
Sample records for principper om etik

  1. Om begreberne moral og etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Carsten Fogh


    Denne artikel er et bidrag til det begrebsafklarende arbejde med at forstå betydningen af og forskellene på begreberne "etik" og "moral". Artiklen giver en kort, begrebshistorisk oversigt over nogle af de vigtigste skridt i etik- og moralbegrebets udvikling. Der findes formodentlig ikke én korrekt...

  2. Principper for god undervisning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Preben Olund


    . Især samler interessen sig om principper for god undervisning (Pintrich: 2003). Principper for god undervisning betyder tydelig mål for læringsarbejdet. Det er et trygt læringsmiljø. Engagerede undervisere. Fokus på forståelse i kommunikationen. Et væsentligt indhold. Elevaktiverende læringsformer....... Gode relationer mellem eleverne. God og løbende feedback der mere går på proces og selvregulering, frem for produkt og person....

  3. Kriges politiske etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harste, Gorm


      I denne artikel vil jeg først forsøge at kontrastere Kants centrale klassisk analytik for militær intervention med nylige udviklinger, i hvad der måske kan vise sig at blive til den seneste revolution i militære strategier. Afslutningsvist vil jeg så forsøge at demonstrere nogle modeller for......, hvorledes magtanalysens realiteter forandrer sig i det samfund, der i dag må kaldes et verdenssamfund. Min overordnede pointe består i at udstille paradokset i forholdet mellem krig og etik ud fra Immanuel Kants teori om retfærdig krig (jus ad bellum). På den ene side må kriges politiske etik kun kunne...... også den danske deltagelse i Irakkrigen som eksempel og viser ud fra Kants kobling af etik, ret og forholdet mellem offentlighed, politik og krigsdeltagelse, at den danske beslutning om krigsdeltagelse såvel etisk som militærstrategisk set bør til offentlig høring. Udgivelsesdato: Oktober...

  4. Bag om Måltidsmærket: Udvikling og afprøvning af mærkets principper for sund kantinemad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Anne Dahl; Christensen, Lene Møller; Trolle, Ellen


    Måltidsmærket er et nyt offentligt mærke, der omsætter de officielle kostråd til en række principper for servering af sund mad i professionelle køkkener. Mærket sætter derved fokus på den ernæringsmæssige kvalitet af den mad, vi spiser, når vi er på arbejde eller i skole. Denne artikel giver et...... indblik i baggrunden for lanceringen af mærket, og hvordan det er udviklet. Den beskriver også resultaterne fra en afprøvning blandt ni kantiner – heraf syv arbejdspladskantiner og to kantiner på ungdomsuddannelser – hvor udbuddet er sammenholdt dels med Måltidsmærkets principper, dels med analyser af den...

  5. 6 principper for opfindsomhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanggaard, Lene


    Alle er opfindsomme under de rette rammer. Det kræver, at lederen anviser retning og styring af opfindsomheden, så det ikke bliver ufokuseret og meningsløst. Læs om de seks principper for opfindsomhed, og få inspiration til, hvordan du som leder kan blive bedre til at få dine medarbejders opfinds...

  6. Etik og kommunikation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uwe Geist


    Full Text Available "Det er ikke helt tilfældigt, at etik og PR ekspanderer voldsomt i 80´ernes Europa, og PR nærmer sig etikken. Begge dele er affødt af dybtgående forandringer i livsbetingelserne, som er beskrevet mange steder. Forurening, globalisering, polarisering mellem rig og fattig, genmanipulation og informationseksplosion er de gennemgå- ende motiver og et truende kaos det gennemgående tema". Det er på den baggrund, at Uwe Geist, der er ansat på Roskilde Universitets- centers Dansk/PR-uddannelse, i artiklen prøver at komme bag om et modeord, som i de senere år har hærget både samfundet i almindelig- hed og PR-branchen i særdeleshed. I artiklen sætter han først begre- bet "etik" op imod beslægtede begreber som "moral", "høflighed" og "ret". Dernæst diskuterer han etikkens nødvendighed, på den ene side inden for Habermas´ teori om kommunikativ handlen og diskurs, livs- verden og systemverden, hvor etik ikke handler om faste normer for godt og ondt, men om gensidigheden som grundnorm; på den anden side inden for Luhmanns systemteori, hvor gensidighed ganske vist er funktions- og effektivitetsorienteret, men ikke kan undvære mekanis- men og ressourcen "tillid". Fordi artiklen omhyggeligt forklarer de cen- trale begreber, den diskuterer, kan den både fungere begrebsintrodu- cerende for læsere uden omfattende forudsætninger på feltet, og be- grebsafklarende for mere indviede læsere.

  7. Indførelse af Lean principper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balmer, Christian; Michelsen, Aage U


    I artiklen beskrives, hvorledes lean-principper er indført i en forsikringsvirksomhed samt de opnåede resultater.......I artiklen beskrives, hvorledes lean-principper er indført i en forsikringsvirksomhed samt de opnåede resultater....

  8. Etik og normativitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    betydningsfuldt, når det udforskede felt kun vanskeligt overlever (Jahoda 1972 (1933)). I 1970’erne adresserer Skjervheim problemstillingen, som forholdet mellem at være deltager eller tilskuer. Hvor forskeren ifølge Skjervheim ikke har andet valg, end at være deltager i det udforskede felt og må tage sit eget...... Nielsen 2005, Egmose 2011, Husted og Tofteng 2006, 2007). Et andet er PAR traditionen, der går mere direkte ind i arbejdet med at definere en etik i aktionsforskningen (s relationer) (Fals Borda og Rahman 1992, Brydon-Miller 2008).......Aktionsforskningens tidligste videnskabsteorietiske overvejelser springer i meget høj grad fra forestillingen om forskerens/forskningens rolle. Hvad er det forskningen kan og skal i et felt? På mange måder er de første erkendelser af dette samstemmende med den samfundsvidenskabelige...

  9. Om visse køberetlige regler om sikkerhedsmangler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møgelvang-Hansen, Peter


    foretages en lovregulering af spørgsmålet om, hvilken personkreds der er berettiget til på køberetligt grundlag at rette et krav mod sælgeren i anledning af produktskade. Der har ikke været enighed i udvalget om, hvorvidt en sådan regulering er hensigtsmæssig, og om, hvordan den berettigede personkreds i...... ulovbestemte principper om cession, således at de beføjelser, den oprindelige køber kunne have gjort gældende over for den erhvervsdrivende sælger i anledning af mangler, "følger med" genstanden og kan påberåbes af den senere erhverver. 3 af disse medlemmer foreslår desuden, at der indsættes en bestemmelse i...... (produktskade). Udvalget finder, at reguleringen bør gennemføres som led i en generel regulering i købeloven af spørgsmålet om sikkerhedsmangler. Udvalget foreslår, at der i købeloven indsættes en bestemmelse, der indeholder en ikke udtømmende opregning af, hvilke poster køberen kan kræve erstattet som følge af...

  10. Professionsetik indefra og udefra

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dige, Morten

    & Childress' fire principper for medicinsk etik: godgørenhed, ikke-skadevolden, retfærdighed og respekt for autonomi. Mange organisationers og professioners værdigrundlag er bygget op om værdier som bedst lader sig forstå som denne type: respekt, ligeværdighed, troværdighed, omsorg, tillid, værdighed osv. Den....... Jeg finder en besindelse på og oprustning af denne etiske kerne af afgørende betydning i en tid, hvor hjælpeprofessionernes autonomi og troværdighed sættes under pres af markedsdrevne og bureaukratiske logikker ("New Public Managment"). Jeg illustrerer dette med cases fra socialt arbejde og...

  11. Etik i kollektivt biografiarbejde med mødre til ‘børn i vanskeligheder’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørck, Line Lerche; Birk Carlsen, Hedi; Grøndahl, Anja


    Denne artikels tilgang til etik indeholder bud på forskningsmetodologi og social praksis etik, der bevæger sig ”on the edge” (Wyatt & Davies, 2011:124), og udfordrer den mere udbredte institutionaliserede etik (Badiou, 2002). Institutionaliseret etik har typisk form af universelle standarder, som...

  12. Bogen om GIS og geodata

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balstrøm, Thomas; Jacobi, Ole; Bodum, Lars

    OM INDHOLDET: Kort har gennem århundreder været brugt til at afbilde fænomener på vores runde Jord på papir, men i dagens IT-samfund håndteres de i computere ved brug af geografiske informationssystemer - forkortet GIS. I dem er det for eksempel muligt at koble kortinformationer med registeroplys......OM INDHOLDET: Kort har gennem århundreder været brugt til at afbilde fænomener på vores runde Jord på papir, men i dagens IT-samfund håndteres de i computere ved brug af geografiske informationssystemer - forkortet GIS. I dem er det for eksempel muligt at koble kortinformationer med...... kriterier osv. I systemerne findes der også værktøjer til beregning af korteste vej i vejnetværk og analyser på cellebaserede data som eksempelvis digitale højdemodeller. I denne første dansksprogede lærebog gives der en introduktion til de basale begreber i forståelsen af GIS eksemplificeret ved fokus på...... geodata i databaser, analysemetoder, kartografiske principper, metadata (data om data) og udvalgte eksempler på geodata til brug for den offentlige forvaltning, private virksomheder og borgere. Bogen afrundes med en perspektivering om mulighederne i fremtidens brug af GIS og geodata, som desværre ikke har...

  13. Det ubevidstes etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Kapitlet tager udgangspunkt i Jacques Lacans hævdelse af, af det ubevidstes status er etisk og argumenterer herudfra for en forståelse af psykoanalysen som en etik, der går ud på at møde den anden og det andet med en lydhør åbenhed. Denne lydhøre åbenhed tager sin begyndelse med Freuds lytten til...

  14. CISG: retskilder, fortolkning og udfyldning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henschel, Rene Franz

    Oversigt over gældende retskilder samt principper for fortolkning og udfyldning af FN´s konvention om aftaler om internationale køb, CISG. Suppleret med henvisninger til retspraksis.......Oversigt over gældende retskilder samt principper for fortolkning og udfyldning af FN´s konvention om aftaler om internationale køb, CISG. Suppleret med henvisninger til retspraksis....

  15. Pengaruh Kode Etik Akuntan Publik Terhadap Kualitas Hasil Audit Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Di Bandung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Djajun Juhara


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Kode Etik Akuntan Publik for the quality of audits. The population in this study is the auditors of five KAP in the city of Bandung. Determination of sample, using a simple random sampling method. The data in this research is obtained by distributing questionnaires to the respondents on Akuntan Publik in the city of Bandung. These result prove that Kode Etik Akuntan Publik effect on audit quality. So the higher Kode Etik Akuntan Publik are owned by auditor it will improve the quality of audits.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emanuel S Leuape


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mendialetikakan pemaknaan emik-etik simbol warna dan gambar kain tenun (Mollo desa Tutem. Tahapan pada penelitian ini yaitu interpretasi (Ferdinand De Saussure, reinterpretasi (Roland Barthes, Dialog (Jurgen Habermas, dan dekonstruksi (Jaques Derrida. Hasil interpretasi (emik dan reinterpretasi (etik, didialetikakan dengan menghasilkan sintesis berupa dialog antara masyarakat Tutem dan peneliti, diakhiri dengan analisis dekonstruksi guna mengantisipasi potensi kemajemukan makna simbol warna dan gambar kain tenun desa Tutem di kemudian hari. Paradigma penelitiannya adalah kualitatif dan bermetode studi etnografi komunikasi. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi-partisipatoris, dan dokumentasi visual kain tenun. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: dalam pemaknaan emik masyarakat Tutem, simbol warna kain tenun mengacu pada keberagaman kelompok suku dan simbol gambar kain tenun merujuk kepada realitas historis. Pemaknaan etik peneliti, simbol warna dan gambar kain tenun merujuk kepada kondisi geografis (Sumber Daya Alam, moral dan perilaku sosial (Sumber Daya Manusia, dan sejarah. Melalui prosedur tindakan komunikatif (dialog, kesepakatan intersubjektif yang dicapai, mencakup: 10 jenis simbol warna dan 7 varian gambar kain tenun diterima dan 2 varian gambar kain tenun ditolak. Terdapat 3 jenis simbol warna dan pola gambar ruang kain tenun yang wajib didekonstruksi maknanya oleh peneliti. Proses interpretasi, reinterpretasi, dialog, dan dekonstruksi menjadi tahapan ideal dalam memberdayakan kain tenun sebagai salah satu wujud produk kebudayaan masyarakat Tutem. Pelaksanaan tahapan tersebut melibatkan peran aktif masyarakat Tutem dan peneliti. Akhirnya, masyarakat Tutem dan peneliti sama-sama membangun ‘cerita’ tentang simbol warna dan gambar kain tenun dalam spirit falibilisme.

  17. Eksistensanalyse – fra filosofisk terapi til praktisk etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dræby, Anders

    Eksistensanalyse: Fra filosofisk terapi til praktisk etik og etisk praksis Eksistensanalysen har iscenesat sig selv som en filosofisk og ikke psykologisk baseret form for psykoterapi, hvis anliggende skal forstås ud fra etiske og ikke medicinske begreber. For helt at løsrive eksistensanalysen fra...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heni Hendrawati


    Full Text Available Penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh munculnya isu-isu negatif terkait penegakkan kode etik hakim dalam mewujudkan kekuasaan kehakiman yang bermartabat dan berintegritas. Isu-isu negatif itu antara lain terdapat fenomena tentang korupsi peradilan (judicial corruption dalam bentuk berbagai perilaku tercela (permainan kotor seperti penyuapan, transaksi perkara, calo perkara, makelar kasus (markus, pemerasan, jual beli putusan, dan sebagainya.  Padahal untuk menegakkan supremasi hukum adalah dengan menegakkan etika, profesionalisme serta disiplin terutama oleh profesi hakim. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku terhadap permasalahan yang dibahas. Jenis penelitian dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah kepustakaan (library research yang menggunakan bahan hukum primer yaitu  Undang-Undang Nomor 48 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman , Surat Keputusan Bersama Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia dan Ketua Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia Nomor: 047/KMA/SKB/IV/2009 -02/SKB/P.KY/IV/2009 Tentang Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim, serta Peraturan Bersama Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Dan Ketua Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia Nomor : 02/PB/MA/IX/2012- 02/PB/P.KY/09/2012 Tentang Panduan Penegakan Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Adapun bahan hukum sekunder berupa jurnal hukum, buku-buku, artikel hukum ilmiah  yang terkait dengan rumusan permasalahan penelitian. Sifat penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif yaitu memberikan gambaran bagaimana implementasi peraturan perundang-undangan tentang kode etik hakim untuk mewujudkan hakim yang bermartabat dan berintegritas. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah  pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach pendekatan sejarah (historical approach, pendekatan kasus (case approach.  Pendekatan perundang-undangan  terkait dengan upaya untuk mewujudkan hakim

  19. Sport og etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Rasmus Bysted

    Sportsidealismens grundsyn på forholdet mellem sport og moral har længe domineret sportsetikken. Opfattelsen, der går ud på, at sporten udgør frugtbar jord for dyrkelse af et moralsk sindelag, fordi sporten indeholder en moralsk dimension i kraft af sin egen-natur, understøttes ikke af den...... forholdet mellem sport og moral kom således til at bekræfte og delvist forklare empirien på området. Endeligt kunne sportsidealismens hovedtese tilbagevises, for så vidt at den omhandler forholdet mellem sport og moral i dette sidste ords moderne betydning. Dette skete i artiklens afsluttende fjerde afsnit......, hvor forskellen mellem antik og moderne etik blev tydeliggjort. På baggrund af den præsenterede undersøgelse af forholdet mellem sport og moral kan vi konkludere, at sporten isoleret set ikke egner sig som arnested for udviklingen af et moralsk sindelag, idet sporten ikke indeholder den af...

  20. Ethics in Personal Selling: Investigating Ethical Attitudes of Medical Sales Representatives in Adana Kişisel Satışta Etik: Adana İlindeki Tıbbi Satış Temsilcilerinin Etik Tutumlarının İncelenmesi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sezen BOZYİĞİT


    Full Text Available Personal selling is common in ethics related studies. It can be said that the mostimportant reason for this, is the pressure of achieving the targets or fulfilling quotas, whichcause sales representatives to behave unethically.The purpose of this research is to define ethical attitudes of medical salesrepresentatives and analyze the differences among them in terms of their demographicfeatures in their ethical attitudes. According to the findings; there is no significantdifference among gender, age, work experince and income level. On the other hand, thereare significant differences in the origin of the companies in terms of general ethicalattitudes, sales pressure, sales quotas and the beliefs regarding whether the ethicalproblems will be resolved.Etik konulu araştırmalar içinde kişisel satış yaygındır. Bunun temel nedeninin,hedeflere ulaşma veya kotaları doldurma baskısının, satış temsilcilerini etik olmayandavranışlarda bulunmaya zorlaması olduğu söylenebilmektedir.Bu çalışmanın amacı, tıbbi satış temsilcilerinin kişisel satış süreçlerindeki etiktutumlarını belirlemek ve satış temsilcilerinin demografik özellikleri arasında etik tutumlaraçısından farklılıkları incelemektir. Bulgulara göre; cinsiyet, yaş, iş deneyimi ve gelirdüzeyi grupları arasınd, anlamlı bir fark yoktur. Diğer yandan firmaların menşeine göregenel etik tutumlar, satış baskısı, satış kotaları ve etik sorunların çözüleceğine dair inançaçısından anlamlı farklılıklar vardır.

  1. Alf Ross

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ryberg, Jesper

    En (overvejende) ny generation af akademikere møder og prøver Ross' tanker om emner som retfærdighed, demokrati, statsforfatningsret, ytringsfrihed, straf, erkendelsesteori, etik, logik, fri vilje og sygdom.......En (overvejende) ny generation af akademikere møder og prøver Ross' tanker om emner som retfærdighed, demokrati, statsforfatningsret, ytringsfrihed, straf, erkendelsesteori, etik, logik, fri vilje og sygdom....

  2. Max Weber’de Etik-Siyaset İlişkisi The Relationship Of Ethics-Politics In Max Weber’s Works

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nihat YILMAZ


    Full Text Available One of the most important problems of current societies is the problem of ethics. It is not easy to solve this ethics problem in societies where it is not considered in terms of certain moral concerns or concerns about moral problems are not seriously considered. If theproblem of ethics is present in a societal system or, more importantly,in a rulership which has the monopoly of using legitimate powers, moreserious problems can be faced. Undoubtedly, the most effective tool forpoliticians to avoid unethic behavior or overcoming corruption in ageneral sense is political ethics. In the sense of politic ethics, MaxWeber’s work “Politics as a Vocation” in the year 1919 where in Webermade ethic classification and explanations on political function of ethicsis an important work which should especially be read by currentpoliticians and still keeps its currency. As a matter of fact, in thisdeclaration, the foundation is, firstly, how Weber defines the concept of“ethics”, and how the relationship between ethics and politics isestablished according to Weber. Information is provided as to howpolitical newcomers should be acting, and in this sense, the duo of“ethics of belief” and “ethics of responsibility”, which holds an importantplace on how explanation of the relationship between ethics andpolitics, is touched upon. Günümüz toplumlarının en önemli sorunlarından biri, etik sorunudur. Etik probleminin ahlaki birtakım kaygılardan yola çıkarak düşünülmediği ya da ahlaki problemlere ilişkin kaygıların çok da ciddiye alınmadığı toplumlarda çözülmesi kolay değildir. Etik sorunu, toplumsal sistemde ve daha da önemlisi meşru güç kullanma tekelini elinde bulunduran bir iktidarda söz konusu ise daha büyük sorunlarla karşılaşılabilir. Politikacıların etik olmayan davranışlardan sakınmaları ya da genel manada siyasi yolsuzlukların üstesinden gelinebilmesinde en etkili araç ise şüphesiz siyasal



    Kirn, Andrej


    Odnos prirode i društva je taj koji izravno odre|uje mogućnost uspostave ekološke etike. Odnos prema prirodi u sebi uvijek uključuje odnos prema ljudima i obratno. »Učinkovito« korištenje prirode uvijek otpočinje s podre|ivanjem čovjeka čovjeku. Suvremeni procesi tehnološke i ekološke globalizacije ne ukidaju taj povijesni odnos izme|u čovjeka i prirode, već je uzdižu na novu razinu i daju novi oblik. Postoje tri velike povijesne društvenoekološke preobrazbe: paleolitska, neolitska i industri...

  4. Udredningsrapport om økonomisk foderoptimeringi den enkelte besætning baseret på NorFor Plan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Søren; Weisbjerg, Martin Riis; Aaes, Ole

    I Danmark har der været er særlig tradition i forbindelse med foderplanlægningen, idet vi har fokuseret på fodringsøkonomien frem for blot at fokusere på at forsyne koen i forhold til forventede livsytringer. De tidligere udviklede værktøjer har således været baseret på økonomiske principper om et...... produktionsniveauet var væsentligt lavere end i dag. I 2008 blev der med støtte fra mælkeafgiftsfonden gennemført et udredningsarbejde i projektet "Økonomisk foderoptimering i den enkelte besætning baseret på NorFor Plan". Udredningen er gennemført ved brug ekspertvurderinger fra projektdeltagere og workshops...

  5. Bygningers varmeisolering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Svend; Pedersen, Frank


    På grundlag af høringsversionen vedrørende nye krav til bygningers energiøkonomi i Bygningsreglementet gennemgås kravene til klimaskærmens isolering. Der er som ventet tale om skærpede krav til bygningers varmeisolering, men der er også nye principper for angivelse af kravene. Disse principper gi...

  6. Čimbenici utjecaja na etičnost poslovnog sustava


    Bogdanović, Mario


    Rad se bavi eksplikacijom i raspravom temeljnih etičkih pristupa menadžerskom izboru i odlučivanju u poslovnom sustavu (etike individualizma, etike utilitarizma, etike ljudskim pravima i etike pravednosti); nudi integralni etički protokol, eksplicira i raspravlja utjecajne čimbenike etičnosti poslovnog sustava (individualne, strukturne i kulturološko-klimatske) te menadžerskom primjenom istog. Rezimira se da je etička organizacija u izravnoj funkcij i znalačkog i etičkog menadžementa....

  7. Tektoniske visioner i arkitektur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beim, Anne

    Essays om 6 berømte arkitekters initiativer i retning af industrialiseret byggeri - afrundet med reflektioner over de fremtidige perspektiver for tektonik, etik og byggeskik. Tektonik handler om udformning og sammenføjning af formelementer til en helhed - om forholdet mellem ide, formprincipper, ...

  8. Relevansen af Aristoteles' etik for konceptionen af eksistentiel terapi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dræby, Anders

    Siden sin undfangelse i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede har den eksistentielle terapi repræsenteret et filosofisk funderet alternativ til de former for terapeutisk praksis, der er funderet i den funktionalistiske medicinske metafysik. Anvendelse af elementer fra Aristoteles' etik muliggør en...... fremhævelse af den eksistentielle terapi som en praktisk eksistensfænomenologisk livskunst, hvis anliggende er en frembringelse af det enkelte menneskes muligheder fra det skjulte og ind i det uskjulte, så mennesket viser sig som det er ved sig selv...

  9. WTO og skatteret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Karsten Engsig


    Artiklen analyserer hvordan WTO-retten, særligt GATT-, GATS- og subsidieaftalen, kan påvirke indholdet af national skatteret. Udover en drøftelse af princippet om national behandling og mest begunstigelsesprincippet drøftes hvordan subsidieaftalen kan påvirke de nationale principper om global con...... contra territorial beskatning og reglerne om transfer pricing....

  10. Girişimciliğin Etik Boyutu


    Doğan, Nilhun


    Son yıllarda yapılan girişimcilik ve etik arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik akademik araştırmalar oldukça yeni olmasına rağmen, konuya olan ilgi oldukça artmıştır. Sanayi toplumundan bilgi toplumuna geçiş ile birlikte giri- şimciliğin önemi artmıştır. Ancak, araştırmacılar tarafından girişimciliğin daha çok sosyo-ekonomik yönü üzerinde durulmuş ve girişimciliğin etiksel boyutuna daha az dikkat çekilmiştir. Bu bakımdan girişimciliğin etiksel boyutu çalışmada inceleme konusu yapılmıştır....

  11. Kapitalismens etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engelhardt, Juliane


    Fremvæksten af den tidlige kapitalisme i løbet af 1700-tallet var ledsaget af en lang række normative udsagn og forventninger om, at velhavere og handelsfolk skulle udvise moralsk ansvarlighed og havde særlige pligter i forhold til samfundet som helhed. Artiklen beskriver hvordan den tidlige euro...

  12. Leadership Pipeline – en neo-weberiansk revitalisering af bureaukratiet?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Kristian Aagaard; Nielsen, Jeppe


    Selvom Leadership Pipeline har vundet indpas i mange private og offentlige organisationer, er den akademiske litteratur om ledelsesmodellen indtil videre forbavsende beskeden. I denne artikel søger vi at indkredse svar på, hvorvidt Leadership Pipeline udgør et (gammeldags) bureaukratisk perspektiv...... på ledelse. Vores dokumentanalyse viser, at Leadership Pipeline modellen bygger på weberianske og neo-weberianske principper om klare over-/underordnelsesforhold og faste referencestrukturer. Samtidig viser en nøjere granskning, at modellen også inkluderer andre ledelsesdyder med betoning af...... meningsskabelse, innovation, helhedsorientering og ledelse på tværs. Det leder os til at foreslå, at Leadership Pipeline modellen i dens udtryksform udviser ambidekstrale træk, hvor weberianske og neo- weberianske principper søges koblet med tilsyneladende modsatrettede, postmoderne ledelsesforståelser. Vi...

  13. The Art of Reconciliation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersson, Dag


    Bogen er en afhandling om fotografiets metaforik i moderne dialektik. Problemet om dialektikkens begyndelse og etik særbehandles. Der påvises hvordan lysets mediering af uendelighedens indhold gives form ved en æstetisering, en art skriftliggørelse af det religiøse, hvilket er af betydning...

  14. Smag for etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coff, Christian Eyde

    Præsentation og diskussion af information om fødevarernes historier og et bud på, hvad der skal til, for at man som forbruger kan forholde sig etisk og politisk til den moderne fødevareproduktion....

  15. Revolution i detailhandlen? Om Marshall-plan, studierejser og selvbetjeningsbutikker.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sissel Bjerrum Fossat


    Full Text Available Artiklen undersøger, hvordan udbredelsen af selvbetjeningsbutikker i Danmark var en del af Marshall-planens målsætning. Ved at fokusere på en af de rejser om selvbetjening, der blev arrangeret i Marshall-regi, kan det vises, hvordan oprettelsen af selvbetjeningsbutikker både var i overensstemmelse med amerikanske og danske ønsker. I den danske detailhandel var især kooperationen interesseret i de nye principper, men der fandtes også skeptiske stemmer, der advarede mod de amerikanske ideer.AbstractThe article explores how the dissemination of self-service shops in Denmark was an integral part of the Marshall Plan. Focusing on one of those journeys under the auspices of the Marshall Plan to study such self-service shops in the USA, the article shows how the creation of self-service shops was in accordance with American as well as Danish aspirations. In the Danish retailing business, particularly the cooperative movement was interested in the new principles, even if sceptical voices cautioned against these American ideas. Outside these circles, the Danish unions and employers’ organizations supported the intentions to modernize what they considered an expensive link in the retail trade. The gain in productivity pursued by the industry was considered to depend not only on increasing consumption, but also on standardized goods and mass consumption.

  16. Revolution i detailhandlen? Om Marshall-plan, studierejser og selvbetjeningsbutikker.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sissel Bjerrum Fossat


    Full Text Available Artiklen undersøger, hvordan udbredelsen af selvbetjeningsbutikker i Danmark var en del af Marshall-planens målsætning. Ved at fokusere på en af de rejser om selvbetjening, der blev arrangeret i Marshall-regi, kan det vises, hvordan oprettelsen af selvbetjeningsbutikker både var i overensstemmelse med amerikanske og danske ønsker. I den danske detailhandel var især kooperationen interesseret i de nye principper, men der fandtes også skeptiske stemmer, der advarede mod de amerikanske ideer. Abstract The article explores how the dissemination of self-service shops in Denmark was an integral part of the Marshall Plan. Focusing on one of those journeys under the auspices of the Marshall Plan to study such self-service shops in the USA, the article shows how the creation of self-service shops was in accordance with American as well as Danish aspirations. In the Danish retailing business, particularly the cooperative movement was interested in the new principles, even if sceptical voices cautioned against these American ideas. Outside these circles, the Danish unions and employers’ organizations supported the intentions to modernize what they considered an expensive link in the retail trade. The gain in productivity pursued by the industry was considered to depend not only on increasing consumption, but also on standardized goods and mass consumption.

  17. Mening med tiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nærværende antologis mangeartede bidrag er fælles om at udforske temaer inden for triaden tid, logik og etik. Den handler om tid, tilblivelse, øjeblikket og evigheden i relation til sproget, logikken, universet, etikken og litteraturen. Antologien giver et grundlæggende indblik i disse temaer, som...

  18. Oplevelsesstedet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen behandler steder, der er designet, så de er oplevelsesrige. Det drejer sig om bemærkelsesværdige oplevelsessteder inden for detailhandlen, hotel- og restaurationsbranchen, folkebiblioteket og kunst. Bogen analyserer, hvilke oplevelsesdesign der virker, og udleder principper for godt...

  19. System - kompleksitet - etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willert, Søren


    Teksten er bygget op som følger: Jeg starter med fortællingen om hhv systemperspektivets, herunder socialkonstruktionismens, og kompleksitetsperspektivets historiske tilblivelse. Begge disse fortællinger rundes af med en fremstilling af de etiske grundlagsbetragtninger, som – i al deres forskelli...... samfundsfilosof og socialpsykolog George Herbert Mead (1863-1934) leverer vigtig teoretisk baggrundsinspiration til disse afsluttende brobygningsovervejelser....

  20. Penerapan Kode Etik di Kalangan Jurnalis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivia Lewi Pramesti


    Full Text Available Abstrack: Bribery is a sad phenomenon in Indonesian press. The practice refers to activities of accepting money, goods, vouchers, and other gifts, from a person or an organisation who act as source for journalist. Bribery is often considered as a common practice and institutionalised as a “culture” among media practitioners. The main reasons behind bribery are to maintain relationships or to add journalists’ income, as they are mostly not well paid. However, bribery is against the journalism ethics. It makes journalists professionalism somewhat questionable and threats public life since journalists responsibility in reporting the truth would be affected by such practices. Abstrak: Praktik suap menjadi salah satu fenomena menyedihkan dalam pers Indonesia. Praktik tersebut merujuk pada aktivitas menerima pemberian berupa uang, barang, voucher dan bentuk lainnya dari pihak narasumber. Praktik suap acapkali dilegalkan dan bahkan menjadi budaya di kalangan pelaku media. Alasan pembenarannya antara lain menjaga hubungan dengan narasumber atau untuk mengatasi masalah kesejahteraan jurnalis yang tidak mendapatkan gaji yang layak. Namun, praktik suap tentu saja bertentangan dengan kode etik jurnalistik. Praktek ini menyebabkan profesionalitas wartawan menjadi dipertanyakan. Praktik suap dapat mengancam kehidupan publik sebab kewajiban jurnalis dalam memberitakan kebenaran akan terpengaruh oleh praktik tersebut.

  1. Etik og succeskriterier i hospicepleje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dige, Morten


    på den offentlige sektor. Dermed indføres succeskriterier af målrationel art: omkostningseffektivitet, effektivitetsmål, best practice, benchmarking osv. Selv om der ikke nødvendigvis er en konflikt mellem etiske og målrationelle succeskriterier, synes det som om der er det i en del konkrete tilfælde....... Dette diskuteres på baggrund af en specifik offentlig institution, nemlig hospicesektoren og i lyset af en endnu aktuel problematik – en type etisk dilemma – som tydeliggør den påståede konflikt mellem etiske og målrationelle succeskriterier...

  2. Søarsenalet på Holmen: Kongeportalen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Lene Gerd


    En redegørelse for kongeportalens restaureringshistorie baseret på arkivalske og bygningsarkæologiske undersøgelser. Der fremlægges ny byggeteknisk viden om portalens skulpturelle udsmykning og ny indsigt i de restaureringsetiske principper, der var fremme i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet....

  3. Videnskabsteorien og den reflekterende dømmekraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Klaus Frovin


    I denne artikel diskuterer jeg Immanuel Kants videnskabssyn, som det tager sig ud i Kritik af dømmekraften. Udgangspunktet er erkendelsesteorien og i særdeleshed den såkaldte skemateori. For Kant findes der rene videnskaber og empiriske videnskaber. De rene videnskabers begreber er karakteriseret...... instrumentalisme, der hersker. Der er visse subjektive principper og maximer, som er mere ’naturlige’ og ’rigtige’ end andre. Kants typiske eksempler herpå er ideen om fuldstændig enhed af den videnskabelige erkendelse og ideen om teleologi i naturen – at intet i naturen er tilfældigt, og at alt har et formål....... Artiklen afsluttes ved at perspektivere og sammenstille Kants videnskabsfilosofi med Thomas Kuhns nutidige videnskabsteori. Jeg argumenterer for, at Kants og Kuhns teorier har fundamentale elementer og strukturer til fælles, og at de vigtigste fornuftsmæssige ideer og principper hos Kant går igen i Kuhns...

  4. An Application About the Relationship Between Whistleblowing and Ethical Climate Ahlaki Olmayan Davranışların Duyurulması (Whistleblowing ve Etik İklimi İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Uygulama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sahra SAYGAN


    Full Text Available Whistleblowing can be defined as revealing non-ethical events or behaviors (likeproducing harmful foods even though marketing them as they are remedial in anorganization. Organizational Ethical Climate is the second concept used in this work. Itconsists of workers’ opinions about the ethical organizational culture of management. Inthis work the relationship between “whistleblowing” and “ethical climate” is searched.The questionnaire used to evaluate the relationship between whistleblowing and ethicalclimate are applied on 123 research assistants in public universities. In the applicationstudy it’s reached that there is not a significant relationship between whistleblowing andethical climate. Even though it’s found that there is not a significant relationship between“whistleblowing” and “ethical climate”; a small significant relationship is discoveredbetween “whistleblowing” and “benevolent ethical climate”.Ahlaki olmayan davranışların duyurulması (Whistleblowing, bir işletmedeki etikolmayan davranış ve olayların açığa çıkarılması olarak tanımlanabilir. Etik iklim iseçalışanların örgüt kültürünün etiksel boyutuyla ilgili gözlem ve görüşlerindenoluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma, ‘Ahlaki olmayan davranışların duyurulması’ ve ‘Etik iklim’arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin mevcut olup olmadığını araştırmaktadır. ‘Ahlaki olmayandavranışların duyurulması’ ve ‘Etik iklim’ arasındaki ilişkiyi ölçmek için kullanılan anketçalışması devlet üniversitelerindeki 123 araştırma görevlisi üzerinde uygulanmıştır.Uygulama çalışması neticesinde “Ahlaki olmayan davranışların duyurulması” ile “Etikİklim” arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin bulunmamasına rağmen; etik iklim boyutlarından biriolan “Yardımsever Etik İklim” ile “Ahlaki olmayan davranışların duyurulması” arasındaanlamlı bir ilişkinin mevcut olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

  5. Ekspertudvalget mangler indblik i vejledningens faglighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovhus, Randi Boelskifte; Thomsen, Rie; Buhl, Rita


    Ekspertudvalgets anbefalinger om bedre veje til ungdomsuddannelse mangler fokus på vejlederprofessionens vidensgrundlag, etik og kultur. De peger bl.a. på, at ekspertudvalget ikke giver en faglig beskrivelse af vejledning med udgangspunkt i den omfattende nationale og internationale litteratur, der...

  6. Berlusconi og den moderne fyrste

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Gert

    voksende forbrugermentalitets gennembrud. Tredje del sætter ind over for Berlusconis frontale angreb på de demokratiske principper og samler op omkring Italiens dybe krise. Den gennemgående analytiske figur er hentet fra Machiavellis Fyrsten om magtens mål og med. Dele af bogen er blevet til i samarbejde...

  7. Peter Singer’ın faydacı etik görüşü çerçevesinde kürtajın değerlendirilmesi


    KAYA, Funda


    Yaşamın başlangıcına ilişkin biyoetik bir problem olarak kürtaj, gebeliğin sonlandırılmasına dair kararın etik açıdan doğru olup olmadığını tartışma konusuyapmakta olup, uygulamalı etik çalışmalarıyla tanınan Peter Singer’ın görüşlerikürtaj yanlısı görüşlerin en radikali olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Singer etikte faydacılığın çağdaş bir yorumu olarak tercihe dayalı faydacılık görüşlerini savunmaktadır. Tercihe dayalı fayd...

  8. Når mindset er nøglen til succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jeppe Agger; Karlsmose, Jens; Kortnum, Allan


    Hvordan skaber man en arbejdspladskultur, hvor medarbejderne trives med forandringer, er udholdende og indstillede på at lære nyt? Det er for mange virksomheder et af de helt store aktuelle spørgsmål, og i flere af dem er svaret ledelse med mindsetbaserede principper. Læs her om mindset-tanketank...

  9. Gambaran Penerapan Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia pada Dokter Umum di Puskesmas di Kota Padang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rieke Arya Putri


    Full Text Available AbstrakKode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia (KODEKI merupakan kumpulan norma untuk menuntun dokter di Indonesia selaku kelompok profesi berpraktik di masyarakat. Kasus kelalaian medik atau malpraktek sejak tahun 2006-2012 tercatat ada 182 kasus yang terbukti dilakukan dokter di seluruh Indonesia. Hal ini terkait dengan industri kesehatan yang semakin berkembang dan adanya persaingan yang ketat, apalagi jika sudah masuk pasar terbuka. Persaingan yang ketat serta keluhan dari pihak masyarakat maupun kedokteran dapat menurunkan citra dan martabat profesi kedokteran. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif menggunakan desain deksriptif dengan menggunakan kuisioner Refleksi Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia terhadap dokter umum yang tersebar di Puskesmas di Kota Padang. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan 21 dokter umum yang bersedia menjadi responden tergolong dalam kategori kurang dalam Kuisioner Refleksi KODEKI. Disimpulkan bahwa semua responden dalam penelitian ini memliki tingkat refleksi KODEKI yang kurang.Kata kunci: refleksi KODEKI, malpraktek, kelalaian medis AbstractThe Indonesian Medical Code of Ethics is a reference of moral values for Indonesian physician applied in their day-to-day practice. Medical negligence or malpractice had been reported 182 cases from 2006-2012 around Indonesia. This is related to the medical industry and the growing presence of intense competition, especially if it has entered the open market. Intense competition along side complaints from the medical community can degrade the image and dignity of the medical profession. This study used quantitative descriptive design using a questionnaire of Indonesian Reflection Code of Ethics to general practitioner in community health centers in Padang. The 21 general practitioners who are willing tobe a respondent obtained classified in the less category in the Reflection of KODEKI Questionnaire. It can be concluded that all respondents in this study possess the less category of Reflection

  10. Overtone Mobility Spectrometry: Part 4. OMS-OMS Analyses of Complex Mixtures (United States)

    Kurulugama, Ruwan T.; Nachtigall, Fabiane M.; Valentine, Stephen J.; Clemmer, David E.


    A new, two-dimensional overtone mobility spectrometry (OMS-OMS) instrument is described for the analysis of complex peptide mixtures. OMS separations are based on the differences in mobilities of ions in the gas phase. The method utilizes multiple drift regions with modulated drift fields such that only ions with appropriate mobilities are transmitted to the detector. Here we describe a hybrid OMS-OMS combination that utilizes two independently operated OMS regions that are separated by an ion activation region. Mobility-selected ions from the first OMS region are exposed to energizing collisions and may undergo structural transitions before entering the second OMS region. This method generates additional peak capacity and allows for higher selectivity compared with the one-dimensional OMS method. We demonstrate the approach using a three-protein tryptic digest spiked with the peptide Substance P. The [M + 3H]3+ ion from Substance P can be completely isolated from other components in this complex mixture prior to introduction into the mass spectrometer.

  11. Hvem hjælper, når hunden eller katten er syg, og ejeren ingen penge har?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter


    Mange smådyrspraktiserende dyrlæger vælger at behandle syge og tilskadekomne hunde og katte, selv om ejeren ikke kan betale. Forandringer i branchen, hvor dyrlægerne i stigende grad ikke selv ejer praksis, kan dog udfordre den professionsbårne etik....

  12. Energi i økologisk jordbrug. Reduktion af fossilt energiforbrug og produktion af vedvarende energi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Målsætningen om at reducere forbruget af fossil energi er klart formuleret i de økologiske principper. Desuden er der både forsyningsmæssige og geopolitiske grunde til, at det kan være klogt at fremtidssikre økologisk jordbrug ved at øge selvforsyningsgraden. På den baggrund iværksatte FØJO i eft...

  13. Om Chr. Petersen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasborg, Klaus


    Om en i dag næsten glemt skikkelse i dansk sociologi, der i sin samtid især blev kendt for sin doktordisputats om den franske sociolog Émile Durkheim......Om en i dag næsten glemt skikkelse i dansk sociologi, der i sin samtid især blev kendt for sin doktordisputats om den franske sociolog Émile Durkheim...

  14. Vejen til helvede er brolagt med frelste intentioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David


    Det åbenlyse spørgsmål omkring, hvorfor vi er i Afghanistan (eller hvorfor vi bliver?) er bestemt et relevant spørgsmål, men at klæbe et prædikat på om krigens manglende moralske troværdighed kræver mere end blot sure opstød. Er vi netop ikke blevet i Afghanistan grundet moralske principper?...

  15. [Assessment of the Polish occupational medicine service (oms) system made by OMS nurses]. (United States)

    Sakowski, Piotr


    This paper presents the results of an assessment of the Polish occupational medicine service (OMS) system made by OMS nurses. The survey was carried out on a random group of OMS nurses. OMS nurses form a professional group comprised of rather experienced personnel. In the opinion of almost 70% of respondents the system guarantees good occupational heath care, whereas 20% took the opposite view. The great majority of respondents think that all employees have to undergo mandatory prophylactic examinations. The nurses have rather critical opinion about the legal regulations pertaining to occupational health care--their number and complexity, and also express negative opinion about the quality of cooperation with employers (who are contractors for OMS units). OMS nurses believe that prophylactic examinations are the strongest point of the system. They are often the only opportunity for establishing contact between an employee and a physician and learning about diseases he or she was previously unaware of. Although the general assessment of the OMS system is rather positive, it is not free of shortcomings. Improvements in such fields as legislation, financing of service, professional attitude towards responsibilities of the OMS staff, cooperation with employers (contractors) and primary health care units would undoubtedly result in even better assessment, and what is more important in better functioning of the Polish OMS system.

  16. Militær ledelse i et professionsperspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Katrine; Holsting, Vilhelm Stefan

    Begrebet ”militær ledelse” anvendes både bredt om alle de ledelsesformer, der udøves i en militær kontekst og mere snævert som den specifikke ledelsesform, der knytter sig til militære operationer. Det efterlader imidlertid spørgsmålet om, hvorved militær ledelse adskiller sig fra andre former fo...... etik, dvs. en bestemt professionsdannelse, som ikke kan erhverves udenfor det militære praksisfællesskab, men som opbygges gennem en løbende teoretisk og praktisk disciplinering....

  17. Krav om legitimitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Nina Blom

    Principperne i krisekommunikation og risikokommunikation trækker på nogle punkter på vidt forskellige rationaler. Krisekommunikation kan ses som en opgave, der handler om at en organisation skal opretholde legitimitet, sikre sit omdømme og minimere omfanget af en krise, mens risikokommunikation k...... omkring betydningen af indtryksstyring (impression management) og om det får konsekvenser for samfundets evne til at kommunikere åbent om risici og trusler....

  18. Fra erfaringer til betydninger: Tolkning af fortællinger om eksamensgruppebegivenheder fra folkeskolelærerstuderende ved Aalborg Seminarium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Silleborg, Ellen


    karakter. Denne situation giveruoverensstemmelser i de studerendes følelsesliv, og hovedparten af fortællingerne afspejler en i mange henseender konfliktfyldt eksamensgruppeproces. I fortællingernes betydninger ses en loyal men privatiseret etik, hvor ansvarlighed bliver til selvskyld. Alle implicerede...

  19. Forudsigelighed i aftale med udenlandsk part

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik

    , og disse principper kan læres på få timer. Alle, der læser dem, vil umiddelbart forstå dem. Der er ingen faldgruber i dem. Det er dét, denne bog handler om. Den kan læses uden at have Principles ved hånden, men det bedste resultat opnås selvfølgelig, hvis man umiddelbart kan slå op i Principles...

  20. Biologihåndbogen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smedemark, Kaj

    Bogen beskriver de biologiske sammenhænge fra den mindste del til den største helhed i forsøget på at forstå liv som et biosemiotisk netværk. Man kommer rundt om den moderne biologis forskellige emner ligesom bioetik og miljøetik introduceres som redskaber til den værdimæssige debat. Bogen...

  1. Den spilkompetente lærer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hanghøj, Thorkild; Møller, Lise Dissing


    lærer skal kunne udvælge, afprøve, spille, forstå, iscenesætte, facilitere og evaluere brugen af spil i undervisningen. Læreres spilkompetence kan beskrives som en kobling af to praksisformer, der dels handler om at udvise game literacy (“spilkyndighed”), dels handler om gamemastering, som er lærerens...... didaktiske evne til at kunne iscenesætte spilscenarier i undervisningen. Artiklen gennemgår en række empiriske eksempler på game literacy og gamemastering i forhold til brugen af komplekse computerspil som Minecraft og Torchlight II i undervisningen. Til sidst opsummerer vi didaktiske principper for, hvad...

  2. Barns tankar om ekologiska processer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helldén, Gustav

    Bogen indledes med en oversigt over forskning om læring i naturvidenskab, herunder gennemgås blandt andet Piagets teorier. Herefter følger Helldéns undersøgelser af elevforestillinger om økologiske processer. Helldén har interviewet eleverne om livsbetingelser og vækst, nedbrydning i naturen og om...

  3. Kapitalismens ånd og den kreative etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stephensen, Jan Løhmann

    Chiapellos tese om kapitalismens permanente behov for ny legitimering analyserer Jan Løhmann Stephensen nutidens koblinger mellem arbejde, kreativitet og økonomi som et svar på de kritikker af kapitalismen og lønarbejdet, som blev fremsat i anden halvdel af det 20. århundrede, typisk med den unge Karl Marx...

  4. Begreber om verdensrummet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahlgreen, Gert


    Børns begreber om og forståelse af verdensrummet sættes ind i Piagets og Vygotskys teorier. Hverdagsforestillinger beskrives og forklares.......Børns begreber om og forståelse af verdensrummet sættes ind i Piagets og Vygotskys teorier. Hverdagsforestillinger beskrives og forklares....

  5. Bag om dillen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Christian; Rasmussen, Tove Arendt; Vetner, Mikael


    Oplevelsesøkonomien knyttes til mere grundlæggende forandringer af forbrugerens markedsadfærd. Artiklen argumenterer for udviklingen af produkter, der kan understøtte forbrugerens behov for selvudfoldelse. Det kræver tværfaglig viden om æstetisk planlægning, om emotions- og kognitionspsykologi og...

  6. Lidt om billeder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Widell, Peter


    Artiklen kritiserer to af de mest udbredte billedteorier i dag, nemlig dels Ernst Hans Gombrichs Popper-inspirerede teori om billeder som gisninger, dels Nelson Goodmans teori om billeder som symboler (den semiotiske billedteori). Billeder er hverken gisninger eller symboler, og de refererer ikke...

  7. "Weber-tesen"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Hans Henrik


    Der er næppe nogen anden samfundsvidenskabelig tese der er blevet så berømt på et grundlag der som oftest er så misforstået som Max Webers (1864-1920) tese om sammenhængen mellem den protestantiske etik og kapitalismens ånd. Man har set ham som den der ”vender Marx på hovedet” ved at vise, at det...

