM Deviations From the FAR 1301.403 Individual deviations. The designee authorized to approve individual deviations from the FAR is set forth in CAM 1301.70. ...

  19. 48 CFR 301.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 301... ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Deviations From the FAR 301.403 Individual deviations. Contracting activities shall prepare requests for individual deviations to either the FAR or HHSAR in accordance with 301.470. ...

  20. 48 CFR 3001.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations... from the FAR and HSAR 3001.403 Individual deviations. Unless precluded by law, executive order, or other regulation, the HCA is authorized to approve individual deviation (except with respect to (FAR) 48...

  1. 48 CFR 1201.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations... FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM 70-Deviations From the FAR and TAR 1201.403 Individual deviations... Executive Service (SES) official or that of a Flag Officer, may authorize individual deviations (unless (FAR...

  2. 48 CFR 1901.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Individual deviations. 1901.403 Section 1901.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS GENERAL... Individual deviations. Deviations from the IAAR or the FAR in individual cases shall be authorized by the...

  3. Linking Individual Creativity to Organizational Innovation (United States)

    Litchfield, Robert C.; Ford, Cameron M.; Gentry, Richard J.


    We draw on 146 employee-co-worker-supervisor triads from 146 organizations to examine the role of individual perspective-taking and team creative environment in the association between individual creativity and organizational innovation. Adopting an interactionist perspective, we find that the link between individual creativity and organizational…

  4. Consistent-handed individuals are more authoritarian. (United States)

    Lyle, Keith B; Grillo, Michael C


    Individuals differ in the consistency with which they use one hand over the other to perform everyday activities. Some individuals are very consistent, habitually using a single hand to perform most tasks. Others are relatively inconsistent, and hence make greater use of both hands. More- versus less-consistent individuals have been shown to differ in numerous aspects of personality and cognition. In several respects consistent-handed individuals resemble authoritarian individuals. For example, both consistent-handedness and authoritarianism have been linked to cognitive inflexibility. Therefore we hypothesised that consistent-handedness is an external marker for authoritarianism. Confirming our hypothesis, we found that consistent-handers scored higher than inconsistent-handers on a measure of submission to authority, were more likely to identify with a conservative political party (Republican), and expressed less-positive attitudes towards out-groups. We propose that authoritarianism may be influenced by the degree of interaction between the left and right brain hemispheres, which has been found to differ between consistent- and inconsistent-handed individuals.

  5. Green taxation and individual responsibility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ballet, Jerome [C3ED Centre of Economics and Ethics for Environment and Development, UVSQ, University of Versailles, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France); Bazin, Damien [EMAFI Macroeconomics and International Finance Research Centre at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, 28, avenue Valrose, BP 2135, 06103 Nice (France); Lioui, Abraham [Department of Economics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan (Israel); Touahri, David [LEST Institute of Labor Econmics and Industrial Sociology and Mediterranean University Aix-Marseille II, Marseille (France)


    The current article aims at studying the effects of taxation on environmental quality, in an economy where its agents are responsible. Individual responsibility towards nature is modelized by the voluntary effort to which the households have agreed insofar as the improvement of environmental quality is concerned. It is an original way to show that the individuals may feel committed towards the environment and assume obligations towards it as well as towards environmental public policy. Given that, in our model, such effort is taken from one's allocated time for leisure, its opportunity cost is that of the sacrificed time for leisure, and is therefore equal to the individual's wage. We shall highlight that State intervention through the introduction of a (green) tax always crowds out individual responsibility. However, the intensity of this crowding-out depends on the performance of the State. Moreover, State intervention could, depending on the amount of crowding-out, reduce the overall quality of the environment. In a general equilibrium setting, we show that the crowding-out effect is not systematic. This is because there will then be an interaction between effort (or work time) and the cost of that effort (linked to the individual's wage, and therefore to production and finally to work/effort). In this article, we shall discuss the conditions under which public policy crowds out individual responsibility within this context. (author)

  6. Governing Individual Knowledge Sharing Behavior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Minbaeva, Dana; Pedersen, Torben


    The emerging Knowledge Governance Approach asserts the need to build microfoundations grounded in individual action. Toward this goal, using the Theory of Planned Behavior, we aim to explain individual knowledge sharing behavior as being determined by the intention to share knowledge and its...... antecedents: attitude toward knowledge sharing, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. In addition, we consider managerial interventions (governance mechanisms) that managers can employ to influence the identified antecedents and thereby govern individual knowledge sharing behavior. We test...... a positive effect on subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, respectively....

  7. 48 CFR 401.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 401... AGRICULTURE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Deviations From the FAR and AGAR 401.403 Individual deviations. In individual cases, deviations from either the FAR or the AGAR will be authorized only when essential to effect...

  8. 25 CFR 115.101 - Individual accounts. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual accounts. 115.101 Section 115.101 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES TRUST FUNDS FOR TRIBES AND INDIVIDUAL INDIANS IIM Accounts § 115.101 Individual accounts. Except as otherwise provided in this part...

  9. 31 CFR 306.75 - Individual fiduciaries. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual fiduciaries. 306.75.... SECURITIES Assignments by or in Behalf of Trustees and Similar Fiduciaries § 306.75 Individual fiduciaries. (a) General. Securities registered in, or assigned to, the names and titles of individual fiduciaries...

  10. 48 CFR 2801.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Individual deviations. 2801... OF JUSTICE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM Deviations From the FAR and JAR 2801.403 Individual deviations. Individual deviations from the FAR or the JAR shall be approved by the head of the contracting...

  11. 17 CFR 300.101 - Individual accounts. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual accounts. 300.101... Customers of Sipc Members § 300.101 Individual accounts. (a) Except as otherwise provided in these rules... deemed his individual accounts, shall be combined so as to constitute a single account of a separate...

  12. 42 CFR 406.21 - Individual enrollment. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual enrollment. 406.21 Section 406.21 Public... HOSPITAL INSURANCE ELIGIBILITY AND ENTITLEMENT Premium Hospital Insurance § 406.21 Individual enrollment. (a) Basic provision. An individual who meets the requirements of § 406.20 (b) or (c) may enroll for...

  13. 29 CFR 1614.106 - Individual complaints. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual complaints. 1614.106 Section 1614.106 Labor... EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Agency Program To Promote Equal Employment Opportunity § 1614.106 Individual... individual and the agency and to describe generally the action(s) or practice(s) that form the basis of the...

  14. A Comparison of Work Value Preferences of Individuals with Disabilities and Individuals without Disabilities (United States)

    Lustig, Daniel C.; Zanskas, Stephen


    Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to compare the work value preferences of individuals with disabilities with the work value preferences for a sample of individuals without disabilities. Methods: The preferred work values of a sample of vocational rehabilitation consumers were compared to workers employed in a Southeastern university.…

  15. Individual versus Peer Grit: Influence on Later Individual Literacy Achievement of Dual Language Learners (United States)

    O'Neal, Colleen R.


    The objective of this short-term longitudinal study was to examine individual versus classroom peer effects of grit on later individual literacy achievement in elementary school. The dual language learner, largely Latina/o sample included students from the 3rd through the 5th grades. Participants completed a literacy achievement performance task…

  16. Are Teams Less Inequality Averse than Individuals?


    He, Haoran; Villeval, Marie Claire


    We compare inequality aversion in individuals and teams by means of both within- and between-subject experimental designs, and we investigate how teams aggregate individual preferences. We find that team decisions reveal less inequality aversion than individual initial proposals in team decision-making. However, teams are no more selfish than individuals who decide in isolation. Individuals express strategically more inequality aversion in their initial proposals in team decision-making becau...

  17. Individual and societal consequences of hypoglycemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dømgaard, Mikala; Bagger, Malene; Rhee, Nicolai Alexander


    BACKGROUND: Hypoglycemia and fear of hypoglycemia threaten individuals' ability to work and drive. We studied the effect of hypoglycemia on the individual and society, with a focus on possible implications of new European union legislation on patients' continued ability to drive. METHODS: A cross......-sectional survey of Danish Diabetes Association members was conducted to investigate individual and societal consequences of hypoglycemia. RESULTS: A total of 3117/9951 individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) (32.2%) or type 2 diabetes (T2DM) (67.8%) completed the survey. The calculated incidence rates of self...

  18. An evolutionary ecology of individual differences (United States)

    Dall, Sasha R. X.; Bell, Alison M.; Bolnick, Daniel I.; Ratnieks, Francis L. W.


    Individuals often differ in what they do. This has been recognised since antiquity. Nevertheless, the ecological and evolutionary significance of such variation is attracting widespread interest, which is burgeoning to an extent that is fragmenting the literature. As a first attempt at synthesis, we focus on individual differences in behaviour within populations that exceed the day-to-day variation in individual behaviour (i.e. behavioural specialisation). Indeed, the factors promoting ecologically relevant behavioural specialisation within natural populations are likely to have far-reaching ecological and evolutionary consequences. We discuss such individual differences from three distinct perspectives: individual niche specialisations, the division of labour within insect societies and animal personality variation. In the process, while recognising that each area has its own unique motivations, we identify a number of opportunities for productive ‘crossfertilisation’ among the (largely independent) bodies of work. We conclude that a complete understanding of evolutionarily and ecologically relevant individual differences must specify how ecological interactions impact the basic biological process (e.g. Darwinian selection, development and information processing) that underpin the organismal features determining behavioural specialisations. Moreover, there is likely to be covariation amongst behavioural specialisations. Thus, we sketch the key elements of a general framework for studying the evolutionary ecology of individual differences. PMID:22897772

  19. Dose to individuals: who and how

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Till, J.E.


    In 2002 the Main Commission established a Task Group on 'Characterisation of the Individual for the Purpose of Assessing compliance with Dose Constraints'. This paper highlights some of the Task Group's key recommendations and provides a basis for discussion for break out sessions that follow. Although the title indicates that I will address 'who' the individual is and 'how' the individual is characterised, I thought it wise to first mention 'why' we are concerned about the individual in the consolidated recommendations. Here are a few reasons why characterising the individual is important. First, the proposed consolidated recommendations place greater emphasis on individual-related criteria rather than societal or collective dose based criteria. This has been explained in the earlier presentation by Dr. Clarke. Also, it is necessary to update guidance on how to identify and characterise critical groups and individuals since this topic has not been thoroughly addressed by The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) since the publication of ICRP 43 (ICRP, 1985). Finally, the report intends to address additional conceptual and technical issues related to determining compliance with constraints and making decisions in emergency situations. The scope of the Task Group's work places emphasis on prospective exposure situations. It does not address medical and occupational exposures. (author)

  20. 12 CFR 268.105 - Individual complaints. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Individual complaints. 268.105 Section 268.105... RULES REGARDING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Board Program To Promote Equal Opportunity § 268.105 Individual... individual and the Board and to describe generally the action(s) or practice(s) that form the basis of the...

  1. Individual differences in individualism and collectivism predict ratings of virtual cities' liveability and environmental quality. (United States)

    Rubin, Mark; Morrison, Tessa


    The present research investigated individual differences in individualism and collectivism as predictors of people's reactions to cities. Psychology undergraduate students (N = 148) took virtual guided tours around historical cities. They then evaluated the cities' liveability and environmental quality and completed measures of individualism and collectivism. Mediation analyses showed that people who scored high in self-responsibility (individualism) rated the cities as more liveable because they perceived them to be richer and better resourced. In contrast, people who scored high in collectivism rated the cities as having a better environmental quality because they perceived them to (1) provide a greater potential for community and social life and (2) allow people to express themselves. These results indicate that people's evaluations of virtual cities are based on the degree to which certain aspects of the cities are perceived to be consistent with individualist and collectivist values.

  2. Dance for Individuals With Dementia. (United States)

    Lapum, Jennifer L; Bar, Rachel J


    The movement and music associated with dance plays an important role in many individuals' lives and can become imprinted upon the body and mind. Dance is thus closely associated with memory because of these deep connections. Without conscious thought, dance has the potential to be initiated as individuals age. In the current article, the authors share narrative reflections about their experiences with, and the potential of, dance as an intervention for aging populations diagnosed with dementia-related diseases. They draw upon their experiences in working with the aging population and a dance program currently being developed by Canada's National Ballet School and Baycrest Health Sciences for individuals with dementia-related diseases in long-term care. The current article is structured as dialogue between the authors because it mimics dance as a dialogical encounter between movement and music, and/or between individuals. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.

  3. Encounter Probability of Individual Wave Height

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Z.; Burcharth, H. F.


    wave height corresponding to a certain exceedence probability within a structure lifetime (encounter probability), based on the statistical analysis of long-term extreme significant wave height. Then the design individual wave height is calculated as the expected maximum individual wave height...... associated with the design significant wave height, with the assumption that the individual wave heights follow the Rayleigh distribution. However, the exceedence probability of such a design individual wave height within the structure lifetime is unknown. The paper presents a method for the determination...... of the design individual wave height corresponding to an exceedence probability within the structure lifetime, given the long-term extreme significant wave height. The method can also be applied for estimation of the number of relatively large waves for fatigue analysis of constructions....

  4. Individualization of antiretroviral therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pavlos R


    Full Text Available Rebecca Pavlos, Elizabeth J PhillipsInstitute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia, AustraliaAbstract: Antiretroviral therapy (ART has evolved considerably over the last three decades. From the early days of monotherapy with high toxicities and pill burdens, through to larger pill burdens and more potent combination therapies, and finally, from 2005 and beyond where we now have the choice of low pill burdens and once-daily therapies. More convenient and less toxic regimens are also becoming available, even in resource-poor settings. An understanding of the individual variation in response to ART, both efficacy and toxicity, has evolved over this time. The strong association of the major histocompatibility class I allele HLA-B*5701 and abacavir hypersensitivity, and its translation and use in routine HIV clinical practice as a predictive marker with 100% negative predictive value, has been a success story and a notable example of the challenges and triumphs in bringing pharmacogenetics to the clinic. In real clinical practice, however, it is going to be the exception rather than the rule that individual biomarkers will definitively guide patient therapy. The need for individualized approaches to ART has been further increased by the importance of non-AIDS comorbidities in HIV clinical practice. In the future, the ideal utilization of the individualized approach to ART will likely consist of a combined approach using a combination of knowledge of drug, virus, and host (pharmacogenetic and pharmacoecologic [factors in the individual's environment that may be dynamic over time] information to guide the truly personalized prescription. This review will focus on our knowledge of the pharmacogenetics of the efficacy and toxicity of currently available antiretroviral agents and the current and potential utility of such information and approaches in present and future HIV clinical care.Keywords: HIV

  5. From IPE [individual plant examinations] to IPEEE [individual plant examination of external events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newton, I.M.


    In addition to doing individual plant examinations (IPEs) which assess risk to nuclear plants from internal factors, all US plants are now also required to analyse external events and submit an IPEEE (Individual Plant Examination of External Events). Specifically, the IPEEEs require an assessment of plant-specific risks from the following types of initiating events: seismic events; fire; wind; tornadoes; flooding; accidents involving transportation or nearby facilities, such as oil refineries. (author)

  6. Individualizing in Traditional Classroom Settings. (United States)

    Thornell, John G.


    Effective individualized instruction depends primarily on the teacher possessing the skills to implement it. Individualization is therefore quite compatible with the traditional self-contained elementary classroom model, but not with its alternative, departmentalization, which allows teachers neither the time flexibility nor the familiarity with…

  7. Information retrieval and individual differences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Polona Vilar


    Full Text Available The paper presents individual differences, which are found in studies of information retrieval with emphasis on models of personality traits, cognitive and learning styles. It pays special attention to those models which are most often included in studies of information behaviour,information seeking,perceptions of IR systems, etc., but also brings forward some models which have not yet been included in such studies. Additionally, the relationship between different individual characteristics and individual’s chosen profession or academic area is discussed. In this context,the paper presents how investigation of individual differences can be useful in the design of IR systems.

  8. Motivational Antecedents of Individual Innovation (United States)

    Picci, Patrizia; Battistelli, Adalgisa

    The current work seeks to focus on the innovative work behavior and, in particular, on the stage of idea generation. An important factor that stimulates the individual to carry out the various emergent processes of change and innovation within the organization is known as intrinsic motivation, but under certain conditions, the presence of different forms of extrinsic motivation, as external regulation, introjection, identification and integration, positively influences innovative behavior at work, specifically the creative stage of the process. Starting from this evidence, the organizational environment could be capable of stimulating or indeed inhibiting potential creativity and innovation of individuals. About 100 individuals employees of a local government health department in Central Italy were given an explicit questionnaire. The results show that among external factors that effect the individual such as control, rewards and recognition for work well done, controlled motivation influences overall innovative behavior whereas autonomous motivation plays a significant role in the specific behavior of idea generation. At the same time, it must also be acknowledged that a clearly articulated task which allows an individual to identify with said task, seems to favor overall innovative behavior, whilst a task which allows a fair degree of autonomy influences the behavior of generating ideas.

  9. Antarctic skuas recognize individual humans. (United States)

    Lee, Won Young; Han, Yeong-Deok; Lee, Sang-Im; Jablonski, Piotr G; Jung, Jin-Woo; Kim, Jeong-Hoon


    Recent findings report that wild animals can recognize individual humans. To explain how the animals distinguish humans, two hypotheses are proposed. The high cognitive abilities hypothesis implies that pre-existing high intelligence enabled animals to acquire such abilities. The pre-exposure to stimuli hypothesis suggests that frequent encounters with humans promote the acquisition of discriminatory abilities in these species. Here, we examine individual human recognition abilities in a wild Antarctic species, the brown skua (Stercorarius antarcticus), which lives away from typical human settlements and was only recently exposed to humans due to activities at Antarctic stations. We found that, as nest visits were repeated, the skua parents responded at further distances and were more likely to attack the nest intruder. Also, we demonstrated that seven out of seven breeding pairs of skuas selectively responded to a human nest intruder with aggression and ignored a neutral human who had not previously approached the nest. The results indicate that Antarctic skuas, a species that typically inhabited in human-free areas, are able to recognize individual humans who disturbed their nests. Our findings generally support the high cognitive abilities hypothesis, but this ability can be acquired during a relatively short period in the life of an individual as a result of interactions between individual birds and humans.

  10. Intra- and inter-individual variation in flight direction in a migratory butterfly co-vary with individual mobility. (United States)

    Larranaga, Nicolas; Baguette, Michel; Calvez, Olivier; Trochet, Audrey; Ducatez, Simon; Legrand, Delphine


    Flight direction is a major component of an animal's migratory success. However, few studies have focused on variation in flight direction both between and within individuals, which is likely to be correlated with other traits implied in migration processes. We report patterns of intra- and inter-individual variation in flight direction in the large white butterfly Pieris brassicae. The presence of inter-individual variation in flight direction for individuals tested in the same conditions suggests that this trait is inherited in P. brassicae and we propose that a rapid loss of migratory skills may exist in the absence of selection for migration. The magnitude of intra-individual variation was negatively correlated to two surrogates of the potential for migration: mobility and wing length. Highly mobile and longed-winged individuals within the same family were found to fly in similar directions, whereas less mobile and short-winged individuals displayed divergent flight direction compared with the average direction of their kin. There was also a negative correlation between the variance to the mean flight direction of a family and its average mobility, but no correlation with wing length. We discuss these issues in terms of the evolution of traits potentially implied in both migration and dispersal in P. brassicae.

  11. Individual titanium zygomatic implant (United States)

    Nekhoroshev, M. V.; Ryabov, K. N.; Avdeev, E. V.


    Custom individual implants for the reconstruction of craniofacial defects have gained importance due to better qualitative characteristics over their generic counterparts – plates, which should be bent according to patient needs. The Additive Manufacturing of individual implants allows reducing cost and improving quality of implants. In this paper, the authors describe design of zygomatic implant models based on computed tomography (CT) data. The fabrication of the implants will be carried out with 3D printing by selective laser melting machine SLM 280HL.

  12. On American Individualism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Among those American symbols like multiculturalism, hi-tech and its powerful status in the world, an important representative one is its individualism. This paper will briefly discuss it based on daily matters.

  13. Transmissividade a radiação solar do polietileno de baixa densidade utilizado em estufas Solar radiation transmissivity through low density polyethylene used in greenhouses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Galileo Adeli Buriol


    Full Text Available Determinou-se a transmissividade à radiação solar do polietileno de baixa densidade utilizado em estufas. O experimento foi conduzido em uma estufa tipo Capela com dimensões de 10m x 25m, coberta com polietileno transparente de baixa densidade, com espessura de 100µm e aditivado com anti-UV, instalada no Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS - Brasil. A radiação solar global diária incidente no interior e exterior da estufa foi medida no período de julho de 1991 a janeiro de 1992 e também a fração difusa da radiação solar em dias com diferentes condições atmosféricas e de condensação no filme plástico durante o período de maio a julho de 1993. A transmissividade média da radiação solar global foi de 56,2% nas primeiras horas do dia e de 81,3% nas horas próximas ao meio-dia. A fração difusa da radiação solar global foi mais elevada no interior da estufa do que no exterior, evidenciando o efeito dispersante do plástico e da condensação do vapor d'água na superfície interna do filme.The transmissivity of the solar radiation by polyethylene cover used in plastic greenhouses was evaluated in the Central Region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The study was carried out inside a 10m x 25m greenhouse covered with low density transparent polyethylene with 100µm thickness, located at Federal University of Santa Maria. Incoming global solar radiation inside and outside was measured daily dunng July, 1991 to January, 1992. The effect of polyethylene cover on diffuse solar radiation was determined dunng 1993 year. The average transmissivity of global solar radiation was 56.2% early in the moming and 81.3% at near noonday. Diffuse solar radiation proportion was higher inside than outside the greenhouse and enhanced when water condenses on the inner surface of the film.

  14. Time allocation of disabled individuals. (United States)

    Pagán, Ricardo


    Although some studies have analysed the disability phenomenon and its effect on, for example, labour force participation, wages, job satisfaction, or the use of disability pension, the empirical evidence on how disability steals time (e.g. hours of work) from individuals is very scarce. This article examines how disabled individuals allocate their time to daily activities as compared to their non-disabled counterparts. Using time diary information from the Spanish Time Use Survey (last quarter of 2002 and the first three quarters of 2003), we estimate the determinants of time (minutes per day) spent on four aggregate categories (market work, household production, tertiary activities and leisure) for a sample of 27,687 non-disabled and 5250 disabled individuals and decompose the observed time differential by using the Oaxaca-Blinder methodology. The results show that disabled individuals devote less time to market work (especially females), and more time to household production (e.g. cooking, cleaning, child care), tertiary activities (e.g., sleeping, personal care, medical treatment) and leisure activities. We also find a significant effect of age on the time spent on daily activities and important differences by gender and disability status. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that disability steals time, and reiterate the fact that more public policies are needed to balance working life and health concerns among disabled individuals. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. The concept of individual approach in sport

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zh.L. Kozina


    Full Text Available Purpose : prove the concept of individual approach to sports training. Develop a common scheme ways individualization process of training athletes. Material: the study involved 149 athletes: 38 volleyball players and 111 players. Was carried out comprehensive testing athletes for 33 pedagogical, psycho-physiological, biochemical parameters. Also conducted an analysis of indicators of competitive activity. Results : we propose the following areas of the individualization process of preparation of athletes: 1 - systematization of mathematical indicators of preparedness and condition of the athlete in a single point in time; 2 - regression analysis of the dynamics of individual game performance athletes; 3 - the use of universal methods of individualization of various aspects of the training process. It is established that the individual characteristics of players in basketball and volleyball are connected not only with the anthropometric data, but also depend on the physiological and psychophysiological indicators. In this aspect there is provided use of cluster and factor analysis for the construction of individual training programs for players. It was found that the dynamics of the gaming performance is described by quadratic, cubic and sinusoidal functions. In the case of sinusoidal oscillation period of regression models in girls is 25-30 days, 31-38 days in boys. This allows to determine the most preferred times of increasing and reducing the efficiency of competitive. Conclusions : the concept of individual approach in sport involves the separation of a wide range of indicators leading factors in the individual structure of athletes, in the analysis and prediction of individual dynamics of competitive performance, to develop universal methods of individualization with the activation of awareness of various aspects of the training process.

  16. [The sick individual as a concept]. (United States)

    Tejerizo López, Luis Carlos


    We start from the premise, shared by some current philosophical movements and by the author, which states that philosophy is not contemplation, or reflection, or introspection or communication. Philosophy is the art of shaping, inventing and creating concepts. It is an explicit way of introducing new differences in life, a different reading level, a specific jargon, which may imply revealing the flip side of the coin, or a dissimilar view of the side facing us. The philosopher is the friend of the concept, he holds it in his power, which means, basically and in all honesty, that philosophy is the discipline of creating concepts. Let us remember the brilliant idea of the Russian director Tarkovsky, who announced his greatest ambition as an artist: "To capture time". At the same time, we must recall one of the sayings of this director: "Every film I have directed and I intend to direct is always tied to characters who have something to overcome". The healthy individual lives in a specific time, with precise coordinates, aware that his life consists only of living that time. That is, living as defined by Josep María Esquirol: "Then we could also see that the best way of living the present is not to run after the fleeing time, but to see and live the opportunity that appears before us". One of the many circumstances that can intercept the way we see and live the opportunity that appears before us is sickness, one of those inescapable experiences we have not been taught how to pay an adequate attention to, and the meaning of which can, in a way, go unnoticed. As "time" goes by, the circumstance that we consider to be the basis on which existence is founded, sickness can appear, thus introducing a new dimension in the time of the healthy individual. For this reason we, as doctors and professionals, know that sickness "is tied to characters who have something to overcome". In view of the fact that a sickness invades a healthy individual and transforms him into a sick one

  17. Parents' Goals for Children: The Dynamic Coexistence of Individualism and Collectivism in Cultures and Individuals (United States)

    Tamis-LeMonda, Catherine S.; Way, Niobe; Hughes, Diane; Yoshikawa, Hirokazu; Kalman, Ronit Kahana; Niwa, Erika Y.


    Current scholarship on the cultural value systems of individualism and collectivism, and the associated developmental goals of autonomy and relatedness, has moved beyond grand divide theories to emphasize variation within individuals and cultures. We present a theoretical model on the dynamic coexistence of cultural value systems (at the macro…

  18. Does individualism bring happiness? Negative effects of individualism on interpersonal relationships and happiness. (United States)

    Ogihara, Yuji; Uchida, Yukiko


    We examined the negative effects of individualism in an East Asian culture. Although individualistic systems decrease interpersonal relationships through competition, individualistic values have prevailed in European American cultures. One reason is because individuals could overcome negativity by actively constructing interpersonal relationships. In contrast, people in East Asian cultures do not have such strategies to overcome the negative impact of individualistic systems, leading to decreased well-being. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the relationship between individualistic values, number of close friends, and subjective well-being (SWB). Study 1 indicated that individualistic values were negatively related with the number of close friends and SWB for Japanese college students but not for American college students. Moreover, Study 2 showed that even in an individualistic workplace in Japan, individualistic values were negatively related with the number of close friends and SWB. We discuss how cultural change toward increasing individualism might affect interpersonal relationships and well-being.

  19. Does individualism bring happiness? Negative effects of individualism on interpersonal relationships and happiness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuji eOgihara


    Full Text Available We examined the negative effects of individualism in an East Asian culture. Although individualistic systems decrease interpersonal relationships through competition, individualistic values have prevailed in European American cultures. One reason is because individuals could overcome negativity by actively constructing interpersonal relationships. In contrast, people in East Asian cultures do not have such strategies to overcome the negative impact of individualistic systems, leading to decreased well-being. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the relationship between individualistic values, number of close friends, and subjective well-being (SWB. Study 1 indicated that individualistic values were negatively related with the number of close friends and SWB for Japanese college students but not for American college students. Moreover, Study 2 showed that even in an individualistic workplace in Japan, individualistic values were negatively related with the number of close friends and SWB. We discuss how cultural change toward increasing individualism might affect interpersonal relationships and well-being.

