
Sample records for physique au lhc

  1. La Physique au LHC - Partie I

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Le LHC devrait permettre l'observation du boson de Higgs et pouvoir lever le voile sur l'un des scénarios de nouvelle physique présentés dans la cours précédent. Ce cours détaillera les perspectives de physique au LHC (découvertes possibles et mesures de précision) ainsi que les méthodes et difficultés expérimentales. L'accent sera mis sur les problèmes liés à la brisure de la symétrie electrofaible. Les possibilités de développement futur à plus haute luminosité et/ou énergie seront également discutées.

  2. Une histoire de la physique moderne

    CERN Document Server

    Guillaud, Jean-Paul


    Vous étiez noyé dans les théorèmes et perdu dans vos cours de physique ? Et pourtant les informations sur les grands laboratoires de recherche explorant la matière vous intéressent et vous souhaiteriez en comprendre les enjeux ? Alors cet ouvrage de vulgarisation scientifique est pour vous. Ce livre dresse le plus simplement possible un panorama de la physique moderne en abordant : la relativité restreinte, la relativité générale, la physique quantique. Vous verrez : cette science n'est pas si hermétique et la profession de physicien est passionnante. La physique est au cœur de l'actualité avec la mise en service du nouvel accélérateur du CERN, le LHC, qui a fait la une de tous les médias. Ce livre prépare le lecteur à apprécier comme il se doit les découvertes à venir.

  3. LHC France 2013: French Meeting on High Energy Physics at the LHC

    CERN Document Server


    Cette 1ère édition des rencontres françaises sur la physique des hautes énergies au Large Hadron Collider réunira près de 300 physiciens membres des laboratoires IN2P3-CNRS et IRFU-CEA, participants aux collaborations Atlas, CMS, LHCb et Alice. La rencontre LHC France, aura lieu à une période particulièrement cruciale pour la discipline, les derniers résultats des expériences LHC, basés sur toutes les données collectées en 2011 et 2012 y seront présentés et discutés. Elle sera l'occasion de faire le point et le bilan des avancées des diverses thématiques de recherche: boson de Higgs, les interactions électrofaibles, le quark top, la Supersymétrie, les saveurs lourdes, la violation de CP et le Plasma de Quarks et de Gluons. Elle sera aussi l'occasion de discuter des plans d'amélioration des détecteurs en vue des futures phases de fonctionnement du LHC ainsi que les perspectives pour la physique. Cette rencontre se veut un moment d'échange privilégié pour la communauté française des ...

  4. Le détecteur VZERO, la physique muons présente et la préparation de son futur dans l'expérience ALICE au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Tieulent, Raphaël

    La physique des ions lourds a pour objectif ultime d'étendre le domaine d'application du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules à des systèmes de taille finie, complexes et dynamiques. En particulier, elle vise à comprendre comment apparaissent, à partir des lois microscopiques de la physique des particules élémentaires, des phénomènes collectifs et des propriétés macroscopiques mettant en jeu un grand nombre de degrés de liberté. La réalisation de ce programme scientifique passe par une caractérisation du plasma de quarks et de gluons (QGP), l'état déconfiné de la matière nucléaire qui peut être formé à l'aide de collisions d'ions lourds accélérés à des énergies ultra relativistes. L'expérience ALICE exploite les collisions Pb-Pb, proton-Pb et proton-proton du LHC pour mesurer les propriétés fondamentales du QGP comme, par exemple, la température critique du déconfinement ou les coefficients de transport de la matière déconfinée. L'état QGP de la matière aurait �...

  5. Introduction à la physique moderne physique quantique et relativité : cours et exercices

    CERN Document Server

    Fabre, Claude; Treps, Nicolas


    Cet ouvrage est conçu comme une première approche des deux grands « piliers » de la physique actuelle, dite « physique moderne », que sont la relativité et la physique quantique. Il présente, au niveau le plus élémentaire possible, les concepts de base de ces deux théories et est illustré par de nombreux exemples concrets de phénomènes physiques pour lesquels les aspects quantiques et/ou relativistes sont importants voire essentiels. Les concepts introduits sont illustrés par des exercices et des problèmes regroupés en fin d’ouvrage et dont les corrigés sont disponibles sur le site

