
Sample records for prose ten percent

  1. The Texas Ten Percent Plan's Impact on College Enrollment (United States)

    Daugherty, Lindsay; Martorell, Paco; McFarlin, Isaac, Jr.


    The Texas Ten Percent Plan (TTP) provides students in the top 10 percent of their high-school class with automatic admission to any public university in the state, including the two flagship schools, the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M. Texas created the policy in 1997 after a federal appellate court ruled that the state's previous…


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    deli - Nirmala


    Full Text Available PROSES KOGNITIF DALAM  UNGKAPAN METAFORIS Deli Nirmala Abstract Speech is produced through cognitive or psychological process, physiological process, and physical process (de Saussure, 1959. The cognitive process is the focus of this study especially in producing metaphorical expressions. This paper is trying to elaborate how the cognitive process happens when someone is producing metaphorical expressions. The data used for explaining the cognitive process are the metaphorical expressions found in bahasa Indonesia. The data were collected randomly from the sources like conversation, news, or bahasa Indonesia used in Indonesian newspapers. The method used is observation and intuition. To analyze, I used identity method, distributional method, and reflective-introspective methods. The result shows that the cognitive process in producing metaphorical process is done by using associative strategies by showing the correspondences between the source concept and the target concept. The correspondences found are those in embodied experiences, characters, functions, characteristics, and strenghts.   Proses menghasilkan tuturan meliputi proses kognitif, fisiologis, dan fisik (de Saussure, 1959. Proses kogntif menjadi fokus dalam tulisan ini khususnya dalam proses menghasilkan ungkapan metaforis. Dalam tulisan ini, saya akan mencoba mengungkap bagaimana proses kognitif terjadi ketika seseorang menghasilkan ungkapan metaforis. Data yang dijadikan dasar dalam menjelaskan proses kognitif adalah ungkapan metaforis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data dipilih secara random dari sumber berupa percakapan, berita, bahasa di surat kabar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi dan intuisi. Untuk menganalisis, saya menggunakan metode padan, distribusional, dan reflektif-introspektif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa proses kognitif dalam menghasilkan ungkapan metaforis dilakukan dengan strategi asosiatif dengan menunjukkan korespondensi


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    Siska Andriani


    Full Text Available tandar proses merupakan salah satu standar nasional yang mengatur perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian, dan pengawasan proses pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan standar proses yang terjadi di lapangan belum terlihat keterlaksanaannya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu memperoleh deskripsi keterlaksanaan standar proses pada proses pembelajaran matematika menggunakan analisis CSE-UCLA di SMP Negeri Satu Atap Lerep. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan evaluatif. Sumber data utama adalah guru matematika. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji credibility (triangulasi dan kecukupan bahan referensi, uji transferability, dan uji dependability.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran matematika di SMP Negeri Satu Atap Lerep sudah mengikuti standar proses. Implementasi standar proses dengan analisis CSE-UCLA menunjukkan bahwa standar proses dilaksanakan melalui tahap  perencanaan, pengembangan, implementasi, hasil dan dampak. Dampak yang muncul pembelajaran yang terjadi tidak maksimal. Selain itu, banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi standar proses pada pembelajaran matematika di SMP Negeri Satu Atap Lerep. Faktor-faktor tersebut berupa faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat.


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    Sunardi Sunardi


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat mekanis pada baja AISI 4140 dengan proses tempering dengan variasi waktu tahan dan variasi suhu pada proses self tempering. Material terlebih dahulu dipanaskan pada suhu 850°C, di tahan dengan waktu 14 dan 28 menit, media pendinginan adalah Oli SAE 20. Pada proses tempering baja dipanaskan kembali dengan suhu 200°C di tahan dengan waktu 30 dan 120 menit. Sedangkan untuk proses self tempering, baja di panaskan pada suhu 850°C di tahan dengan waktu 14 dan 28 menit kemudian didinginkan, suhu yang harus dicapai pada pendinginan adalah 200°C, 400°C dan 600°C. Proses tempering dengan variasi waktu tahan mempunyai nilai kekerasan terbesar 50,1 HRC dengan waktu tahan 120 menit, sedangkan nilai kekerasan terbesar pada proses self tempering dengan variasi suhu adalah 29,68 HRC pada suhu 200°C. Nilai ketangguhan terbesar pada saat proses tempering adalah 0,341 (J/mm2 dengan waktu tahan 120 menit, sedangkan pada saat proses self tempering ketangguhan terbesar pada suhu 600°C dengan nilai 0,375 (J/mm2. Laju korosi terbesar pada saat tempering adalah 0,055 (mpy dengan waktu tahan 30 menit, sedangkan pada saat proses self tempering laju korosi terbesar pada suhu 400°C dengan nilai 0,0388 (mpy. 

  5. The sudden success of prose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Lars Boje


    The article presents a new model for understanding the sudden success of prose in four literatures: Greek, Latin, French and Old Norse. Through comparison and quantitative observations, and by focusing on the success of prose rather than its invention, it is shown that in all four cases two...... reading aloud) has been underplayed in previous scholarship mostly focused on authorial choices and invention. For two of the literatures (Greek, French) the fast dynamics of the rise of prose has already been identified and discussed, but for the two others (Latin, Old Norse), the observation is new....... It is also suggested that the exactly contemporary rise of French and Old Norse prose (c. 1200-1230) most probably is connected. The four literatures are each shown in chronological charts so as to visualize the timeline and the relation between poetic and prosaic works. The article furthermore reflects...

  6. Kajian Produksi Bersih Proses Elektroplating Emas pada Perhiasan Imitasi

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    Surti Indriastuti


    Full Text Available Proses electroplating emas pada barang perhiasan imitasi adalah proses melpisi permukaan perhiasan imitasi yang berupa gelang tembaga dengan bahan pelapis emas, dengan bantuan arus litrik. Proses ini menggunakan media pelapisan larutan elaktrolit emas Kau(CN2. Tahapan proses electroplating meliputi: pencucian gelang tembaga, pembilasan awal, proses electroplating, pembilasan akhir, pengeringan.Kajian Produksi Bersih (PB yang dilakukan pada proses tersebut yaitu dengan mengganti  bahan masukan, memperpanjang umur larutan elektrolit emas dilakukan minimasi drag out, pengaturan proses dan peralatan. Mengganti bahan masukan meliputi: air alam diganti aquades, emas berkadar di bawah 24 karat diganti dengan emas berkadar 24 karat (murni, bahan pencuci HCl/H2SO4 diganti dengan asam jawa/lerak. Memperpanjang larutan elektrolit emas dengan jalan: penyaringan, penambahan unsur kimia, pengurangan drag in. Minimasi drag out dengan jalan: menampung drag out. Pengaturan proses dan peralatan meliputi penataan layout peralatan, pemisahan proses basah dan kering, pembuangan limbah langsung ke saluran pembuangan.Hasil kajian memberikan simpulan bahwa penerapan prouksi bersih pada proses electroplating barang perhiasan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas produk, mengurangi kuantitas dan meningkatkan kualitas limbah, menurunkan produk rejek dari 10% menjdai 5%. Kata kunci: electroplating, produksi bersih


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    Untung Surya Dharma


    Full Text Available Limbah plastik dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku minyak plastik dengan menggunakan proses pirolisis. Minyak plastik yang dihasilkan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai zat aditif atau campuran bahan bakar pada mesin. Pada Penelitian ini, proses pembuatan minyak plastik menggunakan dua kali proses pirolisis. Suhu reaktor pada proses pirolisis yang pertama dan kedua berbeda berturut-turut yaitu 200 oC dan 150 oC. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pada proses pirolisis pertama dengan suhu reaktor 200 oC, dari 25 kg bahan baku menghasilkan 15,5 liter minyak plastik dalam waktu 80 jam. Sedangkan pada proses pirolisis kedua dengan suhu reaktor 150 oC, dari 15 liter minyak plastik dari hasil proses pirolisis pertama menghasilkan 11,6 liter minyak plastik dalam waktu 3,33 Jam. Adapun karakter minyak plastik yang dihasilkan adalah massa jenis 771,4 kg/m3, Viskositas 0,501 m2/s dan Nilai kalor 10518 kJ/kg

  8. Implementasi Proses Bisnis pada Perusahaan Retail Menggunakan Software Adempiere

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    Deria Dwi Antari


    Full Text Available Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP merupakan sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi terintegrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk pengelolaan dan integrasi proses bisnis perusahaan. Perusahaan retail memiliki beberapa departemen dan menangani transaksi dalam jumlah banyak dalam satu waktu, sehingga penerapan sistem ERP sangat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan tersebut. Sistem ERP dapat mempermudah penyaluran informasi antar departemen karena menggunakan satu logical basis data. Adempiere merupakan software ERP open source yang dapat digunakan untuk pengelolaan proses bisnis menjadi suatu sistem informasi terintegrasi. Proses bisnis yang diimplementasikan adalah proses bisnis pembelian, penjualan, pergudangan, dan akunting. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi sistem informasi terintegrasi dengan pemodelan proses bisnis perusahaan menggunakan software Adempiere. Proses bisnis existing menjadi terintegrasi dan lebih bersifat otomatis.   Kata Kunci: sistem informasi terintegrasi, enterprise resource planning, Adempiere

  9. Model Metric untuk Mengukur Fleksibilitas Model Proses Bisnis

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    Endang Wahyu Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Abstrak Organisasi bisnis dunia saat ini banyak memanfaatkan sistem informasi digital untuk memberikan pemahaman mengenai manajemen proses bisnis yang mereka jalani. Pemanfaatan sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP merupakan contoh teknologi dalam manajemen proses bisnis. Melalui sistem ini perusahaan dapat membangun dan mengembangkan proses bisnis. Selain itu, perusahaan juga dapat menyesuaikan proses bisnis secara cepat terhadap perubahan yang terjadi seiring bertambahnya kebutuhan dan informasi, berubahnya kondisi pasar, atau perubahan kebijakan. Sehubungan dengan perubahan proses bisnis yang sering terjadi, maka aspek fleksibilitas terhadap model proses yang dibangun harus ditingkatkan. Dalam mendukung peningkatan fleksibilitas tersebut tentunya dibutuhkan sebuah model untuk mengukur tingkat flesibelitas model proses bisnis. Model tersebut yang kemudian dapat digunakan oleh analis untuk melakukan perbandingan sehingga dapat diperoleh model proses bisnis yang paling fleksibel dan cocok dengan perusahaan. Hal ini dapat dianalisa dengan melibatkan aspek-aspek fleksibel yang telah diteliti pada penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya. Dalam paper ini akan dilakukan penelitian mengenai aspek fleksibitas dalam model proses bisnis untuk menghasilkan model metric yang dapat melakukan kuantifikasi tingkat fleksibilitas pada model proses bisnis. Model metric yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini mampu melakukan perhitungan fleksibelitas pada model proses bisnis secara kuantitatif. Kata kunci: ERP, fleksibilitas, metadata, model metric, model proses bisnis, variasi Abstract Recently, business organizations in the world are making use of digital information systems to provide an understanding of the business process management in which they live. Utilization of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP system is an example of technology in business process management. Through this system, some companies can build and develop business process and can quickly adjust


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    Ali Kusrijadi


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan biogas sebagai salah satu alternatif bahan bakar  pada proses brazing merupakan langkah diversifikasi biogas, yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan tingkat efisiensi dan keramahan teknologi. Permasalahan yang bersifat teknis dan menjadi kendala dalam pemanfaatan biogas ini adalah rendahnya konsentrasi CH4 dikarenakan adanya pengotor utama berupa air, karbondioksida dan asam disulfida. Penelitian dilakukan melalui dua tahap yaitu  tahap  pressureized storage process meliputi pemisahan komponen pengotor yang terdapat dalam biogas melalui teknik absorbsi sehingga dihasilkan biogas yang berkualitas gas alam terbarukan dan proses injeksi ke dalam suatu tangki penyimpanan, dan tahap selanjutnya adalah menggunakan biogas tersebut pada proses brazing logam Cu (tembaga dengan bahan tambah Ag (silver. Analisis hasil brazing dilakukan melalui analisis struktur mikro (metalografi untuk melihat kualitas tampak dari hasil brazing, serta analisis kekerasan mikro dan analisis parameter fisik standar terhadap hasil proses brazing. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan perangkat alat pemurnian biogas yang dapat memurnikan biogas menjadi metana mendekati 100% dan sistem pengemasan (storage system  biogas bertekanan hingga 2 bar. Dari hasil analisis struktur mikro dan uji kekerasan mikro diketahui bahwa hasil proses brazing dengan biogas menghasilkan kualitas yang sama dengan hasil proses brazing dengan gas acetylene sehingga disimpulkan bahwa biogas dapat menjadi bahan bakar alternatif untuk proses brazing, khususnya untuk logam Cu dengan bahan tambah Ag.  Kata kunci : Biogas, Pressureized Storage, Brazing

  11. Hubungan Persepsi Siswa tentang Proses Peminatan dengan Aspirasi Karir Siswa

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    Ria Febriani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa tentang proses peminatan, mendeskripsikan aspirasi karir siswa, dan menguji  hubungan persepsi siswa tentang proses peminatan dengan aspirasi karir siswa. Penelitian ini berbentuk deskriptif  korelasional dengan sampel 85 orang siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen persepsi siswa tentang proses peminatan dan instrumen aspirasi karir siswa yang dikembangkan oleh Afriyadi Sofyan (2013. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui sebagian besar persepsi siswa tentang proses peminatan berada pada kategori cukup baik, namun memiliki kecenderungan baik, sebagian besar aspirasi karir siswa berada pada kategori sedang, namun memiliki kecenderungan tinggi, serta terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara persepsi siswa tentang proses peminatan dengan aspirasi karir siswa. Perlu upaya guru BK untuk lebih  meningkatkan pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling, agar pelaksanaan proses peminatan dapat berjalan dengan baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan persepsi siswa tentang proses peminatan dan dapat meningkatkan aspirasi karir siswa.


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    Ong Andre Wahyu Rijanto


    Full Text Available PT. Meshindo Alloy Wheel adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur alloy wheel atau dikenal dengan sebutan velg racing untuk didistribusikan ke industri mobil atau dikenal sebagai OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer baik untuk industri otomotif di Indonesia maupun di Jepang. Mutu merupakan syarat penting dalam sukses bisnis. Kehandalan kinerja proses dan keakuratan pencapaian persyaratan mutu harus dapat dipenuhi. Proses dikatakan capable jika dapat memenuhi spesifikasi pelanggan, variasi yang terjadi pada proses relatif kecil, dan defect atau DPMO yang terjadi kecil. Artikel ini menganalisis pengendalian mutu proses pembuatan valve hole location pada alloy wheel type MS 511 YA. Pengendalian variasi proses produksi dan pengukuran dengan menggunakan metode six sigma DMAIC (Define Measure Analysis Improve Control untuk dapat mencapai target penurunan cacat sampai mencapai 3,4 DPMO (defect per million opportunities, Cp 1,54 dan Cpk 1,54. Setelah proses six sigma selesai, diharapkan implementasi six sigma dapat memberikan saran-saran perbaikan pada proses-proses yang lain.


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    Ong Andre Wahyu Rijanto


    Full Text Available PT. Meshindo Alloy Wheel adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur alloy wheel atau dikenal dengan sebutan velg racing untuk didistribusikan ke industri mobil atau dikenal sebagai OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer baik untuk industri otomotif di Indonesia maupun di Jepang. Mutu merupakan syarat penting dalam sukses bisnis. Kehandalan kinerja proses dan keakuratan pencapaian persyaratan mutu harus dapat dipenuhi. Proses dikatakan capable jika dapat memenuhi spesifikasi pelanggan, variasi yang terjadi pada proses relatif kecil, dan defect atau DPMO yang terjadi kecil.  Artikel ini menganalisis pengendalian mutu proses pembuatan valve hole location pada alloy wheel type MS 511 YA. Pengendalian variasi proses produksi dan pengukuran dengan menggunakan metode six sigma DMAIC (Define Measure Analysis Improve Control untuk dapat mencapai target penurunan cacat sampai mencapai 3,4 DPMO (defect per million opportunities, Cp 1,54 dan Cpk 1,54. Setelah proses six sigma selesai, diharapkan implementasi six sigma dapat memberikan saran-saran perbaikan pada proses-proses yang lain.


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    Achmad Fauzie Tolah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran proses berkarya grup musik distorsi akustik, meliputi empat tahapan proses kreativitas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian analisis kualitatif dengan lokasi penelitian di Kota Semarang, adapun wujud dan sumber data terdiri dari sumber dan wujud data tertulis maupun tidak tertulis. Instrumen dan teknik pengambilan data mengunakan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data. Sedangkan teknik analisis dan pengolahan data pengumpulan, reduksi, klarifikasi dan verifikasi data. Ciri khas karya dari distorsi akustik adalah musik bergenre shoegaze yang mampu diterima semua komunitas musik indie. Selain itu karya lagu dari proses kreativitas berkarya distorsi akustik mampu relevan terhadap pendidikan seni. Proses berkarya dari grup musik distorsi akustik telah melewati empat tahapan proses kreativitas, yaitu tahap preparasi, inkubasi, iluminasi dan verifikasi. Karya yang dihasilkan setelah melewati empat tahapan proses kreativitas hasilnya dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah produk kreatif.This study aims to provide an overview work process distortion acoustic music group, includes four stages of the process of creativity. The study was conducted by the research method of qualitative analysis to study the location in the city, while the form and source of data consists of the data source and form of written or unwritten. Instruments and data capture techniques using observation, interview and documentation. Data validation techniques using data triangulation technique. While technical analysis and processing of data collection, reduction, clarification and verification of data. The distinctive feature of the work is the acoustic distortion shoegaze genre of music that is able to welcome all the indie music community. In addition, the work songs from the acoustic distortion capable of creativity at work relevant to art education. Working process of

  15. Language, Metaphor, and Creativity in Discursive Prose. (United States)

    Ross, William T.


    Traces the denigration of discursive prose back through the "New Criticism" to Romanticism and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who saw poetry as special and separate from other rhetoric. Notes that discursive prose can be just as creative and interesting as poetry. Urges composition teachers to shift their point of view accordingly. (RL)

  16. Penambangan Proses Yang Mendukung Penilaian Perangkat Lunak Dengan Cobit4.1


    Setiawan, Nanang Yudi; Sarwosri, Sarwosri


    Ide dasar di Balik software process improvement - SPI menjadi alasan bahwa proses perangkat lunak berkualitas baik merupakan prasyarat bagi produk perangkat lunak berkualitas baik. Oleh karenanya, proses dalam perangkat lunak perlu untuk terus dinilai dan ditingkatkan. COBIT merupakan salah satu kerangka SPI yang dapat menjadi acuan ketercapaian kualitas perangkat lunak. Untuk mendukung penilaian proses, penelitian ini mengusulkan penerapan teknik penambangan proses (process mining) dalam pen...

  17. Optimasi Proses Produksi Etanol dari Molases Menggunakan Teknik Fermentasi- Ekstraktif

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    Firda Atikah Rosyadi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan yield dan produktivitas etanol menggunakan fermentasi kontinyu pada packed bed bioreaktor dan proses fermentasi yang diintegrasikan proses ekstraksi dengan recycle dari rafinat yang dikembalikan pada fermentor serta mengetahui jenis pelarut yang terbaik untuk proses fermentasi ekstraktif ditinjau dari sifat inhibisi serta melakukan optimasi dengan mengembangkan model matematis dari proses fermentasi-ekstraktif menggunakan MATLAB 7.0 dengan metode Golden Section serta membandingkan hasilnya antara eksperimen dan pemodelannya. Pada proses ini digunakan molases sebagai bahan baku dan n-amyl alcohol, 1-octanol dan 1-dodecanol sebagai solvent pada proses ekstraksi. Konsentrasi awal molases adalah 161,14 g/L (17%. Variabel recycle ratio yang digunakan sebesar 40%, 50%, 60% dan 70% terhadap feed. Pelarut yang digunakan ada tiga macam berdasarkan jumlah atom C-nya yaitu n-amyl alcohol (C-5, 1-octanol (C-8, dan 1-dodecanol(C-12. Konsentrasi gula reduksi sisa dianalisa dengan metode DNS (Dinitrosalisilic acid, sedangkan kadar etanol dianalisa dengan metode Gas Cromatography (CG. Fermentasi-ekstraktif dilakukan secara eksperimen dan pemodelan dengan metode Golden Section. Yield optimum untuk pelarut n-amyl alcohol adalah sebesar 10,0049%. Pada recycle ratio 0.4 . Nilai yield optimum yang didapatkan untuk pelarut 1-octanol dan 1-dodecanol adalah saat tidak ada recycle sebesar 9,9949% dan 9,992%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka diketahui bahwa n-amyl-alkohol merupakan pelarut terbaik yang digunakan pada proses fermentasi ekstraktif.


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    Noviyarsi Noviyarsi


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang umum dihadapi oleh industri kecil menengah adalah kemampuan untuk menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas baik dengan harga yang bersaing di pasaran. Hal ini dikarenakan proses produksi yang belum terstandarisasi dan area kerja yang tidak tertata sehingga berdampak pada banyaknya pemborosan pada area kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun ulang area kerja mesin thresser untuk percepatan proses. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lean six sigma dan 5S. Penggunaan kedua metode ini akan dapat meminimasi aktivitas, material, komponen dan spare part yang berada pada area produksi sehingga waktu proses menjadi lebih cepat, area kerja dimanfaatkan dengan optimal dan lingkungan kerja menjadi lebih rapi dan teratur. Hasil analisis dengan lean six sigma memperlihatkan bahwa efisiensi siklus proses 0.84%, dengan peningkatan kecepatan proses 7.9%. Hasil analisis terhadap area kerja terdapat 5 area kerja yang memerlukan perbaikan susunan area yaitu area storage, mesin potong plat, mesin potong besi, mesin rolling dan mesin compressor.

  19. Perancangan dan Proses Pembuatan Inner Door Panel Mobil Pick Up Multiguna

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    Bambang Prayogi


    Full Text Available Sejak tahun 2012 Jurusan Teknik Mesin bekerja sama dengan PT. INKA mengembangkan mobil murah multigna. Mobil pick up tersebut diberi nama GEA. Pengembangan dilakukan pada body, chasis dan engine. Sebagai bagian dari body, pintu mobil juga akan dikembangkan. Pada tahun 2013, penelitian terhadap posisi handle pengatur kaca jendela atau window regulator mobil pick up GEA telah dilakukan. Evaluasi tersebut mengharuskan adanya perubahan desain dari inner door panel. Suatu rancangan pengembangan desain inner door panel perlu dilakukan agar inner door panel dapat diproduksi secara massal. Langkah-langkah penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi penyusunan list of requirement untuk pengembangan konsep, analisa getaran dan tegangan yang terjadi pada panel dengan bantuan software CATIA. Selanjutnya perancangan proses pembuatan dan perancangan punch and dies-nya dilakukan. Dari analisa getaran yang dilakukan, dapat diketahui inner door panel memiliki frekuensi natural sebesar 166,94 Hz (10.016,4 rpm artinya panel aman dan tidak terpengaruh oleh getaran dari mesin mobil. Tegangan yang terjadi pada inner door panel akibat gaya pembebanan pada handle pintu bagian dalam adalah 2,9159 x 107 Pa (2,97 Kg/mm2 sehingga lebih kecil dari tegangan ijin materialnya 13,94 Kg/mm2 dan rancangan masih berada dalam kategori aman. Untuk membuat inner door panel dilakukan 3 macam proses pembentukan yaitu trimming, embossing dan piercing. Total gaya pembentukan masing-masing proses sebagai berikut: Gaya pembentukan proses trimming = 48.96 ton, proses embossing = 26.89 ton dan proses piercing = 41.66 ton. Window regulator yang disarankan untuk digunakan pada mobil pick up multiguna ini adalah scissor type window regulator dengan tenaga penggerak manual. Pada perancangan punch and dies, tegangan kompresi masing-masing proses dihitung dan hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut: Tegangan kompresi proses trimming 0.11 Kg/mm2, tegangan kompresi proses embossing 0.28 Kg/mm2, tegangan kompresi


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    Ana Marques Gastão


    Full Text Available To Paul Valéry, prose follows the less action path, as in marching in a straight line, and poetry, as in dancing – in as much as it is a «system of acts» – it not only intends to go nowhere but it remains in its own realisation, creating its own purpose. Why then does his prose contain this commanded impulse, led by desire, and his poetry does not, since they are so often one and the same? In this essay, looking at works by Rainer Marie Rilke, Fernando Pessoa, António Vieira and Yvette K. Centeno, I develop the idea that, very often, to establish a distinction between genres can be impractical and useless, if one considers concepts such as march/walk and dance from a choreographic perspective. Even if it be a possible question and since it has nevertheless been the object of study by scholars of all times, why is it undertaken? Why can’t prose be danced to, and poetry marched to? Can the walking essence unconsciously dance?


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    Lena Ellitan


    Full Text Available Business process reengineering is fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of an organization's business processes that leads the organization to achieve dramatic improvement in business performance. Many firms have successfully embraced this new innovation paradigm to achieve orders of magnitude improvements in cost, eficiency, quality and value. Even more firms are seeking opportunities to apply reengineering and methodologies to assist them in doing so. The recognition of reengineering as a new management paradigm emerged in the 1990's, though it may be argued that the principle of reengineering has been applied well before then. The early 1990's saw world wide interest in reengineering. Consequently, many organizations have reported their first-cycle experiences in reengineering. Reengineering practices in the period of the 1990's was largerly characterized by application to operational processes and emphasis on operational measure of time, cost, and quality. Quite recently, a more strategic flavor of reengineering has been advocated. One of the hopes of new thinking is that by trancending microscopic concern of operational strategy, it would help the organization derive significantly greater value out of the reengineering effort. This paper presents: 1. The concept of reengineering 2. Various problems in business process reengineering. 3. The rigorous methodology for organizing reengineering activities. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Reengineering proses bisnis adalah pemikiran ulang fundamental dan disain ulang radikal suatu proses bisnis organisasi yang akan mengarahkan organisasi untuk mencapai peningkatan kinerja bisnis secara dramatis. Beberapa perusahaan telah menerapkan paradigma inovasi baru ini untuk mencapai berbagai perbaikan dalam biaya, kualitas, dan efisiensi. Bahkan makin banyak perusahaan yang mencari peluang untuk menerapkan proyek reengineering dan metodologi-metodologi yang membantu mereka dalam mencapai usaha

  2. Penerapan Supervisi Klinis untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Gugus IV Sanankulon

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    Sri Utami


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dampak supervise klinis terhadap kinerja guru dalam proses belajar mengajar.Tindakan melalui supervise klinis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kinerja guru dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, siklus I mencapai 72% atau ada13 guru dari 18 guru sudah berhasil dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, siklus II keberhasilan guru dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar mencapai 89%atau ada 16 guru dari 18 guru sudah berhasil dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar.


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    Nanang Yudi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Ide dasar di balik software process improvement - SPI menjadi alasan bahwa proses perangkat lunak berkualitas baik merupakan prasyarat bagi produk perangkat lunak berkualitas baik. Oleh karenanya, proses dalam perangkat lunak perlu untuk terus dinilai dan ditingkatkan. COBIT merupakan salah satu kerangka SPI yang dapat menjadi acuan ketercapaian kualitas perangkat lunak. Untuk mendukung penilaian proses, penelitian ini mengusulkan penerapan teknik penambangan proses (process mining dalam penilaian perangka t lunak untuk menilai ketercapaian indikator kematangan proses sesuai panduan COBIT -PAM (COBIT Process Assessment Model. Hasil evaluasi dengan validitas dan reliabilitas menunjukkan bahwa teknik penambangan proses dapat diterapkan dengan menyesuaikan tujuan dan produk kerja dari setiap atribut penilaian proses dalam COBIT.


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    Widayat Widayat


    Full Text Available DiEtil Eter diproduksi dari etanol dengan proses dehidrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmempelajari kinetika reaksi proses dehidrasi etanol dengan katalis H-zeolit. Katalis H-zeolitdisintesis dengan proses dealuminasi dan kalsinasi dan impregnasi dengan logam Al dan prosesreduksi dan kalsinasi. Proses produksi DiEtil Eter dilaksanakan dengan proses adsorpsi dan reaksikatalitik sedangkan proses studi kinetika reaksi menggunakan pendekatan Langmuir-Hinshelwood.Proses analisis kinetika reaksi menggunakan perangkat lunak MATLAB. Model kinetika reaksi prosesdehidrasi etanol menjadi DiEtil Eter dan etilen dengan katalis H-zeolit pada konsentrasi umpanetanol 85-95% dan rentang temperatur 140-240oC, dimana reaksi permukaan yang mengontrol reaksiglobal adalahDiEthyl Ether is produced by using ethanol dehydrationprocess. The objective of this research was to study the reaction kinetic of ethanol dehydrationprocess by H-zeolite catalyst from natural zeolite. The H-zeolite catalyst was prepared bydealumination, calcination, impregnation with Al and reduction processes. DiEthyl Ether productionwas produced by using adsorption-catalytic reaction. The kinetic study was did with MATLABsoftware. Kinetic model of ethanol dehydration processes into DiEthyl Ether and ethylene with Hzeolitecatalyst and ethanol feed concentration among 85-95% and temperature between 140-240oCunder surface reaction is shown by


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    language. The Application of Technical Service. Prose. To form a good idea of the appl ication .... cost lives. In this particular domain, translators must have a sound technical ... These semantic ... another language and often, in doing so, changing its meaning. The words ..... He will hand out tasks to each translator and after.


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    Widyah Setyowati


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang : Support system yang diberikan kepada ibu menjelang persalinan sangat mendukung dalam menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu pada saat persalinan. Keuntungan pendamping persalinan oleh keluarga dapat mengurangi rasa cemas, mempercepat  proses persalinan, menghindari komplikasi-komplikasi pada persalinan, mengurangi nilai score APGAR < 7 pada bayi baru lahir sehingga menghindari bayi asfeksia, waktu yang di butuhkan dalam proses persalinan semakin pendek, kepuasan ibu semakin meningkat dalam pengalaman melahirkan, persalinan yang diakhiri dengan vacuum ekstraksi, fosceps, dan secsio cesaria semakin menurun. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan pendampingan keluarga dengan lama proses persalinan kala I di Puskesmas Karangdoro Kota Semarang. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional dan jenis penelitian deskriptif analitik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 39 responden, menggunakan teknik sampel Total populasi yaitu semua ibu Primipara yang bersalin di puskesmas Karangdoro Semarang sebanyak 39 responden. Analisa yang digunakan univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil : Sebagian besar ibu dalam proses persalinan kala I mendapatkan pendampingan keluarga yang baik selama proses persalinan kala 1 sebanyak 24 (72,7% responden; Sebagian besar ibu mengalami proses persalinan kala 1 cepat sebanyak 21 (63, 6% responden; Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendampingan keluarga dengan lama proses persalinan di Puskesmas Karangdoro Semarang dengan  nilai continuity correction sebesar 3,275 dengan p value fisher exact sebesar 0,044 < 0,05. Simpulan : Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendampingan keluarga dengan lama proses persalinan di Puskesmas Karangdoro Semarang. Masyarakat diharapkan menambah wawasan tentang pendampingan keluarga pada proses persalinan kala I, sehingga masyarakat tidak merasa tabu dan takut dalam mendampingi persalinan kala I pada ibu bersalin.Latar Belakang : Support system yang diberikan


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    Fitri Fatimah


    Banyak penelitian yang mengkaji tentang keterampilan proses sains namun masih diteliti secara terpisah antara keterampilan proses dasar dan keterampilan terintegrasi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang keterampilan proses sains yang menggabungkan keterampilan dasar dan terintegrasi dengan menggunakan Levels of Inquiry pada materi ciri-ciri dan klasifikasi makhluk hidup. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed methods desain embedded terhadap siswa kelas VII SMPN 9 Pontianak. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan pembelajaran model Levels of Inquiry dapat melatih dan mengembangkan keterampilan proses sains siswa mulai dari kurang terampil sampai menjadi sangat terampil. Hasil pretes dan postes memperlihatkan peningkatan hasil dengan N-gain sebesar 0.67 berada pada kriteria sedang.

  8. Praktik Trademark Squatting dalam Proses Pendaftaran Merek di Indonesia


    Widya Justitia


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis mengapa praktik trademark squatting dapat terjadi dalam proses pendaftaran merek beserta cara mengatasinya. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini juga membahas mengenai konsepsi ideal terkait proses pendaftaran merek di Indonesia guna menghindari dan meminimalisasi praktik trademark squatting. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat yuridis empiris dan data yang terkumpul dianalisa dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil...

  9. The neuroaesthetics of prose fiction: pitfalls, parameters and prospects. (United States)

    Burke, Michael


    There is a paucity of neuroaesthetic studies on prose fiction. This is in contrast to the very many impressive studies that have been conducted in recent times on the neuroaesthetics of sister arts such as painting, music and dance. Why might this be the case, what are its causes and, of greatest importance, how can it best be resolved? In this article, the pitfalls, parameters and prospects of a neuroaesthetics of prose fiction will be explored. The article itself is part critical review, part methodological proposal and part opinion paper. Its aim is simple: to stimulate, excite and energize thinking in the discipline as to how prose fiction might be fully integrated in the canon of neuroaesthetics and to point to opportunities where neuroimaging studies on literary discourse processing might be conducted in collaborative work bringing humanists and scientists together.

  10. Improving Children's Prose Comprehension: Selected Strategies That Seem to Succeed. Theoretical Paper No. 72. (United States)

    Levin, Joel R.; Pressley, Michael

    Prose-learning strategies are classified in this paper as prose-dependent (those that authors can use to optimize communication) or processor-dependent (those that learners can use to optimize reception) and are cross-classified as stage-setting (those that prepare the learner for upcoming prose information) or storage-retrieval oriented (those…


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    Nuril Maghfiroh


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran Project Based Learning terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi Eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest postest non-equivalent control group design. Penentuan sampel mempertimbangkan kemampuan kognitif yang setara antara dua kelas yang menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Keterampilan proses sains diukur melalui tes tulis yang kemudian dianalisis dengan rubrik penilaian yang sudah disesuaikan untuk setiap aspek keterampilan proses sains. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pembelajaran Project Based Learning terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa.


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    Margono Margono


    Full Text Available MATHEMATICS MODELLING OF POLYHYDROXYBUTYRATE (PHB PRODUCTION FROM TAPIOCA. One of the technical approaches to get improvement of PHB productivity was a process simulation by using mathematical modeling. The objective of this research was to develop mathematical model which could be used to simulate fermentation of polyhydroxybutyrate production by Bacillus cereus IFO 13690 using tapioca substrates. Three different experiments with initial ammonium of 0.286, 0.566, and 1.203 g/L were carried out in 5 L fermentor and 500 rpm of agitation speed. The pH medium was controlled at 5.6 after it came down from the initial pH of 6.8. Meanwhile, the initial doT was 70% air saturation and also came down to and maintained at doT of 5% air saturation. PHB accumulation was growth associated product. Model of bacteria mechanism on utilizing tapioca and the mathematical model were proposed. The proposed model was suitable with the experimental phenomena. However, the rate of fermentation process was the controlling rate for overall PHB synthesis.   Abstrak   Salah satu pendekatan teknis untuk melakukan optimasi proses fermentasi adalah melakukan simulasi menggunakan model matematika.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model matematika yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan simulasi proses pada fermentasi produksi polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB dari tapioka oleh Bacillus cereus IFO 13690. Tiga buah percobaan dengan konsentrasi amonium awal 0,286, 0,566, dan 1,203 g/L dilakukan pada fermentor dengan volume 5 L dan kecepatan pengadukan 500 rpm. Percobaan dilakukan dengan kondisi awal  pH 6,8 dan konsentrasi oksigen terlarut (doT 70% udara jenuh. Kondisi awal tidak dikontrol sehingga pH medium turun dan dijaga pada 5,6 menggunakan pengontrol pH. Sedangkan doT turun dan dikontrol pada 5% udara jenuh. Data percobaan dan model matematika menunjukkan bahwa produksi PHB mengikuti pola pertumbuhan berasosiasi dengan produk (growth associated product. Model mekanisme

  13. Pictures as Prose-Learning Devices. (United States)

    Levin, Joel R.

    Most popular strategies, including illustrations, for improving prose processing consist of procedures that force attention either to the text's macrostructure or to the organization and interconnections of its propositions. These strategies are assumed to enhance students' comprehension of the text as encoded, as well as to afford students an…

  14. Memory decreases for prose, but not for poetry. (United States)

    Tillmann, Barbara; Dowling, W Jay


    Memory for details of text generally declines relatively rapidly, whereas memory for propositional and context-based meanings is generally more resilient over time. In the present study, we investigated short-term memory for two kinds of verbal material: prose and poetry. Participants heard or read prose stories or poems in which aphrase near the start of the passage served as a target. The text continued, and after various delays, memory was tested with a repetition of the target (old verbatim; O), a paraphrased lure (P), or a lure in which the meaning was changed. For prose, memory for surface details (as measured by O/P discrimination) declined over time (Experiments 2-4), as was expected. For poetry, memory for surface details (O/P discrimination) did not decline with increasing delay (Experiments 1, 3, and 4). This lack of decline in memory for the surface details of poetry is discussed in relation to similar results previously observed for musical excerpts (Dowling, Tillmann, & Ayers, 2001), suggesting that a particular role is played by the temporal organization and rhythmic structure of poetry andmusic.


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    Ari Kusuma Sulyandari


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the representation of children in kindergartens of the objects and symbols of numbers 1 to 10 when playing activities. So the mathematical activity in appropriate with the child's development. This study uses qualitative descriptive by Moleong. The collection of data through observation, interviews, photo and recording. To check the validity of researchers used data triangulation of data sources, theory and methodology. Results of the study is that children need visual in process representation. They need to understand the concept of visualization when many objects, counting objects, understand the numbers 1 to 10. Children are not able to think abstractly. Representation of children has not been perfect. Method of learning in kindergarten helps learning to count and recognize numbers. Especially if done with playing. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses representasi anak TK pada simbol matematika bilangan asli 1 sampai 10 pada proses bermain sehingga pembelajaran matematika sesuai dengan perkembangan anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi berupa foto serta perekaman. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada saat penelitian adalah analisis deskriptif untuk mengecek keabsahan peneliti menggunakan data triangulasi sumber data, teori, dan metodologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak usia TK membutuhkan visual dalam aktivitas representasi. Anak-anak membutuhkan bantuan visual saat memahami konsep banyak benda, menghitung benda, memahami bilangan 1 sampai 10. Hal ini dikarenakan anak usia TK masih belum dapat berpikir secara abstrak sehingga representasi anak usia TK masih belum sempurna. Penggunaan metode pembelajaran tematik terpadu di TK mempermudah pembelajaran berhitung dan mengenal angka terlebih jika dilakukan dengan bermain.


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    Harli Talla


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh karakteristik batubara terhadap proses pencairan dengan menggunakan metoda hidrogenasi katalitik. Sampel batubara yang digunakan adalah batubara Sorong dengan peringkat lignit dan batubara Mulia dengan peringkat sub bituminus. Proses pencairan dilakukan dalam sebuah otoklaf yang berkapasitas 5 liter dengan menggunakan pelarut antrasen dan katalis bijih besi. Kisaran suhu pencairan adalah 375ºC, 400ºC, 425ºC, dan 450ºC, sementara tekanan awal hidrogen ditetapkan 100 bar. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa karakteristik batubara memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pencairan. Konversi tertinggi batubara Sorong adalah 89,94% pada suhu 400ºC, sementara untuk batubara Mulia sebesar 87,28% pada suhu 450ºC


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    Siti Darsati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penyusunan model pembelajaran kimia ini untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses dan keterampilan berpikir siswa SMA. Model Pembelajaran Laju Reaksi untuk SMA mengandung 17 konsep, meliputi konsep abstrak, konsep yang berdasarkan prinsip dan konsep yang menyatakan simbol. Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Keterampilan Proses Sains yang dikembangkan lebih banyak pada keterampilan menyimpulkan. Model ini telah di implementasikan pada 2 SMA di Kodya/Kabupaten Bandung. Kata kunci: Model pembelajaran, keterampilan proses, keterampilan berpikir

  18. On the Alternative Use of Verse and Prose in Hamlet

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    As a master in language,William Shakespeare is proficient in using verse and prose alternatively in his tragedies and comedies,which is regarded as the key to his success in literature by some critics.In this thesis,I would like to analyze the three criteria for the altemafion of verse and prose in Hamlet,in which a discussion of functions of the alternation will be included

  19. Optimasi Proses Spray Drying Pada Enkapsulasi Antosianin Ubi Ungu

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    Retno Yunilawati


    Full Text Available Teknologi proses spray drying banyak dilakukan pada enkapsulasi zat warna alam untuk aplikasi di industri. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan enkapsulasi antosianin ubi ungu dengan teknik spray drying. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah optimasi proses spray drying pada enkapsulasi antosianin ubi ungu. Optimasi proses dilakukan pada kondisi berbagai suhu inlet (150 °C sampai dengan 180 °C dan jumlah maltodekstrin sebagai carrier (5% sampai dengan 15%. Sebagai respon dilakukan pengukuran kadar air, absorbansi, dan kadar antosianin. Response Surface Methodology (RSM dengan metode Central Composite Design (CCD digunakan untuk analisis data optimasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa suhu inlet dan persentase maltodekstrin berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kadar air, absorbansi, dan kadar antosianin total. Kondisi optimal didapatkan pada suhu inlet 166,96 °C dan maltodekstrin sebesar 5%. Pada kondisi ini dihasilkan serbuk antosianin ubi ungu dengan kadar air 4,79%; absorbansi 0,8827; dan kadar antosianin total 968,65 mg/kg.

  20. Differential Forgetting of Superordinate and Subordinate Information Acquired from Prose Material (United States)

    Miller, Raymond B.; And Others


    The superior retention of superordinate ideas over time was replicated in this study which demonstrated the construct validity of a recognition test based upon the structure of a prose passage. A link was made between existing data on memory for prose and past theory: Ausubel's subsumption theory and Craik and Lockhart's levels-of-processing…

  1. Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Mapel Sains melalui Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses Sains SD/MI

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    Moh. Arif


    Full Text Available Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan format pengembangan intrumen penilaian keterampilan proses sains SD yang masih menjadi problematika untuk menentukan pengembangan instrumen. Di samping itu, artikel ini ditulis untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan beberpa prosedur pelaksanaan penilaian proses sains SD dengan memberikan format pengembangan instrumen penialaian proses sains yang meliputi penyusunan rencana penelitian, penyusunan kisi-kisi, pembuatan soal sampai pada penganalisian butir soal. Konsep dasar penilaian yang perlu ditekankan adalah keefektivan instrumen penilaian, yang terdiri dari tiga unsur utama yakni valid (validity, reliabel (reliability, dan praktis (practicality. Berdasarkan tujuan dan perbedaan waktu pelaksanaanya, terdapat tiga jenis bentuk penilaian proses sains pada siswa Sekolah Dasar: Penilaian Diagnostik, Penilaian formatif dan Penilaian sumatif. Tes akan dianalisis secara kualitatif baik dari segi materi, konstruksi maupun bahasa. Analisis secara kuantitatif dengan pendekatan teori tes klasik yakni dengan Iteman dan analisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan teori tes modern yakni program Bigstep.





    2015 Proses Penentuan Harga Jual Pada Rumah Makan Citra Minang di Makassar The Process of Determining the Selling Price at Citra Minang Restaurant in Makassar Nadylah Sulpa Abdul Hamid Habbe Darmawati Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penentuan harga jual menurut Rumah Makan Citra Minang dan nilai harga jual produk bila dihitung menggunakan metode cost plus pricing. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari data...

  3. Teori Implisit dalam Proses Belajar, Relasi antar Pribadi dan antar Kelompok

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    Aquilina Tanti Arini


    Full Text Available Artikel ini memaparkan tentang teori implisit yang perkembangannya dipelopori oleh Carol S. Dweck dan kolega-koleganya. Teori implisit merupakan teori orang awam yang terdiri atas teori entitas dan inkremental. Teori entitas adalah pandangan yang dimiliki orang awam bahwa sifat bersifat permanen, sedangkan teori inkremental adalah pandangan orang awam bahwa sifat bersifat dinamis dan dapat dikembangkan. Pemaparan teori implisit didasarkan pada hasil-hasil penelitian pada berbagai isu belajar dan relasi-relasi sosial, meliputi penelitian-penelitian tentang peran teori implisit pada performansi dan proses-proses belajar yang mendasarinya, pada relasi antar pribadi dan relasi antar kelompok. Selain itu juga dipaparkan hasil penelitian tentang intervensi untuk mengubah teori implisit yang mendukung perubahan diri dan sosial yang konstruktif. Paparan tentang teori implisit diharapkan memberikan pemahaman tentang peran perbedaan individu dalam proses interaksi sosial.

  4. Writing intelligible English prose for biomedical journals. (United States)

    Ludbrook, John


    1. I present a combination of semi-objective and subjective evidence that the quality of English prose in biomedical scientific writing is deteriorating. 2. I consider seven possible strategies for reversing this apparent trend. These refer to a greater emphasis on good writing by students in schools and by university students, consulting books on science writing, one-on-one mentoring, using 'scientific' measures to reveal lexical poverty, making use of freelance science editors and encouraging the editors of biomedical journals to pay more attention to the problem. 3. I conclude that a fruitful, long-term, strategy would be to encourage more biomedical scientists to embark on a career in science editing. This strategy requires a complementary initiative on the part of biomedical research institutions and universities to employ qualified science editors. 4. An immediately realisable strategy is to encourage postgraduate students in the biomedical sciences to undertake the service courses provided by many universities on writing English prose in general and scientific prose in particular. This strategy would require that heads of departments and supervisors urge their postgraduate students to attend such courses. 5. Two major publishers of biomedical journals, Blackwell Publications and Elsevier Science, now provide lists of commercial editing services on their web sites. I strongly recommend that authors intending to submit manuscripts to their journals (including Blackwell's Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology) make use of these services. This recommendation applies especially to those for whom English is a second language.

  5. Pengaruh penambahan Ca(OH2 pada Proses Pirolisis terhadap Hasil Gasifikasi Batubara Bituminus dengan medium Gas CO2

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    Saripah Sobah


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan batubara melalui proses gasifikasi perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut karena proses ini dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk menggantikan peranan  gas alam sebagai sumber gas sintesis. Di samping itu, proses ini dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan karena teknologi gasifikasi merupakan teknologi yang bersih dan dapat mengurangi jumlah gas CO2 yang dibuang ke lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan Ca(OH2 pada proses pirolisis terhadap hasil gasifikasi arang batubara bituminus dengan medium gas CO2. Reaksi karbon dari arang batubara dengan gas CO2 pada proses gasifikasi merupakan reaksi endotermis dan berlangsung sangat lambat pada suhu di bawah 1000oC sehingga digunakan Ca(OH2 sebagai katalisator. Proses gasifikasi batubara dijalankan dalam reaktor fixed bed. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gasifikasi arang batubara dengan penambahan Ca(OH2 pada proses pirolisis memberikan pengaruh terhadap komposisi gas hasil yaitu berkurangnya kadar gas CO2 dan menyebabkan berkurangnya kadar belerang pada arang hasil pirolisis dan gasifikasi. Proses ini juga dapat mengurangi kadar gas CO2 sebesar 63,17% dan untuk  gasifikasi tanpa Ca(OH2 , CO2 dapat dikurangi kadarnya sampai 35,2%.


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    Nataliya Viktorovna Prashcheruk


    Full Text Available The article looks at the works of St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov. His dialogue Christian Shepherd and Christian Artist (1851 reflects the holy bishop's views of art. In its highest form, art should follow the Gospel, said St. Ignatius. In this article we analyse his meditative prose (Ascetic Experience, A Word on Death, etc. A special focus is made on lyrical and philosophical autobiographic fragments which can be compared to Turgenev's Poems in Prose. These texts describe the moments of spiritual balance and inner peace which are rare in secular prose. Citing some fragments from Ascetic Experiences as an example, we show how “strong and profound spiritual impressions” take the shape of aesthetic expression. Our study of Ignatius Bryanchaninov's works led us to the notion of epiphanic vision and writing, and to a more general conclusion that these works can be described as belonging both to the patristic tradition and Russian literature.

  7. Fungsi dan Proses Pembuatan Topeng di Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur

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    Robbi Hidajat


    Full Text Available AbstrakTopeng Malang adalah salah satu jenis topeng Jawa yang berkembang di Malang Jawa Timur. Memperhatikan bentuk raut topeng yang digambarkan tergolong dalam genre tokoh-tokoh lakon Panji. Topeng berfungsi sebagai properti seni pertunjukan Wayang Topeng. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian fungsi, baik dari sisi kegunaan material dan teknik pembuatan topeng. Permasalahan penelitian ini ada 2, yaitu (1 apakah fungsi Topeng Malang, (2 bagaimana teknik dan proses pembuatan Topeng Malang. Informan penelitian adalah perajin. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Teknik analisis adalah interpretasi simbolis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah deskripsi tentang fungsi wayang topeng sebagai alat untuk menutup wajah penari agar sebagai bentuk penyamaran bagi penari agar dapat melakukan komunikasi spiritual dengan roh leluhur untuk mengharapkan berkah kesuburan. Teknik dan proses pembuatan Topeng Malang yaitu teknik ukir menggunakan pisau pangot. Proses pembuatannya terdiri dari 4 tahap, mbakali, wiwit, meraeni, dan maesi. Tiga tahap proses ini berelasi dengan proses penggarapan lahan sawah.Kata kunci: topeng, teknik, wayang, kerajinan AbstractMask of Malang is a type of Javanese masks which develop in Malang, East Java. From the face form, the masks portray the figures from Panji tales. The main function of the masks is as a property in Mask Puppet art performance. This research is a study of functions, both in terms of material usability and mask making techniques. The problems discussed in this study are, (1 what the mask of Malang's function is, (2 how the mask making technique and process are. Research informants are craftsmen. Data collection methods are by observation and interviews. Analysis methods are by symbolic interpretation. The results of this study are description of mask puppet as an equipment to cover the dancer's face, as a camouflage in order to communicate spiritually with ancestors' spirits to ask for

  8. Prose Learning for Veterinary Educators: Facilitating Acquisition (United States)

    Harkness, John E.


    A prose text in veterinary medicine can be arranged and supplemented to facilitate efficient and effective acquisition into short-term memory. Methods include: variation in textual format; relating new information to previous knowledge and future goals; providing specific, test-relevant objectives or introductions, describing mnemonic devices; and…


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    Nurul Ismawati


    Full Text Available Strategi dan proses berpikir memiliki peran sangat penting dalam proses pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh deskripsi tentang strategi dan proses berpikir dalam menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah siswa kelas VII dengan tingkat kecemasan matematika tinggi, sedang, maupun rendah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 siswa dengan kecemasan matematika tinggi (KMT, 3 siswa dengan kecemasan matematika sedang (KMS, dan 3 siswa dengan kecemasan matematika rendah (KMR kelas VII MTs NU Nurul Huda Kudus. Penetapan subyek berdasarkan hasil tes skala kecemasan matematika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi dan proses berpikir diketahui sebagai berikut (1 tiga subyek KMT tidak dapat menggunakan sebagian besar tahapan strategi dan proses berpikir dalam menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah dengan tepat sehingga jawaban tidak tepat, (2 tiga subyek KMS dapat menggunakan sebagian besar tahapan strategi dan proses berpikir dalam menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah dengan tepat terhadap beberapa soal yang diberikan, dan (3 tiga subyek KMR dapat menggunakan sebagian besar tahapan strategi dan proses berpikir dalam menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah dengan tepat dan memperoleh jawaban tepat.Strategy and thinking process have a very important role in the process of problem solving. This study aimed to obtain a description of the strategies and thought processes in solving problem solving seventh grade students with mathematics anxiety levels. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach. Subjects in this study were three students with high math anxiety (KMT, 3 students with math anxiety medium (KMS, and 3 students with low math anxiety (KMR class VII MTs. NU NU Nurul Huda. Determination of the subject based on the results of tests of mathematics anxiety scale. The results showed that the strategies and thought processes KMT three subjects can not

  10. Perancangan Mesin Fish Dryer Menggunakan Tenaga Angin Untuk Mempercepat Proses Pengeringan Ikan


    Waluyo, Ahmad Edi; Najib, M. Imha Ainun; Mutiasari, Erna; Inayah, Miftahul; Fiati, Rina


    Ikan merupakan bahan makanan yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat dalam dan bahkan luar negeri. Namun, ikan cepat membusuk karena adanya bakteri dan enzyme jika dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa proses pengawetan.salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk proses pengawetan ikan adalah dengan pengeringan dengan memanfaatkan energi matahari, hal tersebut kurang efektif karena waktu pengeringan yang lama, sangat bergantung pada cuaca dan ikan kurang higienis karena banyak bakteri yang menempel pada waktu penge...

  11. Aspek Keselamatan Kerja Pada Proses Pembentukan Batu Permata Menggunakan Mesin Gerinda

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    Anom Santiana


    Full Text Available Proses pengerjaan batu permata ini ada tiga tahapan yaitu proses pemotongan, prosespembentukan dan proses penghalusan. Pada proses pemotongan, bahan baku yang semulamasih berbentuk bongkahan batu baik batu pirus, batu akik, batu kecubung, dan semacamnyadipotong-potong menjadi bagian kecil dengan teknik tertentu dengan menggunakan gerindapotong. Selanjutnya adalah proses pembentukan, potongan batu yang sudah kecil dibentukdengan menggunakan gerinda asah. Bentuk batu permata disesuaikan dengan pesanankonsumen atau sesuai keinginan perajin sendiri. Sedangkan proses akhir pada pengerjaan batupermata ini adalah menggosok atau mengasah batu permata tersebut biar licin dan menggkilap.Dalam setiap proses ini tentunya mempunyai resiko terhadap kecelakaan kerja. Bahaya-Bahayadari Mesin gerinda ini antara antara lain adalah putaran grinda yang sangat cepat, terbentur olehbarang-barang yang terlempar keluar dari mata asah mesin gerinda, Percikan api yang keluar, jaritangan terpotong, debu yang keluar, dan sebagainya. Untuk itu dilakukan observasi terhadap 12orang pekerja perajin batu permata di Karangasem Bali. Gerinda yang digunakan adalah gerindatangan, beban kerja dihitung berdasarkan denyut nadi, keluhan otot diprediksi denganmenggunakan nordic body map. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek keselamatan yangharus diperhatikan oleh perajin adalah penggunaan APD (alat pelindung diri seperti sarung tangan,masker, dan kaca mata, perubahan Sikap Kerja agar lebih alamiah, dan pengaturan waktu kerja.Untuk itu diperlukan pemahaman prosedur kerja sebelum menggunakan gerinda tangan dalampembentukan batu permata pada perajin sebelum menggunakan mesin gerinda.Kata Kunci : Aspek Keselamatan, Mesin Gerinda, perajin batu permata There are three stages in gemstones processing namely the cutting , forming and polishingprocesses. In the cutting process, the raw materials are initially still a good chunk of stone ofturquoise, agate, amethyst, and the like is cut into


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    Dani Ari Setiawan


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is analyzing the role of agricultural extension Hall (BPP, analyze the process stages of the occurrence of agricultural learning, and analyze agricultural learning model on a group of farmers. This qualitative research methods are case studies. Data collection techniques: interviews, observation and study of the document. The result is that (1 the existence of the role of agricultural extension officers as education, dissemination of information/innovation facilitators, consultants, supervision, monitors and evaluators, (2 the learning process starts from his protégé participant fedback or, the lesson process, then the output or outputs of learning outcomes to farmers, and (3 learning Models include (a Airy School Integrated pest control (SLPHT; (b Pilot planting padi cultivation; (c guidance techniques; d exercises and visits; (e planting synchronously. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis peran Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP, menganalisis proses tahapan terjadinya pembelajaran pertanian, dan menganalisis model pembelajaran pertanian pada kelompok tani. Metode penelitian ini berupa kualitatif studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data, meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Hasilnya bahwa (1 adanya peran penyuluh pertanian sebagai edukasi, diseminasi informasi/inovasi fasilitator, konsultan, supervisi, pemantau dan evaluator, (2 proses Pembelajaran dimulai dari masukan atau peserta didiknya, proses pembelajarannya, kemudian keluaran dari hasil pembelajaran kepada petani, dan (3 model pembelajaran, meliputi (a Sekolah Lapang Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (SLPHT; (b percontohan budidaya tanam padi; (c bimbingan teknik; (d Latihan dan Kunjungan (LAKU; (e tanam serempak.

  13. Evaluasi proses bimbingan skripsi mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta berdasar perspektif pembelajaran orang dewasa


    Sugito Sugito; Sunaryo Soenarto; Entoh Tohani


    Dalam menghadapi tantangan dan permasalahan abad kedua puluh satu ini, pendidikan tinggi memiliki peran yang sangat strategis. Mata kuliah Skripsi dapat berperan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan guna menghadapi tantangan dan masalah yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses pembimbingan skripsi dari perspektif teori pembelajaran orang dewasa, hambatan dan upaya yang dilakukan mahasiswa dan dosen dalam proses penulisan skripsi mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)....




  15. Põhja-Küprose liider soovib isolatsiooni lõppemist / Mehmet Ali Talat ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talat, Mehmet Ali


    Põhja-Küprose liidri väitel soovib türklaste kogukond diplomaatilise tunnustuse asemel isolatsiooni lõppemist. Intervjuus käsitletavad teemad: Küprose saare tulevik, liitumine Euroopa Liiduga, Türgi liitumine euroliiduga. Lisad: Kahe kogukonna - kreeklaste ja türklaste - vahel lõhestatud Küpros; Mehmet Ali Talat

  16. Sistem Monitoring Proses Produksi pada Mesin Bardi di PT. Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua Sukabumi Berbasis Web

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    Heri Haryanto


    Full Text Available Proses produksi pengisian air Aqua galon menggunakan mesin Bardi di PT. Tirta Investama Aqua Danone Sukabumi memiliki parameter-parameter proses yang harus selalu dipantau, sehingga jika terjadi nilai parameter yang melebihi atau kurang dari batas toleransi yang diberikan dapat segera dilakukan tidakan intervensi untuk menghindari terjadi kerusakan atau hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Sistem monitoring parameter proses produksi berbasis web dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memantau parameter-parameter pada mesin Bardi. Sistem ini terdiri atas perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras terdiri atas sensor-sensor yang dipasang pada mesin Bardi yang menghasilkan sinyal analog yang kemudian oleh PLC Allen Bradley data akan dikonversi menjadi data digital. Data akan dikirimkan secara real-time dan disimpan pada database server komputer dan disinkronisasikan dengan web server. Perangkat lunak pada pemograman website menggunakan Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 sebagai kontrol visual dan tampilan data menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL. Sistem monitoring proses produksi dapat memantau parameter-parameter mesin Bardi serta mentransmisikan data perubahan parameter proses produksi yang ditampilkan melalui aplikasi web.