  20. Life on Earth is an individual. (United States)

    Hermida, Margarida


    Life is a self-maintaining process based on metabolism. Something is said to be alive when it exhibits organization and is actively involved in its own continued existence through carrying out metabolic processes. A life is a spatio-temporally restricted event, which continues while the life processes are occurring in a particular chunk of matter (or, arguably, when they are temporally suspended, but can be restarted at any moment), even though there is continuous replacement of parts. Life is organized in discrete packages, particular cells and multicellular organisms with differing degrees of individuality. Biological species, too, have been shown to be individuals, and not classes, as these collections of organisms are spatio-temporally localized, restricted, continuous, and somewhat cohesive entities, with a definite beginning and end. Assuming that all life on Earth has a common origin, all living organisms, cells, and tissues descending from this origin exhibit continuity of the life processes at the cellular level, as well as many of the features that define the individual character of species: spatio-temporal localization and restriction, continuity, historicity, and cohesiveness. Therefore, life on Earth is an ontological individual. Independent origins of life will have produced other such individuals. These provisionally called 'life-individuals' constitute a category of organization of life which has seldom been recognized. The discovery of at least one independent life-individual would go a long way toward the project of the universality of biology.

  1. Readability of Individualized Education Programs (United States)

    Lo, Lusa


    An individualized education program is a legal document that details information regarding the special education program of a student with a disability. For parents to determine whether they agree with the individualized education program that is proposed by the school, they must first be able to read and comprehend the document. This study aimed…

  2. Breeding bird density does not drive vocal individuality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel T. BLUMSTEIN, Douglas R. MCCLAIN, Carrie DE JESUS, Gustavo ALARCÓN-NIETO


    Full Text Available Many species produce individually specific vocalizations and sociality is a hypothesized driver of such individuality. Previous studies of how social variation influenced individuality focused on colonial or non-colonial avian species, and how social group size influenced individuality in sciurid rodents. Since sociality is an important driver of individuality, we expected that bird species that defend nesting territories in higher density neighborhoods should have more individually-distinctive calls than those that defend nesting territories in lower-density neighborhoods. We used Beecher’s information statistic to quantify individuality, and we examined the relationship between bird density (calculated with point-counts and vocal individuality on seven species of passerines. We found non-significant relationships between breeding bird density and vocal individuality whether regressions were fitted on species values, or on phylogenetically-independent contrast values. From these results, we infer that while individuality may be explained by social factors, breeding bird density is unlikely to be generally important in driving the evolution of individually-specific vocalizations [Current Zoology 58 (5: 765–772, 2012].


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    Nikola Lj. Ilievski


    Full Text Available This paper is qualitative and theoretical research of the concept of sovereignty and the libertarian theory, particularly the concept of individual liberty. It represents a concept developing study, with a specific accent laid on the individual liberty, and the theoretically established concept of sovereignty. The research focus could be identified with the conceptualization and manifestation of the individual sovereignty, as a theoretical phenomenon that is not fully conceptualized and strictly defined. In the scope of this paper, content analysis method and comparative method are used. The analysis, comparison and synthesis refer to the theories of sovereignty and the theory of libertarianism, resulting in developing the concept of individual sovereignty and its socio-political manifestation.

  4. Sensorimotor Control in Individuals With Idiopathic Neck Pain and Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    de Zoete, Rutger M J; Osmotherly, Peter G; Rivett, Darren A; Farrell, Scott F; Snodgrass, Suzanne J


    (1) To identify reported tests used to assess sensorimotor control in individuals with idiopathic neck pain and (2) to investigate whether these tests can quantify differences between individuals with idiopathic neck pain and healthy individuals. Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Embase, MEDLINE, Physiotherapy Evidence Database, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus. Studies reporting sensorimotor outcomes in individuals with idiopathic neck pain or healthy individuals were identified. There were 1,677 records screened independently by 2 researchers for eligibility: 43 studies were included in the review, with 30 of these studies included in the meta-analysis. Methodologic quality was determined using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Data were extracted using a standardized extraction table. Sensorimotor control was most commonly assessed by joint position error and postural sway. Pooled means for joint position error after cervical rotation in individuals with neck pain (range, 2.2°-9.8°) differed significantly (P=.04) compared with healthy individuals (range, 1.66°-5.1°). Postural sway with eyes open ranged from 4.85 to 10.5cm 2 (neck pain) and 3.5 to 6.6cm 2 (healthy) (P=.16), and postural sway with eyes closed ranged from 2.51 to 16.6cm 2 (neck pain) and 2.74 to 10.9cm 2 (healthy) (P=.30). Individual studies, but not meta-analysis, demonstrated differences between neck pain and healthy groups for postural sway. Other test conditions and other tests were not sufficiently investigated to enable pooling of data. The findings from this review suggest sensorimotor control testing may be clinically useful in individuals with idiopathic neck pain. However, results should be interpreted with caution because clinical differences were small; therefore, further cross-sectional research with larger samples is needed to determine the magnitude of the relation between


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    Full Text Available The concept of man’s individual rights appeared a long time ago as a means of the individual’s protection in relationship with the others. Living in a society, man interacts with other people, and these relations are regulated by certain rules. Once the state was formed, these rules become increasingly powerful while the concept of freedom is differently acknowledged.What actually lay at the basis of individual rights’ development was the concept of natural right which appeared in ancient Greece, and which can be traced throughout history like Ariadne’s thread, guiding different thoughtschools. Human’s fundamental rights are sanctioned only after being put down in the constitutions of different states, and once regional and international protection instruments are created. Nevertheless, in countries controlled by totalitarian regimes, human rights were infringed, the individual having to obey the collective community.These regimes having collapsed, individual rights underwent a change for the better, but they also came to a standstill due to 9/11 or Ground Zero. After this event, and in the context of the fight against terrorism, individual freedom was limited in the name of freedom itself, and individual rights are currently regressing as to the possibility of being exercised.

  6. FEMA Individual Assistance Open Disaster Statistics (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — Individual Assistance (IA) is provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to individuals and families who have sustained losses due to disasters. Homeowners,...

  7. Inter-individual Variability in CAF: A Case Study of Two Individuals and Two Pairs’ Written Productions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahboobeh Saadat


    Full Text Available The present study tracked the development of general measures of complexity, accuracy and fluency (CAF, and specific measures of accuracy and complexity in the writings of two EFL learners writing individually, and those of two pairs of EFL learners writing in pairs within the framework of dynamic systems theory. The individuals and the pairs were similarly asked to do 7 tasks during a semester. The learners’ developmental pathways as well as the differences between individuals and pairs in terms of general and specific measures of CAF across the 7 tasks were depicted through graphs. Results indicated that the performance of learners in each of the measures was non-linear during the semester. Moreover, concerning general measures of CAF, learners writing individually outperformed in terms of fluency and complexity features. However, no clear distinction emerged in terms of general accuracy measures of their writings. Furthermore, development of general and specific accuracy measures in the writings was consistent. However, although it was found that the learners writing individually outperformed in terms of general measure of complexity, this developmental pattern was not evident in their performance in terms of specific complexity measures.

  8. Scaling down from species to individuals: a flower-visitation network between individual honeybees and thistle plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Yoko; Nielsen, Kristian T.; Olesen, Jens Mogens


    stems and monitored all floral visits. The constructed bipartite network of individual plants and bees had a high connectance and low nestedness, but it was not significantly modular. Frequency distributions of number of links per species (i.e. linkage level) had their best fit to a truncated power law......, and interactions were asymmetrical. Unipartite networks of either plants or bees had exceedingly short average path length and high clustering. Linkage level of plants increased with their number of flower heads and height of inflorescence (floral display parameters). Overall, the individual network of honeybees...... and thistles was denser linked than what is known from species pollination networks. Characteristics of both plants (e.g. floral display) and animals (e.g. foraging behaviour) are likely to generate this intra–specific, inter–individual link pattern. Such features of individual–individual networks may scale up...

  9. A comparison of the individualized education plan and the individualized family service plan. (United States)

    Decker, B


    The individualized education plan (IEP) and the individualized family service plan (IFSP) are mandated for children with special needs. Occupational therapists participate in the development of both the IEP and the IFSP. This paper summarizes the similarities and the differences in the mandated components. The components addressed are (a) information about the child's status, (b) information about the family, (c) outcomes for the child and family, (d) intervention services, (e) other services, (f) dates and duration of services, (g) selection of a case manager, and (h) transition plans.

  10. Effects of departing individuals on collective behaviors (United States)

    Nishiyama, Yuta; Okuda, Shoma; Migita, Masao; Murakami, Hisashi; Tomaru, Takenori


    Utilizing living organisms' abilities is an effective approach to realize flexible and unconventional computing. One possible bio-inspired computer might be developed from animal collective research by clarifying collective behaviors. Therefore, it is important to reveal how collective animal behaviors emerge. In many studies, individuals departing from the other individualsare generally ignored. Is it not possible that such departing individuals contribute to the organization of such collectives? To investigate the effects of individuals departing from a collective against collective behaviors, we observed and analyzed the behaviors of 40 soldier crabs in four types of experimental arenas. The recorded behaviors demonstrate a temporally changing pattern and the existence of departing individuals. We analyzed the relationship between global activity and cohesion levels and verified the features of departing individuals. The results imply that departing individuals contribute to collective behaviors.

  11. Individual cybercrime offenders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weulen Kranenbarg, Marleen; van der Laan, André; de Poot, C.J.; Verhoeven, Maite; van der Wagen, Wytske; Weijters, Gijs; Leukfeldt, Rutger


    Weulen Kranenbarg, M., Laan, A. van der, Poot, C. de, Verhoeven, M., Wagen, W. van der, Weijters, G. (2017). Individual Cybercrime Offenders. In E.R. Leukfeldt (Ed.), Research Agenda: The Human Factor in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity. Den Haag: Eleven International Publishing.

  12. Collective memory: collaborative and individual processes in remembering. (United States)

    Weldon, M S; Bellinger, K D


    Two experiments compared collaborative and individual recall. In Experiment 1, participants encoded pictures and words with a deep or shallow processing task, then recalled them twice either individually or collaboratively. Collaborative groups recalled more than individuals, but less than nominal groups (pooled individuals), thus exhibiting collaborative inhibition. However, group recall appeared to be more stable over time than individual recall. Groups and individuals both showed a picture-superiority effect, a level-of-processing effect, and hypermnesia. In Experiment 2, participants recalled the story "War of the Ghosts" (from F. C. Bartlett, 1932), and again collaborative groups recalled more than individuals, but less than nominal groups. Both the individual and collaborative recalls were highly organized. There was evidence that the collaborative groups tended to rely on the best individual to a greater extent in story than in list recall. Possible social and cognitive mechanisms are considered.

  13. Dream content: Individual and generic aspects. (United States)

    Hobson, Allan; Kahn, David


    Dream reports were collected from normal subjects in an effort to determine the degree to which dream reports can be used to identify individual dreamers. Judges were asked to group the reports by their authors. The judges scored the reports correctly at chance levels. This finding indicated that dreams may be at least as much like each other as they are the signature of individual dreamers. Our results suggest that dream reports cannot be used to identify the individuals who produced them when identifiers like names and gender of friends and family members are removed from the dream report. In addition to using dreams to learn about an individual, we must look at dreams as telling us about important common or generic aspects of human consciousness.

  14. 2003 assessment of PCDDs-PCDFs emissions from the Copesul/South Petrochemical complex located in southern Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deschamps, M.; Allard, J.L. [SNC-Lavalin Environment Inc., Montreal, PQ (Canada); Rangel, C.M.P.; Ribeiro, C.; Dos Santos, S.T.F. [Companhia Petroquimica do Sul, Triunfo (Brazil)


    COPESUL is the Raw Material and Utilities Central of the South Petrochemical Complex, this, being the most modern industrial facility of its type in Brazil, and the second largest naphtha cracker in the country. Responsible for more than 40% of Brazilian olefins production, it is also among the largest crackers (on the same site) in the world. The majority of COPESUL products are transformed by downstream industries of the Complex into thermoplastics resins, synthetic rubber, styrene and solvents that are widely used in the manufacturing of packing material (food, hygiene, cleaning), electronic appliances, medical and surgical supplies, toys and in the car industries, to be consumed in Brazil and foreign countries. At the request of the state of Rio Grande do Sul Environmental Protection Agency (Fundacao Estadual de Protecao Ambiental or FEPAM), an Environmental Assessment of Priority Pollutants (EAPP) was performed by Copesul at the end of the year 2003. EAPPs have been voluntarily performed at the Petrochemical Complex since 1986 on a basis of once every three year. It is now performed as a requirement which is part of the petrochemical plant operational license. Among the different (organic and inorganic) parameters tested, PCDDs-PCDFs remained a main concern to the local State Agency with regards to the Complex activities and of it's potential impact on the human health and the environment, despite the fact that the Complex does not use nor produce any organochlorinated product.

  15. Device for measuring the exposure time in dental X-ray - Cronox

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menezes, Claudio J.M.; Santos, Luiz A.P. dos


    The Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE) developed a test device for monitoring the X-ray beam in dental equipment to its application in quality control programs. This device, called Odontologic Dosimetric Card (CDO of Cartao Dosimetrico Odontologico in Portuguese) uses thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) for the measurement of some parameters of the X-ray beam as the entrance surface dose, the peak tension and half value layer (HVL). Radiographic films record the size of the radiation field. However, the TLD does not allow the assessment of exposure time, a parameter that complements the requirements of the Diretrizes de Protecao Radiologica em Radiodiagnostico Medico e Odontologico of Department of Health in Brazil for such equipment. Thus was developed a system based on sensitivity to ionizing radiation of phototransistors for measurement of exposure time when a patient is put in a clinical dental radiography. The system, called CRONOX was sized to be inserted within the CDO. The results showed that the measuring error had developed for less than 3% when compared to reference values obtained with the Tektronix digital oscilloscope, TDS2022 model. The readings obtained with the CRONOX were also compared with the nominal values selected in the X-ray equipment and with the values measured with the instrument of trade PTW Diavolt Universal. The results showed that the measuring device developed showed a maximum deviation of 5.92% on the nominal value selected, while for the instrument of PTW was 17.86%. (author)

  16. Kinematic Differences During Single-Leg Step-Down Between Individuals With Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome and Individuals Without Hip Pain. (United States)

    Lewis, Cara L; Loverro, Kari L; Khuu, Anne


    Study Design Controlled laboratory study, case-control design. Background Despite recognition that femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) is a movement-related disorder, few studies have examined dynamic unilateral tasks in individuals with FAIS. Objectives To determine whether movements of the pelvis and lower extremities in individuals with FAIS differ from those in individuals without hip pain during a single-leg step-down, and to analyze kinematic differences between male and female participants within groups. Methods Individuals with FAIS and individuals without hip pain performed a single-leg step-down while kinematic data were collected. Kinematics were evaluated at 60° of knee flexion. A linear regression analysis assessed the main effects of group, sex, and side, and the interaction of sex by group. Results Twenty individuals with FAIS and 40 individuals without hip pain participated. Individuals with FAIS performed the step-down with greater hip flexion (4.9°; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.5°, 9.2°) and anterior pelvic tilt (4.1°; 95% CI: 0.9°, 7.3°) than individuals without hip pain. Across groups, female participants performed the task with more hip flexion (6.1°; 95% CI: 1.7°, 10.4°), hip adduction (4.8°; 95% CI: 2.2°, 7.4°), anterior pelvic tilt (5.8°; 95% CI: 2.6°, 9.0°), pelvic drop (1.4°; 95% CI: 0.3°, 2.5°), and thigh adduction (2.7°; 95% CI: 1.3°, 4.2°) than male participants. Conclusion The results of this study suggest that individuals with FAIS have alterations in pelvic motion during a dynamic unilateral task. The noted altered movement patterns in the FAIS group may contribute to the development of hip pain and may be due to impairments that are modifiable through rehabilitation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2018;48(4):270-279. Epub 6 Mar 2018. doi:10.2519/jospt.2018.7794.

  17. [Should pediatric parenteral nutrition be individualized?]. (United States)

    Freitas, Renata Germano Borges de Oliveira Nascimento; Nogueira, Roberto José Negrão; Saron, Margareth Lopes Galvão; Lima, Alexandre Esteves Souza; Hessel, Gabriel


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) formulations are commonly individualized, since their standardization seem inadequate for the pediatric population. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional state and the reasons for PN individualization in pediatric patients using PN hospitalized in a tertiary hospital in Campinas, São Paulo. This longitudinal study comprised patients using PN followed by up to 67 days. Nutritional status was classified according to the criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO) (2006) and WHO (2007). The levels of the following elements on blood were analyzed: sodium, potassium, ionized calcium, chloride, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus and triglycerides (TGL). Among the criteria for individualization, were considered undeniable: significant reduction in blood levels of potassium (nutritional state of patients was considered critical in most cases. Thus, the individualization performed in the beginning of PN for energy protein adequacy was indispensable. In addition, the individualized PN was indispensable in at least 29.2% of PN for correction of alterations found in biochemical parameters. Copyright © 2014 Associação de Pediatria de São Paulo. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  18. Training Exit Survey (TES) Individual Campus (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The TES Individual dataset contains information at the individual-level about the persons who attend a GLS funded training event. This dataset includes variables...

  19. Individual Differences in Recovery Time From Attentional Capture (United States)

    Fukuda, Keisuke; Vogel, Edward K.


    Working memory capacity reflects a core ability of the individual that affects performance on many cognitive tasks. Recent work has suggested that an important covariate of memory capacity is attentional control, and specifically that low-capacity individuals are more susceptible to attentional capture by distractors than high-capacity individuals are, with the latter being able to resist capture. Here, we tested an alternative account according to which all individuals are equally susceptible to attentional capture, but high-capacity individuals recover more quickly than low-capacity individuals. Using psychophysical and electrophysiological methods, we measured recovery time from attentional capture. In two experiments, we found that high- and low-capacity individuals showed equivalent attentional capture effects in the initial moments following capture, but that low-capacity individuals took much longer to recover than high-capacity individuals did. These results suggest that the poor attentional control associated with low capacity is due to slow disengagement from distractors. PMID:21310945

  20. Genomic individuality and its biological implications. (United States)

    Zhao, J


    It is a widely accepted fundamental concept that all somatic genomes of a human individual are identical to each other. The theoretical basis of this concept is that all of these somatic genomes are the descendants of the genome of a single fertilized cell as well as the simple replicated products of asexual reproduction, thus not forming any new recombined genomes. The question here is whether such a concept might only represent one side of somatic genome biology and, even worse, whether it has perhaps already led to a very prevalent misconception that within the organism body, there exists no variability among individual somatic genomes. A hypothesis, called genomic individuality, is proposed, simply saying that every individual somatic genome, perhaps with rare exceptions, has its own unique or individual 'genetic identity' or 'fingerprint', which is characterized by its distinctive sequences or patterns of deoxyribonucleic acid molecules, or both. Thus, no two somatic genomes can be identical to each other in every or all aspects, and consequently, there must be a great deal of genomic variation present within the body of any multicellular organism. The concept or hypothesis of genomic individuality would not only provide a more complete understanding of genome biology, but also suggest a new insight into the studies of the biology of cells and organisms.

  1. Comparison of frequency of obesity in high risk non diabetic young individuals with low risk non diabetic young individuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaikh, M.A.; Kumar, R.; Ghori, R.A.


    Objective: To assess the body mass index and waist circumferences of high risk non diabetic young individuals and compare them with low risk non diabetic young individuals. Method: A cross sectional, case control comparative study was conducted in the department of medicine, LUMHS from January 2008 to March 2009. Five hundred individuals 20-40 years of age were selected and divided into two groups i.e. Group A: high risk (250 individuals) and Group B: low risk (250 individuals) on the basis of same age and gender. Group A included those who had positive family history of type 2 DM in first degree relatives while group B had no family history of type 2 DM in first degree relatives. The blood pressure, BMI and Waist Circumference was measured and Fasting Blood Sugar was estimated in each individual. In each group 125 (50%) were males and 125 (50%) were females. Results: In group A 58% and in group B 28.8% individuals represented raised BMI whereas 42% in group A and 36% in group B individuals showed an increased waist circumference. Mean fasting blood glucose was significantly higher in Group A than in Group B (P=0.001). Conclusion: Impaired Fasting Glucose is strongly associated with family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Presence of obesity specially in high risk non-diabetic young individuals emphasize the need for routine health screening for early institution of preventive measures. (author)

  2. Individual differences in cognition among teleost fishes. (United States)

    Lucon-Xiccato, Tyrone; Bisazza, Angelo


    Individual differences in cognitive abilities have been thoroughly investigated in humans and to a lesser extent in other mammals. Despite the growing interest in studying cognition in other taxonomic groups, data on individual differences are scarce for non-mammalian species. Here, we review the literature on individual differences in cognitive abilities in teleost fishes. Relatively few studies have directly addressed this topic and have provided evidence of consistent and heritable individual variation in cognitive abilities in fish. We found much more evidence of individual cognitive differences in other research areas, namely sex differences, personality differences, cerebral lateralisation and comparison between populations. Altogether, these studies suggest that individual differences in cognition are as common in fish as in warm-blooded vertebrates. Based on the example of research on mammals, we suggest directions for future investigation in fish. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Values of dose and individual of a individual thermoluminescent dosimeter submitted to x and gamma radiations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moraes, Cassiana Viccari de; Pela, Carlos Alberto


    The individual monitoring provides information for the control of exposures, and estimates the dose received by individuals. This is an essential tool in personal dosimetry. It's based on a radiation protection concept, allowing an individual exposure control, besides guaranteeing that the dose restrictions will not be exceeded. Usually, the dose monitoring is performed by using an individual dosemeter placed on a representative position of the most exposed point on the thoracic surface. The dosemeter, which is analyzed in the present work, is made of three CaSO 4 -Dy thermoluminescent detectors, plastic filters, copper and copper-lead, mounted in an acrylic support. The dose received by on each detector, which forms the dosemeter, is related according to their energetic curve dependence. The dose amount is calculated from these curves by using an algorithm, and it was taken in to consideration the detector calibration and thermoluminescent responses, due to the x and g radiation exposure. That algorithm has the capacity to determine the energies that were irradiated the detector. Therefore, to aid the service in the moment of evaluate the dose received by the individual and where it is coming from. The algorithm has provided individual dose value H x , defined as operational quantity for photons adopted in the Brazilian Metric System. The algorithm can determine two dose values and such values have been analyzed according to the kind of irradiated energy on the dosimeter and it has shown that both values are within established limits by Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD). (author)

  4. La imagen de la humanidad antediluviana en los manuales utilizados en la segunda enseñanza española (1845-1900 = The antediluvian humankind imag in the textbooks used in Spanish Secondary Education (1845-1900

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Antonio Martos Romero


    Full Text Available Se analiza la introducción de contenidos relacionados con la aceptación de la antigüedad del hombre en los manuales de Historia e Historia Natural utilizados en la segunda enseñanza española en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Se presta atención a aquellos textos que muestran una actitud de recelo hacia la Prehistoria y de rechazo hacia la aplicación de las teorías transformistas al origen dela humanidad. Se comprueba que estas posiciones son más radicales y frecuentes entre los manuales de Historia. Por último, se valoran las alternativas que estos manuales emplean para seguir manteniendo una explicación no prehistórica del pasado.The introduction to contents related to the acceptance of the Fossil Man in the History and Natural History textbooks used in the Spanish Secondary Education during the second half of the 19th Century is analysed in this paper. Special attention is paid to those texts which show mistrust towards Prehistory and rejection to the application of the transmutation theories to the origin of humankind. It is proved that those positions are more radical and frequent in the History textbooks. Finally, the alternatives used by these textbooks in order to adhere to a non-prehistoric explanation of the past are assessed. 

  5. An Individual Claims History Simulation Machine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Gabrielli


    Full Text Available The aim of this project is to develop a stochastic simulation machine that generates individual claims histories of non-life insurance claims. This simulation machine is based on neural networks to incorporate individual claims feature information. We provide a fully calibrated stochastic scenario generator that is based on real non-life insurance data. This stochastic simulation machine allows everyone to simulate their own synthetic insurance portfolio of individual claims histories and back-test thier preferred claims reserving method.

  6. Therapeutic cloning in individual parkinsonian mice (United States)

    Tabar, Viviane; Tomishima, Mark; Panagiotakos, Georgia; Wakayama, Sayaka; Menon, Jayanthi; Chan, Bill; Mizutani, Eiji; Al-Shamy, George; Ohta, Hiroshi; Wakayama, Teruhiko; Studer, Lorenz


    Cell transplantation with embryonic stem (ES) cell progeny requires immunological compatibility with host tissue. ‘Therapeutic cloning’ is a strategy to overcome this limitation by generating nuclear transfer (nt)ES cells that are genetically matched to an individual. Here we establish the feasibility of treating individual mice via therapeutic cloning. Derivation of 187 ntES cell lines from 24 parkinsonian mice, dopaminergic differentiation, and transplantation into individually matched host mice showed therapeutic efficacy and lack of immunological response. PMID:18376409

  7. Individual savings accounts for social insurance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bovenberg, Lans; Hansen, Martin Ino; Sørensen, Peter Birch


    Using Danish data, we find that about three-fourths of the taxes levied to finance public transfers actually finance benefits that redistribute income over the life cycle of individual taxpayers rather than redistribute resources across people. This finding and similar results for other countries...... provide a rationale for financing part of social insurance via mandatory individual savings accounts. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mandatory individual savings accounts for social insurance and survey some recent alternative proposals for such accounts...

  8. The Influence of Cultural Individualism-Collectivism, Self Construals, and Individual Values on Communication Styles across Cultures. (United States)

    Gudykunst, William B.; And Others


    Shows that independent self-construals and individualistic values of college students mediate the influence of cultural individualism-collectivism on the use of low-context communication, and interdependent self-construals and collectivistic values mediate the influence of cultural individualism-collectivism on the use of high-context…

  9. Individual differences in visual perception and memory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Colizoli, O.


    There is substantial variation in perception and memory in humans. There are individuals who cannot see red at all, and there are individuals who hear colors and taste words. What determines the differences and similarities between individuals' perception and memory? Can we characterize the neural

  10. Development of an Individual Work Performance Questionnaire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koopmans, L.; Bernaards, C.M.; Hildebrandt, V.H.; van Buuren, S.; van der Beek, A.J.; de Vet, H.C.W.


    The purpose of the current study is to develop a generic and short questionnaire to measure work performance at the individual level – the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ). The IWPQ was based on a four-dimensional conceptual framework, in which individual work performance consisted

  11. 34 CFR 396.1 - What is the Training of Interpreters for Individuals Who Are Deaf and Individuals Who Are Deaf... (United States)


    ... Who Are Deaf and Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind program? 396.1 Section 396.1 Education Regulations of... SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TRAINING OF INTERPRETERS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE DEAF AND INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE DEAF-BLIND General § 396.1 What is the Training of Interpreters for Individuals Who Are Deaf and...

  12. Seletividade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura do pessegueiro a Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae Selectivity of pesticides used in peach orchard to Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabrizio Pinheiro Giolo


    Full Text Available A seletividade de dez formulações comerciais de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura do pessegueiro foi avaliada em laboratório (25±1 ºC, UR 70±10% e fotofase de 14 horas, através da exposição de adultos de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley a resíduos secos dos produtos pulverizados sobre placas de vidro. O número de ovos parasitados por fêmea, foi mensurado e a redução no parasitismo (RP, em relação à testemunha (água, foi utilizada para classificar os compostos em: inócuos (99% RP. Os produtos fitossanitários captana, ditianona, mancozebe, metoxifenozida e óxido cuproso foram inócuos; glifosato e óleo mineral foram levemente nocivos e abamectina, cianamida e etofenproxi foram nocivos a T. pretiosum.The selectivity of ten commercial pesticide formulations used in peach orchard was evaluated in laboratory tests (25±1 ºC, RH 70±10% and 14 hours photophase by exposing the adult of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley to fresh dry pesticide film applied on glass plates. The number of eggs parasitized per adult female and the reduction in parasitism (RP compared to control (treated with water were used to measure the effect of the chemical in harmless (99% RP. The pesticides captan, copper oxide, dithianon, mancozeb and methoxyfenozide were harmless; gliphosate and mineral oil was slightly harmful and abamectin, cyanamide and etofenprox were harmful to T. pretiosum.

