
Sample records for praksis med fem

  1. Professionel praksis i botilbud for mennesker med udviklingshæmning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engen, Mie

    I dag varetager man i Danmark hovedsageligt omsorgen for mennesker med udviklingshæmning, der har behov for hjælp og støtte på døgnbasis, i § 107/108 boformer oprettet efter Lov om Social Service og Almenboliglovens § 105. Formålet med den professionelle praksis i boformerne er at varetage disse ...

  2. Lærerens dilemma - mellem ideal og praksis: en virksomhedsteoretisk analyse af progressiv undervisning med it

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink

    Denne ph.d.-afhandling bidrager til det fagdidaktiske forskningsfelt inden for læreruddannelsen med viden om dansklæreres didaktiske praksis med it-understøttet progressiv undervisning i udskolingen. Afhandlingen leverer et svar på spørgsmålet om, hvordan progressiv undervisning med it i dansk ka...

  3. God IKT-praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wentzer, Helle

    Afhandlingen afdækker tværvidenskabelige problemstillinger for informatik fra et humanistisk perspektiv. 'God IKT-praksis' bidrager med udgangspunkt i sundhedssektoren med tre begreber til konstruktive design- og læreprocesser ved implementering og evaluering af IKT. Begreberne er: ‘E-tekstens po......Afhandlingen afdækker tværvidenskabelige problemstillinger for informatik fra et humanistisk perspektiv. 'God IKT-praksis' bidrager med udgangspunkt i sundhedssektoren med tre begreber til konstruktive design- og læreprocesser ved implementering og evaluering af IKT. Begreberne er: ‘E...

  4. Hvor kommer meninger fra? - en analyse af diskursiv praksis i forbindelse med bachelorvejledning og -skrivning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Hanne


    Læreruddannelsen er placeret i uddannelseshierarkiet som en både professions og akademisk orienteret uddannelse, hvis forvaltere er placeret uden direkte forbindelse med hverken skolepraksis eller akademisk praksis. Den overordnede diskursorden er i læreruddannelsen reguleret ud fra en orienterin...... artiklen på "at mene" i læreruddannelsens diskursive praksis, og der identificeres en problemstilling som drejer sig om hvordan en lærerstuderende / kommende lærers position skal forstås som etableret af de ord den studerende producerer i BA-opgaven....

  5. Loyalitet i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Breddam, Mads Dupont

    Loyalitet i praksis – en etnologisk kulturanalyse af fænomenet den loyale forbruger , er en kvalitativ kulturanalyse af, hvordan loyalitet skabes i forbindelse med den danske detailhandels - og andelsorganisation Coop og Coops loyalitetsprogram CoopPlus. Undersøgelserne bygger på et empirisk...... undersøger , hvordan loyalitet gøres i praksis, ved at indkredse det analytiske og multiple fænomen den loyale forbruger . Tilgangen er, at loyalitet praktiseres, nå r medarbejdernes, medlemmernes og medejernes versioner af den loyale forbruger relateres til hinanden. Med andre ord fokuserer forfatteren på...

  6. Refleksiv praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    forskningspraksis. Forfattergruppens intention med denne antologi har været ved at fremlægge erfaringer fra egen forskning at kunne bidrage til inspiration, erfaringsudveksling og debat med såvel studerende som forskerkolleger om, hvordan forskning kan gribes an i praksis og om de indsigter og forståelser og...

  7. Læring som improviseret udvikling af praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brinck, Lars


    Med afsæt i forfatterens fænomenografiske studie af amerikanske musikeres oplevelse af det at jamme diskuterer artiklen, hvorvidt jam-bandets spontant improviserende praksis kan give ny forståelse af rytmiske musikeres læring som et overordnet socialt fænomen. Ved at betragte jam-bandets praksis i...

  8. Aktionsforskning skaber løsninger i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lehmann, Sanne

    Aktionsforskning er et forskningsdesign, der anvendes til at generere nye løsninger i og viden om praksis i et tæt tværfagligt samspil mellem aktører fra viden institutioner, praksis og borgere. Aktionsforskningsmetoden er involverende, procesorienteret og dialogbaseret og dermed et alternativ til...... kvantitative og kvalitative metoder. Bogen giver en håndgribelig og pædagogisk indsigt i, hvordan aktionsforskning kan anvendes i relation til kortere projektforløb. Aktionsforskning introduceres som hele rammen om projektet med anvisninger til, hvordan du finder en god problemstilling, anvender teori, udfører...... bogen henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med praksisudvikling og problemorienterede projekter og har lyst til at prøve kræfter med aktionsforskning....

  9. Supply Chain Management som interaktionel praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Leo Feddersen; Lund, Anders


    I dette bidrag undersøger vi Supply Chain Management som en interaktionel praksis forankret i kommunikation. Med udgangspunkt i e-mail korrespondancer undersøger vi, hvordan køber-leverandør forholdet kommunikativt konstitueres mellem to danske SMVer og deres kinesiske leverandører. Det...

  10. Supply Chain Management i danske virksomheder: En empirisk analyse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anne; Arlbjørn, Jan Stentoft; Haas, Henning de

    Formålet med denne undersøgelse er at tage temperaturen på supply chain management-praksis i danske virksomheder. Specifikt søges praksis afdækket inden for følgende fem områder: (1) Supply chain-strategi og -organisation, (2) Outsourcing, (3) Integration med kunder, (4) Sourcing og (5) It....

  11. Nærvær i pædagogisk praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nærvær i pædagogisk praksis handler om, hvordan lærere og pædagoger kan arbejde med mindfulness i skole og daginstitution. Målet er at give inspiration til, hvordan man kan skabe et lærings- og udviklingsmiljø, som understøtter en praksis, hvor børn får erfaringer med at være til stede i sig selv......, ligesom de giver eksempler på nærværende kunst- og musikundervisning.   Den røde tråd er ønsket om at bistå barnet i at rumme sig selv og andre og en interesse for de muligheder, som øget nærvær kan give det enkelte barn og fællesskabet....

  12. Machinima som kreativ praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frølunde, Lisbeth


    Video: Machinima som Kreativ Praksis. Videoen fortæller om de overordnede temaer i et forskningsprojekt der undersøgte nye former for online multimedie- og filmproduktion og fællesskaber med fokus på 'machinima' animation. Studiet af machinima var en del af et større dansk projekt og et nordisk f...... forskningprojekt om virtuelle verdener og teknologiudvikling, 2010-13. Videoen er præsenteret på Audiovisual Thinking nr. 7 under temaet: Den kreative økonomi....

  13. Sprogbrug i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Axel, Erik


    Artiklen er et argument for at se på sprogbrug i stedet for sprog. Vi bruger sproget til at meddele os. Derfor må vi i vor forståelse af sprogbrug indbefatte brugere, sprogbrug og betydning. Der tages udgangspunkt i betydninger som et aspekt af praksis, og argumenteres for, at sproget ikke har be......, Potter og Wetherells. Endelig introduceres Roy Harris integrative lingvistik, der argumenterer for, at sprogbrugen må forstås som en samlet kommunikationssituation. Med udgangspunkt i Harris tilgang skitseres en praksisbaseret forståelse af sprog som redskab.  ...

  14. Styrkelse af sammenhængen mellem teori og praksis inden for udvalgte samfundsvidenskabelige fag på bioanalytikeruddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krause-Jensen, Lone; Neubauer, Turi; Landbo, Anne Sofie


    Projektet har undersøgt sammenhængen mellem teori og praksis inden for udvalgte samfundsvidenskabelige fag på bioanalytikeruddannelsen. Teoretisk tages udgangspunkt i Goodlads fem perspektiver på curriculumudvikling: Niveau 1 (ideologisk curriculum), niveau 2 (formelt curriculum), niveau 3 (opfat...

  15. Integreret rapportering i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pontoppidan, Caroline Aggestam; Sonnerfeldt, Amanda


    Formålet med denne artikel er at bidrage til en dybere forståelse af fænomenet integreret rapporte-ring () og, hvordan IIRC’s begrebsramme afspejles i praksis i virksomheder og af interessen-ter. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i nyere empiriske forskningsprojekter, som bringer viden omkring......; 1) brugeres (stakeholders) informationsbehov, herunder anvendelsen og nytteværdien af og 2) praktiske udfordringer samt ’best practice’ tendenser inden for (ACCA, 2016; ACCA 2017; AcE, 2017; IFAC 2017)....

  16. Læringsmål i masteruddannelser – et underviserperspektiv på teori-praksis relationen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annie Aarup Jensen


    Full Text Available Artiklen belyser, med udgangspunkt i Ellströms kategorisering af handlings-, videns- og læringsniveauer (1996, at der eksisterer en generel grundlæggende forskel mellem, hvad underviserne oplever, at masterstuderende har som mål med deres uddannelse, og hvad underviserne selv tolker som det overordnede mål. De studerendes mål er ifølge underviserne overvejende at få teoretisk viden og teoretisk funderede svar på konkrete problemstillinger, mens undervisernes mål er at skabe refleksive praktikere gennem arbejdet med teorier og teori-praksis¬inte¬gra¬tion. Artiklen er baseret på kvalitative interviews med fem erfarne underviserer fra tre forskellige masteruddannelser, hvor kernefelterne er læreprocesser, organisations- og professionsudvikling samt lederudvikling. Based on Ellström’s categorization of levels of action, knowledge and learning (1996, the article shows that a fundamental difference exists between master students’ objectives for their education as experienced by the teachers, and the teachers’ own interpretation of the overall objectives. According to the teachers, the students’ objectives are primarily to acquire theoretical knowledge and theoretically based answers or solutions to specific practice related problems, whereas the teachers’ objectives are to create reflective practitioners through their work with theories and theory-practice integration. The article is based on qualitative interviews conducted with five experienced teachers from three different master programmes that focus on learning processes, organizational- and professional development and leadership development.

  17. Loyalitet i praksis:En etnologisk kulturanalyse af fænomenet den loyale forbruger


    Breddam, Mads Dupont


    Loyalitet i praksis – en etnologisk kulturanalyse af fænomenet den loyale forbruger , er en kvalitativ kulturanalyse af, hvordan loyalitet skabes i forbindelse med den danske detailhandels - og andelsorganisation Coop og Coops loyalitetsprogram CoopPlus. Undersøgelserne bygger på et empirisk materiale , som hovedsageligt består af kvalitative interviews med en række medlemmer og medejere af Coop samt med medarbejdere i Coops hovedkvarter i Albertslund . Afhandlingen er en praksiografisk under...

  18. Når systematiske reviews (mis)informerer pædagogisk praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engsig, Thomas Thyrring


    I løbet af de sidste ti år har vi, nationalt såvel som internationalt, været vidne til en betydelig vækst i produktionen af systematiske reviews inden for pædagogik og uddannelse. I forbindelse med omfattende reformer af dele af den pædagogiske praksis og professionsuddannelserne til pædagog og l...

  19. Læring i praksis. Tilrettelegging for å fremme refleksjonskompetanse og læringsutbytte hos studenter i praksis. Erfaringer fra en pilotstudie.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari Høium


    Full Text Available Studien belyser erfaringer med en tilpasset veiledningsmodell i gruppe, for å styrke profesjonell kompetanse hos vernepleiestudenter i praksis. Intervensjonen er gjennomført i forhold til 32 bachelorstudenter fra tre ulike kull. Den tar utgangspunkt i en obligatorisk veiledningsgruppe som foregår inne på høgskolen, midtveis i en av deres praksisperioder. Hovedmålsettingen var å se i hvilken grad veiledningsmodellen bidro til utbytte og læringseffekt i forhold til målsetting for praksisperioden. Et annet mål med studien har vært å skaffe erfaringer med hvordan refleksjon og kritisk tenkning kan læres gjennom praktisk student veiledning. Resultater fra undersøkelsen viste at den tilpassede veiledningsmodellen som her ble benyttet, bidro til å fremme refleksjonskompetanse og læringsutbytte hos studentene. Dette gir grunnlag for videre optimisme med tanke på å styrke vernepleiestudentenes læring og profesjonelle kompetanse. Betydningen forsterkes ved at refleksjonskompetanse fremheves som en sentral kvalitetsvariabel, både fra myndighetene og fra fagfeltet. En videre utfordring vil være å raffinere modellen ytterligere med tanke på utprøving og tilpasset implementering gjennom ulike praksisperioder i studiet.

  20. Ressourcer i teori og praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ressourceorientering som udgangspunkt for pædagogisk praksis. I bogen møder læseren en række metoder og konkrete tilgange, der på forskellig vis tager udgangspunkt i et ressourcesyn som princip og afsæt for praksis. Ud fra forskellige teoretiske tilgange giver bogen en række bud på, hvordan man s...

  1. Miljøoptimering af afvaskning ved tryk med vandfortyndbar flexotrykfarve

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Henrik Fred; Helweg, Christian; Pedersen, Anne Rathmann

    Rapporten beskriver praksis ved afvaskning af vandfortyndbare flexotrykfarver i emballageindustrien og anviser muligheder for indførelse af renere teknologi til reduktion af spildevandsbelastningen. Anbefalingerne omfatter a) udformning af farveværker med henblik på effektiv tømning af farve og e...

  2. Ledelsesretten - hvad skal vi stille op med den?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagh, Lone


    for ledelsesretten at træde ind som en kommunikerbar og legitim rammesætning i lederens praksis. Artiklen inddrager i sin analyse retssociologiske perspektiver i et moderne og postmoderne perspektiv og rundes af med en diskussion af de faldgruber, det kan indebære, når ledelsesrettens styringssprog skal omsættes til...

  3. Forskningsbaseret viden kan bruges i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braad, Mette; Bahnsen, Iben Bøgh; Axelsen, Hanne Clement


    Evidensbaseret praksis blev trænet i et samarbejde mellem sygeplejestuderende, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aalborg. Resultatet af samarbejdet kommer nu præmature børn i CPAP-behandling til gode i form af systematisk soignering, aflastning og gel-behandling omkr......Evidensbaseret praksis blev trænet i et samarbejde mellem sygeplejestuderende, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aalborg. Resultatet af samarbejdet kommer nu præmature børn i CPAP-behandling til gode i form af systematisk soignering, aflastning og gel...

  4. Markedskommunikation i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Markedskommunikation handler om al kommunikation mellem aktørerne på et marked. Derfor er der ofte tale om vidtforgrenede processer, hvor budskaber bliver skabt i samarbejdet mellem aktører og sjældent kan styres af én afsender alene. Markedskommunikation i praksis tager udgangspunkt i denne dyna...

  5. From Practice to Praksis - models in Danish coaching psychology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spaten, Ole Michael; Kyndesen, Anna Imer; Palmer, Stephen


    The article gives a brief outline of the broadness of coaching models and moves on to describe in detail the model PRAKSIS, which has been developed from the English language PRACTICE model. This model is considered to be a key tool in solution-focused coaching and therapy. Thus, PRAKSIS...

  6. Feltarbejde omkring en æstetisk praksis i børnehaven

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lica, Anna


    Baggrunden for projektet Feltarbejde omkring æstetisk praksis i børnehaven er mit job som underviser i drama på et pædagogseminarium. I den forbindelse er jeg i faglige diskussioner løbet ind i en mur, når det gjaldt indkredsningen af begrebet æstetisk praksis. Dette pirrede til min nysgerrighed...

  7. Skal det være slut med herreløse katte i Danmark?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter


    En arbejdsgruppe med deltagelse af bl.a. Den Danske Dyrlægeforening og Dyrenes Beskyttelse foreslår at enhver, der fodrer en herreløs kat, skal vedkende sig ejerskab. Professor Peter Sandøe kritiserer arbejdsgruppens forslag, som han mener i praksis vil forværre forholdene for de herreløse katte....

  8. Processeringsoptimering med Canons software

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Precht, Helle


    . Muligheder i software optimering blev studeret i relation til optimal billedkvalitet og kontrol optagelser, for at undersøge om det var muligt at acceptere diagnostisk billedkvalitet og derved tage afsæt i ALARA. Metode og materialer Et kvantitativt eksperimentelt studie baseret på forsøg med teknisk og...... humant fantom. CD Rad fantom anvendes som teknisk fantom, hvor billederne blev analyseret med CD Rad software, og resultatet var en objektiv IQF værdi. Det humane fantom var et lamme pelvis med femur, der via NRPB’ er sammenlignelig med absorptionen ved et femårigt barn. De humane forsøgsbilleder blev...

  9. At bruge musik til at håndtere modoverføring i individuel musikterapi i hospitalspsykiatrien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inge Nygaard Pedersen


    Full Text Available Artiklen beskriver kliniske og teoretiske perspektiver på forståelsen og anvendelsen af fænomenet modoverføring i musikterapi i voksenpsykiatrien. De kliniske perspektiver er hentet fra min tiårige praksis i musikterapi i hospitalspsykiatrien herunder primært fra arbejde med borderline patienter eller patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelse. De teoretiske perspektiver er uddrag fra en historisk litteraturgennemgang vedrørende forståelse af fænomenet modoverføring fra Freud til i dag. Der indgår en analyse af en klinisk improvisation fra egen praksis ud fra fem dimensioner i måden at forstå modoverføring på som er udarbejdet af en gruppe af psykoanalytikere kaldet ’specifister’. Analysen er baseret på egne notater, dialogudskrift og observatørnotater. Overordnet er artiklen et led i mine senior ph.d.-studier indenfor emnet på Forskerskolen i musikterapi på Aalborg Universitet.

  10. At finde rundt i klinisk praksis og om de enkelte rums funktion og betydning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristian


    de rumlige omgivelser er relevant, fordi læring i praksis i højeste grad foregår i fysiske, arkitektoniske rammer med specifikke sociale spilleregler for, hvad man gør og ikke gør i et konferencerum, en sygestue eller i patientens eget hjem. Arkitektur er således materielt og kropsligt nærværende...... læremester, og rumlige omgivelser involverer også magtrelationer,som hvem der besidder hvilke lokaliteter og artefakter og hvem, der ikke gør det. Dette kapitel angår relationer mellem mennesker og fysiske omgivelser, og det er hensigten at gøre rede for både enkle og komplekse forhold. I den forbindelse vil...

  11. Relationer mellem teori og praksis i pædagogisk og lærerfagligt arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Lars Emmerik Damgaard

    måder, og de hver af disse understøtter bestemte opfattelser af pædagogik og undervisning. Denne bog forsøger derfor give svar på, hvordan du kan forstå og omsætte relationerne mellem teori og praksis i dine pædagogiske studier og aktiviteter. Bogen giver dig viden om: • Hvordan og hvorfor teori og......Forbindelsen mellem teori og praksis er en grundlægende udfordring. Det gælder alle fag og professioner men ikke mindst for lærer- og pædagogstuderende, som netop formidler viden og som denne bog derfor adresserer. Den grundlæggende idé er, at teori og praksis kan relateres på flere forskellige...... praksis relaterer sig til hinanden som forskellige vidensformer, og hvordan disse forskellige former for viden ofte knytter sig til den kultur, som de optræder i. • Hvordan du kan analysere og syntetisere den måde, du i dit eget pædagogiske arbejde relaterer teori og praksis på, så du dermed også kan...

  12. Skattemæsssig kvalifikation af trusts i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian


    Artiklen har til formål at systematisere og redegøre for skattemyndighedernes fremgangsmåde og kvalifikation af trusts i dansk ret. Baggrunden herfor er, at antallet af trust-sager for såvel de administrative myndigheder som domstolene relativt set er vokset betydeligt siden årtusindeskiftet. Ud...... fra en gennemgang af doms- og administrativ praksis kan det konstateres, at kvalifikationen af trusts kan opdeles i fire hovedkategorier, som er væsentlige at have kendskab til, såfremt en skattesag indeholdende trust-elementer måtte være under opsejling. Endvidere inddrages skattestrafferetlig...... praksis på baggrund af en nyligt afsagt landsretsdom vedrørende en offshore trust....

  13. Kombinerede sol/varmepumpeanlæg i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Elsa; Furbo, Simon


    I rapporten analyseres målinger fra kombinerede sol/varmepumpeanlæg i praksis. Anlæggene er installeret af Nordic Energy Group og målingerne er ligeledes foretaget af Nordic Energy Group. Analysen viser at energiforbruget og energiprisen kan reduceres betragteligt ved at installere et kombianlæg ...

  14. Portfolio i Praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saltofte, Margit; Krill, Cecilia

    . Præsentationsfolien fokuserer på at præsentere et færdigt produkt eller resultat, mens arbejdsportfolien har fokus på proces, refleksion og læring. Til denne forskel knytter sig desuden helt naturligt en sondring imellem det delte og det private. Hvor præsentationsportfolio per definition er åben og har en modtager i...... sigte, er arbejdsportfolien i udgangspunktet lukket og privat. Det vil sige at man selv udvælger, hvad der skal ses af fx vejleder eller medstuderende – og hvad, der skal forblive privat. Portfolio i Praksis tilbyder desuden en række håndgribelige øvelser, der kan bruges som hjælp til at understøtte det...

  15. Interview med professor Paul du Gay om bureaukratiets værdi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pors, Anja Svejgaard


    Paul du Gay er sociolog og globaliseringsprofessor ved Institut for Organisation på Copenhagen Business School. I hans forskning interesserer han sig blandt andet for bureaukratiet som styreform. Gennem årtier har bureaukratiet været genstand for omfattende kritik for dets langsommelighed......, inhumanitet og manglende fleksibilitet. Paul du Gay har taget til genmæle og forsvarer bureaukratiet som en styreform, der understøtter demokrati. I arbejdet med administration som praksis og faglighed har vi interviewet Paul du Gay om nogle af de centrale pointer i denne forskning. Samtalen kredser om...

  16. Machoideal och/eller meningslös underhållning? : Om fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan med fokus på maskulinitet och publiken som meningsskapare.


    Olsson, Eva


    Uppsatsen undersöker fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan, med fokus på maskulinitet. Föreställningarna och bilderna kring maskulinitet som kan urskiljas i intervjupersonernas berättelser, knyts till R.W. Connells teoretiska ramverk kring hegemonisk maskulinitet och de hierarkiska relationerna mellan olika maskuliniteter. Vidare resoneras det kring hur berättelserna exemplifierar en syn på mediepublik som aktiva meningsskapare, då intervjupersonerna tar fasta på olika as...

  17. Idrætsstuderendes læring af aktionsforskning i et samarbejde med erhvervsskolelærere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elbæk, Lars

    foregå, således at forskningsbaseret bevægelsesviden oversættes til daglig praksis på erhvervsskoleområdet. Da idrætsstuderende i fremtidige jobs kan forventes at skulle være med til at oversætte viden til praksis, fremlægges I denne præsentation et studie af idrætsstuderendes omsætning af viden til...... teacher-educators practice action research as they introduce action research to preservice teachers. Action Research, 6(1), 7-28. doi:10.1177/1476750307083716 Straus, S. E., Tetroe, J., & Graham, I. (2009). Defining knowledge translation. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 181(3-4), 165-168. Retrieved...... from Turner, S. A. (2010). Teaching Research to Teachers: A Self-Study of Course Design, Student Outcomes, and Instructor Learning. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(2), 60-77. Virginia Braun, Victoria Clarke, Paul Weate (2016), Using...

  18. Læringslandskaber for elever med indlæringsvanskeligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Szulevicz, Thomas

    Baggrund Denne afhandling består af en empirisk undersøgelse af den pædagogiske praksis på Havredal Praktiske Landbrugsskole (HPL). HPL er en mesterlæreinspireret landbrugsuddannelse for unge elever mellem 16-25 år med indlæringsvanskeligheder. HPL fungerer som et moderne landbrug, der drives af...... elever og lærere i fællesskab. Der er 38 indskrevne elever på skolen, der dyrker 140 ha jord og har en besætning på 50 sortbrogede malkekøer i løsdriftsstald, 250 søer samt 10 heste. Elevernes uddannelse og læring er struktureret omkring deres deltagelse i landbrugsaktiviteterne på skolen. HPL er...... observationerne fandt sted i forskningsprojektets første 14 måneder. Herudover er der blevet foretaget kvalitative interviews med 12 elever fra HPL. Heraf blev de 7 af eleverne interviewet à 3 omgange. 7 lærere på HPL er blevet interviewet. Endelig er der blevet foretaget to videoobservationer af en elevs...

  19. A new questionnaire to identify bodily distress in primary care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Budtz-Lilly, Anna; Fink, Per; Ørnbøl, Eva


    Mange patienter henvender sig i almen praksis med legemlige symptomer, som ikke passer med traditionelt definerede sygdomme (også kaldet medicinsk uforklarede eller funktionelle symptomer). På baggrund af forskning i almen praksis er der nu udviklet kriterier for en ny diagnose for patienter med ...

  20. Evidensbaseret praksis i videnskabsteoretisk belysning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjørland, Birger


    alle led i dokumentations- og søgeprocesserne. Evidensbaseret praksis er imidlertid også en kontroversiel bevægelse, især i bløde områder som psykologi, sygepleje og biblioteks- dokumentations- og informationsfaget (BDI), men også inden for medicin selv. Hovedkritikken går dels på, at praktikere...... fratages deres autonomi og på, at forståelsen for grundlæggende årsagsmekanismer svækkes. Denne videnskabsteoretiske kritik er ikke blot relevant for praktiseringen af fx evidensbaseret medicin, men også for BDIs forhold til dokumentationsprocesser generelt. Artiklen præsenterer og undersøger disse...

  1. HRM i Danmark efter krisen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bévort, Frans; Holt Larsen, Henrik; Hjalager, Anne-Mette

    Kortlægning af praksis for Human Resource Management (HRM) i alle organisationer i Danmark med mere end 100 ansatte.......Kortlægning af praksis for Human Resource Management (HRM) i alle organisationer i Danmark med mere end 100 ansatte....

  2. Social arv, ulighed og dagtilbuds betydning med henblik på mønsterbrydning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Bente

    i 120 dagtilbud. Programmet har udviklet innovative strategier for professionelles kompetenceudvikling, dvs. et kompetenceudviklingsprogram, der tilbyder deltagerne muligheder for selv at arbejde eksperimenterende med viden om kvalitetsudvikling i dagtilbud, samt værktøjer til at omsætte denne viden...... (uddannelse), og her planlægges innovative strategier for implementering gennem eksperimenter (i praksis). Antagelsen bag programmet er, at en længerevarende og dybtgående tilgang til professionel kompetenceudvikling med fokus på et innovativt perspektiv vil kunne føre til varige fornyelser i dagtilbud og...... undersøgelse af, om modellen for forandring og fornyelse opnår effekt. Resultater viser, at der opnås positive virkninger af professionelles kompetenceudvikling målt på implementering af nye innovative strategier i det pædagogiske arbejde. Teoretisk diskuteres resultaterne i lyset af en begrebsliggørelse om...

  3. Socioeconomic position and contact to general practice among persons with diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Else-Marie; Vedsted, Peter; Fenger-Grøn, Morten


    Det er velkendt at der er social gradient i prognosen for diabetes, men det er uklart on denne ulighed også gælder brug af almen praksis blandt personer med diabetes. En nationalt, populationsbaseret kohortestudie blev udført med 137.492 personer med incident diabetes i alderen 40-79 år og 687...... efter diagnose blev sammenlignet. Personer med diabetes havde 4,8 (95%CI:4,7-4,8) flere konsultationer i almen praksis første år efter diagnose. Denne ekstra konsultationsrate steg med faldende SEP; f.eks. 5,8 (95%CI: 5.6-6.0) for kvinder i aldersgruppen 40-54 år med laveste uddannelsesniveau og 4,9 (95......%CI: 4,7-5,1) for kvinder med det højeste uddannelsesniveau. Personer med diabetes havde næsten 5 ekstra konsultationer i almen praksis første år efter diagnoses og antallet var højest for de med lavest SEP....

  4. Boost læringen med levende billeder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Ole


    Børn og unge lever i en digital virkelighed, og det er helt afgørende, at skolerne møder denne virkelighed. Medierne har nemlig både potentialet for at understøtte og udfordre den pædagogiske praksis......Børn og unge lever i en digital virkelighed, og det er helt afgørende, at skolerne møder denne virkelighed. Medierne har nemlig både potentialet for at understøtte og udfordre den pædagogiske praksis...

  5. Implementeringsforskning: vitenskap for forbedring av praksis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Signe Flottorp


    Full Text Available Medisinsk forskning har ført til store framskritt de siste tiårene. Det er investert mye mer ressurser på basalforskning og klinisk forskning enn på å utvikle og evaluere metoder for å sikre at pasientene får nytte av forskningen. Formålet med implementeringsforskning er å redusere gapet mellom forskning og praksis, ved å utvikle og evaluere tiltak som kan sikre at behandlingen som pasientene mottar er kunnskapsbasert, at den er omsorgsfull og av god kvalitet.I denne artikkelen gjør vi rede for hva implementering og implementeringsforskning er. Vi belyser historikken til denne unge vitenskapen, og illustrerer mangfoldet i de faglige tilnærmingene og begrepene som brukes om det å få forskning brukt i praksis. Det finnes en rekke teorier om endring av atferd, både på individnivå og på organisatorisk nivå. Teoriene er imidlertid i liten grad testet empirisk, særlig når det gjelder å endre atferd i helsetjenesten.Systematiske oversikter over metodisk gode studier er den beste kilden til informasjon om effekt av implementeringstiltak. The Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group (EPOC er en viktig kilde for slike oversikter. De systematiske oversiktene som er utarbeidet på dette feltet viser at passive dissemineringstiltak har begrenset effekt, mens mer aktive tiltak kan ha liten til moderat effekt. Det er ofte betydelig variasjon i effekt på tvers av studiene. Det er derfor viktig å få bedre kunnskap om hvilke faktorer som kan forklare slike forskjeller i effekt.Vi gir eksempler på norske implementeringsstudier, og refererer bidrag fra forskere ved Kunnskapssenteret. Implementeringsforskningen kan, hvis den lykkes, sikre pasientene bedre behandling.Flottorp S, Aakhus E. Implementation research: science for improving practice. Nor J Epidemiol 201 3; 23 (2: 187-196.ENGLISH SUMMARY Medical research has led to major advances in recent decades. More resources have been invested in basic and clinical research

  6. Social Medie-strategi og implementering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    20 arbejdsark bygget på en strategimodel for arbejdet med sociale medier. Fra målgruppeudvælgelse til implementering i praksis og måling.......20 arbejdsark bygget på en strategimodel for arbejdet med sociale medier. Fra målgruppeudvælgelse til implementering i praksis og måling....

  7. Specialeskrivining i samarbejde med praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christine Damsbo


    at the Centre for Psychiatric Research, Risskov. The positive aspects were gaining experience in project work and streng-thening academic knowledge and professional networks by cooperation with nurses in practice, librarians and management. The writing process was demanding, and when individuals choose to write...

  8. Anmeldelse af Søren P. Krejler & Caroline Pontoppidan: Due diligence i praksis - med fokus på finansielle og juridiske forhold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    Artiklen anmelder det nævnte værk med særlig fokus på 1) forhold, der efterprøves ved due diligence, 2) afrapportering, 3) due diligence ved cross-border virksomhedskøb og 4) undersøgelsens sammenhæng med prisen på virksomheden.......Artiklen anmelder det nævnte værk med særlig fokus på 1) forhold, der efterprøves ved due diligence, 2) afrapportering, 3) due diligence ved cross-border virksomhedskøb og 4) undersøgelsens sammenhæng med prisen på virksomheden....

  9. Når almenpædagogikken bliver den bedste forbyggelse af angst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hviid, Pernille; Esbjørn, Barbara Hoff; Villadsen, Jakob Waag


    Formålet med artiklen er at invitere til dialog mellem børneklinisk, almen udviklingspsykologisk og almen pædagogisk praksis med henblik på forebyggelse af angst hos børn. Artiklen forsøger at begrebsliggøre og videreudvikle kvaliteter ved den almene pædagogiske praksis i relation til børneklinis...

  10. Sort på hvidt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernhardt, Nana


    Kara Walker er bl.a. kendt for store installatoriske silhuetklip med fokus på køn, etnicitet, historieskrivning etc. Teksten giver en kort introduktion til hendes kunstneriske praksis.......Kara Walker er bl.a. kendt for store installatoriske silhuetklip med fokus på køn, etnicitet, historieskrivning etc. Teksten giver en kort introduktion til hendes kunstneriske praksis....

  11. The Democratic Future of Museums

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Henrik


    kritisk analyse af brugerinddragende praksis på museer (med eksempel i projektet "gipSMK" og en generel diskussion af demokratiske samfund og deres institutioner som oligarkiske, ikke demokratiske, med referencer til politisk teori og især Jacques Ranciere: Hatred of Democracy.......kritisk analyse af brugerinddragende praksis på museer (med eksempel i projektet "gipSMK" og en generel diskussion af demokratiske samfund og deres institutioner som oligarkiske, ikke demokratiske, med referencer til politisk teori og især Jacques Ranciere: Hatred of Democracy....

  12. El edu-entretenimiento en la comunicación para el desarrollo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tufte, Thomas


    Artiklen opstiller en heuristic model for fortolkning af de forskellige former for 'edutainment' som anvendes i udviklingskommunikation i praksis. På grundlag af forfatterens erfaringer med edutainment skitseres 3 forskellige 'generationer' indenfor denne kommunikationsstrategiske praksis, kendt ...

  13. Ungdommers opplevelser med overdreven bruk av online-rollespillet World of Warcraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flaaten, Øivind; Torp, Steffen; Aarseth, Espen


    Ungdommers bruk av online-rollespill blir ofte problematisert (Falkner 2007). På bakgrunn av kvalitative intervjuer med ti ungdommer og fem pårørendekontakter beskrives i denne artikkelen ungdommenes opplevelser av online-spillet World of Warcraft (WoW). Denne pilotstudien gir en nyansert...... for konflikt og hjelpeløshet. Helsefremmende arbeid basert på dialog og tidlig intervensjon kan forhindre at online-spilladferd kommer ut av kontroll....

  14. Accuracy of FEM 3-D modeling in the electromagnetic methods; Denjiho ni okeru FEM 3 jigen modeling no seido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sasaki, Y [Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan). Faculty of Engineering


    Analytical methods considering 3-D resistivity distribution, in particular, finite element method (FEM) were studied to improve the reliability of electromagnetic exploration. Integral equation, difference calculus, FEM and hybrid method are generally used as computational 3-D modeling method. FEM is widely used in various fields because FEM can easily handle complicated shapes and boundaries. However, in electromagnetic method, the assumption of continuous electric field is pointed out as important problem. The normal (orthogonal) component of current density should be continuous at the boundary between media with different conductivities, while this means that the normal component of electric field is discontinuous. In FEM, this means that current channeling is not properly considered, resulting in poor accuracy. Unless this problem is solved, FEM modeling is not practical. As one of the solutions, it is promising to specifically incorporate interior boundary conditions into element equation. 4 refs., 11 figs.

  15. Skole-hjemsamarbejde i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lisbeth; Balvig-Phillips, Line

    i årene 2009 til 2013 til uddannelse og aflønning af skolehjemvejledere med særligt fokus på samarbejdet med nydanske forældre. For løbende at formidler skole-hjemvejledernes erfaringer udgiver Social- og Integrationsministeriet i 2011, 2012 og 2013 et inspirationshæfte med de bedste historier og...... for skolehjemvejledere og skole-hjemvejledernes elektroniske netværk på Google Groups....

  16. Tankeløs testning: Betragtninger om succes, formål og meningen med at holde skole

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stig Skov Mortensen


    Full Text Available De nationale test har fået en ny rolle som grundlag for vurderingen af skolens succes. Dermed flyttes fokus fra folkeskolens brede dannelseshorisont, som den kommer til udtryk i fx formålsparagraffen, og i denne artikel vil jeg identificere 4 afledte, potentielle problemer ved udviklingen. Problemerne er ikke skarpt adskilte, men viser på hver sin måde en væsentlig pædagogisk faldgrube. Slutteligt vil jeg skitsere et bud på, hvordan evalueringsforskning kan være med til at vende denne udvikling således, at skolen – og ikke mindst dens pædagogiske praksis – kan opfattes som byggende på nogle formål, der har værdi i sig selv.

  17. Socialkonstruktionisme i praksis med operativ effekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barfod, Jakob Rømer


    on a variety of challenging missions. Much attention is given to the preparation of teams performing these missions. The teams consist of leaders and personnel from very different organizational cultures and backgrounds who must work together under great pressure: If necessary, they must take the lives......Leadership with an operational effect The Danish Defense is undergoing radical changes. Traditionally, learning has sprung from a linear thinking with great emphasis on analysis of cause and effect. Today the Danish Defense needs to function as a deployable armed force conducting operations abroad...... successful program called ’leadership with operative effect’ based on social constructionist ideas. The Major has firsthand experience with the process from his Work in Afghanistan and has also worked with the program in his position as an instructor at the Royal Danish Army Officers’ Academy. The sum...

  18. Research knowledge production and educational activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chaiklin, Seth


    Den første del er en analytisk gennemgang om forhold i mellem pædagogisk forskning og pædagogisk praksis. Den anden del fremlægger en metodologisk perspektiv for hvordan man kan arbejde med at bruge forskning i forhold til praksis....

  19. Effect of a participant-driven health education programme in primary care for people with hyperglycaemia detected by screening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maindal, H T; Carlsen, A H; Lauritzen, T


    Dette 3-års opfølgningsstudie undersøger i et randomiseret design effekten af et 12-ugers deltager-involverende uddannelsesprogram i almen praksis for personer, som fik konstateret IGT, IFG eller type 2 diabetes ved screening i almen praksis i forbindelse med ADDITION-studiet. Uddannelsesprogramm...

  20. Bourdieu for begyndere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilken, Lisanne

    Bourdieu for begyndere giver en kort introduktion til Pierre Bourdieus forfatterskab. Bogen forklarer Bourdieus teori om praksis og hans forskellige analytiske begreber og giver anvisninger på, hvordan man selv kommer i gang med at læse hans egne tekster.......Bourdieu for begyndere giver en kort introduktion til Pierre Bourdieus forfatterskab. Bogen forklarer Bourdieus teori om praksis og hans forskellige analytiske begreber og giver anvisninger på, hvordan man selv kommer i gang med at læse hans egne tekster....

  1. Det filosofiske liv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn

    Ph.D afhandlingen "Det filosofiske liv - et dannelsesideal for eksistenspædagogikken" er en idéhistorisk undersøgelse af, hvilken betydning den pragmatiske vending i filosofien (Foucault, Rorty, Wittgenstein, Schanz) kan have for den pædagogiske teori og praksis. Med ideen om "det filosofiske liv...... af den filosofiske praksis, når man i pædagogisk sammenhæng ønsker at arbejde med den værdimæssige og eksistentielle dimension i voksenundervisning og voksenvejledning....

  2. Om performance og oplevelsesanalyse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nagbøl, Søren Peter; Flensborg, Ingelise


    , teori og praksis kan gennemføres i oplevelsesorienterede processer, hvor performance, sanselig praksis, transformeres til ting, sprog og billeder. Med afsæt i en konkret skulptur, Auguste Rodins (1840-1917) "Borgerne fra Calais", som er udstillet på Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek i København, giver vi eksempler...

  3. Adherence to COPD guidelines in general practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli; Sørensen, Tina Brandt; Højmark, Torben Brunse


    I forbindelse med et efteruddannelsesprogram for almen praksis inden for kronisk obstruktiv lungelidelse (KOL) fandt vi, at de praksis, der deltog i denne efteruddannelse i højere grad levede op til KOL-vejledningen, som denne er defineret ud fra DSAM’s vejledning. Det bliver ofte diskuteret i hv...

  4. Hvordan håndterer Danmark risikoen for civile tab i sine bombeangreb med F16?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Steen; Marrup, Karsten

    Danske kampfl y har i de seneste fem år med jævne mellemrum deltaget i angrebsmissioner i Afghanistan, Libyen eller som nu i Irak og Syrien. Der har løbende været fremført kritik fra bl.a. Amnesty International af, om der gøres nok for at begrænse utilsigtede følgeskader, herunder civile tab, i...

  5. Tæt på relationen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Siersted, Mette


    sættes på begreb : teori og metode / Janne Hedegaard Hansen og Bent Madsen ; Velfærdsstaten i det moderne. Bent Madsen: Refleksion og fortolkning - i lyset af George Herbert Meads symbolske interaktionisme ; At beskrive praksis : fra empiri til praksisportræt. Med praksis som kilde til kundskab : otte...

  6. FEM-2D - Input description and performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmidt, F.A.R.


    FEM-2D solves the 2d diffusion equation by the Finite Element Method. This version of the code was written for x-y geometry, triangular elements with first and second order flux approximations, and has a solution routine which is based on a modified Cholesky procedure. FEM-2D is fully integrated into the modular system RSYST. However, we have developed a simulation program RSIMK which simulates some of the functions of RSYST and allows to run FEM-2D independently. (orig.) [de

  7. Parametric FEM for geometric biomembranes (United States)

    Bonito, Andrea; Nochetto, Ricardo H.; Sebastian Pauletti, M.


    We consider geometric biomembranes governed by an L2-gradient flow for bending energy subject to area and volume constraints (Helfrich model). We give a concise derivation of a novel vector formulation, based on shape differential calculus, and corresponding discretization via parametric FEM using quadratic isoparametric elements and a semi-implicit Euler method. We document the performance of the new parametric FEM with a number of simulations leading to dumbbell, red blood cell and toroidal equilibrium shapes while exhibiting large deformations.

  8. Werlauff's kommenterede aktieselskabslov

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik; Schaumburg-Müller, Peer

    Bogen kommenterer hver enkelt paragraf i den danske aktieselskabslov, herunder med henvisninger til praksis fra danske domstole, EF-domstolen, Erhvervsankenævnet mv samt med relevante henvisninger til dansk og udenlandsk retslitteratur....

  9. Kvalitet i almen praksis?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lippert, Maria Laura; Dyhr, Lise


    Artiklen beskriver en undersøgelse, der afdækkede, hvad der kan ske med læge-patient-samtalen, når der i kvalitetssikringsøjemed popper små skærmbilleder op med spørgsmål på lægens PC, der præsenterer faste standarder for indhold og forløb. Konsultationer blandt læger, som anvendte og udfyldte...

  10. Development of a curriculum for OT students Learning about Intervention for Patients with COPD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Stina Meyer; Petersen, Anne Karin

    Et projekt med kobling af teori og praksis i perioden 2007-2009 med udvikling af konkret undervisningsforløb til ergoterapeutstuderende. Faserne i projektperioden var søgning af litteratur om kroniske lidelser, KOL og ergoterapi, dialog med ergoterapeuter i lokalmiljøet, udarbejdelse af studiefor...

