
Sample records for popular condicionantes subjetivos

  1. Condicionantes e implicaciones

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    Humberto González Galbán


    tiene como objetivo mostrar la problemática del embarazo adolescente en términos sociodemográficos relacionados con su diferente grado de manifestación, condicionantes e implicaciones sociales en el contexto cubano.

  2. El bienestar subjetivo: Actualidad y perspectivas

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    Guillermo Díaz Llanes


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión de los trabajos sobre bienestar subjetivo publicados en el mundo en los últimos años y se analizaron críticamente los resultados obtenidos tomando en consideración algunos de los fundamentos epistemológicos que les sirvieron de sustento. La enorme vigencia de los estudios sobre bienestar subjetivo en la actualidad pone de manifiesto la creciente conciencia de los investigadores acerca de la importancia del estudio de los factores que tributan a la salud desde una perspectiva positiva. La comprensión de la compleja madeja de interacciones que determinan el bienestar subjetivo en los niveles macrosocial, microsocial e individual, resulta requisito indispensable para la instrumentación de intervenciones en el nivel primario de atención y así elevar dicho indicador, tan ligado a la salud.A review of the papers on subjective well-being published in the world during the last years was made. The results obtained were critically analyzed taking into account the epistemological foundations that served as a sustenance. The fact that the studies about subjective well-being are still in force shows the increasing awareness of the investigators about the importance of studying those factors influencing positively on health. The understanding of the complex skein of interactions determining the subjective well-being at the macrosocial, microsocial and individual levels is an indispensable requirement for the implementation of interventions at the primary health care level and for elevating this indicator so closely related to health.

  3. Flujo compartido en actividades colectivas físico-deportivas y bienestar subjetivo

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    Larraitz N. Zumeta


    Full Text Available Esta investigación estudia las actividades físico-deportivas como una fuente de flujo compartido o de experiencia óptima y su relación con el bienestar subjetivo. Se presentan dos estudios con estudiantes universitarios (N=88, N=285 que participan en actividades físicas y deportivas en grupo. Las medidas incluyen la calidad de la participación en la actividad, el flujo individual y compartido, las emociones positivas, y el bienestar subjetivo. El primer estudio muestra que el flujo compartido fue más intenso que el individual. En el segundo estudio, se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios (AFC y análisis de mediación múltiple. Los resultados mostraron una estructura factorial de segundo orden con nueve dimensiones de primer orden, además de los efectos mediadores del flujo compartido y de las emociones positivas en el bienestar subjetivo. Se confirma la relevancia del flujo compartido durante los encuentros colectivos y su relación con el bienestar subjetivo.

  4. Diferencias transculturales en bienestar subjetivo: México y España

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    Mónica Carballeira


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación ha consistido en analizar las diferencias en bienestar subjetivo en 346 estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a dos culturas: colectivista (México e individualista (España. El bienestar subjetivo global se evaluó mediante la satisfacción vital, la felicidad, las emociones positivas y negativas; considerándose además, cuatro indicadores de satisfacción en dominios específicos: sentimental, estudios, salud y ocio. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes mexicanos puntúan más alto que los españoles en todos los indicadores de bienestar subjetivo. Los análisis de regresión múltiple revelan la importancia de la satisfacción sentimental y con los estudios en la felicidad y satisfacción vital de ambas culturas. Además, son importantes en la predicción del bienestar subjetivo global, la satisfacción con la salud para los mexicanos y la satisfacción con el ocio para los españoles. Los resultados apoyan el efecto diferencial de la cultura en el bienestar, fundamentalmente en su predicción a través de la satisfacción en ciertos dominios específicos.

  5. La persona feliz : personalidad, bienestar psicológico subjetivo y variables predictoras


    Martín Martín, Carla


    El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una réplica del estudio de Maite Garaigordobil, Jone Aliri e Iraide Fontaneda, titulado “Bienestar Psicológico Subjetivo: diferencias de sexo, relaciones con dimensiones de personalidad y variables predictoras”(2009). En dicho trabajo, analizan diferentes variables en relación al bienestar psicológico subjetivo, exploran las relaciones del bienestar psicológico y el material con las dime...

  6. Bem-estar subjetivo e qualidade de vida em adeptos de ayahuasca

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    Cleber Lizardo de Assis


    Full Text Available O artigo estuda o bem-estar subjetivo dos adeptos de ayahuasca, a partir dos conceitos de qualidade de vida e bem-estar subjetivo. Discute os estudos que tratam da beberagem do chá nos rituais religiosos e a percepção desses sujeitos em relação a esses elementos psicossociais. Metodologicamente, o artigo relata os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de revisão bibliográfica e dados coletados em campo, com quatro sujeitos. Como resultados, destaca-se a existência de um bem-estar subjetivo a partir das seguintes categorias: desenvolvimento do autoconhecimento, favorecimento à prevenção ao uso/abuso de drogas, um maior domínio de si e do ambiente, além de uma melhoria no relacionamento social. Defende-se, finalmente, a relevância científica de estudos sobre este tema contemporâneo a fim de enriquecer o conhecimento de novos processos de subjetivação, de fen™menos socioculturais e de territórios com interfaces com a Psicologia.

  7. Pluralismo moral y bienestar subjetivo del consumidor

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    Abraham Aparicio-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Este artículo, elaborado desde una perspectiva teórica, sugiere que el acto de consumo en la sociedad contemporánea se realiza al amparo de un grupo de valores, difundidos de manera casi única (monismo moral, acordes con una ética que concibe la felicidad de forma hedonista. Este monismo moral podría explicar, en parte, la débil correlación entre el consumo y el bienestar subjetivo (felicidad y/o satisfacción con la vida; por lo tanto, este artículo aconseja que el consumidor conozca el papel que juega el consumo en la autorrealización personal según diversas ofertas de vida buena (pluralismo moral. El pluralismo moral aplicado al mundo del consumo permitiría obtener, mediante el diálogo, un conjunto de valores compartidos que definieran una identidad moral alternativa para el consumidor contemporáneo, desde la cual practique un tipo de consumo que repercuta de manera más significativa sobre su bienestar subjetivo.

  8. Felicidade, bem-estar subjetivo e variáveis sociodemográficas, em grupos de estudantes universitários Felicidad, bienestar subjetivo y variables sociodemográficas, en grupos de estudiantes universitarios Happiness, subjective well-being and socio-demographic variables in groups of college students

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    José Augusto Dela Coleta


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi conduzido junto a 388 estudantes universitários, utilizando um conjunto de escalas para medida de variáveis associadas à felicidade, bem-estar subjetivo, comportamento social e algumas questões sobre dados biográficos. Os resultados mostraram que as escalas apresentam, em geral, altos índices de confiabilidade, resultados médios superiores aos esperados nas medidas de bem-estar subjetivo e coeficiente de correlação múltipla de 0,79 na predição da felicidade total. Ao se testarem as diferenças entre as médias dos diversos grupos, constituídos por suas características biográficas, verificou-se que as mulheres, os mais jovens, os casados ou namorados, os religiosos, os que estudaram em escolas privadas no ensino fundamental e públicas no ensino superior, que conhecem outros idiomas, com renda familiar mais alta, com altos níveis de escolaridade dos pais, com mais altos níveis socioeconômicos mostram-se significativamente mais populares, menos solitários, mais satisfeitos com a vida e mais felizes.Este estudio fue conducido con 388 estudiantes universitarios, utilizando un conjunto de escalas para medida de variables asociadas a la felicidad, bienestar subjetivo, comportamiento social y algunas cuestiones sobre datos biográficos. Los resultados mostraron que las escalas presentaron, en general, altos índices de confiabilidad, resultados medios superiores a los esperados en las medidas de bienestar subjetivo y coeficiente de correlación múltiple de 0,79 en la predicción de la felicidad total. En las pruebas de las diferencias entre los promedios de los diversos grupos, constituidos por sus características biográficas, se verificó que las mujeres, los más jóvenes, los casados o novios, los religiosos, los que estudiaron en escuelas privadas en la enseñanza básica y públicas en la enseñanza superior, que conocen otros idiomas, con renta familiar más alta, con altos niveles de escolaridad de los

  9. Sentidos subjetivos da pedagogia de projetos para uma professora de ciências


    Casanova, Marcello Paul; Alves, José Moysés


    Pouca atenção tem sido dada aos aspectos subjetivos do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Entretanto, a maneira como o professor conduz sua prática depende de configurações de sentidos subjetivos constituídos ao longo de sua história. Assim, apesar de suas diretrizes gerais, o trabalho com projetos apresentará diferentes ênfases, em função dos motivos que tem o docente para trabalhar com essa pedagogia. No presente estudo, a partir dos conceitos da Teoria da Subjetividade de González Rey, ana...

  10. Produção de sentido subjetivo: as singularidades dos alunos no processo de aprender

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    Maria Carmen Villela Rosa Tacca

    Full Text Available Neste artigo, procuramos identificar como o sentido subjetivo se manifesta e está na base dos processos de aprendizagem de cada aluno, revelando a sua singularidade enquanto pessoa. Para essa compreensão, foi realizada uma pesquisa com base nas categorias de subjetividade e sentido subjetivo de González Rey. Nela esteve envolvida uma professora e sua turma de 4ª série do ensino fundamental. Na análise dos dados, foi possível compreender as formas como os alunos utilizavam as informações que constavam das atividades na conjuntura de seus recursos pessoais, no que emergiam diferentes sentidos subjetivos para construir caminhos de aprendizagem. Conclui-se que a aprendizagem se encontra envolvida com a produção de sentidos subjetivos procedentes dos diferentes espaços e situações de vida do aluno. Assim, considerar essa dimensão permitiria ações diferenciadas orientadas ao apoio à criança no avanço contínuo de sua escolaridade.

  11. Diferentes Abordagens dos Fenômenos Subjetivos na Obra de B. F. Skinner

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    Henrique Mesquita Pompermaier


    Full Text Available Como a análise do comportamento aborda os fenômenos subjetivos? Seria a teoria de eventos privados a única maneira? Guiado por essas questões, o presente trabalho busca apresentar a abordagem dos fenômenos subjetivos na obra de B. F. Skinner, indicando não apenas a teoria de eventos privados, mas também a possibilidade de abordagens alternativas a essa temática, sem referência à privacidade, por exemplo, por meio da magnitude das ações envolvidas nos fenômenos, níveis (aberto e encoberto do comportamento e conceitos disposicionais. Indica-se ainda uma significativa diferença de ênfase na teoria de eventos privados ao longo da obra skinneriana. Por fim, conduz-se uma discussão sobre o papel da teoria de eventos privados na análise do comportamento para a abordagem dos fenômenos subjetivos.

  12. Evolución y negación del derecho subjetivo

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    Jorge Agudo González


    Full Text Available El debate sobre la naturaleza jurídica de la categoría del derecho subjetivo ha centrado la atención de grandes juristas. La polémica en torno a esta cuestión resulta en todo caso lógica, pues nos referimos a una categoría jurídica fundamental en la “arquitectura” dogmático-jurídica. Esta controversia alcanzaría una de sus más importantes manifestaciones con el gran jurista francés León Duguit, quien dedicó una parte primordial de su obra jurídica a contestar a las tesis clásicas, negando desde la teoría jurídico-sociológica, la existencia misma de los derechos subjetivos.

  13. Vulnerabilidad psicológica al malestar subjetivo : Un estudio en población general


    Grill, Silvia; Sánchez Gallo, María de la Paz; Castañeiras, Claudia Elena; Posada, María Cristina


    Numerosas investigaciones aportan evidencia sobre la existencia de características y estilos de personalidad que constituyen factores de riesgo de niveles elevados de ansiedad, depresión e ira, que pueden dar lugar a distintos grados de malestar subjetivo o de psicopatología (Berdichevsky Linares & González Ramella, 2005; Sivak, 2008). El malestar subjetivo hace referencia al grado de estrés percibido que una persona puede expresar en distintos niveles -cognitivo, emocional, conductual y rela...

  14. Conocimiento objetivo y subjetivo sobre el VIH/SIDA como predictor del uso de condón en adolescentes

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    Villaseñor-Sierra Alberto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar la asociación de conocimientos objetivo y subjetivo sobre VIH/SIDA con el uso del condón. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizó la base de datos de una encuesta aleatoria, anónima y autoaplicada en 1 410 adolescentes de cuatro estratos socioeconómicos de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, entre 1995 y 1996. El conocimiento objetivo se evaluó mediante 24 preguntas sobre VIH/SIDA y el "subjetivo" con la pregunta: "?(spanishqué tanto crees conocer sobre el SIDA?" Las variables predictoras del uso del condón se identificaron mediante regresión logística y cálculo de la razón de momios con IC 95%. RESULTADOS: El nivel de conocimiento objetivo fue regular y tuvo diferencias por estratos (p< 0.001 favoreciendo al medio y superior (p= 0.008. Del conocimiento subjetivo, los de estratos alto, medio y bajo percibieron saber "algo", y los del marginado "poco". Los varones dijeron usar más el condón (35.4% que las mujeres (15.3% (p< 0.001, y los de estratos superiores (p< 0.005. Aunque conocimiento objetivo y subjetivo se correlacionaron (r= 0.37, p< 0.001, un mayor conocimiento subjetivo se asoció con el uso del condón (p< 0.001. CONCLUSIONES: Conocimiento subjetivo, pertenecer al estrato alto o medio y ser varón, predijeron el uso constante del condón. Su uso fue diferencial por género y estrato socioeconómico.

  15. Los componentes subjetivos de la ética de Hannah Arendt

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    Bueno Gómez, Noelia


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to show the primacy of subjective (and not inter subjective components in the ethics of Hannah Arendt, as against the primacy of inter subjective components in her politics. This is not an obstacle to discovering a subjective component in the political realm as well, and an inter subjective component in the realm of ethics, since both are absolutely necessary in both spheres.

    El objetivo de este estudio es poner de manifiesto el primado de los componentes subjetivos (no los intersubjetivos en la ética de Hannah Arendt, frente al primado de los componentes intersubjetivos de su política. Esto no es obstáculo para que encontremos también un componente subjetivo en el ámbito político, y un componente intersubjetivo en el ámbito de la ética, ambos imprescindibles en cada una de ellas.

  16. Condicionantes de género y embarazo no planificado, en adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes


    Teresa Yago-Simón; Concepción Tomás-Aznar


    Antecedentes: Los estudios sobre comportamientos sexo-reproductivos de riesgo de la población juvenil aprecian diferencias entre sexos y recomiendan incluir la perspectiva de género. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer cómo influyen los condicionantes de género en las jóvenes y si hay relación con el embarazo no planificado. Método: Participantes: 395 mujeres entre 14 y 24 años, atendidas en consulta de anticoncepción. Instrumento: Aplicación del cuestionario sobre condicionantes de género...

  17. Bienestar psicológico subjetivo y personas mayores residentes

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    Ana Concepción Flecha García


    Full Text Available La mejora del bienestar psicológico subjetivo y, con él, la calidad de vida de las personas mayores residentes es el propósito esencial de este trabajo. Los teóricos destacan la importancia que desempeña el bienestar subjetivo sobre la calidad de vida y su interés en la experiencia de envejecer. Concebimos la calidad de vida como un concepto multidimensional que engloba componentes objetivos y subjetivos referidos al bienestar físico y psico-social de las personas, y su evaluación incluye la percepción subjetiva que tiene el sujeto de estas dimensiones. Entendemos el bienestar psicológico subjetivo, como la valoración positiva, afectiva y cognitiva, de bienestar y satisfacción con la vida entendida como “estar y sentirse bien en el presente” y, “estar y sentirse bien con el propio recorrido vital”.El principal objetivo del estudio es conocer las necesidades de los residentes relacionadas con los componentes específicos del bienestar y satisfacción vital que la investigación revela mas asociados a las personas mayores –vínculos personales, vida activa, reminiscencia y recuerdos felices, optimismo-, y la satisfacción vital; conocer la conexión entre estas dimensiones e identificar posibles factores relacionados con las mismas, completan el fin de este trabajo.Se plantea un modelo metodológico que permite recoger el sentimiento y opinión de las personas mayores desde su propia experiencia de bienestar y satisfacción vital. El enfoque y su carácter interpretativo favorecen la comprensión e interpretación de la información tal y como es percibida por los participantes que viven y se relacionan en un determinado contexto social. Se elige para tal fin la orientación , realizando el posterior. Se recoge la información mediante una entrevista semiestructurada elaborada en base a los fines propuestos. La muestra se compone de 66 personas seleccionas en

  18. Estilos de afrontamiento al estrés y bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes y jóvenes

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    J. Isaac Uribe-Alvarado


    Full Text Available Con la investigación buscamos determinar la relación entre el nivel de Bienesta Subjetivo y los Estilos de Afrontamiento al Estrés en adolescentes y jóvenes de Colima, México. En el estudio participaron 436 estudiantes con rango de edad de 15 a 24 años. Para recabar la información utilizamos la escala de Modos de Afrontamiento de Lazarus y Folkman (versión adaptada de Sandin & Chorot, 2003 y la Escala Multidimensional para la medición del Bienestar Subjetivo (Anguas- Plata & Reyes, 1998. Los resultados indican que los adolescentes y las adolescentes mantienen un promedio más alto de bienestar subjetivo que los sujetos jóvenes, y que el estilo de afrontamiento que más utilizan es el de aceptación de la responsabilidad, mientras que el menos utilizado es la huídaevitación.

  19. Estilos de afrontamiento al estrés y bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes y jóvenes

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    Julio César Verdugo-Lucero


    Full Text Available Con la investigación buscamos determinar la relación entre el nivel de Bienestar Subjetivo y los Estilos de Afrontamiento al Estrés en adolescentes y jóvenes de Colima, México. En el estudio participaron 436 estudiantes con rango de edad de 15 a 24 años. Para recabar la información utilizamos la escala de Modos de Afrontamiento de Lazarus y Folkman (versión adaptada de Sandin & Chorot, 2003 y la Escala Multidimensional para la medición del Bienestar Subjetivo (AnguasPlata & Reyes, 1998. Los resultados indican que los adolescentes y las adolescentes mantienen un promedio más alto de bienestar subjetivo que los sujetos jóvenes, y que el estilo de afrontamiento que más utilizan es el de aceptación de la responsabilidad, mientras que el menos utilizado es la huídaevitación.

  20. Condicionantes de género y embarazo no planificado, en adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes

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    Teresa Yago-Simón


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: Los estudios sobre comportamientos sexo-reproductivos de riesgo de la población juvenil aprecian diferencias entre sexos y recomiendan incluir la perspectiva de género. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer cómo influyen los condicionantes de género en las jóvenes y si hay relación con el embarazo no planificado. Método: Participantes: 395 mujeres entre 14 y 24 años, atendidas en consulta de anticoncepción. Instrumento: Aplicación del cuestionario sobre condicionantes de género en anticoncepción (COGANT. Análisis: Relación entre puntuaciones en el cuestionario, variables sociodemográficas y embarazo no planificado. Resultados: Los condicionantes de género actúan más en adolescentes, extranjeras, gitanas y con menor nivel de estudios. Puntuar más elevado en el cuestionario y en los factores "Relación vincular no igualitaria" y "Rol de género tradicional", está relacionado con el embarazo no planificado. Conclusiones: Es necesario avanzar en la igualdad y cuestionar los roles tradicionales para disminuir los embarazos no planificados en las chicas jóvenes.

  1. Condicionantes para exportação no setor sucroenergético brasileiro

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    Junielliny Cipriano Valois da Mota


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os condicionantes para a atividade exportadora no setor sucroenergético brasileiro. Sete condicionantes foram selecionados: localização, recursos tangíveis, recursos intangíveis, escolhas gerenciais, aprendizagem, agentes externos e contexto externo. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi o survey. A amostra não probabilística obtida foi de 84 questionários válidos, coletados entre novembro e dezembro de 2011. Na análise dos dados foram utilizadas medidas e técnicas de estatística descritiva. Evidenciou-se que elementos relacionados aos sete condicionantes selecionados influenciam a atividade exportadora no setor sucroenergético. Em relação à localização, destacam-se o ambiente natural, custos e acesso a insumos, mão de obra, transporte e instituições de apoio. Recursos agrícolas, industriais, financeiros e organizacionais, estilo de liderança, cultura organizacional, reputação, confiança dos agentes externos, redes de relacionamento e o conhecimento sobre o setor foram os principais recursos tangíveis e intangíveis. Nas escolhas gerenciais, destaca-se a atitude proativa diante da intenção de exportar. A análise da aprendizagem reiterou a qualificação do setor pesquisado para atuação no mercado estrangeiro. A ação dos agentes externos, tais como compradores e concorrentes, também é importante para a exportação. Sob a perspectiva do contexto externo, variações cambiais, políticas governamentais e a incerteza ambiental foram fatores determinantes.

  2. Estilos de afrontamiento al estrés y bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes y jóvenes


    J. Isaac Uribe-Alvarado; Rosa Martha Meda-Lara; Rosa Esthela Guardado-Llamas; Bárbara Gabriela Ponce de León-Pagaza; Julio César Verdugo-Lucero; Jorge Guzmán-Muñiz


    Con la investigación buscamos determinar la relación entre el nivel de Bienestar Subjetivo y los Estilos de Afrontamiento al Estrés en adolescentes y jóvenes de Colima, México. En el estudio participaron 436 estudiantes con rango de edad de 15 a 24 años. Para recabar la información utilizamos la escala de Modos de Afrontamiento de Lazarus y Folkman (versión adaptada de Sandin & Chorot, 2003) y la Escala Multidimensional para la medición del Bienestar Subjetivo (AnguasPlata & Reyes, 1998). Lo...

  3. Aspectos subjetivos relacionados con la violencia intrafamiliar. Caso municipio de Sabaneta Antioquia

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    Naidalis Yadira Martínez


    Full Text Available El artículo identifica las interacciones en aspectos familiares y subjetivos. En el artículo se desarrollan los aspectos subjetivos de las dinámicas familiares que justifican el uso y la implementación de la violencia intrafamiliar, se da cuenta de la naturalización de la violencia intrafamiliar en la interacción de los grupos familiares, convirtiéndola en un elemento de la relación que se establece entre los miembros de la familia. En el análisis realizado se identifican aspectos coyunturales asociados a situaciones que se vivieron en la dinámica de la familia de origen, pero que al momento han sido pocas las condiciones que permiten la modi- ficación de estas conductas ya que las familias han asumido estas expresiones de violencia intrafamiliar como parte de sus vidas.

  4. Dotação, habilidades sociais e bem-estar subjetivo

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    Maria Luiza Pontes de França-Freitas


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar posibles diferencias y semejanzas en rela - ción a las habilidades sociales y al bienestar subjetivo, asociadas a los dominios de dotación (inteligencia general, creatividad, socio-afectivo y sensorio-motriz. Parti - ciparon 269 niños dotados y talentosos, de ambos sexos, entre los ocho y los doce años de edad. Los participantes respondieron al Sistema de Evaluación de Habilida - des Sociales (SSRS-BR, a la Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción de Vida para Niños y a la Escala de Afecto Positivo y Negativo para Niños. Se verificaron diferen - cias en algunas clases de habilidades sociales y en algunos indicadores de bienestar subjetivo, para los dominios socio-afectivo y sensorio-motrices, y subdominios verbal y matemático, y este último subdominio es el que presentó mayores diferencias. Los resultados alcanzados traen algunas contribuciones el área, una vez que no fueron encontradas investigaciones comparando niños dotados en diferentes dominios en lo que se refiere a las diferentes variables de este estudio.

  5. Condicionantes de desempenho dos projetos de software e a influência da maturidade em gestão de projetos.


    Renato de Oliveira Moraes


    Este trabalho procurou averiguar os efeitos da maturidade em gestão de projetos da organização executante sobre a relação entre certos condicionantes de desempenho e o desempenho dos projetos de software. Para tanto, foi feito um levantamento em 131 projetos de software cujos resultados mostram que, nas organizações de maior maturidade em gestão de projetos, certos elementos condicionantes do desempenho têm uma menor influência sobre as diferentes dimensões do desempenho dos projetos. O perfi...

  6. La referencialidad, redefinida desde el bienestar subjetivo y la socialización

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    Farley Johanna Cardona-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se presentan resultados de una investigación realizada con el objetivo definir la referencialidad partiendo del proceso de socialización y la construcción del bienestar subjetivo, en la que participaron 11 jóvenes de 20 a 26 años de Medellín. La modalidad de investigación adoptada fue la teoría fundamentada y los datos fueron obtenidos a través de dos grupos de discusión y cuatro entrevistas semiestructuradas. Como parte de los resultados se destacan las tensiones a considerar para la definición de la referencialidad, su constitución a través de las relaciones significativas que establecen los y las jóvenes con personas dentro y fuera de la familia, y la forma como multiplicidad de relaciones influyen positivamente en la consecución de mejores condiciones de bienestar subjetivo. Las conclusiones dejan ver posibilidades de integración del concepto, construido como orientador de intervenciones psicosociales y de políticas públicas sobre familia y juventud.

  7. Fatores condicionantes do nível de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos: um estudo empírico em empresas brasileiras

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    Gutenberg de Araújo Silveira


    Full Text Available No ambiente dinâmico e complexo de negócios, caracterizado por desafios constantes, o eficaz gerenciamento de projetos é um dos determinantes da sobrevivência das organizações. Todavia, para alcançarem melhor desempenho, as empresas precisam ter processos de gerenciamento de projetos estruturados e maduros. Embora existam diversos modelos de maturidade, que proporcionam uma abordagem quantitativa, o caminho em sua busca não tem sido um assunto empiricamente pesquisado, portanto, o objetivo neste estudo foi identificar os principais fatores condicionantes da maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos em organizações brasileiras. Para tanto, foi adotado o método de pesquisa de estudo de campo, por meio de e-survey, de natureza descritiva e correlacional, junto a 473 participantes, tomadores ou influenciadores de decisões em gerenciamento de projetos, quanto à sua percepção sobre os fatores condicionantes, representando 360 organizações de diferentes tipos, portes e segmentos da economia brasileira. Os resultados do estudo permitem concluir que os principais fatores condicionantes da maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos nas empresas estudadas observam a seguinte hierarquia, do mais para o menos importante: processos e ferramentas; pessoas e equipe; apoio organizacional; orientação a clientes; qualidade dos gerentes de projetos; e orientação a negócios. Esses fatores condicionantes, especialmente o primeiro, se trabalhados adequadamente nas organizações, podem alavancar os níveis de maturidade em geren­ciamento de projetos.


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    Beatriz Yasuko Arita Watanabe


    Full Text Available La Calidad de vida es trabajada científicamente como un constructo muy amplio que abarca diversos significados pero en lo general apunta a la búsqueda de la explicación de la buena vida, aquella que se disfruta, que satisface al que la vive y que le produce estados de felicidad. De allí que sea la persona, desde su percepción, la que evalúe su propia vida, sus capacidades y, en el propio contexto, desarrolle mecanismos de búsqueda del bienestar personal. El Plan de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD, al hablar de desarrollo humano utiliza un índice combinado que considera niveles de ingreso y educación así como la esperanza de vida de la población. Son medidas objetivas de capacidad centradas en la búsqueda de mejoría de las condiciones de vida de las personas. En México, sus planteamientos son retomados por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Sedesol en su programa “Oportunidades†haciendo referencia a la capacidad de las personas. Este programa no alcanza a definir indicadores que permitan trabajar el estudio de la apreciación de la vida, respecto a las capacidades percibidas y la evaluación del resultado de vida. El objetivo de la presente investigación va dirigido a integrar el estudio de los indicadores objetivos y subjetivos de la capacidad junto con los indicadores del bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción por la vida y felicidad sentida, para considerar a la capacidad y al bienestar subjetivo como dimensiones de explicación de la calidad de vida. La medición de los niveles de ingreso y educación junto con escalas de capacidad para enfrentar la vida y de bienestar subjetivo es utilizada para correr un análisis factorial exploratorio en una muestra representativa de la población adulta de la Zona Urbana de Culiacán, México. Palabras clave: Calidad

  9. La capacidad y el bienestar subjetivo como dimensiones de estudio de la calidad de vida

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    Beatriz Yasuko Arita Watanabe


    Full Text Available La Calidad de vida es trabajada científicamente como un constructo muy amplio que abarca diversos significados pero en lo general apunta a la búsqueda de la explicación de la buena vida, aquella que se disfruta, que satisface al que la vive y que le produce estados de felicidad. De allí que sea la persona, desde su percepción, la que evalúe su propia vida, sus capacidades y, en el propio contexto, desarrolle mecanismos de búsqueda del bienestar personal. El Plan de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD, al hablar de desarrollo humano utiliza un índice combinado que considera niveles de ingreso y educación así como la esperanza de vida de la población. Son medidas objetivas de capacidad centradas en la búsqueda de mejoría de las condiciones de vida de las personas. En México, sus planteamientos son retomados por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Sedesol en su programa “Oportunidades” haciendo referencia a la capacidad de las personas. Este programa no alcanza a definir indicadores que permitan trabajar el estudio de la apreciación de la vida, respecto a las capacidades percibidas y la evaluación del resultado de vida. El objetivo de la presente investigación va dirigido a integrar el estudio de los indicadores objetivos y subjetivos de la capacidad junto con los indicadores del bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción por la vida y felicidad sentida, para considerar a la capacidad y al bienestar subjetivo como dimensiones de explicación de la calidad de vida. La medición de los niveles de ingreso y educación junto con escalas de capacidad para enfrentar la vida y de bienestar subjetivo es utilizada para correr un análisis factorial exploratorio en una muestra representativa de la población adulta de la Zona Urbana de Culiacán, México.

  10. El bienestar subjetivo ante las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC: su influencia en profesorado innovador


    Valverde Berrocoso, Jesús; Fernández Sánchez, María Rosa; Revuelta Domínguez, Francisco Ignacio


    El objetivo de este estudio, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la innovación educativa y la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el aula [1], es conocer el grado de «bienestar subjetivo» autopercibido por profesorado innovador y asociado a su realización de «buenas prácticas educativas con TIC». El bienestar subjetivo es un concepto que se extrae de las percepciones de las personas sobre su existencia o su visión subjetiva de su exper...



    Papachristou, Ioanna Anna; Rosas Casals, Martí


    Los estudios del bienestar subjetivo (SWB han estado en el centro de atención scientífica en los últimos años. Con la mayoría de las personas viviendo ahora en ciudades, la necesidad de un enfoque más antropocéntrico para el estudio y la mejora de los entornos urbanos es cadavez mayor. En este sentido, definir y medir el bienestar subjetivo en contextos urbanos puede ser especialmente beneficioso en los procesos de diseño y planificación urbana. En este artículo, se presenta un método para me...

  12. Abuso emocional : suas relações com autoestima, bem-estar subjetivo e estilos parentais em universitários


    Sally Karina Brodski


    A revisão da literatura mostrou que há uma carência de estudos específicos para a avaliação do abuso emocional e de suas repercussões especialmente no Brasil. Esta dissertação consistiu em dois estudos: o primeiro foi uma revisão da literatura sobre as relações entre abuso emocional, autoestima, bem-estar subjetivo e estilos parentais percebidos. O segundo, teve como objetivo analisar as relações entre a memória de abuso emocional, autoestima, bem-estar subjetivo e verificar diferenças na inc...

  13. Bienestar subjetivo y satisfacción escolar en la adolescencia


    Luna Soca, Francisco Javier


    El objetivo general de esta investigación es explorar las relaciones entre el bienestar subjetivo y un conjunto de variables escolares que caracterizan tanto el funcionamiento del aula y del centro, como el rendimiento académico en una muestra de adolescentes de 12 a 18 años, todos ellos alumnos de un instituto público de la provincia de Girona. Los datos obtenidos posibilitan identificar aquellos aspectos asociados al contexto escolar que tienen un papel importante para el bienestar subjetiv...

  14. Fatores pessoais e sociais que influenciam o bem-estar subjetivo: diferenças ligadas estatuto socioeconômico

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    Tania Gaspar

    Full Text Available Resumo Pretende-se compreender e caracterizar a associação entre o Estatuto Socioeconômico (ESE e o bem-estar subjetivo em crianças e adolescentes e ainda entender a influência que fatores pessoais e sociais podem ter nela. Os dados foram recolhidos em 16 escolas, uma metade no Norte e outra na Região de Lisboa, Portugal. A amostra envolve 1.181 estudantes, 51,5% do gênero feminino, cuja idade varia entre 8 e 17 anos, com média de 9,9 anos (DP = 1,42. Dos alunos, 2,6% têm necessidades educativas especiais, enquanto que 3% não utilizam o idioma português em casa. Foram retidos por pelo menos um ano 12, 2%. Quanto ao ESE, 27,1% o têm alto, 64,2% médio/baixo, enquanto que 8, 7% estão desempregados. Foram construídos três modelos de regressão adequados. O Modelo 1 estabelece uma associação entre a ESE e o bem-estar subjetivo. Esta associação tornou-se não significativa com o efeito de fatores pessoais e sociais, que foram fortemente associados com o bem-estar subjetivo. Verifica-se que o impacto do ESE no bem-estar subjetivo é atenuado pela presença de fatores pessoais e sociais. A promoção de competências pessoais e sociais parece ser uma forma de prevenção dos efeitos negativos do ESE baixo no desenvolvimento das crianças e adolescentes.

  15. Determinantes sociodemográficos y personales del bienestar subjetivo y psicológico en población mexicana

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    José Ángel González-Villalobos


    Full Text Available En esta investigación el objetivo es analizar la capacidad predictiva de factores sociodemográficos y características personales sobre el bienestar subjetivo y psicológico en población mexicana. Los participantes fueron 976 adultos que cumplimentaron escalas de felicidad, satisfacción vital, emociones positivas y negativas, bienestar psicológico, los Cinco Grandes de personalidad, optimismo y autoestima. Los resultados indicaron que los factores sociodemográficos tenían un tamaño de efecto pequeño sobre las distintas dimensiones de bienestar subjetivo y psicológico. Los análisis de regresión múltiple mostraron que, tanto el bienestar subjetivo como el psicológico, eran explicados por alta extraversión, responsabilidad, autoestima y bajo neuroticismo. Estos resultados sugieren que, no solo los Cinco Grandes, sino la autoestima es un potente predictor de ambos tipos de bienestar en mayor medida que los factores sociodemográficos. Los descubrimientos son consistentes con los encontrados en otras culturas, aunque aparecen diferencias que son discutidas con relación a cómo abordarlas por parte de las autoridades mexicanas.

  16. Bienestar subjetivo en la vida adulta y en la vejez: hacia una psicología positiva ; en América Latina


    Anita Liberalesso Neri


    Este artículo se centra en una perspectiva positiva de la psicología, para analizar el bienestar subjetivo durante la adultez y la vejez. Revisa diversas concepciones, indicadores y correlatos, tanto sociodemográficos, como socioculturales del bienestar subjetivo; presenta alternativas de evaluación del mismo, e investigaciones internacionales y, sobre todo, brasileñas sobre el particular. Hace énfasis en procesos psicológicos asociados con el funcionamiento del self (sí mismo) como regulador...

  17. El bienestar subjetivo como enfoque e instrumento de la política pública: una revisión analítica de la literatura

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    Castellanos-Cereceda, Roberto


    Full Text Available ¿Qué utilidad tiene el enfoque de bienestar subjetivo para el estudio, análisis y hechura de la política pública? En este trabajo argumento que la utilidad se aprecia en varios aspectos. El enfoque de bienestar subjetivo ofrece nuevas formas de poner a prueba supuestos básicos del análisis económico y social sobre el comportamiento humano; ofrece herramientas de análisis que dan una perspectiva diferente y complementaria a mediciones y enfoques tradicionales sobre los aspectos que más importan a la población en su proceso de desarrollo; ofrece un conjunto de reflexiones importantes sobre las implicaciones del estudio de la felicidad y la satisfacción para diferentes tipos de políticas públicas y en distintos ámbitos de la acción gubernamental. Estos aspectos se analizan a partir de un rastreo histórico sobre los orígenes de la “ciencia del bienestar subjetivo o de la felicidad” y de una revisión de la literatura para identificar temas abordados, herramientas desarrolladas y políticas públicas implicadas en el estudio sobre el bienestar subjetivo en décadas recientes. Una de las ideas centrales de este trabajo es que más que elevar los niveles de felicidad y satisfacción de las personas, en sí mismo importante, se trata de encontrar formas de reducir la brecha entre los objetivos de desarrollo que tiene la política pública, por un lado, y el bienestar subjetivo de la población, por el otro, a partir de una mejor comprensión de las preferencias y comportamientos de los individuos y lo que afecta la satisfacción de las personas con su vida.

  18. A criatividade do professor: a relação entre o sentido subjetivo da criatividade e a pedagogia de projetos

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    Renata Fernandes Mourão

    Full Text Available Buscou-se compreender a relação entre o sentido subjetivo da criatividade do professor e sua prática pedagógica com projetos. Partiu-se da teoria históricocultural da subjetividade desenvolvida por González Rey (1997, 1999, 2001, 2002b, 2004. O método adotado foi o estudo de caso com dois professores que trabalham com projetos de estratégia relativos ao ensino-aprendizagem em uma mesma escola. Vários instrumentos foram utilizados: a técnica de completamento de frases, redações, observação direta, análise documental e, principalmente, a entrevista como processo. Como conclusão principal, percebeu-se que se trata de uma relação recursiva. Além disso, a pesquisa demonstrou que os sentidos subjetivos de importantes aspectos contextuais - como o espaço em sala de aula - são mediadores da relação colocada sob foco. Por fim, notou-se que conflitos e contradições vividos na prática com projetos configuram-se como uma situação potencial de desenvolvimento em relação ao sentido subjetivo da criatividade e à própria prática docente.

  19. Factores condicionantes en la transposición literatura-música

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    González Martínez, Juan Miguel


    Full Text Available When we depart from a literary work to create a composition it is possible to speak about a process of transposition. This article attempts to reflect on some of the factors that determine this type of processes and that define the semiotic nature of the result. On the one hand, the extra-discursive determinants are born in mind, and, from a pragmatic perspective, there comes the importance of the sociocultural context, of the situation of enunciation and of the agents implied (authors, recipients, performers, society…. On the other hand, the determinants that act from inside the discourse itself are considered, especially those related to structural factors such as the macrostructural organization of the discourse, the actancial scheme and the treatment of aspects as time and action in the development of the narrative project. Opera Rigoletto with Verdi’s music and Piave’s libretto on Victor Hugo’s drama Le roi s’amuse is examined.

    Cuando se parte de una obra literaria para crear una obra musical se puede hablar de un proceso de transposición. Este trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre algunos de los factores que determinan este tipo de procesos y que definen la naturaleza semiótica del resultado. Por un lado, se tiene en cuenta los condicionantes extradiscursivos y, desde una perspectiva pragmática, se plantea la importancia del contexto socio-cultural, de la situación de enunciación y de los agentes implicados (autores, destinatarios, intérpretes, sociedad…. Por otro lado, se considera los condicionantes que actúan desde el interior del propio discurso, especialmente los relacionados con factores estructurales como la organización macroestructural del discurso, el esquema actancial y el tratamiento de aspectos como el tiempo y la acción en el desarrollo del proyecto narrativo. Como ejemplo se toma la ópera Rigoletto con música de Verdi y libreto de Piave sobre el drama Le roi s’amuse de

  20. Elementos mediadores de la felicidad y el bienestar subjetivo en hombres y mujeres

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    Rozzana Sánchez Aragón


    Full Text Available La felicidad se identifica como una emoción básica y como una de las principales metas humanas que acompañan al ser humano por su travesía en la vida. La presente investigación se propuso explorar las diferencias sexuales y las relaciones entre elementos mediadores de la felicidad (cultura, recursos personales, auto-monitoreo, procesos de regulación emocional y el bienestar subjetivo con la pareja, la familia, los amigos, el trabajo, el autoconcepto y las necesidades básicas. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de N = 203 estudiantes universitarios de la Ciudad de México quienes en forma voluntaria respondieron a una batería de pruebas de ejecución, máxima y típica, validada previamente. Los resultados muestran la supremacía de las mujeres en las habilidades emocionales así como en la expresión emocional, mientras lo que predominó en los hombres fue el ejercicio de estrategias de control emocional. Asimismo, se encontraron mayor cantidad de relaciones y estos eran más fuertes entre los elementos mediadores de la felicidad con el bienestar subjetivo de las mujeres en su relación de pareja y autoconcepto, mientras que en los hombres se refleja en su relación con los amigos, principalmente.

  1. Envolvimento religioso e bem-estar subjetivo em idosos

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    Myrian Cristina da Silva Cardoso

    Full Text Available As inter-relações do envolvimento religioso com o bem-estar subjetivo em idosos foram investigadas neste trabalho. Participaram da pesquisa 256 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idades variando de 60 a 90 anos, que responderam a três instrumentos destinados a mensurar sua satisfação com a vida, seus afetos positivos e negativos e seu envolvimento religioso bem como a perguntas de natureza sociodemográfica. Os resultados evidenciaram que, dentre as dimensões do envolvimento religioso, apenas a religiosidade subjetiva se correlacionou positiva e significativamente com a satisfação com a vida, que não foram observadas correlações entre o envolvimento religioso e os afetos positivos e negativos, e que os idosos protestantes apresentaram níveis mais elevados de afetos positivos que os católicos. Tais resultados são discutidos à luz dos estudos empíricos e dos modelos conceituais que deram suporte à pesquisa.

  2. Efectos diferenciales del bienestar subjetivo, autorrealización y celos en las fases del amor pasional


    Rozzana Sánchez Aragón


    El presente estudio exploró en 348 hombres y mujeres de dos ciudades de la República Mexicana las diferencias en la autorrealización, el bienestar subjetivo y los celos en las cuatro fases del amor pasional: atracción, enamoramiento, amor obsesivo y amor desesperado. Los resultados indican los efectos diferenciales por sexo, ciudad de procedencia y etapas de la pasión en dichas áreas.

  3. Um olhar sobre a prática desportiva, bem-estar subjetivo e integração social de imigrantes... em Portugal e no mundo

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    Marília Moraes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo de revisão centrou-se na prática desportiva e na sua relação com o bem-estar subjetivo e a integração social de imigrantes procurando fazer o levantamento da informação disponível na literatura acerca dessa temática a um nível mais global e, particularmente em Portugal, que a partir dos anos 80 se tornou num país de imigração. O levantamento bibliográfico incluiu livros, artigos científicos pesquisados em bases de dados internacionais, sites especializados e institucionais. A revisão da literatura permitiu verificar que: os imigrantes tendem a praticar menos desporto assim como a ter menores níveis de bem-estar subjetivo comparativamente à população autóctone; a prática desportiva relaciona-se positivamente com o bem-estar subjetivo também nos imigrantes; o desporto pode desempenhar um importante papel para a integração social dos imigrantes, apesar de nalguns contextos reforçar as diferenças inter-étnicas; em Portugal, não foram encontrados estudos específicos sobre a prática desportiva de imigrantes.

  4. Satisfacción escolar y bienestar subjetivo en la adolescencia: poniendo a prueba indicadores para su medición comparativa en Brasil, Chile y España


    Casas Aznar, Ferran; Castellá Sarriera, Jorge‏; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; González Carrasco, Mònica; Figuer, Cristina; Abs da Cruz, Daniel; Bedin, Lívia; Valdenegro, Boris; Oyarzún, Denise


    En este estudio se analiza la comparabilidad interlingüística e intercultural del bienestar subjetivo y la satisfacción escolar como componente de dicho bienestar durante la adolescencia, a partir de tres muestras, una de Brasil (n = 1588), una de Chile (n = 843) y una de España (n = 2900), de 12–16 años de edad. Se adoptan como indicadores de bienestar subjetivo dos versiones del personal wellbeing index (PWI) de Cummins, Eckersley, van Pallant, Vugt y Misajon (2003), que lo evalúan por ámbi...


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    Jesús Valverde Berrocoso


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la innovación educativa y la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC en el aula [1], es conocer el grado de «bienestar subjetivo» autopercibido por profesorado innovador y asociado a su realización de «buenas prácticas educativas con TIC». El bienestar subjetivo es un concepto que se extrae de las percepciones de las personas sobre su existencia o su visión subjetiva de su experiencia vital y profesional. En una muestra de profesorado innovador (N=41 de centros educativos seleccionados por sus «buenas prácticas con TIC», se aplicó un cuestionario para medir qué motivaciones, emociones y competencias están presentes en una práctica innovadora con tecnologías, así como el grado de satisfacción personal y profesional logrado tras la aplicación de estas buenas prácticas. Los resultados revelan las motivaciones que mueven al profesorado a implicarse en actividades docentes innovadoras, las percepciones de satisfacción y las emociones en las que se fundamenta su grado de bienestar subjetivo vinculado con las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC. Las motivaciones que impulsan la innovación o las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC son de carácter práctico (mejora del trabajo docente y mayor interés del alumnado, ético (deber y responsabilidad de uso por parte del profesorado y personal (superación de retos para lograr una mayor competencia digital. El profesorado manifiesta mayoritariamente emociones positivas relacionadas con el uso educativo de las TIC (orgullo, satisfacción, autoestima, autoconfianza y felicidad, autopercepción de logro de metas profesionales y una mayor eficacia en su actividad docente. El profesorado percibe que sus buenas prácticas inciden en la actitud positiva de sus compañeros hacias las innovaciones con TIC, el apoyo del equipo directivo hacia estos proyectos y a una mayor

  6. Los derechos naturales entre la ley natural permisiva y la autoconservación: Revisando la tesis de Brian Tierney sobre el origen de la idea de los derechos subjetivos


    Segovia, Juan Fernando


    Se revisa la tesis -muy difundida- de Brian Tierney sobre los orígenes medievales (canonistas y juristas) de los derechos subjetivos, que contrasta con la de Michel Villey, que aquí se defiende. El estudio sigue el análisis de Tierney desde el origen de la noción de los derechos subjetivos, a la idea de la una ley natural permisiva y la fusión de propiedady autoconservación. Fil: Segovia, Juan Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológi...

  7. Empleados y desempleados, atribuciones causales y bienestar subjetivo

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    Emilio Moyano-Díaz


    Full Text Available Se analiza la relación del desempleo con el bienestar subjetivo (BS y el estilo atribucional en una muestra de 200 participantes (100 desempleados equirepartidos por sexo, de 36 años de edad promedio, que completó 4 instrumentos, controlándose algunas variables socio-demográficas. Los desempleados presentan menor BS (Us≥3,607; Zs≥ -3,409; ps≤0,039 y un estilo atribucional con locus de causalidad externo, inestable y de bajo control (Us≥1332; Zs≥ -8,985; ps≤0,01. Desempleados hombres y mujeres tienen menor nivel de satisfacción vital (SV que sus pares empleados (Mmujeres= 21,38 vs.24,66; Mhombres= 22,82 vs. 26,10; Us ≥891; Zs ≥-2,479; ps≤ 0,017, pero presentan un mismo nivel de felicidad (Us ≤1036,500; Zs ≤-1,480; ps ≥1,150, lo que genera preguntas para futuros estudios acerca de felicidad vs. SV en ámbitos de vida desfavorables. Los grupos difieren al explicarse el desempleo (χ2 (1 = 8,970; p<0,05. Se discute los resultados y algunas conjeturas explicativas de lo obtenido.

  8. Constraints and/or determinants of return to sexual activity in the puerperium Condicionantes y/o determinantes del retorno a la actividad sexual en el puerperio Condicionantes e/ou determinantes do retorno à atividade sexual no puerpério

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    Cleci de Fátima Enderle


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: to identify factors which constrain or determine the return to sexual activity in the puerperium. METHOD: exploratory and descriptive study undertaken in a university hospital in the South of Brazil. Fifteen women who had recently given birth, who received a consultation with the nurse in the period August - October 2011, took part in the study. Data was collected after the consultation had finished through semi-structured interviews, in which the women who had recently given birth were asked about the return to sexual activity and the feelings involved in this process. RESULTS: the principal determinant/constraint for return to sexual activity in the post-natal period was the fear of a new pregnancy. Fear of feeling pain, permission from the health professional, shame of their own bodies and changes in libido emerged as constraining and/or determinant factors in the thematic analysis. CONCLUSION: it is considered fundamental for the issue of contraception to be addressed with the woman/couple during the pre-natal consultation, so that there may be opportunities for reflection and dialog prior to the critical time itself. OBJETIVO: identificar factores que condicionan y/o determinan el retorno de las actividades sexuales en el puerperio. MÉTODO: estudio exploratorio y descriptivo desarrollado en un hospital universitario del Sur de Brasil. Hicieron parte del estudio 15 puérperas que realizaron la consulta de enfermería, en el período de agosto a octubre de 2011. La recolección de datos aconteció por entrevista semiestructurada, después del término de la consulta, preguntándoles sobre el retorno de la actividad sexual y las sensaciones involucradas en este proceso. RESULTADOS: el miedo de un nuevo embarazo fue el principal determinante/condicionante del retorno sexual en el posparto. En el análisis temático sobresalieron como factores condicionantes y/o determinantes, el miedo de sentir dolor, la liberación del profesional

  9. Felicidade, bem-estar subjetivo e comportamento acadêmico de estudantes universitários Felicidad, bienestar subjetivo y comportamiento académico de estudiantes universitarios Happiness, subjective well-being and the academic behavior of university students

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    José Augusto Dela Coleta


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar índices de felicidade e bem-estar e sua relação com o comportamento acadêmico, em uma amostra de 252 estudantes universitários dos últimos períodos de diversos cursos e diferentes instituições de educação superior. Os sujeitos foram solicitados a responder a um questionário composto de perguntas sobre dados biográficos e escalas sobre o sentimento de felicidade, satisfação e bem-estar subjetivo, avaliações de vários aspectos de suas vidas, de sua universidade, de sua formação e comportamento acadêmico. Os resultados mostraram que estes estudantes avaliam sua satisfação, bem-estar e felicidade de modo bastante positivo. De modo geral eles estão satisfeitos com a faculdade e com o próprio rendimento acadêmico, embora se preocupem um pouco com a garantia de sucesso profissional que a formação recebida lhes possa oferecer. A principal hipótese foi confirmada ao se encontrar coeficiente de correlação múltipla significativo entre as medidas de bem-estar subjetivo e o comportamento acadêmico-universitário.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar índices de felicidad y bienestar y su relación con el comportamiento académico, en una muestra de 252 estudiantes universitarios en los últimos períodos de diversos cursos y diferentes instituciones de educación superior. Los sujetos fueron solicitados a responder a un cuestionario compuesto de preguntas sobre datos biográficos y escalas sobre el sentimiento de felicidad, satisfacción y bienestar subjetivo, evaluaciones de varios aspectos de sus vidas, de su universidad, de su formación y comportamiento académico. Los resultados mostraron que estos estudiantes evalúan su satisfacción, bienestar y felicidad de modo bastante positivo. De modo general ellos están satisfechos con la facultad y con el propio rendimiento académico, aunque se preocupen un poco con la garantía de éxito profesional que la formación recibida

  10. A vida na fazenda: sentidos subjetivos do servidor fazendário ante a participação no trabalho.

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    Rogério Zanon da Silveira


    Full Text Available O problema de pesquisa deste estudo tem origem em inquietações dos autores, ao longo de mais de vinte anos de serviço público, sobre a diversidade e a complexidade da participação no trabalho, nem sempre explicável objetivamente: que sentidos subjetivos perpassam o servidor público fazendário no que tange à participação no trabalho? Este artigo visa compreender os sentidos subjetivos do servidor fazendário ante a participação no trabalho. O referencial teórico é a teoria da subjetividade na perspectiva histórico-cultural de González Rey (2003, 2005, que propõe uma concepção de subjetividade baseada numa compreensão histórico-cultural do homem, rompendo com a dicotomia entre o social e o individual. A essa perspectiva da subjetividade são associados estudos de autores (inter nacionais sobre a participação no trabalho, como O’Donoghue, Stanton e Bartram (2011, Zani e Spinelli (2010, Neves e Castro (2010, Palgi (2006, Cox, Zagelmeyer e Marchington (2006, Demo (1988, Coutinho (2006 e Leal Filho (2009. Adota-se um conceito de participação associado às formas e aos meios pelos quais os trabalhadores e dirigentes de uma organização influenciam seus destinos (MOTTA, 1999. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa baseada na epistemologia qualitativa (GONZÁLEZ REY, 2005. As interpretações fundamentam-se na acepção de sentido subjetivo (GONZÁLEZ REY, 2003, 2005. Os sujeitos pesquisados são sete auditores fiscais da Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda do Espírito Santo (Sefaz. O levantamento dos dados deu-se em quatro momentos empíricos, entre julho de 2009 e fevereiro de 2010. As interpretações evidenciam sentidos subjetivos relevantes em cada um dos sujeitos ante a participação no trabalho, associados, entre outros: à visão ideológica, ao núcleo familiar, à autoestima, ao novo e à mudança, à formalidade e à família. Os resultados possibilitam também identificar elementos marcantes da subjetividade

  11. Conocimiento objetivo y subjetivo sobre el VIH/SIDA como predictor del uso de condón en adolescentes Objective and subjective knowledge on HIV/AIDS as predictors of condom use in adolescents


    Alberto Villaseñor-Sierra; Ramiro Caballero-Hoyos; Alfredo Hidalgo-San Martín; José Ignacio Santos-Preciado


    OBJETIVO: Evaluar la asociación de conocimientos objetivo y subjetivo sobre VIH/SIDA con el uso del condón. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizó la base de datos de una encuesta aleatoria, anónima y autoaplicada en 1 410 adolescentes de cuatro estratos socioeconómicos de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, entre 1995 y 1996. El conocimiento objetivo se evaluó mediante 24 preguntas sobre VIH/SIDA y el "subjetivo" con la pregunta: "¿qué tanto crees conocer sobre el SIDA?" Las variables predictoras d...

