
Sample records for programmi foreas abil

  1. Toetusi saab küsida ka LEADER-programmi raames / Raavo Raadik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raadik, Raavo


    Eesti Hobusekasvatajate Seltsi raskeveohobuse kasvatajate haruseltsi juht Enn Rand on LEADER-programmi abil oluliselt arendanud Pärnumaal Tõstamaa vallas asuvat Maria talu, mis on praeguseks muutunud maakonnas arvestatavaks puhke- ja spordikeskuseks

  2. TÜ osaleb programmis "Atomium Culture"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ainsana Eestist osaleb TÜ Euroopa teaduse populariseerimise programmis "Atomium Culture", mille eesmärgiks on ühendada teadmiste loomine (ülikoolid), info ja kommunikatsioon selle kohta (ajalehed) ning teadmiste kasutamine (ettevõtted)

  3. E-õppe programmi BeSt mõjud partnerkõrgkoolides / Jüri Lõssenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõssenko, Jüri


    Aastatel 2008-2013 viidi Hariduse Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutuse (HITSA) koordineerimisel ellu kõrghariduse e-õppe programm BeSt, mille eesmärk oli e-õppe vahendite ja võimaluste kasutamise toel tõsta programmi kaasatud kõrgkoolides taseme- ja täiendusõppe kvaliteeti

  4. Tutorial GPS I programmi TGO e TTC di Trimble

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vittorio Grassi


    Full Text Available Sia questo articolo che quelli che seguiranno sui più diffusi programmi di elaborazione dei dati GPS circolanti in Italia, non pretendono d’essere ne’ saranno mai un manuale d’uso. Il loro scopo è quello di mettere in risalto le funzionalità del programma recensito sulla base di quanto esposto nell’articolo dello stesso autore, intitolato “L’elaborazione dei dati GPS” e pubblicato sul n° 2 di Geomedia 2005 ed è quindi visto solo sotto l’aspetto della elaborazione dei dati GPS e della loro compensazione.

  5. Ingemansson Technology AB osaleb Läänemere Agenda 21-programmis Eesti töökeskkonnamüra vähendamise projektiga / Lars Landström

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Landström, Lars


    Rootsi firma Ingemansson Technology AB on Põhja-Euroopa juhtiv akustikale, mürale ja vibratsioonile spetsialiseerunud konsultatsioonifirma, mis osaleb Läänemere Agenda 21 programmis projektiga "Töökeskkonnamüra tõrje ja masinamüra summutamise EL direktiivide kohaste meetmete rakendamine Eestis"

  6. Kui vana on su keha? / Evelin Kivilo-Paas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivilo-Paas, Evelin, 1979-


    Keha vanuse testimisest Polar BodyAge'i programmi abil. Treener Kristi Roosimägi analüüsib osalejate, TV3 uudisteankur Marek Lindmaa, ilmateadustaja Liis Lusmäe ja reporter Feliks Unduski tulemusi

  7. Demographic dream : 1,5 million Estonians

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Haridus- ja teadusminister Tõnis Lukas loodab rahvuskaaslaste programmi abil saavutada, et väliseestlased ei unusta eesti keelt ning eesti keelt kõnelevate inimeste arv võiks järgmisel aastakümnel jõuda 1,5 miljonini

  8. USA näeb tuumaenergias oma võimalust / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA presidendi George W. Bushi ja energiaministri asetäitja Clay Sell'i sõnul on USA administratsiooni uue globaalse tuumaenergia partnerluse programmi eesmärgiks leida võimalusi maailma üha suurenevate energiavajaduste rahuldamiseks tuumaenergia abil. Lisa: Tuumaenergia

  9. Majandusõpetus algkoolis / Piret Põldre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldre, Piret


    Artiklis käsitletakse Eesti õpilastele väljatöötatud majandusõpetuse programmi, mis toetub Junior Achievementi algkooliastmele suunatud õppeprogrammi K-6 põhimõtetele. Ülevaade õpetajate ja õpilaste tagasisidest programmi kahe esimese teema edukuse kohta ning kokkuvõte võrdlevast uurimusest, mis viidi läbi algkooli majandusõpetuse programmi järgi õppinud klasside ja kontrollklasside vahel

  10. Venezia filmifestivali kimbutab staaripõud / Triin Tael

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tael, Triin


    Algas Veneetsia 65. filmifestival. Tanel Toomi lühimängufilm "Teine tulemine" on võetud Veneetsia filmifestivali lühifilmide programmi. Sellest sõnum "Eesti linateos võistleb lühifilmide programmis"

  11. Ettevõtjad disaini juurde / Per Mollerup

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mollerup, Per


    Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi poolt kavandatav disainiinfo keskus algatab Jäälõhkuja programmi, mille eesmärgiks on motiveerida ettevõtjaid kasutama professionaalset disaini majanduslikku ebakindlust suurendamata. Ülevaade Taani Jäälõhkuja programmi tegevusest

  12. Täna algava Annecy festivali kavas on kolm Eesti joonisfilmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Annecy animafestivalil osaleb kolm Eesti filmi : võistleb Kaspar Jancise "Maraton", Panorama programmis on Ülo Pikkovi "Elu maitse", võistlusvälises täispikkade filmide programmis on Janno Põldma-Heiki Ernitsa "Leiutajateküla Lotte"

  13. Baltic universities build on EuroFaculty's foundations / Gustav Kristensen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kristensen, Gustav


    Balti Nõukogu eestvedamisel EuroFaculty programmi raames on pärast taasiseseisvumist Balti riikide ülikoolides asutatud Euroteaduskondi. 13 aastat kestnud programmi eesmärgiks oli valmistada riike ette Euroopa Liiduga liitumiseks ja anda majandus-, poliitika- ja õigusalast haridus

  14. Seltskond / Annika Haas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haas, Annika


    21. veebruaril 2007 tähistas Tiigrihüppe SA Tallinnas Olümpia hotelli konverentsikeskuses konverentsiga "Kogu tõde Tiigrihüppest" Tiigrihüppe programmi 10. aastapäeva. Kohal viibis ka programmi üks algatajaid Toomas Hendrik Ilves

  15. Suvised filmifestivalid / J. R.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    J. R.


    Lühidalt eelseisvatest filmifestivalidest (Moskva, Annecy). Annecy animafestivalil osaleb kolm Eesti filmi : võistleb Kaspar Jancise "Maraton", Panorama programmis on Ülo Pikkovi "Elu maitse", võistlusvälises täispikkade filmide programmis on Janno Põldma-Heiki Ernitsa "Leiutajateküla Lotte"

  16. Rol Gruzinskoi zheleznoi dorogi v razvitii transportnogo koridora TRACECA = The role of the Georgian railways in the development of the TRACECA transport corridor / Teimuraz Gorshkov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gorshkov, Teimuraz


    Ettekanne 3.-4. detsembrini 2003 Tallinnas toimunud rahvusvahelisel konverents-näitusel "Logistics and transport in international trade" tutvustab Euroopat ja Kesk-Aasiat ühendava transpordikoridori TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia) programmi ja Gruusia raudtee kui programmi olulisima komponendi, arendamise ülesandeid

  17. Kõrgharidusprogramm Erasmus : [2011

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti kõrgkoolide üliõpilaste õpirändest Erasmus programmi raames. Euroopa Komisjon kuulutas 2011. a. märtsis välja Erasmuse programmi 25. aastapäeva riiklike saadikute konkursi 2012. aastaks. Eestist valiti saadikuteks Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilane Helen Margus ja Tallinna Ülikooli õppejõud Sirje Virkus

  18. Moskvast tuli Eestisse Hõbe-Jüri / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    Moskvas lõppes XXVI rahvusvaheline filmifestival. Festivali programmi kuulus ka Renee Reinumäe, Jaak Kilmi noortefilm, mis sai žürii eripreemia, Hõbedase Püha Jüri. Peapreemia sai venelase Dmitri Meshijevi "Omad". Noorte lootustandvate režissööride programmis oli huvitav prantslase Christophe Honoré "Minu ema". Lisatud auhinnatute nimekiri ning nimekiri "Eesti filmide tähtsamaid autasusid"

  19. Work ability assessment in a worker population: comparison and determinants of Work Ability Index and Work Ability score. (United States)

    El Fassi, Mehdi; Bocquet, Valery; Majery, Nicole; Lair, Marie Lise; Couffignal, Sophie; Mairiaux, Philippe


    Public authorities in European countries are paying increasing attention to the promotion of work ability throughout working life and the best method to monitor work ability in populations of workers is becoming a significant question. The present study aims to compare the assessment of work ability based on the use of the Work Ability Index (WAI), a 7-item questionnaire, with another one based on the use of WAI's first item, which consists in the worker's self-assessment of his/her current work ability level as opposed to his/her lifetime best, this single question being termed "Work Ability score" (WAS). Using a database created by an occupational health service, the study intends to answer the following questions: could the assessment of work ability be based on a single-item measure and which are the variables significantly associated with self-reported work ability among those systematically recorded by the occupational physician during health examinations? A logistic regression model was used in order to estimate the probability of observing "poor" or "moderate" WAI levels depending on age, gender, body mass index, smoking status, position held, firm size and diseases reported by the worker in a population of workers aged 40 to 65 and examined between January 2006 and June 2010 (n=12389). The convergent validity between WAS and WAI was statistically significant (rs=0.63). In the multivariable model, age (pwork ability. A work position characterized by the predominance of mental activity (OR=0.71, 95%CI [0.61-0.84]) had a favourable impact on work ability. These relations were observed regardless of the work ability measurement tool used. The convergent validity and the similarity in results between WAI and WAS observed in a large population of employed workers should thus foster the use of WAS for systematic screening of work ability. Ageing, overweight, decline in health status, holding a mostly physical job and working in a large-sized firm increase the

  20. Leonardo da Vinci programmiga Euroopasse / Maie Üürike

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Üürike, Maie


    Elukestva õppe allprogrammist, mis on suunatud kutsehariduse ja -koolituse edendamisele Euroopas. Vana-Vigala Tehnika- ja Teeninduskooli õpilased viibisid programmi raames erialasel praktikal Soomes

  1. Mida teha kutsekoolides, et lõpetajad oleksid sama edukad nagu Jamie Oliver? / Rita Siilivask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siilivask, Rita


    Eesti, Sloveenia ja Poola kutsehariduse asjatundjate õppevisiidist Inglismaale, mis toimus programmi Erasmus+ kutsehariduse strateegilise partnerluse projektis „European Solutions in Quality Assurance - ESQA”

  2. Tantsukuningad näitavad võimu / Janar Ala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ala, Janar, 1979-


    19. nov. etendub Tallinnas Nokia kontserdimajas balletiprogramm "Tantsukuningad - Kings of Dance maailmatuur 2009". Esinevad erinevate maade ja balletikoolkondade tipptantsijad. Programmi lavastas Christopher Wheeldon

  3. Work ability as prognostic risk marker of disability pension : Single-item work ability score versus multi-item work ability index

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roelen, C.A.M.; Rhenen, van W.; Groothoff, J.W.; Klink, van der J.J.L.; Twisk, W.R.; Heymans, M.W.


    Work ability predicts future disability pension (DP). A single-item work ability score (WAS) is emerging as a measure for work ability. This study compared single-item WAS with the multi-item work ability index (WAI) in its ability to identify workers at risk of DP.

  4. Work ability as prognostic risk marker of disability pension: single-item work ability score versus multi-item work ability index

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roelen, C.A.M.; van Rhenen, W.; Groothoff, J.W.; van der Klink, J.J.L.; Twisk, J.W.R.; Heymans, M.W.


    Objectives Work ability predicts future disability pension (DP). A single-item work ability score (WAS) is emerging as a measure for work ability. This study compared single-item WAS with the multi-item work ability index (WAI) in its ability to identify workers at risk of DP. Methods This

  5. Work ability as prognostic risk marker of disability pension : single-item work ability score versus multi-item work ability index

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roelen, Corne A. M.; van Rhenen, Willem; Groothoff, Johan W.; van der Klink, Jac J. L.; Twisk, Jos W. R.; Heymans, Martijn W.

    Objectives Work ability predicts future disability pension (DP). A single-item work ability score (WAS) is emerging as a measure for work ability. This study compared single-item WAS with the multi-item work ability index (WAI) in its ability to identify workers at risk of DP. Methods This

  6. Sammudes koos Joshua Nelsoniga / Margit Urbel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Urbel, Margit


    Pärnu rahvusvahelise dokumentaal- ja antropoloogiafilmide festivali ETV programmis näidatud Ameerika Ühendriikide-Taani-Rootsi muusikalisest dokumentaalfilmist "Lõputult sammudes" ("Keep On Walking")

  7. EIB Eesti Energia laenu üle ei muretse / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    Euroopa Investeerimispank andis 2009. aastal Eesti Energiale laenu 150 miljonit eurot investeerimisprogrammi rahastamiseks, nüüd on programmi tabanud kriitika. Euroopa Investeerimispanga laenumahust

  8. Saaremaa taotleb LIFE programmist 50 miljonit krooni / Ain Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Ain


    Vilsandi Rahvuspark ja Pärandkoosluste Kaitse Ühing esitasid EL Komisjonile LIFE programmi raames projektitaotlused. Ajalehe küsimustele vastab Vilsandi rahvuspargi kaitsekorralduskava spetsialist Enn Kaljo

  9. Eri riikide noored üritavad lahendada Ida-Viru probleeme / Ishtvan Ban

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ban, Ishtvan


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 8. aug., lk. 3. Kohtla-Nõmmel programmi 'Euroopa Noored' toetusel toimunud rahvusvahelisest noorte kohtumisest, kus arutati Ida-Virumaa keskkonna ja turismi probleeme

  10. Guatemala värvid ja kontrastid / Märt Peet, Elo Talvoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peet, Märt


    Guatemala vaatamisväärsustest ja kultuurist. Eesti noorte naiste ja meeste kristlike ühingute esindajate osalemisest rahvusvahelises noortejuhtide programmis Kesk- Ameerikas erinevate kultuuride tundmaõppimiseks

  11. Work ability assessment in a worker population: comparison and determinants of Work Ability Index and Work Ability score


    El Fassi, Mehdi; Bocquet, Valery; Majery, Nicole; Lair, Marie Lise; Couffignal, Sophie; Mairiaux, Philippe


    Background Public authorities in European countries are paying increasing attention to the promotion of work ability throughout working life and the best method to monitor work ability in populations of workers is becoming a significant question. The present study aims to compare the assessment of work ability based on the use of the Work Ability Index (WAI), a 7-item questionnaire, with another one based on the use of WAI?s first item, which consists in the worker?s self-assessment of his/he...

  12. Christine ja krepid Rakvere ametikoolis / Ada Väät

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väät, Ada


    Lyoni kutsekooli inglise keele õpetaja Christine Crimalault tuli Rakvere ametikooli Erasmuse programmi kaudu. Eestis külastas ta ametikooli tunde, osales kultuuriprogrammis ja kohtus siinsete keeleõpetajatega

  13. Inimõigustest paberil ja tegelikult / Stuart Sweeney

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sweeney, Stuart


    Amnesty Internationali ajakirjanik vaatleb 12. PÖFFi kümnefilmilist inimõiguste programmi "Ikkagi inimene", paralleelselt toimunud konverentsi ja integratsiooniprojekti "Ida-Virumaa aruanne" (ZUGA Ühendatud Tantsijad)

  14. Elukestva õppe programm : Erasmus+

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Erasmus+ programm liidab senised koostööprogrammid „Euroopa elukestva õppe programm“, „Euroopa Noored“ ning Euroopa komisjoni rahvusvahelised kõrgharidusprogrammid. Elukestva õppe programmi 2013 kokkuvõte

  15. VITSH vlijajet na moral / Anna Litvinjuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Litvinjuk, Anna


    Vestlusest Eesti Seksuaaltervise Liidu noorte reproduktiivtervise alase nõustamise ja sugulisel teel levivate haiguste ennetamise programmi juhi Tiia Perteliga, kes osales hiljuti Torontos toimunud AIDSI-teemalisel rahvusvahelisel konverentsil

  16. Idioot hingedepuudutaja / Kaisa Karu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karu, Kaisa


    12. oktoobril esilinastus Fjodor Dostojevski romaanil põhinev Rainer Sarneti mängufilm "Idioot". Film valiti ka 6. oktoobril alanud Lõuna-Korea Busani rahvusvahelise filmifestivali programmi Flash Forward

  17. EQF kutsehariduses ehk mida me Hollandis õppisime / Anu Vaagen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaagen, Anu, 1971-


    Leonardo da Vinci programmi finantseeriva projekti EQF kaudu käisid Luua Metsanduskooli direktor, arendusjuht ja maastikuehituse õpetaja Hollandis kompetentsipõhise õppe ja kooli juhtimise vallas teadmisi omandamas

  18. Обучение - не только в школе / Юлия Отвагина

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Отвагина, Юлия


    Euroopa Komisjoni elukestva hariduse programmist ja selle alamprogrammidest aastateks 2007-2013. Muljeid programmi Comenius kursusest "Language and methodology for teachers of english. A blended approach" osavõtust Inglismaal

  19. Et karu müttaks ja hunt uluks / Kalev Aun

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aun, Kalev, 1951-


    Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse jahinduse programmi raames toetab KIK jahimaade korralduse ja ulukikaitse projekte ning jahiulukite rakendusuuringuid, trükiste väljaandmist ja jahimeeste erialast väljaõpet

  20. Specific Abilities May Increment Psychometric g for High Ability Populations (United States)


    tend to sort themselves into jobs that are commensurate with their ability level ( McCormick , DeNisi, & Staw, 1979; McCormick , Jeanneret, & Mecham...of Genetic Psychology, 153, 229-230. Specific abilities, g, & high ability populations 14 McCormick , E. J., DeNisi, A. S., & Shaw, J. B... McCormick , E. J., Jeanneret, P. R., & Mecham, R. C. (1972). A study of job characteristics and job dimensions as based on the Position Analysis Questionnaire

  1. Language mastery, narrative abilities and oral expression abilities in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The importance of language and language mastery for science learning has been the object of extensive investigation in recent decades, leading to ample recognition. However, specific focus on the role of narrative abilities is still scarce. This work focuses on the relevance of narrative abilities for chemistry learning.

  2. Estonian Business Schooli magistriharidus nüüd ka koju kätte / Madis Habakuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Habakuk, Madis


    Sügisest hakkab Estonian Business School koos Mainori Kõrgkooliga pakkuma magistriõpet majandushariduseta inimestele, kus soovijatel on võimalus õppida EBSi Master of Business Administration programmi järgi

  3. Mati Undi teater revisited / Luule Epner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Epner, Luule, 1953-


    Teatrilavastuste taastamisest üldisemalt. Pikemalt festivali UNT! programmis etendunud Mati Undi lavastustest "Majahoidja", "Vaimude tund Jannseni tänaval", "Helene, Marion ja Felix", originaali ja taastatud variandi võrdlus

  4. Туминас лечит себя и публику Чеховым / Ксения Репсон

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Репсон, Ксения


    Lavastaja Rimas Tuminas ja Moskva Jevgeni Vahtangovi nimeline Teater toovad Tallinna Anton Tšehhovi "Onu Vanja". Lavastus kuulub teatrifestivali "Kuldne Mask Eestis" programmi. Artiklis leedu lavastajast, lavastusest ja teatrist

  5. I zhizn, i sljozõ, i ljubov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    30. sept. kuni 6. okt. Tallinnas toimuvast I Vene Kino festivali sügissessioonist. Kolme programmi (Põhiprogramm, Rahvalik kino, Laste- ja noorteprogramm) raames näidatavate filmide tutvustused-soovitused

  6. Schengen Facility hankeprojektid on täies hoos / Helena Loorents

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loorents, Helena


    Schengen Facility toetusest uutele EL-i liikmesriikidele. Schengen Facility programmi vahenditest toetatakse Eesti piirivalvele RIB C-1100 tüüpi paatide ning piirivalvekopter hankimist, valminud on uus merevalvekeskus

  7. Nokia või IKEA? / Martin Aadamsoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aadamsoo, Martin, 1975-


    Eesti Nokia otsinguil - kas kõrgtehnoloogia või loomemajandus. Autor kutsub üles käivitama riikliku programmi "Loov Eesti/Creative Estonia", mis asuks arendama Eesti loovate ajude majanduspotentsiaali

  8. Kevadel Alaska talves / Tiiu Ehrenpreis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ehrenpreis, Tiiu


    Autori muljeid 22.-25. märtsini Fairbanksis toimunud Alaska Ülikooli ja Ülemaailmse Arktika Uurimise Keskuse (IARC) juhtimisel GLOBE'i programmi uue projekti "Aastaajad ja bioomid" koolitusseminarist

  9. 2012 ja 2013 - aastad täis põnevaid Euroopa noorte projekte / Maali Pert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pert, Maali


    2012. aastal toetas SA Archimedes Euroopa Noored Eesti büroo programmi Euroopa Noored vahenditest 159 noorte projekti. Vestlusest büroo avalike suhete ja teavitusvaldkonna koordinaatori Marit Valgega

  10. Portfolio Café oli abiks eneseväljendamisel ja raha teenimisel / Piret Potisepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Potisepp, Piret


    VI Disainifestivali Disainiöö ja Euroopa Innovatsioonifestivali IF... programmi kuulus sel aastal esimest korda Eesti Kunstiakadeemia poolt läbi viidud disainimagistrantide ja noorte disainerite Portfolio Café

  11. Võlur Ozi eksperimentide kogumine ja partneri algatatud paranduste analüüs / Siiri Pärkson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärkson, Siiri


    Kirjeldatakse teise võlur Ozi kirjalike eksperimentide seeria analüüsi tulemusi. Materjal pärineb dialoogidest, kus katseisikutel paluti testida kirjalikus eesti keeles suhtlevat internetilehel asuvat programmi

  12. Nashihh negrazhdan hotjat sdelat jevropeitsami / Valentin Zvegintsev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zvegintsev, Valentin


    Brüsselis toimunud konverentsil "Venekeelne elanikkond laienenud EL-is" tõstatus küsimus partei loomise kohta venekeelse elanikkonna huvide kaitsmiseks EL-is. Eesti delegatsioon tutvustas partei programmi

  13. Kas progressiivne populism on veel võimalik? / Märt Väljataga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väljataga, Märt, 1965-


    Sotsiaaldemokraatiast ühiskonnas. Sotsiaaldemokraatliku partei kohast Eesti poliitikas. Autori hinnangul ajab kõige tegusamat progressiivset poliitikat Eestis Keskerakond, kes on suutnud venelased Eesti poliitikasse intrgegreerida sotsiaal-demokraatliku programmi all

  14. Vahetusaasta - minu uks maailma / Martin Kuustik ; intervjueerinud Liina Laumets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuustik, Martin


    Intervjuu rahvusvahelise õpilasvahetuse programmi Youth For Understanding (YFU) kaudu USAs õppinud Martin Kuustikuga, kes peale vahetusaastat on olnud Yfu Eesti aktiivne vabatahtlik ning praegu omandab kõrgharidust samuti USAs

  15. Maailma haridussihid aastateks 2015-2030 / Mart Laidmets, Hanna-Liis Kaarlõp-Nani

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laidmets, Mart, 1975-


    Lõuna-Koreas Incheonis hariduse maailmakonverentsil „World Education Forum 2015” olid päevakorral programmis "Haridus kõigile" seatud sihtide mõju haridusele ning edasiste eesmärkide seadmine

  16. Demokraatia tingimustes. Killuke taastatud vabariigi algusajast / Toivo Tasa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tasa, Toivo


    Meenutus 1992. aastal Eesti delegatsiooni, mille eesotsas oli toonane välisminister Lennart Meri, lennureisist Kopenhaagenisse, kus toimus Läänemere-äärsete riikide koostööprogrammi asutamiskonverents

  17. Projekt projekteerib jätkusuutlikku turismi / Aime Jaagus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaagus, Aime


    Tartu Kutsehariduskeskuse turismiosakond osales aastatel 2008-2010 rahvusvahelise Comeniuse programmi projektis "EMET - EnvironMentally Educated Tourist", mille eesmärk oli teadmiste ja kogemuste hankimine jätkusuutliku turismi arendamiseks

  18. LEADER jõudis Eestisse / Harda Roosna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roosna, Harda, 1956-


    EL-i maaelu toetusprogrammi LEADER+ rakendamist on katsetatud Põlva-, Valga-, Pärnu- ja Võrumaal. Hiiumaal arutletakse programmi rakendamiseks vajaliku tegevusgrupi moodustamise üle märtsis. Lisad: Ajalugu; Näited

  19. Jõgeva maakonda toob traadita raadionetiühenduse Tartu firma / Madis Aesma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aesma, Madis


    Külatee 3 programmi maapiirkondade internetivõrguga katmise hanke Jõgevamaa osas võitnud Tartu firma Kernel hakkab Jõgevamaal sellest suvest pakkuma ülikõrgsagedusliku raadioside teel levivat internetiühendust

  20. The cost of bad credit / Darja Kuznecova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuznecova, Darja


    Läti pankade käitumisest probleemsete laenuvõtjatega. Läti Kommertspankade Assotsiatsioon koostöös rahandusministeeriumiga töötas välja programmi raskustesse sattunud laenuvõtjate abistamiseks

  1. Vajame arengut toetavat kooli / Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurak, Raivo, 1949-


    Suurbritannia haridusprogrammist, kus õpilase arengut koolis maksimaalselt toetakse. Canterbury ülikooli haridusteaduskonna programmi „Kvaliteet õppe toetamisel” ehk QiSS (Quality in Study Support) direktori Linda Leith'i intervjuu põhjal

  2. Tom Russell: "Õpetajakoolitust tuleks alustada praktikast" / Liisa Lumiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lumiste, Liisa


    Eduko programmi raames Tallinna Ülikoolis toimunud avalikul loengul rääkis Kanada kasvatusteadlane Tom Russell praktika tähtsusest õpetajakoolituses ja viis läbi meistriklassi õpetajakoolituse õppejõududele

  3. Kinos näeb Dostojevski "Idiooti" / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    12. oktoobril esilinastub Fjodor Dostojevski romaanil põhinev Rainer Sarneti mängufilm "Idioot". Peaosas Risto Kübar. Film valiti 6. oktoobril alanud Lõuna-Korea Busani rahvusvahelise filmifestivali programmi Flash Forward

  4. Bush või Kerry - mis seal vahet? / Olari Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Olari


    Euroopa analüütikute hinnangul on peamiseks erinevuseks USA presidendikandidaatide George W. Bushi ja John Kerry välispoliitilises programmis Kerry suurem valmidus arvestada oma Euroopa partnerite ja rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega

  5. Demokraatia tingimustes. Killuke taastatud vabariigi algusajast = In democratic conditions. A glimpse of the early republic / Toivo tasa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tasa, Toivo


    Meenutus 1992. aastal Eesti delegatsiooni, mille eesotsas oli toonane välisminister Lennart Meri, lennureisist Kopenhaagenisse, kus toimus Läänemere-äärsete riikide koostööprogrammi asutamiskonverents. Fotod

  6. Esmakordselt Saksamaal : Kümnes ESTO aastal 2009 toimub Münsteris (Westfalen)

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    ESTO 2009 orgkomitee sai käesoleva aasta 17. augustil ÜEKNi juhatuselt Ameerikas kirjaliku volituse organiseerida järgmine korraline ESTO aastal 2009 Saksamaal. Artikkel sisaldab ürituste esialgse programmi

  7. Kohalikud omavalitsused ja riiklikud investeeringud / Viola Soiver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soiver, Viola, 1977-


    2002. a. detsembrist 2003. a. jaanuarini kohaliku demokraatia indikaatori uuringust, milles kohalike omavalitsuste tippjuhid pidid andma hinnangu riikliku investeeringute programmi (RPI) uue määrusega toimunud muudatuste kohta. Tabelid. Diagrammid

  8. Eesti jättis tšetšeeni lapsed viisast ilma / Henrik Roonemaa, Aivi Lindsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roonemaa, Henrik


    Programmi Bridges for Education juht J. Beth Ciesielski selgitab Eesti keeldumist anda viisad Tšetšeenia teismelistele, kes pidid tulema Türisalu laagrisse inglise keelt õppima. Riigikogu liikme Andres Herkeli arvamus

  9. Vse blizhe k Schengenu / Kristina Kareva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kareva, Kristina


    Siseministeeriumis kogunes Schengen Facility juhtkomitee, et teha kokkuvõte käesolevaks ajaks rakendunud projektidest ja sõlmitud lepingutest. 22. detsembri seisuga on Schengen Facility programmi vahenditest sõlmitud kõik hankelepingud

  10. Mis elukas on sotsiaalliberalism / Jaanus Marrandi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marrandi, Jaanus, 1963-


    Vastukaja samateemalisele Ramon Loigu artiklile 13. oktoobri Kesknädalas. Sotsiaalliberaal Jaanus Marrandi süüdistab Keskerakonda selge ideoloogia puudumises, Ramon Loigu sõnul on sotsiaalliberaalide manifest ikkagi Keskerakonna programmi kloon

  11. Editoriale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Allegra


    Full Text Available Note sulla metacognizione ed i programmi finalizzato a favorire la riflessione di chi apprende sul proprio processo di apprendimento, un’esigenza particolarmente sentita all’interno della scuola d’oggi.

  12. Применение компютеров в языковом классе / Гульнара Валс ; Валс, Гульнара; Валс, Дмитрий

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Валс, Гюльнара


    Tutvustatakse kahte inglise keele õppe programmi : "Triple play in English" ja "Star Course". Integreeritud inglise keele tunnist, milles seotakse ajalugu, inglise keel ja informaatika. Integreeritud ajaloo ja vene kirjanduse tunnist kuuendale klassile

  13. 4 dnja v drugom formate / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    25.-28. okt. Teises Teatris toimuvast festivalist "Teine formaat 2. Sügishooaeg" (Drugoi format 2), mille programmis on muusikat, teatrietendusi, luulet, tantsulavastusi ja filme. Festivali organiseerija on Teise Teatri administraator Anastassia Kulkova

  14. Loss of ability to work and ability to live independently in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Jasinska-Myga, Barbara; Heckman, Michael G; Wider, Christian; Putzke, John D; Wszolek, Zbigniew K; Uitti, Ryan J


    Ability to work and live independently is of particular concern for patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). We studied a series of PD patients able to work or live independently at baseline, and evaluated potential risk factors for two separate outcomes: loss of ability to work and loss of ability to live independently. The series comprised 495 PD patients followed prospectively. Ability to work and ability to live independently were based on clinical interview and examination. Cox regression models adjusted for age and disease duration were used to evaluate associations of baseline characteristics with loss of ability to work and loss of ability to live independently. Higher UPDRS dyskinesia score, UPDRS instability score, UPDRS total score, Hoehn and Yahr stage, and presence of intellectual impairment at baseline were all associated with increased risk of future loss of ability to work and loss of ability to live independently (P ≤ 0.0033). Five years after initial visit, for patients ≤70 years of age with a disease duration ≤4 years at initial visit, 88% were still able to work and 90% to live independently. These estimates worsened as age and disease duration at initial visit increased; for patients >70 years of age with a disease duration >4 years, estimates at 5 years were 43% able to work and 57% able to live independently. The information provided in this study can offer useful information for PD patients in preparing for future ability to perform activities of daily living. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Kuidas eesti keele õppijad ja kasutajad lause verbi ajavormi sobivust hindavad?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Maisla


    Full Text Available Verbi ajavormide kasutamine on üks grammatika valdkondadest, mis pakub jätkuvalt huvi teise keele omandamise uurijatele. Artiklis on vaatluse all grammatilise sobivuse hindamise testi tulemused, milles võrreldakse 96 vene ja 100 eesti emakeelega üliõpilase valikuid ülesandes, kus tuli hinnata oleviku ja kolme mineviku ajavormi sobivust eestikeelsesse lausesse skaalal sobib täpselt / sobib samuti / ei sobi. Kogutud andmeid on töödeldud SPSS-programmi abil ning statistiliste testide tulemuste põhjal selgitatud välja erinevused keelejuhtide rühmade vahel. Olulised erinevused kahe rühma vahel ilmnesid täis- ja enneminevikulise verbi sobivusele antud hinnangute vahel, kuid oleviku ja lihtmineviku sobivust on vene keelejuhid hinnanud eesti keelejuhtidega suhteliselt sarnaselt.

  16. Milliseid muutusi näete 21. sajandi koolis? / Eduardo Chaves, Ria Sluiter, Rafael Enriques

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Chaves, Eduardo


    Küsimusele vastavad: Microsofti programmi "Partners in Learning" nõunik Brasiiliast Eduardo Chaves, Hollandi keskhariduse spetsailist Ria Sluiter ja Mexico Interaktiivse Lastemuuseumi juhataja Rafael Enriques 21. sajandi koolist oma maa hariduskorralduste põhjal

  17. Endise USA vastuluuraja naasmine / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    USA poliitikateaduste professorist Christopher L. Kukest, kes käesoleval õppeaastal töötab Fulbright Scholar programmi stipendiaadina Tartu Ülikoolis. Lisa: CV. Kommenteerib Tartu Ülikooli riigiteaduste instituudi doktorant Mihkel Solvak

  18. Avafilm on "Puude kuninganna" / Urmas Tartes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tartes, Urmas, 1963-


    Professor soovitab Haapsalu kuursaalis Matsalu loodusfilmifestivali programmi avafilmi "Puude kuninganna" ("The Qeen of Trees") : režissöörid Mark Deeble, Victoria Stone : Suurbritannia - Keenia - Jaapan - Ameerika Ühendriigid - Saksamaa. Filmitud Keenias

  19. Die Politik der EZB an den Grenzen ihres Mandats? / Lutz Lammers

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lammers, Lutz


    Riigi võlakirjade ostmisega seotud rahanduspoliitikast. Saksamaa põhiseaduskohtu seisukohast Euroopa Keskpanga väljakuulutatud OMT-programmi kohta, mis võimaldab keskpangal piiramatult võlakirju osta. Riigi võlakirjade ostmisest järelturgudel

  20. Hiidlaste imelised seiklused olümpialinnas Torinos / Harda Roosna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roosna, Harda, 1956-


    SA Tuuru, Hiiu maavalitsuse, Lääne-Eesti arenduskeskuse ja Saaremaa arenduskeskuse delegatsiooni õppereisist Itaaliasse koostööprojekti WOW raames. Vt. ka lk. 4 Mare Ellen. Equal-programmi projekt viis kogemustevahetusele Itaaliasse

  1. Phare ACCESS programm avas mittetulundusühingute projektikonkursi / Pille Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Pille, 1969-


    Sotsiaalministeerium ja rahandusministeerium kuulutasid koostöös Euroopa Komisjoni delegatsiooniga Eestis välja PHARE ACCESS 2000 programmi raames projektikonkursi, mille kaudu EL toetab Eesti kolmandat sektorit kokku 13,4 mln krooniga

  2. Loksaskaja sudverf na puti peremen / Flemming Seestrand Sörensen ; interv. Lidia Tolmatshova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sörensen, Flemming Seestrand


    Odense Steel Shipyard Ltd müüb firma efektiivsuse tõstmise programmi raames Eestis asuva Loksa Laevatehase AS-i. Laevatehase tegevdirektor Flemming Seestrand Sörensen selgitab müümisega seotud asjaolusid

  3. Jõgeval näeb taas kino / Silja Paavle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paavle, Silja, 1976-


    Kultuuriministeeriumi programmi "Kino tuleb tagasi" ja linna enda rahadega on Jõgeva linna kultuurikeskuses taas võimalik kvaliteetselt kino näidata. Vastava esmaklassilise tehnika tõi kohale Music Center OÜ. Osteti see Itaaliast

  4. "Head, halvad ja elavad" - vestern, mis leiab aset idas / Riho Västrik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Västrik, Riho, 1965-


    Ksenja Ohhapkina valmivast dokumentaalfilmist Tšetšeenia traditsioonilisest ühiskonnast, nende püüdu murda välja vägivalla suletud ringist. Film valmib Euroopa Liidu Loov Euroopa programmi rahastusel

  5. Tracey Emin - 20 aastat vabadust / Mare Tralla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tralla, Mare, 1967-


    Edinburghi kunstifestivali "Fringe" raames Šoti moodsa kunsti rahvusgaleriis kuni 9. XI avatud Tracey Emini retrospektiivist "Tracey Emini 20 aastat". Kunstnikust ja tema loomingust. Festivali programmi oli valitud ka Mare Tralla projekt "Kaitstud"

  6. Võrõpajev s "Eiforijei" / Dmitri Titorenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Titorenko, Dmitri


    Tänavune Veneetsia filmifestival toimub 30. augustist 9. septembrini. Venemaad esindavad kolm mängufilmi : Ivan Võrõpajevi "Eufooria" (põhiprogrammis), Boriss Hlebnikovi "Svobodnoje plavanije" ( programmis "Horisondid"), Pavel Lungini "Saar" lõpetab festivali

  7. Patsiendid võidavad vaid uue haiglaga / Guido Ratnik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ratnik, Guido


    Pärnu maakonnaarst kommenteerib "Eesti haiglate arengukava aastani 2015" ja Pärnu maakonna haiglate tulevikku. Programmi finantseeris koos Eesti riigiga Maailmapank ja uurimuse tegid Eesti tervishoiuspetsialistid ja Rootsi firmad Scandinavian Care Consultants AB

  8. Video snimajet medali / Viktoria Ladõnskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ladõnskaja, Viktoria, 1981-


    Moskva rahvusvahelise filmifestivali "Stalker" raames näidatud laste amatöörfilmide programmis äratasid tähelepanu Kanutiaia Noortemaja videostuudio filmid, eelkõige Tanja Trjakova "Minu lapsepõlve unenäod"

  9. Kumu näitab valikut visuaalsest antropoloogiast

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    KUMU juuliprogrammis saab näha Tartu Maailmafilmi festivali programmi filme. Esimesena näidatakse 5. juulil mehhiko dokumentaalfilmi "Imedele pühendatud" mehhiko kunstnikust Alfredo Vilchis't, ikoonimaali ex voto'de tegijast

  10. Kumu film räägib Mehhiko ikoonmaalidest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    KUMU juuliprogrammis saab näha Tartu Maailmafilmi festivali programmi filme. Esimesena näidatakse 5. juulil mehhiko dokumentaalfilmi "Imedele pühendatud" mehhiko kunstnikust Alfredo Vilchis't, ikoonimaali ex voto'de tegijast

  11. Measuring Work Ability with Its Antecedents: Evaluation of the Work Ability Survey. (United States)

    Voltmer, Jan-Bennet; Deller, Jürgen


    Purpose The revised version of the Work Ability Survey (WAS-R) assesses work ability on several sub-scales at the intersection of personal and organizational capacity, thus adding to the measurement of work ability by integrating the holistic model. It, therefore, improves on two features of the current standard measurement tool of work ability, the Work Ability Index (WAI): (1) a ceiling effect and (2) limited detail due to a focus on physical health and personal capacity. Method In two samples (n 1  = 1093, n 2  = 359), psychometric properties and the structure of the WAS-R were analyzed. To evaluate construct validity, inter-correlations of the WAS-R and WAI, sickness absence, expected and desired retirement age, and post-retirement work intention were calculated. Results The WAS-R was found to be distributed closer to normality than the WAI. The structural analyses yielded acceptable results for the hypothesized model. The WAS-R was adequately correlated with the WAI, negatively with sickness absence, and positively with desired retirement age. Conclusions The WAS-R extends the measurement of work ability, reflecting organizations' work demands. Its broad sub-scales lead to high acceptance of the results within the participating companies. In particular, the organizational capacity scales can be used to guide interventions aiming at organizational characteristics to improve work ability.

  12. Measuring Creative Imagery Abilities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorota M. Jankowska


    Full Text Available Over the decades, creativity and imagination research developed in parallel, but they surprisingly rarely intersected. This paper introduces a new theoretical model of creative imagination, which bridges creativity and imagination research, as well as presents a new psychometric instrument, called the Test of Creative Imagery Abilities (TCIA, developed to measure creative imagery abilities understood in accordance with this model. Creative imagination is understood as constituted by three interrelated components: vividness (the ability to create images characterized by a high level of complexity and detail, originality (the ability to produce unique imagery, and transformativeness (the ability to control imagery. TCIA enables valid and reliable measurement of these three groups of abilities, yielding the general score of imagery abilities and at the same time making profile analysis possible. We present the results of eight studies on a total sample of more than 1,700 participants, showing the factor structure of TCIA using confirmatory factor analysis, as well as provide data confirming this instrument’s validity and reliability. The availability of TCIA for interested researchers may result in new insights and possibilities of integrating the fields of creativity and imagination science.