  11. Fabric formwork

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manelius, Anne-Mette


    med metoder for arkitektonisk eksperimenterende praksis (research through design) med inspiration fra eksperimenterende forsknings- og undervisningspraksis indenfor tekstilforskalling i Canada og Skotland. Metoden kobles til en anvendelsesorienteret kontekst i form af erhvervsPhD-projektets forankring...

  12. Betonkrav og praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, E.

    Publikationen giver en historisk gennemgang af danske betonkrav, dansk projektering- og udførelsespraksis samt eksisterende viden om betons holdbarhed. Stoffet er belyst med eksempler fra skadesager, og det beskrives, hvordan holdbarhedskrav er blevet opfattet på forskellige tidsspunkter....

  13. Fra kollegial supervision til fællesfaglig udvikling - et eksperiment med entreprenørskabsundervisning i faget Kulturformidling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elbeshausen, Hans; Jensen, Agnete Lunddahl; Riis, Ragnhild


    . Deres involvering viste sig i dialogiske interventioner i undervisningens form og indhold. This article presents an explorative journey carried out by a team of teachers. The aim was to develop their teaching methods in master courses in communication by integrating entrepreneurial thinking. The focus......Artiklen handler om at tilegne sig viden om entreprenørskab som undervisningsform gennem en eksperimentel praksis. Vi beskriver udfordringer, dilemmaer, erfaringer og vendepunkter i forløbet og forklarer, hvordan fokus i den kollegiale supervision flyttede til at udvikle faglighed i fællesskab....... Forløbets eksplorative og fleksible form blev ledsaget af dialog på flere niveauer og inddrog både de studerende og alle undervisere. Målene kunne præciseres og ændres, og institutionens faglighed udvides. Med metaforen ’tvillinger’ blev kolleger indbudt til særligt at følge underviserne i eksperimentet...

  14. Madspild i familier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winkel, Thomas Dyrmann

    særligt henblik på forholdet mellem familiens sociale dynamikker, praksisser og hverdagens organisering. Et misforhold mellem hverdagens organisering og familiemedlemmernes madpraksisser er en væsentlig årsag til madspild. Teorien, der forklarer, hvorfor familiers praksis forårsager madspild, ligger til...... forskningsspørgsmål, forskningsdesign analyse og konklusioner. I afhandlingen omhandler et studie af familiers praksis, der forårsager madspild. Resultatet er en teori herom og en metode til at reducere madspildet gennem ændring af familiers praksisser. Jeg undersøger i familiestudiet seks børnefamiliers praksis med...... grund for en metode til at reducere madspildet. Metoden bygger primært på praksisteori og tager højde for etiske implikationer i ændringen af familiers praksis. Den udviklede metode er tilpasset anvendelse i organisatorisk praksis og indeholder et konkret redskab til brug før, under og efter...

  15. Nogle nye og gamle begreber i organisationsteori og virksomhedsledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Mikael


    empowerment og boundary spanning. Sammen med andre komponenter i "Super Leadership" forsøges disse begreber forankret i klassisk ledelsesteori. Ved at knytte empowerment sammen med boundary spanning kan vi i praksis videreudvikle et centralt begreb: boundary spanning rollen....

  16. Direct FEM-computation of load carrying capacity of highly loaded passive components; Direkte FEM - Berechnung der Tragfaehigkeit hochbeanspruchter passiver Komponenten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Staat, M; Heitzer, M [Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Sicherheitsforschung und Reaktortechnik


    Detailed, inelastic FEM analyses yield accurate information about the stresses and deformations in passive components. The local loading conditions, however, cannot be directly compared with a limit load in terms of structural mechanics. Concentration on the load carrying capacity is an approach simplifying the analysis. Based on the plasticity theory, limit and shakedown analyses calculate the load carrying capacities directly and exactly. The paper explains the implementation of the limit and shakedown data sets in a general FEM program and the direct calculation of the load carrying capacities of passive components. The concepts used are explained with respect to common structural analysis. Examples assuming high local stresses illustrate the application of FEM-based limit and shakedown analyses. The calculated interaction diagrams present a good insight into the applicable operational loads of individual passive components. The load carrying analysis also opens up a structure mechanics-based approach to assessing the load-to-collapse of cracked components made of highly ductile fracture-resistant material. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Genaue Kenntnis der Spannungen und Verformungen in passiven Komponenten gewinnt man mit detailierten inelastischen FEM Analysen. Die lokale Beanspruchung laesst sich aber nicht direkt mit einer Beanspruchbarkeit im strukturmechanischen Sinne vergleichen. Konzentriert man sich auf die Frage nach der Tragfaehigkeit, dann vereinfacht sich die Analyse. Im Rahmen der Plastizitaetstheorie berechnen Traglast- und Einspielanalyse die tragbaren Lasten direkt und exakt. In diesem Beitrag wird eine Implementierung der Traglast- und Einspielsaetze in ein allgemeines FEM Programm vorgestellt, mit der die Tragfaehigkeit passiver Komponenten direkt berechnet wird. Die benutzten Konzepte werden in Bezug auf die uebliche Strukturanalyse erlaeutert. Beispiele mit lokal hoher Beanspruchung verdeutlichen die Anwendung der FEM basierten Traglast- und

  17. Ikke alt, der hvæser, hos børn er astma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Christian


    Med udgangspunkt i projektet "Opsporing af astma i 5 års alderen i almen praksis" beskrives asthma i barnealderen som en folkesygdom, der fylder meget i praksis. Det vigtige i tidlig diagnosticering understreges, da man i dag har effektiv medicin og viden om forebyggelse, der om ikke kurerer...... sygdommen så forbedrer trivselen betydeligt. Sygdomsbilledet i almen praksis ligger i grænseområdet til banalt luftvejsbesvær, hvorved det adskiller sig betydeligt fra astma sygdomsbilledet, som det optræder i hospitalssektoren og er beskrevet i lærebøgerne, hvilket er baggrunden for ovennævnte projekt...

  18. Hvordan diagnosticerer man astma hos børn?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Christian


    Astma og astmatisk bronkit har ens symptomatologi og behandling og kan med vore dages effektive og bivirkningssvage medicin selv i de lettere grader behandles. Symptomerne kender vi i praksis fra op mod 1/3 af småbørnene, kunsten består i at stille behandlingsindikationen. Der opridses overvejende...... udfra kliniske kriterier enkle retningslinier, der nyder konsensus blandt danske almenmedicinere og pædiatere til hjælp i den daglige håndtering af sådanne symptomer i almen praksis. Til slut understreges, at opsporing af astma og astmatisk bronkitis naturligt hører hjemme i almen praksis, og...

  19. Evalueringskultur i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Martin Søland; Andersen-Mølgaard, Hanna

    Emne: undervisningsmetoder ; evaluering ; folkeskolen ; undervisning ; læring Præsentation og definition af begreber knyttet til arbejdet med evaluering og læring, samt en gennemgang af forskellige evalueringsmetoder og redskaber. Derudover diskuteres de didaktiske overvejelser man bør gøre sig i...

  20. Administration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen handler om den praksis, vi kalder administration. Vi er i den offentlige sektor i Danmark hos kontorfolkene med deres sagsmapper, computere, telefoner,, lovsamlinger,, retningslinier og regneark. I bogen udfoldes en mangfoldighed af konkrete historier om det administrative arbejde fra...... forskellige områder i den offentlige sektor. Hensigten er at forstå den praksis og faglighed der knytter sig til det administrative arbejde...

  1. Grundfos og værdier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elkjær-Larsen, Jens Kristian; Winther, Ditte Marie


    Under overskriften "teori møder praksis" vil vi i en række interviewartikler tage udgangspunkt i konkrete ledelsesemner, den enkelte virksomhed pt. er optaget af. Vi vil således konfrontere teori med praksis og diskutere de dilemmaer, vi ser. Grundfos er grundlagt i den midtjyske by Bjerringbro i...... Grundfos i virkeligheden er en ingeniørpræget og introvert NGO....

  2. Feedback - evalueringskultur og motivation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dolmer, Grete


    I bogen formidles erfaringer og refleksioner med anvendelse af studieaktivitetsmodellen i praksis. Forskellige udfordringer og muligheder belyses, og der identificeres opmærksomhedspunkter til arbejdet med studieaktiviteter i studieaktivitetsmodellens fire kvadranter. Bogen baserer sig på et følg...

  3. Praksis som læringsmetode i ingeniørutdanningen – erfaringer fra ingeniørstudiet i undervannsteknologi - drift og vedlikehold ved Høgskolen i Bergen (HiB

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laila Linde Lossius


    Full Text Available Norsk ingeniørutdanning har blitt kritisert for å være for teoretisk. Næringslivets hovedorganisasjon (NHO m.fl. startet derfor prosjektet «Lærlingeordning i høyere utdannelse». Høgskolen i Bergen dro nytte av erfaringene derfra, og i 2007 – da bachelorstudiet i undervannsteknologi startet – var forutsetningen at studiet skulle ha stor praksisandel og mye kontakt med lokalt næringsliv. Studiet har blitt Norges mest etterspurte treårige ingeniørstudium. Frafallet har vært lavere enn ved andre ingeniørstudier. Studiet har inneholdt flere praksisformer, hvorav bacheloroppgave i bedrift, ingeniørpraksis og verkstedpraksis ble regnet som de mest utbytterike ut fra svar i spørreundersøkelsene. 72 % av studentene anså praksis som en viktig årsak til at de søkte. Faglig interesse og utsikt til gode jobber var dog viktigst. 71 % av studentene opplevde at praksis underveis ville gjøre dem til bedre ingeniører, mens 55 % mente det hadde innvirkning på at de fullførte studiet. Praksisbedriftene har tjent ved bedret rekruttering, de største opptil 0,7 ansatt per praksisplass. Praksisorganisering er krevende, og kvalitetssikring og oppfølging er viktig for å få et godt resultat. Bedriftsnettverk er gode støttespillere, men skolen må også avsette nok ressurser til arbeidet. Siden skader kan skje i industrien, må forsikringsordninger av studenter i praksis settes på den politiske agendaen slik at regelverket kan endres. Summary Norwegian engineering studies has been criticized of being too theoretical. Bergen University College used experiences from the project “Apprenticeship in higher education” when starting the engineering program in Subsea technology in 2007. Much practice and contact with local industry was requested. The program has become popular and dropout is lower than in comparable programs. Student surveys revealed the most rewarding practice to be a company-based Bachelor thesis, engineer internships and

  4. Udvikling af The Dementia Carer Needs Assessment Questionnaire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmensen, Trine Holt; Lauridsen, Henrik Hein; Kristensen, Hanne Kaae

    redskab til at identificere behov for støtte blandt pårørende til personer med demens - the Dementia Carer Needs Assessment Questionnaire (DCNAQ). Redskabet skal udvikles til at være selvrapporteret og let anvendeligt i klinisk praksis. Metode Projektet er tilrettelagt som et tre-årigt Ph.d. forløb, hvor......Baggrund Demens er en sygdom som påvirker hele familien, og pårørende bidrager i høj grad med omsorg for personen med demens i hverdagen. At være pårørende til en person med demens kan være belastende både fysisk, psykisk og socialt (1-4). I praksis mangler der standardiserede redskaber til...... der tages udgangspunkt i WHO’s Internationale Klassifikation af funktionsevne, funktionsevnenedsættelse og helbredstilstand (ICF) (7). Projektet gennemføres som to delstudier. Studie 1 - udvikling Materiale og metode: 32 pårørende til personer med demens og 16 sundhedsprofessionelle inviteres til...

  5. FEM analysis of impact of external objects to pipelines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gracie, Robert; Konuk, Ibrahim [Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON (Canada)]. E-mail:; Fredj, Abdelfettah [BMT Fleet Technology Limited, Ottawa, ON (Canada)


    One of the most common hazards to pipelines is impact of external objects. Earth moving machinery, farm equipment or bullets can dent or fail land pipelines. External objects such as anchors, fishing gear, ice can damage offshore pipelines. This paper develops an FEM model to simulate the impact process and presents investigations using the FEM model to determine the influence of the geometry and velocity of the impacting object and also will study the influence of the pipe diameter, wall thickness, and concrete thickness along with internal pressure. The FEM model is developed by using LS-DYNA explicit FEM software utilizing shell and solid elements. The model allows damage and removal of the concrete and corrosion coating elements during impact. Parametric studies will be presented relating the dent size to pipe diameter, wall thickness and concrete thickness, internal pipe pressure, and impacting object geometry. The primary objective of this paper is to develop and present the FEM model. The model can be applied to both offshore and land pipeline problems. Some examples are used to illustrate how the model can be applied to real life problems. A future paper will present more detailed parametric studies. (author)

  6. Praksis Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan pada Unit Produksi Jasa Boga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tuatul Mahfud


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Praksis pembelajaran kewirausahaan pada unit produksi jasa boga. Penelitian bertujuan menemukan konsepsi guru tentang pembelajaran kewirausahaan, kompetensi kewirausahaan yang dikembangkan pada unit produksi sekolah dalam bidang jasa boga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, ketua program studi, kepala unit produksi, dan siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dan dianalisis menggunakan model interaktif dari Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari reduksi data, data display, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 belajar kewirausahaan memerlukan kegiatan nyata (hands-on dengan melibatkan siswa pada kegiatan usaha yang nyata dalam unit produksi; (2 kompetensi kewirausahaan dikembangkan melalui unit produksi adalah: pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan melalui pengetahuan diri dan pengetahuan praktis; sikap kewirausahaan meliputi etos kerja, disiplin, kemandirian, dan kreativitas, keterampilan berkomunikasi, keterampilan konseptual, keterampilan pengambilan keputusan, keterampilan mengatur waktu, keterampilan kepemimpinan. Model pembelajaran kewirausahaan yang dikembangkan melalui unit produksi adalah: produksi luar dan produksi dalam, dan kantin mobil. Evaluasi dan monitoring dilakukan melalui dua cara, dengan monitoring kinerja dan produk. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran, entrepreneurship, unit produksi

  7. For eller imod vaccination? Om forældres beslutningstagen I forbindelse med Calmette-vaccination af deres nyfødte barn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo Pihl, Gitte

    Sygehus, Rigshospitalet og Hvidovre Hospital, fra oktober 2012 til november 2013. I alt 4184 familier blev randomiseret i Calmette-studiet. Ad formål 1: Før Calmette-studiets begyndelse blev fem fokusgrupper gennemført med formålet at undersøge forældres overvejelser, når de skal tage stilling til, om...... Kolding blev efterfølgende telefon-interviewet med en dansk valideret udgave af "The Decisional Conflict Scale" med det formål at undersøge, hvor trygge de var ved beslutningen og om socio-demografiske faktorer havde betydning for deres oplevelse af tvivl. Ad formål 3: Spørgsmål om forældres...... kvantitativ metode, idet der anvendes statistiske tests af socio-demografiske faktorers betydning for The Decisional Conflict Score, ligesom selve scoren opgøres statistisk. Formål 3 er undersøgt i et miks af statistiske opgørelser af svarene fra telefon-interview kombineret med uddybende perspektiver fra...

  8. Space Sharing i teori og praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brinkø, Rikke


    Dette er den anden artikel i FM Update, der præsenterer resultater fra Ph.d. studiet ”Sharing Space in the Knowledge City” fra DTU. Den første artikel med titlen ”Shared Space – mellem vision og realitet” (FM-Update, nr. 1, 2015) præsenterede en ny typologi for shared space, som delekoncept. Denne...... artikel er en fortsættelse, med fire dybdegående studier af eksempler på bygge- og renoveringsprojekter, som afspejler de fire typer at shared space, som beskrives i typologien. Formålet med denne artikel er dels at eksemplificere de fire typer af shared space, og dels at formidle erfaringer fra...

  9. Diagnoses of Patients with Severe Subjective Health Complaints in Scandinavia: A Cross Sectional Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maeland, Silje; Werner, Erik L.; Rosendal, Marianne


    Patienter med symptomer, der ikke umiddelbart passer med en kendt medicinsk diagnose, er hyppige i almen praksis. Praktiserende læger blev i denne undersøgelse bedt om at sætte en diagnosekode på disse patienter, og der viste sig at være en meget stor variation i valget med op til 31 forskellige ...

  10. Selskabsskatteret 2011/12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik

    ’afsnøringsmodellen’ med billig aktietegning til junior i kombination med en aktieklasse med særlig udbytteret, der ’afsnøres’ til senior. •Faldgruberne i form af fælles bestemmende indflydelse og fælles ledelse i transfer-pricing-reglerne om kontrollerede transaktioner mellem nærstående. •Videreudvikling af praksis...

  11. Advanced HVAC modeling with FemLab/Simulink/MatLab

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schijndel, van A.W.M.


    The combined MatLab toolboxes FemLab and Simulink are evaluated as solvers for HVAC problems based on partial differential equations (PDEs). The FemLab software is designed to simulate systems of coupled PDEs, 1-D, 2-D or 3-D, nonlinear and time dependent. In order to show how the program works, a

  12. Kontrol og dynamik i pædagogiske processer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahrenkiel, Annegrethe

    Afhandlingen kombinerer kritisk diskursanalyse (Fairclough) med Basil Bernsteins uddannelsessociologi mhp. at belyse, hvordan læring hhv. fremmes og hæmmes i pædagogisk praksis. Empirisk vises det bl.a. med en tekstnær, lingvistisk analyse af en klasserumssamtale fra en daghøjskole. Afhandlingen...

  13. Kødparadokset

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter


    Ingen gør med vilje noget moralsk forkert, mente Sokrates, men i praksis har vi mennesker det med at tilpasse holdning til handling. For eksempel går folk mindre op i køers ve og vel, når de lige har spist beef jerky....

  14. Symptom attributions in patients with colorectal cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Line Flytkjær; Hvidberg, Line; Pedersen, Anette Fischer


    Størstedelen af kolorektal cancere opdages gennem patienters symptomatiske henvendelse i almen praksis. Man ved dog ikke meget om, hvordan patienter selv oplever deres symptomer. Formålet med studiet var, at undersøge om symptom attributioner er associeret med hvilket symptom man oplevede før...

  15. Dagslysberegninger i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Anne; Roy, Nicolas; Hvass, Mette

    Formålet med rapporten er at opnå en bedre forståelse af, hvad en dagslysberegning viser, og hvordan de forskellige beregningsprogrammer beregner i forhold til hinanden. Erfaringer har vist, at beregningsresultaterne fra to beregningsprogrammer til dagslysberegning kan være meget forskellige i de...... simuleringsprogrammer er undersøgt og sammenlignet. Det drejer sig om: Radiance, Daysim, VELUX Daylight Visualizer, Dialux, Ecotect, Ecotect / Radiance, IESve, LightCalc, Relux Radiosity og Relux Raytracing....

  16. Arbejdsmiljøet ved udbud af renovationsarbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busck, Ole Gunni

    Forfatteren gennemførte 2003-2005 en undersøgelse for Branchearbejdsmiljådet for transport af danske kommuners praksis i forbindelse med udbud og udlicitering af renovationsopgaver. Formålet var at kortlægge og analysere erfaringerne med varetagelse af arbejdsmiljøhensyn i kommunernes udbud og dr...

  17. Transformativ forskningsmetode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib


    såkaldt transformativ metode, der netop tilstræber forbedring af praksis gennem forskningsindsatsen. Metodens faser er de klassiske, men med en pragmatisk-normativ drejning: Vi starter med en teori om, hvordan et praksisfelt kunne se ud, hvis det fungerede meget bedre end nu (in casu: en teori om bedre...

  18. Tidlig struktureret mobilisering og træning af kritisk syge patienter på et dansk intensivafsnit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Astrup Sørensen, Katrine; Hvid, Sidsel; Rolving, Nanna


    derimod anvendelig i forhold til at tilpasse niveauet for mobilisering og træning. Relevans for klinisk praksis: Tidlig mobilisering og træning er mulig at indføre med en simpel algoritme, dog med hensyntagen til individuelle screeningskriterier fra sted til sted, da disse åbenbart ikke er nemme...

  19. The institutional set-up: an analysis of social pedagogues' accounts of treatment in everyday practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Ole Steen


    Der er fortsat behov for en afdækning af døgninstitutioners praksis. Med udgangspunkt i kompleksitetsteori er forma°let med denne artikel at analysere, hvordan socialpædagoger skaber relationen til anbragte børn. Elleve fokusgruppeinterviews blev gennemført under anvendelse af case vignette tekni...

  20. DUB-Projekt Morsø Kommune

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Britta

    Formålet med evalueringen er at dokumentere ændringer, som projektdeltagelsen har medført hos projektdeltagerne, lige som der skal udvikles anbefalinger i forhold til udvikling af god praksis for arbejdet med udsatte børn. De overordnede evalueringsspørgsmål, der bliver styrende for evalueringen,...

  1. User's Manual for FEM-BEM Method. 1.0 (United States)

    Butler, Theresa; Deshpande, M. D. (Technical Monitor)


    A user's manual for using FORTRAN code to perform electromagnetic analysis of arbitrarily shaped material cylinders using a hybrid method that combines the finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM). In this method, the material cylinder is enclosed by a fictitious boundary and the Maxwell's equations are solved by FEM inside the boundary and by BEM outside the boundary. The electromagnetic scattering on several arbitrarily shaped material cylinders using this FORTRAN code is computed to as examples.

  2. Stress And Strain Analysis of The Hip Joint Using FEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vaverka, M.; Návrat, Tomáš; Vrbka, M.; Florian, Z.; Fuis, Vladimír


    Roč. 14, 4-5 (2006), s. 271-279 ISSN 0928-7329 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA101/05/0136 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514 Keywords : hip FEM surgace replacement pathological contact pressure stress * hip FEM surgace replacement pathological contact pressure stress Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics

  3. Discrepancy in HbA1c Measurements Performed at Different Local Laboratories and a Selected Central Reference Laboratory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, O.N.; Olivarius, Niels de Fine; Petersen, P.H.


    De aktuelle meget store praktiske problemer med laboratoriernes forskellige normalområder for Hæmoglobin A1c er illustreret vha. resultater fra projektet Diabetesomsorg i almen praksis. Udgivelsesdato: 1994...

  4. Numerical Modelling of the Special Light Source with Novel R-FEM Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pavel Fiala


    Full Text Available This paper presents information about new directions in the modelling of lighting systems, and an overview of methods for the modelling of lighting systems. The novel R-FEM method is described, which is a combination of the Radiosity method and the Finite Elements Method (FEM. The paper contains modelling results and their verification by experimental measurements and by the Matlab simulation for this R-FEM method.

  5. Udforskning af dialoger om et regnehul

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindenskov, Lena


    Med introduktionen af det danske begreb 'regnehuller' om matematikvanskeligheder bliver det muligt at udforske dialoger i klasserummet med brug af værktøjer fra Augusto Boals Forumteater. Principperne i Boals tre faser præsenteres som værktøjer for læreres refleksive praksis. Ud fra datamateriale...

  6. How to DO Projects? A Nordic Flavour to Managing Projects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geraldi, Joana; Thuesen, Christian; Oehmen, Josef

    Hvis du mangler inspiration til alternative måder at lede projekter på, så hjælper denne bog dig med at udvikle din egen "opskrift" på projektledelse. Bogen viser dig, hvordan du bruger de velkendte projektledelsesteorier i praksis, og hvordan du i samarbejde med andre kan skabe meningsfulde form...

  7. It og udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hachmann, Roland; Carlsen, Dorthe


    Artiklen sætter fokus på fagteamets arbejde med at udvikle fagene med fokus på it og digitale læremidler. Der gives, gennem konkrete modeller og værktøjer, eksempler på hvordan fagteamet kan gøre en indsats i forhold til deres nuværende praksis....

  8. At gøre folk - nordiske statsborger- og medborgerskabsceremonier i det 21. århundrede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damsholt, Tine


    Artiklen skildrer afholdelsen af statsborgerskabsceremonier i tre nordiske lande (Danmark, Norge og Sverige) i 2006. Med afsæt i nyere performance-teori analyseres ceremonierne i praksis med fokus på den måde begrebet folk italesættes og materialiseres ved ceremonierne. En 'gøren' af folket som i...

  9. Medier og digital kultur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, René Boyer; Hestbech, Astrid Margrethe; Jørnø, Rasmus Leth Vergmann

    ser en film eller er til en koncert. Børn og unge bliver ikke længere betragtet som novicer, men mere som forbrugere og kunder, der kræver at blive engageret og underholdt. Også i pædagogisk praksis må man derfor tage højde for, at børn, unge og brugere generelt kommer med nye forventninger og...... målbeskrivelser og krav til metodevalget, og der findes nu et modul, der indholdsmæssigt fokuserer på netop medier og digital kultur. Der er derfor behov for et samlet værk, der fagligt funderet diskuterer den nyeste viden om medier i pædagogisk praksis ud fra kravene om fokuseret og reflekteret arbejde med mål...

  10. Pierre Bourdieu/ Praksis, uddannelse og symbolsk vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilken, Lisanne


    Artiklen giver en kort introduktion til nogle af Bourdieus væsentligste begreber og hans bidrag til en sociologi med afsæt i uddannelse......Artiklen giver en kort introduktion til nogle af Bourdieus væsentligste begreber og hans bidrag til en sociologi med afsæt i uddannelse...

  11. FEM simulation of static loading test of the Omega beam (United States)

    Bílý, Petr; Kohoutková, Alena; Jedlinský, Petr


    The paper deals with a FEM simulation of static loading test of the Omega beam. Omega beam is a precast prestressed high-performance concrete element with the shape of Greek letter omega. Omega beam was designed as a self-supporting permanent formwork member for construction of girder bridges. FEM program ATENA Science was exploited for simulation of load-bearing test of the beam. The numerical model was calibrated using the data from both static loading test and tests of material properties. Comparison of load-displacement diagrams obtained from the experiment and the model was conducted. Development of cracks and crack patterns were compared. Very good agreement of experimental data and the FEM model was reached. The calibrated model can be used for design of optimized Omega beams in the future without the need of expensive loading tests. The calibrated material model can be also exploited in other types of FEM analyses of bridges constructed with the use of Omega beams, such as limit state analysis, optimization of shear connectors, prediction of long-term deflections or prediction of crack development.

  12. Projekt Skejby - Verden sundeste Erhvervsområde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Marie Ernst; Hansen, Peter Keller


    Formålet med evalueringen er, at undersøge hvorledes deltagerne har oplevet deltagelsen i projektet/tilbuddene med henblik på optimering af efterårets udbud, samt at undersøge de studerendes udbytte ved deltagelse i projektet. Det vil sige hvorvidt de studerende kan omsætte teori til praksis, dyg...

  13. Ledelse der giver mening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conrad, Torsten


    supervision i praksis (Joyce & Showers, 2002). Artiklen sigter mod at bidrage med en øget forståelse af implementeringen af politiske beslutninger ved at belyse de forhold, der præger implementeringen med særligt fokus på skoleledelsen, medarbejderne og deres relation. Artiklen søger også at belyse, hvordan...

  14. Fem1b, a proapoptotic protein, mediates proteasome inhibitor-induced apoptosis of human colon cancer cells. (United States)

    Subauste, M Cecilia; Sansom, Owen J; Porecha, Nehal; Raich, Natacha; Du, Liqin; Maher, Joseph F


    In the treatment of colon cancer, the development of resistance to apoptosis is a major factor in resistance to therapy. New molecular approaches to overcome apoptosis resistance, such as selectively upregulating proapoptotic proteins, are needed in colon cancer therapy. In a mouse model with inactivation of the adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) tumor suppressor gene, reflecting the pathogenesis of most human colon cancers, the gene encoding feminization-1 homolog b (Fem1b) is upregulated in intestinal epithelium following Apc inactivation. Fem1b is a proapoptotic protein that interacts with apoptosis-inducing proteins Fas, tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 (TNFR1), and apoptotic protease activating factor-1 (Apaf-1). Increasing Fem1b expression induces apoptosis of cancer cells, but effects on colon cancer cells have not been reported. Fem1b is a homolog of feminization-1 (FEM-1), a protein in Caenorhabditis elegans that is regulated by proteasomal degradation, but whether Fem1b is likewise regulated by proteasomal degradation is unknown. Herein, we found that Fem1b protein is expressed in primary human colon cancer specimens, and in malignant SW620, HCT-116, and DLD-1 colon cancer cells. Increasing Fem1b expression, by transfection of a Fem1b expression construct, induced apoptosis of these cells. We found that proteasome inhibitor treatment of SW620, HCT-116, and DLD-1 cells caused upregulation of Fem1b protein levels, associated with induction of apoptosis. Blockade of Fem1b upregulation with morpholino antisense oligonucleotide suppressed the proteasome inhibitor-induced apoptosis of these cells. In conclusion, the proapoptotic protein Fem1b is downregulated by the proteasome in malignant colon cancer cells and mediates proteasome inhibitor-induced apoptosis of these cells. Therefore, Fem1b could represent a novel molecular target to overcome apoptosis resistance in therapy of colon cancer.

  15. In vitro toxicity of FemOn, FemOn-SiO2 composite, and SiO2-FemOn core-shell magnetic nanoparticles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toropova YG


    of uncoated, FemOn-SiO2 composite flake-like, and SiO2-FemOn core-shell IONPs on cell viability, function, and morphology were tested 48 h postincubation in human umbilical vein endothelial cell culture. Cell viability and apoptosis/necrosis rate were determined using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay and annexin V-phycoerythrin kit, respectively. Cell morphology was evaluated using bright-field microscopy and forward and lateral light scattering profiles obtained with flow cytometry analysis. All tested IONP types were used at three different doses, that is, 0.7, 7.0, and 70.0 µg. Dose-dependent changes in cell morphology, viability, and apoptosis rate were shown. At higher doses, all types of IONPs caused formation of binucleated cells suggesting impaired cytokinesis. FemOn-SiO2 composite flake-like and SiO2-FemOn core-shell IONPs were characterized by similar profile of cytotoxicity, whereas bare IONPs were shown to be less toxic. The presence of either silica core or silica nanoflakes in composite IONPs can promote cytotoxic effects. Keywords: iron oxide nanoparticles, composite nanoparticles, silica coating, silica nanoflakes, cytotoxicity

  16. Coupled FEM-DBEM method to assess crack growth in magnet system of Wendelstein 7-X

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Citarella


    Full Text Available The fivefold symmetric modular stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X is currently under construction in Greifswald, Germany. The superconducting coils of the magnet system are bolted onto a central support ring and interconnected with five so-called lateral support elements (LSEs per half module. After welding of the LSE hollow boxes to the coil cases, cracks were found in the vicinity of the welds that could potentially limit the allowed number N of electromagnetic (EM load cycles of the machine. In response to the appearance of first cracks during assembly, the Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs were calculated and corresponding crack growth rates of theoretical semi-circular cracks of measured sizes in potentially critical position and orientation were predicted using Paris’ law, whose parameters were calibrated in fatigue tests at cryogenic temperature. In this paper the Dual Boundary Element Method (DBEM is applied in a coupled FEM-DBEM approach to analyze the propagation of multiple cracks with different shapes. For this purpose, the crack path is assessed with the Minimum Strain Energy density criterion and SIFs are calculated by the J-integral approach. The Finite Element Method (FEM is adopted to model, using the commercial codes Ansys or Abaqus;, the overall component whereas the submodel analysis, in the volume surrounding the cracked area, is performed by FEM (“FEM-FEM approach” or alternatively by DBEM (“FEM-DBEM approach”. The “FEM-FEM approach” considers a FEM submodel, that is extracted from the FEM global model; the latter provide the boundary conditions for the submodel. Such approach is affected by some restrictions in the crack propagation phase, whereas, with the “FEM-DBEM approach”, the crack propagation simulation is straightforward. In this case the submodel is created in a DBEM environment with boundary conditions provided by the global FEM analysis; then the crack is introduced and a crack propagation analysis

  17. Princip på praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendricks, Vincent Fella


    Det engelske begreb ”affirmative action”, på dansk ”positiv særbehandling” optræder for første gang i den amerikanske eksekutivforordning nr. 10925 underskrevet af John F. Kennedy i 1961 som et forsøg på at komme diskrimination til livs. Generelt er formålet med positiv særbehandling at skabe lige...

  18. Online lektiehjælp – Udvikling af en vejledningsdidaktik med pædagogisk designforskning som metode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Jørgen Hansen


    Full Text Available Lektievejledning er en pædagogisk praksis i rivende udvikling med fokus på at støtte elever i at forstå og håndtere udfordringer i deres lektiearbejde. Lektievejledning er på den politiske dagsorden i skole og ungdomsuddannelser og tilbydes både internt af uddannelsesinstitutionerne samt af private og offentlige aktører. Men lektievejledning er ikke etableret som et teoretisk felt eller som en særlig vejledningskompetence. Der er således behov for at begrebsliggøre og udvikle teori om, hvad lektievejledning er, og hvordan vejledningsformen didaktisk kan håndteres. Mere konkret er ud-fordringen at udvikle et nuanceret fagsprog samt en modellering af feltet til forklaring af lektievejledningens komplekse praksis med det mål at udvikle og kvalificere lektievejledning som pædagogisk teori og pædagogisk prak-sis. Denne artikel præsenterer resultatet af et forskningsprojekt, hvis mål er at udvikle en vejledningsdidaktik, herunder metoder, modeller og materialer for lektievejledning i regi af Lektier Online. Lektier Online er en organisation ved Statsbiblioteket i Århus, der tilbyder en online lektiecafe, hvor bl.a. gymnasie-elever kan få hjælp af frivillige universitetsstuderende. Dette didaktiske de-sign er et eksempel på, hvordan digitalisering og ny teknologi er en katalysator for udvikling af nye innovative læringsmiljøer og læringstilbud, der åbner fleksible og stedsuafhængige rum for læring, giver mulighed for samspil med aktører uden for skolens formelle rammer, og som er båret af integration af digitale teknologier i læringssituationen. Artiklen beskriver forskningsproces-sen med at indkredse en vejledningsdidaktik for lektiehjælp samt udviklingen, konceptualiseringen, afprøvningen og evalueringen af en række vejlednings-modeller på grundlag af forskningsmetoden Pædagogisk designforskning og dens tradition for brugerdreven innovation. Artiklen beskriver for det første resultatet af forskningsprocessen i form

  19. Friluftsliv i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andkjær, Søren

    semistrukturerede interviews med deltagere og ledere i friluftsliv fra de udvalgte cases. Herudover inddrages struktureret og direkte deltagende observation af praksis samt dokumentmateriale. I den komparative, perspektiverende del, er der foretaget et kvalitativt casestudy af Outdoor Education i New Zealand med...... anvendelse af metoder svarende til den kvalitative undersøgelse af organiseret friluftsliv i Danmark. Analysen af Outdoor Education i New Zealand tjener primært til at give perspektiv til undersøgelsen af friluftsliv i Danmark.   Resultater Deltagelse i friluftsliv handler for de unge primært om sociale...... til udtryk i from af undervisernes pædagogiske idealer samt skolernes værdisæt, og i mindre grad er en del af deltagernes oplevelse og forståelse. Praksis og værdier i Outdoor Education i New Zealand kan på mange måder sammenlignes med adventure, som en nyere trend i friluftsliv i Danmark. Samtidigt...

  20. Afkastet og anstændigheden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vallentin, Steen

    Ud over at beskæftige sig med CSR som praksis, giver bogen indblik i teori- og begrebsudviklingen på den sociale ansvarligheds område. Den diskuterer de forskellige, politisk-ideologisk betonede kritikker af CSR, og samtidig belyser den spændingerne mellem virksomheders kommunikation om CSR og...... deres faktiske handlinger og organisering af arbejdet med social ansvarlighed....

  1. Vold mod førskolebørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oldrup, Helene; Lindstrøm, Maia; Korzen, Sara

    Denne rapport handler om praksis og barrierer for opsporing af og underretning om vold mod førskolebørn. Rapporten er baseret på 22 kvalitative interviews med fagfolk inden for dagpasning, sundhedsvæsen og det sociale system. Undersøgelsen viser bl.a., at en del af fagfolkene ofte tøver med at un...

  2. Implementation of immunochemical faecal occult blood test in general practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul, Jakob Søgaard; Bro, Flemming; Hornung, Nete


    anvendelsen af immunochemical faecal occult blood test (iFOBT) i almen praksis. iFOBT detekterer humant globin i fæces og indikerer gastrointestinal blødning. Studiet udgør en del af et ph.d.-studie, der bidrager med ny viden til at optimere udredningen af patienter med tarmkræft. Der er et stort behov...

  3. Taksonomi i Entreprenørskabsuddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Anders, Rasmussen,; Moberg, Kåre; Revsbech, Christine

    Formålet med taksonomien er at samle Fonden for Entreprenørskab – Young Enterprises viden om og erfaringer med entreprenørskabsundervisning og give en række perspektiver på, hvad undervisning i entreprenørskab er, og hvordan en sådan undervisning kan udfoldes og evalueres som pædagogisk praksis. ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michal Venglar


    Full Text Available The paper deals with a preparation of a complex FEM model for a local damage detection. The initial verified and validated three-dimensional FEM model of a steel truss bridge in laboratory is revised step-by-step to achieve the accurate model according to the experimental model. The emphasis is on modelling of the joints with 4 rivets and modelling of correct boundary conditions, as well as mass parameters and cross-section dimensions.A modal analysis of the structure is performed in FEM software. Many experimental measurements were made to correctly revise the FEM model. The calculated natural frequencies are compared with the measured ones. In addition, mode-shapes from the calculation are validated with the measured mode-shapes. The difference between the prepared FEM model and the measured specimen is small enough after a few steps of tuning. The verified, validated and revised numerical model can be used in future for a local damage detection.

  5. Rapid Structural Design Change Evaluation with AN Experiment Based FEM (United States)

    Chu, C.-H.; Trethewey, M. W.


    The work in this paper proposes a dynamic structural design model that can be developed in a rapid fashion. The approach endeavours to produce a simplified FEM developed in conjunction with an experimental modal database. The FEM is formulated directly from the geometry and connectivity used in an experimental modal test using beam/frame elements. The model sacrifices fine detail for a rapid development time. The FEM is updated at the element level so the dynamic response replicates the experimental results closely. The physical attributes of the model are retained, making it well suited to evaluate the effect of potential design changes. The capabilities are evaluated in a series of computational and laboratory tests. First, a study is performed with a simulated cantilever beam with a variable mass and stiffness distribution. The modal characteristics serve as the updating target with random noise added to simulate experimental uncertainty. A uniformly distributed FEM is developed and updated. The results show excellent results, all natural frequencies are within 0·001% with MAC values above 0·99. Next, the method is applied to predict the dynamic changes of a hardware portal frame structure for a radical design change. Natural frequency predictions from the original FEM differ by as much as almost 18% with reasonable MAC values. The results predicted from the updated model produce excellent results when compared to the actual hardware changes, the first five modal natural frequency difference is around 5% and the corresponding mode shapes producing MAC values above 0·98.

  6. RACK1 downregulates levels of the pro-apoptotic protein Fem1b in apoptosis-resistant colon cancer cells. (United States)

    Subauste, M Cecilia; Ventura-Holman, Tereza; Du, Liqin; Subauste, Jose S; Chan, Shing-Leng; Yu, Victor C; Maher, Joseph F


    Evasion of apoptosis plays an important role in colon cancer progression. Following loss of the Apc tumor suppressor gene in mice, the gene encoding Fem1b is upregulated early in neoplastic intestinal epithelium. Fem1b is a pro-apoptotic protein that interacts with Fas, TNFR1 and Apaf-1, and increased expression of Fem1b induces apoptosis of cancer cells. Fem1b is a homolog of FEM-1, a protein in Caenorhabditis elegans that is negatively regulated by ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. To study Fem1b regulation in colon cancer progression, we used apoptotis-sensitive SW480 cells, derived from a primary colon cancer, and their isogenic, apoptosis-resistant counterparts SW620 cells, derived from a subsequent metastatic lesion in the same patient. Treatment with proteasome inhibitor increased Fem1b protein levels in SW620 cells, but not in SW480 cells. In SW620 cells we found that endogenous Fem1b co-immunoprecipitates in complexes with RACK1, a protein known to mediate ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of other pro-apoptotic proteins and to be upregulated in colon cancer. Full-length Fem1b, or the N-terminal region of Fem1b, associated with RACK1 when co-expressed in HEK293T cells, and RACK1 stimulated ubiquitination of Fem1b. RACK1 overexpression in SW620 cells led to downregulation of Fem1b protein levels. Conversely, downregulation of RACK1 led to upregulation of Fem1b protein levels, associated with induction of apoptosis, and this apoptosis was inhibited by blocking Fem1b protein upregulation. In conclusion, RACK1 downregulates levels of the pro-apoptotic protein Fem1b in metastatic, apoptosis-resistant colon cancer cells, which may promote apoptosis-resistance during progression of colon cancer.

  7. Rummelighed i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holt, Helle; Mehlsen, Line

    ansættelser af personer i fleksjob – skal etableres på en måde, så det kommer både arbejdspladserne og de inkluderede til gode. Undersøgelsen er baseret på dybdegående interview i tre kommuner og på ni arbejdspladser. Der er udført interview med direktioner, HR-afdelinger, jobcentermedarbejdere......, tillidsrepræsentanter, lokale ledere, kommunalt ansatte samt personer, der har været i fx virksomhedspraktik, i et løntilskudsforløb, eller som er blevet ansat i et fleksjob på en kommunal arbejdsplads. Undersøgelsen er igangsat og finansieret af Kommunernes Landsforening og Forhandlingsfælleskabet....

  8. Report on first masing and single mode locking in a prebunched beam FEM oscillator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cohen, M.; Eichenbaum, A.; Kleinman, H. [Tel-Aviv Univ., Ramat-Aviv (Israel)] [and others


    Radiation characteristics of a table-top free electron maser (FEM) are described in this paper. The FEM employs a prebunched electron beam and is operated as an oscillator in the low-gain collective (Raman) regime. Using electron beam prebunching single mode locking at any one of the possible oscillation modes was obtained. The electron beam is prebunched by a microwave tube section before it is injected into the wiggler. By tuning the electron beam bunching frequency, the FEM oscillation frequency can be locked to any eigen frequency of the resonant waveguide cavity which is within the frequency band of net gain of the FEM. The oscillation build up process is sped up, when the FEM operates with a prebunched electron beam, and the build-up time of radiation is shortened significantly. First measurements of masing with and without prebunching and characterization of the emitted radiation are reported.