  8. OMS, OM(η2-SO), and OM(η2-SO)(η2-SO2) molecules (M = Ti, Zr, Hf): infrared spectra and density functional calculations. (United States)

    Liu, Xing; Wang, Xuefeng; Wang, Qiang; Andrews, Lester


    Infrared spectra of the matrix isolated OMS, OM(η(2)-SO), and OM(η(2)-SO)(η(2)-SO(2)) (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) molecules were observed following laser-ablated metal atom reactions with SO(2) during condensation in solid argon and neon. The assignments for the major vibrational modes were confirmed by appropriate S(18)O(2) and (34)SO(2) isotopic shifts, and density functional vibrational frequency calculations (B3LYP and BPW91). Bonding in the initial OM(η(2)-SO) reaction products and in the OM(η(2)-SO)(η(2)-SO(2)) adduct molecules with unusual chiral structures is discussed.

  9. Design of operations management internships across organizations - learning OM by doing OM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wouters, Marc; van Donselaar, K.H.


    To teach operations management (OM), we had students work full time in companies, analyzing problems and developing solutions. Fifteen students worked in different companies but onrelated OM topics, and we created many opportunities for them to exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences. We

  10. Når vi taler om 68

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik; Metz, Georg

    Når vi taler om 68 er en intellektuel samtale mellem to ligeværdige gentlemen og skallesmækkere. En essayistisk dyst om porno, RAF, Pittelkow og livsfilosofi......Når vi taler om 68 er en intellektuel samtale mellem to ligeværdige gentlemen og skallesmækkere. En essayistisk dyst om porno, RAF, Pittelkow og livsfilosofi...

  11. Viden om faste vendinger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergenholtz, Henning; Bjærge, Esben


    Ordbogen indeholder ca. 17.000 idiomer, ordsprog, bevingede ord og andre faste vendinger, som der oplyses mest muligt om. Hertil hører oplysninger om betydningen, grammatik, kollokationer, synonymer, stil, ordforbindelsestype, etymologiske angivelser og andre baggrundsoplysninger, links til...

  12. Om evalueringsforskningens relative autonomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørholm, Morten


    Det empiriske udgangspunkt for artiklen "Om evalueringsforskningens relative autonomi - dansk normal evalueringsforskning som et ikke-autonomt (sub)felt i magtens felt" er en række tekster af fire dominerende danske evalueringsforskere. Det teoretiske udgangspunkt er især Pierre Bourdieus teori om...

  13. Om de såkaldte fejlslutninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Widell, Peter


    I artiklen, der er et bidrag til logik og argumentationsteori, tages de såkaldte fejlslutninger op til behandling. Det hævdes, at den nylige litteratur om emnet i Danmark ikke er opdateret om de sidste 30 års internationale debat. I et forsøg på at rode bod på denne tingenes tilstand gives et rids...... af nyere synspunkter på fejlslutningerne. Det karakteristiske for disse er, at der - på nær nogle få eksempler - egentlig ikke er tale om fejlslutninger i nogen formallogisk forstand af ordet, men snarere om forskellige forsyndelser enten mod et løsere begreb om "formal ekspliciterbarhed" (Woods...

  14. Fakta om integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Hanne Winther; Nørredam, Marie

    Afsnit i Social- og Integrationsministeriets årlige publikation "Fakta om integration". Bygger på et litteraturreview foretaget i 2012 i samarbejde med Forskningscenter for Migration, Etnicitet og Sundhed (MESU) på opdrag af Social- og Integrationsministeriet.......Afsnit i Social- og Integrationsministeriets årlige publikation "Fakta om integration". Bygger på et litteraturreview foretaget i 2012 i samarbejde med Forskningscenter for Migration, Etnicitet og Sundhed (MESU) på opdrag af Social- og Integrationsministeriet....

  15. Omsætning af fast ejendom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edlund, Hans Henrik

    Bogen er en systematisk gennemgang af lov om omsætning af fast ejendom, der regulerer ejendomsmægleres virke. Følgende emner er bl.a. behandlet: Hvem kan drive ejendomsmæglervirksomhed og ejendomsmæglernes pligter og ansvar.......Bogen er en systematisk gennemgang af lov om omsætning af fast ejendom, der regulerer ejendomsmægleres virke. Følgende emner er bl.a. behandlet: Hvem kan drive ejendomsmæglervirksomhed og ejendomsmæglernes pligter og ansvar....

  16. En problematisering af samspillet mellem centrale pædagogiske principper på arkitektuddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønbæk, Niels; Hedegaard Møller, Camilla


    Ud fra John Deweys erfaringspædagogik, bygget op om begreberne erfaring, situation og samspil, undersøges aspekter af en strukturel adskillelse af målstyrede og projektbaserede undervisningspraksisser med arkitektuddannelsen på Kunstakademiets Skoler for Arkitektur Design og Konservering som...

  17. Selective hydrogenation of halogenated arenes using porous manganese oxide (OMS-2) and platinum supported OMS-2 catalysts. (United States)

    McManus, Iain J; Daly, Helen; Manyar, Haresh G; Taylor, S F Rebecca; Thompson, Jillian M; Hardacre, Christopher


    Porous manganese oxide (OMS-2) and platinum supported on OMS-2 catalysts have been shown to facilitate the hydrogenation of the nitro group in chloronitrobenzene to give chloroaniline with no dehalogenation. Complete conversion was obtained within 2 h at 25 °C and, although the rate of reaction increased with increasing temperature up to 100 °C, the selectivity to chloroaniline remained at 99.0%. Use of Pd/OMS-2 or Pt/Al2O3 resulted in significant dechlorination even at 25 °C and 2 bar hydrogen pressure giving a selectivity to chloroaniline of 34.5% and 77.8%, respectively, at complete conversion. This demonstrates the potential of using platinum group metal free catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of halogenated aromatics. Two pathways were observed for the analogous nitrobenzene hydrogenation depending on the catalyst used. The hydrogenation of nitrobenzene was found to follow a direct pathway to aniline and nitrosobenzene over Pd/OMS-2 in contrast to the OMS and Pt/OMS-2 catalysts which resulted in formation of nitrosobenzene, azoxybenzene and azobenzene/hydrazobenzene intermediates before complete conversion to aniline. These results indicate that for Pt/OMS-2 the hydrogenation proceeds predominantly over the support with the metal acting to dissociate hydrogen. In the case of Pd/OMS-2 both the hydrogenation and hydrogen adsorption occur on the metal sites.

  18. Om religion og evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geertz, Armin W.


    for kulturens kausale virkning på den menneskelige kognition og ikke mindst den hominine evolution. Ud fra, hvad vi ved om den menneskelige evolution, ses det, at den hominine evolution har en dybde, som sjældent medtænkes i teorier og hypoteser om den menneskelige evolution. Den menneskelige evolution er...

  19. Den brede, folkelige debat om EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dosenrode, Søren


    I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet.......I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet....

  20. Mindfulness handler ikke om individualisering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christian Gaden


    Kommentar til indlæg i Ugebrevet A4 om, at mindfulness virker individualiserende på arbejdspladsen.......Kommentar til indlæg i Ugebrevet A4 om, at mindfulness virker individualiserende på arbejdspladsen....

  1. Om Spil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Erik


    Introduktion til spil som performances, herunder især computerspil. Om spillets særlige verden og nyere typer af spil, herunder "performative spil", "stedsforankrede spil" og "alternate reality games"....

  2. Om den sociale og symbolske funktion af uddannelsesevalueringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørholm, Morten

    Ph.d.-afhandlingen handler om evalueringer, om evalueringer af uddannelse med et fokus og perspektiv som er begrænset til en afdækning af forhold om evalueringer, til en formulering af en teori om evalueringer. I afhandlingens analyser og diskussioner anvendes teorier af Émile Durkheim, Pierre...

  3. Kerjasama Pemasaran Obat Antara Dokter Dengan Pedagang Besar Farmasi Di Kota Bandung Dihubungkan Dengan Kode Etik Kedokteran dan Kepmenkes No. 3987/A/K/1973

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Pujiastoeti


    Full Text Available Salah satu faktor penting yang sering dirasakan masyarakat umum sebagai penyebab mahalnya biaya pelayanan kesehatan adalah harga obat. Mengingat obat merupakan komponen yang dominan dalam upaya pengobatan/penyembuhan terhadap penderita dan untuk kebanyakan penyakit sering merupakan terapi yang lebih tepat. Banyak sudah jeritan dan keluhan masyarakat terhadap obat yang tidak terjangkau oleh kantong mereka. Hal ini banyak terungkap pada media / harian / majalah, sehingga banyak laporan bahwa penderita tidak dapat menebus resep karena kantong mereka tidak menjangkau obat tersebut. Dalam kaitan dengan ini, penulis berasumsi bahwa harga obat yang tinggi tersebut disebabkan adanya pemasaran obat antara dokter dengan pedagang besar farmasi dalam persaingan usaha untuk mencari keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya. Untuk itu perlu ditelaah mengenai kerjasama ini dari berbagai aspek. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodologi sebagai berikut : sifat penelitian, deskriptif analisis, pendekatan penelitian, yuridis normatif, lokasi penelitian Kota Bandung, responden penelitian yaitu dokter dan pedagang besar farmasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan lapangan. Teknik penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan purposif sampling. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisa dengan analisa kualitatif. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam “kerjasama” pemasaran obat antara dokter dengan pedagang besar farmasi tidak terdapat hubungan hukum karena tidak mempunyai akibat hukum. “Kerjasama” pemasaran obat antara dokter dengan pedagang besar farmasi tidak sesuai dengan kode etik kedokteran dan kode etik pemasaran farmasi, serta bertentangan dengan Kepmenkes RI No. 3983/A/SK/1973 tentang Larangan Pedagang Besar Farmasi Menjual Obat Secara Langsung kepada Dokter, Dokter Gigi, dan Apotek. “Kerjasama” pemasaran obat antara dokter dengan pedagang besar farmasi memenuhi asas konsensual, namun tidak sesuai dengan asas

  4. ARL/OMS Consultant Training Program. (United States)

    Euster, Joanne R.


    Describes Academic Library Consultant Training Program begun in 1979, sponsored by Office of Management Studies (OMS) and designed to provide 80 consultants to aid academic libraries in improving performance. Viewpoints are included from OMS Director and participants concerning program objectives, trainee selection, workshops, internships, and the…

  5. Opsigtsvækkende nyt om derivater fra USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thinggaard, Frank


    Der er opsigsvækkende nyt fra USA om den regnskabsmæssige behandling af derivater som terminskontrakter, futures, optioner, swaps m.v. Glem alt om historiske anskaffelsespriser. For derivater er der kun ét mål, som kan bruges: markedsværdier (fair-values). Glem alt om snakken om 'off-balance-sheet...

  6. Internrevisionens betydelse : En studie om påverkan på externrevisorers arbete


    Holmblad, Ida; Schou Vassbotn, Johanne


    Bolagsstyrningen har förändrats på grund av vissa negativa företagshändelser som inträffade under 2000-talet. Det har blivit ett större fokus på internkontroll och etik. Som ett led i detta har även betydelsen av internrevision ökat. För att öka effektiviteten och kvaliteten på revisionen måste en samverkan mellan interna och externa revisorer äga rum. Förhållandet mellan parterna är avgörande för att fastställa styrningen av företaget. Denna bakgrund ledde oss fram till uppsatsens syfte som ...

  7. Forestillinger om kvinden i sygeplejefaget

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holen, Mari


    Kapitlet analyserer forestillingen om at kvindelighed og sygeplejefaget hører sammen. Den teoretiske optik er Judith Butlers opgør med forestillingen om, at kønnet har en biologisk komponent og en social/kulturel komponent. Kapitlet er en analyse af forskellige tekster skrevet af tre forskellige...... forbinder kvinden til sygeplejefaget. Denne forbindelselinje er dog på mange måder paradoksal, hvilket fremkommer ved at læse teksterne i lyset af Butlers kritik af skellet mellem sex og gender. For på den ene side beskrives det kvidnelige om særlig værdifuldt i forhold til sygeplejefaget, og på den anden...

  8. 7 film om lærerjobbet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    ”Inden man når at få blinket med øjnene, er det faktisk allerede fredag.” Sådan siger Helle Larsen om sit job som lærer nu på. tredje år. I syv små film fortæller lærere, ledere og lærerstuderende om at arbejde i folkeskolen og om at læse til lærer. I filmene beskrives lærerjobbet som værende...

  9. Data i stakkevis om døde grise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Serup, Tove; Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena


    Eksperter er i gang med at samle data fra 6000 faringer og 4000 obduktioner af døde pattegrise. Det gælder om at klarlægge hvornår i diegivningsperioden pattegrisene dør, og hvad de dør af. Der er tale om den hidtil største datamængde i Danmark om emnet.......Eksperter er i gang med at samle data fra 6000 faringer og 4000 obduktioner af døde pattegrise. Det gælder om at klarlægge hvornår i diegivningsperioden pattegrisene dør, og hvad de dør af. Der er tale om den hidtil største datamængde i Danmark om emnet....

  10. Ledelsesretten - om styringssproget i dialogens skygge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagh, Lone


    I denne artikel giver offentlige ledere til kende, at ledelsesretten i hverdagens kommunikation opfattes som "gammeldags" og en "falliterklæring". At trække ledelsesrets-kortet er en nødudgang, når alle dialogmuligheder er udspillet. Ledelsesretten støder dermed mod idealer om ledelse, der gør de...... Max Weber som refleksionsmakker i sin analyse af offentlige lederes kommunikation om og med ledelsesret samt diskuterer faldgruber, når ledelsesrettens styringssprog skal omsættes til praksis...

  11. On-Orbit Propulsion OMS/RCS (United States)

    Hurlbert, Eric A.


    This slide presentation reviews the Space Shuttle's On-Orbit Propulsion systems: the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) and the Reaction Control System (RCS). The functions of each of the systems is described, and the diagrams of the systems are presented. The OMS/RCS thruster is detailed and a trade study comparison of non-toxic propellants is presented.

  12. Halkın Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Ürünlere/Üretilme Süreçlerine Yönelik Algıları ve Etik İnançları

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Özlen Özgen


    Full Text Available Bu araştırmanın amacı, halkın genetiği değiştirilmiş ürünlere ve üretilme süreçlerine yönelik fayda/risk algıları ile etik inançları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Araştırma materyalinin toplanmasında karşılıklı görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Likert tipi cümlelere verilen yanıtlar puanlanmış, geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizi yapılmıştır. Yaş değişkenine bağlı farklılığın belirlenebilmesi için t-testi uygulanmıştır. Bireylerin genetiği değiştirilmiş ürünlere/üretilme süreçlerine bağlı fayda/risk algıları ile etik inançları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amacı ile Pearson korelasyon analizi yapılmıştır. Bulgular; tüketicilerin genetiği değiştirilmiş ürünlere ilişkin fayda algılarının, genetiği değiştirilmiş ürünlere ve üretilme süreçlerine ilişkin risk algılarının, genetiği değiştirilmiş ürünlere ve üretilme süreçlerine ilişkin etik inançlarının yaşa bağlı olarak değiştiğini göstermektedir. Pearson korelasyon analizi sonucunda p<0.001 düzeyinde anlamlı ilişkiler saptanmıştır.

  13. Rapport om DanDiaSyn-projektet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Henrik; Hagedorn, Karen


    Artiklen gør rede for hovedprincipperne bag det indsamlingsarbejde om dansk dialektsyntaks som forfatterne deltog i 2007-9......Artiklen gør rede for hovedprincipperne bag det indsamlingsarbejde om dansk dialektsyntaks som forfatterne deltog i 2007-9...

  14. Nationalstaten taber kampen om eliteuddannelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weirsøe, Mathilde


    EU kaster sig ind i kampen om at tiltrække de bedste studerende fra hele verden, for der er både penge og prestige i eliteuddannelser. De danske universiteter vil gerne med på det globale marked, men ryger ind i problemer med det danske princip om gratis uddannelse for alle. Men spørgsmålet er, h...

  15. Contribution of effluent organic matter (EfOM) to ultrafiltration (UF) membrane fouling: Isolation, characterization, and fouling effect of EfOM fractions

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Xing; Khan, Muhammad; Croue, Jean-Philippe


    EfOM has been regarded as a major organic foulant resulting in UF membrane fouling in wastewater reclamation. To investigate fouling potential of different EfOM fractions, the present study isolated EfOM into hydrophobic neutrals (HPO-N), colloids

  16. Til fiktiv samtale om dannelse og kompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brok, Lene Storgaard


    Grundtvig, Brandes og andre betydningsfulde personer deltager i fiktiv samtale om dannelse og kompetencer......Grundtvig, Brandes og andre betydningsfulde personer deltager i fiktiv samtale om dannelse og kompetencer...

  17. Meditation on OM: Relevance from ancient texts and contemporary science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kumar Sanjay


    Full Text Available Background: In Indian scriptures the sacred syllable Om is the primordial sound from which all other sounds and creation emerge which signifies the Supreme Power. Aims: To explore the significance of the syllable OM from ancient texts and effects of OM meditation in contemporary science. Descriptions from ancient texts: The descriptions of Om have been taken from four Upanisads (Mundaka, Mandukya, Svetasvatara, and Katha, the Bhagvad Gita, and Patanjali′s Yoga Sutras. Scientific studies on Om: Autonomic and respiratory studies suggest that there is a combination of mental alertness with physiological rest during the practice of Om meditation. Evoked potentials studies suggest a decrease in sensory transmission time at the level of the auditory association cortices, along with recruitment of more neurons at mesencephalic-diencephalic levels. Conclusion: It is considered that a person who realizes Om, merges with the Absolute. Scientific studies on Om suggest that the mental repetition of Om results in physiological alertness, and increased sensitivity to sensory transmission.

  18. Reproductibilité des classifications OMS 1973 et OMS 2004 des tumeurs urothéliales papillaires de la vessie. (United States)

    Ben Abdelkrim, Soumaya; Rammeh, Soumaya; Trabelsi, Amel; Ben Yacoub-Abid, Lilia; Ben Sorba, Nabil; Jaïdane, Lilia; Mokni, Moncef


    RéSUMé: OBJECTIF : Déterminer les taux d'accord et la reproductibilité intra et inter-observateurs des classifications OMS 1973 et OMS 2004 des tumeurs urothéliales papillaires de la vessie. MATéRIEL ET MéTHODES : Cent deux cas de tumeurs urothéliales papillaires de stade pTa/pT1 ont été étudiés. Deux pathologistes ont revu les lames et ont établi le grade tumoral selon les deux classifications OMS 1973 et OMS 2004. En cas de désaccord, les deux évaluateurs ont procédé à une lecture commune au microscope en double tête afin d'aboutir à un grade consensuel selon les deux classifications. La variabilité intra-observateur a été étudiée chez l'un des deux évaluateurs qui a procédé à la relecture des lames un mois après sa première lecture. Les taux d'accord entre les deux pathologistes pour chaque catégorie de grade ont été déterminés et la reproductibilité des deux classifications a été évaluée à l'aide du coefficient kappa. Une valeur de 0 à 0,2 était interprétée comme un désaccord absolu, de 0,21 à 0,4, un accord faible, de 0,41 à 0,6, un accord modéré, de 0,61 à 0,8, un accord considérable, et de 0,8 à 1, un accord absolu. RéSULTATS : Selon la classification OMS 1973, les proportions des grades G1, G2 et G3 étaient respectivement de 40,2 %, 50 % et 9,8 %. Selon la classification OMS 2004, les proportions respectives des tumeurs de faible potentiel de malignité, des carcinomes de bas grade et des carcinomes de haut grade de malignité étaient de 23,5 %, 60,8 % et 15,7 %. La reproductibilité intra-observateur était excellente pour les deux classifications (accord absolu). Les taux d'accord entre les deux pathologistes étaient meilleurs pour la classification OMS 2004 (kappa = 0,7) que pour la classification OMS 1973 (kappa = 0,51). La reproductibilité entre observateurs de la classification OMS 2004 est supérieure à celle de 1973. La reproductibilité intra-observateur est excellente pour les deux

  19. Om distributionen af hvidhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frello, Birgitta


    Med udgangspunkt i John Fords Western, Forfølgeren fra 1956, præsenteres en analyse af repræsentationer af race og overskridelse af raceskel, særligt i relation til konstitueringen af subjektpositioner, hvorfra spørgsmål om hvidhed og ikke-hvidhed kan afgøres.......Med udgangspunkt i John Fords Western, Forfølgeren fra 1956, præsenteres en analyse af repræsentationer af race og overskridelse af raceskel, særligt i relation til konstitueringen af subjektpositioner, hvorfra spørgsmål om hvidhed og ikke-hvidhed kan afgøres....

  20. Omsættelige forureningstilladelser i USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard


    I en tidligere artikel i Samfundsøkonomen, har Hjorth-Andersen på overbevisende måde beskrevet de teoretiske fordele ved en eventuel inddragelse af "omsættelige forureningstilladelser" i miljøreguleringen. Spørgsmålet er, om de teoretiske forventninger kan indfries i praksis. Her kan erfaringerne...

  1. FAQ om læringsmål

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pasgaard, Niels Jakob

    Læringsmål er blevet et centralt begreb i den danske forskning og debat om pædagogik og uddannelse. Man taler om læringsmål i forbindelse med børnenes udvikling i børnehaver og vuggestuer, i relation til folkeskolens fag og i forbindelse med de seneste års reformer af lærer- og pædagoguddannelser...... mål? Hvor fører læringsmålene os hen, og er der et alternativ til læringsmålene? FAQ om læringsmål er bog nr. 3 i FAQ-serien om ofte stillede spørgsmål inden for det pædagogiske og psykologiske område. Alle bøger i serien er peer reviewet....

  2. Sample Scripts for Generating PaGE-OM XML [

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Sample Scripts for Generating PaGE-OM XML This page is offering some sample scripts...on MySQL. Outline chart of procedure 6. Creating RDB tables for Generating PaGE-OM XML These scripts help yo...wnload: 7. Generating PaGE-OM XML from phenotype data This sample Perl script helps y

  3. OMS FDIR: Initial prototyping (United States)

    Taylor, Eric W.; Hanson, Matthew A.


    The Space Station Freedom Program (SSFP) Operations Management System (OMS) will automate major management functions which coordinate the operations of onboard systems, elements and payloads. The objectives of OMS are to improve safety, reliability and productivity while reducing maintenance and operations cost. This will be accomplished by using advanced automation techniques to automate much of the activity currently performed by the flight crew and ground personnel. OMS requirements have been organized into five task groups: (1) Planning, Execution and Replanning; (2) Data Gathering, Preprocessing and Storage; (3) Testing and Training; (4) Resource Management; and (5) Caution and Warning and Fault Management for onboard subsystems. The scope of this prototyping effort falls within the Fault Management requirements group. The prototyping will be performed in two phases. Phase 1 is the development of an onboard communications network fault detection, isolation, and reconfiguration (FDIR) system. Phase 2 will incorporate global FDIR for onboard systems. Research into the applicability of expert systems, object-oriented programming, fuzzy sets, neural networks and other advanced techniques will be conducted. The goals and technical approach for this new SSFP research project are discussed here.

  4. Fascinerende poesi om tab og sorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Stein


    Bodil Malmstens "Det her er hjertet" er et værk om dunkle, komplekse og " grimme" følelser, der ikke har en plads i det sociale liv......Bodil Malmstens "Det her er hjertet" er et værk om dunkle, komplekse og " grimme" følelser, der ikke har en plads i det sociale liv...

  5. Ten-year rollover of San Onofre inservice testing program for pumps and valves to OM-6 and OM-10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croy, P.A.; Fischetti, S.; Chiang, D.; Schofield, P.; Barney, D.


    The Pump and Valve Inservice Testing (IST) Program Sat San Onofre, Units 2 and 3, was updated for the second 120-month interval from August 1993 to April 1994. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) approved the OM-6 and OM-10 Codes in mid-1992. The project for the rollover to these new Codes included several elements: (a) a review of the differences between IWV/IWP and OM-6/OM-10, (b) a comprehensive audit of the IST Program scope for valves, (c) creation of the program and supporting basis documents, the Relief Requests, and implementing procedures, (d) interdivisional coordination, (e) submittal to the USNRC, and (f) training. Subsections IWV and IWP have been used and essentially unchanged for over a decade. The new Code (Parts 1, 6, and 10 called OM-1, OM-6, and OM-10) includes several significant changes from the old Code. Our group identified these differences and drafted revised and reorganized Inservice Testing (IST) Program documents. We also considered USNRC Generic Letter 89-04 (GL 89-04), open-quotes Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programsclose quotes, and NUREG-1482, Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants, while revising the program. There were six pump relief requires and 13 valve relief requests in the program for the first 10-year interval. For the revised program we needed only one pump relief request (and no valve relief requests). Converting to the 1989 edition of the ASME Code did not require changes to the technical specifications. We revised our Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) to reflect the IST Program for the second 10-year interval. UFSAR changes were minor, consisting of updated references to the Code edition and 10 CFR 50.55a(f), open-quotes Inservice Testing Requirementsclose quotes

  6. MOOC om Åben skole: Kulturlivet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Henrik Wøhlk


    MOOC delen om den Kulturlivet er en del af et MOOC om åben skole, som er produceret af et partnerskab bestående af alle danske professionshøjskoler og DMJX. Målet er for denne del er at give redskaber til at deltagere i MOOC'en kan lave en kvalificeret 1. Evaluering af digitale læremidler 2...

  7. Tilgængelig viden - viden om tilgængelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkeby, Inge Mette

    arkitekterne anvender for at designe tilgængeligt, fx hvordan de anvender referencer, eksempler, begreber og erfaringer eller viden om regler og love. I elleve kvalitative interview fortæller arkitekter og landskabsarkitekter om, hvordan de arbejder med tilgængelighed, og om den viden, de anvender, herunder...

  8. Shuttle performance enhancements using an OMS payload bay kit (United States)

    Templin, Kevin C.; Mallini, Charles J.


    The study focuses on the use of an orbital maneuvering system (OMS) payload bay kit (PBK) designed to utilize OMS tanks identical to those currently employed in the Orbiter OMS pods. Emphasis is placed on payload deployment capability and payload servicing/reboost capability augmentation from the point of view of payload mass, maximum deployment altitudes, and initial retrieval and final deployment altitudes. The deployment, servicing, and reboost requirements of the Hubble Space Telescope and Advanced X-ray and Astrophysics Facility are analyzed in order to show the benefits an OMS PBK can provide for these missions. It is shown that OMS PBKs can provide the required capability enhancement necessary to support deployment, reboost, and servicing of payloads requiring altitudes greater than 325 nautical miles.

  9. STS-39: OMS Pod Thruster Removal/Replace (United States)


    Shown is the removal and replacement of the Discovery's orbital maneuvering systems (OMS) pod thruster. The OMS engine will be used to propel Discovery north, off of its previous orbital groundtrack, without changing the spacecraft's altitude. A burn with this lateral effect is known as "out-of-plane."

  10. Ny ph.d.-afhandling om fald og faldforebyggelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evron, Lotte


    Lotte Evron forsvarede d. 18. Marts 2015 sin ph.d.-afhandling: Egenomsorg som selvteknologi i multifaktoriel faldforebyggelse – et feltstudie med diskursanalyse på Institut for Kommunikation, Aalborg Universitet. Undersøgelsen studerer egenomsorg som styringsteknologi i et bestemt multifaktoriel ...... underviser og forsker på Professionshøjskolen Metropol og holder gerne foredrag om sin forskning. Desuden blogger hun om fald og faldforebyggelse på Faldnørden: og tweeter om sygepleje på:

  11. To udviklings-projekter om beton og arkitektur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manelius, Anne-Mette


    Artikel om to udviklingsprojekter på Teknologisk Institut med fokus på cnc-fræsede støbeforme til beton: Unika Beton og TailorCrete......Artikel om to udviklingsprojekter på Teknologisk Institut med fokus på cnc-fræsede støbeforme til beton: Unika Beton og TailorCrete...

  12. Redegørelse om whiplash

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lønnberg, Frank

    Begrebet whiplash anvendes ofte som om, der er tale om en velafgrænset sygdomsenhed, hvilket ikke er tilfældet. Whiplash er medicinsk set ikke en lidelse eller en diagnose, men en potentiel skadesmekanisme/risikofaktor uden et specifikt symptombillede. Der er ingen sikker sammenhæng imellem...... påvirkning, vævslæsion og symptombillede. Psykologiske faktorer påvirker symptomer og sygdomsoplevelse efter whiplash, ligesom sociokulturelle faktorer har indflydelse på forekomsten af længerevarende symptomer. Relevant klinisk undersøgelse tidligt i forløbet anbefales, aktivering synes at have fordele frem...

  13. Immanuel Kant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rostbøll, Christian F.

    Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) hører ubestridt til blandt vestens vigtigste filosoffer. Allerede i sin samtid blev han anerkendt for sit bidrag til erkendelsesteori og moralfilosofi. Kants bidrag til statskundskab og politisk teori er mindre kendt. Men faktisk har Kants moralfilosofi haft betydelig...... senere år har der også været en eksplosiv stigning i interessen for Kants Retslære og hans politiske essays. Her er særligt hans frihedsbegreb, frihed som uafhængighed, og hans republikanske statsopfattelse centrale. Dette er den første bog på dansk, der fokuserer på Kants bidrag til statskundskaben, og...... som indeholder en introduktion til hans republikanske teori om lov og ret. Udover introduktionen til Kants moralfilosofi og retslære, indeholder bogen uddrag fra Kants egne tekster om oplysning, etik, politik og ret....

  14. PV O&M Cost Model and Cost Reduction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walker, Andy


    This is a presentation on PV O&M cost model and cost reduction for the annual Photovoltaic Reliability Workshop (2017), covering estimating PV O&M costs, polynomial expansion, and implementation of Net Present Value (NPV) and reserve account in cost models.

  15. Forestillinger om lykke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Ida Marie; From, Ditte-Marie


    Artiklen bygger på en specialeafhandling, der har undersøgt mødres forventninger om et lykkeligt moderskab. Mødre i Danmark bliver screenet for depression to måneder efter fødslen og kan ved mistrivsel og lav score blive tilbudt deltagelse i kommunale støttegrupper. Artiklen baserer sig på kvalit...

  16. Meninger om mening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz Hansen, Søren; Skakon, Janne


    Artiklen handler om forståelsen af de digitale indfødte som medarbejdere er begrænset og præget af sparsom forskning – denne generation er kun netop blevet voksne, og det har ikke tidligere været muligt at kortlægge generationen i forhold til arbejdsmarkedet. Bl.a. derfor er opfattelsen stadig pr...

  17. Planlovgivning om butikscentres placering og størrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Goergen, Etude Patrick; Christensen, Hans Sønderby; Werlauff, Erik


    Artiklen analyserer det forhold, at EU-retten ikke blot beskytter mod diskrimination, men også mod restriktioner. Restriktionsforbuddet afprøves i artiklen konkret i relation til EU-Domstolens dom om spansk planlovgivning om store butikscentre, og dommen sættes herefter i relation til den danske ...

  18. Et Forsknings- og Udviklingsprojekt om Marjattas Skole- og Behandlingshjem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Kasper Andreas


    Forskning og udviklingsrapport om rytmer og kunstneriske processer i Marjattas Rudolf Steiner inspirerede specialpædagogik......Forskning og udviklingsrapport om rytmer og kunstneriske processer i Marjattas Rudolf Steiner inspirerede specialpædagogik...

  19. Få greb om global ledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rikke Kristine


    (Be-)greb om global ledelse – værktøjer til global ledelse i praksis: Værktøj 1: De 5 nøgleelementer i det globale ledelsesgrundlag – ’global opvarmning’ og ’ice breaker’ Værktøj 2: Dit globale mindset – afklaringsværktøj Værktøj 3: De 4 benspænd i global ledelse – dit ’globale ledelsemanifest......-GPS - de 7 kontekstfaktorer Værktøj 10: Strategisk global mindset – nøglehulsmodellen Værktøj 11: Global aktivering – sikring af det globale læringsberedskab Værktøj 12: Fakta eller fiktion - 9 myter om global mindset-kompetence...

  20. Med hjerne og hjerte - et aktionsforskningsprojekt om demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Helle Krogh; Rasmussen, Else Marie

    om værdier; individuelle interviews (8 pårørende og 3 frivillige); to kernekvalitetsundersøgelser (4 medarbejdere undersøgte kvaliteter og værdier ud fra D. Ofmans teori om kernekvaliteter); en kernekvalitetsundersøgelse i samarbejde med lederen; SWOT-analyser, udarbejdelse og analyse af...

  1. Rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seehausen, Jesper


    Artiklen omhandler revisors rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning. Det er artiklens centrale budskab, at der i den nye revisionspåtegning alene er ændringer til, hvordan revisor skal rapportere om going concern i revisionspåtegningen. Der er derimod ikke ændringer til, hvornår...... revisor skal rapportere om going concern i revisionspåtegningen....

  2. OMS Annual Report, 1983. (United States)

    Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC. Office of Management Studies.

    This report describes 1983 Office of Management Studies (OMS) programs and services, including: (1) the Academic Library Program (ALP), which covered the Public Services Project, the Collection Analysis Project (CAP), the Small College Collection Assessment Project, the Preservation Planning Program, the Organizational Screening Program, the…

  3. Stadig usikkerhed om skat på bitcoin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærsgaard, Louise Fjord; Weber, Katja Dyppel


    Kronik. Reglerne om skat på bitcoin er lidt klarere efter afgørelse i Skatterådet, men det er på tide at se på en ændring af de forældede regler.......Kronik. Reglerne om skat på bitcoin er lidt klarere efter afgørelse i Skatterådet, men det er på tide at se på en ændring af de forældede regler....

  4. OMS event evaluator and scheduler (United States)

    Eckelkamp, Richard E.


    An Operations Management System (OMS) is being designed for Space Station Freedom to improve productivity, reliability, and safety while reducing operations and maintenance costs. Central to the concept is a short term plan containing mixes of man-readable and machine-executable procedures used in an environment of distributed processing and execution. An OMS event evaluator to check upcoming short-term plan events for validity of execution is under development. The first version checks time and resource constraints against operational conditions for current or expected stations. In work are the handling of environmental and other operational constraints, as well as detailed modeling of resources and station operational states. The Ada Program also has the ability to reschedule all or part of the events.

  5. Balladen om musikken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole


    Lars Ole Bonde skrev i MedieKultur nr.15 (tema: radio) to artikler om DR og musikken. I den største af disse, der diskuterede hvorledes DR plan- lagde sin musik (DR´s musik-"policy"), var der faldet et skema ud. Med udgangspunkt i dette skema samles der i nærværende artikel nogle tråde op og vi får...

  6. OMS Annual Report, 1986. (United States)

    Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC. Office of Management Studies.

    This report describes the following 1986 Office of Management Studies (OMS) programs and services: (1) the Academic Library Program, which includes the Management Review and Analysis Program, the Public Services Study, the Planning Program for Small Academic Libraries, the Collection Analysis Project, the Leadership Development Program, the…

  7. View of OMS burn from the payload bay (United States)


    View of Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) burn from the payload bay. The closed cradles which held the communication satellites Columbia deployed are visible in the center of the frame. Parts of the spacecraft's wings can be seen on both the port and starboard sides can be seen. The vertical stabilizer is flanked by the twin OMS pods.

  8. Klima, apokalypse og en topos om sted

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Esben Bjerggaard


    Klimadebatten er fuld af forudsigelser om fremtiden og lurende katastrofe. Al Gore har eksempelvis gjort brug af en apokalyptisk fortælling i sin klimaretorik. Tid er en vigtig topos i denne type retorik. Forfatteren viser her, hvordan skiftet til en topos om Sted forandrer den klassiske...

  9. OM-101 Decreases the Fibrotic Response Associated with Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy (United States)

    Dvashi, Zeev; Ben-Yaakov, Keren; Weinberg, Tamir; Greenwald, Yoel


    Purpose This study aimed to investigate the effect of OM-101 on the fibrotic response occurring in proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) in an animal model. Methods Antifibrotic effect of OM-101 was investigated in vivo. As control, eight weeks old c57black mice underwent intravitreal injection with Hepes (group A) or dispase (0.3 units), to induce retinal detachment (RD) and PVR. The dispase-injected mice were randomly divided into two groups B and C (N = 25 mice); in group C, the eyes were treated with intravitreal injection of OM-101 (3 μl), and group B with PBS, as a control. After additional five days, mice were injected with the same initial treatment. Three days later, mice were euthanized, and the eyes were enucleated and processed for histological analysis. Results Intravitreal injection of dispase caused RD in 64% of the mice in group B, and 93% of those mice had PVR. Only 32% of mice treated with OM-101 and dispase (group C) developed RD, and only 25% of those developed PVR. Conclusions OM-101 was found effective in reducing the incidence of RD and PVR maintaining the normal architecture of the retina. This study suggests that OM-101 is a potentially effective and safe drug for the treatment of PVR patients. PMID:29109865

  10. Corporate responsibility – det handler om redelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Steen


    Virksomhedsansvar – corporate responsibility – kan blive et fællesbegreb for selskabsledelse, bæredygtighed og corporate social responsibility, der hver især drejer sig om forskellige former for bæredygtighed – finansiel, social og miljømæssig......Virksomhedsansvar – corporate responsibility – kan blive et fællesbegreb for selskabsledelse, bæredygtighed og corporate social responsibility, der hver især drejer sig om forskellige former for bæredygtighed – finansiel, social og miljømæssig...

  11. Skrivande om skrivande

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vad har skrivande för roll i vår forskning? Hur kan vi använda skrivande som ett sätt att tänka, lära, förstå och samtala? Kan skrivande vara metod? I Skrivande om skrivande möter du skribenter med bakgrund såväl i akademin som i skönlitteratur, poesi och journalistik. Här delar de med sig av sina...

  12. En problematisering af samspillet mellem centrale pædagogiske principper på arkitektuddannelsen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Grønbæk


    Full Text Available Ud fra John Deweys erfaringspædagogik, bygget op om begreberne erfaring, situation og samspil, undersøges aspekter af en strukturel adskillelse af målstyrede og projektbaserede undervisningspraksisser med arkitektuddan­­nelsen på Kunstakademiets Skoler for Arkitektur Design og Konservering som eksempel på en uddannel­­­se baseret på både et videnskabeligt og et kunstnerisk grundlag. Det dis­kuteres om den også konkret rumlige adskillelse af de to grundlags respektive pædagogiske platforme i henholdsvis kursusundervisning og projektundervisning er tilsigtet og hensigtsmæssig med særligt henblik på at opspore tiltag, der kan styrke uddannelsens forskningsbasering. I et bredere perspektiv plæderer artiklen for etableringen af fagstudiemiljøer til befordring af erfaringsdannelsen i samspilssituationer på tværs af grundlag - i dette tilfælde det kunstneriske og videnskabelige.    John Dewey’s pedagogy of experience, inspired by the concepts of experience, situation and interaction forms the frame for contemplating the apparent conflict between curriculum and project based pedagogical methods encompassing both the sciences and the arts. Investigating a particular case, the article considers whether the spatial separation of practiced pedagogical methods relative to the scientific and the artistic, has been intentional and appropriate. The inquiry aims at identifying new ways of strengthening the scientific basis of the education framework under discussion. Considering Dewey’s understanding of a learning context as ‘total social set-up’ the article in a broader perspective, argues in favour of an understanding of ‘learning context’ potentially as ‘context which learns’: Accordingly, given that the total social set-up of learning is considered dynamic rather than static the article suggests to affect such dynamic processes deliberately. In conclusion such deliberations, as motivated by pedagogical

  13. Non-Toxic Orbiter Maneuvering System (OMS) and Reaction Control System (United States)

    Hurlbert, Eric A.; Nicholson, Leonard S. (Technical Monitor)


    NASA is pursuing the technology and advanced development of a non-toxic (NT) orbital maneuvering system (OMS) and reaction control system (RCS) for shuttle upgrades, RLV, and reusable first stages. The primary objectives of the shuttle upgrades program are improved safety, improved reliability, reduced operations time and cost, improved performance or capabilities, and commonality with future space exploration needs. Non-Toxic OMS/RCS offers advantages in each of these categories. A non-toxic OMS/RCS eliminates the ground hazards and the flight safety hazards of the toxic and corrosive propellants. The cost savings for ground operations are over $24M per year for 7 flights, and the savings increase with increasing flight rate up to $44M per year. The OMS/RCS serial processing time is reduced from 65 days to 13 days. The payload capability can be increased up to 5100 Ibms. The non-toxic OMS/RCS also provides improved space station reboost capability up to 20 nautical miles over the current toxic system of 14 nautical miles. A NT OMS/RCS represents a clear advancement in the SOA over MMH/NTO. Liquid oxygen and ethanol are clean burning, high-density propellants that provide a high degree of commonality with other spacecraft subsystems including life support, power, and thermal control, and with future human exploration and development of space missions. The simple and reliable pressure-fed design uses sub-cooled liquid oxygen at 250 to 350 psia, which allows a propellant to remain cryogenic for longer periods of time. The key technologies are thermal insulation and conditioning techniques are used to maintain the sub-cooling. Phase I successfully defined the system architecture, designed an integrated OMS/RCS propellant tank, analyzed the feed system, built and tested the 870 lbf RCS thrusters, and tested the 6000 lbf OMS engine. Phase 11 is currently being planned for the development and test of full-scale prototype of the system in 1999 and 2000

  14. Om retsafgift i sager om prøvelse af myndighedsudøvelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waage, Frederik


    Artiklen behandler de særligt lempelige regler for beregning af retsafgifter i sager om prøvelse af myndighedsudøvelse, jf. retsafgiftslovens § 1, stk. 4, 2. pkt. og § 2, stk. 3, 2. pkt., med henblik på en nærmere afklaring af, hvornår en retssag vedrører myndighedsudøvelse i retsafgiftslovens fo...

  15. Konstant online og fantasien om ’individuel balance’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Kaspar


    Smartphones og andre mobile kommunikationsteknologier indføres med løfter om at give øget handlekraft og individuel frihed i arbejdslivet. Men et voksende forskningsfelt påviser, at indførelse af disse teknologier ledsages af øget netværksbaseret kontrol og selv-pålagt arbejdsintensivering....... Artiklen leverer et overblik over og en diskussion af den spirende internationale forskning i betydningen af smartphones i nutidens arbejdsliv. Denne forskning påpeger generelt en modsætning mellem en diskurs om teknologiers påståede styrkelse af individuel autonomi og præstation på den ene side, og den...... omfavnelse af smartphones som arbejdsredskab kan begribes, når medarbejderne udtrykker fuld bevidsthed om teknologiens konkrete skadevirkninger på deres private liv....

  16. Om musik og multimedier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knakkergaard, Martin


    Artiklen søger, gennem eksemplificering og diskussion, at problematisere forholdet musik og multimedia. Der er ikke tale om et forsøg på at nå til nogen endegyldig afgrænsning og bestemmelse af de karakteristika og betingelser, der kendetegner feltet. Formålet er derimod at belyse og præcisere...

  17. Coops bank kan flytte milliard-omsætning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    Coop Danmark har med sine bank-planer flere udfordringer at overvinde i de kommende år, men på sigt kan Coops bank være med til at flytte en milliard-omsætning.......Coop Danmark har med sine bank-planer flere udfordringer at overvinde i de kommende år, men på sigt kan Coops bank være med til at flytte en milliard-omsætning....

  18. Arbejdspapir om dogmeproduceret etnografi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Regnar Albæk


    Etnografien har været antropologens varemærke, siden Boas og Malinowski gjorde monografierne til fagets kerneprodukt. Der har været meget diskussion om, hvor godt og præcist disse monografier beskrev de verdener, som antropologerne studerede, og siden bølgerne gik højest i 1980erne og 1990erne, har...

  19. Professor håber på åbenhed om CRISPR/Cas9

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hokland, Peter


    CRISPR/Cas9 er navnet på en ny, revolutionerende genteknologi, der på sigt kan ændre menneskeheden. Forhåbentligt vil processen være være løbende opdateringer om frem- og tilbageskridt om teknikken, skriver professor.......CRISPR/Cas9 er navnet på en ny, revolutionerende genteknologi, der på sigt kan ændre menneskeheden. Forhåbentligt vil processen være være løbende opdateringer om frem- og tilbageskridt om teknikken, skriver professor....

  20. Education in 2025

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knoop, Hans Henrik


    Sammenfatning af positiv-psykologi-relaterede processuelle principper for pædagogik og uddannelse i 2010 - samt prospektiv vurdering af disse princippers gyldighed og vilkår for udfoldelse i 2025....

  1. Evidensbaseret viden om compliance blandt deprimerede HIV-smittede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tind, Anitha Malling


    Formålet med dette speciale er at undersøge, om depression blandt HIV-smittede fører til utilstrækkelig compliance af HAART, og om antidepressiva kan mediere denne negative effekt. I den forbindelse er der foretaget en systematisk litteraturgennemgang med henblik på at indsamle, sortere, evaluere...... kvalitet. I alt 10 studier er identificeret. Det drejer sig om 5 kohortestudier, 2 randomiserede klinisk kontrollerede studier og 3 tværsnitsundersøgelser. Af de inkluderede studier er 3 nedgradueret grundet metodiske mangler. De 10 studier er ikke homogene i forhold til måling af depression og compliance......, hvilket nedsætter deres komparativitet. Studierne viser, at der er evidens for, at depression føre til utilstrækkelig compliance af HAART blandt HIV-smittede, og at behandling med antidepressiva medierer denne negative effekt....

  2. Contribution of effluent organic matter (EfOM) to ultrafiltration (UF) membrane fouling: Isolation, characterization, and fouling effect of EfOM fractions

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Xing


    EfOM has been regarded as a major organic foulant resulting in UF membrane fouling in wastewater reclamation. To investigate fouling potential of different EfOM fractions, the present study isolated EfOM into hydrophobic neutrals (HPO-N), colloids, hydrophobic acids (HPO-A), transphilic neutrals and acids (TPI), and hydrophilics (HPI), and tested their fouling effect in both salt solution and pure water during ultrafiltration (UF). Major functional groups and chemical structure of the isolates were identified using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and solid-state carbon nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) analysis. The influence of the isolation process on the properties of EfOM fractions was minor because the raw and reconstituted secondary effluents were found similar with respect to UV absorbance, molecular size distribution, and fluorescence character. In membrane filtration tests, unified membrane fouling index (UMFI) and hydraulic resistance were used to quantify irreversible fouling potential of different water samples. Results show that under similar DOC level in feed water, colloids present much more irreversible fouling than other fractions. The fouling effect of the isolates is related to their size, chemical properties, and solution chemistry. Further investigations have identified that the interaction between colloids and other fractions also influences the performance of colloids in fouling phenomena. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

  3. Et spil om overlevelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Teglhus, Hanne


    Vinterferiens arrangement i februar 2010 var et spil om overleve alverdens farlige sygdomme gennem tiden. Ved at kaste terninger kunne man se hvor stor ens chance var for overlevelse. Men i kraft at man kunne deltage i spillet må ens slægt have været både heldig og stærk, for ellers ville man ikke...

  4. Orbiter OMS and RCS technology (United States)

    Boudreaux, R. A.


    Orbiter Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) and Reaction Control Subsystem (RCS) tankage has proved to be highly successful in shuttle flights on-orbit propellant transfer tests were done. Tank qualification tests along with flight demonstrations were carried out future uses of storable propellants are cited.

  5. The impact of digitalization on Property Operations and Maintenance (O&M)


    Garcia, Resty Gonzales


    The research topic of this master thesis is; “How can digitalization help increase productivity in property Operations and Maintenance (O&M)?” The research topic focuses on the challenges and opportunities in utilizing Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system regarding the operative function in Operations and Maintenance (O&M). The purpose of this research work is to analyze relevant literature and empirical data on how digitalization affects the O&M process and how the O&M ...

