
Sample records for plate za vizit



    Ogrinc, Matjaž


    Diplomsko delo se loteva postopka izbora najprimernejših kandidatk in kandidatov za šolanje na Šoli za častnike Slovenske vojske. Cilj naloge je razvrstitev in izbor najprimernejših kandidatov, ki sodelujejo na selekciji in bodo napoteni na šolanje v Šolo za častnike. Problem smo rešili z izgradnjo modela za večparametrsko odločanje. Odločitveni model je predstavljen z izbranimi kriteriji, ki so najbolj pomembni za končno oceno in razvrstitev kandidatov. Pri modeliranju večparametrskega model...

  2. Strelovodna zaščita za stanovanjski objekt


    Kunšek, Rok


    V diplomskem delu je opisana zaščita stanovanjskega objekta pred udarom strele. Obravnavano je projektiranje, načrtovanje, izračun rizika in meritve. Podani so predlogi izvedbe strelovodne zaščite za stanovanjski objekt, ki so izdelani in izračunani z upoštevanjem najnovejših standardov s področja zaščite pred delovanjem strele. Za dodatno pomoč pri izdelavi lovilnega sistema je uporabljeno programsko orodje Ščit, ki je namenjeno projektiranju in dimenzioniranju strelovodne zaščite....

  3. Kauli za utendwa/utendewa katika tamthilia za Machozi ya ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Kazi hii ni ya utafiti wa kiisimu mitindo unaolenga kulinganisha na kulinganua kazi mbili za tamthiliya za Kiswahili ambazo ni Heshima Yangu (Muhando, 1974) na Machozi ya Mwanamke (Ngozi, 1977). Kwanza, makala inachunguza matumizi ya kauli za utendwa/utendewa katika tamthiliya hizi ili kujua kama ni ya hiari au ...

  4. Smernice za izvedbo komunikacijskih povezav v sistemih za preskrbo s pitno vodo




    Voda je osnovna človekova dobrina, ki spremlja človeštvo že od samega začetka. Zagotavljanje pitne vode je bilo nekoč velik izziv, prav nič drugače pa ni danes, kljub temu, da imamo visoko razvito tehnologijo za zajem, obdelavo in transport vode. V diplomskem delu primerjam stanje v sistemih za preskrbo s pitno vodo nekoč in danes ter nakažem možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj. Razdelam različne možnosti za prenos podatkov med soodvisnimi objekti vodovodnega sistema in ocenim njihove prednosti in s...

  5. Ogrodja JavaScript in orodja za razvoj za odjemalca: primerjava in ovrednotenje z empiričnim modelom


    Podbojec, Damir


    V magistrskem delu je predstavljen razvoj JavaScripta skozi čas, moderna ogrodja JavaScript, ki se uporabljajo za razvoj dinamičnih spletnih aplikacij, in orodja za razvoj za odjemalca, ki pospešujejo in pripomorejo k celotnemu razvojniškemu procesu. Analizirana je arhitektura današnjih dinamičnih spletnih aplikacij ter osnovne funkcionalnosti ogrodij JavaScript in orodij za razvoj za odjemalca. V namen lažje diferenciacije med ogrodji in lažje izbire ogrodij za razvoj dinamičnih spletnih apl...

  6. AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Large Za Baobabs (Adansonia za) of Madagascar. (United States)

    Patrut, Adrian; Patrut, Roxana T; Danthu, Pascal; Leong Pock-Tsy, Jean-Michel; Rakosy, Laszlo; Lowy, Daniel A; von Reden, Karl F


    The article reports the radiocarbon investigation of Anzapalivoro, the largest za baobab (Adansonia za) specimen of Madagascar and of another za, namely the Big cistern baobab. Several wood samples collected from the large inner cavity and from the outer part/exterior of the tree were investigated by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating. For samples collected from the cavity walls, the age values increase with the distance into the wood up to a point of maximum age, after which the values decrease toward the outer part. This anomaly of age sequences indicates that the inner cavity of Anzapalivoro is a false cavity, practically an empty space between several fused stems disposed in a ring-shaped structure. The radiocarbon date of the oldest sample was 780 ± 30 bp, which corresponds to a calibrated age of around 735 yr. Dating results indicate that Anzapalivoro has a closed ring-shaped structure, which consists of 5 fused stems that close a false cavity. The oldest part of the biggest za baobab has a calculated age of 900 years. We also disclose results of the investigation of a second za baobab, the Big cistern baobab, which was hollowed out for water storage. This specimen, which consists of 4 fused stems, was found to be around 260 years old.

  7. Parametri za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati

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    Liljana Ugrinova


    Full Text Available Napraven e pregled na parametrite za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati. Za procena na kvalitetot na ispituvaniot materijal bea izvrseni fizicki, hemiski i bioloski ispituvanja spored postapkite dadeni vo Ph. Eur., DIN i spored DIN ISO standardite. Baranjata za kvalitet na ovoj vid ambalaza propisani spored Ph. Eur., DIN i DIN ISO standardite se razlikuvaat vo odnos na predvidenite parametri za fizicki, za hemiski i za bioloski ispituvanja. Isto taka, propisani se i razlicni granici na dozvoleno otstapuvanje na oddelni parametri.

  8. AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Large Za Baobabs (Adansonia za of Madagascar.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrian Patrut

    Full Text Available The article reports the radiocarbon investigation of Anzapalivoro, the largest za baobab (Adansonia za specimen of Madagascar and of another za, namely the Big cistern baobab. Several wood samples collected from the large inner cavity and from the outer part/exterior of the tree were investigated by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating. For samples collected from the cavity walls, the age values increase with the distance into the wood up to a point of maximum age, after which the values decrease toward the outer part. This anomaly of age sequences indicates that the inner cavity of Anzapalivoro is a false cavity, practically an empty space between several fused stems disposed in a ring-shaped structure. The radiocarbon date of the oldest sample was 780 ± 30 bp, which corresponds to a calibrated age of around 735 yr. Dating results indicate that Anzapalivoro has a closed ring-shaped structure, which consists of 5 fused stems that close a false cavity. The oldest part of the biggest za baobab has a calculated age of 900 years. We also disclose results of the investigation of a second za baobab, the Big cistern baobab, which was hollowed out for water storage. This specimen, which consists of 4 fused stems, was found to be around 260 years old.

  9. Aplikacija za avtomatizirano prepoznavanje listov dreves in grmov kritosemenk za operacijski sistem Android


    Puhmeister, Sandro


    V tem diplomskem delu smo implementirali aplikacijo za avtomatizirano prepoznavanje listov dreves in grmov kritosemenk za operacijski sistem Android, pri čemer smo postopek prepoznavanja vrste razdelili na štiri ključne faze: zajem slik, obdelavo slik, luščenje značilnic in določitev vrste. Pri zajetju slik smo uporabili privzeto aplikacijo operacijskega sistema Android, kjer uporabnik zajame dve fotografiji (fotografira spodnjo in vrhnjo površino lista) za obdelavo slik. Pri obdelavi slik sm...



    Mesić, Slaven


    U ovom završnom radu obrađeni su strojevi za prijenos i dizanje materijala. Strojevi za prijenos i dizanje su posebni strojevi namijenjeni unutarnjem (gradilišnom) transportu. Prikazane su opće podjele i karakteristike toranjskih dizalica, mobilnih dizalica, kabel kranova, „Derrick kranova“, mosnih kranova i građevinskih dizala. Uporaba strojeva za prijenos i dizanje je uvjetovana masom tereta koji je potrebno prenijeti te specifičnim uvjetima na gradilištu. Odabir potrebnog st...

  11. Nobelova nagrada za kemiju 2005


    Frkanec, Leo; Portada, Tomislav


    Ovogodišnju Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju podijelila su trojica dobitnika: Francuz Yves Chauvin, Amerikanci Robert H. Grubbs i Richard R. Schrock. Prema obrazloženju Kraljevske švedske akademije znanosti, Nobelova nagrada dodijeljena im je za razvoj postupka metateze u organskoj sintezi. Osim velikog odjeka u akademskoj zajednici, laureati su svojim znanstvenim postignućima omogućili značajan napredak u kemijskoj industriji i proizvodnji kemikalija otvarajući pregršt novih mogućnosti za pripravu...

  12. Bodimo soodgovorni za razvoj

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Živimo v času socialnih, ekonomskih in političnih sprememb. Prebivalstvo se stara, okolje je onesnaženo, ponekod ga je prizadela prehitra urbanizacija, želimo si boljšega življenja. Mnogi v tem vidijo izziv za delovanje in učenje. Pri prebivalcih in posameznikih se pojavljajo tudi mnoge nove potrebe, na katere se ne moreta odzvati ne trg ne država s svojimi institucijami. Tudi vloga podjetij, ki so nekoč skrbela za izobraževanje delavcev in njihovo socialno varnost, se spreminja. Če je izobraževanje strateška naložba podjetja, se potem lahko za gotovo sklepamo, da podjetja svoje prihodnosti ne želijo ustvarjati z manj izobraženimi ljudmi, takšnimi, ki so potrebni temeljnega izobraževanja za življenje in delo. Kako lahko pomagamo tem manj izobraženim, da se bodo znašli v novih razmerah?

  13. Analiza reklamnih poruka za prehrambene proizvode namijenjene djeci


    Ivančić, Ana Lana


    Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi broj i kvalitetu reklama za prehrambene proizvode namijenjene djeci koje se pojavljuju u različitim medijima: 1) televiziji (nacionalnoj i komercijalnoj), 2) tiskovinama (dnevnim tiskovinama, specijaliziranim časopisima za majke i časopisima općeg sadržaja) te na 3) Internet portalima (općeg i specijaliziranog sadržaja). U specijaliziranom dvomjesečniku za majke pojavljuje se tek 2,4% reklama za mlijeko i mliječne proizvode, a 17,7% za dehidriranu dječju hranu ...

  14. Prenova razsvetljave na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko




    Pri energetskem pregledu stavbe Fakultete za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani je bilo ugotovljeno, da je razsvetljava prostorov na fakulteti v veliko primerih stara, neprimerna in energetsko potratna. V diplomski nalogi smo se posvetili energetski analizi prenove razsvetljave predavalnice P7 in kabineta AZ101. Pri načrtovanju in izbiri svetil smo upoštevali vse tehnične in energetske smernice za učinkovito razsvetljavo prostorov za izobraževanje. V uvodu smo opisali fizikalne osnove svetlobe, k...

  15. Stroj za mešanje komposta


    Žvikart, Klemen


    V podjetju BIJOL d.o.o iz Vuzenice je že dolgo prisotna ideja o lastnem proizvodu, saj si podjetje želi svojo dejavnost razširiti na več panog. Razviti stroj za mešanje komposta je bila ena izmed njih. Na tej osnovi in že vnaprej pripravljeni zasnovi, kako naj bi izgledal stroj za mešanje komposta, sem prevzel projekt in na osnovi lastne ideje skonstruiral stroj za mešanje. Namen te naloge je skonstruirati stroj ter pripraviti dokumentacijo. Poleg same izdelave stroja so cilji naloge tudi spo...

  16. Upotreba začina u proizvodnji tradicionalnih sireva


    Josipović, Renata; Markov, Ksenija; Frece, Jadranka; Stanzer, Damir; Cvitković, Ante; Mrvčić, Jasna


    Sir je visoko cijenjeni mliječni proizvod u mnogim zemljama svijeta, a posebna pažnja pridaje se tradicionalnim sirevima, koji nisu samo hrana već i dio kulture i obilježja neke zemlje. Zahvaljujući zemljopisnom položaju i klimatsko-vegetacijskoj raznolikosti Republike Hrvatske, u pojedinim regijama razvijena je proizvodnja različitih tradicionalnih sireva uz upotrebu začina. Kod proizvodnje sireva sa začinima, začini se dodaju ili u sir koji se potom oblikuje, ili se sir omata lišćem začinsk...

  17. 'Iktibasi' katika Tenzi za Mwanakupona na Al-Inkishafi | Beja | Kioo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Makala haya yanatazama tenzi za kale za Kiswahili kwa mkabala wa kitabu kitukufu cha Kurani na Sunnah za Mtume Muhammad (SAW). Wahakiki wengi wamechambua tenzi hizi za kale na kutoa maoni kwamba zina maudhui ya dini ya Kiislamu. Hata hivyo ushahidi halisi wa jinsi watunzi walivyochota maudhui yao ...

  18. Primerjava orodij za avtomatizacijo testiranja uporabniških vmesnikov




    V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno delovanje in uporaba modernih orodij za avtomatizacijo testiranja uporabniških vmesnikov. Namen dela je primerjati izbrana orodja za avtomatizacijo testiranja in olajšati odločitev pri izboru orodja za avtomatizacijo testiranja. Glavni cilj avtomatizacije je zmanjšanje stroškov in hitrejše izvajanje testiranja. Na trgu je danes na voljo več orodij za avtomatizacijo testiranja, ki so si med seboj različna po zahtevnosti uporabe, načinu delovanja in podpor...

  19. Muziki wa Hip Hop na Haki Za Kijamii: Dhima, Changamoto na ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ni dhahiri kuwa haki za kijamii zinaweza kuwasilishwa kwa jamii pana kupitia sanaa ya hip hop. Makala haya basi, yanabainisha dhima na mchango wa muziki wa hip hop katika masuala ya haki za kijamii, yanafafanua changamoto za muziki huu katika kuwasilisha haki za kijamii na kutoa mapendekezo kwa makundi ...

  20. Nobelova nagrada za kemiju 2006.


    Frkanec, L.; Portada, T.


    Ovogodišnju Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju podijelila su trojica dobitnika: Francuz Yves Chauvin, Amerikanci Robert H. Grubbs i Richard R. Schrock. Prema obrazloÞenju Kraljevske švedske akademije znanosti, Nobelova nagrada dodijeljena im je za razvoj postupka metateze u organskoj sintezi. Osim velikog odjeka u akademskoj zajednici, laureati su svojim znanstvenim postignuæima omoguæili i znaèajan napredak u kemijskoj industriji i proizvodnji kemikalija otvarajuæi pregršt novih moguænos...

  1. Naravna interakcija za mobilno navidezno resničnost




    Navidezna resničnost (angl. virtual reality, VR) na tehnološkem trgu povzdiguje vse več prahu. Prav tako vse več mobilnih naprav, ki jih uporabniki uporabljajo za vsakodnevne potrebe, podpira in je dovolj zmogljivih za izvajanje VR aplikacij. Zaradi tega se na trgu pojavlja vse večje število VR očal, ki skrbijo za projekcijo slike z zaslona mobilne naprave na uporabnikove oči. Ta očala so lahko od različnih proizvajalcev in raznovrstnih oblik. Mnoga ne posedujejo nobenih dodatnih kontrolnih g...



    Džidić, Adnan


    V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni nanopremazi za čiščenje sončnih modulov kot učinkovita metoda za povečanje izplena proizvodnje električne energije sončnih modulov. Opisane so fizikalne osnove delovanja sončnih celic, ki so potrebne za osnovno razumevanje delovanja sončnih modulov. Nanopremazi zagotavljajo, da se umazanija in dežne kapljice ne zadržujejo na aktivni površini sončnih modulov in s tem zagotavljajo čistost površine. Na eksperimentalnem primeru je ovrednoten izplen proizvedene e...

  3. Raziskava o sprejemljivosti komasacije za urbano prenovo v Hongkongu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yung Yau


    Full Text Available Ker se Hongkong spopada z vse hujšim propadanjem, si mestne oblasti zelo prizadevajo za obnovo. Vendar se sanacija zaradi zamudnega in zahtevnega pridobivanja zemljišč pogosto zavleče. Obvezni odkupi pridobivanje zemljišč sicer pospešijo, vendar tej tehniki marsikdo očita, da ustvarja družbene napetosti med predstavniki za prenovo in prizadetimi lastniki posesti. Nekaj pravic prizadetim lastnikom zagotavlja zakon o zaščiti zasebne lastnine, vendar se nekateri odločijo še za dodatne ukrepe, da si zagotovijo udeležbo pri dobičku, ustvarjenim s prenovo. Prisilna selitev zaradi prenove lahko resno ogrozi socialne mreže. Zaradi teh težav so strokovnjaki predlagali »komasacijo« (ang. land readjustment. Ta tehnika zagotovi partnerski odnos med interesnimi skupinami, udeleženimi pri projektu prenove. V tujini uporabljajo komasacijo v različne namene, vendar je njena uporabnost za prenovo zgradb v Hongkongu vprašljiva. Ta prispevek se ukvarja s sprejemljivostjo komasacije v Hongkongu. Sestavili smo vprašalnik, ki ga je izpolnilo 356 prebivalcev mesta Kowloon City. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave smo oblikovali predloge in praktične rešitve. Izsledki o trajnostni prenovi mest ponujajo dragocena spoznanja za javne upravljavce in mestne upravitelje.



    Radišić, Nikola


    Diplomska naloga vsebuje obravnavo procesa odločanja v kontekstu poslovnih sistemov. Osredotočenje je na računalniškem programu za podporo odločanju Dexi in reševanju odločitvenega problema izbire informacijskega sistema gostinskega lokala (GIS). Za reševanje problema uporabljena je metoda modeliranja večkriterijskega odločitvenega modela v DEXi-ju, kjer so za slučaj gostinskega lokala "Flirt Sushi Longue" ovrednoteni pet variant (ponudnikov GIS-ov v Sloveniji). Rezultat diplomskega dela je a...

  5. Peta obletnica prve slovenske revije za izobrazevanje odraslih

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Kranjc


    Full Text Available RevijaAndragoška spoznanja, prva slovenska revija za izobraževanje odraslih, praznuje peto obletnico izhajanja. Člani uredniškega odbora se skupaj z avtorji in bralci veselimo tega jubileja. Pred očmi imamo začetna prizadevanja, da je revija sploh nastala, in nato prizadevanja za njen obstoj, pri pridobivanju novih sodelavcev, širjenju kroga bralcev in zagotavljanju materialnih sredstev, pri čemer ne smemo pozabiti tudi na občasne težave. Večina truda pa je bila posvečena temu, da bi revija opravljala svoje osnovno poslanstvo.



    Domazet, Mladen


    Obzirom na raskorak između na europskoj razini izražene potrebe za većim brojem stručnjaka u području prirodnih znanosti i tehnologije (okvirno: prirodoslovlja), te višim stupnjem opće razine prirodoznanstvene pismenosti, i opadanje interesa osnovnoškolaca za teme iz područja prirodoslovlja, prikazuju se struktura i karakteristike nekih nacionalnih okvirnih kurikuluma u području prirodoslovlja, kao jednog od čimbenika usvajanja znanja i vještina iz područja prirodoslovlja na...



    Apat, Alja


    Dojenje je naravni način hranjenja otroka v prvih mesecih njegovega življenja. Omogoča optimalno telesno in duševno rast ter razvoj otroka. Materino mleko vsebuje vsa življenjsko pomembna hranila v pravilnem ravnovesju. Dojenje ima mnoge prednosti, tako za mater, ki doji, kakor za njenega otroka. Pomembno vlogo pri dojenju imajo tudi medicinske sestre v porodnišnici in patronažne medicinske sestre. Njihova naloga je tudi zdravstveno-vzgojno delo pri dojenju. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti os...

  8. Materijali za izradu mikroreaktora

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    Zana Hajdari Gretić


    Full Text Available Mikroreaktori su reaktorski sustavi izvedeni u mikroskopskom mjerilu, a zbog svoje velike međufazne površine imaju prednosti u odnosu na klasične – makroreaktorske sustave. Odabir materijala za izradu mikroreaktora ovisi o vrsti reakcije koja se provodi u sustavu, kompatibilnosti otapala i materijala, mehaničkim zahtjevima te o cijeni i dostupnosti na tržištu. Materijali koji se najčešće upotrebljavaju za izradu su različite vrste stakla, keramike, metali te polimerni materijali. Ovisno o materijalu odabiru se postupci izrade, a najčešći postupci su jetkanje, litografija, pjeskarenje, strojna obrada, injekcijsko prešanje te aditivni postupci izrade. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti najčešće materijale i postupke izrade mikroreaktora.



    Repnik, Tina


    V diplomski nalogi smo v prvem delu teoretično obravnavali teledelo in računalništvo v oblaku. Preučili smo poznane rešitve računalništva v oblaku na trgu in se odločili za uporabo storitev enega izmed vodilnih podjetij s tega področja Google. Opredelili smo začetke in razvoj Googlea v svetu. Za potrebe Družinskega in mladinskega centra v Cerkljah smo z uporabo storitve Google Drive in Google Koledar ustvarili pisarno v oblaku. Za vse, ki niso vešči uporabe naštetih storitev, smo pripravi...



    Damiš, Aleksander


    V dobi vsestranske in vsakdanje uporabe pametnih mobilnih telefonov se posledično veča priljubljenost mobilnih iger. Zaradi zmogljivosti najnovejših mobilnih telefonov in zahtev trga po boljši odzivnosti, izvirni zgodbi in dobro zasnovani grafiki je razvoj sodobnih mobilnih iger vse prej kot lahek. V tem diplomskem delu je predstavljen postopek od načrtovanja do objave preproste mobilne igre za platformo iOS v treh različnih ogrodjih, ki omogočajo razvoj mobilnih iger tako začetnim navdušence...

  11. Alati za poboljšavanje kvalitete


    Čelar, Dražen; Valečić, Vladimir; Željezić, Dubravko; Kondić, Živko


    Kvaliteta je postala svjetski pokret i način življenja. Uspjeh organizacije najviše zavisi o kvaliteti proizvoda ili usluga. Za to najveću odgovornost snosi uprava, ali pri tome svi zaposleni moraju participirati u ostvarivanju kvalitete. Kvaliteta jest i biti će ključ za poboljšanje konkurentnosti na tržištu. Kvaliteta je značajan faktor opstanka, poslovnog uspjeha i prosperiteta poduzeća. Ključni princip sistema kvaliteta je donošenje odluka na osnovu činjenica, do kojih se dolazi prikuplja...



    Kocmut, Silvester


    V diplomskem delu je predstavljen programski uporabniški vmesnik za vodenje realnega nano-robota. Uporabniški vmesnik omogoča neposredno krmiljenje nano-robota. Realni nano-robot ima pet translacijskih osi, omogoča tudi montažo prijemala. Osi delujejo na osnovi piezoelektričnih aktuatorjev. Izhod iz inkrementalnih dajalnikov nam da povratno informacijo o gibanju. Uporabniški vmesnik omogoča ročno vodenje preko navideznih gumbov za vseh pet osi ter vodenje preko ročne ure EZ430-Chronos. Krmilj...

  13. Značilnosti izobraževalne ponudbe za odrasle

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    Colin Titmus


    Full Text Available Poskušal sem predstaviti vso raznovrstnost izobraževalne ponudbe za odrasle. Ta je tako velika in raznovrstna, da se včasih in ponekod zdi, da so na voljo možnosti in priložnosti, ki lahko ustrežejo vsaki zahtevi po znanju, ki si jo le lahko zamislimo. In ne le to, očitno obstajajo tudi prepričljivi razlogi za začetek takega študija. Kljub temu pa se je v poljubnem letu tudi v državah, kjer imajo najvišjo stopnjo udeležbe, na primer na Švedskem in v ZDA, le manjšina odraslih vključila v nek strukturiran program namenskega učenja, ki je na voljo. Velik delež ljudi se nikoli ne odloči, da bi sodelovali v izobraževalnem programu za odrasle.



    Kepnik, Valerija


    Diplomska naloga obravnava uporabo socialnih omrežij za povečanje obiska spletne strani podjetja Tridens. Predstavljeno je podjetje, njihova spletna stran in socialna omrežja, ki jih uporabljajo. Za potrebe naloge so podrobno opisani: Facebook, blog, Twitter, Flickr, SlideShare, LinkedIn in YouTube. Predstavljene so tudi nekatere prednosti za podjetja, ki jih ponujajo socialna omrežja. V eksperimentalnem delu naloge je bila izvedena analiza obiskov na spletni strani in sicer pred uporabo s...

  15. Dhima ya Mianzo na Miisho katika Nathari za Kiswahili za Fasihi ya ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fasihi ya watoto hutofautiana na fasihi ya watu wazima katika maudhui, fani, mawanda, walengwa na hata umri. Pamoja na kutofautiana huko, bado dhima ya fasihi inabaki ileile ya kufundisha, kuburudisha, kuonya, kuadibu, kurithisha amali za jamii na kadhalika. Wataalamu mbalimbali wa fasihi wakiwapo waandishi, ...

  16. Dhima za Mbinu Linganishi katika Kuhusisha Lugha na Lahaja ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lengo la makala hii ni kujadili dhima za Mbinu Linganishi katika kuhusisha lugha na lahaja. Data za makala hii zilikusanywa kwa kutumia mbinu mbalimbali ambazo ni usaili, ushuhudiaji, hojaji na majadiliano katika majopo. Utafiti ulifanyika Tanzania Bara hususan Mkoani Mtwara na Tanzania Visiwani katika maeneo ya ...



    Tomažič, Samo


    V magistrskem delu je predstavljena zasnova modela sistema za upravljanje informacijske varnosti za slovensko državno upravo. Informacijski sistemi v državni upravi morajo namreč zaradi svoje ključne vloge, ki jo opravljajo, delovati brezhibno, saj ima lahko že majhen izpad hujše ekonomske ali drugovrstne posledice, ki jih državljani čutimo neposredno. V okviru sistematične vpeljave sistema za upravljanje informacijske varnosti (SUIV) v katerokoli organizacijo, se držimo štirih temeljnih faz ...

  18. Izdelava 3D tiskalnika za ciljno nalaganje


    Kaštigar, Žiga


    Delo zajema razvoj in izdelavo 3D-tiskalnika od zasnove ohišja do prilagojevanja programske opreme za pravilno delovanje s podanimi parametri. Obsega izbiro materialov, konstrukcijske rešitve problemov prenosa moči iz motorja na jermen ali navojno vreteno. Zastavljeni cilji diplomske naloge so izdelati tiskalnik za ciljno nalaganje materiala, z avtomatsko kalibracijo mize, zaprto ohišje z možnostjo tiska več vrst materialov, na tiskalnik priključen zaslon LCD z bralnikom spominskih kartic in ...

  19. Poklicna izgorelost ali zavzetost za delo, to je zdaj vprašanje Osebni in skupinski izobraževalni moduli za preprečevanje poklicne izgorelosti (2. del

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreja Pšeničny


    Full Text Available Raziskavo sta avtorici posvetili preucevanju potreb po varovanju zaposlenih pred poklicno izgorelostjo, hkrati pa tudi spodbujanju njihove zavzetosti za delo. Podjetje, ki se zaveda pomena svojih virov, lahko v enem in drugem primeru s podobnimi izobrazevalnimi vsebinami in postopki oplemeniti svoj najpomembnejsi vir ljudi. Avtorici ugotavljata, da v zvezi s poklicno izgorelostjo danes ni vec poudarek na preucevanju osebnostnih lastnosti za delo »preveč« vnetih ljudi, marvec predvsem na proucevanju delovnega okolja in psiholoških delovnih okolisCin v podjetju. Poklicno izgorelost lahko prepreCimo tudi z znanstveno utemeljeno organiziranostjo podjetja ali ustanove; taksno, ki spodbuja formalne in neformalne komunikacijske okoliscine, pozitivne medsebojne in kolektivne odnose ter druge ugodne psihološke delovne okoliscine. Izobrazevanje za prepoznavanje in preprečevanje poklicne izgorelosti na eni strani ter izobrazevanje za spodbujanje zavzetosti za delo na drugi strani je posvečeno posameznikom, podjetjem, strokovni in široki javnosti.

  20. Za balony do knihovny

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jelínková, Andrea


    Roč. 69, č. 5 (2017), s. 192-192 ISSN 0011-2321 Keywords : ballooning * historical book collections * scientific literature Subject RIV: AF - Documentation, Librarianship, Information Studies

  1. Odnos međunarodnoga i europskoga pravnog okvira za suzbijanje terorizma


    Pedić, Žana


    U radu se razmatra složenost pravnog okvira za borbu protiv terorizma na univerzalnoj razini i na razini Europske Unije te njihov međuodnos. Navodi se problematika nepostojanja jedinstvene definicije terorizma, analizira se međunarodni pravni okvir kroz ulogu Ujedinjenih naroda u stvaranju međunarodnih pravnih i kvazipravnih instrumenata za borbu protiv terorizma, analizira se struktura sustava Europske Unije i njezina uloga u provedbi međunarodnih instrumenata za borbu protiv terorizma te pr...

  2. Ekološko oblikovana embalaža za naravno kozmetiko


    Šepec, Urša


    Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati področje ekološkega oblikovanja, zahteve in priporočila pri embaliranju na področju kozmetične industrije ter načrtovati in izdelati inovativno ekološko oblikovano funkcionalno embalažo za kolekcijo trdnih mil in šamponov, ki po odprtju služi kot podstavek za milo na umivalniku. Poleg embalaže smo izdelali tudi etikete za ostale kozmetične izdelke, kot so losjoni, kreme in mazila. V teoretičnem delu je opredeljeno ekološko oblikovanje embalaže ter s...

  3. Odgovornost za svijet u misli Romana Guardinija


    Domazet, Anđelko


    Teološki opus Romana Guardinija snažno je svjedočanstvo nastojanja da se katolička teologija izvede iz tjesnoće stoljećima dugog nepovjerenja prema svijetu i otvori za istinsko evanđeosko zalaganje u svijetu. U ovom razmišljanju sažeto iznosimo na vidjelo autorovo poimanje kršćanske odgovornosti u svijetu i za svijet. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela. U prvom dijelu analizira se Gaurdinijev pogled na moderno doba (novi vijek). Svjestan dvoznačnosti moderne svijesti, on pozitivnu dimenziju moder...

  4. Uporaba platforme Arduino za izdelavo vozlišča IoT na vezju ESP8266




    V diplomskem delu je predstavljena zasnova sistema za merjenje temperature in relativne vlage s pomočjo modula ESP8266 z brezžičnim spletnim dostopom do rezultatov meritev. Za merjenje temperature in vlažnosti skrbi digitalni merilni senzor DHT11, modul ESP8266 pa poleg osnovnih funkcij, potrebnih za prenos podatkov, zagotavlja tudi preprost strežnik za konfiguriranje. Sestavni deli naloge so analiza področja, modul ESP8266, serijski vmesnik FTDI, protokoli za povezovanje in ostala strojna op...

  5. Friction and wear behavior of TiC particle reinforced ZA43 matrix composites

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    谢贤清; 张荻; 刘金水; 吴人洁


    TiC/ZA43 composites were fabricated by XDTM and stirring-casting techniques. The tribology properties of the unreinforced ZA43 alloy and the composites were studied by using a block-on-ring apparatus. Experimental results show that the incorporation of TiC particles improves the microstructure of ZA43 matrix alloy. The coefficient of friction μ and the width of worn groove decrease with the increase of TiC volume fraction φ(TiC). The width of worn groove and μ of the composite during wear testing increase with increasing the applied load. Metallographic examinations reveal that unreinforced ZA43 alloy has deep ploughing grooves with obvious adhesion phenomenon, whereas TiC/ZA43 composites have smooth worn surface. Delamination formation is related to the fatigue cracks and the shear cracks on the surface.

  6. Uporaba algoritmov inteligence rojev za rešitev problema dostavnih vozil


    Hlastec, Urban


    V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali in implementirali algoritem umetne kolonije čebel za reševanje problema dostavnih vozil z več skladišči. Zanimalo nas je, kako so algoritmi s področja inteligence rojev ustrezni in uporabni za reševanje optimizacijskih problemov. V nalogi smo združili algoritem umetne kolonije čebel ter algoritem za reševanje problema dostavnih vozil. Primerjali smo tudi rezultate pred optimizacijo različnih spremenljivk in po in tako ugotovili, kaj najbolj vpliva na hitros...



    Vrščaj, Sonja


    Diplomska naloga predstavlja in govori o izdelavi elektronskega učbenika za izbrano podjetje, ki se nanaša na tematiko prve pomoči. E-učbenik bo predstavljal obliko izobraževanja ob podpori računalniške tehnologije v programu Adobe Captivate 5.5., ki je namenjen oblikovanju interaktivnih vsebin za elektronsko učenje. V nalogi bodo obdelane teme, ki so pomembne za izdelavo e-učbenika. Podrobno si bomo ogledali potek izdelave e-učbenika v navedenem programu, proučili pa bomo tudi koncept izobra...

  8. Tikuvõileivaduell / Roman Zaštšerinski ; interv. Jaanus Kulli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zaštšerinski, Roman, 1978-


    Intervjuu kokk Roman Zaštšerinskiga, kes valmistas koos Imre Kosega ette Vabariigi Presidendi iseseisvuspäeva vastuvõtu menüü. Vt. samas: Roman Zaštšerinski menüü vabariigi presidendi vastuvõtul

  9. »Za nov družbeni red«: genealogija samoupravljanja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cirila Toplak


    Full Text Available V prispevku sem predstavila zgodovinski razvoj koncepta samoupravljanja iz političnoekonomske teorije, kot so ga utemeljili utopični socialisti in anarhisti, na primer Pierre Joseph Proudhon (Kaj je lastnina?, 1890, v našem prostoru pa krščanski socialist Andrej Gosar leta 1935 v knjigi Za nov družbeni red. Edvard Kardelj (Smeri razvoja političnega sistema socialističnega samoupravljanja, 1979 je bil nato tvorec zakonodaje, ki je uvedla samoupravljanje v SFRJ v začetku 50. let 20. stoletja. Analizirala sem specifične okoliščine, ki so botrovale odločitvi za uvedbo samoupravljanja v SFRJ, ter razloge za njegov neuspeh oziroma prekinitev implementacije z razpadom Jugoslavije v začetku 90. let. Ocenila sem vpliv jugoslovanskega modela samoupravljanja na druge politične skupnosti v svetu do danes in kaj od tega koncepta je v sodobnosti ostalo oziroma oživelo v Sloveniji. V prispevku sem poskusila odgovoriti na naslednja vprašanja: Zakaj delavsko samoupravljanje v socialistični Sloveniji oziroma Jugoslaviji ni uspelo? Kako je mogoče koncept samoupravljanja misliti in reaktualizirati v sodobnem slovenskem politično-ekonomskem kontekstu? Ali avtonomizem, ki je ena izmed teoretskih podlag samoupravljanja, lahko konstituira učinkovito alternativo oziroma grožnjo neoliberalnemu globalnemu kapitalizmu?

  10. Razlikovnost kao pretpostavka za registraciju žiga


    Matanovac Vučković, Romana


    U radu se obrazlaže stupnjevanje razlikovnosti u ispitivanju apsolutnih smetnji za registraciju nekog znaka kao žiga nakon harmonizacije žigovnoga prava u Europskoj uniji. Obrazlaže se i nerazdruživost između funkcije označivanja podrijetla i razlikovnosti žiga. S time u svezi obrađuju se Direktiva 2008/95/EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 22. listopada 2008. za usklađivanje propisa država članica koji se odnose na žigove (kodificirani tekst), Uredba Vijeća (EZ) 207/2009 od 26. veljače 2009...



    Tršelič, Tugomir


    V diplomskem delu smo raziskali področje informacijske varnosti. Namen raziskave je bil priprava strokovnih podlag, na osnovi katerih smo pridobili podporo vodstva za vpeljavo sistema upravljanja z informacijsko varnostjo v podjetju. V raziskavo smo vključili ključne koncepte informacijske varnosti, pregled novih tehnologij, opravljene lokalne in globalne raziskave s področja varnostnih incidentov in pregled pomembne področne zakonodaje. Ugotovitve smo nadgradili s pregledom ključnih področni...

  12. Patentna zaštita poverljivih pronalazaka / Patent protection of classified invention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Obrad T. Čabarkapa


    Full Text Available Svaki pronalazak za koji se utvrdi da je značajan za odbranu i bezbednost Republike Srbije smatra se poverljivim. Za patentnu zaštitu poverljivih pronalazaka podnosi se prijava organu nadležnom za poslove odbrane, koji ima isključivo pravo da raspolaže poverljivim pronalascima1. U organizacijskoj jedinici nadležnoj za poslove naučne i inovacione delatnosti2 realizuje postupak ispitivanja poverljivih prijava patenata. Da bi se donela ocena o poverljivosti prijavljenog pronalaska neophodno je realizovati određene faze u postupku ispitivanja prijave. Poverljivi pronalazak se ne objavljuje, a pronalazač, nakon priznavanja patenta, u skladu sa zakonskim propisima, ima određena moralna i materijalna prava. / Every invention established to be of significance for defense or security of the Republic of Serbia is considered to be a classified invention. For the purpose of patent protection of classified inventions, a confidential application must be submitted to a relevant defense authority having the exclusive right to deal with classified inventions3. An organizational unit competent for scientific and innovation issues carries out the examination of classified patent applications. In order to evaluate classification of the submitted invention, regarding its significance for defense or security of the country as well as to make the final decision on the application, the examination procedure should be carried out through several phases. A classified invention is not to be published and once the patent has been approved, the inventor enjoys moral and material rights in accordance with law.



    Kočevar, Dušan


    V diplomskem delu bomo definirali in predstavili strategije varnostnega kopiranja podatkov in pomen podatkov za podjetja. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali zgodovino varnostnega kopiranja in arhiviranja, medije za shranjevanje in podatkovne repozitorne modele. Opisali in primerjali smo strategije in pristope varnostnega kopiranja ter predstavili statistiko izgube podatkov. Zraven tradicionalnih pristopov smo predstavili tudi varnostno shranjeva...

  14. The ZaP Flow Z-Pinch Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shumlak, U.; Nelson, B. A.


    The results from the ZaP experiment are consistent with the theoretical predictions of sheared flow stabilization. Z pinches with a sheared flow are generated in the ZaP experiment using a coaxial accelerator coupled to an assembly region. The current sheet in the accelerator initially acts as a snowplow. As the Z pinch forms, plasma formation in the accelerator transits to a deflagration process. The plasma exits the accelerator and maintains the flow in the Z pinch. During the quiescent period in the magnetic mode activity at z=0 cm, a stable Z pinch is seen on the axis of the assembly region. The evolution of the axial velocity profile shows a large velocity shear is measured at the edge of the Z pinch during the quiescent period. The velocity shear is above the theoretical threshold. As the velocity shear decreases towards 0.1kV A , the predicted stability threshold, the quiescent period ends. The present understanding of the ZaP experiment shows that it may be possible for the Z pinch to operate in a steady state if the deflagration process can be maintained by constantly supplying neutral gas or plasma to the accelerator

  15. Mkanganyiko wa Dhana za Mzizi, Kiini na Shina katika Mofolojia ya ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Kwa mwanazuoni yeyote ambaye anafahamikiwa na dhana za kimofolojia hakosi kuwa amewahi kuzitumia au kuzisoma au hata kuzieleza dhana za kiini, shina na mzizi. Mbali na matumizi ya dhana hizi ni ukweli usiopingika kwamba dhana hizi zimekuwa zikitumika katika kufasili dhana nyingine pia. Uambishaji, kwa ...

  16. Odgoj za poduzetništvo u primarnom obrazovanju


    Posavec, Mirjana


    Suvremena škola povećava važnost komunikacijskih i interpersonalnih vještina, a društvo treba široko obrazovane kadrove pripremljene za nove promjene što zahtijeva različite i inovativne pristupe u učenju. To uključuje stjecanje novih vještina i kompetencija. Jedna od takvih kompetencija jest odgoj i obrazovanje za poduzetništvo, koje se kao međupredmetna tema pojavljuje u Nacionalnom okvirnom kurikulumu. Školske zadruge imaju dugogodišnju predanost obrazovanju, a zadružne vrijednosti imaju m...



    Osterc, Miša


    Zadovoljstvo gostov je ključni element za uspešen razvoj in dolgoročen obstoj kateregakoli hotelskega podjetja, zato mora biti njihovo doseganje tudi glavni cilj vsakega hotela. Pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, da zagotavljanje zadovoljstva gostov zahteva dobro poznavanje želja in pričakovanj vsakega gosta, zato je merjenje, analiziranje in spremljanje zadovoljstva eden najpomembnejših izzivov pri pripravi strategije poslovanja vsakega hotela. To velja tudi za Hotel Bioterme Mala Nedelja,...

  18. Prijedlog dorade pravnog režima za nautički turizam radi podizanja njegove konkurentnosti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petar Kragić


    Full Text Available Cilj rada je predložiti određene dorade u domaćem pravnom režimu za nautički turizam radi podizanja njegove konkurentnosti. Pomorskopravni odnosi su specifični zbog međunarodnog karaktera plovidbe i konkurencije pravnih režima više država u uređenju pravnih odnosa koji proističu iz plovidbe. Zato, sugerira autor, za ocjenu da li je neka država pomorska nije odlučna dužina ili razvedenost njene obale, već da li njena vlada razumije specifične odnose vezane za pomorstvo i da li ih uređuje na način koji omogućuje razvoj pomorske privrede. Europska unija je prepoznala specifičnost pomorstva i dopustila svojim članicama da urede porezni sustav za brodarstvo drugačije od općeg poreznog sustava. Sada bi, drži autor, poseban sustav za uređenje nautičkog turizma trebalo kreirati i za jahte, u kojem niz odnosa – vezanih za tu djelatnost – treba urediti drugačije od općih odredbi. Sve to u cilju podizanja konkurentnosti hrvatskog nautičkog turizma, koji se bori na tržištu Sredozemlja s drugim, posebice za velike jahte, vrlo atraktivnim destinacijama. U radu se obrađuju administrativne procedure; kabotaža u uvjetima članstva u Europskoj uniji; porez na dodanu vrijednost na najamninu jahti; boravak posade jahti u Hrvatskoj; porezi na dohodak i doprinosi članova posade jahte; porez po tonaži i privremeni uvoz jahti. Posebice se razmatra članstvo Hrvatske u Europskoj uniji koje donosi prilike, ali i nameće ograničenja za standardne mjere protekcionizma i intervencionizma koje su povijesno koristile zemlje u razvoju da dostignu one razvijene. Ovaj je rad dio prijedloga većeg zahvata u zakonodavstvo za izmjenu određenog broja zakonskih rješenja primjenjivih na nautički turizam, koja nisu logična ili optimalna za tu gospodarsku granu.

  19. Kdo se izobražuje za partnerske odnose?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natasa Rijavec Klobučar


    Full Text Available V prispevku avtorica analizira znacilnosti udelezencev izobrazevanja za partnerske odnose, ki obiskujejo Solo za zakon. Podatke interpretira v skladu s sistemsko relacijsko teorijo, ki cloveka ne obravnava posamicno, marveč z vidika odnosov, ki jih dejavno oblikuje z drugimi. Rezultati raziskave kazejo, da so moski bolj zadovoljni s partnerskim odnosom kot zenske. Oboji pricakujejo, da bo izobrazevanje pomagalo izboljsati njihove partnerske odnose, ne pa tudi komunikacije z otroki. Svoje odnose vecinoma dozivljajo kot konfliktne. 0 tem prica tudi dejstvo, da jih najbolj privlacijo teme, ki pojasnjujejo genezo konfliktov in obravnavajo naCine reševanja.

  20. Vgrajen sistem za kontrolo dostopa z modulom Bluetooth




    Vprašanje varnosti in zasebnosti je izziv že leta. Zaradi tega je pomembno imeti lasten system za nadzor dostopa, ki ga bo uporabnik nadzoroval ob vsakem trenutku, ko ima s seboj svojo mobilno napravo. V tem delu bomo predstavili vgrajen system za nadzor dostopa, temelječ na STM32F4 razvojni plošči. Razvojna plošča temelji na mikrokrmilniku STM32F407VGT6 z jedrom ARM® Cortex™-M4F in vgrajenim pomnilnikom Flash in SRAM. Na plošči so povezani Bluetooth modul HC-05, bralnik RFID in modul z ...



    Vantur, Blaž


    Cilj diplomske naloge je preučiti mobilni operacijski sistem Android in njegovo delovanje, izdelava preproste mobilne aplikacije za ustvarjanje dogodkov ter pošiljanje vabila preko SMS sporočila. V njej bomo opisali zgradbo Android sistema in funkcionalnosti, ki smo jih uporabili pri razvoju naše aplikacije.

  2. Razvoj in industrializacija močnostnega pretvornika za pogon sesalnika z vodnim filtrom




    Magistrsko delo je osredotočeno na razvoj elektromehanskega pogona za sesalnik z vodnim filtrom ter na pripadajoče zahteve in postopke, ki jih narekuje tako imenovana industrializacija izdelka. Slednja se ne podreja le zahtevam naročnika, temveč splošnejšim predpisom ter standardom, ki regulirajo ustreznost izdelka za prodajo na svetovnih trgih. Elektromehanski pogon sesalnika z nazivno vhodno močjo 720 W sestavljata elektronsko komutiran motor (EKM) in elektronsko vezje, ki skrbi za zanes...

  3. Upajmo si biti starši. Praktično delovanje dveh sol za starše

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreja Jereb


    Full Text Available V prispevku predstavljam dva primera uspdne prakse sole za starSe. Prvi zasluzi pozornost, ker zajema vse potrebne vsebine za ozavdcanje starsev o kompleksnosti in konfliktnosti odnosov v druzini tako med zakoncema kot tudi med starsi in mladostniki. Program je pripravljen sistematicno, sreeanja so strukturirana in privlacna za starSe mladostnikov, ki marsikatero tezavo iz doma prepoznajo v stevilnih primerih iger vlog. Drugi, spanski primer, zasluzi pozornost predvsem zaradi aktivne vloge starsev pri pripravi na sreeanje, z leti vedno aktivnejSe vloge na srecanjih in v pogovorih v druZini, zaradi cesar je precej zahteven tako za voditelja kot za starSe, a sodee po izjavah starsev iskana in uspdna metoda dela s starsi.

  4. Robotizacija oddelka lakirnice v programu za pralno pomivalne aparate


    Klemenčič, Matej


    V začetnem delu diplomskega dela smo na kratko predstavili podjetje Gorenje d.d., njihovo dejavnost in poslovna področja. Nato je opisano, kakšen je pomen oblikovanja delovnih mest za same pogoje dela ter razlaga sistemizacije in ergonomije, ki imata tudi zelo pomembno vlogo pri urejanju delovnih mest. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena metoda 20 ključev, ki pomaga podjetjem, da se čim hitreje prilagajajo globalnemu trgu. Zaradi varnostnih in ekonomskih razlogov se je podjetje odločilo, d...



    Mijošek, Ivo


    Delo diplomskega seminarja se osredotoča na zgodovinski razvoj franšiznega koncepta, njegove različne oblike ter ključne pravice in dolžnosti, ki jih potencialni franšizij pridobi z odločitvijo za franšizo. Nadalje teoretični del seminarja opisuje ključne sestavine vsake franšizne pogodbe ter se osredotoča na prednosti ter slabosti franšiznega koncepta, tako za franšizorja kot za franšizija. Ključni prednosti za franšizorja sta hitra prisotnost na več tujih trgih ter deljena odgovornost na po...

  6. Zaštita računarskih mreža / Protection of computer networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milojko Jevtović


    Full Text Available U radu su obrađene metode napada, oblici ugrožavanja i vrste pretnji kojima su izložene računarske mreže, kao i moguće metode i tehnička rešenja za zaštitu mreža. Analizirani su efekti pretnji kojima mogu biti izložene računarske mreže i informacije koje se preko njih prenose. Opisana su određena tehnička rešenja koja obezbeđuju potreban nivo zaštite računarskih mreža, kao i mere za zaštitu informacija koje se preko njih prenose. Navedeni su standardi koji se odnose na metode i procedure kriptozaštite informacija u računarskim mrežama. U radu je naveden primer zaštite jedne lokalne računarske mreže. / In this paper different methods of attacks, threats and different forms of dangers to the computer networks are described. The possible models and technical solutions for networks protection are also given. The effects of threats directed to the computer networks and their information are analyzed certain technical solutions that provide necessary protection level of the computer networks as well as measures for information protection are also described. The standards for methods and security procedure for the information in computer networks are enlisted. There is also an example of protecting one local data network (in this paper.



    Sladič, Tim


    Diplomsko delo opisuje področje mikrokrmilnikov in razvoj rešitve za kontrolo pristopa. Rešitev deluje na principu oddaljenosti naprave od senzorja, preko brezžične tehnologije Bluetooth, ki ga imamo danes že skoraj v vsaki napravi.



    Vogrinec, Petra


    Promet je pomemben dejavnik v razvoju človeštva. Omogoča transport ljudi, tovora in informacij. Ker se cestni promet iz leta v leto povečuje, prihaja do večjih zamud in kolon na cestah in v križiščih. Če so povprečne zamude prevelike, je treba izvesti ukrepe za povečanje prepustnosti ceste oziroma križišča. V diplomi je predstavljena metodologija za dimenzioniranje nesemaforiziranih nivojskih križišč. Poudarek je na križišču glavne in stranske ceste. Izračun je narejen po »Highway Capacity...

  9. Regulations and instructions for RA reactor operation; Propisi i uputstva za pogon reaktora 'A'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This regulatory guide consists of following 4 chapters: Description of the RA reactor, organization scheme, regulations for performing experiments; Regulations for staff on duty; Instructions for operating the vacuum systems, heavy water and helium systems; and evacuation in case of accident. [Serbo-Croat] Ovaj pravilnik sadrzi sledeca 4 poglavlja: Opis reaktora RA, sema organizacije rada, propisi za izvodjenje eksperimenata; Pravilnik za rad dezurnog osoblja; Uputstva za rada sa vakuum sistemima, sistemom teske vode, sistemom helijuma; evakuacija u slucaju udesa.

  10. Trening za razvijanje občutka za števila in količine pri predšolskih otrocih s posebnimi potrebami


    Kuplenk, Petra


    Tako otroci kot tudi odrasli se z matematiko srečujemo na vsakem koraku, pa naj bo to na poti v vrtec, službo ali pa pri delu doma. Matematika vsakodnevno vpliva na naše življenje in delo. Na delovnem mestu, v vrtcu, opažam vse večje težave otrok s posebnimi potrebami na področju razvoja občutka za števila in količine. V predšolskem obdobju je namreč nujno, da otroci razvijejo občutek za števila in količine, saj vsa nadaljnja matematična znanja temeljijo na usvojenih spretnostih. V empirič...



    Mlinar, Tilen


    V diplomski nalogi prikazujemo razvoj aplikacije za operacijski sistem iOS. Razvili smo aplikacijo za sledenje vozil. V teoretičnem delu se najprej seznanimo z operacijskim sistemom iOS ter njegovo arhitekturo, nato predstavimo arhitekturo aplikacij iOS. Sledi opis kompleta razvojnih orodij v iOS SDK. V nadaljevanju se seznanimo še s programskim jezikom Objective-C, lokacijsko odvisnimi storitvam, podsistemom MapKit in delovanjem aplikacije v ozadju operacijskega sistema. V praktičnem delu op...

  12. Tehnika za proizvodnju hrane u terenskim uslovima / Technology for food preparation in field conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Branko M. Tešanović


    Full Text Available U terenskim uslovima osnovna sredstva za pripremanje hrane su pokretne kuhinje. One se koriste u miru za vreme izvođenja vežbi, logorovanja, za obuku vojnika kuvara i u vojnim školama za obuku studenata i učenika intendantske službe. Izuzetno, mogu se koristiti za kuvanje jela kada se vojni restorani adaptiraju ili se zbog drugih razloga hrana ne može pripremati u njima. U Vojsci Srbije danas su u upotrebi sledeće vrste pokretnih kuhinja: kuhinja autoprikolica od 250, 200, 300 i 400 l i kuhinja tovarna od 25 l. Za pripremu hrane u terenskim uslovima OS NATO koriste veoma raznovrstan park poljskih tehničkih sredstava. / In field conditions, the basic means for food preparation are mobile kitchens. Mobile kitchens are used in peace time during exercise and camping as well as for training military chefs and students of logistic support in military schools. Exceptionally, they can be used for cooking meals when repairing or adapting military restaurants or for some other valid reasons. In the Army of Serbia today, there are the following types of mobile kitchens: mobile kitchen 250, 200, 300 and 400 l and a kitchen pack of 25 l. For the preparation of food in field conditions, NATO forces use a very versatile choice of field technical resources.

  13. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1990 with the comparative evaluation for the period 1986-1990; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1990. godinu uz uporedni pregled za period 1986 - 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1990, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1990. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3705/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjjring RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.

  14. Standard NIJ 0115.00 za testiranje otpornosti zaštitnih prsluka na ubode nožem i predmetima sa oštrim vrhom / NIJ 0115.00 standard for testing stab resistance of body armor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Đuro Jovanić


    Full Text Available Standard NIJ 0115.00 (prema Nacionalnom institutu pravde SAD, namenjen je za utvrđivanje minimuma tehničkih zahteva i metoda ispitivanja otpornosti zaštitnih prsluka, koji treba da zaštite gornji deo tela od uboda nožem i predmetima sa oštrim vrhom. Područje primene ovog standarda ograničeno je samo na pretnje ubodima, a ne na balističke pretnje, poput onih koje su obuhvaćene standardom NIJ 0101.04 za testiranje balističke otpornosti zaštitnih prsluka. / In this work made presentation of NIJ 0115.04. (National Institute of Justice standard, witch purpose is to establish minimum performance requirements and methods of testing for the stab resistance of body armor intended to protect the torso against slash and stab threats. The scope of the standard is limited to stab resistance only; the standard does not address ballistic threats, as those are covered by NIJ Standard 0101.04. Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor.

  15. Naknada štete za onečišćenje mora iz kopnenih izvora

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    Axel Luttenberger


    Full Text Available Rad obrađuje složenu pravnu problematiku onečišćenja mora iz izvora na kopnu uz analizu odredaba Konvencije UN-a o pravu mora, Konvencije o sprečavanju onečišćenja iz izvora na kopnu, te Protokola o zaštiti Sredozemlja protiv onečišćenja iz kopnenih izvora i djelatnosti. Kao domaći izvori, rješenja Ustava i Deklaracije o zaštiti okoliša, te sustav zakona o zaštiti prirode i drugih ekoloških zakona, uz posebni naglasak na rješenja iz područja pomorstva. Naglašava se da je svrha regulative u propisivanju uređenja okoliša i načina obavljanja pojedinih djelatnosti, zajedno sa sustavom nadzora onečišćenja i sankcijama za nepridržavanje normi. Napominje se da je potrebno usvojiti propise tek nakon razmatranja stvarne mogućnosti primjene s odnosnim preventivnim mjerama i postupcima nakon nastupa štetnog događaja. Također se predlaže uspostava specijaliziranih neovisnih agencija zaduženih za nadzor oživotvorenja propisa.

  16. Marketingová analýza úspěšnosti projektu ZaNá


    Pohan, Lukáš


    The bachelor thesis analyses the ZaNá project, its various parts and its success as well as its target audience. The analysis of the project is based on experience from the making of this project. Other field of interest of this thesis is to evaluate the success of this project in present and its future forecasts and compares the estimated target audience with real target audience at present.



    Horvat, Sandra


    Trpkoća je taktilni osjet vina koji definiramo kao osjet suhoće u ustima te neugodan i grub osjet skupljanja i stezanja tkiva u usnoj šupljini. Kondenzirani tanini (proantocijanidini) su polifenolni spojevi odgovorni za senzorsko svojstvo trpkoće. U ovom radu proveden je razvoj i trening panela za kvantitativnu deskriptivnu analizu (QDA) intenziteta trpkoće vina numeriĉkom skalom od 0 do 7. Selekcija i trening kušaĉa provedeni su primjenom triangl, ranking testova i testova QDA, a kao referen...

  18. Primerjava ogrodij entity framework in nhibernate za objektno - relacijsko preslikavo


    Rola, Tadej


    V diplomskem delu primerjamo ogrodji za objektno-relacijsko preslikavo Entity Framework in NHibernate. Na začetku smo razložili klasičen način dostopa do podatkovne baze preko ADO.NET komponente, v nadaljevanju še O-RM tehnologijo. Nato je sledila podrobna predstavitev obeh ogrodij. V drugem delu diplomskega dela najprej razložimo in prikažemo glavne funkcionalnosti enega in drugega na praktičnem primeru. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela pišemo o razlikah med enim in drugim ter njunih prednost...

  19. Strateški marketing za popularizacijo ritmične gimnastike


    Möderndorfer, Tjaša


    Uvodoma smo predstavili in preučili ključne pojme za lažje razumevanje trženjskih osnov. V nadaljevanju predstavimo metode in tehnike, ki nam pomagajo pri raziskovanju in posledično pri določanju trga in ciljev. Predstavljeni so nekateri osnovni modeli, ki nam pomagajo razumeti, kako trg deluje in kaj vse vpliva nanj. Naša tema se nanaša na šport, zato si v nadaljevanju pogledamo delovanje športnih organizacij. Za pripravo strategije trženja pregledamo okolje in vse deležnike, ki so pos...