  13. Film platform courtesy of the Czechs / Paul Morton

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Morton, Paul


    Lühimängufilm "Tühirand", režissöör Veiko Õunpuu, osales Karlovy Vary rahvusvahelise filmifestivali "Forum of Independents" programmis. Festivalist laiemalt, Veiko Õunpuust ja tema filmi seansist tutvustavalt

  14. Takistusteta kõrgkooliõpe?! / Getter Tiirik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tiirik, Getter


    SA Archimedes PRIMUS programmi töörühma poolt välja töötatud juhendmaterjalist kõrgkoolidele ”Takistusteta kõrgkooliõpe”, et tagada erivajadustega tudengitele tugiteenused kõrghariduse omandamisel

  15. Lift 11 paneb arhitektid ja kunstnikud linna arendama / Oliver Õunmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Õunmaa, Oliver


    Kultuuripealinna programmi raames maist septembrini Tallinna avalikus ruumis toimuvast linnainstallatsioonide festivalist "Lift11". Kuraatorid Margit Aule, Margit Argus, Maarin Mürk, Ingrid Ruudi. Ideekonkursile esitatud 129 teosest valiti teostamiseks 17 installatsiooni. Tutvustab Margit Aule

  16. Baltoscandal kingib linlastele etenduse / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Rahvusvaheline teatrifestival Baltoscandal teeb ühe etendusega kingituse linnarahvale : 14. juunil näidatakse Rakvere Teatris Battery Dance Company programmi "Used Car Salesman", "Mother Goose", "Layapriya", "The anyones ballet", lavastaja ja koreograaf Jonathan Hollander

  17. "Dilemma" o dilemmah / Aleksandra Manukjan, Viktoria Ladõnskaja ; interv. Olga Tarassova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Manukjan, Aleksandra


    Euroopa Liidu PHARE programmi ja produktsioonifirma AA Visioon koostöös loodud kakskeelne saatesari "Dilemma" Eesti Televisiooni eetris. Teleajakirjanikud räägivad saate tegemisest, saatest. Ka Ida-Virumaast, kus tehtud palju probleemsaateid

  18. Tants pühib linnaruumilt ajalootolmu / Madli Teller ; intervjueerinud Evelin Lagle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teller, Madli


    2011. aasta Euroopa kultuuripealinna programmi raames eesti ja soome noorte tantsukunstnike koostööprojektist "Old Spaces Living Art" ("Eakade paikade elav kunst"), kus ühendatakse nüüdistants ja Tallinna ajalooline linnaruum

  19. KIK aitab edendada keskkonnateadlikkust / Elle Raudsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudsepp, Elle


    Türi Kolledzh on aasta vedanud keskkonnateadlikkuse programmi, mis otsustab maakondlike keskkonnateadlikkuse kavandite üle. Töökorraldusest ja kokkuvõte möödunud aastast. Lisa: KIKist raha taotlemisel tuleb silmas pidada uuendusi

  20. Tallinskaja nedelja modõ / Jevgenia Gorski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gorski, Jevgenia


    Tallinna moenädal (Tallinn Fashion Week) Estonia teatri kammersaalis. Korraldajaks kevadel loodud Eesti Moedisaini Liit. Moenädala programmi lülitatakse ka Viru keskuse moeürituste sari FIBIT. Kommenteerib Oksana Tandit

  1. Naabermandrile elukooli : Fulbrighter - tulevane riigipea, insener, maailmarändur või kohtunik / Ennika-Anneli Võrk ; kommenteerinud Risto Agur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Võrk, Ennika-Anneli


    Fulbrighti programmi raames Eestis uurimistööd tegevatest USA tudengitest - Valerie Bischoffist ja Pavel Nikulinist, nende töödest ja Eesti muljetest. Fulbrighti programmist. Sisaldab Fulbrighti stipendiaadi, juura magistrandi Risto Aguri kommentaari

  2. Kuidas kujundada tuleviku turismitoodet / Krista Jürisoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürisoo, Krista


    Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse Turismiagentuur korraldas 1. okt. hotellis "Olümpia" Prantsusmaa ja Balti riikide koostööprogrammi raames seminari "Kuidas kujundada tuleviku turismitoodet". Seminari avas Prantsuse suursaadik Eestis Jean Jaques Subrenat

  3. Allo, mõ ishtshem idei! / Josef Kats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kats, Josef, 1977-


    Tallinna Reaalkooli aulas toimus kolmeaastase innovatsiooni programmi "Hei! - Hea Eesti Idee!" avaüritus. Üritusel osalenud peaminister Juhan Partsi, majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Andrus Ansipi ja haridus- ja teadusminister Toivo Maimetsa sõnavõttudest

  4. Практики "LEADER" рассмотрели возможности сотрудничества / Ивика Майдре

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Майдре, Ивика


    Virumaa Koostöökogu ja Kirderanniku Koostöökogu koostöös korraldatud konverentsil arutleti, kuidas LEADER programmi piirkondade arendamisel paremini ära kasutada ning mida on LEADER abiga juba tehtud

  5. LEADER-vedajas caagisid koostöönippe / Ivika Maidre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maidre, Ivika, 1967-


    Virumaa Koostöökogu ja Kirderanniku Koostöökogu koostöös korraldatud konverentsil arutleti, kuidas LEADER programmi piirkondade arendamisel paremini ära kasutada ning mida on LEADER abiga juba tehtud

  6. Projekt EDI / Priit Põdra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põdra, Priit, 1963-


    Projekt EDI töötab välja programmisüsteemi rahvusvaheliste kaubavedude korraldamiseks, dokumentide vormistamiseks ja firmade arvutiprogrammide koostöö korraldamiseks. Projekti tutvustab AS-i EDI VEKTOR juhatuse esimees Priit Põdra

  7. Eestis külas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa turismi tippspetsialiste ühendav organisatsioon European Union of Tourist Officers (EUTO) pidas väljasõidukonverentsi Eestis. Eestist osaleb programmi töös Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu Kolledzh ja Ettevõtluse Sihtasutus

  8. Lithuania : corporate spying a threat to national security

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Leedu majandusministeeriumi poolt avaldatud majandusliku turvalisuse arendamise programmi järgi on tööstusspionaaž Leedule suurimaks ohuks. Samuti on majanduslikult ohtlik sõltumine Venemaa energiaturust ning Skandinaavia riikide investeeringute suur osakaal panganduses

  9. Väikeste asjade kunst - The Art of Small Things / Martin Pärn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärn, Martin, 1971-


    Uued liinid disainihariduses, EKA tootedisaini osakonna osalemine viie kooli vahelises SPARK!- programmis, tavalise disaini roll (Väikeste Asjade Tegemise Kunst). Kompaktsuse positiivne näide - 1859. a. Thonet' loodud tool nr. 14. Õnnestunud disain

  10. Eesti kool ja õpetaja rahvusvahelises haridusvõrdluses (EKORA) / Anu Toots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toots, Anu, 1959-


    Ülevaade Eduko programmi finantseeritud projektist, mille eesmärk oli analüüsida, kuivõrd leiavad Eestile iseloomulikud haridusprobleemid kajastamist teiste riikide ja OECD ning EL poliitikadokumentides, ning milliseid meetmeid kasutatakse nende lahendamiseks

  11. Virtuaalne keeleõpe / Ege Meister

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meister, Ege


    Leonardi da Vinci programmi raames toimuvast rahvusvahelisest koostööst tehniliste erialade õpilastele inglise keele õpetamiseks. Projektist LENTEC, mille raames eri riikide õpilased õppisid virtuaalselt inglise keelt ning lahendasid ühiselt tehnikateemalisi ülesandeid

  12. Readability and Reading Ability. (United States)

    Wright, Benjamin D.; Stenner, A. Jackson

    This document discusses the measurement of reading ability and the readability of books by application of the Lexile framework. It begins by stating the importance of uniform measures. It then discusses the history of reading ability testing, based on the assumption that no researcher has been able to measure more than one kind of reading ability.…

  13. Kutseõppurid saavad peagi esimesed digipassid / Kerli Onno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Onno, Kerli


    Programmist Samsung DigiPass, mis lihtsustab noorte tööturule sisenemist. Programmi korraldab Samsung Electronics Baltics koostöös Tallinna ülikooli ja Eesti noorteühenduste liidu, haridus- ja teadusministeeriumi ning UNESCO-ga

  14. Prantsusmaal hoolekandeasutuste hindamist õppimas / Kaidi-Mari Liping

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liping, Kaidi-Mari


    12.-16. maini osales Võrumaa neljaliikmeline delegatsioon Prantsusmaal Agen'is toimunud koolitusel, mille eesmärk oli tutvustada hoolekandeasutustes osutatavate teenuste kvaliteedi hindamise metoodikat Valoris. Koolitus toimus EL Leonardo da Vinci programmi projekti Valoris TIQSS raames

  15. Kooli innovatsiooni mudelid maakoolide näitel / Anita Kärner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärner, Anita, 1956-


    Eduko programmi analüüsigrandi toel läbiviidud uuringust nelja Lõuna-Eesti maakonna kooli baasil, et selgitada välja, kuidas käsitlevad maakoolid innovatsiooni ning missugused on seda soodustavad ja takistavad tegurid

  16. Estonskii za rubezhom i v Estonii / Roman Starapopov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Starapopov, Roman


    Tallinnas toimus rahvuskaaslaste programmi konverents, kus haridus- ja teadusminister Tõnis Lukas avaldas arvamust, et eesti keelt kõnelevate inimeste arv võiks järgmisel aastakümnel küündida kuni 1,5 miljonini

  17. Ratastooli-Phil lõikas ministri jalad ära / Rein Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sikk, Rein, 1961-


    Sotsiaalminister Marko Pomerantsi ja Phare programmi koostööna läbi viidud üritusest "Puuetega inimeste tööhõive edendamine", kus osales ka inglise puuetega inimeste õiguste eest võitleja Phil Friend

  18. Magnus v Rige, i sljozõ na glazahh / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare Cannes'i programmis esilinastunud debüütfilmi "Magnus" esilinastuselt Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga, kus kohal olid režissöör. Filmi Eestis näitamise keelamise problemaatikast

  19. Magnus Riias, pisaraga / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare Cannes'i programmis esilinastunud debüütfilmi "Magnus" esilinastuselt Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga, kus kohal olid režissöör. Filmi Eestis näitamise keelamise problemaatikast

  20. Efficient evaluation of hearing ability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    A system for establishing a hearing ability model of a hearing ability of a person, includes a data storage configured to store a representation of a distribution of a hearing ability of a population of individuals, and a processor configured to establish a hearing ability model representing a

  1. The work ability continuum : Epidemiological studies of factors promoting sustainable work ability


    Lindberg, Per


    For the individual, the workplace and society, there would be considerable gains if the number of people suffering from physical and mental disorders could be reduced. The overall aim of this thesis was to identify determinants for future work ability among gainfully employed women and men, with special reference to promotive factors at work. Work ability is in this thesis defined as the ability to work with respect to demands at work on health and physical and mental reso...

  2. Ability Grouping in Social Studies. (United States)

    Social Education, 1992


    Presents a position statement of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). Reports that the NCSS objects to ability grouping in social studies. Argues that ability grouping disadvantages minority, handicapped, and low ability students. Suggests that ability grouping undermines the democratic ideals that should be the basis of the social…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. R. Manurung


    Full Text Available The effectiveness of hypertext media in improving graph interpretation ability is investigated in this paper. In addition, joint ability of the formal thinking to improve the graph ability of prospective students is considered. The research design used is the one-group pretest-posttest experimental design is carried out in the research by taking 36 students on from Physics Education Program in one institute for teacher education in Medan. The test consists of graph interpretation ability test in the topic of kinematics and Test of Logical Thinking (TOLT or formal thinking before learning and graph interpretation ability test after learning. The data are then analysed by using SPSS based two ways Analisys of Variance (ANOVA method. The results show that the ability to interpretate graph is significantly improved by using hypertext media assisted kinematic learning.

  4. Jane Fonda võitis Cannes'is eriauhinna / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    Cannes'i filmifestivalil jagati auhindu. Ameerika näitleja Jane Fonda sai elutöö auhinna, Kuldse Palmioksa sai rumeenlase Christian Mungiu "Neli kuud, kolm nädalat ja kaks päeva". Ka programmi "Vaatenurk" auhindadest

  5. Rahvusliku terviklikkuse süsteem Eestis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusliku terviklikkuse süsteemi (national integrity system) peamiseks eesmärgiks on tagada hea halduse põhimõtete juurutamine ja arendamine avalikus sektoris, kuid ka konkreetsemalt korruptsioonivastase poliitika ja horisontaalsel vastutusel põhineva koordineeritud programmi kujundamine

  6. PÖFFi "Just Filmi" festival näitab suvekino

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Detsembris toimuvat Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali laiendatakse ka suvele, et sobivates paikades näidata väärtfilme. Alates 6. juunist pakub PÖFFi laste- ja noortefilmide festival "Just Film" Nukuteatri suveõuel noortefilmide programmi

  7. Место встречи - Янеда / Н. Мальцев

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Мальцев, Н.


    Karjamaa gümnaasium võttis vastu külalisi Saksamaalt. Jänedal toimus programmi Youth raames ühisseminar, pühendatud Maria Zakrevskaja-Benckendorff-Budbergile. Idee selleks leiti Tania Alexanderi mälestusteraamatust "Lapsepõlv Eestis"

  8. Moeteater õpetab stiili tabama / Anneli Sihvart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sihvart, Anneli, 1964-


    Kultuuripealinna programmi kuuluv 5. rahvusvaheline laste ja noorte moeteatrite festival "Max Moda 2011" Tallinnas Salme kultuurikeskuses 24.-26. märtsini. Festivali korraldavast moeteatrist Max Moda, mille kunstiline juht ja direktor on Maksim Hlebnikov. Tatjana Hlebnikova kommentaarid

  9. Oktjabrskije premjerõ Radio 4 / Vitali Andrejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Andrejev, Vitali


    Detsembris 2006 tähistab Eesti Raadio oma 80ndat juubelit. Sel puhul on ka venekeelse Raadio 4 sügishooajal plaanis mitmeid raadiosaateid. Artiklis tutvustab sügis-talvist programmi raadiojaama üks peatoimetajaid Olga Shubin

  10. Romantiline ajareis olevikust tulevikku mineviku kaudu / Gerhard Lock

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lock, Gerhard, 1978-


    26. veebruaril Eesti muusika päevade ja programmi "Tallinn - Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2011" raames Salme kultuurikeskuses toimunud Tatjana Kozlova autorikontserdist, kus kaasa tegid Annamaria Morini (flööt, Itaalia), Enzo Porta (viiul, Itaalia) ja ansambel Resonabilis

  11. Ivan Makarov : "Nasmork ne letshat giljotinoi" / Ivan Makarov ; interv. Irina Kirejeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Makarov, Ivan, 1957-


    Raadio 4 ajakirjanik vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad eesti- ja venekeelse meedia erinevust, ajakirjaniku lugemiseelistusi, kogukondadevahelisi suhteid pärast aprillisündmusi, Raadio 4 programmi, tsensuuri internetiportaalis Delfi, Läänemerre kavandatavat Nord Streami gaasitoru

  12. Kuulumatusest, prantsuse keeles : Buñuel, Villeneuve ja Audiard katusekinos / Tristan Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Tristan, 1976-


    Katusekino maikuu programmis on Luis Buñueli "Päevane kaunitar" ("Belle de jour", Prantsusmaa-Itaalia 1967), Denis Villeneuve "Põlenud" ("Incendies", Kanada-Prantsusmaa 2010) ja Jacques Audiard´i "Prohvet" ("Un prophète", Prantsusmaa-Itaalia 2009)

  13. Ekskursioon Kozlova tämbrimaailma / Igor Garšnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    26. veebruaril Eesti muusika päevade ja programmi "Tallinn - Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2011" raames Salme kultuurikeskuses toimunud Tatjana Kozlova autorikontserdist, kus kaasa tegid Annamaria Morini (flööt, Itaalia), Enzo Porta (viiul, Itaalia) ja ansambel Resonabilis

  14. Empaatiline helilooja Tatjana Kozlova / Mirje Mändla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mändla, Mirje


    26. veebruaril Eesti muusika päevade ja programmi "Tallinn - Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2011" raames Salme kultuurikeskuses toimunud Tatjana Kozlova autorikontserdist, kus kaasa tegid Annamaria Morini (flööt, Itaalia), Enzo Porta (viiul, Itaalia) ja ansambel Resonabilis

  15. Saksamaal Müncheni tehnikaülikoolis / Tuuliki Tõiste, Katri Mägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõiste, Tuuliki


    Erasmuse programmi toel viibiti 28.11-02.12. 2011 koolituslähetusel Müncheni tehnikaülikooli (Technische Universität München, TUM) korraldatud rahvusvahelisel nädalal, kus raamatukogutöötajatele oli eraldi programm

  16. Kuhu liiguvad järgmise põlvkonna e-õpikud? / Terje Väljataga, Mart Laanpere, Ilja Šmorgun

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae



    Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia keskuse IKT riikliku programmi rahastatud LearnMix projekt käsitleb e-õpikut kui ristlahendust, mis koosneb kolme tüüpi sisust: kirjastuste toodetud sisupaketid, õpetajate loodud lisamaterjalid ja õpilase loodud digitaalsed materjalid

  17. "Head käed" pääses Berliini filmifestivalile / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Peeter Simmi mängufilmi näidatakse järgmisel Berliini filmifestivalil Panorama programmis. Teine eesti mängufilm - Arvo Iho "Karu süda" linastub vaid festivali filmiturul. Ühelgi rahvusvahelisel festivalil film siiani pole osalenud

  18. Marek Strandberg : rohelised on muutuse Eesti poliitikas juba saavutanud / Marek Strandberg ; interv. Ingvar Bärenklau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Strandberg, Marek, 1965-


    Roheliste erakonna esinumber, erakonna esimees vastab küsimustele erakonna rajamise, valimiskampaania, partei rahastamise ja programmi, põlevkivi kaevandamise, rahvusprobleemi, energiavaldkonna, kasiinode, rohelise mõtteviisi ja valitsuse moodustamise kohta. Vt. samas: Noppeid roheliste programmist; 3 küsimust

  19. Näost näkku / Maaretta Jaukkuri ; ülevaate koostas Tõnu Tammets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaukkuri, Maaretta


    Programmi "Ars Baltica" raames toimunud Läänemeremaade kujutava kunsti näitus "Näost näkku" ("Face to face") Kieli Kunstihallis 6. okt. - 10. nov. 1991. Eestit esindas Raul Rajangu. Mõtteid näitusekataloogi eessõnast

  20. Piirivalve saab 147 miljoni eest uhke helikopteri / Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laev, Sigrid


    Eesti piirivalve saab helikopteri Agusta Bell, kopteri soetamine täidab Schnegen Facility programmi eesmärki, mille kohaselt tuleb EL-i välispiiride valve viia vastavusse Schengeni õigusruumi nõuetega. Raha ostmiseks annab abiprogramm Schengen Facility

  1. Kulinaariakino

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sügisel 2010 kinos Artis köögikunstile pühendatud filmiprogramm "Armastus käib kõhu kaudu". Programmi lõpetavad "Itaalia õhtu" (USA 1996) ja "Kokk, varas, tema naine ja temaksese armuke" (Prantsusmaa/Suurbritannia 1989)

  2. Uudised : Duo Veski ئ Kalluste Londonis. Rahvusvaheline seminar EMAs. Heliloojate suaree / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    Duo Veski ئ Kalluste annab 5. nov. kontserdi Londoni kuninglikus muusikakolledzhis VI Briti saksofonikongressi raames. 23. ja 24. okt. toimus EMAs "Tempuse" programmi raames seminar "Public relations and Fundraising". 30. okt. toimunud Heliloojate Liidu töökoosolekust

  3. Vozmozhen li amerikanskii variant na narvskoi potshve? / Tatjana Gritsenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gritsenko, Tatjana


    Narva linnavalitsuse delegatsioon külastas programmi International Visitor Leadership Program raames USA-d. Visiidi eesmärgiks oli tutvuda kohalike omavalitsuste tööga. Ülevaate külaskäigust teeb Narva abilinnapea Sofja Homjakova

  4. Suurbritannia kogemus / Giles Crellin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Crellin, Giles


    Lähema 5-10 aasta jooksul võib tekkida Suurbritannias nii põhi- kui keskkoolis suur puudus koolijuhtidest // Guardian. 05.09.2006. Programmi "Noored kooli" konsultant räägib miks selline olukord on tekkinud ja lahendustest probleemile

  5. Meedialabor Tallinnas / Sirje Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Sirje, 1949-


    KKEK aastanäitus "Interstanding 4" alapealkirjaga "end repeat" Rotermanni soolalaos. "Interstanding" on valminud koostöös EKA-ga Ando Keskküla initsiatiivil. "Interstanding 4" programmi "end repeat" autor Mare Tralla. Medialabist. Konverentsi kava lk. 21.

  6. Work ability as prognostic risk marker of disability pension: single-item work ability score versus multi-item work ability index. (United States)

    Roelen, Corné A M; van Rhenen, Willem; Groothoff, Johan W; van der Klink, Jac J L; Twisk, Jos W R; Heymans, Martijn W


    Work ability predicts future disability pension (DP). A single-item work ability score (WAS) is emerging as a measure for work ability. This study compared single-item WAS with the multi-item work ability index (WAI) in its ability to identify workers at risk of DP. This prospective cohort study comprised 11 537 male construction workers, who completed the WAI at baseline and reported DP after a mean 2.3 years of follow-up. WAS and WAI were calibrated for DP risk predictions with the Hosmer-Lemeshow (H-L) test and their ability to discriminate between high- and low-risk construction workers was investigated with the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). At follow-up, 336 (3%) construction workers reported DP. Both WAS [odds ratio (OR) 0.72, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.66-0.78] and WAI (OR 0.57, 95% CI 0.52-0.63) scores were associated with DP at follow-up. The WAS showed miscalibration (H-L model χ (�)=10.60; df=3; P=0.01) and poorly discriminated between high- and low-risk construction workers (AUC 0.67, 95% CI 0.64-0.70). In contrast, calibration (H-L model χ �=8.20; df=8; P=0.41) and discrimination (AUC 0.78, 95% CI 0.75-0.80) were both adequate for the WAI. Although associated with the risk of future DP, the single-item WAS poorly identified male construction workers at risk of DP. We recommend using the multi-item WAI to screen for risk of DP in occupational health practice.

  7. President kritiseeris koolide kinnisvara arendamise kava

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmunud ka ajalehes Koit (2004/Sep/18) lk. 2. President Arnold Rüütli ja haridus- ja teadusminister Toivo Maimetsa ettekannetest üleriigilisel konverentsil "21. sajandi haridus". Üldhariduskoolide kinnisvara arendamise programmi tutvustas Riigi Kinnisvara ASi projektidirektor Tiit Kerem

  8. "Magnus" lummas Riia vaatajaid / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare Cannes'i programmis esilinastunud debüütfilmi "Magnus" esilinastuselt Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga, kus kohal olid režissöör ning peaosatäitja Kristjan Kasearu. Lisatud Meelis Muhu "Arvamus"

  9. Targad lahendused eakate hooldamises / Lea Kivipõld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivipõld, Lea


    Tallinna Ülikooli Rakvere kolledži eestvedamisel esitati Interreg IVA Kesk-Läänemere programmi piiriülese koostöö projekt "Innovaatilised lahendused kodus elavate eakate hoolduses" (INNOCARE - Innovative solutions in care of elderly living at home)

  10. Mismoodi on see noorte seis? Ei seisa nigu ... / Pille Runnel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Runnel, Pille, 1974-


    Eraklikest Jaapani hikikomori noortest ja Lõuna-Korea professionaalsetest arvutimängureist kõnelevatest filmidest Maailmafilmi programmis - "Hikikimori, vaikust kuulates" (rež. Dorothée Lorang ja David Beautru), Prantsusmaa-Jaapan ja "Mänguseis" (rež. Steen Dhoedt), Belgia-Korea

  11. Eesti politsei saab uued sõrmejälgede võtmise aparaadid / Olger Nõmm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nõmm, Olger


    PHARE programmi kaasabil teostuvast AFIS-i (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) projektist, mille raames Eesti Politsei ja Piirivalveamet saavad kaasaegsed sõrmejälgede võtmise seadmed. Hangitavate seadmete tüübid. Vt. samas: Projektist on kasu kolmele ametkonnale

  12. Tshemodan, vokzal, Rossija / Valentin Zvegintsev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zvegintsev, Valentin


    Kaliningradi oblasti kuberner Georgi Boos teatas, et regioon on valmis Baltimaadest vastu võtma 2,4 kuni 5 miljonit kaasmaalast, programmi finantseerimiseks kavatseb Kreml eraldada 6 miljardit dollarit. Autor küsib, kas Eestis elavad venelased on valmis lahkuma

  13. Euroopa kultuuripealinn Tallinn 2011 paneb PÖFF-ile õla alla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    15. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali ja Euroopa Kultuuripealinna Tallinn 2011 koostöös alguse saanud noortele animavallas tegutsevatele professionaalidele mõeldud koolitussarjast AnimaCampus, rahvusvahelise filmituru Black Market ja programmi "60 sekundit üksindust aastal Null" toetamisest

  14. Ilmus haridusterminite sõnastik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eurydice programmi poolt välja antud sõnastik : European glossary on education. Vol. 4 : Management, Monitoring and Support Staff. Sõnastik annab ülevaate 30 Euroopa riigis kasutatavatest haridusterminitest, mis puudutavad kooli juhtkonda, seire- ja abipersonali kõigil haridustasemetel

  15. Arhiivikonkursi kolm algusaastat (2007-2009) = The First Three Years of the Compatriots Programme’s Archival Competition (2007-2009) / Andero Adamson, Jüri Viikberg, Jaak Viller

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Adamson, Andero


    Rahvuskaaslaste programmi arhiivikonkursist projektidele, mis on suunatud väliseesti ajaloolis-kultuurilise pärandi kogumisele, säilitamisele ja kättesaadavaks muutmisele. Konkursi põhimõtetest, konkursile saadetud projektitaotlustest ning projektide hindamiseks loodud ekspertkomisjoni tööst

  16. DILL teeb Tallinna kolmandas maailmas tuntuks / Virve Liivanõmm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivanõmm, Virve


    DILL on Euroopa kolme ülikooli (Oslo, Parma, Tallinna) ingliskeelne magistriõppekava peamiselt kolmandatest riikidest tudengitele, mida Euroopa Liit rahastab Erasmus Mundus programmi raames. Eestis koordineerib ja juhendab enamikku Tallinnas tehtavatest magistritöödest TLÜ infoteaduste instituudi lektor Sirje Virkus

  17. BSR-kotkas läks lendu / Toomas Jüriado

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jüriado, Toomas, 1947-


    Hiiu maavalitsuse arendusnõunik Reet Kokovkin asus juhtima Euroopa piiriülese koostöö programmi Interreg IIIB rahastatavat Läänemere piirkonna keskkonnahariduse projekti BSR Eagle, mis tegeleb loodushariduse ja looduse õpetamise arendamisega Läänemere ääres

  18. Boy George Helsingi-Tallinna geikruiisil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Angel Café & Gayclub ja firmade Tallink ja Madrenalin Ltd korraldatavast geikruiisist Lovebot 2006 (30. apr.-1. mai), kus show-programmi peaesinejateks briti laulja Boy Gerry ja ameerika laulja Sherry Vine (Sherry Vine kontsert ka 29. apr. Tallinnas Angeli klubis)

  19. Avanes Läänemere piirkonna toetusprogramm aastateks 2007-2013 / Kristina Kareva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kareva, Kristina


    Saksamaal kogunenud Läänemere äärsete riikide esindajad otsustasid avada toetuste taotlemiseks Läänemere piirkonna programmi aastateks 2007-2013, mis toetab riikidevahelise koostöö projekte innovatsiooni, transpordi, keskkonna ning linna- ja maapiirkondade elujõulisuse edendamise valdkonnas

  20. Legend tummast abilisest / Elena Lass

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lass, Elena


    PÖFFi Suvekino raames näidati Tallinna Linnaarhiivi siseõues saksa tummfilmi programmi "Öised varjud". Paul Wegeneri ja Carl Boese 1920. a. valminud filmile "Golem, kuidas ta maailma tuli" tegid saatemuusikat Marianne Kõrver, Rainer Jancis ja Raoul Kurvitz

  1. Mida võib oletada? = What may we assume? / Indrek Grigor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grigor, Indrek, 1981-


    Vaadeldakse tänapäevase fotokunsti rahvusvahelist näitust "Aegvõte" Tallinna Kunstihoones, kuraator Anna Laarits ja kujundaja Dénes Farkas. Teoste eksponeerimisest. Näitus toimus "Tallinna Fotokuu 2015" programmi raames. Eestlastest osalesid Ats Parve ja Jüri Okas

  2. 11th Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams : Animatheque

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali alafestivali Animated Dreams lühitutvustus. Festival toimub 18. - 22. nov. 2009 Tallinnas. Alates 2008. aastast teeb festival koostööd Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Animatsiooni osakonnaga ja kord kuus toimuvad KUMU Auditooriumis animafilmide linastused programmis Animatheque

  3. Keskkonna ja turvalisuse globaalse seire (GMES) teenused / Anu Reinart, Tiit Kutser, Tiina Dišlis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinart, Anu, 1961-


    1998. aastal käivitasid Euroopa Komisjon ja Euroopa Kosmoseagentuur koos teiste kosmoseagentuuridega programmi GMES, mille oluliseks eesmärgiks on koondada erinevate riikide võimalused ning ühise tegevuse kaudu realiseerida teadlaste, avalikkuse ja erasektori ekspertide optimaalne koostöö

  4. Miks me ostame ühe miljoni euro eest positiivset vanemlust? / Maie Tuulik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuulik, Maie, 1941-


    Sotsiaalministeeriumi laste ja perede arengukava 2012-2020 oluline aluspõhimõte on teadmispõhine lähenemine. Austraalia teadlase Matthew Sandersi väljatöötatud programmi Triple P headuse ja usaldusväärsuse põhiargument ongi teadmispõhisus

  5. Buffernaja zona JeS / Sergei Stepanov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stepanov, Sergei


    Autor juhib tähelepanu sellele, et kuigi Euroopa päeva tähistati mitmetes Eesti linnades, unustasid korraldajad organiseerida kultuuriüritusi Ida-Virumaal. Riigikantselei selgitab, mis alusel valiti Euroopa päeva programmi lülitatud linnad

  6. Soomlased teavad teistest rohkem : Europrojekti küsitlus uuris, millist kasu loodavad e-tervisest patsiendid, meedikud ja tervishoiujuhid Euroopas / Andra Altoa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Altoa, Andra


    Käesoleva aasta augustis jõuavad lõpusirgele Euroopa Liidu Interreg III B programmi poolt rahastatud projektid Baltic eHealth ja eHealth for Regions. Projektide eesmärgiks on olnud analüüsida e-tervise rakendamise võimalikkust Euroopas

  7. Koolinoored õppisid välismaal sallivust / Martin Šmutov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Šmutov, Martin


    Sihtasutus Archimedes jagas eelmisel aastal Tartumaa koolidele programmi Comenius vahendusel umbes 1,4 miljonit krooni, võimaldamaks osavõttu erinevatest välisprojektidest. Tartu Slaavi Gümnaasium võttis osa viie riigi koolide ühisprojektist "We are all Europeans - tolerance"

  8. [Sõltumatu Tantsu Ühenduse poolt korraldatud sarjast "Premiere"] / Evelin Lagle ; küsinud Tambet Kaugema

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lagle, Evelin, 1986-


    Uutele koreograafidele pühendatud sarja "Premiere" programmis osalevad tantsulavastustega neli tantsukunstnikku Eestist - Tallinna Ülikooli lõpetanud Svetlana Grigorjeva, Turu Kunstiakadeemia lõpetanud Kaisa Selde, Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia lõpetanud Kristina-Maria Heinsalu ja Tallinna Ülikooli lõpetanud Christin Lunts

  9. Prints Charles toetab talunike innovatsiooni / Merit Mikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikk, Merit, 1969-


    Mahe- ja tavatootjatele suunatud uuenduslike tehnoloogiate arendamise ja jätkusuutlike lahenduste leidmise programmist Duchy Future Farming. Programmi veavad prints Charlesi fond, maheorganisatsioon Soil Association, Waitrose kaubandusketi juhtiv mahebränd Duchy Organics ja mahepõllumajanduse uurimiskeskus (Organic Research Centre)

  10. Angola üllatas valimistega / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Angolas toimusid peale 16 aastast vaheaega parlamendivalimised, kus ülekaaluka võidu saavutas Angola Vabastamise Rahvaliikumine (MPLA). Uus peaminister teatas Antonio Paulo Kassoma, et tema prioriteedid on MPLA programmi elluviimine ja lähtumine Jose Eduardo dos Santose antud suunistest

  11. The ability to mentally represent action is associated with low motor ability in children: a preliminary investigation. (United States)

    Gabbard, Carl; Caçola, Priscila; Bobbio, Tatiana


    Theory and anatomical research suggest that the ability to mentally represent intended actions affect level of execution. This study presents preliminary data examining the association between children's ability to mentally represent action and general motor ability. Children aged 7- to 10 years were assessed for motor imagery ability using a simulation of reach task and motor ability via the Movement ABC-2. Motor ability values, based on percentile rank, ranged from 2 to 91, with a mean of 36. The overall correlation between mental representation and motor ability yielded a moderately positive relationship (r = .39). Interestingly, when looking at motor ability subcategories, only Balance was significant in the model, explaining 20% of the variance. These results provide preliminary evidence that children's motor ability and the ability to mentally represent action are associated in a positive direction. Furthermore, given the results for Balance, we speculate that there are clinical implications regarding work with potentially at-risk children. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  12. Numerical approximation abilities correlate with and predict informal but not formal mathematics abilities. (United States)

    Libertus, Melissa E; Feigenson, Lisa; Halberda, Justin


    Previous research has found a relationship between individual differences in children's precision when nonverbally approximating quantities and their school mathematics performance. School mathematics performance emerges from both informal (e.g., counting) and formal (e.g., knowledge of mathematics facts) abilities. It remains unknown whether approximation precision relates to both of these types of mathematics abilities. In the current study, we assessed the precision of numerical approximation in 85 3- to 7-year-old children four times over a span of 2years. In addition, at the final time point, we tested children's informal and formal mathematics abilities using the Test of Early Mathematics Ability (TEMA-3). We found that children's numerical approximation precision correlated with and predicted their informal, but not formal, mathematics abilities when controlling for age and IQ. These results add to our growing understanding of the relationship between an unlearned nonsymbolic system of quantity representation and the system of mathematics reasoning that children come to master through instruction. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Uurimuslik õpe GLOBE programmi näitel / Imbi Henno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Henno, Imbi


    Artiklis tutvustatakse põhi- ja keskkooliõpilastele mõeldud uurimuslikku õpet ja praktilisi tegevusi pakkuvat keskkonnasuunitlusega ülemaailmset haridus- ja teadusprogrammi GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit Environment)

  14. Ruum ja arhitektuur "Turu 2011" programmis / Carl-Dag Lige

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lige, Carl-Dag


    Turu linn kannab 2011. aastal koos Tallinnaga Euroopa kultuuripealinna tiitlit. Ülevaade ruumi ja arhitektuuriga seotud paikadest ja sündmustest, milliseid tasub Turus 2011. a. vaatama minna. Turu 2011. aasta sündmuste peamiseks baasiks kujuneb Logomo-nimeline Kultuuritehas

  15. Kõusaare film pääses Cannes'i programmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Cannes'i filmifestivali kavas "Un certain regard" on tänavu ka Kadri Kõusaare mängufilm "Magnus" : produtsent Donal Fernandes : operaator Pawel Sobczyk : osades Kristjan Kasearu, Ruuben Rekkor : Eesti (Vitamin K Film) - Suurbritannia (Donus Films Limited)

  16. Historical Evolution of Spatial Abilities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Ardila


    Full Text Available Historical evolution and cross-cultural differences in spatial abilities are analyzed. Spatial abilities have been found to be significantly associated with the complexity of geographical conditions and survival demands. Although impaired spatial cognition is found in cases of, exclusively or predominantly, right hemisphere pathology, it is proposed that this asymmetry may depend on the degree of training in spatial abilities. It is further proposed that spatial cognition might have evolved in a parallel way with cultural evolution and environmental demands. Contemporary city humans might be using spatial abilities in some new, conceptual tasks that did not exist in prehistoric times: mathematics, reading, writing, mechanics, music, etc. Cross-cultural analysis of spatial abilities in different human groups, normalization of neuropsychological testing instruments, and clinical observations of spatial ability disturbances in people with different cultural backgrounds and various spatial requirements, are required to construct a neuropsychological theory of brain organization of spatial cognition.

  17. The Data Set on the Multiple Abilities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klynge, Alice Heegaard


    This paper presents a data set on multiple abilities. The abilities cover the Literacy and Math Ability, the Creative and Innovative Ability, the Learning Ability, the Communication Ability, the Social Competency, the Self-Management Ability, the Environmental Awareness, the Civic Competency......, the Intercultural Awareness, and the Health Awareness. The data stems from a unique cross-sectional survey carried out for the adult population in Denmark. Several dimensions and many questions pinpoint and measure every ability. The dimensions cover areas such as the individual behavior at work, the individual...... behavior in leisure, the motivation for using an ability, the working conditions for using an ability, and the educational conditions for using an ability. The paper defines every ability and describes the dimensions and the questions underlying the abilities. It reports the categories of answers...

  18. Information Processing and Human Abilities (United States)

    Kirby, John R.; Das, J. P.


    The simultaneous and successive processing model of cognitive abilities was compared to a traditional primary mental abilities model. Simultaneous processing was found to be primarily related to spatial ability; and to a lesser extent, to memory and inductive reasoning. Subjects were 104 fourth-grade urban males. (Author/GD C)

  19. Balance ability and athletic performance. (United States)

    Hrysomallis, Con


    The relationship between balance ability and sport injury risk has been established in many cases, but the relationship between balance ability and athletic performance is less clear. This review compares the balance ability of athletes from different sports, determines if there is a difference in balance ability of athletes at different levels of competition within the same sport, determines the relationship of balance ability with performance measures and examines the influence of balance training on sport performance or motor skills. Based on the available data from cross-sectional studies, gymnasts tended to have the best balance ability, followed by soccer players, swimmers, active control subjects and then basketball players. Surprisingly, no studies were found that compared the balance ability of rifle shooters with other athletes. There were some sports, such as rifle shooting, soccer and golf, where elite athletes were found to have superior balance ability compared with their less proficient counterparts, but this was not found to be the case for alpine skiing, surfing and judo. Balance ability was shown to be significantly related to rifle shooting accuracy, archery shooting accuracy, ice hockey maximum skating speed and simulated luge start speed, but not for baseball pitching accuracy or snowboarding ranking points. Prospective studies have shown that the addition of a balance training component to the activities of recreationally active subjects or physical education students has resulted in improvements in vertical jump, agility, shuttle run and downhill slalom skiing. A proposed mechanism for the enhancement in motor skills from balance training is an increase in the rate of force development. There are limited data on the influence of balance training on motor skills of elite athletes. When the effectiveness of balance training was compared with resistance training, it was found that resistance training produced superior performance results for

  20. Lifestyle index and work ability. (United States)

    Kaleta, Dorota; Makowiec-Dabrowska, Teresa; Jegier, Anna


    In many countries around the world, negative changes in lifestyles are observed. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of selected lifestyle indicators on work ability among professionally active individuals. The study was performed in the randomly selected group of full-time employees (94 men and 93 women) living in the city of Lódź. Work ability was measured with the work ability index and lifestyle characteristic was assessed with the healthy lifestyle index. We analyzed four lifestyle indicators: non-smoking, healthy weight, fiber intake per day, and regular physical activity. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals to control the effects of lifestyle and work ability. The analysis of lifestyle index indicated that 27.7, 30.9, 27.7 and 11.7% of men and 15.1, 21.5, 35.5 and 26.9% of women scored 0, 1, 2, 3 points, respectively. Only 2.1% of men and 1.1% of women met the criteria for the healthy lifestyle (score 4). Work ability was excellent, good and moderate in 38.3, 46.8 and 14.9% of men, and in 39.8, 14.9 and 19.3% of women, respectively. Poor work ability was found in 9.7% women. Work ability was strongly associated with lifestyle in both men and women. Among men with index score = 0, the risk of moderate work ability was nearly seven times higher than in men whose lifestyle index score exceeded 1 or more points (OR = 6.67; 95% CI: 1.94-22.90). Among women with lifestyle index score = 0, the risk of moderate or lower work ability was also highly elevated as compared to those with lifestyle index = 1 or higher (OR = 14.44; 95% CI: 3.53-59.04). Prophylactic schedules associated with the improvement of lifestyles should be addressed to all adults. Future programs aimed at increasing work ability should consider work- and lifestyle-related factors.