  17. Prose recall and amnesia: implications for the structure of working memory. (United States)

    Baddeley, Alan; Wilson, Barbara A


    Two densely amnesic patients are shown to have good immediate but poor delayed prose recall, a result that presents problems for the current multi-component model of working memory. Examination of a wide sample of memory impaired patients suggests that this pattern occurs in densely amnesic patients who have well-preserved intelligence and good executive capacities. Patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease typically show poor immediate and delayed prose recall, reflecting their combined intellectual and memory deficits. The results are interpreted in terms of a proposed new component of working memory, the episodic buffer.

  18. Proses Knowledge Management di Semen Indonesia Group


    Putri, Natalia Yan


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui prosesknowledge management yang ada di Perusahaan Semen IndonesiaGroup, yakni PT Semen Gresik, PT Semen Padang, PT SemenTonasa. Proses knowledge management dapat dilakukan denganpenciptaan pengetahuan, berbagi pengetahuan dan penggunaankembali pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodekualitatif dengan wawancara. Validasi data menggunakan codingdan uji triangulasi sumber data dan teori.

  19. Studi Implementasi Six Sigma pada Tahap Fabrikasi dalam Proses Pembangunan Kapal Baru

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    Jauhary Tsulastsy Yanuar


    Full Text Available Proses produksi pada tahap fabrikasi dalam proses pembangunan kapal baru masih memiliki masalah defect pada output proses produksi berupa defect dimension yang menyebabkan rework (pekerjaan tambahan. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk menentukan besarnya sigma proses tahap fabrikasi dari sebuah galangan kapal yang menjadi studi kasus, mengidentifikasi penyebab yang mempengaruhi defect, dan menentukan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk meminimasi defect menggunakan metode six sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve dan Control. Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan lembar kerja perhitungan sigma yang dikeluarkan oleh pivotal resources, komponen plate mengalami defect dimension sebesar 0,36% untuk hasil marking dan 0,48% untuk hasil proses cutting menghasilkan nilai sigma 2,2074, komponen bracket mengalami defect dimension sebesar 0,28% untuk hasil marking dan 0,40% untuk hasil cutting menghasilkan nilai sigma 2,3429, komponen stiffener mengalami defect dimension sebesar 0,20% untuk hasil marking dan 0,24% untuk hasil cutting menghasilkan nilai sigma 2,6771, dan  komponen clip (collar plate mengalami defect dimension sebesar 0,28% untuk hasil marking dan 0,36% untuk hasil cutting menghasilkan nilai sigma 2,4171. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, nilai sigma tersebut masih jauh dari nilai yang seharusnya dapat dicapai oleh suatu perusahaan (6σ disebabkan oleh faktor antara lain keterampilan SDM yang belum memadai saat ini, PMS (Planned Maintenance System yang berjalan tidak sesuai prosedur, dan tidak dilakukannya pendokumentasian/kontrol pada setiap komponen hasil tahap fabrikasi. Dengan menggunakan metode FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis yang dikorelasikan dengan berbagai analisa, diperoleh solusi antara lain diperlukannya training/pelatihan untuk meningkatkan skill/kemampuan SDM baru, dijalankannya PMS sesuai prosedur, dan menghidupkan kembali tim QC yang tergabung dalam keorganisasian bengkel fabrikasi. Implementasi six sigma dilakukan secara

  20. A controlled trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and exercise for chronic low back pain. (United States)

    Deyo, R A; Walsh, N E; Martin, D C; Schoenfeld, L S; Ramamurthy, S


    A number of treatments are widely prescribed for chronic back pain, but few have been rigorously evaluated. We examined the effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), a program of stretching exercises, or a combination of both for low back pain. Patients with chronic low back pain (median duration, 4.1 years) were randomly assigned to receive daily treatment with TENS (n = 36), sham TENS (n = 36), TENS plus a program of exercises (n = 37), or sham TENS plus exercises (n = 36). After one month no clinically or statistically significant treatment effect of TENS was found on any of 11 indicators of outcome measuring pain, function, and back flexion; there was no interactive effect of TENS with exercise. Overall improvement in pain indicators was 47 percent with TENS and 42 percent with sham TENS (P not significant). The 95 percent confidence intervals for group differences excluded a major clinical benefit of TENS for most outcomes. By contrast, after one month patients in the exercise groups had significant improvement in self-rated pain scores, reduction in the frequency of pain, and greater levels of activity as compared with patients in the groups that did not exercise. The mean reported improvement in pain scores was 52 percent in the exercise groups and 37 percent in the nonexercise groups (P = 0.02). Two months after the active intervention, however, most patients had discontinued the exercises, and the initial improvements were gone. We conclude that for patients with chronic low back pain, treatment with TENS is no more effective than treatment with a placebo, and TENS adds no apparent benefit to that of exercise alone.


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    Agus Yulianto


    Full Text Available Hakekat belajar yang sesungguhnya adalah belajar yang tidak hanya sekedar mendengarkan dosen mengajar, tapi mahasiswa harus mampu mengembangkan wacana pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui proses pencarian berbagai sumber. Proses transfer belajar harus mampu membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan yang secara fleksibel dapat diterapkan/ditransfer dari satu permasalahan ke satu permasalahan yang lain. Dalam pembeljaran menempatkan mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dimana memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa mempelajari hal-hal yang baru dan dosen dengan strategi belajarnya memfasilitasi agar informasi baru bermakna. lingkungan belajar juga mempunyai posisi yang penting sehingga pengajaran harus berpusat pada bagaimana cara mahasiswa menggunakan pengetahuan baru mereka. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang berbasis discovery learning (DL, peran pendidik harus mampu menciptakan situasi, dimana mahasiswa dapat belajar sendiri daripada memberikan paket yang berisi informasi atau pelajaran, sehingga pengetahuan diperoleh melalui proses bukan produk. Keuntungan cara belajar ini yang diungkap oleh Martin (1975, ada dua hal penting yaitu; (1 menimbulkan keingin tahuan, memotivasi untuk menemukan jawaban, (2 menimbulkan kemandirian dengan menganalisis, memanipulasi informasi. Kata Kunci: discovery learning, kualitas proses dan hasil belajar


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    Agus Yulianto


    Full Text Available Hakekat belajar yang sesungguhnya adalah belajar yang tidak hanya sekedar mendengarkan dosen mengajar, tapi mahasiswa harus mampu mengembangkan wacana pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui proses pencarian berbagai sumber. Proses transfer belajar harus mampu membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan yang secara fleksibel dapat diterapkan/ditransfer dari satu permasalahan ke satu permasalahan yang lain. Dalam pembeljaran menempatkan mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dimana memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa mempelajari hal-hal yang baru dan dosen dengan strategi belajarnya memfasilitasi agar informasi baru bermakna. lingkungan belajar juga mempunyai posisi yang penting sehingga pengajaran harus berpusat pada bagaimana cara mahasiswa menggunakan pengetahuan baru mereka. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang berbasis discovery learning (DL, peran pendidik harus mampu menciptakan situasi, dimana mahasiswa dapat belajar sendiri daripada memberikan paket yang berisi informasi atau pelajaran, sehingga pengetahuan diperoleh melalui proses bukan produk. Keuntungan cara belajar ini yang diungkap oleh Martin (1975, ada dua hal penting yaitu; (1 menimbulkan keingin tahuan, memotivasi untuk menemukan jawaban, (2 menimbulkan kemandirian dengan menganalisis, memanipulasi informasi. Kata Kunci: discovery learning, kualitas proses dan hasil belajar

  3. Pengolahan Limbah Rumah Makan dengan Proses Biofilter Aerobik

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    Laily Zoraya Zahra


    Full Text Available Berkembangnya rumah makan/restoran yang semakin pesat dapat dipastikan akan turut menambah buangan air limbah domestik dengan kadar organik yang tinggi dalam jumlah yang tidak sedikit yang dibuang ke badan air.Tingginya kadar organik dalam limbah domestik rumah makan akan menyebabkan aroma yang tidak sedap jika tidak ada pengolahan terlebih dahulu, maka pengolahan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah air limbah rumah makan tersebut adalah proses biofilter aerobik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan proses biofilter aerobik dengan aliran downflow dan menggunakan sistem intermitten.Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah media biofilter berupa kerikil dan batu alam serta Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT 8 jam. Parameter pencemar yang diukur efisiensinya adalah BOD, COD, dan TSS. Besarnya penyisihan parameter BOD, COD dan TSS dengan menggunakan biofilter aerob berturut-turut mencapai 94,83%, 92,95%, dan 95%. Reaktor paling baik dalam mengolah air limbah adalah reaktor biofilter dengan media kerikil pada HRT 8 jam.

  4. Implementasi Sistem Jaminan Mutu (Quality Assurance Proses Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Ari Basuki


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memonitor implementasi sistem jaminan mutu (Quality Assurance proses pembelajaran jenjang SI di Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Unhrersitas Gadjah Mada. Fokus penelitian melipuri proses pelaksanaan, problema yang dihadapi, serta dampak atau perubahan yang dihasilkannya. Model penelitian yang digunakan ialah monitoring kebijakan yang diadopsi dan teori William N. Dunn. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Responden yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini ialah Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik Fakultas Ekonomi UGM, Ketua Jurusan Manajemen, Direktur Eksekutif QUE-Project Jurusan Manajemen, Dosen Jurusan Manajemen, para Kepala Sub Bagian, serta 200 mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen yang dipilih secara acak. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan sajian tabel, sajian grafik, dalam hubungannya dengan fungsi monitor­ing yaittu compliance (kepatuhan, eksplanasi, auditing (pemeriksaan, dan akuntansL Temuan pokok dalam penelitian ini ialah pelaksanaan sistem jaminan mutu proses pembelajaran di Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi UGM secara eksplisit dimulai sejak Jurusan ini menerima dukungan dana QUE-Project pada tahun 1998. Pelaksanaan program berjalan dan berhasil baik karena komitmen para pelaku, manajemen bagus dengan indikator yang bisa diukur, dan dukungan dana yang memadai. Dampak positif yang terjadi antara lain: (1 terciptanya kultur organisasi yang makin kondusif, (2 peningkatan mutu kinerja dosen, (3 mutu proses pembelajaran yang cukup baik, dan (4 tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa yang cukup tinggL Adapun problema yang dihadapi antara lain: (1 keterbatasan SDM karena cukup banyaknya dosen yang sedang menempuh studi lanjut, dan (2 tidak mudahnya mengintegrasikan antara penilaian kinerja dengan reward and punishment system. Kata kunci: sistem jaminan mutu, pembelajarun diperguruan tinggL

  5. A Word Count of Modern Arabic Prose. (United States)

    Landau, Jacob M.

    This book presents a word count of Arabic prose based on 60 twentieth-century Egyptian books. The text is divided into an alphabetical list and a word frequency list. This word count is intended as an aid in the: (1) writing of primers and the compilation of graded readers, (2) examination of the vocabulary selection of primers and readers…

  6. Pengolahan Lindi Menggunakan Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor dengan Proses Anaerobik-Aerobik-Anoksik

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    Nuriflalail Rio Jusepa


    Full Text Available Lindi mengandung konsentrasi organik, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, amonium, nitrit dan nitrat yang tinggi sehingga lindi yang tidak diolah dapat mencemari lingkungan. Pengolahan biologis dengan sistem fluidized attached growth seperti Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan senyawa organik dan senyawa nitrogen. Konsentrasi organik dan nitrogen yang tinggi pada lindi dapat diolah dengan mengatur proses aerobik-anaerobik-anoksik di dalam MBBR. Kapasitas pengolahan MBBR yang digunakan sebesar 10 L dan media Kaldness (K1 sebanyak 2 L. MBBR dioperasikan dengan sistem batch, dengan kondisi aerobik yang berasal dari aerator dan pompa submersible, kondisi anaerobik berasal dari pompa submersible saja, dan kondisi anoksik yang berasal dari pompa submersible dan aerator. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa MBBR dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan senyawa nitrogen dan senyawa organik. Efisiensi penyisihan optimum senyawa organik sebesar 87% pada proses anaerobik baik pada sistem fluidized attached growth maupun suspended growth. Efisiensi penyisihan optimum senyawa nitrogen sebesar 72% pada proses anoksik baik pada sistem fluidized attached growth maupun suspended growth.

  7. prose president ootab Türgilt inimõiguste täitmist / Tassos Papadopoulos ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Papadopoulos, Tassos


    Eestis viibinud Küprose president ei ole vastu Türgiga liitumiskõneluste alustamisele, ta loodab Euroopa Liidu abile saare ühendamisel. Intervjuus käsitletakse veel Euroopa Liidu põhiseaduslikku lepet, Eesti - Küprose suhteid. Lisa: Tassos Papadopoulos. Kaart

  8. Pengaruh Proses Delignifikasi Pada Produksi Glukosa Dari Tongkol Jagung Dengan Hidrolisis Asam Encer


    Mardina, Primata; Talalangi, Adelina I; Sitinjak, Jhon F. M; Nugroho, Andri; Fahrizal, M. Reza


    Hidrolisis asam encer dari tongkol jagung untuk produksi glukosa mengalami hambatan karena adanya lignin. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh dari proses Perusakan lignin dengan proses menggunakan hidrolisis basa Hidrolisis basa yang biasa disebut delignifikasi dilakukan pada suhu 55oC selama 4 jam dengan konsentrasi larutan basa, yaitu NaOH 5%, 10% dan 15% berat Hasil menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NaOH yang optimal untuk pengurangan lignin adalah 15% berat dengan persentase penguran...


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    Prayitno Prayitno


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK REDUKSI AKTIVITAS URANIUM DALAM LIMBAH RADIOAKTIF CAIR MENGGUNAKAN PROSES ELEKTROKOAGULASI. Limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses pengembangan bahan industri bersifat radioaktif yang mengandung uranium yang dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif pada manusia dan lingkungan. Pengolahan limbah radioaktif pada saat ini masih banyak menggunakan bahan-bahan kimia.Penambahanbahan kimiauntuk mereduksi bahan pencemar dinilai kurang efisien karena kurang ramah lingkungan, memerlukan waktu yang lama, dan biaya yang mahal. Untuk itu akan diterapkan metode proses elektrokoagulasi untuk menurunkan aktivitas uranium dari larutan limbah cair. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efisiensi penurunan aktivitas uranium dalam limbah radioaktif cair yang dihasilkan pada proses elektrokoagulasi dengan variasi tegangan, waktu tinggal, jarak elektroda dan pH inlet limbah. Limbah simulasi yang digunakan memiliki kadar kontaminan uranium sebesar 500 mg/L. Percobaan ini dilakukan dengan metode batch dengan elektroda aluminium. Hasil penelitian diperoleh parameter optimal pada tegangan 12,50 V, jarak 1 cm, pH 7, dan waktu proses selama 60 menit diperoleh efisiensi penurunan limbah uranium sebesar 97,20 %. Kata Kunci:elektrokoagulasi, reduksi limbah uranium, tegangan, aluminium. ABSTRACT REDUCTION OF URANIUM ACTIVITIES IN LIQUID WASTE RADIOACTIVE BY USING OF ELCTROCOAGULATION PROCESS.  Waste generated from the process of the industrial material development one of which waste containing uranium radioactive, can have negative impact on humans and the environment. In  the present time, chemicals are still mostly use in radioactive waste treatment. To reduce pollutants with the use of chemicals is less efficient, because less environmentally friendly, take long time and costly. Therefore, a system of electrocoagulation process will be applied to decrease the activity of uranium from waste solution. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of uranium

  10. Episodic and Semantic Aspects of Memory for Prose. (United States)

    Dooling, D. James

    This report describes research on Bartlett's theory of constructive memory. In experiment one, schematic retention is related to Tulving's distinction between episodic and semantic memory. With the passage of time, memory for prose reflects decreasing output from episodic memory and increasing output from semantic memory. In experiment two,…

  11. Gambaran Respon Anak Usia Prasekolah dalam Menjalani Proses Transfusi

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    Meila Sabridatia Putri


    Full Text Available Tindakan transfusi darah yang dilakukan pada anak usia prasekolah yang mengalami talasemia membuat anak merasa terancam. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh anak dengan berbagai respon (kognitif, afektif, fisiologis, perilaku dan sosial anak prasekolah dalam menjalani proses transfusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran respon kognitif, afektif, fisiologis, perilaku dan sosial pada anak usia prasekolah dalam menjalani proses transfusi di Poli Talasemia RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan sample sebanyak 50 orang selama periode 3–13 Juni 2014 diambil dengan teknik insidental sampling. Hasil penelitianini dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus distribusi frekuensiPenelitian yang sudah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil respon yang paling banyak ditunjukkan oleh anak prasekolah ketika proses transfusi berlangsung adalah hampir seluruhnya menunjukkan respon sosial (84% dengan jenis respon terbanyak ialah meminta dukungan emosional pada orang yang bermakna, hampir seluruhnya menunjukkan respon afektif (74% dengan jenis respon terbanyak adalah mengeluarkan ekspresi verbal, sebagian besar menunjukkan respon perilaku (66% dengan jenis respon terbanyak adalah memukul-mukulkan lengan dan kaki dan juga respon kognitif (72% dengan jenis respon terbanyak gelisah, dan hampir setengahnya dari responden menunjukkan respon fisiologis (34% dengan jenis respon terbanyak bernapas cepat. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa presentase respon terbesar yang dikeluarkan oleh anak usia prasekolah berupa respon sosial dengan jenis meminta dukungan emosional pada orang bermakna. Saran bagi instansi pendidikan dan rumah sakit untuk bisa berkontribusi mengembangkan asuhan keperawatan pada orang yang paling dekat pada anak sebelum tindakan invasif.


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    - Widayanto


    Full Text Available Keterampilan proses sains sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar agar siswa mampu memecahkan masalah. Ketrampilan proses sains dapat dilatihkan melalui kegiatan laboratorium. Dengan memanfaatkan kit optik peneliti bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains dan pemahaman materi fisika bagi siswa SMA. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X-C SMA 3 Sragen tahun ajaran 2006/2007. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan kit optik dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan proses sains siswa. Skor rata-rata pemahaman siswa pada siklus I sebesar 73,27 dengan ketuntasan belajar secara  klasikal  sebesar  80,49%,  sedangkan  siklus II  skor  rata-rata  adalah  84,20  dengan  ketuntasan klasikal  sebesar  100%. Sedangkan prosentase rata-rata keterampilan proses sains siswa pada siklus I sebesar 77,37% dan siklus II sebesar 87,36%.The science process skills play an important role as basic for students in solving their problems and can be developed through laboratory activities. By using optical kit, we aim increasing science process skill and understanding physics matter for students. The research subject is X-C Class Senior High School 3 Sragen academic year 2006/2007. The research result show that the use of optical  kit  in  the  learning  can increase  understanding  and  science  process  skill  of students.  The  average  score  of  students understanding at cycle I equals to 73,27 with mastery of learning as much as 80,49%, while that of the cycle II equals to 84,20% with the classically mastery of learning 100%. In addition, the average percentages of students science process skill at cycle I and II are 77,37% and 87,36% respectively© 2009 Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNNES SemarangKeywords: mastery of learning; optical kit; learning process

  13. Aplikasi Proses Pengkelatan untuk Peningkatan Mutu Minyak Nilam Aceh

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    Pocut Nurul Alam


    Full Text Available Industri kecil minyak nilam di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam tersebar di beberapa kabupaten yaitu Aceh Barat, Aceh Selatan, Aceh Jaya, dan beberapa daerah lainnya. Namun perolehan dan mutu minyak nilam yang dihasilkan masih tergolong rendah karena warna minyak coklat kehitaman. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan nilai jualnya, bisa dilakukan dengan beberapa proses pemurnian baik secara fisika maupun secara kimia. Untuk peningkatan kualitas tersebut dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan menurunkan kandungan Fe yang membuat warna minyak menjadi gelap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemurnian dengan menggunakan senyawa pengkelat Na-EDTA sebagai senyawa pengkelat dalam pemurnian minyak nilam dapat menurunkan kandungan Fe (besi secara signifikan sebesar 60% untuk minyak nilam yang diperoleh dari hasil penyulingan petani di daerah Aceh Barat dan Aceh Selatan. Selain itu, minyak yang dihasilkan berwarna lebih cerah dan karakteristiknya memenuhi persyaratan mutu standar. Kata kunci: minyak nilam, pemurnian, pengkelat


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    Deddy Irawan


    Full Text Available SYNTHESIS OF SUGAR FROM ORGANIC WASTES VIA ACID CATALYSTHYDROLYSIS. Hydrolysis process is an important step from every process to produce biofuel withorganic wastes as raw material. Hydrolysis process with chemical uses hydrochloride acid as catalystin which will transform holocellulose to glucose. Raw material of 100 grams is put into hydrolysisreactor with batch system equipped with pressure control and ratio hydrochloride of 1 : 6 w/v. Thevariables studied were temperature of 110-140oC, HCl concentration of 0.5-1%, time of hydrolysis of15-60 minutes. The sugar concentration was taken and then be analyzed by Nelson-Somogy method.The hydrolysis, which was carried out with the temperature of 120oC, time of 30 minutes, HClconcentration of 0.75%, and the pressure of 6 bar, produced sugar reduction of 27.3 mg/mL and yieldof 15.07%. Proses hidrolisis merupakan satu tahap penting dari rangkaian tahapan proses produksi bahan bakarnabati menggunakan bahan baku sampah organik. Proses hidrolisis secara kimiawi menggunakanHCl sebagai katalis akan mengubah holoselulosa yang terdapat pada sampah organik menjadi gula.Gula yang dihasilkan inilah yang dapat difermentasi menjadi bahan bakar nabati. Bahanbaku sebanyak 100 g dimasukkan dalam reaktor hidrolisis sistem batch yang dilengkapi denganpengukur tekanan dan ditambahkan larutan HCl pada perbandingan 1:6 b/v. Hidrolisis dilakukandengan memvariasikan suhu operasi 100-140oC, waktu proses 15-60 menit, serta konsentrasi HCl 0,5-1%. Hidrolisat yang dihasilkan dianalisis kadar gula menggunakan metode Nelson-somogy. Hasilhidrolisis yang dilakukan pada suhu 120oC selama 30 menit serta konsentrasi HCl 0,75% dan tekananterukur 6 bar menghasilkan gula 27,30 mg/mL dan yield gula sebesar 15,07%.


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    - Fakhrurrazi


    Full Text Available Badan Reintegrasi Damai Aceh (BRDA didirikan berdasarkan Nota Kesepahaman Helsinki yang ditandatangani 15 Agustus 2005, khususnya pasal 3.2 yang menyatakan tentang reintegrasi bekas anggota GAM. Beragam upaya reintegrasi telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah melalui pendekatan ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik dan keamanan. Namun beragam hambatan muncul dalam proses reintegrasi mantan anggota GAM serta dalam implementasi proses tersebut yang dikawal oleh BRDA.Menggunakan konsep analisis wacana, dalam penelitian ini, penulis berupaya menggambarkan peran BRDA dalam proses reintegrasi mantan anggota GAM kedalam masyarakat serta hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi dalam proses tersebut. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa muncul berbagai hambatan dalam proses reintegrasi mantan anggota GAM yakni hambatan dalam bidang ekonomi; hambatan dalam bidang politik, hukum dan keamanan; serta hambatan dalam bidang sosial budaya. BRDA juga terlihat belum optimal dalam menangani proses reintegrasi, masih terdapat banyak kekurangan.Aceh Peace Reintegration Institution (APRI was established based on Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding signed on August 15, 2005, especially article 3.2 states about reintegration of GAM (Freedom Aceh Movement ex-combatant. Various reintegration efforts have been done by the overnment through economic, social, cultural, political, and security approaches. However, many obstacles appeared in the process of reintegration of ex GAM combatant, and in the management of this process by Aceh Peace Reintegration Institution (BRDA. Using the concept of discourse analysis, in this research, the author attempts to describe the role of BRDA in the reintegration process of GAM ex-combatant to adapt in society and how Aceh Peace Reintegration Institution as the authority board managing the reintegration process play its role. Using the concepts of conflict and integration, the study seeks to describe the process of reintegration of former GAM members into

  16. Pengaruh Simultan Parameter Suhu dan Konsentrasi Larutan NaOH Terhadap Kuantitas dan Kualitas Hasil Cellulose Powder pada Proses Delignifikasi Tongkol Jagung

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    Suprianto Suprianto


    Full Text Available Jagung merupakan sumber karbohidrat ketiga di Indonesia setelah padi dan ketela. Produksi jagung Indonesia meningkat terus menerus selama 10 tahun terakhir, yang diikuti dengan konsekuensi meningkatnya tongkol jagung sebagai produk ikutan pertanian jagung. Jumlah tongkol jagung dapat mencapai 40% dari produksi jagung. Fakta ini menunjukkan semakin tinggi potensi tongkol jagung untuk dapat dimanfaatkan bagi penunjang kehidupan manusia. Pemanfaatan tongkol jagung secara langsung sebagai bahan bakar maupun tidak langsung, yaitu melalui tahapan proses fisika dan kimia, sebelum dimanfaatkan langsung, telah mulai banyak menarik perhatian. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menambah informasi pengolahan tongkol jagung menghasilkan selulosa powder yang dapat digunakan sebagai cellulose gel, selulose membrane filter penjernihan air maupun sebagai bahan baku turunan senyawa selulosa, seperti selulosa asetat, carboxy methyl cellulose dan nitro selulosa.Proses pengolahan tongkol jagung menjadi cellulose prowder dilakukan dalam tiga tahapan proses, masing-masing untuk menghilangkan komponen hemiseluola, lignin dan warna dalam tongkol jagung. Proses tahap pertama menggunakan larutan asam nitrat 7,5% pada suhu 80 o C selama 2 jam, dilanjutkan dengan proses tahap kedua menggunakan larutan NaOH selama 2 jam dengan variasi suhu 80 sampai 100 o C dan variasi konsentrasi NaOH dari 1 N sampai 3 N dan selanjutnya proses tahap ketiga menggunakan hydrogen peroksida dengan konsentrasi 4%, suhu 80 o C dan waktu 2 Jam. Keberhasilan proses diidentifikasi dengan kuantitas dan kualitas hasil cellulose powder.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi proses yang baik dalam tahap proses delignifikasi adalah suhu antara 85 sampai 95 o C dan konsentrasi NaOH antara 1,25 N sampai 2 N. Produk pengolahan dari tongkol jagung, dengan proses tiga tahap ini diperoleh hasil cellulose powder warna putih dengan kadar   selulosa sekitar 88 sampai 90%, dengan yield investor sekitar 30

  17. Proses Berpikir Siswa SD dalam Melakukan Estimasi Masalah Berhitung Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin

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    Muh. Rizal


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Thinking Process of Primary-school Students of Different Sexes in Estimating Arithmetic Problems. This case study is intended to explore the thinking process of the fifth-year students of different sexes in estimating arithmetic problems. Two students, one male and one female, belonging to the high achievers in a mathematics test were selected for the study and then interviewed, assigned to solve arithmetic problems, and finally asked to think aloud their thinking process. The study reveals that the thinking process of both the male and female subjects is in the form of accommodation as they ap­proached the arithmetic problems by repeatedly reading the tasks. Though employing the same thinking process, in the planning stage, the male subject made use of rounding and compatible number strategies, whereas the female one used only rounding strategy. In implementing the plan, the male subject em­ployed mental counting through assimilation, but the female one used algorithm through accommoda­tion. In the evaluating stage, the male subject traced back his work through mental counting, while the female one utilized reverse operations. Abstrak: Proses Berpikir Siswa SD dalam Melakukan Estimasi Masalah Berhitung Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin. Penelitian ini ingin mendeskripsikan proses berpikir siswa laki-laki dan perempuan yang berkemampuan matematika tinggi dalam melakukan estimasi. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas V SD, dengan subjek satu siswa laki-laki dan satu siswa perempuan yang memiliki skor 75 ke atas dalam tes kemampuan matematika. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, pemberian tes dan think aloud. Analisis dilakukan dengan menelaah seluruh data, reduksi data, pengolompokan data, kategorisasi, pengkodean, dan pemeriksaan kredibilitas data dengan triangulasi waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses berpikir keduanya adalah akomodasi. Dalam membuat rencana, laki-laki menggunakan rounding dan compatible number strategy, sedangkan


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    Atikah Sayyidatu Nisaa


    Full Text Available PT LEN Railway System bergerak pada pembangunan proyek pensinyalan kereta api, namun pada proses perencanaan proyek pada perusahaan tersebut masih berupa tacit knowledge (pengalaman pekerja yang akan hilang. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya konversi knowledge pekerja yang masih berbentuk tacit knowledge menjadi knowledge yang terdokumentasikan ke dalam bentuk explicit knowledge. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization. Pada tahap socialization dilakukan eksplorasi data kepada pelaku proyek yang bersangkutan mengenai proses bisnis suatu aktivitas maupun tacit dan explicit knowledge dari masing-masing aktivitas. Pada tahap externalization dilakukan pendokumentasian dari hasil eksplorasi data. Pada tahap combination dilakukan pemilihan best practice dengan menggunakan beberapa tools yaitu: metode Delphi, metode AHP dan pemilihan best practice menggunakan metode factor rating. Best practice yang didapatkan akan dikombinasikan dengan proses aktivitas dari PMBOK. Pada tahap internalization dilakukan penginformasian kepada pekerja mengenai best practice yang telah didapatkan dari hasil penelitian. Best practice yang terpilih dari hasil perhitungan factor rating didapatkan sebagai berikut best practice pembuatan WBS adalah proses bisnis dari responden 2 dengan nilai sebesar 8,710, untuk penentuan jadwal proyek dari responden 2 dengan nilai sebesar 8,067, untuk penentuan biaya proyek dari responden 3 sebesar 9,554, untuk pemilihan supplier dari responden 1 sebesar 8,330, untuk pembuatan desain proyek dari responden 1 sebesar 8,368 dan untuk pengadaan barang dari responden 1 dengan nilai sebesar 8,195. Kata Kunci : knowledge conversion, knowledge management, metode SECI Abstract The economic foundation movement of industrial era into the knowledge era has involved the project PT LEN Railway System which operates in the construction of the railway signaling project. This research uses SECI

  19. The Prose of Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Ulrik; Thrane, Sof


    risks changes over time in response to a lack of action on reported risks. In these processes Frontline Managers take on new responsibilities to make General Managers take action on reported risk. The reporting practice changes from the mere identification of risk to risk assessment and, finally......, to incorporating the possible response into the risk report. These findings add to extant literature by illustrating that actions do not automatically flow from the identification of risk. Rather, risk and action are dynamically interrelated in the sense that the prose in the risk report is a variable input...... to generate action and that a lack of action encourages managers to change their approach to reporting....

  20. Peta Buatan untuk Peningkatan Efektivitas Proses Belajar Sistem Koordinat Cartesius

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    NFN Rahmiah


    Full Text Available Pendidikan merupakan suatu rekayasa untuk mengendalikan learning guna mencapai tujuan yang direncanakan secara efektif dan efisien, dalam proses rekayasa ini peranan teaching sangat penting karena merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk mentransfer pengetahuan, keterampilan dan nilai kepada siswa sehingga apa yang ditransfer memiliki makna bagi siswa sendiri dan berguna bagi dirinya sendiri dan masyarakat. Upaya untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut adalah seorang guru perlu kreatif dan inovatif menciptakan metode mengajar yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas proses pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini yang merupakan laporan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas pada salah satu SD Negeri di Kabupaten Maros Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, pada umumnya terjadi peningkatan efektivitas proses berupa sikap belajar peserta didik yang diukur dengan menggunakan angket pengamatan dari siklus I dengan mean sebesar 1,80 ke siklus II sebesar 2,20. Sementara itu, hasil penilaian kognitif yang diukur dengan soal pencapaian kompetensi dasar juga mengalami peningkatan mean dari 70,55 pada siklus I menjadi 74,00 pada siklus ke II. Metode ini sangat dimungkinkan dapat dikembangkan melalui pendidikan matematika, karena matematika memiliki struktur dengan keterkaitan yang kuat dan jelas satu dengan yang lainnya, serta berpola pikir deduktif dan konsisten serta matematika merupakan alat yang dapat memperjelas dan menyederhanakan suatu keadaan atau situasi melalui abstraksi, idealisasi, atau generalisasi untuk suatu studi pemecahan masalah


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    Sri Wardani


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan hasil belajarsiswa melalui penelitian tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS BerorientasiProblem Based Instruction (PBI. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XII IPA 8 SMA N 2 Semarang tahunpelajaran 2008/2009, dengan jumlah siswa 40 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakahpembelajaran dengan menggunakan Pendekatan KPS Berorientasi PBI dapat meningkatkan hasilbelajar dan aktivitas belajar siswa. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar kimia yang meliputiaspek kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik, selain juga aktivitas belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa,serta kinerja guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa berturut-turutadalah 70,33 , 80,63 dan 89,88. Aktivitas belajar siswa juga mengalami peningkatan yaitu dengan skorrata-rata 65,21 pada siklus I naik menjadi 75,88 pada siklus II serta meningkat pada siklus III menjadi85,05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran kimia melalui pendekatan KPS berorientasi PBI dapatmeningkatkan hasil belajar serta aktivitas belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: keterampilan proses sains, problem based instruction

  2. A Comparative Analysis of Golestan and rhymed Prose on the basis of Arabic Rhetoric

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    Taher Lavzheh


    Full Text Available Abstract Harmonious and rhymed prose is a literary kind of speech characterized by producing music and intonation in order to conveying meaning of the context as well as possible and influencing the addressee more. In this paper main question is “whether Sa’di in writing the Golestan, besides of applying rules of this kind of speech in Persian language, has used those characteristics of rhymed prose that exist in the main Arabic rhetoric books?” For this purpose, Characteristics of rhythmic and rhymed prose in Arabic rhetoric books have been examined by using description-annalistic approach, and brief pointing to the situation of Persian rhetoric science. The hypothesis is based on the belief that Golistan’s author uses ideas of Arab rhetorician in composition of this book to strengthen the structure of Harmonious and rhymed prose. The aim of the present study is recognizing that Sa'di in the rhymed prose of Golistan how much has used important Arabic rhetorical resources in the field of word and meaning. Having a critical look at the rhetorical books, New and Old Persian sources, it can be found that the researchers noted only a short definition limited to interpretation of some words or expressions based on great prose works and poetries, and not expressed their opinion by a critical attitude and also not looked on the details exactly and thoroughly of the aesthetic view. In the other side, in Arabic literature up to the Sa’di’s range, the field of rhetoric has been expanded and developed more and more. Most parts of Golistan are consistent with theories in view of Arab rhetoricians that in the following of this paper some cases are briefly mentioned: In the period of Abuhelal Askari, main idea was that meaning is superior to the word, and meaning was not as important as word. Abd ol-Qahr Jorjani abolished that belief and so emphasized that word and meaning cannot be separated and also proved that word out of the meaning frame and


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    Sarah Prasasti


    Full Text Available The method presented here provides the basis for a course in American prose for EFL students. Understanding and appreciation of American prose is a difficult task for the students because they come into contact with works that are full of cultural baggage and far apart from their own world. The audio visual aid is one of the alternatives to sensitize the students to the topic and the cultural background. Instead of proving the ready-made audio visual aids, teachers can involve students to actively engage in a more task oriented audiovisual project. Here, the teachers encourage their students to create their own audio visual aids using colors, pictures, sound and gestures as a point of initiation for further discussion. The students can use color that has become a strong element of fiction to help them calling up a forceful visual representation. Pictures can also stimulate the students to build their mental image. Sound and silence, which are a part of the fabric of literature, may also help them to increase the emotional impact.

  4. Kajian Dampak Proses Pengolahan Air di IPA Siwalanpanji Terhadap Lingkungan dengan Menggunakan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA

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    Fara Pratiwi Eka Riyanty


    Full Text Available Proses pengolahan air minum secara konvensional dapat menyebabkan dampak lingkungan akibat konsumsi energi dan pemakaian bahan kimia. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dampak pencemaran yang dihasilkan dari proses pengolahan air di IPA Siwalanpanji menggunakan life cycle assessment. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA merupakan metode untuk menganalisis dampak suatu produk terhadap lingkungan sepanjang siklus hidupnya. Siklus hidup dari suatu produk terdiri dari ekstraksi bahan baku, proses produksi hingga proses pembuangan akhir. Dari hasil analisis LCA, menggunakan software Simapro 7.33 dampak pencemaran yang terjadi berupa pencemaran udara yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan klorin, polyaluminium chloride (PAC dan konsumsi listrik. Dampak pencemaran terbesar terjadi pada penggunaan listrik dalam pemakaian satu hari yaitu menyebabkan respiratory inorganics sebesar 0,748 kg PM2.5, ozone layer depletion sebesar 0,000295 kg CFC-11 dan global warming sebesar 1000 kg CO2. Solusi untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan yang dapat dilakukan instalasi pengolahan air adalah dengan cara peningkatan efesiensi peralatan.

  5. Analisa Kesenjangan dan Dampak Perubahan Proses Bisnis Financial Accounting Berdasarkan Best Practice SAP (Studi Kasus: PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI

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    Rizki Fadhil Syahria


    Full Text Available Salah satu strategi perusahaan yang sangat penting dalam perusahaan adalah dengan melakukan perencanaa sumber daya perusahaan atau dikenal dengan istilah Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP. Perencanaan sumber daya saat ini sangat bergantung dengan teknologi informasi untuk mempercepat proses dan melakukan integrasi data. PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XI (PTPN XI. PTPN sebelas melalui direksi, hendak melakukan penerapan ERP berbasis SAP di perusahaannya. Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh ke implementasi, sebuah organisasi harus melalui serangkaian tahapan yang dimulai dari project preparation, business blueprint, realization, final preparation, dan go live and support (implementasi untuk menerapakan ERP. Pada tugas akhir ini, proses berkedudukan pada tahapan poject preparation tepatnya pada business process requirement and design. Dalam tugas akhir ini, aktifitas business process requirement and design yang didefinikasi sebagai aktifitas pemodelan proses bisnis as-is dan tobe. Dari hasil pemodelan tersebut dilakukan analisa kesenjangan antara proses as is dan to be. Tugas akhir ini berfokus pada aktifitas proses bisnis di dalam kegiatan keuangan atau finance. Hasil dari aktifitas tugas akhir ini akan dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk mengambil keputusan dalam membuat business blueprint serta sebagai acuan untuk tahapan setelahnya

  6. A Comparative Analysis of Golestan and rhymed Prose on the basis of Arabic Rhetoric

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    Taher Lavzheh


    Full Text Available Abstract Harmonious and rhymed prose is a literary kind of speech characterized by producing music and intonation in order to conveying meaning of the context as well as possible and influencing the addressee more. In this paper main question is “whether Sa’di in writing the Golestan, besides of applying rules of this kind of speech in Persian language, has used those characteristics of rhymed prose that exist in the main Arabic rhetoric books?” For this purpose, Characteristics of rhythmic and rhymed prose in Arabic rhetoric books have been examined by using description-annalistic approach, and brief pointing to the situation of Persian rhetoric science. The hypothesis is based on the belief that Golistan’s author uses ideas of Arab rhetorician in composition of this book to strengthen the structure of Harmonious and rhymed prose. The aim of the present study is recognizing that Sa'di in the rhymed prose of Golistan how much has used important Arabic rhetorical resources in the field of word and meaning. Having a critical look at the rhetorical books, New and Old Persian sources, it can be found that the researchers noted only a short definition limited to interpretation of some words or expressions based on great prose works and poetries, and not expressed their opinion by a critical attitude and also not looked on the details exactly and thoroughly of the aesthetic view. In the other side, in Arabic literature up to the Sa’di’s range, the field of rhetoric has been expanded and developed more and more. Most parts of Golistan are consistent with theories in view of Arab rhetoricians that in the following of this paper some cases are briefly mentioned: In the period of Abuhelal Askari, main idea was that meaning is superior to the word, and meaning was not as important as word. Abd ol-Qahr Jorjani abolished that belief and so emphasized that word and meaning cannot be separated and also proved that word out of the

  7. Praktik Trademark Squatting dalam Proses Pendaftaran Merek di Indonesia

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    Widya Justitia


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis mengapa praktik trademark squatting dapat terjadi dalam proses pendaftaran merek beserta cara mengatasinya. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini juga membahas mengenai konsepsi ideal terkait proses pendaftaran merek di Indonesia guna menghindari dan meminimalisasi praktik trademark squatting. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat yuridis empiris dan data yang terkumpul dianalisa dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik trademark squatting merupakan suatu tindakan mendaftarkan merek milik orang lain yang belum terdaftar, sehingga membuat pemilik merek yang sebenarnya tidak dapat lagi mendaftarkan mereknya. Setelah itu, pelaku menjual sertifikat hak atas merek tersebut kepada pemilik aslinya dengan harga melebihi biaya permohonan pendaftaran merek pada umumnya. Kendala yang ditemui dalam proses pendaftaran merek di Indonesia adalah kurangnya sumber daya manusia dalam menangani jumlah permohonan pendaftaran merek yang mencapai ribuan setiap harinya. Hal ini berdampak pada tidak optimalnya proses pendaftaran merek di Indonesia yaitu dengan menggagas suatu sistem yang bernama first to file based on use guna mengoptimalisasikan perlindungan pemilik merek, pertimbangan untuk meratifikasi Madrid System juga merupakan salah satu opsi lain untuk mencegah praktik trademark squatting. Abstract The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze why the practice of trademark squatting could occur in Indonesia's trademark registration process along with the constraints found in the trademark registration process in Indonesia and how to overcome them. Furthermore, it will also discuss the ideal conception related to trademark registration process to avoid and minimize the practice of trademark squatting. This research is an empirical legal research and all data were analyzed with qualitative methods. The results showed that trademark squatting is

  8. Improvement of chronic corneal opacity in ocular surface disease with prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem (PROSE) treatment. (United States)

    Cressey, Anna; Jacobs, Deborah S; Remington, Crystal; Carrasquillo, Karen G


    To demonstrate clearing of chronic corneal opacities and improvement of visual acuity with the use of BostonSight prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem (PROSE) treatment in ocular surface disease. We undertook retrospective analysis of the medical records of a series of patients who underwent PROSE treatment from August 2006 to December 2014. Patients were referred for ocular surface disease of various etiologies. Primary inclusion criterion was corneal opacity that improved with PROSE treatment. Patients were excluded if topical steroids or adjuvant therapy used once PROSE treatment was initiated. Underlying disease, prior treatment, clinical presentation, and clinical course were extracted from the medical record. Four patients are included in this series. There were three females and one male; median age at time of treatment initiation was 30 years (range = 0.5-58 years). Median duration of PROSE treatment at time of retrospective analysis was 3.5 years (range = 1-8 years). Two cases had corneal opacification in the context of neurotrophic keratopathy: a unilateral case due to presumed herpes simplex keratitis and a bilateral case due to congenital corneal anesthesia associated with familial dysautonomia. One case had corneal opacity from exposure related to seventh nerve palsy, and one had corneal opacification associated with recurrent surface breakdown, neurotrophic keratopathy, and limbal stem deficiency of uncertain etiology. After consistent wear of prosthetic devices used in PROSE treatment for support of the ocular surface, visual acuity improved and clearing of the opacities was observed, without use of topical steroids or adjuvant therapy. These cases demonstrate clearing of chronic corneal opacity with PROSE treatment for ocular surface disease. This clearing can occur with no adjuvant therapy, suggesting that restoration of ocular surface function and integrity allows for corneal remodeling.

  9. Prose Checklist: Strategies for Improving School-to-Home Written Communication (United States)

    Nagro, Sarah A.


    Effective communication enhances school-family partnerships. Written communication is a common, efficient way of communicating with families, but potential barriers to effective communication include readability level, clarity of presentation, complexity of format, and structural components. The PROSE Checklist presented in this article can…

  10. Perancangan Fasilitas Kerja yang Ergonomis pada Proses Pelarutan Printed Circuit Board (PCB dengan Menggunakan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Studi kasus di IK-Tech

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    Adhi Susatyo


    Full Text Available IK-Tech merupakan home industry  yang bergerak dalam pembuatan PCB. Proses produksi di IK-Tech masih dengan proses manual, terutama pada proses pelarutan PCB (proses Etching. Proses Etching di IK-Tech tumpah, proses yang lama dan penggunaan yang tidak ergonomis karena operator bekerja dengan menggunakan alat yang seadanya berupa nampan, sehingga dalam proses pelarutan, terdapat banyak kekurangan seperti pelarut mudah posisi jongkok membungkuk. Gerakan kerja yang berulang-ulang dengan frekuensi yang sering, mengakibatkan operator tidak nyaman dalam bekerja dan mudah lelah. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perbaikan dalam proses Etching yaitu merancang fasilitas kerja.       Pada penelitian ini, dirancang fasilitas kerja dengan pendekatan Quality Function Deployment. Metode ini bertujuan mengakomodasi perancangan fasilitas kerja berdasakan kebutuhan pengguna. Selain itu, pendekatan ergonomis pada perancangan fasilitas kerja untuk memperkecil beban kerja operator sehingga menciptakan rasa nyaman dan aman bagi operator dalam bekerja.        Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pengolahan data, enumeration persentase keluhan operator sebelum perancangan sebesar 7% keluhan sakit, setelah perancangan turun menjadi 0% (tidak ada keluhan sakit. Rekapitulasi waktu pelarutan sebelum perancangan sebesar 22,66 menit/unit, waktu pelarutan setelah perancangan (penggunaan manual sebesar 13,66 menit/unit dan waktu pelarutan setelah perancangan (penggunaan otomatis sebesar 11,37 menit/unit. Dari rekap waktu pelarutan, diketahui penurunan waktu pelarutan sebelum dan setelah perancangan (penggunaan manual sebesar 39,72 %, penurunan waktu pelarutan sebelum dan setelah perancangan (penggunaan otomatis sebesar 49,82 %.


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    Andreas Handojo


    Full Text Available Fulfilling empty position on company often become complicated process because the candidate who can be placed in that position by matching between employee-profile and position-profile sometimes not well define. To minimize that problem, there should be a method such as decision support system which can analize employees who suitable with the available position. This decision support system for profile matching process and gap analization is made based on company's data and rules which locate on PT.X. Profile Matching process is taken to recommend employees in Positioning and Carrier Planning based on three stages, which are Intelectual Capacity, Working Area and Attitude. The result of this process is represented ini rank of employees as recommendation for decision maker in deciding which employee is suitable for the position.This Software is using Microsoft Access 2000 for database and Borland Delphi 5.0 as compiller. Form the result of this implementation system can be seen that this software can be very helpfull on decision support to profile matching in positioning and career planning on PT. X. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pengisian jabatan yang kosong pada proses kenaikan jabatan sering mengalami kesulitan karena pengajuan calon kandidat yang bisa menempati jabatan tersebut dengan cara pencocokan profil karyawan dan profil jabatan kurang terdefinisi dengan baik. Untuk meminimumkan kendala tersebut diperlukan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat menganalisa beberapa karyawan yang sesuai dengan profil jabatan yang ada. Sistem pendukung keputusan untuk proses profile matching dan analisis gap ini dibuat berdasarkan data dan norma-norma SDM yang terdapat di PT. X. Proses Profile Matching dilakukan untuk menentukan rekomendasi karyawan dalam Sistem Kenaikan Jabatan dan Perencanaan Karir berdasar pada 3 aspek yaitu Kapasitas Intelektual, Sikap Kerja dan Perilaku. Hasil dari proses ini berupa ranking karyawan sebagai rekomendasi bagi


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    Full Text Available This study investigated the effects of two methods of instruction on secondary school students’ critical response to Prose Literature text. The study adopted a pretest, posttest, control group quasi experimental design. The participants in the study were 84 Senior Secondary II students of Literature-in-English purposively selected from four Schools in Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area of Edo State. Two intact classes were randomly assigned to each of the treatment and control groups. Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. The instruments used were: Critical Response to Prose Literature Test (r = .75, Questionnaire on Home Background of Students (r = .82, and Critical Response to Prose Literature Test Marking Guide. Data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Covariance and graph. The results showed significant main effect of treatment on students’ critical response to Prose Literature (F (1, 77 = 44.731; p < .05. Students exposed to Engagement Strategies Method performed better than those exposed to the Conventional Method of instruction. Further, home background of students had no significant effect on students’ critical response to Prose Literature text (F (2, 77 = 4.902; p < .05. There was significant interaction effect of treatment and home background of students on students’ critical response to Prose Literature text (F (2, 77 = 3.508; p < .05. It was concluded that Engagement Strategies Method is effective in promoting students’ critical response to Prose Literature text. Teachers of Literature-in-English should employ Engagement Strategies Method in teaching Prose Literature to students in Senior Secondary Schools.


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    Sumijanto Sumijanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK OPTIMASI LAJU ALIR MASSA DALAM PURIFIKASI PENDINGIN RGTT200K UNTUK PROSES KONVERSI KARBONMONOKSIDA. Karbonmonoksida adalah spesi yang sulit dipisahkan dari helium pendingin reaktor karena mempunyai ukuran molekul relatif kecil sehingga diperlukan proses konversi menjadi karbondioksida. Laju konversi karbonmonoksida dalam sistem purifikasi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter diantaranya konsentrasi, temperatur dan laju alir massa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan optimasi laju alir massa dalam purifikasi pendingin RGTT200K untuk proses konversi karbonmonoksida. Optimasi dilakukan melalui simulasi proses konversi karbonmonoksida menggunakan perangkat lunak Super Pro Designer. Laju pengurangan spesi reaktan, laju pertumbuhan spesi antara dan spesi produk dalam kesetimbangan reaksi konversi dianalisis untuk memperoleh optimasi laju alir massa purifikasi terhadap proses konversi karbonmonoksida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyediakan data laju alir massa purifikasi untuk pembuatan dasar desain sistem purifikasi helium pendingin RGTT200K. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada laju alir massa 0,6 kg/detik proses konversi belum optimal, pada laju alir massa 1,2 kg/detik mencapai optimal dan pada laju alir 3,6 kg/detik s/d 12,0 kg/detik tidak efektif. Untuk memdukung dasar desain sistem purifikasi helium pendingin RGTT200K maka laju alir massa purifikasi untuk proses konversi karbonmonoksida digunakan laju alir massa 1,2 kg/detik. Kata kunci: Karbonmonoksida, konversi, purifikasi, laju alir massa, RGTT200K.   ABSTRACT OPTIMIZATION OF MASS FLOW RATE IN RGTT200K COOLANT PURIFICATION FOR CARBONMONOXIDE CONVERSION PROCESS. Carbonmonoxide is a species that is difficult to be separated from the reactor coolant helium because it has a relatively small molecular size.  So it needs a process of conversion from carbonmonoxide to carbondioxide. The rate of conversion of carbonmonoxide in the purification system is influenced by several parameters


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    Slamet Yulianto


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan proses pembelajaran PJOK yang dilakukan guru seiring dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi untuk menggali data alamiah dari subjek guru PJOK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen kepada subjek guru PJOK di SD inti kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, guru PJOK telah memenuhi standar profesi guru, guru PJOK telah memahami konsep perubahan kurikulum dan konsep PJOK, namun proses pembelajaran PJOK tidak maksimal sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru.


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    Eli Rohaeti


    Full Text Available This research aimed to investigate the effect of PBL model on students’ analytical thinking abilities and science process skills at rate reaction. This research was quasi experimental research using posttest-only control design. The sample was consisted 2 classess, experiment class used Problem Based Learning model and control class used Direct Instruction model with a total sample of 61 students. Instruments of this research were the observation sheet for measuring science process skills and the integrated assessment instrument which involved two indicators, analytical thinking abilities and science process skills. The result of this study shows that PBL model can increase students’ analytical thinking abilities and science process skills. The mean of posttest analytical thinking abilities and science process skills in experiment class is better than control class. The result of the statistic tests using ancova analysis shows that significance 0.000 < 0.05 at 5% significance level, so there’s effect of the using of PBL model on students’ analytical thinking abilities and science process skills. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh model PBL terhadap kemampuan berpikir analitis dan keterampilan proses sains kimia peserta didik pada materi laju reaksi menggunakan instrumen penilaian terintegrasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Desain penelitian yang digunakan, yaitu posttest control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 61 peserta didik yang dibagi dalam dua kelas, yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimen menggunakan model Problem Based Learning, sedangkan kelas kontrol menggunakan model Direct Instruction. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu lembar observasi untuk mengukur keterampilan proses sains kimia dan instrumen penilaian terintegrasi yang mencakup indikator kemampuan berpikir analitis dan keterampilan proses sains kimia peserta didik. Hasil

  16. Profil Proses Berpikir Mahasiswa Tipe Kepribadian Sensing dalam Pemecahan Masalah Logika Matematika

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    M.J. Dewiyani Sunarto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil proses berpikir mahasiswa dengan tipe kepribadian Sensing, yang terdiri atas Artisan dan Guardian, dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika.  Pengenalan terhadap profil berpikir mahasiswa penting diketahui oleh pengajar, karena melalui pengenalan tersebut, pengajar dapat mengembangkan model pembelajaran yang sesuai pada masing-masing tipe kepribadian sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat dicapai secara optimal. Mengenai tipe kepribadian, David Keirsey membagi menjadi tipe Sensing dan Intuisi. Pada penelitian ini, akan dibicarakan tipe Sensing, yang terbagi menjadi tipe Artisan dan Guardian. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa jurusan Sistem Informasi sebuah perguruan tinggi di Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan  adalah metode kualitatif eksploratif dimana subjek diminta untuk memecahkan masalah matematika menggunakan langkah heuristik dari Polya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil proses berpikir mahasiswa dengan tipe Guardian lebih detail dan spesifik dalam memecahkan masalah matematika daripada tipe Artisan, yang lebih mengutamakan persoalan yang harus diselesaikan. Kata Kunci:  Pemecahan Masalah Matematika, Tipe Kepribadian, Sensing, Proses Berpikir. THINKING PROCESS PROFILE OF SENSING STUDENTS’ PERSONALITY TYPE IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS   ABSTRACT. The study was aimed  to understand the thinking process profile of Artisan and Guardian students in solving mathematical problem. The importance of thinking process profile,  an instructor can develop appropriate learning model for each personality type. So, the learning process can be optimized. The personality type is divided, by David Keirsey, into two types, Sensing and Intuition. In this research will be studied about Sensing type, which is divided into two, Artisan and Guardian. The subjects were students of Information Systems at a college in Surabaya. The used methods in this research is eksploratif qualitative method

  17. Pengembangan Aplikasi @Webplan untuk Perhitungan Waktu Standar pada Proses Perakitan Manual

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    Agus Sutanto


    Full Text Available Karya tulis ini berkenaan dengan pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasiskan Web untuk perhitungan waktu kerja standar yang merupakan sebuah modul tambahan pada aplikasi perangkat lunak untuk perancangan sistem kerja berbasiskan Web atau yang diberi nama @WebPlan® yang sudah dikembangkan oleh penulis. @WebPlan ini merupakan integrasi dari beberapa modul untuk perancangan tataletak dan disain stasiun kerja secara virtual 3D. Beberapa modul sudah dirancang sebelumnya yaitu modul untuk visualisasi produk dan strukturnya sehingga dimungkinkan visualisasi yang interaktif untuk proses perakitannya. Sedangkan modul utama dalam @WebPlan ini adalah 3D Facilities Layout dan disain/layout stasiun kerja. Untuk tujuan ini juga sudah dibuat beberapa alat bantu yaitu model manusia 3D untuk beberapa persentil dan beberapa analisa dan checklist ergonomi. Pengembangan aplikasi @WebPlan ini untuk perhitungan waktu standar pada produksi serial merupakan suatu yang sangat diperlukan untuk menentukan waktu total yang diperlukan dalam memproduksi/merakit sebuah produk. Waktu total ini merupakan data penting dalam membuat konfigurasi stasiun kerja untuk pembuatan produk. Metoda Pengukuran waktu perakitan yang dipakai dalam hal ini adalah MTM-UAS (Universal Analysing System yang sangat cocok untuk perakitan manual. Hasil perhitungan waktu proses perakitan ini divalidasi dengan proses perakitan yang sebenarnya dan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan harga yang cukup signifikan. Beberapa kemudahan yang didapat pada metoda ini adalah MTM-UAS menggabungkan beberapa gerakan dan tidak terlalu detail dibandingkan metoda pengukuran waktu lainnya. Akan tetapi memiliki hasil yang cukup mendekati hasil yang sebenarnya. Modul aplikasi perhitungan waktu standar ini merupakan bagian yang diintergrasikan nantinya dalam perancangan tataletak dan stasiun kerja secara virtual 3D

  18. Model Persamaan Faktor Koreksi pada Proses Sedimentasi dalam Keadaan Free Settling

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    Roessiana D L


    Full Text Available Sedimentasi adalah proses pengendapan padatan yang terkandung dalam cairan oleh gaya gravitasi. Pada umumnya proses sedimentasi dilakukan setelah proses koagulasi dan flokulasi, tujuannya adalah untuk memperbesar partikel padatan agar menjadi lebih berat dan dapat tenggelam dalam waktu lebih singkat. Ukuran dan bentuk partikel mempengaruhi rasio permukaan terhadap volume partikel sedangkan konsentrasi partikel mempengaruhi pemilihan tipe bak sedimentasi. Semua factor ini mempengaruhi kecepatan mengendap partikel pada sedimentasi, karena itu membutuhkan kecepatan turunnya partikel untuk mendesain bak sedimentasi yang efektif dan efisien.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkirakan bentuk bentuk persamaan empiric yang merupakan faktor koreksi sebagai fungsi konsentrasi slurry mula-mula serta diameter partikel. Persamaan faktor koreksi dibuat berdasarkan data hasil perhitungan dari persamaan Stokes-Newton, Farag, Fergusson-Church serta persamaan Gibbs-Mathew-Link ternadap data percobaan. Percobaan yang dilakukan adalah mula-mula gaplek dihancurkan kemudian dicampur air lalu dimasukkan ke dalam tabung kaca setinggi 100 cm. Tinggi lapisan padatan yang turun ke bawah dicatat tingginya tiap 3 menit, pencatatan dihentikan setelah beda tinggi lapisan padatan yang diukur tiap 3 menit sudah mulai menurun. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menvariasikan konsentrasi tepung tapioka dalam umpan dari 0,5% sampai 5%, serta diameter partikel antara 0,057 mm sampai 0,1245 mm.Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa persamaan F yang paling cocok adalah bila dikalikan dengan Farag Law dengan persamaan F = 480.941. X 1(0,0751 .X 2(1,7777. . Jadi persamaan kecepatan sedimentasi yang paling baik adalah : gd p 2  s   f  f 2 V = . F 18  f b  

  19. Prinsip termodinamika dalam proses pendinginan sperma sapi (semen) beku


    Kholifah, Kholifah; Bahari Nurdin, Wira; Harimei, Bambang; Yusuf, Muhammad


    Telah dilakukan penelitian prinsip termodinamika dalam proses pendinginan sperma sapi (semen) beku. Sperma sapi (semen) sebagai sampel utama dan besi sebagai sampel pembanding. Nitrogen cair sebagai bahan pendingin untuk membekukan semen dalam tangki kriogenik. Motility Analysis Semen dilakukan untuk mengetahui gerakan massa atau kualitas semen. Hasil Motility Analysis Semen menggunakan mikroskop menunjukkan bahwa semen Messi memiliki kualitas yang baik dengan gerakan massa (+++) dan semen Ro...

