
Sample records for product solutions aplicaciones

  1. Martingalas discretas. Aplicaciones

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    Miguel A. Marmolejo


    Full Text Available Debido a su amplio rango de aplicaciones, la teoría de las martingalas es parte fundamental de la probabilidad. En este artículo se presentan las nociones básicas de las martingalas discretas y se recopilan algunas de sus aplicaciones en probabilidad y análisis, dando idea de los diferentes contextos donde se usan.

  2. Tema 1: HTTP y aplicaciones web


    Colomina Pardo, Otto; Arques Corrales, Pilar; Montoyo Bojo, Javier


    En este tema se introduce el funcionamiento básico del protocolo HTTP, que es el que se usa en las comunicaciones cliente-servidor en aplicaciones web. Además se hace una introducción a las herramientas y plataformas de desarrollo de aplicaciones web.


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    Odalys Jordán Enríquez


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    La integración de aplicaciones es el proceso de lograr que aplicaciones independientes trabajen juntas para producir un conjunto unificado de funcionalidades. Los desarrolladores de aplicaciones siempre tienen que lograr comunicar disímiles arquitecturas de información y hacer interoperar diferentes tecnologías, incluyendo sistemas operativos, lenguajes de programación, plataformas de aplicaciones y sistemas gestores de bases de datos. Las soluciones de integración pueden tener muchas variantes y estar presentes a varios niveles. En este trabajo se abordan los desafíos de la integración, criterios a considerar al realizar la integración y cuatro tipos de integración de aplicaciones. En estos tipos de soluciones presentadas, los patrones de la solución son el enfoque, no las implementaciones.

  4. QRLabel y Blackbird: 2 aplicaciones accesibles para Android


    Mercade Aguila, Gisela


    El objetivo de este proyecto es el de realizar dos aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android. Estas aplicaciones están ideadas para ser usadas por una persona invidente o con deficiencias visuales. El transcurso del desarrollo de cada aplicacion sirve para conocer y experimentar con diferentes herramientas que dispone este sistema operativo, y de este modo estudiar sus ventajas y limitaciones. Se presentan dispositivos y prototipos de dispositivos diseñados exclusiv...

  5. Usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles

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    Juan Gabriel Enriquez


    Full Text Available La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes dentro de la calidad de un producto de software. Debido a esto es de interés poder contar con metodologías para medir la usabilidad de las aplicaciones. Los métodos de análisis de usabilidad que actualmente se utilizan, métodos clásicos, fueron desarrollados para aplicaciones de escritorio. Con la aparición, el uso masivo y el crecimiento de los dispositivos móviles, especialmente los Smartphones, la medición de usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles se tornó un tema de investigación. Los métodos y métricas actualmente utilizados para medir usabilidad pueden no ser directamente aplicables a este tipo de productos. Los estudios de usabilidad se han efectuado sobre diferentes contextos, recientemente se empezó a considerar la usabilidad en un contexto móvil. Este trabajo examina los métodos y las métricas utilizados para medir usabilidad y pretende analizar que desafíos existen al momento de realizar pruebas de usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles, donde el contexto que cambia continuamente pasa a tener un rol preponderante.

  6. Aplicaciones farmacéuticas del quitosano


    Montalvo Aique, Pedro Luis; Montalvo Aique, Pedro Luis; Montalvo Aique, Pedro Luis


    Entre los temas que se trataran en este informe es sobre el quitosano como una breve reseña histórica donde hablaré sobre las fuentes y métodos de obtención de la quitina, caracterización del quitosano, aplicaciones generales del quitosano, derivados del quitosano de mayor importancia, modificación química del quitosano, quitosanos en diversas formas y las aplicaciones farmacéuticas del quitosano como la liberación de fármacos. La actividad industrial de procesado de los productos de la pe...

  7. Uso de las TIC en el Trastorno de Espectro Autista: aplicaciones

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    Susana García Guillén


    Full Text Available A través de este trabajo de investigación se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica detallada sobre el uso de las aplicaciones y el autismo. En primer lugar se ha realizado un recorrido histórico a través del concepto autismo y las aplicaciones disponibles. Los objetivos generales han sido conocer la evolución del término autismo, conocer la bibliografía relacionada con el autismo y el uso de aplicaciones, así como las aplicaciones disponibles para niños autistas. A través de las dos bases de datos, dialnet y google aplicaciones, se presenta la revisión sistemática realizada. Como resultado, se han seleccionado cuatro artículos a través de la base de datos dialnet y treinta y cinco aplicaciones. Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC ofrecen a los usuarios diferentes beneficios como la estimulación de los sentidos y el desarrollo de habilidades que le ayuden a la integración, mejorando sus habilidades sociales para lograr una mejor relación con sus iguales.

  8. Usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles


    Juan Gabriel Enriquez; Sandra Isabel Casas


    La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes dentro de la calidad de un producto de software. Debido a esto es de interés poder contar con metodologías para medir la usabilidad de las aplicaciones. Los métodos de análisis de usabilidad que actualmente se utilizan, métodos clásicos, fueron desarrollados para aplicaciones de escritorio. Con la aparición, el uso masivo y el crecimiento de los dispositivos móviles, especialmente los Smartphones, la medición de usabilidad en ap...

  9. Aplicaciones industriales de la tecnología nuclear


    Vargas, Celso


    Las aplicaciones industriales de la tecnología nuclear son muydiversas a nivel mundial. En Costa Rica se ha comenzado a introducir este tipo de tecnología para evaluar y mejorar diferentes procesos industriales. Estas aplicaciones se clasifican en dos o en tres categorías, según el criterio utilizado. Están los sistemasde control nucleónico, el perfilaje gamma y los radiotrazadores.

  10. Aplicaciones multimedia para rehabilitación cognitiva


    Ortega Bastida, Javier


    Diseño de aplicaciones multimedia que posibilitan la rehabilitación de los pacientes a través de aplicaciones de realidad virtual e interfaces 3D: manipulación virtual de entidades, texto predictivo y dibujo guiado sobre entrono integrado para sistema multisensor para rehabilitación e interacción de personas con discapacidad, tanto motora, como cognitiva. El sistema permite la realización de terapias utilizando distintos modos de interacción hombre-máquina, posibilitando múltiples modos de in...

  11. Seguridad de aplicaciones híbridas para dispositivos móviles


    Pérez-Pérez, Iván


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster consiste en un estudio comparativo de las distintas soluciones para el desarrollo de aplicaciones híbridas para móviles (esto es, aplicaciones diseñadas con tecnologías web, pero empaquetadas en contenedores nativos) desde el punto de vista de la seguridad. Se realizará un análisis sobre el estado actual de las aplicaciones híbridas y las tecnologías que se emplean en la creación de las mismas. Se desarrollará una prueba de concepto usando u...

  12. Reconfigurando aplicaciones multi-cloud con líneas de producto software dinámicas


    Cubo, Javier; Gámez,Nadia; Pimentel, Ernesto; Fuentes, Lidia


    La reconfiguración dinámica de aplicaciones multi-cloud es un reto complejo aún no suficientemente explorado. En estos entornos las aplicaciones o sus módulos pueden estar desplegados en diferentes proveedores. Por lo tanto, reconfigurar en tiempo de ejecución estas aplicaciones puede requerir la modificación de la distribución en múltiples y heterogéneos proveedores. Obtener la nueva distribución para que sigan funcionando correctamente las aplicaciones no es una tarea senc...

  13. Seguridad de las aplicaciones web


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Conferencia "Seguridad de las aplicaciones web" impartida en las III Jornadas Informáticas - UTE 2016 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería e Industrias de la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Quito, Ecuador) el 5 de julio de 2016.

  14. La estructura del fullereno C60 y sus aplicaciones


    Vasilievna Kharissova, Oxana; Ortiz Méndez, Ubaldo


    Se revisan los datos reportados de una nueva clase de materiales basados en los fullerenos. Se explica la estructura del fullereno C60 y sus compuestos con metales alcalinos, sus propiedades y aplicaciones. Se señala que estos compuestos tienen propiedades de superconducción comparable con la de los tradicionales cupratos. Se indica que esta modificación del carbono puede formar nanotubos que tienen varias aplicaciones prácticas debido a sus propiedades.

  15. Aplicaciones sobre plataformas de redes neuronales en tiempo real


    Tosini, Marcelo Alejandro; Acosta, Nelson


    El presente trabajo pretende el diseño de una metodología para la construcción de aplicaciones basadas en redes neuronales sobre una plataforma Muren. Las aplicaciones se restringen a sistemas de control y reconocimiento de patrones por imágenes. Se describe la arquitectura del sistema de desarrollo Muren, basado en 2 procesadores ZISC de 78 neuronas cada uno, una FPGA Spartan II, bancos de memoria y lógica adicional de comunicación.

  16. Desarrollo de aplicaciones web


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Agradecimientos 1. Introducción a las aplicaciones web 2. Instalación del servidor 3. Diseño de páginas web 4. Formato estructurado de texto: XML 5. Contenido dinámico 6. Acceso a bases de datos: JDBC 7. Servicios web 8. Utilización y mantenimiento 9. Monitorización y análisis Bibliografía GNU Free Documentation License

  17. Uso y aplicaciones de drones en minería


    Sánchez García, Manuel


    Los drones son una tecnología actual y en pleno desarrollo con múltiples aplicaciones pero ¿conocemos todas las posibilidades que nos ofrecen dentro de la minería? Este proyecto pretende dar respuesta a esta pregunta y poner de manifiesto todas las aplicaciones potenciales. Los drones, también conocidos como VANT (Vehículo Aéreo No Tripulado) o UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle), son aeronaves que vuelan sin tripulación, reutilizables, capaz de mantener de manera autónoma un vuelo controlado y ...

  18. Estudio de las aplicaciones de gestión de la red WAN de un operador de telecomunicaciones


    González Medina, Mariano


    Este proyecto se basa en analizar y estudiar exhaustivamente las aplicaciones de gestión de la red WAN de un operador de telecomunicaciones (OdT). Dichas aplicaciones se dividen en dos fases importantes: provisión y mantenimiento. Aquest projecte es basa en analitzar i estudiar exhaustivament les aplicacions de gestió de la xarxa WAN d'un operador de telecomunicacions (OdT). Aquestes aplicacions es divideixen en dues fases importants: provisió i manteniment.

  19. Evaluación de los Frameworks en el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con Python


    Jimmy Rolando Molina Ríos; Nancy Magaly Loja Mora; Mariuxi Paola Zea Ordóñez; Erika Lizbeth Loaiza Sojos


    Debido a la creciente interacción de los usuarios con sistemas web, surge la necesidad de combinar las funcionalidades de aplicaciones clásicas de escritorio, con la accesibilidad y bajo costo de la publicación de aplicaciones web; dando origen a la elección del mejor marco de trabajo que se adopte a las necesidades de los desarrolladores. Esta investigación presenta un análisis comparativo de los frameworks que trabajan con el lenguaje Python para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Para ello...

  20. Wavelets y sus aplicaciones


    Castro, Liliana Raquel; Castro, Silvia Mabel


    Se presenta una introducción a la teorfa de wavelets. Ademas, se da una revisión histórica de cómo fueron introducidas las wavelets para la representación de funciones. Se efectúa una comparación entre la transformada wavelet y la transformada de Fourier. Por último, se presentan también algunas de los múltiples aplicaciones de esta nueva herramienta de análisis armónico.

  1. Mashup d'aplicacions basat en un buscador intel·ligent


    Sancho Piqueras, Javier


    Mashup de funcionalitats, basat en un cercador intel·ligent, en aquest cas pensat per a cursos, carreres màsters, etc. La finalitat és adjuntar diverses aplicacions amb l'únic propòsit que en aquest cas és un buscador però que també ens permet utilitzar eines per a la connectivitat mitjançant web Services, o xarxes socials. Mashup de funcionalidades, basado en un buscador inteligente, en este caso pensado para cursos, carreras másters, etc. La finalidad es juntar diversas aplicaciones con ...

  2. Identificación de prestaciones en nuevas aplicaciones de vidrio estructural


    Abascal Capilla, Alba


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en la identificación de las prestaciones que se deben cumplir de cara al diseño de los elementos de vidrio estructural para aplicaciones actuales, novedosas e innovadoras. Para la identificación de las prestaciones se comienza por una evaluación del estado actual del vidrio; posteriormente se hace una selección de obras innovadoras en aplicaciones existentes con vidrio estructural (fachadas, cubiertas, barandillas, suelos, escaleras, pilares y viga...

  3. Creación de un Framework de desarrollo de aplicaciones para la web con lenguaje PHP


    Henríquez Chavarría, José Antonio


    El desarrollo de Frameworks, para desarrollo de aplicaciones en ambiente web, ha tenido un notable aumento, en los últimos años, debido a la necesidad de crear aplicaciones web y la urgencia de muchos por conseguir desarrollos con un ciclo de vida rápido, de forma que actualmente muchos desarrolladores de software requieren herramientas como un Framewok para lograr programar sus aplicaciones y dar seguimiento para siguientes versiones. El presente proyecto se plantea como una alternativa s...

  4. Resinas acetálicas: diversas aplicaciones en odontoestomatología


    Puigpelat Martí, Ana M.; Casanellas Bassols, Josep M. (Josep Maria)


    La resina acetálica o Polioxime­tileno (POM) es un nuevo material estético de reciente aplicación en el campo de la Odontoestomatolo­gía. En este artículo presentamos al­gunas de las aplicaciones donde la estética desempeña una función importante. Una de las aplicaciones de las re­sinas acetálicas es el campo de la Prótesis Parcial Removible, cuan­do queremos sustituir los retene­dores vestibulares convencionales (metálicos) por retenedores más es­téticos. Otra posible aplicación puede ser la...

  5. Neurofeedback, aplicaciones y eficacia


    Fajardo, Alexandra; Guzmán, Ana Lucía


    El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue describir la técnica de neurofeedback, sus aplicaciones y usos, como así también determinar su eficacia a lo largo de los estudios revisados. De esta forma se encuentra la compilación de 53 artículos científicos acerca de la técnica, que describen cómo los autores han demostrado su funcionalidad, cuando se trata de proyectar de manera tangible el rendimiento de algún tipo de población para la posterior formulación de un tratamiento o intervención par...

  6. Sistema para la monitorización y estudio de aplicaciones maliciosas para Android


    Gutiérrez Hernández, Sergio


    Los teléfonos móviles inteligentes (smartphones) se han posicionado como aparatos altamente populares con grandes capacidades de cómputo, comunicación y sensorización. Estos dispositivos se caracterizan por su habilidad para incorporar aplicaciones desarrolladas por terceras partes, capaces de acceder a los servicios proporcionados por el smartphone. En este contexto, hemos podido observar durante los últimos años un crecimiento exponencial en el número de muestras de aplicaciones haciendo un...

  7. Análisis de la calidad y seguridad de la información de aplicaciones móviles en prevención terciaria

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    Martínez-Moreno J


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar la calidad y seguridad de la información de las aplicaciones móviles en la App Store de Apple® destinadas a prevención terciaria. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal de las aplicaciones móviles más populares en la categoría de medicina disponibles en Apple Store® a día de 21 de diciembre de 2014. Las aplicaciones fueron evaluadas con los criterios establecidos en el programa AppSaludable. Se seleccionaron aquellos criterios relacionados con la evaluación de la calidad y seguridad de la información. Resultados: De las 160 aplicaciones recogidas, sólo 12 aplicaciones estaban incluidas en la prevención terciaria. Todas las aplicaciones recuperadas estaban relacionadas con la adherencia, diabetes, hipertensión y alergia. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas por equipos multidisciplinares fueron las que presentaron mayor rigor en su información, Conclusiones: La presencia de un profesional sanitario como colaborador de la aplicación parece mejorar la calidad de la información.

  8. Ingeniería de software en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles


    Thomas, Pablo Javier; Galdámez, Nicolás; Delía, Lisandro Nahuel; Cristina, Federico; Dapoto, Sebastián H.; Tinetti, Fernando Gustavo; Pesado, Patricia Mabel; De Giusti, Armando Eduardo


    Se presenta una línea de investigación y desarrollo que tiene por objeto estudiar temas relacionados con aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles, fundamentalmente aspectos de Ingeniería de Software orientados al desarrollo e implementación de aplicaciones móviles, sobre diversos entornos operativos y el estudio y desarrollo de aspectos de conectividad entre dispositivos móviles.

  9. Aplicaciones científicas numéricas: El (ciclo de vida del) Software heredado


    Méndez, Mariano; Tinetti, Fernando Gustavo


    El objetivo de esta línea de investigación es el estudio de las aplicaciones científicas de cómputo numérico desde el punto de vista de la Ingeniería de Software y del Procesamiento Paralelo. Además, se orienta a desarrollar técnicas y herramientas destinadas a reestructurar dichas aplicaciones permitiendo que éstas evolucionen a través del tiempo mejorando sus prestaciones y su estructura.

  10. Diseño de una arquitectura para redes de sensores con soporte para aplicaciones de detección de eventos




    Las aplicaciones para redes de sensores inalámbricas, o Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), han mostrado un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años. Actualmente constituyen una alternativa tecnológica interesante para el desarrollo de aplicaciones que requieren monitorizar constantemente el estado de cualquier variable relacionada con escenarios de diversos ámbitos. Si las aplicaciones detectan cambios en los valores de dichas variables, pueden activar la ejecución de acciones preventivas ...

  11. Sistemas ubiquos: desarrollo y aplicaciones


    Ramón, Hugo Dionisio; Charne, Javier; Di Cicco, Carlos; Riva, Diego Germán de la; Smail, Ana; Osella Massa, Germán Leandro


    Se presenta un proyecto de investigación aplicada al cómputo ubiquo (ubicomp), abarcando aspectos que van desde los fundamentos del desarrollo (técnicas de Ingeniería de requerimientos, metodologías de gestión, desarrollo de proyectos, técnicas de planificación, métricas, normas de calidad, redes de sensores y algoritmos inteligentes y procesamiento de señales) hasta la concepción de aplicaciones específicas orientadas a los procesos productivos de la región y el país, procesos de egobierno y...

  12. Aplicaciones de caucho reciclado: Una revisión de la literatura

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    Gabriel Jaime Peláez Arroyave


    Full Text Available La generación de residuos de caucho se ha convertido en una preocupación global por su impacto negativo en el medio ambiente y en la salud humana. La legislación ambiental sobre la disposición de este tipo de residuos ha venido aumentando las exigencias a los fabricantes, comercializadores y usuarios, con lo cual se ha acelerado la búsqueda de alternativas para el reaprovechamiento de los residuos de caucho. Este artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica acerca de las principales tendencias en la utilización del caucho reciclado, incluyendo aplicaciones actualmente comercializadas y otras derivadas tanto de estudios terminados como de líneas de investigación en desarrollo. Las aplicaciones con mayor potencial de volumen consumido son del sector infraestructura y construcciones civiles, especialmente asfaltos, concretos y materiales aislantes para construcción liviana. Algunas aplicaciones con potencial en el futuro cercano son los filtros para la limpieza de aguas contaminadas y como componente en materiales compuestos con matriz termoplástica o en poliuretano. Se evidencia la pertinencia de continuar investigando sobre esta temática, que posee unos retos científicos de alta relevancia, los cuales ameritan la mayor atención por el problema ambiental significativo asociado al manejo de los residuos de caucho.

  13. Evaluación de los Frameworks en el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con Python

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    Jimmy Rolando Molina Ríos


    Full Text Available Debido a la creciente interacción de los usuarios con sistemas web, surge la necesidad de combinar las funcionalidades de aplicaciones clásicas de escritorio, con la accesibilidad y bajo costo de la publicación de aplicaciones web; dando origen a la elección del mejor marco de trabajo que se adopte a las necesidades de los desarrolladores. Esta investigación presenta un análisis comparativo de los frameworks que trabajan con el lenguaje Python para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Para ello el análisis se formuló mediante un modelo de evaluación que se basa en las características de calidad propuestas en la norma ISO/IEC 9126. Estas a su vez permiten establecer sub-características, atributos y métricas para evaluar la calidad de las aplicaciones web. Permitiendo obtener como resultado una matriz para la Evaluación de Frameworks: Django, Pyramid, Turbogear y Web2PY. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron las fortalezas y debilidades de cada framework y fue la base para determinar que Django es el mejor framework para la implementación de desarrollo de sistemas web. Este framework cumplió con todos los indicadores del modelo de evaluación, los resultados redactados al final del documento determinan que tomando en cuenta las métricas de calidad se puede elegir qué marco de trabajo es el que mejor se adapta para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en la Ciudad de Machala. Antes de realizar una evaluación se considera indispensable conocer y comprender el funcionamiento de los elementos que se vaya a cotejar, para ello es recomendable emplear tablas para la comparación de las características, teniendo como referencia sitios web confiables que aporten documentación sobre los frameworks y el empleo de estándares de calidad para su determinación.


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    Víctor Alfonso Zapata


    Full Text Available La diversidad cultural en la Web surge como resultado del crecimiento de internet en los últimos años, logrando que los servicios y aplicaciones Web sean cada vez más utilizados por usuarios de diversas culturas, que en muchos casos terminan siendo diferentes a los usuarios iniciales en los que se basó su diseño y construcción. Este trabajo analiza las diferencias que se presentan en la comunicación multicultural a través de la Web, tomando como punto de partida las dimensiones culturales propuestas por Victor, Hofstede, Trompenaars y Hall. Se identificaron los elementos de diseño Web que están relacionados con las dimensiones culturales y su comportamiento en sitios Web representativos de Argentina, Colombia y España para finalmente construir un conjunto de Patrones de Multiculturalidad para el Diseño de Aplicaciones Web.

  15. Seguridad y privacidad en aplicaciones Android


    Piñeiro Ramos, Ismael


    Este trabajo explora las vulnerabilidades existentes en los dispositivos móviles tomando como plataforma el sistema operativo Android. Se pretende estudiar en profundidad las posibilidades de inoculación de código de mal comportamiento y el control del hardware de forma remota. La necesidad de estar permanentemente conectado a través del correo electrónico, las herramientas y aplicaciones para redes sociales, la integración de la grabadora de sonido, vídeo y cámara fotográfica en el propio di...

  16. Lenguaje específico de dominio para aplicaciones de modelación glaciológica


    Gel, Matías; Urciuolo, Adriana Beatriz; Iturraspe, Rodolfo Javier


    Las aplicaciones de software de modelado de la naturaleza se caracterizan por la complejidad propia de la información y procesos ambientales. Se requiere un nivel de abstracción adecuado y flexibilidad para la modelación de los procesos naturales. Algunas limitaciones del software del dominio provienen del uso de herramientas y lenguajes que carecen de facilidades para representar los conceptos particulares de estas aplicaciones. El Modelado específico del dominio (DSM) propone elevar el nive...

  17. Investigación en Progreso: Ingeniería de Software en el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Sensibles al Contexto

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    Marisa D. Panizzi


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones han ido evolucionando independientemente de cuál sea su dominio de aplicación, actualmente nos encontramos con aplicaciones que pueden brindar servicios de acuerdo a la ubicación, tiempo y perfil del usuario. Este tipo de aplicaciones que brindan estos servicios se las conoce como Aplicaciones Sensibles al Contexto (CA – Context Aware, en este tipo de aplicaciones predominan los dispositivos móviles y el perfil del usuario. La evolución varía en función de la forma de uso de la computadora, es decir que se brinden servicios a pedido del usuario o que se brinden servicios de manera automática. Para acompañar la evolución de este tipo de aplicaciones, la Ingeniería de Software ha focalizado sus esfuerzos en aspectos relacionados a separar la aplicación de todo lo concerniente a la captación, interpretación, control y supervisión de la información contextual. Es decir que desde el punto de vista del diseño, se separe la conducta sensible al contexto de la conducta propia de la aplicación con el propósito de que ambos tipos de aplicaciones pueden evolucionar en forma independiente además de reducir el tiempo de desarrollo en este tipo de sistemas. Este proyecto presenta una sub línea, la cual orientará sus aportes, en la consolidación de un framework de gestión contextual de dos o tres variables de contexto como por ejemplo: la ubicación, considerando la construcción de la documentación relevante que lo respalde como así también su fase de experimentación con una aplicación que permitirá a los usuarios de la comunidad universitaria UM hacer uso de los servicios ofrecidos por la misma. La segunda sub línea, se vincula al Área de la Ingeniería de Requisitos, pretendiendo obtener un modelo para la especificación de requisitos de software para sistemas sensibles al contexto.

  18. Effects of solution volume on hydrogen production by pulsed spark discharge in ethanol solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xin, Y. B.; Sun, B., E-mail:; Zhu, X. M.; Yan, Z. Y.; Liu, H.; Liu, Y. J. [College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026 (China)


    Hydrogen production from ethanol solution (ethanol/water) by pulsed spark discharge was optimized by varying the volume of ethanol solution (liquid volume). Hydrogen yield was initially increased and then decreased with the increase in solution volume, which achieved 1.5 l/min with a solution volume of 500 ml. The characteristics of pulsed spark discharge were studied in this work; the results showed that the intensity of peak current, the rate of current rise, and energy efficiency of hydrogen production can be changed by varying the volume of ethanol solution. Meanwhile, the mechanism analysis of hydrogen production was accomplished by monitoring the process of hydrogen production and the state of free radicals. The analysis showed that decreasing the retention time of gas production and properly increasing the volume of ethanol solution can enhance the hydrogen yield. Through this research, a high-yield and large-scale method of hydrogen production can be achieved, which is more suitable for industrial application.

  19. Application of frequency converters in industry; Aplicacion de convertidores de frecuencia en la industria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, A.; Aguilar Galvan, A. [Ingenieria Energetica Integral, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)


    Some of the applications of the frequency converters will be analyzed, as well as the parameters to be considered for the feasibility of its application evaluation. It is also described how an energy evaluation is accomplished and finally a series of actions are enlisted conducting to the energy savings. [Espanol] Se presentaran algunas de las aplicaciones de los convertidores de frecuencia. Ademas se indicaran los parametros a registrar para evaluar la factibilidad de aplicacion de los mismos, se describe como ejecutar la evaluacion energetica y finalmente se listan una serie de acciones que conducen a lograr ahorros de energia.

  20. Application of frequency converters in industry; Aplicacion de convertidores de frecuencia en la industria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, A; Aguilar Galvan, A [Ingenieria Energetica Integral, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)


    Some of the applications of the frequency converters will be analyzed, as well as the parameters to be considered for the feasibility of its application evaluation. It is also described how an energy evaluation is accomplished and finally a series of actions are enlisted conducting to the energy savings. [Espanol] Se presentaran algunas de las aplicaciones de los convertidores de frecuencia. Ademas se indicaran los parametros a registrar para evaluar la factibilidad de aplicacion de los mismos, se describe como ejecutar la evaluacion energetica y finalmente se listan una serie de acciones que conducen a lograr ahorros de energia.

  1. Análisis del comportamiento contextual del usuario y su relación con el consumo de aplicaciones móviles


    Luis Antonio Rojas-Potosí; Leandro Krug Wives; Alejandro Fernández; Juan Carlos Corrales


    El mercado de aplicaciones móviles crece aceleradamente, captando la atención sobre el análisis del consumo de las mismas para mejorar su recomendación y la satisfacción del usuario, soportado en la búsqueda de información que permita explicar la ocurrencia de eventos del ciclo de vida de las aplicaciones. En este sentido algunos estudios muestran una fuerte relación entre dichos eventos e información sobre la situación contextual actual del usuario y su registro de consumo de aplicaciones. S...

  2. Autoría de aplicaciones móviles para el análisis de datos


    Person Montero, Tatiana


    La incorporación de aplicaciones móviles en diversos entornos genera una gran cantidad de información resultante de la interacción de los usuarios con estas aplicaciones. El análisis de esta información puede ser de gran utilidad para el profesional, ya que le puede facilitar la toma de decisiones o la valoración del proceso que esté aplicando, permitiendo mejorar los resultados o detectar determinados patrones. La información recogida se puede definir siguiendo una serie de características: ...


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    Marcos Gestal


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El framework J2EE ha sido el gran dominador, durante mucho tiempo, en el desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales. Esto hecho originó la aparición de un rico ecosistema de herramientas, manuales, tutoriales, etc., que explican las diferentes alternativas o peculiaridades a la hora de su implementación. La irrupción de .NET Framework, en el ámbito empresarial, ha producido una fuerte demanda de implementación de aplicaciones bajo dicha arquitectura. Sin embargo, la cantidad o calidad de la documentación disponible dista considerablemente con respecto a la existente, su principal alternativa (J2EE. Esta laguna de documentación, es especialmente visible y preocupante cuando se establece como objetivo dar a conocer los conceptos del framework, desde un punto de vista docente, a los futuros egresados del Grado en Ingeniería en Informática. Este trabajo describe el enfoque docente seguido, para alcanzar el citado objetivo de familiarizar a los alumnos con este framework alternativo y las prácticas habituales de modelo dentro de éste. Para ello, se basa principalmente de un conjunto de sencillos tutoriales con los que mostrar los fundamentos de la tecnología y dos aplicaciones completas (miniportal y minibank en las que se muestra cómo aplicar patrones de diseño, a la hora de abordar una aplicación empresarial. ABSTRACT: For a long time, J2EE has been the dominating framework for the development of business applications. This fact resulted in a rich ecosystem of tools, manuals, tutorials, etc. that explain different implementation alternatives or peculiarities. The incursion of .NET Framework in the business environment has generated a strong demand of application implementation under this architecture. However, the quantity and quality of documents available significantly differs from its main alternative (J2EE. This documentation gap is especially visible and worrying when the objective is to teach the concepts of Framework

  4. Sistema de realidad aumentada para aplicaciones Android


    Fernández Sánchez, Natalia Mercedes


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la creación de un sistema de realidad aumentada para el sistema operativo Android con idea de que sea utilizado para la creación de un videojuego, pero que a su vez sea lo suficientemente versátil como para poder utilizarse en otro tipo de aplicaciones. De este objetivo principal podemos obtener los objetivos secundarios: - Conocer las características que ofrecen los teléfonos móviles y como éstas pueden ser aprovechadas para la crea...

  5. La evaluación de las aplicaciones de lectura web: un paso más en el proceso de editorialización de la web

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    Noelia Patón Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En el desarrollo de la lectura digital confluyen una serie de factores que pasan entre otras cuestiones por la evolución tecnológica de los dispositivos y el desarrollo de numerosas aplicaciones que facilitan la lectura al tiempo que está provocando cambios en los hábitos de lectura tal y como lo demuestran los diferentes informes. Uno de los desarrollos tecnológicos está relacionado con el diseño de aplicaciones específicas para la lectura en la pantalla del ordenador, son las llamadas aplicaciones de lectura web. En este artículo, tras definir qué son las aplicaciones de lectura web se explican los objetivos y el proceso seguido para la selección, definición y sistematización de los parámetros que servirán para la evaluación de las aplicaciones de lectura web.

  6. Receptor GNSS multiantena para aplicaciones aeroespaciales


    Cogo, Jorge; López La Valle, Ramón G.; Puga, Gerardo L.; Smidt, Javier A.; Díaz, Juan G.; García, Javier Gonzalo; Roncagliolo, Pedro Agustín; Muravchik, Carlos Horacio


    La determinación de la posición y velocidad del vehículo es una de las tareas críticas en las aplicaciones aeroespaciales como es el caso de aviones, satélites o cohetes. En los últimos años esta tarea se ha visto favorecida por el despliegue de los Sistemas de Navegación Global por Satélite (GNSS). Estos sistemas, utilizando como base una constelación de satélites que envían señales a la superficie terrestre, permiten que un usuario que cuente con un receptor adecuado pueda obtener esta info...

  7. Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles bajo la plataforma de Iphone

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    Jaime Esteban Roa Castañeda


    Full Text Available El iPhone es un dispositivo móvil que lleva cerca de cinco años en el mercado de celulares, y sus funciones van más allá del uso como tal de un teléfono celular, gracias al App Store, que ofrece miles de aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores alrededor del mundo. La arquitectura y el sistema operativo del iPhone permiten que las aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores usen tecnologías especializadas para diferentes tipos de usuarios, permitiendo incluir características como gráficos de alta definición o usar accesorios de hardware, haciendo uso de los frameworks soportados por la arquitectura del dispositivo; todo esto es posible crearlo gracias a las herramientas de desarrollo provistas por Apple. El almacenamiento y la persistencia de datos se ven plasmados en el desarrollo de una aplicación caso de estudio que hace uso de Core Data para el manejo de la información.

  8. Attachment behavior of fission products to solution aerosol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takamiya, Koichi; Tanaka, Toru; Nitta, Shinnosuke; Itosu, Satoshi; Sekimoto, Shun; Oki, Yuichi; Ohtsuki, Tsutomu [Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Osaka (Japan)


    Various characteristics such as size distribution, chemical component and radioactivity have been analyzed for radioactive aerosols released from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Measured results for radioactive aerosols suggest that the potential transport medium for radioactive cesium was non-sea-salt sulfate. This result indicates that cesium isotopes would preferentially attach with sulfate compounds. In the present work the attachment behavior of fission products to aqueous solution aerosols of sodium salts has been studied using a generation system of solution aerosols and spontaneous fission source of {sup 248}Cm. Attachment ratios of fission products to the solution aerosols were compared among the aerosols generated by different solutions of sodium salt. A significant difference according as a solute of solution aerosols was found in the attachment behavior. The present results suggest the existence of chemical effects in the attachment behavior of fission products to solution aerosols.

  9. miCole, Social Media for Schools: Estudio de tecnologías para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles híbridas.


    Bárcena Díez, Jaime


    El objetivo de este proyecto consiste en dar al lector una visión global sobre los diferentes tipos de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles según su forma de desarrollo. Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Servicios y Aplicaciones

  10. Formación de usuarios de la información mediante aplicaciones Web 2.0

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    Eder Ávila Barrientos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar las aplicaciones web 2.0 para estimar su utilización en los programas de formación de usuarios de la información. Método: Análisis documental y la hermenéutica del discurso aplicados a los documentos impresos y digitales que abordan la temática del objeto de estudio. Resultados: se responden una serie de cuestionamientos relacionados con la integración de las aplicaciones Web 2.0 en el diseño de programas de formación de usuarios de la información. En lo que respecta a la selección de aplicaciones web 2.0, se empleo la técnica de análisis de atributos basada en las variables de uso didáctico. Concluisones: Las tecnologías de la web 2.0 y su integración en los programas de formación de usuarios de la información, representan un nicho de oportunidad para los bibliotecólogos. Una oportunidad para alcanzar el futuro y romper viejos paradigmas de la formación de usurios.

  11. Sterilization of solutions for parenterals products. Problem analysis

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    Yanelys Montes-González


    Full Text Available The solutions for the formulation of parenteral products must be sterile before the aseptic formulation process. For this reason, different methods of sterilization referred in the literature are analyzed. Thermodynamic criteria that rule the sterilization are presented. Furthermore, previous experiences in the sterilization of solutions for the formulation of parental products in an autoclave are analyzed, that take large time of processing and only low volumes of solution can be handled. Using jacketed stirred tanks for the sterilization may solve the problem and, therefore, criteria for the design of the later that allow to process high volumes of solution for the formulation of parenteral products are shown.

  12. Aplicaciones Web para el desarrollo sostenible a través de ONG


    García Miguel, Daniel


    La meta de este proyecto es facilitar el acceso de las ONG a la tecnología Web, y concretamente las aplicaciones Web, para que aquellas que no tengan acceso a servicios profesionales, puedan ser autosufidentes en el desarrollo de sus propias soluciones.

  13. Gestión de organizaciones: enfoques y aplicaciones


    Zárate, Rodrigo; Argüelles Pabón, Denise Caroline; Aparicio García, Santiago; Largacha Martínez, Carlos; Pérez Uribe, Rafael; de la Hoz, Gerardo A.


    Una buena gestión puede transformar una organización. El libro Gestion de organizaciones enfoques y aplicaciones, realiza un análisis de todos los aspectos relevantes que llevan a una organización a generar nuevas y mejores prácticas para el impulso de su productividad y competitividad. se estudian diferentes modelos de gestión con el fin de potencializar el aprendizaje organizacional, es decir la gestión del conocimiento, del talento y la gestión por competencias....

  14. Production of Plutonium Metal from Aqueous Solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orth, D.A.


    The primary separation of plutonium from irradiated uranium by the Purex solvent extraction process at the Savannah River Plant produces a dilute plutonium solution containing residual fission products and uranium. A cation exchange process is used for concentration and further decontamination of the plutonium, as the first step in the final preparation of metal. This paper discusses the production of plutonium metal from the aqueous solutions.

  15. Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles bajo la plataforma de Iphone

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    Karen Melissa Rojas Lizarazo


    Full Text Available El iPhone es un dispositivo móvil que lleva cerca de cinco años en el mercado de celulares, y sus funciones van más allá del uso como tal de un teléfono celular, gracias al App Store, que ofrece miles de aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores alrededor del mundo. La arquitectura y el sistema operativo del iPhone permiten que las aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores usen tecnologías especializadas para diferentes tipos de usuarios, permitiendo incluir características como gráficos de alta definición o usar accesorios de hardware, haciendo uso de los frameworks soportados por la arquitectura del dispositivo; todo esto es posible crearlo gracias a las herramientas de desarrollo provistas por Apple. El almacenamiento y la persistencia de datos se ven plasmados en el desarrollo de una aplicación caso de estudio que hace uso de Core Data para el manejo de la información.


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    Edwin Mauricio Hincapié-Montoya


    Full Text Available Preservar los espacios y difundirlos es una función social que debe mantener unidos a los pueblos y que no puede dejarse a un lado por el clamor y la voz del desarrollo. Para ello la tecnología juega un papel de facilitador mediático a través de la cual se puede llegar a diferentes espacios y lugares históricamente importantes pero físicamente inaccesibles por su desaparición. En los últimos años se han desarrollado aplicaciones que buscan reactivar el patrimonio cultural y hacen uso de tecnologías como realidad virtual, realidad aumentada o juegos serios. Sin embargo, la mayoría son casos de estudio en un tema particular y el área carece de un framework metodológico, que guie y facilite el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. En este articulo proponemos un framework metodológico conceptual, el cual busca guiar el desarrollo de aplicaciones relacionadas con la reactivación del patrimonio cultural al tiempo que maximiza el aprendizaje de los usuarios en este tema.

  17. Un modelo de coordinación cliente-servidor, de apoyo a la construcción de aplicaciones colaborativas portables


    Ochoa, Sergio; Fuller, David A.


    En la actualidad existe una gran variedad de plataformas de apoyo al desarrollo de aplicaciones colaborativas, que trabajan bajo una arquitectura cliente-servidor [Chabert 98, Guerrero 98, Licea 98, Trevor 97]. Estas poseen un alto grado de incompatibilidad entre ellas, lo cual produce una fuerte dependencia de la aplicación cliente, hacia el servidor usado. Debido a esto, las capacidades de las aplicaciones están sometidas a la funcionalidad permitida por el servidor. Esto entorpece el avanc...

  18. Características generales, propiedades, yacimientos y aplicaciones de pirofilita. II. Yacimientos, aplicaciones y utilización como materia prima cerámica

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    Sánchez Soto, P. J.


    Full Text Available In this work, the main world deposits of pyrophyllite are indicated according to the literature, showing the available production data. It is emphasized the research focusing on mining and characterization of raw materials containing pyrophyllite, which shows a marked applied interest. It is described and reviewed the most relevant applications of pyrophyllite and pyrophyllite raw materials, in especial refractories and ceramics, fillers, building materials, catalysts and as a high-pressure medium for synthesis of materials. Finally, it is also described and reviewed its use as raw material for the preparation of advanced materials, such as sialon, emphasizing the possibilities of application of pyrophyllite raw materials in our country as a result of distinct investigations of relevant interest performed by several Research Institutes and University Departments. It is deduced that pyrophyllite and pyrophyllite raw materials are increasing in relative importance in many applied fields, as compared with other layer silicates, such as talc and kaolinite.

    En este trabajo se indican los principales yacimientos mundiales de pirofilita según la bibliografía, los datos de producción disponibles, además de revisar las investigaciones más destacadas sobre prospección y caracterización de materias primas que contienen pirofilita y que presentan un marcado interés aplicado. Se realiza una amplia revisión de las principales aplicaciones a las que se destinan dichas materias primas, en especial para la preparación de materiales cerámicos y refractarios, su uso como carga, en la construcción, obtención de catalizadores y síntesis de materiales a alta presión debido a sus propiedades. Por último, se describen y revisan sus aplicaciones en la preparación de nuevos materiales y materiales avanzados, como son los sialones, destacando su potencial de utilización en nuestro país como resultado de diversas investigaciones de inter

  19. Framework Orientado a Aspectos de Recopilación Automática de Datos para la Evolución de Usabilidad en Aplicaciones Web

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    Roberto Farias


    Full Text Available La Usabilidad consiste de un conjunto de atributos que permiten evaluar el esfuerzo que deberá invertir un usuario para realizar una tarea determinada a través de la utilización de un software específico. En este sentido, una aplicación se considerará más usable cuanto menos esfuerzo requiera para su utilización. En la actualidad, la World Wide Web, se ha constituido como un enorme repositorio de información que es presentada y puesta a disposición de los usuarios a través de diversos sitios o páginas web cuya finalidad es promover el acceso a la información y de esta manera,  garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades a quienes la consumen. Por otro lado, la evolución de las tecnologías que le dan soporte, la han convertido en una plataforma tecnológica sobre la cual es posible desarrollar aplicaciones con un nivel de interacción y funcionalidad similar al de las aplicaciones de escritorio (WIMP. Existen una gran variedad de trabajos sobre usabilidad web, centrados principalmente en aspectos tales como la navegación y la arquitectura de información de los sitios o páginas web. Sin embargo, la usabilidad de las aplicaciones web, que experimentan un alto grado de interacción con el usuario (action-oriented similar al de las aplicaciones de escritorio, no puede ser evaluadas de la misma manera que en un sitio web (information-oriented donde la interacción con el usuario es escasa y limitada. Si bien pueden encontrarse una diversidad de trabajos que tratan como objeto de estudio a la usabilidad en aplicaciones, en entornos de escritorio ó moviles, no se han reconocido trabajos referidos a la usabilidad de aplicaciones en entornos web. En este trabajo, se propone un framework basado en AOP, capaz de dar soporte al proceso de evaluación de usabilidad, en aplicaciones web, durante la ejecución de tareas de usuario.

  20. Aplicaciones de redes neuronales en economía.

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    Pacheco Bonrostro, J.


    Full Text Available La metodología de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales, está siendo usada con profusión, dentro del campo de la Economía, hasta tal punto que existe una publicación bimensual, que trata específicamente estas aplicaciones a los mercados financieros: Neurove$t Journal. En este trabajo, se presentan las principales líneas de investigación existentes, a continuación la que nosotros estamos siguiendo, con algunos resultados iniciales, para finalizar con las líneas a seguir y una selección bibliográfica.

  1. Haré un dibujo aprovechando esta nada. Aplicaciones de dibujo en freeware y opensource


    Horcajada González, Ricardo


    Breve presentación de la tipología más común de los diferentes programas de sofware libre dedicados al dibujo que pueden encontrarse como freeware en internet. Aplicaciones y distribución de las imágenes.

  2. Implantes personalizados de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) para aplicaciones en craneoplastia


    Arango Ospina, Marcela


    Los implantes a la medida para aplicaciones en craneoplastias tienen el objetivo de restaurar la protección del cerebro que el cráneo proporcionaba y mejorar el aspecto de la superficie después de sufrir un traumatismo o para corregir una malformación. Los principales inconvenientes del procedimiento de craneoplastia incluyen la individualización de la geometría y las propiedades mecánicas del implante para que sea funcional. El objetivo de nuestra investigación fue proponer un...

  3. Hydrogen production by sodium borohydride in NaOH aqueous solution (United States)

    Wang, Q.; Zhang, L. F.; Zhao, Z. G.


    The kinetics of hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 in NaOH aqueous solution is studied. The influence of pH of the NaOH aqueous solution on the rate of hydrogen production and the hydrogen production efficiency are studied for the hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4. The results show that the activation energy of hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 increased with the increase of the initial pH of NaOH aqueous solution.With the increasing of the initial pH of NaOH aqueous solution, the rate of hydrogen production and hydrogen production efficiency of NaBH4 hydrolysis decrease.

  4. Study on Product Innovative Design Process Driven by Ideal Solution (United States)

    Zhang, Fuying; Lu, Ximei; Wang, Ping; Liu, Hui

    Product innovative design in companies today relies heavily on individual members’ experience and creative ideation as well as their skills of integrating creativity and innovation tools with design methods agilely. Creative ideation and inventive ideas generation are two crucial stages in product innovative design process. Ideal solution is the desire final ideas for given problem, and the striving reaching target for product design. In this paper, a product innovative design process driven by ideal solution is proposed. This design process encourages designers to overcome their psychological inertia, to foster creativity in a systematic way for acquiring breakthrough creative and innovative solutions in a reducing sphere of solution-seeking, and results in effective product innovative design rapidly. A case study example is also presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design process.

  5. Las aplicaciones interactivas multimedia en España: ¿hacia dónde evoluciona el mercado?

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    Lic. Nati Ramajo Hernández


    Full Text Available El despegue del sector multimedia en nuestro país (entendiendo como tal las aplicaciones interactivas multimedia ha sido espectacular en los últimos tiempos. El número de títulos publicados en CD-ROM, al igual que el número de productores, ha aumentado considerablemente. Pero, ¿cómo es esa nueva industria?, ¿qué productos ofrece?, ¿hacia dónde evoluciona el mercado? El presente trabajo pretende hacer un repaso a la breve historia de las aplicaciones interactivas multimedia en España hasta llegar al momento actual, analizando por el camino la tipología de los productos y concluyendo con los nuevos formatos que están cambiando el mercado.

  6. Arquitecturas multiprocesador en HPC: software, métricas y aplicaciones


    De Giusti, Armando Eduardo; Tinetti, Fernando Gustavo; Naiouf, Marcelo; Chichizola, Franco; De Giusti, Laura Cristina; Villagarcía Wanza, Horacio A.; Montezanti, Diego Miguel; Encinas, Diego; Pousa, Adrián; Rodriguez, Ismael Pablo; Eguren, Sebastián; Iglesias, Luciano; Paniego, Juan Manuel; Pi Puig, Martín; Dell'Oso, Matías


    Caracterizar las arquitecturas multiprocesador distribuidas enfocadas especialmente a cluster y cloud computing, con énfasis en las que utilizan procesadores de múltiples núcleos (multicores, GPUs y Xeon Phi), con el objetivo de modelizarlas, estudiar su escalabilidad, analizar y predecir performance de aplicaciones paralelas, estudiar el consumo energético y su impacto en la perfomance así como desarrollar esquemas para detección y tolerancia a fallas en las mismas. Profundizar el estudio...

  7. Mo-99 production on a LEU solution reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, R.W.; Thome, L.A.; Khvostionov, V.Y.


    A pilot homogenous reactor utilizing LEU has been developed by the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow along with their commercial partner TCI Medical. This solution reactor operates at levels up to 50 kilowatts and has successfully produced high quality Mo-99 and Sr-89. Radiochemical extraction of medical radionuclides from the reactor solution is performed by passing the solution across a series of inorganic sorbents. This reactor has commercial potential for medical radionuclide production using LEU UO 2 SO 4 fuel. Additional development work is needed to optimize multiple 50 kilowatt cores while at the same time, optimizing production efficiency and capital expenditure. (author)

  8. Aplicaciones Nutraceúticas y cosmeceúticas de las algas


    López-Figueroa, Félix


    El uso de la biomasa algal en diversas aplicaciones biotecnológicas ha experimentado un gran desarrollo en los últimos años. El crecimiento de las publicaciones científicas con contenidos como “extractos de algas”, “compuestos bioactivos de algas”, “biorremediación” o ”cosmética con algas” ha sido exponencial. Dentro de la Biotecnología azul se ha generado un mercado muy dinámico en el que la acuicultura, cosméticos, nutracéuticos e ingredientes funcionales tienen un gran peso. Los campos ...

  9. Mindfulness: Conceptos generales, psicoterapia y aplicaciones clínicas.


    Vásquez-Dextre, Edgar R.


    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una revisión sobre el concepto de Mindfulness, su uso en la psicoterapia y sus aplicaciones clínicas. Mindfulness es una técnica de meditación que consiste en observar la realidad en el momento presente, sin intenciones de juzgar y conplena apertura y aceptación. Existen terapias que usan Mindfulness dentro de su estructura y sus programas, tales como como la Terapia Dialéctico-Conductual y la Reducción del Estrés basada en Mindfulness. Mindfulness ha...

  10. Paralelización de aplicaciones econométricas que requieren estimación de los modelos de elección discreta


    Trigila, Mariano; Di Pasquale, Ricardo


    En las últimas dos décadas, el uso eficiente del hardware para aplicaciones científicas fue creciendo en dificultad. Además, muchas de estas aplicaciones requieren mejorar el rendimiento del procesamiento y tratar datos masivos. Estos son sistemas complejos de implementar y en especial para aquellos que no son especialista en computación. Es necesario desarrollar e implementar abstracciones de programación de alto nivel que permitan modelos de programación simples de usar. Las aplica...

  11. Propiedades y aplicaciones de los materiales aislantes a base de vidrio espumado

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    Sánchez Castro, Carlos


    Full Text Available Not availableEn un artículo precedente, aparecido en el núm. 82 de U. A. M. C., se definieron y estudiaron brevemente los materiales aislantes a base de vidrio espumado -Foamglas-, dedicándose una atención más amplia a los procedimientos y ensayos de laboratorio, realizados para obtener la máxima espumación del producto. Entonces sólo se mencionaron algunas de sus características y propiedades más importantes; también se indicaron, sin entrar en detalles, algunas de sus aplicaciones. Seguidamente, y como complemento de lo anteriormente dicho, se van a enumerar: las características de este material, pesos específicos, coeficientes de aislamiento, resistencias, etc.; los productos que con él se fabrican, bloques, planchas, coquillas, etc.; y las distintas aplicaciones que tiene en la construcción y en otras industrias, a las cuales beneficia con su colaboración, resolviendo problemas de aislamiento, aligeramiento de peso, etc. En distintas fotografías se presentan algunos ejemplos de aislamiento, de edificios, fijación de piezas y enlucido o revestimiento de los paramentos realizados con este producto.

  12. Potenciales aplicaciones de Moringa oleifera. Una revisión crítica

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    C Martín

    Full Text Available Moringa oleifera es un árbol originario de la India al que se le atribuyen múltiples beneficios para el bienestar humano. Es de crecimiento rápido, de relativamente poca exigencia hacia el suelo y se cultiva en toda la franja intertropical. Uno de los principales usos de sus hojas y de la torta de prensado de su semilla es en la formulación de raciones para la alimentación animal. Sin embargo, prácticamente todas las partes del árbol tienen diversas aplicaciones, sobre lo cual existen testimonios que se remontan a la Antigüedad. En este trabajo se hace una revisión de la literatura disponible sobre la utilización de esta planta. Se presentan distintos campos de aplicación de M. oleifera a la luz del creciente interés científico que ha generado en los últimos lustros. El objetivo es presentar las evidencias aportadas por la literatura científica que confirman y explican las propiedades y aplicaciones de la moringa, las cuales se distancian de versiones sin confirmar aportadas por la literatura popular y la publicidad.

  13. Designing Integrated Product- Service System Solutions in Manufacturing Industries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Costa, Nina; Patrício, Lia; Morelli, Nicola


    Manufacturing firms are increasingly evolving towards the design of integrated product-service solutions but servitization literature does not provide specific guidance on how to design these integrated solutions. Building upon ProductService System (PSS) and Service Design (SD) approaches...... how it brings new insights to manufacturing companies moving to a service, value cocreation perspective....


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    V. Y. Gurinovich


    Full Text Available While taking an example of reconstruction and modernization of OJSC «Construction and Mounting Trust No.16, Novopolotsk» the paper substantiates solutions for complex production reconstruction. The production reconstruction is divided in three start-up facilities ensuring continuous finished-product output.


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    Jesús David Guerra Lyons


    Full Text Available El presente artículo revisa el concepto de compromiso desde la Teoría de la Valoración propuesta por Martin y White y de algunas de sus aplicaciones pedagógicas. Desde la perspectiva bajtiniana de dialogismo, Martin y White definen el compromiso como el conjunto de recursos mediante los cuales los usuarios del lenguaje entran en diálogo con las múltiples voces que inevitablemente permean sus textos, aceptándolas, rebatiéndolas, retomándolas o distanciándose de ellas. El compromiso se divide en dos tipos: monoglosia y heteroglosia. Este último se desagrega en varias subcategorías, que son definidas e ilustradas con ejemplos tomados del corpus del español de Davies. Consideramos algunas aplicaciones pedagógicas del concepto de compromiso mediante la revisión de estudios desarrollados principalmente en el contexto latinoamericano.

  16. Banco de ensayos para materiales piezoeléctricos en aplicaciones viales

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    de Frutos, J.


    Full Text Available The test bench system described in this paper performs experiments on piezoelectric materials used in road traffic applications, covering a range between 14 and 170 km/h, which is considered enough for testing under standard traffic conditions. A software has been developed to control the three phase induction motor driver and to acquire all the measurement data of the piezoelectric materials. The mass over each system’s axis can be selected, with a limit of 60 kg over each wheel. The test bench is used to simulate the real behaviour of buried piezoelectric cables in road traffic applications for both light and heavy vehicles. This new test bed system is a powerful research tool and can be applied to determine the optimal installation and configuration of the piezoelectric cable sensors and opens a new field of research: the study of energy harvesting techniques based on piezoelectric materials.

    En este trabajo se define y propone un banco de ensayos que permite testar materiales piezoeléctricos para aplicaciones viales en sus diferentes configuraciones en un rango de velocidad entre los 14 y los 170 km/h, lo que cubre sobradamente las condiciones de tráfico real. Tanto el control del variador de velocidad del motor trifásico que realiza el accionamiento del banco, como la recogida de resultados de medida en las pruebas de excitación y de fatiga de los compuestos piezoeléctricos, se realiza de forma automatizada mediante código informatico. El peso que soporta cada eje del banco es configurable, permitiendo reproducir las señales obtenidas en aplicaciones donde los materiales piezoeléctricos actúan de sensores enterrados en la calzada para vehículos tanto pesados como ligeros. Gracias a esta nueva herramienta se facilita la investigación con materiales de este tipo en aplicaciones viales optimizando tanto el tipo como la disposición e instalación de los mismos, además de abrir el camino a la novedosa investigación sobre

  17. Aplicaciones del Just-In-Time en la Argentina


    Enrique Yacuzzi; Carolina Fajntich; María Pía Romeo


    Este trabajo presenta el concepto de JIT (Just-In-Time, o justo a tiempo) y ofrece aplicaciones en la Argentina. En la Parte I, pone el JIT en el contexto de la gestión japonesa (management japonés): destaca las características de esta gestión, y resume su evolución a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Hace hincapié en la gestión de la producción y analiza los desafíos, críticas y las teorías de la convergencia con los sistemas occidentales que se han examinado a lo largo de los últimos 20 años...

  18. Aplicaciones innovadoras de la madera en la construcción

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    García Navarro, Justo


    Full Text Available The use of wooden products in construction has experienced significant changes during the last decades. New technologies have allowed to produce better and more predictable products for structural applications while have improved transformation processes to make more efficient use of the available raw resource. This paper describes current applications of new wooden materials uncommon in the Spanish construction. The Fundación Cultural COAM has channeled this information to designers in a number of seminars and courses during the last two years with special attention to the innovative applications.

    La utilización de la madera como material de construcción ha sufrido un profundo cambio en el último medio siglo. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos industriales han provocado, junto a la optimización de las características intrínsecas del material, un mejor aprovechamiento y utilización de la madera, tanto para usos estructurales como para usos no resistentes. Este artículo, que recoge algunos de los temas desarrollados en las distintas Jornadas y Cursos sobre Construcción en Madera, organizados por la Fundación Cultural COAM durante los últimos dos años, pretende hacer un repaso no exhaustivo a las diferentes aplicaciones del material, haciendo especial hincapié en los aspectos más innovadores que, por diversas circunstancias, no han sido, hasta la fecha, suficientemente utilizados en España.

  19. Extracción y aplicaciones alimentarias de membranas de cáscaras de huevo


    García Campos, Tania


    Caracterización físico-química de la membrana de la cáscara de huevo, seguida del estudio y desarollo de posibles aplicaciones de la membrana en diversos campos, entre los que destaca la formación de geles y la retención de cobre y proteínas.

  20. El papel de las variables sociodemográficas en el uso de las aplicaciones basadas en Internet por los Mayores

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    Begoña Peral Peral


    Full Text Available La población mundial está envejeciendo progresivamente. Se prevé que en 2050 el número de personas mayores de 60 años alcance los dos mil millones en el mundo. El empleo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC puede suponer para la población de mayor edad un impacto significativo en su calidad de vida, contribuyendo a conseguir mayores activos, disminuyendo la marginalización y el aislamiento social. Aunque existen diferencias importantes en el uso que los Mayores hacen de Internet y sus aplicaciones respecto al resto de la población, hay que considerar que este segmento no constituye un grupo homogéneo. Este trabajo busca comprobar si dentro del grupo de los Mayores existen diferencias en la frecuencia de uso de distintas aplicaciones basadas en Internet, en función de la edad, el sexo, el nivel de estudios alcanzados y la actividad laboral desarrollada en el pasado. Los resultados demuestran que existen diferencias significativas en el empleo de algunas aplicaciones en función de las variables sociodemográficas analizadas.

  1. Análisis de Desarrollo de Software Orientado a Feature - Línea de Producto de Software para Aplicaciones de TVDI

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    Mirtha Fabiana Miranda


    Full Text Available El Desarrollo de Software Orientado a Features (FOSD consiste en la construcción de sistemas a partir de un conjunto de características, cada feature o característica es una unidad funcional que satisface un requisito de software. Las fases son análisis del dominio, diseño e implementación del dominio, configuración y generación del producto de software, obteniendo así una Línea de Productos de Software (SPL. El presente trabajo realiza una comparación de herramientas para su implementación y, se analiza un conjunto de aplicaciones que modelan features. Resultando un espacio de estudio abierto para modelar aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi. Además se han encontrado diversos métodos, artefactos y patrones de diseño para el modelado de una aplicación de TVDi en particular, reflejando un estudio para el modelado de variabilidad. El objetivo principal es estudiar SPL / FOSD, empleando los Patrones de Diseño de Interacción (PDI para el dominio de las aplicaciones de TVDi.