  12. Condicionantes económicas de Colombia y la Alianza del Pacífico

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    Giovanni Reyes


    Full Text Available La principal finalidad de este estudio es presentar una visión actualizada y genérica respecto a las condicionantes económicas de Colombia en particular y las relacionadas con el conjunto de países que conforman la Alianza del Pacífico en general –Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. Se trata de un estudio no experimental, descriptivo-interpretativo con énfasis en la revisión de datos. Entre las conclusiones más importantes se destacan los niveles de crecimiento económico con mayor estabilidad que presentan Chile y Perú, una dependencia comercial exterior de México hacia Estados Unidos y en Colombia se tiene el caso de que el aumento de producción que se hace evidente no impacta tanto como era de esperarse, en la variable empleo.

  13. Bienestar Subjetivo y Calidad de Vida en la Infancia en Chile

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    Juan Carlos Oyanedel


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los resultados de la Encuesta Internacional sobre Bienestar Subjetivo infantil (ISCWeB, aplicada en Chile en el año 2012. El cuestionario fue aplicado a una muestra de 2.734 niños y niñas, de 8, 10 y 12 años, residentes de las tres principales zonas urbanas del país. Los resultados dan cuenta de una alta satisfacción con la vida, existiendo diferencias al considerar las variables nivel socioeconómico y sexo, así como también distintos aspectos. Los ámbitos mejor evaluados corresponden a la familia, bienes materiales, y salud; en detrimento de aspectos como el barrio y el colegio. Asimismo, se observa que el conocimiento y percepción de que se respetan los derechos de los niños y niñas, disminuye con la edad. Las conclusiones enfatizan la necesidad de profundizar en el estudio de esta temática.


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    César Augusto Molina Saldarriaga


    Full Text Available Se reflexiona en torno al paisaje como concepto en el orden jurídico colombiano a partir del análisis dogmático de normas internacionales, nacionales y locales. El objetivo es determinar la existencia del paisaje como categoría jurídica susceptible de protección como derecho subjetivo en el orden jurídico colombiano, y la normativa de planeación y gestión del suelo en la ciudad de Medellín. Del análisis se evidencia un tratamiento plurívoco, cuando no equívoco del paisaje. Esto se traduce en el tratamiento diverso que se le da en las normas de planeación y gestión del suelo urbano en la ciudad de Medellín. Se destaca la necesidad de reflexionar con mayor profundidad sobre la relación del paisaje con la planeación de la ciudad y la gestión del suelo, y la necesidad de un mayor activismo de los jueces en su protección como derecho subjetivo.

  15. Relación entre identidad, conducta virtual, bienestar subjetivo y rupturas afectivas en jóvenes universitarios


    Portillo Guerra, Carlos Javier


    El auge de las redes sociales ha permitido que se conviertan en lugares importantes de elaboración de la identidad dada la facilidad para la autoapertura y validación social de roles personales, asociándose esto a una percepción de mayor bienestar subjetivo. Aunque hay literatura importante sobre la elaboración de la identidad en redes sociales, existe poca información sobre elaboración de crisis de identidad en el ambiente virtual, particularmente, la generada por una ruptura afectiva. La pr...

  16. Determinantes sociodemográficos y personales del bienestar subjetivo y psicológico en población mexicana


    González-Villalobos, José Ángel; Marrero, Rosario Josefa


    En esta investigación el objetivo es analizar la capacidad predictiva de factores sociodemográficos y características personales sobre el bienestar subjetivo y psicológico en población mexicana. Los participantes fueron 976 adultos que cumplimentaron escalas de felicidad, satisfacción vital, emociones positivas y negativas, bienestar psicológico, los Cinco Grandes de personalidad, optimismo y autoestima. Los resultados indicaron que los factores sociodemográficos tenían un tamaño de efecto pe...

  17. Bienestar subjetivo, renta y bienes relacionales. Los determinantes de la felicidad en España

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    Iglesias Vázquez, Emma


    Full Text Available In the present paper we analyze the determinants of happiness proxying by subjective welfare. The main objective is twofold: on the one hand, to put to the test the Easterlin’s paradox (the lack of a direct relationship between income and subjective wellbeing at aggregate level and, on the other hand, to weight influence of relational goods in determining happiness. The analytical framework adopts the perspective of happiness economics and the empirical evidence is derived from the estimation of a microeconometric function of happiness applying a Logit model both when using cross sectional and panel data. The results show that in Spanish society income plays a secondary and subjective role, while other variables that are associated directly or indirectly to relational goods are revealed to be very important.En el presente trabajo se analizan los determinantes de la felicidad, entendida esta como satisfacción subjetiva revelada. El principal objetivo tiene un doble componente: por un lado, se trata de contrastar la paradoja de Easterlin para la sociedad española (ausencia de un vínculo directo entre el incremento de la renta per capita y la evolución del bienestar subjetivo revelado a nivel agregado y, por otro, evaluar el papel que desempeñan los bienes relacionales como determinantes de la felicidad. El marco analítico adoptado se encuadra dentro de la denominada happiness economics y la evidencia empírica se deriva de la estimación de una función microeconométrica de la felicidad aplicando un modelo Logit tanto en cortes temporales como en datos de panel. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que en España el ingreso desempeña un papel secundario y subjetivo, mientras que se revelan como importantes las variables asociadas directa o indirectamente a los bienes relacionales.

  18. Representaciones sociales de actividad física y sus condicionantes para su práctica en docentes de la localidad Los Mártires de Bogotá, D.C.

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    Mary Luz Ocampo-Plazas


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las instituciones educativas son escenarios de riqueza cultural y social que favorecen la adopción de estilos de vida como la práctica de actividad física (AF. Los docentes poseen un acercamiento a la AF que es necesario reconocer, ya que juegan un papel fundamental en el proceso de adquisición de hábitos. Objetivo. Describir las representaciones sociales de AF que tienen los docentes de los ciclos I y II de colegios distritales en la localidad los Mártires, Bogotá, y establecer los condicionantes para su práctica. Materiales y métodos. Estudio exploratorio, descriptivo y cualitativo realizado con 48 docentes distribuidos aleatoriamente, en el que, a través de grupos focales, se indagó sobre las representaciones de AF y los condicionantes para su práctica. La información fue procesada mediante triangulación, haciendo uso del análisis del discurso. Resultados. La mayoría de los participantes definieron la AF desde una perspectiva biológica. En cuanto a los condicionantes, se destacaron más limitaciones en relación con la seguridad del entorno, las políticas institucionales y la actitud de los docentes, esta última como limitante y facilitador dependiendo del caso. Conclusiones. En el concepto de AF no se observa diferencia en términos de ejercicio, deporte, recreación o juego; sin embargo, se resalta su importancia para el escolar, pues el desarrollo humano se favorece al realizar AF. Ahora bien, en algunos casos, solo el profesional en AF puede promoverla, por lo que pocos docentes la involucran en sus clases.


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    Emanuel Leite


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación es estudiar el fenómeno de los condicionantes de la relación de la innovación y el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor. Uno de los pilares básicos del desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor es la educación, fuente innovadora inagotable de mejora e innovación. La economía del siglo XXI está orientada al aprendizaje. La promoción del emprendedorismo envuelve un cambio cultural basado en la premisa de que las personas pueden mejorar su calidad de vida y de otros, tomando para sí mismos la tarea de dirigir y definir su propio destino y construyendo los suyos propios. No se trata simplemente de producir más con menos costes, lo que se pretende, principalmente, es fomentar el proceso innovador de la manera más inteligente posible. En este contexto, las universidades adquieren una importancia vital. Ante esto, el espacio ibero-americano debe ser el escenario de colaboraciones para acciones conjuntas de la capacidad de generación de conocimiento ya existente, constituye la dimensión crucial de cualquier esfuerzo de desarrollo en países como Brasil. Hoy en día la participación de la microempresa es clave para el desarrollo de cualquier economía. Así como la actitud emprendedora se contempla como la puerta de entrada para la creación de empresas.

  20. Análisis de parámetros objetivos y subjetivos en Pre-Amplificadores de Audio

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    Javier A. Beltrán Bríñez


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo explica los resultados de las mediciones en cinco (5 diferentes pre-amplificadores, entre estado sólido y válvulas al vacío, de parámetros objetivos de THD –Análisis de Fourier- y función de transferencia, y parámetros subjetivos de calidez y brillo, en una muestra no probabilística de expertos con ingenieros de grabación que cuentan con una experiencia entre quince (15 y veinticinco (25 años, con el fin de encontrar una correspondencia directa entre estos parámetros y determinar qué elementos electrónicos están relacionados con la percepción auditiva de calidez y brillo en una grabación realizada con estos dispositivos.

  1. Motivos, personalidad y bienestar subjetivo en el voluntariado

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    Marcial E. Cabrera-Darias


    Full Text Available El principal objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las relaciones entre las motivaciones del individuo para participar en actividades de voluntariado, los rasgos de personalidad y el bienestar subjetivo. Participaron 153 adultos, de edades entre los 17 y 65 años, que cumplimentaron las distintas medidas tanto on-line como en papel y lápiz. Los resultados mostraron que las motivaciones previas diferían entre los dos grupos de voluntarios. Los análisis correlacionales indicaron que algunos motivos como petición de la organización, circunstancias personales o experiencias vividas se asociaban a satisfacción vital y a emociones negativas en los voluntarios on-line, mientras que hacer algo útil o sentimientos de paz eran los motivos asociados a estos indicadores de bienestar para los voluntarios de la prueba en papel. Los rasgos de personalidad, principalmente el neuroticismo, mostraron relaciones más consistentes con el bienestar que las motivaciones en ambos grupos de voluntarios. Los análisis de regresión indicaron que las facetas de extraversión, como el gregarismo, la calidez o la actividad, fueron los predictores más potentes del bienestar de los voluntarios que hicieron las pruebas en papel; mientras que la disciplina, faceta de la responsabilidad, y la estabilidad emocional predecían el bienestar de los voluntarios on-line. Estos hallazgos sugieren que existen distintos perfiles de voluntarios que podrían estar determinando su participación en diversas actividades o colectivos. Además, las características personales parecen tener un mayor efecto en el bienestar que las motivaciones.

  2. Optimismo, indefensión, estrés de rol, burnout y bienestar subjetivo en docentes de educación secundaria.


    Cordero Varela, Marina


    [ES]Se explora la relación entre las variables optimismo fundado (OF), optimismo disposicional (OD), estrés de rol (ER), “corazón” de burnout (CB) y bienestar subjetivo (BS), haciendo énfasis en la distinción entre indefensión ambiental (HA) e indefensión personal (HP). Conforman la muestra 147 docentes de educación secundaria y bachillerato procedentes de 8 centros diferentes de las provincias de León y Salamanca. En cuanto a los instrumentos de medida, se utilizó la BEEGC-R28 para medir ...

  3. Tipologia das regiões de saúde: condicionantes estruturais para a regionalização no Brasil

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    Ana Luiza D´Ávila Viana


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento socioeconômico, a oferta e a complexidade das ações e dos serviços de saúde no contexto regional podem ser considerados condicionantes estruturais para o êxito do atual processo de regionalização da saúde no Brasil. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar os condicionantes estruturais do processo de regionalização por meio da construção de uma tipologia das regiões de saúde no Brasil. Foi construída tipologia das regiões de saúde brasileiras a partir de fonte de dados secundários disponível. A identificação das dimensões e dos grupos - que compõem a tipologia - foi realizada por meio de análise fatorial e de agrupamentos/clusters. Também foram identificados o tipo de prestador de ações e os serviços predominantes na região tanto para a produção ambulatorial quanto para a internação. As regiões foram classificadas em cinco grupos, de forma independente, de acordo com suas características socioeconômicas e de oferta de serviços de saúde. A caracterização das regiões de saúde brasileiras, a partir da tipologia apresentada, demonstra heterogeneidade do território nacional e a complexidade de organizar sistemas de saúde regionais. A tipologia proposta pode auxiliar na investigação e no melhor entendimento desse cenário contraditório e complexo, apoiando o urgente desenvolvimento de políticas públicas regionais integradas que envolvam, concomitantemente, desenvolvimento econômico e social; e o fortalecimento dos espaços de governança regional, a fim de promover a organização de sistemas de saúde regionais alicerçados nos princípios do SUS e numa gestão compartilhada e solidária que tenha como imagem-objetivo a garantia do direito à saúde.

  4. El valor de los apoyos para el bienestar subjetivo al vivir con esquizofrenia

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    Daniel Ricardo Zaraza Morales

    Full Text Available Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación cualitativa que se realizó con la participación de un grupo de personas con esquizofrenia y sus familiares, en Medellín (Colombia. El objetivo fue comprender los aspectos que promueven la salud mental en las personas con esquizofrenia y sus familias, teniendo en cuenta su experiencia subjetiva. Se realizaron ocho entrevistas en profundidad y dos grupos focales para la recolección de la información, la cual se analizó bajo los planteamientos de la Teoría Fundamentada de Strauss y Corbin. La categoría interpretativa que surgió durante el análisis fue "El valor de los apoyos, un punto subjetivo en la experiencia de vivir con esquizofrenia", la cual revela la importancia que tiene, para quienes viven y conviven con la enfermedad, el fortalecimiento de los apoyos personales, familiares y sociales disponibles, pues estos favorecen la sensación de bienestar y el camino hacia la recuperación.

  5. Satisfacción escolar y bienestar subjetivo en la adolecencia: poniendo a prueba indicadores para su medición comparativa en Brasil, Chile y España

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    Ferran Casas


    Full Text Available En este estudio se analiza la comparabilidad interlingüística e intercultural del bienestar subjetivo y la satisfacción escolar como componente de dicho bienestar durante la adolescencia, a partir de tres muestras, una de Brasil (n = 1588, una de Chile (n = 843 y una de España (n = 2900, de 12–16 años de edad. Se adoptan como indicadores de bienestar subjetivo dos versiones del personal wellbeing index (PWI de Cummins, Eckersley, van Pallant, Vugt y Misajon (2003, que lo evalúan por ámbitos, y una escala de ítem único sobre satisfacción general con la vida (overall life satisfaction [OLS], y como indicadores subjetivos de satisfacción escolar, los seis ítems de satisfacción con distintos aspectos de la vida escolar utilizados por Casas, Baltatescu, Bertrán, González y Hatos (2013. Del PWI se utiliza la versión original (PWI7 y una versión ampliada con diez ítems (PWI10. Ambas versiones del PWI muestran un buen ajuste en los análisis factoriales confirmatorios realizados con las tres muestras agregadas. Mediante análisis de regresión múltiple y modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (MEE, se consideran y se discuten distintas opciones para estimar cuál sería el modelo con mejor comparabilidad respecto del bienestar subjetivo entre países al integrar la satisfacción escolar. Del análisis de los resultados, se aprecia que dos de los MEE multigrupo, que incluyen los seis ítems relativos a satisfacciones con aspectos de la vida escolar relacionados con una variable latente, que a su vez se relaciona con las variables latentes PWI7 y PWI10, muestran buena comparabilidad entre países. Los análisis de regresión múltiple indican que el indicador sintético de satisfacción con aspectos de la vida escolar que resulta más útil es “satisfacción con tu vida de estudiante”. Cuando se incluye este ítem, las consistencias internas tanto del PWI7 como del PWI10 mejoran y los respectivos MEE multigrupo de estas dos

  6. Individual Popularity, Peer Group Popularity Composition and Adolescents' Alcohol Consumption. (United States)

    Gommans, Rob; Müller, Christoph M; Stevens, Gonneke W J M; Cillessen, Antonius H N; Ter Bogt, Tom F M


    Previous studies have convincingly shown associations between popularity and adolescent drinking. This study examined whether the popularity composition of the peer group and the relative difference in popularity between adolescents and their peers are also associated with adolescent drinking. Participants were 800 adolescents (M age  = 14.73; SD age  = 1.00; 51.6 % girls) from 31 classrooms who completed peer ratings of popularity and self-reports of alcohol consumption. Results showed that drinking was higher among popular than unpopular adolescents, higher among popular adolescents surrounded by less popular classmates, and lower in classrooms with more variability in popularity. Thus, beyond individual popularity, peer group popularity composition also should be taken into account when investigating antisocial and health risk behaviors in adolescence such as drinking.

  7. El largo camino hacia el estudio científico de la satisfacción con la vida y el bienestar subjetivo

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    Francisco Augusto Laca Arocena


    Full Text Available Partiendo de la evidencia de que la búsqueda de la satisfacción con la vida y la discusión sobre los criterios de ordenar la propia hacia ese logro constituyen una constante literaria en nuestra historia, este texto inicia con un contraste entre lo que ya avanzaron los filósofos al respecto en los siglos pasados y lo que la reciente psicología positiva o del bienestar subjetivo va encontrando. El número de pensadores elegidos entre los que trataron este tema en el pasado ha debido ser limitado a los que el autor entiende muy representativos de este reflexionar sobre las condiciones que influyen en la satisfacción de la existencia por razones de espacio narrativo. Posteriormente, se describen resultados de investigaciones propias en el ámbito de la psicología positiva, situándolos en el contexto de la discusión entre la perspectiva hedónica y la eudaemónica que hoy ocupan el reflexio- nar en el ámbito de la psicología de la satisfacción con la vida y del bienestar subjetivo. Abstract This paper begins making a contrast between what philosophers stated in the last centuries about the search for satisfaction with life, as well as the discussion over the criteria to organize our own lives aimed to that purpose, and what the recent positive psychology or the subjective well-being are finding. The number of thinkers chosen among those who dealt with the subject in the past had to be limited to those the author considered the most representatives of this reflect on the conditions that influence the satisfaction with the existence having in mind limitations of narrative space. Subsequently, the author describes his research findings in the field of positive psychology placed in the context of discussion between the hedonic and eudemonic perspective that occupy nowadays the thinking in the scope of psychology of satisfaction with life and subjective well-being. Resumo Com base na evidência de que a busca de satisfac

  8. Estudo psicanalítico sobre os efeitos subjetivos do diagnóstico psiquiátrico de depressão


    Rodrigues, Hilda Pereira


    A proposta deste estudo consiste em investigar os efeitos subjetivos do diagnóstico psiquiátrico de depressão, a partir da escuta psicanalítica. A depressão, na atualidade, é difundida nos mais diversos campos sociais, sendo objeto de interesse das diferentes áreas de pesquisa, destacando-se a área da investigação farmacológica. A divulgação do conceito de depressão na mídia está associada à compreensão de uma doença e suas respectivas alterações neuroquímicas. Na história d...

  9. Constructing the popular: challenges of archiving ugandan 'popular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Constructing the popular: challenges of archiving ugandan 'popular' music. ... on the intention of the one defining, the popular is also time- and culture-specific. ... in Uganda is commercially determined – by the media and the music industry.

  10. Cuerpo subjetivo y didáctica: construcción vivencial

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    José Enver Ayala Zuluaga


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se relacionan los hallazgos de la categoría “Cuerpo subjetivo y didáctica: construcción vivencial” del estudio denominado “Sentidos que se le otorgan a la motricidad los maestros como un saber para la enseñanza”, estudio constituido desde la necesidad revisar otras comprensiones en la educación y en la formación del magisterio. El objetivo central se elaboró con la intención de develar las expresiones de los actores educativos, partiendo de la interpretación sobre ellas en clave didáctica; con dicho proceso se precisó utilizar el enfoque comprensivo de la investigación bajo el tipo de investigación llamada etnografía reflexiva; en trabajo desarrollado permitió definir como ejes de discusión las categorías Cuerpo y didáctica: origen del tránsito, In-corporo y enseño, y la triada cuerpo-percepción-pensamiento, en estas se expresan y concluye que las configuraciones de los sujetos que transitan el aula tienen anclajes vivenciales para potenciar el procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, en tanto se guian por las realidades que ofrece el aula y que no tienen una condición diferente a lo que se refiere a la existencia de los actores de aula.

  11. El largo camino hacia el estudio científico de la satisfacción con la vida y el bienestar subjetivo


    Francisco Augusto Laca Arocena


    Partiendo de la evidencia de que la búsqueda de la satisfacción con la vida y la discusión sobre los criterios de ordenar la propia hacia ese logro constituyen una constante literaria en nuestra historia, este texto inicia con un contraste entre lo que ya avanzaron los filósofos al respecto en los siglos pasados y lo que la reciente psicología positiva o del bienestar subjetivo va encontrando. El número de pensadores elegidos entre los que trataron este tema en el pasado ha debido ser l...

  12. OS RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS URBANOS COMO CONDICIONANTE DE DOENÇAS NA CIDADE DE MANAUS – AM/ Solid urban waste as conditioning of diseases in the city of Manaus-AM

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    Ulliane de Amorim Pereira


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa a ocorrência da disposição final ambientalmente inadequada dos resíduos sólidos urbanos na cidade de Manaus, tal prática realizada sem critérios ambientais adequados se torna um condicionante de doenças, implicando na saúde e na qualidade de vida da população. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a problemática dos resíduos sólidos na cidade de Manaus e identificar sua interferência na saúde humana. O estudo foi desenvolvido com base na bibliografia especializada sobre o tema e a realização de trabalho de campo na cidade de Manaus, além de coleta de dados no DATASUS e IBGE. A precária aplicabilidade das políticas públicas resulta na degradação de alguns ambientes em Manaus, sendo identificados comumente em alguns espaços da cidade durante realização de trabalho de campo, apresentando a existência de lixeiras com excesso de material depositado e resíduo dispostos inadequadamente nos igarapés urbanos da cidade. Também se verificou que a espacialização da problemática dos resíduos sólidos não ocorre de forma homogênea na cidade, estando mais presente nas áreas periféricas. Além disso, verificou-se que a cidade apresenta o total elevado de casos de doenças que têm como condicionante socioambiental a disposição inadequada do resíduo, especialmente a Leptospirose. Conclui-se assim que o resíduo e a respectiva disposição inadequada do mesmo atuam como um condicionante de doenças na cidade de Manaus, estando as ocorrências ligadas a precariedade da gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos na cidade.

  13. Condicionantes estructurales del vínculo entre profesor y estudiante: un análisis de los discursos docentes en el contexto actual de reforma educativa en Chile

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    Natalia Albornoz Muñoz


    Full Text Available El vínculo que se constituye entre profesor y estudiante, que involucra afectos y emociones, es fundamental en el proceso educativo y no está ajeno a elementos sociales, históricos y estructurales que le rodean. Considerando aquello, el propósito de esta investigación es comprender los discursos que los docentes construyen en torno a las condicionantes estructurales del vínculo profesor-estudiante. Para el logro de este objetivo, nos posicionamos desde el enfoque del análisis crítico de discurso y utilizamos dos técnicas para la producción de datos, el grupo focal y la entrevista episódica. Los participantes del estudio fueron docentes pertenecientes a cuatro escuelas secundarias de Santiago de Chile y para el análisis de los datos seguimos el modelo tridimensional propuesto por Norman FAIRCLOUGH. Los principales resultados dan cuenta que en los discursos docentes se logra identificar condicionantes estructurales del vínculo, tales como la institución escolar jerárquica, el modelo educativo agobiante y la sociedad como una estructura que aplasta. No obstante, también encontramos contradicciones y variabilidad discursiva en el posicionamiento del docente que podrían deberse al contexto actual de reformas y movilizaciones sociales por la educación.

  14. La geomorfología como condicionante del clima y la biogeografía. Experiencia didáctica para el 3º ciclo de Primaria


    Almazán García, Daniel


    Éste proyecto se centra en el estudio de la geomorfología como condicionante de su clima y de su biogeografía, a través del análisis de la legislación actual vigente, de la legislación futura y del conocimiento de las características psicológicas de los niños de 6 a 12 años. Se pretende su estudio desde una perspectiva global, mediante una propuesta didáctica que incluye actividades innovadoras para el alumno teniendo en cuenta su importancia interdisciplinar y las características individuale...

  15. Trabajo informal: motivos, bienestar subjetivo, salud, y felicidad en vendedores ambulantes Trabalho informal: motivos, bem-estar subjetivo, saúde e felicidade de vendedores ambulantes Informal work: motives, well being, health and happiness in street vendors

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    Emilio Moyano Díaz


    Full Text Available Las relaciones entre trabajo, bienestar subjetivo (B.S., felicidad y salud son complejas y de alto interés teórico y empírico. Ellas son analizadas aquí en trabajadores informales de comercio ambulante. Mediante observación y fotografías en las cinco ciudades más pobladas de la región del Maule (Chile, se registra 1556 puestos de venta de los que aleatoriamente se selecciona 258 para encuestar. Resultados: presentan una satisfacción vital global moderada, estando menos satisfechos con sus amigos y ocio, que con su trabajo y su familia. Su mayor felicidad proviene de ésta (χ2Friedman=389,47; gl=3; pAs relações entre trabalho, bem-estar subjetivo (B.S., felicidade e saúde são complexas e de alto interesse teórico e empírico. Elas são analisadas aqui em trabalhadores informais do comércio ambulante. Mediante observação e fotografias nas cinco cidades mais populosas da região do Maule (Chile, registram-se 1556 postos de venda. Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 258 para interrogar. Resultados: os trabalhadores informais apresentam uma satisfação vital global moderada, estando menos satisfeitos com seus amigos e tempo de lazer do que com seu trabalho e sua família. Sua maior felicidade provém desta (χ2Friedman=389,47; gl=3; pRelationships among work, subjective well being (SWB, happiness and health are complex and have a high theoretical and empirical relevance. In this study, these relationships are analyzed in street vendors. Using observation and photographs in the five bigger cities Maule Region (Chile, 1556 sale points were found and 258 of them were randomly selected for this study. Results: vendors have a moderated life satisfaction, with lower satisfaction levels about their friends and leisure than about their work and family. The highest report of happiness comes from their family (χ2Friedman=389,47; gl=3; p<0,001. They report being sick M= 6 days per month, although they only miss work one day per month. Their

  16. Carvão pirogênico como condicionante para substrato de mudas de Tachigali vulgaris L.G. Silva & H.C. Lima

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    Fabiane Furlaneto Souchie


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficiência de carvão vegetal pirogênico como condicionante de substrato para o desenvolvimento de mudas florestais de alto vigor, testando-se o carvoeiro (Tachigali vulgaris como espécie representativa do Bioma Cerrado. Foram tomados como modelo de produtividade os solos de elevada capacidade de troca catiônica com Horizonte A antrópico da Amazônia (Terras Pretas de Índio, ricos em carbono pirogênico derivado de carvão vegetal. O experimento foi realizado no viveiro da Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, no município de Nova Xavantina-MT. Foram utilizadas quatro concentrações de carvão de eucalipto (Eucalyptus sp. com 5; 12,5; 25 e 50% do volume total do substrato base e 0% como testemunha. Foi avaliada a porcentagem de emergência no início do experimento. Durante oito meses, a cada 30 dias, foi contado o número de folhas e medida a altura total das mudas. No oitavo mês foi medido o diâmetro do coleto e determinada à massa seca da raiz e da parte aérea. Os tratamentos e a testemunha apresentaram emergência superior a 80%, não havendo influência do carvão. Entretanto, o carvão vegetal incrementou significativamente a altura das mudas, o número de folhas, o diâmetro do coleto e a massa seca radicular e da parte aérea, o que ficou evidenciado pela forte correlação positiva com as concentrações de carvão. Portanto, o carvão vegetal pirogênico é uma alternativa viável como condicionante de origem biológica do substrato para a produção de mudas potencialmente mais resistentes, requerimento importante para plantios em campo sob condições mais severas, como na recuperação de áreas degradadas no Bioma Cerrado.

  17. Biossegurança em DST/AIDS: condicionantes da adesão do trabalhador de enfermagem às precauções Bioseguridad en ETS/SIDA: condicionantes de la adhesión del trabajador de enfermería a las medidas de precaución Biosafety in STD/AIDS: conditioners of nursing workers' adherence to precaution measures

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    Elucir Gir


    Full Text Available Visando identificar os condicionantes da adesão do trabalhador de enfermagem às precauções/isolamento na assistência, realizou-se este estudo do tipo descritivo tendo como população alvo enfermeiros representantes de hospitais de médio e grande portes da cidade de São Paulo. Das 79 instituições que se enquadravam nos critérios determinados, 15 (18,98% constituíram a amostra. Em reunião coletiva, utilizou-se a técnica de grupo focal para a coleta dos dados sendo as discussões gravadas em fita cassete, mediante consentimento dos participantes e, posteriormente, transcritas. Organizaram-se os dados segundo Bardin (1977, extraíram-se os núcleos temáticos e definiram-se duas categorias de análise empíricas, denominadas condicionantes institucionais e individuais.Teniendo como objetivo identificar los factores que condicionan la adhesión del trabajador de enfermería a las medidas de precaución/aislamiento en la atención de enfermería, se realizó este estudio descriptivo que tuvo como blanco a enfermeros representantes de hospitales de mediano y gran tamaño de la ciudad de São Paulo. De las 79 instituciones que se encuadraban en los criterios determinados, 15 de ellas (el 18,98% constituyeron la muestra. En una reunión colectiva, se recopilaron los datos utilizándose la técnica del grupo focal, las discusiones fueron grabadas en una cinta casset, con el consentimento de los participantes y, posteriormente fueron transcriptas. Los datos se organizaron según Bardin (1977 y se extrajeron los núcleos temáticos definiéndose dos categorías de análisis empíricos, denominadas condicionantes institucionales e individuales.Aiming to identify the conditioning factors of nursing workers' adherence to precaution/isolation in caregiving, this descriptive study was conducted with the target population consisted of nurses representing medium-sized and large hospitals in the city of Sao Paulo. Of the 79 institutions that met the

  18. Individual popularity, peer group popularity composition and adolescents' alcohol consumption

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gommans, R.; Müller, C.M.; Stevens, G.W.J.M.; Cillessen, A.H.N.; Bogt, T.F.M. ter


    Previous studies have convincingly shown associations between popularity and adolescent drinking. This study examined whether the popularity composition of the peer group and the relative difference in popularity between adolescents and their peers are also associated with adolescent drinking.

  19. Individual Popularity, Peer Group Popularity Composition and Adolescents? Alcohol Consumption


    Gommans, Rob; M?ller, Christoph M.; Stevens, Gonneke W. J. M.; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.; Ter Bogt, Tom F. M.


    Previous studies have convincingly shown associations between popularity and adolescent drinking. This study examined whether the popularity composition of the peer group and the relative difference in popularity between adolescents and their peers are also associated with adolescent drinking. Participants were 800 adolescents (M age?=?14.73; SDage?=?1.00; 51.6?% girls) from 31 classrooms who completed peer ratings of popularity and self-reports of alcohol consumption. Results showed that dri...

  20. Bem-estar subjetivo e senso de ajustamento psicológico em idosos que sofreram acidente vascular cerebral: uma revisão Subjective well being and perceived psychological adjustment among old people affected by stroke: a review

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    Dóris Firmino Rabelo


    Full Text Available Foi feito um levantamento dos estudos brasileiros e estrangeiros publicados entre 1996 e 2005 que relacionavam bem-estar subjetivo, senso de ajustamento psicológico e acidente vascular cerebral, com o objetivo de identificar variáveis mediadoras dessa relação em idosos. Estudos transversais e prospectivos indicaram que os afetados por acidente vascular cerebral apresentam menor bem-estar subjetivo quando comparados com a população geral. Boa capacidade cognitiva, suporte social efetivo, continuidade de uma ocupação produtiva, manutenção da competência em atividades instrumentais de vida diária e humor positivo são fatores que podem melhorar o bem-estar subjetivo e psicológico. Variáveis que podem piorar o bem-estar subjetivo e psicológico são incapacidade funcional, déficits cognitivos, depressão, dificuldade em restabelecer a identidade e restrição à possibilidade de desempenhar atividades e papéis que contribuem para a auto-definição. O conhecimento das implicações psicológicas de sofrer acidente vascular cerebral pode beneficiar pacientes, familiares e profissionais no gerenciamento do evento.We gathered data from Brazilian and foreign studies published between 1996 and 2005 which related subjective well-being, sense of psychological adjustment and stroke. The objective was identifying mediator variables of this relation among old people. Prospective and cross-sectional studies indicated that those affected by stroke showed less subjective well-being than the general population. Good cognitive capacity, effective social support, continuity of a productive occupation, keeping the competence in instrumental activities of daily living and good mood are factors which can affect positively the subjective and psychological well-being. Variables which can affect negatively the subjective and psychological well-being are functional incapacity, cognitive deficits, depression, difficulty in re-establishing the identity and

  1. A influência de ritmos musicais sobre a percepção dos estados subjetivos de pacientes adultos em hemodiálise La influencia de ritmos musicales sobre la percepción de los estados subjetivos de pacientes adultos en hemodiálisis The influence of musical rhythms on the perception of subjective states of adult patients on dialysis

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    Leandro Bechert Caminha


    Full Text Available Submeter-se à Hemodiálise quatro horas por dia, três vezes por semana, pode configurar-se uma experiência carregada de tédio, além de causar desconforto durante sua realização. É comum os pacientes relatarem que o tempo parece se arrastar ou durar mais. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a influência de dois diferentes ritmos musicais nos estados subjetivos e na percepção tempo-sensorial de pacientes adultos submetidos à hemodiálise, uma vez que a literatura sobre essa temática é escassa. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital privado, com 43 pacientes em hemodiálise, que se submeteram a duas sessões de improvisação musical em um teclado, nas quais os estados subjetivos e a percepção temporal foram avaliados pré e pós-intervenção. Mais de 80% dos pacientes sentiu o tempo passar mais rápido após as intervenções em ambos os ritmos. No entanto, o ritmo influenciou o tipo de experiência emocional que os pacientes apresentaram.Someterse a la Hemodiálisis cuatro horas por día, tres veces por semana, puede configurarse en una experiencia cargada de tedio, además de causar incomodidad durante su realización. Es común que los pacientes relaten que el tiempo parece arrastrarse o durar más. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la influencia de dos diferentes ritmos musicales en los estados subjetivos y en la percepción del tiempo sensorial de pacientes adultos sometidos a la hemodiálisis, una vez que la literatura sobre esa temática es escasa. El estudio fue realizado en un hospital privado, con 43 pacientes en hemodiálisis, que se sometieron a dos sesiones de improvisación musical en un teclado, en las cuales los estados subjetivos y la percepción temporal fueron evaluados antes y después de la intervención. Más de 80% de los pacientes sintió el tiempo pasar más rápido después de las intervenciones en ambos ritmos. Sin embargo, el ritmo influenció el tipo de experiencia emocional que los pacientes

  2. Acción popular de moralidad administrativa

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    Ernesto Matallana Camacho


    ese caso el juez popular podrá privarla de validez; o en otro caso, el juez popular puede llegar a concluir que sólo había una única solución de ponderación; y en último caso, si existieran varias posibles soluciones con la exigencia de ponderación, el juez popular no deberá sustituir con la decisión a favor de una de ellas y en este caso se respetará la tomada por la Administración. Este método es utilizado para hacer más eficiente el control del juez popular sobre decisiones que tengan el carácter de discrecionales de la Administración, cuando con estas decisiones se comprometan derechos colectivos. En este caso es posible pensar que con la celebración de un contrato se pueden vulnerar derechos colectivos como el de la moralidad administrativa y se ratifica con otra jurisprudencia donde se reconoce que el principio de planeación forma parte de los deberes de las entidades estatales. Para la jurisprudencia la moralidad tiene los siguientes significados: no es sinónimo de legalidad y no es un concepto subjetivo; por el contrario, una demostración de inmoralidad es el desvío de poder, así que adicional a la demostración de la ilegalidad de la actuación se requiere probar el desvío de poder. Finalmente en cuanto a la expedición del nuevo Código Contencioso Administrativo sobre la actual Acción de Moralidad Administrativa debemos reiterar que la ley limita de manera definitiva la competencia del juez popular de anular un acto administrativo o un contrato como consecuencia de la vulneración de un derecho colectivo, en este caso del derecho de moralidad administrativa. Por otra parte, se crea un requisito de procedibilidad que consiste en la obligación de quien va a interponer la acción, de requerir a la entidad sobre la violación del principio de moralidad y luego sí entonces se interpone la acción correspondiente, salvo un caso de violación inminente que requiera la intervención judicial y en este caso deberá quedar la sustentaci

  3. The Role of Popularity Goal in Early Adolescents' Behaviors and Popularity Status (United States)

    Dawes, Molly; Xie, Hongling


    The effect of popularity goal on the use of 3 popularity-related behaviors and later popularity status was examined in a diverse sample of 314 6th-grade students (176 girls and 138 boys) in both fall (Time 1) and spring (Time 2) semesters. Popularity goal and the use of popularity-driven behaviors (e.g., "I change the way I dress in order to…

  4. Defining popular iconic metaphor. (United States)

    Columbus, Peter J; Boerger, Michael A


    Popular Iconic Metaphor is added to the cognitive linguistic lexicon of figurative language. Popular Iconic Metaphors employ real or fictional celebrities of popular culture as source domains in figurative discourse. Some borders of Popular Iconic Metaphor are identified, and Elvis Presley is offered as a prototype example of a popular iconic source domain, due to his ubiquity in American popular culture, which affords his figurative usage in ways consistent with decision heuristics in everyday life. Further study of Popular Iconic Metaphors may serve to illuminate how figurative expressions emerge in their localized contexts, structure conduct and experience, and affect mediation of cultural and personal meanings.

  5. O Espaço-tempo Subjetivo do Indivíduo (ETSI

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    Celson D. Pereira


    Full Text Available Graças a seu Sistema Nervoso Central – SNC, um indivíduo se percebe no espaço e no tempo de seu ambiente. Mas, através de seus sentidos suas percepções são subjetivas. Por outro lado, sua mente é influenciada por agentes físicos e substâncias químicas que venha a ingerir. Estas constatações banais, do cotidiano, devem ser levadas em conta quando se empreende a elaboração de uma teoria relativa à mente. Os contextos em que se insere uma teoria dessa natureza envolvem antigas questões, ainda abertas, fazendo parte do denominado “Problema do Conhecimento”. Apresento um pequeno percurso histórico das reflexões de teóricos de diferentes especialidades sobre aquele problema. Proponho que hoje, participando daquele percurso, uma estrutura conceitual pode ser concebida, conjugando o indivíduo se percebendo em três instâncias: o ambiente físico, o ambiente sociocultural e seu próprio corpo, constituindo assim, suas características mentais, sua memória e sua história de vida. Trata-se de um super-espaço, que, independentemente, de ser, objetivamente, imaginável, ou não, referese a algo que existe. Tenho denominado esta estrutura por (ETSI. Como emergente do SNC ela pode ser estudada em contextos de investigações da neurociência contemporânea. Deste empreendimento, proponho que se podem originar bases científicas para psicologia.Palavras-chave: Interior do indivíduo; Neurociência; Complexidade; Espaço-tempo Subjetivo; Consciência.

  6. Communication of the popular

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    Božilović Nikola


    Full Text Available The article deals with the problems of the communication of popular culture. It considers the more specialized meaning of popular culture, which primarily encompasses the works of artistic forms which have a popular character - easily understandable and entertaining contents and wide audience. The aesthetic communication of the popular through popular literature, film, pop and rock music is examined. The paper is divided into three parts. The first parts deals with the aesthetics of the communication of popular culture. It contains the analysis of the major formal-aesthetic procedures embedded in the creative expression of the popular. In the part which is dedicated to social aspects of the communication of popular art, the author examines the industrial, market and commercial principles upon which this whole culture is based. It is a time of new technologies and mass consumption, which represent, in the words of Eric Hobsbawm, a 'cultural landscape' that has transformed the manner in which a new audience experiences the artistic. Finally, popular culture stars are observed as communicators. The author adds them as a new, even crucial, link in the already known chain of communication comprising the author, the work and the audience. Stars (film, popular music are active factors of communication as well as its bearers. They are the intermediaries through which the audience establishes relationships with the authors (writers, directors, composers and the works in which those stars appear. Stars as 'new Olympians' (Morin are, indeed, another significant category that distinguishes the communication of popular culture.

  7. Popular "Problems": Deviantization and Teachers' Curation of Popular Music (United States)

    Kallio, Alexis Anja


    Despite many music classrooms welcoming popular musics in striving towards an inclusive and democratic education, there has been relatively little research into teachers' decisions regarding which popular musics are included and which are excluded from classroom activities. This is of particular interest taking into account arguments that the…

  8. Influência da autoestima, da regulação emocional e do gênero no bem-estar subjetivo e psicológico de adolescentes


    Freire, Teresa; Tavares, Dionísia


    INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura científica tem evidenciado que a autoestima e a capacidade de regulação emocional estão presentes em vários quadros psicopatológicos, contudo a influência dessas variáveis no bem-estar tem sido pouco estudada teórica e empiricamente. OBJETIVO: Pretende-se analisar a relação dessas variáveis com o bem-estar subjetivo (satisfação com a vida) e com o bem-estar psicológico (felicidade e significado). Pretende-se, ainda, verificar a capacidade de predição do gênero, da aut...

  9. Factores condicionantes de la inejecución de la multa y sus consecuencias en el proceso civil del distrito judicial de Puno, en el periodo de 2004-2006


    Cruz Ticona, Esther Soledad


    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado: "FACTORES CONDICIONANTES DE LA INEJECUCIÓN DE LA MULTA Y SUS CONSECUENCIAS EN EL PROCESO CIVIL DEL DISTRITO JUDICIAL DE PUNO, EN EL PERÍODO DE 2004 - 2006", es el estudio de la imposición de la multa a los sujetos procesales en atención a su conducta asumida en el proceso, su repercusion, que órgano impone las multas y la importancia que se le da a efecto de hacerla efectiva. El planteamiento del problema se traduce en la formulación de la siguie...


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    José Moysés Alves

    Full Text Available Objetivamos, no presente estudo, conhecer os sentidos subjetivos que afetam a motivação dos estudantes do Clube de Ciências da Ilha de Cotijuba. Entrevistamos 6 estudantes sobre suas atividades, o projeto que estavam realizando, suas relações com os professores, colegas, familiares, e sobre suas aulas de Ciências na escola. Os estudantes mencionaram qualidades de suas relações interpessoais e características das atividades que os motivavam a participar do Clube e das aulas de Ciências na escola. Também apontaram problemas infraestruturais e circunstanciais que desencorajavam tal participação. Os aspectos destacados, alguns específicos desse contexto histórico-cultural, aparecem em configurações subjetivas ligeiramente diferentes para cada estudante. O enfoque adotado nos pareceu adequado para compreender a motivação dos estudantes de uma forma sistêmica.

  11. Los espacios subjetivos del miedo: construcción de la estigmatización espacial en relación con la inseguridad delictiva urbana

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    Oscar Luis Pyszczek


    Full Text Available El temor al delito es parte constitutiva de las incertidumbres de las sociedades contemporáneas. Estas incertidumbres se consolidan y expresan en la experiencia diaria de los ciudadanos y en el intercambio simbólico-perceptivo del espacio. El objetivo del artículo consiste en realizar una aproximación al campo de estudio de los espacios subjetivos y, específicamente, a la estigmatización espacial, mediante el análisis de la dimensión espacial de la percepción de inseguridad delictiva a nivel barrial en la ciudad de Resistencia, capital de la provincia del Chaco en Argentina, tomada como sujeto de estudio.

  12. Violência, culpa e ato: causas e efeitos subjetivos em adolescentes

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    Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um relato de pesquisa realizada sobre a violência e o adolescente, evidenciando o objetivo, as causas e os efeitos subjetivos que desencadeiam a violência na atualidade. Apresenta também uma investigação qualitativa com referencial teórico-conceitual da psicanálise, em destaque os conceitos de mal-estar, lei, anomia, limites, laços sociais, necessidade, desejo, culpa, passagem ao ato, individualismo, discurso capitalista, amor, vida e morte. Foram utilizados fotografias e fragmentos de filmes apresentados aos adolescentes inseridos no projeto Pró-jovem, desenvolvido na cidade de Maracanaú, Ceará, Brasil. As análises confirmaram os pressupostos da pesquisa de que a violência guarda relação direta com a ineficácia dos discursos normativos, que a culpa não comparece em consequência dos atos desfechados contra o próximo e que o sujeito não se guia por uma referência mítica do representante da lei.(* Colaboradores da pesquisa: doutora Marta Gerez Ambertín (Universidad de Santiago del Estero - Argentina; mestra em Psicologia Márcia Batista dos Santos (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brasil; alunos de Mestrado em Psicologia: Thiago Costa Matos Carneiro da Cunha (Labio, Rossana Vaz Borja (Labio, Carla Renata Braga de Souza (Labio/Leipcs, Lisieux D’Jesus Luzia de Araújo Rocha (Labio/Otium - Universidade de Fortaleza - Brasil; graduado em Psicologia Marcus Vinicius Ximenes Rocha (Universidade de Fortaleza – Brasil; bolsista de I. C. CNPq: Ricardo Pinheiro Maia Júnior; bolsista de I. C. Funcap: Rayana Silva Lima (Universidade de Fortaleza. Projeto apoiado pelo CNPq por meio de Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa concedida ao Prof. Dr. Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro.

  13. Mortalidad infantil y preescolar en el estado de Baja California. Análisis de condicionantes biodemográficos relacionados con la historia reproductiva de la madre

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    Humberto González-Galbán


    Full Text Available La incidencia de la mortalidad cercana al nacimiento está asociada potencialmente a las características biológicas y demográficas de la madre durante su historia reproductiva. A fin de analizar los señalados aspectos, se presenta el actual artículo que tiene como objetivo general el valorar si algunos de los factores biodemográficos que aquí son considerados constituyen condicionantes para la ocurrencia de la mortalidad infantil y/o para el resto de los infantes menores de 5 años. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo se aplicó el método demográfico de la tabla de vida, con el cual se obtuvieron curvas de sobrevivencia, que tomaron como fuente de información la Encuesta Nacional sobre la Dinámica Demográfica del año 2009, México, lo que permitió sustentar empíricamente los resultados a los que se arribó, como son: el orden del nacimiento del hijo se observa como un diferencial para la mortalidad de los menores de 5 años; asimismo la edad de la madre constituye un importante condicionante para dicha problemática, que ejerce mayor influencia en los órdenes de nacimientos primero y segundo; en igual sentido la fecha del parto establece una diferencia significativa en la supervivencia de los hijos, lo que parece sugerir un cierto efecto cohorte; mientras que los embarazos previos al orden considerado de nacido vivo no han mostrado ser una variable diferenciadora en la supervivencia de los menores de 5 años. Finalmente se apreció que la condición migratoria se presenta como un diferencial de gran peso en la mortalidad infantil y preescolar, básicamente en los órdenes inferiores de nacimientos.

  14. Public and popular history

    CERN Document Server

    De Groot, Jerome


    This interdisciplinary collection considers public and popular history within a global framework, seeking to understand considerations of local, domestic histories and the ways they interact with broader discourses. Grounded in particular local and national situations, the book addresses the issues associated with popular history in a globalised cultural world, such as: how the study of popular history might work in the future; new ways in which the terms 'popular' and 'public' might inform one another and nuance scholarship; transnational, intercultural models of 'pastness'; cultural translat

  15. Factores condicionantes del estrés en estudiantes de la clínica odontológica de la Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez de Juliaca - 2011.


    Paredes Aliaga, Janelle Daisy


    El presente trabajo de investigación está centrado en determinar los factores condicionantes del estrés en estudiantes de la clínica odontológica de la Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez. El estudio es de carácter descriptivo - explicativo, en el que la muestra estuvo constituida por 93 estudiantes de la clínica odontológica. Para recolectar los datos se utilizó como instrumento el cuestionario. La prueba de hipótesis se realizó con el estadístico de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson. Los resu...

  16. Prevalencia de insomnio y condicionantes ambientales en mayores de 65 años en atención primaria

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    Clara Pardo Crego

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de insomnio y los condicionantes ambientales que se presentan como factores de riesgo en su aparición en los pacientes de edad igual o superior a 65 años adscritos a dos consultas de enfermería de los centros de salud Ciudad Jardín y Los Ángeles de la Comunidad de Madrid. Método: Estudio descriptivo observacional transversal. Se consideró una proporción esperada de ancianos con insomnio del 25%, un intervalo de confianza (IC del 95% y una precisión de ±7%, resultando un tamaño muestral aleatorizado de 168 pacientes. Resultados: Prevalencia de insomnio del 46%, destacando entre ellos el de mantenimiento. Predominio en el sexo femenino, la diabetes, el consumo de fármacos antihipertensivos y la somnolencia diurna. Conclusión: Resulta recomendable el incremento de las actividades de educación para la salud en relación con este problema y la promoción de cursos para la actualización de los conocimientos de los profesionales para facilitar la correcta detección de los casos.