  20. Analisis Keterampilan Proses Sains Peserta Didik Melalui Bahan Ajar Multimedia Interaktif Alat Ukur dan Pengukuran dengan Pendekatan Behavioristik

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    Ino Angga Putra


    Full Text Available Abstract The development of science and technology today is spreading rapidly in the field of education, especially in the development of learning media. The application of learning media using behavioristic approach that tends to optimize the stimulus and learners' response in process (science process skill. The purpose of this research is a to describe the application of interactive multimedia teaching materials to the students 'science process skills and b to know the impact of interactive multimedia materials on the students' learning process skill. The type of this research is Pre-Experimental Research by using one-shot case study design. Implementation of research product in field can develop skill of science process learners based on result of T test 2,229 significance of 0.056. It is expected that further research to determine the positive response of learners. Abstrak Perkembangan IPTEKS dewasa ini menyebar secara cepat dibidang pendidikan khususnya dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran. Penerapan media pembelajaran tersebut menggunakan pendekatan behavioristik yang cenderung mengoptimalkan stimulus dan respon peserta didik dalam proses (keterampilan proses sains. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu a untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan bahan ajar multimedia interaktif terhadap keterampilan proses sains peserta didik dan b untuk mengetahui dampak bahan ajar multimedia interaktif terhadap keterampilan proses sains peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Pre-Eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one shot case study. Implementasi produk penelitian dilapangan dapat mengembangkan keterampilan proses sains peserta didik berdasarkan hasil Uji T sebesar 2.229 signifikansi 0.056 . Diharapkan adanya penelitian lanjutan untuk mengetahui respon positif peserta didik.

  1. Hubungan Negara-Masyarakat dalam Proses Pembentukan Daerah Otonom di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur

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    Lukman Damopolii


    Full Text Available Tuntutan pembentukan daerah otonom di Indonesia dewasa ini semakin intensif dan masif. Seringkali diartikulasikan sebagai tuntutan politik tanpa melihat urgensi administratif sehingga cenderung mengesampingkan hakekat otonomi daerah dan tujuan desentralisasi. Otonomi daerah masih dipahami sebatas hak daerah memperoleh otonomi, tanpa memperhitungkan kapasitas daerah dalam berotonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis latar belakang tuntutan pembentukan, proses pembentukan, dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pembentukan daerah otonom di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik analisa model Mills dan Huberman melalui langkah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; pertama, latar belakang tuntutan pembentukan sebagai upaya lokalisasi kekuasaan untuk menciptakan pusat kekuasaan baru di daerah dan faktor gerakan sosial yang dipicu konflik sosial berbasis etnik, gerakan reaksioner, pembandingan dengan pencapaian daerah lain, serta adanya peluang politik. Kedua, proses pembentukan terbagi dalam tiga tahap yakni sosialisasi dan konsolidasi elit, pemekaran desa dan kecamatan, serta pendekatan dan komunikasi politik di semua tingkatan. Pada aspek keterpenuhan syarat sebagaimana diatur UU 32/2004 dan PP 78/2007, daerah ini telah memenuhi syarat administratif dan fisik namun belum memenuhi syarat teknis. Ketiga, partisipasi masyarakat dilakukan dalam bentuk musyawarah, pengumpulan dana dan hibah tanah atau bangunan, serta pemasangan atribut pemekaran, sehingga secara keseluruhan telah ada pertanda partisipasi walaupun belum sampai pada derajat kendali warga. Kata kunci: Gerakan sosial, Lokalisasi kekuasaan, Partisipasi masyarakat, Pembentukan daerah otonom 

  2. Analisis ergonomi postur kerja operator pada proses pembuatan batako

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    Regina Anggraini


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Proses pembuatan batako merupakan salah satu pekerjaan yang membutuhkan penanganan material secara manual,sehingga tenaga fisik pekerja diperlukan meskipun mesin bantu cetak sudah tersedia. Berdasarkan pengamatan dilapangandiketahui bahwa seluruh aktivitas pembuatan batako banyak membutuhkan tenaga fisik. Pekerjaan membuat batako dapatdibagi menjadi beberapa elemen kerja dan setiap elemen kerja memberikan postur kerja yang bervariasi. Hasil analisis posturkerja dengan menggunakan REBA menunjukkan pekerja pada proses pemindahan batako basah memiliki nilai 11 dengan levelrisiko sangat tinggi. Perbaikan dilakukan dengan menambahkan kursi pekerja dan berhasil menurunkan skor REBA menjadi 5.Kata Kunci: Postur kerja, REBA Abstract: Brick-making process is one of those jobs that require manual materials handling, so that the physical exertion of workersneeded though a production machine is already available. Based on observations in the field note that the entire activity ofbrick-making requires a lot of physical exertion. Brick-making can be divided into several working elements and each element ofthe work provides a varied work posture. The results of the analysis work posture using REBA showed workers in the processof moving the wet concrete blocks have a value of 11 with a very high risk level. Improvement of working conditions by adding aseat for workers reduce the REBA score to 5 .Keywords: Work Posture , REBA


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    Adriansyah Adriansyah


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to minimize processing time in manufacturing using 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke method. As well as quality, processing time is one of the important points to consider. Improvement had been done in every step of the process to achieve 3.4 defect per million (DPM. Although 6s had not been achieved yet, but 5S method in Lean Sigma have already improved the production process Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan penggunaan Metoda 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke dalam meminimalkan waktu proses pembuatan produk. Selain kualitas produk, waktu proses merupakan hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Perbaikan dari setiap proses dilakukan agar didapat 3,4 kegagalan persejuta (DPM. Walaupun 6s belum tercapai, tapi penerapan metoda 5S dalam Lean Sigma sudah menunjukkan perbaikan pada proses yang dilakukan. Kata kunci: 5S, six sigma, lean sigma

  4. Self-Questioning and Prose Comprehension: A Sample Case of ESL Reading. (United States)

    Miciano, Remedios Z.


    Report on an experiment to discover if self-questioning as a reading strategy would help Filipino ESL students improve comprehension of English prose texts. Concludes that self-questioning as a strategy does not significantly affect comprehension despite the number and types of questions asked. (Contains 4 tables and 25 references.) (WFA)

  5. Alterasi Akibat Proses Hidrothermal Di Bolaang Mongondow, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara


    Harjanto, Agus; Sutanto, Sutanto; Sutarto, Sutarto; Subandrio, Achmad; Suasta, I Made; Hartono, Giri; Suputra, Putu; Basten, I Gde; Fauzi, Muhammad; Rosdiana, Rosdiana


    Bolaang Mongondow terletak di bagian tengah lengan utara Sulawesi yang disusun oleh busur magmatik berumur Neogen dan berpotensi mengandung mineral-mineral ekonomis. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi dilakukan penelitian terhadap potensi sumber daya mineral. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari alterasi akibat proses hidrotermal serta hubungannya dengan cebakan emas (Au) berdasarkan kajian di lapangan maupun analisis laboratorium. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu kajian li...


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    Renty Anugerah Mahaji Puteri


    Full Text Available Agar proses produksi bisa berjalan dengan lancar, diperlukan improvement. Dalam pembahasan ini, improvement yang akan dilakukan terkait dengan proses pembentukan part bracket support air tank. Adapun metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah PDCA (Plan Do Check Action. Metode ini diangkat penulis sebagai metode yang paling cocok untuk diterapkan pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang otomotif seperti PT. XYZ ini. Yang menjadi titik fokus dari improvement yang akan dilakukan saat ini adalah dies untuk part bracket support air tank. Produk ini dianggap cocok untuk menjadi bahan improvement karena merupakan new project. Sehingga dapat melakukan improvement yang ekstrim sekalipun tanpa harus mengganggu produksi yang sedang berlangsung. Untuk itu penyesuaian atau rekayasa terhadap dies dari part tersebut akan dilaksanakan guna mencapai hasil atau target yang diinginkan.Adapun hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah tercukupinya kapasitas mesin untuk melakukan prosesproses yang harus dilakukan untuk pembuatan part bracket support air tank. Selain itu, kualitas dari produk yang dibuat juga menjadi item yang harus tetap dijaga. Karena kualitas dari produk yang dibuat akan menjaga kepercayaan customer terhadap PT. XYZ.


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    Ferdinandus Bele Sole


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model 4-E learning cycle terhadap: (1 pe-ngetahuan IPA siswa SD, (2 keterampilan proses dasar IPA siswa SD, dan (3 sikap ilmiah IPA siswa SD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah selu-ruh siswa kelas V SDK Kererobbo, Kecamatan Kota Tambolaka semester II tahun ajaran 2012/ 2013. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik sampling jenuh untuk dijadikan sebagai kelas eksperi-men dan kelas kontrol. Pada kelas eksperimen dilaksanakan pembelajaran IPA dengan menggunakan model 4-E Learning Cycle, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah (1 tes terintegrasi untuk mengukur pengetahuan dan keterampilan proses dasar IPA dan (2 skala sikap untuk mengukur sikap ilmiah. Analisis data menggunakan (1 statistik deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan data pengetahuan, keterampilan proses dasar dan sikap ilmi-ah; dan (2 statistik inferensial dengan menggunakan independent sampel t-test untuk menguji hipote-sis penelitian pada taraf signifikansi 5% (α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 penerap-an model 4-E learning cycle berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengetahuan IPA siswa di SDK Kererobbo dengan nilai sig 0,044; (2 penerapan model 4-E learning cycle berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keterampilan proses dasar IPA siswa di SDK Kererobbo dengan nilai sig 0,020; dan (3 penerapan model 4-E learning cycle berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap sikap ilmiah siswa di SDK Kererobbo dengan nilai sig 0,000. Kata Kunci: the 4-E Learning Cycle, pembelajaran ekspositori, pengetahuan sains, keterampilan proses dasar, sikap ilmiah.

  8. The Use of Organizational Strategies to Improve Memory for Prose Passages. (United States)

    Byrd, Mark


    Examined effects of enforced organizational strategies on the memory of older adults for textual material. Young and old adults sorted scrambled sentences of a prose passage into the correct order. When older adults were required to make an in-depth analysis to sort material, their incidental memory for textual information was approximately equal…


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    Bhaswara Adhitya Wardhana


    Full Text Available Permata Guest House Semarang merupakan usaha bisnis yang bergerak di bidang jasa penginapan. Perkembangan skala bisnis Permata Guest House yang pesat tidak disertai dengan penataan dan pengelolaan proses bisnis (Business Process yang memadai, mengakibatkan banyak kemunculan keluhan dari stakeholder, yaitu dari pelanggan (customer, dan kalangan internal karyawan. Key Performance Indicator (KPI yang digunakan dalam penelitian terhadap Permata Guest House ini adalah KPI yang diturunkan dari Critical Success Factor (CSF. Pengukuran kinerja dilakukan dengan berdasarkan indikator performansi (Performance Indicator yang telah ditentukan pada observasi awal beserta ukuran dan target yang dicapai untuk tiap indikatornya. Dari hasil observasi awal didapatkan selisih indikator moral kerja dan loyalitas sebesar 20%, komplain keramahtamahan sebesar 16,67%, komplain penampilan dan sikap sebesar 16,67%, tingkat okupansi marketing sales sebesar 30%, dan kepuasan layanan sebesar 77,78%. Berdasarkan analisis pengukuran kinerja dan proses bisnis telah didapatkan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kinerja proses bisnis belum sesuai target, salah satu penyelesaian untuk dapat memperbaiki kinerja adalah dengan merancang ulang proses bisnis dengan menggunakan metode Business Process Reengineering (BPR. Dari hasil BPR perlu dilakukan peninjauan kembali (rethinking, perancangan ulang (redesign, dan evaluasi (retool terhadap model kinerja bisnis. Hasil dari rekayasa ulang proses bisnis berupa pembakuan usulan proses bisnis, penyusunan visi misi perusahaan, perancangan struktur organisasi dan job description, serta penyusunan Standart Operating Procedure Kata Kunci  : critical success factor, key performance indicator, business process reengineering   Abstract Permata Guest House Semarang is a business engaged in the lodging services. The development of business scale rapid Permata Guest House is not accompanied by the administration and management of business processes are

  10. Study of Music in Prose Works of 5th and 6th Century: on the Basis of Farsi Works of Ahmad GHazali Abstract

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    Abdollah Hasanzadeh Mir Ali


    Full Text Available Abstract One of the important methods of defamiliarization is the order according to formalist /association of the words in the verse, whose foundation is rhythm and music of phonemes and the factors personify each word. Literal works, by the we get music element benefit from particular criteria and the web of these elements in prose and poetic works have special characteristics’. Farsi works of Ahmad Qazali are the examples of prose poems in which music helps the effective inspiration at the message. on this aspect different kids of exterial music (prosodic and phonemic rhythm, side music (rime and order internal music (pan, middle rimes and coordination of internal vowels and consonants or phonemic tone spiritual music (avidity of coordination’s of one or some rimes according to paradox , parallel and soon in Farsi works of Ahmad Qazali – by the use of a kind of defamiliarization and prominent – making – are applied to inspire the message in a best manner .   Persian works of Ahmad Qazali are among mystic Prose works. The attraction of this piece of work is more due to its poetic prose which has turned it to an attractive prose poem. So far, nothing has been done regarding the characteristics of this kind of prose except in the literature history and methodology, and it was only in the field of literary criticism. Thus, we consider it as our duty to analyze these works from a new literary perspective, which is the investigation of works in terms of the originality of word in contrast to the originality of meaning. So, we have investigated the Persian works of Qazali in the area of music- as one of the four major elements of poem- in terms of application of exterior, interior, marginal and moral music. These factors have played a significant role in giving rhythm to the prose in order to surprising the audience due to the highlighting the language. There is no nation which is deprived of music. So, we should accept that music is an

  11. Pembuatan Fuel dari Liquid Hasil Pirolisis Plastik Polipropilen Melalui Proses Reforming Dengan Katalis NiO/γ-Al2O3

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    Mahendra Fajri Nugraha


    Full Text Available Estimasi jumlah timbulan sampah di Indonesia pada tahun 2008 mencapai 38,5 juta ton/tahun. Melihat dari sifat penyusun plastik yang tersusun dari komponen hidrokarbon minyak bumi, maka limbah plastik sangat berpotensi untuk dikonversi menjadi BBM. Tujuan penelitian ini Mempelajari proses konversi limbah plastik khususnya jenis polipropilen (PP menjadi fuel serta pengaruh berbagai macam komposisi katalis NiO/γ-Al2O3, temperatur, laju alir reaktan pada reactor reforming terhadap kualitas fuel (yield aromatis yang dihasilkan. Pada penelitian ini bahan baku yang digunakan merupakan plastik jenis Polipropilen (PP. Pada penelitian ini minyak yang telah dihasilkan pada proses pirolisis selanjutnya akan di reforming. Pada penelitian ini digunakan logam NiO dengan penyangga γ-Al2O3 (NiO/γ-Al2O3 sebagai katalis untuk proses reforming minyak hasil pirolisis plastik polipropilen. Variabel penelitian meliputi Loading Ni (% massa : 6; 10; 14, Laju alir (ml/jam : 2I7; 500; 690, Suhu reaksi (oC : 400; 450; 500. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisa diketahui bahwa % yield aromatis terbesar pada proses reforming minyak hasil pirolisis plastik polipropilen dihasilkan dengan kondisi operasi 14 % loading Ni pada katalis, temperatur reforming 500oC serta laju reaktan sebesar 217 mL/jam. Dengan kata lain dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada penelitian ini, hasil terbaik didapat pada variabel flowlaju terendah dan variabel suhu tertinggi. Kondisi operasi efektif dalam pembuatan fuel pada proses reforming diperoleh saat loading Ni pada katalis NiO/γ-Al2O3 14 %, temperatur reforming 400oC serta laju reaktan 500 mL/jam.

  12. Experience with high percent step load decrease from full power in NPP Krsko

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vukovic, V.


    The control system of NPP Kriko, is designed to automatically control the reactor in the power range between 15 and 100 percent of rated power for the following designed transients; - 10 percent step change in load; 5 percent per minute loading and unloading; step full load decrease with the aid of automatically initiated and controlled steam dump. Because station operation below 15 percent of rated power is designed for a period of time during startup or standby conditions, automatic control below 15 percent is not provided. The steam dump accomplishes the following functional tasks: it permits the nuclear plants to accept a sudden 95 percent loss of load without incurring reactor trip; it removes stored energy and residual heat following a reactor trip and brings the plant to equilibrium no-load conditions without actuation of the steam generator safety valves; it permits control of the steam generator pressure at no-load conditions and permits a manually controlled cooldown of the plant. The first two functional tasks are controlled by Tavg. The third is controlled by steam pressure. Interlocks minimise any possibility of an inadvertent actuation of steam dump system. This paper discusses relationships between designed (described) characteristics of plant and the data which are obtained during startup and/or first ten years of operation. (author)

  13. Model Penilaian Kapabilitas Proses Optimasi Resiko Ti Berdasarkan Cobit 5


    Putri, Rahmi Eka


    Teknologi informasi (TI) saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan yang mendasar bagi setiap organisasi dan tidak jarang sebuah organisasi memiliki ketergantungan yang tinggi terhadap TI. Resiko penggunaan TI di organisasi harus dikelola dengan baik, agar resiko penggunaan TI dapat diminimalisasi dan TI dapat membantu dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Optimasi resiko penggunaan TI di organisasi merupakan salah satu domain dalam tata kelola TI berdasarkan COBIT 5. Proses ini bertujuan untuk memastika...

  14. CLARIFY (Trademark): An On-Line Guide for Revising Technical Prose, (United States)


    it appears that writers nominalize in an unconscious attempt to make their prose sound significant. Sociolinguistic studies consistently show that...technical information more effectively than a varied mix of long and short sentences. And there are no empirical studies to suggest that varied sentence...earlier studies , especially those that contrast memory and comprehension - 18 - topic" and "agent." New instance,;--that is, elements of new sentences

  15. Pengaruh Media Massa terhadap Proses Peradilan Pidana dalam Kasus Pencurian Kakao oleh Minah

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    Kurniawan Akbar


    Full Text Available Di dalam upaya penegakan hukum, media massa memiliki pengaruh yang cukup penting melalui pemberitaannya kepada masyarakat terhadap suatu perkara. Media massa mampu menciptakan suatu opini publik dalam masyarakat terhadap suatu perkara hukum dengan informasi dan berita yang disampaikannya.  Melalui opini publik yang dibangun dalam masyarakat, media massa melakukan fungsi kontrol terhadap proses peradilan atas suatu perkara hukum, tidak terkecuali dalam perkara pidana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh media massa pada proses peradilan pidana dalam kasus pencurian kakao oleh Minah. Data yang digunakan adalah primer dan sekunder. Adapun analisis yang digunakan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis-empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa opini publik terhadap perkara pencurian 3 (tiga kilogram kakao merupakan salah satu contoh dari fungsi kontrol yang dijalankan oleh media massa, dalam hal ini media massa menyoroti proses peradilan pidana yang tidak berkeadilan bagi Minah. Pengaruh media massa tersebut tampak di dalam proses persidangan terhadap terdakwa Minah oleh majelis hakim pada acara sidang III, yaitu dalam hal pertimbangan putusan yang dijatuhkan oleh majelis hakim terhadap terdakwa. In law enforcement, the media has a significant impact to the community through the preaching of a case. The mass media are able to create a public opinion on a matter of law with which it conveys information and news. Through public opinion in society, mass media perform the control functions of the judicial process of a lawsuit, not the exception in criminal cases. This study aims to analyze the influence of mass media on criminal justice processes in cases of theft of cocoa by Minah. The data used are the primary and secondary. The analysis used juridical-empirical approach. These results indicate that public opinion against theft case 3 (three pounds of cocoa is one example of a control function that is run by the mass media. Mass media

  16. Response Requirement and Nature of Interpolated Stories in Retroactive Inhibition in Prose. (United States)

    Van Mondfrans, Adrian P.; And Others

    Retroactive inhibition, a loss of memory due to learning other materials between recall and exposure to the original materials, was investigated in relation to prose. Two variables were manipulated in the study: similarity of interpolated stories (dissimilar or similar), and the response requirements (completion-recall or multiple-choice). The 190…

  17. Christian Values in Vilhelm Kyukhelbekker's Early Prose

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    Fedoseeva T.V.


    Full Text Available This article examines Vilhelm Kyukhelbekker's narrative prose of the first half of the 1820s. For the analysis we have chosen the most significant works of this period — his book of travel notes The Journey and the novel Ado. The study reveals the writer's attitude to Christianity and Christian values in his early period of work. In this research the axiological approach is used, as well as the methods of historical, typological, structural and semiotic study of literary texts. Studying The Journey, we performed a detailed analysis of the author's letters which describe the paintings by the artists of Flemish and Dutch schools, as well as German and Italian painters of the 17th and 18th centuries exhibited in the Dresden gallery. The writer prefers the paintings of biblical subjects to those of naturalistic everyday scenes. He pays special attention to the evangelical themes. He is attracted by Christ the child's divine nature and the heavenly purity, high humility of the Mother of God's image, and the fact that St. Sebastian is portrayed as joyfully suffering for Christ. Historical events of the novel Ado date back to the time of the Baltic peoples' forced Christianization by the Order of the Brothers of the Sword. Baltic peoples are trying to keep the faith of their ancestors and rebel against the cruel governor of the Order. The novel focuses particularly on one knight, Michael, who stood up for the oppressed and like Archangel Michael found himself on the cutting edge of Good and Evil. This character of the novel is connected with the idea of Christian sacrificial love and eternal spiritual life, which was very important for Kyukhelbekker. We concluded that even in his early prose Kyukhelbekker expressed the main spiritual and moral values of Christianity.


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    Tatiana Vasilyevna Fedoseeva


    Full Text Available This article examines Vilhelm Kyukhelbekker's narrative prose of the first half of the 1820s. For the analysis we have chosen the most significant works of this period — his book of travel notes The Journey and the novel Ado. The study reveals the writer's attitude to Christianity and Christian values in his early period of work. In this research the axiological approach is used, as well as the methods of historical, typological, structural and semiotic study of literary texts. Studying The Journey, we performed a detailed analysis of the author's letters which describe the paintings by the artists of Flemish and Dutch schools, as well as German and Italian painters of the 17th and 18th centuries exhibited in the Dresden gallery. The writer prefers the paintings of biblical subjects to those of naturalistic everyday scenes. He pays special attention to the evangelical themes. He is attracted by Christ the child's divine nature and the heavenly purity, high humility of the Mother of God's image, and the fact that St. Sebastian is portrayed as joyfully suffering for Christ. Historical events of the novel Ado date back to the time of the Baltic peoples' forced Christianization by the Order of the Brothers of the Sword. Baltic peoples are trying to keep the faith of their ancestors and rebel against the cruel governor of the Order. The novel focuses particularly on one knight, Michael, who stood up for the oppressed and like Archangel Michael found himself on the cutting edge of Good and Evil. This character of the novel is connected with the idea of Christian sacrificial love and eternal spiritual life, which was very important for Kyukhelbekker. We concluded that even in his early prose Kyukhelbekker expressed the main spiritual and moral values of Christianity.


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    Paundra Pristyasiwi


    Full Text Available Pemerolehan bahasa kedua tidak lepas dari beberapa faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan proses pemerolehan bahasa kedua adalah usia, jenis kelamin dan tentunya perbedaan kepribadian setiap individu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan efek gender dan tipe kepribadian terhadap pemerolehan bahas Jawa sebagai bahasa kedua pada siswa di SMK Giki 1 Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas sebelas dan duabelas yang berasal dari luar Jawa (Surabaya tahun akademik 2017/2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan model analisis kategoris deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa (1 terdapat perbedaan pada proses pemerolehan bahasa kedua atara siswa perempuan dan laki-laki, siswa perempuan memiliki kemauan dan kemampuan yang lebih tinggi daripada siswa laki-laki, (2 terdapat perbedaan penguasaan pemerolehan bahasa pada siswa berkepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert, siswa ektrovert memiliki kompetensi pemerolehan lebih tinggi daripada siswa berkepribadian introvert.

  20. OPTIMASI PROSES PEMBUATAN BUBUK OLEORESIN LADA (Piper nigrum MELALUI PROSES EMULSIFIKASI DAN MIKROENKAPSULASI (Optimization Process Production Powder of Oleoresin Pepper (Piper nigrum by Process of Emulsification and Microencapsulation

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    Firdaus Syafi'i


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to improve the quality of pepper product by optimize process of emulsification and microencapsulation. The experimental design used in this study was Response Surface Methodology (RSM. The results showed that the selected emulsifier was arabic gum that had the highest solubility in water (99.78%. The optimum point of emulsification occured at 15% of concentration arabic gum and 4 minutes of homogenization time with the result was solubility in water 99.80%, and emulsion stability 97.78%. The optimum point of microencapsulation process occured at 3:1 of maltodextrin and sodium caseinate ratio, 10% of coating material concentration, and 180°C of drying temperature with the result was essential oil content 1.04%, solubility in water 98.18%, surface oil 0.20%, water content 2.45%, oil recovery 77.07%, and the yield of microcapsule 69.87% Keywords: Pepper oleoresin, RSM, emulsification, microencapsulation ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kualitas mutu produk oleoresin lada melalui optimasi proses emulsifikasi dan mikroenkapsulasi. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Response Surface Methodology (RSM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahan pengemulsi yang terpilih adalah gum arab yang memiliki kelarutan tertinggi dalam air (99,78%. Titik optimum proses emulsifikasi terjadi pada konsentrasi gum arab 15% dan lama homogenisasi 4 menit yang memberikan nilai kelarutan dalam air 99,80% dan stabilitas emulsi 97,15%. Titik optimum proses mikroenkapsulasi terjadi pada rasio maltodekstrin dan natrium kaseinat (3:1, konsentrasi bahan penyalut 10%, dan suhu inlet pengeringan 180°C yang memberikan nilai kadar minyak atsiri 1,04%, kelarutan dalam air 98,18%, kadar surface oil 0,20%, kadar air 2,45%, oil recovery 77,07%, dan rendemen 69,87% Kata kunci: Oleoresin lada, RSM, emulsifikasi, mikroenkapsulasi

  1. Uji kesetimbangan kalor proses sterilisasi kumbung jamur merang kapasitas 1.2 ton media tanam menggunakan tungku gasifikasi

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    Ahmad Maulana K


    Full Text Available Pada setiap budidaya jamur merang memerlukan proses sterilisasi dengan menggunakan uap panas yang dihasilkan dari boiler sederhana dengan tungku tradisional berbahan bakar kayu bakar. Penggunaan tungku tradisional pada aplikasi proses sterilisasi tersebut dinilai kurang efisien karena efisiensi pembakaran yang masih sangat rendah dan emisi gas buang yang mengganggu. Tungku gasifikasi memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dari pada tungku tradisional karena memiliki efisiensi yang relatif lebih tinggi dan bebas dari asap pembakaran yang mengganggu. Untuk menggantikan tungku tradisional tersebut dengan tunggku gasifikasi, harus dilakukan uji kesetimbangan kalor terlebih dahulu agar dapat diketahui kebutuhan energi yang diperlukan pada proses sterilisasi tersebut. Dengan uji kesetimbangan kalor dapat diketahui perbandingan energi input pada sisi bahan bakar dengan energi yang termanfaatkan (energi output dan energi yang terbuang (heat losses selama proses sterilisasi tersebut berlangsung. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kumbung jamur ukuran sebenarnya yang ada di lapangan dengan jumlah media tanam jamur merang sekitar 1.2 ton limbah kapas menggunakan tungku gasifikasi yang dibuat dari drum bekas oli. Pengujian dilakukan dengan dua variasi bahan bakar pada reactor gasifikasinya yaitu bahan bakar limbah kapas dan bahan bakar limbah sekam padi. Dari hasil uji yang didapat, limbah kapas memiliki jumlah energi output yang lebih besar daripada limbah sekam padi (energi output pada limbah kapas sebesar 8.4% dari energi inputnya dan limbah sekam padi memiliki 7.9% energi output. Namun jika dilihat dari efisiensi pembakarannya, limbah sekam padi memiliki efisiensi yang lebih tinggi daripada limbah kapas (28.0% untuk limbah sekam padi dan 27.2% untuk limbah kapas.

  2. Formation of Critical Realism Principles in Kazakh Prose

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    Zhansaya Zharylgapov


    Full Text Available The article is focused on aesthetic principles of the critical realism of the early XX century, which found their expression in the manner of leading artistic method in Kazakh poetry and in political-social lyric poetry. Kazakh prose, which was formed in the critical form during the new type of the realism developed as a definite ideological-artistic method. Due to this fact, the authors conclude that the origin of the realism in Kazakh literature originate from the novels by S. Kubeev "Kalym", M. Kashimov "Bednaya Mariyam", S. Toraygyrov "Krasavitsa Kamar", "Kto vinovat?" and "Neshchastnaya Zhamal" by M. Dulatov.


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    Octavianti Paramita


    Full Text Available Salah satu diversifikasi produk olahan yang menarik untuk dikembangkan adalah tepung da-ging buah mangga (mango powder yang telah dikembangkan di negara India, Tepung buah mangga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan alternatif untuk membuat DF (dietary fibre, karena daging buah mangga mengandung pati yang banyak, tinggi selulosa, hemiselulosa, lignin dan carotin. Buah mangga  arumanis yang dibuat menjadi tepung mangga digunakan mangga arumanis yang belum matang / yang masih mentah. Proses perendaman sebelum dilakukan pengeringan sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil dari tepung mangga yang dihasilkan baik berupa kandungan gizi dan warna. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan proses pembuatan tepung mangga varietas arumanis yang paling optimal hasilnya berdasarkan karakteristik fisik dan komposisi zat gizi. Proses pembuatan tepung mangga varietas arumanis yang paling optimal hasilnya dengan proses perendaman pada air dingin dan proses tersebut bisa dijadikan bahan dasar pembuatan olahan-olahan pangan yang tinggi serat. Karakteristik Fisik Tepung Mangga Arumanis dan Komposisi Zat Gizi Tepung Mangga Arumanis dengan proses Perendaman Air Dingin yaitu : Tepung berwarna putih kecoklatan, Tekstur : Halus, dan tidak tercium aroma mangga, Rendemen : 12,4 %., Kadar Serat : 3,7370 %, Kadar Vitamin C : 154,9944 mg/100 g, Kandungan Amilum/ Pati : 49,0419 % dan Kandungan Protein: 9,2856 %. One of the interesting diversification of the processed products to be developed is a mango pulp powder which has been developed in India. The mango flour can be used as an alternative material for making the dietary fiber (DF because mango contains a lot of starch, high cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and carotin. The “arumanis” mango flour can be made from the immature “arumanis” mango fruits. The immersing process before drying greatly affect the quality of produced mangoes flour in terms of the nutrient composition and the colour. The study aimed to

  4. Efektivitas Penambahan Karbon Aktif Cangkang Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis dalam Proses Filtrasi Air Sumur

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    Muhammad Fadhillah


    Full Text Available Dampak dari pencemaran air dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ketidakseimbangan ekosistem dan dapat sebagai pembawa penyakit menular. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penjernihan terhadap air sebelum digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air.  Salah satu  yang dapat digunakan untuk penjernihan air adalah arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui efektifitas penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit  dalam proses  filtrasi terhadap karakter fisik (kekeruhan, Ph, bau dan rasa air sumur. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL. Filtrasi air sumur dilakukan dengan 4 perlakuan  dan 3 kali ulangan yaitu: 1. tanpa melewati saringan pasir (kontrol, 2. melewati saringan pasir tanpa arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit, 3. melewati saringan pasir dengan penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit  dengan ketebalan 10 cm, dan 4. ketebalan 15 cm. One way ANOVA digunakan dalam analisis data. Analisa kekeruhan adalah 100,0; 50,5; 40,4; dan 47,5 berturut-turut untuk kontrol, tanpa arang aktif, dengan arang aktif 10 cm dan dengan arang aktif 15 cm. Hasil uji menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kekeruhan air kontrol dengan kekeruhan dari perlakuan lainnya. pH air < 7 menjadi 8,99. Analisa bau dan rasa didapatkan  air yang melewati proses filtrasi dengan penambahan arang aktif menghilangkan bau dan rasa pada air tersebut. Penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit dengan ketebalan 10 cm cukup efektif dalam proses filtrasi air sumur dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas fisik air.


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    E.V. Yuliana Wibisono


    Full Text Available One of the programs that can be used to improve the quality is Six Sigma program using DMAIC method. The research is performed at PT Baninusa Indonesia (PT. BN producing the 2nd type of 4JA1 piston ring. The program is implemented to decrease the defect proportion The production process performance and the problem priority are known from the CTQ itself. The fish bone diagram is used to determine the causes of the problem. The improvement is performed by determination of the best process parameter through the fullfactorial experiment design. The result is significantly decrease defect proportion by 2.682%. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Salah satu program peningkatan kualitas yang dapat mengakomodasi tuntutan peningkatan kualitas adalah program Six Sigma dengan menggunakan metode DMAIC. Penelitian dilakukan pada PT.Baninusa Indonesia (PT.BN, salah satu perusahaan yang memproduksi produk ring piston tipe 4JA1 jenis 2nd ring. Program digunakan untuk menurunkan persentase cacat produk. Dari CTQ yang ada dapat diketahui kinerja proses produksi saat ini dan prioritas permasalahan. Fish bone diagram digunakan untuk akar penyebab masalah Tindakan perbaikan yang dipilih adalah menentukan parameter proses terbaik dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen full factorial. Hasil penerapan parameter proses tersebut menunjukkan pengurangan yang signifikan terhadap persentase cacat sebesar 2,682%. Kata kunci: metoda six sigma, DMAIC, perbaikan kualitas, karakteristik kualitas kritis, diagram fish bone.

  6. Analisis Potensi Ledakan dan Kebakaran Primary Reformer sebagai Unit Proses Produksi Amonia di PT. X

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    Resti Ayu Lestari


    Full Text Available Peningkatan industri pupuk di dunia berimplikasi pada peningkatan jumlah industri amonia. Amonia memegang peranan penting pada proses produksi pupuk dalam hal penyediaan nitrogen. Proses pembuatan amonia melibatkan bahan baku berupa gas alam yang bersifat flammable dengan temperatur dan tekanan yang tinggi dalam setiap tahapan prosesnya. Primary reformer merupakan salah satu peralatan proses dalam produksi amonia dengan temperatur dan tekanan paling tinggi serta paling berisiko mengalami kegagalan yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya kebakaran/ledakan. Primary reformer berperan sebagai salah satu tahapan pemurnian gas alam dengan hasil berupa karbon monoksida. Identifikasi bahaya pada unit primary reformer dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA. Hasil analisis FTA menghasilkan bahwa sumber bahaya dari ledakan primary reformer dapat ditinjau dari faktor teknis dan faktor non teknis. Faktor non teknis menyumbang 74% dari penyebab terjadinya ledakan/kebakaran pada primary reformer. Hasil analisis risiko ledakan/kebakaran pada primary reformer dilakukan dengan menggunakan Dow’s Fire & Explosion Index  dengan hasil radius area dampak adalah 51 meter. Nilai kerugian finansial mencapai US$ 23.640.285 dengan kerugian hari kerja minimal adalah 138 hari. Perangkat lunak Arial Location of Hazardous Atmospheres menghasilkan radius ledakan dengan dampak terkecil yaitu dapat memecahkan kaca jendela/pintu (0,5 psi adalah 73 m dari primary reformer. Radius ledakan dengan kekuatan ledakan 1 psi (meruntuhkan rumah/perkantoran adalah 48 m dari primary reformer.


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    Muhammad Yani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan proses berpikir dan menganalisis kesulitan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika berdasarkan pengukuran Polya ditinjau dari Adversity Quotient (AQ. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskirptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa dari kelas IX SMP N 1 Banda Aceh tediri dari tiga siswa. Pemilihan subjek penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan berdasarkan tingkatan AQ (climber, camper, dan quitter dan komunikasi (lisan dan tertulis. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara berbasis tugas, dan triangulasi untuk mengecek validitas data. Data dianalisis menggunakan konsep dari Miles dan Huberman: yaitu tahap pengurangan data, presentasi data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa: (1 Proses berpikir dari subjek climber yaitu secara asimilasi dalam memahami, merencanakan penyelesaian, .serta mengecek kembali; (2 Subjek camper juga berpikir secara asimilasi pada tahap memahami masalah, merencanakan penyelesaian, dan mengecek kembali; (3 subjek quitter berpikir secara akomodasi dalam memahami masalah dan menyelesaikan masalah. Kata kunci: Proses Berpikir, Pemecahan Masalah, Tahap Polya, Adversity Quotient (AQ DOI:


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    Lili Irawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakSuara yang didengar telinga manusia mengalami perubahan dari sinyal akustik yang bersifat mekanik menjadi sinyal listrik yang diteruskan saraf pendengaran ke otak. Proses mendengar tentunya tidak lepas dari organ pendengaran manusia yakni telinga.Telinga terdiri atas tiga bagian dasar, yaitu telinga bagian luar, telinga bagian tengah dan telinga bagian dalam. Setiap bagian telinga bekerja dengan tugas khusus untuk mendeteksi dan menginterpretasikan bunyi.Telinga bagian luar fungsi utamanya adalah mengumpulkan dan menghubungkan suara menuju meatus akustikus eksterna. Telinga bagian tengah terdiri dari 3 buah tulang (ossicle yang akan mengamplifikasikan tekanan 20 kali dari gelombang suara untuk menghasilkan getaran cairan pada koklea. Pada telinga bagian dalam terdapat koklea, membran basilaris membentuk dasar duktus koklear. Membran basilaris ini sangat penting karena di dalamnya terdapat organ korti yang merupakan organ perasa pendengaran. Organ corti, yang terletak di atas membran basilaris di seluruh panjangnya, mengandung sel rambut yang merupakan reseptor suara. Sel rambut menghasilkan sinyal saraf jika rambut permukaannya mengalami perubahan bentuk secara mekanik akibat gerakan cairan di telinga dalam. Resonansi frekuensi tinggi dari membran basilaris terjadi dekat basis, tempat gelombang suara memasuki koklea melalui jendela oval dan resonansi frekuensi rendah terjadi dekat apeks. Sel rambut dalam yang mengubah gaya mekanik suara (getaran cairan koklea menjadi impuls listrik pendengaran (potensial aksi yang menyampaikan pesan pendengaran ke korteks serebri.Kata kunci: Proses pendengaranAbstractSound heard by human ears undergo change from mechanical accustic signal to electrical signal continued by hearing nerves to brain. Of course the hearing process do not get out from human hearing organs in this case is ear.Ear comprise the three principle portions, external ear, middle ear, and internal ear. Each portion work with special

  9. Design and Evaluation on the Mobile Application of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). (United States)

    Cheng, Ching-Lung; Lee, Li-Hui; Cheng, Yu-Ting


    This study aims to design a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Application (TENS App) according to the suggestions from potential users. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first App including meridian and acupoints for TENS. After its development, there are eight participants recruited for evaluating the usability. Despite two out of eight users reporting that the typical TENS system requires lower cost and has better functionality than TENS App, the results show that almost seventy percent of participants have a better perception of TENS App on price, functionality, convenience, operational ability, and quality. However, participants still reported concerns about the safety issue of adopting TENS App. Therefore, for people who are the first time or unfamiliar with TENS App, instructions from occupational or physical therapists are recommended. We conclude that by using TENS App, users can not only use the portable electrotherapy devices at anyplace, but also reduce their outpatient visits.

  10. Pengaruh Jenis Bahan pada Proses Pirolisis Sampah Organik menjadi Bio-Oil sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan

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    M. Sigit Cahyono


    Full Text Available Sampah organik merupakan potensi sumber energi yang melimpah di Indonesia. Sampah organik berupa daun dan ranting kering bisa dikonversi menjadi bahan bakar berupa bio-oil melalui proses fast pirolisis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis bahan terhadap rendemen dan nilai kalor bio-oil yang dihasilkan dari proses pirolisis sampah organik. Bahan baku berupa daun dan ranting kering campuran tanaman angsana, mahoni dan mangga dengan komposisi daun bervariasi 0%, 50%, dan 100%, dipotong-potong dengan ukuran maksimal 10 cm. Kemudian bahan baku tersebut dipanaskan di dalam reaktor pirolisis pada suhu 500 C selama 1 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kalor tertinggi (5175,35 J/g dan rendemen tertinggi (24,5% didapatkan pada bio-oil yang dihasilkan dari pirolisis ranting 100%. Kata kunci: Sampah Organik, Bio-oil, Pirolisis, Rendemen, Nilai Kalor


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    Lubis Sobron


    Full Text Available Pembuatan prototipe pada industri manufaktur berkembang dengan pesat, berawal dari pembuatan secara konvensional, kemudian dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin-mesin perkakas, dan berkembang dengan pemanfaatan komputer sebagai alat kontrol pada mesin tersebut sehingga dikenal dengan istilah CNC (computer numerically control. Pada awalnya, pembuatan prototipe dilakukan menggunakan mesin perkakas yang membentuk kontur permukaan dengan melakukan pemotongan pada  benda kerja, tentunya dalam hal ini terdapat bahan tersisa yang dikenal dengan chip. Dewasa ini perkembangan dalam pembuatan prototipe maju dengan pesat yang dikenal dengan pembuatan prototipe cepat (rapid prorotyping. Keunggulan dari rapid prototyping dalam bidang manufaktur adalah kemudahannya dalam menghasilkan suatu produk yang kompleks dengan tepat dan efisien. Proses rapid prototyping mampu merealisasikan hasil permodelan 3D software dalam bentuk nyata tanpa intervensi apapun. Dalam penelitian ini, dikaji tentang pengaruh penentuan posisi orientasi secara vertical dan horizontal terhadap kekuatan Tarik material polymer yang digunakan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dengan menggunakan perangkat rapid prototyping tipe fused deposition modeling yakni 3D printing. Bahan filament yang digunakan jenis polymer PLA dan ABS. Proses printing dilakukan terhadap bentuk objek uji Tarik ASTM D638. Proses 3D printing dilakukan dengan memvariasikan posisi orientasi objek secara vertikal dan horizontal. Spesimen yang dihasilkan selanjutnya dilakukan uji tarik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa penentuan orientasi posisi objek spesimen memberi pengaruh terhadap tegangan tarik spesimen.

  12. Ten Thousand Years of Solitude

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benford, G. (Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA) California Univ., Irvine, CA (USA). Dept. of Physics); Kirkwood, C.W. (Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA) Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ (USA). Coll. of Business Administration); Harry, O. (Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA)); Pasqualetti, M.J. (Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA) Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ (USA))


    This report documents the authors work as an expert team advising the US Department of Energy on modes of inadvertent intrusion over the next 10,000 years into the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) nuclear waste repository. Credible types of potential future accidental intrusion into the WIPP are estimated as a basis for creating warning markers to prevent inadvertent intrusion. A six-step process is used to structure possible scenarios for such intrusion, and it is concluded that the probability of inadvertent intrusion into the WIPP repository over the next ten thousand years lies between one and twenty-five percent. 3 figs., 5 tabs.

  13. Ten Thousand Years of Solitude?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benford, G.; Pasqualetti, M.J.


    This report documents the authors work as an expert team advising the US Department of Energy on modes of inadvertent intrusion over the next 10,000 years into the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) nuclear waste repository. Credible types of potential future accidental intrusion into the WIPP are estimated as a basis for creating warning markers to prevent inadvertent intrusion. A six-step process is used to structure possible scenarios for such intrusion, and it is concluded that the probability of inadvertent intrusion into the WIPP repository over the next ten thousand years lies between one and twenty-five percent. 3 figs., 5 tabs

  14. Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa pada Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division

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    Happy Komike Sari


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan observasi di SMA Negeri 15 Bandarlampung, proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran fisika masih belum meraih hasil yang maksimal terutama pada siswa kelas X. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan hasil belajar fisika siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus pada 30 siswa di kelas X5 SMA Negeri 15 Bandarlampung. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan dan pengamatan, dan refleksi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi untuk Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan soal uraian untuk hasil belajar. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD dapat meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan hasil belajar fisika siswa dari siswa ke siswa. Based on observations in SMA NegerI 15 Bandarlampung, the implementation process of learning physics is still not achieve the maximum results, especially in class X. The main purpose of this study is to describe the increase of KPS and students’ learning achievement in learning physics using a cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division (STAD. This classroom action research has been conducted in three cycles with 30 students of X5 Class of SMA Negeri 15 Bandarlampung. Every cycle consists of planning, action and observation, and reflection. The data were collected using observation sheet for KPS and essay test for learning achievement. Based on the results indicate that the cooperative learning model type STAD effectively could increase KPS and students’ learning achievement in learning physics from cycle to cycle

  15. Constrained prose recall and the assessment of long-term forgetting: the case of ageing and the Crimes Test. (United States)

    Baddeley, Alan; Rawlings, Bruce; Hayes, Amie


    It has become increasingly clear that some patients with apparently normal memory may subsequently show accelerated long-term forgetting (ALF), with dramatic loss when retested. We describe a constrained prose recall task that attempts to lay the foundations for a test suitable for detecting ALF sensitively and economically. Instead of the usual narrative structure of prose recall tests, it employs a matrix structure involving four episodes, each describing a minor crime, with each crime involving the binding into a coherent episode of a specified range of features, involving the victim, the crime, the criminal and the location, allowing a total of 80 different probed recall questions to be generated. These are used to create four equivalent 20-item tests, three of which are used in the study. After a single verbal presentation, young and elderly participants were tested on three occasions, immediately, and by telephone after a delay of 6 weeks, and at one of a varied range of intermediate points. The groups were approximately matched on immediate test; both showed systematic forgetting which was particularly marked in the elderly. We suggest that constrained prose recall has considerable potential for the study of long-term forgetting.

  16. Pengaruh Variasi Mikroorganisme dan Pelarut Dalam Produksi Etanol Dari Nira Tebu (Sachharum officinarum Dengan Proses Fermentasi Ekstraktif

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    Yusfa Anugrah Baihaki


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan energi dari bahan bakar minyak bumi (BBM didunia semakin tahun mengalami peningkatan tajam. Salah satu energi alternatif yang didorong pemerintah Indonesia adalah dengan memproduksi bioetanol. Salah satu bahan yang sangat berpotensial sebagai bahan baku utama dalam pembuatan bioetanol adalah nira batang tebu. Upaya peningkatan produktivitas etanol dilakukan secara kontinyu dikarenakan pada fermentasi konvensional terdapat kendala pada produktivitas dan konsentrasi etanol yang rendah. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk produksi etanol dengan keunggulan keterpaduan proses dan rendah energi yang selanjutnya dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar desain untuk rancang bangun skala industri kecil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa terbaik dari variasi mikroorganisme dan pelarut yang digunakan dalam memproduksi etanol dengan proses fermentasi ekstraktif dan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kinerja sistem fermentasi kontinyu dalam bioreaktor packed bed dengan variasi mikroorganisme. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan macam variasi mikroorganisme Zymomonasmobilis A3 termutasi dan campuran Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan Pichiastipitis dengan sistem tanpa recycle dan pelarut n-Amyl Alcohol. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa proses fermentasi kontinyu dan ekstraksi tanpa recycle menggunakan Zymomonas mobilis A3 dan pelarut n-Amyl Alkohol memberikan hasil produktivitas dan yield yang terbaik, yaitu sebesar 133,417 g/l.jam dan 35,049%.

  17. A ten-year study of penetrating injuries of the colon. (United States)

    Adesanya, Adedoyin A; Ekanem, Ekanem E


    Colon injury has been associated with a high risk of septic complications and mortality. We prospectively studied the pattern, management, outcome, and prognostic factors in patients who sustained penetrating colon injuries. Sixty patients who presented to our hospital with penetrating colon injuries over a ten-year period (1992 to 2001) were studied. Colon wounds were caused by gunshots in 55 (91.7 percent) patients and knife stabs in 5 (8.3 percent). There was a delay of more than 12 hours before laparotomy in 30 (50 percent) patients. Moderate or major fecal contamination of the peritoneal cavity occurred in 58 (96.7 percent) patients. The average penetrating abdominal trauma index score was 25.9 and 20 (33.3 percent) patients sustained Flint Grade 3 colon injury. Associated intra-abdominal injuries occurred in the small bowel (73.3 percent), liver (25 percent), stomach (23.3 percent), and mesentery (16.7 percent). Right colon wounds (35) were managed by primary repair in 24 (68.6 percent) patients and proximal diverting colostomy in 11 (31.4 percent), whereas left colon wounds (25) were managed by diverting colostomy in 22 (88.0 percent) patients and primary repair in 3 (12.0 percent) patients. Common complications included wound infection (56.7 percent), septicemia (31.7 percent), and enterocutaneous fistula (16.7 percent). The overall mortality rate was 33.3 percent and colon injury-related mortality was 21.7 percent. Presence of destructive colon injury was associated with a greater than fourfold increased incidence of death. Other significant risk factors included shock on admission, major fecal contamination, duration of operation more than four hours, penetrating abdominal trauma index score >25, and more than two postoperative complications. There was no difference in outcome between patients who had primary repair and those undergoing diverting colostomy. Colostomy closure-related morbidity was 21 percent and mortality was 5.3 percent. A more liberal

  18. An evaluation of 10 percent and 20 percent benzocaine gels in patients with acute toothaches (United States)

    Hersh, Elliot V.; Ciancio, Sebastian G.; Kuperstein, Arthur S.; Stoopler, Eric T.; Moore, Paul A.; Boynes, Sean G.; Levine, Steven C.; Casamassimo, Paul; Leyva, Rina; Mathew, Tanya; Shibly, Othman; Creighton, Paul; Jeffers, Gary E.; Corby, Patricia M.A.; Turetzky, Stanley N.; Papas, Athena; Wallen, Jillian; Idzik-Starr, Cynthia; Gordon, Sharon M.


    Background The authors evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of 10 percent and 20 percent benzocaine gels compared with those of a vehicle (placebo) gel for the temporary relief of toothache pain. They also assessed the compliance with the label dose administration directions on the part of participants with toothache pain. Methods Under double-masked conditions, 576 participants self-applied study gel to an open tooth cavity and surrounding oral tissues. Participants evaluated their pain intensity and pain relief for 120 minutes. The authors determined the amount of gel the participants applied. Results The responders’ rates (the primary efficacy parameter), defined as the percentage of participants who had an improvement in pain intensity as exhibited by a pain score reduction of at least one unit on the dental pain scale from baseline for two consecutive assessments any time between the five- and 20-minute points, were 87.3 percent, 80.7 percent and 70.4 percent, respectively, for 20 percent benzocaine gel, 10 percent benzocaine gel and vehicle gel. Both benzocaine gels were significantly (P ≤ .05) better than vehicle gel; the 20 percent benzocaine gel also was significantly (P ≤ .05) better than the 10 percent benzocaine gel. The mean amount of gel applied was 235.6 milligrams, with 88.2 percent of participants applying 400 mg or less. Conclusions Both 10 percent and 20 percent benzocaine gels were more efficacious than the vehicle gel, and the 20 percent benzocaine gel was more efficacious than the 10 percent benzocaine gel. All treatments were well tolerated by participants. Practical Implications Patients can use 10 percent and 20 percent benzocaine gels to temporarily treat toothache pain safely. PMID:23633700

  19. The Role of Elaboration in the Comprehension and Retention of Prose: A Critical Review. (United States)

    Reder, Lynne M.


    Recent research in the area of prose comprehension is reviewed, including factors that affect amount of recall, representations of text structures, and use of world knowledge to aid comprehension. The need for more information processing models of comprehension is emphasized. Elaboration is considered important for comprehension and retention.…

  20. Proses Menjadi dalam Novel Tarian Setan Karya Saddam Hussein dan Siddhartha Karya Hermann Hesse

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    Sariban Sariban


    Full Text Available Artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan pemikiran filsafat dalam novel Tarian Setan dan Siddharta (2007. Kumpulan pemikiran filsafat yang dibangun adalah hasrat karakter sebagai representasi manusia sehingga semua argumen yang dibangun berakar pada latar belakang kemunculan hasrat, proses hasrat, dan hasil hasrat. Berdasarkan pemikiran filsafat, bisa disimpulkan bahwa Hasqil dan Siddharta memiliki hasrat menjadi karena pengaruh imitasi, mimetik. Dalam proses menjadi yang disebabkan oleh mimetik, bisa diidentifikasi bahwa Hasqil lebih memiliki hasrat fisik, agresif, sementara Siddharta memiliki hasrat psikologis, reseptif. Sebagai subjek yang memiliki hasrat menjadi, Hasqil dan Siddharta bisa dianggap sebagai korban karena keduanya tidak pernah bebas dalam menentukan hasratnya sendiri. Individu adalah korban lingkungannya. Ironi tentang keterjebakan manusia pada hasrat libidinal telah didemonstrasikan oleh kedua karakter tersebut. Hasqil telah terjebak dalam hasrat libidinal sehingga menjadi orang gagal, sementara Siddharta secara sengaja menjebak dirinya sendiri untuk proses kesadaran menjadi karena prinsip bahwa hidup adalah tindakan. Hasrat kematian selalu menjadi bagian dari proses menjadi untuk tiap individu. Kematian adalah sebuah pelarian dari ketidakbahagiaan dan harapan untuk sekaligus meraih kebahagiaan. Abstract: This paper is aimed to explain the philosophical way of thinking in the novels Tarian Setan and Siddharta (2007. The collection of a way of thinking built is the character’s desire as a human representation so that all arguments built are rooted in the background of desire emergence, desire process, and desire result. Based on the philosophical way of thinking, it can be concluded that Hasqil and Siddharta have a desire of being for the influence of imitation, mimetic. In the process of being caused by the mimetic, it can be identified that Hasqil has a more physical desire, aggressive, whereas Siddharta has a psychological desire


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    Rd. Dewi Asri Yustia


    tindak pidana dominan bersumber dari KDRT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan didukung metode yuridis empiris, melalui pendekatan multidisiplin yaitu pendekatan dari aspek hukum perdata dan hukum pidana serta hukum acara. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, model litigasi konvensional, mengarahkan pada seluruh proses hukum yang akan dilalui diserahkan seluruhnya kepada penasihat hukum. Model litigasi ini belum memberikan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan kesadaran hukum terhadap perempuan pelaku tindak pidana (korban termarginalkan. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya model litigasi mandiri. Model ini diharapkan mampu mengakomodasi kebutuhan berlitigasi dari perempuan pelaku tindak pidana, sehingga dapat mengadvokasi dirinya sendiri pada saat menghadapi proses beracara. Selain itu, diharapkan model advokasi mandiri ini dapat dijadikan alternatif baru di dalam proses peradilan, dan dapat dijadikan alasan pertimbangan untuk dilakukannya upaya pembaharuan proses peradilan. Kata Kunci :   Pemberdayaan; Perempuan; Advokasi Mandiri; Pembaharuan

  2. Study of extraterrestrial disposal of radioactive wastes. Part 3: Preliminary feasibility screening study of space disposal of the actinide radioactive wastes with 1 percent and 0.1 percent fission product contamination (United States)

    Hyland, R. E.; Wohl, M. L.; Finnegan, P. M.


    A preliminary study was conducted of the feasibility of space disposal of the actinide class of radioactive waste material. This waste was assumed to contain 1 and 0.1 percent residual fission products, since it may not be feasible to completely separate the actinides. The actinides are a small fraction of the total waste but they remain radioactive much longer than the other wastes and must be isolated from human encounter for tens of thousands of years. Results indicate that space disposal is promising but more study is required, particularly in the area of safety. The minimum cost of space transportation would increase the consumer electric utility bill by the order of 1 percent for earth escape and 3 percent for solar escape. The waste package in this phase of the study was designed for normal operating conditions only; the design of next phase of the study will include provisions for accident safety. The number of shuttle launches per year required to dispose of all U.S. generated actinide waste with 0.1 percent residual fission products varies between 3 and 15 in 1985 and between 25 and 110 by 2000. The lower values assume earth escape (solar orbit) and the higher values are for escape from the solar system.

  3. Proses Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Orang Tua Tunggal (Ibu) Dengan Anak Dalam Mempertahankan Intimacy


    Suryadinata, Elvany


    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai proses komunikasi antara ibu sebagai orang tua tunggal, dengan anak dalam mempertahankan intimacy dengan metode studi kasus. Menggunakan teori elemen komunikasi interpersonal dari Devito, yang terdiri dari sumber-penerima, enkoding-dekoding, pesan, media, hambatan, konteks, etika, dan kompetensi. Intimacy diantara mereka dikategorikan ke dalam 4 dimensi yaitu kedekatan emosional, kontak fisik, shared activities, serta intellectual sharing. Hasil penelitian men...

  4. The trend of dystopia in contemporary Croatian prose

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    Igor Gajin


    Full Text Available In contemporary Croatian prose from 2010 to the present day, there has been an abundant series of novels with dystopian content that has introduced, so to speak, a new genre in the Croatian literary tradition, since in the diachrony of this national literature the dystopian themes have barely been represented. The paper intends to construe the cultural context of the cause of this phenomenon and point to the link in the structure of feelings formed by the processes of transition, globalization and neoliberal capitalism with the manifestation of the intensification of the dystopian genre as a motivated discursive manoeuvre by which social criticism is moved from the present “realistic prose” to “fantasy” imaginings of the future.