  2. Preparative electrophoresis of industrial fission product solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tret, Joel


    The aim of this work is to contribute to the development of the continuous electrophoresis technique while studying its application in the preparative electrophoresis of industrial fission product solutions. The apparatus described is original. It was built for the purposes of the investigation and proved very reliable in operation. The experimental conditions necessary to maintain and supervise the apparatus in a state of equilibrium are examined in detail; their stability is an important factor, indispensable to the correct performance of an experiment. By subjecting an industrial solution of fission products to preparative electrophoresis it is possible, according to the experimental conditions, to prepare carrier-free radioelements of radiochemical purity (from 5 to 7 radioelements): 137 Cs, 90 Sr, 141+144 Ce, 91 Y, 95 Nb, 95 Zr, 103+106 Ru. (author) [fr

  3. Caracterización del proceso y herramientas metodológicas de la ingeniería de requerimientos para aplicaciones de sistemas de información geográfica

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    Luis Fernando Medina Cardonal


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el proceso de la ingeniería de requerimientos y las herramientas metodológicas usadas en aplicaciones de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG ante la ausencia de una alternativa integral y consistente específica para este dominio. Para ello, por un lado, se introduce la problemática de la ingeniería de requerimientos en aplicaciones SIG, se exhiben los tipos de requerimientos, actores involucrados y aspectos comunicativos relevantes en el proceso de requerimientos y se clasifican las metodologías existentes en lenguajes de modelamiento y especificación. Adicionalmente, se presentan los estándares geomáticos como un elemento transversal a tener en cuenta en las aplicaciones SIG.

  4. Los jóvenes como usuarios de aplicaciones de marca en dispositivos móviles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Javier Ruiz del Olmo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el papel de los jóvenes consumidores en el contexto de los nuevos procesos comunicativos que surgen de tecnologías emergentes: el uso de las aplicaciones de marca en los dispositivos móviles. Éstos incorporan funcionalidades sociales y comunicativas cada vez más complejas y, entre ellas, las aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes que vinculan publicidad comercial y pagos forman un campo novedoso pero de interés prioritario para distintos actores comunicativos, como son las marcas comerciales, los servicios bancarios y las propias compañías tecnológicas. En ese contexto la presente investigación describe y codifica cualitativamente cómo los usuarios entienden, perciben y utilizan, como prosumidores, las aplicaciones de marca corporativa y los pagos. Para ello se aplican técnicas de investigación en cuatro grupos focales, de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 24 años, compuestos por jóvenes universitarios españoles estudiantes en Comunicación, como usuarios que muestran una predisposición y una adopción temprana de estas prácticas. Las respuestas de las reuniones del grupo de discusión permitieron una clasificación de las prácticas comunicativas. En conclusión, se constata una alta predisposición de estos consumidores activos por interactuar con contenidos comerciales, estableciendo redes sociales bajo el amparo de una cultura e imagen de marca, como forma de cohesión grupal. Otros usos se relacionan con el entretenimiento y la información, al tiempo que aún se muestran reticentes al pago de productos o servicios mediante el dispositivo móvil.

  5. Diseño de planos indoor para aplicaciones móviles


    Romagnoli, Nicolás


    Investigando el contexto de las aplicaciones de navegación indoor, encontramos que uno de los problemas en este dominio, es la generación de planos navegables. Este trabajo busca desarrollar una herramienta que permita la creación de planos de interiores, como así también la definición de marcadores posicionados espacialmente que permitan posteriormente brindar servicios de navegación para recorrerlo, a través de la definición de “caminos” entre el usuario y el destino seleccionado. El objeti...

  6. Aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial en la Medicina: perspectivas y problemas


    Expósito Gallardo, María del Carmen; Ávila Ávila, Rafael


    Los avances experimentados en el campo de la informática médica en Cuba comprenden la investigación, la docencia, la asistencia secundaria y primaria; así como la gerencia de las instituciones de salud. En este campo, las aplicaciones pertenecientes a la denominada área de la inteligencia artificial despiertan un gran interés, debido a sus posibilidades para involucrarse en situaciones donde se requiere un gran acervo de conocimientos médicos, el veloz procesamiento de los datos y la toma efe...

  7. Aplicaciones bibliotecológicas para el acceso abierto a la información científica en el entorno digital

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    Eder Ávila Barrientos


    Full Text Available Se presentan las aplicaciones bibliotecológicas actuales para el libre acceso a la información científica en el entorno digital. Mediante el análisis descriptivo, se presentan algunas de las tendencias bibliotecológicas actuales para el libre acceso a la información científica y académica en la web. Se ha identificado que las aplicaciones impactan en las siguientes áreas de la Bibliotecología y los Estudios de la Información: tecnologías de la información; sistemas y servicios bibliotecarios y de información; búsqueda y recuperación de información; acceso a la información. Las actividades desarrolladas en cada área, tienen el objetivo de proporcionar a la persona usuaria de las bibliotecas el acceso a la información sin ningún tipo de restricción; no obstante, nuevos fenómenos informativos han surgido mediante la aplicación de dichas tendencias. De esta manera, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las aplicaciones bibliotecológicas actuales, para el libre acceso a la información científica a través de la web.

  8. Fluorescence of aqueous solutions of commercial humic products (United States)

    Gosteva, O. Yu.; Izosimov, A. A.; Patsaeva, S. V.; Yuzhakov, V. I.; Yakimenko, O. S.


    We have studied the spectral luminescence characteristics of aqueous solutions of humic products obtained from different raw material sources, and their behavior as the excitation wavelength increases from 270 nm to 355 nm. We have identified differences in the spectral properties of industrial humic products from coalified materials, lignin-containing organic waste, and humic products from plant raw material (peat, sapropel, vermicompost). We have shown that humic products from plant raw material have spectral properties closer to those for humic substances in natural water or soil than humic products from coalified materials.

  9. Fortalecimiento en la seguridad de web services para aplicaciones críticas


    Casanovas, Eduardo; Boiero, Fernando; Tapia, Carlos


    Reconociendo a las propiedades de la Seguridad de la Información (confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad) como elementos esenciales de cualquier transferencia de datos, haciendo foco en el conjunto de protocolos y estándares utilizados para intercambiar datos entre aplicaciones web, es decir, Web Services, para el presente trabajo definimos el objetivo general de asegurar dichas comunicaciones, teniendo en consideración que la información intercambiada es igual o más crítica y confiden...

  10. Development of a Web application for a real time information system; Desarrollo de una aplicacion web para un sistema de informacion en tiempo real

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espinosa R, Alfredo; Silva F, Brisa M; Quintero R, Agustin [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this article its is described a technique for the development of a Web application for a real time information system that allows the remote and concurrent connection of different equipment to the network historical data base of the system, without the need of the installation of any software component in the remote equipment of the user who makes the consultation. It defines and establishes the software architecture that allows the development of the Web application, the analysis stages, the operation of the technology to be used, as well as the design, development and implementation of the application. Finally, the accomplishments obtained with the development of the Web application for a real time information system are described. [Spanish] En este articulo se describe una tecnica para el desarrollo de una aplicacion web para un sistema de informacion en tiempo real, que permita la conexion remota y concurrente de diferentes equipos en la red a la base de datos historica del sistema, sin necesidad de que se instale ningun componente de software en el equipo remoto del usuario que realiza la consulta. Se define y establece la arquitectura de software que permite el desarrollo de la aplicacion web, las etapas de analisis, el funcionamiento de la tecnologia a utilizar, asi como el diseno, desarrollo e implementacion de la aplicacion. Finalmente, se describen los logros obtenidos con el desarrollo de la aplicacion web para un sistema de informacion en tiempo real.

  11. Recovery of fission products from acidic waste solutions thereof

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlin, W.W.; Darlington, W.B.; Dubois, D.W.


    Fission products, e.g., palladium, ruthenium and technetium, are removed from aqueous, acidic waste solutions thereof. The acidic waste solution is electrolyzed in an electrolytic cell under controlled cathodic potential conditions and technetium, ruthenium, palladium and rhodium are deposited on the cathode. Metal deposit is removed from the cathode and dissolved in acid. Acid insoluble rhodium metal is recovered, dissolved by alkali metal bisulfate fusion and purified by electrolysis. In one embodiment, the solution formed by acid dissolution of the cathode metal deposit is treated with a strong oxidizing agent and distilled to separate technetium and ruthenium (as a distillate) from palladium. Technetium is separated from ruthenium by organic solvent extraction and then recovered, e.g., as an ammonium salt. Ruthenium is disposed of as waste by-product. Palladium is recovered by electrolysis of an acid solution thereof under controlled cathodic potential conditions. Further embodiments wherein alternate metal recovery sequences are used are described. (U.S.)

  12. Recycling of osmotic solutions in microwave-osmotic dehydration: product quality and potential for creation of a novel product. (United States)

    Wray, Derek; Ramaswamy, Hosahalli S


    Despite osmotic dehydration being a cost effective process for moisture removal, the cost implications of making, regenerating, and properly disposing of the spent osmotic solutions contributes greatly to the economic feasibility of the drying operation. The potential for recycling of osmotic solutions and their use for creation of a novel product was explored using microwave-osmotic dehydration under continuous flow spray (MWODS) conditions. Identical runs were repeated 10 times to determine the progressive physical and compositional effects of the thermal treatment and leaching from the cranberry samples. The microbiological stability and constant drying performance indicated that MWODS would be well suited for employing recycled solutions. While the anthocyanin content of the solution never approached that of cranberry juice concentrate, it is demonstrated that the spent syrup can infuse these health positive components into another product (apple). This study found that re-using osmotic solutions is a viable option to reduce cost in future MWODS applications, with no detriment to product quality and potential to use the spent solution for novel products. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  13. Radiochemical applications of insoluble sulfate columns. Analytical possibilities in the field of the fission product solutions; Aplicaciones radioquimica de las columnas de precipitados de sulfatos insolubles. Contribucion al estudio de las soluciones envejecidas de productos de fision

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrachina, M; Sauvagnac, R


    In this paper we go on with our study of the heterogeneous ion-isotopic exchange in column. At present, we apply it to determine the radiochemical composition of the raw solutions used in the industrial recuperation of the long-lived fission products. The separation of the radioelements contained in these solutions is carried out mainly by making use of small columns, 1-3 cm height, of BaSO{sub 4} or SrSO{sub 4}, under selected experimental conditions. These columns behave like a special type of inorganic exchangers, working by absorption or by ion-isotopic exchange depending on the cases,a nd they provide the means for the selective separation of several important fission products employing very small volumes of fixing and eluting solutions. (Author) 11 refs.

  14. The CIO's guide to Oracle products and solutions

    CERN Document Server

    Keyes, Jessica


    From operating systems to the cloud, Oracle's products and services are everywhere, and it has the market share to prove it. Given the share diversity of the Oracle product line, and the level of complexity of integration, management can be quite a daunting task.The CIO''s Guide to Oracle Products and Solutions is the go-to guide for all things Oracle. It provides management-level guidance on how to successfully navigate and manage the full range of Oracle products. The book presents management best practices and user/developer lessons learned in the use of Oracle products and services.Supplyi

  15. Estudio de capacidades y aplicaciones de nuevos estándares web en soluciones empresariales


    Morales Tua, Joan Manuel


    Castellano: Este proyecto muestra un estudio de la nueva generación de estándares web conocidos como HTML5, con la finalidad de evaluar las posibilidades tecnológicas que estos ofrecen en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web corporativas, además se presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación prototipo.

  16. La evaluación de las aplicaciones de lectura web: un paso más en el proceso de editorialización de la web


    Noelia Patón Rodríguez; Raquel Gómez-Diaz


    [ES]En el desarrollo de la lectura digital confluyen una serie de factores que pasan entre otras cuestiones por la evolución tecnológica de los dispositivos y el desarrollo de numerosas aplicaciones que facilitan la lectura al tiempo que está provocando cambios en los hábitos de lectura tal y como lo demuestran los diferentes informes. Uno de los desarrollos tecnológicos está relacionado con el diseño de aplicaciones específicas para la lectura en la pantalla del ordenador, son las llamadas a...

  17. Aplicaciones actuales de la hipnosis clínica en Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Estefania Castañeda


    Full Text Available La hipnosis es un tema controversial y estigmatizado. Las múltiples investigaciones de las últimas décadas han permitido tanto derrumbar mitos, como evidenciar sus mecanismos y aplicaciones, y cómo estos contribuyen al bienestar de las personas. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las aplicaciones actuales de la hipnosis clínica en el contexto latinoamericano. Con este fin se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos Lilacs y SciELo, empleando los términos “hipnosis”, “hipnosis clínica” y “Latinoamé- rica”. Se incluyeron revisiones de la literatura, artículos originales que tuvieran poblaciones latinoamericanas y presentaciones de caso, publicados entre 1990 y el 2016, escritos en español. La búsqueda inicial arrojó 202 artículos; después de eliminar replicaciones y los que no cumplían criterios de inclusión, 20 artículos fueron incluidos en la revisión. Las aplicaciones de la hipnosis descritas incluyen manejo del dolor, preparación a la cirugía, tabaquismo, problemas gastrointestinales y otras condiciones médicas, aplicaciones en niños y adolescentes, etcétera. Desafortunadamente, los estudios revisados tienen importantes falencias metodológicas, lo que dificulta extraer conclusiones sólidas. A pesar de que la hipnosis es eficaz, práctica, costo-efectiva y aplicada en una gran variedad de problemas clínicos, la evidencia que avala su uso en el contexto latinoamericano es muy limitada. Se requieren investigaciones con una metodología más rigurosa que permitan evidenciar su eficacia en este contexto.

  18. Sistemas operativos móviles: funcionalidades, efectividad y aplicaciones útiles en Colombia



    Sistemas operativos móviles más utilizados actualmente con sus funcionalidades, características y descripciones generales, efectividad y análisis realizado a 2 aplicaciones de uso masivo en Colombia. La situación planteada según las investigaciones iniciales, dan a conocer que a pesar de la gran acogida que han tenido el ingreso de los sistemas operativos móviles en Colombia (que ha sido de gran impacto en el mercado mundial) los usuarios no pueden explotar al máximo sus capacidades, debido p...

  19. Industrial open source solutions for product life cycle management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Campos


    Full Text Available The authors go through the open source for product life cycle management (PLM and the efforts done from communities such as the open source initiative. The characteristics of the open source solutions are highlighted as well. Next, the authors go through the requirements for PLM. This is an area where more attention has been given as the manufacturers are competing with the quality and life cycle costs of their products. Especially, the need of companies to try to get a strong position in providing services for their products and thus to make themselves less vulnerable to changes in the market has led to high interest in product life cycle simulation. The potential of applying semantic data management to solve these problems discussed in the light of recent developments. In addition, a basic roadmap is presented as to how the above-described problems could be tackled with open software solutions.

  20. Fisson product control by gamma spectrometry in Purex process solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goncalves, Maria A.; Matsuda, H.T.


    A radiometric method for fission product analysis by gamma spectrometry, to be applied for fission product control at an irradiated material processing facility, is described. Counting geometry was defined taking into account the activities of process solutions to be analysed, the remotely operated aliquotation device of the analytical cell and the available detection system. Natural and 19,91% enriched uranium samples were irradiated in order to simulate the composition of Purex process solutions. After a short decay time the samples were dissolved with HNO 3 and then conditioned in standard flasks with defined geometry. The spectra were obtained by a Ge(Li) semiconductor detector and analysed by the GELIGAM software system, using a floppy-disk connected to a PDP-11/05 computer. Libraries were prepared and calibrations were made with standard sources to fit the analysis of fission products in irradiated uranium solutions. It was possible to choose the best program to be used in routine analysis with the obtained data. (Author) [pt



    Moya Forero, Mónica Mercedes


    En esta tesis se centra en el estudio de capas delgadas basadas en óxido de zinc (ZnO) para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas, en concreto células solares sensibilizadas con colorante (DSSC). Se optimizaron los parámetros de crecimiento de estas nanoestructuras hibridas depositadas mediante la técnica de electrodeposición catódica para posteriormente desarrollar un dispositivo eficiente para la conversión de la luz. OBJETIVOS Los objetivos principales de la tesis son: - Establecer las co...

  2. Production of gherkin seedlings in coconut fiber fertirrigated with different nutrient solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco de Assis de Oliveira

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Seedling quality is a key factor to achieve success in vegetable production. The present work aimed to evaluate the production of gherkin seedlings in substrate of coconut fiber fertirrigated with different concentrations of nutrients. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 3 × 5 factorial with four replications. The treatments consisted of combinations of three cultivars of gherkin (Do Norte, Liso de Calcutá, e Liso Gibão with five concentrations of nutrients in the solution (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%. The nutrient solution, considered standard, matches the recommended solution for melon in hydroponic systems. We evaluated the variables: chlorophyll index, shoot length, number of leaves, stem diameter, main root length, dry weight of leaves, roots, and stem, mass of total dry matter, leaf area, specific leaf area, and leaf area ratio. All variables were affected by the ionic concentration in nutrient solutions. The use of coconut fiber in the production of gherkin seedlings is more efficient with nutrient solutions in concentrations ranging from 75 to 100% of the recommended solution for melon cultivation.

  3. Application of electro-technology in heating industrial processes; Aplicacion de electrotecnologia en procesos industriales de calentamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Milla, Guillermo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    The electro-technologies are systems and equipment that use electricity to produce and to process consumer goods. Also they can be used in industrial processes such as drying, heating, heat treatment and smelting. These technologies have demonstrated that electricity can not only be used for lighting system, motor operation or electrolysis, but that can also be applied in many industrial processes and allow the reduction of production costs to increase the productivity as well as to improve the safety and conditions at work. Combined to the former, the electro technologies offer other additional advantages such as facilitating the automation, robotization and computerized supervision of industrial production. The great variety of these technologies and their ample application fields makes difficult a presentation of them showing their advantages in the energy efficiency field and with respect to the added value of the product to be finished, as well as its impact to the environment when diminishing the polluting agents to the atmosphere. The present article mentions diverse types of electro technologies, doing emphasis in those dedicated to provide heat impulse due to the impact that, by their application, can produce in the electrical system and to the deduction of polluting agents to the environment. Table 1 shows the diverse rank of industries that can use electro technologies. The table of the type of industries that can use electro technologies is shown, as well as the evaluation of these. [Spanish] Las electrotecnologias son sistemas y equipos que utilizan electricidad para producir y procesar bienes de consumo. Tambien pueden ser usados en procesos industriales tales como secado, calentamiento, tratamiento con calor y fundicion. Estas tecnologias han demostrado que la electricidad no solo se puede usar para alumbrado, alimentacion de motores o electrolisis, sino que puede aplicarse en muchos procesos industriales y permitir la reduccion de costos de

  4. Evaluating interactive digital television applications through usability heuristics Evaluando aplicaciones de televisión digital interactiva a través de heurísticas de usabilidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Solano


    Full Text Available Interactive Digital Television (iDT is considered as the convergence of television and computer technologies. Usability evaluation for applications based on emerging information technology brings new challenges. The main iDT feature is that the user may interact with the application; therefore usability should be a main concern when designing iDT applications. Current research usually focuses on iDT applications from a technical point of view, rather than a user-centered approach. There is a need for new usability evaluation methods or at least for the use of traditional evaluations in novel ways. A set of specific usability heuristics was defined and validated, in order to help the usability evaluations of iDT applications. A usability checklist to be used when applying iDT heuristics is also proposed.La Televisión Digital Interactiva (TDi es considerada como la convergencia de la televisión y las tecnologías de la computación. La evaluación de usabilidad para aplicaciones basadas en tecnologías emergentes trae nuevos retos. La principal característica de la TDi es que los usuarios pueden interactuar con las aplicaciones; de esta manera la usabilidad es el principal aspecto a considerar cuando se diseñan aplicaciones de TDi. Las investigaciones actuales normalmente están enfocadas sobre las aplicaciones de TDi desde un punto de vista técnico, y no desde un enfoque centrado en el usuario. Hay una necesidad de nuevos métodos de evaluación de usabilidad o, por lo menos, utilizar de nuevas formas los métodos de evaluación existentes. Un conjunto de heurísticas de usabilidad específicas ha sido definido y validado, con el objetivo de ayudar en la evaluación de usabilidad de aplicaciones de TDi. También se ha propuesto una lista de verificación para ser usada al momento de aplicar las heurísticas de usabilidad.

  5. Diseño e implmentación de maletas didácticas con los Mini PLCS LOGO y ZELIO para aplicaciones en secuencia de motores.


    Mestanza Ortiz, Joan Jorge; Cruz Lindao, Bolivar Geovanny


    El presente trabajo de tesis contempla el diseño e implementación de módulos didácticos utilizando los mini PLCS LOGO y ZELIO, para aplicaciones en secuencia de motores de manera manual o automática, el cual tendrá como tarea única y primordial, las aplicaciones de arranque de motores existentes en la industria, de forma manual o automática los cuales serán implementados por los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería Electrónica e Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana se...

  6. A Two Stage Solution Procedure for Production Planning System with Advance Demand Information (United States)

    Ueno, Nobuyuki; Kadomoto, Kiyotaka; Hasuike, Takashi; Okuhara, Koji

    We model for ‘Naiji System’ which is a unique corporation technique between a manufacturer and suppliers in Japan. We propose a two stage solution procedure for a production planning problem with advance demand information, which is called ‘Naiji’. Under demand uncertainty, this model is formulated as a nonlinear stochastic programming problem which minimizes the sum of production cost and inventory holding cost subject to a probabilistic constraint and some linear production constraints. By the convexity and the special structure of correlation matrix in the problem where inventory for different periods is not independent, we propose a solution procedure with two stages which are named Mass Customization Production Planning & Management System (MCPS) and Variable Mesh Neighborhood Search (VMNS) based on meta-heuristics. It is shown that the proposed solution procedure is available to get a near optimal solution efficiently and practical for making a good master production schedule in the suppliers.

  7. Aplicaciones de los autómatas celulares a la generación de bits


    Hernández Encinas, Luis; Martín del Rey, Angel; Rodríguez Sánchez, Gerardo


    Se presentan en este artículo la principales propiedades de los autómatas celulares lineales, y en particular de los llamados de Wolfram. Se definen, además, algunas nociones de criptografía con el fin de señalar las principales aplicaciones de los autómatas celulares a la misma, como la generación de números pseudoaleatorios para los cifrados en flujo o la generación de claves.

  8. Fluorimetric analysis of gallium in bauxite, by-products, products from gallium processing and its control solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, C.A.M.; Medeiros, V.


    The gallium processing since raw material analysis until end-products analysis is studied. Gallium presence in by-products and products, as well as the fluorimetric method is analyzed. Equipments and materials used in laboratory, reagents and chemical solutions are described. (M.J.C.) [pt

  9. Aplicaciones web para móvil: Estudio y desarrollo de una plataforma web orientada a la telemedicina


    Gutiérrez Díez, Pablo


    En el presente Trabajo Fin de Máster, se realiza un estudio y desarrollo de una plataforma web para dispositivos móviles orientada a la telemedicina, concretamente en el campo de la salud mental. Las aplicaciones mHealth (Mobile Health) se encuentran en auge y continuarán siendo un factor importante en la asistencia sanitaria, dado que ...

  10. Biotecnologia Ambiental. Aplicacions biotecnològiques a la millora del medi ambient


    Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet


    La biotecnología ambiental comprende el conjunto de actividades tecnológicas que facilitan la comprensión y la gestión de los sistemas biológicos en el medio ambiente, con el fin de proveer productos y servicios. Actualmente, la gestión del medio ambiente y de sus recursos naturales no se comprende si no se realiza de manera sostenible. Los avances científicos y tecnológicos le están permitiendo a la biotecnología ambiental, el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas y aplicaciones con los que resp...

  11. Formation of by-products at radiation - chemical treatment of water solutions of chloroform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmedov, S.A.; Abdullayev, E.T.; Gurbanov, M.A.; Gurbanov, A.H.; Ibadov, N.A.


    Full text: Radiation-chemical treatment is considered as a perspective method of water purification from chloroform. It provides the high level of purification (98 percent) of water solutions from chloroform and other chlorine-containing compounds. Meanwhile, other chlorine-containing products can be formed during the process of chloroform degradation and as a result of it the quality of water can change. This work studies the formation of by-products of γ-radiolysis of water solutions at various initial contents of chloroform. Dichlormethane and tetrachlorethane are identified as by-products. It is shown that at high contents of chloroform after certain adsorbed dose the forming products are reducing till their full disappearing. At small contents of chloroform in the studied interval of doses di-chlor-methane is forming. Differences of dose dependences of by-products at various contents of chloroform can be connected with the transition from radical mechanism to chain reaction at high concentrations of chloroform in solutions saturated by oxygen. pH-solutions also reduces during the radiation till pH=1, although this reduction also depends on initial concentration of chloroform. Essential change of pH occurs only at the radiolysis of water solutions containing chloroform ≥0,2 percent. And at radiating of 0,03 percent solution pH reduces only till 4 - 4,5

  12. Implementación de un sistema de desarrollo de aplicaciones en contenedores Docker y su automatización a través de un bot de Slack


    Redondo de Álvaro, Eloy


    Este trabajo trata del desarrollo y la implementación de un nuevo sistema de automatización para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en la empresa MADISON Experience Marketing en la que me encuentro realizando una beca. El sistema de automatización empleará un sistema de desarrollo de aplicaciones en contenedores Docker. Gracias a este sistema, el desarrollo por parte de los distintos equipos de la empresa, podrá realizarse de una forma más ágil e independiente. El sistema consistirá en tres ...



    Sánchez Acosta, Carlos; Universidad Señor de Sipán; Tuesta Monteza, Victor; Universidad Señor de Sipán; Mejía Cabrera, Iván


    En éste documento se presenta un análisis comparativo de frameworks en Java para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, aplicando una matriz de un modelo de evaluación. Para analizar los frameworks y seleccionarlos se realizó en base a criterios de madurez y documentación, obteniendo como resultado los Frameworks Spring, Struts, JSF, Angular JS para su evaluación.  Asimismo para el análisis teórico de frameworks se formuló un método QSOS, concebido para definir características comparativas del so...

  14. Sistema de autenticidad para aplicaciones de análisis de eventos para seguridad.




    [ES] En este proyecto se afronta la creación de un sistema distribuido capaz de garantizar, en aplicaciones empleadas para el análisis de eventos de seguridad, la autenticidad de los datos transmitidos entre el host cliente y servidor con el fin de asegurar la integridad de los mismos en la transmisión entre ambas partes, así como evitar la posible alteración en el destino. Para ello, se utilizará la tecnología blockchain a modo de base de datos en la que se almacenen los hashe...

  15. Potenciales singulares en sistemas cuánticos tridimensionales y aplicaciones físicas.


    Santamaría Sanz, Lucía


    El presente trabajo pretende abordar el análisis de un problema de mecánica cuántica con interés por sus potenciales aplicaciones en física de materiales (en especial aislantes topológicos) y en física de agujeros negros. Fundamentalmente se trata de resolver la ecuación de Schrödinger (caso no relativista) en tres dimensiones espaciales (3D) para un potencial singular con simetría radial del tipo V (r) = A δ(r − r0) Interesan tanto sus estados ligados (interpretados como...

  16. Interactive applications for energy saving; Aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, Alejandro; Ramirez Anaya, Cesar; Gutierrez, Hector; Dominguez Ojeda, Xerxes; Aguilar Galvan, Alfredo [Ingenieria Energetica Integral S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A series of ideas are presented that can help in the development of interactive applications for energy saving. Emphasis is made on the Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE)`s Interactive Course on Demand Management and Power Factor Compensation, in order to demonstrate how far one can go with the multimedia development. [Espanol] Se presenta un conjunto de ideas que pueden auxiliar en la elaboracion de aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia. Se hace principal enfasis sobre el curso interactivo Administracion de la Demanda y Compensacion del Factor de Potencia del Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE) con la finalidad de mostrar hasta donde puede llegarse con un desarrollo multimedia.

  17. Interactive applications for energy saving; Aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, Alejandro; Ramirez Anaya, Cesar; Gutierrez, Hector; Dominguez Ojeda, Xerxes; Aguilar Galvan, Alfredo [Ingenieria Energetica Integral S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A series of ideas are presented that can help in the development of interactive applications for energy saving. Emphasis is made on the Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE)`s Interactive Course on Demand Management and Power Factor Compensation, in order to demonstrate how far one can go with the multimedia development. [Espanol] Se presenta un conjunto de ideas que pueden auxiliar en la elaboracion de aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia. Se hace principal enfasis sobre el curso interactivo Administracion de la Demanda y Compensacion del Factor de Potencia del Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE) con la finalidad de mostrar hasta donde puede llegarse con un desarrollo multimedia.

  18. Herramientas y recursos para la creación y consumo musical en la web 2.0. Aplicaciones y potencialidades educativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Gértrudix Barrio


    Full Text Available Desde la aparición de Internet, y en especial el desarrollo de los servicios y herramientas que caracterizan a la web 2.0, la creación y el consumo musical se han expandido significativamente. En ese proceso, los nativos digitales, usuarios activos de estos nuevos medios, experimentan e innovan continuamente con nuevas formas de producir y disfrutar la música de forma colectiva en entornos distribuidos de Red. El articulo evalúa las posibilidades de integración de esta realidad como un activo educativo en las aulas de música de Enseñanza Secundaria, analizando cuales son los servicios y herramientas que ofrecen mejores posibilidades para facilitar dinámicas y estrategias didácticas innovadoras de aprendizaje musical. Para ello, se ha realizado una amplia revisión documental de fuentes de referencia publicadas en los últimos 15 anos referidas a las potencialidades didácticas musicales de la creación colaborativa en Red, se ha elaborado un corpus de servicios y aplicaciones web 2.0 de creación y consumo musical, y se ha analizado una muestra de estas para determinar sus características y aplicaciones educativas concretas. Se concluye el articulo manifestando la oportunidad que el uso de estas aplicaciones representa para mejorar la predisposición de los estudiantes hacia la materia, la incentivan de los procesos creativos musicales, el desarrollo de competencias especificas de análisis y composición y la capacidad critica y reflexiva tanto sobre el proceso creador como sobre el producto musical alcanzado.

  19. Desenvolupament d'aplicacions web en Django sobre servidor apache, gestionades amb mòdul WSGI i relacionades amb base de dades Postgresql


    Bosch Gascón, Carlos


    Desenvolupament d'aplicacions web en Django per al Segon Concurs de fotografia matemàtica FotoMath 2011. Allotjades en servidor Apachez, gestionades amb mòdul wsgi i relacionades amb una base de dades postgresql.

  20. Métodos matriciales en óptica : aplicaciones en óptica geométrica, ondulatoria y estadística

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alieva, T.; Rodrigo Martín-Romo, J.A.; Martínez Matos, O.; Bastiaans, M.J.; Cámara Iglesias, A.; Asenjo García, A.; Calvo, M.L.


    Este proyecto de innovación educativa se centra en la descripción y caracterización de sistemas ópticos paraxiales así como en el estudio de sus principales aplicaciones en procesado de información. El lector encontrará un nivel creciente en dificultad y exigencia a lo largo de los capítulos

  1. Ecarga y la estrategia de marketing digital para aplicaciones móviles


    Hervella Baturone, Beatriz


    RESUMEN: Ecarga y la estrategia de marketing digital para aplicaciones móviles es un proyecto que trata de recoger cuáles son las principales aspectos que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de promocionar una aplicación móvil. El trabajo consta de una primera parte, de contenido más teórico, que trata el contexto actual del mercado móvil y una segunda parte, de contenido más práctico, que consta de la descripción y documentación real de la estrategia de promoción seguida por la aplicación móv...

  2. Removal of fission products from waste solutions using 16 different soil samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bangash, M.A.; Hanif, J.


    Most of the nuclear sites use pits in the surrounding soils for the storage/disposal of low active waste (LAW) solutions. The characteristics of the soil if not suitable for the fixation or adsorption of the radioactive nuclides, may cause migration of these nuclides to hydrosphere. The phenomenon has the risk of radio toxic pollution for the living bodies therefore minerals composing the soil and their adsorption properties need to be investigated. For this purpose 16 different soil samples were collected from all over Pakistan. Mineralogical composition of the soils was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. It was found that most of the samples contained clay minerals, illite, kaolinite and montmorillonite. Studies for the removal of fission products like, /sup 137/Cs. /sup 60/Sr and activation product /sup 60/CO from solution were carried out on these samples. The sorption experiments were performed by batch technique using radioactive as tracers. Distribution co-efficient were determined by mixing he element solution at pH 3 with the soil at soil solution ratios of 1 to 20. It is revealed from the experimental data that efficient removal of fission products from solutions is achieved by soil samples containing clay mineral montmorillonite, followed by little and kaolinite. These soils thus can be effectively used for the disposal of low level radioactive waste solutions without causing any environmental hazard. (author)

  3. Fermentation Tecniques and Applications of Bacterial Cellulose: a Review Técnicas de fermentación y aplicaciones de la celulosa bacteriana: una revisión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Dary Carreño Pineda


    Full Text Available Bacterial cellulose is a polymer obtained by fermentation with microorganismsfrom Acetobacter, Rhizobium, Agrobacterium and Sarcina genera. Amongthem, Acetobacter xylinum is the most efficient specie. This polymer hasthe same chemical composition of plant cellulose, but its conformation andphysicochemical properties are different, making it attractive for several applications, especially in the areas of food, separation processes, catalysis andhealth, due to its biocompatibility. However, the main problem is the production in mass that is constrained by low yield. It is therefore necessaryto develop some alternatives. This paper presents a review about synthesis,production, properties and principal applications of bacterial cellulose, as wellas some alternatives to reduce the difficulties for process scaling.La celulosa bacteriana es un polímero obtenido por fermentación con microrganismosde los géneros Acetobacter, Rhizobium, Agrobacterium y Sarcina, delas cuales la especie más eficiente es la Acetobacter Xylinum. Este polímero presenta la misma estructura química de la celulosa de origen vegetal, pero difiereen su conformación y propiedades fisicoquímicas, lo que lo hace atractivo para diversas aplicaciones, especialmente en las áreas de alimentos, procesosde separación, catálisis y en medicina, gracias a su biocompatibilidad. Sin embargo, el principal problema es la producción a gran escala limitada por losbajos rendimientos, lo que genera la necesidad de desarrollar alternativas que permitan disminuir o eliminar las causas de esta limitación. En este artículo se hace una revisión acerca de la síntesis, producción, propiedades y principales aplicaciones de la celulosa bacteriana, así como de algunas alternativas estudiadas para disminuir los inconvenientes en el escalamiento del proceso.

  4. Mycotoxin metrology: Gravimetric production of zearalenone calibration solution (United States)

    Rego, E. C. P.; Simon, M. E.; Li, Xiuqin; Li, Xiaomin; Daireaux, A.; Choteau, T.; Westwood, S.; Josephs, R. D.; Wielgosz, R. I.; Cunha, V. S.


    Food safety is a major concern for countries developing metrology and quality assurance systems, including the contamination of food and feed by mycotoxins. To improve the mycotoxin analysis and ensure the metrological traceability, CRM of calibration solution should be used. The production of certified mycotoxin solutions is a major challenge due to the limited amount of standard for conducting a proper purity study and due to the cost of standards. The CBKT project was started at BIPM and Inmetro produced gravimetrically one batch of zearelenone in acetronitrile (14.708 ± 0.016 μg/g, k=2) and conducted homogeneity, stability and value assignment studies.

  5. Application techniques of coatings by thermal projection; Tecnicas de aplicacion de recubrimientos por proyeccion termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porcayo Calderon, Jesus [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The coatings applied by thermal projection have an important number of applications in different industries (chemical, oil, electric, nuclear, etc.). The main purpose of the protection by means of coatings is to alter the surface characteristics of a component so as to resist corrosive environments, abrasion and erosion, among others. The coatings can be applied by different methods, but due to the fact that its characteristics appreciably differ from the base metal, it is important the knowledge of its properties when a coating is selected for a specific use. In this article the characteristics of the applied coatings by thermal projection, the factors that affect its performance and the principal application techniques, are described. [Espanol] Los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica tienen un numero importante de aplicaciones en diferentes industrias (quimica, petrolera, electrica, nuclear, etc.). El proposito principal de la proteccion por medio de recubrimientos es alterar las caracteristicas de la superficie de un componente de manera que resista ambientes corrosivos, abrasion y erosion, entre otros. Los recubrimientos pueden aplicarse por diferentes metodos, pero debido a que sus propiedades difieren apreciablemente de las del metal base, es importante el conocimiento de sus propiedades cuando se selecciona un recubrimiento para un uso especifico. En este articulo se describen las caracteristicas de los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica, los factores que afectan su desempeno y las principales tecnicas de aplicacion.

  6. Application techniques of coatings by thermal projection; Tecnicas de aplicacion de recubrimientos por proyeccion termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porcayo Calderon, Jesus [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The coatings applied by thermal projection have an important number of applications in different industries (chemical, oil, electric, nuclear, etc.). The main purpose of the protection by means of coatings is to alter the surface characteristics of a component so as to resist corrosive environments, abrasion and erosion, among others. The coatings can be applied by different methods, but due to the fact that its characteristics appreciably differ from the base metal, it is important the knowledge of its properties when a coating is selected for a specific use. In this article the characteristics of the applied coatings by thermal projection, the factors that affect its performance and the principal application techniques, are described. [Espanol] Los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica tienen un numero importante de aplicaciones en diferentes industrias (quimica, petrolera, electrica, nuclear, etc.). El proposito principal de la proteccion por medio de recubrimientos es alterar las caracteristicas de la superficie de un componente de manera que resista ambientes corrosivos, abrasion y erosion, entre otros. Los recubrimientos pueden aplicarse por diferentes metodos, pero debido a que sus propiedades difieren apreciablemente de las del metal base, es importante el conocimiento de sus propiedades cuando se selecciona un recubrimiento para un uso especifico. En este articulo se describen las caracteristicas de los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica, los factores que afectan su desempeno y las principales tecnicas de aplicacion.

  7. Exploración de viabilidad sobre ideas de aplicaciones en el mercado colombiano


    Tarazona Ocampo, Andrés Felipe; Soto Florez, María Paz; Camacho Cala, Paula Vanessa


    La economía mundial cambia a un ritmo vertiginoso y exponencial gracias a la rápida transformación de la tecnología. Diferentes dinámicas como el crecimiento en cobertura del internet; la creciente facilidad de obtención de una tarjeta de crédito; la popularización del uso de smartphones; y el crecimiento en uso del comercio electrónico; han dado cabida a la aparición de nuevos tipos de negocio, como el de servicios electrónicos y aplicaciones, que hace algunas décadas atrás eran inviables. ...

  8. Aplicaciones de la tecnologia de control termico y de madurez del concreto en Colombia


    Quimbay Herrera, Rodrigo


    La Tecnología del control térmico y de madurez del concreto (TCTM) tiene un potencial muy amplio en la industria del cemento y del concreto en Colombia, tanto por sus múltiples aplicaciones en los procesos de control de calidad en obra (instrumentación de elementos, control de probetas), como en el control de calidad de recepción en planta para la materia prima (control en tiempo real del cemento). Igualmente, en el control de producción de las diferentes mezclas (e...

  9. Aplicaciones del Caos y la Complejidad en la Cadena de Suministros del Sector Agroindustrial


    Lara Atencia, Manuel Santiago


    La presente investigación consiste en determinar las aplicaciones existentes de las teorías del caos y las teorías de la complejidad en la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial colombiano. Además, tiene como propósito describir el sector de la agroindustria y la cadena de suministro, identificar los modelos de caos y complejidad y posteriormente determinar cuáles de éstos son aplicables al sector. Se define el caos como una sub-disciplina de las matemáticas que estudia sistemas compl...

  10. Products of radiation removal of lead from aqueous solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drtinova, Barbora; Pospisil, Milan


    Full text: Some metal ions, including Pb 2+ can be gradually reduced by primary reducing products of water radiolysis (solvated electrons e aq - and H radicals) to insoluble, easily separable metals. Conditions of water remediation using irradiation with accelerated electrons were studied. The solutions with initial concentration 100 mg/L of Pb(II) (originally nitrate) containing OH radical scavengers were irradiated under intensive agitation in sealed thin-glass ampoules by accelerated electrons (4.5 MeV) from a linear accelerator. Doses ranging from 0.5 to 60 kGy (dose rate of 0.5 kGy/s) determined by an alanine dosimeter were applied. Subsequent process of centrifugation (5000 revs per minute) was used for the separation of product- finely dispersed particles. The changes in metal concentration were determined with error ± 3% by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy with flame atomization. The solid products formed after the irradiation were analyzed by both thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. For the pre-irradiated systems were carried out calculations by using PHREEQC in order to determinate the speciation. Without addition of an OH radical scavenger the radiation-induced removal of lead did not occur. The influence of potassium formate HCOOK (1x10 -3 - 4x10 -2 mol/L) and 10% isopropanol as typical OH radical scavengers was individually studied. The lead can be completely removed from aqueous solutions (pH about 5-6) containing 1x10 - :2 mol/L of HCOOK already at the dose of 2.5 kGy. With increasing concentration of HCOOK (1x10 -3 - 4x10 -2 mol/L) increases the amount of Pb(HCOO) + form in the solution before irradiation. The radiation product is metallic lead at low concentration of HCOOK to PbCO 3 at higher concentration of the OH radical scavenger. In the system with isopropanol dominates the form Pb 2+ and the product of radiation reduction is then metallic lead


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Saucedo-Hernández


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de estudiar el efecto del calcio sobre la poscosecha de frutos de aguacate, árboles del cv. 'Fuerte' se asperjaron con Ca(NO32 al 0, 0.3 y 0.5 %. Se realizaron seis aplicaciones precosecha a partir del 4 de mayo del 2001, la cosecha se realizó en enero del 2002, una vez cosechados los frutos se almacenaron a temperatura ambiente y a 5 °C por cinco semanas, realizando evaluaciones a las 0, 3 y 5 semanas. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que existió un incremento en el contenido de calcio en cáscara y pulpa en los frutos de aguacate tratados con nitrato de calcio. Las aplicaciones precosecha de nitrato de calcio al 0.3 y 0.5 % mejoraron la firmeza y redujeron la pérdida de peso de los frutos siendo diferentes al testigo, así también diminuyó la producción de CO2, etileno y daños por frío.

  12. Cell culture media impact on drug product solution stability. (United States)

    Purdie, Jennifer L; Kowle, Ronald L; Langland, Amie L; Patel, Chetan N; Ouyang, Anli; Olson, Donald J


    To enable subcutaneous administration of monoclonal antibodies, drug product solutions are often needed at high concentrations. A significant risk associated with high drug product concentrations is an increase in aggregate level over the shelf-life dating period. While much work has been done to understand the impact of drug product formulation on aggregation, there is limited understanding of the link between cell culture process conditions and soluble aggregate growth in drug product. During cell culture process development, soluble aggregates are often measured at harvest using cell-free material purified by Protein A chromatography. In the work reported here, cell culture media components were evaluated with respect to their impact on aggregate levels in high concentration solution drug product during accelerated stability studies. Two components, cysteine and ferric ammonium citrate, were found to impact aggregate growth rates in our current media (version 1) leading to the development of new chemically defined media and concentrated feed formulations. The new version of media and associated concentrated feeds (version 2) were evaluated across four cell lines producing recombinant IgG4 monoclonal antibodies and a bispecific antibody. In all four cell lines, the version 2 media reduced aggregate growth over the course of a 12 week accelerated stability study compared with the version 1 media, although the degree to which aggregate growth decreased was cell line dependent. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:998-1008, 2016. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

  13. Aplicaciones del GRC en España y Argelia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez Santiago, Jesús


    Full Text Available Not Available.Este artículo resume la experiencia obtenida en la utilización del mortero de cemento reforzado con fibra de vidrio (GRC en el campo de la construcción. Se describen en primer lugar las características del material y el proceso de fabricación en factoría de paneles de GRC. Se exponen a continuación algunas realizaciones llevadas a cabo con este material destacando, por su volumen y rapidez de ejecución, el conjunto de fachadas para edificios de viviendas, hospitales y centros escolares construidos en Argelia. También se comentan otras aplicaciones del GRC para la rehabilitación y decoración interior de edificios y para la construcción de elementos singulares. Finalmente, en el apartado de las conclusiones se menciona la necesidad de seguir investigando en el comportamiento a largo plazo de este material para poder aumentar su utilización en la construcción.

  14. Materiales nanocompuestos de polipropileno y nitruros de carbono, procedimiento para su obtención y aplicaciones


    Naffakh, Mohammed; Zamora Abanades, Felix; López Fernández, Vicente; Gómez Rodríguez, Mª Ángeles


    Materiales nanocompuestos de polipropileno y nitruros de carbono, procedimiento para su obtención y aplicaciones. La presente invención se refiere a un material nanocompuesto que comprende una matriz polimérica de polipropileno y nanopartículas de nitruro de carbono, con forma esférica o elipsoidal, a su procedimiento de obtención y a sus usos en la fabricación de artículos termoplásticos, ultraligeros y ultraduros.

  15. Aplicaciones Móviles: Mejorar la imagen corporativa de los aeropuertos y diferenciarlos ante la competencia


    Florido-Benítez, Lázaro


    La imagen que proyectan los aeropuertos a través de sus apps afectan directa e indirectamente en la satisfacción del pasajero. Hoy día los aeropuertos compiten entre si para captar un mayor números de aerolíneas y pasajeros, con el objetivo de incrementar sus ingresos comerciales. Las aplicaciones aeroportuarias como herramienta de marketing están ofreciendo un abanico de oportunidades al binomio pasajero y aeropuerto. Si los aeropuertos quieren mejorar la experiencia del pasajero y diferenci...

  16. Materiales piezoeléctricos: formas de presentación ventajas y desventajas en las aplicaciones


    Jiménez, B.


    El enorme desarrollo que han experimentado las aplicaciones de los materiales piezoeléctricos en las nuevas tecnologías se ha debido, fundamentalmente, al descubrimiento de las propiedades ferroeléctricas en los materiales con estructura tipo perovskita de composiciones basadas en el Titanato de Plomo. La posibilidad de preparar soluciones sólidas en forma cerámica y más recientemente el polímero PVDF y los materiales compuestos por una fase activa piezoeléctrica y otra fase no activa , "comp...

  17. Photometric estimation of plutonium in product solutions and acid waste solutions using flow injection analysis technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dhas, A.J.A.; Dharmapurikar, G.R.; Kumaraguru, K.; Vijayan, K.; Kapoor, S.C.; Ramanujam, A.


    Flow injection analysis technique is employed for the measurement of plutonium concentrations in product nitrate solutions by measuring the absorbance of Pu(III) at 565 nm and of Pu(IV) at 470 nm, using a Metrohm 662 photometer, with a pyrex glass tube of 2 nm (ID) inserted in the light path of the detector serving as a flow cell. The photometer detector never comes in contact with radioactive solution. In the case of acid waste solutions Pu is first purified by extraction chromatography with 2-ethyl hexyl hydrogen 2 ethyl hexyl phosphonate (KSM 17)- chromosorb and the Pu in the eluate in complexed with Arsenazo III followed by the measured of absorbance at 665 nm. Absorbance of reference solutions in the desired concentration ranges are measured to calibrate the system. The results obtained agree with the reference values within ±2.0%. (author). 3 refs., 1 tab

  18. Recovery of fission products from waste solutions utilizing controlled cathodic potential electrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlin, W.W.; Darlington, W.B.


    Fission products, e.g., palladium, rhodium and technetium, are recovered from aqueous waste solutions thereof, e.g., aged Purex alkaline waste solutions. The metal values from the waste solutions are extracted by ion exchange techniques. The metals adsorbed by the ion exchange resin are eluted and selectively recovered by controlled cathodic potential electrolysis. The metal values deposited on the cathode are recovered and, if desired, further purified

  19. 9 CFR 381.169 - Ready-to-cook poultry products to which solutions are added. (United States)


    ... solutions are added. (a) Butter alone, or solutions of poultry broth, poultry stock, water, or edible fats... manner of addition to the products must be found acceptable by the Administrator, in all cases. The... in the product name must be printed with the same prominence, except that the words which describe...

  20. Substation automation. Integration of applications of the SICLE; Automatizacion de subestaciones. Integracion de aplicaciones sobre el SICLE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutierrez, Gustavo; Vega, Miguel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper presents the first applications developed by the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) on the infrastructure of the SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de la Estacion) (Station Information and Local Control System), that Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) is now acquiring in order to automate its transmission substations. A computer infrastructure was obtained similar to the existing in the substation for the development of program testing at the IIE; the personnel of the same was trained; the applications in conjunction with the CFE specialists were defined; the agreed developments were made and installed at the Temascal II Substation. [Espanol] En el presente articulo se presentan las primeras aplicaciones desarrolladas por el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) sobre la infraestructura del SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de Estacion) que esta adquiriendo la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) a fin de automatizar sus subestaciones de transmision. Se obtuvo una infraestructura de computo similar a la existente en la subestacion para el desarrollo de prueba de programas en el IIE; se capacito al personal en la misma; se definieron las aplicaciones conjuntamente con los especialistas de la CFE; se hicieron los desarrollos acordados y se instalaron en la subestacion Temascal II.

  1. Substation automation. Integration of applications of the SICLE; Automatizacion de subestaciones. Integracion de aplicaciones sobre el SICLE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutierrez, Gustavo; Vega, Miguel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper presents the first applications developed by the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) on the infrastructure of the SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de la Estacion) (Station Information and Local Control System), that Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) is now acquiring in order to automate its transmission substations. A computer infrastructure was obtained similar to the existing in the substation for the development of program testing at the IIE; the personnel of the same was trained; the applications in conjunction with the CFE specialists were defined; the agreed developments were made and installed at the Temascal II Substation. [Espanol] En el presente articulo se presentan las primeras aplicaciones desarrolladas por el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) sobre la infraestructura del SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de Estacion) que esta adquiriendo la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) a fin de automatizar sus subestaciones de transmision. Se obtuvo una infraestructura de computo similar a la existente en la subestacion para el desarrollo de prueba de programas en el IIE; se capacito al personal en la misma; se definieron las aplicaciones conjuntamente con los especialistas de la CFE; se hicieron los desarrollos acordados y se instalaron en la subestacion Temascal II.

  2. Application of frequency converters in industry; Aplicacion de convertidores de frecuencia en la industria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delmar Saavedra, Alejandro [Eficiencia Energetica, S.A. de C.V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    Next an analysis methodology for the application of a frequency converter in equipment that handles flows, as they can be pumps, fans, blowers and extractors is presented. Measurements of some practical cases that we have had in the industry are shown. Some of the types of applications in which the control of speed with the frequency converter is used, are the following ones: pumps, fans, mills, crushing machines, extruders, Banbury mixers, spinning machines, conveyors, mixers, electrical vehicles, lime furnaces, injection machines, blowers and extractors. The purpose of a frequency converter is of controlling the speed and/or torque of an electrical motor. The reasons for which a frequency converter is used can be classified, in two large fields: the necessary and those that provide energy saving. [Spanish] A continuacion se presenta una metodologia de analisis para la aplicacion de un convertidor de frecuencia en equipos que manejan flujos, como pueden ser bombas, ventiladores, sopladores y extractores. Se muestran mediciones de algunos casos practicos que hemos tenido en la industria. Algunos de los tipos de aplicaciones en donde se usa el control de velocidad con el convertidor de frecuencia, son los siguientes: bombas, ventiladores, molinos, trituradoras, extrusoras, mezcladoras banbury, maquinas de hilado, transportadoras, mezcladoras, vehiculos electricos, horno de cal, maquinas de inyeccion, sopladores y extractores. El proposito de un convertidor de frecuencia es el de controlar la velocidad y/o par en un motor electrico. Se pueden, clasificar las razones por las que se usa un convertidor de frecuencia, en dos grandes campos: las necesarias y las que proporcionan ahorros de energia.

  3. Minoxidil topical solution: an unsafe product for children. (United States)

    Claudet, Isabelle; Cortey, Caroline; Honorat, Raphaele; Franchitto, Nicolas


    Minoxidil hair formulation is commonly used for the treatment of male or female androgenic alopecia. This over-the-counter product is wrongly considered safe. The ingestion of a few milliliters by a child can lead to significant intoxication. We report a case of significant intoxication after the ingestion of topical minoxidil (Alopexy; Pierre Fabre Laboratoires, SA, Switzerland). A 7-year-old girl, who accidentally ingested a teaspoon of minoxidil hair solution, presented to the pediatric emergency department for emesis. At admission, she had a blood pressure of 86/56 mm Hg and a pulse of 149 beats per minute. Hypotension lasted 40 hours with the lowest value 24 hours after ingestion (79/33 mm Hg). She presented electrocardiogram changes (sinus tachycardia and flattening T-waves) but normal cardiac enzymes. Infusion of 20 mL/kg of normal saline fluid had no hemodynamic effect. Her blood pressure normalized on day 2. Minoxidil topical solution is an unsafe product for children. This formulation should be strictly kept out of reach of children and manufacturers should enhance child-resistance security of packaging. The over-the-counter availability must be questioned.

  4. 78 FR 64937 - Pesticide Products; Registration Applications for New Active Ingredients (United States)


    .... (Investigaciones y Aplicaciones Biotechnologicas S.L.), Avda, Paret del Patriarca 11-B, Ap. 30, 46113 Moncada... St., Suite A, Davis, CA 95616 on behalf of IAB, S.L. (Investigaciones y Aplicaciones Biotechnologicas...

  5. Metodología de modelado de aplicaciones web móviles basada en componentes


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González González, Carina Soledad; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea


    Esta línea de investigación busca crear una metodología de modelado utilizando una extensión conservativa de UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) que permita diseñar aplicaciones web móviles centrándose en el modelado de la interfaz de usuario mediante la utilización de componente configurables. El objetivo final es la generación automática del código fuente completo de la aplicación. Para lograr tal fin se extienden los diagramas de clases y componentes de UML. El diagrama de clases es exten...

  6. Los costos de la calidad: conceptos y aplicaciones en la industria farmacéutica


    Enrique Yacuzzi; Fernando Martín


    Este documento de trabajo es una introducción práctica al estudio de los costos de la calidad (CC). En las primeras secciones se describen algunos métodos y aplicaciones sencillas. Utilizando ejemplos de la implantación de un sistema de CC en el área de acondicionamiento de un laboratorio farmacéutico multinacional que opera en la Argentina, se presentan definiciones y cálculos de costos, con ejemplos de los informes y planillas más comunes. Se estudia la clasificación de los costos y se brin...

  7. La web, las aplicaciones de las Matemáticas y las metodologías activas: Una propuesta para el aula

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María José Pérez Peñalver


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de implicar a los estudiantes en su aprendizaje y de que relacionen los contenidos que se imparten en las clases de matemáticas, se ha creado una pequeña práctica de aula en primero de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. En la tarea, los estudiantes investigan en grupo las aplicaciones de las cónicas y las cuádricas a través de la red. Posteriormente eligen varias aplicaciones y elaboran una pequeña presentación que comparten con el resto de grupos. Finalmente realizan la evaluación de la tarea, que ha sido una responsabilidad compartida entre el profesor y los grupos y se ha organizado en forma de concurso con un premio para el mejor. En el artículo se muestra la descripción detallada del proceso, los resultados obtenidos, el grado de satisfacción de los alumnos y del docente, los problemas que surgieron y las propuestas de mejora.

  8. Desarrollo de materiales poliméricos nanocompuestos para aplicaciones eléctricas y electrónicas


    Chinè, Bruno


    Se reportan algunos resultados y procedimientos experimentales de laboratorio obtenidos en el marco de investigaciones desarrolladas para la obtención de nuevos materiales compuestosnanoestructurados. Estos nuevos materiales, formados por una fase orgánica el polímero y una fase inorgánica el silicato, están siendo fuertemente investigados en la actualidad pues se espera que puedan brindar, entre otras, mejores propiedades de aislamiento eléctrico y de retardo a la flama en aplicaciones eléct...





    La Trehalosa es un disacárido con tremendas aplicaciones en la industria biotecnológica y alimenticia. Este compuesto se encuentra en muchos organismos, a causa de su capacidad de proteger las células contra el calor y la deshidratación. Un ejemplo, es la bacteria Gram-positiva Corynebacterium glutamicum, la cual sintetiza trehalosa a través de dos rutas principales, TreYZ y OtsBA, usando ADP-glucosa (especulativamente) y UDP-glucosa, respectivamente, como dadores de unidades de ...

  10. Adolescentes y cibermedios: Una didáctica basada en aplicaciones periodísticas para smartphones


    Vázquez-Cano, Esteban; Calvo-Gutiérrez, Elvira


    La investigación analiza el uso por parte del alumnado y profesorado de enseñanza secundaria de aplicaciones periodísticas en smartphones para el desarrollo curricular de las diferentes materias. Presentamos un estudio de casos en el que, por medio de una investigación de corte cuantitativo, se estudian las variables principales que afectan al desarrollo didáctico y social de los smartphones en la enseñanza desde una perspectiva sociodidáctica e informativa. Los resultados muestran cómo la es...

  11. Arquitectura de software basada en microservicios para desarrollo de aplicaciones web de la Asamblea Nacional


    López Hinojosa, José Daniel


    Proponer una arquitectura de software basada en microservicios para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en la Coordinación General de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador. Actualmente, el proceso de desarrollo de software que realiza la Coordinación General de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (CGTIC) de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador (ANE) constituye el empleo de una arquitectura de software tradicional o monolítica que ha sido ...

  12. Generación automática de aplicaciones web móviles mediante componentes configurables


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González, Carina; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto


    Teniendo como objetivo final la generación completa del código fuente de una aplicación, se ha desarrollado CBDHM (Metodología de Modelado Hipermedia Basada en Componentes). Esta metodología está basada en UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) y permite diseñar y construir aplicaciones web móviles utilizando dos modelos: el modelo de datos y el modelo de interfaz de usuario. El modelo de datos está basado en el diagrama de clases UML extendido para poder generar la base de datos y sus relacion...

  13. Del telegrama a los tweets: investigación sobre la interacción del adulto mayor con las redes sociales y aplicaciones Google considerando aspectos de usabilidad y accesibilidad web


    Díaz, Francisco Javier; Harari, Ivana


    En este artículo se presenta el estado de avance de la tesina “Del Telegrama a los Tweets: Investigación sobre la Interacción del Adulto Mayor con las Redes Sociales y Aplicaciones Google, considerando Aspectos de Usabilidad y Accesibilidad Web” para el magister de Redes de Datos de la Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La misma consiste en una investigación integral sobre la interacción entre los adultos mayores y las aplicaciones de Web 2.0 actuales como Facebook y T...

  14. Effects of solutes on damage production and recovery in zirconium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zee, R.H.; Birtcher, R.C.; MacEwen, S.R.; Abromeit, C.