  17. Exposição à violência na adolescência : relações com bem-estar subjetivo e sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse


    Naiana Dapieve Patias


    Esta tese é composta por cinco estudos que tiveram como objetivo geral investigar a exposição à violência direta (ser a vítima) e indireta (ser testemunha) e suas relações com bem-estar subjetivo e sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse em adolescentes de escolas públicas da cidade de Porto Alegre - RS. O primeiro capítulo apresenta uma revisão sistemática de literatura sobre exposição à violência na adolescência e suas relações com saúde mental. O segundo capítulo é um estudo de adaptaç...

  18. Más sobre la valoración y recuperación de la lírica popular moderna. Una antología de coplas y seguidillas de la Mancha conquense

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    Ángel Carrasco Sotos


    Full Text Available En el artículo se intentan poner sobre la mesa los condicionantes culturales e históricos que han influido en el descrédito y marginalidad de la poesía popular oral moderna, por parte, sobre todo, de la crítica literaria. Tales reservas han servido para que la mención de este tipo de lírica, cuya calidad literaria se defiende aquí (incluso mediante una antología, haya desaparecido de manuales de literatura y libros de texto al uso. La reivindicación de la consideración, estudio y recolección de esta literatura del pueblo ha venido siendo un tópico desoído desde el siglo XIX, pues el canon literario que se fue fraguando a raíz de los estudios filológicos de principios del siglo XX apartó a los investigadores de su estudio, recopilación y difusión. En el artículo se consideran todos los prejuicios y causas que han incidido para que esto mismo haya terminado por aceptarse.

  19. Characterizing popularity dynamics of online videos (United States)

    Ren, Zhuo-Ming; Shi, Yu-Qiang; Liao, Hao


    Online popularity has a major impact on videos, music, news and other contexts in online systems. Characterizing online popularity dynamics is nature to explain the observed properties in terms of the already acquired popularity of each individual. In this paper, we provide a quantitative, large scale, temporal analysis of the popularity dynamics in two online video-provided websites, namely MovieLens and Netflix. The two collected data sets contain over 100 million records and even span a decade. We characterize that the popularity dynamics of online videos evolve over time, and find that the dynamics of the online video popularity can be characterized by the burst behaviors, typically occurring in the early life span of a video, and later restricting to the classic preferential popularity increase mechanism.

  20. Uncovering the popularity mechanisms for Facebook applications (United States)

    Li, Sheng-Nan; Guo, Qiang; Yang, Kai; Liu, Jian-Guo; Zhang, Yi-Cheng


    Understanding the popularity dynamics of online application(App) is significant for the online social systems. In this paper, by dividing the Facebook Apps into different groups in terms of their popularities, we empirically investigate the popularity dynamics for different kinds of Facebook Apps. Then, taking into account the influence of cumulative and recent popularities on the user choice, we present a model to regenerate the growth of popularity for different App groups. The experimental results of 917 Facebook Apps show that as the popularities of Facebook Apps increase, the recent popularity plays more important role. Specifically, the recent popularity plays more important role in regenerating the popularity dynamics for more popular Apps, and the cumulative popularity plays more important role for unpopular Apps. We also conduct temporal analysis on the growth characteristic of individual App by comparing the increment at each time with the average of historical records. The results show that the growth of more popular App tends to fluctuate more greatly. Our work may shed some lights for deeply understanding the popularity mechanism for online applications.

  1. Agents of Popular Sovereignty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wolkenstein, Fabio


    Popular sovereignty requires that citizens perceive themselves as being able to act and implement decisions and be causally connected to mechanisms of decision-making. I argue that the two most common understandings of the exercise of popular sovereignty — which centre on direct decision making...... by the people as a whole and the indirect exercise of democratic agency by elected representatives, respectively — are inadequate in this respect, and go on to suggest a complementary account that stresses the central role of internally democratic and participatory political parties in actualising popular...... sovereignty. The argument defended contends that popular sovereignty ceases to be a mere fiction only when the people are active makers of decisions and not just passive recipients of the decisions of others; and they can only be active decision-makers when they engage in internally democratic parties...

  2. Behavioral Correlates of Prioritizing Popularity in Adolescence. (United States)

    van den Broek, Nina; Deutz, Marike H F; Schoneveld, Elke A; Burk, William J; Cillessen, Antonius H N


    Little is known about individual differences in adolescents' motivation to achieve and maintain popularity. This study examined the moderating effects of prioritizing popularity on the associations between popularity and adjustment outcomes in late adolescence. Participants were 314 Dutch eleventh-grade students (M age  = 16.83 years; 52 % male) who completed measures of popularity, prioritizing popularity, and prosocial, antisocial, and risk behaviors. It was hypothesized that associations between popularity and adjustment outcomes are stronger for adolescents who prioritize popularity. The results indicate that the combination of being popular and valuing popularity was strongly related to antisocial and risk behaviors, but not to prosocial behaviors. Adolescents' social status motivations thus play an important role in the association of popularity with antisocial and risk behaviors in late adolescence.

  3. Popular Music and Society

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    the collapse of the Soviet Union: What present trends can be observed?  How has the Soviet context influenced the popular music of today?  How is music performed and consumed?  How has the interrelationship between cultural industry and performers developed?  How are nationalist sensibilities affecting popular......Fifteen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, popular music is thriving in the former Soviet territories and covers a broad variety of genres.  Among these are rock bands formed in the Soviet era, surviving legends of Soviet pop, and younger bands and performers of the 1990s and 2000s.......   Local and foreign musics blend as new impulses arrive from without and arise from within the region.  Thanks to the most recent wave of Russian emigrants, these popular musics have also spread to various localities around the world, as exemplified by the phenomenon of "Russendisko" in Berlin...

  4. Teaching Japanese Popular Culture

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    Deborah Shamoon


    Full Text Available Japanese popular culture has arrived on American college campuses as never before. Student interest in Japanese manga (comic books, anime (animated films and television shows, and video games drives much of the enrollment in Japanese courses and Japanese majors and minors. In response to student interest, as well as the establishment of popular culture as a topic of serious academic scholarship, the demand for courses on Japanese popular culture has never been higher. Yet the number of scholars specializing in the study of popular culture is still relatively small. This can potentially create problems, as faculty teach outside their expertise, and perhaps face an uncomfortable situation in which the students know more about the topic than the professor. In this article, I will offer some suggestions and advice for faculty creating a popular culture course for the first time, based on my experiences teaching undergraduates at the University of Notre Dame. The course I developed reflects my background in Japanese literature and film, and is but one example of many possible approaches to the topic. The sample syllabus and list of resources at the end of this article provide citations for all text and media sources mentioned.

  5. Classifications in popular music

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Venrooij, A.; Schmutz, V.; Wright, J.D.


    The categorical system of popular music, such as genre categories, is a highly differentiated and dynamic classification system. In this article we present work that studies different aspects of these categorical systems in popular music. Following the work of Paul DiMaggio, we focus on four

  6. Popular music from Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Otte, Andreas Roed

    a sense of place in popular music. The second probes different strategies for co-branding popular music and Greenland. The third is concerned with music consumption patterns among Greenlandic youth. And the fourth article engages with an alternative form of nationalism found within the Nuuk underground...

  7. Popularity and Debut

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winther, Christian Dahl

    This paper focuses on two firms' optimal entry strategies in an emerging market characterized by word-of-mouth effects. Consumers can be of two types depending on which firm's brand they prefer. Firms are asymmetric in their popularity as given by the probability of meeting a fan of its brand. Word......-of-mouth communication influences popularity in the two periods of competition by increasing the likelihood of the late consumer having an affinity towards the brand adopted at the first stage. In this environment firms strategically choose their timing of product introduction knowing that fast introduction is costly. I...... study the subgame perfect equilibria of the game to observe how they connect to firms' popularities, strength of word-ofmouth network effects, and the level of product differentiation. The model shows under what conditions asymmetries in the duopoly should be expected to increase or decrease over time...

  8. Popular education in the mirror of the Popular University in France in the early XXth century

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    Lucien MERCIER


    Full Text Available The Popular Universities at the end of the XIXth century are a major reference in the history of popular education. The movement of the Popular Universities attracted militant workers and intellectual —writers, scientists, teachers and artists—, to educational dynamics which owe a lot to the Dreyfus Affair. This encounter of the morning coat with the workman's overalls didn't last long. The Popular Universities died because they were unable to imagine this mutual education which was everybody's dream. This failure marked people's minds for a long time, and the period between the two wars, full of experiences of working-class and proletarian education, constantly refers to the Popular Universities of the 1900^ to find a model to follow or to reject.

  9. Are Atypical Things More Popular? (United States)

    Berger, Jonah; Packard, Grant


    Why do some cultural items become popular? Although some researchers have argued that success is random, we suggest that how similar items are to each other plays an important role. Using natural language processing of thousands of songs, we examined the relationship between lyrical differentiation (i.e., atypicality) and song popularity. Results indicated that the more different a song's lyrics are from its genre, the more popular it becomes. This relationship is weaker in genres where lyrics matter less (e.g., dance) or where differentiation matters less (e.g., pop) and occurs for lyrical topics but not style. The results shed light on cultural dynamics, why things become popular, and the psychological foundations of culture more broadly.

  10. Popularity Contagion among Adolescents (United States)

    Marks, Peter E. L.; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.; Crick, Nicki R.


    This study aimed to support the theory of popularity contagion, which posits that popularity spreads among friends spontaneously and regardless of behavioral changes. Peer nominations of status and behavior were collected annually between 6th and 12th grades from a total of 1062 adolescents. Longitudinal hypotheses were mostly supported using path…

  11. Characterizing popularity dynamics of online videos


    Ren, Zhuo-Ming; Shi, , Yu-Qiang; Liao, Hao


    Online popularity has a major impact on videos, music, news and other contexts in online systems. Characterizing online popularity dynamics is nature to explain the observed properties in terms of the already acquired popularity of each individual. In this paper, we provide a quantitative, large scale, temporal analysis of the popularity dynamics in two online video-provided websites, namely MovieLens and Netflix. The two collected data sets contain over 100 million records and even span...

  12. Toward Predicting Popularity of Social Marketing Messages (United States)

    Yu, Bei; Chen, Miao; Kwok, Linchi

    Popularity of social marketing messages indicates the effectiveness of the corresponding marketing strategies. This research aims to discover the characteristics of social marketing messages that contribute to different level of popularity. Using messages posted by a sample of restaurants on Facebook as a case study, we measured the message popularity by the number of "likes" voted by fans, and examined the relationship between the message popularity and two properties of the messages: (1) content, and (2) media type. Combining a number of text mining and statistics methods, we have discovered some interesting patterns correlated to "more popular" and "less popular" social marketing messages. This work lays foundation for building computational models to predict the popularity of social marketing messages in the future.

  13. Popular Music Memories : Places and Practices of Popular Music Heritage, Memory and Cultural Identity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.J.C. van der Hoeven (Arno)


    markdownabstract__Abstract __ Ever since the late 1950s, people have grown up with popular music as an important element of their daily lives. This dissertation explores the connections between popular music memories, cultural identity and cultural heritage, looking at the different ways in

  14. Aggressive effects of prioritizing popularity in early adolescence. (United States)

    Cillessen, Antonius H N; Mayeux, Lara; Ha, Thao; de Bruyn, Eddy H; LaFontana, Kathryn M


    This study examined the moderating effects of prioritizing popularity on the association between early adolescents' popularity and their aggressive, leadership, and prosocial behaviors with peers. Participants were 288 14-year-olds from The Netherlands who completed a sociometric instrument and an assessment of how much they prioritized popularity over other personal goals. Results indicated that prioritizing popularity was distinct from actual popularity in the peer group. Further, prioritizing popularity moderated the association of popularity with aggressive and leadership behaviors, with adolescents who were both popular and who prioritized popularity being particularly aggressive and scoring high on leadership behaviors. This trend was especially true for boys. The same moderating effect was not found for prosocial behaviors. Motivational and social-cognitive factors in the dynamics of peer popularity are highlighted. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. What Drives Politicians’ Online Popularity?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis; Vaccari, Cristian


    The number of website visits, Facebook friends, or Twitter followers that politicians attract varies greatly, but little is known about what drives politicians' online popularity. In this article, we use data from a systematic tracking of congressional candidates' popularity on four web platforms...... in the 112 most competitive congressional districts in the 2010 U.S. midterm elections to address that question. Using multivariate regression models, we show that while district-level socioeconomic characteristics have little effect on candidates' online popularity, challengers and candidates in open......-seat races tend to attract larger audiences online, as do candidates who are more visible on political blogs. Surprisingly, how intensely candidates are covered in news media, how popular they are in opinion polls, and how much money they spend during the campaign show no significant effect. These findings...

  16. Mass Media and the Popular Arts. (United States)

    Rissover, Fredric; Birch, David C.

    This anthology consists of journalistic essays on each of these popular arts: advertising, journalism, cartoons, radio and television, photography and motion pictures, popular literature, popular music, and public education. Examples of most of the art forms are also included. The book is aimed at junior college students. Its purpose is to…

  17. Taylorismo cibernético e Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos em operadores de telemarketing em Salvador-Bahia

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    Paulo Gilvane Lopes Pena

    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa a compreender o processo de adoecimento pelas Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LER em operadores de telemarketing e suas relações com as estratégias gerenciais associadas às novas tecnologias. Para este estudo qualitativo foram entrevistados trinta operadores portadores de LER, atendidos em ambulatório, entre 2007 e 2009 e realizadas observações nos ambientes de trabalho de dez empresas. Observaram-se condicionantes nocivos, decorrentes das transformações tecnológicas, do caráter virtual e comunicacional, o que demanda novas formas de cuidados a serem considerados na prevenção das LER. A noção de redes sociais, que permite operar "hipercorpos", nas relações entre operadores e clientes, ajuda no entendimento de aspectos subjetivos que favorecem a ocorrência de tensões e conflitos no universo virtual. Trata-se de estratégias gerenciais nocivas, que resultam em particularidades no desenvolvimento das LER, com produção social de estigmas e perversão de práticas de medicina do trabalho sincronizadas com princípios do taylorismo.

  18. Bienestar subjetivo en directivos de la Empresa de Transporte de Oriente / Subjective well-being in directives of the Oriente´s Transport Company

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    Liudmila Reyes Pérez


    Full Text Available La investigación tiene el objetivo de identificar indicadores para el análisis del Bienestar Subjetivo (BS en directivos de una Empresa de la Transporte de Oriente. Se basa en la metodología cualitativa empleando técnicas de entrevista en profundidad, observación participante, escala de Bienestar Psicológico y el análisis de contenido. Los resultados permitieron definir como indicadores: el desempeño efectivo del rol directivo en la organización; el efecto de la actividad directiva en otras esferas de la vida; la integración armónica de los valores; la configuración subjetiva de la actividad directiva y el bienestar psicológico, los cuales permitieron proponer una estrategia de intervención psicológica basada en la Indagación Apreciativa para potenciar BS en los directivos que actualmente está en proceso de aplicación.

  19. Arte Popular y Feminismo

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    Eli Bartra


    Full Text Available En este artículo se lleva a cabo, en primer lugar, una propuesta metodológica de cómo abordar el estudio del arte popular desde un punto de vista feminista. A continuación se realiza un acercamiento a un ejemplo específico de arte popular mexicano que se halla en estrecha relación con el arte elitista y se puede considerar que se trata de un proceso de sincretismo cultural un tanto sui generis: las friditas de Josefina Aguilar como recreaciones de la obra plástica de Frida Kahlo. Con base en este “close up” se intenta mostrar un posible método para conocer el arte popular contemplando las divisiones sociales por género, etnia y clase.

  20. CNRS researchers' popularization activities: a progress report

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    Yves Croissant


    Full Text Available We have analyzed the popularization activities undertaken by ten thousand CNRS researchers by means of their annual reports for the years 2004, 2005 and 2006. This is the first time that such an extensive statistical study on science popularization practices is carried out. Our main findings are : - the majority of researchers is not involved in popularization (51% has not done any popularization over the three-year period, two thirds have been involved in no more than one popularization action. - popularization practices are extremely diverse, both at the individual level (we have identified three subpopulations that feature distinctive attitudes towards popularization, and at the level of scientific disciplines (researchers in Humanities are twice as active as the average, as well as in laboratories or geographical regions. - the number of actions reported in 2005 greatly increased compared to 2004 (+ 26%, while they slightly diminished in 2006.

  1. Pure and Public, Popular and personal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksson, Birgit


    In the article I reexamine the traditional aesthetical and political critiques of popular culture and reevaluate the social and communicative potential of bestselling cultural artifacts such as highly popular television series. First, I sketch the alleged aesthetic and social problems of popular...... and the exclusions of the public sphere. I argue that the ideals of a pure aesthetic and a public sphere neglect issues that are crucial to the type of commonality at stake in popular cultural artifacts: personal issues, social conflicts, and what is pleasurable to the senses or has to do with emotions. Third, I...

  2. El teatro en el trabajo popular. La eficacia, un desafío para el trabajo popular

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    Ana Hirsz


    Full Text Available Todas las personas e instituciones dedicadas al trabajo popular se plantean la necesidad de la eficacia en su labor. ¿Cómo, de qué manera ser más útiles a los sectores populares? ¿Qué instrumentos les pueden servir para la acción transformadora que deben realizar? Estas preguntas han generado una multiplicidad de métodos, de formas, de técnicas. El Centro al Servicio de la Acción Popular (CESAP en 17 años de trabajo incesante ha creado una metodología inductiva y participativa que, a través de diferentes áreas, intenta generar el desarrollo de las potencialidades y capacidades del pueblo. El Servicio de Comunicación y Cultura Popular constituye otra herramienta ofrecida por CESAP a los grupos y organizaciones populares, pues capacita a los grupos para que ellos estén en condiciones de producir sus propios medios de comunicación comunitarios, con fines de información, concientización y movilización de las comunidades. Junto a esa finalidad organízatíva, estos Talleres estimulan la autoexpresión y la creatividad popular y el desarrollo de una cultura propia y transformadora.

  3. Social Costs for Wannabes: Moderating Effects of Popularity and Gender on the Links between Popularity Goals and Negative Peer Experiences. (United States)

    Breslend, Nicole Lafko; Shoulberg, Erin K; McQuade, Julia D; Murray-Close, Dianna


    Youth in early adolescence are highly concerned with being popular in the peer group, but the desire to be popular can have maladaptive consequences for individuals. In fact, qualitative work suggests that youth with high popularity goals who are nonetheless unpopular have negative experiences with their peers. However, little quantitative work has examined this possibility. The purpose of the current study was to examine if popularity goals were linked with physical (e.g., being hit) and relational (e.g., being excluded) victimization and peer rejection, particularly for individuals who strived for popularity but were viewed by their peers as unpopular. Late elementary and early middle school participants (N = 205; 54% female) completed self-reports of popularity goals and peer nominations of popularity and peer rejection. Teachers reported on students' experiences of relational and physical victimization. Peer nominated popularity and gender were moderators of the association between popularity goals and negative peer experiences. Consistent with hypotheses, girls who were unpopular but wanted to be popular were more likely to experience peer rejection and relational victimization. Unexpectedly, boys who were unpopular but did not desire to be popular were more likely to be rejected and relationally victimized. The findings suggest that intervention and prevention programs may benefit from addressing the social status goals of low status youth in a gender-specific manner.

  4. Características sociodemográficas, bienestar subjetivo y homofobia en una muestra de hombres gay en tres ciudades chilenas

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    Jaime Barrientos-Delgado


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe y caracteriza sociodemográficamente a una muestra de hombres gay en tres ciudades de Chile. Además, describe sus niveles de homofobia y bienestar subjetivo. Mediante un muestreo en cadena tipo bola de nieve se encuestó a 325 hombres que se autodefinieron como gay. Entre los principales hallazgos se encontró altos niveles de discriminación y victimización percibida. Además en comparación con estudios similares efectuados en el país, los encuestados presentan niveles mayores de bienestar social. La edad de los encuestados aporta diferencias para los niveles de bienestar social y no para las otras medidas. También, las personas con estudios superiores reportan mayores niveles de victimización y un mayor impacto vital de las situaciones de discriminación. Asimismo, si bien las personas que residen en Santiago reportan un mayor impacto relativo de los hechos de agresión, presentan mejores niveles de bienestar social y felicidad en comparación a las personas que viven en otras regiones.

  5. Programa bolsa família: a condicionante saúde realmente existe?

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    Núbia Maria Uchôa Barbosa


    saúde dos jovens. Esses são os novos marcos ético-legais que devem nortear as políticas nacionais de atenção à saúde dos jovens no Sistema Único de Saúde(7. Diante desse contexto, pergunta-se: os beneficiários do Programa Bolsa Família têm conhecimento sobre a condicionante saúde? A saúde pública tem conhecimentosobre a importância dessa condicionante para a nossa população jovem? Acreditamos que a condicionante saúde existe, mas, infelizmente, muito aquém do que realmente a nossa população merece e necessita.

  6. Integração de condicionantes de morfologia urbana no desenvolvimento de metodologia para planejamento energético urbano

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    Karin Regina de Casas Castro Marins

    Full Text Available O objetivo desse artigo é apresentar as características gerais de uma nova metodologia para planejamento energético urbano, detalhando os procedimentos para integração de condicionantes de morfologia urbana, que constitui a primeira etapa de aplicação metodológica. Esta abordagem é inovadora e focada na integração de estratégias e soluções em morfologia e mobilidade urbanas, edifícios, energia e meio ambiente para planejamento de áreas em desenvolvimento urbano, novas ou a serem requalificadas, na escala de distritos, bairros e unidades de vizinhança. A análise dos resultados da aplicação metodológica no caso da operação urbana Água Branca indicou que a ocupação urbana por edificações e as densidades construída e populacional necessitavam ser compatibilizadas com a área livre requerida ao adequado dimensionamento da seção viária, no que tange a aspectos de climatologia e de provimento de infraestrutura e demanda para mobilidade urbana. Esta era uma premissa para o aproveitamento da luz e da energia solar em edificações e para que o sistema de transporte urbano fosse mais funcional e energeticamente mais eficiente.

  7. Edward Said on Popular Music

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Capitain, W.H.P.


    Although Edward Said, generally known as one of the founders of postcolonial studies, has written extensively on music, he almost completely ignores popular music. However, the few moments in which he does reflect on popular music are highly revealing. In this article I provide a comprehensive

  8. Relações entre o bem-estar subjetivo e a funcionalidade em idosos em seguimento ambulatorial Relationship between subjective well-being and the functionality of elderly outpatients

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    Giovana Sposito


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre o bem-estar subjetivo, independência funcional e desempenho de membros inferiores (força muscular, velocidade de marcha e equilíbrio de idosos em seguimento ambulatorial, em relação ao sexo e a grupos etários. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 125 idosos de ambos os sexos com idade mínima de 60 anos, atendidos em um ambulatório de geriatria. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: 1 Medida da Independência Funcional (MIF para avaliar a dependência funcional; 2 Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB para medir o desempenho físico; 3 Bem-Estar Subjetivo (BES: questões sobre a saúde e satisfação com a vida. RESULTADOS: A amostra utilizada foi de conveniência, com predomínio do sexo feminino, que apresentou maior comprometimento funcional. As correlações do bem-estar subjetivo com o teste de desempenho não demonstraram diferenças entre os sexos, contudo os idosos mais velhos apresentaram maior nível de satisfação que os idosos mais jovens. A saúde percebida também foi mais satisfatória entre os idosos mais velhos. Entretanto, a saúde percebida comparada mostrou melhores resultados nos idosos com moderado a bom desempenho físico. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que indivíduos mais velhos apresentam maior satisfação com a vida e melhor saúde percebida. Além disso, o bom desempenho físico foi uma variável de relevância para melhor saúde percebida quando comparada a outras pessoas.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between subjective well-being, functional independence and lower-limb performance (muscle strength, gait velocity and balance among elderly people undergoing outpatient follow-up, stratified by sex and age groups. METHODS: We evaluated 125 elderly people, aged 60 years and over, who received care at a geriatric outpatient clinic. The instruments used were: 1 Functional Independence Measure (FIM to evaluate

  9. Behavioral Correlates of Prioritizing Popularity in Adolescence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Den Broek, Nina; Deutz, Marike H F; Schoneveld, Elke A.; Burk, William J.; Cillessen, Antonius H N


    Little is known about individual differences in adolescents’ motivation to achieve and maintain popularity. This study examined the moderating effects of prioritizing popularity on the associations between popularity and adjustment outcomes in late adolescence. Participants were 314 Dutch

  10. Popularity and Novelty Dynamics in Evolving Networks. (United States)

    Abbas, Khushnood; Shang, Mingsheng; Abbasi, Alireza; Luo, Xin; Xu, Jian Jun; Zhang, Yu-Xia


    Network science plays a big role in the representation of real-world phenomena such as user-item bipartite networks presented in e-commerce or social media platforms. It provides researchers with tools and techniques to solve complex real-world problems. Identifying and predicting future popularity and importance of items in e-commerce or social media platform is a challenging task. Some items gain popularity repeatedly over time while some become popular and novel only once. This work aims to identify the key-factors: popularity and novelty. To do so, we consider two types of novelty predictions: items appearing in the popular ranking list for the first time; and items which were not in the popular list in the past time window, but might have been popular before the recent past time window. In order to identify the popular items, a careful consideration of macro-level analysis is needed. In this work we propose a model, which exploits item level information over a span of time to rank the importance of the item. We considered ageing or decay effect along with the recent link-gain of the items. We test our proposed model on four various real-world datasets using four information retrieval based metrics.

  11. Rethinking Popular Culture and Media (United States)

    Marshall, Elizabeth, Ed.; Sensoy, Ozlem, Ed.


    "Rethinking Popular Culture and Media" is a provocative collection of articles that begins with the idea that the "popular" in classrooms and in the everyday lives of teachers and students is fundamentally political. This anthology includes outstanding articles by elementary and secondary public school teachers, scholars, and activists who…

  12. Women and Popular Church


    Maria Brendalí Costa; EST


    From the early 1960s, the Popular Church organized and influenced the actions, ideas and objectives of the Brazilian civil society. From the Feminist Theology, the article reflects on the different ways which this praxis influenced, through principles, worldviews and methodologies, the actions performed by women in the 1980s who engaged in the Urban Popular Church in suburbs of cities which belonged to the diocese of Caxias do Sul. The study is bibliographic, documental and is analyzed throug...

  13. Popularity versus similarity in growing networks. (United States)

    Papadopoulos, Fragkiskos; Kitsak, Maksim; Serrano, M Ángeles; Boguñá, Marián; Krioukov, Dmitri


    The principle that 'popularity is attractive' underlies preferential attachment, which is a common explanation for the emergence of scaling in growing networks. If new connections are made preferentially to more popular nodes, then the resulting distribution of the number of connections possessed by nodes follows power laws, as observed in many real networks. Preferential attachment has been directly validated for some real networks (including the Internet), and can be a consequence of different underlying processes based on node fitness, ranking, optimization, random walks or duplication. Here we show that popularity is just one dimension of attractiveness; another dimension is similarity. We develop a framework in which new connections optimize certain trade-offs between popularity and similarity, instead of simply preferring popular nodes. The framework has a geometric interpretation in which popularity preference emerges from local optimization. As opposed to preferential attachment, our optimization framework accurately describes the large-scale evolution of technological (the Internet), social (trust relationships between people) and biological (Escherichia coli metabolic) networks, predicting the probability of new links with high precision. The framework that we have developed can thus be used for predicting new links in evolving networks, and provides a different perspective on preferential attachment as an emergent phenomenon.

  14. El bienestar subjetivo en la adolescencia: estudio comparativo de dos Comunidades Autónomas en España

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    Ferran Casas


    Full Text Available Se analiza la comparabilidad interlingüística e intercultural del bienestar subjetivo durante la adolescencia, a partir de dos muestras de Asturias y de Cataluña de entre 15 y 18 años. Se utilizan como indicadores psicosociales de bienestar tres escalas: La SWLS de Diener, Emmons, Larsen y Smith (1985, escala libre de contexto (context free, el PWI de Cummins, Eckersley, van Pallant, Vugt y Misajon (2003, que evalúa el bienestar personal por ámbitos, y una escala de ítem único sobre satisfacción global con la vida (Overall Life Satisfaction = OLS. Utilizando modelos de Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio, el PWI muestra un buen ajuste para ambas muestras, avalando la comparabilidad de los resultados entre ambas poblaciones. Sus puntuaciones globales resultan más altas entre los adolescentes asturianos que entre los catalanes, igual que la OLS. La SWLS muestra un mal ajuste con los términos constantes restringidos, que añadido al hecho que el alpha de Cronbach aumentaría si el ítem 5 fuera suprimido, abunda en la idea que esta escala funciona de manera distinta en contextos socio-culturales diferentes y mantiene abiertas las dudas sobre si es apropiada su utilización como instrumento comparativo entre poblaciones de características lingüísticas y/o socioculturales distintas.


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    Víctor Adrián Díaz Esteves


    Full Text Available A partir de un enfoque popular en construcción, este ensayo se propone reflexionar en torno a la noción original de comunicación humana. Asimismo, se aproxima al debate sobre las culturas populares en América Latina, construidas desde los sujetos, caracterizados por dos elementos aparentemente enfrentados, que se entremezclan. Por un lado, los sujetos son consumidores de la oferta rentable y global de los medios masivos; cuya hegemonía responde al rating y al capital. Por otro lado, son productores culturales de sentido e imágenes simbólicas propias, resistentes y en ocasiones, contradictorias. La comunicación popular favorece la producción local y regional; la participación ciudadana, la integración y el cambio social; la igualdad y la democracia. Esta mirada popular de la comunicación, es parte de las mutaciones que la modernidad ha introducido en los países latinoamericanos, y a la vez, define a las culturas populares, no como esa masa homogénea, pasiva y dominada por los mass media, sino conscientes del entrecruzamiento de expresiones sociales, orígenes, gustos, modas y costumbres diversas, en busca de la construcción de comunidades culturales de sentido y respeto en materia de derechos.

  16. Feminismo, estudios culturales y cultura popular


    Hollows, Joanne


    This paper explores the movement of feminism into academic life in general and the study of popular culture in particular. Assumptioms about the effects of popular culture on women had been a commonsense of second-wave feminism; however, by the mid-1970’s, questions about how gendered identities were culturally produced and reproduced became the topic of much more in-depth feminist research and discussion. This essay examines two main ways in which feminist research into popular culture enter...

  17. Popular Culture in the Junior College Library (United States)

    Lonergan, David; Ayers, Meredith


    Popular culture is extremely influential in both academe and society at large. However, formal disciplinary study of popular culture lags far behind that influence. Anthropology, film studies, history, musicology, and sociology are only some of the disciplines that frequently include popular culture as a research focus. This article advises on how…

  18. Characterizing and modeling the dynamics of online popularity. (United States)

    Ratkiewicz, Jacob; Fortunato, Santo; Flammini, Alessandro; Menczer, Filippo; Vespignani, Alessandro


    Online popularity has an enormous impact on opinions, culture, policy, and profits. We provide a quantitative, large scale, temporal analysis of the dynamics of online content popularity in two massive model systems: the Wikipedia and an entire country's Web space. We find that the dynamics of popularity are characterized by bursts, displaying characteristic features of critical systems such as fat-tailed distributions of magnitude and interevent time. We propose a minimal model combining the classic preferential popularity increase mechanism with the occurrence of random popularity shifts due to exogenous factors. The model recovers the critical features observed in the empirical analysis of the systems analyzed here, highlighting the key factors needed in the description of popularity dynamics.

  19. Classifications in Popular Music: Discourses and Meaning Structures in American, Dutch and German Popular Music Reviews

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.T. van Venrooij (Alex)


    textabstractPopular music is one of the cultural fields – together with film, photography, and jazz – which in the second half of the twentieth century have apparently gained much in status and recognition (Janssen, 1999; Janssen, Kuipers & Verboord, 2009). Popular music has become ‘aesthetically

  20. Cultura popular e nacionalismo musical: uma discussão das ideias folcloristas sobre a música popular no Brasil * Popular culture and musical nationalism: a discussion of folklorists ideas about popular music in Brazil

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    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste trabalho discutimos como a noção de cultura popular torna-se elemento central para os debates em torno do nacionalismo nas esferas cultural e artística. Exploraremos, mais especificamente, as ideias de Mário de Andrade sobre o nacionalismo musical, tendo em vista a importância dessas ideias e suas possíveis ressonâncias nas discussões acerca da música popular no Brasil durante o século XX. A busca por uma “essência do povo” que constituiria a base de uma nação é ponto de referência para esse debate. Essas ideias, surgidas na Europa, ainda no século XIX, ligadas ao movimento romântico e a atuação dos folcloristas, ganham força no Brasil principalmente a partir do século XX e irão permear inúmeros debates em momentos distintos da história republicana do país.Palavras-chave: Nacionalismo Musical – Mário de Andrade – Música Popular. Abstract: In this paper, we discuss how the idea of popular culture becomes central to debates about nationalism in culture and art. We will explore more specifically the ideas of Mário de Andrade on musical nationalism, regarding the importance of these ideas and their possible resonances in discussions of popular music in Brazil during the twentieth century. The search for a "people's essence" that form the basis of a nation is in the core of this debate. These ideas emerged in Europe in the nineteenth century and are connected to the Romantic movement and actions of folklorists and will bulk in Brazil mostly from the twentieth century, when they will be part of numerous debates in distinguished moments in the country’s history.Keywords: Musical Nationalism – Mário de Andrade – Popular Music.

  1. The Popularity of Karinding among Bandung Society

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    Hinhin Agung Daryana


    Full Text Available The study focuses on the impact of the karinding popularity on Bandung society. In trying to understand its focus, the study uses interdisciplinary approaches including soci- ology and anthropology. It employs qualitative research method including data collection from oral and wri!en sources. Since being played by a band called Karinding A!ack, karin- ding became popular in Bandung. Further, the popularity of karinding gave some impacts on Bandung people, both its practitioners and its audience. Some programs and activities considered as the result of the popularity of karinding include multiple activities such as tourism activities, networking development, educational activities, revitalization of tradi- tional arts other than karinding, music development, literacy development, and the develop- ment of the creative economy.   Keywords: impact, popularity, karinding, Bandung, interdisciplinary approach

  2. [Popular education in health and nutrition: literature review]. (United States)

    Mueses De Molina, C


    This literature review of popular education in health and nutrition is intended to provide the necessary theoretical framework for proposals and programs for human resource development in food and nutrition. The work contains a summary of the objectives, purposes, and methodology of popular education in general, a discussion of applications of popular education techniques to health and nutrition education, and a description of some projects based on popular education. Popular education was developed in Latin America by Paulo Freire and others as a response to political domination. Its basic objective was to make the oppressed masses aware of their condition and able to struggle for the transformation of society. Popular education views community participation, development of consciousness, and integration with social and economic activity as fundamental attributes. Participation should be developed through community organizations and should continue for the duration of the educational intervention. The right of all persons to participate in a plane of equality should be recognized. Community or popular education should be conceived as a process of permanent education that will continue throughout the lifetime of individuals and groups. Popular education is directed toward population sectors excluded from participation in employment, family, community, mass communications, education, and leisure activities. Such population sectors are concentrated in the urban periphery and in rural areas. Abandonment of traditional educational techniques and assumption of an active role by community members are elements in development of the methodology of popular education. Steps in the methodology include investigation of possible themes, selection of themes to serve as points of departure, definition of the problem, and action programs. Popular education in nutrition and health begins by asking what problems need to be remedied. The entire process of training and education in

  3. Popularity Modeling for Mobile Apps: A Sequential Approach. (United States)

    Zhu, Hengshu; Liu, Chuanren; Ge, Yong; Xiong, Hui; Chen, Enhong


    The popularity information in App stores, such as chart rankings, user ratings, and user reviews, provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand user experiences with mobile Apps, learn the process of adoption of mobile Apps, and thus enables better mobile App services. While the importance of popularity information is well recognized in the literature, the use of the popularity information for mobile App services is still fragmented and under-explored. To this end, in this paper, we propose a sequential approach based on hidden Markov model (HMM) for modeling the popularity information of mobile Apps toward mobile App services. Specifically, we first propose a popularity based HMM (PHMM) to model the sequences of the heterogeneous popularity observations of mobile Apps. Then, we introduce a bipartite based method to precluster the popularity observations. This can help to learn the parameters and initial values of the PHMM efficiently. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the PHMM is a general model and can be applicable for various mobile App services, such as trend based App recommendation, rating and review spam detection, and ranking fraud detection. Finally, we validate our approach on two real-world data sets collected from the Apple Appstore. Experimental results clearly validate both the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed popularity modeling approach.

  4. Popularization of the role of nuclear power construction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ying


    Scientific popularization shall be promoted in advance before nuclear power development. Since it was founded, Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC) has always focused on the popularization of nuclear power knowledge to enable the public understand and access to nuclear power. Adhering to the center 'Popularizing nuclear power knowledge, correct steering of the public, serving the construction of TNPS and promoting the corporation development', the way of 'going out and coming in' for publicizing nuclear power knowledge has been gradually formed in line with the principle of 'close to the society, close to the people and close to the life'. The scientific popularization resources have been deeply dug out, and the education mode innovated. The healthy and continuous development of scientific popularization and education work are recognized and appraised highly by all circles of the society. Nowadays, a good atmosphere of 'everyone contends to popularize nuclear power knowledge' has formed in JNPC, and internal and external popularization and education work have yielded good results, which have created favorable social environment for the safe, proper and fast development of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station. (author)

  5. Gender messages in contemporary popular Malay songs

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    Collin Jerome


    Full Text Available Gender has been an important area of research in the field of popular music studies. Numerous scholars have found that contemporary popular music functions as a locus of diverse constructions and expressions of gender. While most studies focus on content analyses of popular music, there is still a need for more research on audience’s perception of popular music’s messages. This study examined adult Malay listeners’ perceptions of gender messages in contemporary Malay songs. A total of 16 contemporary Malay songs were analysed using Fairclough’s (1992 method of text analysis. The content of the songs that conveyed messages about gender were the basis for analysis. The results showed that the messages revolve mainly around socially constructed gender roles and expectations in romantic relationships. Gender stereotypes are also used in the songs to reinforce men’s and women’s roles in romantic relationships. The results also showed that, while listeners acknowledge the songs’ messages about gender, their own perceptions of gender and what it means to be a gendered being in today’s world are neither represented nor discussed fully in the songs analysed. It is hoped the findings from this, particularly the mismatch between projected and perceived notions of gender, contribute to the field of popular Malay music studies in particular, and popular music studies in general where gender messages in popular songs and their influence on listeners’ perceptions of their own gender is concerned.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feng, Ling; Nielsen, Andreas Brinch; Hansen, Lars Kai


    This paper explores the vocal and non-vocal music classification problem within popular songs. A newly built labeled database covering 147 popular songs is announced. It is designed for classifying signals from 1sec time windows. Features are selected for this particular task, in order to capture...

  7. Islam and the Alleged Incompatibility with Popular Culture


    Pierre Hecker


    This paper critically reflects upon the alleged incompatibility of Islam and popular culture, the antipathy toward the study of popular culture in the field of Islamic studies, and the question of what it is that puts "the popular" into culture.

  8. Popularity versus similarity in growing networks (United States)

    Krioukov, Dmitri; Papadopoulos, Fragkiskos; Kitsak, Maksim; Serrano, Mariangeles; Boguna, Marian


    Preferential attachment is a powerful mechanism explaining the emergence of scaling in growing networks. If new connections are established preferentially to more popular nodes in a network, then the network is scale-free. Here we show that not only popularity but also similarity is a strong force shaping the network structure and dynamics. We develop a framework where new connections, instead of preferring popular nodes, optimize certain trade-offs between popularity and similarity. The framework admits a geometric interpretation, in which preferential attachment emerges from local optimization processes. As opposed to preferential attachment, the optimization framework accurately describes large-scale evolution of technological (Internet), social (web of trust), and biological (E.coli metabolic) networks, predicting the probability of new links in them with a remarkable precision. The developed framework can thus be used for predicting new links in evolving networks, and provides a different perspective on preferential attachment as an emergent phenomenon.

  9. Neural mechanisms tracking popularity in real-world social networks. (United States)

    Zerubavel, Noam; Bearman, Peter S; Weber, Jochen; Ochsner, Kevin N


    Differences in popularity are a key aspect of status in virtually all human groups and shape social interactions within them. Little is known, however, about how we track and neurally represent others' popularity. We addressed this question in two real-world social networks using sociometric methods to quantify popularity. Each group member (perceiver) viewed faces of every other group member (target) while whole-brain functional MRI data were collected. Independent functional localizer tasks were used to identify brain systems supporting affective valuation (ventromedial prefrontal cortex, ventral striatum, amygdala) and social cognition (dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, precuneus, temporoparietal junction), respectively. During the face-viewing task, activity in both types of neural systems tracked targets' sociometric popularity, even when controlling for potential confounds. The target popularity-social cognition system relationship was mediated by valuation system activity, suggesting that observing popular individuals elicits value signals that facilitate understanding their mental states. The target popularity-valuation system relationship was strongest for popular perceivers, suggesting enhanced sensitivity to differences among other group members' popularity. Popular group members also demonstrated greater interpersonal sensitivity by more accurately predicting how their own personalities were perceived by other individuals in the social network. These data offer insights into the mechanisms by which status guides social behavior.

  10. Spanish Federation of Popular Universities (FEUP) (United States)

    Serrano, Isabel Garcia-Longoria


    This article features the Spanish Popular Universities, which are defined as "a project of cultural development that acts in the municipality, whose objective is to promote social participation, education, training, and culture in order to improve life quality" (Federation of Popular Education Universities, 2000). A century of history of…

  11. Popular Music and the Instrumental Ensemble. (United States)

    Boespflug, George


    Discusses popular music, the role of the musical performer as a creator, and the styles of jazz and popular music. Describes the pop ensemble at the college level, focusing on improvisation, rehearsals, recording, and performance. Argues that pop ensembles be used in junior and senior high school. (CMK)

  12. Living-History Villages as Popular Entertainers. (United States)

    Geist, Christopher D.


    Discusses the furor created when Walt Disney Studios announced plans to develop a "historic amusement park" near the Manassas (Virginia) National Battlefield Park. Maintains that the public debate over the popular understanding of history reflects an ongoing tension between academic historians and the purveyors of popular history. (CFR)

  13. Da conceituação de Estado Subjetivo até a proposição dos Escalões de percepto From the Subjective State concept toward the Percept Echelons proposal

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    Arno Engelmann


    Full Text Available O artigo refaz o percurso de Engelmann, lidando em 1962 com perceptos chamados de afetivos até a proposição mais recente de escalões de percepto. O estudo aprofundado dos perceptos afetivos indicavam estados conscientes internos, porém não localizados. Engelmann denominou-os estados subjetivos. Mas deparou que havia ao mesmo tempo outros perceptos internos, esses localizados. A solução era dois escalões: um superior - estados subjetivos - e outro inferior - perceptos internos. Mais tarde Engelmann encontrou estados objetivos, estados conscientes não localizados e externos, representados principalmente por locuções meteorológicas. Finalmente, reestudando um número enorme de experimentos de percepção humana, verificou que havia cinco escalões de percepto, organizados prioritariamente na seqüência seguinte levando em conta o tamanho das partes: estados total, bipartido, supramodal, modal e fragmentário. Os indivíduos são capazes de estar momentaneamente apenas num desses escalões, nunca mais de um. Não se sabe, por enquanto, se é possível representar por intermédio de escalões outras partes da consciência além dos perceptos.Dealing firstly with the affective percepts in 1962 and ending with percept echelons, the paper reconstructs Engelmann's psychological pathway. A serious study of mostly affect percepts indicated nonlocalized internal conscious states. Engelmann called them subjeticve states. But at the same time he found that there were other internal but localized external percepts. He called them objetive states. They were mainly characterized through reporting the weather. Finally, revising numerous perception studies, total, bipartite, supramodal, modal and fragmentary states are found and organizaed through largeness priority. Engelmann called them percepts echelons. In one moment only one percept echelon is possible, not more than one. So far it is not known if others parts of consciousness are divisible

  14. Feminismo, estudios culturales y cultura popular

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    Joanne Hollows


    Full Text Available This paper explores the movement of feminism into academic life in general and the study of popular culture in particular. Assumptioms about the effects of popular culture on women had been a commonsense of second-wave feminism; however, by the mid-1970’s, questions about how gendered identities were culturally produced and reproduced became the topic of much more in-depth feminist research and discussion. This essay examines two main ways in which feminist research into popular culture entered academic life: first, it examines the “images of women” debate, and second, it examines the Cultural Studies tradition and the feminist cultural analysis.

  15. Bullying, Social Power and Heteronormativity: Girls' Constructions of Popularity (United States)

    Duncan, Neil; Owens, Larry


    Literature on girls' popularity posits a strong association between popularity, social power and bullying behaviours, some of which conflate the concepts "bully" and "popular". This study explores that association through links to concepts of popularity among girls in two demographically different high schools. Data are presented that were derived…

  16. A Guide to Using Popular Culture to Teach Composition. (United States)

    Smelstor, Marjorie, Ed.

    The purpose of this guide is to offer possible answers to questions concerning popular culture that teachers might have and to offer suggestions on utilizing popular culture materials that are available. Lesson plans are presented using materials from advertising, newspapers, comics, film, television, popular music, radio, popular literature,…

  17. Photo Albums as the Instrumentality of building a popular Myth

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    Dragan Ćalović


    Full Text Available The article analyzes the popular myth production. The popular myth is seen as the result of a popular production that uses the material of metalanguage as a secondary semiological system. Unlike the mytification of the myth (Barthes, or the popular use of myth (in the manner of John Fiske, popular myth develops by popular use of the potentials of metalanguage. Popular myth uses the mechanisms of meaning production, that metalanguage develops, to transform its forms into empty signifiers. In that way, the popular myth neutralize the effects of metalanguage, inaugurating an era in which weakens the potentials of ideological textual production.

  18. Popularity Trajectories and Substance Use in early Adolescence. (United States)

    Moody, James; Brynildsen, Wendy D; Osgood, D Wayne; Feinberg, Mark E; Gest, Scott


    This paper introduces new longitudinal network data from the "Promoting School-Community-University Partnerships to Enhance Resilience" or "PROSPER" peers project. In 28 communities, grade-level sociometric friendship nominations were collected from two cohorts of middle school students as they moved from 6(th), to 9(th) grade. As an illustration and description of these longitudinal network data, this paper describes the school popularity structure, changes in popularity position, and suggests linkages between popularity trajectory and substance use. In the cross-section, we find that the network is consistent with a hierarchical social organization, but exhibits considerable relational change in both particular friends and position at the individual level. We find that both the base level of popularity and the variability of popularity trajectories effect substance use.

  19. Transient Universe: Popular, Not so Popular & Knowable Unknowns (United States)

    Bildsten, L.; Fryer, C.; Kulkarni, S.


    MOTIVATION & PURPOSE: This informal two day workshop is intended to bring together astronomers who monitor the sky for transient phenomena - a field which is poised to take off in the optical band, thanks to the exponential growth in the availability of giga pixel detectors, rapid computing and communication. For somewhat similar technological reasons, decimeter and decameter radio astronomy is also poised to grow in this area. The workshop will focus on astronomical opportunities with ongoing searches and discuss the possibilities with planned facilities in the near term. We hope to rapidly review the status of 'popular' sources (e.g. GRB afterglows, Supernovae, Machos), less popular events (e.g. Novae, geysers and gushers) and then move onto 'odd' but not hopelessly rare events. The spirit is to anticipate some of the discoveries by extending the astrophysical parameter space of known (or knowable) classes of transients. This workshop is part of the ongoing KITP Program "The Supernova Gamma Ray Burst Connection" and has received funding Los Alamos National Laboratory. We will follow the well honed KITP tradition of having fewer talks at the expense of long discussions. All talks will be recorded (per KITP tradition) and made available on the web for enjoyment, education and posterity. In lieu of a traditional poster sessions with old-fashioned easels we offer the Virtual Presence (organized by J. Bloom).


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    Huseyin Yilmaz


    Full Text Available The main objective of this study is to analysis the popularity status of guitar instrument in terms of university students’ views. In this study, it is used the general survey model; ıt is developed the a questionnaires consisting of 14 items by the researcher in order to determine the university students views. The target population of this study is 11.440 university students enrolled for 2013 – 2014 academic years in Kafkas University. The sample of this study is consisting of 314 university students in various departments in Kafkas University. It is evaluated the frequency (f and percentage (% values to analysis the popularity status of guitar instrument in terms of university students’ views. It is tried to find out using chi-square test for gender, department and grades whether there is the significant differences among the students’ views on the popularity status of guitar instrument. As a result of research data, it is seem that the students evaluate the guitar as a popular instrument. However; it is seem that the students eager to participate in the guitar activities.

  1. What types of astronomy images are most popular? (United States)

    Allen, Alice; Bonnell, Jerry T.; Connelly, Paul; Haring, Ralf; Lowe, Stuart R.; Nemiroff, Robert J.


    Stunning imagery helps make astronomy one of the most popular sciences -- but what types of astronomy images are most popular? To help answer this question, public response to images posted to various public venues of the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) are investigated. APOD portals queried included the main NASA website and the social media mirrors on Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. Popularity measures include polls, downloads, page views, likes, shares, and retweets; these measures are used to assess how image popularity varies in relation to various image attributes including topic and topicality.

  2. Subtle Nonlinearity in Popular Album Charts (United States)

    Bentley, R. Alexander; Maschner, Herbert D. G.

    Large-scale patterns of culture change may be explained by models of self organized criticality, or alternatively, by multiplicative processes. We speculate that popular album activity may be similar to critical models of extinction in that interconnected agents compete to survive within a limited space. Here we investigate whether popular music albums as listed on popular album charts display evidence of self-organized criticality, including a self-affine time series of activity and power-law distributions of lifetimes and exit activity in the chart. We find it difficult to distinguish between multiplicative growth and critical model hypotheses for these data. However, aspects of criticality may be masked by the selective sampling that a "Top 200" listing necessarily implies.


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    Ketevan KUPATADZE


    Full Text Available Popularization of Ecological Chemistry is the aim of scientific-popular articles, which are published in the online journal for teachers. With the articles of this type Ecological Chemistry is linked with literature and history. Due to this linkage articles, this module turns into an easily comprehensible one and it becomes fun. In all articles there is also included very useful and interesting information pertaining to Ecological Chemistry. It must be underlined the titles of such articles, because they should not only show the common meaning of article, but they should also attract readers.The utmost interest is generated by the historical papers, where chemical issues are connected with history. The period of alchemy is more popular and that’s why the alchemical stories are described in the articles.The outcome of the pedagogical experiment has made it clear, that such a method of teaching of Ecological Chemistry with scientific popular articles affects positively on school students motivation and changes their attitude towards the environmental pollution.CHIMIA ECOLOGICĂ ÎN ARTICOLELE ȘTIINȚIFICO-POPULAREPopularizarea Chimiei ecologice este scopul articolelor științifico-populare, care sunt publicate în reviste online pentru profesori. Prin intermediul articolelor de acest tip, Chimia ecologică este legată de literatură și istorie. Datorită respectivelor publicaţii, acest modul este ușor de înțeles și el devine distractiv. Toate articolele conțin informații foarte utile și interesante referitoarela Chimiaecologică. Trebuie de subliniat importanţa titlurilor acestor articole, deoarece ele ar trebui nu doar să redea succint înțelesul articolului, dar şi să atragă cititorul.Un interes deosebit trezesc documentele istorice, în cazul în care problemele chimiei sunt legate de istorie. Perioada alchimiei este mai populară, de aceea şi sunt descrise în articole poveștile alchimice.Rezultatul experimentului

  4. ABSTRACT——Current Situation and Future Direction of Marxism Popularity Research

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    In recent years, academic circles has made important progress in the following studies on the basic connotation of Marxist popularity, the relations between popularity of Marxism and sinicization, the relations between popularity of Marxism and epochal character, the realizing method of popularity of Marxism. Next, study on popularization of Marxism has to make efforts in the following two aspects: the relationship between the popularity of Marxism and socialist theory system with Chinese characteris- tics, and integration of the popularity of Marxism and the ideological and political education. Meanwhile the efforts should be made to deepen the study of Marxism popularity through the process of sinicization of Marxism, to study Marxism popularity from the viewpoint of the three dimensional perspective of the development of Marxism, also to strengthen the research of basic princi- ples of Marxism popularity and deepen the studies of basic forms of Marxism popularity, thus to build a study system of Marxism popularity.