  6. Variations in the OM/OC ratio of urban organic aerosol next to a major roadway. (United States)

    Brown, Steven G; Lee, Taehyoung; Roberts, Paul T; Collett, Jeffrey L


    Understanding the organic matter/organic carbon (OM/OC) ratio in ambient particulate matter (PM) is critical to achieve mass closure in routine PM measurements, to assess the sources of and the degree of chemical processing organic aerosol particles have undergone, and to relate ambient pollutant concentrations to health effects. Of particular interest is how the OM/OC ratio varies in the urban environment, where strong spatial and temporal gradients in source emissions are common. We provide results of near-roadway high-time-resolution PM1 OM concentration and OM/OC ratio observations during January 2008 at Fyfe Elementary School in Las Vegas, NV, 18 m from the U.S. 95 freeway soundwall, measured with an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-AMS). The average OM/OC ratio was 1.54 (+/- 0.20 standard deviation), typical of environments with a low amount of secondary aerosol formation. The 2-min average OM/OC ratios varied between 1.17 and 2.67, and daily average OM/OC ratios varied between 1.44 and 1.73. The ratios were highest during periods of low OM concentrations and generally low during periods of high OM concentrations. OM/OC ratios were low (1.52 +/- 0.14, on average) during the morning rush hour (average OM = 2.4 microg/m3), when vehicular emissions dominate this near-road measurement site. The ratios were slightly lower (1.46 +/- 0.10) in the evening (average OM = 6.3 microg/m3), when a combination of vehicular and fresh residential biomass burning emissions was typically present during times with temperature inversions. The hourly averaged OM/OC ratio peaked at 1.66 at midday. OM concentrations were similar regardless of whether the monitoring site was downwind or upwind of the adjacent freeway throughout the day, though they were higher during stagnant conditions (wind speed < 0.5 m/sec). The OM/OC ratio generally varied more with time of day than with wind direction and speed.

  7. Anvisning om Bygningsreglement 2015

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place; Ginnerup, Søren; Stang, Birgitte Friis Dela

    .3.1, stk. 1 og 1.6, stk. 1) - Begrebet 'småbygninger under 10 m2' (tidl. kap. - Krav om niveaufri adgang for fritliggende enfamiliehuse (kap. 3.2.1, stk. 3) - Krav til elevatorer ved ombygning (kap. 3.2.2, stk. 7) - Krav til køkken og bade- og wc-rum i kollegieboliger mv. (kap. 3.3.1, stk. 2...

  8. BAFF/APRIL system in pediatric OMS: relation to severity, neuroinflammation, and immunotherapy. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Tate, Elizabeth D; McGee, Nathan R; Travelstead, Anna L; Colliver, Jerry A; Ness, Jayne M; Ransohoff, Richard M


    B-cell dysregulation has been implicated but not fully characterized in pediatric opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS), a neuroblastoma-associated neuroinflammatory disorder. To assess the role of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), two critical B cell-modulating cytokines, as potential biomarkers of disease activity and treatment biomarkers in OMS. Soluble BAFF and APRIL were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum by ELISA in 433 children (296 OMS, 109 controls, 28 other inflammatory neurological disorders (OIND)). BAFF-R receptors on circulating CD19+ B cells were measured by flow cytometry. A blinded scorer rated motor severity on the OMS Evaluation Scale. Immunotherapies were evaluated cross-sectionally and longitudinally. The mean CSF BAFF concentration, which was elevated in untreated OMS and OIND, correlated with OMS severity category (P = 0.006), and reduction by adrenocorticotropic hormone or corticotropin (ACTH) (-61%) or corticosteroids (-38%) was seen at each level of severity. In contrast, CSF APRIL was normal in OMS and OIND and unaffected by immunotherapy. When the entire OMS dataset was dichotomized into 'high' versus 'normal' CSF BAFF concentration, the phenotype of the high group included greater motor severity and number of CSF oligoclonal bands, and a higher concentration of inflammatory chemokines CXCL13 and CXCL10 in CSF and CXCL9 and CCL21 in serum. Serum APRIL was 6.7-fold higher in the intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) group, whereas serum BAFF was 2.6-fold higher in the rituximab group. The frequency of B cell BAFF-R expression was similar in untreated and treated OMS. Longitudinal studies of CSF BAFF revealed a significant decline in ACTH-treated patients (with or without rituximab) (P OMS displayed heterogeneity in CSF BAFF expression, which met many but not all criteria as a potential biomarker of disease activity. We speculate that CSF BAFF may have more utility in a biomarker panel

  9. Increased prevalence of autoimmune disorders and autoantibodies in parents of children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS). (United States)

    Krasenbrink, I; Fühlhuber, V; Juhasz-Boess, I; Stolz, E; Hahn, A; Kaps, M; Hero, B; Blaes, F


    Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) is a rare neurological disease in childhood which can be associated with neuroblastoma. Since autoantibodies have been detected in some patients with OMS, an autoimmune etiology is suspected. We compared the prevalence of autoimmune disorders and autoantibodies in parents of children with OMS and in a group of controls of same age and sex. Autoimmune diseases were found in 15.8% of the parents of OMS children, but only in 2.0% of the controls (pOMS parents (42.8% vs. 8.0%, pOMS parents also had significantly more autoantibodies against CNS structures than the controls (pOMS and may also hint to a genetic susceptibility for OMS.

  10. Cytokines, cytokine antagonists, and soluble adhesion molecules in pediatric OMS and other neuroinflammatory disorders. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Tate, Elizabeth D; McGee, Nathan R; Colliver, Jerry A


    To test for hypothesized disease- and treatment-induced changes in cytokines and adhesion molecules in children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS). Multiplex bead assay technology was used for simultaneous measurement of 34 soluble cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) were measured by ELISA. In total, there were 388 children (239 OMS, 114 controls, and 35 other inflammatory neurological disorders (OIND)). In untreated OMS, mean CSF IL-6 was elevated 2.3-fold, but 67-fold in OIND, without significant differences in other CSF cytokines. Mean serum concentrations of sIL-2Ra (+50%) and CXCL1 (+70%) (pOMS than controls (p=0.005), as was serum CCL11 and IL-13 in treated OMS. Mean CSF CCL4 and IL-1Ra were selectively higher in IVIg-treated OMS (p≤0.0001). CSF sICAM-1 was elevated only in OIND (3.3-fold); serum sICAM-1 was higher in untreated OMS (+21%); and sVCAM-1 was not affected. No correlations with OMS severity or duration were identified. Novel cytokine, cytokine antagonist, and soluble adhesion molecule abnormalities due to OMS or treatment were found. However, the normality of much of the data strengthens previous findings implicating B cell mechanisms. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Hvad ved Herbener om det moderne Europas rødder?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomassen, Bjørn


    I FORBINDELSE MED den nyligt udgivne samtalebog med og om dronning Margrethe - ' De dybeste rødder' - fremførte religionshistoriker Jens-André P.......I FORBINDELSE MED den nyligt udgivne samtalebog med og om dronning Margrethe - ' De dybeste rødder' - fremførte religionshistoriker Jens-André P....

  12. OMS engine firing (United States)


    An Orbital maneuvering system (OMS) engine firing caused this bright glow at the aft end of the shuttle Challenger during STS-7. Also visible in the open payload bay are parts of the Shuttle pallet satellite (SPAS-01), the experiment package for NASA's Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (OSTA-2), the protective cradles for the Indonesian Palapa-B and Telesat Canada Anik C2 satellites, some getaway special (GAS) canisters and the Canadian built remote manipulator system (RMS). Only a small portion of the earth's horizon can be seen above the orbiter's vertical stabilizer.

  13. Det ved vi om Feedback

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Vibeke; Bærenholdt, Jørgen

    Præsentation af forskningsviden om feedback i forskellige personkonstellationer i undervisningen: Feedback fra lærer til elev, fra elever til lærer, fra elev til elev og elevens eget arbejde med feedback til sig selv. De præsenterede forskningsresultater er udvalgt dels inden for en kognitivistisk...

  14. Spørg ikke om, hvad iPad’en kan gøre for dig..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schilhab, Theresa


    Vi taler meget om alt det, som teknikken tilbyder, men aldrig om hvad den kræver tilbage. Når vi lader selv 1-årige vælge den elektroniske verden frem for den konkrete, starter vi et menneskeligt eksperiment, vi først kender facit af om 20 år......Vi taler meget om alt det, som teknikken tilbyder, men aldrig om hvad den kræver tilbage. Når vi lader selv 1-årige vælge den elektroniske verden frem for den konkrete, starter vi et menneskeligt eksperiment, vi først kender facit af om 20 år...

  15. En bog om Michael Strunge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mai, Anne-Marie

    Antologi med bidrag om Michael Strunges forfatterskab. Bidrag af Anne-Marie Mai, Jørgen Aabenhus, Marianne Stidsen, Moritz Schramm, Tue Andersen Nexø, Lars Bukdahl, Jon Helt Haarder, Rune Kühl er optaget efter fagfællesbedømmelse. Antologien er redigeret af Anne-Marie Mai og Jørgen Aabenhus....

  16. OM Code Requirements For MOVs -- OMN-1 and Appendix III

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kevin G. DeWall


    The purpose or scope of the ASME OM Code is to establish the requirements for pre-service and in-service testing of nuclear power plant components to assess their operational readiness. For MOVs this includes those that perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, maintaining the safe shutdown condition, and mitigating the consequences of an accident. This paper will present a brief history of industry and regulatory activities related to MOVs and the development of Code requirements to address weaknesses in earlier versions of the OM Code. The paper will discuss the MOV requirements contained in the 2009 version of ASME OM Code, specifically Mandatory Appendix III and OMN-1, Revision 1.

  17. OM Code Requirements For MOVs -- OMN-1 and Appendix III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeWall, Kevin G.


    The purpose or scope of the ASME OM Code is to establish the requirements for pre-service and in-service testing of nuclear power plant components to assess their operational readiness. For MOVs this includes those that perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, maintaining the safe shutdown condition, and mitigating the consequences of an accident. This paper will present a brief history of industry and regulatory activities related to MOVs and the development of Code requirements to address weaknesses in earlier versions of the OM Code. The paper will discuss the MOV requirements contained in the 2009 version of ASME OM Code, specifically Mandatory Appendix III and OMN-1, Revision 1.

  18. Når vagthunden bliver hyrdehund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Kirsten


    CNN’s dækning 11. september 2001 var et eksempel på, at fremragende journalister med en dyb forståelse for deres fag, dets normer, traditioner og etik lynhurtigt forstod at anvende Louis Days teoretiske model i praksis og derfor traf moralsk velbegrundede beslutninger. De fulgte ikke bare de...... Louisiana den 11. september, ventede journalisterne med at fortælle om det, til han var taget herfra igen. Hensynet til præsidentens sikkerhed blev tillagt større værdi. Desværre må vi forvente at se flere terroraktioner i demokratiske lande i de næste ti år. Som journalistlærer bliver det bl.a. min opgave...

  19. Om guldbiller, Bach og basepar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, T.E.


    I sin stærkt encyklopædiske roman The Gold Bug Variations søger den amerikanske forfatter Richard Powers gennem utallige detaljer, synekdoker og intrikate forbindelser at inddrage al verden og radikalt udvide romanens rum. Men romanen er også, eller især, en fortælling om kærlighed....

  20. Forskning om tvang i misbrugsbehandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Deding, Mette

    I Danmark er der begrænset mulighed for brug af tvang i behandlingen af stof- og alkoholmisbrugere. Det kan kun finde sted i forbindelse med en kontrakt om ”frivillig tvang” i behandlingen af gravide alkoholmisbrugere. I Sverige og Norge giver loven mulighed for brug af tvang, og i USA er tvang l...

  1. Å skape et begrep om jam i utforskningen av en deleuziansk metode-ontologi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ola Harstad


    Full Text Available Å forske med kunsten innebærer ikke bare valget av visse metoder for bruk i forskningsprosessen, men også om å ha til disposisjon spesifikke måter å tenke om metode. I denne artikkelen vil jeg synliggjøre en tenkemåte fundert i arbeidet med en skjønnlitterær lesesirkel for lærerstudenter, og min egen erfaring som improvisasjonsmusiker. Jazzens begrep om jam blir løftet frem som omdreiningspunkt for tenkemåten, som ellers har sitt teoretiske utspring i den franske filosofen Gilles Deleuze’s forestilling om bliven. Denne vitale forestillingen innebærer at verden produseres kontinuerlig, noe forskeren også bidrar til. Koblingen mellom jam, litteratur og Deleuze synliggjør dessuten en måte å tenke om metode på som understreker at det å forske med kunsten ikke bare betyr å forske på kunsten, men at kunsten på ulike måter kan virke inn på selve forskningen og slik også bidra til å affirmere verden i sin bliven. I tillegg til å tilby en måte å tenke om metode for den som skal forske med kunsten, er hensikten med artikkelen å gjøre forskeren bevisst sin egen tenkning om metode, noe som er viktig siden denne skaper mulighetsbetingelser for metodevalg og -bruk.

  2. MAPP-konference om brugerdrevet innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stacey, Julia


    Er fødevareinnovation kun et spørgsmål om ny teknologi? Nej - for ny teknologi skal anvendes i produkter, som matcher markedets behov. Fødevarevirksomheder kan også være innovative bare ved at bruge kendt teknologi på nye måder, hvis produktet rammer de rigtige nicher på markedet. Innovationen er...

  3. Hans mening om hendes krop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, Jann


    Bidraget handler om søgninger i danske tekstkorpusser efter 'hendes' hhv. 'hans' + nominal inden for en afstand af to ord. Det er ved hjælp af søgninger i big data undersøgt hvad der knyttes til hende og ham, hvad deres ejendom er: hendes lejlighed o.l. og hvilke attributter de tilskrives hans fi...

  4. Videoer om feedback i undervisningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Hanne Nexø


    I denne video bliver du introduceret til en måde at praktisere og rammesætte klyngevejledning på i bachelorundervisning. Klyngefeedbackformen til de studerende er valgt, da de studerende lærer meget af både at give og om modtage feedback fra medstuderende. Fokus på feedback ligger derfor primært i...

  5. Glow experiment documentation of OMS/RCS pods and vertical stabilizer (United States)


    Glow experiment documentation of orbital maneuvering system (OMS) reaction control system (RCS) pods and vertical stabilizer shows chemo-luminescent effect resulting from atomic oxygen impacting the spacecraft and building to the point that the atomic oxygen atoms combine to form molecules of oxygen. Image intensifier on NIKON 35mm camera was used to record glow on vertical tail and OMS pods.

  6. Teaching OM at an Action-based Learning Program for Top Executives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perunovic, Zoran; Staffensen, Lasse


    The paper discusses design and execution of OM module in an intensive program for top executives. The participants are working as consultants in six different host companies on developing growth strategies. The OM module is designed to enable the participants to develop operations strategy that s...



    MERCAN, Nuray


    Whistleblowing uzun yıllardan beri Amerika’da bir fenomen olarak politik kültürün bir unsuru olmuştur. Örgütsel yanlış uygulamalar ve etik dışı davranışlar niteliğindeki işyerlerinde her türlü etik dışı davranış whistleblowing kapsamındadır. İşyerlerinde etik dışı davranışlardan korunmak ve etkilerini azaltmak için whistleblowing örgütlerde artırılmalıdır. Örgütlerdeki etik dışı ve yasal olmayan davranışların ve olayların açıklanması ve sistemli bir şekilde incelenmesi ile etik dışı olan...

  8. O&M Best Practices - A Guide to Achieving Operational Efficiency (Release 2.0)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sullivan, Gregory P.; Pugh, Ray; Melendez, Aldo P.; Hunt, W. D.


    This guide, sponsored by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program, highlights operations and maintenance (O&M) programs targeting energy efficiency that are estimated to save 5% to 20% on energy bills without a significant capital investment. The purpose of this guide is to provide the federal O&M energy manager and practitioner with useful information about O&M management, technologies, energy efficiency and cost-reduction approaches.

  9. Mogelijkheden om vroeg tijdig bladrandproblemen te signaleren met MIPS bij Hortensia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noort, van F.R.; Jalink, H.


    Met geavanceerde camera technieken zijn beelden vast te leggen van fotosynthese activiteit en het is ook mogelijk gebleken om bladgedeelten met stress vast te leggen, zonder dat deze stress met het blote oog al te zien is. Dit opent perspectieven om monitorringonderzoek te doen naar het ontstaan van

  10. Remarkable promotion effect of trace sulfation on OMS-2 nanorod catalysts for the catalytic combustion of ethanol. (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Zhang, Changbin; He, Hong


    OMS-2 nanorod catalysts were synthesized by a hydrothermal redox reaction method using MnSO4 (OMS-2-SO4) and Mn(CH3COO)2 (OMS-2-AC) as precursors. SO4(2-)-doped OMS-2-AC catalysts with different SO4(2-) concentrations were prepared next by adding (NH4)2SO4 solution into OMS-2-AC samples to investigate the effect of the anion SO4(2-) on the OMS-2-AC catalyst. All catalysts were then tested for the catalytic oxidation of ethanol. The OMS-2-SO4 catalyst synthesized demonstrated much better activity than OMS-2-AC. The SO4(2-) doping greatly influenced the activity of the OMS-2-AC catalyst, with a dramatic promotion of activity for suitable concentration of SO4(2-) (SO4/catalyst=0.5% W/W). The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), NH3-TPD and H2-TPR techniques. The results showed that the presence of a suitable amount of SO4(2-) species in the OMS-2-AC catalyst could decrease the Mn-O bond strength and also enhance the lattice oxygen and acid site concentrations, which then effectively promoted the catalytic activity of OMS-2-AC toward ethanol oxidation. Thus it was confirmed that the better catalytic performance of OMS-2-SO4 compared to OMS-2-AC is due to the presence of some residual SO4(2-) species in OMS-2-SO4 samples. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. Om veltalenhed på folkesproget

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høgel, Christian


    Oversættelse (i samarbejde med Hanne Roer) af og kommentarer til (ved Hanne Roer) Dantes De vulgari eloquentia (Om veltalenhed på folkesproget) samt (ved Hanne Roer) oversættelse og kommentar til Dantes 13. brev til Cangrande della Scala......Oversættelse (i samarbejde med Hanne Roer) af og kommentarer til (ved Hanne Roer) Dantes De vulgari eloquentia (Om veltalenhed på folkesproget) samt (ved Hanne Roer) oversættelse og kommentar til Dantes 13. brev til Cangrande della Scala...

  12. Lov om juridisk rådgivning - hvad, hvem og hvorfor?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Marie Jull


    Artiklen indeholder en diskussion af, hvilken betydning adfærdskravene i Lov om juridisk rådgivning har for rådgivernes og forbrugernes retsstilling i såvel offentligretlig som civilretlig regi.......Artiklen indeholder en diskussion af, hvilken betydning adfærdskravene i Lov om juridisk rådgivning har for rådgivernes og forbrugernes retsstilling i såvel offentligretlig som civilretlig regi....

  13. Illusioner om fri vilje. Neurovidenskabelige studier af fri vilje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borg Kjerkegaard, Jonas; Bærentsen, Klaus B.


    En central antagelse for både filosofiske og folkepsykologiske begreber om fri vilje er, at bevidste processer, beslutninger og intentioner kan have effekt på ens handlinger. Eksperimenter udført af Benjamin Libet og andre er blevet hævdet at modbevise dette, hvorved fri vilje skulle være umulig...... at foretrække det ene frem for det andet. Eksperimenternes resultater er derfor uden betydning for spørgsmålet om fri vilje. Beslutningen om at deltage i eksperimenterne, og følge de eksperimentelle instrukser har betydning for deltagerne, og den fremlagte empiri viser, at deltagernes bevidste intentioner er...... kausalt effektive i forhold til de efterfølgende handlinger. Den "ubevidste" måde valgene træffes på i eksperimentalsituationen er en opfyldelse af de eksperimentelle instrukser. Eksperimenterne af Libet og efterfølgere viser sig alt i alt ikke at modbevise fri vilje. Analysen af eksperimenterne peger på...

  14. Just-in-Time og Lean Manufacturing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Aage U.


    Filosofi, principper og teknikker i JIT. Princip i Kanban-styring og dimensionering af et Kanban-system. Lean Thinking og Value Stream Mapping.......Filosofi, principper og teknikker i JIT. Princip i Kanban-styring og dimensionering af et Kanban-system. Lean Thinking og Value Stream Mapping....

  15. Antologi om Visuelle Felt-& Analyse Metoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundberg, Pia

    andet baseret på det poetiske princip, af Edgar Allan Poe, som blev udgivet posthumt i 1850. Derudover anvendes antropologerne Victor Turner & Edward Bruners teoretiske arbejder om forskellige kulturæstetiske fænomener og udtryk (fx Bruner 1986). Sidst men ikke mindst anvendes de kulturvidenskabelige...

  16. Professorer, studenter og Om velfærdsstatens universitetspolitik 1950-1975

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Else

    og universiteternes bærende ideer om akademisk frihed. Professorerne repræsenterede universiteterne i de udvalg under Undervisningsministeriet, hvor linjerne for den fremtidige universitetspolitik blev diskuteret. De varetog de lærdomsmæssige interesser. Studenterne deltog efterhånden også i...... universiteterne kunne styrke de generelle udviklingstræk i den fremvoksende velfærdsstat. Polit.ernes påvirkning af universitetspolitikken skete diskret, men fik alligevel store konsekvenser. Bogen giver et grundigt indblik i, hvordan overordnede strømninger i velfærdsstaten blev bestemmende for udformningen af......"Professorer, studenter og Om velfærdsstatens universitetspolitik 1950-1975" undersøger magtkampene om de danske universiteter i perioden fra 1950'ernes begyndelse til midt i 1970'erne. Det var kampe, som udspillede sig mellem den fremvoksende velfærdsstats idealer om lighed og demokrati...

  17. Hvad Danmark skal forstå om Rigsfællesskabet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gad, Ulrik Pram


    Mere fokus på Arktis. Det er et af hovedbudskaberne i den længe ventede Taksøe-rapport om dansk diplomati og forsvar. Men fordi rapportens analyse er for konfliktsky, forspilder den en chance for at fremtidssikre Rigsfællesskabet.......Mere fokus på Arktis. Det er et af hovedbudskaberne i den længe ventede Taksøe-rapport om dansk diplomati og forsvar. Men fordi rapportens analyse er for konfliktsky, forspilder den en chance for at fremtidssikre Rigsfællesskabet....

  18. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Manganese Oxide (Na-OMS-2) Nanorods. (United States)

    Zhang, Qing; Xu, Shan; Zheng, Hao; Luo, Zhaohui; Liu, Kang; Wang, Wei; Li, Guohua; Wang, Shiquan; Liu, Jianwen; Feng, Chuanqi


    Sodium octahedral molecular sieve nanorods (Na-OMS-2) were prepared through a facile hydrothermal method. The effects of reaction temperature and duration on particle sizes of the products were investigated. The electrochemical performance of samples was studied by constant current charge–discharge tests as cathode material for Li-ion batteries (LIBs). The initial discharge capacity of Na-OMS-2 is 123.4 mAh g−1 and the capacity retention was 123.9 mAh g−1 after 100 cycles. The result demonstrates that Na-OMS-2 cathode material behaves a good cycling stability.

  19. Rapport fra projektet ”At skrive sig til læsning”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Labuz, Nadia; Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Kjertmann, Kjeld

    Projektet At skrive sig til læsning er et Videnkupon-projekt finansieret af Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen og firmaet Jamus. Projektet havde til formål at bidrage til viden om og kvalificere udviklingen af en app til iPad, som har til formål at støtte børn i deres skrive- og læseudvikling....... Projektet bestod konkret i diskussioner og konsulentbistand under udviklingen af app'en, og i empiriske undersøgelser af den første brug af app'en i to herboende amerikanske børnefamilier. Projektet resulterede i positiv evaluering af app'en og den praksis, der kan udvikle sig omkring brugen af den, og det...... resulterede i en række konkrete forslag til videreudvikling, samt i 10 principper for god brug af app'en....

  20. Disrupt mig vel: Fire gode råd om disruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydén, Pernille; Ringberg, Torsten; Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    Forandring. Ønsket om at være teknologisk foran, kommer ofte til at ske på bekostning af fokus på kundernes oplevelser. Lighedstegnet mellem disruption og ny teknologi er kun den halve sandhed.......Forandring. Ønsket om at være teknologisk foran, kommer ofte til at ske på bekostning af fokus på kundernes oplevelser. Lighedstegnet mellem disruption og ny teknologi er kun den halve sandhed....

  1. Børn med ADHD skaber øget konflikt om morgenen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Anne-Mette


    Dækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.ækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.

  2. Om lidt er der gået 100 år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farø, Ken Joensen


    Artiklen undersøger frasen "om lidt" for sprogforandring mht. betydning. Den konstaterer et frekvent, systematisk betydningsskred (udvidelse) hen imod en ekstra betydning 'om et relativt kort tidsrum, som imidlertid kan være årmillioner mod den rette folie'...

  3. Bilgi Uçurma: Eğitim Örgütlerinde Etik ve Kural Dışı Uygulamalara Yönelik Bir Tepki/Whistleblowing: A Response to Unethical and Illegitimate Practices in Educational Organizations


    Celep, Prof.Dr.Cevat; KONAKLI, Tuğba; Konaklı, Yrd.Doç.Dr.Tuğba; CELEP, Cevat


    Bu araştırmanın amacı öğretmenlerin, etik dışı uygulamalarla karşılaşmaları durumunda bilgi uçurma ve bilgi uçurma nedenlerine ilişkin görüşlerini belirlemektir. Betimsel tarama modelinde tasarlanan çalışmanın evrenini Kocaeli İli merkez ilçe sınırları içerisindeki ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim okulu öğretmenleri oluşturmuştur. Kocaeli İzmit ilçesinde yer alan okullar arasından random yöntemiyle seçilen 5 ilköğretim ve 3 ortaöğretim okulunda görev yapan toplam 349 öğretmene anketler uygulanmıştır...

  4. Quantification of amine functional groups and their influence on OM/OC in the IMPROVE network (United States)

    Kamruzzaman, Mohammed; Takahama, Satoshi; Dillner, Ann M.


    Recently, we developed a method using FT-IR spectroscopy coupled with partial least squares (PLS) regression to measure the four most abundant organic functional groups, aliphatic C-H, alcohol OH, carboxylic acid OH and carbonyl C=O, in atmospheric particulate matter. These functional groups are summed to estimate organic matter (OM) while the carbon from the functional groups is summed to estimate organic carbon (OC). With this method, OM and OM/OC can be estimated for each sample rather than relying on one assumed value to convert OC measurements to OM. This study continues the development of the FT-IR and PLS method for estimating OM and OM/OC by including the amine functional group. Amines are ubiquitous in the atmosphere and come from motor vehicle exhaust, animal husbandry, biomass burning, and vegetation among other sources. In this study, calibration standards for amines are produced by aerosolizing individual amine compounds and collecting them on PTFE filters using an IMPROVE sampler, thereby mimicking the filter media and collection geometry of ambient standards. The moles of amine functional group on each standard and a narrow range of amine-specific wavenumbers in the FT-IR spectra (wavenumber range 1 550-1 500 cm-1) are used to develop a PLS calibration model. The PLS model is validated using three methods: prediction of a set of laboratory standards not included in the model, a peak height analysis and a PLS model with a broader wavenumber range. The model is then applied to the ambient samples collected throughout 2013 from 16 IMPROVE sites in the USA. Urban sites have higher amine concentrations than most rural sites, but amine functional groups account for a lower fraction of OM at urban sites. Amine concentrations, contributions to OM and seasonality vary by site and sample. Amine has a small impact on the annual average OM/OC for urban sites, but for some rural sites including amine in the OM/OC calculations increased OM/OC by 0.1 or more.

  5. Drømmen om transfaglighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Carsten


    Fagene er under pres. Tidens krav om grænseløse kompetencer truer med at rive faggrænserne ned for at slå porten op til transfaglighedens forjættede land. Men der findes ingen genvej bagom fagene, for selvom fagene er kunstige grænser i en grænseløs, moderne verden, kan vi ikke undvære dem. Hans...

  6. Activities of the O&M committee history & future perspectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poulis, D.S.


    This paper gives an overview of the Committee on Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants, hereafter referred to as the O&M Committee, formed in June 1975 when the American National Standard Institute`s Committee on Reactor Plants and their Maintenance was disbanded. The O&M Committee`s history, structure, current focus and future perspectives will be presented. The purpose of this paper is to give information to industry and the public of the Committee`s on-going effort to make accurate and timely responses to the needs of the nuclear industry.

  7. Hvad praktikere bør vide om...CAPM-modellen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Peder Harbjerg


    CAPM-modellen er en hovedhjørnesten i den moderne porteføljeteori. CAPM står for Capital Asset Pricing Modellen, men det navn lover mere end et holder. Der er kun tale om en porteføljebaseret differentiering af risikopræmierne.......CAPM-modellen er en hovedhjørnesten i den moderne porteføljeteori. CAPM står for Capital Asset Pricing Modellen, men det navn lover mere end et holder. Der er kun tale om en porteføljebaseret differentiering af risikopræmierne....

  8. Space Shuttle OMS engine valve technology. [Orbital Maneuvering System (United States)

    Wichmann, H.


    Valve technology program to determine shutoff valve concepts suitable for the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) engine of the Space Shuttle. The tradeoff studies selected the electric torque motor operated dual poppet and ball valves as the most desirable valve concepts for the OMS Engine Shutoff Valve. A prototype of one of these concepts was built and subjected to a design verification program. A number of unique features were designed to include the required contamination insensitivity, operating fluid compatibility, decontamination capability, minimum maintenance requirement and long service life capability.

  9. Significant issues and changes for ANSI/ASME OM-1 1981, part 1, ASME OMc code-1994, and ASME OM Code-1995, Appendix I, inservice testing of pressure relief devices in light water reactor power plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seniuk, P.J.


    This paper identifies significant changes to the ANSI/ASME OM-1 1981, Part 1, and ASME Omc Code-1994 and ASME OM Code-1995, Appendix I, {open_quotes}Inservice Testing of Pressure Relief Devices in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants{close_quotes}. The paper describes changes to different Code editions and presents insights into the direction of the code committee and selected topics to be considered by the ASME O&M Working Group on pressure relief devices. These topics include scope issues, thermal relief valve issues, as-found and as-left set-pressure determinations, exclusions from testing, and cold setpoint bench testing. The purpose of this paper is to describe some significant issues being addressed by the O&M Working Group on Pressure Relief Devices (OM-1). The writer is currently the chair of OM-1 and the statements expressed herein represents his personal opinion.

  10. Smil og velkommen! Om flygtningehjælperens godgørende lyster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Padovan-Özdemir, Marta; Øland, Trine


    -80, 1992-96 og 2014-16, hvor større grupper af hhv. vietnamesiske, bosniske og syriske flygtninge, ankom til Danmark. Ved brug af Homi K. Bhabhas begreber om mimicry og paranoia, samt Tess Leas begreb om interventionsmagi, søger vi at udrede de tråde, der sammenfletter hjælpens indre modsigelser, ikke ved...

  11. Kampen om matfatet og matproduksjonen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Morten Haugen


    Full Text Available Antallet sultne i verden har økt, selv om det kan diskuteres om det i dag er en høyere eller lavere andel som lider under sult enn for seks år siden – før matprisøkningen. Alle er uansett enige om at det samlet sett produseres nok mat i verden til at alle kan få dekket sine ernæringsbehov. Artikkelen viser at to hovedretninger i debatten om matproduksjon står mot hverandre. Den dominerende retningen fokuserer primært på matsikkerhet, forstått som økt matproduksjon og økt handel med mat. Den andre retningen argumenterer for at interessene og rettighetene for de mest sårbare må ha forrang i politiske prioriteringer, og at de sårbare sikres best med en strategi basert på menneskerettigheter. Artikkelen drøfter landfordeling, økt bruk av genteknologi i landbruket og nedbygging av handelshindre for landbruksprodukter. Industrialisering av landbruket og liberalisering av handelen med landbruksvarer kan gi gode resultater på makronivå – på kort sikt. Dersom målet er å fremme situasjonen for de mest sårbare og samtidig møte klimautfordringene er løsningen en nedenfra-tilnærming, som til nå er blitt ignorert av de fleste stater.Nøkkelord: retten til mat, matsikkerhet, klima, Verdens handelsorganisasjon, FNs tusenårsmålEnglish summary: The struggle over food intake and food productionThe number of hungry persons in the world has increased – although it is debatable whether there is currently a higher or lower proportion of suffering from hunger than six years ago – before the food price increases. All agree that the overall production of food in the world is adequate for everyone's nutritional needs. The article demonstrates that there are two main approaches in the debate on food production. The dominant approach focuses primarily on food security, understood as increased food production and increased food trade. The other approach argues that the interests and rights of the most vulnerable must prevail, and that

  12. Solar PV O&M Standards and Best Practices - Existing Gaps and Improvement Efforts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klise, Geoffrey Taylor [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Balfour, John R. [High Performance PV, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Keating, T. J. [SunSpec Alliance, San Jose, CA (United States)


    As greater numbers of photovoltaic (PV) systems are being installed, operations & maintenance (O&M) activities will need to be performed to ensure the PV system is operating as designed over its useful lifetime. To mitigate risks to PV system availability and performance, standardized procedures for O&M activities are needed to ensure high reliability and long-term system bankability. Efforts are just getting underway to address the need for standard O&M procedures as PV gains a larger share of U.S. generation capacity. Due to the existing landscape of how and where PV is installed, including distributed generation from small and medium PV systems, as well as large, centralized utility-scale PV, O&M activities will require different levels of expertise and reporting, making standards even more important. This report summarizes recent efforts made by solar industry stakeholders to identify the existing standards and best practices applied to solar PV O&M activities, and determine the gaps that have yet to be, or are currently being addressed by industry.

  13. Synthesis of Cation and Water Free Cryptomelane Type OMS-2 Cathode Materials: The Impact of Tunnel Water on Electrochemistry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poyraz, Altug S.; Huang, Jianping; Zhang, Bingjie; Marschilok, Amy C.; Takeuchi, Kenneth J.; Takeuchi, Esther S.


    Cryptomelane type manganese dioxides (α-MnO2, OMS-2) are interesting potential cathode materials due to the ability of their one dimensional (1D) tunnels to reversibly host various cations including Li+and an accessible stable 3+/4+ redox couple. Here, we synthesized metal cation free OMS-2 materials where the tunnels were occupied by only water and hydronium ions. Water was subsequently removed from the tunnels. Cation free OMS-2 and Dry-OMS-2 were used as cathodes in Li based batteries to investigate the role of tunnel water on their electrochemistry. The initial discharge capacity was higher for Dry-OMS-2 (252 mAh/g) compared to OMS-2 (194 mAh/g), however, after 100 cycles Dry-OMS-2 and OMS-2 delivered 137 mAh/g and 134 mAh/g, respectively. Li+ion diffusion was more facile for Dry-OMS as evidenced by rate capability, at 400 mA/g. Dry-OMS-2 delivered 135mAh/g whereas OMS-2 delivered ~115 mAh/g. This first report of the impact of tunnel water on the electrochemistry of OMS-2 type materials demonstrates that the presence of tunnel water in OMS-2 type materials negatively impacts the electrochemistry.

  14. Udforskning af dialoger om et regnehul

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindenskov, Lena


    Med introduktionen af det danske begreb 'regnehuller' om matematikvanskeligheder bliver det muligt at udforske dialoger i klasserummet med brug af værktøjer fra Augusto Boals Forumteater. Principperne i Boals tre faser præsenteres som værktøjer for læreres refleksive praksis. Ud fra datamateriale...

  15. An algorithm and a Tool for Wavelength Allocation in OMS-SP Ring Architecture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riaz, Muhammad Tahir; Pedersen, Jens Myrup; Madsen, Ole Brun


    OMS-SP ring is one of the well known architectures in Wavelength Division Multiplexing based optical fiber networks. The architecture supports a restorable full mesh in an optical fiber ring using multiple light wavelengths. The paper presents an algorithm to allocate wavelengths in the OMS-SP ri...... architecture. A tool is also introduced which implements the algorithm and assigns wavelengths. The proposed algorithm uses fewer number of wavelengths than the classical allocation method. The algorithm is described and results are presented.......OMS-SP ring is one of the well known architectures in Wavelength Division Multiplexing based optical fiber networks. The architecture supports a restorable full mesh in an optical fiber ring using multiple light wavelengths. The paper presents an algorithm to allocate wavelengths in the OMS-SP ring...

  16. Fiktionsbaseret religion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davidsen, Markus


    Jediismen er en ny religion, der bygger på George Lucas' Star Wars-film. Kernen i jediismen er medlemmernes identifikation med jedi-ridderne fra Star Wars, troen på, at Kraften eksisterer uden for det fiktive univers, samt rituel interaktion med Kraften. På baggrund af en analyse af syv jediistiske...... gruppers hjemmesider skitserer artiklen jediismens selvforståelse med fokus på selv-identifikation, læren om Kraften, praksis og etik samt forhandlingen af forholdet til Star Wars. Endvidere argumenteres for, hvorfor jediismen må fortolkes som en religion og ikke blot som et fanfænomen. Endelig foreslås...... kategorien 'fiktionsbaseret religion' introduceret i religionsvidenskaben som betegnelse for en række nye religioner baseret på 'fiktive religioner' indlejret i fiktionstekster....

  17. Graphitic carbon nitride induced activity enhancement of OMS-2 catalyst for pollutants degradation with peroxymonosulfate (United States)

    Li, Jun; Fang, Jia; Gao, Long; Zhang, Jingwen; Ruan, Xinchao; Xu, Aihua; Li, Xiaoxia


    Low valent manganese species and surface oxygen vacancies in OMS-2 play an important role in catalytic reactions, and it is highly desirable and challenging to develop a feasible strategy of increasing the Mn(II) and Mn(III) species concentration in the oxide. Herein, the OMS-2/g-C3N4 hybrids (OMS-2/CN) were prepared by a facile refluxing approach. It was found that the MnOx precursor from the reaction of KMnO4 and MnSO4 was transformed into OMS-2 nanofibers with the formation of more Mn(II) and Mn(III) species in OMS-2 and the destruction and oxidation of g-C3N4. The hybrids exhibited higher efficiency for pollutants degradation in the presence of PMS than the pure OMS-2 or g-C3N4. There was a linear correlation between the specific initial rate and the ratio of Mn(II + III)/Mn(IV). Mechanism investigation indicated that high active manganese species or caged radicals were produced through the oxidation of Mn(II) and Mn(III) by PMS and contributed to the degradation reaction. During five consecutive cycles, the catalyst exhibited good reusability and stability. Therefore, the OMS-2/CN hybrids are promising catalysts for wastewater treatment with PMS as the oxidant.

  18. The effect of Ce ion substituted OMS-2 nanostructure in catalytic activity for benzene oxidation (United States)

    Hou, Jingtao; Li, Yuanzhi; Mao, Mingyang; Zhao, Xiujian; Yue, Yuanzheng


    The nanostructure of Ce doped OMS-2 plays a very important role in its catalytic property. We demonstrate by density functional theory (DFT) calculations that the unique nanostructure of the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 with Mn vacancy in the framework is beneficial for the improvement of catalytic activity, while the nanostructure of the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 without defects are detrimental to the catalytic activity. We establish a novel and facile strategy of synthesizing these unique Ce ion substituted OMS-2 nanostructure with Mn vacancies in the framework by hydrothermal redox reaction between Ce(NO3)3 and KMnO4 with KMnO4/Ce(NO3)3 at a molar ratio of 3 : 1 at 120 °C. Compared to pure OMS-2, the produced catalyst of Ce ion substituted OMS-2 ultrathin nanorods exhibits an enormous enhancement in the catalytic activity for benzene oxidation, which is evidenced by a significant decrease (ΔT50 = 100 °C, ΔT90 = 129 °C) in the reaction temperature of T50 and T90 (corresponding to the benzene conversion = 50% and 90%), which is considerably more efficient than the expensive supported noble metal catalyst (Pt/Al2O3). We combine both theoretical and experimental evidence to provide a new physical insight into the significant effect due to the defects induced by the Ce ion substitution on the catalytic activity of OMS-2. The formation of unique Ce ion substituted OMS-2 nanostructure with Mn vacancies in the framework leads to a significant enhancement of the lattice oxygen activity, thus tremendously increasing the catalytic activity.The nanostructure of Ce doped OMS-2 plays a very important role in its catalytic property. We demonstrate by density functional theory (DFT) calculations that the unique nanostructure of the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 with Mn vacancy in the framework is beneficial for the improvement of catalytic activity, while the nanostructure of the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 without defects are detrimental to the catalytic activity. We establish a novel

  19. En fortælling om AMU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Villy Hovard; Andresen, Susanne; Lassen, Morten

    bedre muligheder for et aktivt arbejdsliv på et omskifteligt arbejdsmarked. Det er også historien om et skolesystem med nogle meget engage­rede medarbejdere og ledere, der igennem årene har arbejdet for at tilrettelægge og gennemføre uddannelser, der giver mening for både kursister og virksomheder. Og...

  20. 43 CFR 426.23 - Recovery of operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. (United States)


    ... operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. (a) General. All new, amended, and renewed contracts shall provide... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Recovery of operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. 426.23 Section 426.23 Public Lands: Interior Regulations Relating to Public Lands BUREAU OF...

  1. Gas-phase studies of AunOm+ interacting with carbon monoxide (United States)

    Kimble, M. L.; Castleman, A. W.


    The results of reactions between preformed cationic gold oxide clusters and carbon monoxide have been investigated utilizing a fast-flow reactor mass spectrometer. From these studies, it was found that all AunOm+ produced in the cluster source disappeared with CO addition at the reactant gas inlet. Furthermore, with CO addition, intermediate peaks of the form AunOm(CO)x+ (n=1-2, m=0-3, x=0-2) were produced, with some of the species continuing to react at higher CO flows.

  2. Ultra-Wideband Optical Modulation Spectrometer (OMS) Development (United States)

    Gardner, Jonathan (Technical Monitor); Tolls, Volker


    The optical modulation spectrometer (OMS) is a novel, highly efficient, low mass backend for heterodyne receiver systems. Current and future heterodyne receiver systems operating at frequencies up to a few THz require broadband spectrometer backends to achieve spectral resolutions of R approximately 10(exp 5) to 10(exp 6) to carry out many important astronomical investigations. Among these are observations of broad emission and absorption lines from extra-galactic objects at high redshifts, spectral line surveys, and observations of planetary atmospheres. Many of these lines are pressure or velocity broadened with either large half-widths or line wings extending over several GHz. Current backend systems can cover the needed bandwidth only by combining the output of several spectrometers, each with typically up to 1 GHz bandwidth, or by combining several frequency-shifted spectra taken with a single spectrometer. An ultra-wideband optical modulation spectrometer with 10 - 40 GHz bandwidth will enable broadband ob- servations without the limitations and disadvantages of hybrid spectrometers. Spectrometers like the OMS will be important for both ground-based observatories and future space missions like the Single Aperture Far-Infrared Telescope (SAFIR) which might carry IR/submm array heterodyne receiver systems requiring a spectrometer for each array pixel. Small size, low mass and small power consumption are extremely important for space missions. This report summarizes the specifications developed for the OMS and lists already identified commercial parts. The report starts with a review of the principle of operation, then describes the most important components and their specifications which were derived from theory, and finishes with a conclusion and outlook.

  3. Et spørgsmål om at være

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Pia

    om, at Gud er død. I modsætning til eftertiden var Friedrich Nietzsche imidlertid ikke sikker på sin berømte dødsdom. Han tilføjede senere, at vi alligevel ikke slipper af med Gud, fordi vi stadig tror på grammatikken, og det er her Et spørgsmål om at være tager sit udgangspunkt. Der er med andre ord...

  4. Bill Gates køber sig til positive historier om udviklingsbistanden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fejerskov, Adam Moe


    Flere store og velansete medier får penge af Bill Gates' fond for at at bringe positive historier om udviklingsbistanden. Men det medfører en risiko for at journalistikken bliver ukritisk og overfladisk......Flere store og velansete medier får penge af Bill Gates' fond for at at bringe positive historier om udviklingsbistanden. Men det medfører en risiko for at journalistikken bliver ukritisk og overfladisk...

  5. On Embedding N2R Structures in Optical Fiber OMS-SP Ring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riaz, Muhammad Tahir; Pedersen, Jens Myrup; Nielsen, Rasmus Hjorth


    The objective of this paper is to propose methods for embedding N2R structures in optical fiber OMS-SP rings. The OMS-SP ring supports full mesh structure and restoration on the optical level. The N2R structures have been proven to be superior to other degree 3 network structures. Two main mapping...

  6. Genmodifierade livsmedel och kommunikativ etik : En analys av etisk oenighet i debatten om genmodifierade livsmedel


    Hugo, Karin


    The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the Swedish debate regarding genetically modified food products. What does the moral disagreements within this debate entail? In which way would it be possible to obtain and maintain a true dialogue? Is consensus a plausible or even a desirable goal? Can communicative ethics contribute? These questions are analysed in this research project. The project focuses on three themes of the debate on genetically modified food 1990-2000 in Sweden. The first the...

  7. Fortællinger om sorg og tab – når det personlige bliver socialt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Dorthe Refslund; Sandvik, Kjetil


    Vi fortæller om døden, om det at miste og føle sorg. Kulturhistorisk er litteratur, teater og malerkunst scener for netop dette emne. Som socialt fænomen ser vi dog ikke i samme omfang fortællinger om død, tab og sorg, eftersom emnet typisk har været anskuet som et privat anliggende. Bestemte...

  8. Solid-phase photocatalytic degradation of polyethylene film with manganese oxide OMS-2 (United States)

    Liu, Guanglong; Liao, Shuijiao; Zhu, Duanwei; Cui, Jingzhen; Zhou, Wenbing


    Solid-phase photocatalytic degradation of polyethylene (PE) film with cryptomelane-type manganese oxide (OMS-2) as photocatalyst was investigated in the ambient air under ultraviolet and visible light irradiation. The properties of the composite films were compared with those of the pure PE film through performing weight loss monitoring, IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The photoinduced degradation of PE-OMS-2 composite films was higher than that of the pure films, while there has been little change under the visible light irradiation. The weight loss of PE-OMS-2 (1.0 wt%) composite films steadily decreased and reached 16.5% in 288 h under UV light irradiation. Through SEM observation there were some cavities on the surface of composite films, but few change except some surface chalking phenomenon occurred in pure PE film. The degradation rate with ultraviolet irradiation is controllable by adjusting the content of OMS-2 particles in PE plastic. Finally, the mechanism of photocatalytic degradation of the composite films was briefly discussed.

  9. Ferrihydrite-associated organic matter (OM) stimulates reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and a complex microbial consortia (United States)

    Cooper, Rebecca Elizabeth; Eusterhues, Karin; Wegner, Carl-Eric; Totsche, Kai Uwe; Küsel, Kirsten


    The formation of Fe(III) oxides in natural environments occurs in the presence of natural organic matter (OM), resulting in the formation of OM-mineral complexes that form through adsorption or coprecipitation processes. Thus, microbial Fe(III) reduction in natural environments most often occurs in the presence of OM-mineral complexes rather than pure Fe(III) minerals. This study investigated to what extent does the content of adsorbed or coprecipitated OM on ferrihydrite influence the rate of Fe(III) reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, a model Fe(III)-reducing microorganism, in comparison to a microbial consortium extracted from the acidic, Fe-rich Schlöppnerbrunnen fen. We found that increased OM content led to increased rates of microbial Fe(III) reduction by S. oneidensis MR-1 in contrast to earlier findings with the model organism Geobacter bremensis. Ferrihydrite-OM coprecipitates were reduced slightly faster than ferrihydrites with adsorbed OM. Surprisingly, the complex microbial consortia stimulated by a mixture of electrons donors (lactate, acetate, and glucose) mimics S. oneidensis under the same experimental Fe(III)-reducing conditions suggesting similar mechanisms of electron transfer whether or not the OM is adsorbed or coprecipitated to the mineral surfaces. We also followed potential shifts of the microbial community during the incubation via 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses to determine variations due to the presence of adsorbed or coprecipitated OM-ferrihydrite complexes in contrast to pure ferrihydrite. Community profile analyses showed no enrichment of typical model Fe(III)-reducing bacteria, such as Shewanella or Geobacter sp., but an enrichment of fermenters (e.g., Enterobacteria) during pure ferrihydrite incubations which are known to use Fe(III) as an electron sink. Instead, OM-mineral complexes favored the enrichment of microbes including Desulfobacteria and Pelosinus sp., both of which can utilize lactate and acetate as an electron

  10. Measurement crankshaft angular speed of an OM403 engine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Biočanin Stojko


    Full Text Available In this paper, the methodology of the measurement of the angular speed of the crankshaft of a ten-cylinder diesel OM403 engine is presented, with regular and irregular engine operation. The angular velocity was measured under laboratory conditions, on already installed measuring equipment from the laboratory and on the break of a well known brand-Schenck, by using an optoelectronic incremental rotary encoder, a data acquisition module and the LabVIEW software for synchronization and management of the measuring equipment. The goal of this paper is to give a practical contribution to researches of measuring of crankshaft angular speed of the crankshaft engine OM 403.