  1. Ukraina film trügis Berlinalele / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Berliini 52. filmifestival algab täna sakslase Tom Tykweri mängufilmiga "Taevas". Esmakordselt on festivali põhiprogrammis ukraina film, milleks on panoraamne ajaloofilm "Palved hetman Mazepa eest" vanameister Juri Iljenko lavastuses. Peeter Simmi mängufilmi näidatakse Panorama programmis

  2. 1. VI avati Haapsalus taas Evald Okase muuseum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Väljas on Evald Okase graafika ja joonistute uuendatud ekspositsioon, kunstniku 1930. aastate maalid. Programmis: fotonäitus "Väikeste majade Haapsalu", rahvusvaheline kuumklaasi workshop ja klaasinäitus "Maritima", kunsti suvekool, Eesti Maalikunstnike Liidu näitus "Ma olen olnud Haapsalus" jm.

  3. 19.-21. IX leiab Budapesti kultuuritehases Tüzraktar aset...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti kaasaegse kultuuri invasioon "BeEST in Budapest", mis kaasab eesti kujutava kunsti, kirjanduse ja muusika. Programmis osalevad Aivar Tõnso, Joel Tammik, Muschraum, Jan Kaus ja Triin Soomets, Avangard, Marianne Männi, Kaarel Sammet jt. Projekti koordinaatorid Maarin Ektermann ja Elnara Taidre

  4. Eesti internetiõppe programm laieneb Euroopasse / Helve Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Helve, 1958-


    Tartus virtuaalõppeteenuseid pakkuv firma Miksike käivitab Euroopa Komisjoni toel võrguõppeprojekti Learning Folders, projekti rahaline maht on 8 miljonit krooni, millest 2/3 tuleb Euroopa Komisjonilt Sokratese-Minerva programmi kaudu. Projektile oodatakse sada tuhat kasutajat erinevatest Euroopa riikidest

  5. Matemaatika-loodusteaduskond : [1999] / Merike Määrits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Määrits, Merike


    Matemaatika-informaatika osakond : 3.-4. mail toimus TPÜs Visby-programmi ja TEMPUS-JEP 12418 ühisseminar teemal "Curricula Development for Higher Education in Multimedia Education and Media Technology". Loodusteaduste osakond : 12. mail toimus keemia õppetooli ja Eesti Keemia Seltsi liikmete ühisseminar

  6. Internationally recognised armed forces / Urmas Roosimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roosimägi, Urmas


    Eesti Kaitseväe juhataja kohusetäitja kolonel Urmas Roosimägi Eesti kaitseväest, osalemisest NATO-PFP (NATO-Partnership for Peace) programmis ja sõjalisest koostööst NATO partnerriikidega. Urmas Roosimägi biograafia. Programm Partnerlus Rahu Nimel

  7. PÖFFi žürii : Euraasia parim naisnäitleja on eestlane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lõppes 11. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival. EurAsia programmi parima naisnäitleja auhinna sai Maarja Jakobson, elutööpreemia nukufilmi Heino Pars. Lisaks "Võistlusprogrammi EurAsia žürii auhinnad", "Scottish Leaderi Eesti filmi žürii auhinnad", "Teised auhinnad"

  8. Programma EQUAL : ravnõe vozmozhnosti na rabote / Ksenia Repson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Repson, Ksenia


    Tallinnas toimunud 23 Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigi EQUAL programmile pühendatud foorumist, mille eesmärgiks on vähendada diskrimineerimist töökohtadel. Eestis EQUAL programmi raames töötavatest projektidest. Foorumist võttis osa ka sotsiaalminister Jaak Aab. Lisa

  9. Bob Scott: Tallinn 2011 saab oma preemiaraha kätte / Bob Scott ; intervjueerinud Teele Tammeorg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Scott, Bob


    Euroopa kultuuripealinnade hindamiskomisjoni esimees räägib oma kohtumisest Tallinna linnapea Edgar Savisaare ja kultuuriministri Laine Jänesega ning sellest, et Tallinnal ja Eestil tuleb lisatoetuse saamiseks saata Euroopa Komisjonile vaid kiri, milles nad kinnitavad, et kultuuripealinna programmi jaoks on raha olemas

  10. Erasmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti kõrgkoolide üliõpilaste õpirändest Erasmus programmi raames. Tartus korraldati rahvusvaheline konverents "Üliõpilasmobiilsuse erinevad tahud", kus lisaks teistele jagasid oma kogemusi Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilane Helen Margus ja Tallinna Ülikooli õppejõud Sirje Virkus

  11. Numerical ability predicts mortgage default. (United States)

    Gerardi, Kristopher; Goette, Lorenz; Meier, Stephan


    Unprecedented levels of US subprime mortgage defaults precipitated a severe global financial crisis in late 2008, plunging much of the industrialized world into a deep recession. However, the fundamental reasons for why US mortgages defaulted at such spectacular rates remain largely unknown. This paper presents empirical evidence showing that the ability to perform basic mathematical calculations is negatively associated with the propensity to default on one's mortgage. We measure several aspects of financial literacy and cognitive ability in a survey of subprime mortgage borrowers who took out loans in 2006 and 2007, and match them to objective, detailed administrative data on mortgage characteristics and payment histories. The relationship between numerical ability and mortgage default is robust to controlling for a broad set of sociodemographic variables, and is not driven by other aspects of cognitive ability. We find no support for the hypothesis that numerical ability impacts mortgage outcomes through the choice of the mortgage contract. Rather, our results suggest that individuals with limited numerical ability default on their mortgage due to behavior unrelated to the initial choice of their mortgage.

  12. Numerical ability predicts mortgage default (United States)

    Gerardi, Kristopher; Goette, Lorenz; Meier, Stephan


    Unprecedented levels of US subprime mortgage defaults precipitated a severe global financial crisis in late 2008, plunging much of the industrialized world into a deep recession. However, the fundamental reasons for why US mortgages defaulted at such spectacular rates remain largely unknown. This paper presents empirical evidence showing that the ability to perform basic mathematical calculations is negatively associated with the propensity to default on one’s mortgage. We measure several aspects of financial literacy and cognitive ability in a survey of subprime mortgage borrowers who took out loans in 2006 and 2007, and match them to objective, detailed administrative data on mortgage characteristics and payment histories. The relationship between numerical ability and mortgage default is robust to controlling for a broad set of sociodemographic variables, and is not driven by other aspects of cognitive ability. We find no support for the hypothesis that numerical ability impacts mortgage outcomes through the choice of the mortgage contract. Rather, our results suggest that individuals with limited numerical ability default on their mortgage due to behavior unrelated to the initial choice of their mortgage. PMID:23798401

  13. Ability Dispersion and Team Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoogendoorn, Sander; Parker, Simon C.; Van Praag, Mirjam

    What is the effect of dispersed levels of cognitive ability of members of a (business) team on their team's performance? This paper reports the results of a field experiment in which 573 students in 49 (student) teams start up and manage real companies under identical circumstances for one year. We...... ensured exogenous variation in otherwise random team composition by assigning students to teams based on their measured cognitive abilities. Each team performs a variety of tasks, often involving complex decision making. The key result of the experiment is that the performance of business teams first...... increases and then decreases with ability dispersion. We seek to understand this finding by developing a model in which team members of different ability levels form sub- teams with other team members with similar ability levels to specialize in different productive tasks. Diversity spreads production over...

  14. Eesti hobuse päritolu on taas päevakorral / Ingrid Randlaht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randlaht, Ingrid


    Hobuse ilmumisest Soome aladele ja soome hobuse päritolust. Soome teadlaste Auli Bläuer'i ja Juha Kantanen'i eestvedamisel uuritakse FINN ARCH programmi raames varaste koduloomade ajalugu Soomes DNA-analüüside põhjal. Eesti hobuse päritolu uurimise hetkeseisust

  15. Teaching Programming to Liberal Arts Students

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Peter Bøgh; Bennedsen, Jens; Brandorff, Steffen


    In this paper we present a new learning environment to be used in an introductory programming course for studentsthat are non-majors in computer science, more precisely formultimedia students with a liberal arts background. Media-oriented programming adds new requirements to thecraft of programmi...

  16. Edgar Savisaar : poliitilistel kolleegidel läheb tarvis rohkem paksu nahka / Edgar Savisaar ; interv. Tuuli Koch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Savisaar, Edgar, 1950-


    Keskerakonna esimees vastab enne Riigikogu valimisi küsimustele, mis puudutavad valimisvõitlust, valitsuse moodustamist, peaministriks olemist, hinnangut peaminister Andrus Ansipile, koostööd Reformierakonna ja Rahvaliiduga, Keskerakonna valimislubadusi ja -programmi ning uusliikmeid, teiste parteide poliitikat. Lisa: Keskerakonna valimislubadusi; 3 küsimust

  17. Laine Jänes asus kultuuripealinna juhti Mikko Fritzet toetama / Mari Kodres

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kodres, Mari


    Kultuuriminister Laine Jänes nimetas kultuuripealinna Tallinn 2011 sihtasutuse juhtide Mikko Fritze ja Jaanus Mutli ning programmiosakonna juhi Jaanus Rohumaa esinemist valitsuskabinetis usaldusväärseks ning jäi rahule programmi tutvustamisega. Väidetavalt tahetakse sihtasutuse juhti Mikko Fritzet välja vahetada

  18. Rahvusvaheline nädal TTÜ Raamatukogus / Taimi Nurmiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nurmiste, Taimi, 1949-


    19.-23. märtsini 2012 TTÜ-s toimunud rahvusvahelisest nädalast („Erasmus Staff Training Week” Erasmuse programmi partnerülikoolide töötajaile) võttis osa seekord ka raamatukogu, osalenutele korraldati ekskursioon raamatukogu uues hoones ning seminaril tutvustati kogusid ja teenuseid

  19. 2. VI avati uus kaasaegse kunsti galerii Artdepoo aadressil Jahu t 12

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Avanäitusel "Zielpunkt: Artdepoo" on väljas Maarit Murka, Mara Koppeli, Laurentsiuse, August Künnapu ja Andrei Maksimjuki tööd. Lühidalt galerii tegevusplaanidest. Juulis osaleb galerii rahvusvahelise kontakttantsukonverentsi programmis, eksponeerides Thomas Häntzscheli (sünd. 1964) kontakttantsu-teemalisi fotosid

  20. Hot dog, mis kallab iseendale ketšupit = A hot dog that dresses itself with ketchup / Hanno Soans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soans, Hanno, 1974-


    Ringkäik "Tallinna Fotokuu 2015" programmi kesksel näitusel "Prosu(u)mer" Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumis. Prosumer'i mõistest. Näitus avab vastastikku parasiteerivaid suhteid tootjate ja tarbijate vahel ning harutab lahti autori ja kasutaja segunenud rolle. Eestlastest osaleb Liina Siib

  1. Discourse abilities in the structure of intelligence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Voronin A. N.


    Full Text Available Background. This article is devoted to empirical research on discourse abilities within the structure of cognitive abilities. Discourse abilities, as well as linguistic abilities, are part of language abilities, but they are directly linked with discourse practices and a certain communicative situation. Discourse abilities allow a person to effectively initiate, keep, expand, and complete the process of communication, using language appropriate to any given situation. These abilities contribute to making communication more effective and achieving mutual understanding between partners, while at the same time they speed up the process of forming an interaction strategy. the empirical verification of the construct “discourse abilities,” and the design of original diagnostic tests on them, led us to differentiate linguistic and discourse abilities. Objective. However, it is not yet clear what place discourse abilities occupy in the structure of cognitive abilities. This is the primary goal of our research. Method. The design of the study involved group testing (in groups of 15-35 people using the following methods: a discourse abilities test; a short selection test; a social intelligence test, and short variations of Torrance’s and Mednick’s tests. In total, 208 people (133 women and 75 men, ages 17 to 21 years participated in the study, all of them either first year humanities students or high school students from Moscow. Results and Discussion. The research results revealed that discourse abilities relevantly correlate with the majority of indicators of general and social intelligence and creativity (except non-verbal intelligence. Discourse abilities as part of the structure of cognitive capabilities form a discrete factor, and include relevant components such as verbal and general intelligence and indicators of social intelligence, such as the ability to group expressions. Structures indicative of cognitive abilities varied within the

  2. [Person-organization fit and work ability]. (United States)

    Merecz, Dorota; Andysz, Aleksandra


    Person-environment issue has long been in focus of researchers who explore the area of human labor. It is known that the level of fit is a predictor of many phenomena related to health and attitude to work. The aim of this study was to explore the association between the level of person- organization fit (P-O fit) and work ability, including indicators of somatic and mental health. Research was conducted on a representative sample of 600 Polish men and women at working age. The Person-Organization Fit Questionnaire was used to assess three dimensions of P-O fit (supplementary fit, complementary fit and identification with organization); mental health status was measured by GHQ-28; the number of diagnosed diseases was taken as an index of somatic health; work ability, ability to physical and mental efforts were measured by three items from the Work Ability Index. A significant relationship between P-O fit level and work ability was found. In men, work ability predictors were: age, supplementary fit and mental health status, which explained 25% of the variance in work ability. In women, work ability predictors were: the number of diagnosed somatic diseases, supplementary fit, age and complementary fit, which explained 27% of the variance in work ability. Some gender-related differences in the predictive value of variables under the study were also found. The results of this study indicate the importance of P-O fit in shaping the sense of work ability, a recognized predictor of workers' occupational activity and the frequency of taking sick leave in subsequent years. Therefore, this result may be a useful argument to motivate employers to employ workers adequately to their abilities and preferences.

  3. Is there a relationship between ultrasound scanning ability (sonography) and visuospatial perception or psychomotor ability? (United States)

    Hagen, Suzanne; Gallagher, Helen


    Background Competent sonography is thought to include a unique combination of skills not yet fully defined. This presents challenges when recruiting the correct people for training. Skills are thought to include visuospatial perception and psychomotor skills, but little is known about the relationship between these aptitudes and scanning ability. This feasibility study explored such relationships, to identify evaluation techniques which may improve selection and recruitment. Methods A sample of 30 experienced ultrasound practitioners and 30 trainees at commencement and on completion of training were administered eight tests. Results No significant relationships between experienced practitioners’ or trainees’ visuospatial abilities or psychomotor abilities and scanning abilities were found. Results demonstrated that two of the visuospatial perception tests were not influenced by training and therefore, may be measuring the innate skills of ultrasound practitioners. As ultrasound practitioners had not performed any of the tests previously, ranges of scores for each of the eight tests were established for this group. This included measures for psychomotor skills which added to the current body of knowledge for sonography. Conclusions Although no significant correlations were found between participants’ visuospatial perception or psychomotor abilities and scanning ability, performance on the Obstetric Structured Assessment Test (combining all the skills required) pre-training gave the best indication of post-training scanning performance. The Obstetric Structured Assessment Test may prove a useful tool for initial assessment of potential trainees but abilities will require further investigation. PMID:27847536

  4. Development of arithmetical abilities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatjana Levstek


    Full Text Available Arithmetic (from the word 'arithmos' which means 'numbers' is an elementary branch of mathematics. Numeracy is essential for understanding mathematics, so the development of arithmetic abilities has been an area of scientific research for a long time. Recent research has shown that the development of arithmetic abilities is not based only on gaining experience and learning. Some arithmetic abilities, especially the sense of quantity, are innate. Even babies are able to distinguish between groups with different number of elements and they perceive numeracy amodally. Six-month-olds distinguish between two groups with the numeracy ratio of 1 : 2. With age this ratio improves rapidly. Five-year-old children already distinguish between groups with the number ratio 7 : 8. The ability to compare two quantities begins to develop after 15 months of age and children learn how to count spontaneously, together with the acquisition of language. Speech enables children to understand number in its abstract, symbolic sense, thus opening the way to symbolic arithmetic. During the preschool period children use intuition when doing calculations, but in school the arithmetic is based on the knowledge of arithmetical algorithms. So, in order to acquire mathematical knowledge, it is necessary to incorporate memory and automate arithmetical processes, without the use of intuition. However, research has shown that intuition is very important and is even a predictive factor for the development of mathematical abilities throughout the schooling process.

  5. Psychological Measures of Spatial Abilities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aurel Ion Clinciu


    Full Text Available Spatial abilities are divided into three categories: mental rotation, spatial relation and visualization. Several tests are cited in foreign literature that are frequently used in order to assess these abilities, but for Romanian specialists they are not on hand. The present paper is introducing new assessment tools for static spatial abilities that were successfully used along with already validated instruments. Data on statistical qualities of the new instruments are also discussed.

  6. Eesti filmil läks hästi Karlovy Vary festivalil / Marianne Kõrver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrver, Marianne, 1980-


    Lühimängufilm "Tühirand", režissöör Veiko Õunpuu, osales Karlovy Vary rahvusvahelise filmifestivali "Forum of Independents" programmis. 41. Karlovy Vary filmifestivali avas Korea režissööri Kim Ki-duki "Aeg". Lühidalt ka auhinnatutest ja huvitavamatest filmidest

  7. Eesti nukufilm sai järjekordse grand prix

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    XII Rahvusvaheline animafilmifestival "KROK-2005", mis toimus laeval, mis sõitis Kiievist Odessasse. Rao Heidmets ja Hardi Volmer said festivali karnevalil oma jänese kostüümi eest grand prix. Eesti filmidest olid programmis "Karl ja Marilyn", "Frank ja Wendy", "Barbarid", "Laud" ja "Conkistadoor"

  8. Regionaalpoliitika ja arhitektuur / Ülar Mark

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mark, Ülar


    Kagu-Eesti Regionaalarengu Programmi raames Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuurikateedri IV kursuse eriala valikaines 1998/99 tehtud tööst "HyperMobiilne Reaalsus & Kagu Eesti" (juhendajad Ralf Tamm, Ülar Mark). Ühises töös osalesid Tartu Ülikooli geograafiatudengid (juhendaja Rein Ahas). 4 illustratsiooni

  9. Microsoft otsib partnertudengeid / Merlis Nõgene

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nõgene, Merlis, 1976-


    Programmist Microsoft Student Partners (MSP), milles osaleb üle tuhande tehnoloogiahuvilise noore kõikjalt maailmast, räägivad programmis osalevad Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli üliõpilased Ahto Pärisalu ja Ilja Šmorgun ning Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilased Jaana Metsamaa ja Siim Karus

  10. Hram na granitse / Jevgeni Ashihmin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ashihmin, Jevgeni


    Ivangorodi Püha Kolmainsuse kiriku restaureerimisplaanidest. Kirik on perekond Stieglitz'ite matmispaik. Restaureerimistööd tehakse parun Stieglitzi mälestuse jäädvustamise programmi raames. Kirikus on osaliselt säilinud Fjodor Bruni eskiiside järgi Pavel Pleshanovi poolt teostatud monumentaalne altarimaal

  11. Balti projekteerimisbüroode 6 suurimat murelast / Eva Tammelo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammelo, Eva


    Ilmunud ka: Stroitel, 2006, nr. 1, lk. 10-14. Elina Kuzjukevica ja Aleksejs Nipersi (Rode & Weiland Ltd.) Phare programmi kuuluvast uurimusest "Balti projektbüroode koostöövõrk: Sektori efektiivsuse tõstmine ja arendamine". Siseturu ja välisturgude SWOT-analüüs

  12. apprendere una lingua straniera: tempo e spazio nella cultura italiana

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    partecipazione al programma Erasmus/Socrates, 1 che prevede programmi integrati di insegnamento tra le Università partecipanti e un sistema di riconoscimento reciproco delle attività svolte attraverso l'assegnazione di crediti. Dall'altra, hanno il compito di coordinare maggiormente la formazione universitaria in relazione ...

  13. Come home, says Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja proua Evelin Ilves külastasid 25. septembril 2010. a. New Yorgi Eesti Majas tegutsevat Eesti kooli ja osalesid New Yorgi eestlaskonnale korraldatud vastuvõtul, kus riigipea tutvustas programmi "Talendid koju". Töövisiit Ameerika Ühendriikidesse 20.-27.09.2010

  14. Pärn(ad) fookuses, sedapuhku Londonis / Stuart Sweeney

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sweeney, Stuart


    Londoni animafilmide festival pühendas ühe programmi Priit ja Olga Pärna uuemale loomingule. Ka 2009.a. parima Balti- ja Põhjamaade animafilmi auhinna - ANOBA auhinna, sai Olga ja Priit Pärna joonisfilm "Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita". Viimane oli valitud ka suvise Austraalia festivali kavva

  15. EBRD wants less foreign currency lending

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa Rekonstruktsiooni- ja Arengupanga aktsionäride kohtumisel otsustati tõsta aktsiakapitali 50% ja lubati toetada programmi, mille käigus aidatakse toorainet ja vähesel määral vääristatud tooteid eksportivaid riike ning ettevõtteid muutuda konkurentsivõimelisemaks. EBRD majandusprognoos

  16. Microfinanza: analisi d’impatto di un programma in India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tommaso Rondinella


    Full Text Available L’analisi d’impatto dei programmi di microfinanza è uno strumento utile sia per migliorare i servizi offerti sia per garantire ai donatori che il denaro concesso sia utilizzato per programmi efficaci nell’alleviare la povertà. Il presente lavoro è costituito da due parti: la prima è dedicata all’analisi d’impatto, la seconda all’analisi empirica sul campo. L’indagine è stata condotta attraverso l’utilizzo di uno strumento in grado di dare una indicazione chiara dei cambiamenti avvenuti nelle condizioni di vita dei beneficiari e con il pregio di essere applicabile a costi molto ridotti. I risultati ottenuti mostrano in che misura l’accesso al credito cambi le condizioni di vita dei più poveri inducendo consistenti aumenti del reddito familiare, dei risparmi, della diversificazione delle attività produttive e del consumo di cibo. Inoltre si osserva, all’interno dei nuclei familiari, un miglioramento della condizione femminile chiaramente dipendente dalla partecipazione al programma di microcredito

  17. Learning-Ability Relations in Adulthood (United States)

    Hultsch, David F.; And Others


    Two successive recall tasks and eight ability measures were presented to women of five age groups to investigate the changing relation between performance and ability measures at various stages of the learning process during adulthood. (MS)

  18. Artificial intelligence model for sustain ability measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navickiene, R.; Navickas, K.


    The article analyses the main dimensions of organizational sustain ability, their possible integrations into artificial neural network. In this article authors performing analyses of organizational internal and external environments, their possible correlations with 4 components of sustain ability, and the principal determination models for sustain ability of organizations. Based on the general principles of sustainable development organizations, a artificial intelligence model for the determination of organizational sustain ability has been developed. The use of self-organizing neural networks allows the identification of the organizational sustain ability and the endeavour to explore vital, social, antropogenical and economical efficiency. The determination of the forest enterprise sustain ability is expected to help better manage the sustain ability. (Authors)

  19. A qualitative approach to assessing work ability. (United States)

    Tengland, Per-Anders


    We often need to be able to assess the extent to which individuals have or lack work ability. For this we need instruments. Most of the instruments available have flaws. They either lack validity or they use roundabout methods when collecting information about the individual's work ability. The aim of this paper is to present a conceptual model for constructing a questionnaire that can be used for assessing work ability. The methods used are philosophical, i.e. analytical and deductive. A conceptual theory is provided, and based on the resulting definition of the concept of "work ability" conclusions are drawn regarding how to assess work ability. When constructing quantitative instruments, we can increase validity through using a more strict definition of work ability. However, such an approach will only solve some of the problems noted above. The proposal is, instead, to create a qualitative questionnaire, founded on a definition of "work ability", which focuses on the concrete problems concerning the work ability of the individual. Finally, a sketch of such an instrument is provided, with questions covering all the relevant aspects of work ability. The qualitative questionnaire proposed is believed to be superior to more traditional (quantitative) instruments for assessing a person's work ability, as well as for finding solutions to her problems concerning work ability.

  20. Uneskõndija kosub jõudsalt : Rahvusvaheline tudengi- ja lühifilmide festival "Sleepwalkers 2008" / Donald Tomberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tomberg, Donald, 1972-


    Pimedate Ööde 12. filmifestivali alafestivali Sleepwalkers auhinnatud filmidest. Eesti lühifilmide programmi peaauhinna sai Priit Pääsukese "Must Peeter", rahvusvahelise tudengifilmi peaauhinna sai Reto Caffi "Piiri peal", parim dokfilm oli venelanna Olga Popova "Teemas" ja mängufilm soomlase Mikko Kuparineni "Tõde või tegu"

  1. Estonskii film prinimali teplo / Marianne Kõrver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrver, Marianne, 1980-


    Lühimängufilm "Tühirand", režissöör Veiko Õunpuu, osales Karlovy Vary rahvusvahelise filmifestivali "Forum of Independents" programmis. 41. Karlovy Vary filmifestivali avas Korea režissööri Kim Ki-duki uusim film "Aeg". Lühidalt ka auhinnatutest ja huvitavamatest filmidest

  2. Paldiski-film Venezia festivalil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eile alanud Veneetsia 59. filmifestivali võistlusprogrammi avafilm on eluloofilm mehhiko kunstnikust Frida Kahlost "Frida", mille režissööriks on Julie Taymor. Programmis "Vastuvoolu" näidatakse suures osas Paldiskis vändatud rootsi mängufilmi "Lilja 4-Ever", kus kõrvalosas ka Tõnu Kark

  3. LOLA-projekt avatud õppest ja kaugkoolitusest / Sirje Virkus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virkus, Sirje, 1956-


    l. märtsil käivitus programmi Phare MultiCountry Programme for Distance Education raames kaugkoolitusprojekt Learning About Open Learning (LOLA). TPÜst osalevad kursusel dotsent Ulve Kala kasvatusteaduste teaduskonnast ja professor Voldemar Kolga sotsiaalteaduskonnast. TPÜ infoteaduste osakonna juhataja dotsent Sirje Virkus on projekti Eesti rahvuslik koordinaator

  4. Cannes tõi peo Rumeenia õuele / Merit Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Merit


    Cannes'i filmifestivalil jagati auhindu.Kuldse Palmioksa sai rumeenlase Christian Mungiu "4 kuud, 3 nädalat ja 2 päeva". Ka programmi "Vaatenurk" peaauhinna sai rumeenlane Christian Nemescu ("California Dreamin'"). Lisatud auhinnatute nimekiri, peagi Eesti kinolevisse jõudvate Cannes'i filmide nimekiri ning Tiina Loki kommentaar

  5. Kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemide rakendamise kogemused majandussektorites / Tiit Hindreus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hindreus, Tiit


    Autor on seisukohal, et iga organisatsioon peaks oma protsesse mõistuse piires standardima. Standardite kasutamise otsustab iga organisatsioon ise, reeglina on kasutamine vabatahtlik. Standardite arengust. Väljavõtteid TTÜ mehhatroonikainstituudi kvaliteeditehnika õppetooli ja EAS-i ühisuuringust "Eeluuring kvaliteediteadlikkuse programmi sihtrühmade relevantsete vajaduste leidmiseks 2005". Skeem

  6. LEADER Eestis - mis toimub, mis toimumas? / Ave Bremse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bremse, Ave


    LEADER-programmi rakendumise edukusest Eestis. Vt. samas: 1. Kuidas teie kohalikul tegevusgrupil läheb? 2. Mida uut on toonud LEADER teie piirkonda? Küsimustele vastavad: Aili Ilves, Hardi Murula, Merle Adams, Sille Tars, Jaak Vitsur, Mercedes Merimaa ja Piia Kärssin. Lisa: Statistikat ja infot kohalike tegevusgruppide kohta

  7. Socioeconomic Position Across the Life Course and Cognitive Ability Later in Life: The Importance of Considering Early Cognitive Ability. (United States)

    Foverskov, Else; Mortensen, Erik Lykke; Holm, Anders; Pedersen, Jolene Lee Masters; Osler, Merete; Lund, Rikke


    Investigate direct and indirect associations between markers of socioeconomic position (SEP) across the life course and midlife cognitive ability while addressing methodological limitations in prior work. Longitudinal data from the Danish Metropolit cohort of men born in 1953 ( N = 2,479) who completed ability tests at age 12, 18, and 56-58 linked to register-based information on paternal occupational class, educational attainment, and occupational level. Associations were assessed using structural equation models, and different models were estimated to examine the importance of accounting for childhood ability and measurement error. Associations between adult SEP measures and midlife ability decreased significantly when adjusting for childhood ability and measurement error. The association between childhood and midlife ability was by far the strongest. The impact of adult SEP on later life ability may be exaggerated when not accounting for the stability of individual differences in cognitive ability and measurement error in test scores.

  8. Assessing Professional Decision-Making Abilities. (United States)

    McNergney, Robert; Hinson, Stephanie


    Describes Teacher Development Decision Exercises, a computer-based method of diagnosing abilities of elementary and secondary school supervisors (principals, staff developers, curriculum coordinators) to make professional preactive or planning decisions. This approval simulates assessment of supervisors' abilities to use professional knowledge to…

  9. Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking


    Sanbonmatsu, David M.; Strayer, David L.; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M.


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are ...

  10. Assessing Algebraic Solving Ability: A Theoretical Framework (United States)

    Lian, Lim Hooi; Yew, Wun Thiam


    Algebraic solving ability had been discussed by many educators and researchers. There exists no definite definition for algebraic solving ability as it can be viewed from different perspectives. In this paper, the nature of algebraic solving ability in terms of algebraic processes that demonstrate the ability in solving algebraic problem is…

  11. Discrimination ability of the Energy score

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinson, Pierre; Tastu, Julija

    as appealing since being proper, we show that its discrimination ability may be limited when focusing on the dependence structure of multivariate probabilistic forecasts. For the case of multivariate Gaussian process, a theoretical upper for such discrimination ability is derived and discussed. This limited...... discrimination ability may eventually get compromised by computational and sampling issues, as dimension increases....

  12. Efficient evaluation of hearing ability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The present invention relates to a method of establishing a hearing ability model for a person, the method including providing a representation of the distribution of hearing ability for a population of individuals. The method may comprise the steps) performing a hearing evaluation event, comprising

  13. Who multi-tasks and why? Multi-tasking ability, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. (United States)

    Sanbonmatsu, David M; Strayer, David L; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants' perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation--high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking--reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control--low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity--tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity.

  14. Who multi-tasks and why? Multi-tasking ability, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David M Sanbonmatsu

    Full Text Available The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants' perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation--high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking--reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control--low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity--tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity.

  15. Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking (United States)

    Sanbonmatsu, David M.; Strayer, David L.; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M.


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants’ perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation – high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking – reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control - low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity - tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity. PMID:23372720

  16. The contribution of general cognitive abilities and number abilities to different aspects of mathematics in children. (United States)

    Träff, Ulf


    This study examined the relative contributions of general cognitive abilities and number abilities to word problem solving, calculation, and arithmetic fact retrieval in a sample of 134 children aged 10 to 13 years. The following tasks were administered: listening span, visual matrix span, verbal fluency, color naming, Raven's Progressive Matrices, enumeration, number line estimation, and digit comparison. Hierarchical multiple regressions demonstrated that number abilities provided an independent contribution to fact retrieval and word problem solving. General cognitive abilities contributed to problem solving and calculation. All three number tasks accounted for a similar amount of variance in fact retrieval, whereas only the number line estimation task contributed unique variance in word problem solving. Verbal fluency and Raven's matrices accounted for an equal amount of variance in problem solving and calculation. The current findings demonstrate, in accordance with Fuchs and colleagues' developmental model of mathematical learning (Developmental Psychology, 2010, Vol. 46, pp. 1731-1746), that both number abilities and general cognitive abilities underlie 10- to 13-year-olds' proficiency in problem solving, whereas only number abilities underlie arithmetic fact retrieval. Thus, the amount and type of cognitive contribution to arithmetic proficiency varies between the different aspects of arithmetic. Furthermore, how closely linked a specific aspect of arithmetic is to the whole number representation systems is not the only factor determining the amount and type of cognitive contribution in 10- to 13-year-olds. In addition, the mathematical complexity of the task appears to influence the amount and type of cognitive support. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. High ability: Giftedness and talent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Dolores Prieto Sánchez


    Full Text Available This special issue of the journal aims at putting together national and international research on high abilities, and is divided into three sections: 1 Roles and cognitive, emotional and professional competences of high ability students’ teachers, 2 Identification and assessment of high ability students, 3 Analysis of practices, programs and mentoring of high ability students’ attention to diversity.The articles are authored by scholars from nine different countries (Spain, Argentina, UK, USA, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Portugal and Poland, from sixteen different Spanish and international universities: Alicante (Spain, Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain, Málaga (Spain, Murcia (Spain, Navarra (Spain, Oviedo (Spain, Tufts University (USA, Yale University (USA, Moscow State University (Russia, Nacional de La Plata (Argentina, University of Connecticut (USA, Universidade do Minho (Portugal, Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia and Universidad de Szczecin (Poland.

  18. LIFT11 linnas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinn 2011 programmi kuuluva installatsioonide festivali "Lift11" avalikule ideekonkursile esitati 129 tööd, välja valiti 17. Tutvustatakse Maarja Kase ja Ralf Lõokese tööd "L", Tomomi Hayashi tööd "Merele!", Toomas Paaveri, Teele Pehki ja Triin Talki tööd "Kalarand"

  19. Trepp viib linlase Russalka näoni / Teele Tammeorg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammeorg, Teele


    Tallinn 2011 programmi kuuluvale linnainstallatsioonide festivalile "Lift11" esitati 129 tööd, žürii valis välja 17 kavandit. Pikemalt Argo Peeveri ja Margus Tamme ideest "Face it" ning Tomomi Hayashi ideest jätkata Tallinna Linnahalli treppe. Žürii liikme Endrik Männi arvamus konkursist

  20. Õpikojad - õpime läbi katsete / Helerin Margus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Margus, Helerin


    Eesti Füüsika Selts koostöös Tartu Ülikooli loodus- ja tehnoloogiateaduskonna ning Tartu Ülikooli Teaduskooliga algatas füüsika, keemia ja bioloogia õpikodade programmi, mille eesmärk on läbi praktiliste tööde tekitada õpilastes suuremat huvi loodusainete ja teaduse vastu

  1. Эстонский фильм получил приз в Исландии

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Islandi pealinnas Reykjavikis 20. Nordisk Panorama 5 Cities Film festivalil võitis lühimängufilm "Krantsid" eesti näitlejate Jekaterina Novosjolova ja Jevgeni Gaitšukiga peaosades eripreemia programmis New Nordic Voices. Filmi režissöör ja stsenarist on Sutarsan Bala ja produtsent Marianne Ostrat

  2. Taani-Eesti disaini ühisprojekt / Toivo Raidmets, Morten Lund

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raidmets, Toivo, 1955-


    14.-25. sept.-ni Tallinnas näituse "Elava disaini dialoog" raames EKA sisearhitektuuri osakonna ja Taani Disaini Kooli üliõpilaste workshop Tallinna Vineeri- ja Mööblikombinaadis. Valminud töid eksponeeritakse 25.-29. sept.-ni EestiKunstiakadeemia galeriis. Näitus ja workshop kuuluvad Taani Kultuuriinstituudi programmi "Baltimaade naasmine".

  3. Jasper Sharp - mees, kes jättis varasema töö, et vaadata Jaapani filme / Jasper Sharp ; intervjueerinud Helen Merila

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sharp, Jasper, 1971-


    Euroopa kultuuripealinn Tallinn 2011 programmi osana ning koostöös Zipangu Fest'iga korraldatakse Tallinna Kinomajas 25.-28. aug.-ni Aasia sõltumatute filmide festival EVA - East via Asia. Festivali kuraator, veebisaidi Midnight Eye kaastoimetaja Jasper Sharp endast, festivalist, Jaapani sõltumatust kinost tänapäeval. Festivali kava

  4. 14. ja 15. X viibivad Hiina kunstiakadeemia kutsel...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hangzhou rahvusvahelisel moedisainiharidust analüüsival konverentsil viibivad Tartu Kõrgema Kunstikooli rektor Vallo Nuust, tekstiiliosakonna juhataja Aet Ollisaar ja tekstiiliosakonna meister Signe Vilde. TKK delegatsiooni üks eesmärke Hiinas on TKK ja Hiina kunstiakadeemia või mõne teise Hiina kunstikõrgkooli õppejõudude vahetuse programmi algatamine

  5. "Karu süda" võistleb Anapa festivalil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Anapas toimub 5.-16. septembrini rahvusvaheline filmifestival "Kinošokk". Žüriisse kuulub ka Peeter Simm. Eestit esindab võistlusprogrammis Arvo Iho "Karu süda". Videofilmide programmis on Rene Vilbre "Armas tuss" ja Mark Soosaare "La Paloma", Jaak Kilmil on kaasas oma kuraatoriprogramm Balti alternatiivsetest lühifilmidest

  6. Kuidas ühendada toitu ja aktiivset puhkust?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hotellis Salzburg 11. aprillil toimunud Euroopa Liidu Kesk-Läänemere INTERREG IV A programmi rahvusvahelise projekti "International Food and Activity Tourism" lõpukokkuvõtete tegemise seminarist ning projekti raames toimunud koolitustest ja Eesti ning Soome turismiettevõtete töövahetusest, samuti Lõuna-Eesti kohalikku toitu tutvustavast Toidutee ideest

  7. Erasmuse sünnipäev tuli bussiga / Annelis Jahilo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jahilo, Annelis


    24. aprillil jõudes Eestisse Erasmus Van (Erasmuse buss), mis kõrgharidusprogrammi 20. sünnipäeva tähistades mööda Euroopat tuuritab. Sünnipäeva puhul korraldatakse Euroopas erinevaid üritusi. Erasmus Student Network Tallinn korraldas Tallinna Ülikoolis Euroopa Komisjoni rahvusvahelise programmi auks konverentsi

  8. Pilk maestro Neeme Järvi muusikalisse loometöösse / Airi Vaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaga, Airi, 1940-


    kohtumisest New Jersey Symphony Orchestra mängijate ja dirigendiga 13. jaanuaril 2006 Newarkis, kus tutvustati sümfooniaorkestri 2006 - 2007. aasta programmi ning räägiti tööst Beethoveni 9. sümfoonia ettevalmistamisel kontserdiks. Tunti muret noorte muusikakasvatuse ühekülgse arengu pärast

  9. Readability, Reading Ability, and Readership. (United States)

    Kern, Richard P.; And Others

    This paper presents data describing large differences between the reading difficulty levels of printed materials used in certain military occupational specialties (MOSs) and the relatively lower reading ability levels of men assigned to these MOSs. Initial data explore the relationship between reading ability and utilization of printed materials…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonide Tocchi


    Full Text Available The new energy and regulatory scenarios on European and Italian level require a review of the regional energy strategies. Transitioning the global economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources has been identified as a key strategy for mitigating climate change. Energy sector transformation needs smart policies. The Lazio region is drawing up a new strategy for sustainable energy that aims to define the necessary conditions for development of a regional energy system increasingly turned to the use of renewable sources and efficient energy use as a means for greater environmental protection, in particular for the purpose of reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG. The strategy aims to facilitate the transition to a low carbon economy by increasing energy production from renewable sources, fostering a green economic recovery and the creation of green jobs in Lazio Region.

  11. PÖFF-i festivalid pakuvad aina paremat programmi / Margit Rebane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rebane, Margit


    VIII Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali alafestivalid : tudengifilmifestival Sleepwalkers, laste- ja noortefilmide festival Just Film, animafilmifestival Animated Dreams (korraldajad Katrin Rajasaare, Elen Lotman, Heilika Võsu). Lisa : Kus toimub? Palju maksab?

  12. Risk Aversion Relates to Cognitive Ability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Ola; Holm, Håkan J.; Tyran, Jean-Robert Karl


    Recent experimental studies suggest that risk aversion is negatively related to cognitive ability. In this paper we report evidence that this relation might be spurious. We recruit a large subject pool drawn from the general Danish population for our experiment. By presenting subjects with choice...... tasks that vary the bias induced by random choices, we are able to generate both negative and positive correlations between risk aversion and cognitive ability. Structural estimation allowing for heterogeneity of noise yields no significant relation between risk aversion and cognitive ability. Our...... results suggest that cognitive ability is related to random decision making, rather than to risk preferences....

  13. Risk aversion relates to cognitive ability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Ola; Holm, Håkan J.; Tyran, Jean-Robert Karl

    Recent experimental studies suggest that risk aversion is negatively related to cognitive ability. In this paper we report evidence that this relation might be spurious. We recruit a large subject pool drawn from the general Danish population for our experiment. By presenting subjects with choice...... tasks that vary the bias induced by random choices, we are able to generate both negative and positive correlations between risk aversion and cognitive ability. Structural estimation allowing for heterogeneity of noise yields no significant relation between risk aversion and cognitive ability. Our...... results suggest that cognitive ability is related to random decision making rather than to risk preferences....