  20. Spletna aplikacija microCOMB za določanje komponent genske ekspresije




    Cilj diplomskega dela je bil izdelati spletno aplikacijo, ki deluje kot grafični vmesnik za uporabnike microCOMB-a in vzdržuje bazo genskih ekspresij. Glavne funkcije aplikacije so omogočiti uporabnikom posredovanje ekspresijskih podatkov v analizo in prikazati njene rezultate, vodenje zgodovine analiz in skrbeti za ažurnost javne baze ekspresijskih podatkov. V delu so opisane uporabljene tehnologije, arhitektura sistema, razvojni proces ter končna funkcionalnost aplikacije. Ob razvoju smo st...



    Kupnik, Domen


    V okviru diplomske naloge smo izdelali mobilno aplikacijo na operacijskem sistemu Android OS za upravljanje slik in albumov. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili že obstoječe podobne aplikacije. Nato smo se seznanili z arhitekturo operacijskega sistema Android OS in s kompletom za razvijanje aplikacij Android SDK. V nadaljevanju sledi še predstavitev lokacijskega podsistema Google Map ter podrobnejši opis uporabljenih funkcionalnosti. V praktičnem delu prikažemo implementacijo aplikacij...

  2. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1988; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1988. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1989, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1989. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3705/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.

  3. Instructions for RA reactor decontamination - Annex 10; Prilog 10 - Uputstvo za dekontaminaciju Reaktora RA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Instructions for RA reactor decontamination includes: action plan for decontamination of the heavy water system by 7% water solution of H{sub 3}PO{sub 4} + 2% CrO{sub 3} acid; description of the preparatory work including calculation of the pipes volume and installation of special pipes; detailed instructions for decontamination procedure. [Serbo-Croat] Uputstvo za dekontaminaciju Reaktora RA sadrzi: plan operacija za dekontaminaciju sistema teske vode 7% vodenim rastvorom kiseline H{sub 3}PO{sub 4} + 2% CrO{sub 3}; opis pripremnih radova ukljucujuci proracun zapremine covovoda i montiranje posebnih cevovoda; detaljno uputstvo za izvodjenje operacija pri dekontaminaciji.

  4. Analiza učinkovitosti učenja strojnika na stroju za sečnjo


    Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela; Košir, Boštjan; Krč, Janez


    Članek obravnava načine učenja bodočih strojnikov za delo s strojem za sečnjo.Na prvem takšnem primeru v Sloveniji je opisan in analiziran potek učenja s simulatorjem in merjeni so časi posameznih postopkov pri dveh kandidatih. Opisano je delovanje simulatorja za učenje na stroju Timberjack 1270 D in potek enotedenskega tečaja. Narejena je primerjava med kandidatoma glede porabe časa in števila poškodb na virtualnem stroju in sestoju, ki jih je beležil program simulatorja. Podane so usmeritve...

  5. Razvoj i primena hemometrijskih metoda za klasifikaciju i procenu kvaliteta vode


    Živojinović, Dragana Z.


    Savremeno društvo karakteriše intenzivna industrijalizacija i urbanizacija, što ima za posledicu sve obimnije iscrpljivanje prirodnih resursa i sve opasnije ugrožavanje životne sredine. U uslovima globalnog razvoja, briga o vodi predstavlja pitanje opstanka civilizacije. Stoga upravljanje vodama i kontrola kvaliteta voda postaju suštinska društvena potreba. Timovi stručnjaka iz različitih oblasti pokušavaju da nađu obrasce i modele za modelovanje parametara kvaliteta vode i pre...

  6. Testiranje balističke otpornosti zaštitnih prsluka / Ballistic resistance of body armour testing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Đuro Jovanić


    Full Text Available U radu je predstavljena osnova standarda NIJ 0101.04 (Nacionalni Institut Pravde, namenjenog za utvrđivanje minimuma tehničkih zahteva i propisivanje metoda ispitivanja balističke otpornosti zaštitnih prsluka, koji treba da zaštite gornji deo tela od dejstva streljačkog oružja. Standard jeste revizija standarda NIJ 0101.03 iz aprila 1987. i preciznije definiše zahteve u pogledu obeležavanja, kriterijume za prijem i postupke merenja otiska u materijalu iza prsluka. Područje ovog standarda odnosi se samo na balističku otpornost, ali ne i na pretnje od noža i predmeta sa oštrim vrhom. Takođe, ne odnosi se na zaštitne prsluke koji sadrže dopunske elemente ili varijacije u konstrukciji balističkih panela za malu površinu torza, radi povećanja osnovnog nivoa zaštite na ograničenim površinama (bilo balističke ili povrede od tupog vrha. / This work is a basic presentation of NIJ 0101.04 (National Institute of Justice standard, -whose purpose is to establish minimum performance requirements and methods of testing ballistic resistance of body armor intended to protect the torso against gunfire. This standard is a revision of NIJ Standard 0101.03 dated April 1987 and it clarifies the labeling requirements, acceptance criteria, and backface signature measurement procedure. The scope of this standard is limited only to ballistic resistance; and it does not include threats from knives and sharply pointed instruments. In addition, the standard does not include armor that incorporates inserts, or variations in construction of the ballistic panel over small areas of the torso, used for increasing the basic level of protection of the armor (whether ballistic or blunt trauma on localized areas.

  7. Digitalni servo sistem za upravljanje infracrvenim lokatorom


    Aleksandar Viličić; Mirko Jezdimirović


    U radu je predstavljen digitalni servo sistem sa pogonskim elektromotorom koji zamenjuje postojeći elektrohidraulički servo pogon na uređaju za upravljanje IC lokatorom, koji obezbeđuje zahtevanu tačnost pozicioniranja i praćenja sa minimalnim brzinama.

  8. Cesta za divokým kaprem.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Blabolil, Petr


    Roč. 2016, č. 6 (2016) E-ISSN 1214-4029 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) EE2.3.20.0204 Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/9 Program:StrategieAV Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : common carp * habitat alteration * distribution Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour

  9. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1989; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1989. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1989, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1989. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3705/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.

  10. Zaštitno-maskirni uređaj/Protective camouflage cover

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    Alexander Ivanovich Golodyaev


    Full Text Available Jednolikost kamuflažno-zaštitnih konstrukcija znatno povećava 'preživljavanje' tenkova u marševskom položaju - glavne udarne sile. Jer, prilikom primene ove konstrukcije, protivnik će biti onemogućen da razlikuje tenk od automobila ili prazne prikolice. Cerada koja je izrađena od višeslojnog visokootpornog materijala obezbediće prevremeno detoniranje protivtenkovskih kumulativnih projektila. S obzirom na to da je većina projektila projektovana za napad na aktivni oklop, prva detonacija neće neposredno pogoditi oklop, već ceradu, a tek druga detonacija pogodiće aktivni oklop. Na taj način eksplozija aktivnog oklopa neutralisaće kumulativni mlaz. Ova konstrukcija je mnogo efikasnija od gumenih modela zaštite, a po ceni je znatno povoljnija. U članku je predočena analiza sredstava borbe s oklopnim vozilima i metode navođenja 'pametnih' projektila na cilj, kao i analiza metoda borbe sa sredstvima za napad. Takođe, opisani su načini borbe protiv 'pametnih' projektila, kao i način primene kamuflažno-zaštitne instalacije (uređaja. Članak sadrži podatke o patentu. / (ruski Edinoobrazie v maskirovočno-zaščitnyh konstrukcijah rezko uveličivajut vyživaemost' tankov na marše - osnovnoj udarnoj sily, t.k. pri ego primenenii budet složno otličit' tank ot av- tomobilja ili pustogo pricepa. Primenenie, pri ëtom, tenta iz mnogoslojnoj tkani vysokoj pročnosti obespečivaet preždevre- mennyj podryv protivotankovyh kumuljativnyh snarjadov. S uče- tom togo, čto bol'šaja čast' ëtih snarjadov rassčitana na aktiv- nuju bronju, pervyj vzryv budet ne na aktivnoj brone, a na tkani tenta, a vtoroj - osnovnoj vzryv proizojdet uže na aktivnoj brone, i kumuljativnaja struja budet razrušena vzryvom aktivnoj broni. Stoimost' konstrukcii značitel'no niže naduvnyh mode- lej tehniki, a po ëffektivnosti značitel'no ih prevoshodit. V stat'e privoditsja analiz sredstv bor'by s bronete- hnikoj i metody navedenija na cel' 'umnyh



    Rupnik, Damijan


    V diplomskem delu sem skonstruiral pripravo za vpenjanje vpenjalne glave večosnega stružnega stroja. Ta priprava bo služila za prevoz in vpenjanje vpenjalne glave večosnega stružnega stroja EMAG REINECKER VSC 250 DS. Najprej sem si zamislil, kako naj bi naprava izgledala, nato pa sem s pomočjo sodobnih inženirskih metod (MKE metod, optimiranja) naredil različne preračune in simulacije, če bo naprava stabilna in gibljiva, zatem pa sem se lotil konstruiranja priprave. Če bo konstruiranje pripra...

  12. Sedimentation survey of Lago Loíza, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, July 2009 (United States)

    Soler-López, Luis R.; Licha-Soler, N.A.


    Lago Loíza is a reservoir formed at the confluence of Río Gurabo and Río Grande de Loíza in the municipality of Trujillo Alto in central Puerto Rico, about 10 kilometers (km) north of the town of Caguas, about 9 km northwest of Gurabo, and about 3 km south of Trujillo Alto (fig. 1). The Carraizo Dam is owned and operated by the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA), and was constructed in 1953 as a water-supply reservoir for the San Juan Metropolitan area. The dam is a concrete gravity structure that is located in a shallow valley and has a gently sloping left abutment and steep right abutment. Non-overflow sections flank the spillway section. Waterways include an intake structure for the pumping station and power plant, sluiceways, a trash sluice, and a spillway. The reservoir was built to provide a storage capacity of 26.8 million cubic meters (Mm3) of water at the maximum pool elevation of 41.14 meters (m) above mean sea level (msl) for the Sergio Cuevas Filtration Plant that serves the San Juan metropolitan area. The reservoir has a drainage area of 538 square kilometers (km2) and receives an annual mean rainfall that ranges from 1,600 to 5,000 millimeters per year (mm/yr). The principal streams that drain into Lago Loíza are the Río Grande de Loíza, Río Gurabo, and Río Cañas. Two other rivers, the Río Bairoa and Río Cagüitas, discharge into the Río Grande de Loíza just before it enters the reservoir. The combined mean annual runoff of the Río Grande de Loíza and the Río Gurabo for the 1960–2009 period of record is 323 Mm3. Flow from these streams constitutes about 89 percent of the total mean annual inflow of 364 Mm3 to the reservoir (U.S. Geological Survey, 2009). Detailed information about Lago Loíza reservoir structures, historical sediment accumulation, and a dredge conducted in 1999 are available in Soler-López and Gómez-Gómez (2005). During July 8–15, 2009, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Caribbean Water Science

  13. Softver za proračun uzdužne statičke stabilnosti i upravljivosti aviona za osnovnu obuku pilota / Software for calculation of an axial static stability and management of airplanes for basic pilot training

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    Dalibor Petrović


    Full Text Available U ovom radu opisan je softver za proračun uzdužne statičke stabilnosti i upravljivosti aviona za osnovnu obuku pilota. Softver je urađen sa numerom da konstruktorima omogući brzo i lako dobijanje potrebnih rezultata vezanih za stabilnost i upravljivost kod preliminarnih proračuna vezanih za ovu vrstu aviona. Program je urađen na osnovu analize velikog broja aviona iz ove klase, a njegova tačnost je testirana na avionu "Lasta". Rezultati koji su dobijeni ovim softverom bili su više od zadovoljavajućih, s obzirom na to da se radi o programu koji bi se koristio za preliminarni proračun. / This document introduced software for calculation of an axial static stability and management of airplanes for basic pilot training. The purpose of this software is to provide a quicker and an easier way of getting results regarding preliminary calculation of stability and management for these types of airplanes. The program is based upon analysis of data gathered from a large number of tested airplanes of this class. The accuracy of the program has been tested on the airplane type 'Lasta' and results were more than satisfying, especially regarding the fact that the program is meant to be used for preliminary calculation.

  14. [The life and work of Zaíra Cintra Vidal]. (United States)

    Lopes, G T; Caldas, N P; Lima, T C; Martingil, I C


    This is a social-historical study that aims at describing the trajectory of Zaíra Cintra Vidal, her participation in the Nursing School Rachel Haddock Lobo and in the Brazilian Association of Nursing (ABEn). The study is based on the concepts of symbolic power, habitus and symbolic struggle of Pierre Bourdieu. The primary sources are documents which were collected in the Documentation Center of Escola de Enfermagem Ana Neri (EEAN--Ana Neri School of Nursing) in the Federeal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and at the Memory Center of the Faculty of Nursing (FENF) in the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). The data was collected between August 2000 and April 2001 by means of document analysis script. The outcomes showed that Zaíra Cintra Vidal was born on 5 May 1903; graduated from the Nursing School of the National Public Health Department in 1926; studied and post-graduated in the United States from 1927 until 1929 and returned to Brazil in 1943. Zaíra Cintra Vidal was the founder of the Nursing School Rachel Haddock Lobo and was its first director for nine years. She also and took part in ABEn's Direction Board and in the Revista Anais de Enfermagem (Nursing Magazine).

  15. Razvoj i validacija metode za određivanje fosfolipida u sojinom ulju


    Rogulj, Ivana


    Trpkoća je taktilni osjet vina koji definiramo kao osjet suhoće u ustima te neugodan i grub osjet skupljanja i stezanja tkiva u usnoj šupljini. Kondenzirani tanini (proantocijanidini) su polifenolni spojevi odgovorni za senzorsko svojstvo trpkoće. U ovom radu proveden je razvoj i trening panela za kvantitativnu deskriptivnu analizu (QDA) intenziteta trpkoće vina numeriĉkom skalom od 0 do 7. Selekcija i trening kušaĉa provedeni su primjenom triangl, ranking testova i testova QDA, a kao referen...

  16. Ispitivanje pogodnosti za održavanje elektronskih uređaja / Demonstration and verification of the maintainability of electronic devices

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    Dragan Ćosović


    Full Text Available Ispitivanje pogodnosti za održavanje, u toku razvoja uređaja, sastavni je deo Programa i plana pogodnosti za održavanje. U toku ispitivanja proveravaju se kvantitativni i kvalitativni parametri pogodnosti za održavanje. Ispitivanje kvantitativnih parametara vrši se primenom određenih statističkih metoda. U radu je dat primer primene statističkih metoda za ispitivanje pogodnosti za korektivno održavanje jednog elektronskog uređaja i analizirani su rezultati ispitivanja. / The demonstration and verification of maintainability during the development of a device is an integral part of the Maintainability Plan and Programme. During the demonstration and verification, the quantitative and qualitative parameters of maintainability are checked. The demonstration and verification of the maintainability parameters are done by applying certain statistical methods. An example of applying a statistical methods for testing the maintainability of corrective maintenance of radio is given in the work and the results of the demonstration and verification are analyzed.

  17. Purification of cooling water for nuclear reactors using ion exchangers; Preciscavanje vode za hladjenje nuklearnih reaktora pomocu neorganskih jonoizmenjivaca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruvarac, A [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Zirconiumphosphate, zirconiumoxide and natural magnetite as inorganic substances with favourable adsorption properties were the subject of investigations dealing with problems of water purification for nuclear rector cooling. Study on adsorption of impurities form reactor water to 300 deg C and 100 Atm was done by specially constructed autoclaves. On the other hand, a pre-project covering a laboratory plant for investigation of inorganic ion exchangers under real dynamic conditions is given. In order to obtain necessary data on the basis of which techno-economical analyses regarding utilization of zirconiumphosphate, zirconiumoxide and magnetite for water purification is cooling the reactors types BWR and PWR, could be performed, systematic investigations of physical and chemical properties of these substances were commenced. Equilibrium constants have been determined for adsorption processes at different pH values, as well as under various temperatures. Obtained equilibrium constants were used for calculation of thermodynamic quantities {delta}H, {delta}G and {delta}S (author) [Serbo-Croat] Cirkonijumfosfat, cirkonijumoksid i prirodni magnet, kao neorganski materijali sa pogodnim adsorpcionim osobinama, bili su predmet istrazivanja vezanih za probleme preciscavanja vode za hladjenje nuklearnih reaktora. Izucavanje adsorpcije necistoca iz reaktorske vode do 300 deg C i 100 Atm vrseno je pomocu specijalno konstruisanog autoklava, a za ispitivanje neorganskih jonoizmenjivaca pri realnim dinamickim uslovima dat je idejni projekt jednog laboratorijskog postrojenja. Za dobijanje potrebnih podataka, na osnovu kojih se mogu napraviti tehno-ekonomske analize o koriscenju cirkonijumfosfata, cirkoijumoksida i magnetita za preciscavanje vode za hladjenje reaktora tipa BWR i PWR, zapoceto je sa sistematskim proucavanjima fizickih i hemijskih osobina pomenutih materijala, odredjivane su konstante ravnoteze za procese adsorpcije pri razlicitim pH vrednostima, kao i na razlicitim

  18. Annual report of the maintenance division for 1965; Godisnji izvestaj Odelenja odrzavanja za 1965. g

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nikolic, M [Reaktor RA, Odelenje odrzavanja, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    The personnel of the Division is organized in groups, each responsible for a number of tasks related to maintenance of reactor mechanical structures, electric equipment, electronic equipment. According to the action plan for 1965 the division for RA reactor maintenance the main activities were: planned maintenance of the reactor components, planned repair of the main components, indispensable repairs during reactor operation, repair during planned shutdown periods and tasks related to improvement of operation components and systems. Quite a significant number of failures was related to electronic equipment resulting from failures of thermometers in the heavy water system due to vibrations of the pumps. A number of spare parts and tools were produced needed for maintenance of reactor components, as well as instruments for control and calibration of reactor measuring devices. [Serbo-Croat] Odelenje odrzavanja reaktora RA organizovano je po grupama, od kojih je svaka odgovorna za odrzavanje pojedinih delova sistema: masinske opreme, elektricne opreme, elektronskih uredjaja. Prema planu rada za 1965. godinu Odelenja za odrzavanje reaktora RA osnovne aktivnosti bile su: planirano odrzavanje komponenti reaktora, planirane popravke osnovnih komponenti, neodlozne popravke tokom eksploatacije i u toku planiranih zaustavljanja kao i usavrsavanje opreme i sistema. Znatan broj kvarova pojavio se na elektronskoj opremi usled kvarova termometara u sistemu teske vode usled vibracija koje izazivaju pumpe. Odredjeni broj delova izradjen je za potrebe odrzavanja komponenti reaktora, kao i instrumenata za kontrolu i kalibraciju mernih uredjaja.

  19. RA Research nuclear reactor - Annual report 1987; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj o radu za 1987. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1987, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1987. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3509/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjjring RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.



    Štagar, Darja


    V diplomskem delu smo predstavili področja upravljanja informatike, ki jih je za uspešno poslovanje potrebno upravljati organizirano. Priporočljiva je uporaba različnih standardov in priporočil, zato smo v delu predstavili nekatere standarde in priporočila, ki to omogočajo. Glavna tema te naloge so priporočila za vodenje informatike CobIT, ki smo jih tudi podrobneje predstavili. Obravnavali smo zadnji dve različici, CobIT 4.1 in CobIT 5. Ker sta si med seboj bistveno različni, smo ju primerja...

  1. Arhitektonsko vrednovanje višestambenih zgrada i stanova za zbrinjavanje stradalnika Domovinskog rata


    Homadovski, Aleksandar; Rogić, Ivan


    Arhitektonskim vrednovanjem stanova, zgrada i okoliša obuhvaćene su ove sastavnice programa za stambeno zbrinjavanje stradalnika Domovinskog rata: organizacija stana s rasporedom prostorija, kakvoćom izrade i položajem stana u zgradi, ekonomska vrijednost stana te teže prihvatljiva rješenja za korisnike koja se odnose na sadržaj, kakvoću i okolinu stana. Zaključuje se kako su u provedbi modeli stambenog zbrinjavanja različitih nositelja izgradnje pokazali kvalitativne različitosti te uputili ...

  2. Nadležnost upravnih sudova u zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja

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    Lidija Rostaš-Beroš


    Full Text Available U radu se razmatra nadležnost upravnih sudova kroz do sada donesene zakone o zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kako su se mijenjali propisi kojima je uređivana zaštita tržišnog natjecanja, hrvatsko pravo tržišnog natjecanja sve se više usklađivalo s europskim pravom, što je bila i namjera s obzirom na pripreme, a zatim i ulazak Republike Hrvatske u članstvo Europske unije. Međutim, iz istog razloga je provedena i reorganizacija upravnog sudovanja pa su se mijenjali i upravni sudovi nadležni za ocjenjivanje zakonitosti akata donesenih u postupcima kontrole poštovanja pravila o tržišnom natjecanju.

  3. Zaštita pomorskog dobra u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Vinko Hlača


    Full Text Available Pomorsko dobro oduvijek je bio prostor koji je kao najinteresantniji dio teritorija svake države, pa i Republike Hrvatske, bio izložen najrazličitijim nasrtajima (primjerice izgradnja marina, apartmanskih naselja, nasipanja mora i sl.. Granica pomorskog dobra počela je biti jako važna onoga časa kada su se na morskoj obali masovnije počeli graditi raznorazni objekti (vikendice, luke, plaže, turistički objekti i sl.. U Republici Hrvatskoj pomorsko dobro je opće dobro na kojem vlast ima država te ona za njega brine, održava ga i odgovara za njega. Prema mnijenju autora do sada se postupak određivanja granice pomorskog dobra te njezino evidentiranje u katastar i zemljišnu knjigu ne može ocijeniti zadovoljavajućom ocjenom. Ako se ima na umu da je prostor koji danas zauzima Republika Hrvatska često kroz povijest mijenjao državnu pripadnost onda i ne čudi anarhija na pomorskom dobru koja traje do danas. Stoga, sve do danas nije (razriješen problem stečenih prava na pomorskom dobru. Autori daju prikaz stvarnih prava za koja su mnijenja da se mogu smatrati stečenim na pravno valjan način. Nadalje, prikazuje se pravorijek Trgovačkog suda u Rijeci koji je razriješio (nevlasničke odnose u luci posebne namjene – brodogradilištu kao i pravorijek Visokog trgovačkog suda Republike Hrvatske koji je razmatrao razlučna prava na narečenoj luci posebne namjene. Na kraju rada autori iznose svoj stav na razmatranoj problematici te moguća rješenja de lege ferenda.

  4. Asili na Chimbuko la Wazungumzaji wa Kimakunduchi: Hoja za ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Wakati tukiwa tunasherehekea mafanikio ya lugha ya Kiswahili katika nyanja mbalimbali, hatuna budi kujiuliza katika mijadala yetu ni kwa kiwango gani tumezishirikisha lahaja za Kiswahili katika kubaini mambo mbalimbali ikiwemo historia ya lugha hii. Tukumbuke kwamba wakati wa uteuzi wa lahaja ya Kiunguja kuwa ...

  5. Utafiti Wa Lahaja Za Kiswahili: Uzoefu Wa Uwandani | Ismail ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Katika ujumla wake, historia ya utafiti, na hasa utafiti wa uwandani, ni historia ya jitihada za binadamu katika kujishughulisha kwake ili ayaelewe masuala mengi mtambuka katika mazingira fungamanishi. Hakuna mtafiti yeyote anayeweza kudai kuwa utafiti wa mada fulani katika eneo fulani umekamilika na ...



    Harej Pulko, Katja


    S prihodom interneta, se je spremenil način povezovanja in komunikacije med ljudmi. Pred tem smo lahko s sogovornikom komunicirali le preko stacionarnega telefona, pisem ali, če smo se z osebo srečali »v živo«. Nato so postale aktualne video konference, mobilni telefoni in internet. Danes se zdi, da gre čas hitreje. A vendarle hitrost časa ostaja enaka. Le komunikacija je lahko bolj dinamična, več možnosti imamo za sodelovanje in povezovanje, tudi z ljudmi na drugi strani sveta. Za komunikaci...

  7. Metoda ispitivanja kompatibilnosti sredstava lične NHB zaštite / Method of testing compatibility of personal NBC protection devices

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    Dušan Rajić


    Full Text Available Na primeru izabranih sredstava lične NHB zaštite demonstrirana je primena metode procene kompatibilnosti, kao vrlo bitne taktičko-tehničke karakteristike za svako novouvedeno sredstvo naoružanja i vojne opreme (NVO u Vojsci Srbije. Utvrđeno je da zaštitno filtrirajuće odelo, zaštitni laki ogrtač i zaštitne rukavice ispunjavaju postavljene kriterijume kompatibilnosti. Opisana metoda provere kompatibilnosti može da se primenjuje i na druga sredstva NVO u fazama razvoja, proizvodnje i eksploatacije. / The selected personal NBC protection devices have served as an example for demonstrating the application of the compatibility evaluation method as a very important tactical-technical characteristic of each newly introduced item of weapon and military equipment in the Serbian army. It has been determined that a filtering protective suit, a light protective coat and protective gloves meet the required criteria of compatibility. The described method of testing compatibility can be also applied to other weapons and military equipment in stages of development, production and exploitation.

  8. Uelekeo wa Maana za Kipolisemia katika Msamiati wa Kiswahili ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Data iliyotumika ni kutoka Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu (TUKI, 2013). Ili kukidhi malengo hayo tumetumia Nadharia ya Maana kama Dhana, ambapo tunahusisha maana (dhana) mpya za kipolisemia na maana ya msingi ya neno hilo. Matokeo ya utafiti huu yamebaini kuwa polisemia huwa na maana zaidi ya moja ...



    Piškur, Luka


    Hiter življenjski tempo sodobne družbe nas je v zadnjih letih privedel do tega, da ne najdemo kvalitetnega časa sami zase. Poslužujemo se nekvalitetne prehrane, ne najdemo časa za počitek, preplavljajo nas negativne misli in čustva. Tako doma kot na delovnem mestu se soočamo s frustracijami, roki in zahtevami, za katere se večina od nas sploh ne zaveda, kako stresni so. S prepoznavanjem simptomov stresa lahko naredimo prvi korak k temu, da izboljšamo kvaliteto našega življenja. Cilj diplo...



    Velcer, Maja


    Podjetništvo že od nekdaj velja za specifični način kariernega udejstvovanja, katerega se lotijo tisti posamezniki, ki še posebej cenijo neodvisnost in svobodo pri življenjskih odločitvah. V tem smislu podjetništvo ni zgolj način kariernega delovanja, pač pa gre za način življenja, ki podjetniku omogoča izpolnjevanje lastnega potenciala na najvišjem nivoju. Če je torej podjetništvo način življenja, potem nas zanima ali je lahko tudi pomemben dejavnik pri doseganju življenjskega zadovo...

  11. ulinganishi wa muundo wa vitomeo katika kamusi mbili za kiswahili

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ULINGANISHI WA MUUNDO WA VITOMEO KATIKA KAMUSI MBILI ZA KISWAHILI - KIINGEREZA. E.K.F Chiduo. Abstract. Ulinganishi wa Kamusi Sanifu ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza (KSKK, 1993) na Kamusi ya Kiswahili- Kiingereza (KKK, TUKI 2001) unazingatia mtazamo wa Nkweti-Azel. Mtizamo huu unazingatia vipengelele ...

  12. Activity of the Service for maintenance of mechanical structures of the RA reactor - Report for 1980, Annex II; Prilog II - Rad sluzbe za odrzavanje masinske opreme reaktora RA - Izvestaj za 1980. god

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radivojevic, J [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Service for mechanical components at the RA reactor includes: control and maintenance of utility components, mechanical workshop, hot cells and storage. Control and maintenance of main components covers: reactor core, heavy water system, technical water system, gas system. This service is responsible for the following auxiliary systems: transportation units; spent fuel storage pool; special ventilation system; personal protection appliances; hot cells. Maintenance of the reactor building, ventilation, heating, water supply, sewage, fire protection devices, gas and compressed air systems are included. [Serbo-Croat] Sluzba za masinsku opremu nuklearnog reaktora RA obuhvata: kontrolu i odrzavanje masinske opreme postrojenja, masinsku radionicu, vruce komore i prirucni magacin. Kontrola i odrzavanje osnovnih sistema obuhvata centralno telo reaktora, sistem teske vode, sistem tehnicke vode, gasni sistem. Pomocni sistemi koji spadaju u delatnost ove sluzbe su: transportna oprema, bazen za odlezavanje ozracenog goriva, sistem specijalne ventilacije, licna zastitna sredstva, vruce komore. Odrzavanje zgrade reaktora, ventilacije i grejanja, vodovoda i kanalizacije, opreme za protivpozarnu zastitu, instalacije gasa i komprimovanog vazduha su takode zadatak ove Sluzbe.

  13. Uporaba JavaEE mikrostoritev pri razvoju celovite rešitve za upravljanje s spletnimi oglasi




    Diplomska naloga govori o procesu razvijanja celovite rešitve za sledenje in upravljanje s spletnimi oglasi, kot pomoč uporabniku pri nakupu želenega izdelka. Končni izdelek diplomske naloge je rešitev, ki je sestavljena iz spletne aplikacije, mobilne aplikacije, razširitve v spletnem brskalniku ter zalednega sistema. Diploma poleg idejne zasnove predstavlja tudi uporabo JavaEE mikrostoritev in ostalih tehnologij ter argumentira, zakaj so izbrani okvirji najprimernejši za takšno rešitev. Cilj...

  14. Poenostavljen sistem za samodejno bočno parkiranje




    Diplomsko delo prikazuje poenostavljen sistem bočnega parkiranja na modelu vozila. Sistemi za bočno parkiranje se že pojavljajo v avtomobilski industriji in so zmožni detekcije praznega parkirnega mesta ter vožnje v parkirni prostor. Prednost takega sistema, vgrajenega v vozilo, je v tem, da lajša bočno parkiranje, ki ga mnogi neizkušeni vozniki ne obvladajo.

  15. Česká literatura a kultura za protektorátu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Piorecký, Karel


    Roč. 65, č. 3 (2017), s. 482-485 ISSN 0009-0468. [Česká literatura a kultura za protektorátu. Ostrava, 24.11.2016-25.11.2016] Institutional support: RVO:68378068 Keywords : Czech literature * 1938-1945 Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision

  16. Študija uporabnosti računalniških simulacij in animacija oblačil za potrebe manjših podjetij


    Slakonja, Andreja


    Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti uporabnost računalniške simulacije in animacije oblačila za potrebe manjšega podjetja, izdelati kroj, simulacijo in animacijo oblačila na virtualnem parametričnem modelu v programu Marvelous Designer 3 ter zašiti realni model oblačila in ju primerjati. Nadalje je bil namen izdelati spletno stran za modno oblikovalko Barbaro F. V uvodnem delu je opisano modno oblikovanje in konstrukcija oblačil ter predstavitev oblikovalke Barbare F. V nadaljevanju so opi...

  17. Zaštićena komunikacija putem infrastrukture sa javnim ključevima / Secure communication via public key infrastructure

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    Đuro Alfirević


    Full Text Available Jedan tok informacija u okviru računarskih sistema ostvaruje se slanjem elektronske pošte. Međutim, da bi se ispunili zahtevi za kvalitativnost informacije koju ta pošta prenosi, neophodno je da računarska mreža ispunjava osnovna četiri bezbednosna servisa: zaštitu tajnosti, integritet podataka autentikaciju i neporecivost. Ovaj rad predstavlja jedno od mogućih rešenja zaštićene komunikacije, primenom zaštićenog e-mail klijenta, sa prednostima koje donosi PKCS standard. / One of the information flows in a computer communication domain is accomplished by sending an e-mail, but in order to accomplish demands for information qualitativity that the e-mail contains, it's necessary for a computer network to provide the major four security services confidentiality, data integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. This work represents one of the possible solutions of secured communication applying a secured e-mail client with advantages that PKCS standard brings.

  18. Majukumu ya Wahusika Wanawake katika Tendi teule za Kiswahili ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Utendi ni mojawapo ya tanzu za fasihi ya Kiswahili ulio na historia ndefu. Miongoni mwa tendi hizi ni Utendi wa Mwanakupona, Utendi wa Fumo Liyongo, Utendi wa Swifa ya Nguvumali, Utendi wa Ngamia na Paa, na Utendi wa Mikidadi na Mayasa au Utendi wa Qiyama. Tendi hizi huwa na sifa zinazolandana upande wa ...

  19. Funzioni lessicali e aspettuali del preverbo za- nella Povest’ vremennych let

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luisa Ruvoletto


    Full Text Available This paper examines the forms of the za- prefixed verbs in the Old Russian text Povest’ vremennych let (11th-12th centuries. The study shows how this prefix, like other prefixes in Old Russian, has both lexical and aspectual functions, and that there is considerable interaction between the semantics of the prefix and the meaning of the unprefixed verb. Some groups of verbal forms can be found in which the prefix fulfils specific meanings. This analysis allows the detection of some “embryonic” forms of the lexical meanings and aspectual functions expressed in the modern Russian by the za- prefixed verbs in one of the oldest East Slavic texts. This is clearly of interest when delineating the semantic evolution of this prefix and its aspectual function in a diachronic perspective.

  20. Vizit gotovnosti k sotrudnitshestvu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eestis viibis ametlikul külaskäigul Afganistani kaitseminister Abdul Rahim Wardak, kes kohtus president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesega ja kaitseminister Jaak Aaviksooga ning välisminister Urmas Paetiga. Vt. samas: Abdul Rakim Wardak

  1. Frenulektomije - kada i zašto?


    Kopić, Vlatko; Perić, Berislav; Macan, Darko


    Podatci iz literature često su dijametralno suprotni što se tiče potrebe da se izvede kirurški zahvat kod perzistentnoga frenuluma, bilo da se radilo o njegovoj izravnoj povezanosti s dijastemom medijanom ili ne. Različita su mišljenja o najpovoljnijem vremenu za zahvat ili na redoslijed intervencije kirurga, odnosno ortodonta. Većina se autora slaže u tome da je zahvat potreban, ali i da se s njim ne treba žuriti. Pojedini autori smatraju kako treba pričekati da iznikne trajni očnjak, a d...

  2. Uslovi korišćenja plovnih dizalica za dizanje potonulih objekata na unutrašnjim plovnim putevima


    Radojević M. Slobodan


    U radu se prikazuju uslovi korišćenja plovnih dizalica za dizanje potonulih plovnih i drugih objekata na unutrašnjim plovnim putevima. Prikazani su osnovni načini podizanja plovnim dizalicama i osnovni tehnički podaci sa proračunskim pojedinostima za predložen postupak dizanja. Ukazano je na značaj dizanja potonulih objekata i njihovog uklanjanja iz unutrašnjih plovnih puteva u Republici Srbiji.

  3. Zaustavljanje broda koji nije u vlasništvu osobe odgovorne za pomorsku tražbinu : [prikaz presude

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    Jasenko Marin


    Full Text Available Načelno, privremeno zaustavljen može biti samo brod čiji je vlasnik protivnik osiguranja, odnosno osoba odgovorna za pomorsku tražbinu čije se osiguranje traži. U skladu s tim nije dopušteno zaustavljanje broda u vlasništvu trgovačkog društva čiji je jedini član osoba odgovorna za pomorsku tražbinu.

  4. „Ritualno” i „struktuirano” odbacivanje u arheološkim interpretacijama: primer sistema za vodosnabdevanje na lokalitetu „Kale” u Krševici

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    Ivan Vranić


    Full Text Available Pitanja vezana za rituale, kultove, religiju ili magiju predstavljaju važne ali u značajnoj meri zanemarene i teorijski nedovoljno precizno utemeljene teme u savremenim arheološkim interpretacijama. Cilj rada jeste da na konkretnim primerima potencijalno ritualnih aktivnosti vezanih za izgradnju i moguće „ritualno ubijanje” sistema za vodosnabdevanje na lokalitetu „Kale” u Krševici pokaže kako ovo zanemarivanje nije samo posledica aktuelnosti i trendova o odabiru istraživačkih tema, već se radi o ozbiljnijem problemu koji pokazuje određene nedostatke savremenih pristupa vezanih za arheologiju identiteta i koncepte struktuiranog ili simboličkog odbacivanja.

  5. Loodusfotograaf Sven Začek saab lindudega sõbraks / interv. Kristjan Roos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Začek, Sven, 1980-


    Tartu lähedal Kõrvekülas elavast 31-aastasest loodusfotograafist Sven Začekist sai Remo Savisaare ja Priit Vesilinnu kõrval kolmas eestlane, kelle fotosid on avaldanud mainekas loodusajakiri National Geographic

  6. Standardi za upravljanje sigurnošću podataka / Standards for management data security

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dejan Vuletić


    Full Text Available U radu su analizirani osnovni pojmovi vezani za upravljanje sigurnošću podataka. Ukazano je na potrebu i značaj standardizacije u oblasti informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, naročito prema standardima Međunarodne organizacije za standardizaciju (International Standardization Organization - ISO. U završnom delu rada prikazane su proaktivne i reaktivne aktivnosti u upravljanju sigurnošću podataka. / In this article basic notions of management data security are analyzed. We indicated demand and importance of standardization in information-communication technology domain, especially according to International Standardization Organization. In the final part of the article we illustrated both proactive and reactive activities in management data security.

  7. Microstructure, thermal behavior and mechanical properties of squeeze cast SiC, ZrO2 or C reinforced ZA27 composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-khair, M.T. Abou; Lotfy, A.; Daoud, A.; El-Sheikh, A.M.


    Research highlights: → ZA27 with 5% SiC, ZrO2 or C particles are synthesized by stirring then squeezed. → Particles refine the structure. 50 MPa decreases porosity% and increases density. → α and β nucleation temperatures of the composites are lower than those of the matrix. → Particles accelerate age hardening and increase peak hardness of the composites → Particles reduce the CTEs of composites compared to those of the matrix. - Abstract: ZA27 alloy based composites were synthesized by stirring method, followed by squeeze casting. Stir casting was employed successfully to incorporate 5 vol.% of various reinforcement particulates, namely, SiC, ZrO 2 or C. The porosity in the composites was decreased by squeeze pressure. The presence of particles and/or application of squeeze pressure during solidification resulted in considerable refinement in the structure of the composites. The microstructures, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) results indicated that no significant reactions occurred at the interface between the SiC or C particles and ZA27 alloy. However, in case of ZrO 2 reinforced ZA27, the ZrO 2 reacted with Cu present in the molten ZA27 alloy, forming Cu 5 Zr. Thermal analysis showed that both α and β nucleation and growth temperatures of the composites were lower than those of the ZA27 alloy. The presence of particles in the as-cast or squeezed composites led to not only an accelerated age hardening response, but also an increase in the peak hardness of the composites. The values of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the composites were drastically lower as compared to those of the ZA27 alloy. The tensile properties of the composites decreased as a result of the addition of the particles. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures of the composites indicated that cracks mainly initiated at particle-matrix interface, propagated through the matrix and linked up with other cracks leading to failure of the



    Vrečar, Maja


    Podjetje PAR, Maja Vrečar, s. p., izdeluje unikaten nakit iz polimerne gline in drugih materialov ter drobne uporabne predmete, kot so knjižna kazala ali obešalniki za torbice. Prodaja je do zdaj potekala prek zasebnih stikov in na sejmih. Udeležba na sejmih je majhna, prodaja pa je odvisna od številnih zunanjih dejavnikov. Dodatne zaplete povzroča tudi spremenjena davčna zakonodaja pri poslovanju z gotovino. Drugih ustreznih prodajnih kanalov podjetje nima, zato je prodaja slaba. Dobra alter...



    Kastrevec, Marjana


    Komuniciranje sodi med najbolj običajne in vsakodnevne aktivnosti v našem ţivljenju. Za nas je komuniciranje pogosto samoumevno, če pa ga ţelimo bolje proučiti kaj hitro postane kompleksno in zahtevno. Vse naše delovanje je pod vplivom komuniciranja bodisi z drugimi, bodisi z nami samimi. Pravzaprav komuniciramo ves čas. Komuniciranje predstavlja neke vrste orodje, s pomočjo katerega ustvarjamo in negujemo odnose z drugimi. Ţivimo v času gospodarskih, druţbenih in okoljskih ...

  10. Safety analysis for testing operation of the RA reactor in the Boris Kidric Institute, Vinca; Analiza sigurnosti rada reaktora 'RA' za probni rad u Institutu za nuklearne nauke 'Boris Kidric' - Vinca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, M et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    This safety report covers detailed description of the RA reactor core, reactor components, coolant system, control system, safety system, reactor building including site characteristics. A separate chapter is devoted to radiation protection and radioactive waste management. Organizational structure od the reactor staff as well as training program are included. The last chapter includes detailed emergency plans for three accidents classified in three categories. [Serbo-Croat] Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljan opis reaktora RA, sistema za hladjenje, kontolno-sigurnosnog sistema, elektricnog sistema, zgrade sa instalacijama, ukljucujuci karakteristike lokacije. Posebno poglavlje opisuje sistem zastite od zracenja i rukovanje radioaktivnim otpadom. Opisana je organizacija rada i program obuke osoblja. Poslednje poglavlje sadrzi detaljan plan mera za slucaj udesa klasifikovanih u tri kategorije.

  11. Synthesis and characterization of ZA-27 alloy matrix composites reinforced with zinc oxide nanoparticles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B.O. Fatile


    Full Text Available An investigation has been carried out on the synthesis and characterization of ZA-27 alloy composites reinforced with zinc oxide nanoparticles. This was aimed at developing high performance ZA-27 matrix nanocomposite with low density. The particle size and morphology of the zinc oxide (ZnO nanoparticles were investigated by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM and the elemental composition was obtained from Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS attached to TEM and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF. ZA-27 nanocomposite samples were developed using 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 wt% of ZnO nanoparticles by double steps stir casting technique. Mechanical properties and Microstructural examination were used to characterize the composite samples produced. The results show that hardness and ultimate tensile strength of the composite samples increased progressively with increase in weight percentage of ZnO nanoparticles. Increase in Ultimate tensile strength (UTS of 10.2%, 21.1%, 22.3%, 35.5%, 33.4% and increase in hardness value of 8.2%, 14.8%, 21.7%, 27.9%, 27.1% were observed for nanocomposites reinforced with 1 wt%, 2 wt%, 3 wt%, 4 wt%, and 5 wt% ZnO nanoparticles respectively in comparison with unreinforced alloy. It was generally observed that composite sample containing 4 wt% of reinforcement has the highest tensile strength and hardness values. However, the fracture toughness and percent elongation of the composites samples slightly decreased with increase in ZnO nanoparticles content. Results obtained from the Microstructural examination using optical microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM show that the nanoparticles were well dispersed in the ZA-27 alloy matrix.

  12. Juhudi za Vyombo vya Habari katika Kukuza na Kueneza Kiswahili ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Vyombo vya habari ni asasi muhimu sana katika kukuza na kueneza lugha yoyote ile, hasa katika enzi hii ya utandawazi. Vyombo hivyo ni kama vile idhaa za redio, televisheni na magazeti. Katika nchi ya Kenya kuna vyombo vya habari vinavyotoa huduma anuwai kwa ajili ya kutosheleza mahitaji ya wateja wao. Katika ...

  13. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1A0ZA-2ZLWD [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  14. Vseživljenjsko učenje, pogoj za preživetje in kakovost

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    Vida A. Mohorčič-Špolar


    Full Text Available Posvet s tem naslovom je (v organizaciji Andragoškega društva Slovenije potekal od 30. maja do l. junija 1996. Sodelovalo je več kot 100 udeležencev iz različnih dejavnosti, ki se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem odraslih. Posvet je bil po eni strani odgovor Andragoškega društva Slovenije na izzive, ki jih izobraževalcem odraslih narekuje čas, v katerem živimo, po drugi strani pa priprava na posvet, ki ga bo v Hamburgu, julija 1997, organiziral Unesco, z geslom: Učenje odraslih, ključ za 21. stoletje. Hkrati pa je tudi čas za premislek o nadaljnjem delu društva.

  15. Šola kot "pripravljalnica" za nadaljnje učenje. Odnos šole do vseživljenjskega učenja

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    Maša Mlinarič


    Full Text Available V informacijski druzbi ucenje in izobrazevanje skozi vse zivljenje ni 'modna zapoved' izobrazevalnih teoretikov ali celo politikov, marvec prezivetvena pot reba. V evropskem prostoru, kjer tekmovalnost pogojuje uspeh vse druzbe, sta ucenje in izobrazevanje skozi vse zivljenje steber gospodarskega, druzbenega pa tudi politicnega razvoja. Tako naj bi vsakdo imel dostop do ustreznega in kakovostnega solskega izobrazevanja in izobrazevanja odraslih. Dostopnost solskega izobrazevanja in njegova kakovost pasta ob vplivu druzine temeljni pogo} za to, da se Clovek sploh ze li izobraze vati vse zivljenje. v ta namen potrebujemo kurikulume, ki bodo zmogli zagotoviti najpomembnejsa znanja in spretnosti za delo in seveda zivljenje. Potrebujemo pa tudi usposobljene ucitelje, da bodo motivirali otroke in mlade za ucenje skozi vse zivljenje.

  16. Kolegialni coaching: priročnik za strokovni in osebni razvoj (ocena knjige

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    Karin Elena Sánchez


    Full Text Available Kolegialni coaching avtoric Zore Rutar Ilc, Blanke Tacer in Brigite Žarkovič Adlešič je prvi priročnik za to področje, ki je plod slovenskega znanja. Na eni strani je sistematičen, metodičen, do bralca prijazno zasnovan, didaktično bogat in strokoven vodnik po osnovah coachinga; na drugi strani temelji na praktičnih primerih, v katerih skozi refleksijo uporabnikov in preizkuševalcev coachinga bralcu omogoča neposreden vpogled v njihovo učenje, napredek in razvoj. Pri tem ponuja nekatere preproste tehnike, orodja in modele ter bralcu na slikovit način pokaže, kako jih uporabiti v praksi. Primere uporabe začini še z izkušnjami in refleksijo tistih, ki so to že storili.

  17. Izobraževanje starejših odraslih in pomen njihovega izobraževanja za njih same ter družbo

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    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Avtorica predstavi pomen izobraževanja starejših odraslih za dejavno staranje v dolgem prehodnem obdobju, imenovanem »čas med delom, upokojitvijo in starostjo«. Ta koncept prehodnega obdobja, prehoda v starost, namreč danes nadomešča starejši koncept pokoja. V tem času ljudje v poznejših letih življenja opravljajo plačano delo, se izobražujejo, se (občasno vračajo na trg dela, delajo prostovoljno. Avtorica piše o prebivalstvenih spremembah in o pomenu izobraženosti vseh in vseh skupin starejših odraslih za soočanje s staranjem družbe. Dušana Findeisen zastane pri vprašanju značilnosti izobraževalnih programov za starejše odrasle, obravnava vrednote, nosilce in oblike izobraževanja starejših. Nazadnje opiše slovensko univerzo za tretje življenjsko obdobje kot konceptualno eno najbolj celostno domišljenih oblik in modelov izobraževanja ljudi v poznejših letih življenja.



    Rajh, Eva


    Pripravki, ki vsebujejo ekstrakt ali učinkovino vednozelenega gornika, se zaradi vsebnosti arbutina, ki ima antiseptično delovanje, pogosto uporabljajo kot uroantiseptiki za samozdravljenje. Za namene zagotavljanja ustrezne kakovosti in pravilnega odmerjanja galenskega izdelka, ki so ga razvili v Javnem zdravstvenem zavodu Mariborskih lekarn Maribor, smo optimirali in validirali HPLC metodo, ki omogoča ugotavljanje vsebnosti arbutina v pripravkih, ki vsebujejo ekstrakt vednozelenega gorni...

  19. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1972; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1972. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1972, the total production was 31151 MWh which is 3.8% higher than planned. The reactor was used for irradiation and experiments according to the demand of 381 users, of which 340 from the Institute and 41 external users. This report contains detailed data about reactor power and experiments performed in 1972. Discrepancies from the action plan, meaning higher production was achieved due to special demands of the users. Total number of interruptions was lower than during all the previous years, and were caused mainly due to announced power cuts. There was only on scram shutdown during this year caused by a false signal of the reactor control instrumentation. There were no longer interruptions. One shorter interruption (shorter than 24 hours) caused by removal of a UO{sub 2} capsule from the core, placed there for measuring heat transfer. Total personnel exposure dose was lower than during previous years. One accident caused contamination with gases and aerosols containing mainly shot-living isotopes. Decontamination od surfaces was less than during previous years. Practically there was no surface contamination that would demand action of the decontamination team, except for the regular decontamination after refueling. It was concluded that the successful operation in 1972 has a special significance having taking in account the financial crisis caused by the unresolved status of the reactor. It is emphasised, in the plan for the next year that there is an urgent need of making a long-term plan of rector application. It is indispensable to finish preparatory tasks for replacing the fuel with the highly enriched fuel elements by 1974, and building the core emergency cooling system. [Serbo-Croat] Ukupni rad Reaktora RA je u 1972. godini iznosio je 31151 MWh odnosno 3,8% vise od planiranog. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 381 korisnika od cega 340 iz Instituta i 41 za korisnike izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i

  20. Utjecaj guma za žvakanje u prevenciji karijesa


    Janković, Bernard; Ciglar, Ivana; Knežević, Alena; Miletić, Ivana; Bračić, H.


    Zubni karijes je zbog svoje rasprostranjenosti u svijetu velik javnozdravstveni problem. Zbog toga ne iznenađuje činjenica da postoji velik broj materijala i postupaka kojima je svrha prevencija nastanka zubnoga karijesa. Jedan je od tih postupaka uporaba guma za žvakanje koje simuliranjem lučenja sline sprječavaju stvaranje dentobakterijskoga plaka na površinu zuba i uklanjaju već akumulirani plak. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 16 studenata (12 studentice i 4 studenta) 3., 4. i 5. godine Stomato...

  1. Additional instructions related to VISA-2 experiment for instrumentation personnel on duty; Dodatak instrukcijama za dezurne instrumentatore u vezi eksperimenta VISA-2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavicevic, M; Nikolic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    For measuring the temperature gradients between the inlet and outlet water in the reactor channels with VISA-2 irradiation capsules, the previously used platinum resistance thermometers are replaced by thermocouples. This document includes detailed instructions for using these new instruments for measuring the temperature gradients in each reactor channel during experiments. [Serbo-Croat] Za merenje razlike temperature ulazne i izlazne vode u tehnoloskim kanalima sa kapsulama VISA-2, nalaze se umesto dosadasnjih platinskim otpornih termometara, termoparovi koji mere razliku temperature po svakom kanalu. Ovaj dokument sadrzi detaljna uputstva za koriscenje novih instrumenata za merenje razlike temperature tokom eksperimenta.



    Jenko, Bojan


    Vsakodnevno se srečujemo z opravljanjem storitev na bančnih avtomatih, od dviga gotovine do nakupa mobi kartice. Če storitve opravljamo na vedno istem bančnem avtomatu, nam to postane rutina in se ne obremenjujemo z ostalimi težavami, ki lahko nastanejo, kot sta odpoved bančnega avtomata, ki ga po navadi uporabljamo, menjava okolja ipd. Začne se iskanje najbližjega bančnega avtomata, ki ustreza našim potrebam. Najbližji bančni avtomat pa ni nujno najboljša izbira, saj mogoče ne podpira želeni...

  3. Snovanje in konstruiranje nadstreška za lahka gospodarska vozila


    Čirić, Sebastijan


    Diplomska naloga opisuje primer snovanja in konstruiranja nadstreška za lahka gospodarska vozila. Naloga vsebuje statični preračun nadstreška sprogramom Scia Engineer 2011.1 in izdelavo modela nadstreška ter tehnično dokumentacijo v programu Pro Engineer 5.0. Rezultati statičnega preračuna so analizirane vrednosti povesa in napetosti.

  4. Twenty years of chemistry associated with the needs and utilization of nuclear reactors at the 'Boris Kidric' Institute of nuclear sciences, Vinca, Yugoslavia; Dvadeset godina hemije vezane za potrebe i koriscenje nuklearnih reaktora u Institutu za nuklearne nauke 'Boris kidric' i Vinci

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This publication covers nine review papers on the following topics related to the needs and utilization of nuclear reactors in the Boris Kidric Institute of nuclear sciences during previous twenty years: radiochemistry, hot atom chemistry, isotope production, spent nuclear fuel reprocessing, chemistry of transuranium elements; liquid radioactive waste processing, purification of reactor coolant water by inorganic ion exchangers, research related to deuterium concentration processes, and chemical dosimetry at the RA reactor. [Serbo-Croat] Ova publikacija obuhvata devet radova, po sledecim naslovima, a odnose se na potrebe i uslove nuklearnih reaktora u Institutu za nuklearne nauke 'Boris Kidric' tokom prethodnih dvadeset godina: radiohemija, hemija vruceg atoma, proizvodnja radioaktivnih izotopa, prerada isluzenog nuklearnog goriva, hemija transuranskih elemenata, obrada radioaktivnih otpadnih voda, preciscavanje vode za hladjenje nuklearnih reaktora pomocu neorganskih jonoizmenjivaca, istrazivanje procesa za koncentrovanje deuterijuma i hemijska dozimetrija reaktora RA.

  5. Effects of minor scandium on as-cast microstructure, mechanical properties and casting fluidity of ZA84 magnesium alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Fusheng; Yang Mingbo; Cheng Liang


    The effects of minor Sc on the as-cast microstructure, mechanical properties and casting fluidity of the ZA84 magnesium alloy were investigated. The results indicate that the Mg 32 (Al,Zn) 49 phase in the ZA84 alloy is refined with the addition of 0.12-0.35 wt.% Sc, and the formation of the Mg 32 (Al,Zn) 49 phase is suppressed. An increase in Sc amount from 0.12 wt.% to 0.35 wt.% causes the morphology of the Mg 32 (Al,Zn) 49 phase to gradually change from coarse continuous and/or quasi-continuous net to relatively fine quasi-continuous and/or disconnected shapes. In addition, it is shown that the tensile and creep properties of the ZA84 alloy are improved, but the casting fluidity of the alloy is decreased with the addition of 0.12-0.35 wt.% Sc.

  6. Prilog optimalnom projektovanju aktivnog sistema za oslanjanje vozila / A contribution to optimal design of vehicle active suspension system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miroslav Demić


    Full Text Available U ovom radu prikazanje sistem za aktivno oslanjanje vozila, uz korišćenje ravanskog modela vozila, bez filtera u povratnim spregama sistema za regulaciju. Za optimizaciju parametara PI kontrolera korišćena je metoda stohastičke parametarske optimizacije. Cilj optimizacije bio je istovremeno minimiziranje vibracijskih ubrzanja oslonjene mase i standardnog odstupanja sila u kontaktima točkova i tla, što poboljšava udobnost i ponašanje vozila na putu. / In this paper, an active suspension system is developed by use of a vehicle plane model without feedback filters in control system. A method of stochastic parameters optimization has been utilized in order to optimize PI controller parameters. The basic optimization goal was a simultaneous minimization of sprung mass acceleration and standard deviation of forces in tire-to-ground contact area, so as to improve vehicle comfort and handling performances.



    Žolek, Matija


    Diplomsko delo obravnava problem zasebnosti na spletnem družbenem omrežju Facebook. Pravice do zasebnosti so vse bolj izpostavljene okolju, v katerem se nahajamo. Prav zaradi spletnih družbenih omrežij, kot je npr. Facebook, postaja vprašanje nadzora nad našo zasebnostjo in uporabo naših zasebnih podatkov tako zelo aktualna tematika. Facebook, kot vodilni med spletnimi družbenimi omrežji (Mba, 2013), vzbuja veliko vprašanj glede varnosti osebnih podatkov uporabnika. Naredili smo aplikacijo za...

  8. Simulacioni model višelamelastih frikcionih sklopova / Simulation model of multiple plate friction clutches and brakes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandar Grkić


    Full Text Available Višelamelasti frikcioni sklopovi koriste se za promenu stepena prenosa u planetarnim menjačkim prenosnicima motornih vozila. Razvijeni simulacioni model frikcione spojnice i kočnice omogućava simulaciju rada menjačkog prenosnika pri promeni stepena prenosa. Primenom razvijenog modela moguće je na bazi simulacije analizirati prelazni proces pri promeni stepena prenosa i obezbediti identifikaciju relevantnih parametara bez izrade većeg broja fizičkih prototipova. Na taj način obezbeđuje se smanjenje troškova i skraćenje procesa razvoja novih prenosnika snage, uz poboljšanje upotrebnog kvaliteta. Simulacioni model može da se koristi i pri razvoju upravljačkog sistema menjačkog prenosnika za definisanje potrebnih karakteristika njegovih komponenata. / Multiple plate friction clutches and brakes are used for gear shifting within planetary gear trains of motor vehicles. The developed simulation model of the friction clutch and brake enables the simulation and the analysis of the planetary gear train transitional processes during gear shifting and provides identification of relevant parameters without making numerous physical prototypes. Costs are thus reduced and time for developing new gear trains shortened, while the product quality is increased. The simulation model can be use additionally in developing steering systems of planetary gear trains for defining characteristics of their components.