  9. Bolt-Grout Interactions in Elastoplastic Rock Mass Using Coupled FEM-FDM Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Debasis Deb


    Full Text Available Numerical procedure based on finite element method (FEM and finite difference method (FDM for the analysis of bolt-grout interactions are introduced in this paper. The finite element procedure incorporates elasto-plastic concepts with Hoek and Brown yield criterion and has been applied for rock mass. Bolt-grout interactions are evaluated based on finite difference method and are embedded in the elasto-plastic procedures of FEM. The experimental validation of the proposed FEM-FDM procedures and numerical examples of a bolted tunnel are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method for practical applications.

  10. Genvej til Viden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    I UCC arbejder vi med at udvikle praksisnær viden til gavn for professionerne og deres uddannelser. Forskning i UCC tager afsæt i de udfordringer og velfærdsproblematikker, som lærere, pædagoger og sygeplejersker støder på i deres daglige praksis. Gennem dialog og tæt samarbejde med de profession...

  11. Moderne fællesgoder eller postmoderne kynisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højrup, Thomas; Jensen, Uffe Juul


    Udvikling af en statskritisk analyse, der i kapitlet benyttes til at belyse kontrasten og brydningen imellem velfærdsstatslige fællesgoder og konkurrencestatslig praksis eksemplificeret med to sektorer under stærk governance: sundhedssektoren og fiskerisektoren....

  12. Musikterapi i psykiatrien – Klinisk praksis, forskning og formidling

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    Lars Ole Bonde


    Full Text Available Fra og med 2012 er Musikterapi i psykiatrien med støtte fra FKK forvandlet fra et trykt årsskrift med lang produktionshorisont til et open access tidsskrift med langt kortere ekspeditionstid. Lanceringenaf tidsskriftet og dets nye hjemmeside markeres med denne artikel, hvori der gøres status over den situation, musikterapien i den danske psykiatri befinder sig i netop nu. Der gøres rede for antallet af musikterapeuter ansat i psykiatriens forskellige sektorer og institutioner, klientpopulationer der behandles eller serviceres, og det diskuteres hvilke styrker og svagheder der præger musikterapien i psykiatrien netop nu. Desuden belyses musikterapeuternes teoretiske orientering, konkrete behandlingsformer, henvisningskriterier og diagnostiske forhold. Endelig gøres der statusover igangværende dokumentations- og forskningsprojekter samt publikationer fra de seneste 5 år. Undersøgelsen er baseret på tre delundersøgelser foretaget blandt medlemmer af netværket MIP i 2008, 2009 og 2011.

  13. Erfaringer med dokumentation af musikterapeutisk praksis i kommunal demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krøier, Julie Kolbe; Jefsen, Anders


    Denne artikel afdækker centrale erfaringer fra etableringen af faste musikterapitilbud i kommunerne Hillerød og Sønderborg. I begge kommuner er musikterapien blevet et fast tilbud på baggrund af en prøvepe- riode, og der er blevet skabt en systematisk dokumentationspraksis. Denne er blevet etable...

  14. Mode splitting effect in FEMs with oversized Bragg resonators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peskov, N. Yu.; Sergeev, A. S. [Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation); Kaminsky, A. K.; Perelstein, E. A.; Sedykh, S. N. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Kuzikov, S. V. [Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation); Nizhegorodsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation)


    Splitting of the fundamental mode in an oversized Bragg resonator with a step of the corrugation phase, which operates over the feedback loop involving the waveguide waves of different transverse structures, was found to be the result of mutual influence of the neighboring zones of the Bragg scattering. Theoretical description of this effect was developed within the framework of the advanced (four-wave) coupled-wave approach. It is shown that mode splitting reduces the selective properties, restricts the output power, and decreases the stability of the narrow-band operating regime in the free-electron maser (FEM) oscillators based on such resonators. The results of the theoretical analysis were confirmed by 3D simulations and “cold” microwave tests. Experimental data on Bragg resonators with different parameters in a 30-GHz FEM are presented. The possibility of reducing the mode splitting by profiling the corrugation parameters is shown. The use of the mode splitting effect for the output power enhancement by passive compression of the double-frequency pulse generated in the FEM with such a resonator is discussed.

  15. Applications of ATILA FEM software to smart materials case studies in designing devices

    CERN Document Server

    Uchino, Kenji


    ATILA Finite Element Method (FEM) software facilitates the modelling and analysis of applications using piezoelectric, magnetostrictor and shape memory materials. It allows entire designs to be constructed, refined and optimized before production begins. Through a range of instructive case studies, Applications of ATILA FEM software to smart materials provides an indispensable guide to the use of this software in the design of effective products.Part one provides an introduction to ATILA FEM software, beginning with an overview of the software code. New capabilities and loss integratio

  16. At skabe et praksischock!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristian


    som sådan ikke være tale om et gab! Med inspiration fra Bourdieus praktikteori (1977) og Donald Schöns praksisepistemologi (1983) og empiriske studier inspireret af disse, kan man sige at praksis altid og allerede er situeret på nogle præmisser som involverer magt-viden, økonomi, politik mv. Praksis...... (den er ireversibel), den involverer en tids- og rumlig dimension og rytme (krop/materialitet, fortid, nutid og fremtid er nærværende hele tiden). Men praksis er ikke helt tilfældig og astruktureret, den følger en logik, den er strategisk, rettet og også kreativ – improviserende. Ydmyghed om hvad teori...... og praksis er I stedet for disse kontinuitetskonstruktioner om teori-praktik, kunne man på universitet, højskole og arbejdsliv, træne lærere og studerende i at teori er redskab til at tænke gennem, til at forstå dimensioner af det sociale eller naturlige. Teori kommer af at betragte. Det er et per...

  17. A FEM Modeling of the Concrete Pavement Made of the Recycling Material

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Šešlija Miloš


    Full Text Available Paper is a brief review of the research focused on formulation an numerical model for the concrete pavement which is made by the recycling material. For numerical modeling the finite element model (FEM and the 3D finite element model were applied. The software EverFE 2.25, was used. The results of FEM analysis is in a chapter shape showing move value change, strees and deflections for all layers a construction road model. In the next phase of the research was provided by FEM software with appropriate general purpose non-linear models, which allows the analysis of the real behavior of solid pavement under load.

  18. FEM Modelling of Lateral-Torsional Buckling Using Shell and Solid Elements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valeš, Jan; Stan, Tudor-Cristian


    The paper describes two methods of FEM modelling of I-section beams loaded by bending moments. Series of random realizations with initial imperfections following the first eigenmode of lateral-torsional buckling were created. Two independent FEM software products were used for analyses of resista...... of resistance. At the end the difference and correlation between the results as well as advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed....

  19. A FEM based methodology to simulate multiple crack propagation in friction stir welds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lepore, Marcello; Carlone, Pierpaolo; Berto, Filippo


    . The residual stress field was inferred by a thermo-mechanical FEM simulation of the process, considering temperature dependent elastic-plastic material properties, material softening and isotropic hardening. Afterwards, cracks introduced in the selected location of FEM computational domain allow stress...

  20. Værdibasering som kommunal praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ostrowski, Kasper


    og tværkommunale forskelle foranlediget af kommunalreformen i Danmark. Begrebet ’værdibaseret ledelse’ gestaltes ofte med en både frustrerende lethed og på fascinerende vis som fænomen. Dette har ansporet min interesse for i denne afhandling at undersøge, hvorledes værdibaseret ledelse kan forstås...

  1. Resource allocation and health care needs in diabetes care in Danish GP clinics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Troels; Rose Olsen, Kim; Sortsø, Camilla


    ydelsesbaseret honorering per type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patient, som kan forklares af patienternes co-morbiditetsbyrde og sygdomskarakteristika. Metode og data: Patientmorbiditets-karakteristika som f.eks. diagnostiske markører, co-morbiditets casemix justering og udgifter til ydelsesbaseret honorering per......Titel: Ressourceallokering og behov i diabetes behandlingen i dansk almen praksis Baggrund: I en række lande har myndighederne ændret systemet til allokering af ressourcer i almen praksis fra et demografisk baseret til et morbiditetsbaseret casemix system. I dansk almen praksis er der ikke indført...... et morbiditetsbaseret case mix justeringssystem. Det kan være relevant at undersøge, hvordan den danske ressourceallokering fungerer i forhold til morbiditet og sygdomskarakteristika hos patienter. Formål: Formålet med dette studie er at vurdere hvilken andel af variationen i udgifterne til...

  2. Etik i kollektivt biografiarbejde med mødre til ‘børn i vanskeligheder’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørck, Line Lerche; Birk Carlsen, Hedi; Grøndahl, Anja


    Denne artikels tilgang til etik indeholder bud på forskningsmetodologi og social praksis etik, der bevæger sig ”on the edge” (Wyatt & Davies, 2011:124), og udfordrer den mere udbredte institutionaliserede etik (Badiou, 2002). Institutionaliseret etik har typisk form af universelle standarder, som...

  3. Anerkendende arbejde i skoler -at skabe fælles trivsel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen handler om at arbejde med hele klasser , skoler og nærsamfund og bruge interview og systemisk konstruktionistiske teorier og AI til konkret praksis også imod mobning. Bogen har dansk forord og noter, der er tilpasset den danske kontekst....

  4. Development of an artificial neural network model integrated with constitutive and FEM models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kong, L.X.; Hodgson, P.D.


    Although the standard error of IPANN model developed by Kong and Hodgson is lower than the constitutive model, it is found that the prediction of reaction force and torque during rolling with FEM is less accurate for IPANN model in some deformation regions. It is the summation of the product of the strain and stress in the deformation range, which contributes most to the precise prediction. An ANN model is therefore, developed in this work by integrating both the IPANN and FEM models. It is found that the integrated IPANN and FEM model is the most accurate model. (author)

  5. Håndbold er en praksis!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Poul Bitsch


    Dansk håndbold er en kæmpemæssig succeshistorie. Ser man snævert på den udvikling, elitedelen af sporten har gennemlevet de seneste 15 år, viser stort set alle tænkelige parametre fremgang. De internationale resultater for lands og klubhold er med få udfald blevet stadigt bedre, omsætningen i klu...

  6. Application of an enriched FEM technique in thermo-mechanical contact problems (United States)

    Khoei, A. R.; Bahmani, B.


    In this paper, an enriched FEM technique is employed for thermo-mechanical contact problem based on the extended finite element method. A fully coupled thermo-mechanical contact formulation is presented in the framework of X-FEM technique that takes into account the deformable continuum mechanics and the transient heat transfer analysis. The Coulomb frictional law is applied for the mechanical contact problem and a pressure dependent thermal contact model is employed through an explicit formulation in the weak form of X-FEM method. The equilibrium equations are discretized by the Newmark time splitting method and the final set of non-linear equations are solved based on the Newton-Raphson method using a staggered algorithm. Finally, in order to illustrate the capability of the proposed computational model several numerical examples are solved and the results are compared with those reported in literature.

  7. Rekruttering og fastholdelse af seniorer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luccat, Dorte

    Denne undersøgelse har til formål at afdække holdninger, praksis, barrierer og muligheder i forhold til rekruttering og fastholdelse af seniorer. Undersøgelsen er baseret på 19 kvalitative interviews med henholdsvis tillidsrepræsentanter og personaleledere på 13 forskellige arbejdspladser. De...... udvalgte arbejdspladser repræsenterer såvel den offentlige som den private sektor samt større (mindst 50 ansatte) og mindre (under 50 ansatte) arbejdspladser. Vi har endvidere besøgt virksomheder, der henholdsvis har og ikke har seniorer ansat, for at indsamle information om holdninger og praksis fra flere...

  8. Ekspert i undervisning - IRIS Connect

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wullum, Annemette Heine; Eriksen, Frits Hedegaard

    Ekspert i undervisning – IRIS Connect Credoet bag de seneste års mange læreruddannelsesreformer har været, at flere og dybere kundskaber vil styrke de studerendes forudsætninger for at løse opgaverne i pædagogisk praksis. Et forhold, som bliver overset i forbindelse med uddannelsesreformerne, er...... praksis, og hvad ”effektiv” undervisning er. Hovedantagelserne bag projektet er, at de studerendes personbundne kundskaber kan synliggøres, at deres lægmandsopfattelser af, hvad ”effektiv” undervisning er, kan udfordres gennem analyser og drøftelser, og at brugen af IRIS Connects dataindsamlings- og...

  9. Uncertainty assessment of a dike with an anchored sheet pile wall using FEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rippi, Aikaterini; Nuttall, Jonathan; Teixeira, Ana; Schweckendiek, T.; Lang, M.; Klijn, F.; Samuels, P.


    The Dutch design codes for the dikes with retaining walls rely on Finite Element Analysis (FEM) in combination with partial safety factors. However, this can lead to conservative designs. For this reason, in this study, a reliability analysis is carried out with FEM calculations aiming to

  10. Nonlinear observer design for a nonlinear string/cable FEM model using contraction theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turkyilmaz, Yilmaz; Jouffroy, Jerome; Egeland, Olav

    model is presented in the form of partial differential equations (PDE). Galerkin's method is then applied to obtain a set of ordinary differential equations such that the cable model is approximated by a FEM model. Based on the FEM model, a nonlinear observer is designed to estimate the cable...

  11. Essere un Medico di base

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Henning Salling


    Artiklen præsenterer foreløbige resultater fra livshistorisk forskning i alment prkatiserende lægers professionsidentitet og læring i praksis. Med eksempel i medicin skitseres en analysemodel, og et empirisk eksempel fra undersøgelsen gennemgås kortfattet....

  12. Think Human

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Charlotte Marie Bisgaard


    Artiklen analyserer maskinmetaforik med eksempel i Sundhedsstyrelsens uge-40 kampagne. Indledningsvis beskriver forfatteren baggrunden for den sproglige aflejring der af Erik Hollnagel og Roy Harris benævnes som "maskinmetaforer". Maskinmetaforer beskrives siden i teori og praksis, særligt i kamp...

  13. Gruppen som container og potentielt læringsrum gennem refleksion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søbirk, Helle Henni


    Al psykomotorisk intervention foregår i en relation mellem den psykomotoriske terapeut og individ eller gruppe. Derfor anses relations- og refleksionskompetencer som fagpersonlige kernekompetencer i den psykomotoriske praksis og er et centralt formål med "anvendte grupper" som hhv. udviklings-, t...

  14. Forord

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelgaard, Lasse; Hornbek, Birgitte Rasmussen; Jørgensen, Henrik


    Bogen introduceres som udtryk for en mission om at inspirere til alternativer til nutidens dominerende forestillinger om, at viden alene er ensbetydende med evidensbaserede udsagn. Bogen peger i den forbindelse på muligheder for forskning, hvor samspillet mellem praksis, virkelighed og erkendelse...

  15. Investigation of Ice-PVC separation under Flexural Loading using FEM Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H Xue


    Full Text Available This paper presents the FEM technique applied in the study of ice separation over a polyvinyl chloride (PVC surface. A two layer model of ice and PVC is analysed theoretically using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the rule of mixtures. The physical samples are prepared by freezing ice over the PVC surfaces. The samples are tested experimentally in a four-point loading setup. The experimental results contain strain data gathered through a data acquisition system using the LabView software. The data is collected at the rate of 1 kHz per load step. A model is also coded in MATLAB® and simulated using the finite element method (FEM in ANSYS® Multiphysics. The FEM model of the ice and PVC sample is built using solid elements. The mesh is tested for sensitively. A good agreement is found between the theoretical, experimental and numerical simulation results.

  16. Prediction of the FOM FEM experimental results using multi-mode time-dependent simulations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Caplan, M.; Bongers, W. A.; Verhoeven, A. G. A.; van der Geer, C. A. J.; Valentini, M.; Urbanus, W. H.


    The Free Electron Maser (FEM) constructed at the FOM Institute, Netherlands is now ready to undergo the first set of short pulse (< 20 mu s) experiments to demonstrate the capability of generating 1 MW of microwave power in the range 130-250 GHz. Predictions of the FEM performance requires a

  17. FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Poplar

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mohren, G.M.J.; Goudzwaard, L.; Jansen, J.J.; Oosterbaan, A.; Oldenburger, J.F.; Ouden, den J.


    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots,

  18. Simulations of e-beam emittance effects on the performance of the fusion-FEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tulupov, A. V.; Caplan, M.; Urbanus, W. H.


    At the FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics, The Netherlands, the construction of the Fusion Free-Electron Maser (FEM) is nearing completion. The design objective of the FEM is to generate 1 MW of microwave power during long pulses in the frequency range of 130 to 260 GHz [1,2]. Applications are in the

  19. Development of a 2-D Simplified P3 FEM Solver for Arbitrary Geometry Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryu, Eun Hyun; Joo, Han Gyu [Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    In the calculation of power distributions and multiplication factors in a nuclear reactor, the Finite Difference Method (FDM) and the nodal methods are primarily used. These methods are, however, limited to particular geometries and lack general application involving arbitrary geometries. The Finite Element Method (FEM) can be employed for arbitrary geometry application and there are numerous FEM codes to solve the neutron diffusion equation or the Sn transport equation. The diffusion based FEM codes have the drawback of inferior accuracy while the Sn based ones require a considerable computing time. This work here is to seek a compromise between these two by employing the simplified P3 (SP3) method for arbitrary geometry applications. Sufficient accuracy with affordable computing time and resources would be achieved with this choice of approximate transport solution when compared to full FEM based Pn or Sn solutions. For now only 2-D solver is considered

  20. Initial experiments with the FOM-Fusion-FEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verhoeven, A.G.A.; Bongers, W.A.; Caplan, M.; Dijk, G. van; Elzendoorn, B.S.Q.


    A Free Electron Maser is being built for ECRH applications on future fusion research devices such as ITER. A unique feature of the Dutch FOM-Fusion-FEM is the possibility to tune the frequency over the entire range from 130 to 260 GHz while the output power exceeds 1 MW

  1. Simulation of HMA compaction by using FEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Huerne, H.L.; van Maarseveen, M.F.A.M.; Molenaar, A.A.A.; van de Ven, M.F.C.


    This paper introduces a simulation tool for the compaction process of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) using a roller under varying external conditions. The focus is on the use of the Finite Element Model (FEM) with code DiekA, on its necessary requirements and on the presentation of simulation results. The

  2. Grøn Open Access i Praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Open Access indikatoren påviste et uudnyttet potentiale på ca 60%, men hvorfor er der så ikke mere Open Access indhold?. I det konkrete arbejde med forskningsregistrering og registrering af post-prints støder bibliotekerne på en række udfordringer, som vanskeliggør institutionernes muligheder...... for at nå de nationale Open Access mål. Det er for eksempel inden for områderne rettigheder og licenser, tilladte Open Access versioner, embargoperioder m.m., at vi støder på problemer. Det er disse meget konkrete udfordringer, der arbejdes med i det kommende DEFF projekt ”Grøn Open Access i praksis”....

  3. Storyline as a Space for Simulated Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Birthe; Tang Jørgensen, Lone; Pagh Fisker, Helle


    Omhandler brugen af StoryLine som et undervisningsmæssigt eksperiment i pædagoguddannelsen som eksempel på et simuleret rum med henblik på at forbinde teori og praksis i undervisningen. Medforfattere: LONE TANG JORGENSEN, HELLE PAGH FISKER AND HENRIETTE SKAARUP GEJEL JENSEN...

  4. Skolerne på reformarbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Humle, Didde Maria


    Skolerne arbejder i disse år med at leve op til de nye krav i skolereformen. Men det er ikke så enkelt at omsætte reformen til praksis, viser et projekt, der har fulgt en række skoler i tiden efter reformen....

  5. Så tæt på det usædvanlige som muligt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buus, Anne Mette


    Rapporten beskriver arbejdet med inklusion ud fra et børneperspektiv i 9 dagtilbud i Skive Kommune. Oplevelser af inklusion og eksklusion beskrives fra et børneperspektiv anlagt ved hjælp af børneinterviews. Inkluderende praksis må inddrage dette perspektiv....

  6. Unconventional material part FEM analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michal TROPP


    Full Text Available The article covers the usability of alternative materials in vehicles construction. The paper elaborates upon the setup of the process and analysis of the results of carbon composite component FEM model. The 3D model, used for the examination, is a part of axle from alternative small electric vehicle. The analysis was conducted with the help of MSC Adams and Ansys Workbench software. Color maps of von Mises stress in material and total deformations of the component are the results of calculation.

  7. Prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of FEM analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Śliwa, Agata; Mikuła, Jarosław; Gołombek, Klaudiusz; Tański, Tomasz; Kwaśny, Waldemar; Bonek, Mirosław; Brytan, Zbigniew


    Highlights: • Prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of (FEM) analysis. • Stress distribution in multilayer Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N coatings. • The experimental values of stresses were determined on X-ray diffraction patterns. • An FEM model was established for the purpose of building a computer simulation. - Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the results of the prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of finite element method (FEM) analysis. The possibility of employing the FEM in the evaluation of stress distribution in multilayer Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, and Ti/DLC/DLC coatings by taking into account their deposition conditions on magnesium alloys has been discussed in the paper. The difference in internal stresses in the zone between the coating and the substrate is caused by, first of all, the difference between the mechanical and thermal properties of the substrate and the coating, and also by the structural changes that occur in these materials during the fabrication process, especially during the cooling process following PVD and CVD treatment. The experimental values of stresses were determined based on X-ray diffraction patterns that correspond to the modelled values, which in turn can be used to confirm the correctness of the accepted mathematical model for testing the problem. An FEM model was established for the purpose of building a computer simulation of the internal stresses in the coatings. The accuracy of the FEM model was verified by comparing the results of the computer simulation of the stresses with experimental results. A computer simulation of the stresses was carried out in the ANSYS environment using the FEM method. Structure observations, chemical composition measurements, and mechanical property characterisations of the investigated materials has been carried out to give a background for the discussion of the results that were

  8. Prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of FEM analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Śliwa, Agata; Mikuła, Jarosław; Gołombek, Klaudiusz; Tański, Tomasz; Kwaśny, Waldemar; Bonek, Mirosław, E-mail:; Brytan, Zbigniew


    Highlights: • Prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of (FEM) analysis. • Stress distribution in multilayer Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N coatings. • The experimental values of stresses were determined on X-ray diffraction patterns. • An FEM model was established for the purpose of building a computer simulation. - Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the results of the prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of finite element method (FEM) analysis. The possibility of employing the FEM in the evaluation of stress distribution in multilayer Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, and Ti/DLC/DLC coatings by taking into account their deposition conditions on magnesium alloys has been discussed in the paper. The difference in internal stresses in the zone between the coating and the substrate is caused by, first of all, the difference between the mechanical and thermal properties of the substrate and the coating, and also by the structural changes that occur in these materials during the fabrication process, especially during the cooling process following PVD and CVD treatment. The experimental values of stresses were determined based on X-ray diffraction patterns that correspond to the modelled values, which in turn can be used to confirm the correctness of the accepted mathematical model for testing the problem. An FEM model was established for the purpose of building a computer simulation of the internal stresses in the coatings. The accuracy of the FEM model was verified by comparing the results of the computer simulation of the stresses with experimental results. A computer simulation of the stresses was carried out in the ANSYS environment using the FEM method. Structure observations, chemical composition measurements, and mechanical property characterisations of the investigated materials has been carried out to give a background for the discussion of the results that were

  9. Advancing PubMed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wildgaard, Lorna Elizabeth; Lund, Haakon


    the efficiency of biomedical literature searches. PubMed remains the primary resource for biomedical literature, and as PubMed makes the Medline data and Entrez PubMed Programming utilities freely available, any developer can produce alternative tools to search the database. The authors question if PubMed still...... provides the superior search interface for systematic searches or if the innovativeness of third-party tools provide alternatives worth considering. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach In all, 76 third-party tools that build on PubMed content were identified in a PubMed...... search and in published studies known to the authors. Only tools that provided free access to the broad PubMed content and designed specifically to enhance the search were included, reducing the set to 16 tools. The functionality of each tool within the scenario of a systematic search was compared across...

  10. Early literacy and inclusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Skriver

    Dette paper behandler skriftsprogstilegnelse med særligt henblik på inklusion. Det analyserer aktuel dansk policy, og giver et eksempel på inkluderende praksis vha. en såkaldt sproghistorie (EASE-projektet). Dette paper diskuterer også et amerikansk paper om inklusion og skriftsprogstilegnelse, o...

  11. Danske undersøgelser om anbringelse af etniske minoritetsbørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Marianne


    Døgninstitutioner og opholdssteder har ingen dokumentation for, hvordan deres arbejde med anbragte minoritetsunge foregår mest optimalt. Nok findes der masser af viden i praktikernes hoveder, men intet er skrevet ned om deres erfaringer.Det viser denne indsamling af viden og erfaringer fra praksi...

  12. Loss of Meaning Seen from Philosophy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Søren Harnow


    Artiklen argumenter for at man kan tale om ét fælles "meningsproblem" som optog filosoffer og intellektuelle omkring år 1900, selv om problemet med at sikre den videnskabelig praksis' og det videnskabelige sprogs meningsfuldhed (og de deraf affødte sprogfilosofiske og meningsteoretiske problemsti...

  13. Social praksisteoretiske analyser af unge i partnerskaber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørck, Line Lerche; Munkholm, Merete

    Denne bog analyserer lokale partnerskaber mellem produktionsskoler og virksomheder, institutioner og civilsamfund. Bogen illustrerer, hvordan vi med social praksis teori kan forstå partnerskaber som grænsefællesskaber, hvor partnerskaber arrangeres i og på tværs af forskellige fællesskaber og han...

  14. Understanding family support

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    I anmeldelsen understreges, at fremstillingen henvender sig til praktikere og viser de komplekse samspil mellem politik, teori og praksis og indeholder en stor mængde relevant diskussion af betydning for grundlaget i arbejdet med familier (resilience, social kapital, social hjælp m.v.) og hvordan...

  15. Politik og organisation, organisation og politik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jørgen Grønnegård


    Artiklen beskæftiger isg med samspillet mellem politiske og organisatoriske variable i analysen af administrativ adfærd. Gennem tre casestudier beslyses situationer, hvor skift i politiske præferencer og politisk dagsorden sklår umiddelbart igennem i administrativ praksis (Udlændingestyrelsen), h...

  16. Menneskerettigheder i professionsperpektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eliassen, Gry


    Skolepædagoger og -lærere skal kunne identificere og håndtere menneskeretslige udfordringer i undervisningen og i praksis i skolerne. Derfor har Institut for Menneskerettigheder i samarbejde med lektorer fra læreruddannelserne ved Metropol, UC SYD, UCC og UCSJ udviklet nyt undervisningsmateriale,...

  17. Professionalitet og medlemsdemokrati

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anette; Johannsen, Gundi Schrötter


    begreb om udspændthed (Kofoed 2003 & Neidel 2011) samt Erving Goffmans begreber om frontstage og backstage (Jacobsen & Kristiansen 2014). Analyserne viser en kompleks praksis udspændt mellem forskelligrettede krav og forventninger og med stadige forhandlinger, som både medarbejdere og medlemmer må...

  18. Razvoj mikrostrukture pri izdelavi gradientnega materiala H13-Cu s tehnologijo LENS


    Artiček, Uroš


    Tehnologija LENS predstavlja sodobno dodajalno tehnologijo nanašanja kovinskih materialov. Prikazana je idejna zasnova uporabe visokotehnoloških materialov v orodjih za brizganje umetnih mas ter orodjih za tlačno litje lahkih kovin in njihovih zlitin, izdelanih z omenjeno tehnologijo. V praksi se pogosto zgodi, da pride med strjevanjem do odstopanj dimenzijskih in oblikovnih toleranc izdelka zaradi neenakomerne porazdelitve temperature v orodju ter posledično v izdelku med ohlajanjem. Hkrati ...

  19. Verification of a three-dimensional FEM model for FBGs in PANDA fibers by transversal load experiments (United States)

    Fischer, Bennet; Hopf, Barbara; Lindner, Markus; Koch, Alexander W.; Roths, Johannes


    A 3D FEM model of an FBG in a PANDA fiber with an extended fiber length of 25.4 mm is presented. Simulating long fiber lengths with limited computer power is achieved by using an iterative solver and by optimizing the FEM mesh. For verification purposes, the model is adapted to a configuration with transversal loads on the fiber. The 3D FEM model results correspond with experimental data and with the results of an additional 2D FEM plain strain model. In further studies, this 3D model shall be applied to more sophisticated situations, for example to study the temperature dependence of surface-glued or embedded FBGs in PANDA fibers that are used for strain-temperature decoupling.

  20. Higher Order, Hybrid BEM/FEM Methods Applied to Antenna Modeling (United States)

    Fink, P. W.; Wilton, D. R.; Dobbins, J. A.


    In this presentation, the authors address topics relevant to higher order modeling using hybrid BEM/FEM formulations. The first of these is the limitation on convergence rates imposed by geometric modeling errors in the analysis of scattering by a dielectric sphere. The second topic is the application of an Incomplete LU Threshold (ILUT) preconditioner to solve the linear system resulting from the BEM/FEM formulation. The final tOpic is the application of the higher order BEM/FEM formulation to antenna modeling problems. The authors have previously presented work on the benefits of higher order modeling. To achieve these benefits, special attention is required in the integration of singular and near-singular terms arising in the surface integral equation. Several methods for handling these terms have been presented. It is also well known that achieving he high rates of convergence afforded by higher order bases may als'o require the employment of higher order geometry models. A number of publications have described the use of quadratic elements to model curved surfaces. The authors have shown in an EFIE formulation, applied to scattering by a PEC .sphere, that quadratic order elements may be insufficient to prevent the domination of modeling errors. In fact, on a PEC sphere with radius r = 0.58 Lambda(sub 0), a quartic order geometry representation was required to obtain a convergence benefi.t from quadratic bases when compared to the convergence rate achieved with linear bases. Initial trials indicate that, for a dielectric sphere of the same radius, - requirements on the geometry model are not as severe as for the PEC sphere. The authors will present convergence results for higher order bases as a function of the geometry model order in the hybrid BEM/FEM formulation applied to dielectric spheres. It is well known that the system matrix resulting from the hybrid BEM/FEM formulation is ill -conditioned. For many real applications, a good preconditioner is required

  1. A new 2D FEM analysis of a disc machine with offset rotor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gair, S.; Canova, A. [Napier Univ., Edinburgh (United Kingdom). Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering; Eastham, J.F.; Betzer, T. [Univ. of Bath (United Kingdom). School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering


    The paper presents a new 2-Dimensional Finite Element Method (2D FEM) analysis of a double sided axial field, permanent magnet excited brushless DC motor. The rotor of the machine is free to move in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. Computed 2D results are compared with 3D FEM analysis and the new analysis method is shown to give close agreement.

  2. Construction of compact FEM using solenoid-induced helical wiggler

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohigashi, N.; Tsunawaki, Y.; Fujita, M.; Imasaki, K.; Mima, K.; Nakai, S.


    A prototype of compact Free-Electron Maser (FEM) has been designed for the operation in a usual small laboratory which does not have electric source capacity available enough. The electron energy is 60-120 keV. As it is lower, stronger guiding magnetic field is necessary in addition to wiggler field. To fulfil this condition a solenoid-induced helical wiggler is applied from the viewpoint of saving the electric power of restricted source capacity. The wiggler, for example, with the period of 12 mm creates the field of 92 G in the guiding field of 3.2 kG. The whole system of FEM has been just constructed in a small-scale laboratory. It is so small to occupy the area of 0.7x2.9 m 2

  3. Udsathed som dilemma i ungdomsklubbens praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tireli, Üzeyir


    Ungdomsklubber er i færd med at genfinde deres ståsted i en tid, hvor skolereformen på den ene side og digitalisering samt individualisering på den anden side presser ungdomsklubbens indholdsmæssige rammer og strukturer. Det gælder i høj grad også for de ungdomsklubber der ligger i socialt udsatt...

  4. Etikk i praksis: Barn med samspillsvansker og medvirkning i barnehagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingvild Åmot


    Full Text Available Title: Ethics in practice: Children who have difficulties interacting and their participation in day-care centres.Abstract: In recent years there has been a trend promoting "children’s right to participation". The point of departure for the article is qualitative data material collected from three day-care centres in Norway. The main objective has been to illuminate the choices the staff have and the dilemmas they face in their day-to-day practice when it comes to children who have interaction difficulties and their opportunities to participate. Findings: The practice is action-oriented. Actions, dilemmas and discretionary assessments are related to consequential- and deontological-ethics reasons.

  5. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT) for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, liges...

  6. Utilization of FEM model for steel microstructure determination (United States)

    Kešner, A.; Chotěborský, R.; Linda, M.; Hromasová, M.


    Agricultural tools which are used in soil processing, they are worn by abrasive wear mechanism cases by hard minerals particles in the soil. The wear rate is influenced by mechanical characterization of tools material and wear rate is influenced also by soil mineral particle contents. Mechanical properties of steel can be affected by a technology of heat treatment that it leads to a different microstructures. Experimental work how to do it is very expensive and thanks to numerical methods like FEM we can assumed microstructure at low cost but each of numerical model is necessary to be verified. The aim of this work has shown a procedure of prediction microstructure of steel for agricultural tools. The material characterizations of 51CrV4 grade steel were used for numerical simulation like TTT diagram, heat capacity, heat conduction and other physical properties of material. A relationship between predicted microstructure by FEM and real microstructure after heat treatment shows a good correlation.

  7. Bereavement care in general practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldin, Mai-Britt; Vedsted, Peter; Jensen, Anders Bonde


    I dette studie testes effekten af en klinisk intervention over for håndtering af sorg i almen praksis. Interventionen handlede om, at tidlig identifikation af komplicerede sorgreaktioner via praktiserende læge kan være med til at sikre behandling til behandlingskrævende sorgreaktioner, der volder...

  8. Definition af et landdistrikt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søgaard, Villy


    Forskellige lande arbejder med meget forskellige definitioner af begrebet landdistrikt. Arbejdspapiret diskuterer først en række generelle krav til definitioner og anbefaler på den baggrund konkrete justeringer i forhold til den hidtidige danske praksis på området. Arbejdspapiret er blevet til i...

  9. PubMedReco: A Real-Time Recommender System for PubMed Citations. (United States)

    Samuel, Hamman W; Zaïane, Osmar R


    We present a recommender system, PubMedReco, for real-time suggestions of medical articles from PubMed, a database of over 23 million medical citations. PubMedReco can recommend medical article citations while users are conversing in a synchronous communication environment such as a chat room. Normally, users would have to leave their chat interface to open a new web browser window, and formulate an appropriate search query to retrieve relevant results. PubMedReco automatically generates the search query and shows relevant citations within the same integrated user interface. PubMedReco analyzes relevant keywords associated with the conversation and uses them to search for relevant citations using the PubMed E-utilities programming interface. Our contributions include improvements to the user experience for searching PubMed from within health forums and chat rooms, and a machine learning model for identifying relevant keywords. We demonstrate the feasibility of PubMedReco using BMJ's Doc2Doc forum discussions.

  10. FEM growth and yield data monocultures - White willow

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, J.J.; Oosterbaan, A.; Goudzwaard, L.; Oldenburger, J.F.; Mohren, G.M.J.; Ouden, den J.


    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots,

  11. FEM growth and yield data monocultures - other species

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goudzwaard, L.; Jansen, J.J.; Oosterbaan, A.; Oldenburger, J.F.; Mohren, G.M.J.; Ouden, den J.


    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots,

  12. 3D FEM Simulation of Flank Wear in Turning (United States)

    Attanasio, Aldo; Ceretti, Elisabetta; Giardini, Claudio


    This work deals with tool wear simulation. Studying the influence of tool wear on tool life, tool substitution policy and influence on final part quality, surface integrity, cutting forces and power consumption it is important to reduce the global process costs. Adhesion, abrasion, erosion, diffusion, corrosion and fracture are some of the phenomena responsible of the tool wear depending on the selected cutting parameters: cutting velocity, feed rate, depth of cut, …. In some cases these wear mechanisms are described by analytical models as a function of process variables (temperature, pressure and sliding velocity along the cutting surface). These analytical models are suitable to be implemented in FEM codes and they can be utilized to simulate the tool wear. In the present paper a commercial 3D FEM software has been customized to simulate the tool wear during turning operations when cutting AISI 1045 carbon steel with uncoated tungsten carbide tip. The FEM software was improved by means of a suitable subroutine able to modify the tool geometry on the basis of the estimated tool wear as the simulation goes on. Since for the considered couple of tool-workpiece material the main phenomena generating wear are the abrasive and the diffusive ones, the tool wear model implemented into the subroutine was obtained as combination between the Usui's and the Takeyama and Murata's models. A comparison between experimental and simulated flank tool wear curves is reported demonstrating that it is possible to simulate the tool wear development.

  13. X-ray strain tensor imaging: FEM simulation and experiments with a micro-CT. (United States)

    Kim, Jae G; Park, So E; Lee, Soo Y


    In tissue elasticity imaging, measuring the strain tensor components is necessary to solve the inverse problem. However, it is impractical to measure all the tensor components in ultrasound or MRI elastography because of their anisotropic spatial resolution. The objective of this study is to compute 3D strain tensor maps from the 3D CT images of a tissue-mimicking phantom. We took 3D micro-CT images of the phantom twice with applying two different mechanical compressions to it. Applying the 3D image correlation technique to the CT images under different compression, we computed 3D displacement vectors and strain tensors at every pixel. To evaluate the accuracy of the strain tensor maps, we made a 3D FEM model of the phantom, and we computed strain tensor maps through FEM simulation. Experimentally obtained strain tensor maps showed similar patterns to the FEM-simulated ones in visual inspection. The correlation between the strain tensor maps obtained from the experiment and the FEM simulation ranges from 0.03 to 0.93. Even though the strain tensor maps suffer from high level noise, we expect the x-ray strain tensor imaging may find some biomedical applications such as malignant tissue characterization and stress analysis inside the tissues.

  14. Numerical simulation of the solitary wave interacting with an elastic structure using MPS-FEM coupled method (United States)

    Rao, Chengping; Zhang, Youlin; Wan, Decheng


    Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) caused by fluid impacting onto a flexible structure commonly occurs in naval architecture and ocean engineering. Research on the problem of wave-structure interaction is important to ensure the safety of offshore structures. This paper presents the Moving Particle Semi-implicit and Finite Element Coupled Method (MPS-FEM) to simulate FSI problems. The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is used to calculate the fluid domain, while the Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to address the structure domain. The scheme for the coupling of MPS and FEM is introduced first. Then, numerical validation and convergent study are performed to verify the accuracy of the solver for solitary wave generation and FSI problems. The interaction between the solitary wave and an elastic structure is investigated by using the MPS-FEM coupled method.

  15. Three-dimensional FEM model of FBGs in PANDA fibers with experimentally determined model parameters (United States)

    Lindner, Markus; Hopf, Barbara; Koch, Alexander W.; Roths, Johannes


    A 3D-FEM model has been developed to improve the understanding of multi-parameter sensing with Bragg gratings in attached or embedded polarization maintaining fibers. The material properties of the fiber, especially Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the fiber's stress applying parts, are crucial for accurate simulations, but are usually not provided by the manufacturers. A methodology is presented to determine the unknown parameters by using experimental characterizations of the fiber and iterative FEM simulations. The resulting 3D-Model is capable of describing the change in birefringence of the free fiber when exposed to longitudinal strain. In future studies the 3D-FEM model will be employed to study the interaction of PANDA fibers with the surrounding materials in which they are embedded.

  16. The program FEM3D users manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misfeldt, I.


    A short description of the program FEM3D that solves the three-dimensional, multigroup, neutron diffusion equation by the finite element method. The elements are box-formed Lagrange type elements of order 1, 2, or 3. The program gives very reliable results within reasonable calculation times, but it is not a fast program and should therefore mostly be used where high precision is needed. (author/BP)

  17. Faldseminar på Rigshospitalet/Glostrop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evron, Lotte Orr


    I april 2017 deltog jeg i et spændende faldseminar med Videncenter for hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi (VihTek) på Rigshospitalet Glostrup, hvor fire teknologier til forebyggelse af fald blev præsenteret. Disse teknologier kan være interessante for geriatriske sygeplejersker i forskellige praksis...

  18. Use of general practice before and after mild traumatic brain injury: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Galili, Stine Fjendbo; Bech, Bodil Hammer; Vestergaard, Claus Høstrup


    Milde hovedtraumer ses hyppigt i de danske akutafdelinger, og følgevirkningerne af milde hovedtraumer er stærkt omdiskuterede. Formålet med dette nationale studie var at beskrive brugen af almen praksis før og efter et mildt hovedtraume og bruge antallet af kontakter som en proxy variabel...

  19. Forskningscirklen: Inkluderende undervisningsmetoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Ulla Højmark; Ehlers, Pernille; Welinder, Carin

    I dette inspirationskatalog gives både konkrete eksempler på hvordan man kan arbejde med inkluderende undervisning og nogle meta teoretiske reflektionsmuligheder, der kan bidrage til at stille spørgsmål ved egen praksis og lade sig inspirere til tænke i inkluderende undervisningsmetoder, fx: Hvad...

  20. Kunstnerisk Udviklingsvirksomhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Antologien samler en række bidrag fra bidragsydere, der på forskellig vis har beskæftiget sig med kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV) i praksis. Herunder bidrag om konkrete KUV-projekter udført ved de videregående kunstneriske uddannelsesinstitutioner i Danmark i de seneste år. Antologien give...

  1. The concepts and functions of a FEM workstation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, R.R.; Gloudeman, J.F.


    Recent advances in microprocessor-based computer hardware and associated software provide a basis for the development of a FEM workstation. The key requirements for such a workstation are reviewed and the recent hardware and software developments are discussed that make such a workstation both technically and economically feasible at this time. (orig.)

  2. Analysis of the deep rolling process on turbine blades using the FEM/BEM-coupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baecker, V; Klocke, F; Wegner, H; Timmer, A; Grzhibovskis, R; Rjasanow, S


    Highly stressed components of aircraft engines, like turbine blades, have to satisfy stringent requirements regarding durability and reliability. The induction of compressive stresses and strain hardening in their surface layer has proven as a promising method to significantly increase their fatigue resistance. The required surface layer properties can be achieved by deep rolling. The determination of optimal process parameters still requires elaborate experimental set-up and subsequent time- and cost-extensive measurements. In previous works the application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) was proposed as an effective and cost reducing alternative to predict the surface layer state for given process parameters. However, FEM requires very fine mesh in the surface layer to resolve the high stress gradients with sufficient accuracy. The hereby caused high time and memory requirements render an efficient simulation of complete turbine components as impossible. In this article a solution is offered by coupling the FEM with the Boundary Elements Method (BEM). It enables the computing of large scale models at low computational cost and high result accuracy. Different approaches of the FEM/BEM-coupling for the simulation of deep rolling are examined with regard to their stability and required computing time.