  14. The ABCs of Math: A Genetic Analysis of Mathematics and Its Links With Reading Ability and General Cognitive Ability (United States)

    Hart, Sara A.; Petrill, Stephen A.; Thompson, Lee A.; Plomin, Robert


    The goal of this first major report from the Western Reserve Reading Project Math component is to explore the etiology of the relationship among tester-administered measures of mathematics ability, reading ability, and general cognitive ability. Data are available on 314 pairs of monozygotic and same-sex dizygotic twins analyzed across 5 waves of assessment. Univariate analyses provide a range of estimates of genetic (h2 = .00 –.63) and shared (c2 = .15–.52) environmental influences across math calculation, fluency, and problem solving measures. Multivariate analyses indicate genetic overlap between math problem solving with general cognitive ability and reading decoding, whereas math fluency shares significant genetic overlap with reading fluency and general cognitive ability. Further, math fluency has unique genetic influences. In general, math ability has shared environmental overlap with general cognitive ability and decoding. These results indicate that aspects of math that include problem solving have different genetic and environmental influences than math calculation. Moreover, math fluency, a timed measure of calculation, is the only measured math ability with unique genetic influences. PMID:20157630

  15. Captive-breeding and conservation of the European mammal diversity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Spartaco Gippoliti


    >Riassunto La riproduzione in cattività e la conservazione della diversità dei mammiferi europei Il numero di specie e la variabilità intraspecifica dei Mammiferi paleartici è stata generalmente sottostimata nei decenni in cui il Concetto Biologico di Specie è stato adottato. Ciò ha portato a sottovalutare le minacce ai Mammiferi europei e a basare l'attività di conservazione principalmente sulla traslocazione di individui da popolazioni vitali dell'Europa orientale. Molti di questi progetti hanno effettivamente portato al ritorno di alcune specie scomparse localmente e quindi al ripristino di una migliore funzionalità ecologica, ma non alla protezione della diversità dei Mammiferi europei. Il presente lavoro si avvale dei risultati di un numero sempre crescente di ricerche filogeografiche che hanno evidenziato complessi modelli di distribuzione e di differenziazione genetica in Europa. L'esistenza di Unità di Conservazione finora criptiche e a volte severamente minacciate, deve portare a riconsiderare il ruolo dei programmi di riproduzione in cattività per i Mammiferi europei. Al fine di massimizzare l'utilizzo delle risorse disponibili, si propone di suddividere tali programmi in due categorie. I programmi di riproduzione in cattività Livello I fanno pienamente parte della strategia di conservazione di taxa seriamente minacciati, come Lynx pardinus o Ursus arctos marsicanus. Questi programmi devono essere finanziati da agenzie pubbliche e devono essere realizzati sia in strutture ad hoc che eventualmente in qualificati giardini zoologici. I programmi Livello II interessano taxa non in immediato pericolo ma potenzialmente vulnerabili per intrinseche caratteristiche biologiche. Tali programmi devono essere finanziati dal settore privato e dovrebbero essere realizzati esclusivamente in giardini zoologici, allo scopo di non distogliere fondi dalla conservazione 'in situ'. Una serie di studi dimostra che la reintroduzione anche di

  16. Verbal Ability and Teacher Effectiveness (United States)

    Andrew, Michael D.; Cobb, Casey D.; Giampietro, Peter J.


    Critics of traditional teacher education programs have suggested that verbal ability along with subject knowledge is sufficient for measuring good teaching. A small group of research studies is called upon to support this contention. This article reviews these studies, analyzes the role of verbal ability in teaching, and presents research…

  17. Do motor ability and handwriting kinematic measures predict organizational ability among children with Developmental Coordination Disorders? (United States)

    Rosenblum, Sara


    Children with Developmental Coordination Disorders (DCD) exhibit deficient daily performance concealed in their perception-action mechanism. The aim of this study was to analyze behavior organization of children with DCD, in varied tasks that require generating and monitoring mental representations related to space and time inputs/requirements, for achieving better insight about their perception-action mechanism. Participants included 42 children aged 7-10, half of whom were defined with DCD and half were typically developing (TD). The children were matched for age, gender and school. They were evaluated using the Movement-ABC and performed three handwriting tasks on an electronic tablet that is part of a computerized system (ComPET - Computerized Penmanship Evaluation Tool). In addition, their teachers completed the Questionnaire for Assessing Students' Organizational Abilities-Teachers (QASOA-T) to assess the children's daily organizational ability. Significant group differences (DCD versus controls) were found for all handwriting kinematic measures across the three handwriting tasks and for the children's organizational abilities. Motor ability predicted a considerable percentage of the variance of the kinematic handwriting measures (30-37%), as well as a high percentage of the variance of their organizational abilities (67%). The coefficient of variance of the pen tilt added an additional 3% to the prediction of their organizational abilities. The results of this study exhibited deficient ability among children with DCD in organizing their behavior in varied real-world tasks requiring generation and monitoring representation related to space and time. The significance of the results to understanding the performance mechanism and implication to the clinical field are discussed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Functional ability of community dwelling elderly. Criterion-related validity of a new measure of functional ability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz-Larsen, K; Avlund, K; Kreiner, S


    Criterion-related validity of a new measure of functional ability was conducted according to a causal model based on conceptual models employed in the area of rehabilitative and geriatric medicine. The criteria variables included concurrent diagnosed diseases, global self-rated health, drug...... consumption and general practitioner (GP) consultations. The measure of functional ability was developed with the intention of achieving a high degree of discrimination among a group of community dwelling elderly. Data were derived from a sample survey of 70-year-old men and women conducted in 1984...... different unidimensional index scales of functional ability divided into two types, with reduced speed and tiredness as subdimensions. The two scale types were mobility function and lower limb function. Early losses of ability together with global self-rated health were treated as outcome measures...

  19. The concept of work ability. (United States)

    Tengland, Per-Anders


    The concept of "work ability" is central for many sciences, especially for those related to working life and to rehabilitation. It is one of the important concepts in legislation regulating sickness insurance. How the concept is defined therefore has important normative implications. The concept is, however, often not sufficiently well defined. AIM AND METHOD The objective of this paper is to clarify, through conceptual analysis, what the concept can and should mean, and to propose a useful definition for scientific and practical work. RESULTS Several of the defining characteristics found in the literature are critically scrutinized and discussed, namely health, basic standard competence, occupational competence, occupational virtues, and motivation. These characteristics are related to the work tasks and the work environment. One conclusion is that we need two definitions of work ability, one for specific jobs that require special training or education, and one for jobs that most people can manage given a short period of practice. Having work ability, in the first sense, means having the occupational competence, the health required for the competence, and the occupational virtues that are required for managing the work tasks, assuming that the tasks are reasonable and that the work environment is acceptable. In the second sense, having work ability is having the health, the basic standard competence and the relevant occupational virtues required for managing some kind of job, assuming that the work tasks are reasonable and that the work environment is acceptable. CONCLUSION These definitions give us tools for understanding and discussing the complex, holistic and dynamic aspects of work ability, and they can lay the foundations for the creation of instruments for evaluating work ability, as well as help formulate strategies for rehabilitation.

  20. Põhiharidus kolmandal aastatuhandel / Tiina Annus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Annus, Tiina


    Poliitikauuringute Keskuse PRAXIS hariduspoliitika programmi direktor leiab, et kolmanda aastatuhande mõtteviis hariduses tähendab õppija vajaduste ja soovide esiplaanile asetamist ning õpetaja asumist nõustaja ja abistaja rolli. Skeem: Üleminek oskustepõhiselt teadmuspõhisele majandusele. Tabelid. Diagramm: Erinevate vanuserühmade haridustase rahvaloenduse andmeil (31. märts 2000, %-des)

  1. Vene keele 1. suvekool / Dimitri Mironov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mironov, Dimitri


    2001.a. suvel korraldas TPÜ slaavi filoloogia osakond koostöös välissuhete osakonnaga vene keele suvekooli, mis oli mõeldud välisüliõpilastele. Kaks ja pool nädalat kestnud kursuste jooksul õppisid tudengid Soomest, Inglismaalt ja Hispaaniast intensiivselt vene keelt ning osalesid vene kultuuri tutvustavas programmis

  2. Kutsenõustamine ja -suunitlus kultuurierinevuste värvikülluses / Epp Vodja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vodja, Epp


    Eesti Õppe- ja Praktikateabe Keskus ja Junior Achievementì Arengufond osalesid partneritena Euroopa kutseharidust toetava programmi Leonardo da Vinci pilootprojektis "Towards a European Rainbow - Increasing the Intercultural Awareness Among Guidance Counsellors" (Euroopa vikerkaare suunas - kultuuridevahelise üksteisemõistmise täiustamine kutsesuunitlejate ja -nõustajate seas) ehk lühidalt Rainbow-projektis

  3. Maadlusfilm tõi Kuldlõvi / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    65. Veneetsia filmifestivali auhinnasaajad. Peauhinna sai Darren Aronofsky "Maadleja" ("The Wrestler"), lavastaja Hõbelõvi sai Aleksei German filmiga "Pabersõdur" ("Bumazhnõi soldat"). Žürii eriauhinna sai Etioopia lavastaja Haile Gerima "Teza", programmi "Horisondid" võitis filipiinlase Lav Diazi "Melanhoolia", lühifilmide osas võitis mehhikase Carlos Armella "Maa ja leib"

  4. Itaalia piiskopid kurjustavad Cannes'i festivali filmi peale / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Festivali programmi valitud Marco Bellocchio "Usutund" ("L'ora di religione") on Itaalia katoliiklaste juhtide poolt hukka mõistetud kui usku teotav teos. 15. mail algava festivali avab komöödia "Lõpp Hollywoodiga" ("Hollywood Ending"). Ameerika režissöör David Lynch on valitud juhtima Cannesì filmifestivali žüriid

  5. Kuhu on Tiiger tänaseks jõudnud? / Enel Mägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mägi, Enel


    Autor teeb ülevaate Tiigrihüppe programmi raames saavutatust alates 1997. aastast ja edasist arengut takistavatest teguritest, mille tõttu Tiigrihüppe Pluss programm on hakanud venima. Diagrammid: õpilaste ja arvuti suhe maakonniti 2003. a. alguses; internetiühendused Eesti koolides 2003. a. alguses; arvutite paiknemine koolis 2002. a. lõpus

  6. Võrdne kohtlemine / Mati Heidmets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heidmets, Mati


    Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli (TPÜ) rektori sõnul on valitsuse heakskiidetud riiklike investeeringute programmis (RIP) aastateks 2004-2007 kirjas valitsuse plaan rahastada TPÜ ja Eesti Humanitaarinstituudi uue õppehoone ehitust 82 miljoni krooni ulatuses, kuid sama valitsus on otsustanud selle RIP-ist maha tõmmata. Võrreldud Tallinna ja Tartu kõrgkoolidele eraldatud investeeringuid

  7. Genetics and genomics of musical abilities


    Oikkonen, Jaana


    Most people have the capacity for music perception and production, but the degree of music competency varies between individuals. In this thesis, I studied abilities to identify pitch, tone duration and sound patterns with Karma s test for auditory structuring (KMT), and Seashore s tests for time (ST) and pitch (SP). These abilities can be considered as basic components of musicality. Additionally, I studied self-reported musical activities, especially composing and arranging. Musical ability...

  8. Shared-Environmental Contributions to High Cognitive Ability


    Kirkpatrick, Robert M.; McGue, Matt; Iacono, William G.


    Using a combined sample of adolescent twins, biological siblings, and adoptive siblings, we estimated and compared the differential shared-environmentality for high cognitive ability and the shared-environmental variance for the full range of ability during adolescence. Estimates obtained via multiple methods were in the neighborhood of 0.20, and suggest a modest effect of the shared environment on both high and full-range ability. We then examined the association of ability with three measur...

  9. AgrAbility Project (United States)

    ... Cordless Ratchet Wrench ClampTite Wire Clamping Tool iBlue Smart Gate/Door Opener Full Toolbox AT Database Extranet ... in-person NTW - March 19-22, Portland, Maine House and Senate Appropriations Committees recommend restoring AgrAbility funding... ...

  10. [The Impact of Visual Perceptual Abilities on the Performance on the Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV)]. (United States)

    Werpup-Stüwe, L; Petermann, F; Daseking, M


    The use of psychometric tests in with children and adolescents is especially important in psychological diagnostics. Nonverbal intelligence tests are very often used to diagnose psychological abnormalities and generate developmental prognosis independent of the child´s verbal abilities. The correlation of the German version of the Developmental Test of Visual Perception - Adolescents and Adults (DTVP-A) with the Wechsler Nonverbal Scala of Abilities (WNV) was calculated based on the results of 172 children, adolescents and young adults aged 9-21 years. Furthermore, it was examined if individuals with poor visual perceptual abilities scored lower on the WNV than healthy subjects. The correlations of the results scored on DTVP-A and WNV ranged from moderate to strong. The group with poor visual perceptual abilities scored significantly lower on the WNV than the control group. Nonverbal intelligence tests like the WNV are not reliable for estimating the intelligence of individuals with low visual perceptual abilities. Therefore, the intelligence of these subjects should be tested with a test that also contains verbal subtests. If poor visual perceptual abilities are suspected, then they should be tested. The DTVP-A seems to be the right instrument for achieving this goal. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  11. The effects of whole body vibration combined biofeedback postural control training on the balance ability and gait ability in stroke patients. (United States)

    Uhm, Yo-Han; Yang, Dae-Jung


    [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of biofeedback postural control training using whole body vibration in acute stroke patients on balance and gait ability. [Subjects and Methods] Thirty stroke patients participated in this study and were divided into a group of 10, a group for biofeedback postural control training combined with a whole body vibration, one for biofeedback postural control training combined with an aero-step, and one for biofeedback postural control training. Biorescue was used to measure the limits of stability, balance ability, and Lukotronic was used to measure step length, gait ability. [Results] In the comparison of balance ability and gait ability between the groups for before and after intervention, Group I showed a significant difference in balance ability and gait ability compared to Groups II and III. [Conclusion] This study showed that biofeedback postural control training using whole body vibration is effective for improving balance ability and gait ability in stroke patients.

  12. Spatial ability in computer-aided design courses


    Torner Ribé, Jordi; Alpiste Penalba, Francesc; Brigos Hermida, Miguel Ángel


    Many studies have demonstrated that spatial ability is an important factor in the study of Industrial Engineering. Spatial ability is fundamentally important to the work of an engineer, as it is vital for project design. Among other elements, spatial ability correlates with factors such as good academic results and a natural ability to learn how to use I.T systems and computer programs. Furthermore, the new framework drawn up by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) guides us as to the...

  13. Engineering Play: Exploring Associations with Executive Function, Mathematical Ability, and Spatial Ability in Preschool (United States)

    Gold, Zachary Samuel

    Engineering play is a new perspective on preschool education that views constructive play as an engineering design process that parallels the way engineers think and work when they develop engineered solutions to human problems (Bairaktarova, Evangelou, Bagiati, & Brophy, 2011). Early research from this perspective supports its use in framing play as a key learning context. However, no research to date has examined associations between engineering play and other factors linked with early school success, such as executive function, mathematical ability, and spatial ability. Additionally, more research is needed to further validate a new engineering play observational measure. This study had two main goals: (1) to gather early validity data on the engineering play measure as a potentially useful instrument for documenting the occurrence of children's engineering play behaviors in educational contexts, such as block play. This was done by testing the factor structure of the engineering play behaviors in this sample and their association with preschoolers' planning, a key aspect of the engineering design process; (2) to explore associations between preschoolers' engineering play and executive function, mathematical ability, and spatial ability. Participants included 110 preschoolers (62 girls; 48 boys; M = 58.47 months) from 10 classrooms in the Midwest United States coded for their frequency of engagement in each of the nine engineering play behaviors. A confirmatory factor analysis resulted in one engineering play factor including six of the engineering play behaviors. A series of marginal regression models revealed that the engineering play factor was significantly and positively associated with the spatial horizontal rotation transformation. However, engineering play was not significantly related to planning ability, executive function, informal mathematical abilities, or other spatial transformation skills. Follow-up analyses revealed significant positive

  14. Aerobiological monitoring in the fields of health and environment; Il monitoraggio aerobiologico e le sue applicazioni in campo sanitario e ambientale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cesare, M.R.; Bari, A. [ENEA, Rome (Italy). Div. Protezione dell' Uomo e degli Ecosistemi


    Aerobiology, a continuously evolving field, is used in environmental protection programmes to detect atmospheric changes as well as harmful biological particles. [Italian] L'aerobiologia e' una disciplina in continua evoluzione utilizzata nell'ambito dei programmi di protezione ambientale per evidenziare non solo le particelle biologiche nocive, ma anche i tradizionali inquinanti atmosferici.

  15. Cultural Capital and Teaching Ability Rating

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jæger, Mads Meier

    do not possess cultural capital. This paper uses extremely rich longitudinal data that provides a better basis than previous studies for holding ‘everything else’ constant. In addition to children and parents’ cultural capital, I control for children’s actual academic ability, physical appearance......, health impairments, social behaviour, antenatal influences, and many family background characteristics. My analysis shows, first, that both children and parents’ cultural capital have independent effects on teacher ability ratings. Second, for oral ability I find that parents’ cultural capital ‘protects...

  16. Occupational Choice and the Endogenous Supply of Ability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klynge, Alice Heegaard

    I develop a selection model in which the individual’s supply of ability is endogenous and subject to selection along with occupation. Additionally, I identify and estimate the returns to creative and innovative ability, communication ability, and reading and math ability for white-collar and blue...

  17. Group Innovation Ability of Agricultural Technological Innovation Strategic Alliance

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Chishun; MA; Jintian; YU


    Agricultural technological innovation strategic alliance, as an important form of strategic alliance, has steadily strengthened the collaborative management among organizations and raised competitive power with the backing of improved group innovation ability. This article studies innovation ability from individual innovation ability to the group innovation ability. Firstly, basic connotation of group innovation ability is to be concluded through the comparison of individual and group innovation ability. Secondly, evaluation index system is to be established based on the influencing factors of the group innovation ability of agricultural technological innovation strategic alliance and evaluation is based on three dimensions, namely organization technological innovation ability, alliance collaborative innovation ability as well as innovation environment. Furthermore, basic methods for promoting the group innovation ability of alliance are to be proposed.

  18. Cognitive abilities and creating metaphorical names

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Avanesyan, Marina O.


    Full Text Available The cognitive processing of metaphor creation has been insufficiently investigated. Creating metaphors requires the ability to work in a fantastic, impossible context, using symbolic and associative means to express oneís thoughts. It has been shown recently that intelligence plays an important role in the creation of metaphors, but it is not the main factor in determining their success. The present research explores the roles of conceptual abilities, categorical abilities, and flexibility (as the factor creativity in metaphor creation. Participants (n = 38 young adults were asked to come up with names for three photos, without any special instruction to create metaphors. To classify conceptual abilities we used ìConceptual Synthesisî (M. A. Kholodnaya, 2012; to measure categorical ability we used the subtest ìSimilaritiesî (D. Wechsler, 1955; to identify the role of creativity in the metaphor process we used the test of ìUnusual Usesî (J. P. Guilford, 1960. The creation of complex metaphorical names was associated with a tendency to create highly organized mental structures and to retain them within the general semantic context (r = 0.344, p < 0.05. The tendency to create single-level situational connections was associated with a tendency to give specific names to photos (r = 0.475, p < 0.01. Photographic images proved out to be fruitful stimuli to investigate the processing of visual information. We developed a preliminary classification of names: 1 concrete; 2 situational; 3 abstract; 4 metaphorical (M1 and M2. We identified two types of metaphorical names — perceptual and complex metaphors — that relate to conceptual abilities in different ways. It is inaccurate to speak about a general concept of ìmetaphorical abilitiesî; we should differentiate the psychological mechanisms that lie at their base.

  19. Judging the Ability of Friends and Foes. (United States)

    Cook, Jennifer L; Murphy, Jennifer; Bird, Geoffrey


    Collaboration leads us to judge our own ability to be more similar to our collaborators and their ability to be more similar to our own, while competition leads us to exaggerate the gap between our abilities. How does this happen and what does it mean? Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Validation of the Early Functional Abilities scale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Ingrid; Kreiner, Svend; Engberg, Aase W


    model item analysis. A secondary objective was to examine the relationship between the Early Functional Abilities scale and the Functional Independence Measurement™, in order to establish the criterion validity of the Early Functional Abilities scale and to compare the sensitivity of measurements using......), facio-oral, sensorimotor and communicative/cognitive functions. Removal of one item from the sensorimotor scale confirmed unidimensionality for each of the 4 subscales, but not for the entire scale. The Early Functional Abilities subscales are sensitive to differences between patients in ranges in which......OBJECTIVE: The Early Functional Abilities scale assesses the restoration of brain function after brain injury, based on 4 dimensions. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the validity, objectivity, reliability and measurement precision of the Early Functional Abilities scale by Rasch...

  1. Early Functional Abilities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Jakob; Poulsen, Ingrid


    Early Functional Abilities (EFA), - en skala til evaluering af behandlingsforløb af svært hjerneskadede patienter i forbindelse med tidlig rehabilitering. Formål At monitorere og dokumentere rehabiliteringsforløbet for svært hjerneskadede patienter, hvor funktionsniveauet endnu ikke kan registreres...

  2. Pre-Service Primary School Teachers' Spatial Abilities (United States)

    Marchis, Iuliana


    Spatial abilities are used in many aspects of everyday life, thus developing these abilities should be one of the most important goal of Mathematics Education. These abilities should be developed starting with early school years, thus pre-school and primary school teachers have an important role in setting the foundation of these abilities. A…

  3. Functional Ability, Community Reintegration and Participation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: Functional ability which appears to be related to stroke laterality showed positive association with both community reintegration and participation restriction. This suggests that improving the functional ability of the stroke survivors may reduce participation restriction and enhance their reintegration into the ...

  4. Reading Instruction That Increases Thinking Abilities. (United States)

    Collins, Cathy


    Analyzes the effects of eight reading and writing lessons designed to increase adolescent thinking ability. Finds that the lessons increased thinking abilities and scholastic achievement of middle school students. Notes that the lessons positively affect students' self-esteem and communication skills. (RS)

  5. Deafness and motor abilities level

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Zwierzchowska


    Full Text Available The audition injury hinders some motor motions and the organised coordination at the higher level and may be a cause of disturbances and disorder in some motor abilities adoption. It was assumed that deafness including its aetiology and injury mechanism may significantly influence the motor development of human being. The study aimed in checking if the deafness, as a result of various unfavourable factors, determines the motor development of children and youngsters. Consequently the dependency between qualitative features i.e.: signed motor level and aetiology, audition injury mechanism and the deafness degree was examined. The mechanism and aetiology of hearing correlated with the motor abilities displayed statistically significant dependencies in few motor trials only. Revealed correlations regarded mostly the coordination trials excluding the flexibility one. Statistically significant dependencies between the audition diminution and the motor abilities level were not found.

  6. Videogame interventions and spatial ability interactions. (United States)

    Redick, Thomas S; Webster, Sean B


    Numerous research studies have been conducted on the use of videogames as tools to improve one's cognitive abilities. While meta-analyses and qualitative reviews have provided evidence that some aspects of cognition such as spatial imagery are modified after exposure to videogames, other evidence has shown that matrix reasoning measures of fluid intelligence do not show evidence of transfer from videogame training. In the current work, we investigate the available evidence for transfer specifically to nonverbal intelligence and spatial ability measures, given recent research that these abilities may be most sensitive to training on cognitive and working memory tasks. Accordingly, we highlight a few studies that on the surface provide evidence for transfer to spatial abilities, but a closer look at the pattern of data does not reveal a clean interpretation of the results. We discuss the implications of these results in relation to research design and statistical analysis practices.

  7. Tähistame Helen Kelleri 130. sünniaastapäeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keskküla, Raissa


    Helen Kellerist ja tema sünniaastapäeva tähistamisest, samuti Eesti Pimekurtide Tugiliidu ettevõtmistest: koostöölepingust Eesti Kujurite Ühendusega, punktkirjas väljaantud raamatust "Õppimise ime", Hilton/Perkins programmi kaasabil Eesti pimekurtide ja nägemis-liitpuudega lastega töötavate õpetajate ning töötajate koolitamiset

  8. Teater

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ülo Kriguli kosmogooniline muusikal "Põhjanaela paine" Arvo Valtoni lühijutu järgi, lavastaja Vahur Keller, kunstnik Hardi Volmer, koreograaf Kristina Pashkevièius. Esietendus 24. okt. Tallinna Linnateatris Euroopa Liidu programmi "El Phare/Tempus" raames. 2. nov. jõuab VAT Teatri mängukavva saksa näidend - Ingeborg von Zadowi "Pompeenia", lavastaja Mart Kampus

  9. Ilmus võrukeelne aabits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    ABC kiräoppus ja lugõmik algkooli latsilõ / koost. Võro Seltsi VKKF ja Võru Instituudi aabitsatoimkond ; Jüvä Sullõv, Kauksi Ülle, Marju Kõivupuu ... [jt] .Võro, 1998. Ka asjatundjate komisjoni koosseisust, mille vabariigi valitsus moodustas lõunaeesti keele ja kultuuri säilitamise ja arendamise riikliku programmi väljatöötamiseks

  10. Elektroonilise kunsti sümpoosion

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    ISEA 2004 Tallinna näitused avatakse 17. VIII Rotermanni soolalaos, Tallinna Kunstihoones, Ku galeriis, Tallinna Linnagaleriis, Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseumis, Elioni majas, Viru Keskuses, Eesti Kunstiakadeemias, Bon-Boni ööklubis, Multikultuurimajas. Loetletud osalejaid, toimuvad klubiõhtud, moedemonstratsioon, töötoad. 17. ja 18. VIII kinos "Kosmos" ja EKA-s toimuval konverentsil esinejaid. Programmi koordinaator Mare Tralla

  11. Staariderikas rokisuvi jõuab kinno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    7.-11. juulini Tallinnas kinos Sõprus toimuvast muusikafilmide nädalast "Rock on Screen". Programmis on Julian Schnabeli dokumentaalfilm "Lou Reed's Berlin" Lou Reedi kontserdist, draama "Control" Joy Divisoni liidrist Ian Curtisest, dokfilm "The Future Is Unwritten" punkbändist The Clash, mängufilm "Hurriganes"soome rockansamblist ja muusikafilm "Shlaager" Eesti 80ndate popmuusikute osavõtul

  12. Presidendipaar külastas New Yorgi Eesti Kooli / Kärt Ulman ; fotod: Riina Sõrra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ulman, Kärt


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja proua Evelin Ilves külastasid 25. septembril 2010 New Yorgi Eesti Kooli. Õhtusel vastuvõtul kohalikele eestlastele tutvustas president programmi "Talendid koju". Proua Evelin Ilvesel oli võimalus USA presidendi abikaasa Michelle Obama kutsel külastada mahefarmi Stone Barnsis. Töövisiit Ameerika Ühendriikidesse 20.-27.09.2010

  13. Olen tänulik / Tiiu Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Tiiu


    Artikli autor läbis Tartu Ülikooli avatud ülikooli täienduskoolituses programmi "Koolifüüsika ja loodusteaduslik mõtteviis". Loenguid pidasid Tartu Ülikooli õppejõud H. Voolaid - mehaanika ja optika, K. Tarkpea - elekter ja magnetism, aine ehitus, arutles füüsika ja looduse teemadel, ning J. Susi - molekulaarfüüsika teemad

  14. Eurovisiooni vaheklipid tõid ETV-le Aumuna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Mulluse Eurovisiooni lauluvõistluse Tallinna kontserdi vaheklipid said Eesti reklaamiauhindade Kuldmuna jagamisel Aumuna. Üks vaheklippidest "Saabastega kass", mille režissöörid on René Vilbre ja Meelis Arulepp, valiti maineka Annecy animafilmifestivali nominentide hulka. 2 klippi valiti Norras Fredrikstadis toimuva animafestivali programmi. Praegu teeb Rene Vilbre koos võttegrupiga Euroopa Liidu referendumi teemalisi klippe

  15. Shared-environmental contributions to high cognitive ability. (United States)

    Kirkpatrick, Robert M; McGue, Matt; Iacono, William G


    Using a combined sample of adolescent twins, biological siblings, and adoptive siblings, we estimated and compared the differential shared-environmentality for high cognitive ability and the shared-environmental variance for the full range of ability during adolescence. Estimates obtained via multiple methods were in the neighborhood of 0.20, and suggest a modest effect of the shared environment on both high and full-range ability. We then examined the association of ability with three measures of the family environment in a subsample of adoptive siblings: parental occupational status, parental education, and disruptive life events. Only parental education showed significant (albeit modest) association with ability in both the biological and adoptive samples. We discuss these results in terms of the need for cognitive-development research to combine genetically sensitive designs and modern statistical methods with broad, thorough environmental measurement.

  16. Control coordination abilities in shock combat sports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalya Boychenko


    Full Text Available Purpose: optimize the process control level of coordination abilities in martial arts. Material and Methods: analysis and compilation of scientific and methodological literature, interviews with coaches of drum martial arts, video analysis techniques, teacher observations. Results: identified specific types of coordination abilities in shock combat sports. Pod branny and offered specific and nonspecific tests to monitor the level of species athletes coordination abilities. Conclusion: it is determined that in order to achieve victory in the fight martial artists to navigate the space to be able to assess and manage dynamic and spatio-temporal parameters of movements, maintain balance, have a high coordination of movements. The proposed tests to monitor species coordination abilities athletes allow an objective assessment of not only the overall level of coordination, and the level of specific types of manifestations of this ability.

  17. The impact of menopausal symptoms on work ability. (United States)

    Geukes, Marije; van Aalst, Mariëlle P; Nauta, Mary C E; Oosterhof, Henk


    Menopause is an important life event that may have a negative influence on quality of life. Work ability, a concept widely used in occupational health, can predict both future impairment and duration of sickness absence. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of menopausal symptoms on work ability. This was a cross-sectional study that used a sample of healthy working Dutch women aged 44 to 60 years. Work ability was measured using the Work Ability Index, and menopausal symptoms were measured using the Greene Climacteric Scale. Stepwise multiple linear regression models were used to examine the relationship between menopausal symptoms and work ability. A total of 208 women were included in this study. There was a significant negative correlation between total Greene Climacteric Scale score and Work Ability Index score. Total Greene Climacteric Scale score predicted 33.8% of the total variance in the Work Ability Index score. Only the psychological and somatic subscales of the Greene Climacteric Scale were significant predictors in multiple linear regression analysis. Together, they accounted for 36.5% of total variance in Work Ability Index score. Menopausal symptoms are negatively associated with work ability and may increase the risk of sickness absence.

  18. Environmental change enhances cognitive abilities in fish.

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    Alexander Kotrschal


    Full Text Available Flexible or innovative behavior is advantageous, especially when animals are exposed to frequent and unpredictable environmental perturbations. Improved cognitive abilities can help animals to respond quickly and adequately to environmental dynamics, and therefore changing environments may select for higher cognitive abilities. Increased cognitive abilities can be attained, for instance, if environmental change during ontogeny triggers plastic adaptive responses improving the learning capacity of exposed individuals. We tested the learning abilities of fishes in response to experimental variation of environmental quality during ontogeny. Individuals of the cichlid fish Simochromis pleurospilus that experienced a change in food ration early in life outperformed fish kept on constant rations in a learning task later in life--irrespective of the direction of the implemented change and the mean rations received. This difference in learning abilities between individuals remained constant between juvenile and adult stages of the same fish tested 1 y apart. Neither environmental enrichment nor training through repeated neural stimulation can explain our findings, as the sensory environment was kept constant and resource availability was changed only once. Instead, our results indicate a pathway by which a single change in resource availability early in life permanently enhances the learning abilities of animals. Early perturbations of environmental quality may signal the developing individual that it lives in a changing world, requiring increased cognitive abilities to construct adequate behavioral responses.

  19. Riiklike tervishoiuprogrammide juhtimine narkomaania riikliku ennetamise programmi ja HIV/AIDSi riikliku ennetamise programmi näidetel : [bakalaureusetöö] / Helen Trelin ; Õigusinstituut ; juhendaja: Eduard Raska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trelin, Helen


    Avalik sektor ja tänapäeva juhtimise põhimõtted, narkomaania ja HIV/AIDS riiklikud tervishoiuprogrammid, programmide juhtimine, alkoholismi ja narkomaania ennetamise programm 1997-2007, HIV/AIDS ennetamise riiklik programm 2002-2006

  20. Some procedures for computerized ability testing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Linden, Willem J.; Zwarts, Michel A.


    For computerized test systems to be operational, the use of item response theory is a prerequisite. As opposed to classical test theory, in item response models the abilities of the examinees and the properties of the items are parameterized separately. Hence, when measuring the abilities of

  1. Information Behavior: A Socio-Cognitive Ability

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    Amanda Spink


    Full Text Available How has human information behavior evolved? Our paper explores this question in the form of notions, models and theories about the relationship between information behavior and human evolution. Alexander's Ecological Dominance and Social Competition/Cooperation (EDSC model currently provides the most comprehensive overview of human traits in the development of a theory of human evolution and sociality. His model provides a basis for explaining the evolution of human socio-cognitive abilities, including ecological dominance, and social competition/cooperation. Our paper examines the human trait of information behavior as a socio-cognitive ability related to ecological dominance, and social competition/cooperation. The paper first outlines what is meant by information behavior from various interdisciplinary perspectives. We propose that information behavior is a socio-cognitive ability that is related to and enables other socio-cognitive abilities such as human ecological dominance, and social competition/cooperation. The paper reviews the current state of evolutionary approaches to information behavior and future directions for this research

  2. Videogame interventions and spatial ability interactions

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    Thomas S. Redick


    Full Text Available Numerous research studies have been conducted on the use of videogames as tools to improve one’s cognitive abilities. While meta-analyses and qualitative reviews have provided evidence that some aspects of cognition such as spatial imagery are modified after exposure to videogames, other evidence has shown that matrix reasoning measures of fluid intelligence do not show evidence of transfer from videogame training. In the current work, we investigate the available evidence for transfer specifically to nonverbal intelligence and spatial ability measures, given recent research that these abilities may be most sensitive to training on cognitive and working memory tasks. Accordingly, we highlight a few studies that on the surface provide evidence for transfer to spatial abilities, but a closer look at the pattern of data does not reveal a clean interpretation of the results. We discuss the implications of these results in relation to research design and statistical analysis practices.

  3. Improvisation as Ability, Culture, and Experience (United States)

    Higgins, Lee; Mantie, Roger


    We argue in this article for greater role for improvisation in the music classroom. Based on an extensive examination of scholarship about improvisational practices, we propose three conceptualizations--ability, culture, experience--that can serve to guide the teaching of improvisation. When considered as an "ability," improvisation is a…

  4. The impact of development o f the special coordination abilities on the general skill ability for table tennis juniors under 12 years old

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    Shawkat Gaber Radwan


    Full Text Available Indicates each of Muhama d Allawi (2002, Essam Abdul Khaliq (2003, and Walf Droge (2002 that the coordination abilities are closely related to the development of technical motor skills, and that pra ctitioner athletic activity which determines the quality of this abilities should be developed, where the player can not master the technical skills in the special activity in case lack of special coordination abilities for this activity. Both Manf red Must er (1986, Jürgen Schmicker (2000, Wolfgang and others (2000 and Wohlgefahrt, Karlheinz (2004 refers that the special coordination abilities for table tennis include each of: 1 - The motor adaptation and adjustment ability, 2 - The ability to differentiat e , 3 - reaction speed ability, 4 - orientation ability, 5 - balance ability, 6 - coupling ability, 7 - The ability to sense the rhythm. The aim of this study is design training program to development the special coordination abilities of table tennis and identi fies the impact of this program on the general skill ability for table tennis juniors under 12 years old. The researcher used the experimental method into two groups one experimental and the other control group the strength of each of them is 8 of table te nnis juniors in Ismailia city in Egypt. The duration of the program is three months, three training units a week the duration of each training unit is 90 minutes. The most important results of this study was the training program led to improvement the spec ial coordination abilities of table tennis for the experimental group, which led to high level of the general skill ability in table tennis for the experimental group more than the control group .

  5. 45 CFR 1616.7 - Language ability. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Language ability. 1616.7 Section 1616.7 Public... § 1616.7 Language ability. In areas where a significant number of clients speak a language other than English as their principal language, a recipient shall adopt employment policies that insure that legal...

  6. Credit Ratings and Bank Monitoring Ability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nakamura, L.I.; Roszbach, K.


    In this paper we use credit rating data from two Swedish banks to elicit evidence on these banks’ loan monitoring ability. We do so by comparing the ability of bank ratings to predict loan defaults relative to that of public ratings from the Swedish credit bureau. We test the banks’ abilility to

  7. [Appraisal of occupational stress and work ability]. (United States)

    Yang, Xinwei; Wang, Zhiming; Lan, Yajia; Wang, Mianzhen


    This study was conducted to assess occupational stress and work ability. A test of occupational stress and work ability was carry out with revised occupational stress inventory (OSI-R) and work ability index(WAI) for 2270 workers. (1) The occupational stress and strain in male was significantly higher than those in female, but self-care and social support in female werehigher than in male(P < 0.01). The level of occupational stress, strain except interpersonal strain increased with age, while work ability decreased(P < 0.05). (2) Among 6 items of occupational role questionnaire, the score of role boundary and responsibility were obviously higher in college education (P < 0.05). The score of occupational role, psychological strain, physical strain was higher in maried, divorce than unmarried(P < 0.05). (3) The score of occupational role, strain in good work ability category was significantly lower than others, but personal resources were higher(P < 0.05). (4) The correlation of work ability and occupational stress, strain, personal resources were significant(P < 0.01), occupational role and personal strain were positively correlated, both of which correlated negatively to the personal resources(P < 0.01). (5) The major influential factors of personal strain were age, recreation, self-care, social support, rational/cognitive, role insufficiency, role ambiguity and role boundary.

  8. Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: study of hepatic vascular alterations with multi-detector row helical CT and reconstruction programs; Telangiectasia emorragica ereditaria: TC multidetettore multifasica e programmi di ricostruzione nello studio delle alterazioni vascolari epatiche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Memeo, Maurizio; Stabile Ianora, Amato Antonio; Scaldapane, Arnaldo; Rotondo, Antonio; Angelelli, Giuseppe [Policlinico Universitario, Bari (Italy). DiMIMP Sezione di Diagnostica per Immagini; Suppressa, Patrizia; Cirulli, Anna; Sabba' , Carlo [Policlinico Universitario, Bari (Italy). Centro Interdipartimentale per lo studio dell' HHT


    Purpose: To evaluate hepatic alterations in patients affected by Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) by using multidetector row helical CT (MDCT) and new reconstruction programs. Materials and methods: An MDCT multiphasic study of the liver was performed in 105 consecutive patients: 89 considered to be affected by HHT and 16 with suspicion of disease alone. The scan delay was determined by using a test bolus of contrast material. The CT examination was performed with a triphasic technique (double arterial phase and portal venous phase). multiplanar and angiographic reconstructions were then obtained, and the images checked for the presence of shunts, hepatic perfusion disorders, vascular lesions (telangiectasis and large confluent vascular masses), indirect signs of portal hypertension, and anatomical vascular variants. Results: Hepatic vascular alterations were found in 78/105 cases (67/89) patients affected by HHT and 11/16 patients with clinical suspicion alone). Therefore HHT diagnosis was excluded in 5 patients. 78/100 (78%) patients with HHT had intrahepatic vascular alterations: arterioportal shunts in 40/78 (51.2%) arteriosystemic shunts in 16/78 (20.5%) and both shunt types in 22/78 (28.3%). Intraparenchymal perfusion disorders were found in 46/78 (58.9%) patients. Telangiectasis were recognised in 50/78 (64.1%) patients. Large confluent vascular masses (LCVMs) were identified in 20/78 (25.6%) patients. indirect signs of portal hypertension were found in 46/78 (58.9%) cases. Variant hepatic arterial anatomy was present in 38/100 cases (38%). Conclusions: Multiphasic MDCT and the new reconstruction programs enable the identification and characterisation of the complex vascular alterations typical of HHT. [Italian] Scopo: Valutare le alterazioni epatiche nei pazienti affetti da Telangiectasia Emorraica Ereditaria (TEE) utilizzando una TC multidetettore (TCMD) ed in nuovi programmi di ricostruzione. Materiale e metodi: E' stato eseguito uno

  9. Creativity, synthetic intelligence and high ability

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    Marta Sainz


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to analyze the construct of creativity and its relationship with high ability, presenting different definitions, assessment tools and strategies to encourage their development in the school context. The paper is structured into five sections: firstly, we define the concept of creativity. Secondly, we present the most relevant instruments used in the analysis of high ability students’ creativity. Thirdly, we look into several studies on creativity and high abilitiy, highlighting the main limitations of the research carried out. Fourthly, we present principles and strategies in order to foster creativity in the school context. Finally, some conclusions are drawn on the relationship between creativity and high ability.