  5. Conflict behaviors and their relationship to popularity. (United States)

    Tezer, E


    This study examined conflict behaviors (self, other) among 127 Turkish college students. Differences in five conflict behaviors (forcing, avoiding, accommodating, compromising, and collaborating) were then explored in relation to popularity and unpopularity. Results indicated that the students engaged in more avoiding and compromising behaviors, while perceiving more forcing behavior in others. Further, the unpopular group was found to engage in more compromising behavior, and perceived more forcing behavior in others, as compared with the popular group. Constructive and destructive conflict strategies, and their implications for popularity, are discussed.

  6. Studying Popular Culture in Japan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moeran, Brian

    , ceramics, fashion magazines and folk art as both products and as processes of design, manufacture, distribution, appreciation and use, which must all be taken into account. Precisely because popular cultural forms are both cultural products and commodities, they reveal the complementary nature of the two...... categories of culture and the economy. The paper outlines and analyses the different ways in which social, cultural, symbolic and economic capital are converted by those participating in advertising, ceramic, fashion magazine and folk art worlds, and suggests that popular culture may best be seen as a name...

  7. Popular en la UAM-X

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Isabel Arbesú García


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la forma en que se vinculan en un módulo en el Sistema Modular Xochimilco las tres actividades sustantivas que realiza la universidad: docencia, investigación y servicio. Se toma como caso de estudio al Taller de Vivienda popular ya que este permite que los estudiantes de arquitectura cursen su último año de estudios de la licenciatura y se especialicen en el diseño de problemas relacionados con la vivienda popular.

  8. Developmental trajectories of adolescent popularity: a growth curve modelling analysis. (United States)

    Cillessen, Antonius H N; Borch, Casey


    Growth curve modelling was used to examine developmental trajectories of sociometric and perceived popularity across eight years in adolescence, and the effects of gender, overt aggression, and relational aggression on these trajectories. Participants were 303 initially popular students (167 girls, 136 boys) for whom sociometric data were available in Grades 5-12. The popularity and aggression constructs were stable but non-overlapping developmental dimensions. Growth curve models were run with SAS MIXED in the framework of the multilevel model for change [Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. (2003). Applied longitudinal data analysis. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press]. Sociometric popularity showed a linear change trajectory; perceived popularity showed nonlinear change. Overt aggression predicted low sociometric popularity but an increase in perceived popularity in the second half of the study. Relational aggression predicted a decrease in sociometric popularity, especially for girls, and continued high-perceived popularity for both genders. The effect of relational aggression on perceived popularity was the strongest around the transition from middle to high school. The importance of growth curve models for understanding adolescent social development was discussed, as well as specific issues and challenges of growth curve analyses with sociometric data.

  9. Characterizing and modeling the dynamics of activity and popularity.

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    Peng Zhang

    Full Text Available Social media, regarded as two-layer networks consisting of users and items, turn out to be the most important channels for access to massive information in the era of Web 2.0. The dynamics of human activity and item popularity is a crucial issue in social media networks. In this paper, by analyzing the growth of user activity and item popularity in four empirical social media networks, i.e., Amazon, Flickr, Delicious and Wikipedia, it is found that cross links between users and items are more likely to be created by active users and to be acquired by popular items, where user activity and item popularity are measured by the number of cross links associated with users and items. This indicates that users generally trace popular items, overall. However, it is found that the inactive users more severely trace popular items than the active users. Inspired by empirical analysis, we propose an evolving model for such networks, in which the evolution is driven only by two-step random walk. Numerical experiments verified that the model can qualitatively reproduce the distributions of user activity and item popularity observed in empirical networks. These results might shed light on the understandings of micro dynamics of activity and popularity in social media networks.

  10. Characterizing and modeling the dynamics of activity and popularity. (United States)

    Zhang, Peng; Li, Menghui; Gao, Liang; Fan, Ying; Di, Zengru


    Social media, regarded as two-layer networks consisting of users and items, turn out to be the most important channels for access to massive information in the era of Web 2.0. The dynamics of human activity and item popularity is a crucial issue in social media networks. In this paper, by analyzing the growth of user activity and item popularity in four empirical social media networks, i.e., Amazon, Flickr, Delicious and Wikipedia, it is found that cross links between users and items are more likely to be created by active users and to be acquired by popular items, where user activity and item popularity are measured by the number of cross links associated with users and items. This indicates that users generally trace popular items, overall. However, it is found that the inactive users more severely trace popular items than the active users. Inspired by empirical analysis, we propose an evolving model for such networks, in which the evolution is driven only by two-step random walk. Numerical experiments verified that the model can qualitatively reproduce the distributions of user activity and item popularity observed in empirical networks. These results might shed light on the understandings of micro dynamics of activity and popularity in social media networks.

  11. Altruism and Popularity (United States)

    Egilmez, Eda; Naylor-Tincknell, Janett


    Popularity, as a manifestation of social status, has been widely researched and determined by group members. Prosocial behaviors are actions with intention of benefiting others or society as whole with little or no personal gain and may include helping, cooperating, and other voluntary works. Altruism is a type of prosocial behavior that could…

  12. Using Popular Culture to Teach Quantitative Reasoning (United States)

    Hillyard, Cinnamon


    Popular culture provides many opportunities to develop quantitative reasoning. This article describes a junior-level, interdisciplinary, quantitative reasoning course that uses examples from movies, cartoons, television, magazine advertisements, and children's literature. Some benefits from and cautions to using popular culture to teach…

  13. Cultura popular e Turismo: O Ceará nos anos 1970 / Popular Culture and Tourism: Ceará, Brazil, in the 70’s

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    Ana Amélia Rodrigues de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O artigo analisa o processo de atribuição de valor econômico à cultura popular, a partir da sua vinculação à atividade turística. Até a década de 1950, a cultura popular era entendida socialmente, apenas como um elemento constitutivo da identidade brasileira, calcada nos ideais de pureza e autenticidade. Com a criação de órgãos como o Banco do Nordeste e a Sudene, o governo federal tenta inserir o Nordeste na lógica de desenvolvimento capitalista, e começa a ver na produção popular uma possibilidade de gerar renda a partir do investimento na produção artesanal. O desenvolvimento do turismo influenciará na inserção das tradições populares no circuito econômico como atrativo turístico. Popular Culture and Tourism: Ceará, Brazil, in the 70’s - This paper analyzes the process of assigning economic value to popular culture and its link to tourism. Until the 1950's, popular culture was understood socially in an ideal of purity and authenticity, as a constitutive element of national identity. With creation of institutions such as Banco do Nordeste and Sudene, federal government intends to include the Brazilian Northeast in the capitalist development logic, and see the popular production as a possibility to generate income from investment in craft production. Tourism development will mark the insertion of popular traditions in the economic circuit as a tourist attraction.

  14. Fatores associados ao bem-estar subjetivo de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua = Factors associated with the subjective well-being of children and adolescents in street situation = Factores asociados con el bienestar subjetivo de los niños y adolescentes en situación de la calle

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    Lima, Rebeca Fernandes Ferreira


    Full Text Available Buscou-se caracterizar o bem-estar subjetivo de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua de três capitais brasileiras: Fortaleza, Porto Alegre e Salvador, verificando os fatores a ele associados (idade, sexo, eventos estressores e rede de apoio. Participaram 111 jovens (M=14,18 anos; DP=2,4, sendo a maioria (n=90; 81,1% meninos. Utilizou-se o Inventário de Eventos Estressores, Mapa dos Cinco Campos, Escala de Satisfação de Vida e Escalas de Afeto Positivo e Negativo. Os participantes avaliaram positivamente a satisfação de vida e relataram mais afetos positivos que negativos, embora tenham vivenciado eventos estressores. Satisfação de vida associou-se negativamente com idade e afetos negativos associaram-se positivamente ao impacto dos eventos estressores e negativamente ao fator de proximidade da rede de apoio. Discute-se que as adversidades não afetaram a expressão de afetos positivos e satisfação de vida, bem como a importância da rede de apoio para promoção de bem-estar

  15. Popularity differentially predicts reactive and proactive aggression in early adolescence. (United States)

    Stoltz, Sabine; Cillessen, Antonius H N; van den Berg, Yvonne H M; Gommans, Rob


    Previous research has indicated that peer popularity is associated with aggressive behavior. However, it is not yet clear whether popularity is uniquely related to different functions of aggression. In this study, we examined associations between peer-perceived popularity, and reactive and proactive aggression using a cross-sectional and a longitudinal design. Yearly sociometric measures of popularity, and reactive and proactive aggression were gathered from 266 seventh and eight grade adolescents (Mage grade 7 = 12.80, SDage  = .40). Popularity was positively correlated with proactive aggression and negatively correlated with reactive aggression, both concurrently as over time. Curvilinear trends indicated that a significant minority of low versus high popular adolescents showed both functions of aggression. Somewhat stronger effects of popularity on proactive aggression were found for boys than girls. Stably popular adolescents showed the highest levels of proactive aggression, whereas stably unpopular youth showed the highest levels of reactive aggression. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Effects of popular exemplars in television news

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lefevere, J.; De Swert, K.; Walgrave, S.


    Common people that are apparently randomly selected by journalists to illustrate a news story (popular exemplars) have a substantial effect on what the audience think about the issue. This effect may be partly due to the mere fact that popular exemplars attract attention and act as attention

  17. Popularity Evaluation Model for Microbloggers Online Social Network

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    Xia Zhang


    Full Text Available Recently, microblogging is widely studied by the researchers in the domain of the online social network (OSN. How to evaluate the popularities of microblogging users is an important research field, which can be applied to commercial advertising, user behavior analysis and information dissemination, and so forth. Previous studies on the evaluation methods cannot effectively solve and accurately evaluate the popularities of the microbloggers. In this paper, we proposed an electromagnetic field theory based model to analyze the popularities of microbloggers. The concept of the source in microblogging field is first put forward, which is based on the concept of source in the electromagnetic field; then, one’s microblogging flux is calculated according to his/her behaviors (send or receive feedbacks on the microblogging platform; finally, we used three methods to calculate one’s microblogging flux density, which can represent one’s popularity on the microblogging platform. In the experimental work, we evaluated our model using real microblogging data and selected the best one from the three popularity measure methods. We also compared our model with the classic PageRank algorithm; and the results show that our model is more effective and accurate to evaluate the popularities of the microbloggers.

  18. Significance and popularity in music production (United States)

    Monechi, Bernardo; Gravino, Pietro; Servedio, Vito D. P.; Tria, Francesca; Loreto, Vittorio


    Creative industries constantly strive for fame and popularity. Though highly desirable, popularity is not the only achievement artistic creations might ever acquire. Leaving a longstanding mark in the global production and influencing future works is an even more important achievement, usually acknowledged by experts and scholars. `Significant' or `influential' works are not always well known to the public or have sometimes been long forgotten by the vast majority. In this paper, we focus on the duality between what is successful and what is significant in the musical context. To this end, we consider a user-generated set of tags collected through an online music platform, whose evolving co-occurrence network mirrors the growing conceptual space underlying music production. We define a set of general metrics aiming at characterizing music albums throughout history, and their relationships with the overall musical production. We show how these metrics allow to classify albums according to their current popularity or their belonging to expert-made lists of important albums. In this way, we provide the scientific community and the public at large with quantitative tools to tell apart popular albums from culturally or aesthetically relevant artworks. The generality of the methodology presented here lends itself to be used in all those fields where innovation and creativity are in play.

  19. Popular Science Articles for Chemistry Teaching

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    Ketevan Kupatadze


    Full Text Available The presented paper reviews popular science articles (these articles are published in online magazine “The Teacher” as one of the methods of chemistry teaching. It describes which didactic principles they are in line with and how this type of articles can be used in order to kindle the interest of pupils, students and generally, the readers of other specialties, in chemistry.  The articles review the main topics of inorganic/organic chemistry, biochemistry and ecological chemistry in a simple and entertaining manner. A part of the articles is about "household" chemistry. Chemical topics are related to poetry, literature, history of chemistry or simply, to fun news. The paper delineates the structure of popular science articles and the features of engaging students. It also reviews the teachers' and students' interview results about the usage of popular science articles in chemistry teaching process. The aforementioned pedagogical study revealed that the popular science articles contain useful information not only for the students of other specialties, but also for future biologists and ecologists (having chemistry as a mandatory subject at their universities. The articles are effectively used by teachers on chemistry lessons to kindle students' interest in this subject. DOI: 

  20. Significance and popularity in music production. (United States)

    Monechi, Bernardo; Gravino, Pietro; Servedio, Vito D P; Tria, Francesca; Loreto, Vittorio


    Creative industries constantly strive for fame and popularity. Though highly desirable, popularity is not the only achievement artistic creations might ever acquire. Leaving a longstanding mark in the global production and influencing future works is an even more important achievement, usually acknowledged by experts and scholars. 'Significant' or 'influential' works are not always well known to the public or have sometimes been long forgotten by the vast majority. In this paper, we focus on the duality between what is successful and what is significant in the musical context. To this end, we consider a user-generated set of tags collected through an online music platform, whose evolving co-occurrence network mirrors the growing conceptual space underlying music production. We define a set of general metrics aiming at characterizing music albums throughout history, and their relationships with the overall musical production. We show how these metrics allow to classify albums according to their current popularity or their belonging to expert-made lists of important albums. In this way, we provide the scientific community and the public at large with quantitative tools to tell apart popular albums from culturally or aesthetically relevant artworks. The generality of the methodology presented here lends itself to be used in all those fields where innovation and creativity are in play.

  1. Academic Self-Presentation Strategies and Popularity in Middle School (United States)

    Zook, Joan M.; Russotti, Justin M.


    This study examined early adolescents' beliefs about which academic self-presentation strategies hypothetical hard-working, high-achieving students should use with popular peers, adolescents' own use of self-presentation strategies, and links between popularity and self-presentation strategies. In response to scenarios in which popular classmates…

  2. Songs that resonate: the uses of popular music nostalgia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.J.C. van der Hoeven (Arno)


    textabstractThis chapter explores the phenomenon of popular music nostalgia. In the cultural and heritage industries, nostalgia is widely used to make an affective connection to music consumers. Popular music nostalgia can be defined as a longing for the past that is evoked through popular music’s

  3. Lights, Camera, Action: Integrating Popular Film in the Health Classroom (United States)

    Diez, Keri S.; Pleban, Francis T.; Wood, Ralph J.


    This article discusses the benefits as well as the important considerations that should be taken into account in integrating popular films in health education classes. Use of popular films in the classroom, termed "cinema education," is becoming increasingly popular in teaching health education. As a matter of convenience, popular films are easy…

  4. The association between valuing popularity and relational aggression : The moderating effects of actual popularity and physiological reactivity to exclusion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shoulberg, Erin K.; Sijtsema, Jelle J.; Murray-Close, Dianna

    The association between having a reputation for valuing popularity and relational aggression was assessed in a sample of 126 female children and adolescents (mean age = 12.43 years) at a 54-day residential summer camp for girls. Having a reputation for valuing popularity was positively related to

  5. Performing Memory in Art and Popular Culture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Plate, L.; Smelik, A.M.


    This volume pursues a new line of research in cultural memory studies by understanding memory as a performative act in art and popular culture. The authors take their cue from the observation that art and popular culture enact memory and generate processes of memory. They do memory, and in this

  6. Popular democracy and waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallis, L.R.


    The US has moved from representative democracy to popular democracy and public scrutiny is unrelenting. Any hope of success on their part in resolving the nuclear waste question hinges on their ability to condition themselves to operate in a popular democracy environment. Those opposed to the siting of high- and low-level waste repositories have already developed a set of recurring themes: (1) the siting criteria are fatally flawed; (2) the criteria are not adequate; (3) the process is driven by politics not science; (4) unrealistic deadlines lead to dangerous shortcuts; (5) transportation experience is lacking; (6) the scientific community does not really know how to dispose of the wastes. They must continue to tell the public that if science has brought us problems, then the answer can be only more knowledge - not less. Failure by their profession to recognize that popular democracy is a fact and that nuclear issues need to be addressed in humanistic terms raises the question of whether America is philosophically suited for the expanded use of nuclear power in the future - or for that matter for leadership in the world of tomorrow

  7. The use of audiovisual media in adolescence and its relationship with subjective well-being: A qualitative analysis from an intergenerational and gender perspective El uso de los medios audiovisuales en la adolescencia y su relación con el bienestar subjetivo: Análisis cualitativo desde la perspectiva intergeneracional y de género

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    Sara Malo


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of a qualitative research that explores, from an intergenerational and gender perspective, how the use of audiovisual media influences to personal well-being in adolescence. Three, semi-structured group interviews were used with adolescent girls (aged 12 to 18 years, and two with mothers of boys and girls of those ages. The results show that interpersonal relationships are one of the factors that greatly contribute to the adolescents’ well-being. Girls said that the use of technology generates personal well-being because it allows them to maintain interpersonal relationships with their peers. The mothers, however, question whether overuse of technology can contribute to their personal well-being. On the other hand, girls and mothers agree to comment that the use of technology hinders the relationships that adolescents have with their parents.


    El presente artículo expone los resultados de una investigación cualitativa que explora, desde la perspectiva intergeneracional y de género, de qué forma el uso de los medios audiovisuales influye en el bienestar subjetivo en la adolescencia. Se han realizado tres entrevistas grupales semi-estructuradas con chicas adolescentes (de 12 a 18 años y dos con madres de chicos y chicas de estas edades. Los resultados avalan una vez más que las relaciones interpersonales son uno de los factores que en mayor medida influye en el bienestar de los y las adolescentes. Las chicas manifiestan que el uso de las tecnologías audiovisuales contribuye a su bienestar subjetivo porque les posibilita mantener las relaciones interpersonales con sus iguales. Las madres, en cambio, ponen en duda que un uso excesivo de las tecnologías pueda contribuir al bienestar subjetivo. Por otra parte, chicas y madres coinciden en comentar que el uso de las tecnologías dificulta las relaciones de los adolescentes con sus progenitores.


  8. O "Popular" em Egberto Gismonti

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    Rúrion Soares Melo


    Full Text Available Nossa música, rica e moderna, não pode ser integralmente enquadrada em tipologias. Este artigo destaca a importância do material musical e da autonomia nos procedimentos composicionais, e propõe que a compreensão das obras de Egberto Gismonti não pode se restringir aos elementos propriamente "brasileiros" do "nacional-popular".Brazilian music, rich and modern, cannot be integrally fit in typologies. This article detaches the importance of the musical material and the autonomy in the compositional procedures, and considers that the understanding of the work of Egberto Gismonti cannot be restricted to strictly "Brazilian" elements of the "nacional-popular".


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    Waldomiro O. Piazza


    Full Text Available Antes de tudo, é preciso ter presente que religiosidade popular não é o mesmo que fenomenologia religiosa, embora estejam intimamente vinculadas entre si. A fenomenologia religiosa é uma ciência que estuda o significado profundo das várias atitudes religiosas que o homem toma motivado por uma experiência religiosa. A religiosidade popular é o complexo destas atitudes condicionadas por alguma estrutura cultural, como a dos primitivos, que se dedicavam à caça, à pesca, à coleta de frutos, ou a dos povos sedentários, dedicados às técnicas agrárias e industriais.

  10. Abraham Lincoln in European Popular Culture

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    John Dean


    Full Text Available This article argues that Lincoln is not a universal hero, but rather an indigenous, U.S., ethnocentric one. Lincoln has generally been absent as a model in European social and public life, rarely emphasized as an essential part of education or in the public forum. Among the reasons given for this difference are inaccurate references to his ecumenical qualities and the often negative attitude in Europe towards a U.S. popular taste culture which is an expression of values, a vital, half-wild, half-tame, communal expression of ‘We, the People of the United States.’ Especially in the 20th century, U.S. popular culture and popular icons have often been regarded in Europe as an expression of lowbrow entertainment. But in the U.S., ‘popular’ is much closer to ‘grassroots’ in the full, Whitmanesque meaning of the term. Some things don’t translate.

  11. Saber popular: sua existência no meio universitário Saber popular: su existencia en el medio universitario Popular wisdom: its existence in the university environment

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    Maria Alves Barbosa


    Full Text Available Mitos e crendices estão presentes hodiernamente, apesar do desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia, principalmente na busca por soluções de problemas que fogem ao entendimento humano. Objetivou-se verificar na comunidade universitária a existência de crendices e mitos, investigando suas origens, influências, adoção e credibilidade, correlacionando-os com o nível de conhecimento dos indivíduos. Pesquisa descritivo-analítica desenvolvida em Unidades de Ensino da Área de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Seguiu-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo para análise dos dados. Foram criadas duas categorias: Atitudes Pessoais Relacionadas a Crenças e Influências e Superação das Crenças. Concluiu-se que há colisão entre os saberes popular e científico, gerando a exclusão do saber popular, sua manutenção "velada", ou mesmo, a aliança dos saberes.Mitos y creencias están presentes actualmente, a pesar del desarrollo de la ciencia y de la tecnología, principalmente en la búsqueda por soluciones de problemas que escapan al entendimiento humano. El estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar en la comunidad universitaria la existencia de creencias, mitos y otras prácticas populares, investigando sus orígenes, influencias, adopción, credibilidad y correlacionándolos con el nivel de conocimiento de los individuos. La investigación cuya naturaleza es descriptiva-analítica, fue desarrollada en Unidades de Enseñanza del Área de Salud de la Universidad Federal de Goiás. El grupo se constituye de profesores y estudiantes de los cursos del área de salud. Los resultados posibilitaron la creación de dos categorías, la primera, Actitudes personales relacionadas a Creencias, evidenció el poder de las prácticas populares y de las creencias sobre el comportamiento humano y la segunda, Influencias y Superación de las Creencias, permitió la comprensión del contento social y cultural del grupo investigado. Se concluye que

  12. Popularity Trajectories and Substance Use in early Adolescence1 (United States)

    Moody, James; Brynildsen, Wendy D.; Osgood, D. Wayne; Feinberg, Mark E.; Gest, Scott


    This paper introduces new longitudinal network data from the “Promoting School-Community-University Partnerships to Enhance Resilience” or “PROSPER” peers project. In 28 communities, grade-level sociometric friendship nominations were collected from two cohorts of middle school students as they moved from 6th, to 9th grade. As an illustration and description of these longitudinal network data, this paper describes the school popularity structure, changes in popularity position, and suggests linkages between popularity trajectory and substance use. In the cross-section, we find that the network is consistent with a hierarchical social organization, but exhibits considerable relational change in both particular friends and position at the individual level. We find that both the base level of popularity and the variability of popularity trajectories effect substance use. PMID:21765588

  13. La cultura popular anglofona en el curriculum del ingles a nivel superior (Popular Anglophone Culture in the English Curriculum at the College Level). (United States)

    Zoreda, Margaret Lee

    This paper examines the rationale for introducing popular culture into college-level English-as-a-Second-Language instruction in Mexico, drawing on research and theory in second language instruction, and it offers specific suggestions for classroom presentation of popular cultural content. It is argued that content in popular culture can enhance…

  14. Resources for Popular Education. (United States)

    Heaney, Tom


    Popular education, with its agenda for social change, often lacks access to traditional financial support. Strategies for resource development include volunteers, small proportion of public funding, an umbrella organization to distribute funds, and collaboration with adult educators in mainstream institutions. (SK)

  15. Popularity and user diversity of online objects (United States)

    Wang, Jia-Hua; Guo, Qiang; Yang, Kai; Zhang, Yi-Lu; Han, Jingti; Liu, Jian-Guo


    The popularity has been widely used to describe the object property of online user-object bipartite networks regardless of the user characteristics. In this paper, we introduce a measurement namely user diversity to measure diversity of users who select or rate one type of objects by using the information entropy. We empirically calculate the user diversity of objects with specific degree for both MovieLens and Diggs data sets. The results indicate that more types of users select normal-degree objects than those who select large-degree and small-degree objects. Furthermore, small-degree objects are usually selected by large-degree users while large-degree objects are usually selected by small-degree users. Moreover, we define 15% objects of smallest degrees as unpopular objects and 10% ones of largest degrees as popular objects. The timestamp is introduced to help further analyze the evolution of user diversity of popular objects and unpopular objects. The dynamic analysis shows that as objects become popular gradually, they are more likely accepted by small-degree users but lose attention among the large-degree users.

  16. El dilema del arte popular en Bolivia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lupe Cajas


    Full Text Available Aborda la comunicación desde las tres interpretaciones más importantes: la tradicionalista, la militar y mercantilista y el arte popular tan inestable, cuestionado y cambiante. Canclini cuestiona la compartamentalización de cultura: popular y de medios y esboza los problemas que plantea la tradicional miopía de no reconocer la universalización y ubicuidad de la cultura de masas. Se agregan otros temas como: ¿Re-intelección de los medios? apuntes sobre un libro de los Mattelart, ¿"Ética" o "Deontología" de la comunicación social?, El lenguaje del vestido y de la fiesta,Talleres de cultura Popular en Santiago de Chile, El dilema del arte popular en Bolivia,¿Sobrevivirán las artesanías aborígenes argentinas?, Los tejedores de El Tintorero, Tecnologías de computación y Tercer Mundo, La cobertura del terremoto en México, La comunicación como quehacer y como problema, la comunicación planificada sirve al desarrollo

  17. Significance and popularity in music production (United States)

    Gravino, Pietro; Servedio, Vito D. P.; Tria, Francesca; Loreto, Vittorio


    Creative industries constantly strive for fame and popularity. Though highly desirable, popularity is not the only achievement artistic creations might ever acquire. Leaving a longstanding mark in the global production and influencing future works is an even more important achievement, usually acknowledged by experts and scholars. ‘Significant’ or ‘influential’ works are not always well known to the public or have sometimes been long forgotten by the vast majority. In this paper, we focus on the duality between what is successful and what is significant in the musical context. To this end, we consider a user-generated set of tags collected through an online music platform, whose evolving co-occurrence network mirrors the growing conceptual space underlying music production. We define a set of general metrics aiming at characterizing music albums throughout history, and their relationships with the overall musical production. We show how these metrics allow to classify albums according to their current popularity or their belonging to expert-made lists of important albums. In this way, we provide the scientific community and the public at large with quantitative tools to tell apart popular albums from culturally or aesthetically relevant artworks. The generality of the methodology presented here lends itself to be used in all those fields where innovation and creativity are in play. PMID:28791169

  18. The Association between Valuing Popularity and Relational Aggression: The Moderating Effects of Actual Popularity and Physiological Reactivity to Exclusion (United States)

    Shoulberg, Erin K.; Sijtsema, Jelle J.; Murray-Close, Dianna


    The association between having a reputation for valuing popularity and relational aggression was assessed in a sample of 126 female children and adolescents (mean age=12.43 years) at a 54-day residential summer camp for girls. Having a reputation for valuing popularity was positively related to relational aggression. This association was moderated…

  19. Space activities and global popular music culture (United States)

    Wessels, Allison Rae; Collins, Patrick

    During the "space age" era, space activities appear increasingly as a theme in Western popular music, as they do in popular culture generally. In combination with the electronics and tele-communications revolution, "pop/rock" music has grown explosively during the space age to become an effectively global culture. From this base a number of trends are emerging in the pattern of influences that space activities have on pop music. The paper looks at the use of themes and imagery in pop music; the role of space technology in the modern "globalization" of pop music; and current and future links between space activities and pop music culture, including how public space programmes are affected by its influence on popular attitudes.

  20. Sound as Popular Culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The wide-ranging texts in this book take as their premise the idea that sound is a subject through which popular culture can be analyzed in an innovative way. From an infant’s gurgles over a baby monitor to the roar of the crowd in a stadium to the sub-bass frequencies produced by sound systems...... in the disco era, sound—not necessarily aestheticized as music—is inextricably part of the many domains of popular culture. Expanding the view taken by many scholars of cultural studies, the contributors consider cultural practices concerning sound not merely as semiotic or signifying processes but as material......, physical, perceptual, and sensory processes that integrate a multitude of cultural traditions and forms of knowledge. The chapters discuss conceptual issues as well as terminologies and research methods; analyze historical and contemporary case studies of listening in various sound cultures; and consider...

  1. Meninas de moral: experiências socioeducativas em um bairro popular do Recife

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    Rosineide de Lourdes Meira Cordeiro

    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma experiência de extensão universitária que objetivou promover um espaço socioeducativo com adolescentes do sexo feminino no universo dos direitos sexuais e sociais. O projeto foi desenvolvido por duas estudantes de Psicologia e dois de Serviço Social, sob orientação docente, com dez garotas de idade entre 12 e 14 anos, majoritariamente afro-descendentes, moradoras da periferia da cidade do Recife, Pernambuco. O artigo enfoca o uso do termo menina de moral pelas adolescentes que, dentre outros significados e implicações, envolve uso de força física, ameaças verbais e drogas lícitas e ilícitas como elementos que conferem ou mantêm status e respeito entre pares. As ações da menina de moral sinalizam uma série de estratégias elaboradas pelas adolescentes ante as singularidades do contexto social em que estão inseridas e revelam que os condicionantes de geração são entremeados por fatores como gênero, classe social, raça e etnia.

  2. Fatores condicionantes da atração e retenção de jovens profissionais e Âncoras de Carreira: estudo com engenheiros de empresa construtora de obras de infraestrutura de Minas Gerais.

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    Eliane Sereno de Mattos Cabral


    Full Text Available São expostos neste artigo os resultados de estudo de caso que objetivou identificar os fatores condicionantes da atração e retenção de engenheiros recém-formados e sua vinculação com as âncoras de carreira de Schein (1978. Pretendeu-se, ainda, verificar se esses fatores se configuram também como fatores de retenção e acompanhar a evolução das âncoras. Em uma abordagem de natureza quali e quanti, foram realizadas entrevistas e utilizadas versões adaptadas dos inventários de Schein (1996, Demo (2008 e Cia de Talentos (2011. As âncoras mais proeminentes foram Desafio Puro, Estilo de Vida e Competência Técnica Funcional, que também se revelaram influentes na adaptação e retenção do grupo pesquisado.

  3. Peer status and aggression as predictors of dating popularity in adolescence. (United States)

    Houser, John J; Mayeux, Lara; Cross, Cassandra


    Research has identified links between dating and aversive behavior such as aggression and bullying in adolescence, highlighting the need for studies that further our understanding of romantic relationships and their dynamics during this period. This study tested the associations between dating popularity and overt and relational aggression, social preference, and peer popularity. Of particular interest were the moderating roles of social preference and peer popularity in the association of aggression with dating popularity. Further moderation by gender was also explored. Participants were 478 ninth-graders (48% girls) with peer nomination scores for peer status, aggression, and dating popularity. Dating popularity was positively correlated with popularity, social preference, and overt and relational aggression. Regression models indicated that popular, overtly aggressive girls were seen as desirable dating partners by their male peers. Relational aggression was associated with dating popularity for both boys and girls, especially for youths who were well-liked by peers. These findings are interpreted in light of developmental-contextual perspectives on adolescent romantic relationships and Resource Control Theory.

  4. Educación popular


    Ortiz, Pedro P.


    Reflexiones sobre la relación entre la educación popular con el individuo, la sociedad, la moral, la religión, la industria y la riqueza pública - La educación i el individuo - La educación i la sociedad

  5. Vocal handicap index in popular and erudite professional singers. (United States)

    Loiola-Barreiro, Camila Miranda; Silva, Marta Assumpção de Andrada E

    To compare the voice handicap index of popular and erudite professional singers according to gender, age, professional experience time, and presence or absence of self-reported vocal complaints. One hundred thirty-two professional singers, 74 popular and 58 erudite, who responded to a questionnaire with regards to identification, age, gender, professional experience time in singing, musical genres (for popular singers), vocal classification (for erudite singers), presence of self-reported vocal complaints, and the specific protocols for popular (Modern Singing Handicap Index - MSHI) and erudite (Classical Singing Handicap Index - CSHI) singing. Higher proportion of women and higher incidence of vocal complaints were observed in the popular singers compared with the erudite singers. Most of the popular singers belonged to the genre of Brazilian Popular Music. Regarding the classification of erudite singers, there was greater participation of sopranos and tenors. No statistical differences were observed with respect to age and professional experience time between the groups. Comparison of the MSHI and CSHI scores showed no statistically significant difference between these scores and genre or age in both groups of singers. Professional experience time was related to the total score and the subscales disability and impairment in the MSHI, only for popular singers with vocal complaints. There was no correlation between these variables and the CSHI for erudite singers. The impact of vocal difficulty/problem interferes differently in these two musical genres when related to vocal complaint and professional experience time. The MSHI and CSHI protocols proved to be important tools not only for the identification of problems, but also for the understanding of how these individuals relate their voices with this occupational activity.

  6. Aggressive effects of prioritizing popularity in early adolescence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cillessen, A.H.N.; Mayeux, L.; Ha, P.T.; Bruyn, E.H. de; LaFontana, K.M.


    This study examined the moderating effects of prioritizing popularity on the association between early adolescents' popularity and their aggressive, leadership, and prosocial behaviors with peers. Participants were 288 14-year-olds from The Netherlands who completed a sociometric instrument and an

  7. Folclore e medicina popular na Amazônia Folklore and popular medicine in the Amazon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcio Couto Henrique


    Full Text Available Discute as relações entre folclore e medicina popular na Amazônia, tendo como referencial de análise o conto "Filhos do boto", de Canuto Azevedo. Aponta que os contos folclóricos estão saturados de elementos da realidade cultural e podem ser utilizados como testemunhos históricos que expressam embates entre diferentes tradições. Os registros folclóricos são fruto do diálogo muitas vezes conflituoso entre folcloristas, cientistas sociais, médicos, pajés e seus seguidores, e sua análise deve ser acompanhada de reflexão sobre as condições de sua produção. Neste caso específico, trata-se de refletir, com base no imaginário de sedução e cura em torno do boto, sobre a possibilidade de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a medicina popular praticada na Amazônia, região de forte presença da pajelança cabocla.This discussion of the relations between folklore and popular medicine in the Amazon takes Canuto Azevedo's story "Filhos do boto" (Children of the porpoise as an analytical reference point. Replete with elements of cultural reality, folk tales can serve as historical testimonies expressing clashes between different traditions. Folk records are fruit of what is often a quarrelsome dialogue between folklorists, social scientists, physicians, and pajés and their followers, and their analysis should take into account the conditions under which they were produced. Based on the imaginary attached to the figure of the porpoise - a seductive creature with healing powers - the article explores how we might expand knowledge of popular medicine as practiced in the Amazon, where the shamanistic rite known as pajelança cabocla has a strong presence.

  8. Predicting the future trend of popularity by network diffusion (United States)

    Zeng, An; Yeung, Chi Ho


    Conventional approaches to predict the future popularity of products are mainly based on extrapolation of their current popularity, which overlooks the hidden microscopic information under the macroscopic trend. Here, we study diffusion processes on consumer-product and citation networks to exploit the hidden microscopic information and connect consumers to their potential purchase, publications to their potential citers to obtain a prediction for future item popularity. By using the data obtained from the largest online retailers including Netflix and Amazon as well as the American Physical Society citation networks, we found that our method outperforms the accurate short-term extrapolation and identifies the potentially popular items long before they become prominent.

  9. Predicting the future trend of popularity by network diffusion. (United States)

    Zeng, An; Yeung, Chi Ho


    Conventional approaches to predict the future popularity of products are mainly based on extrapolation of their current popularity, which overlooks the hidden microscopic information under the macroscopic trend. Here, we study diffusion processes on consumer-product and citation networks to exploit the hidden microscopic information and connect consumers to their potential purchase, publications to their potential citers to obtain a prediction for future item popularity. By using the data obtained from the largest online retailers including Netflix and Amazon as well as the American Physical Society citation networks, we found that our method outperforms the accurate short-term extrapolation and identifies the potentially popular items long before they become prominent.

  10. The role of attractiveness and aggression in high school popularity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borch, C.; Hyde, A.; Cillessen, A.H.N.


    This study examines the effects of physical attractiveness and aggression on popularity among high school students. Previous work has found positive relationships between aggression and popularity and physical attractiveness and popularity. The current study goes beyond this work by examining the

  11. The Role of Respect in the Relation of Aggression to Popularity (United States)

    Kuryluk, Amanda; Cohen, Robert; Audley-Piotrowski, Shannon


    Can aggressive children be popular with peers? Generally, sociometric popularity (liking nominations) has been shown to be negatively associated with aggression, and perceived popularity (popularity nominations) has been shown to be positively associated with aggression. The thesis of the present research was that being respected by peers…

  12. Popular cinema and lesbian interpretive strategies. (United States)

    Dobinson, C; Young, K


    In its examination of the relationship between popular film and lesbian viewing practices, this study attempts to more fully elucidate current ideas around audience engagement and forms of cultural reception. Drawing on 15 in-depth interviews conducted in Western Canada in 1996, the results clearly demonstrate the existence of active lesbian viewers, whose interpretations of popular film are intimately informed by lesbian-specific life experiences and cultural competencies. Although the social conditions which create the need for resistant viewing are themselves oppressive, subversion of mainstream film holds out some possibility of empowerment for lesbian viewers.

  13. Evaluation of Spam Impact on Arabic Websites Popularity

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    Mohammed N. Al-Kabi


    Full Text Available The expansion of the Web and its information in all aspects of life raises the concern of how to trust information published on the Web especially in cases where publisher may not be known. Websites strive to be more popular and make themselves visible to search engines and eventually to users. Website popularity can be measured using several metrics such as the Web traffic (e.g. Website: visitors’ number and visited page number. A link or page popularity refers to the total number of hyperlinks referring to a certain Web page. In this study, several top ranked Arabic Websites are selected for evaluating possible Web spam behavior. Websites use spam techniques to boost their ranks within Search Engine Results Page (SERP. Results of this study showed that some of these popular Websites are using techniques that are considered spam techniques according to Search Engine Optimization guidelines.

  14. Vocação de criar: anotações sobre a cultura e as culturas populares Vocation to create: notes on culture and popular cultures

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    Carlos Rodrigues Brandão


    Full Text Available O artigo examina diferentes dimensões da cultura e das polêmicas que envolvem o termo para dizer da(s cultura(s popular(es como derivação também controvertida. Diferentemente dos estudos sobre o eixo cultura-cultura popular, num exercício de memória, busca-se o processo de criação dos movimentos de cultura popular dos anos 1960 no Brasil para, então, aproximá-lo dos tempos atuais e mostrar como a cultura e a cultura popular foram levadas ao campo da prática política e integraram nelas um novo sentido dado à própria educação. Trata-se da discussão entre cultura e educação como espaços francamente abertos e dialógicos que se abrem à difícil e complexa arte da criação, da partilha e do intercâmbio de e entre culturas populares, do papel do saber e da reprodução do saber como questão substantiva no eixo entre cultura e educação.This article examines different dimensions of culture and the controversies surrounding this term when used to refer to "popular culture(s";. Unlike studies on the axis culture-popular culture, an attempt is made to return to the beginning of the Brazilian popular culture movements in 60's, in order to bring them closer to the present time. In doing so, it will be possible to show how culture and popular culture were taken to the field of political praxis, integrating in them a new meaning given to education itself. The discussion points out that a substantive issue to be considered is if culture and education are conceived as spaces overtly open and dialogical in nature, typical of the difficult and complex art of creating, sharing and interchanging of (and between popular cultures the role of knowledge and of the knowledge reproduction.

  15. and popular organization (research notes

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    Paulo J. Krischke


    Full Text Available This paper discusses some interfaces between the approaches to political learning, and their reference to situations of social exclusion, conflict and popular organization. The first part of the paper discusses the approach to the study of political learning among the elites; the second part examines approaches to research of political culture among the masses; and the third part outlines an alternative approach to political learning derived from Jürgen Habermas’s theory of “communicative action”. In the paper these approaches are applied to the study of a territory of exclusion, conflict, and popular organisation (a group of favelas in downtown Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Finally, the paper outlines some procedures to achieve a more general understanding of political learning

  16. The Role of Attractiveness and Aggression in High School Popularity (United States)

    Borch, Casey; Hyde, Allen; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.


    This study examines the effects of physical attractiveness and aggression on popularity among high school students. Previous work has found positive relationships between aggression and popularity and physical attractiveness and popularity. The current study goes beyond this work by examining the interactive effects of physical attractiveness and…

  17. Who is Everyone's Darling in Cyberspace? The Characteristics of Popular Online Daters

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    Chih-Chien Wang


    Full Text Available Online dating current is a popular activity in cyberspace. More and more people make new friends and find their partners through online dating web sites. There is an interesting observation that some people are more popular than others in online dating web sites. The current study focuses on the personal profile characteristics that make one a popular dater. By two field surveys, this study discusses the relationship between online daters' personal profiles and their popularity. The first survey investigated 800 online daters' profiles from dating web sites. The statistical analysis results indicated thatphysical body types and looks, education level, occupation, personality, and interests were characteristics that influenced the popularity of online daters, while significant gender differences were found in the characteristics that related to popularity of online daters. The second survey searched 960 online daters with profiles of popular and unpopular characteristics. By observing the popularity of these online daters, it was found that those with "popular" characteristics also were the popular daters and those with "unpopular" characteristics were the unpopular daters. This may serve as evidence that the found personal profile characteristics were indeed factors influencing the popularity of the online daters.

  18. SOBRE LO OBJETIVO, LO SUBJETIVO Y LO CAPRICHOSO EN ARQUITECTURA / On the objective, the subjective and the capricious in Architecture

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    Francisco Javier Montero Fernández


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Un número nuevo de una revista debe pensar una editorial, al igual que un proyecto necesita nacer de un argumento y un primer croquis para, inicialmente, ofrecer una imagen finalista. Después guardaremos la editorial en un cajón y desarrollaremos el número de la revista. Dentro de unos meses, sacaremos ese croquis y podremos reconocer su eficacia; sufrirá algún retoque pero esperamos que aún sea válido.Un viaje comienza con un empeño, un destino o una finalidad. Esta revista se ofrece en cada número con un carácter poliédrico acotando faceta a faceta, la definición de Arquitectura. Siempre que hablamos de ella intentamos conocerla, delimitarla y hay quien piensa que en su anatomía puede encerrarse el secreto de algo que es inaprensible. Paso a paso nos acercamos a su conocimiento lentamente, gracias a un esfuerzo parecido al del trabajo de Sísifo. Lo más acertado sería pensar que nuestro acercamiento es parecido al recorrido de una cinta de Moebius y aunque consigamos agotar el recorrido, siempre seremos conscientes de la breve e inasible distancia existente en el mismo punto de cada lado de la cinta. Este viaje que muchos quieren entender como absurdo, es el viaje de lo subjetivo, de aquello que nos permite acercarnos a las ideas para conocerlas poco a poco, lentamente, frente al eficaz conocimiento lógico, analítico, anatómico que, como el niño que desmonta los objetos, algunos investigadores intentan aplicar, desmontando los edificios, pensando que dentro están las ideas. No obstante todos se ven obligados a reconocer que ese trabajo sí que es absurdo porque nos lleva a la nada, quizás solo a la destrucción del pensamiento a favor del conocimiento ineficaz de la realidad.El otro conocimiento que proponemos consiste en una actitud alternativa, aquella que reivindica lo subjetivo frente a lo objetivo, para establecer como mecanismo de conocimiento una acotación del mundo que nos rodea, de los temas que nos

  19. The evaluation of popular music in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands: a comparison of the use of high art and popular aesthetic criteria

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Venrooij, A.; Schmutz, V.


    Popular music has apparently gained much in status and artistic legitimacy. Some have argued that popular music criticism has assimilated the evaluative criteria traditionally associated with high art aesthetics to legitimate pop music as a serious art form, while others have claimed that popular

  20. Composing, Songwriting, and Producing: Informing Popular Music Pedagogy (United States)

    Tobias, Evan S.


    In forwarding comprehensive popular music pedagogies, music educators might acknowledge and address expanded notions of composition in popular music that include processes of recording, engineering, mixing, and producing along with the technologies, techniques, and ways of being musical that encompass these processes. This article advances a…

  1. Incorporating popularity in a personalized news recommender system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nirmal Jonnalagedda


    Full Text Available Online news reading has become a widely popular way to read news articles from news sources around the globe. With the enormous amount of news articles available, users are easily overwhelmed by information of little interest to them. News recommender systems help users manage this flood by recommending articles based on user interests rather than presenting articles in order of their occurrence. We present our research on developing personalized news recommendation system with the help of a popular micro-blogging service, “Twitter.” News articles are ranked based on the popularity of the article identified from Twitter’s public timeline. In addition, users construct profiles based on their interests and news articles are also ranked based on their match to the user profile. By integrating these two approaches, we present a hybrid news recommendation model that recommends interesting news articles to the user based on their popularity as well as their relevance to the user profile.

  2. Emergence of Long-Term Memory in Popularity


    Soh, Hyungjoon; Hong, Joo Hyung; Jeong, Jaeseung; Jeong, Hawoong


    Popularity describes the dynamics of mass attention, and is a part of a broader class of population dynamics in ecology and social science literature. Studying accurate model of popularity is important for quantifying spreading of novelty, memes, and influences in human society. Although logistic equation and similar class of nonlinear differential equation formulates traditional population dynamics well, part of the deviation in long-term prediction is stated, yet fully understood. Recently,...

  3. Social Intelligence and Academic Achievement as Predictors of Adolescent Popularity (United States)

    Meijs, Noortje; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.; Scholte, Ron H. J.; Segers, Eliane; Spijkerman, Renske


    This study compared the effects of social intelligence and cognitive intelligence, as measured by academic achievement, on adolescent popularity in two school contexts. A distinction was made between sociometric popularity, a measure of acceptance, and perceived popularity, a measure of social dominance. Participants were 512, 14-15 year-old…

  4. The performance of identity in Chinese popular music

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenewegen, Jeroen


    Popular music in Chinese languages both reflects and influences how its audiences perceive themselves and their position in the world around them. This book analyses the role of popular music in identity formation through detailed comparisons of the pop star Faye Wong, the rock band Second Hand Rose

  5. Hábitat popular. Resistencia cultural materializada

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    Paula Peyloubet


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un enfoque alternativo acerca del valor del hábitat popular. Se considera su producción como un valor en sí mismo, intangible, donde se expresa el acervo cultural de los diversos pueblos que componen el Hábitat Popular materializado en Arquitectura de alto contenido simbólico. Se construyen los argumentos de este enfoque a partir de concepciones sociológicas y antropológicas que dilucidan la semiótica de esta expresión física tan singular y siempre presente en nuestras ciudades latinoamericanas.

  6. Popular culture and tourism: the case of music tourism


    Metodijeski, Dejan; Stojanoski, Hristo


    The subject of research in this paper is the popular culture and tourism analysed from the perspective of the music aspect of tourism. Although tourism and music can be characterized as a popular culture, these two terms are not analysed individually. Instead, this research is taking into consideration their mutual relation and synergy. This paper is making an attempt to define the popular culture, tourism and music tourism through numerous examples of music tourism around the globe. In ad...

  7. Competition-induced criticality in a model of meme popularity. (United States)

    Gleeson, James P; Ward, Jonathan A; O'Sullivan, Kevin P; Lee, William T


    Heavy-tailed distributions of meme popularity occur naturally in a model of meme diffusion on social networks. Competition between multiple memes for the limited resource of user attention is identified as the mechanism that poises the system at criticality. The popularity growth of each meme is described by a critical branching process, and asymptotic analysis predicts power-law distributions of popularity with very heavy tails (exponent α<2, unlike preferential-attachment models), similar to those seen in empirical data.

  8. Competition-Induced Criticality in a Model of Meme Popularity (United States)

    Gleeson, James P.; Ward, Jonathan A.; O'Sullivan, Kevin P.; Lee, William T.


    Heavy-tailed distributions of meme popularity occur naturally in a model of meme diffusion on social networks. Competition between multiple memes for the limited resource of user attention is identified as the mechanism that poises the system at criticality. The popularity growth of each meme is described by a critical branching process, and asymptotic analysis predicts power-law distributions of popularity with very heavy tails (exponent α <2, unlike preferential-attachment models), similar to those seen in empirical data.

  9. Question popularity analysis and prediction in community question answering services. (United States)

    Liu, Ting; Zhang, Wei-Nan; Cao, Liujuan; Zhang, Yu


    With the blooming of online social media applications, Community Question Answering (CQA) services have become one of the most important online resources for information and knowledge seekers. A large number of high quality question and answer pairs have been accumulated, which allow users to not only share their knowledge with others, but also interact with each other. Accordingly, volumes of efforts have been taken to explore the questions and answers retrieval in CQA services so as to help users to finding the similar questions or the right answers. However, to our knowledge, less attention has been paid so far to question popularity in CQA. Question popularity can reflect the attention and interest of users. Hence, predicting question popularity can better capture the users' interest so as to improve the users' experience. Meanwhile, it can also promote the development of the community. In this paper, we investigate the problem of predicting question popularity in CQA. We first explore the factors that have impact on question popularity by employing statistical analysis. We then propose a supervised machine learning approach to model these factors for question popularity prediction. The experimental results show that our proposed approach can effectively distinguish the popular questions from unpopular ones in the Yahoo! Answers question and answer repository.

  10. Homepage of the Philosophy Meets Popular Culture Initiative

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grund, Cynthia M.


    -modern students, whose knowledge of various aspects of popular culture often is as encyclopedic as their classical liberal arts background is limited (some might say impoverished).   One goal of the PHILOSOPHY meets POPULAR CULTURE homepage (launched on October 7, 2008)  is to provide a forum for researchers, teachers...