    Dilute zirconium-based alloys and pure zirconium were irradiated at 10 K with spallation neutrons at IPNS. Four types of alloys - Zr-Ti, Zr-Sn, Zr-Dy and Zr-Au - each with three concentration levels, were used. Low-temperature resistivity damage rates are enhanced by the presence of any of the four solutes. The greatest enhancement was produced by Au while the least by Dy. Within each alloy group, damage production also increased but at a decreasing rate, with increasing concentration. Post-irradiation annealing experiments, up to 400 K, showed that all four solutes suppress recovery due to interstitial migration, indicative of interstitial trapping by the solutes. Vacancy recovery is also suppressed by the presence of Sn, Dy or Au. The effect of Ti is to shift this stage to lower temperature. No clear correlation between the results with solute size was detected

  15. Determination of trace amounts of chemical warfare agent degradation products in decontamination solutions with NMR spectroscopy. (United States)

    Koskela, Harri; Rapinoja, Marja-Leena; Kuitunen, Marja-Leena; Vanninen, Paula


    Decontamination solutions are used for an efficient detoxification of chemical warfare agents (CWAs). As these solutions can be composed of strong alkaline chemicals with hydrolyzing and oxidizing properties, the analysis of CWA degradation products in trace levels from these solutions imposes a challenge for any analytical technique. Here, we present results of application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for analysis of trace amounts of CWA degradation products in several untreated decontamination solutions. Degradation products of the nerve agents sarin, soman, and VX were selectively monitored with substantially reduced interference of background signals by 1D 1H-31P heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) spectrometry. The detection limit of the chemicals was at the low part-per-million level (2-10 microg/mL) in all studied solutions. In addition, the concentration of the degradation products was obtained with sufficient confidence with external standards.


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    Full Text Available Las superficies multitáctiles son tecnologías que empiezan a tener un elevado uso. Se toman como referentes aspectos utilizados para la evaluación de usabilidad de sistemas interactivos, así como las característicasque los investigadores y desarrolladores sugieren que deberían tener las superficies multitáctiles y las aplicaciones desarrolladas. Se presenta una propuesta inicial de criterios que deberían tenerse en cuenta para incluir  aspectos de ergonomía, usabilidad y colaboración en el momento de realizar evaluaciones para estas tecnologías. Se ilustra cómo se pueden aplicar los criterios propuestos a través de un caso de estudio que cuenta con resultados promisorios.

  17. Hydroxyl radical production in plasma electrolysis with KOH electrolyte solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saksono, Nelson; Febiyanti, Irine Ayu, E-mail:; Utami, Nissa; Ibrahim [Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia Phone: +62217863516, Fax: +62217863515 (Indonesia)


    Plasma electrolysis is an effective technology for producing hydroxyl radical (•OH). This method can be used for waste degradation process. This study was conducted to obtain the influence of applied voltage, electrolyte concentration, and anode depth in the plasma electrolysis system for producing hydroxyl radical. The materials of anode and cathode, respectively, were made from tungsten and stainless steel. KOH solution was used as the solution. Determination of hydroxyl radical production was done by measuring H{sub 2}O{sub 2} amount formed in plasma system using an iodometric titration method, while the electrical energy consumed was obtained by measuring the electrical current throughout the process. The highest hydroxyl radical production was 3.51 mmol reached with 237 kJ energy consumption in the power supply voltage 600 V, 0.02 M KOH, and 0.5 cm depth of anode.

  18. Codificación de red y sus aplicaciones

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    Francisco de Asís López Fuentes


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una revisión general de una nueva técnica en el campo de la teoría de la información, llamada “codificación de red”. La codificación de red se presenta como una técnica prometedora y de activa investigación en la teoría de redes. Diversos beneficios relacionados al flujo de información, tales como un óptimo aprovechamiento del ancho de banda y la reducción de retardos en redes de extremo a extremo han sido reportados en la literatura. Nuestro trabajo en este documento se enfoca principalmente a los siguientes aspectos de codificación de red: planteamiento del modelo, áreas de aplicación y beneficios obtenidos al usar esta técnica. Los aspectos discutidos en este trabajo cubren tanto a las redes fijas como móviles. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar al lector la relevancia y potencial de esta técnica y las aplicaciones que se están desarrollando a su alrededor.

  19. A web-based rapid assessment tool for production publishing solutions (United States)

    Sun, Tong


    Solution assessment is a critical first-step in understanding and measuring the business process efficiency enabled by an integrated solution package. However, assessing the effectiveness of any solution is usually a very expensive and timeconsuming task which involves lots of domain knowledge, collecting and understanding the specific customer operational context, defining validation scenarios and estimating the expected performance and operational cost. This paper presents an intelligent web-based tool that can rapidly assess any given solution package for production publishing workflows via a simulation engine and create a report for various estimated performance metrics (e.g. throughput, turnaround time, resource utilization) and operational cost. By integrating the digital publishing workflow ontology and an activity based costing model with a Petri-net based workflow simulation engine, this web-based tool allows users to quickly evaluate any potential digital publishing solutions side-by-side within their desired operational contexts, and provides a low-cost and rapid assessment for organizations before committing any purchase. This tool also benefits the solution providers to shorten the sales cycles, establishing a trustworthy customer relationship and supplement the professional assessment services with a proven quantitative simulation and estimation technology.

  20. Energy saving in hotels by means of heat pumps application; Ahorro de energia en hoteles mediante la aplicacion de bombas de calor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero Paredes R, Hernando; Ambriz G, Juan Jose [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa (Mexico)


    The thermal energy is presented as an alternate saving technology for utilities by means of the acute implementation of heat pumps. The objective is to demonstrate the technical and economical feasibility of the application of commercial heat pumps to installations where the handling of opposite temperatures for the conditioning of a space and/or of a fluid is required. In this article it is described the functioning of a heat pump, its different operation principles or types as well as the large diversity of applications they can have in industry, utilities and residential buildings. As an application example the substitution of an electric boiler by a heat pump is presented in a hotel installation and its differences in performance regarding the environmental conditioning of a nearby area and the heating of swimming pool water are analyzed. [Spanish] Se presenta la energia termica como una tecnologia de ahorro alterna para empresas de servicios valiendose de la implementacion agudizada de bombas de calor. El objetivo es demostrar la factibilidad tecnica y economica de la aplicacion de bombas de calor comerciales a instalaciones donde se requiere la manipulacion de temperaturas opuestas para el acondicionamiento de un espacio y/o un fluido. Se describe el funcionamiento de una bomba de calor, sus diferentes principios de operacion o tipos, asi como la gran diversidad de aplicaciones que pueden tener en la industria, empresas de servicios y edificios residenciales. Como ejemplo de aplicacion se presenta la sustitucion de una caldera electrica por una bomba de calor en una instalacion hotelera y sus diferencias de rendimiento en el calentamiento de agua de alberca y el acondicionamiento ambiental de un area cercana.

  1. Software Support for Optimizing Layout Solution in Lean Production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naqib Daneshjo


    Full Text Available As progressive managerial styles, the techniques based on "lean thinking" are being increasingly promoted. They are focused on applying lean production concepts to all phases of product lifecycle and also to business environment. This innovative approach strives to eliminate any wasting of resources and shortens the time to respond to customer requirements, including redesigning the structure of the organization’ supply chain. A lean organization is created mainly by employees, their creative potential, knowledge, self-realization and motivation for continuous improvement of the processes and the production systems. A set of tools, techniques and methods of lean production is basically always very similar. Only a form of their presentation or classification into individual phases of the product lifecycle may differ. The authors present the results of their research from the designing phases of production systems to optimize their dispositional solution with software support and 3D simulation and visualization. Modelling is based on use of Tecnomatix's and Photomodeler's progressive software tools and a dynamic model for capacitive dimensioning of more intelligent production system

  2. Deproteinization: an integrated-solution approach to increase efficiency in β-galactosidase production using cheese whey powder (CWP solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro Freire dos Santos


    Full Text Available Whey is the liquid that results from the coagulation of milk during cheese manufacture. Cheese whey is also an important environmental pollution source. The present experiment sought to compare β-galactosidase (EC production by Aspergillus oryzae from deproteinized and un-deproteinized CWP solutions. β-galactosidase was produced by submerged fermentation in deproteinized or un-deproteinized CWP solutions. To determine the activity of the enzyme, a reaction mixture containing cell-free extract and ortho Nitrophenyl β galactoside (ONPG was used. The results indicated that β-galactosidase induction was greater when using deproteinized CWP solution compared to the un deproteinized CWP solution. These results may enable an alternative management of cheese whey, thereby decreasing its impact on the environment and producing value-added biomacromolecules.

  3. Comparison of solute-binding properties of plastic materials used as pharmaceutical product containers. (United States)

    Jenke, Dennis; Couch, Tom; Gillum, Amy


    Material/water equilibrium binding constants (E(b)) were determined for 11 organic solutes and 2 plastic materials commonly used in pharmaceutical product containers (plasticized polyvinyl chloride and polyolefin). In general, solute binding by the plasticized polyvinyl chloride material was greater, by nearly an order of magnitude, than the binding by the polyolefin (on an equal weight basis). The utilization of the binding constants to facilitate container compatibility assessments (e.g., drug loss by container binding) for drug-containing products is discussed.

  4. Tecnología Móvil: desarrollo de sistemas y aplicaciones para las Unidades de Información

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    Raúl Alberto Garita-Araya


    Full Text Available Las Unidades de Información han enfrentado cambios con el pasar de los años, lograron adaptarse, crecer y en la mayoría de los casos evolucionar. Algunas mejoran sus servicios, productos y llegan a una mayor cantidad y calidad de usuarios. Sin embargo, esta evolución no ha sido igual para todas, muchas se han quedado en el camino. La evolución ha sido provocada principalmente por los avances en la tecnología; los sistemas rígidos de administración y descripción bibliográfica deberían ser historia. En la actualidad, los sistemas son en ambiente web y permiten utilizar las herramientas, el almacenaje y acceso en la nube. Es necesario que las bibliotecas exploten las oportunidades que las tecnologías, herramientas y plataformas móviles proporcionan; accesos ilimitados, mayor captura de usuarios según sus intereses individuales o grupales. Las aplicaciones móviles son un mercado que las bibliotecas deben aprovechar, su desarrollo debe dejar de ser un obstáculo para los profesionales de la información. En el momento que las unidades de información desarrollen y personalicen sus propias herramientas y aplicaciones web, la brecha informacional de sus usuarios gradualmente desaparecerá, un desafío que vale la pena el esfuerzo.

  5. Tecnología Móvil: desarrollo de sistemas y aplicaciones para las Unidades de Información

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Alberto Garita-Araya


    Full Text Available Las Unidades de Información han enfrentado cambios con el pasar de los años, lograron adaptarse, crecer y en la mayoría de los casos evolucionar. Algunas mejoran sus servicios, productos y llegan a una mayor cantidad y calidad de usuarios. Sin embargo, esta evolución no ha sido igual para todas, muchas se han quedado en el camino. La evolución ha sido provocada principalmente por los avances en la tecnología; los sistemas rígidos de administración y descripción bibliográfica deberían ser historia. En la actualidad, los sistemas son en ambiente web y permiten utilizar las herramientas, el almacenaje y acceso en la nube. Es necesario que las bibliotecas exploten las oportunidades que las tecnologías, herramientas y plataformas móviles proporcionan; accesos ilimitados, mayor captura de usuarios según sus intereses individuales o grupales. Las aplicaciones móviles son un mercado que las bibliotecas deben aprovechar, su desarrollo debe dejar de ser un obstáculo para los profesionales de la información. En el momento en que las unidades de información desarrollen y personalicen sus propias herramientas y aplicaciones web, la brecha informacional de sus usuarios gradualmente desaparecerá, un desafío que vale la pena el esfuerzo.

  6. Análisis de eficiencia en arquitecturas multiprocesador para aplicaciones de transmisión y procesamiento de datos


    Osio, Jorge R.; Salvatore, Juan Eduardo; Kunysz, Eduardo; Guarepi, V. L.; Morales, Daniel Martín


    Los principales lineamientos de investigación de este proyecto se orientan a las Arquitecturas que posibilitan el procesamiento paralelo, principalmente en sistemas multi-core. Por otro lado, la optimización de estos sistemas se orienta a determinadas aplicaciones de telemedicina y de sistemas ópticos basados en MIOC , (Multifunction Integrated Optical Chip), que requieren procesamiento y transmisión de datos de forma remota. Paralelamente a estos lineamientos el proyecto contempla el e...

  7. Product Lifecycle Management and the Quest for Sustainable Space Exploration Solutions (United States)

    Caruso, Pamela W.; Dumbacher, Daniel L.; Grieves, Michael


    Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is an outcome of lean thinking to eliminate waste and increase productivity. PLM is inextricably tied to the systems engineering business philosophy, coupled with a methodology by which personnel, processes and practices, and information technology combine to form an architecture platform for product design, development, manufacturing, operations, and decommissioning. In this model, which is being implemented by the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Engineering Directorate, total lifecycle costs are important variables for critical decision-making. With the ultimate goal to deliver quality products that meet or exceed requirements on time and within budget, PLM is a powerful concept to shape everything from engineering trade studies and testing goals, to integrated vehicle operations and retirement scenarios. This briefing will demonstrate how the MSFC Engineering Directorate is implementing PLM as part of an overall strategy to deliver safe, reliable, and affordable space exploration solutions and how that strategy aligns with the Agency and Center systems engineering policies and processes. Sustainable space exploration solutions demand that all lifecycle phases be optimized, and engineering the next generation space transportation system requires a paradigm shift such that digital tools and knowledge management, which are central elements of PLM, are used consistently to maximum effect. Adopting PLM, which has been used by the aerospace and automotive industry for many years, for spacecraft applications provides a foundation for strong, disciplined systems engineering and accountable return on investment. PLM enables better solutions using fewer resources by making lifecycle considerations in an integrative decision-making process.

  8. Chemicals in Household Products: Problems with Solutions (United States)

    Glegg, Gillian A.; Richards, Jonathan P.


    The success of a regulatory regime in decreasing point-source emissions of some harmful chemicals has highlighted the significance of other sources. A growing number of potentially harmful chemicals have been incorporated into an expanding range of domestic household products and are sold worldwide. Tighter regulation has been proposed, and the European Commission has introduced the Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, and Authorisation of Chemicals to address this concern. However, it is clear that in addition to the regulation, there is a potential to effect change through retailer and consumer attitudes and behaviours. Interviews were conducted with 7 key stakeholder groups to identify critical issues, which were then explored using a public survey questionnaire (1,008 respondents) and 8 subsequent focus groups. The findings demonstrated that the issue of chemicals in products is of concern to consumers for reasons of personal health rather than environmental protection. Key obstacles to the wider purchase of “green-alternative” products included perceived high cost and poor performance, lack of availability of products, and poor information concerning such products. Although improved regulation was seen as part of the solution, consumers must also play a role. It was clear from this study that consumers are not currently able to make informed choices about the chemicals they use but that they would be receptive to moving toward a more sustainable use of chemicals in the future if empowered to do so.



    Guitart, Moises Esteban


    En el siguiente trabajo se exponen las bases teóricas y se ilustran algunas aplicaciones de una visión de la psicología cultural alrededor del concepto de "vivencia" y "geografía vital". Según esta perspectiva, el desarrollo humano es el resultado de la participación en prácticas educativas a través de las cuales nos apropiamos de los "signos", "tecnología cultural" o formas explícitas e implícitas de vida compartida. Se postulan dos supuestos y tres características. Los supuestos son que la ...

  10. Aplicaciones de normas no cuadráticas en tratamiento digital de la señal


    Páez Borrallo, José Manuel


    La mayoría de los problemas de estimación están basados en la minimización de una función de coste cuadrática del error de estimación. Este criterio de calidad posee la propiedad de proporcionar el mejor y más sencillo estimador posible en un gran número de aplicaciones. Sin embalo, existen situaciones concretas donde la selección de funciones de costo más generales ofrecen similares o incluso mejores prestaciones que la minimización cuadrática. El presente trabajo introduce criterios de opti...

  11. Plan de Auditoría del desarrollo de aplicaciones en una empresa informática




    El proceso de la auditoría requiere una gran recopilación de datos, realización de pruebas y comprobación de requisitos de control. En este trabajo pretendemos, primero mostrar una visión global de la auditoría para posteriormente centrarnos en la auditoría que nos interesa en este proyecto, la auditoría de los Sistemas de desarrollo de aplicaciones informáticas, explicaremos las características que tiene la organización a la que le vamos a realizar el plan de auditoría junt...

  12. Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones


    Fernández López, Víctor Manuel; López de Lacey, Antonio; Rüdiger Ortiz, Olaf


    Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones. En la presente invención se protegen electrodos biológicos modificados con enzimas hidrogenasas (ánodos) mediante los cuales es posible obtener energía eléctrica del hidrógeno en una configuración típica de pilas de combustible; asimismo, con estos electrodos modificados con hidrogenasa (cátodos) es posible producir hidrógeno a partir de agua en una configuración típica de cél...

  13. Técnicas de fermentación y aplicaciones de la celulosa bacteriana: una revisión


    Carreño Pineda, Luz Dary; Caicedo Mesa, Luis Alfonso; Martínez Riascos, Carlos Arturo


    La celulosa bacteriana es un polímero obtenido por fermentación con microrganismos de los géneros Acetobacter, Rhizobium, Agrobacterium y Sarcina, de las cuales la especie más eficiente es la Acetobacter Xylinum. Este polímero presenta la misma estructura química de la celulosa de origen vegetal, pero difiere en su conformación y propiedades fisicoquímicas, lo que lo hace atractivo para diversas aplicaciones, especialmente en las áreas de alimentos, procesos de separación, catálisis y en medi...

  14. Aplicaciones, servicios y procesos distribuidos : Una visión para la construcción de software


    Bazán, Patricia


    En los orígenes de la ciencia de la computación todo el énfasis estuvo puesto en desarrollar sistemas que automatizaran tareas que se hacían manualmente. Este era suficiente desafío. En la actualidad, se han automatizado muchas tareas y el gran desafío es cómo mejorar la capacidad de los sistemas para alcanzar nuevos requerimientos: agregar nuevas interfaces, combinar múltiples fuentes de datos en una sola, interactuar con dispositivos móviles y reemplazar viejas aplicaciones con nuevas. ...

  15. Endo-β-1,4-glucanasa para la fabricación de micro/nanocelulosa: propiedades y aplicaciones


    Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim Agustí


    En els darrers anys, entre la comunitat científica i tecnològica s’ha despertat un gran interès en la producció, caracterització i utilització de nanofibres de cel·lulosa. Aquesta especial atenció es deu, principalment, al seu caràcter biodegradable, el seu origen renovable i la versatilitat que presenten, fent-les aptes per ser utilitzades en multitud d’aplicacions. L’esclat d’aquesta temàtica de recerca va tenir lloc aproximadament deu anys enrere, doncs només cal observar el creixement exp...

  16. Applications of the renewable energies; Aplicaciones de las energias renovables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez Rocha, Luis Martin [Comision Nacional para el Ahorro de Energia, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The solar energy manifests itself in different forms and its application has been fundamental for the humankind development. These forms are known as renewable energies, since they are energy forms that are renewed or remade with time or that are so abundant on Earth, that they will last for hundreds or thousands of years, either we use them or not. The main advantage of the utilization of the renewable energies in comparison with hydrocarbons is the one of having smaller impact on the environment, which brings about the conservation of nonrenewable resources, and to postpone its exhaustion. They allow the distributed generation, diminishing the power losses in the transmission and distribution systems, which increases the overall efficiency. In addition they can be the drive for regional development and generation of employment, because when having applications in remote zones and being a field still not completely developed in Mexico, the possibility exists of enabling professionals and technicians. From the point of view of the power sector, the renewable energies extend the supply and availability of energy, making more flexible and independent the operation and reliability of the national power system. [Spanish] La energia solar se manifiesta de diversas formas y su aplicacion ha sido fundamental para el desarrollo de la humanidad. A estas formas se les conoce como energias renovables, ya que son formas de energia que se van renovando o rehaciendo con el tiempo o que son tan abundantes en la tierra, que perduraran por cientos o miles de anos, las usemos o no. La principal ventaja del aprovechamiento de las energias renovables en comparacion con los hidrocarburos es la de tener menor impacto al medio ambiente, lo que trae consigo la conservacion de recursos no renovables, y posponer su termino. Permiten la generacion distribuida, disminuyendo las perdidas energeticas en los sistemas de transmision y distribucion, lo que incrementa la eficiencia general. Ademas

  17. Arquitecturas multiprocesador en computación de alto desempeño: software, métricas, modelos y aplicaciones


    De Giusti, Armando Eduardo; Tinetti, Fernando Gustavo; Naiouf, Marcelo; Chichizola, Franco; De Giusti, Laura Cristina; Villagarcía Wanza, Horacio A.; Montezanti, Diego Miguel; Encinas, Diego; Pousa, Adrián; Rodriguez, Ismael Pablo; Rodriguez Eguren, Sebastián; Iglesias, Luciano; Paniego, Juan Manuel; Pi Puig, Martín; Dell'Oso, Matías


    Caracterizar las arquitecturas multiprocesador distribuidas enfocadas especialmente a cluster y cloud computing, con énfasis en las que utilizan procesadores de múltiples núcleos (multicores, GPUs y Xeon Phi), con el objetivo de modelizarlas, estudiar su escalabilidad, analizar y predecir performance de aplicaciones paralelas, estudiar el consumo energético y su impacto en la perfomance así como desarrollar esquemas para detección y tolerancia a fallas en las mismas. Profundizar el estudio...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard Lobo


    Full Text Available En una red coexisten diversos dispositivos de comunicación tales como switch (conmutadores, routers (enrutadores, firewall y los servidores; estos últimos garantizan el funcionamiento de los servicios de una red que son instalados por los administradores de redes, utilizando para ello un elevado número de herramientas y requiriendo un elevado grado de especialización para su correcta configuración. Cuando surge un problema en los servicios, la detección, diagnóstico y posterior solución dependerán de la disponibilidad de los encargados de administrar la red de datos, solución que podría tardar algún tiempo. Si algunos de estos servicios dejan de funcionar, traería como consecuencia la inoperatividad del servicio prestado, provocando el descontento de los usuarios. En el presente artículo, se desarrolla un sistema de recuperación automático de servidores (SIRAS realizando reinstalación remota y desatendida para el mejoramiento de los servicios de la Red de Datos del Rectorado la Universidad de los Andes (ULA Mérida, Venezuela. Para ello, se utilizan varias aplicaciones tales como sistemas de archivos remotos, protocolos de autoconfiguración de red, protocolo de transferencia de archivos, entre otros, que ayudan a optimizar los servicios de las redes en cuestión, sobre la infraestructura ya existente. Los datos se recolectaron directamente del lugar donde ocurren los hechos. Los resultados indican un comportamiento estable tanto para GNU/Linux en la interconexión de las aplicaciones, como para las comunicaciones en red, independientemente del sistema operativo utilizado. Además, el sistema SIRAS permitió mejorar los servicios de la red. Asimismo, se demostró que el hardware que aloja al sistema de recuperación no se vio afectado en su rendimiento al momento de la ejecución simultánea de todas las aplicaciones y protocolos de red que intervinieron en el sistema.

  19. EPR study of the production of OH radicals in aqueous solutions of uranium irradiated by ultraviolet light

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to establish whether hydroxyl radicals (•OH were produced in UV-irradiated aqueous solutions of uranyl salts. The production of •OH was studied in uranyl acetate and nitrate solutions by an EPR spin trap method over a wide pH range, with variation of the uranium concentrations. The production of •OH in uranyl solutions irradiated with UV was unequivocally demonstrated for the first time using the EPR spin-trapping method. The production of •OH can be connected to speciation of uranium species in aqueous solutions, showing a complex dependence on the solution pH. When compared with the results of radiative de-excitation of excited uranyl (*UO22+ by the quenching of its fluorescence, the present results indicate that the generation of hydroxyl radicals plays a major role in the fluorescence decay of *UO22+. The role of the presence of carbonates and counter ions pertinent to environmental conditions in biological systems on the production of hydroxyl radicals was also assessed in an attempt to reveal the mechanism of *UO22+ de-excitation. Various mechanisms, including •OH production, are inferred but the main point is that the generation of •OH in uranium containing solutions must be considered when assessing uranium toxicity.

  20. Implementación de un entorno cloud en las infraestructuras del laboratorio de aplicaciones telemáticas


    Pereira Diéguez, Martín


    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se expone el procedimiento de despliegue de un entorno Cloud OpenStack utilizando dos soluciones de virtualización distintas. Citrix XenServer con Mirantis OpenStack y CentOS 7 con RDO PackStack ambas sobre servidores Huawei. Se integra dicha infraestructura en el Laboratorio de Aplicaciones de Telemáticas y se configuran los equipos de red para permitir el acceso desde el Laboratorio de Telemática. Además, se configuran el direccionamiento de los servidores para que ...

  1. Product Lifecycle Management and the Quest for Sustainable Space Transportation Solutions (United States)

    Caruso, Pamela W.


    This viewgraph presentation reviews NASA Marshall's effort to sustain space transportation solutions through product lines that include: 1) Propulsion and Transportation Systems; 2) Life Support Systems; and 3) and Earth and Space Science Spacecraft Systems, and Operations.

  2. Gaseous products generated by radiation degradation of N,N-diethylhydroxylamine aqueous solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jinhua; Wang Shengxiu; Bao Borong; Li Zhen; Li Chun; Zheng Weifang; Zhang Shengdong


    In this paper, gaseous products generated by radiation degradation of N,N-diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA) in aqueous solution are studied. The results show that by 10-1000 kGy irradiation of the solution in DEHA concentration of 0.1-0.5 mol·L -1 , the gaseous products were mainly hydrogen, methane, ethane and ethene. The volume fraction of hydrogen did not change much with different concentrations of DEHA. The volume fraction of methane and ethane decreased, but that of ethene increased, with increasing DEHA concentration. The volume fraction of hydrogen, methane and ethane increased with the dose. The relationship of the volume fraction of ethene with the dose had something to do with the DEHA concentration. (authors)

  3. X-ray diffraction phase analysis of crystalline copper corrosion products after treatment in different chloride solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chmielova, M.; Seidlerova, J.; Weiss, Z.


    The corrosion products Cu 2 (OH) 3 Cl, Cu 2 O, and CuCl 2 were identified on the surface of copper plates after their four days treating in three different sodium chloride, sodium/magnesium, and sodium/calcium chloride solutions using X-ray diffraction powder analysis. However, the quantitative proportions of individual corrosion products differ and depend on the type of chloride solution used. Treating of copper plates only in the sodium chloride solution produced the mixture of corrosion products where Cu 2 O is prevailing over the Cu 2 (OH) 3 Cl and CuCl 2 was not identified. The sample developed after treating of the cooper surface in the sodium/magnesium chloride solution contains Cu 2 (OH) 3 Cl and CuCl 2 prevailing over the Cu 2 O, while the sample developed after treatment of copper in sodium/calcium chloride solution contains Cu 2 (OH) 3 Cl prevailing over CuCl 2 and Cu 2 O was not identified

  4. Reducing variety in product solution spaces of engineer-to-order companies: The case of Novenco A/S

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haug, Anders; Hvam, Lars; Mortensen, Niels Henrik


    by eliminating the product variety that do not create customer value. However, for Engineer-to-Order (ETO) companies, elimination of variety is particularly challenging, since it is about reducing variety in a complex product solution space, rather than just eliminating already produced product variants......Today many companies are experiencing increasing demands from customers for shorter delivery times and more competitive prices. In order to increase competitiveness from a price and time-to-market perspective, many companies initiate projects to reduce their internal product complexity....... To support ETO companies in achieving more efficient product solution spaces, this paper presents a procedure for reducing product solution spaces in ETO companies. The procedure is demonstrated through an action research study at the Danish ETO company, Novenco, which develops and manufactures heating...

  5. Efficient removal of Cd2+ from aqueous solutions using by-product of biodiesel production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro, Rita F.L.; Soares, Vitor C.; Costa, Letícia M.; Nascentes, Clésia C.


    Highlights: ► Sorbents were prepared from radish cake, a waste from biodiesel production. ► The chemical treatments used were simple, low-cost and enhanced the Cd 2+ sorption. ► The cadmium sorption process was evaluated by Freundlich and Langmuir models. ► Chemically treated radish cake is an excellent alternative for removal of Cd 2+ . ► Desorption studies demonstrated that the sorbent–metal interaction is reversible. - Abstract: In this study, chemically modified radish cake, a by-product of biodiesel production, was used to remove Cd 2+ from aqueous solutions. The chemical modification was carried out by treating the radish cake with citric acid (CRC), NaOH (NRC) or the combination of citric acid and NaOH (CNRC). The sorbents were characterized by elemental analysis, surface area analysis, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), potentiometric titration (PT), scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM–EDS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The effect of the chemical treatment and contact time on cadmium sorption was evaluated. The equilibrium data were analyzed using Freundlich and Langmuir models. The maximum sorption capacity obtained by the Langmuir isotherm was 58.5 mg/g and 64.10 mg/g for the CRC, and CNRC sorbents, respectively. Complete desorption of Cd 2+ was achieved using 0.1 mol/L HNO 3 . The results obtained demonstrate that chemically modified radish cake has potential as a sorbent for Cd 2+ removal from aqueous solutions.

  6. Modelo de Sistema Basado en Conocimiento en el Dominio de la Seguridad de Aplicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Victoria Bajarlía


    Full Text Available El objetivo es proponer un modelo de un sistema basado en conocimiento (SBC aplicado al análisis de seguridad de aplicaciones de gestión. El modelo se fundamenta en un sistema basado en conocimiento (SBC que cuenta con un componente cognitivo que le permite incorporar conocimiento. En virtud de que las amenazas y los ataques informáticos representan un problema constante y creciente se puede suponer que el SBC, a través del aprendizaje dinámico que lo mantendrá actualizado, podrá asistir a los especialistas en Seguridad de la Información, en el área de competencia, a la elaboración de Especificación de Requerimientos.

  7. A Solution-Based Approach for Mo-99 Production: Considerations for Nitrate versus Sulfate Media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda J. Youker


    Full Text Available Molybdenum-99 is the parent of Technetium-99m, which is used in nearly 80% of all nuclear medicine procedures. The medical community has been plagued by Mo-99 shortages due to aging reactors, such as the NRU (National Research Universal reactor in Canada. There are currently no US producers of Mo-99, and NRU is scheduled for shutdown in 2016, which means that another Mo-99 shortage is imminent unless a potential domestic Mo-99 producer fills the void. Argonne National Laboratory is assisting two potential domestic suppliers of Mo-99 by examining the effects of a uranyl nitrate versus a uranyl sulfate target solution configuration on Mo-99 production. Uranyl nitrate solutions are easier to prepare and do not generate detectable amounts of peroxide upon irradiation, but a high radiation field can lead to a large increase in pH, which can lead to the precipitation of fission products and uranyl hydroxides. Uranyl sulfate solutions are more difficult to prepare, and enough peroxide is generated during irradiation to cause precipitation of uranyl peroxide, but this can be prevented by adding a catalyst to the solution. A titania sorbent can be used to recover Mo-99 from a highly concentrated uranyl nitrate or uranyl sulfate solution; however, different approaches must be taken to prevent precipitation during Mo-99 production.

  8. Analysis of an homogeneous solution reactor for 99 Mo production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weir, A.; Lopasso, E.; Gho, C.


    The 99m Tc is the more used radioisotope in nuclear medicine, used in 80% of procedures of nuclear medicine in the world. This is due to their characteristics practically ideal for the diagnostic. The 99m Tc is obtained by decay of the 99 Mo, which can produce it by irradiating enriched targets in 98 Mo, or as fission product, irradiating uranium targets or by means of homogeneous solution reactors. The pattern of the used reactor in the neutron analysis possesses a liquid fuel composed of uranyl nitrate dissolved in water with the attach of nitric acid. This solution is contained in a cylindrical recipient of stainless steel reflected with light water. The reactor is refrigerated by means of an helicoidal heat exchanger immersed in the fuel solution. The heat of the fuel is removed by natural convection while the circulation of the water inside the exchanger is forced. The control system of the reactor consists on 6 independent cadmium bars, with followers of water. An auxiliary control system can be the level of the fuel solution inside container tank, but it was not included in the pattern in study. One studies the variations of the reactivity of the system due to different phenomena. An important factor during the normal operation of the reactor is the variation of temperature taking to a volumetric expansion of the fuel and ghastly effects in the same one. Another causing phenomenon of changes in the reactivity is the variation of the concentration of uranium in the combustible solution. An important phenomenon in this type of reactors is the hole fraction in the nucleus I liquidate due to the radiolysis and the possible boil of the water of the combustible solution. Some of the possible cases of abnormal operation were studied as the lost one of coolant in the secondary circuit of the heat exchanger, the introduction and evaporation of water in the nucleus. The reactivity variations were studied using the codes of I calculate MCNP, WIMS and TORT. All the

  9. Efecto de la química superficial del óxido de grafeno en el desarrollo de aplicaciones


    Ramos Fernández, Gloria


    Las excelentes propiedades del grafeno, y la predicción de que este material pueda dar solución a todas las necesidades tecnológicas ha supuesto una gran revolución. Dada la versatilidad de este material, como consecuencia de los distintos métodos de producción disponibles, que generaran un material final con propiedades muy distintas, este se postula como un buen candidato para el desarrollo de distintas aplicaciones. Uno de los productos derivados de grafeno más usados es el óxido de grafe...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel H. Moreno


    Full Text Available A pesar de su gran potencial, los xerogeles de carbono no se producen a gran escala debido a los largos y tediosos procesos tradicionales de obtención. El objetivo ha sido desarrollar un nuevo método de síntesis que permita su producción a gran escala de forma competitiva, sin perder el control de las propiedades y la posibilidad de producirlos a medida de cada aplicación. En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo proceso de obtención que permite reducir notablemente el tiempo del proceso de síntesis (>75% y utilizando un único dispositivo, constituyendo un paso muy importante para la implementación a escala industrial de la producción de xerogeles de carbono. En este trabajo se presentan resultados notables de dichos xerogeles de carbono en aplicaciones tan diversas como el almacenamiento de hidrógeno, como material activo en supercondensadores o como material de relleno en columnas de separación de gases, mostrando la gran versatilidad de estos materiales.

  11. Fission products control by gamma spectrometry in purex process solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goncalves, Maria Augusta


    This paper deals with a radiometric method for fission products analysisby gamma spectrometry. This method will be applied for fission productscontrol at the irradiated material processing facility, under construction inthe Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, SP, Brazil. Countinggeometry was defined taking into account the activities of process solutionsto be analysed, the remotely operated aliquotation device of analytical celland the available detection system. Natural and 19,91% enriched uraniumsamples were irradiated at IEAR-1 reactor in order to simulate thecomposition of Purex process solutions. After a short decay time, the sampleswere dissolved with HNO 3 and then, conditioned in standard flasks withdefined geometry. The spectra were obtained by a Ge(Li) semiconductordetector and analysed by the GELIGAM software system, losing a floppy-diskconnected to a PDP-11/05 computer. Libraries were prepared and calibrationswere made with standard sources to fit the programs to the analysis offission products in irradiated uranium solutions. It was possible to choosethe best program to be used in routine analysis with the obtained data.(author)

  12. Development of processes for pilot plant production of purified uranyl nitrate solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alfredson, P. G.; Charlton, B. G.; Ryan, R. K.; Vilkaitis, V. K.


    Nuclear purity uranyl nitrate solutions were produced from Rum Jungle yellow cake by dissolution in nitric acid and purification by solvent extraction with 20 vol. per cent tributyl phosphate in kerosene using pump - mix mixer-settler contactors. The design of the equipment, experimental studies and operating experience are described. Dissolution of yellow cake and recycled uranium oxide materials was readily carried out in a 100 l dissolver to give solutions containing 300 gU l{sup -1} and 0.5 to 4 M nitric acid. Filtration of silica from this solution prior to solvent extraction was not necessary in this work for yellow cake containing 0.25 per cent silica. A low acid flowsheet for uranium purification was developed in which the nitric acid consumption was reduced by 76 per cent and the throughput of the mixer-settler units was increased by 67 per cent compared with the initial design flowsheet. Nine extraction and seven scrubbing stages were used with a feed solution containing 300 gU l{sup -1} and 1.0 M nitric acid and with a portion of the product recycled as scrub solution. The loaded organic phase was stripped in 16 stages with 0.05 M nitric acid heated to 60 deg C to give a 120 gU l{sup -1} product. The uranium concentration in the raffinate was < 0.04 g l{sup -1}, corresponding to approximately 0.01 per cent of the feed. (author)

  13. Analysis of products of thymine irradiated by 18O8+ ion beam in N2O saturated aqueous solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Xichen; Wei Zengquan; Li Wenjian; Liang Jianping; Li Qiang


    Some methods of capillary gas chromatography, such as GC, GC-MS GC-FT-IR, are used to analyze the products of thymine irradiated by 18 O 8+ ion beam in N 2 O saturated aqueous solution. From the results of GC-MS the molecular weight of products can be determined, and from the results of GC-FT-IR some molecular structure information of products can be obtained. By this way the products, 5,6-Dihydro-thymine, 5-Hydroxyl-5-Methylhydantoin, 5-Hydroxyl-6-Hydro-thymine, 5-Hydro-6-Hydroxyl thymine, 5-Hydroxymethyluracil, Trans-Thymine glycol, Cis-Thymine glycol and dimers are determined without separation of them from samples. Though these products are as same as those products of thymine irradiated by γ rays in N 2 O saturated aqueous solution, the mechanism of thymine irradiated by heavy ion beam in aqueous solution is different from that by γ rays. The main products of thymine irradiated by 18 O 8+ ion beam in N 2 O saturated aqueous solution are hydroxyl adducts at 5-6 band of thymine, while the main products of thymine irradiated by γ ray in N 2 O saturated aqueous solution are dimers of thymine

  14. Hardening en servidor web Linux Apache, PHP y configurar el firewall de aplicaciones modsecurity para mitigar ataques al servidor


    Espol; Delgado Quishpe, Byron Alberto


    Realizar un hardening al servidor web, se procederá a revisar las directivas en los archivos de configuración del servicio Apache, PHP, y se procederá a realizar instalación y configuración de un firewall de aplicaciones llamado mod_security la cual nos permitirá mitigar ataques a nuestro servidor web. realizando un análisis de vulnerabilidades encontrado en el servidor. Guayaquil Magíster en Seguridad Informática Aplicada

  15. Planning and tracking chemotherapy production for cancer treatment: a performing and integrated solution. (United States)

    Kergosien, Y; Tournamille, J-F; Laurence, B; Billaut, J-C


    Chemotherapy drugs are intended for the treatment of cancer. The production of such drugs and their administration to the patient is a delicate and expensive operation. The study deals with the acquisition and processing of data regarding the production of intravenous chemotherapy, from the production request (the medical prescription), the production itself (pharmaceutical process), to the delivery in the health care unit, for the administration of the chemotherapy. The goal of this study is to develop a system that can schedule, control and track the chemotherapy preparations and satisfy a certification process of quality management ("ISO 9001 version 2000" standard). The solution proposed in this paper was developed within the framework of a common certification process at the Biopharmaceutical Unit of the Oncology Clinic (UBCO) of the Bretonneau hospital in Tours (France). The system consists of two software programs: a software to insure traceability and a decision making software to plan the production. To simplify the data entry process, some mobile entry points with bar code reader have been deployed. These tools enable an accurate tracking of the production, a security and control for the schedule production phases, and a full traceability of each operation leading to the administration of the chemotherapy drug. The first result is a software that creates the production schedule, allows a real time control of the production process and a full traceability of each step. Computational experiments are based on real data sets, with a comparison of a time period before and after the implementation of this solution. The results show the positive impacts of this software, like the reduction of delayed deliveries, real time generation of production indicators, optimization of the production and a saving of staff time. This intuitive system guarantees a traceability in connection with a high quality system certified ISO 9001-v2000 (with a rapid data entry), an

  16. Análisis de eficiencia en arquitecturas multiprocesador para aplicaciones de transmisión y procesamiento de datos


    Osio, Jorge R.; Salvatore, Juan Eduardo; Kunysz, Eduardo; Montezanti, Diego Miguel; Alonso, Daniel; Guarepi, V. L.; Morales, Daniel Martín


    Las principales líneas de investigación de este proyecto están orientadas a la utilización de arquitecturas multicore para cómputo paralelo en aplicaciones de Telemedicina, Procesamiento de Imágenes Médicas, robótica y de sistemas ópticos basados en MIOC, (Multifunctional Integrated Optical Chip), que requieren procesamiento y transmisión de datos de forma remota. Paralelamente a estos lineamientos, dentro del marco del proyecto se exploran nuevas tendencias en cómputo paralelo, siendo las...

  17. Desarrollo de un algoritmo en MATLAB para la optimización de la resolución de una tarjeta USRP B210 para aplicaciones SDRadar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Moreno Avilés


    Full Text Available En este documento se analizan las limitaciones y características que tiene la tarjeta USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral B210 para desarrollar aplicaciones de radar definidos por software (SDRadar. Para el desarrollo del algoritmo se utilizó un radar de onda continua modulada en frecuencia (FMCW que implementa una señal chirp, al considerar que 25 MHz es el máximo ancho de banda que la tarjeta puede proporcionar se obtiene como resultado una resolución de 6 metros. El método utilizado para optimizar la resolución de la tarjeta fue transmitir un determinado número de señales con distintos anchos de banda, lo que resulta en una resolución diferente, al detectar y almacenar el objetivo en una matriz. Después de las pruebas correspondientes el algoritmo estableció que con 14 mediciones con variaciones de ancho de banda de 0.5 MHz, entre cada señal, se obtiene la mayor optimización para mejorar la resolución de la tarjeta. Se obtuvo finalmente dos zonas de optimización, donde la primera zona está limitada por un error de medición menor a 1 metro, y en la segunda zona con un error de medición entre 1 y 2 metros con 69.15% y 30.85% de objetivos detectados respectivamente, lo que determina su efectividad y confiabilidad. Este trabajo ha demostrado que el algoritmo utilizado es útil en aplicaciones SDRadar para detectar objetivos para aplicaciones topográficas o sistemas SAR.

  18. Microencapsulación con alginato en alimentos. Técnicas y aplicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bryshila Lupo Pasin


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión de las técnicas de microencapsulación con alginato para aplicaciones en alimentos. El alginato ha sido uno de los polímeros más empleado en la microencapsulación, este forma una matriz altamente versátil, biocompatible y no tóxica para la protección de componentes activos, células o microorganismos sensibles al calor, pH, oxígeno y luz, entre otros factores, a los que son expuestos los alimentos durante el procesamiento y almacenaje. El proceso de microencapsulación con alginato se lleva a cabo a través de dos mecanismos de gelificación iónica: la gelificación externa y la gelificación interna, dependiendo de si el calcio se suministra desde fuera de las cápsulas o en el interior de las mismas. Para la preparación de microcápsulas de alginato de calcio con aplicaciones alimentarias, se tienen las técnicas por extrusión, en emulsión y secado por atomización. Aunque el secado por atomización ha sido para la industria un proceso práctico y económico, su aplicación con alginato se ha visto limitada por la viscosidad y velocidad de gelificación. Por el contrario, la técnica por extrusión ha sido la técnica tradicional empleada en las últimas décadas, debido a la uniformidad de las microcápsulas en su forma y tamaño. En este sentido, la técnica en emulsión es la aplicada más recientemente, la cual ha demostrado ser sencilla y de producción a gran escala. En la actualidad se desarrollan nuevas tecnologías a fin de disminuir el tamaño de las microcápsulas para así ampliar sus usos en la industria. Entre las últimas tendencias de microencapsulación, se estudian sistemas mixtos de matrices poliméricas con la finalidad de obtener propiedades físico-químicas combinadas, permitiendo hacer el proceso de encapsulación más eficiente tanto para la protección como para la liberación controlada del principio activo.

  19. Microencapsulación con alginato en alimentos. Técnicas y aplicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bryshila Lupo Pasin


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión de las técnicas de microencapsulación con alginato para aplicaciones en alimentos. El alginato ha sido uno de los polímeros más empleado en la microencapsulación, este forma una matriz altamente versátil, biocompatible y no tóxica para la protección de componentes activos, células o microorganismos sensibles al calor, pH, oxígeno y luz, entre otros factores, a los que son expuestos los alimentos durante el procesamiento y almacenaje. El proceso de microencapsulación con alginato se lleva a cabo a través de dos mecanismos de gelificación iónica: la gelificación externa y la gelificación interna, dependiendo de si el calcio se suministra desde fuera de las cápsulas o en el interior de las mismas. Para la preparación de microcápsulas de alginato de calcio con aplicaciones alimentarias, se tienen las técnicas por extrusión, en emulsión y secado por atomización. Aunque el secado por atomización ha sido para la industria un proceso práctico y económico, su aplicación con alginato se ha visto limitada por la viscosidad y velocidad de gelificación. Por el contrario, la técnica por extrusión ha sido la técnica tradicional empleada en las últimas décadas, debido a la uniformidad de las microcápsulas en su forma y tamaño. En este sentido, la técnica en emulsión es la aplicada más recientemente, la cual ha demostrado ser sencilla y de producción a gran escala. En la actualidad se desarrollan nuevas tecnologías a fin de disminuir el tamaño de las microcápsulas para así ampliar sus usos en la industria. Entre las últimas tendencias de microencapsulación, se estudian sistemas mixtos de matrices poliméricas con la finalidad de obtener propiedades físico-químicas combinadas, permitiendo hacer el proceso de encapsulación más eficiente tanto para la protección como para la liberación controlada del principio activo.

  20. Challenges in balancing the amount of solution information in requirement specifications for embedded products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Savolainen, Juha; Hauksdóttir, Dagný; Mannion, Mike


    customers have such intimate knowledge of their products that their requirements tend to be very specific, and if the customer knows the exact solution needed that naturally will reduce the cost of the requirements elicitation as well as design activities. Practitioners are challenged to understand when......Requirements are traditionally viewed as being free of the details of an envisioned solution and specified using purely problem domain entities. Preventing premature design in the requirements permits the available design space not to be restricted too early which might inhibit innovative designs....... In practice, on many industrial projects, separating the problem and solution domain entities can be difficult, and arguably there are benefits for not doing so. Many customers feel more confident describing their requirements, often as the difference between the existing products and their needs, some...

  1. Nutrient solution and substrates for ‘cedro doce’ (Pochota fendleri seedling production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar J. Smiderle

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study assessed the effect of different substrates and addition of nutrient solution on the production of Pochota fendleri seedlings, leaf contents of macro and micronutrients and chlorophyll a and b. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 3 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replicates. The factors were three substrates, with or without addition of nutrient solution, composing six treatments: (T1 = sand; (T2 = soil; (T3 = sand + soil (1:1; (T4 = sand + nutrient solution; (T5 = soil + nutrient solution; (T6 = sand + soil + nutrient solution. Growth characteristics (height, collar diameter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, root/shoot ratio and total dry matter and contents of macro- and micronutrients and chlorophyll a and b were evaluated. The use of nutrient solution reduces the time to obtain seedlings of Pochota fendleri, and it is important for proper growth and quality of seedlings. The sequence of nutritional requirement presented by Pochota fendleri seedlings in three substrates with addition of nutrient solution follows the descending order: macronutrients (N > Ca > K > Mg > P > S and micronutrients (Fe > Mn > B > Zn > Cu.

  2. FIPS: a process for the solidification of fission product solutions using a drum drier. [HTGR fuel reprocessing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halaszovich, St.; Laser, M.; Merz, E.; Thiele, D.


    A new process consisting of the steps concentration of the fission product solution, denitration of the solution by addition of formaldehyde, addition of glass-forming additives, drying of the slurry using a drum drier, melting of the dry product in the crucible by rising level in-pot-melting, and off-gas treatment and recovery of nitric acid is under development. A small plant with a capacity of 1 kg glass per hour has been tested in hot cells with fission product solutions from LWR fuel element reprocessing since December 1974. The equipment is very simple to operate and to control. No serious problems arose during operation.

  3. Investigation of oil production conditions and production operation by solution gas drive in low permeable heterogeneous limestones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lillie, W


    It was the purpose of this study to investigate the production of oil and gas from a low permeable heterogeneous limestone-reservoir by solution gas drive. The rock-samples were subjected to extensive petrolphysical analyses in order to characterize the pore structure of of the limestone material. Laboratory model flow tests were undertaken to outline in detail the production history during the pressure depletion process under reservoir conditions and by using original reservoir fluids. The experiments were carried out at different rates of pressure decline. It can be stated that the rate of pressure decline is the most important factor affecting the oil recovery and the development of the gas-oil-ratio in a model flow test. The present investigation leads to the following conclusion: It is posible to get reliable results which could be the base for a reservoir performance prediction only when the gas and oil phase are maintained at equilibrium conditions within the rock sample during the pressure decline. An additional calculation of the solution gas drive reservoir production history by the Tarner method shows a good agreement of the experimental and the calculated data. (40 refs.)

  4. Diseño y desarrollo de una pasarela de interoperabilidad 802.15.4/802.3 para aplicaciones de sensores


    López López, Gregorio Ignacio


    En los últimos años, las redes de sensores inalámbricas o WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks) están ganando importancia en el sector de las telecomunicaciones debido a sus muchas y muy variadas aplicaciones. Se trata de redes de dimensiones reducidas, que requieren anchos de banda escasos, bajo consumo y bajo coste de despliegue y mantenimiento. Para promocionar y potenciar la incorporación de este tipo de redes al mercado de forma competitiva, el IEEE (Institute of Electrical and ...

  5. Documentación y análisis de los principales frameworks de arquitectura de software en aplicaciones empresariales


    Sarasty España, Hugo Fernando


    Este documento se enfoca en un tema común hoy en día en el ambiente tecnológico y empresarial, el cual es la arquitectura de software y su aplicabilidad a través de frameworks a proyectos empresariales. Este documento de investigación servirá de base para obtener un conocimiento y entendimiento de los frameworks de arquitectura de software más usados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales, determinando su aplicabilidad según el proyecto que se esté abordando. Facultad de Informátic...

  6. Aplicaciones de los registros de resonancia magnética nuclear (nmrl) en la evaluación de yacimientos


    Landi Torres, Richard Paúl


    La extraordinaria tecnología de adquisición de registros o perfilaje de resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN) ha estado en continua evolución durante los últimos 10 años. Las compañías petroleras utilizan las mediciones de RMN en una variedad de aplicaciones cada vez más numerosa; por ejemplo, para caracterizar los fluidos de las formaciones durante la evolución de los yacimientos y determinar la producibilidad de la formación. Hoy en día, las mediciones obtenidas con estas herramien...

  7. Preparation of ZnO Nanoparticles and Photocatalytic H2 Production Activity from Different Sacrificial Reagent Solutions (United States)

    Peng, Tian-you; Lv, Hong-jin; Zeng, Peng; Zhang, Xiao-hu


    ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized via a direct precipitation method followed by a heterogeneous azeotropic distillation and calcination processes, and then characterized by X-ray power diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and nitrogen adsorption-desorption measurement. The effects of Pt-loading amount, calcination temperature, and sacrificial reagents on the photocatalytic H2 evolution efficiency from the present ZnO suspension were investigated. The experimental results indicate that ZnO nanoparticles calcined at 400 °C exhibit the best photoactivity for the H2 production in comparison with the samples calcined at 300 and 500 °C, and the photocatalytic H2 production efficiency from a methanol solution is much higher than that from a triethanolamine solution. It can be ascribed to the oxidization of methanol also contributes to the H2 production during the photochemical reaction process. Moreover, the photocatalytic mechanism for the H2 production from the present ZnO suspension system containing methanol solution is also discussed in detail.

  8. La Seguridad en Internet de las Cosas: Analizando el Tráfico de Información en Aplicaciones para iOS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan-Manuel Martínez


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha observado un gran avance tecnológico y el servicio de Internet no es la excepción (en México el servicio doméstico básico es 180 veces más rápido que hace 15 años. Esto ha permitido conectar cada vez más dispositivos, surgiendo así el Internet de las cosas (IoT. De esta manera, el número de dispositivos conectados ha alcanzado una cifra aproximada de 20 mil millones, y se espera que para 2020 llegue a 50 mil millones. Esto ha generado grandes retos para mantener la seguridad y privacidad de la información ya que la mayoría de los dispositivos de IoT se centran en la conectividad y están incluyendo configuraciones por defecto donde la seguridad se ve gravemente afectada. Este artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de tráfico realizado a diversas aplicaciones para iOS, con el objetivo de informar lo fácil que puede ser capturar el tráfico, aunque se utilice el protocolo https y que aún existen muchas aplicaciones que transmiten información sin cifrar.

  9. Contribuciones a estándares y tecnologías de comunicación en dispositivos médicos para e-Salud: Integración en aplicaciones de telemonitorización y gestión de la información


    Escayola Calvo, Javier; García Moros, José; Martínez Ruiz, Ignacio


    La salud electrónica o e-Salud está llamada a ser la nueva plataforma sobre la que se base la sanidad de las próximas generaciones y cada día surgen nuevos proyectos y aplicaciones que proponen diferentes formas de implementar esta nueva doctrina. Está claro que los recursos tecnológicos puestos al alcance para el desarrollo distan en gran medida de los de generaciones anteriores y, por lo tanto, cabe esperar en el futuro el surgimiento de numerosas e interesantes aplicaciones. En este sentid...

  10. Explorando nuevos recursos virtuales con alumnos de Informática: aplicaciones educativas a las clases de Inglés


    Martín, Clemencia Adriana Nelly


    El hecho innegable que los recursos de la Web Social han impactado positivamente en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, nos hace abrirnos a la perspectiva que supone la transferencia de dichas tecnologías al campo educativo. A tal efecto, sostenemos que los actuales quehaceres y prácticas educativas resultan fértiles para ser potenciados con la adopción de aplicaciones tecnológicas innovadoras, que signifiquen una ganancia cognitiva tanto para los que aprenden como para los que enseñan. ...

  11. Electrochemical techniques application in corrosion problems of fossil power plants; Aplicacion de tecnicas electroquimicas en problemas de corrosion en centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cano Castillo, Ulises; Garcia Ochoa, Esteban Miguel; Martinez Villafane, Alberto; Mariaca Rodriguez, Liboria; Malo Tamayo, Jose Maria; Uruchurtu Chavarin, Jorge [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Some aspects of the electrochemical techniques employed to evaluate the corrosion at low temperature in fossil power plants are commented, as well as the results obtained with the application of them in three power plants of this type. [Espanol] Se comentan algunos aspectos de tecnicas electroquimicas utilizadas para evaluar la corrosion en baja temperatura en centrales termoelectricas, asi como los resultados de la aplicacion de las mismas en tres centrales de este tipo.

  12. Electrochemical techniques application in corrosion problems of fossil power plants; Aplicacion de tecnicas electroquimicas en problemas de corrosion en centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cano Castillo, Ulises; Garcia Ochoa, Esteban Miguel; Martinez Villafane, Alberto; Mariaca Rodriguez, Liboria; Malo Tamayo, Jose Maria; Uruchurtu Chavarin, Jorge [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Some aspects of the electrochemical techniques employed to evaluate the corrosion at low temperature in fossil power plants are commented, as well as the results obtained with the application of them in three power plants of this type. [Espanol] Se comentan algunos aspectos de tecnicas electroquimicas utilizadas para evaluar la corrosion en baja temperatura en centrales termoelectricas, asi como los resultados de la aplicacion de las mismas en tres centrales de este tipo.

  13. El potencial de las aplicaciones educativas en el proceso de evaluación formativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayara Lustosa de Oliveira


    Full Text Available El debate sobre los objetivos reales de la evaluación no es nuevo. Sin embargo, todavía predominan aspectos como la excesiva valoración de la memoria, lo que refleja una visión tradicional y limitada. Es necesario superar el uso exclusivo de la evaluación tradicional con el fin de adoptar una evaluación formativa, modalidad que busca identificar las fallas y necesidades de los estudiantes durante el proceso educativo con el fin de recibir retroalimentación para tomar las medidas necesarias que permitan mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Siguiendo esta necesidad, y buscando ayudar a los profesores en la aplicación de una evaluación formativa, algunos recursos tecnológicos han sido desarrollados. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir el potencial de tres aplicaciones (Armet, The Cell y 3DClass en el proceso de evaluación formativa usando las bases de datos asociadas a cada aplicación. Los resultados muestran que estas aplicaciones proporcionan métricas de evaluación más transparentes, coherentes y que permiten al profesor sistematizar criterios e indicadores, lo que reduce la subjetividad del proceso de evaluación formativa y el tiempo necesario para la preparación, tabulación y análisis de datos. Gracias a que con esta tecnología es posible verificar en tiempo real el número de errores totales y por pregunta preguntas con el mayor número de errores recurrentes, preguntas con el mayor y menor índice de aciertos y el tiempo que los alumnos emplean para desarrollar la actividad, es posible determinar el progreso de los alumnos a lo largo del tiempo e identificar puntualmente dónde ocurren los errores; esto permite una investigación minuciosa sobre sus posibles causas. Esta información facilita la retroalimentación para los alumnos, ya sea como intervenciones puntuales o direccionadas por parte del profesor.

  14. Applying Lean Techniques to Reduce Intravenous Waste Through Premixed Solutions and Increasing Production Frequency. (United States)

    Lin, Alex C; Penm, Jonathan; Ivey, Marianne F; Deng, Yihong; Commins, Monica

    This study aims to use lean techniques and evaluate the impact of increasing the use of premixed IV solutions and increased IV production frequency on IV waste. Study was conducted at a tertiary hospital pharmacy department in three phases. Phase I included evaluation of IV waste when IV production occurred three times a day and eight premixed IV products were used. Phase II increased the number of premixed IV products to 16. Phase III then increased IV production to five times a day. During Phase I, an estimate of 2,673 IV doses were wasted monthly, accounting for 6.14% of overall IV doses. This accounted for 688 L that cost $60,135. During Phase II, the average monthly IV wastage reduced significantly to 1,069 doses (2.84%), accounting for 447 L and $34,003. During Phase III, the average monthly IV wastage was further decreased to 675 doses (1.69%), accounting for 78 L and $3,431. Hence, a potential annual saving of $449,208 could result from these changes. IV waste was reduced through the increased use of premixed solutions and increasing IV production frequency.