  11. Fra usikkerhed om sygdom til usikkerhed om bivirkninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Nina Blom; Almlund, Pernille


    I artiklen præsenteres en analyse af nogle af de kontroverser eller usikkerheder, der opstod i forbindelse med den pandemiske svineinfluenza, der spredte sig globalt i 2009. Med udgangspunkt i en aktør-netværksteoretisk analyse viser denne artikel, hvordan identifikationen af virus sætter gang i en...... lang række strategier for håndtering rundt omkring i verden, og hvordan der genereres en stigende kompleksitet i usikkerhederne, fra virus identificeres i Mexico og 9 måneder frem. Den situerede analyse viser også, hvordan der blev skabt kontroverser og relationer, der var særlige for Danmark. Analysen...... anset for at være en møde at håndtere truslen om influenzaen på, blev til gengæld med tiden til en større usikkerhed og skabte mere komplekse kontroverser end influenzaen selv. Artiklen peger derfor bl.a. på, at myndigheders og lægevidenskabens håndtering af influenzaen er et eksempel på en hændelse...

  12. Solar PV O&M Standards and Best Practices – Existing Gaps and Improvement Efforts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klise, Geoffrey Taylor [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Balfour, John R. [High Performance PV, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Keating, T. J. [SunSpec Alliance, San Jose, CA (United States)


    As greater numbers of photovoltaic (PV) systems are being installed, operations & maintenance (O&M) activities will need to be performed to ensure the PV system is operating as designed over its useful lifetime. To mitigate risks to PV system availability and performance, standardized procedures for O&M activities are needed to ensure high reliability and long-term system bankability. Efforts are just getting underway to address the need for standard O&M procedures as PV gains a larger share of U.S. generation capacity. Due to the existing landscape of how and where PV is installed, including distributed generation from small and medium PV systems, as well as large, centralized utility-scale PV, O&M activities will require different levels of expertise and reporting, making standards even more important. This report summarizes recent efforts made by solar industry stakeholders to identify the existing standards and best practices applied to solar PV O&M activities, and determine the gaps that have yet to be, or are currently being addressed by industry.

  13. Drip Irrigation Aided Phytoremediation for Removal of TCE FR-om Groundwater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilde, E.W.


    Groundwater in D-Area at the Savannah River Site (SRS) is contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE) and by-products resulting FR-om discharges of this organic solvent during past disposal practices. This contaminated groundwater occurs primarily at depths of 9 meters to 15 meters below ground surface, well below the depths that are typically penetrated by plant roots. The process investigated in this study involved pumping water FR-om the contaminated aquifer and discharging the water into overlying test plots two inches below the surface using drip irrigation. The field treatability study was conducted FR-om 8/31/00 to 4/18/02 using six 0.08 hectare test plots, two each containing pines, cottonwoods, and no vegetation (controls). The primary objective was to determine the overall effectiveness of the process for TCE removal and to determine the principal biotic and abiotic pathways for its removal. Results demonstrated that the process provides a viable method to remove TCE-contaminated groundwater. The data clearly showed that the presence of trees reduced volatilization of TCE FR-om the drip irrigation system to the atmosphere. Influent groundwater TCE concentrations averaging 89 mg/L were reduced to non-detectable levels (less than 5 mg/L) within the upper two feet of soil (rhizosphere)

  14. Internationalt samarbejde om BIM og digitale vejmodeller

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Christian Fuglsang; Kjems, Erik


    Begrebet BIM (BygningsInformationsModellering) har for alvor ramt infrastruktursektoren, og der arbejdes i mange lande på at optimere håndteringen og udnyttelsen af data. Der er en generel enighed om effektiviseringspotentialet, samt at der er behov for internationale standarder. Følgende giver et...

  15. Temadag om registrering/katalogisering til Web-katalogen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hanne Hørl; Hammershøi, Lene


    Referat fra temadag om registrering/katalogisering til Web-katalogen afholdt af DFs Interessekreds for Registrering på RUC d. 13.marts 2002. Oplægsholdere fra Danmark og England gav deres bud på status og udviklingstendenser for arbejdet med at skabe og forbedre web-baserede bibliotekskataloger...

  16. Identidad y ética en los Comentarios reales de los incas del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Hans Julio Casado


    Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Historiografi. Renæssance. Spaniens erobring af Amerika. Etik. Paul Ricoeur......Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Historiografi. Renæssance. Spaniens erobring af Amerika. Etik. Paul Ricoeur...

  17. Relation of intrathecal oligoclonal band production to inflammatory mediator and immunotherapy response in 208 children with OMS. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; McGee, Nathan R; Tate, Elizabeth D


    In 208 children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS), CSF IgG oligoclonal bands (OCB) and 22 immunomarkers in CSF and 21 in serum/blood were measured. In 36 untreated OMS, 58% were OCB(+), whereas 55% of treated OMS were OCB(-). OCB positivity or negativity did not alter concentrations or frequencies of immunomarkers. The phenotypes of OCB(+) and OCB(-) patients were not distinctive. CSF B cells were expanded in untreated OMS regardless of OCB positivity. These data reveal a much higher frequency of OCB positivity in untreated OMS than previously realized and a disconnect between intrathecal OCB and inflammatory mediator production. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Engaging boundary objects in OMS and STS? Exploring the subtleties of layered engagement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zeiss, R.; Groenewegen, P.


    This paper considers STS aspirations to engage with the field of Organization and Management Studies (OMS). It does so by investigating the employability of the concept of boundary object in OMS. Through an extensive literature review, the paper shows that rather than a simple engagement between STS

  19. Influence of activated carbon preloading by EfOM fractions from treated wastewater on adsorption of pharmaceutically active compounds. (United States)

    Hu, Jingyi; Shang, Ran; Heijman, Bas; Rietveld, Luuk


    In this study, the preloading effects of different fractions of wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) on the adsorption of trace-level pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) onto granular activated carbon (GAC) were investigated. A nanofiltration (NF) membrane was employed to separate the EfOM by size, and two GACs with distinct pore structures were chosen for comparison. The results showed that preloading with EfOM substantially decreased PhAC uptake of the GACs; however, comparable PhAC adsorption capacities were achieved on GACs preloaded by feed EfOM and the NF-permeating EfOM. This indicates that: (1) the NF-rejected, larger EfOM molecules with an expectation to block the PhAC adsorption pores exerted little impact on the adsorbability of PhACs; (2) the smaller EfOM molecules present in the NF permeate contributed mainly to the decrease in PhAC uptake, mostly due to site competition. Of the two examined GACs, the wide pore-size-distributed GAC was found to be more susceptible to EfOM preloading than the microporous GAC. Furthermore, among the fourteen investigated PhACs, the negatively charged hydrophilic PhACs were generally subjected to a greater EfOM preloading impact. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. LHCb: Evaluation of 400m, 5Gbit Versatile Link lengths over OM3 and OM4 fibres for the LHCb upgrade

    CERN Multimedia

    Schwemmer, R; Neufeld, N; Soos, C; Troska, J; Wyllie, K


    The LHCb experiment will upgrade its DAQ system to a trigger less, 40MHz read-out after LS2. To be able to process the approximately 40Tbit/s of data we will require a massive computing farm. This computing farm can not be installed underground, in the vicinity of the detector anymore due to the enormous power and cooling requirements. An affordable data transport solution has to be found to carry the data from the detector to the new data center on the surface. The distance to cover is estimated to be between 300 and 400 meters. We evaluated the feasibility of using the 5Gbit/s Versatile Link to cover the full distance over OM3 and OM4 quality fibres and will present our results.

  1. Tv-nyheder fra hjemlandet – integration eller ghettoisering? Om transnationalisme og nyhedsforbrug

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Connie Carøe Christiansen


    Full Text Available Hvilken rolle spiller medierne i hverdagslivet blandt etniske minoriteter i Danmark? Lidt firkantet kan man spørge: er mennesker af anden etnisk oprindelse mere integrerede, når de foretrækker dansk produceret fjern- syn, end når de foretrækker oprindelseslandets tv? Kultursociologen Connie Carøe Christiansen har i denne artikel trukket nogle af pointerne op fra en undersøgelse, som Danmarks Radio bestilte hos Socialforsk- ningsinstituttet om netop nogle af ovenstående spørgsmål. Carøe, en af rapportens hovedforfattere, analyserer medieforbruget hos etniske mino- riteter i Danmark i lyset af diskussioner om multikulturalisme og social integration. Artiklen er således inspireret af diskussioner om transnationa- lisme og diaspora-identiteter.

  2. Key role of CXCL13/CXCR5 axis for cerebrospinal fluid B cell recruitment in pediatric OMS. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Tate, Elizabeth D; McGee, Nathan R; Travelstead, Anna L; Ransohoff, Richard M; Ness, Jayne M; Colliver, Jerry A


    To study aberrant B cell trafficking into the CSF in opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS), chemoattractants CXCL13 and CXCL12, and B cell frequency and CXCR5 expression, were evaluated. CSF CXCL13 concentration and the CSF/serum ratio were higher in untreated OMS than controls, related directly to OMS severity and inversely to OMS duration, and correlated with CSF B cell frequency and oligoclonal bands. CXCL12 showed the opposite pattern. Selective accumulation of CXCR5+ memory B cells in CSF was found. In ACTH-treated OMS, CXCL13, but not CXCL12, was lower. These data implicate the chemokine/chemoreceptor pair CXCL13/CXR5 in B cell recruitment to the CNS in OMS. CXCL13 and CXCL12 may serve as reciprocal biomarkers of disease activity, but CXCL13 also had utility as a treatment biomarker. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Den gode handling og den gode grund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dehs, Jørgen


    Den tyske filosof Immanuel Kant er aktuel i dagens etik-debat. "Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik".......Den tyske filosof Immanuel Kant er aktuel i dagens etik-debat. "Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik"....

  4. Veranderende automotive wereld vraagt om verandering onderwijs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H.J.C. Nas


    Met dit document wil ik de lezer een nieuwe invalshoek tonen op mobiliteit (Driving Guidance) en een andere benadering van automotive hbo onderwijs. De wereld om ons heen verandert en deze nieuwe wereld zal een ander type automotive ingenieur eisen. Dit is een korte weergave van een lezing voor de

  5. Fem landskabsstrategiske principper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach, Rune Christian; Juel Clemmensen, Thomas


    to their return as investment, and less in respect to their physical surroundings. Consequently the space “between” the building enclaves becomes increasingly relevant in the architectural planning in terms of creating cohesion in the built environment. (Smets) This change of perspective from the built...... influence on the physical environment in the new urban-rural landscape? Global market economy and the withdrawal of public authority create a situation where urban development is increasingly influenced by fluctuations on the real estate market and where buildings are considered more in respect...

  6. XML Schema of PaGE-OM: fuge.xsd [

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available :// schemaLocation=snp.xsd/> ..._source type=fuge:Ontology_source/> _source> ...ogy_term/> _term> Ontology term, defined in more detail in FuGE ( This

  7. At eksistere tænkningen - Om cogito-argumentet og 'illusionen om erkendelsens primat'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liisberg, Sune


    Descartes' indflydelsesrige principformulering cogito ergo sum blev af F.W.J. Schelling betegnet som det 17. århundredes ‘magiske formular'; men den tryllebandt ikke alene sin samtid og den umiddelbare eftertid, den anslog simpelthen grundtonen for hele den nyere tids filosofi, og i nærværnede...... artikel tager jeg da også netop udgangspunkt i (receptionen af) Descartes' cogito-argument. For dels har vi med propositionen ‘jeg tænker, altså er jeg' vel nok det mest bogstavelige udtryk for et forsøg på ‘at tænke eksistensen'; dels rejses spørgsmålet om cogitoargumentets mening til stadighed i...

  8. OM4 bend insensitive multi-mode fibers’ usefulness for MCM integration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guzowski, Bartłomiej; Lisik, Zbigniew; Tosik, Grzegorz; Ciupa, Emilia


    Highlights: ► The influence of high temperature exposure on OM4 fibers’ mechanical properties. ► Researching OM4 class fibers for use in innovative Optical Multi Chip Module. ► The influence of bending at a very small radius, up to 2 mm, on MM fibers. - Abstract: For future generations of electronic systems, a severe bottleneck is expected on the interconnection level and the use of optical interconnection is considered as one of the most promising solutions in this matter. Recent progress in fiber development resulted in new generation of optical fibers that are bend insensitive. This makes them ideal for Multi Chip Module (MCM) application. This paper focuses on OM4 bend insensitive multi-mode fibers’ usefulness for MCM integration, particularly the investigation of MM fiber loss is presented, which is influenced by bend diameter and the fiber's mechanical performance under influence of high temperature (400 °C–1000 °C adequate to MCM production process).

  9. The cost-effectiveness of OM-85 in managing respiratory tract infections in China. (United States)

    Xuan, Jianwei; Wang, Lijie; Yin, Hongjun; Xuan, Dennis; Zhou, Yan; Hu, Shanlian


    To demonstrate the health economic impact of OM-85, a bacterial lysates based immunostimulant, for its approved indications in China. A cost-effectiveness decision tree model was constructed comparing OM-85 with the best supportive care/placebo therapy for managing the acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and rhinosinusitis in the Chinese population. Clinical efficacy and adverse events (AE) data were included in the model based on a thorough literature review. All localized direct treatment costs, including drug cost, AE costs, and medical treatment costs for underlining diseases were included from a Chinese third party payer perspective. A Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) survey was conducted with 20 senior physicians specialized in respiratory, ENT, allergy, and immunology fields from tertiary hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenyang, and Wuhan to validate the local treatment costs. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated based on the above efficacy and cost information. OM-85 is a cost-effective therapy when compared with placebo (standard care). OM-85 can treat/prevent one additional full episode exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and one additional full episode exacerbation of rhinosinusitis with only additional costs of RMB 653 and RMB 1182.84, respectively. In comparison, each acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis will cost RMB 4510.10, and each acute exacerbation of rhinosinuisitis will cost RMB 1807.21 in a Chinese clinical management setting. One-way sensitivity analyses were performed and the ICER result was demonstrated to be consistent. OM 85 reduces acute exacerbations among patients with chronic bronchitis and chronic rhinosinusitis when compared with Placebo (standard care). From a Chinese payer perspective, OM 85 is a cost-effective therapy in the clinical management of both chronic bronchitis and rhinosinusitis in the adult population.

  10. A Best Practice for Developing Availability Guarantee Language in Photovoltaic (PV) O&M Agreements.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klise, Geoffrey Taylor [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Balfour, John [High Performance PV, Phoenix, AZ (United States)


    This document outlines the foundation for developing language that can be utilized in an Equipment Availability Guarantee, typically included in an O&M services agreement between a PV system or plant owner and an O&M services provider, or operator. Many of the current PV O&M service agreement Availability Guarantees are based on contracts used for traditional power generation, which create challenges for owners and operators due to the variable nature of grid-tied photovoltaic generating technologies. This report documents language used in early PV availability guarantees and presents best practices and equations that can be used to more openly communicate how the reliability of the PV system and plant equipment can be expressed in an availability guarantee. This work will improve the bankability of PV systems by providing greater transparency into the equipment reliability state to all parties involved in an O&M services contract.

  11. CSF neurofilament light chain is elevated in OMS (decreasing with immunotherapy) and other pediatric neuroinflammatory disorders. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Tate, Elizabeth D; McGee, Nathan R; Verhulst, Steven J


    Using a panel of seven brain cell-specific biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), pediatric opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) (n=234) was compared to pediatric non-inflammatory neurological controls (n=84) and other inflammatory neurological disorders (OIND) (n=44). Only CSF NFL was elevated in untreated OMS versus controls (+83%). It was 87% higher in OIND than in OMS. On combination treatment with front-loaded ACTH, IVIg, rituximab, median CSF NFL decreased by 60% to control levels. These biochemical data suggest neuronal/axonal injury in some children with OMS without indicators of astrogliosis, and reduction on sufficient immunotherapy. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Anatomy of the human orbital muscle (OM): Features of its detailed topography, syntopy and morphology. (United States)

    Wilden, Andre; Feiser, Janna; Wöhler, Aliona; Isik, Zeynep; Bendella, Habib; Angelov, Doychin N


    The human orbital muscle (OM) is not readily accessible during ordinary anatomical teaching because of insufficient time and difficulties encountered in the preparation. Accordingly, its few anatomical descriptions are supported only by drawings, but not by photographs. The aim of this study was to present OM in dissected anatomic specimens in more detail. Following microscope-assisted dissection, its location, syntopy and morphology were analyzed in 88 orbits of 51 cadavers. Together with the periorbital connective tissue OM filled the infraorbital fissure (IOF) and extended back to the cavernous sinus. As a new finding, we here report that in 34% of the orbits we observed OM-fibers, which proceeded from IOF caudally to the facies infratemporalis of the maxilla. OM had a mean width of 4±1mm, a mean length of 22±5mm and its mean mass was 0.22±0.19g. The subsequent histological analysis of all specimens showed features of smooth muscle tissue: long, spindle-like cells with a centrally located cell nucleus (hematoxylin-eosin staining) which were innervated by tyrosine-hydroxylase immunopositive adrenergic fibers. We conclude that precise knowledge on OM might be very helpful not only to students in medicine and dentistry during anatomical dissection courses, but also to head and neck surgeons, ear-nose-throat specialists and neurosurgeons working in this field. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  13. Seabed Filter Feasibility Study of Om Almisk Island

    KAUST Repository

    Sesler, Kathryn


    Freshwater access has always been and is continuing to be a severe problem in desert coastal regions, despite the fact that they have an unlimited supply of easily accessible saline water. Water desalination plants are well established and heavily relied upon throughout the Middle East, Saudi Arabia in particular. However, water desalination tends to be a very expensive and energy intensive solution to the problem. The transition from using open water intake systems and all of the pretreatment processes that they require, to using seabed water filters as an intake, would potentially reduce the lifetime costs, energy consumption, and environmental impacts commonly associated with water desalination. This is because the filtration process that the seabed filter generates, serves as sufficient pretreatment for seawater as well as eliminating any risk of entrainment or impingement of marine organisms. The main objective of this research is to conduct a feasibility study on Om Almisk Island, an island off the coast of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), to determine if it would be a suitable location to construct a seabed water filter as a replacement for the current open water intake. The Om Almisk Island site was evaluated through collection of sand samples over a radial grid around Om Almisk Island and sample analysis using grain size distribution, porosity, and hydraulic conductivity. The lack of mud, high hydraulic conductivity, proximity to KAUST, and the shallow waters of the sandy apron surrounding Om Almisk Island make this an ideal location for a seabed water filter to be used as an intake and pretreatment for the KAUST desalination plant. This location also has low tide change and the presence of benthic macrofauna to create bioturbation in the sediments, which could inhibit the growth of a schmutzdecke. If this biological layer forms, it could drastically reduce the hydraulic conductivity of the system. Due to the high hydraulic

  14. SBI-konference om byggeprogrammering, den 23.februar 1977

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolte, L.

    Arkitekt Lennart Kolte, Byggnadsstyrelsen, indleder med at berette om erfaringerne fra anvendelse af GP-Kontor 75. En revision af GP-Kontor og brugsanvisning er forestående. GP udfylder en vigtig funktion i bygherreorganisationen i samspil med brugere og projekterende. Materialets detaljeringsgrad...

  15. Gazetecilik Meslek İlkelerinin Uygulanmasını Engelleyen Unsurlar ve Çözüm Önerileri / Obstacles on the Practice of the Ethical Principles in Journalism and Some Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Buşra ERİMLİ


    Full Text Available Makalede gazetecilik meslek etik ilkeleri ele alınmıştır. Etik ilkelerin kapsamı ve sınırları incelenmiştir. Bu çerçevede gazetecilerin meslek ilkelerini uygulamasını engelleyen etmenler araştırılmış ve bunlara ilişkin bazı çözüm önerilerine yer verilmiştir. Makalede gazetecilik meslek etik ilkeleri ele alınmıştır. Etik ilkelerin kapsamı ve sınırları incelenmiştir. Bu çerçevede gazetecilerin meslek ilkelerini uygulamasını engelleyen etmenler araştırılmış ve bunlara ilişkin bazı çözüm önerilerine yer verilmiştir.

  16. Journalistik om et bebudet historisk øjeblik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørndrup, Hanne


    samtidens interesse som ’historiske’, hvordan behandler journalistikken disse begivenheder, og hvad kan påberåbelsen af historien bruges til? Barack Obamas indsættelse som USA’s 44. præsident i januar 2009 blev om noget udråbt til et historisk øjeblik. Nærværende artikel analyser den journalistiske praksis...

  17. Projekt READ - sammen om læsning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Vedsgaard; Østerbye, Torkil


    Projekt READ er et et-årigt projekt gennemført i et samarbejde mellem TrygFondens Børneforskningscenter, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus Kommune og VIA University College. Projektet undersøger, om læse- og skrivefærdigheder hos elever i 2. og 3. klasse kan løftes gennem en intervention, hvor forældre...

  18. Etika oglašavanja – problemi definiranja i razgraničenja od srodnih disciplina


    Žanetić, Ivan


    Rad ima namjeru da ponudi uvod u etiku oglašavanja, razmatrajući probleme njena definiranja, kao i različite koncepcije tog područja. Primijećene razlike u poimanju discipline okupljene su u tri skupine: (1) oko pitanja o teorijskom ili primijenjenom karakteru etike oglašavanja, (2) oko njene odvojenosti ili uključenosti u marketinšku etiku, te (3) oko izvornih teorijskih doprinosa etike oglašavanja općoj etici kao jedinom razlogu postojanja etike oglašavanja. Posebnu smo pažnju posvetili pri...

  19. Interview med professor Paul du Gay om bureaukratiets værdi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pors, Anja Svejgaard


    Paul du Gay er sociolog og globaliseringsprofessor ved Institut for Organisation på Copenhagen Business School. I hans forskning interesserer han sig blandt andet for bureaukratiet som styreform. Gennem årtier har bureaukratiet været genstand for omfattende kritik for dets langsommelighed......, inhumanitet og manglende fleksibilitet. Paul du Gay har taget til genmæle og forsvarer bureaukratiet som en styreform, der understøtter demokrati. I arbejdet med administration som praksis og faglighed har vi interviewet Paul du Gay om nogle af de centrale pointer i denne forskning. Samtalen kredser om...

  20. OM and A considerations in PLEx decision making for CANDUR reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azeez, S.; Olmstead, R.; Krishnan, V. S.; Ramakrichnan, T. K.; Kakaria, B. K.


    In recent years, owners and operators of mature nuclear plants that are reaching their design life, are contemplating Plant Life Extension (PLEx) to continue generating low cost electricity. While the business case for PLEx is typically organized along the immediate investment requirements to carryout the planned refurbishment of the plant components, a similar level of attention and focus should be placed on the post refurbishment OM and A costs of the plant. If the refurbishment is based on a one-to-one replacement of aging or non-repairable components, then post refurbishment OM and A costs can be expected to be similar to those before refurbishment. This paper presents supporting arguments to align post-refurbishment OM and A, with certain modifications to the plant during refurbishment, which can yield a significantly reduced OM and A costs over the extended life. The paper describes techniques, which are being investigated for operating CANDU R plants, the will reduce the overall manpower requirements through more automation applied to testing, analyses, equipment status monitoring, regulatory surveillance/reporting etc., and integration of plant information systems. Application of Condition Based Monitoring combined with Reliability Centred Maintenance will minimize operational maintenance intervention and action, and hence, further reduce the maintenance manpower resources. These examples will be applied to two typical CANDU R situations - one using PLEx as the example (Point Lepreau Station) and the other using plant restart of laid up units (Pickering A Station) to illustrate these concepts. Specific data for these two plant types will be described with and without implementation of the OM and A reduction techniques described above to demonstrate potential manpower reductions. The paper will also describe how the Canadian nuclear industry has been able to deal with the lack of trained personnel and turn things around; and is in a position to start up the


    Ekmekçi, Perihan Elif; Arda, Berna


    Sağlık hakkı temel bir insan hakkıdır. Ancak günümüzde sağlık hakkının hayata geçmesi, sağlık sunumunda gereksinim duyulan kaynakların kısıtlı olması nedeniyle engeller ile karşılaşmaktadır. Ayrıca tıp alanındaki hızlı teknolojik ilerlemeler, tanı ve tedavi imkânlarının her geçen gün gelişmesine yol açmaktadır. Bu durum, sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunu dağıtıcı adaletin bir süjesi haline getirmektedir. Adalet kavramının tanımlanabilmesi için öncelikle, birey ya da toplulukların bir şeye ilişkin hak talebinde bulunmalarının koşullarını tanımlanmalı daha sonra hak edilenin kim tarafından ve nasıl verileceğinin belirlenmelidir. Etik kuramlar, etik açıdan doğru eyleyebilmek için hangi dayanak noktalarından yola çıkarak hangi değerleri önceleyerek karar vermek gerektiği konusunda kendi paradigmalarını oluşturmuşlardır. Adalet ve sağlık hakkı gibi temel kavramlar, temel etik kuramlar tarafından, o kuramın bağlamı içinde değerlendirilmekte ve anlam kazanmaktadır. Sağlık hakkı bazı etik kuramlar tarafından insan varlığının doğal bir bileşeni olarak tanımlanırken, bazı etik kuramlar tarafından bağlamsal olarak kabul edilmekte bazıları tarafından ise reddedilmekte, adalet kavramı ve bağlantılı olarak adaletin materyal ve formal ilkeleri gibi kavramların içerikleri ve taşıdıkları değerler içinden bakılan etik kuramın paradigmasına bağlı olarak farklıklar içermektedir. Etik kuramların paradigmaları sadece kavramların tanımlanmasında değil, aynı zamanda pratik uygulamalarda da farklı yaklaşımları gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, erdem etiği, faydacı etik kuram, ödev etiği, liberal etik kuram ve kommuniteryan etik kuramın adalet ve sağlık hakkını nasıl kavramsallaştırdıklarını ortaya konmaktır. Bu amaçla öncelikle her bir etik kuramın genel çerçevesi tanımlanmış ve bu çerçevenin çizdiği teorik paradigma i

  2. Lean på sygehuset - del I: Introduktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Martin Lindgaard; Gertsen, Frank


    Dette workpaper introducerer et forskningsprojekt baseret på case studier af Lean principper anvendt på et sygehus. Operationelle udfordringer i sygehusets arbejdsgange illustreres gennem et observeret patientforløb. Disse udfordringer, et oprids af sygehusenes vilkår, og gennemgang af tidligere...... tiltag omkring forbedringer på sygehusene leder frem til projektets problemstilling og tilgang i form af afprøvning af Lean principper....

  3. ISAL experiment documentation of vertical tail and OMS pods (United States)


    Investigation of Space Transportation System (STS) Atmospheric Luminosities (ISAL) experiment documentation includes vertical tail and orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods with surface glow against the blackness of space. This glowing scene was provided by a long duration exposure with a 35mm camera aimed toward the tail of the Earth-orbiting Challenger, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 099. OV-099 was maneuvered to a 120-nautical-mile altitude and flown with open payload bay (PLB) in the velocity vector for the conducting of a test titled, 'Evaluation of Oxygen Interaction with Materials (EOIM)'. Atomic oxygen within the low orbital environment is known to be extremely reactive when in contact with solid surfaces. In the darkened area between the camera and the glowing OMS pods and vertical stabilizer are two trays of test materials.

  4. Medicinsk cannabis : En litteraturstudie om användningen av medicinsk cannabis inom cancervården


    Nygård, Sofia


    Detta examensarbete handlar om användningen av medicinsk cannabis inom cancervården. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilken roll cannabis kan ha i cancervården. Frågeställningarna var: Hur upplever patienten användning av medicinsk cannabis? Vilken hjälp kan patienten väntas få av medicinsk cannabis? vilka attityder har vårdpersonal mot medicinsk cannabis? Som utgångsteorier i denna studie användes Ruland och Moors teori om ett fridfullt slut på livet samt Erikssons teori om ...

  5. Glow phenomenon surrounding the vertical stabilizer and OMS pods (United States)


    This 35mm frame, photographed as the Space Shuttle Columbia was orbiting Earth during a 'night' pass, documents the glow phenomenon surrounding the vertical stabilizer and the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) pods of the spacecraft.

  6. Mod en pragmatisk sociologi om fysisk vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jønck, Mikkel Kronborg


    . Som et delvist svar på denne forsømmelse introduceres til den franske sociolog Luc Boltanskis »tilnærmede udkast« til en handlingsteori om vold, som er en del af en større handlingssociologi, der præsenteres i bogen Love and Justice as Competences. Der peges dog på et grundlæggende konceptuelt problem...

  7. Full solar spectrum light driven thermocatalysis with extremely high efficiency on nanostructured Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst for VOCs purification (United States)

    Hou, Jingtao; Li, Yuanzhi; Mao, Mingyang; Yue, Yuanzheng; Greaves, G. Neville; Zhao, Xiujian


    The nanostructured Ce ion substituted cryptomelane-type octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) catalyst exhibits strong absorption in the entire solar spectrum region. The Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst can efficiently transform the absorbed solar energy to thermal energy, resulting in a considerable increase of temperature. By combining the efficient photothermal conversion and thermocatalytic activity of the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst, we carried out full solar spectrum, visible-infrared, and infrared light driven catalysis with extremely high efficiency. Under the irradiation of full solar spectrum, visible-infrared, and infrared light, the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst exhibits extremely high catalytic activity and excellent durability for the oxidation of volatile organic pollutants such as benzene, toluene, and acetone. Based on the experimental evidence, we propose a novel mechanism of solar light driven thermocatalysis for the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst. The reason why the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst exhibits much higher catalytic activity than pure OMS-2 and CeO2/OMS-2 nano composite under the full solar spectrum irradiation is discussed.The nanostructured Ce ion substituted cryptomelane-type octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) catalyst exhibits strong absorption in the entire solar spectrum region. The Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst can efficiently transform the absorbed solar energy to thermal energy, resulting in a considerable increase of temperature. By combining the efficient photothermal conversion and thermocatalytic activity of the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst, we carried out full solar spectrum, visible-infrared, and infrared light driven catalysis with extremely high efficiency. Under the irradiation of full solar spectrum, visible-infrared, and infrared light, the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst exhibits extremely high catalytic activity and excellent durability for the oxidation of volatile organic pollutants

  8. STS-26 Discovery, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 103, OMS pod leak repair at KSC (United States)


    At the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Rockwell manufacturing engineering specialist Claude Willis (left) and Rockwell manufacturing supervisor George Gallagher begin installation of a 'clamshell' device in the left orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pod reaction control system (RCS) of Discovery, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 103. Gallagher performed the OMS pod nitric acid oxidizer leak repair operation using the two newly cut access ports in the Orbiter's aft bulkhead.

  9. Planning of O&M for Offfshore Wind Turbines using Bayesian Graphical Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jannie Jessen; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    The costs to operation and maintenance (O&M) for offshore wind turbines are large, and riskbased planning of O&M has the potential of reducing these costs. This paper presents how Bayesian graphical models can be used to establish a probabilistic damage model and include data from imperfect...... inspections and monitoring. The method offers efficient updating of the failure probability, which is necessary for risk-based decision making. An application example is presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the method....

  10. Herbart om oppdragelse, formbarhet og takt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Løvlie


    Full Text Available Jeg presenterer her en analyse og tolkning av Herbarts syn på oppdragelse og danning, med feste i to av hans begreper: formbarhet – Bildsamkeit – og takt. Det første kaster lys over forholdet mellom lærer og elev, det andre først og fremst over forholdet mellom teori og praksis. For ham, som for forgjengeren Immanuel Kant, dreiet det seg om subjektivitet og frihet, eller mer konkret: Hvordan oppdra til autonomi der det også kreves tvang? Så vidt jeg kan se, bruker Herbart de to grunnbegrepene nettopp til å bestemme det paradoksale og uferdige forholdet mellom frihet og tvang. Han forklarer det som et åpent forhold eller relasjon som ikke har en bestemt begynnelse og heller ikke en bestemt konklusjon. Verken tradisjon eller vitenskap kan ved seg selv realisere dette råderommet. Han tenker seg et frirom der kunnskap, intuisjon og skjønn spiller på lag i oppdragelsen. Tradisjonen henger gjerne igjen i gamle fordommer, vitenskapen fanges i teori og abstrakt skjema, og ingen av dem dekker de unike situasjonene som nyskaper forholdet mellom voksne og barn. Herbart stilte seg åpen til spørsmål som ikke løses ved styring og kontroll, og spør implisitt om ikke vi også kan gjøre det samme.

  11. Enhanced oxidation of arsenite to arsenate using tunable K+ concentration in the OMS-2 tunnel. (United States)

    Hou, Jingtao; Sha, Zhenjie; Hartley, William; Tan, Wenfeng; Wang, Mingxia; Xiong, Juan; Li, Yuanzhi; Ke, Yujie; Long, Yi; Xue, Shengguo


    Cryptomelane-type octahedral molecular sieve manganese oxide (OMS-2) possesses high redox potential and has attracted much interest in its application for oxidation arsenite (As(III)) species of arsenic to arsenate (As(V)) to decrease arsenic toxicity and promote total arsenic removal. However, coexisting ions such as As(V) and phosphate are ubiquitous and readily bond to manganese oxide surface, consequently passivating surface active sites of manganese oxide and reducing As(III) oxidation. In this study, we present a novel strategy to significantly promote As(III) oxidation activity of OMS-2 by tuning K + concentration in the tunnel. Batch experimental results reveal that increasing K + concentration in the tunnel of OMS-2 not only considerably improved As(III) oxidation kinetics rate from 0.027 to 0.102 min -1 , but also reduced adverse effect of competitive ion on As(III) oxidation. The origin of K + concentration effect on As(III) oxidation was investigated through As(V) and phosphate adsorption kinetics, detection of Mn 2+ release in solution, surface charge characteristics, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Experimental results and theoretical calculations confirm that by increasing K + concentration in the OMS-2 tunnel not only does it improve arsenic adsorption on K + doped OMS-2, but also accelerates two electrons transfers from As(III) to each bonded Mn atom on OMS-2 surface, thus considerably improving As(III) oxidation kinetics rate, which is responsible for counteracting the adverse adsorption effects by coexisting ions. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Significant issues and changes for ANSI/ASME OM-1 1981, part 1, ASME OMc code-1994, and ASME OM Code-1995, Appendix I, inservice testing of pressure relief devices in light water reactor power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seniuk, P.J.


    This paper identifies significant changes to the ANSI/ASME OM-1 1981, Part 1, and ASME Omc Code-1994 and ASME OM Code-1995, Appendix I, open-quotes Inservice Testing of Pressure Relief Devices in Light-Water Reactor Power Plantsclose quotes. The paper describes changes to different Code editions and presents insights into the direction of the code committee and selected topics to be considered by the ASME O ampersand M Working Group on pressure relief devices. These topics include scope issues, thermal relief valve issues, as-found and as-left set-pressure determinations, exclusions from testing, and cold setpoint bench testing. The purpose of this paper is to describe some significant issues being addressed by the O ampersand M Working Group on Pressure Relief Devices (OM-1). The writer is currently the chair of OM-1 and the statements expressed herein represents his personal opinion

  13. Om te staak of nie te staak nie? Die sieninge van 'n aantal swart ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Erna Kinsey

    sig, is eerstens om ondersoek in te stel na 'n groep swart opvoeders se sieninge oor opvoeders se reg om te staak. Tweedens sal na die redes wat hierdie opvoeders aanvoer waarom hulle al aan stakings deel- geneem het of sal deelneem, gelet word. Derdens sal die redes waarom sommige opvoeders nie sal staak nie, ...



    YEŞİL, Salih; DERELİ, Selçuk Ferit


    Son zamanlarda dünya çapında yaşanan çeşitli etik skandallar, etik konusuna dikkatleri çekmiş ve konu üzerinde çalışmaların artmasına ön ayak olmuştur. Konu, gerek özel gerekse kamu sektörü açısından büyük önem arz eden ve şirketlerin uzun dönemde yaşamlarını sürdürmelerinde en etkili faktörlerden biri olarak gösterilmektedir. Bu çalışmada çalışanların etik dışı uygulamalara yönelik algıları ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Özellikle çalışanların çeşitli özellikleri açısından etik dışı uygulamalara y...



    DEMİRDAĞ, Gülfiz Ergin; EKMEKÇİOĞLU, Emre Burak


    Bu araştırmada otomotiv sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir işletmede çalışan mavi yaka ve beyaz yaka işgörenlerin, etik liderlik ve etik iklim algısının örgütsel bağlılık ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi toplam 76 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada verilerin toplanmasında Etik Liderlik Ölçeği (Brown vd., 2005), Etik İklim Ölçeği (Schwepker vd., 1997), Örgütsel Bağlılık Ölçeği (Meyer ve Allen, 1991) ve araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu kul...

  16. Effects of the Bacterial Extract OM-85 on Phagocyte Functions and the Stress Response (United States)

    Baladi, S.; Kantengwa, S.; Donati, Y. R. A.; Polla, B. S.


    The effects of the bacterial extract OM-85 on the respiratory burst, intracellular calcium and the stress response have been investigated in human peripheral blood monocytes from normal donors. Activation of the respiratory burst during bacterial phagocytosis has been previously associated with heat shock/stress proteins synthesis. Whereas OM-85 stimulated superoxide production and increased Ca2+ mobilization, it fared to induce synthesis of classical HSPs. The lack of stress protein induction was observed even in the presence of iron which potentiates both oxidative injury and stress protein induction during bacterial phagocytosis. However OM-85 induced a 75–78 kDa protein, which is likely to be a glucose regulated protein (GRP78), and enhanced intracellular expression of interleukin-lβ precursor. PMID:18472933

  17. Bruggen bouwen; Havisten leren om coherente teksten te schrijven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elving, Klaske; van den Bergh, H.H.


    Havo 5-leerlingen slagen er onvoldoende in om coherente teksten te schrijven. Vaak bestaan de teksten die zij schrijven voor het schoolexamen (veelal betogen, beschouwingen) uit losse mededelingen, zonder onderling verband. Klaske Elving en Huub van den Bergh onderzochten of de topical structure

  18. Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange Dye under the Daylight Irradiation over CN-TiO₂ Modified with OMS-2. (United States)

    Hassan, Mohamed Elfatih; Chen, Jing; Liu, Guanglong; Zhu, Duanwei; Cai, Jianbo


    In this study, CN-TiO₂ was modified with cryptomelane octahedral molecular sieves (OMS-2) by the sol-gel method based on the self-assembly technique to enhance its photocatalytic activity under the daylight irradiation. The synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-vis spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and porosimeter analysis. The results showed that the addition of OMS-2 in the sol lead to higher Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area, pore volume, porosity of particle after heat treatment and the specific surface area, porosity, crystallite size and pore size distribution could be controlled by adjusting the calcination temperature. Compared to the CN-TiO₂-400 sample, CN-TiO₂/OMS-2-400 exhibited greater red shift in absorption edge of samples in visible region due to the OMS-2 coated. The enhancement of photocatalytic activity of CN-TiO₂/OMS-2 composite photocatalyst was subsequently evaluated for the degradation of the methyl orange dye under the daylight irradiation in water. The results showed that the methyl orange dye degradation rate reach to 37.8% for the CN-TiO₂/OMS-2-400 sample under the daylight irradiation for 5 h, which was higher than that of reference sample. The enhancement in daylight photocatalytic activities of the CN-TiO₂/OMS samples could be attributed to the synergistic effects of OMS-2 coated, larger surface area and red shift in adsorption edge of the prepared sample.

  19. Index viktat efter omsättning : Presterar ett index viktat efter omsättning bättre än ett index viktat efter börsvärde?


    Walljaeger, Christoffer; Uhrdin, Susanna


    Om den effektiva marknadshypotesen inte gäller skulle varje aktie handlas över eller under aktiens verkliga värde. Om så är fallet skulle alla index som är viktade efter börsvärde automatiskt överexponeras när en aktie handlas över dess verkliga värde och underexponera när en aktie handlas under dess verkliga värde. Det här betyder att kapitalviktade index är fundamentalt och strukturellt bristfälliga och kommer kontinuerligt övervikta alla aktier som handlas över verkligt värde och undervikt...

  20. Gold nanoparticles on OMS-2 for heterogeneously catalyzed aerobic oxidative α,β-dehydrogenation of β-heteroatom-substituted ketones. (United States)

    Yoshii, Daichi; Jin, Xiongjie; Yatabe, Takafumi; Hasegawa, Jun-Ya; Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Mizuno, Noritaka


    In the presence of Au nanoparticles supported on manganese oxide OMS-2 (Au/OMS-2), various kinds of β-heteroatom-substituted α,β-unsaturated ketones (heteroatom = N, O, S) can be synthesized through α,β-dehydrogenation of the corresponding saturated ketones using O 2 (in air) as the oxidant. The catalysis of Au/OMS-2 is truly heterogeneous, and the catalyst can be reused.

  1. Fra troldmandens værksted: Historien om forskerne, der skrev den politiske instruktionsbog til atombomben

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby


    Fred Kaplans The Wizards of Armageddon handler om denne gruppe forskere og hvordan de lærte de amerikanske beslutningstagere om ikke ‘at elske bomben og glemme deres bekymringer', som Dr. Strangelove's filmplakat i sin tid lovede, men så dog at forstå bomben og vide hvordan man skulle bekymre sig...

  2. Hvorledes kommer data om patienters mentale funktioner til udtryk i klinisk sygepleje? : en deskriptiv analyse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Birgitte; Nielsen, Cathrine Sand

    . Resultaterne diskuteres mod forfatternes forforståelse, som væsentligst er repræsenteret ved sygeplejeprocessen, Virginia Hendersons tanker om behov og Peter Thybos skematisering af hjerneprocesser. Konklusionen på undersøgelsen er, at data om patienters mentale funktioner ikke tillægges værdi i sig selv. Data...

  3. Acides gras oméga 3 et maladies cardiovasculaires : approches épidémiologiques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ducimetiere Pierre


    Full Text Available La prise alimentaire d’acides gras oméga 3 a de nombreuses conséquences biologiques en particulier dans les domaines intéressant le risque cardiovasculaire (thrombose, métabolisme lipidique, inflammation. A partir de l’énorme littérature épidémiologique sur le sujet, on peut conclure que la consommation de poisson « gras » ou d’oméga 3 à longue chaîne a un effet protecteur sur la mortalité coronaire et plus généralement sur les maladies cardiovasculaires. Il existe des indications en faveur d’un effet similaire de l’apport en alphalinolénique (ALA. Les essais de prévention secondaire avec des oméga 3 à longue chaîne ont confirmé ces résultats mais les essais de conseils nutritionnels favorisant la consommation d’ALA ne sont qu’indicatifs. Il n’existe guère « d’evidence » en faveur du rôle des oméga sur le développement quantitatif de l’athérome alors que leur effet protecteur sur la vulnérabilité cardiaque aux arythmies est bien établie. Ces données expérimentales et cliniques fournissent une base biologique à la relation observée entre un apport augmenté de poisson ou d’oméga 3 et un risque abaissé de mort subite dans plusieurs études de cohortes.

  4. View of the firing of a single engine OMS (United States)


    View of a single engine orbital maneuvering system (OMS) firing on the Discovery. The payload bay is open and the protective canisters for the AUSSAT communications satellite (open) and the ASC-1 are visible. A cloudy Earth's horizon can be seen above the orbiter.

  5. Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of the O/M ratio in MOX pellets - Gravimetric method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This International Standard describes a method for determining the oxygen-to-metal (O/M) ratio in mixed uranium-plutonium oxide pellets. The (U,Pu)O 2 x sample is submitted to controlled oxidation-reduction under thermodynamic conditions designed to change the O/M ratio to a value of 2,000. The initial stoichiometric deviation, X, is determined from the sample mass difference before and after heat treatment

  6. [Self-assessment of tasks and roles of occupational medicine service (OMS) nurses in the Polish system of workers' health protection]. (United States)

    Sakowski, Piotr


    This paper presents the results of survey performed to find out how occupational medicine service (OMS) nurses assess their tasks and roles in the Polish system of workers' health protection. The survey was carried out in a random group of 200 OMS nurses. The survey showed that OMS nurses form-an experienced professional group. According to self-assessment they have an opportunity to use their competence in its full scope. Almost half of respondents agreed that in Poland the skills of OMS nurses are properly used. There are two reasons why certain tasks are not performed by OMS nurses, first, certain tasks are assigned to other persons in the unit; second, employers are sometimes not interested in those tasks or find them not necessary. The majority of nurses assess their knowledge and preparation to perform tasks relatively well, however they want to broaden their knowledge and improve their skills. OMS nurses play an important role in the Polish system of workers' health protection. They perform many tasks, which fall within the scope of OMS activities being currently implemented. Their competences are usually properly used. There is a need to convince employers that the scope of services provided by OMS units should be extended and adequately financed. This should result in the better use of OMS nurses' competences. Nurses are well educated and skilled to perform their jobs. Nevertheless, they feel the need to broaden their knowledge. Although the programs of specialization and qualification courses are rather comprehensive, nurses declare that some areas should be enriched with additional information.

  7. Etika u poduzetništvu


    Ivančir, Monika


    Ovim diplomskim radom ukazuje se na problematiku današnjice glede poslovne etike. Naglasak se stavlja na etiku u poduzetništvu. Istaknuti su najčešći moralni problemi s kojima se susreću današnji poduzetnici i želi se naglasiti važnost etike u svim poslovnim odnosima i odlukama. Zadaća svakog poduzetnika, koji se želi voditi načelima etike, jest da uspostavi ravnotežu između ekonomske i društveno odgovorne strane poslovanja. Samo na taj način, na današnjem promjenjivom tržištu, poduzetnik...

  8. Oméga 3 et neurotransmission cérébrale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vancassel Sylvie


    Full Text Available Les acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI sont des constituants structuraux fondamentaux du système nerveux central (SNC dont la teneur conditionne le fonctionnement des cellules neuronales. Ils sont des acteurs de la communication intercellulaire, notamment à travers les processus de neurotransmission. De nombreuses études ont montré chez l’animal que le déficit des membranes cérébrales en oméga 3, et plus particulièrement en acide docosahexaénoïque (22 : 6ω-3 ou DHA induit par une carence alimentaire spécifique en cette famille d’AGPI, s’accompagne de troubles de l’apprentissage. Un support neurochimique a été avancé, impliquant les processus de libération de neurotransmetteurs, notamment les monoamines et l’acétylcholine. Cette relation entre AGPI ω3 et neurotransmission est d’autant plus intéressante qu’elle pourrait être également impliquée chez l’Homme dans l’apparition et\\\\ou la sévérité de certains troubles neuropsychiatriques dans lesquels des dysfonctionnements de la neurotransmission sont constatés (schizophrénie, dépression, hyperactivité chez l’enfant. En effet, de nombreuses études révèlent un déficit du statut corporel en AGPI oméga 3 (20 : 5 et 22 : 6 mais aussi en oméga 6, qui peut être corrigé par voie nutritionnelle, permettant alors de réduire significativement certains des symptômes pathologiques. Dans ce contexte, nous développons au laboratoire des recherches visant à comprendre les mécanismes d’action des oméga 3, et en particulier du DHA, dans les membranes nerveuses et l’incidence sur le fonctionnement de ces cellules.

  9. Determinantes sociales de la salud de la OMS en mujeres mexicanas con el virus de papiloma


    Soltero-Rivera, Silvia Guadalupe; Cerda-Flores, Ricardo Martin; Cárdenas-Villarreal, Velia Margarita; Guevara-Valtier, Milton Carlos; Paz Morales, María de los Angeles; Patton-Leal, Adrián Carlos; Ramírez-García, Esther Justina


    Uno de los temas centrales de la OMS es el análisis de los problemas de salud mediante el modelo de Determinantes Sociales de la Salud (DSS: inadecuadas condiciones económicas, ambientales y de alimentación). El sistema sanitario de la OMS ha asociado algunas enfermedades tal como el Virus de Papiloma Humano (VPH) con losDSS. Desde el punto de vista de investigación cuantitativa, los DSS reportados por la OMS son: 1) edad de inicio de la actividad sexual, 2) múltiples compañeros sexuales, 3) ...