  11. Popular Media, Critical Pedagogy, and Inner City Youth (United States)

    Leard, Diane Wishart; Lashua, Brett


    In this article, we explored ways youth, traditionally silenced, engaged with popular culture to voice experiences and challenge dominant narratives of public schools and daily lives. We also considered how educators use popular culture as critical pedagogy with inner city youth. Through ethnographic bricolage and case study methods, and drawing…

  12. Conocimiento objetivo y subjetivo sobre el VIH/SIDA como predictor del uso de condón en adolescentes Objective and subjective knowledge on HIV/AIDS as predictors of condom use in adolescents

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    Alberto Villaseñor-Sierra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar la asociación de conocimientos objetivo y subjetivo sobre VIH/SIDA con el uso del condón. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizó la base de datos de una encuesta aleatoria, anónima y autoaplicada en 1 410 adolescentes de cuatro estratos socioeconómicos de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, entre 1995 y 1996. El conocimiento objetivo se evaluó mediante 24 preguntas sobre VIH/SIDA y el "subjetivo" con la pregunta: "¿qué tanto crees conocer sobre el SIDA?" Las variables predictoras del uso del condón se identificaron mediante regresión logística y cálculo de la razón de momios con IC 95%. RESULTADOS: El nivel de conocimiento objetivo fue regular y tuvo diferencias por estratos (pOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between objective and subjective knowledge on HIV/AIDS and condom use. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of a database from an anonymous, self-applied, randomized survey conducted between 1995 and 1996. Study subjects were 1 410 adolescents of four socioeconomic strata from Guadalajara, Mexico. Objective knowledge was assessed with 24 questions regarding HIV/AIDS, and subjective knowledge with the question "how much do you think you know about HIV/AIDS?" The variables associated with condom use were identified using logistic regression analysis and by calculating odds ratios with a 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: The degree of objective knowledge was "average", differentiated by socioeconomic strata (p< 0.001, and was higher in adolescents from medium and high socioeconomic strata (p< 0.008. Regarding subjective knowledge, adolescents from the low, medium, and high socioeconomic strata claimed to know "a little", and the ones from the lowest stratum claimed to know "very little". Condom use was higher in males (35.4%, and in adolescents from high socioeconomic strata (p< 0.005, than in females (15.3% (p< 0.001. Although there was a correlation between objective and subjective knowledge (r = 0.37, p< 0.001, a higher

  13. Desafíos y dinámicas de la administración pública: la adjudicación de derechos públicos subjetivos bajo el presupuesto de escasez

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    Irit Milkes


    Full Text Available La obra colectiva La administración de la escasez: los fundamentos de la actividad administrativa de adjudicación de derechos limitados en número aborda el rol de la administración pública en su imperiosa necesidad de apoyarse en la construcción dogmática realizada sobre los temas de la función administrativa en general, y sobre la actividad de adjudicación de derechos públicos subjetivos en situaciones de concurrencia, en particular. Para esto estudia aquellas situaciones de escasez derivadas de una mayor demanda de interesados en la obtención o reconocimiento de derechos a “adjudicar” respecto a la oferta realizada por la administración pública. Se plantea así la relevancia de dotar al procedimiento administrativo en cada caso concreto de los principios generales del derecho y de los principios constitucionales que materialicen aquellas garantías que conducen a la eficacia y el debido respeto de los derechos fundamentales de cada sujeto procesal.

  14. Fashion vs. function in cultural evolution: the case of dog breed popularity. (United States)

    Ghirlanda, Stefano; Acerbi, Alberto; Herzog, Harold; Serpell, James A


    We investigate the relationship between characteristics of dog breeds and their popularity between years 1926 and 2005. We consider breed health, longevity, and behavioral qualities such as aggressiveness, trainability, and fearfulness. We show that a breed's overall popularity, fluctuations in popularity, and rates of increase and decrease around popularity peaks show typically no correlation with these breed characteristics. One exception is the finding that more popular breeds tend to suffer from more inherited disorders. Our results support the hypothesis that dog breed popularity has been primarily determined by fashion rather than function.

  15. Fashion vs. Function in Cultural Evolution: The Case of Dog Breed Popularity (United States)

    Ghirlanda, Stefano; Acerbi, Alberto; Herzog, Harold; Serpell, James A.


    We investigate the relationship between characteristics of dog breeds and their popularity between years 1926 and 2005. We consider breed health, longevity, and behavioral qualities such as aggressiveness, trainability, and fearfulness. We show that a breed's overall popularity, fluctuations in popularity, and rates of increase and decrease around popularity peaks show typically no correlation with these breed characteristics. One exception is the finding that more popular breeds tend to suffer from more inherited disorders. Our results support the hypothesis that dog breed popularity has been primarily determined by fashion rather than function. PMID:24040341

  16. The sociology of popular music, interdisciplinarity and aesthetic autonomy. (United States)

    Marshall, Lee


    This paper considers the impact of interdisciplinarity upon sociological research, focusing on one particular case: the academic study of popular music. 'Popular music studies' is an area of research characterized by interdisciplinarity and, in keeping with broader intellectual trends, this approach is assumed to offer significant advantages. As such, popular music studies is broadly typical of contemporary intellectual and governmental attitudes regarding the best way to research specific topics. Such interdisciplinarity, however, has potential costs and this paper highlights one of the most significant: an over-emphasis upon shared substantive interests and subsequent undervaluation of shared epistemological understandings. The end result is a form of 'ghettoization' within sociology itself, with residents of any particular ghetto displaying little awareness of developments in neighbouring ghettos. Reporting from one such ghetto, this paper considers some of the ways in which the sociology of popular music has been limited by its positioning within an interdisciplinary environment and suggests two strategies for developing a more fully-realized sociology of popular music. First, based on the assumption that a sociological understanding of popular music shares much in common with a sociological understanding of everything else, this paper calls for increased intradisciplinary research between sociologists of varying specialisms. The second strategy, however, involves a reconceptualization of the disciplinary limits of sociology, as it argues that a sociology of popular music needs to accept musical specificity as part of its remit. Such acceptance has thus far been limited not only by an interdisciplinary context but also by the long-standing sociological scepticism toward the analysis of aesthetic objects. As such, this paper offers an intervention into wider debates concerning the remit of sociological enquiry, and whether it is ever appropriate for sociological

  17. Resistance to Western Popular and Pop-Culture in India

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    Algis Mickūnas


    Full Text Available The essay is designed to present the phenomena of popular culture, its difference from pop culture, both products of modern West, and their impact on film and advertisement media in India. First, the discussion focuses on the Critical School which proposed the initial thesis of commodification of culture with a resultant “lowering” of standards to appeal to “the masses”, and an appeal to the “average” tastes. In the essay an argument is presented that pop culture is a “critique” of popular culture and is an elitist position attempting to shock popular mores and media content. Given this setting, it is argued that while India has followed both the globalizing popular and pop cultures, neither are adequate to encompass Indian media, specifically their film content.

  18. A Contribution to the Definition of the Concept of Popular Culture: An Empirical Inquiry into the Epistemological Shortcomings of Popular Conceptions about Pretrial Detention in Serbia

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    Saša Nedeljković


    Full Text Available In an attempt to ascertain the functionality of certain definitions of the concept of popular culture, or rather, to point out certain methodological options for the study of popular culture through analyzing certain popular conceptions, I have sought out those areas of social life which are under-represented in popular culture. I consider their avoidance symptomatic, worthy of attention and suitable for analysis. Discovering pretrial confinement as one such neglected area or topic, and trying to indirectly discover what might be the cause of this, I have analyzed and systematized those of its characteristics and elements which do not fulfill the requirements of the syndrome of popularity as it is typically understood.

  19. Popular Music in Malaysia: Education from the outside (United States)

    Shah, Shahanum Mohamad


    The musical preference of most Malaysian young people, their knowledge of music in general and popular music in particular are shaped through informal music education. Factors that contribute to this include the wide dissemination of popular music, the status of music in the school curriculum, and the perception of most Malaysians towards music.…

  20. Vulgarization of popular music tradition in Serbia


    Božilović, Nikola


    The vulgarization of tradition in this paper implies the alteration, false representation, and adaptation of tradition in line with the interests of certain individuals or groups in power. The author observes popular music in Serbia (jazz, pop, rock) under a sociological magnifying glass, attempting to explain and motivate the thesis which proposes a valid historical foundation of popular culture and music in the social life of Serbia. In his opinion, this kind of tradition is being 'swept un...

  1. The Process’s Effectiveness in Popular Actions


    Alencar, Rafael Vieira de; Albuquerque, Felipe Braga


    The aim of this work the study of the limits and possibilities of the known " general power of realization of judicial protection ". Concomitantly were delineated the structural goals of executory judge's powers, notably with the aim of establishing a study related to the procedure of displaying documents in popular action, the application of a daily fine for noncompliance and the presumption of veracity of the facts narrated in the popular original. As regards the methodology, it has been ca...

  2. Personalized Popular Blog Recommender Service for Mobile Applications (United States)

    Tsai, Pei-Yun; Liu, Duen-Ren

    Weblogs have emerged as a new communication and publication medium on the Internet for diffusing the latest useful information. Providing value-added mobile services such as blog articles is increasingly important to attract mobile users to mobile commerce. There are, however, a tremendous number of blog articles, and mobile users generally have difficulty in browsing weblogs. Accordingly, providing mobile users with blog articles that suit their interests is an important issue. Very little research, however, focuses on this issue. In this work, we propose a Customized Content Service on a mobile device (m-CCS) to filter and push blog articles to mobile users. The m-CCS can predict the latest popular blog topics by forecasting the trend of time-sensitive popularity of weblogs. Furthermore, to meet the diversified interest of mobile users, m-CCS further analyzes users’ browsing logs to derive their interests, which are then used to recommend their preferred popular blog topics and articles. The prototype system of m-CCS demonstrates that the system can effectively recommend mobile users desirable blog articles with respect to both popularity and personal interests.


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    Alejandra Álvarez Suárez


    Full Text Available The remaining small Jewish communities of Syria run the risk of disappearing completely due to the marginalization suffered as a consequence of the political situation since 1948. The Eli Cohen affair (1965, the Six-­Day War (1967, and the Yom Kippur War (1973 made the Baathist authorities of the country consider definitively the Syrian Jews as suspected Zionists or Zionist sympathizers. Nevertheless, in Syrian popular perceptions, the view of the Jews and Judaism did not always coincide with the ideology and propaganda emanating from the regime. In fact it is very interesting to note how good memories of times past, about an erstwhile coexistence with members of the Jewish community, still survive among many Syrians, both Muslims and Christians, belonging to the so-­called “urban middle class.” This paper evaluates some examples, in the forms of anecdotes, popular sayings and proverbs, dealing with the Jews, and popularized in Syrian colloquialisms, in order to reveal some of the popular views of Judaism and Jews within Syrian society.

  4. Life Expectancy and Cause of Death in Popular Musicians: Is the Popular Musician Lifestyle the Road to Ruin? (United States)

    Kenny, Dianna T; Asher, Anthony


    Does a combination of lifestyle pressures and personality, as reflected in genre, lead to the early death of popular musicians? We explored overall mortality, cause of death, and changes in patterns of death over time and by music genre membership in popular musicians who died between 1950 and 2014. The death records of 13,195 popular musicians were coded for age and year of death, cause of death, gender, and music genre. Musician death statistics were compared with age-matched deaths in the US population using actuarial methods. Although the common perception is of a glamorous, free-wheeling lifestyle for this occupational group, the figures tell a very different story. Results showed that popular musicians have shortened life expectancy compared with comparable general populations. Results showed excess mortality from violent deaths (suicide, homicide, accidental death, including vehicular deaths and drug overdoses) and liver disease for each age group studied compared with population mortality patterns. These excess deaths were highest for the under-25-year age group and reduced chronologically thereafter. Overall mortality rates were twice as high compared with the population when averaged over the whole age range. Mortality impacts differed by music genre. In particular, excess suicides and liver-related disease were observed in country, metal, and rock musicians; excess homicides were observed in 6 of the 14 genres, in particular hip hop and rap musicians. For accidental death, actual deaths significantly exceeded expected deaths for country, folk, jazz, metal, pop, punk, and rock.

  5. Books and the popularization of science (United States)

    Buchanan, R.


    This article discusses best-selling science books, the characteristics of the audience for popular science books, and the role of books within science popularization and science education. Best-selling science books have been rare, but generally readable. Regional books, also important sources of scientific information, aim at much smaller, far more price-sensitive audiences. Many successful regional, nontechnical science books are readable, heavily illustrated, and in some cases, cross-disciplinary. To increase the attentive audience for scientific information, improvement in science education is necessary, and the most efficacious role for scientific institutions may be the production of materials that can be easily incorporated into school curricula. ?? 1991 Springer.

  6. Los Juegos Olímpicos Populares


    Aguado Navarro, Carlos; Campos Mesa, María del Carmen


    Se presenta un trabajo dentro del Máster de Educación Secundaria, donde se plantea una innovación a la hora de dar tratamiento práctico al trabajo de la condición física utilizando los juegos populares, dinamizándolo todo desde la temática de los Juegos Olímpicos, realizando los Juegos Olímpicos Populares. Nos ubicamos dentro del Área de Educación Física en la Educación Secundaria, concretamente en el primer curso. Se realizarán diferentes jornadas de competición, como en los Juegos Olímpi...

  7. Understanding the Exhibitionary Characteristics of Popular Music Museums

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    Charles Fairchild


    Full Text Available The literature on the popular music museum has primarily focused on the study of heritage and cultural memory with a secondary focus on tourism. Given the unprecedented expansion of the museum sector worldwide in recent decades, which has produced an increasing number of major museums dedicated to popular music, it is an opportune time to expand this range of analytical concerns. Specifically, the development of popular music museums has not yet been closely examined within the broader historical trajectory of the so-called ‘new museum.’ This article seeks to outline the range of exhibitionary types commonly used in a range of high-profile popular music museums in pursuit of this line of inquiry. The goal is not simply to produce a generic survey or typology of displays, but to place the use of different forms of museum display within the specific historical trajectory that has produced steadily larger numbers of these kinds of museums in recent years. I organize these exhibitionary types into two broad streams of museum exhibition practice implied in the historical survey presented here: a populist-vernacular stream of museum display and an institutional-educational one. I seek to place the exhibitionary practices of contemporary popular music museums in a broader and longer trajectory of similar practices in order to get a more grounded sense of the more important characteristics of these kinds of museums.

  8. Style popularity and the comovement of stocks


    Wouters, T.; Plantinga, A.


    We examine to what extent the popularity of an investment style can be attributed to style investing. The style investing hypothesis predicts that assets in the same style show strong comovement with respect to their underlying fundamentals and that reclassifying assets into a new style raises its correlation with that style. We test this prediction by studying how comovement varies with proxies of popularity. We use different kinds of data, such as data on stocks, mutual funds, IPO?s and fin...

  9. O Banco Popular Português do Porto

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    Hugo Silveira Pereira


    Full Text Available In the midst of the First World War, an entrepreneur in Porto decided to create a new bank, a different bank that should fill in a void in the Portuguese financing system, a popular bank. Emulating what was being done in Central Europe this popular bank had one great objective: to lend money to those who normally couldn’t afford to borrow money. Unfortunately, the good intentions of those investors went up in smoke when they realized that such good intention weren’t profitable nor could they be able to keep the bank running. Quickly did this popular bank became a commercial bank like so many others that were operating in the Portuguese market at the time. After a promising start, the bank suddenly went through some hardships, due to the crisis of the 1920’s and to bad investments, and eventually was shut down, after eleven years of activity.

  10. Guitar hero: From icon of popular culture to nostalgic self-design


    Popadić Milan


    This paper aims to interpret the transformations of the “guitar hero”, from the icon of popular culture to models of nostalgic selfdesign, meaning transformations from generally recognizable figure in the context of popular culture to mimetic patterns based in medium of contemporary technologies. The phrase “guitar hero”, in its basic meaning represents a specific phenomenon in popular culture and popular music of the second half of the twentieth century. Guitar hero is a performer with...

  11. Popular Music Policy


    Frith, Simon; Cloonan, Martin


    This special issue of Popular Music has its origins in a seminar organised at the University of Stirling in 2004. This meeting, one of a series on cultural policy, brought together researchers from a number of European countries who were asked to describe state music policy in their respective countries and to reflect on what differences, if any, such policies had made to recent national music history. As the seminar’s organisers, we were interested in a couple of issues: first, how policy ap...

  12. Analysis of user activities on popular medical forums (United States)

    Kamalov, M. V.; Dobrynin, V. Y.; Balykina, Y. E.; Martynov, R. S.


    The paper is devoted to detailed investigation of users’ behavior and level of expertise on online medical forums. Two popular forums were analyzed in terms of presence of experts who answer health related questions and participate in discussions. This study provides insight into the quality of medical information that one can get from the web resources, and also illustrates relationship between approved medical experts and popular authors of the considered forums. During experiments several machine learning and natural language processing methods were evaluated against to available web content to get further understanding of structure and distribution of information about medicine available online nowadays. As a result of this study the hypothesis of existing correlation between approved medical experts and popular authors has been rejected.

  13. Hedging in Popular Scientific Articles on Medicine

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    Csongor Alexandra


    Full Text Available Introduction: The aim of this study is to investigate the process of rewriting medical research papers for the lay public. The latest findings of medical research often appear in the popular media. It is interesting to see what happens to a scientific text when it is transmitted to a new audience. Hedging is usually interpreted as a characteristic feature of scientific discourse. This study focuses on hedging, which also tends to be applied in popularized articles in the field of medicine.

  14. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Popular Media: Storied Reflections of Societal Views (United States)

    Belcher, Christina; Maich, Kimberly


    This article explores how storied representations of characters with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are typified in a world that is increasingly influenced by popular media. Twenty commercially published children's picture books, popular novels, mainstream television programs, and popular movies from 2006-2012 were selected using purposive,…

  15. Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management (United States)

    Beermann, T.; Maettig, P.; Stewart, G.; Lassnig, M.; Garonne, V.; Barisits, M.; Vigne, R.; Serfon, C.; Goossens, L.; Nairz, A.; Molfetas, A.; Atlas Collaboration


    This paper describes a popularity prediction tool for data-intensive data management systems, such as ATLAS distributed data management (DDM). It is fed by the DDM popularity system, which produces historical reports about ATLAS data usage, providing information about files, datasets, users and sites where data was accessed. The tool described in this contribution uses this historical information to make a prediction about the future popularity of data. It finds trends in the usage of data using a set of neural networks and a set of input parameters and predicts the number of accesses in the near term future. This information can then be used in a second step to improve the distribution of replicas at sites, taking into account the cost of creating new replicas (bandwidth and load on the storage system) compared to gain of having new ones (faster access of data for analysis). To evaluate the benefit of the redistribution a grid simulator is introduced that is able replay real workload on different data distributions. This article describes the popularity prediction method and the simulator that is used to evaluate the redistribution.

  16. Popularity prediction tool for ATLAS distributed data management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beermann, T; Maettig, P; Stewart, G; Lassnig, M; Garonne, V; Barisits, M; Vigne, R; Serfon, C; Goossens, L; Nairz, A; Molfetas, A


    This paper describes a popularity prediction tool for data-intensive data management systems, such as ATLAS distributed data management (DDM). It is fed by the DDM popularity system, which produces historical reports about ATLAS data usage, providing information about files, datasets, users and sites where data was accessed. The tool described in this contribution uses this historical information to make a prediction about the future popularity of data. It finds trends in the usage of data using a set of neural networks and a set of input parameters and predicts the number of accesses in the near term future. This information can then be used in a second step to improve the distribution of replicas at sites, taking into account the cost of creating new replicas (bandwidth and load on the storage system) compared to gain of having new ones (faster access of data for analysis). To evaluate the benefit of the redistribution a grid simulator is introduced that is able replay real workload on different data distributions. This article describes the popularity prediction method and the simulator that is used to evaluate the redistribution.

  17. Popular Music in Southeast Asia : Banal Beats, Muted Histories

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barendregt, Bart; Keppy, Peter; Schulte Nordholt, Henk


    'Popular Music in Southeast Asia: Banal Beats, Muted Histories' offers a cultural history of modern Southeast Asia from the original vantage point of popular music since the 1920s up to the present. By creatively connecting indigenous musical styles with foreign musical genres, Southeast Asians

  18. Popularity and Adolescent Friendship Networks : Selection and Influence Dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, Jan Kornelis; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.; Borch, Casey

    This study examined the dynamics of popularity in adolescent friendship networks across 3 years in middle school. Longitudinal social network modeling was used to identify selection and influence in the similarity of popularity among friends. It was argued that lower status adolescents strive to

  19. Popularity and Adolescent Friendship Networks: Selection and Influence Dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, J.K.; Cillessen, A.H.N.; Borch, C.


    This study examined the dynamics of popularity in adolescent friendship networks across 3 years in middle school. Longitudinal social network modeling was used to identify selection and influence in the similarity of popularity among friends. It was argued that lower status adolescents strive to

  20. Popular NREL-Developed Transportation Mobile App Launches on Android (United States)

    Platform | News | NREL Popular NREL-Developed Transportation Mobile App Launches on Android Platform Popular NREL-Developed Transportation Mobile App Launches on Android Platform May 23, 2017 More since the new Android version of the Alternative Fueling Station Locator App launched last week. The U.S


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    İbrahim Gökhan CEYLAN


    Full Text Available Poster is a product of graphic prepared for ıntorducing a culture or goods; or tranmitting a message. We can come across a poster almost in anywhere. As a product of graphic, a poster hav found its own place in many art movements and that’s why one should have the same concern for it as for others in the aspects of design and artistic view. The most important target of a commercial or advertisement is to reach the exact target audience at the exact time. Poster from its very begining, has became an area that needs a speciality in appliyng. Poster design aims to leave the neccessary effect whether by introducing the idea/product or by directing the target audience to the idea/ product. It is for sure that while moving the target audience to the aimed idea/ product, it is more easily-remembered using the popular cultural ıbjects which have a profound effect on the target audıence. Popular culture is mass culture. It is aimed to move the massive population by using the popular people, products and etc. In fact popular culture is a society to burden the creatvity and prodcution. It also a reason to resemble the society each other and it is a unit of constant changing. It is a consumption society in another saying. It supports consumption. In poster designs, it can be seen that designs are done under the effect of these popular culture. It is via this poiciy that consumers are directed to the target message or product.

  2. The Popularity of Picture Books with Television Tie-in

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    Patricia R. Ladd


    Full Text Available This study analyzes circulation statistics of television tie-in picture books from the Wake County Public Library System in North Carolina to determine their popularity among patrons. Caldecott winning picture books were used as a point of comparison. This study also examined OPAC holdings from North Carolina public libraries to determine television tie-in picture book popularity among collection builders. The findings of the study show that television tie-in picture books are found to some degree in the vast majority of North Carolina public libraries, and are more popular than award winners in the Wake County system.

  3. Vestígios da cultura popular em Angela Lago


    Silva, Celso Sisto


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-graduação em Literatura A presente dissertação elabora, sob o domínio da cultura popular, e configura, sob o viés do conto popular recontado, a leitura de algumas obras da escritora brasileira para crianças, Angela Lago. Pretende-se, em primeiro lugar, identificar nos recontos da escritora, a persistência dos modelos narrativos que a tradição popular de cunho escrito mantev...

  4. Implicit Associations with Popularity in Early Adolescence: An Approach-Avoidance Analysis (United States)

    Lansu, Tessa A. M.; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.; Karremans, Johan C.


    This study examined 241 early adolescents' implicit and explicit associations with popularity. The peer status and gender of both the targets and the perceivers were considered. Explicit associations with popularity were assessed with sociometric methods. Implicit associations with popularity were assessed with an approach-avoidance task (AAT).…

  5. Música popular brasileira, indústria cultural e identidade

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    José Roberto Zan


    Full Text Available This text shows an overview approach of Brazilian popular music raise, connected with the development of the phonograph industry and its market in Brazil. It includes a tentative periodical division of Brazilian popular music history, in order to enlarge the understanding of how different ways symbolic elements related to the issue of identity were translated and reproduced by that cultural expression.

  6. Does Humor Explain Why Relationally Aggressive Adolescents Are Popular? (United States)

    Bowker, Julie C.; Etkin, Rebecca G.


    The association between relational aggression and popularity during early adolescence is well established. Yet, little is known about why, exactly, relationally aggressive young adolescents are able to achieve and maintain high popular status among peers. The present study investigated the mediating role of humor in the association between relational aggression and popularity during early adolescence. Also considered was whether the association between relational aggression and humor varies according to adolescents’ gender and their friends’ levels of relational aggression. Participants were 265 sixth-grade students (48% female; 41% racial/ethnic minority; Mage = 12.04 years) who completed peer nomination and friendship measures in their classrooms at two time points (Wave 1: February; Wave 2: May). The results indicated that Wave 1 relational aggression was related to Wave 1 and 2 popularity indirectly through Wave 1 humor, after accounting for the effects of Wave 1 physical aggression, ethnicity, and gender. Additional analyses showed that relational aggression and humor were related significantly only for boys and for young adolescents with highly relationally aggressive friends. The results support the need for further research on humor and aggression during early adolescence and other mechanisms by which relationally aggressive youth achieve high popular status. PMID:24136377

  7. Empreendedorismo high-tech no Brasil: condicionantes econômicos, políticos e culturais

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    Sonia M. K. Guimarães


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o fenômeno do empreendedorismo tecnológico, em crescimento no Brasil, estimulado sobretudo pelo avanço das tecnologias de informação e comunicação e por ações governamentais como a Política de Desenvolvimento Produtivo, de maio de 2008, que propõe aumento de 10% no número de micro e pequenas exportadoras, até 2010. O estudo baseia-se em uma abordagem multidimensional que destaca a importância de aspectos econômicos, institucionais, culturais e cognitivos e que supõe uma articulação entre fatores objetivos e subjetivos, entre níveis micro e macro. Os dados empíricos foram coletados através de entrevistas realizadas com empreendedores cujas empresas encontram-se em incubadoras tecnológicas, localizadas em três campi de universidades, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As evidências encontradas reforçam a hipótese de que estaria ocorrendo o que se poderia chamar de "mudança cultural", no sentido de que profissionais com alta qualificação, demandados pelo mercado de trabalho, apresentam comportamentos, valores e objetivos, distintos dos esperados - obter um emprego bem remunerado em uma grande empresa, pública ou privada; ênfase nos valores econômicos; individualismo; exercício de poder.The article is concerned with discussing high tech entrepreneurship, which has grown in Brazil, fostered by the advancement of the information and communication technologies and by government actions, as illustrated by the Productive Development Policy, from May, 2008, which sets a target of 10 percent growth, for exporting micro and small enterprises, until 2010. The study was based on a multi-dimensional approach underlying the importance of the economic, institutional, cultural and cognitive factors and the interrelationship between the objective and subjective, the macro and micro levels. The empirical data were obtained through interviews with entrepreneurs whose firms are part of technological incubators, located

  8. Temporal associations of popularity and alcohol use among middle school students. (United States)

    Tucker, Joan S; Miles, Jeremy N V; D'Amico, Elizabeth J; Zhou, Annie J; Green, Harold D; Shih, Regina A


    The goal of this study is to better understand the longitudinal cross-lagged associations between popularity, assessed through self-rating and peer nominations, and alcohol use among middle school students. The analytical sample comprises 1,835 sixth- to eighth-grade students who were initially recruited from three California middle schools and surveyed in the fall and spring semesters of 2 academic years. Students reported on their background characteristics, past-month alcohol use, and perceived popularity. Additionally, students provided school-based friendship nominations, which were used to calculate peer-nominated popularity. A cross-lagged regression approach within a structural equation modeling framework was used to examine the longitudinal relationship between popularity (self-rated and peer-nominated) and alcohol use. There was a statistically significant (p = .024) association between peer-nominated popularity and the probability of alcohol consumption at the subsequent survey, but not vice versa. Our results suggest that in a scenario where 8% of students are past-month drinkers, each increase of five friendship nominations is associated with a 30% greater risk of being a current drinker at the next wave. We found no evidence of longitudinal associations between past-month alcohol consumption and self-rated popularity. Popularity is a risk factor for drinking during the middle school years, with peer-nominated popularity being more predictive of use than self-perceptions of popularity. To inform alcohol prevention efforts for middle school students, additional research is needed to better understand why adolescents with a larger number of school-based friendship ties are more inclined to drink. Copyright © 2013 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Donkeys and Superteachers: Structural Adjustment and Popular Education in Latin America. (United States)

    Fischman, Gustavo


    Explores the challenges and possibilities of popular education by examining the educational field after the application of structural adjustment programs in Latin America. Presents a critique of Gramsci's model of the organic intellectual as understood by many within popular education. Offers the specific example of a popular-education workshop in…

  10. Misrepresentation of UK homicide characteristics in popular culture. (United States)

    Brown, J; Hughes, N S; McGlen, M C; Crichton, J H M


    The homicide statistics of a popular UK television fictional crime series and the former Lothian & Borders police force region, Scotland were compared. This comparison was used to consider the implications for public attitudes which may influence the adoption of public health interventions to reduce homicide. 217 homicides were identified by 105 perpetrators in the television series 'Midsomer Murders' between 1997 and 2011; these were compared to 55 homicides by 53 perpetrators in the regional sample between 2006 and 2011. The numbers of serial killings (p homicides, female perpetrators (p homicide by kitchen knives (p homicide rates. If the popular perception of UK homicides is influenced by popular culture, the importance of such a public health intervention may not be apparent. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

  11. The Popular Front elections in the province of Alicante | Las elecciones del Frente Popular en la provincia de Alicante

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    Juan Martínez Leal


    Full Text Available The Popular Front elections were the last and most critical one made during the Second Spanish Republic. Confronted the Spanish in two major electoral blocks, these elections were experienced with particular intensity in the province of Alicante, where the Republic had taken deep roots, especially in the industrial towns and in the capital. For the first time, according to the official canvass of the Provincial Electoral Board, results on scrutiny of votes are sorted out by town in order to compose a comprehensive electoral map of the whole province. The Popular Front won the elections in a clear but tight manner, although, above all, it was a democratic and clean process. | Las elecciones del Frente Popular fueron las últimas y más decisivas realizadas durante la Segunda República Española. Confrontados los españoles en dos grandes bloques electorales, estas elecciones se vivieron con una especial intensidad en la provincia de Alicante, donde la República había echado hondas raíces, especialmente en los pueblos industriales y en la capital. Por primera vez, en base al Acta del Escrutinio Oficial de la Junta del Censo Electoral Provincial se recogen los resultados ordenados pueblo a pueblo para componer un completo mapa electoral de toda la provincia. El Frente Popular venció en los comicios de forma clara pero ajustada y, sobre todo, de forma limpia y democrática.

  12. Sopro de vida: experiência com a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica na pobreza urbana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil Breath of life: experience with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the context of urban poverty in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil

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    Juliana Maria de Sousa Pinto


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo antropológico de pessoas com a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica vivenciada na pobreza urbana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. De março a novembro de 2006, conduzimos com seis pacientes o estudo de casos, a entrevista etnográfica, a narrativa da enfermidade, e a observação participante no atendimento hospitalar e visitas domiciliares. Utilizamos a análise de conteúdo temática e a interpretação semântica contextualizada para interligar a experiência individual aos sistemas de significação, ações tomadas e condicionantes estruturais. Conclui-se que a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica provoca sensações, sinais e significados subjetivos. O diagnóstico torna a vida "um sufoco", surgindo limitações e privações de atividades laborais, sexuais, domésticas, familiares e de lazer. Evitar o contato direto com "o catarro" do doente, deixar de fumar ou diminuir a freqüência e evitar fumaça, tratar os sintomas com remédios caseiros e terapias corporais populares, manter a calma durante as crises, rejeitar restrições categóricas e impostas e entregar-se às forças espirituais são estratégias leigas para enfrentar o cansaço, a crise e a baixa auto-estima. A subjetividade da enfermidade, portanto, jamais pode ser excluída na medição da "carga global da doença" no nordeste brasileiro.This is an anthropological study on the experience of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD for low-income individuals in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil. From March to November 2006, we conducted case studies of six patients, using ethnographic interviews, illness narratives, and participant-observation during hospital treatment and home visits. Thematic context analysis and contextualized semantic analysis were used to link individual experience to system of significance, actions taken, and structural constraints. Based on the findings, COPD provokes subjective sensations, signs, and meanings

  13. La reemergencia del discurso nacional-popular en la nueva izquierda latinoamericana

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cancino, Hugo


    En este artículo analizamos la reemergencia del discurso nacional-popular. Los movimientos nacional-populares son un fenómeno recurrente en la historia de América Latina. Las revoluciones y los movimientos sociales más significativos del siglo XX fueron los movimientos nacional-populares. Para...... nuevo Estado, a través de la democracia radical, los cuales sustituyen la oligarquía del Estado y de la Nación Criolla que excluyeron indígenas y mestizos del poder y de la riqueza. Palabras claves: Discurso; Nacional-popular; Izquierda...

  14. Indexing of Popular Periodicals: The State of the Art (United States)

    Aveney, Brian; Slade, Rod


    Nine indexing services of popular periodicals are discussed in terms of content, coverage, and characteristics: Access, Consumers Index, Index to Free Periodicals, New York Times Information Bank, Magazine Index, Monthly Periodicals Index, New Periodicals Index, Popular Periodical Index, and Readers Guide. A table indicates coverage for each index…

  15. O constitucionalismo popular em uma leitura Rawlsiana

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    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento da atividade política do Judiciário ao longo do século XX despertou posicionamentos críticos na teoria constitucional, podendo se destacar o Constitucionalismo Popular. Entre seus apontamentos, o Legislativo possuiria legitimidade para atuar com base em uma Constituição popular diariamente construída. Perante algumas imperfeições deixadas por esta vertente, utiliza-se a obra de John Rawls para indicar (I que questões políticas são enfrentadas pelas instituições democráticas que compõem a estrutura básica de uma sociedade bem-ordenada; e (II o papel desta Constituição popular pode ser exercido por elementos da teoria rawlsiana, quando os princípios de justiça identificam um parâmetro legitimador das deliberações democráticas e a razão pública permite que a atuação destas instituições seja acompanhada continuamente pelos cidadãos em nome das gerações futuras.


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    Diego Alejandro Muñoz Gaviria


    Full Text Available This research article seeks to present the concept of popular education as a dynamic of pedagogical tradition and cultural movement, emphasizing its diverse, multidirectional, nondeductive character; that is to say, that there is not a foundational moment in which some general principles, conceptual or doctrinal foundations, were set out, from which subsequent political and pedagogical practices were generated and what there has been is a sort of popular educational field - where there are different perspectives of what is popular. El presente artículo de investigación pretende presentar la Educación Popular como una dinámica de la tradición pedagógica y movimiento cultural, resaltando su carácter diverso, multidireccional, no deductivo, es decir que, no existe un momento fundacional en el que se propusieron unos principios generales, unas bases conceptuales o doctrinales, desde las cuales se generaron unas prácticas pedagógicas y políticas posteriores y lo que ha existido es una suerte de campo educativo – popular donde existen diferentes perspectivas de lo popular.

  17. Aportes feministas a la Educación popular: entradas para repensar pedagógicamente la popularización de la ciencia y la tecnología Feminist approaches to popular Education: avenues to rethink pedagogically the popularization of science and technology

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    Tania Pérez Bustos


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca plantear una reflexión pedagógica sobre la popularización de la ciencia y la tecnología, desde una perspectiva crítica feminista. Inicialmente presenta cómo la popularización se ha centrado en promover una imagen del conocimiento científico tecnológico anclada en paradigmas androcéntricos, desde los que no se cuestiona el estatuto epistemológico de estos conocimientos ni las subjetividades que desde allí se promueven. Propone retomar algunos de los planteamientos de la educación popular, que pueden ser de utilidad para repensar educativamente la popularización de la ciencia y la tecnología. Particularmente hace énfasis en la importancia y necesidad de rescatar la dimensión ético y política de lo popular en la concepción pedagógica de la popularización con el objetivo de fortalecer sus potencialidades críticas. En relación a esto argumenta, retomando la pedagogía feminista, especialmente aquella que se apoya en los enfoques sobre el conocimiento situado, como son las que derivan de los feminismos de frontera o decoloniales, que una lectura feminista de lo propuesto por Freire, es decir, que reconozca el papel de las experiencias de vida de hombres y mujeres popularizadores de la ciencia y la tecnología en la puesta en escena de estas prácticas educativas, puede enriquecer la legitimación ético-política-epistemológica de lo popular en una idea de popularización como práctica educativa transformadora.This article aims to contribute, from a feminist critical perspective, to the pedagogical reflection about the popularization of science and technology. It starts by describing how popularization has centered on promoting an image of scientific and technological knowledge steeped in androcentric paradigms, in which there is no room for questioning either the epistemological statute of this knowledge or the subjectivities promoted thereby. It is proposed here that reinstating some of the claims of

  18. Scientific Discovery through Citizen Science via Popular Amateur Astrophotography (United States)

    Nemiroff, Robert J.; Bonnell, Jerry T.; Allen, Alice


    Can popular astrophotography stimulate real astronomical discovery? Perhaps surprisingly, in some cases, the answer is yes. Several examples are given using the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) site as an example venue. One reason is angular -- popular wide and deep images sometimes complement professional images which typically span a more narrow field. Another reason is temporal -- an amateur is at the right place and time to take a unique and illuminating image. Additionally, popular venues can be informational -- alerting professionals to cutting-edge amateur astrophotography about which they might not have known previously. Methods of further encouraging this unusual brand of citizen science are considered.

  19. Calidad de vida familiar y bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual de un establecimiento con educación especial y laboral de la Ciudad de Talca

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    Full Text Available El estudio que se presenta tuvo como objeti vo identificar la relación entre la Calidad de Vi - da Familiar, Funcionamiento Familiar y Bienestar Subjetivo junto con los factores de la calidad de vida familiar en relación al bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, alum nos de un establecimiento de educación especial y laboral de la ciudad de Talca (Chile. La muestra fue dividida en dos grupos: uno de ellos estuvo integrado por 53 alumnos de 16 a 24 años de edad, del citado establecimiento que fueron diagnosticados con discapacidad intelectual: el 52.8% de ellos manifiesta discapacidad intelectual como único predictor de su condición, mientras que el 47.2% restante corresponde a comorbilidad de ésta con otros tipos de discapacidad asociados. Los niveles de discapacidad van desde el leve (37.7%, seguido por el moderado (50.9% y finalmente el severo y el profundo (3.8%. El otro grupo estuvo conformado por 53 apoderados, padres o tutores del mismo establecimiento educacional. Con la finalidad de medir las variables de estudio se administraron cuatro instrumentos: (1 la Escala de Calidad de Vida Familiar (Verdugo, Sainz & Rodríguez, 2009, (2 la versión traducida al español (Bellon, Delgado, Luna del Castillo & Lardelli, 1996 del Family Functioning Questionnaire (Smilkstein, Ashworth & Montano, 1982, (3 la adaptación y validación de Moyano y Ramos Alvarado (2007 de la Satisfaction with the Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larden & Griffin y (4 la versión chilena de Moyano-Díaz & Ramos (2007 de la Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999. Para realizar el estudio se utilizó una metodología descriptiva y correlacional de corte transversal a fin de establecer relaciones de con comitancia entre las variables. Los resultados principales demostraron una relación significativa entre importancia de la calidad de vida familiar y satisfacción de la calidad de vida familiar (r = .402; p < .01; entre felicidad

  20. Popularity and Adolescent Friendship Networks: Selection and Influence Dynamics (United States)

    Dijkstra, Jan Kornelis; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.; Borch, Casey


    This study examined the dynamics of popularity in adolescent friendship networks across 3 years in middle school. Longitudinal social network modeling was used to identify selection and influence in the similarity of popularity among friends. It was argued that lower status adolescents strive to enhance their status through befriending higher…

  1. Readers' Knowledge of Popular Genre (United States)

    Dixon, Peter; Bortolussi, Marisa


    This research examined readers' knowledge of popular genres. Participants wrote short essays on fantasy, science fiction, or romance. The similarities among the essays were measured using latent semantic analysis (LSA) and were then analyzed using multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis. The clusters and scales were interpreted by searching…

  2. Communicating science: professional, popular, literary

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Russell, N


    ... patterns of communication among scientists, popular communication to the public and science in literature and drama. This three-part framework shows how historical and cultural factors operate in today's complex communication landscape, and should be actively considered when designing and evaluating science communication. Ideal for students and p...

  3. Popular Musician Responses to Mental Health Treatment. (United States)

    Berg, Lloyd; King, Benjamin; Koenig, Jessica; McRoberts, Roger L


    Popular (i.e., nonclassical) musicians have higher rates of mental health disorders and mental health service utilization than the general population. Little is known, however, about how popular musicians perceive mental health interventions in terms of overall satisfaction and therapeutic benefit. An online client satisfaction survey was sent to all musicians and family members who received mental health services through a nonprofit mental health organization in Austin, Texas, between July 2014 and June 2015 (n=628). 260 individuals (41.4%) responded to the survey, of whom 94% (n=244) were musicians. A majority of musician respondents were male (60%) and white (82%). 87% received counseling, 32% received psychiatric medication treatment, and 8% received addiction recovery services. 97% of musicians (205/211) rated their counselor as 'very good' or 'excellent,' 88% (64/79) rated their psychiatric providers as 'very good' or 'excellent,' and 94% (17/19) rated their addiction recovery specialists as 'very good' or 'excellent' (nonsignificant between all categories, p>0.05). 89% of musicians receiving counseling, 84% receiving psychiatric medication treatment, and 95% receiving addiction recovery services agreed or strongly agreed that their symptoms and overall functioning improved as a result of their treatment (nonsignificant between all categories, p>0.05). Popular musicians express strong provider satisfaction and overall benefit when mental health interventions are accessible, affordable, and delivered by professionals familiar with their concerns. More research is needed to understand the unique psychosocial stresses popular musicians face to inform treatment planning for this high-risk, underserved population.

  4. Can music progress?: Reflections on the history of popular music

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    Frit Sajmon


    Full Text Available This paper considers schematically the various discourses through which popular music history is understood. My proposal is that five accounts of musical history (the business model, the musicological model, the sociological model, the historical model and the art history model are commonly deployed in popular music discourse. One implies, superficially at least, that popular music evolves, gets better; four implies that, at least in the longer term, it does not. The concept of ′progress′ is shown to be problematic.

  5. Water heating solar system for popular houses; Sistema solar de aquecimento de agua para residencias populares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mogawer, Tamer; Souza, Teofilo Miguel de [Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Guaratingueta, SP (Brazil). Centro de Energias Renovaveis], e-mail:


    In this paper we present a case study for the design of a low cost solar heating system for a popular residence in an isolated rural community in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This scaling can be extended to several rural communities that are in the same situation in Brazil as well as the wider use of solar power between the low-income people who do not have the benefits of electricity in their homes or want to have a lower cost of electricity. In this context, there are very interesting alternatives, among which is the replacement of electric heating bath water by heating by solar energy. According to several sources the electric shower, as it is now simple and extremely cheap, is the villain of the national electrical system. It is used in peak hours of consumption, something like 10% of electric generating capacity installed in Brazil, forcing many industries to switch off the machines because of the high cost of electricity during this period. Using the heating by solar energy, we can reduce consumption of electric shower and also increase the use of clean energy in popular homes and in isolated rural communities. This paper will address the use of solar energy with the basic purpose of heating water for bathing in popular residences and in isolated rural areas, using low cost systems, built with easily materials that is found in any area of the country. (author)

  6. Social Influences on Paranormal Belief: Popular versus Scientific Support (United States)

    Ridolfo, Heather; Baxter, Amy; Lucas, Jeffrey W.


    Paranormal claims enjoy relatively widespread popular support despite by definition being rejected by the scientific community. We propose that belief in paranormal claims is influenced by how popular those claims are as well as by dominant scientific views on the claims. We additionally propose that individuals will be most likely to be…

  7. 'From War Cacophonies to Rhythms of Peace': Popular Cultural ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The materials being collected for the Popular Culture Archives at the Centre for Basic Research in Kampala are the point of departure for this paper. It focuses on the development of popular music genres in Uganda since 1986, places this in the context of political history since independence, and discusses the particular ...

  8. Nigerian Popular Music: Its Problems and Prospects in Development ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    There is hardly any aspect of life without the involvement of any of the diverse arrays of styles existing in Nigerian popular music scene. The appeal of this genre cuts across class, ethnicity, age, sex and faith, thus affecting millions of lives. Consequently, the contribution of Nigerian popular music cannot be quantified.

  9. Teaching Popular Music: Investigating Music Educators' Perceptions and Preparation (United States)

    Springer, D. Gregory


    The purpose of this study was to investigate in-service music teachers' perceptions of popular music in the classroom and to examine their own preparation to teach popular music. A sample of music teachers, drawn from two regional chapters of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association, completed a researcher-designed survey instrument. Results…

  10. Rhythm-based segmentation of Popular Chinese Music

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Karl Kristoffer


    We present a new method to segment popular music based on rhythm. By computing a shortest path based on the self-similarity matrix calculated from a model of rhythm, segmenting boundaries are found along the di- agonal of the matrix. The cost of a new segment is opti- mized by matching manual...... and automatic segment boundaries. We compile a small song database of 21 randomly selected popular Chinese songs which come from Chinese Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The segmenting results on the small corpus show that 78% manual segmentation points are detected and 74% auto- matic segmentation points...

  11. The murga: voice and popular feeling

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    Franca Roibal Fernández


    Full Text Available Murga is, in its simplest terms, popular musical theater of Uruguayan Carnival, but in reality it is much more than this. It is theater, music, identity, myth, political criticism; it is the voice of the people. The murga is a group of popular musical theater whose members sing and act on various tablados –neighborhood makeshift stages– and it is the most political component of Uruguayan Carnival. The murga criticizes, satirizes and questions society, politicians and situations constantly, but it never defines itself as political nor theoretical. It is simply a form of popular art. It is a way to take the issues, which affect everyone, to the masses, to the tablados which are filled every night of Carnaval. During the dictatorship, which brought with it censorship of every sort, murgas were censored just like all artistic endeavors. However, murgas were able to subvert the censorship of their lyrics, permitting them to criticize the outrages and crimes of the government with the music itself. Although the political situation has now changed dramatically, the murga is still a necessary element of Uruguayan socio-political discourse. This article aims to summarize the history of Carnival in Uruguay and specifically the murga, as well as to analyze song lyrics from historically important shows from two different eras.

  12. On the Dynamics of Social Media Popularity: A YouTube Case Study


    Figueiredo, Flavio; Almeida, Jussara M.; Gonçalves, Marcos André; Benevenuto, Fabrício


    Understanding the factors that impact the popularity dynamics of social media can drive the design of effective information services, besides providing valuable insights to content generators and online advertisers. Taking YouTube as case study, we analyze how video popularity evolves since upload, extracting popularity trends that characterize groups of videos. We also analyze the referrers that lead users to videos, correlating them, features of the video and early popularity measures with ...

  13. Os movimentos populares no Brasil: elementos sócio-históricos e desafios atuais * The popular movements in Brazil: elements historic social and current challenges

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    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo reflete sobre alguns desafios dos movimentos sociais de caráter popular no contexto atual da luta de classes no país. Consideram-se os movimentos populares como manifestações das lutas sociais que possuem determinações específicas de acordo com o movimento histórico. Diante das lutas que se configuraram da década de 1980 até os anos 2000, atualmente os desafios colocados para os movimentos populares estão permeados pela fragilidade do movimento operário; pela permanência da reestruturação produtiva e predominância do capital financeiro no contexto imperialista; pela continuidade de uma correlação de forças desfavoráveis para as lutas da classe trabalhadora e por uma conjuntura política caracterizada pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT no comando do Governo Federal.Palavras-chave: lutas sociais; movimentos populares; realidade brasileira.Abstract: This article reflects about some challenges of social movements of popular character in the current context of class struggles in the country. Consider the popular movements as expressions of social struggles which have specific determinations in accordance with the historical movement. Faced of the struggles that have taken shape of the decade from 1980 until the year 2000, currently the challenges posed to the popular movements are permeated by the weakness of the labor movement; the permanence of productive restructuring and the predominance of financial capital in the context imperialist; by continuity of a correlation of forces unfavourable for the struggles of the working class and by a political situation characterized by the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT in command of the Federal Government.Keywords: social struggles; populars movements; Brazilian reality.

  14. Teaching through Film: Utilizing Popular Criminology in the Classroom (United States)

    Atherton, M.


    As technology and media become more popular pedagogical tools for instructors, the discussion of using films as a way to help students understand criminological concepts is also growing. Using a conceptual framework of popular criminology, the author set out to explore the ways in which films can be incorporated into a unique course aimed at…


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    Rika Widawati


    Full Text Available Abstract. This paper is the result of the research that based on the phenomenon in Indonesia today. The texts of Indonesian popular songs that part of the literature which create new vocabularies or make the modification of old language. The structure of this work seems to be odd. It means the new vocabulary is different from the standard of Indonesian structure. The aim of this descriptions are the correction of (1 the mistake of the phenomenon in the text of Indonesian popular songs (2 the meaning of indonesian popular songs must be based on reading of semiotics and heuristic.  To describe this purpose, we use semiotic theory and structuralism. While the sources of this research are adopted from the texts of Indonesian popular songs which are published in 2000-2010 periode. Both Indonesian popular songs, either good songs or odd songs which has the value of good literature, namely which consist of good structure, poetic, romantic with symbolic style. Heuristically readings of the two text Indonesian songs indicate violations of linguistic rules either syntagmatic, paradigmatic, meaningfulness relations and composition. Keywords: the text of Indonesian popular song, semiotic, heuristic Abstrak. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang didasari oleh fenomena bahwa dewasa ini teks lagu populer Indonesia sebagai bagian dari karya sastra banyak menampilkan kosakata baru ataupun modifikasi kosakata lama, dengan komposisi yang dipandang “menyimpang” dari kaidah tata bahasa baku maupun konvensi sastra. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1 fenomena struktur kebahasaan dalam teks lagu populer Indonesia dan (2 makna teks lagu populer Indonesia berdasarkan pembacaan semiotik-heuristik. Untuk mendeskripsikan hal tersebut digunakan teori semiotik dan strukturalisme. Sementara sumber data penelitian ini adalah teks lagu populer Indonesia tahun 2000 – 2010. Baik lagu-lagu yang dipandang menyimpang dari kaidah atau konvensi sastra maupun

  16. Popular Culture and the Rituals of American Football


    Axelrod, Mark


    In his article, "Popular Culture and the Rituals of American Football," Mark Axelrod reflects on meanings of cultural practice in American popular culture. Before globalization -- driven by economics -- became a fact of life with profound implications, there were myths and rituals that provided a kind of insulation from the mysteries of life. These practices were ritualized by "primitive" men and women who, seemingly, did not understand the universe as well as we moderns do. But in fact one o...

  17. Sex Role Identity, Communication Skills, and Group Popularity


    Loredana Ivan


    Using two groups of undergraduate students (N = 71) the present paper argues about the importance of sex role identity (Bem, 1981) as a potential predictor of group popularity. The results show that participants with psychological androgine identity tend to use better their communication skills and become popular among their peers. Contray to previous studies (e.g. Hall, 1984; Saarni, 1999) focused on gender gap in communication skills, the current study emphasis on the importance of the sex ...

  18. Shinsengumi - a historical and modern popular culture phenomenon


    Rinkevičiūtė, Laura


    Shinsengumi - a Historical and Modern Popular Culture Phenomenon Shinsengumi was a special police force, which existed between 1864 and 1869 years. Shinsengumi means „Newly selected troops“. Nowadays they get a lot of attention in popular culture – films, shows, documentary, books, manga and anime. Because of it's existence in late Tokugawa period, Shinsengumi is often called „the last samurais“. They have become the object of various screening since the middle of twentieth century. After NHK...

  19. Popular weight-management apps: Their use and quality

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    Juliana Chen


    Conclusions: While greater popularity of apps was associated with higher quality, the overall quality of commercial dietary weight-management apps remains suboptimal. Popular weight-management apps are useful for self-monitoring, however are lacking in the recognised behavioural change techniques that may facilitate changes in health behaviours. With the majority of these apps designed for self-directed management, strategies to improve the rigour of these apps are warranted and commercial app developers could benefit from collaboration with behavioural researchers.