  9. Vrednotenje rešitve za prostoročno uporabo računalnika na osnovi naprave Emotiv EPOC++


    Špindler, Matic


    Naprave in načini njihove uporabe za upravljanje računalnika se ne spreminjajo zelo pogosto. Z napredkom tehnologije se pojavljajo nove rešitve, ki so sedaj bolj dostopne in ponujajo nove načine interakcije z računalnikom. V tej magistrski nalogi bomo ovrednotili rešitev za prostoročno uporabo računalnika na osnovi možganskega komunikacijskega vmesnika (BCI) Emotiv EPOC+, ki nam omogoča upravljanje računalnika s pomočjo obrazne mimike in misli (EEG). Z raziskavo želimo preveriti uporabnost te...

  10. Ralstonia eutropha's Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)(PHB) polymerase PhaC1 and PHB depolymerase PhaZa1 are phosphorylated in vivo. (United States)

    Jüngert, Janina R; Patterson, Cameron; Jendrossek, Dieter


    In this study, we screened PHB synthase PhaC1 and PHB depolymerase PhaZa1 of Ralstonia eutropha for the presence of phosphorylated residues during the PHB accumulation and PHB degradation phase. Thr373 of PHB synthase PhaC1 was phosphorylated in the stationary growth phase but was not modified in the exponential and PHB accumulation phases. Ser35 of PHB depolymerase PhaZa1 was identified in phosphorylated form both in the exponential and in the stationary growth phase. Additional phosphosites were identified for both proteins in sample-dependent forms. Site-directed mutagenesis of the codon for Thr373 and other phosphosites of PhaC1 revealed a strong negative impact on PHB synthase activity. Modification of Thr26 and Ser35 of PhaZa1 reduced the ability of R. eutropha to mobilize PHB in the stationary growth phase. Our results show that phosphorylation of PhaC1 and PhaZa1 can be important for modulation of the activities of PHB synthase and PHB depolymerase. Importance Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and related polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are important intracellular carbon and energy storage compounds in many prokaryotes. The accumulation of PHB or PHAs increases the fitness of cells during periods of starvation and other stress conditions. The simultaneous presence of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) synthase (PhaC1) and PHB depolymerase (PhaZa1) on synthesized PHB granules in Ralstonia eutropha (alternative designation Cupriavidus necator ) has been previously shown in several laboratories. These findings imply that the activities of PHB synthase and PHB depolymerase should be regulated to avoid a futile cycle of simultaneous synthesis and degradation of PHB. Here, we addressed this question by identifying phosphorylation sites on PhaC1 and PhaZa1 and by site-directed mutagenesis of identified residues. Furthermore, we conducted in vitro and in vivo analysis of PHB synthase activity and PHB contents. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

  11. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1968 - Operation and maintenance; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1968. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1968, the RA Reactor was operated at nominal power of 6.5 MW for 190 days, and during 50 days at lower power levels. Total production amounted to 31051 MWh which is 3.5% higher than planned. reactor was used for irradiation and experiments according to the demand of 600 users, of which 517 from the Institute and 83 externals users. This report contains detailed data about reactor power and experiments performed in 1968. It is concluded that the reactor operation was more successful than during previous years. There was only one longer interruption which lasted 27 hours because of the power cut on the cable for the pump station on Danube. Number of safety shutdowns were at the same level as during last year. The only significant incident in 1968 was air contamination with the radioactive argon in the reactor hall. The reactor operation was not interrupted although the hall was evacuated for two hours. The was no significant exposure of the staff. In April and September the integral dosed were higher than during other months because of the accident during refueling (mixing the slugs with irradiated and fresh fuel). There was no significant surface contamination, i.e. the decontaminated surface were negligible. Due to 'mixing' refueling scheme. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1968. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi od 6,5 MW 190 dana i 50 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 31051 MWh odnosno 3,5% vise od planiranog. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 600 korisnika od cega 517 iz Instituta i 83 za korisnika izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i eksperimentima koji su obavljani. Zakljucuje se da je reaktor radio uspesnije nego prethodnih godina. U toku 1968. godine samo je jedan duzi prekid u radu od 27 casova izazvan zbog proboja kablovske glave na odvodu za pumpnu stanicu na Dunavu. Sigurnosna zaustavljanja bila su na proslogodisnjem nivou. Jedini znacajniji incident u 1968. godini, bio je kontaminacija vazduha

  12. Safety report for the Independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in the RA reactor vertical experimental channels, Vol. VI; Album VI: Izvestaj o sigurnosti za nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u VEK reaktora RA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    First part of the safety report for the Independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in the RA reactor vertical experimental channels contains descriptions of the independent CO{sub 2} loop, system for regulation, measurement and control od the loop parameters, description of the dosimetry system, and the plan for testing the experimental device before start-up. Second part of this analysis describes the influence of of the experimental device on the reactor operation under steady state conditions as follows: influence of the head of the independent coolant loop on the reactivity of the reactor core and influence on the reactor temperature coefficient. Third part of the report includes the analysis of possible accidents during operation of the independent CO{sub 2} coolant loop in the reactor. Izvestaj o sigurnosti za nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u VEK reaktora RA sadrzi u prvom delu: opis nezavisnog kola CO{sub 2}, sistema za regulaciju, merenje i kontrolu parametara nezavisnog kola, sistema dozimetrijske kontrole i plan ispitivanja eksperimentalnih uredjaja pre pustanja u rad. Drugi deo ove analize obuhvata uticaj eksperimentalnog uredjaja na reaktor u normalnom rezimu rada i to: uticaj glave petlje nezavisnog kola CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka na reaktivnost reaktora i uticaj uredjaja na temperaturni koeficijent reaktora. Treci deo sadrzi analizu mogucih akcidenata u toku rada nezavisnog kola CO{sub 2} u reaktoru.

  13. Odpowiedzialność za szkodę spowodowaną ruchem pojazdu autonomicznego
 w systemie amerykańskiego prawa cywilnego


    Czenko, Magdalena


    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia odpowiedzialności cywilnej za ruch pojazdów autonomicznych w systemie prawnym USA. Praca rozpoczyna się od zdefiniowania pojazdu autonomicznego jako pojazdu, który dzięki technologii zdolny jest do poruszania się bez kontroli lub nadzoru człowieka. Następnie przedstawione zostają poziomy automatyzacji (od 0 do 4). W dalszej części opisane są aktualne podstawy odpowiedzialności cywilnej za ruch pojazdu mechanicznego ze strony dwóch potencjalnie od...

  14. Ra reactor operation plan for 1976 - Annex 6; Prilog 6 - Plan rada reaktora RA za 1976. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinc, R [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Contrary to previous years the RA reactor operation plan for 1976 is conditioned by more uncertainties than ever for the following reasons. It is planned for February to repair the components in order to eliminate the consequences of leaking from the vertical experimental channel VK-4 which happened in december 1975. Apart from this, measurements related to transfer of the core to highly enriched fuel under minimum power are foreseen to be performed in February. In April, it would be indispensable to locate the point of He gas leaking and its prevention. Core transfer to highly enriched fuel is planned for April for testing of the fuel elements under operating conditions and step by step increase of the power density up to the nominal power. Complete plan for core transfer would be available by the end of February 1976. It is planned to make-up for the mentioned delays from May-December 1976. [Serbo-Croat] Za razliku od prethodnih godina izrada plana rada reaktora RA za 1976. godinu vezana je za mnogo vise neizvesnosti nego ikada ranije iz sledecih razloga. U februaru se vrsi remont opreme i uklanjanja posledica procurivanja vertikalnog eksperimentalog kanala VK-4, koje se dogodilo decembra 1975. Sem toga u februaru se vrse merenja na minimalnim snagama u sklopu priprema za prelazak na novo gorivo. U aprilu ce biti neophodno lociranje mesta gde istice He gas kao i otklanjanje uzroka ovog curenja. Planirano je da se u aprilu ubaci novo gorivo u jezgro u cilju testiranja pod radnim uslovima uz postepeno povecanje snage do nominalne. Planirano je da se smanjeni obim rada usled navedenih uslova nadoknadi u potpunosti u periodu maj-decembar 1976.

  15. Presidendi peolaua katavad Roman Zaštšerinski ja Imre Kose / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 14. veebr. 2008, lk. 2. Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva presidendi vastuvõtu peakokad on restorani Ö peakokk Roman Zaštšerinski ja Imre Kose. Vt. samas: Retseptisoovitus 24. veebruariks



    Škarja, Peter


    Magistrska naloga obravnava vzpostavitev sistema za upravljanje informacijske varnosti (SUIV) v proizvodnem podjetju, pri čemer se osredotoča na 1. fazo Demingovega kroga – načrtovanje vzpostavitve SUIV. Sestavljena je iz dveh delov. V prvem delu so podane teoretične osnove s področja informacijske varnosti. Prikazana je zasnova modela načrtovanja SUIV s pomočjo smernic, ki jih podaja standard ISO/IEC 27003. V drugem, praktičnem delu je predstavljeno podjetje Vega International d.o.o. Opisano...

  17. Sustav obrazovanja kadrova za hotelijersko-turističko gospodarstvo


    Peršić, Milena


    Kadrovi su osnovni društveni i gospodarski resurs razvoja svake djelatnosti, pa tako i pojedinih segmenata u strukturi hotelijersko-turističkog gospodarstva. Iz te spoznaje proizlazi potreba ustroja takvog obrazovnog sustava koji će postojećim i potencijalnim djelatnicima pružiti odgovarajuća znanja za što kvalitetnije uključivanje u sve segmente izvođačkog, informacijskog i upravljačkog sustava hotelskog poduzeća. Neusklađenost nastavnih planova, programa i obrazovnih profila sa stvarnim zah...

  18. Internet of Things zařízení s podporou Bluetooth a COAP


    Fuchs, Ondřej


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá v dnešní době velmi zmiňovaným pojmem Internet věcí. Hlavním cílem je definovat Internet věcí, popsat jeho historii vzniku, základní charakteristiku, vývoj, problematiku zabezpečení a rizika s tím spojená, trendy a možné využití. Dále pak popsat možné technologie a protokoly pro přenos dat, skupiny výrobců zařízení a následně nastínit budoucnost Internetu věcí. Práce také zahrnuje návrh, implementaci a testování zařízení spadajícího do kategorie Internetu věcí....

  19. Program za vođenje personalne evidencije / Application program for personnel files

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miroslav Stojanović


    Full Text Available U radu je opisan Program za multikorisnički rad u mrežnom okruženju, koji je namenjen za vođenje personalne evidencije u okviru jedinice. Program je razvijen tako da u mrežnom okruženju radi sa bazom podataka, Microsoft SQL Server, a kada je mreža nefunkcionalna da radi lokalno sa MS Access, i da omogući automatsko ažuriranje podataka iz lokalne u glavnu bazu podataka. Prva verzija programa razvijena je i nalazi se u fazi probnog rada. / The paper presents an application program for personnel files of a unit. The application works in multi-user and network environment. It is developed to work with the Microsoft SQL Server database in network environment and to work with the MS Access database when network is not functional and to allow data synchronization between the local and the main database. The alpha version of the application program is finished and it is on a test drive now.

  20. Activities of the Service for maintenance of the RA reactor electronic equipment in 1979 - Report - Annex IV; Prilog IV Rad sluzbe za odrzavanje elektronske opreme reaktora RA u 1979. godini - Izvestaj -

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Within the organizational structure of the RA reactor staff, the Service for instrumentation maintenance has the following tasks: maintenance of the existing electronic equipment; participating in experiments planning and preparation of electronic equipment; purchasing new equipment, spare parts and components; construction of new equipment for internal needs; implementation of new equipment. Basic instrumentation of the reactor facility includes: control and protection system, and dosimetry system. [Serbo-Croat] U okviru organizacione seme OOUR nuklearni reaktor RA sluzba za odrzavanje instrumentacije postrojenja ima sledece zadatke: odrzavanje postojece elektronske opreme; ucesce u planiranju eksperimenata i priprema elektronske opreme; nabavka nove opreme, rezervnih delova i komponenti; rad na izradi elektronske opreme i uredjaja za sopstvene potrebe i izrada projekata u domenu reaktorske opreme i ucesce u ugradnji nove opreme. Osnovna instrumentacija postrojenja obuhvata: sistem za upravljanje i zastitu, sistem za tehnolosku kontrolu i sistem za dozimetrijsku kontrolu.



    Vrečko, Igor; Barilović, Zlatko


    Konkurentnost hrvatskog i slovenskog turizma na međunarodnom tržištu temelji se na uspješnosti izvođenja operativnih poslova, ali i na pripremi i izvođenju strateških i drugih projekata. Ti projekti od ključne su važnosti za njegov rast i razvoj, kao i poslovnih sustava koji djeluju unutar područja navedene gospodarske grane. Uspješno upravljanje projektima od ključne je važnosti za konkurentnost poslovnih sustava s područja turizma, iako se tome do sada nije pri...

  2. Nanašanje trdih zaščitnih prevlek s katodnim lokom: Cathodic arc plasma deposition of hard protective coatings:


    Panjan, Peter


    The cathodic arc evaporation process is based upon the vacuum arc, the physics of which is still under investigation. This method is using almost exclusively for the deposition of wear-resistant coatings onto cutting and forming tools. The method is fast, effective, and relatively cost efficient. This paper reviews the arc evaporation process. Naparevanje s katodnim lokom temelji na plazemskem loku, ki ga prižegmo v vakuumu. Postopek se uporablja skoraj izključno za pripravo trdih zaščitni...

  3. The ZaP Flow Z-Pinch Project - Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shumlak, Uri [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Nelson, Brian A. [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States)


    The ZaP Flow Z-Pinch Project is a project to extend the performance of the flow Z-pinch experiment at the University of Washington to investigate and isolate the relevant physics of the stabilizing effect of plasma flow. Experimental plasmas have exhibited an enhanced stability under certain operating parameters which generate a flow state (axial flows in Z-pinches and VH mode in tokamaks). Flow has also been suggested as the stabilizing mechanism in astrophysical jets.

  4. Analiza izobraževanja odraslih v Čas - Zasebni šoli za varnostno izobraževanje : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in notranje zadeve


    Zidar, Nada


    Tema diplomske naloge obsega podroben prikaz izvajanja pridobitve srednje strokovne izobrazbe V. stopnje za tehnik/tehnica varovanja. Predstavljeno je izvajanje novega programa prve generacije v Republiki Sloveniji za tehnika varovanja. Uvod v obravnavano tematiko predstavlja ustanovitev in organiziranost Čas – Zasebne šole za varnostno izobraževanje d.o.o. vse od njene ustanovitve do danes, njeno organiziranost, izobraževalni program do možne zaposlitve po končanem izobraževanju. Na šoli nud...



    Banfi, Damir


    V diplomskem delu je opisano snovanje in koncipiranje naprave za prodajo sveč s pomočjo 3D programa. Prikazan je postopek snovanja z idejnimi rešitvami glavnih problemov in koncipiranje končnih rešitev. Opisan je vrstni red sestave in obdelovalni postopki ter narejena je tudi ocena lastnih stroškov. Najprej je predstavljen problem, sledijo opisane zahteve in rešitve do kateri smo prišli. Opisani so tudi nekateri problemi in predstavljeni načini obdelave in sestave samega elementa. Sledi i...



    Marzidošek, Dean


    Marketinška strategija za spletne trgovine je precej drugačna od klasične marketinške strategije. Seveda upošteva enake zakonitosti, vendar so v večini primerov klasični oglaševalski kanali, kot so na primer televizija, radio, tisk in podobno, popolnoma odsotni. Na drugi strani jih nadomeščajo digitalni kanali v popolnosti, ki se jim je treba tudi bolj podrobno posvetiti v spletni strategiji. Prednost digitalnih kanalov je v zelo dobri in hitri merljivosti rezultatov, dostopnost takšnih oglaš...

  7. Primerjalna analiza platform za izdelavo spletnih mest google sites wix


    Orešek, Mateja


    Tema diplomskega seminarja je izdelava spletnih mest s pomočjo brezplačnih orodij. V današnjem času podjetja nujno potrebujejo spletno mesto, saj večina ljudi pridobi informacije na svetovnem spletu in za nekatera podjetja je strošek izdelave spletnega mesta prevelik, zato smo v diplomskem projektu preverjali, ali lahko izdelamo spletno mesto brez znanja programiranja in ali je spletno mesto, izdelano z brezplačnimi orodji, vseeno lahko videti profesionalno. Namen diplomskega projekta je ...



    Žižek, Tina


    POVZETEK Ko govorimo o marketinškem komuniciranju je potrebno paziti na dejstvo, da mora tisti, ki pošilja sporočilo dobro poznati okolje tistega, kateremu je sporočilo namenjeno. To pomeni, da mora upoštevati morebitne posebnosti, ki so osnova za razmišljanje o posameznih segmentih. Pri tem pa ni pomembno samo komuniciranje organizacije z okoljem ampak tudi interno komuniciranje in v njegovem okviru komuniciranje top managementa podjetja s svojimi zaposlenimi. Pravilne odločitve glede iz...





    U ovom preglednom članku opisan je patomehanizam nastanka bolnog osjeta sa posebnim osvrtom na pojavu boli kod kronične rane. Prikazane su smjernice (preporuke) za njeno liječenje. U liječenju je stavljen naglasak na farmakoterapiju (analgetici). Kao temelj racionalne primjene analgetika preporuča se »trostupanjska» ljestvica SZO-e. Istaknuta je potreba kombinacije farmakoterapije s nefarmakološkim postupcima (kirurški, fi zikalni). Posebno je istaknut pozitivni učinak VIP svjetla na ubrza...

  10. Teknologi Proses Pembuatan Molecular Sieve TiZA Untuk Pemekatan Asam Nitrat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Nurdin


    Full Text Available Molecular sieve zeolit dapat memurnikan campuran larutan yang bersifat azeotrop yang tidak bisa dilakukan menggunakan metode distilasi biasa. Namun, masih memiliki kelemahan dalam half life time molecular sieve tersebut, khususnya stabilitas bahan apabila digunakan pada larutan yang bersifat korosif seperti larutan asam atau basa. Pada penelitian ini telah  dilakukan pembuatan molecular sieve zeolit A yang dimodifikasi  dengan penambahan 10% titanium. Molecular sieve titanium - zeolit A (TiZA dibuat dengan dengan metode hidrotermal pada temperatur 110 °C dan kalsinasi pada temperatur 500 °C. Karakterisasi dilakukan antara lain menggunakan X-ray Diffraction (XRD, Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX dan karakterisasi pori dengan metode physisorption menggunakan nitrogen pada temperatur 44 K. Molecular sieve TiZA yang dihasilkan stabil terhadap temperatur tinggi, dan larutan asam. Modifikasi zeolit A dengan titanium telah mampu meningkatkan stabilitas molecular sieve Ti-zeolit A dalam larutan asam nitrat selama 24 jam. Distribusi ukuran pori BJH (Barret Joyner Halenda  yang sempit menggambarkan ukuran yang homogen dengan didominasi oleh mikro porus dengan diameter rata-rata sekitar 4Å. Uji coba pemurnian asam nitrat dengan menggunakan molecular sieve secara single stage dapat meningkatkan kemurnian asam nitrat dari 70% hingga 85%.

  11. IV Training program for the staff of the laboratory for the RA reactor exploitation; IV Programi obuke osoblja Laboratorije za eksploataciju reaktora RA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    All the staff members of the laboratory for RA reactor exploitation are obliged to learn the following: fundamental properties of the RA reactor, the role and functionality of the reactor components, basic and auxiliary reactor systems, basics of radioactivity, measures for preventing contamination. The personnel working in shifts must be acquainted with the regulations and instructions for reactor operation. Training programs for reactor operators, mechanics, electricians, instrumentators and dosimetrysts are described separately. Svi saradnici Laboratorije za eksploataciju reaktora RA moraju poznavati sledece oblasti: Osnovne karakeristike reaktora RA, princip rada, ulogu i funkcionisanje komponenti reaktora, osnovnih i pomocnih sistema reaktora; osnovne pojmove o radioaktivnom zracenju, mere za sprecavanje kontaminacije. Osoblje koje radi u smenama mora dodatno poznavati propise i uputstva za rad reaktora. Posebno je naveden program obuke operatora reaktora, mehanicara, electricara, instrumentatora, dozimetrista.

  12. Športsko rekreativne aktivnosti pogodne za bolesnike s osteoporozom


    ŠAKIĆ, Davorin; BADOVINAC, Olga; AMERL-ŠAKIĆ, Vjekoslava


    Tjelovježba i povećana tjelesna aktivnost neraskidivi su dio svakog preventivnog ili terapijskog postupka kod osteoporoze. Povećanje snage mišića uz opterećenje vlastitom težinom u uspravnom stavu važan su stimulator izgradnje kosti aksijalnog skeleta, čime se smanjuje rizik od frakture, a istodobno povećava potpora kralješnice i stoga su kolapsi kralješaka manje vjerojatni. Vježbom se povećava koordinacija pokreta i time smanjuje mogućnost pada, povećava sposobnost zaštite od posljedica pada...

  13. Primernost drevesnih vrst za zasaditev deponije elektrofiltrskega pepela v Trbovljah


    Taškar, Sašo


    Lokacija raziskovalne ploskve je na deponiji elektrofiltrskega pepela Prapretno v Trbovljah, na kateri je bilo zasajenih devet vrst dreves. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, katera vrsta se bo uspešno prilagodila danim razmeram, ki vladajo na tako degradiranih površinah. Od 2001 do 2008 so bili preučevani parametri, in sicer rast dreves v višino, razvoj koreninskega sistema, debelinska rast dreves in ekološke razmere, ki so v tem času vladale na območju deponije. Razlogi za slabo uspevanje...

  14. Izbor optimalnoga sustava deviznog tečaja za Republiku Hrvatsku


    Koški, Dražen


    Cilj istraživanja, čiji su rezultati prikazani u ovome članku, bio je izabrati optimalan sustav deviznoga tečaja za Republiku Hrvatsku, dakako prije njezina ulaska u Europsku uniju. Analizirani su sustavi deviznoga tečaja – od sustava slobodno-fluktuirajućega deviznog tečaja do sustava bez domaće valute u optjecaju, naravno, uvažavajući klasifikaciju Međunarodnoga monetarnog fonda. Nakon toga provedena je komparacija temeljnih ekonomskih prednosti i nedostataka sustava fiksnoga de...

  15. Finanční analýza společnosti Unilever ČR, spol. s r.o.


    Richter, Martin


    Finanční analýza společnosti Unilever ČR, spol. s r.o. za období 2002 až 2005. Unilever ČR je česká pobočka nadnárodního koncernu produkujícího potravinářské a spotřební zboží. Metodologická část práce popisuje úlohu finanční analýzy a jednotlivé její metody a postupy. Praktická část analyzuje společnost Unilever ČR se zaměřením na celkovou hospodářskou situaci a výsledky podnikových programů a strategií.

  16. Exploring the Potentials of Lysinibacillus sphaericus ZA9 for Plant Growth Promotion and Biocontrol Activities against Phytopathogenic Fungi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zakira Naureen


    Full Text Available There is an ongoing hunt for biologically active compounds that can combat phytopathogenic fungi and improve plant growth without causing any hazards to the environment. Consequently the present study aims at deciphering the plant growth promotion and antifungal capability of Lysinibacillus sphaericus ZA9. The bacterium was previously isolated and identified in our laboratory from maize rhizosphere using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The test bacterium L. sphaericus ZA9 was found to produce high quantity of IAA (697 μg/ mL; siderophores (195.79 μg/ mL, HCN and hydrolytic enzyme as compared to the reference strain Bacillus sphaericus Z2-7. The bacterium was also capable of solubilizing silicates (Si, phosphates (P, and potassium (K. The bacterium enhanced the seedling vigor and germination of seeds pretreated with it and promoted the shoot length of both cucumber and tomato seeds in greenhouse experiment. L. sphaericus ZA9 and its cell free culture supernatant showed varied antagonistic behavior against Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata, Aspergillus sp., Sclerotinia sp., Bipolaris spicifera, Trichophyton sp. Fermentation broth culture of L. sphaericus ZA9 was then used to isolate antifungal metabolites by silica column chromatography. Identification and determination of antifungal compounds was carried out by Thin-layer chromatography (TLC followed by NMR spectroscopy. Two compounds were isolated and identified as 2-pentyl-4-quinolinecarboxylic acid (C15H17NO2 which is a quinoline alkaloid and 1- methylcyclohexene which is a cycloalkene. Compound 1; 2-Penthyl-4-quinolinecarboxylic acid was found to be highly antagonistic against most of the fungi tested as compared to the bacterium itself. Its activity was comparable to that of fungicide Benlate, while compound 2; 1- methylcyclohexene did not show any antifungal activity.

  17. Za koncept vseživljenjskega izobraževanja in vseživljenjskega učenja je koncept izobraževanja odraslih vitalnega pomena

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Sredi finančne krize se vse bolj izgublja spomin na to, kaj nam je Evropska unija dala doslej in nam daje zdaj, tudi na področju izobraževanja odraslih, zato je morebiti prav, da se vrnemo k preglednim vtisom s konference, ki je zaznamovala deseti rojstni dan programa Grundtvig. Konference Deset let programa Grundtvig ali deset let inovativnosti in inovacij v izobraževanju odrasli v Bruslju sem se resda udeležila kot predstavnica AGE Platform Europe, vodilne evropske organizacije za vprašanja starejših, kjer delujem kot izvedenka za zaposlovanje in izobraževanje starejših. Uradno sicer ne, v resnici pa sem na tej konferenci zagovarjala tudi stališča slovenske univerze za tretje življenjsko obdobje in seveda stališča, ki smo jih razvili v slovenski andragogiki.

  18. Modeling particulate removal in plate-plate and wire-plate electrostatic precipitators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Ramechecandane


    Full Text Available The present study is concerned with the modeling of electrically charged particles in a model plate-plate and a single wire-plate electrostatic precipitator (ESP. The particle concentration distributions for both a plate-plate and a wire-plate ESP are calculated using a modified drift flux model. Numerical investigations are performed using the modified drift flux model for particle number concentration, in addition to the RNG k - ε model for the mean turbulent flow field and the Poisson equation for the electric field. The proposed model and the outlined methodology for coupling the flow field, electric field, charging kinetics and particle concentration is applied to two model precipitators that are truly representative of a wide class of commercialized ESPs. The present investigation is quite different from the earlier studies as it does not make assumptions like a homogeneous electric field or an infinite turbulent diffusivity. The electric field calculated is a strong function of position and controls the migration velocity of particles. Hence, the proposed model can be implemented in a flow solver to obtain a full-fledged solution for any kind of ESP with no limitations on the particle number concentration, as encountered in a Lagrangian approach. The effect of turbulent diffusivity on particle number concentration in a plate-plate ESP is investigated in detail and the results obtained are compared with available experimental data. Similarly, the effect of particle size/diameter and applied electric potential on the accumulative collection performance in the case of a wire-plate ESP is studied and the results obtained are compared with available numerical data. The numerical results obtained using the modified drift flux model for both the plate-plate and wire-plate ESP are in close agreement with available experimental and numerical data.

  19. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1995, with comparative review for period 1991-1995; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1995. godinu, uz uporedni pregled za period 1991-1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Activities related to revitalisation of the RA reactor started in 1986, were continued during period 1991-1995. All the planned actions related to renewal of the reactor components were finished. The last, and at the same time most important action, related to exchange of complete reactor instrumentation is underway, delayed. The delivery of components from USSR is late. Production of this instruments is financed by the IAEA according to the contract signed in December 1988 with Russian Atomenergoexport. According to this contract, it has been planned that the RA reactor instrumentation should be delivered to the Vinca Institute by the end of 1990. Only 56% of the instrumentation was delivered until September 1991. Since then any delivery of components to Yugoslavia was stopped because of the temporary embargo imposed by the IAEA. The existing RA reactor instrumentation was dismantled. Control and maintenance of the reactor components was done regularly and efficiently. Fuel inspection by the IAEA safeguards inspectors was done on a monthly basis. There have been on the average 47 employees at the RA reactor which is considered sufficient for maintenance and repair conditions. The problem of financing the reactor activities and maintenance remains unsolved during the period 1991-1995. This research reactor RA Annual is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] U periodu 1991-1995. godina nastavljeni su poslovi na revitalizaciji reaktora RA, zapocetoj 1986. godine. Okoncan je niz zahvata na opremi postrojenja kojima ce se u narednom periodu omoguciti kontinualan i pouzdan rad ovog reaktora. Poslednji, i ujedno najveci zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Izradu ove opreme finansira Medjunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju kroz ugovor sklopljen decembra 1988. godine sa moskovskom



    Lončar, Tomaž


    V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni ključni pristopi za razumevanje spremljanja vrednotenja in ocenjevanja informacijske rešitve skeniranja evidenčnih listov o ravnanju z odpadki po priporočilih COBIT 5. Ključen prispevek dela predstavlja proučitev priporočil COBIT 5 in izvedba praktičnega primera na osnovi omenjenih priporočil. V teoretičnem delu se po poglavjih zvrstijo področja, ki opisujejo podjetje, kjer smo izvajali vrednotenje po COBIT 5 priporočilih, ter predstavitev samega COBIT-a....

  1. Za fosilními dřevy do ománské pouště

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Matysová, Petra

    89 /140/, č. 6 (2010), s. 360-363 ISSN 0042-4544 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30460519 Keywords : silicified wood * Permian * moganite Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy



    Matija, Sabina


    Diplomska naloga obravnava mladoletniško prestopništvo. Osredotoča se na vzroke in ukrepe za preprečevanje oziroma zmanjševanje prestopništva mladih. Pozornost je posvečena še obravnavi tako mladoletnih storilcev kaznivih dejanj kot mladoletnih storilcev prekrškov. Mladoletniško prestopništvo obsega kazniva dejanja in druge oblike deviantnega, negativnega odklonskega vedenja otrok in mladoletnikov, vendar je pri nas sprejeto ožje pojmovanje omenjenega pojava. Po tem konceptu obravnava kaz...

  3. Izrada 2D video igre za iOS platformu


    Kampuš, Dominik


    Tema ovog završnog rada temelji se na izradi 2D video igre za iOS mobilni uređaj te njezinoj demonstraciji na istom. Kroz rad su opisane sve bitne funkcije GameSalad Creator-a koje su potrebne kod izrade igre bazirane na 2 dimenzije. Također se prolazi kroz iOS operativni sustav, što je on i kako se razvijao. Spominje se i tema koja govori općenito o igrama na mobilnim uređajima. U završnom dijelu rada prikazan je postupak izrade, koje funkcije programa se točno koriste i kako se igra može te...

  4. Vjera kao hod temeljnog povjerenja. Bitnost primarnih iskustava za razvoj religioznosti


    Stengl, Ivan


    U dinamičnom sučeljavanju s rezultatima drugih društvenohumanističkih disciplina, teologija promišlja u njihovu svjetlu put rasta u vjeri i osmišljava planove religioznog odgoja i naobrazbe. Ne umanjujući pozitivne efekte i plodnu suradnju (jačanje senzibilnosti za dobne, kulturne, socijalne i razvojno-psihološke specifičnosti osobe vjernika) prilog ukazuje i na granice mišljenja, kako postoji neosporna paralela psihičkog i religioznog razvoja osobnosti, te da religioznos...

  5. Potresna analiza in analiza ojačitvenih ukrepov za grad Golnik


    Ošterbenk, Jure


    V diplomskem delu je narejena seizmična analiza gradu Golnik in primerjalna študija ojačitvenih ukrepov, s katerimi povečujemo potresno odpornost obravnavane konstrukcije. Po začetnem kronološkem opisu stavbe sledi opis zasnove objekta in opis stanja poškodovanosti nosilnih elementov, ki temelji zgolj na vizualnem pregledu konstrukcije. V teoretičnem delu naloge je sprva na kratko predstavljeno obnašanje zidanih stavb med delovanjem potresa in opis različnih porušnih mehanizmov zidovja. Sl...





    U prošlome smo se dvobroju Šumarskoga lista, obilježavajući 250. obljetnicu hrvatskoga šumarstva, osvrnuli na tekstove iz prvih godina njegovog tiskanja, povlačeći paralelu s današnjicom. Zbog uvida u povijesni slijed šumarske struke i interesantnost, pa i aktualnost tekstova, u ovome se dvobroju osvrćemo na tri teksta iz 1880. i 1881. god. vezana uz naslov. Prvi tekst odnosi se na „Naredbu c. k. ministarstva za poljodjelstvo od 13. veljače 1875, B 129/A. M., R.-G.-Bl. Br. 9, koja se odnosi n...

  7. Hydrodynamics of a flexible plate between pitching rigid plates (United States)

    Kim, Junyoung; Kim, Daegyoum


    The dynamics of a flexible plate have been studied as a model problem in swimming and flying of animals and fluid-structure interaction of plants and flags. Motivated by fish schooling and an array of sea grasses, we investigate the dynamics of a flexible plate closely placed between two pitching rigid plates. In most studies on passive deformation of the flexible plate, the plate is immersed in a uniform flow or a wavy flow. However, in this study, the flexible plate experiences periodic deformation by the oscillatory flow generated by the prescribed pitching motion of the rigid plates. In our model, the pitching axes of the rigid plates and the clamping position of the flexible plate are aligned on the same line. The flexible plate shows various responses depending on length and pitching frequency of rigid plates, thickness of a flexible plate, and free-stream velocity. To find the effect of each variable on the response of the flexible plate, amplitude of a trailing edge and modal contribution of a flapping motion are compared, and flow structure around the flexible plate is examined.

  8. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1971; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1971. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    effects. In the introduction of this report it has been emphasised that the decision makers should have in mind the negative effects of low budget on the reactor safe and reliable operation. For the sake of reactor, decision about the future operation and financing should be done as soon as possible, either to cease operation or continue with adequate financial support. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1971. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 190 dana i 50 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 31606 MWh odnosno 5,3% vise od planiranog, sto je najvisa vrednost od kako je reaktor pusten u rad. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 425 korisnika od cega 370 iz Instituta i 55 za korisnika izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i eksperimentima koji su obavljani. Odstupanja od plana, odnosno veceg ostvarenog rada bilo je u junu i decembru usled posebnih zahteva korisnika. Ukupni broj prekida rada bio je manji od svih prethodnih godina, uglavnom zbog manjeg broja nestanka napona u vreme rada reaktora. U toku godine bilo je samo jedno sigurnosno zaustavljanje, ciji je uzrok bila pojava laznog signala opreme za zastitu reaktora. Nijednog duzeg prekida rada nije bilo zbog neispravnosti opreme. Kracih prekida bilo je usled kidanja spojki na potisnom cevovodu tehnicke vode, sto je bilo izazvano klizanjem zemljista u podrucju crpne stanice na Dunavu. Ukupna doza ozracivanja ljudstva bila je manja nego prethodnih godina. Nije bilo ni jednog akcidenta niti slucaja koji bi se mogao nazvati akcidentom. Dekontaminirano je znatno manje povrsina nego ranijih godina. Zakljuceno je da je uspesan rad reaktora u 1971. godini rezultat valjanog rada u prethodnim godinama. Medjutim usled jos nedefinisane politike u pogledu buduceg rada, odnosno neizvesnosti u vezi finansiranja, neki poslovi su obustavljeni. Tu spada proucavanje mogucnosti prelaska na koriscenje visokoobogacenog goriva sto bi povecalo korisni neutronski fluks i ucinilo reakor konkurentnim za

  9. Project RA Research nuclear reactor - Annual report 1993 with comparative review for the period 1991 - 1993; Projekat Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1993. godinu, uz uporedni pregled za period 1991 - 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1993 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. First part includes 8 annexes describing reactor operation, activities of services for maintenance of reactor components and instrumentation, financial report and staffing. The ninth separate annex deals with the feasibility of RA reactor applications. Second part of the report is devoted to radiation protection issues and contains 4 annexes with data about radiation control of the working environment and reactor environment, description of decontamination activities, collection of radioactive wastes, and meteorology data. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj o radu nuklearnog reaktora RA za 1993. godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA. Prvi deo sadrzi 8 priloga, koji opisuju rad reaktora i poslove sluzbi za odrzavanje opreme i komponenti, finansijski izvestaj, kadrovsku strukturu osoblja reaktora. Poseban prilog razmatra mogucnosti koriscenja istrazivackog reaktora RA. Drugi deo izvestaja o poslovima zastite od zracenja sadrzi 4 priloga sa podacima radijacione kontrole radne sredine i okoline reaktora, opis poslova dekontaminacije i sakupljanja radioaktivnih materija, kao i meteoroloske podatke.

  10. Vizit prezidenta Litvõ / Aleksandr Shegedin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Shegedin, Aleksandr


    Baltimaade NATO-sse astumise esimese aastapäeva tähistamise raames viibis Eestis president Arnold Rüütli kutsel Leedu president Valdas Adamkus, kes külastas visiidi käigus Palanga Merevaigumuuseumi näitust Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus ja kohtus Kadriorus president Arnold Rüütliga

  11. Possibilities for power reactor structural material and fuel testing in reactor RA; Mogucnosti reaktora RA za testiranje konstrukcionih materijala i goriva energetskih reaktora

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinc, R; Lazarevic, Dj; Stefanovic, D; Cupac, S; Pesic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Nuclear reactor RA at Vinca has been designed as a high flux general purpose research reactor. Among other it was intended to play a role of material testing reactor. A scope of activities of Material Laboratory and Reactor RA Department of Boris Kidric Institute is presented in this report. Reactor RA capacity for reactor structural material and fuel irradiation is also described. The increase of RA reactor irradiation capacity is based on the improvement of VISA type fuel channel for fast neutron irradiations, as well as on the general neutron flux increase, due to introduction of highly enriched uranium fuel into reactor core and the advanced in-core fuel management. The irradiation capacities described allow for the reactor material and fuel testing to the considerable extent. Istrazivacki reaktor RA u Vinci je projektovan kao visokofluksni istrazivacki reaktor opste namene. Pored ostalog, on je namenjen i za testiranje reaktorskih konstrukcionih materijala i goriva. U radu je dat pregled aktivnosti Laboratorije za materijale IBK i reaktora RA na tom podrucju, kao i opis povecanih mogucnosti reaktora RA za ozracivanje reaktorskih materijala i goriva u cilju njihovog testiranja. Povecanje mogucnosti reaktora RA zasniva se na usavrsavanju specijalnog gorivnog kanala tipa VISA (za ozracivanje materijala brzim neutronima), kao i na opstem povecanju neutronskog fluksa na osnovu uvodjenja i nacina koriscenja visokoobogacenog uranskog goriva u reaktoru RA. Opisane mogucnosti reaktora RA dozvoljavaju u znatnoj meri ispitivanje konstrukcionih materijala i goriva energetskih reaktora.

  12. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1986; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1986. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1985 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1986 godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.

  13. Kontrola kvalitete kliničkih i toksikoloških analiza - predloženi model jugoslavenskog programa kontrole kvalitete za olovo i kadmij u krvi


    Telišman, S.


    Istaknuta je nužnost osiguranja kvalitete kliničkih i toksikoloških analiza bioloških uzoraka i prikazane su osnovne karakteristike različitih modela programa kontrole kvalitete. Na osnovi iskustva, stečenog sudjelovanjem u različitim međunarodnim programima kontrole kvalitete (britanskom nacionalnom programu i programu zemalja Evropske zajednice za olovo u krvi, programu za olovo i kadmij u krvi koji su zajednički organizirali Ekološki program Ujedinjenih naroda i Svjetska zdravstvena organi...

  14. Wear Characteristics of Hybrid Composites Based on Za27 Alloy Reinforced With Silicon Carbide and Graphite Particles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Mitrović


    Full Text Available The paper presents the wear characteristics of a hybrid composite based on zinc-aluminium ZA27 alloy, reinforced with silicon-carbide and graphite particles. The tested sample contains 5 vol.% of SiC and 3 vol.% Gr particles. Compocasting technique has been used to prepare the samples. The experiments were performed on a “block-on-disc” tribometer under conditions of dry sliding. The wear volumes of the alloy and the composite were determined by varying the normal loads and sliding speeds. The paper contains the procedure for preparation of sample composites and microstructure of the composite material and the base ZA27 alloy. The wear surface of the composite material was examined using the scanning electronic microscope (SEM and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS. Conclusions were obtained based on the observed impact of the sliding speed, normal load and sliding distance on tribological behaviour of the observed composite.

  15. Optimizacija procesnih parametrov za stabilizacijo in izboljšanje sposobnosti struženja


    Mlinar, Andrej


    Magistrska naloga obravnava proizvodni proces izdelka z ozkim tolerančnim območjem. V procesu izdelave se je pojavil problem nestabilnosti obdelovalnega procesa. Pred analizo obdelovalnega procesa smo najprej z metodo analize merilnega sistema preverili merilni proces. Po preverjanju ustreznosti merilnega procesa smo v nadaljevanju preverili obstoječi obdelovalni proces. Iz analize statistične kontrole procesa obstoječega stanja smo ugotovili, da je proces potrebno stabilizirati. Za stabiliza...

  16. Structural evolution in films of alloy Zn70Al27Cu3 (ZA27)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, Y.H.; Lee, W.B.; Mei, Z.; To, S.; Sze, Y.K.


    Films of alloy ZA27 were produced using electron deposition technique. Structural evolution and phase decomposition of the films were studied. It was found that the alloy films were relatively stable because of a strong preferred crystal orientation of the nano-phases. The dependence of nano-phase stability on the Zn content and the preferred crystal orientation is discussed from point of view of Gibbs free energy

  17. Usvojen prijedlog povećanja iznosa općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine

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    Marija Pospišil Miler


    Full Text Available Izmjene Protokola iz 1996. godine (LLMC 1996 Međunarodne konvencije o ograničenju odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine iz 1976. godine (LLMC 1976 usvojene su 19. travnja 2012. na 99. zasjedanju Pravnog odbora IMO-a održanom u Londonu. Tim izmjenama iznos općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine povećan je za 51% u odnosu na iznose iz čl. 3. LLMC 1996 koji se odnose na čl. 6.1(a i 6.1(b, LLMC 1976, dok iznosi iz čl. 7. Konvencije nisu mijenjani. Povećani iznosi primjenjivat će se od 8. lipnja 2015. godine. U radu se analiziraju razlozi koji su doveli do povećanja iznosa općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti kao i opravdanost ovog povećanja iznosa ograničenja odgovornosti ako se uzme u obzir da je samo u 1,34% slučajeva šteta prelazila sadašnji iznos ograničenja odgovornosti utvrđen u LLMC 1996. Analiziraju se pravne i ekonomske posljedice ovog povećanja iznosa općeg ograničenja odgovornosti te njegov neposredan utjecaj na druge međunarodne konvencije vezane na iznose općeg ograničenja odgovornosti kao što su Bunker konvencija iz 2001. i Međunarodna konvencija o uklanjanju podrtina iz 2007. godine. Upozorava se, međutim, da tendencija koja vodi prema previsokim iznosima ograničenja odgovornosti može izazvati smanjenje interesa država za ratifikacijom LLMC 1996 što će se negativno odraziti na unifikaciju prava u odnosu na ovo pitanje. U radu se stoga razmatraju rješenja koja bi omogućila pravednu naknadu oštećenima i ostvarenje svrhe instituta ograničenja odgovornosti, a ne bi ugrozila unifikacijska nastojanja.

  18. RA reactor operation and maintenance in 1990 with comparative evaluation from 1986-1990, Part 1; Deo 1 - Pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1990. godini, uz uporedni pregled za period 1986-1990. godina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Zivotic, Z; Vasovic, B; Sanovic, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During the previous period RA reactor was not operated because the Committee of Serbian ministry for health and social care has cancelled the operation licence in August 1984. The reason was the non existing emergency cooling system and lack of appropriate filters in the special ventilation system. The new emergency cooling system and the reconstruction of the existing ventilation system were finished in 1989, the conditions for further reactor operation were fulfilled. In the meantime new licensing regulations adopted in 1988 were not demanding the mentioned conditions for reactors operated at power less than 10MW, RA reactor power being 6.5 MW. But the reactor could not be restarted due to planned renewal of the reactor instrumentation. It is planned to exchange the complete instrumentation by the end of 1991. Training program for the staff operating and maintaining the reactor components was prepared in 1985. Reconstruction, modification and construction of components demanded new documentation needed for further safe reactor operation. New version of RA reactor safety report was finished in 1986 according to the recommendations of IAEA and licensing regulations of Yugoslavia. In 1989, new documents were written covering regulations and instructions for reactor operation. The new reactor experimental loop was designed in 1986, and constructed and tested in 1990. All the reactor components were maintained by specific reactor services. Financing of the reactor remains a permanent problem. [Serbo-Croat] U proteklom periodu reaktor RA nije bio u pogonu zato sto je 30. jula 1984. godine Republicki komitet za zdravlje i socijalnu politiku republike Srbije, zabranio njegov rad zbog toga sto reaktor ne poseduje sistem za udesno hladjenje i ne poseduje odgovarajuce filtere u sistemu specijalne ventilacije. Radovi na izgradnji sistema za udesno hladjenje i rekonstrukciji postojeceg sistema specijalne ventilacije zavrseni su 1989. godine. Uslovi za nastavak rada reaktora

  19. Porównanie przepływów maksymalnych obliczonych w zlewni miejskiej za pomocą modeli HEC-RAS i SWMM

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    Mariusz Barszcz


    Full Text Available W pracy przedstawiono wyniki zastosowania 3. modeli, adaptowanych dla zlewni Potoku Służewieckiego, do prognozy przepływów o prawdopodobieństwach przekroczenia 1, 2 i 10% wywołanych ulewami. Przepływy prognozowano w 4. przekrojach obliczeniowych Potoku Służewieckiego, zlokalizowanych na odcinku od km 0+000 do 6+576. Obliczone za pomocą modelu konceptualnego OTTHYMO potencjalne przepływy (spływy powierzchniowe przyjęto jako dane wejściowe do modelu hydraulicznego HEC-RAS, który umożliwił transformację przepływów w cieku i wyznaczenie przepływów w poszczególnych przekrojach obliczeniowych (przepływów zredukowanych. Niezależne obliczenia przepływów potencjalnych i zredukowanych przeprowadzono za pomocą modelu SWMM, który jest modelem dynamicznym o parametrach rozłożonych. Obliczone za pomocą modeli HEC-RAS i SWMM przepływy zredukowane o prawdopodobieństwach przekroczenia 1, 2 i 10% są do siebie podobne w przekrojach obliczeniowych II, III i IV – w 7. na 9 przypadków różnice w przepływach nie przekraczają 25%. Największe wartości przepływów zredukowanych o określonym prawdopodobieństwie przekroczenia obliczono w przekroju II, przy zastosowaniu obydwu modeli. Przepływy zredukowane są mniejsze od przepływów potencjalnych obliczonych za pomocą modeli OTTHYMO i SWMM. Wyniki obliczeń wskazują na możliwość stosowania w zlewniach miejskich zarówno modelu HEC-RAS, jak i modelu SWMM.



    Radić, Dragica


    Za uspešno poslovanje je ključnega pomena, da podjetje pozna poslovno okolje, da razume spremembe, ki nastajajo in da se zna z njimi primerno soočiti. Kontekstualno oz. širše zunanje okolje lahko analiziramo s PEST ali PESTEL analizo. V diplomski nalogi sem prikazala PESTEL analizo. Podjetje mora dobro poznati interesne skupine. Najpomembnejše interesne skupine podjetja Gorenje d.d so: delničarji, kupci, dobavitelji, zaposleni. Najpomembnejši konkurenti podjetja Gorenje d.d. so: GA gospodinjs...

  1. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1991; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1991. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije je u toku, ali njegova realizacija u 1991. godini kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Izradu ove opreme finansira Medjunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju kroz ugovor sklopljen decembra 1988. godine sa moskovskom firmom Atomenergoexport. Prema tom ugovoru trebalo je da celokupna nova instrumentacija za reaktor RA bude isporucena Institutu u Vinci do kraja 1990. godine, ali je do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 56% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju izrecena od strane ove organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. U 1991. godini na reaktoru RA je demontirana postojeca instrumentacija u maksimalno mogucem obimu, kako bi se zadrzala neka osnovna merenja neophodna i u uslovima kada reaktor nije u pogonu. Pri kraju je izrada odredjenih konstrukcionih elemenata za novu instrumentaciju, koju je prihvatio da realizuje Institut u Vinci, kako bi se ubrzala realizacija ovog projekta. Ako sva predvijena oprema ne bude isporucena do kraja marta 1992. godine, nece moci da se otpocne sa probnim radom reaktora u prvoj polovini 1993. godine, kako je planirano. Na realizaciji projekta u 1991. godini ucestvovalo je efektivno 53 radnika, sto je dovoljan broj u uslovima remontnih i investicionih radova. Godisnji izvestaj o radu nuklearnog reaktora RA za 1992. godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.



    Bunšek, Dejan


    V diplomskem delu sem primerjal spletno bančništvo Probanke in NLB za prebivalstvo. Omenjeni sistem se pri Probanki imenuje Prosplet, pri NLB-ju pa NLB Klik. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskal razlike med izrazoma spletna stran in spletni portal, da sem kasneje lažje naredil primerjavo spletnih strani Probanke in NLB-ja. V teoretičnem delu sem prav tako ugotavljal razlike med spletnim bančništvom in elektronskim bančništvom, da ne bi zamenjevali teh podobnih, a različnih pojmov. Spletno banč...

  3. Oblikovanje in izdelava embalaže za nakit Katja Koselj Jewellery


    Gregorka, Nika


    Dandanes je vloga videza embalaže vedno pomembnejša in je zato eden izmed bistvenih elementov pri darilni embalaži. Ker embalaža s svojo podobo izraža tudi kakovost izdelka, je le-ta včasih še pomembnejša kot izdelek, ki ga predstavlja. Potemtakem je pomembno, da je kakovostna, preprosta, koristna in okolju prijazna. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili izdelavo in načrtovanje embalaže za slovenski ročno izdelani nakit oblikovalke Katje Koselj. V pregledu literature smo opisali pojem embalaže, n...

  4. RA research nuclear reactor - Annual report 1985; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1985. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1985 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1985 godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.



    Bjelinski Radić, Iva


    Pod utjecajem brzog razvoja digitalnih tehnologija u posljednje vrijeme je došlo do pojave novih oblika fleksibilnog zapošljavanja koje karakterizira snažna ili prevladavajuća podrška informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije. Online platforma Uber za pružanje usluge gradskog prijevoza putnika jedan je od široj javnosti najpoznatijih predstavnika navedenih promjena u svijetu rada. Imajući u vidu da je pojava Ubera izazvala brojne kontroverze i postavila nove suvremene regul...

  6. Pomen življenjske poti in generacijskih značilnosti za načrtovanje medgeneracijskega izobraževalnega programa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Šajn


    Full Text Available Avtorici preučujeta metodo življenjske zgodbe in njeno uporabnost za ugotavljanje izobraževalnih potreb in zanimanj generacij mlajših odraslih in generacij starejših odraslih. Preučujeta njihove generacijske značilnosti, ki se lahko kažejo bodisi v podobnosti bodisi v različnosti članov neke generacije do drugih. Ugotovljene potrebe in zanimanja, utemeljene na generacijskih značilnostih, je mogoče, takšno je spoznanje avtoric, uporabiti kot podlago za oblikovanje vsebine medgeneracijskih izobraževalnih programov. Mladost je čas vstopa v odraslost, čas prevzemanja socialnih vlog odraslih, značilnost današnjih mladih generacij pa je, da v odraslost vstopajo drugače; mladi so prepuščeni individualizmu, močno odvisni od svojega referenčnega okvira, nekatere dejavnosti, nekoč značilne za odrasle, so se premaknile v čas mladosti, druge spet daleč v prihodnost. Anja Šajn in Dušana Findeisen obravnavata tudi značilnosti oseb v poznejših letih življenja, njihovo prehojeno življenjsko pot ter dogodke na tej poti. Na podlagi teorije življenjskega kroga avtorici označita življenje kot potovanje od rojstva do smrti. Osebne izkušnje, kultura, pomembni osebni in družbeni dogodki, način, kako smo izkusili te dogodke, vse to nas posameznike in posamezne generacije naredi drugačne od drugih ljudi in drugih generacij. Medgeneracijsko učenje in izobraževanje lahko prispevata (ni pa nujno, da je tako k medsebojnemu poznavanju in priznavanju generacij in posledično k družbeni trdnosti. Temeljita na potrebah in zanimanjih generacij in lahko krepita vezi med generacijami, kajti družbene vezi se danes rahljajo do takšne mere, da se vse bolj oglaša potreba celo po novi družbeni pogodbi. Primarni cilj medgeneracijskega učenja ni učenje o neki temi, nekem vprašanju, je predvsem učenje o odnosih – sredi odnosov – in je učenje za skupnost, skupnost generacij, ugotavljata avtorici.

  7. Cold plate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marroquin, Christopher M.; O' Connell, Kevin M.; Schultz, Mark D.; Tian, Shurong


    A cold plate, an electronic assembly including a cold plate, and a method for forming a cold plate are provided. The cold plate includes an interface plate and an opposing plate that form a plenum. The cold plate includes a plurality of active areas arranged for alignment over respective heat generating portions of an electronic assembly, and non-active areas between the active areas. A cooling fluid flows through the plenum. The plenum, at the non-active areas, has a reduced width and/or reduced height relative to the plenum at the active areas. The reduced width and/or height of the plenum, and exterior dimensions of cold plate, at the non-active areas allow the non-active areas to flex to accommodate surface variations of the electronics assembly. The reduced width and/or height non-active areas can be specifically shaped to fit between physical features of the electronics assembly.



    Čander, Tamara


    Če smo še pred nekaj leti govorili o svetovnem spletu kot o revoluciji, danes vemo, da to še nikakor ni vse. Priča smo novemu valu tehnološkega napredka, ki transformira naše okolje in vsakodnevne predmete v ekosistem informacij. Internet stvari je skupek tehnologij, ki povezujejo stvarnost z digitalnimi svetom preko senzorjev in značk, vgrajenih v naprave za vsakodnevno rabo. Čeprav si strokovnjaki o potencialni velikosti trga, ki ga ta fenomen odpira, niso povsem enotni, pa so vsi prepričan...

  9. Vloga medicinske sestre pri skrbi za otroka z očesno protezo


    Lukić, Maja


    Uvod: Retinoblastom je najpogostejši maligni tumor, ki se velikokrat pojavi v otroški dobi. Bolezen je sicer redka, a zelo nevarna, saj lahko uniči tako otrokovo oko kot tudi njegov vid. Pomembna je hitra prepoznava tega nevarnega tumorja, takojšna diagnostika in zdravljenje. Večje tveganje za nastanek retinoblastoma obstaja pri otrocih, katerih bolezen se je v družini že pojavila. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature ugotoviti, na kakšen način in kako lahko medicins...

  10. Uporaba službenih psov za različne namene delovnih procesov


    Rejc, Sara


    Pred vami se nahaja diplomsko delo z naslovom Uporaba službenih psov za različne namene delovnih procesov. Glavni namen in cilj diplomskega dela je proučiti in opisati uporabo službenega psa, predvsem v policiji, vojski in zaporih, kar predstavlja jedro tega diplomskega dela. Želeli smo prikazati vsestransko uporabnost psov v svetu ljudi. Ugotovili smo, da je enota reševalnih psov pomemben del ekipe pri iskanju pogrešanih in poškodovanih oseb. Na tem mestu je podrobneje opisano šolanje psa in...

  11. Roterdamska pravila : Novi pokušaj međunarodnopravnog uređenja odgovornosti za pomorski prijevoz stvari i s njime povezanih drugih grana transporta

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    Borislav Ivošević


    Full Text Available U članku autor daje prikaz rješenja usvojenih u Konvenciji Ujedinjenih naroda o međunarodnom prijevozu stvari u cijelosti ili djelomično morem, usvojenoj Rezolucijom UN od 11. prosinca 2008. godine, a otvorenoj za potpisivanje u Roterdamu 23. rujna 2009. godine, pod preporučenim nazivom “Roterdamska pravila”. Nakon uvodne analize stanja prava do donošenja ove nove Konvencije, konstatira se da se u materiji međunarodnog reguliranja pomorskih prijevoza po prvi puta, nakon što su Haška, Haško-Vizbijska i Hamburška pravila uređivala pitanje vozareve odgovornosti za robu koju je primio na prijevoz, regulira pomorskoprijevozni ugovor u cijelosti i uz dodatno reguliranje dijelova prijevoznog puta koji prethode ili slijede pomorski prijevoz. Autor daje prikaz sadržaja Roterdamskih pravila u cijelosti. Pritom se posebna pažnja posvećuje brojnim novim subjektima, institutima, dokumentima, te rješenjima koja se u Konvenciji zauzimaju, uvijek uz nastojanje da izlaganja budu potkrijepljena, ili pak kritički sagledana, u svjetlu do sada usvojenih rješenja pravne teorije, te poslovne i sudske prakse. Autor u zaključku iznosi i sučeljava oprečne stavove koji se u literaturi iznose, zauzima svoj stav prema njima i rješenjima sadržanima u Konvenciji, te razmatra moguća rješenja de lege ferenda za donošenje jednog prihvatljivog i racionalnog pravnog sistema odgovornosti za robu u prijevozu (pomorskom i multimodalnom na međunarodnom planu.

