
Sample records for preparation aceros al


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    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación se estudió el efecto del precalentamiento y la severidad de temple sobre la resistencia al desgaste adhesivo del acero austenítico al manganeso ASTM A 128 grado C. El material se sometió a ciclos térmicos de temple y revenido con y sin precalentamiento con el fin de evaluar su influencia sobre la resistencia al desgaste. Posteriormente el material fue sometido a prueba según norma ASTM G83 y se determinó que el acero Austenítico al manganeso, es un material que presenta una microestructura metaestable en condiciones estables y no debe ser sometido a tratamiento térmico de revenido a altas temperaturas debido que favorece la descomposición de esta a ferrita (fase blanda de los acero y por ende disminuye su resistencia al desgaste.

  2. Mejora de la tenacidad de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono nnediante unión por laminación con un acero al cromo y molibdeno

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    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Laminated composite materials containing five layers of ultrahigh carbon steel, 1.35%C, and five layers of a Cr-Mo steel were processed by roll bonding. The rolling procedure improves the bonding of layers and refines the microstructure, diminishing grain size and removing the pearlitic zones. Charpy impact tests were carried out to evaluate the impact properties. Toughness of the laminated composite was highly improved respect to the ultrahigh carbon steel. Moreover, it was double than that of the Cr-Mo steel in the arrester orientation. These results reveal the important role of the interfaces in the mechanical properties of the composite materials.

    Se procesaron mediante unión por laminación, dos materiales compuestos laminados de 10 capas: cinco capas de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono con 1,35 % C, alternadas con otras cinco de un acero al cromo y molibdeno. La laminación en caliente consolida la unión entre las capas y afina la microestructura, reduciendo el tamaño de grano y eliminando las zonas de perlita presentes inicialmente. Se realizaron ensayos de impacto Charpy para evaluar su resistencia al impacto. El material compuesto laminado mejoró sustancialmente la tenacidad del acero de ultraalto carbono, además de duplicar la resiliencia del acero al cromo y molibdeno en la orientación "en serie". Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las intercaras en las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales compuestos.

  3. Consideraciones teórico prácticas acerca de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono

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    Osmundo Héctor Rodríguez Pérez


    Full Text Available Se analizan los tres tipos de aceros al carbono y su clasificación desde el punto de vista de su soldabilidad. Se pueden observar los aspectos físico - químicos en la zona fundida, zona de transición y zona afectada por el calor. Existen varios aspectos en la tecnología de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono, tales como: preparación de los bordes, limpieza superficial, posición relativa de las piezas, precalentamiento, selección del material de aporte, deposición de los cordones, postcalentamiento, tratamiento térmico posterior y el control de la calidad de las uniones soldadas a tomar en cuenta para realizar la soldadura.


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    Francisco Javier Bolívar Osorio

    Full Text Available El acero AISI 4140 es un acero de baja aleación al cromo/molibdeno de elevada resistencia mecánica y buena tenacidad, el cual se utiliza para la fabricación de piezas de maquinaria como piñones, cigüeñales, ejes de levas, etc. Sin embargo, su resistencia al desgaste es bastante limitada y suele ser mejorada mediante el tratamiento superficial de la nitruración. El propósito de este trabajo consistió en mejorar las propiedades mecánicas e incrementar la resistencia al desgaste del acero 4140 mediante la aplicación de un tratamiento superficial DUPLEX consistente en la nitruración líquida (conocida como Teniffer seguido del depósito de un recubrimiento duro de nitruro de titanio (TiN. La microestructura cristalina fue evaluada mediante difracción de rayos X, la morfología y la composición química fue determinada por microscopía SEM y espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDS, las propiedades tribológicas fueron analizadas mediante mediciones en un tribómetro de tipo esfera sobre disco y la microdureza se determinó por el método Vickers. Las muestras tratadas con el recubrimiento dúplex mostraron una resistencia al desgaste 4 veces mayor que la muestra en estado bonificado, lo cual demuestra la aplicación potencial que tiene el acero 4140 sometido a este tratamiento dúplex.

  5. Empleo de la cáscara de arroz en la fundición de piezas de acero al carbono//Using of rice husk in the carbon steel casting parts process

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    Juan Carlos Cruz-Pérez


    Full Text Available Los materiales auxiliares desempeñan un papel importante en el aumento de la eficiencia tecnológica del proceso de fundición de piezas de acero al carbono. En este artículo se exponen los primeros resultados del empleo de la cáscara de arroz como material termoaislante en la obtención de piezas fundidas de acero al carbono. En los experimentos se evaluó la influencia  de seis combinaciones de las variables espesor de pared del casquillo y capa de cobertura. En la confección de los casquillos se utilizó cáscara de arroz triturada, la que posteriormente fue aglutinada con silicato de sodio, apisonada y endurecida con CO2, mientras que la cobertura se utilizó sin procesamiento previo. El mayor nivel de entrega de acero se obtuvo al emplear un espesor de casquillo de 65 mm y una altura de cobertura de 85 mm. El valor del ASAF generado por las variantes experimentales resultó igual o inferior a 0,48. Palabras claves: casquillo termoaislante, polvo de cobertura, cáscara de arroz, acero fundido.______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Feeding auxiliary materials perform a very important role in improves technological efficiency of carbon steel casting parts process. In this article are exposing the first results in the rice husk using as an insulating material in such process. The variables sleeve thickness and covering thickness’ influence were evaluated in six combinations by means of experiments. In sleeves preparation was used crushed rice husk, which was agglutinated with sodium silicate, compacted and hardened with CO2, meanwhile as covering it was uses without previous preparation. The mayor liquid steel delivering level was get employing 65 mm sleeve thickness and 85 mm covering thickness. The ASAF value generated for experimental variants was equal or inferior to 0.48. Key words: insulating sleeve, riser sleeve, hot topping, rice husk, steel cast.

  6. Comportamiento al desgaste por deslizamiento en aceros inoxidables: ferrítico, austenítico, dúplex y martensítico.


    Renedo Rouco, Jordi


    En este proyecto se estudia el comportamiento al desgaste por deslizamiento de cuatro aceros representativos de las cuatro grandes familias de aceros inoxidables: ferrítico (AISI 446), austenítico (AISI 316), dúplex (AISI 2205) y martensítico (AISI 420). Para cada uno de ellos se han realizado: caracterización metalográfica, determinación de dureza, densidad y rugosidad, y ensayos de tribología mediante la técnica de bola sobre disco. Esta técnica consiste en deslizar una bola ...

  7. Comportamiento termomecánico de un acero microaleado al Nb-V


    Cartaya, E. A.; Varela, G.; Cabrera Marrero, José M.; Prado Pozuelo, José Manuel


    Empleando ensayos de compresión simple en ca- liente y relajación de tensiones después de la de - formación en un dilatómetro modelo DIL805T, se obtuvieron las curvas de fluencia y relajación de dos aceros, el primero de ellos al C – Mn y otro HS- LA con idéntica composición química base, micro- aleado con Nb – V. Los ensayos de compresión simple fueron efectua- dos a temperaturas en el rango austenítico, desde 900 – 1.200 ºC y velocidades de deformación de 0....


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el mejoramiento frente a la corrosión de los recubrimientos multicapas de [TiN/AlTiN]n con periodos de 2, 6, 12 y 24 bicapas depositados mediante la técnica de PVD magnetrón Sputtering sobre acero al carbono AISI 1045. La evaluación electroquímica se realizó mediante las técnicas espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS y curvas de polarización Tafel, en una solución de 0.5M de H2SO4 + 3.5% wt. de NaCl. La resistencia a la corrosión aumentó de forma gradual en función del número de bicapas en comparación al sustrato encontrando valores de velocidad de corrosión de 18.51 mpy para el sustrato sin recubrir y de 1x10 6 mpy para la muestra con 24 bicapas. Los resultados electroquímicos revelan el efecto positivo en cuanto a la protección superficial del acero 1045 con el incremento del periodo en las multicapas de [TiN /AlTiN]n.

  9. Corrosión a alta temperatura de acero al carbono y acero inoxidable austenítico en atmósferas contaminadas por CO2


    Proy Pérez, Manuel


    Los efectos a veces catastróficos producidos por los procesos de corrosión a alta temperatura en atmósferas contaminadas por agentes agresivos, poseen la suficiente relevancia para ser objeto de estudio en los próximos años, debido a que en muchas ocasiones no están definidos claramente. Los aceros al carbono y los inoxidables austeníticos son materiales potencialmente utilizables en condiciones de elevada temperatura gracias a su excelente relación entre sus propiedades est...

  10. Acero de alto silicio producido por inmersión en Al-Si y recocido de difusión

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    Ros-Yáñez, Tanya


    Full Text Available It is difficult to process steel sheet with a high Si content (>3.5%Si, mainly because of its brittleness and the appearance of cracks during rolling and oxidation. However, there is a market for this steel in electrical applications because of the favourable influence of Si on magnetostriction and electrical resistivity. As an alternative process, 3% Si-steel substrates were coated with hypereutectic Al-Si-alloys in a "hot-dip simulator" using different preheating and dipping times. The obtained layers were characterised by SEM and EDS analysis. Diffusion annealing experiments were performed to obtain sufficient amount of Si in the steel. It was observed that:

    • intermetallic phases appear in the coating layers as according to the ternary Fe-Si-Al diagram
    • with a double dipping primary silicon crystals are formed in the surface layer
    • the ordered DO3 structure is present if the dipping and/or diffusion time is long enough
    • homogeneous silicon gradients in the whole substrate thickness have not yet been achieved
    • theoretic calculations show that Si-gradient, also have beneficial effects on magnetic behaviour

    Es difícil procesar aceros eléctricos de alto contenido en silicio (>3,5 % Si. Esto se debe principalmente, a problemas de fragilidad, aparición de grietas durante la laminación y oxidación. Sin embargo, existe un importante mercado para este tipo de acero en aplicaciones eléctricas debido a la favorable influencia que ejerce el Si sobre la magnetoestricción, las pérdidas eléctricas y la resistividad eléctrica. Como proceso alternativo, se sumergieron substratos de acero con 3 % de silicio en una aleación hipereutéctica Al-25 % Si, en un simulador de recubrimiento por inmersión en caliente. En los ensayos se utilizaron diferentes tiempos de precalentamiento y de inmersión. En la segunda fase de la investigación se llevaron a cabo recocidos de difusión en el

  11. Análisis de soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables con aceros de medio y bajo carbono por SMAW

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI 304 y AISI 316 con aceros de bajo y medio carbono AISI 1020 – AISI 1045, empleando como materiales de aporte los electrodos EutecTrode® 52 NG, 54 NG y 57 NG, mediante el proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido (SMAW. Para analizar la soldabilidad de estos electrodos cuando se realiza la unión de aceros inoxidables con aceros al carbono, se practicaron pruebas metalográficas y ensayos mecánicos de dureza, doblez y tracción, con el fin de observar el comportamiento tanto de la zona afectada térmicamente como del cordón de soldadura, a partir del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas y metalúrgicas en las diferentes regiones de las uniones soldadas. Durante el proceso de soldadura se siguió una especificación del procedimiento de soldadura (WPS, para que los resultados fueran repetibles, minimizando los problemas de agrietamiento en caliente, agrietamiento en frío, formación de fase sigma y precipitación de carburos.

  12. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia


    Victoria González Quintana; Juan Carlos Botero; Roberto Rochel; Julián Vidal; Martha Cecilia Alvarez Uribe


    Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produ...

  13. Selección automatizada de electrodos para la soldadura manual de los aceros al carbono

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    Alexander Velázquez Font


    Full Text Available Se aborda lo relativo a un sistema para la selección automatizada de electrodos en la soldadura de los aceros al carbono. Se inicia con una breve revisión de los problemas que presentan estos en su soldabilidad y los factores concernientes a la selección correcta del electrodo en los mismos. En el mismo se expone el fundamento teórico sobre el diseño del sistema el cual da solución a lo anteriormente expuesto. En la elaboración del software se tiene en cuenta los siguientes principios: propiedades mecánicas de la unión soldada, tipo de revestimiento, posición de la soldadura, etc. Se tienen en cuenta en el trabajo diferentes firmas y normas de fabricantes de electrodos y países que mas se utilizan en la industria mecánica en Cuba. El software tiene la ventaja de ser sencillo, rápido y seguro, garantizando la selección correcta de los electrodos para cada caso y situación. El software supone que el usuario no tenga que tener conocimientos profundos de soldadura, debido a que el sistema se encarga de la mayor parte de las decisiones para la selección del electrodo, procedimiento que con métodos convencionales, exigen del usuario una determinada experiencia en la selección de estos materiales para la soldadura de los aceros al carbono.

  14. Hormigones de alta resistencia con nano-adiciones y fibras de acero


    Alizo Mirabal, Manuel Arturo


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster consistió en determinar la influencia que pueden poseer las nano-adiciones de Sílice y Alúmina y fibras de acero en un Hormigón de Alta Resistencia. Partiendo de una dosificación de Hormigón de Alta Resistencia conocida, que contenía humo de Sílice (10%) y fibras de poliolefina (3kg/m3), se les procedió a sustituir por la incorporación de nano-adiciones de Sílice y Alúmina (7% y 3% respectivamente) y añadiendo fibras de acero en lugar de poliolefina. En el pr...

  15. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia

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    Victoria González Quintana


    Full Text Available Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produced in Colombia subjected to monotonic loads of tension is presented. Typical stress-strain diagram that allow to characterize these steels making emphasis in the variables that determine the change of behaviour of the materia are presented.

  16. Comportamiento del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en las condiciones de operación y parada del circuito primario de los reactores de agua ligera tipo PWR

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    García-Redondo, María del Sol


    Full Text Available The corrosion rate of low alloy steel SA-508 and carbon steel A-410b in simulated operation and shutdown conditions of pressurized water reactor has been determined. Moreover potentiodynamic polarization curves and galvanic effect through coupling of AISI-304 have been carried out under shutdown simulated condition.

    En este trabajo se ha determinado la cinética de corrosión del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en condiciones que simulan la operación y la parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión. También se han realizado curvas de polarización potenciodinámica y se ha estudiado el acoplamiento galvánico con AISI-304 en condiciones de parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión.

  17. Reparación por soldadura de rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros al Cr-Mo-V

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    Mazur, Z.


    Full Text Available An analysis of typical steam turbine and gas turbine rotor failures is carried out. On the base of the rotors different failure causes and their mode of occurring, an evaluation of the weldability of the Cr-Mo-V steels and the classification of the common turbine rotors repair possibilities is presented. The developing of specific in-situ welding repair process of the damaged 20.65 MW gas turbine rotor is described. After repair, the rotor was put back into service.

    Se presenta un análisis de daños típicos en rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros de baja aleación al Cr-Mo-V. Partiendo de las causas y modos de presentación de los fallos y el deterioro del material de los rotores durante la operación de la turbina, se lleva a cabo un análisis de la soldabilidad de los aceros al Cr-Mo-V y se presenta una clasificación de los posibles tipos de reparaciones de los rotores de turbinas. Con base en los daños presentados en el rotor de la turbina de gas de 20,65 MW, se presenta el desarrollo de la tecnología de reparación por soldadura llevada a cabo in situ. El rotor fue puesto nuevamente en servicio después del proceso de reparación.

  18. Desgaste por deslizamiento en seco de aceros perlíticos y bainíticos

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    Cristian Camilo Viáfara Arango


    Full Text Available El desgaste por deslizamiento tiene una gran influencia sobre el desempeño de los sistemas rueda-riel, en particular, por el deslizamiento de la pestaña de la rueda sobre la parte interna del riel en una pista curva. Dado que el deslizamiento entre la rueda y el riel involucra efectos de adhesión, altos porcentajes de deslizamiento/rodadura afectan fuertemente el desgaste por fatiga de contacto por rodadura, que actúa en las superficies de contacto. En una máquina Pin sobre Disco se llevaron a cabo ensayos de desgaste por deslizamiento para estudiar el comportamiento del acero perlítico AISI 1070 y el bainítico AISI 15B30. La velocidad de deslizamiento fue 1 ms-1 para todas las pruebas y se utilizaron cargas normales de 10, 30 y 50 N. La resistencia al desgaste fue relacionada con la pérdida de masa medida después de las pruebas y las superficies desgastadas, al igual que las partículas removidas, fueron analizadas por medio de los microscopios óptico y electrónico. Se realizaron perfiles de microdureza bajo las superficies de contacto para analizar el efecto del endurecimiento por deformación. El acero perlítico mostró mayor resistencia al desgaste que el acero bainítico, debido al excelente comportamiento de endurecimiento por deformación de la perlita comparado con el de la bainita. En el acero perlítico se observaron regímenes de desgaste oxidativo, mientras que en el bainítico el principal mecanismo de remoción de material fue el adhesivo, llevando a un daño mucho más fuerte en la superficie. De hecho, el régimen de desgaste para las probetas bainíticas fue siempre severo, aún con la menor carga normal aplicada.

  19. "Estudio tribologico de aceros para moldes. Aplicacion al moldeo por inyeccion de polibutilentereftalato reforzado con fibra de vidrio" (United States)

    Martinez Mateo, Isidoro Jose

    fabricacion del molde, tienen una gran influencia sobre su comportamiento en servicio a lo largo de la vida util del molde. En la primera parte del presente estudio, a partir de ensayos punzon sobre disco, se ha determinado la relacion entre la resistencia al desgaste y la dureza de aceros para moldes obtenidos a partir de bloques de gran espesor, estudiando los principales mecanismos de desgaste que tienen lugar. A continuacion, con el fin de determinar el dano superficial que sufren los aceros para moldes en condiciones reales de inyeccion, se han estudiado distintos tipos de aceros utilizados comercialmente en moldes de inyeccion de polimeros y materiales compuestos, seleccionando las condiciones de operacion para determinar la variacion de la rugosidad superficial del acero en funcion del material inyectado, del numero de operaciones sucesivas de inyeccion y de la orientacion del flujo de inyeccion, mediante tecnicas de perfilometria optica y microscopia electronica de barrido. Ademas del dano superficial sufrido por el acero con el numero de piezas inyectadas, tambien se ha determinado la evolucion de la rugosidad superficial de los materiales inyectados, polibutilentereftalato (PBT) puro y materiales compuestos derivados de PBT por adicion de un 20 o un 50% en peso de fibra de vidrio. En el caso de las piezas inyectadas, se ha caracterizado su microestructura en funcion del flujo de inyeccion y de la densidad de fibra, se han determinado sus propiedades termicas y dinamico-mecanicas, asi como la variacion de la rugosidad superficial de las piezas inyectadas con el numero de operaciones de inyeccion y con la geometria de las distintas secciones de las piezas. Finalmente, se ha evaluado la resistencia a la abrasion de PBT reforzado con un 50% de fibra, en funcion del numero de piezas inyectadas y de la direccion de rayado con respecto a la orientacion del flujo de inyeccion.





    Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable, en una mezcla de sal con 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 700ºC - 850ºC. Los resultados de las pruebas gravimétricas mostraron una deficiente protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento protector, debido a que las temperaturas de exposición fueron mayores que las temperaturas de fusión de...

  1. Ductilidad en caliente y mecanismos de fractura de un acero de construcción

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    Calvo, J.


    Full Text Available The hot ductility of a structural steel produced from scrap recycling has been studied to determine the origin of the transverse cracks in the corners that appeared in some billets. Samples extracted both from a billet with transverse cracks and from a billet with no external damage were tested. To evaluate the influence of residual elements and inclusions, the steel was compared to another one impurity free. Reduction in area of the samples tensile tested to the fracture was taken as a measure of the hot ductility The tests were carried out at temperatures ranging from 1000ºC to 650ºC and at a strain rate of 1·10- 3 s-1. The fracture surfaces of the tested samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the embrittling mechanisms that could be acting. The steel with residuals and impurities exhibited lower ductility values for a wider temperature range than the clean steel. The embrittling mechanisms also changed as compared to the impurity free steel.

    Se evaluó la ductilidad en caliente de un acero de construcción procedente del reciclaje de chatarra con el fin de determinar el origen de las grietas transversales que aparecen en las esquinas de algunas palanquillas. Para ello, se extrajeron probetas de dos palanquillas de una misma calidad de acero. Una de las palanquillas había presentado agrietamiento transversal al ser colada y, la otra, no. Para conocer la influencia de los elementos residuales e inclusiones en la ductilidad en caliente, otro acero, con la misma composición pero sin impurezas, se fabricó en laboratorio y fue sometido al mismo análisis que los aceros comerciales. La ductilidad en caliente se midió como la reducción del área de las probetas ensayadas a tracción hasta la rotura. Las condiciones a las que se realizaron los ensayos fueron temperaturas de 1.000 a 650 ºC y a una velocidad de deformación de 1·10-3 s-1. Las superficies de fractura de las probetas ensayadas se


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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de barras de acero de refuerzo de un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente. La escoria de alto horno fue activada mediante el uso de silicato sódico al 5% obteniéndose un material con buenas propiedades cementantes. Las probetas de concreto fueron fabricadas a partir de este cemento, después de mezclar con los agregados fueron reforzadas con barras de acero sismoresistente ASTMA706. Las probetas de concreto reforzado estuvieron sometidas en ambientes contaminados con iones cloruro para simular condiciones marinas. La evaluación electroquímica se realizo aplicando las técnicas de resistencia a la polarización lineal (LPR y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS. Se logra determinar el comportamiento de la capa pasiva del acero y electroquímico del metal cuando está inmerso en estos materiales cerámicos novedosos.

  3. Estudio del comportamiento a fluencia en caliente de un acero avanzado de alta resistencia de bajo contenido en carbono NiCrVCu microaleado con boro


    González Sala, Sara


    Una de las líneas de investigación prioritarias en el contexto internacional es el desarrollo de aceros avanzados de alta resistencia (AHSS) con excelentes propiedades de resistencia y tenacidad para aplicaciones en la industria automotriz, naval, aeronáutica y de generación de energía, que permitan disminuir el peso de los componentes y sustituyan aceros tradicionales de contenidos mayores de carbono. Los aceros AHSS microaleados al boro, debido a sus cualidades, tecnología de...

  4. Fenómenos de corrosión galvánica en las uniones aluminio y acero


    Domínguez Parra, Alberto


    La corrosión es un proceso de degradación de un material al interactuar con el ambiente que le rodea. El presente proyecto trata de la corrosión galvánica de aceros y fundiciones, en contacto con aleaciones de aluminio. Su experimentación se ha realizado con acero AE 275 B, y fundición EN-GS 400 12. Se utilizó lingote de aluminio A356 obtenido por colada por gravedad, y dos tipos de muestras, con y sin tratamiento térmico T6, de A 356 producidas por el procedimiento de sub-liquidus casting...

  5. Aceros aluminotérmicos. Nuevas aplicaciones

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    Duart Blay, J. M.


    Full Text Available The metallothermy is a process based on physical ' chemistry possibility of metallic oxides reduction (Fe, Cr, Mn, Cu for oxygen strong affinity metals, like Al, Mg and Ti. The reaction is highly exothermic giving place to a metallic phase and slag separation by refining and reduction process simultaneously. The technological developed patent initially by Thermit - and improved for other Companies - works well by more than 50 years; today it is employed almost exclusively for obtaining steels and coppers for complex welded joints unions. Particular application or interest presents in the Railways technology for building continuous tracks, practically implanted in all the word and in welding copper cable rope - steel rail employed for traffic signals control. This work displays the fundamental thermodynamic principles of the aluminothermics of iron and their application to the complex weld of crossrail, dilation joints and bypass in Railways, that combine Hadfield steels, stainless steels and pearlitic steels of different mechanical properties. The unions should be compact, with strength and hardness in the levels that are cited in the work, according to requirements demanded by high speed (350 km/ h. lines, now in construction in Spain, but they result of general use to whatever class of less demanding lines and to mining railroads.

    La metalotermia es un proceso físicoquímico basado en la posibilidad de reducción de óxidos metálicos (hierro, cromo, manganeso, cobre por metales altamente afines por el oxígeno, como son aluminio, magnesio y titanio. La reacción es altamente exotérmica dando lugar a un caldo metálico separado de su escoria, por un proceso de reducción y afino combinados. La patente tecnológica, desarrollada inicialmente por Thermit y perfeccionada por otras Compañías, lleva en vigor más de 50 años; se aplica hoy, casi exclusivamente, a la obtención de aceros y cobres para uniones soldadas complejas

  6. Caracterización mecánica de aceros empleados en el sector de la construcción de Almería

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    Senoboua, A. J.


    Full Text Available Various tests have been conducted on the steel bars used in the construction of civil works in Almería (Spain during the period 18 January 2000-7 May 2001, with the aim of mechanically characterizing the different types of steel (weldable: B400S, B500S and ductile weldable: B400SD to determine whether there is a technical reason for the increase in the use of ductile weldable steel. For this, we have used a hydraulic machine to break by traction all the test samples that arrived to the laboratory, following the specifications of the UNE 7474-1:1992 and the UNE 7474-2:1992. The results indicate that only in 86 % of the cases does the steel B400SD satisfy the limits specified by the UNE 36065:1999-EX, as opposed to 95 and 94 % of the B400S and B500S steels. In addition, the ductile weldable steel registered mean values lower than those of B400S. This finding disagrees with expectations set by the specifications.

    Se realizaron varios ensayos sobre las barras de acero utilizadas en la construcción de obra civil en Almería, durante el período comprendido entre 18/1/2000 y 7/05/2001, con el fin de caracterizar, mecánicamente, los diferentes tipos de aceros (soldables: B400S, B500S y soldable dúctil: B400SD y, de esta forma, determinar si existe alguna razón técnica para un incremento del consumo del acero soldable dúctil. Para ello, se ensayaron a tracción todas las muestras que llegaron al laboratorio, siguiendo las normas UNE 7474-1:1992 y UNE 7474-2:1992. Los resultados indican que el acero B400SD cumple, sólo, en un 86 % los límites especificados en la norma UNE 36065:1999 -EX, frente al 95 y 94 % de los aceros B400S y B500S. Además, el acero soldable dúctil muestra unos valores medios inferiores al B400S. Este hecho discrepa de lo que se podría esperar según la norma que lo regula.

  7. Desempeño de insertos de WC recubiertos con nanomulticapas de [TiN/TiAlN]n en el mecanizado del acero endurecido AISI 4340

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    Luis Henry Moreno


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados de la resistencia al desgaste de insertos de carburo de tungsteno (WC sin recubrir y recubiertos con multinanocapas de [TiN/TiAlN]n con un espesor total promedio del recubrimiento de 4 ¿m, así como de insertos recubiertos con monocapas comerciales de TiCN-Al2O3-TiN (TINAL. Se realizaron ensayos de vida útil, análisis de temperatura en la zona de corte, mediciones de rugosidad superfi cial sobre la pieza y sobre los insertos en la superfi cie de ataque, análisis de huella de contacto entre viruta-insertos y análisis de composición química (EDS. Los ensayos se realizaron sobre piezas de acero AISI 4340 utilizando régimen de corte de acabado y aplicando altas velocidades de corte (HSC. Los resultados de mecanizado de acero, para un recorrido de 8.000 metros con diferentes insertos de carburo de tungsteno (WC, sin recubrimiento y recubiertos presentaron valores de desgaste de 0,117 mm y 0,138 mm; en relación a los insertos recubiertos con 300 y 200 bicapas de TiN/TiAlN, respectivamente. De igual manera, los insertos recubiertos con TINAL exhibieron valores de desgaste de 0,174 mm. Además, los valores de temperatura en la zona de corte y para una velocidad de corte de 176,6 m/mim fueron de 522,6 oC para los recubrimientos con 300 bicapas, de 721,4 oC para aquellos con 200 bicapas, y de 1.327,6 oC para los insertos recubiertos con TINAL. La disminución de la temperatura en la zona de corte, relacionada con un menor coefi ciente de fricción y una menor fuerza de corte, contribuyeron al alargamiento de la vida útil de los insertos.

  8. Comportamiento a la Corrosión del Acero API X70 Soldado por el Proceso de Doble Arco Sumergido Inmerso en Diferentes Medios Corrosivos


    Montes, Omar Francisco; Garcés, Rocío Saldaña; Reyes, Felipe A. Reyes; Robledo, Patricia del Carmen Zambrano; López, Francisco H. Estupiñán; Calderón, Facundo Almeraya


    Resumen Los aceros API X70 son aplicados en fabricación y construcción de tuberías para el transporte de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, a un lapso de tiempo se degradan debido al medio ambiente al cual están expuestos; influyendo en la velocidad y tipo de corrosión sobre las superficies del metal base (MB), zona afectada por el calor (ZAC) y zona de fusión (ZF). A fin de conocer y evaluar la susceptibilidad a la corrosión en uniones del acero API X70 sometido a diferentes medios corrosivos, vari...

  9. Desarrollo de aceros reforzados con carburos primarios vía metalurgia líquida

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    Agote, I.


    Full Text Available The steel reinforcement by means of the addition of primary carbides via liquid metallurgy needs to fulfill two essential requirements to be technically viable: the development of a solid reinforcing product which is appropriate to be mixed with the steel and the optimization of the metallurgic addition of these reinforcing particles into the liquid steel. Besides, the improvement of the reinforced alloy characteristics is directly related to the particles' nature of reinforcing particles, their homogeneous and uniform distribution in the matrix and their size and morphology. The manufacture of these carbides by SHS ('Self propagating High temperature Synthesis' and their addition before steel is poured into moulds allows achieving the above-mentioned conditions.

    Para que el reforzamiento de los aceros con carburos primarios vía metalurgia líquida sea técnicamente viable se requiere del desarrollo de un tipo de producto reforzante sólido, adecuado para su incorporación al acero, así como de la optimización de dicha vía metalúrgica de adición del producto reforzante al material base en estado líquido. Además, la mejora de características de la aleación reforzada es función directa de la naturaleza de las partículas, de su homogénea y uniforme distribución en la matriz y del tamaño y morfología regular de las mismas. Estas condiciones se consiguen cuando las partículas de carburo se elaboran previamente mediante la técnica SHS (selfpropagating high temperature synthesis y se añaden al baño de acero líquido previo a su colada en moldes o lingoteras.

  10. Mejoramiento de la resistencia a la corrosión del acero AISI 4140 utilizando multicapas de titanio/nitruro de titanio

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    Faber Correa


    Full Text Available El acero 4140 se utiliza ampliamente en la fabricación de partes de máquinas con durezas entre 25-35 Rockwell C. Sin embargo, su vida útil se ve limitada por su baja resistencia al desgaste y a la corrosión. Con el fin de mejorar su comportamiento frente a la corrosión se depositaron multicapas de Titanio/Nitruro de Titanio (Ti/TiN sobre substratos de acero 4140 mediante un sistema multi-blanco d.c. magnetrón sputtering a partir de un blanco de Ti de alta pureza (99,99% en una atmósfera de Ar/N2. Con el objeto de estudiar el efecto del número de capas sobre la velocidad de corrosión de las películas depositadas, se crecieron multicapas con 1, 5, 10, 15, y 20 bicapas de [Ti /TiN], manteniendo un espesor total constante de 3 um en todas ellas. Las fases existentes y composición química de los recubrimientos fueron analizados mediante espectroscopía de difracción de rayos X (XRD y espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDX respectivamente. Las muestras de acero sin y con recubrimiento se caracterizaron además por Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS y curvas de polarización Tafel. Se encontró que la velocidad de corrosión tuvo una disminución alrededor del 87% en el acero recubierto con 20 bicapas de Ti/TiN en comparación al acero sin recubrir y del 25% respecto a la muestra recubierta con 1 bicapa, lo cual evidencia el efecto positivo del incremento del período en las películas delgadas basadas en multicapas de Ti/TiN.

  11. Producción de aceros al carbono en hornos de arco eléctrico en condiciones de mineral de manganeso. // Steel production in electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese.

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    E. E. Navas Medina


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye una segunda etapa de investigación relacionada con la producción de acero en hornos de arcoeléctrico con revestimiento básico en condiciones de utilización de mineral de manganeso como sustituto del ferromanganeso.En la investigación se caracteriza el acero producido utilizando el mineral de manganeso en dos variantes tecnológicasdiferentes y se determinan parámetros importantes, tales como la estructura del acero obtenido, la influencia de lacomposición química y la temperatura en la reducción del Mn. Adicionalmente, se determina la composición química de laescoria, su basicidad e influencia en el aprovechamiento del Mn del mineral, así como, lo que significa la sustitución delFeMn en la problemática medioambiental.Palabras claves: Producción de aceros al carbono, hornos de arco eléctricos, mineral de manganeso.______________________________________________________________________________Abstract:This present work constitutes the second stage of investigation in relation with the steel production bymeans of electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese ores as a substitute of theferromanganese. In the investigation, the steel manufactured is analyzed the manganese ore in twodifferent technological variants and some important parameters are determined such as: the chemicalcomposition's structure of the steel, the influence of temperature in the reduction of Mn. Moreover, ananalysis of the chemical composition of the slag and the influence in the environmental is realized.Key words: Carbon steel production, electric arc furnaces, manganese mineral.

  12. Estudio de la resistencia a la abrasión de capas vitrocerámicas depositadas sobre acero

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    Gómez de Salazar, J. M.


    Full Text Available Wear test has been completed on two types of layered materials: a non-reinforced enamel plate and a ceramic reinforced enamel plate. The latter has been tested in two forms: with 10 wt. % and 20 wt. % ceramic particles reinforcement. For comparison the same test has also been completed on polished steel. Wear resistance was measure using a tribometer, equipped with a chromium steel sphere of 6 mm diameter. The sphere-plate surface contact area increases with distance covered, which in the polished steel provokes exponential increments in wear values. This exponential behaviour was not observed in the enamel plates due to their greater wear resistance. The reinforcement of the enamel plates with ceramic particles increases the wear resistance. A higher percentage of ceramic reinforcement results in a greater wear resistance of the plates.

    Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste, tanto en placas esmaltadas sin refuerzo como en esmaltes con distinto porcentaje de carga cerámica (10 y 20% en peso, y se han comparado frente al del acero base pulido. Las medidas de resistencia a la abrasión se han obtenido utilizado un tribómetro con bola de acero al cromo de 6 mm de diámetro. El aumento de la superficie de contacto bola-placa a medida que aumenta la distancia recorrida, provoca aumentos exponenciales en los desgastes en el caso del acero pulido. Sin embargo, en el caso de las chapas esmaltadas no se observa este comportamiento, debido a la mayor resistencia al desgaste de las mismas. Cuando las capas esmaltadas están reforzadas con cargas cerámicas, la resistencia al desgaste aumenta con el porcentaje de refuerzo cerámico.


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    Full Text Available El acero ferrítico T91 ha sido ampliamente utilizado en plantas de generación de energía eléctrica, calderas y plantas nucleares. Sin embargo, su resistencia a la oxidación se ve gravemente afectada a temperaturas superiores a los 600ºC. En esta investigación se empleó la técnica de cementación empacada para aluminizar un acero T91 y se encontraron las condiciones óptimas para la formación de un recubrimiento libre de porosidad y con espesor uniforme (300 micras. Se evaluó la capa de óxido formada luego de una exposición a 800ºC en atmósfera de aire. La caracterización del recubrimiento y de la capa de óxido (Al2O3 se llevó a cabo empleando un microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM, Espectroscopia de Rayos X (EDX y mapping. Se comprobó una buena resistencia a la oxidación del acero T91 aluminizado, debido a la formación de una fina capa continua de óxido de aluminio de aproximadamente 6 micras de espesor luego de una exposición de 7 días.

  14. Influencia sobre los tratamientos térmicos del contenido de aluminio de aceros no aleados

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    Carreras, L.


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this article is to determine the optimal level of aluminum content in plain steels to have the optimal mechanical properties by means of surface heat treatments. Various plain steels with different aluminium content have been studied. The importance of treatment temperature is analyzed. The influence of other factors, like nitrogen content or the homogenous distribution of particles, is evaluated. It is concluded that the aluminum composition of plain steels that are subjected to heat treatments should not exceed 0.02 %.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el intervalo óptimo de contenidos de aluminio en aceros no aleados para los que se consiguen las propiedades mecánicas óptimas mediante tratamientos térmicos de superficie. Se estudian diferentes coladas de acero en las que varía el contenido de aluminio y las temperaturas de tratamiento. Se evalúa la importancia de otros factores tales como el contenido de nitrógeno y la homogeneidad en la distribución de partículas endurecedoras. Se llega a la conclusión de que los aceros no aleados destinados a tratamientos térmicos no deben tener un contenido de aluminio superior al 0,02 %.

  15. Métodos electroquímicos semicuantitativos de estudio de lo corrosión por picaduras del acero para armaduras de hormigón

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    Andrade Perdrix, M. C.


    Full Text Available El acero embebido en el hormigón se encuentra sometido a un medio de elevada alcalinidad (pH comprendido entre 12 y 13, debido a la cal libre, a los álcalis que contiene el cemento, y al Ca(0H2 que se forma durante la hidratación de los silicatos. En esta situación, el acero se halla recubierto por una capa de óxidos e hidróxidos estables que lo mantienen pasivado, interponiendo una barrera entre él y los agentes agresivos.

  16. Influencia de la termodependencia de las propiedades físicas del acero en la simulación por elementos finitos del proceso de soldadura

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    Félix Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un modelo de elementos finitos para simular la unión a tope, con electrodo E 7018 de 3,2 mm de diámetro, de dos placas de acero con bajo contenido de carbono y baja aleación. Adicionalmente, se estudia la influencia sobre la distribución de temperaturas en la placa al considerar la termo-dependencia de diferentes propiedades físicas del acero (conductividad térmica y calor específico.

  17. Recubrimiento de acero con polidopamina


    Carrasco Rodríguez, Javier


    Se ha obtenido recubrimientos de polidopamina en acero mecánicamente resistentes y con tiempos de obtención relativamente pequeños a través de la polimerización de la dopamina bajo diferentes condiciones.

  18. Mecanismos de fractura a alta temperatura en aceros eléctricos no-orientados

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    García-Sánchez, E. O.


    Full Text Available In this research work the effect of deformation temperature on the hot ductility of non-oriented electrical steels (0.6 % Si-0.3 Al % was studied using high temperature tensile tests. The specimens were machined from two thin slabs (50 mm thickness produced by CSP process (Compact Strip Process, one of them using 100 % sponge iron and the other using 67 % scrap and 33 % sponge iron. The tensile tests were carried out at constant strain rate (5×1010–4 s–1, and a temperature range from 850 to 1,200 °C. The results showed that the ductility decreased with the increment in the temperature until approximately 1,000 °C. At higher temperatures, a ductility recovery was observed only in the steel fabricated without scrap. Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces showed that the loss of ductility is associated with intergranular cracking promoted by the austenitic transformation and AlN grain boundaries precipitation.

    Se investigó el efecto de la temperatura de deformación sobre la ductilidad de aceros eléctricos de grano no-orientado (0,6 % Si-0,3 % Al mediante ensayos de tracción uniaxial. Las probetas se obtuvieron de planchones delgados (50 mm de espesor tipo CSP (Continuous Strip Processing fabricados a partir de 100 % hierro esponja y una mezcla de 67 % chatarra y 33 % de hierro esponja. El rango de temperatura de estudio fue de 850 a 1.200 °C y los ensayos se llevaron a cabo a una velocidad de deformación constante de 5×10–4 s–1. Los resultados experimentales demostraron que la ductilidad (% RA disminuye con el aumento en la temperatura hasta un mínimo a ~1.000 °C. A temperaturas mayores, la ductilidad del acero fabricado a partir de 100 % hierro esponja se recupera. Este efecto no fue observado en el acero fabricado a partir de chatarra. La caracterización de las superficies de fractura mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido demostró que la pérdida de

  19. Technological impact in steels degree API 5L X-70 for the manufacture of resistant ducts of 36 inches of diameter to the bitter gas; Impacto tecnologico de aceros grado API 5L X-70 para la fabricacion de ductos de 36 pulgadas de diametro resistentes al gas amargo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aramburo Perez, G.; Garcia Galan, S.; Perez Campos, R.; Juarez Islas, J.A. [Facultad de Quimica, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    Several steel plates in the as-hot rolled plus cooled condition were studied, in order to evaluate the impact of the steelmaking route and the controlled thermomechanical processing plus the cooling media. The steelmaking route to produce the slabs involved the use of 100% sponge iron which was feed into an electric arc furnace, vacuum degassed, ladle treated and continuously cast. After soaking, a controlled thermomechanical processing the resulting steel plates cooled in air showed a banded structure, which sometimes presented a central segregation region. The worst plates with a central segregation region showed intermetallic compounds in it. After modifications of the steelmaking route and the controlled thermomechanical/cooling schedule, a steel plate with a ferritic microstructure plus 0.5% in vol of bainite was obtained. This microstructure together with the resulting mechanical properties, fulfilled the API grade 5LX-70 properties, required by the petroleum industry. [Spanish] Se evaluo el impacto del proceso en la fabricacion de planchones de acero grado APIX-70, asimismo, el proceso de deformacion termomecanico controlado, mas enfriamiento de placas. El proceso para producir los planchones involucra el uso de 100% de hierro esponja, el cual es alimentado a un horno electrico, desgasificado al vacio y colado continuamente. Al planchon resultante se le aplica un programa de laminacion en caliente controlado y a las placas resultantes se le aplica un enfriamiento al aire o acelerado. La mayoria de las placas enfriadas al aire mostraron una estructura bandeada, algunas presentaron una region con segregacion central y otras las segregacion central mas la presencia de intermetalicos. Despues de modificar el proceso de fabricacion del acero, su control termomecanico y su programa de enfriamiento, se obtuvo una placa con una microestructura ferrifica mas un 0.5% en volumen de bainita. Esta microestructura junto con el resultado de sus propiedades mecanicas

  20. El acero que nunca se fundió. Una reseña sobre Stalin

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    Iñaki Oneca Agurruza


    Full Text Available Era el 5 de marzo de 1953 cuando murió el fetiche, el gurú, el símbolo. Stalin significa “acero”, y precisamente una de las cosas que se reprochó al joven revolucionario, tras la adopción de este apodo, era que el acero era duro pero también frío. Así iniciamos esta breve nota sobre la figura de uno de los personajes clave del siglo XX.

  1. Producción de aceros al carbono en hornos de arco eléctrico en condiciones de mineral de manganeso.

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    E. E. Navas Medina


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye una segunda etapa de investigación relacionada con la producción de acero en hornos de arco eléctrico con revestimiento básico en condiciones de utilización de mineral de manganeso como sustituto del ferro-manganeso. En la investigación se caracteriza el acero producido utilizando el mineral de manganeso en dos variantes tecnológicas diferentes y se determinan parámetros importantes, tales como la estructura del acero obtenido, la influencia de la composición química y la temperatura en la reducción del Mn. Adicionalmente, se determina la composición química de la escoria, su basicidad e influencia en el aprovechamiento del Mn del mineral, así como, lo que significa la sustitución del FeMn en la problemática medioambiental. This present work constitutes the second stage of investigation in relation with the steel production by means of electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese ores as a substitute of the ferromanganese. In the investigation, the steel manufactured is analyzed the manganese ore in two different technological variants and some important parameters are determined such as: the chemical composition's structure of the steel, the influence of temperature in the reduction of Mn. Moreover, an analysis of the chemical composition of the slag and the influence in the environmental is realized.





    Los sistemas concreto-acero de refuerzo son considerados estructuras durables y resistentes; sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo se ven afectados por problemas de corrosión, la cual, se desarrolla cuando los cloruros se encuentran más allá de un cierto nivel umbral, en el que se inicia la despasivación o la ruptura la capa pasiva que protege al acero de refuerzo. Para contrarrestar los daños ocasionados por la corrosión, se han propuestos varios métodos para disminuir y/o preve...


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    Juan P. Bortolozzi


    Full Text Available Se obtuvo un catalizador estructurado por recubrimiento de Pt/Al2O3 sobre las paredes de una espuma de acero inoxidable AISI 314. Para estabilizar térmicamente e incrementar la rugosidad de la superficie de la espuma original se realizó un tratamiento a 900°C por 2 h. El soporte, Al2O3, y el metal activo, Pt, se incorporaron por inmersión. Las técnicas de caracterización aplicadas, XRD, LRS y SEM-EDX, permiten concluir que el tratamiento térmico previo indujo la formación de óxido de cromo y de las espinelas Mn1+xCr2-xO4-x y FeCr2O4 como fases principales en las paredes del sustrato. El espesor de la capa formada es cercano a 1 μm y los cristales producidos tienen forma octaédrica. El cubrimiento de alúmina presentó en general una apariencia homogénea, sin interacción con los óxidos formados durante el tratamiento. El Pt se distribuyó de manera uniforme, resultando un catalizador muy activo para la reacción test elegida: oxidación de monóxido de carbono.

  4. Resistencia a la oxidación de aleaciones Ni-Cr-Al plaqueadas por láser sobre aceros al carbono e inoxidables austeníticos

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    de Damborenea, J.


    Full Text Available Laser surface cladding has been carried out by means of a 5 kW CO2 continuous wave laser on both a mild and a stainless steel. A powder injection technique has been used to deliver a Ni-Cr-Al alloy onto the steel molten pool. After processing, samples were analyzed by optical and scanning electron microscopy in order to know the microstructure and composition of present phases. High temperature corrosion resistance tests were done in an oxidant environment at temperatures of 950 °C. Phase transformations and corrosion behaviour are discussed. A general conclusion is the suitability of these alloys to bear oxidation due to the formation of protective oxide layers on their surface.

    Se realiza un estudio sobre la obtención de recubrimientos de superficie mediante un láser continuo de CO2 de 5 kW de potencia de salida. Mediante la técnica de inyección de partículas, se realizaron plaqueados en superficie de Ni-Cr-Al sobre un acero suave y otro inoxidable de tipo 316. Tras el procesado, se estudió la microestructura de las probetas obtenidas. Posteriormente, se procedió a su ensayo en atmósfera oxidante a 950 °C, observándose la evolución de la microestructura, la formación de las capas de óxido y la cinética del proceso. Como conclusión general, destaca, independientemente de la base sobre la que se obtienen los recubrimientos, la gran resistencia del material a la oxidación, seguramente debida a la formación de capas de alúmina que actúan como barreras frente al ataque del oxidante.

  5. Estudio del desgaste de aceros rápidos pulvimetalúrgicos M3/2 reforzados con carburo de niobio mediante el ensayo pin-on-disk

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    Candela, N.


    Full Text Available In this work, composite materials M3/2 high-speed steel reinforced with 5,10 and 15 %, in volume, of niobium carbide have been obtained to improve the wear behaviour. The materials were prepared by powder metallurgy using steel and carbide powders that were mechanically ball milled in a planetary mill, and then hot isostatically pressed. The wear behaviour was determined by pin-on-disk tests. The materials present a microstructure consisting of grains with a few microns in size and fine MC and M6C particles homogeneously dispersed in its interior. In the case of reinforced materials, reinforcing carbides particles are placed mainly at the surface of the prior steel powder particle boundaries. The wear behaviour was evaluated from friction and wear coefficients, and also from weight loss. The addition of niobium carbide improves the wear properties of the tool steel in both martensitic and tempered conditions. A decrease of the weight loss and the wear coefficient is observed with increasing volume fraction of NbC

    En este trabajo se han preparado materiales compuestos de acero rápido M3/2 reforzado con un 5, un 10 y un 15 % en volumen de carburos de niobio con el objeto de mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas y resistencia al desgaste. La fabricación de los distintos materiales compuestos se realizó mediante molienda mecánica de polvo de acero rápido y carburo en un molino de alta energía, y compactación isostática en caliente. El comportamiento al desgaste se determinó a través de ensayos pin-on-disk. El material de partida presenta una microestructura con un tamaño de grano de pocas mieras y pequeños carburos MC y M6C homogéneamente dispersos en su interior. En el caso de los materiales reforzados, las partículas reforzantes de carburo se sitúan mayoritariamente sobre la superficie de las partículas originales de polvo de acero. El comportamiento al desgaste se evaluó a partir del coeficiente

  6. Efectos del tratamiento térmico en la fractura de aceros

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    Héctor Hernández A.


    Full Text Available No obstante de los avances logrados en otros tipos de aleaciones, los aceros se siguen utilizando en forma extensiva en la construcción de elementos estructurales, porque con una adecuada selección y tratamiento técnico, los aceros permiten obtener una conveniente combinación de propiedades mecánicas ante unas exigencias específicas de servicio. La fractura en elementos de máquinas frecuentemente se encuentra asociada a una discontinuidad, la cual provoca una concentración de esfuerzo, lo que puede originar sitios de iniciación de una falla por fractura. La carga límite de fractura es afectada por parámetros geométricos, naturaleza y tipo de carga y propiedades mecánicas del material. La mayoría de fallas por fractura de elementos de máquinas son fallas por fatiga; por lo general una fractura por fatiga tiene lugar por una progresiva generación y crecimiento de grietas hasta obtenerse una condición crítica de fractura súbita de la sección residual resistente. Frecuentemente en una fractura por fatiga se observan marcas de playa, las cuales son evidencias de la posición del frente de grietas antes que se alcance la condición de fractura súbita final. En este trabajo se muestra como el tratamiento térmico de temple y revenido de los aceros afecta el esfuerzo límite de falla por fractura para carga de tracción estática y carga de fatiga uniaxial con la presencia de una entalla severa. También se estudia el efecto del tratamiento térmico en la tenacidad de fractura, propiedad que cuantifica la resistencia al crecimiento súbito de una grieta bajo carga estática.

  7. Estudio para la optimización de la composición de un HACFRA (hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero estructural

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    Orbe, A.


    Full Text Available The interest of HACFRA (self compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers, is the combination of the residual strength increase and cracking decrease compared to plain concrete by the introduction of steel fibers in the mass with the advantages of the self-compacting. The paper presents an analysis of the influence of different components of the HACRFA and provides their selection, refered to the granular skeleton and to different steel fiber types and amount, in order to obtain an optimization of its features and structural behavior.El interés de un HACFRA (Hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero, radica en la combinación del incremento de capacidad resistente con respecto al hormigón y disminución de la fisuración, aportada por la introducción de fibras de acero, con las ventajas de la puesta en obra que supone la autocompactación. El artículo analiza la influencia de los diferentes componentes que integran el HACRFA, proponiendo una selección de los mismos, referidos tanto al esqueleto granular como a los diferentes tipos y densidades de fibras de acero, en base a la obtención de sus características y de un comportamiento estructural optimizado.





    En este trabajo, se propone un tratamiento de conversión química base cerio sobre acero de bajo carbono para obtener un incremento en las propiedades de protección y ser utilizado como una preparación de superficie para un pintado posterior. El nitrato de cerio fue elegido como precursor y se utilizaron tres métodos para la obtención de películas sobre la superficie de acero al carbono. Las películas son formadas utilizando o no el H2O2, sin embargo, el papel del H2O2 es el de ...

  9. Comparación de la microestructura y propiedades de impacto de dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono

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    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Two ferrous laminated composites containing six layers have been processed by roll bonding. One of them consists of three layers of an ultrahigh carbon steel (1.3%C UHCS interlayered with other three layers of a microalloyed steel. The other composite consists of three layers of UHCS and three layers of a mild steel. Microstructure, Vickers hardness and impact properties have been studied. The absorbed energy values of the two laminated composites were higher than that of the UHCS.

    Se procesaron mediante laminación en caliente dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono (AUAC, 1,3%C de seis capas cada uno: El primero está compuesto por tres capas de AUAC alternadas con tres capas de un acero microaleado, y el segundo con tres del mismo AUAC alternadas con tres de un acero suave. Se ha realizado un estudio de sus microestructuras, dureza Vickers y propiedades de impacto. Se han mejorado los valores de energía absorbida de los dos materiales compuestos laminados respecto al del AUAC.

  10. Conformado por vía coloidal de recubrimientos en la cara interna de un tubo de acero

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    Ferrari, B.


    Full Text Available The development of new coating processes has important limitations related to the films thickness and the geometry of the coating substrates. In this work, two colloidal forming processes are proposed for manufacturing ceramic and metallic coatings on the inner surface of a steel pipe. Ceramic coatings of CaCO3 have been formed by electrophoretic deposition (EPD. Aqueous stable suspensions were prepared and a electrophoretic cell was designed, in which the steel tube to be coated acted simultaneously as container and working electrode. Nickel films were prepared by filling the pipe with the suspension and rotating to fully wet the steel surface. Nickel suspensions were formulated focusing an improved wettability and adherence to the steel surface by using binders. From these processes, ceramic and metallic coatings with 300- 350 μm in thickness, homogeneous and strongly adhered to the inner surface of the steel pipe have been obtained.

    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de fabricación de recubrimientos presenta importantes limitaciones relativas a los espesores de las capas fabricadas y a la geometría de los substratos a recubrir. En este trabajo se proponen dos procesos de conformado coloidal de revestimientos cerámicos y metálicos en la cara interna de un tubo de acero. El revestimiento cerámico (CaCO3 se ha conformado por deposición electroforética (EPD. Para ello se han preparado suspensiones estables de CaCO3 en agua, y se ha diseñado una célula electroforética en la que el tubo es a la vez el contenedor y el electrodo de trabajo. El revestimiento metálico (níquel se ha fabricado por vertido de una suspensión estable sobre el propio tubo de acero. Para ello se han acondicionado las suspensiones con el objetivo de mejorar el mojado y la adherencia sobre el acero. A partir de los procesos de EPD y vertido se han obtenido revestimientos cerámicos y metálicos, respectivamente, con espesores de 300-350 μm, homogéneos y

  11. Estudio de electrodeposición de cobre sobre electrodos porosos de grafito y acero inoxidable vía SEM-DRX y análisis de imagen


    Constanzo-R., Robinson; Pagliero-N., Antonio; Vergara-G., Froilán


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativo de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el interior de electrodos porosos (EP) de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de laboratorio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al i...

  12. Application of digital image processing to determine the causes of failures in SAE 1018 carbon steel; Aplicacion del procesamiento digital de imagenes para la determinacion de las causas que provocan fallas en el acero al carbono SAE 1018

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bolanos-Rodriguez, E [Escuela Superior de Tizayuca, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Tizayuca, Hidalgo (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Gonzalez-Islas, J.C. [Universidad Tecnologica de Tulancingo, Tulancingo, Hidalgo (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Felipe-Riveron, E.M. [Centro de Investigacion en Computacion, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The research is focused on determining the causes of failures in the SAE 1018 carbon steel that is used in pipes carrying drinking water. Digital processing of images captured by photomicrographs by scanning electron microscopy coupled with the technique of X-ray microanalysis. The results demonstrate that the low quality of the raw materials and the manufacturing process of steel are the reasons for the occurrence of cracks observed in the material. [Spanish] La investigacion se centra en determinar las causas que provocan fallas en el acero al carbono SAE 1018 que es utilizado en tuberias que transportan agua potable. Se emplea el procesamiento digital de imagenes de las microfotografias captadas por medio de microscopia electronica de barrido, unido a la tecnica de microanalisis de rayos X. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la baja calidad de las materias primas y el proceso de manufactura del acero son las razones de la ocurrencia de fisuras observadas en el material.

  13. Influencia del Calor Aportado y Metal de Aporte Sobre las Propiedades Mecánicas y la Microestructura de Juntas Soldadas por FCAW de Acero Microaleado de Alta Resistencia

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    César Marconi


    Full Text Available ResumenActualmente, los aceros microaleados son ampliamente utilizados en reemplazo de los aceros al C y C-Mn por sus ventajas en cuanto a propiedades mecánicas, resistencia a la corrosión y soldabilidad, permitiendo una reducción de peso de los vehículos y estructuras sin detrimento de su resistencia. Cuando estos aceros son soldados, el ciclo térmico de la soldadura provoca cambios microestructurales que modifican sus propiedades originales. El calor aportado (HI: heat input es una de las principales variables a tener en cuenta cuando se evalúan estas modificaciones. Las propiedades finales de la unión soldada también se definen por el tipo de consumible utilizado. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las propiedades mecánicas y la microestructura de juntas soldadas a tope de un acero microaleado con dos grados de metal de aporte y diferentes HI. Como resultado del trabajo se observó un aumento considerable de tamaño de grano en la ZAC adyacente a la línea de fusión para todas las condiciones, siendo este efecto más marcado cuando se soldó con alto HI; y un ablandamiento en la ZAC de grano fino. Prácticamente se mantuvieron los valores de resistencia a la tracción al soldar con ambos consumibles, con un mejor desempeño cuando se soldó con bajo HI. La tenacidad en la ZAC mejoró con la disminución del HI.

  14. Caracterización termomecánica de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI-304


    El Wahabi, Mohammed


    El control de la microestructura necesita la optimización de las condiciones del conformado en caliente. La recristalización dinámica es el fenómeno protagonista durante un proceso termomecánico, por lo que tiene un interés industrial, permitiendo mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables mediante el afinamiento de grano, y al mismo tiempo aumentar la resistencia a la fragilización y a la corrosión. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento termomec...


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    Lina P. Gallo-Arciniegas


    Full Text Available En Colombia, el uso del concreto reforzado con fibras de acero (CRFA es muy limitado, debido a que en el país no existe suficiente evidencia experimental y requisitos reglamentarios al respecto. En el artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación experimental y analítica sobre el comportamiento del CRFA elaborado con fibras ZP-306, sometidas a esfuerzos de compresión. El estudio involucra la revisión y discusión de los modelos disponibles en la literatura, así como un programa experimental que incluye el ensayo de 48 especímenes. A partir de un análisis de regresión de los datos medidos, se proponen ecuaciones para estimar las principales propiedades mecánicas del CRFA, tales como resistencia a compresión, módulo de elasticidad y relación de Poisson. Las ecuaciones correlacionan las propiedades mecánicas con las principales características de las fibras de acero, tales como dosificación y relación de aspecto.

  16. Elasto-plastic hardening models adjustment to ferritic, austenitic and austenoferritic Rebar; Ajuste de los aceros corrugados ferríticos, austeníticos y austenoferríticos a los modelos de endurecimiento elastoplástico por deformación

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    Hortigóna, B.; Gallardo, J.M.; Nieto-García, E.J.; López, J.A.


    The elastoplastic behaviour of steel used for structural member fabrication has received attention to facilitate a mechanical-resistant design. New Zealand and South African standards have adopted various theoretical approaches to describe such behaviour in stainless steels. With respect to the building industry, describing the tensile behaviour of steel rebar used to produce reinforced concrete structures is of interest. Differences compared with the homogenous material described in the above mentioned standards and related literatures are discussed in this paper. Specifically, the presence of ribs and the TEMPCORE® technology used to produce carbon steel rebar may alter the elastoplastic model. Carbon steel rebar is shown to fit a Hollomon model giving hardening exponent values on the order of 0.17. Austenitic stainless steel rebar behaviour is better described using a modified Rasmussen model with a free fitted exponent of 6. Duplex stainless steel shows a poor fit to any previous model. [Spanish] Uno de los principales factores tenidos en cuenta en la fabricación de aceros estructurales es su comportamiento durante la fase elastoplástica o de endurecimiento por deformación. Normas neozelandesas y sudafricanas plantean diversas aproximaciones teóricas para describir dicho comportamiento en el caso de los aceros inoxidables. En el campo de la construcción resulta de interés la descripción del comportamiento tenso-deformacional de los aceros corrugados utilizados en las estructuras de hormigón armado. En este artículo se discuten los modelos planteados en las normas citadas anteriormente así como los existentes en la literatura tanto para los aceros corrugados inoxidables como para los aceros al carbono fabricados mediante el proceso denominado TEMPCORE® Los aceros TEMPCORE® analizados arrojan un valor del exponente de endurecimiento por deformación según el modelo de Hollomon de 0.17. Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos se ajustan mejor al modelo

  17. Estudio de microestructura y composición de la oxidación en vapor a 700 y 750oC de los aceros austeníticos AISI 304, 316 y 317

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    José Luddey Marulanda


    Full Text Available Se ha investigado la oxidación de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI SAE: 304, 316 y 317; a temperaturas de 700 y 750oC, en una atmósfera próxima al 100% de vapor de agua, y de 10 a 1000h de exposición. La finalidad es comprobar la calidad de los aceros austeníticos y estudiar la morfología, composición y estructura de la fases de las capas formadas en la cascarilla del óxido de las muestras por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM, Análisis de Rayos X por Dispersión de Energía (EDAX y Difracción de Rayos X (XRD, respectivamente. Así como también, se ha realizado a diferentes tiempos un estudio sistemático de termogravimetría de las muestras oxidadas, donde se ha observado que el acero AISI 304 presentó la menor ganancia de masa y el acero AISI 316 fue el de mayor de masa respecto a los tres aceros del trabajo. Adicionalmente fue realizado un estudio teórico de simulación termodinámica de oxidación en vapor de los tres aceros, en las mismas condiciones experimentales y mediante el programa Thermo-calc. En estos aceros oxidados se han comprobado la presencia de estructuras de fases de óxidos como: Fe2O3, espinelas protectoras Fe3O4 y Cr2NiO4, y óxidos mixtos de tipo (CrxFey2O3, (Fe,Cr,Mn3O4 y Ni6MnO8. Finalmente, se discute un posible mecanismo de la formación de las capas de óxidos de las muestras ensayadas.

  18. Comportamiento frente al desgaste y fricción de aceros empleados en líneas de manutención aérea ensayados con y sin lubricación

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    Castro Regal, G.


    Full Text Available The sliding friction and wear behaviour of different steel qualities were investigated with and without lubrication conditions. Steel qualities tested are normally used in the overhead conveyor system of many industrial fields, like the automotive sector. Sliding wear tests have been conducted by means of a pin-on-disk machine. A 100Cr6 steel similar to that used within the overhead conveyor trolleys has been employed as a pin. Friction coefficient values obtained under lubrication conditions were three times smaller than those obtained without lubrication. The mechanism that controls wear behaviour under lubrication conditions is an abrasive one and the wear values obtained are almost worthless. On the other hand, mechanism controlling wear during non lubrication tests, was a combination of abrasion and adhesion

    Se ha evaluado el comportamiento frente a fricción y el desgaste de distintas calidades de acero ensayadas bajo condiciones de lubricación y sin lubricación. Las calidades de acero seleccionadas son las que normalmente se emplean en los sistemas de manutención aérea de numerosos procesos de producción, como la fabricación de automóviles. Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste tipo punzón-disco mediante un punzón de acero de calidad100Cr6, empleado en los carros que circulan por las líneas de manutención aérea. Se ha observado que el valor del coeficiente de fricción obtenido bajo condiciones de lubricaciones, aproximadamente, tres veces menor que el obtenido sin lubricación. Por otro lado, el mecanismo que controla el proceso de desgaste de los aceros ensayados con lubricación es un mecanismo de desgaste abrasivo y los valores de desgaste obtenidos son prácticamente despreciables. El desgaste de los aceros ensayados sin lubricación se produjo por combinación de dos mecanismos de desgaste: abrasión y adhesión.

  19. Repair by weld of steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V steel; Reparacion por soldadura de rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros al Cr-Mo-V

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazur C, Zdzislaw; Hernandez R, Alejando [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Orozco S, Julian; Banuelos P, Jose E. [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    In this article an analysis is presented of the typical damages in steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V low alloy steels. An analysis of the weldability of the Cr-Mo-V steel is carried out and a classification of the possible types of repairs of the turbine rotors is presented, starting off from the causes and ways of presentation of the faults/deterioration of the rotor materials during the operation of the turbine. With base on the damages detected in the rotor of a gas turbine of 20.65 MW, the development of the repairing technology carried out by weld in site is presented. After the repair process, the rotor was put again in operation. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta un analisis de los danos tipicos en rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros de baja aleacion al Cr-Mo-V. Se lleva a cabo un analisis de la soldabilidad de los aceros al Cr-Mo-V y se presenta una clasificacion de los posibles tipos de reparaciones de los rotores de turbinas, partiendo de las causas y modos de presentacion de las fallas/deterioro del material de los rotores durante la operacion de la turbina. Con base en los danos detectados en el rotor de una turbina de gas de 20.65 MW, se presenta el desarrollo de la tecnologia de reparacion por soldadura llevada a cabo en sitio. Despues del proceso de reparacion, el rotor fue puesto nuevamente en servicio.

  20. Profundidad del surco gingival en dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo

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    Rubén Muñoz Delgado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el ajuste marginal y la profundidad del surco gingival en dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo. Métodos: Se midió la profundidad del surco gingival de 114 dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo en 67 niños, ambos sexos, de 3 a 6 años de edad de la clínica de Estomatología Pediátrica de la UATx, México. La población en estudio fue dividida en tres grupos: a experimental (n=30, b control (n=8, y c control negativo (n=29. Previo consentimiento informado se tomaron los índices de placa (LöeSilness 1967 e índice gingival en seis superficies; se midió el surco gingival con sonda periodontal y las coronas de acero cromo fueron evaluadas clínica y radiográficamente según su ajuste marginal y longitud cervical. Resultados: Los índices de placa y gingival no mostraron diferencias significativas para los grupos experimental y control negativo. El 34% de las coronas mostraron buen ajuste marginal, 33% un mal ajuste, 10.5% cortas, 7.9% largas y el 14% otro tipo de mal ajuste. La profundidad del surco gingival fue estadísticamente significativa para el primer y segundo molar inferior derechos y en los caninos inferiores (p >0.05; la superficie disto-vestibular presentó la mayor profundidad del surco gingival (2.34 mm, siendo estadísticamente significativa (p>0.05. Conclusiones: La profundidad del surco gingival fue mayor en los dientes rehabilitados con coronas de acero cromo mal ajustadas y sobre contorneadas (largas. La presencia de placa bacteriana y gingivitis estuvo relacionada con las coronas de acero cromo mal ajustadas.

  1. Simulación de la precipitación de inclusiones en diferentes etapas del procesamiento del acero líquido

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    Carreño, V.


    Full Text Available Steelmaking processes are continuously improved in order to attend the increasing requirements of the cleanness of the liquid metal. At the refining stages, as deoxidation and desulphuration, the formation of inclusions of oxides and sulphides is promoted, which on the other hand, are the most frequent inclusions. In this work a mathematical simulator of the precipitation and chemical composition of non-metallic inclusions at different steps of the steelmaking process is presented. To this purpose, it is assumed that inclusions formed by reoxidation can be simulated by increasing arbitrarily the oxygen levels consumed by the residual elements (aluminium, calcium, etc. and starting the chemical reaction with less powerful deoxidants (silicium and manganese. Accordingly, different operative conditions can be simulated. Numerical predictions are compared with experimental results of industrial trials, as well as results included in the bibliography.

    Los procesos de fabricación de acero se mejoran constantemente en respuesta a las demandas del consumidor que exige un mayor control de limpieza del metal líquido en las diversas etapas de su elaboración. En las etapas de refinación, como son desoxidación y desulfuración, se promueve la formación de inclusiones de óxidos y sulfuros, que por otra parte son las más frecuentes en el acero líquido. En este trabajo se presenta un simulador matemático que predice la precipitación y composición de las inclusiones no metálicas que se encuentran en el acero líquido en diferentes etapas de su procesamiento, asumiendo que las inclusiones formadas por reoxidación también se pueden simular al incrementar arbitrariamente los niveles de oxígeno que deberán consumir los elementos residuales altamente oxidables (Al, Ca, y empezar la reacción con los desoxidantes menores (Si y Mn. De esta manera se simulan diferentes condiciones de operación. Las predicciones numéricas se comparan con los

  2. Fuego y acero

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    Sfintesco, D.


    Full Text Available In a brief and appealing manner the author analysis the basic considerations which should be taken into account to deal effectively with the safety of steel structures in case of fire. He makes it clear that the safety measures must not be the result of a rather intuitive and hasty reaction to the possibility of a fire: for example, the costly covering of steel columns with fire resisting material, which in most cases is not necessary. A careful assessment of possible risks must be made, available means to reduce these must be adopted, and the potential losses in case of fire must be taken into account. The article is completed with a brief commentary on the new Italian Regulations, which are probably the most modern and advanced on this matter.El autor expone en este trabajo, en forma breve y llamativa, las bases en que conviene apoyarse para poder resolver racionalmente el problema de la seguridad de las estructuras de acero frente al fuego. Su lectura hace comprender claramente que no puede constituir esta base el temor irreflexivo, con sus secuelas de revestimientos y precauciones onerosos, e innecesarios la mayor parte de las veces, sino la ponderación prudente de los riesgos posibles, de los medios disponibles para combatir el peligro y de los daños probables que del incendio se puedan derivar. Termina el artículo con un rápido comentario del nuevo Reglamento italiano, probablemente el más moderno y avanzado de todos los existentes sobre esta materia de protección contra el fuego.

  3. Análisis comparativo de la calidad del acero de refuerzo distribuido en Boyacá

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    Jimmy Vergara Silva, Óscar Javier Gutiérrez Junco


    Full Text Available Presenta  los  resultados  del  análisis  comparativo  de barras de acero de refuerzo, según las exigencias de la Norma Técnica Colombiana NTC 2289 [1], realizado a cinco marcas diferentes distribuidas para la industria de  la  construcción  en  Boyacá.  Inicialmente  se caracterizaron  las barras de  acero mediante  ensayos, para  determinar  su  composición  química  y  sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas; las características de la fractura del acero de refuerzo se observaron con el microscopio  electrónico  de  barrido  (MEB. Adicionalmente,  se  analizaron  muestras  conmicroscopio óptico, con  técnicas de espectrometría paraobservar y determinar las características del metal base de  las probetas. Los resultados  indican que la calidad del acero de refuerzo distribuido en Boyacá cumple en un alto  porcentaje con las exigencias sismo-resistentes para construcción; sin embargo, es importante que los constructores realicen control de calidad.

  4. Evaluación del trabajo esencial de fractura en chapa de un acero de alta resistencia de fase dual

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    Gutiérrez, D.


    Full Text Available Fracture toughness of advanced high strength steels (AHSS, can be used to optimize crash behavior of structural components. However it cannot be readily measured in metal sheet because of the sheet thickness. In this work, the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF methodology is proposed to evaluate the fracture toughness of metal sheets. It has been successfully applied in polymers films and some metal sheets. However, their information about the applicability of this methodology to AHSS is relatively scarce. In the present work the fracture toughness of a Dual Phase (strength of 800 MPa and drawing steel sheets has been measured by means of the EWF. The results show that the test requirements are met and also show the clear influence of notch radii on the measured values, specially for the AHSS grade. Thus, the EWF is postulated as a methodology to evaluate the fracture toughness in AHSS sheets.

    La tenacidad de fractura de aceros de alta resistencia (AHSS, es una propiedad interesante para optimizar el comportamiento a impacto, pero su caracterización experimental en chapas metálicas es compleja debido a su espesor. En este trabajo se plantea el método del Trabajo Esencial de Fractura (TEF, como alternativa al cálculo de la tenacidad. Este método ya ha sido utilizado con éxito en polímeros y aceros dúctiles, aunque la información sobre su aplicación en AHSS es escasa. Se ha evaluado la tenacidad en un acero de fase dual de 800 MPa de resistencia y se ha comparado con la de un acero de embutición. Los resultados muestran que se cumplen los requisitos del método y ponen en evidencia la influencia del radio de entalla en el valor obtenido de TEF, especialmente para AHSS. Con todo ello, el método TEF se puede usar para caracterizar la tenacidad de AHSS en formato chapa.

  5. Recubrimientos de (ti,aln sobre acero aisi 4140 por sputtering reactivo

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    Full Text Available Empleando la técnica de Pulverización catódica con radiofrecuencia y magnetrón (Magnetron Sputtering RF, se prepararon películas de (Ti,AlN sobre sustratos de acero AISI 4140. Se utilizó un blanco formado con polvos metálicos de Ti y Al, con composición nominal 60% Ti y 40% Al (porcentaje en átomos y una razón de presiones parciales de nitrógeno - argón, PN2/PAr de 0,1 aproximadamente; la temperatura del sustrato se varió entre 260 y 330 ºC y el tiempo de deposición entre 2 y 4,5 horas para obtener películas con diferentes espesores. La composición química de las películas se determinó mediante la técnica de energía dispersada de rayos X (EDX, y su topografía mediante microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM. Igualmente se midió micro dureza, y se determinó su comportamiento electroquímico mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica EIS y ensayos TAFEL. Las películas obtenidas presentaron granos globulares, uniformes y de pequeño diámetro, con características electroquímicas de protección al sustrato frente a procesos de corrosión.

  6. Influencia de la ductilidad de las armaduras de acero en el comportamiento y la seguridad de losas de hormigón armado

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    Ortega, H.


    Full Text Available This work is based on the results and basic conclusions of author's doctoral thesis, directed by Professor José Calavera. On the one hand, a new form to measure the ductility of those steels used like reinforcement of concrete, is proposed, in order to be compared and classified in accordance with this one. On the other hand it has been studied the results of the tests on 12 continuous slabs of two equal spans, reinforced with four different steel types chosen so that, in the more requested section the steel will reach, in first place, its collapse (situation in the 2 domain, A pivot. The reinforcement to allow the mentioned extent, is provided with same nominal resistance steels and same diameter, but with - different ductility. The results of this experimental study, reveals the importance of the steel ductility concerning the behaviour and real security of the structure in front of the collapse, and furnish a group of conclusions and proposals concerning this interesting subject.