  10. Cognitive Ability, Principled Reasoning and Political Tolerance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen, Stig; Nørgaard, Asbjørn Sonne

    Individuals are not equally politically tolerant. To explain why, individual differences in emotions and threat have received much scholarly attention in recent years. However, extant research also shows that psychological dispositions, habitual cognitive styles, ideological orientation...... and ‘principled reasoning’ influence political tolerance judgments. The extent to which cognitive ability plays a role has not been entertained even if the capacity to think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas and apply abstract ideas to concrete situations is inherent to both principled tolerance judgment...... and cognitive ability. Cognitive ability, we argue and show, adds to the etiology of political tolerance. In Danish and American samples cognitive ability strongly predicts political tolerance after taking habitual cognitive styles (as measured by personality traits), education, social ideology, and feelings...

  11. Spatial Ability Learning through Educational Robotics (United States)

    Julià, Carme; Antolí, Juan Òscar


    Several authors insist on the importance of students' acquisition of spatial abilities and visualization in order to have academic success in areas such as science, technology or engineering. This paper proposes to discuss and analyse the use of educational robotics to develop spatial abilities in 12 year old students. First of all, a course to…

  12. Gender differences in multitasking reflect spatial ability. (United States)

    Mäntylä, Timo


    Demands involving the scheduling and interleaving of multiple activities have become increasingly prevalent, especially for women in both their paid and unpaid work hours. Despite the ubiquity of everyday requirements to multitask, individual and gender-related differences in multitasking have gained minimal attention in past research. In two experiments, participants completed a multitasking session with four gender-fair monitoring tasks and separate tasks measuring executive functioning (working memory updating) and spatial ability (mental rotation). In both experiments, males outperformed females in monitoring accuracy. Individual differences in executive functioning and spatial ability were independent predictors of monitoring accuracy, but only spatial ability mediated gender differences in multitasking. Menstrual changes accentuated these effects, such that gender differences in multitasking (and spatial ability) were eliminated between males and females who were in the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle but not between males and females who were in the luteal phase. These findings suggest that multitasking involves spatiotemporal task coordination and that gender differences in multiple-task performance reflect differences in spatial ability.

  13. Võit tuli enne võidupüha / Ivari Padar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Padar, Ivari, 1965-


    SAPARD-i programmi käivitumine. Autor: Rahvaerakond Mõõdukad. Ilmunud ka: Järva Teataja, 22. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Põhjarannik, 21. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Severnoje Poberezhje, 21. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Võrumaa Teataja, 26. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Lääne Elu, 26. juni 2001, lk. 4; Hiiu Leht, 29. juni 2001, lk. 2; Sakala, 5. juuli 2001, lk. 5

  14. Kunstisuvi tulekul / Sirje Eelma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eelma, Sirje, 1950-


    5. juunil esitles 'Kunstisuvi' selle suve programmi Tallinna Ülemiste veepuhastusjaamas. 13. juunist kollektsioon 'Nature' (koostaja Rait Prääts) Kuressaare Raegaleriis, kollektsioon 'Ilus lugu' (koostaja Karol Kallas) Kuressaare kultuurimajas. 20. juunist näitus 'Mix' (koostaja Agur Kruusing) Haapsalu Linnagaleriis ja kultuurikeskuse saalides. Pärnu Linnagalerii näitusel 'Midigrafik' (koostaja Sirje Eelma) on eksponeeritud väikegraafikat 25 maalt

  15. Leonardo da Vinci õpiränne

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Leonardo da Vinci programmi raames viibisid välispraktikal Hollandis 2008. a. sügisel Kuressaare ametikooli 4. kursuse paadiehituse õpilased Keiti Kangur ja Kaspar Nõgu ning 2009. a. kevadel 3. kursuse paadiehituse õpilased Kaspar Kõiv, Karl Truutsi ja Martin Müürisepp. 2009 a. kevadel sooritasid praktika Küprosel toitlustusteeninduse eriala õpilased: Heldur Hillak, Rain Rohumägi ja Karel Raudsepp

  16. Linnakultuuri õppetoolil kaks koostöölepingut

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    20. oktoobril allkirjastasid kultuuriteaduskonna linnakultuuri õppetooli professor Raimo Pullat ja Aberdeeni ülikooli ajaloo osakonna professor I.R.Macdonald Erasmus-programmi raames kahepoolse koostöölepingu, mis näeb ette üliõpilaste ja õppejõudude vahetust. Linnakultuuri ajaloo õppetooli esimene sellelaadne koostööleping aastateks 2001-2005 sõlmiti Kieli ülikooli ajaloo osakonnaga selle aasta kevadel

  17. Lõunaeestlased turgutavad Ida-Virus oma vene keelt / Sirle Sommer Kalda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sommer-Kalda, Sirle, 1974-


    Euroopa Sotsiaalfondist rahastatava programmi "Keeleõppe arendamine 2007-2010" raames toimunud tööjõuvahetusest, mille käigus kevadel Ida-Virumaa linnade ametnikud ja allasutuste töötajad asusid ajutiselt tööle Lõuna- ja Lääne-Eestis, et parandada oma eesti keele oskust ja lõunaeestlaste vastukülaskäigust Ida-Virumaale vene keele oskuste parandamiseks

  18. Oviir : Euroopa Liit peab vältima sotsiaalsete äärealade teket / Ramon Loik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loik, Ramon


    Euroopa Parlament kiitis heaks tööhõive ja sotsiaalse solidaarsuse integreeritud programmi PROGRESS, millega eraldatakse aastatel 2007-2013 Euroopa Liidu eelarvest üle 800 milj. euro tööhõive, sotsiaalse kaitse ja kaasamise, töökeskkonna, töötervishoiu, tööohutuse, mittediskrimineerimise ning soolise võrdõiguslikkuse olukorra parandamiseks liikmesriikides ja Euroopa Liiduga assotsieerunud riikides

  19. Girls underestimate maths ability (United States)


    A study by psychologists in the US has found that high-school girls rate their competence in mathematics lower than boys, even for those with similar abilities (Front. Psychol. 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00386).

  20. Students’ Cognitive Abilities in Plant Anatomy Practical Work (United States)

    Setiono, S.; Rustaman, N. Y.; Rahmat, A.; Anggraeni, S.


    Cognitive abilities is fundamental for the students, as it is closely related to higher thinking skills such as the ability to think critically, creatively, and problem solving. This descriptive study aims to investigate the cognitive abilities of biology prospective teachers in the course of Plant Anatomy Practicum based on the cognitive process dimension and dimensions of knowledge the using the framework of Revision of Bloom taxonomy. A number of biology prospective teachers was involved in this study (n=42). The instrument used to collect data for students’ cognitive process mastery in the form of multiple choice with 5 options. Research finding shows that the average student’s cognitive ability is 68.10. The acquisition of knowledge mastery of cognitive ability is still under the criterion of mastery in the course of the Plant Anatomy Practicum (75). Validity and reliability of the instrument (0,71) and (0,81). It is necessary to design lecture programs both in the class and laboratory to develop student’ cognitive abilities.


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    BERKOVÁ, Kateřina


    Full Text Available Intelligence and motivation are two crucial components of the education process that can significantly influence its efficiency. The level of intelligence determines our ability to learn from experience and to solve a problem successfully, whereas motivational processes energize and organize our behavior to reach our goals. This paper is connected to our previous article focused on the influence of teachers’ abilities on secondary business schools’ students’ motivation in the Economics. In our current study, we monitored the motivational potential of teachers’ abilities in a connection with students’ level of intelligence, measured by Vienna Matrices Test. As we would expect according to the results of our previous study, the expertise of teachers has the most important influence in the groups of both the above-average intelligent and the average intelligent students. Nevertheless, we found some differences in other preferences of both groups: except the teachers’ expertise, the average intelligent students refer to be motivated mostly by exposition of curriculum and ability to develop thinking, whereas above-average students refer only about the exposition of curriculum (except the teachers’ expertise. The next factor that we observed in our study is an amount of time that students spend on preparation to school.

  2. The genetic basis of music ability (United States)

    Tan, Yi Ting; McPherson, Gary E.; Peretz, Isabelle; Berkovic, Samuel F.; Wilson, Sarah J.


    Music is an integral part of the cultural heritage of all known human societies, with the capacity for music perception and production present in most people. Researchers generally agree that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the broader realization of music ability, with the degree of music aptitude varying, not only from individual to individual, but across various components of music ability within the same individual. While environmental factors influencing music development and expertise have been well investigated in the psychological and music literature, the interrogation of possible genetic influences has not progressed at the same rate. Recent advances in genetic research offer fertile ground for exploring the genetic basis of music ability. This paper begins with a brief overview of behavioral and molecular genetic approaches commonly used in human genetic analyses, and then critically reviews the key findings of genetic investigations of the components of music ability. Some promising and converging findings have emerged, with several loci on chromosome 4 implicated in singing and music perception, and certain loci on chromosome 8q implicated in absolute pitch and music perception. The gene AVPR1A on chromosome 12q has also been implicated in music perception, music memory, and music listening, whereas SLC6A4 on chromosome 17q has been associated with music memory and choir participation. Replication of these results in alternate populations and with larger samples is warranted to confirm the findings. Through increased research efforts, a clearer picture of the genetic mechanisms underpinning music ability will hopefully emerge. PMID:25018744

  3. Cognitive ability and the demand for redistribution.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johanna Mollerstrom

    Full Text Available Empirical research suggests that the cognitively able are politically more influential than the less able, by being more likely to vote and to assume leadership positions. This study asks whether this pattern matters for public policy by investigating what role a person's cognitive ability plays in determining his preferences for redistribution of income among citizens in society. To answer this question, we use a unique Swedish data set that matches responses to a tailor-made questionnaire to administrative tax records and to military enlistment records for men, with the latter containing a measure of cognitive ability. On a scale of 0 to 100 percent redistribution, a one-standard-deviation increase in cognitive ability reduces the willingness to redistribute by 5 percentage points, or by the same amount as a $35,000 increase in mean annual income. We find support for two channels mediating this economically strong and statistically significant relation. First, higher ability is associated with higher income. Second, ability is positively correlated with the view that economic success is the result of effort, rather than luck. Both these factors are, in turn, related to lower demand for redistribution.

  4. 20 CFR 604.4 - Application-ability to work. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Application-ability to work. 604.4 Section... ELIGIBILITY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION § 604.4 Application—ability to work. (a) A State may consider an... all or a portion of the week claimed, provided any limitation on his or her ability to work does not...

  5. Spatial Ability Differences in Athletes and Non-Athletes

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    Jessica Cynthia


    Full Text Available Background: Cognitive processes, specifically spatial abilities, are responsible for integration of daily activities. Many factors contribute to the plasticity of the brain which, furthermore, alter the spatial ability. Physical activity, which can be further grouped into sport and exercise, is a modifiable factor that enhances the cognitive processes through a divergent mechanism. This study aimed to gain further understanding on whether sport differs from exercise in altering spatial ability in athletes and non-athletes. Methods: This observational study compared the spatial ability score of athletes of Indonesia National Sport Comitte (Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia, KONI in West Java (n= 21 and non-athletes (n= 21. Sampling were performed using stratified random technique and data were collected between August and October 2015 which included spatial scores and demographic of subjects. Results: The difference in spatial scores between athletes and non-athletes were not significant (p=0.432. Conclusions: This study suggests an insignificant difference in spatial ability in athletes performing sport and non-athletes performing exercise. Hence, the cognitive component skills in sport experience do not alter the spatial ability.

  6. Associations between insomnia, sleep duration and poor work ability. (United States)

    Lian, Yulong; Xiao, Jing; Liu, Yan; Ning, Li; Guan, Suzhen; Ge, Hua; Li, Fuye; Liu, Jiwen


    The aim of this study was to examine the independent and joint effect of insomnia and objective sleep duration on poor work ability. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 2820 Chinese manufacturing workers were categorized as insomnia patients and individuals with normal sleeping pattern by interview according to DSM-IV criteria. Sleep duration was classified into four categories: ≥7h, 6-7h, 5-6h, and Work ability was assessed using the Chinese Work Ability Index (WAI) questionnaire. Regression analysis examined the independent and joint association of sleep duration and insomnia with poor work ability, after adjusting for various confounding factors. Insomnia and objective short sleep duration were both independently associated with poor work ability. Compared with the normal sleeping and ≥7h sleep duration group, the highest risk of poor work ability was in the insomnia patients with work ability. Objective sleep duration should be taken into consideration when assessing the work ability of people with insomnia. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Elvira Rosyida MR


    Full Text Available One of principle of communicative competence is the students know how to uselanguage according to the setting and the participants. Actually, to be able to speaktarget language, the students ar not only expected to have a great ability in grammar,vocabulary, or writing, but how brave they express their idea and use target languageto others. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate students’ self esteem to theirspeaking ability This study was carried out at Hadist major at the fourth semester ofIAIN Raden Intan Lampung. The researcher used questionnaire, test, and interview.The data collected were analyzed quantitatively, and described to know clearly theprocess which was occurred during the research. The results indicate that students’self esteem influence their speaking ability.Key Words: speaking, self esteem, communicative competence

  8. Lexical and metaphonological abilities in preschoolers with phonological disorders. (United States)

    Costa, Ranilde Cristiane Cavalcante; Avila, Clara Regina Brandão de


    lexical and metaphonological abilities of phonologically disordered preschoolers. to investigate the influence of Phonological Disorder on the lexical and metaphonological abilities of a group of preschoolers and the correlation between them. participants were 56 preschoolers - 32 boys and 24 girls - with ages between 4 years and 6 months and 6 years and 11 months, divided into two different groups: the Research Group, composed of 28 preschoolers with Phonological Disorder, and the Control Group, composed of 28 preschoolers with normal speech and no oral speech-related complaints, paired to the research group by gender and age. All of the participants were initially assessed by the ABFW Test - Phonology. After that, they were assessed on their lexical and metaphonological abilities by the ABFW Test - Vocabulary and phonological awareness test: sequential assessment instrument, CONFIAS - identification tasks and, rhyme and alliteration production, respectively. regarding lexical ability, the preschoolers from both groups presented similar behavior. The disordered preschoolers presented the worst performance on the overall analysis of the metaphonological ability. Age had an influence on the performance of lexical ability for both groups and the metaphonological abilities only for the Control Group. Correlations were identified, mostly positive, good to moderate between lexical and metaphonological abilities. the influence of Phonological Disorder may only be observed on the metaphonological performance. Phonological Disorder did not interfere with the development of the lexical ability of this group of preschoolers. Positive correlations were identified between both abilities in the studied age group.

  9. Creativity and technical innovation: spatial ability's unique role. (United States)

    Kell, Harrison J; Lubinski, David; Benbow, Camilla P; Steiger, James H


    In the late 1970s, 563 intellectually talented 13-year-olds (identified by the SAT as in the top 0.5% of ability) were assessed on spatial ability. More than 30 years later, the present study evaluated whether spatial ability provided incremental validity (beyond the SAT's mathematical and verbal reasoning subtests) for differentially predicting which of these individuals had patents and three classes of refereed publications. A two-step discriminant-function analysis revealed that the SAT subtests jointly accounted for 10.8% of the variance among these outcomes (p development of creativity, beyond the roles played by the abilities traditionally measured in educational selection, counseling, and industrial-organizational psychology. Spatial ability plays a key and unique role in structuring many important psychological phenomena and should be examined more broadly across the applied and basic psychological sciences.

  10. Statistical inference based on latent ability estimates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoijtink, H.J.A.; Boomsma, A.

    The quality of approximations to first and second order moments (e.g., statistics like means, variances, regression coefficients) based on latent ability estimates is being discussed. The ability estimates are obtained using either the Rasch, oi the two-parameter logistic model. Straightforward use

  11. Individual differences in multitasking ability and adaptability. (United States)

    Morgan, Brent; D'Mello, Sidney; Abbott, Robert; Radvansky, Gabriel; Haass, Michael; Tamplin, Andrea


    The aim of this study was to identify the cognitive factors that predictability and adaptability during multitasking with a flight simulator. Multitasking has become increasingly prevalent as most professions require individuals to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Considerable research has been undertaken to identify the characteristics of people (i.e., individual differences) that predict multitasking ability. Although working memory is a reliable predictor of general multitasking ability (i.e., performance in normal conditions), there is the question of whether different cognitive faculties are needed to rapidly respond to changing task demands (adaptability). Participants first completed a battery of cognitive individual differences tests followed by multitasking sessions with a flight simulator. After a baseline condition, difficulty of the flight simulator was incrementally increased via four experimental manipulations, and performance metrics were collected to assess multitasking ability and adaptability. Scholastic aptitude and working memory predicted general multitasking ability (i.e., performance at baseline difficulty), but spatial manipulation (in conjunction with working memory) was a major predictor of adaptability (performance in difficult conditions after accounting for baseline performance). Multitasking ability and adaptability may be overlapping but separate constructs that draw on overlapping (but not identical) sets of cognitive abilities. The results of this study are applicable to practitioners and researchers in human factors to assess multitasking performance in real-world contexts and with realistic task constraints. We also present a framework for conceptualizing multitasking adaptability on the basis of five adaptability profiles derived from performance on tasks with consistent versus increased difficulty.

  12. Effect of clinical practice on self-learning development ability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jung Hyun; Yang, Han Joon; Kim, Nak Sang


    In order to analyze the degree of self-learning development ability after the clinical training curriculum, the results of 121 questionnaires were analyzed for 3rd and 4th grade students in radiology in the metropolitan area. The overall average of self-learning ability according to gender was 3.07±0.85, which was statistically significant according to gender. However, the results according to educational system showed that the overall average was 3.07±0.85, which was higher than the average level of self-learning development ability. There was no statistically significant difference according to educational system. The results of the self-learning development ability according to the motivation for selecting the department showed that the students who have chosen their department due to their higher employment rate after graduation had high self-development ability level(3.58±0.85) but the students who entered the school due to self-aptitude had relatively lower self-development ability level (2.30±0.40). The overall average of self-learning ability according to direction of career path was 3.08±0.76, which was over-average of self-learning development ability. Thus, there was statistically significant difference according to career path. It is necessary to improve the self-learning ability in clinical practice. In addition, the lack of statistical significance suggests problems and diversity

  13. Effect of clinical practice on self-learning development ability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jung Hyun; Yang, Han Joon [Dept. of International Radiological Science, Hallym University of Graduate Studies, Chuncheon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Nak Sang [Dept. of Radiological Science, Songho College, Hoengseong (Korea, Republic of)


    In order to analyze the degree of self-learning development ability after the clinical training curriculum, the results of 121 questionnaires were analyzed for 3rd and 4th grade students in radiology in the metropolitan area. The overall average of self-learning ability according to gender was 3.07±0.85, which was statistically significant according to gender. However, the results according to educational system showed that the overall average was 3.07±0.85, which was higher than the average level of self-learning development ability. There was no statistically significant difference according to educational system. The results of the self-learning development ability according to the motivation for selecting the department showed that the students who have chosen their department due to their higher employment rate after graduation had high self-development ability level(3.58±0.85) but the students who entered the school due to self-aptitude had relatively lower self-development ability level (2.30±0.40). The overall average of self-learning ability according to direction of career path was 3.08±0.76, which was over-average of self-learning development ability. Thus, there was statistically significant difference according to career path. It is necessary to improve the self-learning ability in clinical practice. In addition, the lack of statistical significance suggests problems and diversity.

  14. Attentional ability among survivors of leukaemia. (United States)

    Rodgers, J; Horrocks, J; Britton, P G; Kernahan, J


    Attentional ability in 19 survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and 19 sibling controls was assessed using a neuropsychological model of attention. Analysis revealed that children who had received treatment for leukaemia exhibited significantly poorer performance on measures of the "focus encode" and "focus execute" elements of attention and on measures of the ability to respond to external cues and feedback. No significant differences in performance were found for measures of sustained attention and the ability to shift attention. These results indicate that children who have received treatment for leukaemia may experience highly specific attentional deficits that could have an impact on academic performance, particularly mathematical and reading skills. It is suggested that this underlying attentional deficit might be the source of the neuropsychological sequelae associated with the disease. Future attempts at remediation should incorporate activities specifically designed to ameliorate focusing difficulties.

  15. Predicting absenteeism: screening for work ability or burnout. (United States)

    Schouteten, R


    In determining the predictors of occupational health problems, two factors can be distinguished: personal (work ability) factors and work-related factors (burnout, job characteristics). However, these risk factors are hardly ever combined and it is not clear whether burnout or work ability best predicts absenteeism. To relate measures of work ability, burnout and job characteristics to absenteeism as the indicators of occupational health problems. Survey data on work ability, burnout and job characteristics from a Dutch university were related to the absenteeism data from the university's occupational health and safety database in the year following the survey study. The survey contained the Work Ability Index (WAI), Utrecht Burnout Scale (UBOS) and seven job characteristics from the Questionnaire on Experience and Evaluation of Work (QEEW). There were 242 employees in the study group. Logistic regression analyses revealed that job characteristics did not predict absenteeism. Exceptional absenteeism was most consistently predicted by the WAI dimensions 'employees' own prognosis of work ability in two years from now' and 'mental resources/vitality' and the burnout dimension 'emotional exhaustion'. Other significant predictors of exceptional absenteeism frequency included estimated work impairment due to diseases (WAI) and feelings of depersonalization or emotional distance from the work (burnout). Absenteeism among university personnel was best predicted by a combination of work ability and burnout. As a result, measures to prevent absenteeism and health problems may best be aimed at improving an individual's work ability and/or preventing the occurrence of burnout. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. Behavioural motivations and abilities in broilers


    Bokkers, E.A.M.


    Broilers are chickens kept commercially under intensive husbandry conditions for poultry meat production. They grow to a slaughterweight of approximately 2.2 kg in 6 weeks. Broilers show a pronounced decrease in behavioural activity during their short life. The aim of this thesis was to gain more insight into the influence of both motivation and ability on behavioural activity in broilers. The distinction between motivation and ability is relevant for the interpretation of behavioural activit...

  17. Work ability score and future work ability as predictors of register-based disability pension and long-term sickness absence: A three-year follow-up study. (United States)

    Kinnunen, Ulla; Nätti, Jouko


    We investigated two single items of the Work Ability Index - work ability score, and future work ability - as predictors of register-based disability pension and long-term sickness absence over a three-year follow-up. Survey responses of 11,131 Finnish employees were linked to pension and long-term (more than 10 days) sickness absence register data by Statistics Finland. Work ability score was divided into poor (0-5), moderate (6-7) and good/excellent (8-10) and future work ability into poor (1-2) and good (3) work ability at baseline. Cox proportional hazard regressions were used in the analysis of disability pension, and a negative binomial model in the analysis of long-term sickness absence. The results were adjusted for several background, work- and health-related covariates. Compared with those with good/excellent work ability scores, the hazard ratios of disability pension after adjusting for all covariates were 9.84 (95% CI 6.68-14.49) for poor and 2.25 (CI 95% 1.51-3.35) for moderate work ability score. For future work ability, the hazard ratio was 8.19 (95% CI 4.71-14.23) among those with poor future work ability. The incidence rate ratios of accumulated long-term sickness absence days were 3.08 (95% CI 2.19-4.32) and 1.59 (95% CI 1.32-1.92) for poor and moderate work ability scores, and 1.51 (95% CI 0.97-2.36) for poor future work ability. The single items of work ability score and future work ability predicted register-based disability pension equally well, but work ability score was a better predictor of register-based long-term sickness absence days than future work ability in a three-year follow-up. Both items seem to be of use especially when examining the risk of poor work ability for disability but also for long sick leave.

  18. Berlinale lõpusirgel / Karlo Funk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Funk, Karlo, 1971-


    Berliini 52. filmifestivalist, mis algas sakslase Tom Tykweri sisuka mängufilmiga "Taevas". Festivali uue direktori Dieter Kosslicki uuenduseks on saksa filmi endisest tunduvalt suurem osakaal. Eile linastus ametlikult festivali Panorama programmis Peeter Simmi "Head käed". Eesti filmid on esil ka festivali suurel filmiturul, kus Arvo Iho "Karu süda" äratas tähelepanu ja valiti Moskva festivali võistlusprogrammi

  19. 40 aastat vanglat arvutivõhikluse eest / Elver Loho

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loho, Elver


    USA-s Connecticuti osariigis Norwichi linna Kelly Põhikoolis juhtus 2004. aastal sündmus, mille tagajärjel mõisteti õpetaja Julie Amero süüdi maksimaalse karistusajaga 40 aastat. Õpetaja oli väljunud korraks klassist ja võimaldanud lastel klikata tema arviti lingile, mis käivitas pahatahtliku programmi pornograafiliste piltidega, mida võhiklik õpetaja ei osanud tagasi tulles kohe sulgeda

  20. Hea tulemuseni viib mitu teed / Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurak, Raivo, 1949-


    28. veebruaril käivitatud 4 riiki haaravas ja 10 kuud kestvas koolijuhtide täiendusõppeprogrammis "Tuleviku kool" osalevad Hogeschool van Amsterdam Hollandist, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürichist, Schulamt Fürstentum Liechtensteinist ning Tallinna Ülikool Eestist. Hariduskorraldusest Hollandis räägib Education4Future Hollandi juht Marco Snoek, mõttevahetuses osalesid ka programmi Eesti juht Klemen Slabina ja TLÜ professor Mati Heidmets

  1. В защиту классика / Вероника Маанди

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Маанди, Вероника


    25.- 27. nov. toimus Moskvas Esimene Rahvusvaheline Tšehhovi 150ndale sünniaastapäevale pühendatud telefestival. Eestit esindasid Aleksandr Zukerman ja Mihhail Vladislavlev "Subboteja" sarjas 2007.a. valminud reportaažiga Jalta Tšehhovi muuseumist. Saade sai "Parima publitsistliku programmi" preemia. Samuti näidati festivalil 15 minutilist fragmenti Oleg Bessedini-Nikolai Petšatnovi dokumentaalfilmist "Minu Anton Pavlovitš Tšehhov". Festivalist

  2. Eesti arukas hotell St Etienneþi disainibiennaalil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2006. a. käivitus Eesti-Soome koostööprojekt "Estonian and Finnish Design Challenge". Koostöös ettevõtjatega sündis DesignStart programmi piloot "Smart Hotell", milles osalesid disainerid Tarmo Luisk, Ivari Männi, Monika Järg, Keret Altpere, Igor Volkov, Jan Graps, Ken Ruut, Jukka Halttunen, Tapio Anttila ja Ilona Gurjanova ning mis valiti St. Etienneþi disainibiennaali projektide hulka

  3. Täna kell 19 avatakse Kultuuritehases Polymer...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    EKA Erasmuse programmi vahetusüliõpilaste ja nende eesti sõprade multimeediaüritus "PC - rahvusvahelised lained Tallinnas!". Osalevad Austria, Mehhiko, Saksamaa, Itaalia, Soome, Eesti, Poola, Hispaania, Prantsusmaa, Belgia, Šveitsi, Portugali, Tšehhi, USA ja Läti 2004. ja 2005. a. Eestis elanud kunstiüliõpilased. Kunstiprogrammile järgneb kontsert ja pidu DJde Andres Lõo, Valner Valme ja Christoph Höschele osavõtul

  4. Structure of Cognitive Abilities and Skills of Lifeguards

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milovan Ljubojević


    Full Text Available The presence of lifeguard service on beaches greatly contributes to reducing the number of accidents in and around the water. The lifeguard can be a person with good motor, but also cognitive skills and abilities. In addition to good swimming skills, lifeguard must be able to quickly detect and recognize the accident, and also to be able to timely and correctly act in case of accident in water, but also at the beach. The goal of this study is to determine the structure of cognitive abilities and skills with the sample of lifeguards that work on Montenegrin beaches. Battery KOG-3 was applied on the sample of 40 lifeguards. The collected and achieved results lead to following conclusion: the subjects have good ability to determine relation between elements of a structure and lower characteristics of that structure; subjects have good ability to assess the efficiency of serial processor; and subjects have good ability to assess efficiency of perceptive processor.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miftahul Janah


    Full Text Available This study is a classroom action research which intended to improve students’ writing ability through Storyboard. The participants were the fourth semester students of English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in academic year 2014/ 2015. The instruments used in collecting data were observation, questionnaire, and documents.  Observation is used to know what is really happening in the class and the condition when the class activity is taking place. Questionnaire is used to know the students’ perception towards Storyboard in improving their writing ability, and documents is used to get students’ written texts. Then, 1 assembling the data, 2 coding the data, 3 comparing the data, 4 building meanings and interpretations, and 5 reporting the outcomes, are the steps in analyzing the data. Having analyzed the data, it was found that there was improvement of the students’ activeness in writing activity and in writing ability.

  6. Pragmatic Abilities of Children with Williams Syndrome: A Longitudinal Examination

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angela E. John


    Full Text Available Although prior research has indicated that pragmatics is an area of particular weakness for individuals with Williams syndrome (WS, the relations among different pragmatic abilities and the relations between pragmatic ability and expressive vocabulary ability have yet to be addressed. In addition, analyses of the relations between the same type of pragmatic ability over time have not been reported. The present study was designed to address these questions. We considered the pragmatic language abilities of 14 children with WS at two time points: as 4-year-olds during a 30-minute play-session with their mothers (Time 1 and an average of 5.87 years later during a one-on-one conversation with a familiar researcher (Time 2. Children’s intellectual and expressive vocabulary abilities were assessed at both time points. Results indicated that the ability to verbally contribute information beyond what was required in response to a question was significantly related to the ability to verbally contribute new information in the absence of a question both at age 4 years and during primary school. At age 4, both the ability to pair verbalizations with eye contact (intersubjectivity and expressive vocabulary ability were related to the ability to verbally contribute information beyond what was expected within a social interaction. Finally, the ability to verbally contribute new information to a social interaction beyond what was required to answer a question and the ability to pair verbalizations with eye contact (intersubjectivity at age 4 years predicted the ability to verbally contribute new information beyond what was required to answer a question at age 9 – 12 years. The theoretical implications of our findings and the importance of early pragmatic language intervention for children who have WS are discussed.


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    Daniela Bartalesi-Graf


    Full Text Available Questo articolo inizia con una discussione del contributo delle nuove tecnologie Web 2.0 alla creazione e alla condivisione di conoscenze, e di come queste tecnologie abbiamo influenzato il modo in cui i nostri studenti imparano, il modo in cui noi insegniamo e la missione dei nostri programmi, specialmente negli Stati Uniti dove insegno. Segue l’analisi di un’iniziativa del nostro Dipartimento di Italianistica al Wellesley College per rispondere a questi cambiamenti: la creazione di un corso online di lingua e cultura italiana offerto in vari contesti, vale a dire come corso estivo SPOC (Small Private Online Course; come corso “blended”a Wellesley College e al MIT, e come MOOC (Massive Open Online Course sulla piattaforma edX. L’articolo si conclude con alcune proposte concrete per rafforzare i nostri programmi: queste includono la creazione di una piattaforma per condividere il nostro materiale didattico (digitale e non, per valutare i nostri programmi e i risultati raggiunti dagli studenti. Teaching “blended” and online italian language and culture courses This article begins with a discussion of the contribution of new Web 2.0 technologies in the creation and sharing of knowledge, and how these technologies have affected the way in which our students learn, the way we teach and the mission of our programs, especially in the US where I teach. This is followed by analysis of an initiative of the Department of Italian Studies at Wellesley College in response to these changes: the creation of an online Italian culture and language course offered in various contexts, i.e. as a summer SPOC (Small Private Online Course course; as a “blended” course at Wellesley College and MIT, and as a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course on the EDX platform. The article concludes with some concrete proposals to strengthen these programs. These include the creation of a platform to share educational materials (digital and otherwise and to evaluate

  8. Priming Ability Emotional Intelligence (United States)

    Schutte, Nicola S.; Malouff, John M.


    Two studies examined whether priming self-schemas relating to successful emotional competency results in better emotional intelligence performance. In the first study participants were randomly assigned to a successful emotional competency self-schema prime condition or a control condition and then completed an ability measure of emotional…

  9. Synchronization of Mental Abilities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Guney, A.


    I think it is better to summarize some cognitive issues in relation to this subject; how we learn, how we should organize learning (instructions), knowledge, etc. before treating creativity and rationality. Is it, really, possible to consider creativity without any kind of involvement of the ability


    Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. Graduate School of Education.


  11. Making judgments about ability: the role of implicit theories of ability in moderating inferences from temporal and social comparison information. (United States)

    Butler, R


    Two studies examined the novel proposal that implicit theories of intelligence (C. S. Dweck & E. L. Leggett, 1988) moderate both the effects of performance trends on ability inferences and the perceived diagnosticity of temporal versus normative feedback. Results from 613 adolescents and 42 teachers confirmed that entity theorists perceived initial outcome as more diagnostic and inferred higher ability in another (Study 1) and in the self (Study 2) in a declining outcome condition; incremental theorists perceived last outcome as more diagnostic and inferred higher ability in an ascending condition. Experimental induction of beliefs about ability had similar effects. As predicted, self-appraisal was affected more by temporal feedback among incremental theorists and by normative feedback among entity theorists. Results help resolve prior mixed findings regarding order effects and responses to temporal and normative evaluation.

  12. Learning Abilities and Disabilities: Generalist Genes, Specialist Environments. (United States)

    Kovas, Yulia; Plomin, Robert


    Twin studies comparing identical and fraternal twins consistently show substantial genetic influence on individual differences in learning abilities such as reading and mathematics, as well as in other cognitive abilities such as spatial ability and memory. Multivariate genetic research has shown that the same set of genes is largely responsible for genetic influence on these diverse cognitive areas. We call these "generalist genes." What differentiates these abilities is largely the environment, especially nonshared environments that make children growing up in the same family different from one another. These multivariate genetic findings of generalist genes and specialist environments have far-reaching implications for diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities and for understanding the brain mechanisms that mediate these effects.

  13. Mental Rotation Ability and Computer Game Experience (United States)

    Gecu, Zeynep; Cagiltay, Kursat


    Computer games, which are currently very popular among students, can affect different cognitive abilities. The purpose of the present study is to examine undergraduate students' experiences and preferences in playing computer games as well as their mental rotation abilities. A total of 163 undergraduate students participated. The results showed a…

  14. High Ability Students' Voice on Learning Motivation (United States)

    Garn, Alex C.; Jolly, Jennifer L.


    This study used a self-determination theory lens to investigate high ability learners' motivational experiences. Participants were 15 high ability youth involved in a summer learning camp for gifted students. Two major themes emerged from qualitative data analysis: (a) "The Fun Factor of Learning" and (b) "The Rewards and Pressures…

  15. Childhood Cognitive Ability Predicts Adult Financial Well-Being

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrian Furnham


    Full Text Available This study set out to investigate to what extent childhood cognitive ability, along with personality traits, education and occupational status, as well as marital status influence adult financial success. Data were drawn from a large, prospective birth cohort in the UK, the National Child Development Study (NCDS. The analytic sample was comprised of 4537 cohort members with data on parental social class (at birth, cognitive ability (at age 11, educational qualifications (at age 33, personality traits (at age 50, current marital status and occupational prestige, and salary/wage earning level (all measured at age 54. Correlational results showed that parental social class, childhood cognitive ability, traits extraversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness, and openness, being married positively, being divorced or separated negatively, education and occupation as well as gender were all significantly associated with adult earning ability (p < 0.05 to p < 0.001. Effect sizes for the relationship between intelligence and income was moderate. Results of a multiple regression analysis showed that childhood cognitive ability, traits conscientiousness and openness, educational qualifications and occupational prestige were significant and independent predictors of adult earning ability accounting for 30% of the total variance. There was also a gender effect on the outcome variable. Numerous limitations are noted.

  16. Economic Aspects of the Food Irradiation Programme in Israel; Aspects Economiques du Programme d'Irradiation des Produits Alimentaires en Israel; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty izrail'skoj programmy po oblucheniyu pishchevykh produktov; Aspectos Economicos del Programa de Irradiacion de Alimentos de Israel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lapidot, M.; Foa, E.; Sivan, Y.; Kahan, R. S. [Soreq Nuclear Research Centre, Yavne (Israel)


    programmy s cel'ju izuchenija tehnologicheskoj celesoobraznosti, jekonomicheskie voprosy po oblucheniju pishhevyh produktov dolzhny rassmatrivat'sja v nacional'nom masshtabe. Po mere vypolnenija programmy sleduet detal'no izuchat' ee jekonomicheskuju celesoobraznost'. Takoe tehniko-jekonomicheskoe izuchenie voprosa sohranenija sel'skohozjajstvennyh produktov s pomoshh'ju obluchenija bylo provedeno v ijule 1965 goda v Izraile. Byli izucheny vse pishhevye produkty, obluchenie kotoryh mozhet byt' jekonomicheski vygodnym (frukty, ovoshhi, furazh, zernovye i produkty iz nih, ryba, mjaso, ptica). Vo vnimanie prinimalsja obshhij urozhaj i ego stoimost' za 1962 - 63 gg. i 1968 - 69 gg. (po dannym Ministerstva sel'skogo hozjajstva). Stoimost' obluchenija ocenivalas' na osnovanii imejushhihsja i jekstrapolirovannyh dannyh, poluchennyh kak na malen'kih obluchateljah, ispol'zujushhihsja v polevyh uslovijah, tak i na bol'shih ustanovkah v portah i vdol' shossejnyh dorog. Provodilos' izuchenie obrabotki poverhnosti jelektronnymi uskoriteljami i obrabotki vsej massy s pomoshh'ju kobal'ta-60, cezija-137 ili rentgenovskih luchej. Jeto obsledovanie bylo polezno dlja razrabotki programmy detal'nogo tehnologicheskogo i jekonomicheskogo izuchenija celesoobraznosti obluchenija pishhevyh produktov, a takzhe dlja vybora napravlenija issledovatel'skoj dejatel'nosti i kommercheskogo primenenija na period do 1971 g. Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty opytov po predotvrashheniju prorastanija obluchennogo kartofelja prodimonstrirovali celesoobraznost' provedenija detal'nyh jekonomicheskih jssledo- vanij sushhestvujushhih metodov hranenija kartofelja i luka po sravneniju s novymi uluchshennymi metodami, zakljuchajushhimisja v sovmestnom primenenii ustanovok po oblucheniju i hraneniju pri zadannoj temperature. Primenenie predlagaemogo metoda snizilo by zatraty vo vremja hranenija i transportirovki s 15% primerno do 8% ot obshhej stoimosti urozhaja, prichem sjekonomlennye sredstva sostavili by okolo 24% ot novyh

  17. Methods for Evaluation of Some Psychomotor Abilities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dragan Krivokapić


    Full Text Available For estimation of psychomotor and sensor abilities different kinds of tests are used in the form of devices representing different technical devices which help examining sensomotor and psychomotor functions in certain conditions, as well as more complex motor abilities and skills that depend on CNS characteristics, vegetative nervous system and other functional systems and body states. These devices can be used for examining some parameters of psychomotor functions-such as speed of reaction through reactiometer or devices for examining sensor abilities-such as audiometer, ortoriter, color tests etc. In the scope of examining psychomotor skills and abilities, frequently used are different kinds of tests in the forms of devices serving for measuring ocultomotor coordination-such as Omega and Sinusoida, then Tumer`s device for measuring coordination and dissociation of hands` movements with visible control, O-Conor`s dexterimeter and Medeo`s dexterimeter-used for examining dexterity of fingers, Tremometer for examining hand stability and preciseness of movements, Minesota test for examining dexterity of hands and taping tests like “paper-pen” for examining speed and accuracy of simple movements. For examining more complex sensomotor abilities or different motor skills, special tests are used in the form of simulator, simulator and different technical devices, adjusted to specific sports situation. This category of tests includes different kinds of simulators and simulators used for examining certain aspects of sports activity.

  18. Essential abilities of the oil-finding geologist

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sebring, L. Jr.


    This paper reports that the oil-finder must be able to locate and recognize a significant anomaly, and he must be able to get this anomaly tested. A significant anomaly is defined as a trapping anomaly, one that might trap hydrocarbons. So, the oil-finder has a dual job. He must be both a scientist and a salesman, a prospector and a promoter, a researcher and a hustler. He must locate the prospect, and, unless he is financially self-sufficient, he must persuade his management or his investors to test the prospect. One ability is not enough. To be a successful oil-finder he must have both abilities, although not necessarily in equal degree. The truth is self-evident-all geologist are not equal in ability; either as trap locators or as prospect salesmen. Some have considerable ability to locators or a s prospect salesmen. Some have considerable ability to locate anomalies, but have great difficulty in persuading their management or investors to test their prospects. Other have difficulty in recognizing a prospect, but once one is located can easily persuade their management or clients to test it. And some, a truly blessed minority, can not only easily locate the recognize a significant anomaly but can, just as easily, persuade their management or investors to pursue the investigation of this anomaly to its logical conclusion

  19. Does Classmate Ability Influence Students' Social Skills? (United States)

    Gottfried, Michael A.