  12. Savremeno naoružanje i vojna oprema za broj 4-2014/Modern weapons and military equipment for issue 4-2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mladen R. Tišma


    Full Text Available Nova radarska tehnologija za unapređeni RS PVD patriot PAC-3 MSE; Precizno vođena avio-bomba AASM debitovala na nefrancuskoj letelici; Pokrenut projekat novog latinoameričkog školskog aviona; Erbas planira osposobljavanje evrofajtera za protivbrodsku borbu; Kina planira izgradnju domaćeg nosača aviona do 2017. godine; Boing otkrio detalje o letelici fantom svift za program VTOL X-Plane; IOMAX nudi koncept lakog aviona arkeindžel; U planu „pojednostavljena“ verzija transportnog helikoptera NH90; Prototip helikoptera S-97 rejder bliže prvom letu; Ruski T-50 PAK-FA u fazi letnih ispitivanja sa naoružanjem; Laki prenosni raketni sistem za PVD verba ušao u naoružanje ruskih padobranaca; Iran lansirao novu verziju rakete nazeat; Reno predstavio demonstrator vozila 6x6 pod oznakom BMX-01; Izraelski IWI nudi novu snajpersku pušku dan .338; Kolt prikazao jurišnu pušku CK901; Nosač aviona „Vikramaditja“ uveden u naoružanje indijske mornarice; Patrolni brod Mornarice Vojske Crne Gore „Kotor“ ponovo plovi. / New radar technology for enhanced air defence missile system Patriot PAC-3 MSE; Precision-guided air bomb AASM debuted on non-French aircraft; Project for the new Latin American training aircraft; Airbus plans to give Eurofighter maritime strike capability; China plans to build domestic carriers by 2017; Boeing revealed details about Phantom Swift for VTOL X-Plane; Iomax offers the concept of a light aircraft Arckangel; "Simplified" version of the NH90 transport helicopter planned; A prototype S-97 helicopter Raider closer to first flight; Russian T-50 PAK-FA in the phase of weapons flight tests; MANPADS Verba entered service with of Russian paratroopers; Iran launched a new version of the Nazeat rocket; Renault presented demonstrator vehicles 6x6 under the designation BMX-01; Israeli IWI offers a new sniper rifle Day .338; Colt showed assault rifle CK901; Aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" commisioned with the Indian Navy; The

  13. Atenica: u potrazi za izgubljenim spalištem

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    Staša Babić


    Full Text Available Funerarni konteksti svakako su arheološki zapisi u čijem formiranju značajnu ulogu igraju simboličke i kultne predstave zajednice. S druge strane, u odsustvu pisanih svedočanstava o tim predstavama, arheolozi su skloni da svoje interpretacije zasnivaju na uopštenim i pojednostavljenim idejama o „primitivnim” kultovima, kao što je „solarni kult”. U takvom postupku, tehnički aspekti zapisa zanemaruju se u korist tumačenja pretpostavljenih simboličkih „poruka”. Među kneževskim grobovima centralnog Balkana, humke u Atenici pored Čačka dugo su predstavljale jedini primer ove vrste sahrane koji je istražen u okviru sistematskih arheoloških istraživanja i stoga je čitav niz autora posvećivao posebnu pažnju konstrukciji ovih tumula i mogućnostima interpretacije rituala koji je pratio polaganje pokojnika. U ovom pogledu, naročito je značajna tzv. „ritualna površina” u okviru humke II – tri pravougaona prostora oivičena redovima oblutaka, sa pravilno raspoređenim levkastim jamama, ispunjenim tamnom zemljom, fragmentima keramike i gorelih kostiju. Interpretacije su se kretale od ideja o grobovima kremiranih ljudskih žrtava, preko replika svetilišta, sve do složene simbolike solarnog kulta, izražene numerološkim pravilnostima. S druge strane, budući da se radi o kremiranim pokojnicima, u okviru obe humke identifikovana su spališta – relativno male lučne konstrukcije od redova oblutaka, na kojima su takođe zapaženi tragovi gorenja. Niz praktičnih nelogičnosti koje proističu iz ovih tumačenja ostao je po strani, u nastojanju da se složeni ritual sahrane sa kremacijom poveže sa simboličkim predstavama percipiranim kao primerene za kulturni kontekst sahrana u Atenici – ljudske žrtve, solarni kult. U kružnom dokaznom postupku, ove su ideje, manje ili više prećutno, uzimane za početnu premisu šire interpretacije kultnih praksi zajednice koja je svoje istaknute članove sahranila pod humkama u

  14. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1969; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1969. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    years of operation as well as purification of heavy water. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1969. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 200 dana i 15 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 31131 MWh odnosno 3.77% vise od planiranog. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimenta prema zahtevima 463 korisnika iz Instituta i 63 izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestak sadrzi detaljne podatke o snazi na kojoj je reaktor radio tokom 1969. godine i o uradjenim eksperimentima. Zakljuceno je da je reaktor RA uspesno radio prema planu rada. Da nije bilo problema sa napajanjem elektricnom energijom tokom poslednja tri meseca i niskog vodostaja Dunava u septembru i oktobru protekle godine bila bi to najuspesnija godina od pustanja reaktora u pogon. Broj sigurnosnih zaustavljanja nije bio veci u odnosu na prethodne dve godine i pored poteskoca u poslednjem kvartalu. Osoblje je bilo izlozeno povecanim dozama zracenja usled tri incidenta. Jedan je bio raspadanje kenera sa srebrom (zbog duzeg stajanja u aktivnoj zoni), sto je uzrokovalo kontaminaciju radne platforme, tako da je fon porastao za 10 do 100 puta od normalnohg Druga dva slucaja su bila otkazivanje uredjaja za mesanje goriva u tehnoloskim kanalima. Zamena goriva je radjena cetiri puta u toku godine, utroseno je 499 svezih gorivnih elemenata. Primenjena je metoda mesanja svezih gorivnih elemenata sa koriscenim gorivnim elementima u gorivnom kanalu. Dekontaminacija povrsina bila je na nivou prethodnih godina i pored problema sa srebrom. Kako su sa reaktora tokom godine otisla dva saradnika sa visokom spremom broj ljudi je opao na neophodan minimum za pogon i odrzavanje reaktora. Navrsavajuci u ovoj godini deset godina rada moze se reci da su rad i stanje opreme na tehnicki solidnom nivou. Kako bi se posle deset godina rada izvrsila kontrola vaznih komponenti reaktora i obavila rekoncentracija teske vode, za 1970. godinu je planirano da se proizvodnja smanji na 25000 MWh, a baziran je na istim principima kao i planovi za prethodne

  15. Safety report for the independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in the vertical experimental channels of the RA reactor; Izvestaj o sigurnosti za nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracenih u vertikalnim eksperimentalnim kanalima reaktora RA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavlovic, A; Zivkovic, S; Milosevic, M; Strugar, P [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Independent CO{sub 2} loop was designed for cooling the samples irradiated in the vertical experimental channels in the region of heavy water or in the graphite reflector. It is considered as a significant improvement of the RA reactor experimental possibilities. Six 'heads' are placed in vertical experimental channels and connected in parallel with the outer loop which contains out-of-reactor equipment. It is planned to irradiate samples in the 'heads' of the loop for the needs of Hot laboratory and Laboratory for reactor materials. Heat generated during sample irradiation is removed by CO{sub 2} circulation. This report contains detailed description of the main loop, auxiliary systems, calculation results of anti reactivity and activation of construction materials of the low-temperature CO{sub 2} loop. A separate chapter is devoted to control and regulation of temperature and pressure. Testing of the fundamental parameters of the coolant loop showed that it could fulfill more demanding tasks than designed by the project. Annex of this report includes results of leak testing for the loop 'heads' in vertical experimental channels VEK-6 and VEK-8 by helium leak detector. [Serbo-Croat] Nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} namenjeno je za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u VEK reaktora u zoni teske vode i u zoni grafita, i predstavlja znacajan doprinos povecanju eksperimentalnih mogucnosti reaktora RA. Sest 'glava' je postavljeno u vertikalne eksperimentalne kanale i paralelno vezano na spoljno kolo koje sadrzi vanreaktorsku opremu. U glavama petlje se predvidja ozracivanje raznovrsnih uzoraka materijala za potrebe Laboratorije za visoku aktivnost i Laboratorije za reaktorske materijale. Toplota koja se generise prilikom ozracivanja uzoraka odvodi se cirkulacijom CO{sub 2}. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljan opis: glavnog kola, pomocnih sistema; rezultate proracuna antireaktivnosti i aktivacije konstrukcionih elemenata glave niskotemperaturne petlje CO{sub 2}. Posebno poglavlje posveceno

  16. Implementacija aplikacije Smart Watch Workout za naprave iOS s pametno uro Apple Watch


    Skledar, Dejan


    V diplomskem delu opišemo in predstavimo naprave ter operacijske sisteme, na katerih teče naša aplikacija. Le-ta je namenjena mobilnim navdušencem, ki jim pomaga do vsakodnevne aktivnosti. Prav tako opišemo potek, razvoj in cilje končnega izdelka na napravi iPhone kot tudi na napravi Apple Watch. Podatki, ki so pomembni za pravilno delovanje aplikacij, se shranjujejo v lokalno podatkovno bazo.

  17. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1996; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1996. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Activities related to revitalisation of the RA reactor started in 1986, were continued in 1996. All the planned actions related to renewal of the reactor components were finished. The last, and at the same time most important action, related to exchange of complete reactor instrumentation is underway, delayed. The delivery of components from USSR is late. Production of this instruments is financed by the IAEA according to the contract signed in December 1988 with Russian Atomenergoexport. According to this contract, it has been planned that the RA reactor instrumentation should be delivered to the Vinca Institute by the end of 1990. Only 80% of the instrumentation was delivered until September 1991. Since then any delivery of components to Yugoslavia was stopped because of the temporary embargo imposed by the IAEA. The existing RA reactor instrumentation was dismantled. Control and maintenance of the reactor components was done regularly and efficiently. Fuel inspection by the IAEA safeguards inspectors was done on a monthly basis. There have been on the average 43 employees at the RA reactor which is considered sufficient for maintenance and repair conditions. The problem of financing the reactor activities and maintenance remains unsolved. Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1996 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] U toku 1996. godine nastavljeni su poslovi na revitalizaciji reaktora RA, zapocetoj 1986. godine. Okoncan je niz zahvata na opremi postrojenja kojima ce se u narednom periodu omoguciti kontinualan i pouzdan rad ovog reaktora. Poslednji, i ujedno najveci zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Izradu ove opreme finansira Medjunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju kroz ugovor sklopljen decembra 1988. godine sa moskovskom firmom Atomenergoexport. Prema tom

  18. Razvoj močnostnega ojačevalnika za ultrazvočno pulzno stimulacijo




    Magistrsko delo opisuje izdelavo ojačevalnika električnih signalov sinusne oblike v ultrazvočnem spektru frekvenc do 1 MHz za namene vzbujanja ultrazvočne sonde. Delo zajema analizo visokofrekvenčnih pojavov in karakteristik sistema oddajnika ultrazvočnih valov, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri konstrukciji naprave z namenom maksimalne oddane moči ultrazvočnega oddajnika. Zasnova električnega vezja močnostnega ojačevalnika je bila sprva preverjena s simulatorjem LT Spice in kasneje nadgrajena ...

  19. Vpliv toplotnih mostov na porabo energije za ogrevanje na primeru osnovne šole


    Megušar, Primož


    Na primeru Osnovne šole Dobrova sem preveril, kakšen vpliv imajo dejanski toplotni mostovi na porabo energije za ogrevanje. Iz načrtov stavbe sem evidentiral vse toplotne mostove, kateri vplivajo na porabo energije. Tem toplotnim mostovom sem nato v standardu SIST EN ISO 14683 poiskal ustrezne približke. Nato sem s programom TOST izvedel tri simulacije. V prvem primeru toplotnih mostov nisem upošteval. V drugem primeru sem toplotne mostove upošteval na poenostavljen način, v zadnjem primeru p...

  20. Opće i posebno ograničenje odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine u novijoj stranoj sudskoj praksi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jasenko Marin


    Full Text Available Tema rada je proučavanje tumačenja i primjene međunarodnih propisa o općem i posebnom ograničenju odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine u novijoj sudskoj praksi. U uvodnom dijelu objašnjava se gospodarska i pravna svrha instituta ograničenja odgovornosti te se daje prikaz njegova uređenja na međunarodnoj razini. Naglašava se njegova ključna uloga u razvitku brodarstva i međunarodne trgovine. Kritički se analiziraju novije ilustrativne odluke stranih sudova u kojima su protumačene i primijenjene nerijetko dvojbene odredbe međunarodnih ugovora kojima je uređena ova materija. Iznose se zaključci o trenutnoj kvaliteti pravnog uređenja toga instituta, uočavaju tendencije njegova budućeg razvitka te predlažu mjere potrebne za njegovu daljnju nadogradnju.

  1. Kritički osvrt u odnosu na važeće propise s prijedlogom mjera za kvalitetnije upravljanje pomorskim dobrom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Željko Mišić


    Full Text Available Važećim propisima je određeno da pomorskim dobrom upravlja, vodi brigu o zaštiti i odgovara Republika Hrvatska, neposredno ili putem jedinica područne (regionalne samouprave (županija, odnosno jedinica lokalne samouprave (gradovi/općine. Davanje ovlasti općinama i gradovima za redovito upravljanje pomorskim dobrom imalo je svoju dobru namjeru, ali u stvarnosti se ipak pokazalo da se od strane općina i gradova u okviru njihovih ovlasti ne upravlja kvalitetno i ne vodi dovoljno brige o pomorskom dobru. Učestale su pojave nekontroliranoga nasipanja građevinskog i drugih otpadnih materijala uz samu obalu, odnosno u more, uz privolu predstavnika lokalne samouprave, a često i u njihovoj režiji bez odgovarajućih akata za takovu gradnju. Smatramo da je potrebno potpunije urediti ovo pitanje i to tako da se detaljnije odredi konkretni sadržaj djelatnosti koje se mogu odobriti na pomorskom dobru na razini gradova/općina, ali da ih se uvjetuje zadovoljavanjem posebnih uvjeta, koji su predviđeni, primjerice, dokumentima prostornog uređenja te uvjeta koje određuju mjerodavna javnopravna tijela. Premda se na različite načine pristupa problemu izvanrednog upravljanja pomorskim dobrom, smatramo da je potrebno doraditi sadašnje zakonsko određenje izvanrednoga upravljanja pomorskim dobrom na način da se u njega uključi i sanacija pomorskog dobra, koja je nužna zbog neodgovarajućeg održavanja pomorskog dobra izvan luka. Za davatelja koncesije prema važećim propisima nejasno su određeni kriteriji kojima se mora rukovoditi kod davanja koncesije u svrhu gospodarskog korištenja pomorskog dobra kada se druge osobe djelomično ili u potpunosti isključuju iz upotrebe i iz korištenja pomorskog dobra pa je potrebno o tome voditi računa prilikom budućih izmjena tih propisa. (...

  2. ShinyItemAnalysis: Analýza přijímacích a jiných znalostních či psychologických testů

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Martinková, Patrícia; Drabinová, Adéla; Houdek, Jakub


    Roč. 2017, č. 9 (2017), s. 16-35 E-ISSN 1805-9147 R&D Projects: GA ČR GJ15-15856Y Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : analýza testů * položková analýza * teorie odpovědi na položku * odlišné fungování položek * R * shiny Subject RIV: AM - Education OBOR OECD: Education, general; including training, pedagogy, didactics [ and education systems]

  3. Riziková analýza vodovodu obecního typu


    Potyšová, Petra


    Cílem diplomové práce bylo analyzovat vodovodní síť v obci Klobouky u Brna pomocí softwarové aplikace WaterRisk za použití jednoduché a komplexní metodiky. Na vodovodní síti bylo provedeno měření zákalu jako praktická podpora nežádoucích stavů. Rovněž byl proveden podrobný průzkum obce Klobouky u Brna. Přidanou hodnotou diplomové práce byla konzultace s provozním technikem ve společnosti Vodovody a kanalizace Hodonín, a.s. o zdroji vody a úpravně vody, ze které se voda přebírá pro obec Klobou...

  4. Pomen okoljske ozaveščenosti in sodelovanja javnosti za trajnostni razvoj

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Metka Špes


    Full Text Available Pri trajnostnem razvoju, ki zahteva uravnoteženost med ekonomskimi, socialnimi in okoljskimi cilji, je ključnega pomen tudi najširša udeležba javnosti. Za poznavanje ekoloških in razvojnih odločitev pa je potrebno zagotoviti objektivne informacije in dvig splošne okoljske zavesti. Posameznik ali skupine ljudi bodo reakcije na negativne pojave v okolju gradili na njegovi percepciji, ki pa ne ustreza vedno objektivnemu stanju, ampak ga modificirajo različni dejavniki, med njimi tudi dostop do informacij in sodelovanje javnosti pri odločanju.

  5. Radiation shielding plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Torakichi; Sugawara, Takeo.


    Purpose: To reduce the weight and stabilize the configuration of a radiation shielding plate which is used in close contact with an object to be irradiated with radiation rays. Constitution: The radiation shielding plate comprises a substrate made of lead glass and a metallic lead coating on the surface of the substrate by means of plating, vapor deposition or the like. Apertures for permeating radiation rays are formed to the radiation shielding plate. Since the shielding plate is based on a lead glass plate, a sufficient mechanical strength can be obtained with a thinner structure as compared with the conventional plate made of metallic lead. Accordingly, if the shielding plate is disposed on a soft object to be irradiated with radiation rays, the object and the plate itself less deform to obtain a radiation irradiation pattern with distinct edges. (Moriyama, K.)

  6. Plating on difficult-to-plate metals: what's new

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiesner, H.J.


    Some of the changes since 1970 in procedures for plating on such materials as titanium, molybdenum, silicon, aluminum, and gallium arsenide are summarized. While basic procedures for plating some of these materials were developed as many as 30 to 40 years ago, changes in the end uses of the plated products have necessitated new plating processes. In some cases, vacuum techniques - such as ion bombardment, ion implantation, and vacuum metallization - have been introduced to improve the adhesion of electrodeposits. In other cases, these techniques have been used to deposit materials upon which electrodeposits are required

  7. Effect of plate shapes in orifice plate type flowmeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moeller, S.V.


    The study of unusual plate shapes in orifice plate type flowmeters is presented, with a view to providing data for the substitution of the plate with one centered circular orifice in those applications where its use is not possible. For this purpose, six pairs of plates with different forms, with and without chamfered edges, were made and tested in a closed water loop. Results show that, generally, the use of chamfers improves the results and, in the case of perforated and slotlike orificed plates, the narrow-ness of the fluid passage tends to make unnecessary its use. (Author) [pt

  8. Plating laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seamster, A.G.; Weitkamp, W.G.


    The lead plating of the prototype resonator has been conducted entirely in the plating laboratory at SUNY Stony Brook. Because of the considerable cost and inconvenience in transporting personnel and materials to and from Stony Brook, it is clearly impractical to plate all the resonators there. Furthermore, the high-beta resonator cannot be accommodated at Stony Brook without modifying the set up there. Consequently the authors are constructing a plating lab in-house

  9. Odabir optimalne prostorne rezolucije fotogrametrijskih digitalnih modela površine za primjenu u šumarstvu – primjer s područja nizinskih šuma hrasta lužnjaka


    Balenović, Ivan; Marjanović, Hrvoje


    Posljednjih godina digitalna aerofotogrametrija počinje se primjenjivati kao alternativna metoda zračnomu laserskomu skeniranju u trodimenzionalnom modeliranju šumskih površina, poglavito u izradi digitalnih modela površine (DSM-ova). Za potrebe inventure šuma DSM se uglavnom koristi u kombinaciji s digitalnim modelom reljefa, preklapanjem kojih se dobije digitalni model visine sastojina/krošanja (CHM) koji se potom koristi za procjenu različitih varijabli pojedinačnih stabala ili šumskih sas...

  10. Ekspertni sistem za avtomatsko analizo lastnosti taktičnega radijskega omrežja


    Klampfer, Saša


    V širokem razcvetu računalniške industrije in pridobitve velike procesorske moči, so se v različnih industrijskih panogah močno uveljavili izpopolnjeni računalniški sistemi. Le ti so dandanes človeku v veliko pomoč, v nekaterih primerih pa z implementirano umetno inteligenco nadomeščajo človeško bitje. Med sisteme, ki so v pomoč uporabniku, operaterju, delavcu ipd. spadajo ekspertni sistemi z omejenim naborom znanja, in so namenjeni razreševanju problemov iz dobro poznane domene. Znanje za ra...

  11. Univerzalne vrednote multikulturnega sveta kot osnova za globalni novinarski etični kodeks


    Belužić, Verena


    Hitre tehnološke spremembe so povzročile, da naš svet postaja vedno manjši. V preteklosti je novinarski etični kodeks segal do mej države v kateri je bil sprejet, danes teh mej ni več, zato se je pojavila potreba po globalni novinarski etiki, ki bi lahko pomenila rešitev za uspešno medkulturno novinarsko poročanje. Na osnovah idej kozmopolitizma in univerzalizma poskušajo nekateri strokovnjaki opredeliti globalno novinarsko etiko. Rezultat te diplome je primerjava novinarskih etičnih kodeksov...

  12. Savremeno naoružanje i vojna oprema za br. 2-2005 / Modern weapons and military equipment for issue 2-2005 / Современное вооружение и военное оборудование за но. 2-2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirko Krbavac


    Full Text Available Laser protiv minobacačkih napada; Poboljšana laka samohodna haubica 155 mm; Velika Britanija poboljšava moć zemaljske artiljerije; Laki raketni artiljerijski sistem LIMAWS(R; Poboljšani sistem PVO Osa–AKM; Južnokorejski višecevni raketni lanser 70 mm; Novi SUV za projektile Krasnopolj; Borbeno vozilo pešadije Marder MK 30; Novi čistač mina marinskog korpusa SAD; Izraelski oklopni transporter Nemerah; Sistem Protektor za oklopna vozila; Dodatna zaštita za lako oklopljena vozila Modernizovani lovački avion Su-27SM; Sistem za samozaštitu helikoptera; Bespilotni helikopter Little Bird; Bolja zaštita vozila M2 Bradley; „Elektromagnetni oklop“ za laki tenk Thunderbolt; Poboljšani ručni laserski daljinomer Vector; Ekonomišan sistem za identifikaciju; Lako vozilo za vatrenu podršku; Naoružana robotizovana vozila; Razvoj snažnijih tenkovskih motora u Rusiji; Motori za laka borbena vozila; Prvo terensko vozilo na vodonik; Nove tehnologije za borbu protiv bombi; Novi kineski i iranski RPG-7; Lako oklopno vozilo CM-32; Taktičko vozilo MTV A1+ 8×8; Ručni širokopojasni softverski radio; Sistem za akviziciju cilja na bespilotnoj letelici; Osmatrački radar nove generacije MRR-3D; Novi koncept brzih brodova; Patrolni čamac Super Dvora Mk III; Nova ruska podmornica Projekt 677; Višenamenski patrolni brod MOPV; Detektor za streljačko naoružanje; Laka verzija avioradara N011M Bars.

  13. Eksplozivne materije za neosetljiva ubojna sredstva / Explosive substances for insensitive munitions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radun Jeremić


    Full Text Available U skladu sa sve strožim zahtevima za očuvanje životne sredine i većom bezbednošću, tendencije u razvoju suvremenih ubojnih sredstava (UbS, pored povećanja pouzdanosti i efikasnosti, usmerene su i na povećanje sigurnosti pri njihovoj proizvodnji, skladištenju, manipulaciji i upotrebi. Na taj način dobijena je nova kategorija UbS, tzv. neosetljiva UbS, kod kojih je verovatnoća neželjenog aktiviranja pod dejstvom spoljnih impulsa svedena na minimum. Suština rešavanja ovog problema je primena eksplozivnih materija koje su mnogo manje osetljive na spoljne uticaje u odnosu na standardne. Osnovni zahtev koji se pri tome postavlja je da taktičko-tehničke karakteristike ostanu na nivou ili budu bolje u odnosu na postojeća UbS. U radu je ukratko objašnjen koncept razvoja neosetljivih UbS i dat pregled najznačajnijih rezultata istraživanja u oblasti eksplozivnih materija koje zadovoljavaju zahteve za primenu u neosetljivim UbS. / According to severe environment protection and safety requirements, tendencies in development of modern munitions, besides of increasing reliability and efficiency, are directed to decreasing of danger during their processing, storing, handling and operating. In that manner the new category of munitions has been obtained, named insensitive munitions, with a minimum probability of unplanned activating. The best method for solving this problem is using of explosive substances that are more insensitive according to standard ones. The main requirement is the tactical and technical characteristics stay at the level or to be better according to the existing munitions. In this paper the developing concept of insensitive munitions is shortly explained and presented a review of most important research results of explosive materials that fulfill requirements for applying in insensitive munitions.

  14. Povezovanje logov, logotipov in sloganov v zaščitnih grafičnih znakih


    Ambrožič, Maja


    Ne glede na velikost organizacije, letni plačilni promet, organizacijsko strukturo, organizacijsko kulturo, naprave v lasti organizacije, poslovne prostore, organizacijsko klimo, organizacijsko strategijo, poslanstvo, vizijo, število zaposlenih itd v očeh javnosti vedno šteje oziroma organizacijo popolno predstavlja njena celostna grafična podoba. Celostna grafična podoba je identiteta organizacije, ki vključuje vso zgoraj našteto vsebino, ki jo mora grafični oblikovalec povezati v zaščitni g...

  15. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Plate Share Create Your Plate ! Share: Seven Simple Steps to Create Your Plate It's simple and effective ... foods within each food category. Try these seven steps to get started: Using your dinner plate, put ...

  16. Investigation of corrosion of materials of the irradiation device in the RA reactor; Ispitivanje korozije materijala uredjaja za ozracivanje na reaktoru RA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zaric, M; Mance, A; Vlajic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Devices for sample irradiation in the vertical RA reactor channels will be made of aluminium alloys. According to the regulations concerned with introducing materials into the RA reactor core, corrosion characterisation of these materials is an obligation. Corrosion properties of four aluminium alloys were investigated both in contact with stainless steel and without it. First part of this report deals with the corrosion testing of aluminium alloys in water by gravimetric and electrochemical methods. Bi-distilled water at temperatures less than 100 deg C was used. Second part is related to aluminium alloys corrosion in carbon dioxide gas under experimental conditions. The second part of research was initiated by the design of the head of the independent CO{sub 2} loop for samples cooling. [Serbo-Croat] Uredjaji za ozracivanje u vertikalnim kanalima reaktora RA, bice napravljeni od legura aluminjuma. Prema propisima o unosenju materijala u RA reaktor materijali se moraju prethodno ispitati i sa stanovista korozije. Ispitivane su korozione pojave na cetiri aluminjumske legure sa i bez kontakta sa nerdjajucim celikom. Prvi deo ovog rada tretira pitanje korozije legura aluminijuma u vodi gravimetrijskim i elektrohemijskim metodama. Koriscena je bidestilovana voda na temperaturi do 100 deg C. Drugi deo se odnosi na ispitivanje ponasanja legura aluminijuma u gasovitom ugljen dioksidu pod uslovima eksperimenta. Drugi deo istrazivanja izvrsen je za potrebe izgradnje glave petlje nezavisnog kola za hladjenje uzoraka gasovitim CO{sub 2}.



    Milohnić, Ines; Šustar, Maja


    Mnoga hotelska poduzeća prepoznala su ulogu i značaj etike i etičnosti koji sve više dobivaju na afirmaciji posebice u profesiji odnosa s javnošću. Etičke dileme s kojima se susreću su sve češće, a odstupanja od etičkih normi sve izraženija. Radom se nastoji ukazati značaj etike, poštivanje etičkog kodeksa organizacije kao i razine neetičnosti u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Istraživanje je poduzeto tijekom 2013. godine i to kao on-line istraživanje, a ciljnu su skupinu činili menadžeri za odnose ...

  18. A. Vessel for pressure generation, B. Battery of the electrical heater P=30kW, Project of the main loop for irradiation of enriched UO{sub 2}, Zad. E-14-37-00-29, Vol. IV; A. Sud za generaciju pritiska; B. Baterija el. grejaca snage P=30kW, Projekat glavnog kola petlje za ozracivanje obogacenog UO{sub 2}, Zad. E-14-37-00-29, Album IV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anastasijevic, P; Pavlovic, A [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Laboratorija za eksploataciju reaktora, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Vessel for pressure generation and the 30kW battery of the electrical heater belong to the Project of the main loop for irradiation of enriched UO{sub 2}. These two components of the irradiation loop are designed to attain and maintain the pressure and temperature of the cooling fluid. This report includes the description of the construction of the vessel for pressure generation and the battery of the electrical heater, control mechanical and electric calculations, needed tests, materials specifications, and overall and detailed engineering drawings. Sud za generaciju pritiska i baterija el. grejaca snage P=30kW pripadaju projektu glavnog kola petlje za ozracivanje obogacenog UO{sub 2}. Ova dva elementa glavnog kola petlje omogucavaju i odrzavaju pritisak i temperaturu rashadnog fluida. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi opis konstrukcije suda za generaciju pritiska i baterije elektricnog grejaca, kontrolne mehanicke i elektricne proracune, zahtevana ispitivanja, specifikaciju materijala, sklopni crtez i detalje.

  19. Detekce škodlivých domén za pomoci analýzy pasivního DNS provozu


    Doležal, Jiří


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá detekcí škodlivých domén za pomoci analýzy pasivního DNS provozu, návrhem a implementací vlastního systému detekce. Provoz DNS se stává terčem mnoha útočníků, kteří využívají toho, že služba DNS je nezbytná pro fungování Internetu. Téměř každá internetová komunikace totiž začíná DNS dotazem a odpovědí. Zneužívání služby DNS nebo využívání slabin této služby se projevuje anomálním chováním DNS provozu. Tato práce obsahuje popis různých metod používaných pro odhal...

  20. Activities needed for exploitation of the RA reactor I-IV, Part III, IZ-093-0103-1961; Radovi za potrebe eksploatacije raktora RA - I-IV - III deo, IZ-093-0103-1961

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jurida, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    For the purpose of designing the low-temperature loop at the RA reactor, a list of materials that would be irradiated in the reactor was made. This document includes a review of the radiochemistry data for the listed materials and data about thermal stability of the mentioned materials. Calculation of heat generated in listed samples was based on the theoretical and experimental results of radiation characteristics of the RA reactor. Maximum temperature values in the samples without forced cooling are calculated. [Serbo-Croat] Za potrebe projektovanja niskotemperaturne petlje na reaktoru RA nacinjen je pregled materijala za ozracivanje u reaktoru. Ovaj dokument sadrzi pregled radiajaciono hemijskih podataka za navedene materijale i podatke o termickoj stabilnosti pomenutih materijala. Toplota generisana u navedenim uzorcima racunata je uzimajuci u obzir osnovne podatke teorijske i eksperimentalne rezultate odredjivanja karakteristika zracenja u reaktoru. Izracunate su maksimalne temperature u uzorcima bez prinudnog hladjenja.

  1. Paper microzone plates. (United States)

    Carrilho, Emanuel; Phillips, Scott T; Vella, Sarah J; Martinez, Andres W; Whitesides, George M


    This paper describes 96- and 384-microzone plates fabricated in paper as alternatives to conventional multiwell plates fabricated in molded polymers. Paper-based plates are functionally related to plastic well plates, but they offer new capabilities. For example, paper-microzone plates are thin (approximately 180 microm), require small volumes of sample (5 microL per zone), and can be manufactured from inexpensive materials ($0.05 per plate). The paper-based plates are fabricated by patterning sheets of paper, using photolithography, into hydrophilic zones surrounded by hydrophobic polymeric barriers. This photolithography used an inexpensive formulation photoresist that allows rapid (approximately 15 min) prototyping of paper-based plates. These plates are compatible with conventional microplate readers for quantitative absorbance and fluorescence measurements. The limit of detection per zone loaded for fluorescence was 125 fmol for fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled bovine serum albumin, and this level corresponds to 0.02 the quantity of analyte per well used to achieve comparable signal-to-noise in a 96-well plastic plate (using a solution of 25 nM labeled protein). The limits of detection for absorbance on paper was approximately 50 pmol per zone for both Coomassie Brilliant Blue and Amaranth dyes; these values were 0.4 that required for the plastic plate. Demonstration of quantitative colorimetric correlations using a scanner or camera to image the zones and to measure the intensity of color, makes it possible to conduct assays without a microplate reader.

  2. Independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in the RA reactor vertical experimental channels, Task 2.50.05; Nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u vertikalnim eksperimentalnim kanalima reaktora RA, Zad. 2.50.05

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stojic, M; Pavicevic, M


    This report contains the following volumes V and VI of the Project 'Independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in RA reactor vertical experimental channels': Design project of the dosimetry control system in the independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in the RA reactor vertical experimental channels, and Safety report for the Independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in the RA reactor vertical experimental channels. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi dva albuma zadatka 'Nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u vertikalnim eksperimentalnim kanalima reaktora RA', Zad. 2.50.05: Album V: Predprojekat sistema dozimetrijske kontrole u nezavisnom kolu CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u VEK reaktora RA i Album VI: Izvestaj o sigurnosti za nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u VEK reaktora RA.

  3. Celovito ravnanje s komunalnimi odpadki na primeru Centra za ravnanje z odpadki Gajke : magistrsko delo


    Mohorič, Igor


    V magistrskem delu bomo predstavili celovit sistem ravnanja s komunalni odpadki od zbiranja, predelave, obdelave in odlaganja, s čimer se ukvarja razbremenilna logistika. Z vidika veljavne zakonodaje bomo ocenili ustreznost sedanjih tehnologij obdelave in predelave za doseganje zakonskih zahtev. V drugem delu pa bomo poskušali rešiti problematiko bioloških odpadkov v ostanku komunalnih odpadkov, namenjenih odlaganju s pomočjo nove tehnologije obdelave. Kot končni produkt bomo pridobili sno...

  4. New updated results of paleomagnetic dating of cave deposits exposed in Za Hájovnou Cave, Javoříčko Karst

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kadlec, Jaroslav; Čížková, Kristýna; Šlechta, Stanislav


    Roč. 70, 1-2 (2014), s. 27-34 ISSN 0036-5343 Institutional support: RVO:67985530 ; RVO:67985831 Keywords : Javoříčko Karst * Za Hájovnou Cave * Early and Middle Pleistocene * paleomagnetic dating Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy

  5. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual report 1992; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1992. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1992 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. First part includes 8 annexes describing reactor operation, activities of services for maintenance of reactor components and instrumentation, financial report and staffing. Second annex B is a paper by Z. Vukadin 'Recurrence formulas for evaluating expansion series of depletion functions' published in 'Kerntechnik' 56, (1991) No.6 (INIS record no. 23024136. Second part of the report is devoted to radiation protection issues and contains 4 annexes with data about radiation control of the working environment and reactor environment, description of decontamination activities, collection of radioactive wastes, and meteorology data. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj o radu nuklearnog reaktora RA za 1992. godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA. Prvi deo sadrzi 8 priloga, koji opisuju rad reaktora i poslove sluzbi za odrzavanje opreme i komponenti, finansijski izvestaj, kadrovsku strukturu osoblja reaktora. Drugi prilog (B) je rad Z. Vukadina 'Recurrence formulas for evaluating expansion series of depletion functions' objavljen u casopisu Kerntechnik, 1991. Drugi deo izvestaja o poslovima zastite od zracenja sadrzi 4 priloga sa podacima radijacione kontrole radne sredine i okoline reaktora, opis poslova dekontaminacije i sakupljanja radioaktivnih materija, kao i meteoroloske podatke.

  6. The training of the staff for work with radioactive materials and work on nuclear reactor in the Institute; Obuka kadrova za rukovanje radioizotopima i pogon nuklearnih reaktora u Institutu 'Boris Kidric' - Vinca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, M; Mladjenovic, O; Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia)


    A short informational review of the activities in the 'Boris Kidric' Institute on the training courses for the use of radioactive materials and for operating nuclear reactors including power reactors. The survey of the courses is given in the enclosures. (author) Kratak informativni pregled delatnosti u IBK na kursevima za obuku kadrova u rukovanju readioaktivnim materijalima i pogonu nuklearnih reaktora, ukljucujuci reaktore snage. pregled kurseva i materijala za njih dati su u prilozima. (author)

  7. Locking screw-plate interface stability in carbon-fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone proximal humerus plates. (United States)

    Hak, David J; Fader, Ryan; Baldini, Todd; Chadayammuri, Vivek B S


    Carbon-fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (CFR-PEEK) plates have recently been introduced for proximal humerus fracture treatment. The purpose of this study was to compare the locking screw-plate interface stability in CFR-PEEK versus stainless steel (SS) proximal humerus plates. Locking screw mechanical stability was evaluated independently in proximal and shaft plate holes. Stiffness and load to failure were tested for three conditions: (1) on-axis locking screw insertion in CFR-PEEK versus SS plates, (2) on-axis locking screw insertion, removal, and reinsertion in CFR-PEEK plates, and (3) 10-degree off-axis locking screw insertion in CFR-PEEK plates. Cantilever bending at a rate of 1 mm/minute was produced by an Instron machine and load-displacement data recorded. Shaft locking screw load to failure was significantly greater in CFR-PEEK plates compared to SS plates (746.4 ± 89.7 N versus 596.5 ± 32.6 N, p PEEK plates (p PEEK plates. The mechanical stability of locking screws in CFR-PEEK plates is comparable or superior to locking screws in SS plates.

  8. Sistem za testiranje uporabniškega vmesnika vgradnega računalniškega sistema




    Grafični uporabniški vmesniki so zelo pomemben del naprav z zaslonom. Testiranje vmesnikov je v okviru razvoja programske opreme nepogrešljivo, kar pa predstavlja velik časovni in finančni vložek. Iz teh razlogov je smiselno kar se le da velik del testiranja avtomatizirati. Delo opisuje preverjanje pravilnosti prikaza receptov in njim pripadajočih nastavitev, ki so del uporabniškega vmesnika pečice z LCD zaslonom, občutljivim na dotik. Za preverjanje izpisanega besedila je uporabljen odprt...

  9. Voltage-current characteristics of a pin-plate system with different plate configurations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, Zhuangbo; Long, Zhengwei


    In this paper, the voltage-current (V-I) characteristics of a pin-plate system with four types of collection plate configurations are studied experimentally. The collection plates consider a single metal plate, a metal plate with a fly ash cake layer, a metal plate with a clean filter media and a metal plate with a dirty filter media. The results show that the clean filter media has no obvious effect on the V-I characteristics. But the dirty filter media reduces the current density because of its high resistance. The thick fly ash cake layer increase current density because of the anti-corona effect but the increment is not very obvious.

  10. Preparation of the capsule for the experiment with enriched fuel, task E-14-16-00-29; Priprema kapsula za eksperiment sa obogacenim gorivom, zad. E-14-16-00-29

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anastasijevic, P; Pavlovic, A; Zivkovic, S; Nikolic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Preparation of the experiment with highly enriched fuel was based on the experience gained in constructing the capsule for natural uranium fuel. The possibility of using capsules with enriched UO{sub 2} in the RA reactor was analyzed. Special attention was devoted to the analysis of heat removal from the fuel rods. Capsule for irradiation of enriched UO{sub 2} was designed. The most important change appeared in sealing zircaloy-2 with stainless steel part. This must be done by diffusion welding. Since there is no device for diffusion welding in our country the elements will be sent to Saclay, France. All the parts made of domestic material were fabricated in the Institute. Purchase of elements that must be imported is delayed due to procedures for obtaining foreign currency. The fabrication of the capsule can be completed within 25 days upon obtaining the mentioned material from abroad. This report contains the safety report for the experiment with the enriched fuel. Na osnovu dosadasnjeg rada i iskustva na izgradnji kapsula za neobogaceno gorivo izvrsena je priprema za eksperimenat sa obogacenim gorivom. Analizirana je mogucnost koriscenja kapsula sa obogadenim UO{sub 2} u reaktoru RA. Narocito je posvecena paznja analizi odvodjenja generisane toplote iz sipki gorivnih elemenata. Projektovana je kapsula za ozracivanje obogacenog UO{sub 2}. Najznacajnija izmena je kod spajanja dela od cirkaloja-2 sa delom od nerdjajuceg celika. To spajanje morace se izvrsiti na masini za difuziono zavarivanje. Kako takvu masinu nemamo u zemlji elemente cemo dati da se zavare u Saclay-u. Svi delovi za koje nije bio potreban uvozni materijal izradjeni su u nasem Institutu. Kapsula nije montirana jer materijal iz uvoza koji se ugradjuje u kapsulu nije jos stigao u zemlju. Nabavka uvoznlh elemenata nije izvrsena na vreme zbog zakasnjenja kod odobravanja deviznih sredstava. Potpuna montaza kapsule moze se obaviti 25 dana po dobijanju pomenutog materijala. U radu je dat i izvestaj o

  11. Development of microstructure of steel for thermal power generation: Razvoj mikrostrukture jekel za termično generacijo energije:


    Bevilaqua, T.; Fujda, M.; Kuskulic, T.; Kvackaj, Tibor; Pokorny, I.; Weiss, M.


    The evolution of microstructure during the reheating and cooling of steel for thermal power generation was investigated. On the basis of the microstructure produced during cooling a CCT diagram is proposed Raziskan je bil razvoj mikrostrukture pri segrevanju in ohlajanju jekel za toplotno generacijo energije. Na podlagi mikrostrukture, ki je nastala pri ohlajanju, je bil predložen CCT-diagram.

  12. Task 08/41, Low temperature loop at the RA reactor, Review I of materials planned for irradiation within the five-year plan of nuclear power development in Federal Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia; Zadatak 08/41, Niskotemperaturna petlja u reaktoru 'A', Pregled I materijala predvidjenih za ozracivanje petogodisnjim planom razvoja nuklearne energije FNRJ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milenkovic, S; Milasin, N [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    For the purpose of designing the low-temperature loop at the RA reactor, a list of materials that would be irradiated in the reactor was made. This review includes materials which should be irradiated in for isotope production and materials to be irradiated for research and testing purposes. The neutron flux needed for materials testing should be much higher than presently available neutron flux of 10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2} sec. [Serbo-Croat] Za potrebe projektovanja niskotemperaturne petlje na reaktoru RA nacinjen je pregled materijala za ozracivanje u reaktoru. Pregled sadrzi materijale za ozracivanje u cilju proizvodnje izotopa i materijale za specijalna ozracivanja u cilju ispitivanja materijala. Za ispitivanje materijala potreban bi bio fluks neutron koji je znatno veci od raspolozivog fluksa od 10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2} sec.

  13. Du collectif, malgré tout dans le cinéma de Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marion Froger


    Full Text Available Dans ses deux premiers films, Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche interprète un personnage qui, ayant écopé de la « double peine », finit par perdre sa place dans un aller et retour sans issue, entre son village algérien d’origine qui le rejette (Bled number One et la France qui l’expulse puis le traque à son retour (Wesh wesh qu’est-ce qui se passe ?. À ce destin qui s’avère borné par la folie, d’un côté de la Méditerranée, ou par la mort de l’autre, le cinéaste oppose la créativité de ses propres collectifs de production, dont il laisse volontairement des traces dans chacun de ses films. Il entend ainsi, malgré tout, réinvestir, par le désir de groupe, le champ du politique, et par l’invention de formes cinématographiques, ne pas exclure le spectateur d’un sentiment de solidarité et de fraternité désancré de ses bases strictement communautaires. Adossé à la réalité vécue par une génération issue de l’immigration algérienne, née ou ayant grandi en France après l’indépendance de l’Algérie, le cinéma de Rabah Ameur-Zaimèche évoque les ambivalences de l’expérience groupale de ceux qui vont et viennent avec constance et intensité d’une rive à l’autre de leurs désirs d’appartenance et d’engagement.  In his two first movies, Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche plays a character who, subject to legal “double jeopardy”, finds himself lost in an inescapable back and forth between his native Algerian village, which rejects him, (Bled number One and France, which expels him and then, upon his return, hunts him down (Wesh wesh qu’est-ce qui se passe ?. Against this fate, which ends in madness on one side of the Mediterranean or death on the other, Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche sets the creativity of his production teams, traces of whose work remains in each of his films. Despite everything, the filmmaker looks to reinvest the political field with collective desire, and, through the use of inventive cinematic

  14. Alloying of titanium by oxygen during chamber electroslag remelting/Legiranje titanijuma kiseonikom u peći za elektropretapanje pod troskom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anatoliy D. Ryabtsev


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of alloying titanium by oxygen in the process of chamber electroslag remelting. As an oxygen-containing ligature, we used the electrodes-satellite from the reaction mass residues mixture from the retort lid for magnesium thermal reduction of a titanium sponge, a specially prepared gaseous argon oxygen mixture containing 30% oxygen applied directly to the melting space, microsize (10-15 mm powder particles of titanium oxide and titanium oxide nanopowder with a particle size of 21 ± 5 nm. The structure and the properties of titanium alloyed by oxygen from the oxygen-containing ligature, gas phase and titanium oxide powder during chamber electroslag remelting of the titanium sponge are investigated. It was found that at the oxygen content of 0.053%mas. to 0.22%mas. in the metal formed a homogeneous single-phase structure typical for commercial titanium formed by polyhedral grains of the α-phase. The increase of the oxygen concentration in titanium for more than 0.22%mas. leads to the formation of the microstructure with a typical needle structure, which allows it to be classified as the α ׳-phase. / U radu su prikazani rezultati legiranja titanijuma kiseonikom u procesu elektropretapanja pod troskom u peći. Za vezivo, koje sadrzi kiseonik, korišćene su satelit elektrode iz reakcije masenih ostataka mešavine iz poklopca retorte za termalnu redukciju magnezijumtitanijumskog sunđera, specijalno pripremljena mešavina gasa argona i kiseonika sa 30% kiseonika primenjena direktno na mesto topljenja, čestice praha titanijum-oksida mikroveličine 10-15mm i nanoprah titanijum-oksida veličine čestica od 21± 5 nm. Ispitane su struktura i karakteristike titanijuma legiranog kiseonikom iz veziva , gasne faze i praha titanijum-oksida tokom elektropretapanja titanijumovog sunđera pod troskom u peći. Utvrđeno je da se pri sadržaju kiseonika od 0.22%mas. u metalu formira homogena jednofazna struktura tipi

  15. Analýza experimentů samobuzených oscilací tenkostěnné elastické trubice

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Chlup, Hynek; Maršík, František; Konvičková, S.


    Roč. 10, č. 1 (2006), s. 189-194 ISSN 1335-2393. [Experimentálna analýza napätosti 2006/44./. Červený Kláštor, 23.05.2006-26.05.2006] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1181 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514 Keywords : biomechanics * self -excited oscillation * thin-walled elastic tube Subject RIV: BJ - Thermodynamics

  16. III Regulations and instructions in case of emergency; III Propisi i uputstva za slucaj udesa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This chapter includes definition of the term accident as considered in this document, classification of accidents, and detailed instructions for evacuation in case of accident. A separate annex includes data about indicators which announce accidental events and detailed instructions for actions to be undertaken in case of each mentioned event. Ovo poglavlje sadrzi definiciju pojma udesa, klasifikaciju udesa, detaljna uputstva za evakuaciju u slucaju udesa. Poseban prilog sadrzi detaljne podatke o indikatorima koji registruju udesna stanja i mere koje se preduzimaju u svakom od navedenih slucajeva.

  17. A Possible Differentially Shortened Strike-slip Plate Boundary: the Okhotsk Plate Example. (United States)

    Hindle, D.; Egorov, V.; Mackey, K. G.; Fujita, K.


    The Okhotsk plate has been postulated based on a combination of GPS geodetic inversions (REVEL1), seimsicity, geologic and lineament data. Lying between the North American and Eurasian plates, its northwestern corner would appear to be undergoing compression in a scissors motion between the two bounding plates. Extrusion tectonics along multiple, large strike-slip faults within the Okhotsk plate itself have been suggested to allow the escape of material away from the apex of Eurasia-North America. The plate boundary between Okhotsk and North America has been suggested to be diffuse, based on widely scattered minor seismicity. However, the large, left lateral, Ulakhan fault has also been suggested as a candidate plate boundary. We present field geological and geomorphological evidence of the partitioning of deformation between the Ulakhan fault, and several parallel and oblique, linked faults. The Ulakhan fault strand appears to have a maximum displacement of 24 km based on river valley offsets and closing large pull apart basins. Some of the displacement from the Ulakhan fault appears relayed into the plate margin along oblique trending, thrust/oblique slip faults. Estimated shortening over these faults is equivalent to the amount of shortening relayed into the plate margin from the plate boundary. There may be several thrust/oblique slip faults along the Ulakhan fault, which leads to the interesting situation of a segmented, strike-slip plate boundary being actively shortened in a margin parallel direction. This may be the result of postulated extrusion of the Okhotsk plate due to North America/Eurasia convergence. Such a situation would have important consequences for the interpretation of GPS data in a plate tectonic context.

  18. Savremeno naoružanje i vojna oprema za broj 2-2007 / Modern weapons and military equipment for issue 2-2007 / Современное вооружение и военное оборудование за но. 2-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirko Krbavac


    Full Text Available Poboljšani karabin HK 417; Laki automatski lanseri granata L134A1; Bacač granata M100 GREM; Automatski minobacački sistem za upravljanje vatrom Scorpion; Laki PA raketni lanseri MST; Novi kineski prenosni PA raketni sistemi; Troslojni protivraketni odbrambeni sistem; Brodski PA raketni sistem Štilj-1; Izvozni helikopteri kompanije Kamov; Bespilotna letelica za lociranje radarskih signala; Nove varijante bespilotnih letelica Predator; Oklopni transporteri BTR-80UP za iračku armiju; Poboljšana varijanta oklopnog transportera Iguana; Novi inžinjerijski tenkovski sistem Velike Britanije; Inžinjerijsko borbeno vozilo Terrier; Kamioni i tegljači KAMAZ; Osmatračka vozila Fennek za holandsku armiju; Dansko sanitetsko vozilo DURO III P 6×6; Podvodne mine M2004; Radio-uređaj jurišne pešadije Eagle; Uređaj za noćno osmatranje Pathfinder; Sredstva za zaštitu vazduhoplova i zemaljskih borbenih sistema; Provera sintetičkih goriva na bombarderu B-52 H.

  19. Effect of Plate Curvature on Blast Response of Structural Steel Plates (United States)

    Veeredhi, Lakshmi Shireen Banu; Ramana Rao, N. V.; Veeredhi, Vasudeva Rao


    In the present work an attempt is made, through simulation studies, to determine the effect of plate curvature on the blast response of a door structure made of ASTM A515 grade 50 steel plates. A door structure with dimensions of 5.142 m × 2.56 m × 10 mm having six different radii of curvatures is analyzed which is subjected to blast load. The radii of curvature investigated are infinity (flat plate), 16.63, 10.81, 8.26, 6.61 and 5.56 m. In the present study, a stand-off distance of 11 m is considered for all the cases. Results showed that the door structure with smallest radius of curvature experienced least plastic deformation and yielding when compared to a door with larger radius of curvature with same projected area. From the present Investigation, it is observed that, as the radius of curvature of the plate increases, the deformation mode gradually shifts from indentation mode to flexural mode. The plates with infinity and 16.63 m radius of curvature have undergone flexural mode of deformation and plates with 6.61 and 5.56 m radius of curvature undergo indentation mode of deformation. Whereas, mixed mode of deformation that consists of both flexural and indentation mode of deformations are seen in the plates with radius of curvature 10.81 and 8.26 m. As the radius of curvature of the plate decreases the ability of the plate to mitigate the effect the blast loads increased. It is observed that the plate with smaller radius of curvature deflects most of the blast energy and results in least indentation mode of deformation. The most significant observation made in the present investigation is that the strain energy absorbed by the steel plate gets reduced to 1/3 rd when the radius of curvature is approximately equal to the stand-off distance which could be the critical radius of curvature.

  20. The Okhotsk Plate and the Eurasia-North America plate boundary zone. (United States)

    Hindle, David; Mackey, Kevin


    The Eurasia-North America plate boundary zone transitions from spreading at rates of ~ 25mm/yr in the North Atlantic, to compression at rates of ~ 5mm/yr in the region of the Okhotsk plate. Because the pole of rotation between Eurasia and North America lies more or less on their mutual boundary, there is a linear change in rate along the boundary, and regions near the euler pole are subject to extremely low deformation rates. The Okhotsk - Eurasia - North America triple junction lies slightly south of the rotation pole, placing the Okhotsk plate entirely in a weakly contractional setting. Regions near the triple junction absorb 1mm/yr contraction. Further south, towards the shoreline of the Okhotsk sea, up to 5 mm/yr contraction may be absorbed within the plate. How shortening is accommodated across the boundary remains an open question. One possibility is wholesale extrusion of the entire Okhotsk plate (or possibly its northwestern corner) along two plate boundary strike slip faults (Eurasia-Okhostk and North America Okhotsk). The problem with this model is that the seismic record does not presently clearly support it, with the largest events distributed both within the plate interior and on its boundaries. This may suggest that instead, the Okhotsk plate, and particularly its north-western end, consists of a series of smaller blocks which shuffle against each other, partially accommodating extrusion, but also permitting some internal deformation and change of shape of the Okhotsk plate itself. We present analyses of the very sparse seismic record from the region, as well as geometric-kinematic, tectonic models of the possible deformation of northwest Okhotsk to try to better understand the different probabilities of how this slowly deforming plate boundary zone is behaving.

  1. Activity of the Service for maintenance of mechanical equipment of the RA reactor - Report, Annex II; Prilog II - Rad sluzbe za odrzavanje masinske opreme reaktora RA u 1979. godini - Izvestaj -

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radivojevic, J [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Service for mechanical components at the RA reactor includes: control and maintenance of utility components, mechanical workshop, hot cells and storage. Control and maintenance of main components covers: reactor core, heavy water system, technical water system, gas system. This service is responsible for the following auxiliary systems: transportation units; spent fuel storage pool; special ventilation system; personal protection appliances; hot cells. Maintenance of the reactor building, ventilation, heating, water supply, sewage, fire protection devices, gas and compressed air systems are included. [Serbo-Croat] Sluzba za masinsku opremu nuklearnog reaktora RA obuhvata: kontrolu i odrzavanje masinske opreme postrojenja, masinsku radionicu, vruce komore i prirucni magacin. Kontrola i odrzavanje osnovnih sistema obuhvata centralno telo reaktora, sistem teske vode, sistem tehnicke vode, gasni sistem. Pomocni sistemi koji spadaju u delatnost ove sluzbe su: transportna oprema, bazen za odlezavanje ozracenog goriva, sistem specijalne ventilacije, licna zastitna sredstva, vruce komore. Odrzavanje zgrade reaktora, ventilacije i grejanja, vodovoda i kanalizacije, opreme za protivpozarnu zastitu, instalacije gasa i komprimovanog vazduha su takode zadatak ove Sluzbe.



    Šumandl Kostov, Tea


    V poslovnem svetu je že dolgo znano, da so kupci jedro posla ter da uspeh podjetja temelji na učinkovitem upravljanju odnosov z njimi. Vsi cilji so osredotočeni na zadovoljevanje strank, tako da se te rade vračajo. Pogosto pa ti cilji predstavljajo oviro za podjetja, ki nimajo ustreznih orodij, opreme in metod. V današnjem času tehnologija podjetjem ponuja sisteme, ki zaposlenim omogočajo, da hitro pridobijo vse podatke o strankah. Ta koncept se imenuje upravljanje odnosov s strankami (v nada...

  3. Finite element analysis of a solar collector plate using two plate geometries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Manuel Medina Carril


    Full Text Available The thermal behavior of an absorber plate in a solar collector is investigated using finite element analysis. The thermal behavior and efficiency of two absorber plate geometries are studied, using a typical solar collector with a rectangular profile as reference, and a proposed absorber plate with curved geometry. An analysis of the most important parameters involved in the design of the absorber plate was carried out, indicating that the curved geometry of the absorber plate yields an average efficiency ~25% higher than the conventional rectangular geometry. The results suggest that a curved profile made of materials such as aluminum with thermal conductivity higher than 200W/m°C, plate thickness of the order of 2-3mm and with a large density of tubes per unit area of the collector´s plate greatly benefits the thermal efficiency of the solar collector.