    Este trabajo se basa en los resultados y conclusiones básicas de la tesis doctoral del autor, dirigida por el Profesor D. José Calavera. Se propone, por un lado, una forma de medir mediante un único parámetro la ductilidad de los aceros utilizados como armaduras para hormigón armado, de forma que se puedan comparar y clasificar con arreglo al mismo. Por otro, se estudian los resultados de los ensayos sobre 12 losas continuas de dos vanos, de sección maciza, armadas con cuatro cuantías diferentes elegidas de forma que, en la sección más solicitada, sea el acero el que alcance, en primer lugar, su agotamiento (situación en el dominio 2, pivote A . El armado para conseguir las citadas cuantías se realiza con aceros de la misma resistencia nominal y del mismo diámetro, pero con distinta ductilidad. Los resultados de este estudio experimental, ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la ductilidad del acero en relación con el comportamiento, as

  7. Fragilización por hidrógeno en tuberías de acero


    Gutiérrez-Solana Salcedo, Federico


    Se pretende analizar el comportamiento en presencia de hidrogeno de las tuberías de acero de sistemas de transporte de combustibles gaseosos en uso para ello: 1.- Se estudia la sensibilidad a la fragilización por hidrogeno del acero de estas tuberías por dos métodos diferentes: polarización catódica y ambiente de hidrogeno gaseoso diseñando y construyendo una cámara para ensayos mecánicos en hidrogeno a presión primera de su genero en España. 2.- Se determina la tenacidad a fractura kic de es...



    Béjar, L; Hernández, C. A


    Se ha desarrollado un modelo matemático para la predicción de la curva de fluencia de la austenita deformada en aceros de baja aleación. Las ecuaciones constitutivas tienen en cuenta los mecanismos gobernantes durante la deformación plástica -responsables de la forma de la curva- y emplea las variables de proceso y la composición química del acero. Para una demostración de su precisión, el modelo propuesto se ha comparado con las curvas de fluencia clásicas de Cook en condiciones hasta dos ór...

  9. Degradación de la tenacidad al impacto durante el envejecimiento acelerado de soldadura en acero microaleado

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    Vargas-Arista, B.


    Full Text Available The effect of accelerated aging on the toughness and fracture of the longitudinal weld metal of an API5L-X52 linepipe steel was evaluated by Charpy V-notch impact test, fracture analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Aging was performed at 250 °C for 100 to 1000 h. The impact results indicated a significant reduction in the fracture energy and impact toughness as a function of aging time, which were achieved by the scanning electron microscope fractographs that showed a decrease in the vol fraction of microvoids by Charpy ductile failure with the aging time, which favored the brittle fracture by transgranular cleavage. The minimum vol fraction of microvoids was reached at 500 h due to the peak-aged. The microstructural analysis indicated the precipitation of transgranular iron nanocarbides in the aged specimens, which was related to the deterioration of toughness and change in the ductile to brittle behavior.

    Se evaluó, mediante el ensayo de impacto Charpy, fractografía y microscopia electrónica de transmisión el efecto del envejecimiento acelerado sobre la tenacidad y fractura de la soldadura en tubería de acero API5L-X52. El envejecimiento se realizó a 250 °C por 1.000 h, con control cada 100 h. Los resultados de impacto indicaron una disminución en la energía de fractura y tenacidad al impacto en función del tiempo del envejecimiento, los cuales se evidenciaron mediante fractografía, por la reducción en la fracción volumétrica de microhuecos por fractura dúctil con el tiempo, favoreciendo la fractura frágil por clivaje transgranular. Sin embargo, a 500 h, se observó la fracción volumétrica mínima debido al pico del envejecimiento. El análisis microestructural evidenció la precipitación de nanocarburos de hierro transgranulares en las muestras envejecidas, la cual se relaciono con la pérdida de tenacidad y cambio en el comportamiento dúctil a frágil, confirmado por fractografía.

  10. Procesos de conversión de acero y efecto de variables en convertidores tipo L.B.E.

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    Blanco, C.


    Full Text Available In order to determine control equations based on qualitative and quantitative changes of the raw materials, an analysis of the efficiency of the steel production process was carried out in converters under specified operation conditions. Empirical equations to obtain the final composition of the steel as a function of the additives, the initial concentrations of the hot metal and the blowing oxygen patterns are established. The resulting relationships depend on the considered variables and therefore could be used to determine operational strategies in order to obtain steels of a certain quality.

    Se analiza la eficacia de los procesos de transformación en convertidores en condiciones de trabajo determinadas, para deducir relaciones aplicables al control basadas en la modificación de cantidades y composiciones de las materias primas. Se plantean ecuaciones empíricas para determinar la composición final del acero como función de los aditivos y de las concentraciones iniciales del arrabio tratado, así como el patrón de soplado de oxígeno. Las relaciones obtenidas establecen las dependencias entre cada una de las variables consideradas y, por tanto, permiten determinar estrategias de operación para obtener aceros con unas calidades finales dadas.

  11. Influence of Cu alloying on hot ductility of C-Mn-Al and Ti-Nb microalloyed steels

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    Comineli, O.


    Full Text Available A beneficial effect of the copper on the hot ductility was observed in Ti-Nb microalloyed steels over the temperature range 800-1,000 °C at the cooling rate of 0.4 °C/s, but no influence at the cooling rate of 4 °C/s. Precipitates containing Nb and Ti were present whose size was coarser in the Cu-bearing grade as cooled at 0.4 °C/s. Cu-bearing precipitates were not found. In the C-Mn-Al steel, no influence of the copper on the hot ductility was recorded, but CuS particles were detected. Two mechanisms are proposed to explain the positive influence of the copper in the microalloyed steel. The first is that the copper atoms in the solid solution affect the activity of the carbon and the nitrogen analogically to the previously observed effect of the silicon, enhancing the precipitation at high temperatures, and another mechanism that the copper atoms can prolong the lifetime of vacancies generated by straining assisting the formation of TiNb-vacancy complexes and thereby coarsening the precipitates.

    Se ha observado un efecto beneficioso del cobre sobre la ductilidad en caliente del acero microaleado al Ti-Nb, en el rango de temperaturas 800-1.000 °C. La influencia fue observada a velocidades de enfriamiento bajas, 0,4 °C/s, mientras que a 4 °C/s no se aprecia. En el acero C-Mn-Al, la influencia de cobre no fue detectada. En el acero microaleado se detectó la presencia de precipidados que contienen niobio y titanio, la dimensión de los cuales es mayor cuando se enfría a 0,4 °C/s. En este acero no se detectó la presencia de precipitados con contenidos de cobre, en contraste con el acero C-Mn-Al, donde sí se observaron partículas de CuS. Se proponen dos mecanismos para explicar la influencia positiva del cobre en aceros microaleados. El primero es el aumento de la actividad de carbono y nitrógeno en austenita debido a presencia de átomos de cobre en solución sólida, con el mismo efecto que el silicio, el cual aumenta la

  12. Propiedades mecánicas de las uniones por láser de aceros inoxidables dúplex

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    Amigó, V.


    Full Text Available The welded joints of stainless steels always present problems for the microstructural modifications that occur in the heat affected zone. Particularly, duplex stainless steels present very important changes when the weld pool solidifies forming fundamentally ferritic structures with some austenite in grain boundaries. These microstructural modifications, and those which occur in the HAZ, justify the mechanical properties of the joint and mainly those of plasticity, being all of them influenced by the processing conditions. In this work the influence of the laser welding speed on the tensile behaviour of duplex stainless steel welded joints is presented. The microstructure of the obtained seams and of the heat affected zone will be evaluated by means of optic and scanning electron microscopy. Also, different microhardness profiles have been obtained to evaluate the modifications in the mechanical properties both in the seam and the zone of thermal affection.

    Las uniones soldadas de aceros inoxidables siempre presentan problemas por las modificaciones microestructurales que suceden en la zona afectada por el calor. Particularmente, los aceros inoxidables dúplex presentan cambios microestructurales muy importantes al solidificar el cordón y formar estructuras, fundamentalmente ferríticas, con formación de austenita en borde de grano. Estas modificaciones microestructurales, junto a las que suceden en la ZAC, son las que justifican las propiedades mecánicas de la unión y fundamentalmente las de plasticidad. Y todo ello en función de las condiciones de procesado. En este trabajo se presenta la influencia de la velocidad de soldeo en las propiedades a tracción de uniones soldadas por láser de chapas de acero inoxidables dúplex. La microestructura de los cordones obtenidos y de la zona afectada por el calor se ha evaluado mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido, y se han obtenido diferentes perfiles de microdureza que

  13. Estudio de los mecanismos de degradación de la interfase acero (limpio u oxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición al ensayo de condensación de humedad

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    Chico, B.


    Full Text Available The effect of time of exposure to the humidity on the behaviour of the system chlorinated rubber paint-steel substrate (cleaned or pre-rusted is investigated from the interfacial chemistry and adhesion points of view. After one day of humidity exposure, the paint-rust free steel substrate system shows an increase of adhesion. A maximum adhesion value is obtained after 15 days of exposure. This behaviour is similar to that previously described for a pre-rusted steel substrate. After 30-60 days of exposure, the adhesion strength values show an important reduction and the locus of adhesion loss shifts from the paint inside to the interphase between the metallic substrate and the paint.

    En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de la exposición a la humedad de un recubrimiento orgánico de clorocaucho aplicado a un sustrato de acero (únicamente limpio o previamente oxidado sobre los valores de adherencia del sistema y la composición química de la interfase metal-pintura. Se ha intentado establecer posibles relaciones entre la degradación de la interfase acero-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición a condiciones de alta humedad y la presencia o ausencia de una capa de óxido sobre el sustrato original. Después de 1 día de exposición a la humedad, se observó un aumento en los valores de adherencia del sistema pintura-acero sin oxidar. Sorprendentemente, estos valores alcanzan un máximo después de 15 días de exposición. Este mismo comportamiento se había encontrado ya en el sistema acero preoxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho. Tiempos de exposición a la humedad suficientemente largos (30-60 días producen una acusada disminución en los valores de adherencia y un desplazamiento del lugar donde ocurre el fallo desde el seno de la pintura a la región interfacial entre la pintura y el sustrato.

  14. Inorganic inhibitor study in the steel corrosion in the mixture of LiBr+Etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O; Estudio de inhibidores inorganicos en la corrosion de aceros en la mezcla de LiBr+Etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarmiento Bustos, Estela


    develop this work. Fourth chapter is the results presentation and discussion divided in four sections: each one for material electrochemically tested in the LiBr+ etilene glycol+ H{sub 2}O solution. Also presents the results obtained for the extended study made to carbon steel under different temperature and electrochemical test conditions. This includes the EIS and electrochemical noise Hurst results analysis and simulations. Finally, the fifth chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of this work. An appendix with the solution preparation is included. [Spanish] En esta tesis doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos de cinetica electroquimica de la corrosion de 4 aceros: acero al carbon, 304, 316 y 316L, en una solucion de LiBr+ etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O. Estos sistemas son utilizados en bombas de calor por absorcion para la recuperacion de calor de desecho a la salida de procesos industriales. Sin embargo, la solucion absorbente es altamente corrosiva en este tipo de equipos. Por lo anterior se evaluaron tres diferentes inhibidores inorganicos: nitrato de litio, molibdato de litio y cromato de litio los cuales son fuertes oxidantes y promueven la formacion de la capa pasiva de los aceros y se aplicaron a diferentes temperaturas: 25, 50 y 80 grados dentigrados. A traves de tecnicas electroquimicas como curvas de polarizacion, ruido electroquimico, impedancia electroquimica, resistencia a la polarizacion lineal y mediciones de potencial de corrosion a circuito abierto en el tiempo. Se determino el compuesto inhibidor mas adecuado obteniendo su eficiencia bajo las diferentes condiciones, de los tres inhibidores considerados el que presento el mejor comportamiento y eficiencia para el acero al carbon fue el nitrato de litio a 50 ppm; para el 304 el cromato de litio a 5 ppm; para el acero 316 molibdato de litio a 5 ppm y para el 316L el cromato de litio a 5 ppm. Debido a que el acero al carbon es el material mas economico y presento una mejor respuesta por

  15. Transformaciones Microestructurales en Soldaduras Disímiles de Acero Inoxidable Austenítico con Acero Inoxidable Ferrítico

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    Sara María Aguilar-Sierra


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudian los fenómenos metalúrgicos que ocurren en la soldadura SMAW de un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430 con un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L. Para el estudio se utilizaron dos tipos de electrodos: austenítico AWS E309L y dúplex AWS E2209-16, ambos con un diámetro de 3,2 mm. Las uniones soldadas se realizaron con un solo pase y se variaron simultáneamente la corriente y la velocidad de soldadura; las condiciones fueron 49 A y 2,4 mm.s–1como valores bajos y 107 A y 4,3 mm.s–1como valores altos. Se evaluó la influencia del tipo de electrodo y de los parámetros de soldadura en la evolución microestructural de las zonas afectadas por el calor y de las zonas de fusión, encontrando diferencias en la morfología y cantidad de ferrita delta para todas las condiciones estudiadas. Se evidenció crecimiento y refinación de grano ferrítico y formación de martensita en la zona afectada por el calor del metal base ferrítico. Se evaluó también la resistencia a la tensión hallando similitudes en todas las soldaduras.

  16. Influencia del acabado superficial en la permeación de hidrógeno del acero API 5L-X52

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    Réquiz, R.


    Full Text Available The influence of surface roughness on the corrosion and hydrogen permeation behaviour was evaluated on a type API 5L-X52 steel in deaerated 0.1 M Na2SO4 at pH=2. Potentiodynamic polarization curves were employed to determine the electrochemical behaviour of the steel, while the Devanathan-Stachurski technique was used to estimate the hydrogen permeation rate. Additionally, the surface roughness profiles were obtained in order to correlate the changes in the hydrogen permeation rate with different metal surface finishings. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that when the roughness parameters have larger values, the cathodic current of hydrogen evolution increases while the hydrogen entry rate decreases. This effect can be attributed to the microstructural defects induced at the steel surface, such as dislocations, which increase the catalytic activity of the atomic hydrogen favouring its recombination. Also, these defects could allow the atomic hydrogen to remain adsorbed on the steel surface. Both effects could hinder the hydrogen diffusion into the metal since the possibility for this atom of becoming absorbed has been reduced

    En el presente trabajo de investigación se evalúa la influencia del acabado superficial, tanto en la corrosión generalizada como en la permeación de hidrógeno del acero API 5L-X52 en solución de Na2SO4 0,1M, a pH=2. El comportamiento electroquímico del acero se estudió mediante las curvas de polarización potenciodinámicas, mientras que la susceptibilidad al daño por hidrógeno se evaluó mediante la técnica de permeación de Devanathan- Stachurski. Además, se determinaron los parámetros de rugosidad a las muestras de acero con diferentes acabados superficiales, para luego correlacionarlos con los cambios en las corrientes de permeación de hidrógeno. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran, claramente, que, cuando la rugosidad superficial del acero

  17. Comportamiento a la Corrosión del Acero API X70 Soldado por el Proceso de Doble Arco Sumergido Inmerso en Diferentes Medios Corrosivos

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    Omar Francisco Montes

    Full Text Available Resumen Los aceros API X70 son aplicados en fabricación y construcción de tuberías para el transporte de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, a un lapso de tiempo se degradan debido al medio ambiente al cual están expuestos; influyendo en la velocidad y tipo de corrosión sobre las superficies del metal base (MB, zona afectada por el calor (ZAC y zona de fusión (ZF. A fin de conocer y evaluar la susceptibilidad a la corrosión en uniones del acero API X70 sometido a diferentes medios corrosivos, varias pruebas se llevaron a cabo por el proceso de soldadura de doble arco sumergido (DSAW, por sus siglas en inglés, las cuales fueron inmersas en diferentes electrolitos: Cloruro de Sodio (NaCl al 3,5% y Agua (H2O a temperatura ambiente para conocer su comportamiento. Se utilizaron técnicas electroquímicas de ruido electroquímico (RE y curvas de polarización cíclica (CPC para obtener velocidad y tipo de corrosión producida en cada una de las muestras analizadas, incluyendo las tres zonas: MB, ZAC y ZF. Además, se utilizaron técnicas de caracterización como microscopía óptica (MO y microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB para el análisis superficial. La mayoría de las soldaduras presentan corrosión mixta, con mayores velocidades de corrosión en 3,5% de NaCl.

  18. Estudio de la calidad de recubrimientos de hidroxiapatita sobre acero inoxidable implantable aplicados mediante proyección térmica con plasma


    Bernal Gaona, Sandra Paola


    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación se basó en el estudio de los parámetros del proceso de deposición de recubrimientos de hidroxiapatita sobre substratos de acero inoxidable implantable mediante el proceso de proyección térmica con plasma atmosférico, que pueden afectar de forma significativa la calidad de los recubrimientos, en cuanto a su cristalinidad y adherencia al substrato. Como parámetros a evaluar se tomaron el tamaño de grano de la hidroxiapatita, el espesor...

  19. Mechanical and tribological properties enhancement of heat treated AISI 4340 steel by using a TiN/TiAlN multilayer coating system

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    Gilberto Bejarano


    Full Text Available Multicapas de TiN/TiAlN (nitruro de titanio/nitruro de titanio aluminio se depositaron por la técnica de la pulverización catódica d.c. reactiva utilizando blancos de titanio y de aluminio de 10 cm de diámetro, con una pureza de 99,9%, en una atmósfera de argón y nitrógeno (Ar/N, aplicando una temperatura de 300°C y una presión de 7x10-3 mbar al sustrato. Como sustratos se utilizaron silicio (100 y acero AISI 4340 tratado térmicamente con una dureza de 54 Rockwell C (HRC, aproximadamente 5,4 GPa. Recubrimientos de TiN/TiAlN con un contenido de Al de 70% y un espesor total de 4 um se investigaron en función del número de multicapas y sus propiedades mecánicas y tribológicas se compararon con las de las muestras de acero sin recubrir. La estructura cristalina de las muestras recubiertas se analizó mediante difracción de rayos X, la morfología y topografía con microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM y microscopia de fuerza atómica (AFM. La dureza se determinó mediante nanoindentación, mientras que la resistencia al desgaste se caracterizó a través de mediciones de pin on disc. Para las 150 multicapas de TiN/TiAlN se obtuvo un incremento en la dureza y en el módulo de Young de 62% y 70% respectivamente, en relación a las 30 bicapas iniciales, y de 740% y 202% respectivamente, comparado con el acero AISI 4340 sin recubrir. Finalmente, el coeficiente de fricción se redujo de 0,55 a 0,20 y la rugosidad de 60 nm a 3,2 nm para las probetas de acero recubiertas con 150 bicapas de TiN/TiAlN, lo cual condujo a una mayor resistencia al desgaste del sistema de recubrimiento.

  20. Utilización del mineral de manganeso (pirolusita en la producción de aceros al carbono

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    Aerles Batista-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Los métodos tradicionales de producción de acero utilizan el ferromanganeso para obtener el porcentaje de Mn en la marca establecida según la norma cubana, pero este compuesto es altamente costoso. Se ensayó, en la producción del Ac 35, sustituir el ferromanganeso por el mineral pirolusita (MnO2 con el fin de reducir los costos. Se evaluaron dos variantes de sustitución: la primera consiste en añadir el mineral con virutas de aluminio y coque (o residuos de electrodos sobre la escoria del metal durante el proceso de reducción, en tanto que la segunda variante emplea el mineral de manganeso en lugar del de hierro durante el proceso de oxidación de las impurezas. Se encontró que ambas variantes son factibles y que la segunda resulta, además, ser más económica

  1. Efecto de la deformación por tracción sobre la orientación cristalográfica del recubrimiento y la resistencia a la corrosión en CNS de chapas de acero con recubrimientos base cinc

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    Sacco, E. A.


    Full Text Available Hot dip Zn and 55 % Al - 1.6 % Si - 43.4 % Zn alloy (55Al-Zn coated steel sheets were submitted to uniaxial tension with the aim of evaluating the strain and failure type as well as their corrosion performance in the salt spray cabinet test. As the degree of strain increased, the basal orientation of the Zn coating turned into a prismatic one. Furthermore, the development of many twins, some intergranular cracks and few intragranular ones could also be observed. On the other hand, in 55Al-Zn alloy coatings, the α phase crystallographic orientation changed from {311} towards {100} and {331}, whilst the β phase crystallographic orientation {10.1} did not change. In this material the only failure type observed was the cracking of the interdendritic component. In salt spray cabinet the anticorrosive performance of steel/55Al-Zn sheets was much better than that of the galvanized ones.

    Se deformaron, por tracción uniaxial, chapas de acero recubiertas, por inmersión, con cinc o con aleación 55 % Al - 1,6 % Si - 43,4 % Zn (55Al-Zn, con el fin de analizar el modo de deformación y falla de los recubrimientos y su comportamiento en cámara de niebla salina (CNS. A medida que se incrementaba el grado de deformación, el recubrimiento de cinc mostró un cambio de la orientación basal hacia una prismática. Además, pudo apreciarse el desarrollo de numerosas maclas, algunas fisuras intergranulares y escasas fisuras transgranulares. Por otra parte, en las muestras recubiertas con aleación 55Al-Zn, la orientación de la fase α cambió desde {311} hacia {100} y {331}, mientras que la fase β conservó una orientación {10.1}. Para este material, el único modo de falla detectado fue la fisuración del constituyente interdendrítico. En CNS la resistencia a la corrosión de las chapas de acero/55Al-Zn fue, significativamente, mayor que en las de acero galvanizado.

  2. Diseño de puesto de trabajo para la fabricación de eslingas de cable de acero

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    Téllez Chavarro Luz Ángela


    Full Text Available Introducción: Para la realización de eslingas se demanda alto nivel físico y adopción de diferentes posturas en largas jornadas laborales. Los desórdenes músculo esqueléticos relacionados con el trabajo son comunes, potencialmente discapacitantes y evitables. Objetivos: Proponer un diseño de puesto de trabajo que facilite la tarea de armado de eslingas de cable de acero bajo condiciones ergonómicas para el trabajador, luego identificar las características sociodemográficas, determinar las condiciones de salud de los trabajadores, establecer las dimensiones antropométricas de los trabajadores y del puesto de trabajo y evaluar el riesgo ergonómico del puesto actual. Metodología: Estudio cuali-cuantitativo, transversal descriptivo con dos trabajadores que fabricaban eslingas de cable de acero. Criterios de inclusión: desarrollo de su labor diaria únicamente en área, más de 12 meses trabajando con la empresa. La recolección de datos se hizo a través de videos, entrevistas y fotografías. Para la evaluación del riesgo ergonómico se aplicó el método REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment y la herramienta antropométrica "Dimensiones de Puesto de Trabajo". Este fue validado por expertos. Posteriormente se realizó la propuesta del diseño de puesto de trabajo en AutoCad®. Resultados: La puntuación total de REBA para el grupo A fue 9, del grupo B fue 9, para una puntuación final de 11. Conclusiones: La manipulación del cable de acero es un factor de riesgo mecánico. Para la implementación del puesto de trabajo se debería realizar: definición del modelo de prueba, documentación del proceso productivo, capacitación a los trabajadores, seguimiento permanente y ajustes al proceso.

  3. Aumento en la resistencia a la corrosión de un acero t91 aluminizado




    El acero ferrítico T91 ha sido ampliamente utilizado en plantas de generación de energía eléctrica, calderas y plantas nucleares. Sin embargo, su resistencia a la oxidación se ve gravemente afectada a temperaturas superiores a los 600ºC. En esta investigación se empleó la técnica de cementación empacada para aluminizar un acero T91 y se encontraron las condiciones óptimas para la formación de un recubrimiento libre de porosidad y con espesor uniforme (300 micras). Se evaluó la capa de óxido f...

  4. Modelos de pérdida de masa de acero por corrosión atmosférica en Colombia usando inteligencia computacional

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    Esteban Velilla


    Full Text Available Con el fin de clasificar la corrosividad de las diferentes atmósferas colombianas, como parte de un proyecto de investigación extenso [1], se expusieron placas de acero al carbono en 21 estaciones distribuidas a lo largo de la infraestructura eléctrica del país (líneas de transmisión y subestaciones. En estas estaciones se midieron entre otros, el tiempo de humectación y la deposición de sulfatos y cloruros durante 12 meses; además, bimensualmente se tomaban placas de acero para medir en laboratorio la pérdida de masa sufrida por estas durante el tiempo de exposición. La clasificación de las 21 estaciones se hizo en 4 grupos, considerando: el tiempo de humectación, contenidos de cloruros y sulfatos, la altura sobre el nivel del mar y el tiempo de exposición de las placas; variables consideradas linealmente independientes según la técnica de descomposición en valores singulares (SVD realizada. El criterio utilizado para la clasificación fue el de similitud de las variables utilizando la norma Euclidiana considerada en la red neuronal no supervisada tipo Kohonen. Adicionalmente, se implementaron modelos para la pérdida de masa del acero para cada uno de los grupos usando redes neuronales (RN tipo Feed-Forward, definiéndose como entradas las variables antes mencionadas y como única salida la pérdida de masa. Complementariamente se presenta una comparación entre el modelo de RN para el grupo 1, con otros modelos obtenidos usando Algoritmos Genéticos (AG y el método Simplex.

  5. Identificación de aceros por espectroscopia de rompimiento inducido por láser (LIBS) y análisis de componentes principales


    Contreras, U.; Meneses-Nava, M.A.; Torres-Armenta, D.; Robles-Camacho, J.; Barbosa-García, O.


    En la actualidad existe una producción de mas de 100 000 aceros diferentes de acuerdo a su composición química y propiedades mecánicas; sin embargo, una vez en el mercado, no existe técnica alguna capaz de identificar y clasificar cualquier acero según su clase o grado. En este trabajo se describe un método capaz de identificar y clasificar aceros a través de la determinación de su composición química. El método propuesto se basa en un análisis de espectroscopia atómica procedente de la técni...

  6. Diseño de redes neuronales con aprendizaje combinado de retropropagación y búsqueda aleatoria progresiva aplicado a la determinación de austenita retenida en aceros TRIP

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    Capdevila, C.


    Full Text Available At the beginning of the decade of the nineties, the industrial interest for TRIP steels leads to a significant increase of the investigation and application in this field. In this work, the flexibility of neural networks for the modelling of complex properties is used to tackle the problem of determining the retained austenite content in TRIP-steel. Applying a combination of two learning algorithms (backpropagation and creeping-random-search for the neural network, a model has been created that enables the prediction of retained austenite in low-Si / low-Al multiphase steels as a function of processing parameters.

    A partir de los años noventa, el interés que los aceros TRIP despiertan en la industria ha producido un incremento considerable de su estudio y aplicación. En este trabajo, aprovechando la flexibilidad que las redes neuronales proporcionan para la modelización de propiedades complejas, se ha abordado el problema de la determinación de la austenita retenida en los aceros TRIP. Una combinación de dos algoritmos de aprendizaje (retropropagación y búsqueda aleatoria progresiva de la red neuronal ha permitido crear un modelo que predice la cantidad de austenita retenida en aceros multifase con bajo contenido en aluminio y silicio en función de los parámetros de procesado.

  7. Stainless-Steel-Gadolinium Alloys; Alliages Acier Inoxydable-Gadolinium; Splavy iz nerzhaveyushchej stali i gadoliniya; Aleaciones de Acero Inoxidable-Gadolinio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Copeland, M.; Kato, H. [Albany Metallurgy Research Center, Bureau Of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, Albany, OR (United States)


    mineures ont une grande influence sur les structures resultant de traitements equilibrants et sur les possibilites de transformation des aciers. Lorsque le gadolinium est melange a de l 'acier au chrome et au nickel, deux phases mineures, Fe{sub 9}Gd et Ni{sub 7}Gd, fondent a 1080 Degree-Sign C, ce qui impose une limite superieure aux temperatures de traitement a chaud et de transformation. Les auteurs ont pu facilement transformer des alliages comprenant jusqu'a 5 Degree-Sign Io en poids de gadolinium et determiner leurs caracteristiques mecaniques et leur resistance a la corrosion. Ils n'ont observe aucun changement dans les caracteristiques mecaniques de l'acier ou sa resistance a la corrosion par l'eau chaude, lorsqu'ils lui ont ajoute'jusqu'a 3% en poids de gadolinium. En raison des limites imposees aux temperatures de transformation des aciers au chrome et au nickel par le point de fusion des phases mineures, les auteurs ont etudie les effets du gadolinium sur des aciers au chrome. Ils ont releve une seule phase mineure qui fond a 1320 Degree-Sign C en etudiant l 'isoplethe du gadolinium a 10% en poids dans l 'alliage chrome-fer-gadolinium. Cette propriete permettrait d'equilibrer et de transformer ces aciers au gadolinium aux temperatures auxquelles on opere normalement. (author) [Spanish] En vista de la excelente resistencia a la corrosion de los aceros inoxidables y del interes que presenta el gadolinio como veneno nuclear, se han estudiado aleaciones de esos dos metales. El gadolinio fue aleado con aceros inoxidables de tipo AISI-304 y al cromo, y se estudiaron las relaciones de fase, la facilidad de trabajo y las propiedades de estas aleaciones. Se observo que en las aleaciones que contienen bajos porcentajes de gadolinio, los puntos de fusion de las fases menores ejercen un efecto muy marcado sobre las estructuras resultantes de los tratamientos de equilibracion y sobre la facilidad de trabajo de los afceros. Cuando se alea el gadolinio con acerce al cromo

  8. The possibilities for reuse of steel scrap in order to obtain blades for knives; Posibilidades de reutilización de la chatarra de acero para la obtención de cuchillas para cortar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Štrbaca, N.; Markovića, I.; Mitovskia, A.; Balanovića, L.; Živkovića, D.; Grekulović, V.


    The purpose of this study is to determine fracture toughness of Resistance Spot Welded (RSW) Dual Phase (DP) steels. RSW of galvanized and ungalvanized DP 450 steel sheets was carried out on spot welding machine. Fracture toughness of RSW joints of galvanized and ungalvanized DP 450 steel sheets was calculated from tensile-shear tests. New empirical equations were developed using Least Squares Method (LSM) between energy release rate, fracture toughness and critical crack size depending on the relationship between hardness and fracture toughness values. Results indicated that fracture toughness of joints welded by using RSW increased exponentially while the hardness decreased. In addition, fracture toughness and energy release rate of RSW galvanized DP 450 steel sheets were lower compared to RSW ungalvanized DP 450 steel sheets which had approximately the same hardness. [Spanish] El trabajo presenta los resultados de la caracterización de diversos tipos de aceros que han llegado al final de su ciclo de vida útil, y de los que se desconocía su composición química, propiedades mecánicas y tratamiento termomecánico aplicado previamente. El estudio se realizó con el objetivo de analizar las posibilidades de reutilización de algunos de estos materiales en aplicaciones agrícolas e industriales, obteniendo hojas de corte. Las formas exigidas a las hojas de corte se consiguieron aplicando diversos tipos de tratamientos termomecánicos. El análisis químico de la chatarra de acero de acero se realizó utilizando Energías Dispersivas de Rayos X. La microestructura se estudió utilizando Microscopía Óptica y Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido. La dureza de la chatarra de acero y de las cuchillas obtenidas se midió utilizando la escala Rockwell C. Los valores de dureza de las cuchillas obtenidas indican una buena selección de los productos finales de acero.

  9. Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de los aceros inoxidables AISI 430L P/M

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    Corpas, F. A.


    Full Text Available In this paper we have studied the resistance to corrosion of the 430L ferritic stainless steels, manufactured by powder metallurgy. We have compared the behaviour of the different series of 430L stainless steels sintered, tempered and annealing, in different corrosive environments. Finally, the microstructure of the steels was determined by means of scanning electron microscopy. The better resistance to corrosion are produced in the steel annealing to 300ºC and 600ºC.

    En este trabajo hemos estudiado la resistencia a la corrosión que presentan los aceros inoxidables ferríticos 430L fabricados por procedimientos pulvimetalúrgicos. Hemos evaluado y comparado distintas series de aceros inoxidables 430L sinterizados, templados y madurados a diferentes temperaturas en atmósfera de nitrógeno, introduciéndolos en varios medios corrosivos de distinta naturaleza. Por último, se determinó la microestructura, mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los mejores valores de resistencia a la corrosión se encuentran para los aceros tratados a 300ºC y 600ºC.

  10. Modelación de fenómenos metalúrgicos en laminación en caliente de acero

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    Zambrano, P.


    Full Text Available Modelling of hot rolling of steel strip involves metallurgical phenomena such as restoration of deformed structures, transformation to ferrite and growth of the oxide layer on top of the steel strip. The effect of composition is taken into account when restoration and phase transformation is considered, whereas it is assumed that the chemical composition of the steel substrate does not affect the oxide crust, being common place to consider the oxide just as a thermal barrier and to assume sticking conditions within the roll-gap. Observations indicate that elements such as silicon and manganese, more susceptible to oxidize than iron, affect the growth kinetics, adhesion and the behaviour during deformation of the oxide layer. This work deals with the way used to model various superficial and metallurgical phenomena, and how this knowledge is used to simulate hot rolling of steel strip.

    La modelación del proceso de laminación en caliente de acero incorpora fenómenos metalúrgicos como son la restauración de la estructura deformada, la trasformación de fase y el crecimiento de la capa de óxido sobre la superficie del acero. Se reconoce el efecto de la composición química sobre la transformación de fase y la restauración, sin embargo se considera que el crecimiento del óxido no es afectado por la presencia de elementos aleantes en el acero y es común que se maneje a la costra de óxido como una barrera térmica y que se supongan condiciones de fricción adhesivas en el entrehierro. Determinadas observaciones indican que elementos como el silicio y el manganeso, más susceptibles a oxidarse que el hierro, afectan la cinética de crecimiento, la adhesión y el comportamiento de la costra al ser deformada. En este trabajo se presenta la forma en que diversos fenómenos metalúrgicos y de superficie se modelan y se utilizan para simular el proceso de laminación en caliente.

  11. Análisis de falla en cable de acero Análisis de falla en cable de acero

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    E. A. Ossa


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el análisis de falla realizado en dos muestras de cables de acero que sufrieron falla súbita bajo condiciones de carga de trabajo normales. La falla fue causada por una carga menor a la capacidad nominal. Luego de inspección óptica se evidenció que la falla fue ocasionada por fatiga del material de uno de los cables.This paper describes the failure analysis of two wire ropes fractured during normal working conditions. The failure was caused by a load well below the nominal maximum resistance of the ropes. Optical microscopy indicated fatigue failure of one of the cables.





    Se estudió la resistencia a la corrosión de un acero AISI-SAE 4140 implantado con iones de Nitrógeno mediante la técnica 3DII (Implantación Iónica Tridimensional). Se evaluaron diferentes rugosidades de las muestras implantadas mediante técnicas electroquímicas de Rp, EIS y Tafel en una salmuera al 3% de NaCl, donde se obtuvo la mayor resistencia a la corrosión para el material implantado con menor rugosidad. Se produjo la formación de una posible capa protectora estable con la inmersión de l...

  13. Soldadura de recargue con aceros inoxidables dúplex


    Zappa, Sebastián; Martínez, Juan; Svoboda, Hernán Gabriel; Surian, Estela


    Los aceros inoxidables dúplex se caracterizan por poseer una estructura dual constituida por ferrita y austenita en iguales proporciones. Poseen una combinación de buenas propiedades mecánicas y resistencia a la corrosión, que dependen de la composición química y de la relación entre las fases mencionadas. Son ampliamente utilizados en las industrias de procesos químicos y, fundamentalmente, del petróleo y gas. La soldadura de recargue, es utilizada en las industrias de fabricación y reparaci...


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    Lincoln Cardoso Brandão


    Full Text Available Machining hardened steels has always been a great challenge in metal cutting, particularly for tapping operations. In the present paper, temperature was assessed when tapping hardened AISI H13. Dry machining and two cooling/lubrication systems were used: flooded and minimum quantity of fluid (MQF with 20ml/h, both using mineral oil. The tapping operation was performed on 100 x 40 mm, 14 mm thick workpieces with 55 HRc. An implanted thermocouple technique was used for temperature measurement at distances very close to the highest thread diameter (at 0.1, 2.5 and 5.0 mm. Three thermocouples were used for each distance along the workpiece diameter at 3.0, 7.0 and 11.0 mm from the tap entrance. Measurements were replicated twice for each condition tested. An analytical theoretical heat conduction model was used to evaluate the temperature at the tool-workpiece interface and determine the heat flow and convection coefficient. The smallest temperature increase and heat flow were observed when using the flooded system, followed by the MQF, compared to the dry condition. The effect was directly proportional to the amount of lubricant applied, as well as with the MQF system, when compared to dry cutting.Trabajar los aceros endurecidos siempre ha sido un desafío para el corte de metales, particularmente en las operaciones de roscado. En el presente trabajo se mide la temperatura del acero AISI H13 endurecido, realizándose ensayos sin lubricación (seco y dos sistemas con lubricación: aceite lubricante en grandes cantidades y mínima cantidad de líquido (minimum quantity of fluid MQF a 20 ml/h, en ambos casos se utilizó aceite integral mineral. El roscado se realiza sobre probetas de prueba de 100 x 40 mm con 14mm de espesor y dureza de 55 HRc. Para medir la temperatura se utiliza la técnica de termocuplas situadas muy próximas al diámetro mayor del hilo de rosca (a 0.1, 2.5 y 5 mm de distancia. Se utiliza tres termocuplas a lo largo del espesor de

  15. Técnicas para revelar el borde de grano austenítico en aceros microaleados

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    García de Andrés, Carlos


    Full Text Available The prior austenite grain size (PAGS exerts an important influence on the microstructures forged by continuous cooling in the steel and on their mechanical properties. Since microalloyed steels have received considerable attention in the last years and enormous difficulties have been repetitively to reveal the austenite grain boundaries in these steels, this work analyzes the different techniques effective in that sense, which enable thus an accurate determination of the PAGS. This paper presents results obtained applying different conventional techniques such us chemical etching of quenched microstructures, the application of thermal cycles that enable the formation of phases around the prior austenite grain boundaries or oxidation etching which reveals the austenite grain boundaries by the preferential accumulation of oxides. Finally, an innovative and effective technique to reveal the prior austenite grain boundaries is presented. This technique is based on the preferential transfer of matter from the grain boundaries to the surrounding austenite by complicated mechanisms such as evaporation-condensation and volume and surface diffusion of atoms.

    El tamaño de grano austenítico (TGA tiene una gran influencia sobre la microestructura final y sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los productos obtenidos por transformación anisotérmica del acero. Debido a la considerable atención que se está prestando a los aceros microaleados en los últimos años y a las dificultades que se encuentran en muchos casos para poder revelar los bordes de grano austenítico de estos aceros, en este trabajo se han analizado las técnicas que lo hacen posible, permitiendo así la determinación fiable del TGA. En este sentido, se presentan los resultados obtenidos al aplicar aislada y combinadamente distintas técnicas tradicionales, como el ataque químico de microestructuras obtenidas directamente por temple, la aplicación de diferentes tipos de ciclos t

  16. Optimización del acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción del acero de refuerzo en cimentaciones de concreto


    Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan


    Para el proceso constructivo de cimentaciones de concreto se usan diversos accesorios, algunos estandarizados y otros no; uno de los no estandarizados es el acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción de las barras de refuerzo, (comúnmente llamado "burro", "burrito" o "silletas" de soporte), pues en los planos estructurales no se detalla la forma de colocar y sostener las barras de refuerzo y en obra las silletas se colocan de forma empírica según las experiencias previas de los encargados ...

  17. Evaluación del comportamiento estructural y de resistencia a la corrosión de armaduras de acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 304 y dúplex AISI 2304 embebidas en morteros de cemento Pórtland

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    Medina, E.


    Full Text Available The mechanical and structural behaviour of two stainless steels reinforcements, with grades austenitic EN 1.4301 (AISI 304 and duplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304 have been studied, and compared with the conventional carbon steel B500SD rebar. The study was conducted at three levels: at rebar level, at section level and at structural element level. The different mechanical properties of stainless steel directly influence the behaviour at section level and structural element level. The study of the corrosion behaviour of the two stainless steels has been performed by electrochemical measurements, monitoring the corrosion potential and the lineal polarization resistance (LPR, of reinforcements embedded in ordinary Portland cement (OPC mortar specimens contaminated with different amount of chloride over one year time exposure. Both stainless steels specimens embedded in OPC mortar remain in the passive state for all the chloride concentration range studied after one year exposure.

    Se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural de dos aceros inoxidables corrugados, el austenítico EN 1.4301 (AISI 304 y el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304, y se han comparado con el tradicional acero al carbono B500SD. El estudio se ha realizado en tres niveles: a nivel de barra, de sección y de pieza. Las diferentes características mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables condicionan el comportamiento a nivel de sección y de pieza estructural. El estudio del comportamiento frente a la corrosión de los dos aceros inoxidables se ha realizado mediante mediciones electroquímicas monitorizando el potencial de corrosión y la resistencia de polarización de armaduras embebidas en probetas de mortero contaminado con diferentes concentraciones de cloruros durante un tiempo de exposición de un año. Ambos aceros inoxidables permanecen en estado pasivo en las probetas para todos los contenidos de cloruros.

  18. Elemental analysis of the Al-Fe intermetallic prepared by fast solidification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandoval J, R.A.; Lopez M, J.; Ramirez T, J.J.; Aspiazu F, J.; Villasenor S, P.


    Applying the PIXE technique samples of the Al-Fe intermetallic prepared by fast solidification, obtained starting from Al recycled were analyzed. The concentrations of the found elements are given. (Author)

  19. Formación de maclas durante el enfriamiento en aceros inoxidables superferríticos envejecidos

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    Salán, M. N.


    Full Text Available Superferritic stainless steels show a BCC structure free of austenite at any temperature. Intermediate ageing temperatures, close to 475 °C, induce a-chromium content modulation and only after long periods of time, it is possible to detect chromium rich α' phase, which is responsible for embrittlement (475 °C embrittlement. In this work, ageing thermal treatments at intermediate temperatures in the superferritic stainless steel DIN 1.4575, have allowed to relate the associated hardness increase with time and temperature by means of a relationship that is compatible with a thermally activated process. After quenching from ageing temperature, twinning formation has been observed, and the extent of twinning is proportional to the increase in hardness, showing in this way that twinning density is proportional to embrittlement level.

    Los aceros inoxidables superferríticos se caracterizan por su estructura cúbica centrada, libre de austenita a cualquier temperatura. Sometidos a temperaturas intermedias, próximas a 475 °C, revelan una modulación del contenido en Cr de la red. Después de tiempos prolongados se forma fase α', fragilizante y rica en cromo, fenómeno conocido como fragilización a 475 °C. En este trabajo, los tratamientos de envejecimiento realizados a temperaturas intermedias para un superferrítico DIN 1.4575 han permitido relacionar el incremento de dureza asociado a éstos con el tiempo de tratamiento, mediante una expresión coherente con un proceso térmicamente activado. Por otra parte, se ha detectado la presencia de maclas en el acero envejecido y templado en agua, siendo proporcional su densidad al grado de endurecimiento provocado por el tratamiento.


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    Full Text Available Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono tipo hot rolled, rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable tipo 312, con el equipo Rototec, en una mezcla de sal 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 400ºC - 600ºC, durante tiempos de 1-7-22 horas. Los resultados mostraron una moderada protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento a 600ºC. Se concluyó que la velocidad de corrosión aumenta con la temperatura y disminuye con el tiempo de exposición.

  1. The Cementation of Boron to Steels by the Method of Electrolytic Deposition; Cementation Electrolytique d'Aciers par le Bore; Tsementirovanie bora v stali putem ehlektroliticheskogo osazhdeniya; Cementacion de Aceros con Boro por Deposito Electrolitico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawakami, M. [Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)


    aceros al carbono, aceros inoxidables, acero de elevado contenido de cromo, etc.; todos ellos dan resultados satisfactorios. (author) [Russian] Privoditsja metod izgotovlenija upravljajushhego sterzhnja s cementirovaniem bora. Jetot process osushhestvljaetsja posredstvom jelektroliza rasplavlennogo tetrabornokislogo natrija pri temperature okolo 900 Degree-Sign S . Obrabatyvaemyj stal'noj sterzhen' sluzhit katodom, v k a chestve anoda ispol'zuetsja grafitovyj jelektrod. V processe jelektroliza bor osazhdaetsja na stal'noj sterzhen' i diffundiruet v sta l'. Pri podhodjashhih uslovijah jelektroliza legko udaetsja poluchit' stal'noj sterzhen', soderzhashhij po 20% bora. Issledovalis' sledujushhie tipy stali: uglerodistaja, nerzhavejushhie, hromistaja i t.d. , vo vseh sluchajah byli polucheny polozhitel'nye rezul'taty. (author)



    Vázquez Navarro, Brenda Alondra


    El presente trabajo, se realizó en el laboratorio del departamento de corrosión, del Instituto de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas, de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Se estudió la corrosión en el digestor de cocción continua modificada, que se ubica en la planta de papel de la Corporación Scribe en la Ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán. El digestor en estudio, está fabricado principalmente de acero al carbono AISI 1018. En la zona media inferior de este equipo, p...

  3. Reciclado de los residuos siderúrgicos de fabricación de acero. Nueva alternativa

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    Fernández López, Miguel


    Full Text Available A brief description of a new process for recycling hot electric steelmaking wastes of high iron oxides content, from ministeel mills that produce common and special steels is made. The new process is designed to get the best treatment cost for the residues recycling. It is based in the application of the principles of technologies experienced in ministeel industries. This is possible because the following improvements are obtained: a obtention of a commercial product of high zinc oxide content; b avoidance of new toxic wastes; c use of low cost process energy; d increase of metallic yield in the residues; and e treatment of residues in the mill ("in situ", or from other ministeel mill ("off site". Previous technologies precedents of the new process, are given and a comparative study between the new recycling process and the same recycling process without heating pretreatment using the same furnace is made. Electric steel making wasts. Recycling

    Se presenta una breve descripción de un nuevo procedimiento de reciclado de residuos, de alto contenido en óxidos de hierro, generados en miniacerías fabricantes de acero por hornos eléctricos de arco (común y especial, dentro y/o fuera de las instalaciones del generador (“in situ” y ''off site''. El procedimiento pretende, la reducción de los costes de reciclado de dichos residuos, respecto a procedimientos actuales, al incluir las siguientes mejoras: a obtención de un producto comercializable rico en ZnO; b ausencia de residuos tóxicos necesitados de tratamiento; c utilización de energía de proceso de bajo coste, en sustitución parcial de energía eléctrica; d aumento de la recuperación de metales en los residuos; y e versatilidad para poder reciclar los residuos ”in situ'' u ''off site", según procedan de una o de varias miniacerías, respectivamente. Se describen los fundamentos y sus precedentes tecnológicos, así como un breve an

  4. Influencia de la transformación austenita-martensita en la estabilidad dimensional de un nuevo acero para herramientas aleado con niobio (0,08% y vanadio (0,12%

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    Conejero Ortega, Gerardo


    Full Text Available Austenite-martensite transformation influence on the dimensional stability of a new experimental tool steel alloyed with niobium (0.08% wt. and vanadium (0.12% wt. has been studied. The dimensional stability of this new steel was compared with the dimensional stability of commercial steel, after and before two thermal treatments, T1 (860 °C and T2 (900 °C. The thermal treatments consisted on heating and cooling, at 1 atmosphere of pressure, in N2 atmosphere furnace, fol lowing by heating in a conventional furnace at 180 °C during 1 hour. Initially, the experimental steel composition and Ac1 and Ac3 transformation temperatures were determined by glow-discharge luminescence (GDL and dilatometric tests, respectively, in order to select the austenization temperatures of T1 and T2 treatments. After hardness measurement, the microstructure of both steels was characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD and optical metallography, before and after of T1 and T2 thermal treatments. Finally, longitudinal and angular dimensional stability analyses were realized for both commercial and experimental steels. After a contrastive hypothesis analysis, the results showed that the longitudinal relative variation of the experimental steel calculated was around 0.2% and the angular relative variation was not significantSe ha estudiado la influencia de la transformación de austenita a martensita en la estabilidad dimensional de un acero experimental para herramientas aleado con niobio (0,08% en peso y vanadio (0,12% en peso. La estabilidad dimensional del acero experimental fue comparada con la de un acero comercial antes y después de ser sometidos, ambos aceros, a dos tratamientos térmicos diferentes. Los tratamientos térmicos consistieron en un calentamiento y mantenimiento durante una hora a temperaturas de 860 °C (T1 y 900 °C (T2 y un enfriamiento final en horno con nitrógeno (N2 a 1 atmósfera de presión. Inicialmente, se determinaron las composiciones del

  5. Evaluación experimental de la resistencia a la corrosión de un acero aisi-sae 4140 implantado con iones de nitrógeno




    Se estudió la resistencia a la corrosión de un acero AISI-SAE 4140 implantado con iones de Nitrógeno mediante la técnica 3DII (Implantación Iónica Tridimensional). Se evaluaron diferentes rugosidades de las muestras implantadas mediante técnicas electroquímicas de Rp, EIS y Tafel en una salmuera al 3% de NaCl, donde se obtuvo la mayor resistencia a la corrosión para el material implantado con menor rugosidad. Se produjo la formación de una posible capa protectora estable con la inmersión de l...

  6. Preparation of Fe-Al Intermetallic / TiC-Al2O3 Ceramic Composites from Ilmenite by SHS

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Fe-Al intermetallic/TiC-Al2O3 ceramic composites were successfully prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) from natural ilmenite, aluminium and carbon as the raw materials. The effects of carbon sources, preheating time and heat treatment temperature on synthesis process and products were investigated in detail, and the reaction process of the FeTiO3-Al-C system was also discussed.It is shown that the temperature and velocity of the combustion wave are higher when graphite is used as the carbon source, which can reflect the effect of the carbon source structure on the combustion synthesis;Prolonging the preheating time or heat treatment temperature is beneficial to the formation of the ordered intermetallics; The temperature and velocity of the combustion wave arc improved, but the disordered alloys are difficult to eliminate with the preheating time prolonged. The compound powders mainly containing ordered Fe3Al intermetallic can be prepared through heat treatment at 750 ℃.

  7. Transferencia de calor en la colada continua de aceros. I parte. El molde

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    Cicutti, C.


    Full Text Available The continuous casting mold plays the important role of receiving the liquid steel and allowing an uniform and defect free solidified skin to be developed. In this work, the different heat transfer mechanisms which are present from the liquid steel to the mold cooling water are reviewed. The effect of operating variables on heat extraction and the relationship between global and distributed heat flux are also analyzed.

    El molde de colada continua cumple la importante función de recibir el acero líquido y permitir que se desarrolle una capa solidificada uniforme y libre de defectos. En este trabajo se revisan los distintos mecanismos implicados en el proceso de transferencia de calor, desde el acero líquido hasta el agua de refrigeración del molde. Se analiza también el efecto de las distintas variables de funcionamiento en la extracción calórica producida y la relación entre el flujo global de calor y su distribución a lo largo del molde.

  8. Preparation and characterisation of Al-doped Zn O thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saad, M.; Kassis, A.; Nounou, F.


    Al-doped Zn O thin films were prepared using RF magnetron sputtering under several preparation conditions (deposition pressure, RF power, substrate temperature). The films were optically and electrically characterized by measuring their transmission and resistance. Furthermore, x-ray diffraction spectroscopy was used in order to study the structural properties of these films. As a result of this study, the preparation conditions suitable for the highly conductive part of the window layer in solar cells were determined. (author)


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    Full Text Available Se estudió la resistencia a la corrosión de un acero AISI-SAE 4140 implantado con iones de Nitrógeno mediante la técnica 3DII (Implantación Iónica Tridimensional. Se evaluaron diferentes rugosidades de las muestras implantadas mediante técnicas electroquímicas de Rp, EIS y Tafel en una salmuera al 3% de NaCl, donde se obtuvo la mayor resistencia a la corrosión para el material implantado con menor rugosidad. Se produjo la formación de una posible capa protectora estable con la inmersión de las muestras en el electrolito de trabajo para tiempos superiores a 240 horas.

  10. Comparación de la corrosividad atmosférica del acero al carbono en Colombia y Cuba

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    Delgado Lastra, Juan


    Full Text Available Samples of structural carbon steel were exposed to the atmosphere in a number of sites in Colombia and Cuba for periods of 2, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Corrosion rate was determined by mass loss measurements, and cause-effect relationship to exposure time and pollutants (deposited chloride and sulfur oxides were calculated. Analysis let to adjust models by the multiple regression method. Also, comparison of atmospheric corrosion rates between Colombia and Cuba were done using covariance analysis.

    Se expusieron a la atmósfera probetas de aceros estructurales de bajo contenido de carbono, en varios sitios de Colombia y Cuba, que se retiraron a intervalos de 2, 3, 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses. Se determinó la corrosión por pérdida de masa y se buscaron relaciones de causalidad con el tiempo de exposición y las cantidades de cloruro y óxidos de azufre depositados. El análisis permitió ajustar modelos de regresión múltiple y también, a través de variables dicótomas, realizar la comparación de la corrosión atmosférica entre Colombia y Cuba, mediante análisis de covarianza.

  11. Combinación de fibras de acero de última generación para el refuerzo de hormigón autocompactante


    Alberti, Marcos; Enfedaque, Alejandro; Galvez, Jaime; Cortez, Adriana


    [ES] Dado que la mayor desventaja mecánica del hormigón son sus propiedades en tracción, las fibras normalmente se utilizan para mejorar la respuesta frente a solicitaciones de tracción y flexión, siendo las fibras de acero las más comúnmente utilizadas. Este tipo de fibras se ha utilizado con éxito en aplicaciones estructurales en los últimos 50 años y, como consecuencia, se han desarrollado nuevas fibras de acero de última generación de las que existe una bibliografía muy lim...

  12. Preparation of Ti3Al intermetallic compound by spark plasma sintering (United States)

    Ito, Tsutomu; Fukui, Takahiro


    Sintered compacts of single phase Ti3Al intermetallic compound, which have excellent potential as refractory materials, were prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS). A raw powder of Ti3Al intermetallic compound with an average powder diameter of 176 ± 56 μm was used in this study; this large powder diameter is disadvantageous for sintering because of the small surface area. The samples were prepared at sintering temperatures (Ts) of 1088, 1203, and 1323 K, sintering stresses (σs) of 16, 32, and 48 MPa, and a sintering time (ts) of 10 min. The calculated relative densities based on the apparent density of Ti3Al provided by the supplier were approximately 100% under all sintering conditions. From the experimental results, it was evident that SPS is an effective technique for dense sintering of Ti3Al intermetallic compounds in a short time interval. In this report, the sintering characteristics of Ti3Al intermetallic compacts are briefly discussed and compared with those of pure titanium compacts.

  13. Comportamiento al corte de hormigones reforzado con fibras de acero Shear behavior of steel fiber reinforced concretes

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    Sergio Carmona Malatesta


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio experimental a cerca de la influencia de la incorporación de fibras de acero en el comportamiento del hormigón frente a esfuerzos de corte, medidos utilizando el ensayo JSCE - SF6, modificado. Usando los resultados de los ensayos realizados se evalúa La capacidad de disipación de energía del hormigón durante la rotura o tenacidad del hormigón reforzado con fibras en función del contenido y tipo de Fibra utilizada. Con los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir que la incorporación de fibras como refuerzo al esfuerzo de corte aumenta la ductilidad del hormigón, permitiendo mayores deformaciones que un hormigón convencional. Se observa que la capacidad de absorber energía de los hormigones, cuantificada a través de la tenacidad absoluta, se incrementa más de tres veces cuando se incorporar fibras y no se tienen roturas frágiles. Por lo tanto, la incorporación de fibras como refuerzo es una buena solución para mejorar la respuesta del hormigón ante solicitaciones de corte. Por otra parte, se demuestra que el ensayo de corte propuesto por la recomendación japonesa JSCE-SF6, levemente modificada, entrega resultados coherentes y reproducibles, permitiendo cuantificar diferentes propiedades del hormigón reforzado con fibras sometido a solicitaciones de corte.This paper presents the results of an experimental research on influence of steel fibers on shear behavior of concrete, using modified JSCE - SF6 test. The tests results are used to evaluate the energy dissipation capacity of concrete during failure or fiber reinforced concrete toughness, in terms of amount and type of fibers. With the results, it can be concluded that the addition of fibers as shear reinforcement influence significantly the ductility of concrete. The results show that the absorption energy capacity of concrete, measured by mean of absolute toughness, increase 3 times when concrete is reinforced with

  14. Selección e implementación de un modelo para el inicio de la transformación perlítica durante el enfriamiento en los aceros con baja aleación.

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    R. Lobaina Sánchez


    Full Text Available Los diagramas Tiempo Temperatura Transformación (TTT de los aceros son de vital importancia para la industria vinculada a la elaboración de los aceros. El desarrollo alcanzado en la obtención de modelos matemáticos de estas curvas ha permitido acercar al ingeniero investigador de la industria y al estudiante, a la comprensión de las variables influyentes en la transformación austenítica, y el impacto que éstas tienen en la modelación de las curvas. En el presente trabajo se valoran diferentes modelos presentados en la literatura consultada. Como resultado, se muestra un modelo para las curvas de inicio de la transformación perlítica, conociendo la composición de los aceros, el tamaño de grano, el sobreenfriamiento y la energía de activación, que son las variables que determinan las diferentes formas que adoptan las curvas. La implementación del modelo seleccionado, ofrece un acercamiento a la posibilidad de crear un aula virtual utilizando una metodología de cálculo, y una herramienta para continuar avanzando en la dirección de perfeccionar y ampliar las posibilidades del resultado presentado.Time-Temperature-Transformation diagrams of steels are of great importance for industry related to steel manufacturing. The development reached in obtaining mathematic models for these curves has allowed the industry research engineer and student to be closer to the comprehension of the influential variables in the austenitic transformation. In this paper different models presented in the consulted literature were valorated. As a result, we show a model for the starting pearlitic transformation curves, depending of the steel composition, the grain size, the undercooling temperature, and the activation energy. The mentioned determine the different shapes the curves. The use of this model gives us the possibility of approaching to the creation of a virtual classroom using the calculation methodology, as well as a tool to improve and widen

  15. Preparation and Properties of Mg-Cu-Y-Al bulk Amorphous Alloys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pryds, Nini; Eldrup, Morten Mostgaard; Ohnuma, M.


    Bulk amorphous (Mg(1-gamma)Al(gamma))(60)CU(30)Y(10) alloys were prepared using a relatively simple technique of rapid cooling of the melt in a copper wedge mould. The temperature vs, time was recorded during the cooling and solidification process of the melt and compared with a spacial and tempo......Bulk amorphous (Mg(1-gamma)Al(gamma))(60)CU(30)Y(10) alloys were prepared using a relatively simple technique of rapid cooling of the melt in a copper wedge mould. The temperature vs, time was recorded during the cooling and solidification process of the melt and compared with a spacial...... temperatures in specimens containing a few percent Al. The alloy with no Al crystallises apparently without the formation of nanoparticles. The critical cooling rate for the formation of an amorphous Mg(60)CU(30)Y(10) specimen was determined experimentally by a combination of DSC data and temperature vs, time...

  16. Tratamiento térmico del acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L sinterizado en atmósfera de N2-H2

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    Ruiz-Prieto, J. M.


    Full Text Available In this Work the influence of sintering AISI 430L stainless steel in N2-H2 atmosphere on its properties and microstructure have been studied. The presence of nitrogen in the sintering atmosphere leads to complex nitrides formation the AISI 430L sintered steel microstructure. A subsequent heat treatment was applied to modify this microstructure in order to improve the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of these ferritic stainless steels.Los aceros inoxidables ferríticos, son aceros que contienen esencialmente cromo (12-30 % junto con níquel y molibdeno en cantidades que, en general, no sobrepasan el 1 % y, en ocasiones, se les adicionan otros elementos como son el aluminio, silicio, titanio o niobio. En el presente trabajo de investigación se ha evaluado la influencia del nitrógeno presente en la atmósfera de sinterización sobre la microestructura y propiedades del acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L. Además, se ha realizado un tratamiento térmico posterior de hipertemple y maduración con el objeto de incrementar las propiedades mecánicas y a corrosión de este acero inoxidable, mediante la modificación microestructural de los nitruros complejos de hierro y cromo precipitados durante la etapa de sinterización.

  17. Evaluación de diferentes aceros para la evolución de hidrógeno en KOH

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    Falk Michel Julke


    Full Text Available Se estudió el comportamiento electroquímico de los diferentes tipos de aceros comerciales de bajo costo (A36, 430 y 304 como electrodos para la obtención de hidrógeno. El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la evolución de hidrógeno, para lo cual se utilizaron técnicas electroquímicas como cronoamperometría y curvas voltamperométricas, en diferentes concentraciones de KOH (5% y 25% m/m. El acero inoxidable 304 en una concentración de 25%m/m tuvo el mejor desempeño, pues en estas condiciones el inicio de liberación de hidrógeno disminuyó y presentó el menor requerimiento de potencial para su uso como placa bipolar.

  18. Boron steel. I Part. Preparation; Aceros al Boro Parte I. Preparacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaraiz Franco, E; Esteban Hernandez, J A


    With the advent of the first nuclear reactors arise the need for control rods and shielding duties for some types of radiations. One of the materials used for this purpose has been the high boron steel. This paper describes the melting and casting procedures employed for the production, at laboratory scale, of steels with Boron content ranging from 1 to 4 per cent, as well as the metallographic and X-Ray techniques used for the identification of the present phases. The electrolytic technique employed for the isolation of the Fe{sub 2}B phase and its subsequent X-Ray identification has proved to be satisfactory. (Author) 11 refs.

  19. Influencia de la microestructura en el comportamiento a fatiga de aceros inoxidables austeníticos con alto contenido en molibdeno

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    Oñoro, J.


    Full Text Available Austenitic stainless steels with molybdenum present high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance to aggressive environments. These steels have been used to tank and vessel components for high corrosive liquids as phosphoric, nitric and sulphuric acids. These materials with low carbon and nitrogen addition have been proposed candidates as structural materials for the international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER in-vessel components. Molybdenum addition in austenitic stainless steel improves mechanical and corrosion properties, but with it can produce the presence of nitrogen microstructure modifications by presence or precipitation of second phases. This paper summarises the fatigue and corrosion fatigue behaviour of two 317LN stainless steels with different microstructure. Fully austenitic steel microstructure show better fatigue, corrosion fatigue resistance and better ductility than austenitic steel with delta ferrite microstructure, mainly at low stresses.

    Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos con elevados contenidos en molibdeno presentan alta resistencia mecánica y resistencia a los medios corrosivos. Se utilizan en la construcción de depósitos y recipientes para el almacenamiento y transporte de líquidos altamente corrosivos, tales como ácido fosfórico, nítrico o sulfúrico. Estos materiales con bajo carbono y adiciones de nitrógeno han sido propuestos como candidatos para materiales estructurales en la fabricación de la vasija del reactor experimental termonuclear internacional (ITER. La adición de molibdeno mejora las propiedades frente a la corrosión de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos. Sin embargo, este aumento del contenido en molibdeno, junto con la presencia de nitrógeno, puede producir modificaciones microestructurales, por la aparición de fases precipitadas o segundas fases. En este trabajo, se analiza el comportamiento la fatiga y corrosión-fatiga de dos aceros inoxidables austen

  20. Al-Si/Al2O3 in situ composite prepared by displacement reaction of CuO/Al system

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    Zhang Jing


    Full Text Available Al2O3 particle-reinforced ZL109 composite was prepared by in situ reaction between CuO and Al. The microstructure was observed by means of OM, SEM and TEM. The Al2O3 particles in sub-micron sizes distribute uniformly in the matrix, and the Cu displaced from the in situ reaction forms net-like alloy phases with other alloy elements. The hardness and the tensile strength of the composites at room temperature have a slight increase as compared to that of the matrix. However, the tensile strength at 350 ℃ has reached 90.23 MPa, or 16.92 MPa higher than that of the matrix. The mechanism of the reaction in the CuO/Al system was studied by using of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC and thermodynamic calculation. The reaction between CuO and Al involves two steps. First, CuO reacts with Al to form Cu2O and Al2O3 at the melting temperature of the matrix alloy, and second, Cu2O reacts with Al to form Cu and Al2O3 at a higher temperature. At ZL109 casting temperature of 750–780 ℃, the second step can also take place because of the effect of exothermic reaction of the first step.

  1. Efecto del contenido de azufre y del grado de desoxidación sobre la ductilidad en caliente de aceros inoxidables austeníticos resulfurados en estado de solidificación

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    Botella, J.


    Full Text Available The manufacture of free machining austenitic stainless steels features a specific drawback derived from their high sulphur content, which is needed for generating, into the austenitic matrix, inclusions to optimize the different machining operations. However, sulphur has a harmful effect on hot workability. This paper deals with assessing the effect of sulphur content and deoxidation level on the hot ductility of resulphurized austenitic stainless steels in as cast condition. Hot tensile tests were conducted on a Gleeble machine, at temperatures between 1,150 and 1,250°C, studying a ductility factor as a function of sulphur content, deoxidation degree, as well as type, size and distribution of sulfides. Results point out the harmful effect of increasing sulphur and oxygen contents on the hot workability of resulphurized austenitic stainless steels, and the need to control carefully the level of oxides of these steels.

    La fabricación de aceros inoxidables austeníticos de alta maquinabilidad presenta una problemática específica derivada de su elevado contenido de azufre; elemento necesario para generar en la matriz austenítica inclusiones que faciliten las diferentes operaciones de mecanizado, pero perjudicial en cuanto al deterioro que produce en la deformabilidad en caliente. Este artículo describe el estudio realizado para evaluar el efecto del contenido de azufre y el grado de desoxidación sobre la ductilidad en caliente de aceros inoxidables austeníticos resulfurados, partiendo de una estructura de solidificación (as cast condition. Se realizaron ensayos de tracción en un sistema Gleeble, a temperaturas entre 1.150 y 1.250°C, analizándose el parámetro de ductilidad en función del contenido de azufre, nivel de desoxidación, y del tipo, tamaño y distribución de los sulfuros presentes. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto el efecto perjudicial de los contenidos de azufre y oxígeno sobre la deformabilidad en

  2. Mejora del proceso productivo en la fabricación de ductos de acero ASTM A709 en una planta industrial, comparando procesos de soldadura SMAW y FCAW-G


    Vilchez Aquino, Joel Ernesto; Vilchez Aquino, Joel Ernesto; Vilchez Aquino, Joel Ernesto


    En el presente informe se realiza el estudio de la mejora del proceso productivo en la fabricación de ductos de acero en un taller metal mecánico, en el que se determinaron varios indicadores de productividad para los procesos de soldadura manual SMAW y el proceso semiautomático FACW-G. El informe consta de cinco capítulos que se detallan a continuación: En el capítulo I se realiza la introducción al tema; abarcando los antecedentes, objetivos, alcances, limitaciones y la metodología de tr...

  3. S-N Curves of high resistance steels in the gigacyclic regime; Curvas S-N de aceros de alta resistencia dentro del regimen gigaciclico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marinez G, I [Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers-Institut des Technologies et des Materiaux Avances (CNAM-ITMA), Paris (France); Dominguez A, G [Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya, Guanajuato (Mexico); Bathias, C [Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers-Institut des Technologies et des Materiaux Avances (CNAM-ITMA), Paris (France)


    In this paper, the fatigue behavior of high strength steel used for mechanical parts has been investigated in the gigacycle fatigue regime. An experimental study has been carried out with both: R = 0.1 (perlitic-ferritic steel) and R = -1 (perlitic-ferritic steel, bainitic steel, martensitic steels) loads, at a high frequency of 20 khz up to 1010 cycles, to determine the S-N curves when fatigue life is more than 107 cycles. Comparison of experimental results at frequencies of 20 khz and 30 Hz with R = -1, shows that the S-N curve has a good agreement between 105 and 107 cycles for the high strength steels, Furthermore, fracture surface observations are made by SEM; the transition of crack initiation site is described. The generalization of gigacycle fatigue behavior is analyzed. More often initiation of fatigue crack at 109 cycles is a bulk phenomenon with an important effect of stress concentration due to mineral inclusions or perlitic platelets. Thus, the Murakami model is efficient when we can measure the defects associated with fracture, but it can not take into account the microstructure effect related to platelets phenomenon. [Spanish] En este trabajo se investigo el comportamiento en fatiga gigaciclica de varios aceros de alta resistencia utilizados en la industria automotriz. El estudio experimental se llevo a cabo utilizando dos diferentes valores de carga: R = 0.1 (acero perlitoferritico) y R = -1 (acero perlito-ferritico, acero bainitico, aceros martensiticos), a una frecuencia de ensayo de 20 kHz y hasta 1010 ciclos, para determinar las curvas S-N arriba de 107 ciclos. La comparacion de resultados experimentales obtenidos utilizando frecuencias de ensayo de 20 kHz y 30 Hz con la relacion de carga R = - 1, muestran la continuidad de las curvas S-N entre 105 y 107 ciclos para estos aceros de alta resistencia. Por otro lado, observaciones de la superficie de fractura se efectuaron utilizando el microscopio electronico de barrido; se describe la transicion

  4. Resistencia a la corrosión en ambiente salino de un acero al carbono recubierto con aluminio por rociado térmico y pintura poli aspártica

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arévalo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en ambiente salino del acero 1020 recubierto con aluminio por medio de rociado térmico por arco eléctrico y después se aplicó una pintura poliaspártica. Se observó que este sistema presenta una protección en estos ambientes, reduciendo la velocidad de corrosión, en comparación con un sistema de pintura bicapa, el cual consistía en una capa rica en zinc y otra capa de pintura poliaspártica. Se realizó la caracterización del recubrimiento por medio de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (MEB para analizar su comportamiento con respecto al sustrato y a la pintura para conocer variaciones en propiedades como adherencia, topografía y homogeneidad. Se observó que las probetas recubiertas con aluminio por rociado térmico presentan una mayor resistencia a la corrosión en cámara salina que las probetas que no fueron recubiertas y solo estaban protegidas por el sistema bicapa de pintura, aunque la pintura sin rociado térmico tuvo un buen desempeño ya que no falló durante el tiempo estipulado para en ensayo en cámara de niebla salina.

  5. Influencia del revenido en la estructura y las propiedades de dureza, resistencia a la tracción y resiliencia del acero cubano al cromomanganeso- silicio-níquel. // Influence of tempering on structure and hardness, strength and resilience properties of ch

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    G. Tourón-Alonso


    Full Text Available La actual demanda de herramientas y accesorios para maquinarias agrícolas se presenta comofuente creciente de nuevas aplicaciones del acero al Cr-Mn-Si-Ni. Este criterio justifica la práctica detratamientos térmicos, para conseguir distintos valores de propiedades mecánicas, que orienten almaterial hacia las exigencias y circunstancias de aplicaciones concretas. El trabajo tiene comoobjetivo conocer la estructura del acero, heredadas de las transformaciones de fase en diferentesregímenes de tratamiento térmico de revenido, y la correlación entre dicha estructura y suspropiedades de dureza, resistencia a la tracción y resiliencia. Las observaciones al microscopioóptico de las muestras revenidas sugieren, en unos casos, una estructura compuesta por martensitarevenida, en otros, indican la presencia de partículas de ferrita y cementita. Los ensayos de dureza ytracción revelaron una disminución de la dureza y de la resistencia a la tracción con el aumento dela temperatura de revenido. El ensayo de impacto reveló un aumento de la resiliencia con elaumento de la temperatura de revenido, aunque aparecen dos intervalos de temperatura en que laresiliencia disminuye.Palabras claves: revenido, estructura, dureza, resistencia, resiliencia____________________________________________________________________________AbstractSpecimens were tempered after being hardened into oil. Tempered specimens for tension tests,were heated from 200 to 500ºC, in an interval of 100ºC; while, specimens for hardness andresilience tests, were heated from 200 to 550ºC, in an interval of 50ºC. Tempering time, for tensionand resilience tests, depends on specimens’ thickness, while, for hardness tests is 30, 60 and 90minutes. Tempered specimens microstructures at 200 and 300ºC indicate the presence of carbideparticles; it suggests a tempering martensite structure. Tempered specimens microstructures at500ºC indicate the presence of ferrite and cementite particles

  6. Study of preparation of TiB2 by TiC in Al melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Haimin; Liu Xiangfa; Nie Jinfeng


    TiB 2 particles are prepared by TiC in Al melts and the characteristics of them are studied. It is found that TiC particles are unstable when boron exists in Al melts with high temperature and will transform to TiB 2 and Al 4 C 3 . Most of the synthesized TiB 2 particles are regular hexagonal prisms with submicron size. The diameter of the undersurfaces of these prisms is ranging from 200 nm to 1 μm and the height is ranging from 100 nm to 300 nm. It is considered that controlling the transformation from TiC to TiB 2 is an effective method to prepare small and uniform TiB 2 particles. - Highlights: ► TiC can easily transform into TiB 2 in Al melts. ► TiB 2 formed by TiC will grow into regular hexagonal prisms with submicron size. ► Controlling the transformation from TiC to TiB 2 is an effective method to prepare small and uniform TiB 2 particles.

  7. Aceros de baja aleación y alto rendimiento

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    Campos, M.


    Full Text Available A highly demanding automobile market requires an intensification of the efforts on increasing the performance and reducing costs of sintered steels, in order to stay in such a competitive market. Final properties of sintered parts and their cost depend on two main factors, density and the alloying system. The growing interest for Cr and Mn as alloying elements is due to both price, more suitable than Mo, and the excellent level of properties which are achieved in assintered parts as well as after the heat treatments. In this work, the possible techniques which lead to an enhancement of density are discussed, such as warm and high velocity compaction, or high temperature sintering; moreover it is important to study the synergy between the proposed techniques which may be compatible.

    Las nuevas demandas en el sector del automóvil están haciendo que se intensifiquen los esfuerzos en aumentar las prestaciones y reducir los costes de los aceros sinterizados, para poder mantenerse en este mercado tan competitivo. Las propiedades finales de los componentes sinterizados y su coste dependen de dos factores principales, la densidad y el sistema de aleación. El creciente interés por el cromo y el manganeso como elementos de aleación se debe tanto al precio, más ventajoso que, por ejemplo, el molibdeno, como al nivel excelente de propiedades que se pueden conseguir tanto en estado sinterizado como después de los tratamientos térmicos. En este trabajo, se discuten además las posibles técnicas que conducen a una mejora de la densidad del componente, como la compactación de polvos precalentados, la compactación por propagación de ondas de impacto, o la sinterización a alta temperatura; además, es importante estudiar los efectos sinérgicos entre las técnicas propuestas que sean compatibles.