  5. The Prose of Anastasia I. Tsvetaeva: Autobiographical Mythmaking

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    Ekaterina A. Esenina


    Full Text Available Anastasia Tsvetayeva’s literary work can be largely defined as autobiographical. Her first pen probe, “Royal reflections,” is a philosophical essay where the author represents herself as a “theomachist” and the debunker of all moral values. Later, Tsvetaeva ventured into the genre of autobiographical novel, yet her novel may be called “autobiographical” only with some reservations. On the one hand, this work reflects real facts of the author’s life. On the other, the narrator, at some points, deliberately departs from truth, obscures and alters the facts, pursuing specific aims. The elements of autobiographical mythmak- ing may be found in the Memoirs of Anastasia Tsvetayeva that would be worthwhile to compare with the autobiographical prose of her elder sister Marina.

  6. Perancangan Aplikasi Berbasis Komputer untuk Proses Manajemen Mutu pada Pembangunan Kapal Baru

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    Renny Rahmadi Putra


    Full Text Available Manajemen mutu di galangan kapal saat ini belum dilaksanakan dengan sistematis. Hasil proses pemeriksaan pembangunan kapal baru, masih disimpan di dalam lemari dan folder–folder komputer secara terpisah. Manajemen pemeriksaan belum didukung dengan sistem yang mempermudah pihak Galangan, Owner Surveyor, Class dan State Regulator dalam pengawasan, pencarian, review, evaluasi dan pelaksanaan pemeriksaan. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi berbasis komputer dalam membantu pelaksanaan manajemen mutu pada pembangunan kapal baru yang lebih baik. Pertama, dilakukan observasi sistem manajemen mutu di galangan kapal, diambil sebagai sampel adalah Galangan PT. PAL Indonesia. Kedua, ditentukan parameter–parameter yang diperlukan dalam aplikasi manajemen mutu. Ketiga, dilakukan perancangan aplikasi manajemen mutu berdasarkan parameter–parameter aplikasi. Parameter–parameter di dalam aplikasi diidentifikasi selama tahapan pembangunan kapal, proses, komponen kapal dan dokumen kapal, serta item pemeriksaan dan standar pemeriksaan. Software yang digunakan untuk perancangan aplikasi adalah kombinasi bahasa pemograman PHP, text editor Sublime Text 2 dan database MySQL. Aplikasi berbasis komputer yang dirancang dapat membantu pelaksanaan manajemen mutu dalam pengawasan, pencarian, review, evaluasi dan pelaksanaan pemeriksaan. Setelah aplikasi dibuat, dilakukan uji perbandingan sistem dan uji verifikasi, didapatkan hasil bahwa aplikasi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan sistem eksisting yang secara perseorangan dijalankan di galangan kapal.


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    Nurmaliahayati S.Pd.


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peningkatan keterampilan proses sains (KPS dan sikap ilmiah melalui pemanfaatan hutan dalam pembelajaran biologi terintegrasi tipe connected. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode weak experiment dengan desain one group pretest-postest dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri di Krayan Kalimantan Timur kelas X tahun ajaran 2011-2012 Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pretest dan postest untuk KPS dan sikap ilmiah, lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa untuk menjaring informasi mengenai kegiatan selama pembelajaran berlangsung. Data dianalisis dengan uji perbedaan dua rata-rata, yaitu paired samples T Test dalam program komputer SPSS 16 for windows. Hasilnya terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara skor tes awal dan skor tes akhir KPS dan sikap ilmiah siswa. Rerata N-gain KPS dan sikap ilmiah berturut-turut adalah 0,46 dan 0,35 (sedang. Tingkat presentase keterlibatan siswa pada tiap pertemuan semakin mendekati 100%, artinya hampir semua siswa terlibat aktif dalam melakukan pembelajaran. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan KPS dan sikap ilmiah siswa setelah melalui pemanfaatan hutan dalam pembelajaran biologi terintegrasi tipe connected. Kata Kunci : keterampilan proses sains, pemanfaatan hutan, pembelajaran terintegrasi, sikap ilmiah

  8. Proses Kondensasi Imaji dan Pengalihan Mimpi dalam Dongeng Nenek Pakande

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    Nuraidar Agus


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap proses kondensasi imaji dan pengalihan mimpi dalam dongeng Nenek Pakande (NP berdasarkan teori psikoanalisis Freud. Pengumpulan data di lakukan secara dokumentatif atas cerita­‐cerita tentang NP, yaitu melalui teknik pembacaan, analisis teks, dan teknik elisitasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut ditemukan bahwa gejala kondensasi dan pengalihan mimpi dalam cerita NP adalah melalui usaha penciptaan tokoh­‐tokohnya dan berdasarkan realita yang kemudian diimajinasikan. Proses tersebut melahirkan citraan tentang kemampuan akal tokoh anak kecil dengan segala usahanya untuk menaklukkan NP (raksasa. Selain itu, citra ibu tiri telah terkondensasi lewat imajinasi yang menakutkan bagi sang anak tiri linear dengan sifat­‐sifat buruk dan eksistensi supranatural NP yang mengendap dalam alam imajinasi. Abstract: This paper attempts to describe the process of condensation of reality and its imagination found in the fairy tale Nenek Pakande. This paper aims to reveal the image of the NP condensation process by Freud's psychoanalytic theory. The data was collected through the documentation on the stories of NP by reading techniques, text analysis, and elicitation techniques. Based on them, it is found that the symptoms of NP condensation in the story is through the characters venture creation and, based on what is true in reality, then imagined. It gives birth to images of a child's way of thinking and his efforts to conquer NP. In addition, the image of stepmothers has condensed through a frightening image to his stepson, and of the NP’s vices and supernatural existence living in an imagination. Key Words: Freud’s psychoanalysis, condensation, imagination, fables


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    Richie Erina


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran InSTAD terhadap: (1 keterampilan proses sains peserta didik, (2 hasil belajar kognif peserta didik, dan (3 proses sains dan hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan mengguna-kan desain kuasi eksperimen. Analisis data menggunakan Independent t-test dan MANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 penerapan model pembelajaran InSTAD secara signifikan lebih berpengaruh positif terhadap keterampilan proses sains dibandingkan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, dan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan output (t= 7.47 dan 7.53 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0.00 (sigifikansi < 0.05; (2 penerapan model pembelajaran InSTAD secara signifikan lebih berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar kognitif dibandingkan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, dan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan output (t= 4.41dan 5.00 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0.00 (sigifikansi < 0.05; (3 penerapan model pembelajaran InSTAD secara signifikan lebih berpengaruh positif terhadap keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar kognitif dibandingkan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, dan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan output (F= 26.36 dan signifikansi sebesar 0.00 (sigifikansi < 0.05. Kata Kunci: InSTAD, keterampilan proses sains, hasil belajar kognitif   THE EFFECT OF InSTAD LEARNING MODEL ON THE SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS AND COGNITIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN PHYSICS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract This study aims to find out the effect of InSTAD learning model on: (1 the science process skills of the students, (2 the cognitive learning outcomes of the students, (3 the science process skills and cognitive learning outcomes of the students. This study is a quantitative research using a quasi-experimental design. The data analysis used the Independent t-test and MANOVA. The results show that: (1 the implementation of InSTAD learning model gives a significantly more positive effect to the

  10. Flawlessi tankeriga sõitnud Küprose firma ei võta merereostuse tekitamist omaks / Martin Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Martin, 1984-


    Flawlessi tankeriga opereerivat Küprose firmat Hanseatic Shipping ei saa reostuses süüdistada, sest nemad vedasid rasket kütteõli, kuid Lääne-Eesti rannikult leiti pooltahke õlimass. Vt. samas: Piret Reiljan. Alambra reostuse puhul jäi Eestil trahv saamata; Prokuratuuril sadu kahtlusaluseid


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    Diah Ayu


    Full Text Available Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan: 1 Kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran, 2 Penerapan kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif persentase. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa X, XI, XII program keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin diperoleh sampel sejumlah 60 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa 76% dalam kriteria baik. Guru sudah menerapkan kompetensi profesional dalam proses pembelajaran dari indikator keterampilan membuka dan menutup pelajaran sebesar 73% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan menjelaskan sebesar 83% dalam kriteria sangat baik. Indikator keterampilan bertanya sebesar 78% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan memberi penguatan sebesar 70% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan menggunakan media pembelajaran sebesar 63% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator membimbing diskusi kelompok sebesar 81% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan mengelola kelas sebesar 85% dalam kriteria sangat baik. Indikator keterampilan mengadakan variasi sebesar 80% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan mengajar perorangan dan kelompok kecil sebesar 75% dalam kriteria baik. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe: 1 teacher's professional competence of the administrative offices in the learning process in vocational Enlisted Prembun Kebumen, (2 Is the professional competence of teachers office administration already applied in the process of learning in vocational Enlisted Prembun Kebumen. The population is students of class X, XI, XII Administrative skills program

  12. Faktor Penghambat Proses Layanan Konseling Individual di SMA se-Kota Cilacap

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    Fenti Nurindahsari


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan penuturan guru BK di salah satu SMA di kota Cilacap yang pernah menjadi tempat observasi oleh peneliti, ditemukan fenomena terkait dengan layanan konseling individual di sekolah tersebut yang tidak sesuai dengan teori-teori mengenai konseling individual yang ada dalam bimbingan konseling. Contoh yang tidak sesuai dengan teori  ketika proses konseling berakhir guru BK di sekolah tersebut tidak ada upaya tindak lanjut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat proses layanan konseling individual di SMA sekota Cilacap. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konselor yang ada di SMA sekota Cilacap. Teknik sampel untuk konselor yang dipilih praktikan adalah sampling jenuh. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket. Validitas menggunakan rumus Product Moment. Uji reliabitilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha. Metode analisis data menggunakan deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan faktor internal penghambat berasal dari konselor dalam kriteria tinggi (71,74% faktor eksternal penghambat termasuk kriteria tinggi yaitu norma (71,59%, sarpras (71,38% dan lingkungan fisik (72,39%. Dapat disimpulkan hambatan yang ada dalam proses layanan konseling individual di SMA sekota Cilacap berasal dari faktor internal dan eksternal yang memiliki kriteria yang sama yaitu dalam kategori tinggi. Based the narrative counseling teacher in one high school in Cilacap town that  once a place observation, discovered the phenomenon associated with individual counseling services in the school is not in accordance with the theories about the existing individual counseling in counseling. Examples that don’t fit with theory when the counseling process ends counseling teacher the school is’n follow-up effort. The purpose of this study to determine inhibiting factors individual counseling service process In senior high school Cilacap derby. Pupolasi in research is senior high school counselors. Technical


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    Eko Susanto


    Full Text Available Masalah pada penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kemampuan kreativitas siswa. Adapun permasalahannya, apakah penggunaan media dalam proses bimbingan kelompok dapatmeningkatkan kreativitas siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan kreativitas siswa dengan menggunakan media dalam proses bimbingan kelompok. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitan ini adalah metode eksperimental semu (Quasi Experimental dengan design One Group Pretest-Posttest. Dengan subjek penelitian 12 orang siswa di SMA Negeri 10 Bandar Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor rata-rata pretest 116,25 dan skor rata-rata posttest 127,50. Setelah dilakukan Uji t menunjukkan adanya perbedaan skor kreativitas yang cukup signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti bimbingan kelompok, perbedaan skor kreativitas sampai pada taraf signifikansi 0,01, maka dapat dikatakan adanya peningkatan kreativitas antara sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan bimbingan kelompok. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media dalam proses bimbingan kelompok dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kreativitas siswa. Saran dari hasil penelitian ini menyarankan kepada guru pembimbing untuk dapat memanfaatkan media sebagai alat bantu dalam pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan dan konseling disekolah. Bagi peneliti dan mahasiswa bimbingan konseling diharapkan dapat berinovasi untuk mengembangkan media-media bimbingan yang lain dalam rangka pengembangan diri siswa.


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    Ieva Naikienė


    Full Text Available This article focuses on esotericism in contemporary Lithuanian prose. For the revelation of this topic, Donaldas Kajokas’ novel Ežeras ir kiti jį lydintys asmenys (The Lake and Other Escort Members, 2003 and Jurga Ivanauskaitė’s novel Placebas (Placebo, 2012 have been chosen. The analysed writings reveal the point of view of contemporary Lithuanian writers about esoteric beliefs. In this article, esotericism is related with persons’ feelings but is excluded from occult and parapsychology fields such as alchemy, cabbala, Tarot, etc. This work focuses on the idea that an individual, who has only a few senses, cannot reach actuality. On the other hand, the possibility of acquiring those senses is not rejected. In addition, obtaining those senses would help to reach higher, over-sensational worlds and in that way to discover personal correlation with forms of multiple personal identities. This article establishes an idea that awareness of higher worlds/spheres unlocks the possibilities of revealing the main core of human (as micro-cosmos and the Universe (as macro-cosmos. The possibility to perceive oneself as a micro-cosmos discloses not only personal identity, but also the value of Other’s entity and inevitable entities stratifying.

  15. Graphical Argument in the Essayist Prose of the Pesquisa FAPESP Journal

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    Irene Machado


    Full Text Available This article investigates the concept of graphical argumentation as an exercise of essayistic prose developed in the process of writing expansion in printed texts. It is understood that by expanding the scope of the word in the context of visual graphics processes such as drawings, photography and infographics, arguments are achievements much more of diagrammatic reasoning than of rhetorical elaboration. Proof of that are graphic arguments, which have become an inalienable modeling from texts of scientific communication, such as the ones produced in the Pesquisa FAPESP journal.

  16. On authorship in Samuel Beckett’s prose

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    Willian André


    Full Text Available This study aims at building a reflection on the notion of authorship in Samuel Beckett’s work, with a main focus on his short prose from the 60s and 70s. Thereunto, supported by the writings of Maurice Blanchot, S. E. Gontarski, João Adolfo Hansen and Hugh Kenner, we draw a route that starts with the Beckettian post-war trilogy, going through the subsequent productions that culminate in the short pieces outlined by the author after the publishing of How It Is (1961. As we take the path run by the Irish writer in his deal with failure (a path full of mud and light-grey-dark oscillations, we experience the rise of a paradoxical impression: the more severe are Beckett’s attacks against the shapes of the I, testifying the dilution of identity, more accurate become the shapes surrounding the idea of “author” that surmounts the whole of his literary project.

  17. The description of morality and manners in Vsevolod Solovyov’s short prose


    Nikolsky Evgeny Vladimirovich


    This article contains a genre specificity of short prose by Vsevolod Solovyov, whose work is devoted to the Russian history between the 18th and 19th centuries. According to professor N.L. Vershinina, the author distinguishes the difference between the description of morality and manners. The main difference is in the presence of author’s point of view on the describing occurrences. In this case, such works are considered to be a kind of morality, which characterizes Solovyov’s works. Showing...

  18. Deteksi Fraud Menggunakan Metode Model Markov Tersembunyi Pada Proses Bisnis

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    Andrean Hutama Koosasi


    Full Text Available Model Markov Tersembunyi merupakan sebuah metode statistik berdasarkan Model Markov sederhana yang memodelkan sistem serta membaginya dalam 2 (dua state, state tersembunyi dan state observasi. Dalam pengerjaan tugas akhir ini, penulis mengusulkan penggunaan metode Model Markov Tersembunyi untuk menemukan fraud didalam sebuah pelaksanaan proses bisnis. Dengan penggunaan metode Model Markov Tersembunyi ini, maka pengamatan terhadap elemen penyusun sebuah kasus/kejadian, yakni beberapa aktivitas, akan diperoleh sebuah nilai peluang, yang sekaligus memberikan prediksi terhadap kasus/kejadian tersebut, sebuah fraud atau tidak. Hasil ekpserimen ini menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mampu memberikan prediksi akhir dengan evaluasi TPR sebesar 87,5% dan TNR sebesar 99,4%.


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    Masyrukan Masyrukan


    Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini, proses pengarbonan (carburising yang dilakukan adalah dengan menambahkan kandungan unsur karbon (C ke dalam permukaan baja. Sumber karbon diperoleh dari arang kayu jati yang telah ditumbuk halus. Temperatur yang digunakan selama proses pengarbonan adalah 900°C, dengan variasi waktu penahanannya 2 jam,  4 jam, dan 6 jam. Setelah itu didinginkan dengan air (quench. Pembuatan benda uji dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sampel dan supaya memudahkan dalam pelaksanaan penelitian.  Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah pengujian struktur mikro, pengujian kekerasan dan pengujian impact.Pengujian kekerasan yang telah dilakukan terhadap material pengarbonan menghasilkan distribusi kekerasan dari permukaan menuju inti, untuk masing-masing waktu penahanan yang berbeda. Untuk waktu penahanan 2 jam mulai HVN 257,5 Kg/mm²  sampai 205,3 Kg/mm² menuju inti ; 4 jam mulai HVN 273,1 Kg/mm² sampai 204,4 Kg/mm² menuju inti ; 6 jam mulai HVN 274,6 Kg/mm²  sampai 204,4 Kg/mm² menuju inti.Hasil pengamatan foto struktur mikro melalui microscope olympus photomicrographic system dihasilkan foto struktur mikro untuk raw material dan carburising sama terdapat ferit dan perlit,  untuk yang dikarburising struktur mikronya,  yaitu ferit  dan perlit.  Semakin lama proses karburising,  semakin banyak pula kandungan perlitnya yang mengakibatkan semakin tingginya tingkat kekerasan. Hasil pengujian impak menunjukkan rata-rata harga impak untuk spesimen raw material = 0,350 J/mm2, waktu penahanan 2 jam = 1,013 J/mm2 , spesimen waktu penahanan 4 jam = 0,600 J/mm2, spesimen waktu penahanan 6 jam = 1,590 J/mm2.

  20. Percent Coverage (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Percent Coverage is a spreadsheet that keeps track of and compares the number of vessels that have departed with and without observers to the numbers of vessels...


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    Rini Pitriani


    Full Text Available Kemampuan koneksi matematis merupakan hal yang penting namun siswa yang menguasai konsep matematika tidak dengan sendirinya pintar dalam mengoneksikan matematika. Koneksi matematis merupakan suatu keterampilan yang harus dibangun dan dipelajari. Kegiatan penyelesaian masalah kontekstual merupakan aktivitas yang membantu siswa untuk dapat mengetahui hubungan berbagai konsep dalam matematika dan mengaplikasikan matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pendekatan keterampilan proses pada hakikatnya adalah suatu pengelolaan kegiatan belajar-mengajar yang berfokus pada pelibatan siswa secara aktif dan kreatif dalam proses pemerolehan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang pembelajaran pendekatan keterampilan proses terhadap kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dalam pengajaran matematika pada pokok bahasan Lingkaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Wanaraja dan untuk sampel dipilih satu kelas yang diambil secara acak, yaitu kelas VIII-A. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan instrumen yang terdiri dari tes kemampuan koneksi berupa tes uraian (tes akhir yang sebelumnya di uji cobakan kepada siswa kelas 1X-A di SMP Negeri 1 Wanaraja dan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan korelasi Rank Sperman dan dilanjutkan dengan uji t,dari perhitungan diperoleh Ho ditolak, artinya Ha diterima sehingga terdapat pengaruh yang positif persepsi siswa tentang pembelajaran pendekatan keterampilan proses (PKP terhadap kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Sedangkan untuk analisis kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa secara keseluruhan berinterpretasi baik dan persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran matematika dengan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses menunjukan interpretasi yang baik pula. Kata kunci: kemampuan koneksi matematis, pendekatan keterampilan proses, persepsi siswa, penelitian   eksperimen Mathematical connection

  2. Mekanisme Proses Pemanasan Air Di Dalam Boiler Dengan Mempergunakan Heater Tambahan Untuk Efisiensi Pembakaran


    Helmon Sihombing


    Pada proses pemanasan air, air yang berasal dari raw water (air tanah) tidak langsung dibakar didalam boiler. dalam hal ini digunakan peralatan instrumen Deaerator dan economizer yang berfungsi untuk pemanasan awal sebelum dibakar didalam boiler. Fungsi deaerator dan economizer ini adalah sebagai komponen pembantu untuk memanaskan air sebelum dibakar didalam boiler. Apabila pemanasan air langsung dilakukan didalam boiler maka akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan menggunakan bahan b...


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    Agusta Samodra Putra


    Full Text Available Life cycle inventory assessment merupakan salah satu tahapan di dalam Life Cycle Assessment (LCA yang bisa digunakan untuk menggambarkan interaksi materi dan energi di dalam suatu proses produksi bioetanol. Studi kasus dilakukan di pabrik gula kawasan Subang dan pabrik bioetanol di kawasan Palimanan yang merupakan pabrik gula dan bioetanol terbesar di Jawa Barat. Inventory yang dilakukan adalah pada bagian perkebunan tebu, pabrikasi tebu menjadi gula, transportasi dari pabrik gula menuju ke pabrik bioetanol, dan pabrikasi etanol. Luas lahan kebun tebu yang dimiliki oleh pabrik gula di Subang adalah seluas 5000 hektar. Dari bahan baku tebu 3000 ton/hari dihasilkan molase sebanyak 60 ton/hari, sisanya menjadi gula dan ampas tebu. Pada inventory kali ini selain dari sisi proses juga dilakukan inventory pada sisi transportasi.


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    Supriyadi Supriyadi


    Full Text Available Persaingan industri kertas semakin ketat dengan banyaknya industri atau perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri yang sama dalam bersaing mendapatkan dan mempertahankan pelanggan. Permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini di CaCO3 Section pada Perusahaan Kertas adalah belum tersedianya jadwal induk produksi (Master Production Schedule = MPS sebagai dasar penentuan proses produksi IKS-Filler yang menyebabkan kekurangan persediaan sehingga kualitas kertas cacat dan perusahaan menderita kerugian yang cukup besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa peramalan yang sesuai untuk diterapkan, merencanakan produksi dengan biaya terendah, penjadwalan produksi sebagai dasar proses produksi dan menghitung persediaan pengaman. Metode yang digunakan adalah peramalan (moving average, perencanaan produksi (level production plan, chase plant, dan intermediate plan, penjadwalan produksi (MPS trial and error dan menganalisis jumlah persediaan pengaman (safety stock menggunakan distribusi normal. Dari hasil pengolahan data menyimpulkan bahwa peramalan yang sesuai adalah Moving Average (n = 3 dengan nilai MAD terkecil dan tracking signal yang tidak menyimpang. Biaya terendah perencanaan produksi menggunakan metode intermediate plan sebesar 56,5 USD. Jadwal Induk Produksi mempunyai persediaan akhir 191 Ton dan rata-rata produksi tiap minggu sebesar 1,852 Ton. Jumlah persediaan pengaman dengan tingkat layanan 95% sebesar 101,75 Ton.

  5. Perceived Effectiveness of Identified Methods and Techniques Teachers Adopt in Prose Literature Lessons in some Secondary Schools in Owerri

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    F. O. Ezeokoli


    Full Text Available The study determined the methods adopted by teachers in prose literature-in-English classrooms, activities of teachers and students, teachers’ perceived effectiveness of techniques used. It also examined the objectives of teaching prose literature that teachers should address and the extent teachers believe in student-identified difficulties of studying prose literature. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 85 schools in Owerri metropolis and in each school, all literature teachers of senior secondary I and II were involved. In all, 246 literature teachers participated out of which 15 were purposively selected for observation. The two instruments were: Teachers’ Questionnaire (r = 0.87 and Classroom Observation Schedule (r = 0.73. Data were analysed using frequency counts and percentages. Results revealed that teachers adopted lecture (28.4%, reading (10.9% and discussion (7.3% methods. Teacher’s activities during the lesson include: giving background information, summarizing, dictating notes, reading aloud and explaining and asking questions. The adopted techniques include: questioning, oral reading, silent reading and discussion. Teachers’ perceived questioning as the most effective technique followed by debating and summarizing. Teachers identified development of students’ critical faculties and analytical skills, literary appreciation and language skills to be of utmost concern. It was concluded that the methods adopted by teachers are not diverse enough to cater for the needs and backgrounds of students. Keywords: Methods, Techniques, Perceived Effectiveness, Objectives, Literature-in-English


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    Abu Husen


    Full Text Available This study aims to implement of Problem Based Learning combined Think Pair Share in order to improve critical thinking and science process skills of students at XI IPA SMA. This research was classroom action research. The subjects were 28 students of classroom XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro 2016/2017. This research was conducted in two cycles. The research data consists of the learning realized by observation, the results of the critical thinking paper and pencil tests, and the science process skills by observation. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative technique. The results showed that the combined PBL and TPS learning model can improve the ability of critical thinking, and science process skills students of classroom XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan Problem Based Learning dipadu Think Pair Share dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas XI IPA SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 dengan jumlah 28 siswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama dua siklus. Data penelitian terdiri atas hasil observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, hasil tes tulis kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan hasil observasi keterampilan proses sains. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran PBL dipadu TPS dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro.

  7. The description of morality and manners in Vsevolod Solovyov’s short prose

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    Nikolsky Evgeny Vladimirovich


    Full Text Available This article contains a genre specificity of short prose by Vsevolod Solovyov, whose work is devoted to the Russian history between the 18th and 19th centuries. According to professor N.L. Vershinina, the author distinguishes the difference between the description of morality and manners. The main difference is in the presence of author’s point of view on the describing occurrences. In this case, such works are considered to be a kind of morality, which characterizes Solovyov’s works. Showing every-day life, he examined the process of turning barbarism into a civilizing society.



    Supardi Supardi; Eka Noor Asamara


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dan menguji secara empiris hubungan faktor sosial dengan cognitive absorption dan hubungannya terhadap faktor kepercayaan-kepercayaan (perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness) dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi pada proses belajar mengajar diperguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebanyak 125 dosen jurusan akuntansi di propinsi Yogyakarta sebagai responden. Faktor sosial diukur dengan menggunakan pengaruh rekan sejawat, cognitive ab...

  9. Analisis Domain Proses COBIT Framework 5 Pada Sistem Informasi Worksheet (Studi Kasus: Perguruan Tinggi STMIK, Politeknik Palcomtech

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    Fahmi Ajismanto


    Full Text Available Perguruan tinggi Stmik, PalComTech adalah lembaga pendidikan komputer dan internet yang berdiri sejak tahun 2003. PalComTech menggunakan Sistem belajar praktek, diskusi, pemecahan studi kasus, praktikum di laboratorium dan setiap pertemuan didukung dengan fasilitas komputer dan internet. Sistem Pembelajaran Worksheet merupakan sistem informasi akademik yang digunakan oleh STMIK Palcomtech Palembang dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini menentukan domain proses pada Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT 5 dan Analisa Current Maturity Level, pengukuran tingkat kematangan tata kelola Worksheet. Metode yang digunakan yaitu, deskriptif, quantitative dan metode analisis mengunakan COBIT 5. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa proses domain COBIT Framework versi 5 yang digunakan adalah: (1. EDM, (Evaluate, Direct And Monitor, (a EDM03, (b EDM04 sedangkan pada domain  (2. APO (Align Plan and Organise yaitu: (a. APO02, (b. APO04, (c. APO07, (d. APO11, (e. APO12, (f. APO13 dan pada domain (3. MEA (Monitor Evaluate and Assess yaitu: MEA01. Hasil dari Analisis Current Maturity Level adalah: (1. EDM03 : 4,23 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable,(2. APO12 : 4,15 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable,   (3. APO07 : 4,07 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (4. MEA01 Memantau,: 3,96 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (5. EDM04: 3,90 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (6. APO11: 3,80 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (7. APO02: 3,70 berada pada level 4 -  Managed and Measureable, (8. APO13 : 3,61 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (9. APO04: 3,55 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable.   Keywords : COBIT Fremework 5, Tata Kelola TI, Domain Proses, Worksheet

  10. Proses Penanganan Tata Kearsipan Daerah pada Kantor Perpustakaan Arsip dan Dokumentasi Deli Serdang

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    Lisnawati Lisnawati


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi begitu penting, beragamnya jenis media saluran informasi turut menambah kemudahan bagi siapa saja untuk mencari informasi tidak terkecuali bagi pemerintahan daerah sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan memiliki peran penting untuk menyediakan sistem pengarsipan dalam mendukung kinerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat bagaimanakah proses penanganan tata kearsipan daerah pada kantor perpustakaan arsip dan dokumentasi Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah berjenis kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dimana pencarian data menggunakan data primer dan data skunder. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan peralatan penyimpanan arsip masih mengunakan peralatan sederhana dan belum berbasis teknologi.

  11. Sensitivity Analysis of ProSEDS (Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System) Data Communication System (United States)

    Park, Nohpill; Reagan, Shawn; Franks, Greg; Jones, William G.


    This paper discusses analytical approaches to evaluating performance of Spacecraft On-Board Computing systems, thereby ultimately achieving a reliable spacecraft data communications systems. The sensitivity analysis approach of memory system on the ProSEDS (Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System) as a part of its data communication system will be investigated. Also, general issues and possible approaches to reliable Spacecraft On-Board Interconnection Network and Processor Array will be shown. The performance issues of a spacecraft on-board computing systems such as sensitivity, throughput, delay and reliability will be introduced and discussed.


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    Hendrik Kusbandono


    Full Text Available Pengembangan EA di perguruan tinggi merupakan pekerjaan yang besar dan penuh dengan tantangan, salah satu tantangan tersebut adalah tuntutan manajemen dan stakeholder. Solusi dari masalah tersebut adalah pemodelan EA yang memandang elemen-elemen yang berbeda dalam suatu perguruan tinggi secara keseluruhan sebagai satu kesatuan. Penerapan EA bertujuan untuk menciptakan keselarasan antara bisnis dan TI bagi kebutuhan organisasi dan tidak bisa dilepaskan bagaimana organisasi tersebut membuat dan merencanakan enterprise. Penggunaan dan pemilihan framework EA yang tepat akan mempercepat danmenyederhanakan pengembangan arsitektur dalam pengembangan di masa depan sebagai respon terhadap kebutuhan bisnis. TOGAF ADM merupakan sebuah framework yang kompleks yang mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan pengembangan EA, juga memiliki metode yang umum, menerima penggabungan dengan framework lain, sehingga dapat menghasilkan arsitektur yang spesifik terhadap kebutuhan organisasi. Pemodelan EA pada proses akademik di UMP menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur bisnis, data, aplikasi, dan teknologi. Dengan proses tahapan TOGAF ADM pada Fase Persiapan menghasilkan prinsip (bisnis, data, aplikasi, dan teknologi, pada Fase Visi Arsitektur menghasilkan visi arsitektur (bisnis, data, aplikasi, dan teknologi, pada Fase Arsitektur Bisnis menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur bisnis, pada Fase Arsitektur Sistem Informasi menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur sistem informasi berupa data dan aplikasi, sedangkan Fase Arsitektur Teknologi menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur teknologi.

  13. Percent Wetland Cover (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Wetlands act as filters, removing or diminishing the amount of pollutants that enter surface water. Higher values for percent of wetland cover (WETLNDSPCT) may be...

  14. Inspiration: One Percent and Rising (United States)

    Walling, Donovan R.


    Inventor Thomas Edison once famously declared, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." If that's the case, then the students the author witnessed at the International Student Media Festival (ISMF) last November in Orlando, Florida, are geniuses and more. The students in the ISMF pre-conference workshop…

  15. Delayed Release from Proactive Interference with Meaningful Material: How Much Do We Remember After Reading Brief Prose Passages? (United States)

    Blumenthal, Gary B.; Robbins, Donald


    Three experiments were conducted, investigating the buildup of and the release from proactive interference, in which the stimulus materials were brief prose passages about specific topics. Each passage was followed by a multiple-choice test, and then a final test on all the passages read was given. Implications of the data for standardized tests…


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    Vivi Mayangsari


    Full Text Available Energi terbarukan sangatlah diperlukan karena semakin meluasnya krisis energi sehingga memerlukan alternatif selain penggunaan bahan bakar fosil, penggunaan bioethanol merupakan alternatif yang baik karena banyak kelebihanya. Lemna minor merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang berpotensi sebagai bioethanol, hal ini dapat dilihat dari kandungan glukosanya yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan waktu dan suhu pada proses hidrolisis terhadap nilai kadar glukosa serta mengetahui hubungan densitas terhadap kadar etanol. Proses ekstrasi glukosa menggunakan perbandingan volume HCl dengan kosentrasi 0,1 N, berat serbuk Lemna minor dan volume aquades yaitu 1:10:100 dengan variasi waktu ekstrasi 60, 90, dan 120 menit pada variasi suhu 60, 70, 80 °C dengan ukuran serbuk 60 mesh. Hasil penelitian ekstrasi hidrolisis terbaik pada menit ke-90 didapatkan panjang gelombang tertinggi 415 nm. Semua glukosa pada ekstrasi 90 menit difermentasi menggunakan bakteri Saccharomiches cerevisiae sebanyak 10% dari volume glukosa dengan waktu 144 jam, setelah fermentasi selesai sampel didestilasi untuk menghilangkan kadar air dan dihasilkan kadar ethanol terbaik 0,47% dengan densitas 0,9345 gr/ml3pada panjang gelombang larutan glukosa 316 nm.

  17. Eavan O’BRIEN. Women in the prose of María de Zayas


    Costa Pascal, Anne-Gaëlle


    Después de haber publicado varios artículos sobre la prosa narrativa de María de Zayas (1590-1661), una de las más famosas escritoras del Siglo de Oro, la catedrática Eavan O’Brien, que trabaja actualmente en el departamento de Hispanic Studies en el famoso Trinity College de Dublin, nos ofrece una monografía escrita en inglés y titulada Women in the prose of María de Zayas. No es la primera vez que sale a la luz un trabajo sobre las diferentes figuras femeninas que aparecen en las dos colecc...

  18. Reflections of social relations in the language of Andrić's prose for children and young adults

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    Stakić Mirjana M.


    Full Text Available The paper examines the language of Andrić's prose on the example of his short stories 'Deca' (Children, 'Kula' (Tower, and 'Prozor' (Window written for children and young adults, interpreting social relations which represent their thematic, sociological, cultural, and historical context. We studied causes of social prejudices which represent the main cause of interpersonal and internal conflicts of the main protagonists in the context of learning sociological theories (sociocognitive theory, theory of social identity, and theory of social learning and from the standpoint of the psycholinguistic approach. We also observed language as a medium in discovering the internal and external characterization of protagonists achieved by means of verbalization of internal and external conflicts. We interpreted social relations and conflicts reflected in the language as an aesthetic, cultural, and social phenomenon as the conceptual framework of Andrić's prose. Literary language thus becomes a medium that achieves a cognitive role, in addition to its aesthetic role, discovering and illuminating social relations and conflicts which represent a reflexive core woven into the conceptual framework of the three short stories for children and young adults: 'Deca' (Children, 'Kula' (Tower, and 'Prozor' (Window.

  19. Alur Kerja Baru Simulasi Performa Bangunan Dalam Proses Desain Parametrik

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    Firza Utama Sjarifudin


    Full Text Available Makalah ini menjelaskan hubungan alur kerja baru antara program pemodelan CAD 3D (Rhino/Grasshopper dan simulasi pencahayaan dengan (Radiance/Daysim. Alur kerja perancangan yang sangat efektif dalam Rhino disajikan secara langsung dengan mengekspor geometri, material properties, dan sensor grid ke dalam format Radiance/Daysim untuk menghitung serangkaian indikator performa termasuk peta radiasi matahari serta faktor pendistribusian pencahayaan dalam setahun. Hasil simulasi secara otomatis dikirim kembali ke dalam Rhino menggunakan pemetaan warna. Dengan menggunakan Grasshopper, parameter desain utama seperti ukuran jendela dan deskripsi material dapat diubah secara bertahap dan hasil simulasi dapat dikombinasikan menjadi sebuah simulasi performa bangunan dalam bentuk animasi transformasi parametrik. Desain alur kerja ini telah secara khusus dikembangkan bagi proses perancangan arsitektur dengan menyediakan semua feedback yang sangat berguna bagi perancang secara interaktif dari tahap rancangan skematis sampai tahap pengembangan perancangan. 


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    Supardi Supardi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dan menguji secara empiris hubungan faktor sosial dengan cognitive absorption dan hubungannya terhadap faktor kepercayaan-kepercayaan (perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi pada proses belajar mengajar diperguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebanyak 125 dosen jurusan akuntansi di propinsi Yogyakarta sebagai responden. Faktor sosial diukur dengan menggunakan pengaruh rekan sejawat, cognitive absorption diukur dengan menggunakan lima dimensi yaitu temporal dissociation, focused immertion, heightened enjoyment, control, dan curiosity serta kepercayaan-kepercayaan diukur dengan menggunakan perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara non-probability yaitu purposive sampling dengan tipe judgment. Data dianalisis dengan structural equation modeling (SEM menggunakan SmartPLS2.0. Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh temuan bahwa seluruh hipotesis terdukung. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya bukti hubungan secara positif signifikan antara faktor sosial dengan cognitive absorption dan cognitive absorption dengan faktor kepercayaan-kepercayaan dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi. Penelitian ini telah membuktikan adanya pengaruh faktor sosial terhadap cognitive absorption dalam kepercayaan-kepercayaan menggunakan teknologi infomarmasi untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Selain itu, penelitian ini telah berhasil mengembangkan model penelitian yang dilakaukan oleh Agarwal dan Karahanna (2000, yaitu dengan memberikan bukti empiris faktor sosial sebagai anteseden bagi cognitive absorption

  1. Evaluasi Tingkat Kematangan Proses Pengelolaan Data Pada Sistem Informasi E-Learning SMKN 1 Jenangan Menggunakan Cobit Quickstart

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    Dwiyono Ariyadi


    Full Text Available SMKN 1 Jenangan telah mengadopsi TI sebagai sarana pendukung kegiatan pendidikan, salah satunya adalah e-learning sebagai sarana penunjang kegiatan pembelajaran. Pengelolaan manajemen data e-learning ini merupakan hal penting karena data sangat diperlukan dalam administrasi harian guru bahkan juga untuk keperluan administrasi akreditasi. Saat ini pengelolaan manajemen data masih belum optimal, hal ini terlihat guru sering kehilangan data e-learning-nya saat terjadi perbaikan sistem. Backupan data belum dilakukan oleh sebagian besar guru sebagai pengguna e-learning. Perlu adanya suatu perencanaan tata kelola TI yang diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar dalam pengelolaan sistem e-learning di sekolah tersebut, sehingga e-learning ini bisa berjalan optimal sesuai yang diharapkan. COBIT merupakan framework yang bisa digunakan untuk menyusun Tata kelola TI maupun melaksanakan audit TI yang telah diakui secara internasional. Versi yang sederhana adalah COBIT Quickstart. Penelitian ini menggunakan model tingkat kematangan yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh data kondisi aktual pada domain DS 11(mengelola data dengan mempertimbangkan nilai indek kematangan (maturity index pada 6 atribut kematangan yaitu: Awareness and Communication (AC, Policies, Standards and Procedures (PSP, Tools and Automation (TA, Skill and Expertise (SE. Responsibilities and Accountabilities (RA, Goal Setting and Measurement (GSM. Kondisi saat ini (as-is terdapat tiga atribut berada pada level 1(inisialisasi, yaitu atribut RA, GSM dan AC, sedangkan lainnya sudah berada pada level dua(dapat diulang. Ini tergambar dengan kondisi sebagai berikut : peran dan tanggungjawab dalam manajemen data server belum ada kejelasan, kegiatan pengawasan terkait keamanan, backup data serta penghapusan data belum dilaksanankan, serta kesadaran terkait proses DS 11 baru sebagian pengguna SI yang peduli. Rekomendasi tindakan perbaikan merupakan proses perbaikan secara alamiah, serta merupakan proses pembelajaran


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    Naniek Utami Handayani


    Full Text Available PT. Mega Andalan Kalasan (MAK merupakan industri manufaktur yang menghasilkan peralatan rumah sakit dari logam. Dalam penelitian ini, studi kasus dilakukan pada Unit Komponen Plastik yang salah satu hasil produknya adalah roda castor 5”. Keluhan yang sering terjadi adalah adanya kerusakan pada bagian roda, terutama bagian wheel out roda. Hal ini disebabkan adanya rongga udara antara komponen wheel out dengan wheel in yang dapat menyebabkan pecah/terpisahnya bagian wheel out dengan wheel in. Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya rongga, cara yang dapat dilakukan selama ini adalah membelah roda sehingga dapat terlihat bagian dalamnya (uji merusak. Cara ini tentu saja sulit dan tidak ekonomis. Pihak perusahaan pun memutuskan untuk mengganti material yang selama ini digunakan (Haibam dengan material lain (TPU yang memiliki sifat bahan lebih baik. Hal ini mampu mengurangi keluhan yang terjadi akibat cacat yang terjadi ketika masih menggunakan material haibam. Akan tetapi, penggantian bahan tidak serta merta menyelesaikan permasalahan, hal ini dapat dilihat dengan muncunya permasalahan baru berkaitan dengan proses produksinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meminimalkan cacat yang terjadi pada proses pembuatan roda castor 5” dan difokuskan pada cacat wheel out Castor 5”. Hasil identifikasi terhadap bahan haibam dan TPU menunjukkan bahwa sink mark merupakan cacat dominan. Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan metode DPMO menghasilkan tingkat sigma yang berbeda. Dari kedua tingkat sigma yang dihasilkan tersebut terlihat bahwa Tingkat Sigma Haibam > TPU (3,0 Sigma > 2,8 Sigma. Hal ini menunjukkan terjadinya penurunan kemampuan proses ketika proses produksi castor diganti bahan bakunya dari Haibam menjadi TPU. Kata kunci : Wheel in, Wheel out, Haibam, TPU, DPMO, SPC, Ttngkat Sigma


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    Agus Sumitra


    Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini, penulis mengidentifikasi masalah sebagai berikut: 1. Perencanaan pembelajaran, pengembangan dan proses kegiatan pembelajaran belum mengacu betul terhadap tahap-tahap perkembangan anak, 2. Keterampilan sosial belum tertampilkan secara optimal mengingat sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang pengembangan keterampilan sosial belum memadai, 3. Pembelajaran anak usia dini masih terfokus pada peningkatan kemampuan akademik (hapalan dan calistung, 4. Rasa egois pada diri anak masih tinggi disebabkan cakrawala sosial anak terbatas dirumah, peserta didik seringkali memikirkan diri sendiri. Kemudian penulis merumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: Bagaimana proses pembelajaran metode montessori terhadap keterampilan sosial anak?Berdasarkan pada rumusan masalah di atas, tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1. Rencana pembelajaran dengan metode montessori dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan sosial anak usia dini dengan bermacam aktifitas di PAUD, 2. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode montessori dalam mengembangkan keterampilan sosial anak usia dini, 3. Evaluasi proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode montessori untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosiak anak usia dini, 4. Untuk mengembangkan keterampilan sosial anak yang tertampilkan sebagai hasil pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode montessori pada anak usia dini.Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengetahui seberapa besar proses pembelajaran peserta didik dengan menggunakan metode montessori dalam mengembangkan keterampilan sosial anak. Data diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi terhadap sumber data, objek penelitian yaitu PAUD Assya’idiyah, Kecamatan. Cipongkor, Kabupaten. Bandung Barat.Dari hasil penganalisisan data di peroleh sebagai berikut: 1. Perencanaan pembelajaran di PAUD Assya’idiyah sesuai dengan metode Montessori dimulai

  4. Faktor - Faktor Keberhasilan Proses Virtualisasi Dalam Perspektif E-Commerce Di Indonesia

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    Mohammad Rustam Sandegi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan dunia IT di Indonesia yang semakin pesat sehingga semakin menggantikan berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan secara tradisional mulai perlahan berpindah ke arah virtual, termasuk salah satunya adalah di bidang perdagangan yang sekarang dikenal dengan e-commerce, perkembangan dan animo masyarakat dalam menggunakan e-commerce bisa dilihat dari mulai banyaknya perusahaan besar baik lokal maupun internasional berusaha masuk dan menguasai pasar online di Indonesia, kucuran dana yang tidak sedikit kerap kali diberitakan oleh media nasional untuk perusahaan-perusahaan e-commerce tanah air. Tentu dengan harapan dapat menguasai atau minimal bertahan di persaingan bisnis e-commerce di Indonesia, untuk itu harus memperhatikan beberapa faktor apa saja mengapa orang memiliki minat untuk melakukan transaksi online. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan model keberhasilan proses virtualisasi dilihat dari perspektif e-commerce dengan memperhatikan minat belanja online.

  5. Beyond Marbles: Percent Change and Social Justice (United States)

    Denny, Flannery


    In the author's eighth year of teaching, she hit a wall teaching percent change. Percent change is one of the few calculations taught in math classes that shows up regularly in the media, and one that she often does in her head to make sense of the world around her. Despite this, she had been teaching percent change using textbook problems about…

  6. Perancangan SCADA Software dengan Wonderware InTouch Recipe Manager dan SQL Access Manager pada Simulator Proses Pencampuran Bahan


    Wicaksono, Handy; Lim, Resmana; Sutanto, William


    In Bahasa Indonesia: Banyak industri yang sudah menggunakan sistem automasi dengan menggunakan PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) dan SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). Salah satu software untuk membuat program SCADA adalah Wonderware InTouch. Untuk mengelola data dalam bentuk recipe dan database, Wonderware InTouch mempunyai program-program tambahan yaitu Recipe Manager dan SQL Access Manager. Pada penelitian ini, akan digunakan proses pembuatan kertas sebagai contoh kas...

  7. Kajian Proses Pembuatan Perhiasan Perak Cara Manual dan Masinal

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    Joni Setiawan


    Full Text Available Perhiasan dapat dibuat dengan 2 cara yaitu manual dan masinal. Masing-masing cara mempunyai kekurangan dan kelebihan. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya kajian dari dua cara tersebut sehingga bisa mengetahui cara apa yang lebih optimal dalam memproduksi perhiasan. Dalam kajian ini perhiasan yang dibuat adalah cincin dengan bahan perak 100 gram dan dicampur dengan tembaga 5 gram dengan 2 (dua model yaitu model A (cincin motif polos dan model B (cincin motif parang.Metode yang dipakai adalah dengan membandingkan hasil produk dari dua cara tersebut. Parameter yang dibandingkan adalah kualitas, waktu dan biaya dari produk tersebut.Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kadar produk rata-rata dengan cara masinal lebih tlnggi 1,25%dibanding cara manual, dimensi produk rata-rata dengan cara masinal lebih presisi dibanding cara manual. Waktu proses rata-rata dengan cara masinal lebih cepat 97% dibanding cara manual dan biaya produksi cara masinal lebih rendah 63% dibanding cara manual.Dengan melihat hasil kajian tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa cara masinal lebih efisien dan efektif dibanding cara manual.

  8. Percent Wetland Cover (Future) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Wetlands act as filters, removing or diminishing the amount of pollutants that enter surface water. Higher values for percent of wetland cover (WETLNDSPCT) may be...

  9. Analisa Pengaruh Penambahan Kapasitor Terhadap Proses Pengisian Baterai Wahana Bawah Laut

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    Muhammad Muhammad Chanif


    Full Text Available Potensi wisata bawah laut Indonesia banyak yang belum dikembangkan, hanya Pulau Bali yang sudah memanfaatkannya dengan membuat wahana bawah laut yang berpenggerak motor DC yang listriknya disuplai oleh baterai. Setiap satu jam pelayanan berupa penyelaman, wahana bawah laut ini melakukan pengisian baterai sekaligus muat penumpang. Agar terdapat nilai ekonomis dan efektivitas selama proses itu di pelabuhan, dalam skripsi ini akan diuraikan mengenai pengaruh kapasitor untuk menambah muatan baterai charger, sehingga arus yang masuk bisa bertambah. Dalam rangkaian baterai charger yang telah dimodifikasi jumlah kapasitor menjadi 3 buah, nilai arus yang keluar sebesar 18 Ah dan tegangan yang keluar adalah tegangan input ditambah 4 V. Perbandingan rangkaian baterai charger yang termodifikasi penambahan kapasitor mampu mempercepat 1.44 kali dibanding dengan rangkaian sederhana. Selain itu, penambahan kapasitor bank juga mampu memberikan penghematan daya sebesar 22 % dengan menambahkan kapasitor berkapasitas 0.00519 Farad.


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    Iuliana MIU


    Full Text Available The article p roposes an interpretation of Mircea Nedelciu's work according to the techniques used in his writing and to the cultural predispositions adapted for the time he created. Beside the influences and the interferences between literature and cinematography, ther e is specific interest regarding the reader 's role or the ideal representation of reality; the prose of Mircea Nedelciu contains a sum of reflexions about body and writing. Same as Gheorghe Crăciun, the author of The Somotographic Pact , Nedelciu finds in his photographies a way of catching the present, the sense of reality and palpable in literature. Either he describes the photographic process, or he stops in front of some plastic backgrounds, all of these images cause the writer changes of physiological behavior or of opinion regarding time, perception and object.

  11. Multielemental determination in ten maize plant fragment using neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spiridon, S.


    An instrumental activation technique has been developed for simultaneous analysis in dry ash maize plant samples of 18 elements: Al, Au, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, La, Lu, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sc, and Zn. Ten fragments of maize plants (dry ash) were analysed: leaves sheaths, beads, stumps, peduncles, spikes, unfruitfuls, interknots, knots, and corn husks, with a content distribution of the elements from percent to ppm. A precision of 5-7 % has been achieved on the basis of replicate analysis. The method is relatively simple and suitable for the analysis of biological samples. (Author)


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    Indah Syafitri T


    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan bertempat di UPT SMPLBN Kota Pasuruan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini merupakan seorang siswa tunanetra dari kelas IX tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses berpikir siswa tunanetra dimulai dari adanya stimulus, stimulus berupa soal masuk ke dalam sensory register siswa tunanetra melalui indra perabaan dan indra pendengaran, kemudian memasuki short-term memory setelah sebelumnya melalui tahap selective attention dan perception, dalam short-term memory informasi lama berupa konsep-konsep yang dibutuhkan dalam menyelesaikan masalah dipanggil dari long-term memory (retrieval, ketika informasi meninggalkan short-term memory, ada dua kemungkinan yang terjadi yaitu informasi akan menuju ke long-term memory (encoding dan atau akan diteruskan menuju lingkungan berupa respon/jawaban siswa.


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    Fety Nurlia Muzayanah


    Full Text Available Organic food market share in Indonesian only 0,5–2% from all agricultural products. There are problems in organic food marketing in Indonesia such as consumer confidence and limited information about organics food. This research aimed to analyze correlation of gender, occupation, age and education in intention to purchase organic foods, factors influencing purchase resistance of organic foods, and the pendidikan konsumen process. This research was involved 150 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire survey. The result showed that gender, occupation, age and education not correlate with purchase intention of organic foods. Result from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM showed that factors caused purchase resistance was negative attitude toward organic foods, unaffordability of organic foods, and lack of awareness in organic foods but subjective norm don’t have significant correlation with purchase intention. Market Education process that can do is educate consumers about health benefits of organic food, organics certification and economics value of organic food.Keywords: consumer behavior, market education, organic foods,  SEMABSTRAKPangsa pasar pangan organik di Indonesia baru mencapai 0,5-2 persen dari keseluruhan produk pertanian. Beberapa kendala pemasaran pangan organik di Indonesia seperti consumer confidence dan terbatasnya informasi mengenai produk organik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan gender, pekerjaan, usia, dan pendidikan terakhir terhadap minat beli pangan organik, mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi resistensi pembelian pangan organik, dan mengidentifikasi proses pendidikan konsumen. Penelitian ini melibatkan 150 responden. Responden terdiri dari dosen, staf kependidikan, dan mahasiswa yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara gender, pekerjaan, usia, dan pendidikan

  14. Mirrors in Russian Decadent and Symbolist Prose: Valery Briusov and Dmitry Merezhkovsky

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    Kirsten Lodge


    Full Text Available Examining mirror imagery in the prose works “In the Mirror” by Valery Briusov and The Resurrected Gods: Leonardo da Vinci by Dmitry Merezhkovsky, both published in 1902, this article situates the Russian Decadent and Symbolist associations of the mirror in the pan-European literary and philosophical context. The mirror constitutes the threshold of manifold oppositions, including life and art, life and death, and reality and dream or imagination. It is a realm of alternative reality, magical and seductive, as in Briusov’s story, or potentially both demonic and divine, as in Merezhkovsky’s novel. In accordance with the Romantic tradition as well as Decadent and Symbolist iconography, mirror imagery in these two works is inseparable from questions of the nature of art and the power of artistic creation.

  15. A Conceptual Model for Solving Percent Problems. (United States)

    Bennett, Albert B., Jr.; Nelson, L. Ted


    Presents an alternative method to teaching percent problems which uses a 10x10 grid to help students visualize percents. Offers a means of representing information and suggests different approaches for finding solutions. Includes reproducible student worksheet. (MKR)

  16. The Algebra of the Cumulative Percent Operation. (United States)

    Berry, Andrew J.


    Discusses how to help students avoid some pervasive reasoning errors in solving cumulative percent problems. Discusses the meaning of ."%+b%." the additive inverse of ."%." and other useful applications. Emphasizes the operational aspect of the cumulative percent concept. (KHR)


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    Nia Budi Puspitasari


    Full Text Available Pengendalian kualitas merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk mempertahankan reputasi perusahaan di mata konsumen. PT. Asaputex Jaya adalah perusahaan textil yang bergerak dalam bidang sarung tenun.  Pada saat ini cacat produk yang terjadi pada perusahaan masih ada yang diluar dari ketentuan batas perusahaan yaitu diatas angka persentase yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan yaitu sebesar 2%. Sehingga perusahaan segera melakukan perbaikan agar tidak terjadi waste yang merugikan perusahaan. Dengan adanya pengendalian kualitas secara baik dan benar, maka akan diperoleh produk yang dapat memenuhi keinginan konsumen. Salah satu tool yang digunakan untuk membantu pengendalian kualitas adalah menggunakan metode Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA. Penggunaan FMEA mampu mengidentifikasi resiko kegagalan yang terjadi selama proses produksi pada pembuatan sarung tenun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa moda kegagalan yang menyebabkan cacat produk dengan menggunakan metode FMEA, mendapatkan resiko kegagalan proses produksi terbesar dalam nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number, memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk produksi selanjutnya.  Berdasarkan pengolahan dengan metode FMEA dapat mengidentifikasi moda kegagalan yang terjadi pada proses pembuatan sarung tenun. Moda kegagalan potensial pada proses pembuatan sarung tenun dengan alat tenun mesin (ATM pada PT. Asaputex Jaya terdiri dari 14 jenis kegagalan. Kata Kunci : kualitas; alat tenun mesin; failure mode and effect analysis; risk priority number Abstract Quality control is one of the things that are important to maintain the company's reputation in the eyes of consumers. PT. Asaputex Jaya is a company engaged in the field of textile woven sarongs. At this time the product defect that occurs in companies that still exist outside the corporate limits of the provisions of the above percentage figures set by the company which is 2%. So the company immediately repairs to prevent harmful waste. With


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    Sobron Lubis


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi objek dalam pembuatan protipe cepat (rapid prototyping dengan menggunakan 3D printing untuk bahan polymer PLA dan ABS terhadap kekuatan tarik maupun ketelitian dimensi yang dihasilkan. Untuk  mencapai objektif penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan dengan membuat prototype spesimen ujitarik berdasarkan ASTM dengan menggunakan 3D printer. Produk yang dihasilkan dilakukan pengukuran dimensi untuk melihat akurasi peroduk melalui perubahan dua posisi variasi orientasi objek yakni secara vertikal dan horizontal. Setelah proses pengukuran dimensi, dilakukan pengujian tarik spesimen dengan menggunakan alat uji tarik. Dari eksperimen yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa posisi orientasi dan besar layer pada proses printing memberi efek terhadap kualitas permukaan, efisiensi waktu dan kekuatan dari benda. Produk material PLA dengan orientasi posisi objek horizontal memiliki kualitas dimensi yang paling baik. Jumlah kesalahan akurasi material ini tidak melebihi 1 mm pada setiap layer. Material ABS dengan posisi orientasi objek  vertikal dan tebal layer sebesar 0,10 mm menghasilkan kekuatan tegangan tarik yang terkecil sebesar 8,62 MPa dan material PLA dengan orientasi posisi objek horizontal dengan dan tebal layer sebesar 0,40 mm menghasilkan kekuatan tegangan tarik terbesar 35,57 MPa

  19. Clinical experience with TENS and TENS combined with nitrous oxide-oxygen. Report of 371 patients.


    Quarnstrom, F. C.; Milgrom, P.


    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) alone or TENS combined with nitrous oxide-oxygen (N2O) was administered for restorative dentistry without local anesthesia to 371 adult patients. A total of 55% of TENS alone and 84% of TENS/N2O visits were rated successful. A total of 53% of TENS alone and 82% of TENS/N2O patients reported slight or no pain. In multivariable analyses, pain reports were related to the anesthesia technique and patient fear and unrelated to sex, race, age, toot...


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    Supardjo Supardjo


    Full Text Available PENGARUH SERBUK U-Mo HASIL PROSES MEKANIK DAN HYDRIDE – DEHYDRIDE – GRINDING MILL TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAT ELEMEN BAKAR U-Mo/Al. Penelitian bahan bakar U-7Mo/Al tipe pelat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan bahan bakar U3Si2/Al untuk mendapatkan bahan bakar baru yang memiliki densitas uranium lebih tinggi, stabil selama digunakan sebagai bahan bakar di dalam reaktor dan mudah dilakukan proses olah ulangnya. Lingkup penelitian meliputi pembuatan: paduan U-7Mo dengan teknik peleburan, pembuatan serbuk U-7Mo dengan dikikir dan hydride - dehydride - grinding mill, IEB U-7Mo/Al dengan teknik kompaksi pada tekanan 20 bar, dan PEB U-7Mo/Al dengan teknik pengerolan panas pada temperatur 425oC. Paduan U-7Mo hasil proses peleburan cukup homogen, berat jenis 16,34 g/cm3 dan bersifat ulet, kemudian dibuat menjadi serbuk dengan cara dikikir dan hydride - dehydride - grinding mill. Serbuk U-7Mo hasil proses kikir berbentuk pipih, kontaminan Fe cukup tinggi, sedangkan serbuk hasil proses hydride - dehydride - grinding mill, cenderung equiaxial dengan kontaminan yang rendah. Kedua jenis serbuk U-7Mo tersebut digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan IEB U-7Mo/Al dan PEB U-7Mo/Al dengan densitas uranium 7 gU/cm3 dan diperoleh produk dengan kualitas yang hampir sama. Hasil uji IEB U-7Mo/Al berukuran 25 x 15 x 3,15±0,05 mm, tidak terdapat cacat/retak, distribusi U-7Mo di dalam matriks cukup homogen dan tidak terdapat pengelompokan/aglomerasi U-7Mo yang berdimensi >1 mm. PEB U-7Mo/Al hasil pengerolan dengan tebal akhir 1,45 mm, memiliki ketebalan meat rerata 0,60 mm dan tebal kelongsong 0,4 mm dan terdapat 1 titik pengukuran kelongsong dengan ketebalan 0,15 mm. Dengan membandingkan penggunaan kedua jenis serbuk U-7Mo tersebut, IEB U-7Mo/Al dan PEB U-7Mo/Al yang dihasilkan memiliki kualitas hampir sama. Namun demikian penggunaan serbuk U- 7Mo hasil proses hydride - dehydride - grinding mill lebih baik karena proses pengerjaannya lebih cepat dan impuritas dalam

  1. Determination of percent calcium carbonate in calcium chromate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Middleton, H.W.