  15. Efficient removal of Cd{sup 2+} from aqueous solutions using by-product of biodiesel production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, Rita F.L., E-mail: [Departamento de Quimica, Instituto de Ciencias Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Soares, Vitor C., E-mail: [Departamento de Quimica, Instituto de Ciencias Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Costa, Leticia M., E-mail: [Departamento de Quimica, Instituto de Ciencias Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Nascentes, Clesia C., E-mail: [Departamento de Quimica, Instituto de Ciencias Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Sorbents were prepared from radish cake, a waste from biodiesel production. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The chemical treatments used were simple, low-cost and enhanced the Cd{sup 2+} sorption. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The cadmium sorption process was evaluated by Freundlich and Langmuir models. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Chemically treated radish cake is an excellent alternative for removal of Cd{sup 2+}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Desorption studies demonstrated that the sorbent-metal interaction is reversible. - Abstract: In this study, chemically modified radish cake, a by-product of biodiesel production, was used to remove Cd{sup 2+} from aqueous solutions. The chemical modification was carried out by treating the radish cake with citric acid (CRC), NaOH (NRC) or the combination of citric acid and NaOH (CNRC). The sorbents were characterized by elemental analysis, surface area analysis, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), potentiometric titration (PT), scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The effect of the chemical treatment and contact time on cadmium sorption was evaluated. The equilibrium data were analyzed using Freundlich and Langmuir models. The maximum sorption capacity obtained by the Langmuir isotherm was 58.5 mg/g and 64.10 mg/g for the CRC, and CNRC sorbents, respectively. Complete desorption of Cd{sup 2+} was achieved using 0.1 mol/L HNO{sub 3}. The results obtained demonstrate that chemically modified radish cake has potential as a sorbent for Cd{sup 2+} removal from aqueous solutions.

  16. Aplicaciones terrestres de bajo volumen con abamectin y spinosad para el control químico del minador de los cítricos en limoneros Abamectin and spinosad low volume applications to control citrus leafminer on lemon trees

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán Salas


    oil on adult trees. Low volume applications were performed during three consecutive citrus cropping seasons on seven-year-old lemon trees, using 2 l of solution per tree. Evaluated treatments were: abamectin (1.8 g a. i. /ha and spinosad (24 g a. i. /ha, both combined with mineral oil and compared to a non treated control. Two applications per year were made with 15-day intervals. Weekly samples were picked up to evaluate the percentage of leaves with live larvae. Foliar damage was estimated at the end of the study from previously marked flushes. Abamectin and spinosad controlled the pest during 14 days and the percentage of foliar damage was lower than 3.5%. Citrus leafminer control by both treatments allows us to switch products, taking advantage of two active ingredients and avoiding possible resistance problems.

  17. Improved production and processing of 89Zr using a solution target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandey, Mukesh K.; Bansal, Aditya; Engelbrecht, Hendrik P.; Byrne, John F.; Packard, Alan B.; DeGrado, Timothy R.


    Objective: The objectives of the present work were to improve the cyclotron production yield of 89 Zr using a solution target, develop a practical synthesis of the hydroxamate resin used to process the target, and develop a biocompatible medium for 89 Zr elution from the hydroxamate resin. Methods: A new solution target (BMLT-2) with enhanced heat dissipation capabilities was designed by using helium-cooled dual foils (0.2 mm Al and 25 μ Havar) and an enhanced water-cooled, elongated solution cavity in the target insert. Irradiations were performed with 14 MeV protons on a 2 M solution of yttrium nitrate in 1.25 M nitric acid at 40-μA beam current for 2 h in a closed system. Zirconium-89 was separated from Y by use of a hydroxamate resin. A one-pot synthesis of hydroxamate resin was accomplished by activating the carboxylate groups on a carboxymethyl cation exchange resin using methyl chloroformate followed by reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride. After trapping of 89 Zr on hydroxamate resin and rinsing the resin with HCl and water to release Y, 89 Zr was eluted with 1.2 M K 2 HPO 4 /KH 2 PO 4 buffer (pH 3.5). ICP-MS was used to measure metal contaminants in the final 89 Zr solution. Results: The BMLT-2 target produced 349 ± 49 MBq (9.4 ± 1.2 mCi) of 89 Zr at the end of irradiation with a specific activity of 1.18 ± 0.79 GBq/μg. The hydroxamate resin prepared using the new synthesis method showed a trapping efficiency of 93% with a 75 mg resin bed and 96–97% with a 100–120 mg resin bed. The elution efficiency of 89 Zr with 1.2 M K 2 HPO 4 /KH 2 PO 4 solution was found to be 91.7 ± 3.7%, compared to > 95% for 1 M oxalic acid. Elution with phosphate buffer gave very small levels of metal contaminants: Al = 0.40–0.86 μg (n = 2), Fe = 1.22 ± 0.71 μg (n = 3), Y = 0.29 μg (n = 1). Conclusions: The BMLT-2 target allowed doubling of the beam current for production of 89 Zr, resulting in a greater than 2-fold increase in production yield in comparison

  18. Establishing a pricing structure for software products : Case study: Viope Solutions Oy


    Nguyen, Tram


    This thesis is a case study that explores how to establish a pricing structure for software products. The objective is to provide a guideline to establish a pricing structure for Viope Solutions Oy. A new pricing structure is crucial for the company due to recent changes in its business such as internationalisation and new product launches. The literature review introduces five attributes of a pricing structure. They are the unit definition, price determination, price segmentation, versio...

  19. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite "Elaeis Guineensis" e hibrido O x G


    Lizarazo Salcedo, Iván Alberto; Alfonso Carvajal, Oscar Alberto


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limitacio...

  20. evaluación de conceptos y aplicaciones

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    Naomar Almeida-Filho


    Full Text Available Varios elementos epistemológicos y metodológicos han sido propuestos como tendencia alternativa a la ciencia contemporánea, agrupados bajo el rótulo de "nuevo paradigma" y con diferentes grados de interarticulación. Estos elementos sugieren que una nuova scienza se encuentra en desarrollo, demandando categorías epistemológicas propias (como la categoría de la complejidad, nuevos modelos teóricos (como la "teoría del caos" y nuevas formas lógicas de análisis (como los modelos matemáticos no lineales, la geometría fractal, la lógica borrosa y la teoría de redes. También en el campo de la Salud Colectiva, varios autores han defendido la necesidad de nuevos paradigmas. Esas propuestas vienen siendo ampliadas y difundidas con el objetivo de fomentar una producción científica concreta, capaz de alimentar efectivamente un posible paradigma nuevo. En este texto se pretende presentar brevemente los principales enfoques que representan algún tipo de cambio paradigmático de un modo general en el seno de la ciencia. También se discuten algunos de los diversos elementos constitutivos del paradigma de la complejidad, desde sus posibles aplicaciones a la problemática de la salud en poblaciones, buscando examinar estas cuestiones en el ámbito de nuestro interés específico e indicando algunas tentativas en el sentido de producir evidencias empíricas para el análisis de la situación de salud, sus efectos y sus determinantes a partir de estos abordajes.

  1. Anales jAUTI'17 : 6ª Jornadas de Aplicaciones y Usabilidade de la Televisión Digital Interativa


    Ferraz de Abreu, Jorge; Abásolo Guerrero, María José; Almeida, Pedro; Silva, Telmo


    Damos as boas-vindas a todos os participantes da 6ª Conferência Ibero Americana em Usabilidade e Aplicações de TV Interativa - jAUTI’2017. Esta conferência é uma organização conjunta do grupo Social iTV da Unidade de Investigação DigiMedia da Universidade de Aveiro e da RedAUTI (Red temática en Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Television digital Interactiva). A edição deste ano (12 e 13 de outubro de 2017 - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal), reúne investigadores de várias universidades e da...

  2. Disposal of by-products in olive oil industry: waste-to-energy solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caputo, Antonio C.; Scacchia, Federica; Pelagagge, Pacifico M.


    Olive oil production industry is characterized by relevant amounts of liquid and solid by-products [olive mill wastewater (OMW) and olive husk (OH)], and by economical, technical and organizational constraints that make difficult the adoption of environmentally sustainable waste disposal approaches. In this context, waste treatment technologies aimed at energy recovery represent an interesting alternative. In the paper, a technical and economical analysis of thermal disposal plant solutions with energy recovery has been carried out. The considered plants enable the combined treatment of OMW and OH which, although penalizes the energy recovery, proves to be feasible and profitable in a future legislative scenario when stricter limitation on OMW disposal will force oil producers to bear high disposal costs. Results are compared by using economic performance measures, including revenues from produced energy and avoided disposal costs. A sensitivity and risk analysis is also performed in order to assess the economic profitability of the proposed solutions

  3. Solution mining process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Showalter, W.E.


    A solution mining process which may be used for uranium, thorium, vanadium, copper, nickel, molybdenum, rhenium, and selenium is claimed. During a first injection-and-production phase of between 6 months and 5 years, a leaching solution is injected through at least one well into the formation to solubilize the mineral values and form a pregnant liquor. This liquor is recovered through another well. The leaching solution contains sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, carbonic acid, an alkali metal carbonate, an alkali metal bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate or ammonium bicarbonate. Subsequently during a first production-only phase of between about 2 weeks and one year, injection of the leaching solution is suspended but pregnant liquor is still recovered. This stage is followed by a second injection-and-production phase of between 6 months and 5 years and a second production-only phase. The mineral values are separated from the pregnant liquor to form a barren liquor. The leaching agent is introduced into this liquor, and the solution is recycled. In a second claim for the solution mining of uranium, dilute carbonic acid is used as the leaching solution. The solution has a pH less than 7 and a bicarbonate ion concentration between about 380 ppm and 1000 ppm. The injection-and-production phase lasts between one and two years and the production only phase takes between one and four months. Carbon dioxide is introduced into the barren liquor to form a dilute carbonic acid solution and the solution is recycled

  4. Efecto del calcio en aplicaciones precosecha y poscosecha sobre la severidad de antracnosis (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y la calidad de frutos de papaya (Carica papaya

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    Daniel Saborío


    Full Text Available Se evalu6 el efecto de aplicaciones pre- cosecha y poscosecha de calcio en papaya va- riedad "criolla" sabre la severidad de antracno- sis (CoUetotrichum gloeosporioides y varia- hIes de calidad del fruto. Los tratamientos pre- cosecha fueron 4: aspersi6n de CaCl2 al 1% Y 4% (2 aplicaciones: <40 dfas posantesis (dpa y entre 100-140 dpa con el penetrante alquilaril- polimero (NP- 7 Bayer (0.4 mIlL, CaCO3 al suelo (1 ton/ha, 70 dpa y testigo (0% Ca. El diseno experimental fue un BCA (4 repeticio- nes de 20 frutos. Los tratamientos poscosecha fueron 3: inmersiones par 5 min con 0%, 1 % Y 4% de CaCI2, con el mismo penetrante. El dise- no experimental fue un BCA (3 repeticiones de 15 frutas. Se evalu6 severidad, % calcio en cascara, brix, pH, % acidez, firmeza (cascara y pulpa y % de madurez. En la aplicaci6n de cal- cia precosecha la severidad fue: 1 % CaC12 con 6%, testigo 7%, CaCO3 9% y 4% CaC12 con 11 %, no se encontr6 que el Ca tuviera un efec-

  5. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.


    A. Codina García


    El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in desi...

  6. Radiochemical applications of insoluble sulfate columns. Analytical possibilities in the field of the fission product solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrachina, M.; Sauvagnac, R.


    In this paper we go on with our study of the heterogeneous ion-isotopic exchange in column. At present, we apply it to determine the radiochemical composition of the raw solutions used in the industrial recuperation of the long-lived fission products. The separation of the radioelements contained in these solutions is carried out mainly by making use of small columns, 1-3 cm height, of BaSO 4 or SrSO 4 , under selected experimental conditions. These columns behave like a special type of inorganic exchangers, working by absorption or by ion-isotopic exchange depending on the cases,a nd they provide the means for the selective separation of several important fission products employing very small volumes of fixing and eluting solutions. (Author) 11 refs


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    Iván Darío Aristizábal Torres


    Full Text Available Las propiedades electromagnéticas que presentan el hidrógeno y otros núcleos que componen los productos agroalimentarios han permitido usar ampliamente la Resonancia Magnética (RM para estudiar, de manera no destructiva, la composición y la estructura interna de estos materiales biológicos en una escala tanto macroscópica como microscópica. En este artículo se explican los principios físicos que sustentan la RM, así como el equipo básico requerido para medir las señales de RM de cualquier muestra biológica y el procedimiento de adquisición de una imagen de RM. También, se hace una revisión de las principales aplicaciones en el sector agroalimentario, destacando principalmente los estudios desarrollados con ésta tecnología para examinar la calidad interna de las frutas y los vegetales. En estos productos, la RM ha sido utilizada para detectar e investigar la evolución de los diferentes factores que determinan la calidad interna luego de la cosecha, durante el almacenamiento y después del procesamiento poscosecha. Los estudios en poscosecha que más se han realizado con ésta tecnología son los relacionados con desordenes de tipo fisiológico que se producen en las frutas durante su almacenamiento y conservación en frío en atmósferas controladas y modificadas. Se espera en un futuro no muy lejano aplicaciones comerciales de sensores de RM en línea, basados en magnetos de bajo campo o con sistemas simplificados de análisis de imágenes, que permitan la determinación rápida y no destructiva de la calidad interna de los productos agroalimentarios.The electromagnetic properties that present hydrogen and other nucleus of agroalimentary products, have allowed widely use of Magnetic Resonance (MR to study the composition and internal structure of these biological materials in a micro and macrocospic scale, in a nondestructive way. In this paper the physical principles, basic equipment to measure the MR signals and the MR


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    Diana Lucía Cristancho


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión sobre el desarrollo histórico de los microstrainers y sus principales aplicaciones en tratamiento de agua, así mismo, se plantea la posibilidad de utilizar esta tecnología en 'pulimento' de efluentes de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales que emplean lagunas de estabilización, en particular, para reducir el contenido de algas. Se concluye que los microstrainers permiten alcanzar eficiencias de reducción de sólidos en suspensión y algunas especies de algas satisfactoriamente, además de representar una alternativa que en combinación con los procesos convencionales podría mejorar el rendimiento de las plantas de tratamiento de agua.This article presents the historical development of microstrainers and their main application in water treatment. It also proposes the possibility to use technology in 'polishing' the effluent of wastewater treatment that uses stabilization ponds to particularly reduce the content of algae. And the article concludes that the microstrainers allow us to reach satisfactory reduction efficiencies of suspended solids and some species of algae. They also represent an alternative that, in combination with the conventional processes, could improve the performance of water treatment plants.

  9. Sustrates and nutrient solutions for obtaining pipper seedlings and its influences on the production in crops protected

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    Mairely Sarduy Díaz


    Full Text Available To achieve the productive success in the production of the pepper (Capsicum annum L. in protected crop is necessary to guarantee the quality of the seedlings. For that the objective of this investigation was to evaluate mixtures with crowd + coconut fiber and worm humus as substrates and three nutritious solutions for the production of seedlings of pepper and its later influence on the production. In the nursery phase an assay in a design totally randomized was used in factorial arrangement 32, being the factors, substrate and nutritious solution where variables of growth and development were evaluated, in 25 seedlings for treatment. In the experiment in field phase was given pursuit to the plants coming from the nine treatments of the nursery phase in a design at random blocks with four replicas, where components of the yield were evaluated in 10 plants by parcel and the yield in the total parcel. The data were processed by means of a variance analysis using the statistical package SPSS version 15. The employment of worm humus with the nutritious solution B and the humus with the crowd and coconut plus the application of the nutritious solutions A and B allows obtaining pepper seedlings with the established quality. These combinations stand out in the production phase for the percentage of flourishing plants, mass of the fruits and the yield, for that the employment of these substrates, constitute new alternatives for this technology.

  10. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite “Elaeis Guineensis” e hibrido O x G


    Iván Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo; Oscar Alberto Alfonso Carvajal


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limit...

  11. Desarrollo de material didáctico multimedia del cultivo de tejidos vegetales con aplicaciones agrarias y ambientales

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    Oscar Agudelo Varela


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones pedagógicas tradicionales se fundamentan en el desarrollo de la clase con marcador y tablero, y con leves avances en el manejo de diapositivas; sin embargo, las tecnologías digitales presentan una serie de novedades que complementan el trabajo de la enseñanza con aprendizaje autónomo, que puede desarrollar el educando en áreas agrarias y ambientales. El desarrollo de material didáctico multimedia MDM complementa las actividades curriculares de los cursos, particularmente, los que tienen laboratorio, y por otro lado, generan en el estudiante habilidades para el aprendizaje autónomo. Se desarrolló un MDM para el aprendizaje de las prácticas realizadas en el laboratorio de cultivos vegetales, con arquitectura cliente/ servidor, usando tecnologías actuales en el desarrollo de software, con características de tiempo real y bajo el paradigma de desarrollo de aplicaciones isomórficas. Con base al MDM, se realizó evaluación cualitativa por parte de estudiantes de Licenciatura en Producción Agropecuaria, la cual reporto un 86% de aprobación del material. Se encontró que las herramientas digitales para el aprendizaje, facilitan y mejoran en cierta medida el aprendizaje de los educandos. El uso de tecnologías nuevas como React, permite mejorar el renderizado de las páginas y optimiza la carga del servidor en las peticiones necesarias por parte del aprendiz, y hace más eficiente el engranaje de enseñanza-aprendizaje. De esta manera, el MDM permitirá fundamentar el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en la producción agraria y en el manejo de especies de ecosistemas con ambientes naturales.

  12. Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of FDA-Approved Products of Oral Solutions Containing Dronabinol [(-)-delta-9-trans- (United States)


    This final rule adopts without changes an interim final rule with request for comments published in the Federal Register on March 23, 2017. On July 1, 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new drug application for Syndros, a drug product consisting of dronabinol [(-)-delta-9-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC)] oral solution. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) maintains FDA-approved products of oral solutions containing dronabinol in schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act.

  13. Exact and Heuristic Solutions to Minimize Total Waiting Time in the Blood Products Distribution Problem

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    Amir Salehipour


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel application of operations research to support decision making in blood distribution management. The rapid and dynamic increasing demand, criticality of the product, storage, handling, and distribution requirements, and the different geographical locations of hospitals and medical centers have made blood distribution a complex and important problem. In this study, a real blood distribution problem containing 24 hospitals was tackled by the authors, and an exact approach was presented. The objective of the problem is to distribute blood and its products among hospitals and medical centers such that the total waiting time of those requiring the product is minimized. Following the exact solution, a hybrid heuristic algorithm is proposed. Computational experiments showed the optimal solutions could be obtained for medium size instances, while for larger instances the proposed hybrid heuristic is very competitive.

  14. Improved production and processing of ⁸⁹Zr using a solution target. (United States)

    Pandey, Mukesh K; Bansal, Aditya; Engelbrecht, Hendrik P; Byrne, John F; Packard, Alan B; DeGrado, Timothy R


    The objectives of the present work were to improve the cyclotron production yield of (89)Zr using a solution target, develop a practical synthesis of the hydroxamate resin used to process the target, and develop a biocompatible medium for (89)Zr elution from the hydroxamate resin. A new solution target (BMLT-2) with enhanced heat dissipation capabilities was designed by using helium-cooled dual foils (0.2 mm Al and 25 μ Havar) and an enhanced water-cooled, elongated solution cavity in the target insert. Irradiations were performed with 14 MeV protons on a 2M solution of yttrium nitrate in 1.25 M nitric acid at 40-μA beam current for 2 h in a closed system. Zirconium-89 was separated from Y by use of a hydroxamate resin. A one-pot synthesis of hydroxamate resin was accomplished by activating the carboxylate groups on a carboxymethyl cation exchange resin using methyl chloroformate followed by reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride. After trapping of (89)Zr on hydroxamate resin and rinsing the resin with HCl and water to release Y, (89)Zr was eluted with 1.2 M K2HPO4/KH2PO4 buffer (pH3.5). ICP-MS was used to measure metal contaminants in the final (89)Zr solution. The BMLT-2 target produced 349±49 MBq (9.4±1.2 mCi) of (89)Zr at the end of irradiation with a specific activity of 1.18±0.79 GBq/μg. The hydroxamate resin prepared using the new synthesis method showed a trapping efficiency of 93% with a 75 mg resin bed and 96-97% with a 100-120 mg resin bed. The elution efficiency of (89)Zr with 1.2M K2HPO4/KH2PO4 solution was found to be 91.7±3.7%, compared to >95% for 1 M oxalic acid. Elution with phosphate buffer gave very small levels of metal contaminants: Al=0.40-0.86 μg (n=2), Fe=1.22±0.71 μg (n=3), Y=0.29 μg (n=1). The BMLT-2 target allowed doubling of the beam current for production of (89)Zr, resulting in a greater than 2-fold increase in production yield in comparison with a conventional liquid target. The new one-pot synthesis of hydroxamate

  15. By-products formation during degradation of isoproturon in aqueous solution. II: Chlorination. (United States)

    Mascolo, G; Lopez, A; James, H; Fielding, M


    After a previous study in which the considered oxidant was ozone (Part I), a laboratory investigation has been carried out to study the degradation of the herbicide isoproturon during its reaction with another oxidant, i.e. chlorine, in aqueous solution (Part II; this paper). The specific aim was to identify the by-products formed. The effects of pH and the presence of bromide ions were studied. Reactions have been carried out at room temperature, in phosphate buffered aqueous solutions, at four pHs (6, 7, 8 and 9). By-products identification was first performed using relatively high initial reagent concentrations which were analytically convenient ([isoproturon] = 40 mg/l, [HClO + ClO-] = 160 mg Cl/l, [Br-] = 80 mg/l). In follow-up studies, the by-products identified during this preliminary step were searched for when using concentration values closer to those actually encountered at real water treatment plants ([isoproturon] = 0.4 and 0.004 mg/l, [HClO + ClO-] = 1.6 mg Cl/l, [Br-] = 0.8 and 0.008 mg/l). Under all of the studied conditions, the results showed that isoproturon is completely degraded and that it decays much faster in the presence of bromide. The pH has a negligible influence when bromide ions are absent. On the contrary, if bromide ions are present, the isoproturon decay is slower at higher pH values. High-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analyses have led to the identification of several by-products as a result of simultaneous oxidation and substitution reactions, both occurring on the aromatic ring of the herbicide. However, the more abundant by-products are those resulting from the oxidation of the isoproturon aromatic ring. As far as halogenated by-products are concerned, the higher the bromide ion concentration the higher the ratio of brominated to chlorinated by-products. On the basis of the analytical results, a pathway for isoproturon degradation under the studied conditions is proposed.

  16. Waste disposal process on the basis of fission product solutions, and suitable plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thiele, D.


    The nitrous fission product solution containing ruthenium is concentrated in a wiper blade evaporator. After intermediate drying the residue is vitrified adding vitrifying agents and NH4 in an amount of 20 to 300% referred to the nitrate content of the concentrated residue. (orig./PW)

  17. Bunsen Reaction using a HIx Solution (HI-I2-H2O with Countercurrent Flow for Sulfur-Iodine Hydrogen Production Process

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    Kim Hyo-Sub


    Full Text Available In the sulfur-iodine hydrogen production process, the Bunsen reaction is a crucial section because of the linkage with the H2SO4 and HI decomposition sections. The HIx solution (HI-I2-H2O mixture was fed to the Bunsen reaction section as a reactant from the HI decomposition section. In this study, the Bunsen reaction using the HIx solution with countercurrent flow was performed. The production rate of HIx phase solution increased while that of H2SO4 phase solution was maintained constant when increasing the flow rate of HIx solution. As the SO2 flow rate increased, the production rates of H2SO4 and HIx phase solutions increased. The amount of resultant H2SO4 phase was very lower than that of resultant HIx phase under the conditions examined in this study.

  18. Siemens IT solutions for power sector. PROFIT solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lunter, P.


    The cost reduction, flexibility and revenue increase, potential exploitation, productivity increase, and business opportunities exploitation - that is all what can be required in the races for the promonent positioning on the electricity power market. These requirements can be realized by the sophisticated IT solutions hand-tailored to the special requirements of the electric power producers and tradesmen. This approach makes it possible to achieve greater profit. Our solutions 'PROFIT Solutions', that are symbiosis of the most progressive information technologies and the power plant techniques of the company Siemens, satisfy submitted specifications in substantial measure. The system solutions 'PROFIT Solutions' comprise three solution groups: process, operation a business. The solutions of the group 'IT Process Solutions' increase flexibility and manoeuvrability of equipment, improve the efficiency and contribute to more economical operation of the power generation. Solutions 'IT Process Solutions' simplify and shorten the period of power cycles and conduce to higher labour productivity. Solutions group 'IT Process Solutions' approaches equipment to the market - supports the profit strategies, helps quickly and expertly to determine and predict hazards. The extension PROFIT Cockpit means the nuance to the solutions world 'PROFIT Solutions'. The survey about the whole installation is within reach at the simple touch of a button. It is possible to compile the total system part by part from single solutions 'PROFIT Solutions'. As a matter of fact all single parts can be interconnected with already existing solutions. Routines 'PROFIT Solutions' cooperate with all modern control systems. (author)

  19. Gas turbine application in power plants of Mexican refineries; Aplicacion de turbinas de gas en plantas de fuerza de refinerias mexicanas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alcaraz Calderon, A. M.; Rodriguez Martinez, H.; Garcia Paredes, Job; Morales Guillen, Magdalena; Manzanares Papayanapolous, Emilio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:;;;;


    This article presents an overview of the application to have the gas turbine power generation systems, electric and steam for Mexican refineries. First there is a general description of the gas turbines and heat recovery (system components CHP) and CHP schemes are based on gas turbines capable of use in Mexican refineries. Subsequently referred to the characteristics of energy consumption (steam and electricity) from Mexican refineries and performs a technical analysis of CHP schemes based on gas turbines from the point of view of rates Q/W, power efficiencies and combined concluded that by their nature are very useful for refinery and gives some recommendations for improved implementation. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta una vision general de la aplicacion que tienen las turbinas de gas en sistemas de generacion de energia electrica y vapor para refinerias mexicanas. Primeramente se da una descripcion general de las turbinas de gas y recuperadores de calor (componentes principales del sistema de cogeneracion) y se muestran los esquemas de cogeneracion basados en turbinas de gas susceptibles de utilizar en refinerias mexicanas. Posteriormente se mencionan las caracteristicas de consumos energeticos (vapor y energia electrica) de las refinerias mexicanas y se realiza un analisis tecnico de los esquemas de cogeneracion basado en turbinas de gas desde el punto de vista de tasas Q/W, eficiencias electricas y combinadas, concluyendose que por sus caracteristicas son muy utiles para refinerias y se dan algunas recomendaciones para su mejor aplicacion.

  20. [Study on the Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen Production with Microwave Discharge Plasma in Ethanol Solution]. (United States)

    Sun, Bing; Wang, Bo; Zhu, Xiao-mei; Yan, Zhi-yu; Liu, Yong-jun; Liu, Hui


    Hydrogen is regarded as a kind of clean energy with high caloricity and non-pollution, which has been studied by many experts and scholars home and abroad. Microwave discharge plasma shows light future in the area of hydrogen production from ethanol solution, providing a new way to produce hydrogen. In order to further improve the technology and analyze the mechanism of hydrogen production with microwave discharge in liquid, emission spectrum of hydrogen production by microwave discharge plasma in ethanol solution was being studied. In this paper, plasma was generated on the top of electrode by 2.45 GHz microwave, and the spectral characteristics of hydrogen production from ethanol by microwave discharge in liquid were being studied using emission spectrometer. The results showed that a large number of H, O, OH, CH, C2 and other active particles could be produced in the process of hydrogen production from ethanol by microwave discharge in liquid. The emission spectrum intensity of OH, H, O radicals generated from ethanol is far more than that generated from pure water. Bond of O-H split by more high-energy particles from water molecule was more difficult than that from ethanol molecule, so in the process of hydrogen production by microwave discharge plasma in ethanol solution; the main source of hydrogen was the dehydrogenation and restructuring of ethanol molecules instead of water decomposition. Under the definite external pressure and temperature, the emission spectrum intensity of OH, H, O radicals increased with the increase of microwave power markedly, but the emission spectrum intensity of CH, C2 active particles had the tendency to decrease with the increase of microwave power. It indicated that the number of high energy electrons and active particles high energy electron energy increased as the increase of microwave power, so more CH, C2 active particles were split more thoroughly.

  1. Structural characterization of chemical warfare agent degradation products in decontamination solutions with proton band-selective (1)H-(31)P NMR spectroscopy. (United States)

    Koskela, Harri; Hakala, Ullastiina; Vanninen, Paula


    Decontamination solutions, which are usually composed of strong alkaline chemicals, are used for efficient detoxification of chemical warfare agents (CWAs). The analysis of CWA degradation products directly in decontamination solutions is challenging due to the nature of the matrix. Furthermore, occasionally an unforeseen degradation pathway can result in degradation products which could be eluded to in standard analyses. Here, we present the results of the application of proton band-selective (1)H-(31)P NMR spectroscopy, i.e., band-selective 1D (1)H-(31)P heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) and band-selective 2D (1)H-(31)P HSQC-total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY), for ester side chain characterization of organophosphorus nerve agent degradation products in decontamination solutions. The viability of the approach is demonstrated with a test mixture of typical degradation products of nerve agents sarin, soman, and VX. The proton band-selective (1)H-(31)P NMR spectroscopy is also applied in characterization of unusual degradation products of VX in GDS 2000 solution.

  2. Solubility of corrosion products of plain steel in oxygen-containing water solutions at high parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martynova, O.I.; Samojlov, Yu.F.; Petrova, T.I.; Kharitonova, N.L.


    Technique for calculation of solubility of iron corrosion products in oxygen-containing aqueous solutions in the 298-573 K temperature range is presented. Solubility of corrosion products of plain steel in deeply-desalinizated water in the presence of oxygen for the such range of the temperatures is experimentally determined. Rather good convergence between calculated and experimental data is noted

  3. Structure elucidation and toxicity analyses of the radiolytic products of aflatoxin B{sub 1} in methanol-water solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Feng [Institute of Agro-food Science and Technology of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China); Key Opening Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing and Quality Control, Ministry of Agriculture, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China); Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 12th Zhongguancun South Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100081 (China); Xie, Fang [Institute of Agro-food Science and Technology of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China); Key Opening Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing and Quality Control, Ministry of Agriculture, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China); Xue, Xiaofeng [Bee Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1st Xiangshan North Ditch, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100093 (China); Wang, Zhidong; Fan, Bei [Institute of Agro-food Science and Technology of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China); Key Opening Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing and Quality Control, Ministry of Agriculture, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China); Ha, Yiming, E-mail: [Institute of Agro-food Science and Technology of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China); Key Opening Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing and Quality Control, Ministry of Agriculture, 2nd Yuanmingyuan West Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100193 (China)


    Highlights: {yields} Radiolytic products of aflatoxin B{sub 1} were produced under gamma irradiation. {yields} Seven key radiolytic products were structure-elucidated. {yields} Free-radical species in radiolytic solution resulted in the formation of products. {yields} Based on the structure-activity relationship analysis, the toxicity of radiolytic products was significantly reduced compared with that of AFB{sub 1}. {yields} The addition reaction on furan ring double bond was the reason for the reduced toxicity. - Abstract: The identification of the radiolytic products of mycotoxins is a key issue in the feasibility study of gamma ray radiation detoxification. Methanol-water solution (60:40, v/v) spiked with aflatoxin B{sub 1} (AFB{sub 1}; 20 mg L{sup -1}) was irradiated with Co{sup 60} gamma ray to generate radiolytic products. Liquid chromatography-quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometry was applied to identify the radiolytic products of AFB{sub 1}. Accurate mass and proposed molecular formulas with a high-matching property of more than 20 radiolytic products were obtained. Seven key radiolytic products were proposed based on the molecular formulas and tandem mass spectrometry spectra. The analyses of toxicity and formation pathways were proposed based on the structure of the radiolytic products. The addition reaction caused by the free-radical species in the methanol-water solution resulted in the formation of most radiolytic products. Based on the structure-activity relationship analysis, the toxicity of radiolytic products was significantly reduced compared with that of AFB{sub 1} because of the addition reaction that occurred on the double bond in the terminal furan ring. For this reason, gamma irradiation is deemed an effective tool for the detoxification of AFB{sub 1}.

  4. Options for the solution of the problem of insulators contamination; Alternativas de solucion al problema de contaminacion en aisladores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fierro Chavez, Jose Luis [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In accordance with Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) statistics, the insulators contamination is cataloged as the second cause of transmission power lines outages. In this article a revision of the different available options for the solution or diminution of this problem, is presented. The application of these options must be made within a technico-economic and cost-benefit frame. [Espanol] De acuerdo con estadisticas de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) la contaminacion del aislamiento esta catalogada como la segunda causa de salidas de las lineas de transmision. En este articulo se presenta una revision de las diferentes alternativas disponibles para solucionar o disminuir este problema. La aplicacion de estas alternativas debe hacerse dentro de un marco tecnicoeconomico y de costo-beneficio.

  5. Options for the solution of the problem of insulators contamination; Alternativas de solucion al problema de contaminacion en aisladores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fierro Chavez, Jose Luis [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In accordance with Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) statistics, the insulators contamination is cataloged as the second cause of transmission power lines outages. In this article a revision of the different available options for the solution or diminution of this problem, is presented. The application of these options must be made within a technico-economic and cost-benefit frame. [Espanol] De acuerdo con estadisticas de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) la contaminacion del aislamiento esta catalogada como la segunda causa de salidas de las lineas de transmision. En este articulo se presenta una revision de las diferentes alternativas disponibles para solucionar o disminuir este problema. La aplicacion de estas alternativas debe hacerse dentro de un marco tecnicoeconomico y de costo-beneficio.

  6. Hydrogen production by electrolysis of a phosphate solution on a stainless steel cathode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Silva Munoz, L.; Bergel, A.; Basseguy, R.; Feron, D.


    The catalytic properties of phosphate species, already shown on the reduction reaction in anaerobic corrosion of steels, are exploited here for hydrogen production. Phosphate species work as a homogeneous catalyst that enhances the cathodic current at mild pH values. A voltammetric study of the hydrogen evolution reaction is performed using phosphate solutions at different concentrations on 316L stainless steel and platinum rotating disk electrodes. Then, hydrogen is produced in an electrolytic cell using a phosphate solution as the catholyte. Results show that 316L stainless steel electrodes have a stable behaviour as cathodes in the electrolysis of phosphate solutions. Phosphate (1 M, pH 4. 0/5. 0) as the catholyte can equal the performance of a KOH 25%w solution with the advantage of working at mild pH values. The use of phosphate and other weak acids as catalysts of the hydrogen evolution reaction could be a promising technology in the development of electrolysis units that work at mild pH values with low-cost electrodes and construction materials. (authors)

  7. Production Supervision Incorporated With Network Technology-A Solution For Controlling In-Process Inventory

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    Suraj Yadav


    Full Text Available In context to the manufacturing management in medium scale production floor, work-in-process (WIP management or the inprocess inventory and control as the inevitable result of the production process has become a vital link of production plan. Due to the growing production requirements and the potential economic benefits of manufacturing process flow, enterprises have been pushed to integrate work-in-process management with their manufacturing process and the larger the company the larger the list of in-process inventory and this all are typically hard to manage so for the same respect the author in this paper has lighted on the integration of sophisticated electronics and networking technologies with the W.I.P with an native and low cost solution for managing the same, specially for the medium scaled company dealing with large number of product or with the customized product with reference to study of present scenario of a multinational company’s plant engineering department.

  8. Failure criterion effect on solid production prediction and selection of completion solution

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    Dariush Javani


    Full Text Available Production of fines together with reservoir fluid is called solid production. It varies from a few grams or less per ton of reservoir fluid posing only minor problems, to catastrophic amount possibly leading to erosion and complete filling of the borehole. This paper assesses solid production potential in a carbonate gas reservoir located in the south of Iran. Petrophysical logs obtained from the vertical well were employed to construct mechanical earth model. Then, two failure criteria, i.e. Mohr–Coulomb and Mogi–Coulomb, were used to investigate the potential of solid production of the well in the initial and depleted conditions of the reservoir. Using these two criteria, we estimated critical collapse pressure and compared them to the reservoir pressure. Solid production occurs if collapse pressure is greater than pore pressure. Results indicate that the two failure criteria show different estimations of solid production potential of the studied reservoir. Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion estimated solid production in both initial and depleted conditions, where Mogi–Coulomb criterion predicted no solid production in the initial condition of reservoir. Based on Mogi–Coulomb criterion, the well may not require completion solutions like perforated liner, until at least 60% of reservoir pressure was depleted which leads to decrease in operation cost and time.

  9. Development of technology for the process of neutralization of pickling solution of metallurgical production

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    Lamzina I.V.


    Full Text Available The leading branch of territorial-production complex of Russia - mechanical engineering. Companies of the industry throw dirt in the form of used organic solvents, toxic compounds of metals with waste galvanic and etching solutions, cutting fluids (coolant and emulsions. you need to create complex regeneration treatment system of the most valuable components for these liquids. Reset electroplating and etching solutions can lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in the bio-organisms of the coastal zone and to enter them through the food chain to humans. To prevent contamination, a scheme neutralizing acid waste, accompanied by a reduction in the hazard class of the etching solution to IV class with the ability to accommodate long-term storage solid industrial waste in landfills.

  10. Aplicaciones de la teoría del control a la economía

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    Wolf Kerpel S.


    Full Text Available La teoría del control se ha desarrollado y aplicado ampliamente en muchas áreas de la Ingeniería. En los últimos años se ha venido aplicando también, en campos diferentes a los de la ingeniería como por ejemplo en Ecología, Economía, diversas áreas de Biología, Sicología, etc.; con excelentes resultados. Los éxitos conseguidos derivan entre otros del hecho de que dichos campos encierran procesos claramente identificables como de control, y, evidentemente también, del gran avance logrado en el desarrollo de la teoría del control. En este articulo nos ocuparemos de las aplicaciones de la teoría del control a la Economía, específicamente a los modelos macroeconómicos. El trabajo es básicamente una recopilación de información relacionada con el tema, y pretende despertar el interés por él en nuestro medio. Al final se presenta una bibliografía extensa.

  11. Los composites. Caractetísticas y aplicaciones en la edificación

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    Roa Fernández, J.


    Full Text Available In this paper; the authors analyse composite materials from the point of view of their applications in the building construction field. An overview through the different distinctive aspects of composites is presented: concepts, types and characteristics of their components. Following, and from a practical point of view, advantages and disadvantages of the application of composites in construction are analysed. The article includes also a number of cases, real applications of these composite materials in the construction industry.En este artículo los autores analizan los materiales compuestos desde el punto de vista de sus aplicaciones en el campo de la construcción. Se realiza un recorrido por los diferentes aspectos definitorios de los mismos: conceptos, tipos y características de cada uno de sus componentes, para, a continuación, desde un punto de vista práctico, analizar las propiedades, ventajas e inconvenientes de su aplicación en la construcción arquitectónica. Finalmente, se completa el trabajo con una exposición de casos reales en los que han sido aplicados estos materiales en el mundo de la construcción.

  12. Industrial treatment of solutions of fission products. Separation of caesium-137; Traitement industriel de solutions de produits de fission. Separation du cesium-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fisher, C; Raggenbass, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Two types of chemical treatment can be considered for the manufacture of solid sources for industrial uses from fission product solutions remaining after plutonium extraction: a) concentration of the solution and preparation of solid sources from the bulk material, without separation, b) separation of one or several fission products from which the sources are made. Examination of the radio-chemical composition of the mixture of fission products that will be available from the Marcoule reactors (G1, G2 and G3) shows that caesium-137 accounts for 30 per cent of the {gamma} energy available immediately after the plutonium separation, 70 per cent two years after and 100 per cent after five years. There is practically no advantage in making sources from bulk fission products, since the separation of caesium-137 is no more complicated and yet it results in a material with more potential uses. The separation of caesium-137 by a method based on the standard phospho-tungstate precipitation method has been considered. Previously, the precipitated caesium phospho-tungstate was dissolved and caesium was recovered from the solution by cation-exchange or by removal of phosphate and tungstate ions by anion-exchange. A study has now been made, of the metathesis of caesium phospho-tungstate to barium phosphate and tungstate by the action of barium hydroxide, the caesium being obtained in solution as the hydroxide. The advantages of this new procedure are: - greater decontamination of caesium-137 without further purification, - possibility of direct transformation to caesium sulphate, - general simplification of the procedure and, consequently, of the equipment. (author) [French] Deux types de traitement chimique peuvent etre envisages pour amener a l'etat de sources solides utilisables industriellement les produits de fission contenus dans les solutions residuaires de l'extraction du plutonium. Ces traitements sont les suivants: a) concentration des solutions et confection de

  13. Industrial treatment of solutions of fission products. Separation of caesium-137; Traitement industriel de solutions de produits de fission. Separation du cesium-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fisher, C.; Raggenbass, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Two types of chemical treatment can be considered for the manufacture of solid sources for industrial uses from fission product solutions remaining after plutonium extraction: a) concentration of the solution and preparation of solid sources from the bulk material, without separation, b) separation of one or several fission products from which the sources are made. Examination of the radio-chemical composition of the mixture of fission products that will be available from the Marcoule reactors (G1, G2 and G3) shows that caesium-137 accounts for 30 per cent of the {gamma} energy available immediately after the plutonium separation, 70 per cent two years after and 100 per cent after five years. There is practically no advantage in making sources from bulk fission products, since the separation of caesium-137 is no more complicated and yet it results in a material with more potential uses. The separation of caesium-137 by a method based on the standard phospho-tungstate precipitation method has been considered. Previously, the precipitated caesium phospho-tungstate was dissolved and caesium was recovered from the solution by cation-exchange or by removal of phosphate and tungstate ions by anion-exchange. A study has now been made, of the metathesis of caesium phospho-tungstate to barium phosphate and tungstate by the action of barium hydroxide, the caesium being obtained in solution as the hydroxide. The advantages of this new procedure are: - greater decontamination of caesium-137 without further purification, - possibility of direct transformation to caesium sulphate, - general simplification of the procedure and, consequently, of the equipment. (author) [French] Deux types de traitement chimique peuvent etre envisages pour amener a l'etat de sources solides utilisables industriellement les produits de fission contenus dans les solutions residuaires de l'extraction du plutonium. Ces traitements sont les suivants: a) concentration des solutions et


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    Yong-Lim Kim


    Full Text Available The main osmotic agent found in the peritoneal dialysis (PD solution is glucose. It has been of a wide use for great crystalloid osmotic power at a low concentration, simple metabolism, and excellent safety. On the other hand, anywhere between 60 to 80% of the glucose in the PD solution is absorbed - a 100 to 300 mg of daily glucose absorption. Once into the systemic circulation, glucose can be a cause for metabolic complications including obesity. Indeed, the diabetiform change observed in the peritoneal membrane in the long-term PD patients is believed attributable to the high-concentration glucose in the PD solution. The glucose absorbed from peritoneal cavity raises the risk of ‘glucose toxicity’, leading to insulin resistance and beta cell failure. Clinical similarity can be found in postprandial hyperglycemia, which is known to be associated with oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, NF-κb, and inflammation, affecting myocardial blood flow. Moreover, it is a proven independent risk factor of coronary artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes, particularly of female gender. Though speculative yet, glucose toxicity might explain a higher mortality of PD patients after the first year compared with those on hemodialysis (more so in female, advanced-age patients with diabetes. Also included in the picture are glucose degradation products (GDPs generated along the course of heat sterilization or storage of the PD solution. They have been shown to induce apoptosis of peritoneal mesothelial cells, renal tubular epithelial cells, and endothelial cells, while spurring production of TGF-β and VEGF and facilitating epithelial mesenchymal transition. GDPs provide a stronger reactivity than glucose in the formation of AGEs, a known cause for microvascular complications and arteriosclerosis. Unfortunately, clinical studies using a low-GDP PD solution have provided mixed results on the residual renal function, peritonitis, peritoneal

  15. Investigation of the effects of radiolytic-gas bubbles on the long-term operation of solution reactors for medical-isotope production (United States)

    Souto Mantecon, Francisco Javier

    One of the most common and important medical radioisotopes is 99Mo, which is currently produced using the target irradiation technology in heterogeneous nuclear reactors. The medical isotope 99Mo can also be produced from uranium fission using aqueous homogeneous solution reactors. In solution reactors, 99Mo is generated directly in the fuel solution, resulting in potential advantages when compared with the target irradiation process in heterogeneous reactors, such as lower reactor power, less waste heat, and reduction by a factor of about 100 in the generation of spent fuel. The commercial production of medical isotopes in solution reactors requires steady-state operation at about 200 kW. At this power regime, the formation of radiolytic-gas bubbles creates a void volume in the fuel solution that introduces a negative coefficient of reactivity, resulting in power reduction and instabilities that may impede reactor operation for medical-isotope production. A model has been developed considering that reactivity effects are due to the increase in the fuel-solution temperature and the formation of radiolytic-gas bubbles. The model has been validated against experimental results from the Los Alamos National Laboratory uranyl fluoride Solution High-Energy Burst Assembly (SHEBA), and the SILENE uranyl nitrate solution reactor, commissioned at the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, in Valduc, France. The model shows the feasibility of solution reactors for the commercial production of medical isotopes and reveals some of the important parameters to consider in their design, including the fuel-solution type, 235U enrichment, uranium concentration, reactor vessel geometry, and neutron reflectors surrounding the reactor vessel. The work presented herein indicates that steady-state operation at 200 kW can be achieved with a solution reactor consisting of 120 L of uranyl nitrate solution enriched up to 20% with 235U and a uranium concentration of 145 kg/m3 in a graphite

  16. Analizar el aporte a las soluciones en aplicaciones móviles para el comercio electrónico en la ciudad de Quito


    Vizuete Flores, Milton Renato


    Los antecedentes que podemos mencionar es el gran auge que ha tenido las comunicaciones móviles, desde hace varios años atrás comenzando con los primeros Smartphone’s con acceso a Internet muy básico y de muy poca utilidad pero siendo un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevas y mejores tecnologías móviles cada vez con mejores prestaciones hasta llegar a disponer de aplicaciones desarrolladas para equipos móviles que es el objeto de estudio de esta tesis, cuando una empresa dispone de ...

  17. Calidad de vida para personas con discapacidad intelectual y otras discapacidades del desarrollo. Aplicaciones para personas, organizaciones, comunidades y sistemas. Serie: Feaps


    Schalock, Robert L.; Gardner, James F.; Bradley, Valerie J.


    Las perspectivas de mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y otras discapacidades del desarrollo han ido variando de forma continua desde los comienzos del movimiento en los primeros años de la década de los ochenta. Todos estos cambios de perspectiva han forzado una nueva estructura y mejora de los procesos de la calidad en el desarrollo del concepto, sus aplicaciones lógicas, mediciones y resultados. Este nuevo libro de la colección FEAPS es una traducción...

  18. Propuesta de un modelo de negocio en base a la identificación y caracterización de los factores más influyentes en el crecimiento del sector de descargas de aplicaciones y juegos en dispositivos móviles entre universitarios de clase media – alta de Quito


    Romero Bedón, Félix Alberto


    El propósito de la presente tesis es identificar y diseñar un modelo de negocio que permita aprovechar las oportunidades del mercado de descarga de aplicaciones y juegos en dispositivos móviles entre universitarios de clase media-alta de Quito en sistemas iOS y Android. Entre los propósitos específicos se encuentran el esquematizar la evolución de los dispositivos móviles y el mercado de aplicaciones y juegos. Analizar el mercado de los dispositivos móviles y las descargas de juegos y aplicac...

  19. Células tronco mesenquimales: definiciones, cultivo y aplicaciones potenciales

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    Willy Ceron

    Full Text Available En los últimos años, las células troncales mesenquimales (Mesenchymal Stem Cells, MSC han adquirido mucha importancia debido a su gran plasticidad y su capacidad de liberar factores paracrinos con capacidad de interactuar con diversos tipos celulares, tejidos y órganos. El uso de MSC en medicina regenerativa es importante debido a que, al no expresar las moléculas del complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad (MHC clase II ni moléculas co-estimuladoras y tener baja expresión del MHC clase I, haría que no sean rechazadas por individuos de la misma especie, es posible utilizarlas no sólo de manera autóloga, sino también, eventualmente, alogénica. Sin embargo, es importante demostrar científicamente muchas de sus propiedades, entre ellas las inmunomoduladoras. Al tener varias fuentes de obtención, se debe estandarizar la que sea la mejor para garantizar la pureza y calidad de las MSC. Finalmente, es importante que cuando se trabaje con estas células se demuestre completamente las características del cultivo celular, la inmunotipificación y su capacidad de diferenciación. Se están ensayando muchas aplicaciones clínicas de las MSC. Dentro de ellas, su capacidad para mejorar la recuperación y potencial curación de úlceras crónicas como las diabéticas, ha atraído la atención por su potencial impacto terapéutico.

  20. Production of zeolite A come from rio Capim Kaolin: Study on recycle of sodium hydroxide solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moraes, C.G.; Rodrigues, E.C.; Rocha Junior, C.A.F.; Macedo, E.N.; Neves, R.F.


    The kaolin processing industry is an important economic sector in the State of Para, but produces huge amounts of wastes composed essentially of kaolinite. The production processes of zeolites typically use sodium hydroxide in excess, are discarded. So the objective is the development process for production of zeolite A which allows the reuse of the solution of sodium hydroxide used in excess through your recycling. Presents the results of XRD, SEM of the zeolites produced in five consecutive cycles performed at a temperature of 110°C/24h as a source of sodium hydroxide solution of sodium 5 M, using a molar ratio of Si/Al = 1 and Na/Al = 1,26. (author)

  1. Propuesta de una Arquitectura y un Componente Genérico para Acceso a Bases de Datos en Aplicaciones Orientadas a Objetos


    Molina Villa, Andreas


    Muchas aplicaciones requieren el acceso a información almacenada en bases de datos. En la actualidad las bases de datos más usadas son las bases de datos relaciónales, y los ambientes de desarrollo orientados a objetos son los que predominan en el mercado. Ambas tecnologías están basadas en paradigmas diferentes, lo que ocasiona que la comunicación e integración entre ambas sea difícil de lograr. En un desarrollo orientado a objetos con el uso de bases de datos relaciónales, gran parte del có...

  2. Polímeros de Coordinación con Centros Metálicos en Entornos de Coordinación Variables: Posibles Aplicaciones.


    Serrano Larrea, Edurne; Fernández de Luis, Roberto; Fidalgo Marijuan, Arkaitz; Llano Tomé, Francisco; Amayuelas López, Eder; Bravo García, Laura; Bazán Blau, Begoña del Pilar; Barandika Argoitia, Miren Gotzone; Urtiaga Greaves, Miren Karmele; Arriortua Marcaida, María Isabel


    Presentación de power point. Comunicación oral presentada en el 1er Simposium sobre Propiedades y Aplicaciones de MOFs y COFs, celebrado en Granada en abril de 2015 El grupo de investigación IMaCris/MaKrisI de la UPV/EHU, atesora una amplia experiencia en el estudio de estructuras metal-orgánicas en diferentes tipos de materiales: • Clústeres y polímeros de coordinación, con conectores magnéticos, como el aziduro, el cianato y el tiocianato, en combinación con ligandos bipiridínicos como l...

  3. A compositional multiphase model for groundwater contamination by petroleum products: 2. Numerical solution (United States)

    Baehr, Arthur L.; Corapcioglu, M. Yavuz


    In this paper we develop a numerical solution to equations developed in part 1 (M. Y. Corapcioglu and A. L. Baehr, this issue) to predict the fate of an immiscible organic contaminant such as gasoline in the unsaturated zone subsequent to plume establishment. This solution, obtained by using a finite difference scheme and a method of forward projection to evaluate nonlinear coefficients, provides estimates of the flux of solubilized hydrocarbon constituents to groundwater from the portion of a spill which remains trapped in a soil after routine remedial efforts to recover the product have ceased. The procedure was used to solve the one-dimensional (vertical) form of the system of nonlinear partial differential equations defining the transport for each constituent of the product. Additionally, a homogeneous, isothermal soil with constant water content was assumed. An equilibrium assumption partitions the constituents between air, water, adsorbed, and immiscible phases. Free oxygen transport in the soil was also simulated to provide an upper bound estimate of aerobic biodgradation rates. Results are presented for a hypothetical gasoline consisting of eight groups of hydrocarbon constituents. Rates at which hydrocarbon mass is removed from the soil, entering either the atmosphere or groundwater, or is biodegraded are presented. A significant sensitivity to model parameters, particularly the parameters characterizing diffusive vapor transport, was discovered. We conclude that hydrocarbon solute composition in groundwater beneath a gasoline contaminated soil would be heavily weighted toward aromatic constituents like benzene, toluene, and xylene.

  4. The present state of research on the vitrification of concentrated solutions of fission products (1962)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonniaud, R.; Sombret, C.


    The present report gives the actual point of studies on vitrification of concentrated solutions of fission products. An active cell, giving glasses in crucibles, permitted to study various glass compositions. The leaching rate from the glass raises 1 to 2 10 -7 g of glass/cm 2 /day. Activity loss by volatility during vitrification remains weak and often below 0.1 per cent of total activity. Off gas cleaning is made easier by presence of filter which is compound of granules including iron oxide. After saturation the content of this filter can be melt. Moreover different processes are in experimentation for a more important production. Daily 72 liters of solution containing tracer activity are treated in a continuous calcination and vitrification plant. The loss in 106 Ru is still important and a modification of installation has been necessary. A pot vitrification plant is in study. In order to reduce cost of processing the possibility to pour glass after melting is actuality in study. A production set of very active glass is also in project. (authors) [fr

  5. Shelf life extension as solution for environmental impact mitigation: A case study for bakery products. (United States)

    Bacenetti, Jacopo; Cavaliere, Alessia; Falcone, Giacomo; Giovenzana, Valentina; Banterle, Alessandro; Guidetti, Riccardo


    Over the last years, increasing attention has been paid to environmental concerns related to food production and potential solutions to this issue. Among the different strategies being considered to reduce the impact food production has on the environment, only moderate has been paid to the extension of shelf life; a longer shelf life can reduce food losses as well as the economic and environmental impacts of the distribution logistics. The aim of this study is to assess the environmental performance of whole-wheat breadsticks with extended shelf lives and to evaluate whether the shelf-life extension is an effective mitigation solution from an environmental point of view. To this purpose, the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach was applied from a "cradle-to-grave" perspective. Rosmarinic acid was used as an antioxidant to extend the shelf life. To test the robustness of the results and to investigate the influence of the choices made in the modelling phase, a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis were carried out. The achieved results highlighted how, for 10 of the 12 evaluated impact categories, the shelf-life extension is a proper mitigation solution, and its effectiveness depends on the magnitude of product loss reduction that is achieved. The shelf-life extension doesn't allow for the reduction of environmental impact in the categories of human toxicity, cancer effects and freshwater eutrophication. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Obtención y aplicaciones de hidrolizados protéicos

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    Millán, Francisco


    Full Text Available A review on the obtention of plant protein hydrolysates for food use has been carried out. First, the components and factors that participate in the hydrolysis are described. Then a description of the different types of hydrolysates is done: limited hydrolysates (between 1% and 10% degree of hydrolysis that are used to improve functional properties of foods; hydrolysates with variable degree of hydrolysis that are used as flavourings; by last, extensive hydrolysates (degree of hydrolysis above 10% that are used as protein suplement in the diet or with a defined composition for the treatment of specific illness.Se ha realizado una revisión de la obtención de hidrolizados proteicos de origen vegetal para su uso en alimentación humana. Se describe en primer lugar cuales son los componentes y factores que intervienen en dicha hidrólisis. A continuación se realiza una descripción de los distintos tipos de hidrolizados producidos y sus aplicaciones: hidrolizados limitados (entre el 1% y el 10% de grado de hidrólisis que son usados para mejorar las propiedades funcionales del alimento en cuestión; hidrolizados con grado de hidrólisis variable para ser usados como flavorizantes; por último, hidrolizados extensivos (con grado de hidrólisis superior al 10% que pueden ser usados como suplemento proteico en la dieta o con una composición definida para el tratamiento de enfermedades o síndromes específicos.

  7. Exact Solution of Fractional Diffusion Model with Source Term used in Study of Concentration of Fission Product in Uranium Dioxide Particle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Chao; Cao Jianzhu; Sun Lifeng


    The exact solution of fractional diffusion model with a location-independent source term used in the study of the concentration of fission product in spherical uranium dioxide (UO 2 ) particle is built. The adsorption effect of the fission product on the surface of the UO 2 particle and the delayed decay effect are also considered. The solution is given in terms of Mittag-Leffler function with finite Hankel integral transformation and Laplace transformation. At last, the reduced forms of the solution under some special physical conditions, which is used in nuclear engineering, are obtained and corresponding remarks are given to provide significant exact results to the concentration analysis of nuclear fission products in nuclear reactor. (nuclear physics)


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    S. BOCA


    Full Text Available The paper present the research results performed at a farm of the Mures district, between 2005 and 2008, concerning the milk productions, obtained in the existing constructive solutions. The essential changes produced in the last decades, concerning the dairy cattle raising and exploitation technologies, food, reproduction and amelioration, at one time with the technique development witch allow the mechanization of some production processes, imposes, also, our intervention in the constructive variants of accommodation through the actual shelter modernization, existing in this farm.

  9. Desarrollo de sustratos conductores sin corrosión para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas sobre gres porcelánico mediante el proceso “libre de electrodos”

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    Reyes-Tolosa, M. D.


    Full Text Available In the incipient world of functional industrial ceramics with photovoltaic applications, there is a need to reduce production costs while maximizing the systems’ useful life. The thin contact layers currently being manufactured are based on vacuum systems with high production costs and major problems of accelerated corrosion in photovoltaic applications. The electroless process produces very even and compact layers with very low costs through chelate-based chemicals. These layers have been formulated in this study with a view to obtaining appropriate electric characteristics for an optimum photoelectric performance in the assemblies. The morphological requirements are previously fitted through a glaze that acts as a barrier layer between the deposited coating and the porcelain tile, applied through tape casting. The characterisation of the metal layers obtained is started by SEM, an AFM and the Hall effect in order to determine the morphology and chemical characteristics required for these contact layers. The electric characterisation also allows their capacity for offering an optimum performance in the assemblies to be assessed. Finally, the performance of these layers with respect to corrosion is assessed in order to complete the assessment of their industrial suitability.

    En el incipiente mundo de las cerámicas industriales funcionales con aplicaciones fotovoltaicas existe la necesidad de reducir costes de producción al tiempo que se maximiza la vida útil de los sistemas. Las capas delgadas para contactos que se fabrican en la actualidad se basan en sistemas a vacio con altos costes de producción y una fuerte problemática de corrosión acelerada en aplicaciones fotovoltaicas. El proceso “libre de electrodos” (“electroless” produce por vía química a partir de quelatos capas muy uniformes y compactas con costes muy reducidos. En el presente trabajo se formulan estas capas con vistas a conseguir características el

  10. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.

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    A. Codina García


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in design and manufacturing such motors. Their most outstanding features and different typesare also shown.Key words: Stepping motors, motion control.

  11. Production of a transparent lavender flavour nanocapsule aqueous solution and pyrolysis characteristics of flavour nanocapsule


    Zhu, Guangyong; Xiao, Zuobing; Zhou, Rujun; Feng, Nienie


    Flavour plays an important role and has been widely used in many products. Usually, the components of flavour are volatile and the sensory perception can be changed as a result of volatilization, heating, oxidation and chemical interactions. Encapsulation can prevent the loss of volatile aromatic ingredients, provide protection and enhance the stability of the core materials. This work concentrated on production of a transparent lavender flavour nanocapsule aqueous solution. The results showe...