  3. Experimental study of a high-current FEM with a broadband microwave system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Denisov, G.G.; Bratman, V.L.; Ginzburg, N.S. [Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation)] [and others


    One of the main features of FELs and FEMs is the possibility of fast and wideband tuning of the resonant frequency of active media, which can be provided by changing the particle energy. For a frequency adjustable FEM-oscillator, a broadband microwave system, which is simply combined with an electron-optical FEM system and consists of an oversized waveguide and reflectors based on the microwave beams multiplication effect has been proposed and studied successfully in {open_quotes}cold{close_quotes} measurements. Here, the operating ability of a cavity, that includes some key elements of the broadband microwave system, was tested in the presence of an electron beam. To provide large particle oscillation velocities in a moderate undulator field and the presence of a guide magnetic field, the FEM operating regime of double resonance was chosen. In this regime the cyclotron as well as undulator resonance conditions were satisfied. The FEM-oscillator was investigated experimentally on a high-current accelerator {open_quotes}Sinus-6{close_quotes} that forms an electron beam with particle energy 500keV and pulse duration 25ns. The aperture with a diameter 2.5mm at the center of the anode allows to pass through only the central fraction of the electron beam with a current about 100A and a small spread of longitudinal velocities of the particles. Operating transverse velocity was pumped into the electron beam in the pulse plane undulator of a 2.4cm period. The cavity with a frequency near 45GHz consists of a square waveguide and two reflectors. The broadband up-stream reflector based on the multiplication effect had the power reflectivity coefficient more than 90% in the frequency band 10% for the H{sup 10} wave of the square waveguide with the maximum about 100% at a frequency 45GHz. The down-stream narrow-band Bragg reflector had the power reflection coefficient approximately 80% in the frequency band of 4% near 45GHz for the operating mode.

  4. Nyutdannede allmennlærere og deres opplevelse av faglig kompetanse i leseopplæring generelt og av elever med lesevansker spesielt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerd Grimsæth


    Full Text Available Teoretisk og praktisk kunnskap fungerer etter ulik logikk, ingen teori kan helt omsettes til praksis. Det er derfor av interesse å undersøke nærmere hvordan nyutdannede lærere opplever både sin fagkunnskap og nyervervede kompetanse i yrket. Undersøkelsen som her blir presentert har følgende problemstilling: Hvordan opplever nyutdannede lærere sin kompetanse i leseopplæring generelt og leseopplæring av elever med lesevansker spesielt? Denne pilotundersøkelsen tar utgangspunkt i Q- metoden; nyutdannede lærere plasserer subjektive utsagn trykt på individuelle kort i en matrise. Pilotundersøkelsen baserer seg på 10 respondenter, vi valgte derfor en kvalitativ analyse av resultatene av Q-sorteringen. Resultatene viser at nyutdannede lærere opplever at de mangler kunnskap og kompetanse både i praktisk leseopplæring generelt og om lesevansker spesielt. Kartleggingsmateriell blir i liten grad brukt som grunnlag for informantenes tilrettelegging av arbeidsmåter i leseopplæring. Inkludering og sammenholdte klasser står sterkt hos informantene, men de savner informasjon om elever med lesevansker og om tilgjengelig hjelpemateriell. Resultatene understreker betydningen av veiledning av nyutdannede lærere og ikke minst deres behov for fora for faglig utvikling, faglig utveksling og refleksive diskusjoner.Nøkkelord: Nyutdannede allmennlærere; opplevd fagkunnskap og kompetanse; leseopplæring, lesevansker, Q-metodologi, læring i praksis.AbstractTheory and practice are based on different logics; this means that no theory can be fully implemented in practice. For this reason, it is interesting to investigate newly qualified teachers’ perceptions of their expertise and competence. In order to study this phenomena, the following research question was formulated: How do newly qualified teachers perceive their competence in the field of reading education in general and reading difficulties in particular? This pilot study is based on Q

  5. When the science fails and the ethics works: 'Fail-safe' ethics in the FEM-PrEP study. (United States)

    Kingori, Patricia


    This paper will explore the concept of 'fail safe' ethics in the FEM PrEP trial, and the practice of research and ethics on the ground. FEM-PrEP examined the efficacy of PrEP in African women after promising outcomes in research conducted with MSM. This was a hugely optimistic time and FEM-PrEP was mobilised using rights-based ethical arguments that women should have access to PrEP. This paper will present data collected during an ethnographic study of frontline research workers involved in FEM-PrEP. During our discussions, 'fail-safe' ethics emerged as concept that encapsulated their confidence that their ethics could not fail. However, in 2011, FEM-PrEP was halted and deemed a failure. The women involved in the study were held responsible because contrary to researcher's expectations they were not taking the oral PrEP being researched. This examination of FEM-PrEP will show that ethical arguments are increasingly deployed to mobilise, maintain and in some cases stop trials in ways which, at times, are superseded or co-opted by other interests. While promoting the interests of women, rights-based approaches are argued to indirectly justify the continuation of individualised, biomedical interventions which have been problematic in other women-centred trials. In this examination of FEM-PrEP, the rights-based approach obscured: ethical concerns beyond access to PrEP; the complexities of power relationships between donor and host countries; the operations of the HIV industry in research-saturated areas and the cumulative effect of unfilled expectations in HIV research and how this has shaped ideas of research and ethics.

  6. Femur ultrasound (FemUS)-first clinical results on hip fracture discrimination and estimation of femoral BMD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barkmann, R; Dencks, S; Laugier, P


    has been introduced yet. We developed a QUS scanner for measurements at the femur (Femur Ultrasound Scanner, FemUS) and tested its in vivo performance. METHODS: Using the FemUS device, we obtained femoral QUS and DXA on 32 women with recent hip fractures and 30 controls. Fracture discrimination......A quantitative ultrasound (QUS) device for measurements at the proximal femur was developed and tested in vivo (Femur Ultrasound Scanner, FemUS). Hip fracture discrimination was as good as for DXA, and a high correlation with hip BMD was achieved. Our results show promise for enhanced QUS...... and the correlation with femur bone mineral density (BMD) were assessed. RESULTS: Hip fracture discrimination using the FemUS device was at least as good as with hip DXA and calcaneal QUS. Significant correlations with total hip bone mineral density were found with a correlation coefficient R (2) up to 0...

  7. RF Wave Simulation Using the MFEM Open Source FEM Package (United States)

    Stillerman, J.; Shiraiwa, S.; Bonoli, P. T.; Wright, J. C.; Green, D. L.; Kolev, T.


    A new plasma wave simulation environment based on the finite element method is presented. MFEM, a scalable open-source FEM library, is used as the basis for this capability. MFEM allows for assembling an FEM matrix of arbitrarily high order in a parallel computing environment. A 3D frequency domain RF physics layer was implemented using a python wrapper for MFEM and a cold collisional plasma model was ported. This physics layer allows for defining the plasma RF wave simulation model without user knowledge of the FEM weak-form formulation. A graphical user interface is built on πScope, a python-based scientific workbench, such that a user can build a model definition file interactively. Benchmark cases have been ported to this new environment, with results being consistent with those obtained using COMSOL multiphysics, GENRAY, and TORIC/TORLH spectral solvers. This work is a first step in bringing to bear the sophisticated computational tool suite that MFEM provides (e.g., adaptive mesh refinement, solver suite, element types) to the linear plasma-wave interaction problem, and within more complicated integrated workflows, such as coupling with core spectral solver, or incorporating additional physics such as an RF sheath potential model or kinetic effects. USDoE Awards DE-FC02-99ER54512, DE-FC02-01ER54648.

  8. Forældrepositioner i elevmobning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hein, Nina


    Denne antologi præsenterer den nyeste danske forskning om mobning i skolen. Bogen tilbyder en række redskaber, som kan bruges til at overveje hidtidig forskning og praksis med, og den tilbyder nye tænketeknologier at udvikle forståelser og interventionsformer fra. I artiklen Forældrepositioner i ...

  9. Reminiscens, livshistorie og demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Møller


    Reminiscens har vundet indpas i plejen af og omsorgen for mennesker med demens. Der er flere udlægninger af, hvordan reminiscens skal defineres, og det har betydet, at implementeringen har antaget mange former. Det gør det vanskeligt at sammenligne studier på området. Forskning og klinisk praksis...

  10. Anvendelse af screencasting i et didaktisk perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Behrens, Thomas Seiger; Hansen, Lars Myhre

    anvendelse af screencasting i forbindelse med deres praktikperioder i folkeskolen. I projektet defineres en screencast som ”en digital skærmoptagelse på en computer eller et lignende medie, eksempelvis en tablet”. Det betyder i praksis at man laver en digital optagelse af indholdet på en computerskærm. I...

  11. Senhjerneskade i et forståelsesperspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Charlotte Marie Bisgaard


    sker der, når personer med senhjerneskade i praksis møder sundhedsprofessionelles normer, krav og ønsker om at behandle eller udbedre skaden? Det engelske låneord for ‘selvhjulpet’; ’how-abled’ (Raudaskoski, 2013) versus ‘handicappet’/hhv. ’disabled’ beskriver bedst artiklens forudsatte forståelse af...

  12. Klinisk proces-eksperiment på Roskilde Amts Sygehus: Brugerdeltagelse og evidensbaseret udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    at implementere en EPJ-løsning til dokumentation af den klinisk proces, som klinikerne udtrykker tilfredshed med, og som giver demonstrerede positive effekter i den kliniske praksis. • Projektet har demonstreret en mulig IT-strategi, hvor EPJ implementeres trinvist (i modsætning til den såkaldte ”big bang...

  13. Rodematerialer - hvad skal der til, for at det omgivende samfund synes, at svinene har det sjovt nok?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter; Lassen, Jesper


    Diskussionen om rodematerialer til grise er grundlæggende en politisk diskussion. Med denne påstand forsøger vi ikke på nogen måde at kaste tvivl over hidtidige forskningsresultater. Vores pointe er derimod, at diskussionen om, hvordan de fremlagte forskningsresultater omsættes i praksis, ikke kun...

  14. Plads til barndommen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelby, Marie Louise

    Afhandlingen undersøger gennem en Bourdieu-inspireret analyseramme suppleret med et Foucaultsk analytisk greb sammenhænge mellem plads, rum og pædagogisk praksis i børnehaven. Afhandlingens empiriske grundlag består primært af observationer og interview, sekundært af plantegninger. Den primære he...

  15. Netplanlægning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, S.

    Anvisningen er udarbejdet som grundlag for den byggetekniske undervisning og som støtte for praksis ved planlægning og styring af bygge- og anlægsarbejder. Netplanlægningens teori og den praktiske anvendelse af netplanlægningsmetoden gennemgås. Desuden omtales netplanlægning med edb, og der gives...

  16. Markedsføring, rådgivning og salg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Nis Jul


      Denne artikel om Finanstilsynets nye og skærpede praksis i sager om markedsføring, rådgivning og salg  tager udgangspunkt i de påtaler, som Finanstilsynet har offentliggjort i forbindelse med Jyske Invests markedsføring af andele i Jyske Invest Hedge Markedsneutral-Obligationer og Jyske Banks...

  17. Kompetencestrategi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drejer, Anders; Riis, Jens Ove

    fortæller, hvordan man kan arbejde med virksomheders kompetencer i dialog med produkt-markedsområdet. For at give en mere detaljeret forståelse af, hvad kompetencer består af, beskriver forfatterne fire indholdselementer til en bred definition af kompetenceer som et samspil mellem mennesker, teknologi......, organisation og kultur. Bogen placerer kompetencer i deres rette, strategiske sammenhæng og giver svar på centrale spørgsmål om, hvordan man arbejder med virksomhedens kompetenceer i praksis. Bogen giver en ramme for en bred behandling af virksomheders kompetence og anviser modeller og metoder til...

  18. Heat Generation Effects on U-Mo/Al through ABAQUS FEM Simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Taewon; Jeong, Gwan Yoon; Lee, Cheol Min; Sohn Dongseong [Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    U-Mo/Al dispersion fuels have been considered a most promising candidate for a replacement of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) fuel in many research reactors. Coulson developed a FEM model which show the fuel meat realistically and compared the thermal conductivity results of two and three dimensional model. Williams also developed a FEM model which are different from the former in that it use regularly meshed unit cells. He showed a heat generation effects through FEM simulation and the effective thermal conductivity of the fuel with heat generated in the fuel particles is a little lower than that of the fuel with no heat generated. In the current work, the heat generation effects are analyzed and discussed in a wider range of volume fraction with more realistic models by using ABAQUS finite element package. The FEM model is used to determine the effective thermal conductivity of U-Mo/Al and to simulate the heat generation effects in the study. This model reflected the microscopic morphology of the fuel very well by making random distribution particles although the particle shape is considered as sphere. All simulation results show the heat generation effects although the effects are small when the volume fraction of fuels are high. When the particles are surrounded with interaction layers, the heat transfer from the particle to matrix is disturbed by interaction layers due to the low thermal conductivity of interaction layers. However this effects decreases when the sum of the volume fraction of fuels and interaction layers exceeds 40-50 vol% because a great portion of the heat must pass through fuels and interaction layers although the heat is applied on the surface. Therefore particle size and initial particle volume fractions will be the important factors for the heat generation effects when interaction layers grow during irradiations.

  19. Medicinsk teknologivurdering af akupunktur til gravide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feenstra, Maria Monberg; Johansen, Marianne; Sørensen, Lisbeth Falborg

    -, organisatorisk- og økonomisk perspektiv. Metode: Der blev udarbejdet en medicinsk teknologivurdering (MTV). En alsidig og systematisk litteraturgennemgang af akupunkturbehandling til gravide med emesis/hyperemesis gravidarum, bækkenrelaterede smerter eller depression/angst blev udført. Den udvalgte litteratur...... behandlingen udføres korrekt af TCM-uddannet sundhedspersonale. Undersøgelser har vist høj patienttilfredshed blandt gravide ved akupunkturbehandling. Økonomiske beregninger dokumenterer, at akupunktur er et billigt behandlingstilbud. Konsekvenser for praksis: Det anbefales, at tilbyde gravide med emesis...

  20. Prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of FEM analysis (United States)

    Śliwa, Agata; Mikuła, Jarosław; Gołombek, Klaudiusz; Tański, Tomasz; Kwaśny, Waldemar; Bonek, Mirosław; Brytan, Zbigniew


    The aim of this paper is to present the results of the prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of finite element method (FEM) analysis. The possibility of employing the FEM in the evaluation of stress distribution in multilayer Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, and Ti/DLC/DLC coatings by taking into account their deposition conditions on magnesium alloys has been discussed in the paper. The difference in internal stresses in the zone between the coating and the substrate is caused by, first of all, the difference between the mechanical and thermal properties of the substrate and the coating, and also by the structural changes that occur in these materials during the fabrication process, especially during the cooling process following PVD and CVD treatment. The experimental values of stresses were determined based on X-ray diffraction patterns that correspond to the modelled values, which in turn can be used to confirm the correctness of the accepted mathematical model for testing the problem. An FEM model was established for the purpose of building a computer simulation of the internal stresses in the coatings. The accuracy of the FEM model was verified by comparing the results of the computer simulation of the stresses with experimental results. A computer simulation of the stresses was carried out in the ANSYS environment using the FEM method. Structure observations, chemical composition measurements, and mechanical property characterisations of the investigated materials has been carried out to give a background for the discussion of the results that were recorded during the modelling process.

  1. An Integrated NDE and FEM Characterization of Composite Rotors (United States)

    Abdul-Aziz, Ali; Baaklini, George Y.; Trudell, Jeffrey J.


    A structural assessment by integrating finite-element methods (FEM) and a nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of two flywheel rotor assemblies is presented. Composite rotor A is pancake like with a solid hub design, and composite rotor B is cylindrical with a hollow hub design. Detailed analyses under combined centrifugal and interference-fit loading are performed. Two- and three-dimensional stress analyses and two-dimensional fracture mechanics analyses are conducted. A comparison of the structural analysis results obtained with those extracted via NDE findings is reported. Contact effects due to press-fit conditions are evaluated. Stress results generated from the finite-element analyses were corroborated with the analytical solution. Cracks due to rotational loading up to 49 000 rpm for rotor A and 34 000 rpm for rotor B were successfully imaged with NDE and predicted with FEM and fracture mechanics analyses. A procedure that extends current structural analysis to a life prediction tool is also defined.

  2. Musikterapi med børn med svær autisme - en litteraturgennemgang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulla Holck


    Full Text Available Faglitteratur om musikterapi med børn med autisme er omfattende og indeholder såvel kvalitative case-beskrivelser som kvantitative forskningsundersøgelser. I artiklen gennemgås faglitteraturen systematisk med henblik på at specifi cere musikterapiens effekt og virkemåder i forhold til denne målgruppe. Vægten ligger på børn med svær autisme, men litteratur om voksne højtfungerende personer med autisme inddrages også. Forskningslitteraturen viser, at det især er inden for områderne koncentration, visuel opmærksomhed, respons og initiativ, samt brug af stemme og tur-tagning, at musikterapi har en effekt. Case-litteraturen begrunder denne effekt med musikkens evne til at være redundant, anvendelse af imitation og responsfremmende teknikker (overraskelse etc., fælles opbyggede samspilsformer, samt det temporale-interaktive element i improvisatorisk musikterapi. Ud fra en interaktionsteoretisk indfaldsvinkel sammenkobles effekten endvidere med, at den musikalske interaktion hjælper musikterapeuten til at fastholde et dynamisk udtryk, hvilket er afgørende i forhold til en klientgruppe, der ofte giver ´flad´ eller stærkt afvigende feedback.

  3. Nostalgitrip med Pikachu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    Sommeren 2016 vil blive husket for den omsiggribende dille, Pokémon Go, med over 100 millioner downloads. Tusindvis af især børn og unge, men også forældre med barnevogne og hele familier, kunne pludselig ses på gader og stræder, i parker og grønne områder med en smartphone i hånden på jagt efter...

  4. FEM growth and yield data Monocultures - Poplar (revised version)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mohren, G.M.J.; Goudzwaard, L.; Jansen, J.J.; Schmidt, P.; Oosterbaan, A.; Oldenburger, J.; Ouden, den J.


    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species with only a few plots,

  5. Learning by developing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Viskum, Ulla; Odgaard, Eva; Davidsen, Helle Munkholm


    Med publikationen ønsker gruppen dels at præsentere refleksioner og erfaringer, som er gjort i forhold til at omsætte det abstrakte teoretiske grundlag for modellen til praksis og dels at præsentere en revideret version af modellen, som kan være en nyttig ramme for det videre arbejde. Indlednings...

  6. Klasseledelse, inklusion og differentiering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Christina; Mottelson, Martha


    Kapitlet behandler forholdet mellem de tre begreber klasseledelse, inklusion og differentiering og ser på, hvordan de folder sig ud i folkeskolens praksis. Der tages afsæt i en definition af klasseledelse som alle de redskaber, læreren tager i anvendelse med henblik på at få timen til tage form p...

  7. At musikere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Steen Kaargaard; Krogh, Mads


    Den new zealandske musikforsker Christopher Small lancerede i 1998 med sin bog af samme navn begrebet musicking som betegnelse for en forståelse af musik som praksis. Hermed formuleredes i ét begreb den afstandtagen til forståelser af musik som struk- tur eller værk, som i øvrigt findes vidt...

  8. Urban odyssé

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønlund, Bo


    Bogen er en sammenfatning af Bo Grönlunds forskning om urbanitet og omhandler bybegrebet i teori og praksis i den nutidige overgang fra den første til den anden modernitet. Eksemplerne stammer fra Bo Grönlunds projekt om informationssamfundets by og gaden som bymæssig form. Bogen afsluttes med et...

  9. Forskningsprojekt om musikterapi på Plejehjemmet Caritas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    Gennemgang af 3 planer i interpersonel kommunikation; kommunikationen indeholder et semantisk budskab, et følelsesmæssigt udtryk og medfører en påvirkning af andre. Alle former for samvær er kommunikation. Med dette som udgangspunkt redegøres for musikterapiteori og -praksis på demensområdet. Der...

  10. Pædagogiske læreplaner som redskab til evaluering, læring og kvalitetsudvikling?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Poul Skov Dahl


    Full Text Available Den nyligt afsluttede, landsdækkende evaluering af loven om pædagogiske læreplaner har vist, at pædagogiske læreplaner indtil nu har været en faglig succes i dagtilbuddene. Men den viser også, at evalueringsarbejdet endnu spiller en begrænset rolle i arbejdet. Hvis de pædagogiske læreplaner fremadrettet skal forblive en succes og medvirke til at udvikle den pædagogiske praksis, er evalueringskapacitet et vigtigt omdrejningspunkt. Med systematisk evaluering som en integreret del af arbejdet med de pædagogiske læreplaner har de - som en form for ”systemtænknings-redskab -” potentiale til at være løftestang for organisatorisk læring i dagtilbuddet - den læring, som er en forudsætning for kvalitetsudviklingen af den pædagogiske praksis. Vi sætter i denne artikel fokus på sammenhængen mellem pædagogiske læreplaner, evaluering og organisatorisk læring i dagtilbuddene.

  11. Interview med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter.......Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter....

  12. Vejledernes reaktion på retningslinjer for vejledning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanne Leth Andersen


    Full Text Available Den undersøgelse vi her i artiklen rapporterer fra, viser at der blandt specialevejledere og specialestuderende er stor forskel på kendskabet til og interessen for de opstillede rammer ogregler for specialevejledningen. Vi konstaterer at vejlederen ikke primært opfatter sig selv som en medarbejder i en organisation hvor ledelsens eventuelle retningslinjer og rammer er relevanteog bindende, men snarere som en privatpraktiserende vejleder der udvikler sit eget tilbud til de studerende. Vejlederne har skullet udvikle deres egen praksis, men det er alligevel påfaldendeat så få problematiserer deres manglende viden om institutionens retningslinjer. Nogle af vejledernes begrundelser for ikke at interessere sig mere for fagets retningslinjer afspejler en opfattelse af de gældende retningslinjer for deres praksis som irrelevante for dem. Baggrunden er at reglerne primært er kvantitative og rammesættende og slet ikke kommer i dialog med vejledernes individuelle praksis. Hvis man vil udvikle vejledningspraksis, skal der altså andre mere kvalitative og pædagogisk velfunderede midler til.

  13. Virtuelt skrivebord med open office

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kurt Gammelgaard


    SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende.......SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende....

  14. 2-D FEM Simulation of Propagation and Radiation of Leaky Lamb Wave in a Plate-Type Ultrasonic Waveguide Sensor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sang-Jin; Kim, Hoe-Woong; Joo, Young-Sang; Kim, Sung-Kyun; Kim, Jong-Bum [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    This paper introduces the 2-D FEM simulation of the propagation and radiation of the leaky Lamb wave in and from a plate-type ultrasonic waveguide sensor conducted for the radiation beam profile analysis. The FEM simulations are performed with three different excitation frequencies and the radiation beam profiles obtained from FEM simulations are compared with those obtained from corresponding experiments. This paper deals with the 2-D FEM simulation of the propagation and radiation of the leaky Lamb wave in and from a plate-type ultrasonic waveguide sensor conducted to analyze the radiation beam profiles. The radiation beam profile results obtained from the FEM simulation show good agreement with the ones obtained from the experiment. This result will be utilized to improve the performance of the developed waveguide sensor. The quality of the visualized image is mainly affected by beam profile characteristics of the leaky wave radiated from the waveguide sensor. However, the relationships between the radiation beam profile and many parameters of the waveguide sensor are not fully revealed yet. Therefore, further parametric studies are necessary to improve the performance of the sensor and the finite element method (FEM) is one of the most effective tools for the parametric study.

  15. Motion Sensorless Control of BLDC PM Motor with Offline FEM Info Assisted State Observer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stirban, Alin; Boldea, Ion; Andreescu, Gheorghe-Daniel


    This paper describes a new offline FEM assisted position and speed observer, for brushless dc (BLDC) PM motor drive sensorless control, based on the line-to-line PM flux linkage estimation. The zero-crossing of the line-to-line PM flux linkage occurs right in the middle of two commutation points...... identification. Digital simulations and experimental results are shown, demonstrating the reliability of the FEM assisted position and speed observer for BLDC PM motor sensorless control operation....

  16. Mediator Complex Subunits MED2, MED5, MED16, and MED23 Genetically Interact in the Regulation of Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis. (United States)

    Dolan, Whitney L; Dilkes, Brian P; Stout, Jake M; Bonawitz, Nicholas D; Chapple, Clint


    The phenylpropanoid pathway is a major global carbon sink and is important for plant fitness and the engineering of bioenergy feedstocks. In Arabidopsis thaliana , disruption of two subunits of the transcriptional regulatory Mediator complex, MED5a and MED5b, results in an increase in phenylpropanoid accumulation. By contrast, the semidominant MED5b mutation reduced epidermal fluorescence4-3 ( ref4-3 ) results in dwarfism and constitutively repressed phenylpropanoid accumulation. Here, we report the results of a forward genetic screen for suppressors of ref4-3. We identified 13 independent lines that restore growth and/or phenylpropanoid accumulation in the ref4-3 background. Two of the suppressors restore growth without restoring soluble phenylpropanoid accumulation, indicating that the growth and metabolic phenotypes of the ref4-3 mutant can be genetically disentangled. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that all but one of the suppressors carry mutations in MED5b or other Mediator subunits. RNA-seq analysis showed that the ref4-3 mutation causes widespread changes in gene expression, including the upregulation of negative regulators of the phenylpropanoid pathway, and that the suppressors reverse many of these changes. Together, our data highlight the interdependence of individual Mediator subunits and provide greater insight into the transcriptional regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis by the Mediator complex. © 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

  17. Afprøvning af et sundhedspædagogisk koncept målrettet voksne med psykisk sygdom i region Syddanmark – fokus på kompetenceudvikling af professionelle. Projekt ’Livsstilsguide i praksis (2015-2017)’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folmann Hempler, Nana; Saurbrey Pals, Regitze; Oest, Lone


    Særlig læring/særlig succes Behovsafdækningen i projektet peger på, at der er behov for at styrke professionelles kompetencer til at samarbejde med voksne med psykisk sygdom om sundhed. Nærværende projekt viser, at professionelle kan styrke samarbejdskompetencer vha. undervisning. Baggrund Voksne...

  18. Determination of the fatigue behaviour of thin hard coatings using the impact test and a FEM simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouzakis, K.D. [Aristoteles Univ., Thessaloniki (Greece). Dept. of Mech. Eng.; Vidakis, N. [Aristoteles Univ., Thessaloniki (Greece). Dept. of Mech. Eng.; Leyendecker, T. [CemeCon, 52068 Aachen (Germany); Lemmer, O. [CemeCon, 52068 Aachen (Germany); Fuss, H.G. [CemeCon, 52068 Aachen (Germany); Erkens, G. [CemeCon, 52068 Aachen (Germany)


    The impact test, in combination with a finite element method (FEM) simulation, is used to determine stress values that characterise the fatigue behaviour of thin hard coatings, such as TiAlN, TiAlCN, CrN, MoN, etc. The successive impacts of a cemented carbide ball onto a coated probe induce high contact loads, which can vary in amplitude and cause plastic deformation in the substrate. In the present paper FEM calculations are used in order to determine the critical stress values, which lead to coating fatigue failure. The parametric FEM simulation developed considers elastic behaviour for the coating and elastic plastic behaviour for the substrate. The results of the FEM calculations are correlated to experimental data, as well as to SEM observations of the imprints and to microspectrum analyses within the contact region. Herewith, critical values for various stress components, which are responsible for distinctive fatigue failure modes of the coating-substrate compounds can be obtained. (orig.)

  19. Comparative FEM-based Analysis of Multiphase Induction Motor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonard Livadaru


    Full Text Available This paper presents a comparative study of multiphase induction motor, which has alternately three-, five- and six-phase stator winding. The machine has been designed particularly for this purpose and has individual ring coils placed in each stator slot. The study consists in FEM analyses and mainly looks for the particularities of magnetic quantities such as air-gap flux density and electromagnetic torque.

  20. On a Weak Discrete Maximum Principle for hp-FEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šolín, Pavel; Vejchodský, Tomáš

    -, č. 209 (2007), s. 54-65 ISSN 0377-0427 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/05/0629 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20570509; CEZ:AV0Z10190503 Keywords : discrete maximum principle * hp-FEM Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering Impact factor: 0.943, year: 2007

  1. FEM simulation of multi step forming of thick sheet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wisselink, H.H.; Huetink, Han


    A case study has been performed on the forming of an industrial product. This product, a bracket, is made of 5mm thick sheet in multiple steps. The process exists of a bending step followed by a drawing and a flanging step. FEM simulations have been used to investigate this forming process. First,

  2. Etnologien og industrisamfundets kulturarv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højrup, Thomas


    Kulturarven anskues her som den praksis vi står på skuldrene af, og som vi bygger på, når vi skal tage stilling til, hvordan vi griber dagens aktuelle problemstillinger an. Med dette udgangspunkt diskuteres de begreber og opfattelser af "industrisamfundet", vi har fået i arv og må tage stilling t...

  3. Logistical connections?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerg, Helle

    Paperet præsenterer et kvalitativt studie af lærerstuderendes oplevelser og opfattelser af forholdet mellem uddannelse og praktik, samt teori og praksis, således som det udspiller sig i forbindelse med den første praktik på læreruddannelsen. I paperet præsenteres en model for en række forskellige...

  4. Et studie mellem ting og sager

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh, Mads


    . W. Adornos musiksociologi set i sammen- hæng med den såkaldte aktørnetværksteori, sidstnævnte repræsenteret ved Antoine Hennion samt Bruno Latour. Idet artiklen tilstræber en analytisk beskrivelse af ma- terielle forhold som en faktor i musikalske praksis, uden at disse dog betragtes som materielt...

  5. Integrated FEM-DBEM simulation of crack propagation in AA2024-T3 FSW butt joints considering manufacturing effects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonne, Mads Rostgaard; Carlone, P.; Citarella, R.


    This paper deals with a numerical and experimental investigation on the influence of residual stresses on fatigue crack growth in AA2024-T3 friction stir welded butt joints. An integrated FEM-DBEM procedure for the simulation of crack propagation is proposed and discussed. A numerical FEM model...... of the welding process of precipitation hardenable AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy is employed to infer the process induced residual stress field. The reliability of the FEM simulations with respect to the induced residual stresses is assessed comparing numerical outcomes with experimental data obtained by means...

  6. Evaluating DEM results with FEM perspectives of load : soil interaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tadesse, D.


    Keywords: Load - soil interaction, soil structure, soil mechanical properties, FEM (Finite Element Method), Plaxis (Finite Element Code), granular particles, shear stress, DEM (Distinct Element Method),

  7. MedSun Reports (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun) is an adverse event reporting program launched in 2002. The primary goal for MedSun is to work collaboratively with the...

  8. Pædagogik som en filosofisk praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn


    Artiklen (50 sider) indledes med nogle betragtninger over, hvad pædagogisk filosofi er og der gives en beskrivelse af dets tre dimensioner. Artiklen vægter særlig den tredie dimension - den maieutiske dimension - hvor det er den pædagogiske filosofi I den konkrete pædagogiske virksomhed, der unde......), mindre grupper (den sokratiske dialoggruppe) og på to-mands-hånd (den filosofiske vejledningspraksis). Artiklen ender i en perspektivering, hvor der spørges til muligheden af et "sokratisk citizenship" set i lyet af individualiseringen og multikulturaliseringen i uddannelsessystemet....

  9. Supervision af psykologkandidater i privat praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Birgitte

    et litteratur review over relevante temaer i supervisionslitteraturen samt overvejelser om læring i supervision. Afhandlingens empiriske resultater vil blive belyst og diskuteret med udgangspunkt i tilsvarende fænomener i supervisionslitteraturen. Resultaterne af undersøgelsen viser, at der er en...... række vigtige elementer ved supervision, der skal være opfyldt, hvis den skal opleves som udviklende og lærerig af praksiskandidaterne. Det er elementer som kontraktetablering, rådgivning og teoretisk refleksion, en tydelig teoretisk referenceramme samt støtte og anerkendelse fra supervisor. Det...

  10. Sprogfag i forandring - pædagogik og praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Byram, Michael; Daryai-Hansen, Petra; Henriksen, Birgit

    Om undervisningen i engelsk, tysk og fransk i folkeskolen. Med udgangspunkt i Fælles mål 2009 sættes fokus på omsætningen af uddannelsespolitiske lovkrav og pædagogiske ideer til faktiske læringsprocesser i skolen...

  11. A Hybrid FEM-ANN Approach for Slope Instability Prediction (United States)

    Verma, A. K.; Singh, T. N.; Chauhan, Nikhil Kumar; Sarkar, K.


    Assessment of slope stability is one of the most critical aspects for the life of a slope. In any slope vulnerability appraisal, Factor Of Safety (FOS) is the widely accepted index to understand, how close or far a slope from the failure. In this work, an attempt has been made to simulate a road cut slope in a landslide prone area in Rudrapryag, Uttarakhand, India which lies near Himalayan geodynamic mountain belt. A combination of Finite Element Method (FEM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been adopted to predict FOS of the slope. In ANN, a three layer, feed- forward back-propagation neural network with one input layer and one hidden layer with three neurons and one output layer has been considered and trained using datasets generated from numerical analysis of the slope and validated with new set of field slope data. Mean absolute percentage error estimated as 1.04 with coefficient of correlation between the FOS of FEM and ANN as 0.973, which indicates that the system is very vigorous and fast to predict FOS for any slope.

  12. The MedDRA paradox. (United States)

    Merrill, Gary H


    MedDRA (the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology) is a controlled vocabulary widely used as a medical coding scheme. However, MedDRA's characterization of its structural hierarchy exhibits some confusing and paradoxical features. The goal of this paper is to examine these features, determine whether there is a coherent view of the MedDRA hierarchy that emerges, and explore what lessons are to be learned from this for using MedDRA and similar terminologies in a broad medical informatics context that includes relations among multiple disparate terminologies, thesauri, and ontologies.

  13. hp-FEM electromechanical transduction model of ionic polymer metal composites

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pugal, D.; Šolín, Pavel; Kim, K.; Aabloo, A.


    Roč. 260, April (2014), s. 135-148 ISSN 0377-0427 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP102/11/0498 Institutional support: RVO:61388998 Keywords : hp-FEM * Nernst-Planck * Poisson Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering Impact factor: 1.266, year: 2014

  14. Overskridende læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Karen Lis; Mørck, Line Lerche


    Artiklen gennemgår tendenserne i den slags pædagogik som bruges i skolen overfor børn med diagnosen ADHD. Artiklen analyserer dilemmaer ved denne form for pædagogik, samt viser hvordan der kan udvikles alternative måder at forstå strukturereing af pædagogikken fr disse børn. Hermed illustreres det...... I praksis hvordan man kan strukturere mere bevægelige, og mindre rigide læringsrum til gavn for skolebørn med ADHD. Artiklen er målrettet lærere og pædagoger, der arbejder I folkeskolen, og med at tilrettelægge inkluderende læringsrum....

  15. Didaktik for skolepædagoger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broström, Stig

    inspirationsgrundlag. Om end bogen ikke rummer opskrifter og 100 gode ideer, kan bogens mange teori-praksis-beskrivelser vække til inspiration. Bogens målgruppe er først og fremmest skolepædagogerne og lærerne – men generelt skolens ledelse og alle med tilknytning til skolen. Endvidere er bogen relevant for pædagoger...... præget af en veksling mellem klasserumsundervisning og projekter. Samarbejde med eksterne partnere – den åbne skole, bl.a. med inddragelse af kunst og kultur. Motion, leg og bevægelse hver dag. Musik i skoledagen. Lektiehjælp, understøttende undervisning, faglig fordybelse og meget andet. Dette er...

  16. Analysis of PubMed User Sessions Using a Full-Day PubMed Query Log: A Comparison of Experienced and Nonexperienced PubMed Users (United States)


    Background PubMed is the largest biomedical bibliographic information source on the Internet. PubMed has been considered one of the most important and reliable sources of up-to-date health care evidence. Previous studies examined the effects of domain expertise/knowledge on search performance using PubMed. However, very little is known about PubMed users’ knowledge of information retrieval (IR) functions and their usage in query formulation. Objective The purpose of this study was to shed light on how experienced/nonexperienced PubMed users perform their search queries by analyzing a full-day query log. Our hypotheses were that (1) experienced PubMed users who use system functions quickly retrieve relevant documents and (2) nonexperienced PubMed users who do not use them have longer search sessions than experienced users. Methods To test these hypotheses, we analyzed PubMed query log data containing nearly 3 million queries. User sessions were divided into two categories: experienced and nonexperienced. We compared experienced and nonexperienced users per number of sessions, and experienced and nonexperienced user sessions per session length, with a focus on how fast they completed their sessions. Results To test our hypotheses, we measured how successful information retrieval was (at retrieving relevant documents), represented as the decrease rates of experienced and nonexperienced users from a session length of 1 to 2, 3, 4, and 5. The decrease rate (from a session length of 1 to 2) of the experienced users was significantly larger than that of the nonexperienced groups. Conclusions Experienced PubMed users retrieve relevant documents more quickly than nonexperienced PubMed users in terms of session length. PMID:26139516

  17. Modification of the FEM3 model to ensure mass conservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gresho, P.M.


    The problem of global mass conservation (lack thereof) in the current anelastic equations solved by FEM3 is described and its cause explained. The additional equations necessary to solve the problem are presented and methods for their incorporation into the current code are suggested. 14 refs

  18. Granice teritorijalnog mora u nacionalnim propisima i praksi obalnih država Sredozemlja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Vokić Žužul


    Full Text Available U radu se razmatra primjena pravila Konvencije UN-a o pravu mora iz 1982. o vanjskoj granici, širini i razgraničenju teritorijalnog mora u nacionalnim propisima i praksi obalnih država Sredozemlja. Posebna pozornost posvećena je pitanjima vezanim uz proširenje granica suverenosti Grčke i Turske u Egejskome moru, čija su teritorijalna mora još uvijek široka šest milja. Dvostranim ugovorima između država čije obale leže sučelice ili međusobno graniče u Sredozemlju je do danas konačno definirano samo šest granica teritorijalnih mora. Sadržaj svakog od ugovora kojima je razgraničeno teritorijalno more - između Cipra i suverenih vojnih baza Velike Britanije na tome otoku, između bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza i Turske, između bivše SFRJ i Italije te između Francuske i Italije u tjesnacu Bonifacio - predmet je posebne analize. Razmatraju se također i sporazumi o jedinstvenoj morskoj granici između Bugarske i Turske te Francuske i Monaka, kojima su uz teritorijalno more razgraničeni i drugi morski prostori.

  19. Måling af lydisolation og efterklangstid i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, J.

    Meddelelsen omhandler undersøgelser af mulighederne for at forbedre reproducerbarheden ved måling af luftlydisolation, trinlydniveau og efterklangstid under betingelser, der svarer til måling i den indflytningsfærdige bygning. Der omtales resultater fra måling med to forskellige udformninger af h...

  20. Evaluering af ordning med psykologbehandling af personer med let til moderat depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjeldsted, Rita; Christensen, Kaj Sparle

    Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter, psykolo......Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter...... tidligere evaluering af forsøgsordning af psykologbehandling af depression i perioden 2005-06. 18.419 personer i alderen 18-37 år blev henvist til psykolog i den undersøgte ordning i perioden 1.2.2009 – 31.1.2010, svarende til en henvisningshyppighed på 1,6 % af baggrundsbefolkningen i samme aldersgruppe....... Ordningen giver mulighed for én rehenvisning, og 9 % blev rehenvist i perioden. Spørgeskemaresultater viser, at kun 33 % af de henviste falder ind under henvisningskriteriet ” let til moderat depression” på tidspunktet for opstart af psykologbehandling, 39 % har ingen tegn på depression, og 28 % har svær...

  1. Space-time adaptive hp-FEM for problems with traveling sharp fronts

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šolín, Pavel; Korous, L.


    Roč. 95, č. 1 (2013), S709-S722 ISSN 0010-485X Institutional support: RVO:61388998 Keywords : adaptive hp-FEM * transient problems * sharp fronts Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.055, year: 2013

  2. Menneske eller borger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Komischke-Konnerup, Leo

    Menneske eller borger er en almenpædagogisk indføring i spørgsmålet om skolens pædagogiske og politiske opgave: Er skolen og dens pædagogiske praksis til for det frie menneske eller den forpligtede borger? Dette pædagogiske grundproblem belyses gennem studiet af tre centrale pædagogiske tænkeres ...... teorier: J.-J. Rousseau, W. von Humboldt og D. Benner. Bogens tre studier er forsynet med studiespørgsmål. Bogen afsluttes med et didaktisk appendix af lektor ved læreruddannelsen N. Leding Olsen....

  3. Usynlige årsager

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Rasmus Kjærgaard


    Denne artikel handler om, hvad konspirationsteorier er, og hvilken social, politisk og kulturel praksis dette komplekse fænomen er udtryk for. Med udgangspunkt i hypotesen om, at der eksisterer en global konspirationskultur, undersøger artiklen hvordan konspirationsteorier på globalt plan i disse...... år dels fungerer som en moddiskurs, dels som grundfortællinger om magt og ondskab. Jeg belyser disse pointer med udgangspunkt i to konspirationsteorier fra henholdsvis USA og Mellemøsten, der på hver deres måde søger at forklare angrebene den 11. september 2001....

  4. An adaptive singular ES-FEM for mechanics problems with singular field of arbitrary order


    Nguyen-Xuan, H.; Liu, G. R.; Bordas, Stéphane; Natarajan, S.; Rabczuk, T.


    This paper presents a singular edge-based smoothed finite element method (sES-FEM) for mechanics problems with singular stress fields of arbitrary order. The sES-FEM uses a basic mesh of three-noded linear triangular (T3) elements and a special layer of five-noded singular triangular elements (sT5) connected to the singular-point of the stress field. The sT5 element has an additional node on each of the two edges connected to the singular-point. It allows us to represent simple and efficient ...