  4. Plate removal following orthognathic surgery. (United States)

    Little, Mhairi; Langford, Richard Julian; Bhanji, Adam; Farr, David


    The objectives of this study are to determine the removal rates of orthognathic plates used during orthognathic surgery at James Cook University Hospital and describe the reasons for plate removal. 202 consecutive orthognathic cases were identified between July 2004 and July 2012. Demographics and procedure details were collected for these patients. Patients from this group who returned to theatre for plate removal between July 2004 and November 2012 were identified and their notes were analysed for data including reason for plate removal, age, smoking status, sex and time to plate removal. 3.2% of plates were removed with proportionally more plates removed from the mandible than the maxilla. 10.4% of patients required removal of one or more plate. Most plates were removed within the first post-operative year. The commonest reasons for plate removal were plate exposure and infection. The plate removal rates in our study are comparable to those seen in the literature. Copyright © 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Usporedba antibakterijske i antigljivične učinkovitosti otopina za dezinfekciju mekih kontaktnih leća


    Kuzman, Tomislav; Pokupec, Rajko; Kalauz, Miro; Juri, Jelena; Bujger, Zdenko; Presečki, Aleksandra


    Cilj studije bio je usporediti antibakterijska i antigljivična svojstva pet tekućina za dezinfekciju mekih kontaktnih leća. Ispitane su slijedeće tekućine: Oxysept Comfort (Advanced Medical Optics), Nitilens One Step (Avizor), Opti-Free Express (Alcon Laboratories), Complete Moisture Plus (Advanced Medical Optics) i Nitilens All-in-one (Avizor). Usporedili smo njihovu učinkovitost u dezinfekciji fiziološke otopine eksperimentalno kontaminirane slijedećim mikroorganizmima (American Type Cultur...

  6. Bending and stretching of plates

    CERN Document Server

    Mansfield, E H; Hemp, W S


    The Bending and Stretching of Plates deals with elastic plate theory, particularly on small- and large-deflexion theory. Small-deflexion theory concerns derivation of basic equations, rectangular plates, plates of various shapes, plates whose boundaries are amenable to conformal transformation, plates with variable rigidity, and approximate methods. Large-deflexion theory includes general equations and some exact solutions, approximate methods in large-deflexion theory, asymptotic large-deflexion theories for very thin plates. Asymptotic theories covers membrane theory, tension field theory, a

  7. Cadmium plating replacements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nelson, M.J.; Groshart, E.C.


    The Boeing Company has been searching for replacements to cadmium plate. Two alloy plating systems seem close to meeting the needs of a cadmium replacement. The two alloys, zinc-nickel and tin-zinc are from alloy plating baths; both baths are neutral pH. The alloys meet the requirements for salt fog corrosion resistance, and both alloys excel as a paint base. Currently, tests are being performed on standard fasteners to compare zinc-nickel and tin-zinc on threaded hardware where cadmium is heavily used. The Hydrogen embrittlement propensity of the zinc-nickel bath has been tested, and just beginning for the tin-zinc bath. Another area of interest is the electrical properties on aluminum for tin-zinc and will be discussed. The zinc-nickel alloy plating bath is in production in Boeing Commercial Airplane Group for non-critical low strength steels. The outlook is promising that these two coatings will help The Boeing Company significantly reduce its dependence on cadmium plating.

  8. History of internal fixation with plates (part 2): new developments after World War II; compressing plates and locked plates. (United States)

    Hernigou, Philippe; Pariat, Jacques


    The first techniques of operative fracture with plates were developed in the 19th century. In fact, at the beginning these methods consisted of an open reduction of the fracture usually followed by a very unstable fixation. As a consequence, the fracture had to be opened with a real risk of (sometimes lethal) infection, and due to unstable fixation, protection with a cast was often necessary. During the period between World Wars I and II, plates for fracture fixation developed with great variety. It became increasingly recognised that, because a fracture of a long bone normally heals with minimal resorption at the bone ends, this may result in slight shortening and collapse, so a very rigid plate might prevent such collapse. However, as a consequence, delayed healing was observed unless the patient was lucky enough to have the plate break. One way of dealing with this was to use a slotted plate in which the screws could move axially, but the really important advance was recognition of the role of compression. After the first description of compression by Danis with a "coapteur", Bagby and Müller with the AO improved the technique of compression. The classic dynamic compression plates from the 1970s were the key to a very rigid fixation, leading to primary bone healing. Nevertheless, the use of strong plates resulted in delayed union and the osteoporosis, cancellous bone, comminution, and/or pathological bone resulted in some failures due to insufficient stability. Finally, new devices represented by locking plates increased the stability, contributing to the principles of a more biological osteosynthesis while giving enough stability to allow immediate full weight bearing in some patients.

  9. Kjubrikovo čitanje Bardžisa: Značaj kostima za razumevanje Paklene pomorandže


    Dijana Metlić


    Roman Paklena pomorandža Entonija Bardžisa, objavljen 1962. godine, postao je jedno od kultnih književnih dela XX veka, pre svega zahvaljujući istoimenom filmu Stenlija Kjubrika iz 1971. Okarakterisan kao dekadentno i nihilističko ostvarenje, snimljen tako da gledaoci „uživaju“ u scenama nasilja, Kjubrikov film bio je, uz prekide, u distribuciji u Britaniji do 1974. godine kada je povučen na zahtev reditelja zbog optužbi koje su ga implicitno teretile za povećanje stepena delinkventskog nasil...

  10. The Importance of Lower Mantle Structure to Plate Stresses and Plate Motions (United States)

    Holt, W. E.; Wang, X.; Ghosh, A.


    Plate motions and plate stresses are widely assumed as the surface expression of mantle convection. The generation of plate tectonics from mantle convection has been studied for many years. Lithospheric thickening (or ridge push) and slab pull forces are commonly accepted as the major driving forces for the plate motions. However, the importance of the lower mantle to plate stresses and plate motions remains less clear. Here, we use the joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle dynamics approach of Wang et al. (2015) to compute the tractions originating from deeper mantle convection and follow the method of Ghosh et al. (2013) to calculate gravitational potential energy per unit area (GPE) based on Crust 1.0 (Laske et al., 2013). Absolute values of deviatoric stresses are determined by the body force distributions (GPE gradients and traction magnitudes applied at the base of the lithosphere). We use the same relative viscosity model that Ghosh et al. (2013) used, and we solve for one single adjustable scaling factor that multiplies the entire relative viscosity field to provide absolute values of viscosity throughout the lithosphere. This distribution of absolute values of lithosphere viscosities defines the magnitudes of surface motions. In this procedure, the dynamic model first satisfies the internal constraint of no-net-rotation of motions. The model viscosity field is then scaled by the single factor until we achieve a root mean square (RMS) minimum between computed surface motions and the kinematic no-net-rotation (NNR) model of Kreemer et al. (2006). We compute plate stresses and plate motions from recently published global tomography models (over 70 based on Wang et al., 2015). We find that RMS misfits are significantly reduced when details of lower mantle structure from the latest tomography models are added to models that contain only upper and mid-mantle density distributions. One of the key reasons is that active upwelling from the Large Low Shear

  11. Catalysts characteristics of Ni/YSZ core-shell according to plating conditions using electroless plating (United States)

    Park, Hyun-Wook; Jang, Jae-Won; Lee, Young-Jin; Kim, Jin-Ho; Jeon, Dae-Woo; Lee, Jong-Heun; Hwang, Hae-jin; Lee, Mi-Jai


    This study aims to develop an anode catalyst for a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) using electroless nickel plating. We have proposed a new method for electroless plating of Ni metal on yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) particles. We examine the uniformity of the Ni layer on the plated core-shell powder, in addition to the content of Ni and the reproducibility of the plating. We have also evaluated the carbon deposition rate and characteristics of the SOFC anode catalyst. To synthesize Ni-plated YSZ particles, the plated powder is heat-treated at 1200 °C. The resultant particles, which have an average size of 50 μm, were subsequently used in the experiment. The size of the Ni particles and the Ni content both increase with increasing plating temperature and plating time. The X-ray diffraction pattern reveals the growth of Ni particles. After heat-treatment, Ni is oxidized to NiO, leading to the co-existence of Ni and NiO; Ni3P is also observed due to the presence of phosphorous in the plating solution. Following heat treatment for 1 h at 1200 °C, Ni is mostly oxidized to NiO. The carbon deposition rate of the reference YSZ powder is 135%, while that of the Ni-plated YSZ is 1%-6%.

  12. Fuel cell end plate structure (United States)

    Guthrie, Robin J.; Katz, Murray; Schroll, Craig R.


    The end plates (16) of a fuel cell stack (12) are formed of a thin membrane. Pressure plates (20) exert compressive load through insulation layers (22, 26) to the membrane. Electrical contact between the end plates (16) and electrodes (50, 58) is maintained without deleterious making and breaking of electrical contacts during thermal transients. The thin end plate (16) under compressive load will not distort with a temperature difference across its thickness. Pressure plate (20) experiences a low thermal transient because it is insulated from the cell. The impact on the end plate of any slight deflection created in the pressure plate by temperature difference is minimized by the resilient pressure pad, in the form of insulation, therebetween.

  13. Heat insulating plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allan, J.A.F.


    Micro-porous insulation plates are dealt with, for example, how they are used in the insulation of heat storage devices. Since one side of such plates is exposed to a temperature of over 700/sup 0/C, a shrinkage of the glass texture of the covering can occur, which can exceed the shrinkage of the inner micro-porous material, so that cracks and splits in the high temperature side of the covering can come about. The task of the invention is to design the plate in such a way as to prevent this from happening. For this purpose the plate is provided, according to invention specifications, with flutes, waves, ribs, waffle or grid patterns and the covering is set into the recesses originating from this.

  14. Aktualna interdyscyplinarna opinia ekspercka w ramach programu „Dziecko i świat za pan brat” dotycząca proponowanych modeli rozwiązań odnośnie do kompleksowego podejścia do postępowania w ADHD

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr n. med. Mirosław Dąbkowski


    Full Text Available Leczenie ADHD opiera się na współpracy wszystkich osób z otoczenia dziecka: rodziców, nauczycieli, psychologów i lekarzy specjalistów. Ich zaangażowanie, a przede wszystkim wiedza na temat zaburzenia są niezbędne do tego, aby prawidłowo diagnozować i postępować w chorobie. Dlatego tak ważne jest, by dostarczać rzetelnych informacji wszystkim zainteresowanym osobom. Niniejsza opinia ekspercka dotycząca proponowanych modeli rozwiązań w postępowaniu w ADHD jest aktualnym materiałem ujmującym problem nadpobudliwości ruchowej z punktu widzenia osób bezpośrednio zaangażowanych w terapię i leczenie zaburzenia. Autorzy tego interdyscyplinarnego dokumentu, będący członkami Kapituły Programu „Dziecko i świat za pan brat”, nadali mu unikalną wartość opartą na wieloletnim doświadczeniu i praktyce. Nadrzędnym ich celem jest poinformowanie Czytelnika, że ADHD jest chorobą, którą moż- na i trzeba skutecznie leczyć. Zachowanie właściwej ścieżki diagnostycznej i terapeutycznej oraz ścisła współpraca środowisk najbliższych dzieciom dają bowiem szansę na stabilne funkcjonowanie w społeczeństwie.

  15. Fuel cell cooler-humidifier plate (United States)

    Vitale, Nicholas G.; Jones, Daniel O.


    A cooler-humidifier plate for use in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack assembly is provided. The cooler-humidifier plate combines functions of cooling and humidification within the fuel cell stack assembly, thereby providing a more compact structure, simpler manifolding, and reduced reject heat from the fuel cell. Coolant on the cooler side of the plate removes heat generated within the fuel cell assembly. Heat is also removed by the humidifier side of the plate for use in evaporating the humidification water. On the humidifier side of the plate, evaporating water humidifies reactant gas flowing over a moistened wick. After exiting the humidifier side of the plate, humidified reactant gas provides needed moisture to the proton exchange membranes used in the fuel cell stack assembly. The invention also provides a fuel cell plate that maximizes structural support within the fuel cell by ensuring that the ribs that form the boundaries of channels on one side of the plate have ends at locations that substantially correspond to the locations of ribs on the opposite side of the plate.

  16. Izgradnja podatkovnega skladišča v družbi za trgovanje z električno energijo




    Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti projekt »Izgradnja podatkovnega skladišča v družbi za trgovanje energije«. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na tri sklope. V prvem sklopu so, z namenom boljšega razumevanja tematike v nadaljevanju diplomskega dela, na kratko predstavljene značilnosti trga z električno energijo na primeru slovenskega trga z električno energijo. V drugem sklopu (tretje poglavje) so v ospredju osnove podatkovnega skladišča, razlike med dimenzijskim in normaliziranim pod...

  17. Theroretical modelling of the plate-tubes coupling in the hydroelasticity of the perforated plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzhupanov, V.A.; Manoach, E.S.


    In the previous investigations on the perforated plate hydroelasticity the problem of the plates-tubes-liquid interaction in the process of the general structural vibration is stated. But the interaction of the vibrating plates with the tubes, passing through them, is taken into account considering the tubes only as absolutely rigid supports. This is one of the possible technical realizations. In the present article the case when the tubes are taking part in the plate motion (vibration) is studied. Two circular perforated plates are supported by the absolutely rigid wall of the modelled roundcircular reactor barrel. The distance between the plates is given. They are connected by tubes, passing through, and clamped into the perforation holes. The plates and the tubes are made by any elastic HOOKIAN material. The volume between the two plates and outwardly to the tubes, but intrinsically of the barrel is filled by ideal, compressible and heavy liquid. Evidently the liquid volume is multiconnected one. The free vibration of the whole system is considered with the purposes: i) to give a theoretical model of the plates-tubes-liquid interaction including governing equations and boundary conditions; ii) to trace the solution of the eigen-value problem for the modelled structure; iii) to underline the engineering sides of the modelling process. (orig./GL)

  18. Modeling of parallel-plate regenerators with non-uniform plate distributions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jesper Buch; Engelbrecht, Kurt; Bahl, Christian Robert Haffenden


    plate spacing distributions are presented in order to understand the impact of spacing non-uniformity. Simulations of more realistic distributions where the plate spacings follow normal distributions are then discussed in order to describe the deviation of the performance of a regenerator relative...

  19. Highly conductive composites for fuel cell flow field plates and bipolar plates (United States)

    Jang, Bor Z; Zhamu, Aruna; Song, Lulu


    This invention provides a fuel cell flow field plate or bipolar plate having flow channels on faces of the plate, comprising an electrically conductive polymer composite. The composite is composed of (A) at least 50% by weight of a conductive filler, comprising at least 5% by weight reinforcement fibers, expanded graphite platelets, graphitic nano-fibers, and/or carbon nano-tubes; (B) polymer matrix material at 1 to 49.9% by weight; and (C) a polymer binder at 0.1 to 10% by weight; wherein the sum of the conductive filler weight %, polymer matrix weight % and polymer binder weight % equals 100% and the bulk electrical conductivity of the flow field or bipolar plate is at least 100 S/cm. The invention also provides a continuous process for cost-effective mass production of the conductive composite-based flow field or bipolar plate.

  20. Ni-based amorphous alloy-coating for bipolar plate of PEM fuel cell by electrochemical plating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaura, S; Kim, S C; Inoue, A


    In this study, the Ni-Cr-P amorphous alloy-coated bipolar plates were produced by electro-plating on the Cu base plates with a flow field. The power generation tests of a single fuel cell with those Ni-Cr-P bipolar plates were conducted at 353 K. It was found that the single fuel cell with those Ni-Cr-P bipolar plates showed excellent I-V performance as well as that with the carbon graphite bipolar plates. It was also found that the single cell with those Ni-Cr-P bipolar plates showed better I-V performance than that with the Ni-P amorphous alloy-coated bipolar plates. Furthermore, the long-time operation test was conducted for 440 h with those Ni-Cr-P bipolar plates at the constant current density of 200 mA·cm −2 . As a result, it was found that the cell voltage gradually decreased at the beginning of the measurement before 300 h and then the voltage was kept constant after 300 h.

  1. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Your Plate Gluten Free Diets Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Cook with Heart-Healthy Foods Holiday Meal ... Healthy Diet Create Your Plate Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Gluten Free Diets Holiday Meal Planning Cook ...

  2. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Meals Diabetes Meal Plans Create Your Plate Gluten Free Diets Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Cook with ... Your Plate Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Gluten Free Diets Holiday Meal Planning Cook with Heart-Healthy ...

  3. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... of the differences in types of vegetables. When creating your plate at home, remember that half of ... effective for both managing diabetes and losing weight. Creating your plate lets you still choose the foods ...

  4. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Index Low-Calorie Sweeteners Sugar and Desserts Fitness Exercise & Type 1 Diabetes Get Started Safely Get And ... Plate Create Your Plate is a simple and effective way to manage your blood glucose levels and ...

  5. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... foods you want, but changes the portion sizes so you are getting larger portions of non-starchy ... plate. Then on one side, cut it again so you will have three sections on your plate. ...

  6. Elastic stability of thick auxetic plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Teik-Cheng


    Auxetic materials and structures exhibit a negative Poisson’s ratio while thick plates encounter shear deformation, which is not accounted for in classical plate theory. This paper investigates the effect of a negative Poisson’s ratio on thick plates that are subjected to buckling loads, taking into consideration the shear deformation using Mindlin plate theory. Using a highly accurate shear correction factor that allows for the effect of Poisson’s ratio, the elastic stability of circular and square plates are evaluated in terms of dimensionless parameters, namely the Mindlin-to-Kirchhoff critical buckling load ratio and Mindlin critical buckling load factors. Results for thick square plates reveal that both parameters increase as the Poisson’s ratio becomes more negative. In the case of thick circular plates, the Mindlin-to-Kirchhoff critical buckling load ratios and the Mindlin critical buckling load factors increase and decrease, respectively, as the Poisson’s ratio becomes more negative. The results obtained herein show that thick auxetic plates behave as thin conventional plates, and therefore suggest that the classical plate theory can be used to evaluate the elastic stability of thick plates if the Poisson’s ratio of the plate material is sufficiently negative. The results also suggest that materials with highly negative Poisson’s ratios are recommended for square plates, but not circular plates, that are subjected to buckling loads. (paper)

  7. Hot cells for testing the UO{sub 2} fuel elements after irradiation. Radiation protection conditions for hot cells design; Vruce celije za ispitivanje gorivnih elemenata UO{sub 2} posle ozracivanja, Uslovi zastite pri projektovanju vrucih celija

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavlovic, A; Devic, J; Mihailovic, K [Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinca, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)


    This paper includes protection conditions which hot cells should satisfy for the investigation of fuel elements after reactor irradiation. The basic elements of hot cells are given, and the conditions for a special ventilation, dosimetric control and a special treatment of contaminated water are established (author) U radu su obuhvaceni uslovi zastite koje treba da zadovolje vruce celije za ispitivanje gorivnih elemenata posle ozracivanja u reaktoru, dati su osnovni elementi vrucih celija i postavljeni su uslovi za specijalnu ventilaciju, dozimentrijsku kontrolu i specijalni tretman otpadnih voda (author)

  8. Twenty years of chemistry associated with the needs and utilization of nuclear reactors at the 'Boris Kidric' Institute of nuclear sciences, Vinca, Yugoslavia; Dvadeset godina hemije vezane za potrebe i koriscenje nuklearnih reaktora u Institutu za nuklearne nauke 'Boris kidric' i Vinci - Radiohemija

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dizdar, Z [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    The history of the work in the field of radiochemistry at the Boris Kidric Institute of nuclear sciences, Vinca, Yugoslavia, is given. The technical, organization and staff conditions on which further successful development in this domain depends are discussed (author) [Serbo-Croat] Daje se istorijat rada na radiohemiji u Institutu za nuklearne nauke 'Boris Kidric' u Vinci od njegovog osnivanja do danas. Govori se o tehnickim, organizacionim i kadrovskim uslovima od kojih zavisi dalji uspesan razvoj ove oblasti (author)

  9. Neutron imaging plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niimura, Nobuo


    Imaging plates have been used in the field of medical diagnosis since long ago, but their usefulness was verified as the two-dimensional detector for analyzing the X-ray crystalline structure of high bio molecules like protein, and they have contributed to the remarkable progress in this field. The great contribution is due to the excellent features, such as the detection efficiency of about 100%, the positional resolution smaller than 0.2 mm, the dynamic range of five digits, and the area of several hundreds mm square. The neutron imaging plates have not yet obtained the sufficient results. It was planned to construct the neutron diffractometer for biological matters, and to put imaging plate neutron detectors (IP-ND) to practical use as the detector. The research on the development of IP-NDs was carried out, and the IPp-NDs having the performance comparable with that for X-ray were able to be produced. Imaging plates are the integral type two-dimensional radiation detector using photostimulated luminescence matters, and their principle is explained. As to neutron imaging plates, the converter, neutron detection efficiency and the flight of secondary particles in photo-stimulated luminescence matters are described. As for the present state of development of neutron imaging plates, the IP-NDs made for trial, the dynamic range, the positional resolution, the detection efficiency and the kinds of converters, and the application of IP-NDs are reported. (K.I.)

  10. Towards stacked zone plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Werner, S; Rehbein, S; Guttman, P; Heim, S; Schneider, G


    Fresnel zone plates are the key optical elements for soft and hard x-ray microscopy. For short exposure times and minimum radiation load of the specimen the diffraction efficiency of the zone plate objectives has to be maximized. As the efficiency strongly depends on the height of the diffracting zone structures the achievable aspect ratio of the nanostructures determines these limits. To reach aspect ratios ≥ 20:1 for high efficient optics we propose to superimpose zone plates on top of each other. With this multiplication approach the final aspect ratio is only limited by the number of stacked zone plate layers. For the stack process several nanostructuring process steps have to be developed and/or improved. Our results show for the first time two layers of zone plates stacked on top of each other.



    Jurak, Teja


    V diplomski nalogi primerjamo motivacijo učencev drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja (VIO) osnovne šole (OŠ) v Sloveniji in Španiji za učenje tujega jezika (angleščine) ter motivacijo mlajših učencev v primerjavi s starejšimi v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Osredotočamo se na učenje tujega jezika v otroštvu, pri tem pa najprej opredelimo pojem motivacija, motivacija pri učenju, torej učna motivacija in njene vrste, kot sta notranja in zunanja motivacija ter specifično pri učenj...

  12. Uticaj oksidacije aktivnog uglja sumpornom kiselinom i impregnacije bakar-sulfatom na sorpcionu sposobnost gasnog filtra za zaštitu od dejstva amonijaka / Study of the effects of activated carbon oxidation with sulphuric acid and impregnation with copper sulphate on the protection capacity of gas filters against ammonia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sretko Ilić


    Full Text Available U radu je istraživana mogućnost poboljšanja kvaliteta aktivnog uglja (AU za upotrebu u sredstvima za ličnu zaštitu respiratornih organa od dejstva amonijaka. Uzorci komercijalnih AU oksidovani su različitim količinama rastvora sumporne kiseline, masenih koncentracija 10% i 15%. Na uzorke AU tretirane kiselinom deponovan je zatim bakar-sulfat, metodom dvostruke impregnacije rastvorom bakar-sulfata do početne vlažnosti uzorka. Impregnisani AU ispitanje u sloju u gasnom filtru prečnika 105 mm, čije su visine imale vrednosti od 29 mm do 41 mm, a uslovi su bill: ulazna koncentracija amonijaka -3,5 mg/dm3 (zapreminska koncentracija 0,5%, protok gasne smeše vazduh-amonijak - 30 dm3/min, relativna vlažnost 70% i ambijentna temperatura. Proboj je detektovan kvalitativno, pomoću indikatorskog papirića safenolftaleinom. AU impregnisan novim postupkom obezbedio je u sloju visine 29 mm vreme proboja 108 min, a 160 min u sloju visine 41 mm. / The objective of this paper has been the study of the possibility to enhance the properties of activated carbon (AC for using it in respiratory protective devices for ammonia removal from the air. The commercial AC samples were oxidized with different amounts of 10% and 15% sulphuric acid solutions. The acid treated AC samples were the loaded with copper sulphate with twofold impregnation by the incipient wetness method. The impregnated AC was tested in a packed bed in the gas filter with a diameter of 105 mm and a bed depth ranging from 29 mm to 41 mm under the following test conditions inlet concentration of ammonia was 3,5 mg/dm3, flow rate of 30 dm3/min at 70% relative humidity and ambient temperature. The breakthrough was detected qualitatively by the phenolphtalein indicator paper. The new impregnated AC reached the breaktrough time of 108 min for a 29 mm bed depth, and 160 min for a bed depth of 41 mm.

  13. Anisotropic elastic plates

    CERN Document Server

    Hwu, Chyanbin


    As structural elements, anisotropic elastic plates find wide applications in modern technology. The plates here are considered to be subjected to not only in plane load but also transverse load. In other words, both plane and plate bending problems as well as the stretching-bending coupling problems are all explained in this book. In addition to the introduction of the theory of anisotropic elasticity, several important subjects have are discussed in this book such as interfaces, cracks, holes, inclusions, contact problems, piezoelectric materials, thermoelastic problems and boundary element a

  14. Buckling analysis for axially compressed flat plates, structural sections, and stiffened plates reinforced with laminated composites (United States)

    Viswanathan, A. V.; Soong, T.; Miller, R. E., Jr.


    A classical buckling analysis is developed for stiffened, flat plates composed of a series of linked plate and beam elements. Plates are idealized as multilayered orthotropic elements. Structural beads and lips are idealized as beams. The loaded edges of the stiffened plate are simply-supported and the conditions at the unloaded edges can be prescribed arbitrarily. The plate and beam elements are matched along their common junctions for displacement continuity and force equilibrium in an exact manner. Offsets between elements are considered in the analysis. Buckling under uniaxial compressive load for plates, sections, and stiffened plates is investigated. Buckling loads are the lowest of all possible general and local failure modes, and the mode shape is used to determine whether buckling is a local or general instability. Numerical correlations with existing analysis and test data for plates, sections, and stiffened plates including boron-reinforced structures are discussed. In general correlations are reasonably good.

  15. Independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in vertical experimental channels of the RA reactor, Vol. I; Nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u vertikalnim eksperimentalnim kanalima reaktora RA, Album I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavicevic, M; Pavlovic, A [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Project 'independent CO{sub 2} loop for cooling the samples irradiated in the vertical experimental channels of the RA reactor' is presented in two volumes: volume I - head of the low temperature coolant loop for reactor RA, and volume II - Outer low-temperature reactor coolant loop. Volume I includes: the design specifications for the head of the low-temperature coolant loop, technical description, thermal calculation, calculations of mechanical loads, antireactivity and activation of the components of the coolant loop head, engineering schemes and drawings, cost estimation data. [Serbo-Croat] Projekat 'Nezavisno kolo CO{sub 2} za hladjenje uzoraka ozracivanih u vertikalnim eksperimentalnim kanalima reaktora RA', sastoji se od dva albuma: album I - Glava niskotemperaturno rashladne petlje za reaktor RA, album II - Spoljno kolo niskotemperaturne rashladne petlje za reaktora. Album I sadrzi projektni zadatak glave niskotemperaturne petlje, tehnicki opis, termicki proracun, proracun mehanickih naprezanja, antireaktivnosti i aktivacije kontrukcionih elemenata glave petlje, konstrukcione seme i crteze glave petlje, predracun.

  16. Jedan pristup u oceni efektivnosti sistema za zvukometrijsko izviđanje 'Boomerang' / One approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the boomerang system for acoustic source localization and identification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miroslav R. Terzić


    Full Text Available U radu je prikazan jedan pristup u oceni efektivnosti sistema za zvukometrijsko izviđanje. Sistem za zvukometrijsko izviđanje modelovan je kao sistem masovnog opsluživanja, opisana su stanja sistema, parametri i izveden izraz za određivanje verovatnoće opsluživanja sistema za zvukometrijskao izviđanje, kao kriterijuma za ocenu efektivnosti. / One approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of a system for acoustic source localization and identification has been shown in this article. The system for acoustic source localization and identification has been presented as a model of mass servicing system. The states of the system as well as its features have been described while the formula for service probability determination has been derived as a criterion for effectiveness evaluation. The introductory part of the article describes the system for acoustic source localization and identification and shows a model for quantity estimation of the function of technical system effectiveness E (t. The system effectiveness represents a probability of system initiation as well as a probability of its successful mission accomplishment on the basis of designed capabilities within the given time period and operational conditions. The basic characteristics of the Boomerang system for acoustic source localization and identification show the system elements and its designed capability to detect, analyse and distribute acoustic source location data. The analytical model for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Boomerang system for acoustic source localization and identification shows that 'n' stations for acoustic source localization can exchange information with each other using the network link. The system conditions are described and the expression for the determination of service probability as a criterion for system effectiveness evaluation is derived. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the Boomerang system for acoustic source

  17. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... In Memory In Honor Become a Member En Español Type 1 Type 2 About Us Online Community ... Page Text Size: A A A Listen En Español Create Your Plate Create Your Plate is a ...

  18. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Planning Meals Diabetes Meal Plans Create Your Plate Gluten Free Diets Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Cook with Heart- ... Create Your Plate Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Gluten Free Diets Holiday Meal Planning Cook with Heart-Healthy Foods ...

  19. BAO Plate Archive Project (United States)

    Mickaelian, A. M.; Gigoyan, K. S.; Gyulzadyan, M. V.; Paronyan, G. M.; Abrahamyan, H. V.; Andreasyan, H. R.; Azatyan, N. M.; Kostandyan, G. R.; Samsonyan, A. L.; Mikayelyan, G. A.; Farmanyan, S. V.; Harutyunyan, V. L.


    We present the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) Plate Archive Project that is aimed at digitization, extraction and analysis of archival data and building an electronic database and interactive sky map. BAO Plate Archive consists of 37,500 photographic plates and films, obtained with 2.6m telescope, 1m and 0.5m Schmidt telescopes and other smaller ones during 1947-1991. The famous Markarian Survey (or the First Byurakan Survey, FBS) 2000 plates were digitized in 2002-2005 and the Digitized FBS (DFBS, was created. New science projects have been conducted based on this low-dispersion spectroscopic material. Several other smaller digitization projects have been carried out as well, such as part of Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) plates, photographic chain plates in Coma, where the blazar ON 231 is located and 2.6m film spectra of FBS Blue Stellar Objects. However, most of the plates and films are not digitized. In 2015, we have started a project on the whole BAO Plate Archive digitization, creation of electronic database and its scientific usage. Armenian Virtual Observatory (ArVO, database will accommodate all new data. The project runs in collaboration with the Armenian Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) and will continues during 4 years in 2015-2018. The final result will be an Electronic Database and online Interactive Sky map to be used for further research projects. ArVO will provide all standards and tools for efficient usage of the scientific output and its integration in international databases.

  20. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Diabetes Meal Plans Create Your Plate Gluten Free Diets Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Cook with Heart-Healthy Foods Holiday Meal Planning ... Planning Meals Diabetes Meal Plans and a Healthy Diet Create Your Plate Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets ...

  1. Gain stabilized microchannel plates and a treatment method for microchannel plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Microchannel plates having increased gain and significantly improved aging characteristics are provided by forming a thin film of a cesium compound on the channel walls. In an exemplary embodiment, a suface film of cesium hydroxide is applied to the interior wall surfaces of an MCP by saturating the plate with a solution of the compound, then allowing the solvent to evaporate. The cesium hydroxide residue on the walls subsequently is converted to cesium oxide by a high temperature bake. Microchannel plates are used in image amplifiers, radiation detectors and such like equipment. (Auth.)

  2. Bottom nozzle for nuclear reactor fuel assembly having an adaptor plate and a coupled filtration plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verdier, M.; Mortgat, R.


    The bottom nozzle includes an adaptor plate with openings to allow the passage of water and a filtration plate with small holes. The openings in the adaptor plate are symmetrical with regard to medians and diagonals. Within each zone, some of the openings are rectangular and some may be circular. The small holes in the filtration plate coincide with the rectangular openings in the adaptor plate

  3. Scintillating plate calorimeter optical design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McNeil, R.; Fazely, A.; Gunasingha, R.; Imlay, R.; Lim, J.


    A major technical challenge facing the builder of a general purpose detector for the SSC is to achieve an optimum design for the calorimeter. Because of its fast response and good energy resolution, scintillating plate sampling calorimeters should be considered as a possible technology option. The work of the Scintillating Plate Calorimeter Collaboration is focused on compensating plate calorimeters. Based on experimental and simulation studies, it is expected that a sampling calorimeter with alternating layers of high-Z absorber (Pb, W, DU, etc.) and plastic scintillator can be made compensating (e/h = 1.00) by suitable choice of the ratio of absorber/scintillator thickness. Two conceptual designs have been pursued by this subsystem collaboration. One is based on lead as the absorber, with read/out of the scintillator plates via wavelength shifter fibers. The other design is based on depleted uranium as the absorber with wavelength shifter (WLS) plate readout. Progress on designs for the optical readout of a compensating scintillator plate calorimeter are presented. These designs include readout of the scintillator plates via wavelength shifter plates or fiber readout. Results from radiation damage studies of the optical components are presented

  4. Study of uranium plating measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Jufang; Wen Zhongwei; Wang Mei; Wang Dalun; Liu Rong; Jiang Li; Lu Xinxin


    In neutron physics experiments, the measurement for plate-thickness of uranium can directly affect uncertainties of experiment results. To measure the plate-thickness of transform target (enriched uranium plating and depleted uranium plating), the back to back ionization chamber, small solid angle device and Au-Si surface barrier semi-conductor, were used in the experiment study. Also, the uncertainties in the experiment were analyzed. Because the inhomo-geneous of uranium lay of plate can quantitively affect the result, the homogeneity of uranium lay is checked, the experiment result reflects the homogeneity of uranium lay is good. (authors)

  5. Comparison of Thermal Performances between Low Porosity Perforate Plate and Flat Plate Solar Air Collector (United States)

    Chan, Hoy-Yen; Vinson, A. A.; Baljit, S. S. S.; Ruslan, M. H.


    Flat plate solar air collector is the most common collector design, which is relatively simpler to fabricate and lower cost. In the present study, perforated plate solar collector was developed to improve the system thermal performance. A glazed perforated plate of 6mm holes diameter with square geometry was designed and installed as the absorber of the collector. The influences of solar radiation intensity and mass flow rate on the thermal performance were investigated. The perforated collector was compared with the flat plate solar collector under the same operating conditions. The highest values of thermal efficiency in this study for the perforated plate (PP) and the flat plate (FP) solar collectors were 59% and 36% respectively, at solar radiation intensity of 846 Wm-2 and mass flow rate of 0.02 kgs-1. Furthermore, PP collector gave better thermal performance compared to FP collector; and compared to previous studies, the present perforated design was compatible with the flat plate with double pass designs.

  6. Ispitivanje primene neorganskih supstrata na bazi nanokristala TiO2 za detekciju i kvantifikaciju malih molekula SALDI TOF masenom spektrometrijom


    Popović, Iva A.


    Izvod: MALDI TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionization Time-Of-Flight) masena spektrometrija je meka jonizaciona tehnika koja se prvenstveno koristi za analizu biomolekula (proteina i nukleinskih kiselina) i omogućava detekciju molekula uz veoma nizak stepen fragmentacije. Kako bi se sprečila/ublažila fragmentacija izazvana direktnom ekscitacijom laserom, uzorak se meša sa matricama koje imaju visok apsorpcioni koeficijent u oblasti u kojoj laser emituje. Primarn...

  7. Earth's Decelerating Tectonic Plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forte, A M; Moucha, R; Rowley, D B; Quere, S; Mitrovica, J X; Simmons, N A; Grand, S P


    Space geodetic and oceanic magnetic anomaly constraints on tectonic plate motions are employed to determine a new global map of present-day rates of change of plate velocities. This map shows that Earth's largest plate, the Pacific, is presently decelerating along with several other plates in the Pacific and Indo-Atlantic hemispheres. These plate decelerations contribute to an overall, globally averaged slowdown in tectonic plate speeds. The map of plate decelerations provides new and unique constraints on the dynamics of time-dependent convection in Earth's mantle. We employ a recently developed convection model constrained by seismic, geodynamic and mineral physics data to show that time-dependent changes in mantle buoyancy forces can explain the deceleration of the major plates in the Pacific and Indo-Atlantic hemispheres.

  8. Kjubrikovo čitanje Bardžisa: Značaj kostima za razumevanje Paklene pomorandže

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dijana Metlić


    Full Text Available Roman Paklena pomorandža Entonija Bardžisa, objavljen 1962. godine, postao je jedno od kultnih književnih dela XX veka, pre svega zahvaljujući istoimenom filmu Stenlija Kjubrika iz 1971. Okarakterisan kao dekadentno i nihilističko ostvarenje, snimljen tako da gledaoci „uživaju“ u scenama nasilja, Kjubrikov film bio je, uz prekide, u distribuciji u Britaniji do 1974. godine kada je povučen na zahtev reditelja zbog optužbi koje su ga implicitno teretile za povećanje stepena delinkventskog nasilja u Engleskoj, neposredno po bioskopskom prikazivanju filma. Ovaj tekst analizira specifičan Kjubrikov pristup adaptaciji književnog predloška, sa pozicije upotrebe filmskog kostima i umetničkih dela pop arta u njegovoj scenografiji, što postaju ključni elementi za konstruisanje nove slike budućeg društva, nastalog u periodu hladnoratovske krize, Vijetnamskog rata i učestalih protesta omladine nezadovoljne uslovima života koji im obezbeđuju njihovi očevi. U pitanju je klasno određen svet, korumpiran i sumoran, ispražnjen i bez vitalnosti. Bardžis predstavlja Englesku neposredno po završetku sukoba između modsa i rokera šezdesetih godina, a pre pojave pank pokreta u drugoj polovini sedamdesetih. Takvoj apokaliptičkoj viziji britanske budućnosti suprotstavlja se jaka i osvešćena individua oličena u harizmatičnom junaku Aleksu Dilarču, koji sa Kjubrikom konačno dobija i svoj „stvarni“, oživotvoreni lik zahvaljujući Malkolmu Mekdauelu koji tumači glavnu ulogu.

  9. Comparison of skeletal stability after sagittal split ramus osteotomy among mono-cortical plate fixation, bi-cortical plate fixation, and hybrid fixation using absorbable plates and screws. (United States)

    Ueki, Koichiro; Moroi, Akinori; Yoshizawa, Kunio; Hotta, Asami; Tsutsui, Takamitsu; Fukaya, Kenichi; Hiraide, Ryota; Takayama, Akihiro; Tsunoda, Tatsuta; Saito, Yuki


    The purpose of this study was to examine skeletal stability and plate breakage after sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) with the mono-cortical plate fixation, bi-cortical plate fixation, and hybrid fixation techniques using absorbable plates and screws. A total of 76 Japanese patients diagnosed with mandibular prognathism with and without maxillary deformity were divided into 3 groups randomly. A total of 28 patients underwent SSRO with mono-cortical plate fixation, 23 underwent SSRO with bi-cortical plate fixation, and 25 underwent SSRO with hybrid fixation. Skeletal stability and horizontal condylar angle were analyzed by axial, frontal, and lateral cephalograms from before the operation to 1 year postoperatively. Breakage of the plate and screws was observed by 3-dimensional computed tomography (3DCT) immediately after surgery and after 1 year. Although there was a significant difference between the mono-cortical plate fixation group and hybrid fixation group regarding right MeAg in T1 (P = 0.0488) and occlusal plane in T1 (P = 0.0346), there were no significant differences between the groups for the other measurements in each time interval. In 2 cases, namely, 6 sides in the mono-cortical plate fixation group, breakage of the absorbable plate was found by 3DCT. However, there was no breakage in the bi-cortical plate fixation group and hybrid fixation group. This study results suggested that there were no significant differences in the postoperative skeletal stability among the 3 groups, and bi-cortical fixation as well as hybrid fixation was a reliable and useful method to prevent plate breakage even if an absorbable material was used. Copyright © 2016 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... ready, you can try new foods within each food category. Try these seven steps to get started: Using your dinner plate, put a line down the middle of the plate. Then on one side, cut it ... and starchy foods. See this list of grains and starchy foods . ...

  11. Indonesian Landforms and Plate Tectonics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herman Th. Verstappen


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v5i3.103The horizontal configuration and vertical dimension of the landforms occurring in the tectonically unstable parts of Indonesia were resulted in the first place from plate tectonics. Most of them date from the Quaternary and endogenous forces are ongoing. Three major plates – the northward moving Indo-Australian Plate, the south-eastward moving SE-Asian Plate and the westward moving Pacific Plate - meet at a plate triple-junction situated in the south of New Guinea’s Bird’s Head. The narrow North-Moluccan plate is interposed between the Asia and Pacific. It tapers out northward in the Philippine Mobile Belt and is gradually disappearing. The greatest relief amplitudes occur near the plate boundaries: deep ocean trenches are associated with subduction zones and mountain ranges with collision belts. The landforms of the more stable areas of the plates date back to a more remote past and, where emerged, have a more subdued relief that is in the first place related to the resistance of the rocks to humid tropical weathering Rising mountain ranges and emerging island arcs are subjected to rapid humid-tropical river erosions and mass movements. The erosion products accumulate in adjacent sedimentary basins where their increasing weight causes subsidence by gravity and isostatic compensations. Living and raised coral reefs, volcanoes, and fault scarps are important geomorphic indicators of active plate tectonics. Compartmental faults may strongly affect island arcs stretching perpendicular to the plate movement. This is the case on Java. Transcurrent faults and related pull-apart basins are a leading factor where plates meet at an angle, such as on Sumatra. The most complicated situation exists near the triple-junction and in the Moluccas. Modern research methods, such as GPS measurements of plate movements and absolute dating of volcanic outbursts and raised coral reefs are important tools. The mega-landforms resulting

  12. Application of a Brittle Damage Model to Normal Plate-on-Plate Impact

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Raftenberg, Martin N


    A brittle damage model presented by Grinfeld and Wright of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory was implemented in the LS-DYNA finite element code and applied to the simulation of normal plate-on-plate impact...

  13. Prenosna peć za pečenje hleba - u funkciji obezbeđenja ishrane pripadnika vojske Srbije u mirovnim misijama/Movable oven for bread baking intended for food preparation in Serbian army peace corps

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Branko M. Tešanović


    Full Text Available Peć za pečenje hleba u poljskim uslovima dodeljuje se jedinicama koje su po svom karakteru relativno stacionarne i kojima po veličini ne bi pripadale pokretne peći. Podesna je za pečenje hleba namenjenog jedinicama koje se nalaze u međunarodnim misijama, u uslovima otežanog snabdevanja, jer navike naših vojnika su da konzumiraju hleb, a ne keks. Peć je montažno-demontažnog tipa, prilagođena za korišćenje na svim vrstama terena. Jednostavne je konstrukcije, što omogućava da se demontira i lako prenosi sa mesta na mesto. / An oven for baking bread in field conditions is assigned to units that are by their nature relatively stationary and whose size does not require a movable bakery. It is intended for baking bread in our units located in international missions with supply difficulties, since our units have a habit od consuming bread instead of biscuits. The oven is of a prefabricated type, adapted for use in all types of terrains, simple design which makes it possible to be, dismantled and easily transported.

  14. Zaštita računarskih mreža Ministarstva odbrane i Vojske Srbije primenom virtuelnog honeyneta / Security of computer network of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces using virtual honeynets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zoran Bobar


    Full Text Available U ovom radu obrađena je zaštita računarskih mreža u Ministarstvu odbrane i Vojsci Srbije primenom virtuelnog honeyneta. Zaštita je obrađena sa aspekta arhitekture računarskih mreža koje imaju pristup internetu. Predloženi koncept primene virtuelnog honeyneta uzima u obzir dostignuća nauke u ovoj oblasti u svetu, ostale primenjene metode i tehnike zaštite, mogućnosti i potrebe korisnika i elemente delova računarskog sistema Ministarstva odbrane i Vojske koji bi mogli biti meta napada sa udaljenih mesta globalne (internet mreže. / This paper covers the proposed solution for security of computer network in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces using virtual honeynets. The security is covered from the aspect of the architecture of computer networks with Internet access. The proposed usage of virtual honeynets for protection takes into account the accomplishments of science in this field as well as security methods and techniques, users' needs and opportunities along with the computer network components of the MoD and the SAF that can be targets for attack.

  15. [Experimental study on carbon fiber reinforced plastic plate--analysis of stabilizing force required for plate]. (United States)

    Iizuka, H


    Plates currently in use for the management of bone fracture made of metal present with various problems. We manufactured carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) plates from Pyrofil T/530 puriplegs overlaid at cross angles of +/- 10 degrees, +/- 20 degrees, and +/- 30 degrees for trial and carried out an experimental study on rabbit tibiofibular bones using 316L stainless steel plates of comparable shape and size as controls. The results indicate the influence of CFRP plate upon cortical bone was milder than that of stainless steel plate, with an adequate stabilizing force for the repair of fractured rabbit tibiofibular bones. CFRP has the advantages over metals of being virtually free from corrosion and fatigue, reasonably radiolucent and able to meet a wide range of mechanical requirements. This would make CFRP plate quite promising as a new devices of treating fracture of bones.

  16. Measurement of the $Z/A$ dependence of neutrino charged-current total cross-sections

    CERN Document Server

    Kayis-Topaksu, A; Van Dantzig, R; De Jong, M; Konijn, J; Melzer, O; Oldeman, R G C; Pesen, E; Van der Poel, C A F J; Spada, F R; Visschers, J L; Güler, M; Serin-Zeyrek, M; Kama, S; Sever, R; Tolun, P; Zeyrek, M T; Armenise, N; Catanesi, M G; De Serio, M; Ieva, M; Muciaccia, M T; Radicioni, E; Simone, S; Bülte, A; Winter, Klaus; El-Aidi, R; Van de Vyver, B; Vilian, P; Wilquet, G; Saitta, B; Di Capua, E; Ogawa, S; Shibuya, H; Artamonov, A V; Brunner, J; Chizhov, M; Cussans, D G; Doucet, M; Fabre, Jean-Paul; Hristova, I R; Kawamura, T; Kolev, D; Litmaath, M; Meinhard, H; Panman, J; Papadopoulos, I M; Ricciardi, S; Rozanov, A; Saltzberg, D; Tsenov, R V; Uiterwijk, J W E; Zucchelli, P; Goldberg, J; Chikawa, M; Arik, E; Song, J S; Yoon, C S; Kodama, K; Ushida, N; Aoki, S; Hara, T; Delbar, T; Favart, D; Grégoire, G; Kalinin, S; Makhlyoueva, I V; Gorbunov, P; Khovanskii, V D; Shamanov, V V; Tsukerman, I; Bruski, N; Frekers, D; Rondeshagen, D; Wolff, T; Hoshino, K; Kawada, J; Komatsu, M; Miyanishi, M; Nakamura, M; Nakano, T; Narita, K; Niu, K; Niwa, K; Nonaka, N; Sato, O; Toshito, T; Buontempo, S; Cocco, A G; D'Ambrosio, N; De Lellis, G; De Rosa, G; Di Capua, F; Ereditato, A; Fiorillo, G; Marotta, A; Messina, M; Migliozzi, P; Pistillo, C; Santorelli, R; Scotto-Lavina, L; Strolin, P; Tioukov, V; Nakamura, K; Okusawa, T; Dore, U; Loverre, P F; Ludovici, L; Maslennikov, A L; Righini, P; Rosa, G; Santacesaria, R; Satta, A; Barbuto, E; Bozza, C; Grella, G; Romano, G; Sirignano, C; Sorrentino, S; Sato, Y; Tezuka, I


    A relative measurement of total cross-sections is reported for polyethylene, marble, iron, and lead targets for the inclusive charged-current reaction nu_mu + N -> mu^- + X. The targets, passive blocks of ~100kg each, were exposed simultaneously to the CERN SPS wide-band muon-neutrino beam over a period of 18 weeks. Systematics effects due to differences in the neutrino flux and detector efficiency for the different target locations were minimised by changing the position of the four targets on their support about every two weeks. The relative neutrino fluxes on the targets were monitored within the same experiment using charged-current interactions in the calorimeter positioned directly downstream of the four targets. From a fit to the Z/A dependence of the total cross-sections a value is deduced for the effective neutron-to-proton cross-section ratio.

  17. Evaluation of Using Triangular Plates as Continuity Plates in Box Column Section in Prequalified Welded Connections under Cyclic Loading

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Ali Kafi


    Full Text Available Welding of Continuity plates in box columns are not easily possible, therefore some researches has been done for substitution of external continuity plates.In this study first discussed about effects of continuity plate in I beam to Box column with top and bottom plate (WFP and welded unreinforced flange-welded web connection (WUF-W and reduced beam section connection (RBS. Then, triangular plates use to in connection beam to box column as continuity plates and to consider under cyclic loading. Studies have shown that existence of continuity plates in connections mentioned above have averagely increased loading capacity, rigidity and energy absorption 63, 86 and 75 percent respectively. The results also showed that using of triangular plates as continuity plates of box columns causing plastic strain in column flange in the area that concentration of materials is not much in triangular plates and increased the probability of failure in weld of plates to the column flange. Also using of triangular plates as continuity plates have not affected on plastic hinge location.

  18. Fundamental processes in ion plating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mattox, D.M.


    Ion plating is a generic term applied to film deposition processes in which the substrate surface and/or the depositing film is subjected to a flux of high energy particles sufficient to cause changes in the interfacial region of film properties compared to a nonbombarded deposition. Ion plating is being accepted as an alternative coating technique to sputter deposition, vacuum evaporation and electroplating. In order to intelligently choose between the various deposition techniques, the fundamental mechanisms, relating to ion plating, must be understood. This paper reviews the effects of low energy ion bombardment on surfaces, interface formation and film development as they apply to ion plating and the implementation and applications of the ion plating process

  19. Mandibular reconstruction using a titanium plate: the impact of radiation therapy on plate preservation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryu, Janice K; Stern, Robin L; Robinson, Marilyn G; Bowers, Michael K; Kubo, Hideo D; Donald, Paul J; Rosenthal, Seth A; Fu, Karen K


    Purpose: To evaluate the soft tissue and bone tolerance of radiation therapy (RT) in patients undergoing radical composite resection and mandibular reconstruction using a bridging titanium plate with myocutaneous flap closure. Methods and Materials: From 1990 to 1994, 47 patients with primary or recurrent oral cavity or oropharyngeal carcinomas were treated with radical composite resection and mandibular reconstruction using a bridging titanium plate with myocutaneous flap closure. Eleven patients received no RT (no RT), 10 patients received RT greater than 10 months from the time of surgery (remote RT), and 26 patients received RT within 12 weeks of surgery (perioperative RT). The radiation dose to the reconstructed mandible ranged from 45 to 75 Gy (median 63 Gy). The effect of the titanium plate on the radiation dose was measured using film dosimetry and soft tissue and bone-equivalent materials. The median follow-up was 17 months (range: 3-50 months). Results: Late complications included four patients with osteomyelitis or necrosis, two plate exposures requiring flap revision, one chronic infection, two cases of chronic pain, two fistulae, and one case of trismus and malocclusion. The crude incidence of late complications by treatment was: (a) no RT: 3 of 11 patients (27%); (b) remote RT: 2 of 10 patients (20%); and (c) perioperative RT: 9 of 26 patients (35%). One patient in the no-RT group lost the plate due to chronic pain. Five patients in the perioperative RT group also had plate loss, four due to osteomyelitis and/or necrosis, and one due to pain related to a recurrent tumor. No patients in the remote RT group had plate loss. The actuarial prosthesis preservation rate at 2 years was 88% for the no RT, 100% for the remote RT, and 57% for the perioperative RT groups (p = 0.05). Phantom dose measurements showed that for parallel opposed 6 MV photon beams, there was no significant increase in the dose proximal or distal to the plate in either a soft tissue- or

  20. [Comparison of novel infrared heating plates and conventional warm water plates for piglets' creep areas in farrowing pens]. (United States)

    Strauch-Sürken, L; Wendt, M


    On a conventionally managed piglet-producing farm, novel infrared (IR) heating plates for piglets in the farrowing pens were tested for their suitability and compared with common warm-water (WW) heating plates. In total, 134 litters (summer n = 82, winter n = 52) were investigated, which were housed on IR or WW heating plates, respectively, with or without an extra cover plate (groups 1-4). To determine the influence of the different heat sources, the wound healing after castration and tail docking, the umbilical regression and the weight gain of the piglets were investigated. Additionally, the lying behavior of the piglets and the position of the sows' udder at the time of farrowing were examined with regard to the heating plates. Furthermore, the energy consumption and costs were compared. The piglets housed on IR heating plates displayed better wound healing after castration and tail docking than the piglets housed on WW plates. The best results were obtained in piglets kept on IR heating plates with an extra cover plate. In addition, significant benefits were demonstrated for the usage of IR heating plates regarding umbilical regression. The piglets kept on IR heating plates had a slightly better weight gain in summer, whereas there were no differences between groups during winter. The lying behavior in the creep areas was similar in all groups. In general, with increasing age the percentage of time piglets spent in the lying position on the plates decreased. The percentage of time lying on the plates was higher in winter than in summer. At farrowing, 74.6% of all investigated sows directed their udder towards the heating plates. With the IR heating plates, this behavior occurred significantly more often. The energy consumption (kWh) per litter was significantly lower for the IR heating plates (electric power) both in winter and summer in comparison with the WW plates (gas). The energy costs were comparable in summer, but were higher for the IR heating plates

  1. Modeling RERTR experimental fuel plates using the PLATE code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes, S.L.; Meyer, M.K.; Hofman, G.L.; Snelgrove, J.L.; Brazener, R.A.


    Modeling results using the PLATE dispersion fuel performance code are presented for the U-Mo/Al experimental fuel plates from the RERTR-1, -2, -3 and -5 irradiation tests. Agreement of the calculations with experimental data obtained in post-irradiation examinations of these fuels, where available, is shown to be good. Use of the code to perform a series of parametric evaluations highlights the sensitivity of U-Mo dispersion fuel performance to fabrication variables, especially fuel particle shape and size distributions. (author)


    Patriarca, P.; Shubert, C.E.; Slaughter, G.M.


    This invention relates to a method of joining, by welding or brazing, a tube to a plate, particularly where the tube and the plate are of different thickness or have different thermal conductivities and are subject to high temperatures. In this method the tube is inserted in the core of a plate containing an annular groove in its back face concentric with the bore and in communication with the bore. One end of the tube is welded substantially flush with the front end of the plate. Brazing alloy is placed in the groove on the back face of the plate and heat is applied to the plate and tube to melt the brazing alloy to permit the alloy to flow into the bore and bond the tube to the plate. (AEC)

  3. Well-plate freeze-drying

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trnka, Hjalte; Rantanen, Jukka; Grohganz, Holger


    Abstract Context: Freeze-drying in presence of excipients is a common practice to stabilize biomacromolecular formulations. The composition of this formulation is known to affect the quality of the final product. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate freeze-drying in well-plates as a h......Abstract Context: Freeze-drying in presence of excipients is a common practice to stabilize biomacromolecular formulations. The composition of this formulation is known to affect the quality of the final product. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate freeze-drying in well......-plates as a high throughput platform for formulation screening of freeze-dried products. Methods: Model formulations consisting of mannitol, sucrose and bovine serum albumin were freeze-dried in brass well plates, plastic well plates and vials. Physical properties investigated were solid form, residual moisture......, cake collapse and reconstitution time. Results: Samples freeze-dried in well-plates had an acceptable visual cake appearance. Solid form analysis by high throughput X-ray powder diffraction indicated comparable polymorphic outcome independent of the container. The expected increase in moisture level...

  4. [Web-based analysis of Stilling's color plates]. (United States)

    Kuchenbecker, J


    Color vision tests with pseudoisochromatic plates currently represent the most common procedure for the screening of congenital color vision deficiencies. By means of a web-based color vision test, new and old color plates can be tested for diagnostic quality without major effort. A total of 16 digitized Stilling's color plates of the 11th edition from 1907 were included in a web-based color vision test ( The χ(2)-test was used to check whether the Stilling color plates showed similar results to the nine previously evaluated Ishihara color plates. A total of 518 subjects including101 (19.5 %) female subjects with a mean age of 34.6 ± 17 years, took the web-based test with the 25 plates. For all participants the range for the correctly recognized plates was between 5.2 % (n = 27) and 97.7 % (n = 506) for the Stilling color plates and between 64.9 % (n = 336) and 100 % (n = 518) for the Ishihara color plates. For participants with more than 5 errors (n = 247), the range for correctly recognized plates was between 2.0 % (n = 5) and 98.0 % (n = 242) for the Stilling plates and between 42.5 % (n = 105) and 100 % (n = 247) for the Ishihara plates. Taking all color plates and all participants into account there was a significantly higher incidence of erroneous recognition of the Stilling color plates (3038 false and 5250 true answers) compared to the Ishihara color plates (1511 false and 3151 true answers) (p plates could be used for the test edition of the Velhagen/Broschmann/Kuchenbecker color plates from 2014. Overall, the Stilling color plates were recognized with a higher incidence of error by all participants in the web-based test compared to the utilized Ishihara color plates, which in most cases was attributable to ambiguity of some symbols.

  5. Analiza metroloških karakteristika uređaja za optičku digitalizaciju stomatoloških CAD/CAM sistema


    Trifković, Branka V.