  8. Elemental analysis of the Al-Fe intermetallic prepared by fast solidification; Analisis elemental del intermetalico Al-Fe preparado por solidificacion rapida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandoval J, R.A.; Lopez M, J.; Ramirez T, J.J.; Aspiazu F, J.; Villasenor S, P. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    Applying the PIXE technique samples of the Al-Fe intermetallic prepared by fast solidification, obtained starting from Al recycled were analyzed. The concentrations of the found elements are given. (Author)


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    Héctor Herrera-Hernández


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estudiaelectroquímicamente un GELextracto de las hojas de ALOE VERAcomo un posible inhibidor de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo estructuraldel concreto.Los estudiosde corrosiónse llevaron a cabo en 1M de HCl y utilizando la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EISse evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en presencia y ausencia del GEL.Los diagramas de impedancia mostraronque la adición en diferentes proporcionesdel GELinhibe notablemente el proceso de la corrosión del acero inmerso en la solución ácida. También se determinó que las moléculas del GEL obedecena un mecanismo de fisisorciónsobre la superficie del metal de acuerdo con el modelo de isoterma de Langmuircon unG°adsde alrededor de 14.17 kJ/mol. El GEL se clasificócomo un inhibidor orgánico del tipo mixto.

  10. Uniform distribution of TiCp in TiCp/Zn-Al composites prepared by XDTM

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    王香; 马旭梁; 李庆芬; 曾松岩


    The prefabricated Al/TiC alloy with high TiC particle content was prepared by XDTM process. The uniform distribution process of TiC particles in the stationary zinc melt was studied and analyzed using self-made experimental equipment, and the model of the uniform distribution process was built. The results show that zinc diffuses into the prepared Al/TiC alloy after it is placed in the zinc melt at temperatures below the melting point of aluminum, which leads to the decrease of the liquidus temperature of Al-Zn alloy in the surface layer of Al/TiC alloy. When the liquidus temperature of Al-Zn alloy is equal to or below the temperature of zinc melt, Al-Zn alloy melts and TiC particles drop with it from the Al/TiC alloy and then transfer into the zinc melt and finally distribute uniformly in it.

  11. Soldadura de aceros dual phase en chapa fina: GMAW, PAW y RSW


    Svoboda,Hernán; Lorusso,Hernán N.; Burgueño,Alejandro


    Los aceros Dual Phase (DP) han encontrado recientemente una fuerte aplicación en elementos estructurales en la industria automotriz, debido a la necesidad de disminuir peso. La soldadura de estos materiales cobra particular importancia considerando su aplicación estructural y los procesos relacionados en su fabricación. En particular la soldadura de resistencia por punto (RSW) y semiautomática con alambre macizo y protección gaseosa (GMAW) son ampliamente utilizados en la industria automotriz...

  12. Estudio del crecimiento de grano de la fase austenítica en un acero HSLA de bajo contenido en carbono

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    Illescas, S.


    Full Text Available The austenitic grain growth has been studied in a low carbon HSLA steel using a model of simples carbides and nitrides. A quantitative criterion for abnormal grain growth has been established and the optimal conditions of heat treatment have also been found. These optimal conditions are the time and the temperature that provide the minimum homogeneous grain size. This optimisation is important because the grain growth at the beginning of the γ → α determines the development of this, and the final properties of the structure.

    En el presente estudio se ha analizado el efecto que tienen los elementos microaleantes sobre el crecimiento de la fase austenítica en un acero HSLA de bajo contenido en carbono, mediante un modelo teórico de carburos y nitruros simples. Además, se ha establecido un criterio cuantitativo que permite discernir acerca de cuando se produce el crecimiento anormal y se han hallado las condiciones óptimas de austenización para el acero objeto de estudio, es decir, aquellas condiciones que generan el menor tamaño de grano homogéneo. La optimización de los parámetros (temperatura y tiempo de austenización para conseguir un tamaño de grano homogéneo mínimo, es importante puesto que el tamaño de grano austenítico al inicio de la transformación γ → α determina tanto el desarrollo de ésta como el tamaño de grano de la microestructura final, originando unas determinadas propiedades de resistencia y tenacidad.

  13. Mejora de la calidad del acero obtenido por colada continua mediante influencias electrofísicas

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    Shklyar, V.


    Full Text Available Laboratory tests with tin smelted in a crucible and industrial tests with crude steel poured in moulds had been carried out. These metals were subjected to electrophysical influences. As a result of the applied electric field, it is observed in tin that during the solidification, the crystalization temperature and the solidification time are changed. Crystal growth in the electric field direction and an increase of the fracture limit in the steel ingot are observed.

    Se han realizado ensayos de laboratorio con estaño fundido en crisol y a escala industrial con acero líquido vertidos en moldes, sometiendo estos metales a influencias electrofísicas. Como resultado del campo aplicado, en el estaño se observa que durante la solidificación varía la temperatura de cristalización y el tiempo de solidificación. En el lingote de acero se observa un crecimiento de los cristales en dirección del campo eléctrico y un aumento del límite de rotura.

  14. Modelación numérica con validación experimental aplicada al estudio del comportamiento de conectores tipo perno de estructuras compuestas de hormigón y acero

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    Jorge Bonilla


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza un estudio del comportamiento de conectores tipo perno de estructuras compuestas de hormigón y acero mediante la simulación numérica del ensayo push out en sección viga-losa maciza de hormigón. Se analiza el comportamiento de los materiales en régimen no lineal, empleándose en un primer caso un modelo bilineal con criterio de rotura de Von Mises para el acero y el hormigón, y en un segundo caso un Modelo de Daño Plástico para el hormigón. Como herramienta para la modelación numérica se emplea el programa computacional ABAQUS. Se aborda el procedimiento metodológico de modelación numérica del ensayo de conectores. Se observa una buena correspondencia existente entre los resultados numéricos y experimentales, evidenciándose la efectividad del uso del Método de Elementos Finitos para el estudio del comportamiento de conectores. Finalmente, respaldado por los estudios numéricos y experimentales, se realiza una valoración de precisión en la estimación de la capacidad resistente de los conectores obtenida a partir de las normativas: AISC-LRFD (2005, Eurocódigo 4 (2004 y la Normativa Ramal Cubana NR-080-2004, observando que dichas normativas sobreestiman este valor en muchos casos.

  15. Influencia de la adición de cobre y de bronce sobre las propiedades de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos sinterizados

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    Velasco, F.


    Full Text Available The effect that, on AISI 316L and 304L stainless steels alloyed with copper and bronze in different percentages up to a maximun of 20 % wt, produce both the alloying content and the sintering temperature over physical and mechanical properties and over the microstructure of sintered stainless steels are studied. Alloying with copper and bronze improves the density of sintered steels at the two sintering temperatures used. Copper and bronze promote liquid phase sintering (transitory or permanent, that activates sintering process. Tensile strength of stainless steel is highly improved for higher alloying contents. Moreover, tensile strength presents greater values alloying with bronze than with copper.

    Partiendo de los aceros inoxidables AISI 316L y 304L a los que se añadió cobre y bronce en diferentes porcentajes hasta el 20 % en peso, se estudia el efecto que la cantidad de aleante y la temperatura de sinterización tienen sobre las propiedades físicas y mecánicas y sobre la microestructura de los aceros inoxidables sinterizados. La aleación con cobre y con bronce aumenta la densidad de los aceros sinterizados para las dos temperaturas de sinterización utilizadas. El cobre y el bronce provocan la aparición de fase líquida (transitoria o permanente que activa el proceso de sinterización. La resistencia a la tracción del acero inoxidable experimenta un fuerte incremento para los contenidos más elevados de aleante. Además, la resistencia a la tracción alcanza mayores valores para la aleación con bronce que con cobre.

  16. Microstructure and properties of TiAlSiN coatings prepared by hybrid PVD technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Donghai; Wang Chengyong; Cheng Xiaoling; Zhang Fenglin


    TiAlSiN coatings with different Si content were prepared by hollow cathode discharge (HCD) and mid-frequency magnetron sputtering (MFMS) hybrid coating deposition technology. The chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical properties of these coatings were systematically investigated by means of energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nanoindentation measurement, scratch and high speed milling hardened steel tests. The coatings prepared by this method showed the structure of crystalline phase was corresponding to that of TiAlN, however, different preferred orientation with addition of Si. Proper content of Si into TiAlN led to increase of microhardness and adhesion. TiAlSiN coated end mill with Si content of 4.78 at.% had the least flank wear, which was improved about 20% milling distance than TiAlN coated end mill.

  17. Microstructure and properties of TiAlSiN coatings prepared by hybrid PVD technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu Donghai [Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006 (China); Wang Chengyong, E-mail: [Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006 (China); Cheng Xiaoling; Zhang Fenglin [Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006 (China)


    TiAlSiN coatings with different Si content were prepared by hollow cathode discharge (HCD) and mid-frequency magnetron sputtering (MFMS) hybrid coating deposition technology. The chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical properties of these coatings were systematically investigated by means of energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nanoindentation measurement, scratch and high speed milling hardened steel tests. The coatings prepared by this method showed the structure of crystalline phase was corresponding to that of TiAlN, however, different preferred orientation with addition of Si. Proper content of Si into TiAlN led to increase of microhardness and adhesion. TiAlSiN coated end mill with Si content of 4.78 at.% had the least flank wear, which was improved about 20% milling distance than TiAlN coated end mill.

  18. Intercalation of diclofenac in modified Zn/Al hydrotalcite-like preparation (United States)

    Heraldy, E.; Suprihatin, R. W.; Pranoto


    The intercalation of a pharmaceutically active material diclofenac into modified Zn/Al Hydrotalcite-like (Zn/Al HTlc) preparation has been investigated by the coprecipitation and ion exchange method, respectively. The synthetic materials were characterized using X- Ray Diffraction (XRD); Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM); X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and surface area analyzer. The results show that the basal spacing of the product was expanded to 11.03 A for direct synthesis and 10.68 A for indirect synthesis, suggesting that diclofenac anion was intercalated into Zn/Al HTlc and arranged in a tilted bilayer fashion and the specific surface area of material increased after the intercalation of diclofenac.

  19. Fe-Al2O3 nanocomposites prepared by high-energy ball milling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Linderoth, Søren; Pedersen, M.S.


    Nanocomposites of alpha-Fe and alpha-Al2O3, prepared by high-energy ball milling, exhibit coercivities which are enhanced by about two orders of magnitude with respect to the bulk value. The degree of enhancement depends on the volume fraction (x(upsilon)) of Fe, with a maximum for x(upsilon) alm......Nanocomposites of alpha-Fe and alpha-Al2O3, prepared by high-energy ball milling, exhibit coercivities which are enhanced by about two orders of magnitude with respect to the bulk value. The degree of enhancement depends on the volume fraction (x(upsilon)) of Fe, with a maximum for x...

  20. Caracterización de los aceros sinterizados obtenidos a partir de polvos prealeados Fe-1,5% Mo

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    Torralba, J. M.


    Full Text Available Sintered molybdenum-, copper-, nickel- alloyed steels, have been studied through the influence of the Chemical composition on different mechanical and physical properties. In all the studied steels, a constant percentage of carbon has been used, as well Fe-Mo prealloyed powders, with a 1,5% Mo content. Selected sintering conditions were close to those used in the P/M industry, potential consumer of the studied steels.

    Se estudian los aceros aleados sinterizados con molibdeno, cobre, níquel y grafito, a partir de la influencia de su composición sobre distintas propiedades mecánicas y físicas. En todos los aceros, se utilizó una composición de carbono constante, así como polvos prealeados de Fe-Mo, con 1,5% Mo. Las condiciones de sinterización elegidas han sido las más próximas a las utilizadas en la industria pulvimetalúrgica, que es el usuario potencial de los materiales estudiados.

  1. Microstructure and Properties of Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x Composite Prepared by Reactive Liquid Processing (United States)

    Verona, Maria Nalu; Setti, Dalmarino; Paredes, Ramón Sigifredo Cortés


    A Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite was prepared using reactive liquid processing (RLP) through controlled mixture of carbon steel and aluminum in the liquid state. The microstructure and phases of the composite were assessed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, optical microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, the density, hardness, microhardness, and elastic modulus were evaluated. The Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite consisted of 65 vol pct Fe3Al and 35 vol pct Fe3AlC x ( κ). The κ phase contained 10.62 at. pct C, resulting in the stoichiometry Fe3AlC0.475. The elastic modulus of the Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 composite followed the rule of mixtures. The RLP technique was shown to be capable of producing Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 with a microstructure and properties similar to those achieved using other processing techniques reported in the literature.



    Pavel Novák; Alena Michalcová; Milena Voděrová; Ivo Marek; Dalibor Vojtěch


    Quasicrystal-containing materials are usually prepared by rapid solidification of the melt (e.g. by melt spinning) or mechanical alloying. In this work, the method using exothermic reactions between compressed metallic powders called SHS (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis) was tested. The microstructure and phase composition of the product was described in dependence on cooling regime from the reaction temperature. Thermal stability of prepared Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals was studied by...

  3. "Hormigón y Acero": una crónica de la ingeniería estructural española en los últimos 60 años

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    López Palanco, Rafael


    Full Text Available The complete history of Hormigón y Acero (Journal of the spanish technical and scientifi c association of structural concrete, Ache is revised in this paper. The origins from issue n. 1, with a different title, as well as the reasons for its later name change and the various vicissitudes suffered during its almost 60 years of existence, are analized. All persons having collaborated through its Editorial Committee are detailed. Its role played in the chronicle of the spanish structural engineering along that period is confirmed. Specific details on its contents and on the evolution of their different sources are given.En este artículo se revisa la historia completa de Hormigón y Acero, revista de la Asociación Técnico- científica del Hormigón Estructural (Ache. Se analizan tanto su nacimiento desde el nº 1 con otro nombre y las razones de su posterior cambio de nombre al actual, como las vicisitudes sufridas durante los casi 60 años de existencia. Se detallan las personas que han colaborado en ella a través de su Comité de Redacción y se constata su papel como cronista de la ingeniería estructural española durante todo ese periodo, especificando detalles de algunos de sus contenidos y de la evolución de las fuentes de procedencia de los mismos.

  4. Raman and IR spectroscopic structural characterization of LiAlO2 powders prepared using a liquid mix technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cornilsen, B.C.; Loyselle, P.L.; Saporta, J.D.


    γ-LiAlO 2 and β-LiAlO 2 have been characterized using Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Powders have been prepared using two different preparation techniques: a solution method known as the liquid mix technique (LMT) and the traditional ceramic method. The authors find that the LMT allows direct production of single phase γ-LiAlO 2 at 600 degrees C, below that found using other preparation methods. Furthermore, this solution technique appears to avoid formation of the β-LiAlO 2 intermediate phase. At lower temperatures, the LMT product is a disordered precursor of γ- LiAlO 2

  5. Corrosión microbiológica en aceros de bajo carbono


    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendáriz, V.H.; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R


    La corrosión microbiológica es un tipo común de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberías de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones químicas que sustentan éstos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de técnicas electroquímicas para su análisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio n...

  6. Protocolo para evaluar y comparar la respuesta al contacto por indentación esférica de un sistema integrado por un recubrimiento cerámico depositado sobre un acero de herramienta


    Cordier, Delphine


    En aplicaciones como el conformado en frío donde las herramientas están sometidas a diversas cargas, se usan materiales para herramientas como aceros rápidos y metales duros recubiertos. En estas aplicaciones, los impactos sucesivos inducen presiones que pueden ocasionar el fallo por fatiga. Por ello, es necesario establecer las condiciones límite de trabajo de los materiales para optimizar la vida útil de las herramientas. En este trabajo, el sistema sustrato/recubrimiento ana...

  7. Ecuaciones constitutivas de la fluencia en caliente de aceros microaleados

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    Cabrera, J. M.


    Full Text Available Over centuries, the hot forming has been employed to provide shape to metáis. Nowadays, the deformation at high temperatures gives also the required final mechanical properties. From this point of view, the obtention of a constitutive equation describing the hot flow behaviour of microalloyed steels in particular is a very important task. The main difficulty in modelling the high temperature flow arises from the simultaneity of two opposite phenomena, namely, work hardening and dynamic softening due to recovery and recrystallization. In this is work a review of constitutive equations (including the effect of the chemical composition describing the flow behaviour of microalloyed steels deformed under high temperature conditions.

    Durante siglos el conformado en caliente se ha utilizado para proporcionar a los metales la forma deseada. Hoy en día la deformación en caliente no sólo genera la geometría deseada sino las características mecánicas requeridas. Así, la obtención de una ecuación constitutiva para la fluencia en caliente de un acero en particular, es una tarea ineludible para efectuar simulaciones por ordenador de procesos industriales. La complicación de la modelización de la fluencia a alta temperatura proviene de la simultaneidad de dos fenómenos contrapuestos durante la deformación, a saber, endurecimiento por deformación y ablandamiento por recuperación de la estructura. Este último a su vez puede constar de restauración y recristalización dinámicas. En este trabajo se revisan y plantean las ecuaciones constitutivas que describen las curvas de fluencia bajo condiciones de deformación en caliente, y se presenta una aplicación de las mismas a aceros microaleados.

  8. Estudio de inteligencia de mercados para la importación de tubería de acero carbón para PSA Colombia S.A.S.



    Estudio de inteligencia de mercados para la importación de tuberia de acero carbon para PSA Colombia S.A.S, SCH 40 de 2" revisar la viabilidad de la compra local versus la compra en el exterior analizando tres proveedores Estados Unidos, China y Brasil. En el presente trabajo se estudian los mercados para la importación de tubería de Acero Carbón SCH40, se realiza el análisis de cada área del proceso de comercialización y se establece en términos técnicos, comerciales, financieros, logísticos...

  9. The preparation and mechanical properties of Al-containing a-C : H thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Guangan; Yan Pengxun; Wang Peng; Chen Youming; Zhang Junyan


    Al-containing hydrogenated amorphous carbon (Al-C : H) films were deposited on silicon substrates using a mid frequency magnetron sputtering Al target in an argon and methane gas mixture. The composition, surface morphology, hardness and friction coefficient of the films were characterized using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, nanoindentation and tribological tester. The Al-C : H films deposited at low CH 4 content show high surface roughness, low hardness and high friction coefficient, similar to metallic Al films; in contrast, the Al-C : H films prepared under high CH 4 content indicate low surface roughness, high hardness and low friction coefficient, close to that of hard a-C : H films as wear-resistance films

  10. Fabricación aditiva mediante sinterizado láser de polvos de acero inoxidable martensítico AISI 420


    Vega Nava, Sergio


    Busqueda de los parámetros de fabricación adecuados y los tratamientos térmicos a realizar, con el fin de alcanzar durezas de 50 HRC y una adecuada porosidad, en el acero inoxidable AISI 420 obtenido mediante sinterizado láser.

  11. Preparation of TiC/Ni3Al Composites by Upward Melt Infiltration

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    TiC/Ni3Al composites have been prepared using upward infiltration method. The densificstion was performed by both Ni3Al melt filling and TiC sintering during the infiltration. The dissolution of TiC in liquid Ni3Al has been evidenced by finding Ni3(Al,Ti)C after fast cooling in the TiC/Ni3Al composites. The dissolution may be responsible for the infiltration and sintering. Compared with downward infiltration, the upward infiltration brought about higher strength and fracture toughness and shorter infiltration time. TiC/20 vol. pct Ni3Al composite processed by upward infiltration had a flexural strength of 1476 Mpa with a statistic Weibull modulus of 20.2 and a fracture toughness of 20.4 Mpa(m). Better mechanical properties may be attributed to melt unidirectional movement in upward infiltration.

  12. Recubrimientos de aluminio-silicio realizados por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado sobre el acero inoxidable AISI 316

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Los recubrimientos de aluminio-silicio fueron depositados sobre el acero inoxidable AISI 316 mediante deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado (CVD-FBR, en el rango de temperaturas de 540 a 560 ºC, utilizando un lecho formado por 2,5 g de silicio y 7,5 g de aluminio en polvo, y 90 g de lecho inerte (Alúmina, el cual se hizo fluidizar con Ar. Como gases activadores se usó una mezcla de HCl/H2, en relaciones de 1/10 a 1/16. Además, se varió el tiempo de deposición de los recubrimientos de 45 minutos a 1.5 horas, con una relación en volumen de 50% de gases activos y 50% de gases neutros. Se realizó una simulación termodinámica con la ayuda del programa informático Thermocalc, para obtener información de la posible composición y cantidad de material depositado, para las condiciones seleccionadas. En los recubrimientos se encuentran FeAl2Si, Fe2Al5 y FeAl2. Los recubrimientos aluminio-silicio fueron tratados térmicamente, para mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas y su comportamiento frente a la oxidación, por la interdifusión de los elementos de aleación, ya que el tratamiento térmico hace que el aluminio difunda hacia el substrato, y el hierro difunda hacia la superficie del recubrimiento, logrando la transformación de los compuestos anteriores en FeAl, Al2FeSi, Cr3Si, AlCrFe y AlFeNi.

  13. Thermal stability of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals prepared by SHS method

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    Pavel Novak


    Full Text Available Quasicrystal-containing materials are usually prepared by rapid solidification of the melt (e.g. by melt spinning or mechanical alloying. In this work, the method using exothermic reactions between compressed metallic powders called SHS (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis was tested. The microstructure and phase composition of the product was described in dependence on cooling regime from the reaction temperature. Thermal stability of prepared Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals was studied by annealing at the temperatures of 300 and 500 °C.


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    Pavel Novák


    Full Text Available Quasicrystal-containing materials are usually prepared by rapid solidification of the melt (e.g. by melt spinning or mechanical alloying. In this work, the method using exothermic reactions between compressed metallic powders called SHS (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis was tested. The microstructure and phase composition of the product was described in dependence on cooling regime from the reaction temperature. Thermal stability of prepared Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals was studied by annealing at the temperatures of 300 and 500 °C.

  15. Preparation, photoluminescent properties and luminescent dynamics of BaAlF5:Eu2+ nanophosphors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Wei; Hua, Ruinian; Liu, Tianqing; Zhao, Jun; Na, Liyan; Chen, Baojiu


    Graphical abstract: Rice-shaped BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors were synthesized via one-pot hydrothermal process. The as-prepared BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ are composed of many particles with an average diameter of 40 nm. When excited at 260 nm, the sharp line emission located at 361 nm of Eu 2+ was observed. The optimum doping concentration of Eu 2+ was confirmed to be 5 mol%. The strong ultraviolet emission of Eu 2+ ions in BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanoparticles suggests that these nanoparticles may have potential applications for sensing, solid-state lasers and spectrometer calibration. - Highlights: • BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors were synthesized via a mild hydrothermal process. • The Van and Huang models were used to research the mechanism of concentration quenching. • The optimum doping concentration of Eu2+ was confirmed to be 5 mol%. - Abstract: Eu 2+ -doped BaAlF 5 nanophosphors were synthesized via a facile one-pot hydrothermal method. The final products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD results showed that the prepared samples are single-phase. The FE-SEM and TEM images indicated that the prepared BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors are composed of many rice-shaped particles with an average diameter of 40 nm. When excited at 260 nm, BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors exhibit the sharp line emissions of Eu 2+ at room temperature. The optimum doping concentration of Eu 2+ was confirmed to be 5 mol%. The Van and Huang models were used to study the mechanism of concentration quenching and the electric dipole–dipole interaction between Eu 2+ can be deduced to be a dominant for quenching fluorescence in BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors. The strong ultraviolet emission of Eu 2+ in BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors suggests that these nanoparticles may have potential applications for sensing, spectrometer calibration and solid-state lasers

  16. Transferencia de calor en la colada continua de aceros. II parte. Enfriamiento secundario

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    Cicutti, C.


    Full Text Available Once the strand leaves the mold, the solidification of steel progresses due to the heat extracted in the secondary cooling zone of the continuous casting machine. In this zone, heat is extracted mainly by: the incidence of water from sprays, radiation to surroundings contact with rolls and run out water accumulated between rolls and strand. In this work, all these mechanisms are evaluated and, when it is possible, they are quantified. Methods which are usually employed to measure solidification profiles in the continuous casting machine are also reviewed. Finally, the incidence of secondary cooling on the quality of cast products is discussed.

    La solidificación del acero iniciada en el molde continúa en la zona de enfriamiento secundario de la máquina donde el calor es extraído, principalmente por la incidencia del agua de los rociadores, la radiación al medio ambiente, el contacto con los rodillos y el agua acumulada en ellos. En este trabajo se revisa cada uno de estos mecanismos determinando, en los casos en que es posible, valores cuantitativos de los mismos. Además, se analizan los distintos métodos empleados para medir el avance del espesor solidificado en la máquina de colada continua. Por último, se discute la incidencia del enfriamiento secundario en la calidad final de los productos colados.

  17. El refractario en la fabricación de acero inoxidable

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    Ferrer, F. J.


    Full Text Available The influence of the steelmaking process on the quality and the performance of refractory materials used on stainless steel production was described. The most important technical and design parameters of the processing units were explained and related with the slag chemical composition and the qualities of the refractories used.

    Se describe la influencia del proceso siderúrgico sobre el tipo y rendimiento del material refractario utilizado en la producción de acero inoxidable. Tras describir las distintas unidades implicadas en el proceso metalúrgico se hace especial énfasis en la importancia que ejercen el diseño de las distintas unidades y el tipo y control de la escoria sobre la calidad del tipo de refractario a utilizar.

  18. Preparation of a high strength Al-Cu-Mg alloy by mechanical alloying and press-forming

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tang Huaguo [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China); Cheng Zhiqiang [College of Resources and Environment, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118 (China); Liu Jianwei [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China); Ma Xianfeng, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A high strength aluminum alloy of Al-2 wt.%Mg-2 wt.%Cu has been prepared by mechanical alloying and press-forming. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The alloy only consists of solid solution {alpha}-Al. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The grains size of {alpha}-Al was about 300 nm-5 {mu}m. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The solid solution strengthening and the grain refinement strengthening are the main reasons for such a high strength. - Abstract: A high strength aluminum alloy, with the ratio of 96 wt.%Al-2 wt.%Mg-2 wt.%Cu, has been prepared by mechanical alloying and press-forming. The alloy exhibited a high tensile strength of 780 MPa and a high microhardness of 180 HV. X-ray diffraction characterizations confirmed that the alloy only consists of a solid solution {alpha}-Al. Microstructure characterizations revealed that the grain size of {alpha}-Al was about 300 nm-5 {mu}m. The solid solution strengthening and the grain refinement strengthening were considered to be the reason for such a high strength.

  19. Microporous Ni@NiO nanoparticles prepared by chemically dealloying Al_3Ni_2@Al nanoparticles as a high microwave absorption material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pang, Yu; Xie, Xiubo; Li, Da; Chou, Wusheng; Liu, Tong


    The Al_3Ni_2@Al nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared from Ni_4_5Al_5_5 master alloy by hydrogen plasma-metal reaction method, and were subsequently dealloyed to produce porous Ni@NiO NPs of 36 nm. The pore size ranges from 0.7 to 1.6 nm, leading to large specific surface area of 69.5 m"2/g and big pore volume of 0.507 cc/g. The saturation magnetization (M_S) and coercivity (H_C) of the microporous Ni@NiO NPs are 11.5 emu/g and 5.2 Oe. They exhibit high microwave absorption performance with a minimum reflection coefficient (RC) of −86.9 dB and an absorption bandwidth of 2.6 GHz (RC≤−10 dB) at thickness of 4.5 mm. The enhanced microwave absorption properties are attributed to the synergistic effect of the magnetic Ni core and dielectric NiO shell, and the micropore architecture. The NPs with micropore morphology and core/shell structure open a new way to modify the microwave absorption performance. - Graphical abstract: The microporous Ni/NiO nanoparticles prepared by chemically dealloying Al_3Ni_2@Al NPs exhibit high microwave absorption intensity (−86.9 dB) and wide absorption bandwidth (2.6 GHz for RC≤−10 dB). - Highlights: • Microporous Ni/NiO nanoparticals were prepared by chemically dealloying method. • They possessed micropores of 0.7–1.6 nm with a surface area of 69.5 m"2/g. • They showed high microwave absorption intensity and wide absorption bandwidth. • Microwave absorption mechanism was explained by micropore and core/shell structures.

  20. Synthesis and characterization of hard ternary AlMgB composite films prepared by sputter deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan Ce [Department of Physics and Materials Science and Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Zhou, Z.F. [Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management and Advanced Coatings Applied Research Laboratory, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Chong, Y.M.; Liu, C.P.; Liu, Z.T. [Department of Physics and Materials Science and Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Li, K.Y., E-mail: [Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management and Advanced Coatings Applied Research Laboratory, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Bello, I., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Materials Science and Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Kutsay, O.; Zapien, J.A.; Zhang, W.J. [Department of Physics and Materials Science and Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)


    Hard and superlight thin films laminated with boron carbide have been proposed as candidates for strategic use such as armor materials in military and space applications. Aluminum magnesium boride (AlMgB) films are excellent candidates for these purposes. We prepared AlMgB films by sputter deposition using multiple unbalanced planar magnetrons equipped with two boron and one AlMg targets. The film morphology changed and the film's root mean square (rms) roughness varied from 1.0 to 18 nm as the power density of the AlMg target increased from 0.2 to 1.0 W/cm{sup 2} while the power density of each boron target was maintained at 2 W/cm{sup 2}. Chemical analyses show dominating Al, Mg, B and trace elements of oxygen, carbon and argon. The film composition also varies with altering the power density supplied to the AlMg target. The film with an atomic ratio of Al:Mg:B = 1.38:0.64:1 exhibits the highest hardness ({approx} 30 GPa). This value surpasses the hardness of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films (24-28 GPa) prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition.

  1. Synthesis and characterization of hard ternary AlMgB composite films prepared by sputter deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan Ce; Zhou, Z.F.; Chong, Y.M.; Liu, C.P.; Liu, Z.T.; Li, K.Y.; Bello, I.; Kutsay, O.; Zapien, J.A.; Zhang, W.J.


    Hard and superlight thin films laminated with boron carbide have been proposed as candidates for strategic use such as armor materials in military and space applications. Aluminum magnesium boride (AlMgB) films are excellent candidates for these purposes. We prepared AlMgB films by sputter deposition using multiple unbalanced planar magnetrons equipped with two boron and one AlMg targets. The film morphology changed and the film's root mean square (rms) roughness varied from 1.0 to 18 nm as the power density of the AlMg target increased from 0.2 to 1.0 W/cm 2 while the power density of each boron target was maintained at 2 W/cm 2 . Chemical analyses show dominating Al, Mg, B and trace elements of oxygen, carbon and argon. The film composition also varies with altering the power density supplied to the AlMg target. The film with an atomic ratio of Al:Mg:B = 1.38:0.64:1 exhibits the highest hardness (∼ 30 GPa). This value surpasses the hardness of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films (24-28 GPa) prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition.

  2. Preparation, optical properties of ZnO, ZnO:Al nanorods and Y(OH)3:Eu nanotube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tran Kim Anh; Dinh Xuan Loc; Lam thi Kieu Giang; Le Quoc Minh; Strek, Wieslaw


    ZnO, ZnO:Al nanorods and Y(OH) 3 nanotubes have been prepared by the chemical vapor deposition and liquid phase synthesis. ZnO nanorods with diameter of 50 - 100 nm and length of 5 μm have been obtained by the CVD method. ZnO:Al nanorods were synthesized by the hydrothermal method from ZnSO 4. and Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 . Nanorods and nanotubes of Y(OH) 3 with diameter of 200 nm and length of several micrometers were prepared by the soft template method. The crystal structure and morphology of rods and tubes were analyzed by the X-Ray diffraction and FE-SEM. The influence of fabrication conditions and Al, Eu concentration have been discussed.

  3. Preparation of Al-Mg Alloy Electrodes by Using Powder Metallurgy and Their Application for Hydrogen Production

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    Wen-Nong Hsu


    Full Text Available The choice of an electrode is the most critical parameter for water electrolysis. In this study, powder metallurgy is used to prepare aluminum-magnesium (Al-Mg alloy electrodes. In addition to pure Mg and Al electrodes, five Al-Mg alloy electrodes composed of Al-Mg (10 wt%, Al-Mg (25 wt%, Al-Mg (50 wt%, and Al-Mg (75 wt% were prepared. In water electrolysis experiments, the pure Al electrode exhibited optimal electrolytic efficiency. However, the Al-Mg (25 wt% alloy was the most efficient when the anticorrosion effect and materials costs were considered. In this study, an ultrasonic field was applied to the electrolysis cell to improve its efficiency. The results revealed that the current increased by approximately 23.1% when placed in a 30 wt% KOH solution under the ultrasonic field. Electrochemical polarization impedance spectroscopy (EIS was employed to evaluate the effect of the ultrasonic field on the reduction of polarization resistance. The results showed that the concentration impedance in the 30 wt% KOH electrolyte decreased markedly by 44%–51% Ω.

  4. Precipitation in cold-rolled Al-Sc-Zr and Al-Mn-Sc-Zr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy

    KAUST Repository

    Vlach, Martin


    The effects of cold-rolling on thermal, mechanical and electrical properties, microstructure and recrystallization behaviour of the AlScZr and AlMnScZr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy were studied. The powder was produced by atomising in argon with 1% oxygen and then consolidated by hot extrusion at 350 C. The electrical resistometry and microhardness together with differential scanning calorimetry measurements were compared with microstructure development observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction. Fine (sub)grain structure developed and fine coherent Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles precipitated during extrusion at 350 C in the alloys studied. Additional precipitation of the Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles and/or their coarsening was slightly facilitated by the previous cold rolling. The presence of Sc,Zr-containing particles has a significant antirecrystallization effect that prevents recrystallization at temperatures minimally up to 420 C. The precipitation of the Al6Mn- and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particles of a size ~ 1.0 μm at subgrain boundaries has also an essential antirecrystallization effect and totally suppresses recrystallization during 32 h long annealing at 550 C. The texture development of the alloys seems to be affected by high solid solution strengthening by Mn. The precipitation of the Mn-containing alloy is highly enhanced by a cold rolling. The apparent activation energy of the Al3Sc particles formation and/or coarsening and that of the Al6Mn and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particle precipitation in the powder and in the compacted alloys were determined. The cold deformation has no effect on the apparent activation energy values of the Al3Sc-phase and the Al 6Mn-phase precipitation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.

  5. Precipitation in cold-rolled Al-Sc-Zr and Al-Mn-Sc-Zr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy

    KAUST Repository

    Vlach, Martin; Stulí ková , Ivana; Smola, Bohumil; Kekule, Tomá š; Kudrnová , Hana; Daniš, Stanislav; Gemma, Ryota; Očená šek, Vladivoj; Má lek, Jaroslav; Tanprayoon, Dhritti; Neubert, Volkmar


    The effects of cold-rolling on thermal, mechanical and electrical properties, microstructure and recrystallization behaviour of the AlScZr and AlMnScZr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy were studied. The powder was produced by atomising in argon with 1% oxygen and then consolidated by hot extrusion at 350 C. The electrical resistometry and microhardness together with differential scanning calorimetry measurements were compared with microstructure development observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction. Fine (sub)grain structure developed and fine coherent Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles precipitated during extrusion at 350 C in the alloys studied. Additional precipitation of the Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles and/or their coarsening was slightly facilitated by the previous cold rolling. The presence of Sc,Zr-containing particles has a significant antirecrystallization effect that prevents recrystallization at temperatures minimally up to 420 C. The precipitation of the Al6Mn- and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particles of a size ~ 1.0 μm at subgrain boundaries has also an essential antirecrystallization effect and totally suppresses recrystallization during 32 h long annealing at 550 C. The texture development of the alloys seems to be affected by high solid solution strengthening by Mn. The precipitation of the Mn-containing alloy is highly enhanced by a cold rolling. The apparent activation energy of the Al3Sc particles formation and/or coarsening and that of the Al6Mn and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particle precipitation in the powder and in the compacted alloys were determined. The cold deformation has no effect on the apparent activation energy values of the Al3Sc-phase and the Al 6Mn-phase precipitation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.

  6. Efecto de la Composición Química del Metal de Aporte y del Calor Aportado Sobre la Microestructura y las Propiedades Mecánicas de Juntas Soldadas de Aceros Inoxidables Dúplex

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    Sebastián Zappa

    Full Text Available Resumen Los aceros inoxidables dúplex poseen una microestructura dual (ferrita y austenita con contenidos aproximadamente iguales y se caracterizan por tener buena soldabilidad, buenas propiedades mecánicas y una alta resistencia a la corrosión generalizada y localizada. Gracias a estas características, estos aceros son los principales materiales a emplear en cañerías con altas exigencias, ampliamente utilizados en varias industrias, principalmente la petroquímica. Dichas propiedades están controladas por la composición química, el equilibrio microestructural y la ausencia de compuestos intermetálicos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia de la composición química del metal de aporte y el calor aportado sobre la microestructura y las propiedades mecánicas en juntas soldadas de cañerías de acero inoxidable dúplex. El metal base utilizado fue un acero inoxidable dúplex UNS S31803 de 8” de diámetro y 8,18 mm de espesor y los metales de aporte fueron dos alambres tubulares que depositan aceros inoxidables dúplex y lean dúplex (AWS A5.22: E2209T1-1 y E2209T1-G, mediante el proceso de soldadura semi-automático bajo protección gaseosa, soldados con alto y bajo calor aportado. De cada probeta se extrajeron muestras donde se determinó la composición química, se realizó la caracterización microestructural y se determinaron las propiedades mecánicas (dureza, tracción y Charpy-V.

  7. La fatiga en las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón


    Avila Kildal, Francisco


    Para conseguir aprovechar los recursos que la sociedad invierte en infraestructuras de manera óptima es imprescindible, para la ingeniería civil, un buen conocimiento de los materiales y de sus propiedades. Partiendo de esta premisa, el objetivo de esta tesina es aportar conocimiento a la caracterización de las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón en su funcionamiento frente a la fatiga. Definimos fatiga como la alteración mecánica de los materiales bajo el ef...

  8. Síntesis y caracterización de recubrimientos de tin, tic y ticn sobre acero aisi 4340

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    Héctor E. Jaramillo Suárez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se crecieron películas de TiN, TiC y TiCN sobre aceros AISI 4340, con el objeto de comparar los resultados estructurales, morfológicos y mecánicos al crecerlos sobre un mismo substrato. Se utilizó un láser pulsado Nd: YAG con energía de 500mJ, longitud de onda de 1064 nm y tasa de repetición de 10 Hz. Mediante microscopia de Fuerza Atómica AFM, se observó que los recubrimientos presentan alta homogeneidad y tamaño de grano fino. Por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido se determinó presencia de microgotas en los recubrimientos. Se aplicó prueba de tensión para determinar la adhesión de las películas; aplicando cargas máximas de 60 Kgf, los recubrimientos no mostraron señales de desprendimiento del substrato. A todos los recubrimientos se les sometió a prueba de dureza Rockwell C, con el fin de determinar la resistencia a la fractura, indicando que estos recubrimientos son aptos para diferentes aplicaciones en la industria.

  9. Influencia de la composición química de diferentes chatarras de acero sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la fundición con grafito esferoidal

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    Asenjo, I.


    Full Text Available Different commercial steel scraps have been selected so as to analyse the outcome of their use as raw materials and to evaluate their applicability in the production of ductile iron castings. These selected steels show an important chemical variability mainly depending on their origin and on their previous utilisation. According to that, alloying elements added through these materials have been determined and their effects on the structural characteristics and the mechanical properties of test-castings with different shape and size have been studied. The most important element added is manganese, which is included in all the selected scraps with contents higher than 0.2 %. Other elements are: copper, chromium, tin, titanium and vanadium. All of them are known as pearlite promoters apart from titanium and vanadium. Therefore, these elements can be used for manufacturing casting containing pearlitic and/or mixed ferritic and pearlitic structures. No carbides were found in all the test castings.

    Se han seleccionado diferentes chatarras de acero comerciales, con el fin de analizar las implicaciones de su utilización como materias primas y evaluar su aplicabilidad en la fabricación de piezas de fundición con grafito esferoidal. Estos aceros muestran una gran variabilidad en su composición química, dependiendo principalmente de su origen y naturaleza. Se han determinado los elementos químicos aportados por estos materiales y se han estudiado sus efectos sobre las características estructurales y las propiedades mecánicas de piezas test con diferentes morfologías y tamaños. El elemento de aportación más importante es el manganeso, el cual está presente en todos los aceros seleccionados en concentraciones superiores al 0,2 %. Otros elementos son: cobre, cromo, estaño, titanio y vanadio. Todos ellos, salvo el titanio y vanadio, originan aumentos en los contenidos de perlita en la matriz metálica, por lo que pueden ser utilizados para

  10. Mejora en la producción de recubrimientos de NiAl obtenidos por síntesis autopropagada a alta temperatura mediante energía solar concentrada

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    Sierra, C.


    Full Text Available The production of NiAl coatings on steel can be achieved in a quick, cheap and unpolluted way. All this advantages are possible using concentrated solar energy (CSE and selfpropagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS. SHS process allows the production of NiAl in short periods of using of the heat released in the reaction. Initial energy is provided by concentrated solar energy. The aim of this work is to improve the adherence between steel and coating. Two kinds of samples are examined: samples with Ni powder layer, and samples electroplated with nickel.

    Se presenta un procedimiento para la obtención de recubrimientos de NiAl sobre acero, de forma rápida, barata y limpia desde el punto de vista medioambiental. Todas estas ventajas son posibles mediante el empleo combinado de la Energía Solar Concentrada (CSE y la Síntesis Autopropagada a Alta Temperatura (SHS aplicada a la producción de intermetálicos. Las reacciones SHS permiten la obtención de NiAl en procesos de corta duración, prácticamente instantáneos, aprovechando la elevada exotermicidad de la propia reacción. El aporte energético inicial se realiza concentrando radiación solar con una lente de Fresnel. El objetivo del trabajo presentado era mejorar la adherencia del recubrimiento de NiAl al acero base; se comparan los resultados de los ensayos entre probetas con una capa intermedia de polvo de níquel y probetas con níquel electrodepositado.

  11. Influencia de la fase sigma en la laminación en frío de los aceros inoxidables dúplex

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    Fargas, G.


    .4462. Para simular dicho proceso se han realizado ensayos de compresión sobre probetas con diferentes porcentajes de fase sigma aplicando reducciones de espesor similares a las desarrolladas en la industria. Las probetas ensayadas fueron estudiadas por microscopía óptica, MEB (microscopía electrónica de barrido y por MET (microscopía electrónica de transmisión. Posteriormente se laminaron a escala de laboratorio algunos de los aceros tratados térmicamente con el fin de corroborar si ofrecían un comportamiento similar al de los ensayos de compresión. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que únicamente el recocido a 975ºC durante 10 minutos permite obtener planchas libre de defectos.

  12. Analysis of suspension and heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3 nanofluids prepared through ultrasonic vibration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Cherng-Yuan; Wang, Jung-Chang; Chen, Teng-Chieh


    Highlights: → The Al 2 O 3 nanofluid prepared with a surfactant with an HLB value = 12 had the lowest nanoparticle precipitation rate. → The nanofluids prepared with both a dispersant and surfactant had the lowest thermal conductivity . → The thermal conductivity decreased with storage time for all of the Al 2 O 3 nanofluids. → An increase in operating temperature leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity of Al 2 O 3 nanofluids. -- Abstract: Nanofluids that contain nanoparticles with excellent heat transfer characteristics dispersed in a continuous liquid phase are expected to exhibit superior thermal and fluid characteristics to those in a single liquid phase primarily because of their much greater collision frequency and larger contact surface between solid nanoparticles and the liquid phase. One of the major challenges in the use of nanofluids to dissipate the heat generated in electronic equipment such as LEDs is nanoparticles' precipitation due to their poor suspension in the fluid after periods of storage or operation, thereby leading to deterioration in the nanofluids' heat transfer rate. In this study, ultrasonic vibration was employed to prepare Al 2 O 3 nanofluids with a surfactant, a dispersant, and a combination of the two to evaluate their suspension and heat transfer characteristics. The experimental results show the Al 2 O 3 nanofluid prepared with a non-ionic surfactant with a hydrophile lipophile balance (HLB) value of 12 to have the lowest nanoparticle precipitation rate and, accordingly, the highest degree of emulsification stability. Moreover, the nanofluids prepared with both the dispersant and surfactant had the greatest dynamic viscosity and lowest degree of thermal conductivity. Both the precipitation rate and dynamic viscosity of the nanoparticles increased, and their thermal conductivity coefficient decreased, the longer they remained in the Al 2 O 3 nanofluids. Further, an increase in operating temperature caused an

  13. Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de dos aceros para herramientas con ultra alto contenido de boro

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    Jiménez, J. A.


    Full Text Available In the present work, two selected tool steels have been modified by a boron addition of 0.5 and 1 mass %. Both steels were processed by powder metallurgy methods, including argon atomization and hot isostatic pressing. The Consolidated materials presented a microstructure consisting of a fine and homogeneous distribution borocarbides M23(C,B6 in a ferrite-martensite matrix. No changes are observed in the microstructure after deformation by compression-strain-rate-change tests at temperatures ranging from 700 to 1,100 °C. For the Fe-lB-lC steel, a stress exponent of 4.5 was obtained, that suggests that slip creep is the controlling deformation mechanism. On the other hand, a stress exponent between 2 and 3 was obtained for the Fe-0.5B-1.5C steel that suggests that grain boundary sliding is the controlling deformation mechanism. In both cases, the activation energy for creep was related to the activation energy for iron self-diffusion.

    En el presente trabajo se han modificado dos aceros para herramientas convencionales por la presencia de un contenido de boro entre 0,5 y 1 % en masa. Ambos aceros se procesaron por la ruta pulvimetalúrgica, incluyendo atomización por argón y compactación isostática en caliente. El material compactado presentó una microestructura caracterizada por una distribución de partículas de borocarburos M23(C,B6 fina y homogénea en una matriz de ferrita-martensita. Esta microestructura permanece prácticamente inalterada tras los ensayos de cambios en la velocidad de deformación durante el ensayo de compresión a temperaturas entre 750 y 1.000 °C. En el caso del acero Fe-lB-lC se obtuvo un valor para el exponente de la tensión de 4,5, que sugiere que la deformación plástica está controlada por un mecanismo de fluencia por movimiento de dislocaciones. Por otro lado, para el acero Fe-0,5B-1,5C, se obtuvieron valores para el exponente de la tensión comprendidos

  14. Precursor preparation for Ca-Al layered double hydroxide to remove hexavalent chromium coexisting with calcium and magnesium chlorides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhong, Lihua; He, Xiaoman; Qu, Jun; Li, Xuewei; Lei, Zhiwu; Zhang, Qiwu [School of Resources and Environment Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070 (China); Liu, Xinzhong [College of Ecological Environment and Urban Construction, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118 (China)


    Al(OH){sub 3} and Ca(OH){sub 2} powders are co-ground to prepare a precursor which hydrates into a layered double hydroxide (LDH) phase by agitation in aqueous solution with target hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) at room temperature, to achieve an obvious improvement in removal efficiency of Cr(VI) through an easy incorporation into the structure. Although the prepared precursor transforms into LDH phases also when agitated in the solutions of calcium and magnesium chlorides, it incorporates Cr(VI) preferentially to the chloride salts when they coexist. The adsorption isotherm and kinetic studies show that the phenomena occurring on the Al-Ca precursor fit a pseudo-second-order kinetics with a Langmuir adsorption capacity of 59.45 mg/g. Besides, characterizations of the prepared precursor and the samples after adsorption are also performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Transmission electron microscope (TEM) to understand the reason of the preferential incorporation of Cr(VI) to the coexisting chloride salts during the LDH phase formation. - Graphical abstract: Activated Ca-Al hydroxides (C{sub 3}A) transformed into Ca-Al-OH compound when agitated in water. Ca-Al precursor (C{sub 3}A) was agitated in a hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) solution to form Al-Ca-CrO{sub 4} LDH product. Ca-Al-CrO{sub 4} LDH phase occurred preferentially to Ca-Al-MCl{sub 2} LDH phases in the solutions of calcium and magnesium chlorides, it incorporates Cr(VI) preferentially to the chloride salts when they coexist. - Highlights: • Activated Ca-Al hydroxides transformed into LDH when agitated in water with some inorganic substances. • Hexavalent Cr was incorporated in the LDH structure at high adsorption capacity. • Ca-Al-Cr LDH phase occurred preferentially to Ca-Al-MCl{sub 2} LDH phases with coexistence. • The prepared Ca-Al hydroxides had high performance as adsorbent even with high salinity of the solution.

  15. Precursor preparation for Ca-Al layered double hydroxide to remove hexavalent chromium coexisting with calcium and magnesium chlorides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong, Lihua; He, Xiaoman; Qu, Jun; Li, Xuewei; Lei, Zhiwu; Zhang, Qiwu; Liu, Xinzhong


    Al(OH) 3 and Ca(OH) 2 powders are co-ground to prepare a precursor which hydrates into a layered double hydroxide (LDH) phase by agitation in aqueous solution with target hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) at room temperature, to achieve an obvious improvement in removal efficiency of Cr(VI) through an easy incorporation into the structure. Although the prepared precursor transforms into LDH phases also when agitated in the solutions of calcium and magnesium chlorides, it incorporates Cr(VI) preferentially to the chloride salts when they coexist. The adsorption isotherm and kinetic studies show that the phenomena occurring on the Al-Ca precursor fit a pseudo-second-order kinetics with a Langmuir adsorption capacity of 59.45 mg/g. Besides, characterizations of the prepared precursor and the samples after adsorption are also performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Transmission electron microscope (TEM) to understand the reason of the preferential incorporation of Cr(VI) to the coexisting chloride salts during the LDH phase formation. - Graphical abstract: Activated Ca-Al hydroxides (C 3 A) transformed into Ca-Al-OH compound when agitated in water. Ca-Al precursor (C 3 A) was agitated in a hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) solution to form Al-Ca-CrO 4 LDH product. Ca-Al-CrO 4 LDH phase occurred preferentially to Ca-Al-MCl 2 LDH phases in the solutions of calcium and magnesium chlorides, it incorporates Cr(VI) preferentially to the chloride salts when they coexist. - Highlights: • Activated Ca-Al hydroxides transformed into LDH when agitated in water with some inorganic substances. • Hexavalent Cr was incorporated in the LDH structure at high adsorption capacity. • Ca-Al-Cr LDH phase occurred preferentially to Ca-Al-MCl 2 LDH phases with coexistence. • The prepared Ca-Al hydroxides had high performance as adsorbent even with high salinity of the solution.

  16. Preparation and characterization of Yttrium-Aluminium garnet (Y3Al5O12)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruzicka, J.; Niznansky, D.; Houzvicka, J.; Nikl, M.; Cerny, R.


    This work deals with the preparation of powders and transparent yttrium aluminium garnet (Y 3 Al 5 O 12 - YAG) from nanopowders. Stoichiometric amounts of nanocrystalline Al 2 O 3 and Y 2 O 3 were mixed and chemically pretreated using different basic agents and using ultrasonic bath. Resulting mixture was dried, pressed and heated up to 1750°C. Final material was characterized by X-ray diffraction, DTA and optical and electron microscopy

  17. Preparation of Al/Si functionally graded materials using ultrasonic separation method

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    Zhang Zhongtao


    Full Text Available Functionally graded materials (FGM have been widely used in many industries such as aerospace, energy and electronics. In this experimental study of fabricating FGM, an approach was developed to prepare Al/Si FGM using power ultrasonic separation method. Material sample with continuously changing composition and performance/properties was successfully produced. Results showed that the microstructure of the FGM sample transited, from its top to bottom, from the hypereutectic structure with a large quantity of primary Si gradually to the eutectic, and fi nally to the hypoeutectic with numerous primary Al dendrites. The distribution of primary Si and microhardness of the FGM sample also presented graded characteristics, resulting that the wear resistance of the FGM sample decreased from top to bottom. Preliminary discussion was made on the mechanism of the formation of Al/Si FGM.

  18. Preparation and study of nanostructured TiAlSiN thin films

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    Jakab-Farkas L.


    Full Text Available TiAlSiN thin film coatings were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering of TiAlSi target with 40 at.% Ti, 40 at.% Al and 20 at.% Si, performed in N2-Ar gas mixture. The sputtering power used in these experiments was controlled for 400 W. The bias voltage of the substrates was kept at -20 V DC and the temperature at 500 0C. All the samples were prepared with a constant flow rate of Ar and different nitrogen flow rates, which were selected from 1.25 sccm to 4.0 sccm. Nanostructured TiAlSiN coatings were developed on Si(100 and HSS substrates. Microstructure investigation of the coatings was performed by transmission electron microscopy investigation, structure investigation was performed by XRD analysis, and the mechanical properties of the coatings have been tested by ball-on-disk tribological investigation and micro-Vickers hardness measurements. In this paper will be shown that for optimized nitrogen concentration the microstructure of TiAlSiN coating evolve from a competitive columnar growth to a dendritic growth one with very fine nano-lamellae like morphology. The developed nanostructured TiAlSiN coatingshave hardness HV exceeding 40 GPa and show an increased abrasive wear resistance

  19. Al/ B4C Composites with 5 and 10 wt% Reinforcement Content Prepared by Powder Metallurgy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yusof Abdullah; Mohd Reusmaazran Yusof; Azali Muhammad; Nadira Kamarudin; Wilfred Sylvester Paulus; Roslinda Shamsudin; Nasrat Hannah Shudin; Nurazila Mat Zali


    The preparation, physical and mechanical properties of Al/ B 4 C composites with 5 and 10 wt.% reinforcement content were investigated. In order to obtain the feedstock with a low powder loading, B 4 C mixtures containing fine powders were investigated to obtain the optimal particle packing. The experimental results indicated that the fine containing 5 and 10 wt.% particles are able to prepare the feedstock with a good flowability. The composites fabricated by powder metallurgy have low densities and homogeneous microstructures. Additionally there is no interface reaction observed between the reinforcement and matrix by XRD analysis. The hardness of Al/ B 4 C composites prepared by powder metallurgy was high. (Author)

  20. Preparation, optical properties of ZnO, ZnO:Al nanorods and Y(OH){sub 3}:Eu nanotube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tran Kim Anh; Dinh Xuan Loc; Lam thi Kieu Giang; Le Quoc Minh [Institute of Materials Science, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Nghia Do, Cau Giay, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Strek, Wieslaw [Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, PAN, 2 Okolna, Wroclaw (Poland)], E-mail:


    ZnO, ZnO:Al nanorods and Y(OH){sub 3} nanotubes have been prepared by the chemical vapor deposition and liquid phase synthesis. ZnO nanorods with diameter of 50 - 100 nm and length of 5 {mu}m have been obtained by the CVD method. ZnO:Al nanorods were synthesized by the hydrothermal method from ZnSO{sub 4.} and Al{sub 2}(SO{sub 4}){sub 3}. Nanorods and nanotubes of Y(OH){sub 3} with diameter of 200 nm and length of several micrometers were prepared by the soft template method. The crystal structure and morphology of rods and tubes were analyzed by the X-Ray diffraction and FE-SEM. The influence of fabrication conditions and Al, Eu concentration have been discussed.

  1. Cinéticas de transformación de fases a 850 ºC de aceros inoxidables dúplex clásicos (2205 y 2507 y de uno nuevo de bajo contenido en níquel y alto en manganeso (DBNi

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    Rodríguez, M. P.


    Full Text Available Austenitic-ferritic stainless steels are formed by ferrite and austenite in a variable proportion between 30 % and 70 %. Their chemical composition conditions the ageing processes that can happen during heat treatments, where phases that hardens and brittles the material can be generated. Evolution of a new duplex stainless steel with lower nickel and higher nitrogen and manganese content maintained at 1123 K (critical precipitation temperature up to 8 hours compared to classical ones (2205 and 2507 is presented. The study, done by magnetic measurements, XRD, optical and scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis, revealed a roughly similar behaviour for the three steels. The new one presents a higher initial stability, probably due to the high nitrogen and manganese contents; however, it also produces the higher final transformation due to the higher initial ferrite. A fine comparative analysis was done to correctly identify any phase; an accurate microanalysis in every generated phase was performed. All the steels tested are initially made on ferrite and austenite. After the ageing treatment, 8 hours at 1123 K, in the 2205 duplex steel a strong precipitation of sigma phase is observed, austenite and some of the original ferrite are also present; ferrite completely transforms in the 2507 duplex and austenite, sigma, secondary austenite and chromium nitride can be found; regarding the new duplex steel DBNi, austenite, ferrite, sigma, chi and chromium nitrides are detected.

    Los aceros dúplex austeno-ferríticos están constituidos por ferrita y austenita en proporciones variables del 30 % al 70 %. Su composición química condiciona los procesos de envejecimiento que sufren durante los tratamientos térmicos, cuando se generan fases que endurecen y fragilizan el material. Este trabajo estudia la evolución de un nuevo inoxidable dúplex con bajo contenido en níquel y alto en nitrógeno y manganeso a 1123 K (temperatura crítica de

  2. Influencia de las adiciones de TaC y NbC en las propiedades de los aceros rápidos pulvimetalúrgicos M3/2

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    Gordo, E.


    Full Text Available Metal matrix composites based on M3/2 high speed steel and reinforced with different percentages of NbC and TaC were manufactured following a conventional powder metallurgy route: mixing, compacting and sintering. Graphite, to compensate carbon losses during sintering, and copper-phosphorous, to promote liquid phase sintering, were added to M3/2 powders to constitute the base material. Carbide and base material powders were dry mixed and uniaxially compacted at 700 MPa. After this, vacuum sintering was carried out at two temperatures: 1190 °C and 1230 °C. The mechanical properties and wear behaviour of all sintered materials were examined, and their characterisation was completed with a broad microstructural study

    Este trabajo plantea la fabricación de materiales compuestos de matriz metálica, basados en el acero rápido M3/2 y reforzados con distintas cantidades de NbC y TaC, mediante técnicas convencionales pulvimetalúrgicas (P/M: mezcla, compactación y sinterización. Al acero rápido se añadió grafito para compensar las pérdidas de carbono durante la sinterización y cupro-fósforo para promover sinterización en fase líquida, constituyendo esta mezcla el material base. Los polvos de carburos y de material base fueron mezclados en seco y compactados uniaxialmente a 700 MPa. Tras esta etapa, se realizó la sinterización en vacío a dos temperaturas: 1.190 °C y 1.230 °C. Todos los materiales sinterizados fueron caracterizados mediante el estudio de las propiedades mecánicas, el comportamiento a desgaste y un amplio análisis microestructural.

  3. Nitrocarburación mediante el proceso TENIFER QDQ de aceros inoxidables austeníticos estabilizados : caracterización química y estudio de su comportamiento frente al desgaste y la corrosión


    Bellas Muiño, Leonardo


    [Resumen]La nitrocarburación en baño de sales se utiliza para mejorar las propiedades tribológicas de los aceros inoxidables. Sin embargo, la aparición de carburos y nitruros de elementos de aleación en la capa externa puede tener efectos contraproducentes para su resistencia a la corrosión. Por este motivo, el proceso TENIFER®QPQ introduce una etapa de oxidación a altas temperaturas con objeto de formar una capa de magnetita (Fe3O4) que incrementa la resistencia a la corrosión...

  4. Diseño de un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo basado en la Norma OHSAS 18001:2007 para una Empresa Industrial fabricante de Bolas de Acero para minería. Arequipa, 2016


    Chehade Lindley, Nahim


    En la presente tesis se planteó el “Diseño de un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo basado en la Norma OHSAS 18001:2007 para una empresa industrial fabricante de bolas de acero para minería ubicada en la ciudad de Arequipa”, con el fin de minimizar los riesgos a los que se exponen los trabajadores, contribuyendo así al bienestar de ellos y a aumentar la productividad de la empresa. La unidad de estudio fue la información de la empresa industrial fabricante de...

  5. Investigation of Tribological Behavior of a Novel Hybrid Composite Prepared with Al-Coconut Shell Ash Mixed with Graphite (United States)

    Siva Sankara Raju, R.; Panigrahi, M. K.; Ganguly, R. I.; Srinivasa Rao, G.


    The present investigation develops a next-generation hybrid Al metal matrix composite using coconut shell ash (CSA) and graphite (Gr) reinforcement. Stir-casting is adapted to prepare an Al-1100-based composite. Three other composites of Al-Al2O3, Al-Al2O3-Gr, and Al-CSA are prepared that contain equivalent volume fractions of Al2O3, CSA, and Gr. These assist in comparisons among the three composites and the developed hybrid Al-CSA-Gr composite. The study reveals that the addition of 3 pct Gr improves the specific strength, toughness, and tribological properties. The Al-CSA composite shows better mechanical properties, such as tensile strength and hardness, than the other three composites. Gr addition helps the hybrid Al-CSA-Gr composite to attain better tribological properties with a slightly lower specific strength. Scanning electron microscopy studies of the worn material surfaces corroborate the findings of the abrasion testing. Elemental analyses by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of the debris from the counter-face of the tribo surface confirm the presence of Al, O, Si, Fe, Mn, and C.

  6. Preparation of aluminide coatings on the inner surface of tubes by heat treatment of Al coatings electrodeposited from an ionic liquid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xue, Dongpeng; Chen, Yimin; Ling, Guoping; Liu, Kezhao; Chen, Chang’an; Zhang, Guikai


    Highlights: • Al coating is prepared on the inner surface of one-meter tube. • Al coating shows good adherence to the substrate. • The thickness of Al coating is uniform along the tube. • Aluminide coating is obtained by heat treating Al coating. • Structure of aluminide coating is regulated by different thickness of Al coating. - Abstract: Aluminide coatings were prepared on the inner surface of 316L stainless steel tubes with size of Ø 12 mm × 1000 mm by heat-treating Al coatings electrodeposited from AlCl 3 -1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride (AlCl 3 –EMIC) ionic liquid at room temperature. Studies on the electrolytic etching pretreatment of stainless tubes before Al coating electrodeposition were carried out. The Al coating showed good adherence to the substrate after electrolytic etching at 10 mA/cm 2 for 10 min. The thickness of Al coatings was uniform along the tube. The structure of prepared aluminide coatings can be regulated by different thickness of Al coating. The outer layer of aluminide coatings was FeAl, Fe 2 Al 5 and FeAl 3 for the samples of 1-μm, 5-μm and 10-μm thick Al coatings, respectively.

  7. Selective hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane to ethylene over Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3 catalysts prepared by surface reduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Yuxiang; Gu, Guangfeng; Sun, Jingya; Wang, Wenjuan; Wan, Haiqin; Xu, Zhaoyi; Zheng, Shourong


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Surface reduction method was used for preparation of Pd-Ag(Cu) bimetallic catalysts. • Hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane was investigated for production of ethylene. • Ag(Cu) selectively deposited on Pd surface during surface reduction process. • Ethylene selectivity was enhanced over Pd-Ag(Cu)/Al_2O_3 catalyst prepared by surface reduction. • Isolated Pd site is the key species for ethylene selectivity. - Abstract: Alumina supported Pd-Ag and (Cu) bimetallic catalysts (denoted as sr-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3 or sr-Pd-Cu/Al_2O_3) with varied Pd/Ag (or Cu) ratios were prepared using the surface reduction method, and the gas-phase catalytic hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane over the catalysts were investigated. For comparison, Pd-Ag bimetallic catalysts were prepared by the conventional co-impregnation method (denoted as im-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3). The catalysts were characterized by N_2 adsorption, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and CO chemisorption. Characterization results indicated that surface reduction led to selective deposition of metallic Ag on the surface of Pd particles, while Pd and Ag just disorderly mixed in the catalyst prepared by impregnation method. Therefore, sr-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3 exhibited a higher ethylene selectivity than im-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3 for hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane at a similar Ag loading amount. Moreover, among sr-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3, sr-Pd-Cu/Al_2O_3 and im-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3 catalysts, the ethylene selectivity decreased over these catalysts following the order: sr-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3 > sr-Pd-Cu/Al_2O_3 > im-Pd-Ag/Al_2O_3. The present results indicate that surface reduction can be used as a potential method to synthesize catalyst with enhanced ethylene selectivity in hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane.

  8. Effect of Si addition to Al-8Mg alloy on the microstructure and thermo-physical properties of SiCp/Al composites prepared by pressureless infiltration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ren Shubin; He Xinbo; Qu Xuanhui; Humail, Islam S.; Li Yan


    Fifty-five volume percentage of SiCp/Al composites were prepared by pressureless infiltration to investigate the effect of Si addition to Al-8Mg alloy from 0 wt% to 18 wt% on the interfacial reaction between Al and SiC and the thermo-physical properties of the prepared composites. TEM and X-ray analysis showed that the degree of interfacial reaction decreased as the Si content increased, and that it ceased at 1273 K when the Si addition to the aluminum was greater than 12 wt%. The Si addition to Al-8Mg alloy reduced the CTE of the composites and increased their thermal conductivity (TC), but Si beyond 12 wt% led to the reduction of TC, though the CTE was lower. This is attributable to the combined action of the Si on the wettability, interfacial reaction and the TC and CTE of the matrix itself

  9. Influencia de la temperatura de austenización y tiempo de permanencia sobre el tamaño de grano en aceros ferrítico-martensíticos del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb utilizados en calderas supercríticas

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    Gutiérrez-Urrutia, L.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is to determine the influence of austenitizing temperature holding time and heating velocity on grain size of ferritic-martensitic type 9CrlMoVNb steels developed for Oak Ridge National Laboratories & Combustion Engineering, T91/P91[1] Steels (USA and X10CrMoVNb 9.1 (Europe. The potential benefits of this material, in term of high resistance, good ductily and oxidation resistance, weldability and in particular good high temperature creep strength, are now widely acknowledged, particulary by supercritical boilers (P = 300 bar, T = 550±50 °C. The studied steels have been produced in, high frecuency induction vacum furnaces and hot-rolled.

    Se estudia la influencia de la temperatura de austenización, tiempo de permanencia a esta temperatura y velocidad de calentamiento sobre el tamaño de grano de varios aceros ferrítico-martensíticos de última generación del tipo 9CrlMoVNb, desarrollados por Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL conjuntamente con Combustion Enginering en USA, conocidos por ASME/ASTM por las designaciones T91/P91[1] y en Europa como X10CrMoVNb9.1. Son aceros ductiles y tenaces que presentan muy buenas propiedades de resistencia a fluencia, soldabilidad y conductividad térmica. Son cada vez más utilizados como tubos de alta temperatura (550±50 °C y presión (300 bar en calderas supercríticas para centrales térmicas avanzadas. Los aceros estudiados se han fabricado en hornos de inducción de alta frecuencia al vacío y laminados en caliente.

  10. Preparation and investigation of nano-AlN lubricant with high performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tao, Yu; Tao, Yuxiao; Wang, Biaobing [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 201326 (China); Tai, Yanlong, E-mail: [Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California Davis, Davis, CA 95616 (United States)


    A new kind of macromolecular coupling agent (LMW-a-PP-g-MAH) of maleic anhydride (MAH) onto low-molecular-weight atactic polypropylene (LMW-a-PP) was synthesized according to molecular design and was used as modifier for surface modification of nano-Aluminum nitride (AlN) by a high-pressure homogenization (HPH) process. IR was conducted to confirm the chemical structure of the step products of LMW-a-PP-g-MAH. The availability as a modifier for surface modification of nano-AlN was distinguished by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), particle size analysis, transmission electron microscope (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), contact angle experiments and the dispersion stability in dimethylbenzene and Greatwall lubrication oil. It can be inferred that the optimal loading is 10 wt. %–12 wt. % of LMW-a-PP-g-MAH to modify nano-AlN particles. Nano-AlN lubricating composite materials (LMW-a-PP-g-MAH-AlN) was used to improve the antifriction performance and the load capability of Greatwall lubrication oil, and maximum non-seizure load (P{sub B}) can increase highly from 1000 N to 1490 N when the loading is 0.3 wt. %. - Highlights: • Design and synthesis of macromolecular coupling agent (a-PP-g-MAH). • Surface modification and characterization of nano-AlN by HPH process. • Preparation and investigation of nano-AlN/lubricating oil with high performance.

  11. Sample preparation methods for scanning electron microscopy of homogenized Al-Mg-Si billets: A comparative study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Österreicher, Johannes Albert; Kumar, Manoj; Schiffl, Andreas; Schwarz, Sabine; Hillebrand, Daniel; Bourret, Gilles Remi


    Characterization of Mg-Si precipitates is crucial for optimizing the homogenization heat treatment of Al-Mg-Si alloys. Although sample preparation is key for high quality scanning electron microscopy imaging, most common methods lead to dealloying of Mg-Si precipitates. In this article we systematically evaluate different sample preparation methods: mechanical polishing, etching with various reagents, and electropolishing using different electrolytes. We demonstrate that the use of a nitric acid and methanol electrolyte for electropolishing a homogenized Al-Mg-Si alloy prevents the dissolution of Mg-Si precipitates, resulting in micrographs of higher quality. This preparation method is investigated in depth and the obtained scanning electron microscopy images are compared with transmission electron micrographs: the shape and size of Mg-Si precipitates appear very similar in either method. The scanning electron micrographs allow proper identification and measurement of the Mg-Si phases including needles with lengths of roughly 200 nm. These needles are β″ precipitates as confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. - Highlights: •Secondary precipitation in homogenized 6xxx Al alloys is crucial for extrudability. •Existing sample preparation methods for SEM are improvable. •Electropolishing with nitric acid/methanol yields superior quality in SEM. •The obtained micrographs are compared to TEM micrographs.

  12. Sample preparation methods for scanning electron microscopy of homogenized Al-Mg-Si billets: A comparative study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Österreicher, Johannes Albert; Kumar, Manoj [LKR Light Metals Technologies Ranshofen, Austrian Institute of Technology, Postfach 26, 5282 Ranshofen (Austria); Schiffl, Andreas [Hammerer Aluminium Industries Extrusion GmbH, Lamprechtshausener Straße 69, 5282 Ranshofen (Austria); Schwarz, Sabine [University Service Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 Wien (Austria); Hillebrand, Daniel [Hammerer Aluminium Industries Extrusion GmbH, Lamprechtshausener Straße 69, 5282 Ranshofen (Austria); Bourret, Gilles Remi, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Physics, University of Salzburg, Hellbrunner Straße 34, 5020 Salzburg (Austria)


    Characterization of Mg-Si precipitates is crucial for optimizing the homogenization heat treatment of Al-Mg-Si alloys. Although sample preparation is key for high quality scanning electron microscopy imaging, most common methods lead to dealloying of Mg-Si precipitates. In this article we systematically evaluate different sample preparation methods: mechanical polishing, etching with various reagents, and electropolishing using different electrolytes. We demonstrate that the use of a nitric acid and methanol electrolyte for electropolishing a homogenized Al-Mg-Si alloy prevents the dissolution of Mg-Si precipitates, resulting in micrographs of higher quality. This preparation method is investigated in depth and the obtained scanning electron microscopy images are compared with transmission electron micrographs: the shape and size of Mg-Si precipitates appear very similar in either method. The scanning electron micrographs allow proper identification and measurement of the Mg-Si phases including needles with lengths of roughly 200 nm. These needles are β″ precipitates as confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. - Highlights: •Secondary precipitation in homogenized 6xxx Al alloys is crucial for extrudability. •Existing sample preparation methods for SEM are improvable. •Electropolishing with nitric acid/methanol yields superior quality in SEM. •The obtained micrographs are compared to TEM micrographs.

  13. “Efecto de la Inducción de un Campo Magnético Axial en el Refinamiento de la Microestructura de la Soldadura del Acero para Tubería API-5L-X60 Soldado por Arco Sumergido (AS)”


    López Melgarejo, Alejandro Ulises


    En el presente trabajo de tesis, se describe el efecto que tiene la agitación electromagnética producida por un campo magnético externo, debido a la aplicación de una bobina de alambre de cobre de 35.56 cm de diámetro, durante la soldadura de un acero API 5LX60 soldado por arco sumergido. Esta agitación, conlleva al refinamiento de grano de la microestructura columnar del cordón de soldadura, la cual es producida por el alto aporte térmico del mismo proceso. Durante la exper...

  14. Estudio de la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos: influencia de la adición de manganeso en solución sólida


    José Wilmar Calderón-Hernández; Lara Beatriz Braga Luz; Duberney Hincapie-Ladino; Neusa Alonso-Falleiros


    Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la influencia del Mn en solución sólida sobre la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura de dos aceros inoxidables austeníticos, uno denominado 17Cr6Mn5Ni y un acero comercial UNS S304L utilizado como material de referencia. Fueron usadas soluciones electrolíticas de 0,6M NaCl en tres diferentes condiciones de concentración de oxígeno (solución desaireada, naturalmente aireada y aireada artificialment...

  15. Caracterización de aceros dual-phase obtenidos por laminación en caliente

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    Houbaert, Y.


    Full Text Available Samples were obtained from C-Mn-Si steel available in the market. Through a hot rolling and coiling process, it was possible to obtain Dual-Phase steel with microstructural and mechanical properties in the theoretical range typical of this material. The thermomechanical process consisted of a strong reduction by multiples pass of hot rolling at temperatures above Ar3, controlled-cooling the sheets during 5 s (at a rate of 20 °C/s in the equilibrium range α+γ. Temperature Ar3 measured by differential scanning calorimetry was 890 °C. Quenching was then carried out in the coiling temperatures range (500-675 °C, cooling the samples in accordance to an established curve that corresponds to the actual cooling curve of a coil. The microstructural characterization of the samples obtained was carried out by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Additionally, texture measurements were carried out by X-ray diffraction in order to study the resulting orientations due to the finishing rolling temperature and coiling temperature, determining the influence on these parameters of the different texture components. The microstructural results were complemented with the normal and planar anisotropy indexes measured in according to the ASTM E-517 standard. The intensities of the different texture components were correlated with the values of anisotropy indexes, finding that it is possible to obtain only a slightly enhancement in the normal anisotropy index through an appropriate combination of finish rolling and coiling temperatures.