  20. Use of Popular Culture Texts in Mother Tongue Education (United States)

    Bal, Mazhar


    The aim of this study was to associate popular culture texts with Turkish language lessons of middle school students. For this purpose, a model was proposed and a suitable curriculum was prepared for this model. It was aimed to determine how this program, which was the result of associating popular culture texts with Turkish language lesson…

  1. Popular support for progressive taxation


    Marhuenda Hurtado, Francisco; Ortuño Ortín, Ignacio Isidro


    The popular support obtained by two parties who propose two qualitatively different tax schernes is analyzed. We show that if the median voter is below the mean, then any progressive proposal always wins over a regressive one, provided it leaves the poorest agent at least as well off as the latter does.

  2. La influencia de la Web 2.0 y sus condicionantes técnicos en la producción del videoclip de rap español

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    Full Text Available El videoclip es un producto audiovisual definido a partir de sus fines, generalmente comerciales, pero también un ejercicio de expresión y experimentación artística. Tomando como punto de partida la transformación del modo de distribución y consumo del videoclip por la democratización del acceso a Internet del público juvenil, el objetivo principal de esta investigación será describir los cambios que han tenido lugar en la producción del videoclip de rap español de los últimos cinco años debido a la influencia de la Web 2.0 y sus condicionantes técnicos. A partir del análisis de los videoclips difundidos a través de la sección de rap del programa Ritmo Urbano de La 2 de RTVE durante sus cinco temporadas en antena (desde 2011 hasta 2016, se concluye que a día de hoy el vídeo musical de rap es un género que se produce mayoritariamente para Internet, lo que en el caso del videoclip de rap español ha supuesto una mayor autonomía y libertad creativa para los artistas, al tiempo que una merma en el estándar de calidad de la imagen y del sonido de las piezas finales que su público objetivo consume.

  3. Políticas sociales, dispositivos autogestivos y enunciados subjetivantes Social Policies, Automanagement And Social Movements

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    Graciela Zaldúa


    Full Text Available En la perspectiva de la Psicología Social Comunitaria convergen contextos, actores, y construcciones sobre las estructuras sociales, las mediaciones institucionales, grupales y subjetivas. Las significaciones relacionales, políticas y éticas, nos interpelan ante las situaciones de vulnerabilidad psicosocial y el lugar de las Políticas Públicas y los derechos de ciudadanía. Las micropolíticas desplegadas en dos cooperativas de trabajo: del Movimiento de Trabajadores Desocupados y de la Asamblea Popular La Alameda, visibilizan posicionamientos subjetivos y grupales de resistencia a operatorias tutelares y esclavistas. Con metodología de investigación acción participativa (IAP y análisis del discurso (AD, se elucidan las tensiones en las modalidades de participación y los posicionamientos subjetivos frente a las subordinaciones de género, clase y etnia. En los contextos de organización cooperativa se evidencian efectos subjetivantes y de lazo social propiciadores de efectos reparatorios al daño social.On the perspective of Social Community Psychology, actors and social constructions converge on structures and on institutional, collective and subjective mediations. Psychosocial vulnerability situations, Public Policies and citizenship's rights appeal to us by their relational, political and ethical significances. The micropolicies deployed by two cooperatives -Unemployed Workers Movement and Popular Assembly La Alameda- show subjective positions and collective resistance to tutelary operatives and slave work. With methodology of Participative Action Research and speech analysis, tensions are elucidated in modalities of participation and subjective positions opposite to gender, class and culture subordinations. In cooperative organization's context, effects are developed as subjective repairs to social damage.

  4. The social image of food: Associations between popularity and eating behavior. (United States)

    König, Laura M; Giese, Helge; Stok, F Marijn; Renner, Britta


    One factor that determines what we eat and why we eat is our social environment. In the present research, two online studies examined the relationship between food intake and social images. Specifically, the present research assessed the relationship between the food intake university students ascribed to peers who varied in popularity and own self-reported food intake, and whether this relationship was moderated by identification with the peer group. Participants (N = 97 in Study 1; N = 402 in Study 2) were randomly presented with one of four (Study 1) or two of eight (Study 2) vignettes describing a popular or unpopular student (male or female) from their university without receiving any information about the peer's eating behavior. Subsequently, healthy and unhealthy eating ascribed to the peers and own self-reported eating behavior were assessed. Results indicated that popular peers were perceived to eat more healthily than unpopular peers. Moreover, eating behavior ascribed to popular peers were associated with own healthy and unhealthy eating. Importantly, the relationship between healthy eating behavior ascribed to popular peers and own healthy eating behavior was moderated by identification with the student group - the more participants identified with their peers, the more their own eating was aligned with the healthy eating ascribed to a popular peer. Hence, the popularity of others seems to shape perceptions of the food they eat and may facilitate healthy eating via social influence. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Atores religiosos populares e midiático-consumismo católico / Popular religious actors and catholic media-consumerism

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    Emerson Sena da Silveira


    Full Text Available Propõe-se, com o presente artigo, refletir sobre as implicações da cultura de consumo bem como da mídia sobre os atores religiosos populares, a partir do estudo de uma comunidade católico-carismática de estrato popular. Perpassarão as reflexões questionamentos tais como as mediações entre os atores religiosos, por meio de suas atividades, e a dimensão das forças midiáticas e do consumo. Partindo dessas considerações, constata-se que os fluxos e fronteiras entre mídia, consumo e carismatismo católico põem em pauta novas formas de hibridação entre religião e mundo pós-moderno. / This article aims to reflect upon the implications of the culture of consumerism as well as the media for popular religious actors, starting from the study of a poor Catholic Charismatic community. The reflections will touch questions such as the mediations between the religious actors, through their activities, and the dimension of media forces and consumerism. Starting from these considerations, it is noticed that the flows and boundaries between media, consumerism and Catholic Charismaticism put in debate new forms of hybridization between religion and post-modern world.

  6. Popular Education in Solidarity Economy (United States)

    de Melo Neto, José Francisco; da Costa, Francisco Xavier Pereira


    This article seeks to show the relation between popular education and solidarity economy in experiences of solidarity economy enterprises in Brazil. It is based on diverse experiences which have occurred in various sectors of this economy, highlighting those experiences which took place in João Pessoa with the creation of a Cooperative of Workers…



    Ramos Junior, Adilson


    A ação popular nasceu no Direito Romano e se sabe que ela apareceu primeiramente no Brasil na Constituição do Império. O seu objetivo sempre foi o de possibilitar aos cidadãos a defesa da res pública (coisa pública). Contudo, muito tempo já passou desde a vigência da Lei nº 4.717, de 1965, e ainda hoje existem divergências sobre a necessidade ou não de se preencher o requisito da lesividade para que seja possível o julgamento da ação popular. A dissertação busca justamente a...

  8. A Cultura clerical e a folia popular

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    Gaeta Maria Aparecida Junqueira Veiga


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o confronto entre um catolicismo autoritário, tridentino e romanizador, que penetrou no Brasil na segunda metade do século XIX e se consolidou nas primeiras décadas do século XX, e o catolicismo tradicional vigente, de fortes raízes populares. Em sua obsessão pela unanimidade, o ultramontanismo negou as outras formas de ser católico, estabelecendo as dicotomias entre o velho e o novo, o bom e o mau. Entretanto, as velhas formas de religiosidade popular resistiram, mantendo ainda hoje uma inesgotável fonte de devoção e de fé.

  9. Archaeoastronomical Concepts in Popular Culture (United States)

    Krupp, Edwin C.

    Broad public embrace of archaic astronomy probably began in the eighteenth century with awareness of the summer solstice sunrise's affiliation with Stonehenge. Since that time, Stonehenge has retained an astronomical mystique that attracts crowds mobilized by the monument's supposed cosmic purpose. They are committed to witness prehistoric heritage operating in real time and with enduring function. More recently, mass media have intermittently thrown a spotlight on new archaeoastronomical discoveries. While the details, ambiguities, and nuances of disciplined study of astronomy in antiquity do not usually infiltrate popular culture, some astronomical alignments, celestial events, sky-tempered symbols, and astral narratives have become well known and referenced in popular culture. Places and relics that command public interest with astronomical connotations are transformed into cultural icons and capture visitors on a quest for the authenticity the past is believed to possess. Monuments and ideas that successfully forge a romantic bond with the past and inspire an imagined sense of sharing the experience, perspective, and wisdom of antiquity persist in the cultural landscape.

  10. A geoeconomia do etanol: as condicionantes e as oportunidades para a consolidação de um mercado global 10.5102/uri.v13i2.3570

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    Emily Aparecida Ferreira Brandão


    Full Text Available Há uma potencial demanda crescente pelos biocombustíveis ditada, sobretudo, por Estados Unidos e União Europeia que na última década estabeleceram metas para o consumo de combustíveis renováveis. No entanto, o mercado global para os biocombustíveis ainda não se consolidou, em função das diversas barreiras técnicas e protecionistas que condicionam a sua formação. Em contrapartida, superando-se essas barreiras, há oportunidades claras de se explorar etanol de primeira geração produzido a partir de cana-de-açúcar, enquanto se desenvolvem tecnologias para a produção economicamente viável de biocombustíveis de segunda geração. Diante disso, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar a geopolítica do etanol, considerando as condicionantes e as oportunidades para a ampliação desse mercado e também a África como uma fronteira para a diplomacia brasileira. Observou-se que a política diplomática brasileira de internacionalização do etanol perdeu força ao longo do governo Dilma Rousseff, enfraquecendo o projeto brasileiro de se tornar uma força hegemônica do etanol no mundo.

  11. Borgesian Libraries and Librarians in Television Popular Culture

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    Iana Konstantinova


    Full Text Available In the works of Jorge Luis Borges, the library appears frequently as a metaphor representative of life and its secrets. It becomes a metaphysical location, posing questions about the nature of time, life, and the universe itself. The librarian becomes a metaphysical figure, leading the search for answers to life’s questions. This article examines the way in which the Borgesian library metaphor has crossed over from the realm of literature into the realm of popular television. By examining two episodes of the BBC series Doctor Who , the TNT franchise The Librarian , and several episodes of Joss Whedon’s cult television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer , it demonstrates that the metaphysical questions posed by the library and its librarian in Borges’s short stories are quite similar to the metaphysical questions posed by the library and its librarians in popular television, demonstrating that the Borgesian library has crossed over into the realms of popular culture.

  12. Understanding Adolescent Delinquency: The Role of Older Siblings’ Delinquency and Popularity with Peers (United States)

    Craine, Jessica L.; Tanaka, Teri A.; Nishina, Adrienne; Conger, Katherine J.


    The present study examined delinquency concordance and the moderating effects of younger sibling perceptions of older sibling popularity in a sample of 587 adolescent sibling pairs. Using a social learning framework, and taking dyad composition into account, perceptions of popularity were hypothesized to strengthen siblings’ concordance for delinquency. Older sibling delinquency significantly predicted younger sibling delinquency. Older sibling popularity was not important in predicting boys’ delinquency. However, perceptions of older sibling popularity directly predicted reduced delinquency for girls with older sisters. A significant interaction effect was found for girls with older brothers. Older brother delinquency predicted girls’ delinquency for girls who perceived their older brother to be relatively popular. There was no delinquency concordance for girls who perceived their older brothers to be less popular. PMID:20305731

  13. Predicting Key Events in the Popularity Evolution of Online Information. (United States)

    Hu, Ying; Hu, Changjun; Fu, Shushen; Fang, Mingzhe; Xu, Wenwen


    The popularity of online information generally experiences a rising and falling evolution. This paper considers the "burst", "peak", and "fade" key events together as a representative summary of popularity evolution. We propose a novel prediction task-predicting when popularity undergoes these key events. It is of great importance to know when these three key events occur, because doing so helps recommendation systems, online marketing, and containment of rumors. However, it is very challenging to solve this new prediction task due to two issues. First, popularity evolution has high variation and can follow various patterns, so how can we identify "burst", "peak", and "fade" in different patterns of popularity evolution? Second, these events usually occur in a very short time, so how can we accurately yet promptly predict them? In this paper we address these two issues. To handle the first one, we use a simple moving average to smooth variation, and then a universal method is presented for different patterns to identify the key events in popularity evolution. To deal with the second one, we extract different types of features that may have an impact on the key events, and then a correlation analysis is conducted in the feature selection step to remove irrelevant and redundant features. The remaining features are used to train a machine learning model. The feature selection step improves prediction accuracy, and in order to emphasize prediction promptness, we design a new evaluation metric which considers both accuracy and promptness to evaluate our prediction task. Experimental and comparative results show the superiority of our prediction solution.

  14. Predicting Key Events in the Popularity Evolution of Online Information.

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    Ying Hu

    Full Text Available The popularity of online information generally experiences a rising and falling evolution. This paper considers the "burst", "peak", and "fade" key events together as a representative summary of popularity evolution. We propose a novel prediction task-predicting when popularity undergoes these key events. It is of great importance to know when these three key events occur, because doing so helps recommendation systems, online marketing, and containment of rumors. However, it is very challenging to solve this new prediction task due to two issues. First, popularity evolution has high variation and can follow various patterns, so how can we identify "burst", "peak", and "fade" in different patterns of popularity evolution? Second, these events usually occur in a very short time, so how can we accurately yet promptly predict them? In this paper we address these two issues. To handle the first one, we use a simple moving average to smooth variation, and then a universal method is presented for different patterns to identify the key events in popularity evolution. To deal with the second one, we extract different types of features that may have an impact on the key events, and then a correlation analysis is conducted in the feature selection step to remove irrelevant and redundant features. The remaining features are used to train a machine learning model. The feature selection step improves prediction accuracy, and in order to emphasize prediction promptness, we design a new evaluation metric which considers both accuracy and promptness to evaluate our prediction task. Experimental and comparative results show the superiority of our prediction solution.

  15. Personal, Popular and Information Portals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Jun


    to persist in gathering Olympic Games information. In other words, does the relationship between demographics and knowledge about the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games differ according to the use of mobile phones among migrant workers? Results indicate that television became the primary source of Olympic Games news...... of people to enjoy the Olympic Games, and popularizing knowledge....

  16. Personal, Popular and Information Portals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Jun


    to persist in gathering Olympic Games information. In other words, does the relationship between demographics and knowledge about the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games differ according to the use of mobile phones among migrant workers? Results indicate that television became the primary source of Olympic Games news...... of people to enjoy the Olympic Games, and popularizing knowledge....

  17. Guitar hero: From icon of popular culture to nostalgic self-design

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    Popadić Milan


    Full Text Available This paper aims to interpret the transformations of the “guitar hero”, from the icon of popular culture to models of nostalgic selfdesign, meaning transformations from generally recognizable figure in the context of popular culture to mimetic patterns based in medium of contemporary technologies. The phrase “guitar hero”, in its basic meaning represents a specific phenomenon in popular culture and popular music of the second half of the twentieth century. Guitar hero is a performer with skills and appearance that transcends and transforms common patterns of guitar performances, thus creating a new and distinctive form of musical and performative statement. Seen in this way, a guitar hero is close to heroic models of antique and romanticism. On the other hand, contemporary products of cultural industries and the entertainment industry to some extent changed this basic meaning of the phrase “guitar hero”. Creation and popularization of video games like Guitar Hero or Rock Band, as well as the availability of high quality replicas of instruments of “original” guitar heroes, carried the meaning of this phrase more explicit in the field of consumerism, fetishism, and virtualization. Guitar hero in its basic meaning undoubtedly belongs to the history of the twentieth century popular culture. However, his legacy is still very much present. Specific heritage of a guitar hero in contemporary popular culture lies primarily in the dissemination of the original model through the mechanisms of consumer society, and then in the mimetic patterns based in media of contemporary technology. Thanks to these characteristics, the phenomenon of guitar hero was transformed from icon of popular culture to nostalgic self-design over the original model. Whether it is a replica of instruments of guitar hero or empathy in virtual reality of video games as Guitar Hero or Rock Band, guitar hero heritage confirms its place in modern popular culture, despite

  18. Popular Music: An Untapped Resource for Teaching Contemporary Black History. (United States)

    Cooper, B. Lee


    This essay suggests two innovative instructional approaches for using popular Black music as a model for historical study in the classroom: (1) biographies of popular music artists; and (2) lyrical demonstration of social themes. A list of lyric and album resources is provided. (Author/EB)

  19. Assessing the Level of Popularity of European Stag Tourism Destinations

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    Iwanicki Grzegorz


    Full Text Available The primary objective of this article is to determine the degree of popularity of stag tourism destinations in Europe. Research was based on the search engine method, involving an analysis of the highest positioned offers of travel agencies in the most commonly used search engines in Europe (Google, Bing, Yahoo. The analysis divided the studied cities into four categories in terms of popularity. Conducting the said analysis is strongly justified, because academic publications have so far not provided studies which have determined the degree of popularity of stag destinations on a continental scale.

  20. The Roles of Popular Music in Video Games


    Frydenlund, Jørgen


    This thesis explores the roles of popular music in video games. It draws on the analytical tools used in ludomusicology, film music studies and studies of music videos. Unlike other audiovisual media, video games are based on interactivity and a range of narrativity based on genre. Some games focus on gameplay and others are more inclined with telling a good story. Implementation of popular music in video games has history stretching all the way back to the 80's, and is currently becoming an ...

  1. Nebulous networks: Virginia Woolf and popular astronomy (United States)

    Henry, Holly Grace

    This study investigates Virginia Woolf's fascination with advances in astronomy and telescopic technologies of the 1920s and 30s. Grounded in the cultural studies of science, and the work of theorists such as Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour, the dissertation reconstructs the complex interconnections between Woolf's fiction and prose writing and an explosive popular interest in astronomy and cosmology. Woolf's aesthetic and political practices were shaped by emerging visualization technologies ranging from astronomical telescopes to the hand-held camera. While her writing provides a focus for this investigation, the dissertation offers close readings of fiction and essays by multiple British authors and science writers in the context of these converging phenomena. As a result of glimpsing tiny worlds through her own telescope, Virginia Woolf formulated a global aesthetic and a global politics. Gazing at the moon and stars reminded her that earth is a planet in space, and that earth's inhabitants must rely on this small, fragile globe for their future survival. The opening chapter establishes the cultural context for the study. In 1923, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble determined that the Andromeda galaxy was located far beyond the limits of the Milky Way, then believed to comprise the entire universe. Hubble's radical reconfiguration of the universe contributed to a pervasive sense, in the modern period, of a decentering and re-scaling of humans in the universe. In the chapters that follow, the dissertation offers readings of Woolf's novels and short fiction in relation to her fascination with astronomy and explores how the wildly popular British cosmologist and science writer, Sir James jeans, had a shaping effect on popular culture and on Woolf's narrative practices and pacifist politics. Despite his oblique connections to what became Bloomsbury, jeans and his popular science texts were to play a considerable role in Woolf's formulation of a global aesthetic.

  2. Alcohol brand appearances in US popular music. (United States)

    Primack, Brian A; Nuzzo, Erin; Rice, Kristen R; Sargent, James D


    The average US adolescent is exposed to 34 references to alcohol in popular music daily. Although brand recognition is an independent, potent risk factor for alcohol outcomes among adolescents, alcohol brand appearances in popular music have not been assessed systematically. We aimed to determine the prevalence of and contextual elements associated with alcohol brand appearances in US popular music. Qualitative content analysis. We used Billboard Magazine to identify songs to which US adolescents were most exposed in 2005-07. For each of the 793 songs, two trained coders analyzed independently the lyrics of each song for references to alcohol and alcohol brand appearances. Subsequent in-depth assessments utilized Atlas.ti to determine contextual factors associated with each of the alcohol brand appearances. Our final code book contained 27 relevant codes representing six categories: alcohol types, consequences, emotional states, activities, status and objects. Average inter-rater reliability was high (κ = 0.80), and all differences were easily adjudicated. Of the 793 songs in our sample, 169 (21.3%) referred explicitly to alcohol, and of those, 41 (24.3%) contained an alcohol brand appearance. Consequences associated with alcohol were more often positive than negative (41.5% versus 17.1%, P brand appearances were associated commonly with wealth (63.4%), sex (58.5%), luxury objects (51.2%), partying (48.8%), other drugs (43.9%) and vehicles (39.0%). One in five songs sampled from US popular music had explicit references to alcohol, and one-quarter of these mentioned a specific alcohol brand. These alcohol brand appearances are associated commonly with a luxury life-style characterized by wealth, sex, partying and other drugs. © 2011 The Authors, Addiction © 2011 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  3. Fragmentation, Intertextuality and Hyperreality: The Postmodern and Popular Filipino Films

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    Erwhin Clarin


    Full Text Available Watching popular films can help students take certain arguments in the theory of knowledge more seriously. Such claims bring to fore what the postmodernist critic Frederic Jameson (1998 refers to as the erosion of distinction between high culture (as represented by philosophy and the act of philosophizing and popular culture (embodied by popular films as when these products of mass culture are used as texts for philosophical and literary studies. The present study was designed to analyze popular Filipino films as text, in order to achieve the researcher’s aims: one is to prove that movies can truly be philosophic and literary, by highlighting the dominant features of postmodernist fiction discernible in the selected contemporary films, and how these features were related to the over-all narrative structure, characterization, and thematic content, and more importantly, to participate in the effacement of the line between high art and commercial art, demonstrating in the end that "le postmoderne" has finally reached the Philippines.

  4. The History of Popularization of Science in France

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    Marina D. Romanova


    Full Text Available The article discusses the process of popularization of science in France in terms of bilateral cooperation between scientists and the media. Mediator in the relationship of the two parties is a science journalist. The long history of interaction between researchers and journalists in France can serve as a theoretical model applicable to the Russian media system. Science journalist, acting primarily as a popularizer of science, is intended to bring to the uninitiated reader scientific facts in an accessible form. In this connection, still the question remains about the specialized education of science journalists: whether he should specialize in a particular field or possess the basics of writing and be able to transpose the complex scientific language. French popular science magazines are not only popular among scientists themselves who are willing to cooperate with publishers and participate in the preparation of the editions, but also among readers. Relations between science journalists and scientists should be considered at the theoretical and practical levels. The paper analyzes in detail the first level, which includes the history of the emergence of scientific journalism in France since the first edition of the scientificjournal in Europe, as well as peculiarities of the educational system in this field. A special role in shaping ideas about the role of science journalists belongs to the Association of Science Journalists of informational press, organization, which is actively involved in the development of trust between scientists and journalists.

  5. Independent Comparison of Popular DPI Tools for Traffic Classification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bujlow, Tomasz; Carela-Español, Valentín; Barlet-Ros, Pere


    Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is the state-of-the-art technology for traffic classification. According to the conventional wisdom, DPI is the most accurate classification technique. Consequently, most popular products, either commercial or open-source, rely on some sort of DPI for traffic classifi......Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is the state-of-the-art technology for traffic classification. According to the conventional wisdom, DPI is the most accurate classification technique. Consequently, most popular products, either commercial or open-source, rely on some sort of DPI for traffic......, application and web service). We carefully built a labeled dataset with more than 750K flows, which contains traffic from popular applications. We used the Volunteer-Based System (VBS), developed at Aalborg University, to guarantee the correct labeling of the dataset. We released this dataset, including full...

  6. Is popularity associated with aggression toward socially preferred or marginalized targets? (United States)

    Peets, Kätlin; Hodges, Ernest V E


    This study was designed to test whether aggression toward easy or challenging targets is more likely to be associated with popularity. More specifically, we tested two alternative hypotheses with a sample of 224 adolescents (12- and 13-year-olds): (a) whether aggression toward highly disliked peers is associated with popularity (the easy target hypothesis) or (b) whether aggression toward highly liked peers is associated with popularity (the challenging target hypothesis). Support was found only for the challenging target hypothesis. In particular, our results indicate that aggressiveness toward peers who are liked by many others has social benefits in the form of greater popularity (particularly for highly preferred adolescents) without social costs (i.e., is unrelated to social preference). In contrast, aggressiveness toward peers who are disliked by many others is associated with lower social preference but bears no association with popularity. These results highlight the importance of studying contextualized aggression in order to understand the conditions under which aggression is most, and least, likely to be associated with social power and dominance. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Remembering the 1960s: popular music and memory in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.J.C. van der Hoeven (Arno)


    textabstractFollowing the increasing attention paid to popular music in heritage discourses, this article explores how the popular music culture from the 1960s is remembered in Europe. I discuss the role of heritage organizations, media and the cultural policy of the EU in the construction of a

  8. The communicative functions of post-2000 Shona popular songs: A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article proposes a typology of Shona popular songs employing a systemic functional linguistics (SFL) informed genre theory, which distinguishes texts on the ... Although some studies have been carried out on these songs in the context of popular music, none have attempted a linguistically-grounded analysis of the ...

  9. Maro EMIELU Abstract Despite its popularity

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    music pedagogy in African schools but should be based on students' learning experiences, felt needs, motivation and meeting societal need. Keywords: ... neither wholly African nor wholly foreign in nature, its pedagogical approaches are ... International Conference on Popular Music in Amsterdam was announced in.

  10. Law and Popular Culture : International Perspectives

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brown, K.J.; Asimow, Michael; Papke, David Ray

    Commentators have noted the extraordinary impact of popular culture on legal practice, courtroom proceedings, police departments, and government as a whole, and it is no exaggeration to say that most people derive their basic understanding of law from cultural products. Movies, television programs,

  11. Popular theatre and nonformal education in the Third World: Five strands of experience (United States)

    Kidd, Ross


    Popular theatre is gaining increasing attention in the Third World as a tool for popular education and community organizing. It finds expression in a number of forms including drama, music dance, puppetry and poetry and is performed for — and often by — ordinary peasants and workers. Popular theatre is used as a means of bringing people together, building confidence and solidarity, stimulating discussion, exploring alternative options for action, and building a collective commitment to change: starting with people's urgent concerns and issues, it encourages reflection on these issues and possible strategies for change. Popular theatre, however, is not a unified discipline. It is used by different groups for different interests, ranging from a technocratic, message-oriented `domestication theatre' at one end of the spectrum to a process of consciousness-raising, organization-building and struggle at the other end. Five main strands of popular theatre can be distinguished: (a) the struggle for national liberation; (b) mass education and rural extension; (c) community or participatory development; (d) `conscientization' or popular education; and (e) popular education and organizing. At its best, popular theatre is not an isolated performance or a cathartic experience, but part of an ongoing process of education and organizing, aimed at overcoming oppression and dependence, and at securing basic rights.

  12. A Probabilistic Analysis of Data Popularity in ATLAS Data Caching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Titov, M; Záruba, G; De, K; Klimentov, A


    One of the most important aspects in any computing distribution system is efficient data replication over storage or computing centers, that guarantees high data availability and low cost for resource utilization. In this paper we propose a data distribution scheme for the production and distributed analysis system PanDA at the ATLAS experiment. Our proposed scheme is based on the investigation of data usage. Thus, the paper is focused on the main concepts of data popularity in the PanDA system and their utilization. Data popularity is represented as the set of parameters that are used to predict the future data state in terms of popularity levels.

  13. Overcoming Impossible Bodies: Using Media Literacy to Challenge Popular Culture. (United States)

    Graydon, Shari


    Media education can be taught by analyzing the ways popular media represent the sexes. Discusses stereotyped gender images in popular culture and outlines classroom activities investigating modeling poses, images of ideal and successful males and females, gender sensitive language, sex role portrayal, and violence for a media literacy unit using…

  14. Diabo e cultura popular

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    Sílvia Maria Azevedo


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho focaliza a figura do diabo participando de duas expressões da chamada cultura popular medieval. Por meio de espetáculos como o Carnaval, a Festa dos Loucos, a Festa do Asno, procurei aprender, através da figura demoníaca, o intercâmbio entre duas formas de cultura - uma, séria, religiosa, feudal - relacionada com o mundo das instituições medievais - outra, cômica, irreverente, profana - ligada ao mundo medieval não institucionalizado.

  15. Medios y sectores populares

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    Blasco Fernando Checa Montúfar


    Full Text Available El CIESPAL desarrolló un estudio sobre los usos y preferencias de los medios de información y de los mensajes en algunos sectores populares del Ecuador. La mayoría de los campesinos escuchan la radio pero aman la televisión. El Comercio de Quito y el Universo de Guayaquil son los diarios preferidos. En Quito se leen menos periódicos que en Guayaquil y las redes comunitarias funcionan muy bien en la costa del país.

  16. Noninsect Arthropods in Popular Music

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    Joseph R. Coelho


    Full Text Available The occurrence of noninsect arthropods in popular music was examined in order to explore human attitudes toward these species, especially as compared to insects. Crustaceans were the most commonly referenced taxonomic group in artist names, album titles and cover art, followed by spiders and scorpions. The surprising prevalence of crustaceans may be related to the palatability of many of the species. Spiders and scorpions were primarily used for shock value, as well as totemic qualities of strength and ferocity. Spiders were the most abundant group among song titles, perhaps because of their familiarity to the general public. Three noninsect arthropod album titles were found from the early 1970s, then none appear until 1990. Older albums are difficult to find unless they are quite popular, and the resurgence of albums coincides with the rise of the internet. After 1990, issuance of such albums increased approximately linearly. Giant and chimeric album covers were the most common of themes, indicating the use of these animals to inspire fear and surprise. The lyrics of select songs are presented to illustrate the diversity of sentiments present, from camp spookiness to edibility.

  17. Noninsect Arthropods in Popular Music. (United States)

    Coelho, Joseph R


    The occurrence of noninsect arthropods in popular music was examined in order to explore human attitudes toward these species, especially as compared to insects. Crustaceans were the most commonly referenced taxonomic group in artist names, album titles and cover art, followed by spiders and scorpions. The surprising prevalence of crustaceans may be related to the palatability of many of the species. Spiders and scorpions were primarily used for shock value, as well as totemic qualities of strength and ferocity. Spiders were the most abundant group among song titles, perhaps because of their familiarity to the general public. Three noninsect arthropod album titles were found from the early 1970s, then none appear until 1990. Older albums are difficult to find unless they are quite popular, and the resurgence of albums coincides with the rise of the internet. After 1990, issuance of such albums increased approximately linearly. Giant and chimeric album covers were the most common of themes, indicating the use of these animals to inspire fear and surprise. The lyrics of select songs are presented to illustrate the diversity of sentiments present, from camp spookiness to edibility.

  18. Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management

    CERN Document Server

    Beermann, T; The ATLAS collaboration; Stewart, G; Lassnig, M; Garonne, V; Barisits, M; Vigne, R; Serfon, C; Goossens, L; Nairz, A; Molfetas, A


    This paper describes a popularity prediction tool for data-intensive data management systems, such as ATLAS distributed data management (DDM). It is fed by the DDM popularity system, which produces historical reports about ATLAS data usage, providing information about files, datasets, users and sites where data was accessed. The tool described in this contribution uses this historical information to make a prediction about the future popularity of data. It finds trends in the usage of data using a set of neural networks and a set of input parameters and predicts the number of accesses in the near term future. This information can then be used in a second step to improve the distribution of replicas at sites, taking into account the cost of creating new replicas (bandwidth and load on the storage system) compared to gain of having new ones (faster access of data for analysis). To evaluate the benefit of the redistribution a grid simulator is introduced that is able replay real workload on different data distri...

  19. Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management

    CERN Document Server

    Beermann, T; The ATLAS collaboration; Stewart, G; Lassnig, M; Garonne, V; Barisits, M; Vigne, R; Serfon, C; Goossens, L; Nairz, A; Molfetas, A


    This paper describes a popularity prediction tool for data-intensive data management systems, such as ATLAS distributed data management (DDM). It is fed by the DDM popularity system, which produces historical reports about ATLAS data usage, providing information about files, datasets, users and sites where data was accessed. The tool described in this contribution uses this historical information to make a prediction about the future popularity of data. It finds trends in the usage of data using a set of neural networks and a set of input parameters and predicts the number of accesses in the near term future. This information can then be used in a second step to improve the distribution of replicas at sites, taking into account the cost of creating new replicas (bandwidth and load on the storage system) compared to gain of having new ones (faster access of data for analysis). To evaluate the benefit of the redistribution a grid simulator is introduced that is able replay real workload on different data distri...

  20. Ideological and political conflicts about popular music in Serbia

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    Đurković Miša


    Full Text Available The paper is focused on ideological and political conflicts about popular music in Serbia, as a good example of wrong and confused searching for identity. Basic conflict that author is analyzing is about oriental elements (such as asymmetric rhythmic patterns and melismatic singing and the question if they are legitimate parts of Serbian musical heritage or not. Author is making an analysis of three periods in twentieth century, in which absolutely the same arguments were used, and he's paying special attention to contemporary conflicts, trying to explain why all of the theories are ideologically based. Author is insisting on role market played in development and modernization of popular music in Serbia. The article is ending with some recommendations for better understanding of cultural identity in Serbia, and for recognizing popular music as specific field of interest and research.

  1. Black Voices, German Rebels: Acts of Masculinity in Postwar Popular Culture


    Layne, Priscilla Dionne


    This dissertation examines practices of embodying Black popular culture in Germany. My analysis is based on close readings of texts from a variety of media including novels, films and musical theater from West and East Germany of the 1950s to the reunified Germany of the 1990s. Black popular culture, particularly popular music, has appealed to Germans since the 19th century, when the Fisk Jubilee singers toured Europe. In most of my analyses, music plays a prominent role as a gateway to Black...

  2. Comparação de hábitos de bem estar vocal entre cantores líricos e populares A comparison between vocal habits of lyric and popular singers

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    Ana Paula Dassie-Leite


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar hábitos de bem estar vocal entre cantores líricos e populares. MÉTODOS: foi realizado um trabalho exploratório descritivo, com a participação de 30 cantores líricos e 30 populares, estudantes da Universidade Livre de Música. Todos responderam um questionário com 13 questões objetivas sobre hábitos vocais e utilização profissional da voz. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados estatisticamente RESULTADOS: cantores líricos e populares têm hábitos semelhantes de alimentação, tabagismo, etilismo e uso de drogas recreacionais. Cantores populares têm menos horas de sono/repouso ao dia, sendo esta uma diferença estatisticamente significante. Este grupo também se diferenciou dos cantores líricos por terem, em sua maioria, outro trabalho com a utilização profissional da voz falada. Também foi estatisticamente significante a maior carga horária no uso da voz cantada em líricos, bem como o maior uso de recursos considerados mitos para melhorar a voz. Cantores populares conhecem menos o trabalho fonoaudiológico junto aos profissionais da voz. Os cantores líricos aquecem a voz com maior frequência em relação aos populares, embora este segundo grupo, tenha demonstrado que este hábito tem sido adquirido. Tanto cantores líricos quanto populares não desaquecem a voz sistematicamente, depois da atividade profissional. CONCLUSÃO: Cantores líricos e populares com formação musical específica têm, em geral, hábitos de bem estar vocal semelhantes e diferenciam-se principalmente em relação à carga horária de trabalho semanal, à utilização de mitos na tentativa de melhorar a voz, ao conhecimento sobre o trabalho fonoaudiológico e à prática de aquecimento e desaquecimento vocal.PURPOSE: to compare vocal welfare habits of lyric and popular singers. METHODS: it is a descriptive exploratory work, with the participation of 30 lyrical singers and 30 popular singers. All answered a questionnaire with 13

  3. Impact of Bursty Human Activity Patterns on the Popularity of Online Content

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    Qiang Yan


    Full Text Available The dynamics of online content popularity has attracted more and more researches in recent years. In this paper, we provide a quantitative, temporal analysis about the dynamics of online content popularity in a massive system: Sina Microblog. We use time-stamped data to investigate the impact of bursty human comment patterns on the popularity of online microblog news. Statistical results indicate that the number of news and comments exhibits an exponential growth. The strength of forwarding and comment is characterized by bursts, displaying fat-tailed distribution. In order to characterize the dynamics of popularity, we explore the distribution of the time interval Δt between consecutive comment bursts and find that it also follows a power-law. Bursty patterns of human comment are responsible for the power-law decay of popularity. These results are well supported by both the theoretical analysis and empirical data.

  4. Dark victory: cancer and popular Hollywood film. (United States)

    Lederer, Susan E


    This paper explores the cultural representations of cancer in popular Hollywood films released between 1930 and 1970. These cinematic treatments were not representative of the types of cancer that increasingly afflicted Americans, nor were filmmakers and studios concerned with realistic representations of the disease, its treatment, and its outcomes. As in the "epidemic entertainments" of the early twentieth century that portrayed diseases as cultural commodities, popular filmmakers selectively projected some cancers rather than others, favoring those that were less offensive and more photogenic. Although the characters became weak and died, they did so without gross transformations of their bodies. This paper argues that such representations nonetheless informed American attitudes about cancer and the role of medical research in overcoming the disease.

  5. Dominance-Popularity Status, Behavior, and the Emergence of Sexual Activity in Young Adolescents

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    Eddy H. de Bruyn


    Full Text Available In this paper, we investigated the sexual activity levels of several subtypes of middle adolescents (age 14–15 years. The subtype profiles were based on dominance-popularity status and a range of behaviors associated with dominance and popularity. In addition, gender differences in behavioral profiles were examined among dominant-popular, sexually active young adolescents. Results showed that socially dominant and popular young adolescent boys who exhibited a highly aggressive profile were more sexually active than their low-status and non-aggressive male peers; dominant-popular girls who were very attractive and gossips were more sexually active than their female peers. The results are discussed from an evolutionary psychological framework.

  6. Initiating New Prospects of Rural Science Popularization in the Digital Media Era

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    Jun Li


    Full Text Available The development of digital media has brought a new challenge to existing science popularization in the rural areas. In this paper, new experience of rural science popularization on both traditional and digital media in Zhejiang province was introduced. We proposed several strategies for rural science popularization in the digital media era: First, we should strengthen the utilization of traditional platforms such as print media and broadcast and TV media. Then, digital media based on Internet should also be used for science popularization. Last but not least, we should also try to use “the fifth media” to upgrade existing platforms and create new Internet media channels.

  7. The Rhetorical Dimensions of Popular Song. (United States)

    Winebrenner, T. C.

    Communication scholars have recently focused attention on songs as artifacts of popular culture. Current literature implies that the contexts of music communication are defined by the relationships that songs establish between artists and their audience: persuasive, expressive, and commercial. As the commercialization of music is an inherently…

  8. The portrayal of migraine in popular music: observations and implications. (United States)

    Roberts, Daniel L; Vargas, Bert B


    To describe the manner in which migraine and migaineurs are depicted in popular music. Prior studies have elucidated the ways in which the popular perception of neurological disorders is shaped by popular culture, from the inflated expectations of the prognosis of coma patients in television dramas to the association of intractable headaches with demonic possession and death by violence in the cinema. searched popular online music sites for songs with the word "migraine" in their titles. Song lyrics were studied for tone, content, and the light in which they portrayed migraine sufferers. One hundred thirty-four songs met inclusion criteria, representing the work of 126 artists. The majority of the recording artists were male (112 of 126 artists, 89%). One hundred seven of the 134 songs (80%) were recorded since 2000. Of the 79 songs that contained lyrics, 16 (20%) included explicit content; 43 (54%) make reference to hopelessness, despair, or severe pain; and 27 (34%) contained references to killing or death. Only 9 songs (11%) made any reference to successful treatment, resolution, or hope of any sort, the same number that made lyrical references to explosions or bombs. The portrayal of a disease in popular music can reflect the artist's perceptions, anxieties, and prejudices about the disease and its victims. The public, including patients, may accept these portrayals as accurate. Clinicians familiar with the portrayal of headache sufferers in cinema will not be surprised that popular musicians (both migraineurs and non-migraineurs) portray migraines as intractable, violent, and all-consuming. The lack of any balancing view is disheartening, especially in light of the advances in migraine awareness and treatment over the past decade. Perhaps the most surprising finding is that the vast majority of migraine songs are written and performed by men. © 2012 American Headache Society.

  9. Malt Beverage Brand Popularity Among Youth and Youth-Appealing Advertising Content. (United States)

    Xuan, Ziming; DeJong, William; Siegel, Michael; Babor, Thomas F


    This study examined whether alcohol brands more popular among youth are more likely to have aired television advertisements that violated the alcohol industry's voluntary code by including youth-appealing content. We obtained a complete list of 288 brand-specific beer advertisements broadcast during the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) men's and women's basketball tournaments from 1999 to 2008. All ads were rated by a panel of health professionals using a modified Delphi method to assess the presence of youth-appealing content in violation of the alcohol industry's voluntary code. The ads represented 23 alcohol brands. The popularity of these brands was operationalized as the brand-specific popularity of youth alcohol consumption in the past 30 days, as determined by a 2011 to 2012 national survey of underage drinkers. Brand-level popularity was used as the exposure variable to predict the odds of having advertisements with youth-appealing content violations. Accounting for other covariates and the clustering of advertisements within brands, increased brand popularity among underage youth was associated with significantly increased odds of having youth-appeal content violations in ads televised during the NCAA basketball tournament games (adjusted odds ratio = 1.70, 95% CI: 1.38, 2.09). Alcohol brands popular among underage drinkers are more likely to air television advertising that violates the industry's voluntary code which proscribes youth-appealing content. Copyright © 2017 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.

  10. Popular product development: strategy, innovation and decision making

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    Maria Cecília Sobral


    Full Text Available This work studies the decision process involved in the development of a popular product in Brazil for a multinational company. The method was case study. The product was launched in the market at the end of 2003, being the first popular product of the company in the world. Some interesting points of this study: a The importance of the new market (the bottom of income pyramid to the company; b The development of a product specifically addressed to the needs of this market with a totally customized solution; c The decision of a new product platform development.

  11. Popular culture and the narrative: the case of the James Bond 007 films



    This study examines the contribution of popular culture and artefacts in the narratives of the James Bond films and postulates that these narratives in turn become popular cultures of their own. In the audiovisual industry the actuality and novelty of the content and the production thereof relates directly to the success of the production. The main reason is because of actuality of the theme, topic and the popular culture portrayed in the production. The popular culture products at the time o...

  12. Shylock’s Daughters: Philosemitism, Popular Culture, And The Liberal Imagination

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    Hess Jonathan M.


    Full Text Available S. H. Mosenthal’s blockbuster drama Deborah, popularized in the English-speaking world as Leah, The Forsaken, delivered generations of nineteenth-century theatergoers fantasies about Jewish women. This paper explores the rich performance history of this work, offering a new perspective on the role of popular culture in launching distinctly liberal forms of philosemitism.

  13. Skinny blues: Karen Carpenter, anorexia nervosa and popular music


    McKay, George


    This article discusses an extraordinary body in popular music, that belonging to the person with anorexia which is also usually a gendered body – female – and that of the singer or frontperson. I explore the relation between the anorexic body and popular music, which is more than simply look- ing at constructions of anorexia in pop. It involves contextually thinking about the (medical) history and the critical reception and representation, the place of anorexia across the creative industries ...

  14. Pulp fictions of medieval England: Essays in popular romance


    McDonald, Nicola


    Middle English popular romance is the most audacious and compendious testimony to the imaginary world of the English Middle Ages. Yet, with few exceptions, it remains under read and under studied. Pulp fictions of medieval England demonstrates that popular romance merits and rewards serious critical attention and that it is crucial to our understanding of the complex and conflicted world of medieval England. Pulp fictions of medieval England comprises ten essays on individual romances that, w...

  15. The Reflection of Israeli Society in Popular War Songs (United States)


    festivals , musicals and movies (e.g. Woodstock Festival and the movie and the musical Hair). Rock music became more popular and it integrated into...history. The country’s best writers wrote songs and the best singers sang them in the most popular festivals and media channels. The collective...from a variety of angles. In addition to the plain text, it will pay attention to the music and the arrangement. It will examine the song’s

  16. Effects of individual popularity on information spreading in complex networks (United States)

    Gao, Lei; Li, Ruiqi; Shu, Panpan; Wang, Wei; Gao, Hui; Cai, Shimin


    In real world, human activities often exhibit preferential selection mechanism based on the popularity of individuals. However, this mechanism is seldom taken into account by previous studies about spreading dynamics on networks. Thus in this work, an information spreading model is proposed by considering the preferential selection based on individuals' current popularity, which is defined as the number of individuals' cumulative contacts with informed neighbors. A mean-field theory is developed to analyze the spreading model. Through systematically studying the information spreading dynamics on uncorrelated configuration networks as well as real-world networks, we find that the popularity preference has great impacts on the information spreading. On the one hand, the information spreading is facilitated, i.e., a larger final prevalence of information and a smaller outbreak threshold, if nodes with low popularity are preferentially selected. In this situation, the effective contacts between informed nodes and susceptible nodes are increased, and nodes almost have uniform probabilities of obtaining the information. On the other hand, if nodes with high popularity are preferentially selected, the final prevalence of information is reduced, the outbreak threshold is increased, and even the information cannot outbreak. In addition, the heterogeneity of the degree distribution and the structure of real-world networks do not qualitatively affect the results. Our research can provide some theoretical supports for the promotion of spreading such as information, health related behaviors, and new products, etc.

  17. Lucha popular, democracia, neoliberalismo: protesta popular en América Latina en los años del ajuste

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    Martha Cecilia García V.


    Full Text Available Margarita López Maya (editora. Lucha popular, democracia, neoliberalismo: protesta popular en América Latina en los años del ajuste. Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 1999, 264 páginas. Este libro presenta una compilación de diez artículos elaborados por investigadores de Argentina, México, Colombia, Guatemala, Brasil, República Dominicana y Venezuela, producto de sus investigaciones sobre luchas y movimientos sociales en estos países. La intención del libro, según la compiladora, es tratar de llegar de manera conjunta a algunas hipótesis sobre los procesos de protesta y sus relaciones con el neoliberalismo y descubrir el modo en que los sectores más golpeados en sus expectativas y condiciones de vida por las políticas de ajuste han comenzado a demandar sus derechos.

  18. Coco de roda novo quilombo: saberes da cultura popular e práticas de educação popular na comunidade quilombola de Ipiranga no Conde-PB


    Silva, Cicero Pedroza da


    O presente estudo, intitulado ―COCO DE RODE NOVO QUILOMBO: saberes da Cultura Popular e práticas de Educação Popular na comunidade quilombola de Ipiranga no Conde -PB‖, tem como objetivo central analisar a contribuição histórica, cultural social e política da comunidade quilombola de Ipiranga no Conde-PB para a construção de práticas educativas na perspectiva freireana de Educação Popular. Situada, metodologicamente, nos preceitos da abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, enquanto pes...

  19. Colagem ortodôntica em esmalte com presença ou ausência de contaminação salivar: é necessário o uso de adesivo auto-condicionante ou de adesivo hidrofílico? Orthodontic bonding in dry and saliva contaminated enamel: is a self-etching primer or a moisture-insensitive primer necessary?

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    Cristiane Becher Rosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência ao cisalhamento da colagem ortodôntica de um adesivo hidrofílico (Transbond Moisture-Insensitive Primer, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Califórnia, de um adesivo auto-condicionante (Transbond Self-Etching Primer, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Califórnia, e sem uso de adesivo, em superfícies de esmalte secas ou contaminadas por saliva. METODOLOGIA: incisivos bovinos (60 foram divididos em 6 grupos: (1 controle sem contaminação salivar (sem adesivo, (2 controle com contaminação salivar (sem adesivo, (3 adesivo auto-condicionante sem contaminação salivar, (4 adesivo auto-condicionante com contaminação salivar antes do adesivo, (5 adesivo hidrofílico sem contaminação salivar e (6 adesivo hidrofílico com contaminação salivar antes do adesivo. Braquetes metálicos foram colados com compósito (Transbond XT, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Califórnia. Após a colagem, os corpos-de prova foram armazenados a 37±1ºC em ambiente úmido até a realização do teste de cisalhamento. Diferença estatística foi determinada com valor de probabilidade de 0,05 ou menos (p AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of orthodontic bonding with the use of a hydrophilic primer (Transbond Moisture-Insensitive Primer, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif., a self-etching primer (Transbond Plus Self-etching Primer, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif. and without primer application, in dry and saliva contaminated enamel surfaces. METHODS: Bovine incisors (60 were divided into 6 groups: (1 uncontaminated control (no primer, (2 control with saliva contamination (no primer, (3 uncontaminated self-etching primer, (4 saliva contamination before self-etching primer, (5 uncontaminated hydrophilic primer and (6 saliva contamination before hydrophilic primer. Stainless steel brackets were bonded with composite resin (Transbond XT, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif.. After bonding, all samples were stored at 37±1°C in a

  20. Popularity as a predictor of early alcohol use and moderator of other risk processes. (United States)

    Guyll, Max; Madon, Stephanie; Spoth, Richard; Lannin, Daniel G


    This study tested the relationship between popularity and early adolescent alcohol use and examined whether popularity moderated the influence of several risk processes. Longitudinal data provided by 1,196 youth (590 girls) were analyzed to assess main and interactive effects of popularity, friends' alcohol use attitudes, own alcohol use attitude, risk taking, and aggressive-disruptive behavior on changes in alcohol use during seventh grade. When we controlled for demographic variables and baseline alcohol use, popularity and the other predictors of interest exhibited linear main effects on alcohol use, with popularity and the attitude variables also demonstrating curvilinear relationships. Further analysis indicated that popularity moderated the effect of aggressive-disruptive behavior, the latter being associated with greater alcohol use among more popular adolescents. Additional moderation results revealed that friends' favorable attitudes toward alcohol use also potentiated aggressive-disruptive behavior's relationship with alcohol use and that male youth were more likely than female youth to use alcohol, but only among low risk takers. Popular youth may attempt to maintain status through early alcohol use, and their social competencies may facilitate risk processes associated with aggressive-disruptive behavior. Findings suggest the utility of providing universal prevention at developmentally crucial times to address substance use overall, and particularly to decrease early use among popular youth, which may serve to slow the growth of substance use in the larger cohort. Although aggressive-disruptive youth who are popular seem to be at particular risk, they may resist traditional interventions, indicating the potential value of less obvious intervention strategies.

  1. [Folklore and popular medicine in the Amazon]. (United States)

    Henrique, Márcio Couto


    This discussion of the relations between folklore and popular medicine in the Amazon takes Canuto Azevedo's story "Filhos do boto" (Children of the porpoise) as an analytical reference point. Replete with elements of cultural reality, folk tales can serve as historical testimonies expressing clashes between different traditions. Folk records are fruit of what is often a quarrelsome dialogue between folklorists, social scientists, physicians, and pajés and their followers, and their analysis should take into account the conditions under which they were produced. Based on the imaginary attached to the figure of the porpoise--a seductive creature with healing powers--the article explores how we might expand knowledge of popular medicine as practiced in the Amazon, where the shamanistic rite known as pajelança cabocla has a strong presence.

  2. Iklan dan Budaya Popular: Pembentukan Identitas Ideologis Kecantikan Perempuan oleh Iklan di Televisi

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    Inda Fitryarini


    Full Text Available Abstract: Mass media is not only a channel to deliver messages but also is a channel to build a special image about the world, such as the beauty image of women. Advertisements create it in their messages. Most of them show women with white skin, slim and have long black hair. These cases are a part of popular culture or mass culture because it could be a homogen-standard value. Advertising is related with popular culture. Advertising is a reflection of popular culture and it is an inventor of popular culture.