    Empirically, the link between classmate ability and individual-level student achievement has been established. And yet, within the scope of this body of literature, there is a dearth of studies examining if a relationship also persists between classmate ability and non-achievement outcomes--that is, social skills. This article fills this research…

  20. Conservatism and Cognitive Ability (United States)

    Stankov, Lazar


    Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated. The evidence is based on 1254 community college students and 1600 foreign students seeking entry to United States' universities. At the individual level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with SAT, Vocabulary, and Analogy test scores. At the national level of…

  1. Work ability, effort-reward imbalance and disability pension claims. (United States)

    Wienert, J; Spanier, K; Radoschewski, F M; Bethge, M


    Effort-reward imbalance (ERI) and self-rated work ability are known independent correlates and predictors of intended disability pension claims. However, little research has focused on the interrelationship between the three and whether self-rated work ability mediates the relationship between ERI and intended disability pension claims. To investigate whether self-rated work ability mediates the association between ERI and intended disability pension claims. Baseline data from participants of the Third German Sociomedical Panel of Employees, a 5-year cohort study that investigates determinants of work ability, rehabilitation utilization and disability pensions in employees who have previously received sickness benefits, were analysed. We tested direct associations between ERI with intended disability pension claims (Model 1) and self-rated work ability (Model 2). Additionally, we tested whether work ability mediates the association between ERI and intended disability pension claims (Model 3). There were 2585 participants. Model 1 indicated a significant association between ERI and intended disability pension claims. Model 2 showed a significant association between ERI and self-rated work ability. The mediation in Model 3 revealed a significant indirect association between ERI and intended disability pension claims via self-rated work ability. There was no significant direct association between ERI and intended disability pension claims. Our results support the adverse health-related impact of ERI on self-rated work ability and intended disability pension claims. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Work ability among Finnish workers with type 1 diabetes. (United States)

    Hakkarainen, P; Moilanen, L; Hänninen, V; Heikkinen, J; Räsänen, K


    Work ability represents the balance between individual resources, health status and job demands. As far as we are aware, these issues have not been examined in working people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). To examine how work-related and diabetes-related factors are associated with work ability among male and female workers. Questionnaires were mailed to a random sample of 2500 people with T1D from the Medication Reimbursement Register of The Social Insurance Institution of Finland. The associations of the predictors of poor work ability were examined in a logistic regression analysis. The final sample comprised 767 working people aged 18-64 with T1D; overall response rate 49%. One in every three working men and women with T1D had poor work ability. High job demands and low job control were associated with poor work ability in both genders. Physical work and low worktime control were significantly associated with poor work ability in men but not in women with T1D. A self-reported high value of glycosylated haemoglobin was the only diabetes-related variable associated with poor work ability in both men and women. Work-related factors and poor glycaemic control were associated with poor work ability in individuals with T1D. Thus, job control and worktime control should be taken into account in supporting the work ability of workers with T1D. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  3. Re-Conceiving Ability in Physical Education: A Social Analysis (United States)

    Wright, Jan; Burrows, Lisette


    In this paper we explore how "ability" is currently conceptualised in physical education and with what effects for different groups of young people. We interrogate approaches to theorising ability in physical education that draw on sociological and phenomenological "foundations" together with notions of ability as…

  4. Pattern of mathematic representation ability in magnetic electricity problem (United States)

    Hau, R. R. H.; Marwoto, P.; Putra, N. M. D.


    The mathematic representation ability in solving magnetic electricity problem gives information about the way students understand magnetic electricity. Students have varied mathematic representation pattern ability in solving magnetic electricity problem. This study aims to determine the pattern of students' mathematic representation ability in solving magnet electrical problems.The research method used is qualitative. The subject of this study is the fourth semester students of UNNES Physics Education Study Program. The data collection is done by giving a description test that refers to the test of mathematical representation ability and interview about field line topic and Gauss law. The result of data analysis of student's mathematical representation ability in solving magnet electric problem is categorized into high, medium and low category. The ability of mathematical representations in the high category tends to use a pattern of making known and asked symbols, writing equations, using quantities of physics, substituting quantities into equations, performing calculations and final answers. The ability of mathematical representation in the medium category tends to use several patterns of writing the known symbols, writing equations, using quantities of physics, substituting quantities into equations, performing calculations and final answers. The ability of mathematical representations in the low category tends to use several patterns of making known symbols, writing equations, substituting quantities into equations, performing calculations and final answer.

  5. About Assessment Criteria of Driver's Accidental Abilities (United States)

    Lobanova, Yuliya I.; Glushko, Kirill V.


    The article points at the importance of studying the human factor as a cause of accidents of drivers, especially in loosely structured traffic situations. The description of the experiment on the measurement of driver's accidental abilities is given. Under accidental ability is meant the capability to ensure the security of driving as a behavior…

  6. Reading Abilities and Strategies: A Short Introduction (United States)

    Liu, Feng


    This paper gives a short analysis of reading abilities and reading strategies. Much research has been done to investigate the nature of reading, though it's had to exactly define reading abilities and strategies. Different kinds of readings are discussed in this paper and distinctions are made between first language reading and second or foreign…

  7. Determinants of work ability and its predictive value for disability. (United States)

    Alavinia, S M; de Boer, A G E M; van Duivenbooden, J C; Frings-Dresen, M H W; Burdorf, A


    Maintaining the ability of workers to cope with physical and psychosocial demands at work becomes increasingly important in prolonging working life. To analyse the effects of work-related factors and individual characteristics on work ability and to determine the predictive value of work ability on receiving a work-related disability pension. A longitudinal study was conducted among 850 construction workers aged 40 years and older, with average follow-up period of 23 months. Disability was defined as receiving a disability pension, granted to workers unable to continue working in their regular job. Work ability was assessed using the work ability index (WAI). Associations between work-related factors and individual characteristics with work ability at baseline were evaluated using linear regression analysis, and Cox regression analysis was used to evaluate the predictive value of work ability for disability. Work-related factors were associated with a lower work ability at baseline, but had little prognostic value for disability during follow-up. The hazard ratios for disability among workers with a moderate and poor work ability at baseline were 8 and 32, respectively. All separate scales in the WAI had predictive power for future disability with the highest influence of current work ability in relation to job demands and lowest influence of diseases diagnosed by a physician. A moderate or poor work ability was highly predictive for receiving a disability pension. Preventive measures should facilitate a good balance between work performance and health in order to prevent quitting labour participation.

  8. Aberrant behavior and cognitive ability in preschool children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bala Gustav


    Full Text Available The sample included 712 preschool boys and girls at the age of 4 to 7 years (mean 5.96 decimal years and standard deviation .96 from preschool institutions in Novi Sad, Sombor, Sremska Mitrovica and Bačka Palanka. Information concerning 36 indicators of aberrant behavior of the children were supplied by their parents, whereas their cognitive ability was tested by Raven’s progressive colored matrices. Based on factor analysis (promax method, four factors i.e. generators of aberrant behavior in children were singled out: aggression, anxiousness, dissociation, and hysteria, whose relations with cognitive functioning and age were also analyzed by factor analysis. Aberrant behavior and cognitive abilities show significant interrelatedness. Owing to orderly developed cognitive abilities, a child understands essence and reality of problems, realizes possibilities and manners of solving them, and succeeds in realizing successful psycho-social functioning. Developed cognitive abilities enable a child to recognize and understand her/his own reactions in different situations and develop manners of reacting, which leads to strengthening psycho-social safety and adapting behavior in accordance with her/his age and abilities.

  9. Psycholinguistic Abilities of Children with Williams Syndrome (United States)

    Rossi, Natalia F.; Heinze, Elena Garayzabal; Giacheti, Celia M.; Goncalves, Oscar F.; Sampaio, Adriana


    The objective of this study was to investigate the psycholinguistic abilities of children with Williams syndrome (WS) and typically developing children using the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA). Performance on the ITPA was analysed in a group with WS (N=20, mean age=8.5 years, SD=1.62) and two typically developing groups,…

  10. Work Ability of Finnish Physical Education Teachers (United States)

    Mäkelä, Kasper; Hirvensalo, Mirja


    In the physical education (PE) teachers' profession, physical tasks comprise a large part of the job. PE teachers identify their health as good, and they are satisfied with their job. Nevertheless, the work ability of PE teachers may be decreasing. Purpose: The purpose of this article was to explore the work ability of Finnish PE teachers. What…

  11. Innovative Tools to Assess Systems Thinking Ability (United States)


    addition to the six cognitive ability constructs, there are two motivational attributes that are highly relevant to systems thinking performance...roles of the habenular complex, the reward system , and the cingulate motor area revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of...Technical Report 1362 Innovative Tools to Assess Systems Thinking Ability Cory Adis Michelle Wisecarver Chelsey Raber Personnel

  12. Work ability score of solvent-exposed workers. (United States)

    Furu, Heidi; Sainio, Markku; Hyvärinen, Hanna-Kaisa; Kaukiainen, Ari


    Occupational chronic solvent encephalopathy (CSE), characterized by neurocognitive dysfunction, often leads to early retirement. However, only the more severe cases are diagnosed with CSE, and little is known about the work ability of solvent-exposed workers in general. The aim was to study memory and concentration symptoms, work ability and the effect of both solvent-related and non-occupational factors on work ability, in an actively working solvent-exposed population. A questionnaire on exposure and health was sent to 3640 workers in four solvent-exposed fields, i.e. painters and floor-layers, boat builders, printers, and metal workers. The total number of responses was 1730. We determined the work ability score (WAS), a single question item of the Work Ability Index, and studied solvent exposure, demographic factors, Euroquest memory and concentration symptoms, chronic diseases, and employment status using univariate and multivariate analyses. The findings were compared to those of a corresponding national blue-collar reference population (n = 221), and a small cohort of workers with CSE (n = 18). The proportion of workers with memory and concentration symptoms was significantly associated with solvent exposure. The WAS of solvent-exposed workers was lower than that of the national blue-collar reference group, and the difference was significant in the oldest age group (those aged over 60). Solvent-exposed worker's WAS were higher than those of workers diagnosed with CSE. The WAS were lowest among painters and floor-layers, followed by metal workers and printers, and highest among boat builders. The strongest explanatory factors for poor work ability were the number of chronic diseases, age and employment status. Solvent exposure was a weak independent risk factor for reduced WAS, comparable to a level of high alcohol consumption. Even if memory and concentration symptoms were associated with higher solvent exposure, the effect of solvents on self

  13. Experiences that develop the ability to think strategically. (United States)

    Goldman, Ellen; Cahill, Terrence; Filho, Rubens Pessanha


    The ability to think strategically is an admired and a sought-after leadership requirement, yet we know little about how it develops. The purpose of this study is to identify specific experiences that contribute to the development of an individual's ability to think strategically. We identified eight work experiences, including different types of organizational projects, processes, and relationships, that contribute to an individual's strategic thinking ability. We also delineate specific characteristics material to each experience. These characteristics indicate that considerable time and focus are required to develop the ability to think strategically. In addition, the experiences are not all accessed equally: Women are less likely to have nonrelational experiences, while chief executive officers are more likely to have the most challenging ones. In addition, we found differences regarding work-related continuing education activities. Respondents rated nonhealthcare conferences and reading behind all other identified experiences that contribute to strategic thinking ability. Individuals can implement several strategies to improve their strategic thinking ability, including deliberately incorporating the requisite experiences into their development plans, ensuring that the experiences incorporate the required characteristics, and improving the benefit received from attending educational programs in nonhealthcare industries. Organizations can implement several strategies to ensure the experiences are as effective as possible, such as appraising gender differences across the experiences and reviewing the organization's strategic planning processes for the characteristics that best encourage strategic thinking.

  14. Use of Response Time for Measuring Cognitive Ability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick C. Kyllonen


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to review some of the key literature on response time as it has played a role in cognitive ability measurement, providing a historical perspective as well as covering current research. We discuss the speed-level distinction, dimensions of speed and level in cognitive abilities frameworks, speed–accuracy tradeoff, approaches to addressing speed–accuracy tradeoff, analysis methods, particularly item response theory-based, response time models from cognitive psychology (ex-Gaussian function, and the diffusion model, and other uses of response time in testing besides ability measurement. We discuss several new methods that can be used to provide greater insight into the speed and level aspects of cognitive ability and speed–accuracy tradeoff decisions. These include item-level time limits, the use of feedback (e.g., CUSUMs, explicit scoring rules that combine speed and accuracy information (e.g., count down timing, and cognitive psychology models. We also review some of the key psychometric advances in modeling speed and level, which combine speed and ability measurement, address speed–accuracy tradeoff, allow for distinctions between response times on items responded to correctly and incorrectly, and integrate psychometrics with information-processing modeling. We suggest that the application of these models and tools is likely to advance both the science and measurement of human abilities for theory and applications.

  15. Infant motor and cognitive abilities and subsequent executive function. (United States)

    Wu, Meng; Liang, Xi; Lu, Shan; Wang, Zhengyan


    Although executive function (EF) is widely considered crucial to several aspects of life, the mechanisms underlying EF development remain largely unexplored, especially for infants. From a behavioral or neurodevelopmental perspective, motor and general cognitive abilities are linked with EF. EF development is a multistage process that starts with sensorimotor interactive behaviors, which become basic cognitive abilities and, in turn, mature EF. This study aims to examine how infant motor and general cognitive abilities are linked with their EF at 3 years of age. This work also aims to explore the potential processes of EF development from early movement. A longitudinal study was conducted with 96 infants (55 girls and 41 boys). The infants' motor and general cognitive abilities were assessed at 1 and 2 years of age with Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Second and Third Editions, respectively. Infants' EFs were assessed at 3 years of age with Working Memory Span task, Day-Night task, Wrapped Gift task, and modified Gift-in-Bag task. Children with higher scores for cognitive ability at 2 years of age performed better in working memory, and children with higher scores for gross motor ability at 2 years performed better in cognitive inhibitory control (IC). Motor ability at 1 year and fine/gross motor ability at 2 years indirectly affected cognitive IC via general cognitive ability at 2 years and working memory. EF development is a multistage process that originates from physical movement to simple cognitive function, and then to complex cognitive function. Infants and toddlers can undergo targeted motor training to promote EF development. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Improving Students' Speaking Ability through Scaffolding Technique

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    Gede Ginaya


    Full Text Available Students often got confused and felt hesitant when they speak English. This situation had caused poor speaking ability, which then lead to serious problem in the teaching-learning process.  The application of scaffolding technique in the EFL learning might be the ideal solution; it had some principles that could improve the students’ speaking ability. This research is aimed at finding out the effect of the implementing Scaffolding Technique towards the students’ speaking ability. Participants were 50 (27 males and 23 females third-semester students, enrolled in a three-year diploma program in Travel and Tourism Business, State Polytechnic of Bali in 2017/2018 academic year. The students in the experimental group were given communicative activities such as brainstorming, business games, simulation, WebQuest, problem-solving, which were carefully designed to necessitate the implementation of the scaffolding technique. The students in the control group were taught by the deductive method of the lesson book. The students’ performance in the post-test was compared for both groups in order to determine whether there were significant differences between the groups in relation to the treatment. Significant differences occurring in the experimental group’s post-test speaking performance when compared to the pre-test indicate that the implementation of scaffolding technique can improve students’ speaking ability. The result of this study indicates scaffolding technique has the potential for use in promoting students’ speaking ability

  17. QTL mapping for combining ability in different population-based ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Dec 13, 2013 ... ability and for geneticists to research the genetic basis of combining ability. [Li L., Sun C., ... population-based NCII designs by a simulation study. J. Genet. ... combining ability could also be applied to other population- based NCII ... was to estimate how different base populations, sample sizes, heritability ...

  18. Relationship between candidate communication ability and oral certification examination scores. (United States)

    Lunz, Mary E; Bashook, Philip G


    Structured case-based oral examinations are widely used in medical certifying examinations in the USA. These orals assess the candidate's decision-making skills using real or realistic patient cases. Frequently mentioned but not empirically evaluated is the potential bias introduced by the candidate's communication ability. This study aimed to assess the relationship between candidate communication ability and medical certification oral examination scores. Non-doctor communication observers rated a random sample of 90 candidates on communication ability during a medical oral certification examination. The multi-facet Rasch model was used to analyse the communication survey and the oral examination data. The multi-facet model accounts for observer and examiner severity bias. anova was used to measure differences in communication ability between passing and failing candidates and candidates grouped by level of communication ability. Pearson's correlations were used to compare candidate communication ability and oral certification examination performance. Candidate separation reliability values for the communication survey and the oral examination were 0.85 and 0.97, respectively, suggesting accurate candidate measurement. The correlation between communication scores and oral examination scores was 0.10. No significant difference was found between passing and failing candidates for measured communication ability. When candidates were grouped by high, moderate and low communication ability, there was no significant difference in their oral certification examination performance. Candidates' communication ability has little relationship to candidate performance on high-stakes, case-based oral examinations. Examiners for this certifying examination focused on assessing candidate decision-making ability and were not influenced by candidate communication ability.

  19. Brain structure mediates the association between height and cognitive ability. (United States)

    Vuoksimaa, Eero; Panizzon, Matthew S; Franz, Carol E; Fennema-Notestine, Christine; Hagler, Donald J; Lyons, Michael J; Dale, Anders M; Kremen, William S


    Height and general cognitive ability are positively associated, but the underlying mechanisms of this relationship are not well understood. Both height and general cognitive ability are positively associated with brain size. Still, the neural substrate of the height-cognitive ability association is unclear. We used a sample of 515 middle-aged male twins with structural magnetic resonance imaging data to investigate whether the association between height and cognitive ability is mediated by cortical size. In addition to cortical volume, we used genetically, ontogenetically and phylogenetically distinct cortical metrics of total cortical surface area and mean cortical thickness. Height was positively associated with general cognitive ability and total cortical volume and cortical surface area, but not with mean cortical thickness. Mediation models indicated that the well-replicated height-general cognitive ability association is accounted for by individual differences in total cortical volume and cortical surface area (highly heritable metrics related to global brain size), and that the genetic association between cortical surface area and general cognitive ability underlies the phenotypic height-general cognitive ability relationship.

  20. Implicit learning as an ability. (United States)

    Kaufman, Scott Barry; Deyoung, Colin G; Gray, Jeremy R; Jiménez, Luis; Brown, Jamie; Mackintosh, Nicholas


    The ability to automatically and implicitly detect complex and noisy regularities in the environment is a fundamental aspect of human cognition. Despite considerable interest in implicit processes, few researchers have conceptualized implicit learning as an ability with meaningful individual differences. Instead, various researchers (e.g., Reber, 1993; Stanovich, 2009) have suggested that individual differences in implicit learning are minimal relative to individual differences in explicit learning. In the current study of English 16-17year old students, we investigated the association of individual differences in implicit learning with a variety of cognitive and personality variables. Consistent with prior research and theorizing, implicit learning, as measured by a probabilistic sequence learning task, was more weakly related to psychometric intelligence than was explicit associative learning, and was unrelated to working memory. Structural equation modeling revealed that implicit learning was independently related to two components of psychometric intelligence: verbal analogical reasoning and processing speed. Implicit learning was also independently related to academic performance on two foreign language exams (French, German). Further, implicit learning was significantly associated with aspects of self-reported personality, including intuition, Openness to Experience, and impulsivity. We discuss the implications of implicit learning as an ability for dual-process theories of cognition, intelligence, personality, skill learning, complex cognition, and language acquisition. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. [Impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders on work ability among workers]. (United States)

    Zhang, Lei; Huang, Chunping; Lan, Yajia; Wang, Mianzhen; Shu, Liping; Zhang, Wenhui; Yu, Long; Yao, Shengcai; Liao, Yunhua


    To assess the impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs) on work ability among workers. A total of 1686 workers in various occupations, such as administration and education, were enrolled as subjects using the random cluster sampling method. The WRMDs and work ability of all subjects were evaluated using standardized Nordic questionnaires for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms and the Work Ability Index (WAI) scale, respectively. Comparison of work ability and its classification between the disease group and the non-disease group was performed by paired t test, RxC table χ2 test, and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. The relationship between work duration and work ability was analyzed by the Spearman correlation test and a multi-level model. (1). The work ability of workers in the disease group was significantly lower than that in the non-disease group (Pwork ability between workers with different work durations (work duration, the work ability of workers declined in both groups, and the work ability of workers in the disease group (Spearman coefficient rs=-0. 172, Pfactors for the decrease in work ability among workers. (3) There were significant differences in constituent ratios and levels of work ability classification between the disease group and the non-disease group (χ2=121.097, Ppoor and medium work ability in the disease group were significantly higher than those in the non-disease group, while the proportion of works with excellent work ability in the disease group was significantly lower than that in the non-disease group. The similar characteristics in constituent ratios and levels of work ability classification could be found between the disease group and the non- disease group in various occupations (Pwork ability of workers, and the work ability of workers substantially declines with the increase in exposure time (work duration).

  2. Number sense in infancy predicts mathematical abilities in childhood. (United States)

    Starr, Ariel; Libertus, Melissa E; Brannon, Elizabeth M


    Human infants in the first year of life possess an intuitive sense of number. This preverbal number sense may serve as a developmental building block for the uniquely human capacity for mathematics. In support of this idea, several studies have demonstrated that nonverbal number sense is correlated with mathematical abilities in children and adults. However, there has been no direct evidence that infant numerical abilities are related to mathematical abilities later in childhood. Here, we provide evidence that preverbal number sense in infancy predicts mathematical abilities in preschool-aged children. Numerical preference scores at 6 months of age correlated with both standardized math test scores and nonsymbolic number comparison scores at 3.5 years of age, suggesting that preverbal number sense facilitates the acquisition of numerical symbols and mathematical abilities. This relationship held even after controlling for general intelligence, indicating that preverbal number sense imparts a unique contribution to mathematical ability. These results validate the many prior studies purporting to show number sense in infancy and support the hypothesis that mathematics is built upon an intuitive sense of number that predates language.

  3. The age-related changes in figural perceptual abilities of pupils

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nešić Blagoje V.


    Full Text Available This paper is a part of a broader research in the field of development of different intellectual abilities in primary schools. Using a transverse - longitudinal research strategy, the pupils from nine to fifteen years of age are observed in order to find answers to the following questions: 1 Do the important developmental changes in the figural-perceptual abilities occur in this developmental period? 2 Is the pace of changes in these abilities the same at all ages, grades? 3 Do the developmental changes in these abilities depend on the type of tests, that is, mental operations which register the applied tests? Figural-perceptual abilities are defined as the ability to identify the elements in space, to imagine and transform the elements in space, the ability for spatial reasoning, perceptual shaping flexibility, the ability of eduction of relations and correlates, the ability to identify the elements that are injected into the right material, the ability to notice the difference in the forms and dimensions of the characters, speed observations of similarities and differences between elements in the field of perception. The measurement (assessment of these abilities was performed with the help of 11 tests of intellectual abilities of the figural content. The individual progresses as baseline data were used for the data analysis. The progresses of the subjects were compared with the analysis and the results are the following: 1 The pupils from third to eighth grade showed positive changes in the figurative perceptive abilities. This is shown in all the tests that were used and progresses are statistically significant in all tests 2 There is a tendency that the pupils in the sixth grade made the best progress, and the seventh-grade pupils made the least progress. 3 However, when the progresses are compared in certain tests, then significant differences in the pace of development of these abilities are determined. Namely, the pupils in the higher

  4. Mari Laaniste soovitab : "Rock on Screen" / Mari Laaniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laaniste, Mari, 1977-


    5.-11. juulini Tallinnas kinos Sõprus toimuvast muusikafilmide nädalast "Rock on Screen". Programmis on Julian Schnabeli kontsertfilm "Lou Reed's Berlin" (2007), Julien Temple'i "Tulevik on veel kirjutamata" (2007, pühendatud Joe Strummeri mälestusele), Anton Corbijni draama "Control" Joy Divisoni liidrist Ian Curtisest, JP Siili mängufilm "Hurriganes" (2007, soome rockansamblist) ja Peeter Urbla muusikafilm "Shlaager" (1983, filmi kangelannat kehastab Els Himma)

  5. Tiibeti värske tuul / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Tiibeti kaasaegse kunsti näitus Tallinnas Temnikova & Kasela galeriis 30. sept.-ni. Pikemalt Tenzing Rigdoli loomingust. Näitus "Himaalaja tuuled" Tallinnas Tam Galeriis 17.-31.08.2011. Tiibeti paviljon Venezia biennaalil 3.06.-31.08.2011. Itaalia kunstniku Ruggero Maggi väljaspool ametlikku programmi organiseeritud näitusel oli enamik eksponeeritud töödest pühendatud Tiibetile, kuid tehtud kunstnike poolt, kes ise seal ei ela

  6. "Leonardo da Vinci" projekt kutsehariduses / Piret Kärtner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärtner, Piret


    14.-25. mainì2001 viibisid seitse Eesti kutsekoolide inglise keele õpetajat ja kaks Riikliku Eksami- ja Kvalifikatsioonikeskuse esindajat Leonardo da Vinci projekti raames Rootsis Malmös, et tutvuda rootslaste ja hollandlaste koostöös välja töötatud programmi TENTEC - Teaching English for Technical Purposes rakendusvõimalustega, innovatiivsete võõrkeeleõppemeetoditega, eriala- ja keeleõppe integreeritud õpetusega, õppematerjalidega, mis põhinevad IT võimalustel

  7. Nurture affects gender differences in spatial abilities. (United States)

    Hoffman, Moshe; Gneezy, Uri; List, John A


    Women remain significantly underrepresented in the science, engineering, and technology workforce. Some have argued that spatial ability differences, which represent the most persistent gender differences in the cognitive literature, are partly responsible for this gap(.) The underlying forces at work shaping the observed spatial ability differences revolve naturally around the relative roles of nature and nurture. Although these forces remain among the most hotly debated in all of the sciences, the evidence for nurture is tenuous, because it is difficult to compare gender differences among biologically similar groups with distinct nurture. In this study, we use a large-scale incentivized experiment with nearly 1,300 participants to show that the gender gap in spatial abilities, measured by time to solve a puzzle, disappears when we move from a patrilineal society to an adjoining matrilineal society. We also show that about one-third of the effect can be explained by differences in education. Given that none of our participants have experience with puzzle solving and that villagers from both societies have the same means of subsistence and shared genetic background, we argue that these results show the role of nurture in the gender gap in cognitive abilities.

  8. Predictors of fatigue and work ability in cancer survivors. (United States)

    van Muijen, P; Duijts, S F A; Bonefaas-Groenewoud, K; van der Beek, A J; Anema, J R


    Workers diagnosed with cancer are at risk for job loss or work disability. To determine predictors of fatigue and work ability at 36 months after diagnosis in a population of cancer survivors. Individuals diagnosed with cancer and who applied for work disability benefit at 24 months of sick leave were surveyed at the time of application and again 12 months later. Fatigue was measured using the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness-Fatigue scale questionnaire and work ability was measured using the work ability index. Linear regression analyses were applied to identify predictors. There were 336 participants. Participants who were divorced or widowed had more physical limitations, more depressive symptoms and were more fatigued at baseline, and who worked in health care demonstrated higher levels of fatigue. Lower fatigue was predicted by having received chemotherapy. A higher level of work ability was predicted by having received chemotherapy, better global health and better work ability at baseline. Lower work ability was predicted by being principal wage earner, insecurity about being free of disease, having more physical limitations and having greater wage loss. Socio-demographic, health- and work-related factors were associated with fatigue and work ability in cancer survivors on long-term sick leave. As fatigue and poor work ability are important risk factors for work disability, addressing the identified predictive factors may assist in mitigation of work disability in cancer survivors. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  9. The Interrelationship of Sex, Visual Spatial Abilities, and Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Grade Seven. Parts 1, 2, and 3. (United States)

    Schonberger, Ann Koch

    This three-volume report deals with the hypothesis that males are more successful at solving mathematical and spatial problems than females. The general relationship between visual spatial abilities and mathematical problem-solving ability is also investigated. The research sample consisted of seventh graders. Each pupil took five spatial tests…

  10. Pediatric crisis resource management training improves emergency medicine trainees' perceived ability to manage emergencies and ability to identify teamwork errors. (United States)

    Bank, Ilana; Snell, Linda; Bhanji, Farhan


    Improved pediatric crisis resource management (CRM) training is needed in emergency medicine residencies because of the variable nature of exposure to critically ill pediatric patients during training. We created a short, needs-based pediatric CRM simulation workshop with postactivity follow-up to determine retention of CRM knowledge. Our aims were to provide a realistic learning experience for residents and to help the learners recognize common errors in teamwork and improve their perceived abilities to manage ill pediatric patients. Residents participated in a 4-hour objectives-based workshop derived from a formal needs assessment. To quantify their subjective abilities to manage pediatric cases, the residents completed a postworkshop survey (with a retrospective precomponent to assess perceived change). Ability to identify CRM errors was determined via a written assessment of scripted errors in a prerecorded video observed before and 1 month after completion of the workshop. Fifteen of the 16 eligible emergency medicine residents (postgraduate year 1-5) attended the workshop and completed the surveys. There were significant differences in 15 of 16 retrospective pre to post survey items using the Wilcoxon rank sum test for non-parametric data. These included ability to be an effective team leader in general (P < 0.008), delegating tasks appropriately (P < 0.009), and ability to ensure closed-loop communication (P < 0.008). There was a significant improvement in identification of CRM errors through the use of the video assessment from 3 of the 12 CRM errors to 7 of the 12 CRM errors (P < 0.006). The pediatric CRM simulation-based workshop improved the residents' self-perceptions of their pediatric CRM abilities and improved their performance on a video assessment task.

  11. Profile of student critical thinking ability on static fluid concept (United States)

    Sulasih; Suparmi, A.; Sarwanto


    Critical thinking ability is an important part of educational goals. It has higher complex processes, such as analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating, drawing conclusion and reflection. This study is aimed to know the critical thinking ability of students in learning static fluids of senior high school students. This research uses the descriptive method which its instruments based on the indicator of critical thinking ability developed according to Ennis. The population of this research is XIth grade science class Public Senior High School, SMA N 1, Sambungmacan, Sragen, Central Java. The static fluid teaching material is delivered using Problem Based Learning Model through class experiment. The results of this study shows that the average student of XIth science class have high critical thinking skills, particularly in the ability of providing simple explanation, build basic skill, and provide advanced explanation, but they do not have high enough in ability of drawing conclusion and strategic and tactical components of critical thinking ability in the study of static fluid teaching material. The average of students critical thinking ability is 72.94, with 27,94% of students are in a low category and 72,22% of students in the high category of critical thinking ability.


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    G V Ozhiganova


    Full Text Available The self-regulation is considered by the author as a general ability of the person. The levels of self-regulation relating to any professional activity, and corresponding to these levels self-regulatory capacities are distinguished: 1 psychophysiological - the ability for self-regulation of emotional and psycho- physiological states; 2 socio-psychological - the ability for self-regulation in the process of social interaction; 3 psychological (the ability to regulate activities; the capacity for personal self-control;spiritual - the highest capacity for self-regulation due to the higher values and meanings of existence. Self-regulation at the highest spiritual level is considered in this research in connection with the actualization of higher self-regulatory capacities, leading to self-realization of the person including professional activity. Processes, levels, components of self-regulation, associated with different conditions of professional activities (for example, in extreme situations, as well as with different types of professions (teachers, sales managers, etc. are described. A particular attention is given to self- regulation in the teaching activities: levels, techniques of teachers’ self-regulatory skills are presented; the importance of teachers’ personal self-regulation is emphasized, because it determines self-development, self-improvement and self-fulfillment in their chosen profession, and is associated with the manifestation of higher self-regulatory capacities. It is noted that in the process of professional activities different levels and types of self-regulation are demanded. The self-regulation in professional activities is carried out due to various self-regulatory capabilities - from simple to complex, including the highest.

  13. Pragmatic Abilities of Children with Williams Syndrome: A Longitudinal Examination (United States)

    John, Angela E.; Dobson, Lauren A.; Thomas, Lauren E.; Mervis, Carolyn B.


    Prior research has indicated that pragmatics is an area of particular weakness for individuals with Williams syndrome (WS). To further address this aspect of the WS social phenotype, we used an individual differences approach to consider both cross-sectional and longitudinal relations among different pragmatic abilities for 14 children with WS, taking into account individual differences in non-verbal reasoning abilities. We also considered the relations between pragmatic abilities and expressive vocabulary ability. Participants were tested at two time points: as 4-year-olds during a 30-min play session with their mothers (Time 1) and an average of 5.87 years later during a one-on-one conversation with a familiar researcher (Time 2). Children’s intellectual and expressive vocabulary abilities were assessed at both time points. Results indicated that the ability to verbally contribute information beyond what was required in response to a question (ExtendQ) was significantly related to the ability to verbally contribute new information in the absence of a question (ExtendS) both at age 4 years and during primary school. At age 4, both the ability to pair verbalizations with eye contact in triadic interactions (secondary intersubjectivity) and expressive vocabulary ability were related to both ExtendQ and ExtendS. Finally, both ExtendQ and the ability to pair verbalizations with eye contact (intersubjectivity) at age 4 years predicted ExtendQ at age 9–12 years. The theoretical implications of our findings and the importance of early pragmatic language intervention for children who have WS are discussed. PMID:22719734

  14. The Relationship between a Linear Combination of Intelligence, Musical Background, Rhythm Ability and Tapping Ability to Typewriting Speed and Accuracy. (United States)

    Fante, Cheryl H.

    This study was conducted in an attempt to identify any predictor or combination of predictors of a beginning typewriting student's success. Variables of intelligence, rhythmic ability, musical background, and tapping ability were combined to study their relationship to typewriting speed and accuracy. A sample of 109 high school students was…

  15. Chuck Watson's ``differential psychoacoustics:'' Individual differences in auditory abilities (United States)

    Kidd, Gary R.


    Chuck Watson was among the first in the psychoacoustic community to seriously address the topic of individual differences. At a time when there was little concern with variation among ``normal listeners'' in psychoacoustic research, Watson began a research program to document the range of human auditory abilities. The primary goals were to determine the number of distinct abilities, to specify the nature of each ability, and to document the distribution of these abilities in the general population. Thanks to Watson's talent for organizing and directing large-scale projects and his workmanlike approach to science, a large and valuable body of data on human individual differences has been collected. The research program began about 20 years ago with the study of basic auditory abilities, and it has expanded to include other modalities and cognitive/intellectual abilities in adults and children. A somewhat biased view of the importance of this work will be presented by one of Watson's many colleagues in this endeavor. The talk will provide an overview of this ongoing research program as well as a brief review of some related research by other investigators. New findings from recent extensions of this work will also be discussed.

  16. Desirable characteristics for teachers of High Ability/Gifted students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandra da Costa Souza Martins


    Full Text Available This study investigated the desirable educational background for a teacher to work with high ability/gifted students, desirable characteristics these teachers should present and conceptions on high ability/giftedness. The participants were 20 public school teachers from a city surrounding Brasilia. Of this group, ten were elementary school teachers working with initial grades and ten were undergraduate Pedagogy teachers. A qualitative approach was used and data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview. A content analysis was then conducted. In relation to the desirable educational background for a teach of high ability/gifted students, participants indicated the need of continuous training, under graduation curriculum adapted to the theme and graduation courses in the area. The desirable features for teachers of high ability/gifted students were related to personological attributes (personality traits and intellectual ability, as well as professional characteristics. The conceptions on high ability/giftedness presented by the participants were, in general, close to those found in the literature and used as reference for this study. However, there was lack of information on how to apply the theory into real practice, as well as several wrong ideas on the topic.

  17. Ability to manage everyday technology after acquired brain injury. (United States)

    Kassberg, Ann-Charlotte; Malinowsky, Camilla; Jacobsson, Lars; Lund, Maria Larsson


    To investigate and describe how persons with an acquired brain injury (ABI) manage everyday technology (ET) in their daily activities and to explore whether the ability to manage ET was related to the severity of the disability. Eighty-one persons with ABI were observed while managing ET by using the Management of Everyday Technology Assessment (META). The Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOSE) was used to assess the severity of disability after the ABI. A computer application of a Rasch measurement model was used to generate measures of the participants' ability to manage ET and the measures were compared groupwise with analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The degree of severity of disability had a significant main effect on the ability to manage ET. The groups with severe and moderate disability exhibited a significantly lower ability to manage ET compared to the group with good recovery. The result indicates that the ability to manage ET in daily activities can be related to the global severity of disability after ABI. This demonstrates the importance of considering the ability to manage ET to support the performance of activities at home, at work and in society in persons with ABI.

  18. Subjective workload and individual differences in information processing abilities (United States)

    Damos, D. L.


    This paper describes several experiments examining the source of individual differences in the experience of mental workload. Three sources of such differences were examined: information processing abilities, timesharing abilities, and personality traits/behavior patterns. On the whole, there was little evidence that individual differences in information processing abilities or timesharing abilities are related to perceived differences in mental workload. However, individuals with strong Type A coronary prone behavior patterns differed in both single- and multiple-task performance from individuals who showed little evidence of such a pattern. Additionally, individuals with a strong Type A pattern showed some dissociation between objective performance and the experience of mental workload.


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    Mateja SHILC


    Full Text Available The research analyses characteristics of pragmatic abilities of storytelling of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities (MID, in the light of vocabulary characteristics, grammar structure and substantive structure of a story, considering their age and gender. The sample consists of 60 pupils with MID, aged 7 to 9, who attend special school. Child’s pragmatic abilities are assessed with The Storytelling Test. The research results reveal considerable progress of the older group in vocabulary, whereas the progress in grammatical and substantive structure was less substantial. When comparing achievements of pupils with MID according to the vocabulary, grammatical and substantive story structure, no gender differences are determined. A comparison of pragmatic abilities of younger and older groups of pupils with MID with the norms for peers with typical development shows minor deviation of the younger group. The research results reveal characteristics of pragmatic abilities of pupils with MID and can provide insights to speech therapists, teachers, special education teachers and counsellors when considering profiles of individuals that are taken as a basis for designing intervention programs. By implementing such program, we would encourage development of pragmatic abilities of pupils, thus affecting their academic achievements, communication competency and social skills.

  20. Development of hospital nurses' work ability over a 2 year period. (United States)

    Boschman, J S; Nieuwenhuijsen, K; Frings-Dresen, M H W; Sluiter, J K


    A new approach to the study of work ability is an individually oriented approach. This approach increases our understanding of how work ability develops over time among individuals with a different level of work ability. To increase knowledge about individuals' work ability trajectories by studying hospital nurses' development of work ability over a 2 year period and factors associated with these trajectories. We used a data set of a prospective cohort study of hospital nurses, which was surveyed for 2 years by means of three questionnaires on work characteristics, health and work ability. The outcome variable was the general work ability trajectory over the course of 2 years (favourable/unfavourable). The predictors were the individual, physical and mental work ability and health characteristics at baseline. A multivariate backwards stepwise logistic regression analysis was used. Of 572 nurses in the cohort, nearly one-third (31%, 179/572) showed an unfavourable general work ability trajectory. Low physical work ability (odds ratio (OR) 1.82; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.12-2.95) and high level of fatigue (OR 1.52; 95% CI 0.97-2.40) at baseline were predictors for the unfavourable course of self-reported general work ability. A substantial proportion of this cohort of hospital nurses experienced a reduction in work ability over the course of 2 years. Baseline physical work ability and level of fatigue were related to this. The next step is to address these factors when counselling nurses and evaluate the effect of interventions aimed at improving physical work ability and reducing fatigue. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  1. Number-specific and general cognitive markers of preschoolers' math ability profiles. (United States)

    Gray, Sarah A; Reeve, Robert A


    Different number-specific and general cognitive markers have been claimed to underlie preschoolers' math ability. It is unclear, however, whether similar/different cognitive markers, or combinations of them, are associated with different patterns of emerging math abilities (i.e., different patterns of strength and weakness). To examine this question, 103 preschoolers (40-60 months of age) completed six math tasks (count sequence, object counting, give a number, naming numbers, ordinal relations, and arithmetic), three number-specific markers of math ability (dot enumeration, magnitude comparison, and spontaneous focusing on numerosity), and four general markers (working memory, response inhibition, attention, and vocabulary). A three-step latent profile modeling procedure identified five math ability profiles that differed in their patterns of math strengths and weaknesses; specifically, the profiles were characterized by (a) excellent math ability on all math tasks, (b) good arithmetic ability, (c) good math ability but relatively poor count sequence recitation ability, (d) average ability on all math tasks, and (e) poor ability on all math tasks. After controlling for age, only dot enumeration and spontaneous focusing on numerosity were associated with the math ability profiles, whereas vocabulary was also marginally significant, and these markers were differentially associated with different profiles; that is, different cognitive markers were associated with different patterns of strengths and weaknesses in math abilities. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the development of math cognition. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Evaluation of the combining ability of mutant maize lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Valkova


    Full Text Available Abstract. The study shows the results of a preliminary evaluation of the combining ability for grain yield of 17 mutant maize lines. For the purpose the top cross method for early testing and the mathematical model of Savchenko for analysis of the general and the specific combining ability were used. The lines were tested on three testers with high general combining ability that belong to two genetic groups: K 46 52 and XM 552 from SSS and N 192 – Lancaster. For the purposes of evaluation of the productive abilities of the received top cross two preliminary varietal experiments were carried out at the experimental field of Maize Research Institute, Knezha As a result of the conducted experimental work and the analysis it was found that the highest general combining ability have lines XM 11 6 and XM 12 1. These lines can be included as components of high-yielding synthetics or as testers in analyzing crosses to determine general combining ability in early stages of the selection process. The above lines with high specific combining ability – XM 11 13 and XM 11 46 are suitable for inclusion in combinations to develop high-yielding hybrids. Three of the tested lines XM 11 7 11 XM 10 and XM 11 11 have both high GCA and SCA. These lines can be used in corresponding breeding in the selection programs.