  10. En ansats til en teori om Situationel Dialektisk Ledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dakwar, Julia Rytter; Lorentzen, Anne-Christine Rosfeldt; Smedegaard, Flemming


    typer af organisations-medlemmer, bl.a. Helle Heins arketypeteori, Thomas Højrups livsformsteori og Helle Petersens cen-lok teori om forandringskommunikation. I en ramme af et dialektisk mindset samles tankerne i artiklens afsluttende afsnit, hvor der skitseres en række krav, som ledelse og ledere i...

  11. New directions and challenges for the O&M committee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pelletier, J.P.


    In the second half of the decade of the nineties, the imperative of finding new ways to improve efficiency while maintaining safety is taking on a new urgency. The looming deregulation of the electric industry and the expected competition in the power production business fuels this urgency. The recently completed ASME research in the area of Risk-Based Inservice Testing offers the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Committee an opportunity to meet this challenge. This opportunity, however, offers its own challenges. New ways of thinking about inservice testing and new technical skills will be needed to successfully incorporate this technology into Code documents. It will not be adequate to rely solely on incorporation of risk-based methods into the Code to meet this challenge. A thorough self assessment of what O&M does, how it is done, and the value added will help assure that the directions which are pursued do, indeed, meet the challenge ahead.

  12. Værsgo' ta' en tablet. Om brugen af tablets i dansk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink


    Hvordan kan vi udvikle elevernes faglighed ved hjælp af it? Hvad er det i det hele taget vigtigt at lære i en tidssvarende folkeskole, så eleverne bliver klædt på til fremtidens samfund? Og kan iPads bruges til dette? Dette kapitel handler om fagdidaktik og tablets i undervisningen.......Hvordan kan vi udvikle elevernes faglighed ved hjælp af it? Hvad er det i det hele taget vigtigt at lære i en tidssvarende folkeskole, så eleverne bliver klædt på til fremtidens samfund? Og kan iPads bruges til dette? Dette kapitel handler om fagdidaktik og tablets i undervisningen....

  13. Adjuvant treatment with the bacterial lysate (OM-85 improves management of atopic dermatitis: A randomized study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Bodemer

    Full Text Available Environmental factors play a major role on atopic dermatitis (AD which shows a constant rise in prevalence in western countries over the last decades. The Hygiene Hypothesis suggesting an inverse relationship between incidence of infections and the increase in atopic diseases in these countries, is one of the working hypothesis proposed to explain this trend.This study tested the efficacy and safety of oral administration of the bacterial lysate OM-85 (Broncho-Vaxom®, Broncho-Munal®, Ommunal®, Paxoral®, Vaxoral®, in the treatment of established AD in children.Children aged 6 months to 7 years, with confirmed AD diagnosis, were randomized in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to receive, in addition to conventional treatment with emollients and topical corticosteroids, 3.5mg of the bacterial extract OM-85 or placebo daily for 9 months. The primary end-point was the difference between groups in the occurrence of new flares (NF during the study period, evaluated by Hazard Ratio (HR derived from conditional Cox proportional hazard regression models accounting for repeated events.Among the 179 randomized children, 170 were analysed, 88 in the OM-85 and 82 in the placebo group. As expected most children in both treatment groups experienced at least 1 NF during the study period (75 (85% patients in the OM-85 group and 72 (88% in the placebo group. Patients treated with OM-85 as adjuvant therapy had significantly fewer and delayed NFs (HR of repeated flares = 0.80; 95% confidence interval (CI: 0.67-0.96, also when potential confounding factors, as family history of atopy and corticosteroids use, were taken into account (HR = 0.82; 95% CI: 0.69-0.98. No major side effect was reported, with comparable and good tolerability for OM-85 and placebo.Results show an adjuvant therapeutic effect of a well standardized bacterial lysate OM-85 on established AD.

  14. Full Solar Spectrum Light Driven Thermocatalysis with Extremely High Efficiency on Nanostructured Ce Ion Substituted OMS-2 Catalyst for VOCs Purification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hou, J.T.; Li, Y.Z.; Mao, M.Y.


    solar spectrum, visible-infrared, and infrared light, the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst exhibits extremely high catalytic activity and excellent durability for the oxidation of volatile organic pollutants such as benzene, toluene, and acetone. Based on the experimental evidence, we propose a novel...... in a considerable increase of temperature. By combining the efficient photothermal conversion and thermocatalytic activity of the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst, we carried out full solar spectrum, visible-infrared, and infrared light driven catalysis with extremely high efficiency. Under the irradiation of full...... mechanism of solar light driven thermocatalysis for the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst. The reason why the Ce ion substituted OMS-2 catalyst exhibits much higher catalytic activity than pure OMS-2 and CeO2/OMS-2 nano composite under the full solar spectrum irradiation is discussed....

  15. Ferrihydrite-associated organic matter (OM stimulates reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and a complex microbial consortia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. E. Cooper


    Full Text Available The formation of Fe(III oxides in natural environments occurs in the presence of natural organic matter (OM, resulting in the formation of OM–mineral complexes that form through adsorption or coprecipitation processes. Thus, microbial Fe(III reduction in natural environments most often occurs in the presence of OM–mineral complexes rather than pure Fe(III minerals. This study investigated to what extent does the content of adsorbed or coprecipitated OM on ferrihydrite influence the rate of Fe(III reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, a model Fe(III-reducing microorganism, in comparison to a microbial consortium extracted from the acidic, Fe-rich Schlöppnerbrunnen fen. We found that increased OM content led to increased rates of microbial Fe(III reduction by S. oneidensis MR-1 in contrast to earlier findings with the model organism Geobacter bremensis. Ferrihydrite–OM coprecipitates were reduced slightly faster than ferrihydrites with adsorbed OM. Surprisingly, the complex microbial consortia stimulated by a mixture of electrons donors (lactate, acetate, and glucose mimics S. oneidensis under the same experimental Fe(III-reducing conditions suggesting similar mechanisms of electron transfer whether or not the OM is adsorbed or coprecipitated to the mineral surfaces. We also followed potential shifts of the microbial community during the incubation via 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses to determine variations due to the presence of adsorbed or coprecipitated OM–ferrihydrite complexes in contrast to pure ferrihydrite. Community profile analyses showed no enrichment of typical model Fe(III-reducing bacteria, such as Shewanella or Geobacter sp., but an enrichment of fermenters (e.g., Enterobacteria during pure ferrihydrite incubations which are known to use Fe(III as an electron sink. Instead, OM–mineral complexes favored the enrichment of microbes including Desulfobacteria and Pelosinus sp., both of which can utilize lactate and

  16. Psykologiske teorier om intelligens og folkeskolens elevdifferentiering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendixen, Carsten

    Afhandlingen er en historisk analyse af, hvordan teorier og metoder om intelligens er blevet transformeret til folkeskolens hverdagspraksis. I tre historiske perioder vises det, hvordan begrundelser for anvendelsen af henholdsvis skolepsykologiens intelligenstestning, Piagets forståelse af barnets...... fra 1930’erne frem til i dag. Introduktionen af såvel Piagets som Howard Gardners teorier er sket igennem en modstilling til skolepsykologiens intelligenstestning. Der foretages vurderinger og drages konklusioner over intelligensteoriens og intelligenstestningens rolle i folkeskolen. Dette...

  17. MARVEL om de effecten van IGP in kaart te brengen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hengst-Bruggeling, M. den; Heesmans, S.; Graaf, H.A.L.M. de


    Informatiegestuurde politie betekent dat op basis van actuele en betrouwbare informatie en analyses, rationele keuzes worden gemaakt, waardoor mensen en middelen optimaal kunnen worden ingezet en de bedrijfsdoelen worden bereikt. Een belangrijke reden om informatiegestuurde politie (IGP) te

  18. User documentation for the MSK and OMS intelligent tutoring systems (United States)

    Fink, Pamela K.; Herren, L. Tandy; Lincoln, David T.


    This user's guide describes how to use the Intelligent Tutoring Systems for the Manual Select Keyboard (MSK) and the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) and how to use the C code that runs the mockup version of the MSK.

  19. This Whole World Is OM: Song, Soteriology, and the Emergence of the Sacred Syllable


    Moore Gerety, Finnian McKean


    This study explores the emergence of OM, the Sanskrit mantra and critically ubiquitous "sacred syllable" of South Asian religions. Although OM has remained in active practice in recitation, ritual, and meditation for the last three thousand years, and its importance in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions is widely acknowledged, the syllable's early development has received little attention from scholars. Drawing on the oldest textual corpus in South Asia, the Vedas, I survey one thousand yea...

  20. Professor Adler-Nissen om TED-Talks i Kristeligt Dagblad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adler-Nissen, Rebecca


    Professor Rebecca Adler-Nissen var den 10. juni 2017 i Kristeligt Dagblad i forbindelse med hendes TED Talk på TED konferencen i Danmark. Her talte Adler-Nissen om international diplomati. Adler-Nissen ser TED formatet som en måde at øge kendskabet til emnet international diplomati, da formatet...

  1. Om geder, godhed og os selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brunbech, Peter Yding


    Her ved juletid er der mange muligheder for at støtte de humanitære organisationer ved køb af opfindsomme produkter som geder og økoguf-kurve. Organisationerne kæmper en hård kamp om penge og opmærksomhed. Frem for at købe disse produkter vil det gavne de nødlidende mere, hvis man i stedet giver...... direkte økonomisk støtte. Så får organisationerne frihed til at sætte ind det sted og på den måde, de finder mest hensigtsmæssigt....

  2. Bayesian Networks as a Decision Tool for O&M of Offshore Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jannie Jessen; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    Costs to operation and maintenance (O&M) of offshore wind turbines are large. This paper presents how influence diagrams can be used to assist in rational decision making for O&M. An influence diagram is a graphical representation of a decision tree based on Bayesian Networks. Bayesian Networks...... offer efficient Bayesian updating of a damage model when imperfect information from inspections/monitoring is available. The extension to an influence diagram offers the calculation of expected utilities for decision alternatives, and can be used to find the optimal strategy among different alternatives...



    DÜZ, Burak


    Buçalışma, faydacı etik açısından turist rehberliği mesleğinde etik ilkeleribelirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda, 11 turist rehberi yarı-yapılandırılmışgörüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Turist rehberlerinden elde edilen verilereiçerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Turist rehberliğinde mesleki etik ilkeleri üçtema altında toplanmaktadır: Mesleki Sorumluluklar, Rehberlerle İlişkiler,Turist ve Paydaşlarla İlişkiler. Mesleki Sorumluluklar teması MeslekiÖzellikler, Mesleki Beraberlik; Rehberlerle İlişk...

  4. Simple principper for livet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knoop, Hans Henrik


    fremmer folks oplevelse af at kunne handle frit, ansvarligt, engageret og meningsfuldt - uanset hvem de er - hvilket betyder, at alle får mere energi, mere glæde, bedre processer og bedre resultater ved hjælp af princippet. Og hvis det forekommer besværligt at skulle bekæmpe meningsløsheden, kan man jo...

  5. Om Olav Tryggvessons enestående skib og enestående idrætsfærdighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roesdahl, Else


    Om Olav Tryggvessons berømte skib Ormen Lange og de meget store skibe fra omkring år 1000 og begyndelsen af 1000-årene, som nu kendes arkæologisk. Og om kong Olavs legendariske færdigheder i sværdleg og at kunne løbe på et skibs årer...

  6. Om dass-sætninger som afficeret eller efficeret objekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holsting, Alexandra


    Temaet for nærværende artikel er en diskussion af muligheden for at fastlægge en tysk dass-sætnings semantiske funktion som afficeret eller efficeret objekt , når den optræder i rollen som komplement for verber, der har såvel en afficerende som en efficerende betydningsvariant, hvorved dass......-sætningen i det første tilfælde betegner et forhold, matrixsætningens subjektsreferent reagerer på, og i det andet indholdet af en ytring, der fremsættes af matrixsætningens subjektsreferent. Jeg går i artiklen særligt ind i diskussionen om, hvorvidt dass-sætningens modus kan tjene som formel indikation på...... den semantiske funktion, dvs. om en dass-sætning i konjunktiv utvetydigt kan tilskrives en funktion som efficeret objekt for matrixsætningsverbet....

  7. O&M report for DanWEC Hanstholm test site

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grant, Christian Nereus; Tetu, Amélie

    The report is prepared for the Danish Energy Agency under The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP), project “Resource Assessment, Forecasts and WECs O&M strategies at DanWEC and beyond”. This report includes observation, planning and maintenance descriptions for the Dan......WEC test site (HTS) located west of the Port of Hanstholm....

  8. Size-controlled synthesis and formation mechanism of manganese oxide OMS-2 nanowires under reflux conditions with KMnO4 and inorganic acids (United States)

    Zhang, Qin; Cheng, Xiaodi; Qiu, Guohong; Liu, Fan; Feng, Xionghan


    This study presents a simplified approach for size-controlled synthesis of manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) nanowires using potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and different inorganic acids (HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4) under reflux conditions. The morphology and nanostructure of the synthesized products are characterized by X-ray diffraction, Ar adsorption, and electron microscopy analysis, in order to elucidate the controlling effects of acid concentration and type as well as the formation mechanism of OMS-2 nanowires. The concentration of inorganic acid is a crucial factor controlling the phase of the synthesized products. OMS-2 nanowires are obtained with HCl at the concentration ≥0.96 mol/L or with HNO3 and H2SO4 at the concentrations ≥0.72 mol/L. Differently, the type of inorganic acid effectively determines the particle size of OMS-2 nanowires. When the acid is changed from HCl to HNO3 and H2SO4 in the reflux system, the average length of OMS-2 declines significantly by 60-70% (1104-442 and 339 nm), with minor decreased in the average width (43-39 and 34 nm). The formation of OMS-2 nanowires under reflux conditions with KMnO4 and inorganic acids involves a two-step process, i.e., the initial formation of layered manganese oxides, and subsequent transformation to OMS-2 via a dissolution-recrystallization process under acidic conditions. The proposed reflux route provides an alternative approach for synthesizing OMS-2 nanowires as well as other porous nano-crystalline OMS materials.

  9. Kultur-retur: Historien om et tatoveret hoveds rejse gennem museumsverdenen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Helle


    I 1998 overdrog Nationalmuseet et tatoveret hoved af en mand fra New Zealands indfødte befolkning, maorierne, til New Zealands nationalmuseum, Te Papa Tongarewa. En sådan hjemsendelse rummer sin egen historie om kulturel udvikling, som nok er værd at se på....

  10. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of peptidoglycan recognition protein OmPGRP-L2 from the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. (United States)

    Jang, Ju Hye; Kim, Hyun; Cho, Ju Hyun


    Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs), a group of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), are innate immune molecules that are structurally conserved through evolution in both invertebrate and vertebrate animals. In teleost fish, several PGRPs have been characterized recently. They have both amidase activity and bactericidal activity and are involved in indirectly killing bacteria and regulating multiple signaling pathways. However, the knowledge of functional similarity and divergence between PGRP paralogs for their role as an immune modulator in teleost fish is still limited. In this study, we identified a novel PGRP paralog, termed OmPGRP-L2 from the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). OmPGRP-L2 contains the conserved PGRP domain and the four Zn 2+ -binding amino acid residues required for amidase activity. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that OmPGRP-L2 is highly expressed in liver. Overexpression of OmPGRP-L2 in a rainbow trout hepatocyte cell line RTH-149 challenged with Edwardsiella tarda resulted in down-regulation of IL-1β and TNF-α expression. When overexpressed in RTH-149 cells, OmPGRP-L2 inhibited NF-κB activity with or without bacterial stimulation. Collectively, these findings suggest that OmPGRP-L2 has an immunomodulatory function, via NF-κB inhibition in liver. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Effects of precursor and sulfation on OMS-2 catalyst for oxidation of ethanol and acetaldehyde at low temperatures. (United States)

    Wang, Renhu; Li, Junhua


    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from many industrial processes and transportation activities are major organic pollutants in the atmosphere and toxic to human health. Octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) catalysts with different precursors and sulfate-acidified OMS-2 catalysts were synthesized using refluxing methods. The catalysts were investigated on complete oxidation of ethanol and acetaldehyde, and both demonstrated good reactivity. However, acidification resulted in a decrease in activity. OMS-2 catalyst using MnSO(4) as precursor exhibited the best catalytic performance and, thus, was selected for catalyst deactivation by sulfur dioxide. The results of this study suggested that the Mn-O bond of OMS-2 catalysts was the main determinant of the catalytic activity toward oxygenated VOC oxidation and weaker acid sites benefited higher acetaldehyde selectivity. Catalyst deactivation resulted from a strong but slow chemical interaction between the Mn-O bond and sulfur dioxide, probably forming manganese sulfate.

  12. Thermal synthesis of oxide molecular sieve and Mn (K-OMS-2) from K-birnessite obtained from Sol-gel method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rezende, D.S.; Figueira, B.A.M.; Moraes, M.C. de; Silva, L.N. da; Mercury, J.M.R.; Figueiredo, G.P. de


    This study presents the thermal synthesis of molecular sieve with K-OMS2 structure from K-birnessite tunneling process, one Mn oxide with structure in layer. According X-Ray diffraction data it was possible to monitoring the conversion of the layered structure around 550 deg C for (K-OMS-2) tunnel with tetragonal system and I2/m space group. The FTIR main spectrum bands of K-OMS-2 was observed in 700, 525 e 470 cm-1 region and are related to elongation Mn 3+ -O e Mn 4+ -O in the tunnel structure. The product morphology identified by Scanning Electron Microscopy it was verified as pseudo tetragonal, reflecting externally the crystallographic system of cryptomelane structure. The results reveal one simple route for the Mn oxide molecular sieve with K-OMS-2 structure

  13. Gæsteprofessor starter forskningsprogram om kviksølv i Arktis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Christian


    Det er lykkedes Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU) ved Aarhus Universitet at tiltrække professor i mikrobiologi Dr. Tamar Barkay fra Rutgers - State University of New Jersey, USA, som gæsteprofessor i et år. I DMU skal hun initerere et internationalt forskningsprogram om mikroorganismers betydning...

  14. Studiemotivation en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory : en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory


    Hagdahl, Kristina; Jimmy, Hammarbäck


    Studien handlar om svenska gymnasieelevers motivation för att studera matematikämnet. Den teoretiska grunden hämtas ifrån Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om sin motivationsnivå kan prediceras genom de fyra ingående motivationsorienteringarna i Self-Determination Theory: (1) external regulation; (2) introjected regulation; (3) identified regulation; och (4) intrinsic motivation. Deltagarna (n = 132), 44...

  15. Ocular Motor Score (OMS): a clinical tool to evaluating ocular motor functions in children. Intrarater and inter-rater agreement. (United States)

    Olsson, Monica; Teär Fahnehjelm, Kristina; Rydberg, Agneta; Ygge, Jan


    Ocular motor score (OMS) is a new clinical test protocol for evaluating ocular motor functions in children and young adults. OMS is a set of 15 important and relevant non-invasive ocular motor function parameters derived from clinical practice. The aim of the study was to evaluate OMS according to intrarater and inter-rater agreement. Forty children aged 4-10 years, 23 girls median age 6.5 (range 4.3-9.3) and 17 boys median age 5.8 (range 4.1-9.8) were included. The ocular motor functions were assessed and scored according to the OMS protocol. The examinations were videotaped. To obtain the intrarater agreement, the first author examined and scored the children twice, first in the clinic and 2 weeks later by watching the videotape. To obtain the inter-rater agreement, three other raters independently scored the ocular motor function of the children by watching the videotapes. The overall observed intrarater agreement was 88%, and the observed inter-rater agreement between the three raters was 80%. For none of the subtests was there an observed intrarater agreement lower than 65%. Three of the subtests had an observed inter-rater agreement of 65% or below. Overall there was high observed intra- and inter-rater agreement for the OMS test protocol. Subtests such as saccades and smooth pursuit were more difficult for raters to score similarly according the clinical OMS test protocol. © 2015 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Omsättning, rörelseresultat och kapitalstruktur – Påverkas företags kapitalstruktur av förändringar i dess omsättning eller rörelseresultat?


    Lisstorp, Mattias; Steinberger, Paul


    Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur omsättning och rörelseresultat har samband med företagets kapitalstruktur. Resultaten jämförs med befintlig teori för att verifiera de teoretiska ansatserna. Regressionsanalys av tidsserier för 32 svenska börsnoterade företag med mer än 20 miljarder svenska kronor i omsättning 2010 har använts vid den här undersökningen. Data från åren 2004 till 2010 till varje företag är tagen från databasen ”Affärsdata” och undersöks genom regressionsanalys. Först u...

  17. Illegale immigratie heeft ineens weer de aandacht van het OM.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R.H.J.M. Staring (Richard)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Ze komen met de bus via de N35 bij Enschede het land binnen. Of met de auto over de A76 langs Heerlen. Via een vlucht naar Schiphol. Of ze worden alleen op de luchthaven afgezet om het te laten líjken alsof ze met het vliegtuig zijn gekomen.

  18. CRM i tredje potens er lige rundt om hjørnet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    Hvis virksomhederne ellers magter at favne teknologien, bliver det meget snart meget lettere at være borger og kunde. Det er masser af juridiske og etiske spørgsmål, javel, men det handler om at begejstre og bejle til kunden...

  19. Top Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Efficiency Opportunities at DoD/Army Sites - A Guide for O&M/Energy Managers and Practitioners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sullivan, Gregory P.; Dean, Jesse D.; Dixon, Douglas R.


    This report, sponsored the Army's Energy Engineering Analysis Program, provides the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Energy manager and practitioner with useful information about the top O&M opportunities consistently found across the DoD/Army sector. The target is to help the DoD/Army sector develop a well-structured and organized O&M program.

  20. Adli Olgu Bildirimiyle İlgili İkilemlerde Hekimlerin Tutumları

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    İsmail Özgür Can


    Full Text Available Amaç: Yasalara göre adli olgu bildiriminde bulunulması gereken bazı durumlarda sağlık çalışanlarının çifte yükümlülükleri gündeme gelmektedir. Hekimler bu durumlarda ikilimler yaşayabilmekte ve yasalarla tıbbi etik ilkelerin çeliştiğini düşünebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, XXX Hastanesi’nde görev yapan hekimlerin adli olgu bildirimi konusundaki haberlilikleri ve yasalarla tıbbi etik ilkelerin çeliştiğini düşündükleri durumlardaki tutum ve davranışların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: 22 sorudan oluşan anket formları ile 106 hekime ulaşılmış; adli olgu tanımı, adli olgu bildirim yükümlülüğü, ilgili yasal ve etik düzenlemeler konusunda haberdarlık, yasa ve etik ilkelerin çeliştiği alanlarda hekimlerin tutum ve davranışları sorgulanmıştır. Bulgular: Hekimlerin ikilem yaşadığı durumlarla karşı karşıya kaldığında % 62 oranında yasalara, %35 oranındaysa etik ilkelere uygun hareket ettiği görülmüştür. Sonuç: İlgili yasalarla tıbbi etik ilkelerin birbiriyle çeliştiği ve desteklediği alanlar tartışılmış, tartışmanın ikilem yaratan durumlarda hekimlerin tutum davranış değişikliğine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür.

  1. De inzet van kruiden om agressie bij mannelijke ongecastreerde varkens te verminderen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asseldonk, van A.G.M.


    Vanuit het project antibioticavermindering in de biologische varkenshouderij is aan het Institute for Ethnobotany and Zoopharmacognosy (IEZ) de vraag gesteld of kruiden kunnen helpen om de agressie bij ongecastreerde mannelijke varkens (beren) te verminderen.

  2. Om hovedbeklædninger, baggrund og øjne, der ser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Hanne


    Essayet kommenterer en collage af Sisse Jarner. Fotografiet forestiller en tilsløret udflydende kvinde med en hvid fantasifugl og indgår i et tema om "Konflikter, tro og frihed - et globalt perspektiv". Det kombinerer en association over det visuelle forlæg med en beskrivelse af værket, en...

  3. Inspiration til smag - om at aktivere elevernes forforståelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, Peter


    "Forforståelsen kan åbne en passage mellem fagets begreber og metoder om smag på den ene side - og elevernes forståelse og interesse for smag på den anden side. Peter Brodersen forklarer her, hvordan en lærer kan bygge bro mellem faglige begreber og elevernes tænkning"...

  4. Application of magnetic OMS-2 in sequencing batch reactor for treating dye wastewater as a modulator of microbial community. (United States)

    Pan, Fei; Yu, Yang; Xu, Aihua; Xia, Dongsheng; Sun, Youmin; Cai, Zhengqing; Liu, Wen; Fu, Jie


    The potential and mechanism of synthesized magnetic octahedral molecular sieve (Fe 3 O 4 @OMS-2) nanoparticles in enhancing the aerobic microbial ability of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for treating dye wastewater have been revealed in this study. The addition of Fe 3 O 4 @OMS-2 of 0.25g/L enhanced the decolorization of SBRs with an operation cycle of 24h by more than 20%. The 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing indicated Fe 3 O 4 @OMS-2 increased the microbial richness and diversity of SBRs, and more importantly, promoted the potential dye-degrading bacteria. After a series of enriching and screening, four bacterial strains with the considerable decolorizing ability were isolated from SBRs, designating Alcaligenes faecalis FP-G1, Bacillus aryabhattai FP-F1, Escherichia fergusonii FP-D1 and Rhodococcus ruber FP-E1, respectively. The growth and decolorization of these pure strains were promoted in the presence of Fe 3 O 4 @OMS-2, which agrees with the result of high-throughput sequencing. Monitoring dissolved Fe/Mn ions and investigating the change of oxidation states of Fe/Mn species discovered OMS-2 composition played the critical role in modulating the microbial community. The significant enhancement of Mn-oxidizing/-reducing bacteria suggested microbial Mn redox may be the key action mechanism of Fe 3 O 4 @OMS-2, which can provide numerous benefits for the microbial community and decolorization of SBRs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Bistand til risikovurdering Supplerende oplysninger fra Syngenta Seeds om overvågningsplanen (evt. ændret risikovurdering). Zea mays (Bt11). Supplerende materiale om Bt11

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjellsson, Gøsta; Strandberg, Morten Tune; Damgaard, Christian


    "Mail: Den supplerende information om Bt-11 majsen (C/F/96/05-10) der er modtaget d. 02-03-2005, indeholder en ny udgave af den generelle overvågningsplan med enkelte ændringer (forbedringer) i forhold til forrige udgave (kommenteret 24-02-2005). Vi har ikke fundet nogen nye oplysninger der ændre...

  6. Høringssvar - Vejledning om definition større uheld 2017

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedlund, Frank Huess


    Min kritik af udkast til vejledning om "Definition af større uheld og nærved-uheld på risikovirksomheder", er desværre temmelig grundlæggende. Jeg opfordrer til, at vejledningen ikke udgives. Det er ikke tydeligt, hvilket problem vejledningen søger at løse. Der er alvorlige problemer med hjemmel....

  7. Membrane Fouling Potential of Secondary Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) from Conventional Activated Sludge Process

    KAUST Repository

    Wei, Chunhai; Amy, Gary L.


    Secondary effluent organic matter (EfOM) from a conventional activated sludge process was filtered through constant-pressure dead-end filtration tests with a sequential ultrafiltration (UF, molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 10k Dalton) and nanofiltration (NF, MWCO of 200 Dalton) array to investigate its membrane fouling potential. Advanced analytical methods including liquid chromatography with online carbon detection (LC-OCD) and fluorescent excitation-emission matrix (F-EEM) were employed for EfOM characterization. EfOM consisted of humic substances and building blocks, low molecular weight (LMW) neutrals, biopolymers (mainly proteins) and hydrophobic organics according to the sequence of their organic carbon fractions. The UF rejected only biopolymers and the NF rejected most humics and building blocks and a significant part of LMW neutrals. Simultaneous occurrence of cake layer and standard blocking during the filtration process of both UF and NF was identified according to constant-pressure filtration equations, which was possibly caused by the heterogeneous nature of EfOM with a wide MW distribution (several ten to several million Dalton). Thus the corresponding two fouling indices (kc for cake layer and ks for standard blocking) from UF and NF could characterize the fouling potential of macromolecular biopolymers and low to intermediate MW organics (including humics, building blocks, LMW neutrals), respectively. Compared with macromolecular biopolymers, low to intermediate MW organics exhibited a much higher fouling potential due to their lower molecular weight and higher concentration.

  8. Effect of preparation method on the surface characteristics and activity of the Pd/OMS-2 catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, toluene, and ethyl acetate (United States)

    Liu, Lisha; Song, Yong; Fu, Zhidan; Ye, Qing; Cheng, Shuiyuan; Kang, Tianfang; Dai, Hongxing


    The cryptomelane-type manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2)-supported Pd (0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP, 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-PI, and 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-EX) catalysts were prepared by the deposition-precipitation, pre-incorporation, and ion-exchanging strategies, respectively. It is shown that the preparation method exerted an important effect on the physicochemical property of the sample. Among the OMS-2-supported Pd catalysts, 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP possessed the highest surface (Mn2+ + Mn3+)/Mn4+ atomic ratio and the highest surface Pd loading and acid sites. The 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2 catalysts outperformed the Pd-free counterpart, among which 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP presented the best catalytic activity (T50% and T90% were 25 and 55 °C for CO oxidation, 240 and 285 °C for toluene oxidation, and 160 and 200 °C for ethyl acetate oxidation, respectively). We believe that the high Pd surface loading, high surface atomic ratio of (Mn2+ + Mn3+)/Mn4+, and good low-temperature reducibility, good oxygen mobility, and high acidity were responsible for the excellent performance of the 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP catalyst.

  9. Ontwerp van een interventie om de groenteconsumptie van jongeren te verhogen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gilissen, L.J.W.J.; Meer, van der I.M.; Reinders, M.J.; Sluis, van der A.A.; Woltering, E.J.


    In dit rapport zullen verschillende mogelijke strategieën besproken worden die ingezet kunnen worden om de consumptie van groenten door jongeren te verhogen. De centrale vragen van dit onderzoek zijn: 1) Hoe kunnen groenten in het eetpatroon van jongeren een vaste plek van voldoende omvang krijgen?

  10. Danske undersøgelser om anbringelse af etniske minoritetsbørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Marianne


    Døgninstitutioner og opholdssteder har ingen dokumentation for, hvordan deres arbejde med anbragte minoritetsunge foregår mest optimalt. Nok findes der masser af viden i praktikernes hoveder, men intet er skrevet ned om deres erfaringer.Det viser denne indsamling af viden og erfaringer fra praksi...

  11. OMS-2-Supported Cu Hydroxide-Catalyzed Benzoxazoles Synthesis from Catechols and Amines via Domino Oxidation Process at Room Temperature. (United States)

    Meng, Xu; Wang, Yanmin; Wang, Yuanguang; Chen, Baohua; Jing, Zhenqiang; Chen, Gexin; Zhao, Peiqing


    In the presence of manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) supported copper hydroxide Cu(OH) x /OMS-2, aerobic synthesis of benzoxazoles from catechols and amines via domino oxidation/cyclization at room temperature is achieved. This heterogeneous benzoxazoles synthesis initiated by the efficient oxidation of catechols over Cu(OH) x /OMS-2 tolerates a variety of substrates, especially amines containing sensitive groups (hydroxyl, cyano, amino, vinyl, ethynyl, ester, and even acetyl groups) and heterocycles, which affords functionalized benzoxazoles in good to excellent yields by employing low catalyst loading (2 mol % Cu). The characterization and plausible catalytic mechanism of Cu(OH) x /OMS-2 are described. The notable features of our catalytic protocol such as the use of air as the benign oxidant and EtOH as the solvent, mild conditions, ease of product separation, being scalable up to the gram level, and superior reusability of catalyst (up to 10 cycles) make it more practical and environmentally friendly for organic synthesis.

  12. Effect of preparation method on the surface characteristics and activity of the Pd/OMS-2 catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, toluene, and ethyl acetate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Lisha; Song, Yong; Fu, Zhidan; Ye, Qing; Cheng, Shuiyuan; Kang, Tianfang; Dai, Hongxing


    Highlights: • The framework-structured of cryptomelane-type manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) has a 2 × 2 square tunnel. • Preparation route has an important impact on physicochemical property of the product. • Pd/OMS-2-DP via the deposition-precipitation route shows excellent catalytic activity. • Pd surface loading, surface atomic ratio of Mn ions, lattice oxygen mobility, oxygen vacancy, reducibility and acidity govern activity. - Abstract: The cryptomelane-type manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2)-supported Pd (0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP, 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-PI, and 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-EX) catalysts were prepared by the deposition-precipitation, pre-incorporation, and ion-exchanging strategies, respectively. It is shown that the preparation method exerted an important effect on the physicochemical property of the sample. Among the OMS-2-supported Pd catalysts, 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP possessed the highest surface (Mn 2+ + Mn 3+ )/Mn 4+ atomic ratio and the highest surface Pd loading and acid sites. The 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2 catalysts outperformed the Pd-free counterpart, among which 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP presented the best catalytic activity (T 50% and T 90% were 25 and 55 °C for CO oxidation, 240 and 285 °C for toluene oxidation, and 160 and 200 °C for ethyl acetate oxidation, respectively). We believe that the high Pd surface loading, high surface atomic ratio of (Mn 2+ + Mn 3+ )/Mn 4+ , and good low-temperature reducibility, good oxygen mobility, and high acidity were responsible for the excellent performance of the 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP catalyst.

  13. De strijd om de richting van de Westerse cultuur


    Schuurman, E.


    Herbert Marcuse is de belangrijkste vertegenwoordiger van de culturele revolutie van de twintigste eeuw. Hij vertegenwoordigt de weerstand in de Westerse cultuur tegen het wetenschappelijk-technisch ideaal van de Verlichting. Zijn vrijheidsideaal heeft niettemin dezelfde wortels. Sinds de Verlichting wordt de Westerse cultuur beheerst door de strijd tussen deze twee idealen. Om de strijd te verminderen en de spanning in de cultuur te laten afnemen, is een transformatie van de cultuur noodzake...

  14. Glow experiment documentation of OMS/RCS pod and vertical stabilizer (United States)


    Glow experiment documentation of one of the orbital maneuvering system (OMS) reaction control system (RCS) pods and a portion of the vertical stabilizer shows chemoluminescent effectresulting from atomic oxygen impacting the spacecraft and building to the point that the atomic oxygen atoms combine to form molecules of oxygen. The Image Intensifier on NIKON 35mm camera was used to record the glow.

  15. Synthesis of single crystal manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS) nanostructures with tunable tunnels and shapes. (United States)

    Li, Wei-Na; Yuan, Jikang; Gomez-Mower, Sinue; Sithambaram, Shantakumar; Suib, Steven L


    A new and facile route is reported to manipulate the self-assembly synthesis of hierarchically ordered Rb-OMS-2 and pyrolusite with an interesting flowerlike morphology by a direct and mild reaction between rubidium chromateand manganese sulfate without any organic templates. The crystal forms, morphologies, and tunnel sizes of the obtained OMS materials can be controlled. A mechanism for the growth of manganese dioxides with flowerlike architectures was proposed. The obtained products exhibit potential for use in catalysis and other applications.

  16. Effect of preparation method on the surface characteristics and activity of the Pd/OMS-2 catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, toluene, and ethyl acetate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Lisha; Song, Yong; Fu, Zhidan [Key Laboratory of Beijing on Regional Air Pollution Control, Department of Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124 (China); Ye, Qing, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Beijing on Regional Air Pollution Control, Department of Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124 (China); Cheng, Shuiyuan; Kang, Tianfang [Key Laboratory of Beijing on Regional Air Pollution Control, Department of Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124 (China); Dai, Hongxing, E-mail: [Beijing Key Laboratory for Green Catalysis and Separation, Key Laboratory of Beijing on Regional Air Pollution Control, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124 (China)


    Highlights: • The framework-structured of cryptomelane-type manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) has a 2 × 2 square tunnel. • Preparation route has an important impact on physicochemical property of the product. • Pd/OMS-2-DP via the deposition-precipitation route shows excellent catalytic activity. • Pd surface loading, surface atomic ratio of Mn ions, lattice oxygen mobility, oxygen vacancy, reducibility and acidity govern activity. - Abstract: The cryptomelane-type manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2)-supported Pd (0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP, 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-PI, and 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-EX) catalysts were prepared by the deposition-precipitation, pre-incorporation, and ion-exchanging strategies, respectively. It is shown that the preparation method exerted an important effect on the physicochemical property of the sample. Among the OMS-2-supported Pd catalysts, 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP possessed the highest surface (Mn{sup 2+} + Mn{sup 3+})/Mn{sup 4+} atomic ratio and the highest surface Pd loading and acid sites. The 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2 catalysts outperformed the Pd-free counterpart, among which 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP presented the best catalytic activity (T{sub 50%} and T{sub 90%} were 25 and 55 °C for CO oxidation, 240 and 285 °C for toluene oxidation, and 160 and 200 °C for ethyl acetate oxidation, respectively). We believe that the high Pd surface loading, high surface atomic ratio of (Mn{sup 2+} + Mn{sup 3+})/Mn{sup 4+}, and good low-temperature reducibility, good oxygen mobility, and high acidity were responsible for the excellent performance of the 0.5 wt% Pd/OMS-2-DP catalyst.

  17. Feminismens vej ind i prostitutionsdebatten går gennem polemikken om menneskehandel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spanger, Marlene


    Policyfeltet menneskehandel er i løbet af de sidste seks år vokset frem i Danmark. Artiklen diskuterer, hvorvidt dette policyfelt har været en løftestang for feministiske argumenter i den offentlige danske debat om prostitutionslovgivningen....

  18. Etiske aspekter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Svend


    Indførelse af vaccination mod HPV-virus til forebyggelse af livmoderhalskræft vurderes på grundlag af de fire etiske principper Autonomi, Godgørenhed, Ikke-skade, Retfærdighed. Konklusionen er at det alt taget i bertragtning er etisk tilrådeligt at indføre vaccinen.......Indførelse af vaccination mod HPV-virus til forebyggelse af livmoderhalskræft vurderes på grundlag af de fire etiske principper Autonomi, Godgørenhed, Ikke-skade, Retfærdighed. Konklusionen er at det alt taget i bertragtning er etisk tilrådeligt at indføre vaccinen....

  19. Filosofie van het kijken: Tevreden koe maalt niet om haar psyche.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boon, Mieke; Steenhuis, Peter Henk


    Museumbezoekers blijven negen seconden voor een schilderij staan. Veel te kort om er recht aan te doen. Maar als je langer wilt kijken, hoe moet je dat doen? In samenspraak met Peter Henk Steenhuis onderricht filosofe Mieke Boon over de filosofie van het kijken. Vandaag: de koeien van Willem Maris

  20. The Om mani padme hum, the Platonic Soul, the Tao, and the Greek Cross are an Architectural Tool

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tine Kurent


    Full Text Available The plan of Borobuclur conforms with two concentric octagrams. The lines of the scheme, their lengths, and their intersections, determine the articulation of the Borobudur composition, i. e. the sizes of every part and of the whole as well. The sizes of Borobudur are modular. Their modular multiples are Pell numbers, the ratios of which rationally approximate the irrational proportions in octagram  If Borobudur numbers are located in the Peli number-pattern and connected with a line, the syllable OM, written in Sanskrit, appears. The word octagram is only the modern European name of the symbol of OM. The prayer OM MANI PADME HUM, translated as 'the JEWEL and the LOTOS', is a good description of octagram.

  1. Interactive Modelling and Simulation of Human Motion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engell-Nørregård, Morten Pol

    menneskers led, der udviser både ikke-konveksitet og flere frihedsgrader • En generel og alsidig model for aktivering af bløde legemer. Modellen kan anvendes som et animations værktøj, men er lige så velegnet til simulering af menneskelige muskler, da den opfylder de grundlæggende fysiske principper......Dansk resumé Denne ph.d.-afhandling beskæftiger sig med modellering og simulation af menneskelig bevægelse. Emnerne i denne afhandling har mindst to ting til fælles. For det første beskæftiger de sig med menneskelig bevægelse. Selv om de udviklede modeller også kan benyttes til andre ting,er det...... primære fokus på at modellere den menneskelige krop. For det andet, beskæftiger de sig alle med simulering som et redskab til at syntetisere bevægelse og dermed skabe animationer. Dette er en vigtigt pointe, da det betyder, at vi ikke kun skaber værktøjer til animatorer, som de kan bruge til at lave sjove...

  2. Ansvaret for Irakkrigen forsvinder ikke så nemt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bryld, Claus


    Hvis historiefaget har en politisk etik, stiller den ikke op til regeringens forsøg på at lade faghistorikere sminke dansk krigsdeltagelse. Historikere må holde sig for gode til den nye krigsundersøgelse.......Hvis historiefaget har en politisk etik, stiller den ikke op til regeringens forsøg på at lade faghistorikere sminke dansk krigsdeltagelse. Historikere må holde sig for gode til den nye krigsundersøgelse....

  3. O/M ratio measurement in pure and mixed oxide fuels - where are we now?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rubin, J.; Chidester, K.; Thompson, M. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)


    The scale-down in the US and Russian nuclear weapons stockpiles has produced a surplus of weapons grade plutonium and highly enriched uranium. The incorporation into mixed-oxide fuel (MOX) is one of the currently favored routes for surplus weapons-grade plutonium. The use of MOX as a nuclear reactor fuel is well established, particularly in Europe and Japan but not in the US. The primary purpose of this investigation was to evaluate existing analytical techniques for their applicability to O/M (oxygen-to-metal ratio) measurements of MOX derived from excess weapons plutonium. The second objective of this investigation was to bring up-to-date the literature on O/M measurement methods, which has not been undertaken in over 20 years. There are several classification schemes that can be used to organize O/M measurement methods. The most popular schemes are based on (a) whether the analysis is performed in solution (wet chemical) or on solid material (dry), and (b) whether the concentration of major constituents are analyzed directly (direct) or are inferred (indirect). Solid state coulometric titration is currently used extensively in studies of phase equilibria, defect chemistry, thermochemical measurement of oxides, including ferrites. Regardless of which indirect method is used (solid state coulometric titration or thermogravimetry), a primary, direct method will also be required for the establishment of the MO{sub 2} reference state, determination of method bias, and periodic calibration. It was recommended that the following direct method be adapted for this purpose: oxygen measurement by inert gas fusion/carbon reduction, and total U, Pu by controlled potential coulometry. In a table are listed the experimental values of accuracy for about 30 O/M methods. (A.C.)

  4. Randomiseret nonsens slår social DNA I kampen om forskerkroner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sodemann, Morten


    BLOG - På listen over projekter, der har modtaget midler fra Det Frie Forskningsråd Sundhed og Sygdom maj 2017, er der kun 2-3 projekter ud af i alt 63 bevillinger, der tilnærmelsesvist handler om ulighed i psykiske, relationelle eller sociale forhold/risici knyttet til sygdom – resten af studierne...

  5. Rislende aspeløv. Om fallisk og feminin nydelse i Nymphomaniac

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Artiklen er en analyse af begærets dynamik som den fremstilles i Lars von Triers Nymphomaniac, nemlig som en lige så tragisk som komisk gentagelsestvang. Den indrammede historie om det mekaniske begær sammenholdes med rammens iscenesættelse af det narrative begær. Filmens visuelle komposition ana...

  6. Summary of LO2/Ethanol OMS/RCS Technology and Advanced Development 99-2744 (United States)

    Curtis, Leslie A.; Hurlbert, Eric A.


    NASA is pursuing non-toxic propellant technologies applicable to RLV and Space Shuttle orbital maneuvering system (OMS) and reaction control system (RCS). The primary objectives of making advancements in an OMS/RCS system are improved safety, reliability, and reduced operations and maintenance cost, while meeting basic operational and performance requirements. An OMS/RCS has a high degree of direct interaction with the vehicle and crew and requires subsystem and components that are compatible with integration into the vehicle with regard to external mold-line, power, and thermal control. In July 1997, a Phase I effort for the technology and advanced development of an upgrade of the space shuttle was conducted to define the system architecture, propellant tank, feed system, RCS thrusters, and OMS engine. Phase I of the project ran from July 1997 to October 1998. Phase II is currently being planned for the development and test of full-scale prototype of the system in 1999 and 2000. The choice of pressure-fed liquid oxygen (LO2) and ethanol is the result of numerous trade studies conducted from 1980 to 1996. Liquid oxygen and ethanol are clean burning, high-density propellants that provide a high degree of commonality with other spacecraft subsystems including life support, power, and thermal control, and with future human exploration and development of space missions. The key to this pressure-fed system is the use of subcooled liquid oxygen at 350 psia. In this approach, there is 80 degrees R of subcooling, which means that boil-off will not occur until the temperature has risen 80 R. The sub-cooling results naturally from loading propellants at 163 R, which is the saturation temperature at 14.7 psia, and then pressurizing to 350 psia on the launch pad. Thermal insulation and conditioning techniques are then used to limit the LO2 temperature to 185 R maximum, and maintain the sub-cooling. The other key is the wide temperature range of ethanol, -173 F to +300 F, which

  7. Comparing 52 Gbps Duobinary and 4-PAM Transmission Over 100m OM-3 Fiber With 25GHz Class VCSELs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suhr, Lau Frejstrup; Lyubomirsky, Ilya; Daghighian, Henry M.

    This paper compares VCSEL based transmission of 52 Gbps duobinary-NRZ and 4-PAM over 100m OM-3 fiber employing a linear equalizer in the receiver.......This paper compares VCSEL based transmission of 52 Gbps duobinary-NRZ and 4-PAM over 100m OM-3 fiber employing a linear equalizer in the receiver....

  8. The association between waiting for psychological therapy and therapy outcomes as measured by the CORE-OM. (United States)

    Beck, Alison; Burdett, Mark; Lewis, Helen


    To investigate the impact of waiting for psychological therapy on client well-being as measured by the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) global distress (GD) score. Global distress scores were retrieved for all clients referred for psychological therapy in a secondary care mental health service between November 2006 and May 2013 and who had completed a CORE-OM at assessment and first session. GD scores for a subgroup of 103 clients who had completed a CORE-OM during the last therapy session were also reviewed. The study sample experienced a median wait of 41.14 weeks between assessment and first session. The relationship between wait time from referral acceptance to assessment, and assessment GD score was not significant. During the period between assessment and first session no significant difference in GD score was observed. Nevertheless 29.1% of the sample experienced reliable change; 16.0% of clients reliably improved and 13.1% reliably deteriorated whilst waiting for therapy. Demographic factors were not found to have a significant effect on the change in GD score between assessment and first session. Waiting time was associated with post-therapy outcomes but not to a degree which was meaningful. The majority of individuals (54.4%), regardless of whether they improved or deteriorated whilst waiting for therapy, showed reliable improvement at end of therapy as measured by the CORE-OM. The majority of GD scores remained stable while waiting for therapy; however, 29.1% of secondary care clients experienced either reliable improvement or deterioration. Irrespective of whether they improved, deteriorated or remained unchanged whilst waiting for therapy, most individuals who had a complete end of therapy assessment showed reliable improvements following therapy. There was no significant difference in GD score between assessment and first session recordings. A proportion of clients (29.1%) showed reliable change, either improvement or

  9. Obesity-resistant S5B rats showed great cocaine conditioned place preference than the obesity-prone OM rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thanos, P.K.; Wang, G.; Thanos, P.K..; Kim, R.; Cho, J.; Michaelides, M.; Anderson, B.J.; Primeaux, S.D.; Bray, G.A.; Wang, G.-J.; Robinson, J.K.; Volkow, N.D.


    Dopamine (DA) and the DA D2 receptor (D2R) are involved in the rewarding and conditioned responses to food and drug rewards. Osborne-Mendel (OM) rats are genetically prone and S5B/P rats are genetically resistant to obesity when fed a high-fat diet. We hypothesized that the differential sensitivity of these two rat strains to natural rewards may also be reflected in sensitivity to drugs of abuse. Therefore, we tested whether OM and S5B/P rats showed a differential preference to cocaine using conditioned place preference (CPP). To also evaluate whether there is specific involvement of the D2R in this differential conditioning sensitivity, we then tested whether the D2R agonist bromocriptine (BC) would differentially affect the effects of cocaine in the two strains. OM and S5B/P rats were conditioned with cocaine (5 or 10 mg/kg) in one chamber and saline in another for 8 days. Rats were then tested for cocaine preference. The effects of BC (0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20 mg/kg) on cocaine preference were then assessed in subsequent test sessions. OM rats did not show a significant preference for the cocaine-paired chamber on test day. Only the S5B/P rats showed cocaine CPP. Later treatment with only the highest dose of BC resulted in reduced cocaine CPP in S5B/P rats when treated with 5 mg/kg cocaine and in OM rats treated with 10 mg/kg cocaine. Our results indicated that obesity-resistant S5B rats showed greater cocaine CPP than the obesity-prone OM rats. These findings do not support a theory of common vulnerability for reinforcer preferences (food and cocaine). However, they show that BC reduced cocaine conditioning effects supporting at least a partial regulatory role of D2R in conditioned responses to drugs.