    Se tomaron muestras de acero al C-Mn-Si disponible en el mercado y mediante un proceso de laminación en caliente y bobinado, se obtuvo acero Dual Phase con microestructura y propiedades mecánicas dentro del rango teórico esperado de este material. El proceso termomecánico consistió en producir una fuerte reducción a temperaturas mayores a Ar3

  16. A preparation method and effects of Al-Cr coating on NdFeB sintered magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zheng, Jingwu [College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032 (China); Lin, Min, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering Chinese Academy of Science, 519 Road Zhuangshi, District Zhenghai, Ningbo 315201, People' s Republic of China (China); Xia, Qingping [College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032 (China)


    A 50 {mu}m Al-Cr coating on NdFeB sintered magnets was prepared through dipping in solution, shaking dry and heating at 300 Degree-Sign C. The morphology and composition of the Al-Cr coating were investigated with scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectrometer and X-ray diffraction. The corrosion resistance of NdFeB sintered magnets with and without the Al-Cr coating was analyzed by normal salt spray, polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The magnetic properties were measured with a hysteresis loop tracer. The results show that the Al-Cr coating forms an overlapping structure and Al flakes lie nearly parallel to the substrate, which improves the anticorrosion and increases normal salt spray test from 10 to 100 h. The corrosion potential of NdFeB sintered magnets with and without the Al-Cr coating moves positively from -0.67 to -0.48 V, which is in accordance with Nyquist and Bode plots. The Al-Cr coating has little influence on the magnetic properties of the NdFeB sintered magnets. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The Al-Cr coating can be prepared by dipping in solution, shaking dry and heating. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The coating morphology shows to be an intense overlapping structure. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The barrier effect combines with passivation and cathodic protection. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The anticorrosion abilities improve while magnetic properties change little. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Compared with other surface treatments, this method is convenient and low cost.

  17. Comportamiento a fatiga del acero sae 4140 usando alta rugosidad superficial y ambiente corrosivo




    En este artículo se presenta el estudio del comportamiento a fatiga del acero SAE 4140 en condiciones diferentes: superficie pulida (acabado espejo), ambiente corrosivo (jugo de caña de azúcar), alta rugosidad superficial (superficie equivalente a la encontrada típicamente en los ejes de molino de caña) y una condición que involucra la combinación de las dos últimas. Las anteriores condiciones están presentes en los ejes de maza de molino de caña de azúcar durante el proceso de molienda. Se r...





    En este artículo se presenta el estudio del comportamiento a fatiga del acero SAE 4140 en condiciones diferentes: superficie pulida (acabado espejo), ambiente corrosivo (jugo de caña de azúcar), alta rugosidad superficial (superficie equivalente a la encontrada típicamente en los ejes de molino de caña) y una condición que involucra la combinación de las dos últimas. Las anteriores condiciones están presentes en los ejes de maza de molino de caña de azúcar durante el proceso de molienda. Se r...

  19. Corrosión en caliente de un acero inoxidable 304h para calderas en presencia de sales fundidas de vanadatos y sulfatos

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    Sonia Rincón


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo busca indagar y establecer el tipo de mecanismo de daño que sufre el acero inoxidable 304H en contacto con depósitos de sal fundida, junto con un estudio preliminar de la cinética de la corrosión. Para ello, se analizarán los depósitos fundidos, la composición química de éstos y se medirá la pérdida de material luego de ser sometido a períodos continuos de ataque, con el uso de la técnica gravimétrica en crisol. Con esto se pretende conocer las variables que influyen directamente sobre el deterioro del acero 304H, para en un futuro, adoptar medidas predictivas y/o preventivas que incrementen su vida útil, aumentando de ésta manera la eficiencia de las calderas y disminuyendo el tiempo entre paradas programadas.

  20. Estudio de la corrosión producida en aceros inoxidables 304 en procesos de soldadura

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    G. Terán


    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación se analizan las probetas de aceros inoxidables 304 que después de haber sido soldadas mediante los procesos de soldadura SMAW, GMAW y GTAW, se sometieron a un ambiente corrosivo propio de las condiciones de trabajo. Se estudió la microestructura del cordón de soldadura utilizando microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM, la interfase entre el material base y el de aporte se estudió utilizando un microscopio óptico y analizador de imágenes.

  1. Preparation and Characterization of NiMo/Al2O3Catalyst for Hydrocracking Processing

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    Widiyadi Aditya


    Full Text Available Hydrocracking is a chemical process used in petroleum refineries for converting high boiling hydrocarbons in petroleum crude oils to more valuable lower boiling products such as gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil that operate at high temperature and pressure. Catalyst was used in hydrocracking to reduce temperature and pressure. Hydrocracking catalyst are composed of active components and support. Alumina is widely used in hydrocracking process as catalyst support due to its high surface area, high thermal stability, and low prices. The objective of this research was preparated NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst that used as hydrocracking catalyst. Catalyst was synthesized by wetness impregnation method and simple heating method with various kind of Al2O3. The physicochemical properties of catalyst were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD to determine type of crystal and scanning electron microscopy (SEM to determine morphology of the catalyst. The NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst prepared by aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate exhibited the highest crystallinity of 90.23% and it is clear that MoO3 and NiO crystallites are highly dispersed on the NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst which indicates as the best catalyst. The catalytic activity in hydrocracking process was successfully examined to convert fatty acid into hydrocarbon.

  2. Preparation and Characterization of NiMo/Al2O3Catalyst for Hydrocracking Processing (United States)

    Widiyadi, Aditya; Guspiani, Gema Adil; Riady, Jeffry; Andreanto, Rikky; Chaiunnisa, Safina Dea; Widayat


    Hydrocracking is a chemical process used in petroleum refineries for converting high boiling hydrocarbons in petroleum crude oils to more valuable lower boiling products such as gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil that operate at high temperature and pressure. Catalyst was used in hydrocracking to reduce temperature and pressure. Hydrocracking catalyst are composed of active components and support. Alumina is widely used in hydrocracking process as catalyst support due to its high surface area, high thermal stability, and low prices. The objective of this research was preparated NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst that used as hydrocracking catalyst. Catalyst was synthesized by wetness impregnation method and simple heating method with various kind of Al2O3. The physicochemical properties of catalyst were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine type of crystal and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine morphology of the catalyst. The NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst prepared by aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate exhibited the highest crystallinity of 90.23% and it is clear that MoO3 and NiO crystallites are highly dispersed on the NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst which indicates as the best catalyst. The catalytic activity in hydrocracking process was successfully examined to convert fatty acid into hydrocarbon.

  3. Microporous Ni@NiO nanoparticles prepared by chemically dealloying Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2}@Al nanoparticles as a high microwave absorption material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pang, Yu; Xie, Xiubo; Li, Da [Key Laboratory of Aerospace Materials and Performance (Ministry of Education), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, No.37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Chou, Wusheng [School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China); Liu, Tong, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Aerospace Materials and Performance (Ministry of Education), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, No.37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100191 (China)


    The Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2}@Al nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared from Ni{sub 45}Al{sub 55} master alloy by hydrogen plasma-metal reaction method, and were subsequently dealloyed to produce porous Ni@NiO NPs of 36 nm. The pore size ranges from 0.7 to 1.6 nm, leading to large specific surface area of 69.5 m{sup 2}/g and big pore volume of 0.507 cc/g. The saturation magnetization (M{sub S}) and coercivity (H{sub C}) of the microporous Ni@NiO NPs are 11.5 emu/g and 5.2 Oe. They exhibit high microwave absorption performance with a minimum reflection coefficient (RC) of −86.9 dB and an absorption bandwidth of 2.6 GHz (RC≤−10 dB) at thickness of 4.5 mm. The enhanced microwave absorption properties are attributed to the synergistic effect of the magnetic Ni core and dielectric NiO shell, and the micropore architecture. The NPs with micropore morphology and core/shell structure open a new way to modify the microwave absorption performance. - Graphical abstract: The microporous Ni/NiO nanoparticles prepared by chemically dealloying Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2}@Al NPs exhibit high microwave absorption intensity (−86.9 dB) and wide absorption bandwidth (2.6 GHz for RC≤−10 dB). - Highlights: • Microporous Ni/NiO nanoparticals were prepared by chemically dealloying method. • They possessed micropores of 0.7–1.6 nm with a surface area of 69.5 m{sup 2}/g. • They showed high microwave absorption intensity and wide absorption bandwidth. • Microwave absorption mechanism was explained by micropore and core/shell structures.

  4. Funcionalización electroquímica y tribológica de películas de quitosano en fosfato tricálcico depositados en acero 316L

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    Alexis Mina Escobar


    Full Text Available Se depositaron recubrimientos de fosfato tricálcico-β/quitosano sobre sustratos de acero 316L vía electrodeposición, a una temperatura de 60 °C, aplicando una corriente de 260 mA. Con el fin de estudiar el efecto del contenido de quitosano en la velocidad de corrosión y la respuesta tribológica de los aceros recubiertos, se utilizaron seis concentraciones de quitosano en la mezcla acuosa. Los enlaces químicos presentes en las capas fueron estudiados mediante Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo con Transformada de Fourier (FTIR; la cristalinidad de los depósitos fue examinada mediante difracción de rayos-X (DRX; la resistencia a la corrosión del TCP-β/quitosano depositado sobre los aceros se estudió mediante Espectroscopia de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS y curvas anódicas Tafel, encontrándose una disminución del 54% en la velocidad de corrosión para la relación 50-50, con respecto a 100% TCP. La respuesta tribológica se analizó mediante pin-on-disc, evidenciando una reducción del 73% en el coeficiente de fricción con mayor concentración de quitosano.

  5. Desarrollo y optimización de recubrimientos de superaleaciones con adición de cargas cerámicas y elementos reactivos obtenidos por proyección térmica para aplicaciones de resistencia a oxidación a alta temperatura y al desgaste


    Cervera González, Iván


    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es la obtención de recubrimientos con una composición optimizada para aplicaciones de elevada resistencia a alta temperatura y al desgaste, proyectados térmicamente sobre acero al carbono AISI 1110, mediante la técnica de oxifuel, basados en el sistema NiCrAlY/Al2O3. Estos recubrimientos deben ser capaces de proteger adecuadamente a un material de escasa resistencia mecánica y térmica para el rango de temperaturas analizado, que se sitúa entre 850 – ...

  6. Precursor preparation for Ca-Al layered double hydroxide to remove hexavalent chromium coexisting with calcium and magnesium chlorides (United States)

    Zhong, Lihua; He, Xiaoman; Qu, Jun; Li, Xuewei; Lei, Zhiwu; Zhang, Qiwu; Liu, Xinzhong


    Al(OH)3 and Ca(OH)2 powders are co-ground to prepare a precursor which hydrates into a layered double hydroxide (LDH) phase by agitation in aqueous solution with target hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) at room temperature, to achieve an obvious improvement in removal efficiency of Cr(VI) through an easy incorporation into the structure. Although the prepared precursor transforms into LDH phases also when agitated in the solutions of calcium and magnesium chlorides, it incorporates Cr(VI) preferentially to the chloride salts when they coexist. The adsorption isotherm and kinetic studies show that the phenomena occurring on the Al-Ca precursor fit a pseudo-second-order kinetics with a Langmuir adsorption capacity of 59.45 mg/g. Besides, characterizations of the prepared precursor and the samples after adsorption are also performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Transmission electron microscope (TEM) to understand the reason of the preferential incorporation of Cr(VI) to the coexisting chloride salts during the LDH phase formation. Ca-Al precursor (C3A) was agitated in a hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) solution to form Al-Ca-CrO4 LDH product. Ca-Al-CrO4 LDH phase occurred preferentially to Ca-Al-MCl2 LDH phases in the solutions of calcium and magnesium chlorides, it incorporates Cr(VI) preferentially to the chloride salts when they coexist.

  7. Al2 O3 Underlayer Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Jinbao; Hultqvist, Adam; Zhang, Tian; Jiang, Liangcong; Ruan, Changqing; Yang, Li; Cheng, Yibing; Edoff, Marika; Johansson, Erik M J


    Perovskite solar cells, as an emergent technology for solar energy conversion, have attracted much attention in the solar cell community by demonstrating impressive enhancement in power conversion efficiencies. However, the high temperature and manually processed TiO 2 underlayer prepared by spray pyrolysis significantly limit the large-scale application and device reproducibility of perovskite solar cells. In this study, lowtemperature atomic layer deposition (ALD) is used to prepare a compact Al 2 O 3 underlayer for perovskite solar cells. The thickness of the Al 2 O 3 layer can be controlled well by adjusting the deposition cycles during the ALD process. An optimal Al 2 O 3 layer effectively blocks electron recombination at the perovskite/fluorine-doped tin oxide interface and sufficiently transports electrons through tunneling. Perovskite solar cells fabricated with an Al 2 O 3 layer demonstrated a highest efficiency of 16.2 % for the sample with 50 ALD cycles (ca. 5 nm), which is a significant improvement over underlayer-free PSCs, which have a maximum efficiency of 11.0 %. Detailed characterization confirms that the thickness of the Al 2 O 3 underlayer significantly influences the charge transfer resistance and electron recombination processes in the devices. Furthermore, this work shows the feasibility of using a high band-gap semiconductor such as Al 2 O 3 as the underlayer in perovskite solar cells and opens up pathways to use ALD Al 2 O 3 underlayers for flexible solar cells. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.



    Héctor Herrera-Hernández


    En el presente trabajo se estudiaelectroquímicamente un GELextracto de las hojas de ALOE VERAcomo un posible inhibidor de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo estructuraldel concreto.Los estudiosde corrosiónse llevaron a cabo en 1M de HCl y utilizando la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS)se evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en presencia y ausencia del GEL.Los diagramas de impedancia mostraronque la adición en diferentes proporciones...

  9. Preparation of Al/Fe-Pillared Clays: Effect of the Starting Mineral. (United States)

    Muñoz, Helir-Joseph; Blanco, Carolina; Gil, Antonio; Vicente, Miguel-Ángel; Galeano, Luis-Alejandro


    Four natural clays were modified with mixed polyoxocations of Al/Fe for evaluating the effect of the physicochemical properties of the starting materials (chemical composition, abundance of expandable clay phases, cationic exchange capacity and textural properties) on final physicochemical and catalytic properties of Al/Fe-PILCs. The aluminosilicate denoted C2 exhibited the highest potential as starting material in the preparation of Al/Fe-PILC catalysts, mainly due to its starting cationic exchange capacity (192 meq/100 g) and the dioctahedral nature of the smectite phase. These characteristics favored the intercalation of the mixed (Al 13- x /Fe x ) 7+ Keggin-type polyoxocations, stabilizing a basal spacing of 17.4 Å and high increase of the BET surface (194 m²/g), mainly represented in microporous content. According to H₂-TPR analyses, catalytic performance of the incorporated Fe in the Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation (CWPO) reaction strongly depends on the level of location in mixed Al/Fe pillars. Altogether, such physicochemical characteristics promoted high performance in CWPO catalytic degradation of methyl orange in aqueous medium at very mild reaction temperatures (25.0 ± 1.0 °C) and pressure (76 kPa), achieving TOC removal of 52% and 70% of azo-dye decolourization in only 75 min of reaction under very low concentration of clay catalyst (0.05 g/L).

  10. Sample preparation technique for transmission electron microscopy anodized Al-Li-SiC metal matrix composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahid, M.; Thomson, G.E.


    Along with improved mechanical properties, metal matrix composites (MMC) have a disadvantage of enhanced corrosion susceptibility in aggressive environments. Recent studies on corrosion behaviour of an Al-alloy 8090/SiC MMC, revealed considerably high corrosion rates of the MMC in near neutral solutions containing chloride ions. Anodizing is one of the potential surface treatment for the MMC to provide protective coating against corrosion. The surface and cross section of the anodized MMC can easily be observed using scanning electron microscope. The anodizing behaviour of the MMC can be understood further if the anodized cross section in examined under transmission electron microscope (TEM). However, it is relatively difficult to prepare small (3 mm diameter) electron transparent specimens of the MMC supporting an anodic film. In the present study a technique has been developed for preparing thin electron transparent specimens of the anodized MMC. This technique employed conventional ion beam thinning process but the preparation of small discs was a problem. A MMMC consisting of Al-alloy 8090 with 20 % (by weight) SiC particulate with an average size of 5 Mu m, was anodized and observed in TEM after preparing the samples using the above mentioned techniques. (author)

  11. Desarrollo de los procesos de moldeo por inyección y extrusión de polvos para la obtención de piezas de aceros inoxidables dúplex y ferríticos


    Sotomayor Lozano, María Eugenia


    En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha desarrollado el proceso de moldeo por inyección de polvos (pIM) para la obtención de piezas de acero inoxidable dúplex con aplicaciones en ortodoncia. Por otro lado, se ha desarrollado el proceso de moldeo por extrusión de polvos (PEM) para la obtención de láminas y tubos porosos de acero inoxidable ferrítico con aplicaciones en pilas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFCs). En primer lugar, se prepararon y caracterizaron térmica y reológicamente las mezclas...

  12. Evaluación de recubrimientos a base de zinc en la atmosfera industrial de la refineria estatal Esmeraldas


    Huaman M, M.; Peña E., J.


    El estudio del comportamiento frente a la corrosión atmosférica, de recubrimientos de zinc sobre acero al carbón bajo diferentes condiciones ambientale. En este proyecto se pretende conocer y evaluar el comportamiento del acero galvanizado en caliente (dicontinuo, chapa galvanizada en caliente (continuo senzimir), chapa galvanizada en continuo con aleación de zinc 5% aluminio (galfan), chapa zincada por procedimiento ewlectrolitico (galvanizado en frío) y acero metalizado con zinc en diversas...

  13. Preparation of CuAlO2 Thin Films by Sol-Gel Method Using Nitrate Solution Dip-Coating

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    Ehara Takashi


    Full Text Available CuAlO2 thin films are prepared by sol-gel dip-coating followed by annealing in nitrogen atmosphere using copper nitrate and aluminum nitrate as metal source materials. X-ray diffraction (XRD patterns show (003, (006 and (009 oriented peaks of CuAlO2 at annealing temperature of 800 – 1000°C. This result indicates that the CuAlO2 films prepared in the present work are c-axis oriented. XRD peak intensity increase with annealing temperature and becomes maximum at 850°C. The CuAlO2 XRD peak decreased at annealing temperature of 900°C with appearance of a peak of CuO, and then increased again with annealing temperature until 1000 °C. The films have bandgap of 3.4 eV at annealing temperature of 850°C in which the transparency becomes the highest. At the annealing temperature of 850°C, scanning electron microscope (SEM observation reveals that the films are consist of amorphous fraction and microcrystalline CuAlO2 fraction.

  14. Preparation, photoluminescent properties and luminescent dynamics of BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanophosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Wei [Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning 116023 (China); College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian, Liaoning 116600 (China); Hua, Ruinian, E-mail: [College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian, Liaoning 116600 (China); Liu, Tianqing, E-mail: [Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning 116023 (China); Zhao, Jun [College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian, Liaoning 116600 (China); Department of Physics, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning 116026 (China); Na, Liyan [College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian, Liaoning 116600 (China); Chen, Baojiu [Department of Physics, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning 116026 (China)


    Graphical abstract: Rice-shaped BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanophosphors were synthesized via one-pot hydrothermal process. The as-prepared BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} are composed of many particles with an average diameter of 40 nm. When excited at 260 nm, the sharp line emission located at 361 nm of Eu{sup 2+} was observed. The optimum doping concentration of Eu{sup 2+} was confirmed to be 5 mol%. The strong ultraviolet emission of Eu{sup 2+} ions in BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanoparticles suggests that these nanoparticles may have potential applications for sensing, solid-state lasers and spectrometer calibration. - Highlights: • BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanophosphors were synthesized via a mild hydrothermal process. • The Van and Huang models were used to research the mechanism of concentration quenching. • The optimum doping concentration of Eu2+ was confirmed to be 5 mol%. - Abstract: Eu{sup 2+}-doped BaAlF{sub 5} nanophosphors were synthesized via a facile one-pot hydrothermal method. The final products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD results showed that the prepared samples are single-phase. The FE-SEM and TEM images indicated that the prepared BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanophosphors are composed of many rice-shaped particles with an average diameter of 40 nm. When excited at 260 nm, BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanophosphors exhibit the sharp line emissions of Eu{sup 2+} at room temperature. The optimum doping concentration of Eu{sup 2+} was confirmed to be 5 mol%. The Van and Huang models were used to study the mechanism of concentration quenching and the electric dipole–dipole interaction between Eu{sup 2+} can be deduced to be a dominant for quenching fluorescence in BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanophosphors. The strong ultraviolet emission of Eu{sup 2+} in BaAlF{sub 5}:Eu{sup 2+} nanophosphors suggests that

  15. Efecto de las variables del procedimiento de soldadura sobre las propiedades mecánicas y la resistencia a la corrosión en depósitos de soldadura de aceros inoxidables supermartensíticos


    Zappa, Sebastián


    La soldadura de los aceros inoxidables martensíticos ha presentado ciertas dificultades y el uso de tratamientos térmicos es normalmente obligatorio. Las razones son diferentes para cada grado de acero, pero en general, es común obtener alta dureza y baja tenacidad en la zona afectada por el calor. Este hecho está asociado con la estructura martensítica en sí misma y el contenido de carbono. Una posible solución a este problema y para alcanzar determinadas propiedades en condición como soldad...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar y caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico en desgaste del acero API 5L X65, revestido con niobio en comparación al desempeño del revestimiento de la aleación de inconel 625 empleados en la industria de petróleo y gas. El revestimiento de niobio fue obtenido por el proceso de aspersión térmica a plasma de arco no transferido y el revestimiento inconel 625 por soldadura con electrodo revestido. La resistencia al desgaste por abrasión fue evaluada según la norma Petrobras N-2568, en un tribómetro CTER, la rugosidad y el volumen de material desgastado se determinó a través de perfilometría y la dureza de los revestimientos por microscopia Vickers. Los revestimientos obtenidos fueron caracterizados respecto a su morfología por microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB y microscopía óptica (MO. La mayor dureza del revestimiento con niobio obtenido puede haber contribuido a reducir la tasa de desgaste en comparación con el revestimiento de inconel 625.

  17. Microestructuras producidas en la soldadura de unión de aceros para tuberías de gran diámetro

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    Salazar, M.


    Full Text Available This is an evaluation of the microstructure in the heat affected zone (HAZ of steel weldings used in pipe lines. The welding was made by shielding metal are welding. This is a welding process with multiple run and low heat input, however local brittle zones are present in the HAZ. These are originated by a complex mechanism that is influenced by welding parameters and chemical composition of the steel. The welding sequences that help to eliminate the local brittle zones are studied.

    En este trabajo se estudian las microestructuras producidas en la zona afectada por el calor (HAZ de la soldadura de unión en aceros utilizados en la construcción de poliductos. Se analizan las juntas obtenidas mediante soldadura manual con electrodo revestido. A pesar de que este es un proceso de soldadura con un bajo aporte térmico, se encuentran zonas frágiles locales que se originan por un mecanismo complejo influido por parámetros de soldadura y composición química del acero. Se analizan secuencias de soldaduras que ayuden a la desaparición de las mismas.

  18. Preparation and Characterization of Liquid Crystalline Polyurethane/Al2O3/Epoxy Resin Composites for Electronic Packaging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shaorong Lu


    Full Text Available Liquid crystalline polyurethane (LCPU/Al2O3/epoxy resin composites were prepared by using LCPU as modifier. The mechanical properties, thermal stability, and electrical properties of the LCPU/Al2O3/epoxy resin composites were investigated systematically. The thermal oxidation analysis indicated that LCPU/Al2O3/epoxy resin composites can sustain higher thermal decomposition temperature. Meanwhile, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE was also found to decrease with addition of LCPU and nano-Al2O3.

  19. Influence of semiconductor surface preparation on photoelectric properties of Al-Zn{sub 3}P{sub 2} contacts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mirowska, Nella [Institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw (Poland)]. E-mail:; Misiewicz, Jan [Institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw (Poland)


    The Schottky barriers formed by Al on Zn{sub 3}P{sub 2} p-type crystals have been studied. Three types of crystals (monocrystal, large-grain crystal and polycrystal) were used for device fabrication. The samples were separated in two groups according to the type of structure and the methods of surface preparation. The samples from the first group were different in structure (monocrystal, large-grain crystal and polycrystals) but prepared in the same way. Three polycrystals with differently prepared surfaces were collected in the second group. Two samples from this group were also annealed in open air at 523 K for 24 h. Measurements of photovoltaic effect at room temperature were carried out to test the impact of surface preparation on photoelectric properties of Al-Zn{sub 3}P{sub 2} contacts. Substantial differences in shape and intensity of PV signal were observed depending on whether the surface of semiconductor was mechanically polished, chemically etched or/and heat treated. The height of potential barrier, {phi} {sub B}, and optical transitions in semiconductor were determined. The value of {phi} {sub B} changed from 0.747 to 0.767 eV for unheated samples and from 0.724 to 0.755 eV for the heated ones. The quality of semiconductor surface seems to have an essential influence on spectral characteristics of Al-Zn{sub 3}P{sub 2} junctions, especially in the case of polycrystals. It appeared that thorough preliminary mechanical polishing of crystals surface provides quite good photoelectric properties of Al-Zn{sub 3}P{sub 2} junctions.

  20. Effect of cryogenic milling on Al7075 prepared by spark plasma sintering method.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lukáč, František; Chráska, Tomáš; Molnárová, O.; Málek, P.; Cinert, Jakub


    Roč. 32, S1 (2017), S221-S224 ISSN 0885-7156. [European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC) /15./. Bari, 12.06.2016-15.06.2016] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-15609S Institutional support: RVO:61389021 Keywords : Intermetallic precipitates * cryogenic milling * powder metallurgy * ultrafine-grained materials * Al7075 alloy Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy OBOR OECD: Materials engineering Impact factor: 0.674, year: 2016 article /effect-of-cryogenic-milling-on-al7075-prepared-by-spark-plasma-sintering-method/17E9F722BAFD428BA7310194FEE551C6

  1. Steam Reforming of Ethylene Glycol over Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts: Effect of the Preparation Method and Reduction Temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Dong Hyuck; Park, Jung Eun; Park, Eun Duck


    The effect of preparation method on the catalytic activities of the Ni/Al 2 O 3 catalysts on steam reforming of ethylene glycol was investigated. The catalysts were prepared with various preparation methods such as an incipient wetness impregnation, wet impregnation, and coprecipitation method. In the case of coprecipitation method, various precipitants such as KOH, K 2 CO 3 , and NH 4 OH were compared. The prepared catalysts were characterized by using N 2 physisorption, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, temperature programmed reduction, pulsed H 2 chemisorption, temperature-programmed oxidation, scanning electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. Among the catalysts reduced at 773 K, the Ni/Al 2 O 3 catalyst prepared by a coprecipitation with KOH or K 2 CO 3 as precipitants showed the best catalytic performance. The preparation method affected the particle size of Ni, reducibility of nickel oxides, catalytic performance (activity and stability), and types of coke formed during the reaction. The Ni/Al 2 O 3 catalyst prepared by a coprecipitation with KOH showed the increasing catalytic activity with an increase in the reduction temperature from 773 to 1173 K because of an increase in the reduction degree of Ni oxide species even though the particle size of Ni increased with increasing reduction temperature

  2. Preparation of Al2O3/Mo nanocomposite powder via chemical route and spray drying

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lo, M.; Cheng, F.; Wei, W.J.


    A route to prepare nanometer-sized Mo particulates in Al 2 O 3 was attempted by a combination of solution reactions in molecular scale and forcing precipitation by a spray-drying technique. MoO 3 was first dissolved in ammonia water and then added in the slurry with high purity, submicrometer Al 2 O 3 powder. Mixed suspension was spray-dried, and then the dried granules were reduced by hydrogen gas and further hot-pressing to a bulky composite at various temperatures. Dissolution of Mo oxide, adsorption reactions on alumina surface, and surface potential of alumina particles in homogeneous ammonia suspension were studied. Characterization of the granules, including compactability, flowing properties, surface morphology, grain growth of Mo and Al 2 O 3 , and mixing homogeneity, were examined. Homogeneity of the spray-dried granules was determined by the calculation of mixing index and the observation of the microstructure of sintered body. The existence of intergranular, intragranular, and nanosized Mo particulates within Al 2 O 3 grains was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All the evidences revealed that homogeneous composites with nanometer-sized Mo had been successfully prepared by this attempt with the proposed chemical route and following spray-drying process. copyright 1996 Materials Research Society

  3. Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-Al silica composites prepared by sequential ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Julian Fernandez, C. de; Tagliente, M.A.; Mattei, G.; Sada, C.; Bello, V.; Maurizio, C.; Battaglin, G.; Sangregorio, C.; Gatteschi, D.; Tapfer, L.; Mazzoldi, P.


    The nanostructural and magnetic properties of Fe-Al/SiO 2 granular solids prepared by ion implantation have been investigated. A strong effect of the implantation order of the Fe and Al ions has been evidenced. By implanting first the Al ions and later Fe ions, 5-40 nm core-shell nanoparticles are formed with a magnetic behavior similar to that of Fe. The lattice parameter of the nanoparticles is consistent with that of the α-Fe. By changing the implantation order, 10-15 nm core-shell nanoparticles of a bcc Fe-based phase with a lattice 2.5% smaller than that of α-Fe are formed. The temperature dependence of the magnetization indicates a superparamagnetic behavior

  4. Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-Al silica composites prepared by sequential ion implantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Julian Fernandez, C. de E-mail:; Tagliente, M.A.; Mattei, G.; Sada, C.; Bello, V.; Maurizio, C.; Battaglin, G.; Sangregorio, C.; Gatteschi, D.; Tapfer, L.; Mazzoldi, P


    The nanostructural and magnetic properties of Fe-Al/SiO{sub 2} granular solids prepared by ion implantation have been investigated. A strong effect of the implantation order of the Fe and Al ions has been evidenced. By implanting first the Al ions and later Fe ions, 5-40 nm core-shell nanoparticles are formed with a magnetic behavior similar to that of Fe. The lattice parameter of the nanoparticles is consistent with that of the {alpha}-Fe. By changing the implantation order, 10-15 nm core-shell nanoparticles of a bcc Fe-based phase with a lattice 2.5% smaller than that of {alpha}-Fe are formed. The temperature dependence of the magnetization indicates a superparamagnetic behavior.

  5. Preparation and spectroscopic properties of Yb-doped and Yb-Al-codoped high silica glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiao Yanbo; Wen Lei; Wu Botao; Ren Jinjun; Chen Danping; Qiu Jianrong


    Yb-doped and Yb-Al-codoped high silica glasses have been prepared by sintering nanoporous glasses. The absorption, fluorescent spectra and fluorescent lifetimes have been measured and the emission cross-section and minimum pump intensities were calculated. Codoping aluminum ions enhanced the fluorescence intensity of Yb-doped high silica glass obviously. The emission cross-sections of Yb-doped and Yb-Al-codoped high silica glasses were 0.65 and 0.82 pm 2 , respectively. The results show that Yb-Al-codoped high silica glass has better spectroscopic properties for a laser material. The study of high silica glass doped with ytterbium is helpful for its application in Yb laser systems, especially for high-power and high-repetition lasers

  6. Study on the preparation of the SiCp/Al-20Si-3Cu functionally graded material using spray deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su, B.; Yan, H.G.; Chen, G.; Shi, J.L.; Chen, J.H.; Zeng, P.L.


    Research highlights: → The SiCp/Al-20Si-3Cu functionally gradient material (FGM) was successfully prepared via the spray deposition technique. → The SiCp/Al-20Si-3Cu functionally gradient material (FGM) was successfully prepared via the spray deposition technique. → In the experimental setup, the novel devices play an important role in adjusting the output of SiCp to prepare the FGM. → The experiment results reveal that the SiCp weight fraction of the as-deposited preform from the top to the bottom ranges almost continuously from 0% to 30%. → The fraction of SiC particles has no obvious influence on the phase constitutions of the SiCp/Al-20Si-3Cu FGM. - Abstract: The SiCp/Al-20Si-3Cu functionally gradient material (FGMs) was successfully prepared via the spray deposition technique accompanied with an automatic control system. The results reveal that the SiCp weight fraction of the as-deposited preform from the top to the bottom ranges almost continuously from 0% to 30%. The part with the higher SiCp weight fraction exhibits a relatively smaller density than that with the lower SiCp weight fraction. However, the microhardness and the porosity increase with the increasing SiCp weight fraction in the as-deposited preform. The X-ray diffraction results exhibit that the secondary phases in the regions with the different amount of SiC particles are the same such as Al 2 Cu and AlCuMg. The spray deposition technology is promising to produce a wide range of other FGMs.

  7. Caracterización de una nueva membrana cerámica de microfiltración con soporte de tejido en acero inoxidable flexible

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    Palacio, L.


    Full Text Available In this work we present the characterization of a ceramic flexible membrane, made by SynthesechemieⓇ, with a nominal pore size of 0.45 μm. This membrane consists in an α-alúmina porous support which has an embedded stainless steel metallic network, onto what a selective layer of titanium dioxide has been deposited. Membrane characterization has been realized with the aid of several techniques as: atomic force microscopy (AFM, air-liquid displacemente porosimetry and mercury porosimetry. Each tecnique giving information on different aspects: surface characteristics, bulk pores and active pores. Although the total pore size distribution is rather broad, the active pores (those opened to flux present a narrow distribution with a mean pore size very close to the manufacturer nominal value.

    En este trabajo se ha abordado la caracterización de una membrana cerámica de microfiltración flexible, fabricada por SynthesechemieⓇ con tamaño de poro nominal de 0.45 μm. Ésta consiste en un soporte poroso de α-alúmina que posee un armazón formado por una red metálica de acero inoxidable sobre el cual existe una capa selectiva de óxido de titanio. La caracterización de la membrana ha sido realizada con diversas técnicas como: microscopia de fuerza atómica (AFM, porometría de desplazamiento aire-líquido y porosimetría de mercurio. Cada técnica da información sobre aspectos diferentes: superficie, poros totales y poros activos. Si bien la distribución total de tamaños de poro es bastante ancha, los poros activos (abiertos al flujo presentan una distribución de tamaños estrecha con un valor medio muy próximo al nominal.

  8. Efecto del procedimiento de soldadura sobre las propiedades de uniones soldadas de aceros microaleados para cañería Welding procedure effect on the properties of microalloyed steel welded joints for metal fabrication

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    Mónica Zalazar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue, en esta primera etapa, comparar las propiedades mecánicas y la microestructura del acero HIC, aleado al Nb-Ti-Cu-Ni, resistente a la corrosión, con las del acero normal NOR, microaleado con Nb-V-Ti, ambos caracterizados mediante análisis químico, mediciones de dureza, estudios metalográficos y ensayos de tracción e impacto. Con el fin de establecer la temperatura de precalentamiento óptima se realizaron ensayos de soldabilidad Tekken a distintas temperaturas y de acuerdo con la Norma JIS Z 3158. Luego se llevaron a cabo soldaduras circunferenciales de cañerías fabricadas con ambos aceros diseñándose procedimientos para la utilización, por un lado, de electrodos revestidos (SMAW: shielded metal arc welding, electrodos de distintos proveedores para todas las pasadas y por el otro, la primera pasada usando soldadura automática con alambre macizo bajo CO2 (GMAW: gas metal arc welding y el resto de las mismas con alambre tubular autoprotegido (FCAW-S: flux cored arc welding-selfshielded. Las soldaduras fueron calificadas de acuerdo con el Código API 1104. Los resultados de los análisis metalográficos y los ensayos mecánicos de tracción, dureza e impacto de las juntas soldadas revelaron la influencia de los consumibles de soldadura y del metal base en las propiedades de las uniones. Se observaron diferencias en las propiedades de las uniones soldadas con consumibles de igual especificación y distintos proveedores. De las diferentes combinaciones ensayadas se definieron valores óptimos para la soldadura de estos aceros.The objective of this work was, in this first step, to compare mechanical property and microstructure of the steel HIC, alloyed with Nb-Ti-Cu-Ni, corrosion resistant, to those of a normal steel NOR, microlloyed with Nb-V-Ti, characterized through chemical analysis, hardness measurements, metallographic studies and tensile and Charpy-V properties. The preheating temperature was established

  9. Monitoreo mediante EIS del acero embebido en un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente expuesto a carbonatación EIS monitoring of embedded steel in alkali activated concrete exposed to carbonation

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    Willian Aperador


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utilizó la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS para evaluar la acción del dióxido de carbono sobre la corrosión de un acero estructural ASTM A 706 embebido en un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente (AAS, el concreto AAS es una mezcla de escoria molida granulada, agregados finos y gruesos y solución alcalina (silicato de sodio en la cantidad requerida para la mezcla de concreto. El estudio se realizó comparativamente con especímenes expuestos a condiciones naturales con una baja concentración de CO2 (0,03% CO2. La carbonatación del concreto se obtuvo de forma acelerada bajo condiciones controladas (3% CO2, 65% de humedad relativa y 20°C de temperatura. Los datos de Impedancia fueron adquiridos en un rango de 1mHz hasta 100kHz. A las frecuencias altas se encontró la respuesta de la interfase medio de exposición-concreto y a frecuencias bajas la respuesta de la interfase correspondiente al concreto - acero. Mediante EIS se estableció la capacidad de lograr la pasivación del acero embebido en concreto AAS, en condiciones ambientales naturales y aceleradas.In this work the technique of impedance spectroscopy electrochemistry (EIS was used to evaluate the effects of carbon dioxide on the corrosion of ASTM A 706 structural steel embedded in concrete with alkali activated slag (AAS, AAS concrete is a mixture of ground granulated slag, fine and coarse aggregates and alkaline solution (sodium silicate in the amount required for the concrete mix. The study was conducted in comparison with specimens exposed to natural conditions with a low concentration of CO2 (0.03% CO2. The carbonation of the concrete was obtained through accelerated carbonation under controlled conditions (3% CO2, 65% of relative humidity and 20°C of temperature. The data of Impedance in the middle frequency region 1mHz - 100KHz. A high frequency response was found using the interface-specific exposure and low frequency

  10. Preparation and characterization of chitosan/ZnAl2O4 films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo, P.M.A.G.; Santos, P.T.A.; Rodrigues, P.A.; Costa, A.C.F.M.; Araujo, E.M.


    Chitosan films have been explored for biomedical application, as the chitosan to be, low toxicity, abundant in nature, show affinity for dispersion loads and high mechanical strength. On the other hand, ZnAl 2 O 4 has energy gap of approximately 3.8 eV, which makes it useful for use as photoelectric device ultraviolet. Thus, this work has as objective to prepare films of quitosana/ZnAl 2 O 4 in proportions of 5:1, 5:2, 5:3, 5:4 and evaluate the structural, morphological and thermals characteristics. To this end, ZnAl2O4 first nanoparticles (NPs) was deagglomerated and 325 mesh sieve and added to chitosan diluted in 1% acetic acid, and dried at 60°C. After drying, a solution of 1M sodium hydroxide was added to obtain a film with neutral pH. The films were characterized by XRD, SEM and TG. For all proportions evaluated it was verified the presence of ZnAl 2 O)4 and chitosan phases. By micrographs, it was observed that there was formation of agglomerates of ZnAl 2 O 4 NPs both on the surface of the films, the encapsulated in chitosan. In all samples the ratio 5:4 showed the greatest consistency both in relation to the film surface of the nanoparticles in the chitosan matrix. TG/DTA curves of quitosana/ZnAl 2 O 4 film for all the samples showed that for the concentration of 5:1 to 5:3 occurred three mass loss while for concentration of 5:2 to 5:4 were only two stages decomposition. (author)

  11. Corrosion and protection of metals in the rural atmosphere of "El Pardo" Spain (PATINA / CYTED project

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    Simancas, J.


    Full Text Available Atmospheric corrosion tests of metallic and organic coatings on steel, zinc and aluminium have been conducted in "El Pardo" (Spain as part of the PATINA/CYTED project "Anticorrosive Protection of Metals in the Atmosphere". This is a rural atmosphere with the following ISO corrosivity categories: C2 (Fe, C2 (Zn, C3 (Cu and Cl (Al. Its average temperature and relative humidity is 13 °C and 62.8 %, respectively, and it has low SO2 and Cl- contents. Results of 42 months exposure are discussed. Atmospheric exposure tests were carried out for the following types of coatings: conventional paint coatings for steel and hot-dip galvanized steel (group 1, new painting technologies for steel and galvanized steel (group 2, zinc-base metallic coatings (group 3, aluminium-base metallic coatings (group 4, coatings on aluminium (group 5 and coil-coatings on steel, hot-dip galvanized steel and 55 % Al-Zn coated steel (group 6.

    Como parte del proyecto PATINA/CYTED "Protección anticorrosiva de metales en la atmósfera" se han llevado a cabo en la estación de ensayo de "El Pardo" (España, ensayos de corrosión atmosférica de recubrimientos metálicos y orgánicos sobre acero, zinc y aluminio. Se trata de una atmósfera rural según la clasificación ISO de grado de corrosividad: C2 (Fe, C2 (Zn, C3 (Cu y Cl (Al. La temperatura y humedad relativa media es de 13 °C y 62,8 %, respectivamente, y tiene bajos contenidos de SO2 y Cl-. Se discuten los resultados obtenidos después de 42 meses de exposición. Los ensayos de corrosión atmosférica se llevaron a cabo para tres tipos de recubrimientos: recubrimientos de pintura convencional sobre acero y acero zincado (grupo 1, nuevas tecnologías en pinturas para acero y acero galvanizado (grupo 2, recubrimientos metálicos base zinc (grupo 3, recubrimientos metálicos base aluminio (grupo 4, recubrimientos sobre aluminio (grupo 5 y recubrimientos de banda en continuo

  12. Hydrodesulfurization of Iraqi Atmospheric Gasoil by Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 Prepared Catalyst

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    Abdul Halim Abdul Karim Mohammed


    Full Text Available This study investigates the improvement of Iraqi atmospheric gas oil characteristics which contains 1.402 wt. % sulfur content and 16.88 wt. % aromatic content supplied from Al-Dura Refinery by using hydrodesulfurization (HDS process using Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 prepared catalyst in order to achieve low sulfur and aromatic saturation gas oil. Hydrodearomatization (HDA occurs simultaneously with hydrodesulfurization (HDS process. The effect of titanium on the conventional catalyst Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 was investigated by physical adsorption and catalytic activity test.Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared under vacuum impregnation condition to ensure efficient precipitation of metals within the carrier γ-Al2O3. The loading percentage of metals as oxide; titanium oxide 3 wt. %, nickel oxide 5 wt. % and molybdenum oxide 12 wt. %. The performance of the synthesized catalyst for removing sulfur and aromatic saturation were tested at various temperatures 275 to 350°C, LHSV 1 to 4h-1, constant pressure 40 bar and H2/HC ratio 500 ml/ml.Results showed that the sulfur and aromatic content were reduced at all operating conditions. Maximum sulfur removal was 75.52 wt. % in gas oil on Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 at temperature 350˚C, LHSV 1h-1, while minimum aromatic content achieved was 15.6 wt. % at the same conditions.

  13. Preparation and characterization of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} coating by MOD method on CLF-1 RAFM steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, L. [Key Laboratory of Radiation Physics and Technology (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 (China); Yang, J.J., E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Radiation Physics and Technology (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 (China); Feng, Y.J. [Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 614000 (China); Li, F.Z.; Liao, J.L.; Yang, Y.Y. [Key Laboratory of Radiation Physics and Technology (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 (China); Feng, K.M. [Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 614000 (China); Liu, N. [Key Laboratory of Radiation Physics and Technology (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 (China)


    Metal organic decomposition (MOD) method was proposed to prepare Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} TPB coatings on CLF-1 RAFM steel. A comprehensive characterization of SEM, XPS, and XRD demonstrated the formation of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} coatings. The effect of the preparation parameters, including annealing temperature T{sub a}, withdrawal speed V{sub w} and immersion time t{sub i} on the microstructure and properties of the coatings was investigated. It showed that amorphous aluminum oxide coating began to transform to γ-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} at temperature of T{sub a} = 600 °C. The Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} coating with T{sub a} = 700 °C and T{sub b} = 500 °C performed the best crystallization feature. The hardness of the coatings gradually increased with increasing V{sub w}, while the corrosion resistance exhibited a reverse trend. Meanwhile, the nanohardness and corrosion resistance of the coating with t{sub i} = 300 s was improved as compared to the coating with t{sub i} = 0 s. Moreover, the effect of particle size and substrate oxidation on the mechanical property and corrosion resistance of the coatings was discussed. - Highlights: •MOD method was proposed to prepare Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} TPB on CLF-1 RAFM steel. •Effect of preparation parameters on the coating microstructure and properties was studied preliminary. •High quality MOD coating can be developed by multi-baking process.

  14. Preparation and Anodizing of SiCp/Al Composites with Relatively High Fraction of SiCp. (United States)

    Wang, Bin; Qu, Shengguan; Li, Xiaoqiang


    By properly proportioned SiC particles with different sizes and using squeeze infiltration process, SiCp/Al composites with high volume fraction of SiC content (Vp = 60.0%, 61.2%, 63.5%, 67.4%, and 68.0%) were achieved for optical application. The flexural strength of the prepared SiC p /Al composites was higher than 483 MPa and the elastic modulus was increased from 174.2 to 206.2 GPa. With an increase in SiC volume fraction, the flexural strength and Poisson's ratio decreased with the increase in elastic modulus. After the anodic oxidation treatment, an oxidation film with porous structure was prepared on the surface of the composite and the oxidation film was uniformly distributed. The anodic oxide growth rate of composite decreased with SiC content increased and linearly increased with anodizing time.

  15. Preparation and Anodizing of SiCp/Al Composites with Relatively High Fraction of SiCp

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    Bin Wang


    Full Text Available By properly proportioned SiC particles with different sizes and using squeeze infiltration process, SiCp/Al composites with high volume fraction of SiC content (Vp = 60.0%, 61.2%, 63.5%, 67.4%, and 68.0% were achieved for optical application. The flexural strength of the prepared SiCp/Al composites was higher than 483 MPa and the elastic modulus was increased from 174.2 to 206.2 GPa. With an increase in SiC volume fraction, the flexural strength and Poisson’s ratio decreased with the increase in elastic modulus. After the anodic oxidation treatment, an oxidation film with porous structure was prepared on the surface of the composite and the oxidation film was uniformly distributed. The anodic oxide growth rate of composite decreased with SiC content increased and linearly increased with anodizing time.

  16. Preparation and Anodizing of SiCp/Al Composites with Relatively High Fraction of SiCp (United States)


    By properly proportioned SiC particles with different sizes and using squeeze infiltration process, SiCp/Al composites with high volume fraction of SiC content (Vp = 60.0%, 61.2%, 63.5%, 67.4%, and 68.0%) were achieved for optical application. The flexural strength of the prepared SiCp/Al composites was higher than 483 MPa and the elastic modulus was increased from 174.2 to 206.2 GPa. With an increase in SiC volume fraction, the flexural strength and Poisson's ratio decreased with the increase in elastic modulus. After the anodic oxidation treatment, an oxidation film with porous structure was prepared on the surface of the composite and the oxidation film was uniformly distributed. The anodic oxide growth rate of composite decreased with SiC content increased and linearly increased with anodizing time. PMID:29682145

  17. Novel Montmorillonite/TiO₂/MnAl-Mixed Oxide Composites Prepared from Inverse Microemulsions as Combustion Catalysts. (United States)

    Napruszewska, Bogna D; Michalik-Zym, Alicja; Rogowska, Melania; Bielańska, Elżbieta; Rojek, Wojciech; Gaweł, Adam; Wójcik-Bania, Monika; Bahranowski, Krzysztof; Serwicka, Ewa M


    A novel design of combustion catalysts is proposed, in which clay/TiO₂/MnAl-mixed oxide composites are formed by intermixing exfoliated organo-montmorillonite with oxide precursors (hydrotalcite-like in the case of Mn-Al oxide) obtained by an inverse microemulsion method. In order to assess the catalysts' thermal stability, two calcination temperatures were employed: 450 and 600 °C. The composites were characterized with XRF (X-ray fluorescence), XRD (X-ray diffraction), HR SEM (high resolution scanning electron microscopy, N₂ adsorption/desorption at -196 °C, and H₂ TPR (temperature programmed reduction). Profound differences in structural, textural and redox properties of the materials were observed, depending on the presence of the TiO₂ component, the type of neutralization agent used in the titania nanoparticles preparation (NaOH or NH₃ (aq)), and the temperature of calcination. Catalytic tests of toluene combustion revealed that the clay/TiO₂/MnAl-mixed oxide composites prepared with the use of ammonia showed excellent activity, the composites obtained from MnAl hydrotalcite nanoparticles trapped between the organoclay layers were less active, but displayed spectacular thermal stability, while the clay/TiO₂/MnAl-mixed oxide materials obtained with the aid of NaOH were least active. The observed patterns of catalytic activity bear a direct relation to the materials' composition and their structural, textural, and redox properties.

  18. Creación de una empresa dedicada al reciclaje de llantas a través de su trituración



    El proyecto tiene como objetivo la creación de una empresa dedicada a la recolección y reciclaje de parte de las llantas desechadas en la ciudad de Bogotá por medio de su trituración, separando del caucho el acero y los productos textiles para obtener GCR (Grano de Caucho Reciclado) producto que incorporado a la mezcla asfáltica ha demostrado mejora en sus cualidades logrando que este asfalto perdure mucho más tiempo y se mantenga en condiciones superiores al asfalto convencional. Además de l...

  19. Determinación de los parámetros de corrosión y desgaste del par acero/aluminio en presencia de líquidos iónicos


    Jerez Mesa, Ramón


    El presente proyecto presenta resultados obtenidos en ensayos utilizando LI combinados con aluminio 2011 y acero F-1310, tanto en ensayos de corrosión como de tribología. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial

  20. Aplicabilidad de un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente como material protector del acero de refuerzo


    Robinson de Jesús Torres Gómez, William A. Aperador Ch., Enrique Vera López,Rubi Mejía de Gutiérrez


    Se presentan los resultados del análisis electroquímico de las  barras  de  acero  embebidas  en  un  concreto  no convencional usado internacionalmente para reparación de estructuras. Este concreto utiliza materiales de desecho de otros procesos; en este caso específico se empleó escoria siderúrgica de  la empresa Acerías Paz del Río S.A. Se estudio el comportamiento frente a la corrosión generada por  los iones cloruro, con el uso de la técnica de resistencia lineal a la polarización LPR y ...

  1. Preparation of Mo/Al2O3 Sulfide Catalysts Modified by Ir Nanoparticles

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cinibulk, Josef; Vít, Zdeněk


    Roč. 143, - (2002), s. 443-451 ISSN 0167-2991. [International Symposium Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts /8./. Louvain-la-Neuve, 09.09.2002-12.09.2002] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA4072103 Keywords : catalysts modified * sulfide catalysts * Mo/Al2O3 Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 3.468, year: 2002

  2. 'Selección e implementación de un modelo para el inicio de la transformación perlítica durante el enfriamiento en los aceros con baja aleación. R. // Selection and use of a model for the beginning of pearlitic transformation during the cooling in low allo

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    R. Lobaina Sánchez


    Full Text Available Los diagramas Tiempo Temperatura Transformación (TTT de los aceros son de vital importancia para la industriavinculada a la elaboración de los aceros. El desarrollo alcanzado en la obtención de modelos matemáticos de estas curvasha permitido acercar al ingeniero investigador de la industria y al estudiante, a la comprensión de las variables influyentesen la transformación austenítica, y el impacto que éstas tienen en la modelación de las curvas. En el presente trabajo sevaloran diferentes modelos presentados en la literatura consultada. Como resultado, se muestra un modelo para las curvasde inicio de la transformación perlítica, conociendo la composición de los aceros, el tamaño de grano, el sobreenfriamientoy la energía de activación, que son las variables que determinan las diferentes formas que adoptan las curvas. Laimplementación del modelo seleccionado, ofrece un acercamiento a la posibilidad de crear un aula virtual utilizando unametodología de cálculo, y una herramienta para continuar avanzando en la dirección de perfeccionar y ampliar lasposibilidades del resultado presentado.Palabras claves: modelos de transformación austenítica, diagramas de transformación isotérmica, diagramasTTT.____________________________________________________________________________Abstract:Time-Temperature-Transformation diagrams of steels are of great importance for industry related to steel manufacturing.The development reached in obtaining mathematic models for these curves has allowed the industry research engineer andstudent to be closer to the comprehension of the influential variables in the austenitic transformation. In this paper differentmodels presented in the consulted literature were valorated. As a result, we show a model for the starting pearlitictransformation curves, depending of the steel composition, the grain size, the undercooling temperature, and the activationenergy. The mentioned determine the different shapes the

  3. Determinación experimental de los factores que controlan el desprendimiento de polvos en el conformado de chapas de acero recubiertas con Zn-Ni

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    Cárcel, A. C.


    Full Text Available Powder detachment from coatings during press forming of Zn-Ni precoated steel sheets increases die wear and maintenance costs. Experimental design helped to establish that powder detachment rises by increasing coating thickness or bath temperature. Otherwise, the use of high flow rates and the presence of an intermediate layer of nickel help to reduce powdering. Temperature and flow rate affect the alloy composition. In the range 10 to 15 % Ni, powdering increases as the alloy becomes richer in nickel. This behaviour is attributed to changes in structure and ductility of the alloy.

    El desprendimiento de polvos del recubrimiento durante la embutición constituye uno de los principales problemas en las líneas de prensas que emplean chapas de acero recubiertas con aleaciones Zn-Ni. El uso de técnicas de diseño de experiencias permitió determinar que la cantidad de polvos aumenta al incrementarse el espesor del depósito y la temperatura del baño, y disminuye al aplicar un flash intermedio de níquel o al aumentar la velocidad relativa cátodo-electrólito. Los efectos de la velocidad y de la temperatura afectan a la composición de la aleación. En el rango comprendido entre el 10-15 % Ni, el desprendimiento aumenta con el contenido en níquel, lo que se atribuye a los cambios de estructura y de ductilidad de la aleación.

  4. Preparation of Al-Ti-B grain refiner by SHS technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikitin, V.I.; Wanqi, J.I.E.; Kandalova, E.G.; Makarenko, A.G.; Yong, L.


    Since the discovery of the grain refinement effect of aluminum by titanium, especially with the existence of B or C in 1950, grain refiners are widely accepted in industry for microstructure control of aluminum alloys. Research on this topic is to obtain the highest grain refinement efficiency with the lowest possible addition of master alloy. It is widely accepted that the morphology and size of TiAl 3 particles, which are known as heterogeneous nucleation centers, are important factors deterring the grain refinement efficiency. Fine TiAl 3 particles are favorable. The grain refinement process shows a heredity phenomenon, which means that structural information from initial materials transfers through a melt to the final product. It is important to find the connection between microstructural parameters of the master alloy and the final product. To improve the quality of Al-Ti-B master alloys for the use as a grain refiner, a new method based on SHS (self-propagating high-temperature synthesis) technology has been developed in Samara State Technical University to produce the master alloys. SHS, as a new method for preparation of materials, was first utilized by Merzhanov in 1967. This method uses the energy from highly exothermic reactions to sustain the chemical reaction in a combustion wave. The advantages of SHS include simplicity, low energy requirement, and higher product purity. Because SHS reactions can take place between elemental reactants, it is easy to control product composition. The purposes of this investigation were to fabricate an SHS Al-5%Ti-1%B master alloy, to analyze its structure and to test its grain refining performance

  5. Aceros sinterizados tratados al vapor para la fabricación de componentes de amortiguadores bitubo

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    Cambronero, L. E. G.


    Full Text Available In this work, properties of three sintered and steam treated alloyed irons were analysed. These materials were Fe+2Cu, Fe+0.6C+0.5Cu, and Fe+0.45P+2.5Cu, which were obtained by powder mixing. Once pressed and sintered, samples were steam treated (surface treatment which is characteristic of sintered irons. Density, hardness and tensile strength were obtained on sintered and steam treated samples, within their microstructure analysis. Also, a tribological study was carried out since some parts of shock absorbers are working under friction.

    En este trabajo se analizan las propiedades de tres hierros aleados sintetizados y tratados al vapor. Los materiales seleccionados son el Fe+2Cu, Fe+0.6C+0.5Cu, y Fe+0.45P+2.5Cu, obtenidos por mezcla elemental de polvos. Una vez compactados y sintetizados, se sometieron a un tratamiento de recubrimiento característico de los hierros, como es el tratamiento al vapor. En los materiales sintetizados y tratados al vapor, se determinaron su densidad, dureza y resistencia a tracción, junto con su análisis microestructural. Así mismo dado que algunos de los componentes de los amortiguadores bitubo están sometidos a esfuerzos de fricción, se analizaron el comportamiento tribologíco de los materiales obtenidos tanto en estado sintetizado como tratados al vapor.

  6. Una herramienta para la selección automatizada de aceros en el contexto // A tool for the automated selection of steels in the Mechanical Engineering´s context

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    L. Dumitrescu


    Full Text Available ResumenEl diseno de Ingenieria de un producto o componente constituye una actividad dificil, compleja ymultidisciplinaria, enfocada a la resolucion de problemas. En el presente trabajo se muestra eldesarrollo de una herramienta automatizada para la seleccion de los aceros mas utilizados en laconstruccion de maquinarias. La herramienta constituye una ayuda para la seleccion de losmateriales desde la etapa conceptual del proceso de diseno, donde se identifican las diferentescategorias de materiales a utilizar. La herramienta comprende las caracteristicas y propiedades masrelevantes de los aceros de Ingenieria disponibles en seis normas internacionales: Japonesa (JIS,Alemana (DIN, Vbn, DIN-Vbn, Rusa (GOST, Americana (AISI, SAE, AISI-SAE, ASTM, Inglesa (BS, EN,GB, Francesa (AFNOR y la Norma Cubana (NC vigente.Palabras claves: materiales, automatizada, aceros, ingenieria.____________________________________________________________AbstractThe product or component design constitutes a difficult, complex and multidisciplinary activity,focused to the resolution of problems. Presently work show the development of an automated toolfor the selection of the more used steels in the construction of machineries. The tool constitute ahelp for the selection of the materials from the conceptual stage of the design process, where thedifferent categories of materials are identified to use. The tool analyze the characteristics and morecommon properties of the available steels in six international standards: JIS (Japan, DIN, Vbn, DINVbn(Germany, GOST (Russia, AISI, SAE, AISI-SAE, ASTM (USA, BS, IN, GB (England, AFNOR(France and NC (Cuba.Key words: materials, automated, steels, engineering.

  7. Preparation and Cycling Performance of Iron or Iron Oxide Containing Amorphous Al-Li Alloys as Electrodes

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    Franziska Thoss


    Full Text Available Crystalline phase transitions cause volume changes, which entails a fast destroying of the electrode. Non-crystalline states may avoid this circumstance. Herein we present structural and electrochemical investigations of pre-lithiated, amorphous Al39Li43Fe13Si5-powders, to be used as electrode material for Li-ion batteries. Powders of master alloys with the compositions Al39Li43Fe13Si5 and Al39Li43Fe13Si5 + 5 mass-% FeO were prepared via ball milling and achieved amorphous/nanocrystalline states after 56 and 21.6 h, respectively. In contrast to their Li-free amorphous pendant Al78Fe13Si9, both powders showed specific capacities of about 400 and 700 Ah/kgAl, respectively, after the third cycle.

  8. Resistencia al desgaste de recubrimientos Bi/NbC producidos con el sistema sputtering con magnetrón desbalanceado


    Ardila Rodríguez, Laura Angélica


    En este trabajo se produjeron películas nano estructuradas de NbC, Bi y bicapas Bi/NbC sobre acero M2 y 316L mediante la técnica Sputtering con magnetrón desbalanceado, y se evaluó su resistencia frente al desgaste por medio del ensayo pin on disc, la adherencia con una prueba de rayado y la resistencia a la corrosión de las películas depositadas sobre los sustratos 316L mediante técnicas electroquímicas. La microestructura de los recubrimientos se analizó mediante Difracción de rayos X, M...

  9. Modelado de Control de Nivel en Molde para Vaciado Continuo de Palanquillas de Acero

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    Guillermo González Yero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta un modelo del sistema de control de nivel en molde de una máquina de vaciado continuo de palanquillas de acero. El objetivo fue realizar el modelado de cada elemento del sistema incluyendo las perturbaciones y transformaciones de la planta que más afectan la calidad del control. Se obtuvo y validó un modelo aproximado, utilizando leyes físicas, la identificación experimental mediante señales especiales e identificación paramétrica fuera de línea. En el modelo se incluyen de forma explícita los fenómenos de obstrucción y erosión en la válvula, que tienen una incidencia significativa en el funcionamiento de la planta. Para el servosistema hidráulico de la instalación se logró un modelo de caja gris que contribuye a un mejor entendimiento del comportamiento del proceso y a evaluar la incidencia de una implementación multifrecuencia bajo esquema convencional. Con el modelo obtenido es posible estudiar la operación del sistema a escala de simulación y la efectividad de soluciones de control avanzadas. El trabajo desarrollado es parte de un proceso de I+D que en el transcurso de más de 10 años ha contribuido a que en la acería donde se realiza la investigación, exista un sistema de control de nivel en molde que tiene impacto positivo sobre la calidad del acero producido. Abstract: This paper presents a model of system for the mould level control in a continuous casting machine for steel billets. The objective was to carry out the modeling of each element of the system including disturbances and transformations of the plant that affect the quality of control in the installation study object. It was obtained and validated an approximate model of the control system using physical laws governing the same one, experimental identification by special signals and parametric identification off- line. The model explicitly includes the phenomena of obstruction and erosion of the valve which have a

  10. Energies of Electronic States of Ni (II) Ion in NiO-Al2O3 Catalyst Prepared by Impregnation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obadovic, D. Z.; Kiurski, J.; Marinkovic-Neducin, R. P.


    The behavior of NiO-Al2O3 catalysts is strongly dependent on the preparation method, as well as on pretreatment conditions. In the present work we investigated the influences of Ni(II) ion on NiO-Al2O3 catalysts properties due to the preparation by impregnation method. Based on experimental diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) data of electronic d-d transitions of Ni (II) promoter ion the energies of electronic states in spinel-like structure were calculated, and the most probable scheme of molecular orbital have been proposed


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    Luis Octavio González Salcedo


    Full Text Available En diseño y construcción de estructuras de concreto, la resistencia a la compresión a 28 días de curado es la especificación de control de estabilidad de la obra. La inclusión de fibras como reforzamiento de la matriz cementicia permite una ganancia en sus propiedades, además de obtener un material de alto desempeño. En las normativas, se plantean formulaciones predictivas de la resistencia a la compresión basadas en unos pocos parámetros de composición del concreto, tales como la relación agua/cemento y el contenido de cemento Portland. Por otra parte, también se han planteado métodos de diseños de concreto para definir la ponderación de sus materiales componentes, teniendo como referencia la resistencia a la compresión del concreto simple. Además, las redes neuronales artificiales, como un símil de las neuronas biológicas, han sido utilizadas como herramientas de predicción de la resistencia a la compresión en el concreto, también con referencia al concreto simple, sin reforzamiento con fibras. Los antecedentes en este uso muestran que es interesante desarrollar aplicaciones en los concretos reforzados con fibras. En el presente trabajo se elaboraron redes neuronales artificiales para predecir la resistencia a la compresión en concretos reforzados con fibras de acero. Los resultados de los indicadores de desempeño mostraron que las redes neuronales artificiales elaboradas pueden realizar una aproximación adecuada al valor real de la propiedad mecánica.

  12. Análisis de la resistencia a la corrosión de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable en medios acuosos que simulan el hormigón

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    Belzunce, F. J.


    Full Text Available The corrosion behaviour of stainless steel reinforced bars used in civil engineering was studied. Different electrochemical tests were performed using several stainless steel bars (austenitic and duplex, hot and cold rolled, in the presence of a solution, which simulates the contact with salt contaminated concrete. The corrosion rates were determined and also their behaviour against localized corrosion (pitting.

    Se ha realizado un estudio sobre la resistencia a la corrosión de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable utilizadas en construcción civil para armar el hormigón. Con este objeto se han realizado diferentes ensayos electroquímicos en presencia de un medio acuoso básico, que simula el contacto con hormigón contaminado con sal, y se ha determinado la velocidad de corrosión y la resistencia a la formación de picaduras de diferentes calidades de aceros inoxidables (austeníticos y dúplex, tanto conformadas en caliente como en frío.

  13. Fabricación de matrices de corte con aceros rápidos para herramientas mediante metalurgia de polvos

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    Talacchia, S.


    Full Text Available The present work summarizes the results obtained by compacting water atomized powders of T42 modified carbon and vanadium, M3/2 and M2 high speed steels. The powders were compacted under complex forms (cut off dies and sintered under a 90 N2-9 H2-I CH4 industrial atmosphere. Heat treatments in different severity media were performed. Hardness of 1,100 HV can be obtained in the case of T42 modified steel. Also, the shrinking of the sintered specimens was study.

    Se estudia la fabricación de matrices de corte de aceros rápidos para herramientas mediante procesos de metalurgia de polvos. Los polvos de los aceros T42 con contenidos de carbono y vanadio modificados, M3/2 y M2, obtenidos por atomización en agua, se compactaron de tal modo que quedaron dotados de formas geométricas complejas. Después de sinterizados en una atmósfera industrial 90 N2-9 H2-I CH4, se trataron térmicamente en medios de distintas severidades. Tras el temple desde temperaturas de austenización cercanas a la temperatura óptima de sinterizado, se lograron durezas de hasta 1.100 HV. Se determinaron, también, las contracciones sufridas por las piezas sinterizadas.

  14. Electrical characteristics of AlO sub x N sub y prepared by oxidation of sub-10-nm-thick AlN films for MOS gate dielectric applications

    CERN Document Server

    Jeon, S H; Kim, H S; Noh, D Y; Hwang, H S


    In this research, the feasibility of ultrathin AlO sub x N sub y prepared by oxidation of sub 100-A-thick AlN thin films for metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) gate dielectric applications was investigated. Oxidation of 51-A-and 98-A-thick as-deposited AlN at 800 .deg. C was used to form 72-A-and 130-A-thick AlO sub x N sub y , respectively. Based on the capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements of the MOS capacitor, the dielectric constants of 72 A-thick and 130 A-thick Al-oxynitride were 5.15 and 7, respectively. The leakage current of Al-oxynitride at low field was almost the same as that of thermal SiO sub 2. based on the CV data, the interface state density of Al-oxynitride was relatively higher than that of SiO sub 2. Although process optimization is still necessary, the Al-oxynitride exhibits some possibility for future MOS gate dielectric applications.

  15. Electrical characteristics of AlO{sub x}N{sub y} prepared by oxidation of sub-10-nm-thick AlN films for MOS gate dielectric applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, Sang Hun; Jang, Hyeon Woo; Kim, Hyun Soo; Noh, Do Young; Hwang, Hyun Sang [Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    In this research, the feasibility of ultrathin AlO{sub x}N{sub y} prepared by oxidation of sub 100-A-thick AlN thin films for metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) gate dielectric applications was investigated. Oxidation of 51-A-and 98-A-thick as-deposited AlN at 800 .deg. C was used to form 72-A-and 130-A-thick AlO{sub x}N{sub y}, respectively. Based on the capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements of the MOS capacitor, the dielectric constants of 72 A-thick and 130 A-thick Al-oxynitride were 5.15 and 7, respectively. The leakage current of Al-oxynitride at low field was almost the same as that of thermal SiO{sub 2}. based on the CV data, the interface state density of Al-oxynitride was relatively higher than that of SiO{sub 2}. Although process optimization is still necessary, the Al-oxynitride exhibits some possibility for future MOS gate dielectric applications.

  16. Relaciones cuantitativas entre los contenidos de azufre y de sulfuros en los aceros inoxidables tipo AISI 303: influencia de la composición química de los sulfuros

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    Botella, J.


    Full Text Available The work has been done with ten AISI 303 stainless steel rods which have similar chemical compositions, except for sulphur which varies between 0.25 and 0.36%. These steels are studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDX. The sulphides are chemically microanalysed and the occupied volume determined by automatic image analysis. It can be inferred that the chemical composition of sulphides in AISI 303 steels is variable to some extent even though the steel chemistry is almost invariable. This could mean that solidification conditions and thermomechanical transformations are able to affect resulting in variations of sulphide compositions. Quantitative relations between sulphur and sulphide contents are established and the influence of sulphide chemical compositions on those relations is studied. The experimental results are compared with those obtained from theoretical calculations. A good approach is obtained when the difference between chemical compositions of real sulphides and the theoretical one, MnS, is taken into account.

    Se trabaja con una serie de diez redondos de aceros inoxidables tipo AISI 303 de composiciones químicas prácticamente iguales a excepción del azufre que varía entre 0,25 y 0,36%. Se examinan los aceros mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (MEB y Espectrometría de Dispersión de Energías de Rayos X (EDX acoplada al MEB, analizándose químicamente los sulfuros y determinando, mediante análisis automático de imágenes, los volúmenes ocupados por los sulfuros. Parece deducible que la composición química de los sulfuros en el AISI 303 puede ser discretamente variable aún siendo prácticamente invariable la composición química del acero. Ello podría significar que las condiciones de solidificación y las transformaciones termomecánicas pueden influir, dando como resultado variaciones en la composición química de los sulfuros. Se establecen

  17. Automatización del proceso de curvado de flejes de acero para el conformado de sierras de corona


    Guerrero González, Edgar


    El documento que se presenta a continuación es la Memoria del Proyecto de Final de Carrera titulado “Automatización del curvado de flejes de acero para el conformado de sierras de corona”. Proyecto solicitado por la empresa SAEGEN IBERICA, dedicada a la fabricación de coronas de sierra entre otros productos, y motivada por la incapacidad de su sistema productivo y de los procesos existentes, de alcanzar la calidad y la producción exigidas por el mercado. El proyecto queda enmarcado d...



    Aperador, Willian; Mejía, Aura S; Caicedo, Julio


    Se depositaron películas delgadas de nitruro de titanio/nitruro de zirconio sobre acero AISI 4140 mediante un sistema multi-blanco magnetrón pulverización (sputtering) con radiofrecuencia. El proceso se desarrolló bajo el sistema de rotación del sustrato que permitió situar el sustrato de frente a los blancos de titanio y zirconio, generando la super-red con periodos de 1, 50, 100 y 200 bicapas. Las multicapas fueron evaluadas frente a la sinergia corrosión-erosión en una solución compuesta p...

  19. Procesos metalúrgicos de aceros microaleados de alta resistencia 450 EMZ tipo II en la zona afectada térmicamente debido al efecto multipasada en soldaduras por arco sumergido

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    González-Palma, R.


    Full Text Available A considerable number of crack tip opening displacement tests in the heat affected zone (HAZ of multipass welds, performed in accordance with standards BS 5762 and EEMUA, are rejected since the crack is not inside the coarse grain region at 0.5 mm from the fusion border, as well as the quantity of the crack length in percentage, that the crack goes through the intercritical region instead of in the grain coarse region as it would correspond. This circumstance make advisable to carry out a metallographic study of the intercritical zone in the HAZ as well as the corresponding tests, in order analyze the intercritical region brittleness reasons. The study is performed on a HSLA 75 mm thick panel 450 EMZ type II, welded under a SAW process with heat input and welded parameters controlled, without any post weld heat treatment

    La falta de cumplimiento de las normas BS 5762 y EEMUA, en considerables casos, invalida los ensayos de mecánica de la fractura, al no encontrarse la grieta en la región de grano grueso a 0,5 mm de la línea de fusión, así como en la cantidad expresada en porcentaje de longitud de grieta que atraviesa la región intercrítica, en lugar de hacerlo en la región de grano grueso. Esta circunstancia, conduce a realizar un estudio metalográfico de dicha región intercrítica de la zona afectada térmicamente así como los correspondientes ensayos, con objeto de analizar las causas de su fragilidad. Este estudio se realiza sobre un panel de chapa de acero microaleado de alto límite elástico, calidad EMZ 450 tipo II, de 75 mm de espesor, soldado bajo un proceso por arco sumergido, con energía calorífica aportada y parámetros de soldadura controlados, sin tratamiento térmico post-soldeo.