    Razvoj i unapređenje metoda 3D digitalizacije u proteklih četrdeset godina, omogućio je da se ideja o primeni digitalnog otiska u stomatologiji pretvori u stvarnost. Za razliku od konvencionalnog otiska koji predstavlja kopiju zuba i okolnih tkiva u negativu, 3D digitalizacija je postupak u okviru koga se vrši prikupljanje podataka u vidu koordinata – tačaka i obavla njihovo prevođenje u digitalnu formu. Razlike u radnim principima postupaka 3D digitalizacije predstavljale su p...

  6. The Golosyiv plate archive digitisation (United States)

    Sergeeva, T. P.; Sergeev, A. V.; Pakuliak, L. K.; Yatsenko, A. I.


    The plate archive of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Golosyiv, Kyiv) includes about 85 000 plates which have been taken in various observational projects during 1950-2005. Among them are about 25 000 of direct northern sky area plates and more than 600 000 plates containing stellar, planetary and active solar formations spectra. Direct plates have a limiting magnitude of 14.0-16.0 mag. Since 2002 we have been organising the storage, safeguarding, cataloguing and digitization of the plate archive. The very initial task was to create the automated system for detection of astronomical objects and phenomena, search of optical counterparts in the directions of gamma-ray bursts, research of long period, flare and other variable stars, search and rediscovery of asteroids, comets and other Solar System bodies to improve the elements of their orbits, informational support of CCD observations and space projects, etc. To provide higher efficiency of this work we have prepared computer readable catalogues and database for 250 000 direct wide field plates. Now the catalogues have been adapted to Wide Field Plate Database (WFPDB) format and integrated into this world database. The next step will be adaptation of our catalogues, database and images to standards of the IVOA. Some magnitude and positional accuracy estimations for Golosyiv archive plates have been done. The photometric characteristics of the images of NGC 6913 cluster stars on two plates of the Golosyiv's double wide angle astrograph have been determined. Very good conformity of the photometric characteristics obtained with external accuracies of 0.13 and 0.15 mag. has been found. The investigation of positional accuracy have been made with A3± format fixed bed scanner (Microtek ScanMaker 9800XL TMA). It shows that the scanner has non-detectable systematic errors on the X-axis, and errors of ± 15 μm on the Y-axis. The final positional errors are about ± 2 μm (

  7. Nanotechnology for ballistic materials: from concept to products: Nanotehnologija za balistične materiale: od izhodišča do proizvoda:


    Castano, Víctor M.; Rodríguez, Rogelio


    The main trends and materials in protection technologies are briefly reviewed, emphasizing the properties and limitations of p-aramid fibres, widely used in armour systems, particularly in terms of their susceptibility to UV radiation, humidity and chemical attacks. Then, a novel nanotechnology capable of effectively diminishing these effects is described, as well as its application for an actual commercial ballistic vest. Podan je pregled glavnih usmeritev in materialov v tehnologijah zaš...

  8. Bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells (United States)

    Middelman, E.; Kout, W.; Vogelaar, B.; Lenssen, J.; de Waal, E.

    The bipolar plates are in weight and volume the major part of the PEM fuel cell stack, and are also a significant contributor to the stack costs. The bipolar plate is therefore a key component if power density has to increase and costs must come down. Three cell plate technologies are expected to reach targeted cost price levels, all having specific advantages and drawbacks. NedStack has developed a conductive composite materials and a production process for fuel cell plates (bipolar and mono-polar). The material has a high electric and thermal conductivity, and can be processed into bipolar plates by a proprietary molding process. Process cycle time has been reduced to less than 10 s, making the material and process suitable for economical mass production. Other development work to increase material efficiency resulted in thin bipolar plates with integrated cooling channels, and integrated seals, and in two-component bipolar plates. Total thickness of the bipolar plates is now less than 3 mm, and will be reduced to 2 mm in the near future. With these thin integrated plates it is possible to increase power density up to 2 kW/l and 2 kW/kg, while at the same time reducing cost by integrating other functions and less material use.

  9. Plating on some difficult-to-plate metals and alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dini, J.W.; Johnson, H.R.


    Electrodeposition of coatings on metals such as beryllium, beryllium-copper, Kovar, lead, magnesium, thorium, titanium, tungsten, uranium, zirconium, and their alloys can be problematic. This is due in most cases to a natural oxide surface film that readily reforms after being removed. The procedures we recommend for plating on these metals rely on replacing the oxide film with a displacement coating, or etching to allow mechanical keying between the substrate and plated deposit. The effectiveness of the procedures is demonstrated by interface bond strengths found in ring-shear and conical-head tensile tests

  10. Normal and abnormal growth plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, R.; Madewell, J.E.; Swischuk, L.E.


    Skeletal growth is a dynamic process. A knowledge of the structure and function of the normal growth plate is essential in order to understand the pathophysiology of abnormal skeletal growth in various diseases. In this well-illustrated article, the authors provide a radiographic classification of abnormal growth plates and discuss mechanisms that lead to growth plate abnormalities

  11. Free vibration analysis of corroded steel plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eslami-Majd, Alireza; Rahbar-Ranji, Ahmad [AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Vibration analysis of unstiffened/stiffened plates has long been studied due to its importance in the design and condition assessments of ship and offshore structures. Corrosion is inevitable in steel structures and has been so far considered in strength analysis of structures. We studied the free vibration of pitted corroded plates with simply supported boundary conditions. Finite element analysis, with ABAQUS, was used to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of corroded plates. Influential parameters including plate aspect ratio, degree of pit, one-sided/both-sided corroded plate, and different corrosion patterns were investigated. By increasing the degree of corrosion, reduction of natural frequency increases. Plate aspect ratio and plate dimensions have no influence on reduction of natural frequency. Different corrosion patterns on the surface of one-sided corroded plates have little influence on reduction of natural frequency. Ratio of pit depth over plate thickness has no influence on the reduction of natural frequency. The reduction of natural frequency in both-sided corroded plates is higher than one-sided corroded plates with the same amount of total corrosion loss. Mode shapes of vibration would change due to corrosion, except square mode shapes.

  12. Motion of the Rivera plate since 10 Ma relative to the Pacific and North American plates and the mantle (United States)

    DeMets, Charles; Traylen, Stephen


    To better understand the influence of Rivera plate kinematics on the geodynamic evolution of western Mexico, we use more than 1400 crossings of seafloor spreading magnetic lineations along the Pacific-Rivera rise and northern Mathematician ridge to solve for rotations of the Rivera plate relative to the underlying mantle and the Pacific and North American plates at 14 times since 9.9 Ma. Our comparison of magnetic anomaly crossings from the undeformed Pacific plate to their counterparts on the Rivera plate indicates that significant areas of the Rivera plate have deformed since 9.9 Ma. Dextral shear along the southern edge of the plate from 3.3-2.2 Ma during a regional plate boundary reorganization deformed the Rivera plate farther into its interior than previously recognized. In addition, seafloor located north of two rupture zones within the Rivera plate sutured to North America after 1.5 Ma. Anomaly crossings from these two deformed regions thus cannot be used to reconstruct motion of the Rivera plate. Finite rotations that best reconstruct Pacific plate anomaly crossings onto their undeformed counterparts on the Rivera plate yield stage spreading rates that decrease gradually by 10% between 10 and 3.6 Ma, decrease rapidly by 20% after ˜3.6 Ma, and recover after 1 Ma. The slowdown in Pacific-Rivera seafloor spreading at 3.6 Ma coincided with the onset of dextral shear across the then-incipient southern boundary of the Rivera plate with the Pacific plate. The available evidence indicates that the Rivera plate has been an independent microplate since at least 10 Ma, contrary to published assertions that it fragmented from the Cocos plate at ˜5 Ma. Motion of the Rivera plate relative to North America has changed significantly since 10 Ma, in concert with significant changes in Pacific-Rivera motion. A significant and robust feature of Rivera-North America motion not previously recognized is the cessation of margin-normal convergence and thus subduction from 2

  13. Measurement of the Z/A dependence of neutrino charged-current total cross-sections

    CERN Document Server

    Kayis-Topasku, A; Dantzig, R V


    A relative measurement of total cross-sections is reported for polyethylene, marble, iron, and lead targets for the inclusive charged-current reaction nu submu + N -> mu sup - + X. The targets, passive blocks of propor to 100 kg each, were exposed simultaneously to the CERN SPS wide-band muon-neutrino beam over a period of 18 weeks. Systematic effects due to differences in the neutrino flux and detector efficiency for the different target locations were minimised by changing the position of the four targets on their support about every two weeks. The relative neutrino fluxes on the targets were monitored within the same experiment using charged-current interactions in the calorimeter positioned directly downstream of the four targets. From a fit to the Z/A dependence of the total cross-sections a value is deduced for the effective neutron-to-proton cross-section ratio. (orig.)

  14. MyPlate Food Guide (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español MyPlate Food Guide KidsHealth / For Teens / MyPlate Food Guide What's ... and other sugary drinks. Avoid large portions . Five Food Groups Different food groups have different nutrients and ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nasa Zata Dina


    Full Text Available The number of vehicles on the road has increased drastically in recent years. The license plate is an identity card for a vehicle. It can map to the owner and further information about vehicle. License plate information is useful to help traffic management systems. For example, traffic management systems can check for vehicles moving at speeds not permitted by law and can also be installed in parking areas to se-cure the entrance or exit way for vehicles. License plate recognition algorithms have been proposed by many researchers. License plate recognition requires license plate detection, segmentation, and charac-ters recognition. The algorithm detects the position of a license plate and extracts the characters. Various license plate recognition algorithms have been implemented, and each algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses. In this research, I implement three algorithms for detecting license plates, three algorithms for segmenting license plates, and two algorithms for recognizing license plate characters. I evaluate each of these algorithms on the same two datasets, one from Greece and one from Thailand. For detecting li-cense plates, the best result is obtained by a Haar cascade algorithm. After the best result of license plate detection is obtained, for the segmentation part a Laplacian based method has the highest accuracy. Last, the license plate recognition experiment shows that a neural network has better accuracy than other algo-rithm. I summarize and analyze the overall performance of each method for comparison.

  16. Restauration des potentialités de sols dégradés à l’aide du zaï et des cordons pierreux à l’ouest du Burkina Faso

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yameéogo, Jerome; Somé, Antoine; Lykke, Anne Mette


    The South-Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso experienced as other agro-climatic zones of the country problems of environmental degradation, particularly soil and natural vegetation, due high climatic variability. Soil and water conservation techniques like zaï and stone-rows were tested and adopted in...

  17. CAD-CAM plates versus conventional fixation plates for primary mandibular reconstruction: A biomechanical in vitro analysis. (United States)

    Rendenbach, Carsten; Sellenschloh, Kay; Gerbig, Lucca; Morlock, Michael M; Beck-Broichsitter, Benedicta; Smeets, Ralf; Heiland, Max; Huber, Gerd; Hanken, Henning


    CAD/CAM reconstruction plates have become a viable option for mandible reconstruction. The aim of this study was to determine whether CAD/CAM plates provide higher fatigue strength compared with conventional fixation systems. 1.0 mm miniplates, 2.0 mm conventional locking plates (DePuy Synthes, Umkirch, Germany), and 2.0 mm CAD/CAM plates (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium/DePuy Synthes) were used to reconstruct a polyurethane mandible model (Synbone, Malans, CH) with cortical and cancellous bone equivalents. Mastication was simulated via cyclic dynamic testing using a universal testing machine (MTS, Bionix, Eden Prairie, MN, USA) until material failure reached a rate of 1 Hz with increasing loads on the left side. No significant difference was found between the groups until a load of 300 N. At higher loads, vertical displacement differed increasingly, with a poorer performance of miniplates (p = 0.04). Plate breakage occurred in miniplates and conventional locking plates. Screw breakage was recorded as the primary failure mechanism in CAD/CAM plates. Stiffness was significantly higher with the CAD/CAM plates (p = 0.04). CAD/CAM plates and reconstruction plates provide higher fatigue strength than miniplates, and stiffness is highest in CAD/CAM systems. All tested fixation methods seem sufficiently stable for mandible reconstruction. Copyright © 2017 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Řezání plazmou pomocí zařízení TransCut 300


    Bergauer, Radek


    Tepelné dělení plazmou je progresivní technologie řezání materiálů. Kromě běžných zařízení s plynovou stabilizací je nová metoda založena na stabilizaci plazmy vodní parou. V této diplomové práci jsou ověřeny možnosti řezání parou stabilizovanou plazmou a výsledky jsou porovnány s klasickou vzduchovou plazmou. The thermal parting by plasma is progressive technology of material cutting. There is a new method based on the plasma stabilization by the steam, beyond common systems with gas stab...



    Dijaković, Aleksandar; Orešković, Slavko; Ivanišević, Marina; Juras, Josip; Đelmiš, Josip


    Prolaps zdjeličnih organa i inkontinencija mokraće su stanja koja se dijagnosticiraju u više od 20% žena u perimenopauzi. Inkontinencija mokraće je prema definiciji svako nevoljno mokrenje.1 Prolaps je spuštanje genitalnih organa u rodnicu odnosno izvan rodnice.1 Stresna, urgentna i miješana inkontinencija su najčešći oblici inkontinencije mokraće. Istraživanja su pokazala da se učestalost mokraćne inkontinencije povećava starenjem. Pretilost se također ubraja u rizične čimbenike za nastanak ...

  20. O razlagi sodnih precedensov in sodb ter posebej sodb Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice


    Zupančič, Boštjan M.


    Sodba načeloma ni nekaj, kar je treba ali bi bilo sploh treba razlagati. Konkretna sodba inter partes mora razlagati abstraktno pravno normo. Vendar če bi bilo res, da so sodbe ESČP strogo omejene na učinek inter partes (kot je to zapisano v 46. členu Evropske konvencije), ne bi bilo potrebe po razlagi njihovega učinka erga omnes. Za ustavna sodišča in druga sodišča zadnje stopnje silogistično sklepanje (logična subsumpcija konkretnih dejstev pod abstraktno normo), ki so ga kontinentalni prav...

  1. RA reactor action plan for 1977 - Annex VI; Prilog VI - Plan rada reaktora RA za 1977. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the RA reactor action plan for 1977 it is foreseen that the reactor would be operated for 181 days, mostly at nominal power of 6.5 MW. It is planned to produce 28236 MWh in total. Five reactor core exchanges (refuelling) are planned. The plan includes time for repair of components as well as for cooling. [Serbo-Croat] Plan rada reaktora RA predvidja rad tokom 181 dana, vecim delom na nominalnoj snazi od 6,5 MW tokom 1977. godine. Planirano je da ukupni rad iznosi 28236 MWh. Planom je predvidjeno i pet izmena goriva kao i vreme potrebno za remont opreme i hladjenje.

  2. Activity of the RA Reactor Physics group in 1980 - Definition of the Operation conditions for future safe and economical RA reactor operation with 80% enriched fuel; Prilog Ia - Rad sluzbe za fiziku reaktora RA u 1980. godini - Definisanje pogonskih uslova za dalji siguran i ekonomican rad reaktora RA sa 80% obogacenim gorivom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinc, R [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1980. the RA reactor was not in operation. That is why this period was devoted to definition of operating conditions for further reactor operation with 80% enriched fuel. The fuel elements which were in the core at the moment of shutdown in March 1979will not be used again (388 80% enriched fuel elements, and 511 2% enriched fuel elements). The reactor will be operated only with 80% enriched fuel, staring with initiat core configuration with 440 elements on the borders gradually changing to equi;librium core with 720 fuel elements. The analyses were concerned with safety issues of future operation. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA tokom 1980 godine nije radio. Zbog toga je ovaj period iskoriscen za intenzivan rad na definisanju pogonskih uslova za dalji rad reaktora sa 80% obogacenim gorivom. Gorivo sa kojim je reaktor prestao da radi marta 1979. godine (388 gorivnih elemenata 80% obogacenoh i 511 elementa 2% obogaceno) nece biti vraceno u jezgro, vec ce reaktor raditi samo sa 80% obogacenim gorivom, pocev od konfiguracije sa 440 elemenata na periferiji do ravnotezne konfiguracije sa 720 elemenata. Sve nalize su se bavile sigurnosnim aspektima rada reaktora sa visokoobogacenim gorivom u jezgru.

  3. Plate Tearing by a Cone

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Bo Cerup


    The present paper is concerned with steady-state plate tearing by a cone. This is a scenario where a cone is forced through a ductile metal plate with a constant lateral tip penetration in a motion in the plane of the plate. The considered process could be an idealisaton of the damage, which...... as for the out-of-plane reaction force....

  4. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1970 - Operation and maintenance; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1970. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    the pool. Refuelling was done three times by 'mixing' the irradiated fuel slugs with 5 to 6 fresh ones. Total exposure of the staff was increased due to activities during the shut-down period. Individual maximum exposure dose was not higher than 3.5 R. Cooperation with the French partner, concerned with the possibility of using 93% enriched fuel instead of the present low enriched, was continued. This would enable achievement of higher neutron flux, order of magnitude of 10{sup 14} n/cm{sup 2} sec. It is mentioned that there is doubt whether the plan for 1971 could be fulfilled for financial difficulties. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1970. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 160 dana i 40 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 25968 MWh odnosno 3.87% vise od planiranog. Plan rada razlikovao se od prethodnih godina zbog slanja teske vode na rekoncentraciju u Francusku. Izotopski sastav teske vode je opao na 99.05% a posle rekoncentracije iznosi 99,96%. Odstupanje od plana rada u septembru mesecu bilo je izazvano kasnjenjem prispeca teske vode usled administrativnih teskoca i transporta. Pocetak kampanje odlozen je i zbog posledica ostecenja kosuljice jednog gorivnog elementa, sto se dogodilo odmah po pocetku rada pa je reaktor bio zaustavljen. U oktobru i novembru reaktor je radio 28 odnosno 25 dana respektivno sto je omogucilo da se nadoknadi izgubljeno vreme. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 390 korisnika od cega 340 iz Instituta i 50 za korisnika izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i eksperimentima koji su obavljani. Zakljucuje se da je reaktor radio uspesno prema planu rada. Kracih zastoja u radu bilo je samo zbog teskoca sa cevovodima tehnicke vode kao posledica klizanja zemljista. Reaktor je samo dva puta sigurnosno zaustavljan zbog neispravnosti opreme odnosno laznog signala elektronske aparature sistema upravljanja. Vreme dok reaktor nije radio iskorisceno je za inspekciju unutrasnjosti reaktorskog suda. Pomocu

  5. Reviewing metallic PEMFC bipolar plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, H.; Turner, J.A. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (United States)


    A bipolar plate is one of the most important components in a polymer exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack and has multiple functions. Metallic bipolar plate candidates have advantages over composite rivals in excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, good mechanical strength, high chemical stability, very wide alloy choices, low cost and, most importantly, existing pathways for high-volume, high-speed mass production. The challenges with metallic bipolar plates are the higher contact resistance and possible corrosion products, which may contaminate the membrane electrode assembly. This review evaluates the candidate metallic and coating materials for bipolar plates and gives the perspective of the research trends. (Abstract Copyright [2010], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  6. Effects of Volar Tilt, Wrist Extension, and Plate Position on Contact Between Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon and Volar Plate. (United States)

    Wurtzel, Caroline N Wolfe; Burns, Geoffrey T; Zhu, Andy F; Ozer, Kagan


    Volar plates positioned at, or distal to, the watershed line have been shown to have a higher incidence of attritional rupture of the flexor pollicis longus (FPL). In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of wrist extension and volar tilt on the contact between the plate and the FPL tendon in a cadaver model. We hypothesized that, following volar plate application, loss of native volar tilt increases the contact between the FPL and the plate at lower degrees of wrist extension. A volar locking plate was applied on 6 fresh-frozen cadavers. To determine the contact between the plate and the FPL tendon, both structures were wrapped with copper wire and circuit conductivity was monitored throughout wrist motion. A lateral wrist radiograph was obtained at each circuit closure, indicating tendon-plate contact. Baseline measurements were obtained with plate positioned at Soong grades 0, 1, and 2. An extra-articular osteotomy was made and contact was recorded at various volar tilt angles (+5°, 0°, -5°, -10°, -15°, and -20°) in 3 different plate positions. A blinded observer measured the degree of wrist extension on all lateral radiographs. Data were analyzed using linear mixed-effects regression model. Plates placed distal to the watershed line had the most contact throughout wrist range of motion. Significantly, less wrist extension was required for contact in wrists with neutral or dorsal tilt and in distally placed volar plates. Volar tilt, wrist extension, and plate position were 3 independent risk factors determining contact between plate and tendon. Loss of volar tilt, increased wrist extension, and higher Soong grade plate position result in greater contact between wire-wrapped FPL tendon and plate. The FPL/plate contact chart generated in this study may be used to assess the risk of rupture in the clinical setting. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Iberian plate kinematics: A jumping plate boundary between Eurasia and Africa (United States)

    Srivastava, S.P.; Schouten, Hans; Roest, W.R.; Klitgord, Kim D.; Kovacs, L.C.; Verhoef, J.; Macnab, R.


    THE rotation of Iberia and its relation to the formation of the Pyrenees has been difficult to decipher because of the lack of detailed sea-floor spreading data, although several models have been proposed1-7. Here we use detailed aeromagnetic measurements from the sea floor offshore of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland to show that Iberia moved as part of the African plate from late Cretaceous to mid-Eocene time, with a plate boundary extending westward from the Bay of Biscay. When motion along this boundary ceased, a boundary linking extension in the King's Trough to compression along the Pyrenees came into existence. Finally, since the late Oligocene, Iberia has been part of the Eurasian plate, with the boundary between Eurasia and Africa situated along the Azores-Gibraltar fracture zone.

  8. High loading uranium plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiencek, T.C.; Domagala, R.F.; Thresh, H.R.


    Two embodiments of a high uranium fuel plate are disclosed which contain a meat comprising structured uranium compound confined between a pari of diffusion bonded ductile metal cladding plates uniformly covering the meat, the meat hiving a uniform high fuel loading comprising a content of uranium compound greater than about 45 Vol. % at a porosity not greater than about 10 Vol. %. In a first embodiment, the meat is a plurality of parallel wires of uranium compound. In a second embodiment, the meat is a dispersion compact containing uranium compound. The fuel plates are fabricated by a hot isostatic pressing process

  9. KaZaA and similar Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing applications

    CERN Multimedia


    Personal use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing applications is NOT permitted at CERN. A non-exhaustive list of such applications, popular for exchanging music, videos, software etc, is: KaZaA, Napster, Gnutella, Edonkey2000, Napigator, Limewire, Bearshare, WinMX, Aimster, Morpheus, BitTorrent, ... You are reminded that use of CERN's Computing Facilities is governed by CERN's Computing Rules (Operational Circular No 5). They require that all users of CERN's Computing Facilities respect copyright, license and confidentiality agreements for data of any form (software, music, videos, etc). Sanctions are applicable in case of non-respect of the Computing Rules. Further details on restrictions for P2P applications are at: CERN's Computing Rules are at: Denise Heagerty, CERN Computer Security Officer,

  10. Neutron radiography using neutron imaging plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chankow, Nares; Wonglee, Sarinrat


    Full text: The aims of this research are to study properties of neutron imaging plate, to obtain a suitable condition for neutron radiography and to use the neutron imaging plate for testing of materials nondestructively. The experiments were carried out by using a neutron beam from the Thai Research Reactor TRR-1/M1 at a power of 1.2 MW. A BAS-ND 2040 FUJI neutron imaging plate and a MX125 Kodak X-ray film/Gadolinium neutron converter screen combination were tested for comparison. It was found that the photostimulated light (PSL) read out of the imaging plate was directly proportional to the exposure time. It was also found that radiography with neutron using the imaging plate was approximately 40 times faster than the conventional neutron radiography using x-ray film/Gd converter screen combination. The sensitivity of the imaging plate to gamma-rays was investigated by using gamma-rays from an 192 Ir and a 60 Co radiographic sources. The imaging plate was found to be 5-6 times less sensitive to gamma-rays than a FUJI BAS-MS 2040 gamma-ray imaging plate. Finally, some specimens were selected to be radiographed with neutrons using the imaging plate and the x-ray film/Gd converter screen combination in comparison to x-rays. Parts containing light elements could be clearly observed by the two neutron radiographic techniques. It could be concluded that the image quality from the neutron imaging plate was comparable to the conventional x-ray film/Gd converter screen combination but the exposure time could be approximately reduced by a factor of 40

  11. Vortex Dynamics of Asymmetric Heave Plates (United States)

    Rusch, Curtis; Maurer, Benjamin; Polagye, Brian


    Heave plates can be used to provide reaction forces for wave energy converters, which harness the power in ocean surface waves to produce electricity. Heave plate inertia includes both the static mass of the heave plate, as well as the ``added mass'' of surrounding water accelerated with the object. Heave plate geometries may be symmetric or asymmetric, with interest in asymmetric designs driven by the resulting hydrodynamic asymmetry. Limited flow visualization has been previously conducted on symmetric heave plates, but flow visualization of asymmetric designs is needed to understand the origin of observed hydrodynamic asymmetries and their dependence on the Keulegan-Carpenter number. For example, it is hypothesized that the time-varying added mass of asymmetric heave plates is caused by vortex shedding, which is related to oscillation amplitude. Here, using direct flow visualization, we explore the relationship between vortex dynamics and time-varying added mass and drag. These results suggest potential pathways for more advanced heave plate designs that can exploit vortex formation and shedding to achieve more favorable hydrodynamic properties for wave energy converters.

  12. Anatomically contoured plates for fixation of rib fractures. (United States)

    Bottlang, Michael; Helzel, Inga; Long, William B; Madey, Steven


    : Intraoperative contouring of long bridging plates for stabilization of flail chest injuries is difficult and time consuming. This study implemented for the first time biometric parameters to derive anatomically contoured rib plates. These plates were tested on a range of cadaveric ribs to quantify plate fit and to extract a best-fit plating configuration. : Three left and three right rib plates were designed, which accounted for anatomic parameters required when conforming a plate to the rib surface. The length lP over which each plate could trace the rib surface was evaluated on 109 cadaveric ribs. For each rib level 3-9, the plate design with the highest lP value was extracted to determine a best-fit plating configuration. Furthermore, the characteristic twist of rib surfaces was measured on 49 ribs to determine the surface congruency of anatomic plates with a constant twist. : The tracing length lP of the best-fit plating configuration ranged from 12.5 cm to 14.7 cm for ribs 3-9. The corresponding range for standard plates was 7.1-13.7 cm. The average twist of ribs over 8-cm, 12-cm, and 16-cm segments was 8.3 degrees, 20.6 degrees, and 32.7 degrees, respectively. The constant twist of anatomic rib plates was not significantly different from the average rib twist. : A small set of anatomic rib plates can minimize the need for intraoperative plate contouring for fixation of ribs 3-9. Anatomic rib plates can therefore reduce the time and complexity of flail chest stabilization and facilitate spanning of flail segments with long plates.

  13. 2017 Bipolar Plate Workshop Summary Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kopasz, John P. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Benjamin, Thomas G. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Schenck, Deanna [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)


    The Bipolar Plate (BP) Workshop was held at USCAR1 in Southfield, Michigan on February 14, 2017 and included 63 participants from industry, government agencies, universities, and national laboratories with expertise in the relevant fields. The objective of the workshop was to identify research and development (R&D) needs, in particular early-stage R&D, for bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells for transportation applications. The focus of the workshop was on materials, manufacturing, and design aspects of bipolar plates with the goal of meeting DOE’s 2020 bipolar plate targets. Of special interest was the cost target of ≤$3/kW for the bipolar plate.

  14. Biomechanical properties of orthogonal plate configuration versus parallel plate configuration using the same locking plate system for intra-articular distal humeral fractures under radial or ulnar column axial load. (United States)

    Kudo, Toshiya; Hara, Akira; Iwase, Hideaki; Ichihara, Satoshi; Nagao, Masashi; Maruyama, Yuichiro; Kaneko, Kazuo


    Previous reports have questioned whether an orthogonal or parallel configuration is superior for distal humeral articular fractures. In previous clinical and biomechanical studies, implant failure of the posterolateral plate has been reported with orthogonal configurations; however, the reason for screw loosening in the posterolateral plate is unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate biomechanical properties and to clarify the causes of posterolateral plate loosening using a humeral fracture model under axial compression on the radial or ulnar column separately. And we changed only the plate set up: parallel or orthogonal. We used artificial bone to create an Association for the Study of Internal Fixation type 13-C2.3 intra-articular fracture model with a 1-cm supracondylar gap. We used an anatomically-preshaped distal humerus locking compression plate system (Synthes GmbH, Solothurn, Switzerland). Although this is originally an orthogonal plate system, we designed a mediolateral parallel configuration to use the contralateral medial plate instead of the posterolateral plate in the system. We calculated the stiffness of the radial and ulnar columns and anterior movement of the condylar fragment in the lateral view. The parallel configuration was superior to the orthogonal configuration regarding the stiffness of the radial column axial compression. There were significant differences between the two configurations regarding anterior movement of the capitellum during axial loading of the radial column. The posterolateral plate tended to bend anteriorly under axial compression compared with the medial or lateral plate. We believe that in the orthogonal configuration axial compression induced more anterior displacement of the capitellum than the trochlea, which eventually induced secondary fragment or screw dislocation on the posterolateral plate, or nonunion at the supracondylar level. In the parallel configuration, anterior movement of the capitellum or

  15. Plate Tearing by a Cone

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Bo Cerup


    The present paper is concerned with steady-state plate tearing by a cone. This is a scenario where a cone is forced through a ductile metal plate with a constant lateral tip penetration in a motion in the plane of the plate. The considered process could be an idealisation of the damage, which...... as for the out-of-plane reaction force. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved....

  16. Polykondenzace polycyklických a heterocyklických uhlovodíků za přítomnosti chloridů Al, Cu, Fe a Pb

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šugárková, Věra; Plevová, Eva; Slovák, V.; Kaloč, M.


    Roč. 2, č. 4 (2010), s. 71-74 ISSN 1804-2058 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP105/07/P416; GA ČR GA105/08/1398 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30860518 Keywords : polycondensation * hydrocarbons * chlorides Subject RIV: DD - Geochemistry,_cu,_fe_a_pb.pdf

  17. Natural Convective Heat Transfer from Narrow Plates

    CERN Document Server

    Oosthuizen, Patrick H


    Natural Convective Heat Transfer from Narrow Plates deals with a heat transfer situation that is of significant practical importance but which is not adequately dealt with in any existing textbooks or in any widely available review papers. The aim of the book is to introduce the reader to recent studies of natural convection from narrow plates including the effects of plate edge conditions, plate inclination, thermal conditions at the plate surface and interaction of the flows over adjacent plates. Both numerical and experimental studies are discussed and correlation equations based on the results of these studies are reviewed.

  18. Laterally Loaded Nail-Plates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jacob; Rathkjen, Arne

    Load-displacement curves from about 200 short-term and laterally loaded nail-plate joints are analysed. The nail-plates are from Gang-Nail Systems, type GNA 20 S. The test specimens and the measuring systems are described. The tests are divided into 32 different series. The influence of the number...

  19. PWR integral tie plate and locking mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flora, B.S.; Osborne, J.L.


    A locking mechanism for securing an upper tie plate to the tie rods of a nuclear fuel bundle is described. The mechanism includes an upper tie plate assembly and locking sleeves fixed to the ends of the tie rods. The tie plate is part of the upper tie plate assembly and is secured to the fuel bundle by securing the entire upper tie plate assembly to the locking sleeves fixed to the tie rods. The assembly includes, in addition to the tie plate, locking nuts for engaging the locking sleeves, retaining sleeves to operably connect the locking nuts to the assembly, a spring biased reaction plate to restrain the locking nuts in the locked position and a means to facilitate the removal of the entire assembly as a unit from the fuel bundle

  20. Evidence of flow stabilization in the ZaP Z pinch experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shumlak, U.; Crawford, E.; Golingo, R.P.; Nelson, B.A.; Zyrmpas, A.; Den Hartog, D.J.; Holly, D.J.


    The stabilizing effect of an axial flow on the m = 1 kink instability in Z pinches has been studied numerically with a linearized ideal MHD model to reveal that a sheared axial flow stabilizes the kink mode when the shear exceeds a threshold. The sheared flow stabilizing effect is investigated with the flow-through Z pinch experiment, ZaP. An azimuthal array of surface mounted magnetic probes located at the midplane of the 50 cm long pinch plasma measures the fluctuation levels of the azimuthal modes m=1, 2, and 3. After pinch formation a quiescent period is found where the mode activity is reduced to a few percent of the average field. Optical images from a fast framing camera and a HeNe interferometer also indicate a stable pinch plasma during this time. Doppler shift measurements of a C-III line correspond to an axial flow velocity of 9.6x10 4 m/s internal to the pinch. During the time when the axial plasma flow is high, the plasma experiences a quiescent period which lasts approximately 800 exponential growth times predicted by linear theory for a static plasma. (author)

  1. Jakość życia pacjentów z zaćmą = The quality of life of patients with cataracts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Jaworska


      Autor do korespondencji Author for the correspondence Iwona Jaworska email:   Słowa kluczowe: zaćma, jakość życia.   Keywords: cataract, quality of life.   Streszczenie   Cel pracy: Określenie wpływu zmiennych społeczno-demograficznych (płeć, wiek, poziom wykształcenia, stan cywilny na postrzeganie jakości życia w zaćmie. Materiał i metodyka: Badanie kwestionariuszem Jakości Życia WHOQOL Bref przeprowadzono wśród 300 pacjentów Radomskiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego i Mazowieckiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Radomiu Wyniki badań: Analiza wyników wykazała, że chorzy z zaćmą wysoko oceniają jakość swojego życia we wszystkich dziedzinach, jednak najniższej oceny dokonują w zakresie samooceny stanu zdrowia. Stwierdzono też, że płeć, wiek, wykształcenie i stan cywilny korelują z oceną jakości życia. Najniższej oceny jakości życia w dziedzinie somatycznej dokonują kobiety oraz osoby po 75 roku życia. Osoby najstarsze dokonują też niższej niż pozostałe grupy wiekowe oceny stanu zdrowia i jakości życia w dziedzinie fizycznej. Im wyższy poziom wykształcenia chorych z zaćmą tym niższe poczucie jakości życia w dziedzinie fizycznej i niższa ocena stanu zdrowia. Wnioski: W badaniach stwierdzono istnienie istotnej statystycznie zależności pomiędzy badanymi zmiennymi społeczno-demograficznymi (wiek, płeć, poziom wykształcenia, stan cywilny a samooceną stanu zdrowia, ogólnym poczuciem jakości życia oraz poczuciem jakości życia w dziedzinie fizycznej.   Abstract Aim: To determine the impact of socio-demographic variables (gender, age, education level, marital status, the perception of quality of life in cataract. Material and methods: The study was a questionnaire Quality of Life WHOQOL Bref was conducted among 300 patients Radomski Mazowiecki Specialist Hospital and Specialist Hospital in Radom Test results: Analysis of the results showed that patients with cataract highly

  2. The SOS Response is Permitted in Escherichia coli Strains Deficient in the Expression of the mazEF Pathway (United States)


    fresh tubes. We determined protein concentrations using the Bradford assay (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). For Western blot analysis, we used rabbit...NA with iEDF (treated with NA + iEDF) as described in the Legend to Figure 1. We carried out viability assays on LB plates as we have described...or AB1932l+DrexB or AB1932l+DrexB/pZA31- rexB were grown as described in the Legend to Figure 2. We carried out viability assays on LB plates as we

  3. Sila kojom vazduh pritiska pokretnu ploču/Force of the air pressure on a moving plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonid Ivanovich Gretchihin


    Full Text Available U radu je razrađena matematički model gasodinamičkog opstrujavanja ravne ploče pri njenom kretanju sa pozitivnim i negativnim napadnim uglom. Pokazano je da pri malim brzinama kretanja, silu uzgona i čeoni otpor određuje gasodinamički tok vazduha u izlaznoj oblasti opstrujavanja, a pri brzinama kretanja koje su bliske brzini zvuka odlučujuću ulogu vrši uzajamno udarno dejstvo ploče sa molekulima okružujuće sredine u ulaznoj oblasti opstrujavanja. Otcepljena struja iza ploče se ne pojavljuje pri malim brzinama kretanja. Određeni su uslovi kada čeoni otpor i sila uzgona ploče menjaju znak. / (ruski Razrabotana matematičeskaja model' gazodinamičeskogo obtekanija ploskoj plastiny pri ee dviženii s položitel'nym i otricatel'nym uglom ataki. Pokazano, čto pri malyh skorostjah dviženija plastiny pod''emnaja sila i lobovoe soprotivlenie opredeljajutsja gazodinamikoj tečenija vozduha v tyl'noj oblasti, a pri skorostjah dviženija blizkih k skorosti zvuka rešajuščuju rol' vypolnjaet udarnoe vzaimodejstvie plastiny s molekulami okružajuščej sredy v perednej oblasti. Sryvnoe tečenie za plastinoj pri malyh skorostjah dviženija ne voznikaet. Opredeleny uslovija, kogda lobovoe soprotivlenie i pod''emnaja sila plastiny izmenjaet znak. / This paper developed a mathematical model of gas dynamic fluid flow for a flat plate during its movement with positive and negative angles of attack. It is shown that at low velocities, the lifting force and the frontal resistance are determined by gasdynamic air flow in the fluid flow exit areawhile at velocities close to the speed of sound the decisive role is played by a mutualeffect of the pplate coliding with molecules of the surrounding environment in the fluid flow incidence field. The airflow behind the plate does not appear at low velocities. The conditions when the frontal resistance and the lifting force change the sign are determined.

  4. Blast response of corroded steel plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eslamimajd, Alireza; RahbarRanji, Ahmad [AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran (Korea, Republic of)


    Numerical results for one- and both-sided corroded steel plates subjected to blast loading are presented. Finite element analysis, with ABAQUS software, is employed to determine the deformation and stress distributions. The results for the case of triangular pulse pressure on un-corroded plates are validated against literature-based data and then, detailed parametric studies are carried-out. The effects of influential parameters including, plate aspect ratio, degree of pit and different ratio of pit depth at each sides of the plate are investigated. The results show that position of pitted surface in respect to applied pressure is the most influential parameter on reduction of dynamic load carrying capacity of pitted plates. By increasing degree of pitting, reduction of dynamic load carrying capacity decrease more.

  5. Actively controlling coolant-cooled cold plate configuration (United States)

    Chainer, Timothy J.; Parida, Pritish R.


    A method is provided to facilitate active control of thermal and fluid dynamic performance of a coolant-cooled cold plate. The method includes: monitoring a variable associated with at least one of the coolant-cooled cold plate or one or more electronic components being cooled by the cold plate; and dynamically varying, based on the monitored variable, a physical configuration of the cold plate. By dynamically varying the physical configuration, the thermal and fluid dynamic performance of the cold plate are adjusted to, for example, optimally cool the one or more electronic components, and at the same time, reduce cooling power consumption used in cooling the electronic component(s). The physical configuration can be adjusted by providing one or more adjustable plates within the coolant-cooled cold plate, the positioning of which may be adjusted based on the monitored variable.

  6. Electroless metal plating of plastics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krause, L.J.


    The product of an electroless plating process is described for plating at least one main group metal directly on a surface of a polymeric substrate comprising the steps of forming a nonaqueous solution containing a metallic salt of an alkali metal in a positive valence state and at least one main group metal in a negative valence state, the main group metal being selected from the group consisting of Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi, Si and Te, selecting an aromatic polymeric substrate reducible by the solublized salt and resistant to degration during the reaction, and carrying out a redox reaction between the salt in solution and the substrate by contacting the solution with the substrate for a sufficient time to oxidize and deposit the main group metal in elemental form to produce a plated substrate. The product is characterized by the plated metal being directly on the surface of the polymeric substrate and the alkali metal being retained in the plated substrate with the substrate being negatively charged with electrons transferred from the main group metal during the redox reaction

  7. Is There Really A North American Plate? (United States)

    Krill, A.


    Lithospheric plates are typically identified from earthquake epicenters and evidence such as GPS movements. But no evidence indicates a plate boundary between the North American and South American Plates. Some plate maps show them separated by a transform boundary, but it is only a fracture zone. Other maps show an "undefined plate boundary" or put no boundary between these two plates (check Google images). Early plate maps showed a single large American Plate, quite narrow east of the Caribbean Plate (Le Pichon 1968, Morgan 1968). The North and South American Plates became established by the leading textbook Earth (Press & Siever 1974). On their map, from a Scientific American article by John Dewey (1972), these new plates were separated by an "uncertain plate boundary." The reasons for postulating a North American Plate were probably more psychological than geological. Each of the other continents of the world had its own plate, and North American geologists naturally wanted theirs. Similarly, European geographers used to view Europe as its own continent. A single large plate should again be hypothesized. But the term American Plate would now be ambiguous ("Which plate, North or South?") Perhaps future textbook authors could call it the "Two-American Plate." Textbook authors ultimately decide such global-tectonic matters. I became aware of textbook authors' opinions and influence from my research into the history of Alfred Wegener's continental drift (see Fixists vs. Mobilists by Krill 2011). Leading textbook author Charles Schuchert realized that continental drift would abolish his cherished paleogeographic models of large east-west continents (Eria, Gondwana) and small oceans (Poseiden, Nereis). He and his junior coauthors conspired to keep drift evidence out of their textbooks, from the 1934-editions until the 1969-editions (Physical Geology by Longwell et al. 1969, Historical Geology by Dunbar & Waage 1969). Their textbooks ruled in America. Textbooks

  8. Realizacja założeń edukacji zdrowotnej w norweskim systemie szkolnictwa = Implementation of the objectives of health education in the Norwegian school system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jolanta Kilanowska


    Åsen skole, Lørenskog Norwegia   Słowa kluczowe: edukacja zdrowotna, Norwegia, szkoła, podstawa programowa, aktywność fizyczna, aktywność na świeżym powietrzu   Streszczenie W pracy podjęto problem i analizę realizacji założeń edukacji zdrowotnej w norweskim systemie szkolnictwa. Porównano także wybrane założenia edukacji zdrowotnej w Norwegii do realizacji edukacji zdrowotnej w Polsce. Publikacja jest częścią przygotowywanej rozprawy naukowej, w której podjęto się empirycznej analizy wyników badań przeprowadzonych w szkołach polskich i norweskich.   Keywords: health education, Norway, school, program, physical activity, outdoor activity   Summary At work it was decided an issue analysis and implementation of health education in the Norwegian school system. Compares the selected assumptions of health education in Norway to implement health education in Poland. The publication is part of a planned dissertation, in which it was decided to the empirical analysis of the results of the tests carried out in schools Polish and Norwegian.

  9. Sigmoid plate dehiscence: Congenital or acquired condition?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Zhaohui, E-mail: [Capital Medical University, Beijing Tongren Hospital, No 1 Dong Jiao Min Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100730 (China); Li, Jing, E-mail: [Capital Medical University, Beijing Tongren Hospital, No 1 Dong Jiao Min Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100730 (China); Zhao, Pengfei, E-mail: [Capital Medical University, Beijing Friendship Hospital, No 95 Yongan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100050 (China); Lv, Han, E-mail: [Capital Medical University, Beijing Friendship Hospital, No 95 Yongan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100050 (China); Dong, Cheng, E-mail: [Capital Medical University, Beijing Friendship Hospital, No 95 Yongan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100050 (China); Liu, Wenjuan, E-mail: [Jining No. 1 People' s Hospital, No. 6 Health Street, Jining 272100 (China); Wang, Zhenchang, E-mail: [Capital Medical University, Beijing Friendship Hospital, No 95 Yongan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100050 (China)


    Highlights: • CT with multiplanar reformations can accurately display the sigmoid platet dehiscence. • The prevalence of sigmoid plate dehiscence was no significant difference among different age groups. • The size of sigmoid plate bony defects were not statistically different among different age groups. • The sigmoid plate dehiscence is more commonly a congenital than an acquired condition. - Abstract: Background and purpose: The imaging features of sigmoid plate dehiscence-induced pulsatile tinnitus have been presented. The origin of the sigmoid plate dehiscence, however, remains unclear. Our aim was to assess the prevalence and extent of sigmoid plate dehiscence on computed tomography (CT) images in multiple age groups to determine whether this condition is more likely to be congenital or acquired. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed contrast-enhanced CT images of sigmoid plates of temporal bones in 504 patients. Each temporal bone was characterized as normal or dehiscent. Patients were then subcategorized into four age groups, and the prevalence and extent of dehiscent sigmoid plates in each group were calculated and compared. Results: Overall, 80 patients had sigmoid plate dehiscence, nine of whom had it bilaterally. In successively older age groups, the prevalences of sigmoid plate dehiscence were 18.9%, 20.1%, 14.5%, and 12.7%, respectively. Respective average anteroposterior bony defect diameters were 3.7 ± 1.7, 3.0 ± 1.3, 3.1 ± 1.5, and 3.0 ± 1.1 mm. Respective average vertical bony defect diameters were 3.6 ± 2.3, 2.6 ± 1.2, 3.2 ± 1.5, and 3.0 ± 1.7 mm. The prevalence and extent of sigmoid plate dehiscence were not statistically different among the four age groups. Conclusions: The similar radiologic prevalence and extent of dehiscent sigmoid plates among the age groups suggest that the dehiscence is more commonly a congenital than an acquired condition.

  10. Sigmoid plate dehiscence: Congenital or acquired condition?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Zhaohui; Li, Jing; Zhao, Pengfei; Lv, Han; Dong, Cheng; Liu, Wenjuan; Wang, Zhenchang


    Highlights: • CT with multiplanar reformations can accurately display the sigmoid platet dehiscence. • The prevalence of sigmoid plate dehiscence was no significant difference among different age groups. • The size of sigmoid plate bony defects were not statistically different among different age groups. • The sigmoid plate dehiscence is more commonly a congenital than an acquired condition. - Abstract: Background and purpose: The imaging features of sigmoid plate dehiscence-induced pulsatile tinnitus have been presented. The origin of the sigmoid plate dehiscence, however, remains unclear. Our aim was to assess the prevalence and extent of sigmoid plate dehiscence on computed tomography (CT) images in multiple age groups to determine whether this condition is more likely to be congenital or acquired. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed contrast-enhanced CT images of sigmoid plates of temporal bones in 504 patients. Each temporal bone was characterized as normal or dehiscent. Patients were then subcategorized into four age groups, and the prevalence and extent of dehiscent sigmoid plates in each group were calculated and compared. Results: Overall, 80 patients had sigmoid plate dehiscence, nine of whom had it bilaterally. In successively older age groups, the prevalences of sigmoid plate dehiscence were 18.9%, 20.1%, 14.5%, and 12.7%, respectively. Respective average anteroposterior bony defect diameters were 3.7 ± 1.7, 3.0 ± 1.3, 3.1 ± 1.5, and 3.0 ± 1.1 mm. Respective average vertical bony defect diameters were 3.6 ± 2.3, 2.6 ± 1.2, 3.2 ± 1.5, and 3.0 ± 1.7 mm. The prevalence and extent of sigmoid plate dehiscence were not statistically different among the four age groups. Conclusions: The similar radiologic prevalence and extent of dehiscent sigmoid plates among the age groups suggest that the dehiscence is more commonly a congenital than an acquired condition

  11. Replacement divider plate performance under LOCA loading

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huynk, H.M.; MClellan, G.H.; Schneider, W.G.


    A primary divider plate in a nuclear steam generator is required to perform its partitioning function with a minimum of cross leakage, without degradation in operating performance and without loss of structural integrity resulting from normal and accident loading. The design of the replacement divider plate for normal operating conditions is discussed in some detail in reference 1 and 2. This paper describes the structural response of the replacement divider plate to the severe loading resulting from a burst primary pipe. The loads for which the divider plate structural performance must be evaluated are mild to severe differential pressure transients resulting from several postulated sizes and types of pipe break scenarios. In the unlikely event of a severe Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) the divider plate or parts thereof must not exit the steam generator nor completely block the outlet nozzle. For the milder LOCA loads, the integrity of the divider plate and seat bars must be maintained. Analysis for the milder LOCA loads was carried out employing a conservative approach which ignores the actual interaction between the structure and the primary fluid. For these load cases it was shown that the divider plate does not become disengaged from the seat bars. For the more severe pipe breaks, the thermal-hydraulic analysis was coupled iteratively with the structural analysis, thereby taking into account divider plate deformation, in order to obtain a better prediction of the behaviour of the divider plate. In this manner substantial reduction in divider plate response to the more severe LOCA loading was achieved. It has been shown that, for the case of a postulated large LOCA (100% reactor inlet header), the disengagement of the divider plate from the seat bars resulted in an opening smaller than 1% of the divider plate area. (author)

  12. 21 CFR 882.4030 - Skull plate anvil. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Skull plate anvil. 882.4030 Section 882.4030 Food... DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4030 Skull plate anvil. (a) Identification. A skull plate anvil is a device used to form alterable skull plates in the proper shape to fit...

  13. Designing a licence plate for memorability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schraagen, J.M.C.; Dongen, C.J.G. van


    Good memorability of licence plates is important in those cases where licence plates are viewed for a brief period of time and the information is essential for police investigations. The purpose of the current study was to design a new Dutch licence plate that could be remembered well. A memory

  14. Stress analysis of perforated plates and plates with single and clustered nozzles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hulbert, L.E.; Hopper, A.T.; Rybicki, E.F.


    It is well known that stress distributions around a hole in a plate are drastically increased if there are other holes in the plate sufficiently near. Such stress interaction effects must be analyzed and accounted for in the design of a plate containing multiple perforations. Computer programs have been developed for the accurate analysis of the in-plane stresses of arbitrary multiholed plates. Stress interactions also occur between closely spaced nozzles attached to pressure vessels such as nuclear reactor vessels. Results of the investigations carried out during the second year of the research program are summarized. The first section of the report describes the structures analyzed, the loadings on these structures, and the mathematical statements of these problems. The second section explains the analysis techniques employed. The third section deals with the numerical results obtained for all of the problems solved. This section also gives a complete statement of each problem and the series of trial functions used to solve each nozzle-plate problem. Several appendices are also included. These appendices are intended to be users' manuals for the computer codes used in this research effort but which are not explained in the literature. Appendix A treats program TABLES while Appendix B explains the use of PEBBLES. Appendix C is the users' manual for program INTRTIE which is a large program actually consisting of six individual programs. Appendix D discusses the changes in the input data to program NONLIN to obtain certain input data for INTRTIE. Finally, Appendix E treats a small program called CONVERT which also generates input data for INTRTIE

  15. Introduction to Analysis and Design of Plate Panels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jørgen Juncher; Lützen, Marie

    , composite materials as glass-fibre-reinforced plates, sandwich plates and reinforced concrete plates are not included as they are topics for other courses. The present notes are mainly based on Pedersen and Jensen (1983), written in Danish. The first version of the notes was prepared by Marie L......The present notes cover plate theory dealing with bending, vibrations, elastic buckling and ultimate strength. The plate structures considered are isotropic, orthotropic and stiffened plates made of metallic materials. The main objective of the notes is to give an introduction to plates and plate...... panels and to present some fairly easy methods and results to be used in the design phase to judge, whether a plate panel can be considered safe from a structural point of view or requires a more detailed numerical analysis, typically using the Finite Element Method. Furthermore, a short introduction...

  16. Metallized xerographic plates and their preparation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Xerographic plates, particularly xeroradiographic plates, suitable for soft or hard x-ray exposure require margins or edges suitable for handling and mounting. In order to fabricate such plates, it is convenient to apply a peripheral mask over the substrate during application of at least the photoconductive layer. Use of masks, however, tend to promote peripheral plate irregularities usually because of scratches or other uneveness at or under the margin of the applied mask. Such imperfections spawn corresponding electrical field irregularities which can now be minimized or avoided altogether by grounding the margins with metal overcoats

  17. Visual illusions and plate design: the effects of plate rim widths and rim coloring on perceived food portion size. (United States)

    McClain, A D; van den Bos, W; Matheson, D; Desai, M; McClure, S M; Robinson, T N


    The Delboeuf Illusion affects perceptions of the relative sizes of concentric shapes. This study was designed to extend research on the application of the Delboeuf illusion to food on a plate by testing whether a plate's rim width and coloring influence perceptual bias to affect perceived food portion size. Within-subjects experimental design. Experiment 1 tested the effect of rim width on perceived food portion size. Experiment 2 tested the effect of rim coloring on perceived food portion size. In both experiments, participants observed a series of photographic images of paired, side-by-side plates varying in designs and amounts of food. From each pair, participants were asked to select the plate that contained more food. Multilevel logistic regression examined the effects of rim width and coloring on perceived food portion size. Experiment 1: participants overestimated the diameter of food portions by 5% and the visual area of food portions by 10% on plates with wider rims compared with plates with very thin rims (Pfood portion sizes. Experiment 2: participants overestimated the diameter of food portions by 1.5% and the visual area of food portions by 3% on plates with rim coloring compared with plates with no coloring (P=0.01). The effect of rim coloring was greater with smaller food portion sizes. The Delboeuf illusion applies to food on a plate. Participants overestimated food portion size on plates with wider and colored rims. These findings may help design plates to influence perceptions of food portion sizes.

  18. Bipolar Plates for PEM Systems


    Lædre, Sigrid


    Summary of thesis: The Bipolar Plate (BPP) is an important component in both Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) and Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers (PEMWEs). Bipolar plate material and processing constitutes for a large fraction of the cost and weight of a PEM cell stack. The main tasks for the bipolar plates in both systems are to separate single cell in a stack, conduct current between single cells and remove heat from active areas. In addition, the BPPs distribu...

  19. Topological valley transport of plate-mode waves in a homogenous thin plate with periodic stubbed surface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiu-Jiu Chen


    Full Text Available The study for exotic topological effects of sound has attracted uprising interests in fundamental physics and practical applications. Based on the concept of valley pseudospin, we demonstrate the topological valley transport of plate-mode waves in a homogenous thin plate with periodic stubbed surface, where a deterministic two-fold Dirac degeneracy is form by two plate modes. We show that the topological property can be controlled by the height of stubs deposited on the plate. By adjusting the relative heights of adjacent stubs, the valley vortex chirality and band inversion are induced, giving rise to a phononic analog of valley Hall phase transition. We further numerically demonstrate the valley states of plate-mode waves with robust topological protection. Our results provide a new route to design unconventional elastic topological insulators and will significantly broaden its practical application in the engineering field.

  20. Pre-Stressing Timber-Based Plate Tensegrity Structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falk, Andreas; Kirkegaard, Poul Henning


    Tensile structures occur in numerous varieties utilising combinations of tension and compression. Introducing structural plates in the basic tensegrity unit and tensegric assemblies varies the range of feasible topologies and provides the structural system with an integrated surface. The present...... paper considers the concept of plate tensegrity based on CLT plates (cross-laminated timber). It combines the principles of tensegrity with the principles of plate shells and is characterised by a plate shell stabilised by struts and cables. The paper deals with material aspects and robustness of timber...

  1. Biomechanical study: resistance comparison of posterior antiglide plate and lateral plate on synthetic bone models simulating Danis-Weber B malleolar fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruna Buscharino


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE : The purpose of this study was to compare different positions of plates in lateral malleolar Danis-Weber B fractures on synthetic bone: a lateral plate and a posterior antiglide plate. METHODS : Short oblique fractures of distal fibula at the level of the syndesmosys were simulated with a fibular osteotomy in sixteen synthetic fibula bones (Synbone®. Eight fractures were fixed with lateral plating associated with an independent lag screw, and the other eight were fixed with posterior antiglide plating with a lag screw through the plate. A strain gage was installed at the center of each plate at the osteotomy site. Supination and external rotation forces were applied to each of the two groups at the bend. RESULTS : The lateral position plate group suffered more deformity in response to supination forces compared to the group with the posterior antiglide plate, but this result was not statistically significant. In the tests with external rotation forces, the posterior antiglide plating group had significantly higher resistance (p < 0.05. CONCLUSION : When subjected to external rotation forces, osteosynthesis with posterior antiglide plate models simulating type B fractures of the lateral malleolus of the ankle is more resistant than that of the neutralization plate.

  2. Report of the Service for maintenance of electric equipment Service - Annex 3; Prilog 3 - Rad sluzbe za odrzavanje elektro opreme reaktora RA u 1975. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stamenkovic, D [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    This report describes organisational structure of the Service dealing with control and maintenance of electrical supply system and equipment. It includes detailed data about electric power consumption, power cuts and failures during the past period. [Serbo-Croat] Ovaj izvestaj opisuje organizaciju rada sluzbe za kontrolu i odrzavanje elektro-opreme i sadrzi detaljne podatke o potrosnji elektricne energije, smetnjama u napajanju elektricnom energijom, kvarovima u proteklom periodu.