  3. Alcohol Brand Appearances in U.S. Popular Music (United States)

    Primack, Brian A.; Nuzzo, Erin; Rice, Kristen R.; Sargent, James D.


    Aims The average US adolescent is exposed to 34 references to alcohol in popular music daily. Although brand recognition is an independent, potent risk factor for alcohol outcomes among adolescents, alcohol brand appearances in popular music have not been systematically assessed. We aimed to determine the prevalence of and contextual elements associated with alcohol brand appearances in U.S. popular music. Design Qualitative content analysis. Setting We used Billboard Magazine to identify songs to which US adolescents were most exposed in 2005-2007. For each of the 793 songs, two trained coders independently analyzed the lyrics of each song for references to alcohol and alcohol brand appearances. Subsequent in-depth assessments utilised Atlas.ti to determine contextual factors associated with each of the alcohol brand appearances. Measurements Our final code book contained 27 relevant codes representing 6 categories: alcohol types, consequences, emotional states, activities, status, and objects. Findings Average inter-rater reliability was high (κ=0.80), and all differences were easily adjudicated. Of the 793 songs in our sample, 169 (21.3%) explicitly referred to alcohol, and of those, 41 (24.3%) contained an alcohol brand appearance. Consequences associated with alcohol were more often positive than negative (41.5% vs. 17.1%, Pbrand appearances were commonly associated with wealth (63.4%), sex (58.5%), luxury objects (51.2%), partying (48.8%), other drugs (43.9%), and vehicles (39.0%). Conclusions One-in-five songs sampled from U.S. popular music had explicit references to alcohol, and one quarter of these mentioned a specific alcohol brand. These alcohol brand appearances are commonly associated with a luxury lifestyle characterised by wealth, sex, partying, and other drugs. PMID:22011113

  4. Effects of Popularity and Gender on Peers' Perceptions of Prosocial, Antisocial, and Jealousy-Eliciting Behaviors (United States)

    Mayeux, Lara


    Perceived popularity is associated with both positive and negative characteristics, and adolescents' stereotypes associated with popularity reflect this paradox. The current study investigated adolescents' stereotypes associated with popularity and gender, as well as their liking for popular peers who engage in prosocial, antisocial, and…

  5. José Martí e a educação popular: um retorno às fontes José Martí and popular education: a return to the sources

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    Danilo R. Streck


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma leitura de José Martí como fonte histórica da educação popular na América Latina. Parte-se do pressuposto de que não pode haver uma verdadeira refundamentação sem o retorno àquilo que sejam momentos, idéias ou princípios fundantes da educação popular. Após situar brevemente o pensamento e a obra de José Martí, caracteriza-se o conceito de educação popular como educação do povo, no sentido de educação universal. Num outro nível, busca-se identificar na obra de Martí traços da educação popular como um movimento político-pedagógico que se configura especialmente a partir da segunda metade do século passado. A premissa é que, num dado momento, educação do povo e educação popular deixam de ser termos equivalentes e que, em José Martí, temos elementos para pensar esses dois termos de forma dialética, num movimento de recriação de uma prática que, embora cindida pelas contingências históricas, é única. São identificados em sua obra quatro princípios da educação popular: a valorização da pluralidade de saberes; a relação interpessoal como ambiente para o aprender-ensinar e base para a transformação social; o conhecimento da realidade a partir de uma perspectiva emancipatória como ato político; e a educação como processo autoformativo da sociedade.This article presents José Martí as a historical source of popular education in Latin America. It starts from the assumption that there can be no true re-foundation without the return to those founding moments, ideas or principles of popular education. After giving a brief account of Martí's work and thought, we characterize the concept of popular education as education of the people, in the sense of a universal education. On a different level, we seek to identify in Martí's work elements of popular education as a political-pedagogical movement that takes shape especially since the latter half of the 20th century. The

  6. The complex network of the Brazilian Popular Music (United States)

    de Lima e Silva, D.; Medeiros Soares, M.; Henriques, M. V. C.; Schivani Alves, M. T.; de Aguiar, S. G.; de Carvalho, T. P.; Corso, G.; Lucena, L. S.


    We study the Brazilian Popular Music in a network perspective. We call the Brazilian Popular Music Network, BPMN, the graph where the vertices are the song writers and the links are determined by the existence of at least a common singer. The linking degree distribution of such graph shows power law and exponential regions. The exponent of the power law is compatible with the values obtained by the evolving network algorithms seen in the literature. The average path length of the BPMN is similar to the correspondent random graph, its clustering coefficient, however, is significantly larger. These results indicate that the BPMN forms a small-world network.

  7. Images of Freud in Popular Culture and Fiction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Bent

    in popular culture, where Sigmund has long had iconic status, both in terms of his own physical likeness and in terms of stereotyped versions of his main ideas. To complement this analysis I shall contrast the popular image of Freud with the use of him in recent fiction by E.L. Doctorow and John Irving.......Historiographic metafiction and postmodern pastiche, both defined by critic Linda Hutcheon as subversive literary and cultural strategies, have put Freud to work both as a clown and a stern cultural critic. My paper will first take a lighthearted look at some of the humorous images we find of Freud...


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    Letícia Augusta Faria de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A adoção das formações aluviais na reconstituição de eventos geomorfológicos é uma ferramenta metodológica importante para a compreensão dos processos de esculturação dos vales fluviais, da configuração espaço-temporal da rede hidrográfica e, consequentemente, da configuração do modelado do relevo no Quaternário tardio. Este trabalho investiga hipóteses sobre os fatores condicionantes que levaram à configuração de expressivos fundos de vale colmatados na bacia do Alto-Médio Rio Pomba, região leste de Minas Gerais. Os fundos de vale apresentam espessos níveis de terraços nos quais as planícies, por vezes com amplitudes anômalas, encontram-se embutidas ou encaixadas. O quadro geológico e geomorfológico regional, as idades obtidas via método de Luminescência Opticamente Estimulada (LOE para os sedimentos e a disposição de trechos de corredeira no médio Rio Pomba sugerem que a gênese dos depósitos fluviais esteve condicionada por uma tectônica diferencial de blocos durante o Quaternário tardio. A morfologia das planícies se deve à combinação de fatores antrópicos e tectônicos, além de ser influenciada pela morfologia da bacia do Rio Pomba. A datação dos depósitos aluviais via LOE se mostrou útil e adequada para mensurar a idade de episódios recentes de deposição aluvial.Palavras-chave: Dinâmica fluvial quaternária, vales colmatados, Luminescência Opticamente Estimulada (LOE.

  9. How to make the unpopular popular?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Groot, Judith I.M.; Schuitema, Geertje


    This study examined how policy characteristics (i.e. push versus pull measure and high versus low cost behaviour targeted) and social norms (i.e. strong versus weak social norms) influence the acceptability of environmental policies. Results of a mixed 2 2 2 subjects design among 123 participants...... as to make the unpopular popular....

  10. Bringing American Popular Culture to the English Departments in Indonesia*

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    Dewi N.


    Full Text Available One outcome of the globalization process is the growing influence and dominance of American popular culture. The speed with which American music, films, and goods have flooded the markets worldwide is remarkably high, thanks to the advancement of telecommunication technologies and the Internet. Increased cultural transfer or, more precisely, internationalization of American culture has posed both fear and fascination to other cultures. How do people in the academia respond to this conundrum of cross-cultural contacts? What do we teach when we teach popular culture? What viable research in American popular culture is encouraged so as to result in impartially beneficial impacts for society at large? This paper is to argue that one can become an avid learner or critic of a certain culture when s/he finds meaningful connections between that culture and life itself. The teaching of American popular culture in the English Department, for instance, has to be locally contextualized, learner-participant oriented, and socially self-actualized. In this way, American Studies outside the U. S. may in turn become less centralized as the interchange of cross-cultural understanding takes place concurrently.

  11. It is all about being popular: The effects of need for popularity on social network site use

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Utz, S.; Tanis, M.A.; Vermeulen, I.E.


    Prior research on predictors of social network site (SNS) use has mainly focused on the Big Five, narcissism, and self-esteem. Results have been inconsistent, and variance explained was rather low. Need for popularity (NfP) might be a better predictor of SNS use, because SNSs are ideal venues for

  12. Science communication on YouTube: Factors that affect channel and video popularity. (United States)

    Welbourne, Dustin J; Grant, Will J


    YouTube has become one of the largest websites on the Internet. Among its many genres, both professional and amateur science communicators compete for audience attention. This article provides the first overview of science communication on YouTube and examines content factors that affect the popularity of science communication videos on the site. A content analysis of 390 videos from 39 YouTube channels was conducted. Although professionally generated content is superior in number, user-generated content was significantly more popular. Furthermore, videos that had consistent science communicators were more popular than those without a regular communicator. This study represents an important first step to understand content factors, which increases the channel and video popularity of science communication on YouTube. © The Author(s) 2015.

  13. Popular Science as a Means of Emotional Engagement with the Scientific Community

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    Full Text Available This article explores a debate (and its origins which is taking place around the issue of science popularization. Although the participants are all describing popularization in various ways, the heart is in what makes a good popularization. The notion of this has changed from the 19th century view, which called for a simple and easy - to - understand text, to a more modern view, which suggests a good popularization engages the reader emotionally. This discussion might also be seen in a context of a more profou nd debate of science experts versus general public and what science and scientific knowledge mean to each group. The exploration of this relationship suggests a shift in the role lay public plays in science.

  14. Write It So They'll Read It: Popular Annual Financial Reporting. (United States)

    Anderson, Richard T.; Piotrowski, Craig L.


    Waukesha County Technical College (Wisconsin) received the Governmental Financial Officers Association "Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award" in 1993 and became the first educational entity to do so. Popular annual financial reporting is an effective way for schools to present reader-friendly reports that stress graphics and…

  15. Antecedents and Correlates of the Popular-Aggressive Phenomenon in Elementary School (United States)

    Rodkin, Philip C.; Roisman, Glenn I.


    This study identified correlates and developmental antecedents that distinguish popular-aggressive elementary school children from other youth. Drawing on the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (N = 1022), popular-aggressive children were identified through teacher ratings over…

  16. Life After High School Adjustment of Popular Teens in Emerging Adulthood

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sandstrom, M.J.; Cillessen, A.H.N.


    This project examines the adjustment sequelae of perceived popularity beyond high school, and the moderating role of relational aggression (RA) in this process. Yearly sociometric measures of popularity and RA were gathered across grades 9-12 for a sample of 264 adolescents in a lower-middle-class

  17. The First World War in Popular Music since 1958


    Grant, P.


    The First World War in Popular Music since 1958Peter GrantIntroductionSince 1958 there have been over 1,400 newly composed songs ‘about’ the First World War in the different genres of popular music with numbers increasing signifi cantly since the new millennium. By this I mean songs where the infl uence of the war is discernible, whether directly or through ‘signifi ers’ or references, in the title or lyrics. Not surprisingly the largest number emanate from countries that were prominent in th...

  18. School engagement trajectories in adolescence: The role of peer likeability and popularity. (United States)

    Engels, Maaike C; Colpin, Hilde; Van Leeuwen, Karla; Bijttebier, Patricia; Den Noortgate, Wim Van; Claes, Stephan; Goossens, Luc; Verschueren, Karine


    This accelerated longitudinal study examined how peer status (i.e., peer likeability and popularity) is involved in adolescents' school engagement trajectories. A large sample of students was followed from Grades 7 to 11 (N=1116; M age =13.79years). Students' school engagement and peer status were assessed using self-reports and peer nominations, respectively. Latent growth curve modeling revealed that different engagement dimensions were differentially associated with peer status. Likeability was positively related to both behavioral and emotional engagement in Grade 7, but not to behavioral and emotional disaffection. In contrast, popularity was related to less behavioral engagement and more behavioral disaffection at the start of secondary education, but not to emotional engagement and disaffection. Moreover, students' aggressive behavior moderated the relation between popularity and behavioral engagement in Grade 7, denoting the risk of popularity in combination with average and high levels of aggression. Results suggest that adolescents' popularity may interfere with meeting academic demands in general and with showing engagement in particular. Copyright © 2017 Society for the Study of School Psychology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Popular Culture and Critical Media Literacy in Adult Education: Theory and Practice (United States)

    Tisdell, Elizabeth J.


    This chapter introduces the volume, provides an overview of the theory and literature on popular culture and critical media literacy in education, and discusses ways to use popular culture in adult education.

  20. Popular Culture in Mainland Chinese Education (United States)

    Ho, Wai-Chung


    The policy and practice of school education in mainland China have changed in response to the political and economic reformations and opening-up of the late 1970s. This paper argues that, despite the introduction and emphasis on popular culture in some areas of school education, traditional Chinese culture and values continue to consolidate the…

  1. Popular music as cultural heritage: scoping out the field of practice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brandellero, A.; Janssen, S.


    This paper sets out to deepen our understanding of the relationship between popular music and cultural heritage and to delineate the practices of popular music as cultural heritage. The paper illustrates how the term has been mobilised by a variety of actors, from the public to the private sector,

  2. Popular music as cultural heritage: scoping out the field of practice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.M.C. Brandellero (Amanda); M.S.S.E. Janssen (Susanne)


    textabstractThis paper sets out to deepen our understanding of the relationship between popular music and cultural heritage and to delineate the practices of popular music as cultural heritage. The paper illustrates how the term has been mobilised by a variety of actors, from the public to the

  3. Impact Factors and Prediction of Popular Topics in a Journal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, M B; Seitz, K.


    been on peripheral nerves 23. Surprisingly many good scientific papers on obstetrics/fetal US and musculoskeletal US have low citation rates 24 25 26. Our predictions for 2016 based on the topics of submitted articles in the last 12 months are that CEUS and elastography will continue to be popular...... topics.It is also worth mentioning that there can be a discrepancy between which titles are cited and which are accessed online. In addition to international guidelines, our CME articles are usually popular according to online access. CME articles are well established educational papers...... and recommendations is important to UIM/EJU. Although we see popular topics like CEUS and elastography, it is not possible to predict which articles will be read or even cited based on the topic, with multicenter studies being the exception....

  4. The popularity of domestic cultural products: cross-national differences and the relation to globalization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekhuis, H.


    This dissertation addressed the popularity of domestic cultural consumption. It aimed at describing and explaining the extent to which the popularity of domestic cultural consumption differs between countries and over time. We studied the popularity of domestic versus foreign film productions, the

  5. Content analysis of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs in popular music. (United States)

    Primack, Brian A; Dalton, Madeline A; Carroll, Mary V; Agarwal, Aaron A; Fine, Michael J


    To perform a comprehensive content analysis of substance use in contemporary popular music. We analyzed the 279 most popular songs of 2005 according to Billboard magazine. Two coders working independently used a standardized data collection instrument to code portrayals of substance use. Presence and explicit use of substances and motivations for, associations with, and consequences of substance use. Of the 279 songs, 93 (33.3%) portrayed substance use, with an average of 35.2 substance references per song-hour. Portrayal of substance use varied significantly (P musical genre. The substance use depicted in popular music is frequently motivated by peer acceptance and sex, and it has highly positive associations and consequences.

  6. Imagining the Mathematician: Young People Talking about Popular Representations of Maths (United States)

    Epstein, Debbie; Mendick, Heather; Moreau, Marie-Pierre


    This paper makes both a critical analysis of some popular cultural texts about mathematics and mathematicians, and explores the ways in which young people deploy the discourses produced in these texts. We argue that there are particular (and sometimes contradictory) meanings and discourses about mathematics that circulate in popular culture, that…

  7. Release the Dragon: The Role of Popular Culture in Children's Stories (United States)

    Urbach, Jennifer; Eckhoff, Angela


    Young learners come to the school environment with myriad literacy experiences, some of which are inevitably based in popular culture. While literacy knowledge drawn from experiences with popular culture has traditionally been viewed as less important than academic literacy, educators wishing to create classrooms that value all children need to…

  8. Preservice Music Teachers' Attitudes toward Popular Music in the Music Classroom (United States)

    Springer, D. Gregory; Gooding, Lori F.


    The purpose of this study was to examine preservice music educators' attitudes toward popular music in the music classroom. On a survey instrument designed by the investigators, participants ("N" = 82) rated (a) the effectiveness of popular music in addressing the National Standards for Music Education, (b) the appropriateness of popular…

  9. Leyendas y narrativa popular en Chiapas

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    Antonio Cruz Coutiño


    Full Text Available El presente informe sintetiza la labor de identificación, acopio y sistematización de una parte importante de la narrativa tradicional de los pueblos del estado de Chiapas, México: relatos populares identificados como leyendas en el ámbito de la mitología religiosa y cosmogónica de las culturas ancestrales mesoamericanas.

  10. La intertextualidad en la copla popular de México


    Gómez Estrada, Grissel


    La intertextualidad en la lírica tradicional y popular surge como resultado de dos fenómenos: el surgimiento de una canción nueva (canciones contrahechas), en especial como parodia de la primera, y cuando una canción menciona a otra, creando una complicidad entre los intérpretes y el público durante la performance. Intertextuality in traditional and popular poetry arises as a result of two phenomena. Firtstly, is the emergence of a new song as a parody of another (contrahechas); and, secon...

  11. Popularity and Relevance of Science Education and Scientific Literacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graeber, Wolfgang; Blonder, Ron; Bolte, Claus


    A consortium of researchers from 8 European nations has successfully applied to the EU commission for funding the PARSEL (Popularity and Relevance in Science Education for Scientific Literacy) project, which aims at raising the popularity and relevance of science teaching and enhancing students...... of a range of personal and social skills (including cognitive skills associated with investigatory scientific problem solving and socio-scientific decision making) and clarify the relevancy of science education for the 21st century. This symposium will introduce and discuss the project PARSEL ideas within...

  12. La iniciativa legislativa popular en América Latina


    Felipe Hevia de la Jara


    Una de las características del proceso de democratización en América Latina es la incorporación de mecanismos de democracia directa como el plebiscito, la iniciativa legislativa y la revocación del mandato. Este artículo analiza específicamente uno de ellos: la Iniciativa Legislativa Popular (ILP), definida como el derecho de los ciudadanos a presentar proyectos de ley al Parlamento y/o exigir una consulta popular para aprobar o rechazar leyes o reformas legales. El artículo incluye una discu...

  13. La radio popular y educativa en América Latina

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    Luis Ramiro Beltrán


    Full Text Available La radio popular y educativa latinoamericana es una apuesta creativa y valerosa por el ideal democrático. El uso de la radio para la educación popular, en favor de la democracia, tiene ya casi medio siglo de experiencia en la región. El autor reflexiona sobre los principales momentos de esta práctica y avizora nuevas estrategias para su fortalecimiento.

  14. The Role of Popular Girls in Bullying and Intimidating Boys and Other Popular Girls in Secondary School (United States)

    Dytham, Siobhan


    Despite a large amount of research focusing on bullying and exclusion in secondary schools, there is far less research focusing on cross-gender bullying and 'popular' students who experience bullying. This research provides an analysis of interactions between male and female students (aged 13-14) in a school in England. The data provides multiple…

  15. A mechanistic explanation of popularity: genes, rule breaking, and evocative gene-environment correlations. (United States)

    Burt, Alexandra


    Previous work has suggested that the serotonergic system plays a key role in "popularity" or likeability. A polymorphism within the 5HT-sub(2A) serotonin receptor gene (-G1438A) has also been associated with popularity, suggesting that genes may predispose individuals to particular social experiences. However, because genes cannot code directly for others' reactions, any legitimate association should be mediated via the individual's behavior (i.e., genes-->behaviors-->social consequences), a phenomenon referred to as an evocative gene-environment correlation (rGE). The current study aimed to identify one such mediating behavior. The author focused on rule breaking given its prior links to both the serotonergic system and to increased popularity during adolescence. Two samples of previously unacquainted late-adolescent boys completed a peer-based interaction paradigm designed to assess their popularity. Analyses revealed that rule breaking partially mediated the genetic effect on popularity, thereby furthering our understanding of the biological mechanisms that underlie popularity. Moreover, the present results represent the first meaningfully explicated evidence that genes predispose individuals not only to particular behaviors but also to the social consequences of those behaviors. (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved.

  16. Los Jóvenes que Viven en Barrios Populares Producen más Cultura que Violencia/Youth Who Live in Popular Neighborhoods Produce More Culture than Violence/Os Jovens que Moram em Bairros Populares Produzem mais Cultura do que Violência

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    James Cuenca


    Full Text Available Este escrito analiza la situación en la que viven los jóvenes de los barrios populares al estar enfrentados a un fuerte estigma social que los reduce a delincuentes, drogadictos y violentos. Retomando la categoría de barrio popular, se critica esta posición y, a cambio, se propone una interpretación en la que se destaca la productividad cultural que tienen los jóvenes que viven en estos barrios. Se toma como caso a los raperos que viven en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Así, en el documento se puede constatar que, con el rap y el hip hop, los jóvenes afirman positivamente sus identidades y sus orígenes sociales como habitantes del barrio popular.

  17. A Research on the Influence of Contemporary Popular Music upon Youths’ Self-identity

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    Wang Jing


    Full Text Available “Emotion” is a key to exploring the relationship between contemporary popular music and youths. In reality, youths exercise the identity construction centering on self-identity by the unconscious use of ritualization towards popular music (cultures. The article analyzes the conversion in identity construction of youths in the course of popular music appreciation in the new era, and summarizes the identity construction of “private—individual”, “public—individual”, “self—division” and “reflexive”.The study on varieties of identity types strengthens our belief that “emotion-identity” is a down-to-earth approach to research Chinese youth group of popular music appreciators.

  18. Popular Science Writing Bringing New Perspectives into Science Students' Theses (United States)

    Pelger, Susanne


    This study analyses which perspectives occur in science students' texts at different points in time during the process of writing a popular science article. The intention is, thus, to explore how popular science writing can help students discover and discuss different perspectives on science matter. For this purpose, texts written by 12 bachelor…

  19. Popularizing Natural Sciences by Means of Scientific Fair

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    Martin Cápay


    Full Text Available Science popularization is demanding from the financial as well as the time point of view. It is necessary to find the premises that would be easily available to general public. Another important step is to promote the event so that it would attract the audience. The preparation of scientific experiments itself also requires some financial resources. If we want to take advantage of these resources in the most useful and effective way, we have to find answers to the question: “What, where and how do we want to popularise?” In the paper, we describe one-day project aimed to popularization of scientific fields carried out by eight departments of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. The project was named Scientific Fair – Science you can see, hear and experience. Its main goal was to present seven scientific fields - Physics, Informatics, Mathematics, Geography, Ecology, Chemistry and Biology. Popularization was carried out as experimental interactive activities unveiling the undisclosed corners of science. Their aim was to inspire the audience, arouse their interest in science and motivate the participants to cognitive activities. We introduce the idea of the project in detail concentrating mainly on informatics realized by the Department of Informatics.

  20. Understanding Adolescent Delinquency: The Role of Older Siblings’ Delinquency and Popularity with Peers


    Craine, Jessica L.; Tanaka, Teri A.; Nishina, Adrienne; Conger, Katherine J.


    The present study examined delinquency concordance and the moderating effects of younger sibling perceptions of older sibling popularity in a sample of 587 adolescent sibling pairs. Using a social learning framework, and taking dyad composition into account, perceptions of popularity were hypothesized to strengthen siblings’ concordance for delinquency. Older sibling delinquency significantly predicted younger sibling delinquency. Older sibling popularity was not important in predicting boys’...

  1. A produção de reconhecimento num contexto popular: devoção e narrativa contemporâneas / The production of recognition in a popular context: contemporary devotion and narrative

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Régis de Toledo Souza


    Full Text Available Dentro da dinâmica de lutas de reconhecimento da cultura popular do vale do Paraíba paulista, identificamos sujeitos responsáveis pelo registro e pela transmissão oral das narrativas de grupos devocionais do catolicismo popular. Atualmente, para sistematizar o registro de suas narrativas, verificamos que alguns sujeitos populares apropriam-se das técnicas e tecnologias antes exclusivas dos profissionais (jornalistas e pesquisadores que geralmente não participam do cotidiano dos sujeitos populares. Constatamos que, ao realizarem esse movimento, esses sujeitos populares passaram a ocupar um espaço de coexistência de vários discursos que disputam os sentidos dessas práticas religiosas, criando uma circularidade dos significados que colocam um desafio para os próprios pesquisadores, pois os discursos e práticas dos pesquisadores tornam agora mais complexas as interpretações das devoções populares e de seus sujeitos. Nas novas narrativas dos especialistas “nativos" existe o uso de categorias assimiladas da lógica de domínios exógenos mais amplos que se fazem presentes em seus cotidianos. / Within the dynamic of struggles for recognition of popular culture in Paraiba Valley, state of São Paulo/Brazil, we identified individuals responsible for the register and oral transmission of narratives of devotional groups of popular Catholicism. Nowadays, to systematize the register of their narratives, we verified that some individuals of these groups appropriate techniques and technologies which were once exclusive to professionals (journalists and researchers that generally do not participate in the individual‟s everyday life. It was observed that, by making this movement, these popular Catholics started to occupy a space of coexistence of several discourses which fight for the meanings of these religious practices, creating a circularity of meanings that challenge the researchers, since their discourses and practices now make the

  2. On the Prediction of Flickr Image Popularity by Analyzing Heterogeneous Social Sensory Data (United States)

    Aloufi, Samah; Zhu, Shiai; El Saddik, Abdulmotaleb


    The increase in the popularity of social media has shattered the gap between the physical and virtual worlds. The content generated by people or social sensors on social media provides information about users and their living surroundings, which allows us to access a user’s preferences, opinions, and interactions. This provides an opportunity for us to understand human behavior and enhance the services provided for both the real and virtual worlds. In this paper, we will focus on the popularity prediction of social images on Flickr, a popular social photo-sharing site, and promote the research on utilizing social sensory data in the context of assisting people to improve their life on the Web. Social data are different from the data collected from physical sensors; in the fact that they exhibit special characteristics that pose new challenges. In addition to their huge quantity, social data are noisy, unstructured, and heterogeneous. Moreover, they involve human semantics and contextual data that require analysis and interpretation based on human behavior. Accordingly, we address the problem of popularity prediction for an image by exploiting three main factors that are important for making an image popular. In particular, we investigate the impact of the image’s visual content, where the semantic and sentiment information extracted from the image show an impact on its popularity, as well as the textual information associated with the image, which has a fundamental role in boosting the visibility of the image in the keyword search results. Additionally, we explore social context, such as an image owner’s popularity and how it positively influences the image popularity. With a comprehensive study on the effect of the three aspects, we further propose to jointly consider the heterogeneous social sensory data. Experimental results obtained from real-world data demonstrate that the three factors utilized complement each other in obtaining promising results in the

  3. On the Prediction of Flickr Image Popularity by Analyzing Heterogeneous Social Sensory Data

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    Samah Aloufi


    Full Text Available The increase in the popularity of social media has shattered the gap between the physical and virtual worlds. The content generated by people or social sensors on social media provides information about users and their living surroundings, which allows us to access a user’s preferences, opinions, and interactions. This provides an opportunity for us to understand human behavior and enhance the services provided for both the real and virtual worlds. In this paper, we will focus on the popularity prediction of social images on Flickr, a popular social photo-sharing site, and promote the research on utilizing social sensory data in the context of assisting people to improve their life on the Web. Social data are different from the data collected from physical sensors; in the fact that they exhibit special characteristics that pose new challenges. In addition to their huge quantity, social data are noisy, unstructured, and heterogeneous. Moreover, they involve human semantics and contextual data that require analysis and interpretation based on human behavior. Accordingly, we address the problem of popularity prediction for an image by exploiting three main factors that are important for making an image popular. In particular, we investigate the impact of the image’s visual content, where the semantic and sentiment information extracted from the image show an impact on its popularity, as well as the textual information associated with the image, which has a fundamental role in boosting the visibility of the image in the keyword search results. Additionally, we explore social context, such as an image owner’s popularity and how it positively influences the image popularity. With a comprehensive study on the effect of the three aspects, we further propose to jointly consider the heterogeneous social sensory data. Experimental results obtained from real-world data demonstrate that the three factors utilized complement each other in obtaining

  4. On the Prediction of Flickr Image Popularity by Analyzing Heterogeneous Social Sensory Data. (United States)

    Aloufi, Samah; Zhu, Shiai; El Saddik, Abdulmotaleb


    The increase in the popularity of social media has shattered the gap between the physical and virtual worlds. The content generated by people or social sensors on social media provides information about users and their living surroundings, which allows us to access a user's preferences, opinions, and interactions. This provides an opportunity for us to understand human behavior and enhance the services provided for both the real and virtual worlds. In this paper, we will focus on the popularity prediction of social images on Flickr, a popular social photo-sharing site, and promote the research on utilizing social sensory data in the context of assisting people to improve their life on the Web. Social data are different from the data collected from physical sensors; in the fact that they exhibit special characteristics that pose new challenges. In addition to their huge quantity, social data are noisy, unstructured, and heterogeneous. Moreover, they involve human semantics and contextual data that require analysis and interpretation based on human behavior. Accordingly, we address the problem of popularity prediction for an image by exploiting three main factors that are important for making an image popular. In particular, we investigate the impact of the image's visual content, where the semantic and sentiment information extracted from the image show an impact on its popularity, as well as the textual information associated with the image, which has a fundamental role in boosting the visibility of the image in the keyword search results. Additionally, we explore social context, such as an image owner's popularity and how it positively influences the image popularity. With a comprehensive study on the effect of the three aspects, we further propose to jointly consider the heterogeneous social sensory data. Experimental results obtained from real-world data demonstrate that the three factors utilized complement each other in obtaining promising results in the


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    Antonio Thiago Benedete da Silva


    Full Text Available Strategies for running companies in low-income markets have been in the spotlight in both the academic and the corporate environments.However, the first discussions about the relevance of such markets arose during the 1980s, when scenario-prospecting studies showed that popular markets would provide many opportunities around the year 2000.Indeed, at present, the base of the pyramid has many unaddressed needs that offer business possibilities for those companies that are willing to review their strategies. In this context, product development becomes increasingly important, since products targeting consumers of the C, D and E classes may need different features from those of goods manufactured for the A and B classes.The aim of this study is to revisit past popular market forecasts and to identify development trends for goods that target low- income consumers.Our results indicate that Wright and Johnson’s (1984 studies predicted that Brazil would maintain both qualitative and quantitative progress in its socioeconomic development over the next two decades and that the development of popular products is undergoing a buoyant phase.Several functional perspectives were used to develop an understanding of the phenomenon, especially marketing, engineering and manufacturing.Key words: Future studies. Popular markets. Product development.

  6. Soundtracking Germany : Popular Music and National Identity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schiller, Melanie


    This book argues for the importance of popular music in negotiations of national identity, and Germanness in particular. By discussing diverse musical genres and commercially and critically successful songs at the heights of their cultural relevance throughout seventy years of post-war German

  7. Popular health education and venereal diseases in Croatia between two World Wars. (United States)

    Dugac, Zeljko


    The article presents the research of popular health education on venereal diseases in Croatia between the World Wars. In the inter-war period, the traditional plain approach to popular health education was replaced with new, complex meth-ods, which became the basis for the modem work in this field. New social medicine ideas and new health politics, as well as the new founded institutions such as the School of Public Health in Zagreb and different anti-venereal outpatient facilities, were crucial for changing popular health education after World War I. Based mostly on archival documents, this article explores popular health education as a vehicle for identification of attitudes and concepts within the medical community. Ambivalence in the perception of essential approaches towards popular heath education is elaborated on the ground of controversies within prominent medical representatives. With the support of new technologies, public health methods in the inter-war period matured in form and complexity. Despite various new methods, which made their way into different parts of everyday life, the subject matter of venereal diseases was treated through a limited number of methods due to the conservative attitudes of society, as well as resistance of many physicians.

  8. University Faculty Perceptions and Utilization of Popular Culture in the Classroom (United States)

    Peacock, Jessica; Covino, Ralph; Auchter, Jessica; Boyd, Jennifer; Klug, Hope; Laing, Craig; Irvin, Lindsay


    This article discusses results of a survey on the utilization of and attitudes and beliefs towards the use of popular culture among faculty in higher education. A total of 212 faculty members from a mid-sized public regional university provided responses, with the majority indicating that they utilize popular culture in their classroom teaching…

  9. Geographies of American Popular Music: Introducing Students to Basic Geographic Concepts (United States)

    McClain, Stephen S.


    Popular music can be used to study many subjects and issues related to the social sciences. "Geographies of American Popular Music" was a workshop that not only examined the history and development of select genres of American music, it also introduced students to basic geographic concepts such as the culture hearth and spatial diffusion. Through…

  10. The Trajectory of Popularity Goal during the Transition to Middle School (United States)

    Dawes, Molly; Xie, Hongling


    The trajectory of early adolescents' popularity goal during the transition to middle school was examined in a diverse sample of 401 students. Popularity goal was assessed at five time points from the spring semester of fifth grade through the spring semester of seventh grade with the transition to middle school occurring between the fifth and…

  11. La arquitectura popular en la Edad Media (Guipúzcoa

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    Beatriz Arizaga Bolumburu


    Full Text Available Ante este tema nos encontramos con una ausencia total de estudios bibliográficos referentes a la vivienda popular urbana. En contraposición, los estudios sobre la casa popular rural están más generalizados. La mayor parte de estos estudios se realizaron en la primera mitad de este siglo, destacando por su calidad los trabajos de Baeschlin sobre «La arquitectura del caserío vasco», y los de los arquitectos Guimon y Muguruza sobre «el caserío vasco» y «la casa rural en el país vasco» respectivamente. Ninguno de los trabajos citados toca el tema de la vivienda popular urbana, y tenemos que esperar a los trabajos de Yrizar sobre «las casas vascas», para ver aparecer tímidamente las viviendas urbanas reflejadas en dicho estudio. Quien con posterioridad lo ha tratado en diversos artículos ha sido el historiador y antropólogo Julio Caro Baroja, refiriéndose especialmente a Navarra.

  12. Cognitive science in popular film: the Cognitive Science Movie Index. (United States)

    Motz, Benjamin


    HAL 9000. Morpheus. Skynet. These household names demonstrate the strong cultural impact of films depicting themes in cognitive science and the potential power of popular cinema for outreach and education. Considering their wide influence, there is value to aggregating these movies and reflecting on their renderings of our field. The Cognitive Science Movie Index (CSMI) serves these purposes, leveraging popular film for the advancement of the discipline. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Interactions between contemporary American independent cinema and popular music culture


    Nicholls, Matthew


    In recent years, many American independent films have become increasingly engaged with popular music culture and have used various forms of pop music in their soundtracks to various effects. Disparate films from a variety of genres use different forms of popular music in different ways, however these negotiations with pop music and its cultural surroundings have one true implication: that the 'independentness' (or 'indieness') of these movies is informed, anchored and embellished by their rel...

  14. Performing Gender to Dangdut’s Drum: Place, Space, and Infrastructure in Indonesian Popular Music


    Decker, Andrea Louise


    Few genres of popular music around the world are more infamous for objectification of women’s bodies than dangdut, a popular dance music of Indonesia, which has thrived among audiences of lower classes for more than forty years. In Dangdut Stories: A Social and Musical History of Indonesia’s Most Popular Music, Andrew Weintraub credits dangdut’s popularity in part to its easy danceability. The steps are simple: back and forth, in duple meter, a basic step anyone can join or elaborate upon. Bu...

  15. Coupling effect of nodes popularity and similarity on social network persistence. (United States)

    Jin, Xiaogang; Jin, Cheng; Huang, Jiaxuan; Min, Yong


    Network robustness represents the ability of networks to withstand failures and perturbations. In social networks, maintenance of individual activities, also called persistence, is significant towards understanding robustness. Previous works usually consider persistence on pre-generated network structures; while in social networks, the network structure is growing with the cascading inactivity of existed individuals. Here, we address this challenge through analysis for nodes under a coevolution model, which characterizes individual activity changes under three network growth modes: following the descending order of nodes' popularity, similarity or uniform random. We show that when nodes possess high spontaneous activities, a popularity-first growth mode obtains highly persistent networks; otherwise, with low spontaneous activities, a similarity-first mode does better. Moreover, a compound growth mode, with the consecutive joining of similar nodes in a short period and mixing a few high popularity nodes, obtains the highest persistence. Therefore, nodes similarity is essential for persistent social networks, while properly coupling popularity with similarity further optimizes the persistence. This demonstrates the evolution of nodes activity not only depends on network topology, but also their connective typology.

  16. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in the 1960s: Science in Popular Culture (United States)

    Smith, Sierra


    Building upon the advancement of technology during the Second World War and the important scientific discoveries which have been made about the structure and components of the universe, scientists, especially in radio astronomy and physics, began seriously addressing the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence in the 1960s. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) quickly became one of the most controversial scientific issues in the post Second World War period. The controversy played out, not only in scientific and technical journals, but in newspapers and in popular literature. Proponents for SETI, including Frank Drake, Carl Sagan, and Philip Morrison, actively used a strategy of engagement with the public by using popular media to lobby for exposure and funding. This paper will examine the use of popular media by scientists interested in SETI to popularize and heighten public awareness and also to examine the effects of popularization on SETI's early development. My research has been generously supported by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

  17. Nollywood, Popular Culture and Nigerian National Identity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charles Effiong


    Full Text Available Film culture in Nigeria has become very popular among Nigerian and transnational audiences especially in Africa to the extent that there is hardly a day people do not look for new films produced by Nollywood. In the same light, there is hardly a street in the country where one cannot find at least a video shop that distributes these films. Young and old people especially those in the rural areas are often found hanging around these shops to catch a glimpse of any of the films advertised by retail outlets. This has therefore proven the popularity of Nollywood productions among the people, who see in these films issues of culture that engage their attention and also try to give them awareness about socio-cultural practices that are common in the society. A major problem of concern is that although these films expose and treat cultural issues that affect the society, their promotion of a true national identity is questionable. In this regard, this paper is an attempt to examine how the films produced by Nollywood have been able to promote national identity vis-à-vis showcasing the cultural values of the people that can be cherished in the Nigerian society and beyond. Arguments on this will be done through qualitative (interview method and supported by Kantian morality theory, which will help in concluding that as popular culture, Nigerian films have created among Nigerians and the world some cultural practices that tend to give the Nigerian people a negative identity.

  18. Behavioral, Personality, and Communicative Predictors of Acceptance and Popularity in Early Adolescence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolters, N.; Knoors, H.E.T.; Cillessen, A.H.N.; Verhoeven, L.T.W.


    This study examined the behavioral, personality, and communicative predictors of acceptance and popularity in 608 early adolescents. Data were collected with sociometric methods and ratings in 30 sixth-grade classrooms. Hierarchical regressions were run to predict acceptance and popularity from

  19. Life after High School: Adjustment of Popular Teens in Emerging Adulthood (United States)

    Sandstrom, Marlene J.; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.


    This project examines the adjustment sequelae of perceived popularity beyond high school, and the moderating role of relational aggression (RA) in this process. Yearly sociometric measures of popularity and RA were gathered across grades 9-12 for a sample of 264 adolescents in a lower-middle-class high school. In addition, data on post-high school…

  20. Sistema de ejercicios para el desarrollo de la dirección condicionante fuerza–resistencia en atletas de TaeKwondo categoría 13-16 años masculinos de la EIDE “Ormani Arenado Llonch ”en Pinar del Río

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos León Rivera


    Full Text Available La clave para el mejoramiento de la condición física en un selectivo deportivo, es a través de sistemas de planificación adecuadamente organizado y debidamente estructurado, cumpliendo con los principios del entrenamiento deportivo ya establecidos y con ello los preparadores hacen cumplir una de las disímiles funciones de un entrenador donde para el logro de los objetivos concretos tendrá además  que  interpretar  las  necesidades  de  su  entrenado  y  programar  las exigencias del entrenamiento de manera coherente y efectiva. El desarrollo de la dirección condicionante fuerza en edades escolares debe estar acompañado de una evaluación o diagnostico previo al inicio de la macroestructura y proyectar niveles de fuerza que se obtendrán a lo largo de la preparación, definido en cada test de control que se realice, pues el desarrollo de esta dirección del entrenamiento deportivo garantizara el desarrollo de las demás cualidades o direcciones, tanto  la velocidad, como de la resistencia, etc. El sistema de ejercicios que proponemos, esta encaminado al desarrollo de la dirección condicionante fuerza-resistencia, en esta oportunidad lo enmarcaremos dentro del ámbito escolar, categoría 13-16 años masculinos, donde la intención marcada es que los entrenadores y entrenados cuenten con ejercicios mas asequibles, adecuados y fáciles de realizar,  además de  una metodología para su ejecución, donde estos ejercicios garantizaran el desarrollar esta dirección del entrenamiento deportivo, incluyendo aspectos relacionados con el desarrollo muscular, así como las tareas, métodos, procedimientos. Mediante este trabajo procuramos que los atletas y entrenadores de Taekwondo, tanto  en  los  centros  de  alto  rendimiento,  como  en  las  áreas  o  escuelas comunitarias de nuestra provincia, cuenten con un sistema de ejercicios que les propicie incrementar los resultados de la condición física o dirección del

  1. Understanding and Developing Black Popular Music Collections. (United States)

    Murray, James Briggs


    Enumerates types of black popular music (work songs, spirituals, gospel music, blues, race records, rock and roll, soul, funk, disco, Caribbean, and African) and discusses collection development (current, retrospective, monographs, periodicals, sheet music, motion picture film, photographs, oral history), cataloging, and preservation. A 229-item…

  2. Bolivian Currents: Popular Participation and Indigenous Communities. (United States)

    Dudley, Mary Jo


    Describes the effects on indigenous communities of Bolivia's recent Popular Participation Laws, which relocated political and financial decision making to the municipal level; community efforts toward cultural maintenance and nonformal agricultural education; the activism of indigenous university students; and the dual discrimination suffered by…

  3. Popular o non popular? I tardi anni Sessanta, la controcultura e l’avanguardia nella musica rock. L’esempio di "Ummagumma" dei Pink Floyd

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philippe Gonin


    Full Text Available In alcuni generi che emergono nella popular music della fine degli anni Sessanta, quali progressive, art o psychedelic rock, la tensione verso la sperimentazione sembra essere la principale preoccupazione dell’ “avanguardia pop”, sia negli Stati Uniti (con figure come Frank Zappa, The Velvet Underground, The Grateful Dead, che nel Regno Unito (AMM, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Soft Machine. In questi repertori si evidenziano due principali tipologie di approcci, che possono essere definiti “tentazione sinfonica” e “tentazione sperimentale”. L’obiettivo di questo contributo è mostrare come, alla fine degli anni Sessanta, i confini tra popular music, free jazz, musica sperimentale e “musica d’arte” si siano progressivamente indeboliti, se non addirittura siano completamente superati. A partire da una panoramica generale del decennio, il saggio si concentra sulla combinazione di modalità compositive tipiche dell’avanguardia, della musica d’arte e della popular music, concentrando l’attenzione su tre aspetti: sperimentazione nel rock della fine degli anni Sessanta; sperimentazione nella musica dei Pink Floyd; analisi di alcuni pezzi tratti dall’album Ummagumma.

  4. Substance Use among Middle School Students: Associations with Self-Rated and Peer-Nominated Popularity (United States)

    Tucker, Joan S.; Green, Harold D., Jr.; Zhou, Annie J.; Miles, Jeremy N. V.; Shih, Regina A.; D'Amico, Elizabeth J.


    Associations of popularity with adolescent substance use were examined among 1793 6-8th grade students who completed an in-school survey. Popularity was assessed through both self-ratings and peer nominations. Students who scored higher on either measure of popularity were more likely to be lifetime cigarette smokers, drinkers, and marijuana…

  5. A model of music piracy with popularity-dependent copying costs


    Piolatto, Amedeo; Schuett, Florian


    Anecdotal evidence and recent empirical work suggest that music piracy has differential effects on artists depending on their popularity. Existing theoretical literature cannot explain such differential effects since it is exclusively concerned with single-firm models. We present a model with two types of artists who differ in their popularity. We assume that the costs of illegal downloads increase with the scarcity of a recording, and that scarcity is negatively related to the artist’s popul...

  6. The Difference between Aesthetic Appreciation of Artistic and Popular Music: Evidence from an fMRI Study (United States)

    Luo, Qiuling; Mo, Lei


    To test the hypothesis that pleasure from artistic music is intellectual while that from popular music is physiological, this study investigated the different functional mechanisms between aesthetic appreciation of artistic and popular music using fMRI. 18 male non-musicians were scanned while they performed an aesthetic rating task for excerpts of artistic music, popular music and musical notes playing and singing (control). The rating scores of artistic and popular music excerpts were both significantly higher than that of control materials while the scores of them were not different. The fMRI results showed both artistic and popular conditions activated the VS and vmPFC, compared with control condition. When contrasted popular and artistic condition directly, we found popular music activated right putamen, while artistic music activated right mPFC. By parametric analysis, we found the activation of right putamen tracked the aesthetic ratings of popular music, whereas the BOLD signal in right mPFC tracked the aesthetic ratings of artistic music. These results indicate the reward induced by popular music is closer to a primary reward while that induced by artistic music is closer to a secondary reward. We also found artistic music activated ToM areas, including PCC/PC, arMFC and TPJ, when compared with popular music. And these areas also tracked aesthetic ratings of artistic music but not those of popular music. These results imply that the pleasure from former comes from cognitive empathy. In conclusion, this study gives clear neuronal evidences supporting the view that artistic music is of intelligence and social cognition involved while the popular music is of physiology. PMID:27814379

  7. The Difference between Aesthetic Appreciation of Artistic and Popular Music: Evidence from an fMRI Study. (United States)

    Huang, Ping; Huang, Hanhua; Luo, Qiuling; Mo, Lei


    To test the hypothesis that pleasure from artistic music is intellectual while that from popular music is physiological, this study investigated the different functional mechanisms between aesthetic appreciation of artistic and popular music using fMRI. 18 male non-musicians were scanned while they performed an aesthetic rating task for excerpts of artistic music, popular music and musical notes playing and singing (control). The rating scores of artistic and popular music excerpts were both significantly higher than that of control materials while the scores of them were not different. The fMRI results showed both artistic and popular conditions activated the VS and vmPFC, compared with control condition. When contrasted popular and artistic condition directly, we found popular music activated right putamen, while artistic music activated right mPFC. By parametric analysis, we found the activation of right putamen tracked the aesthetic ratings of popular music, whereas the BOLD signal in right mPFC tracked the aesthetic ratings of artistic music. These results indicate the reward induced by popular music is closer to a primary reward while that induced by artistic music is closer to a secondary reward. We also found artistic music activated ToM areas, including PCC/PC, arMFC and TPJ, when compared with popular music. And these areas also tracked aesthetic ratings of artistic music but not those of popular music. These results imply that the pleasure from former comes from cognitive empathy. In conclusion, this study gives clear neuronal evidences supporting the view that artistic music is of intelligence and social cognition involved while the popular music is of physiology.

  8. Participação Popular no Contexto das iniciativas de Governo Aberto: revisão sistemática da literatura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane Sinimbu Sanchez


    Full Text Available As iniciativas de Governo Aberto (GA preconizam a transparência, a colaboração e a inovação, o controle social e a participação como formas de combate à corrupção e aprimoramento da gestão democrática. Este estudo buscou explorar os elementos que caracterizam a participação popular no contexto das iniciativas de Governo Aberto, derivando-se da aplicação de alguns protocolos de revisão sistemática da literatura, estruturado com base em estratégia de busca nas bases de dados: Business Source Complete, Science Direct e Web of Science – Coleção Principal. Aplicaram-se critérios de inclusão/exclusão de documentos, resultando em 64 documentos para análise. Os resultados indicam que a participação, no contexto de GA, compõe-se de alguns elementos, a saber: espaços, ferramentas, tecnologias de informação e comunicação. A participação se dá, por vezes, de forma institucionalizada, sustentada por entidades coletivas que representam a sociedade civil organizada. Quanto à participação dos cidadãos na elaboração destas políticas, as iniciativas de GA se encontram em estágio de implementação e reformulação de políticas que garantam tanto o acesso aos dados abertos governamentais, assim como os espaços de representação da sociedade. Aponta-se, ainda, que existem condicionantes para a participação – barreiras e desafios – que estão relacionadas à assimetria de informação, falta de experiência no uso das ferramentas, entre outros. Destaca-se que a sistematização destes elementos pode contribuir para a melhoria de políticas de inclusão da sociedade na elaboração e acompanhamento de políticas públicas de interesse dos cidadãos. Considera-se que a apresentação e discussão destes elementos possa contribuir, futuramente, para a criação um quadro conceitual na temática.

  9. Style popularity and the comovement of stocks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wouters, T.; Plantinga, A.


    We examine to what extent the popularity of an investment style can be attributed to style investing. The style investing hypothesis predicts that assets in the same style show strong comovement with respect to their underlying fundamentals and that reclassifying assets into a new style raises its

  10. Body-loss for Popular Thin Smart Phones

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tatomirescu, Alexandru; Pedersen, Gert Frølund


    In this contribution, an investigation of the radio performance of recent popular phones has been done. The antenna performance has been evaluated with the newly agreed phantom head-hand measurements of the mobile antenna efficiency. It has been observed that the newer generation thin smart phones...

  11. The aesthetic discourse space of popular music: 1985-86 and 2004-05

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Venrooij, A.


    This article presents a comparison of the aesthetic classification system of popular music, as employed by newspaper critics in the Los Angeles Times during 1985-86 and 2004-05. Through a relational discourse analysis of popular music album reviews, which applies the ecological technique of

  12. Popular Mobilization Messaging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James Garrison


    Full Text Available This Research Paper examines the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Unit’s (PMU messaging on the organisation’s website and social media platforms through early January 2017 to develop a more nuanced understanding of the PMU’s outlook, both present and future. After providing an overview of the PMU’s media presence online, the paper discusses how the organisation promotes its core narrative: that it is a cross-confessional and patriotic force for the defence of all Iraqis against a brutal and evil IS. The paper then addresses the PMU’s use of messaging to refute the sectarian portrayal of the organisation in some quarters before turning to the way the PMU approaches regional and international states in its media. Finally, the paper summarises the PMU’s messaging strategy and discusses how this strategy implies a less threatening future for the organisation than is often anticipated.

  13. Behavioral, Personality, and Communicative Predictors of Acceptance and Popularity in Early Adolescence (United States)

    Wolters, Nina; Knoors, Harry; Cillessen, Antonius H. N.; Verhoeven, Ludo


    This study examined the behavioral, personality, and communicative predictors of acceptance and popularity in 608 early adolescents. Data were collected with sociometric methods and ratings in 30 sixth-grade classrooms. Hierarchical regressions were run to predict acceptance and popularity from prosocial, antisocial, and withdrawn behavior,…

  14. The global popularity of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frank M. Dattilio


    Full Text Available This article addresses the efficacy of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and the increasing global popularity of the approach among various cultures with a broad range of emotional and behavioral disorders. The article specifically discusses future direction in the field and implications for practitioners in various cultures.

  15. Challenging power and meaning: outlining the popular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The concept reflects popular concerns over the outcomes of the epidemic rather than its cause, being more concerned about the fate of individuals and communities than about issues of morality. Later, the moral construction of 'Slim' that accompanied the biomedical categorisation of AIDS as a sexually transmitted disease ...