  13. Construction, Presentation and Consumption of Individualism in Social Media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gulsum Calisir


    Full Text Available The concept ıf individualism involves the whole properties of being esteemed and confirmed of the individual in society. The situation of being esteemed is an extension of individuality. Together with social media, individuals can build new individualities right along with the present. Social media offers individuals a new “individuality area”. As a socialization medium, social media also lays the grounwork for a consumption of individualism during daily use. Different than consumption in real life, it is allowed for individual’s consumption of individualism by texts, visuality, varied connections and comments in social media. At the same time, individual also exhausts his or her own individualism during construction process of his or her own individualism. Consumption of individualism in daily life, seems to find its imaginary equivalent in social media. Individual realizes a consumption by sharing in social media what he or she eats, places he or she visits or shops in real life. In this way,individual both is able to reach more wide areas and to continue to be on the agenda. Social media offers individuals this chance. Individual can be on the agenda as he or she consumes and shares to the extent. As soon as the individual achieves this, he or she can gain admiration and comment; but at the moment he or she becomes silent, individual encounters the risk of falling down the agenda. So, individual trends to expend more in real life tos tay active in virtual world. The agenda in the real world is not enough anymore. Individual is wishing to deploy on a much more broad area in virtual world. In this respect, the work takes individual’s dilemma of construction and consumption of individualism which he or she builds on social media, as its case.

  14. A Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Crystal Addicted Individuals and Normal Individuals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zahra Asadi


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of present research was to compare early maladaptive schemas in crystal addicted individuals and normal individuals. Method: In this ex post facto research, two groups of subjects (normal adolescent=30 and addicted adolescent=30 were selected via cluster sampling and convenience sampling respectively. Yang early maladaptive schemas questionnaire were conducted, then data were analyzed using multiple analysis of variance. Results: The results revealed that there was significant difference between both groups in early maladaptive schemas. Conclusion: The findings provided empirical support for the proposition that early maladaptive schemas may influence on tendency of adolescent toward substance abuse.

  15. 24 CFR 965.401 - Individually metered utilities. (United States)


    ... URBAN DEVELOPMENT PHA-OWNED OR LEASED PROJECTS-GENERAL PROVISIONS Individual Metering of Utilities for Existing PHA-Owned Projects § 965.401 Individually metered utilities. (a) All utility service shall be... supplier or through the use of checkmeters, unless: (1) Individual metering is impractical, such as in the...

  16. 40 CFR 123.46 - Individual control strategies. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 21 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual control strategies. 123.46... PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Transfer of Information and Permit Review § 123.46 Individual control strategies. (a..., approval, and implementation an individual control strategy for each point source identified by the State...

  17. Individual Dosimetry for High Energy Radiation Fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spurny, F.


    The exposure of individuals on board aircraft increased interest in individual dosimetry in high energy radiation fields. These fields, both in the case of cosmic rays as primary radiation and at high energy particle accelerators are complex, with a large diversity of particle types, their energies, and linear energy transfer (LET). Several already existing individual dosemeters have been tested in such fields. For the component with high LET (mostly neutrons) etched track detectors were tested with and without fissile radiators, nuclear emulsions, bubble detectors for both types available and an albedo dosemeter. Individual dosimetry for the low LET component has been performed with thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs), photographic film dosemeters and two types of electronic individual dosemeters. It was found that individual dosimetry for the low LET component was satisfactory with the dosemeters tested. As far as the high LET component is concerned, there are problems with both the sensitivity and the energy response. (author)

  18. Individual Recognition in Ant Queens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    D'Ettorre, Patrizia; Heinze, Jürgen


    Personal relationships are the cornerstone of vertebrate societies, but insect societies are either too large for individual recognition, or their members were assumed to lack the necessary cognitive abilities 1 and 2 . This paradigm has been challenged by the recent discovery that paper wasps...... recognize each other's unique facial color patterns [3] . Individual recognition is advantageous when dominance hierarchies control the partitioning of work and reproduction 2 and 4 . Here, we show that unrelated founding queens of the ant Pachycondyla villosa use chemical cues to recognize each other...... individually. Aggression was significantly lower in pairs of queens that had previously interacted than in pairs with similar social history but no experience with one another. Moreover, subordinates discriminated familiar and unfamiliar dominants in choice experiments in which physical contact, but not odor...

  19. A Network-Individual-Resource Model for HIV Prevention (United States)

    Johnson, Blair T.; Redding, Colleen A.; DiClemente, Ralph J.; Mustanski, Brian S.; Dodge, Brian M.; Sheeran, Paschal; Warren, Michelle R.; Zimmerman, Rick S.; Fisher, William A.; Conner, Mark T.; Carey, Michael P.; Fisher, Jeffrey D.; Stall, Ronald D.; Fishbein, Martin


    HIV is transmitted through dyadic exchanges of individuals linked in transitory or permanent networks of varying sizes. To optimize prevention efficacy, a complementary theoretical perspective that bridges key individual level elements with important network elements can be a foundation for developing and implementing HIV interventions with outcomes that are more sustainable over time and have greater dissemination potential. Toward that end, we introduce a Network-Individual-Resource (NIR) model for HIV prevention that recognizes how exchanges of resources between individuals and their networks underlies and sustains HIV-risk behaviors. Individual behavior change for HIV prevention, then, may be dependent on increasing the supportiveness of that individual's relevant networks for such change. Among other implications, an NIR model predicts that the success of prevention efforts depends on whether the prevention efforts (1) prompt behavior changes that can be sustained by the resources the individual or their networks possess; (2) meet individual and network needs and are consistent with the individual's current situation/developmental stage; (3) are trusted and valued; and (4) target high HIV-prevalence networks. PMID:20862606

  20. 48 CFR 28.203 - Acceptability of individual sureties. (United States)


    ... individual sureties. 28.203 Section 28.203 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION... Acceptability of individual sureties. (a) An individual surety is acceptable for all types of bonds except position schedule bonds. The contracting officer shall determine the acceptability of individuals proposed...

  1. 48 CFR 252.237-7017 - Individual laundry. (United States)


    ... clause: Individual Laundry (DEC 1991) (a) The Contractor shall provide laundry service under this... services. (c) Charges for individual laundry will be on a per unit bundle or a piece-rate basis. The... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual laundry. 252...

  2. The definition of the individual dose equivalent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehrlich, Margarete


    A brief note examines the choice of the present definition of the individual dose equivalent, the new operational dosimetry quantity for external exposure. The consequences of the use of the individual dose equivalent and the danger facing the individual dose equivalent, as currently defined, are briefly discussed. (UK)

  3. Linking sub-individual and supra-individual effects in Daphnia magna exposed to sub-lethal concentration of chlorpyrifos. (United States)

    Ferrario, Claudia; Parolini, Marco; De Felice, Beatrice; Villa, Sara; Finizio, Antonio


    The main objective of the present study was to investigate possible links between sub-individual and supra-individual levels (i.e. population level) biomarkers in D. magna exposed to sublethal concentrations of the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF). To achieve the aim, 8-day old individuals were exposed for 96 h to two environmentally relevant concentrations of CPF (50 and 250 ng/L). Sub-individual level effects were investigated by measuring the activity of antioxidant (SOD, CAT, and GPx) and detoxifying (GST) enzymes, as well as by measuring the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. In addition, the effects at supra-individual level were assessed by using a video-tracking system and analyzing changes in swimming capabilities (i.e. percentage of activity time, distance moved, and velocity). Our data have shown that daphnids exposed to both CPF concentrations were in a condition of stress which was highlighted by changes in both sub- and supra-individual biomarkers. Moreover, our results highlighted that the lowest tested CPF concentration did not modulate the antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes, whereas, an inhibition of AChE and a decrease of some parameters related to swimming behaviour (distance moved and velocity) were noted. On the contrary, significant changes in all the sub-individual biomarkers were measured at the highest tested concentration. In addition, organisms recovered the movement capability (distance moved) and also activate a mechanism of avoidance (increased swimming velocity). On the other hand, a reduction in the percent of active time was measured and this was attributed to the energy spent by organisms to activate antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes and the mechanism of avoidance. Based on these results, our study suggests the existence of a link between sub- and supra-individual levels, as the activation or non-activation in the antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes activities can led to different modifications of the swimming behaviour

  4. The role of vocal individuality in conservation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Terry, Andrew Mark Ryder; Peake, Thomas More; McGregor, Peter Kenneth


    Identifying the individuals within a population can generate information on life history parameters, generate input data for conservation models, and highlight behavioural traits that may affect management decisions and error or bias within census methods. Individual animals can be discriminated...... by features of their vocalisations. This vocal individuality can be utilised as an alternative marking technique in situations where the marks are difficult to detect or animals are sensitive to disturbance. Vocal individuality can also be used in cases were the capture and handling of an animal is either...... and techniques for using this to count and monitor populations over time. We present case studies in birds where vocal individuality has been applied to conservation and we discuss its role in mammals....

  5. Ape metaphysics: object individuation without language. (United States)

    Mendes, Natacha; Rakoczy, Hannes; Call, Josep


    Developmental research suggests that whereas very young infants individuate objects purely on spatiotemporal grounds, from (at latest) around 1 year of age children are capable of individuating objects according to the kind they belong to and the properties they instantiate. As the latter ability has been found to correlate with language, some have speculated whether it might be essentially language dependent and therefore uniquely human. Existing studies with non-human primates seem to speak against this hypothesis, but fail to present conclusive evidence due to methodological shortcomings. In the present experiments we set out to test non-linguistic object individuation in three great ape species with a refined manual search methodology. Experiment 1 tested for spatiotemporal object individuation: Subjects saw 1 or 2 objects simultaneously being placed inside a box in which they could reach, and then in both conditions only found 1 object. After retrieval of the 1 object, subjects reached again significantly more often when they had seen 2 than when they had seen 1 object. Experiment 2 tested for object individuation according to property/kind information only: Subjects saw 1 object being placed inside the box, and then either found that object (expected) or an object of a different kind (unexpected). Analogously to Experiment 1, after retrieval of the 1 object, subjects reached again significantly more often in the unexpected than in the expected condition. These results thus confirm previous findings suggesting that individuating objects according to their property/kind is neither uniquely human nor essentially language dependent. It remains to be seen, however, whether this kind of object individuation requires sortal concepts as human linguistic thinkers use them, or whether some simpler form of tracking properties is sufficient.

  6. Individual differneces in degraded speech perception (United States)

    Carbonell, Kathy M.

    One of the lasting concerns in audiology is the unexplained individual differences in speech perception performance even for individuals with similar audiograms. One proposal is that there are cognitive/perceptual individual differences underlying this vulnerability and that these differences are present in normal hearing (NH) individuals but do not reveal themselves in studies that use clear speech produced in quiet (because of a ceiling effect). However, previous studies have failed to uncover cognitive/perceptual variables that explain much of the variance in NH performance on more challenging degraded speech tasks. This lack of strong correlations may be due to either examining the wrong measures (e.g., working memory capacity) or to there being no reliable differences in degraded speech performance in NH listeners (i.e., variability in performance is due to measurement noise). The proposed project has 3 aims; the first, is to establish whether there are reliable individual differences in degraded speech performance for NH listeners that are sustained both across degradation types (speech in noise, compressed speech, noise-vocoded speech) and across multiple testing sessions. The second aim is to establish whether there are reliable differences in NH listeners' ability to adapt their phonetic categories based on short-term statistics both across tasks and across sessions; and finally, to determine whether performance on degraded speech perception tasks are correlated with performance on phonetic adaptability tasks, thus establishing a possible explanatory variable for individual differences in speech perception for NH and hearing impaired listeners.

  7. American individualism rises and falls with the economy: Cross-temporal evidence that individualism declines when the economy falters. (United States)

    Bianchi, Emily C


    Past work has shown that economic growth often engenders greater individualism. Yet much of this work charts changes in wealth and individualism over long periods of time, making it unclear whether rising individualism is primarily driven by wealth or by the social and generational changes that often accompany large-scale economic transformations. This article explores whether individualism is sensitive to more transient macroeconomic fluctuations, even in the absence of transformative social changes or generational turnover. Six studies found that individualism swelled during prosperous times and fell during recessionary times. In good economic times, Americans were more likely to give newborns uncommon names (Study 1), champion autonomy in children (Study 2), aspire to look different from others (Study 3), and favor music with self-focused language (Study 4). Conversely, when the economy was floundering, Americans were more likely to socialize children to attend to the needs of others (Study 2) and favor music with other-oriented language (Study 4). Subsequent studies found that recessions engendered uncertainty (Study 5) which in turn tempered individualism and fostered interdependence (Study 6). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).


    Pinkham, Amy E; Harvey, Philip D; Penn, David L


    Paranoia is a common symptom of schizophrenia that may be related to how individuals process and respond to social stimuli. Previous investigations support a link between increased paranoia and greater social cognitive impairments, but these studies have been limited to single domains of social cognition, and no studies have examined how paranoia may influence functional outcome. Data from 147 individuals with schizophrenia were used to examine whether actively paranoid and non-paranoid individuals with schizophrenia differ in social cognition and functional outcomes. On measures assessing social cognitive bias, paranoid individuals endorsed more hostile and blaming attributions and identified more faces as untrustworthy; however, paranoid and non-paranoid individuals did not differ on emotion recognition and theory of mind tasks assessing social cognitive ability. Likewise, paranoid individuals showed greater impairments in real-world interpersonal relationships and social acceptability as compared to non-paranoid patients, but these differences did not extend to performance based tasks assessing functional capacity and social competence. These findings isolate specific social cognitive disparities between paranoid and non-paranoid subgroups and suggest that paranoia may exacerbate the social dysfunction that is commonly experienced by individuals with schizophrenia.

  9. Individual customizable in-store textile production (United States)

    Kemper, M.; Bücher, D.; Gloy, Y.-S.; Gries, T.


    The target of every company is to satisfy customer demands. Especially the clothing industry has to serve individual customer requirements. Textile products always have been and still are the defining attributes of people’s appearance. Consumer’s demands towards commercial clothing companies have been changing rapidly during the recent years. Two global megatrends have supported this change: Individualization and digitalization. Individualization created demand for frequent collection changes, while still keeping availability high. Digitalization supported the quick distribution of new trends and forced a higher amount of request during peak periods. This paper outlines how a highly individual and customizable fashion product can be produced in a store environment. It focuses on the conceptual design, taking into account the interdisciplinary approach combining production technology with IT-systems, but also addresses the economical challenge with help of a value stream analysis.

  10. 10 CFR 10.22 - Notice to individual. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Notice to individual. 10.22 Section 10.22 Energy NUCLEAR... NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION OR AN EMPLOYMENT CLEARANCE Procedures § 10.22 Notice to individual. A... Counsel, and signed by the Director, Office of Administration, must be presented to each individual whose...

  11. 34 CFR 300.22 - Individualized education program. (United States)


    ... CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES General Definitions Used in This Part § 300.22 Individualized education program. Individualized education program or IEP means a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individualized education program. 300.22 Section 300.22...

  12. Drilling in areas subject to environmental protection; A perfuracao em area de protecao ambiental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendonca, Ricardo Teixeira; Guimaraes, Antimio Santos [PETROBRAS, XX (Brazil). Distrito de Perfuracao do Nordeste. Div. Tecnica; Santana, Manoel Messias de [PETROBRAS, XX (Brazil). Regiao de Producao do Nordeste. Setor de Seguranca Industrial


    This paper presents the practices developed for pollution control in areas subject to environmental protection. This well drilling operation was carried out in the Municipality of Marechal Deodoro, in the State of Alagoas, in locality named Massagueira. We stress the preventive methods for liquid and solid effluent generation and the use of Closed Fluid System or Anti-Dike System. (author) 3 figs.

  13. Schemes for protecting electric power systems; Esquemas de protecao de sistemas de energia eletrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeida, Paulo Cesar de


    The objective of this dissertation is to accomplish an introduction to the studies and the applications of the System Protection Schemes (SPS) used to maintain the electric power systems safety. A small group of definitions and concepts from the 'protection, reliability and power systems performance analysis' areas is presented with the objective of distinguishing SPS from the conventional system component protections. It also helps in understanding the functions of the SPS with more clarity. The SPS are used to maintain the integrity of the system when it is submitted to phenomena that provoke instability or cascade circuit outages. The classification and the description of these phenomena, as well as the SPS application are shown in this dissertation. The general structure of the SPS, the ways of classifying them and the different actions used by SPS to control the disturbances are the objectives of the analysis of this work. In order to exemplify, a vision is given of how the SPS are located in the Brazilian interconnected system (BIS) and also in the rest of the world. Some SPS used in Brazil deserved special attention. The analyses of the main blackouts that occurred in Brazil and in North America are presented, in a summarized term, in appendix I. Considerable knowledge is obtained from these analyses, leading to implementation measures that minimize the risk of interruptions in the energy supply. A comparison is also made of the degree of severity of the great blackouts that happened in Brazil and, for the two largest, an estimate of their respective interruption costs is made. In appendix II, an attempt was also made to establish the basic requirements for the SPS implementation using micro processing technology. Based on the experience lived during the studies developed by the group that analyzed the safety of the Bis after the blackout on March 11/1999, criteria and procedures to analyze the safety of the system and to accomplish studies of SPS implantation were established. Finally, a brief study of the BIS is done, where the SPS performances are analyzed to verify the ability to control serious emergencies that can happen in the present moment. (author)

  14. Protection system for high impedance faults; Sistema de protecao para faltas de alta impedancia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malagodi, Caius Vinicius Sampaio


    This paper proposes a protection system against high impedance faults based on the voltage unbalance along the feeder. The main focus is on the sensor developed together with Sao Paulo state utilities through the CED - Center of Excellence in Distribution, to detect this kind of fault. These simulations show the voltage unbalance that allows to safely determine the conductor breakdown, taking into consideration the distribution transformers and the way they are connected to the line. A zero consequence prototype sensor that has as its greatest advantage the coupling with the distribution line through the electric field, is also presented. Sensibility settings and timings delay are included to allow the coordination between the sensors and other feeder protections.When a fault occurs, only the downstream sensors work. In order to have the information of the sensor situation reaching an upstream fault protection device, a way of communication is needed. Distribution lines with supervision and control system already have this advantage, allowing for the function of protection against faults and high impedance to be aggregated to this communication system. For distribution lines that do not have this kind of system, a more detailed study on the carrier signals as a means of communication should be carried out. (author)

  15. Algorithms evaluation for transformers differential protection; Avaliacao de algoritmos para protecao diferencial de transformadores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piovesan, Luis Sergio


    The appliance of two algorithms is evaluated, one based in Fourier analysis and other based in a rectangular transform technique over Fourier analysis, to be used in digital logical circuits (digital protection relays) for the purpose of differential protection of power transformers (ANSI 87T). The first chapter has a brief introduction about electrical protection. The second chapter discusses the general problems of transform protection, the development of digital technology and, with more detail, the differential protection associated to this technology. In this chapter are presented the particular aspects of transformers differential protection concerning sensibility, inrush current situations and harmonic distortions caused by transformer core saturations and the differential protection algorithms and their applications in a specific relay design. In chapter three, a method to make possible testing the protection performance is developed. This work applies digital simulations using EMTP to generate current signal of transformer operation and fault conditions. Digital simulation using Matlab is used to simulate the protection. The EMTP generated field signals are sent to the relay under test, furnishing data of normal operation, internal and external faults. The relay logic simulator at Matlab will work this data and so, it will be possible to verify and evaluate the algorithm behavior and performance. Chapter 4 shows the protection operation over simulations of several of transformer operation and fault conditions. The last chapter presents a conclusion about the protection performance, discussions about all the methods applied in this work and suggestions for further studies. (author)

  16. An ontogenetic perspective on individual differences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Senner, N.R.; Conklin, J.R.; Piersma, T.


    Phenotypic differences among individuals can arise during any stage of life. Although several distinct processes underlying individual differences have been defined and studied (e.g. parental effects, senescence), we lack an explicit, unified perspective for understanding how these processes

  17. Community pharmacy loyalty among individuals with schizophrenia. (United States)

    Lauzier, Sophie; Grégoire, Jean-Pierre; Lesage, Alain; Moisan, Jocelyne


    Community pharmacists can use medication records to assist individuals who are loyal to their pharmacy in better managing their pharmacotherapy. However, the extent of community pharmacy loyalty among individuals with severe mental illness such as schizophrenia remains unknown. To assess the extent of community pharmacy loyalty among individuals with schizophrenia and identify factors associated with loyalty. Using the Quebec Health Insurance Board databases, a cohort study of individuals with schizophrenia who claimed an antipsychotic drug for the first time between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2005 was conducted. Such individuals were considered loyal to their community pharmacy if they filled all their prescriptions for any drug at the same community pharmacy during the second year after antipsychotics initiation. Logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with community pharmacy loyalty (measured in the first year after antipsychotics initiation). Of the 6159 individuals in the study, 57.8% were loyal to one pharmacy. Men were more likely to be loyal (Adjusted OR = 1.29; 95% CI = 1.16-1.44), as were individuals aged 30-64 years and those aged ≥65 years, when compared to individuals 20-29 years (1.70; 1.48-1.95 and 2.39; 1.97-2.90, respectively). Individuals who filled their antipsychotics on a weekly basis were also more likely to be loyal (1.39; 1.18-1.63). Factors associated with non-loyalty were welfare beneficiary status (0.79; 0.70-0.89), having substance-use disorder (0.69; 0.60-0.80), a greater number of different types of drugs (5-8 types = 0.76; 0.66-0.87; 9-51 = 0.59; 0.50-0.69), and emergency department visits (0.71; 0.60-0.82). Results suggest that medication records in community pharmacies are incomplete for 42.2% of individuals with schizophrenia. Individuals more likely to experience more severe illness were also those less likely to be loyal. Given the potentially severe consequences of medication-related problems

  18. 40 CFR 194.51 - Consideration of protected individual. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 24 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Consideration of protected individual... Individual and Ground-Water Protection Requirements § 194.51 Consideration of protected individual. Compliance assessments that analyze compliance with § 191.15 of this chapter shall assume that an individual...

  19. Integrating Individual-Based Indices of Contaminant Effects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christopher L. Rowe


    Full Text Available Habitat contamination can alter numerous biological processes in individual organisms. Examining multiple individual-level responses in an integrative fashion is necessary to understand how individual health or fitness reflects environmental contamination. Here we provide an example of such an integrated perspective based upon recent studies of an amphibian (the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana that experiences several, disparate changes when larval development occurs in a trace element�contaminated habitat. First, we present an overview of studies focused on specific responses of individuals collected from, or transplanted into, a habitat contaminated by coal combustion residues (CCR. These studies have reported morphological, behavioral, and physiological modifications to individuals chronically interacting with sediments in the CCR-contaminated site. Morphological abnormalities in the oral and tail regions in contaminant-exposed individuals influenced other properties such as grazing, growth, and swimming performance. Behavioral changes in swimming activities and responses to stimuli appear to influence predation risk in the contaminant-exposed population. Significant changes in bioenergetics in the contaminated habitat, evident as abnormally high energetic expenditures for survival (maintenance costs, may ultimately influence production pathways (growth, energy storage in individuals. We then present a conceptual model to examine how interactions among the affected systems (morphological, behavioral, physiological may ultimately bring about more severe effects than would be predicted if the responses were considered in isolation. A complex interplay among simultaneously occurring biological changes emerges in which multiple, sublethal effects ultimately can translate into reductions in larval or juvenile survival, and thus reduced recruitment of juveniles into the population. In systems where individuals are exposed to low concentrations of

  20. Avaliação da intensidade de luz e da manutenção dos aparelhos fotopolimerizadores utilizados em clínicas odontológicas da cidade do Recife-PE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Antonio de Oliveira RIBEIRO

    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo Avaliar os aparelhos fotopolimerizadores utilizados em clínicas da cidade do Recife e a manutenção realizada nesses aparelhos. Método Os profissionais participaram da avaliação de forma voluntária e não foram identificados nos questionários que foram por eles respondidos. Foi perguntado sobre os métodos de desinfecção, a frequência de troca de lâmpadas e a frequência da técnica empregada de manutenção. Também foi realizada a avaliação do aparelho fotopolimerizador, registrando as informações referentes a modelo, marca e data de aquisição. Foi realizada a mensuração da intensidade de luz utilizando-se um radiômetro (Demetron®. Resultado Todos os aparelhos fotopolimerizadores estavam com intensidade de luz inferior a 300 mW/cm2; 96,7% dos profissionais realizavam manutenção técnica de seus aparelhos apenas quando necessário; 100% trocavam a lâmpada só quando a mesma queimava; 40% dos aparelhos fotopolimerizadores encontravam-se acoplados ao equipo; 86,6% dos aparelhos apresentavam detritos na fibra óptica; 50% dos filtros apresentavam fraturas, sendo que 86,66% dos mesmos apresentavam detritos; 60% dos profissionais empregavam apenas álcool 70° como método de desinfecção; 53% dos entrevistados realizavam o método de desinfecção após cada paciente. Conclusão Todos os aparelhos fotopolimerizadores avaliados estavam com intensidade de luz abaixo do preconizado e constatou-se a inexistência de um protocolo de manutenção preventiva periódica.

  1. Semiotic individuation and Ernst Cassirer’s challenge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmeyer, Jesper


    . In this understanding, individuation becomes narrowly connected to learning. And since learning necessarily depends on what is already learned, the trajectory of learning-based individuation is necessarily indefinite and dependent on the concrete chance events and steps whereby the process has proceeded. Semiotic...... individuation is a historical process, and this fact explains why systems biology, as established by Ludwig van Bertalanffy, has not been capable of meeting the hope, expressed long ago by Ernst Cassirer, of bridging the mechanicist-vitalist gap in biology. Instead, a semiotic approach is called for. Human...... be defined by its uniqueness as a particular genetic combination, but must be instead be defined by its uniqueness as a temporal outcome of semiotic individuation. Accordingly, this doubletracked character of human semiotic individuation implies that it is cast as just one particular outcome...

  2. The city as a participant in the protection of groundwater in Brazil; O municipio como participe na protecao das aguas subterraneas no Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cordeiro de Souza, L.


    Brazilian environmental legislation aims to ensure the protection and preservation of the environment, and particularly its natural resources, in search of a better quality of life for all. The lack of force in existing statutes, however, sometimes renders the purpose of the law ineffective. Our water sources, providing this vital and essential element for life, are suffering pollution and contamination. Our focus here is on the subject of groundwater, which is widely relied upon in Brazil as a water source, but treated in some places in an uncontrolled way, and due to different forms of pollution and contamination arriving at the vulnerable areas of the aquifers, may easily be compromised both in quality and quantity. Constitutional authority to legislate on groundwater has been given to the Member States, since it falls outside the legal remit of individual municipalities. Studies show, however, that pollutants are reaching the aquifers from the overlying soil, which leads to a demand that the municipalities should use their constitutional authority to legislate on land use and its management to protect and preserve these important water sources, especially in the area of the Guarani aquifer. To this effect, we propose the creation of a Special Environment Zoning tool (ZEA) to limit land use in areas of aquifer vulnerability, by which municipalities become active participants in the protection process aimed at preventing harm to the groundwater of the Guarani aquifer. (Author)

  3. Individual differences in change blindness


    Bergmann, Katharina Verena


    The present work shows the existence of systematic individual differences in change blindness. It can be concluded that the sensitivity for changes is a trait. That is, persons differ in their ability to detect changes, independent from the situation or the measurement method. Moreover, there are two explanations for individual differences in change blindness: a) capacity differences in visual selective attention that may be influenced by top-down activated attention helping to focus attentio...

  4. 26 CFR 1.6654-6 - Nonresident alien individuals. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 13 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Nonresident alien individuals. 1.6654-6 Section....6654-6 Nonresident alien individuals. (a) In general. A nonresident alien individual is required to... gross income of a nonresident alien individual is such as to require making a payment of estimated...

  5. 48 CFR 601.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 601.403 Section 601.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF STATE GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF STATE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM Deviations from the FAR 601.403 Individual deviations. The...

  6. Neighborhood social capital and individual health.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mohnen, S.M.; Groenewegen, P.P.; Völker, B.; Flap, H.