  20. Alternativa de protección contra la corrosión del acero AISI 310S mediante recubrimiento de aluminio bajo condiciones de platos separadores en celdas de combustible de carbonatos fundidos

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    R. Orozco-Cruz


    Full Text Available Introducción: La celda de combustible de carbonatos fundidos (MCFC, por sus siglas en inglés convencional opera a 650°C. Consiste de un cátodo de NiO poroso y litiado, una mezcla eutéctica de carbonato de litio (Li2CO3 y carbonato de potasio (K2CO3 fundido en una matriz electrolitica de óxido de aluminio litiado (LiAlO2 y un ánodo poroso de Ni. Los platos separadores entre cada celda presentan problemas de corrosión. Ante eso, un acero inoxidable AISI 310S con recubrimiento fue estudiado en condiciones de un plato separador en una MCFC. Método: Se utilizó un acero inoxidable AISI 310S como sustrato (muestra A, aplicándole un recubrimiento de Al con (B y sin tratamiento térmico (C. Fueron expuestos en carbonatos fundidos (62 mol% Li2CO3 -38 mol% K2CO3 a 650 °C en crisoles de alúmina. El comportamiento electroquímico fue estudiado mediante la técnica de Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquimica (EIS. Para el análisis de los diagramas de impedancia, se utilizó el software de simulación “Boukamp Equivalent Circuit”. La sección transversal de las muestras corroídas fue caracterizada mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM, por sus siglas en inglés y los productos formados por Difracción de rayos X (XRD, por sus siglas en inglés. Resultados: Los diagramas de EIS presentan aumentos y disminuciones en los semicírculos formados a altas frecuencias indicativo de disolución de la capa externa, aumento y disminución de la resistencia de esta última así como el posible rompimiento de ella. La técnica de XRD presentó fases LiFeO2, LiCrO2, -LiAlO2 y -LiAlO2 así como fases intermetálicas para las distintas condiciones de la muestra. De la misma manera, los análisis de SEM presentaron los espesores de cada una de las capas formadas. Discusión o Conclusión: En la muestra A, se formaron capas de LiFeO2 y LiCrO2 después de 200 horas de exposición. La capa de LiCrO2 aumenta por la difusión de Li hacia el

  1. Diseño óptimo de tableros de puentes mixtos de carretera hormigón-acero


    Taveras Mendoza, Carlos Tomás


    El desarrollo de la nanotecnología de los materiales, la búsqueda de la optimización en los proyectos de ingeniería, ha emergido una verdadera evolución en el diseño de los puentes a nivel mundial. Europa surge como el génesis de los puentes mixtos en el mundo, grandes puentes y viaductos se hacen con la tipología de viga cajón y viga bijácena mixta. España, concibe la tipología de la doble acción mixta, como alternativa de optimizar los costes del acero. En este trabajo de fin...

  2. Aluminum coating by fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition on austenitic stainless steels AISI 304 and AISI 316

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    Jose Luddey Marulanda-Arevalo


    Full Text Available Los revestimientos de aluminio f ueron depositados sobre aceros inoxidables AISI 304 y AISI 316 en el rango de temperatura de 5 60 a 600 °C por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado(CVD – FBR. Se utilizó un lecho que consistía en 10 % de aluminio en polvo y 90 % de lecho inerte (alúmina, el cual fue fluidizado con Ar y como ga ses activadores se utilizó una mezcla de ácido clorhídrico con hidrógeno (HCl/H 2 . En el recubrimiento si n tratamiento térmico están las siguiente s especies: Al 13 Fe 4 , Fe 2 Al 5 , FeAl 2 y Al 5 FeNi, las cuales están presentes para ambos aceros. Además, el tratamiento térmico provoca la difusa de alu minio hacia el sustrato y la difusa de hierro del sustrato haci a la superficie del recubrimiento, haciendo la trans formación de los compuestos ant eriores a FeAl, Fe 2 Al 5 , FeAl 2 , Al 0.99 Fe 0.99 Ni 0.02 , AlNi y el Fe 2 AlCr. Se realizó la simulación termodinámica con el s oftware Thermo Calc para obt ener información de la posible composición y la cantidad de mat erial depositado, para condiciones seleccionadas. Las muestras recubi ertas y sin recubrir, se expus ieron a 750 ºC en una atmósfera d onde el vapor agua se transporta a las muestras usando un flujo de N 2 de 40 ml/min, más 100 % vapor de agua (H 2 O. Los dos sustratos sin revestir se comportaron de manera diferente, ya que el acero AISI 304 soportó bien el a taque y ganó poco peso (0.49 mg/cm 2 , en comparación con el acero AISI 316 que perdió mucho peso (25.4 mg/cm 2 . Los aceros recubiertos ganaron poco de peso durante las mil horas de exposición (0.26 mg/cm 2 y soportaron muy bien el ataque corrosivo en c omparación con sustratos sin r ecubrimiento.

  3. Microstructural evolution of nanostructured Ti0.9Al0.1N prepared by reactive ball-milling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhaskar, U.K.; Bid, S.; Pradhan, S.K.


    Research highlights: → Nanocrystalline stoichiometric Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N powder has been prepared by ball-milling the 0.9 mol fraction of α-Ti (hcp) and 0.1 mol fraction of aluminum (fcc) powders under N 2 at room temperature. Initially, α-Ti phase partially transformed to the transient β-Ti phase and Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N (fcc) phase is noticed to form after 3 h of milling. Nanocrystalline stoichiometric Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N phase is formed after 7 h of milling. The main features which are observed in the present study are stated below: 1.During ball-milling of α-Ti, the α-Ti phase partially converted to transient cubic β-Ti phase within 1 h of milling. 2.Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N (fcc) phase is noticed to form after 3 h of milling. Complete formation of Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N (fcc) is obtained at 7 h of milling which is lesser than complete formation time (9 h) of TiN. Doping Al atoms accelerates the formation of (TiAl)N phase. 3.The particle size of Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N decrease rapidly up to 3 h and then increase slightly due to agglomeration effect. 4.The particle size of Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N estimated from X-ray is in good agreement with that measured from HRTEM. - Abstract: Nanocrystalline stoichiometric Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N powder has been prepared by ball-milling the α-Ti (hcp) and aluminum (fcc) powders under N 2 at room temperature. Initially, α-Ti phase partially transformed to the transient cubic β-Ti phase and Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N (fcc) phase is noticed to form after 3 h of milling. Nanocrystalline stoichiometric Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N phase is formed after 7 h of milling. After 1 h of milling, all Al atoms are diffused into the α-Ti matrix. The transient β-Ti phase is noticed to form after 1 h of milling and disappears completely after 7 h of milling. Microstructure characterization of unmilled and ball-milled powders by analyzing XRD patterns employing the Rietveld structure refinement reveals the inclusion of Al and nitrogen atoms into the Ti lattice on the way to formation of Ti 0.9 Al 0.1 N

  4. A Study of Thin Film Resistors Prepared Using Ni-Cr-Si-Al-Ta High Entropy Alloy

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    Ruei-Cheng Lin


    Full Text Available Ni-Cr-Si-Al-Ta resistive thin films were prepared on glass and Al2O3 substrates by DC magnetron cosputtering from targets of Ni0.35-Cr0.25-Si0.2-Al0.2 casting alloy and Ta metal. Electrical properties and microstructures of Ni-Cr-Si-Al-Ta films under different sputtering powers and annealing temperatures were investigated. The phase evolution, microstructure, and composition of Ni-Cr-Si-Al-Ta films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, transmission electron microscopy (TEM, and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES. When the annealing temperature was set to 300°C, the Ni-Cr-Si-Al-Ta films with an amorphous structure were observed. When the annealing temperature was at 500°C, the Ni-Cr-Si-Al-Ta films crystallized into Al0.9Ni4.22, Cr2Ta, and Ta5Si3 phases. The Ni-Cr-Si-Al-Ta films deposited at 100 W and annealed at 300°C which exhibited the higher resistivity 2215 μΩ-cm with −10 ppm/°C of temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR.

  5. Determinación de los indicadores de deformación bajo tensiones multiaxiales de embutición. Aplicación al acero electrocincado DC-05 (UNE en ISO 10130

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    Miguel, V.


    Full Text Available In this work a methodology to investigate deep drawing quality steel sheets deformation tendency under multiaxial deep drawing stresses has been proposed. The method consists in assaying a sheet in a wedge die in order to introduce a pure shear estate in the material. 0º, 45º and 90º rolling directions are selected in the assays, and transversal strain is the variable considered in them. A strain coefficient ‰ has been defined in order to evaluate thickness variations in the test. Almost no changes in thickness have been registered and this indicates that strain carried out in the test is similar to that taking place in deep drawing. The stress necessary for practice a certain plastic deformation is obtained too and a potential function between them is formulated. Indicators presented in this work are compared to anisotropy and strength coefficients obtained in normalized tensile tests. These results allow us to justify the steel behaviour in the cup deep drawing processes related to ear forming.

    En este trabajo se establece una metodología para la investigación de la tendencia a la deformación de chapa de acero de alta embutibilidad bajo tensiones multiaxiales de embutición. El método consiste en ensayar chapa en una matriz con forma de cuña produciendo en el material un estado de deformación típico de embutición (pure shear. Se seleccionan tres direcciones de laminación (0º, 45º y 90º y se establece la deformación en anchura como variable de ensayo. Se ha definido un coeficiente de deformación con el fin de evaluar las variaciones obtenidas en el espesor del material constatándose la no existencia de cambios significativos en éste. También, se obtiene la tensión necesaria para realizar distintas deformaciones estableciendo correlaciones de tipo potencial tensión-deformación. Se contrastan los indicadores obtenidos con el índice de anisotropía y el de endurecimiento del material bajo condiciones normalizadas


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    Adán Ramírez-López


    Full Text Available Este trabajo muestra el desarrollo y la implementación de algoritmos computacionales basados en teoría del caos y autómatas celulares para la simulación del crecimiento de granos en secciones cuadradas de acero producidas por colada continua. Se desarrollaron tres algoritmos para la simulación de las estructuras de grano en las zonas perimetral, columnar y equiaxial; incluyen rutinas para estimular la nucleación y crecimiento del grano. Estas fueron compiladas separadamente al algoritmo principal con el objeto de hacer más eficiente el sistema de simulación. Los algoritmos analizan todos los nodos a cada paso, durante la simulación de cálculo y una interfase de despliegue gráfico muestra en la pantalla el proceso de solidificación. La teoría del caos fue empleada integrando un proceso aleatorio de selección. El resultado de este análisis es una imagen digital de celdas que representan a los granos (autómata celular y es desplegada en la pantalla en función a un código numérico asignado a las posiciones nodales.

  7. Preparation and characterization Al3+-bentonite Turen Malang for esterification fatty acid (palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid) (United States)

    Abdulloh, Abdulloh; Aminah, Nanik Siti; Triyono, Mudasir, Trisunaryanti, Wega


    Catalyst preparation and characterization of Al3+-bentonite for esterification of palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid has been done. Al3+-bentonite catalyst was prepared from natural bentonite of Turen Malang through cation exchange reaction using AlCl3 solution. The catalysts obtained were characterized by XRD, XRF, pyridine-FTIR and surface area analyser using the BET method. Catalyst activity test of Al3+-bentonite for esterification reaction was done at 65°C using molar ratio of metanol-fatty acid of 30:1 and 0.25 g of Al3+-bentonite catalyst for the period of ½, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours. Based on the characterization results, the Al3+-bentonite Turen Malang catalyst has a d-spacing of 15.63 Ǻ, acid sites of Brönsted and Lewis respectively of 230.79 µmol/g and 99.39 µmol/g, surface area of 507.3 m2/g and the average of radius pore of 20.09 Å. GC-MS analysis results of the oil phase after esterification reaction showed the formation of biodiesel (FAME: Fatty acid methyl ester), namely methyl palmitate, methyl oleate and methyl linoleate. The number of conversions resulted in esterification reaction using Al3+-bentonite Turen Malang catalyst was 74.61%, 37.75%, and 20, 93% for the esterification of palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid respectively.

  8. Effect of preparation method on catalytic activity of Ni/ γ-Al2O3 catalysts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miranda Morales, Barbara


    The performance of catalysts was shown to be strongly dependent on their methods of preparation. A study to examine the relationship between catalyst preparation procedures and the structure, dispersion, activity, and selectivity of the finished catalyst is reported. 10 wt.%Ni/γ-Al 2 O 3 catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation and by wet impregnation. The catalysts were used in the conversion of glycerol in gas phase and atmospheric pressure. The selectivity and activity of the catalysts were affected by the preparation method employed. The catalysts were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), N 2 -physorption, H 2 -chemisorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO). The Ni particle size and dispersion of the catalysts affected the selectivity to hydrogenolysis and dehydration routes, and the formation of carbon deposits was also affected. (author) [es

  9. Preparation and characterization of Au/CeO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} monoliths

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gawel, Bartlomiej; Lambrechts, Kalle [Ugelstad Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), N-7491 Trondheim (Norway); Oye, Gisle, E-mail: [Ugelstad Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), N-7491 Trondheim (Norway)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A facile method for preparing Au/CeO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} monoliths with hierarchical porosity. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Continuous-flow testing of the monoliths in liquid-phase oxidation of glucose. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Increased catalytic activity in the presence of cerium oxide (stirred-batch tests). - Abstract: Porous CeO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} monoliths with hierarchical pore structure were prepared by mixing boehmite particles with solutions containing different amounts of cerium chloride and aluminum nitrate. The monoliths were functionalized with gold nanoparticles using the incipient wetness method. The resulting materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen sorption, mercury porosimetry, UV-vis spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The catalysts were tested in liquid phase glucose oxidation, comparing continuously stirred batch reactor and continuous-flow fix-bed reactor setups.

  10. Evaluación de la susceptibilidad a la corrosión por picado del acero API 5L x42 expuesto a un ambiente con cloruros y CO2 mediante la técnica de ruido electroquímico

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    Rodríguez-Vanegas, N.


    Full Text Available The concentration of chloride ions and the partial pressure of CO2 play an important role in the degradation of low-carbon steels used for the construction of pipelines in oil and gas industry. In order to evaluate the susceptibility of carbon steel API 5L X42 to pitting corrosion electrochemical noise and linear polarization resistance measurements were carried out in aqueous solutions containing chloride ions and CO2. The concentration of chloride ions was varied between, 10000 and 18000 ppm, and the CO2 partial pressure between 10 psi and 18 psi. Experimental results pointed out that the formation of protective layer, consisting mainly of FeCO 3, depends on the partial pressure of CO2 in the system. Nevertheless, the stability of this layer was considerably affected by increasing the concentration of chloride ions causing that localized corrosion has taken place in some areas of the surface of API 5L X42, which were detected by electrochemical noise echnique.La concentración de iones cloruro y la presión parcial de CO2, tienen un papel importante en el proceso de degradación de los aceros de bajo carbono empleados en la construcción de líneas de transporte en industrias petroleras. Con el fin de evaluar la susceptibilidad del acero al carbono API 5L X42 a la corrosión por picado, se realizaron medidas de ruido electroquímico y resistencia a la polarización lineal en soluciones acuosas de iones cloruro con concentraciones entre 10.000 y 18.000 ppm, variando la presión parcial de CO2 entre 10 psi y 18 psi. Los resultados indican que la formación de una capa protectora, constituida principalmente por FeCO3, depende de la presión parcial de CO2 del sistema. No obstante, la estabilidad de dicha capa es afectada significativamente por el aumento de la concentración de iones cloruro, que producen fenómenos de corrosión localizada en algunas áreas de la superficie del acero API 5L X42, los cuales fueron detectados por la técnica de

  11. Pt-Rh/g Al2O3 Influence of Catalyst Preparation Methods on Metallic Particle Dispersion and Size Distribution

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    N.M. da Fonseca


    Full Text Available - Pt-Rh/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by successive incipient impregnations or coimpregnation. Characterization was achieved by H2 chemisorption and transmission electron microscopy. It was verified that method of preparation, ratio of metal weights and sequence of deposition are factors that result in very distinct catalysts.

  12. Novel Montmorillonite/TiO2/MnAl-Mixed Oxide Composites Prepared from Inverse Microemulsions as Combustion Catalysts

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    Bogna D. Napruszewska


    Full Text Available A novel design of combustion catalysts is proposed, in which clay/TiO2/MnAl-mixed oxide composites are formed by intermixing exfoliated organo-montmorillonite with oxide precursors (hydrotalcite-like in the case of Mn-Al oxide obtained by an inverse microemulsion method. In order to assess the catalysts’ thermal stability, two calcination temperatures were employed: 450 and 600 °C. The composites were characterized with XRF (X-ray fluorescence, XRD (X-ray diffraction, HR SEM (high resolution scanning electron microscopy, N2 adsorption/desorption at −196 °C, and H2 TPR (temperature programmed reduction. Profound differences in structural, textural and redox properties of the materials were observed, depending on the presence of the TiO2 component, the type of neutralization agent used in the titania nanoparticles preparation (NaOH or NH3 (aq, and the temperature of calcination. Catalytic tests of toluene combustion revealed that the clay/TiO2/MnAl-mixed oxide composites prepared with the use of ammonia showed excellent activity, the composites obtained from MnAl hydrotalcite nanoparticles trapped between the organoclay layers were less active, but displayed spectacular thermal stability, while the clay/TiO2/MnAl-mixed oxide materials obtained with the aid of NaOH were least active. The observed patterns of catalytic activity bear a direct relation to the materials’ composition and their structural, textural, and redox properties.

  13. Method of preparing an Al-Ti-B grain refiner for aluminium-comprising products, and a method of casting aluminium products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brinkman, H.J.; Duszczyk, J.; Katgerman, L.


    The invention relates to a method of preparing an Al-Ti-B grain refiner for cast aluminium-comprising products. According to the invention the preparation is realized by mixing powders selected from the group comprising aluminium, titanium, boron, and alloys and intermetallic compounds thereof,

  14. Preparation and Characterization of PVC-Al2O3-LiClO4 Composite Polymeric Electrolyte

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azizan Ahmad; Mohd Yusri Abdul Rahman; Siti Aminah Mohd Noor; Mohd Reduan Abu Bakar


    Ionic conductivity of composite polymer electrolyte PVC-Al 2 O 3 -LiClO 4 as a function of Al 2 O 3 concentration has been studied. The electrolyte samples were prepared by solution casting technique. Their ionic conductivity was measured using impedance spectroscopy technique. It was observed that the conductivity of the electrolyte varies with Al 2 O 3 concentration. The highest room temperature conductivity of the electrolyte of 3.43 x 10 -10 -1 was obtain at 25 % by weight of Al 2 O 3 and that without Al 2 O 3 filler was found to be 2.43 x 10 -11 -1 . The glass transition temperature decreases with the increase of Al 2 O 3 percentage due to the increasing amorphous state, meanwhile the degradation temperature increases with the increase of Al 2 O 3 percentage. Both of these thermal properties influence the enhancement of the conductivity value. The morphology of the samples shows the even distribution of the Al 2 O 3 filler in the samples. However, the filler starts to agglomerate in the sample when high percentage of Al 2 O 3 is being used. In conclusion, the addition of Al 2 O 3 filler improves the ionic conductivity of PVC- Al 2 O 3 -LiCIO 4 solid polymer electrolyte. (author)

  15. Evaluación de la adherencia del biofilm sobre salivaderas dentales de acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina


    Butler, Teresa Adela


    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue estudiar el desarrollo de la biopelícula depositada sobre las salivaderas dentales de tres materiales diferentes (acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina), de equipos odontológicos correspondientes a dos zonas diferentes del casco urbano de la ciudad de La Plata (Z1 y Z2). Para ello se realizaron 38 cortes de salivaderas dentales de los tres materiales, de cada zona En primer lugar se realizó el análisis de la microbiota planctónica y sé...

  16. Estudio comparativo del comportamiento electroquímico del hierro en medio alcalino en presencia de lodos rojos y lodos grises. Efecto del Al3+

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    Abreu, C. M.


    Full Text Available Red mud (RM is the main by-product of the Bayer process for alumina extraction from bauxite, and grey slurries (GS are generated during the granite rocks transformation processes. The huge volume of those wastes generated every year suppose a serious environmental problem. Recent works by our group demonstrate the efficiency of both types of muds as corrosion inhibitors for iron and steel in alkaline media containing chlorides. The elemental analysis of these slurries shows that Al3+ is the main common element. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study the effect of the soluble Al3+ in the electrochemical behaviour of iron in alkaline media, in presence and absence of chlorides. The electrochemical study using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS together with surface analysis techniques allowed to conclude that Al3+ blocks the surface of steel in alkaline media chloride increasing the steel resistance to chloride attack.

    Los elevados volúmenes de residuos generados por los lodos rojos (LR, procedentes del proceso de obtención de la alúmina a partir de la bauxita y los lodos grises (LG, originados durante el proceso de la transformación del granito, suponen un grave problema medioambiental. Trabajos recientes de este grupo demuestran la eficacia de ambos tipos de lodos como inhibidores de la corrosión del hierro y acero en medio alcalino clorurado. Esta característica ha llevado al estudio individualizado de sus componentes mayoritarios y, dentro de éstos, el Al3+, elemento común presente en mayor proporción. El estudio mediante técnicas electroquímicas como la Voltametría Cíclica (VC y la Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIE, apoyadas en técnicas de análisis químico y superficial, ha permitido visualizar cómo el Al3+ es capaz de bloquear la superficie del acero en medio alcalino aumentando su resistencia al ataque

  17. Análisis termodinámico de la descarburación de aceros

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    Gómez-Acebo, T.


    Full Text Available It is necessary to study both the equilibrium and the kinetics of gas-solid reaction in order to control the carbon content of powder metallurgy steels during sintering. In this paper a thermodynamic study is given. Several atmospheres are used in industrial practice, that can contain CO, CO2, CH4 or H2. With the aid of powerful software for thermodynamic calculations as Thermo-Calc, it is possible to do estimations of complex equilibria. It has been proved that representations of the phase diagram of a steel in the potentials space carbon activity vs. 1/T can help to select gas atmospheres. Here both a graphical and an analytical method are presented for calculating carbon activity as a function of the partial pressures ratios p(CO/ p(CO2 and p(CH4/p(H2. As an example, the decarburation control in pure iron and in certain Fe-Cu and Fe-Cr alloys is studied.

    El control del contenido en carbono en aceros pulvimetalúrgicos durante el tratamiento de sinterización requiere plantear el equilibrio y la cinética de la reacción del metal con la fase gaseosa. En este artículo se aborda el estudio termodinámico. En la práctica industrial se suelen emplear diferentes atmósferas, que pueden contener CO, CO2, CH4 ó H2. Con ayuda de programas de cálculos termodinámicos como Thermo-Calc, es posible realizar estimaciones complejas de equilibrio. Se ha comprobado que la representación del diagrama de fases de un acero en el espacio de coordenadas potenciales actividad de carbono frente a 1/T facilita la selección de las atmósferas gaseosas de reacción. Se presenta también el modo de calcular analítica y gráficamente la actividad de carbono en función de la relación de presiones parciales p(CO/p(CO2 y p(CH4/ p(H2. Como ejemplo, se ha estudiado el control de la descarburación en el hierro puro y en las aleaciones Fe-Cu y Fe-Cr.

  18. Effect of boron addition on the magnetic properties of the Fe-Nd-Al alloys prepared by suction casting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai, Q.; Xu, H.; Tan, X.H.; Zhang, S.Y.


    The microstructure and magnetic properties of the Fe-Nd-Al alloys prepared by suction casting with boron addition have been investigated. The increasing boron content in the Fe-Nd-Al alloys significantly increases the intrinsic coercivity ( i H c ) and decreases the proportion of the amorphous phase. The magnetization at the maximum applied field (σ ' s ) of the Fe-Nd-Al-B alloys decreases, while the coercivity increases markedly after annealing. The high intrinsic coercivity is due to the presence of the Nd 2 Fe 14 B phase

  19. Control de la descomposición anisotérmica de la austenita en ferrita acicular buscando la combinación óptima de propiedades mecánicas en un acero microaleado de forja

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    García de Andrés, C.


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to study the anisothermal decomposition of austenite at two different austenisation conditions in a medium carbon microalloyed steel. In this sense, continuous cooling transformation diagrams (CCT have been obtained for both austenisation conditions to determine the continuous cooling that allows the formation of a microstructure mainly formed of acicular ferrite with the best mechanical properties.The knowledge of the anisothermal decomposition oí austenite in this steel has allowed to propose continuous cooling cycles for industrial aplication. That produce high volume fraction of acicular ferrite.

    El propósito del presente trabajo es estudiar la descomposición anisotérmica de la austenita de un acero microaleado de contenido medio en carbono para dos diferentes condiciones de austenización. Con este objeto se han construido los diagramas CCT del acero para ambos estados de austenización y se han establecido las condiciones de enfriamiento que permiten la formación de microestructuras constituidas mayoritariamente por ferrita acicular con propiedades mecánicas óptimas. El conocimiento de la evolución de las transformaciones anisotérmicas de este acero, ha permitido encontrar ciclos de enfriamiento continuo, aplicables en procesos industriales, para obtener directamente microestructuras con un alto porcentaje de ferrita acicular.

  20. Fluidos iónicos en lubricación de contactos aluminio-acero : interacciones superficiales y triboquímicas


    Jiménez Ballesta, Ana Eva


    Los líquidos iónicos (LI) son fluidos de altas prestaciones con un amplio rango de estabilidad térmica. Actualmente están siendo objeto de estudio en una gran variedad de contactos, siendo una de sus aplicaciones tribológicas más interesante la lubricación del contacto aluminio-acero. En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de la longitud de la cadena lateral del catión y de la naturaleza del anión sobre la capacidad lubricante de 6 LI derivados del catión imidazolio, un derivado de piridini...

  1. Oxidación en vapor de agua del acero inoxidable aisi 317 a 700 y 750ºc




    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI SAE 317, a temperaturas de 700 y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento a la corrosión. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) y difracción de rayos X (DRX), para observar cómo se forman las capas de óxidos y discutir el posible mecanismo de oxidación en vapor de agua. Se encontró que el mecanismo de...



    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo; Aduljay Remolina Millan; Jairo Alberto Barón


    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI SAE 317, a temperaturas de 700 y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento a la corrosión. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) y difracción de rayos X (DRX), para observar cómo se forman las capas de óxidos y discutir el posible mecanismo de oxidación en vapor de agua. Se encontró que el mecanismo de...

  3. Hydroconversion of methyl laurate on bifunctional Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41 catalyst prepared via in situ phosphorization using triphenylphosphine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Sha; Zhang, Zhena [Tianjin Key Laboratory of Applied Catalysis Science and Technology, Department of Catalysis Science and Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 (China); Zhu, Kongying, E-mail: [Analysis and Measurement Center, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 (China); Chen, Jixiang, E-mail: [Tianjin Key Laboratory of Applied Catalysis Science and Technology, Department of Catalysis Science and Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 (China)


    Highlights: • Bifunctional Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41 was prepared by in situ phosphorization at 300 °C. • There were similar Ni{sub 2}P particle sizes in Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41 with different Si/Al ratios. • The acid amount of Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41 increased with decreasing the Si/Al ratio. • Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41 with the Si/Al ratio of 5 had the highest activity for isomerization. • Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41 had very low activity for methanation and C−C bond hydrogenolysis. - Abstract: A series of Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41-x bifunctional catalysts with different Si/Al ratios (x) were synthesized by in situ phosphorization of Ni/AlMCM-41-x with triphenylphosphine (nominal Ni/P ratio of 0.75) at 300 °C on a fixed-bed reactor. For comparison, NiP/AlMCM-41-5-TPR was also prepared by the TPR method from the supported nickel phosphate with the Ni/P ratio of 1.0, during which metallic Ni rather than Ni{sub 2}P formed. TEM images show that Ni and Ni{sub 2}P particles uniformly distributed in Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41-x and NiP/AlMCM-41-5-TPR. The Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41-x acidity increased with decreasing the Si/Al ratio. In the hydroconversion of methyl laurate, the conversions were close to 100% on all catalysts at 360 °C, 3.0 MPa, methyl laurate WHSV of 2 h{sup −1} and H{sub 2}/methyl laurate ratio of 25. As to Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41-x, with decreasing the Si/Al ratio, the total selectivity to C11 and C12 hydrocarbons decreased, while the total selectivity to isoundecane and isododecane (S{sub i-C11+i-C12}) firstly increased and then decreased. Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41-5 gave the largest S{sub i-C11+i-C12} of 43.2%. While NiP/AlMCM-41-5-TPR gave higher S{sub i-C11+i-C12} than Ni{sub 2}P/AlMCM-41-5, it was more active for the undesired C−C bond cleavage and methanation. We propose that the in-situ phosphorization adopted here is a promising approach to preparing Ni{sub 2}P-based bifunctional catalysts.

  4. Microstructural analyses of intermetallic TiAl(Nb)-compounds prepared by arc melting and by powder metallurgy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S.


    Intermetallic compounds based on TiAl with Nb or V as alloying additions prepared by powder metallurgy (P/M) and arc melting (A/M) techniques have been investigated with respect to their potential as new high temperature materials. All the alloys with nominal Al-concentrations 34-36 wt% contain two phases, γ-TiAl and α 2 -Ti 3 Al, but significant differences in the distribution of γ and α 2 were found between the P/M and A/M materials. The role of impurities during processing and the microstructural stability in the planned service temperature range 700-1000 0 C are discussed. In the P/M TiAl alloys two carbide precipitates have been found, which are the cubic Perovskite-AlTi 3 C phase in the γ-matrix and the hexagonal H-AlTi 2 (C, N) phase at grain boundaries. At high temperatures the AlTi 3 C phase dissolves and is replaced by more stable H-phase, and therefore no longer contributes to the high temperature strength of the material. Mechanical properties of both the P/M and A/M alloys are compared in association with the processing methods and the resulting microstructures. (orig.) With 71 figs., 22 tabs [de

  5. Preparation of mullite whiskers reinforced SiC/Al2O3 composites by microwave sintering

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    Wei Li


    Full Text Available Mullite whiskers reinforced SiC/Al2O3 composites were prepared by microwave sintering in a microwave chamber with TE666 resonant mode. Original SiC particles were coated with SiO2 using sol-gel processing and mixed with Al2O3 particles. Mullite was formed in the reaction between SiO2 and Al2O3. The isostatically pressed cylindrical pellets were sintered from 1350 °C to 1600 °C for 30 min. Physical and chemical responses were investigated by detecting changes in reflected power during the microwave sintering process. XRD was carried out to characterize the samples and showed that mullite could be formed at 1200 °C. Bridging of mullite whiskers between Al2O3 and SiC particles was observed by SEM and is due to a so-called local hot spot effect, which was the unique feature for microwave sintering. The optimized microwave sintering temperature was 1500 °C corresponding to the maximum amount of mullite whiskers within SiC/Al2O3 composites. The high electro-magnetic field enhanced the decomposition of mullite at higher temperatures above 1550 °C. The mechanical properties of mullite whiskers reinforced SiC/Al2O3 composites are much better than the SiC/Al2O3 composites without mullite whiskers.

  6. Hydroconversion of methyl laurate on bifunctional Ni2P/AlMCM-41 catalyst prepared via in situ phosphorization using triphenylphosphine (United States)

    Zhao, Sha; Zhang, Zhena; Zhu, Kongying; Chen, Jixiang


    A series of Ni2P/AlMCM-41-x bifunctional catalysts with different Si/Al ratios (x) were synthesized by in situ phosphorization of Ni/AlMCM-41-x with triphenylphosphine (nominal Ni/P ratio of 0.75) at 300 °C on a fixed-bed reactor. For comparison, NiP/AlMCM-41-5-TPR was also prepared by the TPR method from the supported nickel phosphate with the Ni/P ratio of 1.0, during which metallic Ni rather than Ni2P formed. TEM images show that Ni and Ni2P particles uniformly distributed in Ni2P/AlMCM-41-x and NiP/AlMCM-41-5-TPR. The Ni2P/AlMCM-41-x acidity increased with decreasing the Si/Al ratio. In the hydroconversion of methyl laurate, the conversions were close to 100% on all catalysts at 360 °C, 3.0 MPa, methyl laurate WHSV of 2 h-1 and H2/methyl laurate ratio of 25. As to Ni2P/AlMCM-41-x, with decreasing the Si/Al ratio, the total selectivity to C11 and C12 hydrocarbons decreased, while the total selectivity to isoundecane and isododecane (Si-C11+i-C12) firstly increased and then decreased. Ni2P/AlMCM-41-5 gave the largest Si-C11+i-C12 of 43.2%. While NiP/AlMCM-41-5-TPR gave higher Si-C11+i-C12 than Ni2P/AlMCM-41-5, it was more active for the undesired Csbnd C bond cleavage and methanation. We propose that the in-situ phosphorization adopted here is a promising approach to preparing Ni2P-based bifunctional catalysts.

  7. Formación de fase sigma en uniones soldadas de acero inoxidable súper dúplex fundido

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    Garin, J. L.


    Full Text Available This paper decribes the microstructural characteristics of weldments of cast super duplex stainless steel (J93404, being subjected to annealing processes to induce formation of sigma-phase at high temperatures. The influence of heating time at 1073 K, 1123 K and 1173 K upon precipitation of sigma in the heat affected zone, base metal and fusion zone of the weldments was analyzed. The experimental results revealed the formation of this intermetallic compound throughout decomposition of the ferritic phase into austenite and sigma. At earlier stages of the transformation the phase rapidly nucleates and growth along the ferrite-austenite grain boundaries, and then massively advances towards the bulk of the ferritic zone with greater effectiveness as temperature increases. The formation of sigma-phase in all weldments resembles the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami’s mechanism stated for nucleation and growth.

    El presente trabajo describe las características microestructurales de uniones soldadas de acero súper dúplex fundido (J93404, al ser sometidas a procesos de recocido para inducir la formación de fase sigma a altas temperaturas. Se analizó la influencia del tiempo de calentamiento a 1.073 K, 1.123 K y 1.173 K sobre la precipitación de fase sigma en la zona afectada térmicamente, metal base y zona de fusión de los conjuntos soldados. Los resultados experimentales evidenciaron la formación de este compuesto intermetálico por descomposición de la fase ferrítica en austenita y sigma. Al comienzo de la transformación la fase nuclea y crece rápidamente en los bordes de grano austenita-ferrita, extendiéndose luego masivamente hacia el seno de la zona ferrítica, con mayor efectividad en términos del aumento de la temperatura de proceso. La formación de sigma en todas las uniones soldadas obedece a un mecanismo de nucleación y crecimiento del tipo Jonson-Mehl-Avrami.

  8. Resistencia al desgaste de recubrimientos Fe-Nb-Cr-W, Nb, AISI 1020 y AISI 420 producidos por proyección térmica por arco eléctrico

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    López-Covaleda, E. A.


    Full Text Available The commercial materials 140MXC (with iron, tungsten, chrome, niobium, 530AS (AISI 1015 steel and 560AS (AISI 420 steel on AISI 4340 steel were deposited using thermal spray with arc. The aim of work was to evaluate the best strategy abrasive wear resistance of the system coating-substrate using the following combinations: (1 homogeneous coatings and (2 coatings depositing simultaneously 140MXC + 530AS and 140MXC + 560AS. The coatings microstructure was characterized using Optical microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy and Laser confocal microscopy. The wear resistance was evaluated through dry sand rubber wheel test (DSRW. We found that the wear resistance depends on the quantity of defects and the mechanical properties like hardness. For example, the softer coatings have the biggest wear rates and the failure mode was characterized by plastic deformation caused by particles indentation, and the other hand the failure mode at the harder materials was grooving. The details and wear mechanism of the coatings produced are described in this investigation.Mediante proyección térmica de arco eléctrico fueron depositados tres materiales comercialmente conocidos como: 140MXC (a base de hierro, wolframio, cromo y niobio, 530AS (acero AISI 1020 y 560AS (acero AISI 420, sobre acero AISI 4340. Con el objetivo de evaluar la mejor estrategia para incrementar la resistencia al desgaste abrasivo, los recubrimientos fueron depositados de dos formas: (1 monocapas homogéneas de cada material y (2 recubrimientos depositando con alambres disimiles de 140MXC + 530AS y 140MXC + 560AS. Los recubrimientos fueron caracterizados microestructuralmente mediante Difracción de rayos X, Microscopía óptica, Microscopía láser confocal y Microscopía electrónica de barrido. La evaluación de la resistencia al desgaste abrasivo se realizó mediante ensayo con arena seca y rueda de caucho (DSRW. Se encontró que la resistencia al desgaste depende entre otras de las

  9. Role of powder preparation route on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-TiB2 composites fabricated by accumulative roll bonding (ARB)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Askarpour, M.; Sadeghian, Z.; Reihanian, M.


    Accumulative roll bonding (ARB) was conducted up to seven cycles to fabricate Al-TiB 2 particulate metal matrix composites. The reinforcing particles were prepared and used in three different processing conditions: as-received TiB 2 , mixed TiB 2 -Al and in-situ synthesized TiB 2 -Al. The mixed TiB 2 -Al powder was produced by milling of TiB 2 with Al powder and in-situ synthesized TiB 2 -Al powder was prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) through inducing TiB 2 particles in the Al with various composition of 10, 20 and 30 wt% Al. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to evaluate the microstructure of the produced composites. The composite obtained from the in-situ TiB 2 -Al powder showed the most uniform distribution of particles and exhibited the highest tensile strength of about 177 MPa in comparison with the composites reinforced with the as-received TiB 2 (156 MPa) and mixed TiB 2 -Al powder (160 MPa). After seven ARB cycles, an ultra-fine grained structure with the average size of about 300 nm was obtained in the composite reinforced with in-situ TiB 2 -Al powder. The appearance of dimples in tensile fracture surfaces revealed a ductile-type fracture in the produced composites.


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    Wenyuan Xu

    Full Text Available Dichlorodimethylsilane is the most important raw material for the preparation of organic silicon materials. Currently, the preparation of dichlorodimethylsilane is mainly based on disproportionation method. This method can turn wastes (by-products into treasures but the mechanism is still indeterminate. In this study, MP2/6-311++G (3df, 2pd basis set was used to study the mechanism of the disproportionation for producing dichlorodimethylsilane. Dichlorodimethylsilane is catalyzed by 24T cluster AlCl3/ZSM-5 catalyst and modified by (AlCl2+, and (BCl2+. The calculation results show that the rate-determining step is the reaction of the catalyst with trimethylchlorosilane . The activation energy of the rate-determining step of main reaction is: 393.83, 427.73, and 527.61 kJ mol-1, respectively. The structure analysis, activation energy analysis and LOL analysis for different catalysts all show that the catalytic effect of unmodified AlCl3/ZSM-5 is better.

  11. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al2O3/Er3Al5O12 Binary Eutectic Ceramic Prepared by Bridgman Method (United States)

    Song, Caiyu; Wang, Shunheng; Liu, Juncheng; Zhai, Shuoyan


    Directionally solidified Al2O3/Er3Al5O12 (EAG) eutectic ceramic was prepared via vertical Bridgman method with high-frequency induction heating. The effects of the growth rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the solidified ceramic were investigated. The experimental results showed that there were no pores or amorphous phases in the directionally solidified Al2O3/EAG eutectic ceramic. Al2O3 phase was embedded in the EAG matrix phase, and the two phases were intertwined with each other to form a typical binary eutectic “hieroglyphic” structure. With the increase of growth rate, the phase size and spacing of the solidified Al2O3/EAG ceramic both decreased, and the growth rate and phase spacing satisfied the λ2v ≈ 60 formula of Jackson-Hunt theory. The cross section microstructure of the solidified ceramic always exhibited an irregular eutectic growth, while the longitudinal section microstructure presented a directional growth. The mechanical properties of the solidified ceramic gradually increased with the increase of growth rate, and the maximum hardness and fracture toughness could reach 21.57 GPa and 2.98 MPa·m1/2 respectively. It was considered that the crack deflection and branching could enhance the toughness of the solidified ceramic effectively. PMID:29601545

  12. Decapado de un acero inoxidable austenítico mediante mezclas ecológicas basadas en H2O2 - H2SO4 - iones F-

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    Narváez, L.


    Full Text Available This study reports the pickling of 316L stainless steel using mixtures of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, sulphuric acid (H2SO4 and fluoride ions as hydrofluoric acid (HF, sodium fluoride (NaF and potassium fluoride (KF. The decomposition of H2O2 in the mixtures was assessed at different temperatures 25 °C to 60 °C, with ferric ion contents from 0 to 40 g/l. According to the results obtained, were established the optimal condition pickling at 20 g/l of ferric ions, 25 °C and p-toluensulphonic acid as stabilizer of H2O2. The HF pickling mixture was the only capable to remove totally the oxide layer from the 316L stainless steel after 300 s. The fluoride salts pickling mixtures only remove partially the oxide layer (20 to 40 % aprox. after 300 s. When the pickling time was increased until 1200 s, the removal percentages were around to 80 %.En este estudio se presenta el decapado del acero inoxidable austenítico 316L utilizando mezclas de peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2/ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4/iones fluoruro; los iones fluoruro provienen del ácido fluorhídrico (HF, fluoruro de sodio (NaF y fluoruro de potasio (KF. La estabilidad del H2O2 fue valorada modificando las concentraciones del ión férrico de 0 a 40 g/l y las temperaturas de 25 °C a 60 °C en las mezclas decapantes. Se establecieron las condiciones óptimas de decapado utilizando 20 g/l de iones férrico a 25 °C empleando el ácido p-toluensulfónico como estabilizante del H2O2. La mezcla que contenía HF fue la única capaz de eliminar completamente los óxidos superficiales del acero a tiempos de 300 s. Las mezclas a base de sales fluoradas eliminaron parcialmente los óxidos (20 y 40 % aprox. en 300 s. Al incrementar el tiempo de decapado hasta 1200 s se obtuvieron porcentajes de eliminación alrededor de un 80 %.

  13. The optical properties and applications of AlN thin films prepared by a helicon sputtering system

    CERN Document Server

    Chiu, W Y; Kao, H L; Jeng, E S; Chen, J S; Jaing, C C


    AlN thin films were grown on SiO sub 2 /Si and quartz substrates using a helicon sputtering system. The dependence of film quality on growth parameters, such as total sputtering pressure, substrate temperature, and nitrogen concentration has been studied. There is a good correlation of thin film crystallinity addressed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and spectroscopic ellipsometer. The optimized films exhibit highly oriented, with only (002) peak shown in a theta-2 theta scan XRD pattern, and extremely smooth surface with rms roughness of 2 Aa. The extinction coefficient of the film was 4x10 sup - sup 4 , which is lower than that of AlN films grown by conventional sputtering. Double-layer antireflection (DLAR) coating using AlN and Al sub 3 O sub 3 grown on quartz has been demonstrated. The transmittance of DLAR was high as 96% compared to 93% of bare substrates with the measurement error less than 0.2%. AlN films prepared by Helicon sputtering thus are potential for optical application.

  14. Influence of yttrium on microstructure and properties of Ni–Al alloy coatings prepared by laser cladding

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    Cun-shan Wang


    Full Text Available Ni–Al alloy coatings with different Y additions are prepared on 45# medium steel by laser cladding. The influence of Y contents on the microstructure and properties of Ni–Al alloy coatings is investigated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalyzer, Vickers hardness tester, friction wear testing machine, and thermal analyzer. The results show that the cladding layers are mainly composed of NiAl dendrites, and the dendrites are gradually refined with the increase in Y additions. The purification effect of Y can effectively prevent Al2O3 oxide from forming. However, when the atomic percent of Y addition exceeds 1.5%, the extra Y addition will react with O to form Y2O3 oxide, even to form Al5Y3O12 oxide, depending on the amount of Y added. The Y addition in a range of 1.5–3.5 at.% reduces the hardness and anti-attrition of cladding layer, but improves obviously its wear and oxidation resistances.

  15. Comportamiento a fatiga del vástago de una prótesis para cadera al caminar//Fatigue behavior stem hip prosthesis for walking


    Ángel Martínez-Delfín; Javier García-de-la-Figal-Costales; Luís Manuel Rodríguez-Milián; Reynaldo Rodríguez-Pérez


    La prótesis de cadera consiste en sustituir la parte superior fracturada del fémur por una pieza de material biocompatible. Debido a las cargas aleatorias que sobre esta prótesis actúan al caminar la persona injertada, surge la fatiga sobre la prótesis. En este trabajo se realiza el cálculo a fatiga del vástago de una prótesis de caderas fabricada con acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L GrQ y de uso actual. Para ellose emplea el método de los elementos finitos, considerando la compleja geo...

  16. Preparation and characterization of rare earth modified nanocrystalline Al2O3/13 wt%TiO2 feedstock for plasma spraying. (United States)

    Wang, Y; Tian, W; Yang, Y


    The preparation and characterization of RE modified nanocrystalline Al2O3/13 wt%TiO2 feedstock for plasma spraying are described in this paper. Taking individual nano particles as starting materials, by wet ball milling, spray drying, sintering and plasma treating, nanocrystalline plasma sprayable feedstock is prepared. The as-prepared feedstocks were analyzed by XRD, SEM, EDS, TEM and HRTEM methods. As shown from analyses results, the reconstituted agglomerate feedstock possesses spherical geometry, proper particle size, homogeneous composition distribution and nano scaled grains. There are three dimensional net structures in the prepared feedstock, which could be retained in coatings if the feedstock does not melt or partially melts during the plasma spray process. The three dimensional net structures could play an important role in improving crack propagation resistance and wear resistance of coatings. The reconstitution process and characterization methods discussed in this paper can also be applied to prepare intraclass nanocrystalline feedstock such as ZrO2/Y2O3 and Cr2O3 et al.

  17. Lubricación del contacto aluminio-acero con líquidos iónicos en atmósfera controlada


    Llopis Morales, Miguel


    El objetivo del presente proyecto es estudiar el comportamiento tribológico de diferentes líquidos iónicos en el contacto aluminio-acero y las interacciones superficiales que se producen. Para realizar el estudio tribológico, se llevará a cabo un estudio de corrosión previo por lo que será necesario realizar ensayos de corrosión y tribológicos. En cuanto a los objetivos de los ensayos de corrosión, el objetivo que se quiere alcanzar con este ensayo es comprobar si se produce algún tipo de cor...

  18. High-Pressure Spark Plasma Sintering (HP SPS): A Promising and Reliable Method for Preparing Ti-Al-Si Alloys. (United States)

    Knaislová, Anna; Novák, Pavel; Cygan, Sławomir; Jaworska, Lucyna; Cabibbo, Marcello


    Ti-Al-Si alloys are prospective material for high-temperature applications. Due to low density, good mechanical properties, and oxidation resistance, these intermetallic alloys can be used in the aerospace and automobile industries. Ti-Al-Si alloys were prepared by powder metallurgy using reactive sintering, milling, and spark plasma sintering. One of the novel SPS techniques is high-pressure spark plasma sintering (HP SPS), which was tested in this work and applied to a Ti-10Al-20Si intermetallic alloy using a pressure of 6 GPa and temperatures ranging from 1318 K (1045 °C) to 1597 K (1324 °C). The low-porosity consolidated samples consist of Ti₅Si₃ silicides in an aluminide (TiAl) matrix. The hardness varied between 720 and 892 HV 5.

  19. Influence of Al doping on structural and optical properties of Mg–Al co-doped ZnO thin films prepared by sol–gel method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang, Dongyu; Lin, Kui; Xue, Tao; Cui, Can; Chen, Xiaoping; Yao, Pei; Li, Huijun


    Highlights: • Mg–Al co-doped ZnO thin films were prepared by sol–gel spin coating method. • The effects of Al doping on structural and optical properties of AMZO thin films were investigated. • The EDS spectra confirmed presence of Mg and Al elements in AMZO thin films. • The optical band gap of AMZO thin films increased with Al doping concentration increased. • The origin of the photoluminescence emissions was discussed. -- Abstract: Mg–Al co-doped ZnO (AMZO) thin films were successfully deposited onto quartz glass substrates by sol–gel spin coating method. The structure, surface morphology, composition, optical transmittance, and photoluminescence properties of AMZO thin films were characterized through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), transmission electron microscopy, UV–VIS–NIR spectrophotometry, and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The results indicated that AMZO thin films exhibited preferred orientation growth along the c-axis, and the full width at half maximum of the (0 0 2) diffraction peak decreased first and subsequently increased, reaching a minimum of approximately 0.275° at 3% Al content. The calculated crystallite size increased from 30.21 nm to 40.73 nm. Al doping content increased from 1% to 3% and subsequently reached 19.33 nm for Al doping content at 5%. The change in lattice parameters was demonstrated by the c/a ratio, residual stress, bond length, and volume per unit cell. EDS analysis confirmed the presence of Mg and Al elements in ZnO thin films. The atomic percentage of Mg and Al elements was nearly equal to their nominal stoichiometry within the experimental error. In addition, the optical transmittance of AMZO thin films was over 85% in the visible region, and the optical band gap increased with increasing Al doping concentration. Room temperature photoluminescence showed ultraviolet emission peak and defect emission peak. The defect emission peak of

  20. Oxidación en vapor de agua a 700 ºC y 750 ºC del acero inoxidable AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por CVD-FBR.

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    Jose L. Marulanda


    Full Text Available Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado, a temperaturas de 700 °C y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de SEM y difracción de rayos X, para observar la morfología de los óxidos. Se realizó la simulación termodinámica del proceso de oxidación en vapor de agua de los substratos para conocer las posibles fases sólidas y gaseosas que se podrían formar, en presencia de una ambiente con 100% vapor de agua y una atmosfera de presión. La forma de ataque a 750 ºC es similar a 700 ºC, aunque la velocidad de oxidación es mayor, ya que la difusión de los elementos de aleación y las reacciones de oxidación son más rápidas. Los recubrimientos de aluminio tienen una buena resistencia a la oxidación en vapor de agua, ya que forman una capa superficial de Al 2 O 3 , que es compacta y adherente, la cual protege al substrato del ataque corrosivo.

  1. Method of preparing an Al-Ti-B grain refiner for aluminium-comprising products, and a method of casting aluminium products


    Brinkman, H.J.; Duszczyk, J.; Katgerman, L.


    The invention relates to a method of preparing an Al-Ti-B grain refiner for cast aluminium-comprising products. According to the invention the preparation is realized by mixing powders selected from the group comprising aluminium, titanium, boron, and alloys and intermetallic compounds thereof, compressing, heating in an inert environment until an exothermic reaction is initiated and cooling. It has been shown that when the grain refiner thus prepared is applied, the quality of cast products ...

  2. Microhardness variation and related microstructure in Al-Cu alloys prepared by HF induction melting and RF sputtering (United States)

    Boukhris, N.; Lallouche, S.; Debili, M. Y.; Draissia, M.


    The materials under consideration are binary aluminium-copper alloys (10 at% to 90.3 at%Cu) produced by HF melting and RF magnetron sputtering. The resulting micro structures have been observed by standard metallographic techniques, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Vickers microhardness of bulk Al-Cu alloys reaches a maximum of 1800 MPa at 70.16 at%Cu. An unexpected metastable θ ' phase has been observed within aluminium grain in Al-37 at%Cu. The mechanical properties of a family of homogeneous Al{1-x}Cu{x} (0 Al-Cu targets have been investigated. The as-deposited microstructures for all film compositions consisted of a mixture of the two expected face-centred-cubic (fcc) Al solid solution and tetragonal θ (Al{2}Cu) phases. The microhardness regularly increases and the grain size decreases both with copper concentration. This phenomenon of significant mechanical strengthening of aluminium by means of copper is essentially due to a combination between solid solution effects and grain size refinement. This paper reports some structural features of different Al-Cu alloys prepared by HF melting and RF magnetron on glass substrate sputtering.

  3. Influencia de la microestructura en el comportamiento en fatiga de aceros perlíticos

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    Toledano, M.


    Full Text Available This article accounts the relationship between the microstructure of pearlitic steels (influenced by the cold-drawn manufacturing process and the growing rate of sub critical cracks, produced by a cyclic-constant amplitude load. The microstructural study is performed in two levels: the pearlitic colony (first level and the pearlitic lamellar microstructure (second microstructural level. The analysis of the fatigue behaviour was focused on the region II of the fatigue crack propagation regime, in which the crack growing rate per cicle, da/dN, is controlled by the amplitude of the stress intensity range, as described by Paris law. The enhancement of the fatigue behaviour, in the stable growing zone, is related with the progressive orientation of the pearlitic colonies in the cold drawing direction, showing a linear relation between the intersect parameter of the Paris law (mechanical property and the alignment angle of the microstructure.

    Este artículo pretende poner de manifiesto la influencia que los cambios microestructurales inducidos en un acero hipoeutectoide mediante un proceso de trefilado, tienen sobre la velocidad de crecimiento de fisuras sub-críticas, desarrolladas por solicitación cíclica con amplitud de carga constante. El análisis microestructural ha sido realizado a dos niveles: la colonia perlítica (primer nivel y la microestructura laminar de la perlita (segundo nivel microestructural. El análisis del comportamiento en fatiga se ha centrado en la región II del régimen de propagación de fisuras por fatiga, en donde la velocidad de crecimiento de fisuras, da/dN, está controlada por la amplitud del factor de intensidad de tensiones, K, según queda descrito por la ley de Paris. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la mejora en el comportamiento en fatiga de los aceros, en la zona de crecimiento estable de la fisura, se relaciona con el alineamiento de las colonias perlíticas en la dirección del trefilado

  4. Análisis de productos de corrosión de acero ,zinc, cobre y aluminio formados en clima polar antártico


    Chico, Belén; Fuente, Daniel de la; Morcillo, Manuel; Almeida, E.; Joseph, Günter; Rivero, S.; Rosales, B.


    Este artículo presenta los resultados de caracterización de los productos de corrosión formados sobre acero, zinc, cobre y aluminio expuestos en estaciones de corrosión antárticas cercanas a la línea de costa, analizándose la influencia de las características singulares de este clima sobre la formación de los mismos. Los resultados se comparan con los obtenidos en atmósferas marinas de climas tropicales y templados.

  5. Preparation and application of granular ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for the removal of hazardous trichloroethylene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, J.-C.; Tang, C.-T.


    Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a volatile and nerve-toxic liquid, which is widely used in many industries as an organic solvent. Without proper treatment, it will be volatilized into the atmosphere easily and hazardous to the human health and the environment. This study tries to prepare granular ZnO/Al 2 O 3 catalyst by a modified oil-drop sol-gel process incorporated the incipient wetness impregnation method and estimates its performance on the catalytic decomposition of TCE. The effects of different preparation and operation conditions are also investigated. Experimental results show that the granular ZnO/Al 2 O 3 catalyst has good catalytic performance on TCE decomposition and the conversion of TCE is 98%. ZnO/Al 2 O 3 (N) catalyst has better performance than ZnO/Al 2 O 3 (O) at high temperature. Five percent of active metal concentration and 550 deg. C calcination temperature are the better and economic preparation conditions, and the optimum operation temperature and space velocity are 450 deg. C and 18,000 h -1 , respectively. The conversions of TCE are similar and all higher than 90% as the oxygen concentration in feed gas is higher than 5%. By Fourier transform infrared spectrography (FT-IR) analyses, the major reaction products in the catalytic decomposition of TCE are HCl and CO 2 . The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas of catalysts are significantly decreased as the calcination temperature is higher than 550 deg. C due to the sintering of catalyst materials, as well as the reaction temperature is higher than 150 deg. C due to the accumulations of reaction residues on the surfaces of catalysts. These results are also demonstrated by the results of scanning electron micrography (SEM) and energy disperse spectrography (EDS)

  6. Microbiological corrosion in low carbon steels; Corrosion microbiologica en aceros de bajo carbono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendariz, V. H; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;;;


    The Microbiologically Induced Corrosion affects several industries, such as oil industry where it is estimated that 20% to 30% pipes failures are related with microorganism. The chemical reactions generate ions transfer, this validate the use of electrochemical technique for its analysis. Coupons submerged in a nutritional medium with presence and absence of three different microorganisms during two periods, 48 hours and 28 days were studied. Polarization resistance (Rp) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were applied to determine the corrosively of the systems. The results show a greater corrosive effect of abiotic systems, this indicates a microorganisms protection effect to the metal, opposite to the first hypothesis. This result was ratified observing surface coupons by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique. A possible mechanism based on Evans - Tafel graph is proposed to explain inhibitor microorganism effect. [Spanish] La corrosion microbiologica es un tipo comun de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberias de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones quimicas que sustentan estos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de tecnicas electroquimicas para su analisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio nutritivo rico en cloruros en presencia y ausencia de tres diferentes cargas microbianas, en tiempos de exposicion de 48 horas y 28 dias. Se realizaron ensayos de resistencia a la polarizacion (Rp) y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica (EIS) para determinar el efecto corrosivo de los diferentes sistemas. Los resultados muestran que el medio abiotico causa el mayor efecto corrosivo, lo que indica un efecto protector de los microorganismos al metal contradiciendo la hipotesis inicialmente propuesta. La observacion

  7. Mechanical Properties And Microstructure Of AlN/SiCN Nanocomposite Coatings Prepared By R.F.-Reactive Sputtering Method

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    Nakafushi Y.


    Full Text Available FIn this work, AlN/SiCN composite coatings were deposited by r.f.-reactive sputtering method using a facing target-type sputtering (FTS apparatus with composite targets consisting of Al plate and SiC chips in a gaseous mixture of Ar and N2, and investigated their mechanical properties and microstructure. The indentation hardness (HIT of AlN/SiCN coatings prepared from composite targets consisting of 8 ~32 chips of SiC and Al plate showed the maximum value of about 29~32 GPa at a proper nitrogen gas flow rate. X-ray diffraction (XRD patterns for the AlN/SiCN composite coatings indicated the presence of the only peeks of hexagonal (B4 structured AlN phase. AlN coatings clarified the columnar structure of the cross sectional view TEM observation. On the other hand, microstructure of AlN/SiCN composite coatings changed from columnar to equiaxed structure with increasing SiCN content. HR-TEM observation clarified that the composite coatings consisted of very fine equiaxial grains of B4 structured AlN phase and amorphous phase.

  8. Evaluación electroquímica de soldaduras en tubos capilares de acero inoxidable

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    Javier E. Rodríguez-Yáñez


    Full Text Available La recuperación de capilares de acero 316L utilizados en pozos geotérmicos neutros, por medio de soldadura orbital autógena, se evalúa desde el punto de vista de su resistencia a la corrosión en las condiciones de utilización, mediante técnicas electroquímicas básicas. En el pretratamiento se encuentra que es más conveniente realizar un decapado químico previo a la soldadura por 5 minutos. Mientras que posteriormente a la soldadura, la aplicación de tratamiento térmico de reducción de tensiones no se justifica desde el punto de vista de la resistencia a la corrosión. También se plantea la comparación de los capilares soldados respecto a capilares nuevos y usados, teniendo los capilares soldados un comportamiento intermedio entre ambos.

  9. Cleanliness distribution of high-carbon chromium bearing steel billets and growth behavior of inclusions during solidification; Distribución y crecimiento de inclusiones en la solidificación de barras de acero para rodamientos con cromo y alto contenido de carbono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gu, C.; Bao, Y.; Lin, L.


    Variation of cleanliness and distribution of inclusions in thickness and width direction of highcarbon chromium bearing steel billets has been studied using total oxygen and nitrogen analysis and SEM/EDS, and the growth behavior of inclusions during solidification was studied with the help of solidification model. The region wit h relatively high total oxygen contents in the cross profile of billets is between inner arc side 3/16 and outer arc side 1/4; between left edge side 5/16 and right edge side 5/16. The formation sequence of inclusions is MgO-Al2O3 > TiN > MnS. MnS could wrap MgO-Al2O3 and reduces the damage to steel matrix caused by the latter, but generally could not effectively wrap TiN. Besides, TiN could wrap MgO-Al2O3 before MnS, which would weaken the protective capacity of MnS. Moreover, compared with MgO-Al2O3 inclusions, the sizes of TiN inclusions are generally larger. Thus the control of TiN inclusions should be strengthened. In hickness direction, the maximum size regions of TiN and MnS inclusions are inner arc side 1/3 and outer arc side 1/3; in width direction, the regions are edge side 1/3. During bearing processing, these regions and the regions with high total oxygen content should be avoided. [Spanish] La distribución de inclusiones en las secciones transversales y longitudinales de barras de acero para rodamientos al cromo con alto contenido de carbono se ha estudiado determinando el contenido total de nitrógeno y oxígeno y mediante SEM/EDS. El crecimiento de inclusiones durante la solidificación se estudió con la ayuda del modelo de solidificación. La zona con contenido total de oxígeno relativamente alto en la sección transversal de las barras, es entre el arco interior de 3/16 y el exterior 1/4; entre el borde izquierdo 5/16 y el derecho 5/16. La secuencia de formación de las inclusiones es MgO-Al2O3 > TiN > MnS. El MnS podría envolver a los óxidos de magnesio y aluminio (MgO-Al2O3) y reducir el daño causado al acero, pero

  10. Una herramienta para la selección automatizada de aceros en el contexto de la Ingeniería Mecánica


    Dumitrescu, L.; Quesada-Estrada, A.M.; Pérez-Rodríguez, R.; Hernández, L.W.


    El diseño de Ingeniería de un producto o componente constituye una actividad difícil, compleja y multidisciplinaria, enfocada a la resolución de problemas. En el presente trabajo se muestra el desarrollo de una herramienta automatizada para la selección de los aceros más utilizados en la construcción de maquinarias. La herramienta constituye una ayuda para la selección de los materiales desde la etapa conceptual del proceso de diseño, donde se identifican las diferentes categorías de material...

  11. Aceros para embutido profundo: fabricación, caracterización, microestructura y texturas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sipos, K.


    Full Text Available The knowledge of the characteristics of formability of steel sheets is of high technological interest in the deep drawing industry. In this paper we show how steel sheets are evaluated for their formability through various parameters of their mechanical properties, and how they are related to their manufacture at the steel plant. During this process the knowledge of the different metallurgical phenomena in the various steps allow the correct control of the cristalographical textures, which finally permit the development of good normal and planar anisotropy indexes. Industrial examples show the relationship between the operative parameters and the obtained results, illustrated not only through the values of the anisotropy indexes but also through the obtained textures. The characterization of the product through the forming limit curves permits to evaluate different product designs and the use of different types of steels for their manufacture. An example of a polishing machine cover is shown.

    El conocimiento de las características de formabilidad de las chapas metálicas es de gran interés tecnológico para la industria del conformado de planchas de acero. En el presente trabajo se muestra cómo se evalúan las chapas en su aptitud a la embutición a través de variados parámetros de propiedades mecánicas, y cómo éstas se relacionan con su fabricación en la industria siderúrgica. Durante este proceso, el conocimiento de los fenómenos metalúrgicos en las distintas etapas permiten el correcto control de las texturas cristalográficas, las cuales, finalmente, permiten el desarrollo de buenos índices de anisotropía normal y planar. Se muestra, a través de ejemplos industriales, la relación entre los parámetros operativos y los resultados obtenidos, ilustrándose éstos no solo a través de valores de los índices de anisotropía sino que también a través de las texturas obtenidas. La caracterización del producto a través de

  12. X-ray diffraction characterization of electrodeposited Ni–Al composite coatings prepared at different current densities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Fei; Jiang, Chuanhai; Wu, Xueyan


    Highlights: • Different X-ray diffraction techniques were applied to characterize the Ni–Al composite coatings. • Al 2 O 3 formed on the coating surface after potentiostatic polarization experiments. • The relationship between corrosion and the Al content and the texture were also investigated. - Abstract: Ni–Al composite coatings were prepared at different applied current densities (1–8 A/dm 2 ) from a conventional Watt bath. The influences of current densities on the texture, grain size, microstrain, residual stress of the Ni–Al composite coating were investigated with X-ray diffraction method, which includes texture coefficients (TC) and pole figures, Voigt method, classical sin 2 ψ X-ray diffraction method and the Multi-reflection grazing incidence geometry (referred to as MGIXD) method. The morphology, composition, anti-corrosion properties and friction coefficients at 200 °C of the coating were also studied. The results showed that the texture of coating deposited at higher current densities evolved from the (2 0 0) preferred orientation with fiber texture to random orientation with reducing current density. Al particle content increased with reducing current density, grain size decreased with the reducing current density, while the microstrain and the tensile residual stresses increased. The MGIXD result showed stress gradient on the near-surface of the coating. Potentiodynamic polarization results demonstrated that the Ni–Al coating deposited at 2 A/dm 2 exhibited the best anti-corrosion which was contributed by the formation of Al 2 O 3 on the surface. The minimum friction coefficient of 0.57 was also observed for coating deposited at 4 A/dm 2

  13. Synthesizing (ZrAl3 + AlN)/Mg-Al composites by a 'matrix exchange' method (United States)

    Gao, Tong; Li, Zengqiang; Hu, Kaiqi; Han, Mengxia; Liu, Xiangfa


    A method named 'matrix exchange' to synthesize ZrAl3 and AlN reinforced Mg-Al composite was developed in this paper. By inserting Al-10ZrN master alloy into Mg matrix and reheating the cooled ingot to 550 °C, Al and Mg atoms diffuse to the opposite side. As a result, liquid melt occurs once the interface areas reach to proper compositions. Then dissolved Al atoms react with ZrN, leading to the in-situ formation of ZrAl3 and AlN particles, while the Al matrix is finally replaced by Mg. This study provides a new insight for preparing Mg composites.

  14. Determinación de tensiones por rayos x del acero AISI 1045 deformado por rodillo // Determination of stress for x‐ray of the steel AISI 1045 deformed for roller

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    Tomás Fernández‐Columbié


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es realizar el análisis de las tensiones a muestras de acero AISI 1045 endurecidasen frío por rodillo. Con empleo del método de Willianson–Hall se determinó las macro ymicrodeformaciones; la deformación reticular del parámetro de red; el tamaño de las cristalitas; losesfuerzos en la red cristalina y la reducción del tamaño promedio de los granos, lo que permitió establecerlos mecanismos de endurecimiento del acero AISI 1045, deformado por rodadura. Fueron medidos yanalizados diferentes puntos teniendo en cuenta los índices de Miller para la fase ferrítica del acero. Losmodelos lineales obtenidos, son estadísticamente significativos, que muestran una tendencia creciente delas propiedades mecánicas y metalúrgicas, según se incrementan las variables independientes delproceso de experimentación.Palabras claves: rodillo, rodadura, deformación plástica.__________________________________________________________________AbstractThe objective of the paper is to carry out the analysis from the tensions to steel samples AISI 1045hardened cold for roller. With employment of the method of Willianson-Hall was determined the macro andmicro deformations; the reticular deformation of the net parameter; the size of the crystallites; the efforts inthe crystalline net and the reduction of the size average of the grains, what allowed to establish themechanisms of hardening of the steel AISI 1045, deformed by rolling. They were measured and analyzeddifferent points keeping in mind the indexes of Miller for the phase ferrite of the steel. The obtained linealmodels, they are statistically significant that they show a growing tendency of the mechanical estates andmetallurgical, as the independent variables of the experimentation process are increased.Key words: roller, rolling, plastic deformation.



    García López, Christian Jesus


    En la actualidad los procesos de soldadura por arco eléctrico se han convertido en la técnica por excelencia para la unión del acero y sus aleaciones. Se puede mencionar que la importancia de la soldadura, es tal, que sin ella no serían posibles muchos de los productos y servicios que cotidianamente son consumidos o requeridos por las sociedades contemporáneas actuales. Cada vez con mayor longitud y diámetro se instalan líneas de tubería para la distribución y conducción de tod...

  16. Diseño y construcción de un prototipo controlado para carburización gaseosa de aceros utilizando alcoholes


    Obando B, Johnny F; Castro P, Álvaro; Trujillo, Carlos Alexander


    En esta investigación se realizó el diseno, construcción y prueba de un equipo a escala de laboratorio para tratamientos térmicos con atmósfera controlada para el estudio de la carburización gaseosa de aceros con alcoholes. El equipo posee las siguientes caracterIsticas: producción controlada de una atmósfera gaseosa compuesta hasta por tres gases y dos lIquidos volatiles, una zona de reacción isotérmica, inerte y hermética, y una zona de analisis de gases que retiene sólidos y lIquidos cond...

  17. Research on microstructure properties of the TiC/Ni-Fe-Al coating prepared by laser cladding technology (United States)

    Jiao, Junke; Xu, Zifa; Zan, Shaoping; Zhang, Wenwu; Sheng, Liyuan


    In this paper, the laser cladding method was used to preparation the TiC reinforced Ni-Fe-Al coating on the Ni base superalloy. The Ti/Ni-Fe-Al powder was preset on the Ni base superalloy and the powder layer thickness is 0.5mm. A fiber laser was used the melting Ti/Ni-Fe-Al powder in an inert gas environment. The shape of the cladding layer was tested using laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) under different cladding parameters such as the laser power, the melting velocity and the defocused amount. The microstructure, the micro-hardness was tested by LSCM, SEM, Vickers hardness tester. The test result showed that the TiC particles was distributed uniformly in the cladding layer and hardness of the cladding layer was improved from 180HV to 320HV compared with the Ni-Fe-Al cladding layer without TiC powder reinforced, and a metallurgical bonding was produced between the cladding layer and the base metal. The TiC powder could make the Ni-Fe-Al cladding layer grain refining, and the more TiC powder added in the Ni-Fe-Al powder, the smaller grain size was in the cladding layer.

  18. Influences of Different Preparation Conditions on Catalytic Activity of Ag2O-Co3O4/γ-Al2O3 for Hydrogenation of Coal Pyrolysis

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    Lei Zhang


    Full Text Available A series of catalysts of Ag2O-Co3O4/γ-Al2O3 was prepared by equivalent volume impregnation method. The effects of the metal loading, calcination time, and calcination temperatures of Ag and Co, respectively, on the catalytic activity were investigated. The optimum preparing condition of Ag2O-Co3O4/γ-Al2O3 was decided, and then the influence of different preparation conditions on catalytic activity of Ag2O-Co3O4/γ-Al2O3 was analyzed. The results showed the following: (1 at the same preparation condition, when silver loading was 8%, the Ag2O-Co3O4/γ-Al2O3 showed higher catalyst activity, (2 the catalyst activity had obviously improved when the cobalt loading was 8%, while it was weaker at loadings 5% and 10%, (3 the catalyst activity was influenced by different calcination temperatures of silver, but the influences were not marked, (4 the catalyst activity can be influenced by calcination time of silver, (5 different calcination times of cobalt can also influence the catalyst activity of Ag2O-Co3O4/γ-Al2O3, and (6 the best preparation conditions of the Ag2O-Co3O4/γ-Al2O3 were silver loading of 8%, calcination temperature of silver of 450°C, and calcinations time of silver of 4 h, while at the same time the cobalt loading was 8%, the calcination temperature of cobalt was 450°C, and calcination time of cobalt was 4 h.

  19. Preparation of Cu-Fe-Al-O nanosheets and their catalytic application in methanol steam reforming for hydrogen production (United States)

    Wang, Leilei; Zhang, Fan; Miao, Dinghao; Zhang, Lei; Ren, Tiezhen; Hui, Xidong; He, Zhanbing


    Candidates of precious metal catalysts, prepared in a facile and environmental way and showing high catalytic performances at low temperatures, are always highly desired by industry. In this work, large-scale Cu-Fe-Al-O nanosheets were synthesized by facile dealloying of Al-Cu-Fe alloys in NaOH solution. The composition, microscopic morphology, and crystal structure were respectively investigated using wavelength-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy with an electron probe microanalyzer, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, we found that the 2D Cu-Fe-Al-O nanosheets gave excellent catalytic performances in hydrogen production by methanol steam reforming at relatively low temperatures, e.g. 513 K.

  20. Estudio comparativo de la cavidad de acceso radicular en conductos curvos con limas de níquel-titanio y taladros de acero inoxidable


    Oncins Rodríguez, J.; Pumarola Suñé, José; Canalda Sahli, Carlos


    El propósito de este estudio fue comparar la cantidad de dentina radicular removida y evaluar el mantenimiento de la forma del conducto tras la instrumentación de los dos tercios coronarios radiculares, utilizando instrumentos de acero inoxidable (taladros de Gates Glidden) y de níqueltitanio (limas GT Flare y limas Orifice Shaper). Un total de 42 dientes humanos extraídos con conductos radiculares curvos fueron divididos en tres grupos. Los conductos se instrumentaron mecánicamente usando ta...

  1. Role of powder preparation route on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-TiB{sub 2} composites fabricated by accumulative roll bonding (ARB)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Askarpour, M.; Sadeghian, Z., E-mail:; Reihanian, M.


    Accumulative roll bonding (ARB) was conducted up to seven cycles to fabricate Al-TiB{sub 2} particulate metal matrix composites. The reinforcing particles were prepared and used in three different processing conditions: as-received TiB{sub 2}, mixed TiB{sub 2}-Al and in-situ synthesized TiB{sub 2}-Al. The mixed TiB{sub 2}-Al powder was produced by milling of TiB{sub 2} with Al powder and in-situ synthesized TiB{sub 2}-Al powder was prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) through inducing TiB{sub 2} particles in the Al with various composition of 10, 20 and 30 wt% Al. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to evaluate the microstructure of the produced composites. The composite obtained from the in-situ TiB{sub 2}-Al powder showed the most uniform distribution of particles and exhibited the highest tensile strength of about 177 MPa in comparison with the composites reinforced with the as-received TiB{sub 2} (156 MPa) and mixed TiB{sub 2}-Al powder (160 MPa). After seven ARB cycles, an ultra-fine grained structure with the average size of about 300 nm was obtained in the composite reinforced with in-situ TiB{sub 2}-Al powder. The appearance of dimples in tensile fracture surfaces revealed a ductile-type fracture in the produced composites.

  2. Al-Co Alloys Prepared by Vacuum Arc Melting: Correlating Microstructure Evolution and Aqueous Corrosion Behavior with Co Content

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    Angeliki Lekatou


    Full Text Available Hypereutectic Al-Co alloys of various Co contents (7–20 weight % (wt.% Co were prepared by vacuum arc melting, aiming at investigating the influence of the cobalt content on the microstructure and corrosion behavior. Quite uniform and directional microstructures were attained. The obtained microstructures depended on the Co content, ranging from fully eutectic growth (7 wt.% and 10 wt.% Co to coarse primary Al9Co2 predominance (20 wt.% Co. Co dissolution in Al far exceeded the negligible equilibrium solubility of Co in Al; however, it was hardly uniform. By increasing the cobalt content, the fraction and coarseness of Al9Co2, the content of Co dissolved in the Al matrix, and the hardness and porosity of the alloy increased. All alloys exhibited similar corrosion behavior in 3.5 wt.% NaCl with high resistance to localized corrosion. Al-7 wt.% Co showed slightly superior corrosion resistance than the other compositions in terms of relatively low corrosion rate, relatively low passivation current density and scarcity of stress corrosion cracking indications. All Al-Co compositions demonstrated substantially higher resistance to localized corrosion than commercially pure Al produced by casting, cold rolling and arc melting. A corrosion mechanism was formulated. Surface films were identified.