  3. Creativity, visualization abilities, and visual cognitive style. (United States)

    Kozhevnikov, Maria; Kozhevnikov, Michael; Yu, Chen Jiao; Blazhenkova, Olesya


    Despite the recent evidence for a multi-component nature of both visual imagery and creativity, there have been no systematic studies on how the different dimensions of creativity and imagery might interrelate. The main goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between different dimensions of creativity (artistic and scientific) and dimensions of visualization abilities and styles (object and spatial). In addition, we compared the contributions of object and spatial visualization abilities versus corresponding styles to scientific and artistic dimensions of creativity. Twenty-four undergraduate students (12 females) were recruited for the first study, and 75 additional participants (36 females) were recruited for an additional experiment. Participants were administered a number of object and spatial visualization abilities and style assessments as well as a number of artistic and scientific creativity tests. The results show that object visualization relates to artistic creativity and spatial visualization relates to scientific creativity, while both are distinct from verbal creativity. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that style predicts corresponding dimension of creativity even after removing shared variance between style and visualization ability. The results suggest that styles might be a more ecologically valid construct in predicting real-life creative behaviour, such as performance in different professional domains. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.

  4. Profile of mathematical reasoning ability of 8th grade students seen from communicational ability, basic skills, connection, and logical thinking (United States)

    Sumarsih; Budiyono; Indriati, D.


    This research aims to understand the students’ weaknesses in mathematical reasoning ability in junior secondary school. A set of multiple choice tests were used to measure this ability involve components mathematical communication, basic skills, connection, and logical thinking. A total of 259 respondents were determined by stratified cluster random sampling. Data were analyzed using one-way Anova test with Fobs = 109.5760 and F = 3.0000. The results show that students’ ability from schools with high National Exam in mathematics category was the best and followed by medium and low category. Mathematical connection is the most difficult component performed by students. In addition, most students also have difficulty in expressing ideas and developing logical arguments.

  5. Predictors of chewing ability among community-residing older adults in Korea. (United States)

    Park, Kyongok; Hong, Gwi-Ryung Son


    Decreased chewing ability in older adults can lead to poor nutritional and physical conditions, and eventually death. The present study examined the relationships between chewing ability and related characteristics (e.g. health promotion habits, health status and functional status), and identified predictors of chewing ability in community-residing older adults. Among the total of 11 542 participants in the 2011 National Survey on Older Adults in Korea, data from 10 543 participants were used for analysis. Chewing ability was evaluated using a self-report of chewing ability. Exercise ability was assessed by objective exercise ability and perceived exercise ability in both the upper and lower extremities. Depression and cognitive functions were measured using the Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form and the Mini-Mental State Examination, respectively. A total of 56.9% of participants had poor chewing abilities. After adjusting for age and sex, logistic regression analysis showed that depression (OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.60-1.92), cognitive impairment (OR 1.28, 95% CI 1.17-1.40), objective exercise ability (OR 1.24, 95% CI 1.11-1.41), regular exercise habits (OR 1.23, 95% CI 1.13-1.34), medical check-up history (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.05-1.32), number of chronic diseases (OR 1.12, 95% CI 1.09-1.15) and perceived exercise ability in the lower extremities (OR 1.08, 95% CI 1.05-1.10) were significant predictors of chewing ability. Chewing ability in older adults should be improved in consideration of mental and general health condition. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2017; 17: 78-84. © 2015 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  6. Cognitive abilities and superior decision making under risk

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    Edward T. Cokely


    Full Text Available Individual differences in cognitive abilities and skills can predict normatively superior and logically consistent judgments and decisions. The current experiment investigates the processes that mediate individual differences in risky choices. We assessed working memory span, numeracy, and cognitive impulsivity and conducted a protocol analysis to trace variations in conscious deliberative processes. People higher in cognitive abilities made more choices consistent with expected values; however, expected-value choices rarely resulted from expected-value calculations. Instead, the cognitive ability and choice relationship was mediated by the number of simple considerations made during decision making --- e.g., transforming probabilities and considering the relative size of gains. Results imply that, even in simple lotteries, superior risky decisions associated with cognitive abilities and controlled cognition can reflect metacognitive dynamics and elaborative heuristic search processes, rather than normative calculations. Modes of cognitive control (e.g., dual process dynamics and implications for process models of risky decision-making (e.g., priority heuristic are discussed.

  7. Relationship between perceived work ability and productivity loss. (United States)

    Vänni, Kimmo; Virtanen, Pekka; Luukkaala, Tiina; Nygård, Clas-Håkan


    This paper presents an approach to assessing presenteeism (on-the-job productivity loss) that is related to perceived work ability. The aim of this explorative research was to find out if perceived work ability could be a robust indicator, interchangeable with presenteeism, in Finnish food industry organizations. The developed approach was based on existing presenteeism research as well as on register and survey data. The approach demonstrates that one step downward on the 10-point perceived work ability scale theoretically reduces employees' on-the-job productivity by ˜5 percentage points. At the company level, on-the-job productivity loss was 3.7% (mdn 0), while sickness absence was 5.0% (mdn 2.2). The probability of productivity loss among factory workers was fourfold compared to women in office work. The developed approach makes it possible to assess perceived productivity loss at the level of an individual and an organization. Perceived work ability may, in fact, be a robust indicator for assessing perceived productivity loss.

  8. Chewing ability of the long-term hospitalized elderly. (United States)

    Peltola, Petteri; Vehkalahti, Miira M


    We investigated the chewing ability of 260 (25 percent men) long-term hospitalized elderly patients 60 years of age and older in Laakso hospital, Helsinki, Finland, in relation to their mastication capacity, sore mouth and degree of dependence. The subjects' (mean age 83.3 years, SD = 8.1 years) mastication capacity was determined by a specialist dentist by means of: (a) number of functioning teeth and dentures; (b) modified Eichner Index; and (c) the Eichner Score, based on the index. Based on the information given by the nursing staff, an indicator of chewing ability was created. The chewing ability was poor for 55 percent, limited for 17 percent, moderate for 14 percent and excellent for 14 percent. Excellent or moderate ability to chew was related to a subject's lesser degree of dependence (OR = 1.5; p = 0.02) and higher Eichner Score (OR = 1.3; p = 0.000). More attention should be focused on mastication capacity of the hospitalized elderly.

  9. Face validity of the single work ability item

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gupta, Nidhi; Jensen, Bjørn Søvsø; Søgaard, Karen


    with a total of 5,810 h, including 2,640 working hours. RESULTS: A significant moderate correlation between work ability and %HRR was observed among males (R = -0.33, P = 0.005), but not among females (R = 0.11, P = 0.431). In a gender-stratified multi-adjusted logistic regression analysis, males with high...... %HRR were more likely to report a reduced work ability compared to males with low %HRR [OR = 4.75, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 1.31 to 17.25]. However, this association was not found among females (OR = 0.26, 95% CI 0.03 to 2.16), and a significant interaction between work ability, %HRR......PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the face validity of the self-reported single item work ability with objectively measured heart rate reserve (%HRR) among blue-collar workers. METHODS: We utilized data from 127 blue-collar workers (Female = 53; Male = 74) aged 18-65 years from...

  10. Student’s mathematical understanding ability based on self-efficacy (United States)

    Ramdhani, M. R.; Usodo, B.; Subanti, S.


    Materials in mathematics are provided not only as an ability to memorize, but also to train the ability of mathematical understanding. Students’ mathematical understanding ability is influenced by the students’ belief in solving the given problems. This research aim to determine the mathematical understanding ability of junior high school students. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was done through a test, questionnaire, and interview. The result showed that students with high self-efficacy category could master the three indicators of students’ mathematical understanding ability well, namely translation, interpretation, and exploration. Students with moderate self-efficacy category can master translation indicator and able to achieve interpretation indicator but they unable to reach exploration indicator. Students with low self-efficacy category only master the translation, but they cannot achieve the interpretation and exploration indicators. So, the students who have high, moderate or low self-efficacy master the indicator of mathematical understanding based on the level of understanding capabilities on each student.

  11. Visuospatial ability factors and performance variables in laparoscopic simulator training

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luursema, J.M.; Verwey, Willem B.; Burie, Remke


    Visuospatial ability has been shown to be important to several aspects of laparoscopic performance, including simulator training. Only a limited subset of visuospatial ability factors however has been investigated in such studies. Tests for different visuospatial ability factors differ in stimulus

  12. Enhancement of uranium-accumulating ability of microorganisms by irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakaguchi, Takashi; Nakajima, Akira; Tsuruta, Takehiko [Miyazaki Medical Coll., Kiyotake (Japan)


    Some microorganisms having excellent ability to accumulate uranium were isolated, from soil and water systems in and around the Ningyo-toge Station of Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation. The enhancement of uranium-accumulating ability of microorganisms by electron-beam irradiation was examined, and the ability of JW-046 was increased 3-5% by the irradiation. The irradiation affect the growth of some of microorganisms tested. (author)

  13. President Ilves New Yorgi eestlaskonnale : vaadake "Talendid koju" programmi kui võimalust

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja proua Evelin Ilves külastasid 25. septembril 2010 New Yorgi Eesti Majas tegutsevat Eesti kooli ja osalesid New Yorgi eestlaskonnale korraldatud vastuvõtul. Ilmunud ka: Meie Kodu 6. okt. 2010, lk. 2, pealk.: President Ilves kutsus New Yorgi eestlasi kodumaale tagasi. Töövisiit Ameerika Ühendriikidesse 20.-27.09.2010

  14. Ülevaade GLOBE'i programmi tööst Eestis / Imbi Henno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Henno, Imbi


    GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit Environment) on üldhariduskoolidele mõeldud keskkonnasuunitlusega haridus- ja teadusprogramm, mis ühendab lapsi, õpetajaid ja teadlasi kogu maailmast

  15. Courants du Monde'i programmi toel Prantsusmaal / Asko Tamme ; intervjueerinud Ene Riet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Asko


    Intervjuu Tartu Linnaraamatukogu direktori Asko Tammega, kes käis tutvumas Prantsusmaa raamatukogudega, sh Pompidou keskuse raamatukoguga, Rennes'i keskraamatukoguga ning Raamatu ja Lugemise Bretagne'i keskusega (Livre et Lecture en Bretagne)

  16. Implicit theories and ability emotional intelligence (United States)

    Cabello, Rosario; Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo


    Previous research has shown that people differ in their implicit theories about the essential characteristics of intelligence and emotions. Some people believe these characteristics to be predetermined and immutable (entity theorists), whereas others believe that these characteristics can be changed through learning and behavior training (incremental theorists). The present study provides evidence that in healthy adults (N = 688), implicit beliefs about emotions and emotional intelligence (EI) may influence performance on the ability-based Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Adults in our sample with incremental theories about emotions and EI scored higher on the MSCEIT than entity theorists, with implicit theories about EI showing a stronger relationship to scores than theories about emotions. Although our participants perceived both emotion and EI as malleable, they viewed emotions as more malleable than EI. Women and young adults in general were more likely to be incremental theorists than men and older adults. Furthermore, we found that emotion and EI theories mediated the relationship of gender and age with ability EI. Our findings suggest that people’s implicit theories about EI may influence their emotional abilities, which may have important consequences for personal and professional EI training. PMID:26052309

  17. Implicit theories and ability emotional intelligence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Previous research has shown that people differ in their implicit theories about the essential characteristics of intelligence and emotions. Some people believe these characteristics to be predetermined and immutable (entity theorists, whereas others believe that these characteristics can be changed through learning and behavior training (incremental theorists. The present study provides evidence that in healthy adults (N = 688, implicit beliefs about emotions and emotional intelligence (EI may influence performance on the ability-based Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT. Adults in our sample with incremental theories about emotions and EI scored higher on the MSCEIT than entity theorists, with implicit theories about EI showing a stronger relationship to scores than theories about emotions. Although our participants perceived both emotion and EI as malleable, they viewed emotions as more malleable than EI. Women and young adults in general were more likely to be incremental theorists than men and older adults. Furthermore, we found that emotion and EI theories mediated the relationship of gender and age with ability EI. Our findings suggest that people’s implicit theories about EI may influence their emotional abilities, which may have important consequences for personal and professional EI training.

  18. Validation of the NOSCA - nurses' observation scale of cognitive abilities. (United States)

    Persoon, Anke; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Melis, Rene J F; van Achterberg, Theo; Kessels, Roy P C; Rikkert, Marcel G M Olde


    To examine the psychometric properties of the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities. Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities is a behavioural rating scale comprising eight subscales that represent different cognitive domains. It is based on observations during contact between nurse and patient. Observational study. A total of 50 patients from two geriatric wards in acute care hospitals participated in this study. Reliability was examined via internal consistency and inter-rater reliability. Construct validity of the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities and its subscales were explored by means of convergent and divergent validity and post hoc analyses for group differences. Cronbach's αs of the total Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities and its subscales were 0·98 and 0·66-0·93, respectively. The item-total correlations were satisfactory (overall > 0·4). The intra-class coefficients were good (37 of 39 items > 0·4). The convergent validity of the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities against cognitive ratings (MMSE, NOSGER) and severity of dementia (Clinical Dementia Rating) demonstrated satisfactory correlations (0·59-0·70, p 0·05). The divergent validity of the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities against depressive symptoms was low (0·12, p > 0·05). The construct validity of the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities subscales against 13 specific neuropsychological tests showed correlations varying from poor to fair (0·18-0·74; 10 of 13 correlations p Validity and reliability of the total Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities are excellent. The correlations between the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities subscales and standard neuropsychological tests were moderate. More conclusive results may be found if the Nurses' Observation Scale for Cognitive Abilities subscales were to be validated using more ecologically valid tests and in a patient

  19. Analogical reasoning abilities of recovering alcoholics. (United States)

    Gardner, M K; Clark, E; Bowman, M A; Miller, P J


    This study investigated analogical reasoning abilities of alcoholics who had been abstinent from alcohol for at least 1 year. Their performance was compared to that of nonalcoholic controls matched as a group for education, age, and gender. Solution times and error rates were modeled using a regression model. Results showed a nonsignificant trend for alcoholics to be faster, but more error prone, than controls. The same componential model applied to both groups, and fit them equally well. Although differences have been found in analogical reasoning ability between controls and alcoholics immediately following detoxification, we find no evidence of differences after extended periods of sobriety.

  20. Development of hospital nurses' work ability over a 2 year period

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boschman, J. S.; Nieuwenhuijsen, K.; Frings-Dresen, M. H. W.; Sluiter, J. K.


    A new approach to the study of work ability is an individually oriented approach. This approach increases our understanding of how work ability develops over time among individuals with a different level of work ability. To increase knowledge about individuals' work ability trajectories by studying

  1. Testing the "Work Ability House" Model in hospital workers. (United States)

    Martinez, Maria Carmen; Latorre, Maria do Rosário Dias de Oliveira; Fischer, Frida Marina


    To test the Work Ability House model, verifying the hierarchy of proposed dimensions, among a group of hospital workers. A cohort study (2009-2011) was conducted with a sample of 599 workers from a hospital in the city of São Paulo. A questionnaire including sociodemographics, lifestyle and working conditions was used. The Brazilian versions of Job Stress Scale, Effort-Reward Imbalance, Work-Related Activities That May Contribute To Job-Related Pain and/or Injury, and the Work Ability Index (WAI) were also used. A hierarchical logistic regression analysis was performed: the independent variables were allocated into levels according to the dimensions of the theoretical model in order to evaluate the factors associated with work ability. Variables associated with impairment of work ability in each dimension were as follows: (a) sociodemographics: age work injuries (p = 0.029), (c) professional competence: low educational level (p = 0.008), (d) values : intensified in overcommitment (p work: intensification of effort-reward imbalance (p = 0.009) and high demands (p = 0.040). The results confirmed the dimensions proposed for the Work Ability House model, indicating that it is valid as a representation of a multidimensional construct of multifactorial determination and can be used in the management of work ability.

  2. Adsorption factor effect on dispersive ability of polymethylmethylmethacrylate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorokhovskij, G.A.; Samsonov, G.V.; Gorshunov, V.P.


    A relationhsip between the rate of polymer macromolecules absorption on some refractory compounds and the dispersion ability of polymer-abrasive compositions was investigated at various contents of the polymethacrylate polymer in an abrasive composition. The solid phase used was powders of Al 2 O 3 , WC, W 2 B 5 , TiB 2 . It was established that the dispersion ability of the polymer-abrasive compositions was a function not only of the cutting properties of the abrasives and the dispersion ability of the polymers, but also of the adsorption properties of the solid phase and of its capacity to transport macromolecules to the surface being worked

  3. Indicators that influence prospective mathematics teachers representational and reasoning abilities (United States)

    Darta; Saputra, J.


    Representational and mathematical reasoning ability are very important ability as basic in mathematics learning process. The 2013 curriculum suggests that the use of a scientific approach emphasizes higher order thinking skills. Therefore, a scientific approach is required in mathematics learning to improve ability of representation and mathematical reasoning. The objectives of this research are: (1) to analyze representational and reasoning abilities, (2) to analyze indicators affecting the ability of representation and mathematical reasoning, (3) to analyze scientific approaches that can improve the ability of representation and mathematical reasoning. The subject of this research is the students of mathematics prospective teachers in the first semester at Private Higher Education of Bandung City. The research method of this research was descriptive analysis. The research data were collected using reasoning and representation tests on sixty-one students. Data processing was done by descriptive analysis specified based on the indicators of representation ability and mathematical reasoning that influenced it. The results of this first-year study showed that students still had many weaknesses in reasoning and mathematical representation that were influenced by the ability to understand the indicators of both capabilities. After observing the results of the first-year research, then in the second and third year, the development of teaching materials with a scientific approach in accordance with the needs of prospective students was planned.

  4. Prosodic Awareness and Punctuation Ability in Adult Readers (United States)

    Heggie, Lindsay; Wade-Woolley, Lesly


    We examined the relationship between two metalinguistic tasks: prosodic awareness and punctuation ability. Specifically, we investigated whether adults' ability to punctuate was related to the degree to which they are aware of and able to manipulate prosody in spoken language. English-speaking adult readers (n = 115) were administered a receptive…

  5. What the Nose Knows: Olfaction and Cognitive Abilities. (United States)

    Danthiir, Vanessa; Roberts, Richard D.; Pallier, Gerry; Stankov, Lazar


    Studied the role of olfactory processes within the theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence by testing 107 Australian college students with a battery of psychometric and olfactory tests. Results indicate the likely existence of an olfactory memory ability that is structurally independent of established higher-order abilities and not related…

  6. 22 CFR 41.55 - Aliens with extraordinary ability. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Aliens with extraordinary ability. 41.55... IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT, AS AMENDED Business and Media Visas § 41.55 Aliens with extraordinary ability. (a) Requirements for O classification. An alien shall be classifiable under the provisions of INA 101...

  7. Are Spatial Visualization Abilities Relevant to Virtual Reality? (United States)

    Chen, Chwen Jen


    This study aims to investigate the effects of virtual reality (VR)-based learning environment on learners of different spatial visualization abilities. The findings of the aptitude-by-treatment interaction study have shown that learners benefit most from the Guided VR mode, irrespective of their spatial visualization abilities. This indicates that…

  8. Fine motor skills predict maths ability better than they predict reading ability in the early primary school years

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicola J. Pitchford


    Full Text Available Fine motor skills have long been recognised as an important foundation for development in other domains. However, more precise insights into the role of fine motor skills, and their relationships to other skills in mediating early educational achievements, are needed to support the development of optimal educational interventions. We explored concurrent relationships between two components of fine motor skills, Fine Motor Precision and Fine Motor Integration, and early reading and maths development in two studies with primary school children of low-to-mid socio-economic status in the U.K. Two key findings were revealed. First, despite being in the first two years of primary school education, significantly better performance was found in reading compared to maths across both studies. This may reflect the protective effects of recent national-level interventions to promote early literacy skills in young children in the U.K. that have not been similarly promoted for maths. Second, fine motor skills were a better predictor of early maths ability than they were of early reading ability. Hierarchical multiple regression revealed that fine motor skills did not significantly predict reading ability when verbal short-term memory was taken into account. In contrast, Fine Motor Integration remained a significant predictor of maths ability, even after the influence of non-verbal IQ had been accounted for. These results suggest that fine motor skills should have a pivotal role in educational interventions designed to support the development of early mathematical skills.

  9. Fine Motor Skills Predict Maths Ability Better than They Predict Reading Ability in the Early Primary School Years (United States)

    Pitchford, Nicola J.; Papini, Chiara; Outhwaite, Laura A.; Gulliford, Anthea


    Fine motor skills have long been recognized as an important foundation for development in other domains. However, more precise insights into the role of fine motor skills, and their relationships to other skills in mediating early educational achievements, are needed to support the development of optimal educational interventions. We explored concurrent relationships between two components of fine motor skills, Fine Motor Precision and Fine Motor Integration, and early reading and maths development in two studies with primary school children of low-to-mid socio-economic status in the UK. Two key findings were revealed. First, despite being in the first 2 years of primary school education, significantly better performance was found in reading compared to maths across both studies. This may reflect the protective effects of recent national-level interventions to promote early literacy skills in young children in the UK that have not been similarly promoted for maths. Second, fine motor skills were a better predictor of early maths ability than they were of early reading ability. Hierarchical multiple regression revealed that fine motor skills did not significantly predict reading ability when verbal short-term memory was taken into account. In contrast, Fine Motor Integration remained a significant predictor of maths ability, even after the influence of non-verbal IQ had been accounted for. These results suggest that fine motor skills should have a pivotal role in educational interventions designed to support the development of early mathematical skills. PMID:27303342

  10. Fine Motor Skills Predict Maths Ability Better than They Predict Reading Ability in the Early Primary School Years. (United States)

    Pitchford, Nicola J; Papini, Chiara; Outhwaite, Laura A; Gulliford, Anthea


    Fine motor skills have long been recognized as an important foundation for development in other domains. However, more precise insights into the role of fine motor skills, and their relationships to other skills in mediating early educational achievements, are needed to support the development of optimal educational interventions. We explored concurrent relationships between two components of fine motor skills, Fine Motor Precision and Fine Motor Integration, and early reading and maths development in two studies with primary school children of low-to-mid socio-economic status in the UK. Two key findings were revealed. First, despite being in the first 2 years of primary school education, significantly better performance was found in reading compared to maths across both studies. This may reflect the protective effects of recent national-level interventions to promote early literacy skills in young children in the UK that have not been similarly promoted for maths. Second, fine motor skills were a better predictor of early maths ability than they were of early reading ability. Hierarchical multiple regression revealed that fine motor skills did not significantly predict reading ability when verbal short-term memory was taken into account. In contrast, Fine Motor Integration remained a significant predictor of maths ability, even after the influence of non-verbal IQ had been accounted for. These results suggest that fine motor skills should have a pivotal role in educational interventions designed to support the development of early mathematical skills.


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    Oleksandr Yu. Burov


    Full Text Available This paper describes new and emerging technologies in education, learning environments and methods that have to satisfy lifelong learning, from school age to retirement, on the basis of the psychophysiological model of the cognitive abilities formation. It covers such topics as: evaluation of a human (accounting schoolchildren, youth and adults features abilities and individual propensities, individual trajectory of learning, adaptive learning strategy and design, recommendation on curriculum design, day-to-day support for individual’s learning, assessment of a human learning environment and performance, recommendation regards vocational retraining and/or further carrier etc.. The specific goal is to facilitate a broader understanding of the promise and pitfalls of these technologies and working (learning/teaching environments in global education/development settings, with special regard to the human as subject in the system and to the collaboration of humans and technical, didactic and organizational subsystems.

  12. Exploring the association between visual perception abilities and reading of musical notation. (United States)

    Lee, Horng-Yih


    In the reading of music, the acquisition of pitch information depends primarily upon the spatial position of notes as well as upon an individual's spatial processing ability. This study investigated the relationship between the ability to read single notes and visual-spatial ability. Participants with high and low single-note reading abilities were differentiated based upon differences in musical notation-reading abilities and their spatial processing; object recognition abilities were then assessed. It was found that the group with lower note-reading abilities made more errors than did the group with a higher note-reading abilities in the mental rotation task. In contrast, there was no apparent significant difference between the two groups in the object recognition task. These results suggest that note-reading may be related to visual spatial processing abilities, and not to an individual's ability with object recognition.

  13. The impact of depression on musical ability. (United States)

    Reker, Paul; Domschke, Katharina; Zwanzger, Peter; Evers, Stefan


    While there is sustained effort to refine the models and to further decrypt the neuronal underpinnings of cerebral music perception, empirical investigations on the associations of music perception with diagnoses others than focal brain damage need to be amplified. In the present study, a validated and standardized clinical test of musical ability was applied to a sample of severely depressed patients. Basic musical capacities of rhythm, melody and pitch perception, recognition of emotions, and musical memory were evaluated and compared to matched healthy controls and reassessed in a follow-up examination after clinical remission. We enroled 21 in-patients with major depression according to ICD-10 (F32 and F33). The score in the test of musical ability (maximum score 70) was 52.3±7.8 for the patient group and 57.8±4.3 for the control group (p=0.010). In particular, melody comparison, rhythm perception, and emotional categorising of music were impaired in patients. In the longitudinal study, patients improved from 53.6±7.8 to 56.2±6.7 (p=0.038); this improvement could be related to clinical improvement on the Hamilton Depression Scale. The sample size is small, in particular in the follow-up study. The results clearly revealed a significant reduction of musical ability in patients with depression. A part of the patients could even be diagnosed with a clinically relevant amusia. Along with significant decrease of depressive symptoms, the patients significantly improved with respect to musical ability. These findings suggest a systematic impact of depression on musical ability, they are of importance for the application of music therapy in depressive patients and for the function of music to improve their quality of life. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Glass Forming Ability in Systems with Competing Orderings (United States)

    Russo, John; Romano, Flavio; Tanaka, Hajime


    Some liquids, if cooled rapidly enough to avoid crystallization, can be frozen into a nonergodic glassy state. The tendency for a material to form a glass when quenched is called "glass-forming ability," and it is of key significance both fundamentally and for materials science applications. Here, we consider liquids with competing orderings, where an increase in the glass-forming ability is signaled by a depression of the melting temperature towards its minimum at triple or eutectic points. With simulations of two model systems where glass-forming ability can be tuned by an external parameter, we are able to interpolate between crystal-forming and glass-forming behavior. We find that the enhancement of the glass-forming ability is caused by an increase in the structural difference between liquid and crystal: stronger competition in orderings towards the melting point minimum makes a liquid structure more disordered (more complex). This increase in the liquid-crystal structure difference can be described by a single adimensional parameter, i.e., the interface energy cost scaled by the thermal energy, which we call the "thermodynamic interface penalty." Our finding may provide a general physical principle for not only controlling the glass-forming ability but also the emergence of glassy behavior of various systems with competing orderings, including orderings of structural, magnetic, electronic, charge, and dipolar origin.

  15. Work ability of Dutch employees with rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    de Croon, E M; Sluiter, J K; Nijssen, T F; Kammeijer, M; Dijkmans, B A C; Lankhorst, G J; Frings-Dresen, M H W


    To (i) examine the association between fatigue, psychosocial work characteristics (job control, support, participation in decision making, psychological job demands), and physical work requirements on the one hand and work ability of employees with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on the other, and (ii) determine the advice that health care professionals give to employees with RA on how to maintain their work ability. Data were gathered from 78 employees with early RA (response = 99%) by telephone interviews and self-report questionnaires. Fatigue, lack of autonomy, low coworker/supervisor support, low participation in decision making, and high physical work requirements (i.e. using manual force) predicted low work ability. High psychological job demands, however, did not predict low work ability. The rheumatologist, occupational physician, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, and psychologist gave advice on how to cope with RA at work to 36, 30, 27, 26, and 17% of the employees, respectively. Advice was directed mainly at factors intrinsic to the employee. Employees expressed a positive attitude towards this advice. Fatigue, lack of support, lack of autonomy, lack of participation in decision making, and using manual force at work (e.g. pushing and pulling) threaten the work ability of employees with RA. According to the employees with RA, involvement of health care professionals from different disciplines and the implementation of organizational and technical interventions would help them to tackle these threats.

  16. Cognitive abilities in children in contexts of poverty

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    Silvina Cohen Imach


    Full Text Available A series of studies of cognitive abilities were conducted on a group of children at a context of poverty, in reason of learning about the quality of such capabilities, and in direct relationship to low school performance and subsequent risk of academic underachievement. Fifty three 4th year EGB-2 (Elementary School children of both sexes participated. They attend a suburban school outside the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Tests of Analogies and Building with Cubes of Wechsler ́s Intelligence Scale III (WISCIII were used in the process. Additionally, a register protocol was prepared by the research team. Outcomes were articulated with a demographic poll inquiring on the social-economic context of the children. Results reveal a proportion of 18.9 % of the children showing below standard records in cognitive abilities related to the aptitude in forming verbal concepts, and of 13.2 % in non- verbal concepts. Verbal abilities refer to the faculty of classifying and categorizing, for which the subject needs to organize, abstract and find relationship between facts or ideas and the comprehension of oral/audio assignments. Non- verbal abilities submit to the aptitude of making processes of analysis- synthesis and applying non- verbal reasoning to spatial relationships. This group of children was selected to receive – in second stage- training in these abilities through the Instrumental Enrichment Program. 

  17. Music Abilities and Experiences as Predictors of Error-Detection Skill. (United States)

    Brand, Manny; Burnsed, Vernon


    This study examined the predictive validity of previous music abilities and experiences of skill in music error detection among undergraduate instrumental music education majors. Results indicated no statistically significant relationships which suggest that the ability to detect music errors may exist independently of other music abilities.…

  18. Interaction of lifestyle and work ability index in blue collar workers. (United States)

    Mohammadi, Saber; Ghaffari, Mostafa; Abdi, Alireza; Bahadori, Baharak; Mirzamohammadi, Elham; Attarchi, Mirsaeed


    Early labor force exit is one of the major problems worldwide. The present study investigates the relationship between work ability and lifestyle. This study was conducted at a manufacturing plant in Tehran in 2012. All 851 male workers in this plant were included into the study and their work ability was assessed using the Work Ability Index (WAI). Based on the obtained scores, the participants were then classified into four work ability groups (poor, moderate, good, or excellent). Moreover, the participants' lifestyles were studied in three areas, including physical activity, cigarette smoking, and Body Mass Index (BMI). The average work ability index score was 42.07, ranging from 7-48. Among the participants, 6.4% (43), 6.5% (44), 38.3% (259), and 48.8% (330) were in the groups with poor, moderate, good, and excellent work ability, respectively. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between work ability and lifestyle (cigarette smoking, BMI, and physical activity) even after adjustment for confounding variables (Pwork ability and lifestyle (physical activity, BMI, cigarette smoking). Therefore, it is recommended to implement a lifestyle quality enhancement program to improve work ability in working environments.

  19. Chris Kraus: "Polli päevikud" on minu väga isiklik lugu mu esivanematest / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Chris Kraus filmi "Polli päevikud" (Saksamaa-Austria-Eesti) saamisloost. Näitlejatest, Tambet Tuisu osatäitmisest. Film üheks peategelaseks on režissööri vanatädi, luuletaja Oda Saefer. Tegevus toimub Eestis 1914. a. Polli (Põlula) mõis ehitati filmi jaoks üles Matsiranda Varbla lähedal. PÖFF-i EurAsia programmi žürii tunnistas Chris Krausi parimaks režissööriks

  20. Numerical abilities in fish: A methodological review. (United States)

    Agrillo, Christian; Miletto Petrazzini, Maria Elena; Bisazza, Angelo


    The ability to utilize numerical information can be adaptive in a number of ecological contexts including foraging, mating, parental care, and anti-predator strategies. Numerical abilities of mammals and birds have been studied both in natural conditions and in controlled laboratory conditions using a variety of approaches. During the last decade this ability was also investigated in some fish species. Here we reviewed the main methods used to study this group, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each of the methods used. Fish have only been studied under laboratory conditions and among the methods used with other species, only two have been systematically used in fish-spontaneous choice tests and discrimination learning procedures. In the former case, the choice between two options is observed in a biologically relevant situation and the degree of preference for the larger/smaller group is taken as a measure of the capacity to discriminate the two quantities (e.g., two shoals differing in number). In discrimination learning tasks, fish are trained to select the larger or the smaller of two sets of abstract objects, typically two-dimensional geometric figures, using food or social companions as reward. Beyond methodological differences, what emerges from the literature is a substantial similarity of the numerical abilities of fish with those of other vertebrates studied. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Tertiary Students’ Entrepreneurial Ability of Entrepreneurship-Embedded Internship Program in Education Service Industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chun-Mei Chou


    Full Text Available The study aims to explore tertiary students’ entrepreneurial ability of entrepreneurship-embedded internship program in education service industry. To achieve this goal, the study uses interviews, and panel discussions to confirm entrepreneurial ability. In addition, the study utilizes transformation of knowledge and ability to select representative knowledge items and to confirm the entrepreneurial ability structure of entrepreneurship-embedded internship program in education service industry through panel discussions. Entrepreneurs in education service industry should have these ten categories, total 42 items, such as essential professional knowledge item; that is, entrepreneurial skills, education ability, marketing ability, computer ability, service ability, and management ability, in order to cultivate entrepreneurs’ abilities of education service industry effectively. Core entrepreneurial ability of education service industry entrepreneurs should include 13 items in total, including entrepreneurial skills, education ability, marketing ability and service ability and so on.

  2. Innovation ability and innovation spirit in photoelectric comprehensive experiment teaching (United States)

    Wang, Dexing; Zhang, Yang; Wang, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Xiaojun; Zhang, Tao; Sun, Peng


    The traditional experimental teaching methods have some shortcomings in the training the student innovation ability. In order to improve the student practical ability in the photoelectric technology, in this paper new experimental teaching modes are tried and reformed for cultivating the innovative ability of students in the linear CCD experiment. The photoelectric experiment systems are independently designed and completed by students. Compared with the traditional experimental teaching methods, this new methods have a great role in the development of the ability of creative thinking.

  3. Academic Reading ability of first-year students: what's high school ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Both groups were administered a pre-test and post-test of academic reading ability. The dependent variable was academic reading ability and the independent variables were matric grade and prior exposure. Two measures of reading ability were used, namely a reading comprehension and a cloze passage. An analysis of ...

  4. Motivation and Math Anxiety for Ability Grouped College Math Students (United States)

    Helming, Luralyn


    The author studied how math anxiety, motivation, and ability group interact to affect performance in college math courses. This clarified the effects of math anxiety and ability grouping on performance. It clarified the interrelationships between math anxiety, motivation, and ability grouping by considering them in a single analysis. It introduces…

  5. managerial ability and farming success : an analysis of small ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This research and analysis drew from the field of Industrial Psychology to determine and ... capital and sound financial structure within farmers' business, market access, ... managerial ability and strong entrepreneurial instinct; ability to handle.

  6. Animation, audio, and spatial ability: Optimizing multimedia for scientific explanations (United States)

    Koroghlanian, Carol May

    This study investigated the effects of audio, animation and spatial ability in a computer based instructional program for biology. The program presented instructional material via text or audio with lean text and included eight instructional sequences presented either via static illustrations or animations. High school students enrolled in a biology course were blocked by spatial ability and randomly assigned to one of four treatments (Text-Static Illustration Audio-Static Illustration, Text-Animation, Audio-Animation). The study examined the effects of instructional mode (Text vs. Audio), illustration mode (Static Illustration vs. Animation) and spatial ability (Low vs. High) on practice and posttest achievement, attitude and time. Results for practice achievement indicated that high spatial ability participants achieved more than low spatial ability participants. Similar results for posttest achievement and spatial ability were not found. Participants in the Static Illustration treatments achieved the same as participants in the Animation treatments on both the practice and posttest. Likewise, participants in the Text treatments achieved the same as participants in the Audio treatments on both the practice and posttest. In terms of attitude, participants responded favorably to the computer based instructional program. They found the program interesting, felt the static illustrations or animations made the explanations easier to understand and concentrated on learning the material. Furthermore, participants in the Animation treatments felt the information was easier to understand than participants in the Static Illustration treatments. However, no difference for any attitude item was found for participants in the Text as compared to those in the Audio treatments. Significant differences were found by Spatial Ability for three attitude items concerning concentration and interest. In all three items, the low spatial ability participants responded more positively

  7. Worksite adjustments and work ability among employed cancer survivors. (United States)

    Torp, Steffen; Nielsen, Roy A; Gudbergsson, Sævar B; Dahl, Alv A


    This study was conducted to determine how many cancer survivors (CSs) make worksite adjustments and what kinds of adjustments they make. Changes in work ability among employed CSs were explored, and clinical, sociodemographic, and work-related factors associated with the current total work ability were studied. CSs of the ten most common invasive types of cancer for men and women in Norway completed a mailed questionnaire 15-39 months after being diagnosed with cancer. Included in the analyses were all participants who worked both at the time of diagnosis and at the time of the survey and who had not changed their labor force status since diagnosis (n = 563). The current total work ability was compared to the lifetime best (0-10 score). Twenty-six percent of the employed CSs had made adjustments at work, and the most common adjustment was changing the number of work hours per week. Despite the fact that 31% and 23% reported reduced physical and mental work abilities, respectively, more than 90% of the CSs reported that they coped well with their work demands. The mean total work ability score was high (8.6) among both men and women. Being self-employed and working part-time at the time of diagnosis showed significant negative correlations with total work ability, while a favorable psychosocial work environment showed a significant positive correlation. CSs with low work ability were more often in contact with the occupational health service and also made more worksite adjustments than others. The prospects of future work life seem optimistic for Norwegian employed CSs who return to work relatively soon after primary treatment.

  8. Early motor development and cognitive abilities among Mexican preschoolers. (United States)

    Osorio-Valencia, Erika; Torres-Sánchez, Luisa; López-Carrillo, Lizbeth; Rothenberg, Stephen J; Schnaas, Lourdes


    Psychomotricity plays a very important role in children's development, especially for learning involving reading-writing and mathematical calculations. Evaluate motor development in children 3 years old and its relationship with their cognitive abilities at the age of 5 years. Based on a cohort study, we analyzed the information about motor performance evaluated at 3 years old by Peabody Motor Scale and cognitive abilities at 5 years old. The association was estimated using linear regression models adjusted by mother's intelligence quotient, sex, Bayley mental development index at 18 months, and quality of the environment at home (HOME scale). 148 children whose motor performance was determined at age 3 and was evaluated later at age 5 to determine their cognitive abilities. Cognitive abilities (verbal, quantitative, and memory) measured by McCarthy Scales. Significant positive associations were observed between stationary balance at age 3 with verbal abilities (β = 0.67, p = .04) and memory (β = 0.81, p = .02) at 5 years. Grasping and visual-motor integration were significant and positively associated with quantitative abilities (β = 0.74, p = .005; β = 0.61, p = .01) and memory (β = 2.11, p = .001; β = 1.74, p = .004). The results suggest that early motor performance contributes to the establishment of cognitive abilities at 5 years. Evaluation and early motor stimulation before the child is faced with formal learning likely helps to create neuronal networks that facilitate the acquisition of academic knowledge.

  9. Construct ability Improvement for Nuclear Power Plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Dae Soo; Lee, Jong Rim; Kim, Jong Ku [Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study was to identify methods for improving the construct ability of nuclear power plants. This study reviewed several references of current construction practices of domestic and overseas nuclear plants in order to identify potential methods for improving construct ability. The identified methods for improving construct ability were then evaluated based on the applicability to domestic nuclear plant construction. The selected methods are expected to reduce the construction period, improve the quality of construction, cost, safety, and productivity. Selection of which methods should be implemented will require further evaluation of construction modifications, design changes, contract revisions. Among construction methods studied, platform construction methods can be applied through construction sequence modification without significant design changes, and Over the Top construction method of the NSSS, automatic welding of RCL pipes, CLP modularization, etc., are considered to be applied after design modification and adjustment of material lead time. (author). 49 refs., figs., tabs.