  5. Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin FEM: Spectral Response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abedi, R; Omidi, O; Clarke, P L


    Materials in nature demonstrate certain spectral shapes in terms of their material properties. Since successful experimental demonstrations in 2000, metamaterials have provided a means to engineer materials with desired spectral shapes for their material properties. Computational tools are employed in two different aspects for metamaterial modeling: 1. Mircoscale unit cell analysis to derive and possibly optimize material's spectral response; 2. macroscale to analyze their interaction with conventional material. We compare two different approaches of Time-Domain (TD) and Frequency Domain (FD) methods for metamaterial applications. Finally, we discuss advantages of the TD method of Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (FEM) for spectral analysis of metamaterials

  6. Numerical calculation of acoustic radiation from band-vibrating structures via FEM/FAQP method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    GAO Honglin


    Full Text Available The Finite Element Method (FEM combined with the Frequency Averaged Quadratic Pressure method (FAQP are used to calculate the acoustic radiation of structures excited in the frequency band. The surface particle velocity of stiffened cylindrical shells under frequency band excitation is calculated using finite element software, the normal vibration velocity is converted from the surface particle velocity to calculate the average energy source (frequency averaged across intensity, frequency averaged across pressure and frequency averaged across velocity, and the FAQP method is used to calculate the average sound pressure level within the bandwidth. The average sound pressure levels are then compared with the bandwidth using finite element and boundary element software, and the results show that FEM combined with FAQP is more suitable for high frequencies and can be used to calculate the average sound pressure level in the 1/3 octave band with good stability, presenting an alternative to applying frequency-by-frequency calculation and the average frequency process. The FEM/FAQP method can be used as a prediction method for calculating acoustic radiation while taking the randomness of vibration at medium and high frequencies into consideration.

  7. Crack growth analysis in a weld-heat-affected zone using S-version FEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kikuchi, Masanori; Wada, Yoshitaka; Shimizu, Yuto; Li, Yulong


    The objective of this study is the prediction of crack propagation under thermal, residual stress fields using S-Version FEM (S-FEM). By using the S-FEM technique, only the local mesh should be re-meshed and it becomes easy to simulate crack growth. By combining with an auto-meshing technique, the local mesh is re-meshed automatically, and a curved crack path is modeled easily. Virtual crack closure integral method (VCCM) is used to evaluate energy release rate at the crack tip. For crack growth analyses, crack growth rate and growth direction are determined using criteria for mixed mode loading condition. In order to confirm the validity of this analysis, some comparisons with previously reported analyses were done, and good agreement obtained. In this study, residual stress data were provided by JAEA, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, based on their numerical simulation. Stress corrosion crack (SCC) growth analyses in a pipe are conducted in two-dimensional and three-dimensional fields. Two cases, for an axi-symmetric distribution of residual stress in the pipe wall and a non-axisymmetric one are assumed. Effects of residual stress distribution patterns on SCC cracking are evaluated and discussed.

  8. Uncertainty assessment of a dike with an anchored sheet pile wall using FEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rippi Aikaterini


    Full Text Available The Dutch design codes for the dikes with retaining walls rely on Finite Element Analysis (FEM in combination with partial safety factors. However, this can lead to conservative designs. For this reason, in this study, a reliability analysis is carried out with FEM calculations aiming to demonstrate the feasibility of reliability analysis for a dike with an anchored sheet pile wall modelled in the 2D FEM, Plaxis. Sensitivity and reliability analyses were carried out and enabled by coupling the uncertainty package, OpenTURNS and Plaxis. The most relevant (ultimate limit states concern the anchor, the sheet pile wall, the soil body failure (global instability and finally the system. The case was used to investigate the applicability of the First Order Reliability Method (FORM and Directional Sampling (DS to analysing these limit states. The final goal is to estimate the probability of failure and identify the most important soil properties that affect the behaviour of each component and the system as a whole. The results of this research can be used to assess and optimize the current design procedure for dikes with retaining walls.

  9. Sammensvorne designere med succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas


    Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter.......Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Björn Nutti


    Full Text Available The paper presents a highly efficient way of simulating the dynamic behavior of deformable objects by means of the finite element method (FEM with computations performed on Graphics Processing Units (GPU. The presented implementation reduces bottlenecks related to memory accesses by grouping the necessary data per node pairs, in contrast to the classical way done per element. This strategy reduces the memory access patterns that are not suitable for the GPU memory architecture. Furthermore, the presented implementation takes advantage of the underlying sparse-block-matrix structure, and it has been demonstrated how to avoid potential bottlenecks in the algorithm. To achieve plausible deformational behavior for large local rotations, the objects are modeled by means of a simplified co-rotational FEM formulation.

  11. Pædagogiske eksperimenter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Ole; Grosspietsch, Michael; Nedergård Johansen, Ole


    På Pilegårdsskolen i Tårnby har vi siden august 2016 arbejdet med udvikling af læring i fællesskaber, hvor PLC-teamet samarbejder med lærer-teams. Fokus har rettet sig mod at arbejde med multimodale læringsformater samt at etablere nye samarbejds- og læringsformer mellem PLC og det pædagogiske...... personale. Vi er optaget af at udvikle en mediebaseret praksis, hvor vi arbejder med digitale teknologier, der understøtter elevernes kreative og innovative kompetencer. Vi ønsker samtidig at belyse, hvorledes PLC kan udvikles som en strategisk udviklingsenhed – som en del af skolekulturen. Her beskrives...... samarbejdet mellem PLC-teamet og et lærer-team på 5. klassetrin....

  12. PubMed-EX: a web browser extension to enhance PubMed search with text mining features. (United States)

    Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Dai, Hong-Jie; Lai, Po-Ting; Huang, Chi-Hsin


    PubMed-EX is a browser extension that marks up PubMed search results with additional text-mining information. PubMed-EX's page mark-up, which includes section categorization and gene/disease and relation mark-up, can help researchers to quickly focus on key terms and provide additional information on them. All text processing is performed server-side, freeing up user resources. PubMed-EX is freely available at and

  13. Lærings- og praksisfortællinger. En pædagogisk dokomentations- og evalueringsmetode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broström, Stig; Frøkjær, Thorleif

    Pædagogisk udviklingsarbejde udført i Ishøj Kommune som et KiD projekt med henblik på udvikling af en metode til dokumentation og evaluering af såvel det enkelte barns læring som den pædagogiske praksis. Projektet bygger på narrative teorier bl.a. den new zealandske "Learnings stories" og den...... norske "praksisfortelling"....

  14. Jordkvalitetskriterier for PAH'er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlsen, Lars


    For to år siden forhøjede Miljøstyrelsen den administrativt fastsatte grænseværdi for polycycliske hydrocarboner (PAH’er) i jord med en faktor 3, hvilket i praksis betød at en række grunde, der tidligere var klassifi ceret som forurenede, nu ikke klassifi ceres sådan. Den hidtidige og den nye met...

  15. Bedre veje til en ungdomsuddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Slotved, Mette; Hjermov, Pernille; Jensen, Vibeke Myrup

    Formålet med delopgave 2 er at identificere praksisser, der er virkningsfulde i forhold til at få unge videre i ungdomsuddannelse eller beskæftigelse. Undersøgelsen retter således fokus på god praksis i forhold til målgruppen af unge mellem 16 og 25 år, som af faglige, personlige eller sociale år...

  16. An eddy current vector potential formulation for estimating hysteresis losses of superconductors with FEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stenvall, A; Tarhasaari, T


    Many people these days employ only commercial finite element method (FEM) software when solving for the hysteresis losses of superconductors. Thus, the knowledge of a modeller is in the capability of using the black boxes of software efficiently. This has led to a relatively superficial examination of different formulations while the discussion stays mainly on the usage of the user interfaces of these programs. Also, if we stay only at the mercy of commercial software producers, we end up having less and less knowledge on the details of solvers. Then, it becomes more and more difficult to conceptually solve new kinds of problem. This may prevent us finding new kinds of method to solve old problems more efficiently, or finding a solution for a problem that was considered almost impossible earlier. In our earlier research, we presented the background of a co-tree gauged T-ψ FEM solver for computing the hysteresis losses of superconductors. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of FEM and eddy current vector potential formulation in the same problem.

  17. Influence of seed layer moduli on FEM based modulus backcalculation results

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Matsui, K


    Full Text Available This paper presents recentupdates of DBALM (Dynamic Back Analysis for Layer Moduli) software whose solver is based on exi-symmetric FEM and was first developed in 1993. Examples of airfield pavement application are also presented. The results...

  18. Fem Dewey-begreber til analyse af Facilitated Work Based Learning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomassen, Anja Overgaard

    teoretiske ramme er helt overvejende baseret på John Deweys (1859-1952) pragmatisme og herudfra er der udviklet modeller, som anvendes i analysen af de empiriske data. Det fremlægges i paperet, hvorledes disse modeller er blevet udviklet og anvendt i ph.d.-afhandlingen, og hvorledes de centrale fem begreber...

  19. Ulykke med hækkesaks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth, Peter Mygind


    Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning.......Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning....

  20. FEM-based neural-network approach to nonlinear modeling with application to longitudinal vehicle dynamics control. (United States)

    Kalkkuhl, J; Hunt, K J; Fritz, H


    An finite-element methods (FEM)-based neural-network approach to Nonlinear AutoRegressive with eXogenous input (NARX) modeling is presented. The method uses multilinear interpolation functions on C0 rectangular elements. The local and global structure of the resulting model is analyzed. It is shown that the model can be interpreted both as a local model network and a single layer feedforward neural network. The main aim is to use the model for nonlinear control design. The proposed FEM NARX description is easily accessible to feedback linearizing control techniques. Its use with a two-degrees of freedom nonlinear internal model controller is discussed. The approach is applied to modeling of the nonlinear longitudinal dynamics of an experimental lorry, using measured data. The modeling results are compared with local model network and multilayer perceptron approaches. A nonlinear speed controller was designed based on the identified FEM model. The controller was implemented in a test vehicle, and several experimental results are presented.

  1. FEM Analysis and Measurement of Residual Stress by Neutron Diffraction on the Dissimilar Overlay Weld Pipe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kang Soo; Lee, Ho Jin; Woo, Wan Chuck; Seong, Baek Seok; Byeon, Jin Gwi; Park, Kwang Soo; Jung, In Chul


    Much research has been done to estimate the residual stress on a dissimilar metal weld. There are many methods to estimate the weld residual stress and FEM (Finite Element Method) is generally used due to the advantage of the parametric study. And the X-ray method and a Hole Drilling technique for an experimental method are also usually used. The aim of this paper is to develop the appropriate FEM model to estimate the residual stresses of the dissimilar overlay weld pipe. For this, firstly, the specimen of the dissimilar overlay weld pipe was manufactured. The SA 508 Gr3 nozzle, the SA 182 safe end and SA376 pipe were welded by the Alloy 182. And the overlay weld by the Alloy 52M was performed. The residual stress of this specimen was measured by using the Neutron Diffraction device in the HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application ReactOr) research reactor, KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). Secondly, FEM Model on the dissimilar overlay weld pipe was made and analyzed by the ABAQUS Code (ABAQUS, 2004). Thermal analysis and stress analysis were performed, and the residual stress was calculated. Thirdly, the results of the FEM analysis were compared with those of the experimental methods

  2. Diskursive dilemmaer i ledelse og organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frimann, Søren


    Kapitlet diskuterer de forskellige og ofte modstridende opfattelser af ledelse i organisationer og i ledelsesteorier. Forskellige diskurser om ledelse og organisation giver ofte udfordringer og dilemmaer i teori og i organisationers praksis samt mellem konsulentydelser, lederuddannelser og den...... praktiske virkelighed i organisationer. Dilemmaer viser sig ofte i konkret sprogbrug som semantiske modsætningspar, for eksempel udvikling-drift, management-leadership, individ-gruppe, forandring-stabilitet, kontrol-tillid, resultater-relationer, produkt-proces, direktiv leder-leder som facilitator....../coach/konsulent. Målet med dette kapitel er at skabe et overblik på et metaplan over forskellige paradigmer inden for organisation, kommunikation og ledelse, som ofte udgør den klangbund, dilemmaer og modsætninger udspringer af i teori og praksis.Først introduceres en case og empiriske eksempler fra lederes dilemmaer og...

  3. Efficient preconditioning of hphp-FEM matrix sequences with slowly-varying coefficients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gatto, P.; Hesthaven, J. S.; Christiansen, Rasmus Ellebæk


    We previously introduced a preconditioner that has proven effective for hphp-FEM discretizations of various challenging elliptic and hyperbolic problems. The construction is inspired by standard nested dissection, and relies on the assumption that the Schur complements can be approximated, to hig...

  4. 3D FEM Geometry and Material Flow Optimization of Porthole-Die Extrusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ceretti, Elisabetta; Mazzoni, Luca; Giardini, Claudio


    The aim of this work is to design and to improve the geometry of a porthole-die for the production of aluminum components by means of 3D FEM simulations. In fact, the use of finite element models will allow to investigate the effects of the die geometry (webs, extrusion cavity) on the material flow and on the stresses acting on the die so to reduce the die wear and to improve the tool life. The software used to perform the simulations was a commercial FEM code, Deform 3D. The technological data introduced in the FE model have been furnished by METRA S.p.A. Company, partner in this research. The results obtained have been considered valid and helpful by the Company for building a new optimized extrusion porthole-die

  5. Relevansen af nyere psykodynamisk teori for det klinisk musikterapeutiske arbejde med psykiatriske patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel beskriver et rationale for anvendelse af musik i en psykoterapeutisk kontekst. Det eksplicitte og implicitte forandringsniveau i psykoterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) diskuteres herpå med henvisning til to forskellige syn på terapeutisk forandring:...

  6. Generalized multiscale finite element methods (GMsFEM)

    KAUST Repository

    Efendiev, Yalchin R.; Galvis, Juan; Hou, Thomasyizhao


    In this paper, we propose a general approach called Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method (GMsFEM) for performing multiscale simulations for problems without scale separation over a complex input space. As in multiscale finite element methods (MsFEMs), the main idea of the proposed approach is to construct a small dimensional local solution space that can be used to generate an efficient and accurate approximation to the multiscale solution with a potentially high dimensional input parameter space. In the proposed approach, we present a general procedure to construct the offline space that is used for a systematic enrichment of the coarse solution space in the online stage. The enrichment in the online stage is performed based on a spectral decomposition of the offline space. In the online stage, for any input parameter, a multiscale space is constructed to solve the global problem on a coarse grid. The online space is constructed via a spectral decomposition of the offline space and by choosing the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues. The computational saving is due to the fact that the construction of the online multiscale space for any input parameter is fast and this space can be re-used for solving the forward problem with any forcing and boundary condition. Compared with the other approaches where global snapshots are used, the local approach that we present in this paper allows us to eliminate unnecessary degrees of freedom on a coarse-grid level. We present various examples in the paper and some numerical results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.

  7. Generalized multiscale finite element methods (GMsFEM)

    KAUST Repository

    Efendiev, Yalchin R.


    In this paper, we propose a general approach called Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method (GMsFEM) for performing multiscale simulations for problems without scale separation over a complex input space. As in multiscale finite element methods (MsFEMs), the main idea of the proposed approach is to construct a small dimensional local solution space that can be used to generate an efficient and accurate approximation to the multiscale solution with a potentially high dimensional input parameter space. In the proposed approach, we present a general procedure to construct the offline space that is used for a systematic enrichment of the coarse solution space in the online stage. The enrichment in the online stage is performed based on a spectral decomposition of the offline space. In the online stage, for any input parameter, a multiscale space is constructed to solve the global problem on a coarse grid. The online space is constructed via a spectral decomposition of the offline space and by choosing the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues. The computational saving is due to the fact that the construction of the online multiscale space for any input parameter is fast and this space can be re-used for solving the forward problem with any forcing and boundary condition. Compared with the other approaches where global snapshots are used, the local approach that we present in this paper allows us to eliminate unnecessary degrees of freedom on a coarse-grid level. We present various examples in the paper and some numerical results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.

  8. Investigation of load transfer efficiency in jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCP using FEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vahid Sadeghi


    Full Text Available Owing to heavy traffic loads, rigid pavements encounter various types of failures at transverse joints during their lifetime. Three-dimensional finite-element method (3D-FEM was used to assess the structural response of jointed concrete pavement under moving tandem axle loads. In this study, 3D FEM was verified using an existing numerical model and field measurement of the concrete slab traversed by a moving truck. This paper also investigated the effects of multiple parameters: material properties, slab geometry, load magnitude and frictional status of the slab and base layer on load transfer efficiency (LTE of the transverse joints. Further study has been done to investigate the slab performance without the dowel bars which occurs when parts of the pavement needed to be repaired using precast slabs. The aggregate interlock between the new slab and the existing slab is simulated by frictional interface. In 3D FEM model, the load transfer efficiency has been improved by increasing the elasticity modules of the concrete slab and the base layer or increasing the slab thickness. This can decrease the joints' deflections, reduces the damages on pavement joints. Removing dowel bars adversely affected the load transfer. Keywords: Concrete pavement, Load transfer, Finite-element method, Dowel bar, Structural behavior

  9. Experiment study and FEM simulation on erythrocytes under linear stretching of optical micromanipulation (United States)

    Liu, Ying; Song, Huadong; Zhu, Panpan; Lu, Hao; Tang, Qi


    The elasticity of erythrocytes is an important criterion to evaluate the quality of blood. This paper presents a novel research on erythrocytes' elasticity with the application of optical tweezers and the finite element method (FEM) during blood storage. In this work, the erythrocytes with different in vitro times were linearly stretched by trapping force using optical tweezers and the time dependent elasticity of erythrocytes was investigated. The experimental results indicate that the membrane shear moduli of erythrocytes increased with the increasing in vitro time, namely the elasticity was decreasing. Simultaneously, an erythrocyte shell model with two parameters (membrane thickness h and membrane shear modulus H) was built to simulate the linear stretching states of erythrocytes by the FEM, and the simulations conform to the results obtained in the experiment. The evolution process was found that the erythrocytes membrane thicknesses were decreasing. The analysis assumes that the partial proteins and lipid bilayer of erythrocyte membrane were decomposed during the in vitro preservation of blood, which results in thin thickness, weak bending resistance, and losing elasticity of erythrocyte membrane. This study implies that the FEM can be employed to investigate the inward mechanical property changes of erythrocyte in different environments, which also can be a guideline for studying the erythrocyte mechanical state suffered from different diseases.

  10. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, ligesom den i et teoretisk perspektiv redegør for forskellige processer og reaktioner, der kan iagttages i behandlingen. Artiklen konkluderer, at GMT i sin nuværende form kan bidrage til udvikling af BPF-patienters evne til mentalisering og affektregulering, til opbygning af en gruppefølelse og fremme af interpersonel læring, ligesom GMT kan udvikle alliance til terapi generelt og GMT specifikt.

  11. En fænomenologisk undersøgelse af modoverføring i musikalsk improvisation i voksenpsykiatrien – en praksisbaseret og praksisrelateret forskningsundersøgelse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inge Nygaard Pedersen


    Full Text Available Denne artikel er baseret på uddrag fra min senior-ph.d.-afhandling om modoverføring i musikterapi i voksenpsykiatrien. Der bringes uddrag fra de vigtigste teoretiske bidrag til emnet inden for den del af musikterapilitteraturen, som også er inkluderet i afhandlingen. Der bringes detaljerede beskrivelser af dele af undersøgelsesmetoden for at illustrere, hvordan jeg i forberedelsen til de dybdegående interviews har fokuseret på, at deltagernes subjektive betydningsfulde udsagn er knyttet til og har rod i udvalgte praksiserfaringer. Selve analysemetoden illustreres, og resultaterne af denne beskrives kort. Resultaterne fra undersøgelsen relateres til de beskrevne teorier i musikterapilitteraturen, og deres relevans for musikterapeutisk praksis præsenteres. Artiklens målgruppe er musikterapeuter og andre kolleger inden for psykiatrien. Jeg har derfor valgt - lidt utraditionelt - at bringe selektive uddrag fra de mest relevante dele af undersøgelsesmetoden i form af en ureflekteret illustration af disse. Med udgangspunkt i disse bringer jeg refleksioner over undersøgelsesresultaternes sammenhæng med den anvendte musikterapiteori og vigtige uddrag af resultaternes relevans for musikterapeutisk praksis.

  12. Bliver man en bedre leder af at være på lederuddannelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Peter


    Det globale marked for uddannelser og kurser til offentlige og private ledere er en milliardforretning. Men på trods af de meget store investeringer ved både danske og internationale forskere ganske lidt om, hvordan de mange kurser og uddannelser egentlig påvirker de ledere, der går på uddannelse...... eller kursus. Artiklen formidler resultatet af en undersøgelse i fem danske kommuner. Konklusionen på undersøgelsen er, at man på de kommunale arbejdspladser forholdsvis nemt kan forbedre vilkårene for, at ledere under uddannelse kan forbedre vilkårene for at anvende ny viden i praksis....

  13. Coaching - fokus på samtalen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coaching – fokus på samtalen præsenterer forskellige filosofiske og teoretiske perspektiver på coachingsamtalen og indeholder desuden analyser af autentiske coachingsamtaler, som finder sted i en organisatorisk kontekst. Bogens kapitler beskæftiger sig med forskellige tilgange til coaching, som de...... i coachingsamtalen. Coaching – fokus på samtalen er den tredje bog i serien om Organisatorisk Coaching. Den er skrevet af konsulenter, ledere og forskere, som arbejder med coaching i private og offentlige organisationer. Coaching – fokus på samtalen kan bruges på mellemlange og videregående...... uddannelser og henvender sig samtidig til ledere, konsulenter og andre forandringsagenter, der arbejder med coaching i en organisatorisk praksis....

  14. Legens praktik og udøvelsesform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karoff, Helle Skovbjerg


    Med afsæt i en konkret legesituation med to børn og med det socialanalytiske perspektiv som teoretisk ramme søger artiklen at kommen nærmere spørgsmålet: Hvad er leg? Svaret søges på den ene side ved at insistere på, at legen i udgangspunktet tjener ytre formål, men derimod må ses som et formål i...... sig selv, og på den anden side ved at bringe de socialanalytiske kategorier i spil. Legen er en særlig udøvelsesform og praksis, hvor forskellige interpretationer mødes, og de primære betydningsproducerende i legen er udøverne selv....

  15. An effective FEM-based approach for discrete 3D crack growth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Morten Eggert; Lambertsen, Søren Heide; Pedersen, Erik B.


    A new geometric approach for discrete crack growth modeling is proposed and implemented in a commercial FEM software. The basic idea is to model the crack growth by removing volumes of material as the crack front advances. Thereby, adaptive meshing techniques, found in commercial software, is wel...

  16. MedPAC Data Book (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — MedPACs Data Book is the result of discussions with congressional staff members regarding ways that MedPAC can better support them. Some of the information it...

  17. The MEDIATOR genes MED12 and MED13 control Arabidopsis root system configuration influencing sugar and auxin responses. (United States)

    Raya-González, Javier; López-Bucio, Jesús Salvador; Prado-Rodríguez, José Carlos; Ruiz-Herrera, León Francisco; Guevara-García, Ángel Arturo; López-Bucio, José


    Arabidopsis med12 and med13 mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes related to an altered auxin homeostasis. Sucrose supplementation reactivates both cell division and elongation in primary roots as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression in these mutants. An analysis of primary root growth of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants in response to sucrose and/or N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) placed MED12 upstream of auxin transport for the sugar modulation of root growth. The MEDIATOR (MED) complex plays diverse functions in plant development, hormone signaling and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance through coordination of transcription. Here, we performed genetic, developmental, molecular and pharmacological analyses to characterize the role of MED12 and MED13 on the configuration of root architecture and its relationship with auxin and sugar responses. Arabidopsis med12 and med13 single mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes consistent with altered auxin homeostasis including altered primary root growth, lateral root development, and root hair elongation. MED12 and MED13 were required for activation of cell division and elongation in primary roots, as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression. Remarkably, most of these mutant phenotypes were rescued by supplying sucrose to the growth medium. The growth response of primary roots of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants to sucrose and application of auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) revealed the correlation of med12 phenotype with the activity of the auxin intake permease and suggests that MED12 acts upstream of AUX1 in the root growth response to sugar. These data provide compelling evidence that MEDIATOR links sugar sensing to auxin transport and distribution during root morphogenesis.

  18. Analysis of polyethylene terephthalate PET plastic bottle jointing system using finite element method (FEM) (United States)

    Zaidi, N. A.; Rosli, Muhamad Farizuan; Effendi, M. S. M.; Abdullah, Mohamad Hariri


    For almost all injection molding applications of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastic was analyzed the strength, durability and stiffness of properties by using Finite Element Method (FEM) for jointing system of wood furniture. The FEM was utilized for analyzing the PET jointing system for Oak and Pine as wood based material of furniture. The difference pattern design of PET as wood jointing furniture gives the difference value of strength furniture itself. The results show the wood specimen with grooves and eclipse pattern design PET jointing give lower global estimated error is 28.90%, compare to the rectangular and non-grooves wood specimen of global estimated error is 63.21%.

  19. Rehabilitering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caswell, Dorte; Høybye-Mortensen, Matilde; Dall, Tanja


    Rehabilitering som både begreb og indsats har været genstand for stigende fokus i de seneste år, på både politisk, organisatorisk og praksis-niveau. Fra januar 2013 træder en større reform af førtidspension og fleksjob i kraft, og med reformen etableres ’rehabilitering’ som både mål og middel i...

  20. Medier i hele kroppen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Stine Liv


    Små børn forholder sig fra en tidlig alder til både elektroniske medier, legetøj og merchandise i en kropslig og legende praksis. I denne artikel præsenteres resultater fra ph.d. afhandlingen Seere i bleer - små børns møde med medier. Artiklen vil især fokusere på, hvordan børnenes mediebrug kan...

  1. Digital skrivedidaktik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Digital skrivedidaktik består af to dele. Første del præsenterer teori om skrivekompetence og digital skrivning. Digital skrivning er karakteriseret ved at tekster skrives på computer og med digitale værktøjer, hvilket ændrer skrivningens traditionelle praksis, produkt og processer. Hvad er digital...... om elevens skriveproces) og Blogskrivning (der styrker eleverne i at bruge blogs i undervisningen)....

  2. Løssluppen kohærens i Fredmans säng nr. 41 "Joachim uti Babylon"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heltoft, Lars


    Denne artikel er ment som et bud på at løse visse problemer med forståelsen af FS (Fredmans Sång) 41 som en del af de bibelske travestier i værket. Den er samtidig et bidrag til udviklingen af tekstanalytisk praksis på grundlag af tæt sproglig analyse. Den er et eksempel på hvorledes tekstforståe...

  3. Leg med vision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Mette; Bertelsen, Katrine


    Bogen henvender sig primært til det pædagogiske personale med målgruppen daginstitutioner. Bogen skal stimulere arbejdet med at gøre bevægelse til en integreret del af kulturen i daginstitutioner - at få det pædagogiske personale til - at sætte ord på og spørgsmålstegn ved deres pædagogiske bevæg...

  4. Lærere arbejder med landskabsdannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: YOUtube videoklip. Valg af arbejdsform: Lærere der er igang med at afprøve praktisk undersøgende arbejde med danske landskabsformer. Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Ultrakort videoklip valgt så 1) lærerne kan dele med kolleger, 2) øvrige...

  5. First lasing of the Dutch Fusion-FEM: 730 kW, 200 GHz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Urbanus, W.H. E-mail:; Bongers, W.A.; Geer, C.A.J. van der; Manintveld, P.; Plomp, J.; Pluygers, J.; Poelman, A.J.; Smeets, P.H.M.; Schueller, F.C.; Verhoeven, A.G.A.; Bratman, V.L.; Denisov, G.G.; Savilov, A.V.; Shmelyov, M.Yu.; Caplan, M.; Varfolomeev, A.A


    A high-power electrostatic free-electron maser is operated at various frequencies. An output power of 730 kW at 206 GHz is generated with a 7.2 A, 1.77 MeV electron beam, and 360 kW at 167 GHz is generated with a 7.0 A, 1.61 MeV electron beam. It is shown experimentally and by simulations that, depending on the electron beam energy, the FEM can operate in single-frequency regime. First experiments were done without electron beam energy recovery system, and the pulse length was limited to 12 {mu}s. Nevertheless, many aspects of generation of mm-wave power have been explored, such as the dependency on the electron beam energy and beam current and cavity settings such as the feedback coefficient. The achieved parameters and the FEM dynamics are in good accordance with simulations.

  6. New progress of FEM simulation and AI application in rolling at RAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xianghua; Wang Guodong; Zhao Kun


    New progresses on FEM simulation and AI application in rolling have been achieved at RAL recently. The existence and uniqueness of the extreme point of total functional for rolling problem has been proved. Different rolling processes, such as H-beam rolling, ribbing strip rolling, slab sizing, have been solved by our in-house FEM software package. The simulation results have been put into production use to improve the precision of math models. The Artificial Neural Network has been used to predict rolling force, coiling temperature, microstructure and properties of the rolled products. An expert system for deviation diagnoses of strip thickness has been developed for industry use. Synergetic Artificial Intelligence has also been applied to rolling scheduling. We are making continuous efforts to develop AI applications for rolling line co-operating in China steel industry. (author)

  7. Stress and fatigue analyses of primary circuit components of NPP using FEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gal, P.


    This poster is a short illustration of the numerical assessment of the VVER-440 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) main flange. RPV main flange consists in free flange, pressure ring, flange bolts, nut and nickel gasket. Operating temperature transient modes, like heat up regime can lead to serious tension in bolts. So temperature fields have to be calculated. The fatigue assessment of the main flange bolt requires the determination of the coefficient of stress concentrators in bolt thread. Stress concentrators can be computed through FEM or given by norms (PNAEG). The most significant value of fatigue usage factor is in the first thread connection between bolt and nut. A finite element method (FEM) is used for calculation stress and temperature distribution in the reactor flange. The reassessment was performed according Czech normative document NTD-A.S.I. and VERLIFE

  8. Opće i posebno ograničenje odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine u novijoj stranoj sudskoj praksi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jasenko Marin


    Full Text Available Tema rada je proučavanje tumačenja i primjene međunarodnih propisa o općem i posebnom ograničenju odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine u novijoj sudskoj praksi. U uvodnom dijelu objašnjava se gospodarska i pravna svrha instituta ograničenja odgovornosti te se daje prikaz njegova uređenja na međunarodnoj razini. Naglašava se njegova ključna uloga u razvitku brodarstva i međunarodne trgovine. Kritički se analiziraju novije ilustrativne odluke stranih sudova u kojima su protumačene i primijenjene nerijetko dvojbene odredbe međunarodnih ugovora kojima je uređena ova materija. Iznose se zaključci o trenutnoj kvaliteti pravnog uređenja toga instituta, uočavaju tendencije njegova budućeg razvitka te predlažu mjere potrebne za njegovu daljnju nadogradnju.

  9. Med Kingo på dybt vand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arndal, Lars Stubbe


    Tag med digteren Thomas Kingo ud på dybt vand i selskab med lektor og Lars Arndal, der kaster nye perspektiver på Kingos forlisdigt Hierte-Suk. Arndal kommer hermed også med et bud på, hvordan man som lærer kan invitere eleverne med på opdagelse i digtet...

  10. Revisors opklaring af besvigelser - Læren af praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bloch Christensen, Maria; Kristensen, Rikke Holmslykke; Warming-Rasmussen, Bent

    ansvarsfordelingen. Er det bestyrelsen, direktionen, controllerne eller navnlig den eksterne revisor, som burde have opdaget besvigelsen? Eller burde selskabets medarbejdere have påtaget sig det sociale ansvar at agere som whistleblowers? De berørte parter undskylder sig ofte ved, at den nu afslørede bedrager...... medarbejdere med socialt ansvar (whistleblowers), men også de eksterne, herunder kreditgivere, offentlige kontrolmyndigheder samt økonomiske journalister....

  11. Lærerfaglighed, inklusion og differentiering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard-Sørensen, Lotte; Grumløse, Sine Penthin

    Bogen formidler et to-årigt forskningsprojekt med fokus på inklusion og differentiering. Forskningsprojektet har været delt ind i to faser. Første fase er en klassisk praksisforskning (Pierre Bourdieu) med fokus på in- og eksklusionsprocesser i skolen. Den anden fase af forskningsprojektet er en...... inkluderes i lærerens perspektiv på sin praksis. Differentiering af undervisningen og inklusion af elever i individuelle vanskeligheder har været på den skolepolitiske dagsorden i flere artier. Forskningen, som formidles i bogen viser, at det endnu ikke er lykkekedes at realisere visionerne. I...

  12. Når branding bliver kunst - og kunst bliver branding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


    Design af logoer, identitetsprogrammer og reklamekampagner er måske ikke ligefrem kunst, men i hvert fald en slags æstetisk praksis. Æstetik og branding har derfor altid haft berøringsflader med hinanden. Men efterhånden som forbrug i stigende grad udfolder sig på et symbolsk plan og ikke længere...... har så meget med fysiske behov at gøre, er brandingens brug af referencer til kunst blevet intensiveret. Det sker på forskellige måder, som også udtrykker forskellige grader af samhørighed mellem kunst og brand. Udgivelsesdato: 01/09...

  13. Læringsmål i Masteruddannelser– et underviserperspektiv på teori-praksis relationen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Annie Aarup; Thomassen, Anja Overgaard


    Artiklen belyser, med udgangspunkt i Ellströmskategorisering af handlings-, videns- og læringsniveauer (1996), at der eksisterer en generel grundlæggende forskel mel-lem, hvad underviserne oplever, at masterstuderende har som mål med deres ud-dannelse, og hvad underviserne selv tolker som det...

  14. The Benefit of 3D Laser Scanning Technology in the Generation and Calibration of FEM Models for Health Assessment of Concrete Structures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hao Yang


    Full Text Available Terrestrial laser scanning technology (TLS is a new technique for quickly getting three-dimensional information. In this paper we research the health assessment of concrete structures with a Finite Element Method (FEM model based on TLS. The goal focuses on the benefits of 3D TLS in the generation and calibration of FEM models, in order to build a convenient, efficient and intelligent model which can be widely used for the detection and assessment of bridges, buildings, subways and other objects. After comparing the finite element simulation with surface-based measurement data from TLS, the FEM model is determined to be acceptable with an error of less than 5%. The benefit of TLS lies mainly in the possibility of a surface-based validation of results predicted by the FEM model.

  15. The benefit of 3D laser scanning technology in the generation and calibration of FEM models for health assessment of concrete structures. (United States)

    Yang, Hao; Xu, Xiangyang; Neumann, Ingo


    Terrestrial laser scanning technology (TLS) is a new technique for quickly getting three-dimensional information. In this paper we research the health assessment of concrete structures with a Finite Element Method (FEM) model based on TLS. The goal focuses on the benefits of 3D TLS in the generation and calibration of FEM models, in order to build a convenient, efficient and intelligent model which can be widely used for the detection and assessment of bridges, buildings, subways and other objects. After comparing the finite element simulation with surface-based measurement data from TLS, the FEM model is determined to be acceptable with an error of less than 5%. The benefit of TLS lies mainly in the possibility of a surface-based validation of results predicted by the FEM model.

  16. FEM-DEM coupling simulations of the tool wear characteristics in prestressed machining superalloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruitao Peng


    Full Text Available Due to the complicated contact loading at the tool-chip interface, ceramic tool wear in prestressed machining superalloy is rare difficult to evaluate only by experimental approaches. This study aims to develop a methodology to predict the tool wear evolution by using combined FEM and DEM numerical simulations. Firstly, a finite element model for prestressed cutting is established, subsequently a discrete element model to describe the tool-chip behaviour is established based on the obtained boundary conditions by FEM simulations, finally, simulated results are experimentally validated. The predicted tool wear results show nice agreement with experiments, the simulation indicates that, within a certain range, higher cutting speed effectively results in slighter wear of Sialon ceramic tools, and deeper depth of cut leads to more serious tool wear.

  17. CFD-FEM coupling for accurate prediction of thermal fatigue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hannink, M.H.C.; Kuczaj, A.K.; Blom, F.J.; Church, J.M.; Komen, E.M.J.


    Thermal fatigue is a safety related issue in primary pipework systems of nuclear power plants. Life extension of current reactors and the design of a next generation of new reactors lead to growing importance of research in this direction. The thermal fatigue degradation mechanism is induced by temperature fluctuations in a fluid, which arise from mixing of hot and cold flows. Accompanied physical phenomena include thermal stratification, thermal striping, and turbulence [1]. Current plant instrumentation systems allow monitoring of possible causes as stratification and temperature gradients at fatigue susceptible locations [1]. However, high-cycle temperature fluctuations associated with turbulent mixing cannot be adequately detected by common thermocouple instrumentations. For a proper evaluation of thermal fatigue, therefore, numerical simulations are necessary that couple instantaneous fluid and solid interactions. In this work, a strategy for the numerical prediction of thermal fatigue is presented. The approach couples Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Finite Element Method (FEM). For the development of the computational approach, a classical test case for the investigation of thermal fatigue problems is studied, i.e. mixing in a T-junction. Due to turbulent mixing of hot and cold fluids in two perpendicularly connected pipes, temperature fluctuations arise in the mixing zone downstream in the flow. Subsequently, these temperature fluctuations are also induced in the pipes. The stresses that arise due to the fluctuations may eventually lead to thermal fatigue. In the first step of the applied procedure, the temperature fluctuations in both fluid and structure are calculated using the CFD method. Subsequently, the temperature fluctuations in the structure are imposed as thermal loads in a FEM model of the pipes. A mechanical analysis is then performed to determine the thermal stresses, which are used to predict the fatigue lifetime of the structure

  18. Immediat indsættelse af enkelttandsimplantater i privat praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartlev, Jens; Kohberg, Peter; Ahlmann, Søren


    metode – I alt 55 patienter med 55 enkelttandsimplantater blev inkluderet i undersøgelsen. Behandlingen involverede tandekstraktion, implantatindsættelse, påsætning af et endeligt, individuelt abutment og en provisorisk krone I samme behandlingsseance. Den endelige krone blev efterfølgende påsat efter en...

  19. Lærende møder og konferencer i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib; Elsborg, S.

    ? Frokost der skaber kontakter ? Plukke det bedste i plenum ? To gratis konsulenter Bogen er baseret på resultater fra forsknings- og udviklingsprojektet ?Det lærende møde?. Det blev gennemført af Learning Lab Denmark ved Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet i samarbejde med Danske Bank, Rezidor SAS Hospitality...

  20. Præsentation af symptomer i almen praksis hos patienter med cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Tine Nørgaard; Hansen, Rikke Pilegaard; Vedsted, Peter


    and prostate cancer presented diagnosis-specific symptoms (change in bowel habits, cough and bladder dysfunction) as well as more non-specific symptoms (pain, weight loss and fatigue). The GPs interpreted the symptoms as alarm symptoms in 49%, as general symptoms in 24% and as non-cancer specific symptoms...

  1. Fieldbook: Udvikling af embedded systemer & smarte produkter i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik Valentin; Agesen, Mads Kronborg; Nyman, Ulrik Mathias

    bruger technology road maps, SystemsEngineering og modeller og kommer videre fra klassiske udviklingsdyder som stage gate og krav. Det krydres med cases og bestpractices baseret på gennemgående forskningscases fra GN ReSound A/S, MAN Diesel & Turbo A/S, Terma A/S og Seluxit ApS.Fieldbooken formidler best...

  2. Efficiency improvement and torque ripple minimization of Switched Reluctance Motor using FEM and Seeker Optimization Algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navardi, Mohammad Javad; Babaghorbani, Behnaz; Ketabi, Abbas


    Highlights: • This paper proposes a new method to optimize a Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM). • A combination of SOA and GA with Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is employed to solve the SRM design optimization. • The results show that optimized SRM obtains higher average torque and higher efficiency. - Abstract: In this paper, performance optimization of Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) was determined using Seeker Optimization Algorithm (SOA). The most efficient aim of the algorithm was found for maximum torque value at a minimum mass of the entire construction, following changing the geometric parameters. The optimization process was carried out using a combination of Seeker Optimization Algorithm and Finite Element Method (FEM). Fitness value was calculated by FEM analysis using COMSOL3.4, and the SOA was realized by MATLAB. The proposed method has been applied for a case study and it has been also compared with Genetic Algorithm (GA). The results show that the optimized motor using SOA had higher torque value and efficiency with lower mass and torque ripple, exhibiting the validity of this methodology for SRM design

  3. Fiktionsbaseret religion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davidsen, Markus


    Jediismen er en ny religion, der bygger på George Lucas' Star Wars-film. Kernen i jediismen er medlemmernes identifikation med jedi-ridderne fra Star Wars, troen på, at Kraften eksisterer uden for det fiktive univers, samt rituel interaktion med Kraften. På baggrund af en analyse af syv jediistiske...... gruppers hjemmesider skitserer artiklen jediismens selvforståelse med fokus på selv-identifikation, læren om Kraften, praksis og etik samt forhandlingen af forholdet til Star Wars. Endvidere argumenteres for, hvorfor jediismen må fortolkes som en religion og ikke blot som et fanfænomen. Endelig foreslås...... kategorien 'fiktionsbaseret religion' introduceret i religionsvidenskaben som betegnelse for en række nye religioner baseret på 'fiktive religioner' indlejret i fiktionstekster....

  4. Yrkesforberedelse eller fagopplæring med fagbrev? Med design og håndverk som kontekst

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bjørn Magne Aakre


    Full Text Available Artikkelen drøfter forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring med utgangspunkt i den kombinerte studieretningen formgivingsfag som ble innført i Norge i 1994. I 2006 ble den delt i et programfag under studiespesialiserende fag, og et nytt yrkesfaglig program med betegnelse design og håndverk. Hvilke interesser lå til grunn for endringene, hvor dyptgripende ble de og hvilke overveieleser kan en gjøre i ettertid om forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring? Artikkelen søker å svare på spørsmålene ut fra relevante dokumenter og to kvantitative undersøkelser med elever og lærere som informanter. Artikkelen konkluderer med at innholdet forble nokså likt, antall elever ble halvert og at frafallet økte. Det konkluderes videre med at mange forhold bidrar til å legitimere et fag og dets innhold som henholdsvis skolefag, vitenskapsfag eller yrkesfag. Legitimeringen preges ofte av motstridende motiver og interesser, og sjelden bare faglige begrunnelser.

  5. Redox regulation of the MED28 and MED32 mediator subunits is important for development and senescence. (United States)

    Shaikhali, Jehad; Davoine, Céline; Björklund, Stefan; Wingsle, Gunnar


    Mediator is a conserved multi-protein complex that acts as a bridge between promoter-bound transcriptional regulators and RNA polymerase II. While redox signaling is important in adjusting plant metabolism and development, the involvement of Mediator in redox homeostasis and regulation only recently started to emerge. Our previous results show that the MED10a, MED28, and MED32 Mediator subunits form various types of covalent oligomers linked by intermolecular disulfide bonds in vitro. To link that with biological significance we have characterized Arabidopsis med32 and med28 mutants and found that they are affected in root development and senescence, phenotypes possibly associated to redox changes.

  6. Electrical performance analysis of HTS synchronous motor based on 3D FEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baik, S.K.; Kwon, Y.K.; Kim, H.M.; Lee, J.D.; Kim, Y.C.; Park, G.S.