  10. Utilisation du partographe modifie de l'oms par les sages-femmes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ) de l'OMS par les sages-femmes de Lomé et leur position face à cet outil de surveillance du travail. Matériel et méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective, transversale descriptive, menée du 01er juillet au 30 septembre 2011 (soit une période ...

  11. Stammingens mange ansikter - En eksplorerende kasusstudie om forskjeller og likheter mellom åpen og skjult stamming


    Siljuberg, Hilde Victoria Møinichen


    Bakgrunn og formål: Det er cirka 40.000 personer som stammer i Norge. Det er bred enighet i forskningsfeltet om denne vanskens kompleksitet, ikke minst med den variasjonen som kommer til uttrykk. Nyere faglitteratur åpner for at det kan finnes undergrupper av personer som stammer, og det er derfor av interesse å se nærmere på hvilke former for variasjon det her kan være tale om (Yairi, 2007). Douglass og Quarrington (1952) redegjorde tidlig for sitt skille mellom åpen og skjult sekundærstammi...

  12. Kan Batman dateres? Om massekommunikasjonen som kulturhistorie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Frederik Dahl


    Full Text Available Hans Frederik Dahls artikel er et bud på om massekommunikationen kan tænkes ind i kulturhistorien.Første halvdel af artiklen fremhæver de prob- lemer, det rejser, når massekommunikation med dens karakteristika i form af serialitet, triviatitet og internationalitet skal reflekteres i forhold til en kulturhistorisk tradition, som normalt tænker i begreber som tidsånd, kunstnerisk originalitet og nationalt særpræg. Sidste halvdel focuserer på tre centrale aspekter ved massekommunikationen, som også er af- gørende for dens kulturhistorie: dens nære forbindelse til musikken, dens internationale karakter og dens konstante tilbagevenden til tidligere pro- dukter.

  13. Kan Batman dateres? Om massekommunikasjonen som kulturhistorie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Frederik Dahl


    Full Text Available Hans Frederik Dahls artikel er et bud på om massekommunikationen kan tænkes ind i kulturhistorien.Første halvdel af artiklen fremhæver de prob- lemer, det rejser, når massekommunikation med dens karakteristika i form af serialitet, triviatitet og internationalitet skal reflekteres i forhold til en kulturhistorisk tradition, som normalt tænker i begreber som tidsånd, kunstnerisk originalitet og nationalt særpræg. Sidste halvdel focuserer på tre centrale aspekter ved massekommunikationen, som også er af- gørende for dens kulturhistorie: dens nære forbindelse til musikken, dens internationale karakter og dens konstante tilbagevenden til tidligere pro- dukter.

  14. TV2 skylder stadig tv-seerne svar om Cavling-nomineret dokumentar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suhr, Christian; Borberg, Hjarn von Zernichow; Sinclair, Kirstine


    TV 2 bør påtage sig det særlige ansvar, som følger af at facilitere en så omfattende offentlig debat, som dokumentaren "Moskeerne bag sløret" har skabt. TV 2 har selv nomineret deres tv-serie om danske moskeer til den fornemme Cavlingpris, som uddeles fredag eftermiddag. Cavlingprisen gives til det...... ypperste inden for dansk journalistik. TV 2 skriver i indstillingen af deres egen tv-serie til Cavlingprisen, at udsendelsen bygger på »usædvanlig bred og uafviselig dokumentation«. Imidlertid har vi stadig ikke fået præcist svar på, hvorvidt det er korrekt, at TV 2 faktisk ligger inde med uafviselig...... ytrings- og religionsfrihed med henvisning til TV 2's tv-serie om moskeer og imamer. Serien er produceret med støtte fra Public Service Puljen. Som forskere, borgere og licensbetalere mener vi fortsat, at det er i offentlighedens interesse at få klarhed over, hvad vi har set, og hvad vi ikke har set i TV2...

  15. A behavior of O/M ratio and its effect for Material Accounting in feed preparation process of MOX fabrication line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuba, Meiji; Kashimura, Motoaki; Suzuki, Toru; Yamaguchi, Toshihiro; Deguchi, Morimoto; Otani, Tetsuo


    An evaluation test to investigate the behavior of the Oxygen to Metal ratio (O/M ratio) drift and its effect to material accounting in Feed preparation process was carried out in operational MOX fuel fabrication process, Plutonium Fuel Production Facility (PFPF) of Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC). The test results clearly show the transition of O/M ratio along the Feed preparation process flow and it was increased gradually according to the progress of process steps. It leveled off after Feed lot blending operation and then it remained stable around 2.25. Analytical result of plutonium concentration after the correction with the changes of moisture concentration on the same sample as O/M ratio analysis has strong correlation with O/M ratio result as the theory. Therefore, it was confirmed that the plutonium concentration of the MOX should be corrected on the basis of the changes in O/M ratio and moisture concentration. Sample taking after blending operation was carried out at Cross Blending process step. An analysis of variance for plutonium concentration using two-way layout, whose factors are feed blending batch (factor A) and container (factor B), is carried out. Since no significant difference was observed in factor A nor B, the test concludes that a sample taken after blending operation can be considered as representative for the whole material blended by cross blending operation. Now the software of 'Material Accounting System' is being modified to improved one, that is, the plutonium concentration after the intermediate storage and after treatment in a process glove box is corrected with the change of O/M ratio and moisture concentration. (J.P.N.)

  16. Overall view of PLB and OMS / RCS engine thrusting (United States)


    Overall payload bay (PLB) view shows Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) Airborne Support Equipment (ASE) forward frame and aft frame tilt actuator (AFTA) table after IUS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) deploy. Vertical tail and Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) pods with rear reaction control system (RCS) thruster firing (sidefiring) appears in background against blackness of space. Right right jet firing was photographed from more than 18 meters (60 feet) away in the cabin of the Earth-orbiting Challenger, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 099.

  17. Læring i videnssamfundet - Om vidensformidling, videnskonstruktion og vidensdeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jørgen Bang


    Full Text Available Denne antologi fremlægger resultaterne fra forskningsprojektet Videnskonstruktion, vidensdeling og vidensformidling i videnssamfundets uddannelsessystem under Det Humanistiske Fakultets satsningsområde Videnssamfundet. Artiklerne er skrevet af forskere ved Aarhus Universitet samt af forskere udefra, som har deltaget i projektet med oplæg dels på seminarer og workshops afholdt af Center for IT ved Institut for informations- og medievidenskab, Aarhus Universitet, dels på den afsluttende konference om "Knowledge Media", Aarhus Universitet (Januar 19-20, 2009.

  18. Etik och marknadsföring i bloggar : Var går gränsen för smygreklam?


    Hellman, Anna


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att belysa marknadsföringen i bloggar och dess etiska problem. Avsikten är att redogöra för var gränsen för smygreklam går och att få reda på hur mycket bloggarna känner till om ämnet. Bloggarnas andel av sociala medier samt mängden bloggläsare har vuxit explosionsartat. Marknadsföring och reklam i soci-ala medier har vuxit i och med populariteten av sociala medier bland folket. På grund av den ökade marknadsföringen i bloggar har smygreklam uppstått. Efterso...

  19. Overskridelsens etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, Tine; Ploug Hansen, Helle


    Kapitlet diskuterer dilemmaer i den antropologiske forskningsproces og fokuserer i særlig grad på de dilemmeaer, der opstår i forbindelse med forvaltningen af etiske standarder under feltarbejdet og i analysen, repræsentationen og publiceringen af det etnografiske materiale....

  20. Ordered micro/macro porous K-OMS-2/SiO2 nanocatalysts: Facile synthesis, low cost and high catalytic activity for diesel soot combustion (United States)

    Yu, Xuehua; Zhao, Zhen; Wei, Yuechang; Liu, Jian


    A series of novel oxide catalysts, which contain three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) and microporous structure, were firstly designed and successfully synthesized by simple method. In the as-prepared catalysts, 3DOM SiO2 is used as support and microporous K-OMS-2 oxide nanoparticles are supported on the wall of SiO2. 3DOM K-OMS-2/SiO2 oxide catalysts were firstly used in soot particle oxidation reaction and they show very high catalytic activities. The high activities of K-OMS-2/SiO2 oxide catalysts can be assigned to three possible reasons: macroporous effect of 3DOM structure for improving contact between soot and catalyst, microporous effect of K-OMS-2 for adsorption of small gas molecules and interaction of K and Mn for activation of gas molecules. The catalytic activities of catalysts are comparable to or even higher than noble metal catalyst in the medium and high temperature range. For example, the T50 of K-OMS-2/SiO2-50, 328 °C, is much lower than those of Pt/Al2O3 and 3DOM Au/LaFeO3, 464 and 356 °C,respectively. Moreover, catalysts exhibited high catalytic stability. It is attributed to that the K+ ions are introduced into the microporous structure of OMS-2 and stabilized in the catalytic reaction. Meanwhile, the K+ ions play an important role in templating and stabilizing the tunneled framework of OMS-2.

  1. Afsluttende kommentar til Jens Ravnkildes tre artikler om retskildebegrebet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holtermann, Jakob v. H.; Olsen, Henrik Palmer


    I dette andet svar til Dr. Jur. Jens Ravnkildes fortsatte forsvar for sit tidligere fremsatte forslag til et retskildebegreb klargør og udbygger lektor Jakob v. H. Holtermann og professor Henrik Palmer Olsen deres kritik yderligere. I den forbindelse afviser de også Ravnkildes ganske sensationell...... påstand om, at Ross blot fem år før sin død i 1979 helt skulle have forladt sit livsværk og opgivet sin karakteristiske version af retsrealismen til fordel for traditionel kelseniansk retspositivisme...

  2. Effect of low-dose cyclophosphamide, ACTH, and IVIG combination immunotherapy on neuroinflammation in pediatric-onset OMS: A retrospective pilot study. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Allison, Tyler J; Tate, Elizabeth D


    Flow cytometric cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocyte subset analysis has improved the diagnosis of neuroinflammation and identified multiple markers of inflammation in opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS). The aim of this exploratory, retrospective study was to analyze the effect of immunotherapy on these markers to determine which agents are disease modifying. Cross-sectional immunological observations were made in an IRB-approved case-control study, and patients were treated empirically. Ten different CSF lymphocyte subpopulations from 18 children with persistent OMS had been measured by flow cytometry before and after clinical treatment with cyclophosphamide/ACTH/IVIG combination (n = 7) or ACTH/IVIG alone (n = 11). Clinical severity of OMS was scored from videotapes by a blinded observer using the OMS Evaluation Scale. Only cyclophosphamide combination therapy (mean dose 26 ± 3 mg/kg or 922 ± 176 mg/m 2 x 6 cycles) significantly decreased the percentage of CSF B cells. The mean reduction was 65%, with CSF B cell frequency normalized at 7-8 months in 70%. Other abnormalities of the CSF immunophenotype, such as the low CD4/CD8 T cell ratio, persisted, and there were no therapeutic changes in T cell activation/maturation markers. Effects on relative and absolute size of PBMC subsets were similar. Clinical improvement was 70% and 55% in respective treatment groups. The relapse rates of the two groups did not significantly differ. The main effect of cyclophosphamide combination therapy on neuroinflammation in OMS was moderate reduction in CSF B cell expansion. Though exploratory, it may provide a steroid sparer option in partially-responsive OMS. Copyright © 2018 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Det gode budskab - om patientnetværksvirke på portalen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wentzer, Helle; Bygholm, Ann


    "Det gode budskab om frelserens fødsel og det evige liv blev før dets nedskrift i evangelierne fortalt fra mund til mund. Analogien mellem patientfora og Biblen kan synesprovokerende for hvad er mere forskellige fra hinanden end videnskab og tro, endsige www og Messias? Artiklens analyser af borg...

  4. Acute effects of 3G mobile phone radiations on frontal haemodynamics during a cognitive task in teenagers and possible protective value of Om chanting. (United States)

    Bhargav, Hemant; N K, Manjunath; Varambally, Shivarama; Mooventhan, A; Bista, Suman; Singh, Deepeshwar; Chhabra, Harleen; Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan; T M, Srinivasan; H R, Nagendra


    Mobile phone induced electromagnetic field (MPEMF) as well as chanting of Vedic mantra 'OM' has been shown to affect cognition and brain haemodynamics, but findings are still inconclusive. Twenty right-handed healthy teenagers (eight males and 12 females) in the age range of 18.25 ± 0.44 years were randomly divided into four groups: (1) MPONOM (mobile phone 'ON' followed by 'OM' chanting); (2) MPOFOM (mobile phone 'OFF' followed by 'OM' chanting); (3) MPONSS (mobile phone 'ON' followed by 'SS' chanting); and (4) MPOFSS (mobile phone 'OFF' followed by 'SS' chanting). Brain haemodynamics during Stroop task were recorded using a 64-channel fNIRS device at three points of time: (1) baseline, (2) after 30 min of MPON/OF exposure, and (3) after 5 min of OM/SS chanting. RM-ANOVA was applied to perform within- and between-group comparisons, respectively. Between-group analysis revealed that total scores on incongruent Stroop task were significantly better after OM as compared to SS chanting (MPOFOM vs MPOFSS), pre-frontal activation was significantly lesser after OM as compared to SS chanting in channel 13. There was no significant difference between MPON and MPOF conditions for Stroop performance, as well as brain haemodynamics. These findings need confirmation through a larger trial in future.

  5. Theory and Observations of Plasma Waves Excited Space Shuttle OMS Burns in the Ionosphere (United States)

    Bernhardt, P. A.; Pfaff, R. F.; Schuck, P. W.; Hunton, D. E.; Hairston, M. R.


    Measurements of artificial plasma turbulence were obtained during two Shuttle Exhaust Ionospheric Turbulence Experiments (SEITE) conducted during the flights of the Space Shuttle (STS-127 and STS-129). Based on computer modeling at the NRL PPD and Laboratory for Computational Physics & Fluid Dynamics (LCP), two dedicated burns of the Space Shuttle Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) engines were scheduled to produce 200 to 240 kg exhaust clouds that passed over the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Communications, Navigation, and Outage Forecast System (C/NOFS) satellite. This operation required the coordination by the DoD Space Test Program (STP), the NASA Flight Dynamics Officer (FDO), the C/NOFS payload operations, and the C/NOFS instrument principal investigators. The first SEITE mission used exhaust from a 12 Second OMS burn to deposit 1 Giga-Joules of energy into the upper atmosphere at a range of 230 km from C/NOFS. The burn was timed so C/NOFS could fly though the center of the exhaust cloud at a range of 87 km above the orbit of the Space Shuttle. The first SEITE experiment is important because is provided plume detection by ionospheric plasma and electric field probes for direct sampling of irregularities that can scatter radar signals. Three types of waves were detected by C/NOFS during and after the first SEITE burn. With the ignition and termination of the pair of OMS engines, whistler mode signals were recorded at C/NOFS. Six seconds after ignition, a large amplitude electromagnetic pulse reached the satellite. This has been identified as a fast magnetosonic wave propagating across magnetic field lines to reach the electric field (VEFI) sensors on the satellite. Thirty seconds after the burn, the exhaust cloud reach C/NOFS and engulfed the satellite providing very strong electric field turbulence along with enhancements in electron and ion densities. Kinetic modeling has been used to track the electric field turbulence to an unstable velocity

  6. To europæiske domme om religionsundervisning i skolerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Lisbet


    En gennemgang af to domme om religionsundervisning i offentlige skoler, afsagt i 2007 af den Europæiske menneskerettighedsdomstol. I dommen Folgerø and others v. Norway blev det nyindrettede Kristendom, Religion, Livsfilosofi-fag anset for ikke at være tilstrækkeligt inkluderende i en religionspl...... religionspluralistisk skole i et land med statskirke. I dommen Hasan and Eylem Zengin v. Turkey blev faget Religious Culture and ethics anset for ikke at være tilstrækkeligt religionspluralistisk i et Tyrkiet med sekulær forfatning. Udgivelsesdato: februar...

  7. Om etisk og demokratisk dannelse på multietniske skoler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn


    I denne forskningsartikel peges der på den manglende opmærksomhed, der uddannelsespolitisk har været omkring forholdet mellem kravet om værdiafklaring på skolerne i Danmark og inddragelsen af det multikulturelle aspekt. Det diskuteres, hvorvidt man på en multietnisk skole kan undgå at havne i et ...... der peges på behovet for at gentænke forholdet mellem disse to dannelsesformer i retning af en inddragelse af en medborgerskabsidé, der hverken er et kulturelt eller politisk medborgerskab - men et eksistentielt og kosmopolitisk medborgerskab beskrevet som "sokratisk citizenship"....

  8. 'n Lied moet klink om gehoor te word ... : Faktore wat die resepsie ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    17 Apr 2013 ... The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS. OpenJournals. This work is licensed under the. Creative Commons. Attribution License. 'n Lied moet klink om gehoor te word ... : Faktore wat die resepsie van kerkliedere kan beïnvloed. A hymn must be sung to be heard ... : Aspects that could influence the reception of hymns.

  9. An O(m log n) algorithm for stuttering equivalence and branching bisimulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groote, J.F.; Wijs, A.J.; Chechik, M.; Raskin, J.-F.


    We provide a new algorithm to determine stuttering equivalence with time complexity O(m log n), where n is the number of states and m is the number of transitions of a Kripke structure. This algorithm can also be used to determine branching bisimulation in O(m(log|Act|+log n)) time. Theoretically,

  10. Kampen om den røde ko - dominerende temaer i dansk kvægavl i 1800-tallets slutning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerløff, Anne Katrine


    En analyse af kvægavlslitteratur fra 1800-tallets anden halvdel viser spændingerne mellem avlernes ønske om profit og hensynene til racerenhed og national og regional identitet. Ideen om den perfekte ko var omdiskuteret og modsætningerne mellem koens udseende og dens ydelse er tydelige i periodens...... bedømmelser af "den gode ko". Artiklen komkluserer at et fokus på opfattelser og brug af dyr kan give nye vinkler på traditionelle historiske emnefelter. Udgivelsesdato: april...

  11. Novel synthesis of manganese and vanadium mixed oxide (V2O5/OMS-2) as an efficient and selective catalyst for the oxidation of alcohols in liquid phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahdavi, Vahid; Soleimani, Shima


    Graphical abstract: Oxidation of various alcohols is studied in the liquid phase over new composite mixed oxide (V 2 O 5 /OMS-2) catalyst using tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP). The activity of V 2 O 5 /OMS-2 samples was considerably increased with respect to OMS-2 catalyst and these samples are found to be suitable for the selective oxidation of alcohols. - Highlights: • V 2 O 5 /K-OMS-2 with different V/Mn molar ratios prepared by the impregnation method. • Oxidation of alcohols was studied in the liquid phase over V 2 O 5 /K-OMS-2 catalyst. • V 2 O 5 /K-OMS-2 catalyst had excellent activity for alcohol oxidation. • Benzyl alcohol oxidation using excess TBHP followed a pseudo-first order kinetic. • The selected catalyst was reused without significant loss of activity. - Abstract: This work reports the synthesis and characterization of mixed oxide vanadium–manganese V 2 O 5 /K-OMS-2 at various V/Mn molar ratios and prepared by the impregnation method. Characterization of these new composite materials was made by elemental analysis, BET, XRD, FT-IR, SEM and TEM techniques. Results of these analyses showed that vanadium impregnated samples contained mixed phases of cryptomelane and crystalline V 2 O 5 species. Oxidation of various alcohols was studied in the liquid phase over the V 2 O 5 /K-OMS-2 catalyst using tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) and H 2 O 2 as the oxidant. Activity of the V 2 O 5 /K-OMS-2 samples was increased considerably with respect to K-OMS-2 catalyst due to the interaction of manganese oxide and V 2 O 5 . The kinetic of benzyl alcohol oxidation using excess TBHP over V 2 O 5 /K-OMS-2 catalyst was investigated at different temperatures and a pseudo-first order reaction was determined with respect to benzyl alcohol. The effects of reaction time, oxidant/alcohol molar ratio, reaction temperature, solvents, catalyst recycling potential and leaching were investigated

  12. Livsbalans i det nya arbetslivet : En kvantitativ studie om chefer och övriga anställda


    Eltell, Maria; Nordin, Matilda


    Syfte: Det nya arbetslivet har inneburit en rad förändringar för den lönearbetande populationen i Sverige, gällande allt ifrån tid, rum och tillgänglighet i de alltmer flexibla arbetsvillkoren. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka ett antal faktorer i det nya arbetslivet som kan ha inverkan på den lönearbetande populationens livsbalans. Studien undersöker också om det finns skillnader mellan chefers och övriga anställdas livsbalans samt även om chefens nivå i hierarkin påverkar liv...

  13. Danske domstoles anvendelse af udenlandsk retspraksis, som i sager om mangler i internationale køb reguleret af CISG

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henschel, Rene Franz


    Danske domstole er blevet kritiseret for ikke at inddrage fremmed retspraksis og for ikke at redegøre for deres konklusioner i sager om internationale køb reguleret af CISG. På baggrund af en analyse af en nyere utrykt landsretsafgørelse påvises det, at denne kritik stadig er berettiget, idet en...... principiel tysk højesteretsafgørelse tilsyneladende er overset eller anvendt forkert. Det konkluderes, at retspraksis og teori med fordel kan inddrages i langt større omfang i danske sager om CISG, og at den danske begrundelsestradition skaber mere tvivl end klarhed. I modsat fald får dansk retspraksis om...... CISG næppe den store værdi i andre lande, idet der kan stilles spørgsmålstegn ved afgørelsernes grundlag og rigtighed....

  14. Professor Wind i Deadline om Spitzenkandidaten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Professor og centerleder, Marlene Wind, var fredag den 23. februar 2018 i DR2 Deadline for at snakke om proceduren bag udvælgelsen af en ny formand for Europa Kommissionen. Professer Wind forklarede blandt andet, hvordan Europa Parlamentet, siden Lisabon Traktaten i 2009, har fortolket en del af...... traktaten til, at det skal være det vindende parti ved EP-valget, som vælger Kommissionsformanden. Dette er kendt som Spitzenkandidaten-proceduren. Wind pointerede, at særligt tyskerne har den holdning til EU, at den primære legitimitet ligger hos Europa parlamentet, da det er det eneste direkte folkevalgte...... organ i EU. Wind påpegede, at statsoverhovederne har været meget skeptiske eller direkte imod proceduren, men at der er en stigende holdning til, at proceduren kan være med til at sikre borgerinddragelse i EU. Til dette sagde Wind; "Hvis man skal engangere borgerne ved det her valg, hvor stort set ingen...

  15. Professor om brexit-åbning: Det bliver sværere i næste fase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, Marlene


    Professor og centerleder, Marlene Wind, var den 8. december i Vejle Amts Folkeblad, hvor hun kommenterede på udviklingen i Brexit-forhandlingerne i forlængelse af udmeldingen om, at forhandlingerne er klar til den næste fase. Professor Wind kalder dette for et gennembrud, men pointerer også at de...... videre forhandlinger vil være på EU’s præmisser. De videre forhandlinger vil blandt andet handle om en kommende handelsaftale mellem de to parter, til hvilket professor Wind påpeger, at det kan tage mange år, før man har en sådan i hus. Samtidig vurderer Wind også, at nogle leave-vælgere måske vil blive...

  16. The behaviour of zirconium alloys in Santowax OM organic coolant at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawatzky, A.


    Zirconium alloys have been exposed to Santowax OM at temperatures of 320 to 400 o C for times as long as 5000 hours. Short-term experiments (less than 2 weeks) were done in stainless-steel bombs and small out-of-pile loops. The X-7 organic loop in the NRX reactor was used to study long-term oxidation and hydriding both in-flux and out-of-flux. The results obtained lead to several tentative conclusions: Aluminum cladding serves as an effective hydrogen barrier; Considerable protection against hydriding is given by zirconium oxide, provided impurities in the organic are carefully controlled; Hydriding is greatly enhanced by the presence of chlorine in the coolant; and, Hydriding is somewhat enhanced by neutron irradiation. Of considerable significance is the fact that a Zircaloy-4 in-reactor test section of the X-7 loop was exposed to Santowax OM at 320 to 400 o C for more than 5000 hours without excessive hydriding. (author)

  17. Effects of gamma radiation on the OM431 human ocular melanoma cell line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logani, S.; Cho, A.S.; Su, L.D.; Withers, H.R.; McBride, W.H.; Hall, M.O.; Lee, D.A.; Milani, J.K.; Straatsma, B.R.


    In order to determine the dose responsiveness to radiation of ocular melanoma, we conducted an in vitro dose-response study on a monolayer cell culture using a clonogenic assay. The effects on cell survival were determined relative to unirradiated controls. A human epithelioid ocular melanoma cell line, OM431, was maintained in tissue culture and serial dilutions of viable cells were plated in flasks, allowed to settle and attach for 48 h, and subsequently irradiated with 1-10 Gy in single fractions. After 2 weeks, the number of reproducing clones (forming colonies with greater than 32 cells or five generations) were counted. The surviving fractions of cells were plotted on a cell survival curve using the linear quadratic model. The survival curve showed a large initial shoulder followed by an exponential decline in growth. Our data suggest that the OM431 ocular melanoma cell line responds to irradiation in a manner similar to other melanoma cell lines and is relatively radioresistent especially at lower doses. (author)

  18. Slaget om havet. Den nye tilgang til anvendelsen af søterritoriet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm Henriksen, Laura; Piontkowitz, Thorsten; Villadsgaard, Anne


    Kystdirektoratet har i de senere år kunne konstatere en stadig stigning i mange forskellige aktiviteter på søterritoriet, som f.eks. ansøgninger om søfly, tanganlæg, hoppepuder og kabelparker. Disse nye interesser stiller nye krav til forvaltningen af søterritoriet i form af en mere klar og målre...

  19. Closeup of STS-26 Discovery, OV-103, orbital maneuvering system (OMS) leak (United States)


    Closeup of STS-26 Discovery, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 103, orbital maneuvering system (OMS) reaction control system (RCS) nitrogen tetroxide gas leak was captured by a Cobra borescope and displayed on a video monitor. The borescope has a miniature videocamera at the end of a flexible rubber tube and is able to be maneuvered into other inaccessible locations.

  20. Att ligga som föräldrarna bäddar : En kvantitativ studie om ungdomars sexuella handlingsutrymme


    Hellberg, My; Sarin, Sandra


    Sammanfattning Denna studie avser att undersöka ungdomars sexuella handlingsutrymme. Syftet är att studera om det sexuella handlingsutrymmet uppfattas olika när det gäller ungdomar med, respektive utan, en lindrig intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. I analysen har särskild hänsyn tagits till tre bakgrundsfaktorer; ungdomars kön, föräldrars födelseland samt föräldrars religiositet. Definitionen av det sexuella handlingsutrymmet bygger på den unges uppfattning om vårdnadshavarens restriktioner ...

  1. Skolutveckling, Problemlösning eller Muntration? : En innehållsanalys av några texter om fortbildning


    Boman, Petter; Pedersen, Frank


    Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka talet om fortbildning i en fortbildningskatalog som riktar sig till språklärare på gymnasienivå. Vi har fokuserat kurser som riktar sig till lärare med engelska som undervisningsämne. Utgångspunkten för vår studie är frågan om vilken syn på fortbildning och kunskap som kommer till uttryck i materialet och vem som vinner mest på fortbildningen: den enskilde individen eller kollektivet? Vi tror att det sätt på vilket ett fortbildningsmaterial presentera...

  2. Understanding the fouling of UF/MF hollow fibres of biologically treated wastewaters using advanced EfOM characterization and statistical tools

    KAUST Repository

    Filloux, Emmanuelle


    Five secondary effluents and a river water source were characterized using size exclusion chromatography (LC-OCD-UVD-OND) and emission-excitation matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy in order to identify the major effluent organic matter (EfOM) fractions responsible for membrane fouling. This study showed the feasibility of coupling fluorescence EEM and LC-OCD-UVD-OND to investigate the fouling potential as well as a means to differentiate natural organic matter (NOM) from EfOM. The secondary effluents and river water showed a significant difference in organic matter characteristics and fouling potential, highlighting the importance of biological processes and the feed water source on EfOM characteristics and fouling potential. On the basis of statistical analysis, protein-like substances were found to be highly correlated to the fouling potential of secondary effluents. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

  3. Understanding the fouling of UF/MF hollow fibres of biologically treated wastewaters using advanced EfOM characterization and statistical tools

    KAUST Repository

    Filloux, Emmanuelle; Labanowski, Jé rô me; Croue, Jean-Philippe


    Five secondary effluents and a river water source were characterized using size exclusion chromatography (LC-OCD-UVD-OND) and emission-excitation matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy in order to identify the major effluent organic matter (EfOM) fractions responsible for membrane fouling. This study showed the feasibility of coupling fluorescence EEM and LC-OCD-UVD-OND to investigate the fouling potential as well as a means to differentiate natural organic matter (NOM) from EfOM. The secondary effluents and river water showed a significant difference in organic matter characteristics and fouling potential, highlighting the importance of biological processes and the feed water source on EfOM characteristics and fouling potential. On the basis of statistical analysis, protein-like substances were found to be highly correlated to the fouling potential of secondary effluents. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

  4. Tidlige skrifter om musik og musikterapi (1983-89)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Carl


    størrelser i kulturen og historien. "Lyd og arketyper" (1983) er skrevet som afløsningsopgave til magisterkonferens i musikvidenskab ved Københavns Universitet. Den er en opsamling af hvad Jung i bogen Forvandlingens Symboler skriver om lyd. Det sættes i yderligere perspektiv med egne tilføjelser, dels...... snævert i fortsættelse af Jung, dels ved betragtning af bønner, poesi og mantraer samt musik. Skema s.40 (s.42 i pdf) sammenfatter. - Afhandlingen knytter psykologisk stof til musik og tilgrænsende områder på en måde der umiddelbart mere er systematisk end historisk. Den har været nyttig i arbejdet med...

  5. De største danske virksomheder er meget informative i rapporteringen til offentligheden om deres procedure til bekæmpelse af korruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Stig


    I undersøgelser gennemført af Transparency International Danmark i 2014 og 2016 af de største danske børsnoterede og ikke børsnoterede virksomheder viser det sig, at disse virksomheder er meget informative omkring deres procedure for at undgå korruption og bestikkelse samt i deres information om...... ejerforhold. Til gengæld er de store virksomhederne ikke særligt informative om deres omsætning og skattebetaling mv. fordelt på lande. Over tid viser de to undersøgelser, at de største danske virksomheder er blevet mere informative og sammenlignet med tilsvarende undersøgelser udført af Transparency...

  6. Integrated O&M for energy generation and exchange facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ingeteam Service, part of the Ingeteam Group, is a leading company in the provision of integrated O&M services at energy generation and exchange facilities worldwide. From its head office in the Albacete Science and Technology Park, it manages the work of the 1,300 employees that make up its global workforce, rendering services to wind farms, PV installations and power generation plants. In addition, it maintains an active participation strategy in a range of R&D+i programmes that improve the existing technologies and are geared towards new production systems and new diagnostic techniques, applied to renewables installation maintenance. (Author)

  7. Les oméga 3 : de l’alimentation animale à la nutrition humaine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Combe Nicole


    Full Text Available La dernière édition des Apports nutritionnels conseillés (ANC- éd. 2001 souligne la nécessité d’accroître la consommation d’acide alpha-linolénique (ALA. Celle-ci devrait au minimum doubler et représenter 0,8 % (par rapport à l’énergie totale contre 0,34 % actuellement. Or, l’étude Aquitaine [1] a montré que les lipides d’origine animale contribuaient à près de 75 % de l’apport alimentaire en ALA. Ainsi, parmi les stratégies envisageables pour accroître notre consommation d’ALA, sans changer fondamentalement les habitudes alimentaires des Français, on note un intérêt croissant pour augmenter la teneur en oméga 3 des produits animaux via l’alimentation de ces derniers. Quelques exemples de modification de la composition en acides gras des produits animaux sont exposés. Chez les espèces monogastriques (volaille, porc, le profil des lipides de carcasse est un bon reflet des lipides alimentaires. Ainsi, chez le porc, le niveau d’oméga 3 peut être augmenté d’un facteur 2 à 4, lorsque les animaux reçoivent dans leur alimentation de l’huile de colza, des graines de lin ou de la farine de poissons. En revanche, chez les animaux ruminants, le transfert des acides gras polyinsaturés alimentaires vers les tissus est faible en raison de l’hydrogénation qu’ils subissent dans le rumen. Certaines stratégies qui consistent à protéger ces acides gras de la biohydrogénation permettent néanmoins d’accroître le taux d’ALA dans les tissus et le lait. Ainsi, il apparaît possible d’augmenter la consommation d’oméga 3 de la population, via la consommation de produits issus d’animaux nourris avec des sources d’oméga 3. Cependant, au niveau de la production, ces changements doivent être maîtrisés \\; ils ne peuvent se faire sans un contrôle des qualités d’une part organoleptiques, en raison du degré élevé d’oxydabilité de ces acides gras, d’autre part de texture, en raison

  8. La question de la géométrie du lexique

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    Polguère Alain


    Full Text Available Cet article s’intéresse à la structure globale du lexique, en tant que module fonctionnel de la langue, et à ses possibles représentations formelles. Nous posons tout d’abord le problème de la représentation de la connaissance lexicale, en expliquant l’importance d’adopter une métaphore géométrique du lexique qui soit adaptée à l’étude lexicologique et à ses diverses applications. Cela nous amène préciser la nature même du lexique qui doit faire l’objet d’une telle géométrisation en revenant sur la notion souvent galvaudée de lexique mental et en distinguant deux types de lexiques mentaux – le lexique logique et le lexique physiologique –, dont seul le premier est notre objet d’étude. Après avoir examiné les principales métaphores courantes du lexique logique, nous présentons un modèle formel plausible, sur lequel s’appuie notamment le projet du Réseau Lexical du Français : il s’agit des Systèmes Lexicaux, dont la charpente structurale est constituée par les fonctions lexicales Sens-Texte.

  9. Elena de Miguel, Azucena Palacios y Ana Serradilla (eds.) Estructuras Léxicas y Estructura del Léxico, Peter Lang, 2006. 367 p

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinther, Thora


    Anmeldelse af en samling artikler der inddrager studiet af ord og ordsammensætninger med mange forskellige tilgange, herunder semantiske og kognitive principper, kontrastivt eller diakront udgangspunkt....

  10. Biodiversity Data Interoperability Issues: on the Opportunity of Exploiting O&M for Biotic Data Management (United States)

    Oggioni, A.; Tagliolato, P.; Schleidt, K.; Carrara, P.; Grellet, S.; Sarretta, A.


    The state of the art in biodiversity data management unfortunately encompases a plethora of diverse data formats. Compared to other research fields, there is a lack in harmonization and standardization of these data. While data from traditional biodiversity collections (e.g. from museums) can be easily represented by existing standard as provided by TDWG, the growing number of field observations stemming from both VGI activities (e.g. iNaturalist) as well as from automated systems (e.g. animal biotelemetry) would at the very least require upgrades of current formats. Moreover, from an eco-informatics perspective, the integration and use of data from different scientific fields is the norm (abiotic data, geographic information, etc.); the possibility to represent this information and biodiversity data in a homogeneous way would be an advantage for interoperability, allowing for easy integration across environmental media. We will discuss the possibility to exploit the Open Geospatial Consortium/ISO standard, Observations and Measurements (O&M) [1], a generic conceptual model developed for observation data but with strong analogies with the biodiversity-oriented OBOE ontology [2]. The applicability of OGC O&M for the provision of biodiviersity occurence data has been suggested by the INSPIRE Cross Thematic Working Group on Observations & Measurements [3], Inspire Environmental Monitoring Facilities Thematic Working Group [4] and New Zealand Environmental Information Interoperability Framework [5]. This approach, in our opinion, could be an advantage for the biodiversity community. We will provide some examples for encoding biodiversity occurence data using the O&M standard in addition to highlighting the advatages offered by O&M in comparison to other representation formats. [1] Cox, S. (2013). Geographic information - Observations and measurements - OGC and ISO 19156. [2] Madin, J., Bowers, S., Schildhauer, M., Krivov, S., Pennington, D., & Villa, F. (2007). An

  11. Faglige udredning om grødeskæring i vandløb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baattrup-Pedersen, Annette; Holm, Peter Engelund; Jensen, Poul Nordemann

    Denne rapport er en faglig udredning om grødeskæring i danske vandløb udarbejdet af en arbejdsgruppe bestående af forskere fra København, Aalborg og Aarhus Universitet under ledelse af DCE-Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi. I Danmark er der ca. 70.000 km vandløb, hvor ca. 28.000 km er omfattet...

  12. Coating magnetic CuFe2O4 nanoparticles with OMS-2 for enhanced degradation of organic pollutants via peroxymonosulfate activation (United States)

    Ye, Peng; Wu, Deming; Wang, Manye; Wei, Yi; Xu, Aihua; Li, Xiaoxia


    A heterogeneous magnetic CuFe2O4@OMS-2 catalyst was fabricated through a facile solvent-free process using Mn(CH3COO)2 and KMnO4 in the presence of CuFe2O4. It was found that the BET surface area of OMS-2 as well as the ratio of low-valent manganese species significantly increased in the hybrid catalyst, due to interactions between CuFe2O4 and the precursor of amorphous manganese oxide. Acid Orange 7 (AO7) and other organic pollutants could be completely degraded by the CuFe2O4@OMS-2 catalyst within 30 min in the presence of peroxymonosulfate (PMS), while CuFe2O4 and OMS-2 showed no significant activity for the reaction. The hybrid catalyst also exhibited excellent long-term stability and could be easily recovered with the assistance of an external magnetic field. A possible degradation mechanism for the synergistic effects of different valent metal species and reactive radicals was proposed, which involved the electron transfer from Mn(III) or Mn(II) species to PMS with the generation of sulfate and hydroxyl radicals, and from AO7 and Cu(I) in CuFe2O4 to Mn(IV) and Mn(III) to reduce these Mn species.


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    Mark Muscat


    Full Text Available El largo y generalizado uso de las vacunas contra el sarampión se ha traducido en un drástico descenso en los casos y la mortalidad por sarampión en todo el mundo en comparación con la época anterior a la vacunación. Todas las regiones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS tienen el objetivo de conseguir su eliminación. Las regiones de la OMS de las Améri - cas, Europa y el Pacífico Occidental tienen, así mismo, la meta de eliminar la rubéola. Este artículo tiene como objetivo informar sobre el progreso hacia la eliminación del sarampión y la rubéola en la Región Europea de la OMS sobre la base de los últimos datos disponibles. También se discuten los retos actuales y las acciones necesarias para alcanzar este fin. A pesar de los importantes avances alcanzados hacia el control de sa - rampión y la rubéola, los países de la Región Europea de la OMS siguen enfrentando desafíos en la interrupción de la transmisión endémica de estas enfermedades. Algunos brotes epidémicos y la transmisión endémica del sa - rampión y la rubéola persistían en algunos países de la Región en 2014 y han continuado en 2015. La interrupción de la transmisión endémica en todos y cada uno de ellos es necesaria para declarar la eliminación en toda la Región. La alta inmunidad de la población y la vigilancia de alta calidad son los pilares para eliminar el sarampión y la rubéola. Sin la existencia de un compromiso político sostenido y de la aplicación de las estrategias requeri - das por parte de todos los países, el objetivo de la eliminación de estas dos enfermedades en la Región Europea de la OMS está en juego.

  14. View of the starboard OMS pod of the STS-6 Challenger (United States)


    This view centers on the starboard orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pod of the shuttle Challenger during its STS-6 mission. Two pieces of thermal protection system tile appear to have loosened. The view also shows one of the cargo bay television cameras, part of the extravehicular activity (EVA) slide wire system, three handrails and other features on the aft bulkhead. Part of the airborne support equipment (ASE) is in the lower right foreground.

  15. Registro de ensayos con vacunas del Programa Mundial de Vacunas e Inmunización de la OMS

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    Robertson S. E.


    Full Text Available En 1995, el Programa Mundial de Vacunas e Inmunización de la OMS estableció un registro para ensayos con vacunas. En septiembre de 1996, este registro contenía 50 ensayos de vacunación patrocinados por la OMS, de los cuales 25 (50% eran estudios ya terminados. Las vacunas que se habían estudiado con mayor frecuencia fueron las de sarampión (9 ensayos, poliovirus (8 ensayos, cólera (8 ensayos, Escherichia coli enterotoxígena (4 ensayos y neumococo (4 ensayos. Casi 80% de estos ensayos se llevaron a cabo en países en desarrollo, principalmente en el África. En los 25 ensayos ya terminados, los resultados investigados fueron la respuesta inmunitaria (24 ensayos, las reacciones adversas (13 ensayos, la morbilidad (4 ensayos y la mortalidad (1 ensayo. La OMS contribuyó a estos ensayos con el aporte indirecto de fondos, ayuda con el diseño metodológico, visitas a las localidades, el análisis de los datos, la adquisición de vacunas y la investigación de su potencia.

  16. Epidemiologisk forskning om uførepensjon i Norden

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    Johan Håkon Bjørngaard


    Full Text Available En relativ stor andel av befolkningen i yrkesaktiv alder i de nordiske landene mottar uførepensjon, og i Norge er det en klar tendens til økning. Parallelt med dette har interessen for forskning rundt uførepensjon som fenomen økt. Vi har i denne studien beskrevet den epidemiologiske forskningen om uførepensjon i Norden. I en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang fant vi 118 aktuelle artikler. Alle de nordiske landene er godt representert. Kohortstudier med uførepensjon som endepunkt utgjorde hovedvekten av materialet, hvor 67 var populasjonsbaserte mens 29 tok utgangspunkt i selekterte pasientpopulasjoner. I alt seks kohortstudier benyttet uførepensjon som eksponering. Vi fant videre syv kasus-kontrollstudier og ni forsøk. Det er betydelig dokumentasjon på at ulike sykdommer og helseplager er assosiert med økt risiko for uførhet, i tillegg til at sosioøkonomiske og arbeidsrelaterte forhold er av betydning. Gjennomgangen viser at den epidemiologiske forskningen for det meste har rettet blikket mot individuelle årsaker til uførepensjonering. Selv om denne forskningen er viktig, kan den neppe forklare økningen vi har sett i det siste tiåret. Den videre forskningen bør utforske nærmere hvordan individuell sårbarhet ender i utstøtelse fra arbeidslivet. Med tanke på den omfattende forskningen om årsaker på dette feltet, bør man også i større grad gjennomføre forsøk for å bedre utsatte gruppers arbeidsdeltakelse.Bjørngaard JH, Krokstad S, Johnsen R, Karlsen AO, Pape K, Støver M, Sund E, Westin S. Epidemiological research on disability benefits in the Nordic countries. Nor J Epidemiol 2009; 19 (2: 103-114 ENGLISH SUMMARYA substantial part of the workforce in the Nordic countries receives a disability benefit, and in Norway this beneficiary rate is growing. As a result, disability benefit has been the subject of new interest and research. In this study we have reviewed the epidemiological research on disability benefit in the

  17. Erik Rasmussen, Niels Bohr og Værdirelativismen - i anledning af Kasper Lippert-Rasmussens bog om Erik Rasmussen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ougaard, Morten


    En svaghed ved Kasper Lippert-Rasmussens i øvrigt udmærkede bog om Erik Rasmussen er, at den forbigår den sene Rasmussens bog om komplementaritet og statskundskab. Bogen var vigtig for Rasmussen, og den bør indgå i hans faglige eftermæle. Den rummer videnskabsteoretiske argumenter af stor relevans...... ikke mindst forholdet mellem normative og kognitive udsagn. Efter mødet med Niels Bohrs filosofi står Rasmussens værdirelativisme både skarpere og stærkere end før, og Kasper Lippert-Rasmussens karakteristik af denne position som et ubegrundet dogme i dansk politologi er ikke overbevisende....

  18. Phase I study of OM-174, a lipid A analogue, with assessment of immunological response, in patients with refractory solid tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isambert, Nicolas; Bardou, Marc; Fumoleau, Pierre; Paul, Catherine; Ferrand, Christophe; Zanetta, Sylvie; Bauer, Jacques; Ragot, Kevin; Lizard, Gérard; Jeannin, Jean-François


    Lipids A, the lipophilic partial structure of lipopolysaccharides, induce regression of several tumor types in animal models. Rather than exerting direct cytotoxic effect, these compounds trigger the immune system which in turn stimulates secretion of cytokines, and activates the inducible nitric oxide synthase, as well as immune cell infiltration of tumors. OM-174 is an analogue of lipid A with dual action on Toll-like receptors 2 and 4. In an experimental model of peritoneal carcinomatosis induced in BDIX rats by intraperitoneal injection of syngeneic PROb colon cancer cells, it induced a complete regression of tumors. The present phase I trial was conducted to determine the maximum tolerated dose, the recommended phase II dose and biological response associated with OM-174 administered as intravenous infusion. Patients received OM-174 twice weekly for a total of 5, 10 or 15 injections of either 600, 800 or 1000 μg/m 2 . Blood samples for pharmacokinetic analysis and cytokine dosages were collected. NK cells activity and Toll-like receptors 4 polymorphism analysis were also performed. Seventeen patients were included. The highest dose administered was 1000 μg/m 2 repeated in 15 injections. The most common toxicities were a chills, fever, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and headache. No patient experienced haematological side effects. As no dose limiting toxicity was observed, despite a grade 3 respiratory complication, the maximal tolerated dose and recommended dose were not established. Three patients exhibited disease stabilization with a mean duration of 4 months. Pharmacokinetic profile of OM-174 was characterized by a low distribution volume and clearance. Analysis of TLR 4 polymorphysm showed that most (16/17) patients carried the wild type alleles. A progressive increase in NK cell number and activity was observed only in patients receiving 1000 μg/m 2 of OM-174. A peak of IL-8 and IL-10 concentrations were observed after each OM-174 injection. Peaks

  19. Nieuwe technieken om spuiwater te zuiveren zijn veelbelovend (interview met o.a. Erik van Os)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arkesteijn, M.; Os, van E.A.


    TNO en Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw hebben samen een proefproject gedaan met twee veelbelovende technieken om spuiwater te zuiveren: omgekeerde osmose en membraandestillatie. Deze test vond plaats bij Olij Rozen in De Kwakel. Technisch gezien voldoen beide technieken.

  20. Le FIE 2008 fait avancer le cadre écobiosocial de l'OMS | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 mai 2011 ... Le Programme spécial de recherche et de formation concernant les maladies tropicales (TDR) de l'OMS a élaboré le concept du champ « écobiosocial », qui combine les perspectives écologiques, biologiques et sociales « pour mieux comprendre la dynamique des maladies infectieuses à transmission ...

  1. Krav om målretning fører til tab af motivation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hutters, Camilla


    stigende omfang også mistrives på deres studier. Ny forskning viser, at det politiske fokus på at få studerende til at målrette og planlægge deres uddannelsesforløb er med til at mindske de studerendes motivation for at uddanne sig. Samtidig gør kravet om målretning det svært for de studerende at gøre...

  2. Clinical Benefits of Memantine Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease in the Okayama Memantine Study II (OMS II). (United States)

    Matsuzono, Kosuke; Yamashita, Toru; Ohta, Yasuyuki; Hishikawa, Nozomi; Koike, Makoto; Sato, Kota; Kono, Syoichiro; Deguchi, Kentaro; Nakano, Yumiko; Abe, Koji


    The clinical benefits of memantine, depending on the baseline cognitive and affective conditions in real world dementia clinics, have not been completely examined. We performed the "Okayama Memantine Study II (OMS II)" to retrospectively evaluate the clinical effects of memantine monotherapy (n = 38) in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients using seven batteries to assess dementia at the baseline, at 3, 6, and 12 months. Additionally, we divided 163 AD patients treated with memantine into two subgroups depending on the baseline cognitive score of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): the MMSE OMS II showed that memantine monotherapy improved BPSD until 12 months. The higher baseline cognitive subgroup (MMSE ≥15) and the worse baseline BPSD subgroup were expected to show better effects with memantine.