  3. Moving Divertor Plates in a Tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zweben, S.J.; Zhang, H.


    Moving divertor plates could help solve some of the problems of the tokamak divertor through mechanical ingenuity rather than plasma physics. These plates would be passively heated on each pass through the tokamak and cooled and reprocessed outside the tokamak. There are many design options using varying plate shapes, orientations, motions, coatings, and compositions

  4. Operational test of bonded magnetocaloric plates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bahl, Christian; Navickaité, Kristina; Neves Bez, Henrique


    Bonded plates made by hot pressing La0.85Ce0.15Fe11.25Mn0.25Si1.5Hy particles and resin have been tested as active magnetic regenerators in a small scale magnetocaloric device. Firstly the plates were carefully characterised magnetically and thermally. The plates were prepared with 5 wt% resin...

  5. Moving Divertor Plates in a Tokamak

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    S.J. Zweben, H. Zhang


    Moving divertor plates could help solve some of the problems of the tokamak divertor through mechanical ingenuity rather than plasma physics. These plates would be passively heated on each pass through the tokamak and cooled and reprocessed outside the tokamak. There are many design options using varying plate shapes, orientations, motions, coatings, and compositions.

  6. MTR fuel plate qualification capabilities at SCK-CEN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koonen, E.; Jacquet, P.


    In order to enhance the capabilities of BR2 in the field of MTR fuel plate testing, a dedicated irradiation device has been designed. In its basic version this device allows the irradiation of 3 fuel plates. The central fuel plate may be replaced by a dummy plate or a plate carrying dosimeters. A first FUTURE device has been built. A benchmark irradiation has been executed with standard BR2 fuel plates in order to qualify this device. Detailed neutronic calculations were performed and the results compared to the results of the post-irradiation examinations of the plates. These comparisons demonstrate the capability to conduct a fuel plate irradiation program under requested and well-known irradiation conditions. Further improvements are presently being designed in order to extend the ranges of heat flux and surface temperature of the fuel plates that can be handled with the FUTURE device. (author)

  7. Waveguiding in supported phononic crystal plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasseur, J; Hladky-Hennion, A-C; Deymier, P; Djafari-Rouhani, B; Duval, F; Dubus, B; Pennec, Y


    We investigate, with the help of the finite element method, the existence of absolute band gaps in the band structure of a free-standing phononic crystal plate and of a phononic crystal slab deposited on a substrate. The two-dimensional phononic crystal is constituted by a square array of holes drilled in an active piezoelectric (PZT5A or AlN) matrix. For both matrix materials, an absolute band gap occurs in the band structure of the free-standing plate provided the thickness of the plate is on the order of magnitude of the lattice parameter. When the plate is deposited on a Si substrate, the absolute band gap still remains when the matrix of the phononic crystal is made of PZT5A. The AlN phononic crystal plate losses its gap when supported by the Si substrate. In the case of the PZT5A matrix, we also study the possibility of localized modes associated with a linear defect created by removing one row of air holes in the deposited phononic crystal plate

  8. Embedded adhesive connection for laminated glass plates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jens Zangenberg; Poulsen, S.H.; Bagger, A.


    The structural behavior of a new connection design, the embedded adhesive connection, used for laminated glass plates is investigated. The connection consists of an aluminum plate encapsulated in-between two adjacent triple layered laminated glass plates. Fastening between glass and aluminum...... usage in a design situation. The embedded connection shows promising potential as a future fastening system for load-carrying laminated glass plates....

  9. Rapidly Moving Divertor Plates In A Tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zweben, S.


    It may be possible to replace conventional actively cooled tokamak divertor plates with a set of rapidly moving, passively cooled divertor plates on rails. These plates would absorb the plasma heat flux with their thermal inertia for ∼10-30 sec, and would then be removed from the vessel for processing. When outside the tokamak, these plates could be cooled, cleaned, recoated, inspected, and then returned to the vessel in an automated loop. This scheme could provide nearoptimal divertor surfaces at all times, and avoid the need to stop machine operation for repair of damaged or eroded plates. We describe various possible divertor plate designs and access geometries, and discuss an initial design for a movable and removable divertor module for NSTX-U.

  10. CIUDAD BLANCA EN BAHÍA DE ALCUDIA. UNA OBRA CON SENTIDO PEDAGÓGICO DEL PROFESOR FRANCISCO JAVIER SÁENZ DE OÍZA. 1961-63 / Ciudad Blanca in Alcudia Bay. An educational work by professor Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza. 1961-63

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa María Añón Abajas


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La expansión económica de España en la década de los 60 del pasado siglo XX, se relaciona directamente con el acceso mayoritario de la clase media a las vacaciones estivales y con la explosión del turismo de costa. Entre la multitud de promociones que empezaron a transformar el litoral mediterráneo, Ciudad Blanca proyectada por Sáenz de Oíza en la Bahía de Alcudia, aunque no concluida por completo, ejemplifica cómo un encargo especulativo para acoger a una gran masa de veraneantes, puede aprovechar la euforia del momento, ensayando un modelo residencial ideal, en un contexto próximo a los debates de arquitectura que se estaban dando en el resto de Europa, abordados por los arquitectos de la “Tercera Generación”, que pretendían la superación de los dogmatismos del Movimiento Moderno. La lección que el Oíza profesor nos lega a través de esta experiencia, aparte del modo de proceder, enfrentándose con cierta dosis experimental cual alumno afrontando un ejercicio académico innovador, reside en el valor didáctico de mostrar mediante una serie de mecanismos proyectuales, la vital atención prestada al paisaje y al habitante, a la exterioridad y a la interioridad de la obra, desarrollando una empatía entre el lugar y el momento, que generó un mestizaje interesante entre nuevos conceptos de agrupación, ejecutados con sistemas estructurales racionalistas en los que se introducen elementos puntuales prefabricados, combinando tradición y novedad.

  11. Plate fixation in periprosthetic femur fractures Vancouver type B1-Trochanteric hook plate or subtrochanterical bicortical locking? (United States)

    Lenz, Mark; Stoffel, Karl; Kielstein, Heike; Mayo, Keith; Hofmann, Gunther O; Gueorguiev, Boyko


    Proximal plate fixation in periprosthetic femur fractures can be improved by plate anchorage in the greater trochanter (lateral tension band principle) or bicortical locking screw placement beside the prosthesis stem in an embracement configuration. Both concepts were compared in a biomechanical test using a femoral hook plate (hook) or a locking attachment plate (LAP). After bone mineral density (BMD) measurement in the greater trochanter, six pairs of fresh frozen human femora were assigned to two groups and instrumented with cemented hip endoprostheses. A transverse osteotomy was set distal to the tip of the prosthesis, simulating a Vancouver B1 fracture. Each pair was instrumented using a plate tensioner with either hook or LAP construct. Cyclic testing (2Hz) with physiologic profile and monotonically increasing load was performed until catastrophic failure. Plate stiffness was compared in a four-point-bending-test. Paired student's-t-test was used for statistical evaluation (pTrochanteric fixation is highly BMD dependent and may be restricted to major greater trochanteric involvement requiring stabilization. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Heat receiving plates in thermonuclear device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitamura, Kazunori.


    Purpose: To obtain a heat receiving plate structure capable of withstanding sputtering wear and retaining the thermal deformation and residual stress low upon junction and available at a reduced cost. Constitution: Junction structures between heat sinks and armours are the same as usual, whereas high melting armour (for example, made of tungsten) are used at the portion on a heat receiving plate where the thermal load and particle load are higher while materials having a heat expansion coefficient similar to that of the heat sink (stainless steel) are used at the portion where the thermal load and particle load are lower on a heat receiving plate depending on the thermal load and particle load distribution. This can reduce the thermal deformation for the entire divertor heat receiving plate to obtain a heat receiving plate of a good surface dimensional accuracy. (Takahashi, M.)

  13. NICKEL PLATING PROCESS (United States)

    Hoover, T.B.; Zava, T.E.


    A simplified process is presented for plating nickel by the vapor decomposition of nickel carbonyl. In a preferred form of the invention a solid surface is nickel plated by subjecting the surface to contact with a mixture containing by volume approximately 20% nickel carbonyl vapor, 2% hydrogen sulfide and .l% water vapor or 1% oxygen and the remainder carbon dioxide at room temperature until the desired thickness of nickel is obtained. The advantage of this composition over others is that the normally explosive nickel carbonyl is greatly stabilized.

  14. Plate shell structures of glass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bagger, Anne

    to their curved shape. A plate shell structure maintains a high stiffness-to-weight ratio, while facilitating the use of plane structural elements. The study focuses on using laminated glass panes for the load bearing facets. Various methods of generating a plate shell geometry are suggested. Together with Ghent......, such as facet size, imperfections, and connection characteristics. The critical load is compared to that of a similar, but smoothly curved, shell structure. Based on the investigations throughout the study, a set of guidelines for the structural design of plate shells of glass is proposed....

  15. Uporaba nabora multimedijskih orodij za mednarodno predstavitev mostu "Pašerele" čez reko Sočo na Goriškem




    V pričujočem delu je predstavljen potek projekta, ki smo ga začeli izvajati v maju 2014 pod mentorstvom dr. Franca Policardija, glavnega distributerja uporabljenega gradiva g. Maria Mute ter g. Petra Gruntarja, ki nam je pomagal pri rekonstrukciji mostu v AvtoCAD-u 2012. Problem našega projekta je bil kako z uporabo standardnih metod in multimedije zabrisati mejo, ki je nastala med Slovenijo in Italijo, bolj natančno med potomci ljudi, ki so nekdaj živeli pod skupno državo Avstro-Ogrsko. O...

  16. Istraživanje mogućnosti upotrebe stabljika biljki Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira


    Comlekcioglu, Nazan; Tutus, Ahmet; Cicekler, Mustafa; Canak, Asuman; Zengin, Gulsen


    U radu su istražene mogućnosti upotrebe stabljike biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira. Određeni su kemijski sastav i morfološka svojstva stabljike. Sadržaj lignina u stabljici I. tinctoria bio je 23,9 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana 19,9 %. U stabljici I. tinctoria utvrđen je udjel alfa-celuloze od 48,5 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana taj je postotak iznosio 32,9 %. Izmjereni su duljina i promjer vlakanaca, promjer pore i debljina stanične sti...

  17. RA Research nuclear reactor, Part 1, RA reactor operation and maintenance in 1993, with comparative review for the period 1991 - 1993, Annex 3; Projekat Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - 1 Deo Pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1993. godini, uz uporedni pregled za period 1991 - 1993. - prilog 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Zivotic, Z; Mikic, N; Tanaskovic, M [Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    RA reactor was not operated during 1993 because of the complete instrumentation exchange. Although it has been planned to exchange the complete instrumentation until the end of 1993, and to start reactor operation in the first half of 1993 this was not fulfilled because the instrumentation was not delivered until the end of 1993. Main activities during past seven years were related to construction of the emergency cooling system; repair and reconstruction of the system for handling the spent fuel and improvement of spent fuel storage conditions; exchange of the aged instrumentation. Other reactor components and systems, reactor core, primary coolant loop and gas circulation system are in good condition concerning future start-up. [Serbo-Croat] U 1993. godini reaktor nije bio u pogonu zbog zamene njegove celokupne instrumentacije. Iako je bilo planirano da se celokupna instrumentacija zameni do kraja 1993. te da reaktor pocne sa radom u prvoj polovini 1993. Ovo nije ispunjeno jer celokupna oprema nije isporucena ni do kraja 1993. godine. Osnovni zahvati koji su u proteklih sedma godina izvrseni, odnosili su se na izgradnju sistema za udesno hladjenje, rekonstrukciju sistema za rukovanje ozracenim gorivom i poboljsanje uslova za stokiranje ovog goriva, zamenu instrumentacije. Ostali sistemi reaktora, reaktorsko jezgro, primarno kolo hladjenja i sistem za cirkulaciju gasa su u dobrom stanju i mogu se nesmetano koristiti u buducem radu.

  18. Investigation of vertebral ''end plate sclerosis''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, S.W.; Mathie, A.G.; Jackson, J.E.; Hughes, S.P.F.


    To evaluate the association between vertebral ''end plate sclerosis'' and neck pain. A retrospective study was carried out of lateral cervical spine radiographs with a Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS). Two hundred patients' files were randomly assessed, comprising four equal groups, A to D. The mean ages of the patients were 62±7.4 years, 61±7.5 years, 40±5.6 years and 23±5.6 years respectively. In group A, all patients had symptoms of neck pain and a radiographic diagnosis of ''end plate sclerosis'' of the cervical spine. In groups B to D, asymptomatic patients were recruited and their age groups were 50-69, 30-49 and 10-29 years respectively. Using the PACS, the radiographic density and the sagittal diameter, thickness and area of the end plates at the C5 level were measured. Results and conclusions: No significant differences were found in the radiographic density of the end plates either between the symptomatic and asymptomatic groups (groups A and B), or between different age groups (groups B, C and D). A significant increase in end plate area and thickness was found, however, in both group B (P<0.005) and group C (P<0.01) in comparison with group D. This indicates that the extent of end plate sclerosis increases with age. Our results suggest that the radiographic density of cervical vertebral end plates correlates neither with neck pain nor with increasing age. The radiological sign of ''end plate sclerosis'' may be over-reported, further limiting its value in the assessment of patients with cervical spondylosis. (orig.)

  19. High thermal load receiving heat plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shibutani, Jun-ichi; Shibayama, Kazuhito; Yamamoto, Keiichi; Uchida, Takaho.


    The present invention concerns a high thermal load heat receiving plate such as a divertor plate of a thermonuclear device. The high thermal load heat receiving plate of the present invention has a cooling performance capable of suppressing the temperature of an armour tile to less than a threshold value of the material against high thermal loads applied from plasmas. Spiral polygonal pipes are inserted in cooling pipes at a portion receiving high thermal loads in the high temperature load heat receiving plate of the present invention. Both ends of the polygonal pipes are sealed by lids. An area of the flow channel in the cooling pipes is thus reduced. Heat conductivity on the cooling surface of the cooling pipes is increased in the high thermal load heat receiving plate having such a structure. Accordingly, temperature elevation of the armour tile can be suppressed. (I.S.)

  20. Light transmission aggregometry using pre-coated microtiter plates and a Victor X5 plate reader

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinholt, Pernille Just; Nybo, Mads; Nielsen, Camilla Brødsgaard


    Background Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) can be performed with microtiter plates (96-well LTA). When conducting LTA, an agonist is added to platelet-rich plasma and the sample is shaken for minutes after which absorbance readings are done. Platelet aggregation is detected as decrease...... in absorbance. However, the classical method is cumbersome and therefore microtiter plates can be used for concomitant testing of multiple samples. Furthermore, it would be convenient to prepare the plate in advance of platelet aggregation testing. Aim: The aim of the present study was to establish a simplified...

  1. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1994; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1994. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    pouzdan rad ovog reaktora. Poslednji, i ujedno najveci zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije je u toku, ali njegova realizacija u 1994. godini kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Izradu ove opreme finansira Medjunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju kroz ugovor sklopljen decembra 1988. godine sa moskovskom firmom Atomenergoexport. Prema tom ugovoru trebalo je da celokupna nova instrumentacija za reaktor RA bude isporucena Institutu u Vinci do kraja 1990. godine, ali je do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 56% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju izrecena od strane ove organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. U 1991. godini na reaktoru RA je demontirana postojeca instrumentacija u maksimalno mogucem obimu, kako bi se zadrzala neka osnovna merenja neophodna i u uslovima kada reaktor nije u pogonu. U 1994. godini nastavljen je rad na razradi i dopuni sovjetskog projekta. Kontrola i odrzavanje celopkupne opreme postrojenja, kao i remontni radovi izvrsavani su redovno i efikasno. Veoma obiman remont sekundarnog kola hladjenja reaktora privodi se kraju i bice okoncan u prvoj polovini 1995. a u skladu postojecim zakonskim propisima i sa preporukama MAAE. Kontrola goriva od strane inspektora MAAE obavljana je jedanput mesecno. Na reaktoru RA u 1994. godini radilo je prosecno 47 radnika, sto je dovoljan broj u uslovima remontnih i investicionih radova.

  2. Maximizing band gaps in plate structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halkjær, Søren; Sigmund, Ole; Jensen, Jakob Søndergaard


    periodic plate using Bloch theory, which conveniently reduces the maximization problem to that of a single base cell. Secondly, we construct a finite periodic plate using a number of the optimized base cells in a postprocessed version. The dynamic properties of the finite plate are investigated......Band gaps, i.e., frequency ranges in which waves cannot propagate, can be found in elastic structures for which there is a certain periodic modulation of the material properties or structure. In this paper, we maximize the band gap size for bending waves in a Mindlin plate. We analyze an infinite...... theoretically and experimentally and the issue of finite size effects is addressed....

  3. White Light Photorefractive Phase Zone Plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan-Mei, Gao; Si-Min, Liu


    Incoherent white light from an incandescent source is employed to fabricate volume phase zone plates in LiNbO 3 : Fe, for the first time to our knowledge, which can guide and modulate the input white light or laser light. The diffractive efficiency of the white light volume phase zone plates fabricated can reach as high as 12%. In addition, we test the volume phase zone plates by a probe beam and find that the volume phase zone plate is present in the direction perpendicular to the c-axis and absent in the direction parallel to the c-axis. This directly proves the existence of photovoltaic photorefractive anisotropy of white light

  4. Usefulness of the pterion plate in frontotemporal craniotomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goto, Akiko; Aoki, Yoshinori; Kano, Toshiyuki


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the pterion plate in preventing depression of the lateral side of the orbita after frontotemporal craniotomy. Forty patients who underwent frontotemporal craniotomy at our facility were studied: 20 received pterion plates during surgery (pterion plate group) and 20 did not (non-pterion plate group). In all patients, postoperative bone window CT was used to confirm the presence or absence of a depression (≥5 mm) on the lateral side of the orbita. Patient satisfaction was assessed by a questionnaire. Depression of the lateral side of the orbita on postoperative bone window CT was noted in none of the subjects in the pterion plate group and in 12 (60%) of the subjects in the non-pterion plate group (p<0.01). Patient satisfaction was higher in the pterion plate than in the non-pterion plate group (p<0.01). Findings from bone window CT and the questionnaire indicate that the pterion plate is effective in preventing postoperative depression of the lateral side of the orbita during frontotemporal craniotomy. (author)

  5. Biomechanical comparison of double-row locking plates versus single- and double-row non-locking plates in a comminuted metacarpal fracture model. (United States)

    Gajendran, Varun K; Szabo, Robert M; Myo, George K; Curtiss, Shane B


    Open or unstable metacarpal fractures frequently require open reduction and internal fixation. Locking plate technology has improved fixation of unstable fractures in certain settings. In this study, we hypothesized that there would be a difference in strength of fixation using double-row locking plates compared with single- and double-row non-locking plates in comminuted metacarpal fractures. We tested our hypothesis in a gap metacarpal fracture model simulating comminution using fourth-generation, biomechanical testing-grade composite sawbones. The metacarpals were divided into 6 groups of 15 bones each. Groups 1 and 4 were plated with a standard 6-hole, 2.3-mm plate in AO fashion. Groups 2 and 5 were plated with a 6-hole double-row 3-dimensional non-locking plate with bicortical screws aimed for convergence. Groups 3 and 6 were plated with a 6-hole double-row 3-dimensional locking plate with unicortical screws. The plated metacarpals were then tested to failure against cantilever apex dorsal bending (groups 1-3) and torsion (groups 4-6). The loads to failure in groups 1 to 3 were 198 +/- 18, 223 +/- 29, and 203 +/- 19 N, respectively. The torques to failure in groups 4 to 6 were 2,033 +/- 155, 3,190 +/- 235, and 3,161 +/- 268 N mm, respectively. Group 2 had the highest load to failure, whereas groups 5 and 6 shared the highest torques to failure (p row plates had equivalent bending and torsional stiffness, significantly higher than observed for the single-row non-locking plate. No other statistical differences were noted between groups. When subjected to the physiologically relevant forces of apex dorsal bending and torsion in a comminuted metacarpal fracture model, double-row 3-dimensional non-locking plates provided superior stability in bending and equivalent stability in torsion compared with double-row 3-dimensional locking plates, whereas single-row non-locking plates provided the least stability.

  6. RA reactor Action plan for 1978 - Annex VI; Prilog VI - Plan rada reaktora RA za 1978. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annex include a detailed monthly action plan of the RA reactor for 1978. It was planned that the reactor will operate at nominal and lower power levels for 158 days. The plan is made with the aim to achieve same annual neutron flux as in 1977, which is somewhat higher then the annual production in the period from 1968-1975. [Serbo-Croat] Ovaj prilog sadrzi detaljan plan rada reaktora RA za 1978. godinu. Planirano je da reaktor radi na nominalnoj snazi of 6,5 MW i na manjim snagama ukupno 158 dana. Plan je napravljen tako da se ostvari godisnja proizvodnja neutronskog fluksa u obimu koji je relaizovan 1977. godine sto je nesto vise od godisnje proizvodnje u periodu 1968-1975.

  7. Report of the Service for maintenance of mechanical structures - Annex 2; Prilog 2 - Rad sluzbe za odrzavanje masinske opreme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radivojevic, J [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    This Annex 2 describes the organizational structure and activities of the Service for maintenance of the mechanical structures of the RA reactor, inspection and maintenance of of reactor components, workshop and storage of spare parts at the reactor. Mechanical structures of the RA reactor included are: heavy water system, gas systems, technical water system, reactor core, and transportation equipment. [Serbo-Croat] Pored opisa organizacije rada sluzbe za odrzavanje masinske opreme reaktora RA, ovaj prilog sadrzi: podatke o stanju, reviziji i remontu masinske opreme reaktora RA, prirucne radionice i magacina. Masinska oprema reaktora RA obuhvata: sistem teske vode, gasne sisteme, sistem tehnicke vode, centralno telo reaktora, transportnu opremu.

  8. Gentilly-2 and Point Lepreau divider plate replacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, W.; McClellan, G.; Weston, S.


    The steam generators at Hydro Quebec's Gentilly-2 and New Brunswick Power's Point Lepreau Nuclear Plants have been in operation since 1983, and were built with primary divider plates of a bolted panel configuration. During a routine outage inspection at Gentilly-2, it was noted that two bolts had dislodged from the divider plate and were located lying in the primary head. Subsequent inspections revealed erosion damage to a a substantial number of divider plate bolts and to a lesser extent, to the divider plate itself. After further inspection and repair the units were returned to operation, however, it was determined that a permanent replacement of the primary divider plates was going to be necessary. Upon evaluation of various options, it was decided that the panel type divider plates would be replaced with a single piece floating design. The divider plate itself was to be of one piece all-welded arrangement to be constructed from individual panels to be brought in through the manways. In view of the strength limitations of the bolted attachment of the upper seat bar to the tubesheet, a new welded seat was was provided. To counteract erosion concerns, the new divider plate is fitted with erosion resistant inserts of weld buildup and with improved sealing features in order to minimize leakage and erosion. At an advanced stage in the design and manufacture of the components, the issue of divider plate strength during loss of coolant accident (LOCA) conditions came into focus. Analysis was performed to determine the strength and/or failure characteristics of the divider plate to a variety of small and large LOCA conditions. Subsequently, Point Lepreau decided to replace their divider plates to address LOCA concerns. The paper describes the diagnosis of the original divider plates and the design. manufacture, field mobilization, installation and subsequent operation of the replacement divider plates. (author)

  9. Size-Dependent Dynamic Behavior of a Microcantilever Plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaoming Wang


    Full Text Available Material length scale considerably affects the mechanical properties of microcantilever components. Recently, cantilever-plate-like structures have been commonly used, whereas the lack of studies on their size effects constrains the design, testing, and application of these structures. We have studied the size-dependent dynamic behavior of a cantilever plate based on a modified couple stress theory and the differential quadrature method in this note. The numerical solutions of microcantilever plate equation involving the size effect have been presented. We have also analyzed the bending and vibration of the microcantilever plates considering the size effect and discussed the dependence of the size effect on their geometric dimensions. The results have shown that (1 the mechanical characteristics of the cantilever plate show obvious size effects; as a result, the bending deflection of a microcantilever plate reduces whereas the natural frequency increases effectively and (2 for the plates with the same material, the size effect becomes more obvious when the plates are thinner.

  10. Secure matching of Dutch car license plates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sunil, A.B.; Erkiny, Z.; Veugenyz, T.


    License plate matching plays an important role in applications like law enforcement, traffic management and road pricing, where the plate is first recognized and then compared to a database of authorized vehicle registration plates. Unfortunately, there are several privacy related issues that should

  11. Strength of Ship Plates under Combined Loading

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cui, W.; Wang, Y.; Pedersen, Preben Terndrup


    Strength of ship plates plays a significant role in the ultimate strength analysis of ship structures. In recent years several authors have proposed simplified analytical methods to calculate the ultimate strength of unstiffened plates. The majority of these investigations deal with plates subjec...

  12. Pyramidal approach to license plate segmentation (United States)

    Postolache, Alexandru; Trecat, Jacques C.


    Car identification is a goal in traffic control, transport planning, travel time measurement, managing parking lot traffic and so on. Most car identification algorithms contain a standalone plate segmentation process followed by a plate contents reading. A pyramidal algorithm for license plate segmentation, looking for textured regions, has been developed on a PC based system running Unix. It can be used directly in applications not requiring real time. When input images are relatively small, real-time performance is in fact accomplished by the algorithm. When using large images, porting the algorithm to special digital signal processors can easily lead to preserving real-time performance. Experimental results, for stationary and moving cars in outdoor scenes, showed high accuracy and high scores in detecting the plate. The algorithm also deals with cases where many character strings are present in the image, and not only the one corresponding to the plate. This is done by the means of a constrained texture regions classification.

  13. New technique for number-plate recognition (United States)

    Guo, Jie; Shi, Peng-Fei


    This paper presents an alternative algorithm for number plate recognition. The algorithm consists of three modules. Respectively, they are number plate location module, character segmentation module and character recognition module. Number plate location module extracts the number plate from the detected car image by analyzing the color and the texture properties. Different from most license plate location methods, the algorithm has fewer limits to the car size, the car position in the image and the image background. Character segmentation module applies connected region algorithm both to eliminate noise points and to segment characters. Touching characters and broken characters can be processed correctly. Character recognition module recognizes characters with HHIC (Hierarchical Hybrid Integrated Classifier). The system has been tested with 100 images obtained from crossroad and parking lot, etc, where the cars have different size, position, background and illumination. Successful recognition rate is about 92%. The average processing time is 1.2 second.

  14. Anterior cervical fusion: the role of anterior plating. (United States)

    Daffner, Scott D; Wang, Jeffrey C


    Treatment of cervical pathology requires a clear understanding of the biomechanical benefits and limitations of cervical plates, their indications, and their associated complications. The use of anterior cervical plates has evolved significantly since their early application in cervical trauma. They have become widely used for anterior cervical decompression and fusion for cervical spondylosis. Plate design has undergone significant refinement and innovation, from the initial unlocked plates requiring bicortical purchase to the latest rotationally and translationally semiconstrained dynamic plates. Excellent clinical results have been reported for single-level anterior cervical decompression and fusion with or without plate fixation; however, the addition of an anterior cervical plate clearly leads to earlier fusion and better clinical results in longer fusions. Longer fusions should ideally consist of corpectomies and strut grafting because the decreased number of fusion surfaces tends to lead to higher fusion rates. Although anterior plate fixation leads to higher fusion rates in fusions of three or more levels, the associated pseudarthrosis rate is still high. The use of dynamic plates, through increased load sharing across the graft and decreased stress shielding, may improve fusion rates, particularly in long fusions. Nevertheless, adjuvant posterior fixation is recommended for fusions of more than three vertebral levels. Anterior plate fixation may be of particular benefit in the management of traumatic injuries, in revision settings, and in the treatment of smokers. Complications unique to plate fixation include hardware breakage and migration as well as ossification of the adjacent disk levels.

  15. A unidirectional subwavelength focusing near-field plate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Imani, Mohammadreza F.; Grbic, Anthony [Radiation Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 (United States)


    Near-field plates consist of non-periodically patterned surfaces that can overcome the diffraction limit and confine electromagnetic fields to subwavelength dimensions. Previous near-field plates experimentally demonstrated extreme field tailoring capabilities. However, their performance suffered from radiation/reflection in undesired directions, those other than the subwavelength focus. This issue can limit the practical use of near-field plates. In this paper, we address this issue by designing a unidirectional near-field plate that can form a subwavelength focal pattern, while suppressing the field radiated/reflected in other directions. The design and operation of the proposed unidirectional near-field plate are verified through full-wave simulation. The unidirectional near-field plate may find application in high resolution imaging and probing, high density data storage, and wireless power transfer systems. As an example, its utility as a high resolution probe is demonstrated through full-wave electromagnetic simulation.

  16. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1997; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1997. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    RA reactor is not in operation since 1984, activities related to revitalisation of the RA reactor started in 1986. The planned actions related to renewal of the reactor components were finished except for the most important action, related to exchange of complete reactor instrumentation which was delayed. Only 80% of the instrumentation was delivered until September 1991. Since then any delivery of components to Yugoslavia was stopped because of the sanctions imposed to our country. The existing RA reactor instrumentation was dismantled. Control and maintenance of the reactor components was done regularly and efficiently. Fuel inspection by the IAEA safeguards inspectors was done on a monthly basis. There have been on the average 42 employees at the RA reactor which is considered sufficient for maintenance and repair conditions. The problem of financing the reactor activities and maintenance remains unsolved. Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1997 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA nije u pogonu od 1984, aktivnosti na revitalizaciji, rekostrukciji i modernizaciji reaktorski sistema zapocete su 1986. godine. Okoncan je niz zahvata na opremi postrojenja kojima ce se u narednom periodu omoguciti kontinualan i pouzdan rad ovog reaktora. Poslednji, i ujedno najveci zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 80% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju usled sankcija uvedenih od strane organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. Demontirana je postojeca instrumentacija. Kontrola i odrzavanje celopkupne opreme postrojenja, kao i remontni radovi izvrsavani su redovno i efikasno. Kontrola goriva od strane safeguard inspektora MAAE obavljana

  17. Growth plate closure: Apex view on bone scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giles, P.H.; Trochei, M.; Yeates, K.


    Angular deformities of the extremities in children following premature closure of the growth plate are well known. The deformities depend on the position of an osseus bridge which forms between the epiphysis and metaphysis. Several surgical procedures including resection of the osseus bridge have been described, however, delineation of the site of fusion is difficult to define. The commonest site of growth plate arrest is the distal femoral or proximal tibial growth plate. A new technique using the bone scan has been developed which accurately defines the area and position of these osseus bridges. Two hours after injection of technetium 99m methylene diphosphonate apex views of the affected distal femoral growth plate were performed. The knee was flexed into its smallest angle. Using a pinhole collimator the gamma camera was angled to face the affected growth plate end on. The image was collected onto computer and analysed by: (I) regions of interest over segments of the growth plate to calculate the relative area of total growth plate affected: (II) generating histograms: (III) thresholding or performing isocontours to accentuate abnormal areas. The growth plate is normally uniformly increased when compared to the normal shaft of the bone. Fusion across the plate appears as an area of diminished uptake. The apex view gives a unique functional map of the growth plate such that abnormal areas are displayed, and the site, size and position of osseus fusion obtained. The technique has the potential for determining the metabolic activity of the growth plate before and after surgery. Serial studies will allow assessment of regneration of the plate and reformation of new osseus bridges

  18. Strength of ship plates under combined loading

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cui, Weiching; Wang, Yongjun; Pedersen, Preben Terndrup


    Strength of ship plates plays a significant role for the ultimate strength analysis of ship structures. In recent years several authors have proposed simplified methods to calculate the ultimate strength of unstiffened plates. The majority of these investigations deal with plates subjected to lon...

  19. Root-Contact/Pressure-Plate Assembly For Hydroponic System (United States)

    Morris, Carlton E.; Loretan, Philip A.; Bonsi, Conrad K.; Hill, Walter A.


    Hydroponic system includes growth channels equipped with rootcontact/pressure-plate assemblies. Pump and associated plumbing circulate nutrient liquid from reservoir, along bottom of growth channels, and back to reservoir. Root-contact/pressure-plate assembly in each growth channel stimulates growth of roots by applying mild contact pressure. Flat plate and plate connectors, together constitute pressure plate, free to move upward to accommodate growth of roots. System used for growing sweetpotatoes and possibly other tuber and root crops.

  20. The tectonic plates are moving!

    CERN Document Server

    Livermore, Roy


    Written in a witty and informal style, this book explains modern plate tectonics in a non-technical manner, showing not only how it accounts for phenomena such as great earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, but also how it controls conditions at the Earth’s surface, including global geography and climate, making it suitable for life. The book presents the advances that have been made since the establishment of plate tectonics in the 1960s, highlighting, on the fiftieth anniversary of the theory, the contributions of a small number of scientists who have never been widely recognized for their discoveries. Beginning with the publication of a short article in Nature by Vine and Matthews, the book traces the development of plate tectonics through two generations of the theory. First-generation plate tectonics covers the exciting scientific revolution of the 1960s, its heroes, and its villains. The second generation includes the rapid expansions in sonar, satellite, and seismic technologies during the 1...

  1. Highly conductive, multi-layer composite precursor composition to fuel cell flow field plate or bipolar plate (United States)

    Jang, Bor Z [Centerville, OH; Zhamu, Aruna [Centerville, OH; Guo, Jiusheng [Centerville, OH


    This invention provides a moldable, multiple-layer composite composition, which is a precursor to an electrically conductive composite flow field plate or bipolar plate. In one preferred embodiment, the composition comprises a plurality of conductive sheets and a plurality of mixture layers of a curable resin and conductive fillers, wherein (A) each conductive sheet is attached to at least one resin-filler mixture layer; (B) at least one of the conductive sheets comprises flexible graphite; and (C) at least one resin-filler mixture layer comprises a thermosetting resin and conductive fillers with the fillers being present in a sufficient quantity to render the resulting flow field plate or bipolar plate electrically conductive with a conductivity no less than 100 S/cm and thickness-direction areal conductivity no less than 200 S/cm.sup.2.

  2. A locking compression plate versus the gold-standard non-locking plate with lag screw for first metatarsophalangeal fusion: A biomechanical comparison. (United States)

    Mandell, Daniel; Karbassi, John; Zhou, Hanbing; Burroughs, Brian; Aurigemma, Philip; Patel, Abhay R


    The treatment of end-stage first metatarso-phalangeal joint (MTP) arthritis has been arthrodesis. A dorsal non-locking plate with a lag screw has been the standard traditional fixation method. This study compares the biomechanical strength of a locking compression plate (LCP) with and without internal compression versus this known gold standard. In group 1, six matched pairs of cadaver great toes were used to compare the standard non-locking dorsal plate and 3.5mm lag screw to an anatomic locking compression plate in which a lag screw was utilized rather than the internal compression features of the plate. In group 2, another six matched pairs of cadaver great toes were used to compare the gold standard to the locking compression plate, utilizing the plate's internal compression feature instead of a lag screw. A material testing system (MTS) machine applied loads to the MTP joints and measured displacement and stiffness of the constructs. The stiffness of the constructs (Young's modulus) was calculated from the force-displacement curves, and the displacement was measured. The locking compression plate group that used the compression features of the plate, without the lag screw, had less joint displacement and higher stiffness than control (p<0.05). The same plating construct in which a lag screw was used rather than internal compression of the plate was found to be stiffer than the control (p<0.05), but displacement was not statistically significant. The results suggest that a locking compression plate alone provides the stiffest construct for a first MTP joint fusion. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Gentilly 2 divider plate replacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forest, J.; Klisel, E.; McClellan, G.; Schnelder, W.


    The steam generators at the Gentilly 2 Nuclear Plant in operation since 1983 were built with primary divider plates of a bolted panel configuration. During a routine outage inspection, it was noted that two bolts had dislodged from the divider and were located lying in the primary head. Subsequent inspections revealed erosion damage to a substantial number of divider plate bolts and to a lesser extent, to the divider plate itself. After further inspection and repair the units were returned to operation, however, it was determined that a permanent replacement of the primary divider plates was going to be necessary. After evaluation of various options, it was decided that the panel type dividers would be replaced with a single piece floating design. The divider itself was to be of a one piece all-welded arrangement to be constructed from individual panels to be brought in through the manways. In view of the strength limitations of the bolted attachment of the upper seat bar to the tubesheet, a new welded seat bar was provided. To counteract erosion concerns, the new divider is fitted with erosion resistant inserts or weld buildup and with improved sealing features in order to minimize leakage and erosion. At an advanced stage in the design and manufacture of the components, the issue of divider strength during LOCA conditions came into focus. Analysis was performed to determine the strength and/or failure characteristics of the divider to a variety of small and large LOCA conditions. The paper describes the diagnosis of the original divider plates and the design, manufacture, field mobilization, installation and subsequent operation of the replacement divider plates. (author)

  4. Effect of mixed adhesive joints and tapered plate on stresses in retrofitted beams bonded with a fiber-reinforced polymer plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouchikhi, A.S.; Megueni, A.; Gouasmi, S.; Boukoulda, F.B.


    Highlights: • Interface stress distribution in beams reinforced composites jointed by homogeneous adhesive. • The reduction of stresses interfaces by using the tapered plate at edges. • The reduction of stresses interfaces by using the bi-adhesive. • The reduction of stresses interfaces by combining between the tapered plate and the bi-adhesive. - Abstract: This paper focuses on the reduction of interfacial stresses when using bonded laminates in strengthening existing structures. The presence of high interfacial stresses that develop near the end of composite known as edge effect may compromise the résistance to failure of strengthened structure. It is known that the decrease of plate thickness and fitness of adhesive (Young modulus) reduces the stress concentration at plate ends. Another way to tackle the problem is proper design of the plate end shape (tapered plate) and using mixed adhesive joints (MAJs) between the adherents. In this paper, a comprehensive finite element (FE) study has been conducted to investigate the effect of mixed adhesive joints (MAJs) and tapering plate on the interfacial stress distribution in the adhesive layer in retrofitted steel beam with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) plate, This results indicate that using the correct combination of tapering plate at the end and mixed adhesive joints can reduce the magnitude of the interfacial stresses significantly

  5. Resorbable versus titanium plates for orthognathic surgery. (United States)

    Agnihotry, Anirudha; Fedorowicz, Zbys; Nasser, Mona; Gill, Karanjot S


    Recognition of some of the limitations of titanium plates and screws used for the fixation of bones has led to the development of plates manufactured from bioresorbable materials. Whilst resorbable plates appear to offer clinical advantages over metal plates in orthognathic surgery, concerns remain about the stability of fixation and the length of time required for their degradation and the possibility of foreign body reactions. This review compares the use of titanium versus bioresorbable plates in orthognathic surgery and is an update of the Cochrane Review first published in 2007. To compare the effects of bioresorbable fixation systems with titanium systems used during orthognathic surgery. Cochrane Oral Health's Information Specialist searched the following databases: Cochrane Oral Health's Trials Register (to 20 January 2017); the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016, Issue 11) in the Cochrane Library (searched 20 January 2017); MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 20 January 2017); and Embase Ovid (1980 to 20 January 2017). We searched the US National Institutes of Health Ongoing Trials Register (; searched 20 January 2017), and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (searched 20 January 2017) for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching the electronic databases. Randomised controlled trials comparing bioresorbable versus titanium fixation systems used for orthognathic surgery in adults. Two review authors independently screened the results of the electronic searches, extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of the included studies. We resolved disagreement by discussion. Clinical heterogeneity between the included trials precluded pooling of data, and only a descriptive summary is presented. This review included two trials, involving 103 participants, one comparing titanium with resorbable plates and screws and

  6. A Plate Tectonic Model for the Neoproterozoic with Evolving Plate Boundaries (United States)

    Merdith, Andrew; Collins, Alan; Williams, Simon; Pisarevsky, Sergei; Müller, Dietmar


    The Neoproterozoic was dominated by the formation of the supercontinent Rodinia, its break-up and the subsequent amalgamation of Gondwana, during which, the planet experienced large climatic variations and the emergence of complex life. Here we present a topological plate model of the Neoproterozoic based on a synthesis of available geological and palaeomagnetic data. Subduction zones, which are well preserved in the geological record, are used as a proxy for convergent margins; evidence for mid-ocean ridges and transform motion is less clearly preserved, though passive margins are used as a proxy for spreading centres, and evidence for strike-slip motions are used to model transform boundaries. We find that the model presented here only predicts 70% of the total length of subduction active today, though it models similar lengths of both transform and divergent boundaries, suggesting that we have produced a conservative model and are probably underestimating the amount of subduction. Where evidence for convergent, divergent or transform motion is not preserved, we interpret the locations of plate boundaries based on the relative motions of cratonic crust as suggested through either palaeomagnetic data or the geological record. Using GPlates, we tie these boundaries together to generate a plate model that depicts the motion of tectonic plates through the Neoproterozoic. We omit India and South China from Rodinia completely, due to long-lived subduction preserved on margins of India and conflicting palaeomagnetic data for the Cryogenian, but tie them together due to similar Tonian aged accretionary patterns along their respective (present-day) north-western and northern margins, such that these two cratons act as a "lonely wanderer" for much of the Neoproterozoic, and form their own tectonic plate. We also introduce a Tonian-Cryogenian aged rotation of the Congo-São Francisco Craton relative to Rodinia to better fit palaeomagnetic data and account for thick passive

  7. No quantum friction between uniformly moving plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Philbin, T G; Leonhardt, U


    The Casimir forces between two plates moving parallel to each other at arbitrary constant speed are found by calculating the vacuum electromagnetic stress tensor. The perpendicular force between the plates is modified by the motion but there is no lateral force on the plates. Electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations do not therefore give rise to 'quantum friction' in this case, contrary to previous assertions. The result shows that the Casimir-Polder force on a particle moving at constant speed parallel to a plate also has no lateral component.

  8. Ultrasonic Testing of NIF Amplifier FAU Top Plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chinn, D.J.; Huber, R.D.; Haskins, J.J.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Souza, P.R.; Le, T.V.


    A key component in the National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser optic system is the amplifier frame assembly unit (FAU). The cast aluminum top plate that supports the FAU is required to withstand loads that would occur during an earthquake with a recurrence period of 1000 years. The stringent seismic requirements placed on the FAU top plate induced a study of the cast aluminum material used in the top plate. Ultrasonic testing was used to aid in characterizing the aluminum material used in the plates. This report documents the work performed using contact ultrasonic testing to characterize the FAU top plate material. The ultrasonic work reported here had 3 objectives: (1) inspect the plate material before cyclic testing conducted at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER); (2) determine the overall quality of individual plates; and (3) detect large defects in critical areas of individual plates. Section III, ''Pre-cyclic test inspection'', describes work performed in support of Objective 1. Section IV, ''Ultrasonic field measurements'', describes work performed in support of Objectives 2 and 3

  9. Optimization of geometrical characteristics of perforated plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radisavljevic, Igor; Balos, Sebastian; Nikacevic, Milutin; Sidjanin, Leposava


    Highlights: ► Perforated plate are tested against 12.7 mm API projectile. ► Perforations similar to the projectile diameter offer more efficient core fracture. ► Larger perforations gave a more efficient core fragmentation. ► SEM microscopy analysis has shown a ductile fracture mode at impact point. - Abstract: In this paper, an attempt was made to design effective non-homogenous armor in form of perforated plate mounted at close distance from basic armor plate. Perforated plate with three perforation diameters: 9, 10 and 11 mm, two ligaments length: 3.5 and 4.5 mm ligaments, set at 0° and 28° angles, were combined to 13 mm basic plate and tested against 12.7 mm API ammunition. It has been shown that larger perforations gave a more efficient core fragmentation, while angled specimens were the only ones that offer full protection against five API shots when the perforated plate was placed at 100 mm from the basic plate. Perforations that are similar in size to the penetrating core diameter offer a more efficient core fracture, leading to a faster fragment separation. This may enable a smaller distance between the add-on perforated and basic plate to be used. Scanning electron microscopy analysis has shown a ductile fracture mode at impact point, with hardness values on plate basic level. On the other hand, a brittle fracture mode with a rise in local hardness measured near impact point is a result of intensive high speed plastic deformation produced by bending stresses. A drop in local hardness measured near impact point, may be the result of intensive cracking that occur due to repeated projectile impact

  10. Izbor faktora rotacije vektora potiska za balističku raketu sa Lambertovim vođenjem / Choice of the rotational factor of the thrust vector for the ballistic missile with Lambert guidance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danilo V. Ćuk


    Full Text Available Predmet rada jeste primena Lambertovog vođenja na balističku raketu. Koristeći fundamentalnu jednačinu za upravljački vektor brzine razvijena je formula za određivanje ugla orijentacije vektora potiska u zavisnosti od faktora rotacije njegovog pravca. Izvedena formula zahteva Q-matricu koja povezuje diferencijalnu promenu vektora položaja rakete sa odgovarajućom diferencijalnom promenom korelisane brzine za fiksnu poziciju cilja i konstantno vreme slobodnog leta rakete. Izborom parametra rotacije vektora potiska dobijaju se različiti profili ugaonog položaja rakete i ugla njene brzine u zavisnosti od vremena. Podešavanjem parametra rotacije vektora potiska moguće je ostvariti prekid rada raketnog motora pri nultom napadnom uglu i, na taj način, smanjiti početne poremećaje slobodnog leta rakete. / This paper deals with the application of the Lambert guidance to the ballistic missile. By using the fundamental equation for the velocity-to-be-gained, the demanded command for the thrust angle is developed in terms of the rotational factor of its direction. The developed formula requires the Q-matrix which links a differential change in the missile position vector to the corresponding differential change in the correlated velocity for the fixed target position and the constant time of free flight. The choice of the rotational parameter provides different profiles of the missile attitude and flight path angle with time. By adjusting the rotational parameter for the thrust vector, the cut-off of the rocket engine can occur at zero angle of attack and the initial perturbations during free flight may be thus reduced.

  11. From Plate Tectonic to Continental Dynamics (United States)

    Molnar, P. H.


    By the early 1970s, the basics of plate tectonics were known. Although much understanding remained to be gained, as a topic of research, plate tectonics no longer defined the forefront of earth science. Not only had it become a foundation on which to build, but also the methods used to reveal it became tools to take in new directions. For me as a seismologist studying earthquakes and active processes, the deformation of continents offered an obvious topic to pursue. Obviously examining the deformation of continents and ignoring the widespread geologic evidence of both ongoing and finite deformation of crust would be stupid. I was blessed with the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with two of the best, Paul Tapponnier and Clark Burchfiel. Continental deformation differed from plate tectonics both because deformation was widespread but more importantly because crust shortens (extends) horizontally and thickens (thins), processes that can be ignored where plate tectonics - the relative motion of rigid plates - occurs. Where a plate boundary passes into a continent, not only must the forces that move plates do work against friction or other dissipative processes, but where high terrain is created, they must also do work against gravity, to create gravitational potential energy in high terrain. Peter Bird and Kenneth Piper and Philip England and Dan McKenzie showed that a two-dimensional thin viscous sheet with vertically averaged properties enabled both sources of resistance to be included without introducing excessive complexity and to be scaled by one dimensionless number, what the latter pair called the Argand number. Increasingly over the past thirty years, emphasis has shifted toward the role played by the mantle lithosphere, because of both its likely strength and its negative buoyancy, which makes it gravitationally unstable. Despite progress since realizing that rigid plates (the essence of plate tectonics) provides a poor description of continental

  12. Octanol reduces end-plate channel lifetime (United States)

    Gage, Peter W.; McBurney, Robert N.; Van Helden, Dirk


    1. Post-synaptic effects of n-octanol at concentrations of 0·1-1 mM were examined in toad sartorius muscles by use of extracellular and voltage-clamp techniques. 2. Octanol depressed the amplitude and duration of miniature end-plate currents and hence depressed neuromuscular transmission. 3. The decay of miniature end-plate currents remained exponential in octanol solutions even when the time constant of decay (τD) was decreased by 80-90%. 4. The lifetime of end-plate channels, obtained by analysis of acetylcholine noise, was also decreased by octanol. The average lifetime measured from noise spectra agreed reasonably well with the time constant of decay of miniature end-plate currents, both in control solution and in octanol solutions. 5. Octanol caused a reduction in the conductance of end-plate channels. Single channel conductance was on average about 25 pS in control solution and 20 pS in octanol. 6. In most cells the normal voltage sensitivity of the decay of miniature end-plate currents was retained in octanol solutions. The lifetime of end-plate channels measured from acetylcholine noise also remained voltage-sensitive in octanol solutions. In some experiments in which channel lifetime was exceptionally reduced the voltage sensitivity was less than normal. 7. In octanol solutions, τD was still very sensitive to temperature changes in most cells although in some the temperature sensitivity of τD was clearly reduced. Changes in τD with temperature could generally be fitted by the Arrhenius equation suggesting that a single step reaction controlled the decay of currents both in control and in octanol solutions. In some cells in which τD became less than 0·3 ms, the relationship between τD and temperature became inconsistent with the Arrhenius equation. 8. As the decay of end-plate currents in octanol solutions remains exponential, and the voltage and temperature sensitivity can be unchanged even when τD is significantly reduced, it seems likely that

  13. Finite element analysis of advanced neutron source fuel plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luttrell, C.R.


    The proposed design for the Advanced Neutron Source reactor core consists of closely spaced involute fuel plates. Coolant flows between the plates at high velocities. It is vital that adjacent plates do not come in contact and that the coolant channels between the plates remain open. Several scenarios that could result in problems with the fuel plates are studied. Finite element analyses are performed on fuel plates under pressure from the coolant flowing between the plates at a high velocity, under pressure because of a partial flow blockage in one of the channels, and with different temperature profiles

  14. Vakuumsko tesni laserski zvari za hermetično inkapsulacijo elektronskih sestavnih delov:


    Jenko, M.; Koller, Lidija; Railič, D.; Spruk, Sonja


    Our investigation deals with the microstructure of the vacuum tight laser welds of the welding pairs: soft magnetic iron Vacofer S2 protected with nickel plated coating of thickness 4mim and gold plated coating of thickness 0.2 mim - CuNi3OFe alloy of thickness 0,25 mm their geometry and tightness. The thermal influence on the compression glass-to-metal seals during the process of laser welding, and the optimal conditions of the laser welding process have been also determined. Raziskali sm...

  15. 431K/CD vehicle number plates

    CERN Multimedia

    GS Department


    The Green Plates Service, which is responsible for issuing the 431K/CD vehicle number plates , wishes to apologise for the delay in processing applications over the past weeks. The delay is outside the Service’s control, as it is due to the recent introduction of new rules governing the vehicle registration process in France. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding. GS-SEM-LS – Green Plates Service

  16. Spirit Begins Drive Around Home Plate (United States)


    The hazard avoidance camera on the front of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit took this image after a drive by Spirit on the 1,829th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars (Feb. 24, 2009). On Sol 1829, Spirit drove 6.29 meters (21 feet) northwestward, away from the northern edge of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.' The track dug by the dragged right-front wheel as the rover drove backward is visible in this image, receding toward the southeast. Rock layers of the northern slope of Home Plate are visible in the upper right portion of the image. In sols prior to 1829, the rover team had been trying to maneuver Spirit to climb onto the northern edge of Home Plate, ready to drive southward across the top of the plateau toward science destinations south of Home Plate. The Sol 1829 drive was the first move of a revised strategy to circle at least partway around Home Plate on the trek toward the sites south of the plateau.

  17. Structure of colloidal sphere-plate mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doshi, N; Cinacchi, G; Van Duijneveldt, J S; Cosgrove, T; Prescott, S W; Grillo, I; Phipps, J; Gittins, D I


    In addition to containing spherical pigment particles, coatings usually contain plate-like clay particles. It is thought that these improve the opacity of the paint film by providing an efficient spacing of the pigment particles. This observation is counterintuitive, as suspensions of particles of different shapes and sizes tend to phase separate on increase of concentration. In order to clarify this matter a model colloidal system is studied here, with a sphere-plate diameter ratio similar to that found in paints. For dilute suspensions, small angle neutron scattering revealed that the addition of plates leads to enhanced density fluctuations of the spheres, in agreement with new theoretical predictions. On increasing the total colloid concentration the plates and spheres phase separate due to the disparity in their shape. This is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental work on colloidal sphere-plate mixtures, where one particle acts as a depleting agent. The fact that no large scale phase separation is observed in coatings is ascribed to dynamic arrest in intimately mixed, or possibly micro-phase separated structures, at elevated concentration.

  18. Structure of colloidal sphere-plate mixtures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doshi, N; Cinacchi, G; Van Duijneveldt, J S; Cosgrove, T; Prescott, S W [School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TS (United Kingdom); Grillo, I [Institut Laue-Langevin, 6 rue Jules Horowitz BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Phipps, J [Imerys Minerals Ltd, Par Moor Centre, Par Moor Road, Par, Cornwall PL24 2SQ (United Kingdom); Gittins, D I, E-mail:, E-mail: [Imerys Performance and Filtration Minerals Ltd, 130 Castilian Drive, Goleta, CA 93117 (United States)


    In addition to containing spherical pigment particles, coatings usually contain plate-like clay particles. It is thought that these improve the opacity of the paint film by providing an efficient spacing of the pigment particles. This observation is counterintuitive, as suspensions of particles of different shapes and sizes tend to phase separate on increase of concentration. In order to clarify this matter a model colloidal system is studied here, with a sphere-plate diameter ratio similar to that found in paints. For dilute suspensions, small angle neutron scattering revealed that the addition of plates leads to enhanced density fluctuations of the spheres, in agreement with new theoretical predictions. On increasing the total colloid concentration the plates and spheres phase separate due to the disparity in their shape. This is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental work on colloidal sphere-plate mixtures, where one particle acts as a depleting agent. The fact that no large scale phase separation is observed in coatings is ascribed to dynamic arrest in intimately mixed, or possibly micro-phase separated structures, at elevated concentration.

  19. No quantum friction between uniformly moving plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Philbin, T G; Leonhardt, U [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, North Haugh St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, Scotland (United Kingdom)], E-mail:


    The Casimir forces between two plates moving parallel to each other at arbitrary constant speed are found by calculating the vacuum electromagnetic stress tensor. The perpendicular force between the plates is modified by the motion but there is no lateral force on the plates. Electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations do not therefore give rise to 'quantum friction' in this case, contrary to previous assertions. The result shows that the Casimir-Polder force on a particle moving at constant speed parallel to a plate also has no lateral component.

  20. Quantitative assessment of growth plate activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harcke, H.T.; Macy, N.J.; Mandell, G.A.; MacEwen, G.D.


    In the immature skeleton the physis or growth plate is the area of bone least able to withstand external forces and is therefore prone to trauma. Such trauma often leads to premature closure of the plate and results in limb shortening and/or angular deformity (varus or valgus). Active localization of bone seeking tracers in the physis makes bone scintigraphy an excellent method for assessing growth plate physiology. To be most effective, however, physeal activity should be quantified so that serial evaluations are accurate and comparable. The authors have developed a quantitative method for assessing physeal activity and have applied it ot the hip and knee. Using computer acquired pinhole images of the abnormal and contralateral normal joints, ten regions of interest are placed at key locations around each joint and comparative ratios are generated to form a growth plate profile. The ratios compare segmental physeal activity to total growth plate activity on both ipsilateral and contralateral sides and to adjacent bone. In 25 patients, ages 2 to 15 years, with angular deformities of the legs secondary to trauma, Blount's disease, and Perthes disease, this technique is able to differentiate abnormal segmental physeal activity. This is important since plate closure does not usually occur uniformly across the physis. The technique may permit the use of scintigraphy in the prediction of early closure through the quantitative analysis of serial studies

  1. Status of high-density fuel plate fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiencek, T.C.; Domagala, R.F.; Thresh, H.R.


    Progress has continued on the fabrication of fuel plates with equivalent fuel zone loadings approaching 9 gU/cm 3 . Through hot isostatic pressing (HIP), successful diffusion bonds have been made with 1100 Al and 6061 Al alloys. Although additional study is necessary to optimize the procedure, these bonds demonstrated the most critical processing step for proof-of-concept hardware. Two types of prototype highly loaded fuel plates have been fabricated. The first is a fuel plate in which 0.030-in. (0.76-mm) uranium compound wires are bonded within an aluminum cladding; the second, a dispersion fuel plate with uniform cladding and fuel zone thickness. The successful fabrication of these fuel plates derives from the unique ability of the HIP process to produce diffusion bonds with minimal deformation. (orig.)

  2. Plate tectonics in the late Paleozoic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mathew Domeier


    Full Text Available As the chronicle of plate motions through time, paleogeography is fundamental to our understanding of plate tectonics and its role in shaping the geology of the present-day. To properly appreciate the history of tectonics—and its influence on the deep Earth and climate—it is imperative to seek an accurate and global model of paleogeography. However, owing to the incessant loss of oceanic lithosphere through subduction, the paleogeographic reconstruction of ‘full-plates’ (including oceanic lithosphere becomes increasingly challenging with age. Prior to 150 Ma ∼60% of the lithosphere is missing and reconstructions are developed without explicit regard for oceanic lithosphere or plate tectonic principles; in effect, reflecting the earlier mobilistic paradigm of continental drift. Although these ‘continental’ reconstructions have been immensely useful, the next-generation of mantle models requires global plate kinematic descriptions with full-plate reconstructions. Moreover, in disregarding (or only loosely applying plate tectonic rules, continental reconstructions fail to take advantage of a wealth of additional information in the form of practical constraints. Following a series of new developments, both in geodynamic theory and analytical tools, it is now feasible to construct full-plate models that lend themselves to testing by the wider Earth-science community. Such a model is presented here for the late Paleozoic (410–250 Ma together with a review of the underlying data. Although we expect this model to be particularly useful for numerical mantle modeling, we hope that it will also serve as a general framework for understanding late Paleozoic tectonics, one on which future improvements can be built and further tested.