    Neighborhood social capital is increasingly considered to be an important determinant of an individual's health. Using data from the Netherlands we investigate the influence of neighborhood social capital on an individual's self-reported health, while accounting for other conditions of health on

  7. Understanding individual routing behaviour. (United States)

    Lima, Antonio; Stanojevic, Rade; Papagiannaki, Dina; Rodriguez, Pablo; González, Marta C


    Knowing how individuals move between places is fundamental to advance our understanding of human mobility (González et al. 2008 Nature 453, 779-782. (doi:10.1038/nature06958)), improve our urban infrastructure (Prato 2009 J. Choice Model. 2, 65-100. (doi:10.1016/S1755-5345(13)70005-8)) and drive the development of transportation systems. Current route-choice models that are used in transportation planning are based on the widely accepted assumption that people follow the minimum cost path (Wardrop 1952 Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. 1, 325-362. (doi:10.1680/ipeds.1952.11362)), despite little empirical support. Fine-grained location traces collected by smart devices give us today an unprecedented opportunity to learn how citizens organize their travel plans into a set of routes, and how similar behaviour patterns emerge among distinct individual choices. Here we study 92 419 anonymized GPS trajectories describing the movement of personal cars over an 18-month period. We group user trips by origin-destination and we find that most drivers use a small number of routes for their routine journeys, and tend to have a preferred route for frequent trips. In contrast to the cost minimization assumption, we also find that a significant fraction of drivers' routes are not optimal. We present a spatial probability distribution that bounds the route selection space within an ellipse, having the origin and the destination as focal points, characterized by high eccentricity independent of the scale. While individual routing choices are not captured by path optimization, their spatial bounds are similar, even for trips performed by distinct individuals and at various scales. These basic discoveries can inform realistic route-choice models that are not based on optimization, having an impact on several applications, such as infrastructure planning, routing recommendation systems and new mobility solutions. © 2016 The Author(s).

  8. Are Dysphoric Individuals More Suggestible or Less Suggestible Than Nondysphoric Individuals? (United States)

    MacFarland, Wendy L.; Morris, Steven J.


    Dysphoric individuals are shown to be susceptible to interrogative suggestion, whether in the form of leading questions or interrogative pressure. The association of a clinically relevant condition of dysphoria (depression) with relatively high levels of suggestibility was investigated in a college student population (N=139). Applicability to…

  9. 48 CFR 1401.403 - Individual deviations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Individual deviations. 1401.403 Section 1401.403 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Deviations from the FAR and DIAR 1401.403 Individual...

  10. Climate Change and Individual Duties


    Augustin Fragnière


    Tackling climate change has often been considered the responsibility of national governments. But do individuals also have a duty to act in the face of this problem? In particular do they have a duty to adopt a greener lifestyle or to press their government to act? This review critically examines the arguments provided for and against such duties in the relevant philosophic literature. It first discusses the problem of causal inefficacy—namely the fact that individual greenhouse gas emissions...

  11. Toxicidade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados em citros para Apis mellifera Toxicity of pesticides used in citrus crop to Apis mellifera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Machado Baptista


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade de inseticidas/acaricidas utilizados em cultura de citros para operárias africanizadas de Apis mellifera Linnaeus. A exposição das abelhas aos compostos foi realizada usando-se técnicas de pulverização, contaminação da dieta e contato em superfícies tratadas (folhas de citros e placas de Petri, empregando-se as doses máximas recomendadas para a cultura. Os bioensaios foram realizados em laboratório a 25±2°C, UR 70±10% e fotofase de 12h, sendo os dados de mortalidade submetidos à análise estatística, e as médias comparadas por contraste, obtendo-se grupos de efeitos semelhantes. Independente do modo de exposição, o acefato foi extremamente tóxico, matando mais de 90,0% das abelhas 24h após a aplicação. Os produtos espirodiclofeno e piriproxifem, quando aplicados diretamente sobre as abelhas, causaram níveis de mortalidade de 11,0 e 15,0%, respectivamente; os compostos buprofezina, enxofre e tetradifona apresentaram níveis de mortalidade ainda menores, com média de 5,0% entre eles. Para os ensaios de contaminação de superfície (folhas de citros e placas de Petri e contaminação de alimento, foram obtidos dois grupos de toxicidade, um grupo somente com acefato e outro, com buprofezina, enxofre, espirodiclofeno, piriproxifem, tetradifona e água. A mortalidade média para esse segundo grupo, após 96h do início da exposição, foi de 31,0; 8,3 e 15,7%, respectivamente, para cada método de contaminação.The aim of this research was to evaluate the toxicity of several acaricides/insecticides used in Brazilian citrus crop to africanized workers of Apis mellifera Linnaeus. The exposition of honey bees to the chemicals was performed by direct spraying, contamination of food, and contact in treated surface (citrus leaves and Petri dishes, using recommended rates of application. The assays were carried out at 25±2°C, RH 70±10%, 12h of photophase and the data was

  12. 24 CFR 965.508 - Individual relief. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual relief. 965.508 Section 965.508 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development (Continued... PHA-OWNED OR LEASED PROJECTS-GENERAL PROVISIONS Resident Allowances for Utilities § 965.508 Individual...

  13. 41 CFR 105-74.655 - Individual. (United States)


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual. 105-74.655 Section 105-74.655 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property Management Regulations System...-GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 105-74.655 Individual...

  14. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia


    Victoria González Quintana; Juan Carlos Botero; Roberto Rochel; Julián Vidal; Martha Cecilia Alvarez Uribe


    Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produ...

  15. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victoria González Quintana


    Full Text Available Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produced in Colombia subjected to monotonic loads of tension is presented. Typical stress-strain diagram that allow to characterize these steels making emphasis in the variables that determine the change of behaviour of the materia are presented.

  16. Characterization of individual mouse cerebrospinal fluid proteomes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, Jeffrey S.; Angel, Thomas E.; Chavkin, Charles; Orton, Daniel J.; Moore, Ronald J.; Smith, Richard D.


    Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) offers key insight into the status of the central nervous system. Characterization of murine CSF proteomes can provide a valuable resource for studying central nervous system injury and disease in animal models. However, the small volume of CSF in mice has thus far limited individual mouse proteome characterization. Through non-terminal CSF extractions in C57Bl/6 mice and high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of individual murine samples, we report the most comprehensive proteome characterization of individual murine CSF to date. Utilizing stringent protein inclusion criteria that required the identification of at least two unique peptides (1% false discovery rate at the peptide level) we identified a total of 566 unique proteins, including 128 proteins from three individual CSF samples that have been previously identified in brain tissue. Our methods and analysis provide a mechanism for individual murine CSF proteome analysis.

  17. Improving climato-economic theorizing at the individual level. (United States)

    Fischer, Ronald


    Using representative data from 55 nations, I show that individual level wealth interacts with climate in predicting individual happiness but not postmaterialism values. I propose that more research is needed to identify (a) the specific mechanisms of how wealth buffers climatic demands at the individual level and (b) the neurocognitive and physiological reactions of individuals situated in different ecological niches.

  18. Bivalves: From individual to population modelling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Saraiva, S.; van der Meer, J.; Kooijman, S.A.L.M.


    An individual based population model for bivalves was designed, built and tested in a 0D approach, to simulate the population dynamics of a mussel bed located in an intertidal area. The processes at the individual level were simulated following the dynamic energy budget theory, whereas initial egg

  19. Methodological Individualism, Educational Administration, and Leadership (United States)

    Evers, Colin W.; Lakomski, Gabriele


    There are two major categories of explanation for organisational performance: structural and individual. With the shift away from systems-theoretic accounts that occurred in the 1980s, structural explanations have been replaced increasingly by the individualism of leadership and leader-centric explanations, especially when it comes to schools. In…

  20. Individual based population inference using tagging data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Martin Wæver; Thygesen, Uffe Høgsbro; Baktoft, Henrik

    A hierarchical framework for simultaneous analysis of multiple related individual datasets is presented. The approach is very similar to mixed effects modelling as known from statistical theory. The model used at the individual level is, in principle, irrelevant as long as a maximum likelihood...... estimate and its uncertainty (Hessian) can be computed. The individual model used in this text is a hidden Markov model. A simulation study concerning a two-dimensional biased random walk is examined to verify the consistency of the hierarchical estimation framework. In addition, a study based on acoustic...... telemetry data from pike illustrates how the framework can identify individuals that deviate from the remaining population....

  1. Individual-based ecology of coastal birds. (United States)

    Stillman, Richard A; Goss-Custard, John D


    Conservation objectives for non-breeding coastal birds (shorebirds and wildfowl) are determined from their population size at coastal sites. To advise coastal managers, models must predict quantitatively the effects of environmental change on population size or the demographic rates (mortality and reproduction) that determine it. As habitat association models and depletion models are not able to do this, we developed an approach that has produced such predictions thereby enabling policy makers to make evidence-based decisions. Our conceptual framework is individual-based ecology, in which populations are viewed as having properties (e.g. size) that arise from the traits (e.g. behaviour, physiology) and interactions of their constituent individuals. The link between individuals and populations is made through individual-based models (IBMs) that follow the fitness-maximising decisions of individuals and predict population-level consequences (e.g. mortality rate) from the fates of these individuals. Our first IBM was for oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus and accurately predicted their density-dependent mortality. Subsequently, IBMs were developed for several shorebird and wildfowl species at several European sites, and were shown to predict accurately overwinter mortality, and the foraging behaviour from which predictions are derived. They have been used to predict the effect on survival in coastal birds of sea level rise, habitat loss, wind farm development, shellfishing and human disturbance. This review emphasises the wider applicability of the approach, and identifies other systems to which it could be applied. We view the IBM approach as a very useful contribution to the general problem of how to advance ecology to the point where we can routinely make meaningful predictions of how populations respond to environmental change.

  2. Individual Profiling Using Text Analysis (United States)


    AFRL-AFOSR-UK-TR-2016-0011 Individual Profiling using Text Analysis 140333 Mark Stevenson UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY Final...REPORT TYPE      Final 3.  DATES COVERED (From - To)      15 Sep 2014 to 14 Sep 2015 4.  TITLE AND SUBTITLE Individual Profiling using Text Analysis ...consisted of collections of tweets for a number of Twitter users whose gender, age and personality scores are known. The task was to construct some system

  3. Separation-individuation and assertiveness in late adolescents


    Aslan, Sevda


    An adolescent can experience some problems regarding assertiveness during the course of separation-individuation from their caregivers. The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between separation-individuation and assertiveness, which was examined in terms of how assertiveness predicts the separation-individuation of Turkish late adolescents. The sampling group consisted of 283 university students. The data gathered were analyzed by involving several simple regression analysi...

  4. Soft skills, hard skills, and individual innovativeness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendarman, Achmad Fajar; Cantner, Uwe


    of Indonesian firms from different industries are used from an online survey on manager and worker perceptions related to individual innovation performance on the one hand and individual skills on the other hand. The results show that soft skills and hard skills are significantly and positively associated...... with individual level innovativeness. However, no complementarity (positive interaction effect) is found between soft skills and hard skills....

  5. Individual variation in cone photoreceptor density in house sparrows: implications for between-individual differences in visual resolution and chromatic contrast. (United States)

    Ensminger, Amanda L; Fernández-Juricic, Esteban


    Between-individual variation has been documented in a wide variety of taxa, especially for behavioral characteristics; however, intra-population variation in sensory systems has not received similar attention in wild animals. We measured a key trait of the visual system, the density of retinal cone photoreceptors, in a wild population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We tested whether individuals differed from each other in cone densities given within-individual variation across the retina and across eyes. We further tested whether the existing variation could lead to individual differences in two aspects of perception: visual resolution and chromatic contrast. We found consistent between-individual variation in the densities of all five types of avian cones, involved in chromatic and achromatic vision. Using perceptual modeling, we found that this degree of variation translated into significant between-individual differences in visual resolution and the chromatic contrast of a plumage signal that has been associated with mate choice and agonistic interactions. However, there was no evidence for a relationship between individual visual resolution and chromatic contrast. The implication is that some birds may have the sensory potential to perform "better" in certain visual tasks, but not necessarily in both resolution and contrast simultaneously. Overall, our findings (a) highlight the need to consider multiple individuals when characterizing sensory traits of a species, and (b) provide some mechanistic basis for between-individual variation in different behaviors (i.e., animal personalities) and for testing the predictions of several widely accepted hypotheses (e.g., honest signaling).

  6. Bayesian Analysis of Individual Level Personality Dynamics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edward Cripps


    Full Text Available A Bayesian technique with analyses of within-person processes at the level of the individual is presented. The approach is used to examine if the patterns of within-person responses on a 12 trial simulation task are consistent with the predictions of ITA theory (Dweck, 1999. ITA theory states that the performance of an individual with an entity theory of ability is more likely to spiral down following a failure experience than the performance of an individual with an incremental theory of ability. This is because entity theorists interpret failure experiences as evidence of a lack of ability, which they believe is largely innate and therefore relatively fixed; whilst incremental theorists believe in the malleability of abilities and interpret failure experiences as evidence of more controllable factors such as poor strategy or lack of effort. The results of our analyses support ITA theory at both the within- and between-person levels of analyses and demonstrate the benefits of Bayesian techniques for the analysis of within-person processes. These include more formal specification of the theory and the ability to draw inferences about each individual, which allows for more nuanced interpretations of individuals within a personality category, such as differences in the individual probabilities of spiralling. While Bayesian techniques have many potential advantages for the analyses of within-person processes at the individual level, ease of use is not one of them for psychologists trained in traditional frequentist statistical techniques.

  7. IASM: Individualized activity space modeler (United States)

    Hasanzadeh, Kamyar


    Researchers from various disciplines have long been interested in analyzing and describing human mobility patterns. Activity space (AS), defined as an area encapsulating daily human mobility and activities, has been at the center of this interest. However, given the applied nature of research in this field and the complexity that advanced geographical modeling can pose to its users, the proposed models remain simplistic and inaccurate in many cases. Individualized Activity Space Modeler (IASM) is a geographic information system (GIS) toolbox, written in Python programming language using ESRI's Arcpy module, comprising four tools aiming to facilitate the use of advanced activity space models in empirical research. IASM provides individual-based and context-sensitive tools to estimate home range distances, delineate activity spaces, and model place exposures using individualized geographical data. In this paper, we describe the design and functionality of IASM, and provide an example of how it performs on a spatial dataset collected through an online map-based survey.

  8. The impacts of individualization on equity educational policies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guadalupe Francia


    Full Text Available The present article has as its aim to illustrate and discuss the impacts of individualization strategies on equity educational policies through the analysis of individualized teaching strategies applied within the framework of educational priority policies in Sweden. The methodology used in our research work includes: (a the study of research literature about the individualization of teaching implemented in the Swedish comprehensive compulsory school; and (b the study of research literature about educational priority policies aimed at children from socially and ethnically segregated areas. Comparative research of educational policies considers the individualization of teaching carried out in the Swedish comprehensive compulsory school as a relevant explanation for the successful application of equitable educational policies in that country. However, research studies published during the 2000s in Sweden show a more complex perspective regarding the effects of individualized teaching strategies. This contribution reviews European comparative research studies on individualization strategies followed in the context of equity policies. It raises questions about the lack of analyses referring to the impacts of individualization on schools located in socially and ethnically segregated areas. It argues that this ideology tends to reduce the issue of school failure to ethnic segregation and individualized teacher support. This article claims that Individualization strategies based on differentiated curricula for students run the risk of increasing the discrimination of students for reasons of language or ethnic background. Even though the present study focuses on the Swedish experience, it can lead to a better understanding of the impacts caused by individualization strategies on equity in other European countries.

  9. Governance Through Privacy, Fairness, and Respect for Individuals. (United States)

    Baker, Dixie B; Kaye, Jane; Terry, Sharon F


    Individuals have a moral claim to be involved in the governance of their personal data. Individuals' rights include privacy, autonomy, and the ability to choose for themselves how they want to manage risk, consistent with their own personal values and life situations. The Fair Information Practices principles (FIPPs) offer a framework for governance. Privacy-enhancing technology that complies with applicable law and FIPPs offers a dynamic governance tool for enabling the fair and open use of individual's personal data. Any governance model must protect against the risks posed by data misuse. Individual perceptions of risks are a subjective function involving individuals' values toward self, family, and society, their perceptions of trust, and their cognitive decision-making skills. Individual privacy protections and individuals' right to choose are codified in the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which attempts to strike a balance between the dual goals of information flow and privacy protection. The choices most commonly given individuals regarding the use of their health information are binary ("yes" or "no") and immutable. Recent federal recommendations and law recognize the need for granular, dynamic choices. Individuals expect that they will govern the use of their own health and genomic data. Failure to build and maintain individuals' trust increases the likelihood that they will refuse to grant permission to access or use their data. The "no surprises principle" asserts that an individual's personal information should never be collected, used, transmitted, or disclosed in a way that would surprise the individual were she to learn about it. The FIPPs provide a powerful framework for enabling data sharing and use, while maintaining trust. We introduce the eight FIPPs adopted by the Department of Health and Human Services, and provide examples of their interpretation and implementation. Privacy risk and health risk can be reduced by giving consumers control, autonomy, and

  10. Red junglefowl have individual body odors. (United States)

    Karlsson, Anna-Carin; Jensen, Per; Elgland, Mathias; Laur, Katriann; Fyrner, Timmy; Konradsson, Peter; Laska, Matthias


    Olfaction may play an important role in regulating bird behavior, and has been suggested to be involved in feather-pecking. We investigated possible differences in the body odors of red junglefowl females by using an automated olfactometer which assessed the ability of trained mice to discriminate between the odors of uropygial gland secretions (the main carrier of potential individual odors in chickens) of six feather-pecked and six non-pecked birds. All mice were clearly able to discriminate between all individual red junglefowl odors, showing that each bird has an individual body odor. We analyzed whether it was more difficult to discriminate between the odors of two feather-pecked, or two non-pecked birds, than it was to discriminate between the odors of two randomly selected birds. This was not the case, suggesting that feather-pecked birds did not share a common odor signature. Analyses using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry showed that the composition of aliphatic carboxylic acids in uropygial gland secretions differed consistently between individuals. However, chemical composition did not vary according to feather-pecking status. We conclude that red junglefowl have individual body odors which appear to be largely based on differences in the relative abundance of aliphatic carboxylic acids, but there is no evidence of systematic differences between the body odors of pecked and non-pecked birds.

  11. Individual differences in fundamental social motives. (United States)

    Neel, Rebecca; Kenrick, Douglas T; White, Andrew Edward; Neuberg, Steven L


    Motivation has long been recognized as an important component of how people both differ from, and are similar to, each other. The current research applies the biologically grounded fundamental social motives framework, which assumes that human motivational systems are functionally shaped to manage the major costs and benefits of social life, to understand individual differences in social motives. Using the Fundamental Social Motives Inventory, we explore the relations among the different fundamental social motives of Self-Protection, Disease Avoidance, Affiliation, Status, Mate Seeking, Mate Retention, and Kin Care; the relationships of the fundamental social motives to other individual difference and personality measures including the Big Five personality traits; the extent to which fundamental social motives are linked to recent life experiences; and the extent to which life history variables (e.g., age, sex, childhood environment) predict individual differences in the fundamental social motives. Results suggest that the fundamental social motives are a powerful lens through which to examine individual differences: They are grounded in theory, have explanatory value beyond that of the Big Five personality traits, and vary meaningfully with a number of life history variables. A fundamental social motives approach provides a generative framework for considering the meaning and implications of individual differences in social motivation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).


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    Ljiljana Stošić Mihajlović


    Full Text Available As companies and individuals to live their best release? What should companies and individuals were the most successful? What job would bring the most satisfaction and opportunities for further development? What would be the fastest way led to the realization of corporate goals and their own? Answers to these questions can be obtained through analysis of employer brand and Analysis of individual potential (AIP. Employer brand analysis and analysis of individual potential is the process of identifying the strengths and potential of the company as well as a person. In this way, determining what it is that a company or person works best, how to motivate people and to the field of application of discovered talent. The main objective of this procedure is the development of an overall as well as personal and professional development of individuals in the direction of those activities and areas that will bring long-term satisfaction

  13. Diferença entre dois métodos de coleta utilizados na captura de crustáceos decápodes em um rio da Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, São Paulo Differences between two methods used for sampling decapod crustaceans in a stream at Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station, state of São Paulo, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sérgio Schwarz da Rocha


    Full Text Available Durante os anos 2000 e 2001 foram realizadas coletas sazonais de crustáceos decápodes em dois pontos de um rio na Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, utilizando-se duas metodologias distintas (peneira e armadilha. Comparando-se ambos os métodos de coleta, foram constatadas diferenças quanto à composição e riqueza da carcinofauna capturada, grau de dominância e equitatividade, bem como tamanho e número de indivíduos coletados. Além disso, as razões sexuais de Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegmann, 1836 podem diferir dependendo do método de coleta utilizado. Devido à grande variedade de hábitats e hábitos dos crustáceos, pode-se inferir que, para um levantamento qualitativo e/ou quantitativo eficaz e apurado da comunidade de crustáceos decápodes dulcícolas de um determinado rio, é recomendado o uso de mais de um método de coleta.Sampling collections were taken quarterly from Fall 2000 to Summer 2001 at Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station using two different sampling methods (hand sieve and traps. Comparing both sampling methods one can verify differences in faunal composition, richness, degree of dominance, evenness and size and number of individuals. Moreover, the sex ratio of Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegmann, 1836 may differ according to the sampling method. Decapod crustaceans are known to inhabit a great variety of habitats and niches, therefore to obtain an effective qualitative and/or quantitative sampling, in which the majority of decapod species are collected, the use of more than one sampling method is recommended.

  14. Individual heterogeneity generating explosive system network dynamics. (United States)

    Manrique, Pedro D; Johnson, Neil F


    Individual heterogeneity is a key characteristic of many real-world systems, from organisms to humans. However, its role in determining the system's collective dynamics is not well understood. Here we study how individual heterogeneity impacts the system network dynamics by comparing linking mechanisms that favor similar or dissimilar individuals. We find that this heterogeneity-based evolution drives an unconventional form of explosive network behavior, and it dictates how a polarized population moves toward consensus. Our model shows good agreement with data from both biological and social science domains. We conclude that individual heterogeneity likely plays a key role in the collective development of real-world networks and communities, and it cannot be ignored.

  15. Individual heterogeneity generating explosive system network dynamics (United States)

    Manrique, Pedro D.; Johnson, Neil F.


    Individual heterogeneity is a key characteristic of many real-world systems, from organisms to humans. However, its role in determining the system's collective dynamics is not well understood. Here we study how individual heterogeneity impacts the system network dynamics by comparing linking mechanisms that favor similar or dissimilar individuals. We find that this heterogeneity-based evolution drives an unconventional form of explosive network behavior, and it dictates how a polarized population moves toward consensus. Our model shows good agreement with data from both biological and social science domains. We conclude that individual heterogeneity likely plays a key role in the collective development of real-world networks and communities, and it cannot be ignored.

  16. Personalized medicine for individuals with Down syndrome. (United States)

    McCabe, Linda L; McCabe, Edward R B


    As the cost of whole genome analysis decreases, we have the opportunity to explore the interactions of various gene changes in an individual that lead to their particular phenotype. This will provide the ability to move from the epidemiologic study of groups, in which, the individuals are treated collectively and homogenously, to personalized medicine, and a model in which the individual is recognized and treated as a distinct entity. We will be applying personalized medicine to individuals with Down syndrome in order to understand and develop biomarkers for increased risk of co-morbidities. Personalized medicine will change the "culture of intractability" of Down syndrome. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Individually Watermarked Information Distributed Scalable by Modified Transforms (United States)


    inverse of the secret transform is needed. Each trusted recipient has a unique inverse transform that is similar to the inverse of the original...transform. The elements of this individual inverse transform are given by the individual descrambling key. After applying the individual inverse ... transform the retrieved image is embedded with a recipient individual watermark. Souce 1 I Decode IW1 Decode IW2 Decode ISC Scramb K Recipient 3

  18. Do individualism and collectivism on three levels (country, individual, and situation) influence theory-of-mind efficiency? A cross-country study. (United States)

    Vu, Tuong-Van; Finkenauer, Catrin; Huizinga, Mariette; Novin, Sheida; Krabbendam, Lydia


    This study investigated whether individualism and collectivism (IC) at country, individual, and situational level influence how quickly and accurately people can infer mental states (i.e. theory of mind, or ToM), indexed by accuracy and reaction time in a ToM task. We hypothesized that collectivism (having an interdependent self and valuing group concerns), compared to individualism (having an independent self and valuing personal concerns), is associated with greater accuracy and speed in recognizing and understanding the thoughts and feelings of others. Students (N = 207) from individualism-representative (the Netherlands) and collectivism-representative (Vietnam) countries (Country IC) answered an individualism-collectivism questionnaire (Individual IC) and were randomly assigned to an individualism-primed, collectivism-primed, or no-prime task (Situational IC) before performing a ToM task. The data showed vast differences between the Dutch and Vietnamese groups that might not be attributable to experimental manipulation. Therefore, we analyzed the data for the groups separately and found that Individual IC did not predict ToM accuracy or reaction time performance. Regarding Situational IC, when primed with individualism, the accuracy performance of Vietnamese participants in affective ToM trials decreased compared to when primed with collectivism and when no prime was used. However, an interesting pattern emerged: Dutch participants were least accurate in affective ToM trials, while Vietnamese participants were quickest in affective ToM trials. Our research also highlights a dilemma faced by cross-cultural researchers who use hard-to-reach populations but face the challenge of disentangling experimental effects from biases that might emerge due to an interaction between cultural differences and experimental settings. We propose suggestions for overcoming such challenges.

  19. Do individualism and collectivism on three levels (country, individual, and situation) influence theory-of-mind efficiency? A cross-country study (United States)

    Finkenauer, Catrin; Huizinga, Mariette; Novin, Sheida; Krabbendam, Lydia


    This study investigated whether individualism and collectivism (IC) at country, individual, and situational level influence how quickly and accurately people can infer mental states (i.e. theory of mind, or ToM), indexed by accuracy and reaction time in a ToM task. We hypothesized that collectivism (having an interdependent self and valuing group concerns), compared to individualism (having an independent self and valuing personal concerns), is associated with greater accuracy and speed in recognizing and understanding the thoughts and feelings of others. Students (N = 207) from individualism-representative (the Netherlands) and collectivism-representative (Vietnam) countries (Country IC) answered an individualism-collectivism questionnaire (Individual IC) and were randomly assigned to an individualism-primed, collectivism-primed, or no-prime task (Situational IC) before performing a ToM task. The data showed vast differences between the Dutch and Vietnamese groups that might not be attributable to experimental manipulation. Therefore, we analyzed the data for the groups separately and found that Individual IC did not predict ToM accuracy or reaction time performance. Regarding Situational IC, when primed with individualism, the accuracy performance of Vietnamese participants in affective ToM trials decreased compared to when primed with collectivism and when no prime was used. However, an interesting pattern emerged: Dutch participants were least accurate in affective ToM trials, while Vietnamese participants were quickest in affective ToM trials. Our research also highlights a dilemma faced by cross-cultural researchers who use hard-to-reach populations but face the challenge of disentangling experimental effects from biases that might emerge due to an interaction between cultural differences and experimental settings. We propose suggestions for overcoming such challenges. PMID:28832602

  20. Do individualism and collectivism on three levels (country, individual, and situation influence theory-of-mind efficiency? A cross-country study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tuong-Van Vu

    Full Text Available This study investigated whether individualism and collectivism (IC at country, individual, and situational level influence how quickly and accurately people can infer mental states (i.e. theory of mind, or ToM, indexed by accuracy and reaction time in a ToM task. We hypothesized that collectivism (having an interdependent self and valuing group concerns, compared to individualism (having an independent self and valuing personal concerns, is associated with greater accuracy and speed in recognizing and understanding the thoughts and feelings of others. Students (N = 207 from individualism-representative (the Netherlands and collectivism-representative (Vietnam countries (Country IC answered an individualism-collectivism questionnaire (Individual IC and were randomly assigned to an individualism-primed, collectivism-primed, or no-prime task (Situational IC before performing a ToM task. The data showed vast differences between the Dutch and Vietnamese groups that might not be attributable to experimental manipulation. Therefore, we analyzed the data for the groups separately and found that Individual IC did not predict ToM accuracy or reaction time performance. Regarding Situational IC, when primed with individualism, the accuracy performance of Vietnamese participants in affective ToM trials decreased compared to when primed with collectivism and when no prime was used. However, an interesting pattern emerged: Dutch participants were least accurate in affective ToM trials, while Vietnamese participants were quickest in affective ToM trials. Our research also highlights a dilemma faced by cross-cultural researchers who use hard-to-reach populations but face the challenge of disentangling experimental effects from biases that might emerge due to an interaction between cultural differences and experimental settings. We propose suggestions for overcoming such challenges.