  3. Om Hegels opfattelse af Gorgias, set på baggrund af tidligere filosofihistorikeres fremstilling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huggler, Jørgen


    En undersøgelse af Hegels tolkning af sofisten Gorgias giver anledning til at se på receptionen af sofisterne hos notable filosofihistorikere i det 18. århundrede. En sådan undersøgelse viser, at Hegel har en original og velvillig tolkning af sofisterne koncentreret omkring begrebet Bildung og det...... at give grunde for noget. Hegels udlægning af Gorgias bygger på hans tolkning af eleaterne, især af Zenon. Når Hegel har en særlig tolkning af eleaterne, skyldes det hans egne mangeårige filosofiske bestræbelser, og en identificering af en særlig, immanent objektiv dialektik hos Zenon, som han finder......, at Gorgias fører videre. Hegels filosofiske forståelse er tilstrækkelig udviklet til at kunne knytte positive kommentarer til alle dele af diskussionen i Gorgias' ræsonnement Om det ikkeværende, eller Om naturen. Det lykkes dog bedst i forhold til de to første af Gorgias' tre underteser. I hegelsk perspektiv...

  4. Dialogmøte om teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd


    Henriksen, Kristian; Sunde, Leif Magne; Digre, Hanne; Svendsen, Erik; Rundtop, Per; Erikson, Ulf Gøran


    SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk arrangerte den 19. mars 2013, i samarbeid med Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens forskningsfond (FHF), et dialogmøte med fokus på teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd. Under møtet ble status for gjeldene teknologi og operasjoner for trenging av fisk i merd, samt resultater fra forskningsprosjekter tilknyttet trengeprosessen, presentert. Videre ble det samlet innspill om utfordringer tilknyttet trenging av fisk i produksjons- og ventemerd fra oppdrettsbedrifter, leverandø...

  5. Improving interpretation of infrared spectra for OM characterization by subtraction of spectra from incinerated samples (United States)

    Ellerbrock, Ruth H.; Gerke, Horst H.; Leue, Martin


    Non-destructive methods such as diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT) have been applied to characterize organic matter (OM) at intact structural surfaces among others. However, it is often difficult to distinguish effects of organic components on DRIFT signal intensities from those of mineral components. The objective of this study was to re-evaluate DRIFT spectra from intact earthworm burrow walls and coated cracks to improve the interpretation of C-H and C=O bands. We compared DRIFT and transmission Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of entire samples that were from the same pedogenetic soil horizon, but different in mineral composition and texture (i.e., glacial till versus loess). Spectra of incinerated samples were subtracted from the original spectra. Transmission FTIR and DRIFT spectra were almost identical for entire soil samples. However, the DRIFT spectra were affected by the bulk mode bands (i.e., wavenumbers 2000 to 1700 cm-1) that affected spectral resolution and reproducibility. The ratios between C-H and C=O band intensities as indicator for OM quality obtained with DRIFT were smaller than those obtained from transmission FTIR. A spectral subtraction procedure was found to reduce effects of mineral absorption bands on DRIFT spectra allowing an improved interpretation. DRIFT spectroscopy as a non-destructive method for analyzing OM composition at intact surfaces in structured soils could be calibrated with information obtained with the more detailed transmission FTIR and complementary methods.

  6. Familjearbetaren hos en ensamförsörjare : en kvalitativ studie om ensamförsörjarens livssituation och hur familjearbetet påverkas


    Sjöblom, Mikaela; Azimi, Diana


    Syftet med vårt lärdomsprov är att redogöra för familjearbetarnas åsikter om familjearbetet har specifika drag i utförandet av det hos familjer med en försörjare. I teoridelen tas det upp om familjepolitiken i Finland, familjearbete samt om hur en ensamförsörjares livssituation kan se ut. I undersökningen använde vi oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Undersökningspersonerna bestod av åtta familjearbetare från fyra olika kommuner. Intervjuerna gjordes både i grupper och som individue...

  7. Intracameral phenylephrine and ketorolac injection (OMS302 for maintenance of intraoperative pupil diameter and reduction of postoperative pain in intraocular lens replacement with phacoemulsification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lindstrom RL


    Full Text Available Richard L Lindstrom,1 James C Loden,2 Thomas R Walters,3 Steven H Dunn,4 J Steven Whitaker,5 Terry Kim,6 Gregory A Demopulos,5 Khiun Tjia7 1Minnesota Eye Consultants, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2Loden Vision Centers, Goodlettsville, TN, USA; 3Texan Eye Care, Austin, TX, USA; 4Houston Eye Associates, Houston, TX, USA; 5Omeros Corporation, Seattle, WA, USA; 6Duke University Eye Center, Durham, NC, USA; 7Isala Clinics, Zwolle, the Netherlands Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of OMS302 on intraoperative pupil diameter and early postoperative ocular pain when administered during intraocular lens replacement surgery.Methods: Four hundred and six patients (406 study eyes; 202 in the OMS302 group and 204 in the placebo group were entered into this randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, multicenter Phase III study, which was conducted at 15 centers in the USA and the Netherlands. The patients received OMS302 (60.75 mM phenylephrine HCl and 11.25 mM ketorolac tromethamine or placebo in irrigation solution during intraocular lens replacement. No other changes in procedure were required. Coprimary endpoints were change in pupil diameter over time from surgical baseline to end of procedure and patient-reported ocular pain during the first 12 hours postoperatively. Secondary endpoints included additional measures of pupil diameter and postoperative pain. Results: OMS302 was superior to placebo in maintaining intraoperative mydriasis, preventing miosis, and reducing postoperative pain. The weighted mean (standard error difference (OMS302 – placebo in change in the area under the curve from baseline for pupil dia­meter was 0.590 ([0.049]; 95% confidence interval 0.494 to 0.686; P<0.0001. For ocular pain scores, the weighted mean (standard error difference was –4.580 ([1.192]; 95% confidence interval –6.917 to 2.244; P=0.0002. All secondary efficacy results favored OMS302. Specifically, analyses supporting

  8. Energiezuinige teeltsturing bij paprika : proof of principle : testen van dynamische optimalisatie als methode om doelgerichte sturing van de teelt te combineren met energiebesparing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buwalda, F.; Zwart, de H.F.; Henten, van E.J.; Gelder, de A.; Hemming, J.; Bontsema, J.; Lagas, P.; Mark, van der C.


    De noodzaak om efficiënt met energie om te gaan en de uitstoot van CO2 te beperken, wordt niet alleen door de maatschappij aan de sector opgelegd, maar komt ook voort uit economische noodzaak. In verschillende proeven is aangetoond dat winst valt te behalen door af te wijken van de gangbare

  9. Integrated O&M for energy generation and exchange facilities; O&M integral para instalaciones de generación e intercambio de energía

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ingeteam Service, part of the Ingeteam Group, is a leading company in the provision of integrated O&M services at energy generation and exchange facilities worldwide. From its head office in the Albacete Science and Technology Park, it manages the work of the 1,300 employees that make up its global workforce, rendering services to wind farms, PV installations and power generation plants. In addition, it maintains an active participation strategy in a range of R&D+i programmes that improve the existing technologies and are geared towards new production systems and new diagnostic techniques, applied to renewables installation maintenance. (Author)

  10. Barnehagestyreres opplevelser av forholdet til skolen i spørsmål om barns læring

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    Kari Hoås Moen


    Full Text Available This study draws attention to what extent directors of private and municipal Early Childhood Centers (ECCs experience disagreement with school concerning questions about children’s learning in ECCs and the content of this disagreement. Furthermore, it focuses to what extent the directors of these two center categories try to influence school in such questions, and how they possibly may do this. The material derives from a nationwide survey (1310 directors and an interview study (16 directors. The directors experience disagreements to a small extent and least in private centers. However, some disagree about to which extent the adults should lead children’s learning. This study reveals a great variety in how much the directors try to influence school. The municipal directors are most active. Artikkelen retter søkelys på i hvilken grad styrere i kommunale og private barnehager opplever uenighet med skolen i spørsmål om barns læring i barnehagen og eventuelt hva slik uenighet kan handle om. Videre ser den på i hvilken grad styrere i de to barnehagetypene forsøker å påvirke skolen i spørsmål om barns læring og eventuelt på hvilke måter. Datamaterialet kommer fra en landsdekkende survey (1310 styrere og intervjuundersøkelse (16 styrere. Styrerne opplever liten grad av uenighet med skolen og minst i private barnehager. Et tema det kan være uenighet om, er grad av voksenstyring i læringsaktivitetene. Det er stor spredning på i hvilken grad styrerne forsøker å påvirke skolen. Styrere i kommunale barnehager er klart mest aktive. Styrerne forsøker å påvirke skolen på ulike måter.

  11. Balance sheet of the first year of O&M at the Ence biomass plant in Mérida

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Having received the Final Commissioning Protocol from the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Environment and Energy of the Extremadura Regional Government, Ence’s biomass generation plant in Mérida started to deliver energy to the electrical system in April 2014. With the construction and commissioning of the Sener turnkey project for the biomass plant having been completed, Ence - the engineering and technology group – set up the company Biomasa Mérida O&M S.L. to provide operation and maintenance works for the facility’s first two years of operation. Following signature of the provisional acceptance of the plant by Ence, Biomasa Mérida O&M S.L. accepted its mission and started work on 15 September 2014. (Author)

  12. Fjernsynet som shaman: Om store mediebegivenheders transformative virkninger

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    Daniel Dayan


    Full Text Available Den direkte transmission af levende begivenheder har altid været TV- mediets særlige styrke, hvad enten det drejer sig om fodboldkampe, Lørdagskanalen eller kongebrylluper. Medieforskerne har da også interesseret sig for fjernsynets formidling af sportsbegivenheder og der er blevet lavet analyser af Kanaludsendelserne. Men hverken i Danmark eller andre steder har forskerne fundet det interessant at undersøge de store, ceremonielle mediebegivenheder. Det er Dayan & Katz´ projekt at udfylde dette tomrum i medie- og kul- turforskningen: Hvad er det, der fascinerer millioner ved disse TV- ceremonier, der ofte ikke blot henvender sig til et enkelt lands seere, men transmitteres til og ses af store dele af verden? Hvordan fungere disse begivenheder - hvad enten det drejer sig om Præsident Kennedys begravelse, Sadats besøg i Jerusalem, Månelandingen eller Watergate- høringerne - ideologisk, og hvilke interesser tjener de dermed i den politiske offentlighed? I denne artikel, der er et bearbejdet uddrag af den bog, projektet skal munde ud i, beskæftiger Dayan & Katz sig især med det de kalder "transformative" mediebegivenheder, dvs. TV-ceremonier der markerer, at et samfund står ved en tærskel mellem den herskende orden og en ny mulig orden, og som selv er et aktivt og aktiverende bidrag til forvand- lingen af kulturelle opfattelser og værdier. Artiklens perpektiv er udpræget tværvidenskabeligt, idet der trækkes på såvel kulturantropologiske (Levi-Strauss, Geertz, Turner som filosofiske (Bakhtin, Baudrillard, sprogteoretiske (Austin og traditionelt samfunds- videnskabelige/mediesociologiske (Boorstin arbejder. I artiklens første halvdel foretages der en afgrænsning af transformative over for andre ceremonielle begivenheder. I anden halvdel gennemgås de fem faser, som udgør transformative begivenheders typiske struktur. Artiklen er bearbejdet af Jørgen Bang og Kim Schrøder. Den er oversat af Kim Schrøder.

  13. For eller imod vaccination? Om forældres beslutningstagen I forbindelse med Calmette-vaccination af deres nyfødte barn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo Pihl, Gitte

    Sygehus, Rigshospitalet og Hvidovre Hospital, fra oktober 2012 til november 2013. I alt 4184 familier blev randomiseret i Calmette-studiet. Ad formål 1: Før Calmette-studiets begyndelse blev fem fokusgrupper gennemført med formålet at undersøge forældres overvejelser, når de skal tage stilling til, om...... Kolding blev efterfølgende telefon-interviewet med en dansk valideret udgave af "The Decisional Conflict Scale" med det formål at undersøge, hvor trygge de var ved beslutningen og om socio-demografiske faktorer havde betydning for deres oplevelse af tvivl. Ad formål 3: Spørgsmål om forældres...... kvantitativ metode, idet der anvendes statistiske tests af socio-demografiske faktorers betydning for The Decisional Conflict Score, ligesom selve scoren opgøres statistisk. Formål 3 er undersøgt i et miks af statistiske opgørelser af svarene fra telefon-interview kombineret med uddybende perspektiver fra...

  14. Slagkracht is nodig om Nederland te beschermen en economische kansen voor cybersecurity te verzilveren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zielstra, A.


    Digitale bedrijvigheid zorgde de afgelopen 25 jaar voor ruim een derde van alle economische groei. Meer dan 5 procent van ons bnp verdienen we met ICT. Nederland heeft een toppositie in de wereld als het gaat om de digitale economie. Maar het is niet vanzelfsprekend dat we die behouden. Volgens

  15. Recommended practices for wind farm data collection and reliability assessment for O&M optimization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hahn, Berthold; Welte, Thomas; Faulstich, Stefan


    . The complete results of IEA Wind Task 33 are described in the expert group report on recommended practices for "Wind farm data collection and reliability assessment for O&M optimization" which will be published by IEA Wind in 2017. This paper briefly presents the background of the work, the recommended process...

  16. "Vi har musikk i skolen for å bli bedre til å synge!" Elevens egen stemme om sangaktiviteten i skolens musikkopplæring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Odd Magne Bøe


    Full Text Available Artikkelen fokuserer på elevenes egne opplevelser omkring sangaktiviteter i skolens musikkopplæring. Sang i skolen drøftes i lys av de rammene vi finner i ”Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet” (LK06. Et sentralt spørsmål vil være om elever i ulike aldre forteller om endring av musikkaktiviteter i takt med et utvidet register i faget. Jeg vil i tillegg diskutere i hvilken grad elevens stemme vil kunne bringe fram ny viten om musikkfaget. Artikkelen er tredelt. Først beskrives målet med studien og begrunnelser for valg av metode. Deretter presenteres resultater fra empirien basert på kvalitative data fra elevintervjuer. I den tredje delen tar drøftingen utgangspunkt i de funn jeg gjorde i min studie.

  17. Om problemformuleringer i biblioteks-, dokumentations- og informationsvidenskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjørland, Birger


    Denne artikel er et oplæg om, hvad der er gode og frugtbare problemformuleringer i biblioteks-, dokumentations- og informationsvidenskab (BDI). Artiklen opbygger en dikotomi mellem selvstændige universitetsopgaver på den ene side og common sense- behandlinger (eller ”fristile”) på den anden side....... Den grundlæggende tese er, at al god forskning – og alle gode, selvstændige universitetsopgaver – begynder og slutter i fagets litteratur. Det at være professionel i et fag indebærer bl.a., at man respekterer andre fag; kun derved tager man sig selv alvorligt som fagperson. BDI ses som et fag, der er...... gør det sværere at lave gode problemformuleringer, men gør ikke sådanne mindre nødvendige. Enhver problemformulering er - bevidst eller ubevidst - en politisk handling, der på den lange bane er med til at bestemme BDIs udviklingsretning og fremtid....

  18. Betænkning om Indsatsen mod ungdomskriminalitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reimann, Johan; Balvig, Flemming; Bay, Jens

    Kommissionen foretager i betænkningen en samlet gennemgang af indsatsen mod ungdomskriminalitet og præsenterer på grundlag heraf en række forslag til, hvordan indsatsen kan styrkes med henblik på at gøre den så målrettet og virkningsfuld som mulig. Til brug for sine overvejelser har kommissionen...... overvejelser og forslag vedrørende indsatsen mod ungdomskriminalitet omfatter dels den forebyggende indsats, dels reaktionen på kriminalitet, der begås af børn og unge. På baggrund af erfaringerne fra eksisterende tiltag fremhæver kommissionen generelt den tidlige, helhedsorienterede, tværsektorielle og...... sammenhængende kriminalitetsforebyggende indsats som den væsentligste, hvis man for alvor ønsker at sætte effektivt ind for at begrænse ungdomskriminaliteten. Derudover stiller kommissionen en lang række forslag om konkrete tiltag med henblik på at styrke henholdsvis den forebyggende indsats og reaktionen på...

  19. PRI leidt rupsen om de tuin: effect van tussenteelt en combinatieteelt op rupsen op spruitkool

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elderson, J.; Belder, den E.


    PRI onderzocht in spruitkool het effect van bloemstroken met bruine mosterd of klaver, ingezaaid om de zes rijen, op de aantallen rupsen en de samenstelling van de rupsenpopulatie gedurende het groeiseizoen. In het artikel ook een beschrijving en illustraties van de zes belangrijkste rupsensoorten

  20. Examining the effectiveness of experiential teaching in small and large OM modules


    Piercy, N.; Brandon-Jones, A.; Brandon-Jones, E.; Campbell, C.


    Purpose – This paper aims to examine the preferences of students towards different teaching methods and the perceived effectiveness of experiential teaching methods in different operations management (OM) modules.Design/methodology/approach – Student perceptions of different teaching methods and various aspects of an experiential teaching method, in the form of a business simulation game, are examined using survey data from 274 respondents in four small post-experience and two large pre-exper...

  1. Samarbejdet mellem amter og kommuner om regionplanlægningen og det åbne land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Jørgen; Sørensen, Esben Munk; Jørgensen, Lars Overgaard

    kommuner er klar til at tage udfordringerne omkring udviklingen i det åbne land op med behørigt hensyn til beskyttelses- og benyttelsesinteresserne i en dialog  med amterne og under indtryk af de meldinger og signaler, der kommer fra Miljøministeriet om god gedigen planlægning. Vi anser det for givet...

  2. Studies on O/M ratio determination in uranium oxide, plutonium oxide and uranium-plutonium mixed oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sampath, S.; Chawla, K.L.


    Thermogravimetric studies were carried out in unsintered and sintered samples of uranium oxide, plutonium oxide and uranium-plutonium mixed oxide under different atmospheric conditions (air, argon and moist argon/hydrogen). Moisture loss was found to occur below 200 0 C for uranium dioxide samples, upto 700 0 C for sintered plutonium dioxide and negligible for sintered samples. The O/M ratios for non-stoichiometric uranium dioxide (sintered and unsintered), plutonium dioxide and mixed uranium and plutonium oxides (sintered) could be obtained with a precision of +- 0.002. Two reference states UOsub(2.000) and UOsub(2.656) were obtained for uranium dioxide and the reference state MOsub(2.000) was used for other cases. For unsintered plutonium dioxide samples, accurate O/M ratios could not be obtained of overlap of moisture loss with oxygen loss/gain. (author)

  3. Medialogi (Dansk informations brochure om Medialogi-uddannelsen, 1. til 10. semester (B.Sc. & Cand.Scient))

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordahl, Rolf; Andersen, Hans Jørgen


    Informationsbrochure, 28 sider, om Medialogi uddannelsen (Cand. Scient.), der udbydes af Aalborg Universitet i Aalborg, Esbjerg og København. Brochuren beskriver 1. til 10. semester af uddannelsen (B.Sc. og M.Sc.). Informationen er primært rettet mod potentielle ansøgere til Medialogi uddannelsen...

  4. Nudging og Etik


    Munro, Charlotte; Ammentorp, Isabella; Nielsen, Mia; Andreasen, Nicoline


    This project examines the ethical aspects of the supermarket chain Lidls use of nudging. Nudging is a new phenomenon developed by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein and will be used in this project as described in their book “Nudge - Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness”. The project will study how Lidl uses nudging to gently persuade their customers to choose a healthier alternative and by doing this, examine which elements are used to make people aware of the healthier...

  5. Etik i fysioterapi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Præstegaard, Jeanette


    Et kvalitativt interviewstudie af en gruppe fysioterapeuters etiske perception i forhold til etiske problemstillinger opstået i daglig praksis samt en etisk analyse af Danske Fysioterapeuters etiske retningslinier...

  6. Etik i flygtningeudspil


    Nielsen, Simon Bo Reinholdt; Kinisiz, Onur; Eilsøe-Madsen, Lauge


    In this project, we seek to examine the ethics of the Danish government and the supporting parties in the question regarding refugees. The world has not seen this huge amount of refugees since World War II. After the end of the war, the nations agreed upon that this should never again be the situation. However, now that the current refugee crisis develops, many countries seek to close their borders and deny refugees the right to enter into the country. In Denmark, the government is taking dra...

  7. Narrativer i den franske debat om verdslighed, la laïcité

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Degn, Inge Merete Egedal


    Artiklen analyserer debatten om la laïcité i Frankrig 2003-2004 med hovedvægt på udsendelsen Bibliothèque Médicis: La laicité en questions?. I analysen inddrages sociologiske teorier (Simmel, Tabboni), Ricoeurs overvejelser over narrativ identitet og interkulturel forståelse samt diskursanalyse....... Der lægges særlig vægt på narrativer og story lines, og der afdækkes en 'lidelsesdiskurs' som speciel for denne tv-debat....

  8. CCR4 agonists CCL22 and CCL17 are elevated in pediatric OMS sera: rapid and selective down-regulation of CCL22 by ACTH or corticosteroids. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Tate, Elizabeth D; McGee, Nathan R; Colliver, Jerry A; Ransohoff, Richard M


    To study the role of Th2-attracting chemokines in opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS), a serious neurological paraneoplastic disorder in need of better immunological understanding and therapy. The CCR4 agonists CCL22 and CCL17 were measured in serum by ELISA in children with OMS (238 and 260, respectively), pediatric controls (115 and 143), and other inflammatory neurological disorders (33 and 24). Both CCL22 (+55 %) and CCL17 (+121 %) were significantly elevated in untreated OMS compared to controls and inter-correlated (p OMS also were higher than in OIND (21 %, 41 %). The concentration of CCL22 in ACTH and steroids groups (not IVIg) was 51 % lower than in controls, but only a smaller effect of ACTH on CCL17 was found. Prospective longitudinal studies revealed a precipitous 81 % drop in CCL22 even by the first week of high-dose ACTH therapy, staying below control mean for at least 12 weeks, and a 34 % reduction after 8 months of combined treatment. Response to ACTH was dose-related (r = -0.50, p OMS. Marked and rapid reduction in CCL22, not CCL17, with either ACTH or steroid therapy suggests differential regulation and cellular sources of CCR4 ligands, and CCL22 as a potential candidate biomarker for ACTH or corticosteroid effect.

  9. Estimation of atmospheric columnar organic matter (OM) mass concentration from remote sensing measurements of aerosol spectral refractive indices (United States)

    Zhang, Ying; Li, Zhengqiang; Sun, Yele; Lv, Yang; Xie, Yisong


    Aerosols have adverse effects on human health and air quality, changing Earth's energy balance and lead to climate change. The components of aerosol are important because of the different spectral characteristics. Based on the low hygroscopic and high scattering properties of organic matter (OM) in fine modal atmospheric aerosols, we develop an inversion algorithm using remote sensing to obtain aerosol components including black carbon (BC), organic matter (OM), ammonium nitrate-like (AN), dust-like (DU) components and aerosol water content (AW). In the algorithm, the microphysical characteristics (i.e. volume distribution and complex refractive index) of particulates are preliminarily separated to fine and coarse modes, and then aerosol components are retrieved using bimodal parameters. We execute the algorithm using remote sensing measurements of sun-sky radiometer at AERONET site (Beijing RADI) in a period from October of 2014 to January of 2015. The results show a reasonable distribution of aerosol components and a good fit for spectral feature calculations. The mean OM mass concentration in atmospheric column is account for 14.93% of the total and 56.34% of dry and fine-mode aerosol, being a fairly good correlation (R = 0.56) with the in situ observations near the surface layer.

  10. "Üks, tuks. Sjoo elo om - tuks..." : [luuletused : võru keeles] / Aljona Jeltsova ; komi keelest tõlkinud Nikolai Kuznetsov, võru keelde Kauksi Ülle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jeltsova, Aljona


    Sisu: "Üks, tuks. Sjoo elo om - tuks..." ; "Ammuq lännüq pilveq - luigaq..." ; "Ma üles märki laulu jovva-õs..." ; Sukka mi ; "Täämbä üüse om taivah üts täht..." ; "Ma tulõ viirde uma süäme jäti..."

  11. Cosmological reconstruction and Om diagnostic analysis of Einstein-Aether theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pasqua, Antonio [Department of Physics, University of Trieste, Via Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste (Italy); Chattopadhyay, Surajit [Pailan College of Management and Technology, Bengal Pailan Park, Kolkata-700 104 (India); Momeni, Davood; Myrzakulov, Ratbay [Eurasian International Center for Theoretical Physics and Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Eurasian National University, Astana 010008 (Kazakhstan); Raza, Muhammad [Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Sahiwal 57000 (Pakistan); Faizal, Mir, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences, University of British Columbia—Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia V1V 1V7 (Canada)


    In this paper, we analyze the cosmological models in Einstein-Aether gravity, which is a modified theory of gravity in which a time-like vector field breaks the Lorentz symmetry. We use this formalism to analyse different cosmological models with different behavior of the scale factor. In this analysis, we use a certain functional dependence of the Dark Energy (DE) on the Hubble parameter H . It will be demonstrated that the Aether vector field has a non-trivial effect on these cosmological models. We also perform the Om diagnostic in Einstein-Aether gravity and we fit the parameters of the cosmological models using recent observational data.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barodji Barodji


    Full Text Available A village-scale trial of organochlorin compound OMS-1558 as an 70% water-dispersible powder (wdp and applied as an indoor residual spray at 2 gr/m2, was carried out against the DDT—resistant malaria vector Anopheles aconitus near Semarang, Central Java. Result of this trial, as evaluated by human-vector contact rates, resting densities and parous rate showed effectiveness against the vector populations for only about one week or less. In contact bioassay tests mortalities of 50% or greater for one week, while mortalities from air-borne bioassay tests were negligible. It was concluded that DDT—resistant malaria vector can not be controlled by this insecticide. The result of susceptibility tests showed there is cross resistance between DDT and new organochlorin OMS-1558.

  13. Historien trækker sine blodige spor i Cataloniens drøm om selvstændighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Striden om, hvorvidt Catalonien er en region i Spanien eller en suveræn nationalstat i EU, kulminerer i næste uge med en kontroversiel folkeafstemning. Cataloniernes konflikt med den spanske centralmagt rækker langt tilbage i tiden historisk set....

  14. Metakognisjon om språk og språklæring i et flerspråklighetsperspektiv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Åsta Haukås


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen drøfter jeg betydningen av elevers refleksjon om språk og språklæring. Artikkelens første del gir en kort introduksjon til forskningsfeltet metakognisjon. Deretter presenterer jeg to underkategorier av metakognisjon som er særlig relevante i språkundervisningen, metalingvistisk bevissthet og bevissthet om språklæringsstrategier. I artikkelens andre del introduserer jeg hovedprinsippene i flerspråklighetsdidaktikken, gir eksempler på hvordan elevene kan reflektere over språk og språklæring i språkfagene og argumenterer for at økt vekt på metakognisjon i og på tvers av språkfagene er en nøkkel til bedre språkkompetanse hos fremtidige elever. Dette krever imidlertid et sterkere samarbeid mellom språkfagene i skole, lærerutdanning og forskning.

  15. Manlighet i kris? Några anmärkningar om mansporträtt i tre populärlitterära romaner


    Szymoniak, Katarzyna


    I artikeln konfronteras Susan Faludis och Thomas Johanssons teori om manlighetskris med mansporträtt i tre svenska populärlitterära romaner. Teorin om manlighetskris uppstod i samband med feminism. Enligt forskarna visar sig manlighetskrisen i mäns oförmåga att ingå nära relationer, ensamhet och rädsla att inte leva upp till mansidealet. Tre svenska populärromaner Pappadagar i Råttans år av Daniel Möllberg (2007), Vi som aldrig sa hora av Ronnie Sandahl (2007) and Vi har redan sagt hej då av ...

  16. Riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel för män och kvinnor : altruism, riskbenägenhet och traditionella könsroller


    Nilsson Gauffin, Rebecka


    Preventivmedel för kvinnor innefattar en betydande andel biverkningar. Hittills har män inte upplevt några allvarliga biverkningar av de testade preventivmedlen för män, trots detta är det biverkningarna som stoppat preventivmedel för män från att lanseras på marknaden. I denna studie argumenteras för att en möjlig förklaring till detta ligger i skilda riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel för män och kvinnor. Studien undersöker riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel samt hur individers egenskaper...

  17. Ontwerpen van onderwijs om ‘self-directed learning’ te stimuleren [Desiging instruction to foster self-directed learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brand-Gruwel, Saskia


    Brand-Gruwel, S. (2010, March). Ontwerpen van onderwijs om ‘self-directed learning’ te stimuleren [Desiging instruction to foster self-directed learning]. Key-note presented at the 3th 4C/ID-conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  18. Autism och Asperger syndromtvå studier om pedagogers ochspecialpedagogers kunskaper och erfarenheter


    Lindgren, Pauline; Olsson, Sofia; Simonsson, Daniel


    Lindgren, P, Olsson, S & Simonsson, D. (2008) Autism och Asperger syndrom – två studier om pedagogers och specialpedagogers kunskaper och erfarenheter (Autism and Asperger syndrome – two studies of teachers´ and special educators´ knowledge and experience). Högskolan, Kristianstad. Specialpedagogiska programmet. Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka kunskaper som specialpedagoger inom grund-skola och grundsärskola har, samt hur pedagoger uppfattar sina kunskaper och erfarenheter när d...

  19. Avaliação Antropométrica de pré-escolares – comparação entre os referenciais: NCHS 2000 e OMS 2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreia Araújo Lima Torres


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as diferenças entre as prevalências de déficits de crescimento e excesso de peso em crianças de 0-60 meses obtidas a partir dos padrões de referência NCHS (2000 e OMS (2005. Trata-se de um estudo transversal em que foram avaliadas 119 crianças de 0-60 meses no ambulatório de pediatria do Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB. Os escolares foram classificados, conforme recomendação da OMS através dos índices Peso/Estatura e Estatura/Idade através dos padrões OMS 2005 e NCHS 2000. Para análise foram utilizados os programas WHO Anthro 2005 e SPSS 13.0. Detectou-se uma alta prevalência de déficits de peso e estatura e excesso de peso em crianças independente do método utilizado. Porém, estas foram maiores utilizando-se o referencial proposto pela OMS em 2005. Conclui-se que a utilização das novas curvas de crescimento (OMS deve ser imediata, uma vez que as mesmas têm maior representatividade que o referencial NCHS. Porém, independentemente do referencial utilizado, ações para sanar os problemas de déficits de peso e estatura e excesso de peso nas crianças devem ser iniciadas precocemente, já que desvios nutricionais podem aumentar a incidência de doenças crônicas.

  20. Om formidling af kunst, kunsthistorie og billeder i anledning af nye bøger 2008

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Hans Dam


    Artiklen diskuterer væsentlige danske kunsthistoriske udgivelser fra 2008 med særlig henblik på at problematisere den brede kunsthistoriske formidlingslitteratur i en mere snæver teoretisk optik. Denne har sjældent samme brede gennemslagskraft, selv om den kan bruges til at pege på fx kønsproblem...

  1. het om die Woord van God aan die gemeente te bedien. A. D. P ont ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sizoo vertel met die vlotheid van die ervare skrywer en die ver antwoordelikheid van die wetenskaplike ... Maar in stiptelike trou aan die feitelikheid, verlaat die skrywer hom uitsluitlik op die outentieke bronne om ... de leser; in sy rykdom van gegewens en wetenskaplike betroubaarheid kan dit met vrug gelees word deur die ...

  2. Att sluta eller inte sluta : En litteraturstudie om tobaksavvänjningsmetoder


    Bjellman, Karin


    Att sluta eller inte sluta? En litteraturstudie om tobaksavvänjningsmetoder Bjellman, K. Tobaksbruket har en lång historia, och de tobaksrelaterade sjukdomarna kostar samhället miljarder i sjukvårdskostnader och produktionsbortfall varje år. Andelen rökare minskar stadigt i Sverige, idag röker ca 15 procent av befolkningen. Resultaten från olika metoder för tobaksavvänjning är tämligen blygsamma, och ugefär nittio procent av de som slutar röka gör det på egen hand. Syftet med denna studie var...

  3. Ældres hverdagspraksisser og aldringspolitik. Om synkroniseringsarbejdet imellem hverdag og politik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aske Juul Lassen


    Full Text Available Ældres hverdagspraksisser fremtræder ofte som problemer, som aldringspolitik- ken søger at løse. Forfatterne diskuterer forskellige etnologiske tilgange til hver- dagen, og præsenterer forholdet imellem hverdagspraksisser og politiske praksis- ser som et kontinuerligt synkroniseringsarbejde. Dette bruges til at vise, hvordan problemer som afhængighed, forfald, ensomhed og passivitet bliver problemati- seret på bestemte måder i diskursen om aktiv aldring, og hvordan problemerne tager sig ud for de ældre, set fra et hverdagslivsperspektiv. Artiklen er baseret på et etnografisk feltarbejde på to aktivitetscentre.

  4. The principles of modular co-ordination in building

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blach, K.; McEvatt, W

    Rapporten redegør i kort og overskuelig form for de generelle principper for modulkoordinering, der udgør det aktuelle grundlag for national og international standardisering på området. Rapporten er på engelsk....

  5. Mentaliseringsbegrebet og dets arv fra Freuds begreb om binding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Signe Holm


    Artiklen undersøger og diskuterer forskelle og ligheder mellem mentaliseringsbegrebet og Freuds bindingsbegreb. Begrebet mentalisering, som betegner en evne til at forholde sig refleksivt til egne og andres mentale tilstande, har indenfor de sidste fem- ti år vundet en central placering i klinisk...... psykologiske teoridannelser. Dets ophavsmænd Fonagy et al. forsøger imidlertid ikke at tage patent på begrebet, men peger på, at en række teoretikere har understreget betydningen af en refleksiv funktion. Alle disse begreber kan ifølge Fonagygruppen føres tilbage til Freuds begreb om binding. På baggrund af en...... udlægning af det oprindelige bindingsbegreb hos Freud, ønskes det i denne artikel at tydeliggøre den grundlæggende forskel på Freuds – og Fonagys subjektopfattelse....

  6. Anette Poder: "Historiebevidsthed og kronologi. Om den røde tråd i historie", 2016

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grevy, Carlo


    Folkeskolelærer Anette Poder fortæller i dette artikeluddrag om folkeskolens undervisning i historiekanonen (2006) på baggrund af sine observationer i folkeskoler i 2013. På de observerede skoler blev der undervist efter princippet den røde tråd, hvor forskellige historiekanonpunkter blev...

  7. Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato: een strategie om leerlingen te helpen hun antwoorden op examenvragen te verbeteren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kneppers, L.


    In Tutor2u las ik dat in een workshop een strategie was besproken om leerlingen te helpen hun examenantwoorden vollediger en juister te formuleren. De strategie heet in Groot Brittannië BLT, voor leerlingen daar gemakkelijk te onthouden vanwege de populaire Bacon, Lettuce en Tomato sandwich.

  8. PLB, vertical tail, OMS pods above Earth with moon in distant background (United States)


    Payload bay (PLB) equipment, payloads, and experiments include remote manipulator system (RMS) stowed on port side sill longeron, Development Flight Instrument (DFI) pallet with High Capacity Heat Pipe Experiment, Special Philatelic Covers in two large storage (mail) boxes, Evaluation of Oxygen Interaction with Materials (EOIM) experiment trays, and Advanced Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation (AFRSI) blanket in foreground and Payload Flight Test Article (PFTA) behind DFI pallet. Vertical tail with orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods at base points to Earth's cloud-covered surface with gibbous moon in distance.

  9. En etisk diskussion af screening for kræftsygdomme

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Laurs Sørensen


    Full Text Available I 2007 gennemførte forbundskansler Angela Merkel en sundhedsreform der blandt andet indebærer, at tyske borgere ikke frit kan afgøre, om de vil deltage i forebyggende programmer, da et fravalg kan medføre økonomiske konsekvenser. Hermed udvider den tyske stat sin ret til at gribe ind i borgernes liv, når det handler om sekundær forebyggelse, fx i form af screening for kræftsygdomme. Dette kan være problematisk da den bedst tilgængelige evidens viser at tre igangværende kræftscreeningsprogrammer ikke kun har gavnlige virkninger, men også betydelige skadelige virkninger. Formålet med denne undersøgelse var at undersøge, hvilke holdninger eksperter, politikere og sundhedsmyndigheder i Danmark har til tvang og/eller belønning i forbindelse med screening for kræftsygdomme, og om de ville støtte eller fraråde en tysk model i det danske sundhedsvæsen.Der blev foretaget enkeltinterviews med strategisk udvalgte eksperter. Interviewene blev transskriberet og analyseret med en fænomenologisk analysemetode, og derefter analyseret og diskuteret i forhold til utilitaristisk og deontologisk etik, samt evidensen vedrørende de tre eksisterende kræftscreeningsprogrammer i Danmark.Alle informanterne var kritiske over for det tyske forslag. Til gengæld blev forholdet mellem de gavnlige og skadelige virkninger af kræftscreening vurderet meget forskelligt. Manglen på enighed, uklare udtalelser og ikke-stringent terminologi bestyrkede vor konklusion; at det danske sundhedsvæsen for det første ikke bør følge den tyske kurs og, for det andet, at man bør være kritisk over for implementering af screeningsprogrammer for kræftsygdomme. Hvis forebyggende initiativer kan være mere til skade end gavn, bør de altid overvejes nøje i lyset af sundhedsvæsnets oprindelige intention om at hjælpe og beskytte det enkelte menneske.

  10. Ordered mesoporous silica (OMS) as an adsorbent and membrane for separation of carbon dioxide (CO2). (United States)

    Chew, Thiam-Leng; Ahmad, Abdul L; Bhatia, Subhash


    Separation of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) from gaseous mixture is an important issue for the removal of CO(2) in natural gas processing and power plants. The ordered mesoporous silicas (OMS) with uniform pore structure and high density of silanol groups, have attracted the interest of researchers for separation of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) using adsorption process. These mesoporous silicas after functionalization with amino groups have been studied for the removal of CO(2). The potential of functionalized ordered mesoporous silica membrane for separation of CO(2) is also recognized. The present paper reviews the synthesis of mesoporous silicas and important issues related to the development of mesoporous silicas. Recent studies on the CO(2) separation using ordered mesoporous silicas (OMS) as adsorbent and membrane are highlighted. The future prospectives of mesoporous silica membrane for CO(2) adsorption and separation are also presented and discussed. Copyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. A magnetic route to measure the average oxidation state of mixed-valent manganese in manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieves (OMS). (United States)

    Shen, Xiong-Fei; Ding, Yun-Shuang; Liu, Jia; Han, Zhao-Hui; Budnick, Joseph I; Hines, William A; Suib, Steven L


    A magnetic route has been applied for measurement of the average oxidation state (AOS) of mixed-valent manganese in manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieves (OMS). The method gives AOS measurement results in good agreement with titration methods. A maximum analysis deviation error of +/-7% is obtained from 10 sample measurements. The magnetic method is able to (1) confirm the presence of mixed-valent manganese and (2) evaluate AOS and the spin states of d electrons of both single oxidation state and mixed-valent state Mn in manganese oxides. In addition, the magnetic method may be extended to (1) determine AOS of Mn in manganese oxide OMS with dopant "diamagnetic" ions, such as reducible V5+ (3d0) ions, which is inappropriate for the titration method due to interference of redox reactions between these dopant ions and titration reagents, such as KMnO4, (2) evaluate the dopant "paramagnetic" ions that are present as clusters or in the OMS framework, and (3) determine AOS of other mixed-valent/single oxidation state ion systems, such as Mo3+(3d3)-Mo4+(3d2) systems and Fe3+ in FeCl3.

  12. Lille magt, men stort imperium. Et bidrag til debatten om TV og medieimperialisme

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels-Aage Nielsen


    Full Text Available Denne artikel tager fat i alt det svære - det begrebsmæssige - som vi enten springer over eller tager for givet i vores diskussioner af TV som magt- og påvirkningsfaktor. Derfor er den lang og til tider lidt omstændelig, idet den undgår at tage vores umiddelbare antagelser for pålydende. I stedet bliver de endevendt. I de seneste 15 års medieforskning har magten været implicit til stede et eller andet sted i TV. Vi har skiftevis kritiseret mediet, frygtet det, taget afstand fra det og er nu senest med receptionsteorierne blevet beroliget: Enhver TV-seer skaber ud fra sin egen sunde fornuft sin personlige opfattelse af "Dollars". Påvirkningen af hende er ikke længere producen- ternes eller medieforskernes eller Danmarks Radios ansvar, det er seerens eget. Medieimperialismen er dermed opløst, ihvertfald som undertrykkelsessystem. Det første kritikpunkt i Niels-Aage Nielsens diskussion er medie- imperialismeteorien. Den har ikke nogen teori om hvordan magten sætter sig igennem hævder han, idet den alene ved cirkler og pile focuserer på ensidigheden i "flow'et" fra USA med resten af verden som modtagere. Hvis det skal udtrykke en magtposition, må der være en relation mellem varestrømmene (basis og den ideologiske overbygning. Vi er vant til at antage, at denne relation findes, men hvordan sætter den sig igennem? Diskussion heraf er - i bedste fald - gået i stå. For at kunne gå videre her, tager Niels-Aage Nielsen et opgør med receptionsteoriens socialpsykologi og søger at afdække hvilken del af betydningsdannelsen, og dermed påvirkningen, som netop unddrager sig en receptionsanalyse, der bygger på seerens egne udsagn og uden f.eks. en psykoanalytisk tilgang. Betydningsproblemet skal endda diskuteres endnu mere pricipielt: Vi er i dag mindre enige end nogensinde om hvad der er TV's samfunds- mæssige funkitioner. Uklarheden hænger bl.a. sammen med at ideologi- begrebet gradvist forsvandt ud af medieforskningens hovedst

  13. Description of comprehensive pump test change to ASME OM code, subsection ISTB

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartley, R.S.


    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Operations and Maintenance (OM) Main Committee and Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards (BNCS) recently approved changes to ASME OM Code-1990, Subsection ISTB, Inservice Testing of Pumps in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants. The changes will be included in the 1994 addenda to ISTB. The changes, designated as the comprehensive pump test, incorporate a new, improved philosophy for testing safety-related pumps in nuclear power plants. An important philosophical difference between the open-quotes old codeclose quotes inservice testing (IST) requirements and these changes is that the changes concentrate on less frequent, more meaningful testing while minimizing damaging and uninformative low-flow testing. The comprehensive pump test change establishes a more involved biannual test for all pumps and significantly reduces the rigor of the quarterly test for standby pumps. The increased rigor and cost of the biannual comprehensive tests are offset by the reduced cost of testing and potential damage to the standby pumps, which comprise a large portion of the safety-related pumps at most plants. This paper provides background on the pump testing requirements, discusses potential industry benefits of the change, describes the development of the comprehensive pump test, and gives examples and reasons for many of the specific changes. This paper also describes additional changes to ISTB that will be included in the 1994 addenda that are associated with, but not part of, the comprehensive pump test

  14. Meer proeven nodig om effect van hogere F-scatterwaarde te achterhalen : diffuus glas komt in de fase van fine-tuning (interview met Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kierkels, T.; Hemming, S.; Dueck, T.A.


    Diffuus glas is over vijftien jaar de standaard. Wie nu nieuw bouwt, heeft veel goede redenen om voor diffuus te kiezen en vrijwel geen om het te laten, zeggen Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck van Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw. De inzichten in het nut van diffuus licht én de technische ontwikkelingen

  15. “Who you know affects what you know” : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala kapitalets roll i ett familjeföretag


    Fatrous, Joelle; Bergdahl, Johan


    Vi har noterat att forskningen om socialt kapital inom familjeföretag är begränsad. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till att utöka den forskning som sedan tidigare existerar om ämnet socialt kapital. Därför har vi valt att studera hur det sociala kapitalet nyttjas vid ett ägarskifte mellan två generationer inom ett familjeföretag. Studien behandlar också hur företaget nyttjar familjens och de anställdas sociala kapital när behovet av arbetskraft uppstår, samt hur det sociala...

  16. Synthesis and characterization of novel mesocomposites Co3O4 and CuO@OMS (ordered mesoporous silica) as active catalysts for hydrocarbon oxidation (United States)

    Comănescu, Cezar


    Novel metal nanoporous transition metal oxides M x O y (Co3O4, CuO) have been synthesized by thermal decomposition of inorganic salts precursors (acetates, nitrates) impregnated into hexagonal mesoporous silica (OMS, ordered mesoporous silica) of SBA-15 type (prepared in-house) at different precursor loadings, the mesocomposites thus obtained being monitored after each impregnation-calcination step by small and wide angle powder XRD. The pore size for the ordered silica host range from 5.08 to 7.06 nm. Retention of the hexagonal silica framework has been observed in spite of the temperatures up to 500 °C. Mesoporous Co3O4 has been obtained by leaching the silica through overnight HF dissolution, which partially preserved the small-range ordering found in the parent Co3O4@OMS composite prior to leaching. Both Co3O4 ( meso) and Co3O4@SBA-15 have been tested in methane oxidation and were found to be superior to the bulk Co3O4 performance, with mesoporous Co3O4 being able to fully oxidize methane to CO2 and H2O at 350 °C, while Co3O4@OMS exhibits a lower activity with 20 % conversion at 350 °C. CuO@OMS shows the lowest activity, with only 13 % conversion at 500 °C.

  17. Vi snakker jo mye om det, hva er det du kjenner på nå, hvor er det det oppstår?


    Meek, Nina Persson


    Bakgrunn og formål Forskning har vist at ungdom som stammer opplever i stor grad negative følelser og tanker omkring egen stamming (Menzies, Onslow, Packman and O´Brian, 2009; Helliesen, 2006). Ettersom det er en bred enighet på feltet om at en individuell oppfølging og tilrettelegging er viktig for å møte de utfordringene ungdommene som stammer har (Manning & DiLollo, 2007; Howie, 2011; Hearne, Packman, Onslow & Quine, 2008), var det av interesse å undersøke om ungdom opplever at behandling ...

  18. Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC): Examination of psychometric properties and responsiveness (United States)


    Background Diminishing stigmatization for those with mental illnesses by health care providers (HCPs) is becoming a priority for programming and policy, as well as research. In order to be successful, we must accurately measure stigmatizing attitudes and behaviours among HCPs. The Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC) was developed to measure stigma in HCP populations. In this study we revisit the factor structure and the responsiveness of the OMS-HC in a larger, more representative sample of HCPs that are more likely to be targets for anti-stigma interventions. Methods Baseline data were collected from HCPs (n = 1,523) during 12 different anti-stigma interventions across Canada. The majority of HCPs were women (77.4%) and were either physicians (MDs) (41.5%), nurses (17.0%), medical students (13.4%), or students in allied health programs (14.0%). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted using complete pre-test (n = 1,305) survey data and responsiveness to change analyses was examined with pre and post matched data (n = 803). The internal consistency of the OMS-HC scale and subscales was evaluated using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The scale’s sensitivity to change was examined using paired t-tests, effect sizes (Cohen’s d), and standardized response means (SRM). Results The EFA favored a 3-factor structure which accounted for 45.3% of the variance using 15 of 20 items. The overall internal consistency for the 15-item scale (α = 0.79) and three subscales (α = 0.67 to 0.68) was acceptable. Subgroup analysis showed the internal consistency was satisfactory across HCP groups including physicians and nurses (α = 0.66 to 0.78). Evidence for the scale’s responsiveness to change occurred across multiple samples, including student-targeted interventions and workshops for practicing HCPs. The Social Distance subscale had the weakest level of responsiveness (SRM ≤ 0.50) whereas the more attitudinal

  19. Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC): examination of psychometric properties and responsiveness. (United States)

    Modgill, Geeta; Patten, Scott B; Knaak, Stephanie; Kassam, Aliya; Szeto, Andrew C H


    Diminishing stigmatization for those with mental illnesses by health care providers (HCPs) is becoming a priority for programming and policy, as well as research. In order to be successful, we must accurately measure stigmatizing attitudes and behaviours among HCPs. The Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC) was developed to measure stigma in HCP populations. In this study we revisit the factor structure and the responsiveness of the OMS-HC in a larger, more representative sample of HCPs that are more likely to be targets for anti-stigma interventions. Baseline data were collected from HCPs (n = 1,523) during 12 different anti-stigma interventions across Canada. The majority of HCPs were women (77.4%) and were either physicians (MDs) (41.5%), nurses (17.0%), medical students (13.4%), or students in allied health programs (14.0%). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted using complete pre-test (n = 1,305) survey data and responsiveness to change analyses was examined with pre and post matched data (n = 803). The internal consistency of the OMS-HC scale and subscales was evaluated using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The scale's sensitivity to change was examined using paired t-tests, effect sizes (Cohen's d), and standardized response means (SRM). The EFA favored a 3-factor structure which accounted for 45.3% of the variance using 15 of 20 items. The overall internal consistency for the 15-item scale (α = 0.79) and three subscales (α = 0.67 to 0.68) was acceptable. Subgroup analysis showed the internal consistency was satisfactory across HCP groups including physicians and nurses (α = 0.66 to 0.78). Evidence for the scale's responsiveness to change occurred across multiple samples, including student-targeted interventions and workshops for practicing HCPs. The Social Distance subscale had the weakest level of responsiveness (SRM ≤ 0.50) whereas the more attitudinal-based items comprising the Attitude

  20. 78 FR 9961 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMS BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness... (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Release No. 34-68840; File No. SR-BX-2013-008] Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMS BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Add Routing Functionality to the NASDAQ OMX BX Equities Market February 6, 2013. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1...