    The precision, accuracy and reliability of the macro-combustion method is superior to the Knorr alkalimetric method, and it is faster. It also significantly reduces the calcium chromate waste accrual problem. The macro-combustion method has been adopted as the official method for determination of percent calcium carbonate in thermal battery grade anhydrous calcium chromate and percent calcium carbonate in quicklime used in the production of calcium chromate. The apparatus and procedure can be used to measure the percent carbonate in inorganic materials other than calcium chromate. With simple modifications in the basic apparatus and procedure, the percent carbon and hydrogen can be measured in many organic material, including polymers and polymeric formulations. 5 figures, 5 tables

  2. Tradittonal heritage of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija in the prose of Janićije Popović

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    Pitulić Valentina D.


    Full Text Available In his prose works, Janićije Popović presented the ethno-psychological heritage of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija under the Turkish rule. The author, born in Gračanica, was educated in Bitolj, where his teacher, Milan Gajić, was the first to notice his talent for writing. He recorded the social and historical situation in the Old Serbia, under the Turkish rule. His prose works cover the period between 1812 and 1912. In view of the constant Turkish oppression of the Serbian population in this territory and the so-called 'rayah mentality' which, according to Jovan Cvijić, was formed in these peculiar living conditions, the paper is concerned with the forms of the traditional heritage preserving the archetypal patterns of the ancestors. The writings of Janićije Popović depict the customs of the people from Kosovo, particularly the weddings, Family Saint's Day, folk gatherings, as well as architecture, style of clothing and other forms of everyday life. Janićije Popović provided valuable information on the life of the Serbs under the Turkish rule on the eve of the Balkan wars. The importance of the traditional heritage for preservation of the identity is particularly seen in the forms of collective consciousness which are the subject of our study.


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    Trinah Wati


    Full Text Available Evaluasi perbandingan, analisis korelasi dan regresi antara evaporasi panci dengan parameter cuaca dilakukan pada interval waktu harian, dasarian dan bulanan untuk mempelajari ketergantungan evaporasi panci terhadap parameter cuaca dan untuk menduga evaporasi panci menggunakan parameter cuaca di stasiun Darmaga Bogor, Semarang dan Karangploso. Variasi lima faktor utama yang mengendalikan proses evaporasi antara lain radiasi matahari (lama penyinaran, defisit tekanan uap air, kelembaban relative, kecepatan angin dan suhu udara telah dibandingkan dengan variasi evaporasi panci pada interval waktu harian, dasarian dan bulanan. Defisit tekanan uap air memiliki pengaruh dominan dengan evaporasi panci pada semua interval waktu di Darmaga dan Semarang, sedangkan di Karangploso pada interval waktu harian dan dasarian. Kecepatan angin juga memiliki pengaruh dominan dengan evaporasi panci di Karangploso pada interval waktu dasarian dan bulanan. Pemodelan evaporasi panci menggunakan parameter cuaca yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap proses evaporasi menghasilkan persamaan model yang cukup baik dengan nilai R2 > 0,50, berdasarkan validasi data model dengan observasi memiliki. secara keseluruhan kesalahan hasil validasi antara data model dengan data pengamatan kurang dari 12%.. Tren evaporasi panci di Darmaga menunjukkan peningkatan dengan koefisien determinansi > 0.5, sedangkan di Semarang dan Karangploso secara statistik belum mengalami kecenderungan perubahan evaporasi.   Comparative evaluation, correlation and regression analysis of pan evaporation with other meteorological variables at daily, 10-daily and monthly time-scales were conducted to learn the dependence of pan evaporation to other meteorological variables and to estimate pan evaporation using other meteorological variables at Darmaga Bogor station, Semarang and Karangploso. Five major factors that control evaporation were solar radiation (sunshine duration, vapour pressure deficit, relative

  4. Pemberdayaan Petani Lahan Gambut Melalui Proses Penjernihan Air Gambut

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    Tri Widiastuti


    Full Text Available Masyarakat di kawasan gambut umumnya mengandalkan air hujan untuk kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari, akan tetapi ketersediaan air hujan menjadi terbatas pada musim kemarau, itu berarti tidak ada pilihan lain selain memanfaatkan air gambut yang mengalir di parit dilingkungan tempat tinggal mereka. Program KKN PPM bertujuan untuk memberdayakan petani melakukan penjernihan air gambut melalui program  alih teknologi dan pendampingan petani. Penjernihan air gambut menggunakan bahan - bahan  alami yang mudah didapatkan dilingkungan sekitar mereka, yaitu menggunakan kapur sirih, PAC dan Tawas sebagai koagulan penjernihan air dan juga menggunakan batu kerikil, pasir, arang dan ijuk sebagai filter pada proses penyaringan air. Sasaran utama adalah kelompok tani pengguna air gambut  anggota Gapoktan Sumber Bersama yang berada di kampung Kembang Wonosari, dusun Karya 1, desa Kuala Dua. Kegiatan KKN PPM  diselenggarakan selama 1bulan diikuti oleh 30 mahasiswa, Metode yang diterapkan adalah membuat  plot percontohan, penyuluhan, bersama Poktan membuat sumur resapan, instalasi dan demo penjernihan air gambut. Pada 6 lokasi yang berbeda telah berhasil didirikan 6 buah instalasi pengolahan air gambut dan 6 sumur resapan, Melalui kegiatan KKN-PPM ini para petani telah dapat melakukan penjernihan air secara mandiri dan dapat mengatasi kesulitan air bersih pada musim kemarau.   Kata kunci : air gambut, penjernihan, sumur


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    Imam Hidayat


    Full Text Available Bila suatu mesin memiliki tingkat kegagalan yang tinggi, maka perlu dilakukan analisis mengenai  penyebab  –  penyebab  kegagalan  tersebut  hingga  ke  akar  permasalahannya sehingga dapat menentukan tindakan yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kinerja suatu mesin. PT. Mutiara Hexagon merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang industri pembuatan plastik  kemasan.  Dalam  line  pembuatan lembaran film  diperlukan mesin  CPP  (Cast  Poly Propylene Machine dan mesin grinder dalam prosesnya. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. Mutiara Hexagon, terdapat beberapa kegagalan yang terjadi pada mesin grinder pada proses produksi plastic film, sehingga menyebabkan seluruh line pada divisi film mengalami downtime. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisa mengenai faktor penyebab kegagalan mesin grinder, penulis melakukan observasi secara langsung dan melihat proses produksi plastic film.Penulis menggunakan metode Failure Effect and Mode Analysis (FMEA dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA. Penerapan analisis Failure Effect and  Mode Analysis (FMEA dapat menentukan sejauh mana tingkat kegagalan terjadi. Dari hasil analisis FMEA kemudian dapat dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA guna mengetahui lebih lanjut penyebab-penyebab dasar suatu kegagalan.Dari hasil perhitungan nilai Risk Priority Number (RPN pada tiap-tiap kegagalan yang terjadi  diantaranya yang  paling  tinggi  adalah kegagalan mesin  grinder rusak  dengan nilai kegagalannya mencapai 120. Kemudian dianalisa penyebab kegagalan tersebut dengan menggunakan metode FTA di dapatkan minimal cut sets yaitu: as grinder patah, katup hisap blower terbuka terlalu besar, kegagalan pada motor blower, baut pada dudukan pisau patah, pisau tumpul dan human error. Berdasarkan nilai probabilitas masing-masing cut set didapatkan nilai probabilitas kegagalan grinder periode 1 Juni 2012 -1 Juni 2013 mencapai 60%.

  6. HIPs at Ten (United States)

    Kuh, George; O'Donnell, Ken; Schneider, Carol Geary


    2017 is the anniversary of the introduction of what are now commonly known as high-impact practices (HIPs). Many of the specific activities pursued under the HIPs acronym have been around in some form for decades, such as study abroad, internships, and student-faculty research. It was about ten years ago that, after conferring HIPs at Ten with…

  7. 26 CFR 301.6226(b)-1 - 5-percent group. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 18 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false 5-percent group. 301.6226(b)-1 Section 301.6226... ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURE AND ADMINISTRATION Assessment In General § 301.6226(b)-1 5-percent group. (a) In general. All members of a 5-percent group shall join in filing any petition for judicial review. The...

  8. Characterization of the uranium--2 weight percent molybdenum alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hemperly, V.C.


    The uranium-2 wt percent molybdenum alloy was prepared, processed, and age hardened to meet a minimum 930-MPa yield strength (0.2 percent) with a minimum of 10 percent elongation. These mechanical properties were obtained with a carbon level up to 300 ppM in the alloy. The tensile-test ductility is lowered by the humidity of the laboratory atmosphere

  9. The relationships between percent body fat and other ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The relationships between percent body fat and other anthropometric nutritional predictors among male and female children in Nigeria. ... A weak significant positive correlation was observed between the percent body fat and height – armspan ratio ... There was evidence of overweight and obesity in both children. The mid ...

  10. Modern experimental prose through the prism of psychoanalytical theories

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    Lončar-Vujnović Mirjana N.


    Full Text Available The balance between the subjective and the objective perspectives in experimental prose must be accomplished in order to achieve the effect of intensive reflective and spiritual reality. Deleuze and Guattari take the method of William Burroughs and James Joyce as examples of the so- called 'butchered text method' which refers to the temporal-spatial perspective. Furthermore, they mention Nietzsche's interlocking of 'eternal return of the present as something that opinion does not know' and the theory of Stephen Mallarme, who combines well known, fragmented style with alchemical dream. According to him, the primary purpose of the modern text is to get closer to the reader so that any reader can interpret it in his own way. Trying to demystify scientific fantasy of objectivity, Lacan does not attribute impersonality and exteriority to art, but science and theory. According to him, a text without the influence of psychological factors, which make both life and characters more realistic, is not art. The connection between the external world and a man is expressed through a mirror, which Lacan tentatively calls 'imago'. Imago of the outside world or one's appearance is present in hallucinations or dreams, always reflecting the internal condition of the individual, its fragility (senility or its fair projection, thereby making this 'subjective-objective' relationship unbreakable.

  11. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Chelsea & Westminster TEN management protocol [corrected]. (United States)

    de Sica-Chapman, A; Williams, G; Soni, N; Bunker, C B


    Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a rare but life-threatening, allergic drug reaction. Skin blistering with epidermal and mucosal necrolysis with subsequent detachment from an inflamed underlying dermis is a hallmark of the condition. The pathogenesis of TEN is not well understood, accounting for controversies about its management and significant delay in initiating potentially beneficial therapy. There are no management protocols based on a robust evidence base. Prompt recognition of the diagnosis and consensus on early management initiatives are necessary in order to improve outcomes and survival in TEN. To date, TEN management has been directed at arresting the allergic reaction and treating the complications. We have identified a need for specific medical interventions to accelerate wound regeneration. This approach has not previously been adopted in the management of TEN. We observed that in two cases of severe TEN, dramatic re-epithelialization and recovery coincided with the introduction of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for neutropenia. We explain how addition of the G-CSF promotes recovery from TEN by enhanced bioregeneration of the damaged tissues through accelerated re-epithelialization. G-CSF has been used for severe neutropenia in TEN, but we recommend and explain why, as in our Chelsea and Westminster protocol, G-CSF should be considered in treating severe TEN irrespective of the severity of neutropenia.

  12. Proses dan Hasil Belajar pada Prakerind Bidang Keahlian Kendaraan Ringan: Studi Kasus pada Industri Pasangan SMKN 3 Yogyakarta

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    Yuneldi Miswardi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses belajar siswa SMKN 3 Yogyakarta kompetensi keahlian teknik kendaraan ringan di tempat kerja dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja industri (pra-kerind. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah empat manager/pihak DUDI yang mengelola pelaksanaan prakerind dan tujuh siswa yang terlibat dalam ke-giatan prakerind pada empat DUDI  tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wa-wancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan ialah metode Miles dan Huberman, melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. 1 Pengaturan belajar siswa di tempat kerja dengan membatasi jumlah siswa dalam pekerjaan dan menjadikan siswa sebagai helper mekanik. 2 Proses pembelajaran siswa di tempat kerja: (a belajar melalui pekerjaan dengan mengikuti mekanik; (b peran mekanik: memberikan ke-sempatan kepada siswa untuk melakukan pekerjaan secara langsung dengan bimbingan dan pengawas-an, memberikan penilaian terhadap kinerja siswa; (c cara siswa mendapatkan kompetensi di tempat kerja: (1 berkomunikasi dan bersosialisasi, (2 rajin dan ulet, (3 memiliki inisiatif dan aktif; (d pe-ngetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang diperoleh siswa di tempat kerja:  (1 pengetahuan tentang du-nia kerja bengkel otomotif  dan pengalaman kerja pada pekerjaan yang sesungguhnya, (2 kategori kompetensi siswa yang diperoleh dalam prakerind untuk kategori bengkel besar dan kecil adalah kate-gori specialist, sedangkan untuk kategori bengkel menengah masih dalam kategori orang yang belum berpengalaman, (3 sikap siswa sesuai dengan budaya kerja di DUDI yaitu kerja keras dan peduli mutu. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran di tempat kerja

  13. 7 CFR 762.129 - Percent of guarantee and maximum loss. (United States)


    ... loss. (a) General. The percent of guarantee will not exceed 90 percent based on the credit risk to the lender and the Agency both before and after the transaction. The Agency will determine the percentage of... PLP lenders will not be less than 80 percent. (d) Maximum loss. The maximum amount the Agency will pay...


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    D. Rosana


    Full Text Available Pengembangan soft skills bukanlah hal baru dalam bidang pendidikan, karena landasan untuk pengembangannya sudah sangat jelas, UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Bab I, Pasal 1 Ayat 1. Perlunya pengembangan soft skills di program kelas internasional terkait dengan permasalahan yang muncul di rintisan program kelas internasional yang sudah diselenggarakan di Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika FMIPA UNY.  Dari kelas rintisan  tersebut dapat teramati pada proses perkuliahan sering terlihat keraguan mahasiswa untuk terlibat aktif dalam perkuliahan. Selain karena kendala yang muncul akibat keterbatasan mahasiswa dalam menguasai percakapan bahasa Inggris, sehingga mereka memerlukan waktu lebih lama untuk menyimak isi perkuliahan,  tapi juga yang tampak menonjol adalah pengaruh dari kurang berkembangnya soft skills mahasiswa.Rancangan eksperimen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Non Random Pre-tes Post-test Control Group. Dalam rancangan ini, pengambilan subyektidak dilakukan secara rambang. Rancangan ini dipilih karena selama eksperimentidak memungkinkan untuk mengubah kelas yang telah ada. Pra tes digunakan untukmenyetarakan pengetahuan awal kedua kelompok sedangkan post tes digunakan untukmengukur hasil belajar dan lembar observasi untuk mengetahui perkembangan soft skillsselama dan setelah proses belajar. Kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan dengan berbasis konteks, menyebabkan peserta didik aktif merumuskan pertanyaan, mencari sumber informasi dan mengumpulkan informasi dari sumber, mengolah informasi yang sudah dimiliki, merekonstruksi data/fakta/nilai, menyajikan hasil rekonstruksi/proses pengembangan nilai. Hal ini menumbuhkan soft skills pada diri mahasiswa melalui berbagai kegiatan belajar yang terjadi di kelas pembelajaran, lingkungan kampus, dan tugas-tugas di luar kampus. Pengembangan soft skills ini berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa baik secara proses maupun produk yang di


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    Pepi Rospina Pertiwi


    Full Text Available Farmers group is lead by a farmer leader that was expected to improve a dynamic of group activities. The farmer leader has significant role in ensuring the relationship between farmers in relation to the information sharing of the agricultural innovation. This study was aimed to examine the leadership role of the farmer leaders in the process of technology diffusion namely PTT Paddy, an innovation that was currently being introduced. An explanatory research design was chosen to describe the phenomenon of the leadership role of farmer leaders that was evaluated by other farmers. The research was conducted in the subdistrict Carenang, Serang, Banten. Forty participants in successfull farmer groups were selected to evaluate farmer leadership characteristics. The results showed that the farmer leaders have been helping the group to achieve goals, improving communication, increasing the motivation of the farmers, facilitating the farming infrastructure, and solving problems. The role of the farmer leaders as bridging agent in communication is categorized satisfactory. This role is effectively used in the process of the innovation dissemination of PTT Paddy to the farmers. Kelompok tani dipimpin oleh seorang kontak tani yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan dinamika kegiatan kelompok. Kontak tani memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan hubungan antara petani dengan berbagi informasi mengenai inovasi pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran kontak tani dalam proses difusi teknologi yaitu Pengelolaan Tanaman dan Sumberdaya Terpadu (PTT Padi, sebuah inovasi yang saat ini sedang diperkenalkan. Desain penelitian adalah eksplanatory research dipilih untuk menggambarkan fenomena peran kontak tani yang dievaluasi oleh petani lain. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Carenang, Serang, Banten. Empat puluh peserta dalam kelompok tani terpilih untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik kontak tani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontak tani telah membantu

  16. Study and Analysis of Fictional Elements of Fraed o Soluk

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    Ali Reza Nabilu


    Full Text Available This article reviews and analyzes fictional elements of Fraed o Soluk.We research these titles: tale and story, genre, size, language, dialogue, character, narrator and speakers, view angle, action and structure of stories, moral results,time and place in Fraed o Soluk.This study explains the structure of stories from different dimensions. Fraed o Soluk includes the moral stories and its prose was written according to the method of Kalile va Demneh and Sandbadname.In stories and tales of Fraed of Soluk, there are features such as emphasis on the events, the absence of a strong cause and effect relationships between events, absolutism, moral results, immutability of characters, quality of narrative, common themes, and hypothetical time and place.There are 58 stories in Fraed o Soluk. The main stories are longer than secondary stories. Dialogue occurs mostly between main characters of stories. Linguistic features of technical prose (sixth and seventh century in this book can be seen. There are 289 characters in the stories of this book. 85 percent are public and 15 percent are special. Most characters are animals (29 percent, men and boys (19/5 percent and job holders (14 percent. Main narrators include: book’s author, Behrooz, businessman son and Ghasir.The main narrators of the stories are often unknown.From a total of 58 stories, 45 percent have action and 55 percent have no specific action.95 percent of stories have moral results and recommendations.38 percent of the stories have time.70 percent of the stories have place.

  17. Verification of two simple meteorological models at large travel distances using ten-hour 85Kr measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pendergast, M.M.


    This report evaluates the wind-rose model and a trajectory model for calculating air concentrations averaged over 10 hours at distances greater than 100 km. Ten-hour averaged 85 Kr air concentrations from 13 sites located withing 143 km of the Savannah River Plant (SRP) were used to evaluate two simple models: a wind-rose model, and a trajectory model. The wind-rose model has previously been shown to estimate annual average concentrations to within a factor of four for travel distances of about 100 km. When 85 Kr concentrations were observed (80 cases), the wind-rose model predicted above background for only 36 percent of the cases, while the trajectory model predicted above background for 56 percent of the cases. The wind-rose model tended to overpredict air concentration by a factor of 4 while the trajectory model tended to underpredict by a factor of 3 for those occasions where observations and calculations were above background

  18. An investigation of the effects of interference speech on short-term memory for verbally presented prose (United States)

    Lodico, Dana M.; Torres, Rendell R.; Shimizu, Yasushi; Hunter, Claudia


    This study investigates the effects of interference speech and the built acoustical environment on human performance, and the possibility of designing spaces to architecturally meet the acoustical goals of office and classroom environments. The effects of room size, geometry, and acoustical parameters on human performance are studied through human subject testing. Three experiments are used to investigate the effects of distracting background speech on short-term memory for verbally presented prose under constrained laboratory conditions. Short-term memory performance is rated within four different acoustical spaces and five background noise levels, as well as a quiet condition. The presentation will cover research methods, results, and possibilities for furthering this research. [Work supported by the Program in Architectural Acoustics, School of Architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

  19. Perancangan dan Simulasi MRAC untui Proses Pengendalian Temperatur pada Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR

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    Amelia Sylvia


    Full Text Available Temperatur merupakan salah satu variabel proses dasar yang dikendalikan untuk menjaga suhu cairan di dalam reaktor. Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC dengan MIT rule dipilih untuk mencapai spesifikasi respon yang diinginkan pada CSTR. Beban yang bervariasi berupa debit aliran likuid yang masuk ke dalam reaktor dapat menyebabkan perubahan parameter yang mempengaruhi perubahan temperatur output produk pada CSTR. Sebuah simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan MATLAB dan hasilnya dianalisa. Respon plant dapat melakukan adaptasi parameter – parameter kontrolernya cukup baik pada nilai gain adaptasi dengan rentang 0.00000010000 sampai 0.00000000001. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi beban yang bervariasi berupa debit aliran yang masuk ke dalam reaktor dengan nilai yang maksimal (1.5 m^3/min menghasilkan respon plant lebih cepat 42 detik dari pada debit aliran masuk dengan nilai yang nominal (1 m^3/min 63 detik dan minimal (0.5 m^3/min 75 detik.


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    Syafrisar Meri Agritubella


    Full Text Available The quality of service nursing influenced by satisfaction and comfort patients .2 of 6 indicators of quality is a cause of patients home force and did not choose the hospital treatment same time of need .This study aims to analyze comfort and satisfaction patients in the interaction nursing service hospital the 2016 petala year .The research is description analytic with samples were 123 patients who were hospitalized in installation .The analysis shows that the patients are in the elderly early ( 25,2 % , patients of the female sex ( 57,7 % , the senior secondary school / equivalent ( 68,3 % , of employment civil servants ( 43,9 % , the treatment to 1 - 2 ( 95,1 % , the third grade care ( 51,2 % , the majority of haripe 1-3 day care ( 73,2 % , payment methods patients in installation patient is bpjs ( 63,4 % , mostly located in a room a floor III ( 41,5 % , berda in the comfortable ( 52,03 % and most patients are in the satisfied ( 72,36 %. In the process interaction service nursing .Expected management hospitals can make the most of communication nurse through seminar activities and training related communication effective in interpersonal raising comfort and satisfaction patients Rendahnya mutu pelayanan keperawatan dipengaruhi oleh kepuasan pasien. Pelayanan keperawatan yang bermutu menjadi alasan pasien untuk menggunakan pelayanan kembali. Pelayanan dikatakan bermutu apabila pasien merasa nyaman dan menimbulkan kepuasan serta melebihi harapan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis kenyamanan dan kepuasan pasien dalam  proses interaksi  pelayanan keperawatan di RSUD Petala Bumi Tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskripsi analitik dengan sampel berjumlah 123 pasien yang berada di Instalasi rawat inap. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pasien berada pada kelompok Lansia awal (25,2 %,  pasien jenis kelamin perempuan (57,7%, tingkat pendidikan SLTA / Sederajat  (68,3%,  Jenis Pekerjaan PNS(43,9 %,

  1. Effect of burst TENS and conventional TENS combined with cryotherapy on pressure pain threshold: randomised, controlled, clinical trial. (United States)

    Macedo, L B; Josué, A M; Maia, P H B; Câmara, A E; Brasileiro, J S


    To assess the immediate effect of conventional and burst transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in combination with cryotherapy on pain threshold and tolerance in healthy individuals. Randomised, controlled trial. University laboratory. One hundred and twelve healthy women. Volunteers were allocated at random to seven groups (n=16): (1) control, (2) placebo TENS, (3) conventional TENS, (4) burst TENS, (5) cryotherapy, (6) cryotherapy in combination with burst TENS, and (7) cryotherapy in combination with conventional TENS. Pain threshold and tolerance were measured by applying a pressure algometer at the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, before and after each intervention. The primary outcome measure was pressure pain threshold. A significant increase in pain threshold and tolerance at the 5% level of significance was recorded as follows: burst TENS {pain threshold: mean difference 1.3 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.4 to 1.2]; pain tolerance: mean difference 3.8 (95% CI 3.9 to 3.7)}, cryotherapy [pain threshold: mean difference 1.3 (95% CI 1.4 to 1.2); pain tolerance: mean difference 1.9 (95% CI 1.8 to 2.0)] and cryotherapy in combination with burst TENS [pain threshold: mean difference 2.6 (95% CI 2.4 to 2.8); pain tolerance: mean difference 4.9 (95% CI 5.0 to 4.8)]. Cryotherapy in combination with burst TENS provided greater analgesia compared with the other groups (Pcryotherapy in combination with burst TENS to reduce induced pain, and suggest a potentiating effect when these techniques are combined. No such association was found between cryotherapy and conventional TENS. Copyright © 2014 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90, 100 Percent of Performance?


    Roger G. Ibbotson; Paul D. Kaplan


    Does asset allocation policy explain 40 percent, 90 percent, or 100 percent of performance? According to some well-known studies, more than 90 percent of the variability of a typical plan sponsor's performance over time is attributable to asset allocation. However, few people want to explain variability over time. Instead, an analyst might want to know how important it is in explaining the differences in return from one fund to another, or what percentage of the level of a typical fund's retu...

  3. TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) for labour pain. (United States)

    Francis, Richard


    Because TENS is applied inconsistently and not always in line with optimal TENS application theory, this may explain why TENS for labour pain appears to be effective in some individuals and not in others. This article reviews TENS theory, advises upon optimal TENS application for labour pain and discusses some of the limitations of TENS research on labour pain. TENS application for labour pain may include TENS applied to either side of the lower spine, set to 200 mus pulse duration and 100 pulses per second. As pain increases, TENS intensity should be increased and as pain decreases, TENS intensity should be reduced to maintain a strong but pain free intensity of stimulation. This application may particularly reduce back pain during labour.

  4. Powers of ten

    CERN Document Server


    Powers of Ten is a 1977 short documentary film written and directed by Charles Eames and his wife, Ray. The film depicts the relative scale of the Universe in factors of ten (see also logarithmic scale and order of magnitude). The idea for the film appears to have come from the 1957 book Cosmic View by Kees Boeke. The film begins with an aerial image of a man reclining on a blanket; the view is that of one meter across. The viewpoint, accompanied by expository voiceover, then slowly zooms out to a view ten meters across ( or 101 m in standard form), revealing that the man is picnicking in a park with a female companion. The zoom-out continues, to a view of 100 meters (102 m), then 1 kilometer (103 m), and so on, increasing the perspective—the picnic is revealed to be taking place near Soldier Field on Chicago's waterfront—and continuing to zoom out to a field of view of 1024 meters, or the size of the observable universe. The camera then zooms back in to the picnic, and then to views of negative pow...

  5. Prose Fiction as a Narrative Companion for a Vegetable Parenting Videogame. (United States)

    Brand, Leah; Beltran, Alicia; Buday, Richard; O'Connor, Teresia; Hughes, Sheryl; Baranowski, Janice; Diep, Cassandra; Lu, Amy Shirong; Baranowski, Tom


    The purpose of this research is to explore the capacity of story to connect to a health-related videogame, as well as the qualities that may increase efficacy by making the story compelling. Parents of 3-5-year-old children often report difficulty getting their children to eat vegetables, which are protective against chronic illnesses. Videogames may be vehicles for training parenting practices for successful vegetable consumption outcomes but often rely on stories to provide context and details. Unfortunately, storytelling may interrupt immersion and player agency. Delivering stories outside of gameplay may provide an understanding of game situations while maintaining immersion. Two companion storylines (one a romantic adventure and the other a suspenseful fantasy) were generated for a vegetable parenting game, "Mommio," targeting mothers of preschool children. Mothers of 3-5-year-old children (n=18) read both storylines and completed semistructured interviews. Mothers preferred the romantic adventure, which featured strong characters, relatable issues, and an engaging plot. Most mothers were interested in playing the "Mommio" videogame after reading the stories. Results suggest that it is possible for prose literature to both motivate gameplay and be an immersive narrative companion to, but separate from, games for health. This literature should include engaging, realistic stories and relatable strong characters.

  6. Pola Proses Penyebaran dan Penerimaan Informasi Teknologi Kamera DSLR

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    Sidiq Setyawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Kamera DSLR sebagai sebuah produk inovasi memiliki cara tersendiri untuk dapat diterima dan diadopsi oleh sebuah sistem sosial khususnya fotografer non profesional di Kota Solo. Difusi inovasi menjelaskan secara sistematis bagaimana sebuah produk inovasi DSLR disebarluaskan dan diterima oleh golongan inovasi di dalamnya. Sebagai sebuah bentuk komunikasi khusus, dalam teori difusi inovasi terdapat dua pokok utama kajian komunikasi, yakni bagaimana seorang komunikator maupun komunikan dalam golongan inovasi bertindak untuk menyebarkan pesan dan menerima pesan. Kedua pokok bahasan ini yang menjadi kunci bagaimana sebuah produk inovasi mampu efektif disebarkan dan diterima (diadopsi oleh golongan inovasi di dalamnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskiptif kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan metode studi kasus. Studi kasus cocok digunakan bila penelitian berkenaan dengan how dan why. Peneliti menjabarkan hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan dalam bentuk narasi. Sampel dari populasi yang diambil melalui proses teknik cuplikan dengan maximum variation sampling atau pengambilan sampel variasi maksimum. Selain menggunakan teknik sampel variasi maksimum, peneliti menggunakan teknik cuplikan snowball sampling. Peneliti mengambil sampel fotografer non profesional di Kota Solo. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui in-depth interview (wawancara mendalam dan observasi lingkungan terhadap sampel penelitian. Untuk validasi data, peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa memiliki memiliki karakteristik dan saluran komunikasi komunikasi tersendiri ketika mereka menerima informasi mengenai inovasi dan memutuskan untuk mengadopsi teknologi tersebut. Hal ini misalnya bisa dilihat dari pemilihan media dalam berkomunikasi dan menggunakan berbagai media untuk referensi mengumpulkan informasi terkait dengan inovasi.   Kata kunci: difusi inovasi, innovator, early adopter, early majority, late majority, pola komunikasi.

  7. Analysis association of milk fat and protein percent in quantitative ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Analysis association of milk fat and protein percent in quantitative trait locus ... African Journal of Biotechnology ... Protein and fat percent as content of milk are high-priority criteria for financial aims and selection of programs in dairy cattle.

  8. Serum Predictors of Percent Lean Mass in Young Adults. (United States)

    Lustgarten, Michael S; Price, Lori L; Phillips, Edward M; Kirn, Dylan R; Mills, John; Fielding, Roger A


    Lustgarten, MS, Price, LL, Phillips, EM, Kirn, DR, Mills, J, and Fielding, RA. Serum predictors of percent lean mass in young adults. J Strength Cond Res 30(8): 2194-2201, 2016-Elevated lean (skeletal muscle) mass is associated with increased muscle strength and anaerobic exercise performance, whereas low levels of lean mass are associated with insulin resistance and sarcopenia. Therefore, studies aimed at obtaining an improved understanding of mechanisms related to the quantity of lean mass are of interest. Percent lean mass (total lean mass/body weight × 100) in 77 young subjects (18-35 years) was measured with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Twenty analytes and 296 metabolites were evaluated with the use of the standard chemistry screen and mass spectrometry-based metabolomic profiling, respectively. Sex-adjusted multivariable linear regression was used to determine serum analytes and metabolites significantly (p ≤ 0.05 and q ≤ 0.30) associated with the percent lean mass. Two enzymes (alkaline phosphatase and serum glutamate oxaloacetate aminotransferase) and 29 metabolites were found to be significantly associated with the percent lean mass, including metabolites related to microbial metabolism, uremia, inflammation, oxidative stress, branched-chain amino acid metabolism, insulin sensitivity, glycerolipid metabolism, and xenobiotics. Use of sex-adjusted stepwise regression to obtain a final covariate predictor model identified the combination of 5 analytes and metabolites as overall predictors of the percent lean mass (model R = 82.5%). Collectively, these data suggest that a complex interplay of various metabolic processes underlies the maintenance of lean mass in young healthy adults.

  9. How could she? Psychosocial analysis of ten homicide cases committed by women. (United States)

    Hellen, Florence; Lange-Asschenfeldt, Christian; Ritz-Timme, Stefanie; Verhülsdonk, Sandra; Hartung, Benno


    Ten percent of all homicide perpetrators are female and homicidal acts committed by women are mostly a result of interpersonal conflicts. We carried out a retrospective psychosocial analysis of ten homicide cases committed by women with an urban mid-European background. We evaluated characteristic determinants regarding 1) deed circumstances and motives, 2) the perpetrators, and 3) the victims. Results were compared with the literature on female and male homicides. Autopsy records of the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University Hospital of Düsseldorf, Germany, during the time period from 2006 to 2011 were searched for homicides committed by female perpetrators. Prosecution files were reviewed for further information. The sample comprised N = 10 female homicide perpetrators and eleven victims. The mentioned determinants of the homicide were fairly consistent. All deeds occurred in the domestic context; they were mostly unplanned. All perpetrators were socially isolated and faced socially challenging situations. Most perpetrators were of low socioeconomic status. Furthermore, all victims were helpless and/or dependent on the perpetrator. The presence of a major psychiatric disorder was uncommon and, in contrast to male perpetrators, most women had no previous convictions. The potential value of these core findings in our sample regarding prevention is discussed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

  10. Ten Lessons from Ten Years PPP Experience in Belgium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Willems, T.; Verhoest, K.; Voets, J.; Coppens, T.; van Dooren, W.; van den Hurk, M.


    In 2004 Flanders, the northern region of Belgium launched a range of large public–private partnership (PPP) projects for a total value of 6 billion euros. Ten years later, PPP has become a well-embedded procurement method for long-term public infrastructure projects. This article makes a critical


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    Darwin Darwin


    mikroorganisme anaerobik untuk mengkonversi polimer yang berupa selulosa dan hemiselulosa menjadi biogas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan kajian mengenai penerapan thermal pre-treatment pada limbah tanaman jagung terhadap proses anaerobik digesi yang meliputi efisiensi proses digesi dan produksi biogas yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan reaktor tipe batch yang suhunya dipertahankan pada kondisi mesophilic atau di atas rata-rata suhu kamar (33 ± 2 oC. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa thermal pre-treatment yang diberikan pada limbah tanaman jagung mampu mempercepat proses produksi biogas pada 10 hari pertama sehingga dapat mengurangi lag-phase pada proses anaerobik digesi. Limbah tanaman jagung yang diberikan thermal pre-treatment mengalami perlambatan produksi biogas pada hari ke 26 dengan rata-rata total produksi 12.412,5 mL untuk limbah tanaman jagung yang diberikan thermal pre- treatment selama 15 menit, dan 12.310 mL untuk limbah tanaman jagung yang diberikan thermal pre-treatment selama 25 menit, sedangkan limbah tanaman jagung yang tidak diberikan pre-treatment menghasilkan produksi biogas sebesar 12.557 mL pada hari ke 26. Produksi biogas harian tertinggi terjadi pada substrat yang diberikan thermal pre-treatment 25 menit, dengan produksi biogas tertinggi pada hari ke 9 dengan rata-rata produksi sebesar 915 mL. Substrat yang diberikan thermal pre-treatment 15 menit juga memproduksi biogas jauh lebih tinggi (772,5 mL pada hari ke 9 jika dibandingkan dengan substrat tanpa diberikan pre-treatment yang hanya memproduksi biogas sebesar 405 mL. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah tanaman jagung yang diberikan thermal pre-treatment memperoleh biogas yield lebih tinggi dari pada yang tidak diberikan pre-treatment dimana 670,39 mL/g volatile solids untuk thermal pre- treatment 15 menit, 690,65 mL/g volatile solids untuk thermal pre-treatment 25 menit dan 456,37 mL/g volatile solids untuk limbah tanaman jagung yang tidak

  12. Evaluating the relationship between biomass, percent groundcover and remote sensing indices across six winter cover crop fields in Maryland, United States (United States)

    Prabhakara, Kusuma; Hively, W. Dean; McCarty, Gregory W.


    Winter cover crops are an essential part of managing nutrient and sediment losses from agricultural lands. Cover crops lessen sedimentation by reducing erosion, and the accumulation of nitrogen in aboveground biomass results in reduced nutrient runoff. Winter cover crops are planted in the fall and are usually terminated in early spring, making them susceptible to senescence, frost burn, and leaf yellowing due to wintertime conditions. This study sought to determine to what extent remote sensing indices are capable of accurately estimating the percent groundcover and biomass of winter cover crops, and to analyze under what critical ranges these relationships are strong and under which conditions they break down. Cover crop growth on six fields planted to barley, rye, ryegrass, triticale or wheat was measured over the 2012-2013 winter growing season. Data collection included spectral reflectance measurements, aboveground biomass, and percent groundcover. Ten vegetation indices were evaluated using surface reflectance data from a 16-band CROPSCAN sensor. Restricting analysis to sampling dates before the onset of prolonged freezing temperatures and leaf yellowing resulted in increased estimation accuracy. There was a strong relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and percent groundcover (r2 = 0.93) suggesting that date restrictions effectively eliminate yellowing vegetation from analysis. The triangular vegetation index (TVI) was most accurate in estimating high ranges of biomass (r2 = 0.86), while NDVI did not experience a clustering of values in the low and medium biomass ranges but saturated in the higher range (>1500 kg/ha). The results of this study show that accounting for index saturation, senescence, and frost burn on leaves can greatly increase the accuracy of estimates of percent groundcover and biomass for winter cover crops.

  13. Domates Pulpu ve Salçasında Viskozite (Konsistens ve Renk Üzerine Proses Koşullarının Etkisi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aziz Ekşi


    Full Text Available Kıvam ve renk, domates pulpu ve salçada kaliteyi belirleyen ve ticarette üzerinde en çok durulan iki önemli etkendir. Domates salçasında renk ve kıvam ile hammaddenin durumu arasında yakın bir ilişki bulunduğu bilinmektedir. Ancak her iki kalite öğesini ve özellikle kıvamı, hammadde olduğu kadar, proses koşulları da etkilemektedir.

  14. Rancang Bangun Auto Switch PID pada Sistem ILFM (In Line Flash Mixing Untuk Proses Netralisasi pH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hariadi Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Perubahan nilai pH larutan asam terhadap penambahan larutan basa memiliki sifat nonlinier. Pada umumnya pengendalian PID digunakan pada proses yang linier. Namun demikian, pada pengendalian pH yang merupakan proses nonlinier  ini akan diterapkan auto switch PID sebagai solusinya. Sistem ILFM merupakan  pengembangan dari sistem CSTR (Continous Stirred Tank Reactor yang mengasumsikan reaksi asam-basa terjadi secara cepat. Pada sistem ILFM laju aliran asam dibuat konstan sedangkan laju aliran basa dapat dikontrol. Pompa DC 12V digunakan untuk mengalirkan larutan asam dan basa. Alat ukur pH yang digunakan adalah pH meter YK-2001PH. Software LabVIEW digunakan sebagai penanaman algoritma autoswitch PID dan HMI pada tugas akhir ini. Auto switch PID akan bekerja sesuai dengan daerah linier yang telah dibagi. Daerah linier tersebut didapatkan berdasarkan hasil kurva eksperimen titrasi larutan CH3COOH 0,1M, 16,25ml dengan NaOH 0,1M, 20 ml.  Terdapat tiga daerah linier pada kurva titrasi, yaitu 3,5≤pH≤6,21, 6,22≤pH≤10,73 dan 10,74≤pH≤11,9. Pada uji closed loop,untuk setpoint pH5 didapatkan nilai karateristik respon maximum overshoot sebesar 19,6 %,Ess (error steady state sebesar 0,04% dan Ts (Time Settling sebesar 6s. Pada uji setpoint 6 didapatkan maximum overshoot 3,3%, Ess 3% dan Ts 13s. Pada uji nilai setpoint pH 11 didapatkan maximum overshoot sebesar 6 %,Ess sebesar 2,7% dan Ts sebesar 20s. Pada tracking turun nilai setpoint pH 11-5 didapatkan maximum overshoot 1,6%,Ess sebesar  1% dan Ts sebesar 8s. Pada daerah linier 2 tidak dapat tercapainya SP yang diinginkan. Hal ini dikarenakan daerah linier 2 adalah  daerah kritis dengan penambahan 1ml/s akan mengubah nilai pH menjadi 2 kali semula sedangkan resolusi pompa melibihi dari 1mL/s.

  15. Analyzing the Study of Using Acupuncture in Delivery in the Past Ten Years in China

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    Yingru Chen


    Full Text Available The use of acupuncture in inducing delivery has a long history in China. With progress over time, it has been applied in many aspects. For further study of acupuncture in delivery, this paper analyzed the papers using acupuncture in delivery in the past ten years in mainland China. 87 literatures were picked out by searching relevant electronic databases and bibliographies of relevant journals. The analysis showed randomized controlled trials that were the major type of research, while preclinical researches and literature reviews only account for around ten percent, respectively. Clinical researches indicated that acupuncture can relieve labor pain, promote maternal uterine contraction, shorten birth process, and treat postpartum disorders. Preclinical researches found that acupuncture can adjust certain hormones and improve uterus contraction of late-stage pregnant rats. However, due to lack of large multicenter randomized controlled clinical trials, standardized evaluations of clinical effects in clinical researches and detailed mechanism study in preclinical researches and unequivocal conclusions about the effectiveness, efficacy, and mechanisms of acupuncture in this field cannot be obtained from those researches yet. Further clinical and preclinical studies about the use of acupuncture in delivery with improved methodology is still needed.

  16. 12 CFR 741.4 - Insurance premium and one percent deposit. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Insurance premium and one percent deposit. 741... Insurance premium and one percent deposit. (a) Scope. This section implements the requirements of Section... payment of an insurance premium. (b) Definitions. For purposes of this section: (1) Available assets ratio...


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    Ketut Udy Ariawan


    Full Text Available Pendidikan Ganesha telah memanfaatkan media website sebagai sarana penyampaian informasi. Namun dalam lingkungan internal jurusan masih juga menggunakan cara konvensional dengan menempel lembar pengumuman pada papan informasi yang tersedia. Di era digital, papan pengumuman bermigrasi dari bentuk konvensional ke bentuk digital, sehingga dikenal istilah digital signage. Bentuk digital signage yang sering diterapkan saat ini adalah menggunakan seperangkat komputer yang dihubungkan ke satu atau beberapa buah TV Plasma untuk menampilkan informasi. Salah satu aplikasi digital signage yang mendukung proses pembuatan papan pengumuman digital dan berbasis Web adalah XIBO yang bersifat open source. Pada penelitian ini, proses pembuatan papan pengumuman digital dilakukan dengan cara membuat sebuah sistem yang terdiri dari komposisi software (XIBO, Web Hosting, dan Internet dan hardware (PC Server, PC Client, dan TV Plasma. Aplikasi XIBO yang digunakan terdiri dari XIBO CMS untuk diinstallkan pada web hosting melalui PC Server, XIBO CLIENT FOR WINDOWS untuk diinstallkan pada PC Client agar bisa terhubung dengan PC Server, dan TV Plasma digunakan untuk menampilkan display hasil desain konten papan pengumuman digital yang telah dibuat agar terlihat lebih tajam, cerah, dan besar jika dibandingkan menggunakan monitor komputer biasa. Penerapan XIBO pada web hosting dimaksudkan agar proses pembuatan desain konten papan pengumuman digital dan jadwal tayangnya dapat dilakukan secara online, dimana saja, dan kapan saja oleh admin, sehingga hal ini akan menjadikan digital signage lebih efektif dan efisien dari segi waktu, tenaga, dan biaya serta mudah dalam hal pengoperasiannya. Hasil penelitian ini nantinya diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada sarana penyampaian informasi secara digital terutama dalam bidang periklanan/advertising. Kata-kata kunci: Digital Signage, Web Hosting, XIBO. ABSTRACT During this time the Department of Electrical Engineering at the

  18. Matter power spectrum and the challenge of percent accuracy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, Aurel; Teyssier, Romain; Potter, Doug; Stadel, Joachim; Reed, Darren S.; Onions, Julian; Pearce, Frazer R.; Smith, Robert E.; Springel, Volker; Scoccimarro, Roman


    Future galaxy surveys require one percent precision in the theoretical knowledge of the power spectrum over a large range including very nonlinear scales. While this level of accuracy is easily obtained in the linear regime with perturbation theory, it represents a serious challenge for small scales where numerical simulations are required. In this paper we quantify the precision of present-day N -body methods, identifying main potential error sources from the set-up of initial conditions to the measurement of the final power spectrum. We directly compare three widely used N -body codes, Ramses, Pkdgrav3, and Gadget3 which represent three main discretisation techniques: the particle-mesh method, the tree method, and a hybrid combination of the two. For standard run parameters, the codes agree to within one percent at k ≤1 h Mpc −1 and to within three percent at k ≤10 h Mpc −1 . We also consider the bispectrum and show that the reduced bispectra agree at the sub-percent level for k ≤ 2 h Mpc −1 . In a second step, we quantify potential errors due to initial conditions, box size, and resolution using an extended suite of simulations performed with our fastest code Pkdgrav3. We demonstrate that the simulation box size should not be smaller than L =0.5 h −1 Gpc to avoid systematic finite-volume effects (while much larger boxes are required to beat down the statistical sample variance). Furthermore, a maximum particle mass of M p =10 9 h −1 M ⊙ is required to conservatively obtain one percent precision of the matter power spectrum. As a consequence, numerical simulations covering large survey volumes of upcoming missions such as DES, LSST, and Euclid will need more than a trillion particles to reproduce clustering properties at the targeted accuracy.

  19. Measuring the Readability of Elementary Algebra Using the Cloze Technique. (United States)

    Kulm, Gerald

    The relationship to readability of ten variables characterizing structural properties of mathematical prose was investigated in elementary algebra textbooks. Readability was measured by algebra student's responses to two forms of cloze tests. Linear and currilinear correlations were calculated between each structural variable and the cloze test.…

  20. 49 CFR 173.182 - Barium azide-50 percent or more water wet. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Barium azide-50 percent or more water wet. 173.182 Section 173.182 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS... Class 1 and Class 7 § 173.182 Barium azide—50 percent or more water wet. Barium azide—50 percent or more...

  1. The Mythical, Fantastic and Allegorical Sphere of D.R. Popescu’s Prose

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    Paul Dugneanu


    Full Text Available The literature belonging to various genres extended mythological narrative, given that in both cases the main focus is on the narrative of events that took place in a past more or less fabulous. The extension of myth in ritual demonstrates that the message sent by the first is a truth. A convincing argument for this assumption is the fact that in traditional societies the life is highly ritualized. The existence, the experiences and pursuits are modeled after the mythical scheme. The only one that could legitimize them and could offer an entire authority is the myth because man follows his behavior revealed by myth but its consequences also. In D.R. Popescu’s prose, the myth descends to human understanding and living the story is much more possible. The true meanings are deep and paradoxically, not only because it offers solutions to various problems but because it calls the archaic man to transform his condition. Hence, the myth represents a human’s dream to transcend the mortal condition and to integrate his existence in a sacred universe. The mythical vitalism takes place in a system of its own affirmation and the human is showcased excessively in multiple perspectives, drawn to thresholds of experiences.

  2. Epistolary Prose in Modern Ukrainian Literature (O. Bazaluk “Woman for Inspiration”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Petriashvili


    Full Text Available Ukrainian scientist, philosopher, Professor Oleg Bazaluk in their artistic and philosophical works in detail examines gender problem in contemporary society. In 2013 he published a book “Woman for inspiration”. This is an epistolary prose — uncommon genre for modern literary. O. Bazaluk’s new work is characterized by its peculiarity. It comprises 41 letter of the main character to her granddaughter, and the letters tell us about the private life, but having been gathered up as a whole they become a completed piece of literary work. Indeed, the chronological framework of “Women for inspiration” cover seventy years of life of the heroine, the famous writer and educator, who worked in the leading universities of Paris, Beijing and Shanghai. The letters heroine are a way to gain spiritual intimacy with her granddaughter, located far away. There is not dialogue, there is only a monologue heroine. In her letters to unfold reflections of the heroine. It is a conversation with no replies. The heroine of the work — a strong personality, her biography is closely connected with the history of his native country. Personal tragedy is intertwined with the historical period of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the difficult way of formation of independentUkraine


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    Lyudmila Diachuk


    Full Text Available This article focuses on the ethical aspects of translation and the question of translators’ responsibility, which nowadays are major issues in Ukraine. The paper demonstrates and reviews numerous cases of copyright infringement. As our research has shown, the texts are sometimes translated into Ukrainian not from their source language, but from Russian translations, which leads to double manipulations with the text. To verify this claim, French women’s belles-lettres texts and their Ukrainian and Russian translations have been analysed and compared. The post-Soviet period of Ukraine’s development has showcased not only the translation-related issues, but also the moral and ethical attitude of translators and publishing houses towards translation as the sphere of copyright. This analysis of Ukrainian translations raises concerns that some book titles, and sometimes the entire belles-lettres works of French women’s prose, have been “copied” from Russian translations. The most significant, in this respect, is the Ukrainian translation of George Sand’s novel “Consuelo”, translated by Viktor Boyko and published in 2011 by the Kharkiv publishing house “Folio”.

  4. The Supersymmetric Top-Ten Lists


    Haber, Howard E.


    Ten reasons are given why supersymmetry is the leading candidate for physics beyond the Standard Model. Ultimately, the experimental discovery of supersymmetric particles at future colliders will determine whether supersymmetry is relevant for TeV scale physics. The grand hope of supersymmetry enthusiasts is to connect TeV scale supersymmetry with Planck scale physics. The ten most pressing theoretical problems standing in the way of this goal are briefly described.

  5. Response of the desert shrub Krameria parvifolia after ten years of chronic gamma irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vollmer, A.T.; Bamberg, S.A.


    A northern Mojave Desert shrub community was irradiated by a 137 Cs source for a ten-year period. Leaf and fruit production, cover, and percent live stem of Krameria parvifolia shrubs were found to respond significantly to a radiation gradient with exposure rates ranging from 0.1 to 10 R/day. Fruit and leaf production were greatly reduced at exposures over 6 R/day. Above 7 R/day 16% of the shrubs were dead compared to 1.2% in a non-irradiated area. Reduced cover, density and live stem values indicate a trend toward a lower status of Krameria in the community at cumulative exposures above 25 kR. Observations indicate that an equilibrium in response to irradiation has not yet occurred. Radiosensitivity of K. parvifolia is attributed in part to its phenology. (author)

  6. Response of the desert shrub Krameria parvifolia after ten years of chronic gamma irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vollmer, A T; Bamberg, S A [California Univ., Los Angeles (USA). Lab. of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology


    A northern Mojave Desert shrub community was irradiated by a /sup 137/Cs source for a ten-year period. Leaf and fruit production, cover, and percent live stem of Krameria parvifolia shrubs were found to respond significantly to a radiation gradient with exposure rates ranging from 0.1 to 10 R/day. Fruit and leaf production were greatly reduced at exposures over 6 R/day. Above 7 R/day 16% of the shrubs were dead compared to 1.2% in a non-irradiated area. Reduced cover, density and live stem values indicate a trend toward a lower status of Krameria in the community at cumulative exposures above 25 kR. Observations indicate that an equilibrium in response to irradiation has not yet occurred. Radiosensitivity of K. parvifolia is attributed in part to its phenology.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The Tetrahedral Network(TEN) is a powerful 3-D vector structure in GIS, which has a lot of advantages such as simple structure, fast topological relation processing and rapid visualization. The difficulty of TEN application is automatic creating data structure. Al though a raster algorithm has been introduced by some authors, the problems in accuracy, memory requirement, speed and integrity are still existent. In this paper, the raster algorithm is completed and a vector algorithm is presented after a 3-D data model and structure of TEN have been introducted. Finally, experiment, conclusion and future work are discussed.

  8. The five times ten things everyone should have had in their hands before they are ten and two years old. (United States)

    Hut, R.; Poot, A.


    To train the young ones to become people that make stuff, I present the five times ten things we use a lot that everyone should have used before they are ten and two years old. I will bring at least two times ten of these things and show them live to you! And: I will bring a large paper for you to bring home with those five times ten things on it to put in the hands of your kids!

  9. Matter power spectrum and the challenge of percent accuracy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, Aurel; Teyssier, Romain; Potter, Doug; Stadel, Joachim; Reed, Darren S. [Institute for Computational Science, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich (Switzerland); Onions, Julian; Pearce, Frazer R. [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD (United Kingdom); Smith, Robert E. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH (United Kingdom); Springel, Volker [Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien, 69118 Heidelberg (Germany); Scoccimarro, Roman, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics, New York University, NY 10003, New York (United States)


    Future galaxy surveys require one percent precision in the theoretical knowledge of the power spectrum over a large range including very nonlinear scales. While this level of accuracy is easily obtained in the linear regime with perturbation theory, it represents a serious challenge for small scales where numerical simulations are required. In this paper we quantify the precision of present-day N -body methods, identifying main potential error sources from the set-up of initial conditions to the measurement of the final power spectrum. We directly compare three widely used N -body codes, Ramses, Pkdgrav3, and Gadget3 which represent three main discretisation techniques: the particle-mesh method, the tree method, and a hybrid combination of the two. For standard run parameters, the codes agree to within one percent at k ≤1 h Mpc{sup −1} and to within three percent at k ≤10 h Mpc{sup −1}. We also consider the bispectrum and show that the reduced bispectra agree at the sub-percent level for k ≤ 2 h Mpc{sup −1}. In a second step, we quantify potential errors due to initial conditions, box size, and resolution using an extended suite of simulations performed with our fastest code Pkdgrav3. We demonstrate that the simulation box size should not be smaller than L =0.5 h {sup −1}Gpc to avoid systematic finite-volume effects (while much larger boxes are required to beat down the statistical sample variance). Furthermore, a maximum particle mass of M {sub p}=10{sup 9} h {sup −1}M{sub ⊙} is required to conservatively obtain one percent precision of the matter power spectrum. As a consequence, numerical simulations covering large survey volumes of upcoming missions such as DES, LSST, and Euclid will need more than a trillion particles to reproduce clustering properties at the targeted accuracy.

  10. United States home births increase 20 percent from 2004 to 2008. (United States)

    MacDorman, Marian F; Declercq, Eugene; Mathews, T J


    After a gradual decline from 1990 to 2004, the percentage of births occurring at home increased from 2004 to 2008 in the United States. The objective of this report was to examine the recent increase in home births and the factors associated with this increase from 2004 to 2008. United States birth certificate data on home births were analyzed by maternal demographic and medical characteristics. In 2008, there were 28,357 home births in the United States. From 2004 to 2008, the percentage of births occurring at home increased by 20 percent from 0.56 percent to 0.67 percent of United States births. This rise was largely driven by a 28 percent increase in the percentage of home births for non-Hispanic white women, for whom more than 1 percent of births occur at home. At the same time, the risk profile for home births has been lowered, with substantial drops in the percentage of home births of infants who are born preterm or at low birthweight, and declines in the percentage of home births that occur to teen and unmarried mothers. Twenty-seven states had statistically significant increases in the percentage of home births from 2004 to 2008; only four states had declines. The 20 percent increase in United States home births from 2004 to 2008 is a notable development that will be of interest to practitioners and policymakers. (BIRTH 38:3 September 2011). © 2011, Copyright the Authors. Journal compilation © 2011, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Pengembangan Order Management System untuk Mendukung Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Pengelolaan Pemesanan Jasa Inbound dan Outbound Gudang Disertai Audit System Development Life Cycle Guna Menanggulangi Risiko Pengembangan Sistem


    Santosa, Budi; Satrio, Rudi Theo; Abipradja, Jerrystama; Putri, Dinda Sekar


    PT XYZ adalah salah satu Perusahaan penyedia jasa logistic atau bisa disebut 3PL. Salah satu customer yang menggunakan jasa 3PL adalah DEF Company. DEF company adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pendistribusian dan import barang. Ketika melakukan aktivitas pelaporan dokumen pada proses inbound dan outbound, XYZ company mengalami keterlambatan pada bulan April 2014 sebesar 5%. Keterlambatan dokumen ini disebabkan oleh tidak terorganisirnya order dokumen yang ada, sehingga akan berdam...

  12. Tens bij bevallingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tuin-Nuis, F.D.F.


    TENS (Transcutane Electrische Neuro Stimulatie) is een pijnverlichtingsmethode die berust op de Gate Control Theory van Melzack en Wall. Door middel van electrische pulsen via de huid zou de geleiding van nociceptieve signalen (pijnprikkels) worden beïnvloed en zou het lichaam endorfinen aanmaken:

  13. Redesain Tempat Kerja Untuk Meningkatkan Kenyamanan Dalam Proses Peleburan Paduan Perunggu Perajin Gamelan Bali Di Desa Tihingan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    IGN. Priambadi


    Full Text Available Gamelan Bali merupakan suatu alat akustik yang keberadaannya dimanfaatkan sebagai salahsatu sarana pendukung dalam melakukan upacara ritual bagi umat Hindu di Bali. Desa Tihinganadalah merupakan ikon dari gamelan Bali, karena desa ini terkenal dengan produksi gamelannyadan terkenal sampai ke Mancanegara. Proses pembuatan gamelan dimulai dari peleburanpaduan perunggu, forging, serta pelarasan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nada dasar daribilah gamelan. Proses peleburan adalah merupakan peleburan paduan perunggu yang terdiridari unsur 80 % Cu dan 20 % Sn, dimana komposisi tersebut secara konvensional dipakai olehperajin untuk menjaga kualitas gamelan yang dihasilkan. Pada proses peleburan paduanperunggu temperatur yang diperlukan ± 1083 o C, pencapaian temperatur ini tentunyamenyebabkan temperatur lingkungan tempat kerja menjadi tinggi. Berdasarkan studi yangdilakukan temperatur tempat kerja perajin diukur dengan metode MRT rata-rata mencapai 42,69± 0,73 o C, temperatur ini menunjukkan kondisi tempat kerja kurang nyaman. Berdasarkankondisi tersebut, maka dilakukan studi terhadap tempat kerja perajin agar paparan panas yangterjadi dapat dikurangi sehingga tempat kerja perajin dapat ditingkatkan kenyamanannya. Studiyang dilakukan adalah mendesain ulang tempat kerja dengan memperhatikan konseppenugasan, lingkungan dan organisasi kerja. Penerapan ketiga konsep ini dalam prosespendesainan ulang (redesain pada tempat kerja perajin dimulai dari paparan panas yang terjadi,selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan dimensi dari tempat kerja yang didasarkan atas konseptermodinamika. Studi yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa redesain yang dilakukanmemberikan dampak yang positif terhadap kondisi lingkungan tempat kerja. Kondisi lingkungantempat kerja perajin secara thermodinamika menunjukkan bahwa faktor kenyamanan mengalamipeningkatan. Adapun perubahan dimensi bangunan sebelum redesain (S1 dan sesudahredesai (S2 tersebut mulai dari ketinggian total bangunan

  14. How I Love My 80 Percenters (United States)

    Maturo, Anthony J.