  1. Dispersal and individual quality in a long lived species (United States)

    Cam, E.; Monnat, J.-Y.; Royle, J. Andrew


    The idea of differences in individual quality has been put forward in numerous long-term studies in long-lived species to explain differences in lifetime production among individuals. Despite the important role of individual heterogeneity in vital rates in demography, population dynamics and life history theory, the idea of 'individual quality' is elusive. It is sometimes assumed to be a static or dynamic individual characteristic. When considered as a dynamic trait, it is sometimes assumed to vary deterministically or stochastically, or to be confounded with the characteristics of the habitat. We addressed heterogeneity in reproductive performance among individuals established in higher-quality habitat in a long-lived seabird species. We used approaches to statistical inference based on individual random effects permitting quantification of heterogeneity in populations and assessment of individual variation from the population mean. We found evidence of heterogeneity in breeding probability, not success probability. We assessed the influence of dispersal on individual reproductive potential. Dispersal is likely to be destabilizing in species with high site and mate fidelity. We detected heterogeneity after dispersal, not before. Individuals may perform well regardless of quality before destabilization, including those that recruited in higher-quality habitat by chance, but only higher-quality individuals may be able to overcome the consequences of dispersal. Importantly, results differed when accounting for individual heterogeneity (an increase in mean breeding probability when individuals dispersed), or not (a decrease in mean breeding probability). In the latter case, the decrease in mean breeding probability may result from a substantial decrease in breeding probability in a few individuals and a slight increase in others. In other words, the pattern observed at the population mean level may not reflect what happens in the majority of individuals.

  2. Can nitric oxide induce migraine in normal individuals?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Jes; Ashina, Messoud


    INTRODUCTION: For many years, scientists have debated the possibility that an individual "migraine threshold" determines the likelihood with which individuals may express migraine attacks. DISCUSSION: Recent discoveries provided evidence for both genetic and environmental influences on individual...

  3. Smooth individual level covariates adjustment in disease mapping. (United States)

    Huque, Md Hamidul; Anderson, Craig; Walton, Richard; Woolford, Samuel; Ryan, Louise


    Spatial models for disease mapping should ideally account for covariates measured both at individual and area levels. The newly available "indiCAR" model fits the popular conditional autoregresssive (CAR) model by accommodating both individual and group level covariates while adjusting for spatial correlation in the disease rates. This algorithm has been shown to be effective but assumes log-linear associations between individual level covariates and outcome. In many studies, the relationship between individual level covariates and the outcome may be non-log-linear, and methods to track such nonlinearity between individual level covariate and outcome in spatial regression modeling are not well developed. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, smooth-indiCAR, to fit an extension to the popular conditional autoregresssive model that can accommodate both linear and nonlinear individual level covariate effects while adjusting for group level covariates and spatial correlation in the disease rates. In this formulation, the effect of a continuous individual level covariate is accommodated via penalized splines. We describe a two-step estimation procedure to obtain reliable estimates of individual and group level covariate effects where both individual and group level covariate effects are estimated separately. This distributed computing framework enhances its application in the Big Data domain with a large number of individual/group level covariates. We evaluate the performance of smooth-indiCAR through simulation. Our results indicate that the smooth-indiCAR method provides reliable estimates of all regression and random effect parameters. We illustrate our proposed methodology with an analysis of data on neutropenia admissions in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Health Problems of Mentally Disabled Individuals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hatice Yildirim Sari


    Full Text Available Mentally disabled individuals are at risk of health problems. In fact, health problems are more frequent in mentally disabled individuals than in the general population and mentally disabled individuals less frequently use health care facilities. It has been shown that mentally disabled individuals frequently have nutritional problems. They may suffer from low weight, malnutrition, high weight, pica, iron and zinc deficiencies and absorption and eating disorders. Activities can be limited due to motor disability and restricted movements. Depending on insufficient liquid intake and dietary fiber, constipation can be frequent. Another problem is sleep disorders such as irregular sleep hours, short sleep, waking up at night and daytime sleepiness. Visual-hearing losses, epilepsy, motor disability, hepatitis A infection and poor oral hygiene are more frequent in mentally disabled children than in the general population. The mentally disabled have limited health care facilities, poorer health status than the general population and difficulties in demanding for health care and expressing health problems. Therefore, they should be provided with more health promotion services. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2010; 9(2.000: 145-150

  5. Cross-modal individual recognition in wild African lions. (United States)

    Gilfillan, Geoffrey; Vitale, Jessica; McNutt, John Weldon; McComb, Karen


    Individual recognition is considered to have been fundamental in the evolution of complex social systems and is thought to be a widespread ability throughout the animal kingdom. Although robust evidence for individual recognition remains limited, recent experimental paradigms that examine cross-modal processing have demonstrated individual recognition in a range of captive non-human animals. It is now highly relevant to test whether cross-modal individual recognition exists within wild populations and thus examine how it is employed during natural social interactions. We address this question by testing audio-visual cross-modal individual recognition in wild African lions (Panthera leo) using an expectancy-violation paradigm. When presented with a scenario where the playback of a loud-call (roaring) broadcast from behind a visual block is incongruent with the conspecific previously seen there, subjects responded more strongly than during the congruent scenario where the call and individual matched. These findings suggest that lions are capable of audio-visual cross-modal individual recognition and provide a useful method for studying this ability in wild populations. © 2016 The Author(s).

  6. Individuals with Metabolically Healthy Overweight/Obesity Have Higher Fat Utilization than Metabolically Unhealthy Individuals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arturo Pujia


    Full Text Available The mechanisms underlying the change in phenotype from metabolically healthy to metabolically unhealthy obesity are still unclear. The aim of this study is to investigate whether a difference in fasting fat utilization exists between overweight/obese individuals with a favorable cardiovascular risk profile and those with Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, we sought to explore whether there is an association between fasting fat utilization and insulin resistance. In this cross-sectional study, 172 overweight/obese individuals underwent a nutritional assessment. Those with fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL or antidiabetic treatment were considered to be diabetics. If at least three of the NCEP criteria were present, they had Metabolic Syndrome, while those with less criteria were considered to be healthy overweight/obese. An indirect calorimetry was performed to estimate Respiratory Quotient, an index of nutrient utilization. A lower Respiratory Quotient (i.e., higher fat utilization was found in healthy overweight/obese individuals than in those with Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 diabetes (0.85 ± 0.05; 0.87 ± 0.06; 0.88 ± 0.05 respectively, p = 0.04. The univariate and multivariable analysis showed a positive association between the Respiratory Quotient and HOMA-IR (slope in statistic (B = 0.004; β = 0.42; p = 0.005; 95% Confidence interval = 0.001–0.006. In this study, we find, for the first time, that the fasting Respiratory Quotient is significantly lower (fat utilization is higher in individuals who are metabolically healthy overweight/obese than in those with metabolically unhealthy obesity. In addition, we demonstrated the association between fat utilization and HOMA-IR, an insulin resistance index.

  7. Temporal Changes in Individualism and Their Ramification in Japan: Rising Individualism and Conflicts with Persisting Collectivism


    Yuji Ogihara; Yuji Ogihara


    Many studies have shown that American culture has become more individualistic over time. However, it was unclear whether other cultures, especially East Asian cultures, have also shifted toward greater individualism. Therefore, this article reviewed studies investigating temporal changes in individualism in Japan and their ramifications on psychology and behavior. Japan has experienced rapid and dramatic economic growth and urbanization and has adopted more social systems based on individuali...

  8. Individual ball possession in soccer.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Link

    Full Text Available This paper describes models for detecting individual and team ball possession in soccer based on position data. The types of ball possession are classified as Individual Ball Possession (IBC, Individual Ball Action (IBA, Individual Ball Control (IBC, Team Ball Possession (TBP, Team Ball Control (TBC und Team Playmaking (TPM according to different starting points and endpoints and the type of ball control involved. The machine learning approach used is able to determine how long the ball spends in the sphere of influence of a player based on the distance between the players and the ball together with their direction of motion, speed and the acceleration of the ball. The degree of ball control exhibited during this phase is classified based on the spatio-temporal configuration of the player controlling the ball, the ball itself and opposing players using a Bayesian network. The evaluation and application of this approach uses data from 60 matches in the German Bundesliga season of 2013/14, including 69,667 IBA intervals. The identification rate was F = .88 for IBA and F = .83 for IBP, and the classification rate for IBC was κ = .67. Match analysis showed the following mean values per match: TBP 56:04 ± 5:12 min, TPM 50:01 ± 7:05 min and TBC 17:49 ± 8:13 min. There were 836 ± 424 IBC intervals per match and their number was significantly reduced by -5.1% from the 1st to 2nd half. The analysis of ball possession at the player level indicates shortest accumulated IBC times for the central forwards (0:49 ± 0:43 min and the longest for goalkeepers (1:38 ± 0:58 min, central defenders (1:38 ± 1:09 min and central midfielders (1:27 ± 1:08 min. The results could improve performance analysis in soccer, help to detect match events automatically, and allow discernment of higher value tactical structures, which is based on individual ball possession.

  9. Separation-individuation and assertiveness in late adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aslan, Sevda


    Full Text Available An adolescent can experience some problems regarding assertiveness during the course of separation-individuation from their caregivers. The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between separation-individuation and assertiveness, which was examined in terms of how assertiveness predicts the separation-individuation of Turkish late adolescents. The sampling group consisted of 283 university students. The data gathered were analyzed by involving several simple regression analysis method. The findings revealed that aassertiveness predicts separation anxiety in a meaningful way. Furthermore, the assertiveness predicts engulfment anxiety, peer enmeshment, need denial, practicing-mirroring, rejection expectancy, and healthy separation. These findings suggest that psycho-educational studies improving assertiveness can be carried out for the late adolescents who experience separation-individuation problems.

  10. Context-dependent individual behavioral consistency in Daphnia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heuschele, Jan; Ekvall, Mikael T.; Bianco, Giuseppe


    The understanding of consistent individual differences in behavior, often termed "personality," for adapting and coping with threats and novel environmental conditions has advanced considerably during the last decade. However, advancements are almost exclusively associated with higher-order animals......, whereas studies focusing on smaller aquatic organisms are still rare. Here, we show individual differences in the swimming behavior of Daphnia magna, a clonal freshwater invertebrate, before, during, and after being exposed to a lethal threat, ultraviolet radiation (UVR). We show consistency in swimming...... that of adults. Overall, we show that aquatic invertebrates are far from being identical robots, but instead they show considerable individual differences in behavior that can be attributed to both ontogenetic development and individual consistency. Our study also demonstrates, for the first time...

  11. [The meta-analysis of data from individual patients].

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rovers, M.M.; Reitsma, J.B.


    - An IPD (Individual Participant Data) meta-analysis requires collecting original individual patient data and calculating an estimated effect based on these data.- The use of individual patient data has various advantages: the original data and the results of published analyses are verified,

  12. Individual monitoring: A tool for active ALARA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoefert, M.


    The system of individual monitoring at CERN is presented. Following the substantial decrease of individual doses over the last decade, emphasis is now placed on monitoring rather than on dosimetric aspects. Future developments have to face a possible decrease of dose limits that are difficult to control in view of the lower detection limits for the detectors presently used. One possible solution to the problem is the increase in the wearing time for individual dosemeters. (author)

  13. Individual differences in the gesture effect on working memory. (United States)

    Marstaller, Lars; Burianová, Hana


    Co-speech gestures have been shown to interact with working memory (WM). However, no study has investigated whether there are individual differences in the effect of gestures on WM. Combining a novel gesture/no-gesture task and an operation span task, we examined the differences in WM accuracy between individuals who gestured and individuals who did not gesture in relation to their WM capacity. Our results showed individual differences in the gesture effect on WM. Specifically, only individuals with low WM capacity showed a reduced WM accuracy when they did not gesture. Individuals with low WM capacity who did gesture, as well as high-capacity individuals (irrespective of whether they gestured or not), did not show the effect. Our findings show that the interaction between co-speech gestures and WM is affected by an individual's WM load.

  14. Imidacloprid-susceptible Nilaparvata lugens individuals exceeded resistant individuals in a mixture population with density pressure. (United States)

    Yu, Na; Tian, Jiahua; Zhang, Yixi; Li, Zhong; Liu, Zewen


    Fitness costs associated with insecticide resistance in pest insects have mainly been studied under optimal laboratory conditions. However, resistant insects face more stressors than just insecticides in the field, and how the resistant population reacts to these stressors is of practical importance for the control of pest insects such as the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. The aim of the present study was to explore the impact of population density on the competitiveness of resistant and susceptible individuals. Two isogenic N. lugens populations, a highly imidacloprid-resistant population (HZ-R) with a resistance ratio (RR) of 227.10 and a relatively susceptible population (HZ-S) with an RR of 2.99, were created from a field-resistant population (HZ; RR 62.51). The high resistance levels of HZ-R and HZ were mainly attributable to the overexpression of multiple cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes such as CYP6ER1, CYP6AY1, CYP6CW1 and CYP4CE1 compared with HZ-S, this being supported by piperonyl butoxide synergism. HZ-R was observed to be more resistant to thiacloprid and etofenprox compared with HZ and HZ-S. Most interestingly, in high population density treatments, HZ-S individuals were much more competitive than HZ-R individuals. Imidacloprid-resistant individuals of N. lugens are less competitive than their susceptible counterparts under density pressure. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  15. Personality characteristics and body image in obese individuals. (United States)

    Sarısoy, Gökhan; Atmaca, Ayşegül; Ecemiş, Gülçin; Gümüş, Kübra; Pazvantoğlu, Ozan


    The aim of this study was to determine the personality characteristics of obese and morbidly obese individuals with no psychiatric disorder and the correlation between these characteristics and body image and self-esteem. Sixty-nine obese individuals and 69 healthy controls, matched in age, sex and marital status, were included in the study. Psychiatric disorders were excluded for all participants using SCID-I and II. Obese and healthy volunteers were compared in terms of body image, self-esteem and personality characteristics. TCI harm avoidance scores were higher in obese individuals compared to healthy controls. Harm avoidance scores were also higher in individuals with morbid obesity compared to non-morbid individuals, while self-directedness and persistence scores were lower. Body image dissatisfaction was higher in obese individuals. There was a negative correlation in obese individuals between body image and self-esteem scale scores and harm avoidance scores, and a positive correlation with self-directedness scores. An elevated harm avoidance temperament characteristic may be correlated with obesity. Furthermore, high harm avoidance, low self-directedness and low persistence may be significant personality characteristics in a process leading to morbid obesity. In addition, harm avoidance temperament and self-directedness personality characteristics may be correlated with body image dissatisfaction and self-esteem in obese individuals. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  16. Individual dose control of workers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keverling Buisman, A.S.


    This publication has the character of a set of recommendations towards in practice working radiation protection specialists who are involved within their company or institute with the organization and performance of measurements in order to control the individual radiation burden caused by external exposition and internal contamination in applying radioactive materials and radiation apparatus. This publication gives information about the practical performance of personnel dosimetry at external exposure with a personnel dosimeter, which is carried on the body. The individual control of internal contamination is a much more complicated task. This publication assumes, with regard to this part, that people who are involved with it have been schooled as a radiation specialist level-3. For this part this publication contains numerical information needed for assessing of the individual effective follow-dose equivalence in occurring cases. A list with data of much used radionuclides is included. Also dosimetric data are presented which may be useful in case of contamination of skin and wounds. (author). 14 refs.; 2 figs.; 17 tabs

  17. Una introducción al ajuste de parámetros de controladores PI utilizados en el control del generador de inducción con rotor bobinado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André L.L.F. Murari


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo reúne las informaciones básicas del control de generadores de inducción con rotor bobinado (GIRB para generación eólica, teniendo como objetivo direccionar al nuevo investigador en sus primeros pasos, tornándolo apto al desarrollo de la tecnología sea por medio de modificaciones o por adición de técnicas de accionamiento y control. El estator del GIRB está conectado directamente a la red eléctrica y su rotor a través de un duplo convertidor llamado back-to-back. En este sentido, este artículo presenta una propuesta para el diseño de las ganancias de los controladores proporcional-integral (PI utilizados en el control vectorial de potencias para el convertidor del lado del rotor del GIRB con el uso de la técnica de compensación por polos. También son presentadas las mallas de control de corriente del convertidor conectado a la red eléctrica, el diseño de la capacitancia de enlace de corriente continua y de la inductancia del filtro de armónicos. Los resultados de la simulación son presentados para validar la propuesta. Abstract: This article presents the basic information about the control of induction generators with wound rotor for wind generation. Its aim is to assist new researchers in their first steps, making them suitable for the development of technology either through modifications or by adding techniques of driving and control. The GIRB's stator is connected directly to the power grid and its rotor via a bi-directional converter called back-to-back. This way, this article presents a proposal for the design of the gains of the proportional-integral controllers (PI used in vector control of powers for the GIRB's rotor-side converter using the poles compensation technique. It also shows the current control loops of the converter connected to the power grid, the specification of the capacitance of the direct current link and the inductance of the harmonic filter. Simulation results are presented

  18. Scapulothoracic muscle strength in individuals with neck pain. (United States)

    Petersen, Shannon M; Domino, Nathan A; Cook, Chad E


    People with neck pain often present with weakness in the scapulothoracic muscles. Few studies have examined lower trapezius (LT), middle trapezius (MT) and serratus anterior (SA) muscle strength in individuals with neck pain, nor compared strength to asymptomatic individuals. The aim of this study was to examine LT, MT and SA muscle strength in individuals with chronic neck pain. Descriptive cross sectional design. Twenty two individuals with chronic neck pain and 17 asymptomatic individuals were included. Participants were asked to complete a screening questionnaire, Neck Disability Index, and underwent manual muscle testing for the LT, MT, and SA muscles bilaterally. Data analyses included paired and comparative independent t-tests. For individuals with neck pain, significant within subject differences in strength between sides for the LT (Pneck pain were significantly weaker than asymptomatic individuals for the LT (p= 0.02), MT (p= 0.03), and SA (p= 0.01) on their side of neck pain, but not on their non-painful side. Significant within subject differences were found between sides for the LT and MT while significant between group differences were identified for all three muscles tested.

  19. O desconforto térmico provocado pelos equipamentos de proteção individual (epi) utilizados na aplicação de agrotóxicos


    Marcelo Motta Veiga; Ronaldo Almeida; Francisco Duarte


    Human metabolism produces heat during labor activities. The human body works as a thermodynamic system maintaining a steady body temperature. The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) jeopardizes the heat dissipation, making difficult to keep ain body temperature at a comfortable level. This study analyzed the interference of PPE in workers' thermal comfort. This study made measurements of heart rate and body temperature of workers using PPE during the process of spraying pesticides. Thi...

  20. Preserved sleep microstructure in blind individuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aubin, Sébrina; Christensen, Julie A.E.; Jennum, Poul


    , as light is the primary zeitgeber of the master biological clock found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. In addition, a greater number of sleep disturbances is often reported in blind individuals. Here, we examined various electroencephalographic microstructural components of sleep, both...... during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep, between blind individuals, including both of early and late onset, and normal-sighted controls. During wakefulness, occipital alpha oscillations were lower, or absent in blind individuals. During sleep, differences were observed across...... electrode derivations between the early and late blind samples, which may reflect altered cortical networking in early blindness. Despite these differences in power spectra density, the electroencephalography microstructure of sleep, including sleep spindles, slow wave activity, and sawtooth waves, remained...

  1. Metabolite Biometrics for the Differentiation of Individuals. (United States)

    Hair, Mindy E; Mathis, Adrianna I; Brunelle, Erica K; Halámková, Lenka; Halámek, Jan


    Sweat is a biological fluid present on the skin surface of every individual and is known to contain amino acids as well as other low molecular weight compounds. (1) Each individual is inherently different from one another based on certain factors including, but not limited to, his/her genetic makeup, environment, and lifestyle. As such, the biochemical composition of each person greatly differs. The concentrations of the biochemical content within an individual's sweat are largely controlled by metabolic processes within the body that fluctuate regularly based on attributes such as age, sex, and activity level. Therefore, the concentrations of these sweat components are person-specific and can be exploited, as presented here, to differentiate individuals based on trace amounts of sweat. For this concept, we analyzed three model compounds-lactate, urea, and glutamate. The average absorbance change from each compound in sweat was determined using three separate bioaffinity-based systems: lactate oxidase coupled with horseradish peroxidase (LOx-HRP), urease coupled with glutamate dehydrogenase (UR-GlDH), and glutamate dehydrogenase alone (GlDH). After optimization of a linear dependence for each assay to its respective analyte, analysis was performed on 50 mimicked sweat samples. Additionally, a collection and extraction method was developed and optimized by our group to evaluate authentic sweat samples from the skin surface of 25 individuals. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test was performed to demonstrate that these three single-analyte enzymatic assays were effectively used to identify each person in both sample sets. This novel sweat analysis approach is capable of differentiating individuals, without the use of DNA, based on the collective responses from the chosen metabolic compounds in sweat. Applications for this newly developed, noninvasive analysis can include the field of forensic science in order to differentiate between individuals as well

  2. 48 CFR 1328.203 - Acceptability of individual sureties. (United States)


    ... individual sureties. 1328.203 Section 1328.203 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE... Acceptability of individual sureties. (a) Contracting officers shall obtain the opinion of the Procurement Counsel as to the adequacy of the documents pledging the assets of an individual surety prior to accepting...

  3. 34 CFR 300.23 - Individualized education program team. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individualized education program team. 300.23 Section 300.23 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF... education program team. Individualized education program team or IEP Team means a group of individuals...

  4. Individual variation in resisting temptation: implications for addiction (United States)

    Saunders, Benjamin T.; Robinson, Terry E.


    When exposed to the sights, sounds, smells and/or places that have been associated with rewards, such as food or drugs, some individuals have difficulty resisting the temptation to seek out and consume them. Others have less difficulty restraining themselves. Thus, Pavlovian reward cues may motivate maladaptive patterns of behavior to a greater extent in some individuals than in others. We are just beginning to understand the factors underlying individual differences in the extent to which reward cues acquire powerful motivational properties, and therefore, the ability to act as incentive stimuli. Here we review converging evidence from studies in both human and non-human animals suggesting that a subset of individuals are more “cue reactive”, in that certain reward cues are more likely to attract these individuals to them and motivate actions to get them. We suggest that those individuals for whom Pavlovian reward cues become especially powerful incentives may be more vulnerable to impulse control disorders, such as binge eating and addiction. PMID:23438893

  5. Determinants of individual AIDS risk perception: knowledge ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Determinants of individual AIDS risk perception: knowledge, behavioural ... we argue that individual risk perception is shaped by social network influences. ... to show that the importance of AIDS related knowledge and behavioural factors risks ...

  6. Fostering Individual and Organizational Creativity in Design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katharine E. Leigh


    Full Text Available Demand for creativity has moved from individual to organizational levels encompassing work environments in which organizations, competing for customers and clients, must demonstrate increased creativity and innovation as the pace of change escalates. Creativity, as a means to produce innovative outcomes, invites individuals and organizations to generate and embrace new ideas and ways of accomplishing work tasks. Facilitators of individual and organizational creativity, in non-design organizations, have revealed climate factors consistent in measuring workplace creativity; however, research findings have suggested differences between creative and non-creative environments regarding the importance of resources, time pressure, and autonomy relative to work tasks in studies of architectural and advertising work environments. This paper focuses on findings of two empirical studies used to identify key factors influencing creativity at the individual and organizational levels.

  7. Chinese version of the separation-individuation inventory. (United States)

    Tam, Wai-Cheong Carl; Shiah, Yung-Jong; Chiang, Shih-Kuang


    The importance of the separation-individuation process in object relations theory is well known in disciplines of psychology, counseling, and human development. Based on the Separation-Individuation Inventory of Christenson and Wilson, which measures the manifestations of disturbances in this process, a Chinese version of the inventory was developed. For college students Cronbach coefficient alpha was .89, and test-retest reliability over 28 days was .77. The scores of the inventory had positive correlations with both the number of borderline personality characteristics and the Individualism-Collectivism Scale, respectively. Also, the mean score on the inventory of patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder was significantly higher than that of the two normal control groups (ns = 564). Thus the inventory possessed satisfactory construct validity. Cultural differences regarding the separation-individuation process need to be investigated further.


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    Full Text Available The demand of confectionery products and their massive consumption, leads to the agri-food industry include in its transformation processes inputs that improve the nutritional quality of the final products. Considering that chocolate has a high percentage of sugar (sucrose content of 30-60%, it is necessary to use alternative sweeteners for its elaboration, that promote a healthy diet. The objective of the present review is to characterize some natural sweeteners such as erythritol, stevia (stevioside and rebaudioside-A, thaumatin and bulking agents such as inulin and polydextrose with structural and rheological functions; highlighting aspects such as its origin, caloric intake, sweetening power, ADI (Admissible Daily Intake and its influence on chocolate quality parameters. Although they may affect their sensory properties, these sweeteners have wide advantages because of their low caloric content and high potency in sweetness compared to sucrose. This shows the need to perform studies to determine the sweetener and the bulking agent that best substitute sucrose in the manufacture of chocolates. Finally, it is evident that the use of natural sweeteners, generates health benefits and impact on the sensorial and rheological quality of chocolate.

  9. Tratamientos más utilizados en la colitis ulcerativa


    Daisy Carbajal-Quintana


    Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la colitis ulcerativa, el objetivo de esta revisión consiste en la aproximación al manejo de enfermedad haciendo énfasis en los tratamientos. La colitis ulcerativa (CU) es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica caracterizada por la inflamación de la mucosa del colon y el recto. Es una enfermedad multifactorial, con una interacción compleja de factores genéticos y ambientales. Los síntomas más frecuentes son diarrea, dolor abdominal y...

  10. 26 CFR 1.408-3 - Individual retirement annuities. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 5 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual retirement annuities. 1.408-3 Section... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Pension, Profit-Sharing, Stock Bonus Plans, Etc. § 1.408-3 Individual retirement annuities. (a) In general. An individual retirement annuity is an annuity contract or endowment contract...

  11. 32 CFR 881.3 - Individual Service Review Board. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual Service Review Board. 881.3 Section... Individual Service Review Board. (a) The Commander, Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (HQ AFPC/CC) establishes the Individual Service Review Board as necessary. (b) The Board consists of military members in...

  12. Group Versus Individual Cognitive Therapy: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Rush, A. John; Watkins, John T.

    Group therapy and individual cognitive therapy were investigated with non-bipolar moderate-to-severely-depressed outpatients (N=44) assigned to group cognitive therapy, individual cognitive therapy only, or to individual cognitive therapy in combination with anti-depressant medication. Treatment efficacy was measured by self-report and a clinical…

  13. Responsiveness of the individual work performance questionnaire.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koopmans, L.; Coffeng, J.K.; Bernaards, C.M.; Boot, C.R.L.; Hildebrandt, V.H.; Vet, H.C.W. de; Beek, A.J. van der


    Background: Individual work performance is an important outcome measure in studies in the workplace. Nevertheless, its conceptualization and measurement has proven challenging. To overcome limitations of existing scales, the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) was recently developed.

  14. Responsiveness of the individual work performance questionnaire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koopmans, L.; Coffeng, J.K.; Bernaards, C.M.; Boot, C.R.; Hildebrandt, V.H.; Vet, H.C. de; Beek, A.J. van der


    Background: Individual work performance is an important outcome measure in studies in the workplace. Nevertheless, its conceptualization and measurement has proven challenging. To overcome limitations of existing scales, the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) was recently developed.

  15. Financial Advice and Individual Investor Portfolio Performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kramer, M.M.