  1. Warm Paleocene/Eocene climate as simulated in ECHAM5/MPI-OM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Heinemann


    Full Text Available We investigate the late Paleocene/early Eocene (PE climate using the coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model ECHAM5/MPI-OM. The surface in our PE control simulation is on average 297 K warm and ice-free, despite a moderate atmospheric CO2 concentration of 560 ppm. Compared to a pre-industrial reference simulation (PR, low latitudes are 5 to 8 K warmer, while high latitudes are up to 40 K warmer. This high-latitude amplification is in line with proxy data, yet a comparison to sea surface temperature proxy data suggests that the Arctic surface temperatures are still too low in our PE simulation.

    To identify the mechanisms that cause the PE-PR surface temperature differences, we fit two simple energy balance models to the ECHAM5/MPI-OM results. We find that about 2/3 of the PE-PR global mean surface temperature difference are caused by a smaller clear sky emissivity due to higher atmospheric CO2 and water vapour concentrations in PE compared to PR; 1/3 is due to a smaller planetary albedo. The reduction of the pole-to-equator temperature gradient in PE compared to PR is due to (1 the large high-latitude effect of the higher CO2 and water vapour concentrations in PE compared to PR, (2 the lower Antarctic orography, (3 the smaller surface albedo at high latitudes, and (4 longwave cloud radiative effects. Our results support the hypothesis that local radiative effects rather than increased meridional heat transports were responsible for the "equable" PE climate.

  2. Nye oplysninger om bl.a. miljømæssig risikovurdering af PAT-protein og glufosinatammonium herbicider. Zea mays (Bt11). Supplerende materiale om Bt11. Modtaget 21-02-2005, deadline 29-03-2005, svar 07-03-2005

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strandberg, Morten Tune


    Mail: Det tilsendte supplerende materiale om Bt-11 majsen (mail pr. 21-02-2005) omhandler bl.a. eventuelle uønskede konsekvenser ved ulovlig anvendelse af glufosinat ammonium herbicider i forbindelse med dyrkningen. Vi har allerede indraget dette aspekt i forbindelse med den økologiske risikovurd...

  3. Corporate Social Responsibility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liempd, Dennis van; Warming-Rasmussen, Bent; Abild-Nielsen, Jens


    Målet med denne artikel er at klargøre, at der findes forskellige teoretiske tilgange til ansvarlig leverandørstyring og Corporate Social Responsibility (i det følgende kaldt CSR). Endvidere er det målet at belyse, at området er i kraftig udvikling og forventes at få øget betydning for revisor i...... ansvarlig leverandørstyring og CSR. I artiklen konkluderes følgende: - at udviklingen i Corporate Social Responsibility indikerer, at etik er den mest betydende faktor (driver); (jf. afsnit 1)- at etik som primær driver vil betyde, at virksomheden vil gå ud over lovens minimumkrav, og stræbe efter de...



    Milohnić, Ines; Šustar, Maja


    Mnoga hotelska poduzeća prepoznala su ulogu i značaj etike i etičnosti koji sve više dobivaju na afirmaciji posebice u profesiji odnosa s javnošću. Etičke dileme s kojima se susreću su sve češće, a odstupanja od etičkih normi sve izraženija. Radom se nastoji ukazati značaj etike, poštivanje etičkog kodeksa organizacije kao i razine neetičnosti u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Istraživanje je poduzeto tijekom 2013. godine i to kao on-line istraživanje, a ciljnu su skupinu činili menadžeri za odnose ...

  5. Meer proeven nodig om effect van hogere F-scatterwaarde te achterhalen : diffuus glas komt in de fase van fine-tuning (interview met Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck)


    Kierkels, T.; Hemming, S.; Dueck, T.A.


    Diffuus glas is over vijftien jaar de standaard. Wie nu nieuw bouwt, heeft veel goede redenen om voor diffuus te kiezen en vrijwel geen om het te laten, zeggen Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck van Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw. De inzichten in het nut van diffuus licht én de technische ontwikkelingen schrijden nog elk jaar voort. Een update.

  6. Fantasifull utflykt med skilda perspektiv : En studie om genus, normbrytning och stereotyper i bilderboken Se upp för krokodilen! (2013)


    Ljungberg, Sofia


    Studien undersöker hur könsroller gestaltas ur ett genusperspektiv i bilderboken Se upp för krokodilen! (Moroni & Eriksson, 2013). Syftet är att få djupare kunskaper om hur dessa skildringar speglar målen i läroplanen för förskolan om att motverka traditionella könsnormer och främja jämställdhet och likabehandling mellan könen. Forskare menar att bilderboken är ett användbart och didaktiskt verktyg för att fånga barns intressen och påverka deras tankegångar. Tidigare forskning (Kåreland, ...

  7. Læringsstile flytter fokus fra selve læringen - Om informationsbehandling over for socialkonstruktivisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Christian


    Teorier om læringsstile kan være medvirkende til at flytte fokus fra selve læreprocessen, idet de i høj grad sætter fokus på omstændigheder for læreprocesser. Konsekvensen er, at fokus i mindre grad er på de læringssyn, teorierne baserer sig på. Formålet med artiklen er at sætte fokus på læringss...

  8. Lean på sygehuset - del II: Teori og metode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Martin Lindgaard; Gertsen, Frank

    Denne forskningsrapport er anden del afrapporteringen fra et forskningsprojekt baseret på case studier af Lean principper anvendt på Skejby Sygehus. Rapporten indeholder projektets teoretiske grundlag og detaljering af forskningsspørgsmål. Endvidere diskuteres de metodiske udfordringer i case...

  9. Lean Sygehuset - del I: En patienthistorie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Martin Lindgaard; Gertsen, Frank

    Denne forskningsrapport introducerer et forskningsprojekt baseret på case studier af Lean principper anvendt på Skejby sygehus. Operationelle udfordringer i sygehusets arbejdsgange illustreres gennem et observeret patientforløb. Disse udfordringer, et oprids af sygehusenes vilkår, og gennemgang af...

  10. The development and psychometric properties of a new scale to measure mental illness related stigma by health care providers: the Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC). (United States)

    Kassam, Aliya; Papish, Andriyka; Modgill, Geeta; Patten, Scott


    Research on the attitudes of health care providers towards people with mental illness has repeatedly shown that they may be stigmatizing. Many scales used to measure attitudes towards people with mental illness that exist today are not adequate because they do not have items that relate specifically to the role of the health care provider. We developed and tested a new scale called the Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC). After item-pool generation, stakeholder consultations and content validation, focus groups were held with 64 health care providers/trainees and six people with lived experience of mental illness to develop the scale. The OMS-HC was then tested with 787 health care providers/trainees across Canada to determine its psychometric properties. The initial testing OMS-HC scale showed good internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha = 0.82 and satisfactory test-retest reliability, intraclass correlation = 0.66 (95% CI 0.54 to 0.75). The OMC-HC was only weakly correlated with social desirability, indicating that the social desirability bias was not likely to be a major determinant of OMS-HC scores. A factor analysis favoured a two-factor structure which accounted for 45% of the variance using 12 of the 20 items tested. The OMS-HC provides a good starting point for further validation as well as a tool that could be used in the evaluation of programs aimed at reducing mental illness related stigma by health care providers. The OMS-HC incorporates various dimensions of stigma with a modest number of items that can be used with busy health care providers.

  11. Kvalitet i danske masteruddannelser – Et spørgsmål om kompetenceudvikling eller…?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolaj Wittrup Møller Stegeager


    Full Text Available Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med de danske masteruddannelser. Med udgangs-punkt i en undersøgelse fortaget i forbindelse med forfatterens ph.d.- projekt (afsluttet i sommeren 2014 vil artiklen på baggrund af en verserende debat om masteruddannelsernes kvalitet og relevans diskutere kvalitet i dansk akademisk videreuddannelse. Den kvalitative undersøgelse, der ligger til grund for artiklen, anskueliggør, at selvom de studerende oplever, at de gennem deres toårige studie har tilegnet sig en række konkrete og brugbare kompetencer, peger de på andre og mere transformative læringskvaliteter, når man beder dem om at beskrive det vigtigste udkomme af deres uddannelsesforløb. Artiklen argumenterer for, at denne læring, der i højere grad kan siges at knytte sig til personen i form af en etisk-eksistentiel dannelse frem for en specifik kunnen, har nær sammenhæng med det at befinde sig i et akademisk, videnskabeligt miljø. På dette grundlag søger artiklen at problematisere aktuelle forslag om at slække på kravet til masteruddannelsernes videnskabelige fundament for i stedet at fokusere på mere instrumentelle, erhvervsrettede kompetencer og færdigheder. Based on findings from the author’s PhD project, the article discusses quality in Denmark’s continuing education system. The qualitative study underlying the article focuses on a newly established Master’s programme in Organizational Coaching and Learning. The aim of the research was to study what the students attending the Master’s programme learn and how they apply their learning in their daily practice. When evaluating their learning experience the students report that they have acquired a number of practical and useful skills throughout their two-year study. Even so, they point to other, more generic learning qualities as the most important outcome of their education. The article argues that the transformational learning qualities, reported by the students, are closely

  12. Nyere principper og muligheder inden for astmabehandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Janner, Julie H; Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli


    In the coming years, asthma therapy should be tailored to the individual patient's needs. The principles of optimal asthma control and symptom-driven therapy offer the possibility for more individualised asthma management. Omalizumab (monoclonal anti IgE) may have positive clinical effects...

  13. Prevention of recurrent rhinopharyngitis in at-risk children in France: a cost-effectiveness model for a nonspecific immunostimulating bacterial extract (OM-85 BV). (United States)

    Pessey, Jean-Jacques; Mégas, Françoise; Arnould, Benoît; Baron-Papillon, Florence


    To estimate the pharmacoeconomic impact for the French Social Security System of preventing recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis (RARP) in at-risk children with OM-85 BV, an immunostimulating agent indicated for the prevention of recurrences. A decision-analysis model. The probability of progression of the infection and of its associated care, the principal direct costs linked to them, and the effectiveness of OM-85 BV were established or calculated by reviewing the available literature (published between 1984 and 2000). Four experts validated the parameters and the model. For the French Social Security System, the mean direct cost for an acute rhinopharyngitis (ARP) infection was 49.39 Euro(2000 values). By using OM-85 BV prevention, 1.52 infections were prevented in 6 months saving 67.83 Euro on the costs of care for the recurrently infected child. Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the model and indicated a saving of between 6.28 Euro and 303.64 Euro in direct costs for each individual treated preventively. Threshold analyses showed that OM-85 BV prophylaxis is economically profitable if more than 0.15 infections are prevented and if direct costs of care of an ARP are greater than 4.78 Euro. Non-specific immunotherapy should be considered for the child at risk of RARP and administered in addition to other recommended measures. The economic savings for the community of using a medication for which the clinical effectiveness has been demonstrated should also be taken into account in assessing its usefulness.

  14. Det afghanska valet i svensk media : En diskursanalys av svensk medias rapportering om parlamentsvalet 2010


    Arvidsson, Jonathan


    Den här uppsatsen analyserar svensk medias rapportering om valet i Afghanistan 2010. Med hjälp av metoder framtagna av Van Dijk har en analys av artiklar som berör valet 2010 gjorts. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är postkolonialism och orientalism. Med hjälp av de perspektiven och Van Dijks medieanalys analyseras materialet för att tydliggöra strukturer i media.

  15. Socialt entreprenørskab på RUC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    ; Social Impact Measurement and finding a balance between academic criteria and professional relevance. Helle Hygum Espersen: At kvalificere samskabelses-dagsordenen i en kommune - overvejelser over mulige afgørende principper. Stine Skov Øllgård Efter-videreuddannelsesstrukturer – et afgørende parameter...

  16. Hvad skal vi med Etisk Råd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Thomas; Gjerris, Mickey


    Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder.......Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder....

  17. Salivary Tick Cystatin OmC2 Targets Lysosomal Cathepsins S and C in Human Dendritic Cells

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zavasnik-Bergant, T.; Vidmar, R.; Sekirnik, A.; Fonovic, M.; Salát, Jiří; Grunclová, Lenka; Kopáček, Petr; Turk, B.


    Roč. 7, JUN 30 (2017), č. článku 288. ISSN 2235-2988 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-11043S Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : cystatin OmC2 * tick saliva * cathepsin S * cathepsin C * lysosomal proteases * dpp1 * dipeptidyl peptidase 1 * dendritic cells Subject RIV: EC - Immunology OBOR OECD: Immunology Impact factor: 4.300, year: 2016

  18. Tussen uitspraak en detentie : Een verklaring voor het verschil tussen twee methoden om de behoefte aan sanctiecapaciteit te meten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moolenaar, D.E.G.


    Het WODC maakt regelmatig prognoses van de behoefte aan sanctiecapaciteit. Bij de strafrechtelijke sanctiecapaciteit van het gevangeniswezen voor meerderjarigen laten verschillende bronnen echter een uiteenlopend beeld zien. Het gaat hiet om verschillende modellen gehanteerd door het WODC en de

  19. Seasonal and spatial variability of the OM/OC mass ratios and high regional correlation between oxalic acid and zinc in Chinese urban organic aerosols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Xing


    Full Text Available We calculated the organic matter to organic carbon mass ratios (OM/OC mass ratios in PM2.5 collected from 14 Chinese cities during summer and winter of 2003 and analyzed the causes for their seasonal and spatial variability. The OM/OC mass ratios were calculated two ways. Using a mass balance method, the calculated OM/OC mass ratios averaged 1.92 ± 0.39 year-round, with no significant seasonal or spatial variation. The second calculation was based on chemical species analyses of the organic compounds extracted from the PM2.5 samples using dichloromethane/methanol and water. The calculated OM/OC mass ratio in summer was relatively high (1.75 ± 0.13 and spatially-invariant due to vigorous photochemistry and secondary organic aerosol (OA production throughout the country. The calculated OM/OC mass ratio in winter (1.59 ± 0.18 was significantly lower than that in summer, with lower values in northern cities (1.51 ± 0.07 than in southern cities (1.65 ± 0.15. This likely reflects the wider usage of coal for heating purposes in northern China in winter, in contrast to the larger contributions from biofuel and biomass burning in southern China in winter. On average, organic matter constituted 36% and 34% of Chinese urban PM2.5 mass in summer and winter, respectively. We report, for the first time, a high regional correlation between Zn and oxalic acid in Chinese urban aerosols in summer. This is consistent with the formation of stable Zn oxalate complex in the aerosol phase previously proposed by Furukawa and Takahashi (2011. We found that many other dicarboxylic acids were also highly correlated with Zn in the summer Chinese urban aerosol samples, suggesting that they may also form stable organic complexes with Zn. Such formation may have profound implications for the atmospheric abundance and hygroscopic properties of aerosol dicarboxylic acids.

  20. Seasonal and spatial variability of the OM/OC mass ratios and high regional correlation between oxalic acid and zinc in Chinese urban organic aerosols (United States)

    Xing, L.; Fu, T.-M.; Cao, J. J.; Lee, S. C.; Wang, G. H.; Ho, K. F.; Cheng, M.-C.; You, C.-F.; Wang, T. J.


    We calculated the organic matter to organic carbon mass ratios (OM/OC mass ratios) in PM2.5 collected from 14 Chinese cities during summer and winter of 2003 and analyzed the causes for their seasonal and spatial variability. The OM/OC mass ratios were calculated two ways. Using a mass balance method, the calculated OM/OC mass ratios averaged 1.92 ± 0.39 year-round, with no significant seasonal or spatial variation. The second calculation was based on chemical species analyses of the organic compounds extracted from the PM2.5 samples using dichloromethane/methanol and water. The calculated OM/OC mass ratio in summer was relatively high (1.75 ± 0.13) and spatially-invariant due to vigorous photochemistry and secondary organic aerosol (OA) production throughout the country. The calculated OM/OC mass ratio in winter (1.59 ± 0.18) was significantly lower than that in summer, with lower values in northern cities (1.51 ± 0.07) than in southern cities (1.65 ± 0.15). This likely reflects the wider usage of coal for heating purposes in northern China in winter, in contrast to the larger contributions from biofuel and biomass burning in southern China in winter. On average, organic matter constituted 36% and 34% of Chinese urban PM2.5 mass in summer and winter, respectively. We report, for the first time, a high regional correlation between Zn and oxalic acid in Chinese urban aerosols in summer. This is consistent with the formation of stable Zn oxalate complex in the aerosol phase previously proposed by Furukawa and Takahashi (2011). We found that many other dicarboxylic acids were also highly correlated with Zn in the summer Chinese urban aerosol samples, suggesting that they may also form stable organic complexes with Zn. Such formation may have profound implications for the atmospheric abundance and hygroscopic properties of aerosol dicarboxylic acids.

  1. Columbia: The first five flights entry heating data series. Volume 2: The OMS Pod (United States)

    Williams, S. D.


    Entry heating flight data and wind tunnel data on the OMS Pod are presented for the first five flights of the Space Shuttle Orbiter. The heating rate data are presented in terms of normalized film heat transfer coefficients as a function of angle-of-attack, Mach number, and normal shock Reynolds number. The surface heating rates and temperatures were obtained via the JSC NONLIN/INVERSE computer program. Time history plots of the surface heating rates and temperatures are also presented.

  2. Strong coupling effects in non-commutative spaces from OM theory and supergravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russo, J.G.; Sheikh-Jabbari, M.M.


    We show that a four-parameter class of 3+1 dimensional NCOS theories can be obtained by dimensional reduction on a general 2-torus from OM theory. Compactifying two spatial directions of NCOS theory on a 2-torus, we study the transformation properties under the SO(2,2; Z) T-duality group. We then discuss non-perturbative configurations of non-commutative super Yang-Mills theory. In particular, we calculate the tension for magnetic monopoles and (p,q) dyons and exhibit their six-dimensional origin, and construct a supergravity solution representing an instanton in the gauge theory. We also compute the potential for a monopole-antimonopole in the supergravity approximation. (author)

  3. STS-46 Atlantis', OV-104's, vertical tail and OMS pods lit up by RCS jet firing (United States)


    STS-46 Atlantis', Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 104's, vertical tail and orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods are highlighted by the glow of the reaction control system (RCS) jet firings. OV-104 was at an altitude of 128 nautical miles. The remote manipulator system (RMS) arm is partially visible stowed along the port side sill longeron.

  4. Matfesten i Vasa : En undersökning om kundnöjdhet


    Åkerholm, Marika


    Matkultur har blivit en stor trend under de senaste åren och människor har i allt större grad börjat intressera sig för ekologisk mat, matlagning och matkultur både från det egna landet men också från resten av världen. Företagshuset Dynamo Ab arrangerade år 2010 för första gången Matfesten i Österbotten och mitt syfte med det här lärdomsprovet är att ta reda på hur pass nöjda besökarna har varit med servicekvaliteten på Matfesten samt vad de tycker om projektet som helhet. Teoridelen innehål...

  5. You can do it! - en beretning om bedstemoderen bag Googles succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Kirsten


    Garager spiller en stor rolle i Silicon Valleys historier om innovation. Der er fx i Palo Alto Hewlett-Packards gamle garage, som er anerkendt som en af Californiens bevaringsværdige historiske bygninger, og så er der Googles garage i Menlo Park. Erfaringen viser, at det er klogt for en ingeniør...... eller datalog at starte i en lille garage, hvis han satser på en fremtid som it-milliardær, på samme måde som det er almindelig kendt, at enhver avisredaktør med respekt for sig selv startede som avisbud. Men hvis du planlægger at leje en garage i Silicon Valley for at gøre Google-drengene kunsten efter...

  6. Ultra-Wideband Optical Modulation Spectrometer (OMS) Development: Study of the Optical Setup of a Wide-Band Optical Modulation Spectrometer (United States)

    Tolls, Volker; Stringfellow, Guy (Technical Monitor)


    The purpose of this study is to advance the design of the optical setup for a wide-band Optical Modulation Spectrometer (OMS) for use with astronomical heterodyne receiver systems. This report describes the progress of this investigation achieved from March until December 2001.

  7. Forskere som nano-arkitekter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Morten Muhlig; Andersen, Ebbe Sloth


    Dna er et fantastisk byggemateriale, som ud fra enkle principper kan samle sig selv til umådeligt komplicerede strukturer. Forskerne udnytter nu disse egenskaber til at lave deres egne, hjemmedesignede dna-strukturer, som kan tænkes anvendt i mange forskellige sammenhænge. Udgivelsesdato: juli...

  8. Code cases for implementing risk-based inservice testing in the ASME OM code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowley, C.W.


    Historically inservice testing has been reasonably effective, but quite costly. Recent applications of plant PRAs to the scope of the IST program have demonstrated that of the 30 pumps and 500 valves in the typical plant IST program, less than half of the pumps and ten percent of the valves are risk significant. The way the ASME plans to tackle this overly-conservative scope for IST components is to use the PRA and plant expert panels to create a two tier IST component categorization scheme. The PRA provides the quantitative risk information and the plant expert panel blends the quantitative and deterministic information to place the IST component into one of two categories: More Safety Significant Component (MSSC) or Less Safety Significant Component (LSSC). With all the pumps and valves in the IST program placed in MSSC or LSSC categories, two different testing strategies will be applied. The testing strategies will be unique for the type of component, such as centrifugal pump, positive displacement pump, MOV, AOV, SOV, SRV, PORV, HOV, CV, and MV. A series of OM Code Cases are being developed to capture this process for a plant to use. One Code Case will be for Component Importance Ranking. The remaining Code Cases will develop the MSSC and LSSC testing strategy for type of component. These Code Cases are planned for publication in early 1997. Later, after some industry application of the Code Cases, the alternative Code Case requirements will gravitate to the ASME OM Code as appendices

  9. Code cases for implementing risk-based inservice testing in the ASME OM code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rowley, C.W.


    Historically inservice testing has been reasonably effective, but quite costly. Recent applications of plant PRAs to the scope of the IST program have demonstrated that of the 30 pumps and 500 valves in the typical plant IST program, less than half of the pumps and ten percent of the valves are risk significant. The way the ASME plans to tackle this overly-conservative scope for IST components is to use the PRA and plant expert panels to create a two tier IST component categorization scheme. The PRA provides the quantitative risk information and the plant expert panel blends the quantitative and deterministic information to place the IST component into one of two categories: More Safety Significant Component (MSSC) or Less Safety Significant Component (LSSC). With all the pumps and valves in the IST program placed in MSSC or LSSC categories, two different testing strategies will be applied. The testing strategies will be unique for the type of component, such as centrifugal pump, positive displacement pump, MOV, AOV, SOV, SRV, PORV, HOV, CV, and MV. A series of OM Code Cases are being developed to capture this process for a plant to use. One Code Case will be for Component Importance Ranking. The remaining Code Cases will develop the MSSC and LSSC testing strategy for type of component. These Code Cases are planned for publication in early 1997. Later, after some industry application of the Code Cases, the alternative Code Case requirements will gravitate to the ASME OM Code as appendices.

  10. Actinide Oxidation State and O/M Ratio in Hypostoichiometric Uranium-Plutonium-Americium U0.750Pu0.246Am0.004O2-x Mixed Oxides. (United States)

    Vauchy, Romain; Belin, Renaud C; Robisson, Anne-Charlotte; Lebreton, Florent; Aufore, Laurence; Scheinost, Andreas C; Martin, Philippe M


    Innovative americium-bearing uranium-plutonium mixed oxides U1-yPuyO2-x are envisioned as nuclear fuel for sodium-cooled fast neutron reactors (SFRs). The oxygen-to-metal (O/M) ratio, directly related to the oxidation state of cations, affects many of the fuel properties. Thus, a thorough knowledge of its variation with the sintering conditions is essential. The aim of this work is to follow the oxidation state of uranium, plutonium, and americium, and so the O/M ratio, in U0.750Pu0.246Am0.004O2-x samples sintered for 4 h at 2023 K in various Ar + 5% H2 + z vpm H2O (z = ∼ 15, ∼ 90, and ∼ 200) gas mixtures. The O/M ratios were determined by gravimetry, XAS, and XRD and evidenced a partial oxidation of the samples at room temperature. Finally, by comparing XANES and EXAFS results to that of a previous study, we demonstrate that the presence of uranium does not influence the interactions between americium and plutonium and that the differences in the O/M ratio between the investigated conditions is controlled by the reduction of plutonium. We also discuss the role of the homogeneity of cation distribution, as determined by EPMA, on the mechanisms involved in the reduction process.

  11. Rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning – særlige forhold for PIE-virksomheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seehausen, Jesper


    Artiklen omhandler særlige forhold for PIE-virksomheder, dvs. virksomheder af interesse for offentligheden, vedrørende going concern. Artikel skal læses i sammenhæng med min generelle artikel vedr. rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning, idet denne artikel også er relevant...

  12. Doing 21st Century Skills - om Dewey og det 21. århundredes kompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink


    Men hvordan hænger det sammen med ideen om det 21. århundredes kompetencer? Jeg vil i det følgende pege på flere sammenhænge mellem synet på læring, pædagogik og fag hos Dewey og udvalgte elementer i 21CS. Begrundelsen for dette er, at 21CS kun er et meget overordnet begreb, der ikke rummer...... at udvikle konkrete og praksisnære didaktiske design. At pege på Deweys tilgang som et fundament er et bud på ét svar i denne sammenhæng....

  13. Skuffende redegørelse fra C20-selskaberne om bestyrelsesmedlemmers uafhængighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Marina Bitsch


    Sammensætningen af selskabers bestyrelse fylder meget i corporate governance-debatten i Danmark og er samtidig tillagt et helt afsnit i de gældende corporate governance-anbefalinger fra Komitéen for god Selskabsledelse. C20-selskaberne er de aktieselskaber i Danmark, der nyder størst...... mediebevågenhed. Det er derfor skuffende at måtte konstatere, at denne artikels undersøgelse af C20-selskabernes redegørelser om deres bestyrelsesmedlemmernes uafhængighed viser, at kvaliteten af de offentliggjorte oplysninger er så utilstrækkelige, at de ikke fortjener betegnelsen best practice....

  14. Lärares yrkesetiska dilemman och den ökande juridifieringen i Sverige

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunnel Colnerud


    Full Text Available Följande artikel under temat “Etikbølgen i yrkesutdanning og praksis” beskriver och diskuterar etik och juridik i läraryrket med utgångspunkt i det dilemma som lärare själva anser vara ett av de svåraste enligt två svenska empiriska studier – att ingripa mot en kollega som handlar etiskt klandervärt mot elever. Artikeln diskuterar vidare den dygdetiska kritik mot regeletik som förekom vid tillkomsten av de etiska principerna. Vidare pekar den på de problem som följer av att lärarna är föremål för en tilltagande juridifiering. En våg, en bølge, kan beröra endast ytan som en krusning eller vara en djupgående och energirik rörelse. För att använda den aktuella metaforen på mitt studieobjekt skulle jag vilja påstå att diskussionen av lärares yrkesetik och medvetenheten om svenska lärares etiska riktlinjer utvecklades till en våg av endast blygsam storlek. I dagsläget (2014 har den ersatts av en juridisk våg med stor kraft.Nyckelord: etik i läraryrket, etiska dilemman, juridifiering av lärarpraktikenEnglish summary: Teachers’ ethical dilemmas and the juridification of the Swedish schoolIn this article, ethics and law in the teaching profession are described and discussed, starting with the ethical dilemma that teachers point to as the most difficult, according to referred empirical studies – intervention when a colleague acts in an ethically incorrect way towards students. Furthermore the author discusses the critique coming from virtue ethics in relation to ethical principles and shows that even Aristotle suggests ethical principles under certain circumstances. Swedish teachers’ ethical principles had very little time to be achieved before an increasing juridification of teaching took place. This phenomenon is discussed in terms of professional autonomy and professional judgement.

  15. An advanced regulator for the helium pressurization systems of the Space Shuttle OMS and RCS (United States)

    Wichmann, H.


    The Space Shuttle Orbit Maneuvering System and Reaction Control System are pressure-fed rocket propulsion systems utilizing earth storable hypergolic propellants and featuring engines of 6000 lbs and 900 lbs thrust, respectively. The helium pressurization system requirements for these propulsion systems are defined and the current baseline pressurization systems are described. An advanced helium pressure regulator capable of meeting both OMS and RCS helium pressurization system requirements is presented and its operating characteristics and predicted performance characteristics are discussed.

  16. Spildesign i Serious Games - en didaktisk udfordring?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik; Rahbek, Jess Uhre


    I dette bidrag diskuteres problemfeltet ”didaktisk spildesign” i forhold til principper for godt spildesign og didaktisk design. På baggrund af forskellige forskningsbidrag og udviklingen af et spilelement til støtte for behandlingen af veteraner med PTSD undersøges forholdet mellem spil og lærin...

  17. Spildesign i Serious Games

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik; Uhre Rahbek, Jess


    I dette bidrag diskuteres problemfeltet ”didaktisk spildesign” i forhold til principper for godt spildesign og didaktisk design. På baggrund af forskellige forskningsbidrag og udviklingen af et spilelement til støtte for behandlingen af veteraner med PTSD undersøges forholdet mellem spil og lærin...

  18. Plastic solar cell research at Risø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krebs, Frederik C

    Plastiksolceller giver mulighed for direkte omdannelse af sol lys til elektrisk energi og består i sin enkelthed af et tyndt plastik lag der er lagt imellem to elektroder. På Risø forskes der i de grundlæggende principper for plastiksolceller samt ifremstillingsmetoder og stabiliteten under belys...

  19. E-mail og/eller SMS: 22 husholdningers erfaringer på baggrund af et års feedback om elforbruget

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Anders

    Hovedresultatet er, at husholdningerne værdsætter on-line information (via sms og e-mail) om udviklingen i deres elforbrug. Husholdningerne værdsætter dette uafhængigt af deres holdninger i øvrigt til energibesparelser. Informationen giver husholdningerne en ønsket oplevelse af kontrol. Rapporten...

  20. ”They are at dagis!” : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningar för translanguaging i förskolan


    Säfsten, Felicia; Sjöö, Amanda


    Genom mötet med förhållningssättet translanguaging samt Garcias (2009) definition av det samma, där barns flerspråkighet ses som en resurs i deras språkande, väcktes en nyfikenhet. Mer specifikt kring om och hur det skulle kunna ha en plats i den svenska förskolan. Vid närmare efterforskning visade det sig att translanguaging som förhållningssätt framförallt blivit etablerat i skolvärlden. Därför genomfördes denna studie med syfte att bidra med kunskaper om vilka förutsättningar det finns för...

  1. Klatring i trær og hyttebygging: - om barns lek og lekesteder ute

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Merete Lund Fasting


    Full Text Available Abstract: This article describes 10 year old children`s play in nature during school hours. However, my result does equally reflect on children in kindergarden as well. Observation and conversation was used as methods as well as pictures. The children’s play in the trees and building huts was conducted in groups, and their communication was nonverbal with each other and with the nature. However; the girls reveal that they enjoy their conversations while being in the tree. The children often play at the same place over and over. This is significant to the evolution of the play and the children’s communication with their places in nature.Sammendrag: Denne artikkelen omhandler 10 år gamle barns lek på natursteder i skoletida. Selv om studien omhandler 10 åringer så kan kunnskapen den frembringer også være viktig for å forstå barnehagebarns lek og tilknytning til sine lekesteder i barnehagen. Metodene som ble brukt for å undersøke barnas lek var observasjoner og samtaler med barna, i tillegg til fotografier. Barnas lek i trærne og i hyttebyggingen karakteriseres ved at de er flere sammen, og barna har en kroppslig dialog med hverandre og omgivelsene i leken. Barna snakker i liten grad sammen om leken og hvordan de skal leke; deres kommunikasjon er hovedsakelig nonverbal. Men når jentene sitter i treet forteller de meg at de liker å sitte og snakke. Barna leker på steder hvor de har vært mye før, og dette har en betydning for barnas lek og barnas kommunikasjon med deres steder.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Javier Acosta Artiles


    Full Text Available La exposición inadecuada en los medios de comunicación sobre suicidios puede producir un efecto contagio o efecto Werther , mientras que determinadas características adecuadas pueden tener un efecto protector o efecto Papageno . Por tanto, los medios de comunicación pueden contribuir a la prevención del suicidio. Por ello, la OMS ha elaborado tres documen- tos con una serie de recomendaciones dirigidas a los profesionales de los medios de comunicación, para el tratamiento de las noticias relacionadas con el suicidio. Sin embargo, solo se ha traducido al español el primero, ambos tienen solapamientos y poseen una estructura diferente. Esto supone que los profesionales de los medios de comunicación de habla hispana en general, y de España en particular, difícilmente pueden tener un acceso a estas recomendaciones de la OMS de una forma clara y concisa. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la elaboración y provisión de un texto único y sintético que recogiera las recomendaciones de estos documentos. Para su creación se siguió un procedimiento formal y estructurado, que aunó criterios científicos y lingüísticos. El texto final contiene las recomendaciones agrupadas en tres categorías: “qué hacer”, “qué no hacer” y “otras recomendaciones”. Este documento puede ser de gran utilidad para los profesionales de los medios de comunicación, para actividades formativas de difusión de tales recomen- daciones con finalidad preventiva y para la investigación.

  3. Sjældne medfødte sygdomme og deres orale manifestationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Eva; Gjørup, Hans


    Behandlingen af patienter med medfødte sjældne sygdomme kan have orale, dentale eller kraniofaciale associerede afvigelser og være meget kompleks. Her beskrives kliniske og radiologiske karakteristika og principper for behandling af patienter med ektodermal dysplasi, cleidocranial dysplasi, osteo......, osteogenesis imperfecta og hereditær rakitis...

  4. Om de menneskeretlige problemer ved at indskrænke adgangen til familiesammenføring for personer med midlertidig beskyttelsesstatus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storgaard, Louise Halleskov


    Artiklen analyserer, hvorvidt den nyligt vedtagne stramning af udlændingeloven, hvorefter udlændinge, der er tildelt midlertidig beskyttelsesstatus i Danmark, først efter tre år kan ansøge om familiesammenføring her i landet, er i overensstemmelse med retten til respekt for familieliv og forbudde...

  5. The development and psychometric properties of a new scale to measure mental illness related stigma by health care providers: The opening minds scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kassam Aliya


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Research on the attitudes of health care providers towards people with mental illness has repeatedly shown that they may be stigmatizing. Many scales used to measure attitudes towards people with mental illness that exist today are not adequate because they do not have items that relate specifically to the role of the health care provider. Methods We developed and tested a new scale called the Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC. After item-pool generation, stakeholder consultations and content validation, focus groups were held with 64 health care providers/trainees and six people with lived experience of mental illness to develop the scale. The OMS-HC was then tested with 787 health care providers/trainees across Canada to determine its psychometric properties. Results The initial testing OMS-HC scale showed good internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha = 0.82 and satisfactory test-retest reliability, intraclass correlation = 0.66 (95% CI 0.54 to 0.75. The OMC-HC was only weakly correlated with social desirability, indicating that the social desirability bias was not likely to be a major determinant of OMS-HC scores. A factor analysis favoured a two-factor structure which accounted for 45% of the variance using 12 of the 20 items tested. Conclusions The OMS–HC provides a good starting point for further validation as well as a tool that could be used in the evaluation of programs aimed at reducing mental illness related stigma by health care providers. The OMS-HC incorporates various dimensions of stigma with a modest number of items that can be used with busy health care providers.

  6. The development and psychometric properties of a new scale to measure mental illness related stigma by health care providers: The opening minds scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC) (United States)


    Background Research on the attitudes of health care providers towards people with mental illness has repeatedly shown that they may be stigmatizing. Many scales used to measure attitudes towards people with mental illness that exist today are not adequate because they do not have items that relate specifically to the role of the health care provider. Methods We developed and tested a new scale called the Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC). After item-pool generation, stakeholder consultations and content validation, focus groups were held with 64 health care providers/trainees and six people with lived experience of mental illness to develop the scale. The OMS-HC was then tested with 787 health care providers/trainees across Canada to determine its psychometric properties. Results The initial testing OMS-HC scale showed good internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha = 0.82 and satisfactory test-retest reliability, intraclass correlation = 0.66 (95% CI 0.54 to 0.75). The OMC-HC was only weakly correlated with social desirability, indicating that the social desirability bias was not likely to be a major determinant of OMS-HC scores. A factor analysis favoured a two-factor structure which accounted for 45% of the variance using 12 of the 20 items tested. Conclusions The OMS–HC provides a good starting point for further validation as well as a tool that could be used in the evaluation of programs aimed at reducing mental illness related stigma by health care providers. The OMS-HC incorporates various dimensions of stigma with a modest number of items that can be used with busy health care providers. PMID:22694771

  7. Ny EU-dom om afgifter på motorkøretøjer - en bombe under de nationale registreringsafgifter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thygesen, Jette


    Gennem tiden har EU-Domstolen, i en mængde sager, taget stilling til medlemsstaternes ret til at opkræve afgift af motorkøretøjer. EU-Domstolen har således taget stilling til, om afgift på motorkøretøjer er forenelig med EU-retten i forbindelse med arbejdskraftens frie bevægelighed, etableringsre...

  8. Caspar Paludan-Müller - Zur frühen Ranke-Rezeption in Dänemark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Jes Fabricius


    Den danske reception af Leopold von Rankes værker og historismen skete i overvejende grad gennem Caspar Paludan-Müller, der også anvendte de kildekritiske principper, der hørte til Rankes og Niebuhrs historisme. Historismen og dermed også Paludan-Müllers verdensbillede blev udsat for et stadig st...

  9. Lean - set i et historisk perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Aage U


    I kapitlet redegøres for, hvordan begrebet Lean opstod som en karakteristik af Toyota Production System (TPS), der igen har sin rod i scientific management. Gennem eksempler illustreres det, at centrale Lean-principper således har været anvendt i årtier. Der argumenteres for, at Lean i mange...

  10. I en højere sags tjeneste

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langsted, Lars Bo; Jakobsen, Søren Sandfeld


    Artiklen behandler ud fra en retsdogmatisk metode nogle af de grundlæggende problemstillinger, regler, principper og hensynsafvejninger, der gælder, når staten eller private virksomheder vil gennemføre overvågning af borgerne og dermed gøre indgreb i retten til privatlivets fred. Særlig fokus er ...

  11. Telemedicin 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Aasted; Munck-Fairwood, Roger; Holst-Christensen, Bo


    Efter at have gennemført kurset, vil den studerende være i stand til at udføre følgende: - Redegøre for principper ved etablering af et telemedicinsk system, der sammenknytter en patient i privat hjem med en telemedicinsk hospitalsafdeling. Der tages udgangspunkt i de medicinske, organisatoriske,...

  12. N/om, Change, and Social Work: A Recursive Frame Analysis of the Transformative Rituals of the Ju/'hoan Bushmen (United States)

    Keeney, Hillary; Keeney, Bradford


    The Ju/'hoan Bushman origin myth is depicted as a contextual frame for their healing and transformative ways. Using Recursive Frame Analysis, these performances are shown to be an enactment of the border crossing between First and Second Creation, that is, pre-linguistic and linguistic domains of experience. Here n/om, or the presumed creative…

  13. Jeopardy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dybbro, Lisbeth Aaskov


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: Internetbaserede spil Valg af arbejdsform: Jeopardy Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: De studerende kan som opsamling og repetition af undervisningen i etik og filosofi spille dette spil. Aldersgruppe: Studerende ved Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen...

  14. Afmystificering af studerendes forestillinger om forskning: et studenterperspektiv på forskningsbaseret undervisning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maia Ebsen


    Full Text Available Litteraturen om, hvorledes forskning og undervisning kan integreres på uddannelsesinstitutioner, er vokset betragteligt i de seneste år. Derimod har kun få af disse studier beskæftiget sig med, hvordan studerende oplever forholdet mellem forskning og undervisning. Baseret på et kvalitativt studie af studerendes oplevelse af et forskningsbaseret undervisningsforløb, nærmere bestemt et forskningspraktikforløb, vil denne artikel bidrage til diskussionen med et studenterperspektiv. Vores data viser, at studerende, til trods for at have gennemgået dette forskningsbaserede læringsforløb, stadig oplever forskning og undervisning som adskilte. Vi vil derfor argumentere, at studerende drager et konceptuelt skel mellem forskning og undervisning og betragter disse som to divergerende praksisser. Gennem en analyse af vores data, vil vi vise, at forskningspraktik leder til en afmystificering af studerendes forestillinger om forskning, hvilket udfordrer dette skel. I konklusionen påpeger vi, at en bedre integration af forskning og undervisning kan ske, hvis studerende introduceres til forskningsprocesser gennem hele deres uddannelse. Abstract Literature promoting a close relationship between research and teaching in university has increased significantly in recent years. A walk-through of this literature, shows that only few of these studies have investigated the students’ perspective, though. We intend to fill this gap, by contributing with a qualitative study of students’ experience of research based teaching. This study shows how students experience a divide between research and teaching. This divide, we argue, is primarily on a conceptual level, where the two practices and considered fundamentally different. Our data shows how an internship can lead to a demystification process for these students. This lead to a reevaluation of the conceptual boundary. We argue that a larger focus on research based teaching, throughout the university

  15. Comprehensive genomic analyses of the OM43 clade including a novel species from Red Sea indicate ecotype differentiation among marine methylotrophs

    KAUST Repository

    Jimenez Infante, Francy M.; Ngugi, David; Vinu, Manikandan; Alam, Intikhab; Kamau, Allan; Blom, Jochen; Bajic, Vladimir B.; Stingl, Ulrich


    The OM43 clade within the family Methylophilaceae of Betaproteobacteria represents a group of methylotrophs playing important roles in the metabolism of C1 compounds in marine environments and other aquatic environments around the globe. Using dilution-to-extinction cultivation techniques, we successfully isolated a novel species of this clade (designated here as MBRS-H7) from the ultra-oligotrophic open ocean waters of the central Red Sea. Phylogenomic analyses indicate that MBRS-H7 is a novel species, which forms a distinct cluster together with isolate KB13 from Hawaii (H-RS cluster) that is separate from that represented by strain HTCC2181 (from the Oregon coast). Phylogenetic analyses using the robust 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer revealed a potential ecotype separation of the marine OM43 clade members, which was further confirmed by metagenomic fragment recruitment analyses that showed trends of higher abundance in low chlorophyll and/or high temperature provinces for the H-RS cluster, but a preference for colder, highly productive waters for the HTCC2181 cluster. This potential environmentally driven niche differentiation is also reflected in the metabolic gene inventories, which in the case of H-RS include those conferring resistance to high levels of UV irradiation, temperature, and salinity. Interestingly, we also found different energy conservation modules between these OM43 subclades, namely the existence of the NADH:quinone oxidoreductase NUO system in the H-RS and the non-homologous NQR system in HTCC2181, which might have implications on their overall energetic yields.

  16. Comprehensive genomic analyses of the OM43 clade including a novel species from Red Sea indicate ecotype differentiation among marine methylotrophs

    KAUST Repository

    Jimenez Infante, Francy M.


    The OM43 clade within the family Methylophilaceae of Betaproteobacteria represents a group of methylotrophs playing important roles in the metabolism of C1 compounds in marine environments and other aquatic environments around the globe. Using dilution-to-extinction cultivation techniques, we successfully isolated a novel species of this clade (designated here as MBRS-H7) from the ultra-oligotrophic open ocean waters of the central Red Sea. Phylogenomic analyses indicate that MBRS-H7 is a novel species, which forms a distinct cluster together with isolate KB13 from Hawaii (H-RS cluster) that is separate from that represented by strain HTCC2181 (from the Oregon coast). Phylogenetic analyses using the robust 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer revealed a potential ecotype separation of the marine OM43 clade members, which was further confirmed by metagenomic fragment recruitment analyses that showed trends of higher abundance in low chlorophyll and/or high temperature provinces for the H-RS cluster, but a preference for colder, highly productive waters for the HTCC2181 cluster. This potential environmentally driven niche differentiation is also reflected in the metabolic gene inventories, which in the case of H-RS include those conferring resistance to high levels of UV irradiation, temperature, and salinity. Interestingly, we also found different energy conservation modules between these OM43 subclades, namely the existence of the NADH:quinone oxidoreductase NUO system in the H-RS and the non-homologous NQR system in HTCC2181, which might have implications on their overall energetic yields.

  17. High-Energy-Density Aqueous Magnesium-Ion Battery Based on a Carbon-Coated FeVO4 Anode and a Mg-OMS-1 Cathode. (United States)

    Zhang, Hongyu; Ye, Ke; Zhu, Kai; Cang, Ruibai; Yan, Jun; Cheng, Kui; Wang, Guiling; Cao, Dianxue


    Porous FeVO 4 is prepared by hydrothermal method and further modified by coating with carbon to obtain FeVO 4 /C with a hierarchical pore structure. FeVO 4 /C is used as an anodic electrode in aqueous rechargeable magnesium-ion batteries. The FeVO 4 /C material not only has improved electrical conductivity as a result of the carbon coating layer, but also has an increased specific surface area as a result of the hierarchical pore structure, which is beneficial for magnesium-ion insertion/deinsertion. Therefore, an aqueous rechargeable magnesium-ion full battery is successfully constructed with FeVO 4 /C as the anode, Mg-OMS-1 (OMS=octahedral molecular sieves) as the cathode, and 1.0 mol L -1 MgSO 4 as the electrolyte. The discharge capacity of the Mg-OMS-1//FeVO 4 /C aqueous battery is 58.9 mAh g -1 at a current density of 100 mA g -1 ; this value is obtained by calculating the total mass of two electrodes and the capacity retention rate of this device is 97.7 % after 100 cycles, with almost 100 % coulombic efficiency, which indicates that the system has a good electrochemical reversibility. Additionally, this system can achieve a high energy density of 70.4 Wh kg -1 , which provides powerful evidence that an aqueous magnesium-ion battery is possible. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Att vara eller icke vara ansvarsfull : En fallstudie om en kommunikationsbyrås samhällsansvar


    Odén, Sofie; Larsson, Anna


    Title: Att vara eller icke vara ansvarsfull - En fallstudie om en kommunikationsbyrås samhällsansvar Authors: Anna Larsson, Sofie Odén Number of pages: 65 This study propose to increase the understanding of how a communication agency is working in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility. To narrow the field of study this thesis was conducted from a stakeholder perspective. The empirical material has been acquired through a qualitative study. To get a clear and valid view of the given resu...

  19. Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, Marlene


    Centerleder og professor Marlene Wind insisterer i dagens Politiken i debatindlægget: "Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje'", at verdens ledere må stå fast ved de principper, der har været bærende for vores samfund siden anden verdenskrig. Domstolenes politiske uafhængighed, menneskeret...

  20. Early literacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Skriver

    I dette bidrag afrapporteres EASE-projektet. Med udgangspunkt i en analyse af en såkaldt 'Sproghistorie' peges på generelle pædagogiske principper for en holistisk, inkluderende tilgang til skriftsprogstilegnelse, på tværs af  0-8-års området (fokus dog på 4-8 år)....