  3. Disk generator with nearly shockless accelerated driver plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fowler, C.M.; Hoeberling, R.F.; Marsh, S.P.


    The disk generator, shown in this paper, was first conceived as a useful magnetic field source for a class of in situ plasma experiments. Initial current is supplied (from a capacitor bank) to the generator through radial coaxial cables. It enters the top plate, passes through the central post, and exists through the top of the outer cylindrical glide surface, which is insulated from the top plate. The explosive over the top plate is initiated simultaneously over its upper surface at such a time that the top plate starts its downward motion at about peak initial current. Several conditions were required for the experiments under consideration: the top or driver plate should contact the bottom plate nearly parallel to it; the generator interior should be evacuated; microjetting debris (fluff) arising from the driver plate should be held to a minimum; currents developed should be several tens of megamperes, with values of dI/dt exceeding 10 13 A/s

  4. Flat plate collector. Solarflachkollektor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raab, N


    The invention refers to a flat solar collector with an absorber plate, which is arranged on a support and is covered by a transparent window, between which and the plate there is an air space. The previously known structures of this type had the disadvantage that the thermal expansion of the enclosed air caused considerable difficulties. The purpose of the invention is therefore to create a collector, which can be used on the modular system, retains its properties and is safe in spite of the great temperature variations. According to the invention this problem is solved by providing a compensating space in the collector, which is separated by a diaphragm from the airspace between the plate and the covering window. The airspace therefore remains sealed against the atmosphere, so that no dirt, corrosion of the inside and no condensation can reduce the efficiency of the collector. A rise in pressure due to an increase in temperature is immediately reduced by expansion of the diaphragm, which enters the compensation space. In order to increase the pressure in the airspace above the plate for increases in temperature, the compensation space is connected to the atmosphere. The diaphragm can be mirrored on the side towards the absorber, which makes the diaphragm into an insulating element, as it reflects radiated heat from the absorber.

  5. Plate performance in liquid-liquid extraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wadkins, R.P.


    The relative effectiveness of perforated, nozzle, and burred plates from a capacity and extraction standpoint were studied in a pulsed liquid-liquid extraction system. The experiments were conducted in a 3.8 x 10 -2 m diameter column using a mixture of aluminum nitrate, nitric acid, and uranyl nitrate as the aqueous phase, and tributyl phosphate dissolved in AMSCO 125-90 W as the organic phase. The uranium was extracted from the aqueous phase to the organic phase. A standard cartridge was made for each type of plate and consisted of an assembly of plates spaced 5.08 x 10 -2 m apart. Each plate had 3.2 x 10 -3 m holes spaced on 6.1 x 10 -3 -m centers, and contained 23% free area. 16 references, 4 figures, 1 table

  6. Heavy gauge plates for nuclear application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheviet, A.; Roux, J.-H.


    The production of energy from nuclear sources leads to the building of very large vessels working under pressure at elevated temperatures, requiring very thick steel plate (from 50 mm to 300 mm). The plates necessary for the production of these vessels have to be as large as possible in order to reduce the length of welds on the vessels. Those two requirements lead to the manufacture of heavy products from 10 to 80 tons unit weight. These products are special, because their fabrication requires very big facilities and also extremely high quality of the steel. The main points are: high cleanliness; properties as homogeneous as possible. The tests carried out on industrially produced plates (especially on a plate of 200 mm thick show the level of quality that can be reached [fr

  7. Plating on stainless steel alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dini, J.W.; Johnson, H.R.


    Quantitative adhesion data are presented for a variety of electroplated stainless steel type alloys. Results show that excellent adhesion can be obtained by using a Wood's nickel strike or a sulfamate nickel strike prior to final plating. Specimens plated after Wood's nickel striking failed in the deposit rather than at the interface between the substrate and the coating. Flyer plate quantitative tests showed that use of anodic treatment in sulfuric acid prior to Wood's nickel striking even further improved adhesion. In contrast activation of stainless steels by immersion or cathodic treatment in hydrochloric acid resulted in very reduced bond strengths with failure always occurring at the interface between the coating and substrate

  8. Spontaneous emission between an unusual pair of plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alves, D.T.; Farina, C.; Tort, A.C.


    We compute the modification in the spontaneous emission rate for a two-level atom when it is located between two parallel plates of different nature: a perfectly conducting plate (ε->∞) and infinitely permeable one (μ->∞). We also discuss the case of two infinity permeable plates. We compare our results with those found in the literature for the case of two perfectly conducting plates. (author)

  9. Coupling intensity and isostatic competition between subducting slab and overriding plate control trench motions and tectonics of the overriding plate (United States)

    Wu, G.; Moresi, L. N.


    Trench motions not only reflect tectonic regimes on the overriding plate but also shed light on the competition between subducting slab and overriding plate, however, major controls over trench advance or retreat and their consequences are still illusive. We use 2D thermo-mechanical experiments to study the problem. We find that the coupling intensity particularly in the uppermost 200 km and the isostatic competition between subducting slab and overriding plate largely determine trench motion and tectonics of in the overriding plate. Coupling intensity is the result of many contributing factors, including frictional coefficient of brittle part of the subducting interface and the viscosity of the ductile part, thermal regime and rheology of the overriding plate, and water contents and magmatic activity in the subducting slab and overriding plate. In this study, we are not concerned with the dynamic evolution of individual controlling parameter but simply use effective media. For instance, we impose simple model parameters such as frictional coefficient and vary the temperature and strain-rate dependent viscosity of the weak layer between the subducting slab and overriding plate. In the coupled end-member case, strong coupling leads to strong corner flow, depth-dependent compression/extension, and mantle return flow on the overriding plate side. It results in fast trench retreat, broad overriding plate extension, and even slab breakoff. In the decoupled end-member case, weak coupling causes much weaker response on the overriding plate side compared with the coupled end-member case, and the subducting slab can be largely viewed as a conveyer belt. We find that the isostatic competition between the subducting slab and overriding plate also has a major control over trench motion, and may better be viewed in 3D models. This is consistent with the findings in previous 3D studies that trench motion is most pronounced close to the slab edge. Here we propose that the

  10. Crack Detection in Armor Plates Using Ultrasonic Techniques

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Meitzler, Thomas J; Smith, Gregory; Charbeneau, Michelle; Sohn, Euijung; Bienkowski, mary; Wong, Ivan; Meitzler, Allen H


    ...) plates for the purpose of crack detection is presented. The amplitudes of the vibrational modes undamaged plates are compared to the vibrational mode amplitudes of damaged plates and are shown to be clearly different...

  11. Dynamic Response of Three-Layered Annular Plate with Imperfections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pawlus Dorota


    Full Text Available This paper presents the imperfection sensitivity of annular plate with three-layered structure. The plate composed of thin elastic facings and a thicker elastic core is loaded in facing plane. The classical issue of a three-layered plate was solved for dynamic deflection problem using the approximation methods: orthogonalization and finite difference. The solution includes the axisymmetric and asymmetric plate modes of the dynamic stability loss. The evaluation of the rate of plate sensitivity to imperfection of plate preliminary geometry has been enriched by the analysis of plate models built of finite elements. The ABAQUS program has been used. The numerous calculation results in the form of deflection characteristics, buckling modes, values of critical parameters create the view of response of dynamic plate structure with different rate of imperfection and linear in time loading growth, too.

  12. [Ultrastructural features of the epidermis in turbellaria from the Lake Baikal Geocentrophora wagini (Lecithoepitheliata, Plathelminthes)]. (United States)

    Drobysheva, I M; Timoshkin, O A


    The epidermis of Geocentrophora wagini was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The turbellarian body was entirely covered by cilia, whose density was higher on the ventral surface compared with the dorsal one. In all regions examined, the epidermis was made up of a one-layered insunk epithelium. The basal matrix, underlying the epidermis, was a well developed basement membrane (BM) with bilayered structure, overlying the muscle network of circular and longitudinal fibers. The double plasma membranes, extending from the apical surface of epidermis to BM, were linked by specialized cell junctions. This suggested that epidermis had a cellular rather than a cyncytial arrangement. Each insunk epidermal cell was made of two unequal parts: a comparatively thin surface plate attached to BM by hemiadherens junctions, and a massive nucleated portion located below the body wall musculature in the parenchyma. A thin cytoplasmic bridge connected the epidermal plate with the nucleated cell body. The epidermal plates were joined by belt-like junctions along their adjacent surfaces. Inconspicuous zonula adherens (ZA) had a most apical position, and prominent septate junction was arrayed proximally to this zonula. Except ZA, cell boundaries in epidermis were frequently flanked by rows of light tubules and vesicles. In the basal half of the epithelial sheet, they were occassionally accompanied by single cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). The ultrastructure of the insunk cell body and that of the surface plate showed a considerable similarity. The common features were distinctive profiles of RER and GA, the presence of epitheliosomes, light tubules and vesicles, centrioles and fibrous granules. Thus, ultrastructural features allow a rather reliable identification of epidermal cells in the parenchyma, despite the absence of any visible morphological association between cell body and its epidermal plate.

  13. Ocena założenia o kontynuacji działalności przedsiębiorstwa z punktu widzenia biegłych rewidentów

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    Tomasz Iwanowicz


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie oceny założenia o kontynuacji działalności z punktu widzenia bie- głych rewidentów oraz wskazanie przykładowych funkcji logistycznych mogących posłużyć biegłym rewidentom w tej ocenie. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań, dziewięciu biegłych rewidentów na dziesięciu uznało, że weryfikacja założenia o kontynuacji działalności jest kluczowa z punktu widzenia badania sprawozdań finansowych. Jednocześnie zaledwie trzech biegłych rewidentów wskazało, że wie, czym są modele dyskryminacyjne oraz oświadczyło, że rozumie sposób ich działania, a tylko jedna osoba potwierdziła, że korzystała z tego rodzaju modeli przy ocenie założenia o kontynuacji działalności. Po- nadto, pomimo rosnącego wykorzystania analizy dyskryminacyjnej do oceny sytuacji finansowej przed- siębiorstw wyestymowane do tej pory modele nie były skierowane do użycia bezpośrednio przez bie- głych rewidentów. Biorąc to pod uwagę, próba stworzenia modeli dyskryminacyjnych dla biegłych rewi- dentów nie jest tematem błahym i pozostaje atrakcyjnym obszarem do prowadzenia badań naukowych. Prezentowane w artykule autorskie funkcje logistyczne są wynikiem badań przeprowadzonych na próbie 545 sprawozdań finansowych, opublikowanych przez 140 spółek kapitałowych zarejestrowanych w warszawskich sądach okręgowych i rejonowych, w tym 80 spółek, które w rzeczywistości upadły, oraz informacji uzyskanych podczas wywiadów z dziesięcioma biegłymi rewidentami, którzy w tym czasie czynnie wykonywali swój zawód. Przeprowadzone badania umożliwiły określenie funkcji dyskry- minacyjnych, spełniających postawione przez biegłych wymagania, jak również sprawdzenie ich uży- teczności.

  14. Effusion plate using additive manufacturing methods (United States)

    Johnson, Thomas Edward; Keener, Christopher Paul; Ostebee, Heath Michael; Wegerif, Daniel Gerritt


    Additive manufacturing techniques may be utilized to construct effusion plates. Such additive manufacturing techniques may include defining a configuration for an effusion plate having one or more internal cooling channels. The manufacturing techniques may further include depositing a powder into a chamber, applying an energy source to the deposited powder, and consolidating the powder into a cross-sectional shape corresponding to the defined configuration. Such methods may be implemented to construct an effusion plate having one or more channels with a curved cross-sectional geometry.

  15. Diffusion zinc plating of structural steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazakovskaya, Tatiana; Goncharov, Ivan; Tukmakov, Victor; Shapovalov, Vyacheslav


    The report deals with the research on diffusion zinc plating of structural steels when replacing their cyanide cadmium plating. The results of the experiments in the open air, in vacuum, in the inert atmosphere, under various temperatures (300 - 500 deg.C) for different steel brands are presented. It is shown that diffusion zinc plating in argon or nitrogen atmosphere ensures obtaining the qualitative anticorrosion coating with insignificant change of mechanical properties of steels. The process is simple, reliable, ecology pure and cost-effective. (authors)

  16. Hydrodynamics of a three-dimensional self-propelled flexible plate (United States)

    Ryu, Jaeha; Sung, Hyung Jin


    A three-dimensional self-propelled flexible plate in a quiescent flow was simulated using the immersed boundary method. The clamped leading edge of the flexible plate was forced into a vertical oscillation, while free to move horizontally. To reveal the hydrodynamics of the plate, the averaged cruising speed (UC) , the input power (P) , and the swimming efficiency (η) were analyzed as a function of the bending rigidity (γ) and the flapping frequency (f) . The velocity field around the plate and the exerted force on the plate were demonstrated to find out the dynamic interaction between the plate and the surrounding fluid. The kinematics of the plate, the maximum angle of attack (ϕmax) , and the mean effective length (Leff) were examined accounting for the hydrodynamics of the self-propelled flexible plate. The vortical structures around the plate were visualized, and the influence of the tip vortex on the swimming efficiency was explored qualitatively and quantitatively. This work was supported by the Creative Research Initiatives (No. 2017-013369) program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (MSIP).

  17. Preserving and Archiving Astronomical Photographic Plates (United States)

    Castelaz, M. W.; Cline, J. D.


    Astronomical objects change with time. New observations complement past observations recorded on photographic plates. Analyses of changes provide essential routes to information about an object's formation, constitution and evolution. Preserving a century of photographic plate observations is thus of paramount importance. Plate collections are presently widely dispersed; plates may be stored in poor conditions, and are effectively inaccessible to both researchers and historians. We describe a planned project at Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute to preserve the collections of astronomical plates in the United States by gathering them into a single storage location. Collections will be sorted, cleaned, and cataloged on-line so as to provide access to researchers. Full scientific and historic use of the material then requires the observations themselves to be accessible digitally. The project's goal will be the availability of these data as a unique, fully-maintained scientific and educational resource. The new archive will support trans-disciplinary research such as the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere, library information science, trends in local weather patterns, and impacts of urbanization on telescope use, while the hand-written observatory logs will be a valuable resource for science historians and biographers.

  18. Recovery process for electroless plating baths (United States)

    Anderson, Roger W.; Neff, Wayne A.


    A process for removing, from spent electroless metal plating bath solutions, accumulated byproducts and counter-ions that have deleterious effects on plating. The solution, or a portion thereof, is passed through a selected cation exchange resin bed in hydrogen form, the resin selected from strong acid cation exchangers and combinations of intermediate acid cation exchangers with strong acid cation exchangers. Sodium and nickel ions are sorbed in the selected cation exchanger, with little removal of other constituents. The remaining solution is subjected to sulfate removal through precipitation of calcium sulfate hemihydrate using, sequentially, CaO and then CaCO.sub.3. Phosphite removal from the solution is accomplished by the addition of MgO to form magnesium phosphite trihydrate. The washed precipitates of these steps can be safely discarded in nontoxic land fills, or used in various chemical industries. Finally, any remaining solution can be concentrated, adjusted for pH, and be ready for reuse. The plating metal can be removed from the exchanger with sulfuric acid or with the filtrate from the magnesium phosphite precipitation forming a sulfate of the plating metal for reuse. The process is illustrated as applied to processing electroless nickel plating baths.

  19. Stress analyses of flat plates with attached nozzles. Vol. 2: Experimental stress analyses of a flat plate with one nozzle attached

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battiste, R.L.; Peters, W.H.; Ranson, W.F.; Swinson, W.F.


    Vol. 1 of this report compares experimental results with theoretical stress distributions for a flat plate with one nozzle configuration and for a flat plate with two closely spaced nozzles attached. This volume contains the complete test results for a flat plate with one nozzle attached that was subjected to 1:1 and 1:2 biaxial planar loadings on the plate, to a thrust loading on the nozzle, and to a moment loading on the nozzle. The plate tested was 36 x 36 x 0.375 in., and the attached nozzle had an outer dia of 2.625 in. and a 0.250-in.-thick wall. The nozzle was located in the center of the plate and was considered to be free of weld distortions and irregularities in the junction area. (U.S.)

  20. Plate-shaped non-contact ultrasonic transporter using flexural vibration. (United States)

    Ishii, Takahiko; Mizuno, Yosuke; Koyama, Daisuke; Nakamura, Kentaro; Harada, Kana; Uchida, Yukiyoshi


    We developed a plate-shaped non-contact transporter based on ultrasonic vibration, exploiting a phenomenon that a plate can be statically levitated at the place where its gravity and the acoustic radiation force are balanced. In the experiment, four piezoelectric zirconate titanate elements were attached to aluminum plates, on which lattice flexural vibration was excited at 22.3 kHz. The vibrating plates were connected to a loading plate via flexible posts that can minimize the influence of the flexure induced by heavy loads. The distribution of the vibration displacement on the plate was predicted through finite-element analysis to find the appropriate positions of the posts. The maximum levitation height of this transporter was 256 μm with no load. When two vibrating plates were connected to a loading plate, the maximum transportable load was 4.0 kgf. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. Vibro-acoustic analysis of composite plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarigül, A S; Karagözlü, E


    Vibro-acoustic analysis plays a vital role on the design of aircrafts, spacecrafts, land vehicles and ships produced from thin plates backed by closed cavities, with regard to human health and living comfort. For this type of structures, it is required a coupled solution that takes into account structural-acoustic interaction which is crucial for sensitive solutions. In this study, coupled vibro-acoustic analyses of plates produced from composite materials have been performed by using finite element analysis software. The study has been carried out for E-glass/Epoxy, Kevlar/Epoxy and Carbon/Epoxy plates with different ply angles and numbers of ply. The effects of composite material, ply orientation and number of layer on coupled vibro-acoustic characteristics of plates have been analysed for various combinations. The analysis results have been statistically examined and assessed

  2. Vibro-acoustic analysis of composite plates (United States)

    Sarigül, A. S.; Karagözlü, E.


    Vibro-acoustic analysis plays a vital role on the design of aircrafts, spacecrafts, land vehicles and ships produced from thin plates backed by closed cavities, with regard to human health and living comfort. For this type of structures, it is required a coupled solution that takes into account structural-acoustic interaction which is crucial for sensitive solutions. In this study, coupled vibro-acoustic analyses of plates produced from composite materials have been performed by using finite element analysis software. The study has been carried out for E-glass/Epoxy, Kevlar/Epoxy and Carbon/Epoxy plates with different ply angles and numbers of ply. The effects of composite material, ply orientation and number of layer on coupled vibro-acoustic characteristics of plates have been analysed for various combinations. The analysis results have been statistically examined and assessed.

  3. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Plate Gluten Free Diets Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Cook with Heart-Healthy Foods Holiday ... Carbohydrates Types of Carbohydrates Carbohydrate Counting Make Your Carbs ...

  4. Vehicle Plate Detection in Car Black Box Video

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongjin Park


    Full Text Available Internet services that share vehicle black box videos need a way to obfuscate license plates in uploaded videos because of privacy issues. Thus, plate detection is one of the critical functions that such services rely on. Even though various types of detection methods are available, they are not suitable for black box videos because no assumption about size, number of plates, and lighting conditions can be made. We propose a method to detect Korean vehicle plates from black box videos. It works in two stages: the first stage aims to locate a set of candidate plate regions and the second stage identifies only actual plates from candidates by using a support vector machine classifier. The first stage consists of five sequential substeps. At first, it produces candidate regions by combining single character areas and then eliminates candidate regions that fail to meet plate conditions through the remaining substeps. For the second stage, we propose a feature vector that captures the characteristics of plates in texture and color. For performance evaluation, we compiled our dataset which contains 2,627 positive and negative images. The evaluation results show that the proposed method improves accuracy and sensitivity by at least 5% and is 30 times faster compared with an existing method.

  5. Nondestructive diagnosis of multilayer electronic plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matvienko, A.N.; Savin, D.O.; Yas'ko, A.V.


    Methods of non-destructive tomographic investigation into multilayer printed plates using x radiation are described. Mathematic problem setting is given, experimental facility and methods for source data ecquisition are described. A special attention is paid to the consideration of the main factors differing the actual problem setting from the idealized one. Methods for accounting and correction of these factors are described. The efficiency of the approach proposed is demonstrated using the actual problems of reducing separate layers of multilayer printed plate metallization. The method developed is useful when exersizing control over multilayer printed plate production

  6. Evaluation of Bone Atrophy After Treatment of Forearm Fracture Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis: A Comparative Study of Locking Plates and Conventional Plates. (United States)

    Matsuura, Yusuke; Rokkaku, Tomoyuki; Suzuki, Takane; Thoreson, Andrew Ryan; An, Kai-Nan; Kuniyoshi, Kazuki


    Forearm diaphysis fractures are usually managed by open reduction internal fixation. Recently, locking plates have been used for treatment. In the long-term period after surgery, some patients present with bone atrophy adjacent to the plate. However, a comparison of locking and conventional plates as a cause of atrophy has not been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate long-term bone atrophy associated with use of locking and conventional plates for forearm fracture treatment. In this study we included 15 patients with forearm fracture managed by either locking or conventional plates and with more than 5 years of follow-up. Computed tomographic imaging of both forearms was performed to assess bone thickness and local bone mineral density and to predict bone strength without plate reinforcement based on finite element analysis. Mean patient age at surgery was 48.0 years. Eight patients underwent reduction with fixed locking plates and were followed up for a mean of 79.5 months; the remaining 7 patients were treated with conventional plates and were followed up for a mean of 105.0 months. Compared with the conventional plate group, the locking plate group had the same fractured limb-contralateral limb ratio of cortex bone thickness, but had significantly lower ratios of mineral density adjacent to the plate and adjusted bone strength. This study demonstrated bone atrophy after locking plate fixation for forearm fractures. Treatment plans for forearm fracture should take into consideration the impact of bone atrophy long after plate fixation. Therapeutic IV. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. [Application of the anatomic plate and trapezoid plate in comminuted intertrochanteric fracture combined with trochanteric coronal position fracture: a controlled clinical trial]. (United States)

    Zhen, Ping; Liu, Xing-Yan; Gao, Ming-Xuan; Tian, Qi


    To investigate the therapeutic effect and operative characteristic of the anatomic plate and trapezoid plate for treament of the comminuted intertrochanteric fracture combined with trochanteric coronal position fracture. From Jan. 1998 to Mar. 2007, 57 patients suffered from comminuted intertrochanteric fracture combined with trochanteric coronal position fracture were randomly divided into two groups, 21 patients in trapezoid plate group were treated with the trapezoid compression plate, included 11 males and 10 females with an average age of 41.8 years; and 36 patients in anatomic plate group were treated with the anatomic plate, included 17 males and 19 females with an average age of 42.1 years. All of the 57 fractures were A3 type according to AO classification. The functions of hip joints were evaluated according to the Harris hip functional standard score. All 57 patients were followed-up for 5 months to 9 years and 3 months with an average of 4.8 years. The healing time of the fractures was from 8 to 20 weeks with an average of 12.8 weeks. The results of Harris scoring showed the pain scores of the anatomic plate group were higher than that of the trapezoid plate group (P 0.05). In unstable comminuted intertrochanteric fracture combined with trochanteric coronal position fracture, the lateral wall of trochanteric is often destroyed. The anatomic plate and the trapeziod compression plate can provide effective internal fixation, while many othere internal fixation methods were limited in this kind of fracture. As compared with the anatomic plate fixation, the trapezoid compression plate fixation of comminuted intertrochanteric fracture combined with trochanteric coronal position fracture have several advantages, such as fewer complications, faster union of fracture and earlier recovery of joint functions.

  8. Modeling the hydrodynamics of phloem sieve plates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaare Hartvig Jensen


    Full Text Available Sieve plates have an enormous impact on the efficiency of the phloem vascular system of plants, responsible for the distribution of photosynthetic products. These thin plates, which separate neighboring phloem cells, are perforated by a large number of tiny sieve pores and are believed to play a crucial role in protecting the phloem sap from intruding animals by blocking flow when the phloem cell is damaged. The resistance to the flow of viscous sap in the phloem vascular system is strongly affected by the presence of the sieve plates, but the hydrodynamics of the flow through them remains poorly understood. We propose a theoretical model for quantifying the effect of sieve plates on the phloem in the plant, thus unifying and improving previous work in the field. Numerical simulations of the flow in real and idealized phloem channels verify our model, and anatomical data from 19 plant species are investigated. We find that the sieve plate resistance is correlated to the cell lumen resistance, and that the sieve plate and the lumen contribute almost equally to the total hydraulic resistance of the phloem translocation pathway.

  9. Image simulation for automatic license plate recognition (United States)

    Bala, Raja; Zhao, Yonghui; Burry, Aaron; Kozitsky, Vladimir; Fillion, Claude; Saunders, Craig; Rodríguez-Serrano, José


    Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) is an important capability for traffic surveillance applications, including toll monitoring and detection of different types of traffic violations. ALPR is a multi-stage process comprising plate localization, character segmentation, optical character recognition (OCR), and identification of originating jurisdiction (i.e. state or province). Training of an ALPR system for a new jurisdiction typically involves gathering vast amounts of license plate images and associated ground truth data, followed by iterative tuning and optimization of the ALPR algorithms. The substantial time and effort required to train and optimize the ALPR system can result in excessive operational cost and overhead. In this paper we propose a framework to create an artificial set of license plate images for accelerated training and optimization of ALPR algorithms. The framework comprises two steps: the synthesis of license plate images according to the design and layout for a jurisdiction of interest; and the modeling of imaging transformations and distortions typically encountered in the image capture process. Distortion parameters are estimated by measurements of real plate images. The simulation methodology is successfully demonstrated for training of OCR.

  10. Transformacija koordinata između Gaus-Krigerove i Svetske poprečne Merkatorove projekcije za teritoriju Srbije / Procedure and formulas for coordinate transformations between the Gauss-Krüger projections and the Universal Transverse Mercator projections for Serbia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stevan Radojčić


    Full Text Available U radu je prikazan postupak i predložene su formule za transformacije iz Gaus-Krigerove projekcije, koja se koristi u Srbiji, u Svetsku poprečnu Merkatorovu projekciju i obratno. Osim preračunavanja između koordinata u ravni i na elipsoidu, date su i formule za Helmertovu sedmoparametarsku transformaciju između srpskog datuma i WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984. / This paper gives a procedure and a complete set of formulas for transformations from the Gauss-Krüger projection, used in Serbia, to the Universal Transverse Mercator and vice versa. Besides the conversions between plane and ellipsoid coordinates, the paper gives the formulas for the Helmert's seven-parameter datum transformation between a Serbian datum and a WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984 one.

  11. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Type 2 Diabetes Know Your Rights Employment Discrimination Health Care Professionals Law ... Your Plate Gluten Free Diets Meal Planning for Vegetarian Diets Cook with Heart- ...

  12. Comparison of conventional reconstruction plate versus direct metal laser sintering plate: an in vitro mechanical characteristics study. (United States)

    Xie, Pusheng; Ouyang, Hanbin; Deng, Yuping; Yang, Yang; Xu, Jing; Huang, Wenhua


    Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has helped to achieve several advances in the medical field, particularly as far as fabrication of implants is concerned. But the application of direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) bone plate is quite limited due to the indeterminate mechanical property. The purposes of this study were to characterize the biomechanical properties of the polished DMLS reconstruction plate and to compare these with the properties of commonly applied implants and to find whether the mechanical performance of DMLS plate meets the requirements for clinical application. In this study, we fabricated two groups of plates by DMLS and computer numerical control (CNC) techniques. After that, we polished all samples and investigated their roughness, components, hardness, static bending, and torsional performance. Moreover, cyclic bending tests and fractographic analysis were conducted. Statistical comparisons of the group by means of monotonic test data were made, and a qualitative comparison was performed to assess failures in fatigue. We found no differences in surface roughness or components after polishing, but the DMLS plate hardness is 7.42% (p direct application of these AM instruments in the operating room requires further validation including animal and clinical experiment.

  13. A Novel Higher-Order Shear and Normal Deformable Plate Theory for the Static, Free Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shi-Chao Yi


    Full Text Available Closed-form solution of a special higher-order shear and normal deformable plate theory is presented for the static situations, natural frequencies, and buckling responses of simple supported functionally graded materials plates (FGMs. Distinguished from the usual theories, the uniqueness is the differentia of the new plate theory. Each individual FGM plate has special characteristics, such as material properties and length-thickness ratio. These distinctive attributes determine a set of orthogonal polynomials, and then the polynomials can form an exclusive plate theory. Thus, the novel plate theory has two merits: one is the orthogonality, where the majority of the coefficients of the equations derived from Hamilton’s principle are zero; the other is the flexibility, where the order of the plate theory can be arbitrarily set. Numerical examples with different shapes of plates are presented and the achieved results are compared with the reference solutions available in the literature. Several aspects of the model involving relevant parameters, length-to-thickness, stiffness ratios, and so forth affected by static and dynamic situations are elaborate analyzed in detail. As a consequence, the applicability and the effectiveness of the present method for accurately computing deflection, stresses, natural frequencies, and buckling response of various FGM plates are demonstrated.

  14. Review of problems and methods for radiation risk assessment in the environment of a nuclear power plant; Pregled problematike in metodologije ocenjivanja radijacijske nevarnosti za okolico nuklearne elektrane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grgic, M [Nuklearni institut ' Jozef Stefan' , Ljubljana (Yugoslavia)


    Radiation impact on the nuclear power plant environment is a very important problem which has to be solved during design and construction. Damage that could be caused by release of radioactive material into the environment should be estimated and the magnitude of nuclear and radiation risk of the power plant should be evaluated. In general the accuracy of estimation is rather poor due to statistical fluctuations of the conditions which influence radioactivity expansion in the environment, especially in the air. Different uncertainties and unresolved problems influence the inaccuracy. Since any real risk should be extremely small compared to potential risk i.e. risk induced by nuclear power plant without any safety measures, even inaccurate estimations are very useful. Method for environmental radiation risk assessment is based on relatively simple models of radiation expansion in the environment and in the air. These models are theoretically solved but they are based on relatively limited number of experimental data. Assessment of the radiation effects on the population health and mortality is an important problem. [Slovenian] Radiacijska nevarnost za okolico nuklearne elektrarne je zelo vazen problem, ki ga je treba resiti ze pri projektiranju in gradnji. Treba je oceniti skodo, ki bi jo povzrocila v okolici neka dolocena sprostitev radioaktivnosti in na osnovi tega dimenzionirati ukrepe nuklearne in radiacijske varnosti same elektrarne. Natancnost ocenjevanja je v splosnem zelo slaba. Temu so v precejsnji meri krive statisticne fluktuacije pogojev, ki vplivajo na razsirjanje radioaktivnosti v okolici, ziasti po zraku. Na nenatancnost pa vplivajo tudi razne nejasnosti in se nereseni problemi. Ken pa mora biti dejanska nevarnost izredno majhna v primerjavi s potencialne nevarnostjo oziroma z nevannostjo, ki bi jo predstavjala nuklearna elektrarna, ce bi zanemarili vse varnostne ukrepe, so tudi taksne nenatancne ocene zelo koristne. Metode ocenjevanja radiacijske

  15. Electric alignment of plate shaped clay aggregates in oils (United States)

    Castberg, Rene; Rozynek, Zbigniew; Måløy, Knut Jørgen; Flekkøy, Eirik


    We experimentally investigate the rotation of plate shaped aggregates of clay mineral particles immersed in silicone oil. The rotation is induced by an external electric field. The rotation time is measured as a function of the following parameters: electric field strength, the plate geometry (length and width) and the dielectric properties of the plates. We find that the plates always align with their longest axis parallel to the direction of the electric field (E), independently of the arrangement of individual clay -2 mineral particles within the plate. The rotation time is found to scale as E and is proportional to the viscosity (μ), which coincides well with a model that describes orientation of dipoles in electric fields. As the length of the plate is increased we quantify a difference between the longitudinal and transverse polarisability. Finally, we show that moist plates align faster. We attribute this to the change of the dielectric properties of the plate due to the presence of water.

  16. Electric alignment of plate shaped clay aggregates in oils

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rene Christian Castberg


    Full Text Available We experimentally investigate the rotation of plate shaped aggregates of clay mineral particles immersed in silicone oil. The rotation is induced by an external electric field. The rotation time is measured as a function of the following parameters: electric field strength, the plate geometry (length and width and the dielectric properties of the plates. We find that the plates always align with their longest axis parallel to the direction of the electric field (E, independently of the arrangement of individual clay−2 mineral particles within the plate. The rotation time is found to scale as E and is proportional to the viscosity (μ, which coincides well with a model that describes orientation of dipoles in electric fields. As the length of the plate is increased we quantify a difference between the longitudinal and transverse polarisability. Finally, we show that moist plates align faster. We attribute this to the change of the dielectric properties of the plate due to the presence of water.

  17. Implant Material, Type of Fixation at the Shaft, and Position of Plate Modify Biomechanics of Distal Femur Plate Osteosynthesis. (United States)

    Kandemir, Utku; Augat, Peter; Konowalczyk, Stefanie; Wipf, Felix; von Oldenburg, Geert; Schmidt, Ulf


    To investigate whether (1) the type of fixation at the shaft (hybrid vs. locking), (2) the position of the plate (offset vs. contact) and (3) the implant material has a significant effect on (a) construct stiffness and (b) fatigue life in a distal femur extraarticular comminuted fracture model using the same design of distal femur periarticular locking plate. An extraarticular severely comminuted distal femoral fracture pattern (OTA/AO 33-A3) was simulated using artificial bone substitutes. Ten-hole distal lateral femur locking plates were used for fixation per the recommended surgical technique. At the distal metaphyseal fragment, all possible locking screws were placed. For the proximal diaphyseal fragment, different types of screws were used to create 4 different fixation constructs: (1) stainless steel hybrid (SSH), (2) stainless steel locked (SSL), (3) titanium locked (TiL), and (4) stainless steel locked with 5-mm offset at the diaphysis (SSLO). Six specimens of each construct configuration were tested. First, each specimen was nondestructively loaded axially to determine the stiffness. Then, each specimen was cyclically loaded with increasing load levels until failure. Construct Stiffness: The fixation construct with a stainless steel plate and hybrid fixation (SSH) had the highest stiffness followed by the construct with a stainless steel plate and locking screws (SSL) and were not statistically different from each other. Offset placement (SSLO) and using a titanium implant (TiL) significantly reduced construct stiffness. Fatigue Failure: The stainless steel with hybrid fixation group (SSH) withstood the most number of cycles to failure and higher loads, followed by the stainless steel plate and locking screw group (SSL), stainless steel plate with locking screws and offset group (SSLO), and the titanium plate and locking screws group (TiL) consecutively. Offset placement (SSLO) as well as using a titanium implant (TiL) reduced cycles to failure. Using the

  18. Failure analysis of stainless steel femur fixation plate. (United States)

    Hussain, P B; Mohammad, M


    Failure analysis was performed to investigate the failure of the femur fixation plate which was previously fixed on the femur of a girl. Radiography, metallography, fractography and mechanical testing were conducted in this study. The results show that the failure was due to the formation of notches on the femur plate. These notches act as stress raisers from where the cracks start to propagate. Finally fracture occurred on the femur plate and subsequently, the plate failed.

  19. Rhodium platings – experimental study


    Rudolf, R.; Budić, B.; Stamenković, D.; Čolić, M.; Ivanič, A.; Kosec, B.


    Modern rhodium plating solutions are based on either sulphate or phosphate. Although in theory there are four possible combinations, in practice only three different rhodium electrolytes are used. These are based on dilutions of rhodium sulphate or phosphate concentrates with added sulphuric or phosphoric acid. These processes are be discussed in this paper with a demonstration of Rh platings in the Slovenian firm Zlatarna Celje d.d.



    Paškov Dugandžija, Gordana


    EEG polisomnografija je značajna metoda za dijagnozu i prognozu oštećenja mozga u nedonošene i donošene novorođenčadi i dojenčadi. Sadrži slijedeće elemente: EEG(elektroencefalografija), EOG( elektrookulografija) , EMG( elektromiografija), EKG (elektrokardiografija), respiracija i video monitoriranje. Primjenjujemo polisomnografsku montažu. To je specifično modificiran način postavljanja elektroda. Koristimo posrebrene pločaste elektrode sa 1 metar savitljivim silikonskim odvodima u šest razl...

  1. Vibration analysis of orthotropic circular and elliptical nano-plates embedded in elastic medium based on nonlocal Mindlin plate theory and using Galerkin method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anjomshoa, Amin; Tahani, Masoud


    In the present study a continuum model based on the nonlocal elasticity theory is developed for free vibration analysis of embedded ortho tropic thick circular and elliptical nano-plates rested on an elastic foundation. The elastic foundation is considered to behave like a Pasternak type of foundations. Governing equations for vibrating nano-plate are derived according to the Mindlin plate theory in which the effects of shear deformations of nano-plate are also included. The Galerkin method is then employed to obtain the size dependent natural frequencies of nano-plate. The solution procedure considers the entire nano-plate as a single super-continuum element. Effect of nonlocal parameter, lengths of nano-plate, aspect ratio, mode number, material properties, thickness and foundation on circular frequencies are investigated. It is seen that the nonlocal frequencies of the nano-plate are smaller in comparison to those from the classical theory and this is more pronounced for small lengths and higher vibration modes. It is also found that as the aspect ratio increases or the nanoplate becomes more elliptical, the small scale effect on natural frequencies increases. Further, it is observed that the elastic foundation decreases the influence of nonlocal parameter on the results. Since the effect of shear deformations plays an important role in vibration analysis and design of nano-plates, by predicting smaller values for fundamental frequencies, the study of these nano-structures using thick plate theories such as Mindlin plate theory is essential.

  2. Benchmark for license plate character segmentation (United States)

    Gonçalves, Gabriel Resende; da Silva, Sirlene Pio Gomes; Menotti, David; Shwartz, William Robson


    Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) has been the focus of many researches in the past years. In general, ALPR is divided into the following problems: detection of on-track vehicles, license plate detection, segmentation of license plate characters, and optical character recognition (OCR). Even though commercial solutions are available for controlled acquisition conditions, e.g., the entrance of a parking lot, ALPR is still an open problem when dealing with data acquired from uncontrolled environments, such as roads and highways when relying only on imaging sensors. Due to the multiple orientations and scales of the license plates captured by the camera, a very challenging task of the ALPR is the license plate character segmentation (LPCS) step, because its effectiveness is required to be (near) optimal to achieve a high recognition rate by the OCR. To tackle the LPCS problem, this work proposes a benchmark composed of a dataset designed to focus specifically on the character segmentation step of the ALPR within an evaluation protocol. Furthermore, we propose the Jaccard-centroid coefficient, an evaluation measure more suitable than the Jaccard coefficient regarding the location of the bounding box within the ground-truth annotation. The dataset is composed of 2000 Brazilian license plates consisting of 14000 alphanumeric symbols and their corresponding bounding box annotations. We also present a straightforward approach to perform LPCS efficiently. Finally, we provide an experimental evaluation for the dataset based on five LPCS approaches and demonstrate the importance of character segmentation for achieving an accurate OCR.

  3. Lead plating of the low beta resonator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brennan, J.M.; Corcoran, D.; Coughlin, R.; Goliak, T.; Hodgkins, D.; James, P.; Seamster, A.G.; Secora, J.H.


    Plating operations were performed at the lead plating facility at SUNY, Stony Brook. Initial procedures were based on the previous experience of prototype development by Ben-Zvi and Brennan. Several attempts were made to produce satisfactory results, however the lead surfaces were consistently stained and lacked the bright metallic finish routinely achieved with the split loop resonator at SUNY. The development of a new set of procedures was initiated, aided by reports of plating success from Ben-Zvi. Controlled tests were conducted which suggested several changes in the plating parameters. Based on these results and suggestions from the staff at SUNY a new process was defined which was successful in producing the smooth reflective metallic surface known to be necessary forla optimum resonator performance. Following a successful repair of the the crack, the prototype was plated and chemically polished with the new techniques. The resultant surface was highly reflective and free of stains and particulates. The subsequent prototype cold test was successful

  4. Curing pasted plates for lead/acid batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Napoleon, E.S.


    This paper covers various aspects of the hydroset process and final drying of battery plates in a controlled chamber. Through the use of such chambers, battery makers are obtaining finished plates of consistent quality in 48 h or less, including final drying. Added benefits include: (i) reduced free-lead in plates; (ii) reduced floor space requirements; (iii) better knitting of paste to grid; (iv) reduced inventories; (v) reduced battery rejects.

  5. Evaluation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate for identification of common mastitis pathogens in milk. (United States)

    Royster, E; Godden, S; Goulart, D; Dahlke, A; Rapnicki, P; Timmerman, J


    The objective of this study was to validate use of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate (University of Minnesota Laboratory for Udder Health, St. Paul) to identify common mastitis pathogens in milk. A total of 283 quarter and composite milk samples submitted to the University of Minnesota Laboratory for Udder Health during the spring of 2010 were cultured simultaneously using 3 methods: standard laboratory culture (reference method) and the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate methods. Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate cultures were incubated for 18 to 24h and interpreted by 2 independent, untrained readers within 5h of each other. An experienced technician completed the standard laboratory culture. For each sample, all 3 study personnel recorded the culture result (yes/no) for each of the following diagnostic categories: no bacterial growth (NG), mixed (2 organisms), contaminated (3 or more organisms), gram-positive (GP), gram-negative (GN), Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Enterococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., and other. For each category, the prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and predictive values of a positive and negative test were calculated, and the agreement between readers and between each reader and the laboratory was assessed. Specificity, overall accuracy, and negative predictive values were generally high (>80%) for the Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate for each category. Sensitivity and positive predictive values were intermediate (>60%) or high (>80%) for the broad categories of NG, GP, GN, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp., and for Staph. aureus, but were generally lower (negative predictive value for Streptococcus spp., and higher interreader agreement for some of the more specific categories. Our conclusion was that Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate results will

  6. Flow over a cylinder with a hinged-splitter plate (United States)

    Shukla, S.; Govardhan, R. N.; Arakeri, J. H.


    Previous work on rigid splitter plates in the wake of a bluff body has shown that the primary vortex shedding can be suppressed for sufficiently long splitter plates. In the present work, we study the problem of a hinged-splitter plate in the wake of a circular cylinder. The splitter plate can rotate about the hinge at the base of the cylinder due to the unsteady fluid forces acting on it, and hence the communication between the two sides of the wake is not totally disrupted as in the rigid splitter plate case. In our study, we investigate this problem in the limit where the stiffness and internal damping associated with the hinge are negligible, and the mass ratio of the splitter plate is small. The experiments show that the splitter plate oscillations increase with Reynolds numbers at low values of Re, and are found to reach a saturation amplitude level at higher Re, Re>4000. This type of saturation amplitude level that appears to continue indefinitely with Re, appears to be related to the fact that there is no structural restoring force, and has been observed previously for transversely oscillating cylinders with no restoring force. In the present case, the saturation tip amplitude level can be up to 0.45D, where D is the cylinder diameter. For this hinged-rigid splitter plate case, it is found that the splitter plate length to cylinder diameter ratio (L/D) is crucial in determining the character and magnitude of the oscillations. For small splitter plate lengths (L/D⩽3.0), the oscillations appear to be nearly periodic with tip amplitudes of about 0.45D nearly independent of L/D. The nondimensional oscillation frequencies (fD/U) on the other hand are found to continuously vary with L/D from fD/U≈0.2 at L/D=1 to fD/U≈0.1 at L/D=3. As the splitter plate length is further increased beyond L/D⩾4.0, the character of the splitter plate oscillations suddenly changes. The oscillations become aperiodic with much smaller amplitudes. In this long splitter plate

  7. 21 CFR 866.4800 - Radial immunodiffusion plate. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Immunology Laboratory Equipment and Reagents § 866.4800 Radial immunodiffusion plate. (a) Identification. A radial immunodiffusion plate for clinical use...

  8. Reducing risk where tectonic plates collide (United States)

    Gomberg, Joan S.; Ludwig, Kristin A.


    Most of the world’s earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and volcanic eruptions are caused by the continuous motions of the many tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s outer shell. The most powerful of these natural hazards occur in subduction zones, where two plates collide and one is thrust beneath another. The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) “Reducing Risk Where Tectonic Plates Collide—A USGS Plan to Advance Subduction Zone Science” is a blueprint for building the crucial scientific foundation needed to inform the policies and practices that can make our Nation more resilient to subduction zone-related hazards.

  9. Coupled oscillations of flow along a perforated plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Celik, E.; Rockwell, D.


    Turbulent shear flow past a perforated plate bounded by a closed cavity can give rise to highly coherent oscillations, which have a wavelength of the order of the plate length. The present investigation focuses on the coupling between unsteady events on either side of the plate when the oscillations are self-sustaining. A cinema technique of high-image-density particle image velocimetry, which provides a space-time representation of the unsteadiness at a large number of locations over entire planes, is employed to characterize the distinctively different patterns of flow structure on the back (low-speed) side of the plate relative to those on the front (high-speed) side. Global cross-spectral analysis leads to patterns of spectral peaks and phase variations, along and across the plate. This approach, along with complementary types of image evaluation, delineates the physics of the oscillations, which include downstream propagating disturbances along either side of the plate and a coherent region of unsteadiness at its trailing-edge. On the backside of the plate, a sequence of upstream-oriented, pulsatile jets are formed, and the time-averaged flow pattern is a counterflow wall jet

  10. Thermo-mechanical analysis of the pressure plate of clutch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P.V.N. Venkata Mallikarjuna


    Full Text Available High Temperature appears in the contact surfaces of a clutch system (friction surface and pressure plate due to the relative motion between these parts during the sliding period. These high temperatures are responsible for several failures such as pressure plate crack, pressure plate warpage etc. With the help of Finite element analysis, the sliding friction process of the pressure plate and friction during clutch engagement is simulated to get temperature field characteristics and contact pressure of pressure plate.

  11. Create Your Plate

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... critical diabetes research and support vital diabetes education services that improve the lives of those with diabetes. $50 $100 $250 $500 Other Other Ways ... Meals > Create Your Plate ...

  12. Návrh zařízení pro Power HIL simulaci Li-pol článku


    Pribulla, Daniel


    Táto práca sa zaoberá návrhom a realizáciou Power-HIL simulátora Li-po článku, slúžiaceho na testovanie napájania malých bezdrôtových modulov. Základom simulátora je model akumulátora, ktorý zahŕňa vplyv teploty a degradácie na parametre článku. Na vývoj zariadenia a simulácie bolo použité prostredie Matlab Simulink. Parametre modelu batérie boli určené na základe sérií meraní reálneho článku s kapacitou 250mAh pri rôznych teplotách. Za účelom merania bola zostrojená tepelná komora. Výkonová ...

  13. Thermal and mechanical modelling of convergent plate margins

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Beukel, P.J.


    In this thesis, the thermal and mechanical structure of convergent plate margins will be investigated by means of numerical modelling. In addition, we will discuss the implications of modelling results for geological processes such as metamorphism or the break-up of a plate at a convergent plate


    Stamenkovic, V.; Noack, L.; Breuer, D.


    The last years of astronomical observation have opened the doors to a universe filled with extrasolar planets. Detection techniques still only offer the possibility to detect mainly Super-Earths above five Earth masses. But detection techniques do steadily improve and are offering the possibility to detect even smaller planets. The observations show that planets seem to exist in many possible sizes just as the planets and moons of our own solar system do. It is only a natural question to ask if planetary mass has an influence on some key habitability factors such as on plate tectonics, allowing us to test which exoplanets might be more likely habitable than others, and allowing us to understand if plate tectonics on Earth is a stable or a critical, instable process that could easily be perturbed. Here we present results derived from 1D parameterized thermal evolution and 2D/3D computer models, showing how planetary mass influences the propensity of plate tectonics for planets with masses ranging from 0.1 to 10 Earth masses. Lately [2, 3] studied the effect of planetary mass on the ability to break plates and hence initiate plate tectonics - but both derived results contradictory to the other. We think that one of the reasons why both studies [2, 3] are not acceptable in their current form is partly due to an oversimplification. Both treated viscosity only temperature-dependent but neglected the effect pressure has on enlarging the viscosity in the deep mantle. More massive planets have therefore a stronger pressure-viscosity-coupling making convection at high pressures sluggish or even impossible. For planets larger than two Earth masses we observe that a conductive lid (termed low-lid) forms above the core-mantle boundary and thus reduces the effective convective part of the mantle when including a pressure-dependent term into the viscosity laws as shown in [1]. Moreover [2, 3] use time independent steady state models neglecting the fact that plate tectonics is a

  15. Comparison of BR3 Surveillance and Vessel Plates to the Surrogate Plates Representative of the Yankee Rowe PWR Vessel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fabry, A.; Chaouadi, R.; Puzzolante, J.L.; Van de Velde, J.; Biemiller, E.C.; Rosinski, S.T.; Carter, R.G


    The sister pressure vessels at the BR3 and Yankee Rowe PWR plants were operated at lower-than-usual temperature ( 260 degrees Celsius) and their plates were austenitized a higher-than-usual temperature (970 degrees Celsius) - a heat treatment leading to a coarser microstructure than is typical for the fine grain plates considered in development of USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99. The surveillance programs provided by Westinghouse for the two plants were limited to the same A302-B plate representative of the Rowe vessel upper shell plate; this material displayed outlier behaviour characterized by a 41 J Charpy-V Notch shift significantly larger than predicted by Regulatory Guide 1.99. Because lower irradiation temperature and nickel alloying are generally considered detrimental to irradiation sensitivity, there was a major concern that the nickel-modified lower Rate plate and the nickel-modified BR3 plate may become too embrittled to satisfy the toughness requirements embodied in the PTS screening criterion. This paper compares free complementary studies undertaken to clarify these uncertainties: (1) The accelerated irradiation and test program launched in 1990 by Yankee Atomic Electric Company using typical vessel plate materials containing 0.24% copper at two nickel levels: YA1, 0.63 % (A533-B) and YA9, 0.19 (A302-B). These were heat-treated to produce the coarse and fine grain microstructures representative of the Yankee/BR3 and the Regulatory Guide plates, respectively; (2) The BR3 surveillance and vessel testing program: this vessel was wet-annealed in 1984, relicensed for operation till the plant shutdown in 1987, and was trepanned in early 1995; (3) The accelerated irradiations in the Belgian test reactor BR2 of the Yankee coarse grain plates YA1 and YA9 together with BR3 vessel specimens extracted at nozzle elevation, a location with negligible radiation exposure. It is contended that the PTS screening criterion was never attained by the BR3 and Rowe plates, and

  16. Comparison of BR3 Surveillance and Vessel Plates to the Surrogate Plates Representative of the Yankee Rowe PWR Vessel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fabry, A.; Chaouadi, R.; Puzzolante, J.L.; Van de Velde, J.; Biemiller, E.C.; Rosinski, S.T.; Carter, R.G.


    The sister pressure vessels at the BR3 and Yankee Rowe PWR plants were operated at lower-than-usual temperature ( 260 degrees Celsius) and their plates were austenitized a higher-than-usual temperature (970 degrees Celsius) - a heat treatment leading to a coarser microstructure than is typical for the fine grain plates considered in development of USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99. The surveillance programs provided by Westinghouse for the two plants were limited to the same A302-B plate representative of the Rowe vessel upper shell plate; this material displayed outlier behaviour characterized by a 41 J Charpy-V Notch shift significantly larger than predicted by Regulatory Guide 1.99. Because lower irradiation temperature and nickel alloying are generally considered detrimental to irradiation sensitivity, there was a major concern that the nickel-modified lower Rate plate and the nickel-modified BR3 plate may become too embrittled to satisfy the toughness requirements embodied in the PTS screening criterion. This paper compares free complementary studies undertaken to clarify these uncertainties: (1) The accelerated irradiation and test program launched in 1990 by Yankee Atomic Electric Company using typical vessel plate materials containing 0.24% copper at two nickel levels: YA1, 0.63 % (A533-B) and YA9, 0.19 (A302-B). These were heat-treated to produce the coarse and fine grain microstructures representative of the Yankee/BR3 and the Regulatory Guide plates, respectively; (2) The BR3 surveillance and vessel testing program: this vessel was wet-annealed in 1984, relicensed for operation till the plant shutdown in 1987, and was trepanned in early 1995; (3) The accelerated irradiations in the Belgian test reactor BR2 of the Yankee coarse grain plates YA1 and YA9 together with BR3 vessel specimens extracted at nozzle elevation, a location with negligible radiation exposure. It is contended that the PTS screening criterion was never attained by the BR3 and Rowe plates, and

  17. Comparison of BR3 surveillance and vessel plates to the surrogate plates representative of the Yankee Rowe PWR vessel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fabry, A.; Chaouadi, R.; Puzzolante, J.L.; Van de Velde, J.; Biemiller, E.C.; Rosinski, S.T.; Carter, R.G.


    The sister pressure vessels at the BR3 and Yankee Rowe PWR plants were operated at lower-than-usual temperature (∼260 C) and their plates were austenitized at higher-than-usual temperature (∼970 C) -- a heat treatment leading to a coarser microstructure than is typical for the fine grain plates considered in development of USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99. The surveillance programs provided by Westinghouse for the two plants were limited to the same A302-B plate representative of the Rowe vessel upper shell plate; this material displayed outlier behavior characterized by a 41J. Charpy-V Notch shift significantly larger than predicted by Regulatory Guide 1.99. Because lower irradiation temperature and nickel alloying are generally considered detrimental to irradiation sensitivity, there was a major concern that the nickel-modified lower Rowe plate and the nickel-modified BR3 plate may become too embrittled to satisfy the toughness requirements embodied in the PTS screening criterion. This paper compares three complementary studies undertaken to clarify these uncertainties: (1) The accelerated irradiation and test program launched in 1990 by Yankee Atomic Electric Company using typical vessel plate materials containing 0.24% copper at two nickel levels: YA1, 0.63% (A533-B) and YA9, 0.19% (A302-B). These were heat-treated to produce the coarse and fine grain microstructures representative of the Yankee/BR3 and the Regulatory Guide plates, respectively; (2) The BR3 surveillance and vessel testing program; this vessel was wet-annealed in 1984, relicensed for operation till the plant shutdown in 1987, and was trepanned in early 1995; (3) The accelerated irradiations in the Belgian test reactor BR2 of the Yankee coarse grain plates YA1 and YA9 together with BR3 vessel specimens extracted at nozzle elevation, a location with negligible radiation exposure. It is contended that the PTS screening criterion was never attained by the BR3 and Rowe plates, and that the BR3 vessel

  18. Micro-channel plates and vacuum detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gys, T., E-mail:


    A micro-channel plate is an array of miniature electron multipliers that are each acting as a continuous dynode chain. The compact channel structure results in high spatial and time resolutions and robustness to magnetic fields. Micro-channel plates have been originally developed for night vision applications and integrated as an amplification element in image intensifiers. These devices show single-photon sensitivity with very low noise and have been used as such for scintillating fiber tracker readout in high-energy physics experiments. Given their very short transit time spread, micro-channel plate photomultiplier tubes are also being used in time-of-flight and particle identification detectors. The present paper will cover the history of the micro-channel plate development, basic features, and some of their applications. Emphasis will be put on various new manufacturing processes that have been developed over the last few years, and that result in a significant improvement in terms of efficiency, noise, and lifetime performance.

  19. Application of generalized function to dynamic analysis of thick plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng, D.; Weng, Z.


    The structures with thick plates have been used extensively in national defence, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, nuclear engineering, civil engineering, etc.. Various theories have been established to deal with the problems of elastic plates, which include the classical theory of thin plates, the improved theory of thick plates, three-dimensional elastical theory. In this paper, the derivative of δ-function is handled by using the generalized function. The dynamic analysis of thick plates subjected the concentrated load is presented. The improved Donnell's equation of thick plates is deduced and employed as the basic equation. The generalized coordinates are solved by using the method of MWR. The general expressions for the dynamic response of elastic thick plates subjected the concentrated load are given. The numerical results for rectangular plates are given herein. The results are compared with those obtained from the improved theory and the classical theory of plates. (orig./GL)

  20. Rhodium platings – experimental study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Rudolf


    Full Text Available Modern rhodium plating solutions are based on either sulphate or phosphate. Although in theory there are four possible combinations, in practice only three different rhodium electrolytes are used. These are based on dilutions of rhodium sulphate or phosphate concentrates with added sulphuric or phosphoric acid. These processes are be discussed in this paper with a demonstration of Rh platings in the Slovenian firm Zlatarna Celje d.d.