    Don't ever take your support staff for granted. By support staff, I mean the people in personnel, logistics, and finance; the ones who can make things happen with a phone call or a signature, or by the same token frustrate you to no end by their inaction; these are people you must depend on. I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to cultivate relationships with my support staff that work to the advantage of both of us. The most important thing that have learned working with people, any people--and I will tell you how I learned this in a minute--is there are some folks you just can't motivate, so forget it, don't try; others you certainly can with a little psychology and some effort; and the best of the bunch, what I call the 80 percenters, you don't need to motivate because they're already on the team and performing beautifully. The ones you can't change are rocks. Face up to it, and just kick them out of your way. I have a reputation with the people who don't want to perform or be part of the team. They don't come near me. If someone's a rock, I pick up on it right away, and I will walk around him or her to find someone better. The ones who can be motivated I take time to nurture. I consider them my projects. A lot of times these wannabes are people who want to help but don't know how. Listen, you can work with them. Lots of people in organizations have the mindset that all that matters are the regulations. God forbid if you ever work outside those regulations. They've got one foot on that regulation and they're holding it tight like a baby holds a blanket. What you're looking for is that first sign that their minds are opening. Usually you hear it in their vocabulary. What used to sound like "We can't do that ... the regulations won't allow it ... we have never done this before," well, suddenly that changes to "We have options ... let's take a look at the options ... let me research this and get back to you." The 80 percenters you want to nurture too, but

  15. Increasing intensity of TENS prevents analgesic tolerance in rats (United States)

    Sato, Karina L.; Sanada, Luciana S.; Rakel, Barbara A.; Sluka, Kathleen A.


    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) reduces hyperalgesia and pain. Both low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) TENS, delivered at the same intensity (90% motor threshold (MT)) daily, result in analgesic tolerance with repeated use by the 5th day of treatment. Thecurrentstudytestedif 1) increasingintensityby 10% per daypreventsthedevelopmentoftolerance to repeated TENS, and 2) iflowerintensity TENS (50 % MT) produces an equivalentreduction in hyperalgesia when compared to 90% MT TENS. Sprague-Dawley rats with unilateral knee joint inflammation (3% carrageenan) were separated according to the intensity of TENS used: Sham, 50% LF, 50% HF, 90% LF, 90% HF, and increased intensity by 10% per day (LF and HF). The reduced mechanical withdrawal threshold following the induction of inflammation was reversed by application of TENS applied at 90% MT and increasing intensity for the first 4 days. On the 5th day, the groups that received 90% MT intensity showed tolerance. Nevertheless, the group that received an increased intensity on each day still showed a reversal of the mechanical withdrawal threshold with TENS. These results show that the development of tolerance can be delayed by increasing intensity of TENS. PMID:22858165

  16. The Result of The Treatment of Infantile Spasm After Two Year Follow-Up Review Of 45 Cases in Ten Past Years

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    A Nasirian


    Full Text Available In the past ten years, 45 cases of infantile spasm treated in our center. From these patients, 15 cases received only steroid, other 15 cases only clonazepam, and the rest, a combination of clonazepam and steroid. All patients were observed for two years. This is a retrospective study, the data being extracted from patients record. A number of patients were treated in ambulatory and the others were patients of the hospital. The result of comparison of optimal control of seizures are as follow: 1 In only steroid group 27 percent of the patients were free of seizure, 2 In only clonazepam group 28 percent showed no seizure, 3 in combined clonazepam and steroid group 39% were seizure-free. Based on this trial we believe that treatment of infantile spasm with combined steroid and clonazepam is better than any of them alone. Considering these results, we believe that the treatment of infantile spasm with a combination of steroid and clonazepam is preferable to these drugs.

  17. New formula for calculation of cobalt-60 percent depth dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tahmasebi Birgani, M. J.; Ghorbani, M.


    On the basis of percent depth dose calculation, the application of - dosimetry in radiotherapy has an important role to play in reducing the chance of tumor recurrence. The aim of this study is to introduce a new formula for calculating the central axis percent depth doses of Cobalt-60 beam. Materials and Methods: In the present study, based on the British Journal of Radiology table, nine new formulas are developed and evaluated for depths of 0.5 - 30 cm and fields of (4*4) - (45*45) cm 2 . To evaluate the agreement between the formulas and the table, the average of the absolute differences between the values was used and the formula with the least average was selected as the best fitted formula. The Microsoft Excel 2000 and the Data fit 8.0 soft wares were used to perform the calculations. Results: The results of this study indicated that one amongst the nine formulas gave a better agreement with the percent depth doses listed in the table of British Journal of Radiology . The new formula has two parts in terms of log (A/P). The first part as a linear function with the depth in the range of 0.5 to 5 cm and the other one as a second order polynomial with the depth in the range of 6 to 30 cm. The average of - the differences between the tabulated and the calculated data using the formula (Δ) is equal to 0.3 152. Discussion and Conclusion: Therefore, the calculated percent depth dose data based on this formula has a better agreement with the published data for Cobalt-60 source. This formula could be used to calculate the percent depth dose for the depths and the field sizes not listed in the British Journal of Radiology table

  18. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for pain relief in labour. (United States)

    Dowswell, Therese; Bedwell, Carol; Lavender, Tina; Neilson, James P


    Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) has been proposed as a means of reducing pain in labour. The TENS unit emits low-voltage electrical impulses which vary in frequency and intensity. During labour, TENS electrodes are generally placed on the lower back, although TENS may be used to stimulate acupuncture points or other parts of the body. The physiological mechanisms whereby TENS relieves pain are uncertain. The TENS unit is frequently operated by women, which may increase sense of control in labour. To assess the effects of TENS on pain in labour. We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (November 2008). Randomised controlled trials comparing women receiving TENS for pain relief in labour versus routine care, alternative pharmacological methods of pain relief, or placebo devices. We included all types of TENS machines. Two review authors assessed for inclusion all trials identified by the search strategy, carried out data extraction and assessed risk of bias. We have recorded reasons for excluding studies. The search identified 25 studies; we excluded six and included 19 studies including 1671 women. Fifteen examined TENS applied to the back, two to acupuncture points and two to the cranium. Overall, there was little difference in pain ratings between TENS and control groups, although women receiving TENS to acupuncture points were less likely to report severe pain (risk ratio 0.41, 95% confidence interval 0.32 to 0.55). The majority of women using TENS said they would be willing to use it again in a future labour. Where TENS was used as an adjunct to epidural analgesia there was no evidence that it reduced pain. There was no consistent evidence that TENS had any impact on interventions and outcomes in labour. There was little information on outcomes for mothers and babies. No adverse events were reported. There is only limited evidence that TENS reduces pain in labour and it does not seem to have any impact (either positive or

  19. Pengaruh Penambahan Garam Natrium Dalam Proses Pengendapan Limbah Pengolahan Gambir Terhadap Rendemen Tanin

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    Hendri Muchtar


    Full Text Available Wastewater from gambier industry which contains tannin has not been utilized optimally yet. The wastewater does not hold up in storage because is often overgrown with fungus, so that in the solid / powdery tannins will be more profitable. To get the tannins precipitate, it had been done research about the effect of settling material to the formation of gambier dye from waste gambier industry. This study aimed to obtain optimum yield of tannins through the precipitation process. Settling material which were used technically NaCl salt and table salt, while for pH regulator used sodium bicarbonate and saturated solution of lime. Phase of precipitation was done by adding NaHCO3  or lime water saturated in such a manner until pH 8. The addition of NaCl salt or table salt with concentration 50 g/L, 100 g/L, 150 g/L, 200 g/L, 250 g/L, 300 g/L, 350g/L, 400 g/L in 200 ml of gambier industry liquid waste. The research result was obtained that the optimum precipitate by the addition of NaCl with concentrations 300 g/L and the use of sodium bicarbonate as a pH regulator gave 30.05% yield. The addition of NaCl with concentrations above 300 g/L gave results which were not much different. Tannin dyes from wastewater of gambier treatment were in the form of brown colour flour.ABSTRAKAir limbah industri pengolahan gambir yang mengandung senyawa tanin saat ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimum. Limbah cair ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber warna alami atau tanin, namun tidak tahan dalam penyimpanan karena sering ditumbuhi jamur, sehingga dalam bentuk padatan/tepung tanin akan lebih menguntungkan. Untuk mendapatkan endapan tanin dilakukan penelitian pengaruh penambahan bahan pengendap terhadap pembentukan tanin dari limbah proses pengolahan gambir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan rendemen tanin yang optimal melalui proses pengendapan. Bahan pengendap yang digunakan adalah   garam NaCl  teknis,  garam dapur, sedangkan untuk pengatur pH digunakan

  20. Le rôle de la traduction dans la constitution de la prose fondamentale bulgare

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    Irena Kristeva


    Full Text Available Cette étude se propose d’examiner l’évolution de la traduction en Bulgarie dans l’objectif de démontrer que la littérature bulgare est née dans l’acte traductionnel. En s’appuyant sur le concept bermanien de prose fondamentale, elle cherchera à illustrer, à travers des exemples, le rôle décisif que la traduction a joué au cours des différents âges de cette littérature. L’esquisse des majeurs enjeux traductionnels tâchera de révéler les deux caractéristiques essentielles de cette activité à la fois fondatrice et compensatrice pour prouver qu’elle a contribué à la constitution de l’identité nationale, à l’épanouissement de la culture bulgare et à la consolidation de son polysystème littéraire.La réflexion sera articulée en trois volets. D’abord, elle va interroger le rapport entre la tradition et la traduction. Ensuite, elle va tracer le parcours traductif à partir du premier essai de traduction de la Bible de Cyrille et Méthode, lequel, en contribuant à la formation de l’identité linguistique bulgare, a servi de modèle aux expériences ultérieures. Enfin, elle cherchera à mettre en valeur quelques faits saillants de l’histoire de la traduction en Bulgarie qui ont influencé la création littéraire.This study aims to examine the evolution of translation in Bulgaria in order to demonstrate that Bulgarian literature was born in the translational act. Based on the concept fundamental prose of Berman, it will seek to illustrate, through examples, the decisive role that translation played in the stages of this national literature. The outline of the major translational issues will try to reveal the two essential characteristics of this founder and compensatory activity, and prove that the translation has contributed to the formation of national identity, the development of Bulgarian culture and the consolidation of his literary polysystem.The reflection will be structured in three parts

  1. Development of an ELISA microarray assay for the sensitive and simultaneous detection of ten biodefense toxins.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jenko, Kathryn; Zhang, Yanfeng; Kostenko, Yulia; Fan, Yongfeng; Garcia-Rodriguez, Consuelo; Lou, Jianlong; Marks, James D.; Varnum, Susan M.


    Plant and microbial toxins are considered bioterrorism threat agents because of their extreme toxicity and/or ease of availability. Additionally, some of these toxins are increasingly responsible for accidental food poisonings. The current study utilized an ELISA-based protein antibody microarray for the multiplexed detection of ten biothreat toxins, botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) A, B, C, D, E, F, ricin, shiga toxins 1 and 2 (Stx), and staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB), in buffer and complex biological matrices. The multiplexed assay displayed a sensitivity of 1.3 pg/mL (BoNT/A, BoNT/B, SEB, Stx-1 and Stx-2), 3.3 pg/mL (BoNT/C, BoNT/E, BoNT/F) and 8.2 pg/mL (BoNT/D, ricin). All assays demonstrated high accuracy (75-120 percent recovery) and reproducibility (most coefficients of variation < 20%). Quantification curves for the ten toxins were also evaluated in clinical samples (serum, plasma, nasal fluid, saliva, stool, and urine) and environmental samples (apple juice, milk and baby food) with overall minimal matrix effects. The multiplex assays were highly specific, with little crossreactivity observed between the selected toxin antibodies. The results demonstrate a multiplex microarray that improves current immunoassay sensitivity for biological warfare agents in buffer, clinical, and environmental samples.

  2. Relationship between breast sound speed and mammographic percent density (United States)

    Sak, Mark; Duric, Nebojsa; Boyd, Norman; Littrup, Peter; Myc, Lukasz; Faiz, Muhammad; Li, Cuiping; Bey-Knight, Lisa


    Despite some shortcomings, mammography is currently the standard of care for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. However, breast ultrasound tomography is a rapidly developing imaging modality that has the potential to overcome the drawbacks of mammography. It is known that women with high breast densities have a greater risk of developing breast cancer. Measuring breast density is accomplished through the use of mammographic percent density, defined as the ratio of fibroglandular to total breast area. Using an ultrasound tomography (UST) prototype, we created sound speed images of the patient's breast, motivated by the fact that sound speed in a tissue is proportional to the density of the tissue. The purpose of this work is to compare the acoustic performance of the UST system with the measurement of mammographic percent density. A cohort of 251 patients was studied using both imaging modalities and the results suggest that the volume averaged breast sound speed is significantly related to mammographic percent density. The Spearman correlation coefficient was found to be 0.73 for the 175 film mammograms and 0.69 for the 76 digital mammograms obtained. Since sound speed measurements do not require ionizing radiation or physical compression, they have the potential to form the basis of a safe, more accurate surrogate marker of breast density.

  3. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for pain management in labour (United States)

    Dowswell, Therese; Bedwell, Carol; Lavender, Tina; Neilson, James P


    Background Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) has been proposed as a means of reducing pain in labour. The TENS unit emits low-voltage electrical impulses which vary in frequency and intensity. During labour, TENS electrodes are generally placed on the lower back, although TENS may be used to stimulate acupuncture points or other parts of the body. The physiological mechanisms whereby TENS relieves pain are uncertain. TENS machines are frequently operated by women, which may increase a sense of control in labour. Objectives To assess the effects of TENS on pain in labour. Search methods We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group’s Trials Register (30 April 2011) and reference lists of retrieved papers. Selection criteria Randomised controlled trials comparing women receiving TENS for pain management in labour versus routine care, alternative non-pharmacological methods of pain relief, or placebo devices. We included all types of TENS machines. Data collection and analysis Two review authors assessed for inclusion all trials identified by the search strategy, carried out data extraction and assessed risk of bias. We have recorded reasons for excluding studies. Main results Seventeen trials with 1466 women contribute data to the review. Thirteen examined TENS applied to the back, two to acupuncture points, and two to the cranium. Overall, there was little difference in pain ratings between TENS and control groups, although women receiving TENS to acupuncture points were less likely to report severe pain (average risk ratio 0.41, 95% confidence interval 0.31 to 0.54; measured in two studies). The majority of women using TENS said they would be willing to use it again in a future labour. Where TENS was used as an adjunct to epidural analgesia there was no evidence that it reduced pain. There was no consistent evidence that TENS had any impact on interventions and outcomes in labour. There was little information on outcomes for mothers and babies. No

  4. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for neuropathic pain in adults. (United States)

    Gibson, William; Wand, Benedict M; O'Connell, Neil E


    Neuropathic pain, which is due to nerve disease or damage, represents a significant burden on people and society. It can be particularly unpleasant and achieving adequate symptom control can be difficult. Non-pharmacological methods of treatment are often employed by people with neuropathic pain and may include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). This review supersedes one Cochrane Review 'Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for chronic pain' (Nnoaham 2014) and one withdrawn protocol 'Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for neuropathic pain in adults' (Claydon 2014). This review replaces the original protocol for neuropathic pain that was withdrawn. To determine the analgesic effectiveness of TENS versus placebo (sham) TENS, TENS versus usual care, TENS versus no treatment and TENS in addition to usual care versus usual care alone in the management of neuropathic pain in adults. We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, AMED, CINAHL, Web of Science, PEDro, LILACS (up to September 2016) and various clinical trials registries. We also searched bibliographies of included studies for further relevant studies. We included randomised controlled trials where TENS was evaluated in the treatment of central or peripheral neuropathic pain. We included studies if they investigated the following: TENS versus placebo (sham) TENS, TENS versus usual care, TENS versus no treatment and TENS in addition to usual care versus usual care alone in the management of neuropathic pain in adults. Two review authors independently screened all database search results and identified papers requiring full-text assessment. Subsequently, two review authors independently applied inclusion/exclusion criteria to these studies. The same review authors then independently extracted data, assessed for risk of bias using the Cochrane standard tool and rated the quality of evidence using GRADE. We included 15 studies with 724 participants. We found a

  5. Proses Produksi Pembuatan Tekstur Material pada Desain 3d Karakter Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Maxon 3D Bodypaint

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    Ardiyan Ardiyan


    Full Text Available Digital production proses using integrated image editor software, which has own drawing tools function, makes easier producing textures material that applied in 3D model. The feature of image editor combined with 3D Editor Software makes the easier adjustment of 3D model needs when we see the visible improvement, so the software utilization will be more efficient. In the discussion, this study is done by making the production of 3D model, that is the 3D Character that has material texturing from utilizing the available image editor software features, so the alternative production by using the integrated image editor is possibly to be done. The discussion can be utilized as an insight into the manufacture of technical design in determining the design workflow of 3D models. Utilization of software take one example of software Maxon Cinema 4D version 14, which is used as a reference as software that integrates image processing therein. 

  6. The TEN-T core network and the Fehmarnbelt region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guasco, Clement Nicolas

    This note is a snapshot picture, taken in early 2014, that places the Green STRING corridor project within the context of the TEN-T strategy and gives a summarized overview on the impact of this strategy in the region. Chapter 1 contains a summary of the TEN-T strategy today, chapter 2 presents...... the sources used for this note, chapter 3 presents all the relevant EU regulations with direct impact on the development of TEN-T corridors, chapter 4 gives practical examples of the challenges for the development of TEN-T corridors, chapter 5 pre-sents the national initiatives related to the TEN-T corridor...

  7. School Designed To Use 80 Percent Less Energy (United States)

    American School and University, 1975


    The new Terraset Elementary School in Reston, Virginia, uses earth as a cover for the roof area and for about 80 percent of the wall area. A heat recovery system will be used with solar collectors playing a primary role in heating and cooling. (Author/MLF)

  8. Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) in dentistry- A review. (United States)

    Kasat, Vikrant; Gupta, Aditi; Ladda, Ruchi; Kathariya, Mitesh; Saluja, Harish; Farooqui, Anjum-Ara


    Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) is a non-pharmacological method which is widely used by medical and paramedical professionals for the management of acute and chronic pain in a variety of conditions. Similarly, it can be utilized for the management of pain during various dental procedures as well as pain due to various conditions affecting maxillofacial region. This review aims to provide an insight into clinical research evidence available for the analgesic and non analgesic uses of TENS in pediatric as well as adult patients related to the field of dentistry. Also, an attempt is made to briefly discuss history of therapeutic electricity, mechanism of action of TENS, components of TENs equipment, types, techniques of administration, advantages and contradictions of TENS. With this we hope to raise awareness among dental fraternity regarding its dental applications thereby increasing its use in dentistry. Key words:Dentistry, pain, TENS.

  9. Pengaruh Waktu Dan Temperatur Hidrolisis Dalam Proses Sintesis Furfural Dari Sekam Padi Dengan Menggunakan Metode Hidrolisis Dan Dehidrasi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cindi Amborowati


    Full Text Available Lahan persawahan di Kalimantan Timur merupakan salah satu lahan yang masih produktif. Hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya tumpukan limbah sekam padi di tempat penggilingan padi. Limbah sekam padi tersebut belum banyak dimanfaatkan, sehingga pada penelitian ini menggunakan limbah sekam padi sebagai bahan baku pembuatan furfural. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tiga tahap, yaitu persiapan bahan baku, hidrolisa dan analisa. Pada tahap persiapan bahan baku, sekam padi dikecilkan ukurannya hingga 100 mesh, kemudian dikeringkan didalam oven. Proses hidrolisa menggunakan asam sulfat 1% sebagai katalis dengan memvariasikan waktu 10, 40, 70, 100, 130 (menit dan temperatur 30, 50, 70, 90, 105 (°C. Kemudian hasil hidrolisis disaring dan filtratnya dianalisa kuantitatif dengan metode volumetri, pada variasi waktu diperoleh hasil tertinggi yaitu pada 130 menit dengan konsentrasi furfural 8,182 mol/L, sedangkan pada variasi temperatur diperoleh hasil tertinggi pada suhu 105°C dengan konsentrasi furfural yaitu 10,741 mol/L.

  10. National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Percent Developed Imperviousness Collection (United States)

    U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior — The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Percent Developed Imperviousness Collection is produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land...

  11. The Content of Dream in Islamic Mystic Prose Texts (Pre–Seventh ah/13th ad Century

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. M. Mirbagherifard


    Full Text Available Dream is one of the important topics of mystic texts and is of great significance in Islamic mysticism. Most writers of such texts have allocated a section of their books to it. Dream could be viewed from different perspectives, but it seems, what attracts mystics the most is the content of dream. The important issues considered the content of dream are seeing God, the Prophet, the Imams, the saints; the state of mystics after death; seeing angels and Paradise huris (the beauties; seeing what helps the Wayfarer in his difficulties; gaining knowledge of the future; and, finally, seeing Iblis (the Satan. In this article, an attempt is made to analyze the reactions of dreamers to each type of content by comparing the content of mentioned dreams in mystic prose texts of pre-seventh century. The results show that dreaming the beloved (God is of the most importance whereas dreaming the Satan is the least desirable one. As for the reactions, the most frequent reactions are fear, enthusiasm, hope, confidence, pride, and joy.

  12. A sub-process view of working memory capacity: evidence from effects of speech on prose memory. (United States)

    Sörqvist, Patrik; Ljungberg, Jessica K; Ljung, Robert


    In this article we outline a "sub-process view" of working memory capacity (WMC). This view suggests that any relationship between WMC and another construct (e.g., reading comprehension) is actually a relationship with a specific part of the WMC construct. The parts, called sub-processes, are functionally distinct and can be measured by intrusion errors in WMC tasks. Since the sub-processes are functionally distinct, some sub-process may be related to a certain phenomenon, whereas another sub-process is related to other phenomena. In two experiments we show that a sub-process (measured by immediate/current-list intrusions) is related to the effects of speech on prose memory (semantic auditory distraction), whereas another sub-process (measured by delayed/prior-list intrusions), known for its contribution to reading comprehension, is not. In Experiment 2 we developed a new WMC task called "size-comparison span" and found that the relationship between WMC and semantic auditory distraction is actually a relationship with a sub-process measured by current-list intrusions in our new task.


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    Maciej Czerwiński


    Full Text Available In this article paradigms of socialist realist poetics in prose narrative on World WarTwo are taken into consideration. Some key ideologemes of socialist realism and communist worldview are underlined, such as absence of ambiguity (unequivocalness, simplifi cations, consistent mimeticism (truthful and historically concrete representation of reality, class awareness, militancy and heroism in war. Alongside theoretical and official directives, formulated by dogmatic theoreticians of socijalist realist doctrine (like Jure Franičević-Pločar who based his understandings of literature on the Soviet principles, created by Zhdanov and Stalin, there are given analyses of some literary texts written by Josip Barković, Joža Horvat, Ivo Andrić i Mate Beretin. The author focuses on literary construction of characters – the prototype illegal partisans who ruthlessly struggle against the occupiers as well as chronotopic settings which enable for the action to be set within schematized confl ict of good and evil. Including the new communist man, that is created during the revolution, there are given crucial political orientations concerning the canonized vision of the war, such as the principle of symmetry (meaning that all peoples’ traitors are fascists and the vision of the liberation from fascism as the victory of the communist revolution (in this perspective, communists are depicted as the sole antifascists.

  14. Functional and thematic diversity of essayistics (on the example if J.Brodsky prose

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    Maslakov Anton Alexandrovich


    Full Text Available The article analyzes how the classification of essay types is related to the genre forming features of essays. It is considered in what way at the end of XX - the beginning of the XXI century it has changed the understanding genre forming features of essays and its place in the literary process. Attention is paid to the genre of the essay universal signs, the importance of which is recognized by the majority of researchers: subjective and complex nature of the genre and “discontinuity” works of the genre. It also discusses the different types of genre classification of the essay, based on the features of the hermeneutic, communicative and tribal nature of the essay. According to the author in the construction of productive varieties of the genre classification can be an approach that takes into account the complex nature of literary essays and specificity of subjectivity associated with the position of the media statements in the work. On the example of prose works, J. Brodsky demonstrated relation with the theme of the work, genre features are highlighted in the main types of essays of the poet. The main variety of works of this author are biographical and autobiographical essay; sustainable variant is essay-journey. Subjectivity and leitmotif organization of the text in these works are the main markers of essayism.

  15. Ten steps to successful software process improvement (United States)

    Kandt, R. K.


    This paper identifies ten steps for managing change that address organizational and cultural issues. Four of these steps are critical, that if not done, will almost guarantee failure. This ten-step program emphasizes the alignment of business goals, change process goals, and the work performed by the employees of an organization.

  16. Professionalisme met verwysing na die posisie van bedryfsielkunde en die bedryfsielkundige in Suid-Afrika

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    A. van der Merwe


    Bedryfsielkunde, as relatief jong maar snelgroeiende wetenskap, word aan die hand van ses kriteria vir 'n professie evalueer. Resultate in hierdie verband dui in die algemeen daarop dat die vakgebied alreeds vir 'n aantal jare in 'n oorgangsfase tot ‘n volwaardige professie is en dat daar in hierdie proses reeds ver op die professionele kontinuum gevorder is. Verdere onder-soeke ten opsigte van professionele opleiding, die statutêre organisering van Bedryfsielkunde asook 'n professionele kode en vereniging vir die Bedryfsielkunde word bepleit ten einde die professionele posisie van die vakgebied volledig te konsolideer.

  17. National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Percent Tree Canopy Collection (United States)

    U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior — The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Percent Tree Canopy Collection is a product of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and is produced through a cooperative project...

  18. The origin of the future ten questions for the next ten years

    CERN Document Server

    Gribbin, John


    How did the universe begin? Where do galaxies come from? How do stars and planets form? Where do the material particles we are made of come from? How did life begin? Today we have only provisional answers to such questions. But scientific progress will improve these answers dramatically over the next ten years, predicts John Gribbin in this riveting book. He focuses on what we know—or think we know—about ten controversial, unanswered issues in the physical sciences and explains how current cutting-edge research may yield solutions in the very near future. With his trademark facility for engaging readers with or without a scientific background, the author explores ideas concerning the creation of the universe, the possibility of other forms of life, and the fate of the expanding cosmos. He examines “theories of everything,” including grand unified theories and string theory, and he discusses the Big Bang theory, the origin of structure and patterns of matter in the galaxies, and dark mass and dark ene...

  19. Modeling percent tree canopy cover: a pilot study (United States)

    John W. Coulston; Gretchen G. Moisen; Barry T. Wilson; Mark V. Finco; Warren B. Cohen; C. Kenneth Brewer


    Tree canopy cover is a fundamental component of the landscape, and the amount of cover influences fire behavior, air pollution mitigation, and carbon storage. As such, efforts to empirically model percent tree canopy cover across the United States are a critical area of research. The 2001 national-scale canopy cover modeling and mapping effort was completed in 2006,...

  20. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for chronic low back pain. (United States)

    Milne, S; Welch, V; Brosseau, L; Saginur, M; Shea, B; Tugwell, P; Wells, G


    Low back pain (LBP) affects a large proportion of the population. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) was introduced more than 30 years ago as an alternative therapy to pharmacological treatments for chronic pain. However, despite its widespread use, the effectiveness of TENS is still controversial. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the efficacy of TENS in the treatment of chronic LBP. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PEDro and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register up to June 1, 2000. Only randomized controlled clinical trials of TENS for the treatment of patients with a clinical diagnosis of chronic LBP were included. Abstracts were excluded unless further data could be obtained from the authors. Two reviewers independently selected trials and extracted data using predetermined forms. Heterogeneity was tested with Cochran's Q test. A fixed effects model was used throughout for continuous variables, except where heterogeneity existed, in which case, a random effects model was used. Results are presented as weighted mean differences (WMD) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), where the difference between the treated and control groups was weighted by the inverse of the variance. Standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated by dividing the difference between the treated and control by the baseline variance. SMD were used when different scales were used to measure the same concept. Dichotomous outcomes were analyzed with odds ratios. Five trials were included, with 170 subjects randomized to the placebo group receiving sham-TENS and 251 subjects receiving active TENS (153 for conventional mode, 98 for acupuncture-like TENS). The schedule of treatments varied greatly between studies ranging from one treatment/day for two consecutive days, to three treatments/day for four weeks. There were no statistically significant differences between the active TENS group when compared to the placebo TENS group for any outcome measures

  1. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Sarigan (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  2. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Saipan (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  3. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Tutuila (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  4. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Anatahan (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  5. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Alamagan (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  6. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Agrihan (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  7. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Pagan (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  8. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Asuncion (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  9. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Aguijan (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  10. Completion of the first approach to critical for the seven percent critical experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barber, A. D.; Harms, G. A.


    The first approach-to-critical experiment in the Seven Percent Critical Experiment series was recently completed at Sandia. This experiment is part of the Seven Percent Critical Experiment which will provide new critical and reactor physics benchmarks for fuel enrichments greater than five weight percent. The inverse multiplication method was used to determine the state of the system during the course of the experiment. Using the inverse multiplication method, it was determined that the critical experiment went slightly supercritical with 1148 fuel elements in the fuel array. The experiment is described and the results of the experiment are presented. (authors)

  11. WHK Student Internship Enrollment, Mentor Participation Up More than 50 Percent | Poster (United States)

    By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer The Werner H. Kirsten Student Internship Program (WHK SIP) has enrolled the largest class ever for the 2013–2014 academic year, with 66 students and 50 mentors. This enrollment reflects a 53 percent increase in students and a 56 percent increase in mentors, compared to 2012–2013 (43 students and 32 mentors), according to Julie Hartman, WHK SIP

  12. A Ten-Year Reflection (United States)

    Phillip, Cyndi


    Five initiatives launched during Cyndi Phillip's term as American Association of School Librarians (AASL) President (2006-2007) continue to have an impact on school librarians ten years later. They include the rewriting of AASL's learning standards, introduction of the SKILLS Act, the presentation of the Crystal Apple Award to Scholastic Library…

  13. Prologues, Poetry, Prose and Portrayals: The Purposes of Fifteenth Century Fight Books According to the Diplomatic Evidence

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    Deacon Jacob Henry


    Full Text Available Although by far the most popular use of fifteenth century Fight Books in recent years has been their application to the study of Historical European Martial Arts and interpretations of medieval combat, this manner of learning from them was rarely what their creators had in mind. The following paper, relying primarily on the materials produced by Fiore dei Liberi, Filippo Vadi, Hans Talhoffer, and the anonymous author of Le Jeu de la Hache, will address modern practice and its connection to the source material via a study of the diplomatics of fifteenth century Fight Books, that is to say common tropes that are definitive of the genre. This has been done through analysing the roles of three of these; the purposes of introductions, of the use of language relating to the employment of either a prose or poetic structure, and the importance of the relationships between texts and illustrations. Through this application of diplomatics to Fight Books, the paper shall demonstrate how modern claims regarding authenticity are often overstated and in need of moderation.

  14. Urgensi Kecerdasan Emosional guna Menentukan Keberhasilan Peserta Didik dalam Proses Pembelajaran

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    agus musodiq


    kecerdasan emosional dan sosial. Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Emosional, Proses Pembelajaran.

  15. Supersymmetric gauged scale covariance in ten and lower dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishino, Hitoshi; Rajpoot, Subhash


    We present globally supersymmetric models of gauged scale covariance in ten, six, and four dimensions. This is an application of a recent similar gauging in three dimensions for a massive self-dual vector multiplet. In ten dimensions, we couple a single vector multiplet to another vector multiplet, where the latter gauges the scale covariance of the former. Due to scale covariance, the system does not have a Lagrangian formulation, but has only a set of field equations, like Type IIB supergravity in ten dimensions. As by-products, we construct similar models in six dimensions with N=(2,0) supersymmetry, and four dimensions with N=1 supersymmetry. We finally get a similar model with N=4 supersymmetry in four dimensions with consistent interactions that have never been known before. We expect a series of descendant theories in dimensions lower than ten by dimensional reductions. This result also indicates that similar mechanisms will work for other vector and scalar multiplets in space-time lower than ten dimensions


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    Olga Pavlovna Puchinina


    Full Text Available The author studies the peculiarities of repetition, being one of the ways to build syntactic relations in the represented speech structure, based on the prose by Marina Tsvetaeva. The article describes the different types of repetitions, their distinctive features and frequency of usage in the studied tests. The author describes different types of repetitions in the studied cases of represented speech from the point of view of their position. Repetition occurs at the beginning, end of sentences, beginning and end of a statement or paragraph, end of a statement and beginning of the next one; lexical items may be repeated in the middle of a statement. The morphology of repetitions, i.e., the way by what parts of speech the repeated words and structures are expressed, is of interest from the point of view of functional grammar. The author notes that Tsvetaeva repeats different parts of speech: conjunctions, prepositions, particles, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, numerals, verbs, modal words or a combination of two words. Moreover, due to her special intention, Tsvetaeva intensifies repetition through particular phonetic devices, such as alliteration, rhyme and rhythm, which make her prosaic works sound poetic. Purpose. The article is devoted to the topic of rendering another person’s speech, as it continues to be one of the most important issues of modern linguistics. The subject of analysis is repetition and its different types in the structure of represented speech on the material of prose texts by Marina Tsvetaeva. The author’s aims is to reveal the way these types of repetition (lexical, syntactic, semantic ones function in the structure of represented speech and what effect is achieved with their help. Methodology. The research has been conducted using the continuous sampling method and the quantitative estimation method, aimed to identify the frequency of using different types of repetition and repeated parts of speech and constructions in the

  17. A comparison of methods of determining the 100 percent survival of preserved red cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valeri, C.R.; Pivacek, L.E.; Ouellet, R.; Gray, A.


    Studies were done to compare three methods to determine the 100 percent survival value from which to estimate the 24-hour posttransfusion survival of preserved red cells. The following methods using small aliquots of 51 Cr-labeled autologous preserved red cells were evaluated: First, the 125 I-albumin method, which is an indirect measurement of the recipient's red cell volume derived from the plasma volume measured using 125 I-labeled albumin and the total body hematocrit. Second, the body surface area method (BSA) in which the recipient's red cell volume is derived from a body surface area nomogram. Third, an extrapolation method, which extrapolates to zero time the radioactivity associated with the red cells in the recipient's circulation from 10 to 20 or 15 to 30 minutes after transfusion. The three methods gave similar results in all studies in which less than 20 percent of the transfused red cells were nonviable (24-hour posttransfusion survival values of between 80-100%), but not when more than 20 percent of the red cells were nonviable. When 21 to 35 percent of the transfused red cells were nonviable (24-hour posttransfusion survivals of 65 to 79%), values with the 125 I-albumin method and the body surface area method were about 5 percent lower (p less than 0.001) than values with the extrapolation method. When greater than 35 percent of the red cells were nonviable (24-hour posttransfusion survival values of less than 65%), values with the 125 I-albumin method and the body surface area method were about 10 percent lower (p less than 0.001) than those obtained by the extrapolation method

  18. Affordances: Ten Years On (United States)

    Brown, Jill P.; Stillman, Gloria


    Ten years ago the construct, affordance, was rising in prominence in scholarly literature. A proliferation of different uses and meanings was evident. Beginning with its origin in the work of Gibson, we traced its development and use in various scholarly fields. This paper revisits our original question with respect to its utility in mathematics…

  19. Stephen Hawking's Community-Bound Voice A Functional Investigation of Self-Mentions in Stephen Hawking's Scientific Prose

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    Davud Kuhi


    Full Text Available Thanks to the development of the concept of metadiscourse, it is now widely acknowledged that academic/scientific writing is not only concerned with communicating purely propositional meanings: what is communicated through academic/scientific communication is seen to be intertwined with the negotiation of social and interpersonal meanings. While a large number of so called metadiscoursal resources contribute to the simultaneous negotiation of propositional and interpersonal meanings, the present study aimed at investigating the functions self-mention forms can fulfill in academic/scientific communication. Two of Stephen Hawking's scientific books were selected as the corpus of the research, and based on Tang and John's (1999 model, the constructed corpus was analyzed in terms of the functions self-mention forms can fulfill in academic/scientific writing. The findings revealed that from among the different roles identified by Tang and John, the representative role constituted the most frequent self-mention function in the corpus. The remarkably heavy presence of representative role in Hawking's scientific prose was interpreted as a further evidence for the claim that scientists are more likely to persuade readers of their ideas if they frame their messages in ways which appeal to appropriate community-recognized relationships.

  20. Hypoalgesia in response to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) depends on stimulation intensity. (United States)

    Moran, Fidelma; Leonard, Tracey; Hawthorne, Stephanie; Hughes, Ciara M; McCrum-Gardner, Evie; Johnson, Mark I; Rakel, Barbara A; Sluka, Kathleen A; Walsh, Deirdre M


    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an electrophysical modality used for pain management. This study investigated the dose response of different TENS intensities on experimentally induced pressure pain. One hundred and thirty TENS naïve healthy individuals (18-64 years old; 65 males, 65 females) were randomly allocated to 5 groups (n = 26 per group): Strong Non Painful TENS; Sensory Threshold TENS; Below Sensory Threshold TENS; No Current Placebo TENS; and Transient Placebo TENS. Active TENS (80 Hz) was applied to the forearm for 30 minutes. Transient Placebo TENS was applied for 42 seconds after which the current amplitude automatically reset to 0 mA. Pressure pain thresholds (PPT) were recorded from 2 points on the hand and forearm before and after TENS to measure hypoalgesia. There were significant differences between groups at both the hand and forearm (ANOVA; P = .005 and .002). At 30 minutes, there was a significant hypoalgesic effect in the Strong Non Painful TENS group compared to: Below Sensory Threshold TENS, No Current Placebo TENS and Transient Placebo TENS groups (P TENS and No Current Placebo TENS groups at the hand (P = .001). There was no significant difference between Strong Non Painful TENS and Sensory Threshold TENS groups. The area under the curve for the changes in PPT significantly correlated with the current amplitude (r(2) = .33, P = .003). These data therefore show that there is a dose-response effect of TENS with the largest effect occurring with the highest current amplitudes. This study shows a dose response for the intensity of TENS for pain relief with the strongest intensities showing the greatest effect; thus, we suggest that TENS intensity should be titrated to achieve the strongest possible intensity to achieve maximum pain relief. Copyright © 2011 American Pain Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Ten Things Every Professor Should Know about Assessment (United States)

    Wolf, Kenneth; Dunlap, Joanna; Stevens, Ellen


    This article describes ten key assessment practices for advancing student learning that all professors should be familiar with and strategically incorporate in their classrooms and programs. Each practice or concept is explained with examples and guidance for putting it into practice. The ten are: learning outcomes, performance assessments,…

  2. Wêreldmededingendheid en die tegnologie

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    C. W. I. Pistorius


    Full Text Available Afgesien van die interne uitdagings wat die Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP aan Suid-Afrika bied, moet die land ook tred hou met die veranderende globale omgewing, spesifiek die toenemende belangrikheid van ekonomiese sekuriteit as komponent van nasionale sekuriteit. Die konsep van mededingendheid vergestalt die doelwit wat nagestreef moet word ten einde die ontluikende globale ekonomiese stryd aan te durf. As ’n belangrike drywer van ekonomiese welvaart is tegnologie een van die belangrikste sleutels tot internasionale mededingendheid. Tegnologiese innovasie is die proses wat as hefboom hiervoor gebruik moet word. Dit is egter nodig dat tegnologie, en spesifiek die proses van tegnologiese innovasie, formeel en gestruktureerd bestuur moet word, sowel op nasionale as firmavlak. Op nasionale vlak is die voorsiene Nasionale Innovasiestelsel beslis ’n stap in die regte rigting.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) has been described as resulting in vasodilatation. The effect of 2 Hz TENS of the right hand during forty-five minutes on skin temperature and plethysmography of the third digit of both hands and feet and on transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcpO2) of the right

  4. ABACC ten years applying safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palacios, Elias


    The Argentinian-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of nuclear special materials has been in operations for ten years. The rational behind the creation and the work performed by the Agency during the last decade is described. (author)

  5. EEG Correlates of Ten Positive Emotions. (United States)

    Hu, Xin; Yu, Jianwen; Song, Mengdi; Yu, Chun; Wang, Fei; Sun, Pei; Wang, Daifa; Zhang, Dan


    Compared with the well documented neurophysiological findings on negative emotions, much less is known about positive emotions. In the present study, we explored the EEG correlates of ten different positive emotions (joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and love). A group of 20 participants were invited to watch 30 short film clips with their EEGs simultaneously recorded. Distinct topographical patterns for different positive emotions were found for the correlation coefficients between the subjective ratings on the ten positive emotions per film clip and the corresponding EEG spectral powers in different frequency bands. Based on the similarities of the participants' ratings on the ten positive emotions, these emotions were further clustered into three representative clusters, as 'encouragement' for awe, gratitude, hope, inspiration, pride, 'playfulness' for amusement, joy, interest, and 'harmony' for love, serenity. Using the EEG spectral powers as features, both the binary classification on the higher and lower ratings on these positive emotions and the binary classification between the three positive emotion clusters, achieved accuracies of approximately 80% and above. To our knowledge, our study provides the first piece of evidence on the EEG correlates of different positive emotions.

  6. Using TENS for pain control: the state of the evidence (United States)

    Vance, Carol GT; Dailey, Dana L; Rakel, Barbara A; Sluka, Kathleen A


    Summary Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a nonpharmacological intervention that activates a complex neuronal network to reduce pain by activating descending inhibitory systems in the central nervous system to reduce hyperalgesia. The evidence for TENS efficacy is conflicting and requires not only description but also critique. Population-specific systemic reviews and meta-analyses are emerging, indicating both HF and LF TENS being shown to provide analgesia, specifically when applied at a strong, nonpainful intensity. The purpose of this article is to provide a critical review of the latest basic science and clinical evidence for TENS. Additional research is necessary to determine if TENS has effects specific to mechanical stimuli and/or beyond reduction of pain and will improve activity levels, function and quality of life. PMID:24953072


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    Ade Wirli Putra


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKKarakterisasi pertukaran ion Pb2+ dengan Ion Ca2+ dalam larutan menggunakan proses biosorbsi dengan biomassa alga hijau cladofora fracta  telah diteliti.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui selektifitas pertukaran pertukaran ion Pb2+  dengan ion Ca2+ dan sebaliknya, Pengaruh pH eluen terhadap desorpsi  ion Pb2+  dan adsorpsi Ion Ca2+, Karakterisasi desorpsi  Ion Ca2+ dan  Ion Pb2+ dengan larutan HNO3 0,1 M dan H2O akan diamati pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh memperlihatkan bahwa proses pertukaran ion Ca2+ dengan ion Pb2+ lebih mudah terjadi dibandingkan pertukaran ion Pb2+ dengan Ca2+. Desorpsi  ion Pb2+ relatif rendah saat pH eluen sama dengan pH optimum biosorpsi  ion  Pb2+ (pH 4,0. Pada pH 5,0 kemungkinan terjadi endapan  timbal (II hidroksida ( Pb(OH2 .  Penyerapan  ion Ca2+, yang terdapat  dalam eluen, lebih besar terjadi pada pH yang lebih tinggi (pH 5,0. Desorpsi ion Pb2+ dengan larutan HNO3 0,1M dan H2O memperlihatkan hasil yang berbeda (masing-masing  28,10% dan 15,56%, sedangkan desorpsi ion Ca2+ dengan  larutan HNO3 0,1M dan H2O tidak memperlihatkan berbeda yang signifikan (masing-masing 37,91% dan 34,75%, sehingga larutan HNO3 0,1M sebagai eluen pendesorpsi ion Pb2+ dari biosorben lebih efektif dibandingkan eluen H2O.  ABSTRACTCharacterization of  Pb 2+ ion exchange with Ca2 + ions using the process biosorbtion with green algae biomass Cladofora fracta been investigated. This study aims to determine the selectivity of the exchange ion exchange Pb 2+ ions with Ca2 + and vice versa, Effect of pH eluent to desorption of ions Pb 2+ and adsorption of ions Ca2 +, Characterization desorption of ions Ca2 + and Ion Pb 2+ with a solution of HNO3 0.1 M and H2O will be observed in this study. The results obtained showed that the Ca2 + ion exchange process with Pb 2+ ions more readily than Pb 2+ ion exchange with Ca2 +. Desorption of Pb 2+ ion is relatively low at the same eluent pH with a p

  8. "Take ten minutes": a dedicated ten minute medication review reduces polypharmacy in the elderly.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Walsh, E K


    Multiple and inappropriate medications are often the cause for poor health status in the elderly. Medication reviews can improve prescribing. This study aimed to determine if a ten minute medication review by a general practitioner could reduce polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing in elderly patients. A prospective, randomised study was conducted. Patients over the age of 65 (n = 50) underwent a 10-minute medication review. Inappropriate medications, dosage errors, and discrepancies between prescribed versus actual medication being consumed were recorded. A questionnaire to assess satisfaction was completed following review. The mean number of medications taken by patients was reduced (p < 0.001). A medication was stopped in 35 (70%) patients. Inappropriate medications were detected in 27 (54%) patients and reduced (p < 0.001). Dose errors were detected in 16 (32%). A high level of patient satisfaction was reported. A ten minute medication review reduces polypharmacy, improves prescribing and is associated with high levels of patient satisfaction.

  9. "Take ten minutes": a dedicated ten minute medication review reduces polypharmacy in the elderly.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Walsh, E K


    Multiple and inappropriate medications are often the cause for poor health status in the elderly. Medication reviews can improve prescribing. This study aimed to determine if a ten minute medication review by a general practitioner could reduce polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing in elderly patients. A prospective, randomised study was conducted. Patients over the age of 65 (n = 50) underwent a 10-minute medication review. Inappropriate medications, dosage errors, and discrepancies between prescribed versus actual medication being consumed were recorded. A questionnaire to assess satisfaction was completed following review. The mean number of medications taken by patients was reduced (p < 0.001). A medication was stopped in 35 (70%) patients. Inappropriate medications were detected in 27 (54%) patients and reduced (p < 0.001). Dose errors were detected in 16 (32%). A high level of patient satisfaction was reported. A ten minute medication review reduces polypharmacy, improves prescribing and is associated with high levels of patient satisfaction.

  10. Age-specific association between percent body fat and pulmonary ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study describes the association between percent body fat and pulmonary function among apparently normal twenty male children tidal volume aged 4 years and twenty male children aged 10 years in Ogbomoso. The mean functional residual capacity of the lung in male children aged 10 years was significantly higher ...

  11. Identification of a novel percent mammographic density locus at 12q24. (United States)

    Stevens, Kristen N; Lindstrom, Sara; Scott, Christopher G; Thompson, Deborah; Sellers, Thomas A; Wang, Xianshu; Wang, Alice; Atkinson, Elizabeth; Rider, David N; Eckel-Passow, Jeanette E; Varghese, Jajini S; Audley, Tina; Brown, Judith; Leyland, Jean; Luben, Robert N; Warren, Ruth M L; Loos, Ruth J F; Wareham, Nicholas J; Li, Jingmei; Hall, Per; Liu, Jianjun; Eriksson, Louise; Czene, Kamila; Olson, Janet E; Pankratz, V Shane; Fredericksen, Zachary; Diasio, Robert B; Lee, Adam M; Heit, John A; DeAndrade, Mariza; Goode, Ellen L; Vierkant, Robert A; Cunningham, Julie M; Armasu, Sebastian M; Weinshilboum, Richard; Fridley, Brooke L; Batzler, Anthony; Ingle, James N; Boyd, Norman F; Paterson, Andrew D; Rommens, Johanna; Martin, Lisa J; Hopper, John L; Southey, Melissa C; Stone, Jennifer; Apicella, Carmel; Kraft, Peter; Hankinson, Susan E; Hazra, Aditi; Hunter, David J; Easton, Douglas F; Couch, Fergus J; Tamimi, Rulla M; Vachon, Celine M


    Percent mammographic density adjusted for age and body mass index (BMI) is one of the strongest risk factors for breast cancer and has a heritable component that remains largely unidentified. We performed a three-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS) of percent mammographic density to identify novel genetic loci associated with this trait. In stage 1, we combined three GWASs of percent density comprised of 1241 women from studies at the Mayo Clinic and identified the top 48 loci (99 single nucleotide polymorphisms). We attempted replication of these loci in 7018 women from seven additional studies (stage 2). The meta-analysis of stage 1 and 2 data identified a novel locus, rs1265507 on 12q24, associated with percent density, adjusting for age and BMI (P = 4.43 × 10(-8)). We refined the 12q24 locus with 459 additional variants (stage 3) in a combined analysis of all three stages (n = 10 377) and confirmed that rs1265507 has the strongest association in the 12q24 region (P = 1.03 × 10(-8)). Rs1265507 is located between the genes TBX5 and TBX3, which are members of the phylogenetically conserved T-box gene family and encode transcription factors involved in developmental regulation. Understanding the mechanism underlying this association will provide insight into the genetics of breast tissue composition.

  12. Ten Tips for Parents to Help Their Children Avoid Teen Pregnancy (United States)

    ... we do » Resource library » Ten tips for parents Ten Tips for Parents to Help Their Children Avoid Teen Pregnancy Publication Created with Sketch. Ten Tips for Parents to Help Their Children Avoid ...


    Ankerst, Donna Pauler; Gelfond, Jonathan; Goros, Martin; Herrera, Jesus; Strobl, Andreas; Thompson, Ian M.; Hernandez, Javier; Leach, Robin J.


    PURPOSE To characterize the diagnostic properties of serial percent-free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in relation to PSA in a multi-ethnic, multi-racial cohort of healthy men. MATERIALS AND METHODS 6,982 percent-free PSA and PSA measures were obtained from participants in a 12 year+ Texas screening study comprising 1625 men who never underwent biopsy, 497 who underwent one or more biopsies negative for prostate cancer, and 61 diagnosed with prostate cancer. Area underneath the receiver-operating-characteristic-curve (AUC) for percent-free PSA, and the proportion of patients with fluctuating values across multiple visits were determined according to two thresholds (under 15% versus 25%) were evaluated. The proportion of cancer cases where percent-free PSA indicated a positive test before PSA > 4 ng/mL did and the number of negative biopsies that would have been spared by percent-free PSA testing negative were computed. RESULTS Percent-free PSA fluctuated around its threshold of PSA tested positive earlier than PSA in 71.4% (34.2%) of cancer cases, and among men with multiple negative biopsies and a PSA > 4 ng/mL, percent-free PSA would have tested negative in 31.6% (65.8%) instances. CONCLUSIONS Percent-free PSA should accompany PSA testing in order to potentially spare unnecessary biopsies or detect cancer earlier. When near the threshold, both tests should be repeated due to commonly observed fluctuation. PMID:26979652

  14. Chernobyl ten years after

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The accident in the fourth reactor plant in Chernobyl in Ukraine occurred ten years years ago, caused the death of 31 people while the health consequences have turned out to be difficult to assess. This review describes the accident, its consequences and effects to health, studies carried out at the present state as well as the comparison with the other accidents and disaster. (author)





    Transkutana električna nervna stimulacija. (TENS) danas je široko prihvaćen terapijski postupak za suzbijanje boli. Način njezina djelovanja nije još jasno definiran, premda se većina autora priklanja centralnom mehranizmu smanjenja boli. Rezultati, u literaturi, variraju od nesignifikantno boljeg učinka od placeba do 95°/o dobrog analgetskog djelovanja. U Zavodu za reumatske bolesti i rehabilitaciju Kliničkog bolničkog centra, Zagreb, evaluiran je učinak TENS-a u bolesnika s križ...

  16. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Kauai, 2005 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  17. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Niihau, 2005 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  18. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Stingray Shoals (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  19. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Molokai, 2005 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  20. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Ofu & Olosega (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  1. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Ta'u (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  2. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Guam, 2003 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  3. Analysis association of milk fat and protein percent in quantitative ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 14, 2014 ... African Journal of Biotechnology. Full Length ... quantitative trait locus (QTLs) on chromosomes 1, 6, 7 and 20 in ... Protein and fat percent as content of milk are high-priority criteria for financial aims and selection of programs ...

  4. Sistem Administrasi Proses Belajar Mengajar Di Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi PNJ Berbasis Android dengan Transmisi WiFi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toto Supriyanto


    Full Text Available Sistem Administrasi Proses Belajar Mengajar di Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi PNJ Berbasis Android dengan Transmisi Wifi  merupakan sebuah sistem untuk pencatatan kegiatan belajar mengajar berupa absen mahasiswa dan materi pembelajaran setiap harinya. Web server bertindak sebagai admin dan aplikasi android sebagai user. User dalam hal ini adalah dosen. Aplikasi ini terinstal pada tablet PC dan setiap menggunakan aplikasi ini user akan melakukan login terlebih dahulu dengan memasukkan username dan password sesuai dengan database server. Setelah melakukan login aplikasi akan menampilkan halaman menu. Pada halaman menu berisi  profil dosen, kelas dan mata kuliah yang diajar oleh dosen, kurikulum yang ada di program studi teknik telekomunikasi PNJ dan jadwal mengajar dosen. Pada menu jadwal, dosen dapat melakukan absensi mahasiswa didik. Dosen melakukan absen satu persatu dengan menekan tombol “absen”. Data absensi dikirimkan ke web server dengan transmisi wifi dan masuk ke halaman lembar kontrol kegiatan dimana user diminta untuk mencatatkan judul materi. Web server akan menyimpan seluruh data yang dikirimkan oleh aplikasi android dan mengakumulasi absensi mahasiswa. Jika terdapat mahasiswa yang tidak hadir pada jam belajar dan memiliki masalah pada jumlah absensi sistem akan mengirimkan notifikasi berupa SMS kepada mahasiswa bersangkutan melalui SMS gateway.

  5. How the Big Ten West Was Won: Football Recruiting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diehl Kevin A.


    Full Text Available The paper analyses the 2017 Big Ten West Division football cycle models recruiting. The top ten recruit scores [( * 100 + [100 (outside surrounding; 75 (surrounding] + extra credit walk-ons (100; 75] allow proper ranking: Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Illinois, Minnesota, and Purdue.

  6. 2012 Ten-year scheme of network development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    RTE, an independent subsidiary of EDF, is the French electricity transmission system operator. It is a public service company responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the high and extra high voltage network. It guarantees the reliability and proper operation of the power network. RTE transports electricity between electricity suppliers (French and European) and consumers, whether they are electricity distributors or industrial consumers directly connected to the transmission system. The mission of RTE is to balance the electricity supply and demand in real time. With the support of the government authorities, RTE prepares a ten-year scheme of network development in France; This document presents the main electricity transport infrastructures to foresee within the ten coming years and lists the network development investments which must be realised and implemented within 3 years. The document is updated each year and comes to complement at the national level the European ten year network development plan (TYNDP) and the European regional plans as provided for in the 2009/72/CE European directive

  7. Ten-year scheme of network development - 2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    RTE, an independent subsidiary of EDF, is the French electricity transmission system operator. It is a public service company responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the high and extra high voltage network. It guarantees the reliability and proper operation of the power network. RTE transports electricity between electricity suppliers (French and European) and consumers, whether they are electricity distributors or industrial consumers directly connected to the transmission system. The mission of RTE is to balance the electricity supply and demand in real time. With the support of the government authorities, RTE prepares a ten-year scheme of network development in France; This document presents the main electricity transport infrastructures to foresee within the ten coming years and lists the network development investments which must be realised and implemented within 3 years. The document is updated each year and comes to complement at the national level the European ten year network development plan (TYNDP) and the European regional plans as provided for in the 2009/72/CE European directive

  8. Top-Ten IT Issues: 2009 (United States)

    Agee, Anne Scrivener; Yang, Catherine


    This article presents the top-ten IT-related issues in terms of strategic importance to the institution, as revealed by the tenth annual EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey. These IT-related issues include: (1) Funding IT; (2) Administrative/ERP Information Systems; (3) Security; (4) Infrastructure/Cyberinfrastructure; (5) Teaching and Learning with…

  9. 46 CFR 42.20-7 - Flooding standard: Type “B” vessel, 60 percent reduction. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Flooding standard: Type âBâ vessel, 60 percent reduction... DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN VOYAGES BY SEA Freeboards § 42.20-7 Flooding standard: Type “B” vessel, 60 percent... applied to the following flooding standards: (1) If the vessel is 225 meters (738 feet) or less in length...

  10. 42 CFR 457.618 - Ten percent limit on certain Children's Health Insurance Program expenditures. (United States)


    ... Insurance Program expenditures. 457.618 Section 457.618 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) STATE CHILDREN'S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS... Children's Health Insurance Program expenditures. (a) Expenditures. (1) Primary expenditures are...