  10. Concept mapping learning strategy to enhance students' mathematical connection ability (United States)

    Hafiz, M.; Kadir, Fatra, Maifalinda


    The concept mapping learning strategy in teaching and learning mathematics has been investigated by numerous researchers. However, there are still less researchers who have scrutinized about the roles of map concept which is connected to the mathematical connection ability. Being well understood on map concept, it may help students to have ability to correlate one concept to other concept in order that the student can solve mathematical problems faced. The objective of this research was to describe the student's mathematical connection ability and to analyze the effect of using concept mapping learning strategy to the students' mathematical connection ability. This research was conducted at senior high school in Jakarta. The method used a quasi-experimental with randomized control group design with the total number was 72 students as the sample. Data obtained through using test in the post-test after giving the treatment. The results of the research are: 1) Students' mathematical connection ability has reached the good enough level category; 2) Students' mathematical connection ability who had taught with concept mapping learning strategy is higher than who had taught with conventional learning strategy. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that concept mapping learning strategycould enhance the students' mathematical connection ability, especially in trigonometry.

  11. Naming abilities: Differentiation between objects and verbs in aphasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luisa Carmen Spezzano

    Full Text Available Abstract Cognitive Neuropsychology aims to understand the processing mechanisms of normal and injured brain, by means of functional architectural models of information processing. Naming is one of the most important abilities in linguistic processing. Naming of different semantic and grammatical categories differ in their lexical properties and have distinct neuroanatomical substrates. We reviewed literature data on the differences between nouns and verbs in aphasic subjects reported by scientific publications in the form of indexed articles. Studies on naming abilities tended to emphasize the differentiation between nouns and verbs both in their lexical properties and neuroanatomical substrates. Functional neuroimaging studies have improved the state of knowledge regarding category-specific naming abilities, but further studies on different types of aphasia and the use of naming abilities in different contexts are warranted.

  12. Experiences of work ability in young workers: an exploratory interview study. (United States)

    Boström, Maria; Holmgren, Kristina; Sluiter, Judith K; Hagberg, Mats; Grimby-Ekman, Anna


    The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of and influences on work ability in young workers related to their work and life situation. In a qualitative study of a strategic sample of 12 young female and 12 young male workers, aged 25-30 years, in work or recently left work, recruited from the 5-year follow-up of a Swedish cohort, semi-structured interviews were performed to explore the experiences of work ability in these young workers. Systematic text condensation inspired by phenomenology was used in the analysis. Work ability was experienced as complex, consisting of four themes, each with three subthemes. To be alert and have energy, to possess sufficient education, skills and working life experience and experience meaningfulness and engagement in work, were perceived to be fundamental for work ability and were seen as the worker's own responsibility. Moreover, work ability can be improved or reduced by the psychosocial work climate, the work organization and the private life. Optimal work ability was experienced when all themes integrated in a positive way. Work ability was experienced as the worker's own responsibility that could be influenced by work circumstances and private life. To promote good work ability among young workers, work ability has to be understood in its specific context. Whether the understanding of work ability found in this study is explicit for the group of young adults needs to be explored in a more general population in further research.


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    Fenny Thresia


    Full Text Available This research is a qualitative research with two variables. The classroom action research is conducted at phisics study program of Muhammadiyah University of Metro. The subject of this research is first semester students of physics study program. The number of the students is 22. The objective of this research was to know how cue cards technique improve the students’ writing ability in descriptive text. The researcher choose one class because they have problem in writing ability. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The data were collected from test (pre test and post test, observation. The result of this research can be seen from the average score of pre test (before treatment was 61,86, in cycle 1 was 70,90 and in post test cycle 2 was 78. That was involved in upgrading maximally. It implied that cue cards technique can improve the students writing ability in descriptive text. In other words, the class had fulfilled criteria success of standard students competency from the school.It was supported by the observation of the students. From the result of the discussion, the researcher concludes that in this research there is an improvement student writing ability in descriptive text using cue cards technique at the students of physics academic year 2015/2016. Key Words : Descriptive Text, Writing Ability, Cue Cards Technique

  14. Visual perceptual abilities of Chinese-speaking and English-speaking children. (United States)

    Lai, Mun Yee; Leung, Frederick Koon Shing


    This paper reports an investigation of Chinese-speaking and English-speaking children's general visual perceptual abilities. The Developmental Test of Visual Perception was administered to 41 native Chinese-speaking children of mean age 5 yr. 4 mo. in Hong Kong and 35 English-speaking children of mean age 5 yr. 2 mo. in Melbourne. Of interest were the two interrelated components of visual perceptual abilities, namely, motor-reduced visual perceptual and visual-motor integration perceptual abilities, which require either verbal or motoric responses in completing visual tasks. Chinese-speaking children significantly outperformed the English-speaking children on general visual perceptual abilities. When comparing the results of each of the two different components, the Chinese-speaking students' performance on visual-motor integration was far better than that of their counterparts (ES = 2.70), while the two groups of students performed similarly on motor-reduced visual perceptual abilities. Cultural factors such as written language format may be contributing to the enhanced performance of Chinese-speaking children's visual-motor integration abilities, but there may be validity questions in the Chinese version.

  15. Writing Abilities Longitudinally Predict Academic Outcomes of Adolescents with ADHD (United States)

    Molitor, Stephen J.; Langberg, Joshuah M.; Bourchtein, Elizaveta; Eddy, Laura D.; Dvorsky, Melissa R.; Evans, Steven W.


    Students with ADHD often experience a host of negative academic outcomes and deficits in reading and mathematics abilities contribute to these academic impairments. Students with ADHD may also have difficulties with written expression but there has been minimal research in this area and it is not clear whether written expression abilities uniquely contribute to the academic functioning of students with ADHD. The current study included a sample of 104 middle school students diagnosed with ADHD (grades 6–8). Participants were followed longitudinally to evaluate whether written expression abilities at baseline predicted student GPA and parent ratings of academic impairment 18 months later, after controlling for reading ability and additional relevant covariates. Written expression abilities longitudinally predicted both academic outcomes above and beyond ADHD and ODD symptoms, medication use, reading ability, and baseline values of GPA and parent-rated academic impairment. Follow-up analyses revealed that no single aspect of written expression was demonstrably more impactful on academic outcomes than the others, suggesting that writing as an entire process should be the focus of intervention. PMID:26783650

  16. Ability Dispersion and Team Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoogendoorn, Sander; Parker, Simon C.; Van Praag, Mirjam

    What is the effect of dispersed levels of cognitive ability of members of a (business) team on their team's performance? This paper reports the results of a field experiment in which 573 students in 49 teams start up and manage real companies under identical circumstances. We ensured exogenous va...

  17. Cognitive Abilities of Maltreated Children (United States)

    Viezel, Kathleen D.; Freer, Benjamin D.; Lowell, Ari; Castillo, Jenean A.


    School psychologists should be aware of developmental risk factors for children who have been abused or neglected. The present study used the "Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition" to examine the cognitive abilities of 120 children in foster care subsequent to maltreatment. Results indicated that, compared to a…

  18. Functional ability among elderly people in three service settings: the discriminatory power of a new functional ability scale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Avlund, K; Holstein, B E


    The purpose is to assess the discriminatory power of the Avlund scales: (1) by assessing the ability of the scales to discriminate between three different populations of elderly people, and (2) by studying groups with a poor fit between use of formal home care and functional ability. The study...... included (A) all residents in new sheltered housing facilities (response rate 68%, n = 102), (B) a random sample of users of home care (response rate 67%, n = 435), and (C) a random sample of individuals not using home care (response rate 74%, n = 501). All participants were 60+ years old. Data were...

  19. Myth 15: High-Ability Students Don't Face Problems and Challenges (United States)

    Moon, Sidney M.


    One rationale for failure to address the needs of high-ability students in schools is that high-ability students do not need special services because they do not face any special problems or challenges. A more extreme corollary of this attitude is the notion that high ability is so protective that students with high ability do not face problems or…

  20. Intensity of musculoskeletal pain and (in) ability to work in nursing. (United States)

    Magnago, Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza; de Lima, Ana Cláudia Soares; Prochnow, Andrea; Ceron, Marinez Diniz da Silva; Tavares, Juliana Petri; Urbanetto, Janete de Souza


    the aim was to evaluate the association between the intensity of musculoskeletal pain and reduction in work ability among nursing workers. a cross-sectional study, involving 592 nursing staff in a public university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The Brazilian version of the Finnish questionnaire for calculating Work Ability Index was used, whose score varies from 7 to 49 points. The score was dichotomized as reduced work ability (7 to 36 points) and good/excellent ability (37 to 49 points). The intensity of musculoskeletal pain over the previous week was evaluated, using a numerical pain scale. 43.3% of the participants had reduced work ability and 48.8% reported strong to unbearable pain. Even after adjusting for potentially confounding factors (function and length of service in the function), the workers who mentioned strong to unbearable pain were four times more likely to be classified in the group with reduced work ability. A positive association was determined between intensity of musculoskeletal pain and reduction in work ability. It is necessary to adopt intervention measures in the organizational structure, so as to promote/restore work ability.

  1. The concept of `work ability' from the view point of employers. (United States)

    Jansson, Inger; Björklund, Anita; Perseius, Kent-Inge; Gunnarsson, A Birgitta


    Since work ability is manifested in working life and ``bought'' by employers, employers perceptions of the concept are important to understand. Studies have shown that people with health problems want to take part in the labour market, but experience difficulties in gaining access. Additionally, studies have demonstrated the doubt felt by employers when they consider hiring a person with a disability. The aim was to identify and characterise employers' conceptions of work ability. The study design was qualitative with a phenomenographic approach. Six male and six female employers from various workplaces and geographical areas in Sweden were interviewed. Three domains were identified: employees' contributions to work ability, employers' contributions to work ability and circumstances with limited work ability. Work ability was regarded as a tool in production and its output, production, was the main issue. The employees' commitment and interest could bridge other shortcomings. The employers highlighted their own contributions in shaping work ability in order to fit with work circumstances. Health problems were not the only limiting issues; other circumstances, such as individual characteristics and contextual factors, could limit work ability too. Knowing the importance of commitment and interest is valuable in work rehabilitation.

  2. Oral Cancer Knowledge and Diagnostic Ability Among Dental Students. (United States)

    Hassona, Y; Scully, C; Abu Tarboush, N; Baqain, Z; Ismail, F; Hawamdeh, S; Sawair, F


    The purpose of this study is to examine factors that influence the diagnostic ability of dental students with regards to oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders. Dental students at different levels of study were directly interviewed to examine their oral cancer knowledge and diagnostic ability using a validated and pre-tested survey instrument containing validated clinical images of oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders. An oral cancer knowledge scale (0 to 31) was generated from correct responses on oral cancer general knowledge, and a diagnostic ability scale (0 to 100) was generated from correct selections of suspicious oral lesions. Knowledge scores ranged from 0 to 27 (mean 10.1 ± 6.0); mean knowledge scores increased with year of study; 5th year students had the highest mean knowledge score (19.1 ± 4.0), while 1st year students had the lowest (5.6 ± 3.5). Diagnostic ability scores increased with year of study and ranged from 0 to 88.5 % (mean 41.8 % ± 15.6). The ability to recognize suspicious oral lesions was significantly correlated with knowledge about oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders (r = 0.28; P oral cancer education curricula; increasing students' contact with patients who have oral lesions including oral cancer will help to improve their future diagnostic ability and early detection practices.

  3. The consideration of emotional intelligence abilities in event volunteers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reza Andam


    Full Text Available The measurement of emotional intelligence abilities is one of the new subjects and important in human behavior studies. According to this matter, purpose of this research is consideration of emotional intelligence abilities in public sport events volunteers in 2011. For this purpose, Bradbury and Cruise's standard questionnaire was completed by present volunteers in event (n=80. The results indicated that 4 levels of emotional intelligence in volunteers are higher than expectational average significantly (p<0.01. Also, priority of emotional intelligence abilities indicated that self-awareness is first priority and social awareness, relationship management and self-management are second, third and fourth priorities in volunteers. Finally, in the basis of parameter, results stated that there is no difference between male and female volunteers emotional intelligence in first Olympia of public sport. According to results of present research and advantages of attention to emotional intelligence and human behavior in organizations, it recommended sport events managers to be more sensitive relative to human behavior abilities in human behavior abilities in human resource (volunteers under his management. At least, result of this meditation in student's sport is recruitment and development of motivated volunteers for continuous attendance in sport events.

  4. Veridical mapping in the development of exceptional autistic abilities. (United States)

    Mottron, Laurent; Bouvet, Lucie; Bonnel, Anna; Samson, Fabienne; Burack, Jacob A; Dawson, Michelle; Heaton, Pamela


    Superior perception, peaks of ability, and savant skills are often observed in the autistic phenotype. The enhanced perceptual functioning model (Mottron et al., 2006a) emphasizes the increased role and autonomy of perceptual information processing in autistic cognition. Autistic abilities also involve enhanced pattern detection, which may develop through veridical mapping across isomorphic perceptual and non-perceptual structures (Mottron et al., 2009). In this paper, we elaborate veridical mapping as a specific mechanism which can explain the higher incidence of savant abilities, as well as other related phenomena, in autism. We contend that savant abilities such as hyperlexia, but also absolute pitch and synaesthesia, involve similar neurocognitive components, share the same structure and developmental course, and represent related ways by which the perceptual brain deals with objective structures under different conditions. Plausibly, these apparently different phenomena develop through a veridical mapping mechanism whereby perceptual information is coupled with homological data drawn from within or across isomorphic structures. The atypical neural connectivity characteristic of autism is consistent with a developmental predisposition to veridical mapping and the resulting high prevalence of savant abilities, absolute pitch, and synaesthesia in autism. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Spatial abilities and anatomy knowledge assessment: A systematic review. (United States)

    Langlois, Jean; Bellemare, Christian; Toulouse, Josée; Wells, George A


    Anatomy knowledge has been found to include both spatial and non-spatial components. However, no systematic evaluation of studies relating spatial abilities and anatomy knowledge has been undertaken. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the relationship between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment. A literature search was done up to March 20, 2014 in Scopus and in several databases on the OvidSP and EBSCOhost platforms. Of the 556 citations obtained, 38 articles were identified and fully reviewed yielding 21 eligible articles and their quality were formally assessed. Non-significant relationships were found between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment using essays and non-spatial multiple-choice questions. Significant relationships were observed between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment using practical examination, three-dimensional synthesis from two-dimensional views, drawing of views, and cross-sections. Relationships between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment using spatial multiple-choice questions were unclear. The results of this systematic review provide evidence for spatial and non-spatial methods of anatomy knowledge assessment. Anat Sci Educ 10: 235-241. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.

  6. Availability of new drugs and Americans' ability to work. (United States)

    Lichtenberg, Frank R


    The objective of this work was the investigation of the extent to which the introduction of new drugs has increased society's ability to produce goods and services by increasing the number of hours worked per member of the working-age population. Econometric models of ability-to-work measures from data on approximately 200,000 individuals with 47 major chronic conditions observed throughout a 15-year period (1982-1996) were estimated. Under very conservative assumptions, the estimates indicate that the value of the increase in ability to work attributable to new drugs is 2.5 times as great as expenditure on new drugs. The potential of drugs to increase employee productivity should be considered in the design of drug-reimbursement policies. Conversely, policies that broadly reduce the development and utilization of new drugs may ultimately reduce our ability to produce other goods and services.

  7. Socioeconomic Position Across the Life Course and Cognitive Ability Later in Life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foverskov, Else; Mortensen, Erik Lykke; Holm, Anders


    OBJECTIVE: Investigate direct and indirect associations between markers of socioeconomic position (SEP) across the life course and midlife cognitive ability while addressing methodological limitations in prior work. METHOD: Longitudinal data from the Danish Metropolit cohort of men born in 1953 ( N......: The impact of adult SEP on later life ability may be exaggerated when not accounting for the stability of individual differences in cognitive ability and measurement error in test scores....... of accounting for childhood ability and measurement error. RESULTS: Associations between adult SEP measures and midlife ability decreased significantly when adjusting for childhood ability and measurement error. The association between childhood and midlife ability was by far the strongest. DISCUSSION...

  8. Work ability of Chinese migrant workers: the influence of migration characteristics. (United States)

    Han, Lu; Shi, Leiyu; Lu, Liming; Ling, Li


    Migrant workers have become a vital labor supply to China's economy. Their migration process and work conditions may influence their health and work ability. The work ability of migrant workers in China and the influence of the migration process on work ability have not been explored extensively in previous studies. The objective of this study is to evaluate the association of migration characteristics and work-related factors with work ability among migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta. In this cross-sectional survey, the study population consisted of 907 migrant workers from ten factories in the Pearl River Delta who were exposed to organic solvents during work. The primary dependent variable of the study was work ability, measured by the Work Ability Index (WAI). The independent variables were individual characteristics, migration characteristics, and work-related factors. Logistic regression models were used to determine the influence of different factors on work ability and three dimensions of WAI. The result shows that among migration characteristics, social support was significantly associated with all three dimensions of the work ability index. Permanent migration intention and longer length of migration were negatively associated with the mental resource dimension of WAI. WAI was also influenced by individual and work-related factors. The findings of this study suggest that expanding migrants' social networks and social support systems in their work place or living community, (i.e. expanding the functions of labor unions) would be an effective way to improve migrant workers' work ability. Improving of migrant workers' physical and psychosocial related work environments would also increase their work ability.

  9. Learning Anatomy Enhances Spatial Ability (United States)

    Vorstenbosch, Marc A. T. M.; Klaassen, Tim P. F. M.; Donders, A. R. T.; Kooloos, Jan G. M.; Bolhuis, Sanneke M.; Laan, Roland F. J. M.


    Spatial ability is an important factor in learning anatomy. Students with high scores on a mental rotation test (MRT) systematically score higher on anatomy examinations. This study aims to investigate if learning anatomy also oppositely improves the MRT-score. Five hundred first year students of medicine ("n" = 242, intervention) and…

  10. An Alternative to Ability Grouping (United States)

    Tomlinson, Carol Ann


    Ability grouping is a common approach to dealing with student variance in learning. In general, findings suggest that such an approach to dealing with student differences is disadvantageous to students who struggle in school and advantageous to advanced learners. The concept of differentiation suggests that there is another alternative to…

  11. Technology and Motor Ability Development (United States)

    Wang, Lin; Lang, Yong; Luo, Zhongmin


    As a new member joining the technology family, active video games have been developed to promote physical exercise. This working-in-progress paper shares an ongoing project on examining the basic motor abilities that are enhanced through participating in commercially available active video games. [For the full proceedings see ED557181.

  12. [Management abilities of the head surgeon: essential for survival!]. (United States)

    Jähne, J


    Due to increased economic challenges in the management of hospitals head surgeons do not only need excellent surgical expertise but also significant management qualities. The personality of head surgeons should include authenticity, sincerity, fairness and the ability to cooperate. Visionary leadership, strategic thinking and strategic management of the personnel are further prerequisites for success. Besides good abilities in communication head surgeons need knowledge of the operating figures for interpretation. To keep up with the own capabilities time and self-management is essential. A survival as head surgeon is likely if these qualities and abilities exist.

  13. The factorial structure of cognitive abilities in childhood

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Azevedo Martins


    Full Text Available Recent studies have shown contradictory evidence regarding cognitive abilities differentiation and organization in childhood. Cattell's investment theory postulated that during the early stages of life, the individual begins with a single and general ability (fluid intelligence, in which the relevance tends to decrease during adolescence, due to the appearance of differentiated abilities developed through the process of socialization and associated with the motivations, interests and experiences. This study analyses whether the factorial structure of the results in a battery of tests supports the existence of a general factor or, instead, a structure formed by different specific factors. A sample of 472 Portuguese children, aged between 4 and 10 years old, completed the Cognitive Competencies Scale for Children (ECCOs 4/10, and four subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Revised (WPPSI-R. The adjustment of some models that reflect different psychometric theories of intelligence was tested by several confirmatory factor analyses (CFA. The implications of the tested models in the organization of cognitive abilities for cognitive development and school learning in childhood are also discussed.

  14. [Effects of mental workload on work ability in primary and secondary school teachers]. (United States)

    Xiao, Yuanmei; Li, Weijuan; Ren, Qingfeng; Ren, Xiaohui; Wang, Zhiming; Wang, Mianzhen; Lan, Yajia


    To investigate the change pattern of primary and secondary school teachers' work ability with the changes in their mental workload. A total of 901 primary and secondary school teachers were selected by random cluster sampling, and then their mental workload and work ability were assessed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) and Work Ability Index (WAI) questionnaires, whose reliability and validity had been tested. The effects of their mental workload on the work ability were analyzed. Primary and secondary school teachers' work ability reached the highest level at a certain level of mental workload (55.73work ability had a positive correlation with the mental workload. Their work ability increased or maintained stable with the increasing mental workload. Moreover, the percentage of teachers with good work ability increased, while that of teachers with moderate work ability decreased. But when their mental workload was higher than the level, their work ability had a negative correlation with the mental workload. Their work ability significantly decreased with the increasing mental workload (P work ability decreased, while that of teachers with moderate work ability increased (P work ability. Moderate mental workload (55.73∼64.10) will benefit the maintaining and stabilization of their work ability.

  15. Do Teachers' Perceptions of Children's Math and Reading Related Ability and Effort Predict Children's Self-Concept of Ability in Math and Reading? (United States)

    Upadyaya, Katja; Eccles, Jacquelynne


    This study investigated to what extent primary school teachers' perceptions of their students' ability and effort predict developmental changes in children's self-concepts of ability in math and reading after controlling for students' academic performance and general intelligence. Three cohorts (N?=?849) of elementary school children and their…

  16. Does Doxastic Responsibility Entail the Ability to Believe Otherwise?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peels, H.D.


    Whether responsibility for actions and omissions requires the ability to do otherwise is an important issue in contemporary philosophy. However, a closely related but distinct issue, namely whether doxastic responsibility requires the ability to believe otherwise, has been largely neglected. This

  17. University Students' Problem Posing Abilities and Attitudes towards Mathematics. (United States)

    Grundmeier, Todd A.


    Explores the problem posing abilities and attitudes towards mathematics of students in a university pre-calculus class and a university mathematical proof class. Reports a significant difference in numeric posing versus non-numeric posing ability in both classes. (Author/MM)

  18. nutritional status, functional ability and food habits of institutionalised

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 5, 2004 ... Objective: To determine nutritional status, food habits and functional abilities of the institutionalised ... with special family work such as caring for young children, food ... The ability to get around in one' s environment is a basic ...

  19. Developing Interpersonal Abilities With Interactive Vignettes

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Zbylut, Michelle L; Ward, Jason N


    ... of innovation and cultural awareness." This paper discussed an innovative training prototype that not only targets the development of interpersonal ability in junior officers, but also incorporates many of the situation elements...

  20. Do people have insight into their face recognition abilities? (United States)

    Palermo, Romina; Rossion, Bruno; Rhodes, Gillian; Laguesse, Renaud; Tez, Tolga; Hall, Bronwyn; Albonico, Andrea; Malaspina, Manuela; Daini, Roberta; Irons, Jessica; Al-Janabi, Shahd; Taylor, Libby C; Rivolta, Davide; McKone, Elinor


    Diagnosis of developmental or congenital prosopagnosia (CP) involves self-report of everyday face recognition difficulties, which are corroborated with poor performance on behavioural tests. This approach requires accurate self-evaluation. We examine the extent to which typical adults have insight into their face recognition abilities across four experiments involving nearly 300 participants. The experiments used five tests of face recognition ability: two that tap into the ability to learn and recognize previously unfamiliar faces [the Cambridge Face Memory Test, CFMT; Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2006). The Cambridge Face Memory Test: Results for neurologically intact individuals and an investigation of its validity using inverted face stimuli and prosopagnosic participants. Neuropsychologia, 44(4), 576-585. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2005.07.001; and a newly devised test based on the CFMT but where the study phases involve watching short movies rather than viewing static faces-the CFMT-Films] and three that tap face matching [Benton Facial Recognition Test, BFRT; Benton, A., Sivan, A., Hamsher, K., Varney, N., & Spreen, O. (1983). Contribution to neuropsychological assessment. New York: Oxford University Press; and two recently devised sequential face matching tests]. Self-reported ability was measured with the 15-item Kennerknecht et al. questionnaire [Kennerknecht, I., Ho, N. Y., & Wong, V. C. (2008). Prevalence of hereditary prosopagnosia (HPA) in Hong Kong Chinese population. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 146A(22), 2863-2870. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.32552]; two single-item questions assessing face recognition ability; and a new 77-item meta-cognition questionnaire. Overall, we find that adults with typical face recognition abilities have only modest insight into their ability to recognize faces on behavioural tests. In a fifth experiment, we assess self-reported face recognition ability in people with CP and find that some people who expect to

  1. Developing entrepreneurship ability of pre-service mathematics teachers through GSSM (United States)

    Rohaeti, E. E.; Afrilianto, M.; Primandhika, R. B.


    This research aimed to describe mathematical entrepreneurship ability of 136 mathematics education students through Gerakan STKIP Siliwangi Mengajar (GSSM) that was conducted in 7 districts (of 17 villages) in West Java. GSSM was a programme that combines devotion to the society and college student internships activity at several schools within three months. The data was obtained through observation towards the activities performed by the students during GSSM. The questionnaire to measure the mathematical entrepreneurship ability of students. The results showed that 1) there were three activities that encourage the mathematical entrepreneurship ability of students; such as tutoring post, teaching practices in school and entrepreneurial activities in society, 2) through those three activities, students can develop their entrepreneurial spirit well and grow creativity, innovation and calculation take risk ability, 3) there was medium-association between student mathematical concept mastery that supports entrepreneurship with their mathematical entrepreneurship ability.

  2. Demographic and occupational determinants of the work ability of firemen. (United States)

    Firoozeh, Marjan; Saremi, Mahnaz; Kavousi, Amir; Maleki, Azam


    Firefighters tackle various stressors that affect their health and job performance; therefore, assessment of their work ability is necessary. This study aimed to investigate the demographic and occupational determinants of the work ability of firemen. In this cross-sectional study, 375 firemen working in Tehran Fire Department were randomly selected. Demographic, occupational, and work ability index (WAI) questionnaires were applied as research tools. The mean firemen's WAI score was relatively high. There were significant relationships between WAI and age, body mass index, work experience, and weekly leisure-time physical exercise hours. Single employees, those who did not have extra jobs and did not smoke, had greater scores compared to their counterparts. Poisson regression revealed that age and weekly leisure-time physical exercise hours could affect WAI significantly. Although Iranian firemen revealed good work ability, recognizing factors affecting this ability and preparing facilities to promote their function is necessary.

  3. Event segmentation ability uniquely predicts event memory. (United States)

    Sargent, Jesse Q; Zacks, Jeffrey M; Hambrick, David Z; Zacks, Rose T; Kurby, Christopher A; Bailey, Heather R; Eisenberg, Michelle L; Beck, Taylor M


    Memory for everyday events plays a central role in tasks of daily living, autobiographical memory, and planning. Event memory depends in part on segmenting ongoing activity into meaningful units. This study examined the relationship between event segmentation and memory in a lifespan sample to answer the following question: Is the ability to segment activity into meaningful events a unique predictor of subsequent memory, or is the relationship between event perception and memory accounted for by general cognitive abilities? Two hundred and eight adults ranging from 20 to 79years old segmented movies of everyday events and attempted to remember the events afterwards. They also completed psychometric ability tests and tests measuring script knowledge for everyday events. Event segmentation and script knowledge both explained unique variance in event memory above and beyond the psychometric measures, and did so as strongly in older as in younger adults. These results suggest that event segmentation is a basic cognitive mechanism, important for memory across the lifespan. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Relationships between critical thinking ability and nursing competence in clinical nurses. (United States)

    Chang, Mei Jen; Chang, Ying-Ju; Kuo, Shih-Hsien; Yang, Yi-Hsin; Chou, Fan-Hao


    To examine the relationships between critical thinking ability and nursing competence in clinical nurses. There are few evidance-based data related to the relationship between critical thinking ability and nursing competence of clinical nurses. A cross-sectional and correlation research design was used. A total of 570 clinical nurses at a medical centre in southern Taiwan were recruited into this study. Two self-report questionnaires, the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) and the Nursing Competence Scale (NCS), were used to collect data. The critical thinking ability of clinical nurses was at the middle level. The highest score for the subscales of the WGCTA was 'interpretation ability' and the lowest was 'inference ability'. The nursing competence of clinical nurses was at the middle level and above. The highest score for the subscales was 'caring ability' and the lowest was 'research ability'. Critical thinking ability had a significantly positive correlation with nursing competence. Critical thinking, working years, educational levels and position/title were the significant predictors of nursing competence, accounting for 32·9% of the variance. Critical thinking ability had a significantly positive correlation with nursing competence. The critical thinking ability of clinical nurses with a master's degree was significantly better than those with a bachelor's degree or a diploma and nurses with over five working years was significantly better than those with under five years. The findings of this study can further serve as a reference for nursing education to improve nursing curricula and teaching strategies for nurse preparation. It could also be a guideline for nursing administration personnel in on-the-job training and orientation programs for nursing staff. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  5. Math anxiety, self-efficacy, and ability in British undergraduate nursing students. (United States)

    McMullan, Miriam; Jones, Ray; Lea, Susan


    Nurses need to be able to make drug calculations competently. In this study, involving 229 second year British nursing students, we explored the influence of mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and numerical ability on drug calculation ability and determined which factors would best predict this skill. Strong significant relationships (p anxiety, self-efficacy, and ability. Students who failed the numerical and/or drug calculation ability tests were more anxious (p < .001) and less confident (p ≤ .002) in performing calculations than those who passed. Numerical ability made the strongest unique contribution in predicting drug calculation ability (beta = 0.50, p < .001) followed by drug calculation self-efficacy (beta = 0.16, p = .04). Early testing is recommended for basic numerical skills. Faculty are advised to refresh students' numerical skills before introducing drug calculations. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Children with Williams syndrome: Developmental trajectories for intellectual abilities, vocabulary abilities, and adaptive behavior. (United States)

    Mervis, Carolyn B; Pitts, C Holley


    To examine longitudinal trajectories of intellectual abilities, single-word vocabulary abilities, and adaptive behavior for 76 children with Williams syndrome (WS) aged 4-15 years, we compared their standard scores (SSs) at two time points approximately 3 years apart on the same standardized measures. At the group level, mean SS declined significantly for 8 of the 12 measures and showed a slight (nonsignificant) increase or decrease for 4 measures. However, for most measures significant changes in SS were found for only a small proportion of the children, with some children evidencing significant declines and a smaller proportion evidencing significant increases. Significant SS changes were most common for adaptive behavior. For all measures, the mean magnitude of SS change was smaller for older children (>7.5 years at Time 1) than for younger children (general population peers who earned the same SS at Time 1, there was little evidence either of regression (loss of skills) or stagnation (failure to increase raw scores). The relations of these results to those of previous smaller-sample longitudinal studies of children with WS and the implications of the findings are considered. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Glavnõi priz PÖFF ujehhal v Turtsiju / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Lõppes 11. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival. EurAsia programmi grand prix läks Türgi filmile "Takva", parim režissöör on Aleksandr Sokurov ("Aleksandra"), parima naisnäitleja auhinna sai Maarja Jakobson ("Sügisball"), parima meesnäitleja auhinna sai Zdenek Sverak ("Tühjad pudelid"). Parim Eesti film on "Sügisball", mis üldse sai festivalil kuus auhinda. Lisaks auhinnasaajate nimekiri ja lühiintervjuu "3 voprossa" Veiko Õunpuult

  8. Pöffi lõppedes asume ootama järgmist Pöffi / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    Lõppes 11. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival. EurAsia programmi grand prix läks Türgi filmile "Takva", parim režissöör on Aleksandr Sokurov ("Aleksandra"), parima naisnäitleja auhinna sai Maarja Jakobson ("Sügisball"), parima meesnäitleja auhinna sai Zdenek Sverak ("Tühjad pudelid"), elutööpreemia nukufilmi lavastaja Heino Pars. Parim Eesti film on "Sügisball". Lisaks nimekiri "Pöffi auhinnad" ja Jaak Kilmi kommentaar "Minu lemmik oli "La France"

  9. 1970ndate kultuuriruumi idealism / Sirje Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Sirje, 1949-


    Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskuse ja Hansapanga galerii organiseeritud seminarist, mis alustas programmi "Lisandusi kunstiloole", mille eesmärk on hõlmata sõjajärgse kunsti teemasid ja probleeme. Rotermanni soolalaos oli samal ajal Jüri Okase retrospektiivnäitus. 2002. a. on Zimmerli Rutgersi ülikooli ja Jane Voorhaas Zimmerli kunstimuuseumi väljaandel N. & N. Dodge kunstikogu põhjal ilmunud raamat eesti, läti ja leedu kunstist aastatel 1945-1991 "Art of the Baltics"

  10. Competence: Commodification of Human Ability (United States)

    Han, Soonghee


    The purpose of this article is to analyze the meaning and presumptions of competence in the concrete context of knowledge capitalism. First, the nature of competence as a "commodification of human ability" that obtains a standardized monetary value to sell in the labor market, is elucidated by applying Karl Marx's critical theory. Second, it is…

  11. Factors Associated With Work Ability in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Cervical Radiculopathy. (United States)

    Ng, Eunice; Johnston, Venerina; Wibault, Johanna; Löfgren, Håkan; Dedering, Åsa; Öberg, Birgitta; Zsigmond, Peter; Peolsson, Anneli


    Cross-sectional study. To investigate the factors associated with work ability in patients undergoing surgery for cervical radiculopathy. Surgery is a common treatment of cervical radiculopathy in people of working age. However, few studies have investigated the impact on the work ability of these patients. Patients undergoing surgery for cervical radiculopathy (n = 201) were recruited from spine centers in Sweden to complete a battery of questionnaires and physical measures the day before surgery. The associations between various individual, psychological, and work-related factors and self-reported work ability were investigated by Spearman rank correlation coefficient, multivariate linear regression, and forward stepwise regression analyses. Factors that were significant (P work ability. Work ability was assessed using the Work Ability Index. The mean Work Ability Index score was 28 (SD, 9.0). The forward stepwise regression analysis revealed 6 factors significantly associated with work ability, which explained 62% of the variance in the Work Ability Index. Factors highly correlated with greater work ability included greater self-efficacy in performing self-cares, lower physical load on the neck at work, greater self-reported chance of being able to work in 6 months' time, greater use of active coping strategies, lower frequency of hand weakness, and higher health-related quality of life. Psychological, work-related and individual factors were significantly associated with work ability in patients undergoing surgery for cervical radiculopathy. High self-efficacy was most associated with greater work ability. Consideration of these factors by surgeons preoperatively may provide optimal return to work outcomes after surgery. 3.

  12. Interoceptive ability predicts aversion to losses. (United States)

    Sokol-Hessner, Peter; Hartley, Catherine A; Hamilton, Jeffrey R; Phelps, Elizabeth A


    Emotions have been proposed to inform risky decision-making through the influence of affective physiological responses on subjective value. The ability to perceive internal body states, or "interoception" may influence this relationship. Here, we examined whether interoception predicts participants' degree of loss aversion, which has been previously linked to choice-related arousal responses. Participants performed both a heartbeat-detection task indexing interoception and a risky monetary decision-making task, from which loss aversion, risk attitudes and choice consistency were parametrically measured. Interoceptive ability correlated selectively with loss aversion and was unrelated to the other value parameters. This finding suggests that specific and separable component processes underlying valuation are shaped not only by our physiological responses, as shown in previous findings, but also by our interoceptive access to such signals.

  13. Work ability of Chinese migrant workers: the influence of migration characteristics


    Han, Lu; Shi, Leiyu; Lu, Liming; Ling, Li


    Background Migrant workers have become a vital labor supply to China’s economy. Their migration process and work conditions may influence their health and work ability. The work ability of migrant workers in China and the influence of the migration process on work ability have not been explored extensively in previous studies. The objective of this study is to evaluate the association of migration characteristics and work-related factors with work ability among migrant workers in the Pearl Ri...

  14. Text Recall in Adulthood: The Role of Intellectual Abilities. (United States)

    Hultsch, David F.; And Others


    Examines age-related predictive relationships among an array of psychometric intellectual ability markers and text recall performance. Women from three age groups (ranging from 21 to 78 years) read and recalled four narratives at three delay intervals and completed a battery of intellectual ability tests. (Author/CB)

  15. Communication Related Abilities and Upward Mobility: A Longitudinal Investigation. (United States)

    Sypher, Beverly Davenport; Zorn, Theodore E., Jr.

    To provide a clearer understanding of the relationship between various communication and communication related abilities and individuals' work performance, a four-year investigation was conducted to examine the relationships among four measures of social cognitive and communication abilities, and the relationships of these measures to job level…

  16. Resting alpha activity predicts learning ability in alpha neurofeedback

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wenya eNan


    Full Text Available Individuals differ in their ability to learn how to regulate the alpha activity by neurofeedback. This study aimed to investigate whether the resting alpha activity is related to the learning ability of alpha enhancement in neurofeedback and could be used as a predictor. A total of 25 subjects performed 20 sessions of individualized alpha neurofeedback in order to learn how to enhance activity in the alpha frequency band. The learning ability was assessed by three indices respectively: the training parameter changes between two periods, within a short period and across the whole training time. It was found that the resting alpha amplitude measured before training had significant positive correlations with all learning indices and could be used as a predictor for the learning ability prediction. This finding would help the researchers in not only predicting the training efficacy in individuals but also gaining further insight into the mechanisms of alpha neurofeedback.

  17. Sensorimotor abilities predict on-field performance in professional baseball. (United States)

    Burris, Kyle; Vittetoe, Kelly; Ramger, Benjamin; Suresh, Sunith; Tokdar, Surya T; Reiter, Jerome P; Appelbaum, L Gregory


    Baseball players must be able to see and react in an instant, yet it is hotly debated whether superior performance is associated with superior sensorimotor abilities. In this study, we compare sensorimotor abilities, measured through 8 psychomotor tasks comprising the Nike Sensory Station assessment battery, and game statistics in a sample of 252 professional baseball players to evaluate the links between sensorimotor skills and on-field performance. For this purpose, we develop a series of Bayesian hierarchical latent variable models enabling us to compare statistics across professional baseball leagues. Within this framework, we find that sensorimotor abilities are significant predictors of on-base percentage, walk rate and strikeout rate, accounting for age, position, and league. We find no such relationship for either slugging percentage or fielder-independent pitching. The pattern of results suggests performance contributions from both visual-sensory and visual-motor abilities and indicates that sensorimotor screenings may be useful for player scouting.

  18. Cognitive ability in adolescents born small for gestational age

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Rikke Beck; Juul, Anders; Larsen, Torben


    cognitive ability in late adolescence. Full-scale IQ was positively related to head circumference (HC) in adolescence (B: 1.30, 95% CI: 0.32-2.28, p=0.01). HC at birth and three months was positively associated with full-scale IQ. Catch-up growth in the group of SGA children was associated......BACKGROUND: Small size at birth may be associated with impaired cognitive ability later in life. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of being born small for gestational age (SGA), with or without intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) on cognitive ability in late adolescence. STUDY...... with a significantly increased height, larger HC, increased levels of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and increased full-scale IQ compared to those born SGA without catch-up growth. CONCLUSION: SGA and IUGR may not be harmful for adult cognitive ability, at least not in individuals born at near-term. However...

  19. Human face recognition ability is specific and highly heritable. (United States)

    Wilmer, Jeremy B; Germine, Laura; Chabris, Christopher F; Chatterjee, Garga; Williams, Mark; Loken, Eric; Nakayama, Ken; Duchaine, Bradley


    Compared with notable successes in the genetics of basic sensory transduction, progress on the genetics of higher level perception and cognition has been limited. We propose that investigating specific cognitive abilities with well-defined neural substrates, such as face recognition, may yield additional insights. In a twin study of face recognition, we found that the correlation of scores between monozygotic twins (0.70) was more than double the dizygotic twin correlation (0.29), evidence for a high genetic contribution to face recognition ability. Low correlations between face recognition scores and visual and verbal recognition scores indicate that both face recognition ability itself and its genetic basis are largely attributable to face-specific mechanisms. The present results therefore identify an unusual phenomenon: a highly specific cognitive ability that is highly heritable. Our results establish a clear genetic basis for face recognition, opening this intensively studied and socially advantageous cognitive trait to genetic investigation.

  20. Social problem solving ability predicts mental health among undergraduate students. (United States)

    Ranjbar, Mansour; Bayani, Ali Asghar; Bayani, Ali


    The main objective of this study was predicting student's mental health using social problem solving- ability. In this correlational. descriptive study, 369 (208 female and 161 male) from, Mazandaran University of Medical Science were selected through stratified random sampling method. In order to collect the data, the social problem solving inventory-revised and general health questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed through SPSS-19, Pearson's correlation, t test, and stepwise regression analysis. Data analysis showed significant relationship between social problem solving ability and mental health (P Social problem solving ability was significantly associated with the somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and severe depression (P social problem solving ability and mental health.