  6. Demain, la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Aspect, Alain; Balibar, Sébastien; Brézin, Edouard; Cabane, Bernard; Fauve, Stephan; Kaplan, Daniel; Léna, Pierre; Poirier, Jean-Paul; Prost, Jacques


    Ce livre est le récit de quelques-unes des incertitudes de la physique d'aujourd'hui en devenir, avec l'ambition de montrer que les questions posées ne sont pas l'effet d'un quelconque arbitraire mais d'une logique interne qui nous a conduits immanquablement là où nous sommes. Certes la moindre question de physique d'aujourd'hui n'est compréhensible dans ses détails qu'au prix d'un investissement technique considérable. Il nous a semblé qu'il était néanmoins possible de raconter en mots, sans équations, ni long investissement préalable dans la lecture d'ouvrages difficiles, les interrogations auxquelles sont confrontés les physiciens de notre temps. ", Edouard Brézin. Pour l'année mondiale de la physique, et à l'initiative de l'Académie des sciences, dix grands savants français sont réunis ici pour nous faire partager les extraordinaires avancées de la physique moderne.

  7. LHC : sur la piste des mysteres de l`Univers par Michael Doser

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Le CERN, le plus grand centre en physique des particules au monde, va mettre en service le Grand collisionneur de hadrons (Large Hadron Collider), le LHC. Cette machine, le plus grand rouage du complexe d’accélérateurs du CERN, doit répondre aux énigmes qui subsistent sur les briques élémentaires de la matière et l’histoire de l’Univers.

  8. Noyaux et radioactivité une introduction à la physique des particules et à la physique nucléaire

    CERN Document Server

    Debu, Pascal


    Nées au début du XXe siècle, la physique nucléaire et la physique des particules ont bouleversé notre vision du monde et révolutionné la société par leurs innombrables applications : l'énergie nucléaire et l'utilisation des rayonnements pour la médecine et les sciences des matériaux en sont des exemples emblématiques. L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de permettre au lecteur d'appréhender les phénomènes nucléaires et la physique des hautes énergies, d'illustrer les retombées de la physique fondamentale dans la société, et d'éveiller ainsi la curiosité et l'intérêt pour ces disciplines. Le premier chapitre rappelle les notions indispensables de mécanique quantique et de relativité restreinte. Il se termine par une introduction sur l'antimatière et ses applications. Le deuxième chapitre aborde la physique des particules par la description des constituants de la matière et des lois qui gouvernent leurs interactions. L'interaction faible est l'occasion de développements sur les notions...

  9. L'aventure du grand collisionneur LHC du big bang au boson de Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Denegri, Daniel; Hoecker, Andreas; Roos, Lydia; Rubbia, Carlo


    Qu'est-ce que la physique des particules élémentaires, le LHC, et le boson de Higgs ? Ce livre présente de manière simple le monde des quarks, des leptons et de leurs interactions, gouvernées par des symétries fondamentales de la nature, ainsi que le lien entre ce monde de l'infiniment petit et celui de l'infiniment grand. Cette conjonction entre la physique des particules élémentaires et l'évolution de la matière dans les premiers instants de l Univers qui ont suivi le Big-Bang est un des plus beaux acquis de la science de ces cinquante dernières années. Après une description du cadre théorique, le modèle standard, et de son élaboration durant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, l'accent est mis sur ses grands succès expérimentaux, mais aussi sur ses faiblesses ou insuffisances telles que nous les percevons aujourd'hui. La passionnante histoire du grand collisionneur de hadrons du CERN, le LHC, le plus grand projet purement scientifique jamais réalisé, est présentée à la fois sous ses...

  10. Conception et réalisation de l'unité de décision du système de déclenchement de premier niveau du détecteur LHCb au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Laubser, Julien


    Le detecteur LHCb est l'une des quatre experiences de physique des particules installees sur la nouvelle chaine d'acceleration LHC (Large Hadron Collider) du CERN a Geneve. Afin de reduire la quantite de donnees destinees au stockage pour les analyses hors ligne, un dispositif de selection en ligne des collisions interessantes selon la physique a etudier est mis en place en parallele de la chaine d'acquisition des donnees. Ce dispositif est compose d'un premier niveau(niveau 0) realise par un systeme electronique complexe et d'un second niveau de selection realise par informatique HLT (High Level Trigger). L'unite de decision de niveau 0 (L0DU) est le systeme central du niveau 0 de declenchement. L0DU prend la decision d'accepter ou de rejeter la collision pour ce premier niveau a partir d'une fraction d'informations issues des sous-detecteurs les plus rapides (432 bits a 80 MHz). L'unite de decision est un circuit imprime 16 couches integrant des composants de haute technologie de type FPGA (Field Programmab...