    This paper investigates whether financial advisers add value to individual investors portfolio decisions by comparing portfolios of advised and self-directed (execution-only) Dutch individual investors. The results indicate significant differences in characteristics and portfolios between these

  16. Avaliação de sistemas de irrigação por gotejamento, utilizados na cafeicultura Evaluation of trickle irrigation systems used in coffee crop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís O. C. de Souza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido no período de agosto a outubro de 1999, com o objetivo de avaliar os sistemas de irrigação por gotejamento utilizados na cafeicultura irrigada do norte do Espírito Santo e nas áreas de cerrado de Minas Gerais e caracterizar a porcentagem de área molhada (PAM nesses sistemas de irrigação. Foram realizadas medidas das dimensões do bulbo molhado para determinação da porcentagem de área molhada. Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se que, dos valores de coeficiente de uniformidade de distribuição determinados, apenas um sistema apresentou valor abaixo de 70%, refletindo uma uniformidade ruim. No que se refere aos demais resultados, dez sistemas indicaram valores de uniformidade de distribuição entre 70 e 80%, oito sistemas mostraram valores entre 80 e 90% e doze sistemas apontaram valores acima de 90%, indicando uniformidade razoável, boa e excelente, respectivamente. Dos valores determinados, a maioria dos sistemas que apresentaram uniformidade de boa a excelente estava situada na região de cerrado de Minas Gerais. Com relação à PAM, os valores determinados variaram na faixa de 19 a 100% e apenas um sistema apresentou valor abaixo do limite mínimo recomendado para regiões úmidas, que é de 20%.This study was carried out over the period from August to October 1999, aiming the evaluation of trickle irrigation systems used in coffee crop in the northern part of Espírito Santo State and the savannah areas of Minas Gerais State, as well as to characterize the percentage of wetted area (PWA of these irrigation systems. The wetted bulb dimensions measurements were accomplished for determining the percent wetted area. According to the results, just one system presented a value lower than 70% for the distribution uniformity coefficient, reflecting a bad uniformity. Concerning to the other results, ten systems showed the distribution uniformity values ranging from 70 to 80%, whereas for eight systems, it

  17. Comparison of the thermal gain of the more commonly roofing systems used in Mexico`s social dwellings; Comparacion de la ganancia termica de los sistemas de techumbre mas comunmente utilizados en la vivienda social en Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandez, Alfredo [Division de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Morillon, David [Comision Nacional para el Ahorro de Energia (CONAE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    Under the frame of discussion of the Mexican Official Standard 008 (Integral Energy Efficiency in non-residential Buildings), and with the purpose of assessing its feasibility and possible extension to residential buildings, this paper, whose objective is to evaluate the roofing systems (opaque) more commonly utilized on the social dwellings in Mexico, is presented. To perform this evaluation the heat gains by conduction through the roofing in different cities were obtained. Later on these heat gains were compared against the energy consumption that would produce its removal in each one of the cases. Finally, thermal resistance values (R) that allow, in significant form diminishing such gains, are presented, producing in consequence, a thermally efficient building. [Espanol] Dentro del marco de discusion de la Norma Oficial Mexicana 008 (Eficiencia energetica integral en edificios no residenciales), y con el fin de evaluar su factibilidad y posible extension hacia las edificaciones residenciales, se presenta este trabajo que tiene como objetivo la evaluacion de los sistemas de techumbre (opacos) mas comunmente utilizados dentro de la vivienda social en Mexico. Para realizar esta evaluacion se obtuvieron las ganancias por conduccion a traves del techo para distintas ciudades. Posteriormente, se compararon dichas ganancias contra el consumo de energia que produciria la remocion de las mismas en cada uno de los casos. Finalmente, se proponen valores de Resistencia Termica (R) que permitan disminuir de manera importante dichas ganancias teniendo, en consecuencia, una edificacion energeticamente eficiente.

  18. Comparison of the thermal gain of the more commonly roofing systems used in Mexico`s social dwellings; Comparacion de la ganancia termica de los sistemas de techumbre mas comunmente utilizados en la vivienda social en Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandez, Alfredo [Division de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Morillon, David [Comision Nacional para el Ahorro de Energia (CONAE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    Under the frame of discussion of the Mexican Official Standard 008 (Integral Energy Efficiency in non-residential Buildings), and with the purpose of assessing its feasibility and possible extension to residential buildings, this paper, whose objective is to evaluate the roofing systems (opaque) more commonly utilized on the social dwellings in Mexico, is presented. To perform this evaluation the heat gains by conduction through the roofing in different cities were obtained. Later on these heat gains were compared against the energy consumption that would produce its removal in each one of the cases. Finally, thermal resistance values (R) that allow, in significant form diminishing such gains, are presented, producing in consequence, a thermally efficient building. [Espanol] Dentro del marco de discusion de la Norma Oficial Mexicana 008 (Eficiencia energetica integral en edificios no residenciales), y con el fin de evaluar su factibilidad y posible extension hacia las edificaciones residenciales, se presenta este trabajo que tiene como objetivo la evaluacion de los sistemas de techumbre (opacos) mas comunmente utilizados dentro de la vivienda social en Mexico. Para realizar esta evaluacion se obtuvieron las ganancias por conduccion a traves del techo para distintas ciudades. Posteriormente, se compararon dichas ganancias contra el consumo de energia que produciria la remocion de las mismas en cada uno de los casos. Finalmente, se proponen valores de Resistencia Termica (R) que permitan disminuir de manera importante dichas ganancias teniendo, en consecuencia, una edificacion energeticamente eficiente.

  19. Complexity in Individual Trajectories toward Online Extremism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Z. Cao


    Full Text Available Society faces a fundamental global problem of understanding which individuals are currently developing strong support for some extremist entity such as ISIS (Islamic State, even if they never end up doing anything in the real world. The importance of online connectivity in developing intent has been confirmed by recent case studies of already convicted terrorists. Here we use ideas from Complexity to identify dynamical patterns in the online trajectories that individuals take toward developing a high level of extremist support, specifically, for ISIS. Strong memory effects emerge among individuals whose transition is fastest and hence may become “out of the blue” threats in the real world. A generalization of diagrammatic expansion theory helps quantify these characteristics, including the impact of changes in geographical location, and can facilitate prediction of future risks. By quantifying the trajectories that individuals follow on their journey toward expressing high levels of pro-ISIS support—irrespective of whether they then carry out a real-world attack or not—our findings can help move safety debates beyond reliance on static watch-list identifiers such as ethnic background or immigration status and/or postfact interviews with already convicted individuals. Given the broad commonality of social media platforms, our results likely apply quite generally; for example, even on Telegram where (like Twitter there is no built-in group feature as in our study, individuals tend to collectively build and pass through the so-called super-group accounts.

  20. Assessing personal disposition of individuals towards technology adoption

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irbha Magotra


    Full Text Available The present study has attempted to explore personal disposition of individuals towards technology adoption through the development of an index named as Technology Adoption Index. For developing the index, exploratory factor analysis approach has been employed on the sample of 1201 responses collected from the residents of 12 different cities in India. Accordingly, the results of the index have indicated significant role of seven personal traits, namely, optimism, innovativeness, self-efficacy, risk taking propensity, habit, social influence and psychological resilience while manifesting personal disposition of individuals towards technology adoption, i.e., the technology adoption propensity of the individuals. Further, an attempt has also been made to explore the socio-economic characteristics of the individuals possessing distinct level of personal disposition towards technology adoption. Accordingly, the results have unveiled that the personal disposition of the individuals towards technology adoption increases with enhancement in their income and qualification but decreases with enhancement in their age. As a measurement tool, Technology Adoption Index can be used as ready-recknor by practitioners for the identification of technology adoption propensity of the individuals. This will facilitate organizations in developing and designing new products and services which can be readily accepted by the individuals.

  1. Technologically Reflective Individuals as Enablers of Social Innovation* (United States)

    Rau, Christiane; Gassmann, Oliver; van den Hende, Ellis


    This paper identifies technologically reflective individuals and demonstrates their ability to develop innovations that benefit society. Technological reflectiveness (TR) is the tendency to think about the societal impact of an innovation, and those who display this capability in public are individuals who participate in online idea competitions focused on technical solutions for social problems (such as General Electric's eco‐challenge, the James Dyson Award, and the BOSCH Technology Horizon Award). However, technologically reflective individuals also reflect in private settings (e.g., when reading news updates), thus requiring a scale to identify them. This paper describes the systematic development of an easy‐to‐administer multi‐item scale to measure an individual's level of TR. Applying the TR scale in an empirical study on a health monitoring system confirmed that individuals' degree of TR relates positively to their ability to generate (1) more new product features and uses, (2) features with higher levels of societal impact, and (3) features that are more elaborated. This scale allows firms seeking to implement co‐creation in their new product development (NPD) process and sustainable solutions to identify such individuals. Thus, this paper indicates that companies wishing to introduce new technological products with a positive societal impact may profit from involving technologically reflective individuals in the NPD process. PMID:27134342

  2. Technologically Reflective Individuals as Enablers of Social Innovation. (United States)

    Schweitzer, Fiona; Rau, Christiane; Gassmann, Oliver; van den Hende, Ellis


    This paper identifies technologically reflective individuals and demonstrates their ability to develop innovations that benefit society. Technological reflectiveness (TR) is the tendency to think about the societal impact of an innovation, and those who display this capability in public are individuals who participate in online idea competitions focused on technical solutions for social problems (such as General Electric's eco-challenge, the James Dyson Award, and the BOSCH Technology Horizon Award). However, technologically reflective individuals also reflect in private settings (e.g., when reading news updates), thus requiring a scale to identify them. This paper describes the systematic development of an easy-to-administer multi-item scale to measure an individual's level of TR. Applying the TR scale in an empirical study on a health monitoring system confirmed that individuals' degree of TR relates positively to their ability to generate (1) more new product features and uses, (2) features with higher levels of societal impact, and (3) features that are more elaborated. This scale allows firms seeking to implement co-creation in their new product development (NPD) process and sustainable solutions to identify such individuals. Thus, this paper indicates that companies wishing to introduce new technological products with a positive societal impact may profit from involving technologically reflective individuals in the NPD process.

  3. Individual- and community-level social gradients of edentulousness. (United States)

    Ito, Kanade; Aida, Jun; Yamamoto, Tatsuo; Ohtsuka, Rika; Nakade, Miyo; Suzuki, Kayo; Kondo, Katsunori; Osaka, Ken


    Community-level factors as well as individual-level factors affect individual health. To date, no studies have examined the association between community-level social gradient and edentulousness. The aim of this study was to investigate individual- and community-level social inequalities in edentulousness and to determine any explanatory factors in this association. We analyzed the data from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES). In 2010-2012, 112,123 subjects aged 65 or older responded to the questionnaire survey (response rate = 66.3%). Multilevel logistic regression analysis was applied to determine the association between community-level income and edentulousness after accounting for individual-level income and demographic covariates. Then, we estimated the probability of edentulousness by individual- and community-level incomes after adjusted for covariates. Of 79,563 valid participants, the prevalence of edentulousness among 39,550 men (49.7%) and 40,013 women (50.3%) were both 13.8%. Living in communities with higher mean incomes and having higher individual-level incomes were significantly associated with a lower risk of edentulousness (odds ratios [ORs] by 10,000 USD increments were 0.37 (95% confidence interval [CI] [0.22-0.63]) for community-level and 0.85 (95% CI [0.84-0.86]) for individual-level income). Individual- and community-level social factors, including density of dental clinics, partially explained the social gradients. However, in the fully adjusted model, both community- and individual-level social gradients of edentulousness remained significant (ORs = 0.43 (95% CI [0.27-0.67]) and 0.90 (95% CI [0.88-0.91]), respectively). One standard deviation changes in community- and individual-level incomes were associated with 0.78 and 0.84 times lower odds of edentulousness, respectively. In addition, compared to men, women living in communities with higher average incomes had a significantly lower risk of edentulousness (p-value for

  4. Individual and group-level job resources and their relationships with individual work engagement. (United States)

    Füllemann, Désirée; Brauchli, Rebecca; Jenny, Gregor J; Bauer, Georg F


    This study adds a multilevel perspective to the well-researched individual-level relationship between job resources and work engagement. In addition, we explored whether individual job resources cluster within work groups because of a shared psychosocial environment and investigated whether a resource-rich psychosocial work group environment is beneficial for employee engagement over and above the beneficial effect of individual job resources and independent of their variability within groups. Data of 1,219 employees nested in 103 work groups were obtained from a baseline employee survey of a large stress management intervention project implemented in six medium and large-sized organizations in diverse sectors. A variety of important job resources were assessed and grouped to an overall job resource factor with three subfactors (manager behavior, peer behavior, and task-related resources). Data were analyzed using multilevel random coefficient modeling. The results indicated that job resources cluster within work groups and can be aggregated to a group-level job resources construct. However, a resource-rich environment, indicated by high group-level job resources, did not additionally benefit employee work engagement but on the contrary, was negatively related to it. On the basis of this unexpected result, replication studies are encouraged and suggestions for future studies on possible underlying within-group processes are discussed. The study supports the presumed value of integrating work group as a relevant psychosocial environment into the motivational process and indicates a need to further investigate emergent processes involved in aggregation procedures across levels.

  5. 48 CFR 28.203-7 - Exclusion of individual sureties. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Exclusion of individual... Exclusion of individual sureties. (a) An individual may be excluded from acting as a surety on bonds... of protecting the Government. (b) An individual may be excluded for any of the following causes: (1...

  6. 48 CFR 828.203-7 - Exclusion of individual sureties. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Exclusion of individual... Exclusion of individual sureties. The DSPE may make the determinations referenced in FAR 28.203-7: (a) To exclude individuals from acting as surety on bonds; and (b) To accept bonds from individuals named on the...

  7. Individual variation in resisting temptation: implications for addiction. (United States)

    Saunders, Benjamin T; Robinson, Terry E


    When exposed to the sights, sounds, smells and/or places that have been associated with rewards, such as food or drugs, some individuals have difficulty resisting the temptation to seek out and consume them. Others have less difficulty restraining themselves. Thus, Pavlovian reward cues may motivate maladaptive patterns of behavior to a greater extent in some individuals than in others. We are just beginning to understand the factors underlying individual differences in the extent to which reward cues acquire powerful motivational properties, and therefore, the ability to act as incentive stimuli. Here we review converging evidence from studies in both human and non-human animals suggesting that a subset of individuals are more "cue reactive", in that certain reward cues are more likely to attract these individuals to them and motivate actions to get them. We suggest that those individuals for whom Pavlovian reward cues become especially powerful incentives may be more vulnerable to impulse control disorders, such as binge eating and addiction. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. 40 CFR 191.15 - Individual protection requirements. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 24 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual protection requirements. 191.15 Section 191.15 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) RADIATION... Individual protection requirements. (a) Disposal systems for waste and any associated radioactive material...

  9. Individual Pitch Control Using LIDAR Measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mirzaei, Mahmood; Henriksen, Lars Christian; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad


    In this work the problem of individual pitch control of a variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbine in the full load region is considered. Model predictive control (MPC) is used to solve the problem. However as the plant is nonlinear and time varying, a new approach is proposed to simplify......-of-plane blade root bending moments and a better transient response compared to a benchmark PI individual pitch controller....

  10. How are individualism and collectivism measured?


    Cozma, Irina


    The cross-cultural research abound in instruments used to measure individualism and collectivism (27 scales measures various forms of individualism and/or collectivism; Oyserman et al., 2002). The present article takes a closer look at two of the most widely used measures in this literature (Singelis, Triandis, Bhawuk, and Gelfand, 1995; Triandis and Gelfand, 1998) and hilights their psychometrical strenghs and limitaions (reliability, validiy, and measurment equivalence). The article aims to...

  11. Reduced Personal Space in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kosuke Asada

    Full Text Available Maintaining an appropriate distance from others is important for establishing effective communication and good interpersonal relations. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD is a developmental disorder associated with social difficulties, and it is thus worth examining whether individuals with ASD maintain typical or atypical degrees of social distance. Any atypicality of social distancing may impact daily social interactions. We measured the preferred distances when individuals with ASD and typically developing (TD individuals approached other people (a male experimenter and objects (a coat rack with clothes or when other people approached them. Individuals with ASD showed reduced interpersonal distances compared to TD individuals. The same tendency was found when participants judged their preferred distance from objects. In addition, when being approached by other people, both individuals with ASD and TD individuals maintained larger interpersonal distances when there was eye contact, compared to no eye contact. These results suggest that individuals with ASD have a relatively small personal space, and that this atypicality exists not only for persons but also for objects.

  12. Designing and Realization of an Individual Educational Program (United States)

    Yunusova, Gulnaz R.; Karunas, Ekaterina V.


    Relevance of the issue is caused by the change of a knowledge-oriented educational paradigm into an individual-oriented one. This change means that an individual is the most significant value in the modern process of teaching. The aim of the article is to find a theoretical proof for an individual study program design and test it in pedagogical…

  13. Standards, documents of relevance and directives in individual monitoring: is European individual monitoring in compliance with standards?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fantuzzi, E.


    Full text: Individual monitoring services in Europe do not comply with the same legal or approval requirements. Anyway, a degree of harmonization existing in individual monitoring practices in Europe has been achieved mainly thank to documents as standards or international recommendations, which with a different weight, represent invaluable vehicles of condensed information transfer. However, implementation of standards is not straightforward and harmonization is not directly a consequence. Somehow, 'harmony' is needed also in standards: IEC and ISO standards on performance requirements for dosemeters sometimes have different approaches (i.e. performance criteria). If used for approval, passing one will not necessarily mean passing all. Moreover, standards do not all refer to reliability, and therefore being in compliance with standards does not itself assure that dose results are reliable. This might apply only to ISO/IEC17025 'quality' standard, which represents the best available tool for the quality of laboratory work and somehow include all technical and management requirements. When accredited according to ISO/IEC17025, an Individual Monitoring Service (IMS) fulfils standards. Standards are not the only reference documents for an IMS. EURADOS working group on 'Harmonization of Individual Monitoring in Europe', who has been active in the years 2001-2004, suggested a classification of publication on individual monitoring, distinguishing between standards and documents of relevance, which can be both national and international. A standard, unlike a textbook or technical publication, does not cover the experience and opinion of one or few individuals only, but the consensus of the entire scientific and technical community concerned. Most of the standards applicable to individual monitoring are published by IEC or ISO, or both together. However, it has to be kept in mind that ISO and IEC standards, for example, are meant for manufactures and industry, which do not

  14. The impact of individual and organisational factors on engagement of individuals with intellectual disability living in community group homes: a multilevel model. (United States)

    Qian, X; Tichá, R; Larson, S A; Stancliffe, R J; Wuorio, A


    Being engaged in daily activities is a strong indicator of quality of life for individuals with intellectual disability (ID) who live in small community group homes. This study aimed to identify individual and organisational factors that predict high levels of engagement. Individuals with ID (n = 78), direct support professionals (DSPs; n = 174) and supervisors (n = 21) from 21 US group homes participated in the study. For each individual with ID, we conducted 80 min of observation at the person's residence. Information was also gathered regarding demographic characteristics, DSP competence, supervisor years of experience and management practices. Data were analysed using multilevel modelling. On average, individuals were engaged in social activities 12% of observed time and non-social activities 35% of the time. Individuals with greater adaptive skills who were supported by more competent staff showed significantly higher levels of social engagement. Individuals with less severe deficits in adaptive behaviours and less challenging behaviour showed higher levels of non-social engagement. Although none of the factors related to group homes were significant, 24% of the variance in non-social engagement existed among group homes. These results suggested that engagement is a dynamic construct. The extent to which an individual with ID is engaged in daily life is a result of interplay between the individual's characteristics and the group home environment. Future research is needed to investigate the influence of variables specific to the group home on the engagement level of individuals with disabilities. © 2014 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Strategic sophistication of individuals and teams. Experimental evidence (United States)

    Sutter, Matthias; Czermak, Simon; Feri, Francesco


    Many important decisions require strategic sophistication. We examine experimentally whether teams act more strategically than individuals. We let individuals and teams make choices in simple games, and also elicit first- and second-order beliefs. We find that teams play the Nash equilibrium strategy significantly more often, and their choices are more often a best response to stated first order beliefs. Distributional preferences make equilibrium play less likely. Using a mixture model, the estimated probability to play strategically is 62% for teams, but only 40% for individuals. A model of noisy introspection reveals that teams differ from individuals in higher order beliefs. PMID:24926100

  16. Computerized assessment of the measurement of individual doses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiibus, A.


    The department for the measurements of individual doses makes regular dose controls by means of film badges for approximately 14000 individuals. The operation is facilitated by a Honeywell Bull Mini 6 Mod 43 computer. The computer language is COBOL applied to registering of in-data such as delivery of badges, film development, calibration, invoices, recording of individual doses and customers. The print-out consists of customers, badge codes, dosimeter lists, development specifications, dose statements, addresses, bills, dose statistics and the register of individuals. As a consequence of charges the activity is financially self-supporting. (G.B.)

  17. From class society to the individualized society?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasborg, Klaus


    change and social reproduction in the form of an attempt to think the differentiated (stratified) forms of individualization in reflexive modernity. The assumption is that there is adifferentiation in reflexive modern people’s ability to deal with the requirements of individualization, depending...

  18. Individual Hearing Loss: Characterization, Modelling, Compensation Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Santurette, Sébastien; Dau, Torsten; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jakob


    account for such individual differences, which make it challenging to find adequate compensation strategies in hearing devices. How to characterize, model, and compensate for individual hearing loss were the main topics of the fifth International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR...

  19. Individual stock-option prices and credit spreads

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cremers, M.; Driessen, J.; Maenhout, P.; Weinbaum, D.


    This paper introduces measures of volatility and jump risk that are based on individual stock options to explain credit spreads on corporate bonds. Implied volatilities of individual options are shown to contain useful information for credit spreads and improve on historical volatilities when

  20. [Falls of older individuals: medical assessment]. (United States)

    De Breucker, S; Nkodo Mekongo, Y P; Ibebeke, B; Pepersack, T


    Falls are one of the most common problems that threaten the independence of older individuals. They usually occur when impairments in multiple domains compromise the compensatory ability of the individual, as is the case for many geriatric syndromes. A number of the physical conditions and environmental situations predispose to falls. The medical risk factors of falls are reviewed. Falls in older individuals are rarely due to a single cause. Mechanisms that maintain postural stability are altered with aging (balance, gait speed, cardiovascular function). Female gender, past history of a fall, cognitive impairment, lower extremity weakness, balance problems, psychotropic drug use, arthritis, history of stroke, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, and anemia represent the most frequent causes of risk of falls. Physical examination should focus upon the above mentioned risk factors and also on the presence of orthostatic hypotension, visual acuity, hearing assessment, examination of the extremities for deformities or neuropathies, and carotid sinus hypersensitivity which contributes to falls in people with unexplained falls. In conclusion, assessment of older individual at risk of falls or who fall present medical specificities. However, these latter specificities should be included in a comprehensive assessment which focus on intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Interventional strategies including comprehensive and interdisciplinary assessment lead to effective prevention.


    Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. Graduate School of Education.


  2. Cyberspace and individual: a possible synthesis?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murilo Canella


    Full Text Available This study attempts to draw a picture of “liquid-modern” society regarding the extreme relationship exchange and neologism existing among the association forms created from the “solid modernity”. It tries to demonstrate the correlation between the fragmentation of tradition and the emergency for new values which, in its direct confrontation, brought to the humanity an era of new meanings and ongoing processes. From this concept derives the duality between “global” and “local”, submitted to economic, political, social and cultural processes, which in a closer examination shows the confl uence of latent crisis regarding the individual identity, even more oriented by global processes, inserted in an also global and virtual space, cyberspace. It follows, however, the problematic about the loss of individuals humanity by the impersonal logic of consumerism and its infl uence on individual thought.

  3. Individualism/collectivism and organizational citizenship behavior. (United States)

    Dávila de León, María Celeste; Finkelstein, Marcia A


    Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) are workplace activities that exceed an employee's formal job requirements and contribute to the effective functioning of the organization. We explored the roles of the dispositional traits of individualism and collectivism in the prediction of OCB. The relationship was examined in the context of other constructs known to influence OCB, specifically, motives and identity as an organizational citizen. A total of 367 employees in 24 organizations completed surveys measuring individualism/collectivism, OCB motives, strength of organizational citizen role identity, and amount of OCB. The results showed collectivism to be a significant predictor of Organizational Concern and Prosocial Values motives, role identity, and OCB. Individualism predicted Impression Management motives and was a significant negative predictor of a role identity as one who helps others. The findings are discussed with regard to previous research in OCB.

  4. Careful Cheating: People Cheat Groups Rather than Individuals. (United States)

    Amir, Amitai; Kogut, Tehila; Bereby-Meyer, Yoella


    Cheating for material gain is a destructive phenomenon in any society. We examine the extent to which people care about the victims of their unethical behavior-be they a group of people or an individual-and whether they are sensitive to the degree of harm or cost that they cause to these victims. The results of three studies suggest that when a group (rather than a single individual) is the victim of one's behavior, the incidence of cheating increases only if the harm to the group is presented in global terms-such that the cheating might be justified by the relatively minor harm caused to each individual in the group (Studies #1 and #3). However, when the harm or cost to each individual in the group is made explicit, the tendency to cheat the group is no longer apparent and the tendency to cheat increases when the harm caused is minor-regardless of whether the victim is an individual or a group of people (Study #2). Individual differences in rational and intuitive thinking appear to play different roles in the decision to cheat different type of opponents: individual opponents seem to trigger the subject's intuitive thinking which restrains the urge to cheat, whereas groups of opponents seem to trigger the subject's rational mode of thinking which encourage cheating.

  5. Do individualism and collectivism on three levels (country, individual, and situation) influence theory-of-mind efficiency? A cross-country study


    Vu, Tuong-Van; Finkenauer, Catrin; Huizinga, Mariette; Novin, Sheida; Krabbendam, Lydia


    This study investigated whether individualism and collectivism (IC) at country, individual, and situational level influence how quickly and accurately people can infer mental states (i.e. theory of mind, or ToM), indexed by accuracy and reaction time in a ToM task. We hypothesized that collectivism (having an interdependent self and valuing group concerns), compared to individualism (having an independent self and valuing personal concerns), is associated with greater accuracy and speed in re...

  6. Nanocompósitos PVC/nanotubos de carbono: avaliação da resistividade elétrica e efeito do solvente utilizado na obtenção dos nanocompósitos nas propriedades térmicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério G. Araújo


    Full Text Available O procedimento de obtenção de nanocompósitos dispersando as nanopartículas na matriz polimérica em solução com posterior eliminação do solvente tem sido bastante utilizado, considerando a maior eficiência de obtenção de homogeneidade do produto final. Entretanto, a presença de solvente residual nos nanocompósitos pode afetar as propriedades micro e macroscópicas do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades térmicas de nanocompósitos de poli(cloreto de vinila/nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas obtidos a partir da solução do polímero e dispersão dos nanotubos de carbono em tetraidrofurano (THF, bem como a resistividade elétrica dos nanocompósitos e a influência de solvente residual. A presença de tetraidrofurano residual reduz a temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg em até 26 °C, sendo independente da quantidade de nanotubos de carbono. A eliminação total do solvente é um fator importante para que não induza mudanças nas propriedades da matriz polimérica. O enxerto de grupos -COOH na estrutura dos nanotubos induz uma considerável redução da resistividade elétrica, em dez ordens de grandeza, a partir de 0,4 %(m/m de nanotubos na composição dos nanocompósitos.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The rapid changes in the global sense of individual adaptation to the new situation quickly necessitates individuals to show an innovative style in order to wriggle out similars. Being innovative becomes prerequisites of bringing qualified person fort he provision of skilled labor in the 21st century. Many of our teachers’ sincere behaviours are example for students following them. It is thought that an innovative structure of our teachers causes students to develop in this directi on. The aim of our research in this context is to propound individual innovativeness ,categories and the levels of the teachers in primary schools who shapes the future of our country . This study is a descriptive research conducted quantitative approach. Universe of the study consists of 190 primary schools in the townships constitutes of şehitkamil Sahinbey city in Gaziantep. The sample was selected randomly. They belong to the category of teachers and determine their level of innovation data f or the Hurt et al. (1997 developed by the "Individual Innovativeness" scale Kılıçer and Odabaşı (2010 made by the Turkish cultural adaptation, validity and reliability studies were collected by state.individual Innovation level of teachers and categorie s are determined.