  12. Sorption Behavior of Cu(II From Acidic SolutionUsing Weathered Basalt Andesite Products

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    Rajesh Singh


    Full Text Available Wastewater discharged from electroplating industry pose a serioushazard due to their heavy metal load. The objective of this work is to evaluatethe removal of Cu(II from acidic solution by sorption onto Weathered BasaltAndesite Products (WBAP. WBAP has been characterized and utilized forremoval of copper from aqueous solution over wide range of initial metal ionconcentration (25 mg/L to 500 mg/L, contact duration (0-8 h, sorbent dose(5-35 g/L, pH (1.0 to 6.0, and temperature (276 K to 333 K. The sorptionpattern of Cu ions onto WBAP followed Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin-Kaganer-Radushkevich isotherms. The thermodynamic parameters (∆H0, ∆S0,and ∆G0 for Cu sorption onto WBAP were also determined.


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    Oscar Orozco Sarasti


    Full Text Available La alta demanda de energía en sectores clave de la productividad incita a una búsqueda permanente de nuevas formas de utilizar los recursos naturales no renovables, que contribuya al mejoramiento de aspectos como sostenibilidad y eficiencia. Los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte Verdes buscan el mejoramiento de la movilidad, la reducción de la accidentalidad y la mitigación del impacto ambiental mediante la gestión inteligente del tráfico vehicular a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC. Este artículo presenta una revisión de las Redes Vehiculares Ad hoc (VANET, sus características y enfoques, además de la clasificación de sus aplicaciones, los modelos de movilidad utilizados, y una caracterización para el modelado del tráfico vehicular, junto con sus particularidades, en Colombia. Se concluye con la tendencia actual de simulación y el desarrollo futuro del proyecto de investigación.

  14. GC-FTIR-MS analysis of volatile products in the radiolysis of nitrobenzene-carbon tetrachloride solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuruc, J.; Sahoo, M.K.; Kuran, P.


    A number of volatile products formed in the gamma-radiolysis of nitrobenzene-carbon tetrachlorine solution have been identified using a GC-FTIR-MS technique. The conditions for separation of the products have been described. HCL, COCl 2 chlorobenzene, chloro- and dichloronitrobenzene, isomeric di-, tri- and tetrachlorobenzene, hexachloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, α,α,α-trichloromethylbenzene, chloro-and dichloroisocyanatobenzene, and other chloroderivatives are among the important products formed. Ipso-substituion of the nitro group as well as hydrogen atom by chlorine atom and Cl 3 free radical is noticed. It is proposed that chloroisocyanatobenzene is formed as the result of interaction of dichlorocarbene and nitrobenzene. (orig.)

  15. Solvent wash solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neace, J.C.


    This patent describes a process for removing diluent degradation products from a solvent extraction solution comprising an admixture of an organic extractant for uranium and plutonium and a non-polar organic liquid diluent, which has been used to recover uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel. Comprising combining a wash solution consisting of: (a) water; and (b) a positive amount up to about, an including, 50 volume percent of at least one highly-polar water-miscible organic solvent, based on the total volume of the water and the highly-polar organic solvent, with the solvent extraction solution after uranium and plutonium values have been stripped from the solvent extraction solution, the diluent degradation products dissolving in the highly-polar organic solvent and the extractant and diluent of the extraction solution not dissolving in the highly-polar organic solvent, and separating the highly-polar organic solvent and the extraction solution to obtain a purified extraction solution

  16. Efficiency of application of electroactivated aqueous solution in the production of bread low acidity

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    E. I. Ponomareva


    Full Text Available In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to refrain from food oxidation. Therefore, the inclusion in the diet of bakery products with low acidity is important in the diet for such patients. One way to reduce the acidity of bread is the use of electric aqueous solution (EAS. Studied the effect of EAS with different values of рН (7.42; 9.34; 11.12 on the properties of dough and quality of bread from wheat flour first grade. The dough is kneaded straight dough method. In the fermentation process investigated the change in effective viscosity and titratable acidity. After fermentation the dough is molded, the test workpiece is subjected to proofing and baking. In ready from deliah determined the acidity, moisture content, porosity and specific volume. It is established that all samples of the test there was a decrease of effective viscosity in the fermentation process due to the occurrence of physico-chemical processes. The maximum value of effective viscosity is characterized by the semi-finished product, obtained using EAS рН of which 11.12 (3474 PA⋅s. It is revealed that the least value of ultimate рН (1.7 deg also had a sample on EAS with a рН = 11.12. The use of catholyte fraction of HRES with the given value of рН allowed to decrease the acidity in the finished product (45.5% compared with the control in the pilot study value was 1.2 degrees, while in the control to 2.2. The research concluded that the use of electroactivated aqueous solution suitable for the production of bakery products of low acidity.

  17. Production of perhydroxy radical (HO2) and oxygen in the radiolysis of aqueous solution and the LET effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imamura, Masashi


    This article aims to review the results concerning the production of perhydroxy radical (HO 2 ) and oxygen from irradiated aqueous solutions and the LET effects on these products, beginning with a brief introduction to the elementary primary processes in radiolysis of aqueous solution. Oxygen, if produced in the radiolysis of aqueous solution, may be considered responsible for the decreased oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) in biological systems exposed to high LET radiation. A Harwell's group has determined oxygen generated from aqueous ferrous solutions irradiated with heavy ions and concluded that the oxygen is a precursor of perhydroxy radicals. The LET-dependent yields for perhydroxy radical have been determined by LaVerne and Schuler; the analysis of their results sheds light into the reactions taking place in high-LET track cores. In conjunction with these results, the possible contributions to the LET effects are pointed out and discussed of the energetic secondary electrons ejected from the track core by knock-on collision with heavy ions and of the variation in the track core size with energy of the heavy particles. (author)

  18. Elementos mínimos que debe incluir un plan de marketing digital. Una investigación sobre los elementos, conceptos y aplicaciones disponibles para complementar un plan de mercadeo tradicional, parte 2: verificar las clases de aplicaciones que se deberían utilizar y las que actualmente se aplican en las estrategias del mercadeo digital



    El desarrollo del internet como un “nuevo” medio de comunicación se traducirá en un cambio de poder de los consumidores y en importantes modificaciones en los canales de ventas tradicionales hacia los consumidores. Esto genera unas nuevas reglas de juego en el mercadeo, al crearse la necesidad de incorporar la parte digital en la forma de contactar a los consumidores. El objetivo de la investigación es explorar, describir y detallar las aplicaciones, técnicas y herramientas de E-marketing que...

  19. Identification of major degradation products of 5-aminosalicylic acid formed in aqueous solutions and in pharmaceuticals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, J.; Cornett, Claus; Olsen, C. E.


    of polymeric species by oxidative self-coupling of 5-ASA moieties. These results indicate that the degradation of 5-ASA follows the same mechanism as observed for the autooxidation of 4-aminophenol and 1,4-phenylenediamine. Some of the identified degradation products were found in 5-ASA......The formation of four major degradation products of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in buffered solutions at pH 7.0 was demonstrated by gradient HPLC analysis. The isolation and structural elucidation of the resulting degradation products showed that the degradation of 5-ASA led to the formation...

  20. The photo refractive polymers, physics and photonic applications of these new materials; Los polimeros fotorrefractivos, fisica y aplicaciones fotonicas de estos nuevos materiales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maldonado, J. L. [Centro de Investigacion en Optica, Leon, Guanajuato (Mexico); Garcia M, J. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    This paper is a review about the new photo refractive organic materials and their potential photonic applications, the photo refractive polymers. The physical properties required for observing photo refractivity, including charge generation, transport, and nonlinear optical properties are discussed for amorphous polymers. The nonlinear optical properties on a macroscopic level are related to the microscopic properties by using the Oriented Gas model. Four Wave Mixing (FWM) and Two Beam Coupling (TBC) experiments, to investigate the photo refractive properties of the material by measuring the diffraction efficiency {eta} of the polymeric gratings, and the optical gain coefficient {eta} are described. Kogelnik's Coupled Wave model to describe the photo refractive polymeric gratings is reviewed. Finally some applications of these new polymers are presented. [Spanish] Este articulo es una revision sobre los nuevos materiales organicos fotorrrefractivos y sus potenciales aplicaciones fotonicas: los polimeros fotorrefractivos. Se discuten las propiedades fisicas requeridas para observar fotorrefractividad, incluyendo la generacion de cargas, el transporte y las propiedades opticas no lineales en polimeros amorfos. Usando el modelo de gas orientado, se muestra como se relacionan las propiedades opticas no lineales a nivel marcoscopico con las propiedades microscopicas. Se describen los experimentos de mezcla de cuatro ondas (FWM) y dos ondas (TBC) para investigar las propiedades fotorrefractivas del material, midiendo la eficiencia de difraccion {eta} de las rejillas polimericas y el coeficiente de ganancia optica {eta}. Se revisa el modelo de ondas acopladas de Kogelnik para describir las rejillas polimericas fotorrefractivas. Finalmente se presentan algunas aplicaciones de estos nuevos polimeros.

  1. Hydration interactions and stability of soluble microbial products in aqueous solutions. (United States)

    Wang, Ling-Ling; Wang, Long-Fei; Ye, Xiao-Dong; Yu, Han-Qing


    Soluble microbial products (SMP) are organic compounds excreted by microorganisms in their metabolism and decay and the main constituents in effluent from biological wastewater treatment systems. They also have an important contribution to the dissolved organic matters in natural aqueous systems. So far the interactions between SMP colloids have not been well explored. In this work, the interactions between SMP colloids in water and salt solutions were studied by using a combination of static and dynamic light scattering, Fourier transform infrared spectra, Zeta potential and acid-base titration techniques. The second osmotic virial coefficient had a larger value in a 750-mM salt solution than that in a 50-mM solution, indicating that repulsion between SMP colloids increased with an increase in salt concentration, which is contrary with the classic Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, and Overbeek (DLVO) theory. Such a repulsion was attributed to water structuring and enhanced by the accumulation of hydrophilic counter ions around SMP colloids and the formed hydration force. The repulsion and hydration effect led to the dispersing and deeper draining structure, accompanied by a decreased hydrodynamic radius and increased diffusion coefficient. This hydration force was related to so-called ion specific effect, and electrolyte sodium chloride had a more substantial effect on hydration force than KCl, CsCl, NaBr and NaI. Our results provide an experimental approach to explore the SMP structures, inter-colloid interactions and confirm the non-DLVO forces. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Production of Catalyst-Free Hyperpolarised Ethanol Aqueous Solution via Heterogeneous Hydrogenation with Parahydrogen (United States)

    Salnikov, Oleg G.; Kovtunov, Kirill V.; Koptyug, Igor V.


    An experimental approach for the production of catalyst-free hyperpolarised ethanol solution in water via heterogeneous hydrogenation of vinyl acetate with parahydrogen and the subsequent hydrolysis of ethyl acetate was demonstrated. For an efficient hydrogenation, liquid vinyl acetate was transferred to the gas phase by parahydrogen bubbling and almost completely converted to ethyl acetate with Rh/TiO2 catalyst. Subsequent dissolution of ethyl acetate gas in water containing OH- ions led to the formation of catalyst- and organic solvent-free hyperpolarised ethanol and sodium acetate. These results represent the first demonstration of catalyst- and organic solvent-free hyperpolarised ethanol production achieved by heterogeneous hydrogenation of vinyl acetate vapour with parahydrogen and the subsequent ethyl acetate hydrolysis.

  3. Thin Film Packaging Solutions for High Efficiency OLED Lighting Products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The objective of the 'Thin Film Packaging Solutions for High Efficiency OLED Lighting Products' project is to demonstrate thin film packaging solutions based on SiC hermetic coatings that, when applied to glass and plastic substrates, support OLED lighting devices by providing longer life with greater efficiency at lower cost than is currently available. Phase I Objective: Demonstrate thin film encapsulated working phosphorescent OLED devices on optical glass with lifetime of 1,000 hour life, CRI greater than 75, and 15 lm/W. Phase II Objective: Demonstrate thin film encapsulated working phosphorescent OLED devices on plastic or glass composite with 25 lm/W, 5,000 hours life, and CRI greater than 80. Phase III Objective: Demonstrate 2 x 2 ft{sup 2} thin film encapsulated working phosphorescent OLED with 40 lm/W, 10,000 hour life, and CRI greater than 85. This report details the efforts of Phase III (Budget Period Three), a fourteen month collaborative effort that focused on optimization of high-efficiency phosphorescent OLED devices and thin-film encapsulation of said devices. The report further details the conclusions and recommendations of the project team that have foundation in all three budget periods for the program. During the conduct of the Thin Film Packaging Solutions for High Efficiency OLED Lighting Products program, including budget period three, the project team completed and delivered the following achievements: (1) a three-year marketing effort that characterized the near-term and longer-term OLED market, identified customer and consumer lighting needs, and suggested prototype product concepts and niche OLED applications lighting that will give rise to broader market acceptance as a source for wide area illumination and energy conservation; (2) a thin film encapsulation technology with a lifetime of nearly 15,000 hours, tested by calcium coupons, while stored at 16 C and 40% relative humidity ('RH'). This encapsulation technology

  4. Nanopartículas de plata con potenciales aplicaciones en materiales implantables: síntesis, caracterización fisicoquímica y actividad bactericida


    Flores, Constanza Y.


    El objetivo general del presente Trabajo de Tesis fue la preparación y caracterización de superficies sólidas modificadas con nanopartículas de plata con potenciales aplicaciones en Biomedicina. Para esto se optimizó el método de síntesis de nanopartículas de plata (NPs Ag) recubiertas con citrato, obteniendo NPs Ag monodispersas de 6 ± 2 nm de diámetro recubiertas con citrato y estables en medios acuosos. Asimismo, se estudió la inmovilización de estas NPs Ag sobre superficies de Ti/TiO2, en...

  5. Corrosion in systems for storage and transportation of petroleum products and biofuels identification, monitoring and solutions

    CERN Document Server

    Groysman, Alec


    This book treats corrosion as it occurs and affects processes in real-world situations, and thus points the way to practical solutions. Topics described include the conditions in which petroleum products are corrosive to metals; corrosion mechanisms of petroleum products; which parts of storage tanks containing crude oils and petroleum products undergo corrosion; dependence of corrosion in tanks on type of petroleum products; aggressiveness of petroleum products to polymeric material; how microorganisms take part in corrosion of tanks and pipes containing petroleum products; which corrosion monitoring methods are used in systems for storage and transportation of petroleum products; what corrosion control measures should be chosen; how to choose coatings for inner and outer surfaces of tanks containing petroleum products; and how different additives (oxygenates, aromatic solvents) to petroleum products and biofuels influence metallic and polymeric materials. The book is of interest to corrosion engineers, mat...

  6. Heterogeneous semiconductor photocatalysts for hydrogen production from aqueous solutions of electron donors (United States)

    Kozlova, E. A.; Parmon, V. N.


    Current views on heterogeneous photocatalysts for visible- and near-UV-light-driven production of molecular hydrogen from water and aqueous solutions of inorganic and organic electron donors are analyzed and summarized. Main types of such photocatalysts and methods for their preparation are considered. Particular attention is paid to semiconductor photocatalysts based on sulfides that are known to be sensitive to visible light. The known methods for increasing the quantum efficiency of the target process are discussed, including design of the structure, composition and texture of semiconductor photocatalysts and variation of the medium pH and the substrate and photocatalyst concentrations. Some important aspects of the activation and deactivation of sulfide photocatalysts and the evolution of their properties in the course of hydrogen production processes in the presence of various types of electron donors are analyzed. The bibliography includes 276 references.

  7. The analysis of anode sludges, and their process solutions and beneficiation products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dixon, K.; Russell, G.M.; Wall, G.J.; Eddy, B.T.; Mallett, R.C.; Royal, S.J.


    As previous methods for the analysis of anode slimes have required lengthy separations, instrumental procedures were developed that require no preparation of the sample or only simple procedures such as acid digestion and fusion. Comparative values for various techniques are given. Methods for the analysis of process solutions and beneficiation products are examined and the procedures that have been adopted together with their relative merits and applicability are discussed. Methods of analysis include: atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, x-ray-fluorescence spectrophotometry, x-ray-fluorescence spectrometry, instrumental neutron-activation analysis and optical emission spectrometry

  8. Experiments on the incorporation of concentrated solutions of fission products in glasses and micas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonniaud, R.; Cohen, P.; Sombret, C.


    1) The plants designed for extracting the plutonium of the G1, G2, G3 reactors fuel rods will produce extremely concentrated solutions of fission products. 2) Let us consider a synthetic solution of the 'G2' type: (2N NO 3 H - 2,25 meq/cm 3 AI +++ - 5.10 -3 134 Cs - 137 Cs tracer). We made various glasses and micas by adding and mixing the necessary adjuvants and baking (900 to 1400 deg. C) in a graphite crucible. 3) The products obtained had either the shape of a cylindrical pellet or were reduced into a fine powder. They were mixed with 300 cm 3 of synthetic sea water during variable periods of time in order to study leaching of the activity. 4) Experiments were first carried on caesium because of its solubility. 5) Fabrication of micas on a large scale sets many technological problems more difficult to solve (1400 deg. C) than in the case of glasses (1000 deg. C). A comparative study on both micas and glasses showed that leaching of activity was more important in the micas. (author) [fr

  9. Energy saving by means of air conditioning equipment replacement and the household application of thermal insulation; Ahorro de energia electrica por reemplazo de equipos de aire acondicionado y aplicacion de aislamiento termico en viviendas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peralta Solorio, Jose Luis [Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de la Energia (Mexico)


    An extension study of the Financing Program for Energy Saving looked for the evaluation of the electric energy saving potential obtained by the replacement of air conditioning equipment and the application of thermal insulation in 30 houses of two Mexican cities with warmth climate. In a joint effort with Comision Federal de Electricidad the consumption files of the users were analyzed and field measurements of electric demand and of refrigeration were made. As a following step the change of the refrigeration necessities derived from the application of thermal insulation were evaluated as well as the energy efficiency improvement obtained by the substitution of the air conditioning equipment and the favorable results obtained by the implementation of both measures - thermal insulation and change of air conditioning equipment in a joint form. This way, as a conclusion, the optimum sequence of application of these measures is revealed. [Spanish] Un estudio extension del Programa de Financiamiento para el Ahorro de Energia Electrica busco evaluar el potencial de ahorro de energia electrica alcanzado por el reemplazo de equipos de aire acondicionado y la aplicacion de aislamiento termico en 30 viviendas de dos ciudades mexicanas con clima calido. En un esfuerzo conjunto con la Comision Federal de Electricidad se analizaron los historiales de consumo de los usuarios y se efectuaron las mediciones de campo de demanda electrica y de refrigeracion. Como paso siguiente se valoro el cambio en las necesidades de refrigeracion derivado de la aplicacion de aislamiento termico al igual que la mejora en eficiencia energetica obtenida por la sustitucion de aire acondicionado y se identificaron los resultados favorecedores arrojados por la implementacion de ambas medidas -aislamiento termico y cambio de equipo de aire acondicionado- en forma conjunta. De esta manera, como conclusion, se devela la mas optima secuencia de aplicacion de estas medidas.

  10. La traducció automàtica en la pràctica: aplicacions, dificultats i estratègies de desenvolupament

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    Mireia Ginestí Rossell


    Full Text Available En aquest article es descriuen els sistemes de traducció automàtica, les seves aplicacions actuals i les principals dificultats que ha d’afrontar aquesta tecnologia lingüística. Es presenta el sistema Apertium, una plataforma de traducció automàtica de codi obert sobre la qual s’han construït diversos traductors automàtics entre diferents parells d’idiomes, en els quals està inclòs el català. Basant-se en l’experiència dels autors, es descriuen algunes tensions que es donen en el desenvolupament de les dades lingüístiques d’un traductor automàtic i les solucions de compromís a què cal arribar per a construir sistemes útils.

  11. Study of surface potential contamination in radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production facilities and alternative solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suhaedi Muhammad; Rimin Sumantri; Farida Tusafariah; Djarwanti Rahayu Pipin Soedjarwo


    Radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production facilities that exist in their operations around the world in the form of radiological impacts of radiation exposure, contamination of surface and air contamination. Given the number of existing open source in radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production facility, then the possibility of surface contamination in the work area is quite high. For that to protect the safety and health of both workers, the public and the environment, then the licensee must conduct an inventory of some of the potential that could result in contamination of surfaces in radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production facilities. Several potential to cause surface contamination in radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production facilities consist of loss of resources, the VAC system disorders, impaired production facilities, limited resources and lack of work discipline and radioactive waste handling activities. From the study of some potential, there are several alternative solutions that can be implemented by the licensee to address the contamination of the surface so as not to cause adverse radiological impacts for both radiation workers, the public or the environment. (author)

  12. Electrochemical formation of carbonated corrosion products on carbon steel in deaerated solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Refait, Ph.; Bourdoiseau, J.A.; Jeannin, M.; Nguyen, D.D.


    Highlights: ► Green rust is electro-generated at low NaHCO 3 concentration (0.003 mol dm −3 ). ► Chukanovite and carbonated green rust are obtained in NaHCO 3 + Na 2 SO 4 deaerated electrolytes. ► The mechanisms of formation of carbonated corrosion products of carbon steel are specified. - Abstract: To investigate the nature and properties of carbonated rust layers, carbon steel electrodes were polarised anodically at a potential ∼100–200 mV higher than the open circuit potential in NaHCO 3 solutions (0.003, 0.1 and 1 mol dm −3 ) continuously deaerated by an argon flow. X-ray diffraction and μ-Raman spectroscopy were used to identify the electro-generated compounds. GR(CO 3 2− ) (=Fe II 4 Fe III 2 (OH) 12 CO 3 ·4H 2 O) is observed at 0.003 and 0.1 mol dm −3 NaHCO 3 whereas FeCO 3 is obtained at the largest concentration (1 mol dm −3 ). GR(CO 3 2− ) is accompanied by magnetite Fe 3 O 4 at the lowest NaHCO 3 concentration. The current density decreases to negligible values in each case, indicating that a passive film also forms independently of the nature of the carbonated compound. Experiments were performed similarly in solutions of NaHCO 3 and Na 2 SO 4 . Chukanovite Fe 2 (OH) 2 CO 3 could be obtained in solutions containing 0.03 mol dm −3 of each salt. In contrast with the results obtained in the solutions free of sulphate, the current density remains important during the formation of the rust layer

  13. Method for improving solution flow in solution mining of a mineral

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moore, T.


    An improved method for the solution mining of a mineral from a subterranean formation containing same in which an injection and production well are drilled and completed within said formation, leach solution and an oxidant are injected through said injection well into said formation to dissolve said mineral, and said dissolved mineral is recovered via said production well, wherein the improvement comprises pretreating said formation with an acid gas to improve the permeabiltiy thereof

  14. Texting As A Discursive Approach For The Production Of Agricultural Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronan G. Zagado


    Full Text Available This paper demonstrates how the short messaging service SMS popularly known as texting has facilitated production of solutions to farm issues using the Farmers Text Centre FTC of the Philippine Rice Research PhilRice as the case study. Text messages registered in the FTC database in 2010 covering one cropping season were discourse analyzed. Interpretive qualitative research particularly the Grounded Theory was employed to interprettheorize said data. Since texting is a new emerging discourse in agricultural development Grounded Theory allows the explication of theoretical accounts that explain its existence and impact. Results indicate that timing queries received within working days from 8am to 5pm get speedy response content the easier the question the faster it gets reply length the shorter the message the better and clarity of the querytext message as well as cultural factors such as greetings and terms of respect are all important governing factors in texting for farm use. Moreover analysis reveals that the series of text messages sent back and forth by farmers and agricultural specialist in FTC suggests a dynamic process of negotiation rather than passive information sharing. The analysis further reveals that texting has allowed farmers to have access to a negotiated knowledge rather than a standard scientific recommendation vis--vis the solution to their farm issues. The term negotiated implies that farmers are actively involved in knowledge production via texting. Textholder is coined in this paper to describe farmers and agricultural specialists as co-creators of knowledge in texting as opposed to their traditional role as knowledge generator and user respectively. From the analysis reflections implications and theoretical contributions are drawn in relation to the value of SMSing in agricultural extension and communication.

  15. Relation between ethyl alcohol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Iraqi dates, pure sugar solution, and the amount of inoculum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benjamin, N.D.; Al-Talibi, A.A.; Abboud, A.R.


    An experiment was initiated to investigate the production of ethyl alcohol using Zahdi data extraction and pure sugar (sucrose) solutions in different concentrations as media and S. cerevisiae as a starter. Through this investigation the following facts have been found: 0.5% ammonium phosphate as a source of nutrient was satisfactory, date extraction of 25% and inoculum of 12% gave the highest yield of ethyl alcohol; however 15% of pure sucose solution gave the maximum yield with a slight difference when compared with 20%; increasing the inoculum shortened the time of fermentation with no effect on inhibitory phenomenon; the rate of alcohol production was associated with the rate of yeast proliferation.

  16. 76 FR 44855 - Common or Usual Name for Raw Meat and Poultry Products Containing Added Solutions (United States)


    ...'s experience in reviewing labels of meat and poultry products with added solution, the Agency has... or prior to consumption. Therefore, to ensure that labels adequately inform consumers that raw... of identity and that are sold for retail sale, institutional use, or further processing. If retail...

  17. Production of furfural from waste aqueous hemicellulose solution of hardwood over ZSM-5 zeolite. (United States)

    Gao, Hongling; Liu, Haitang; Pang, Bo; Yu, Guang; Du, Jian; Zhang, Yuedong; Wang, Haisong; Mu, Xindong


    This study aimed to produce furfural from waste aqueous hemicellulose solution of a hardwood kraft-based dissolving pulp production processing in a green method. The maximum furfural yield of 82.4% and the xylose conversion of 96.8% were achieved at 463K, 1.0g ZSM-5, 1.05g NaCl and organic solvent-to-aqueous phase ratio of 30:15 (V/V) for 3h. The furfural yield was just 51.5% when the same concentration of pure xylose solution was used. Under the optimized condition, furfural yield was still up to 67.1% even after the fifth reused of catalyst. Catalyst recycling study showed that ZSM-5 has a certain stability and can be efficiently reused. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Gamma ray NDA assay system for total plutonium and isotopics in plutonium product solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowder, L.R.; Hsue, S.T.; Johnson, S.S.; Parker, J.L.; Russo, P.A.; Sprinkle, J.K.; Asakura, Y.; Fukuda, T.; Kondo, I.


    A LASL-designed gamma-ray NDA instrument for assay of total plutonium and isotopics of product solutions at Tokai-Mura is currently installed and operating. The instrument is, optimally, a densitometer that uses radioisotopic sources for total plutonium measurements at the K absorption edge. The measured transmissions of additional gamma-ray lines from the same radioisotopic sources are used to correct for self-attenuation of passive gamma rays from plutonium. The corrected passive data give the plutonium isotopic content of freshly separated to moderately aged solutions. This off-line instrument is fully automated under computer control, with the exception of sample positioning, and operates routinely in a mode designed for measurement control. A one-half percent precision in total plutonium concentration is achieved with a 15-minute measurement

  19. Anaerobic digestion of residues from production and refining of vegetable oils as an alternative to conventional solutions. (United States)

    Torrijos, M; Thalla, Arun Kumar; Sousbie, P; Bosque, F; Delgenès, J P


    The purpose of this work was to study the anaerobic digestion of by-products generated during the production and refining of oil with the objective of proposing an alternative solution (methanisation) to the conventional solutions while reducing the energy consumption of fossil origin on refinery sites. The production of sunflower oil was taken as example. Glycerine from the production of biodiesel was also included in this study. The results show that glycerine has a high potential for methanisation because of its high methane potential (465 ml CH4/g VS) and high metabolization rates (0.42 g VS/g VSS.d). The use of oil cake as substrate for anaerobic digestion is not interesting because it has a low methane potential of 215 ml CH4/g VS only and because it is easily recovered in animal feed. Six residues have quite a high methane potential (465 to 850 ml CH4/g VS) indicating a good potential for anaerobic digestion. However, they contain a mixture of rapidly and slowly biodegradable organic matter and the loading rates must remain quite low (0.03 to 0.09 g VS/g VSS.d) to prevent any accumulation of slowly biodegradable solids in the digesters. IWA Publishing 2008.

  20. Degradation of chitosan hydrogel dispersed in dilute carboxylic acids by solution plasma and evaluation of anticancer activity of degraded products (United States)

    Chokradjaroen, Chayanaphat; Rujiravanit, Ratana; Theeramunkong, Sewan; Saito, Nagahiro


    Chitosan is a polysaccharide that has been extensively studied in the field of biomedicine, especially its water-soluble degraded products called chitooligosaccharides (COS). In this study, COS were produced by the degradation of chitosan hydrogel dispersed in a dilute solution (i.e., 1.55 mM) of various kinds of carboxylic acids using a non-thermal plasma technology called solution plasma (SP). The degradation rates of chitosan were influenced by the type of carboxylic acids, depending on the interaction between chitosan and each carboxylic acid. After SP treatment, the water-soluble degraded products containing COS could be easily separated from the water-insoluble residue of chitosan hydrogel by centrifugation. The production yields of the COS were mostly higher than 55%. Furthermore, the obtained COS products were evaluated for their inhibitory effect as well as their selectivity against human lung cancer cells (H460) and human lung normal cells (MRC-5).

  1. Product Lifecycle Management and the Quest for Sustainable Space Exploration Solutions (United States)

    Caruso, Pamela W.; Dumbacher, Daniel L.


    Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is an outcome of lean thinking to eliminate waste and increase productivity. PLM is inextricably tied to the systems engineering business philosophy, coupled with a methodology by which personnel, processes and practices, and information technology combine to form an architecture platform for product design, development, manufacturing, operations, and decommissioning. In this model, which is being implemented by the Engineering Directorate at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Marshall Space Flight Center, total lifecycle costs are important variables for critical decisionmaking. With the ultimate goal to deliver quality products that meet or exceed requirements on time and within budget, PLM is a powerful tool to shape everything from engineering trade studies and testing goals, to integrated vehicle operations and retirement scenarios. This paper will demonstrate how the Engineering Directorate is implementing PLM as part of an overall strategy to deliver safe, reliable, and affordable space exploration solutions. It has been 30 years since the United States fielded the Space Shuttle. The next generation space transportation system requires a paradigm shift such that digital tools and knowledge management, which are central elements of PLM, are used consistently to maximum effect. The outcome is a better use of scarce resources, along with more focus on stakeholder and customer requirements, as a new portfolio of enabling tools becomes second nature to the workforce. This paper will use the design and manufacturing processes, which have transitioned to digital-based activities, to show how PLM supports the comprehensive systems engineering and integration function. It also will go through a launch countdown scenario where an anomaly is detected to show how the virtual vehicle created from paperless processes will help solve technical challenges and improve the likelihood of launching on schedule, with

  2. Electrochemical methods to study hydrogen production during interaction of copper with deoxygenated aqueous solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lilja, Christina; Betova, Iva; Bojinov, Martin


    In some countries, spent nuclear fuel is planned to be encapsulated in canisters with a copper shell for corrosion protection, for further disposal in geologic repositories. The possibilities for corrosion after oxygen depletion must be evaluated, even if copper is considered to be immune in oxygen-free water. To follow the interaction of copper with deoxygenated aqueous solution, open-circuit potentiometric and electrochemical impedance measurements have been coupled to in-situ detection of cupric ion, dissolved molecular hydrogen and oxygen concentrations using electrochemical sensors. A kinetic model that considers the production of hydrogen as a catalytic process, the rate of which is proportional to the surface coverage of an intermediate species formed during interaction between copper and the solution is used to interpret the results. Kinetic parameters are estimated by a simultaneous fit of the experimental impedance spectra, the open circuit potential and cupric ion concentration as depending on temperature (22–70 °C) and exposure time (up to 720 h) to the model equations. Using the obtained values and a balance equation of hydrogen production on copper and its diffusion out of the cell through its walls, the kinetic parameters of this process are estimated by fitting dissolved molecular hydrogen concentration vs. time data at the three temperatures.

  3. The effects of H2SO4 and NaOH solutions on irradiated sawdust for ethanol production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lina, M.R.; Susiana; Siagian, E.G.


    The research of gamma irradiated sawdust, which were added H2SO4 and NaOH solutions on fermentation process for ethanol production was investigated. Irradiation doses used were : 0 and 200 kGy, while H2SO4 and NaOH solutions had concentrations of 0,1 and 2% (v/v) and (b/v), with a ratio of sawdust weight and solution volume = 1:3. Fine powder of sawdust with a mesh of 60, was hydrolysed by enzyme (cellulase), S.cerevisiae was a yeast used for fermentation process and fermentation time was 4 hours. From the experimental results showed that irradiation doses up to 200 kGy, could increase the ethanol concentration from sawdust fermentation signivicantly (P= . Irradiation treatment, addition of the solutions and its interaction could not influence the total carbohydrate before and after fermentation. (author). 9 refs, 2 figs, 6 tabs

  4. Intrinsic neutron source strengths in uranium solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, R.E.; Robba, A.A.; Seale, R.L.; Rutherford, D.A.; Butterfield, K.B.; Brunson, G.S.


    Neutron production rates for 5% enriched uranyl fluoride and 93% uranyl nitrate solutions have been measured using a high-efficiency neutron well counter. Measurements were made for both solution types as a function of sample volume. These results were extrapolated to zero sample volume to eliminate sample size effects, such as multiplication and absorption. For the 5% enriched uranyl fluoride solution, a neutron production rate of 0.0414 ± 0.0041 n/s/ml was measured; for the 93% enriched uranyl nitrate solution, a neutron production rate of 0.0232 ± 0.0023 n/s/ml was measured. The biggest uncertainty is in measuring the detector efficiency, and further work on this aspect of the experiment is planned. Calculations for the neutron production rates based on measured thick-target (alpha, n) production rates and shown alpha stopping powers are in reasonable agreement with the data for the uranyl nitrate solution, but are in poor agreement with the data for the uranyl fluoride solution. 8 refs., 7 figs., 5 tabs

  5. Production of Y-86 and other radiometals for research purposes using a solution target system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oehlke, Elisabeth; Hoehr, Cornelia; Hou, Xinchi; Hanemaayer, Victoire; Zeisler, Stefan; Adam, Michael J.; Ruth, Thomas J.; Celler, Anna; Buckley, Ken; Benard, Francois; Schaffer, Paul


    Introduction: Diagnostic radiometals are typically obtained from cyclotrons by irradiating solid targets or from radioisotope generators. These methods have the advantage of high production yields, but require additional solid target handling infrastructure that is not readily available to many cyclotron facilities. Herein, we provide an overview of our results regarding the production of various positron-emitting radiometals using a liquid target system installed on a 13 MeV cyclotron at TRIUMF. Details about the production, purification and quality control of 89 Zr, 68 Ga and for the first time 86 Y are discussed. Methods: Aqueous solutions containing 1.35–1.65 g/mL of natural-abundance zinc nitrate, yttrium nitrate, and strontium nitrate were irradiated on a 13 MeV cyclotron using a standard liquid target. Different target body and foil materials were investigated for corrosion. Production yields were calculated using theoretical cross-sections from the EMPIRE code and compared with experimental results. The radioisotopes were extracted from irradiated target material using solid phase extraction methods adapted from previously reported methods, and used for radiolabelling experiments. Results: We demonstrated production quantities that are sufficient for chemical and biological studies for three separate radiometals, 89 Zr (A sat = 360 MBq/μA and yield = 3.17 MBq/μA), 86 Y (A sat = 31 MBq/μA and yield = 1.44 MBq/μA), and 68 Ga (A sat = 141 MBq/μA and yield = 64 MBq/μA) from one hour long irradiations on a typical medical cyclotron. 68 Ga yields were sufficient for potential clinical applications. In order to avoid corrosion of the target body and target foil, nitrate solutions were chosen as well as niobium as target-body material. An automatic loading system enabled up to three production runs per day. The separation efficiency ranged from 82 to 99%. Subsequently, 68 Ga and 86 Y were successfully used to radiolabel DOTA-based chelators while

  6. Desarrollo de materiales poliméricos nanocompuestos para aplicaciones eléctricas y electrónicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Chinè


    Full Text Available Se reportan algunos resultados y procedimientos experimentales de laboratorio obtenidos en el marco de investigaciones desarrolladas para la obtención de nuevos materiales compuestosnanoestructurados. Estos nuevos materiales, formados por una fase orgánica el polímero y una fase inorgánica el silicato, están siendo fuertemente investigados en la actualidad pues se espera que puedan brindar, entre otras, mejores propiedades de aislamiento eléctrico y de retardo a la flama en aplicaciones eléctricas y electrónicas. El trabajo experimental de laboratorio ha sido desarrollado a partir de dos familias de polímeros, los termoplásticos y los termoestables y de las arcillas que proporcionan los silicatos de tipo lamelar. Se cuenta ya con algunos resultados preliminares, como son la obtención de películas delgadas de estos materiales nanocompuestos, su completa caracterización mediante difractometría de rayos X, microscopía de barrido y análisistermogravimétrico, que hacen bien esperar para futuras actividades de investigación.

  7. An analytic solution to the time-dependent first-daughter fission-product plateout problem for multi-region isothermal slug flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durkee, J.W. Jr.; Lee, C.E.


    The time-dependent, axisymmetric, isothermal slug flow convective-diffusion equation with radioactive decay is solved analytically to predict the behavior of a first-daughter fission-product undergoing gaseous transport through multiple materials in a cylindrical pipe. The integration coefficients are determined using the Davidon variable metric minimization method. The behavior of fission-product material deposited on the conduit wall is described by a standard mass-transfer model. The time-dependent plateout rate behavior, determined previously for parent fission-product deposition, is again evident for daughter product plateout. Dominance of the daughter plateout by parent deposition characteristics is apparent. The determination of the daughter wall mass-transfer and diffusion coefficient using a least-squares analysis of measured data depends upon a reasonably low ratio of parent/daughter half-lives. This is illustrated with 137 Cs/ 137 Ba(=2x10 5 ) and 140 Ba/ 140 La(=7.6), where for 137 Cs/ 137 Ba the solution sensitivity to the 137 Ba deposition parameters is small and for 140 Ba/ 140 La a reasonable solution is readily obtained. (author)

  8. Mass Customisation and Highly Individualised Solutions. Stretching Mass Customisation Beyond the Traditional Paradigm of Industrial Production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morelli, Nicola; Nielsen, Louise Møller


    and consumption patterns. The reference to a paradigm shift helps emphasising the inherent limits of industrial production and the elements of changes brought about by the possibility to generate highly individualised solutions. The concept of mass customisation was introduced to extend the domain of industrial...... production beyond its original limitations, however it is strongly linked to the paradigm of industrial production and not always usable to support and explain new ways of organising value creation. This paper proposes an analysis of this paradigm shift through three cases, which emphasise some elements...... of mass customisation that are still relevant to the new paradigm. At the same time the paper emphasises the limits of this concept and the need for a new perspective view to interpret the ongoing change in production and consumption systems....

  9. Automated Recognition of Bioacoustic Signals: a Review of Methods and Applications Reconocimiento automatizado de señales bioacústicas: Una revisión de métodos y aplicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Catalina Caycedo-Rosales


    Full Text Available During the past decade, numerous research studies and applications on automated bioacoustic monitoring have been published; however, such studies are scattered in the literature of engineering and life sciences. This paper presents a review on fundamental concepts of automated acoustic monitoring. Our aim is to compare and categorize —in a taxonomy of techniques DSP/PR— the contributions of published research studies and applications; in order to suggest some directions for future research and highlight challenges and opportunities related to the deployment of this technology in Colombia.Durante la última década se ha publicado una gran cantidad de estudios de investigación y aplicaciones sobre monitoreo bioacústico automatizado. No obstante, tales estudios están dispersos en la literatura de ingeniería y ciencias biológicas. En este artículo se presentan conceptos fundamentales sobre monitoreo bioacústico automatizado; se revisan, comparan y categorizan —en una taxonomía de técnicas de DSP/PR— las contribuciones de las investigaciones y las aplicaciones publicadas; se sugieren algunas direcciones para investigaciones futuras y se resaltan los retos y las oportunidades relacionados con la instalación de esta tecnología en Colombia.

  10. Influence of a productive solution of uranium on some biochemical parameters of blood of an organism at experimental animals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svambaev, Z.A.; Svambaev, E.A.; Sultanbekov, G.A; Tusupbekova, S.T.


    In the work authors inform results on studying influence of a productive solution of uranium on some biochemical parameters of blood of an organism at experimental animals. It is established that all samples of a productive solution of uranium possesses high toxicity and causes destruction of experimental animals with infringement of a picture of blood. Experiments on influence on biochemical and hematology defined parameters of blood on chickens - broilers and on which female quails from daily age raised on cellular batteries in communities on 50 heads in conditions adequate to the requirement. Fed in plenty with the dry forages prepared according to 'Recommendations on the normalized feeding an agricultural bird' (1996), recipes 5-2; 6-1. To chickens in plenty allowed water from auto drinking bowls. Conditions of a micro climate corresponded to hygienic requirements. At carrying out of experiences studied the following parameters: preservation of a livestock, the reason of a withdrawal, weight of a body - weekly up to the end of experience, consumption of a forage, an expense of a forage for 1 kg of a gain have established weight of a body the methods standard in poultry farming. After application of a productive solution took blood from under wings of a vein and in blood have established maintenance of hemoglobin, quantity of red cells, leukocytes and a leukocyte of the formula, the maintenance of calcium and phosphorus. An application of a productive solution for experimental birds for the fifth day has caused clinical symptoms of a poisoning and destruction in groups. At the survived birds in blood it has been established changes biochemical and hematology. Week age chickens of skilled group lagged behind in growth development in comparison with control group on 30 % and at the end of the skilled period skilled have lagged behind in growth and development on 62 %. Among a livestock of chickens of skilled group of a case was more on 53 % on comparisons with the

  11. Evaluación de hidrogeles para aplicaciones agroforestales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Barón Cortés


    Full Text Available Con hidrogeles sintetizados por medio de la técnica de polimerización en suspensión inversa (PSI, compuestos por acrilamida y acrilato de potasio entrecruzados con N, N’ metilen-bis-acrilamida y que presentan diferentes comportamientos desde el punto de vista de capacidad y velocidad de hinchamiento, módulo elástico y propie-dades de liberación, se estudia la modificación de las propiedades hidráulicas de un suelo tipo franco arcilloso realizando curvas de retención de humedad, empleando ollas de presión de plato cerámico, y se desarrollan montajes para evaluar la modificación en la retención de los mismos, ante condiciones de dosificación prolongada e instantánea de agua de irrigación. Adicionalmente, se realizan cultivos de acacia y rábano en fase vivero en suelos acondicionados con diferentes hidrogeles, en el primer cultivo se evalúa el retraso en la marchitez de la especie y en el segundo la diferencia en crecimiento; simultáneamente para los cultivos, se hace el seguimiento del contenido de humedad in situ del suelo con respecto al tiempo. Se logra un método para la medición del módulo elástico y las propiedades de liberación y se establece un modelo para predecir el comportamiento de los hidrogeles en el suelo con el conocimiento de sus propiedades básicas en el estado libre. Finalmente, los resultados muestran la bondad del uso de hidrogeles en estas aplicaciones: hay mayor facilidad de liberación y retención de agua aprovechable por el suelo, retraso notable del marchitamiento en condiciones hostiles, y es mayor el crecimiento de las especies, entre otros beneficios, además se establecen pautas para definir las características del hidrogel más adecuado dependiendo de la aplicación deseada y se realiza una proyección hacia la disminución del consumo de agua para el mantenimiento de un cultivo.

  12. Proportioning of 79Se and 126Sn long life radionuclides in the fission products solutions coming from spent fuels processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Comte, J.


    The determination of radionuclides present in waste resulting from the nuclear fuel reprocessing is a request from the regulatory authorities to ensure an optimal management of the storage sites. Long-lived radionuclides (T 1/2 > 30 years) are particularly concerned owing to the fact that their impact must be considered for the long term. Safety studies have established a list of long-lived radionuclides (LLRN) whose quantification is essential for the management of the disposal site. Among these, several are pure β emitters, present at low concentration levels in complex matrices. Their determination, by radiochemical method or mass spectrometry, involves selective chemical separations from the others β/γ emitters and from the measurement interfering elements. The work undertaken in this thesis relates to the development of analytical methods for the determination of two long-lived radionuclides: selenium 79 and tin 126, in acid solutions of fission products present in nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. For selenium 79, a β emitter with a half live estimated to be 10 6 years, the bibliography describes different chemical separation methods including precipitation, liquid-liquid extraction and chromatography on ionic resins. After optimisation on a synthetic solution, two of these techniques, precipitation by potassium iodine and separation with ion exchange resins were applied to a genuine solution of fission products at Cogema La Hague. The results showed that only the ion exchange method allows us to obtain a solution sufficiently decontaminated (FDβγ = 250) with a significant selenium recovery yield (85%). This separation allows the measurement of the 79 Se by electrothermal vaporization coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ETV-ICP/MS), after transfer of the samples to CEA/Cadarache. The concentration of 79 Se measured is 0,42 mg/L in the solution of fission products with an isotopic ratio 79 Se/ 82 Se equal to that recommended by the

  13. Photocatalytic hydrogen production over solid solutions between BiFeO{sub 3} and SrTiO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Lingwei; Lv, Meilin [Shanghai Key Lab of Chemical Assessment and Sustainability, Department of Chemistry, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, 200092 (China); Liu, Gang [Shenyang National laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science, 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016 (China); Xu, Xiaoxiang, E-mail: [Shanghai Key Lab of Chemical Assessment and Sustainability, Department of Chemistry, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, 200092 (China)


    Graphical abstract: We have successfully prepared a series of SrTiO{sub 3}-BiFeO{sub 3} solid solutions. These materials own strong visible light absorption and demonstrate appealing photocatalytic activity under both full range and visible light irradiation. - Highlights: • Band gap values can be tuned by adjusting molar ratios between SrTiO{sub 3} and BiFeO{sub 3}. • Photocatalytic activity is greatly improved after constituting solid solutions. • Photocatalytic activity is influenced by surface area and light absorption. • Fe plays an important role for band gap reduction and catalytic activity. - Abstract: Constituting solid solutions has been an appealing means to gain control over various physicochemical properties. In this work, we synthesized a series of SrTiO{sub 3}-BiFeO{sub 3} solid solutions and systematically explored their structural, optical and photocatalytic properties. Our results show that all solid solutions crystallize in a primitive cubic structure and their band gap values can be easily tuned by adjusting molar ratios between SrTiO{sub 3} and BiFeO{sub 3}. Photocatalytic hydrogen production under both full range and visible light irradiation is greatly improved after forming solid solutions. The highest hydrogen production rate obtained is ∼180 μmol/h under full range irradiation (λ ≥ 250 nm) and ∼4.2 μmol/h under visible light irradiation (λ ≥ 400 nm), corresponding to apparent quantum efficiency ∼2.28% and ∼0.10%, respectively. The activity is found to be strongly influenced by surface area and light absorption. Theoretical calculation suggests that Fe contributes to the formation of spin-polarized bands in the middle of original band gap and is responsible for the band gap reduction and visible light photocatalytic activity.

  14. EL ENFOQUE CRÍTICO: Una revisión de su historia, naturaleza y algunas aplicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nora Cebotarev


    Full Text Available La intención de este artículo es explorar las bases filosóficas e históricas de los múltiples y complejos significados y usos del Pensamiento Crítico (PC. El PC es definido como un método, analítico y autoreflexivo, teóricamente sustentado, de crítica de ideologías y prácticas convencionales, incluyendo la vida cotidiana, los sistemas políticos, el método científico de crear conocimientos y los del mismo PC. Su propósito es reunir valores morales y científicos. El artículo contiene cuatro partes. La primera discute las diversas acepciones de PC. La segunda traza el origen histórico del PC, su articulación teórica por la Escuela de Frankfurt y las múltiples contribuciones filosóficas que enriquecieron y ampliaron su significado. La tercera parte discute sus requisitos epistemológicos, morales y metodológicos y la última parte presenta algunos ejemplos de las múltiples aplicaciones del PC en varios campos.

  15. Revisión Sistemática de Literatura: Inyección SQL en Aplicaciones web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesennia Iñiguez Banegas


    Full Text Available La inyección SQL es una vulnerabilidad de seguridad que afecta a las aplicaciones web. Esto ocurre cuando se inserta una consulta SQL (código malicioso, por medio de las entradas de una interfaz de cliente permitiendo leer y modificar la información. El presente artículo detalla el proceso de la revisión sistemática de literatura sobre estudios primarios que plantean propuestas y solución acerca de inyección SQL. Se siguió el protocolo propuesto por Bárbara Kitchenham y se revisó un total de 9 estudios de varias revistas y conferencias. Las investigaciones sobre inyecciones SQL es todavía un tema abierto, se ha obtenido propuestas para la prevención y detección de la misma. Una de ellas es Hibrid Modeling Framework que hace frente a las vulnerabilidades de inyección SQL en la fase de diseño. Las soluciones expuestas son muchas y diversas, enfocadas en la prevención y detección de vulnerabilidades de inyección SQL.


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    Laura Lotero Vélez

    Full Text Available El interés de investigadores y profesionales de diversas disciplinas en el análisis de sistemas sociales, biológicos y artificiales desde la perspectiva de las redes complejas ha crecido notablemente en los últimos años. Algunas de estas redes son la base de muchas de las actividades del ser humano, como es el caso de las redes de transporte urbano que hacen parte de la infraestructura crítica. Una de las propiedades de mayor relevancia práctica de las redes complejas es su capacidad para mantener algunas funciones cuando ocurren fallas, errores o ataques a sus nodos o vínculos, la cual ha sido denominada robustez, resiliencia o vulnerabilidad por distintos autores. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre el concepto de vulnerabilidad en el formalismo de las redes complejas y algunas aplicaciones al transporte urbano. El propósito de este artículo de revisión es el de dar a conocer a académicos y tomadores de decisión nuevos enfoques para el análisis del sistema de movilidad.

  17. Applications of portals in the energetic sector; Aplicaciones de portales en el sector energetico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos Dominguez, Martin; Arroyo Figueroa, Gustavo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    An operative portal joins the applications, contents and services of the company in a single page of Intranet such way that promises to change deeply the information technology in the next years. The corporative portals will change what people visualize in the screen of their computer at the beginning of every working day. Unlike seeing the network (Web) only with pages of language of hypertext bearing (HTML), the corporative portal acts as a gate between Internet and the private networks. This article presents a general vision of the benefits of the corporative portals, the existing technologies and the potential markets. [Spanish] Un portal operativo une las aplicaciones, contenidos y servicios de la empresa en una sola pagina de Intranet, de tal forma que promete cambiar, profundamente la tecnologia de la informacion en los proximos anos. Los portales corporativos cambiaran lo que la gente visualiza en la pantalla de su computadora al comienzo de cada dia de trabajo. A diferencia de ver la red (Web) solo con paginas de lenguaje de marcacion de hipertexto (HTML), el portal corporativo actua como compuerta entre Internet y las redes privadas. Este articulo presenta una vision general de los beneficios de los portales corporativos, las tecnologias y los mercados potenciales existentes.

  18. Analytic solutions to linear, time-dependent fission product deposition models for isothermal laminar, slug, or multiregion flow conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durkee, J.W. Jr.


    The time-dependent convective-diffusion equation with radioactive decay is solved analytically in axisymmetric cylindrical geometry for laminar and slug velocity profiles under isothermal conditions. Concentration dependent diffusion is neglected. The laminar flow solution is derived using the method of separation of variables and Frobenius' technique for constructing a series expansion about a regular singular point. The slug flow multiregion solution is obtained using the method of separation of variables. The Davidon Variable Metric Minimization algorithm is used to compute the coupling coefficients. These solutions, which describe the transport of fission products in a flowing stream, are then used to determine the concentration of radioactive material deposited on a conduit wall using a standard mass transfer model. Fission product deposition measurements for five diffusion tubes in a Fort St. Vrain High-Temperature Gas-Cooled reactor plateout probe are analyzed. Using single region slug and laminar models, the wall mass transfer coefficients, diffusion coefficients, and inlet concentrations are determined using least squares analysis. The diffusion coefficients and inlet concentrations are consistent between tubes. The derived diffusion coefficients and wall mass transfer coefficients are in relative agreement with known literature values

  19. Dalia integrated production bundle (IPB): an innovative riser solution for deep water fields

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reals, Th Boscals de; Gloaguen, M.; Roche, F. [Total E and P (Angola); Marion, A.; Poincheval, A. [Technip, Paris (France)


    The Dalia field is located 210 km north west of Luanda (Angola), about 140 km from shore in 1400 meter water-depth. It was the second major discovery out of 15 made in the block 17 operated by Total. The Dalia Umbilical, Flow lines and Risers EPCI Contract was awarded in 2003. The sea-line network to connect and control the 71 wells and 9 manifolds consist of the following: 40 km of insulated pipe in pipe (12 inches into 17 inches) production flow lines; 45 km of 12 inches water and gas injection lines; 6 off 1.7 km flexible water and gas injection risers; 8 off 1.65 km flexible Integrated Production Bundle (IPB) risers; 75 km of control umbilicals. The flow assurance and associated insulation requirement of the production transport system was one of the main challenges of the project. With a crude temperature of 45 deg C at the wellhead and the required minimum temperature of 35 deg C on arrival at the FPSO, this problem was complex. Understanding that, due to the Joule Thompson effect of the riser gas lift, a 'built in' loss of about 5 deg C is induced and together with further losses through the sub sea pipelines, some up to 6 km long, the agreed solution was 'pipe in pipe' for the production flow lines. The innovative flexible IPB riser, incorporating gas lift and heating to keep the fluid temperature above hydrate formation zone, was the selected riser solution. The IPB is new technology for deep water, developed by Technip for Dalia, and consists of a 12 inches nominal central flexible, surrounded by layers of heat tracing cables, small bore gas lift lines, optical fibres and many insulation layers with an Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of approximately 3,4 W/m{sup 2}K. After an earlier research and development programme, a further extensive qualification programme was conducted during the course of the project, culminating with the deep water testing phase offshore Brazil. The IPB was then approved for fabrication and installation

  20. Selling value with the business solutions : Konica Minolta Business Solutions Finland Ltd.


    Piira, Antti


    Abstract Konica Minolta aims to develop its sales from product sales to solution sales. This is a challenging transition that requires resources and new ideas from the company and its people. The thesis attempted to explore the current situation of solution sales at Konica Minolta Business Solutions Finland and to produce ideas on how to develop and support solution sales. In addition motivation factors and the utilization of customer references in sales was examinated. The triangulat...

  1. The present state of research on the vitrification of concentrated solutions of fission products (1962); Etat des etudes sur la vitrification des solutions concentrees de produits de fission (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonniaud, R; Sombret, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The present report gives the actual point of studies on vitrification of concentrated solutions of fission products. An active cell, giving glasses in crucibles, permitted to study various glass compositions. The leaching rate from the glass raises 1 to 2 10{sup -7} g of glass/cm{sup 2}/day. Activity loss by volatility during vitrification remains weak and often below 0.1 per cent of total activity. Off gas cleaning is made easier by presence of filter which is compound of granules including iron oxide. After saturation the content of this filter can be melt. Moreover different processes are in experimentation for a more important production. Daily 72 liters of solution containing tracer activity are treated in a continuous calcination and vitrification plant. The loss in {sup 106}Ru is still important and a modification of installation has been necessary. A pot vitrification plant is in study. In order to reduce cost of processing the possibility to pour glass after melting is actuality in study. A production set of very active glass is also in project. (authors) [French] Le present rapport fait le point des etudes menees sur la vitrification des solutions concentrees de produits de fission. Une installation active, produisant des verres en creusets, a permis d'etudier plusieurs compositions de verres. Le taux de perte d'activite par lixiviation a l'eau atteint 1 a 2 10{sup -7} gramme de verre/cm{sup 2}/jour. Les pertes d'activite par volatilite au cours de la cuisson restent faibles et souvent inferieures a 0,1 pour cent de l'activite totale. L'epuration des gaz de cuisson est facilitee par la presence d'un filtre a granules riches en oxyde de fer, dont le contenu peut etre fondu apres saturation. Differentes techniques sont, en outre, en experimentation pour une production plus importante: Une installation de calcination et vitrification continue traite 72 litres par jour de solution contenant une activite traceur. La perte en Ru{sup 106} est encore importante

  2. Solutions for the food processing industry; Shokuhin seizogyo solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toda, T; Iwami, N [Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    To improve quality control and maintain stable operation, the food processing industry requires problem solutions in total, including not only processing and operation control divisions but also quality control, design and production technology, and maintenance divisions. This paper describes solutions for HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) support, quality control, and maintenance, in order to improve the quality level, ensure traceability and realize stable processing operations. (author)

  3. Influencia del rayado sobre la resistencia electroquímica de les aleaciones de NiTi tratadas por un nuevo tratamiento térmico para aplicaciones biomédicas


    Soualah, Lakhdar


    Las aleaciones de níquel-titanio son aleaciones que se utilizan cada vez más en aplicaciones biomédicas, por sus propiedades interesantes de superelasticidad, de memoria de forma, de resistencia a la corrosión y de biocompatibilidad. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos de su resistencia a la corrosión son muy variables, dependiendo del estado de superficie. Así, para mejorar, la resistencia a la corrosión de este material, se diseñó en un trabajo anterior un nuevo tratamie...

  4. Planteamiento y evaluación de las aplicaciones de los productos obtenidos en la hidrólisis alcalina de las virutas de cromo generadas durante el procesamiento del cuero


    Díaz, Andrea; Jiménez, Juliana; Pérez, Monica; Narváez Rincón, Paulo César


    Considerando el concepto de maximizar la reutilización de residuos sólidos de curtiembres en diversos usos industriales y la minimización del impacto ambiental que estos generan, se evalúan algunas aplicaciones de los subproductos obtenidos por la hidrólisis alcalina de las “virutas de cromo”5 generadas durante la etapa de rebalado en el procesamiento del cuero. El hidróxido de cromo obtenido transformado en sulfato de cromo mo- nobasico puede reutilizarse en el procesamiento del cuero co...

  5. Calibration of X-ray densitometers for the determination of uranium and plutonium concentrations in reprocessing input and product solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ottmar, H.; Eberle, H.; Michel-Piper, I.; Kuhn, E.; Johnson, E.


    In June 1985 a calibration exercise has been carried out, which included the calibration of the KfK K-Edge Densitometer for uranium assay in the uranium product solutions from reprocessing, and the calibration of the Hybrid K-Edge/K-XRF Instrument for the determination of total uranium and plutonium in reprocessing input solutions. The calibration measuremnts performed with the two X-ray densitometers are described and analyzed, and calibration constants are evaluated from the obtained results. (orig.)