  3. Refuerzo de elementos estructurales de hormigón armado mediante encolado de bandas de acero con adhesivos epoxídicos

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    Fernández Cánovas, Manuel


    Full Text Available The strengthening of structural elements of reinforced concrete submitted to bending, by means of sticking with an epoxy-adhesive of the precise structure in shape of, steel bands is a more and more used system. But, however, in many cases the strengthening to not runs properly or is no more effective after awhile due to a bad knowledge of its technig, causing the structure to sink. In this report the author resumes part of the work carried out by the Eduardo Torroja Institute from the Higher Scientific Research Council, and studies the different parameters that could influence on the efficacity of this kind of strengthening.El refuerzo de elementos estructurales de hormigón armado, sometidos a flexión, mediante el encolado con un adhesivo epoxi de la armadura precisa en forma de bandas de acero, es un sistema cada día más utilizado y que, sin embargo, en muchos casos, por un mal conocimiento de su técnica, el refuerzo no funciona como debiera o deja de ser eficaz al cabo de cierto tiempo, provocando incluso el hundimiento de la estructura. En este artículo el autor resume una parte del trabajo llevado a cabo en el Instituto Eduardo Torroja del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, y en el que se estudian los diferentes parámetros que pueden influir en la eficacia de este tipo de refuerzos.

  4. Corrosión por cloruros del acero de refuerzo embebido en concreto con agregado grueso reciclado y materiales cementantes suplementarios

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    Ramón Corral H


    Full Text Available Como estrategias contributivas de sustentabilidad en la industria del concreto, en la actualidad se está investigando en mejorar la durabilidad de las estructuras de concreto reforzado, como así también en el reemplazo parcial o total de sus componentes por materiales reciclados. En el caso de las barras de acero, la corrosión se considerada el principal problema de durabilidad del concreto reforzado. En esta investigación, se utilizó agregado grueso de concreto reciclado y materiales cementantes suplementarios subproductos de procesos industriales tales como las cenizas volantes y el humo de sílice para la fabricación de concretos con características de sustentabilidad y para la evaluación de su comportamiento ante la exposición a cloruros. De los especímenes de prueba resultantes, se determinaron los parámetros de resistencia a compresión, resistividad eléctrica, resistencia a la transferencia de carga y resistencia a la penetración del ión cloruro, que especifican los mínimos de las propiedades exigibles a los concreto en acuerdo a normativa para garantizar su durabilidad ante la acción de los cloruros. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que el concreto fabricado con 100% de agregado grueso reciclado y materiales cementantes suplementarios mejora su desempeño, en cuanto a resistencia y durabilidad al ser comparado con el concreto convencional.

  5. Análisis mediante EBSD de los procesos de recristalización y crecimiento de grano en un acero ULC

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    Novillo, E.


    Full Text Available This work is focused on the study of recrystallization texture and microtexture in a cold rolled ultra low carbon steel and its relationship with the global texture. Aspects like nucleation, evolution of the volume fraction and grain size were considered. An important grain selection associated with a significant size and number advantages of the {111} recrystallized grains is observed. This grain selection gives rise to the development, at the latest stages of recrystallization, of a strong y-fibre associated to good drawing properties

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio de la evolución de la micro-textura en un acero ultrabajo en carbono ULC y de su relación con la textura global en el proceso de recristalización. Aspectos tales como la nucleación, evolución de la fracción en volumen de las diferentes componentes cristalográficas y tamaño de grano de las mismas han sido analizados mediante EBSD/OIM. Se observa una importante selección de granos con orientaciones {111} que, además de tener un tamaño significativamente mayor, cuentan con una ventaja importante en número de granos respecto del resto de orientaciones. Esta selección de determinados granos conduce al desarrollo, en los últimos estadios de la recristalización, de la fibra y asociada a una textura apta para la embutición.

  6. Preparation, deformation, and failure of functional Al-Sn and Al-Sn-Pb nanocrystalline alloys (United States)

    Noskova, N. I.; Vil'Danova, N. F.; Filippov, Yu. I.; Churbaev, R. V.; Pereturina, I. A.; Korshunov, L. G.; Korznikov, A. V.


    Changes in the structure, hardness, mechanical properties, and friction coefficient of Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb (wt %) alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation by equal-channel angular pressing (with a force of 40 tonne) and by shear at a pressure of 5 GPa have been studied. The transition into the nanocrystalline state was shown to occur at different degrees of plastic deformation. The hardness exhibits nonmonotonic variations, namely, first it increases and subsequently decreases. The friction coefficient of the Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys quenched from the melt was found to be 0.33; the friction coefficients of these alloys in the submicrocrystalline state (after equal-channel angular pressing) equal 0.24, 0.32, and 0.35, respectively. The effect of disintegration into nano-sized powders was found to occur in the Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys after severe plastic deformation to ɛ = 6.4 and subsequent short-time holding.

  7. Diseño de polvos de molde para colada continua de slabs de aceros bajo carbono

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    Cruz-Ramírez, A.


    se identificó una gran variedad de especies cristalinas que se forman durante la solidificación, entre las que destacan la nefelina (NaAlSiO4 y la cuspidina (Ca4Si2O7F2, que tienen una influencia directa sobre los fenómenos de transferencia de calor de la línea al molde y, por lo tanto, en la velocidad de transformación de fases y de contracción del acero.

  8. Propuesta de un nuevo indicador para definir la ductilidad aplicada a la corrosión del acero de refuerzo en estructuras de hormigón = Proposal of a new indicator to define ductility applied to corroded steel reinforcement on concrete structures

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    E. Moreno


    Full Text Available La carbonatación del hormigón o la intrusión de cloruros en suficiente cantidad para alcanzar el nivel de las barras, es desencadenante de la corrosión de la armadura. Uno de los efectos más significativos de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo en estructuras de hormigón armado es la disminución de las propiedades relacionadas con la ductilidad del acero. El reforzamiento tiene un efecto decisivo en la ductilidad global de las estructuras de hormigón armado. Se utilizan diferentes códigos para clasificar el tipo de acero en función de su ductilidad usando los valores mínimos de varios parámetros. El uso de indicadores de ductilidad asociados a diferentes propiedades puede ser ventajoso en muchas ocasiones. Se considera necesario para definir la ductilidad por medio de un solo parámetro que tiene en cuenta los valores de resistencia y deformación simultáneamente. Hay una serie de criterios para definir la ductilidad del acero mediante un único parámetro. El presente estudio experimental se ocupa de la variación en la ductilidad de las barras de acero embebido en hormigón cuando se expone a la corrosión acelerada. Este trabajo analiza la idoneidad de un nuevo indicador de la ductilidad utilizado en barras corroídas. Abstract The carbonation of concrete or the chlorides ingress in such quantity to reach the level of bars is triggers of reinforcement corrosion. One of the most significant effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on reinforced concrete structures is the decline in the ductility-related properties of the steel. Reinforcement ductility has a decisive effect on the overall ductility of reinforced concrete structures. Different Codes classify the type of steel depending on their ductility defined by the minimum values of several parameters. Using indicators of ductility associating different properties can be advantageous on many occasions. It is considered necessary to define the ductility by means of a single

  9. Structure and hardness of TiAl-TiB2 composite prepared by hot isostatic pressing of mechanically alloyed powders. Mekanikaru aroingu funmatsu no HIP shoketsu ni yori sakuseishita TiAl/TiB2 fukugo zairyo no soshiki to kodo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, T; Shimakage, K [Muroran Inst. of Technology, Hokkaido (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Miyakawa, S [Muroran Inst. of Technology, Hokkaido (Japan). Graduate Student


    The practical application of Ti-Al system intermetallic compounds is expected as an advanced light heat resistant material. TiAl group out of them, as for the specific strength, has an equivalent maximum working temperature as that of the nickel base alloy, which is utilized as a turbine material for the current aircraft, and moreover it is also said that it is superior in the creep and rupture properties to the latter. In this study, by mechanical alloying (MA) of each mixed powder of Ti-Al and Ti-B, by suing heptane as a grinding aid, each MA powder of the amorphous TiAl containing carbon and extremely fine compound TiB2 were prepared, and subsequently the true density sintering by the hot isostatic pressing (HIP) was performed, and by doing these, the preparation of TiAl/TiB2 system composite material with a high composite ratio of TiO2 was tried. Consequently, by the MA treatment of the mixed powder of Ti and B for more than 50 hours, the compound powder of TiB2 mixed with TiB could be prepared, and its hardness has shown the maximum value Hmv=l200 with a composition of TiAl/25 mol % TiB2. 14 refs., 10 figs., 2 tabs.

  10. Aplicación del ensayo miniatura de embutido para la evaluación de la tenacidad a temperaturas criogénicas de aceros inoxidables austeníticos envejecidos isotérmicamente

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    Saucedo-Muñoz, M. L.


    Full Text Available Two types of austenitic stainless steels JJl and JNl were isothermally aged at temperatures from 873 to 1173 K for 10 to 1000 min in order to study the microstructural evolution and its effect on fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures. The Charpy V-Notch (CVN and Small-Punch (SPTesting methods were conducted at 77 K to evaluate the toughness of both solution treated and aged specimens. The fracture energy at 77 K determined for both methods showed a significant decrease with aging time for both steels. A linear correlation between the fracture energies of both methods was found. The intergranular precipitation of carbides and nitrides was responsible for the fracture toughness deterioration. The scanning electron microscope fractographs showed an intergranular brittle fracture and its fraction also increased with aging time and temperature. The presence of a more abundant intergranular precipitation resulted in a more rapid decrease in fracture toughness with aging time in JNl steel due to its higher content of C and N, compared to that of JJl steel.

    Dos tipos de aceros inoxidables austeníticos, JJl y JNl, se envejecieron isotérmicamente a temperaturas entre 873 y 1.173 K por tiempos de 10 a 1.000 min, para estudiar la evolución microestructural y su efecto sobre la tenacidad a la fractura a temperaturas criogénicas. Los métodos de ensayo de impacto Charpy y el ensayo miniatura de embutido se llevaron a cabo a 77 K para evaluar la tenacidad de las muestras tratadas térmicamente. La energía de fractura determinada por ambos métodos mostró una disminución con el tiempo de envejecido para ambos aceros. Se encontró una relación lineal entre ambos valores de energía. La precipitación intergranular de carburos y nitruros fue la responsable de la pérdida de la tenacidad en las muestras envejecidas. La fractografía indicó que la fractura intergranular se incrementa con la temperatura y el tiempo de envejecido. La presencia

  11. Preparation and Wear Resistance of Aluminum Composites Reinforced with In Situ Formed TiO/Al2O3 (United States)

    Qin, Q. D.; Huang, B. W.; Li, W.; Zeng, Z. Y.


    An in situ TiO/Al2O3-reinforced Al composite is successfully prepared using a powder metallurgy route by the reaction of Ti2CO and Al powder. The Ti2CO powder is produced by carrying out a carbothermic reduction of titanium dioxide at 1000 °C. XRD results show that the final product is composed of Al, TiO, Al2O3, and Al3Ti. Morphology examination of the composite reveals the presence of bigger blocks of TiO and fine particles of Al2O3 and the volume fraction of reinforcement is found to range between 18 and 55%. As the volume fraction of the reinforced materials approaches 50%, the particles start to agglomerate. Dry sliding wear tests conducted using a conventional pin-on-disk testing machine show that the wear resistance of the composite is higher than that of the pure aluminum ingot. The wear rate of the composite increases almost linearly with the increase in the wear distance. The sliding wear test shows that as the volume fraction of the reinforced phase increases, the coefficient of friction decreases. The wear mechanism is also discussed.

  12. Oxidation behaviour at 1123 K of AISI 304-Ni/Al-Al2O3/TiO2 multilayer system deposited by flame spray

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    Cervera, I.


    Full Text Available The oxidation behaviour of alumina/titania (97/3, 87/13 and 60/40 ceramic coatings using a Ni-Al coupling layer was studied in a thermobalance. Both layers were deposited on an AISI 304 stainless steel base metal by the flame spray technique. The coated steel was heated from room temperature to 1,123 K at 40 K min –1, oxidized in air for 50 h, and then cooled to room temperature at 40 K min–1. The mass gain was mainly attributed to the oxidation of Ni-Al coupling layer. Kinetic laws, DW·S –1 (–2 vs. time (hours were close to a parabolic plot for each sample. Surface composition of ceramic top layer and the cross section of multilayer system were analysed using a wide range of experimental techniques including Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM, equipped with a link energy dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX and X-Ray diffraction (XRD before and after the oxidation process. Coatings 97/3 and 87/13 presented a stable structure after flame spray deposition and they did not evolve with the oxidation process, while most of the 60/40 coating changed to a metastable structure after deposition and to a more stable structure after oxidation with high micro-cracks content. SEM and EDX microanalysis of the cross-sections showed that significant oxidation and a weak intergranular precipitation had been produced in the coupling layer and on the stainless steel base metal, respectively.El comportamiento a oxidación de recubrimientos cerámicos alúmina/titania (97/3, 87/13, 60/40 usando una capa de anclaje Ni-Al se ha estudiado mediante una termobalanza. Ambas capas se han depositado sobre un acero inoxidable AISI 304 utilizando la técnica de proyección llama (FS. El acero recubierto se ha calentado desde la temperatura ambiente hasta 1.123 K a 40 K min–1, se ha oxidado al aire durante 50 h, y luego se ha enfriado hasta la temperatura ambiente a 40 K min–1. La ganancia en masa se atribuye a la oxidación de la capa de enganche Ni-Al. La cin

  13. Electrical stability of Al-doped ZnO transparent electrode prepared by sol-gel method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tabassum, Samia; Yamasue, Eiji; Okumura, Hideyuki; Ishihara, Keiichi N.


    Highlights: • Al-doped ZnO thin film was deposited by sol-gel method in different annealing temperature and duration. • We examined the environmental stability in ambient and damp heat condition. • We investigated chemical state of thin film. • Better stability was observed in the film annealed at high temperature (600 °C) along with longer duration (120 min). • An ultrathin aluminum oxide layer formation was predicted by XPS measurement which protects further oxidation and improves stability. - Abstract: Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films have been considered as a promising alternative to tin doped indium oxide (ITO), which is currently used in various optoelectronic applications. However, the environmental stability of AZO film is not satisfactory, in that the resistivity is significantly increases in air. Here, we investigate the resistivity stability of AZO thin films prepared by sol-gel method using various annealing temperatures and durations. The degradation of resistivity property was observed for AZO films stored in ambient or damp heat environment, where the degradation rate was influenced by annealing temperature. A significant improvement of electrical stability was attained in AZO films that were prepared at high annealing temperature. The films, which showed the highest and the lowest increasing rate of resistivity, were further characterized in detail to shed light on the possible mechanisms explaining the improved stability through crystallinity, surface morphology and elemental state of the thin film.

  14. Electrical stability of Al-doped ZnO transparent electrode prepared by sol-gel method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tabassum, Samia, E-mail:; Yamasue, Eiji; Okumura, Hideyuki; Ishihara, Keiichi N.


    Highlights: • Al-doped ZnO thin film was deposited by sol-gel method in different annealing temperature and duration. • We examined the environmental stability in ambient and damp heat condition. • We investigated chemical state of thin film. • Better stability was observed in the film annealed at high temperature (600 °C) along with longer duration (120 min). • An ultrathin aluminum oxide layer formation was predicted by XPS measurement which protects further oxidation and improves stability. - Abstract: Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films have been considered as a promising alternative to tin doped indium oxide (ITO), which is currently used in various optoelectronic applications. However, the environmental stability of AZO film is not satisfactory, in that the resistivity is significantly increases in air. Here, we investigate the resistivity stability of AZO thin films prepared by sol-gel method using various annealing temperatures and durations. The degradation of resistivity property was observed for AZO films stored in ambient or damp heat environment, where the degradation rate was influenced by annealing temperature. A significant improvement of electrical stability was attained in AZO films that were prepared at high annealing temperature. The films, which showed the highest and the lowest increasing rate of resistivity, were further characterized in detail to shed light on the possible mechanisms explaining the improved stability through crystallinity, surface morphology and elemental state of the thin film.

  15. Una herramienta para la selección automatizada de aceros en el contexto de la Ingeniería Mecánica

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    L. Dumitrescu


    Full Text Available El diseño de Ingeniería de un producto o componente constituye una actividad difícil, compleja y multidisciplinaria, enfocada a la resolución de problemas. En el presente trabajo se muestra el desarrollo de una herramienta automatizada para la selección de los aceros más utilizados en la construcción de maquinarias. La herramienta constituye una ayuda para la selección de los materiales desde la etapa conceptual del proceso de diseño, donde se identifican las diferentes categorías de materiales a utilizar. La herramienta comprende las características y propiedades más relevantes de los aceros de Ingeniería disponibles en seis normas internacionales: Japonesa (JIS, Alemana (DIN, Vbn, DIN-Vbn, Rusa (GOST, Americana (AISI, SAE, AISI-SAE, ASTM, Inglesa (BS, EN, GB, Francesa (AFNOR y la Norma Cubana (NC vigente.The product or component design constitutes a difficult, complex and multidisciplinary activity, focused to the resolution of problems. Presently work show the development of an automated tool for the selection of the more used steels in the construction of machineries. The tool constitute a help for the selection of the materials from the conceptual stage of the design process, where the different categories of materials are identified to use. The tool analyze the characteristics and more common properties of the available steels in six international standards: JIS (Japan, DIN, Vbn, DIN-Vbn (Germany, GOST (Russia, AISI, SAE, AISI-SAE, ASTM (USA, BS, IN, GB (England, AFNOR (France and NC (Cuba.

  16. Preparation and property of β-SiAlON:Eu{sup 2+} luminescent fibers by an electrospinning method combined with carbothermal reduction nitridation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Qian, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Shanghai Institute of Materials Genome, Shanghai 200444 (China); Lu, Qi [State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Shanghai Institute of Materials Genome, Shanghai 200444 (China); Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Liu, Guanghui [State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Shanghai Institute of Materials Genome, Shanghai 200444 (China); Wei, Qinhua [State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Shanghai Institute of Materials Genome, Shanghai 200444 (China); Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)


    β-SiAlON:Eu{sup 2+} phosphors synthesis usually requires higher temperatures and higher nitrogen pressure conditions. In the present research, a low temperature technique has been developed to synthesize both β-SiAlON and Eu-doped β-SiAlON fibers by electrospinning combined with carbothermal reduction nitridation (CRN). The carbon sources used as reductant in CRN procedure have been optimized to effectively produce a well-crystallized β-SiAlON phase at lower temperatures of 1370–1500 °C. Additionally, through adding sucrose and covering activated carbon powders on the top of fiber precursor layers, the highly-pure β-SiAlON and β-SiAlON:Eu{sup 2+} fibers could be obtained. The pyrolysis behavior of fiber precursors, crystalline phase, morphology, and UV excited luminescence properties of the produced ceramic fibers were also studied by using TG–DSC measurement, XRD analysis, SEM observation, and spectrometer method. The resultant fibers exhibit a smooth surface and an uniforme morphology with a substantial length. Moreover, the β-SiAlON:Eu{sup 2+} fibers thus prepared show a blue light emission peaked at 470 nm under UV excitation. - Highlights: • Eu{sup 2+} doped b-SiAlON blue luminescent fibers were successfully prepared. • Use of electrospinning with carbothermal reduction nitridation. • Sucrose was utilized as carbon source to effectively form β-SiAlON:Eu{sup 2+}. • Active carbon powders were covered on fiber precursor layers during processing. • Produced fibers own smooth surface and uniform morphology.

  17. 26Al-containing acidic and basic sodium aluminum phosphate preparation and use in studies of oral aluminum bioavailability from foods utilizing 26Al as an aluminum tracer (United States)

    Yokel, Robert A.; Urbas, Aaron A.; Lodder, Robert A.; Selegue, John P.; Florence, Rebecca L.


    We synthesized 26Al-containing acidic and basic (alkaline) sodium aluminum phosphates (SALPs) which are FDA-approved leavening and emulsifying agents, respectively, and used them to determine the oral bioavailability of aluminum incorporated in selected foods. We selected applicable methods from published syntheses (patents) and scaled them down (∼3000- and 850-fold) to prepare ∼300-400 mg of each SALP. The 26Al was incorporated at the beginning of the syntheses to maximize 26Al and 27Al equilibration and incorporate the 26Al in the naturally-occurring Al-containing chemical species of the products. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the two SALP samples and some intermediate samples. Multi-elemental analysis (MEA) was used to determine Na, Al and P content. Commercial products were included for comparison. Satisfactory XRD analyses, near infrared spectra and MEA results confirmed that we synthesized acidic and basic SALP, as well as some of the syntheses intermediates. The 26Al-containing acidic and basic SALPs were incorporated into a biscuit material and a processed cheese, respectively. These were used in oral bioavailability studies conducted in rats in which the 26Al present in blood after its oral absorption was quantified by accelerator mass spectrometry. The results showed oral Al bioavailability from acidic SALP in biscuit was ∼0.02% and from basic SALP in cheese ∼0.05%, lower than our previous determination of Al bioavailability from drinking water, ∼0.3%. Both food and water can appreciably contribute to the Al absorbed from typical human Al intake.

  18. 26Al-containing acidic and basic sodium aluminum phosphate preparation and use in studies of oral aluminum bioavailability from foods utilizing 26Al as an aluminum tracer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yokel, Robert A.; Urbas, Aaron A.; Lodder, Robert A.; Selegue, John P.; Florence, Rebecca L.


    We synthesized 26 Al-containing acidic and basic (alkaline) sodium aluminum phosphates (SALPs) which are FDA-approved leavening and emulsifying agents, respectively, and used them to determine the oral bioavailability of aluminum incorporated in selected foods. We selected applicable methods from published syntheses (patents) and scaled them down (∼3000- and 850-fold) to prepare ∼300-400 mg of each SALP. The 26 Al was incorporated at the beginning of the syntheses to maximize 26 Al and 27 Al equilibration and incorporate the 26 Al in the naturally-occurring Al-containing chemical species of the products. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the two SALP samples and some intermediate samples. Multi-elemental analysis (MEA) was used to determine Na, Al and P content. Commercial products were included for comparison. Satisfactory XRD analyses, near infrared spectra and MEA results confirmed that we synthesized acidic and basic SALP, as well as some of the syntheses intermediates. The 26 Al-containing acidic and basic SALPs were incorporated into a biscuit material and a processed cheese, respectively. These were used in oral bioavailability studies conducted in rats in which the 26 Al present in blood after its oral absorption was quantified by accelerator mass spectrometry. The results showed oral Al bioavailability from acidic SALP in biscuit was ∼0.02% and from basic SALP in cheese ∼0.05%, lower than our previous determination of Al bioavailability from drinking water, ∼0.3%. Both food and water can appreciably contribute to the Al absorbed from typical human Al intake

  19. Electrodeposition of Al from a 1-butylpyrrolidine-AlCl3 ionic liquid

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    Giridhar Pulletikurthi


    Full Text Available The addition of 1-butylpyrrolidine to AlCl3 results in the formation of an electrolyte that is suited to Al deposition. The feasibility of electrodepositing Al from the synthesized electrolyte was investigated. Several compositions of AlCl3 and 1-butylpyrrolidine were prepared for this purpose. These mixtures show a different phase behavior at various compositions of AlCl3 and 1-butylpyrrolidine. IR, Raman and NMR spectroscopy were employed to characterize the synthesized liquids. Among the prepared compositions, 1:1.2 mol ratio of 1-butylpyrrolidine:AlCl3 and the upper phase of 1:1.3 mol ratio of 1-butylpyrrolidine:AlCl3 were found to be suitable for Al electrodeposition at room temperature (RT. Uniform and thick (~µm thick layers of Al were obtained on copper at RT. Al deposition occured from the cationic species of AlCl3−xLy+ (where x≤2, y=1–2, and L=1-butylpyrrolidine in this electrolyte. This behavior is contrary to the well investigated classic AlCl3 based ionic liquids, where the deposition of Al occurs mainly from anionic Al2Cl7− ions.

  20. Strength of Al and Al-Mg/alumina bonds prepared using ultrahigh vacuum diffusion bonding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, W.E.; Campbell, G.H.; Wien, W.L.; Stoner, S.L.


    The authors have measured the cross-breaking strength of Al and Al-Mg alloys bonded with alumina. Diffusion bonding of Al and Al-Mg alloys requires significantly more bonding time than previously thought to obtain complete bonding. In contrast to previous diffusion bonding studies, fracture morphologies are similar to those obtained in bonds formed by liquid phase reaction; i.e., bonds are as strong or stronger than the ceramic; and fracture tends to propagate in the metal for pure Al and near the interface in the ceramic for the alloys. There are indications that the fracture morphology depends on Mg content and therefore on plasticity in the metal

  1. Moldeo por inyección del acero rápido M2

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    Ruiz-Román, J. M.


    Full Text Available The purpose of this work is to study the feasibility of Powder Injection Molding in order to obtain M2 High Speed Steels with higher performances than those obtained by conventional P/M. With this object trials have been carried out in order to optimize all the process steps (mixing, injection, debinding and sintering, and to evaluate the mechanical properties (hardness and transverse tensile strengh of the manufactured M2 HSS sample.

    Se estudia la viabilidad de la tecnología de Moldeo por Inyección de Polvos (MIM en la fabricación con acero rápido M2 a fin de obtener componentes de este material de prestaciones superiores a las que se consiguen mediante métodos convencionales pulvimetalúrgicos. Los ensayos realizados se han dirigido a optimizar los parámetros de la eliminación del ligante y de la sinterización, con objeto de controlar el contenido de carbono y la densidad final de las piezas, así como evitar la aparición de los defectos típicos de esta tecnología.

  2. Microstructure and characterization of Al-doped ZnO films prepared by RF power sputtering on Al and ZnO targets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tseng, Chun-An [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan (China); Lin, Jing-Chie, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan (China); Institute of Material Science and Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan (China); Chang, Yu-Fong [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan (China); Chyou, San-Der [Power Research Institute, Taiwan Power Company, Taiwan (China); Peng, Kun-Cheng [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan (China)


    Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) transparent conductive films were prepared on a glass substrate using a magnetron sputtering system with a pure zinc oxide (ZnO) target and a pure Al target sputtered using radio frequency (RF) power. The RF power was set at 100 W for the ZnO target and varied from 20 to 150 W for the Al target. The morphology of the thin films was examined by field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), and their composition was analyzed by the equipped energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The cross section of the films determined through FE-SEM indicated that their thickness was around 650 nm. EDS analysis revealed that the Al-dopant concentration of the AZO films increased in the following order: 0.85 at.% (20 W) < 1.60 at.% (40 W) < 3.52 at.% (100 W) < 4.34 at.% (150 W). Analysis of the films using X-ray diffractometer (XRD) indicated that all films had a wurtzite structure with a texture of (0 0 2). High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) revealed a number of defects in the films, such as stacking faults and dislocations. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) was used to estimate the optical energy gap (E{sub g}) for the AZO thin films. The energy gap increases from 3.39 to 3.58 eV as the RF power applied to the Al target increase. The electrical resistivity of the films decreased from 3.43 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup -2} {Omega} cm to 3.29 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup -3} {Omega} cm as the RF power increased from 20 to 150 W when a four-point probe was used to investigate. Atomic force microscope (AFM) revealed that the surface roughness of the films increased with increasing RF power. The average optical transmittance of the films was determined by UV-visible spectrometer. The films are suitable for use as transparent conductive oxide films in the optoelectronic industry. A decrease in the electrical resistivity of the film with increasing Al-dopant concentration was ascribed to an increase in the carrier

  3. Effect of Preparation Method on Catalytic Properties of Co-Mn-Al Mixed Oxides for N2O Decomposition.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Klyushina, A.; Pacultová, K.; Karásková, K.; Jirátová, Květa; Ritz, M.; Fridrichová, D.; Volodorskaja, A.; Obalová, L.


    Roč. 425, DEC 15 (2016), s. 237-247 ISSN 1381-1169 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA14-13750S Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : Co-Mn-Al mixed oxide * N2O decomposition * preparation methods Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Impact factor: 4.211, year: 2016

  4. Preparation of porous Al2O3-Ti-C perform by combustion synthesis

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    Full Text Available Using combustion synthesis porous ceramic preforms for composite reinforcing were produced. Prepared mixture of alumina Saffilfibres, Ti powder and graphite flakes, after drying were placed in waveguide of microwave reactor. Supplied with constant power of 540Wmagnetron ignited and maintained reaction in flowing stream of CO2 gas. Al2O3 fibres should improve preliminary endurance of perform,whereas Ti powder processed to hard titanium carbides and oxides. During microwave heating ignited plasma additionally improveprocess and partly fused metallic Ti. Recorded temperature curves were similar for various samples. The highest synthesis temperature revealed samples containing 10% of Al2O3 , 10% of Ti and 5% of graphite, all percentages atomic. Microscopic observation showed considerable microstructure inhomogeneity of some samples. Both irregular component ordering and partly processed Ti particles inside preform exclude them for subsequent infiltration. Chemical analyze EDS of Ti based compounds partly confirmed work purpose, evidencing presence of Ti oxides and carbides. Independently of graphite content these compounds formed folded strips around solid or empty volume. Depends on CO2 availability, reaction could be slowed down resulting in more compacted Ti compounds. Created as a result of combustion synthesis Ti compound after infiltration with liquid metal properly bounded with the matrix. It could be assumed that redox reaction proceeded and on surface of Ti compound alumina and Al-Ti compounds were created. The preforms of proper strength and homogeneous structure were infiltrated with AlSi7Mg by squeeze casting method. In relation to typical composite reinforced only with fibres no significant increase of defects quantity was observed. Preliminary examination of mechanical properties confirmed that assumed work purpose is reasonable.


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    Full Text Available En la mucha literatura publicada sobre el hundimiento del famoso trasatlántico Titanic, el 15 de Abril de 1912 en las aguas del Atlántico Norte, tras chocar con un iceberg, no se ha hecho un análisis suficientemente riguroso de las causas de aquel, en relación al comportamiento de los materiales, dada la maniobra del buque y choque producidos. En las planchas de acero, material del casco, se abrió una tremenda grieta de varias decenas de metros y no existe una explicación suficientemente satisfactoria al día de hoy. El acero se calificó malo por exceso de azufre, dándole excesiva importancia a la presencia de inclusiones de sulfuro de manganeso o a su forma poco globular, habiendo también demasiada fijación en el fallo de los remaches. En realidad la causa primordial fue, en nuestra opinión, la ausencia en el acero de aleantes afinantes de grano y el correspondiente tratamiento de la chapa, que produjeron un tamaño de grano excesivo. En las condiciones de navegación, en aguas bajo 0ºC, el acero del Titanic había pasado con holgura la temperatura de transición dúctil-frágil, convirtiendo el casco en un recipiente de "cristal".

  6. Diseño y construcción de un prototipo controlado para carburización gaseosa de aceros utilizando alcoholes


    Obando B, Johnny F.; Castro P., Álvaro; Trujillo, Carlos Alexander


    En esta investigación se realizó el diseño, construcción y prueba de un equipo a escala de laboratorio para tratamientos térmicos con atmósfera controlada para el estudio de la carburización gaseosa de aceros con alcoholes. El equipo posee las siguientes características: producción controlada de una atmósfera gaseosa compuesta hasta por tres gases y dos líquidos volátiles, una zona de reacción isotérmica, inerte y hermética, y una zona de análisis de gases que retiene sólidos y líquidos conde...

  7. Efecto de los ciclos térmicos sobre la ZAT de una soldadura multipasos de un acero inoxidable superdúplex SAF 2507 Effect of thermal cycles on the HAZ of a stainless steel multipass weld of superduplex SAF 2507

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    D. Villalobos


    Full Text Available Los ciclos térmicos de una soldadura multipasos que experimenta un acero inoxidable superdúplex SAF 2507, pueden promover la precipitación de fases secundarias reduciendo significativamente las propiedades mecánicas y la resistencia a la corrosión. Debido a su aplicación en la industria petroquímica, el estudio de las aleaciones superdúplex es de suma importancia para predecir su comportamiento en servicio cuando están involucrados procesos de soldadura por arco eléctrico. En este trabajo, se estudia el cambio microestructural de la zona afectada térmicamente correspondiente al primer cordón depositado de una unión multipasos de acero inoxidable superdúplex SAF 2507 mediante el proceso GTAW y bajo tres temperaturas de interpasos. Los resultados muestran que la temperatura de interpasos tiene una influencia sobre la precipitación de fase sigma en la zona afectada térmicamente del primer cordón depositado.Thermal cycles experienced by a superduplex stainless steel SAF 2507 when is welded, can promote the precipitation of secondary phases which decrease the mechanical properties as well as the corrosion resistance. Due to the application of the duplex alloys in the petrochemical industry, the study of these alloys has become very important in order to predict its service behavior. The aim of this work is to study the microstructural changes in the superduplex stainless steel weld joint after applying the GTAW process under three interpass temperatures after the deposition of every single pass. The results showed that slow cooling rates promoted by the deposition of the subsecuent passes and the higher interpass temperature, promote the precipitation of sigma phase in the HAZ while rapid cooling rates promoted by the lower interpass temperature do not promote the sigma phase precipitation.

  8. Evaluación de la fractura por fatiga del cigüeñal de un motor Diesel. // Evaluation of the crank shaft fatigue failure of a boat diesel engine.

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    R. A. Goytisolo Espinosa


    Full Text Available En el Trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada por el colectivo de Mecánica Aplicada de laFacultad de Ingeniería Mecánica de La Universidad de Cienfuegos, con vistas a esclarecer la causa de la fractura delcigüeñal de uno de los motores de la Moto Nave “Mar del Sur” de le Empresa EQUITALL.La investigación del material del cigüeñal arrojó que se trata de acero 30. Los cálculos realizados demostraron, que lacapacidad resistente de este acero es insuficiente para soportar las tensiones que se desarrollan en el codo de salida delcigüeñal y los factores de seguridad a la fatiga en algunos de los puntos mas críticos del cachete, por donde se produjo lafractura, dan inferiores a la unidad y la aplicación de la Mecánica de la Fractura Subcrítica, confirmó que la Vida Útil delárbol con dicho material, es muy limitada.Palabras claves: Cigüeñal diesel, fractura por fatiga, mecánica de la fractura subcrítica.__________________________________________________________________________Abstract.This research paper shows the results of an investigation carried out by the Applied Mechanics staff of the MechanicalEngineering faculty of the Cienfuegos University. It was developed in order to determine the crankshaft failure causes ofengines of a boat diesel engine.The crankshaft material investigation showed that it was steel grade 30. The calculations showed that the steel resistancecapacity is not enough to support the stresses produced in the crankshaft output elbow. The fatigue security factors in someof the most critical areas of the cheek, where the failure took place, are lower than unity. The subcritical fracture mechanicsapplication confirmed that the shaft working life is quite limited with this steel.Key words: Diesel crankshaft, fatigue fracture, subcritical fracture mechanics.

  9. Mecanismos de desgaste en materiales compuestos de matriz acero rápido fabricados por técnicas pulvimetalúrgicas

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    Gordo, E.


    Full Text Available The development of metal matrix composites has a major interest for automotive and cutting tools industries since they possess better mechanical properties and wear resistance than corresponding base materials. One of the manufacturing methods for these materials includes processing by powder metallurgy techniques. In this case, blending of both, base material and reinforcement powders constitute the most important process in order to achieve a homogeneous distribution of second phase particles. In the present work, composite materials of M3/2 tool steel reinforced with 2.5, 5, and 8 vol% of niobium carbide have been prepared. In order to ensure a homogeneous mix, powders of both materials were mixed by dry high-energy mechanical milling at 200 r.p.m. for 40 h.. After a recovering annealing, two routes for consolidate were followed: (1 die pressing and vacuum sintering, and (2 hot isostatic pressing (HIP. "Pin-on-disc" tests were carried out to evaluate wear behaviour in all the materials. Results show that ceramic particles additions improve wear resistance of base material.

    El desarrollo de materiales compuestos de matriz metálica con refuerzo de partículas cerámicas presenta gran interés para la industria automovilística y de herramientas de corte ya que poseen mejores propiedades mecánicas y de desgaste que los correspondientes materiales base. Uno de los métodos de fabricación de estos materiales incluye su procesado mediante técnicas pulvimetalúrgicas, en las cuales la etapa de mezcla de los polvos del material base con los del material de refuerzo constituye el proceso fundamental para obtener una distribución homogénea de las partículas de refuerzo. En este trabajo, se han preparado materiales compuestos basados en el acero para herramientas M3/2, el cual se reforzó con 2,5, 5 y 7,5%, en volumen, de carburos de Nb. Para conseguir una mezcla homogénea de las partículas de refuerzo, la etapa de mezcla se realizó en

  10. Preparation and application of granular ZnO/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst for the removal of hazardous trichloroethylene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, J.-C. [Department of Environmental Engineering, Hung-Kuang University, No. 34, Chung-Chie Road, Shalu, Taichung County, Taiwan 43302 (China)]. E-mail:; Tang, C.-T. [Department of Environmental Engineering, Hung-Kuang University, No. 34, Chung-Chie Road, Shalu, Taichung County, Taiwan 43302 (China)


    Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a volatile and nerve-toxic liquid, which is widely used in many industries as an organic solvent. Without proper treatment, it will be volatilized into the atmosphere easily and hazardous to the human health and the environment. This study tries to prepare granular ZnO/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst by a modified oil-drop sol-gel process incorporated the incipient wetness impregnation method and estimates its performance on the catalytic decomposition of TCE. The effects of different preparation and operation conditions are also investigated. Experimental results show that the granular ZnO/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst has good catalytic performance on TCE decomposition and the conversion of TCE is 98%. ZnO/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}(N) catalyst has better performance than ZnO/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}(O) at high temperature. Five percent of active metal concentration and 550 deg. C calcination temperature are the better and economic preparation conditions, and the optimum operation temperature and space velocity are 450 deg. C and 18,000 h{sup -1}, respectively. The conversions of TCE are similar and all higher than 90% as the oxygen concentration in feed gas is higher than 5%. By Fourier transform infrared spectrography (FT-IR) analyses, the major reaction products in the catalytic decomposition of TCE are HCl and CO{sub 2}. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas of catalysts are significantly decreased as the calcination temperature is higher than 550 deg. C due to the sintering of catalyst materials, as well as the reaction temperature is higher than 150 deg. C due to the accumulations of reaction residues on the surfaces of catalysts. These results are also demonstrated by the results of scanning electron micrography (SEM) and energy disperse spectrography (EDS)

  11. Simulación de la fluencia en caliente de un acero microaleado con un contenido medio de carbono. I parte. Aproximación teórica

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    Cabrera, J. M.


    Full Text Available The constitutive equations to model the hot flow behaviour of metallic materials in general, and of microalloyed steels in particular (see part 2 of this work are established in this work. Special emphasis is done on the dynamic softening mechanisms, i.e., dynamic recovery and recrystallization phenomena. The equations developed are physic-based, not empirical, and the modeling allows an easy implementation in an analysis by numerical methods. The resulting equations are even able to predict the final grain size.

    En la presente revisión se plantean las ecuaciones constitutivas necesarias para efectuar la modelización de la fluencia en caliente de materiales metálicos y, en particular, de un acero microaleado (Véase la II parte de este trabajo. Se hace especial hincapié en la simulación de los fenómenos de restauración y recristalización dinámica. Las ecuaciones propuestas son de base física, no empírica, y el modelo resultante es relativamente sencillo de utilizar y de implementar en un análisis por métodos numéricos. El estudio no queda circunscrito al comportamiento a fluencia sino que es capaz de predecir el tamaño de grano final.

  12. Synthesis and structure of Na-Li-Si-Al-P-O-N glasses prepared by melt nitridation using NH3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kidar, A.; Pomeroy, M.J.; Hampshire, S.; Mercier, C.; Leriche, A.; Revel, B.


    Na-Li-Si-Al-P-O-N glasses have been prepared by nitridation of a pre-synthesized Na 2 O-Li 2 O-SiO 2 -P 2 O 5 -Al 2 O 3 glass under anhydrous ammonia. Nitrogen for oxygen substitution increases the network connectivity leading to increases in microhardness and glass transition temperature. Raman and 31 P MAS-NMR spectroscopy indicate sequential nitridation reactions forming PO 3 N and PO 2 N 2 species. The data collected so far show no evidence of N/O substitutions in the silicate sub-network. (authors)

  13. Preparation of Pd/γ- Al2O3 catalyst utilized in chemisorption of hydrogen isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David, Elena; Stefanescu, Doina; Stanciu, V.


    Separation and hydrogen isotope determination require packings with special properties, utilizable in separation columns. Consequently, such packings as catalysts using γ-aluminia and metallic palladium active component as holder were obtained. The γ-aluminia used as holder has been prepared starting from λ salts, easy soluble in water, such as Al 2 (NO 3 ) 3 ·9H 2 O, at a preset (6.2-6.4) controlled pH. At a first stage the Al(OH) 3 results which by calcination at controlled temperature transforms in γ-Al 2O3 . On this holder, in which the specific surface and porosity has been determined, metallic palladium has been deposed, using for impregnation a 2% PdCl 2 solution. The content of deposed palladium was determined as the difference between the content in the initial solution and solution remaining after holder impregnation. This content has been determined by atomic absorption and is within 0.5 - 1.2% Pd. After impregnation the catalyst has been dried, then granulated at the 0.16 mm size and activated by hydrogen at a flow rate of 300 vol H 2 /volume

  14. Structural and magnetic properties of Fe60Al40 alloys prepared by means of a magnetic mill

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernal-Correa, R.; Rosales-Rivera, A.; Pineda-Gomez, P.; Salazar, N.A.


    A study on synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization of Fe 60 Al 40 (at.%) alloys prepared by means of mechanical alloying process is presented. The mechanical alloying was performed using a milling device with magnetically controlled ball movement (Uni-Ball-Mill 5 equipment) at several milling times. The characterization was carried out via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The effects of milling time on the structural state, morphological evolution and magnetic behaviour of the Fe 60 Al 40 (at.%) alloys are discussed. Besides, in this current study we emphasize the result that indicating a ferro-para-ferromagnetic transition from a correlation between X-ray diffraction and magnetization data.

  15. Phase transformation and magnetic properties of MnAl powders prepared by elemental-doping and salt-assisted ball milling (United States)

    Qian, Hui-Dong; Si, Ping-Zhan; Choi, Chul-Jin; Park, Jihoon; Cho, Kyung Mox


    The effects of elemental doping of Si and Fe on the ɛ→τ phase transformation and the magnetic properties of MnAl were studied. The magnetic powders of Si- and Fe-doped MnAl were prepared by using induction melting followed by water-quenching, annealing, and salt-assisted ball-milling. The Fe-doped MnAl powders are mainly composed of the L10-structured τ-phase, while the Si-doped MnAl are composed of τ-phase and a small fraction of γ2- and β-phases. A unique thin leaves-like morphology with thickness of several tens of nanometers and diameter size up to 500 nm were observed in the Si-doped MnAl powders. The Fe-doped MnAl powders show irregular shape with much larger dimensions in the range from several to 10 μm. The morphology difference of the samples was ascribed to the variation of the mechanical properties affected by different doping elements. The phase transformation temperatures of the ɛ-phase of the samples were measured. The doping of Fe decreases the onset temperature of the massive phase transformation in MnAl, while the Si-doping increases the massive phase transformation temperature. Both Fe and Si increase the Curie temperature of MnAl. A substantially enhanced coercivity up to 0.45 T and 0.42 T were observed in the ball-milled MnAl powders doped with Si and Fe, respectively.

  16. Uniformity and passivation research of Al2O3 film on silicon substrate prepared by plasma-enhanced atom layer deposition. (United States)

    Jia, Endong; Zhou, Chunlan; Wang, Wenjing


    Plasma-enhanced atom layer deposition (PEALD) can deposit denser films than those prepared by thermal ALD. But the improvement on thickness uniformity and the decrease of defect density of the films deposited by PEALD need further research. A PEALD process from trimethyl-aluminum (TMA) and oxygen plasma was investigated to study the influence of the conditions with different plasma powers and deposition temperatures on uniformity and growth rate. The thickness and refractive index of films were measured by ellipsometry, and the passivation effect of alumina on n-type silicon before and after annealing was measured by microwave photoconductivity decay method. Also, the effects of deposition temperature and annealing temperature on effective minority carrier lifetime were investigated. Capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage measurements were used to investigate the interface defect density of state (D it) of Al2O3/Si. Finally, Al diffusion P(+) emitter on n-type silicon was passivated by PEALD Al2O3 films. The conclusion is that the condition of lower substrate temperature accelerates the growth of films and that the condition of lower plasma power controls the films' uniformity. The annealing temperature is higher for samples prepared at lower substrate temperature in order to get the better surface passivation effects. Heavier doping concentration of Al increased passivation quality after annealing by the effective minority carrier lifetime up to 100 μs.

  17. Oxidación cíclica de un acero refractario AISI 310 a alta temperatura en atmósferas con contenidos de oxígeno variables

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    Higuera-Hidalgo, V.


    Full Text Available High temperature oxidation tests of an AISI 310 stainless steel was performed in two different environments: in an standard atmosphere (21 % oxygen at 704, 800, 884 and 1,000 °C and in the typical environment of a gas turbine and vapor generator of a combined-cycle electric generation unit (10 % oxygen at 800 and 1,000 °C. The oxidation kinetics was determined by means of the measurement of the weight gain per unit surface of the specimen and also determining the thickness of the oxide layer. Comparable results have been obtained using both methodologies and the effect of the oxygen content along with the other experimental differences were determined observing the oxidation kinetics in both environments. The cyclic oxidation of AISI 310 deteriorates at temperatures higher than 1,000 °C.

    Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio experimental sobre la oxidación a altas temperaturas de un acero inoxidable refractario AISI 310, en dos ambientes diferentes: en una atmósfera convencional (21 % de O2, a 704, 800, 884 y 1.000 °C y en un ambiente simulativo de una turbina de gas y del generador de vapor de uña central eléctrica de ciclo combinado (10-11 % de O2, a 800 y 1.000 °C. La cinética de la oxidación del material se ha determinado a partir, tanto de la ganancia de peso por unidad de superficie experimentada por las probetas objeto de ensayo como por la determinación de los espesores de las capas de óxido formados. Se han obtenido resultados comparables con ambas metodologías y se ha puesto de manifiesto el efecto del contenido de oxígeno y de las demás diferencias experimentales a partir de la comparación de las cinéticas de oxidación del acero en los dos medios oxidantes analizados. La oxidación del acero AISI 310 en situaciones térmicas cíclicas empieza ya a ser importante a partir de una temperatura de 1.000 °C.

  18. Caracterización de uniones soldadas GMAW a solape en chapas finas de acero DX53D + Z100MB mediante ultrasonidos


    Larráyoz Izcara, María


    En el sector de la automoci on, una de las t ecnicas de uni on para la construcci on de carrocer as basadas en acero m as extendida es la soldadura, tanto por resistencia como por arco el ectrico protegido (GMAW, por sus siglas en ingl es). Uno de los aspectos m as importantes para el control de las soldaduras es la detecci on de la falta de fusi on y/o penetraci on y la estimaci on de la profundidad de penetraci on as como la anchura de la zona fusionada. De forma general, la ...

  19. Post-heat treatment of arc-sprayed coating prepared by the wires combination of Mg-cathode and Al-anode to form protective intermetallic layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Rongzheng; Song Gang


    A Mg-Al intermetallic compounds coating was prepared on the surface of Mg-steel lap joint by arc-sprayed Al-Mg composite coating (Mg-cathode and Al-anode) and its post-heat treatment (PHT). The effect of PHT temperature on the phase transition, microstructure and mechanical properties of the coating was investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, optical microscope and microhardness test. The result shows that the intermetallic compounds layer that is mainly composed of Al 3 Mg 2 and Mg 17 Al 12 is formed by the self-diffusion reaction of Mg and Al splats in the coating after PHT for 4 h at 430 deg. C.

  20. Further Investigation Into the Use of Laser Surface Preparation of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for Adhesive Bonding (United States)

    Palmieri, Frank L.; Crow, Allison; Zetterberg, Anna; Hopkins, John; Wohl, Christopher J.; Connell, John W.; Belcher, Tony; Blohowiak, Kay Y.


    Adhesive bonding offers many advantages over mechanical fastening, but requires robust materials and processing methodologies before it can be incorporated in primary structures for aerospace applications. Surface preparation is widely recognized as one of the key steps to producing robust and predictable bonds. This report documents an ongoing investigation of a surface preparation technique based on Nd:YAG laser ablation as a replacement for the chemical etch and/or abrasive processes currently applied to Ti-6Al-4V alloys. Laser ablation imparts both topographical and chemical changes to a surface that can lead to increased bond durability. A laser based process provides an alternative to chemical-immersion, manual abrasion, and grit blast process steps which are expensive, hazardous, environmentally unfriendly, and less precise. In addition, laser ablation is amenable to process automation, which can improve reproducibility to meet quality standards for surface preparation. An update on work involving adhesive property testing, surface characterization, surface stability, and the effect of laser surface treatment on fatigue behavior is presented. Based on the tests conducted, laser surface treatment is a viable replacement for the immersion chemical surface treatment processes. Testing also showed that the fatigue behavior of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is comparable for surfaces treated with either laser ablation or chemical surface treatment.

  1. Preparation and characterization of the electrodeposited Cr-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/SiC composite coating

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gao Jifeng, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Mould Technology, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China); Suo Jinping, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Mould Technology, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China)


    To increase the SiC content in Cr-based coatings, Cr-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/SiC composite coatings were plated in Cr(VI) baths which contained Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-coated SiC powders. The Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-coated SiC composite particles were synthesized by calcining the precursor prepared by heterogeneous deposition method. The transmission electron microscopy analysis of the particles showed that the nano-SiC particle was packaged by alumina. The zeta potential of the particles collected from the bath was up to +23 mV, a favorable condition for the co-deposition of the particles and chromium. Pulse current was used during the electrodeposition. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) indicated that the coating was compact and combined well with the substrate. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of Cr-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/SiC coatings demonstrated that the concentration of SiC in the coating reached about 2.5 wt.%. The corrosion behavior of the composite coating was studied by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques. The data obtained suggested that the Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/SiC particles significantly enhanced the corrosion resistance of the composite coating in 0.05 M HCl solution.

  2. Innovative processing for improved electrical steel properties

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    Schneider, J.


    Full Text Available Electrical steel grades are the normal construction material for electrical motors and transformers because of their enhanced soft magnetic properties. One of the current trends in their production aims for increasing the silicon and/or aluminum concentration (above 3 wt % to reduce magnetic losses through increased electrical resistivity. This is very difficult to realize by conventional processing, mainly because of cracking during cold rolling. An alternative production route is proposed that raises the silicon and/or aluminum concentration by surface deposition of silicon and/or aluminum on a low-Si/low-Al steel substrate, e.g. by a short immersion in a molten Al-Si bath, followed by its diffusion into the bulk during subsequent annealing. This diffusion substantially modifies the microstructural features and therefore affects the mechanical and magnetic properties. Results of research efforts to optimize this production route and to understand the mechanisms and effects of the structural changes are presented and discussed.Los aceros eléctricos se usan, normalmente, en la construcción de motores eléctricos y transformadores debido a sus suaves propiedades magnéticas. Una de las tendencias actuales es producir aceros con contenidos mayores de silicio y/o aluminio (por encima de un 3 %, en peso para reducir las pérdidas magnéticas a través del incremento de la resistividad eléctrica. Una de las desventajas de producir este tipo de aceros con altos contenidos de silicio y/o aluminio es el agrietamiento producido en el material durante el proceso de laminado en frío. Para incrementar el contenido de silicio y/o aluminio en aceros con bajos contenidos de estos elementos de aleación, se sugiere un procedimiento alternativo de producción que se basa, fundamentalmente, en depositar un recubrimiento rico en silicio y/o aluminio, en la superficie del acero. Por ejemplo, uno de los métodos utilizados es sumergir el material en una aleaci

  3. Influencia de la microestructura de partida en la ecuación constitutiva para la fluencia de un acero

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    Castellanos, J.


    Full Text Available The as-started material is a fine grained microalloyed steel, 15-20 μm. A coarse grain material, 90-100 μm, is obtained by means of a heat treatment. Torsion tests are conducted in samples with these two grain sizes at various temperatures and strain rates and enough amount of data is obtained to carry out a reliable statistical analysis. The coarser grain material has a higher peak stress than the finer grain material. The constitutive equations are determined for each case and the meaning of the obtained values are discussed. Finally, these equations are applied to the modelling of the forming process of the fine grained and coarse grained materials.

    Se parte de un acero microaleado de grano fino, 20 μm. Mediante un tratamiento térmico, a este acero se le altera la microestructura, de forma que se consigue un tamaño de grano mucho mayor, 100 μm. Se realizan ensayos de torsión en probetas con estos dos tamaños de grano a diferentes temperaturas y velocidades de deformación, obteniéndose suficientes datos como para realizar un análisis estadístico fiable. El material de mayor tamaño de grano presenta una tensión de pico mayor que el de tamaño de grano más fino. Este efecto no es debido a una dependencia directa del mecanismo de deformación, ya que la ecuación de Garofalo no depende del tamaño de grano, sino que es debida a la recristalización dinámica que se retarda en los materiales de grano grueso. Además, se dan los resultados de los parámetros de la deformación para cada material. Por último, se aplican las ecuaciones obtenidas a la modelización del conformado de los materiales de grano fino y grueso.

  4. Evolución microestructural del acero austenítico al manganeso sometido a tratamiento térmico de temple y revenido Microstructural evolution of manganese austenitic steel submitted to thermal treatments of quenching and tempering

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    Óscar Fabián Higuera Cobos


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo de investigación se evaluaron los cambios microestructurales en aceros austeníticos al manganeso con 9 y 13% Mn en presencia de cromo (1.4 - 2.0% . Se evaluó el ciclo térmico de temple y revenido sobre la estabilidad de la fase austenita y la presencia de compuestos de segunda fase como carburos de hierro y cromo del tipo (Fe, Mn3C y (Fe, Cr7C3. La temperatura de austenización fue de 1050 °C, con un tiempo de sostenimiento de 1 hora y el medio de enfriamiento agua. Los tratamientos de revenido se efectuaron en un rango de 200 a 800 °C con intervalos de 200 °C y tiempo de permanencia 2 horas. Para este análisis el material se sometió a pruebas de caracterización tales como: microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM-EDS, espectrometría de emisión óptica y difracción de rayos X, en estado de suministro y bonificado.In this study the microstructural changes in manganese austenitic steel with 9 and 13% Mn in presence of chromium with (1,4-2,0% was evaluated, thermal cycles of quenching and tempering in order to evaluate the influence of kinetic of cooling on the stability of the phase austenite and the presence of composed of second phase like iron and chromium carbides of type (Fe, Mn3C and (Fe, Cr7C3. were also evaluated. The temperature of austenitizing was of 1050 °C, with a time of support of 1 hour and means of cooling water. The tempering treatments took place in a rank of 200 to 800 °C with intervals of 200 °C and dwell time 2 hours. The material was evaluated by electronic microscopy of sweeping (SEM-EDS, spectrometry of optical emission and X-ray diffraction, in state as cast and heat treating.

  5. Mecanismos de desgaste en refractarios de colada continua asociados al efecto Marangoni

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    Brandaleze, E.


    Full Text Available Nozzle wear during continuous casting process is caused by physical and chemical reasons and also by refractory quality. A post mortem study on a sample of Al2O3 - graphite nozzle with a ZrO2 insert allows to identify the present wear mechanisms. Different cyclic stages are carried out due to recurrent changes of interfacial tension and fluid convection. When the surface tension promote the refractory wetting by the steel, graphite of the nozzle surface is lost. Then, grains of ZrO2 and of Al2O3 are dissolved by slag contact. This type of wear is associated with the Marangoni effect. Light and electronic microscopy was used to observe the refractory structure and by a cathodoluminiscence technique phases transformations under process conditions are determined.

    Las buzas sumergidas se erosionan durante el proceso de la colada continua, debido a causas físicas, químicas y a la calidad del refractario. El estudio post mortem de una buza de Al2O3 -grafito con inserto de ZrO2 permite identificar los mecanismos de desgaste presentes, que ocurren por etapas debido a cambios cíclicos de tensión interfacial y convección de fluidos. Cuando la tensión superficial favorece la mojabilidad del refractario por el acero, la buza pierde grafito de la superficie. Luego, los granos de ZrO2 y de Al2O3 se disuelven al ser mojados por la escoria. Este desgaste está asociado al efecto Marangoni. Se observa la microestructura mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica y, por catodoluminiscencia, se determinan las transformaciones de fases ocurridas en condiciones de proceso.

  6. Study on preparation of orange-emitting phosphor Y3Mg2AlSi2O12: Ce3+ for wLED

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    Yan Shirun


    Full Text Available Ce3+-doped garnet-structured orange-emitting phosphor Y3Mg2AlSi2O12:Ce3+ was prepared by sol-gel combustion using urea as a fuel.Effects of the reduction temperature,Ce3+ doping concentration on the structure,morphology,and photoluminescence property of the as-prepared phosphor were investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD,scaning electron microscope(SEM,photoluminescence spectroscopy and UV-Vis reflection spectroscopy.The crystallinities,morphologies,and photoluminescence properties of the phosphors prepared by sol-gel combustion and solid-state reaction were compared.The reasons causing different performance of the phosphors were discussed.

  7. Tratamientos térmicos de los aceros sinterizados obtenidos a partir de polvos prealeados Fe-1,5% Mo

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    Torralba, J. M.


    Full Text Available The influence of several heat treatments on the mechanical and physical properties of three different sintered Ni-Cu-Mo alloyed steels are evaluated. The heat treatments carried out were quenching and tempering at different temperatures. The raw material studied was a Fe-Mo prealloyed powder with an 1.5% Mo content.

    Se estudia la influencia que distintos estados de tratamiento térmico ejercen sobre las propiedades mecánicas y físicas de tres aceros aleados con cobre, níquel y molibdeno sinterizados. Los tratamientos térmicos realizados consisten en temple y revenido a distintas temperaturas. El material de partida utilizado para conseguir la aleación de molibdeno ha sido un polvo prealeado de Fe-1,5% Mo.

  8. {sup 26}Al-containing acidic and basic sodium aluminum phosphate preparation and use in studies of oral aluminum bioavailability from foods utilizing {sup 26}Al as an aluminum tracer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yokel, Robert A. [College of Pharmacy, 511C Pharmacy Building 725 Rose Street, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY 40536-0082 (United States) and Graduate Center for Toxicology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40536-0305 (United States)]. E-mail:; Urbas, Aaron A. [Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0055 (United States); Lodder, Robert A. [College of Pharmacy, 511C Pharmacy Building 725 Rose Street, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY 40536-0082 (United States); Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0055 (United States); Selegue, John P. [Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0055 (United States); Florence, Rebecca L. [College of Pharmacy, 511C Pharmacy Building 725 Rose Street, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY 40536-0082 (United States)


    We synthesized {sup 26}Al-containing acidic and basic (alkaline) sodium aluminum phosphates (SALPs) which are FDA-approved leavening and emulsifying agents, respectively, and used them to determine the oral bioavailability of aluminum incorporated in selected foods. We selected applicable methods from published syntheses (patents) and scaled them down ({approx}3000- and 850-fold) to prepare {approx}300-400 mg of each SALP. The {sup 26}Al was incorporated at the beginning of the syntheses to maximize {sup 26}Al and {sup 27}Al equilibration and incorporate the {sup 26}Al in the naturally-occurring Al-containing chemical species of the products. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the two SALP samples and some intermediate samples. Multi-elemental analysis (MEA) was used to determine Na, Al and P content. Commercial products were included for comparison. Satisfactory XRD analyses, near infrared spectra and MEA results confirmed that we synthesized acidic and basic SALP, as well as some of the syntheses intermediates. The {sup 26}Al-containing acidic and basic SALPs were incorporated into a biscuit material and a processed cheese, respectively. These were used in oral bioavailability studies conducted in rats in which the {sup 26}Al present in blood after its oral absorption was quantified by accelerator mass spectrometry. The results showed oral Al bioavailability from acidic SALP in biscuit was {approx}0.02% and from basic SALP in cheese {approx}0.05%, lower than our previous determination of Al bioavailability from drinking water, {approx}0.3%. Both food and water can appreciably contribute to the Al absorbed from typical human Al intake.

  9. Caracterización mediante HRTEM de un acero AISI4140 nitrurado por postdescarga micro-ondas

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    Béjar-Gómez, L.


    Full Text Available An analysis of the nitrides formed in an AISI 4140 steel nitrided by postdischarge microwave nitriding treatment was carried out by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM, fast Fourier transform (FFT and nanoanalysis. The steel samples were nitrided below of the eutectoid transformation point (590 °C, after nitriding the samples were cooling slowly inside in the reactor whit an argon atmosphere. The analysis were carried out in a FEG-TEM PHILIPS TECNAI F20 at 200 Kv. The results showed the morphology and size of the nitrides ε-Fe2-3N and γ’-Fe4N, which had coherency whit the matrix. By other hand the following crystallographic relations were determined: (110 Fe-α ║ (1001 ε-Fe2-3N ║ (110 γ’-Fe4N and [1-1 0]Fe-α ║ [1 0-1 0] ε-Fe2-3N ║ [0 1 1] Fe4N.

    Un análisis de las fases de nitruros formados en un acero AISI 4140, nitrurado mediante condiciones de postdescarga micro-ondas, se llevó a cabo por microscopía electrónica de transmisión de alta resolución (HRTEM, rápida transformada de Fourier (FFT y nanoanálisis. Las muestras de acero fueron nitruradas por debajo del punto de transformación eutectoide (590 °C; después del tratamiento de nitruración las piezas fueron enfriadas lentamente dentro del reactor con una atmósfera de argón. Los análisis se realizaron en un microscopio Philips con cañón de emisión de campo Tecnai F20 a 200 Kv (PHILIPS FEG-TEM TECNAI F20. Los resultados mostraron la morfología y tamaño de los nitruros de hierro ε-Fe2-3N y γ’-Fe4N, los cuáles mostraron coherencia con la matriz. Además, se obtuvo la siguiente relación de coherencia entre precipitados y matriz: (110 Fe-α ║ (1001 ε-Fe2-3N ║ (110 γ’-Fe4N y [1-1 0]Fe-α ║ [1 0-1 0] ε-Fe2-3N ║ [0 1 1] Fe4N.

  10. Effect of steel surface conditions on reinforcing steel corrosion in concrete exposed to marine environments

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    Anzola, E.


    Full Text Available Laboratory methods and experimental tests were deployed in the present study to evaluate corrosion in reinforced concrete exposed to marine environments. Reinforcing steel exhibiting two different surface conditions prior to embedment in concrete were studied, one the one hand to assess the electrochemical behaviour of the bars during exposure of the concrete specimens to a simulated marine environment, and on the other to determine the strength of the steel/concrete bond. The reinforced concrete specimens prepared were adapted as required for electrochemical potential and corrosion rate testing. A total of 56 7x15-cm cylindrical specimens containing 3/8" steel rods anchored at a depth of 11.5 cm were made to evaluate the steel / concrete bond and exposed to a natural marine environment for 28 or 190 days prior to testing. All the specimens were made with ready-mixed concrete. It may be concluded from the results of the corrosion tests on reinforcing steel with different surface conditions that the oxide initially covering the bars was dissolved and the steel passivated by the alkalinity in the concrete. The chief finding of the bonding study was that the layer of oxide formed in pre-embedment steel deterioration contributed to establishing a better bond.

    En el contexto de esta investigación, se tomaron en consideración métodos y ensayos experimentales de laboratorio, que permiten hacer una evaluación de la corrosión del hormigón armado expuesto en ambientes marinos. Por una parte se evaluó el comportamiento electroquímico de dos condiciones de estados superficiales del acero embebido en el hormigón, exponiéndolo en un ambiente marino simulado y, por otra parte, se estudió la adherencia entre el acero y el hormigón, con los mismos estados superficiales usados para la evaluación electroquímica. Las probetas se fabricaron de hormigón con acero de refuerzo en su interior, adecuándolas para realizar los ensayos de potenciales

  11. Efecto de la velocidad y ángulo de impacto en la resistencia a corrosión - erosión de aceros inoxidables recubiertos con TiN

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    José Ricardo Cano Rodas


    Full Text Available Fueron estudiados los mecanismos de degradación superficial en aceros inoxidables austenítico AISI 304 y martensítico AISI 420, con y sin recubrimiento cerámico de TiN, aplicado mediante técnica de deposición física de vapor PVD por arco pulsado, sometidos a erosión (solución de agua destilada con 30% en peso de partículas de sílice, corrosión (solución ½ M H2SO4 + 3.5% NaCl y efectos sinérgicos corrosión - erosión. Fue construido un dispositivo para realizar los ensayos descritos con la posibilidad de variar la velocidad y el ángulo medio de impacto de las partículas sobre la superficie de las muestras. Marcas características fueron observadas en las superficies desgastadas, siendo la condición de ángulo rasante la de mayor efecto nocivo tanto para las superficies desnudas como para las recubiertas con TiN. El nivel de deterioro superficial aumentó con la velocidad de impacto, al tiempo que se evidenció la importancia de la adherencia de las películas protectoras al substrato para la obtención de una buena resistencia a corrosiónerosión. La sinergia corrosión-erosión presentó, en algunas ocasiones, un efecto positivo para la superficie, ya que el impacto de las partículas duras causó intensa deformación plástica pero no consiguió remover material de la superficie.

  12. Influence of Al sub 2 O sub 3 nanoparticles on the thermal stability of ultra-fine grained copper prepared by high pressure torsion

    CERN Document Server

    Cizek, J; Kuzel, R; Islamgaliev, R K


    Ultra-fine grained (UFG) Cu (grain size 80 nm) containing 0.5 wt.% Al sub 2 O sub 3 nanoparticles (size 20 nm) was prepared by high pressure torsion (HPT). Positron lifetime spectroscopy was employed to characterize the microstructure of this material, especially with respect to types and concentration of lattice defects. The evolution of microstructure with increasing temperature was studied by positron lifetime spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction measurements. The thermal stability of the Cu + 0.5 wt.% Al sub 2 O sub 3 nanocomposite was compared with that of pure UFG Cu prepared by the same technique. The processes taking place during thermal recovery of the initial nanoscale structure in both studied materials are described. (author)

  13. Influencia del tipo de hormigón y de acero, y de las características geométricas de la estructura, en los costes de materiales y en la superficie ocupada por los pilares en estructuras de edificios de hormigón armado con forjado unidireccional

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    Gómez Hermoso, J.


    Full Text Available The project and construction experience of building structures permit to affirm that greatest part of this structures usually are concrete frames with one way slab. This is the reason to develop this systematic study about the influence that concrete and steel used have in this structures. The aim is to give some criteria to geometric structure definition and the materials choice. We have calculated 80 structure buildings modified the height (small, intermediate and tall, with 5,12 and 20 tipical flats over ground, respectively, the concrete class (HI 75, H200, H250, H300, H400 y H500, the steel types (AEH400 and AEH500, the distance between columns (short and long, 5,00 and 6,00 m, respectively and the slab depth (24. 26 and 29 cm. When the calculation results were obtained (as shown on a set of tables and graphs, we made an analysis of materials cost (concrete and steel and the surface occupied for the columns.

    La experiencia en el proyecto y ejecución de estructuras de edificación permite afirmar que, en un porcentaje muy elevado de ocasiones, se encuentran constituidas por pórticos de hormigón armado y forjados unidireccionales. Este hecho ha sido la causa fundamental que ha motivado el desarrollo de este estudio sistemático sobre la influencia que en estas estructuras puede tener el tipo de hormigón y acero utilizados, persiguiendo como objetivo final facilitar unos criterios para la definición geométrica de la estructura y la elección de materiales. Se ha procedido al cálculo de 80 edificios clasificados en función de la altura (bajo, medio y alto, con 5, 12 y 20 plantas tipo sobre rasante, respectivamente, el tipo de hormigón (H175, H200, H250, H300, H400 y H500, el tipo de acero (AEH400 y AEH500, la luz entre pilares (corta y larga, con 5,00 y 6,00 m, respectivamente y el canto del forjado (24, 26 y 29 cm, siendo la viga plana. Tras la obtención de los resultados (presentados en una serie de tablas y gráficos, se

  14. A united refinement technology for commercial pure Al by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Xiaoguang; Liu Xiangfa; Ding Haimin


    Because flake-like TiAl 3 particles in Al-Ti-C master alloys prepared in a melt reaction method dissolve slowly when they are added into Al melt at 720 deg. C, Ti atoms cannot be released rapidly to play the assistant role of grain refinement, leading to a poor refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys. A united refinement technology by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys was put forward in this paper. The rational combination of fine blocky TiAl 3 particles in Al-10Ti and TiC particles in Al-Ti-C can improve the nucleation rate of α-Al. It not only improves the grain refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys, but also reduces the consumption

  15. Preparation of HZSM-5 membrane packed CuO–ZnO–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles for catalysing carbon dioxide hydrogenation to dimethyl ether

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Rong; Tian, Haifeng; Yang, Aimei; Zha, Fei, E-mail:; Ding, Jian; Chang, Yue


    Highlights: • CuO–ZnO–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composite nanoparticles were successfully prepared using carbon sphere as template. • HZSM-5@CuO–ZnO–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} capsule catalyst was prepared hydrothermally. • Zeolite capsule catalysts exhibited an extremely good selectivity for DME compared with the conventional hybrid catalyst. - Abstract: Spherical carbons were prepared successfully from aqueous glucose using hydrothermal method. After covered with aqueous Cu{sup 2+}, Zn{sup 2+} and Al{sup 3+} ions during the co-precipitation treatment, carbons were removed via calcination to yield CuO–ZnO–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles. HZSM-5 membrane, which was synthesized using tetrapropylammonium hydroxide as templating agent, was packed onto CuO–ZnO–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles hydrothermally to form HZSM-5 packed CuO–ZnO–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles. It was characterized by the method of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and nitrogen sorption measurement. HZSM-5 packed CuO–ZnO–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles were used as catalysts for the CO{sub 2} hydrogenation to dimethyl ether. The catalyst activity was investigated in a fixed-bed reactor. Under the reaction conditions of pressure at 3.0 MPa, space velocity (SV) of 1800 mL g{sub cat}{sup −1} h{sup −1}, volume ratio of CO{sub 2}/H{sub 2} to 1:3 and temperature at 270 °C, the conversion of CO{sub 2} could reach to 48.3%, with a dimethyl ether yield and selectivity of 23.4% and 48.5%, respectively.

  16. Diseño de una máquina de figuración de barras de acero de refuerzo para hormigón armado


    Palacios Flores, Carlos Pablo


    El diseño de la máquina dobladora de barras de acero utilizado para el refuerzo de hormigón construcciones tiene el propósito de reducir la mano de obra y aumentar el tiempo de producción. lo también está destinado a mejorar la calidad de la flexión en las barras que actualmente se realizan. Como los dobladores manuales, dobladoras mecánicas también doblar barras de alrededor de una matriz, pero la proceso de plegado mecánico se convierte en automático. Esto permite utilizar 42 (60) grados...

  17. Evaluación del grado de sensibilización en el acero inoxidable AISI

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    González, O.


    Full Text Available Austenitic stainless steel, when heat-treated at 550-850 °C, became susceptible to intergranular corrosion in acids. This phenomenon, know as sensitization, it is result from the precipitation of chrome carbides in the grain boundary, making these areas less resistant to corrosion. Two different electrochemical reactivation tests are compared with a destructive test and related to the classification of its respective microstructures. It was established a quantitative methodology to evaluate the degree of sensitization in AISI 304 and also to compare the correspondence of the results with the data of the automatic and portable EPR device for non-destructive field measurement of the degree of sensitization. The used electrochemical techniques were the EPR (Electrochemical Potentiokinetic Reactivation or single loop test and the PRP (Pasivation Reactivation Potentiokinetic or double loop test. The destructive test used was boiling, 120 h ferric sulfate-50 % sulfuric acid, according to the standard practices ASTM A-262 practices B. The classifications of each structures were according to the standard practices ASTM A-262 practices B.

    El acero inoxidable austenítico, cuando se calienta en un rango de temperatura entre 550 y 850 °C es susceptible a corrosión intergranular en ácidos. Este fenómeno, conocido como sensibilización, es resultado de la precipitación de carburos de cromo en el límite de grano, haciendo esas áreas menos resistentes a la corrosión. Se comparan dos pruebas diferentes de reactivación electroquímica con una prueba destructiva, relacionándolas con su respectiva microestructura. Se estableció una metodología cuantitativa para evaluar el grado de sensibilización del acero AISI 304 y se comparó con los datos generados de una herramienta no destructiva de campo, automática y portátil, para medir el grado de sensibilización. Las técnicas electroquímicas usadas fueron: la EPR (Reactivación electroqu

  18. High-Strength Ultra-Fine-Grained Hypereutectic Al-Si-Fe-X (X = Cr, Mn) Alloys Prepared by Short-Term Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering. (United States)

    Průša, Filip; Bláhová, Markéta; Vojtěch, Dalibor; Kučera, Vojtěch; Bernatiková, Adriana; Kubatík, Tomáš František; Michalcová, Alena


    In this work, Al-20Si-10Fe-6Cr and Al-20Si-10Fe-6Mn (wt %) alloys were prepared by a combination of short-term mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering. The microstructure was composed of homogeneously dispersed intermetallic particles forming composite-like structures. X-ray diffraction analysis and TEM + EDS analysis determined that the α-Al along with α-Al 15 (Fe,Cr)₃Si₂ or α-Al 15 (Fe,Mn)₃Si₂ phases were present, with dimensions below 130 nm. The highest hardness of 380 ± 7 HV5 was observed for the Al-20Si-10Fe-6Mn alloy, exceeding the hardness of the reference as-cast Al-12Si-1Cu-1 Mg-1Ni alloy (121 ± 2 HV5) by nearly a factor of three. Both of the prepared alloys showed exceptional thermal stability with the hardness remaining almost the same even after 100 h of annealing at 400 °C. Additionally, the compressive strengths of the Al-20Si-10Fe-6Cr and Al-20Si-10Fe-6Mn alloys reached 869 MPa and 887 MPa, respectively, and had virtually the same values of 870 MPa and 865 MPa, respectively, even after 100 h of annealing. More importantly, the alloys showed an increase in ductility at 400 °C, reaching several tens of percent. Thus, both of the investigated alloys showed better mechanical properties, including superior hardness, compressive strength and thermal stability, as compared to the reference Al-10Si-1Cu-1Mg-1Ni alloy, which softened remarkably, reducing its hardness by almost 50% to 63 ± 8 HV5.