    A 1-MW class superconducting motor with High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) field coil is analyzed and tested. This machine is a prototype to make sure applicability aimed at generator and industrial motor applications such as blowers, pumps and compressors installed in large plants. This machine has the HTS field coil made of Bi-2223 HTS wire and the conventional copper armature (stator) coils cooled by water. The 1-MW class HTS motor is analyzed by 3D electromagnetic Finite Element Method (FEM) to get magnetic field distribution, self and mutual inductance, and so forth. Especially excitation voltage (Back EMF) is estimated by using the mutual inductance between armature and field coils and compared with experimental result. Open and short circuit tests were conducted in generator mode while a 1.1-MW rated induction machine was rotating the HTS machine. Electrical parameters such as mutual inductance and synchronous inductance are deduced from these tests and also compared with the analysis results from FEM.

  7. Effect of Cervical Lessions on the Tooth FEM Study


    Gabriela Bereşescu; Ligia Brezeanu; Claudia Şoaita


    The approach used until recently concerning the phenomena of dental abfraction points to the conclusion that the cervical area of the tooth, were this type of lesion usually occur, concentrates the stress resulted from the action of the forces applied on various areas on the crown. Moreover, any lesion in the cervical area facilitates the possibility of its advance into the tooth, ultimately fracturing it. Our paper presents a FEM (finite element method) study on the results of a mechanical a...

  8. Fagligt Indstik: Jordemødres holdninger til og praksis omkring sene provokerede aborter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Anne Vinggaard


    gennemgår en sen provokeret abort. I en række interviews undersøgtes jordemødres erfaringer med og holdninger til udførelsen af sene provokerede aborter. Interviewene samt en gennemgang af procedurer på en række danske hospitaler viste, at der er mange følelser forbundet med udførelsen af en sen provokeret...

  9. DailyMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA labels (package inserts). This Web site provides health information...

  10. Stress and displacement analysis of a modern design lathe body by the fi nite element method (FEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Staniek


    Full Text Available The Finite element method (FEM was used in this study for the analysis of the strain and stress of a turning machine body. The fi nal design decisions were made on the basis of stress and displacement fi eld analysis of various design versions related to the structure of the considered machine tool. The results presented in this paper will be helpful for practical static and dynamic strength evaluation as well as for the appropriate design of machine tools using the FEM.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel introducerer et musikterapeutisk behandlingskoncept kaldet: Procesorienteret Musikterapi (PROM. PROM er et forsøg på at formulere en principiel ramme for musikterapi i psykiatrien, som dels tager udgangspunkt i 17 års klinisk erfaring, dels stiler mod at være ”best practice”. PROM indeholder beskrivelser af manualens unikke, essentielle men ikke unikke, acceptable og ikke acceptable dele. Den unikke del af PROM skal kunne implementeres til alle målgrupper, mens de øvrige dele af manualen rettes til i forhold til en specifik målgruppe. Denne udgave af PROM er specifikt rettet i mod musikterapi for patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser. Manualen indgår også som en del af et pilotprojekt, der har til formål at udvikle en protokol for et internationalt RCT projekt med samme målgruppe

  12. Sociale indsatser til mennesker med ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsson, Steen; Alim, Winnie; Holmskov, Henriette

    Igennem de seneste år har flere og flere fået stillet diagnosen ADHD, som er en adfærdsmæssig forstyrrelse. Mennesker med ADHD har meget forskelligt støttebehov, og rapportens formål er at skabe overblik over de eksisterende sociale indsatser og tilbud til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD. Langt de...... ansvar for sociale end for terapeutiske tilbud i forhold til gruppen med ADHD. Mange voksne med ADHD beskriver, at det kræver mange ressourcer at få den fornødne støtte fra kommunen, mens forældre til børn med ADHD oplever det som nemmere at få adgang til de rette støttetilbud. Men begge grupper møder...... mange udfordringer som fx manglende koordinering og hyppige sagsbehandlerskift. Rapporten er udarbejdet i tilknytning til Servicestyrelsens projekt ’Ny og forstærket indsats til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD’ og er finansieret af Socialministeriet....

  13. PubMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to...

  14. PubMed

    CERN Document Server

    PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 10 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other related databases, with links to participating online journals.

  15. Praktische handleiding PubMed : hét boek om snel en doeltreffend te zoeken in PubMed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Etten-Jamaludin, van F.; Deurenberg, H.W.J.


    Praktische handleidng PubMed is de eerste Nederlandstalige gids die op overzichtelijke wijze op de uitgebreide mogelijkheden van PubMed ingaat. PubMed ( biedt gratis toegang tot MEDLINE en is de meest gebruikte medische zoekmachine. In deze geheel herziene derde editie van Praktisch

  16. Towards PubMed 2.0. (United States)

    Fiorini, Nicolas; Lipman, David J; Lu, Zhiyong


    Staff from the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US describe recent improvements to the PubMed search engine and outline plans for the future, including a new experimental site called PubMed Labs.

  17. Endostatin (EntreMed). (United States)

    Grosios, K


    EntreMed has licensed the worldwide rights to the angiogenesis inhibitor Endostatin, a 20 kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, from the Children's Hospital of Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. It is being developed as a potential cancer treatment and may also be useful in certain types of blindness and arthritis [227427]. EntreMed filed an IND for Endostatin in June 1999 [334125] and as of September 1999, phase I trials were underway [341462]. As of April 2000, the company had initiated plans for testing low doses of Endostatin in cancer patients using continuous infusion and sc administration in a further phase I study to be conducted in Europe [361594]. A phase I trial of Endostatin which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Endostatin at a range of doses in no more than 100 cancer patients has been initiated. The trial will take place at the University of Texas MD Anderson Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Cancer Center in Madison. The National Cancer Center will be sponsoring the trial, which is expected to be completed in late 2000. As of March 2000, there had been no serious adverse events attributable to Endostatin administration. The first report from this trial is expected in autumn 2000 [341462], [366312]. The mechanism of action for Endostatin remains unclear, although reports from the 91st AACR Meeting in April 2000 showed that recombinant human endostatin bound to a number of tropomyosin cDNAs in a library screen [362039]. In preclinical studies, repeated administration of Endostatin consistently shrank primary tumors and did not produce any drug resistance. In mice, a variety of tumors which had progressed to 1 to 2% of total body weight, regressed to microscopic, dormant lesions following Endostatin treatment [231418], [231470], [270673]. Types of cancers which respond to Endostatin include lung, skin, vascular and fibrosarcomas. Toxicology studies in cynomolgus monkeys showed that bolus injections of

  18. Decentralisering i et flexicurity perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ilsøe, Anna


    Artiklen undersøger, hvordan decentrale forhandlinger bidrager til udviklingen af flexicurity for forskellige medarbejdergrupper på det danske arbejdsmarked. Med baggrund i casestudier af forhandling af fl eksibel arbejdstid på fem virksomheder i industrien argumenteres der for, at decentraliseri......Artiklen undersøger, hvordan decentrale forhandlinger bidrager til udviklingen af flexicurity for forskellige medarbejdergrupper på det danske arbejdsmarked. Med baggrund i casestudier af forhandling af fl eksibel arbejdstid på fem virksomheder i industrien argumenteres der for...

  19. Hvordan er det å leve med CRPS?


    Hovind, Thomas


    Hensikten med denne studien er å se på hvordan pasienter med komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS) opplever å leve med tilstanden og hvordan disse pasientene har opplevd å bli møtt i helsevesenet. CRPS er en langvarig tilstand med sterke smerter som kan medføre økt smerterespons, redusert funksjon og nedsatt livskvalitet hos pasientene. Studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på dybdeintervju av fire pasienter med CRPS. Pasientene ble rekruttert fra en smerteavdeling i Nord-Norge og u...

  20. Museets interface

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pold, Søren


    Søren Pold gør sig overvejelser med udgangspunkt i museumsprojekterne og Han argumenterer for, at udviklingen af internettets interfaces skaber nye måder at se, forstå og interagere med kulturen på. Brugerne får nye medievaner og perceptionsmønstre, der må medtænkes i...... tilrettelæggelsen af den fremtidige formidling. Samtidig får museets genstande en ny status som flygtige ikoner i det digitale rum, og alt i alt inviterer det til, at museerne kan forholde sig mere åbent og eksperimenterende til egen praksis og rolle som kulturinstitution....


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Kaj Sparle; Mortensen, Marie; Beyer, Hanne


    arkiveret i lægens journalsystem. Med etableringen af ønsker vi at digitalisere disse instrumenter for at forbedre kvalitet og tilgængelighed af data. Ideen med er at skabe et onlinesystem, som samler psykometriske test og andre diagnostiske skemaer til brug i almen...... praksis - i et fælles elektronisk bibliotek, som både lægen og patienten har adgang til. De første skemaer, der bliver stillet rådighed, er Major Depression Inventory (MDI) og Angst Symptom Skemaet (ASS) til diagnostik og monitorering af depression og angsttilstande., der er oprettet på...

  2. A study on directional resistivity logging-while-drilling based on self-adaptive hp-FEM (United States)

    Liu, Dejun; Li, Hui; Zhang, Yingying; Zhu, Gengxue; Ai, Qinghui


    Numerical simulation of resistivity logging-while-drilling (LWD) tool response provides guidance for designing novel logging instruments and interpreting real-time logging data. In this paper, based on self-adaptive hp-finite element method (hp-FEM) algorithm, we analyze LWD tool response against model parameters and briefly illustrate geosteering capabilities of directional resistivity LWD. Numerical simulation results indicate that the change of source spacing is of obvious influence on the investigation depth and detecting precision of resistivity LWD tool; the change of frequency can improve the resolution of low-resistivity formation and high-resistivity formation. The simulation results also indicate that the self-adaptive hp-FEM algorithm has good convergence speed and calculation accuracy to guide the geologic steering drilling and it is suitable to simulate the response of resistivity LWD tools.

  3. Research into the development of voice assessment in music therapy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanne Storm


    Full Text Available I denne afhandling undersøges det, om det er muligt at konstruere et stemmeassessmentredskab (Voice Assesment Profile - herefter forkortet VOIAS, der kan dokumentere forandring over tid med validitet og reliabilitet, og som bygger på principperne for evidensbaseret praksis (Wigram et al. 2002, og om det vha VOIAS er muligt at indhente relevante informationer til klinisk musikterapeutisk praksis og til det tværfaglige behandlingsteam. En foreløbig litteraturgennemgang viste, at der ikke fandtes et sådant redskab inden for musikterapi, og at kun lidt forskning inden for musikterapi fokuserede på og omhandlede den menneskelige stemme. Konsekvensen af denne opdagelse var, at jeg måtte konstruere et sådan stemmeassessmentredskab og fastlægge de procedurer, der måtte være omkring implementeringen af et sådant redskab. Derfor fokuserede den endelige litteraturgennemgang på at indsamle information om mulige stemmeparametre, samt udvælgelse og definition af disse med det formål at konstruere en kvantitativ profil, der kunne evaluere den menneskelige stemme i musikterapi. Jeg vurderede, at det for at sikre et godt grundlag for udvælgelsen af parametrene var nødvendigt at studere den musikterapeutiske litteratur om brugen af den menneskelige stemme i klinisk praksis som et primært instrument, såvel som en gennemgang af udvalgte studier af stemmen fra specialer og fra fagområder uden for det musikterapeutiske felt. Litteraturgennemgangen afslørede et påfaldende fravær af opmærksomhed på den menneskelige stemme i musikterapi og den menneskelige stemmes potentiale som kilde til at indsamle informationer om klientens psykiske tilstand og effekten af en musikterapeutisk behandling baseret på stemmeterapeutisk arbejde.

  4. Fluxball magnetic field analysis using a hybrid analytical/FEM/BEM with equivalent currents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandes, João F.P.; Camilo, Fernando M.; Machado, V. Maló


    In this paper, a fluxball electric machine is analyzed concerning the magnetic flux, force and torque. A novel method is proposed based in a special hybrid FEM/BEM (Finite Element Method/Boundary Element Method) with equivalent currents by using an analytical treatment for the source field determination. The method can be applied to evaluate the magnetic field in axisymmetric problems, in the presence of several magnetic materials. Same results obtained by a commercial Finite Element Analysis tool are presented for validation purposes with the proposed method. - Highlights: • The Fluxball machine magnetic field is analyzed by a new FEM/BEM/Analytical method. • The method is adequate for axisymmetric non homogeneous magnetic field problems. • The source magnetic field is evaluated considering a non-magnetic equivalent problem. • Material magnetization vectors are accounted by using equivalent currents. • A strong reduction of the finite element domain is achieved.

  5. The MedCLIVAR Network (United States)

    Lionello, Piero; Medclivar sg, The


    The MedCLIVAR initiative was first proposed at the 2003 European Geosciences Union assembly in Nice, France. In 2005, it was endorsed by the International Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) office. Subsequently, the MedCLIVAR Research Network Project was formally approved by the European Science Foundation and launched in May 2006 with the support of funding agencies from 12 countries. Since then, MedCLIVAR has served as a scientific network to promote interaction among different scientific disciplines and to develop a multidisciplinary vision of the evolution of the Mediterranean climate through studies that integrate atmospheric, marine, and terrestrial climate components at time scales ranging from paleoreconstructions to future climate scenarios. Presently, the network continues dealing with scientific issues including past climate variability; connections between the Mediterranean and global climate; the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level; feedbacks on the global climate system; and regional responses to greenhouse gas, air pollution, and aerosols. Its present activities include the publication of a newsletter, the organization of the next MedCLIVAR conference in 2014 and the publication of a special issue of Regional Environmental Change devoted to the climate of the Mediterranean region.

  6. Welding distortion analysis of multipass joint combination with different sequences using 3D FEM and experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manurung, Yupiter H.P.; Lidam, Robert Ngendang; Rahim, M. Ridzwan; Zakaria, M. Yusof; Redza, M. Ridhwan; Sulaiman, M. Shahar; Tham, Ghalib; Abas, Sunhaji K.


    This paper presents an investigation of the welding sequence effect on induced angular distortion using FEM and experiments. The specimen of a combined joint geometry was modeled and simulated using Multipass Welding Advisor (MWA) in SYSWELD 2010 based on the thermal-elastic-plastic approach with low manganese carbon steel S3355J2G3 as specimen material and Goldak's double ellipsoid as heat source model. To validate the simulation results, a series of experiments was conducted with two different welding sequences using automated welding process, low carbon steel as parent metal, digital GMAW power source with premixed shielding gas and both-sided clamping technique. Based on the results, it was established that the thermo-elastic-plastic 3D FEM analysis shows good agreement with experimental results and the welding sequence “from outside to inside” induced less angular distortion compared to “from inside to outside”. -- Highlights: • 3D FEM was used to analyze the welding distortion on two different sequences. • Simulation results were validated with experiments using automated welding system. • Simulation results and experiments showed acceptable accuracy. • Welding sequence “outside–inside” showed less distortion than “inside–outside”

  7. Financial security for women -- Fem Consult congress. (United States)


    The nongovernmental organization "Fem Consult," which seeks to strengthen the socioeconomic position of women by applying a gender perspective to programs and projects in developing countries, celebrated its 10th anniversary in 1996 by holding a conference in the Netherlands on financial security for women in the developing world. During the conference, the President of the WWF (Working Women's Forum) described her agency's 17 years of experience in lending to impoverished rural and urban women in India. By extending microcredit assistance through a network of cooperatives, the WWF has been the catalyst for lasting improvements in the economic and social status of impoverished women. Representatives of the Grameen Bank, Women's World Banking, the Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society, and other organizations also addressed the conference.

  8. Model and Montage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meldgaard, Morten


    Bidraget søger at sammenkæde forskellige modelpraksis med montage teoriens tænkning. De anvendte cases er dels lavet på laserskærer og dels udført i skala 1:1, begge af studerende ved Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole. Dette empiriske materiale møder en mere teoretisk funderet reflektion, i artiklen ...... som diskuterer hvad en model er, og hvilket forhold der er mellem en analog og en digital praksis....

  9. Redefining the MED13L syndrome. (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits.

  10. Redefining the MED13L syndrome (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits. PMID:25758992

  11. Tang med omtanke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schlundt, Jørgen


    Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab.......Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab....

  12. TwiMed: Twitter and PubMed Comparable Corpus of Drugs, Diseases, Symptoms, and Their Relations. (United States)

    Alvaro, Nestor; Miyao, Yusuke; Collier, Nigel


    Work on pharmacovigilance systems using texts from PubMed and Twitter typically target at different elements and use different annotation guidelines resulting in a scenario where there is no comparable set of documents from both Twitter and PubMed annotated in the same manner. This study aimed to provide a comparable corpus of texts from PubMed and Twitter that can be used to study drug reports from these two sources of information, allowing researchers in the area of pharmacovigilance using natural language processing (NLP) to perform experiments to better understand the similarities and differences between drug reports in Twitter and PubMed. We produced a corpus comprising 1000 tweets and 1000 PubMed sentences selected using the same strategy and annotated at entity level by the same experts (pharmacists) using the same set of guidelines. The resulting corpus, annotated by two pharmacists, comprises semantically correct annotations for a set of drugs, diseases, and symptoms. This corpus contains the annotations for 3144 entities, 2749 relations, and 5003 attributes. We present a corpus that is unique in its characteristics as this is the first corpus for pharmacovigilance curated from Twitter messages and PubMed sentences using the same data selection and annotation strategies. We believe this corpus will be of particular interest for researchers willing to compare results from pharmacovigilance systems (eg, classifiers and named entity recognition systems) when using data from Twitter and from PubMed. We hope that given the comprehensive set of drug names and the annotated entities and relations, this corpus becomes a standard resource to compare results from different pharmacovigilance studies in the area of NLP. ©Nestor Alvaro, Yusuke Miyao, Nigel Collier. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 03.05.2017.

  13. Effect of Cervical Lessions on the Tooth FEM Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Bereşescu


    Full Text Available The approach used until recently concerning the phenomena of dental abfraction points to the conclusion that the cervical area of the tooth, were this type of lesion usually occur, concentrates the stress resulted from the action of the forces applied on various areas on the crown. Moreover, any lesion in the cervical area facilitates the possibility of its advance into the tooth, ultimately fracturing it. Our paper presents a FEM (finite element method study on the results of a mechanical analysis of the phenomena involving the tooth damaged by cervical lesions.

  14. Application of FEM flow analysis to environmental engineering. FEM ryutai kaiseki no kankyo gijutsu eno tekiyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Higuchi, M; Ando, K; Shimada, S; Umetani, H [Toyota Motor Corp., Aichi (Japan)


    In order to apply FEM (finite element method) flow analysis to environmental engineering, the two-dimensional analysis system was developed, and applied to the design of plant ventilation and improvement of an enviromental control equipment. Furthermore, the three-dimensional analysis system was developed to extend its application. Since in a large scale model, no enhancement of a processing capacity was expected even by a supercomputer because of longer I/O times between internal and external memories caused by a small internal memory space, the parallel processing system with multiple external memories was introduced to analyze such models. To achieve more efficient processing, multiple series of renumbering codes were also prepared to optimize the processing order of solvers, elements and nodes. As examples, the improvement of a thermal oxidizer and the ventilation design for a forging plant, and as an example of a three-dimensional large scale model, the flow analysis around a plant were presented. 8 refs., 17 figs., 1 tab.

  15. Arbitrary-Level Hanging Nodes and Automatic Adaptivity in the hp-FEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šolín, Pavel; Červený, Jakub; Doležel, Ivo


    Roč. 77, č. 1 (2008), s. 117-132 ISSN 0378-4754 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/07/0496; GA ČR GA102/05/0629; GA AV ČR IAA100760702 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20570509 Keywords : constrained approximation * hanging nodes * hp-FEM Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering Impact factor: 0.930, year: 2008

  16. PubMed Informer: Monitoring MEDLINE/PubMed through E-mail Alerts, SMS, PDA downloads and RSS feeds (United States)

    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael


    Summary PubMed Informer is a Web-based monitoring tool for topics of interest from MEDLINE/PubMed primarily designed for healthcare professionals. Five tracking methods are available: Web access, e-mail, Short Message Service (SMS), PDA downloads and RSS feeds. PubMed Informer delivers focused search updates and specific information to users with varying information-seeking practices. PMID:16779344

  17. Mixed FEM for Second Order Elliptic Problems on Polygonal Meshes with BEM-Based Spaces

    KAUST Repository

    Efendiev, Yalchin; Galvis, Juan; Lazarov, Raytcho; Weiß er, Steffen


    We present a Boundary Element Method (BEM)-based FEM for mixed formulations of second order elliptic problems in two dimensions. The challenge, we would like to address, is a proper construction of H(div)-conforming vector valued trial functions

  18. A marvel of precision: MedAustron

    CERN Document Server

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    MedAustron, which is currently being built in Austria, will be one of the most advanced centres for ion beam therapy and research in Europe. It is based on the same design as the Italian National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO), which in turn is based on the CERN-led Proton Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS). MedAustron should welcome its first patient at the end of 2015.   Layout of the MedAustron accelerator complex.  With three ion-sources, a linac, a synchrotron and four irradiation rooms (see picture), MedAustron is a huge accelerator complex. Among other equipment, it comprises 300 magnets of 30 different types, all designed at CERN but produced at different sites: “We are working with five main suppliers from Europe and Russia,” explains Thomas Zickler, leader of the MedAustron magnet group. “All the magnets come to CERN to undergo a series of strict acceptance tests.” From the interfaces, to the electrical insulation, the co...

  19. The Arabidopsis mediator complex subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 regulate mediator and RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes. (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A; Hurst, Charlotte H; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R; De Cothi, Elizabeth A; Steele, John F; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation-induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature-induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced.

  20. A highly detailed FEM volume conductor model based on the ICBM152 average head template for EEG source imaging and TCS targeting. (United States)

    Haufe, Stefan; Huang, Yu; Parra, Lucas C


    In electroencephalographic (EEG) source imaging as well as in transcranial current stimulation (TCS), it is common to model the head using either three-shell boundary element (BEM) or more accurate finite element (FEM) volume conductor models. Since building FEMs is computationally demanding and labor intensive, they are often extensively reused as templates even for subjects with mismatching anatomies. BEMs can in principle be used to efficiently build individual volume conductor models; however, the limiting factor for such individualization are the high acquisition costs of structural magnetic resonance images. Here, we build a highly detailed (0.5mm(3) resolution, 6 tissue type segmentation, 231 electrodes) FEM based on the ICBM152 template, a nonlinear average of 152 adult human heads, which we call ICBM-NY. We show that, through more realistic electrical modeling, our model is similarly accurate as individual BEMs. Moreover, through using an unbiased population average, our model is also more accurate than FEMs built from mismatching individual anatomies. Our model is made available in Matlab format.

  1. Mødet med det Andet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marchwinski, Alena


    Da Christen Købke i 1830 malte sitt bilde fra Kunstakademiets avstøpningssamling på Charlottenborg, skildret han en situasjon som vordende danske kunstnere hadde vært fortrolige med i flere generasjoner: en ung mann betrakter en avstøpning av en antikk skulptur. Med utgangspunkt i kombinasjonen a...

  2. Et felteksperiment med Kærlighed i Kaos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Christiane Præstgaard; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer

    Som et nyt tilbud til danske forældre med børn med ADHD og ADHD-lignende vanskeligheder har ADHDforeningen udviklet forældretræningsprogrammet Kærlighed i Kaos, hvor frivillige hjælper forældre til børn med ADHD, der står med et særligt vanskeligt opdragelsesarbejde. Denne rapport har til formål......, når forældrene stiller krav til børnene. Resultaterne i denne rapport har interesse for fagpersoner, behandlere, undervisere, beslutningstagere, frivillige organisationer, foreninger og de mange nuværende og kommende familier, som dagligt kæmper med adfærdsvanskeligheder – såsom ADHD. Effektmålingen...

  3. Redefining the MED13L syndrome


    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex conge...

  4. Genetic and molecular analyses of UV radiation-induced mutations in the fem-3 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hartman, P S; De Wilde, D; Dwarakanath, V N [Texas Christian Univ., Fort Worth, TX (United States). Dept. of Biology


    The utility of a new target gene (fem-3) is described for investigating the molecular nature of mutagenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. As a principal attribute, this system allows for the selection, maintenance and molecular analysis of any type of mutation that disrupts the gene, including deletions. In this study, 86 mutant strains were isolated, of which 79 proved to have mutations in fem-3. Twenty of these originally tested as homozygous inviable. Homozygous inviability was expected, as Stewart and coworkers had previously observed that, unlike in other organisms, most UV radiation-induced mutations in C. elegans are chromosomal rearrangements of deficiencies (Mutat. Res 249, 37-54, 1991). However, additional data, including Southern blot analyses on 49 of the strains, indicated that most of the UV radiation-induced fem-3 mutations were not deficiencies, as originally inferred from their homozygous inviability. Instead, the lethals were most likely ``coincident mutations`` in linked, essential genes that were concomitantly induced. As such, they were lost owing to genetic recombination during stock maintenance. As in mammalian cells, yeast and bacteria, the frequency of coincident mutations was much higher than would be predicted by chance. (Author).

  5. Med det sociale som designmateriale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Binder, Thomas


    Samarbejde, samskabelse og social nysgerrighed er i dag en præmis for den nyskabende designer. Det sociale er det nye designmateriale som unge designere giver sig i kast med når f.eks. Emmy Linde samarbejder med plejehjemsbeboere, deres pårørende, plejepersonale og fysioterapeuter for at designe ...

  6. Abstract: SMAG PÅ SKOLEMAD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mithril, Charlotte Elisabeth; Kamuk, Anette

    En sund kost er vigtig for at sikre optimal vækst, udvikling og sundhed hos børn og unge. Der er derfor stor fokus på strategier, der kan fremme sundere kostvaner hos børn og unge, og her er skolemaden blevet et centralt omdrejningspunkt. Men hvad skal der til for, at eleverne spiser (og elsker...... velsmagende skolemad. Vi fandt, at hvis skolemadsordninger skal tilbyde velsmagende og sunde måltider skal det samtidig være et velfungerende aktiv for skolerne, hvor eleverne inddrages og bruger deres smag bevidst. Det anbefales at: 1) skolens ledelse samtænker skolemadsordninger og pædagogiske aktiviteter......) den sunde skolemad? Her spiller smagen en vigtig rolle. Hovedformålet har været at belyse praksis knyttet til arbejdet med smag i skolemadsordninger. Målet er at bidrage til, hvordan denne praksis kan understøttes og udvikles, således at smag som ressource og motivationsfaktor kan blive en drivkraft...

  7. Discrete conservation of nonnegativity for elliptic problems solved by the hp-FEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šolín, P.; Vejchodský, Tomáš; Araiza, R.


    Roč. 76, 1-3 (2007), s. 205-210 ISSN 0378-4754 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP201/04/P021 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10190503 Keywords : discrete nonnegativity conservation * discrete Green's function * elliptic problems * hp-FEM * higher-order finite element methods * Poisson equation * numerical experimetns Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.738, year: 2007

  8. On Scientific Data and Image Compression Based on Adaptive Higher-Order FEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šolín, Pavel; Andrš, David


    Roč. 1, č. 1 (2009), s. 56-68 ISSN 2070-0733 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/07/0496; GA AV ČR IAA100760702 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20570509 Keywords : data compress ion * image compress ion * adaptive hp-FEM Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering

  9. Etikk i anvendt idrettspsykologi: en kvalitativ studie av idrettspsykologiske rådgiveres etiske utfordringer i anvendt idrettspsykologi, og håndtering av disse


    Ulltang, Espen


    Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2015 Idrettspsykologi er et fag som arbeider for å utvikle mentale ferdigheter hos utøvere og trenere. De som arbeider med anvendt idrettspsykologi møter en rekke etiske utfordringer i sin praksis, men kunnskap om dette synes mangelfullt i Norge. Internasjonalt er det publisert en rekke essays, artikler, og bøker om etiske utfordringer i anvendelsen av faget, men ingen studier viser hvordan norske idrettspsykologiske rådgivere opplever sl...

  10. ALOAD - a code to determine the concentrated forces equivalent with a distributed pressure field for a FEM analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The main objective of this paper is to describe a code for calculating an equivalent systemof concentrate loads for a FEM analysis. The tables from the Aerodynamic Department containpressure field for a whole bearing surface, and integrated quantities both for the whole surface andfor fixed and mobile part. Usually in a FEM analysis the external loads as concentrated loadsequivalent to the distributed pressure field are introduced. These concentrated forces can also be usedin static tests. Commercial codes provide solutions for this problem, but what we intend to develop isa code adapted to the user’s specific needs.

  11. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katherinn Melissa Nasner-Posso


    Conclusions: Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis.

  12. Musikalsk leg med formgivning, timing og vitalitetsformer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Ifølge de Udviklingsorienterede Social-Pragmatiske Interventionsformer til børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse er en legende indfaldsvinkel, hvor man følger barnets lead, den mest effektive til at engagere yngre børn med autisme eller børn med svær autisme i et gensidigt samspil. Artiklen...

  13. Almen praksis kan fremme lige adgang til sundhed for patienter med etnisk minoritetsbaggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach Nikolajsen, Maria; Kallestrup, Per


    In 2014, Institute for Human Rights published the report "Equal access to healthcare - an analysis of general practitioners' meeting with patients from ethnic minorities". General practice may contribute to equal access to healthcare for this group of patients. This is, however, a challenge...

  14. Oversættelsesperspektiver på idéers møde med praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, John Damm

    -netværksteoriens oversættelsesbegreb blevet søgt indarbejdet i ny-institutionel oversættelsesteori ? 2. Hvordan kan forståelsen af oversættelsesprocessen udvikles videre på et empirisk grundlag ? Det konstateres, at Latours definition og idémodellens socialkonstruktivistiske teoretisering af oversættelsesprocessen er blevet taget...

  15. FEM-model of the Naesliden Mine: requirements and limitations at the outset of the project. [Sweden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krauland, N.


    The design of any instrument depends entirely on the application planned for the instrument. This applies also to the FEM-representation of the Naesliden Mine. With reference to the aims of the project the requirements on the model are outlined with regard to - simulation of the mining process - modelling with special reference to the aims of the project - comparison of FEM-results with in situ observations to determine the validity of the model. The proposed model is two-dimensional and incorporates joint elements to simulate the weak alteration zone between orebody and sidewall rock. The remainder of the model exhibits linear elastic behaviour. This model is evaluated with respect to the given requirements. The limitations of the chosen model are outlined.

  16. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    .... The Med-e-Tel 2006 conference program covered over 130 presentations on topics such as homecare and health management, healthcare challenges, tele-education, eHealth in developing countries, telecardiology...

  17. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    ..., and more. The Med-e-Tel 2006 exhibition showcased products and technologies in the areas of medication compliance, home telehealth and vital sign monitoring, clinical software, electronic medical records...

  18. Når vagthunden bliver hyrdehund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Kirsten


    CNN’s dækning 11. september 2001 var et eksempel på, at fremragende journalister med en dyb forståelse for deres fag, dets normer, traditioner og etik lynhurtigt forstod at anvende Louis Days teoretiske model i praksis og derfor traf moralsk velbegrundede beslutninger. De fulgte ikke bare de...... Louisiana den 11. september, ventede journalisterne med at fortælle om det, til han var taget herfra igen. Hensynet til præsidentens sikkerhed blev tillagt større værdi. Desværre må vi forvente at se flere terroraktioner i demokratiske lande i de næste ti år. Som journalistlærer bliver det bl.a. min opgave...

  19. Aktionslæring som metode til udvikling af inkluderende praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsson, Janne; Maltzahn, Lene Nyboe


    Kapitlet handler om, hvordan genkendelige hverdagspraksisser i daginstitutioner i nogle tilfælde ekskluderer børn, mens andre praksisser understøtter, at børn kan tage del i fællesskaber. Med afsæt i en konkret case argumenteres der for, at aktionslæring som metode kan gøre det muligt for pædagog...

  20. Numerical analysis of melting/solidification phenomena using a moving boundary problem analysis method X-FEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchibori, Akihiro; Ohshima, Hiroyuki


    A numerical analysis method for melting/solidification phenomena has been developed to evaluate a feasibility of several candidate techniques in the nuclear fuel cycle. Our method is based on the eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM) which has been used for moving boundary problems. Key technique of the X-FEM is to incorporate signed distance function into finite element interpolation to represent a discontinuous gradient of the temperature at a moving solid-liquid interface. Construction of the finite element equation, the technique of quadrature and the method to solve the equation are reported here. The numerical solutions of the one-dimensional Stefan problem, solidification in a two-dimensional square corner and melting of pure gallium are compared to the exact solutions or to the experimental data. Through these analyses, validity of the newly developed numerical analysis method has been demonstrated. (author)

  1. At lede med latter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette


    "Det sagde hun også i går!" Platte vitser, der lægger op til den karakteristiske 'bodom-tchi'-trommelyd, behøver ikke være lederens eneste forsøg på at udvise humoristisk sans på talerstolen. For humor kan være meget andet og gøre meget mere for lederen end at score billige point med en spontan s...... spøg. Humor kan skabe klarhed over en pointe, skabe lederens image og skabe sammenhold i organisationen. Uden trommelyd, men med mange andre effekter i spil....

  2. Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Homogenization of Heterogeneous Materials Using Statistical Correlation Functions and FEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baniassadi, Majid; Mortazavi, Behzad; Hamedani, Amani; Garmestani, Hamid; Ahzi, Said; Fathi-Torbaghan, Madjid; Ruch, David; Khaleel, Mohammad A.


    In this study, a previously developed reconstruction methodology is extended to three-dimensional reconstruction of a three-phase microstructure, based on two-point correlation functions and two-point cluster functions. The reconstruction process has been implemented based on hybrid stochastic methodology for simulating the virtual microstructure. While different phases of the heterogeneous medium are represented by different cells, growth of these cells is controlled by optimizing parameters such as rotation, shrinkage, translation, distribution and growth rates of the cells. Based on the reconstructed microstructure, finite element method (FEM) was used to compute the effective elastic modulus and effective thermal conductivity. A statistical approach, based on two-point correlation functions, was also used to directly estimate the effective properties of the developed microstructures. Good agreement between the predicted results from FEM analysis and statistical methods was found confirming the efficiency of the statistical methods for prediction of thermo-mechanical properties of three-phase composites.

  3. Predicting clicks of PubMed articles. (United States)

    Mao, Yuqing; Lu, Zhiyong


    Predicting the popularity or access usage of an article has the potential to improve the quality of PubMed searches. We can model the click trend of each article as its access changes over time by mining the PubMed query logs, which contain the previous access history for all articles. In this article, we examine the access patterns produced by PubMed users in two years (July 2009 to July 2011). We explore the time series of accesses for each article in the query logs, model the trends with regression approaches, and subsequently use the models for prediction. We show that the click trends of PubMed articles are best fitted with a log-normal regression model. This model allows the number of accesses an article receives and the time since it first becomes available in PubMed to be related via quadratic and logistic functions, with the model parameters to be estimated via maximum likelihood. Our experiments predicting the number of accesses for an article based on its past usage demonstrate that the mean absolute error and mean absolute percentage error of our model are 4.0% and 8.1% lower than the power-law regression model, respectively. The log-normal distribution is also shown to perform significantly better than a previous prediction method based on a human memory theory in cognitive science. This work warrants further investigation on the utility of such a log-normal regression approach towards improving information access in PubMed.

  4. Rene resultater

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Ask Vest

    livsførelse der gør den hårde disciplin nemmere at håndtere. En udbredt restitutionsteknik er brugen af vitaminer og kosttilskud i sprøjter og drop. Mens det med mellemrum at få eller selv tage en sprøjte forekommer selvfølgeligt for den erfarne rytter, udgør det selv at føre sprøjten en grænseoverskridende...... handling for den uerfarne. Det er imidlertid en overskridelse der synes at have en logisk forbin­delse til det excessive ved sportens væsen. Med evnen til at sprøjte sig selv får rytteren adgang til en praksis der gør doping til en knap så fjern mulighed, eftersom det fæno­menologisk set er med sprøjten...

  5. Atrial fibrillation in the Danish population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Lock


    . Evidensgrundlaget for at oral antikoagulations behandling (AK – behandling) nedsætter risikoen for tromboemboli er særdeles veldokumenteret. Derfor bør der i en korrekt behandling af patienter med atrieflimren, indgå en vurdering af, om der er indikation for AK – behandling. Flere studier har påvist en langsom og...... vaklende implementeringen af AK - behandlingen i daglig klinisk praksis. Mange atrieflimren patienter med indikation får ikke AK – behandling og mange uden indikation får det! Brug af AK - behandlingen kompliceres også af, at mange patienter med atreiflimren har indikation for trombocythæmmende behandling......, eksempelvis ved iskæmisk hjertesygdom. Hvor stor en blødningsrisiko man påfører patienten ved at kombinere clopidogrel, acetylsalicylsyre eller begge behandlinger med AK - behandling, er usikkert. I denne afhandling fokuseres på faktorer relateret til AK – behandling og de kliniske konsekvenser associeret til...

  6. Akupunktur til patienten med kvalme og opkastning i forbindelse med kemoterapi - er der evidens for dette?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Birgith; Sørensen, Lene Bundgaard; Stricker, Lisbeth


      Patienter, der får kemoterapi med højemetogene stoffer lider stadig af kvalme og opkastning trods understøttende behandling med moderne antieemtika som 5HT3-antagonister eksempelvis ondansetron. Akupunkturstimulation anvendes for flere lidelser i sundhedsvæsenet og det undersøges om der er evid...

  7. Technical development of PubMed Interact: an improved interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches


    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul


    Abstract Background The project aims to create an alternative search interface for MEDLINE/PubMed that may provide assistance to the novice user and added convenience to the advanced user. An earlier version of the project was the 'Slider Interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches' (SLIM) which provided JavaScript slider bars to control search parameters. In this new version, recent developments in Web-based technologies were implemented. These changes may prove to be even more valuable in enhanci...

  8. Ledelsesretten - om styringssproget i dialogens skygge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagh, Lone


    I denne artikel giver offentlige ledere til kende, at ledelsesretten i hverdagens kommunikation opfattes som "gammeldags" og en "falliterklæring". At trække ledelsesrets-kortet er en nødudgang, når alle dialogmuligheder er udspillet. Ledelsesretten støder dermed mod idealer om ledelse, der gør de...... Max Weber som refleksionsmakker i sin analyse af offentlige lederes kommunikation om og med ledelsesret samt diskuterer faldgruber, når ledelsesrettens styringssprog skal omsættes til praksis...

  9. Grateful Med: getting started. (United States)

    Shearer, B; McCann, L; Crump, W J


    When a local medical library is not available, it is often necessary for physicians to discover alternate ways to receive medical information. Rural physicians, particularly, can make use of a computer program called Grateful Med that provides access to the same literature available to physicians in large cities. This program permits the user to perform database searches on the National Library of Medicine database (MEDLINE), corresponding to the primary index to medical literature, Index Medicus. In this article, we give the procedure for procuring a National Library of Medicine password and for making efficient use of the Grateful Med program.

  10. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED. (United States)

    Nasner-Posso, Katherinn Melissa; Cruz-Calderón, Stefania; Montúfar-Andrade, Franco E; Dance, David A B; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J


    There are limited sources describing the global burden of emerging diseases. A review of human melioidosis reported by ProMED was performed and the reliability of the data retrieved assessed in comparison to published reports. The effectiveness of ProMED was evaluated as a source of epidemiological data by focusing on melioidosis. Using the keyword 'melioidosis' in the ProMED search engine, all of the information from the reports and collected data was reviewed using a structured form, including the year, country, gender, occupation, number of infected individuals, and number of fatal cases. One hundred and twenty-four entries reported between January 1995 and October 2014 were identified. A total of 4630 cases were reported, with death reported in 505 cases, suggesting a misleadingly low overall case fatality rate (CFR) of 11%. Of 20 cases for which the gender was reported, 12 (60%) were male. Most of the cases were reported from Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Malaysia, with sporadic reports from other countries. Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  11. FEM × DEM: a new efficient multi-scale approach for geotechnical problems with strain localization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nguyen Trung Kien


    Full Text Available The paper presents a multi-scale modeling of Boundary Value Problem (BVP approach involving cohesive-frictional granular materials in the FEM × DEM multi-scale framework. On the DEM side, a 3D model is defined based on the interactions of spherical particles. This DEM model is built through a numerical homogenization process applied to a Volume Element (VE. It is then paired with a Finite Element code. Using this numerical tool that combines two scales within the same framework, we conducted simulations of biaxial and pressuremeter tests on a cohesive-frictional granular medium. In these cases, it is known that strain localization does occur at the macroscopic level, but since FEMs suffer from severe mesh dependency as soon as shear band starts to develop, the second gradient regularization technique has been used. As a consequence, the objectivity of the computation with respect to mesh dependency is restored.

  12. MBHI hos patienter med kroniske rygsmerter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Erik; Kastberg, S.; Jensen, Hans Henrik


    Studied the predictive validity of the MBHI (T. Millon et al, 1982) and analyzed the differences in personality and attitudes between patients with chronic lower-back pain and patients with acute pain. Human Ss: 26 male and female adults (aged 28–60 yrs) (chronic lower-back pain); 24 male and fem...... of treatment to determine the extent of the success of the therapy. The actual success of the therapy was compared with the predictions for success based on the MBHI results. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)...

  13. MED-SUV Data Life Cycle (United States)

    Sangianantoni, Agata; Puglisi, Giuseppe; Spampinato, Letizia; Tulino, Sabrina


    The MED-SUV project aims to implement a digital e-infrastructure for data access in order to promote the monitoring and study of key volcanic regions prone to volcanic hazards, and thus improve hazard assessment, according to the rationale of Supersite GEO initiative to Vesuvius- Campi Flegrei and Mt Etna, currently identified as Permanent Supersites. The present study focuses on the life cycle of MED-SUV data generated in the first period of the project and highlights the managing approach, as well as the crucial steps to be implemented for ensuring that data will be properly and ethically managed and can be used and accessed from both MED-SUV and the external community. The process is conceived outlining how research data being handled as the project progresses, describing what data are collected, processed or generated and how these data are going to be shared and made available through Open Access. Data cycle begins with their generation and ends with the deposit in the digital infrastructure, its key series of stages through which MED-SUV data passes are Collection, Data citation, Categorization of data, Approval procedure, Registration of datasets, Application of licensing models, and PID assignment. This involves a combination of procedures and practices taking into account the scientific core mission and the priorities of the project as well as the potential legal issues related to the management and protection of the Intellectual Property. We believe that the implementation of this process constitutes a significant encouragement in MED-SUV data sharing and as a consequence a better understanding on the volcanic processes, hazard assessment and a better integration with other Supersites projects.