  6. Semianalytical Solutions of Radioactive or Reactive Transport in Variably-Fractured Layered Media: 1. Solutes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    George J. Moridis


    In this paper, semianalytical solutions are developed for the problem of transport of radioactive or reactive solute tracers through a layered system of heterogeneous fractured media with misaligned fractures. The tracer transport equations in the non-flowing matrix account for (a) diffusion, (b) surface diffusion, (c) mass transfer between the mobile and immobile water fractions, (d) linear kinetic or equilibrium physical, chemical, or combined solute sorption or colloid filtration, and (e) radioactive decay or first-order chemical reactions. The tracer-transport equations in the fractures account for the same processes, in addition to advection and hydrodynamic dispersion. Any number of radioactive decay daughter products (or products of a linear, first-order reaction chain) can be tracked. The solutions, which are analytical in the Laplace space, are numerically inverted to provide the solution in time and can accommodate any number of fractured and/or porous layers. The solutions are verified using analytical solutions for limiting cases of solute and colloid transport through fractured and porous media. The effect of important parameters on the transport of 3 H, 237 Np and 239 Pu (and its daughters) is investigated in several test problems involving layered geological systems of varying complexity

  7. Production of a transparent lavender flavour nanocapsule aqueous solution and pyrolysis characteristics of flavour nanocapsule. (United States)

    Zhu, Guangyong; Xiao, Zuobing; Zhou, Rujun; Feng, Nienie


    Flavour plays an important role and has been widely used in many products. Usually, the components of flavour are volatile and the sensory perception can be changed as a result of volatilization, heating, oxidation and chemical interactions. Encapsulation can prevent the loss of volatile aromatic ingredients, provide protection and enhance the stability of the core materials. This work concentrated on production of a transparent lavender flavour nanocapsule aqueous solution. The results showed that a transparent lavender flavour microcapsule aqueous solution can be produced using hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) as wall material. The combination and interaction of flavour and wall materials were investigated by pyrolysis. Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetic parameters of the flavour nanocapsule were determined. During thermal degradation of blank HP-β-CD and flavour-HP-β-CD inclusion complex, three main stages can be distinguished. Due to the vaporization of lavender flavour encapsulated in HP-β-CD, the thermogravimetric (TG) curve of blank HP-β-CD shows a leveling-off from room temperature to 269 °C, while the TG curve of flavour-HP-β-CD inclusion complex is downward sloping in this temperature range. The kinetic parameters are helpful in understanding the mechanism of molecular recognition between hosts and guests.

  8. Binned level-3 Sea Surface Salinity from Aquarius/Satélite de Aplicaciones Científicas (SAC)-D mission in support of the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) data quality monitoring system (DQMS) from 2011-08-28 to 2015-06-10 (NCEI Accession 0151631) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data quality monitoring system (DQMS) for the Aquarius/Satélite de Aplicaciones Científicas (SAC)-D satellites level-2 sea-surface salinity (SSS) swath data...

  9. Aplicaciones de aluminio mantienen el crecimiento de fresa (Fragaria × ananassa Duch. suplementada con roca fosfórica en condiciones de cultivo sin suelo

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    Martín Alejandro Tucuch Pérez


    Full Text Available Se estima que en los próximos años a nivel mundial habrá carencia de las fuentes de fósforo (P utilizadas para fabricar los fertilizantes fosforados. Aunque el P puede encontrarse en el suelo, la mayor parte se encuentra en forma no asimilable por las plantas, por lo que para absorberlo éstas exudan ácidos orgánicos (AO para facilitar su solubilización. Por otro lado, se ha reportado que la presencia de aluminio (Al se relaciona con un aumento en la exudación de AO por la raíz. Dado la capacidad solubilizadora de los AO, en el presente estudio se planteó evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de Al sobre la exudación de AO y el uso de P en forma no soluble (roca fosfórica, RF en el crecimiento y rendimiento de plantas de fresa. El experimento constó de ocho tratamientos que resultaron de combinar dos cantidades de RF, mezcladas en el sustrato, con aplicaciones de Al. Los tratamientos con RF se irrigaron con una solución que contenía 0.25 meq L‑1 H2PO4‑. Los resultados mostraron que con aplicaciones de Al vía riego se obtienen mayores rendimientos, hasta 380 g planta-1, lo cual estuvo correlacionado positivamente con la concentración de ácido cítrico y negativamente con la concentración de ácido málico en el sustrato. Se concluye que el citrato exudado por la raíz debido a la aplicación de Al, favorece el rendimiento de plantas de fresa cuando el P se encuentra en forma de RF.

  10. Plutonium isotopic assay of reprocessing product solutions in the KfK K-edge densitometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eberle, H.; Ottmar, H.; Matussek, P.


    The KfK K-edge densiometer, designed for accurate element concentration measurements using the technique of X-ray absorptiometry at the K absorption edge, provides as an additional option the possibility to determine the isotopic composition of freshly separated plutonium from an gamma-spectrometric analysis of its self-radiation. This report describes the underlying methodology and experimental procedures for the isotopic analysis in the K-edge densitometer. The paper also presents and discusses the experimental results so far obtained from routine measurements on reprocessing product solutions. (orig.)

  11. Testing como Práctica para Evaluar la Eficiencia en Aplicaciones Web

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    Delvis Echeverría Perez


    Full Text Available La investigación está asociada al Testing como práctica para evaluar uno de los atributos de calidad que describe la Norma ISO/IEC 9126 como característica la “Eficiencia”, que es según esta norma: La capacidad del producto de software para proporcionar una ejecución o desempeño apropiado, en relación con la cantidad de recursos utilizados usados, bajo condiciones establecidas. Para evaluar esta característica se han identificado un conjunto de tipos de Test, teniendo en cuenta las sub-características de la misma ellas son: Rendimiento, Carga y Estrés, además se propone un procedimiento que guía la gestión y ejecución de los diferentes test. Para las No Conformidades (errores generados se ha elaborado una clasificación dependiendo de su tipo. Se propone el uso de herramientas automatizadas para la ejecución de los diferentes test, específicamente la herramienta JMETER, usada para analizar y medir el desempeño de una variedad de servicios, con énfasis en aplicaciones web. Se creó una Base de Casos de posibles soluciones que dan respuesta a errores HTTP. Todos estos elementos descritos anteriormente proveen de un marco para la evaluación final de la característica en cuestión en productos de software, proponiéndose un conjunto de métricas que arrojan resultados cuantitativos por cada sub-característica de la Norma o por tipos de test propuestos.

  12. Effects of viscoelastic ophthalmic solutions on cell cultures

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    Madhavan Hajib


    Full Text Available The development of mild but significant inflammation probably attributable to viscoelastic ophthalmic solutions in cataract surgery was recently brought to the notice of the authors, and hence a study of the effects of these solutions available in India, on cell cultures was undertaken. We studied the effects of 6 viscoelastic ophthalmic solutions (2 sodium hyaluronate designated as A and B, and 4 hydroxypropylmethylcellulose designated as C, D, E and F on HeLa, Vero and BHK-21 cell lines in tissue culture microtitre plates using undiluted, 1:10 and 1:100 dilutions of the solutions, and in cover slip cultures using undiluted solutions. Phase contrast microscopic examination of the solutions was also done to determine the presence of floating particles. The products D and F produced cytotoxic changes in HeLa cell line and these products also showed the presence of floating particles under phase contrast microscopy. Other products did not have any adverse effects on the cell lines nor did they show floating particles. The viscoelastic ophthalmic pharmaceutical products designated D and F have cytotoxic effects on HeLa cell line which appears to be a useful cell line for testing these products for their toxicity. The presence of particulate materials in products D and F indicates that the methods used for purification of the solution are not effective.

  13. Multi-disciplinary engineering for cyber-physical production systems data models and software solutions for handling complex engineering projects

    CERN Document Server

    Lüder, Arndt; Gerhard, Detlef


    This book discusses challenges and solutions for the required information processing and management within the context of multi-disciplinary engineering of production systems. The authors consider methods, architectures, and technologies applicable in use cases according to the viewpoints of product engineering and production system engineering, and regarding the triangle of (1) product to be produced by a (2) production process executed on (3) a production system resource. With this book industrial production systems engineering researchers will get a better understanding of the challenges and requirements of multi-disciplinary engineering that will guide them in future research and development activities. Engineers and managers from engineering domains will be able to get a better understanding of the benefits and limitations of applicable methods, architectures, and technologies for selected use cases. IT researchers will be enabled to identify research issues related to the development of new methods, arc...

  14. Meat batter production in an extended vane pump-grinder injecting curing salt solutions to reduce energy requirements: variation of curing salt amount injected with the solution. (United States)

    Irmscher, Stefan B; Terjung, Eva-Maria; Gibis, Monika; Herrmann, Kurt; Kohlus, Reinhard; Weiss, Jochen


    The integration of a nozzle in an extended vane pump-grinder system may enable the continuous injection of curing salt solutions during meat batter production. The purpose of this work was to examine the influence of the curing salt amount injected with the solution (0-100%) on protein solubilisation, water-binding, structure, colour and texture of emulsion-type sausages. The amount of myofibrillar protein solubilised during homogenisation varied slightly from 33 to 36 g kg -1 . Reddening was not noticeably impacted by the later addition of nitrite. L * ranged from 66.9 ± 0.3 to 67.8 ± 0.3, a * from 10.9 ± 0.1 to 11.2 ± 0.1 and b * from 7.7 ± 0.1 to 8.0 ± 0.1. Although softer sausages were produced when only water was injected, firmness increased with increasing curing salt amount injected and was similar to the control when the full amount of salt was used. The substitution of two-thirds of ice with a liquid brine may enable energy savings due to reduced power consumptions of the extended vane pump-grinder system by up to 23%. The injection of curing salt solutions is feasible without affecting structure and colour negatively. This constitutes a first step towards of an 'ice-free' meat batter production allowing for substantial energy savings due to lower comminution work. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  15. Framework para desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas móviles, basado en modelos de enseñanza

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    William Oswaldo Cuervo Gómez


    Full Text Available Los adelantos tecnológicos registrados en los últimos años en el sector de los dispositivos móviles han permitido contar con mejores especificaciones de hardware y software. Iniciativas como la del gobierno de Colombia, que tiene el propósito de dotar con tabletas a las instituciones educativas oficiales del país, motivaron el interés de docentes y demás actores del proceso educativo por proponer estrategias para la incorporación de dispositivos móviles en contextos educativos. En esta perspectiva, la presente investigación tiene como propósito proponer un framework, que permite combinar aspectos pedagógicos y tecnológicos en el proceso de desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas móviles, que respondan a las necesidades del entorno educativo al cual serán incorporadas. Este documento muestra los resultados obtenidos en la investigación desarrollada en cuatro etapas metodológicas: diagnóstico, conceptualización y caracterización, propuesta e implementación del framework, y análisis de resultados.

  16. El enfoque crítico: una revisión de su historia, naturaleza y algunas aplicaciones

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    Eleanora A. Cebotarev


    Full Text Available La intención de este artículo es explorar las bases filosóficas e históricas de los múltiples y complejos significados y usos del Pensamiento Critico (PC. El PC es definido como un método, analítico y autoreflexivo, teóricamente sustentado, de crítica de ideologías y prácticas convencionales, incluyendo la vida cotidiana, los sistemas políticos, el método científico de crear conocimientos y los del mismo PC. Su propósito es reunir valores morales y científicos. El artículo contiene cuatro partes. La primera discute las diversas acepciones de PC. La segunda traza el origen histórico del PC, su articulación teórica por la Escuela de Frankfurt y las múltiples contribuciones filosóficas que enriquecieron y ampliaron su significado. La tercera parte discute sus requisitos epistemológicos, morales y metodológicos y la última parte presenta algunos ejemplos de las múltiples aplicaciones del PC en varios campos

  17. Un proyecto europeo en metrología de altas temperaturas para aplicaciones industriales

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    del Campo, D.


    Full Text Available The measurement of temperatures above 1000 ºC is both difficult and yet vital for the success of a wide range of industrial processes; glass and ceramic manufacturing (1100 ºC to 2000 ºC or refractory metals production (2500+ ºC are clear examples. Many of these industries require improved process efficiency/control, because of growing environmental concerns (emissions/”zero waste” and competition from outside the EU. One of the keys to making advances to these drivers is improving process control by improved high temperature measurement. In the frame of the European Metrology Research Program (EMRP, a project named “High temperature metrology for industrial applications (HiTeMS with the overall objective of developing a suite of methods and techniques for improving the measurement of high temperatures in industry has been running since September 2011. This paper gives an overview of the main objectives of the project and the technical activities that are being performed.La medida de temperatura por encima de 1000 ºC es tanto complicada como vital para el éxito de una gran variedad de procesos industriales; la producción de cerámica y vidrio (de 1100 ºC a 2000 ºC o de materiales refractarios (temperaturas por encima de 2500 ºC, son claros ejemplos. Muchas de estas industrias requieren una mejora de la eficiencia y del control de sus procesos debido a la creciente preocupación por el medio ambiente (“cero emisiones” y la competencia de países fuera de la Unión Europea. Una de las claves para llevar a cabo avances en este sentido es mediante la mejora del control de los procesos mejorando la medida de alta temperatura. Dentro del Programa Europeo de Investigación en Metrología (EMRP en sus siglas en inglés se está desarrollando, desde septiembre de 2011, un proyecto llamado “Metrología de altas temperaturas para aplicaciones industriales” (HiTeMs, con el objetivo fundamental de desarrollar una serie de m

  18. Effects of Maillard reaction products in a glucose-glycine alcoholic solution on antioxidative and antimutagenic activities. (United States)

    Ko, Chih-Yuan; Chen, Xiao-Yu; Chang, Wen-Chang; Zeng, Yi-Ming; Lin, Ru-Hai; Zhang, Xiao-Bin; Wu, James Swi-Bea; Shen, Szu-Chuan


    Marinating meat with alcohol, such as wine and beer, is a common culinary practice in cultures worldwide. This study we use a model marination solution comprising 0.2 M glucose-0.2 M glycine buffered to pH 4.3 containing either 0% or 50% ethanol and mimicked the cooking process by heating for 12 h. Antioxidative and antimutagenic characteristics of Maillard reaction products (MRPs) were investigated. Reducing power, antioxidant activity (Fe 2+ chelating ability) and free radical neutralization ability generated from DPPH and ABTS were determined. Ames testing was performed. Results indicate that MRPs from aqueous and alcoholic solution exhibit four antioxidative assays in a dose-dependent manner from 0.16 to 10.00 mg mL -1 . However, MRPs from the alcoholic model was superior. In Ames testing, MRPs from both models are neither toxic nor mutagenic at the test concentrations of 0.63-10.00 mg plate -1 . However, MRPs from the alcoholic model exhibited a higher inhibitory effect on the direct-acting mutagen 4-NQNO compared to the aqueous model. This result is consistent with the observation that MRPs with higher antioxidative capacity exhibit superior antimutagenic activity, suggesting that there are more different products in the alcoholic model. Our results add to the current knowledge about the antioxidative and antimutagenic properties of Maillard reaction products arising when food is cooked in the presence of ethanol. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  19. Advances and applications of rock physics for hydrocarbon exploration; Avances y aplicaciones en fisica de rocas para exploracion de hidrocarburos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vargas-Meleza, L.; Valle-Molina, C. [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (Mexico)]. E-mails:;


    Integration of the geological and geophysical information with different scale and features is the key point to establish relationships between petrophysical and elastic characteristics of the rocks in the reservoir. It is very important to present the fundamentals and current methodologies of the rock physics analyses applied to hydrocarbons exploration among engineers and Mexican students. This work represents an effort to capacitate personnel of oil exploration through the revision of the subjects of rock physics. The main aim is to show updated improvements and applications of rock physics into seismology for exploration. Most of the methodologies presented in this document are related to the study the physical and geological mechanisms that impact on the elastic properties of the rock reservoirs based on rock specimens characterization and geophysical borehole information. Predictions of the rock properties (lithology, porosity, fluid in the voids) can be performed using 3D seismic data that shall be properly calibrated with experimental measurements in rock cores and seismic well log data. [Spanish] Se discuten los fundamentos de fisica de rocas y las implicaciones analiticas para interpretacion sismica de yacimientos. Se considera conveniente difundir, entre los ingenieros y estudiantes mexicanos, los fundamentos y metodologias actuales sobre el analisis de la fisica de rocas en exploracion de hidrocarburos. Este trabajo representa un esfuerzo de capacitacion profesional en exploracion petrolera en el que se difunde la relevancia de la fisica de rocas. El interes principal es exponer los avances tecnologicos y aplicaciones actuales sobre fisica de rocas en el campo de sismologia de exploracion. La mayoria de las metodologias estudia los mecanismos fisicos y geologicos que controlan las propiedades elasticas de los yacimientos de hidrocarburos, a partir de nucleos de roca y registros geofisicos de pozo. Este conocimiento se usa para predecir propiedades de la

  20. Homogeneous aqueous solution nuclear reactors for the production of Mo-99 and other short lived radioisotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Technetium-99m ( 99m Tc), the daughter of Molybdenum-99 ( 99 Mo), is the most commonly used medical radioisotope in the world. It accounts for over twenty-five million medical procedures each year worldwide, comprising about 80% of all radiopharmaceutical procedures. 99 Mo is mostly prepared by the fission of uranium-235 targets in a nuclear reactor with a fission yield of about 6.1%. Currently over 95% of the fission product 99 Mo is obtained using highly enriched uranium (HEU) targets. Smaller scale producers use low enriched uranium (LEU) targets. Small quantities of 99 Mo are also produced by neutron activation through the use of the (n, γ) reaction. The concept of a compact homogeneous aqueous reactor fuelled by a uranium salt solution with off-line separation of radioisotopes of interest ( 99 Mo, 131 I) from aliquots of irradiated fuel solution has been cited in a few presentations in the series of International Conference on Isotopes (ICI) held in Vancouver (2000), Cape Town (2003) and Brussels (2005) and recently some corporate interest has also been noticeable. Calculations and some experimental research have shown that the use of aqueous homogeneous reactors (AHRs) could be an efficient technology for fission radioisotope production, having some prospective advantages compared with traditional technology based on the use of solid uranium targets irradiated in research reactors. This review of AHR status and prospects by a team of experts engaged in the field of homogeneous reactors and radioisotope producers yields an objective evaluation of the technological challenges and other relevant implications. The meeting to develop this report facilitated the exchange of information on the 'state of the art' of the technology related to homogeneous aqueous solution nuclear reactors, especially in connection with the production of radioisotopes. This publication presents a summary of discussions of a consultants meeting which is followed by the technical


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    Full Text Available Un mashup es una aplicación web que integra el contenido desde diferentes proveedores con el fin de crear un nuevo servicio que no es ofrecido por el proveedor de contenido. El desarrollo de estas aplicaciones incluye actividades tales como el acceso a fuentes heterogéneas, combinación de datos procedentes de diversas fuentes y la creación de interfaces gráficas. Este factor limita a los usuarios no experimentados en el desarrollado de aplicaciones con en el uso de computadores. Sin embargo, hoy en día hay empresas orientadas a crear herramientasque permiten a los usuarios sin experiencia la creación de mashups para responder a las necesidades de negocio de una forma fácil y rápida. Debido a esto, el enfoque de mashup empresarial ha sido ampliamente adoptado por un gran número de empresas. Este artículo presenta una visión general del enfoque de mashup empresarial, así como una revisiónde cuatro empresas orientadas a la producción de herramientas que ofrecen un conjunto de características que permite a los usuarios sin experiencia el desarrollo de mashups en una empresa. Por último,se presentan los desafíos que han de tenerse en cuenta por las empresas orientadas a la creación de herramientas de mashup empresarial con el fin de proporcionar una manera más fácil y más rápida de desarrollo de mashups

  2. Siemens IT solutions for power sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lunter, P.


    The cost reduction, flexibility and revenue increase, potential exploitation, productivity increase, and business opportunities exploitation - that is all what can be required in the races for the promonent positioning on the electricity power market. These requirements can be realized by the sophisticated IT solutions hand-tailored to the special requirements of the electric power producers and tradesmen. This approach makes it possible to achieve greater profit. Our solutions 'PROFIT Solutions', that are symbiosis of the most progressive information technologies and the power plant techniques of the company Siemens, satisfy submitted specifications in substantial measure. The system solutions 'PROFIT Solutions' comprise three solution groups: process, operation a business. The solutions of the group 'IT Process Solutions' increase flexibility and manoeuvrability of equipment, improve the efficiency and contribute to more economical operation of the power generation. Solutions 'IT Process Solutions' simplify and shorten the period of power cycles and conduce to higher labour productivity. Solutions group 'IT Process Solutions' approaches equipment to the market - supports the profit strategies, helps quickly and expertly to determine and predict hazards. The extension PROFIT Cockpit means the nuance to the solutions world 'PROFIT Solutions'. The survey about the whole installation is within reach at the simple touch of a button. It is possible to compile the total system part by part from single solutions 'PROFIT Solutions'. As a matter of fact all single parts can be interconnected with already existing solutions. Routines 'PROFIT Solutions' cooperate with all modern control systems. (author)

  3. Waste Treatment of Acidic Solutions from the Dissolution of Irradiated LEU Targets for 99-Mo Production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bakel, Allen J. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Nuclear Engineering Division; Conner, Cliff [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Nuclear Engineering Division; Quigley, Kevin [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Nuclear Engineering Division; Vandegrift, George F. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Nuclear Engineering Division


    One of the missions of the Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program (and now the National Nuclear Security Administrations Material Management and Minimization program) is to facilitate the use of low enriched uranium (LEU) targets for 99Mo production. The conversion from highly enriched uranium (HEU) to LEU targets will require five to six times more uranium to produce an equivalent amount of 99Mo. The work discussed here addresses the technical challenges encountered in the treatment of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate (UNH)/nitric acid solutions remaining after the dissolution of LEU targets. Specifically, the focus of this work is the calcination of the uranium waste from 99Mo production using LEU foil targets and the Modified Cintichem Process. Work with our calciner system showed that high furnace temperature, a large vent tube, and a mechanical shield are beneficial for calciner operation. One- and two-step direct calcination processes were evaluated. The high-temperature one-step process led to contamination of the calciner system. The two-step direct calcination process operated stably and resulted in a relatively large amount of material in the calciner cup. Chemically assisted calcination using peroxide was rejected for further work due to the difficulty in handling the products. Chemically assisted calcination using formic acid was rejected due to unstable operation. Chemically assisted calcination using oxalic acid was recommended, although a better understanding of its chemistry is needed. Overall, this work showed that the two-step direct calcination and the in-cup oxalic acid processes are the best approaches for the treatment of the UNH/nitric acid waste solutions remaining from dissolution of LEU targets for 99Mo production.

  4. Sistema Oscilador Mejorado para Aplicaciones de Microbalanza (QCM) en Medios Líquidos y Propuesta de un Nuevo Método de Caracterización para Biosensores Piezoeléctricos




    La microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo (QCM) se usa como técnica alternativa de análisis químico, donde las aplicaciones dependen directamente de la sensibilidad del cristal. Por tanto, es el parámetro más importante que determina el uso de los cristales de cuarzo frente a otras técnicas. La ecuación de Sauerbrey, teóricamente relaciona la variación de la densidad de masa en la superficie del cristal con el cambio de la frecuencia y al mismo tiempo predice que la sensibilidad aumenta en la mis...

  5. Challenges and solutions in natural gas engine development and productions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahmadi, Mahdi; Izanloo, Hossein [Irankhodro Powertrain Co. (IPCO) (Iran)


    As an alternative fuel, natural gas is generally accepted for internal combustion engines and some developments have been conducted in order to adopt it for the road vehicles and stationary applications. Foresights shows natural gas vehicles will be a part of the future transportation technology regarding to their mid and long-term benefits. Therefore inherent problems of natural gas engine technology should be overcome to produce a competitive engine. In this paper major problems and their possible solutions in developing and producing natural gas engine for passenger cars are detailed and discussed. Challenging materials are sorted and presented in two categorizes: technical and econo-strategical problems. In the technical section major difficulties faced in components or systems of natural gas engine are analysed in different aspects of design, validation, and production. In addition problems arisen from the fuel characteristics which influence the function and durability of engine are argued. Subjects like freezing in gas regulator, cold start fuel injection, gas leakage, impurities within compressed natural gas, variation in fuel composition, thermo-mechanics of cylinder head and block, wear of valve seat inserts, spark plug erosion, back-fire phenomenon, engine oil quality requirement, low power density and mileage are described. In the econo-strategical discussion, challenges like limited gas distribution infrastructure, lack of specific manufacturing standards and codes, and non-dedicated emission standards are explained. In both part of the paper a comprehensive view is extended to clarify the effect, risk and solutions of each problem. Due to the fact that almost all information and analysis presented in this paper are based on the experience of developing a natural gas engine family, and an extensive literature review, discussions and conclusions could be useful as a guide line for future natural gas engine projects. (orig.)

  6. Physico-chemical Stability of MabThera Drug-product Solution for Subcutaneous Injection under in-use Conditions with Different Administration Materials. (United States)

    Mueller, Claudia; Dietel, Elke; Heynen, Severin R; Nalenz, Heiko; Goldbach, Pierre; Mahler, Hanns-Christian; Schmidt, Johannes; Grauschopf, Ulla; Schoenhamnmer, Karin


    MabThera is an essential component of the standard-of-care regimens in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia. MabThera for subcutaneous injection is a novel line extension that has been approved by the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of patients with follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. This study aimed to evaluate in-use stability data of MabThera subcutaneous drug-product solution in single-use syringes for subcutaneous administration according to the European Medicines Agency guideline. The drug-product solution was exposed to material contact surfaces of five different administration setups commonly used in subcutaneous drug delivery. MabThera subcutaneous was transferred under aseptic conditions into polypropylene and polycarbonate syringes and stored for 1, 2, and 4 weeks at 2°C to 8°C followed by 24 hours at 30°C. After storage, subcutaneous administration was simulated and MabThera subcutaneous drug-product solution quality attributes were evaluated by using compendial physico-chemical tests, as well as suitable and validated molecule- and formulation-specific analytical methods. MabThera subcutaneous vials were treated and analyzed in parallel. The physico-chemical results of MabThera subcutaneous in the different setups were comparable to the control for all timepoints. No change in drug-product quality after storage and simulated administration was found compared to the control. However, since single-dose products do not contain preservatives, microbial contamination and growth needs to be avoided and product sterility needs to be ensured. The results showed that MabThera subcutaneous remains compatible and stable, from a physico-chemical perspective, for up to 4 weeks at 2°C to 8°C followed by 24 hours at 30°C with the contact materials tested in this study. In order to avoid and minimize microbial growth, MabThera subcutaneous should be used immediately after removal from the original

  7. Diseño e implementación de maletas didácticas con los mini PLCS logo y Zelio para aplicaciones de arranque e inversión de giro de motores.


    Hermenegildo Cedeño, Byron Jose; Orellana Apolinario, Andrés Octavio


    La presente tesis: “Diseño e implementación de maletas didácticas con mini plc logo para aplicaciones de arranque e inversión de giro de motores” representa el desarrollo de tres módulos didácticos de pruebas para que los estudiantes fortalezcan sus conocimientos teóricos en la parte práctica implemantando y reconociendo el comportamiento de diferentes tipos de actuadores existentes en el mercado como lo son: contactares, guarda motores, temporizadores, LOGOs programables. Este trabajo b...

  8. Solution Prototype

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Efeoglu, Arkin; Møller, Charles; Serie, Michel


    This paper outlines an artifact building and evaluation proposal. Design Science Research (DSR) studies usually consider encapsulated artifact that have relationships with other artifacts. The solution prototype as a composed artifact demands for a more comprehensive consideration in its systematic...... environment. The solution prototype that is composed from blending product and service prototype has particular impacts on the dualism of DSR’s “Build” and “Evaluate”. Since the mix between product and service prototyping can be varied, there is a demand for a more agile and iterative framework. Van de Ven......’s research framework seems to fit this purpose. Van de Ven allows for an iterative research approach to problem solving with flexible starting point. The research activity is the result between the iteration of two dimensions. This framework focuses on the natural evaluation, particularly on ex...

  9. Chlorination and chloramination of aminophenols in aqueous solution: oxidant demand and by-product formation. (United States)

    Mehrez, O Abou; Dossier-Berne, F; Legube, B


    Chlorination and monochloramination of aminophenols (AP) were carried out in aqueous solution at 25°C and at pH 8.5. Oxidant demand and disinfection by-product formation were determined in excess of oxidant. Experiments have shown that chlorine consumption of AP was 40-60% higher than monochloramine consumption. Compared with monochloramination, chlorination of AP formed more chloroform and haloacetic acids (HAA). Dichloroacetic acid was the major species of HAA. Chloroform and HAA represented, respectively, only 1-8% and 14-15% of adsorbable organic halides (AOX) by monochloramination but up to 29% and 39% of AOX by chlorination.

  10. Electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution and plant density in aeroponic production of seed potato under tropical conditions (winter/spring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex Humberto Calori

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The recent introduction in Brazil of production of quality seed potatoes in hydroponic systems, such as aeroponics, demands studies on the nutritional and crop management. Thus, this study evaluated the influence of electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution and plant density on the seed potato minitubers production in aeroponics system. The Agata and Asterix cultivars were produced in a greenhouse under tropical conditions (winter/spring. The experimental design was a randomized block in a split-split plot design. The plot consisted of 4 electrical conductivities of the nutrient solution (1.0; 2.0; 3.0; and 4.0 dS∙m−1; the subplot, of 4 plant densities (25; 44; 66; and 100 plants∙m−2; and the subsubplot, of the 2 potato cultivars (Ágata and Asterix, totaling 4 blocks. The 2.2 and 2.1 dS∙m−1 electrical conductivities yielded the highest productivity of seed potato minitubers, for Ágata and Asterix cultivars, respectively, regardless of plant density. For both cultivars, the highest yield was observed for the 100 plants∙m−2 density.

  11. Análisis de la detección de colisiones en un entorno virtual para aplicaciones hápticas de asistencia quirúrgica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Luisa Pinto Salamanca


    Con base en los resultados de algunos trabajos relacionados con la obtención, procesamiento y análisis de imágenes para la construcción de modelos, se desarrollan aplicaciones hápticas de interacción con sólidos rígidos de interés médico, que incluyen herramientas para la marcación de puntos y trayectorias sobre una superficie, y un algoritmo de reflexión de fuerzas para la simulación de interacción con órganos modelados por medio de técnicas hibridas (renderizado superficial y volumétrico. Se hace especial énfasis en la representación de los instrumentos virtuales quirúrgicos, integrando herramientas con geometría 3D.

  12. AdS solutions in gauge supergravities and the global anomaly for the product of complex two-cycles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bytsenko, A.A. [Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Departamento de Fisica, Caixa Postal 6001, Londrina-Parana (Brazil); Elizalde, E. [Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (ICE/CSIC) and Institut d' Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC), Facultat de Ciencies, Bellaterra (Barcelona) (Spain)


    Cohomological methods are applied for the special set of solutions corresponding to rotating branes in arbitrary dimensions, AdS black holes (which can be embedded in ten or eleven dimensions), and gauge supergravities. A new class of solutions is proposed, the Hilbert modular varieties, which consist of the 2n-fold product of the two-spaces H{sup n} /{gamma} (where H{sup n} denotes the product of n upper half-planes, H {sup 2}, equipped with the co-compact action of {gamma} is contained in SL(2, R){sup n}) and (H {sup n}){sup *}/{gamma} (where (H {sup 2}){sup *}=H {sup 2}{gamma} and {gamma} is a congruence subgroup of SL(2, R) {sup n}). The cohomology groups of the Hilbert variety, which inherit a Hodge structure (in the sense of Deligne), are analyzed, as well as bifiltered sequences, weight and Hodge filtrations, and it is argued that the torsion part of the cuspidal cohomology is involved in the global anomaly condition. Indeed, in the presence of the cuspidal part, all cohomology classes can be mapped to the boundary of the space and the cuspidal contribution can be involved in the global anomaly condition. (orig.)

  13. Modeling of the solution interaction properties of plastic materials used in pharmaceutical product container systems. (United States)

    Jenke, Dennis; Couch, Tom; Gillum, Amy; Sadain, Salma


    Material/water equilibrium binding constants (Eb) were determined for 14 organic solutes and 17 plastic raw materials that could be used in pharmaceutical product container systems. Correlations between the measured binding constants and the organic solute's octanol/water and hexane/water partition coefficients were obtained. In general, while the materials examined exhibited a wide range of binding characteristics, the tested materials by and large fell within two broad classes: (1) those that were octanol-like in their binding characteristics, and (2) those that were hexane-like. Materials of the same class (e.g., polypropylenes) generally had binding models that were very similar. Rank ordering of the materials in terms of their magnitude of drug binding (least binding to most binding) was as follows: polypropylene < polyethylene < polyamide < styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene < copolyester ether elastomer approximately equal to amine-terminated poly fatty acid amide polymer. The utilization of the developed models to estimate drug loss via sorption by the container is discussed.

  14. Desarrollo y aplicaciones de las tecnologías de radiotrazadores y ESCANEO gamma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Conejo


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de radiotrazadores y de escaneo gamma representan herramientas muy consolidadas para el estudio, análisis y evaluación de los procesos industriales. En este trabajo se reportan los resultados del desarrollo de las tecnologías de escaneo gamma y radiotrazadores en algunas aplicaciones de laboratorio y en sistemas de mayor complejidad. La tecnología de radiotrazadores fue empleada para estudiar la difusión de boro durante el proceso de curado de la madera, evaluar una laguna de tratamiento de aguas negras con plantas de lirio acuático y realizar experimentos con variables controladas en un circuito hidráulico de laboratorio (flow-rig. La técnica de escaneo gamma se utilizó para analizar una torre prototipo de nuestros laboratorios. Los principales resultados obtenidos en los experimentos fueron los siguientes: 1 la absorción de boro como agente de curado de la madera, es muy variable según sea la sección de la madera expuesta a la solución de curado; 2 durante las pruebas con radiotrazador Yodo 131 las plantas de lirio acuático de la laguna de tratamiento absorben parte del radiotrazador, lo que dificulta la determinación de los tiempos de residencia; 3 la sensibilidad que se obtiene al emplear un sistema con fuente de Cesio-137 y detector es lo suficientemente alta como para permitir detectar la presencia de materiales de baja absorción de radiación, dentro de columnas con paredes de acero.

  15. Optimization of membrane stack configuration for efficient hydrogen production in microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells coupled with thermolytic solutions

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Xi


    Waste heat can be captured as electrical energy to drive hydrogen evolution in microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells (MRECs) by using thermolytic solutions such as ammonium bicarbonate. To determine the optimal membrane stack configuration for efficient hydrogen production in MRECs using ammonium bicarbonate solutions, different numbers of cell pairs and stack arrangements were tested. The optimum number of cell pairs was determined to be five based on MREC performance and a desire to minimize capital costs. The stack arrangement was altered by placing an extra low concentration chamber adjacent to anode chamber to reduce ammonia crossover. This additional chamber decreased ammonia nitrogen losses into anolyte by 60%, increased the coulombic efficiency to 83%, and improved the hydrogen yield to a maximum of 3.5mol H2/mol acetate, with an overall energy efficiency of 27%. These results improve the MREC process, making it a more efficient method for renewable hydrogen gas production. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

  16. La protección de datos en las aplicaciones móviles de diagnóstico de enfermedades genéticas. Un estudio jurídico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisca Ramón Fernández


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de los principales problemas jurídicos relativos a la protección de datos de carácter personal en el caso de las aplicaciones móviles de diagnóstico de enfermedades. El acceso a app por parte de consumidores que están interesados en la salud y diagnóstico puede provocar el hecho de que proporcionen información especialmente protegida, vulnerándose sus derechos. En la era de la denominada Internet de las cosas, el acceso ilimitado a la información contrasta con la necesidad de cumplir la legislación aplicable

  17. Fundamental solutions of singular SPDEs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selesi, Dora


    Highlights: → Fundamental solutions of linear SPDEs are constructed. → Wick-convolution product is introduced for the first time. → Fourier transformation maps Wick-convolution into Wick product. → Solutions of linear SPDEs are expressed via Wick-convolution with fundamental solutions. → Stochastic Helmholtz equation is solved. - Abstract: This paper deals with some models of mathematical physics, where random fluctuations are modeled by white noise or other singular Gaussian generalized processes. White noise, as the distributional derivative od Brownian motion, which is the most important case of a Levy process, is defined in the framework of Hida distribution spaces. The Fourier transformation in the framework of singular generalized stochastic processes is introduced and its applications to solving stochastic differential equations involving Wick products and singularities such as the Dirac delta distribution are presented. Explicit solutions are obtained in form of a chaos expansion in the Kondratiev white noise space, while the coefficients of the expansion are tempered distributions. Stochastic differential equations of the form P(ω, D) ◊ u(x, ω) = A(x, ω) are considered, where A is a singular generalized stochastic process and P(ω, D) is a partial differential operator with random coefficients. We introduce the Wick-convolution operator * which enables us to express the solution as u = s*A ◊ I ◊(-1) , where s denotes the fundamental solution and I is the unit random variable. In particular, the stochastic Helmholtz equation is solved, which in physical interpretation describes waves propagating with a random speed from randomly appearing point sources.

  18. Process for final storage of high level radioactive fission product solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellis, J.R.B.; Fries, B.A.


    In this process for the storage of an aqueous solution of radioactive nuclides, the solution is diluted with system water, which is obtained from a reservoir below the bottom of the sea in a porous geological stratum. After dilution, the diluted solution is injected into the same geological stratum under the bottom of the sea. (orig.) [de

  19. Implementation of a change management solution based on a product lifecycle management system for a large international project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luehr, Anneke


    This Thesis describes the implementation of a Change Management solution based on a Product Lifecycle Management System (PLM System) for a large international project. The objective of Change Management is to ensure a systematic line of action for approving and implementing changes in the project. The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY is one of the world's leading accelerator centres with locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen. Currently, DESY participates in the realization of the international research facility European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) at the Hamburg site. DESY was responsible for the planning of the XFEL. When the project entered the construction phase it was internationalized and now comprises project groups in 12 countries. Thus the requirements on Change Management have changed, as participants from several labs at many different locations are now involved. First the project scope is described and then a target process for the Change Management solution is developed by a requirement analysis. Afterwards the technical implementation of this process in DESY's PLM System is described and the Change Management solution is tested. The process is visualized using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Finally a description is given of how to transfer the solution to the project

  20. LC-MS analysis in the e-beam and gamma radiolysis of metoprolol tartrate in aqueous solution: Structure elucidation and formation mechanism of radiolytic products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Slegers, Catherine [Unite d' Analyse Chimique et Physico-chimique des Medicaments, Universite Catholique de Louvain, CHAM 72.30, Avenue E. Mounier, 72, B-1200, Brussels (Belgium)]. E-mail:; Maquille, Aubert [Unite d' Analyse Chimique et Physico-chimique des Medicaments, Universite Catholique de Louvain, CHAM 72.30, Avenue E. Mounier, 72, B-1200, Brussels (Belgium); Deridder, Veronique [Unite d' Analyse Chimique et Physico-chimique des Medicaments, Universite Catholique de Louvain, CHAM 72.30, Avenue E. Mounier, 72, B-1200, Brussels (Belgium); Sonveaux, Etienne [Unite de Chimie Pharmaceutique et de Radiopharmacie, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Brussels (Belgium); Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis [Laboratoire de Spectrometrie de Masse, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium); Tilquin, Bernard [Unite d' Analyse Chimique et Physico-chimique des Medicaments, Universite Catholique de Louvain, CHAM 72.30, Avenue E. Mounier, 72, B-1200, Brussels (Belgium)


    E-beam and gamma products from the radiolysis of aqueous solutions of ({+-})-metoprolol tartrate, saturated in nitrogen, are analyzed by HPLC with on-line mass and UV detectors. The structures of 10 radiolytic products common to e-beam and gamma irradiations are elucidated by comparing their fragmentation pattern to that of ({+-})-metoprolol. Two of the radiolytic products are also metabolites. Different routes for the formation of the radiolytic products are proposed.

  1. Production of Modularised Product Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Peter


    but a solution. Modularisation is one tool used in designing the products. Designing and controlling a production system making customized products in an economical way is not an easy task. In order to fulfil the Lean and Agile manufacturing philosophies the production is often carried out in networks. Here...

  2. Medidas de complejidad y de información como herramientas para el análisis de series temporales : aplicaciones al estudio de señales de origen electrofisiológicos


    Mateos, Diego Martín


    Tesis (Doctor en Física)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2016. El estudio estadístico de las series temporales ha sido abordado desde la matemática pura y en el contexto de diversas aplicaciones (metereología, finanzas, etc.). En los últimos años los métodos de estudio de las series temporales se han visto enriquecidos con conceptos y técnicas provistos por la Teoría de la Información y por herramientas provenientes de distintos c...

  3. Indium flotation from hydrometallurgical solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sviridov, V.V.; Mal'tsev, G.I.; Petryakova, N.K.; Gomzikov, A.I.


    The principal possibility of flotation of indium small quantities (10 -4 gxion/l) is established from sulphuric-acid solutions of leaching converter dusts of the copper melting production in the form of complex compounds with sodium hexametaphosphate and cation-active nitrogen-containing surfactants. It is shown that the flotation process effectiveness is determined by the molar ratio of hexametaphosphate and collector introduced into the solution, solution oxidity and surfactant nature

  4. Oxidation of D-glucose and D-fructose with oxygen in aqueous, alkaline solutions. III. Kinetic approach to the product distribution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Wilt, H.G.J.; Kuster, Ben


    Based on a previously reported, integral reaction-scheme for the homogeneous oxidation of -glucose and -fructose with oxygen in aqueous, alkaline solutions, a kinetic model covering the product distribution has been developed. The model consists of a repeated set of reactions with constant rate

  5. Improving conditions for reuse of design solutions - by means of a context based solution library

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Niels Henrik; Grothe-Møller, Thorkild; Andreasen, Mogens Myrup


    Among the most important reasoning mechanisms in design is reasoning by analogy. One precondition for being able to reason about the properties and functionalitues of a product or subsystem is that the context of the solution is known. This paper presents a computer based solution library where...

  6. OIL SOLUTIONS POWDER (United States)

    Technical product bulletin: aka OIL SOLUTIONS POWDER, SPILL GREEN LS, this miscellaneous oil spill control agent used in cleanups initially behaves like a synthetic sorbent, then as a solidifier as the molecular microencapsulating process occurs.

  7. Extraction of fission product rhodium from nitric acid solutions. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorski, B.; Beer, M.; Russ, L.


    The extraction of noble metals from nitric acid solutions represents one problem of separating valueable substances from nuclear wastes in nuclear fuel reprocessing. Results of distribution experiments demonstrate the possibility of solvent extraction of rhodium using tertiary amines in presence of nitrite. Even short mixing times realize high distribution coefficients allowing quantitative separation from aqueous solutions. (author)

  8. The Dow Ethyl Bromide Process: An Industrial Application of Radiation Chemistry; Application industrielle de la radiochimie a la production de bromure d'ethyle; Promyshlennoe primenenie radiatsionnoj khimii dlya proizvodstva ehtilbromida (metod dau); Aplicacion industrial de los efectos quimicos de las radiaciones a la produccion de bromuro de etilo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harmer, D. E.; Beale, J. S.; Pumpelly, C. T.; Wilkinson, B. W. [Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI (United States)


    Beginning in March 1963, the Dow Chemical Company started manufacturing its entire production of the organic chemical, ethyl bromide, by a process in which the addition of hydrogen bromide to ethylene is induced by a source of gamma radiation. This process constitutes a competitive, commercial use of 1800 curies of cobalt-60 as the reaction initiator. Drawings and photographs of this production plant are presented, and radiation yields are given. Experiences gained during the actual start-up of this process unit are discussed. (author) [French] Depuis mars 1963, la societe Dow Chemical produit la totalite de son bromure d'ethyle en utilisant un piocede dans lequel la combinaison de l'acide bronhydrique et de l'ethylene est amorcee par une source de rayons gamma. Il s'agit la d'une utilisation commerciale et rentable du cobalt-60 (1800 c) comme initiateur d'une reaction. L'auteur presente des plans ainsi que des photographies de l'usine et etudie le rendement de l'operation. Il donne enfin les resultats de l'experience acquise depuis le demarrage de l'installation de production. (author) [Spanish] Desde marzo de 1963 la Dow Chemical Company produce todo su bromuro de etilo por un metodo en el que la adicion de acido bromhfdrico al etileno es inducida por una fuente de rayos gamma. Este proceso constituye una aplicacion comercial rentable del cobalto-60 (1800 c), como iniciador del proceso. Se presentan planos y fotografias de la planta y se examinan los rendimientos radiatorios. Se tratan asimismo los aspectos relativos a la experiencia adquirida durante la puesta en servicio de la planta. (author) [Russian] V marte 1963 goda firma ''Dau kemikl kompani'' tselikom pereshla na proizvodstvo ehtilbromida: teper' prisoedinenie bromistogo vodoroda k ehtilenu proiskhodit pod dejstviem gamma-oblucheniya. Ehtot protsess predstavlyaet soboj primer promyshlenno vygodnogo, rentabel'nogo primeneniya Co{sup 60} s aktivnost'yu 800 kyuri - vozbuditelya reaktsii. Predstavleny


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. G. Kul’neva


    Full Text Available Summary. Producing high quality intermediate products in the boiling-crystallization station is an actual problem of sugar production. In the production of white sugar brown sugar syrup is not further purified that decreases the quality of the end product. Studies have been conducted using cellulose as an adsorbent for the purification of concentrated sugar solutions, having affinity to dyes and other impurities. Research have been carried out with the intermediate products of the Lebedyan sugar plant. Test results have shown cellulose ability to adsorb the dyes in sugar production. The influence of the adsorbent concentration and the mass fraction of solids in the syrup on the decolorization effect has been studied; rational process parameters have been obtained. It has been found that proceeding an additional adsorption purification of brown sugars syrup allows to reduce the solution color, increase the amount and quality of the end product. Adsorbing means, received from production wastes on the basis of organic resources, have many advantages: economical, environmentally friendly for disposal, safe to use, reliable and efficient in use. Conducted research on using cellulose as adsorbent for treatment of concentrated sugar solutions, having an affinity for colouring matter and other impurities. The experiments were carried out on the intermediates Lebedyanskiy sugar factory. The test results showed the ability of cellulose to adsorb coloring matter of sugar production. To evaluate the effect of bleaching depending on the mass fraction of dry substances prepared yellow juice filtration of sugar concentration of 55, 60, 65 % with subsequent adsorption purification of cellulose. The results of the experiment built adsorption isotherm of dyestuffs. The influence of the concentration of the adsorbent and a mass fraction of solids of juice filtration on the efficiency of decolorization obtained by rational parameters of the process. It is

  10. LC-MS analysis in the e-beam and gamma radiolysis of metoprolol tartrate in aqueous solution: Structure elucidation and formation mechanism of radiolytic products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slegers, Catherine; Maquille, Aubert; Deridder, Veronique; Sonveaux, Etienne; Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis; Tilquin, Bernard


    E-beam and gamma products from the radiolysis of aqueous solutions of (±)-metoprolol tartrate, saturated in nitrogen, are analyzed by HPLC with on-line mass and UV detectors. The structures of 10 radiolytic products common to e-beam and gamma irradiations are elucidated by comparing their fragmentation pattern to that of (±)-metoprolol. Two of the radiolytic products are also metabolites. Different routes for the formation of the radiolytic products are proposed

  11. Conformations and molecular interactions of poly-γ-glutamic acid as a soluble microbial product in aqueous solutions


    Wang, Ling-Ling; Chen, Jian-Tao; Wang, Long-Fei; Wu, Sha; Zhang, Guang-zhao; Yu, Han-Qing; Ye, Xiao-dong; Shi, Qing-Shan


    Soluble microbial products (SMPs) are of significant concern in the natural environment and in engineered systems. In this work, poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA), which is predominantly produced by Bacillus sp., was investigated in terms of pH-induced conformational changes and molecular interactions in aqueous solutions; accordingly, its sedimentation coefficient distribution and viscosity were also elucidated. Experimental results indicate that pH has a significant impact on the structure and m...

  12. Aplicaciones del colgajo frontonasal para la cobertura de defectos nasales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Pérez


    Full Text Available Presentamos una revisión retrospectiva de los pacientes a los cuales se realizó un colgajo frontonasal para la cobertura de defectos nasales intervenidos en la Unidad de Tumores Cutáneos de nuestro Servicio en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2010 y mayo de 2014. El objetivo es analizar nuestras aplicaciones y resultados además de describir un algoritmo que permita indicar los distintos diseños en función de la localización y el tamaño del defecto a reparar. Empleamos el colgajo frontonasal en 78 pacientes (49 mujeres y 29 varones con un rango de edad de 47 a 92 años (media de 73 años. Creamos un total de 81 defectos, puesto que en 3 casos se resecaron simultáneamente 2 tumoraciones, todos de etiología tumoral (64 carcinomas basocelulares, 16 carcinomas espinocelulares y 1 caso de léntigo maligno melanoma, localizados en el área nasal, con un tamaño mínimo de 12 x 17 mm y máximo de 30 x 35 mm (media de 22 x 25 mm. El periodo de seguimiento fue de entre 2 meses y 4 años (media de 2,5 años. Respecto a las complicaciones observadas, todas ellas menores, hubo 6 casos de necrosis marginal, 8 de dehiscencia parcial de la herida y 1 de cicatrización hipertrófica, tratándose en su mayor parte de varones fumadores. Todos los colgajos sobrevivieron con resultado estético satisfactorio. El colgajo frontonasal permite la cobertura en un sólo tiempo quirúrgico de defectos nasales independientemente de su localización, de hasta 30 x 35 mm en nuestra serie. Se trata de un colgajo seguro y versátil en sus múltiples modificaciones, con unos resultados estéticos satisfactorios. Estas ventajas son de especial importancia en pacientes de edad avanzada como alternativa a técnicas más complejas. Se trata por lo tanto, a nuestro juicio, de una opción a tener en cuenta para la reconstrucción en un único tiempo quirúrgico de defectos nasales.

  13. Considerations in modelling the melting of fuel containing fission products and solute oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akbari, F.; Welland, M.J.; Lewis, B.J.; Thompson, W.T.


    It is well known that the oxidation of a defected fuel element by steam gives rise to an increase in O/U ratio with a consequent lowering of the incipient melting temperature. Concurrently, the hyperstoichiometry reduces the thermal conductivity thereby raising the centerline fuel pellet temperature for a fixed linear power. The development of fission products soluble in the UO 2 phase or, more important, the deliberate introduction of additive oxides in advanced CANDU fuel bundle designs further affects and generally lowers the incipient melting temperature. For these reasons, the modeling of the molten (hyperstoichiometric) UO 2 phase containing several solute oxides (ZrO 2 , Ln 2 O 3 and AnO 2 ) is advancing in the expectation of developing a moving boundary heat and mass transfer model aimed at better defining the limits of safe operating practice as burnup advances. The paper describes how the molten phase stability model is constructed. The redistribution of components across the solid-liquid interface that attends the onset of melting of a non-stoichiometric UO 2 containing several solutes will be discussed. The issues of how to introduce boundary conditions into heat transfer calculations consistent with the requirements of the Phase Rule will be addressed. The Stefan problem of a moving boundary associated with the solid/liquid interface sets this treatment apart from conventional heat and mass transfer problems. (author)

  14. Matching food service products to consumer demands through product development alliances and modularisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Johanne Rønnow


    of product development managers (with the main themes food trends, meal solutions and product development alliances), as well as data from sensory studies of interactions between meal components. Apart from the quality cycle mentioned above, the research has generated the tools listed below to be applied......, more specifically, meal solutions. The results of this research contribute to the knowledge base on product development in the food industry, mainly regarding quality, product development alliances and modularisation,and fill several gaps in the literature. Future research should focus on further...... in the composition of meal solutions and, therefore cannot control all processing steps and interactions with other meal components. In this project, it is proposed that cooperation between food producers on product development (product development alliances) in relation to meal solutions can improve the quality...

  15. Influence of irradiation time and solution concentration on the photochemical degradation of EDDHA/Fe3+: effect of its photodecomposition products on soybean growth. (United States)

    Hernández-Apaolaza, Lourdes; Lucena, Juan J


    Ethylenediamine-N, N'-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (EDDHA) is one of the most efficient iron-chelating agents employed to relieve iron chlorosis in plants. It has been well known for decades that this compound is photosensitive, but in spite of this fact its degradation pathways are virtually unknown. The aim of this work was to evaluate how the length of sunlight exposure and the concentration of irradiated EDDHA/Fe(3+) solutions influence the photostability of the chelate at constant pH. Moreover, the possible toxic effect of the chelate photodegradation products, elsewhere proposed, on soybean growth has been tested. The photodecomposition of the chelate increased as the time of sunlight exposure increased, and resulted in a partial decomposition of the organic ligand. Moreover, EDDHA/Fe(3+) photodecomposition was highly correlated with the concentration of solution exposed. Plants did not present differences in recovery from chlorosis among treatments with and without decomposition products. EDDHA/Fe(3+) undergoes photodegradation, like other aminopolycarboxylic acids, being more degraded as solution concentration decreases and exposure time increases. The photodecomposition products salicylic acid, salicylaldehide and Salicylaldehyde ethylenediamine diimine tested did not have negative effects on soybean growth, at least in the short-term hydroponic experimental design tested. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry.

  16. Adsorption of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by bio-char, a by-product of pyrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kılıç, Murat; Kırbıyık, Çisem; Çepelioğullar, Özge; Pütün, Ayşe E.


    Bio-char, a by-product of almond shell pyrolysis, was used as an alternative adsorbent precursor for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. The adsorption potential of almond shell bio-char for Ni(II) and Co(II) removal was investigated. Adsorption experiments were carried out by varying pH, adsorbent dosage, initial metal ion concentrations, contact time and temperature to determine the optimum conditions. To describe the equilibrium isotherms the experimental data were analyzed by the Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin–Radushkevich (D–R) and Temkin isotherm models. Pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models were used to find out the kinetic parameters and mechanism of adsorption process. The thermodynamic parameters such as ΔG°, ΔH° and ΔS° were calculated for predicting the nature of adsorption. The results showed that bio-char derived from pyrolysis of biomass can be used as a low-cost and effective adsorbent for removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions.

  17. 21 CFR 864.9400 - Stabilized enzyme solution. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Stabilized enzyme solution. 864.9400 Section 864... and Blood Products § 864.9400 Stabilized enzyme solution. (a) Identification. A stabilized enzyme... enzyme solutions include papain, bromelin, ficin, and trypsin. (b) Classification. Class II (performance...

  18. Cold water for tyre production. Carrier: Intelligent solutions for optimal energy use; Kaltes Wasser fuer heisse Reifen. Carrier: Intelligente Loesungen zur optimalen Energienutzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Especially when it comes to special solutions for specific applications, this will show how well man and machine are working together. In a production plant of Michelin Reifenwerke at Bad Kreuznach, Carrier installed two absorption refrigerators, in cooperation with further specialist partners. Instead of electric power, the machines utilize waste heat of the production process. (orig.)

  19. Hydrogen Production from Water by Photolysis, Sonolysis and Sonophotolysis with Solid Solutions of Rare Earth, Gallium and Indium Oxides as Heterogeneous Catalysts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Penconi


    Full Text Available In this work, we present the hydrogen production by photolysis, sonolysis and sonophotolysis of water in the presence of newly synthesized solid solutions of rare earth, gallium and indium oxides playing as catalysts. From the experiments of photolysis, we found that the best photocatalyst is the solid solution Y0.8Ga0.2InO3 doped by sulphur atoms. In experiments of sonolysis, we optimized the rate of hydrogen production by changing the amount of water, adding ethanol and tuning the power of our piezoelectric transducer. Finally, we performed sonolysis and sonophotolysis experiments in the presence of S:Y0.8Ga0.2InO3 finding a promising synergistic effect of UV-visible electromagnetic waves and 38 kHz ultrasound waves in producing H2.

  20. The effect of backroom size on retail product availability – operational and technological solutions

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    Nikola Milićević


    Full Text Available Amid the conditions of increasingly fierce competition, retailers are doing their best to meet the demands of their customers as efficiently as possible. Through the ever-growing level of product availability they raise the quality of service, which is positively reflected not only on the growth in sales, but also customer satisfaction. In the opposite case, the out-ofstock problem emerges, affecting not only customers, but also retailers and their suppliers. Bearing in mind, that the causes of the given problem occur most frequently in the last metres of the supply chain, in this paper we investigated the effect of backroom size on product availability, depending on the retail format. For this purpose, we used moderated regression analysis on the sample of 80 fast moving consumer goods in retail stores located on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The obtained results pointed to opposite movements in the smallest and the largest format. Whereas in superettes the out-of-stock level lowers with the increase in the backroom size, it tends to drop in hypermarkets. Therefore, we pointed to some in-store problems that cause product stock-outs in different store formats. In addition to indicating the potential causes of analyzed relations, this paper also presents certain operational and technological solutions related to their mitigation.

  1. Seeding Solutions

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The Crucible Group operates on the basis of good faith –– producing best effort non-consensus texts. ..... science and technology-based solutions to agricultural production constraints, it is ...... In 1997 researchers at Case Western Reserve Medical School in Ohio (US) ...... Is there a need to update the system-wide IP audit?

  2. Caracterización de la superaleación ODS MA 956 para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    Escudero, M. I.


    Full Text Available Since the MA 956 was proposed as a possible new biomaterial due to its good corrosion resistance values in physiological fluids a long way, still not finished, has been done. An exhaustive characterization of this alloy at room temperature has been developed. The technological objectives are well established: the possible use of this material for biomedical applications as hip or knee prostheses and as dental implants. The study was performed comparing the results of this alloy with the materials used nowadays as surgical implants, i.e., titanium alloys and polyethylene.

    Desde que la MA 956 fue propuesta como posible nuevo biomaterial en base a su buena resistencia a la corrosión frente a sueros fisiológicos, un largo camino, aún sin finalizar, se ha recorrido, en el que se ha llevado a cabo una caracterización exhaustiva de esta aleación a temperatura ambiente con fines tecnológicos bien definidos: su posible uso en aplicaciones biomédicas, bien sea como prótesis de cadera o de rodilla y para implantes dentales. Los estudios se han llevado a cabo comparando esta aleación con los materiales más comúnmente utilizados en implantes ortopédicos como aleaciones de titanio y polietileno.