  8. Is Priscilla, the trapped positron, an individual? Quantum physics, the use of names, and individuation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krause, Décio


    Full Text Available Nobel laureate Hans Dehmelt trapped a positron for three months, which was named “Priscilla”. Dehmelt said that we could not doubt the identity of Priscilla. This poses us a philosophical problem, for we have learnt from quantum physics (in most of its interpretations that quantum objects shouldn’t have individuality. In this paper, we address on the questions of naming quanta and the issue of individuation. We conclude by saying that, although Dehmelt has named something, this something is not an individual.

    El Premio Nobel Hans Dehmelt aprisionó un positron, que fue llamado “Priscilla”. Dehmelt dijo que no podemos dudar de la identidad de Priscilla. Eso nos coloca un problema filosófico, puesto que aprendimos con la mecánica cuántica (en sus principales interpretaciones que los objetos cuánticos no deberían tener individualidad. En este artículo, discutimos las cuestiones de nombrar los quanta y las cuestiones de la individuación. Conclúyenos que, a pesar de que Dehmelt nombró algo, ese algo no es un individuo.

  9. The distributional effects of employer and individual health insurance mandates. (United States)

    Holahan, J; Winterbottom, C; Zedlewski, S

    This paper assesses the impact of different kinds of employer and individual mandates on the cost to individuals, business, and government. We also examine the distribution of health care expenditures across individuals in different income groups, assuming that individuals ultimately bear the cost of employer payments through lower wages and the cost of government payments through tax contributions. A major conclusion is that net benefits to lower income individuals improve under all alternatives to the current system with relatively small increases in payments by individuals in any income group. Additionally, while employer mandates reduce individuals' direct payments, individual mandates can have lower costs to the government and better distributional outcomes. A 50% employer mandate also has many desirable features.

  10. Cognitive Style: Individual Differences. (United States)

    Saracho, Olivia N.


    A literature review describes several dimensions of cognitive styles in an effort to illustrate individual stylistic differences. Discusses the field dependence-independence dimension, taking into account age, sex, and cultural differences. Suggests that cognitive style theory needs to be structured in a broader theoretical framework. (NH)

  11. Collaboration enhances later individual memory for emotional material. (United States)

    Bärthel, Gwennis A; Wessel, Ineke; Huntjens, Rafaële J C; Verwoerd, Johan


    Research on collaborative remembering suggests that collaboration hampers group memory (i.e., collaborative inhibition), yet enhances later individual memory. Studies examining collaborative effects on memory for emotional stimuli are scarce, especially concerning later individual memory. In the present study, female undergraduates watched an emotional movie and recalled it either collaboratively (n = 60) or individually (n = 60), followed by an individual free recall test and a recognition test. We replicated the standard collaborative inhibition effect. Further, in line with the literature, the collaborative condition displayed better post-collaborative individual memory. More importantly, in post-collaborative free recall, the centrality of the information to the movie plot did not play an important role. Recognition rendered slightly different results. Although collaboration rendered more correct recognition for more central details, it did not enhance recognition of background details. Secondly, the collaborative and individual conditions did not differ with respect to overlap of unique correct items in free recall. Yet, during recognition former collaborators more unanimously endorsed correct answers, as well as errors. Finally, extraversion, neuroticism, social anxiety, and depressive symptoms did not moderate the influence of collaboration on memory. Implications for the fields of forensic and clinical psychology are discussed.

  12. Individual Learning Accounts: Honourable Intentions, Ignoble Utility? (United States)

    Thursfield, Denise; Smith, Vikki; Holden, Rick; Hamblett, John


    Evaluation of the implementation of Individual Learning Accounts in Britain revealed five themes that may explain the program's lack of success: individualistic approach to adult education, conflict of individualism with partnership, ineffective targeting of low-skilled populations, lack of linkage with a lifelong commitment to learning, and…

  13. A Quasi Actuarial Prospect for Individual Assessment. (United States)

    Owens, William A.

    A conceptual model of individual assessment through the use of biodata responses with minimal input information is outlined. The process is considered especially applicable to industrial psychology. A scored autobiographical data form, which measures the individual's past behavior and experiences, provides for assignment to a specific subgroup…

  14. A Liberal Account of Self-limiting Individualism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Brink, H.H.A.; Harskamp, Anton van; Musschenga, Albert W.


    In this essay I aim to show that a doctrine of self-limiting individualism is presupposed by the most influential account of liberalism today, political liberalism. My argument is that political liberalism can admit that it is based on a rather comprehensive normative ideal of individualism, without

  15. Levantamento e identificação dos símbolos gráficos utilizados para a caracterização de controles e comandos em máquinas agrícolas Classification and identification of the graphic symbols used for the characterization of controls and commands in agricultural machines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Airton dos S. Alonço


    Full Text Available Os símbolos gráficos utilizados para indicar a função dos comandos e controles das máquinas agrícolas tornam a operação mais segura. Logo, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a simbologia existente nas máquinas agrícolas disponíveis nas quatro principais concessionárias de Santa Maria - RS. No levantamento, foram utilizados como parâmetros os símbolos gráficos recomendados pelas normas técnicas, sendo os existentes nas máquinas estudadas fotografados e posteriormente anotados em planilha. O resultado encontrado foi, em média, de 86%, em relação à utilização dos símbolos gráficos recomendados pelas normas, porém existe também a utilização de símbolos gráficos criados pela própria empresa, o que pode gerar dúvidas no operador da máquina agrícola, pois nem sempre o significado dos mesmos coincide com o descrito nas normas. Os resultados demonstraram que os fabricantes das máquinas agrícolas utilizam as normas existentes, mas ainda não o fazem de forma correta e homogênea.The graphic symbols that indicate the function of the commands and controls of the agricultural machines, keep its safer operation. Therefore, this work had as objective, the identification of the existent ones in the available agricultural machines in the four principal concessionary of Santa Maria City - RS, Brazil, the rising were used as parameter, the graphic symbols recommended in the standards, and the existent ones in the studied machines were photographed and later logged in a spreadsheet. The conformities and nonconformities found were contained in a table for better visualization. The result found was average of 86%, in relation to the use of the graphic symbols recommended by the standards, however, there is the use of graphic symbols also created by the own company, what generates doubts in the operator of the agricultural machine, because not always the meaning of the same ones coincides with described in the standards

  16. Individual Performance Management: A Review of Current Practices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ian O’ Boyle


    Full Text Available This paper provides a review of current practice in relation to individual performance management systems and process within the traditional business environment. There is a consensus that the role of the individual is central to the overall performance of any organization and how individual performances are managed and evaluated can have significant impacts on overall organizational success. Many organizations employ the traditional performance appraisal in order to monitor and assess individual employee performances. However, new approaches, such as 360-degree feedback have also become commonplace within the business environment. An analysis of each approach including benefits and challenges associated with each process is presented within this paper.

  17. Assessment of ulceration risk in diabetic individuals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Marina Alfonso Dutra

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the risk factors for foot ulceration through the tracing of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease in individuals with type I and II diabetes, who were assisted in reference centers of the Federal District, Brazil. Method: a cross-sectional and analytical study, with the assessment of 117 individuals in outpatient clinics of the Federal District. Continuous variables were compared through Mann-Whitney test, and categorized variables, through Chi-square test for univariate analysis and Logistics regression test for multivariate analysis. Results: painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy was present in 37 (75.5% of the individuals with neuropathy. Deformities and loss of protective plant sensibility were related to neuropathy (p=0.014 and p=0.001, respectively. Of the 40 (34.2% individuals in the sample who presented peripheral arterial disease, 26 (65% presented calcification risk. Conclusion: signs of painful peripheral polyneuropathy, peripheral arterial disease, deformities, loss of protective plantar sensibility, and dry skin were identified as risk factors for ulceration.

  18. Obesity Prevention for Individuals with Spina Bifida. (United States)

    Polfuss, Michele; Bandini, Linda G; Sawin, Kathleen J


    Obesity is a common comorbidity in individuals with spina bifida. Carrying excess weight exacerbates the inherent health challenges associated with spina bifida, impedes the individual's ability to self-manage their condition, and creates further challenges for family members and caregivers. This manuscript provides a narrative review of key issues for understanding and prevention of obesity in persons with spina bifida within the context of the social ecological model. Specific variables related to obesity and spina bifida include individual factors (i.e., body composition and measurement issues, energy needs, eating patterns, physical activity, and sedentary activity) family factors (i.e., parenting/family, peers), community factors (i.e., culture, built environment, healthcare and healthcare providers, and school), and societal factors (i.e., policy issues). Due to the complex etiology of obesity and its increased prevalence in individuals with spina bifida, it is critical to initiate prevention efforts early with a multifactorial approach for this at-risk population. Increased research is warranted to support these efforts.

  19. Evaluation of protection measurements for rural environments; Avaliacao de medidas de protecao para ambientes rurais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Diogo N.G.; Silva, Fernanda L.; Conti, Luiz F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Wasserman, Maria Angelica V., E-mail: maria.wasserman@pq.cnpq.b [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Rochedo, Elaine R.R., E-mail: [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CODIN/CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coord. de Instalacoes Nucleares


    Among the planning activities of actuation in nuclear/radiological emergences, it is included the efficiency evaluation of protection and remediation measurements. From the development of a data base on such measurements for the agricultural areas, the program SIEM was used for effectuation the simulations involving the {sup 137}Cs, {sup 131}I and {sup 90}Sr radionuclides, in scenery previously established for simulation those areas of a 50 km surrounding the Admiral Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant. The obtained results indicate that the scenery is determinant of efficiency measurements involving various specific factors of each place, such as: agricultural and cattle breeding products, consumption habits of population and the grade of subsistence by the diet items, making not practical the elaboration of predefined generic sceneries. The great dependence on seasoning related to the moment of accident makes inadequate any previous evaluation what soever for evaluation of efficiency of protection and remediation measurements. Therefore, previous decisions are not recommended about the relevance of protection measurements for rural areas. Two classification criteria were defined: (i) the efficiency in reduction the doses in the firs year; and, (i i) efficiency in reduction the dose at long term

  20. Evaluation of protection measurements for urban environments; Avaliacao de medidas de protecao para ambientes urbanos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rochedo, Elaine R.R., E-mail: [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CODIN/CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coord. de Instalacoes Nucleares; Silva, Diogo N.G.; Nascimento, Udilma; Conti, Luiz F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Wasserman, Maria Angelica V., E-mail: maria.wasserman@pq.cnpq.b [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Radioactive accidents has shown the necessity of a previous evaluation planning of exposure and directives for implementation of protection measurements. The description or measurements in the literature usually is associated to reduction of concentrations in the medium where they are applied. For verification the efficiency in dose reduction, it is necessary to proceed simulations. Through the development of data base on protection measurements, it was established basic sceneries, typically tropical as far the building type is concerned and the construction material. The program SIEM was used for simulation of contamination with {sup 137}Cs. The results indicates that generic solutions persuade not to and the decision make processes should be effectuated according to the real conditions of contamination and the use of affected area. For affected areas, two classification criteria were defined: (1) efficiency in reducing the dose in the first year; and (2) efficiency in dose reducing at long term

  1. New method for protection of parallel generator; Novo metodo para protecao do gerador em paralelismo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, M R.C. da [Elfa-Seg Eletronica Ltda. (Brazil)


    The protection of synchronous machinery, especially generators working in parallel with the pertaining electric power utility have been extensively discussed specially because of the growing importance of co-generation in Brazil. This work discusses existing efficient methods and suggests new ways of proceeding this protection. 8 refs., 2 figs.

  2. Large individual differences in free recall


    Tarnow, Eugen


    Using single factor ANOVA I show that there are large individual differences in free recall ({\\eta} ranges from 0.09-0.26) including the total recall, the balance between recency and primacy, and the initial recall (subsequent recalls show smaller individual differences). All three memory properties are relatively uncorrelated. The variance in the initial position may be a measure of executive control and is correlated with total recall (the smaller the variation, the larger the recall).

  3. Spatial structure of an individual-based plant–pollinator network

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Yoko Luise; Nielsen, Kristian Trøjelsgaard; Hagen, Melanie


    The influence of space on the structure (e.g. modularity) of complex ecological networks remains largely unknown. Here, we sampled an individual-based plant–pollinator network by following the movements and flower visits of marked bumblebee individuals within a population of thistle plants...... for which the identities and spatial locations of stems were mapped in a 50  50 m study plot. The plant–pollinator network was dominated by parasitic male bumblebees and had a significantly modular structure, with four identified modules being clearly separated in space. This indicated that individual....... This demonstrated that individual-based plant–pollinator networks are influenced by both the spatial structure of plant populations and individual-specific plant traits. Additionally, bumblebee individuals with long observation times were important for both the connectivity between and within modules. The latter...

  4. Student Pugwash Conference Probes Scientists' Individual Responsibility. (United States)

    Seltzer, Richard J.


    Students from 25 nations and senior scientists examined ethical and social dimensions of decision making about science and technology during the 1985 Student Pugwash Conference on scientists' individual responsibilities. Working groups focused on toxic wastes, military uses of space, energy and poverty, genetic engineering, and individual rights.…

  5. The Biological Basis of Learning and Individuality. (United States)

    Kandel, Eric R.; Hawkins, Robert D.


    Describes the biological basis of learning and individuality. Presents an overview of recent discoveries that suggest learning engages a simple set of rules that modify the strength of connection between neurons in the brain. The changes are cited as playing an important role in making each individual unique. (MCO)

  6. Individual loss reserving using paid-incurred data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pigeon, M.; Antonio, K.; Denuit, M.


    This paper develops a stochastic model for individual claims reserving using observed data on claim payments as well as incurred losses. We extend the approach of Pigeon et al. (2013), designed for payments only, towards the inclusion of incurred losses. We call the new technique the individual Paid

  7. Individual Differences in Susceptibility to Inattentional Blindness (United States)

    Seegmiller, Janelle K.; Watson, Jason M.; Strayer, David L.


    Inattentional blindness refers to the finding that people do not always see what appears in their gaze. Though inattentional blindness affects large percentages of people, it is unclear if there are individual differences in susceptibility. The present study addressed whether individual differences in attentional control, as reflected by…





    Inclusion, as a process of enrolling of children with disability in regular schools, demands obligation for adequate preparing regular schools, teachers, pupils and their parents for accepting those children. It, also, means that special services must be prepared to help teachers and children with disability too, in an adequate way. The first and most important step is developing of Individualized education programs (IEP).The purpose of IEP is to provide a disabled child with specialized or i...


    CERN Multimedia


    Personnel in the distribution groups Aleph, Delphi, L3, Opal who also work for other experiments than at LEP, should contact the Individual Dosimetry ServiceWe inform all staff and users under regular dosimetric control that the dosimeters for the monitoring period JANUARY/FEBRUARY will be available from their usual dispatchers on Monday the third of January 2000.Please have your films changed:before the 12 January.The colour of the dosimeter valid in JANUARY/FEBRUARY is WHITE.


    CERN Multimedia


    Personnel in the distribution groups Aleph, Delphi, L3, Opal who also work for other experiments than at LEP, should contact the Individual Dosimetry Service.We inform all staff and users under regular dosimetric control that the dosimeters for the monitoring period MARCH/APRIL will be available from their usual dispatchers on the third of March 2000.Please have your films changed before the 13th of March.The colour of the dosimeter valid in MARCH/APRIL is BLUE.

  11. Advances in individualized and regenerative medicine. (United States)

    Blum, Hubert E


    Molecular and cell biology have resulted in major advances in our understanding of disease pathogenesis as well as in novel strategies for the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of human diseases. Based on modern molecular, genetic and biochemical methodologies it is on the one hand possible to identify for example disease-related point mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms. On the other hand, using high throughput array and other technologies, it is for example possible to simultaneously analyze thousands of genes or gene products (RNA and proteins), resulting in an individual gene or gene expression profile ('signature'). Such data increasingly allow to define the individual disposition for a given disease and to predict disease prognosis as well as the efficacy of therapeutic strategies in the individual patient ('individualized medicine'). At the same time, the basic discoveries in cell biology, including embryonic and adult stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, genetically modified cells and others, have moved regenerative medicine into the center of biomedical research worldwide with a major translational impact on tissue engineering as well as transplantation medicine. All these aspects have greatly contributed to the recent advances in regenerative medicine and the development novel concepts for the treatment of many human diseases, including liver diseases. Copyright © 2014 Medical University of Bialystok. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.

  12. Noninvasive determination of individual renal clearance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanard, J.; Brunois, J.P.; Ruiz, J.C.; Assailly, J.


    A noninvasive method for measurement of individual renal clearance is presented, based on analysis of the early rise of the kidneys' time-activity curves after injection of an appropriate tracer ( 131 I-ortho-iodohippurate for tubular function or 111 In DTPA for glomerular clearance). The analysis is based on the assumption that an insignificant amount of tracer leaves the kidney during the first few moments following injection. Therefore, the kidney activity during this period is directly proportional to the integral of the blood (heart) activity. After blood background subtraction, the linear correlation between the early part of the renogram and the corresponding blood integral activity curve allows calculation of an angular coefficient. The ratio of these coefficients calculated for each kidney is proportional to the ratio of the individual clearances. The latter are calculated from the total clearance simultaneously measured using a simplified method without urine collection. In control subjects with normal renal function individual renal clearances were not significantly different. In uninephrectomized patients a precision of 5% in calculating individual clearance was estimated from data recorded at the level of the remaining kidney. In patients with functional asymmetry, results were compared with 197 HgCl 2 quantitative renal fixation. A linear correlation was found (r = 0.95). The method we propose seems valuable for clinical investigation and allows sequential measurements. (orig.)

  13. Urbanization and the more-individuals hypothesis. (United States)

    Chiari, Claudia; Dinetti, Marco; Licciardello, Cinzia; Licitra, Gaetano; Pautasso, Marco


    1. Urbanization is a landscape process affecting biodiversity world-wide. Despite many urban-rural studies of bird assemblages, it is still unclear whether more species-rich communities have more individuals, regardless of the level of urbanization. The more-individuals hypothesis assumes that species-rich communities have larger populations, thus reducing the chance of local extinctions. 2. Using newly collated avian distribution data for 1 km(2) grid cells across Florence, Italy, we show a significantly positive relationship between species richness and assemblage abundance for the whole urban area. This richness-abundance relationship persists for the 1 km(2) grid cells with less than 50% of urbanized territory, as well as for the remaining grid cells, with no significant difference in the slope of the relationship. These results support the more-individuals hypothesis as an explanation of patterns in species richness, also in human modified and fragmented habitats. 3. However, the intercept of the species richness-abundance relationship is significantly lower for highly urbanized grid cells. Our study confirms that urban communities have lower species richness but counters the common notion that assemblages in densely urbanized ecosystems have more individuals. In Florence, highly inhabited areas show fewer species and lower assemblage abundance. 4. Urbanized ecosystems are an ongoing large-scale natural experiment which can be used to test ecological theories empirically.

  14. Advances in Precision Medicine: Tailoring Individualized Therapies. (United States)

    Matchett, Kyle B; Lynam-Lennon, Niamh; Watson, R William; Brown, James A L


    The traditional bench-to-bedside pipeline involves using model systems and patient samples to provide insights into pathways deregulated in cancer. This discovery reveals new biomarkers and therapeutic targets, ultimately stratifying patients and informing cohort-based treatment options. Precision medicine (molecular profiling of individual tumors combined with established clinical-pathological parameters) reveals, in real-time, individual patient's diagnostic and prognostic risk profile, informing tailored and tumor-specific treatment plans. Here we discuss advances in precision medicine presented at the Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, highlighting examples where personalized medicine approaches have led to precision discovery in individual tumors, informing customized treatment programs.

  15. An assessment of individualized technical ear training for audio production. (United States)

    Kim, Sungyoung


    An individualized technical ear training method is compared to a non-individualized method. The efficacy of the individualized method is assessed using a standardized test conducted before and after the training period. Participants who received individualized training improved better than the control group on the test. Results indicate the importance of individualized training for acquisition of spectrum-identification and spectrum-matching skills. Individualized training, therefore, should be implemented by default into technical ear training programs used in audio production industry and education.

  16. Multiple Epstein-Barr virus infections in healthy individuals (United States)

    Walling, Dennis M.; Brown, Abigail L.; Etienne, Wiguins; Keitel, Wendy A.; Ling, Paul D.; Butel, J. S. (Principal Investigator)


    We employed a newly developed genotyping technique with direct representational detection of LMP-1 gene sequences to study the molecular epidemiology of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in healthy individuals. Infections with up to five different EBV genotypes were found in two of nine individuals studied. These results support the hypothesis that multiple EBV infections of healthy individuals are common. The implications for the development of an EBV vaccine are discussed.

  17. Characterization of Individuals Seeking Treatment for Caffeine Dependence


    Juliano, Laura M.; Evatt, Daniel P.; Richards, Brian D.; Griffiths, Roland R.


    Previous investigations have identified individuals who meet criteria for DSM-IV-TR substance dependence as applied to caffeine, but there is little research on treatments for caffeine dependence. This study aimed to thoroughly characterize individuals who are seeking treatment for problematic caffeine use. Ninety-four individuals who identified as being psychologically or physically dependent on caffeine, or who had tried unsuccessfully to modify caffeine consumption participated in a face-t...

  18. Individual radiosensitivity and its relevance to health physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schnarr, K.; Dayes, I.; Sathya, J.; Boreham, D.


    Full text: In the radiation protection industry, dose limits are developed to keep the workers safe. These limits assume that people have equal responses to ionizing radiation and that there is no variation in radiation risk. In radiotherapy, where patients receive large doses of radiation to their tumours and the surrounding tissue volume, 5-10% of individuals are sensitive to the treatment (adverse reactions). A radiation sensitive individual may have increased toxicity in the tissue around the tumour. This can result in necrosis, loss of organ function or even death. The cause of this sensitivity is only speculative. We postulate that this variation is due to the individual's intrinsic cellular response to radiation. Therefore, this systemic predisposition results in a lack of ability for damaged cells to be eliminated properly or repaired and consequently causes an adverse reaction. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial for radiation protection practices, since these radiosensitive individuals may also be at increased risk to high occupational or medical exposures. We have investigated individual radiosensitivity using a number of different biological endpoints. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, was measured in human lymphocytes after receiving in vitro doses of 0, 2, 4, and 8Gy. At high doses (8Gy), radiation induced apoptosis showed a wide range of responses (mean = 34% apoptosis, o = 8.2) with z-scores ranging from -1.5 to 2.4. Low dose responses (mGy range) were also studied measuring apoptosis, DNA double strand break induction and repair in human lymphocytes exposed in vivo when patients a whole body radiation dose during diagnostic PET scans. The results showed varied individual responses and indicates that individuals may be at increased risk due to differences in DNA repair capabilities. Being able to measure radiation sensitivity would allow the radiation protection industry to tailor dose limits to an individual, reducing risk to the worker

  19. 21 CFR 1303.21 - Individual manufacturing quotas. (United States)


    ... controlled substance listed in Schedule I or II, and who applies for a manufacturing quota, an individual... basic class. Any manufacturing quota fixed and issued by the Administrator shall be subject to his... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Individual manufacturing quotas. 1303.21 Section...

  20. Auditory Selective Attention in Cerebral-Palsied Individuals. (United States)

    Laraway, Lee Ann


    To examine differences between auditory selective attention abilities of normal and cerebral-palsied individuals, 23 cerebral-palsied and 23 normal subjects (5-21) were asked to repeat a series of 30 items in presence of intermittent white noise. Results indicated that cerebral-palsied individuals perform significantly more poorly when the…

  1. Individualized Marriage and the Integration of Resources (United States)

    Lauer, Sean R.; Yodanis, Carrie


    In individualized marriages, spouses maintain independence in their relationship. In individualized marriages, do married couples manage their money in pooled accounts or do they keep separate accounts? We answer this question with the 2002 International Social Survey Programme (N = 18,587;31 country contexts) and examine how variation in the…

  2. Goodwill: uma análise dos conceitos utilizados em trabalhos científicos Goodwill: an analysis of concepts used in scientific works

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliseu Martins


    Full Text Available A literatura contábil considera que o goodwill representa a diferença entre o valor da empresa e o seu patrimônio líquido avaliado a valores de mercado. A utilização de um conceito divergente desse, na elaboração de pesquisas teóricas ou empíricas, pode gerar resultados distorcidos, conclusões equivocadas, demonstrações financeiras apresentadas incorretamente, entre outros problemas de ordem teórica e prática. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é verificar se o conceito de goodwill utilizado no desenvolvimento de pesquisas publicadas nos principais periódicos internacionais e nacionais, bem como na elaboração de dissertações e teses na área da contabilidade, é aquele referendado pela literatura contábil como correto. Por meio de análise de conteúdo, foram analisados 138 trabalhos científicos nacionais e internacionais, que contêm qualquer um dos seguintes termos no título, resumo ou palavras-chave: goodwill, intangible, intangibles, fundo de comércio, intangível e intangíveis. O total de trabalhos analisados está dividido em 60 trabalhos empíricos e 78 teóricos. Desse total geral de trabalhos, apenas 47 apresentam, explicitamente, o conceito de goodwill, sendo 24 empíricos e 23 teóricos. A maioria desses trabalhos que apresentam o conceito de goodwill o faz para discutir sobre tratamento contábil e avaliação de empresas. Do total de trabalhos com o conceito de goodwill explícito, 18 apresentam conceito divergente daquele definido pela literatura contábil. Os erros conceituais foram classificados em seis categorias, sendo que 61% deles se referem ao cálculo do goodwill como sendo a diferença entre o valor de mercado (somente calculado ou efetivamente pago e o valor contábil do patrimônio.The accounting literature considers that goodwill represents the difference between the market value of an entity and the fair value of its identifiable net assets. The use of a divergent concep, in

  3. Real-time individualization of the unified model of performance. (United States)

    Liu, Jianbo; Ramakrishnan, Sridhar; Laxminarayan, Srinivas; Balkin, Thomas J; Reifman, Jaques


    Existing mathematical models for predicting neurobehavioural performance are not suited for mobile computing platforms because they cannot adapt model parameters automatically in real time to reflect individual differences in the effects of sleep loss. We used an extended Kalman filter to develop a computationally efficient algorithm that continually adapts the parameters of the recently developed Unified Model of Performance (UMP) to an individual. The algorithm accomplishes this in real time as new performance data for the individual become available. We assessed the algorithm's performance by simulating real-time model individualization for 18 subjects subjected to 64 h of total sleep deprivation (TSD) and 7 days of chronic sleep restriction (CSR) with 3 h of time in bed per night, using psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) data collected every 2 h during wakefulness. This UMP individualization process produced parameter estimates that progressively approached the solution produced by a post-hoc fitting of model parameters using all data. The minimum number of PVT measurements needed to individualize the model parameters depended upon the type of sleep-loss challenge, with ~30 required for TSD and ~70 for CSR. However, model individualization depended upon the overall duration of data collection, yielding increasingly accurate model parameters with greater number of days. Interestingly, reducing the PVT sampling frequency by a factor of two did not notably hamper model individualization. The proposed algorithm facilitates real-time learning of an individual's trait-like responses to sleep loss and enables the development of individualized performance prediction models for use in a mobile computing platform. © 2017 European Sleep Research Society.