  14. Pædagogisk improvisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Dorthe Riis; Leegaard, Sarah Palle


    Sarah Palle Leegaard og Dorthe Riis Kristensen indleder deres artikel ”Pædagogisk improvisation” med at konstatere, at ”begrebet pædagogisk improvisation er en definition på pædagogens grundlæggende faglighed på højde med det at trække vejret”. Når vi trækker vejret ind, tager vi dét til os, som...... pædagogisk improvisation er udviklet i forbindelse med et forskningsprojekt, hvor Sarah Palle Leegaard og Dorthe Riis Kristensen har fokus på det, de betegner som pædagogens upåagtede faglighed i skoleregi. Hensigten er at udvikle en tydelig fagforskel i henholdsvis lærer- og pædagogprofessionen med henblik...... på at styrke samarbejdet. På baggrund af undersøgelser i praksis i form af bl.a. interviews med lærere og pædagoger, iagttagelser af situationer fra samarbejdet i klasserummet samt oplæg og praktiske øvelser i pædagogisk improvisation (dans) redegør artiklen for, hvordan de deltagende lærere og...

  15. The Arabidopsis Mediator Complex Subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 Regulate Mediator and RNA Polymerase II Recruitment to CBF-Responsive Cold-Regulated Genes[C][W][OPEN (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A.; Hurst, Charlotte H.; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R.; De Cothi, Elizabeth A.; Steele, John F.; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation–induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature–induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced. PMID:24415770

  16. Tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gehrt, Charlotte Astrid; Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Klinker, Sabine


    Mødet mellem tandlæge og patient med spiseforstyrrelse Introduktion og formål: Det er velkendt, at tandlæger kan spille en rolle i forhold til tidlig identifikation af en spiseforstyrrelse. Der erimidlertid begrænset viden om, hvilke forventninger tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse har...... til mødet med hinanden i klinikken, og hvordan dette opleves. Undersøgelsens formål var derfor at få viden om mødet mellem tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. Materialer og metoder: Undersøgelsen var en tværsnitsundersøgelse baseret på to spørgeskemaer udarbejdet til henholdsvis tandlæger...... og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. I alt 1.405 tandlæger deltog, mens 260 personer med en spiseforstyrrelse besvarede spørgeskemaet. Resultater: Tandlægerne havde større selvrapporteret viden om orale komplikationer ved en spiseforstyrrelse end om spiseforstyrrelser generelt. Størstedelen af...

  17. Makt og avmakt i cyberspace: hvordan styre det digitale rom?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilly Pijnenburg Muller


    Full Text Available Et sikkert cyberspace er nødvendig for en fungerende samfunnsstruktur, økonomisk, politisk og sosialt. Med samfunnets økende avhengighet av cyberspace for å kunne fungere normalt, har sikringen av cyberspace blitt stadig viktigere. For å løse sikkerhetsutfordringene knyttet til utviklingen av cyberspace har stater søkt støtte fra private aktører gjennom såkalte multistakeholder-initiativer. Med slike initiativer mener man en åpen form for samarbeid mellom interessenter, basert på en idé om likeverdige partnere. Stater iverksetter slike initiativer ut fra en tanke om at et samarbeid mellom private og offentlige aktører gir den beste formen for styring og sikring av aktiviteter i cyberspace. Implementeringen foregår imidlertid uten at de nødvendige forutsetningene for at en slik styringsform skal fungere er til stede. Selv om mange i dagens akademiske debatt stiller spørsmål ved om disse initiativene fungerer, er det få som har stilt spørsmål ved hvordan cybersikkerhet kan utøves i praksis. Dette fører til at man overser det sentrale spørsmålet om hvordan maktdynamikken mellom offentlig og privat sektor fungerer med henblikk på sikkerhet i cyberspace. Denne artikkelen diskuterer hvorvidt multistakeholder-initiativene faktisk fungerer som en kontroll- og styringsmekanisme i cyberspace. Ved å se nærmere på offentlig-privat samarbeid om cybersikkerhet i Norge er hensikten å gi en bedre forståelse av årsakene til at multistakeholder-initiativer ofte ikke fungerer i praksis.

  18. Optimization of force-cooled power transmission cables by means of 3D FEM simulations; Optimierung zwangsgekuehlter Energiekabel durch dreidimensionale FEM-Simulationen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Dongping


    Lateral forced cooling can significantly increase the temporary overload capacity of a cable system, but the design of such systems requires a time-dependent 3D analysis of the nonlinear thermal behavior as the cooling water along the cable is heated up, resulting in position-dependent and time-dependent heat uptake. For this, a new calculation method was developed on the basis of an available 3D FEM software. The new method enables 3D simulation of force-cooled cables in consideration of the potential partial dryout of soil and of thermal stabilizations. The new method was first applied to a 110 kV wind power transmission cable for different configurations and grid conditions. It was found that with lateral forced cooling, the 110 kV will have a temporal 50 percent overload capacity. Further, the thermal characteristics and limiting capacity of a force-cooled 380 kV cable system were investigated. According to the results so far, laterally cooled cable systems open up new operating options, with advantages in terms of availability, economic efficiency, and flexibility. (orig.) [German] Eine laterale Zwangskuehlung kann die temporaere Ueberlastbarkeit einer Kabelanlage signifikant erhoehen. Der Entwurf solcher zwangsgekuehlter Kabelanlagen erfordert jedoch eine zeitabhaengige, dreidimensionale Analyse des nichtlinearen thermischen Verhaltens, da sich das Kuehlwasser entlang der Trasse erwaermt und sich so eine orts- und zeitabhaengige Waermeaufnahme ergibt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde auf der Basis eines vorhandenen zweidimensionalen FEM-Programms ein neues Berechnungsverfahren entwickelt, das die dreidimensionale Simulation zwangsgekuehlter Kabelanlagen unter Beruecksichtigung einer moeglicherweise auftretenden partiellen Bodenaustrocknung und von thermischen Stabilisierungen erlaubt. Mit Hilfe dieses Berechnungsverfahrens wurde zuerst eine 110-kV-Kabelanlage zur Windenergieuebertragung bei unterschiedlichen Anordnungen und unterschiedlichen Netzsituationen untersucht

  19. Protection Performance Simulation of Coal Tar-Coated Pipes Buried in a Domestic Nuclear Power Plant Using Cathodic Protection and FEM Method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, H. Y.; Lim, B. T.; Kim, K. S.; Kim, J. W.; Park, H. B. [KEPCO Engineering and Construction Company, Gimcheon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Y. S.; Kim, K. T. [Andong National University, Andong (Korea, Republic of)


    Coal tar-coated pipes buried in a domestic nuclear power plant have operated under the cathodic protection. This work conducted the simulation of the coating performance of these pipes using a FEM method. The pipes, being ductile cast iron have been suffered under considerably high cathodic protection condition beyond the appropriate condition. However, cathodic potential measured at the site revealed non-protected status. Converting from 3D CAD data of the power plant to appropriate type for a FEM simulation was conducted and cathodic potential under the applied voltage and current was calculated using primary and secondary current distribution and physical conditions. FEM simulation for coal tar-coated pipe without defects revealed over-protection condition if the pipes were well-coated. However, the simulation for coal tar-coated pipes with many defects predict that the coated pipes may be severely degraded. Therefore, for high risk pipes, direct examination and repair or renewal of pipes are strongly recommended.

  20. Hvad skal vi med Etisk Råd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Thomas; Gjerris, Mickey


    Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder.......Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder....

  1. OvidSP Medline-to-PubMed search filter translation: a methodology for extending search filter range to include PubMed's unique content. (United States)

    Damarell, Raechel A; Tieman, Jennifer J; Sladek, Ruth M


    PubMed translations of OvidSP Medline search filters offer searchers improved ease of access. They may also facilitate access to PubMed's unique content, including citations for the most recently published biomedical evidence. Retrieving this content requires a search strategy comprising natural language terms ('textwords'), rather than Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). We describe a reproducible methodology that uses a validated PubMed search filter translation to create a textword-only strategy to extend retrieval to PubMed's unique heart failure literature. We translated an OvidSP Medline heart failure search filter for PubMed and established version equivalence in terms of indexed literature retrieval. The PubMed version was then run within PubMed to identify citations retrieved by the filter's MeSH terms (Heart failure, Left ventricular dysfunction, and Cardiomyopathy). It was then rerun with the same MeSH terms restricted to searching on title and abstract fields (i.e. as 'textwords'). Citations retrieved by the MeSH search but not the textword search were isolated. Frequency analysis of their titles/abstracts identified natural language alternatives for those MeSH terms that performed less effectively as textwords. These terms were tested in combination to determine the best performing search string for reclaiming this 'lost set'. This string, restricted to searching on PubMed's unique content, was then combined with the validated PubMed translation to extend the filter's performance in this database. The PubMed heart failure filter retrieved 6829 citations. Of these, 834 (12%) failed to be retrieved when MeSH terms were converted to textwords. Frequency analysis of the 834 citations identified five high frequency natural language alternatives that could improve retrieval of this set (cardiac failure, cardiac resynchronization, left ventricular systolic dysfunction, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, and LV dysfunction). Together these terms reclaimed

  2. Ti år med formidlingspligt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Gitte


    Jubilæet blev markeret ved et symposium - men hvor var journalisterne, og hvor var forskerne? For få uger siden lagde TV 2 hus til et symposium om videnskab, formidling, journalistik og spin. Danske Videnskabsjournalister og Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber tog med arrangementet et behjertet...... initiativ. De ville gøre status efter ti år med lovfæstet formidlingspligt på universiteterne. Samtidig lagde de op til et kritisk blik på universitetsverdenens kommunikationsafdelinger...

  3. A modified moment-fitted integration scheme for X-FEM applications with history-dependent material data (United States)

    Zhang, Ziyu; Jiang, Wen; Dolbow, John E.; Spencer, Benjamin W.


    We present a strategy for the numerical integration of partial elements with the eXtended finite element method (X-FEM). The new strategy is specifically designed for problems with propagating cracks through a bulk material that exhibits inelasticity. Following a standard approach with the X-FEM, as the crack propagates new partial elements are created. We examine quadrature rules that have sufficient accuracy to calculate stiffness matrices regardless of the orientation of the crack with respect to the element. This permits the number of integration points within elements to remain constant as a crack propagates, and for state data to be easily transferred between successive discretizations. In order to maintain weights that are strictly positive, we propose an approach that blends moment-fitted weights with volume-fraction based weights. To demonstrate the efficacy of this simple approach, we present results from numerical tests and examples with both elastic and plastic material response.

  4. The stress and stress intensity factors computation by BEM and FEM combination for nozzle junction under pressure and thermal loads

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du, Q.; Cen, Z.; Zhu, H.


    This paper reports linear elastic fracture analysis based upon the stress intensity factor evaluation successfully applied to safety assessments of cracked structures. The nozzle junction are usually subjected to high pressure and thermal loads simultaneously. In validity of linear elastic fracture analysis, K can be decomposed into K P (caused by mechanic loads) and K τ (caused by thermal loads). Under thermal transient loading, explicit analysis (say by the FEM or BEM) of K tracing an entire history respectively for a range of crack depth may be much more time consuming. The techniques of weight function provide efficient means for transforming the problem into the stress computation of the uncracked structure and generation of influence function (for the given structure and size of crack). In this paper, a combination of BE-FEM has been used for the analysis of the cracked nozzle structure by techniques of weight function. The influence functions are obtained by coupled BE-FEM and the uncracked structure stress are computed by finite element methods

  5. Bygningsdele med celluloseuld og høruld

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Resume af rapport med eksempler på bygningsdele med papir- eller hørisolering, der overholder bygningsreglementerne, udarbejdet af Dansk Brandteknisk Institut under Energistyrelsens udviklingsprogram "Miljø- og arbejdsmiljøvenlig isolering"...

  6. Modular hp-FEM system HERMES and its application to Maxwell´s equations

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vejchodský, Tomáš; Šolín, P.; Zítka, M.


    Roč. 76, č. 2 (2007), s. 223-228 ISSN 0378-4754. [MODELLING 2005. Plzeň, 04.06.2005-08.06.2005] R&D Projects: GA ČR GP201/04/P021 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10190503 Keywords : hp-FEM * time-harmonic Maxwell´s equations * hierarchic higher-order edge elements Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.738, year: 2007

  7. Social indsats til borgere med erfaring fra salg af sex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Line; Amilon, Anna; Henriksen, Theresa Dyrvig


    Formålet med denne guide er at give endnu flere kommuner inspiration og vejledning til, hvordan man kan implementere og arbejde med CTI-forløb over for borgere med prostitutionserfaring. Manglende viden om borgere med prostitutionserfaringer gør det svært for kommunerne at hjælpe borgerne med de ...

  8. Specifik mutation med nålestiksoperation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holme, Inger; Wendt, Toni; Brinch-Pedersen, Henrik


    Mutanter af byg er vigtige i forskningen og benyttes også, når der forædles nye sorter til dyrkning. Hidtil har det kun været muligt at inducere mutationer tilfældige steder i genomet. Med helt ny teknologi benyttes proteiner med betegnelsen TALENs til at inducere mutationer i helt specifikke...

  9. Finite-element-method (FEM model generation of time-resolved 3D echocardiographic geometry data for mitral-valve volumetry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kikinis Ron


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Mitral Valve (MV 3D structural data can be easily obtained using standard transesophageal echocardiography (TEE devices but quantitative pre- and intraoperative volume analysis of the MV is presently not feasible in the cardiac operation room (OR. Finite element method (FEM modelling is necessary to carry out precise and individual volume analysis and in the future will form the basis for simulation of cardiac interventions. Method With the present retrospective pilot study we describe a method to transfer MV geometric data to 3D Slicer 2 software, an open-source medical visualization and analysis software package. A newly developed software program (ROIExtract allowed selection of a region-of-interest (ROI from the TEE data and data transformation for use in 3D Slicer. FEM models for quantitative volumetric studies were generated. Results ROI selection permitted the visualization and calculations required to create a sequence of volume rendered models of the MV allowing time-based visualization of regional deformation. Quantitation of tissue volume, especially important in myxomatous degeneration can be carried out. Rendered volumes are shown in 3D as well as in time-resolved 4D animations. Conclusion The visualization of the segmented MV may significantly enhance clinical interpretation. This method provides an infrastructure for the study of image guided assessment of clinical findings and surgical planning. For complete pre- and intraoperative 3D MV FEM analysis, three input elements are necessary: 1. time-gated, reality-based structural information, 2. continuous MV pressure and 3. instantaneous tissue elastance. The present process makes the first of these elements available. Volume defect analysis is essential to fully understand functional and geometrical dysfunction of but not limited to the valve. 3D Slicer was used for semi-automatic valve border detection and volume-rendering of clinical 3D echocardiographic

  10. Calculation of marine propeller static strength based on coupled BEM/FEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    YE Liyu


    Full Text Available [Objectives] The reliability of propeller stress has a great influence on the safe navigation of a ship. To predict propeller stress quickly and accurately,[Methods] a new numerical prediction model is developed by coupling the Boundary Element Method(BEMwith the Finite Element Method (FEM. The low order BEM is used to calculate the hydrodynamic load on the blades, and the Prandtl-Schlichting plate friction resistance formula is used to calculate the viscous load. Next, the calculated hydrodynamic load and viscous correction load are transmitted to the calculation of the Finite Element as surface loads. Considering the particularity of propeller geometry, a continuous contact detection algorithm is developed; an automatic method for generating the finite element mesh is developed for the propeller blade; a code based on the FEM is compiled for predicting blade stress and deformation; the DTRC 4119 propeller model is applied to validate the reliability of the method; and mesh independence is confirmed by comparing the calculated results with different sizes and types of mesh.[Results] The results show that the calculated blade stress and displacement distribution are reliable. This method avoids the process of artificial modeling and finite element mesh generation, and has the advantages of simple program implementation and high calculation efficiency.[Conclusions] The code can be embedded into the code of theoretical and optimized propeller designs, thereby helping to ensure the strength of designed propellers and improve the efficiency of propeller design.

  11. Med sjefen på Facebook: En studie av ledere som er "venner" med sine ansatte


    Jensen, Anita


    MR690 Masteroppgave i organisasjon og ledelse - utdanningsledelse Formålet med studien er å belyse hvordan aktiv bruk av sosiale medier, i dette tilfellet Facebook, påvirker relasjoner mellom mennesker. Hva skjer når en tar i bruk en websjanger som i utgangspunktet er umiddelbar og uformell, til jobbrelatert og mer formell kommunikasjon? Er det sjangeren eller relasjonen som endres? Søkelyset rettes mot ledere som er “venner” med sine medarbeidere, og problemstillingen er...

  12. En didaktisk model for Flipped Classroom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levinsen, Henrik; Foss, Kristian Kildemoes; Andersen, Thomas Dyreborg


    I artiklen præsenterer vi en model over flipped classroom som didaktisk metode udviklet med henblik på at stilladsere både de lærere, som gerne vil prøve kræfter med en flipped classroom-baseret praksis, og dem som allerede har erfaring, men kan have glæde af at bruge modellen til at kvalificere...... deres flipped classroom-undervisning. Modellen kan bidrage til erkendelsen af, at flipped classroom er noget nær et paradigmeskifte i forståelsen af god undervisning. Her tænkes på det skift i fokus metoden indebærer fra, at læreren er mest aktiv, til at eleverne er de mest aktive. Særligt for den...

  13. Geograf med GIS som ledetråd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Søren Zebitz


    Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling.......Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling....

  14. PubMed searches: overview and strategies for clinicians. (United States)

    Lindsey, Wesley T; Olin, Bernie R


    PubMed is a biomedical and life sciences database maintained by a division of the National Library of Medicine known as the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It is a large resource with more than 5600 journals indexed and greater than 22 million total citations. Searches conducted in PubMed provide references that are more specific for the intended topic compared with other popular search engines. Effective PubMed searches allow the clinician to remain current on the latest clinical trials, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines. PubMed continues to evolve by allowing users to create a customized experience through the My NCBI portal, new arrangements and options in search filters, and supporting scholarly projects through exportation of citations to reference managing software. Prepackaged search options available in the Clinical Queries feature also allow users to efficiently search for clinical literature. PubMed also provides information regarding the source journals themselves through the Journals in NCBI Databases link. This article provides an overview of the PubMed database's structure and features as well as strategies for conducting an effective search.

  15. Precision structural engineering of self-rolled-up 3D nanomembranes guided by transient quasi-static FEM modeling. (United States)

    Huang, Wen; Koric, Seid; Yu, Xin; Hsia, K Jimmy; Li, Xiuling


    Micro- and nanoscale tubular structures can be formed by strain-induced self-rolled-up nanomembranes. Precision engineering of the shape and dimension determines the performance of devices based on this platform for electronic, optical, and biological applications. A transient quasi-static finite element method (FEM) with moving boundary conditions is proposed as a general approach to design diverse types of three-dimensional (3D) rolled-up geometries. This method captures the dynamic release process of membranes through etching driven by mismatch strain and accurately predicts the final dimensions of rolled-up structures. Guided by the FEM modeling, experimental demonstration using silicon nitride membranes was achieved with unprecedented precision including controlling fractional turns of a rolled-up membrane, anisotropic rolling to form helical structures, and local stress control for 3D hierarchical architectures.

  16. A study on PubMed search tag usage pattern: association rule mining of a full-day PubMed query log. (United States)

    Mosa, Abu Saleh Mohammad; Yoo, Illhoi


    The practice of evidence-based medicine requires efficient biomedical literature search such as PubMed/MEDLINE. Retrieval performance relies highly on the efficient use of search field tags. The purpose of this study was to analyze PubMed log data in order to understand the usage pattern of search tags by the end user in PubMed/MEDLINE search. A PubMed query log file was obtained from the National Library of Medicine containing anonymous user identification, timestamp, and query text. Inconsistent records were removed from the dataset and the search tags were extracted from the query texts. A total of 2,917,159 queries were selected for this study issued by a total of 613,061 users. The analysis of frequent co-occurrences and usage patterns of the search tags was conducted using an association mining algorithm. The percentage of search tag usage was low (11.38% of the total queries) and only 2.95% of queries contained two or more tags. Three out of four users used no search tag and about two-third of them issued less than four queries. Among the queries containing at least one tagged search term, the average number of search tags was almost half of the number of total search terms. Navigational search tags are more frequently used than informational search tags. While no strong association was observed between informational and navigational tags, six (out of 19) informational tags and six (out of 29) navigational tags showed strong associations in PubMed searches. The low percentage of search tag usage implies that PubMed/MEDLINE users do not utilize the features of PubMed/MEDLINE widely or they are not aware of such features or solely depend on the high recall focused query translation by the PubMed's Automatic Term Mapping. The users need further education and interactive search application for effective use of the search tags in order to fulfill their biomedical information needs from PubMed/MEDLINE.

  17. Undervisningsportfolio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Augustesen, Anders

    Nærværende undervisningsportfolio skal ses som et redskab til refleksion over min undervisning for herigennem forhåbentlig at kunne forbedre mine undervisningsmæssige kompetencer. Denne udgave er udarbejdet i forbindelse med et gennemført adjunktpædagogikumforløb ved Aalborg Universitet i perioden...... oktober 2005 til februar 2007. Nærværende dokument indeholder mine refleksioner / vurderinger vedrørende temaer som undervisningserfaringer, institutionelle rammer, refleksion over praksis, undervisningsfilosofi / lærerpersonlighed samt en pædagogisk handlingsplan....

  18. Virksomhedens personalearbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Virksomhedens personalearbejde er et tema som dækker over forskellige tilgange til ledelse og administration af de menneskelige ressourcer i organisationen. Både den personaleadministrative tilgang og Human Ressource Management (HRM) - tilgangen præsenteres i bogen. Et af hovedsynspunkterne i bogen...... er, at der ikke findes generelle principper for ledelse og administration af de menneskelige ressourcer i den enkelte organisation. Bogens ide er at samle udvalgte centrale emner med relevans for virksomhedens personalearbejde i praksis. Følgende emner behandles: Virksomhedens personalearbejde i...

  19. Predictive values of GPs' suspicion of serious disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjertholm, Peter; Moth, Grete; Ingeman, Mads Lind


    Denne artikel undersøger hyppigheden af praktiserende lægers mistanke om kræft eller anden alvorlig sygdom hos patienter i konsultationen. Dertil om mistanken fører til en alvorlig diagnose og patientens brug af det øvrige sundhedsvæsen. Lægen havde mistanke i 5,7 % af alle konsultationer, og en ...... data fra KOS 2008-undersøgelsen (Kontakt- og sygdomsmønsteret i almen praksis), hvor 404 praktiserende læger registrerede 4518 konsultationer med personer over 18 år....

  20. Jaktar på gåtene til universet

    CERN Multimedia

    Toft, Martin


    50 år har fysikarar frå 80 land og 500 universitet frå heile verda kome saman ved Det europeiske laboratoriet for partikkelfysikk (CERN) for å få testa ut teoriane sine i praksis. Forskinga på CERN har resultert i to Nobelprisar i fysikk og i verdsveven. Den 19. oktober feira laboratoriet 50-årsjubileet med Frankrikes president Jacques Chirac og Spanias kong Juan Carlos som dei mest kjende gjestene. Uniforum har besǿkt partikkelfysikarane sitt templ i Genève

  1. FEM validation of a double porosity elastic model for consolidation of structurally complex clayey soils (United States)

    Callari, C.; Federico, F.


    Laboratory consolidation of structured clayey soils is analysed in this paper. The research is carried out by two different methods. The first one treats the soil as an isotropic homogeneous equivalent Double Porosity (DP) medium. The second method rests on the extensive application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) to combinations of different soils, composing 2D or fully 3D ordered structured media that schematically discretize the complex material. Two reference problems, representing typical situations of 1D laboratory consolidation of structured soils, are considered. For each problem, solution is obtained through integration of the equations governing the consolidation of the DP medium as well as via FEM applied to the ordered schemes composed of different materials. The presence of conventional experimental devices to ensure the drainage of the sample is taken into account through appropriate boundary conditions. Comparison of FEM results with theoretical results clearly points out the ability of the DP model to represent consolidation processes of structurally complex soils. Limits of applicability of the DP model may arise when the rate of fluid exchange between the two porous systems is represented through oversimplified relations. Results of computations, obtained having assigned reasonable values to the meso-structural and to the experimental apparatus parameters, point out that a partially efficient drainage apparatus strongly influences the distribution along the sample and the time evolution of the interstitial water pressure acting in both systems of pores. Data of consolidation tests in a Rowe's cell on samples of artificially fissured clays reported in the literature are compared with the analytical and numerical results showing a significant agreement.

  2. Mars 2020 Entry, Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) (United States)

    Bose, Deepak; Wright, Henry; White, Todd; Schoenenberger, Mark; Santos, Jose; Karlgaard, Chris; Kuhl, Chris; Oishi, TOmo; Trombetta, Dominic


    This paper will introduce Mars Entry Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) on NASA's Mars2020 mission. Mars2020 is a flagship NASA mission with science and technology objectives to help answer questions about possibility of life on Mars as well as to demonstrate technologies for future human expedition. Mars2020 is scheduled for launch in 2020. MEDLI2 is a suite of instruments embedded in the heatshield and backshell thermal protection systems of Mars2020 entry vehicle. The objectives of MEDLI2 are to gather critical aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics and TPS performance data during EDL phase of the mission. MEDLI2 builds up the success of MEDLI flight instrumentation on Mars Science Laboratory mission in 2012. MEDLI instrumentation suite measured surface pressure and TPS temperature on the heatshield during MSL entry into Mars. MEDLI data has since been used for unprecedented reconstruction of aerodynamic drag, vehicle attitude, in-situ atmospheric density, aerothermal heating, transition to turbulence, in-depth TPS performance and TPS ablation. [1,2] In addition to validating predictive models, MEDLI data has highlighted extra margin available in the MSL forebody TPS, which can potentially be used to reduce vehicle parasitic mass. MEDLI2 expands the scope of instrumentation by focusing on quantities of interest not addressed in MEDLI suite. The type the sensors are expanded and their layout on the TPS modified to meet these new objectives. The paper will provide key motivation and governing requirements that drive the choice and the implementation of the new sensor suite. The implementation considerations of sensor selection, qualification, and demonstration of minimal risk to the host mission will be described. The additional challenges associated with mechanical accommodation, electrical impact, data storage and retrieval for MEDLI2 system, which extends sensors to backshell will also be described.

  3. Med Antony Beevor i Ardennerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Claus Bundgård


    Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten.......Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten....

  4. Ud at se med Erasmus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Pernille


    Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus.......Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus....

  5. Ud med Freud, Marx og Lacan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clasen, Mathias


    Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab.......Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab....

  6. Til julefrokost med Bjørn & Okay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith-Sivertsen, Henrik


    I denne artikel vises med udgangspunkt i en beskrivelse af et specifikt arrangement med det danske danseorkester Bjørn & Okay, hvordan man optræder inden for denne særlige musiktradition. Bjørn & Okays performative udgangspunkt er, at de, trods en status som landskendt orkester med mange hits, i ...... the audience and constantly telling them what to do. At the same time he and the other musicians actively bond with the audience, both onstage and offstage, which helps building the spirit of community, which is the clear goal of the musical performance....

  7. Mechatronic FEM model of an electromagnetic-force-compensated load cell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weis, Hanna; Hilbrunner, Falko; Fröhlich, Thomas; Jäger, Gerd


    In this paper, a mechatronic model for an electromagnetic-force-compensated (EMC) load cell is presented. Designed in ANSYS Mechanical APDL®, the model consists of two modules: the mechanical behaviour of the load cell is represented by a FEM model. The electronic and the electromagnetic parts, consisting of a position indicator, controller and electromagnetic actuator, are implemented into the model as a set of differential equations via ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). Optimization of the mechanical, electromagnetic and controller components can be performed using this model, as well as experiments to determine the sensitivity of the complete system to changes of environmental properties, e.g., the stiffness of the support. (paper)

  8. Simulation of ultrasonic and EMAT arrays using FEM and FDTD. (United States)

    Xie, Yuedong; Yin, Wuliang; Liu, Zenghua; Peyton, Anthony


    This paper presents a method which combines electromagnetic simulation and ultrasonic simulation to build EMAT array models. For a specific sensor configuration, Lorentz forces are calculated using the finite element method (FEM), which then can feed through to ultrasonic simulations. The propagation of ultrasound waves is numerically simulated using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to describe their propagation within homogenous medium and their scattering phenomenon by cracks. Radiation pattern obtained with Hilbert transform on time domain waveforms is proposed to characterise the sensor in terms of its beam directivity and field distribution along the steering angle. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Veiledning i praksis. Om praksisopplæring i norsk allmennlærerutdannelse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaare Skagen


    Full Text Available Artikkelen presenterer to nyere studier av veiledning i praksisopplæring i allmennlærerutdannelsen. Hovedfunnene drøftes i forhold til noen tidligere nordiske forskningsstudier. Studiene redegjør for intensjoner og realiteter i praksisopplæringen med fokus på mål, innhold og form i praksisveiledningen. Materialet er ramme- og fagplaner og intervjuer og observasjoner ved tre praksisskoler. Veiledningen drøftes i forhold til teori om veiledning. De to studiene som presenteres, konkluderer med at avstanden mellom teoridel og praksisdel i lærerutdannelsen fortsatt eksisterer. Det blir konstatert både fellestrekk og forskjeller mellom skolene når det gjelder graden av individuell veiledning og gruppeveiledning og individuell studentundervisning. Innholdsfokus i veiledningen varierte. Veilederrollen varierte mellom ettergivenhet og pågåenhet. Noen forskningsstudier hevder at øvingslærere praktiserer teknologisk veiledning. Artikkelen argumenterer for at innvielse i undervisningstradisjonen er nødvendig.

  10. Selskabsloven med kommentarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Peer; Werlauff, Erik

    Selskabsloven med kommentarer er bibelen på området for kapitalselskaber. Den er et juridisk arbejdsredskab for praktikere, rådgivere, forskere og studerende. Bogen indeholder en komplet opdatering af kommentarerne i forhold til de mange ændringer i selskabsloven siden 1.-udgaven, men bygger i øv...

  11. Praksisnær forskning i socialt arbejde og beskæftigelsesindsatser – metodologiske og samarbejdsmæssige perspektiver

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Niklas; Caswell, Dorte; Monrad, Merete


    forskellige typer og grader af samarbejde mellem forskning og felt. Opnåelse af robusthed i den frembragte viden ses således som et spørgsmål om såvel typen og graden af samarbejde som samspillet mellem forskellige forskningsmæssige tilgange. Praksisnær forskning indebærer ikke pr. definition brug af bestemte...... metoder. Imidlertid er metodespørgsmålet ikke neutralt, særlig ikke hvis sigtet med praksisnær forskning er at opnå øget viden om og innovation i den konkrete praksis. Anvendte metoder må kunne indfange elementer og dilemmaer i denne praksis. Metodekombination (mixed methods) kan generelt bidrage til...... (Beskæftigelsesindikatorprojektet, LISES-projektet er sammenlignet hermed et omfattende projekt, der bevæger sig over en række tematiske aspekter, trækker på flere teorikomplekser og betjener sig af mixed methods. Endelig indebærer projektet indgående samarbejde og ny måder at udvikle konkret samspil mellem...

  12. Discrete maximum principle for Poisson equation with mixed boundary conditions solved by hp-FEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vejchodský, Tomáš; Šolín, P.


    Roč. 1, č. 2 (2009), s. 201-214 ISSN 2070-0733 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100760702; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/07/0496; GA ČR GA102/05/0629 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10190503 Keywords : discrete maximum principle * hp-FEM * Poisson equation * mixed boundary conditions Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  13. Considerations on FEM modeling in analyzing buckling and plastic collapse of a detection control; Boto panel no zakutsu sosei hokai kaiseki ni okeru FEM model ka ni kansuru kosatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yao, T; Fujikubo, M; Yanagihara, D; Irisawa, M [Hiroshima University, Hiroshima (Japan). Faculty of Engineering


    Buckling and plastic collapse of upper decks and bottom outer plates of a hull results directly in longitudinal bending collapse of the hull. Therefore, discussions were given on analysis for pressure destruction strength of a detection control panel which assumes an upper deck and a bottom outer plate. Pressure destruction behavior of the panting panel is a complex phenomenon accompanying non-linearity and geometrical non-linearity of the materials. Its whole phenomenon may be analyzed by using the finite element method (FEM) as a principle, but the analysis is not efficient. Therefore, considerations were given in relation to modeling when using the FEM. The considerations were given on a panel attached with flat steel panting members with respect to the modeling scope which considers the buckling mode according to the aspect ratio of the panel partitioned by the deflection control members. If the local buckling mode of the panel is an even number wave mode in the longitudinal direction, a triple span model is required. A modeling scope for a case of being subjected to water pressure and in-plane compression was considered on a panel attached with angle-type steel members having non-symmetric cross section. In this case, a triple bay model is more preferable to reproduce the behavior under water pressure loading. 1 ref., 6 figs.

  14. Determination of the fatigue properties of multilayer PVD coatings on various substrates, based on the impact test and its FEM simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouzakis, K.D.; Vidakis, N. [Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki (Greece). Dept. of Mech. Eng.; Leyendecker, T.; Erkens, G.; Wenke, R.


    The coating impact test, in combination with its finite elements method (FEM) simulation, is used to quantitatively characterize the fatigue behaviour of thin hard physical vapour deposited (PVD) coatings as well as of multilayer ones. Successive impacts of a cemented carbide ball onto a plane coated specimen induce severe contact loads and strain superficially the layered compound. The fatigue failure mode of each specimen is classified by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations, microspectral analyses and profilometry. FEM simulating models of the impact test are used to determine the critical stress components, which introduce coating fatigue failure. The FEM computational results are correlated to the experimental ones and used to interpret them quantitatively. Herewith, critical values for stress components, responsible for distinctive fatigue failure modes of the coating substrate compounds are obtained and the fatigue limits of the examined multilayer coatings are inserted in general applicable Smith diagrams. Furthermore, the derived critical stresses are verified by investigating the same multilayer coatings on different substrates. (orig.) 14 refs.

  15. Stress Induced in Periodontal Ligament under Orthodontic Loading (Part II): A Comparison of Linear Versus Non-Linear Fem Study. (United States)

    Hemanth, M; Deoli, Shilpi; Raghuveer, H P; Rani, M S; Hegde, Chatura; Vedavathi, B


    Simulation of periodontal ligament (PDL) using non-linear finite element method (FEM) analysis gives better insight into understanding of the biology of tooth movement. The stresses in the PDL were evaluated for intrusion and lingual root torque using non-linear properties. A three-dimensional (3D) FEM model of the maxillary incisors was generated using Solidworks modeling software. Stresses in the PDL were evaluated for intrusive and lingual root torque movements by 3D FEM using ANSYS software. These stresses were compared with linear and non-linear analyses. For intrusive and lingual root torque movements, distribution of stress over the PDL was within the range of optimal stress value as proposed by Lee, but was exceeding the force system given by Proffit as optimum forces for orthodontic tooth movement with linear properties. When same force load was applied in non-linear analysis, stresses were more compared to linear analysis and were beyond the optimal stress range as proposed by Lee for both intrusive and lingual root torque. To get the same stress as linear analysis, iterations were done using non-linear properties and the force level was reduced. This shows that the force level required for non-linear analysis is lesser than that of linear analysis.

  16. Automation med pneumatiske servodrev - status og fremtid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Paul Haase


    Der er råd for problemer med ulineariteter. Med de nyeste metoder kan der lineære driftsområde udvides. Men pneumatikkomponenter skal være af høj kvalitet, når positionering skal være nøjagtig....

  17. Opfattelser af integration blandt unge med migrantbaggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Marianne; Bryderup, Inge


    I artiklen formidles analyser af otte interview med unge med migrantbaggrund. Der er fokus på de unges oplevelser og opfattelser af integration. Der er tale om komplekse processer og vekselvirkninger i forholdet mellem de samfundsmæssige kategoriseringer og individernes selvopfattelser. De unge o...

  18. Forandringslæring med autismediagnoser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafson, Kari Ingrid; Mørck, Line Lerche


    Artiklen drøfter en række aktuelle spørgsmål omkring læring hos børn og unge med autisme-spektrum-forstyrrelses diagnoser. Der introduceres til en social praksisteoretisk forståelse af forandringslæring, der diskuterer forandring ikke kun i relation til en persons identitet, men også aktuelle og...... potentielle forandringer, når det gælder overskridelse af binær logik i autisme versus normalitet, samt i relation til at overskride individualiserede og dualistiske problem-forståelser af fejl og mangler ved det autistiske barn. Det illustreres, hvordan disse former for dualistisk tænkning er forankret i et...... Rasmus’ ændringer i læring, selvforståelse og tilhørsforhold perspektiveres med andre ASF-diagnostiseredes læring udforsket bl.a. gennem gruppeinterviews i regi af Asperger-foreningen. Artiklen byder således på et alternativ i form af at forstå forandringslæring som overskridende læring, med langt større...

  19. 1963 Vajont rock slide: a comparison between 3D DEM and 3D FEM (United States)

    Crosta, Giovanni; Utili, Stefano; Castellanza, Riccardo; Agliardi, Federico; Bistacchi, Andrea; Weng Boon, Chia


    Data on the exact location of the failure surface of the landslide have been used as the starting point for the modelling of the landslide. 3 dimensional numerical analyses were run employing both the discrete element method (DEM) and a Finite Element Method (FEM) code. In this work the focus is on the prediction of the movement of the landlside during its initial phase of detachment from Mount Toc. The results obtained by the two methods are compared and conjectures on the observed discrepancies of the predictions between the two methods are formulated. In the DEM simulations the internal interaction of the sliding blocks and the expansion of the debris is obtained as a result of the kinematic interaction among the rock blocks resulting from the jointing of the rock mass involved in the slide. In the FEM analyses, the c-phi reduction technique was employed along the predefine failure surface until the onset of the landslide occurred. In particular, two major blocks of the landslide were identified and the stress, strain and displacement fields at the interface between the two blocks were analysed in detail.

  20. Personer med handicap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Brian; Jonassen, Anders Bruun; Høgelund, Jan

    Regeringens Arbejdsmarkedskommission kommmer medio 2009 med forslag til, hvordan den samlede arbejdsindsats varigt kan øges gennem reformer på arbejdsmarkedet. En måde det kan ske på, er ved at begrænse antallet af personer, der står uden for arbejdsmarkedet som følge af helbredsproblemer. Rappor...

  1. Sammenhængende diabetesforløb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bødker, Keld


    Sundhedsstyrelsen har i foråret 2006 offentliggjort en rapport, udarbejdet i fællesskab med konsulentfirmaet MEDIQ, omhandlende etablering af et it-system til støtte for sammenhængende patientforløb indenfor diabetesbehandling (Sundhedsstyrelsen 2006). Rapporten præsenterer sig som at give...... "analysegrundlaget" for et nationalt diabetes informationssystem. Systemet foreslås realiseret som et web-baseret system, der kan bidrage til informations- og videndeling mellem almen praksis, diabetesambulatorierne og Sundhedsstyrelsen. Målsætningen er, at systemet implementeres som en applikation i regi af sundhed...

  2. Forførende teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agger Nielsen, Jeppe

    casestudie i tre kommuner, hvordan og i hvilken form mobil teknologi omsættes til praksis og eventuelt institutionaliseres i den kommunale hjemmepleje. Forskningsmæssigt bidrager afhandlingen til institutionel teori og information system (IS) forskningsområdet, og afhandlingens er positioneret i relation til....... Afhandlingen argumenterer for, at mobil teknologi i hjemmeplejen med fordel kan forstås i en bredere socio-politisk og inter-organisatorisk sammenhæng, snarere end som en simpel it-løsning designet til at forandre administrative arbejdsgange i hjemmeplejen, idet dynamikken i det organisatoriske felt har haft...

  3. Team og test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fryd, Krogh, Pernille

    Afhandlingen TEAM & TEST er en systemteoretisk og komparativ interviewundersøgelse af implementeringen af accountability-reformpolitik i grundskolen i Danmark og USA. Formålet med afhandlingen er at frembringe forskningsbaseret viden om accountability-reformpolitikkens mulige indvirkning på...... skolelederes og læreres selvforståelse og pædagogiske praksis i den offentlige grundskole i Danmark og USA. Undersøgelsen identificerer en række forskningsresultater, der indikerer, at selvstyrende teamorganisering, som ramme omkring samarbejdet om implementering af nationale standarder og test, ikke altid har...

  4. Projekt i innovation


    Rasmussen, Dorte Sams Marstrand


    AbstraktProjektet ”Projekt i innovation”, tager afsæt i et HR-ledelsesperspektiv i organisationen Google, hvor det undersøges, hvordan innovation udspiller sig i praksis, hvilket sker gennem i en komparativ analyse, med en ansat medarbejder i organisationen. Projektet har til formål at undersøge, om der i organisationen eksisterer særlig tilgange til arbejdet, når det handler om at skabe innovation, og hvad der kræves af individet i ansættelsen. Da innovation kan opleves som et abstrakt begre...

  5. Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med Influence Operationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Thomas Elkjer


    Kapitel 8: Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med influence-operationer Af Thomas Elkjer Nissen Dette kapitel fokuserer ligesom kapitel 9 på de juridiske problemstillinger, som den teknologiske udvikling har bragt med sig til væbnede konflikter; i dette kapitel er der fokus på kommunikation....... Kapitlet ser nærmere på det moderne informationsmiljø, dets betydning i moderne konflikter og den stigende anvendelse af information som magtmiddel. Herefter rettes blikket mod de juridiske overvejelser, der er forbundet med influence-operationer, bl.a. tid og rum, chefansvar, mandat og juridisk grundlag....... Afsnittet behandler desuden bl.a. jus in bello’s grundlæggende princippers indflydelse på influence-operationer....

  6. Ukraine i fokus sammen med Georgien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fledelius, Karsten


    Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer.......Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer....

  7. INNOTOUR.COM - en international WEB 2.0 platform for turismeundervisning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liburd, Janne J.; Hjalager, Anne-Mette; Christensen, Inger-Marie F.