  3. The effect of stocking rate on soil solution nitrate concentrations beneath a free-draining dairy production system in Ireland. (United States)

    McCarthy, J; Delaby, L; Hennessy, D; McCarthy, B; Ryan, W; Pierce, K M; Brennan, A; Horan, B


    Economically viable and productive farming systems are required to meet the growing worldwide need for agricultural produce while at the same time reducing environmental impact. Within grazing systems of animal production, increasing concern exists as to the effect of intensive farming on potential N losses to ground and surface waters, which demands an appraisal of N flows within complete grass-based dairy farming systems. A 3-yr (2011 to 2013) whole-farm system study was conducted on a free-draining soil type that is highly susceptible to N loss under temperate maritime conditions. Soil solution concentrations of N from 3 spring-calving, grass-based systems designed to represent 3 alternative whole-farm stocking rate (SR) treatments in a post-milk quota situation in the European Union were compared: low (2.51 cows/ha), medium (2.92 cows/ha), and high SR (3.28 cows/ha). Each SR had its own farmlet containing 18 paddocks and 23 cows. Nitrogen loss from each treatment was measured using ceramic cups installed to a depth of 1m to sample the soil water. The annual and monthly average nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and total N concentrations in soil solution collected were analyzed for each year using a repeated measures analysis. Subsequently, and based on the biological data collated from each farm system treatment within each year, the efficiency of N use was evaluated using an N balance model. Based on similar N inputs, increasing SR resulted in increased grazing efficiency and milk production per hectare. Stocking rate had no significant effect on soil solution concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, or total N (26.0, 0.2, 2.4, and 32.3 mg/L, respectively). An N balance model evaluation of each treatment incorporating input and output data indicated that the increased grass utilization and milk production per hectare at higher SR resulted in a reduction in N surplus and increased N use efficiency. The results highlight the possibility for the sustainable

  4. 21 CFR 524.1193 - Ivermectin topical solution. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Ivermectin topical solution. 524.1193 Section 524...) ANIMAL DRUGS, FEEDS, AND RELATED PRODUCTS OPHTHALMIC AND TOPICAL DOSAGE FORM NEW ANIMAL DRUGS § 524.1193 Ivermectin topical solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL) of solution contains 5 milligrams of...

  5. Algumas aplicaciones del método cluster a la organización de la producción en talleres de tratamiento térmico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Cespón Castro


    Full Text Available El trabajo expone algunas aplicaciones del método CLUSTER a la solución de problemas que se presentan en los talleres y secciones de tratamiento térmico, enfatizándose en las cuestiones relacionadas con el agrupamiento de piezas y la formación de células flexibles de fabricación, lo cual constituye la base para la introducción de todo un conjunto de técnicas y criterios de avanzada en la actividad productiva de estas instalaciones.This work deals with some applications of CLUSTER method for problem-solving in heat treatment workshoops and sections. The main aspects related to parts grouping and manufacturing flexible cells building are explained, as a basis for implementing a set of tools and advanced criteria to manufacturing activities at these facilities.

  6. Kitchen chemistry: A scoping review of the diversionary use of pharmaceuticals for non-medicinal use and home production of drug solutions. (United States)

    Van Hout, Marie Claire


    Misuse of pharmaceuticals is of increasing drug policy and public health concern. A scoping review was conducted on the diversionary use of pharmaceuticals for non-medicinal use and home production of drug solutions. The research question was broad: What is known from the existing literature about the diversion of pharmaceuticals for non-medicinal use and for home production of drug solutions? The scoping process centred on the systematic selection, collection, and summarization of extant knowledge within this broad thematic remit. One hundred and thirty-four records were grouped into discrete thematic categories namely: non medicinal use and tampering with pharmaceuticals, oral misuse of codeine cough syrups, homemade drug solutions, and home-produced drug-related harms in the narrative review design. Forms of abuse of codeine cough syrup include mixtures with alcohol or soft drinks ('Purple Drank'), with kratom leaves ('Kratom cocktails'), or chemically altered to extract dextromorphan ('Lemon Drop'). Production of homemade opiates ('Cheornaya', 'Kolyosa', Himiya', 'Braun', 'Krokodil'), methamphetamine ('Vint', 'Pervitin'), methcathinone ('Jeff'), and cathinone ('Boltushka') are described. Displacement patterns between the non-medical use of pharmaceuticals, commercial, and homemade drugs appear dependent on availability of opiates, prescribing practices, supervision of substitution drug dosing, availability of cheap ingredients, policing, and awareness of harms. Adverse health and social consequences relate to the use of unknown and contaminated (end) substances, injecting practices, redosing, medical complications, and death. The review highlights a public health imperative requiring a multidisciplinary approach to quantify potential impact and required integrated policy responses incorporating international regulation, enforcement, health surveillance and service delivery. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Evaluación de las aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin para el control químico del minador de los cítricos en la provincia de Tucumán Evaluation of aerial abamectin applications to control citrus leafminer in Tucumán province

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán Salas


    Full Text Available Desde fines de 1995, el minador de la hoja se ha convertido en una de las plagas más importantes de los cítricos de la región. El corto tiempo en que desarrolla sus generaciones, la disponibilidad de brotes nuevos durante el verano y la relación entre la plaga y la dispersión de la cancrosis obliga al productor a realizar hasta seis aplicaciones para su control. Operativamente, solo es posible pulverizar en forma terrestre 4 hectáreas por hora, mientras que por avión, en el mismo tiempo se tratan 100 hectáreas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la eficiencia del control de la plaga mediante un programa de manejo que incluye monitoreo y aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin entre los años 2002 y 2006. Se seleccionaron seis fincas comerciales aplicadas y seis sin tratar en dos zonas de la provincia. La aplicación se realizó con un avión Air Tractor equipado con micronaires empleando 20 l de agua, 5 l de aceite mineral y 1,8 g i.a. de abamectin (Vertimec 1,8%® por hectárea. El número de aplicaciones por campaña y por zona varió dependiendo de los resultados del monitoreo. Se extrajeron muestras semanalmente y se evaluó el porcentaje de hojas con larvas vivas. Al final de la experiencia se estimó el daño foliar en brotes previamente marcados. En las fincas tratadas con aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin, en todas las campañas evaluadas, el porcentaje de infestación del minador varió entre 15 y 34% y el de daño foliar entre 2 y 8% mientras que en las fincas testigo la infestación fue entre 35 y 60% y el daño foliar, entre 18 y 30%. El monitoreo de la plaga permitió ajustar el número de aplicaciones en cada año y zona para lograr un manejo racional del minador.Since 1995, the citrus leafminer has become one of the most important citrus pests in the region. Its short generation time, the availability of new flushes during summer and the relationship between the pest and canker spread, force citrus farmers to make up

  8. Solution and surface chemistry of the Se(IV)-Fe(0) reactions: Effect of initial solution pH. (United States)

    Xia, Xuefen; Ling, Lan; Zhang, Wei-Xian


    Aspects of solution and solid-phase reactions between selenite (Se(IV)) and nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) were investigated. Experimental results on the effects of initial solution pH, formation and evolution of nZVI corrosion products, and speciation of selenium in nZVI were presented. In general, the rate of Se(IV) removal decreases with increasing initial pH. The observed rate constants of Se(IV) removal decreased from 0.3530 to 0.0364 min -1 as pH increased from 4.0 to 10.0. Composition and morphology of nZVI corrosion products and selenium species were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results confirmed that Se(IV) was reduced to Se(0) and Se(-II) by nZVI. Lower solution pH favored further reduction of Se(0) to Se(-II). Amorphous FeOOH, magnetite/maghemite (Fe 3 O 4 /γ-Fe 2 O 3 ) and ferrous hydroxide (Fe(OH) 2 ) were identified as the main corrosion products. Under alkaline conditions, the corrosion products were mainly of Fe(OH) 2 along with small amounts of Fe 3 O 4 , while nZVI in acidic solutions was oxidized to mostly Fe 3 O 4 and amorphous FeOOH. Furthermore, these corrosion products acted as intermediates for electron transfer and reactive/sorptive sites for Se(IV) adsorption and reduction, thus played a crucial role in the removal of aqueous Se(IV). Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  9. Simulation of the flow phenomena in geothermal wells: developments and applications; Simulacion de los fenomenos de flujo en pozos geotermicos: desarrollos y aplicaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Gutierrez, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this paper the numerical simulators and the specialized computer programs that have been developed in the Departamento de Geotermia of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) for the study of mass transport phenomena, momentum and heat in geothermal wells, are delineated. The developments can be assembled in 5 types: a) Fluid circulation during geothermal well construction; b) Production; c) Construction; d) Return to the thermal equilibrium; e) Thermodynamic and fluid transport properties, cements, and rocks. The applications realized include, besides the normal flow phenomena that occur in geothermal wells, the study of special problems that have been found in several wells of the geothermal fields in the country. These developments constitute a tool of great utility for the reservoir engineer`s daily work and for the understanding of the specific phenomena of infrequent occurrence. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describen los simuladores numericos y programas de computo especializados que se han desarrollado en el Departamento de Geotermia del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), para estudiar los fenomenos de transporte de masa, momentum y calor en pozos geotermicos. Los desarrollos pueden agruparse en 5 tipos: a) circulacion de fluidos durante la construccion de pozos, b) produccion, c) inyeccion, d) retorno a equilibrio termico, e) propiedades termodinamicas y de transporte de los fluidos, cementos y rocas. Las aplicaciones realizadas incluyen, ademas de los fenomenos normales de flujo que ocurren en pozos geotermicos, el estudio de problemas especiales que se han encontrado en diversos pozos de los campos geotermicos del pais. Estos desarrollos constituyen una herramienta de gran utilidad para el trabajo diario del ingeniero de yacimientos y para el entendimiento de fenomenos especificos de ocurrencia poco frecuente.

  10. 21 CFR 524.1446 - Milbemycin oxime solution. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Milbemycin oxime solution. 524.1446 Section 524...) ANIMAL DRUGS, FEEDS, AND RELATED PRODUCTS OPHTHALMIC AND TOPICAL DOSAGE FORM NEW ANIMAL DRUGS § 524.1446 Milbemycin oxime solution. (a) Specifications. Each tube contains 0.25 milliliter of a 0.1 percent solution...

  11. In situ solution mining technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Learmont, R.P.


    A method of in situ solution mining is disclosed in which a primary leaching process employing an array of 5-spot leaching patterns of production and injection wells is converted to a different pattern by converting to injection wells all the production wells in alternate rows

  12. Adaptación de un motor de combustión interna alternativo de gasolina para su funcionamiento con hidrógeno como combustible. Aplicaciones energética y de automoción


    Sáinz Casas, David


    En esta tesis doctoral se presentan los trabajos de investigación realizados recientemente en la Universidad Pública de Navarra sobre la conversión de motores de gasolina para su funcionamiento con hidrógeno, así como el desarrollo de aplicaciones demostrativas prácticas empleando estos motores. Esta línea de investigación es continuación de la producción electrolítica de hidrógeno con energía eólica [15-17]. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la demostración práctica de la viabilidad de ...

  13. Pulse radiolysis of rhodamine dye solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kucherenko, E.A.; Kartasheva, L.I.; Pikaev, A.K.


    Applying the method of pulse radiolysis (5 MeV electrons) a study was made on intermediate products of rhodamine B radiolytic transformations in neutral aqueous and ethanol solutions. Rate constants of reactions of esub(aq) and OH with the dye (they are equal to (2.2+-0.3)x10 10 and (2.1+-0.3)x10 10 e/molxs, accordingly) as well as optical and kinetic characteristics of esub(aq), OH and H interaction products were measured. The nature of these products is concluded. It was found that in ethanol solutions the semirecovered form - electroneutral radical of rhodamine B - was the only intermediate product. It arises during the interaction of the dye with esub(s) (k=(9.2+-1.2)x10 9 e/molxs) and α-et hananol radical (k=(1.1+-0.1)x10 8 l/molxs). Properties of this product were investigated

  14. Principios de laboratorio y aplicaciones en la práctica clínica de las técnicas moleculares, genómicas y proteómicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenny Hernández Betancourt


    Full Text Available La heterogénea expresión clínica de las enfermedades, la necesidad de la interpretación de los procesos fisiológicos y fisiopatológicos, así como la búsqueda incesante de nuevas estrategias diagnósticas y terapéuticas, han conducido al desarrollo de las biociencias, en particular de la genética, la genómica, la biología molecular y las tecnologías asociadas. Han emergido en los últimos años disciplinas como la trascriptómica, la epigenómica, la proteómica y la metabolómica, cada una con un objeto de estudio determinado, que deriva de los tipos moleculares específicos y sus relaciones y todas con aplicaciones potenciales dentro de una nueva medicina con un enfoque personalizado. Hoy se dispone de técnicas moleculares que se basan en la hibridación de ácidos nucleicos, tanto in situ como el dot-blot, el Southern blot y el Northern blot. Otros métodos requieren la amplificación del ADN, como la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, los microarreglos y la secuenciación. La proteómica se perfila como una potente herramienta para el estudio de aspectos fisiológicos y patológicos del ser humano; sus técnicas incluyen la electroforesis bidimensional, la espectrometría de masas y las micromatrices de proteínas. La búsqueda activa de biomarcadores a partir de casi todos los líquidos biológicos y tejidos de varias naturalezas es una de las principales aplicaciones de la proteómica. Es importante atender, comprender e introducir estos nuevos métodos en la práctica clínica por sus potencialidades para el diagnóstico, el desarrollo de estrategias terapéuticas, la predicción y estratificación de riesgo, de la resistencia al tratamiento y las posibilidades de supervivencia

  15. Studies on the effect of Pu and fission products on extraction selectivity of polymeric composite of ammonium phosphomolybdate towards 137Cs from nitric acid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tripathi, S.C.; Pathak, S.K.; Jambunathan, U.; Dakshinamoorthy, A.; Kumar, Manmohan; Bajaj, P.N.


    Ultrafine particle size of ammonium phosphomolybdate (AMP) though selective sorbent for Cs form acidic solution, has limitation due to its incompatibility with column operation under practical conditions. A polymeric composite containing ammonium Phospho molybdate(AMP) developed indigenously in granular form, has shown encouraging results for Cs uptake from acidic solutions. Present investigation describes experimental observations carried out to find out the effect of presence of Pu and fission products on the 137 Cs uptake. The polymeric material shown some tendency for sorption of Pu which is found to decrease with increasing acidity. It has great selectivity with respect to other fission products like cerium, zirconium, and ruthenium. (author)

  16. Metodología y aplicaciones de la citometría de flujo para el inmunofenotipaje de las leucemias agudas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vianed Marsán Suárez

    Full Text Available La citometría de flujo (CMF es una técnica de avanzada, altamente sensible y automatizada, que se emplea para el inmunofenotipaje de las células normales y leucémicas. En este artículo se muestran los principales aspectos metodológicos a tener en cuenta para un mejor desarrollo e interpretación del inmunofenotipo por CMF, entre los que se encuentran: tipo, cantidad, conservación y transportación de la muestra, uso de anticoagulantes, empleo de anticuerpos monoclonales y fluorocromos, lisado de hematíes, fijación celular, así como la calibración y compensación de la auto-fluorescencia. Finalmente, se exponen las principales aplicaciones de esta metodología para definir el estado de maduración celular leucémico, clasificar las leucemias agudas en distintos subtipos inmunológicos, identificar subgrupos de mal pronóstico y detectar fenotipos aberrantes. Todo lo anterior resulta de gran utilidad para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad mínima residual que permite estratificar a los pacientes en diferentes grupos de riesgo e individualizar el tratamiento antileucémico.

  17. Photochemical decomposition of Formaldehyde in solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garrido Z, G.


    In this work was studied the effect of ultraviolet radiation produced by a mercury low pressure lamp in solutions of formaldehyde. These solutions were exposed to ultraviolet rays at different times. In some of these series of solutions was added a photosensibilizer in order to obtain a high photodecomposition of formaldehyde. The techniques used for determine the products of the decomposition were the following: 1. In order to measure the residual formaldehyde and glioxal, the Hantzsch and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine methods were used. 2. pH's measurements of the solutions, before and after exposition. 3. Paper's chromatography for determine presence of formed acids. 4. Acid-base tritiations for measure total acidification. We observed that when the time of exposition to UV rays was increased, a high photodecomposition of formaldehyde was formed and, besides, a greater quantity of another products. Of the reagents used like photosensibilizers, with the ruthenium reagent, the best results were obtained. (Author)

  18. Optimization of biosurfactant production in soybean oil by rhodococcus rhodochrous and its utilization in remediation of cadmium-contaminated solution (United States)

    Suryanti, Venty; Hastuti, Sri; Andriani, Dewi


    Biosurfactant production by Rhodococcus rhodochrous in soybean oil was developed, where the effect of medium composition and fermentation time were evaluated. The optimum condition for biosurfactant production was achieved when a medium containing 30 g/L TSB (tryptic soy broth) and 20% v/v soybean oil was used as media with 7 days of fermentation. Biosurfactant was identified as glycolipids type biosurfactant which had critical micelle concentration (CMC) value of 896 mg/L. The biosurfactant had oil in water emulsion type and was able to reduce the surface tension of palm oil about 52% which could stabilize the emulsion up to 12 days. The batch removal of cadmium metal ion by crude and partially purified biosurfactants have been examined from synthetic aqueous solution at pH 6. The results exhibited that the crude biosurfactant had a much better adsorption ability of Cd(II) than that of partially purified biosurfactant. However, it was found that there was no significant difference in the adsorption of Cd(II) with 5 and 10 minutes of contact time. The results indicated that the biosurfactant could be used in remediation of heavy metals from contaminated aqueous solution.

  19. High-Voltage Leak Detection of a Parenteral Proteinaceous Solution Product Packaged in Form-Fill-Seal Plastic Laminate Bags. Part 3. Chemical Stability and Visual Appearance of a Protein-Based Aqueous Solution for Injection as a Function of HVLD Exposure. (United States)

    Rasmussen, Mats; Damgaard, Rasmus; Buus, Peter; Guazzo, Dana Morton


    This Part 3 of this three-part research series reports the impact of high-voltage leak detection (HVLD) exposure on the physico-chemical stability of the packaged product. The product, intended for human administration by injection, is an aqueous solution formulation of the rapid acting insulin analogue, insulin aspart (NovoRapid®/NovoLog®) by Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsværd, Denmark. The package is a small-volume form-fill-seal plastic laminate bag. Product-packages exposed to HVLD were compared to unexposed product after storage for 9 months at recommended storage conditions of 5 ± 3 °C. No differences in active ingredient or degradation products assays were noted. No changes in any other stability indicating parameter results were observed. This report concludes this three-part series. Part 1 documented HVLD method development and validation work. Part 2 explored the impact of various package material, package temperature, and package storage conditions on HVLD test results. Detection of leaks in the bag seal area was investigated. In conclusion, HVLD is reported to be a validatable leak test method suitable for rapid, nondestructive container-closure integrity evaluation of the subject product-package. In Part 1 of this three-part series, a leak test method based on electrical conductivity and capacitance, also called high-voltage leak detection (HVLD), was proven to find hole leaks in small plastic bags filled with a solution of insulin aspart intended for human injection (NovoRapid®/NovoLog® by Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsværd, Denmark). In Part 2, the ability of the HVLD method to find other types of package leaks was tested, and the impact of package material and product storage temperature on HVLD results was explored. This final Part 3 checked how well the packaged protein drug solution maintained its potency after HVLD exposure over 9 months of storage under long-term stability conditions. Results showed that HVLD caused no harm to the product.

  20. Vitrification processes for fission product solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonniaud, R.; Jouan, A.; Moncouyoux, J.P.; Sombret, C.


    The different processes for fission product vitrification in the world are reviewed. Continuous or discontinuous processes, induction or arc heating, in can melting or casting, tests with radioactive or simulated wastes and industrial realizations are described [fr

  1. Upgrading uncompetitive products economically

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lu, Hua; Jensen, Christian Søndergaard


    for upgrading an uncompetitive product, and combine the solutions into a single solution. We also propose a spatial join-based solution that assumes P and T are indexed by an R-tree. Given a set of products in the same R-tree node, we derive three lower bounds on their upgrading costs. These bounds are employed...

  2. Degradation of Acetaminophen and Its Transformation Products in Aqueous Solutions by Using an Electrochemical Oxidation Cell with Stainless Steel Electrodes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Ángel López Zavala


    Full Text Available In this study, a novel electrochemical oxidation cell using stainless steel electrodes was found to be effective in oxidizing acetaminophen and its transformation products in short reaction times. Aqueous solutions of 10 mg/L-acetaminophen were prepared at pH 3, 5, 7, and 9. These solutions were electrochemically treated at direct current (DC densities of 5.7 mA/cm2, 7.6 mA/cm2, and 9.5 mA/cm2. The pharmaceutical and its intermediates/oxidation products were determined by using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC. The results showed that electrochemical oxidation processes occurred in the cell. Acetaminophen degradation rate constants increased proportionally with the increase of current intensity. High current densities accelerated the degradation of acetaminophen; however, this effect diminished remarkably at pH values greater than 5. At pH 3 and 9.5 mA/cm2, the fastest degradation of acetaminophen and its intermediates/oxidation products was achieved. To minimize the wear down of the electrodes, a current density ramp is recommended, first applying 9.5 mA/cm2 during 2.5 min or 7.6 mA/cm2 during 7.5 min and then continuing the electrochemical oxidation process at 5.7 mA/cm2. This strategy will hasten the acetaminophen oxidation, extend the electrode’s life, and shorten the reaction time needed to degrade the pharmaceutical and its intermediates/oxidation products. DC densities up to 9.5 mA/cm2 can be supplied by photovoltaic cells.

  3. High-Yield Production of Levulinic Acid from Pretreated Cow Dung in Dilute Acid Aqueous Solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jialei Su


    Full Text Available Agricultural waste cow dung was used as feedstock for the production of a high value–added chemical levulinic acid (LA in dilute acid aqueous solutions. A high LA yield of 338.9 g/kg was obtained from the pretreated cow dung, which was much higher than that obtained from the crude cow dung (135 g/kg, mainly attributed to the breakage of the lignin fraction in the lignocellulose structure of the cow dung by potassium hydroxide (KOH pretreatment, and thus enhanced the accessibility of cow dung to the acid sites in the catalytic reaction. Meanwhile, another value-added chemical formic acid could be obtained with a yield of ca. 160 g/kg in the process, implying a total production of ca. 500 g/kg yield for LA and formic acid from the pretreated cow dung with the proposed process. The developed process was shown to be tolerant to high initial substrate loading with a satisfied LA yield. This work provides a promising strategy for the value-increment utilization of liglocellulosic agricultural residues.

  4. Fusión Borrosa de Estimadores para Aplicaciones de Control Basado en Imagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Perez-Vidal


    Full Text Available Resumen: El control visual es una disciplina de gran actualidad dentro del control de robots, y dentro de ésta, los algoritmos de predicción se usan para estimar la localización de objetos o características visuales proporcionadas por un sensor con retardo (cámara. Algunos de los algoritmos más utilizados son: el filtro de Kalman; los filtros alpha-beta/gamma (αβ/γ; el AKF; el SKF; etc. El mayor problema de algunos de ellos es conseguir que su implementación permita trabajar en aplicaciones con fuertes restricciones temporales o de tiempo real. En este artículo se presenta un nuevo método de predicción, denominado FMF, basado en la fusión o combinación borrosa de varios filtros, y por tanto con un alto coste computacional. En el artículo se estudia a través de simulación la mejora obtenida con la predicción del FMF respecto a los filtros individuales, lo que justifica su interés. Así mismo, se desarrolla su implementación de tiempo real en una FPGA empleando técnicas de paralelización y segmentado. La viabilidad, robustez y fiabilidad del algoritmo propuesto se ha comprobado mediante una aplicación experimental de control visual. Palabras clave: Métodos predictivos, algoritmos paralelos, sistemas fuzzy, visión por computador, control automático

  5. Coherent spectroscopic methods for monitoring pathogens, genetically modified products and nanostructured materials in colloidal solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moguilnaya, T.; Suminov, Y.; Botikov, A.; Ignatov, S.; Kononenko, A.; Agibalov, A.


    We developed the new automatic method that combines the method of forced luminescence and stimulated Brillouin scattering. This method is used for monitoring pathogens, genetically modified products and nanostructured materials in colloidal solution. We carried out the statistical spectral analysis of pathogens, genetically modified soy and nano-particles of silver in water from different regions in order to determine the statistical errors of the method. We studied spectral characteristics of these objects in water to perform the initial identification with 95% probability. These results were used for creation of the model of the device for monitor of pathogenic organisms and working model of the device to determine the genetically modified soy in meat.

  6. The radiation chemistry of aqueous sodium terephthalate solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthews, R.W.


    The radiation chemistry of cobalt-60 gamma-irradiated aqueous sodium terephthalate solutions has been studied. In aerated 4 x 10 -4 M sodium hydroxide solutions, the main products are hydroxyterephthalate (HTA) (G = 0.99 +- 0.01), carbonate (G = 1.31 +- 0.08), and peroxides (G = 2.84 +- 0.04). The HTA and carbonate species are both formed as a result of hydroxyl radical attack and account for approximately 90 per cent of hydroxyl radical reactions. Oxygen needs to be present for efficient conversion of the terephthalate-OH radical adduct to HTA and oxygenation increases G(HTA) above the aerated solution value. G(HTA) is unaffected by changes in terephthalate concentration between 1 x 10 -4 M and 1 x 10 -2 M in sodium hydroxide solutions at pH 10. Decreasing the solution pH does however affect G(HTA). In phosphate buffered solutions pH 6.85, G(HTA) is 0.93 +- 0.01 and lower values are obtained with further decrease in solution pH. The lowering of the G(HTA) value is attributed to recombination reactions between the terephthalate-OH radical products and reducing radical products. Experimental evidence supporting the recombination postulate was obtained from the measurement of a parallel decrease in the peroxide yield and the observation of a dose rate effect on G(HTA). Competition kinetic studies with the added solutes carbonate and bicarbonate gave the rate ratios k (OH + TA 2- ) : k(OH + CO 3 2- ) : k(OH + HCO 3 - ) = 1 : 0.105 : 0.0036

  7. Radiolysis of Reactive AZO Dyes in Aqueous Solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bagyo, Agustin NM; Winarti-Andayani; Hendig-Winarno; Ermin-Katrin; Soebianto, Yanti S


    The effects of radiation on aerated reactive dye solutions i.e Cibacron Violet, Cibacron Orange and Cibacron Yellow solutions have been studied. Parameters analysis were the change of pH after radiation, the change of absorption, degradation products and effects of pH on the radiolysis. The uv-vis absorption of solutions were observed before and after irradiation. pH variation was done from pHs 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12. Irradiation was done at doses of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kGy with dose rate of 5 kGy/h and was determined by a Fricke dosimeter. HPLC with UV detector was used to analyze the degradation products. Oxalic acid was the main degradation product and small amount of succinic acid was also detected. (author)

  8. Desarrollo rápido de software libre de alta calidad : Ingeniería de software asistida por computadora, enfocada en tareas, para agilizar el ciclo de vida de las aplicaciones, mediante mejora continua disciplinada a nivel personal


    Reingart, Mariano A.


    El presente artículo resume el estudio, desarrollo e implementación de un marco de trabajo teórico/práctico para creación y mantenimiento ágil de software libre, orientado al desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales centradas en datos (principalmente transaccionales, con bases de datos relacionales, lenguaje de programación dinámico e interfaces web y visuales). Se analiza el estado del arte respecto a proyectos libres y abiertos (producción por pares, fomento, motivación, diversidad, goberna...

  9. Arcillas cerámicas: una revisión de sus distintos tipos, significados y aplicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Díaz Rodríguez, L. A.


    Full Text Available Clay is a word which has many meanings depending on the use to which it is put. However, it is in the ceramic field where the application of clay began and so it is here where this work will try to find a definition and establish a classification based on ceramic-geological criteria. The different kinds of clays found in Nature and their mineralogy are discussed in detail. Their properties and main uses are pointed out and finally the geographical and geological distribution of Spanish clays which have ceramic applications is presented.

    La palabra arcilla posee un significado muy distinto según sea el ámbito industrial o científico de su utilización. Aunque hoy en día las aplicaciones de las materias primas arcillosas son muy variadas, es en el ámbito cerámico donde reside el primer origen de su consumo. Por tanto, es aquí donde se ha centrado este trabajo para exponer, en primer lugar, una definición del concepto arcilla y, con posterioridad, establecer una clasificación de las arcillas según criterios cerámico-geológicos. Se describen los distintos tipos existentes en la Naturaleza y se hace mención a su mineralogía, propiedades en general y usos principales. Finalmente, se exponen las arcillas españolas de aplicación cerámica, y su distribución dentro del territorio español.



    Varsha Arun Chitale*, Prof. R.B. Patil, Prof. Amol R. Patil


    In competition business environment, companies recognize the importance of collaboration throughout the entire product lifecycle. The main focus of the paper is on the collaboration in New Product Development (NPD) processes and how Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) strategy are likely to paradigm support advanced collaboration strategies, such as Mass Customization and Customer Co-Creation. The relation between these strategies and product lifecycle phases related to New Product Developmen...

  11. Assessment methodology of the summer time schedule change (CHV) in Mexico: 10 years of application; Metodologia de evaluacion del cambio de horario de verano (CHV) en Mexico: 10 anos de aplicacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maqueda Zamora, Martin Roberto; Perez Rebolledo, Hugo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    medio ambiente dependen del uso eficiente de la energia. Con la aplicacion del horario de verano, todo el pais participa en el cuidado de los recursos energeticos que se derivan de su aplicacion y genera en la poblacion una cultura del cuidado de la energia y el medio ambiente. Este programa se aplica a nivel mundial, incluyendo a los paises industrializados. En este trabajo se presenta la metodologia implementada por el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), para realizar los calculos de ahorro en consumo de energia electrica y la cuantificacion de la demanda evitada, asi como los principales resultados obtenidos en 10 anos de aplicacion de la medida en Mexico.

  12. Solute segregation during irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiedersich, H.; Okamoto, P.R.; Lam, N.Q.


    Irradiation at elevated temperature induces redistribution of the elements in alloys on a microstructural level. This phenomenon is caused by differences in the coupling of the various alloy constituents to the radiation-induced defect fluxes. A simple model of the segregation process based on coupled reaction-rate and diffusion equations is discussed. The model gives a good description of the experimentally observed consequences of radiation-induced segregation, including enrichment or depletion of solute elements near defect sinks such as surfaces, voids and dislocations; precipitation of second phases in solid solutions; precipitate redistribution in two-phase alloys; and effects of defect-production rates on void-swelling rates in alloys with minor solute additions

  13. Fashion design solutions for environmentally conscious consumers (United States)

    Wagner, M.; Chen, Y.; Curteza, A.; Thomassey, S.; Perwuelz, A.; Zeng, X.


    This paper intends to give an overview of the design solutions in fashion for environmentally conscious consumers, presenting green and ethical practices in contemporary clothing design. The results introduce the concept of slow fashion and discuss available fashion design solutions, giving most prominent examples of sustainable products and brands, these contain one or more design features. By this, the discussion extracts the main contemporary ideas. The presented examples of current offers are all envisioning less impact on the environment and society. Sustainable design solutions use more environmentally friendly materials such as organic cotton, incorporate circular design or design for recycling, e.g., replacing button closures with alternative closing possibilities or leather labels with printed versions, or ensure long product life through durability, among other methods. There are differing designs due to creators’ individuality. This overview can be beneficial for the future development of new solutions for more environmentally friendly fashion.

  14. Facing the challenge of sustainable bioenergy production: Could halophytes be part of the solution? (United States)

    Debez, Ahmed; Belghith, Ikram; Friesen, Jan; Montzka, Carsten; Elleuche, Skander


    Due to steadily growing population and economic transitions in the more populous countries, renewable sources of energy are needed more than ever. Plant biomass as a raw source of bioenergy and biofuel products may meet the demand for sustainable energy; however, such plants typically compete with food crops, which should not be wasted for producing energy and chemicals. Second-generation or advanced biofuels that are based on renewable and non-edible biomass resources are processed to produce cellulosic ethanol, which could be further used for producing energy, but also bio-based chemicals including higher alcohols, organic acids, and bulk chemicals. Halophytes do not compete with conventional crops for arable areas and freshwater resources, since they grow naturally in saline ecosystems, mostly in semi-arid and arid areas. Using halophytes for biofuel production may provide a mid-term economically feasible and environmentally sustainable solution to producing bioenergy, contributing, at the same time, to making saline areas - which have been considered unproductive for a long time - more valuable. This review emphasises on halophyte definition, global distribution, and environmental requirements. It also examines their enzymatic valorization, focusing on salt-tolerant enzymes from halophilic microbial species that may be deployed with greater advantage compared to their conventional mesophilic counterparts for faster degradation of halophyte biomass.


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    Full Text Available Osmotic evaporation is a modification of traditional processes using membranes; where the effect of a vapor pressure differential, produced by a highly concentrated solution of extraction, water is transferred as vapor through a membrane that acts as a hydrophobic body. This membrane technology is presented as a great alternative for processing exotic fruits, producing concentrates that can be used in the daily diet, being more comfortable to use, reducing transportation costs and increasing the shelf life. This process has many advantages compared to traditional operations, allowing operated at atmospheric pressure and low temperature, ideal for heat-sensitive products.

  16. Production of amorphous starch powders by solution spray drying

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niazi, Muhammad B. K.; Broekhuis, Antonius A.


    The spray drying of starch/maltodextrin formulations was evaluated as a potential technology for the manufacturing of amorphous thermoplastic starches. Mixtures of starches with high to low amylose (Am)amylopectin (Ap) ratios were spray-dried from water-based solutions and granular dispersions. The

  17. Cost Decision Support in Product Design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liebers, A.; Kals, H.J.J.


    The constraints addressed in decision making during product design, process planning and production planning determine the admissible solution space for the manufacture of products. The solution space determines largely the costs that are incurred in the production process. In order to be able to

  18. Implementation of a change management solution based on a product lifecycle management system for a large international project; Einfuehrung eines Product-Lifecycle-Management-gestuetzten Aenderungsprozesses in einem internationalen Grossprojekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luehr, Anneke


    This Thesis describes the implementation of a Change Management solution based on a Product Lifecycle Management System (PLM System) for a large international project. The objective of Change Management is to ensure a systematic line of action for approving and implementing changes in the project. The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY is one of the world's leading accelerator centres with locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen. Currently, DESY participates in the realization of the international research facility European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) at the Hamburg site. DESY was responsible for the planning of the XFEL. When the project entered the construction phase it was internationalized and now comprises project groups in 12 countries. Thus the requirements on Change Management have changed, as participants from several labs at many different locations are now involved. First the project scope is described and then a target process for the Change Management solution is developed by a requirement analysis. Afterwards the technical implementation of this process in DESY's PLM System is described and the Change Management solution is tested. The process is visualized using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Finally a description is given of how to transfer the solution to the project environment. (orig.)

  19. Aplicaciones e inconvenientes de la técnica Hibridación in situ Fluorescente (FISH en la identificación de microorganismos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Rodríguez Martínez


    Full Text Available Durante el transcurso de los últimos años se ha reportado un gran número de aplicaciones de la técnica FISH, la cual es utilizada en la detección de microorganismos en su propio hábitat sin que requieran de su previo aislamiento y purificación. La importancia de FISH radica en la capacidad que tiene la sonda de ADN de detectar una región específica del áci- do nucleico de la célula microbiana y ser visualizada por microscopía de epifluorescencia. En esta revisión se describe los diversos usos que tiene FISH, que van desde la identifica- ción de la microbiota en ambientes acuáticos y su empleo en la biorremediación hasta la detección de patógenos en el diagnóstico clínico. Asimismo, se presentan algunas limita- ciones, y los posibles correctivos que se deben tener encuenta cuando se aplica esta técnica.

  20. Climatic drivers for multidecadal shifts in solute transport and methane production zones within a large peat basin (United States)

    Glaser, Paul H.; Siegel, Donald I.; Chanton, Jeffrey P.; Reeve, Andrew S.; Rosenberry, Donald O.; Corbett, J. Elizabeth; Dasgupta, Soumitri; Levy, Zeno


    Northern peatlands are an important source for greenhouse gases, but their capacity to produce methane remains uncertain under changing climatic conditions. We therefore analyzed a 43 year time series of the pore-water chemistry to determine if long-term shifts in precipitation altered the vertical transport of solutes within a large peat basin in northern Minnesota. These data suggest that rates of methane production can be finely tuned to multidecadal shifts in precipitation that drive the vertical penetration of labile carbon substrates within the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands. Tritium and cation profiles demonstrate that only the upper meter of these peat deposits was flushed by downwardly moving recharge from 1965 to 1983 during a Transitional Dry-to-Moist Period. However, a shift to a moister climate after 1984 drove surface waters much deeper, largely flushing the pore waters of all bogs and fens to depths of 2 m. Labile carbon compounds were transported downward from the rhizosphere to the basal peat at this time producing a substantial enrichment of methane in Δ14C with respect to the solid-phase peat from 1991 to 2008. These data indicate that labile carbon substrates can fuel deep production zones of methanogenesis that more than doubled in thickness across this large peat basin after 1984. Moreover, the entire peat profile apparently has the capacity to produce methane from labile carbon substrates depending on climate-driven modes of solute transport. Future changes in precipitation may therefore play a central role in determining the source strength of peatlands in the global methane cycle.

  1. Solutions to commercializing metal hydride hydrogen storage products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomlinson, J.J.; Belanger, R.


    'Full text:' Whilst the concept of a Hydrogen economy in the broad sense may for some analysts and Fuel Cell technology developers be an ever moving target the use of hydrogen exists and is growing in other markets today. The use of hydrogen is increasing. Who are the users? What are their unique needs? How can they better be served? As the use of hydrogen increases there are things we can do to improve the perception and handling of hydrogen as an industrial gas that will impact the future issues of hydrogen as a fuel thereby assisting the mainstream availability of hydrogen fuel a reality. Factors that will induce change in the way hydrogen is used, handled, transported and stored are the factors to concentrate development efforts on. Other factors include: cost; availability; safety; codes and standards; and regulatory authorities acceptance of new codes and standards. New methods of storage and new devices in which the hydrogen is stored will influence and bring about change and increased use. New innovative products based on Metal Hydride hydrogen storage will address some of the barriers to widely distributed hydrogen as a fuel or energy carrier to which successful fuel cell product commercialization is subject. Palcan has developed innovative products based on it's Rare Earth Metal Hydride alloy. Some of these innovations will aid the distribution of hydrogen as a fuel and offer alternatives to the existing hydrogen user and to the Fuel Cell product developer. An overview of the products and how these products will affect the distribution and use of hydrogen as an industrial gas and fuel is presented. (author)

  2. Methane Production in Microbial Reverse-Electrodialysis Methanogenesis Cells (MRMCs) Using Thermolytic Solutions

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Xi


    The utilization of bioelectrochemical systems for methane production has attracted increasing attention, but producing methane in these systems requires additional voltage to overcome large cathode overpotentials. To eliminate the need for electrical grid energy, we constructed a microbial reverse- electrodialysis methanogenesis cell (MRMC) by placing a reverse electrodialysis (RED) stack between an anode with exoelectrogenic microorganisms and a methanogenic biocathode. In the MRMC, renewable salinity gradient energy was converted to electrical energy, thus providing the added potential needed for methane evolution from the cathode. The feasibility of the MRMC was examined using three different cathode materials (stainless steel mesh coated with platinum, SS/Pt; carbon cloth coated with carbon black, CC/CB; or a plain graphite fiber brush, GFB) and a thermolytic solution (ammonium bicarbonate) in the RED stack. A maximum methane yield of 0.60 ± 0.01 mol-CH 4/mol-acetate was obtained using the SS/Pt biocathode, with a Coulombic recovery of 75 ± 2% and energy efficiency of 7.0 ± 0.3%. The CC/CB biocathode MRMC had a lower methane yield of 0.55 ± 0.02 mol-CH4/mol-acetate, which was twice that of the GFB biocathode MRMC. COD removals (89-91%) and Coulombic efficiencies (74-81%) were similar for all cathode materials. Linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests demonstrated that cathodic microorganisms enhanced electron transfer from the cathode compared to abiotic controls. These results show that the MRMC has significant potential for production of nearly pure methane using low-grade waste heat and a source of waste organic matter at the anode. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

  3. Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of FDA-Approved Products of Oral Solutions Containing Dronabinol [(-)-delta-9-transtetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC)] in Schedule II. Interim final rule, with request for comments. (United States)


    On July 1, 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new drug application for Syndros, a drug product consisting of dronabinol [(-)-delta-9-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC)] oral solution. Thereafter, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) with a scheduling recommendation that would result in Syndros (and other oral solutions containing dronabinol) being placed in schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). In accordance with the CSA, as revised by the Improving Regulatory Transparency for New Medical Therapies Act, DEA is hereby issuing an interim final rule placing FDA-approved products of oral solutions containing dronabinol in schedule II of the CSA.

  4. Properties of raw materials and intermediate products in the production of uranium dioxide sintered tablets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landspersky, H.; Vanecek, I.; Podest, M.


    The properties are described of ammonium polyuranate and of powder uranium dioxide. Ammonium polyuranate, an intermediate product, is prepared by filtering the precipitate from uranyl nitrate solution precipitation, this either by an ammonia aqueous solution from a uranyl nitrate aqueous solution or by direct U 6+ precipitation from a TBP kerosene solution by aqueous concentrated ammonia. With relation to further processing, the major properties of the intermediate product include grain size, shape and appearance of crystallites, structure and thermal decomposition. These properties affect the properties of UO 2 , the following intermediate product obtained by reduction of ammonium polyuranate. Powder UO 2 is the final intermediate product; high-compacted UO 2 pellets are manufactured from it by compacting and sintering. The final product properties are affected by the following parameters: specific surface, grain size and shape, U/O ratio and compactibility. The effect of and the techniques of determining these parameters are shown. The necessity is emphasised of studying the properties of powder ammonium polyuranate because changes in its production technology affect the properties of further products. (J.P.)

  5. Protection of structures and buildings against the effect of electrical storms: basic concepts, evolution and application in Mexico; Proteccion contra el efecto de las tormentas electricas de estructuras y edificios: conceptos basicos, evolucion y aplicacion en Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galvan Diego, Arturo; Velazquez Sanchez, Raul [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    observacion cientifica, ha demostrado su eficacia en la modernizacion de cientos de procesos industriales, comerciales, de comunicacion y de servicios, asi como de los materiales y metodologias utilizadas para la proteccion de diversos equipos y procesos; desde la proteccion en sistema y equipos en alta tension hasta sistemas que manejan muy baja energia, entre los que incluyen electronicos y digitales. Sin embargo, existen leyes fundamentales como la ley de Ohm, la ley de gravedad o la ley universal de gases que, pese a que fueron descubiertos hace muchos anos, siguen vigentes y su validez proporciona elementos invaluables para el desarrollo de nuevos metodos, procesos y desarrollos tecnologicos. Uno de los casos mas relevantes que amalgama la aplicacion de criterios fundamentales y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologias y su aplicacion en los llamados dispositivos de proteccion no convencionales lo constituye la proteccion contra el efecto de las tormentas electricas en edificios y estructuras. La aplicacion de estos dispositivos en el ambito mundial ha generado escepticismo de una gran parte de la comunidad cientifica, reacciones diversas entre los usuarios y un postura firme por parte de los fabricantes para que dichas tecnologias sean incluidas en normas internacionales. El objetivo de este articulo es ofrecer al lector la informacion basica sobre los inicios de la proteccion, la evolucion que los metodos de proteccion contra las tormentas electricas han tenido desde el siglo XVIII, la aplicacion de los criterios fundamentales de proteccion en estructuras o edificios modernos y su contenido, asi como la situacion que prevalece actualmente en los comites de las diversas organizaciones normativas nacionales e internacionales en lo referente a la inclusion de las nuevas tecnologias en las guias de diseno.

  6. Partitioning of the rare earths and actinides between R7T7 nuclear glass alteration products and solution according to disposal conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menard, O.


    The alteration of nuclear glass by water is liable to release radionuclides into the environment. Determining the release kinetics of these elements and their aqueous chemical forms are therefore essential steps in establishing the safety of a geological repository site. Leach tests were conducted with a nonradioactive specimen of the French ''R7T7'' light water containment glass spiked with U and Th, and with two R7T7 specimens spiked with 237 Np and 239 Pu, respectively. The alteration solution compositions were representative of deep groundwater and contained carbonate, sulfate, phosphate, fluorine and chlorine ions. The release of U, Th, Np and Pu, as well as of the rare earths La, Ce and Nd were monitored by ICP mass spectrometry and by α spectrometry. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic examination of the nonradioactive altered glass surfaces was also performed to assess the partitioning balance for the rare earths, U and Th between the glass alteration products and solution. The mobility of these elements depends on two competing mechanisms. The rare earths and thorium are incorporated in the alteration products (gel); the retention process is assumed to involve chemisorption or coprecipitation, enhanced in the gel layer by the presence of phosphate ions in particular. Conversely, the aqueous species in the alteration solutions (mainly anions) form complexes with the actinides and rare earths; this phenomenon is particularly evident with U and Np. The presence of carbonate ions favors this mobility. Plutonium differs from U and Np in that it is adsorbed mainly on colloids formed by glass dissolution, the principal factors governing its chemical evolution in solution. (author). refs., 122 figs., 185 tabs


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. G. Kulneva


    Full Text Available Summary. Sugar beet is one of the strategic crops for food safety of Russia. The lack of specialized warehouse for harvest does not provide storage of roots for a long time. In the case of a thaw roots that have been defrosted unsuitable for processing. Beet and products of its processing is a good object for the development of microorganisms. Permanent microflora of sugar production are: Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium perfringes, Leuconostoc dextranicum, Torula alba, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Sarcina lutea and other kinds of microorganisms, leading to a problem processing of beet root and reduced quality of sugar. The most dangerous is the slimy bacteriosis is a bacterial disease beet caused by heterofermentative cocci of Leuconostoc (Leuconostoc mesenteroides, L. dextranicum. Product of the vital activity of microorganisms is dextran, which is synthesized from sucrose as a result of dextrany or mucous fermentation and leads to significant technological problems in processing of infected beet. Improving the efficiency of sugar production is connected with decrease in loss of quality of raw material preparation, storing and processing of sugar beet. At sugar plants use a variety of drugs that suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, but there comes a rapid adaptation of microorganisms, therefore there is a need to implement new products to prevent damage to roots and improve the quality of produced sugar. To resolve this problem experimentally selected bactericidal drug, defined its rational concentration and conditions for the use in sugar beet production. The use of antibacterial drug in the process of extraction allows to increase the purity of diffusion juice 1.3 %, reduce the protein content in it (12.5 %; with the purity of the pure juice increases by 1.1 %, its color index is reduced by 44.7 %.

  8. Method of processing plutonium and uranium solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otsuka, Katsuyuki; Kondo, Isao; Suzuki, Toru.


    Solutions of plutonium nitrate solutions and uranyl nitrate recovered in the solvent extraction step in reprocessing plants and nuclear fuel production plants are applied with low temperature treatment by means of freeze-drying under vacuum into residues containing nitrates, which are denitrated under heating and calcined under reduction into powders. That is, since complicate processes of heating, concentration and dinitration conducted so far for the plutonium solution and uranyl solution are replaced with one step of freeze-drying under vacuum, the process can be simplified significantly. In addition, since the treatment is applied at low temperature, occurrence of corrosion for the material of evaporation, etc. can be prevented. Further, the number of operators can be saved by dividing the operations into recovery of solidification products, supply and sintering of the solutions and vacuum sublimation. Further, since nitrates processed at a low temperature are powderized by heating dinitration, the powderization step can be simplified. The specific surface area and the grain size distribution of the powder is made appropriate and it is possible to obtain oxide powders of physical property easily to be prepared into pellets. (N.H.)

  9. Br2 production from the heterogeneous reaction of gas-phase OH with aqueous salt solutions: Impacts of acidity, halide concentration, and organic surfactants. (United States)

    Frinak, Elizabeth K; Abbatt, Jonathan P D


    This study reports the first laboratory measurement of gas-phase Br2 production from the reaction between gas-phase hydroxyl radicals and aqueous salt solutions. Experiments were conducted at 269 K in a rotating wetted-wall flow tube coupled to a chemical-ionization mass spectrometer for analysis of gas-phase components. From both pure NaBr solutions and mixed NaCl/NaBr solutions, the amount of Br2 released was found to increase with increasing acidity, whereas it was found to vary little with increasing concentration of bromide ions in the sample. For mixed NaCl/NaBr solutions, Br2 was formed preferentially over Cl2 unless the Br- levels in the solution were significantly depleted by OH oxidation, at which point Cl2 formation was observed. Presence of a surfactant in solution, sodium dodecyl sulfate, significantly suppressed the formation of Br2; this is the first indication that an organic surfactant can affect the rate of interfacial mass transfer of OH to an aqueous surface. The OH-mediated oxidation of bromide may serve as a source of active bromine in the troposphere and contribute to the subsequent destruction of ozone that proceeds in marine-influenced regions of the troposphere.

  10. Plant Production Systems for Microgravity: Critical Issues in Water, Air, and Solute Transport Through Unsaturated Porous Media (United States)

    Steinberg, Susan L. (Editor); Ming, Doug W. (Editor); Henninger, Don (Editor)


    This NASA Technical Memorandum is a compilation of presentations and discussions in the form of minutes from a workshop entitled 'Plant Production Systems for Microgravity: Critical Issues in Water, Air, and Solute Transport Through Unsaturated Porous Media' held at NASA's Johnson Space Center, July 24-25, 2000. This workshop arose from the growing belief within NASA's Advanced Life Support Program that further advances and improvements in plant production systems for microgravity would benefit from additional knowledge of fundamental processes occurring in the root zone. The objective of the workshop was to bring together individuals who had expertise in various areas of fluid physics, soil physics, plant physiology, hardware development, and flight tests to identify, discuss, and prioritize critical issues of water and air flow through porous media in microgravity. Participants of the workshop included representatives from private companies involved in flight hardware development and scientists from universities and NASA Centers with expertise in plant flight tests, plant physiology, fluid physics, and soil physics.

  11. Production of Molecular Iodine and Tri-iodide in the Frozen Solution of Iodide: Implication for Polar Atmosphere. (United States)

    Kim, Kitae; Yabushita, Akihiro; Okumura, Masanori; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Cuevas, Carlos A; Blaszczak-Boxe, Christopher S; Min, Dae Wi; Yoon, Ho-Il; Choi, Wonyong


    The chemistry of reactive halogens in the polar atmosphere plays important roles in ozone and mercury depletion events, oxidizing capacity, and dimethylsulfide oxidation to form cloud-condensation nuclei. Among halogen species, the sources and emission mechanisms of inorganic iodine compounds in the polar boundary layer remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the production of tri-iodide (I3(-)) via iodide oxidation, which is negligible in aqueous solution, is significantly accelerated in frozen solution, both in the presence and the absence of solar irradiation. Field experiments carried out in the Antarctic region (King George Island, 62°13'S, 58°47'W) also showed that the generation of tri-iodide via solar photo-oxidation was enhanced when iodide was added to various ice media. The emission of gaseous I2 from the irradiated frozen solution of iodide to the gas phase was detected by using cavity ring-down spectroscopy, which was observed both in the frozen state at 253 K and after thawing the ice at 298 K. The accelerated (photo-)oxidation of iodide and the subsequent formation of tri-iodide and I2 in ice appear to be related with the freeze concentration of iodide and dissolved O2 trapped in the ice crystal grain boundaries. We propose that an accelerated abiotic transformation of iodide to gaseous I2 in ice media provides a previously unrecognized formation pathway of active iodine species in the polar atmosphere.

  12. Global product development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Zaza Nadja Lee; Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema


    Globalisation has enabled companies to globalise their product development process. Today, everything from manufacturing to R&D can be globally distributed. This has led to a more complex and disintegrated product development process. This paper investigates the impacts companies have experienced...... operational solutions to counteract the negative impacts with varying degrees of success. This paper presents a unique look into global product development through an investigation of its impact on the organisation, the product development process, and the product. Furthermore, it shows the solutions...... as a result of this, and how they have been addressed. Data was collected through case studies of five Danish multinational corporations. The findings showed that the companies experienced several challenges when they globalised their product development process. They consequently implemented various...

  13. Photochemical products causing fluorescence enhancement for 6H-benzo[cd]pyren-6-one in de-aerated and pre-irradiated solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yagishita, M., E-mail: [Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Toho University, 2-2-1 Miyama, Funabashi, Chiba 274-8510 (Japan); National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki 305-8506 (Japan); Nakajima, D. [National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki 305-8506 (Japan); Ohshima, S. [Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Toho University, 2-2-1 Miyama, Funabashi, Chiba 274-8510 (Japan)


    Polycyclic aromatic ketones emit very weak fluorescence, but their fluorescence is significantly enhanced by about one hundred times after preliminary irradiation of their degassed solution. To investigate the mechanism of such fluorescence enhancement, liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry measurements were performed for degassed methanol, ethanol, and acetonitrile solutions of 6H-benzo[cd]pyren-6-one (naphthanthrone), in which fluorescence enhancement had been induced. As a result, two kinds of photochemical products were identified as the substance causing fluorescence enhancement: they were produced by dehydrogenation and dehydration of adducts of a solvent molecule to naphthanthrone. On the basis of the findings, the mechanism of the fluorescence enhancement of naphthanthrone was discussed. Fluorescence enhancement; 6H-benzo[cd]pyren-6-one; Polycyclic aromatic ketones; Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; Photochemical reaction.

  14. Photochemical products causing fluorescence enhancement for 6H-benzo[cd]pyren-6-one in de-aerated and pre-irradiated solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yagishita, M.; Nakajima, D.; Ohshima, S.


    Polycyclic aromatic ketones emit very weak fluorescence, but their fluorescence is significantly enhanced by about one hundred times after preliminary irradiation of their degassed solution. To investigate the mechanism of such fluorescence enhancement, liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry measurements were performed for degassed methanol, ethanol, and acetonitrile solutions of 6H-benzo[cd]pyren-6-one (naphthanthrone), in which fluorescence enhancement had been induced. As a result, two kinds of photochemical products were identified as the substance causing fluorescence enhancement: they were produced by dehydrogenation and dehydration of adducts of a solvent molecule to naphthanthrone. On the basis of the findings, the mechanism of the fluorescence enhancement of naphthanthrone was discussed. Fluorescence enhancement; 6H-benzo[cd]pyren-6-one; Polycyclic aromatic ketones; Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; Photochemical reaction

  15. Solution Prototyping with Design Thinking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Efeoglu, Arkin; Møller, Charles; Serie, Michel


    are tried to be broken and Design Thinking advantages are increasingly preferred by man- agement. This case study based paper provides key insights into how DT phases and behavior can be changed for creating synergy across employees, manage- ment and products from which the end-consumer benefits. The Social...... Media for SAP store case study combines a conceptual and product oriented solution deri- vation with Design Thinking....

  16. Solution Prototyping with Design Thinking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Efeoglu, Arkin; Møller, Charles; Serie, Michel

    are tried to be broken and Design Thinking advantages are increasingly preferred by man- agement. This case study based paper provides key insights into how DT phases and behavior can be changed for creating synergy across employees, manage- ment and products from which the end-consumer benefits. The Social...... Media for SAP store case study combines a conceptual and product oriented solution deri- vation with Design Thinking....

  17. Carbones colombianos: clasificación y caracterización termoquímica para aplicaciones energéticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando Barrera Zapata


    Full Text Available La relación reservas/producción de carbón en Colombia ronda los 91 años. Para aprovechar tal disponibilidad del carbón mediante tecnologías de alta eficiencia, es necesario contar con la adecuada caracterización de los diferentes carbones. En este trabajo se analizaron 10 muestras de carbones colombianos con diferentes rangos y calidad, procedentes de diferentes locaciones geográficas. Cada muestra se caracterizó según su análisis próximo, análisis último, análisis termogravimétrico (TGA y poder calorífico. Se estableció el rango o calidad de cada muestra según diferentes métodos estandarizados, incluyendo normas ASTM, diagramas de Van Kleveler, método gráfico de Parr y la norma ISO 11760-2005. Adicionalmente se determinó la reactividad de las muestras a través de análisis TGA y análisis térmico diferencial (DTG. Se encontró que los carbones de mayor rango o calidad no necesariamente resultan ser los más reactivos para aplicaciones energéticas, ya que a mayor proporción de carbono fijo, la liberación de material volátil tiende a ser más lenta, disminuyendo su capacidad de uso y transformación en procesos termoquímicos.

  18. Procedimiento para la mejora del proceso de desarrollo de software en la UEB “Aplicaciones de Redes”.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marely Collazo Palmero


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar un procedimiento para la mejora del proceso de desarrollo de software en la UEB “Aplicaciones de Redes”, el procedimiento se compone de 6 etapas basadas en el ciclo de Deming que comienza con el diagnóstico de la situación actual del proceso productivo, se detectan los problemas existentes y sus causas para elaborar un plan de acción que da lugar a los aportes más significativos de esta investigación: la elaboración del flujograma del servicio de desarrollo de software y los procedimientos e instrucciones necesarios, logrando la estandarización de las herramientas a usar y los artefactos a cumplir en cada etapa del ciclo de vida del software, permitiendo de una forma rápida y organizada el cumplimiento de los requisitos del cliente. Se emplean técnicas y herramientas como conformación del grupo de expertos, tormenta de ideas, lista de chequeo, diagrama causa efecto, revisión de documentos, diagrama de flujo y gráficos de barra tanto para la obtención de información como para facilitar el análisis de los resultados arrojados. El procedimiento contribuye a elevar el por ciento de satisfacción de los clientes involucrando a todo el personal del área productiva.

  19. Hydrocarbon-based solution for drilling and damping wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orlov, G A; Davydova, A I; Dobroskok, B Ye; Kendis, M Sh; Salimov, M Kh; Zvagil' skiy, G Ye


    The proportions are, %: oil product 23-74.4; emulsifier 0.5-1.2; monoethanolamine 0.1-0.2 and the rest mineral water. The solution is prepared as follows: the oil product (a mixture of Romashkinskiy oilfield oil and bituminous distillate 1:1) is mixed with emulsifier (85%) and stabilizer (15%). Mineral water is gradually added to a density of 1.18 g/cm/sup 3/. Mixing stops upon reaching the desired value of breakdown voltage, characterizing a stable solution. This solution has a higher overall stability (electrostability 1.8-3.1 times higher) than the usual solution. Also it has higher structural mechanical properties at lesser viscosity. The solution remains rather stable even when clay powder is added at 700 g/1 added at temperatures up to 95/sup 0/. It breaks down at a clay powder content of 350 g/1 and a temperature of 70/sup 0/. The solution can be used for opening layers and damping wells, having 95/sup 0/ temperatures. It is useful for drilling horizons with unstable rock. The solution currently used is used for wells having 60/sup 0/ temperatures and for horizons that do not have unstable rock. Due to cheaper additives, the solution is 6.2 times cheaper per lm/sup 3/ than the one being used currently.