  11. Toute la physique (ou presque...) en 15 équations

    CERN Document Server

    Mansoulié, Bruno


    La mécanique quantique, la cosmologie et la physique des particules fascinent, mais comment ne pas se sentir écrasé sous les montagnes de signes cabalistiques qu'elles manipulent ? Tout simplement en y regardant d'un peu plus près ! répond l'auteur, l'un des artisans du LHC, le gigantesque accélérateur du Cern : les équations de la physique sont autant de portes d'entrée pour percer les secrets de l'Univers... Mieux : leur langage universel révèle l'incomparable beauté du monde qui nous entoure.

  12. Cryogénie hélium et efficacité énergétique: L'expérience du LHC au CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Claudet, S; Tavian, L


    Résumé La supraconductivité et la cryogénie hélium associée sont devenues des technologies clés des grands équipements de recherche en physique, et en particulier des accélérateurs de particules. Le coût thermodynamique du fonctionnement à basse température impose à leurs systèmes cryogéniques une haute efficacité énergétique dans la gestion des charges thermiques, la distribution des fluides et la production de froid, obtenue par une approche intégrée couvrant toutes les phases du projet, de la conception préliminaire jusqu'à l'exploitation. L'expérience du LHC au CERN vient illustrer le propos, tandis que quelques pistes de développements futurs sont évoquées. Abstract Superconductivity and associated helium cryogenics have become key technologies for large research infrastructures in physics, and particularly particle accelerators. The thermodynamic penalty for operating at low temperature requires their cryogenic systems to be highly energy efficient in managing heat loads, dis...

  13. Geneva University: Search for the Higgs Boson at the LHC

    CERN Multimedia


    GENEVA UNIVERSITY Ecole de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 Genève 4 Tél.: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 16 November  2011 SEMINAIRE DE PHYSIQUE CORPUSCULAIRE at 17.00 hrs – Stückelberg Auditorium Search for the Higgs Boson at the LHC Prof Karl Jakobs, Université de Freiburg, Allemagne One of the prime tasks of the physics programme of the LHC is the investigation of electroweak symmetry breaking. In the Standard Model the Higgs mechanism is invoked to give masses to the electroweak gauge bosons and fermions and to restore unitarity of the theory at high energies. Although the Higgs mechanism is one of the cornerstones of the Standard Model it is experimentally not validated and the associated Higgs boson has escaped detection so far. The data accumulated at the LHC in the years 2010/11 allow already to establish tighter constraints on the allow...

  14. Sept brèves leçons de physique

    CERN Document Server

    Rovelli, Carlo


    Avec les mots de l écrivain, le talent du poète, Carlo Rovelli nous fait apercevoir le mystère du monde, la beauté du monde, une beauté à couper le souffle. Ces « sept leçons » donnent un aperçu rapide des aspects les plus importants et fascinants de la grande révolution qui a bouleversé la physique au xxe siècle, et surtout des questions et des mystères que cette révolution a soulevés. Elles nous emmènent dans le monde enchanté des grandes idées de la physique actuelle : de la relativité générale d Einstein à la physique quantique, des particules élémentaires à l architecture de l Univers, de la gravité quantique à la nature du temps et de la conscience. Un éblouissement ! Traduit en vingt-quatre langues, les Sept brèves leçons de physique sont un best-seller mondial.

  15. Evaluation du niveau d'activité physique dans un service Marocain d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Plusieurs études ont montré l'intérêt du maintien ou de la reprise d'une activité physique sur l'état de santé des patients. Le but de notre travail est d'analyser le niveau d'activité physique chez nos patients hémodialysé chronique. Méthodes: Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale au centre d'hémodialyse de l'hôpital Al ...