  16. What Combinations of Contents is Driving Popularity in IPTV-based Social Networks? (United States)

    Bhatt, Rajen

    IPTV-based Social Networks are gaining popularity with TV programs coming over IP connection and internet like applications available on home TV. One such application is rating TV programs over some predefined genres. In this paper, we suggest an approach for building a recommender system to be used by content distributors, publishers, and motion pictures producers-directors to decide on what combinations of contents may drive popularity or unpopularity. This may be used then for creating a proper mixture of media contents which can drive high popularity. This may also be used for the purpose of catering customized contents for group of users whose taste is similar and thus combinations of contents driving popularity for a certain group is also similar. We use a novel approach for this formulation utilizing fuzzy decision trees. Computational experiments performed over real-world program review database shows that the proposed approach is very efficient towards understanding of the content combinations.


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    Mary Ryan


    Full Text Available There are a number of similarities between popular culture and women's writing: both have been dismissed as trivial and worthless, have traditionally received little respect from critics, and have been scorned because of theis apparently "low-brow" appeal. Additionally, both were long excluded from the literary Canon. In contemporary culture, the intersection of popular culture and women's writing takes the form of chick lit, the contemporary genre of fiction starring female characters in their 20s and 30s as they make their way through their lives and tackle all the obstacles in their way. As well as outlining the characteristics and history of chick lit, this paper will discuss the negative reception that popular culture, women's writing, and chick lit has often been subjected to, and will show how studies are now emerging with the aim of demonstrating how such genres may have more worth and potential than is typically suggested.

  18. A Probabilistic Analysis of Data Popularity in ATLAS Data Caching

    CERN Document Server

    Titov, M; The ATLAS collaboration; Záruba, G; De, K


    Efficient distribution of physics data over ATLAS grid sites is one of the most important tasks for user data processing. ATLAS' initial static data distribution model over-replicated some unpopular data and under-replicated popular data, creating heavy disk space loads while underutilizing some processing resources due to low data availability. Thus, a new data distribution mechanism was implemented, PD2P (PanDA Dynamic Data Placement) within the production and distributed analysis system PanDA that dynamically reacts to user data needs, basing dataset distribution principally on user demand. Data deletion is also demand driven, reducing replica counts for unpopular data. This dynamic model has led to substantial improvements in efficient utilization of storage and processing resources. Based on this experience, in this work we seek to further improve data placement policy by investigating in detail how data popularity is calculated. For this it is necessary to precisely define what data popularity means, wh...

  19. Disk storage management for LHCb based on Data Popularity estimator (United States)

    Hushchyn, Mikhail; Charpentier, Philippe; Ustyuzhanin, Andrey


    This paper presents an algorithm providing recommendations for optimizing the LHCb data storage. The LHCb data storage system is a hybrid system. All datasets are kept as archives on magnetic tapes. The most popular datasets are kept on disks. The algorithm takes the dataset usage history and metadata (size, type, configuration etc.) to generate a recommendation report. This article presents how we use machine learning algorithms to predict future data popularity. Using these predictions it is possible to estimate which datasets should be removed from disk. We use regression algorithms and time series analysis to find the optimal number of replicas for datasets that are kept on disk. Based on the data popularity and the number of replicas optimization, the algorithm minimizes a loss function to find the optimal data distribution. The loss function represents all requirements for data distribution in the data storage system. We demonstrate how our algorithm helps to save disk space and to reduce waiting times for jobs using this data.

  20. Disk storage management for LHCb based on Data Popularity estimator

    CERN Document Server

    INSPIRE-00545541; Charpentier, Philippe; Ustyuzhanin, Andrey


    This paper presents an algorithm providing recommendations for optimizing the LHCb data storage. The LHCb data storage system is a hybrid system. All datasets are kept as archives on magnetic tapes. The most popular datasets are kept on disks. The algorithm takes the dataset usage history and metadata (size, type, configuration etc.) to generate a recommendation report. This article presents how we use machine learning algorithms to predict future data popularity. Using these predictions it is possible to estimate which datasets should be removed from disk. We use regression algorithms and time series analysis to find the optimal number of replicas for datasets that are kept on disk. Based on the data popularity and the number of replicas optimization, the algorithm minimizes a loss function to find the optimal data distribution. The loss function represents all requirements for data distribution in the data storage system. We demonstrate how our algorithm helps to save disk space and to reduce waiting times ...

  1. Disk storage management for LHCb based on Data Popularity estimator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hushchyn, Mikhail; Charpentier, Philippe; Ustyuzhanin, Andrey


    This paper presents an algorithm providing recommendations for optimizing the LHCb data storage. The LHCb data storage system is a hybrid system. All datasets are kept as archives on magnetic tapes. The most popular datasets are kept on disks. The algorithm takes the dataset usage history and metadata (size, type, configuration etc.) to generate a recommendation report. This article presents how we use machine learning algorithms to predict future data popularity. Using these predictions it is possible to estimate which datasets should be removed from disk. We use regression algorithms and time series analysis to find the optimal number of replicas for datasets that are kept on disk. Based on the data popularity and the number of replicas optimization, the algorithm minimizes a loss function to find the optimal data distribution. The loss function represents all requirements for data distribution in the data storage system. We demonstrate how our algorithm helps to save disk space and to reduce waiting times for jobs using this data. (paper)

  2. The Infatuation With Biotin Supplementation: Is There Truth Behind Its Rising Popularity? A Comparative Analysis of Clinical Efficacy versus Social Popularity. (United States)

    Soleymani, Teo; Lo Sicco, Kristen; Shapiro, Jerry


    Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is a water-soluble B vitamin that acts as an essential cofactor for several carboxylases involved in the cellular metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids, and gluconeogenesis. Although there exists an incredible amount of social media hype and market advertising touting its efficacy for the improvement of hair quantity and quality, biotin's efficacy for hair remains largely unsubstantiated in scientific literature. We reviewed all pertinent scientific literature regarding the efficacy of biotin supplementation for hair growth and quality improvement, and we also investigated its popularity in society defined as a function of market analytics. To date, there have been no clinical trials conducted to investigate the efficacy of biotin supplementation for the treatment of alopecia of any kind, nor has there been any randomized controlled trial to study its effect on hair quality and quantity in human subjects. Because of the lack of clinical evidence, its use to improve hair quantity or quality is not routinely recommended. However, societal infatuation with biotin supplementation is not only propagated by its glamorization in popular media, its popularity is vastly disproportionate to the insufficient clinical evidence supporting it's efficacy in hair improvement. In other words, biotin supplements are quite "in vogue", without there being any real reason to be so. J Drugs Dermatol. 2017;16(5):496-500..

  3. Alforja: una entidad al servicio de la educación popular


    ., Alforja


    ALFORJA es una coordinación operativa de cinco instituciones de educación popular: Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones (CEP, Costa Rica), Centro de Comunicación Popular de Honduras (CENCOPH), Centro de Educación y Promoción Agraria (CEPA, Nicaragua), Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo de Comunitario (IMDEC) y Centro de Estudios y Acción Social de Panamá (CEASPA).

  4. The Guide to Teaching with Popular Music. (United States)

    Music Educators National Conference, Reston, VA.

    Popular music is often characterized as a short work with a prominent melody and simple chordal accompaniment. Yet, teaching with pop music in the era of standards-based curriculum can present challenges. These standards offer teachers a blueprint for teaching music performance, composition, improvisation, and the relationship of music to other…

  5. Memory for Frequency of Hearing Popular Music. (United States)

    Fidler, James R.; And Others

    This experiment was designed to better understand the effects of individual differences, intent to learn, and stimulus familiarity on frequency judgment accuracy. Half of the participants in the study heard popular songs, and the other half listened to unfamiliar songs. Participants were subdivided into three more groups, introducing the "intent…

  6. Popular Literature: Its Compatibility with the Basics. (United States)

    Matthews, Dorothy, Ed.


    This special journal issue contains nine articles on the subject of using popular literature in the classroom. Subjects covered in the articles include (1) using vernacular supernatural literature to teach the skills of literary analysis, (2) teaching Agatha Christie's "Curtain," (3) pairing the classics with detective fiction, (4) using fantasy…

  7. Trajetórias de Multinotabilidades: Reconfigurações Históricas e Condicionantes Sociais das Inscrições Políticas e Culturais de Parlamentares Brasileiros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliana Tavares dos Reis


    Full Text Available O artigo discute os condicionantes da afirmação de parlamentares, indissocia-velmente em domínios do poder político e da produção cultural no Brasil. Para a apreensão de lógicas e práticas que presidem a ocupação de posições variadas e relativamente bem alocadas no Parlamento, em universidades, nas burocracias estatais, na mídia, em instâncias de consagração intelectual e em arenas de formulação de problemáticas políticas, o foco recai sobre o estudo das trajetórias consideradas exemplares de Afonso Arinos e Delfim Netto. Os percursos seguidos e os posicionamentos assumidos pelos agentes são examinados à luz das conjunturas históricas, das reconfigurações nas relações de poder (no plano nacional e internacional e das transformações nos planos do ensino universitário e da mediação cultural. Pondera-se sobre redefinições e amálgamas dos repertórios legítimos de intervenção (erudição letrada e conhecimento técnico mobilizados nos principais debates sobre a nação ao longo do século XX. Isso, por sua vez, permite, por um lado, identificar processos, espaços, competências e linguagens que são concorrentes, complementares e interdependentes, e, por outro, refletir acerca do trabalho de elaboração de representações sobre a cultura, a política, a economia e o Estado.

  8. Associations of group level popularity with observed behavior and influence in a dyadic context. (United States)

    Lansu, Tessa A M; Cillessen, Antonius H N


    This study examined the association between popularity in the peer group and adolescents' behavior in a dyadic context. After collecting peer nominations for popularity, 218 early adolescents (M(age) = 11.0 years) in 109 randomly composed same-sex dyads participated in a discussion task where they planned a party for their classroom. From digital recordings of the sessions, each participant's influence, involvement, skillful leadership, coercive resource control, submissiveness, positivity, and negativity were observed. Analyses with the actor-partner interdependence model (APIM) demonstrated that for girls high group level popularity was associated with a socially sensitive interaction style and influence in the dyadic context. For both boys and girls, the interaction partner's group level popularity negatively predicted their use of coercive resource control strategies and negative behavior in the dyad. For girls, in addition, the interaction partner's group level popularity also positively predicted their submissiveness and negatively predicted their task influence. These results indicate that, in particular for girls, adolescents' group level popularity plays an important role in the behavior of both peers in a cooperative dyadic context. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Balashova, Y.B.


    Full Text Available The article discusses the new master’s program “Popular science journalism”, which started three years ago at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia. The author of this article is the creator, developer and head of this program. The goal of this article is to characterize historical and cultural grounds of the master’s program, and their reflection in the curriculum. Installation for the commonwealth of sciences, targeting a broad audience comprised a profiling installation of the classical system of Russian popular science journalism. In accordance with this, the master’s program was designed as an interdisciplinary, with the incorporated idea of the sciences convergence, which based on the Russian history of scientific enlightenment. The article aims to show productivity of the interdisciplinary educational programs, combined into modules.

  10. Longitudinal Investigation of the Associations between Adolescents' Popularity and Cyber Social Behaviors (United States)

    Wright, Michelle F.


    As adolescents become increasingly immersed in electronic technologies, popular adolescents may act in similar ways online as they do offline. This longitudinal study employed peer nominations and self-reports to examine perceived popularity and social preference in relation to cyber social behaviors among 256 adolescents during the fall (T1) and…

  11. The scientific authorship of Doctor Chernoviz, from the popularization of medicine to professional training: the Dicionário de medicina popular, 1842-1890. (United States)

    Medeiros, Aline da Silva


    This article reflects on the scientific authorship of Pedro Luiz Napoleão Chernoviz, based on his Dicionário de medicina popular, which was published in six editions between 1842 and 1890. The first part of the text discusses Chernoviz's position within the regimes of scientific authorship which were present in the medical community in Rio de Janeiro. Next, we analyze the author's arguments justifying a text that popularized medical science while this field strove for exclusivity in the practice of medicine. Finally, we suggest new meanings around Chernoviz's scientific authorship based on how the Dicionário was used and read by an initiated public.

  12. Educação, saúde e cidadania: investigação científica e assessoria popular Education, health and citizenship: scientific investigation and popular consultancy

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    Victor V. Valla


    Full Text Available O autor relaciona a educação e saúde com a cidadania através da discussão dos serviços básicos e os impostos pagos pela população. As contradições decorrentes da distribuição desigual das verbas públicas, privilegiando a infra-estrutura industrial sobre o consumo coletivo, apontam à necessidade dos setores populares organizados da sociedade civil pressionarem os governos para uma política alternativa. O autor propõe que profissionais das universidades públicas, como forma de serviço público, ofereçam aos setores populares da sociedade civil subsídios técnicos para suas reivindicações, através dos resultados das suas investigações. Alguns resultados relativos ao centro municipal de saúde e sua relação com os usuários, tanto quanto a questão do meio ambiente com os agravos à saúde dos moradores das favelas do Rio de Janeiro, são exemplificados. O texto inclui uma discussão sobre a capacitação mútua dos setores populares organizados e profissionais da rede de serviços e/ou da universidade pública. Para isso, apresenta-se a experiência do Nesc/DCS/Ensp/Fiocruz das Oficinas de Educação e Saúde, onde lideranças populares e profissionais debatem as contradições inerentes ao serviço público com relação à eficiência e à eficácia. É proposto o diagnóstico participativo como forma dos profissionais/entidades populares lidarem com a precariedade de informações disponíveis sobre os agravos à saúde da população.The author relates education and health with citizenship through the discussion of basic services and the taxes the population pays. The contradictions resulting from the unequal distribution of the public money, favoring industrial infrastructure over collective consumption, point towards the need for organized popular sectors of the civil society to pressure governments for alternative policies. The author proposes that professionals from public universities offer, in the spirit of

  13. Batman and Batwoman Go to School: Popular Culture in the Literacy Curriculum. (United States)

    Marsh, Jackie


    This case study investigated the introduction of a theme from popular culture into a sociodramatic role-play area in a northern England Nursery Infant school, focusing on its effects on 6- to 7-year olds' literacy activities. Findings indicated that the incorporation of themes from popular culture into the curriculum motivated children whose…

  14. The Popularization of Astronomy in Canada (United States)

    Trudel, J.-L.


    In Canada, astronomy has a longer history than most other sciences. The European settlers had to master the rudiments of astronomical practice, while the natural setting promoted geophysical observations of all kinds. In the nineteenth century, astronomy was part of natural theology and a resource for timekeepers and cartographers, but was increasingly pursued for its own sake by laymen. The creation of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada marks a turning point. Though it appeared to unite professionals and amateurs, it became early on a conduit for the knowledge of the former to flow to the latter, supplementing the purely academic stream. It followed upon the success of new publications meant to acquaint readers with the facts of astronomy, for the hitherto unsuspected pleasures they might bring. In fact, some Canadian works of this kind reached a wide audience, in Canada and abroad, and the post-WWII period saw an almost complete disjunction between the formerly utilitarian aspects of popularization a nd the catering to interested laypeople, distinct from the professionals. By 1976, the transformation was complete. The science mastered by explorers and appealed to by believers had become both a field for professional investigations and a widely popularized corpus of star lore

  15. Science Popularization: Interdiscursivity among Science, Pedagogy, and Journalism

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    Désirée Motta-Roth


    Full Text Available Scientific discourse produced by and for specialists reaches, by means of science popularization (SP, the public sphere of the media, envolving displacements in time, space, and discourse. This hybridization between science and journalism generates scientific journalism, which aims at popularizing science and making it comprehensible, thus performing a pedagogical function. We consider this process as discourse recontextualization from the scientific to the journalistic spheres, mediated by a pedagogic discourse. We argue, in this paper, that SP news texts and scientific articles are members of the same genre system that makes scientific discourse relatively visible to the general public. Firstly, we identify our theoretical framework, the concept we adopt for SP, genre system and recontextualization. Secondly, we explore interdiscursivity in one exemplar of the SP news genre, highlighting the existing relations between science, journalism, and pedagogy in this genre.

  16. [Popular wisdom: its existence in the university environment]. (United States)

    Barbosa, Maria Alves; de Melo, Marcia Borges; Júnior, Raul Soares Silveira; Brasil, Virginia Visconde; Martins, Cleusa Alves; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz


    Nowadays, myths and superstitions are present in spite of scientific and technological developments, especially when trying to solve problems that escape human understanding. This study was aimed at determining the existence of superstitions and myths in the university community, investigating their origins, influences, adoption and credibility, correlating them with people's level of knowledge. It is a descriptive/analytical research conducted at Teaching Units in the Area of Health of the Federal University of Goiás. The technique of content analysis was utilized for data analysis. Two categories have been created: Personal Attitudes related to Superstitions and Influences and Destruction of Superstitions. It was found out that there is a clash between popular and scientific knowledge, either leading to the exclusion of popular wisdom, to its 'veiled' maintenance, or even to an alliance between the two types of knowledge.

  17. Can Google Searches Predict the Popularity and Harm of Psychoactive Agents? (United States)

    Jankowski, Wojciech; Hoffmann, Marcin


    Predicting the popularity of and harm caused by psychoactive agents is a serious problem that would be difficult to do by a single simple method. However, because of the growing number of drugs it is very important to provide a simple and fast tool for predicting some characteristics of these substances. We were inspired by the Google Flu Trends study on the activity of the influenza virus, which showed that influenza virus activity worldwide can be monitored based on queries entered into the Google search engine. Our aim was to propose a fast method for ranking the most popular and most harmful drugs based on easily available data gathered from the Internet. We used the Google search engine to acquire data for the ranking lists. Subsequently, using the resulting list and the frequency of hits for the respective psychoactive drugs combined with the word "harm" or "harmful", we estimated quickly how much harm is associated with each drug. We ranked the most popular and harmful psychoactive drugs. As we conducted the research over a period of several months, we noted that the relative popularity indexes tended to change depending on when we obtained them. This suggests that the data may be useful in monitoring changes over time in the use of each of these psychoactive agents. Our data correlate well with the results from a multicriteria decision analysis of drug harms in the United Kingdom. We showed that Google search data can be a valuable source of information to assess the popularity of and harm caused by psychoactive agents and may help in monitoring drug use trends.

  18. The linguistic ecology in popular announcements


    Gomes, Altair Martins


    By language man is constituted as social subject and, therefore, cultural. Given the importance of writing for the literate civilizations, it´s necessary to study spoken language interfacing with written language in order to realize how these discoursive instances appear as interactional practices and subjacent cultural issues. The oral language modality phenomena of Brazilian Portuguese are present in signs and popular advertisements. In this type of writing, the ecology of languages reveals...



    Cláudio Félix dos Santos; Adalgiza Gonçalves Gobbi; Ana Carolina Galvão Marsiglia


    This article aims at analyzing and questioning the relationship between erudite and popular knowledge as a challenge to developing a historical-critical educational study. Starting from a brief report about the history of composers Luiz Gonzaga and Humberto Teixeira, we walked a theoretical path, exploring the formulation of historical-critical pedagogy about the need of producing ways for individuals to have access to systematized knowledge so as to express their interests in an elaborate way.

  20. Rómulo de Carvalho's Work on the Popularization of Science During Salazarism (United States)

    Galamba, Arthur


    This article provides an account of Rómulo de Carvalho's most prominent works on the popularization of science during the Salazarist regime in Portugal. Carvalho has been praised for his `unique' writing style, for his uncommon ability to communicate scientific knowledge with clarity to a wide audience: he wrote to teachers, to secondary students, to the layman and even to the rural peasantry. Most of his books and articles on popularization explored the History and Philosophy of Science, and it has been claimed that he influenced many youngsters to pursue scientific careers. Given the repressive political context imposed by Salazarism, it is argued that Carvalho's work on the popularization of science had a humanist and libertarian connotation. However, intriguingly, different from some of his contemporaries who also promoted humanistic education for all, Carvalho was never targeted by the Dictatorship. The article seeks to shed light on this matter. It points out the educational reach of Carvalho's writings and suggests that popularization of science in repressive regimes is not necessarily a problematic issue as long as it does not threat the status quo.

  1. Popular education, alternative pedagogies, and systematization of exp eriences. history and horizons

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    Marcela Gómez Sollano


    Full Text Available In order to think the field of popular education, this article aims to recover some of the historical and conceptual references developed in the program “Pedagogical alternatives and planning education in Latin America” (Known by its Spanish acronym, APPEAL. Likewise, it is analyzed the potential that allows the systematization of in-process and no-documented experiences, as well as the study of the experiences already collected, since they reflect somehow the problem, its dimensions and alternative trends in a particular region, and point out possible challenges and limitations in pedagogical action and transformation. This work is organized in three main sections to develop the following topics: an approaching to the term popular education, the importance of the pedagogical experiences’ systematization and debates on this subject, and new horizons to keep thinking the field of popular education up. In each section different levels of analysis are discussed to place the historical formation of the popular education concept, the production of alternative pedagogical experiences, its systematization and the implications for thinking its current reconfiguration and emergency in Latin America, particularly.

  2. Popularization of remote sensing education and general course construction in undergraduate education

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Jing'ai; Sheng, Zhongyao; Yu, Han


    The construction of a course focused on remote sensing is important because it cultivates college students' geographic abilities and popularizes remote sensing technology. Using internet datasets, this article compares data from general undergraduate courses at almost 100 universities located in the United States and China with 3 years of experimental teaching data from the general undergraduate ''Remote sensing Region'' course at Beijing Normal University. The comparison focuses on curricular concepts, course content, website construction and the popularity of the remote sensing topic. Our research shows that the ''remote sensing region'' course can promote the geographic abilities of college students by popularizing remote sensing observation technology. The course can improve the overall quality of college students by breaking major barriers, and it can promote global and national consciousness by presenting material with global and regional relevancy. Remote sensing imaging has become known as the third most intuitive geographic language after text and maps. The general remote sensing course have the three following developmental qualities: interdisciplinarity, popularization and internationalization


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    Vanessa Delfino


    Full Text Available Los objetivos de esta pesquisa consistió en analizar las concepciones de padres, de diferentes estatus sociales, sobre la violencia domestica contra los ninõs, los tipos de agresiones que relatan, la definición que dan para estos comportamientos y el nivel de detección de la violencia en su medio. Para cumplir tales objetivos fue elaborado un itinerário através de uma entrevista estruturada que tomo por base un trabajo de investigación sobre las prácticas de la educación de los hijos, siendo esta compuesta de 15 preguntas. Participaran 48 padres de família, 24 del clase media y 24 del estrato social popular. Los resultados indican que tanto los padres del nível social medio cuanto del popular tienen conocimiento de la violência domestica contra los ninõs, pero al mismo tiempo, existe una diferencia en la forma de uno y de outro de percibir la violencia. Estos datos indican la necesidad de más investigaciones sobre el tema.

  4. Cultura e interculturalidade na educação popular de Paulo Freire

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    Ivanilde Apoluceno de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This article contains partial data from a survey conducted in 2010 and financed by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, in order to analyze the influence of Freirean popular education on intercultural education in the Brazilian context. It consists of a bibliographic search, which is based on the reading of the Paulo Freire's works and authors who deal with popular education, as well as issues of interface with the topic studied. In this article I bring to the study the Paulo Freire's popular education focusing on the concepts of culture and interculturality, underlining his contribution for the construction of intercultural education in Brazil.

  5. Mobilizing motherhood: the use of maternal myths in popular development discourse


    Potvin, Jacqueline Marie


    In this paper, I examine how maternal myths are deployed in popular development literature. Using critical discourse analysis and working within a feminist postcolonial framework I analyse five texts produced by development organizations for popular consumption. I identify how maternal myths are constructed in each text and conduct a contextual analysis of four myths to identify their ideological significance within the development sector. I conclude that that in their construction of materna...

  6. Popular Theatre: A Useful Process for Adult Educators. (United States)

    Bates, Reid A.


    Four types of theatre uses in adult education are theatre for education, for development, for conscientization, and popular theatre. The latter involves a group's interpretive study of its own social, economic, cultural, and political conditions, leading to collective action. (SK)

  7. Revisión de los condicionantes de la profesión periodística desde la perspectiva sociológica de McNair ¿Es viable un periodismo profesional de calidad?//An updated analysis of factors conditioning journalism from McNair’s sociological perspective. Is it feasible to perform quality journalism nowadays?

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    Full Text Available La actividad periodística se ha visto sometida en los últimos años a una transformación radical fundamentada, principalmente, aunque no sólo, en la revolución tecnológica que ha incrementado exponencialmente las posibilidades de unos medios además siguen lidiando con los condicionamientos procedentes de los entornos políticos, económicos, profesionales y sociales. Ante este nuevo escenario, se plantea una pregunta inmediata: ¿sigue resultando viable un periodismo profesional y de calidad con los condicionantes actuales? Este artículo trata de dar respuesta a la pregunta de investigación desde una revisión actualizada de la perspectiva sociológica sobre la que McNair analiza los factores que condicionan la profesión.

  8. Hua Loo-Keng's Popularization of Mathematics and the Cultural Revolution. (United States)

    Hudeček, Jiří


    Before 1966, Chinese mathematician Hua Loo-Keng had singled out "Two Methods" as a way to truly applied and useful mathematics. The Overall Planning Method, based on the Critical Path Method widely used in USA, mostly appealed to middle and upper management. This limited its spread during the Cultural Revolution. The Optimum Selection Method, also of US origin, was more mass-oriented and ready for popularization. Nevertheless, Hua met resistance from leftist radicals, whose ideological objections sprang from an underlying power struggle. Hua built popularization teams, mostly from talented younger people whose careers were disrupted by the Cultural Revolution, and thus opened a path for many of them to important roles in China's scientific infrastructure after 1976. Hua Loo-Keng's efforts, while interrupted during the Cultural Revolution and the subsequent political campaigns, were also helped by the populist ethos of the movement, and by the lack of other non-political endeavors at that time. In this sense, the Cultural Revolution gave Hua Loo-Keng's popularization its importance and long-term impact. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. La acusación popular


    Pérez Gil, Julio


    El tema de estudio es el ejercicio de la pretensión penal por ciudadanos no ofendidos por el delito. El trabajo se ha estructurado en cuatro partes: 1) Análisis histórico (derecho romano, derecho histórico español, alemán e italiano) La acusación popular puede considerarse a la vista de ello como reflejo de una insuficiente consolidación del Ministerio Fiscal en calidad de defensor del interés publico. 2) Estudio de su naturaleza jurídica, del que se concluye que la acción penal de la L...

  10. Behavior change techniques in popular alcohol reduction apps: content analysis. (United States)

    Crane, David; Garnett, Claire; Brown, James; West, Robert; Michie, Susan


    Mobile phone apps have the potential to reduce excessive alcohol consumption cost-effectively. Although hundreds of alcohol-related apps are available, there is little information about the behavior change techniques (BCTs) they contain, or the extent to which they are based on evidence or theory and how this relates to their popularity and user ratings. Our aim was to assess the proportion of popular alcohol-related apps available in the United Kingdom that focus on alcohol reduction, identify the BCTs they contain, and explore whether BCTs or the mention of theory or evidence is associated with app popularity and user ratings. We searched the iTunes and Google Play stores with the terms "alcohol" and "drink", and the first 800 results were classified into alcohol reduction, entertainment, or blood alcohol content measurement. Of those classified as alcohol reduction, all free apps and the top 10 paid apps were coded for BCTs and for reference to evidence or theory. Measures of popularity and user ratings were extracted. Of the 800 apps identified, 662 were unique. Of these, 13.7% (91/662) were classified as alcohol reduction (95% CI 11.3-16.6), 53.9% (357/662) entertainment (95% CI 50.1-57.7), 18.9% (125/662) blood alcohol content measurement (95% CI 16.1-22.0) and 13.4% (89/662) other (95% CI 11.1-16.3). The 51 free alcohol reduction apps and the top 10 paid apps contained a mean of 3.6 BCTs (SD 3.4), with approximately 12% (7/61) not including any BCTs. The BCTs used most often were "facilitate self-recording" (54%, 33/61), "provide information on consequences of excessive alcohol use and drinking cessation" (43%, 26/61), "provide feedback on performance" (41%, 25/61), "give options for additional and later support" (25%, 15/61) and "offer/direct towards appropriate written materials" (23%, 14/61). These apps also rarely included any of the 22 BCTs frequently used in other health behavior change interventions (mean 2.46, SD 2.06). Evidence was mentioned by 16

  11. Articulations of identity and distinction : The meanings of language in Dutch popular music

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.J.C. van der Hoeven (Arno); M.S.S.E. Janssen (Susanne); S.M.R. Driessen (Simone)


    markdownabstractOn the basis of interviews with music audiences, heritage practitioners, and cultural industry workers, this article explores how language use in Dutch popular music relates to local and historically situated taste patterns and music practices. Most popular music in the Netherlands

  12. Direito e Gênero: o Projeto Promotoras Legais Populares e sua Orientação à Emancipação Feminina / Law and gender: the Promotoras Legais Populares Project and its orientation to female emancipation

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    Ana Paula Del Vieira Duque


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente texto busca apresentar o projeto Promotoras Legais Populares com ênfase em sua realização no Distrito Federal como projeto de extensão vinculado à Universidade de Brasília. Evidencia os aportes teóricos e conceituais que sustentam o projeto, explicando sua lógica fundamentada na visão ampliada do Direito, na educação jurídica popular, nas reivindicações feministas e na ação afirmativa em gênero como esforços de libertação e emancipação. Palavras-chave: Promotoras Legais Populares, Direito, feminismo.     Abstract This present text aims to introduce the Promotoras Legais Populares project, with emphasis on its performance in Distrito Federal as an extension project entailed to the University of Brasília. It highlights the theoretical and conceptual contributions underpinning the project, explaining its logic based on the enlarged view of the Law, the popular legal education, the feminist claims and the affirmative action on gender as liberation and emancipation efforts. Keywords: Promotoras Legais Populares, Law, feminism.

  13. Nectar for the taking: the popularization of scientific bee culture in England, 1609-1809. (United States)

    Ebert, Adam


    This essay expands and refines academic knowledge of English beekeeping during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Scientific beekeeping focused on improvement, which, in turn, depended on the dissemination of ideas and practices. This analysis, therefore, encompasses the mentalities and tactics of popularizers. The article also identifies two neglected concepts in the popularization campaign. First, popularizers saw scientific beekeeping as a way to end the tradition of killing the bees in order to safely harvest. Second, they sought to promote a rural industry for the economic welfare of the nation. The case study of Exeter's Western Apiarian Society reveals precisely how popularization functioned in reality. The result is a more thorough history of scientific beekeeping and how the rhetoric of improvement related to the culture of practice.


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    Cláudio Félix dos Santos


    Full Text Available This article aims at analyzing and questioning the relationship between erudite and popular knowledge as a challenge to developing a historical-critical educational study. Starting from a brief report about the history of composers Luiz Gonzaga and Humberto Teixeira, we walked a theoretical path, exploring the formulation of historical-critical pedagogy about the need of producing ways for individuals to have access to systematized knowledge so as to express their interests in an elaborate way.

  15. Health Behavior Theory in Popular Calorie Counting Apps: A Content Analysis


    Davis, Siena F; Ellsworth, Marisa A; Payne, Hannah E; Hall, Shelby M; West, Joshua H; Nordhagen, Amber L


    Background Although the Health & Fitness category of the Apple App Store features hundreds of calorie counting apps, the extent to which popular calorie counting apps include health behavior theory is unknown. Objective This study evaluates the presence of health behavior theory in calorie counting apps. Methods Data for this study came from an extensive content analysis of the 10 most popular calorie counting apps in the Health & Fitness category of the Apple App Store. Results Each app was ...

  16. Measuring the evolution of contemporary western popular music. (United States)

    Serrà, Joan; Corral, Alvaro; Boguñá, Marián; Haro, Martín; Arcos, Josep Ll


    Popular music is a key cultural expression that has captured listeners' attention for ages. Many of the structural regularities underlying musical discourse are yet to be discovered and, accordingly, their historical evolution remains formally unknown. Here we unveil a number of patterns and metrics characterizing the generic usage of primary musical facets such as pitch, timbre, and loudness in contemporary western popular music. Many of these patterns and metrics have been consistently stable for a period of more than fifty years. However, we prove important changes or trends related to the restriction of pitch transitions, the homogenization of the timbral palette, and the growing loudness levels. This suggests that our perception of the new would be rooted on these changing characteristics. Hence, an old tune could perfectly sound novel and fashionable, provided that it consisted of common harmonic progressions, changed the instrumentation, and increased the average loudness.

  17. Measuring the Evolution of Contemporary Western Popular Music (United States)

    Serrà, Joan; Corral, Álvaro; Boguñá, Marián; Haro, Martín; Arcos, Josep Ll.


    Popular music is a key cultural expression that has captured listeners' attention for ages. Many of the structural regularities underlying musical discourse are yet to be discovered and, accordingly, their historical evolution remains formally unknown. Here we unveil a number of patterns and metrics characterizing the generic usage of primary musical facets such as pitch, timbre, and loudness in contemporary western popular music. Many of these patterns and metrics have been consistently stable for a period of more than fifty years. However, we prove important changes or trends related to the restriction of pitch transitions, the homogenization of the timbral palette, and the growing loudness levels. This suggests that our perception of the new would be rooted on these changing characteristics. Hence, an old tune could perfectly sound novel and fashionable, provided that it consisted of common harmonic progressions, changed the instrumentation, and increased the average loudness.

  18. Complementary and alternative medicine - representations in popular magazines. (United States)

    Dunne, Alexandra; Phillips, Christine


    More than half the patients who use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Australia do not discuss it with their doctors. Many consumers use popular media, especially women's magazines, to learn about CAM. To explore representations of CAM in popular Australian women's magazines. Content analysis of three Australian magazines: Australian Women's Weekly, Dolly and New Idea published from January to June 2008. Of 220 references to CAM (4-17 references per issue), most were to biologically based practices, particularly 'functional foods', which enhance health. Most representations of CAM were positive (81.3% positive, 16.4% neutral, 2.3% negative). Explanations of modes of action of CAM tended to be biological but relatively superficial. Australian magazines cast CAM as safe therapy which enhances patient engagement in healthcare, and works in ways analogous to orthodox medical treatments. General practitioners can use discussions with their patients about CAM to encourage health promoting practices.

  19. Popularity and Resource Control Goals as Predictors of Adolescent Indirect Aggression. (United States)

    Dyches, Karmon D; Mayeux, Lara


    Resource Control Theory conceptualizes aggression as a behavior that allows access to, and control of, limited resources (P. H. Hawley, 1999 ). This study investigated the associations of adolescents' indirect aggression with their resource control goals, or goals related to controlling social resources such as dating opportunities and peer status, and with their levels of popularity and social intelligence. Participants were 109 seventh-graders (52% girls) who completed a resource control goals measure, the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale, and peer nominations of popularity and indirect aggression. Results indicated positive associations between resource control goals and peer-nominated indirect aggression, with popularity further moderating these associations. These findings suggest that the resource control goals of adolescents can be a motivating force to engage in hurtful behaviors. They provide a context from which peer relations researchers can improve their understanding and prevention of adolescents' indirect aggression.

  20. Aggression, conflict resolution, popularity, and attitude to school in Russian adolescents. (United States)

    Butovskaya, Marina L; Timentschik, Vera M; Burkova, Valentina N


    The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of aggression and conflict-managing skills on popularity and attitude to school in Russian adolescents. Three types of aggression (physical, verbal, and indirect), constructive conflict resolution, third-party intervention, withdrawal, and victimization were examined using the Peer-Estimated Conflict Behavior (PECOBE) inventory [Bjorkquist and Osterman, 1998]. Also, all respondents rated peer and self-popularity with same-sex classmates and personal attitude to school. The sample consisted of 212 Russian adolescents (101 boys, 111 girls) aged between 11 and 15 years. The findings attest to significant sex differences in aggression and conflict resolution patterns. Boys scored higher on physical and verbal aggression, and girls on indirect aggression. Girls were socially more skillful than boys in the use of peaceful means of conflict resolution (they scored higher on constructive conflict resolution and third-party intervention). The attributional discrepancy index (ADI) scores were negative for all three types of aggression in both sexes. Verbal aggression is apparently more condemned in boys than in girls. ADI scores were positive for constructive conflict resolution and third-party intervention in both genders, being higher in boys. In girls, verbal aggression was positively correlated with popularity. In both sexes, popularity showed a positive correlation with constructive conflict resolution and third-party intervention, and a negative correlation with withdrawal and victimization. Boys who liked school were popular with same-sex peers and scored higher on constructive conflict resolution. Girls who liked school were less aggressive according to peer rating. They also rated higher on conflict resolution and third-party intervention. Physical aggression was related to age. The results are discussed in a cross-cultural perspective. Copyright 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  1. From science to popularization, and back--the science and journalism of the Belgian economist Gustave de Molinari. (United States)

    Van Dijck, Maarten


    Sociologists and historians of science, such as Richard Whitley and Stephen Hilgartner, identified a culturally dominant discourse of science popularization in the broader society. In this dominant view, a clear distinction is maintained between scientific knowledge and popularized knowledge. Popularization of science is seen as the process of transmitting real science to a lay public. This discourse on science popularization was criticized by Whitley and Hilgartner as an inadequate simplification. Yet, the battered traditional model of popularization remains remarkably resistant to these theoretical attacks. In this paper I will argue, based on research of the output of the Belgian economist Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), and more specifically, his opinion on the role of government in economic life, that the boundary between science and popularization in political economy is not clear and that the status of scientists fluctuates over time and in different contexts. It is therefore impossible for historians or economists to distinguish science from popularization based on the essential characteristics or intrinsic quality of the work. De Molinari's ideas are followed through the different media of science and journalism. Although de Molinari himself differentiated between his scientific and "popular" work, the boundary between science and popularization proves to be highly permeable, in both directions.

  2. Alcohol brand references in U.S. popular music, 2009-2011. (United States)

    Siegel, Michael; Johnson, Renee M; Tyagi, Keshav; Power, Kathryn; Lohsen, Mark C; Ayers, Amanda J; Jernigan, David H


    This study aimed to assess the prevalence and context of alcohol brand references in popular music. Billboard Magazine year-end charts from 2009 to 2011 were used to identify the most popular songs in four genres: Urban, Pop, Country, and Rock. Of the 720 songs, 23% included an alcohol mention, and 6.4% included an alcohol brand mention. Songs classified as Urban had the highest percentage of alcohol mentions and alcohol brand mentions. The context associated with alcohol brand mentions was almost uniformly positive or neutral. Public health efforts may be necessary to reduce youth exposure to these positive messages about alcohol use.

  3. Local Variation of Hashtag Spike Trains and Popularity in Twitter (United States)

    Sanlı, Ceyda; Lambiotte, Renaud


    We draw a parallel between hashtag time series and neuron spike trains. In each case, the process presents complex dynamic patterns including temporal correlations, burstiness, and all other types of nonstationarity. We propose the adoption of the so-called local variation in order to uncover salient dynamical properties, while properly detrending for the time-dependent features of a signal. The methodology is tested on both real and randomized hashtag spike trains, and identifies that popular hashtags present regular and so less bursty behavior, suggesting its potential use for predicting online popularity in social media. PMID:26161650

  4. Ritual Aspects of popular Politics in England (c. 1700-1830)


    O'Gorman, F. (Frank)


    En este artículo el autor trata sobre de las discusiones teóricas actuales sobre el ritual político popular antes de emprender una breve revisión de su campo de estudio. Esto incluye un examen y una explicación de aquellos aspectos de las política popular, a las que las actividades rituales llegan a estar asociadas. Esto conduce hacia una discusión sobre el estado de la historiografía del ritual. Además este artículo analiza el contexto, tanto del calendario, como geográfico, e...

  5. Multiplex congruity: friendship networks and perceived popularity as correlates of adolescent alcohol use. (United States)

    Fujimoto, Kayo; Valente, Thomas W


    Adolescents interact with their peers in multiple social settings and form various types of peer relationships that affect drinking behavior. Friendship and popularity perceptions constitute critical relationships during adolescence. These two relations are commonly measured by asking students to name their friends, and this network is used to construct drinking exposure and peer status variables. This study takes a multiplex network approach by examining the congruity between friendships and popularity as correlates of adolescent drinking. Using data on friendship and popularity nominations among high school adolescents in Los Angeles, California (N = 1707; five schools), we examined the associations between an adolescent's drinking and drinking by (a) their friends only; (b) multiplexed friendships, friends also perceived as popular; and (c) congruent, multiplexed-friends, close friends perceived as popular. Logistic regression results indicated that friend-only drinking, but not multiplexed-friend drinking, was significantly associated with self-drinking (AOR = 3.51, p < 0.05). However, congruent, multiplexed-friend drinking also was associated with self-drinking (AOR = 3.10, p < 0.05). This study provides insight into how adolescent health behavior is predicated on the multiplexed nature of peer relationships. The results have implications for the design of health promotion interventions for adolescent drinking. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  6. Teaching ethics using popular songs: feeling and thinking. (United States)

    O'Mathúna, Dónal P


    A connection has long been made between music and moral education. Recent discussions have focused on concerns that certain lyrics can lead to acceptance of violence, suicide, inappropriate views of women, and other unethical behaviour. Debate over whether such connections exist at least illustrates that popular songs engage listeners with ethical issues; this arises from the unique blend of emotional and cognitive reactions to music. And while the emotional side of ethics has received less attention than other aspects of ethics, it is important and music can be a powerful and unique tool to introduce the emotional aspects of ethics. Music appeals to almost everyone. Throughout history songs have rallied people to action and drawn people into deeper reflection. Music engages our emotions, our imagination and our intellect. Students already spend many hours listening to songs, some of which address ethical issues; it is thus an ideal pedagogic aid in teaching subjects like ethics. This article will discuss how carefully selected songs can encourage thoughtful reflection and critical thinking about ethical issues: a number of specific examples will be described, along with a discussion of the general practicalities of using popular songs in teaching ethics and a demonstration of how students learn to listen critically and actively reflect on the ethical messages they receive. The enjoyment of music helps to engage students with ethics and its relevance for their lives and careers. This article aims to share some of the excitement and enthusiasm that popular songs have brought to my teaching of ethics.

  7. Chinese and American Children's Perceptions of Popularity Determinants: Cultural Differences and Behavioral Correlates (United States)

    Li, Yan; Xie, Hongling; Shi, Junqi


    The present study aimed to investigate cultural construction of children's perceptions of popularity determinants using a cross-cultural approach. This study examined 327 Chinese and 312 American fifth-graders' perceptions of what individual characteristics and peer relationships would make a peer popular. Consistent with cultural emphases,…

  8. Understanding Adolescent Delinquency: The Role of Older Siblings' Delinquency and Popularity with Peers (United States)

    Craine, Jessica L.; Tanaka,Teri A.; Nishina, Adrienne; Conger, Katherine J.


    The present study examined delinquency concordance and the moderating effects of younger sibling perceptions of older sibling popularity in a sample of 587 adolescent sibling pairs. Using a social learning framework and taking dyad composition into account, perceptions of popularity were hypothesized to strengthen siblings' concordance for…

  9. Popularity, likeability, and peer conformity: Four field experiments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gommans, R.; Sandstrom, M.J.; Stevens, G.W.J.M.; Bogt, T.F.M. ter; Cillessen, A.H.N.


    Adolescents tend to alter their attitudes and behaviors to match those of others; a peer influence process named peer conformity. This study investigated to what extent peer conformity depended on the status (popularity and likeability) of the influencer and the influencee. The study consisted of

  10. Environmental Popular Education and Indigenous Social Movements in India. (United States)

    Kapoor, Dip


    Environmental popular education helps shape indigenous social movements in India through a continual process of reflection and action that connects concerns about ecological degradation, subsistence, and marginalization. (Contains 56 references.) (SK)

  11. Institutos de democracia directa: La iniciativa popular

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    Sergio Trejos Robert


    Full Text Available Uno de los institutos de democracia directa implementados a nivel nacional es la iniciativa popular. Consiste, esencialmente, en que la ciudadanía pueda proponer cambios en el ordenamiento jurídico. En Costa Rica, sus requisitos substanciales lo vuelven un instituto difícil de convocar y la legitimidad de sus restricciones explícitas puede ser discutida.

  12. Secondary School Students' Preferences for Popular Music and Perceptions of Popular Music Learned in School Music Education in Mainland China (United States)

    Ho, Wai-Chung


    This study examined popular music and school music education as cultural constructs of teenage students amid the shifting cultural and social dynamics of contemporary China. Data were drawn from questionnaires completed by 6,780 secondary students (mainly ages 12 through 17) from three cities--Beijing, Changsha, and Shanghai. The survey results…



    Hu, Danna


    With the rapid international cultural integration, the American popular music has become more and more popular in the world wide. People around the world listen to it almost every day and love it in heart. With the economy gradually being open to the world, the music industry has grown dramatically in China with an increasing number of music companies entering the Chinese market. The readers will gain a good understanding of the current situation of American popular music and musical corporat...

  14. Marketing and materiality in the popular music transmedia of Gorillaz’ Plastic Beach

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    Alex JEFFERY


    Full Text Available The entertainment complexes of narrative transmedia contain few instances based in popular music. However, those that exist provide intriguing case studies, highly distinct from those based in film and television. The most fully realized of these, Gorillaz’ Plastic Beach (2010, is rich in visual media typical of popular music culture, including sleeve art, animated music videos. The tangible materiality foregrounded in these visuals stems from the main ecological theme of the album: the disposability of plastic waste. Using methods of analysis of the original texts, and a survey of the networked fan practices that respond to them, the essay theorizes that the material and haptic invitation in these visuals is at odds with the diminishing presence of physical consumables within popular music culture. It then argues that fans enter into this gap with their own creative practices, making and playing with hand-made or customized objects inspired by Plastic Beach, activating unexploited, marketing potential within the album. Although current applications of this research are limited due to the low frequency of popular music transmedia case studies, it points the way forward to theoretically more successful marketing strategies in the future.

  15. Gender Differences in Popularity and Engagement in Sport Activities among Students


    Matej Majerič


    The main purpose of this research was to analyse the gender differences among students at the University of Ljubljana concerning the popularity of sports and participation in different types and modes of sport activities. The research was done in the 2013 academic year on a random sample of 3% of the students (N=1390). A questionnaire about students’ lifestyles was used (Majerič, 2013). In this study, two variables were analysed: the popularity of different sport activities, and different typ...

  16. Do Narcissism and Emotional Intelligence Win Us Friends? Modeling Dynamics of Peer Popularity Using Inferential Network Analysis. (United States)

    Czarna, Anna Z; Leifeld, Philip; Śmieja, Magdalena; Dufner, Michael; Salovey, Peter


    This research investigated effects of narcissism and emotional intelligence (EI) on popularity in social networks. In a longitudinal field study, we examined the dynamics of popularity in 15 peer groups in two waves (N = 273). We measured narcissism, ability EI, and explicit and implicit self-esteem. In addition, we measured popularity at zero acquaintance and 3 months later. We analyzed the data using inferential network analysis (temporal exponential random graph modeling, TERGM) accounting for self-organizing network forces. People high in narcissism were popular, but increased less in popularity over time than people lower in narcissism. In contrast, emotionally intelligent people increased more in popularity over time than less emotionally intelligent people. The effects held when we controlled for explicit and implicit self-esteem. These results suggest that narcissism is rather disadvantageous and that EI is rather advantageous for long-term popularity. © 2016 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.

  17. Universidades populares en España y su relación con la universidad suramericana Universidades populares em Espanha e sua relação com a universidade sul-americana Popular Universities in Spain and their Relationship with South American Universities

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    Juan Antonio López-Núñez


    Full Text Available El trabajo presenta las claves para entender el Proyecto Universidad Popular, iniciado en España en 1901. Tras analizar brevemente su pasado, se explica su presente a través de la educación de adultos como filosofía de fondo, y se hace ver que en la actualidad no deja de estar vigente en nuestra sociedad. La principal nota característica de este proyecto es su organización en red, no solo a nivel nacional, sino que sus relaciones con otras universidades populares, sobre todo de Suramérica, constituyen su principal fuente de trabajo. A pesar de sus más de cien años de existencia en Europa y Suramérica, en la actualidad el proyecto es toda una institución de educación de adultos, por su peculiar oferta formativa, totalmente adaptada a las necesidades de sus alumnos.Este trabalho apresenta a clave para compreender o Projeto Universidade Popular, que começou em Espanha em 1901. Depois analisar seu passado, explica-se seu presente através da educação de adultos como filosofia de fundo, e descobre-se que na atualidade é em vigor na nossa sociedade. A característica principal deste projeto é sua organização em rede nacional. Suas relações com outras universidades populares, especialmente da América do Sul, são sua fonte de trabalho fundamental. No entanto sua antigüidade de mais de cem anos em Europa e América do Sul, na atualidade o projeto é uma instituição de educação de adultos por sua particular forma de oferta de formação, adaptada as necessidades dos alunos.This study outlines the aspects that are crucial to understanding the Popular University Project begun in Spain in 1901. After a brief historical analysis, its present situation is explained against the backdrop of adult education as an in-depth philosophy, and the project is shown to be valid even today, in our society. The primary feature of the project is its organization in the form of a network, not only nationwide, but in terms of its relationship with

  18. Video games as American popular culture


    Wolf, Mark J.P.


    Video games have moved, possibly surpassing even movies, into a central role in American popular culture in a relatively short time, and today there is increasing evidence that the video game console –to some extent, as much as the personal computer– has emerged as a central media device through which “convergence culture” is taking place. In the world of massively multiplayer online games, new (and very real) economies and cultures have evolved with striking rapidity, while on a very differe...

  19. No nos gustó: el transeúnte

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    Daniel Samper Pizano


    Full Text Available Entendemos nosotros la crítica de arte -especialmente la crítica literaria- como un intento de interpretación o valoración objetiva de una serie de elementos subjetivos. Porque aunque en ocasiones se preste para una confrontación de cuestiones objetivas -sería el caso de los análisis gramaticales en una obra- la crítica será siempre un encuentro entre algo subjetivo, como es la obra literaria, con una pretendida visión objetiva -como es su análisis- de otro elemento subjetivo -como es el concepto del crítico-.

  20. Speech-Language Pathology production regarding voice in popular singing. (United States)

    Drumond, Lorena Badaró; Vieira, Naymme Barbosa; Oliveira, Domingos Sávio Ferreira de


    To present a literature review about the Brazilian scientific production in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology regarding voice in popular singing in the last decade, as for number of publications, musical styles studied, focus of the researches, and instruments used for data collection. Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out in two stages: search in databases and publications encompassing the last decade of researches in this area in Brazil, and reading of the material obtained for posterior categorization. The databases LILACS and SciELO, the Databasis of Dissertations and Theses organized by CAPES, the online version of Acta ORL, and the online version of OPUS were searched, using the following uniterms: voice, professional voice, singing voice, dysphonia, voice disorders, voice training, music, dysodia. Articles published between the years 2000 and 2010 were selected. The researches found were classified and categorized after reading their abstracts and, when necessary, the whole study. Twenty researches within the proposed theme were selected, all of which were descriptive, involving several musical styles. Twelve studies focused on the evaluation of the popular singer's voice, and the most frequently used data collection instrument was the auditory-perceptual evaluation. The results of the publications found corroborate the objectives proposed by the authors and the different methodologies. The number of studies published is still restricted when compared to the diversity of musical genres and the uniqueness of popular singer.