  11. Fabrication of ten-fold photonic quasicrystalline structures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    XiaoHong Sun


    Full Text Available Compared to periodic crystals, quasicrystals have higher point group symmetry and are more favorable in achieving complete band-gaps. In this report, a top-cut prism interferometer is designed to fabricate ten-fold photonic quasicrystalline structures. By optimizing the exposing conditions and material characteristics, appropriate quasicrystals have been obtained in the SU8 photoresist films. Atomic Force Microscopy and laser diffraction are used to characterize the fabricated structures. The measurement results show the consistence between the theoretical design and experiments. This will provide guidance for the large-area and fast production of ten-fold quasicrystalline structures with high quality.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nani Harihastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penggunaan biogas sebagai bahan bakar secara langsung sering menimbulkan permasalahan yaitu terjadi bau tidak sedap, peralatan logam  dan kompor cepat berkarat, dinding dapur terkikis  dan api sering  padam sendiri. Hal ini disebabkan dalam biogas selain metana (CH4 terkandung gas-gas lain H2S, NH3, CO2, H2 , CO dan uap air (H2O. Beberapa gas yang bersifat impurities ( H2S, NH3, CO2 dan uap air /H2O akan menurunkan nilai kalori dari biogas dan merugikan lingkungan dan kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghilangkan gas impurities dari biogas melalui proses purifikasi sehingga diperoleh biogas yang mempunyai nilai kalor tinggi dan ramah lingkungan.Metode yang dilakukan dengan proses adsorpsi menggunakan  adsorben karbon aktif dengan variabel waktu kontak, untuk mendapatkan daya adsorpsi yang optimum dari karbon aktif terhadap gas impurities yang ada dalam biogas. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh data- data              penghilangan / reduksi gas  impuritis H2S mencapai 99,99% , dari 4200 ppm menjadi 0,22 ppm, penghilangan gas NH3 mencapai 94,96%, dari 12,7 ppm menjadi 0,65 ppm, penghilangan gas CO2 mencapai 77,48 %, dari 30, 77 % menjadi 6,93 %, penghilangan uap air (H2O mencapai 97,95%,  dari 0,584 mg/lt menjadi 0,012 mg/lt.Kenaikan konsentrasi methane (CH4 dari 38,2 % menjadi 84,12 %. Hasil purifikasi metana (CH4 dari biogas ini merupakan sumber energi  terbarukan yang aman dan  ramah lingkungan serta dapat di kembangkan lagi penerapannya di IKM tahu lainnya. Waktu jenuh adsorben karbon aktif diperoleh setelah  48 jam proses purifikasi berlangsung. Daya adsorpsi Karbon aktif optimum terhadap masing masing komponen gas impuritis adalah sebagai berikut terhadap H2S adalah  10,98 mg H2S/gram karbon aktif/menit, terhadap NH3  adalah 0,016 mg NH3/gram karbon aktif/menit, terhadap CO2 adalah 0,090mg CO2/gram karbon aktif/menit.Dampak yang terjadi bila biogas tidak dimanfaatkan dan dibiarkan terlepas ke

  13. Ten into four won't go

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freedman, D.Z.; West, P.C.


    It is shown that nontrivial spontaneous compactification of ten-dimensional N = 1 supergravity with or without Yang-Mills matter is not possible unless maximal symmetry (i.e. Lorentz invariance) is violated in the four-dimensional spacetime

  14. Critical Studies on Men in Ten European Countries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pringle, Keith; Hearn, Jeff (and 13 other network partners)


    This article is one the work of The European Research Network on Men in Europe project “The Social Problem and Societal Problematization of Men and Masculinities” (2000-2003), funded by the European Commission. The Network comprises women and men researchers with range of disciplinary backgrounds...... of statistical sources on men's practices in the ten countries, are presented. This is the second of four articles reviewing critical studies on men in the ten countries through different methods and approaches....

  15. Nonresponse Error in Mail Surveys: Top Ten Problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeanette M. Daly


    Full Text Available Conducting mail surveys can result in nonresponse error, which occurs when the potential participant is unwilling to participate or impossible to contact. Nonresponse can result in a reduction in precision of the study and may bias results. The purpose of this paper is to describe and make readers aware of a top ten list of mailed survey problems affecting the response rate encountered over time with different research projects, while utilizing the Dillman Total Design Method. Ten nonresponse error problems were identified, such as inserter machine gets sequence out of order, capitalization in databases, and mailing discarded by postal service. These ten mishaps can potentiate nonresponse errors, but there are ways to minimize their frequency. Suggestions offered stem from our own experiences during research projects. Our goal is to increase researchers' knowledge of nonresponse error problems and to offer solutions which can decrease nonresponse error in future projects.

  16. EnviroAtlas - Cleveland, OH - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  17. EnviroAtlas - Austin, TX - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  18. EnviroAtlas - Portland, ME - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  19. EnviroAtlas - Woodbine, IA - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  20. EnviroAtlas - Milwaukee, WI - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  1. EnviroAtlas - Tampa, FL - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  2. EnviroAtlas - Pittsburgh, PA - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  3. EnviroAtlas - Phoenix, AZ - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  4. EnviroAtlas - Durham, NC - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  5. EnviroAtlas - Portland, OR - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  6. EnviroAtlas - Paterson, NJ - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  7. EnviroAtlas - Memphis, TN - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  8. EnviroAtlas - Fresno, CA - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  9. EnviroAtlas Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads Web Service (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  10. Amazing 7-day, super-simple, scripted guide to teaching or learning percents

    CERN Document Server

    Hernandez, Lisa


    Welcome to The Amazing 7-Day, Super-Simple, Scripted Guide to Teaching or Learning Percents. I have attempted to do just what the title says: make learning percents super simple. I have also attempted to make it fun and even ear-catching. The reason for this is not that I am a frustrated stand-up comic, but because in my fourteen years of teaching the subject, I have come to realize that my jokes, even the bad ones, have a crazy way of sticking in my students' heads. And should I use a joke (even a bad one) repetitively, the associations become embedded in their brains, many times to their cha

  11. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for chronic low-back pain. (United States)

    Khadilkar, A; Milne, S; Brosseau, L; Robinson, V; Saginur, M; Shea, B; Tugwell, P; Wells, G


    Chronic low-back pain (LBP) affects a significant proportion of the population. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) was introduced more than 30 years ago as an adjunct to the pharmacological management of pain. However, despite its widespread use, the usefulness of TENS in chronic LBP is still controversial. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of TENS in the management of chronic LBP. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Issue 2, 2005), MEDLINE, EMBASE and PEDro up to April 1, 2005. Only randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) evaluating the effect of TENS on chronic LBP were included. Abstracts were excluded unless further data could be obtained from the authors. Two reviewers independently selected trials and extracted data using predetermined forms. Heterogeneity was tested with Cochrane's Q test. A fixed effect model was used throughout for calculating continuous variables, except where heterogeneity existed, in which case, a random effects model was used. Results are presented as weighted mean differences (WMD) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), where the difference between the treated and control groups was weighted by the inverse of the variance. Standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated by dividing the difference between the treated and control by the baseline variance. SMD were used when different scales were used to measure the same concept. Dichotomous outcomes were analyzed with odds ratios. The only two RCTs (175 patients) meeting eligibility criteria differed in study design, methodological quality, inclusion and exclusion criteria, type and method of TENS application, treatment schedule, co-interventions and final outcomes. In one RCT, TENS produced significantly greater pain relief than the placebo control. However, in the other RCT, no statistically significant differences between treatment and control groups were shown for multiple outcome measures. Pre

  12. America’s Water Future and Deep Energy (United States)


    demonstrate decreased productivity, increased medical costs, and social instability. Many diarrheal diseases, such as cholera , Cryptosporidium, E. coli...and Mexico , ten percent.19 The five biggest nation state sources of net crude oil and petroleum product imports were Canada, twenty-five percent...Saudi Arabia, twelve percent; Nigeria, eleven percent; Venezuela, ten percent; and Mexico , nine percent.20 Crude oil is a naturally occurring

  13. MFT homogeneity study at TNX: Final report on the low weight percent solids concentration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenkins, W.J.


    A statistical design and analysis of both elemental analyses and weight percent solids analyses data was utilized to evaluate the MFT homogeneity at low heel levels and low agitator speed at both high and low solids feed concentrations. The homogeneity was also evaluated at both low and high agitator speed at the 6000+ gallons static level. The dynamic level portion of the test simulated feeding the Melter from the MFT to evaluate the uniformity of the solids slurry composition (Frit-PHA-Sludge) entering the melter from the MFT. This final report provides the results and conclusions from the second half of the study, the low weight percent solids concentration portion, as well as a comparison with the results from the first half of the study, the high weight percent solids portion

  14. Evaluating Equating Results: Percent Relative Error for Chained Kernel Equating (United States)

    Jiang, Yanlin; von Davier, Alina A.; Chen, Haiwen


    This article presents a method for evaluating equating results. Within the kernel equating framework, the percent relative error (PRE) for chained equipercentile equating was computed under the nonequivalent groups with anchor test (NEAT) design. The method was applied to two data sets to obtain the PRE, which can be used to measure equating…

  15. Mid-term evaluation of ten National Research schools

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafsson, Göran; Dahl, Hanne Marlene; Gustafsson, Christina

    the scheme was launched, the Research Council has issued three calls for proposals and allocated grants to a total of 22 national research schools. Five were started up in 2009, ten in 2013 and seven in 2015. A Nordic scientific programme committee was appointed in 2013, with responsibility for assessing...... grant applications, monitoring the progress of the FORSKERSKOLER scheme and serving as the evaluation panel for the mid-term evaluation in 2013 and in 2016/2017. The task of the evaluation panel has been to: 1) evaluate the quality of and progress achieved by the ten research schools which were awarded...... funding in 2012 and launched in 2013; and 2) to provide recommendations as to whether funding should be continued to cover the full eight-year period or terminated after five years. Continued funding is recommended for all ten schools to cover the full eight-year period, according to the proposed budget...

  16. Is TENS purely a placebo effect? A controlled study on chronic low back pain. (United States)

    Marchand, S; Charest, J; Li, J; Chenard, J R; Lavignolle, B; Laurencelle, L


    Although high-frequency low-intensity transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) has been extensively used to relieve low back pain, experimental studies of its effectiveness have yielded contradictory findings mainly due to methodological problems in pain evaluation and placebo control. In the present study, separate visual analog scales (VAS) were used to measure the sensory-discriminative and motivational-affective components of low back pain. Forty-two subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: TENS, placebo-TENS, and no treatment (control). In order to measure the short-term effect of TENS, VAS pain ratings were taken before and after each treatment session. Also, to measure long-term effects, patients rated their pain at home every 2 h throughout a 3-day period before and 1 week, 3 months and 6 months after the treatment sessions. In comparing the pain evaluations made immediately before and after each treatment session, TENS and placebo-TENS significantly reduced both the intensity and unpleasantness of chronic low back pain. TENS was significantly more efficient than placebo-TENS in reducing pain intensity but not pain unpleasantness. TENS also produced a significant additive effect over repetitive treatment sessions for pain intensity and relative pain unpleasantness. This additive effect was not found for placebo-TENS. When evaluated at home, pain intensity was significantly reduced more by TENS than placebo-TENS 1 week after the end of treatment, but not 3 months and 6 months later. At home evaluation of pain unpleasantness in the TENS group was never different from the placebo-TENS group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  17. Aesthetics of Modernism in the Prose of German Female Writers at the Turn of GDR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamila Kyrylova


    Full Text Available The article offers the analysis of the aesthetics of modernism in the prose of German female writers at the turn of GDR. Texts of H. Königsdorf, M. Maron and B. Burmeister have a high grade of the modernist aesthetics in order to overcome the crisis cultural-historical period at the turn of GDR and also as a mode to resist against doctrines of socrealizm in the conditions of the strict regulation of art and its ideologization of the state. The fact of active using of modernist aesthetics becomes an interesting unknown case in the modern history of German female literature. Purpose of the study is to search a strong intertextual connection between novels different chronological periods in order to find out important factors and changes of national German history by means of literary contextualization female experience of dictatorship, to make links with the most important historical-literary features in the beginning of 20th century, establish reasons for return of modernist aesthetics, to prove interrelationships between turning stages of German female literature in the 20th century. The complex analysis consists of the modern methods and ideas of German studies: Gender Studies and historical-cultural analysis (W. Emmerich, S. Schaffratch. The benefits of this study let discover dynamism of national events and literary process, its projection in the newest female literature of women after 1989.

  18. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Raita Bank, 2001 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  19. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Eleven-Mile Bank (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  20. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Gardner Pinnacles, 2003 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  1. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at French Frigate Shoals (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  2. Ten out of ten for LHC decapole magnets

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN's Albert Ijspeert (left) and Avinash Puntambekar of the Indian CAT laboratory with the ten Indian decapole magnets on the test bench. Tests will be carried out by the LHC-MTA group. A batch of 10 superconducting decapole magnets for the LHC has just arrived at CERN from India. These will be used to correct for slight imperfections in the dipole magnets that will steer proton beams around CERN's new accelerator. All magnets have slight imperfections in the fields they produce, and in the LHC dipoles these will be corrected for using sextupoles and decapoles. The sextupoles were the first LHC magnets to be given the production green-light following successful tests of pre-series magnets last year (Bulletin 21/2000, 22 May 2000). Now it is the turn of pre-series decapoles to go on trial at CERN. Of the LHC's 1232 dipole magnets, half will use sextupole correctors only and the other half will use both sextupoles and decapoles. That means that a total of 616 pairs of decapoles are needed. Like the sextupole...

  3. Language attitudes in the second language situation


    Riana Roos


    A distinction is made between attitudes and specifically language attitudes. The process of acculturation is dealt with and its influence upon the motivation of ESL learners. Integrational and instmmental motivation are defined. Teachers' language attitudes, the dangers of prejudice and stereotyping are discussed. ,Attitude changes are analysed as well as the teacher's role in effecting them. 'n Onderskeid word getref tussen algemene houdings en houdings ten opsigte van taal. Die proses van a...

  4. Ten years after the Jali Commission

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ten years have lapsed since the Jali Commission's final report became publicly available, and it is therefore an .... as the 'core business' of the department. This was seen as .... the 2009/10–2013/14 DCS Strategic Plan did the department ...

  5. Early Predictors of Ten-Year Course in First-Episode Psychosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Svein; Melle, Ingrid; Johannessen, Jan Olav


    , five, and ten years (N=186 at ten years). Time in psychosis was defined as time with scores ≥4 on any of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale items P1, P3, P5, P6, and G9. Evaluations were retrospective, based on clinical interviews and all available clinical information. During the first two years......, patients were also evaluated by their clinicians at least biweekly. Baseline and early-course predictors of long-term course were identified with linear mixed-model analyses. RESULTS: Four variables provided significant, additive predictions of longer time in psychosis during the ten-year follow...

  6. Ten years of nuclear power

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ten years have elapsed since the world's first nuclear power station began to supply electricity in Russia, and this in turn marked the end of a twelve year stage following the first controlled nuclear chain reaction at Chicago. These periods mark major stages in the development of atomic energy from the realm of abstract ideas to that of everyday industrial application. They followed a period of fundamental research and laboratory work, culminating in Enrico Fermi's demonstration of a system whereby the forces of the atom could be brought under control. Then it was necessary to find ways and means of using the chain reaction for practical purposes and on an industrial scale. And after this had been shown in 1954 to be technically possible, it had still to be developed into an economic process. The nuclear power station has proved itself from the technical and engineering standpoint. The third phase of development has been to bring it to the stage of being economically competitive with alternative sources of energy, and it would appear that we are now reaching that goal - though more slowly than had been envisaged ten years ago


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajesri Govindaraju


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to design a customer churn prediction system using data mining approach. This system is able to perform data integration, data cleaning, data transformation, sampling and data splitting, prediction model building, predicting customer churn, and show the results in certain agreed forms. Churn prediction variables were identified based on earlier research reports that include customer information, payment method, call pattern, complaint data, telecommunication services usage and change of telecommunication services usage behavior data. The preferred mining technique used is the classification with decision tree algorithm. The decision tree can present visual model which represents customer churn and non churn pattern behavior. This system was tested using Kartu Halo customer data in Bandung area and testing result showed 70,94% accuracy of the prediction model. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem prediksi churn pelanggan yang memanfaatkan proses data mining. Sistem yang dihasilkan dapat melakukan integrasi data, pembersihan data, transformasi data, sampling dan pemisahan data, konstruksi model prediksi, memprediksi churn pelanggan dan menampilkan hasil prediksi dalam format laporan tertentu yang diperlukan. Identifikasi variabel-variabel prediksi churn dilakukan berdasarkan model prediksi churn yang telah dikembangkan pada penelitian terdahulu yang antara lain mencakup informasi mengenai pelanggan, metode pembayaran, data percakapan, data penggunaan jenis-jenis layanan telekomunikasi dan data yang menggambarkan perubahan perilaku penggunaan layanan telekomunikasi tersebut. Teknik mining yang dipilih adalah teknik klasifikasi dengan algoritma decision tree. Decision tree menghasilkan model visual yang merepresentasikan pola perilaku pelanggan yang churn dan tidak churn. Uji coba sistem yang dilakukan menggunakan data pelanggan Kartu Halo daerah Bandung menghasilkan tingkat akurasi

  8. Von Blüten, Göttern und Gelehrten


    Zotter, Astrid


    Der Sanskrittext Puṣpacintāmaṇi (PuCi) behandelt Blüten als Darbringungen (upacāra) im wichtigsten hinduistischen Verehrungsritual, der pūjā. In ca. 400 Strophen werden über 200 Namen von Blüten genannt und für verschiedene Gottheiten und pūjās als geeignete oder ungeeignete Gaben vorgeschrieben. Der Text ist eine Kompilation (Nibandha), in der die Inhalte aus 47 namentlich genannten Quellentexten referiert werden. Ziel der Dissertation ist es nicht nur, diesen Text, der 1966 zum ersten Ma...

  9. Matter power spectrum and the challenge of percent accuracy


    Schneider, Aurel; Teyssier, Romain; Potter, Doug; Stadel, Joachim; Onions, Julian; Reed, Darren S.; Smith, Robert E.; Springel, Volker; Pearce, Frazer R.; Scoccimarro, Roman


    Future galaxy surveys require one percent precision in the theoretical knowledge of the power spectrum over a large range including very nonlinear scales. While this level of accuracy is easily obtained in the linear regime with perturbation theory, it represents a serious challenge for small scales where numerical simulations are required. In this paper we quantify the precision of present-day $N$-body methods, identifying main potential error sources from the set-up of initial conditions to...

  10. PEPFAR Funding Associated With An Increase In Employment Among Males in Ten Sub-Saharan African Countries. (United States)

    Wagner, Zachary; Barofsky, Jeremy; Sood, Neeraj


    The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has provided billions of US tax dollars to expand HIV treatment, care, and prevention programs in sub-Saharan Africa. This investment has generated significant health gains, but much less is known about PEPFAR's population-level economic effects. We used a difference-in-differences approach to compare employment trends between ten countries that received a large amount of PEPFAR funding (focus countries) and eleven countries that received little or no funding (control countries). We found that PEPFAR was associated with a 13 percent differential increase in employment among males in focus countries, compared to control countries. However, we observed no change in employment among females. In addition, we found that increasing PEPFAR per capita funding by $100 was associated with a 9.1-percentage-point increase in employment among males. This rise in employment generates economic benefits equal to half of PEPFAR's cost. These findings suggest that PEPFAR's economic impact should be taken into account when making aid allocation decisions. Project HOPE—The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.

  11. Assessing the effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in post-thoracotomy analgesia. (United States)

    Ferreira, Fabiana Cristina; Issy, Adriana Machado; Sakata, Rioko Kimiko


    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is commonly used to treat musculoskeletal pain, but it may also be indicated for postoperative analgesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the analgesic effects of TENS on post-thoracotomy. Thirty patients between 18 and 60 years of age undergoing thoracotomy for lung cancer resection on the second postoperative day were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups (G1 and G2). G1 patients were treated with TENS; and in G2 (without TENS) electrodes were placed but the equipment was not turned on. TENS was maintained for one hour. The visual analogue scale was used to evaluate the analgesic effects on three moments: before TENS (M0), immediately after TENS (M1), and one hour later (M2), with the patient at rest, elevation of the upper limbs, change in decubitus, and coughing. The intensity of pain at rest was higher in G2 immediately after TENS, but not one hour after the procedure. There was no difference between both groups with elevation of the upper limbs, decubitus change, and coughing. With the use of TENS for one hour on the second post-thoracotomy day in patients who received fentanyl (50 μg) associated with bupivacaine (5 mL), a reduction in pain intensity was observed at rest immediately after TENS; with elevation of the upper limbs, change in decubitus, and coughing, a reduction in pain severity was not observed. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  12. Kaluza-Klein supergravity in ten dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huq, M.; Namazie, M.A.


    We construct a massive version of N=2 supergravity in ten dimensions by compactification of the eleven dimensional, N=1 theory. This theory describes the usual N=2 massless super-multiplet, in addition to which there is an infinite tower of massive, charged N=2 supermultiplets. (author)

  13. Ten themes of viscous liquid dynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyre, J. C.


    Ten ‘themes' of viscous liquid physics are discussed with a focus on how they point to a general description of equilibrium viscous liquid dynamics (i.e., fluctuations) at a given temperature. This description is based on standard time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations for the density fields...

  14. Ten-year scheme of network development - 2013 edition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    RTE, an independent subsidiary of EDF, is the French electricity transmission system operator. It is a public service company responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the high and extra high voltage network. It guarantees the reliability and proper operation of the power network. RTE transports electricity between electricity suppliers (French and European) and consumers, whether they are electricity distributors or industrial consumers directly connected to the transmission system. The mission of RTE is to balance the electricity supply and demand in real time. With the support of the government authorities, RTE prepares a ten-year scheme of network development in France; This document presents the main electricity transport infrastructures to foresee within the ten coming years and lists the network development investments which must be realised and implemented within 3 years. The document is updated each year and comes to complement at the national level the European ten year network development plan (TYNDP) and the European regional plans as provided for in the 2009/72/CE European directive

  15. Imobilisasi TiO2 ke dalam Resin Penukar Kation dan Aplikasinya sebagai Fotokatalis dalam Proses Fotoreduksi Ion Hg2+

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosyid Ridho


    Full Text Available Abstrak Dalam rangka mengembangkan bahan fotokatalitis TiO2 pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan preparasi fotokatalis TiO2-Resin yang disertai dengan karakterisasi dan uji aktivitas untuk proses fotoreduksi ion Hg(II. Preparasi imobilisasi ini dilakukan dengan metode pertukaran ion yang di ikuti dengan kalsinasi pada suhu tertentu. Pada preparasi telah dipelajari pengaruh konsentrasi Titanium Isopropoksida sebagai sumber ion Ti(IV terhadap TiO2-Resin yang dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan Difraksi Sinar X (XRD dan Thermografimetri (TGA. Pada proses fotoreduksi ion Hg(II dipelajari pengaruh massa fotokatalis, kadar TiO2 yang terimobilisasi ke dalam resin, konsentrasi Ion Hg(II, dan pengaruh pH. Proses fotoreduksi dilakukan dalam suatu reaktor tertutup yang dilengkapi dengan lampu UV, yaitu dengan cara menyinari campuran yang terdiri dari larutan ion Hg(II dan serbuk fotokatalis TiO2-Resin, disertai dengan pengadukan selama waktu tertentu. Hasil fotoreduksi dihitung berdasarkan selisih antara konsentrasi ion Hg(II awal dengan ion Hg(II yang tak tereduksi. Penentuan konsentrasi ion Hg(II yang tak tereduksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA teknik pembangkitan uap dingin atau Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry(CV-AAS. Hasil preparasi menunjukkan semakin tinggi konsentrasi Titanium Isopropoksida yang ditambahkan pada resin semakin tinggi juga kadar TiO2 yang terbentuk pada TiO2-Resin. Hasil uji fotokatalis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan fotokatalis TiO¬2-Resin dapat meningkatkan hasil fotoreduksi ion Hg(II yang peningkatannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan TiO2 serbuk. Penambahan fotokatalis dengan massa yang semakin besar menambah efektivitas fotoreduksi terhadap ion Hg(II yang semakin besar, namun jika ditambahkan massa fotokatalis yang lebih tinggi lagi akan menurunkan efektivitas fotoreduksi terhadap ion Hg(II. Kenaikan konsentrasi Hg(II menyebabkan efektivitas fotoreduksi semakin rendah. Pada pH 1-4 terjadi

  16. Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) for cancer pain in adults. (United States)

    Hurlow, Adam; Bennett, Michael I; Robb, Karen A; Johnson, Mark I; Simpson, Karen H; Oxberry, Stephen G


    Cancer-related pain is complex and multi-dimensional but the mainstay of cancer pain management has predominantly used a biomedical approach. There is a need for non-pharmacological and innovative approaches. Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) may have a role in pain management but the effectiveness of TENS is currently unknown. This is an update of the original review published in Issue 3, 2008. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of TENS for cancer-related pain in adults. The initial review searched The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, AMED and PEDRO databases in April 2008. We performed an updated search of CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and PEDRO databases in November 2011. We included only randomised controlled trials (RCTS) investigating the use of TENS for the management of cancer-related pain in adults. The search strategy identified a further two studies for possible inclusion. One of the review authors screened each abstract using a study eligibility tool. Where eligibility could not be determined, a second author assessed the full paper. One author used a standardised data extraction sheet to collect information on the studies and independently assess the quality of the studies using the validated five-point Oxford Quality Scale. The small sample sizes and differences in patient study populations of the three included studies (two from the original review and a third included in this update) prevented meta-analysis. For the original review the search strategy identified 37 possible published studies; we divided these between two pairs of review authors who decided on study selection; all four review authors discussed and agreed final scores. Only one additional RCT met the eligibility criteria (24 participants) for this updated review. Although this was a feasibility study, not designed to investigate intervention effect, it suggested that TENS may improve bone pain on movement in a

  17. Peranan Teknologi dalam Mendukung Proses Berpikir Level C3 Siswa pada Materi Operasi Himpunan melalui Penggunaan Swish Max4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arinaldi Arinaldi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi pada abad ke-21 ini sudah sangat pesat, membuat guru menjadi lebih kreatif dalam hal membuat media pembelajaran yang inovatif, menarik, serta tidak ketinggalan zaman. Dengan menggunakan media visual guru dapat memberikan visual tertentu pada siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir C3. Lalu dilatar belakangi oleh kemampuan siswa yang rendah dalam mengerjakan soal applikasi operasi pada himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari sekaligus memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan, berdasarkan survei peneliti melalui wawancara dengan guru SMP Negeri 11 Tanjungpinang. Sehingga pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan media visual berbasis multimedia berbantuan software swish max4, untuk membantu siswa berpikir hingga level C3 atau pada ranah mengaplikasikan khususnya pada materi operasi himpunan dan juga dapat memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari. Telah dilakukan eksperimen di kelas VII.1 dan kelas VII.2 pada SMP Negeri 11 Tanjungpinang, memperoleh hasil posttest kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi 76,24 dibangdingkan dengan kelas kontrol 66,92, terbukti bahwa kelas yang diberikan treatment media swish max4  dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir hingga level C3 atau mengapplikasikan. Kata kunci : Swish max4, berpikir level C3, Soal applikasi operasi himpunan


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Khodijah


    Full Text Available Salah satu alternatif dalam mendukung ketersediaan sumber daya energi terbarukan adalah dengan memanfaatkan sumber dari non fosil seperti bioetanol. Bioetanol merupakan etanol yang dibuat dari biomass yang mengandung komponen pati (karbohidrat atau selulosa yang selanjutnya di fermentasi menggunakan bantuan mikroorganisme (Sacharomyces cerevisiae. Karbohidrat yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berasal dari Lemna minor (Duckweed. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat bioetanol dari Lemna minor dengan variasi penambahan ragi dan lamanya waktu fermentasi terhadap nilai kadar etanol dan nilai densitas, serta mengetahui hubungan densitas dengan kadar etanol. Produksi bioetanol dari tanaman yang mengandung pati (karbohidrat, dilakukan melalui proses konversi karbohidrat menjadi gula (glukosa dengan hidrolisis asam (HCl, hidrolisat yang diperoleh selanjutnya dilakukan fermentasi dengan menambahkan yeast atau ragi sehingga diperoleh bioetanol. Variabel yang digunakan adalah perubahan massa ragi 5%,15%, dan 25% serta lama fermentasi 5, 6, dan 7 hari . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lama fermentasi dan persentase ragi mempengaruhi kadar etanol. Nilai kadar etanol optimum diperoleh presentase ragi 25% dengan lama fermentasi 7 hari sebesar 3.81% dengan density optimum sebesar 0.9438 gr/cm3, Hubungan nilai densitas berbanding terbalik dengan peningkatan kadar etanol.

  19. Vadose Zone Journal: The first ten years

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrugt, J.A.; Or, D.; Young, M.H.


    Celebrating ten years of publication, the authors introduce a special section commemorating the anniversary of Vadose Zone Journal and reviewing the journal’s role in an evolving understanding of vadose zone science.

  20. Dosimetry results for Big Ten and related benchmarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, G.E.; Gilliam, D.M.


    Measured average reaction cross sections for the Big Ten central flux spectrum are given together with calculated values based on the U.S. Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF/B-IV. Central reactivity coefficients for 233 U, 235 U, 239 Pu, 6 Li and 10 B are given to check consistency of bias between measured and calculated reaction cross sections for these isotopes. Spectral indexes for the Los Alamos 233 U, 235 U and 239 Pu metal critical assemblies are updated, utilizing the Big Ten measurements and interassembly calibrations, and their implications for inelastic scattering are reiterated

  1. Immediate effects of tongue trills associated with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). (United States)

    Fabron, Eliana Maria Gradim; Petrini, Andressa Schweitzer; Cardoso, Vanessa de Moraes; Batista, João Carlos Torgal; Motonaga, Suely Mayumi; Marino, Viviane Cristina de Castro


    To investigate vocal quality variability after applying tongue trills associated with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on the larynx of women with normal laryngeal function. Additionally, to verify the effect of this technique over time on voice quality. Participants were 40 women (average 23.4 years) without vocal complaints. The procedure involved tongue trills with or without TENS for 3 minutes, rest and repeating the technique for another 2 minutes. The participants' voices were recorded before (Pre), after three minutes (Post 3min) and after two additional minutes (Post 5min) applying the technique. TENS with two electrodes was used on the thyroid cartilage. Self-assessment, acoustic and perceptual analysis were performed. When comparing tongue trills in isolation and associated with TENS, a greater sense of stability in phonation (self-assessment) and improvement in voice quality (perceptual evaluation) was observed in the combination technique. There was no statistical difference in acoustics findings between tongue trills in isolation and associated with TENS. When comparing the time effect of tongue trills with TENS in self-assessment there was a perception of less muscle tension (3min) and greater comfort during phonation (5 min); in the acoustic analysis, there was an increase of F0 (3 and 5 min) and intensity (5 min) when compared to Pre-moment; in the perceptual evaluation, better voice quality (3min). Comparing tongue trills in isolation and associated with TENS, there were changes in the comfort and muscle tension perception, as well as in vocal quality. On the other hand, tongue trills associated with TENS performed in 3 or 5 minutes resulted in beneficial effects on the voice identified in the assessments.

  2. Feasibility study of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for cancer bone pain. (United States)

    Bennett, Michael I; Johnson, Mark I; Brown, Sarah R; Radford, Helen; Brown, Julia M; Searle, Robert D


    This multicenter study assessed the feasibility of conducting a phase III trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in patients with cancer bone pain recruited from palliative care services. Eligible patients received active and placebo TENS for 1 hour at site of pain in a randomized crossover design; median interval between applications 3 days. Responses assessed at 30 and 60 minutes included numerical and verbal ratings of pain at rest and on movement, and pain relief. Recruitment, tolerability, adverse events, and effectiveness of blinding were also evaluated. Twenty-four patients were randomised and 19 completed both applications. The intervention was well tolerated. Five patients withdrew: 3 due to deteriorating performance status, and 2 due to increased pain (1 each following active and placebo TENS). Confidence interval estimation around the differences in outcomes between active and placebo TENS suggests that TENS has the potential to decrease pain on movement more than pain on rest. Nine patients did not consider that a placebo was used; the remaining 10 correctly identified placebo TENS. Feasibility studies are important in palliative care prior to undertaking clinical trials. Our findings suggest that further work is required on recruitment strategies and refining the control arm before evaluating TENS in cancer bone pain. Cancer bone pain is common and severe, and partly mediated by hyperexcitability. Animal studies suggest that Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation can reduce hyperalgesia. This study examined the feasibility of evaluating TENS in patients with cancer bone pain in order to optimize methods before a phase III trial. Copyright 2010 American Pain Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Verhalen sprokkelen langs de frontlijn. Een kritische blik op Ten Oorlog

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Boers


    Full Text Available Gathering Stories along the Front: A Critical Look at Ten Oorlog [To War]This article reflects critically on the popular television programme Ten Oorlog, thereby examining the field of tension between history and entertainment, between historians and ‘the public’. History can be addressed via various television formats as an historical documentary or a travel programme. An analysis indicates the extent to which Ten Oorlog is inspired by these formats. However, the popular television programme from the outset was not conceived as a classic historical documentary and perhaps can best be described as a historical human interest programme as part of the large-scale commemoration of the First World War. How do history and entertainment relate to one another in this programme? Is there more emphasis on the historical context or on anecdotal stories? This analysis of Ten Oorlog illustrates the tense relation between historians and ‘the public’.Dit artikel werpt een kritische blik op het populaire televisieprogramma Ten Oorlog en gaat daarbij in op het spanningsveld tussen geschiedenis en entertainment, tussen historici en ‘het publiek’. Geschiedenis kan via verschillende formats zoals een historische documentaire of een reisprogramma aan bod komen op televisie. Een analyse van deze formats geeft aan in welke mate Ten Oorlog hierop geïnspireerd is. Het populaire televisieprogramma was echter van begin af aan niet als een klassieke historische documentaire bedoeld en kan misschien het bestomschreven worden als een historisch human interest programma, in het kader van de grootschalige herdenking van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hoe verhoudengeschiedenis en entertainment zich daarin? Helt de balans meer over naar historische omkadering of naar anekdotische verhalen? Deze analyse van Ten Oorlog illustreert de gespannen relatie tussen historici en het grote publiek.

  4. EnviroAtlas - Des Moines, IA - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  5. EnviroAtlas - Green Bay, WI - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  6. EnviroAtlas - New York, NY - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  7. EnviroAtlas - New Bedford, MA - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  8. Karakter Geoarkeologis dan Proses Budaya Prasejarah Zona Poros Ponjong – Rongkop di Blok Tengah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jarwo Susetyo Edy Yuwono


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di Zona Poros Ponjong - Rongkop, yaitu bagian dari Blok Tengah Gunungsewu di Pegunungan Selatan Jawa, yang posisinya diapit oleh dua depresi bekas danau purba, yaitu Ledok Wonosari dan Ledok Baturetno. Morfologinya berupa punggungan perbukitan karst berarah utara-selatan antara daerah Ponjong dan Rong-kop, membentuk semacam poros hampir tegak lurus terhadap bentangan umum Gunungsewu. Bagian paling utara ber-batasan dengan pegunungan non-karst dan memiliki topografi tertinggi di Blok Tengah Gunungsewu, sehingga menjadi wilayah hulu bagi sungai-sungai bawahtanah di Gunungkidul. Melalui beberapa survei ditemukan sejumlah 56 gua yang memiliki potensi arkeologis, tujuh di antaranya sudah diekskavasi dan terbukti menyimpan jejak-jejak hunian prase-jarah dari Kala Pleistosen Akhir - Holosen Awal. Pendekatan geoarkeologis sebagai studi gabungan antara arkeologi dan geomorfologi, dilakukan untuk membangun model-model integral mengenai hubungan sistematik antara manusia dengan bentanglahan karst Gunungsewu di area penelitian. Dua hal yang menjadi tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, menjelaskan karakter geoarkeologis Zona Poros Ponjong - Rongkop sebagai perpaduan antara aspek-aspek geomorfologis (morfologi, morfogenesis, morfokronologi, dan morfoaransemen dan aspek-aspek arkeologis (distri-busi gua dan potensi arkeologisnya. Tujuan ini dicapai melalui penilaian dan pemetaan distribusi potensi gua sebagai situs arkeologis, kemudian menganalisis hubungannya dengan aspek-aspek geomorfologis setempat. Kedua, menjelas-kan proses budaya prasejarah, yaitu bentuk dinamis dari budaya penghunian gua beserta faktor-faktor yang mempen-garuhinya. Metode untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah dengan menganalisis konteks data arkeologis dan stratigrafi lantai gua yang pernah diekskavasi. Sintesis kajian atas kedua capaian tujuan ini memberikan penjelasan integral atas karakter geoarkeologis dan proses budaya prasejarah di area

  9. 40 CFR 60.1445 - What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (United States)


    ... curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? 60.1445 Section 60.1445 Protection of Environment... Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste § 60.1445 What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? If your air curtain incinerator combusts...

  10. 42 CFR 414.232 - Special payment rules for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS). (United States)


    ... nerve stimulators (TENS). 414.232 Section 414.232 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES... Special payment rules for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS). (a) General payment rule. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, payment for TENS is made on a purchase basis with...

  11. 40 CFR 62.15375 - What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (United States)


    ... curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? 62.15375 Section 62.15375 Protection of Environment... Combustion Units Constructed on or Before August 30, 1999 Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste § 62.15375 What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard...

  12. 40 CFR 62.15380 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (United States)


    ... curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? 62.15380 Section 62.15380 Protection of Environment... Combustion Units Constructed on or Before August 30, 1999 Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste § 62.15380 How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard...

  13. 40 CFR 60.1920 - What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (United States)


    ... curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? 60.1920 Section 60.1920 Protection of Environment... or Before August 30, 1999 Model Rule-Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste § 60.1920 What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? If...

  14. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Kure Atoll, 2002-2004 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  15. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Laysan Island, 2002-2004 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  16. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Palmyra Atoll, 2002-2004 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  17. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Lisianski Island, 2001-2004 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  18. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Maro Reef, 2001-2004 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  19. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Baker Island, 2002-2004 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  20. Does One Know the Properties of a MICE Solid or Liquid Absorber to Better than 0.3 Percent?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, Michael A.; Yang, Stephanie Q.


    This report discusses the report discusses whether the MICE absorbers can be characterized to ±0.3 percent, so that one predict absorber ionization cooling within the absorber. This report shows that most solid absorbers can be characterized to much better than ±0.3 percent. The two issues that dominate the characterization of the liquid cryogen absorbers are the dimensions of the liquid in the vessel and the density of the cryogenic liquid. The thickness of the window also plays a role. This report will show that a liquid hydrogen absorber can be characterized to better than ±0.3 percent, but a liquid helium absorber cannot be characterized to better and ±1 percent

  1. Emission properties of Sm(III) complex having ten-coordination structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasegawa, Yasuchika; Tsuruoka, Shin-ichi; Yoshida, Takahiko; Kawai, Hideki; Kawai, Tsuyoshi


    Sammarium(III) complex having ten-coordination structure, bis-(1,10-phenanthroline)tris-(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)samarium(III) (Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 ) was prepared by chelation of tris-(hexafluoroacetylacetonato) samarium(III) (Sm(hfa) 3 (H 2 O) 2 ) with 1,10-phenantroline (phen). The characteristic ten-coordination structure of Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 was determined by 1 H NMR and elemental analyses. Strong deep-red emission (λ max =643 nm) and narrow emission band (FWHM=5 nm) of Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 originated from electronic allowed transition from characteristics ten coordinate structure. The emission quantum yields Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 excited at absorption bands of ligands and Sm(III) ion were found to be 0.36 and 1.4%, respectively

  2. 40 CFR 60.1450 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (United States)


    ... curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? 60.1450 Section 60.1450 Protection of Environment... Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste § 60.1450 How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (a) Use EPA Reference Method 9 in appendix A of...

  3. 40 CFR 60.1925 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (United States)


    ... curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? 60.1925 Section 60.1925 Protection of Environment... or Before August 30, 1999 Model Rule-Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste § 60.1925 How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste? (a) Use...

  4. Ten per cent more grain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At a low estimate, ten per cent of stored grain is lost every year to insect pests. In this article, based on a lecture given earlier this year in Switzerland, Dr. Harry E. Goresline, Food Radiation Specialist of the Food and Agriculture Organisation, now assisting the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture, explains how use of radiation can help to prevent losses and the research which has taken place to ensure its safety

  5. Basal area or stocking percent: which works best in controlling density in natural shortleaf pine stands (United States)

    Ivan L. Sander


    Results from a shortleaf pine thinning study in Missouri show that continually thinning a stand to the same basal area will eventually create an understocked stand and reduce yields. Using stocking percent to control thinning intensity allows basal area to increase as stands get older. The best yield should occur when shortleaf pine is repeatedly thinned to 60 percent...

  6. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) reduces pain, fatigue, and hyperalgesia while restoring central inhibition in primary fibromyalgia (United States)

    Dailey, Dana L; Rakel, Barbara A; Vance, Carol GT; Liebano, Richard E; Anand, Amrit S; Bush, Heather M; Lee, Kyoung S; Lee, Jennifer E; Sluka, Kathleen A


    Because TENS works by reducing central excitability and activating central inhibition pathways, we tested the hypothesis that TENS would reduce pain and fatigue and improve function and hyperalgesia in people with fibromyalgia who have enhanced central excitability and reduced inhibition. The current study used a double-blinded randomized, placebo controlled cross-over design to test effects of a single treatment of TENS in people with fibromyalgia. Three treatments were assessed in random order: active TENS, placebo TENS, no TENS. The following measures were assessed before and after each TENS treatment: pain and fatigue at rest and movement, pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), 6 minute walk test (6MWT), range of motion (ROM), five time sit to stand test (FTSTS), and single leg stance (SLS). Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) was completed at end of testing. There was a significant decrease in pain and fatigue with movement for active TENS compared to placebo and no TENS. PPTs increased at site of TENS (spine) and outside site of TENS (leg) when compared to placebo TENS or no TENS. During Active TENS CPM was significantly stronger compared to placebo TENS and no TENS. No changes in functional tasks were observed with TENS. Thus, the current study suggests TENS has short-term efficacy in relieving symptoms of fibromyalgia while the stimulator is active. Future clinical trials should examine the effects of repeated daily delivery of TENS, similar to how TENS is used clinically, on pain, fatigue, function and quality of life in individuals with fibromyalgia. PMID:23900134

  7. Ten key issues in modern flow chemistry. (United States)

    Wegner, Jens; Ceylan, Sascha; Kirschning, Andreas


    Ten essentials of synthesis in the flow mode, a new enabling technology in organic chemistry, are highlighted as flashlighted providing an insight into current and future issues and developments in this field. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011

  8. Ten Leading Causes of Death and Injury (United States)

    ... Overdose Traumatic Brain Injury Violence Prevention Ten Leading Causes of Death and Injury Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir ... in Hospital Emergency Departments, United States – 2014 Leading Causes of Death Charts Causes of Death by Age Group 2016 [ ...

  9. TEM investigation of irradiated U-7 weight percent Mo dispersion fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van den Berghe, S.


    In the FUTURE experiment, fuel plates containing U-7 weight percent Mo atomized powder were irradiated in the BR2 reactor. At a burn-up of approximately 33 percent 235 U (6.5 percent FIMA or 1.41 10 21 fissions/cm 3 meat), the fuel plates showed an important deformation and the irradiation was stopped. The plates were submitted to detailed PIE at the Laboratory for High and Medium level Activity. The results of these examinations were reported in the scientific report of last year and published in open literature. Since then, the microstructural aspects of the FUTURE fuel were studied in more detail using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), in an attempt to understand the nature of the interaction phase and the fission gas behavior in the atomized U(Mo) fuel. The FUTURE experiment is regarded as the definitive proof that the classical atomized U(Mo) dispersion fuel is not stable under irradiation, at least in the conditions required for normal operation of plate-type fuel. The main cause for the instability was identified to be the irradiation behavior of the U(Mo)-Al interaction phase which is formed between the U(Mo) particles and the pure aluminum matrix during irradiation. It is assumed to become amorphous under irradiation and as such cannot retain the fission gas in stable bubbles. As a consequence, gas filled voids are generated between the interaction layer and the matrix, resulting in fuel plate pillowing and failure. The objective of the TEM investigation was the confirmation of this assumption of the amorphisation of the interaction phase. A deeper understanding of the actual nature of this layer and the fission gas behaviour in these fuels in general can allow a more oriented search for a solution to the fuel failures

  10. Age Group Comparisons of TENS Response Among Individuals With Chronic Axial Low Back Pain. (United States)

    Simon, Corey B; Riley, Joseph L; Fillingim, Roger B; Bishop, Mark D; George, Steven Z


    Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a highly prevalent and disabling musculoskeletal pain condition among older adults. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is commonly used to treat CLBP, however response to TENS in older adults compared with younger adults is untested. In a dose-response study stratified by age, 60 participants with axial CLBP (20 young, 20 middle-aged, 20 older) received four 20-minute sessions of high-frequency high-intensity TENS over a 2- to 3-week period in a laboratory-controlled setting. Experimental measures of pain sensitivity (mechanical pressure pain detection threshold) and central pain excitability (phasic heat temporal summation and heat aftersensations) were assessed before and after TENS. Episodic or immediate axial CLBP relief was assessed after TENS via measures of resting pain, movement-evoked-pain, and self-reported disability. Cumulative or prolonged axial CLBP relief was assessed by comparing daily pain reports across sessions. Independent of age, individuals experienced episodic increase in the pressure pain detection threshold and reduction in aftersensation after TENS application. Similarly, all groups, on average, experienced episodic axial CLBP relief via improved resting pain, movement-evoked pain, and disability report. Under this design, no cumulative effect was observed as daily pain did not improve for any age group across the 4 sessions. However, older adults received higher TENS amplitude across all sessions to achieve TENS responses similar to those in younger adults. These findings suggest that older adults experience similar episodic axial CLBP relief to that of younger individuals after high-frequency, high-intensity TENS when higher dose parameters are used. This study examined age group differences in experimental and axial CLBP response to TENS, delivered under the current recommended parameters of strong, but tolerable amplitude. Older adults had comparable TENS response although at higher TENS


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    M. Hadi Kusuma


    Full Text Available Pemahaman terhadap manajemen termal apabila terjadi suatu kecelakaan parah reaktor nuklir seperti melelehnya bahan bakar dan teras reaktor, menjadi prioritas utama untuk menjaga integritas bejana tekan reaktor. Dengan demikian hasil lelehan bahan bakar dan teras reaktor (debris tidak keluar dari bejana tekan reaktor dan mengakibatkan dampak lain yang lebih besar ke lingkungan. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk menjaga integritas bejana tekan reaktor adalah dengan melakukan pendinginan terhadap panas berlebih yang dihasilkan akibat dari kecelakaan tersebut. Untuk mempelajari dan mendapatkan pemahaman mengenai hal tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh suhu awal pelat panas dalam proses quenching (pendinginan secara tiba-tiba celah sempit rektangular. Penelitian difokuskan pada penentuan suhu rewetting dari pendinginan pelat panas dengan suhu awal pelat 220 0C, 400 0C, dan 600 0C dengan laju aliran air pendingin 0,2 liter/detik. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan menginjeksikan air pada laju aliran 0,2 liter/detik pada suhu air pendingin 85 0C ke dalam celah sempit rektangular. Data hasil pengukuran digunakan untuk mengetahui suhu rewetting yang terjadi pada pendinginan pelat panas tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk memahami pengaruh suhu awal pelat panas terhadap rewetting pada proses quenching di celah sempit rektangular. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa titik rewetting pada pendinginan pelat panas 220 0C, 400 0C, dan 600 0C terjadi pada suhu rewetting yang berbeda-beda. Pada suhu awal pelat panas 220 0C, suhu rewetting terjadi pada 220 0C yaitu langsung ketika air dilewatkan melalui celah sempit rektangular. Pada suhu awal pelat panas 400 0C, suhu rewetting terjadi pada 379,51 0C. Dan pada suhu awal pelat panas 600 0C, suhu rewetting terjadi pada 426,63 0C. Perbedaan suhu awal pelat panas yang sangat signifikan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sifat fisik benda uji, berbedanya rejim pendidihan yang dialami oleh fluida yang

  12. 40 CFR 63.5885 - How do I calculate percent reduction to demonstrate compliance for continuous lamination/casting... (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 12 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true How do I calculate percent reduction to... Pollutants: Reinforced Plastic Composites Production Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements § 63.5885 How do I calculate percent reduction to demonstrate compliance for continuous lamination/casting...

  13. ANALISIS ENERGI MASUKAN-KELUARAN PADA PROSES PRODUKSI KELAPA SAWIT (Elaesis guineensis jacq. Input-Output Energy Analyisis in Oil Palm Production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agus Haryanto


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis energi masukan-keluaran dan mengidentifikasi kemungkinan penghematan energi pada proses budidaya kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di PTPN VII Unit Usaha Rejosari, Lampung Selatan dengan mengamati semua energi yang digunakan dan dihasilkan. Energi masukan terdiri dari tenaga manusia, bahan bakar, energi tidak langsung dari pupuk, pestisida, dan alat-mesin pertanian. Energi keluaran berasal dari tandan buah segar (TBS dengan komponen minyak sawit, minyak inti sawit, serat, cangkang, dan tandan kosong, serta pelepah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budidaya kelapa sawit memerlukan energi masukan sebesar 57,63 GJ.ha-1  dan menghasilkan energi 339,14 GJ.ha-1. Sebagian besar energi masukan adalah penggunaan pupuk yang mencapai 31,22 GJ.ha-1  (54,18 % dari total energi masukan. Berdasarkan tahapan budidaya, maka pemeliharaan tanaman produktif memerlukan energi yang paling besar yaitu 33,06 GJ.ha-1  (57,37 %. Budidaya kelapa sawit menghasilkan energi neto 281,51 GJ.ha-1 dengan rasio energi 5,88, produktivitas energi 0,258 kg TBS/MJ, dan intensitas energi 3,87 MJ/kg TBS.   Kata kunci: Analisis energi, energi masukan, energi keluaran, indikator energi

  14. Um suplemento entre dois mundos: Causas e consequências da transição papel/digital do DN Jovem


    Freitas, Helena de Sousa


    The DN Jovem, a supplement that the Portuguese newspaper Diário de Notícias (DN) began publishing in May 1983, quickly became a showcase for new prose writers, poets, photographers and illustrators. In June 1996, when access to the Internet didn’t even reach one percent of Portuguese homes, its contents migrated from print to online. The transition, determined by the Administration of DN within a newspaper’s restructuring, announced the death of a supplement that was, according to Portuguese ...

  15. Radiology now. The ten day rule - principles and practice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carmichael, J H.E. [Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool (UK); Warrick, C K


    The ten day rule recommends that non-urgent diagnostic radiography of the abdomen in women of child-bearing capacity should be confined to the pre-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. Arguments for and against this rule are reviewed. The attitudes and organization of radiographic practice in the UK differ from those in the USA. Assessment of the evidence for the hazards involved leads to the conclusion that the continued application of the ten day rule should be strongly recommended as an essential part of good radiological and radiographic practice.

  16. How green are the TEN-T core network corridors?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Panagakos, George; Psaraftis, Harilaos N.

    defining this concept, identified the characteristics that distinguish a green corridor from an otherwise efficient one. The main thesis of this paper is that the „core network corridors‟ of the new TEN-T guidelines exhibit all these qualities and the vision of a green corridor network in Europe is close...... to reality. To support this thesis, and in continuation of the work of SuperGreen, the paper examines the proposed new „guidelines‟ for the development of the TEN-T after presenting a brief history of transport network development in Europe....

  17. Czech, Slovak science ten years after split

    CERN Multimedia


    Ten years after the split of Czechoslovakia Czech and Slovak science are facing the same difficulties: shortage of money for research, poor salaries, obsolete equipment and brain drain, especially of the young, according to a feature in the Daily Lidove Noviny (1 page).

  18. Simultaneous determination of ten compounds in two main ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Simultaneous determination of ten compounds in two main medicinal plant parts of Tibetan herb, Pterocephalus hookeri (CB Clarke) Höeck, by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array.

  19. A model for growth of beta-phase particles in zirconium-2.5 wt percent niobium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chow, C.K.; Liner, Y.; Rigby, G.L.


    The kinetics of the α → β phase change in Zr-2.5 percent Nb pressure-tube material at constant temperature have been studied. The volume-fraction change of the β phase due to diffusion in an infinite α-phase matrix was considered, and a mathematical model with a numerical solution was developed to predict the transient spherical growth of the β-phase region. This model has been applied to Zr-2.5 wt percent Nb, and the calculated results compared to experiment

  20. 26 CFR 1.46-9 - Requirements for taxpayers electing an extra one-half percent additional investment credit. (United States)


    ... percent additional investment credit for property described in section 46(a)(2)(D). Paragraph (c) of this...-half percent additional investment credit. 1.46-9 Section 1.46-9 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY INCOME TAX INCOME TAXES Rules for Computing Credit for Investment in...

  1. Ten Items of Integrated Technology Developed by CNPC

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    @@ The technological work of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) was based on the company's general development strategy to become a multinational giant with international competitiveness during the 10th FiveYear Plan Period (2001-2005). The technological efforts were focused on strengthening strategic management of technology to identify the technological development targets, optimizing allocation of technological resources and increasing technological investment to highlight creation of key technology. Aiming at the important and key technologies needed for main business development,CNPC launched 15 technological projects at the State level with a 100 percent completion rate and 379 other projects at the corporate level with a 92.8 percent completion rate. With a number of high-level results achieved, CNPC has developed 10 items of integrated technology.

  2. Top Ten Concerns for Trustees in 1988. (United States)

    Meyerson, Joel W.


    Ten issues most likely to influence institutions this year include tuition policy and financing, capital renewal and replacement, charitable giving, scientific equipment and laboratories, endowment management and spending policy, research funding, corporate contributions, minority enrollment and hiring, debt financing and debt capacity, and cost…

  3. Frictional amyloidosis in Oman - A study of ten cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mysore Venkataram


    Full Text Available Macular amyloidosis is an important cause for cutaneous pigmentation, the aetiology of which is poorly understood. Friction has recently been implicated the causation of early lesions, referred to as frictional amyloidosis. Confirmation of diagnosis by the detect on of amyloid using histochemical stains is inconsistent. Ten patients with pigmentation suggestive of macular amyloidosis were studied with detailed history, clinical examination, biopsy for histochemistry and electron microscopy. Nine out of ten patients had a history of prolonged friction with various objects such as bath sponges, brushes, towels, plant sticks and leaves. Amyloid was demonstrated by histochemical staining in only six out of ten cases. In the remaining four cases, amyloid was detected by electron microscopy. These consisted of aggregates of non-branching, extracellular, intertwining fibres measuring between 200-500 nm in length and between 20-25 nm in diameter. The study confirms the role of friction in the causation of this condition. Histochemical stains are not always successful in the detection of amyloid and electron microscopy is helpful for confirming its presence. The term frictional amyloidosis aptly describes the condition.

  4. Dose-specific effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on experimental pain: a systematic review. (United States)

    Claydon, Leica S; Chesterton, Linda S; Barlas, Panos; Sim, Julius


    To determine the hypoalgesic effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) parameter combinations on experimental models in healthy humans. Searches were performed using the electronic databases Ovid MEDLINE, CINAHL, AMED, and Web of Science (from inception to December 2009). Manual searches of journals and reference lists of retrieved trials were also performed. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included in the review if they compared the hypoalgesic effect of TENS relative with placebo and control, using an experimental pain model in healthy human participants. Two reviewers independently selected the trials, assessed their methodologic quality and extracted data. Forty-three RCTs were eligible for inclusion. A best evidence synthesis revealed: Overall "conflicting" (inconsistent findings in multiple RCTs) evidence of TENS efficacy on experimental pain irrespective of TENS parameters used. Overall intense TENS has "moderate" evidence of efficacy (1 high-quality and 2 low-quality trials). Conventional TENS has overall conflicting evidence of efficacy, this is derived from "strong" evidence of efficacy (generally consistent findings in multiple high-quality RCTs) on pressure pain but strong evidence of inefficacy on other pain models. "Limited" evidence (positive findings from 1 RCT) of hypoalgesia exists for some novel parameters. Low-intensity, low-frequency, local TENS has strong evidence of inefficacy. Inappropriate TENS (using "barely perceptible" intensities) has moderate evidence of inefficacy. The level of hypoalgesic efficacy of TENS is clearly dependent on TENS parameter combination selection (defined in terms of intensity, frequency, and stimulation site) and experimental pain model. Future clinical RCTs may consider these TENS dose responses.

  5. Examination of temperature-induced shape memory of uranium--5.3-to 6.9 weight percent niobium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hemperly, V.C.


    The uranium-niobium alloy system was examined in the range of 5.3-to-6.9 weight percent niobium with respect to shape memory, mechanical properties, metallography, Coefficients of linear thermal expansion, and differential thermal analysis. Shape memory increased with increasing niobium levels in the study range. There were no useful correlations found between shape memory and the other tests. Coefficients of linear thermal expansion tests of as-quenched 5.8 and 6.2 weight percent niobium specimens, but not 5.3 and 6.9 weight percent niobium specimens, had a contraction component on heating, but the phenomenon was not a contributor to shape memory

  6. Development and Cross-Validation of Equation for Estimating Percent Body Fat of Korean Adults According to Body Mass Index

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hoyong Sung


    Full Text Available Background : Using BMI as an independent variable is the easiest way to estimate percent body fat. Thus far, few studies have investigated the development and cross-validation of an equation for estimating the percent body fat of Korean adults according to the BMI. The goals of this study were the development and cross-validation of an equation for estimating the percent fat of representative Korean adults using the BMI. Methods : Samples were obtained from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2008 and 2011. The samples from 2008-2009 and 2010-2011 were labeled as the validation group (n=10,624 and the cross-validation group (n=8,291, respectively. The percent fat was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and the body mass index, gender, and age were included as independent variables to estimate the measured percent fat. The coefficient of determination (R², standard error of estimation (SEE, and total error (TE were calculated to examine the accuracy of the developed equation. Results : The cross-validated R² was 0.731 for Model 1 and 0.735 for Model 2. The SEE was 3.978 for Model 1 and 3.951 for Model 2. The equations developed in this study are more accurate for estimating percent fat of the cross-validation group than those previously published by other researchers. Conclusion : The newly developed equations are comparatively accurate for the estimation of the percent fat of Korean adults.