  19. High-Strength Ultra-Fine-Grained Hypereutectic Al-Si-Fe-X (X = Cr, Mn) Alloys Prepared by Short-Term Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering (United States)

    Průša, Filip; Bláhová, Markéta; Vojtěch, Dalibor; Kučera, Vojtěch; Bernatiková, Adriana; Kubatík, Tomáš František; Michalcová, Alena


    In this work, Al-20Si-10Fe-6Cr and Al-20Si-10Fe-6Mn (wt %) alloys were prepared by a combination of short-term mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering. The microstructure was composed of homogeneously dispersed intermetallic particles forming composite-like structures. X-ray diffraction analysis and TEM + EDS analysis determined that the α-Al along with α-Al15(Fe,Cr)3Si2 or α-Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2 phases were present, with dimensions below 130 nm. The highest hardness of 380 ± 7 HV5 was observed for the Al-20Si-10Fe-6Mn alloy, exceeding the hardness of the reference as-cast Al-12Si-1Cu-1 Mg-1Ni alloy (121 ± 2 HV5) by nearly a factor of three. Both of the prepared alloys showed exceptional thermal stability with the hardness remaining almost the same even after 100 h of annealing at 400 °C. Additionally, the compressive strengths of the Al-20Si-10Fe-6Cr and Al-20Si-10Fe-6Mn alloys reached 869 MPa and 887 MPa, respectively, and had virtually the same values of 870 MPa and 865 MPa, respectively, even after 100 h of annealing. More importantly, the alloys showed an increase in ductility at 400 °C, reaching several tens of percent. Thus, both of the investigated alloys showed better mechanical properties, including superior hardness, compressive strength and thermal stability, as compared to the reference Al-10Si-1Cu-1Mg-1Ni alloy, which softened remarkably, reducing its hardness by almost 50% to 63 ± 8 HV5. PMID:28774094


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    Manoel Cléber de Sampaio Alves


    medio. Para ello, al proceso de rectificación está intrínseco el reciclaje del fluido de corte, que se destaca por su costo. A través de la variación de la velocidad de avance en el proceso de rectificación cilíndrica externa del acero ABNT D6, racionalizando la aplicación de dos fluidos de corte y usando una muela superabrasiva de CBN (nitruro de boro cúbico con ligante vitrificado, se evaluaron los parámetros de salida fuerza tangencial de corte, rugosidad, circularidad, desgaste de la herramienta, la tensión residual y la integridad superficial a través de la microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM de las piezas de prueba. Con el análisis del desempeño fluido, muela y velocidad de inmersión se encontró las mejores condiciones de fabricación propiciando la disminución del volumen de fluido de corte, disminución del tiempo de fabricación sin perjudicar los parámetros geométricos, dimensionales, el acabado superficial y la integridad superficial de los componentes.

  1. Al2O3-Cact-(CuO, Cr2O3, Co3O4 Adsorbents-Catalysts: Preparation and Characterization

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    Full Text Available Al2O3-Cact-(CuO, Cr2O3 Co3O4 adsorbents-catalysts were prepared using Al2O3-Cact (alumina gel–activated carbon adsorbent and different amount of CuO, Cr2O3 and Co3O4. The active components were incorporated into wet alumina gel–carbon mixture using different conditions (by sol-gel method and mixing a milled metal oxides. Equilibrium adsorptive capacity measurements of alcohol vapours were carried out in order to determine the influence of preparation conditions on the stability of prepared adsorbents–catalysts. Specific surface area of the prepared adsorbents-catalysts were measured by BET method. It was established that for adsorbent-catalyst produced by sol-gel method SBET = 244.7 m2/g. Surface area SBET = 29.32 m2/g was obtained for adsorbent-catalyst with metal oxides. On the basis of these results it was assumed that active carbon was lost in this adsorbent-catalyst during the preparation process. Sol-gel derived adsorbent–catalyst was tested for the oxidation of methanol vapours. Catalytic oxidation was carried out in fixed-bed reactor. Experimental data indicate that adsorptive capacity of the adsorbent–catalyst is (3.232 – 3.259 mg/m3 CH3OH at relative air humidity is 40 % – 50 %. During a fast heating of CH3OH – saturated adsorbent-catalyst a part of adsorbate is converted to CO2 and H2O. Methanol conversion increases with increasing of adsorbent-catalyst heating rate.DOI:

  2. Comportamiento de canales como conectores de cortante para un sistema de Sección compuesta usando lámina colaborante


    Huertas Muñoz, Juan Carlos


    Las secciones compuestas de acero y concreto se emplean con el fin de aprovechar las ventajas del acero a la tensión y el buen comportamiento del concreto ante esfuerzos de compresión. Lo que permite que ambos materiales trabajen al mismo tiempo y de forma eficiente son los conectores de cortante. Para realizar la función de conector de cortante se usan elementos como los espigos, canales, varilla en forma de bastón y en forma de U, entre otros que están siendo objeto de invest...

  3. Resistencia a la corrosión atmosférica del recubrimiento Zn-10,2% Fe sobre chapa de acero. Comparación con el recubrimiento de zinc

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    Arnau, G.


    Full Text Available Zn-10.2 % Fe galvanized coating versus hot galvanized coating over carbon steel corrosion performance has been studied. Different periods of atmospheric exposures in various Valencia Community sites, and salt spray accelerated test have been done. Carbon steel test samples have been used simultaneously in order to classify exposure atmosphere corrosivity, and environmental exposure atmosphere characteristics have been analyzed. Corrosion velocity versus environmental parameters has been obtained.

    Se estudia el comportamiento a la corrosión atmosférica de un recubrimiento Zn-10,2 % Fe galvanizado en caliente, comparándolo con el comportamiento ofrecido por la chapa galvanizada, habiéndose aplicado ambos recubrimientos sobre chapa de acero de embutición. Se han realizado ensayos de exposición atmosférica en distintas atmósferas de la Comunidad Valenciana y ensayos acelerados de laboratorio en cámara de niebla salina. Se han empleado simultáneamente probetas testigo de acero con el fin de clasificar la corrosividad de las atmósferas, y se han estudiado las características medioambientales de las atmósferas donde se han llevado a cabo los ensayos. Mediante estos estudios se han obtenido las velocidades de corrosión y se han analizado en función de los parámetros ambientales.

  4. Microstructure of as-fabricated UMo/Al(Si) plates prepared with ground and atomized powder (United States)

    Jungwirth, R.; Palancher, H.; Bonnin, A.; Bertrand-Drira, C.; Borca, C.; Honkimäki, V.; Jarousse, C.; Stepnik, B.; Park, S.-H.; Iltis, X.; Schmahl, W. W.; Petry, W.


    UMo-Al based fuel plates prepared with ground U8wt%Mo, ground U8wt%MoX (X = 1 wt%Pt, 1 wt%Ti, 1.5 wt%Nb or 3 wt%Nb) and atomized U7wt%Mo have been examined. The first finding is that that during the fuel plate production the metastable γ-UMo phases partly decomposed into two different γ-UMo phases, U2Mo and α'-U in ground powder or α″-U in atomized powder. Alloying small amounts of a third element to the UMo had no measurable effect on the stability of the γ-UMo phase. Second, the addition of some Si inside the Al matrix and the presence of oxide layers in ground and atomized samples is studied. In the case with at least 2 wt%Si inside the matrix a Silicon rich layer (SiRL) forms at the interface between the UMo and the Al during the fuel plate production. The SiRL forms more easily when an Al-Si alloy matrix - which is characterized by Si precipitates with a diameter ⩽1 μm - is used than when an Al-Si mixed powder matrix - which is characterized by Si particles with some μm diameter - is used. The presence of an oxide layer on the surface of the UMo particles hinders the formation of the SiRL. Addition of some Si into the Al matrix [7-11]. Application of a protective barrier at the UMo/Al interface by oxidizing the UMo powder [7,12]. Increase of the Mo content or use of UMo alloys with ternary element addition X (e.g. X = Nb, Ti, Pt) to stabilize the γ-UMo with respect to α-U or to control the UMo-Al interaction layer kinetics [9,12-24]. Use of ground UMo powder instead of atomized UMo powder [10,25] The points 1-3 are to limit the formation of the undesired UMo/Al layer. Especially the addition of Si into the matrix has been suggested [3,7,8,10,11,26,27]. It has been often mentioned that Silicon is efficient in reducing the Uranium-Aluminum diffusion kinetics since Si shows a higher chemical affinity to U than Al to U. Si suppresses the formation of brittle UAl4 which causes a huge swelling during the irradiation. Furthermore it enhances the

  5. Fracture toughness of Ti-Al3Ti-Al-Al3Ti laminate composites under static and cyclic loading conditions (United States)

    Patselov, A. M.; Gladkovskii, S. V.; Lavrikov, R. D.; Kamantsev, I. S.


    The static and cyclic fracture toughnesses of a Ti-Al3Ti-Al-Al3Ti laminate composite material containing at most 15 vol % intermetallic compound are studied. Composite specimens are prepared by terminating reaction sintering of titanium and aluminum foils under pressure. The fracture of the titanium layers is quasi-cleavage during cyclic crack growth and is ductile during subsequent static loading.

  6. Influencia de la relación Ti/N sobre la resistencia a la deformación en caliente y sobre la recristalización estática en aceros estructurales

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    Vega, M. I.


    Full Text Available To obtain a complete dissolution of the nitrides of titanium (TiN is necessary to reach temperatures close to the melting temperature or even higher temperatures corresponding to the liquid state. For this reason, TiN are good controllers of the austenitic grain size. This characteristic is used in structural steels to control the microestructural evolution in the hot rolling and in heat processes like in the welding in the zone affected thermically (ZAT. However, the quantitative influence of TiN particles on the hot deformation strength and on the static recrystallisation, this latter responsible for the microestructural evolution, is practically unknown. In the present work, the influence of different Ti and N compositions on the hot deformation strength have been studied determining the peak stress of the flow curves and the activation energy. The influence on the static recrystallization have been determined by means of the static recrystallisation fraction versus time and with the activation energy. A precipitate study by means of SEM and TEM was done in order to better understand the influence of the Ti/N ratio of the steels.

    Para conseguir una disolución completa de los nitruros de titanio (TiN es necesario alcanzar temperaturas próximas a la temperatura de fusión o incluso temperaturas superiores correspondientes al estado líquido. Esto hace que los TiN sean buenos controladores del tamaño de grano austenítico. Esta característica es aprovechada en los aceros estructurales para controlar la evolución de la microestructura en todo el proceso de laminación en caliente y en procesos de aporte de calor como la soldadura en la zona afectada térmicamente (ZAT. Sin embargo, es prácticamente desconocida la influencia cuantitativa que ejercen dichas partículas sobre la resistencia en caliente y sobre la cinética de la recristalización estática, responsable esta última de la evolución microestructural durante la laminaci

  7. A united refinement technology for commercial pure Al by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma Xiaoguang [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China); Liu Xiangfa [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China)], E-mail:; Ding Haimin [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China)


    Because flake-like TiAl{sub 3} particles in Al-Ti-C master alloys prepared in a melt reaction method dissolve slowly when they are added into Al melt at 720 deg. C, Ti atoms cannot be released rapidly to play the assistant role of grain refinement, leading to a poor refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys. A united refinement technology by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys was put forward in this paper. The rational combination of fine blocky TiAl{sub 3} particles in Al-10Ti and TiC particles in Al-Ti-C can improve the nucleation rate of {alpha}-Al. It not only improves the grain refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys, but also reduces the consumption.

  8. Preparation and microwave-infrared absorption of reduced graphene oxide/Cu-Ni ferrite/Al2O3 composites (United States)

    De-yue, Ma; Xiao-xia, Li; Yu-xiang, Guo; Yu-run, Zeng


    Reduced graphene oxide (RGO)/Cu-Ni ferrite/Al2O3 composite was prepared by solvothermal method, and its properties were characterized by SEM, x-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and FTIR. The electromagnetic parameters in 2-18 GHz and mid-infrared (IR) spectral transmittance of the composite were measured, respectively. The results show that Cu0.7Ni0.3Fe2O4 nanoparticles with an average size of tens nanometers adsorb on surface of RGO, and meanwhile, Al2O3 nanoparticles adhere to the surface of Cu0.7Ni0.3Fe2O4 nanoparticles and RGO. The composite has both dielectric and magnetic loss mechanism. Its reflection loss is lower than -19 dB in 2-18 GHz, and the maximum of -23.2 dB occurs at 15.6 GHz. With the increasing of Al2O3 amount, its reflection loss becomes lower and the maximum moves towards low frequency slightly. Compared with RGO/Cu-Ni ferrite composites, its magnetic loss and reflection loss slightly reduce with the increasing of Al2O3 amount, and the maximum of reflection loss shifts from a low frequency to a high one. However, its broadband IR absorption is significantly enhanced owing to nano-Al2O3. Therefore, RGO/Cu-Ni ferrite/Al2O3 composites can be used as excellent broadband microwave and IR absorbing materials, and maybe have broad application prospect in electromagnetic shielding, IR absorbing and coating materials.

  9. Preparation and characterization of 6-layered functionally graded nickel-alumina (Ni-Al2O3) composites (United States)

    Latiff, M. I. A.; Nuruzzaman, D. M.; Basri, S.; Ismail, N. M.; Jamaludin, S. N. S.; Kamaruzaman, F. F.


    The present research study deals with the preparation of 6-layered functionally graded (FG) metal-ceramic composite materials through powder metallurgy technique. Using a cylindrical die-punch set made of steel, the nickel-alumina (Ni-Al2O3) graded composite structure was fabricated. The samples consist of four gradual inter layers of varied nickel composition (80wt.%, 60wt.%, 40wt.%, 20wt.%) sandwiched with pure Ni and Al2O3 powders at the ends (100wt.% and 0wt.% nickel) were fabricated under 30 ton compaction load using a hydraulic press. After that, two-step sintering was carried out at sintering temperature 1200ºC and soaking time 3 hours was maintained in a tube furnace. The properties of the prepared samples were characterized by radial shrinkage, optical microscopy and hardness testing. Results showed that larger shrinkage occurred within the ceramic phase which proves that more porosities were eliminated in the ceramic rich layers. From the microstructural analysis, it was observed that alumina particles are almost uniformly distributed in nickel matrix, so as nickel particles in the ceramic matrix of alumina-dominant layers. From interfacial analyses, it was observed that a smooth transition in microstructure from one layer to the next confirms a good interfacial solid state bonding between metal-ceramic constituents and good compaction process. On the other hand, microhardness test results suggest that there might be increasing percentage of porosities in the graded structure as the ceramic content rises.

  10. Dense and high-stability Ti2AlN MAX phase coatings prepared by the combined cathodic arc/sputter technique (United States)

    Wang, Zhenyu; Liu, Jingzhou; Wang, Li; Li, Xiaowei; Ke, Peiling; Wang, Aiying


    Ti2AlN belongs to a family of ternary nano-laminate alloys known as the MAX phases, which exhibit a unique combination of metallic and ceramic properties. In the present work, the dense and high-stability Ti2AlN coating has been successfully prepared through the combined cathodic arc/sputter deposition, followed by heat post-treatment. It was found that the as-deposited Ti-Al-N coating behaved a multilayer structure, where (Ti, N)-rich layer and Al-rich layer grew alternately, with a mixed phase constitution of TiN and TiAlx. After annealing at 800 °C under vacuum condition for 1.5 h, although the multilayer structure still was found, part of multilayer interfaces became indistinct and disappeared. In particular, the thickness of the Al-rich layer decreased in contrast to that of as-deposited coating due to the inner diffusion of the Al element. Moreover, the Ti2AlN MAX phase emerged as the major phase in the annealed coatings and its formation mechanism was also discussed in this study. The vacuum thermal analysis indicated that the formed Ti2AlN MAX phase exhibited a high-stability, which was mainly benefited from the large thickness and the dense structure. This advanced technique based on the combined cathodic arc/sputter method could be extended to deposit other MAX phase coatings with tailored high performance like good thermal stability, high corrosion and oxidation resistance etc. for the next protective coating materials.

  11. Aplicabilidad de un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente como material protector del acero de refuerzo

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    Robinson de Jesús Torres Gómez, William A. Aperador Ch., Enrique Vera López,Rubi Mejía de Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados del análisis electroquímico de las  barras  de  acero  embebidas  en  un  concreto  no convencional usado internacionalmente para reparación de estructuras. Este concreto utiliza materiales de desecho de otros procesos; en este caso específico se empleó escoria siderúrgica de  la empresa Acerías Paz del Río S.A. Se estudio el comportamiento frente a la corrosión generada por  los iones cloruro, con el uso de la técnica de resistencia lineal a la polarización LPR y pulso galvanostático GPT. Simultáneamente, se compararon los resultados con otras probetas  fabricadas  con  cemento  Portland  tipo  I.  Se realizaron mediciones con  intervalos de veinte días durante nueve  meses  y  finalmente  se  establecieron  las características protectoras del concreto.

  12. Efecto de la imidazolina [IM-NH17] en el proceso de corrosión del acero api5l-x52 en salmueras acidificadas


    Reynaud-Morales, A.G.; Casales-Díaz, M.; Chacón-Nava, J.G.; Martínez-Gómez, L.; Martínez-Villafañe, A.; González-Rodríguez, J.G.


    Se estudia la eficiencia de inhibición del compuesto Imidazolina Aminoetil Oleica [IM-NH17]) en la corrosión de un acero API5L-X52 en tres soluciones de salmuera acidificada a pH 3 a una temperatura de 50°C, empleando pruebas de polarización potenciodinámica y mediciones de resistencia de polarización. Bajo las condiciones de prueba, los resultados de curvas de polarización indicaron que el inhibidor se comporta como un inhibidor de tipo mixto. Los resultados de resistencia de polarización li...

  13. Effect of Preparation Methods on Al2O3 Supported CuO-CeO2-ZrO2 Catalysts for CO Oxidation

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    Gaurav Rattan


    Full Text Available To examine the effect of preparation methods, four catalyst samples having same composition (CuCe5.17Zr3.83Ox/g-Al2O3 (15wt% were prepared by four different methods for CO oxidation. The catalysts were prepared by co-impregnation, citric acid sol-gel, urea nitrate combustion and urea gelation co-precipitation methods, and characterized by BET, XRD, TGA/DSC and SEM. The The air oxidation of CO was carried out in a tubular fixed bed reactor under the following operating conditions: catalyst weight - 100 mg, temperature - ambient to 250 oC, pressure - atmospheric, 2.5% CO in air, total feed rate - 60 ml/min.  It was observed that the catalytic activity greatly influenced by the preparation methods. The highest activity of the catalyst prepared by the sol gel method appeared to be associated with its largest BET surface area. All the four catalysts were active for CO oxidation and did not show deactivation of catalytic activity for 50 hours of continuous runs. The ranking order of the preparation methods of the catalyst is as follows: sol-gel > co-impregnation > urea gelation > urea nitrate combustion. Copyright © 2012 by BCREC UNDIP. All rights reservedReceived: 14th June 2012, Revised: 8th September 2012, Accepted: 19th September 2012[How to Cite: G. Rattan, R. Prasad, R.C.Katyal. (2012. Effect of Preparation Methods on Al2O3 Supported CuO-CeO2-ZrO2 Catalysts for CO Oxidation. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 7(2: 112-123. doi:10.9767/bcrec.7.2.3646.112-123] [How to Link / DOI: ] | View in 

  14. Efectos gammágenos del cobre en los aceros inoxidables 18Cr8Ni

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    Botella, J.


    Full Text Available From a series of 22 typical 18Cr8Ni stainless steel 40 kg ingots, with copper variable concentrations from 0.6 to 3.0 weight %, δ-ferrite is measured with a ferrite-meter device, calculating a nickel equivalent of 0.27 for copper. Some differences between the 8-ferrite and that on calculated by DeLong -excluding the copper γ-gene action- have been found because of different solidification and cooling regimes in ingot and weld cases.

    A partir de una serie de 22 lingotes de 40 kg de aceros inoxidables típicos 18Cr8Ni, con concentraciones variables de cobre entre 0,6 y 3,0 % en masa, se mide la ferrita δ mediante un medidor de ferrita y se deduce para el cobre un equivalente en níquel de 0,27, a la vez que se establecen ciertas diferencias entre los contenidos de ferrita δ medida y la deducida según DeLong -excluida la acción gammágena del cobre- por el hecho de solidificar en lingotes en vez de la típica solidificación de soldaduras.

  15. Compact Process for the Preparation of Microfine Spherical High-Niobium-Containing TiAl Alloy Powders (United States)

    Tong, J. B.; Lu, X.; Liu, C. C.; Wang, L. N.; Qu, X. H.


    High-Nb-containing TiAl alloys are a new generation of materials for high-temperature structural applications because of their superior high-temperature mechanical properties. The alloy powders can be widely used for additive manufacturing, thermal spraying, and powder metallurgy. Because of the difficulty of making microfine spherical alloy powders in quantity by conventional techniques, a compact method was proposed, which consisted of two-step ball milling of elemental powders and subsequent radio frequency (RF) argon plasma spheroidization. In comparison with conventional mechanical alloying techniques, the two-step milling process can be used to prepare alloy powders with uniform scale in a short milling time with no addition of process control agent. This makes the process effective and less contaminating. After RF argon plasma spheroidization, the powders produced exhibit good sphericity, and the number-average diameter is about 8.2 μm with a symmetric unimodal particle size distribution. The powders perform high composition homogeneity and contain predominately supersaturated α 2-Ti3Al phase. The oxygen and carbon contents of the spheroidized powder are 0.47% and 0.050%, respectively.

  16. Mechano-hydrothermal preparation of Li-Al-OH layered double hydroxides (United States)

    Zhang, Fengrong; Hou, Wanguo


    A mechano-hydrothermal (MHT) method was used to synthesize Li-Al-OH layered double hydroxides (LDHs) from LiOH·H2O, Al(OH)3 and H2O as starting materials. A two-step synthesis was conducted, that is, Al(OH)3 was milled for 1 h, followed by hydrothermal treatment with LiOH·H2O solution. Effects of the LiOH/Al(OH)3 molar ratio (RLi/Al) and hydrothermal temperature (Tht) on the crystallinity, morphology, and composition of the product were examined. The resulting LDHs were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared, and elemental analyses. The results showed that pre-milling plays a key role in the LDH formation during subsequent hydrothermal treatment. The Li/Al molar ratio of the obtained LDHs keeps constant at 0.5, independent from theRLi/Al (0.5-5.0) in the starting materials. An increase in the Tht (20-80 °C) can enhance the crystallinity and morphology regularity of the products. The so-obtained Li-Al-OH LDHs exhibit high crystallinity and well-dispersity, which may have wider applications than the aggregate ones obtained using conventional mechanochemical and Li+-imbibition methods.

  17. A study on preparation and hydriding of β-Mg2Al3 and γ-Mg17Al12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadi Suwarno


    The mechanism of the synthetic formation of β-Mg 2 Al 3 and γ-Mg 17 Al 12 has been studied. Mechanical alloying of Mg and Al powders with the atomic ratio of Mg:Al = 2:3 in toluene solution yields β-Mg 2 Al 3 compound after milling for 30 h. The γ-Mg 17 Al 12 can be formed by heating the β-Mg 2 Al 3 at 430°C under high vacuum. The measured hydrogen capacities of β-Mg 2 Al 3 and γ-Mg 17 Al 12 as hydride at 300°C are 3.2 and 4.9 wt%, respectively. Microstructure of the Mg-Al specimen shows that on hydriding at 300°C the polygonal shape of the γ-Mg 17 Al 12 changes into irregular shapes which are composed of γ-MgH 2 and Al. (author)

  18. A review of ordering phenomena in iron-silicon alloys

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    González, F.


    Full Text Available Silicon steel is an industrially-desired alloy of iron and silicon, characterised by soft magnetic properties, low eddy-current losses, and low magnetostriction. Silicon steels have narrow hysteresis cycles, making them particularly advantageous in applications using electromagnetic fields, such as transformers, generators, electric motor cores, and few other components in industry. Despite its incontestable industrial value, there is not much agreement on the atomic structure of silicon steel. Gaining better understanding of e.g. ordering processes in Fe-Si alloys could not only explain their magnetic properties, but also open opportunities to reduce their weaker characteristics, such as brittleness that adversely affects silicon steel workability and its associated high production costs. This review summarises the state-of-the-art knowledge about ordering in silicon steel and describes the most relevant experimental techniques used for studying its microstructure. In addition, the process of building the iron rich part of the Fe-Si phase diagram is explained. Lastly, the influence of order on the alloy’s magnetic and mechanical properties is illustrated.El acero al silicio es una aleación de importancia industrial, caracterizada por propiedades magnéticas blandas, bajas pérdidas por corrientes de Foucault y baja magnetostricción. Los aceros al silicio tienen ciclo de histéresis estrecho, lo que es una ventaja en aplicaciones con campos electromagnéticos, como transformadores, generadores, núcleos de motores eléctricos y otros componentes industriales. A pesar de su incomparable valor industrial, no hay convenio sobre la estructura atómica del acero al silicio. Obtener mayor conocimiento sobre los procesos de orden no sólo podría explicar las propiedades magnéticas sino que también podría abrir vías para la reducción de sus características más débiles, como su fragilidad, la cual afecta negativamente a la fabricación del

  19. Preparation of alumina-chromium composites by reactive hot-pressing Al + Cr2O3 based powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osso, D.; Mocellin, A.; Caer, G. le; Pianelli, A.


    Chromium-Alumina based composites have been obtained by reactive sintering under load and vacuum of various powder blends. The starting mixtures have been prepared from commercially available aluminium metal, chromium and aluminium oxides, and a thermally unstable titanium compound respectively. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential calorimetry (DSC) as well as X-ray diffraction were used to identify chemical transformations taking place within the system. Microstructure changes were observed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with an energy dispersive spectroscopy system (EDS). Chemical reactions in relevant binary subsystems have been investigated qualitatively in order to understand the course of events in the more complex quaternary mixtures. The possibilities of forming intermetallic phases in both the Al-Ti and Cr-Ti systems and of dissolving some Cr 2 O 3 into the product Al 2 O 3 phase have been considered. The influence of such parameters as thermal schedule and initial aluminium content on those side reactions and the resulting microstructures was investigated. (orig.)

  20. Nanosized spinel oxide catalysts for CO-oxidation prepared via CoMnMgAl quaternary hydrotalcite route

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mokhtar, M., E-mail: [Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, 21589 Jeddah, P.O. Box 80203 (Saudi Arabia); Basahel, S.N.; Al-Angary, Y.O. [Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, 21589 Jeddah, P.O. Box 80203 (Saudi Arabia)


    Catalytic activity of the Co-Mn-Mg-Al mixed oxide spinel catalysts was examined in CO oxidation by O{sub 2}. The prepared catalysts were characterized by chemical analysis (ICP), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermal analysis (TG, DTG), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area measurements, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The calcined hydrotalcite-like precursor was composed of spinel-like Co-Mn-Mg-Al mixed oxide as the only XRD crystalline phases. The nanosized spinel oxide catalysts produced by calcination of hydrotalcites showed higher S{sub BET} than CoMn-hydrotalcite samples as calcination led to dehydroxylation and carbonate decomposition of anions in interlayer spaces. All the catalysts showed 100% CO conversion at high temperature even those calcined at 800 {sup o}C. A catalyst with Co/Mn = 4 and calcined at 500 {sup o}C showed 100% CO conversion at 160 {sup o}C. Moreover, this catalyst exhibited quite good durability without deactivation in 60 h stability test.

  1. Separación selectiva de hierro y cromo de las lejías agotadas del decapado de acero inoxidable

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    Gálvez, J. L.


    Full Text Available Stainless steel spent pickling baths are very complex solutions of metals and acids (HNO3 and HF and are a very important environmental concern. Several processes have been developed for acid recovery (free and bounded acid with techniques like acid retardation, solvent extraction, evaporation and dialysis diffusion. In these processes, metallic content is precipitated and treated for its disposal. We have developed a process that permits the separation of metals by means of a selective precipitation, induced by adding free fluoride. Iron (Fe and chromium (Cr precipitate as pentafluorides and nitrogennickel (Ni remains in solution. After this stage, complex fluorides can be hydrolized with alkali to give iron and chromium hydroxides, releasing fluoride in solution

    Los baños ácidos agotados del decapado de acero inoxidable son disoluciones muy complejas debido al alto contenido de metales y ácidos (HNO3 y HF, por lo que constituyen un grave problema medioambiental. Existen tratamientos comerciales para la recuperación del ácido (libre o complejado que se basan en técnicas de retardo ácido, extracción con disolventes, evaporación o membranas. En estos procesos el contenido metálico es precipitado y tratado como un residuo. El grupo de investigación formado por los autores del presente trabajo ha desarrollado un procedimiento que permite el aprovechamiento de dichos metales mediante su recuperación selectiva con una técnica de precipitación modificada inducida por fluoruro libre. Se consigue la precipitación de hierro (Fe y cromo (Cr como pentafluoruros (pH 3-4,5 dejando el níquel en disolución. Posteriormente, los fluoruros complejos son hidrolizados con álcali dando lugar a hidróxidos de hierro y cromo, mientras que el fluoruro es redisuelto.

  2. Preparation and enhanced properties of polyaniline/grafted intercalated ZnAl-LDH nanocomposites (United States)

    Hu, Jinlong; Gan, Mengyu; Ma, Li; Zhang, Jun; Xie, Shuang; Xu, Fenfang; Shen, JiYue Zheng Xiaoyu; Yin, Hui


    The polymeric nanocomposites (PANI/AD-LDH) were prepared by in situ polymerization based on polyaniline (PANI) and decavanadate-intercalated and γ-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTS)-grafted ZnAl-layered double hydroxide (AD-LDH). FTIR and XRD studies confirm the grafting of APTS with decavanadate-intercalated LDH (D-LDH). The extent of grafting (wt%) has also been estimated on the basis of the residue left in nitrogen atmosphere at 800 °C in TGA. SEM and XPS studies show the partial exfoliation of grafted LDH in the PANI matrix and the interfacial interaction between PANI and grafted LDH, respectively. The grafted intercalated layered double hydroxide in reinforcing the properties of the PANI nanocomposites has also been investigated by open circuit potential (OCP), tafel polarization curves (TAF), electrochemical impendence spectroscopy (EIS), salt spray test and TGA-DTA. The experimental results indicate that the PANI/AD-LDH has a higher thermal stability and anticorrosion properties relative to the PANI.

  3. Reproducing crucible steel: a practical guide and a comparative analysis to persian manuscripts

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    Moshtagh Khorasani, Manouchehr


    Full Text Available Different terms are used in old Persian manuscripts, such as Ta’id Besârat, to define and refer to crucible or watered steel and different types of swords. However, there are few manuscripts that describe the way crucible steel cakes and blades were made such as the manuscript Gŏharnâme. The present article deals with the making of crucible steel as described in Persian manuscripts and also with a new reproduction process of making crucible steel as conducted by the Finnish smith Niko Hynninen.Los antiguos manuscritos persas, tales como Ta’id Besârat, emplean diversos términos para definir y referirse al acero de crisol o acero de Damasco y a diversos tipos de espada. Sin embargo, existen pocos manuscritos que describan el modo en que se elaboraban los lingotes y hojas de acero de crisol, entre ellos el manuscrito Gŏharnâme. El presente artículo describe el proceso de elaboración del acero de crisol tal y como lo refieren los manuscritos persas, así como una moderna reproducción del mismo realizada por el forjador finlandés Niko Hynninen.

  4. Microstructure and magnetism of Co2FeAl Heusler alloy prepared by arc and induction melting compared with planar flow casting (United States)

    Titov, A.; Jiraskova, Y.; Zivotsky, O.; Bursik, J.; Janickovic, D.


    This paper is devoted to investigations of the structural and magnetic properties of the Co2FeAl Heusler alloy produced by three technologies. The alloys prepared by arc and induction melting have resulted in coarse-grained samples in contrast to the fine-grained ribbon-type sample prepared by planar flow casting. Scanning electron microscopy completed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetic methods sensitive to both bulk and surface were applied. The chemical composition was slightly different from the nominal only for the ribbon sample. From the viewpoint of magnetic properties, the bulk coercivity and remnant magnetization have followed the structure influenced by the technology used. Saturation magnetization was practically the same for samples prepared by arc and induction melting, whereas the magnetization of ribbon is slightly lower due to a higher Al content at the expense of iron and cobalt. The surface magnetic properties were markedly influenced by anisotropy, grain size, and surface roughness of the samples. The surface roughness and brittleness of the ribbon-type sample did not make domain structure observation possible. The other two samples could be well polished and their highly smooth surface has enabled domain structure visualization by both magneto-optical Kerr microscopy and magnetic force microscopy.

  5. Preparation and Lithium-Storage Performance of a Novel Hierarchical Porous Carbon from Sucrose Using Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides as Template

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Liluo; Chen, Yaxin; Song, Huaihe; Li, Ang; Chen, Xiaohong; Zhou, Jisheng; Ma, Zhaokun


    Highlights: • A new hierarchical porous carbon containing slit-shaped mesopores and 3D carbon nanosheets were prepared using Mg-Al layered double hydroxides as template. • The hierarchical porous carbon electrode showed a high capacity and excellent cycle stability when used in lithium-ion battery. • The excellent performance is ascribed to its hierarchical porous structure, especially the mesoporous struture. - Abstract: Novel hierarchical porous carbons (NHPCs) containing 3D carbon nanosheets and slit-mesopores are prepared in this work, using MgAl-layered double hydroxides as template and sucrose as carbon source, and their electrochemical performances as anodes of lithium-ion batteries are also investigated. Owing to the existence of abundant carbon nanosheets and slit-mesopores, the NHPCs electrode exhibits the specific reversible capacity of 1151.9 mA h/g at the current density of 50 mA/g, which is significantly higher than other hierarchical porous carbons reported in previous literatures. The contributions of carbon nanosheets and mesopores to the electrochemical performance are further clarified by nitrogen adsorption-desorption test, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammograms and galvanostatic charge/discharge test. This work not only provides an easy and effective method to prepare hierarchical porous carbon materials, but also is beneficial for the design of high-performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries.

  6. Preparation of Cu/La{sub 2}O{sub 3}-ZrO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst and its catalytic properties for selective reduction of NO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xi-kun Guo; Ping-ping Xie; Shu-dong Lin [Shantou University, Shantou (China). Department of Chemistry


    An La{sub 2}O{sub 3}-ZrO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composite support was prepared by co-precipitation with the mixed aqueous solution of La(NO{sub 3}{sub 3}, Al(NO{sub 3){sub 3}, and ZrOCl{sub 2} dropping into the precipitant of (NH{sub 4})2CO{sub 3} aqueous solution. The Cu/La{sub 2}O{sub 3}-ZrO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst was prepared by the impregnation of La{sub 2}O{sub 3}-ZrO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} with active component Cu{sup 2+} aqueous solution. The effects of the catalyst on the selective catalytic reduction of NO with propylene in excess oxygen were investigated. The relationships between the preparation method, structure and properties of the Cu/La{sub 2}O{sub 3}-ZrO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst were also explored by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area measurements (BET), pyridine absorption infrared spectrum (Py-IR), thermal gravimetry (TG), and temperature-programmed reduction (TPR). The results indicate that the support {gamma}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} prepared by Al(NO{sub 3})3 dropping into (NH{sub 4}{sub 2} CO{sub 3} can remarkably enlarge the surface area; the addition of La{sub 2}O{sub 3} contributes mainly to the enhancement of the thermal stability; and the introduction of ZrO{sub 2} can increase the amount of Lewis and Broenstead acid. Consequently, the catalyst Cu/La{sub 2}O{sub 3}-ZrO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} has excellent activity for the selective reduction of NO with propylene in excess oxygen. NO conversion is up to 88.9% at 300{sup o}C and 81.9% even at the presence of 10% volume fraction of water vapor. 15 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.

  7. Preparation of nanocomposite γ-Al2O3/polyethylene separator crosslinked by electron beam irradiation for lithium secondary battery (United States)

    Nho, Young-Chang; Sohn, Joon-Yong; Shin, Junhwa; Park, Jong-Seok; Lim, Yoon-Mook; Kang, Phil-Hyun


    Although micro-porous membranes made of polyethylene (PE) offer excellent mechanical strength and chemical stability, they exhibit large thermal shrinkage at high temperature, which causes a short circuit between positive and negative electrodes in cases of unusual heat generation. We tried to develop a new technology to reduce the thermal shrinkage of PE separators by introducing γ-Al2O3 particles treated with coupling agent on PE separators. Nanocomposite γ-Al2O3/PE separators were prepared by the dip coating of polyethylene(PE) separators in γ-Al2O3/poly(vinylidenefluoride-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP)/crosslinker (1,3,5-trially-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1 H,3 H,5 H)-trione (TTT) solution with humidity control followed by electron beam irradiation. γ-Al2O3/PVDF-HFP/TTT (95/5/2)-coated PE separator showed the highest electrolyte uptake (157%) and ionic conductivity (1.3 mS/cm). On the basis of the thermal shrinkage test, the nanocomposite γ-Al2O3/PE separators containing TTT irradiated by electron beam exhibited a higher thermal resistance. Moreover, a linear sweep voltammetry test showed that the irradiated nanocomposite γ-Al2O3/PE separators have electrochemical stabilities of up to 5.0 V. In a battery performance test, the coin cell assembled with γ-Al2O3/PVDF-HFP/TTT-coated PE separator showed excellent discharge cycle performance.

  8. Preparation of Al-Ti-B grain refiner by SHS technology[Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nikitin, V.I.; Wanqi, J.I.E.; Kandalova, E.G.; Makarenko, A.G.; Yong, L.


    Since the discovery of the grain refinement effect of aluminum by titanium, especially with the existence of B or C in 1950, grain refiners are widely accepted in industry for microstructure control of aluminum alloys. Research on this topic is to obtain the highest grain refinement efficiency with the lowest possible addition of master alloy. It is widely accepted that the morphology and size of TiAl{sub 3} particles, which are known as heterogeneous nucleation centers, are important factors deterring the grain refinement efficiency. Fine TiAl{sub 3} particles are favorable. The grain refinement process shows a heredity phenomenon, which means that structural information from initial materials transfers through a melt to the final product. It is important to find the connection between microstructural parameters of the master alloy and the final product. To improve the quality of Al-Ti-B master alloys for the use as a grain refiner, a new method based on SHS (self-propagating high-temperature synthesis) technology has been developed in Samara State Technical University to produce the master alloys. SHS, as a new method for preparation of materials, was first utilized by Merzhanov in 1967. This method uses the energy from highly exothermic reactions to sustain the chemical reaction in a combustion wave. The advantages of SHS include simplicity, low energy requirement, and higher product purity. Because SHS reactions can take place between elemental reactants, it is easy to control product composition. The purposes of this investigation were to fabricate an SHS Al-5%Ti-1%B master alloy, to analyze its structure and to test its grain refining performance.

  9. Correlaciones entre la microestructura y la atenuación sonora en un acero inoxidable martensítico

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    Daniel Ramírez C.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se exploró la relación entre la microestructura de un acero inoxidable martensítico y las variaciones en el sonido producido por un instrumento metalófono construido con dicho material. Para lograr este propósito, se hicieron copias de una de las placas de un glockenspiel y éstas fueron sometidas a diferentes tratamientos térmicos. Se construyeron montajes que permitieron producir sonidos mediante la excitación por percusión o electromagnética de las placas y se desarrollaron procedimientos para el análisis de las señales adquiridas usando programas de que permitían un análisis automático de la información. A partir de los resultados fue posible establecer correlaciones entre la microestructura obtenida con los diferentes tratamientos térmicos y características de los sonidos tales como la envolvente de atenuación y frecuencias predominantes.

  10. Oxidación a alta temperatura de un acero ASTM A335 P92 en contacto con una mezcla de sales de


    Jessica Rodríguez Pérez; Eduardo Santos Sánchez; Darío Yesid Peña Ballesteros; Anderson Sandoval Amador; Hugo Armando Estupiñán Durán


    En esta investigación se evaluó la oxidación del acero ASTM A335 P92 en una mezcla de sales 40% K2SO4 - 60% NaCl a temperaturas de 500ºC a 700ºC, a intervalos de 50°C con tiempos de exposición de 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 y 150 horas, utilizando la norma estandarizada por la Federación Europea de Corrosión. Se realizó análisis metalográfico y de dureza antes y después del ensayo para identificar el posible cambio estructural; se realizan pruebas de difracción de rayos X (DRX), microscopía electrónica...

  11. Estudio experimental del comportamiento a compresión de hormigones autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de acero = Experimental study of performance self-compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers

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    J. L. Sánchez


    Full Text Available El hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero presenta simultáneamente las ventajas de los hormigones autocompactantes y de los reforzados con fibras. Se consigue un material de altas prestaciones en cuanto a su colocación en obra, tenacidad y ductilidad. En este trabajo se ha estudiado el comportamiento mecánico de un hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero. Se han realizado ensayos a compresión a distintas edades, así como ensayos no destructivos (medida de la velocidad de ultrasonidos e índice esclerométrico. Los resultados muestran la variación de la respuesta del hormigón con el tiempo, la diferencia existente con los hormigones tradicionales y la viabilidad del empleo de técnicas no destructivas para el control de este tipo de hormigones.Abstract Self-compacting steel fibers reinforced concrete simultaneously has the advantages of self-compacting concrete and reinforced with fibers. A material of high performance in their laying on site, toughness and ductility is achieved. This paper has studied the mechanical behavior of a self-compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers. Have been made compression tests, as well as non-destructive testing (measuring the speed of ultrasound and sclerometer test. The results show the variation of the response of concrete with time, the difference with the traditional concrete and the feasibility of using non-destructive techniques for controlling this type of concrete.

  12. Microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-Mg/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite prepared by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Safari, J., E-mail: [Department of Material Science and Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Akbari, G.H. [Department of Material Science and Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Research Center for Mineral Industries, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Shahbazkhan, A. [Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Saveh (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Delshad Chermahini, M. [Materials and Energy Research Center, Karaj (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: > The presence of Mg has remarkable effects on crystallite size and lattice strain. > The solution of Mg in the Al matrix accelerates the mechanical milling stages. > The microhardness increased in the presence of Mg. > The presence of Mg has significant effect on lattice parameter. > Steady-state situation was occurred in presence of Mg. - Abstract: The effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al and Al-10 wt.% Mg matrix nanocomposites reinforced with 5 wt.% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} during mechanical alloying was investigated. Steady-state situation was occurred in Al-10Mg/5Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite after 20 h, due to solution of Mg into Al matrix, while the situation was not observed in Al/5Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite at the same time. For the binary Al-Mg matrix, after 10 h, the predominant phase was an Al-Mg solid solution with an average crystallite size 34 nm. Up to 10 h, the lattice strain increased to about 0.4 and 0.66% for Al and Al-Mg matrix, respectively. The increasing of lattice parameter due to dissolution of Mg atom into Al lattice during milling was significant. By milling for 10 h the dramatic increase in microhardness (155 HV) for Al-Mg matrix nanocomposite was caused by grain refinement and solid solution formation. From 10 to 20 h, slower rate of increasing in microhardness may be attributed to the completion of alloying process, and dynamic and static recovery of powders.

  13. Preparation and characterization of carbonate terminated polycrystalline Al2O3/Al films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tornow, C.; Noeske, P.-L.M.; Dieckhoff, S.; Wilken, R.; Gaertner, K.


    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was applied to investigate the surface reactivity of polycrystalline Al films in contact with a gas mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen at room temperature. Based on the characterization of interactions between these substrates and the individual gases at selected exposures, various surface functionalities were identified. Simultaneously dosing both carbon dioxide and oxygen is shown to create surface-terminating carbonate species, which contribute to inhibiting the formation of an Al 2 O 3 layer. Finally, a reaction scheme is suggested to account for the observed dependence of surface group formation on the dosing conditions

  14. Synthesis and characterization of MoS2/Ti composite coatings on Ti6Al4V prepared by laser cladding (United States)

    Yang, Rongjuan; Liu, Zongde; Wang, Yongtian; Yang, Guang; Li, Hongchuan


    The MoS2/Ti composite coating with sub-micron grade structure has been prepared on Ti6Al4V by laser method under argon protection. The morphology, microstructure, microhardness and friction coefficient of the coating were examined. The results indicated that the molybdenum disulfide was decomposed during melting and resolidification. The phase organization of composite coating mainly consisted of ternary element sulfides, molybdenum sulfides and titanium sulfides. The friction coefficient of and the surface roughness the MoS2/Ti coating were lower than those of Ti6Al4V. The composite coating exhibits excellent adhesion to the substrates, less surface roughness, good wear resistance and harder surface.

  15. Microstructure evolution during annealing of TiAl/NiCoCrAl multilayer composite prepared by EB-PVD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Rubing, E-mail: [Department of Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 (China); Zhang, Deming [Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Beijing 100044 (China); Chen, Guiqing [Center for Composite Materials, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 (China); Wang, Yuesheng [Department of Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 (China)


    TiAl/NiCoCrAl laminate composite sheet with a thickness of 0.4–0.6 mm as well as a dimension of 150 mm × 100 mm was fabricated successfully by using electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) method. The annealing treatment was processed at 1123 and 1323 K for 3 h in a high vacuum atmosphere, respectively. The phase composition and microstructure of TiAl/NiCoCrAl microlaminated sheet have been analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Based on the sheet characterization and results of the microstructure evolution during annealing treatment process, the diffusion mechanism of interfacial reaction in TiAl/NiCoCrAl microlaminate was investigated and discussed.

  16. A comparison of tensile, fracture and fatigue mechanical behaviour of structural reinforcing bars made with different steels

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    Rodríguez, C.


    Full Text Available The use of austenitic stainless steels as rebar is an option increasingly used in reinforced concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments and especially those that have to work in marine environments. The same is true for duplex stainless steel rebars, although nowadays they have a lower use, mainly due to the fact that their inclusion in the reinforced concrete standards was delayed 10 years compared to austenitic stainless steel ones, and consequently their in-service behavior is not as well known. A study of the mechanical properties, including fracture toughness, fatigue behaviour and corrosion resistance in saline alkaline environments of austenitic (AISI 304LN and 316LN and duplex (D2205 stainless steel reinforcing bars was performed in this work. Bars made on a high ductility carbon steel (B500SD that are normally used to reinforce concrete were also characterized and used as a comparison. Stainless steel reinforcing bars show mechanical properties at least similar but usually higher than one of the best carbon steel re-bars (B500SD, along with a significantly higher ductility and, of course, much better corrosion behaviour in saline alkaline environments.El uso de aceros inoxidables austeníticos como armaduras de refuerzo es una opción cada vez más utilizada en estructuras de hormigón armado expuestas a ambientes agresivos y especialmente en las que han de trabajar en ambientes marinos. Lo mismo cabe decir de las armaduras de acero inoxidable dúplex, si bien su uso es menor, debido sobre todo a que su inclusión en la normativa aplicable al armado de hormigón se retrasó 10 años con respecto a los inoxidables austeníticos y, consecuentemente, su comportamiento en servicio es menos conocido. En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento mecánico, incluyendo fractura y fatiga, así como la resistencia a la corrosión en medios que simulan un hormigón contaminado de cloruros, de armaduras fabricadas tanto con

  17. Caracterización y propiedades mecánicas a alta temperatura de un acero inoxidable dúplex

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    Jiménez, J. A.


    Full Text Available The microstructure and mechanical behavior at high temperature of a thermomechanical processed duplex stainless steel have been studied. Recrystalization of the material takes place during heating to test temperature, and a microstructure consisting of islands of austenitic grains of about 10-15 μm in size included in a more or less continuous matrix of ferrite is observed. Tensile tests at temperatures above 1,000°C and at low strain rates show a stress exponent of about 2 and elongations to failure up to 290 %. These values suggest that deformation is controlled by a grain boundary sliding mechanism, which causes a decrease in the size of the islands during deformation. Finally, an activation energy for plastic deformation of 167 kJ/mol was observed that was related to the activation energy for grain boundary diffusion of iron.

    Se ha estudiado la microestructura y el comportamiento mecánico a alta temperatura de un acero inoxidable dúplex procesado termomecánicamente. Durante el calentamiento a la temperatura de ensayo, el material recristaliza y se obtiene una microestructura de granos austeníticos de tamaños comprendidos entre 10 y 15 μm agrupados en islas incluidas en una matriz más o menos continua de ferrita. Ensayos de tracción a temperaturas superiores a 1.000°C y bajas velocidades de deformación muestran un exponente de la tensión igual a 2 y alargamientos a rotura de hasta 290 %. Estos valores permiten asociar el mecanismo de deformación al deslizamiento de fronteras de grano, el cual determina la desaparición progresiva de las islas de granos austeníticos durante la deformación. Finalmente, se encontró un valor de 167 kJ/mol para la energía de activación de la deformación plástica, la cual se relacionó con la energía de autodifusión del hierro a lo largo de las fronteras de grano.

  18. Preparation of Mg/Al-LDHs intercalated with dodecanoic acid and investigation of its antiwear ability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Dong; Bai, Zhimin; Zhao, Fuyan


    Graphical abstract: Comparable studies of nano Mg/Al-LDHs powder on the anti-wear properties of lubricating oil were carried out on four-ball and gear testing machine. Mg/Al-NO 3 − -LDHs and Mg/Al-DA-LDHs powder in base oil possess an excellent friction-reducing property, with a friction coefficient at 23.9% and 22.2% which are lower than that of the base oil Highlights: ► We synthesized nano Mg/Al-NO 3 − (DA)-LDHs via coprecipitation and anion exchange. ► The optimal exchanging condition is as follows: water dispersion and pH value of 5. ► The tribological properties of LDHs were studied on four-ball and gear machine. ► We reported nano LHDs as anti-wear materials in lubricates for the first time. ► The greatest decline in friction coefficient of lubricates with LDHs is up to 23.9%. -- Abstract: Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) intercalated with dodecanoic acid have been prepared by anion exchange with Mg/Al-NO 3 − -LDHs as the precursor under acid condition with water and ethanol as the dispersion medium. The obtained materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyser (TG–DTA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and BET. Patterns of XRD and FTIR show that interlayer nitrate ions have substituted with dodecanoic acid and the gallery height has increased from 0.88 nm to 1.99 nm. The interlayer distance of the intercalated materials increases with the increase of pH value due to the different arrangement of interlayer anions. The tribological performance of LDHs precursor and intercalated LDHs in base oil were studied for the first time by using four-ball wear machine and gear testing machine. Experimental results show that the LDHs precursor and intercalated LDHs powder are excellent in friction-reducing, with decreases in friction coefficient by 23.9% and 22.2% respectively comparing with base oil.

  19. AlN/Al dual protective coatings on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Jinlong; Mao Shoudong; Sun Kefei [Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Li Xiaomin [Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Song Zhenlun [Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China)], E-mail:


    AlN/Al dual protective coatings were prepared on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering in a home-made industrial apparatus. Comparing with Al coating, AlN/Al coatings have a denser structure of an outmost AlN amorphous layer following an inner Al columnar crystal layer. The coatings and NdFeB substrate combine well, and moreover, there is occurrence of metallurgy bonding in the interface layer. Both Al and AlN/Al coatings have a good protective ability to NdFeB. Especially, the corrosion resistance of AlN/Al coated NdFeB is improved largely. AlN/Al and Al protective coatings not only do not deteriorate the magnetic properties of NdFeB, but contribute to their slight increase.

  20. AlN/Al dual protective coatings on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jinlong; Mao Shoudong; Sun Kefei; Li Xiaomin; Song Zhenlun


    AlN/Al dual protective coatings were prepared on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering in a home-made industrial apparatus. Comparing with Al coating, AlN/Al coatings have a denser structure of an outmost AlN amorphous layer following an inner Al columnar crystal layer. The coatings and NdFeB substrate combine well, and moreover, there is occurrence of metallurgy bonding in the interface layer. Both Al and AlN/Al coatings have a good protective ability to NdFeB. Especially, the corrosion resistance of AlN/Al coated NdFeB is improved largely. AlN/Al and Al protective coatings not only do not deteriorate the magnetic properties of NdFeB, but contribute to their slight increase.


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    Hasanudin Hasanudin


    Full Text Available It has been prepared Co, Mo and Co/Mo-Al2O3-pillared montmorillonite catalysts using montmorillonite clay  as raw material. The structure and porosity of the catalysts were determined using N2 adsorption-desorption and FT-IR spectroscopy analysis methods. Isopropyl benzene cracking using these catalysts were used to test the catalytic activity and performance of Co, Mo and Co/Mo-Al2O3-pillared montmorillonites.  Characterization results showed that pillarization resulted in the increase of the total pore volume and specific surface area of the clay. Meanwhile, transition metals (Co, Mo and Co/Mo loaded on Al2O3-pillared monmorillonites could increase the catalytic activity of the catalysts for isopropyl benzene cracking significantly.   Keywords: pillared monmorillonite, isopropyl benzene  and cracking catalyst

  2. Structural and magnetic properties of Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40} alloys prepared by means of a magnetic mill

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernal-Correa, R. [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia); Rosales-Rivera, A., E-mail: [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia); Pineda-Gomez, P. [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia); Universidad de Caldas, Manizales (Colombia); Salazar, N.A. [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia)


    A study on synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization of Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40} (at.%) alloys prepared by means of mechanical alloying process is presented. The mechanical alloying was performed using a milling device with magnetically controlled ball movement (Uni-Ball-Mill 5 equipment) at several milling times. The characterization was carried out via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The effects of milling time on the structural state, morphological evolution and magnetic behaviour of the Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40} (at.%) alloys are discussed. Besides, in this current study we emphasize the result that indicating a ferro-para-ferromagnetic transition from a correlation between X-ray diffraction and magnetization data.

  3. A photochemical proposal for the preparation of ZnAl{sub 2}O{sub 4} and MgAl{sub 2}O{sub 4} thin films from β-diketonate complex precursors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cabello, G., E-mail: [Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán (Chile); Lillo, L.; Caro, C.; Seguel, M.; Sandoval, C. [Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán (Chile); Buono-Core, G.E. [Instituto de Química, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso (Chile); Chornik, B.; Flores, M. [Deparamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago 8370415 (Chile)


    Highlights: • ZnAl{sub 2}O{sub 4} and MgAl{sub 2}O{sub 4} thin films were prepared by photo-chemical method. • The Zn(II), Mg(II) and Al(III) β-diketonate complexes were used as precursors. • The photochemical reaction was monitored by UV–vis and FT-IR spectroscopy. • The results reveal spinel oxide formation and the generation of intermediate products. - Abstract: ZnAl{sub 2}O{sub 4} and MgAl{sub 2}O{sub 4} thin films were grown on Si(100) and quartz plate substrates using a photochemical method in the solid phase with thin films of β-diketonate complexes as the precursors. The films were deposited by spin-coating and subsequently photolyzed at room temperature using 254 nm UV light. The photolysis of these films results in the deposition of metal oxide thin films and fragmentation of the ligands from the coordination sphere of the complexes. The obtained samples were post-annealed at different temperatures (350–1100 °C) for 2 h and characterized by FT-Infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force miscroscopy (AFM), and UV–vis spectroscopy. The results indicate the formation of spinel-type structures and other phases. These characteristics determined the quality of the films, which were obtained from the photodeposition of ternary metal oxides.

  4. RHEED and EELS study of Pd/Al bimetallic thin film growth on different α-Al 2O 3 substrates (United States)

    Moroz, V.; Rajs, K.; Mašek, K.


    Pd/Al bimetallic thin films were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on single-crystalline α-Al 2O 3(0 0 0 1) and (1 1 2¯ 0) surfaces. Substrate and deposit crystallographic structures and evolution of deposit lattice parameter during the growth were studied by reflection high-energy electron diffraction. The electron energy loss spectroscopy was used as an auxiliary method for chemical analysis. The bimetallic films were prepared by successive deposition of both Pd and Al metals. The structure of Pd and Al deposits in early stages of the growth and its dependence on the preparation conditions were studied. Two phases of Pd clusters covered by Al overlayer have been found. The formation of Al overlayer strongly influenced the lattice parameter of Pd clusters.

  5. Preparation and encapsulation performance of Al_2O_3-SiO_2-B_2O_3 glass-ceramic for high temperature thermal storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Ruguang; Zhu, Jiaoqun; Zhou, Weibing; Cheng, Xiaomin; Liu, Fengli


    Highlights: • Al_2O_3-B_2O_3-SiO_2 has good chemical durability, corrosion resistance and dense structure. • The material rarely used in high temperature thermal storage. • The material was prepared and characterized in the paper. - Abstract: In this paper, Al_2O_3-SiO_2-B_2O_3 glass-ceramic was prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), further, the porosity was detected by Archimedes principle, thermo physical properties were investigated by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), respectively. The phase composition was detected by XRD, and the morphology was observed by SEM. The results indicated that the thermal conductivities of the Al_2O_3-SiO_2-B_2O_3 glass-ceramic were between 1.3 and 1.5 W·(m·K)"−"1, and the material had good thermal stability in the range of 300–900 °C. The porosity and apparent density were increased with the temperature. The porosity of Al_2O_3-SiO_2-B_2O_3 glass-ceramic in ranging from 1.2 to 9.6%, the apparent density were between 2.12 and 2.67 g·cm"−"3, and heat capacities were between 0.64 and 0.79 kJ/(kg·K). All the results indicated that the Al_2O_3-SiO_2-B_2O_3 glass-ceramic can be applied as encapsulation material in high temperature latent thermal energy storage.

  6. Soldadura de aceros dual phase en chapa fina: GMAW, PAW y RSW Welding of dual phase steel sheet: GMAW, PAW and RSW

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    Hernán Svoboda


    Full Text Available Los aceros Dual Phase (DP han encontrado recientemente una fuerte aplicación en elementos estructurales en la industria automotriz, debido a la necesidad de disminuir peso. La soldadura de estos materiales cobra particular importancia considerando su aplicación estructural y los procesos relacionados en su fabricación. En particular la soldadura de resistencia por punto (RSW y semiautomática con alambre macizo y protección gaseosa (GMAW son ampliamente utilizados en la industria automotriz. El proceso de soldadura por plasma (PAW se caracteriza, entre los procesos de soldadura por arco, por ser el de mayor densidad de energía, presentando particular interés en aplicaciones de la industria automotriz (tailor welded blanks. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la evolución microestructural y las propiedades de aceros DP soldados mediante los procesos RSW, GMAW y PAW. A este fin, se soldaron cuatro grados de aceros DP con resistencias mecánicas de 550, 700 y 850 MPa en espesores de 1 y 1,3 mm mediante los mencionados procesos. Se caracterizaron las microestructuras y se determinaron las propiedades mecánicas de las uniones soldadas para cada caso. Para los tres procesos se obtuvieron uniones soldadas de calidad satisfactoria. Se observó para todas las soldaduras, que en la ZAC se produce una disminución de la dureza por debajo del valor del material base, relacionada a la descomposición de la fase martensítica. Las soladuras por arco fueron las más afectadas.Dual Phase steels (DP have been used recently as an interesting option for structural elements, specialy in automotive industry, due to weight reduce requirements. Welding of these materials becomes particularly important considering their application as structural elements and the related manufacturing methods. In particular resistance spot welding (RSW and gas metal arc welding (GMAW are widely used in the automotive manufacturing. The plasma arc welding (PAW has the


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    Jorge Gonzalo Rosas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo de investigación se propone como objetivo principal estudiar, mediante un análisis no lineal, el comportamiento real de los materiales (unidades, mortero y acero en muretes armados, utilizando como herramienta para el análisis dos técnicas de modelación, micro y macromodelización, desarrolladas especialmente para la mampostería, basadas en el Método de los Elementos Finitos. Para ello se ha realizado la validación de las dos técnicas del Programa computacional DIANA con ensayos realizados en muretes armados de bloques de hormigón, sometidas a esfuerzos cortantes en su plano. Las resistencias al corte por micro y macromodelo son uno por ciento menor y cinco por ciento mayor que las experimentales, respectivamente, mientras que la resistencia al corte por micromodelo es cinco por ciento menor que la del macromodelo. El micromodelo permite conseguir una aproximación razonable a la realidad experimental, que podría mejorarse si en el mismo se implementaran nuevos mecanismos de falla que no están contemplados en la versión del Programa utilizado. En el análisis numérico, el acero de refuerzo no presentó plastificación en toda la historia de cargas. En el micro y macromodelo, el acero trabaja sólo al diez y treinta y ocho por ciento, respectivamente.

  8. stainless steel by SEM-XRD and image analysis

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    Robinson Constanzo-R.


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativ o de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el inter ior de electrodos porosos (EP de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se reali zaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de labora torio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al interior del electrodo. En el electrodo de acero, la penetra ción del depósito en el espesor fue alrededor de 50%, mientras que para el grafito a lrededor de 90%. En forma general, se observó un aumento de la cantidad de depósito hacia el extremo frente al ánodo y con sitios de difer ente crecimiento en depósito de cobre. Esto demuestra una distr ibución de corriente y potencial, función de parámetros físicos de electrodo y de la s características fisicoquímicas e hidrodinámicos del electroli to.

  9. Predicción del desgaste del flanco de la herramienta de corte durante el torneado en seco de alta velocidad para piezas de acero AISI 316L en la industria minera

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    Yusimit K. Zamora-Hernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental sobre la influencia de los parámetros de corte en el torneado del acero inoxidable AISI 316L con insertos recubiertos de TiCN, Al2O3, TiN. Un microscopio electrónico de barrido fue utilizado para medir y analizar el desgaste de las herramientas de corte. Los resultados fueron comparados utilizando el análisis de varianza y el análisis de regresión múltiple para describir la relación entre el desgaste del flanco de las herramientas de corte, el tiempo de maquinado y el avance de corte, obteniéndose las ecuaciones de los modelos ajustados. La investigación demostró el efecto significativo del avance y del tiempo de maquinado en el desgaste del flanco. El inserto de tres capas no sobrepasó el criterio de fin de vida del desgaste, mientras que el inserto de una capa sufrió un desgaste elevado para la mayor velocidad de corte. El desgaste del flanco tuvo mejor comportamiento para el avance de 0,08 mm/rev en todas las velocidades empleadas en este estudio. Los errores medios absolutos no superaron el 15 %.

  10. 310. Experiencia inicial con el uso del sistema zipfix de osteosíntesis esternal

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    E. Monguió


    Conclusiones: En esta experiencia inicial, no se detectaron problemas de eficacia o seguridad del cierre esternal mediante el sistema ZipFix. Los resultados fueron comparables al cierre convencional con alambres de acero. Es necesario un subsiguiente estudio comparativo.

  11. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  12. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  13. Synthesis and characterization of MoS2/Ti composite coatings on Ti6Al4V prepared by laser cladding

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    Rongjuan Yang


    Full Text Available The MoS2/Ti composite coating with sub-micron grade structure has been prepared on Ti6Al4V by laser method under argon protection. The morphology, microstructure, microhardness and friction coefficient of the coating were examined. The results indicated that the molybdenum disulfide was decomposed during melting and resolidification. The phase organization of composite coating mainly consisted of ternary element sulfides, molybdenum sulfides and titanium sulfides. The friction coefficient of and the surface roughness the MoS2/Ti coating were lower than those of Ti6Al4V. The composite coating exhibits excellent adhesion to the substrates, less surface roughness, good wear resistance and harder surface.

  14. Rapid assessment of Wreathed Hornbill Aceros undulates (Aves: Bucerotidae populations and conservation issues in fragmented lowland tropical forests of Arunachal Pradesh, India

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    C.M. Krishna


    Full Text Available A rapid assessment of Wreathed Hornbills, their distribution and abundance was carried out in fragmented lowland tropical forests of Lower Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India from October 2010 to April 2011 using the total count method. A total of 62km distance was covered on foot to survey four study sites: Horupahar, Delo, Koronu and Injunu. Nine flocks of 172 hornbills were sighted. Aceros undulatus flock size ranged from 8-38 individuals with a mean of about 19.1 plus or minus 2.6. Illegal logging, hunting for bushmeat and other body parts (feathers, beak etc. for decorating the head gear and house interiors by the local tribals were observed as the major threats to the species in the study areas.

  15. Effect of nano Cu coating on porous Si prepared by acid etching Al-Si alloy powder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Chunli; Zhang, Ping; Jiang, Zhiyu


    As a promising anode material for lithium ion battery, nano-Cu coated porous Si powder was fabricated through two stages: first, preparation of porous nano Si fibers by acid-etching Al-Si alloy powder; second, modified by nano-Cu particles using an electroless plating method. The nano-Cu particles on the surface of nano-Si fibers, not only increase the conductivity of material, but also inhibit the fuse process between nano Si fibers during charge/discharge cycling process, resulting in increased cycling stability of the material. In 1 M LiPF 6 /EC: DMC (1:1) + 1.5 wt% VC solution at current density of 200 mA g −1 , the 150th discharge capacity of nano-Cu coated porous Si electrode was 1651 mAh g −1 with coulombic efficiency of 99%. As anode material for lithium ion battery, nano-Cu coated porous Si nano fiber material is easier to prepare, costs less, and produces higher performance, representing a promising approach for high energy lithium ion battery application

  16. Generación de inclusiones no metálicas y su efecto sobre el bloqueo de boquillas de colada continua en aceros ultra bajo carbono estabilizados con titanio

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    Vega-Becerra, O.


    Full Text Available This work presents a thermodynamic and experimental analysis of the phases that precipitate in the non metallic inclusions depending on the contents of aluminium (Al, titanium (Ti and oxygen (O in the steel, and their influence on the nozzle clogging. For the thermodynamic analysis, the program FACT WIN (Facility For The Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics subroutine Equilib. was used. The experimental tests were carried out in an TAMMANN furnace, in an argon atmosphere. The control of the content of dissolved oxygen was carried out by means of sensors of solid electrolyte bases zirconia. The characterization of the inclusions was carried out with SEM, EDS and by means of the technique of fractional reduction with carbon. A good agreement was observed between the thermodynamic predictions and the experimental results.

    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis termodinámico y experimental de las fases que precipitan en inclusiones no metálicas en función de los contenidos de aluminio (Al, titanio (Ti y oxígeno (O en el acero y su influencia sobre el bloqueo de boquillas de colada continua. Para el análisis termodinámico se utilizó el programa FACT-WIN (Facility For The Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics subrutina Equilib. Las pruebas experimentales se realizaron en un horno TAMMANN, en atmósfera de argón. El control del contenido de oxígeno disuelto se llevó a cabo mediante sensores de electrólito sólido base zirconia. La caracterización de las inclusiones se realizó por SEM, EDS y mediante la técnica de reducción fraccionada con carbono. Se observó una buena concordancia entre las predicciones termodinámicas y los resultados experimentales.

  17. Influence of excess sodium ions on the specific surface area formation in a NiO-Al2O3 catalyst prepared by different methods

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    Lazić M.M.


    Full Text Available The influence of sodium ions on the specific surface area of a NiO-Al2O3 catalyst in dependence of nickel loading (5, 10, and 20 wt% Ni, temperature of heat treatment (400, 700 and 1100oC and the method of sample preparation was investigated. Low temperature nitrogen adsorption (LTNA, X-ray diffraction (XRD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM were applied for sample characterization. Dramatic differences in the specific surface area were registered between non-rinsed and rinsed Al2O3 and NiO-Al2O3 samples. The lagged sodium ions promote sintering of non-rinsed catalyst samples.

  18. Problemas en la reparación por laser cladding de superficies de acero AISI D2 tratado térmicamente

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    Busquets, D.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is to establish the relationship between laser cladding process parameters (Power, Process Speed and Powder feed rate and AISI D2 tool steel metallurgical transformations, with the objective of optimizing the processing conditions during real reparation. It has been deposited H13 tool steel powder on some steel substrates with different initial metallurgical status (annealed or tempered using a coaxial laser cladding system. The microstructure of the laser clad layer and substrate heat affected zone (HAZ was characterized by Optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM and Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD. Results show that the process parameters (power, process speed, feed rate… determine the dimensions of the clad layer and are related to the microstructure formation. Although it is simple to obtain geometrically acceptable clads (with the right shape and dimensions in many cases occur some harmful effects as carbide dilution and non-equilibrium phases formation which modify the mechanical properties of the coating. Specifically, the presence of retained austenite in the substrate-coating interface is directly related to the cooling rate and implies a hardness diminution that must be avoided. It has been checked that initial metallurgical state of the substrate has a big influence in the final result of the deposition. Tempered substrates imply higher laser absorption and heat accumulation than the ones in annealed condition. This produces a bigger HAZ. For this reason, it is necessary to optimize process conditions for each reparation in order to improve the working behaviour of the component.Se ha depositado polvo de acero de herramienta (H13 sobre diferentes sustratos de acero que se encuentran en estado metalúrgico diferente (recocido o de temple y revenido para comparar los resultados y se ha analizado la microestructura del recubrimiento y de la zona afectada por el calor (ZAC mediante

  19. Effects of low-intensity GaAlAs laser radiation (λ=660 nm) on dentine-pulp interface after class I cavity preparation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godoy, Bruno Miranda


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of low-intensity irradiation with GaAlAs laser (red emission) on the ultrastructure of dentine-pulp interface after conventionally prepared class I cavity preparation. Two patients with 8 premolars for extraction indicated for orthodontic reasons. Class I cavities were prepared in these teeth that were then divided into two groups. The first group received a treatment with laser with continuous emission, λ=660 nm, with maximum power output of 30 mW. The dosimetry applied was of approximately 2J/cm 2 , directly and perpendicularly into the cavity in only one section. After the irradiation, the cavities were filled with composite resin. The second group received the same treatment, except by the laser therapy. Twenty-eight days after the preparation, the teeth were extracted and were processed for transmission electron microscopy analysis. Two sound teeth, without any preparation, were also studied. The irradiated group presented odontoblastic processes in higher contact with the extracellular matrix and the collagen fibers appeared more aggregated and organized than those of control group. These results were also observed in the healthy-teeth. Thus, we suggest that laser irradiation accelerates the recovery of the dental structures involved in the cavity preparation at the pre-dentine level. (author)

  20. Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings on Al-Si substrate by plasma spray technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarikaya, Ozkan [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Anik, Selahaddin [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Aslanlar, Salim [Sakarya University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Cem Okumus, S. [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Celik, Erdal [Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Buca, Izmir 35160 (Turkey)]. E-mail:


    Plasma-sprayed coatings of Al-Si/B{sub 4}C have been prepared on Al-Si piston alloys for diesel engine motors. The Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite powders including 5-25 wt% B{sub 4}C were prepared by mixing and ball-milling processes. These powders were deposited on Al-Si substrate using an atmospheric plasma spray technique. The coatings have been characterised with respect to phase composition, microstructure, microhardness, bond strength and thermal expansion. It was found that Al, Si, B{sub 4}C and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} phases were determined in the coatings with approximately 600 {mu}m thick by using X-ray diffraction analysis. Scanning electron microscope observation revealed that boron carbide particles were uniformly distributed in composite coatings and B{sub 4}C particles were fully wetted by Al-Si alloy. Also, no reaction products were observed in Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings. It was found that surface roughness, porosity, bond strength and thermal expansion coefficient of composite coatings decreased with increasing fraction of the boron carbide particle. It was demonstrated that the higher the B{sub 4}C content, the higher the hardness of coatings because the hardness of B{sub 4}C is higher than that of Al-Si.

  1. Propiedades mecánicas de uniones obtenidas mediante soldadura por difusión dinámica en un acero de media aleación

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    Gómez de Salazar, J. M.


    Full Text Available Mechanical properties in Dynamic Diffusion Bonded (DDB in a A.S.T.M. 1045 steel (0.45 %C joints were studied. The thermomechanical cycle added to the process, favours both the initial deformation stage and probably the diffusion mechanism which participate in bond formation.

    En el presente trabajo se estudian las propiedades mecánicas de uniones obtenidas mediante Soldadura por Difusión Dinámica (SDD en un acero ASTM 1045 (0,45 %C. La aplicación de ciclos termomecánicos en el proceso favorece las etapas iniciales de deformación y, probablemente, los mecanismos difusivos que participan en la formación de la unión.