    Formålet med denne artikel er at viderebringe erfaringerne fra INNOTOUR projektet, der er forankret på Center for Turisme, Innovation og Kultur på Syddansk Universitet. I artiklen diskuteres indledningsvist baggrunden for etablering af den internationale web 2.0 platform, INNOTOUR. Her argumen...... natur er der udfordringer forbundet med så omfattende nytænkning af undervisning og læring. Artiklen indeholder også en perspektivering og diskussion af erfaringerne fra INNOTOUR projektet, herunder håndtering af de ”krav”, som web 2.0 værktøjer og web 2.0 læring stiller til deltagerne samt til...... tilpasning af studieordninger, herunder eksamensbeskrivelser, således at disse afspejler de nye undervisningsformer og web 2.0 filosofien bag læring og viden. Afslutningsvist sammenfattes projektets erfaringer, hvor det påpeges, at web 2.0 læring på mange måder er et opgør med eksisterende praksis på...

  8. At blive en kompetent lærer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hald, Anne Mette

    lærerarbejdet opgaver i undervisningen og udenfor den. Mit problemformulering lyder: Hvordan udvikler nye lærere fra den skolebaserede læreruddannelse kompetencer til at håndtere ekstra-curriculære aktiviteter i lærerarbejdets praksisser? Forskningsspørgsmål: 1. Hvordan kan begrebet om den kompetente lærer...... i gangvagt, teamsamarbejde, samarbejde med skoleledelse, samarbejde med kolleger og skolepædagoger. Jeg har i kvalitative semi-strukturerede interviews spurgt ind til deres forståelse af deres håndteringer af de forskellige ekstra-curriculære aktiviteter i og udenfor undervisningen. Dette empiriske...... hinanden. I Schatzkis perspektiv opretholdes og understøttes enhver praksis gennem regler, mål, normativiteter, affektivitet og menneskers generelle forståelser af, hvad praksissen går ud på. Da mange læringsteorier opererer med et underteoretiseret praksisbegreb (Hager, 2012) har jeg haft brug for et...

  9. Klare mål i natur/teknik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sillasen, Martin Krabbe; Paludan, Kirsten


    Projektets formål og mål Formålet med udviklingsarbejdet var på baggrund af et samarbejde mellem natur/teknik-lærere og CVU-konsulenter at få erfaringer med hensigtsmæssige samarbejdsmønstre i forhold til udviklingen af efteruddannelsestiltag for natur/teknik-lærere i et procesorienteret perspektiv......, hvor fokus vil være natur/teknik-læreres kompetenceudvikling i egen praksis. I samarbejdet indgik også refleksioner over mulige indholdsaspekter til et efteruddannelsesforløb for natur/teknik-lærere. I målbeskrivelsen nedenfor er de mulige indholdsaspekter præciseret. Målet med projektet var...... at indkredse og beskrive kriterier for en god faglig og tværfaglig forankret undervisning. Kriterierne tager udgangspunkt i: • Den gode planlægningsramme • Strukturelle og kulturelle forhold på skolen • Lærernes faglige forudsætninger • Fagteamsamarbejde • Det gode faglige/tværfaglige tema i natur...

  10. Økologisk risikovurdering af genmodificerede planter i 2009

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjellsson, Gøsta; Damgaard, Christian; Strandberg, Morten Tune

    Rapporten giver en oversigt over DMU’s arbejde med økologisk risikovurdering af genmodificerede planter (GMP) i 2009. Arbejdet understøtter Miljøstyrelsens myndighedsopgave vedrørende økologiske effekter og konsekvenser af GMP. Der var 121 nye forsøgsudsætninger i EU med kun 9 forskellige...... to fortsatte forsøg med glyfosattolerant GA21-majs. Der var kun syv nye markedsføringsansøgninger i EU i 2009: To herbicidtolerante majs, fire insekt- og herbicidtolerante majs samt en herbicidtolerant sukkerroe. Tre af majssagerne og én sukkerroe inkluderede dyrkning, hvor DMU foreslog konkrete....... Desuden kommentarer bl.a. vedr. antibiotika-resistensmarkører, nye afrapporteringsformater og ændret praksis vedr. registrering i databaser. På verdensplan blev der i 2009 dyrket ca. 134 mil. ha GM-afgrøder af Bt- og HT-majs, HT-sojabønne, Bt/HT-bomuld og HT-raps. I EU blev der kun dyrket Bt-majs MON810...

  11. Effect of intensive multifactorial treatment compared with routine care on aortic stiffness and central blood pressure among individuals with screen-detected type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Nanna Borup; Charles, Morten; Vistisen, Dorte


    Baggrund: Interventionsstudier med kardiovaskulære endepunkter kræver meget store studie populationer og/eller en lang opfølgningstid. Intermediære endepunkter som ligger i den kausale gangsti mod klinisk relevante endpunkter er derfor brugbare redskaber til at vurdere effekten af behandling i...... studie som mangler tilstrækkelig kardiovaskulære tilfælde. Aorta stivhed er et anerkendt intermediært endemål i kliniske studier. I ADDITION Danmark studiet fik en del af deltagerne ved 6 års opfølgningsundersøgelsen undersøgt aortisk stivhed, målt ved karotid-femoral pulsbølge hastighed. Vi undersøgte...... herigennem effekten af intensiv multifaktoriel behandling sammenlignet med rutine behandling i almen praksis. Resultater: Patienterne in intensiv gruppen havde en 0,51 m/s (95%CI: -0,96; -0,05; p-værdi:0.03) sammenlignet med rutine behandlingsgruppen. Ekstrapolering af disse resultater på basis af en meta...

  12. 'Én verden - 1000 historier'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerregaard, Peter


    . Udstillingen præsenterer samlingernes omfang og potentiale gennem fire skarpt adskilte dele. Et fortættet rum med magasinstemning, hvor fem forskellige indsamlertyper bliver præsenteret; et rum, hvor vi med vægt stemningsgivende lys og lyd præsenterer den aktuelle situation for guaranierne i Bolivia; et rum...

  13. Når forventningerne ikke stemmer overens med virkeligheden. En undersøgelse af de studerendes valg og strategier i overgangen til de længere videregående teknat-uddannelser

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henriette T. Holmegaard


    Full Text Available Denne artikel præsenterer resultater fra et forskningsprojekt, hvor studerende er fulgt fra slutningen af gymnasiet og ind på en lang videregående teknisk eller naturvidenskabelig uddannelse. Fokus er på de studerendes løbende forventningsafstemning i mødet med den nye uddannelse og de forhandlinger, der finder sted over tid, når de studerende forsøger at blive akademisk integreret. Analysen fokuserer på de studerende der oplever dette som særligt vanskeligt. Tre forhandlingsstrategier identificeres: at udholde at ens forventninger ikke bliver indfriet; gentagende afprøvninger af, om det, man møder, kan tilpasses ens forventninger; at indordne og tilpasse sine forventninger til det, man møder. De tre forskellige strategier foldes ud i analysen med konkrete eksempler og viser, at de studerendes iden-titetsarbejde er en vigtig del af progressionen i de studerendes første studieår. Konsekvenserne og implikationerne for praksis diskuteres afslutningsvist.  This paper presents results from a research project where students are followed from the end of upper secondary school into their higher education science programme. We pay particular attention to the students’ continuous negotiation of expectations in relation to the content of their new study programmes and their attempts to become academically integrated. The analysis is focused on those students who found these negotiations difficult. Three negotiation strategies are identified: to endure and just accept that one’s expectations are not honoured; to continuously try to fit what you meet to your expectations; to fit and adjust one’s expectations to what you meet. Cases from the study cohort who used these strategies are identified and these form the basis of the discussion. Particular attention is paid to the importance of students’ ‘identitywork’ in their first year of study and the consequences and implications this has for practice. 

  14. Når forventningerne ikke stemmer overens med virkeligheden. En undersøgelse af de studerendes valg og strategier i overgangen til de længere videregående teknat-uddannelser

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henriette T. Holmegaard


    Full Text Available Denne artikel præsenterer resultater fra et forskningsprojekt, hvor studerende er fulgt fra slutningen af gymnasiet og ind på en lang videregående teknisk eller naturvidenskabelig uddannelse. Fokus er på de studerendes løbende forventningsafstemning i mødet med den nye uddannelse og de forhandlinger, der finder sted over tid, når de studerende forsøger at blive akademisk integreret. Analysen fokuserer på de studerende der oplever dette som særligt vanskeligt. Tre forhandlingsstrategier identificeres: at udholde at ens forventninger ikke bliver indfriet; gentagende afprøvninger af, om det, man møder, kan tilpasses ens forventninger; at indordne og tilpasse sine forventninger til det, man møder. De tre forskellige strategier foldes ud i analysen med konkrete eksempler og viser, at de studerendes iden-titetsarbejde er en vigtig del af progressionen i de studerendes første studieår. Konsekvenserne og implikationerne for praksis diskuteres afslutningsvist.     This paper presents results from a research project where students are followed from the end of upper secondary school into their higher education science programme. We pay particular attention to the students’ continuous negotiation of expectations in relation to the content of their new study programmes and their attempts to become academically integrated. The analysis is focused on those students who found these negotiations difficult. Three negotiation strategies are identified: to endure and just accept that one’s expectations are not honoured; to continuously try to fit what you meet to your expectations; to fit and adjust one’s expectations to what you meet. Cases from the study cohort who used these strategies are identified and these form the basis of the discussion. Particular attention is paid to the importance of students’ ‘identitywork’ in their first year of study and the consequences and implications this has for practice.

  15. Analysis of the effect of the fluid-structure interface on elastic wave velocity in cornea-like structures by OCE and FEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Zhaolong; Li, Jiasong; Singh, Manmohan; Wu, Chen; Liu, Chih-hao; Raghunathan, Raksha; Larin, Kirill V; Vantipalli, Srilatha; Aglyamov, Salavat R; Twa, Michael D


    Air-pulse optical coherence elastography (OCE) is a promising technique for quantifying biomechanical properties of the cornea. This technique typically involves imaging and analysis of the propagation of the air-pulse induced elastic waves to reconstruct corneal biomechanical properties using an analytical model. However, the effect of the fluid-structure interface (FSI) at the corneal posterior surface on the elastic wave velocity is not accounted for in many models. In this study, we examined the effect of the FSI with OCE experiments on contact lenses with and without fluid in the posterior gap. Finite element models (FEM), also with and without the FSI, were constructed to simulate the elastic wave propagation based on the OCE measurements. The FEM and OCE results were in good agreement demonstrating the feasibility of the method. To further investigate the effect of the FSI, OCE experiments and subsequent FEM simulations were conducted on in situ rabbit corneas before and after rose bengal/green light corneal collagen cross-linking (RGX). Both the OCE experiments and the FE simulations demonstrated that the FSI significantly reduced the group velocity of the elastic wave, and thus, should be considered when determining corneal biomechanical properties from an appropriate mechanical model. By matching the FEM-calculated velocity to the OCE-measured velocity, the corneal elasticity was quantified. The Young’s modulus of the rabbit cornea before RGX was E  =  65  ±  10 kPa at a controlled intraocular pressure (IOP) of 15 mmHg. After RGX, the Young’s modulus increased to E  =  102  ±  7 kPa at the same IOP. (letter)

  16. Effektivisering av arbetet med rumsbeskrivningar


    Enström, Magnus


    För att ta byggbranschen till nästa steg i utvecklingen är BIM det naturliga steget. Iteorin tycks många av lösningarna som medföljer implementationen av BIM varaenkla att förstå och skapa, i praktiken ligger dock de tekniska lösningarna långt ifrånen full implementation i branschen. I arbetet med olika typer av beskrivningar inomett byggprojekt har utvecklingen med hjälp av BIM stått still länge. Då det inte finnsnågot vedertaget sätt att utnyttja en BIM-modells information för att fylla oli...

  17. Fang CO2 med Aminosyrer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lerche, Benedicte Mai


    Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer.......Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer....

  18. Modelling Sawing of Metal Tubes Through FEM Simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bort, C. M. Giorgio; Bosetti, P.; Bruschi, S.


    The paper presents the development of a numerical model of the sawing process of AISI 304 thin tubes, which is cut through a circular blade with alternating roughing and finishing teeth. The numerical simulation environment is the three-dimensional FEM software Deform v.10.1. The teeth actual trajectories were determined by a blade kinematics analysis developed in Matlab. Due to the manufacturing rolling steps and subsequent welding stage, the tube material is characterized by a gradient of properties along its thickness. Consequently, a simplified cutting test was set up and carried out in order to identify the values of relevant material parameters to be used in the numerical model. The dedicated test was the Orthogonal Tube Cutting test (OTC), which was performed on an instrumented lathe. The proposed numerical model was validated by comparing numerical results and experimental data obtained from sawing tests carried out on an industrial machine. The following outputs were compared: the cutting force, the chip thickness, and the chip contact area.

  19. Modelling Sawing of Metal Tubes Through FEM Simulation (United States)

    Bort, C. M. Giorgio; Bosetti, P.; Bruschi, S.


    The paper presents the development of a numerical model of the sawing process of AISI 304 thin tubes, which is cut through a circular blade with alternating roughing and finishing teeth. The numerical simulation environment is the three-dimensional FEM software Deform™ v.10.1. The teeth actual trajectories were determined by a blade kinematics analysis developed in Matlab™. Due to the manufacturing rolling steps and subsequent welding stage, the tube material is characterized by a gradient of properties along its thickness. Consequently, a simplified cutting test was set up and carried out in order to identify the values of relevant material parameters to be used in the numerical model. The dedicated test was the Orthogonal Tube Cutting test (OTC), which was performed on an instrumented lathe. The proposed numerical model was validated by comparing numerical results and experimental data obtained from sawing tests carried out on an industrial machine. The following outputs were compared: the cutting force, the chip thickness, and the chip contact area.

  20. NDE (Nondestructive examination) by ultrasonic, photo-elastic, strain measuring and FEM (Finite Element Method)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu Fangyu; Zeng Xiao


    It is considered impossible to inspect flaw by using ordinary mechanical measuring methods. In this paper, it is found that the stree and strain distortions of pressure vessel with 2D linear shape crack in the deep location appear the 'cat effect' on the surface of stracture, and that the location and size of the crack can be determined with strain measuring and FEM according to 'cat effect' of strain distortion

  1. 'Men don't need to know everything': a field trial of a discreet, female-initiated, contraceptive barrier method (FemCap™) among Haitian-American women. (United States)

    Gollub, Erica L; Cyrus, Elena; Dévieux, Jessy G; Jean-Gilles, Michèle; Neptune, Sandra; Pelletier, Valerie; Michel, Hulda; Sévère, Marie; Pierre, Laurinus


    Worldwide, women report the need for safe, non-hormonal, woman-initiated methods of family planning. Cervical barriers provide such technology but are under-researched and under-promoted. In the USA, there are few studies of cervical barriers among women at high unmet need for contraception. A feasibility study of the FemCap™ was conducted among US women of Haitian origin. Participants were heterosexual and seeking to avoid pregnancy. At first visit, participants completed baseline assessments, underwent group counselling and were fitted with FemCap™. Women were asked to insert or use the cap at home. The second visit (2-3 weeks) included an interviewer-administered questionnaire and a focus-group discussion. Participants (n  =  20) were Haitian-born (70%), married (55%) and parous (85%). Their mean age was 32.6 years. Seventy percent reported recent unprotected sex. All women inserted the device at home and 9 women used it during intercourse, including 5 without prior partner negotiation. Of 20 women, 11 liked FemCap™ very much or somewhat; 7 considered it 'OK'; 2 disliked it. Best-liked attributes were comfort, discreet wear and reusability. Difficulties with removal abated over time. Qualitative data revealed a high value placed on lack of systemic side effects. Use of FemCap™ was feasible and acceptable, supporting expansion of research, particularly among relevant populations with unmet need.

  2. Mindfulness som smertehåndteringsredskab for kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mette Kold; Vedsted-Hansen, Hanne; Hansen, Tia G. B.


    Endometriose er en kronisk underlivssygdom med smerter og en række afledte problemer, som ikke nødvendigvis kan behandles med lægelige tiltag. Artiklen argumenterer for, at en mindfulness-baseret tilgang med fokus på smertehåndtering kan anvendes til denne klientgruppe. I vestlig terapeutisk...... sammenhæng kan mindfulness karakteriseres som nærvær, observation og beskrivelse af sansninger uden vurdering eller reaktion. Mindfulness-træning har effekt mod andre typer stress og kroniske smerter, og artiklen opridser et koncept til anvendelse ved endometriose. Konceptet belyses med en case, hvor...

  3. Frihet & struktur : en kvalitativ studie av skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette syndrom


    Siverts, Torstein


    Sammendrag. Tittel: Skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette Syndrom Med bakgrunn i egen erfaring fra arbeid med elever med Tourette Syndrom i grunnskolen, og i studier i spesialpedagogisk teori og empiri, etterstrebes det i denne studien å utvikle økt forståelse for hva slags erfaringer fra og perspektiver på sitt skoleliv elever med denne funksjonshemmende lidelsen har. Med grunnlag i analyser av intervjuer med elever om deres erfaringer og perspektiver, har jeg prøvd å b...

  4. Spilleregler i musikterapi med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Artiklen gennemgår udvalgte eksempler på anvendelse af spilleregler i musikterapi med børneklientgrupper. Efter en kort introduktion af Priestleys syn på analytisk musikterapi med børn, præsenteres læseren således for en række caseeksempler fra faglitteraturen, der giver indblik i udformning og a...

  5. Forsøg med Hi-Con altanelement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Pilegaard

    Denne rapport beskriver forsøg udført på Laboratoriet for Bærende Konstruktioner, Aalborg Universitet med et altanelement leveret af Hi-Con Aps, Hjallerup. Forsøgene er udført i september 2002. Forsøgene omfatter en statisk prøvning, hvor altanelementet blev belastet med sandsække og nedbøjningerne...

  6. Rutsjende dug - breddeopgave 73 med didaktisk kommentar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jens Højgaard


    Mit formål med artikelserien om breddeopgaver er - udover at gøre opmærksom på RUCs fysikuddannelse - dobbelt: Dels udvælger jeg opgaverne, så de kan have interesse som fysikproblemer i egen ret. Dels udvælger jeg dem med henblik på at kunne knytte didaktiske overvejelser til dem af interesse for...

  7. Environmental equipment for usages of FEM software. ADVENTURE system user's guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamasaki, Ichirou; Yoshimura, Shinobu


    The community softwares, databases, and other various tools have been installed in the ITBL environment by the Office of ITBL Promotion as a common utility property for each research field. Among those softwares, Finite Element Method (FEM) code, Adventure (which was originally developed by Prof. Yoshimura, the University of Tokyo), is provided as one of structure analysis programs for ITBL users. The code is well known to possess a high performance ability for parallel processing, especially for massively parallel environments. In this report, a chain of processes for usages of the system as well as the installation method to PC cluster are described. (author)

  8. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...... sammenligne de to digitale kanaler og for at kunne sammenligne med en tidligere undersøgelse af digital kommunikation med det offentlige. Herudover er der tidligere gennemført en undersøgelse af e-mail svar og svartider i New Zealand og Australien. De danske resultater fra e-mail undersøgelsen, men ikke...

  9. Investigation of the fittest shear transfer model used to FEM analysis of RC structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Endo, Tatumi; Aoyagi, Masao; Endo, Takao


    In order to rationalize the design method of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in the nuclear power plant, the structural analysis, which is able to simulate the seismic behavior of RC structures, should be established. In this report, the investigation of shear transfer model at shear plane to be applied to FEM analysis is performed. Main conclusions obtained within the limit of the study are as follows. 1. Development of the shear transfer model at shear plane. 1) Two shear transfer models are developed to be used to the 2-dimensional nonlinear FEM analysis. 2) In one model suggested, reinforcements are modeled by plate elements and the nonlinearity of concrete surrounding reinforcement but the properties of bond-slip relation between concrete and reinforcements is also considered. 3) In another model, reinforcements are modeled by equivalent concrete properties, in which axial regidity and dowel effects of reinforcements are considered. 2. Verification of the suggested model. 1) It is confirmed that the computational results using the above-mentioned model could simulate the experimental ones fairly well. 2) Considering the application to the analysis of RC structures in the design, the model, in which reinforcement are modeled by equivalent concrete properties, is useful in view point of accuracy and simplicity. (author)

  10. FEM simulation of TBC failure in a model system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seiler, P; Baeker, M; Roesier, J [Institut fuer Werkstoffe (IfW), Technische Universitaet Braunschweig (Germany); Beck, T; Schweda, M, E-mail: p.seiler@tu-bs.d [Institut fuer Energieforschung/ Werkstoffstruktur und -Eigenschaften (IEF 2), Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany)


    In order to study the behavior of the complex failure mechanisms in thermal barrier coatings on turbine blades, a simplified model system is used to reduce the number of system parameters. The artificial system consists of a bond-coat material (fast creeping Fecralloy or slow creeping MA956) as the substrate with a Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} partially stabilized plasma sprayed zircon oxide TBC on top and a TGO between the two layers. A 2-dimensional FEM simulation was developed to calculate the growth stress inside the simplified coating system. The simulation permits the study of failure mechanisms by identifying compression and tension areas which are established by the growth of the oxide layer. This provides an insight into the possible crack paths in the coating and it allows to draw conclusions for optimizing real thermal barrier coating systems.

  11. Effect of the drift gap between the undulator sections on the operation of the Fusion-FEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Geer, C. A. J.; Militsyn, B. L.; Bongers, W. A.; Bratman, V. L.; Denisov, G. G.; Manintveld, P.; Savilov, A. V.; Varfolomeev, A. A.; Verhoeven, A. G. A.; Urbanus, W. H.


    The 'Fusion-FEM' is a free electron MASER based on an electrostatic accelerator. An electron beam of 12 A, 1.35-2 MeV is injected into a step-tapered undulator to generate 1 MW of radiation in the range 130-250 GHz. The undulator is built from two sections with different field strength

  12. Mellem nyliberalisme og terror - Interview med Chantal Mouffe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Allan Dreyer; Sonnichsen, André


    Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati......Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati...

  13. Effektelektronik - teknologi med energibesparelser og forbedret performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede


    Lige siden transistoren blev opfundet, har det altid været ønskeligt at kunne anvende en sådan til at styre store strømme/spændinger i elektriske systemer. Det er teknologisk også sket, først med tyristorer til styring af store effekter, men siden hen også med den bipolare transistor MOSFET, samt...

  14. Ny viden begynder med forhindringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Martin Blok


    Pædagogik og pædagogisk arbejde diskuteres typisk inden for rammerne af det at hjælpe, støtte, simplificere og kompleksitetsreducere. Hvis man ønsker at vide noget om forhindringer, modstand og vanskeligheder som pædagogiske muligheder, så er udbuddet derimod forsvindende småt. Og når sådanne...... begreber endelig tages op, så benævnes de typisk blot, men bliver sjældent defineret. Hvad menes der med modstand, vanskeligheder eller kompleksitet? Med afsæt i en kort gennemgang af eksisterende forskning på området forsøger denne artikel at give et bud på en mulig definition af begrebet forhindring...

  15. Psykomotorisk behandling og wellness til personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamp, Anne Schinkel; Frausing, Kristian Park

    Rapporten evaluerer projektet Psykomotorisk behandling af personer med demens gennem fokusgruppeinterviews med deltagende studerende og personale fra deltagende centre. Samlet peges der på gavnligt udbytte for de demente beboere samt både personligt og fagligt udbytte for de deltagende studerende...

  16. Inkludering av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn i NIF-organisert idrett

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mari Kristin Sisjord


    Full Text Available Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske og Paralympiske Komité (NIF har en uttalt målsetting om en åpen og inkluderende idrett. Hvordan kommer dette til uttrykk i den praktiske virksomheten? Denne artikkelen, som bygger på data fra en undersøkelse om likestilling og mangfold i den organiserte idretten (NIF, retter søkelyset mot arbeid med inklusjon av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn på ulike organisasjonsnivå i NIF: særforbund, idrettskretser og idrettslag. Datamaterialet er kvalitative intervju med representanter fra ulike organisasjonsnivå. Resultatene viser at NIFs overordnede politikk i varierende grad nedfelles i særforbundenes virksomhet, i idrettskretsene og i idrettslagene. Av særforbundene skiller Fotballforbundet og Klatreforbundet seg ut som aktive pådrivere i arbeidet med inkludering. Mange idrettslag oppfattet slike spørsmål som lite aktuelle i sitt rekrutteringsområde. Representanter for lag som hadde erfaring med inkludering og rekruttering av minoritetsungdom, tilkjennega varierte erfaringer og synspunkter.

  17. Discrete Maximum Principle for a 1D Problem with Piecewise-Constant Coefficients Solved by hp-FEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vejchodský, Tomáš; Šolín, Pavel


    Roč. 15, č. 3 (2007), s. 233-243 ISSN 1570-2820 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP201/04/P021; GA ČR GA102/05/0629 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10190503; CEZ:AV0Z20570509 Keywords : discrete maximum principle * hp-FEM * Poisson equation Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  18. A Novel Technique for Rotor Bar Failure Detection in Single-Cage Induction Motor Using FEM and MATLAB/SIMULINK

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seyed Abbas Taher


    Full Text Available In this article, a new fault detection technique is proposed for squirrel cage induction motor (SCIM based on detection of rotor bar failure. This type of fault detection is commonly carried out, while motor continues to work at a steady-state regime. Recently, several methods have been presented for rotor bar failure detection based on evaluation of the start-up transient current. The proposed method here is capable of fault detection immediately after bar breakage, where a three-phase SCIM is modelled in finite element method (FEM using Maxwell2D software. Broken rotor bars are then modelled by the corresponding outer rotor impedance obtained by GA, thereby presenting an analogue model extracted from FEM to be simulated in a flexible environment such as MATLAB/SIMULINK. To improve the failure recognition, the stator current signal was analysed using discrete wavelet transform (DWT.

  19. Bulkister og Bådgrav ved Bulbrogård

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bican, Josefine Franck


    oldsager. I seks af gravene var der bevaret kistespor, i fem tilfælde efter bulkister og i ét tilfælde efter en stammebåd anvendt som kiste. Fire af gravene indeholdt gravgods. Gravens konstruktion, udformning og indhold diskuteres med særlig fokus på bådgraven, og der sammenlignes med andre fladmarksgrave...

  20. FEM-based linear inverse modeling using a 3D source array to image magma chambers with free geometry. Application to InSAR data from Rabaul Caldera (PNG). (United States)

    Ronchin, Erika; Masterlark, Timothy; Dawson, John; Saunders, Steve; Martí Molist, Joan


    In this study, we present a method to fully integrate a family of finite element models (FEMs) into the regularized linear inversion of InSAR data collected at Rabaul caldera (PNG) between February 2007 and December 2010. During this period the caldera experienced a long-term steady subsidence that characterized surface movement both inside the caldera and outside, on its western side. The inversion is based on an array of FEM sources in the sense that the Green's function matrix is a library of forward numerical displacement solutions generated by the sources of an array common to all FEMs. Each entry of the library is the LOS surface displacement generated by injecting a unity mass of fluid, of known density and bulk modulus, into a different source cavity of the array for each FEM. By using FEMs, we are taking advantage of their capability of including topography and heterogeneous distribution of elastic material properties. All FEMs of the family share the same mesh in which only one source is activated at the time by removing the corresponding elements and applying the unity fluid flux. The domain therefore only needs to be discretized once. This precludes remeshing for each activated source, thus reducing computational requirements, often a downside of FEM-based inversions. Without imposing an a-priori source, the method allows us to identify, from a least-squares standpoint, a complex distribution of fluid flux (or change in pressure) with a 3D free geometry within the source array, as dictated by the data. The results of applying the proposed inversion to Rabaul InSAR data show a shallow magmatic system under the caldera made of two interconnected lobes located at the two opposite sides of the caldera. These lobes could be consistent with feeding reservoirs of the ongoing Tavuvur volcano eruption of andesitic products, on the eastern side, and of the past Vulcan volcano eruptions of more evolved materials, on the western side. The interconnection and

  1. Identification of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Using Simultaneous Detection of mecA, nuc, and femB by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP). (United States)

    Chen, Changguo; Zhao, Qiangyuan; Guo, Jianwei; Li, Yanjun; Chen, Qiuyuan


    The aim of this study was to develop a rapid detection assay to identify methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by simultaneous testing for the mecA, nuc, and femB genes using the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method. LAMP primers were designed using online bio-software ( ), and amplification reactions were performed in an isothermal temperature bath. The products were then examined using 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. MecA, nuc, and femB were confirmed by triplex TaqMan real-time PCR. For better naked-eye inspection of the reaction result, hydroxy naphthol blue (HNB) was added to the amplification system. Within 60 min, LAMP successfully amplified the genes of interest under isothermal conditions at 63 °C. The results of 2% gel electrophoresis indicated that when the Mg 2+ concentration in the reaction system was 6 μmol, the amplification of the mecA gene was relatively good, while the amplification of the nuc and femB genes was better at an Mg 2+ concentration of 8 μmol. Obvious color differences were observed by adding 1 μL (3.75 mM) of HNB into 25 μL reaction system. The LAMP assay was applied to 128 isolates cases of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which were separated from the daily specimens and identified by Vitek microbial identification instruments. The results were identical for both LAMP and PCR. LAMP offers an alternative detection assay for mecA, nuc, and femB and is faster than other methods.

  2. Professionalisme med innovativt potentiale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Inger Marie

    To teoretiske sværvægtere bliver koblet sammen i Inger Marie Larsen-Nielsen arbejdspapir om professionalisme med innovativt potentiale. De to teoretikere er læringsteoretikeren John Dewey og socialpsykologen Georg Herbert Mead, som er sat sammen i en teoretisk forståelsesramme omkring professionel...

  3. Comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar literature searches. (United States)

    Anders, Michael E; Evans, Dennis P


    Literature searches are essential to evidence-based respiratory care. To conduct literature searches, respiratory therapists rely on search engines to retrieve information, but there is a dearth of literature on the comparative efficiencies of search engines for researching clinical questions in respiratory care. To compare PubMed and Google Scholar search results for clinical topics in respiratory care to that of a benchmark. We performed literature searches with PubMed and Google Scholar, on 3 clinical topics. In PubMed we used the Clinical Queries search filter. In Google Scholar we used the search filters in the Advanced Scholar Search option. We used the reference list of a related Cochrane Collaboration evidence-based systematic review as the benchmark for each of the search results. We calculated recall (sensitivity) and precision (positive predictive value) with 2 x 2 contingency tables. We compared the results with the chi-square test of independence and Fisher's exact test. PubMed and Google Scholar had similar recall for both overall search results (71% vs 69%) and full-text results (43% vs 51%). PubMed had better precision than Google Scholar for both overall search results (13% vs 0.07%, P PubMed searches with the Clinical Queries filter are more precise than with the Advanced Scholar Search in Google Scholar for respiratory care topics. PubMed appears to be more practical to conduct efficient, valid searches for informing evidence-based patient-care protocols, for guiding the care of individual patients, and for educational purposes.

  4. A Validation of FEM3MP with Joint Urban 2003 Data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chan, S T; Leach, M J


    Under the sponsorship of the U.S. DOE and DHS, we have recently developed a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for simulating airflow and dispersion of chemical/biological agents released in urban areas. Our model, FEM3MP, is based on solving the three-dimensional, time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with appropriate physics submodels on massively parallel computer platforms. It employs finite-element discretization for effective treatment of complex geometries and a semi-implicit projection scheme for efficient time-integration. A simplified CFD approach, using both explicitly resolved and virtual buildings, was implemented to further improve the model's efficiency. Predictions from our model are continuously being verified against measured data from wind tunnel and field studies. Herein our model is further evaluated using observed data from IOPs (intensive operation periods) 3 and 9 of the Joint Urban 2003 field study conducted in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in July 2003. Our model predictions of wind and concentration fields in the near and intermediate regions, as well as profiles of wind speed, wind direction, friction velocity, and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the urban wake region, are generally consistent with and compared reasonably well with field observations. In addition, our model was able to predict the observed split plume of IOP 3 and the end vortices along Park Avenue in IOP 9. The dispersion results and TKE profiles at the crane station indicate the effects of convective mixing are relatively important for the daytime release of IOP 3 but the stable effects are relatively unimportant for the nighttime release of IOP 9. Results of this study also suggest that the simplified CFD approach implemented in FEM3MP can be a cost-effective tool for simulating urban dispersion problems.

  5. Best, Useful and Objective Precisions for Information Retrieval of Three Search Methods in PubMed and iPubMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Somayyeh Nadi Ravandi


    Full Text Available MEDLINE is one of the valuable sources of medical information on the Internet. Among the different open access sites of MEDLINE, PubMed is the best-known site. In 2010, iPubMed was established with an interaction-fuzzy search method for MEDLINE access. In the present work, we aimed to compare the precision of the retrieved sources (Best, Useful and Objective precision in the PubMed and iPubMed using two search methods (simple and MeSH search in PubMed and interaction-fuzzy method in iPubmed. During our semi-empirical study period, we held training workshops for 61 students of higher education to teach them Simple Search, MeSH Search, and Fuzzy-Interaction Search methods. Then, the precision of 305 searches for each method prepared by the students was calculated on the basis of Best precision, Useful precision, and Objective precision formulas. Analyses were done in SPSS version 11.5 using the Friedman and Wilcoxon Test, and three precisions obtained with the three precision formulas were studied for the three search methods. The mean precision of the interaction-fuzzy Search method was higher than that of the simple search and MeSH search for all three types of precision, i.e., Best precision, Useful precision, and Objective precision, and the Simple search method was in the next rank, and their mean precisions were significantly different (P < 0.001. The precision of the interaction-fuzzy search method in iPubmed was investigated for the first time. Also for the first time, three types of precision were evaluated in PubMed and iPubmed. The results showed that the Interaction-Fuzzy search method is more precise than using the natural language search (simple search and MeSH search, and users of this method found papers that were more related to their queries; even though search in Pubmed is useful, it is important that users apply new search methods to obtain the best results.

  6. MedRate: a wearable against child mortality

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva


    In humanitarian environments, when treating the main causes of child mortality, there are two key vital constants not easily measurable: the heart beat of the foetus and respiration rate of children. During the CERN Medtech:Hack, my team came up with MedRate, an inexpensive wearable able to monitor both. Collaboration is required to make MedRate a reality. Would you join us for a more fair fight against child mortality?

  7. The MedAustron project: an example of large-scale technology transfer

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso & Michael Benedikt


    In January this year, CERN’s Director-General Rolf Heuer handed over the first ion source to the MedAustron therapy centre in the town of Wiener Neustadt in the presence of the Austrian authorities. This milestone marks the beginning of the transition from the development and design phase to the commissioning of the new facility.   Handover of the ion source to MedAustron on 11 January, 2013. From left to right: Michael Benedikt (Project Leader MedAustron at CERN), Karlheinz Töchterle (Austrian Federal Minister of Science and Research), Erwin Pröll (Governor of Lower Austria), Rolf Heuer (Director-General CERN), Klaus Schneeberger (Lower Austrian State Parliament, Head of EBG MedAustron Council). The goal of the MedAustron project is the construction of an ion-therapy and research centre, based on a synchrotron accelerator complex, in Austria (for more about the technical part of the MedAustron project, click here). “MedAustron will be the first large-sca...

  8. 3D-FEM Analysis on Geogrid Reinforced Flexible Pavement Roads (United States)

    Calvarano, Lidia Sarah; Palamara, Rocco; Leonardi, Giovanni; Moraci, Nicola


    Nowadays, the need to increase pavement service life, guarantee high performance, reduce service and maintenance costs has been turned a greater attention on the use of reinforcements. This paper presents findings of a numerical investigation on geogrid reinforced flexible pavement roads, under wheel traffic loads, using a three-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM). The results obtained show the effectiveness of glass fibre grids as reinforcement which, with appropriate design and correct installation, by improving interface shear resistance, can be used to expand the performance of flexible pavements in different ways: by increasing the road service life providing a relevant contribution against superficial rutting or by decreasing the construction costs due to the reduction in the reinforced HMA layer thickness and thus of mineral aggregate required for its construction.

  9. Arbejdspladsvurdering i små virksomheder med 1-4 ansatte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasle, Peter; Esben, Dalskinn

    En analyse af mulighederne for at gennemføre arbejdspladsvurdering i mikrovirksomheder med 1-4 ansatte.......En analyse af mulighederne for at gennemføre arbejdspladsvurdering i mikrovirksomheder med 1-4 ansatte....

  10. PubMed Interact: an Interactive Search Application for MEDLINE/PubMed (United States)

    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael


    Online search and retrieval systems are important resources for medical literature research. Progressive Web 2.0 technologies provide opportunities to improve search strategies and user experience. Using PHP, Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), PubMed Interact allows greater functionality so users can refine search parameters with ease and interact with the search results to retrieve and display relevant information and related articles. PMID:17238658

  11. Elasto-viscoplastic FEM simulations of the aluminium flow in the bearing area for extrusion of thin-walled sections

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lof, J.


    The use of the finite element method (FEM) is getting increasingly important in the understanding of processes that occur during aluminium extrusion. The bearing area is one of the most difficult areas to model in a numerical simulation. To investigate the phenomena that occur in the bearing,

  12. En definitionssandhed med modifikationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holtermann, Jakob v. H.; Olsen, Henrik Palmer


    Denne artikel indgår i den debat om retskildebegrebet, der tidligere har været rejst af Jens Ravnkilde. Forfatterne påviser flere svagheder i Ravnkildes argumentation, herunder at han ignorerer hele den internationale diskussion på området, samtidig med at han baserer sit eget angiveligt nyudvikl...

  13. Charge-conserving FEM-PIC schemes on general grids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campos Pinto, M.; Jund, S.; Salmon, S.; Sonnendruecker, E.


    Particle-In-Cell (PIC) solvers are a major tool for the understanding of the complex behavior of a plasma or a particle beam in many situations. An important issue for electromagnetic PIC solvers, where the fields are computed using Maxwell's equations, is the problem of discrete charge conservation. In this article, we aim at proposing a general mathematical formulation for charge-conserving finite-element Maxwell solvers coupled with particle schemes. In particular, we identify the finite-element continuity equations that must be satisfied by the discrete current sources for several classes of time-domain Vlasov-Maxwell simulations to preserve the Gauss law at each time step, and propose a generic algorithm for computing such consistent sources. Since our results cover a wide range of schemes (namely curl-conforming finite element methods of arbitrary degree, general meshes in two or three dimensions, several classes of time discretization schemes, particles with arbitrary shape factors and piecewise polynomial trajectories of arbitrary degree), we believe that they provide a useful roadmap in the design of high-order charge-conserving FEM-PIC numerical schemes. (authors)

  14. Adaptive stochastic Galerkin FEM with hierarchical tensor representations

    KAUST Repository

    Eigel, Martin


    PDE with stochastic data usually lead to very high-dimensional algebraic problems which easily become unfeasible for numerical computations because of the dense coupling structure of the discretised stochastic operator. Recently, an adaptive stochastic Galerkin FEM based on a residual a posteriori error estimator was presented and the convergence of the adaptive algorithm was shown. While this approach leads to a drastic reduction of the complexity of the problem due to the iterative discovery of the sparsity of the solution, the problem size and structure is still rather limited. To allow for larger and more general problems, we exploit the tensor structure of the parametric problem by representing operator and solution iterates in the tensor train (TT) format. The (successive) compression carried out with these representations can be seen as a generalisation of some other model reduction techniques, e.g. the reduced basis method. We show that this approach facilitates the efficient computation of different error indicators related to the computational mesh, the active polynomial chaos index set, and the TT rank. In particular, the curse of dimension is avoided.

  15. Analys av nickel med ICP-MS


    Wallman, Karin; Löfgren, Stefan; Sonesten, Lars; Demandt, Christian


    Vid en granskning av nickelhalter för perioden 1985-2007 upptäcktes ett nivåskifte i tidsserierna på flera stationer mellan 2001 och 2002. Skiftet visade sig bero på att prover innan 2002 inte korrigerades för kalciuminterferens, medan prover under åren 2002-2007 korrigerades. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda om resultaten före 2002 i efterhand kan korrigeras för kalciuminterferensen. Från 2002 finns ett antal prover (N=347) med resultat som både är kalciumkorrigerade och som inte är de...

  16. Tur-samspil i musikterapi med børn med svære kommunikationsvanskeligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Tur-samspil udgør en vigtig grundsten i den tidlige sociale og kommunikative udvikling, og optræder ofte i musikterapeutiske samspil med kommunikationssvage børn. Artiklen præsenterer relevante begreber fra faglitteraturen om tur-samspil i voksendialoger (de såkaldte Konversationsanalyser), som k...

  17. Ni antagelser om Situationel Dialektisk Videnskabsteori

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dakwar, Julia Rytter; Lorentzen, Anne-Christine Rosfeldt; Smedegaard, Flemming


    I artiklen præsenteres et præliminært bud på en Situationel Dialektisk Videnskabsteori (SDV) i form af ni antagelser. Situationel, fordi antagelserne ikke er statiske, men alle overvejelser og valg under de enkelte antagelser er afhængige af situationen. Dialektisk, fordi alle ni antagelser...... opererer med dialektiske modsætninger, og alle videnskabsteoretiske valg ses som valg på kontinua. De ni antagelser, som bliver præsenteret og diskuteret i artiklen, er: Antagelse 1: Teori og praksis fordrer hinanden Antagelse 2: Del og helhed hænger sammen Antagelse 3: Forbundne sagsforhold påvirker...

  18. Jeg kommunikerer - altså er jeg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lisbeth


    Udstillingen har fået den sigende titel Ruptures – eller brud, der nok engang indrammer den livssituation, som Ai Weiwei befinder sig i efter interneringen i 80 dage i 2011 i et fængsel et ukendt sted i Kina, hvor han blev overvåget 24/7. Derefter måtte han bryde med sin hidtidige praksis, bl.a. ...... eksempelvis godkendt af Ai Weiwei på Skype. Som Superman på internettet når Ai Weiwei således stadig ud til et meget stort publikum på trods af sin ”husarrest.”...

  19. Omsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Britta Kusk


    Omsorg er en central værdi for os alle, og omsorg har mange nuancer. Den kan gælde fysiske, psykiske og andre sider af vores liv, og en stor del af omsorgen er i dag professionaliseret. Kapitlet forsøger at kaste lys over, hvordan omsorgen kan forstås, og hvad den rummer, men også hvilket pres, d....... Teoretisk trækker kapitlet på en fænomenologisk tilgang med referencer til bl.a. Emmanuel Lévinas, Axel Honneth og Bernhard Waldenfels, og der inddrages eksempler fra både film og fra praksis....

  20. Musikterapi med kontakt- og kommunikationssvage børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler


    I artiklen beskrives, hvordan musikterapi er med til at støtte en målrettet udviklingsproces hos børn, med diagnoser som Asperger syndrom, autisme, opmærksomhedsforstyrrelser, ADHD o.lign. Musikkens kvaliteter beskrives og illustreres gennem vignetter fra terapiforløb, der alle er foregået i Klinik...