  7. Anti-stress effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on colonic motility in rats. (United States)

    Yoshimoto, Sazu; Babygirija, Reji; Dobner, Anthony; Ludwig, Kirk; Takahashi, Toku


    Disorders of colonic motility may contribute to symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and stress is widely believed to play a major role in developing IBS. Stress increases corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) of the hypothalamus, resulting in acceleration of colonic transit in rodents. In contrast, hypothalamic oxytocin (OXT) has an anti-stress effect via inhibiting CRF expression and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity. Although transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and acupuncture have been shown to have anti-stress effects, the mechanism of the beneficial effects remains unknown. We tested the hypothesis that TENS upregulates hypothalamic OXT expression resulting in reduced CRF expression and restoration of colonic dysmotility in response to chronic stress. Male SD rats received different types of stressors for seven consecutive days (chronic heterotypic stress). TENS was applied to the bilateral hind limbs every other day before stress loading. Another group of rats did not receive TENS treatment. TENS significantly attenuated accelerated colonic transit induced by chronic heterotypic stress, which was antagonized by a central injection of an OXT antagonist. Immunohistochemical study showed that TENS increased OXT expression and decreased CRF expression at the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) following chronic heterotypic stress. It is suggested that TENS upregulates hypothalamic OXT expression which acts as an anti-stressor agent and mediates restored colonic dysmotility following chronic stress. TENS may be useful to treat gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mochamad Mas'ud


    Full Text Available Pada proses produksi Aqua botol plastik 600 ml menggunakan mesin stretch blow moulding dengan sistem pneumatik, Pembuatan produk dengan menggunakan mesin ini memiliki faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas botol yang dihasilkan . Penyimpangan ukuran (pemerataan tebal botol dan kemiringan botol tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi mengakibatkan botol dibagian pundak putih dan bergelang (shrinkage. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengoptimalkan setting parameter mesin stretch blow moulding agar menghasilkan kualitas baik pada produk botol plastik 600 ml. Adapun variable(prediktor yang di pilih yaitu preblow (bar, preform temperature (, dan P1 point (mm, sedangkan respon yang dicari yaitu kemiringan minimal dan tebal maksimal. Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan Response Surface Metodhology (RSM yang mana dalam perhitungannya menggunakan software minitab 16. Dengan menggunakan Box Behnken Design dan 3 level factorial di hasilkan run 15 percobaan. Berdasarkan hasil kondisi yang optimal parameter yaitu preblow sebesar 6,5 bar, preform temperature sebesar 114 , dan P1 Point sebesar 25 mm. Dengan setting sebesar tersebut akan menghasilkan respon tebal botol sebesar 0,1446 dan kemiringan botol sebesar 0,1875.

  9. Efficacy of the use of two simultaneously TENS devices for fibromyalgia pain. (United States)

    Lauretti, Gabriela Rocha; Chubaci, Eliana Fazuoli; Mattos, Anita Leocadia


    Fibromyalgia is characterized by a range of symptoms that include muscle pain, fatigue and sleep disorders. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an established method for pain relief. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the use of two simultaneously new TENS devices for fibromyalgia pain. After Ethics approval and informed consent, 39 patients were prospectively divided into three groups to evaluate TENS device, applied simultaneously in each patient: (1) at the lower back (perpendicular to the vertebrae canal, at the level of the 5th lumbar vertebrae) and (2) centrally above and below the space between the C7 and T1 spinous processes. The devices were applied for 20 min at 12-h interval during 7 consecutive days. For the placebo group (PG), the devices did not transmitted electrical stimulus. The single-TENS group (STG) (n = 13) had one active and one placebo TENS. The DTG applied both active TENS devices at the low back and cervical areas. Diclofenac was used as rescue analgesic. The efficacy measures were pain relief, reduction in use of daily analgesic tablets, quality of sleep and fatigue. The evaluation within groups revealed that patients from DPG refereed no pain relief when compared to their previous VAS pain score (8 cm, p > 0.05), while patients from the STG refereed improvement of 2.5 cm in the pain VAS (previous 8.5 cm compared to 6 cm after treatment) (p pain (previous 8.5-4.3 cm) (p STG > PG (p TENS improved pain relief in fibromyalgia pain, pain and fatigue were further improved when two active devices were simultaneously applied at the low back and cervical area, with no side effects.

  10. Uji Efektivitas Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia dalam Mempercepat Laju Disinfeksi Bakteri Escheria Coli pada Proses Solar Water Disinfection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saprian Saprian


    Full Text Available Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS memerlukan waktu rata-rata berkisar antara 5-6 jam untuk dapat membunuh bakteri 3-4 Log pada air berkapasitas maksimal 2 liter atau 1 jam dengan suhu di atas 50°C. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa dengan mengkombinasikan SODIS dengan psoralens, zat aktif seperti yang terdapat pada jeruk Lemon (Citrus Limon dapat menginaktivasi bakteri hingga 5,6 Log reduksi dalam rentang waktu 30 menit pada suhu 29°C. Mengingat faktor ketersediaan dan harga jeruk lemon di Indonesia maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan dengan menggunakan jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi jeruk nipis untuk dipergunakan dalam mempercepat laju disinfeksi pada proses SODIS. Adapun faktor-faktor yang akan dipelajari terkait dengan hubungan antara variasi dosis jeruk nipis, perubahan pH dan suhu air terhadap efisiensi inaktivasi bakteri yang mampu dihasilkan. Variasi jeruk nipis yang digunakan adalah 0%, 2%, 4% dan 6% dengan variasi waktu 0 menit, 30 menit, 60 menit dan 120 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan SODIS dengan menggunakan jeruk nipis mampu menginaktivasi E. coli sebesar 5.4 Log dengan waktu 1 jam pada suhu 32°C. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Jeruk nipis berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam mempercepat laju disinfeksi E. coli pada air minum. Kata Kunci : SODIS, E.coli, Psoralens, Jeruk Nipis

  11. Astrophysical parameters of ten poorly studied open star clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tadross, Ashraf Latif; El-Bendary, Reda; Osman, Anas; Ismail, Nader; Bakry, Abdel Aziz


    We present the fundamental parameters of ten open star clusters, nominated from Kronberger et al. who presented some newly discovered stellar groups on the basis of the Two Micron All Sky Survey photometry and Digitized Sky Survey visual images. Star counts and photometric parameters (radius, membership, distance, color excess, age, luminosity function, mass function, total mass, and dynamical relaxation time) have been determined for these ten clusters for the first time. In order to calibrate our procedures, the main parameters (distance, age, and color excess) have been re-estimated for another five clusters, which are also studied by Kronberger et al. (research papers)

  12. Ten-Competence: Life-Long Competence Development and Learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koper, Rob; Specht, Marcus


    Koper, R., & Specht, M. (2008). Ten-Competence: Life-Long Competence Development and Learning. In M-A. Cicilia (Ed.), Competencies in Organizational e-learning: concepts and tools (pp. 234-252). Hershey: IGI-Global.

  13. EnviroAtlas - Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN - Estimated Percent Tree Cover Along Walkable Roads (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset estimates tree cover along walkable roads. The road width is estimated for each road and percent tree cover is calculated in a 8.5 meter...

  14. Ten colour photometry of twelve Ap-stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musielok, B.; Lange, D.; Schoeneich, W.; Hildebrandt, G.; Zelwanowa, E.; Hempelmann, A.; Salmanov, G.


    Ten-colour photoelectric observations are presented for twelve Ap-stars. Improved ephemeris for seven of them is given. Phase relations between the light curves and line intensity variations are discussed. The problem of the electromagnetic flux conctancy of IOTA Cas is approached from a qualitative point of view. (author)

  15. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) versus placebo for chronic low-back pain. (United States)

    Khadilkar, Amole; Odebiyi, Daniel Oluwafemi; Brosseau, Lucie; Wells, George A


    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) was introduced more than 30 years ago as a therapeutic adjunct to the pharmacological management of pain. However, despite widespread use, its effectiveness in chronic low-back pain (LBP) is still controversial. To determine whether TENS is more effective than placebo for the management of chronic LBP. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PEDro and CINAHL were searched up to July 19, 2007. Only randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) comparing TENS to placebo in patients with chronic LBP were included. Two review authors independently selected the trials, assessed their methodological quality and extracted relevant data. If quantitative meta-analysis was not possible, a qualitative synthesis was performed, taking into consideration 5 levels of evidence as recommended by the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group. Four high-quality RCTs (585 patients) met the selection criteria. Clinical heterogeneity prevented the use of meta-analysis. Therefore, a qualitative synthesis was completed. There was conflicting evidence about whether TENS was beneficial in reducing back pain intensity and consistent evidence in two trials (410 patients) that it did not improve back-specific functional status. There was moderate evidence that work status and the use of medical services did not change with treatment. Conflicting results were obtained from two studies regarding generic health status, with one study showing no improvement on the modified Sickness Impact Profile and another study showing significant improvements on several, but not all subsections of the SF-36 questionnaire. Multiple physical outcome measures lacked statistically significant improvement relative to placebo. In general, patients treated with acupuncture-like TENS responded similarly to those treated with conventional TENS. However, in two of the trials, an inadequate stimulation intensity was used for acupuncture

  16. The application of the 'ten-day rule' in radiopharmaceutical investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellis, R.E.; Nordin, B.E.C.; Tothill, P.; Veall, N.


    The working party first classified subjects who are investigated using radiopharmaceuticals into three groups, being (a) patients and other subjects who are asked to volunteer as controls for research studies, (b) patients on whom research investigations are being conducted which are relevant to their clinical condition but which are not strictly necessary for their management, and (c) patients on whom investigations are required for their proper management. The application of the 'ten-day rule' in relation to the use of radiopharmaceuticals is complicated by the fact that the total radiation dose is received over a time given by the effective life of the radiopharmaceutical in the organ, which may be a substantial part or even longer of the menstrual cycle. The activities of the radiopharmaceuticals normally administered are tabulted together with their effective half-lives and resulting gonad doses, and those radiopharmaceuticals requiring consideration of the implementation of the 'ten-day rule' for patients in groups (b) and (c) are identified. When the administration of therapeutic quantities of radiopharmaceuticals is being contemplated it is particularly important to take into account the applicability or otherwise of the 'ten-day rule'. It is recommended that the 'ten-day rule' should be strictly applied to all radiopharmaceutical administrations to women of child-bearing age who are volunteers for research purposes (group(a)). (U.K.)

  17. Thermal Orbital Environmental Parameter Study on the Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS) Using Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) Data (United States)

    Sharp, John R.; McConnaughey, Paul K. (Technical Monitor)


    The natural thermal environmental parameters used on the Space Station Program (SSP 30425) were generated by the Space Environmental Effects Branch at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) utilizing extensive data from the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), a series of satellites which measured low earth orbit (LEO) albedo and outgoing long-wave radiation. Later, this temporal data was presented as a function of averaging times and orbital inclination for use by thermal engineers in NASA Technical Memorandum TM 4527. The data was not presented in a fashion readily usable by thermal engineering modeling tools and required knowledge of the thermal time constants and infrared versus solar spectrum sensitivity of the hardware being analyzed to be used properly. Another TM was recently issued as a guideline for utilizing these environments (NASA/TM-2001-211221) with more insight into the utilization by thermal analysts. This paper gives a top-level overview of the environmental parameters presented in the TM and a study of the effects of implementing these environments on an ongoing MSFC project, the Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS), compared to conventional orbital parameters that had been historically used.

  18. Austrian Business Cycle Theory: Are 100 Percent Reserves Sufficient to Prevent a Business Cycle?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Bagus


    Full Text Available Authors in the Austrian tradition have made the credit expansion of a fractional reserve banking system as the prime cause of business cycles. Authors such as Selgin (1988 and White (1999 have argued that a solution to this problem would be a free banking system. They maintain that the competition between banks would limit the credit expansion effectively. Other authors such as Rothbard (1991 and Huerta de Soto (2006 have gone further and advocated a 100 percent reserve banking system ruling out credit expansion altogether. In this article it is argued that a 100 percent reserve system can still bring about business cycles through excessive maturity mismatching between deposits and loans.

  19. Treatment of Idiopathic Chronic Orchialgia with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS:A Preliminary Result

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    Ekrem Akdeniz


    Full Text Available Purpose: Unilateral or bilateral testicular pain lasting more than 3 months is called as chronic orchialgia. Aproximately 25-50% of chronic orchialgia is idiopatic origin. This study aimed the effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS therapy due to Idiopathic Chronic Orchialgia (ICO. Methods: Five patients were included into this study with ICO that diagnosed with physical examination, urine analyses, urinary system x-ray film, and scrotal doppler ultrasound. Medical history revealed that multiple conservative therapy attempts failed to alleviate the pain. Two of the patients had right sided ICO. Traditional TENS device is placed to the most painful points. TENS applied 3 times in a week with duration 30 minutes for 4 weeks. Before and after TENS application, patients were evaluated by using Visual Analog Scale (VAS at first and third months. Results: Median age of patients was 26.20±2.38 (22-30. Mean VAS value was 6.52 ± 0.89 before the procedure. After 1 month VAS value was 3.82 ± 0.83 (p0.05. None of the patients needed any analgesics after during the one month. No complications, hyperemia or hypoesthesia of the scrotal or penile skin, occurred after the procedure. Conclusion: TENS reduces pain by increasing endorphin release in the spinal cord dorsal horn. TENS is very effective method for first 1 month in patients with ICO but its effect reduces by the time. There is no standard therapeutic protocol for idiopathic chronic orchialgia. Therefore TENS may be an alternative for patients who do not benefit from medical therapy and do not want invasive procedures. Short-term use of TENS and low number of the patients are the limitations of this study. Randomized, placebo-controlled, and longer follow-up period studies are needed to better assess the efficacy of TENS for ICO.

  20. Reactor dosimetry calibrations in the Big Ten critical assembly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barr, D.W.; Hansen, G.E.


    Eleven irradiations of foil packs located in the central region of Big Ten were made for the Interlaboratory Reaction Rate Program. Each irradiation was at a nominal 10 15 fluence and the principal fluence monitor was the National Bureau of Standards' double fission chamber containing 235 U and 238 U deposits and located at the center of Big Ten. Secondary monitors consisted of three external fission chambers and two internal foil sets containing Au, In, and Al. Activities of one set were counted at the LASL and the other at the Hanford Engineering Developement Laboratory. The uncertainty in relative fluence for each irradiation was +-0.3%

  1. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for pain control after vaginal delivery and cesarean section. (United States)

    Kayman-Kose, Seda; Arioz, Dagistan Tolga; Toktas, Hasan; Koken, Gulengul; Kanat-Pektas, Mine; Kose, Mesut; Yilmazer, Mehmet


    The present study aims to determine the efficiency and reliability of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in the management of pain related with uterine contractions after vaginal delivery and the pain related with both abdominal incision uterine contractions after cesarean section. A hundred healthy women who underwent cesarean section under general anesthesia were randomly assigned to the placebo group (Group 1) or the TENS group (Group 2), while 100 women who delivered by vaginal route without episiotomy were randomized into the placebo group (Group 3) or the TENS group (Group 4). The patients in Group 2 had statistically lower visual analog scale (VAS) and verbal numerical scale (VNS) scores than the patients in Group 1 (p TENS (p = 0.006). The need for analgesics at the eighth hour of vaginal delivery was statistically similar in the patients who were treated with TENS and the patients who received placebo (p = 0.830). TENS is an effective, reliable, practical and easily available modality of treatment for postpartum pain.

  2. Giant multipole resonances: perspectives after ten years

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertrand, F.E.


    Nearly ten years ago evidence was published for the first of the so-called giant multipole resonances, the giant quadrupole resonance. During the ensuing years research in this field has spread to many nuclear physics laboratories throughout the world. The present status of electric giant multipole resonances is reviewed. 24 figures, 1 table

  3. Ten Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Suicide (United States)

    ... Ribbon Commands Skip to main content Turn off Animations Turn on Animations Our Sponsors Log in | Register Menu Log in | ... teen at risk for suicide . Spend some time reading these ten ways you can help prevent a ...

  4. Modification of the 'ten-day rule'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klempfner, G.


    In a 1964 decision the National Health and Medical Research Council recommended that radiological examinations of the lower abdomen and pelvis of women of childbearing age should be confined to the 10-day interval following the onset of menstruation. Recent evidence suggests that the first four weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period is not a critically radiosensitive period and consequently strict adherence to the ten-day rule is no longer indicated

  5. Cumulative percent energy deposition of photon beam incident on different targets, simulated by Monte Carlo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kandic, A.; Jevremovic, T.; Boreli, F.


    Monte Carlo simulation (without secondary radiation) of the standard photon interactions (Compton scattering, photoelectric absorption and pair protection) for the complex slab's geometry is used in numerical code ACCA. A typical ACCA run will yield: (a) transmission of primary photon radiation differential in energy, (b) the spectrum of energy deposited in the target as a function of position and (c) the cumulative percent energy deposition as a function of position. A cumulative percent energy deposition of photon monoenergetic beam incident on simplest and complexity tissue slab and Fe slab are presented in this paper. (author). 5 refs.; 2 figs

  6. Efektivitas Pengolahan Air Limbah Batik dengan Cara Kimia dan Biologi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Istihanah Nurul Eskani


    Full Text Available Kebanyakan industri batik membuang air limbah ke lingkungan tanpa diolah terlebih dahulu dengan alasan keterbatasan tempat, dana dan penguasaan teknologi. Beberapa cara pengolahan air limbah telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi penurunan mutunlingkungan akibat pembuangan air limbah.Telah dilakukan penelitian proses pengolahan air limbah batik secara kimia, biologi aerob dan biologi anaerob. Proses kimia dilaksanakan dengan menambahkan koagulan tawas dan kapur ke dalam air limbah batik. Proses biologi aerob dijalankan dalam reaktor terbuka selama 5 hari, sedang proses biologi anaerob  dijalankan dalam reaktor tertutup selama 12 hari. Hasil proses kemudian diukur parameter warna, COD dan alkalinitasnya.Hasil penelitian pengolahan air limbah batik secara kimia dapat menurunkan parameter warna yang berasal dari zat warna Naphtol sebesar 83,15 %, COD sebesar 28,82% dan pH hasil proses 7. Proses biologi anaerob menurunkan parameter warna sebesar 94,95%, COD sebesar 59,89% dan pH hasil proses 5. Proses biologi aerob dapat menurunkan parameter warna yang berasal dari zat warna Naphtol sebesar 97,82%, COD sebesar 72, 88% dan pH hasil proses 6,5. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengolahan limbah cair batik secara biologi aerob lebih efektif daripada pengolahan secara biologi anaerob maupaun secara kimia. Kata kunci : pengolahan air limbah batik, proses kimia, proses biologi

  7. Ten questions about systems biology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joyner, Michael J; Pedersen, Bente K


    to understand how whole animals adapt to the real world. We argue that a lack of fluency in these concepts is a major stumbling block for what has been narrowly defined as 'systems biology' by some of its leading advocates. We also point out that it is a failure of regulation at multiple levels that causes many......In this paper we raise 'ten questions' broadly related to 'omics', the term systems biology, and why the new biology has failed to deliver major therapeutic advances for many common diseases, especially diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We argue that a fundamentally narrow and reductionist...

  8. Ten questions about systems biology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joyner, Michael J; Pedersen, Bente K


    In this paper we raise 'ten questions' broadly related to 'omics', the term systems biology, and why the new biology has failed to deliver major therapeutic advances for many common diseases, especially diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We argue that a fundamentally narrow and reductionist...... to understand how whole animals adapt to the real world. We argue that a lack of fluency in these concepts is a major stumbling block for what has been narrowly defined as 'systems biology' by some of its leading advocates. We also point out that it is a failure of regulation at multiple levels that causes many...

  9. Radial growth and percent of latewood in Scots pine provenance trials in Western and Central Siberia

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    S. R. Kuzmin


    Full Text Available Percent of latewood of Boguchany and Suzun Scots pine climatypes has been studied in two provenance trials (place of origin and trial place. For Boguchany climatype the place of origin is south taiga of Central Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Krai, the place of trial is forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia (Novosibirsk Oblast and vice versa for Suzun climatype – forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia is the place of origin, south taiga is the place of trial. Comparison of annual average values of latewood percent of Boguchany climatype in south taiga and forest-steppe revealed the same numbers – 19 %. Annual variability of this trait in south taiga is distinctly lower and equal to 17 %, in forest-steppe – 35 %. Average annual values of latewood percent of Suzun climatype in the place of origin and trial place are close (20 and 21 %. Variability of this trait for Suzun climatype is higher than for Boguchany and equal to 23 % in south taiga and 42 % in forest-steppe. Climatic conditions in southern taiga in Central Siberia in comparison with forest-steppe in Western Siberia make differences between climatypes stronger. Differences between climatypes are expressed in different age of maximal increments of diameter, different tree ring width and latewood percent values and in different latewood reaction to weather conditions.



    Abidullah ABID; Muhammad Hakimi Mohd SHAFIAI


    Low savings by the bottom 40 percent Bumiputera triggered low wealth accumulation and greater wealth inequality. The issue behind the low savings is the increase in food prices, taxes, and interest rates for the borrowers. In response to these problems, the Malaysian government provides cash transfer BRIM as one of redistributive measures. However, it is still not enough as many of the bottom 40 percent are neglected to avail the facility. In such circumstances, the role of community-based ca...

  11. Elliot Lake uranium mine reclamation, the first ten years

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Payne, R.A.


    In 1989, Rio Algom Limited finalized its plans for the closure and subsequent decommissioning of two of its then three operating mines in Elliot Lake as a result of market conditions. These two mines closed in August 1990. These mine closures had significant impacts. The principal mining operations of Rio Algom at that time were still in Elliot Lake and had been the very foundation of the company for about 40 years. The business impact on the Corporation was regarded as possibly severe. The resultant layoff of over 1,500 long-term, highly qualified, skilled and well-paid employees, a devastating blow to the affected employees and their families, would have a significant financial impact on the municipal economy, particularly as this announcement was seen as the first step in the early closure of all four operating mines in the region. At that time there was little precedence for such a high profile mine closure program and consequently the many unknowns relating to the mine decommissioning process, legislative requirements and society's expectations resulted in a perception of a significant yet ill-defined liability. In this atmosphere of understandable company, stakeholder and public concern, Rio Algom Limited embarked on what has turned out to be a long, rigorous, challenging yet ultimately reasonable and rewarding process of progressive reclamation of all its Elliot Lake mines, some ten in total (nine uranium, one copper). Over the past ten years, reclamation of all ten mines has been successfully completed, some $70 m plus has been expended in direct site reclamation works and the workforce has been reduced from over 2,500 to just 4. After ten years, the focus of attention is now on the long-term care, maintenance, monitoring and reporting required for the decommissioned mine sites, and the accomplishment of this in the best interests of all the stakeholders. (author)

  12. Field experiments on seed dispersal by wind in ten umbelliferous species (Apiaceae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jongejans, E.; Telenius, A.


    This report presents data from experiments on seed dispersal by wind for ten species of the family Apiaceae. Seed shadows were obtained in the field under natural conditions, using wind speeds between four and ten m/s. The flight of individual seeds was followed by eye, and seed shadows were

  13. 48 CFR 836.606-73 - Application of 6 percent architect-engineer fee limitation. (United States)


    ... architect-engineer fee limitation. 836.606-73 Section 836.606-73 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECT-ENGINEER CONTRACTS Architect-Engineer Services 836.606-73 Application of 6 percent architect-engineer fee limitation...

  14. Radiation therapy of penile cancer: six to ten-year follow-up

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grabstald, H.; Kelley, C.D.


    Ten patients with penile cancer were treated with radiation therapy between 1968 and 1973. Nine of ten remain free of disease though in 1 patient a new penile primary developed eight years after the radiation therapy and was treated by partial penectomy. One patient died following surgery for ''bleeding ulcer.'' He was free of penile cancer five years after radiation. The most common complication is urethral stricture and skin telangiectasia


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    Tantri Windarti


    Full Text Available Untuk menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas yang baik pada era globalisasi saat ini, sebuah industri dituntut untuk memberikan produk yang tidak cacat dan sesuai dengan spesifikasi. PT. X adalah sebuah industri besi beton dengan berbagai macam ukuran diameter. Dalam proses produksinya, PT. X melakukan pengendalian kualitas dengan menetapkan batas maksimum toleransi kerusakan sebesar 2%. Namun, dalam pengendalian kualitas tersebut, masih terdapat produk cacat pada minggu ke-5 dan minggu ke-12 di atas batas toleransi yaitu sebesar 2,42% dan 2,21%. Penyebab kerusakan produk cacat yang terjadi pada besi beton diameter 12 mm didominasi oleh overfill sebanyak 48,97% dan scratch sebanyak 32,93% yang akan dikualifikasikan sebagai Critical To Quality (CTQ. Untuk itu,  metode six sigma ini digunakan dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas produk besi beton melalui tahap DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve dan Control. Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah menggunakan metode six sigma terjadi penurunan nilai DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities sebesar 33,21% dan terjadi peningkatan nilai sigma yang semula 2,96 menjadi 3,17. Faktor penyebab utama terjadinya produk cacat adalah faktor mesin yaitu adanya trouble pada rolling mill, kemudian diikuti faktor manusia dan faktor metode sebagai penyebab lain yang membentuk produk akhir.   Kata kunci:  CTQ; DMAIC; pengendalian kualitas; six sigma   Abstract   To produce products with good quality in era of globalization, an industry is required to provide a product that is not defective and in accordance with the specifications. PT. X is a concrete iron industry with various diameter sizes. In the production process, PT. X performs quality control by setting damage tolerance maximum limit. The maximum limit is 2%. However, in the quality control, there are still defect levels at fifth and twelfth week that over tolerance limit are 2.42% and 2.21%. The causes of products defects that occur at

  16. Novitäten im Breslauer Stadttheater


    Zduniak, Maria


    Am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts zählte das Breslauer Stadttheater, obwohl mit nur einer kleinen Orchester-Besetzung ausgestattet, zu den bemerkenswerten europäischen Opernbühnen. Es war aufgeschlossen für musikalische Novitäten. Als Beweis dafür sind u.a. die Breslauer Premieren Salome (1906) von Richard Strauss, L\\'Orfeo (1913) von Claudio Monteverdi und die Uraufführung der Oper Eros und Psyche (1917) von Ludomir Różycki zu nennen.

  17. Ten-a affects the fusion of central complex primordia in Drosophila.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xuebo Cheng

    Full Text Available The central complex of Drosophila melanogaster plays important functions in various behaviors, such as visual and olfactory memory, visual orientation, sleep, and movement control. However little is known about the genes regulating the development of the central complex. Here we report that a mutant gene affecting central complex morphology, cbd (central brain defect, was mapped to ten-a, a type II trans-membrane protein coding gene. Down-regulation of ten-a in pan-neural cells contributed to abnormal morphology of central complex. Over-expression of ten-a by C767-Gal4 was able to partially restore the abnormal central complex morphology in the cbd mutant. Tracking the development of FB primordia revealed that C767-Gal4 labeled interhemispheric junction that separated fan-shaped body precursors at larval stage withdrew to allow the fusion of the precursors. While the C767-Gal4 labeled structure did not withdraw properly and detached from FB primordia, the two fan-shaped body precursors failed to fuse in the cbd mutant. We propose that the withdrawal of C767-Gal4 labeled structure is related to the formation of the fan-shaped body. Our result revealed the function of ten-a in central brain development, and possible cellular mechanism underlying Drosophila fan-shaped body formation.

  18. Reliability and validity of ten consumer activity trackers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kooiman, Thea; Dontje, Manon L.; Sprenger, Siska; Krijnen, Wim; van der Schans, Cees; de Groot, Martijn


    Background: Activity trackers can potentially stimulate users to increase their physical activity behavior. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of ten consumer activity trackers for measuring step count in both laboratory and free-living conditions. Method: Healthy

  19. Urban percent impervious surface and its relationship with land surface temperature in Yantai City, China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Xinyang; Lu, Changhe


    This study investigated percent impervious surface area (PISA) extracted by a four-endmember normalized spectral mixture analysis (NSMA) method and evaluated the reliability of PISA as an indicator of land surface temperature (LST). Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images for Yantai city, eastern China obtained from USGS were used as the main data source. The results demonstrated that four-endmember NSMA method performed better than the typical three-endmember one, and there was a strong linear relationship between LST and PISA for the two images, which suggest percent impervious surface area provides an alternative parameter for analyzing LST quantitatively in urban areas

  20. Evaluation of the influence of percent labeling of 99mTc-MIBI on nuclear medicine procedures in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira, Jucilene Maria


    The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of percent labeling of the radiopharmaceutical 99m Tc-MIBI on the procedures adopted by the nuclear medicine clinics in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, and their possible interference with image quality in myocardial perfusion examinations. This work was performed at two nuclear medicine services in Recife that use pharmaceuticals provided by two different manufacturers: Cardiolite, provided by Dupont and Cardiosyd, provided by SYDMA. The pH, percent labeling and stability of samples of 99m Tc-MIBI and the percent uptake in heart and liver of a number of patients were evaluated. The results showed that the pH values measured in all samples of both radiopharmaceuticals were within the limits recommended. In 48% of the Cardiolite samples, the percent labeling was less than 90%, which is the minimum recommended limit. On the other hand, 87,5% of the Cardiosyd samples measured values above 98%. Both radiopharmaceuticals had good labeling stability, even in samples with low percent labeling efficiencies. In spite of the higher percent labeling of Cardiosyd its heart uptake is similar to that observed with the Cardiolite, even when the percent labeling is lower than 90%. On the other hand, the image quality, according to physicians, evaluation was poorer for Cardiosyd images, due to high noise and poor sharpness. (author)

  1. The influence of transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS) on human cerebral blood flow velocities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Laan, Mark; van Dijk, J. Marc C.; Elting, Jan-Willem J.; Fidler, Vaclav; Staal, Michiel J.

    It has been shown that transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS) reduces sympathetic tone. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has proven qualities to improve coronary, peripheral, and cerebral blood circulation. Therefore, we postulate that TENS and SCS affect the autonomic nervous system in

  2. Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on cognition and behaviour in aging

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scherder, E.J A; van Someren, E.W J; Bouma, J.M.; van der Berg, M


    In previous studies, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) improved cognition and behaviour in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The rationale underlying these studies was that TENS could activate, e.g. the septo-hippocampal region and the hypothalamus through direct and indirect

  3. Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) on cognition and behaviour in aging

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scherder, E.J.A.; Bouma, A.; van den Berg, M.


    In previous studies, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) improved cognition and behaviour in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The rationale underlying these studies was that TENS could activate, e.g. the septo-hippocampal region and the hypothalamus through direct and indirect

  4. Ten questions on nuclear wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillaumont, R.; Bacher, P.


    The authors give explanations and answers to ten issues related to nuclear wastes: when a radioactive material becomes a waste, how radioactive wastes are classified and particularly nuclear wastes in France, what are the risks associated with radioactive wastes, whether the present management of radioactive wastes is well controlled in France, which wastes are raising actual problems and what are the solutions, whether amounts and radio-toxicity of wastes can be reduced, whether all long life radionuclides or part of them can be transmuted, whether geologic storage of final wastes is inescapable, whether radioactive material can be warehoused over long durations, and how the information on radioactive waste management is organised

  5. 64 Percent of Asian and Pacific Islander Treatment Admissions Name Alcohol as Their Problem (United States)

    Data Spotlight May 28, 2013 64 Percent of Asian and Pacific Islander Treatment Admissions Name Alcohol as ... common problem in the United States. 1 When Asians and Pacific Islanders (APIs) go to treatment, alcohol ...

  6. Ten recommendations for software engineering in research. (United States)

    Hastings, Janna; Haug, Kenneth; Steinbeck, Christoph


    Research in the context of data-driven science requires a backbone of well-written software, but scientific researchers are typically not trained at length in software engineering, the principles for creating better software products. To address this gap, in particular for young researchers new to programming, we give ten recommendations to ensure the usability, sustainability and practicality of research software.

  7. VINKA, ten years on. Main scientific results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The VINKA facility in the TRITON swimming-pool reactor at Fontenay-aux-Roses allows the irradiation of solids at low temperatures in order to study crystalline defects. After ten years of operation the main scientific results obtained in the fields of creep and growth (chapter I), point defects (chapter II), amorphisation (chapter III) and dechanneling of particles (chapter IV) are summarised [fr

  8. Ten new withanolides from Physalis peruviana. (United States)

    Fang, Sheng-Tao; Liu, Ji-Kai; Li, Bo


    Ten new withanolides, including four perulactone-type withanolides, perulactones E-H (1-4), three 28-hydroxy-withanolides, withaperuvins I-K (5-7), and three other withanolides, withaperuvins L-N (8-10), together with six known compounds (11-16) were isolated from the aerial parts of Physalis peruviana. The structures of these compounds were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analyses (1D and 2D NMR, IR, HR-MS) and chemical methods. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. The Ten-Minute Neighbourhood Is [not] a Basic Planning Unit for Happiness in Egypt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abeer Mohamed Elshater


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the relationship between inhabitants’ happiness and the right to the city in the status quo of Egyptian neighborhoods. Although services are easily accessible, by ten-minute walks in a suitable ambience, happiness is not achieved. The research aims to, first, review the literature that provides a guideline for ten-minute neighborhoods. Second, this study conducts a comparative content analysis of recent online articles on the right to the city. Third, the study tests findings from Egyptian neighborhood settings. The idea of a ten-minute neighborhood is manageable. The hypothesis concerns a compliant design. It is a logical assumption that people who live within ten minutes walking distance of essential facilities in their area can minimize several problems and maximize a healthy lifestyle. The supposed issue causes the right to the city to affect the relationship between ten-minute neighborhoods and citizens’ happiness. This assumption can be established through site observation and oriented questionnaires. This paper contributes by presenting new planning units that suit the current context of the old cities in the Middle East and North Africa region, based on walking distances of ten minutes or less with reference to the right to the city. This planning unit can result in citizens’ happiness.

  10. A critical comparison of ten disposable cup LCAs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harst, van der E.J.M.; Potting, J.


    Disposable cups can be made from conventional petro-plastics, bioplastics, or paperboard (coated with petro-plastics or bioplastics). This study compared ten life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of disposable cups with the aim to evaluate the robustness of their results. The selected studies have

  11. Maternity Nurses' Perceptions of Implementation of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. (United States)

    Cunningham, Emilie M; Doyle, Eva I; Bowden, Rodney G

    The purpose of this study was to determine maternity nurses' perceptions of implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. An online survey and a focus group were used to evaluate perceptions of maternity nurses of implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding in an urban Texas hospital at the onset of the project initiation. Responses were transcribed and coded using Nvivo software. Thematic analysis was conducted and consensus was reached among the research team to validate themes. Twenty-eight maternity nurses participated. Nurses perceived a number of barriers to implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding including nurse staffing shortages, variations in practice among nurses, different levels of nurse education and knowledge about breastfeeding, lack of parental awareness and knowledge about breastfeeding, culture, and postpartum issues such as maternal fatigue, visitors, and routine required procedures during recovery care that interfered with skin-to-skin positioning. Maternity nurses desired more education about breastfeeding; specifically, a hands-on approach, rather than formal classroom instruction, to be able to promote successful implementation of the Ten Steps. More education on breastfeeding for new mothers, their families, and healthcare providers was recommended. Nurse staffing should be adequate to support nurses in their efforts to promote breastfeeding. Skin-to-skin positioning should be integrated into the recovery period. Hospital leadership support for full implementation and policy adherence is essential. Challenges in implementing the Ten Steps were identified along with potential solutions.

  12. Time in powers of ten natural phenomena and their timescales

    CERN Document Server

    't Hooft, Gerard


    In this richly illustrated book, Nobel Laureate Gerard 't Hooft and Theoretical Physicist Stefan Vandoren describe the enormous diversity of natural phenomena that take place at different time scales. In the tradition of the bestseller Powers of Ten , the authors zoom in and out in time, each step with a factor of ten. Starting from one second, time scales are enlarged until processes are reached that take much longer than the age of the universe. After the largest possible eternities, the reader is treated to the shortest and fastest phenomena known. Then the authors increase with powers of t

  13. Ten-year statistics of the electric power supply. Status and tendencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The ten-year statistics of the electric power supply in Denmark for 1991-2000 presents in tables and figures the trend of the electric power supply sector during the last ten years. The tables and figures present information on total energy consumption, combined heat and power generation, fuel consumption and the environment, the technical systems, economy and pricing, organization of the electricity supply, and information on electricity prices and taxes for households and industry in various countries. (LN)

  14. CRED Cumulative Map of Percent Scleractinian Coral Cover at Pearl and Hermes Atoll, 2002-2004 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on bathymetry.

  15. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and Laryngeal Manual Therapy (LMT): Immediate Effects in Women With Dysphonia. (United States)

    Conde, Mariana de Cásisa Macedo; Siqueira, Larissa Thaís Donalonso; Vendramini, José Eduardo; Brasolotto, Alcione Ghedini; Guirro, Rinaldo Roberto de Jesus; Silverio, Kelly Cristina Alves


    This study aimed to verify the immediate effect of low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and laryngeal manual therapy (LMT) in musculoskeletal pain, voice quality, and self-reported signs in women with dysphonia. Thirty women with behavioral dysphonia were randomly divided into the TENS group and the LMT group. All participants fulfilled the pain survey and had their voices recorded to posterior perceptual and acoustic analysis before and after intervention. The TENS group received a unique low-frequency TENS session (20 minutes). The LMT group received LMT (20 minutes) with soft and superficial massage in the sternocleidomastoid muscle, suprahyoid muscles, and larynx. Afterward, the volunteers reported their voice, larynx, breathing, and articulatory signs. Pre and post data were compared by parametric and nonparametric tests. After TENS, a decrease in pain intensity in the posterior or anterior region of the neck, shoulders, upper or lower back, and masseter was observed. After LMT, a decrease in pain intensity in the neck anterior region, shoulders, lower back, and temporal region was observed. Also, after TENS, there was an improvement in vowel /a/ instability; after LMT, there was a general improvement in voice quality, decrease in tension, and decrease in breathiness in speech. Positive voice and laryngeal signs were reported after TENS, and positive laryngeal signs and articulation were reported after LMT. TENS and LMT may be used in voice treatment of women with behavioral dysphonia, and both may be considered important therapy resources that reduce musculoskeletal pain and cause positive laryngeal signs. Both TENS and LMT are able to partially improve voice quality, but TENS presented better results. Copyright © 2018 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work. (United States)

    Nancarrow, Susan A; Booth, Andrew; Ariss, Steven; Smith, Tony; Enderby, Pam; Roots, Alison


    Interdisciplinary team work is increasingly prevalent, supported by policies and practices that bring care closer to the patient and challenge traditional professional boundaries. To date, there has been a great deal of emphasis on the processes of team work, and in some cases, outcomes. This study draws on two sources of knowledge to identify the attributes of a good interdisciplinary team; a published systematic review of the literature on interdisciplinary team work, and the perceptions of over 253 staff from 11 community rehabilitation and intermediate care teams in the UK. These data sources were merged using qualitative content analysis to arrive at a framework that identifies characteristics and proposes ten competencies that support effective interdisciplinary team work. Ten characteristics underpinning effective interdisciplinary team work were identified: positive leadership and management attributes; communication strategies and structures; personal rewards, training and development; appropriate resources and procedures; appropriate skill mix; supportive team climate; individual characteristics that support interdisciplinary team work; clarity of vision; quality and outcomes of care; and respecting and understanding roles. We propose competency statements that an effective interdisciplinary team functioning at a high level should demonstrate.

  17. Tranexamic Acid Reduced the Percent of Total Blood Volume Lost During Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgery. (United States)

    Jones, Kristen E; Butler, Elissa K; Barrack, Tara; Ledonio, Charles T; Forte, Mary L; Cohn, Claudia S; Polly, David W


    Multilevel posterior spine fusion is associated with significant intraoperative blood loss. Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic agent that reduces intraoperative blood loss. The goal of this study was to compare the percent of total blood volume lost during posterior spinal fusion (PSF) with or without tranexamic acid in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Thirty-six AIS patients underwent PSF in 2011-2014; the last half (n=18) received intraoperative tranexamic acid. We retrieved relevant demographic, hematologic, intraoperative and outcomes information from medical records. The primary outcome was the percent of total blood volume lost, calculated from estimates of intraoperative blood loss (numerator) and estimated total blood volume per patient (denominator, via Nadler's equations). Unadjusted outcomes were compared using standard statistical tests. Tranexamic acid and no-tranexamic acid groups were similar (all p>0.05) in mean age (16.1 vs. 15.2 years), sex (89% vs. 83% female), body mass index (22.2 vs. 20.2 kg/m2), preoperative hemoglobin (13.9 vs. 13.9 g/dl), mean spinal levels fused (10.5 vs. 9.6), osteotomies (1.6 vs. 0.9) and operative duration (6.1 hours, both). The percent of total blood volume lost (TBVL) was significantly lower in the tranexamic acid-treated vs. no-tranexamic acid group (median 8.23% vs. 14.30%, p = 0.032); percent TBVL per level fused was significantly lower with tranexamic acid than without it (1.1% vs. 1.8%, p=0.048). Estimated blood loss (milliliters) was similar across groups. Tranexamic acid significantly reduced the percentage of total blood volume lost versus no tranexamic acid in AIS patients who underwent PSF using a standardized blood loss measure.Level of Evidence: 3. Institutional Review Board status: This medical record chart review (minimal risk) study was approved by the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board.

  18. Age Group Comparisons of TENS Response among Individuals with Chronic Axial Low Back Pain


    Simon, Corey B.; Riley, Joseph L.; Fillingim, Roger B.; Bishop, Mark D.; George, Steven Z.


    Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a highly prevalent and disabling musculoskeletal pain condition among older adults. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is commonly used to treat CLBP, however, TENS response for older adults compared to younger adults is untested. In a dose-response study stratified by age, sixty participants with axial CLBP (20 young, 20 middle-aged, 20 older) received four 20-minute sessions of high frequency, high intensity TENS over a two to three-week perio...

  19. 40 CFR 62.14815 - What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent wood wastes... (United States)


    ... air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent wood wastes, clean lumber and/or yard waste? 62.14815... Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units That Commenced Construction On or Before November 30, 1999 Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Wood Wastes, Clean Lumber And/or...

  20. Ten-year statistics of the electric power supply. Status and tendencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The ten-year statistics of the electric power supply in Denmark for 1990-1999 presents in tables and figures the trend of the electric power supply sector during the last ten years. The tables and figures present information on total energy consumption, combined heat and power generation, fuel consumption and the environment, the technical systems, economy and pricing, organization of the electricity supply, auto-production of electricity and information on electricity prices and taxes for households and industry in various countries. (LN)

  1. The short-term effects of TENS plus therapeutic ultrasound combinations in chronic neck pain. (United States)

    Sayilir, Selcuk


    To investigate the effects of TENS plus therapeutic ultrasound combinations on symptom relief, physical functionality, perceived stress levels, daytime sleepiness and neck mobility in patients with chronic neck pain (CNP). A total of 64 patients were divided into two groups as the TENS plus ultrasound group (n = 39) and the control CNP group (n = 25). The therapy comprised TENS and therapeutic ultrasound applications for 10 sessions. The control subjects were discouraged from using analgesics but were allowed to use paracetamol daily, if necessary. The Neck Disability Index (NDI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), visual analog scale (VAS) and tragus-wall/chin-manubrium distances were recorded at the baseline and after therapy. Significant improvements were detected in the TENS plus ultrasound group compared to the control CNP subjects in respect of VAS, PSS and NDI scores after the TENS plus therapeutic ultrasound therapies (all p stress levels and improving functionality in the short-term of CNP. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Ten questions about radiant heating and cooling systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rhee, Kyu-Nam; Olesen, Bjarne W.; Kim, Kwang Woo


    to extend the applicability of the RHC system are providing the continuous impetus for research on RHC systems. This paper summarizes the important issues involved in the research on RHC system, whereby ten questions and answers concerning the RHC system are discussed, which will help researchers to conduct...

  3. Research on pinch devices of tens of kA to MA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soto, L.; Silva, P.; Moreno, J.; Silvester, G.; Zambra, M. [Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, Santiago (Chile); Pavez, C.; Saavedra, R. [Univ. de Concepcion (Chile); Bruzzone, H. [Pladema (Antiqua and Barbuda)]|[Univ. de Mar del Plata and CONICET (Argentina); Barbaglia, M. [Pladema (Antiqua and Barbuda); Mayer, R. [Pladema (Antiqua and Barbuda)]|[Inst. Balseiro, Bariloche, CNEA and CONICET (Argentina); Sidelnikov, Y.; Kies, W. [Heinrich-Heine-Univ., Duesseldorf (Germany)


    At present the Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology Group of the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCHEN) has the experimental facilities in order to study dense transient discharges in a wide range of energy and current, namely: (I) energy from tens of joules to hundred of kilojoules, (II) current from tens of kiloamperes to some mega-amperes. Also several diagnostics have been implemented. An overview of the work being carried out on dense pinch discharges at the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear is presented. (orig.)

  4. Research on pinch devices of tens of kA to MA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soto, L.; Silva, P.; Moreno, J.; Silvester, G.; Zambra, M.; Pavez, C.; Saavedra, R.; Bruzzone, H.; Barbaglia, M.; Mayer, R.; Sidelnikov, Y.; Kies, W.


    At present the Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology Group of the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCHEN) has the experimental facilities in order to study dense transient discharges in a wide range of energy and current, namely: (I) energy from tens of joules to hundred of kilojoules, (II) current from tens of kiloamperes to some mega-amperes. Also several diagnostics have been implemented. An overview of the work being carried out on dense pinch discharges at the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear is presented. (orig.)

  5. Antihypertensive effect of low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in comparison with drug treatment. (United States)

    Silverdal, Jonas; Mourtzinis, Georgios; Stener-Victorin, Elisabet; Mannheimer, Clas; Manhem, Karin


    Hypertension is a major risk factor for vascular disease, yet blood pressure (BP) control is unsatisfactory low, partly due to side-effects. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is well tolerated and studies have demonstrated BP reduction. In this study, we compared the BP lowering effect of 2.5 mg felodipin once daily with 30 min of bidaily low-frequency TENS in 32 adult hypertensive subjects (mean office BP 152.7/90.0 mmHg) in a randomized, crossover design. Office BP and 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) were performed at baseline and at the end of each 4-week treatment and washout period. Felodipin reduced office BP by 10/6 mmHg (p TENS reduced office BP by 5/1.5 mmHg (p TENS washout, BP was further reduced and significantly lower than at baseline, but at levels similar to BP after felodipin washout and therefore reasonably caused by factors other than the treatment per se. ABPM revealed a significant systolic reduction of 3 mmHg by felodipin, but no significant changes were noted after TENS. We conclude that our study does not present any solid evidence of BP reduction of TENS.

  6. Optical spectroscopy of ten extragalactic radiosources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rawlings, S.; Riley, J.M.; Saunders, R.


    We present optical spectroscopy of ten objects associated with extra-galactic radiosources, using the University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope. Redshifts are measured for four radiogalaxies (B20217 + 36A + B, 3C73, 0648 + 19A, 0648 + 19B) and for a galaxy which is probably associated with a double radio-source with highly unusual properties (0951 + 37); existing redshifts are confirmed for two radiogalaxies (4C39.04, 4C40.08); and a tentative redshift of z=2.87 measured for the quasar 3C82. (author)

  7. Ten essential skills for electrical engineers

    CERN Document Server

    Dorr, Barry


    Engineers know that, as in any other discipline, getting a good job requires practical, up-to-date skills. An engineering degree provides a broad set of fundamentals. Ten Essential Skills applies those fundamentals to practical tasks required by employers. Written in a user-friendly, no-nonsense format, the book reviews practical skills using the latest tools and techniques, and features a companion website with interview practice problems and advanced material for readers wishing to pursue additional skills. With this book, aspiring and current engineers may approach job interviews confident

  8. School Psychologists' Job Satisfaction: Ten Years Later


    Worrell, Travis G.


    School Psychologistsâ Job Satisfaction: Ten Years Later (ABSTRACT) This study was designed to replicate nationwide surveys completed in 1982 and 1992. The purpose was to examine and describe the levels of job satisfaction and the relationship between the variables in a national sample of school psychologists belonging to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). The sample for this study consisted of respondents who reported being full-time school practitioners. ...

  9. Fulfilling the atomic promise: Ten years history gives pointers for the future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ten years is a short period in human history, and a short period in the life of an international organization. Nevertheless the ten years now completed by the International Atomic Energy Agency has seen much work accomplished and has brought greater realization than ever before of the promise held out by the atom for peaceful benefits leading to the promotion of peace, health and prosperity throughout the world

  10. Breastfeeding Practices and Barriers to Implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding in Mississippi Hospitals. (United States)

    Alakaam, Amir; Lemacks, Jennifer; Yadrick, Kathleen; Connell, Carol; Choi, Hwanseok Winston; Newman, Ray G


    Mississippi has the lowest rates of breastfeeding in the United States at 6 and 12 months. There is growing evidence that the rates and duration of infant breastfeeding improve after hospitals implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding; moreover, the Ten Steps approach is considered the standard model for evaluation of breastfeeding practices in birthplaces. Research aim: This study aimed to examine the implementation level of the Ten Steps and identify barriers to implementing the Ten Steps in Mississippi hospitals. A cross-sectional self-report survey was used to answer the research aim. Nurse managers of the birthing and maternity units of all 43 Mississippi hospitals that provided birthing and maternity care were recruited. A response rate of 72% ( N = 31) was obtained. Implementation of the Ten Steps in these hospitals was categorized as low, partial, moderate, or high. The researcher classified implementation in 29% of hospitals as moderate and in 71% as partial. The hospital level of implementation was significantly positively associated with the hospital delivery rate along with the hospital cesarean section rate per year. The main barriers for the implementation process of the Ten Steps reported were resistance to new policies, limited financial and human resources, and lack of support from national and state governments. Breastfeeding practices in Mississippi hospitals need to be improved. New policies need to be established in Mississippi to encourage hospitals to adopt the Ten Steps policies and practice in the maternity and birthing units.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Purwanto


    Full Text Available This research aims to implement the model learning cycle "5E" accompanied by worksheets to increase activity, science process skills and student learning outcomes. This model provides student involvement and hands-on experience for students, develop a collaborative manner with the group and share your knowledge with other students. Conclusions of this study is the implementation model of learning cycle "5E" with worksheets may enhance the activity, science process skills, and student learning outcomes of  X8 in the second semester  at senior high school 4th Metro on academic year 2011/2012. The increase can be observed as follows: the activity of reading the literature by 23%, experiment activity (drawing objects of observation by 25%, in a group discussion activity by 23%, the activity of asking questions by 17%, and argues activity by 10%. In the process skills of science students on aspects of the skill increased by 25% using the tool, the object classifies 30%, the cooperation within the group by 22%, delivering the acquisition of 23%. Learning outcomes of students has increased by 4% which is in cycle I of 71% to 75% in cycle II. As for the improvement of pre-survey to cycle II by 56% which is 19% in pre-survey become to 75% in Cycle II.   Kata kunci: model learning cycle "5E" disertai LKS, aktivitas belajar, keterampilan proses sains, hasil belajar

  12. Map of percent scleractinian coral cover and sand along camera tow tracks in west Hawaii (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral and sand overlaid on bathymetry and landsat imagery northwest...

  13. Comparative study between manual therapy and TENS Burst in patients with tension-type cephalalgia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Vasconcelos Fernandes

    Full Text Available Introduction Cephalgia or cephalalgia is one of the most common symptoms in the general population. Objective To compare the efficacy of physical therapy modalities, through manual therapy and the effect of Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS for tension-type cephalalgia. Materials and methods The study was compounded by 60 subjects, but only 40 of them completed it, due to the exclusion criteria. These were divided into control group and intervention group. The control group received treatment — manual therapy. The intervention group received TENS Burst. Patients underwent ten sessions of treatment, made at every two days on a week, lasting 30 minutes each session. Results The characteristics related to lifestyle, postural issues and range of motion are responsible for the main causes of tension-type cephalalgia. Discussion treatments showed effective results in all cases in relation to pain intensity, but the use of manual therapy techniques give the patient a better quality of life compared to the use of TENS. Final considerations The treatment of this condition deserves analysis and studies; however, there are only a few studying physical therapy techniques, especially regarding to the use of TENS.

  14. PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR INDUSTRI SUSU (Liquid Waste Management in Milk Factory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wagini Wagini


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui kondisi limbah cair industri susu. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah cair industri susu mengandung zat-zat pencemar dalam tingkat yang membahayakan lingkungan, sehingga limbah cair tersebut perlu didaur ulang. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu instalasi peralatan yang mampu mengolah limbah tersebut. Pada penelitian ini proses pengolahan dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan proses-proses pengolahan secara Fisika, Kimia dan Biologi. Dengan tahapan proses pengolahan yang dipilih meliputi; Proses equalisasi, proses anaerob, proses aerasi, lumpur aktif, proses sedimentasi, proses koagulasi-flokulasi, proses sedimentasi, proses flotasi, proses pengendapan partikel ringan, proses penyaringan dengan pasir dan arang aktif.    Kualitas air hasil pengolahan dianalisa secara Fisika, Kimia dan Biologi melalui parameter-parameter: suhu, kekeruhan, zat padat tersuspensi, zat padat terlarut, daya hantar listrik, PH, BOD, COD dan jumlah bakteri. Penelitian ini menunjukkan air hasil pengolahan aman untuk dibuang ke lingkungan.   ABSTRACT A research to identify the condition of milk industry liquid waste was conducted. The result showed that the waste contained pollutants at the level the endangered the environment. Therefore, the waste had to be recycled in which a liquid waste treatment installation is needed. In this research, the process of milk industry liquid waste was done by combining processing techniques of physics, chemistry and biology. The processing steps include the processes of equalization, anaerobe, aeration, sedimentation, coagulation-flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, sedimentation, filtering with sand and activated carbon. The water resulted from the processes was analyzed in terms of physical, chemical and biological characteristics e.g. temperature, turbidity, suspended solid, solutes solid, conductivity, pH, BOD, COD and amount of bacteria. This research, shows that the water

  15. Comparative evaluation of PSA-Density, percent free PSA and total PSA


    Ströbel, Greta


    BACKGROUND The objective of this study was to evaluate the prostate specific antigen (PSA) density (PSAD) (the quotient of PSA and prostate volume) compared with the percent free PSA (%fPSA) and total PSA (tPSA) in different total PSA (tPSA) ranges from 2 ng/mL to 20 ng/mL. Possible cut-off levels depending on the tPSA should be established. METHODS In total, 1809 men with no pretreatment of the prostate were enrolled between 1996 and 2004. Total and free PSA were measured with t...

  16. Self-esteem and depression: ten year follow-up of mothers and offspring. (United States)

    Miller, L; Warner, V; Wickramaratne, P; Weissman, M


    The association between maternal bonding style, offspring low self-esteem and offspring depression status was assessed by maternal depression status. Sixty mothers and 137 offspring were independently assessed over the course of a ten year follow-up study. Assessments included the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS-LA), Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children (K-SADS), the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) and the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI). Among daughters of mothers with a history of depression, maternal affectionless-control was associated with daughter low self-esteem which was associated with daughter depression at ten year follow-up. Among daughters of mothers without a history of depression, maternal affectionless-control was not associated with daughter low self-esteem, which was not associated with daughter depression at ten year follow-up but which was associated with a history of childhood depression. None of these associations were found to be significant among sons. As self-esteem was not measured at ten year follow-up, among offspring the stability of self-esteem could not be assessed, nor could the association between adult self-esteem and adult depression. Clinical presentation of low self-esteem in girls should be assessed in the context of maternal depression status.

  17. European Community Can Reduce CO2 Emissions by Sixty Percent : A Feasibility Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mot, E.; Bartelds, H.; Esser, P.M.; Huurdeman, A.J.M.; Laak, P.J.A. van de; Michon, S.G.L.; Nielen, R.J.; Baar, H.J.W. de


    Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the European Community (EC) can be reduced by roughly 60 percent. A great many measures need to be taken to reach this reduction, with a total annual cost of ECU 55 milliard. Fossil fuel use is the main cause of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere; CO2 emissions are

  18. Evaluation of four methods for separation of lymphocytes from normal individuals and patients with cancer and tuberculosis. (United States)

    Patrick, C C; Graber, C D; Loadholt, C B


    An optimal technique was sought for lymphocyte recovery from normal and chronic diseased individuals. Lymphocytes were separated by four techniques: Plasmagel, Ficoll--Hypaque, a commercial semiautomatic method, and simple centrifugation using blood drawn from ten normal individuals, ten cancer patients, and ten tuberculosis patients. The lymphocyte mixture obtained after using each method was analyzed for percent recovery, amount if contamination by erythrocytes and neutrophils, and percent viability. The results show that the semiautomatic method yielded the best percent recovery of lymphocytes for normal individuals, while the simple centrifugation method contributed the highest percent recovery for cancer and tuberculosis patients. The Ficoll-Hypaque method gave the lowest erythrocyte contamination for all three types of individuals tested, while the Plasmagel method gave the lowest neutrophil contamination for all three types of individuals. The simple centrifugation method yielded all viable lymphocytes and thus gave the highest percent viability.

  19. Objectively-determined intensity- and domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behavior in relation to percent body fat. (United States)

    Scheers, Tineke; Philippaerts, Renaat; Lefevre, Johan


    This study examined the independent and joint associations of overall, intensity-specific and domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behavior with bioelectrical impedance-determined percent body fat. Physical activity was measured in 442 Flemish adults (41.4 ± 9.8 years) using the SenseWear Armband and an electronic diary. Two-way analyses of covariance investigated the interaction of physical activity and sedentary behavior with percent body fat. Multiple linear regression analyses, adjusted for potential confounders, examined the associations of intensity-specific and domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behavior with percent body fat. Results showed a significant main effect for physical activity in both genders and for sedentary behavior in women, but no interaction effects. Light activity was positively (β = 0.41 for men and 0.43 for women) and moderate (β = -0.64 and -0.41), vigorous (β = -0.21 and -0.24) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) inversely associated with percent body fat, independent of sedentary time. Regarding domain-specific physical activity, significant associations were present for occupation, leisure time and household chores, irrespective of sedentary time. The positive associations between body fat and total and domain-specific sedentary behavior diminished after MVPA was controlled for. MVPA during leisure time, occupation and household chores may be essential to prevent fat gain. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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    I Nyoman Piarsa


    Full Text Available Sistem verifikasi online menggunakan biometrika wajah adalah sebuah sistem kontrol keamanan akses webyang menggunakan biometrika wajah. Sistem verifikasi bertujuan untuk menerima atau menolak identitas yangdiklaim oleh seseorang. Sistem ini dibagi dalam dua proses penting yaitu proses pendaftaran dan proses pengenalan.Proses pendaftaran adalah proses dimana seorang pengguna mendaftarkan dirinya dalam suatu web dan kemudianmelakukan pendaftaran wajah, data wajah yang telah terdaftar akan digunakan untuk proses selanjutnya yaitu prosespengenalan. Proses pedaftaran wajah menggunakan pendeteksian wajah yang menggunakan library OpenCV. Prosesverifikasi menggunakan sistem pengenalan yang menggunakan metode Eigenface.Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa, biometrika dapat diterapkan dan digunakan sebagai sistemverifikasi yang berbasiskan web secara online. Metode eigenface dalam proses pengenalan dapat digunakan sebagaisistem keamanan tambahan dengan menggunakan nilai ambang 1,2 dan penggunaan 4 eigenface. Pemilihan nilaiambang dan eigenface dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan keamanan yang diinginkan. Nilai ambang danpenggunaan eigenface bersifat berlawanan arah dimana semakin kecil nilai ambang dan semakin besar penggunaaneigenface maka keakuratan sistem semakin akurat, dan sebaliknya sistem keakuratan sistem menjadi berkurang.