  2. A preliminary investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar Al to Cu friction stir welds prepared using silver interlayer

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    Shailesh N. Pandya


    Full Text Available Due to its solid-state nature, friction stir welding (FSW process can be considered a better alternative for dissimilar welding metals. However, like fusion welding techniques, in friction stir welding growth of thick layers of brittle intermetallics - Cu9Al4 and CuAl2 is a significant issue. One solution to this problem is the use of the suitable interlayer material. Use of interlayer material modifies the joint microstructure with the replacement of thick, brittle intermetallics by more ductile intermetallics in a thin layer or particle form. The present study is a preliminary investigation about joining of AA6082-O to pure copper joints with and without silver (Ag wire interlayer. Friction stir welded joints were characterized regarding optical microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD analysis, microhardness measurement, tensile testing and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM based fractography. The Al-Cu weld prepared using silver interlayer was stronger than without it. The higher strength of the weld with silver interlayer is attributed to the formation of a composite type of structure with intercalation of more ductile Ag2Al intermetallics along with dispersion of Ag particles in stir zone.

  3. Powder metallurgy Al-6Cr-2Fe-1Ti alloy prepared by melt atomisation and hot ultra-high pressure compaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dam, Karel, E-mail: [Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague 6 (Czech Republic); Vojtech, Dalibor; Prusa, Filip [Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague 6 (Czech Republic)


    Al--6Cr--2Fe--1Ti alloy was prepared by melt atomisation into rapidly solidified powder. The powder was compacted using uniaxial hot compression at an ultra-high pressure (6 GPa). The samples were pressed at 300, 400 and 500 Degree-Sign C. The structure, mechanical properties and thermal stability were examined and compared with those of the commercially available Al--12Si--1Cu--1Mg--1Ni casting alloy, which is considered thermally stable. It was shown that the hot compression at ultra-high pressure results in a compact and pore-free material with excellent mechanical properties. The elevated pressing temperatures were found to be effective at increasing the mechanical stability after applying the ultra-high pressure. The results of thermal stability testing revealed that the mechanical properties do not change significantly at high temperature, even after 100 h of annealing at 400 Degree-Sign C. In addition, the Al--6Cr--2Fe--1Ti alloy exhibited very good creep resistance. A comparison between the commercial Al--12Si--1Cu--1Mg--1Ni alloy and the powder metallurgy alloy shows that this alloy has significantly better mechanical properties and thermal stability.



    Aparicio Fernández, Rosaura


    En las operaciones de refinación secundaria es necesaria la inyección de gases inertes al baño metálico para la generación de agitaciones tales que generen aceros más limpios, con bajos contenidos de azufre, ultra bajos contenidos de gases como nitrógeno e hidrógeno, además de mejorar tanto la homogeneización de la temperatura y composición del acero como el control de la forma de las inclusiones y flotación de éstas. Para ello se llevan a cabo técnicas que tienen algo en común...

  5. Fe(II)–Al(III) layered double hydroxides prepared by ultrasound-assisted co-precipitation method for the reduction of bromate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong, Yu; Yang, Qi; Luo, Kun; Wu, Xiuqiong; Li, Xiaoming; Liu, Yang; Tang, Wangwang; Zeng, Guangming; Peng, Bo


    Highlights: ► Fe(II)–Al(III) LDHs were synthesized by ultrasound-assisted co-precipitation method. ► The Fe–Al (30 min) exhibited highly reduction reactivity on bromate. ► Pseudo-first-order model described the experimental data well. ► The mechanisms of bromate removal were proposed. -- Abstract: Bromate is recognized as an oxyhalide disinfection byproduct in drinking water. In this paper, Fe(II)–Al(III) layered double hydroxides (Fe–Al LDHs) prepared by the ultrasound-assisted co-precipitation method were used for the reduction of bromate in solution. The Fe–Al LDHs particles were characterized by X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscopy and thermogravimetry–differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that ultrasound irradiation assistance promoted the formation of the hydrotalcite-like phase and then improved the removal efficiency of bromate. In addition, the effects of solid-to-solution ratio, contact time, initial bromate concentration, initial pH, coexisting anions on the bromate removal were investigated. The results showed the bromate with an initial concentration of 1.56 μmol/L could be completely removed from solution by Fe–Al LDHs within 120 min. When the initial bromate concentration was 7.81 μmol/L, the Fe–Al LDHs with irradiation time of 30 min exhibited the optimum removal efficiency and the bromate removal capacity (q e ) was 6.80 μmol/g. In addition, the appearance of sulfate and production of bromide were observed simultaneously in this process, which suggested that ion-exchange between sulfate and bromate, and the reduction of bromate to bromide by Fe 2+ were the main mechanisms responsible for the bromate removal by Fe–Al LDHs

  6. Evaluación del Deterioro de los Electrodos al Incrementar el Número de Pulsos del Tiempo de Soldadura en Aceros IF y HSLA Galvanizados y la Afectación de las Propiedades Mecánicas en los Puntos de Soldadura

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    Miguel Fernando Delgado-Pamanes

    Full Text Available Resumen: La soldadura de resistencia por puntos, es el método más importante en la industria ensambladora de carrocería autoportante o monocasco debido a su automatización, su rapidez, flexibilidad de soldar piezas con forma compleja, es económico debido a que no requiere metal de aporte, además de la posibilidad de aplicar pulsos de precalentamiento y de postcalentamiento para mejorar la soldabilidad del punto de soldadura, el cual se define como la capacidad de la estructura de proporcionar protección adecuada a los pasajeros contra lesiones en caso de una colisión, principalmente depende de la integridad y rendimiento mecánico del botón de soldadura. Para extender la vida de los vehículos se producen aceros galvanizados. Sin embargo, los recubrimientos de cinc han incrementado la dificultad de soldabilidad, siendo necesarias corrientes mayores en el proceso, pues se presenta una menor resistencia en la interfase de soldadura debido a una mejor conductividad eléctrica. Este trabajo investiga el efecto del galvanizado en la disminución de la vida de los electrodos, por esta razón, se deduce una pérdida en las propiedades mecánicas en los botones de soldadura conforme se aumenta el número de puntos de soldadura. El objetivo principal del presente estudio es correlacionar el desgaste de los electrodos con las propiedades mecánicas de los botones de soldadura. El procedimiento experimental consiste en hacer 1.000 puntos de soldadura; para cada vigésimo quinto punto de soldadura a partir del primero, los cuales se examinaron por estereoscopia, ensayos de dureza, ensayos de desbotonamiento y ensayos de tensión al corte. En el desgaste del electrodo, se evaluó la cara por impresión en papel carbón, microscopia óptica y espectroscopia de rayos-X (EDX.

  7. Preparation and characterization of polymer inclusion membrane based optode for determination of Al{sup 3+} ion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suah, Faiz Bukhari Mohd, E-mail: [School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Minden, Pulau Pinang (Malaysia); Ahmad, Musa [Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia)


    The use of a polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) as a sensing material is a new approach to overcome the selectivity and stability drawbacks of the optical chemical sensor (optode). In this study, non-plasticized PIM containing poly(vinyl chloride) as a support base, sodium morin-5-sulfonate (NaMSA) as a reagent and Aliquat 336 as a fixed carrier (ionophore) was prepared and its performance was tested for application in an optode to determine Al{sup 3+} ions. The results showed that PIM properties are greatly influenced by the membrane composition. The studies revealed that the optode response was dependent on film thickness, the presence of plasticizer, stirring effect, concentration of NaMSA, concentration of Aliquat 336 and pH of the aqueous solution used. The dynamic range of Al{sup 3+} ions concentration determined using this optode was linear from 5.19 × 10{sup −7} to 6.00 × 10{sup −5} mol L{sup −1} and the calculated limit of detection (L.O.D.) was found to be 4.07 × 10{sup −7} mol L{sup −1}. The maximum emission wavelength (λ{sub em}) for the PIM based optode was 512 nm. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of the PIM revealed that a dense texture was formed. Fourier transform infra-red and thermal gravimetry analysis characterizations proved that all of the constituents of the PIM remain within the membrane. The PIM developed in this work was found to be stable, has good mechanical strength, and is sensitive and reusable. Lastly, the PIM was successfully applied as an optical sensor for determination of Al{sup 3+} ions in an aqueous solution. - Highlights: • A novel non-plasticized polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) based optode has been developed for determination of Al{sup 3+} ions. • A novel use of sulphonated morin (NaMSA) for determination of Al{sup 3+} ions by using fluorescence technique. • The optode is fully reversible. • It shows good repeatability and reproducibility without significant decrease in fluorescence

  8. Structural and magnetic characterization of maghemites prepared from Al-substituted magnetites

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    Marcelo Augusto Batista


    Full Text Available Synthetic aluminum-substituted maghemites were characterized by total chemical analysis, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD, Mössbauer spectroscopy (ME, and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM. The aim was to determine the structural, magnetic, and hyperfine properties of γ-Fe2-xAl xO3 as the Al concentration is varied. The XRD results of the synthetic products were indexed exclusively as maghemite. Increasing Al for Fe substitution decreased the mean crystalline dimension and shifted all diffraction peaks to higher º2θ angles. The a0 dimension of the cubic unit cell decreased with increasing Al according to the equation a o = 0.8385 - 3.63 x 10-5 Al (R²= 0.94. Most Mössbauer spectra were composed of one sextet, but at the highest substitution rate of 142.5 mmol mol-1 Al, both a doublet and sextet were obtained at 300 K. All hyperfine parameters from the sub-spectra were consistent with high-spin Fe3+ (0.2 a 0.7 mms-1 and suggested a strong superparamagnetic component associated with the doublet. The magnetic hyperfine field of the sextets decreased with the amount of Al-substitution [Bhf (T = 49.751 - 0.1202Al; R² = 0.94] while the linewidth increased linearly. The saturation magnetization also decreased with increasing isomorphous substitution.

  9. Efecto de la adición de lodos rojos como inhibidores de la corrosión de acero embebido en mortero

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    Díaz, B.


    Full Text Available The red mud (RM is the main residue of the Bayer Process, in which alumina is extracted from bauxite. Due to huge amount produced worldwide (84.1x109 kg/year and their high alkaline character, RM represents an important environmental problem in areas where the industry is implanted. RM particles in alkaline solutions are ionised with hydroxyl groups that can anchorage to a metallic surface. This feature suggests the possibility of using RM as an inhibitor for steel in alkaline medium. So a possible solution for these residues, as additive in reinforcing concrete, is presented in this study. The experimental results prove samples with RM do not present corrosion in spite of the high amount of chloride ions.

    Los lodos rojos (LR son el principal residuo del Proceso Bayer, en el cual se extrae alúmina a partir de bauxita. Debido a las enormes cantidades generadas (84,1 millones de toneladas en 2000, en el mundo y a su elevado carácter alcalino, suponen un grave problema medioambiental en las zonas donde la industria está implantada. Las partículas de LR en medio alcalino se encuentran cargadas, conteniendo grupos hidroxilos capaces de anclarse a la superficie metálica. Esta característica hace que dichas partículas se presenten como posibles inhibidores de la corrosión de acero en medio alcalino. En este trabajo se presenta una posible vía para dar salida a estos residuos, empleándolos como aditivos en hormigón armado. Los resultados que se muestran en este estudio revelan que las probetas que contienen LR en su composición no presentan ningún signo de corrosión, a pesar del alto contenido nominal en cloruros.

  10. Tensiones de contacto por el método de elementos finitos del acero AISI 1045 endurecido por rodillo

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    Fernández-Columbié, T.


    Full Text Available In this paper, the tense-deformational behavior is analyzed by means of simulation using the finite element method for AISI 1045 cold rolled deformed steel. ANYSYS V.10 software was used in this study. Revolution number, compressive strength and tool feed rate were the variables considered in the deformation process. They allowed determining the contact stress of the deformed material. The material used was 30 mm diameter and 100 mm length. Samples of 30 mm diameter and 3 mm thickness were prepared for the optical microscopic observation, which were compared to the results obtained from the simulation. The tensile status of the deformed samples was evaluated as from the reduction of the average size of the grains as per the strength applied. This study intends to show that the cold hardening method is a surface hardening option.

    En el trabajo se analiza el estado tenso-deformacional mediante la simulación por el método de los elemento finitos del acero AISI 1045 deformado en frío empleando rodillo simple, para ello se utilizó el software ANSYS V.10. En el proceso de deformación se consideran las variables número de revolución, la fuerza compresiva y el avance de la herramienta, lo que permitió determinar las tensiones de contacto del material deformado. El diámetro del material empleado fue de 30 mm con una longitud de 100 mm. Para la observación de la microscopía óptica, se prepararon muestras de 30 mm de diámetro por 3 mm de espesor, las que fueron comparadas con los resultados obtenidos de la simulación. El estado tensional de las muestras deformadas se evaluó a partir de la reducción del tamaño promedio de los granos según la fuerza empleada. Con el desarrollo del trabajo se trata de demostrar que el empleo del método de endurecimiento en frío es una alternativa de endurecimiento superficial.

  11. Electrical properties of AlN{sub x}O{sub y} thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borges, J., E-mail: [Centro de Fisica, Universidade do Minho, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal); Martin, N. [Institut FEMTO-ST, Departement MN2S, UMR 6174 (CNRS, UFC, ENSMM, UTBM) 32, Avenue de l' Observatoire 25044 BESANCON Cedex (France); Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E. [Instituto Superior Tecnico, Instituto Tecnologico Nuclear, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavem (Portugal); Eyidi, D.; Beaufort, M.F.; Riviere, J.P. [Institut PPRIME, UPR 3346 CNRS-Universite de Poitiers-ENSMA, Departement de Physique et Mecanique des Materiaux, BP 30179 86962 Chasseneuil-Futuroscope Cedex (France); Vaz, F.; Marques, L. [Centro de Fisica, Universidade do Minho, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal)


    Direct current magnetron sputtering was used to produce AlN{sub x}O{sub y} thin films, using an aluminum target, argon and a mixture of N{sub 2} + O{sub 2} (17:3) as reactive gases. The partial pressure of the reactive gas mixture was increased, maintaining the discharge current constant. Within the two identified regimes of the target (metallic and compound), four different tendencies for the deposition rate were found and a morphological evolution from columnar towards cauliflower-type, ending up as dense and featureless-type films. The structure was found to be Al-type (face centered cubic) and the structural characterization carried out by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy suggested the formation of an aluminum-based polycrystalline phase dispersed in an amorphous aluminum oxide/nitride (or oxynitride) matrix. This type of structure, composition, morphology and grain size, were found to be strongly correlated with the electrical response of the films, which showed a gradual transition between metallic-like responses towards semiconducting and even insulating-type behaviors. A group of films with high aluminum content revealed a sharp decrease of the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) as the concentration ratio of non-metallic/aluminum atomic ratio increased. Another group of samples, where the non-metallic content became more important, revealed a smooth transition between positive and negative values of TCR. In order to test whether the oxynitride films have a unique behavior or simply a transition between the typical responses of aluminum and of those of the correspondent nitride and oxide, the electrical properties of the ternary oxynitride system were compared with AlN{sub x} and AlO{sub y} systems, prepared in similar conditions. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer AlN{sub x}O{sub y} thin films were produced using magnetron sputtering. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer AlN{sub x}O{sub y} film morphology, composition and

  12. Simulación numérica del comportamiento elástico del concreto reforzado con fibras cortas de acero en condición plana de esfuerzos

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    Fabian Lamus


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe un modelo numérico implementado en el método de los elementos finitos (Hughes, 2000, el cual permite simular el comportamiento elástico del concreto reforzado con fibras cortas de dirección aleatoria. En estructuras hechas de dicho material cada punto está compuesto por fibras cortas de acero embebidas en una matriz de concreto simple. En el interior de un elemento finito el concreto reforzado se representa como un material ortótropo de dirección material aleatoria, basado en el modelo de fibras con diámetro despreciable (Dvorak y Bahei-el-Din, 1982 y la teoría de mezclas modificada para refuerzo de corta longitud (Oller, 2003. El análisis estadístico realizado consiste en: repetir la simulación numérica del problema cambiando la dirección de las fibras mediante una función aleatoria, construir la base de datos de muestreo a partir de los resultados obtenidos y medir la dispersión de estos últimos. A continuación, en este trabajo se estudia la sensibilidad del tamaño de los elementos finitos y del número de datos de muestreo en el cálculo de la energía total de deformación y se establecen algunos valores recomendables. Como ejemplo de aplicación se obtuvo la respuesta estructural promedio de una viga de concreto reforzado con diferentes cuantías de fibras cortas de acero, observando una dispersión mínima de los datos.

  13. [Evaluation of contamination of serum derived intravenous preparations]. (United States)

    Aleksandrowicz, J; Fiejka, M; Słowikowska, M


    The concentration of Al in 4 lots of 5% Albumina and in 14 lots of 5% immunoglobulins were estimated by adsorptive stripping voltammetric method. Mean Al concentrations amounted to 142.6 micrograms/l in 5% Albumina and to 202 micrograms/l in IVIG preparations produced in Poland. Al concentrations in foreign IVIG preparations ranged from 14 to 54 micrograms/l. These data show the need to consider setting an upper limit of microgram Al/l in i.v. drug products produced or registered in Poland.

  14. Efecto de la precipitación de nitruros de aluminio en la recristalización de aceros de bajo carbono recocidos convencionalmente

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    Monsalve, A.


    Full Text Available An important feature of aluminium killed steels is the strong influence that aluminium nitride precipitates produce in both the mechanical properties and the final microstructural characteristics of the steel. This influence is related to the different stages of the fabrication process. This paper deals with a study of the effects of aluminium nitrides on the kinetics of recrystallisation. Different heat treatments were carried out, in one case to dissolve AIN, and in the other in order to precipitate AIN. These steels were subjected to cold rolling, followed by a batch annealing process. The recrystallised fraction was measured, thus obtaining the kinetic curves. The activation energy for recrystallisation was computed in each case. The results showed that AIN precipitation during recrystallisation produces a delay in recrystallisation kinetics through a change in the activation energy value.

    Los aceros calmados con aluminio presentan como característica importante, la gran influencia que ejercen los nitruros de aluminio en las propiedades mecánicas y características microestructurales finales. Esta influencia está, a su vez, relacionada con cada una de la etapas del proceso de fabricación. En el presente trabajo se ha abordado el estudio del efecto de los nitruros de aluminio sobre la cinética de recristalización. Para ello, se han llevado a cabo diversos tipos de tratamientos térmicos, con el objeto de disolver todo el AIN y, en el otro caso, de precipitar todo el AIN. A continuación, los aceros estudiados se deformaron en frío y se les realizó un recocido convencional. Se midió la fracción recristalizada evaluando la energía de activación para la recristalización. Los resultados mostraron que la precipitación de AIN durante la recristalización produce un retraso en la cinética de recristalización, a través del cambio en el valor de la energía de activación

  15. Spark plasma sintering of bulk SrAl2O4-Sr3Al2O6 eutectic glass with wide-band optical window (United States)

    Liu, Jiaxi; Lu, Nan; He, Gang; Li, Xiaoyu; Li, Jianqiang; Li, Jiangtao


    SrAl2O4-Sr3Al2O6 eutectic glass was prepared by using an aerodynamic levitator equipped with a CO2 laser device. A bulk transparent amorphous sample was obtained by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) of the prepared eutectic glass. XRD, a UV–vis-NIR spectrophotometer and FT-IR were employed to characterize the phase evolution and optical properties. The results show that the bulk SrAl2O4-Sr3Al2O6 samples fabricated by the containerless process and SPS between 852 °C–857 °C were fully amorphous. The amorphous sample has a wide transparent window between 270 nm and 6.2 μm. The average refractive index in the visible light region is 1.680 and the Abbe number is 27.4. The prepared bulk SrAl2O4-Sr3Al2O6 eutectic glass with the wide-band optical window may be a promising candidate for optical applications.

  16. Cobre antimicrobiano contra patógenos intrahospitalarios en Perú

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    Edwin Neciosup


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las infecciones intrahospitalarias (IIH constituyen un problema de salud pública que generan grandes gastos por parte de los gobiernos, debido a que los patógenos causantes de IIH presentan resistencia a fármacos y generan una mayor permanencia de los pacientes, pues la infraestructura hospitalaria constituye un reservorio favorable para los patógenos. Las superficies de cobre surgen como opción sanitaria y efectiva para controlar el crecimiento y propagación de estos patógenos. Objetivos: Evaluar la actividad bactericida de las superficies de cobre contra los principales bacterias patógenas causantes de IIH (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Staphylococcus aureus. Diseño: Estudio experimental con muestreo no probabilístico. Lugar: Hospital Regional Docente las Mercedes (HRDLM y Hospital Provincial Docente Belén (HPDB, Lambayeque, Perú. Materiales: Nueve cepas bacterianas, 3 de E. coli , 3 de P. aeruginosa y 3 de S. aureus; superficies metálicas (1 cm² de cobre y acero inoxidable (control . Intervenciones: Las 9 cepas bacterianas fueron proporcionadas por los hospitales HRDLM (4 cepas y HPDB (5 cepas. Los análisis de ANOVA y de Tukey fueron aplicados para evaluar la actividad bactericida de las superficies de cobre y acero inoxidable contra las 9 cepas causantes de IIH, usando los programas estadísticos Minitab y Sigmaplot, respectivamente. Principales medidas de resultados: Diferencias en el crecimiento bacteriano sobre superficies de cobre o acero inoxidable, con respecto al tiempo de exposición. Resultados: Las 9 cepas -3 de P. aeruginosa, 3 de E. coli y 3 de S. aureus - expuestas a superficies de cobre fueron eliminadas en 10, 15 y 60 minutos, respectivamente. La carga bacteriana de las células expuestas en superficies de acero inoxidable permaneció constante y viable por periodos mayores a 60 minutos. Además, las superficies de cobre eliminaron más rápido a las bacterias Gram negativas (P

  17. Influence of bias voltage on properties of AlCrN coatings prepared by cathodic arc deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lomello, F.; Sanchette, F.; Schuster, F.; Tabarant, M.; Billard, A.


    AlCrN coatings were prepared by vacuum cathodic arc deposition. This low-temperature technique has been chosen due to its versatility, allowing the industrial up-scaling. In this study, the attention was focused on the correlation of the bias voltage with the resulting mechanical-tribological properties. For this purpose, the bias voltage was varied from 0 to -150 V. Indeed, the variation of grain sizes from 24 to 16 nm as well as the residual stresses from -0.68 to -8.94 GPa lead to obtain different mechanical-tribological properties. In this context, the sample deposited at -100 V exhibited an enhanced hardness (50 ± 2 GPa) and an acceptable wear resistance. (authors)

  18. Análisis y diseño de la estructura metálica de una planta de producción usando columnas plegadas de acero - Lima


    Ayquipa Martínez, Lidman Dante; Ayquipa Martínez, Lidman Dante


    En el presente Informe de Suficiencia se plantea el análisis y diseño estructural de una planta de producción (nave industrial), ubicado en el distrito de Ventanilla, el proyecto tiene un área construida total de 1,161.00m2. La altura de la nave será de 7.65m en la parte más alta (cumbrera) y 6.00m en la parte más baja, el techo será a dos aguas con 6° de pendiente cada una. El material predominante para la superestructura será acero estructural ASTM A-36, soldadura AWS E-6011. Para una me...

  19. Oxidación en vapor de agua a 700 ºC y 750 ºC del acero inoxidable AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por CVD-FBR.


    Jose L. Marulanda; Saul I. Castañeda; Aduljay Remolina


    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado, a temperaturas de 700 °C y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de SEM y difracción de rayos X, para observar la morfología de los óxidos. Se realizó la simulación termodinámica del proceso de oxidación en vapor de agua de...

  20. Microstructure and wear behavior of γ/Al4C3/TiC/CaF2 composite coating on γ-TiAl intermetallic alloy prepared by Nd:YAG laser cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiubo; Shi Shihong; Guo Jian; Fu Geyan; Wang Mingdi


    As a further step in obtaining high performance elevated temperature self-lubrication anti-wear composite coatings on TiAl alloy, a novel Ni-P electroless plating method was adopted to encapsulate the as-received CaF 2 in the preparation of precursor NiCr-Cr 3 C 2 -CaF 2 mixed powders with an aim to decrease its mass loss and increase its compatibility with the metal matrix during a Nd:YAG laser cladding. The microstructure of the coating was examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and the friction and wear behavior of the composite coatings sliding against the hardened 0.45% C steel ring was evaluated using a block-on-ring wear tester at room temperature. It was found that the coating had a unique microstructure consisting of primary dendrites TiC and block Al 4 C 3 carbides reinforcement as well as fine isolated spherical CaF 2 solid lubrication particles uniformly dispersed in the NiCrAlTi (γ) matrix. The good friction-reducing and anti-wear abilities of the laser clad composite coating was suggested to the Ni-P electroless plating and the attendant reduction of mass loss of CaF 2 and the increasing of it's wettability with the NiCrAlTi (γ) matrix during the laser cladding process

  1. Studies on SiC(p) reinforced Al-Al sub 3 Ni eutectic matrix composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masrom, A.K.; Foo, L.C.; Ismail, A.B.


    An investigation on processing of Al-5.69wt% Ni eutectic with SiC particulate composites is reported. The intermetallic composites are prepared by elemental powder metallurgy route and sintered at two different temperatures, i.e., 600 degree C and 620 degree C. Results show that the metal matrix was Al-Al sub 3 Ni eutectic. The phase analysis by XRD identified the presence of Al sub 3 Ni and Al as dominant phases together with silicon and Al sub 4 C sub 3 phase as minor phases. The Al sub 4 C sub 3 and Si phases are formed during sintering due to SiC-Al interface reaction. SEM micrographs also reveal the formation of microvoid surrounding the SiC particle

  2. Estudio del daño por hidrógeno en uniones soldadas de un acero API 5L X52

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    Réquiz, R.


    Full Text Available The main objective of the present investigation was to study the susceptibility to hydrogen damage on a type API 5L X52 steel welded by electrical resistance. Several techniques, such as hydrogen permeation and cathodic charging were used. The metallic material was characterized using SEM and TEM. The base metal microstructure was very similar to that one corresponding to the welded area. This microstructure was mainly comprised by ferrite and perlite, differing only in the grain size. Therefore, the susceptibility to hydrogen damage was similar in both cases. It is worth mentioning that the welded area has very small dimensions. Indeed, the fusion zone is only 5 mm wide while the heat affected zone is 1 mm wide. The hydrogen damage observed was mainly in the form of blisters, which were associated to the presence of aluminum rich inclusions. Also, it was noticed partial inclusion dissolution and some matrix attack adjacent to the inclusions.

    En la presente investigación se estudió la susceptibilidad al daño por hidrógeno en un acero API 5L X52 soldado por resistencia eléctrica. Para ello, se emplearon técnicas de permeación y de carga catódica de hidrógeno. El material fue caracterizado mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido y de transmisión. La susceptibilidad al daño por hidrógeno fue similar tanto en el metal base como en el cordón de soldadura. Este comportamiento se vincula a la microestructura homogénea constituida por perlita y ferrita, que presentan ambos, aun cuando existen diferencias en el tamaño de grano. El cordón de soldadura tenía dimensiones muy pequeñas, donde la zona de fusión y la afectada por el calor poseen espesores de 5 mm y 1 mm, respectivamente. El daño inducido por hidrógeno se presentó en forma de ampollas en la superficie del material, asociado, principalmente, a la presencia de inclusiones globulares y semiglobulares ricas en aluminio. Además, se manifestó una disoluci

  3. Desarrollo de un cerrojo artificial para el skin-pass en una línea de acero galvanizado por inmersión en caliente

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    González-Marcos, A.


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present the application of data mining techniques to develop an “artificial lock” for the skin-pass in an attempt to solve a problem that can arise during the galvanising manufacturing process: the wrong labelling of the steel grade of a coil. In order to detect these errors and thus to avoid that coils with different properties than expected end up with a client, we propose neural network-based models for on-line predicting the strip elongation in the skin-pass section according to the manufacturing conditions and its chemical composition. Thus, a significant difference between estimated and measured elongation would mean that the coil must be removed from the line for further analyses.

    En este trabajo se presenta la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos en el desarrollo de un “cerrojo artificial” para el skin-pass, que permita solucionar un problema que puede presentarse en la fabricación de bobinas de acero galvanizado: el etiquetado incorrecto del grado de acero de una bobina. Para tratar de detectar estos errores y evitar así que los clientes reciban bobinas con propiedades distintas de las esperadas, se proponen modelos, basados en redes neuronales, que predicen on-line el alargamiento de las bobinas en el skin-pass en función de las variables del proceso de fabricación y de su composición química. De esta forma, si la diferencia entre el alargamiento que estima el modelo y el medido realmente es significativa, se hace necesario sacar la bobina de la línea para someterla a análisis más exhaustivos.

  4. Predicting the drying shrinkage behavior of high strength portland cement mortar under the combined influence of fine aggregate and steel micro fiber; Predicción del comportamiento de retracción por secado de morteros de cemento Pórtland de alta resistencia bajo la influencia combinada de árido fino y micro fibra de acero.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Zhengqi


    The workability, 28-day compressive strength and free drying shrinkage of a very high strength (121-142 MPa) steel micro fiber reinforced portland cement mortar were studied under a combined influence of fine aggregate content and fiber content. The test results showed that an increase in the fine aggregate content resulted in decreases in the workability, 28-day compressive strength and drying shrinkage of mortar at a fixed fiber content. An increase in the fiber content resulted in decreases in the workability and drying shrinkage of mortar, but an increase in the 28-day compressive strength of mortar at a fixed fine aggregate content. The modified Gardner model most accurately predicted the drying shrinkage development of the high strength mortars, followed by the Ross model and the ACI 209R-92 model. The Gardner model gave the least accurate prediction for it was developed based on a database of normal strength concrete. [Spanish] Se ha estudiado la trabajabilidad, resistencia a la compresión (28 días) y la retracción al secado de morteros de cemento Pórtland de muy alta resistencia (121-142 MPa) reforzados con micro fibra de acero, con la influencia combinada de contenido de árido fino y de micro fibra de acero. El aumento en el contenido de árido fino resultó en la disminución de la trabajabilidad, resistencia a la compresión y la retracción por secado de los morteros con un contenido de fibra específico. El aumento en el contenido de fibra dio lugar a la disminución de la trabajabilidad y la retracción por secado, y a un aumento en la resistencia a la compresión a 28 días en morteros con un contenido específico de á rido fino. El modelo modificado de Gardner predijo con más precisión la retracción por secado de mortero de alta resistencia, seguido por el modelo de Ross y el modelo ACI 209R-92. El modelo de Gardner dio la predicción menos exacta debido al hecho de que se desarrolló sobre bases de datos de hormigones de resistencia normal.

  5. Heat treatment influence on the structural and magnetic properties of the intermetallic Fe56.25Al43.75 alloy prepared by mechanical alloying and arc-melted (United States)

    Trujillo Hernández, J. S.; Tabares, J. A.; Pérez Alcázar, G. A.


    Alloys of the Fe56.25Al43.75 system were prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) using a high energy planetary ball mill, with milling times in the range from 12 up to 96 h named MA0 samples. The sample milled for 48 hours was heat treated at 700 °C for 9 days. Then this sample was milled for times of 1, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h, named MA1 samples. Additionally, and for comparison, it was prepared a Fe56.25Al43.75 sample by arc-melting method. For all samples, the structural and magnetic study was conducted by X-rays diffraction (XRD) and Mössbauer spectrometry (MS). The XRD results show that the system is nanostructured and the MA0 samples present only the BCC disordered phase, whose lattice parameter remains relatively constant with milling time. For MA1 samples it was identify the FeAl, Fe3Al, FeO and α-Fe phases. The Mössbauer spectra for all samples were fitted by using a hyperfine magnetic field distribution (HMFD), and a paramagnetic site for all the times used here. The ferromagnetism increases when milling time increases, and this is a consequence of the structural disorder induced by mechanical alloying.

  6. Solution Combustion Preparation Of Nano-Al2O3: Synthesis and Characterization

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    M. Farahmandjou


    Full Text Available The aluminum oxide materials are widely used in ceramics, refractories and abrasives due to their hardness, chemical inertness, high melting point, non-volatility and resistance to oxidation and corrosion. The paper describes work done on synthesis of α-alumina by using the simple, non-expensive solution combustion method using glycine as fuel.Aluminum oxide (Al2O3 nanoparticles were synthesized by aluminum nitrate 9-hydrate as precursor and glycine as fuel. The samples were characterized by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM, field effect scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD and electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS. As there are many forms of transition aluminas produced during this process, x-ray diffraction (XRD technique was used to identify α-alumina. The diameter of sphere-like as-prepared nanoparticles was about 10 nm as estimated by XRD technique and direct HRTEM observation. The surface morphological studies from SEM depicted the size of alumina decreases with increasing annealing temperature. Absorbance peak of UV-Vis spectrum showed the small bandgap energy of 2.65 ev and the bandgap energy increased with increasing annealing temperature because of reducing the size.

  7. Optimización topológica y fabricación aditiva de un soporte aeronáutico mediante sinterizado láser de acero inoxidable 15-5PH


    Marchal Montes, Álvaro


    El objetivo de este trabajó será la aplicación de la optimización topológica a un soporte usado en el sector aeronáutico para reducir su masa que posteriormente se fabricará mediante fabricación aditiva con tecnología DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) en acero inoxidable 15-5PH. Para llegar a una buena optimización topológica será necesario estudiar todos los caminos de optimización posibles hasta llegar a una correcta mediante softwares adecuados además de adaptarla a la fabricación ad...


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    Juan Enrique Villalva A.


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue primero, determinar el resultado de la visión estratégica aplicada a industria minera de hierro y el acero de Venezuela y segundo, la construcción de la visión estratégica de estas industrias de acuerdo a las actuales realidades. Para ello, primero se revisó la evolución de la visión estratégica de ambas industrias y sus resultados. Segundo, se revisó la situación actual, identificando las principales características del entorno externo e interno, sus capacidades, limitaciones y situación económico – financiera, que afectan sus opciones y oportunidades estratégicas. El estudio concluye que ambas industrias han presentado resultados precarios desde 2006, en cuanto a producción, productividad, tasa de uso de la capacidad instalada y margen de utilidad, producto de un cambio radical en la visión estratégica. Finalmente se obtienen los lineamientos de la visión estratégica, como imagen a futuro de ambas industrias, como un aporte para mejorar estas importantes industrias.

  9. Sistema constructivo industrializado in situ COTaCERO : transferencia tecnológica: construcción de depósitos-ejecución de viviendas en altura mediante paneles portantes de acero


    Hermo Sánchez, Víctor Manuel


    [Resumen] Esta investigación comprende diseño y comprobación del sistema constructivo industrializado in situ COTaCERO. Transferencia tecnológica: construcción de depósitos mediante elevación de secciones desde el nivel del terreno con gatos hidráulicos - ejecución de viviendas en altura mediante paneles portantes de acero. Se analizan tres experiencias constructivas: - “La casa por el tejado”. La ejecución de edificaciones por elevación desde el nivel del terreno, “lift slab” y s...

  10. “Corrosión Inducida por Bacterias Sulfato Reductoras Termófilas de 60°C en la Unión Soldada del Acero API 5L- X60.”


    Romero Romero, Justo Román


    En esta investigación se estudio el efecto de la corrosión inducida por Bacterias Sulfato Reductoras (BSR) termófilas a 60oC en el metal base (MB) y la unión soldada (US) del acero API X-60. Las bacterias sulfato reductoras fueron aisladas en el medio sólido postgate con la técnica de estriado, y fueron resembradas hasta obtener la misma morfología. El medio postgate fue seleccionado entre otros medios de cultivo, por el óptimo crecimiento que presento la BSR. Se preparar...

  11. Phosphorescent and thermoluminescent properties of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphors prepared by solid state reaction method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mothudi, B.M.; Ntwaeaborwa, O.M.; Kumar, A.; Sohn, K.; Swart, H.C.


    Long persistent SrAl 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ phosphors co-doped with Dy 3+ were prepared by the solid state reaction method. The main diffraction peaks of the monoclinic structure of SrAl 2 O 4 were observed in all the samples. The broad band emission spectra at 497 nm for SrAl 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ , Dy 3+ were observed and the emission is attributed to the 4f 6 5d 1 to 4f 7 transition of Eu 2+ ions. The samples annealed at 1100–1200 °C showed similar broad TL glow curves centered at 120 °C. The similar TL glow curves suggest that the traps responsible for them are similar. The long afterglow displayed by the phosphors annealed at different temperatures, may be attributed to the Dy 3+ ions acting as the hole trap levels, which play an important role in prolonging the duration of luminescence.

  12. Preparation and tribological properties of self-lubricating TiO2/graphite composite coating on Ti6Al4V alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mu, Ming; Zhou, Xinjian; Xiao, Qian; Liang, Jun; Huo, Xiaodi


    Highlights: ► A TiO 2 /graphite composite coating is produced on Ti alloy by one-step PEO process. ► The TiO 2 /graphite composite coating exhibits excellent self-lubricating behavior. ► The self-lubricating composite coating improves the wear resistance by comparison to the conventional PEO coating. - Abstract: One-step plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) process in a graphite-dispersed phosphate electrolyte was used to prepare a graphite-containing oxide composite coating on Ti6Al4V alloy. The composition and microstructure of the oxide coatings produced in the phosphate electrolytes with and without addition of graphite were analyzed by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The tribological properties of the uncoated Ti6Al4V alloy and oxide coatings were evaluated using a reciprocating ball-on-disk tribometer. Results showed that the graphite-containing oxide composite coating can be successfully produced on Ti6Al4V alloy in the graphite-dispersed phosphate electrolyte using PEO process. The graphite-containing oxide composite coating registered much lower friction coefficient and wear rate than the uncoated Ti6Al4V alloy and the oxide coating without graphite under dry sliding condition, exhibiting excellent self-lubricating property.

  13. Estudio del desgaste del flanco de carburos recubiertos y cermet durante el torneado de alta velocidad en seco del acero AISI 1045

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    Hernández-González, L. W.


    Full Text Available This work deals with the experimental study of the flank wear evolution of two coating carbide inserts and a cermet insert during the dry finishing turning of AISI 1045 steel with 400, 500 and 600 m/min cutting speeds. The results were analyzed using the variance analysis and lineal regression analysis in order to describe the relationship between the flank wear and machining time, obtaining the adjusted model equation. The investigation demonstrated a significant effect of cutting speed and machining time on the flank wear at high speed machining. The three coating layers insert showed the best performance while the two layers insert had the worst behaviour of the cutting tool wear at high cutting speeds.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio experimental de la evolución del desgaste del flanco respecto al tiempo de dos insertos de carburo recubiertos y un cermet durante el torneado de acabado en seco del acero AISI 1045 con velocidades de corte de 400, 500 y 600 m/min. Los resultados fueron comparados utilizando el análisis de varianza y el análisis de regresión lineal para describir la relación entre el desgaste del flanco y el tiempo de maquinado, obteniéndose la ecuación del modelo ajustado. La investigación demostró un efecto significativo de la velocidad de corte y del tiempo de maquinado en el desgaste del flanco en el maquinado de alta velocidad. El mejor desempeño se obtuvo para el carburo recubierto con tres capas, mientras que el carburo con dos capas sufrió el mayor desgaste a elevadas velocidades de corte.


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    Jiaqi Hao

    Full Text Available Novel Fe3O4/Ni-Al-Ce LDH/Bi2WO6 composites were prepared through a hydrothermal method and co-precipitation method. The morphologies and structures of the photocatalysts were characterized by XRD, Raman, TEM, UV-vis-DRS, BET surface area and VSM techniques. The photocatalytic performances of the photocatalysts were investigated by the decolorization of methyl orange (MO under visible-light irradiation. The results showed that the Fe3O4/Ni-Al-Ce LDH/Bi2WO6 composites exhibited greater photocatalytic activities compared to pure Bi2WO6 and the Ni-Al-Ce LDH; the decolorization rate of MO was 87% within 60 min under visible-light irradiation. The decolorization efficiency of the composite material remained at 71% after 4 recycling runs, showing improved stability. Furthermore, the experimental results also showed that the photocatalytic reactions for the composites followed first-order reaction kinetics. Therefore, the Fe3O4/Ni-Al-Ce LDH/Bi2WO6 composites were photocatalysts with high efficiencies and stabilities for a photocatalytic reaction of an organic pollutant, and this study provides a new, effective method for the development of wastewater treatment.

  15. Researches on the influence of the slags formed in the installations on the hydrogen removal efficiency

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    Drǎgoi, F.


    Full Text Available Modern technology requires ever more high-quality steel and special steels, with properties corresponding to very different purposes. Because of the interdependence of the factors that determine the overall quality of the steel and those who determine the gas content, this is an issue of growing importance for the development, treatment and casting of steel. Slag plays an important part in the development phase no matter the process phase is. The influence of synthetic slags during LF treatment facility is examined based on the degree of removal of hydrogen. After processing the experimental data there has been established the optimal basicity variation on which one can determine the chemical composition of slag (CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO for the secondary treatment of steel.

    La técnica moderna necesita cada vez más acero de calidad superior y aceros especiales, con propiedades adecuadas a unos propósitos muy amplios. Gracias a la interdependecia entre los factores que determinan el contenido de gases esta constituye un problema cada vez más importante para la elaboración, tratamiento y fundición de los aceros. Una gran importancia en el proceso de elaboración le corresponde a la escoria independientemente de la fase del proceso. Se analiza la influencia de la escoria sintética durante el tratamiento en la instalación LF sobre el grado de eliminación del hidrogeno. Después de procesar los datos experimentales se establecieron los campos óptimos de variación de la basicidad en base a la cual se puede determinar la composición química de la escoria (CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO para el tratamiento secundario del acero.

  16. Caracterización mecánica de recubrimientos de aluminio por CVD-FBR sobre aceros inoxidables y resistencia a la oxidación en vapor de agua


    Diego Pérez-Muñoz; José Luddey Marulanda-Arévalo; Juan Manuel Meza-Meza


    Los recubrimientos de aluminio depositados sobre el acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 317 por Deposición Química de Vapor en Lecho Fluidizado (CVD-FBR) presentan a altas temperaturas una reducción de la velocidad de corrosión de más de 80 veces. Se realizó la caracterización mecánica de los recubrimientos por medio de microdureza, nanoindentación, para conocer cómo se vieron afectas las propiedades mecánicas (en especial la dureza y el módulo de Young) del recubrimiento y del sustrato luego d...

  17. Development of Zn-Al-Cu coatings by hot dip coated technology: preparation and characterization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cervantes, J.; Barba, A.; Hernandez, M. A.; Salas, J.; Espinoza, J. L.; Denova, C.; Torres-Villasenor, G.; Conde, A.; Covelo, A.; Valdez, R.


    In the present study, research concerning Zn-Al-Cu coatings on low carbon steels has been conducted in order to characterize different properties obtained by a hot-dip coated process. The results include preparation procedure as well as the processing parameters of the coatings. The obtained coatings were subjected to a cold rolling process followed by an anneal heat treatment at different temperatures and under different time conditions. The structural characteristics of coatings have been investigated by optical and electron microscopy. The mechanical properties were obtained by using micro-hardness testing, deep drawing and wear tests whereas chemical analyses were carried out using the SEM/EDAX microprobe. The corrosion properties were achieved by using a salt spray fog chamber and potentiodynamic tests in a saline solution. The coatings are resistant to corrosion and wear in the presence of sodium chloride, therefore, the coatings could be an attractive alternative for application in coastal areas, and adequate wear adhesive resistance. (Author)

  18. Sintering of (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 Materials and their Corrosion Process in Na3AlF6-AlF3-K3AlF6 Electrolyte (United States)

    Xu, Yibiao; Li, Yawei; Yang, Jianhong; Sang, Shaobai; Wang, Qinghu


    The application of ledge-free sidewalls in the Hall-Héroult cells can potentially reduce the energy requirement of aluminum production by about 30 pct (Nightingale et al. in J Eur Ceram, 33:2761-2765, 2013). However, this approach poses great material challenges since such sidewalls are in direct contact with corrosive electrolyte. In the present paper, (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 materials were prepared using fused magnesia, reactive alumina, nickel oxide, and iron oxide powders as the starting materials. The sintering behaviors of specimens as well as their corrosion resistance to molten electrolyte have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The results show that after firing at temperature ranging from 1673 K (1400 °C) up to 1873 K (1600 °C), all the specimens prepared are composed of single-phase (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel, the lattice parameter of which increases with increasing Fe3+ ion concentration. Increasing the iron oxide content enhances densification of the specimens, which is accompanied by the formation of homogeneously distributed smaller pores in the matrix. The corrosion tests show that corrosion layers consist of fluoride and Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel grains are produced in specimens with Fe/Al mole ratio no more than 1, whereas dense Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel layers are formed on the surface of the specimens with Fe/Al mole ratio more than 1. The dense Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel layers formed improve the corrosion resistance of the specimens by inhibiting the infiltration of electrolyte and hindering the chemical reaction between the specimen and electrolyte.

  19. Reciprocating Wear Behaviour of 7075Al/SiC and 6061Al/Al2O3 Composites: A study of Effect of Reinforcement, Stroke and Load

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    J. Lakshmipathy


    Full Text Available The wear behaviour comparison of Al/SiC and Al/Al2O3 composites prepared by stir casting technique is investigated to find out the effects of weight percentage of SiC/Al2O3, load and the number of strokes on a reciprocating wear testing machine. The MMC pins are prepared with different weight percentage of SiC and Al2O3 (10, 15 and 20 %. The tests are carried out with different load conditions (25, 50 and 75 N and different number of strokes (420,780 and 1605 strokes. Wear surfaces of tested samples are examined in Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM. Hardness test and impact test are also carried out on the MMC samples. The experimental results shows that hardness of composites increases with increase in SiC and Al2O3 particle and the impact strength decreases with increase in SiC and Al2O3 content. The volume loss of MMC specimens are less than that of the matrix alloy. The temperature rise near the contact surface of the MMC specimens increases with increase in wt% of SiC and Al2O3, load and number of strokes. The coefficient of friction decreases with increase in the number of strokes. The WVAS (Wireless Vibration Acquisition System interfaced with MAT Lab software is used to record the amplitudes during the test.

  20. Preparation of Er"3"+:Y_3Al_5O_1_2/KNbO_3 composite and application in innocent treatment of ketamine by using sonocatalytic decomposition method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Hongbo; Wei, Chunsheng; Huang, Yingying; Li, Guanshu; Wu, Qiong; Wang, Jun; Song, Youtao


    Highlights: • Upconversion luminescence agent Er:YAG can enhance sonocatalytic activity of KNbO_3. • Harmless of narcotic drugs was achieved through sonocatalytic destruction. • Possible sonocatalytic destruction mechanism on narcotic drugs was proposed. - Abstract: A novel sonocatalyst, Er"3"+:Y_3Al_5O_1_2/KNbO_3 composite, was synthesized, and then, characterized by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). In order to evaluate the sonocatalytic activity of prepared Er"3"+:Y_3Al_5O_1_2/KNbO_3 composite, the sonocatalytic degradation of ketamine, a kind of narcotic drug, was studied. In addition, some influencing factors such as mass ratio, heat-treated temperature and heat-treated time on the sonocatalytic activity of prepared Er"3"+:Y_3Al_5O_1_2/KNbO_3 powders and ultrasonic irradiation time on the sonocatalytic degradation of ketamine were examined by using GC–MS machine. The experimental results showed that the Er"3"+:Y_3Al_5O_1_2/KNbO_3 composite is a good sonocatalyst in the field of ultrasonic chemistry and the sonocatalytic degradation was an effective method for the innocent treatment of ketamine.

  1. Análisis de la metalurgia y mecánica de la fractura en la ZAC en un proceso por arco sumergido

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    González, R.


    Full Text Available High tensile, microalloyed steels, such as 450 EMZ design steels which are studied in this article, are used in offshore platforms and other structures subject to extreme working conditions, requiring high resilience and fracture toughness at low temperatures. These steels have been subject to a control in their welding parameters to obtain a low heat input which allows for the maintenance of correct toughness values in their heat affected zone (HAZ. The present article analyses the values of hardness, resilience and toughness, as well as the points of greatest brittleness of the HAZ (1.

    Los aceros microaleados de alto límite elástico, grupo al que pertenecen los aceros de diseño 450 EMZ del presente trabajo, son aceros utilizados en plataformas offshore y estructuras sometidas a extremas condiciones de trabajo, a las que se les requiere alta resiliencia y tenacidad a la fractura a bajas temperaturas. Estos aceros son sometidos a un control en sus parámetros de soldadura a fin de recibir una baja energía calorífica, que permitan mantener unos valores de tenacidad adecuados en su zona afectada por el calor (ZAC. En este trabajo se pretenden analizar los valores obtenidos de dureza, resiliencia y tenacidad, así como los puntos de mayor fragilidad de la ZAC (1.

  2. Preparation and characterization of carbonate terminated polycrystalline Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/Al films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tornow, C. [Fraunhofer-Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research (IFAM), Adhesive Bonding Technology and Surfaces, Wiener Str. 12, D-28359 Bremen (Germany); Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technology, Department of Applied Natural Sciences, Engineering Physics, Constantiaplatz 4, D-26723 Emden (Germany); Noeske, P.-L.M. [Fraunhofer-Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research (IFAM), Adhesive Bonding Technology and Surfaces, Wiener Str. 12, D-28359 Bremen (Germany); Dieckhoff, S. [Fraunhofer-Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research (IFAM), Adhesive Bonding Technology and Surfaces, Wiener Str. 12, D-28359 Bremen (Germany); Wilken, R. [Fraunhofer-Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research (IFAM), Adhesive Bonding Technology and Surfaces, Wiener Str. 12, D-28359 Bremen (Germany)]. E-mail:; Gaertner, K. [Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technology, Department of Applied Natural Sciences, Engineering Physics, Constantiaplatz 4, D-26723 Emden (Germany)


    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was applied to investigate the surface reactivity of polycrystalline Al films in contact with a gas mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen at room temperature. Based on the characterization of interactions between these substrates and the individual gases at selected exposures, various surface functionalities were identified. Simultaneously dosing both carbon dioxide and oxygen is shown to create surface-terminating carbonate species, which contribute to inhibiting the formation of an Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer. Finally, a reaction scheme is suggested to account for the observed dependence of surface group formation on the dosing conditions.

  3. Enhanced photoluminescence and Raman properties of Al-Doped ZnO nanostructures prepared using thermal chemical vapor deposition of methanol assisted with heated brass.

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    Tamil Many K Thandavan

    Full Text Available Vapor phase transport (VPT assisted by mixture of methanol and acetone via thermal evaporation of brass (CuZn was used to prepare un-doped and Al-doped zinc oxide (ZnO nanostructures (NSs. The structure and morphology were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM and x-ray diffraction (XRD. Photoluminescence (PL properties of un-doped and Al-doped ZnO showed significant changes in the optical properties providing evidence for several types of defects such as zinc interstitials (Zni, oxygen interstitials (Oi, zinc vacancy (Vzn, singly charged zinc vacancy (VZn-, oxygen vacancy (Vo, singly charged oxygen vacancy (Vo+ and oxygen anti-site defects (OZn in the grown NSs. The Al-doped ZnO NSs have exhibited shifted PL peaks at near band edge (NBE and red luminescence compared to the un-doped ZnO. The Raman scattering results provided evidence of Al doping into the ZnO NSs due to peak shift from 145 cm-1 to an anomalous peak at 138 cm-1. Presence of enhanced Raman signal at around 274 and 743 cm-1 further confirmed Al in ZnO NSs. The enhanced D and G band in all Al-doped ZnO NSs shows possible functionalization and doping process in ZnO NSs.

  4. Enhanced photoluminescence and Raman properties of Al-Doped ZnO nanostructures prepared using thermal chemical vapor deposition of methanol assisted with heated brass. (United States)

    Thandavan, Tamil Many K; Gani, Siti Meriam Abdul; San Wong, Chiow; Md Nor, Roslan


    Vapor phase transport (VPT) assisted by mixture of methanol and acetone via thermal evaporation of brass (CuZn) was used to prepare un-doped and Al-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures (NSs). The structure and morphology were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). Photoluminescence (PL) properties of un-doped and Al-doped ZnO showed significant changes in the optical properties providing evidence for several types of defects such as zinc interstitials (Zni), oxygen interstitials (Oi), zinc vacancy (Vzn), singly charged zinc vacancy (VZn-), oxygen vacancy (Vo), singly charged oxygen vacancy (Vo+) and oxygen anti-site defects (OZn) in the grown NSs. The Al-doped ZnO NSs have exhibited shifted PL peaks at near band edge (NBE) and red luminescence compared to the un-doped ZnO. The Raman scattering results provided evidence of Al doping into the ZnO NSs due to peak shift from 145 cm-1 to an anomalous peak at 138 cm-1. Presence of enhanced Raman signal at around 274 and 743 cm-1 further confirmed Al in ZnO NSs. The enhanced D and G band in all Al-doped ZnO NSs shows possible functionalization and doping process in ZnO NSs.

  5. Preparation of Mg-α SiAlON powder by carbothermal reduction-nitridation of talc and halloysite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qui, J.Y.; Zhang, C.; Komeya, K.; Meguro, T.; Tatami, J.; Cheng, Y.-B.


    Carbothermal reduction-nitridation (CRN) of talc (Mg 3 (Si 2 O 5 ) 2 (OH) 2 ) and halloysite (Al 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 ) clay provides a useful route for preparing low-cost Mg-α sialon powder. In this study, the chosen molecular ratios of talc to halloysite were 0.1:1, 0.2:1, 1.5:1.0 and 2.0:1. The CRN reaction was conducted at 1450 to 1520 deg C and 2 to 6h holding time using carbon black as a reducing agent in flowing N 2 (gas). The results showed the synthesized powder was composed of α-sialon, β-sialon and small amounts of SiC, 15R and AlN phases that greatly depended on the ratio of talc to halloysite, the reaction temperature and holding time. The highest content of Mg-α sialon, as much as 90wt%, was achieved at 1480 deg C for a holding time of 4h at a talc to halloysite ratio of 1.5:1.0. SiC was considered as an intermediate compound. We also discuss the evaporation loss of Mg caused by talc decomposing into MgSiN 2 intermediate phase in the CRN reaction. Copyright (2001) The Australian Ceramic Society

  6. Evaluación de las transformaciones estructurales en recubrimientos de WC10Ni depositados por laser cladding sobre acero para herramienta EN 12379

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    Candel, J. J.


    diferencia de propiedades entre el metal base y la cerámica, puede producir una gran cantidad de defectos tales como grietas, poros, gran dilución de carburos, falta de adherencia, etc. El objetivo de este trabajo, es estudiar las transformaciones metalúrgicas que aparecen durante el procesado por láser de recubrimientos tipo cermet de WC10Ni, sobre acero de herramienta para trabajo en frío (EN 12379. Además se ha relacionado los parámetros de proceso con la generación de defectos. Para ello, se analiza su microestructura, composición y se obtienen perfiles de dureza en el recubrimiento y en el acero afectado por el calor. Los resultados muestran, que aunque el control de los parámetros del proceso reduce la generación de defectos, al depositar recubrimientos por solape de cordones, se produce gran cantidad de transformaciones debido a la disolución masiva de las partículas de WC y la difusión de elementos de aleación, desde el sustrato hacia el recubrimiento.

  7. Helipuerto para la Escuela Superior de Medicina Hannover — Alemania Federal

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    Idelberger, Klaus


    Full Text Available This helicopter landing pad was built for the service of the Higher Medical School of Hannover, on top of an existing concrete car park building. The structure chosen was a fire-galvanized steel beam framework resting on pendular supports and stabilizing portal type frames. Design calculation conforms with DIN 1 055 standard. The Steel structure is completed with a foot bridge and ramp, protection rails, stairways, etc.

    La pista de aterrizaje para helicópteros, al servicio de la Escuela Superior de Medicina de Hannover, se realizó sobre un aparcamiento de hormigón ya existente. Como estructura portante se eligió un entramado de vigas de acero galvanizado al fuego sobre apoyos pendulares y pórticos estabilizantes. Los cálculos se basan en la norma DIN 1 055. La estructura de acero se completa con el puente de peatones, la rampa de peatones, las barandillas de protección, las escaleras, etcétera.

  8. Influencia del tiempo de nitruración en baño de sales en el comportamiento tribológico de un acero de herramientas AISI H13

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    Castro, G.


    Full Text Available Tribological high temperature characteristics of a H13 tool steel treated by salt bath have been studied. AISI H13 steel samples were nitrided by a sursulf bath, varying nitriding time from 1 to 24 h. Optical microscopy and micro-hardness deep profile through the nitrided layer were performed for each nitriding time. Standard pin-on-disk wear tests were conducted at high temperature. Sliding distance was varied from 150 m to 900 m. It has been observed that friction coefficient does not change with nitriding time and wear rate varies as a function of the sliding distance due to the presence of different wear mechanisms. For short sliding distances, the wear mechanisms that contribute to the total wear were plastic deformation and abrasion, whereas for greater sliding distances the mechanisms that control wear behaviour were oxidation and abrasion.

    Se han investigado las características tribológicas a alta temperatura de un acero de herramientas para trabajo en caliente nitrurado en baño de sales sursulf. Se ha variado el tiempo de nitruración desde 1 hasta 24 h, para analizar su influencia en la microestructura obtenida y en el comportamiento frente al desgaste. Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste a alta temperatura y se ha evaluado la ratio de desgaste y el coeficiente de fricción. Se ha observado que el coeficiente de fricción no varía con el tiempo de nitruración y que la ratio de desgaste varía con la distancia de deslizamiento debido a la presencia de distintos mecanismos de desgaste, pero es independiente del tiempo de nitruración. Así, para distancias de ensayo cortas, los mecanismos de desgaste que contribuyen al desgaste total son deformación plástica y abrasión, mientras que para mayores distancias de deslizamiento los mecanismos observados son oxidación y abrasión.

  9. Textured surface structures formed using new techniques on transparent conducting Al-doped zinc oxide films prepared by magnetron sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minami, Tadatsugu; Miyata, Toshihiro; Uozaki, Ryousuke; Sai, Hitoshi; Koida, Takashi


    Surface-textured Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films formed using two new techniques based on magnetron sputtering deposition were developed by optimizing the light scattering properties to be suitable for transparent electrode applications in thin-film silicon solar cells. Scrambled egg-like surface-textured AZO films were prepared using a new texture formation technique that post-etched pyramidal surface-textured AZO films prepared under deposition conditions suppressing c-axis orientation. In addition, double surface-textured AZO films were prepared using another new texture formation technique that completely removed, by post-etching, the pyramidal surface-textured AZO films previously prepared onto the initially deposited low resistivity AZO films; simultaneously, the surface of the low resistivity films was slightly etched. However, the obtained very high haze value in the range from the near ultraviolet to visible light in the scrambled egg-like surface-textured AZO films did not contribute significantly to the obtainable photovoltaic properties in the solar cells fabricated using the films. Significant light scattering properties as well as a low sheet resistance could be achieved in the double surface-textured AZO films. In addition, a significant improvement of external quantum efficiency in the range from the near ultraviolet to visible light was achieved in superstrate-type n-i-p μc-Si:H solar cells fabricated using a double surface-textured AZO film prepared under optimized conditions as the transparent electrode. - Highlights: • Double surface-textured AZO films prepared using a new texture formation technique • Extensive light scattering properties with low sheet resistance achieved in the double surface-textured AZO films • Improved external quantum efficiency of μc-Si:H solar cells using a double surface-textured AZO film

  10. Textured surface structures formed using new techniques on transparent conducting Al-doped zinc oxide films prepared by magnetron sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minami, Tadatsugu [Optoelectronic Device System R& D Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921-8501 (Japan); Miyata, Toshihiro, E-mail: [Optoelectronic Device System R& D Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921-8501 (Japan); Uozaki, Ryousuke [Optoelectronic Device System R& D Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921-8501 (Japan); Sai, Hitoshi; Koida, Takashi [Research Center for Photovoltaics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568 (Japan)


    Surface-textured Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films formed using two new techniques based on magnetron sputtering deposition were developed by optimizing the light scattering properties to be suitable for transparent electrode applications in thin-film silicon solar cells. Scrambled egg-like surface-textured AZO films were prepared using a new texture formation technique that post-etched pyramidal surface-textured AZO films prepared under deposition conditions suppressing c-axis orientation. In addition, double surface-textured AZO films were prepared using another new texture formation technique that completely removed, by post-etching, the pyramidal surface-textured AZO films previously prepared onto the initially deposited low resistivity AZO films; simultaneously, the surface of the low resistivity films was slightly etched. However, the obtained very high haze value in the range from the near ultraviolet to visible light in the scrambled egg-like surface-textured AZO films did not contribute significantly to the obtainable photovoltaic properties in the solar cells fabricated using the films. Significant light scattering properties as well as a low sheet resistance could be achieved in the double surface-textured AZO films. In addition, a significant improvement of external quantum efficiency in the range from the near ultraviolet to visible light was achieved in superstrate-type n-i-p μc-Si:H solar cells fabricated using a double surface-textured AZO film prepared under optimized conditions as the transparent electrode. - Highlights: • Double surface-textured AZO films prepared using a new texture formation technique • Extensive light scattering properties with low sheet resistance achieved in the double surface-textured AZO films • Improved external quantum efficiency of μc-Si:H solar cells using a double surface-textured AZO film.

  11. Corrosión atmosférica del acero en interiores. Sus particularidades en el clima tropical de Cuba

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    Corvo, F.


    propuesta de Norma ISO para estas condiciones, exponiéndose la clasificación de esta agresividad para el acero, la cual se encuentra en los mayores niveles establecidos. Se propone un modelo del desarrollo de la corrosión con el tiempo de exposición, teniendo en consideración algunos contaminantes atmosféricos. El modelo se ajusta, aceptablemente, a los datos experimentales. Se observa que el polvo depositado es un factor importante en el proceso de corrosión del acero en interiores.

  12. Enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of polystyrene nanocomposites prepared using organo-functionalized NiAl layered double hydroxide via melt intercalation technique

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    Kelothu Suresh


    Full Text Available The article reports upon the preparation and characterization of organo-functionalized NiAl layered double hydroxide (LDH-polystyrene (PS nanocomposites. Initially, pristine NiAl LDH was synthesized via the co-precipitation technique and was subsequently treated using sodium dodecyl sulfate to obtain organo-functionalized NiAl LDH (ONiAl LDH. PS nanocomposites were fabricated by melt intercalation using a twin screw extruder in presence of ONiAl LDH nanofiller (1, 3, 5, and 7 wt.%. The PS nanocomposites were characterized for their structural, thermal and mechanical properties. The dispersion and morphology of the obtained PS nanocomposites were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD and transmission electron microscopy (TEM. Mechanical and thermal properties of the PS nanocomposites as a function of LDH content were examined by tensile tests, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The XRD and TEM results revealed the formation of an exfoliated structure of the PS nanocomposite with 1 wt.% ONiAl LDH loading. The maximum improvements of the mechanical and thermal properties of the nanocomposites with ONiAl LDH loading over pristine PS included tensile strength = 34.5% (1 wt.%, thermal decomposition temperatures (T15% = 27.4 °C (7 wt.%, and glass transition temperature (Tg = 4.3 °C (7 wt.%. The PS nanocomposites possessed higher mechanical strength and thermal degradation resistance compared to the pristine PS. The activation energy (Ea and reaction mechanism with respect to thermal degradation of the pristine PS and its nanocomposites were evaluated by the Coats-Redfern and Criado model, respectively.

  13. Análisis experimental del torneado de alta velocidad del acero AISI 1045 // Experimental analysis of high speed turning of AISI 1045 steel gears

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    Luís Wilfredo Hernández‐González


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio experimental de la evolución del desgaste del flanco de dosinsertos de carburo recubiertos y un cermet, durante el torneado en seco del acero AISI 1045 con 500 y600 m/min de velocidad de corte. Los resultados fueron comparados utilizando el análisis de varianza y deregresión. La investigación mostró un efecto significativo de la velocidad de corte y del tiempo demaquinado en el desgaste del flanco. El mejor desempeño fue para el carburo recubierto con tres capas,mientras que a elevada velocidad de corte el carburo con dos capas sufrió el mayor desgaste, lo cual sedebe a que cuando pierde sus recubrimientos el substrato del inserto queda desprotegido y el desgastecrece rápidamente por la extremas condiciones del mecanizado por alta velocidad. Además, se planteanrecomendaciones del tiempo de maquinado de los insertos dadas las condiciones de elaboración por altavelocidad.Palabras claves: torneado de alta velocidad, desgaste del flanco, acero AISI 1045, estudio experimental.__________________________________________________________________________AbstractThis work deals with the experimental study of the flank wear evolution of two coating carbide inserts and acermet insert during the dry turning of AISI 1045 steel with 500 and 600 m/min cutting speed. The resultswere compared using the variance and regression analysis. The investigation showed a significant effectof cutting speed and machining time on the flank wear in high speed machining. The three coating layersinsert showed the best performance while the two layers insert had the worst behaviour of the cutting toolwear at high cutting speed, this is because once the coating film is peeled off, the substrate of the insertbecomes uncovered and the wear grows rapidly due to the extreme machining conditions for high speed.Besides, the machining time recommendations of inserts for the cutting conditions at high speed areexposed.Key words: high

  14. Al-doped ZnO mechanical milled powders for dye sensitized cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Damonte, L.C.; Donderis, V.; Ferrari, S.; Orozco, J.; Hernandez-Fenollosa, M.A.


    Mixtures of Al 2 O 3 and ZnO powders were prepared by mechanical milling. The resulting samples were analyzed and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical reflection spectroscopy (OPS). XRD and PALS measurements confirm Al incorporation into ZnO wurtzite structure. Powders obtained from Al 2 O 3 precursors display better reflectivity than those prepared from Al metal so they might be better materials for implementation in photovoltaic solar devices.

  15. An organic-inorganic hybrid coagulant containing Al, Zn and Fe (HOAZF: preparation, efficiency and mechanism of removing organic phosphorus

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    Y. Fu


    Full Text Available A polymeric-Al-Zn-Fe (PAZF coagulant showing high removal of pollutants has been successfully developed using a galvanized slag in earlier works, but it gave less elimination of phosphorus. To improve phosphorus removal, a hybrid organic-Al-Zn-Fe (HOAZF coagulant was prepared using PAZF and polyacrylamide (PAM as an organic additive, and then was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, infrared spectroscopy (IR, X-ray diffraction (XRD, and Zeta potential, respectively. Removing efficiency and mechanism of organophosphorus by HOAZF was probed using jar tests in treating a simulated pesticide wastewater containing dichlorvos (DDVP, compared to that by PAZF and polyaluminum chloride. The results displayed that HOAZF having relative lower Zeta potential (compared to PAZF exhibited complex surface morphology composited by Al, Zn and Fe and PAM, forming some new crystalline and amorphous substances different from that in PAZF. HOAZF gave higher removal of organophosphorus and far lower dosage than PAZF, and also posed a suitable wider pH range (pH = 7–12 for HOAZF and 10–11 for PAZF, respectively and suitable wider organophosphorus level range than PAZF. Removing organophosphorus by HOAZF was a simultaneous complex process involving a non-phase transfer of adsorption/bridging/sweeping and a phase transfer of chemical precipitation.

  16. Bulk amorphous alloys: Preparation and properties of (Mg0.98Al0.02)x(Cu0.75Y0.25)100

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eldrup, Morten Mostgaard; Pedersen, Allan Schrøder; Ohnuma, M.


    New bulk amorphous quaternary alloys of the composition (Mg1-xAlx)(60)Cu30Y10 (x = 0 - 0.17) were recently reported by the authors and preliminary results of the influence of Al content on the ability to form a bulk amorphous phase were presented. In the present note we extend this work to look...... for the influence of the Mg-Al content on the glass forming ability by studying a range of compositions, (Mg0.98Al0.02)(x)(Cu0.75Y0.25)(100-x) for x = 60 - 80 at.%. As previously, the alloys were prepared by a relatively simple technique, i.e. rapid cooling of the melt in a wedge-shaped copper mould. This method...... provides a range of cooling rates within a single ingot during the solidification that link the slowly and rapidly cooled microstructure for each alloy composition. Hence, the maximum thickness of the amorphous part of the cast material will be a measure of the glass forming ability (GFA) of the particular...

  17. Modelización de la formación isotérmica de ferrita idiomórfica en aceros de medio carbono microaleados con vanadio-titanio

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    Capdevila, C.


    Full Text Available A theoretical model is presented in this work to calculate the evolution of isothermal austenite-to-idiomorphic ferrite transformation in a medium carbon vanadium-titanium microalloyed steel. This model has been developed on the basis of the study of the nucleation and growth kinetics of idiomorphic ferrite, considering the influence of the nature, size and distribution of the inclusions, which are responsible of the intragranular nucleation of idiomorphic ferrite. Moreover, the influence of the austenite grain size on the isothermal decomposition of austenite in idiomorphic ferrite has been thoroughly analysed. An excellent agreement (85 % in R has been obtained between experimental and predicted values of volume fraction of idiomorphic ferrite.

    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo teórico para calcular la evolución con el tiempo de la transformación isotérmica de la austenita en ferrita idiomórfica en un acero de medio carbono microaleado con vanadio-titanio. En dicho modelo, desarrollado en base al estudio de la cinética de nucleación y crecimiento de ferrita idiomórfica, se ha valorado la influencia de la naturaleza, tamaño y distribución de las inclusiones responsables de la nucleación intragranular de ferrita. Así mismo, se ha analizado, con detenimiento, la influencia que tiene el tamaño de grano austenítico. El modelo ha sido validado experimentalmente, mostrándose un excelente acuerdo (85 % en R entre los resultados experimentales y los predichos por el modelo de transformación propuesto en este trabajo.

  18. Análisis de la influencia del factor de solapamiento en el tratamiento térmico de superficies extensas de aceros por láser

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    García-Beltrán, A.


    Full Text Available On the basis of numerical models developed by the authors for the predictive analysis of transformation hardening of extended steel surfaces, the difficulties existing for the treatment of extended surfaces by overlapping cycles of laser heating are analyzed from a computational point of view. In this analysis, thermal and physical properties of the material are considered along with their temperature dependance. Some optimization guidelines for the irradiation parameters (including modifications of the spatial distribution of the laser beam energy are determined in order to obtain both the adequate material transformed depth and the required hardness profiles.

    Sobre la base de modelos numéricos, desarrollados por los autores para el análisis predictivo de procesos de tratamiento térmico superficial de aceros por láser, se analiza, desde un punto de vista computacional, la influencia del factor de solapamiento en el tratamiento de superficies extensas de dichos materiales mediante ciclos parcialmente superpuestos de irradiación láser. En dichos análisis, se tienen en cuenta, explícitamente, las propiedades termofísicas de los materiales considerados así como su dependencia térmica, estableciéndose, finalmente, diversos criterios de optimización de las variables de irradiación (incluyendo posibles variaciones en la distribución espacial de la energía del haz láser con el objeto de maximizar, de forma combinada, la profundidad de material transformado y el nivel de dureza alcanzado, evitando, al mismo tiempo, el sometimiento del material a ciclos térmicos degradatorios del tratamiento original, en concreto, el revenido superficial.

  19. 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance of glassy and crystalline Zr(1-x)AlxO(2-x/2) materials prepared from solution precursors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balmer, M.L.; Eckert, H.; Das, N.; Lange, F.F.


    The local environment of the aluminum atoms in a series of metastable Zr (1-x) Al x O (2-x/2) crystalline materials (0.08 ≤ x ≤ 0.57), prepared by diffusion-limited crystallization of amorphous precursors, has been determined by 27 Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR). Results show the existence of aluminum in 4-, 5-, and 6-fold coordination in both the amorphous and crystalline states. Although the relative amounts of each type of coordination show no compositional dependence in the amorphous state, the results for the crystalline materials show a systematic decrease in the average aluminum coordination number with increasing aluminum content. Comparisons of MAS NMR results between pure Al 2 O 3 precursors and Zr (1-x) Al x O (2-x/2) crystalline materials processed under similar conditions show a profound effect of ZrO 2 on the coordination environment of the aluminum atom. Both a random distribution model and a model that assumes small-scale clustering of aluminum ions are considered to explain the trends in the type of aluminum coordination as a function of composition

  20. Preparation of highly oriented Al:ZnO and Cu/Al:ZnO thin films by sol-gel method and their characterization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vijayaprasath, G.; Murugan, R. [School of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630 004, Tamil Nadu (India); Mahalingam, T. [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon 443-749 (Korea, Republic of); Hayakawa, Y. [Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu 432-8011 (Japan); Ravi, G., E-mail: [School of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630 004, Tamil Nadu (India)


    Highly oriented thin films of Al doped ZnO (Al:ZnO) and Cu co-doped Al:ZnO (Cu/Al:ZnO) thin films were successfully deposited by sol–gel spin coating on glass substrates. The deposited films were characterized using X-ray diffraction analysis and found to exhibit hexagonal wurtzite structure with c-axis orientation. SEM images revealed that hexagonal rod shaped morphologies were grown perpendicular to the substrate surface due to repeated deposition process. High transmittance values were observed for pure ZnO compared to Al:ZnO and Cu/Al:ZnO thin films. The band gap widening is caused by the increase of carrier concentration, which is believed to be due to Burstein-Moss effect due to Al and Cu doping. PL spectra of Cu/Al:ZnO thin films indicate that the UV emission peaks slightly shifted towards lower energy side. XPS study was carried out for Zn{sub 0.80}Al{sub 0.10}Cu{sub 0.10}O thin films to analyze the binding energy of Al, Cu, Zn and O. Magnetic measurement studies exhibited ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature, which may be due to the increase in copper concentration in the doped films. The ferromagnetic behavior can be understood from the exchange coupling between localized ‘d’ spin of Cu ion mediated by free delocalized carriers. - Highlights: • High quality of Al:ZnO and Cu co-doped Al:ZnO thin films were fabricated by sol–gel method. • The XRD analyses revealed that the deposited thin films have hexagonal wurtzite structure. • XPS was carried out for Zn{sub 0.80}Al{sub 0.10}Cu{sub 0.10}O films to analyze the binding energy of Al, Cu, Zn and O. • SEM studies were made for Al:ZnO and Cu/Al:ZnO thin films. • RTFM was observed in Cu co-doped Al:ZnO thin films.