  20. Desarrollo práctico del proceso de captura y tratamiento digital en 3D de imágenes para ser utilizadas en impresión 3D y aplicaciones de animación y realidad aumentada


    Soler Abelló, Joan


    El desarrollo práctico que se quiere elaborar tiene como objetivo describir paso a paso el proceso de captura o adquisición de datos de formas reales con cámaras capaces de obtener información 3D. Una vez realizada la captura, se deberá proceder a su tratamiento digital en 3D para posteriormente ser utilizadas en aplicaciones de realidad aumentada, animación e impresión 3D. The practical development that it is wanted to develop is to describe step by step the process for data capture or ac...

  1. Ensayos toxicológicos y métodos de evaluación de calidad de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ensayos toxicológicos y métodos de evaluación de calidad de aguas: Estandarización, intercalibración, resultados y aplicaciones ... Le CRDI investit dans des solutions locales aux problèmes auxquels l'Inde est confrontée, comme le stress thermique, la gestion de l'eau et les migrations liées aux changements climatiques ...

  2. Recoil halogen reactions in liquid and frozen aqueous solutions of biomolecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arsenault, L.J.; Blotcky, A.J.; Firouzbakht, M.L.; Rack, E.P.; Nebraska Univ., Omaha


    Reactions of recoil 38 Cl, 80 Br and 128 I have been studied in crystalline systems of 5-halouracil, 5-halo-2'-deoxyuridine and 5-halouridine as well as liquid and frozen aqueous solutions of these halogenated biomolecules. In all systems expect crystalline 5-iuodouracil the major product was the radio-labelled halide ion. There was no evidence for other halogen inorganic species. The major labelled organic product was the parent molecule. A recoil atom tracer technique was developed to acquire site information of the biomolecule solutes in the liquid and frozen aqueous systems. For all liquid and frozen aqueous systems, the halogenated biomolecules tended to aggregate. For liquid systems, the tendency for aggregation diminished as the solute concentration approached zero, where the probable state of the solute approached a monomolecular dispersion. Unlike the liquid state, the frozen ice lattice demonstated a ''caging effect'' for the solute aggregates which resulted in constant product yields over the whole concentration range. (orig.)

  3. Effects of addition glycerol co-product of biodiesel in the thermophysical properties of water-glycerol solution applied as secondary coolant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medeiros, Pedro Samuel Gomes; Barbosa, Cleiton Rubens Formiga; Fontes, Francisco de Assis Oliveira [Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN (Brazil). Energy Laboratory. Thermal Systems Studies Group], e-mail:


    This paper evaluates the effects of glycerol concentration on thermophysical properties of water-glycerol solution applied as a secondary coolant in refrigeration systems by expansion-indirect. The processing of triglycerides for biodiesel production generates glycerol as co-product and there are concerns of environmental and economic order on the surplus of glycerol. The addition of glycerol in water alters the colligative and thermophysical properties (melting point, mass, specific heat, thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity). There are studies that prove the feasibility of using glycerol as an additive and this paper has the goal to verify the changes on properties compared with pure water. This comparison was made from data obtained by the software simulation and they analyzed using graphs and tables. It was shown that glycerol increases the density and dynamic viscosity, and reduces the specific heat and thermal conductivity. This behavior of water-glycerol solution is proportional to the mass concentration of glycerol and it is justified because the glycerol has low values of specific heat, thermal conductivity and high viscosity when compared with water. Despite the losses in the thermophysical properties, glycerol shows its potential application, because of the cryoscopic effect and it is a non-toxic substance at low cost. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. V. Sergienko


    Full Text Available The article deals with a problem of functional products creation for consumers feeling need in proteins, irreplaceable amino acids, vitamins, mineral substances, food fibers, polynonsaturated fat acids. One of the possible ways to improve human nutrition is using non-traditional cultures for bread making technology containing significant amounts of fibrous substances, easily digestible protein, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals. Taking into account the Nutrition Science requirements an expediency of the most full functional ingredients complex entering into bakery products prescription structure is proved. Replacement of the first grade wheat flour by the offered prescription composition allows to slow down a bread aging, to increase periods of products storage and to improve their physical and chemical indicators on the specific volume and porosity. The bakery products "Svyatogor" at the use of 100 g of a product allow to cover daily need in protein for 38,9%, in carbohydrates – for 3,4%, fat – for 9,2%. The power value of "Svyatogor" is 897 kJ, in control 959. Biological value, % 82,7 against 53,1 in control. Thanks to it the digestibility of bread protein (in vitro method of “Svyatogor” is higher. Thanks to unique properties of the compounding components “Svyatogor” gets functional properties by full-fledged protein increasing and its best comprehensibility (in vitro, advanced structure according to the content of vitamins, mineral substances, their balanced structure and can be recommended for mass consumption and prevention of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, anemia, for children food, pregnant women and the feeding women.

  5. The univocal identification and safe dispensation of medicinal products across Europe – challenges and solution proposal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stroetmann, Karl A.


    Full Text Available Problem: The Smart Open Services for European Patients (epSOS the exchange of electronic Patient Summaries and ePrescriptions between selected member states of the European Union (EU. This project basically solved the ‘communication’ or message transfer problem. However, it encountered a serious ‘delivery’ problem: the safe dispensation of a medicinal product noted in a prescription from a given country by a retail pharmacist in another country. The reason for this was that the specified medicine could in many instances not univocally be identified – the same name may identify a product with a different active ingredient, or the product with identical composition may carry a different name in the other country. If the prescribed medicine had not been authorised for marketing in the other country, information on its attributes may not be available. This rendered dispensation by the pharmacist impossible, even where substitution would, in principle, be allowed and possible.Objectives: This paper reports on the goal, activities and achievements of the openMedicine project towards development of a digital solution and its implementation to meet this identification and the resulting delivery challenge. European-wide and cross-Atlantic endeavours to enhance pharmacovigilance by being able to match adverse event reports filed under different drug names which provide, however, for the same active ingredient(s were developed upon. And the need for and benefits of being able to trace for clinical purposes, e.g. the longer-term treatment with the same active ingredient, even when the name of the prescribed medicine changed several times, were explored.Methodological approach: The openMedicine project was funded by the European Commission (EC on behalf of member states to analyse this European-wide problem. Work benefitted from the epSOS project and work by the European Medicines Agency (EMA, the USA Federal Drug Agency (FDA, and standard

  6. Sustainable manufacturing challenges, solutions and implementation perspectives

    CERN Document Server

    Seliger, Günther; Bonvoisin, Jérémy


    Sustainability imposes an unprecedented challenge on society and has become the driving force of an urgent search for innovative solutions in all branches of economy. Manufacturing plays a key role in many areas of human living, and it is both part of the problem and of the solution. This book offers an overview of the broad field of research on sustainability in manufacturing with a particular focus on manufacturing technology and management. It summarizes the current challenges, describes best in class methods for development of sustainable manufacturing solutions and offers implementation perspectives. This volume covers areas of research such as production processes, product development, business model and corporate development, macro economy and education. The target audience primarily comprises research experts and practitioners in the field of manufacturing, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students. .

  7. Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. (United States)

    Au, Marco M C; Goff, H Douglas; Kisch, Julie A; Coulson, Alex; Wright, Amanda J


    Soy-soluble polysaccharides and flaxseed gum are underutilized dietary fibers of interest to the food industry. However, because the ability of soluble fibers to modulate postprandial glucose and insulin metabolism has been related to their viscous effects, the utility of these and other low-viscosity soluble fibers remains unproven. The objective of this study was to examine the associations between soy-soluble polysaccharides and flaxseed gum concentration, product viscosity, and the postprandial glycemic and insulinemic responses in the context of glucose solutions as well as fluid and gelled dairy products. Twelve healthy males participated in a randomized crossover postprandial study in which they visited the laboratory following overnight fasts on 11 occasions to consume one of 11 study treatments, each consisting of 50 g available carbohydrates. The study treatments included a glucose reference (in duplicate), glucose solutions containing soy-soluble polysaccharides (6%), flaxseed gum (0.7%), or guar gum (0.23%), all matched for an apparent viscosity of 61 mPa·s at 50 s⁻¹, as well as dairy-based beverages and puddings with 0% or 1% soluble fiber added. Blood samples were collected at fasting and up to 2 hours postprandially for determination of glucose and insulin concentrations. Area under the curve (AUC), peak concentration, and time-to-peak values as well as glycemic index (GI) and insulinemic index (II) were calculated. Fiber fortification of a 50 g glucose solution had no effect on postprandial blood glucose or insulin levels, even at a high concentration (i.e., 6% soy-soluble polysaccharides). Glucose AUC and GI values for the dairy-based beverage (p glucose reference. Glucose AUC and GI values for the soy-soluble polysaccharide-fortified dairy products (p glucose reference. No significant differences were observed between the fiber-fortified fluid and gelled dairy-based study treatments and no significant differences were observed in terms of the


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Fernando Restrepo


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a power system for fuel cell applications able to transfer energy from the power source to the load, and to charge an auxiliary storage device using regenerative power flows generated by the load. The solution is based on a closed loop bidirectional DC/DC converter, where additional devices have been also designed to experimentally test the solution in a safe and realistic environment: a fuel cell emulator and an electronic load.Este artículo propone un sistema de potencia para aplicaciones de pilas de combustible capaz de transferir energía de la fuente de potencia a la carga y de cargar un sistema de almacenamiento con flujos regenerativos de potencia desde la carga. La solución está basada en un convertidor bidireccional DC/DC en lazo cerrado. Además, se presentan dispositivos auxiliares diseñados para evaluar experimentalmente la solución en un entorno seguro y realista: un emulador de pila de combustible y una carga electrónica.Este artigo propõe um sistema de potência para aplicações de pilhas de combustível capaz de transferir energia da fonte de potência à carga e de carregar um sistema de armazenamento com fluxos regenerativos de potência desde a carga. A solução está baseada em um conversor bidirecional DC/DC em laço fechado. Ademais, apresentam-se dispositivos auxiliares desenhados para avaliar experimentalmente a solução em um meio seguro e realista: um emulador de pilha de combustível e uma carga eletrônica.

  9. 21 CFR 524.1982 - Proparacaine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Proparacaine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution... SERVICES (CONTINUED) ANIMAL DRUGS, FEEDS, AND RELATED PRODUCTS OPHTHALMIC AND TOPICAL DOSAGE FORM NEW ANIMAL DRUGS § 524.1982 Proparacaine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution. (a) Specifications. The drug is...

  10. Total Logistic Plant Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dusan Dorcak


    Full Text Available The Total Logistics Plant Solutions, plant logistics system - TLPS, based on the philosophy of advanced control processes enables complex coordination of business processes and flows and the management and scheduling of production in the appropriate production plans and planning periods. Main attributes of TLPS is to create a comprehensive, multi-level, enterprise logistics information system, with a certain degree of intelligence, which accepts the latest science and research results in the field of production technology and logistics. Logistic model of company understands as a system of mutually transforming flows of materials, energy, information, finance, which is realized by chain activities and operations

  11. High-Yield and Sustainable Production of Phosphatidylserine in Purely Aqueous Solutions via Adsorption of Phosphatidylcholine on Triton-X-100-Modified Silica. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiaoli; Li, Binglin; Wang, Jiao; Li, Huanyu; Zhao, Binxia


    Triton X-100 was covalently bound to a surface of silica and acted as an anchor molecule to facilitate the adsorption of phosphatidylcholine (PC) in a purely aqueous solution. The silica-adsorbed PC obtained was successfully used for phospholipase D (PLD)-mediated transphosphatidylation in the production of phosphatidylserine (PS). Organic solvents were completely avoided in the whole production process. The PC loading and PS yield reached 98.9 and 99.0%, respectively. Two adsorption models were studied, and the relevant parameters were calculated to help us understand the adsorption and reaction processes deeply. In addition, the silica-adsorbed PC provides a promising way to continuously biosynthesize PS. A packed-bed reactor was employed to demonstrate the process flow of the continuous production of PS. The recyclability and stability of the Triton-X-100-modified silica were excellent, as demonstrated by its use 30 times during continuous operation without any loss of the productivity.

  12. Aluminium and nickel in human albumin solutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelgaard, Bente; Sandberg, E


    Five different brands of commercially available human albumin solutions for infusion were analysed for their aluminium and nickel contents by atomic absorption spectrometry. The aluminium concentrations ranged from 12 micrograms/l to 1109 micrograms/l and the nickel concentrations ranged from 17...... micrograms/l to 77 micrograms/l. Examination of the aluminium and nickel contents of the constituents for the production of one brand showed too low levels to explain the final contamination of the product. By following the aluminium and nickel concentrations of the same brand during the production...... of a batch of albumin solution, filtration was shown to contribute to contamination, although the largest increase in aluminium as well as nickel concentrations appeared during the bulk concentrating process. To avoid health risks to certain patients, regulations should be established requiring aluminium...

  13. Fundamentos y aplicaciones del diseño de casos cruzados Case-crossover design: Basic essentials and applications

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    Eduardo Carracedo-Martínez


    Full Text Available El diseño de casos cruzados es un diseño epidemiológico observacional propuesto por Maclure en 1991 para valorar si alguna exposición intermitente o inusual ha desencadenado un evento agudo a muy corto plazo. En este trabajo se presentan los fundamentos de los diseños de casos cruzados, con sus aplicaciones y limitaciones. El diseño de casos cruzados se basa en seleccionar sólo sujetos caso. Para calcular el riesgo relativo se compara la exposición durante el periodo de tiempo previo al evento (periodo caso con la exposición del mismo sujeto en uno o varios periodos control. Este método únicamente es adecuado cuando las exposiciones son cambiantes en el tiempo, con efectos a corto plazo, y el efecto es agudo. Para exposiciones en que no existe tendencia, el planteamiento unidireccional es el más frecuente, y consiste en seleccionar uno o varios periodos control previos al momento caso. Cuando la exposición tiene una tendencia temporal (por ejemplo las de contaminación atmosférica, el planteamiento unidireccional proporciona estimaciones sesgadas, por lo que se utilizan diseños de casos cruzados bidireccionales, que seleccionan periodos de tiempo control anteriores y posteriores al del evento. Es un método que cuenta con una creciente utilización en amplios campos: desencadenantes de accidentes de tráfico, laborales y domésticos, o de infarto agudo de miocardio, contaminación atmosférica y salud, farmacoepidemiología, etc. Para el análisis de datos, generalmente se pueden considerar los diseños de casos cruzados como estudios de casos y controles emparejados, por lo que se aplica regresión logística condicional. Finalmente, en este trabajo se analizan ejemplos prácticos de diferentes aplicaciones del diseño de casos cruzados.Case-crossover analysis is an observational epidemiological design that was proposed by Maclure in 1991 to assess whether a given intermittent or unusual exposure may have triggered an immediate

  14. Bioinfo_eXtrema : un enfoque bioinformático para integrar información ambiental, bioquímica y genómica, enfocado en bioprospección y selección de consorcios de microorganismos con aplicaciones en biorremediación

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    Fabián Capdevielle


    Full Text Available La identificación de componentes funcionales clave para diversos bioprocesos de interés industrial ha permitido seleccionar aislamientosadaptados a condiciones ambientales extremas en tres especies de hongos del género Penicillium. Dichos aislamientos fueron evaluados in vitro para caracterizar su potencial como componentes de un consorcio microbiano aplicable en biorremediación de efluentes industriales que contienen residuos lignocelulósicos. Los resultados de la anotación de secuencias genómicas disponibles para una de las especies identificadas apuntan a la existencia de genes con alta similaridad respecto a los existentes en diversos hongos considerados como referencia en materia dedegradación de lignina en ambientes naturales. Las anotaciones funcionales propuestas a partir de secuencias accesibles –identificadasa través de la base de datos Fungal Oxidative Lignin Enzymes– podrían contrastarse con los resultados experimentales para cepas creciendo en diferentes medios con lignina, representando ambientes industriales extremos. Mediante este trabajo se propone el ensamblado de Bioinfo_eXtrema como parte de un enfoque bioinformático centrado en la selección de consorcios de extremófilos para aplicaciones en biotecnología industrial, combinando diversas técnicas de minería de datos –integradas a través del Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis– para facilitar la integración de información molecular disponible e indicadores funcionales relevantes para aplicaciones en biorremediación.

  15. Multipermutation Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gateva-Ivanova, Tatiana; Cameron, Peter


    Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation form a meeting-ground of mathematical physics, algebra and combinatorics. Such a solution consists of a set X and a function r : X x X → X x X which satisfies the braid relation. We examine solutions here mainly from the point of view of finite permutation groups: a solution gives rise to a map from X to the symmetric group Sym(X) on X satisfying certain conditions. Our results include many new constructions based on strong twisted union and wreath product, with an investigation of retracts and the multipermutation level and the solvable length of the groups defined by the solutions; and new results about decompositions and factorisations of the groups defined by invariant subsets of the solution. (author)

  16. Standard test method for gamma energy emission from fission products in uranium hexafluoride and uranyl nitrate solution

    CERN Document Server

    American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia


    1.1 This test method covers the measurement of gamma energy emitted from fission products in uranium hexafluoride (UF6) and uranyl nitrate solution. It is intended to provide a method for demonstrating compliance with UF6 specifications C 787 and C 996 and uranyl nitrate specification C 788. 1.2 The lower limit of detection is 5000 MeV Bq/kg (MeV/kg per second) of uranium and is the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual reporting limits of the nuclides to be measured. The limit of detection was determined on a pure, aged natural uranium (ANU) solution. The value is dependent upon detector efficiency and background. 1.3 The nuclides to be measured are106Ru/ 106Rh, 103Ru,137Cs, 144Ce, 144Pr, 141Ce, 95Zr, 95Nb, and 125Sb. Other gamma energy-emitting fission nuclides present in the spectrum at detectable levels should be identified and quantified as required by the data quality objectives. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its us...

  17. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite “Elaeis Guineensis” e hibrido O x G

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    Iván Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo


    Full Text Available La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limitaciones asociadas a las prácticas agrícolas convencionales: una, relacionada con el trazado de una plantación; y otra referida al manejo de plagas y enfermedades./ Precision agriculture is based on the recognition of the spatial and temporal variability of weather, soils and crops. Thus, its importance lies in providing a specific agricultural management that takes into account these differences. This article describes the vision and concepts developed for precision farming of oil palm in Colombia. In particular, there are two applications that address the limitations associated with conventional farming practices: one is connected to plantation layouts, and the other to pest and disease management.

  18. 21 CFR 524.390b - Chloramphenicol ophthalmic solution. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Chloramphenicol ophthalmic solution. 524.390b... (CONTINUED) ANIMAL DRUGS, FEEDS, AND RELATED PRODUCTS OPHTHALMIC AND TOPICAL DOSAGE FORM NEW ANIMAL DRUGS § 524.390b Chloramphenicol ophthalmic solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter contains 5...

  19. The photovoltaic services network: A renewable energy partnership

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plate, Peggy [Western Area Power Administration, (United states); Stokes, Kirk [NEOS Corporation, (United states)


    The Photovoltaic Services Network (PSN) is an independent organization of electric utilities established to support utility members in the use of photovoltaic (PV) power for off-grid applications. The PSN is focused on ensuring that cost-competitive, utility-grade, packaged PV products are available for various off-grid applications, such as livestock water pumping, remote residences, lighting, and cathodic protection among others. The primary objectives of the PSN are: 1) To provide education, training, and installation support as required by member utilities. 2) To establish a forum for member utilities to exchange ideas on PV program implementation and marketing strategies. 3) To create standardized system specifications for a variety of PV applications. 4) To coordinate PV product purchases for appropriate applications. 5) To identify and acquire additional funding (both publics and private) for product development and testing. 6) To pursue alliances with other organizations interested in PV. [Espanol] La Red de Servicios Fotovoltaicos (PSN) es una organizacion independiente de empresas electricas establecida para apoyar a las empresas miembro en el uso de la energia fotovoltaica en aplicaciones fuera de la red. La PSN se enfoca en garantizar que la competitividad en costo, calidad de empresa electrica de los paquetes de productos fotovoltaicos esten disponibles para varias aplicaciones fuera de la red, tales como el bombeo de agua para el ganado, residencias remotas, iluminacion y proteccion catodica entre otras. Los principales objetivos del PSN son: 1. Proporcionar educacion, entrenamiento, y apoyo en la instalacion requerida por las empresas miembro. 2. Establecer un forum de empresas miembro para intercambiar ideas sobre la puesta en practica del programa fotovoltaico y sobre la estrategias de comercializacion. 3. Crear un sistema de especificaciones estandarizadas para una variedad de aplicaciones de la energia fotovoltaica. 4. Coordinar la compra de

  20. The photovoltaic services network: A renewable energy partnership

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plate, Peggy [Western Area Power Administration, (United states); Stokes, Kirk [NEOS Corporation, (United states)


    The Photovoltaic Services Network (PSN) is an independent organization of electric utilities established to support utility members in the use of photovoltaic (PV) power for off-grid applications. The PSN is focused on ensuring that cost-competitive, utility-grade, packaged PV products are available for various off-grid applications, such as livestock water pumping, remote residences, lighting, and cathodic protection among others. The primary objectives of the PSN are: 1) To provide education, training, and installation support as required by member utilities. 2) To establish a forum for member utilities to exchange ideas on PV program implementation and marketing strategies. 3) To create standardized system specifications for a variety of PV applications. 4) To coordinate PV product purchases for appropriate applications. 5) To identify and acquire additional funding (both publics and private) for product development and testing. 6) To pursue alliances with other organizations interested in PV. [Espanol] La Red de Servicios Fotovoltaicos (PSN) es una organizacion independiente de empresas electricas establecida para apoyar a las empresas miembro en el uso de la energia fotovoltaica en aplicaciones fuera de la red. La PSN se enfoca en garantizar que la competitividad en costo, calidad de empresa electrica de los paquetes de productos fotovoltaicos esten disponibles para varias aplicaciones fuera de la red, tales como el bombeo de agua para el ganado, residencias remotas, iluminacion y proteccion catodica entre otras. Los principales objetivos del PSN son: 1. Proporcionar educacion, entrenamiento, y apoyo en la instalacion requerida por las empresas miembro. 2. Establecer un forum de empresas miembro para intercambiar ideas sobre la puesta en practica del programa fotovoltaico y sobre la estrategias de comercializacion. 3. Crear un sistema de especificaciones estandarizadas para una variedad de aplicaciones de la energia fotovoltaica. 4. Coordinar la compra de

  1. Processing recommendations for using low-solids digestate as nutrient solution for poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate production with Synechocystis salina. (United States)

    Meixner, K; Fritz, I; Daffert, C; Markl, K; Fuchs, W; Drosg, B


    Within the last decades, environmental pollution with persistent plastics steadily increased; therefore the production of biodegradable materials like poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is essential. Currently, PHB is produced with heterotrophic bacteria from crops. This leads to competition with food and feed production, which can be avoided by using photoautotrophic cyanobacteria, as Synechocystis salina, synthesizing PHB from CO 2 at nutrient limitation. This study aims to increase the economic efficiency of PHB production with cyanobacteria by using nutrients from anaerobic digestate. First, growth and PHB production of S. salina in digestate fractions (supernatant and permeate, with/without precipitating agents) and dilutions thereof and then the scale-up (photobioreactor, 200 L working volume) were evaluated. With precipitated and centrifuged digestate diluted 1/3 the highest biomass (1.55gL -1 ) and PHB concentrations (95.4mgL -1 ), being 78% of those in mineral media, were achieved. In the photobioreactor-experiments biomass (1.63gL -1 ) and PHB concentrations (88.7mgL -1 ), being 79% and 72% of those in mineral medium, were reached, but in a cultivation time 10days longer than in mineral medium. The possibility to use digestate as sustainable and low cost nutrient solution for microalgae cultivation and photoautotrophic PHB production, instead of applying it on fields or processing it to achieve discharge limits, makes this application a highly valid option. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Copper-Sulfate Pentahydrate as a Product of the Waste Sulfuric Acid Solution Treatment


    Marković, Radmila; Stevanović, Jasmina; Avramović, Ljiljana; Nedeljković, Dragutin; Jugović, Branimir; Stajić Trošić, Jasna; Gvozdenović, Milica M.


    The aim of this study is synthesis of copper-sulfate pentahydrate from the waste sulfuric acid solution-mother liquor generated during the regeneration process of copper bleed solution. Copper is removed from the mother liquor solution in the process of the electrolytic treatment using the insoluble lead anodes alloyed with 6 mass pct of antimony on the industrial-scale equipment. As the result of the decopperization process, copper is removed in the form of the cathode sludge and is precipit...

  3. Production of ultrafine zinc powder from wastes containing zinc by electrowinning in alkaline solution

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    Zhao Youcai


    Full Text Available Production of ultrafine zinc powder from industrial wastes by electrowinning in alkaline solution was studied. Stainless steel and magnesium electrodes were used as anode and cathode, respectively. Morphology, size distribution and composition of the Zn particles were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy, Laser Particle Size Analyzer, and Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer. The required composition of the electrolyte for ultrafine particles was found to be 25-35 g/L Zn, 200-220 g/L NaOH and 20-40 mg/L Pb. The optimal conditions were a current density of 1000-1200 A/m² and an electrolyte temperature of 30-40 °C. The results indicated that the lead additive exerted a beneficial effect on the refining of the particles, by increasing the cathodic polarization. Through this study, ultrafine zinc powder with a size distribution of around 10 μm could be produced, and considerably high current efficiencies (97-99 % were obtained.

  4. Climatic Drivers for Multi-Decadal Shifts in Solute Transport and Methane Production Zones within a Large Peat Basin (United States)

    Glaser, Paul H.; Siegel, Donald I.; Chanton, Jeffrey P.; Reeve, Andrew S.; Rosenberry, Donald O.; Corbett, J. Elizabeth; Dasgupta, Soumitri; Levy, Zeno


    Northern peatlands are an important source for greenhouse gases but their capacity to produce methane remains uncertain under changing climatic conditions. We therefore analyzed a 43-year time series of pore-water chemistry to determine if long-term shifts in precipitation altered the vertical transport of solutes within a large peat basin in northern Minnesota. These data suggest that rates of methane production can be finely tuned to multi-decadal shifts in precipitation that drive the vertical penetration of labile carbon substrates within the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands. Tritium and cation profiles demonstrate that only the upper meter of these peat deposits was flushed by downwardly moving recharge from 1965 through 1983 during a Transitional Dry-to-Moist Period. However, a shift to a moister climate after 1984 drove surface waters much deeper, largely flushing the pore waters of all bogs and fens to depths of 2 m. Labile carbon compounds were transported downward from the rhizosphere to the basal peat at this time producing a substantial enrichment of methane in Delta C-14 with respect to the solid-phase peat from 1991 to 2008. These data indicate that labile carbon substrates can fuel deep production zones of methanogenesis that more than doubled in thickness across this large peat basin after 1984. Moreover, the entire peat profile apparently has the capacity to produce methane from labile carbon substrates depending on climate-driven modes of solute transport. Future changes in precipitation may therefore play a central role in determining the source strength of peatlands in the global methane cycle.


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    Full Text Available Recruitment is critical for the maintenance of plant populations and community diversity, but sexual regeneration is considered to be infrequent in climatically harsh habitats such as sub alpine grasslands. For this reasons it is very important to improve the grassland. In this paper we study the interaction among milk production, fertilizations and flower composition in sub alpine grasslands. The agrochemical indicators are important because they influence the pasture value and at the final the milk production.

  6. Classes of exact Einstein Maxwell solutions (United States)

    Komathiraj, K.; Maharaj, S. D.


    We find new classes of exact solutions to the Einstein Maxwell system of equations for a charged sphere with a particular choice of the electric field intensity and one of the gravitational potentials. The condition of pressure isotropy is reduced to a linear, second order differential equation which can be solved in general. Consequently we can find exact solutions to the Einstein Maxwell field equations corresponding to a static spherically symmetric gravitational potential in terms of hypergeometric functions. It is possible to find exact solutions which can be written explicitly in terms of elementary functions, namely polynomials and product of polynomials and algebraic functions. Uncharged solutions are regainable with our choice of electric field intensity; in particular we generate the Einstein universe for particular parameter values.

  7. Positive Solutions for Coupled Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations

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    Wenning Liu


    Full Text Available We consider the existence of positive solutions for a coupled system of nonlinear fractional differential equations with integral boundary values. Assume the nonlinear term is superlinear in one equation and sublinear in the other equation. By constructing two cones K1, K2 and computing the fixed point index in product cone K1×K2, we obtain that the system has a pair of positive solutions. It is remarkable that it is established on the Cartesian product of two cones, in which the feature of two equations can be opposite.

  8. Determination of microamounts of uranium in waste solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birringer, K.J.; Netzer, S.; Kuhn, E.; Groll, P.


    A method for the determination of microamounts of uranium in presence of high amounts of fission and corrosion products is described. Uranium is separated by reversed-phase chromatography on a small column, packed with Voltalef micro and impregnated with TOPO. For the direct photometric determination uranium is eluted by TAM dissolved in ethanol/pyridine. The efficiency of the separation, using a suitable scrub-solution, was tested with solutions of simulated inactive fission and corrosion products. The reproducibility of the method, with 24 μg of uranium, is +- 2,5%. (orig.) [de

  9. Electrodialysis operation with buffer solution (United States)

    Hryn, John N [Naperville, IL; Daniels, Edward J [Orland Park, IL; Krumdick, Greg K [Crete, IL


    A new method for improving the efficiency of electrodialysis (ED) cells and stacks, in particular those used in chemical synthesis. The process entails adding a buffer solution to the stack for subsequent depletion in the stack during electrolysis. The buffer solution is regenerated continuously after depletion. This buffer process serves to control the hydrogen ion or hydroxide ion concentration so as to protect the active sites of electrodialysis membranes. The process enables electrodialysis processing options for products that are sensitive to pH changes.

  10. Productive and Re-Productive Thinking in Solving Insight Problems (United States)

    Cunningham, J. Barton; MacGregor, James N.


    Many innovations in organizations result when people discover insightful solutions to problems. Insightful problem-solving was considered by Gestalt psychologists to be associated with productive, as opposed to re-productive, thinking. Productive thinking is characterized by shifts in perspective which allow the problem solver to consider new,…

  11. 21 CFR 524.1044a - Gentamicin ophthalmic solution. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Gentamicin ophthalmic solution. 524.1044a Section... (CONTINUED) ANIMAL DRUGS, FEEDS, AND RELATED PRODUCTS OPHTHALMIC AND TOPICAL DOSAGE FORM NEW ANIMAL DRUGS § 524.1044a Gentamicin ophthalmic solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous...

  12. Application of a novel enzymatic pretreatment using crude hydrolytic extracellular enzyme solution to microalgal biomass for dark fermentative hydrogen production. (United States)

    Yun, Yeo-Myeong; Kim, Dong-Hoon; Oh, You-Kwan; Shin, Hang-Sik; Jung, Kyung-Won


    In this study, a novel enzymatic pretreatment of Chlorella vulgaris for dark fermentative hydrogen production (DFHP) was performed using crude hydrolytic extracellular enzyme solution (CHEES) extracted from the H2 fermented effluent of food waste. It was found that the enzyme extracted at 52 h had the highest hydrolysis efficiency of microalgal biomass, resulting in the highest H2 yield of 43.1 mL H2/g dry cell weight along with shorter lag periods. Even though a high amount of VFAs was accumulated in CHEES, especially butyrate, the fermentative bacteria on the DFHP was not affected from product inhibition. It also appears that the presence of organic acids, especially lactate and acetate, contained in the CHEES facilitated enhancement of H2 production acted as a co-substrate. Therefore, all of the experimental results suggest that the enhancement of DFHP performance caused by CHEES has a dual role as the hydrolysis enhancer and the co-substrate supplier. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Vanadium determination in raw materials and products of aluminium production using pulse polarography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grigor'eva, M.F.; Bal'de, I.; Markovich, I.A.


    Possibility of using differential pulse polarography (DPP) for determination of vanadium in raw materials and products of aluminium production was studied. Ammonium-cheoride buffer solution with pH 9-10, aqueous solution of mixture of sodium carbonate and borax (1:3) and rhodanide-acefic acid solutions (1:1) were tested as a background. Current-voltage curves of vanadium reduction were plotted and peak potentials on DPP were determined against the background of chosen electrolytes. Effect of parameters, providing the maximal height of DPP peak, on the height of measured signal, was studied. Rhodanide background was chosen for polarographic determination of vanadium, because the detection limit of vanadium was the lowest against this background. Pulse polarography enafles to determine vanadium in products of aluminium production in amounts from 1x10 -4 to 0.01 % and more

  14. Uso de Plataformas para el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Virtuales en el Modelado de Robot Manipuladores

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    Róger E. Sánchez-Alonso


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se propone el uso de plataformas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones virtuales como herramientas para el modelado de robots manipuladores. La propuesta se basa en aprovechar el gran potencial que actualmente tienen estas plataformas para solucionar la dinámica de cuerpos rígidos, lo que permite modelar de forma sencilla los aspectos mecánicos del manipulador. Por otro lado, la posibilidad ofrecida por estas plataformas de incorporar código de programación en lenguajes convencionales, permite modelar el comportamiento dinámico de sistemas físicos reales, tales como sensores y actuadores, lo que hace posible la implementación de una etapa virtual de instrumentación y control tal y como se realiza en un robot real. El uso de estas plataformas permite modelar desde cero cualquier robot manipulador. El modelado de un robot paralelo reconfigurable es presentado como caso de estudio. Abstract: This paper describes the use of platforms for the development of virtual applications as tools for modeling of robot manipulators. The proposal is based on take advantage of the potential that these platforms currently have for solving the rigid body dynamics, which easily allows modeling the mechanical aspects of the manipulator. On the other hand, the possibility offered by these platforms of incorporate programming code in conventional languages allows to modeling the dynamic behavior of real physical systems, such as sensors and actuators, which allows implementing the development of the instrumentation and control stage of an industrial robot in the same way as a real one. Using these platforms allows the modeling from the bases of any manipulator robot. The modeling of a reconfigurable parallel robot is presented as a case study. Palabras clave: Modelado, Robots manipuladores, Realidad virtual, Sistemas dinámicos, Keywords: Modeling, Manipulator Robots, Virtual reality, Dynamic systems

  15. Spinning of Fibers from Aqueous Solutions (United States)


    recombinant silk product BioSteel . Publications, patents and presentations 1. Arcidiacono, S., et al., Purification and characterization of recombinant...ABSTRACT Previous funding supporting this research focused primarily on development of the aqueous-based method for processing silk into spin solutions. Much...of this effort consisted of production of recombinant silk protein in bacterial and yeast expression systems. In spite of the small quantities

  16. Photosynthesis solutions to enhance productivity. (United States)

    Foyer, Christine H; Ruban, Alexander V; Nixon, Peter J


    The concept that photosynthesis is a highly inefficient process in terms of conversion of light energy into biomass is embedded in the literature. It is only in the past decade that the processes limiting photosynthetic efficiency have been understood to an extent that allows a step change in our ability to manipulate light energy assimilation into carbon gain. We can therefore envisage that future increases in the grain yield potential of our major crops may depend largely on increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis. The papers in this issue provide new insights into the nature of current limitations on photosynthesis and identify new targets that can be used for crop improvement, together with information on the impacts of a changing environment on the productivity of photosynthesis on land and in our oceans.This article is part of the themed issue 'Enhancing photosynthesis in crop plants: targets for improvement'. © 2017 The Author(s).

  17. Analytic solutions of nonlinear Cournot duopoly game

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akio Matsumoto


    Full Text Available We construct a Cournot duopoly model with production externality in which reaction functions are unimodal. We consider the case of a Cournot model which has a stable equilibrium point. Then we show the existence of analytic solutions of the model. Moreover, we seek general solutions of the model in the form of nonlinear second-order difference equation.

  18. Catalyzed reduction of nitrate in aqueous solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haas, P.A.


    Sodium nitrate and other nitrate salts in wastes is a major source of difficulty for permanent disposal. Reduction of nitrate using aluminum metal has been demonstrated, but NH 3 , hydrazine, or organic compounds containing oxygen would be advantageous for reduction of nitrate in sodium nitrate solutions. Objective of this seed money study was to determine minimum conditions for reduction. Proposed procedure was batchwise heating of aqueous solutions in closed vessels with monitoring of temperatures and pressures. A simple, convenient apparatus and procedure were demonstrated for observing formation of gaseous products and collecting samples for analyses. The test conditions were 250 degree C and 1000 psi max. Any useful reduction of sodium nitrate to sodium hydroxide as the primary product was not found. The nitrate present at pHs 3 or NH 4 NO 3 is easily decomposed, and the effect of nitromethane at these low pHs was confirmed. When acetic acid or formic acid was added, 21 to 56% of the nitrate in sodium nitrate solutions was reduced by methanol or formaldehyde. With hydrazine and acetic acid, 73 % of the nitrate was decomposed to convert NaNO 3 to sodium acetate. With hydrazine and formic acid, 36% of the nitrate was decomposed. If these products are more acceptable for final disposal than sodium nitrate, the reagents are cheap and the conversion conditions would be practical for easy use. Ammonium acetate or formate salts did not significantly reduce nitrate in sodium nitrate solutions

  19. Corrosion of porous silicon in tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai, Chuan; Li, Xue-Ming; Zou, Li-Ke; Chen, Qiang; Xie, Bin; Li, Yu-Lian; Li, Xiao-Lin; Tao, Zhi


    Highlights: • The corrosion of porous silicon in (CH 3 ) 4 NOH solution was studied. • The residue of corrosion products was a mixture of [(CH 3 ) 4 N] 2 SiO 3 and SiO 2 . • The effect factors for porous silicon corrosion were elaborately investigated. • The additive of ethanol in (CH 3 ) 4 NOH solution could reduce the corrosion rate. • The 1.0 M (CH 3 ) 4 NOH could act as an applicable and novel corrosion solution. - Abstract: Corrosion of porous silicon in tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution was studied using weight loss measurements and scanning electron microscope. The effects of temperature, concentration of TMAH and volume ratio of ethanol in 1.0 M TMAH on corrosion rate and corrosion time were elaborately investigated. The residue of corrosion products were characterized as a mixture of [(CH 3 ) 4 N] 2 SiO 3 and SiO 2 . A comparative test among TMAH, KOH and NaOH illustrated that the 1.0 M TMAH could act as an applicable and novel corrosion solution to remove porous silicon layer for determining the porosity of porous silicon

  20. Progress towards CSR RL06 GRACE gravity solutions (United States)

    Save, Himanshu


    The GRACE project plans to re-processes the GRACE mission data in order to be consistent with the first gravity products released by the GRACE-FO project. The next generation Release-06 (RL06) gravity products from GRACE will include the improvements in GRACE Level-1 data products, background gravity models and the processing methodology. This paper will outline the planned improvements for CSR - RL06 and discuss the preliminary results. This paper will discuss the evolution of the quality of the GRACE solutions, especially over the past few years. We will also discuss the possible challenges we may face in connecting/extending the measurements of mass fluxes from the GRACE era to the GRACE-FO era due quality of the GRACE solutions from recent years.

  1. Membrane separation of ionic liquid solutions (United States)

    Campos, Daniel; Feiring, Andrew Edward; Majumdar, Sudipto; Nemser, Stuart


    A membrane separation process using a highly fluorinated polymer membrane that selectively permeates water of an aqueous ionic liquid solution to provide dry ionic liquid. Preferably the polymer is a polymer that includes polymerized perfluoro-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxole (PDD). The process is also capable of removing small molecular compounds such as organic solvents that can be present in the solution. This membrane separation process is suitable for drying the aqueous ionic liquid byproduct from precipitating solutions of biomass dissolved in ionic liquid, and is thus instrumental to providing usable lignocellulosic products for energy consumption and other industrial uses in an environmentally benign manner.

  2. Copper-Sulfate Pentahydrate as a Product of the Waste Sulfuric Acid Solution Treatment (United States)

    Marković, Radmila; Stevanović, Jasmina; Avramović, Ljiljana; Nedeljković, Dragutin; Jugović, Branimir; Stajić-Trošić, Jasna; Gvozdenović, Milica


    The aim of this study is synthesis of copper-sulfate pentahydrate from the waste sulfuric acid solution-mother liquor generated during the regeneration process of copper bleed solution. Copper is removed from the mother liquor solution in the process of the electrolytic treatment using the insoluble lead anodes alloyed with 6 mass pct of antimony on the industrial-scale equipment. As the result of the decopperization process, copper is removed in the form of the cathode sludge and is precipitated at the bottom of the electrolytic cell. By this procedure, the content of copper could be reduced to the 20 mass pct of the initial value. Chemical characterization of the sludge has shown that it contains about 90 mass pct of copper. During the decopperization process, the very strong poison, arsine, can be formed, and the process is in that case terminated. The copper leaching degree of 82 mass pct is obtained using H2SO4 aqueous solution with the oxygen addition during the cathode sludge chemical treatment at 80 °C ± 5 °C. Obtained copper salt satisfies the requirements of the Serbian Standard for Pesticide, SRPS H.P1. 058. Therefore, the treatment of waste sulfuric acid solutions is of great economic and environmental interest.

  3. Application of the identification methods from Hilbert and Prony to the study of oscillatory phenomena in electrical power systems; Aplicacion de los metodos de identificacion de Hilbert y Prony al estudio de fenomenos oscilatorios en sistemas electricos de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrade Soto, Manuel Antonio


    In the present thesis work the application of identification techniques is investigated based on methods of spectral analysis to the study of the instantaneous characteristics of signals obtained by means of digital simulation of the dynamic behavior of the power system. The study focuses on the perspectives developed from two different approaches of analysis: the use of lineal methods of spectral analysis and the use of methods of non-lineal analysis, based on the concept of an analytical signal. The developed tools are applied to the study of two phenomena of electromechanical origin of different characteristics in complex power systems. A comparison between the results obtained is performed for these techniques and the possibility of its application is discussed for the problem of on-line identification in power systems. [Spanish] En el presente trabajo de tesis se investiga la aplicacion de tecnicas de identificacion basadas en metodos de analisis espectral al estudio de las caracteristicas instantaneas de senales obtenidas mediante simulacion digital del comportamiento dinamico del sistema de potencia. El estudio se centra en las aproximaciones desarrolladas desde dos enfoques distintos de analisis: la utilizacion de metodos lineales de analisis espectral y la utilizacion de metodos de analisis no lineal, basados en el concepto de una senal analitica. Las herramientas desarrolladas se aplican al estudio de dos fenomenos de origen electromecanico de caracteristicas distintas en sistemas complejos de potencia. Se hace una comparacion entre los resultados obtenidos por estas tecnicas y se discute la posibilidad de su aplicacion al problema de identificacion en linea en sistemas de potencia.

  4. Chemical dosimetry at less than 1000 rad: aqueous trimesic acid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthews, R.W.; Wilson, J.G.


    Aqueous solutions of trimesic acid were investigated for possible use as a chemical dosimeter. In aerated 10 -2 M sulphuric acid solution containing 10 -3 M trimesic acid, a highly fluorescent product is formed with its maximum fluorescence at 450nm when excited by 350nm light. The product has fluorescence characteristics very similar to quinine in 0.05 M sulphuric acid. The fluorescence intensity is linear with dose in the range 1-1000 rad and a precision of +-2% was obtained from a number of runs. Solutions are stable for at least several days before and after irradiation. The yield is little affected by moderate changes in trimesic acid concentration, oxygen concentration, water purity, energy of radiation and irradiation temperature. The small dependence of the yield on dose rate and the effect of measurement temperature on the fluorescence signal have been quantified. The most significant factor affecting the fluorescence signal is the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution. In aerated neutral and alkaline (pH 10) solutions, hydroxytrimesic acid (HTMA) is formed with G(HTMA) equal to 2.07 +- 0.04 and 2.21 +- 0.04, for 10 -3 M trimesate. In these solutions, G(HTMA) increases appreciably with increase in the trimesate concentration. The main fluorescent product formed in irradiated acid solutions was not identified but it was not HTMA. (author)

  5. Draw solutions for forward osmosis processes: Developments, challenges, and prospects for the future

    KAUST Repository

    Ge, Qingchun


    Forward osmosis (FO) has emerged as one of potential technologies to mitigate clean water and energy shortage. Not only can it produce clean water but also energy by employing draw solutes to induce osmotic gradients across semipermeable membranes as the driving force for water production and power generation. Ideally, the semipermeable membrane performs as a barrier that allows only water to pass through but rejects all others. However, in reality, depending on draw solute\\'s chemistry property and physical structure, the reverse flux of draw solutes may take place across FO membranes which not only results in a lower effective osmotic driving force but also facilitates fouling. In addition, the asymmetric structure of FO membranes and the transport resistance of draw solutes within the FO membranes cause concentration polarization and lower the water flux. Furthermore, the regeneration of draw solutes from diluted draw solutions and the production of clean water might be energy-intensive if inappropriate draw solutes and recycle processes are utilized. Therefore, in this work we aim to give a comprehensive review on the progress of draw solution for FO processes. An assessment on the advantages and limitations of the existing draw solutes are made. Various FO integrated processes for water production and draw solute regeneration are exemplified. We also highlight the challenges and future research directions for the molecular design of better draw solutes. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.

  6. Anthology of dry storage solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allimann, Nathalie; Otton, Camille [AREVA, Paris (France)


    Around 35,000 PWR, BWR or Veer used fuel elements with various enrichment value up to 5%, various cooling time down to 2 years and various burn-ups up to 60,000 Mwd/tU are currently stored in AREVA dry storage solutions. These solutions are delivered in the United States, in Japan and in many European countries like Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Armenia and Germany. With more than 1000 dry storage solutions delivered all over the world AREVA is the leader on this market. Dealing with dry storage is not an easy task. Products have to be flexible, to be adapted to customer needs and to the national regulations which may stipulate very strict tests such as airplane crash or simulation of earthquake. To develop a dry storage solution for a foreign country means to deal with its national competent authorities. All the national competent authorities do not have the same requirements. Storage conditions may also be different.

  7. Anthology of dry storage solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allimann, Nathalie; Otton, Camille


    Around 35,000 PWR, BWR or Veer used fuel elements with various enrichment value up to 5%, various cooling time down to 2 years and various burn-ups up to 60,000 Mwd/tU are currently stored in AREVA dry storage solutions. These solutions are delivered in the United States, in Japan and in many European countries like Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Armenia and Germany. With more than 1000 dry storage solutions delivered all over the world AREVA is the leader on this market. Dealing with dry storage is not an easy task. Products have to be flexible, to be adapted to customer needs and to the national regulations which may stipulate very strict tests such as airplane crash or simulation of earthquake. To develop a dry storage solution for a foreign country means to deal with its national competent authorities. All the national competent authorities do not have the same requirements. Storage conditions may also be different

  8. Calculation of period processing solution syrup in vacuum apparatus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. A. Slavyanskii


    Full Text Available Important and crucial element in the management of the technological flow of production of sugar product standards is the period of time the enrichment of massecuite, since its neutralization in the process of crystal formation in vacuum apparatus, excess sugar solution. Although currently proposed and implemented in the industry, including as a front-end accompany the process, a number of ways in the real world sugar production in many cases have to resort to the services of an experienced operator. It is obvious that in any case it is necessary to have a surround-dependent glucose solution data on time for the excess sugar solution into the vacuum apparatus. With regard to the period of the enrichment of depleted sucrose solution are entered into this substance excess sucrose solution, it should be noted that this problem is theoretically still insufficiently developed. It is obvious that for practical purposes it is desirable to have a simple and convenient for engineering calculation of sugar processing time dependencies of the specified volume of water from the operating parameters of the process (the required concentration of sucrose, temperature of the solution stirring. The problem is the quantitative analysis of sucrose crystallization in vacuum apparatus, including the timing of enrichment solution to the excess syrup, period of time processing massecuite total this apparatus has been investigated in many works. However, due to its importance to the task of obtaining commercial sugar high standards this issue required further in-depth examination. In the article to support the enrichment process solution sucrose due to neutralize this solvent system in vacuum apparatus, from the standpoint of diffusion theory provides a more reasonable compared to known so far, quantitative analysis of this process. Where as sucrose crystals team are considering a system of balls, uniformly distributed in vacuum apparatus. On the basis of the solution

  9. Reducing carbon dioxide to products (United States)

    Cole, Emily Barton; Sivasankar, Narayanappa; Parajuli, Rishi; Keets, Kate A


    A method reducing carbon dioxide to one or more products may include steps (A) to (C). Step (A) may bubble said carbon dioxide into a solution of an electrolyte and a catalyst in a divided electrochemical cell. The divided electrochemical cell may include an anode in a first cell compartment and a cathode in a second cell compartment. The cathode may reduce said carbon dioxide into said products. Step (B) may adjust one or more of (a) a cathode material, (b) a surface morphology of said cathode, (c) said electrolyte, (d) a manner in which said carbon dioxide is bubbled, (e), a pH level of said solution, and (f) an electrical potential of said divided electrochemical cell, to vary at least one of (i) which of said products is produced and (ii) a faradaic yield of said products. Step (C) may separate said products from said solution.

  10. Novel Cyclotron-Based Radiometal Production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeGrado, Timothy R.


    Accomplishments: (1) Construction of prototype solution target for radiometal production; (2) Testing of prototype target for production of following isotopes: a. Zr-89. Investigation of Zr-89 production from Y-89 nitrate solution. i. Defined problems of gas evolution and salt precipitation. ii. Solved problem of precipitation by addition of nitric acid. iii. Solved gas evolution problem with addition of backpressure regulator and constant degassing of target during irradiations. iv. Investigated effects of Y-89 nitrate concentration and beam current. v. Published abstracts at SNM and ISRS meetings; (3) Design of 2nd generation radiometal solution target. a. Included reflux chamber and smaller target volume to conserve precious target materials. b. Included aluminum for prototype and tantalum for working model. c. Included greater varicosities for improved heat transfer; and, (4) Construction of 2nd generation radiometal solution target started

  11. Políticas Sobre Aprendizaje Móvil Y Estándares De Usabilidad Para El Desarrollo De Aplicaciones Educativas Móviles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Oswaldo Cuervo Gómez


    Full Text Available Los adelantos tecnológicos llevados a cabo en los últimos años en el sector de los dispositivos móviles, han permitido que estos cuenten con mejores especificaciones de hardware y software, despertando la imaginación e interés de docentes, desarrolladores de contenidos y demás actores del proceso educativo, gracias a su característica de portabilidad, la cual facilita a los usuarios ejecutar tareas en cualquier momento y lugar. Por lo anterior, se realizó la revisión a publicaciones de la Unesco, en donde se identificaron políticas y recomendaciones que ayudan a obtener una mayor comprensión sobre cómo la incorporación de tecnologías móviles en contextos pedagógicos puede contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación. Además, se realizó la revisión de literatura en las bibliotecas digitales IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Scopus y Google Scholar, en donde se detectaron los principales conceptos, definiciones y recomendaciones sobre usabilidad,  los cuales deberán ser tenidos en cuenta en el diseño de aplicaciones educativas móviles.

  12. High-voltage leak detection of a parenteral proteinaceous solution product packaged in form-fill-seal plastic laminate bags. Part 1. Method development and validation. (United States)

    Damgaard, Rasmus; Rasmussen, Mats; Buus, Peter; Mulhall, Brian; Guazzo, Dana Morton


    In Part 1 of this three-part research series, a leak test performed using high-voltage leak detection (HVLD) technology, also referred to as an electrical conductivity and capacitance leak test, was developed and validated for container-closure integrity verification of a small-volume laminate plastic bag containing an aqueous solution for injection. The sterile parenteral product is the rapid-acting insulin analogue, insulin aspart (NovoRapid®/NovoLog®, by Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsværd, Denmark). The aseptically filled and sealed package is designed to preserve product sterility through expiry. Method development and validation work incorporated positive control packages with a single hole laser-drilled through the laminate film of each bag. A unique HVLD method characterized by specific high-voltage and potentiometer set points was established for testing bags positioned in each of three possible orientations as they are conveyed through the instrument's test zone in each of two possible directions-resulting in a total of six different test method options. Validation study results successfully demonstrated the ability of all six methods to accurately and reliably detect those packages with laser-drilled holes from 2.5-11.2 μm in nominal diameter. Part 2 of this series will further explore HVLD test results as a function of package seal and product storage variables. The final Part 3 will report the impact of HVLD exposure on product physico-chemical stability. In this Part 1 of a three-part research series, a leak test method based on electrical conductivity and capacitance, called high voltage leak detection (HVLD), was used to find leaks in small plastic bags filled with an insulin pharmaceutical solution for human injection by Novo Nordisk A/S (Bagsværd, Denmark). To perform the test, the package is electrically grounded while being conveyed past an electrode linked to a high-voltage, low-amperage transformer. The instrument measures the current that passes

  13. On mechanism of chlorophos radiation-chemical decomposition in aqueous solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Danilin, D.I.; Shubin, V.N.


    Quantitative indices of chlorophos decomposition in a aqueous solution and in solutions with a number of additions are studied. Chlorine ions and substances containing the carbonyl group are found among the products of gamma-irradiation of low-concentration chlorophos solutions. The data supporting the running of radiation destructive reactions of reduction nature rather than oxidation type, are presented

  14. Desarrollo y optimización de recubrimientos de superaleaciones con adición de cargas cerámicas y elementos reactivos obtenidos por proyección térmica para aplicaciones de resistencia a oxidación a alta temperatura y al desgaste


    Cervera González, Iván


    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es la obtención de recubrimientos con una composición optimizada para aplicaciones de elevada resistencia a alta temperatura y al desgaste, proyectados térmicamente sobre acero al carbono AISI 1110, mediante la técnica de oxifuel, basados en el sistema NiCrAlY/Al2O3. Estos recubrimientos deben ser capaces de proteger adecuadamente a un material de escasa resistencia mecánica y térmica para el rango de temperaturas analizado, que se sitúa entre 850 – ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Brodowska


    Full Text Available Biological value of the food products is a result of the presence of bioactive substances and the proportions of the components. Technological development allows to optimize and accelerate the processes of bread production and increase value of food. Bakery industry used whole grains and pseudocereals as additional source of active compounds, biotechnological techniques as using appropriate yeast strain and encapsulation, which provide protection of substance and their controlled release in production of functional bread. The adding to bread fruits, vegetables and condiments may increase content of vitamin, minerals, dietary fiber and other bioactive compounds.

  16. The economic production lot size model with several production rates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Christian

    should be chosen in the interval between the demand rate and the production rate, which minimize unit production costs, and should be used in an increasing order. Then, given the production rates, we derive closed form solutions for the optimal runtimes as well as the minimum average cost. Finally we...

  17. Production method of carbamazepine/saccharin cocrystal particles by using two solution mixing based on the ternary phase diagram (United States)

    Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi


    In the pharmaceutical field, improvement of drug solubility is required, and an interest in cocrystals is growing. Crystallization methods for industrial production of cocrystals have not been developed enough whereas many cocrystals have been prepared in order to find a new crystal form by screening in the laboratory. The objective of this study was the development of the crystallization method which is useful for the industrial production of cocrystal particles based on the phase diagram. A cocrystal of carbamazepine and saccharin was selected as a model substance. The ternary phase diagram of carbamazepine and saccharin in methanol at 303 K was measured. A cocrystallization method of mixing two kinds of different eutectic solutions was designed based on the ternary phase diagram. In order to adjust the cocrystallization conditions, the determination method of the driving force for cocrystal deposition such as supersaturation based on mass balance was proposed. The cocrystal particles were obtained under all the conditions of the five mixing ratios. From these experimental results, the relationship between the supersaturation and the induction time for nucleation was confirmed as well as conventional crystallization. In conclusion, the crystallization method for industrial production of cocrystal particles including the determination of the supersaturation was suggested.

  18. Diseño, fabricación y prueba de una antena de parche para GPS en aplicaciones automotrices Diseño, fabricación y prueba de una antena de parche para GPS en aplicaciones automotrices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. V Koshevaya


    Full Text Available This work is focused on the development of a prototype patch antenna designed for use asa replacement antenna in automotive Global Positioning Systems (GPS. In simulations andtesting of the prototype, the focus was on the antenna gain. Transmission-reception testingwas done to verify the operation frequency. The prototype was tested with a commercial GPSkit to evaluate its performance as a replacement antenna. Laboratory testing showed that itcomplied with the minimum requirements for both reception and transmission frequencies,while testing on a stationary vehicle showed slight variations when compared to the positiondata obtained using the same kit with its original antenna. In non-stationary testing, positiondeterminations made with the prototype were sufficiently precise for use.Este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de una antena de parche diseñada para Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (GPS, con la finalidad de emplearla como antena de reemplazo en aplicaciones automotrices. En las simulaciones y pruebas se pone énfasis en su ganancia. Las pruebas de transmisión-recepción se realizaron para verificar que la frecuencia de operación de la antena fabricada sea la adecuada. Las pruebas con un kit de GPS comercial fueron realizadas para comparar su desempeño como antena de reemplazo. Las pruebas de laboratorio muestran que se cumple con el mínimo requerido para cubrir ambas frecuencias, de recepción y de transmisión, mientras que las pruebas del prototipo, en el techo vehículo sin movimiento, mostraron ligeras variaciones en los datos de posición, comparados con los obtenidos con el kit con su antena original. Las pruebas de viaje mostraron la suficiente precisión en la determinación de la posición para su uso.

  19. 21 CFR 864.9320 - Copper sulfate solution for specific gravity determinations. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Copper sulfate solution for specific gravity... Establishments That Manufacture Blood and Blood Products § 864.9320 Copper sulfate solution for specific gravity determinations. (a) Identification. A copper sulfate solution for specific gravity determinations is a device...

  20. State of technology, system and solution supporting on-line maintenance - company's activities and products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishitani, Junichi; Shimizu, Shunichi; Higasa, Hisakazu


    The new inspection system based on operator's maintenance and monitoring program of nuclear power plants was introduced in Japan more than one year ago and recommended on-line maintenance (maintenance during operation) will be carried out to increase capacity factor with safe and reliable operation of the plant. In this feature article, nine experts described the state of technology, system and solution supporting on-line maintenance - company's activities and products. These were titled as 'MHI's technology supporting on-line maintenance'. 'Technology supporting on-line maintenance - Toshiba's activities to upgrade monitoring and diagnostic service and maintenance management', 'AsahiKASEI's activities of on-line maintenance', 'Importance of information sharing of on-line maintenance and its ideal method-function of impact plan of IBM Maximo Asset Management for Nuclear', 'US's on-line maintenance and information systems', 'SmartProcedures realizing safe operation of nuclear power plant - proposal of computerized procedures', 'Ultrasonic leak detection system SDT170', 'Application of infrared thermography for equipment maintenance in nuclear power plant' and 'On-line condition monitoring system - condition eye'. (T. Tanaka)