  4. National radon measurement-proficiency program: Individual proficiency report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In February 1986, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Radon Measurement Proficiency (RMP) Program to assist the public in identifying organizations capable of providing reliable radon measurement services. In December 1991, EPA announced the new individual proficiency listing category in the RMP Program. Individuals applying for this new listing status must demonstrate knowledge of radon measurement fundamentals by passing a written proficiency examination, maintain affiliation with an RMP listed organization, and meet other program requirements. This report lists those individuals who have met the requirements of the RMP Program as of April 30, 1992. These requirements are designed to provide minimum proficiency criteria for individuals who provide radon measurement services on-site in a residential environment

  5. Temporal Changes in Individualism and Their Ramification in Japan: Rising Individualism and Conflicts with Persisting Collectivism. (United States)

    Ogihara, Yuji


    Many studies have shown that American culture has become more individualistic over time. However, it was unclear whether other cultures, especially East Asian cultures, have also shifted toward greater individualism. Therefore, this article reviewed studies investigating temporal changes in individualism in Japan and their ramifications on psychology and behavior. Japan has experienced rapid and dramatic economic growth and urbanization and has adopted more social systems based on individualistic concepts in various contexts (e.g., workplace, school). Recent studies have suggested that, along with these socioeconomic changes, Japanese culture has become more individualistic over time. Specifically, the divorce rate increased and household size decreased. Moreover, people give more unique names to their children and dogs, and individualistic words such as "individual" and "uniqueness" appear more frequently in newspapers. Furthermore, social values became more individualistic. Yet, it has also been shown that some collectivistic values still remain. As a result, people have difficulty in adapting to this coexistence, which injures interpersonal relationships and well-being. This paper discussed how Japanese culture changed over time and how such changes affected Japanese psychology and behavior.

  6. Individual moral development and moral progress


    Schinkel, Anders; de Ruyter, Doret J.


    At first glance, one of the most obvious places to look for moral progress is in individuals, in particular in moral development from childhood to adulthood. In fact, that moral progress is possible is a foundational assumption of moral education. Beyond the general agreement that moral progress is not only possible but even a common feature of human development things become blurry, however. For what do we mean by ‘progress’? And what constitutes moral progress? Does the idea of individual m...

  7. Subjective workload and individual differences in information processing abilities (United States)

    Damos, D. L.


    This paper describes several experiments examining the source of individual differences in the experience of mental workload. Three sources of such differences were examined: information processing abilities, timesharing abilities, and personality traits/behavior patterns. On the whole, there was little evidence that individual differences in information processing abilities or timesharing abilities are related to perceived differences in mental workload. However, individuals with strong Type A coronary prone behavior patterns differed in both single- and multiple-task performance from individuals who showed little evidence of such a pattern. Additionally, individuals with a strong Type A pattern showed some dissociation between objective performance and the experience of mental workload.

  8. O uso de testes do degrau para a avaliação da capacidade de exercício em pacientes com doenças pulmonares crônicas The use of step tests for the assessment of exercise capacity in healthy subjects and in patients with chronic lung disease

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    Carlos Henrique Silva de Andrade


    Full Text Available Os testes do degrau são utilizados para avaliar a capacidade física. Devido à diversidade desses testes, o objetivo desta revisão foi descrever os protocolos utilizados em indivíduos saudáveis e naqueles com doença pulmonar crônica. Os testes do degrau utilizados em indivíduos saudáveis tiveram várias modificações ao longo dos anos. Na maioria dos testes, a duração é variável (90 s-10 min, mas a altura do degrau (23,0-50,8 cm e o ritmo (22,5-35,0 degraus/min permanecem constantes durante todo o teste. Entretanto, a utilização de uma altura fixa e de ritmo constante pode deixar de promover uma intensidade de trabalho adequada para indivíduos com diferentes níveis de aptidão física, e, portanto, a carga de trabalho pode estar acima ou abaixo da capacidade individual. Dessa forma, os protocolos foram modificados com a introdução de mudanças na altura do degrau e no ritmo durante o teste. Desde o final dos anos 70, os testes do degrau têm sido utilizados em pacientes com doenças pulmonares crônicas. Os protocolos são diversificados, com ajustes na altura do degrau (15-30 cm, ritmo (autocadenciado ou externamente cadenciado e duração (90 s-10 min. Entretanto, a diversidade desses protocolos e a variedade de desfechos estudados impedem a determinação do melhor protocolo a ser utilizado em indivíduos com doenças pulmonares crônicas. Parece que os protocolos mais curtos com elevado ritmo seriam mais adequados para avaliar a dessaturação de oxigênio relacionada ao exercício na doença pulmonar crônica. Testes limitados por sintomas seriam mais apropriados para avaliar a tolerância ao exercício. São necessários estudos comparando diferentes protocolos de teste do degrau em relação a sua reprodutibilidade, validade e habilidade de quantificar respostas a intervenções, especialmente em indivíduos com doença pulmonar.Step tests are typically used to assess exercise capacity. Given the diversity of step

  9. Visualizing Individual Tree Differences in Tree-Ring Studies

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    Mario Trouillier


    Full Text Available Averaging tree-ring measurements from multiple individuals is one of the most common procedures in dendrochronology. It serves to filter out noise from individual differences between trees, such as competition, height, and micro-site effects, which ideally results in a site chronology sensitive to regional scale factors such as climate. However, the climate sensitivity of individual trees can be modulated by factors like competition, height, and nitrogen deposition, calling attention to whether average chronologies adequately assess climatic growth-control. In this study, we demonstrate four simple but effective methods to visually assess differences between individual trees. Using individual tree climate-correlations we: (1 employed jitter plots with superimposed metadata to assess potential causes for these differences; (2 plotted the frequency distributions of climate correlations over time as heat maps; (3 mapped the spatial distribution of climate sensitivity over time to assess spatio-temporal dynamics; and (4 used t-distributed Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding (t-SNE to assess which trees were generally more similar in terms of their tree-ring pattern and their correlation with climate variables. This suite of exploratory methods can indicate if individuals in tree-ring datasets respond differently to climate variability, and therefore, should not solely be explored with climate correlations of the mean population chronology.

  10. Application of DNA fingerprints for cell-line individualization.


    Gilbert, D A; Reid, Y A; Gail, M H; Pee, D; White, C; Hay, R J; O'Brien, S J


    DNA fingerprints of 46 human cell lines were derived using minisatellite probes for hypervariable genetic loci. The incidence of 121 HaeIII DNA fragments among 33 cell lines derived from unrelated individuals was used to estimate allelic and genotypic frequencies for each fragment and for composite individual DNA fingerprints. We present a quantitative estimate of the extent of genetic difference between individuals, an estimate based on the percentage of restriction fragments at which they d...

  11. Individual and Household Willingness to Pay for Public Goods


    John Quiggin


    The issue of whether willingness to pay (WTP) for the benefits generated by a public good should be elicited on an individual or on a household basis is addressed. Differences between individual and household WTP may arise when members of the household are mutually altruistic. It is shown that, for general specifications of altruism, household WTP is less than the sum of household members' individual WTP. Implications for the choice between household and individual measures of WTP are conside...

  12. Examining Information Technology Acceptance by Individual Professionals

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    Licen Indahwati Darsono


    Full Text Available The mixed results of information technology (IT investment have made the investigation of user acceptance of IT increasingly challenging. A growing body of research in user acceptance of IT literature has limited focus on individual professionals as target users. Therefore, this research investigates how external variables, namely individual differences and system characteristics influence lecturers as individual professionals to accept the internet technology. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB are used as the main reference in this research. Findings of this research indicate that individual differences (computer self-efficacy, knowledge of search domain and system characteristics (terminology, screen design, relevance have indirect impact through perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitude on lecturers’ intention to use the internet. Specifically, computer self-efficacy and screen design have direct and indirect impact on intention. One issue concerning with the explanatory power of the proposed research model, which is based on TAM and TPB, compared to the rival model, which is called extended TAM, is also analyzed.

  13. Individual nuclear fuel rod weighing system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fogg, J. L.; Howell, C. A.; Smith, J. H.; Vining, G. E.


    An individual nuclear fuel rod weighing system for rods carried on a tray which moves along a materials handling conveyor. At a first tray position on the conveyor, a lifting device raises the rods off the tray and places them on an overhead ramp. A loading mechanism conveys the rods singly from the overhead ramp onto an overhead scale for individual weighing. When the tray is at a second position on the conveyor, a transfer apparatus transports each weighed rod from the scale back onto the tray

  14. Group Effects on Individual Attitudes Toward Social Responsibility. (United States)

    Secchi, Davide; Bui, Hong T M


    This study uses a quasi-experimental design to investigate what happens to individual socially responsible attitudes when they are exposed to group dynamics. Findings show that group engagement increases individual attitudes toward social responsibility. We also found that individuals with low attitudes toward social responsibility are more likely to change their opinions when group members show more positive attitudes toward social responsibility. Conversely, individuals with high attitudes do not change much, independent of group characteristics. To better analyze the effect of group dynamics, the study proposes to split social responsibility into relative and absolute components. Findings show that relative social responsibility is correlated with but different from absolute social responsibility although the latter is more susceptible than the former to group dynamics.

  15. Are group members less inequality averse than individual decision makers?


    He, Haoran; Villeval, Marie Claire


    International audience; We compare inequality aversion in individuals and teams by means of both within- and between-subject experimental designs, and we investigate how teams aggregate individual preferences. We find that team decisions reveal less inequality aversion than individual initial proposals in team decision-making. However, teams are no more selfish than individuals who decide in isolation. Individuals express strategically more inequality aversion in their initial proposals in te...

  16. Disturbance of sleep by noise: Individual differences (United States)

    Wilkinson, R. T.


    The literature on the effects of noise on sleep is searched for evidence on individual differences along the dimensions of age, sex, occupation, personality, neuroticism, and mental health. With the exception of age, little firm evidence is found. Thus there remains a need to establish at better than the anecdotal level whether or not real individual differences exist.

  17. Spatial Coding of Individuals with Visual Impairments (United States)

    Papadopoulos, Konstantinos; Koustriava, Eleni; Kartasidou, Lefkothea


    The aim of this study is to examine the ability of children and adolescents with visual impairments to code and represent near space. Moreover, it examines the impact of the strategies they use and individual differences in their performance. A total of 30 individuals with visual impairments up to the age of 18 were given eight different object…

  18. Evaluation and comparison of predictive individual-level general surrogates. (United States)

    Gabriel, Erin E; Sachs, Michael C; Halloran, M Elizabeth


    An intermediate response measure that accurately predicts efficacy in a new setting at the individual level could be used both for prediction and personalized medical decisions. In this article, we define a predictive individual-level general surrogate (PIGS), which is an individual-level intermediate response that can be used to accurately predict individual efficacy in a new setting. While methods for evaluating trial-level general surrogates, which are predictors of trial-level efficacy, have been developed previously, few, if any, methods have been developed to evaluate individual-level general surrogates, and no methods have formalized the use of cross-validation to quantify the expected prediction error. Our proposed method uses existing methods of individual-level surrogate evaluation within a given clinical trial setting in combination with cross-validation over a set of clinical trials to evaluate surrogate quality and to estimate the absolute prediction error that is expected in a new trial setting when using a PIGS. Simulations show that our method performs well across a variety of scenarios. We use our method to evaluate and to compare candidate individual-level general surrogates over a set of multi-national trials of a pentavalent rotavirus vaccine.

  19. Individual personality differences in Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni. (United States)

    Byrnes, E E; Brown, C


    This study examined interindividual personality differences between Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni utilizing a standard boldness assay. Additionally, the correlation between differences in individual boldness and stress reactivity was examined, exploring indications of individual coping styles. Heterodontus portusjacksoni demonstrated highly repeatable individual differences in boldness and stress reactivity. Individual boldness scores were highly repeatable across four trials such that individuals that were the fastest to emerge in the first trial were also the fastest to emerge in subsequent trials. Additionally, individuals that were the most reactive to a handling stressor in the first trial were also the most reactive in a second trial. The strong link between boldness and stress response commonly found in teleosts was also evident in this study, providing evidence of proactive-reactive coping styles in H. portusjacksoni. These results demonstrate the presence of individual personality differences in sharks for the first time. Understanding how personality influences variation in elasmobranch behaviour such as prey choice, habitat use and activity levels is critical to better managing these top predators which play important ecological roles in marine ecosystems. © 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  20. Rapprochement in Late Adolescent Separation-Individuation: A Structural Equations Approach. (United States)

    Quintana, Stephen M.; Lapsley, Daniel K.


    Attempted to integrate indices of connection and individuality into a single, positively related construct. College students (n=101) responded to measures of parenting style, individuation, and ego identity. Results suggest that parental control restricts successful individuation but that adjustment on individuation indices predicts advanced…

  1. Intra-individual variability as a predictor of learning

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    Matija Svetina


    Full Text Available Learning is one of the most important aspects of children's behaviour. A new theory that emerged from evolutionary principles and information-processing models assumes learning to be run by two basic mechanisms: variability and selection. The theory is based on the underlying assumption that intra-individual variability of strategies that children use to solve a problem, is a core mechanism of learning change. This assumption was tested in the case of multiple classification (MC task. 30 6-year-old children were tested for intelligence, short-term memory, and MC. Procedure followed classical pre-test/learning/post-test scheme. Amount of learning was measured through percentage of correct answers before and after learning sessions, whereas intra-individual variability was assessed through children's explanations of their answers on MC problems. The results yielded intra-individual variability to explain learning changes beyond inter-individual differences in intelligence or short-term memory. Although the results rose some new questions to be considered in further research, the data supported the hypothesis of intra-individual variability as predictor of learning change.

  2. Ecological influences on individual differences in color preference. (United States)

    Schloss, Karen B; Hawthorne-Madell, Daniel; Palmer, Stephen E


    How can the large, systematic differences that exist between individuals' color preferences be explained? The ecological valence theory (Palmer & Schloss, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:8877-8882, 2010) posits that an individual's preference for each particular color is determined largely by his or her preferences for all correspondingly colored objects. Therefore, individuals should differ in their color preferences to the extent that they have different preferences for the same color-associated objects or that they experience different objects. Supporting this prediction, we found that individuals' color preferences were predicted better by their own preferences for correspondingly colored objects than by other peoples' preferences for the same objects. Moreover, the fit between color preferences and affect toward the colored objects was reliably improved when people's own idiosyncratic color-object associations were included in addition to a standard set of color-object associations. These and related results provide evidence that individual differences in color preferences are reliably influenced by people's personal experiences with colored objects in their environment.

  3. Bivalves: From individual to population modelling (United States)

    Saraiva, S.; van der Meer, J.; Kooijman, S. A. L. M.; Ruardij, P.


    An individual based population model for bivalves was designed, built and tested in a 0D approach, to simulate the population dynamics of a mussel bed located in an intertidal area. The processes at the individual level were simulated following the dynamic energy budget theory, whereas initial egg mortality, background mortality, food competition, and predation (including cannibalism) were additional population processes. Model properties were studied through the analysis of theoretical scenarios and by simulation of different mortality parameter combinations in a realistic setup, imposing environmental measurements. Realistic criteria were applied to narrow down the possible combination of parameter values. Field observations obtained in the long-term and multi-station monitoring program were compared with the model scenarios. The realistically selected modeling scenarios were able to reproduce reasonably the timing of some peaks in the individual abundances in the mussel bed and its size distribution but the number of individuals was not well predicted. The results suggest that the mortality in the early life stages (egg and larvae) plays an important role in population dynamics, either by initial egg mortality, larvae dispersion, settlement failure or shrimp predation. Future steps include the coupling of the population model with a hydrodynamic and biogeochemical model to improve the simulation of egg/larvae dispersion, settlement probability, food transport and also to simulate the feedback of the organisms' activity on the water column properties, which will result in an improvement of the food quantity and quality characterization.

  4. O Indivíduo e a Queimadura: as alterações da dinâmica do subsistema individual no processo de queimadura El Individuo y la Quemadura: las alteraciones de la dinámica del subsistema individual en el proceso de quemadura The Individual and the Burn: changes in the dynamics of the individual’s subsystem during a burn process

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    José Manuel Pinto


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como finalidade estudar as alterações vivenciadas pelo doente queimado no subsistema individual. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, de carácter exploratório-descritivo, no qual foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 1979 para o tratamento da informação recolhida. Realçamos que o processo fantasmático e relacional instalado no indivíduo com queimadura questiona e parece obrigar à reelaboração relacional (familiares e pessoas significativas e decorre num tempo mais ou menos longo do qual destacamos três etapas: [0 - 2 meses[, [2 - 12 meses[ e [acima dos 12 meses[. No primeiro realçamos o choque e a negação que envolve o indivíduo e os seus significativos, assim como a perda ou distorção da auto-imagem. Na fase intermédia sobressai uma certa depressividade e o reestruturar das relações e das prioridades de vida. Na fase final parece verificar-se uma integração da nova imagem corporal e uma estabilização das relações envolventes. Os resultados apontam para uma (reconstrução de um novo paradigma pessoal, relacional e fantasmático do indivíduo queimado.El presente artículo tiene como finalidad estudiar las alteraciones experimentadas por el enfermo quemado en el subsistema individual. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, de carácter exploratorio-descriptivo, en el cual fue utilizado el análisis de contenido (Bardin, 1979 para el tratamiento de la información recogida. Realzamos que el proceso fantasmático y relacional instalado en el individuo con quemadura cuestiona y parece obligar a la reelaboración relacional (familiares y personas significativas y transcurre en un tiempo más o menos largo del cual destacamos tres etapas: [0 - 2 meses[, [2 - 12 meses[ y [más de 12 meses[. En el primero realzamos el choque y la negación que implica al individuo y a sus significativos, así como la pérdida o distorsión de la autoimagen. En la fase intermedia sobresale una cierta depresión y la

  5. Training Exit Survey (TES) Individual State and Tribe (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The TES Individual dataset contains information at the individual-level about the persons who attend a GLS funded training event. This dataset includes variables...

  6. 48 CFR 1328.203-7 - Exclusion of individual sureties. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Exclusion of individual sureties. 1328.203-7 Section 1328.203-7 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE... Exclusion of individual sureties. The designee authorized to exclude an individual from acting as a surety...

  7. Microbiology of middle meatus in healthy individuals

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    Mariante, Afonso Ravanello


    Full Text Available Introduction: The nasosinusal microbiology of healthy individuals is not much documented. Its knowledge allows to determine the nasosinusal colonizing agents and to monitor the patterns of bacterial resistance. Objective: To evaluate the microbiology of the middle meatus in healthy individuals and to compare it with that of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Method: 61 healthy individuals were included. The samples were collected under endoscopic view and Gram stained with leucocytes count and aerobic, anaerobic and fungus cultures. 114 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis formed the control group. Results: In healthy individuals 58 microorganisms were isolated. The most frequent ones were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium. Fungi were cultivated in 10%. There were rare or no white blood cells in all samples. There was penicillin resistance in 75% of the Staphylococcus aureus and 69% of the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. As for oxacillin, 100% of Staphylococcus aureus and 92% of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus were sensitive. In the control group 158 microorganisms were cultivated. The most common ones were Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Gram-negatives represented 26% of the aerobics. 73% of the samples with positive cultures presented a few or many white blood cells. Conclusion: Rare or no white blood cell, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium were more frequent in healthy individuals and Streptococcus pneumoniae, anaerobics and oxacillin resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococcus and Gram-negative were more frequent in the control group.

  8. Uncertainty analysis in the task of individual monitoring data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molokanov, A.; Badjin, V.; Gasteva, G.; Antipin, E.


    Assessment of internal doses is an essential component of individual monitoring programmes for workers and consists of two stages: individual monitoring measurements and interpretation of the monitoring data in terms of annual intake and/or annual internal dose. The overall uncertainty in assessed dose is a combination of the uncertainties in these stages. An algorithm and a computer code were developed for estimating the uncertainties in these stages. An algorithm and a computer code were developed for estimating the uncertainty in the assessment of internal dose in the task of individual monitoring data interpretation. Two main influencing factors are analysed in this paper: the unknown time of the exposure and variability of bioassay measurements. The aim of this analysis is to show that the algorithm is applicable in designing an individual monitoring programme for workers so as to guarantee that the individual dose calculated from individual monitoring measurements does not exceed a required limit with a certain confidence probability. (author)

  9. Careful cheating: People cheat groups rather than individuals

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    Amitay eAmir


    Full Text Available Cheating for material gain is a destructive phenomenon in any society. We examine the extent to which people care about the victims of their unethical behavior—be they a group of people or an individual—and whether they are sensitive to the degree of harm or cost that they cause to these victims. The results of three studies suggest that when a group (rather than a single individual is the victim of one’s behavior, the incidence of cheating increases only if the harm to the group is presented in global terms—such that the cheating might be justified by the relatively minor harm caused to each individual in the group (Study #1 and #3. However, when the harm or cost to each individual in the group is made explicit, the tendency to cheat the group is no longer apparent and the tendency to cheat increases when the harm caused is minor—regardless of whether the victim is an individual or a group of people (Study #2. Individual differences in rational and intuitive thinking appear to play different roles in the decision to cheat different type of opponents: individual opponents seem to trigger the subject’s intuitive thinking which restrains the urge to cheat, whereas groups of opponents seem to trigger the subject’s rational mode of thinking which encourage cheating.

  10. Individualization of poverty?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bak, Carsten Kronborg


    The German Sociologist Ulrich Beck is best known for his book “Risk Society” which has been discussed extensively; however Beck’s claims about modern poverty have not received the same attention among poverty researchers. The individualization perspective views poverty as a relatively transient...... phenomenon and the democratization perspective views the risk of poverty as spread equally in the population. Both perspectives challenge the mainstream tradition of class analysis, and therefore both view poverty as largely independent of traditional stratification factors. In this article, I argue...


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    A. León-Zapata


    Full Text Available Los biosólidos se caracterizan por tener concentraciones importantes de materia orgánica y nutrientes, lo cual los hace aptos para ser utilizados como enmienda orgánica en la recuperación de terrenos disturbados por el hombre. Su aplicación se encuentra condicionada a la concentración de microorganismos patógenos presentes, los cuales generan un riesgo sanitario para las personas que lo manipulan o entran en contacto directo con ellos. La concentración de fagos somáticos en los biosólidos de la planta “El Salitre” es de 2.0 x 104 PFP/g de peso seco, superando los límites sugeridos por la EPA para aplicación sin restricción. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento de los fagos somáticos como indicadores virales de contaminación fecal en mezclas de biosólido y árido en diferentes proporciones utilizadas para la restauración ecológica de la cantera “Soratama” en un período de 90 días. Se realizaron tres tratamientos (T1 8:1; T2 4:1 y T3 2:1, v/v de arena - biosólido con tres réplicas cada uno y un control negativo, únicamente con estériles. Se utilizó la técnica de elusión descrita por Lasobras (1999 y el método para detección y cuantificación de fagos somáticos en aguas, descrito por ISO 10705-2 (1999. El porcentaje de reducción fue de 97,84% para T1, 91,38% para T2 y 98,05% para T3. Se observó que el factor de mayor influencia en la reducción de la concentración de fagos somáticos fue la humedad.

  12. Are team members less inequality averse than individual decision makers?


    Haoran He; Marie Claire Villeval


    révision Août 2015; We compare inequality aversion in individuals and teams by means of both within- and between-subject experimental designs, and we investigate how teams aggregate individual preferences. We find that team decisions reveal less inequality aversion than individual initial proposals in team decision-making. However, teams are no more selfish than individuals who decide in isolation. Individuals express strategically more inequality aversion in their initial proposals in team d...

  13. 26 CFR 1.871-2 - Determining residence of alien individuals. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Determining residence of alien individuals. 1...) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Corporations § 1.871-2 Determining residence of alien individuals. (a) General. The term nonresident alien individual means an individual whose...

  14. 48 CFR 828.203 - Acceptability of individual sureties. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Acceptability of individual sureties. 828.203 Section 828.203 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS... Acceptability of individual sureties. ...

  15. Individual nuclear fuel rod weighing system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fogg, J.L.; Smith, J.H.; Vining, G.E.; Howell, C.A.


    An individual nuclear fuel rod weighing system for rods carried on a tray which moves along a materials handling conveyor is discussed. At a first tray position on the conveyor, a lifting device raises the rods off the tray and places them on an overhead ramp. A loading mechanism conveys the rods singly from the overhead ramp onto an overhead scale for individual weighing. When the tray is at a second position on the conveyor, a transfer apparatus transports each weighed rod from the scale back onto the tray

  16. How are individualism and collectivism measured?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cozma, Irina


    Full Text Available The cross-cultural research abound in instruments used to measure individualism and collectivism (27 scales measures various forms of individualism and/or collectivism; Oyserman et al., 2002. The present article takes a closer look at two of the most widely used measures in this literature (Singelis, Triandis, Bhawuk, and Gelfand, 1995; Triandis and Gelfand, 1998 and hilights their psychometrical strenghs and limitaions (reliability, validiy, and measurment equivalence. The article aims to increase awerenss regarding the psychometric properties of the measures reseahers use in cross-cultural setting as no measure is infallible.

  17. From primitive identity to the non-individuality of quantum objects (United States)

    Arenhart, Jonas Becker; Krause, Décio


    We consider the claim by Dorato and Morganti (Grades of individuality. A pluralistic view of identity in quantum mechanics and in the sciences. Philosophical Studies, 163 (2013) 591-610) that primitive individuality should be attributed to the entities dealt with by non-relativistic quantum mechanics. There are two central ingredients in the proposal: (i) in the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, individuality should be taken as a primitive notion and (ii) primitive individuality is naturalistically acceptable. We argue that, strictly understood, naturalism faces difficulties in helping to provide a theory with a unique principle of individuation. We also hold that even when taken in a loose sense, naturalism does not provide any sense in which one could hold that quantum mechanics endorses primitive individuality over non-individuality. Rather, we argue that non-individuality should be preferred based on the grounds that such a view fits better the claims of the theory.

  18. The decision making individual differences inventory and guidelines for the study of individual differences in judgment and decision-making research

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Appelt, K.C.; Milch, K.F.; Handgraaf, M.J.J.; Weber, E.U.


    Individual differences in decision making are a topic of longstanding interest, but often yield inconsistent and contradictory results. After providing an overview of individual difference measures that have commonly been used in judgment and decision-making (JDM) research, we suggest that our

  19. Determinação do valor nutritivo de alimentos energéticos e protéicos utilizados em rações para cães adultos Evaluation of nutritive value of energy and protein feeds in adult dogs diets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula de Melo Cavalari


    Full Text Available Dois experimentos foram realizados para avaliar a digestibilidade aparente da EB, MS e PB em alimentos energéticos e protéicos utilizados para cães adultos. Foram utilizados quatro cães adultos (13,1 ± 2,0 kg, dois machos e duas fêmeas, sem raça definida, na avaliação de cada alimento. Os animais receberam a mesma quantidade de ração por unidade de peso metabólico. No experimento 1, foi determinado o valor nutritivo dos alimentos energéticos e, no experimento 2, os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos alimentos protéicos. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da EB do milho extrusado (ME, do milho gelatinizado (MG, da gordura de coco e do óleo de soja, em dois níveis de inclusão (OS1 e OS2, e da gordura suína foram, respectivamente, 85,1; 84,4; 92,5; 92,1; 96,2 e 98,6%. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS e PB do ME e MG foram, respectivamente, 84,2 e 65,3 e 84,5 e 65,0%. Na soja integral extrusada e nas farinhas de carne, de carne extrusada, de vísceras, de vísceras extrusada, de peixe extrusada e de pena extrusada, foram obtidos, respectivamente, os seguintes coeficientes de digestibilidade: 80,0; 73,3; 80,7; 87,6; 91,2; 91,1 e 79,8% da EB; 80,0; 68,4; 87,8; 86,7; 88,1; 85,2 e 76,0% da MS; e 83,7; 74,7; 82,3; 88,0; 88,9; 91,9 e 82,3% da PB.Two trials were conducted to evaluate the apparent digestibility of GE, DM and CP in energy and high protein feedstuffs for adult dogs. Four adult mongrel dogs (two males and two females averaging of 13.1 ± 2.0 kg were used in both trials, to evaluate each feedstuff. The animals were fed the same amount of food per metabolic weight. The nutritive value of energy feedstuffs was evaluated in the trial 1. In the trial 2, the digestibility coefficients of protein feedstuffs were evaluated. The digestibility coefficients of GE in extruded corn (EC, gelatinized corn (GC, coconut oil, and soybean oil, in two levels of inclusion (5%-OS1 and 12%-OS2 and swine fat were respectively of 85.1, 84

  20. Theme: Serving Individuals with Disabilities. (United States)

    Frick, Marty; And Others


    Includes "Reviewing Commitment to Individuals with Disabilities" (Frick); "Modifying Laboratory Equipment" (Silletto); "Equine Facilitated Therapy" (Hoover et al.); "Horticultural Therapy" (Rees, Iverson); "How Accessible Is Your Agriculture Program? (Delks, Sillery); "Agricultural Education for…