  16. Les mathématiques de la physique quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Basdevant, Jean-Louis


    Ce manuel contient les techniques mathématiques indispensables au maniement de la mécanique quantique : son apprentissage aussi bien que sa pratique. Composé de cinq chapitres, il couvre le programme suivant : les probabilités, la théorie des distributions, l'analyse de Fourier, l'analyse hilbertienne et quelques exemples utiles de fonctions spéciales. Le niveau est celui de la licence et du mastère de physique, le langage, celui des étudiants de physique et chimie d'aujourd'hui. Le but de l'auteur est la clarté et l'efficacité. Il présente les concepts et les résultats dans une langue aussi simple et aussi juste que possible au plan mathématique tout en restant digeste pour les applications. A l'appui de cas concrets, il souligne les points de rigueur mathématique qui ne sont traités que dans les ouvrages spécialisés. Outre sa dimension modeste, ce petit livre présente plusieurs avantages car, récent, simple et concis, il contient aussi quelques exercices.

  17. Les techniques de détection en physique de l'infiniment petit

    CERN Document Server

    Vannucci, François


    Panorama des différentes techniques développées au cours du dernier siècle pour découvrir une à une les particules dites élémentaires. Voyage à travers l'histoire de la physique des particules.

  18. Physique des particules introduction aux concepts et au formalisme du modèle standard

    CERN Document Server

    Clément, Benoit


    Cet ouvrage propose une introduction à la physique des particules pour tout étudiant de niveau M1, qu'il se destine à la physique théorique ou non. Il présente la physique des particules de manière abordable sans occulter les concepts formels sur lesquels elle repose. Les rappels de mécanique relativiste et du formalisme de Lagrange permettent de comprendre la nature et le comportement des particules à très haute énergie. Enfin, les règles de Feynman offrent une description simple de leurs interactions. Chaque chapitre est complété par des exercices corrigés. Dans cette seconde édition, actualisée, le chapitre sur les champs classiques et quantiques libres a été entièrement refondu pour aborder les problématiques liées à la mécanique relativiste, et de nouveaux exercices ont été ajoutés.

  19. Search for the Higgs Boson and for Anomalous Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings in the WW Channel with Dielectron Events with the D0 Experiment at the Tevatron; Recherche du boson de Higgs et de couplages de jauge quartiques anormaux dans le canal WW en électrons dans l'expérience D0 au Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chapon, Emilien [Pierre and Marie Curie Univ., Paris (France)


    Le paysage de la physique des particules a subi des changements majeurs entre le début de cette thèse, en septembre 2010, et sa n en juin 2013. On peut notamment qualier l'année 2012 de date-clé dans l'histoire de la physique des particules. En 2012, une nouvelle particule a été découverte au LHC [1, 2], dont la majeure partie de la communauté s'accorde aujourd'hui à dire qu'il s'agit très probablement du boson de Higgs. Cet événement est intervenu peu après une sorte de passage de relais entre le Tevatron, arrêté le 30 septembre 2011, et le LHC, dont les toutes premières collisions sont intervenues le 23 novembre 2009.

  20. La physique des infinis

    CERN Document Server

    Bernardeau, Francis; Laplace, Sandrine; Spiro, Michel


    Écrire l'histoire de l'Univers, tel est l'objectif commun des physiciens des particules et des astrophysiciens. Pour y parvenir, deux approches s'épaulent : la voie de l'infiniment petit, que l'on emprunte via de gigantesques accélérateurs de particules, et celle de l'infiniment grand, dont le laboratoire est l'Univers. Un Univers qui est bien loin d'avoir livré tous ses secrets. On connaît à peine 4,8 % de la matière qui le constitue, le reste étant composé de matière noire (25,8 %) et d'énergie noire (69,4 %), toutes deux de nature inconnue. Et si la récente découverte du boson de Higgs valide le Modèle standard de la physique des particules, celui-ci est toujours incomplet et doit être étendu à ou dépassé. Est-on arrivé au bout du jeu de poupées russes de la matière ? Quelles sont les particules manquantes ? Faut-il revoir les lois fondamentales ? Quels instruments faut-il mettre en œuvre pour accéder à cette « nouvelle physique » ? Comment parler de Super Big Science aux citoye...

  1. De l'atome au noyau une approche historique de la physique atomique et de la physique nucléaire

    CERN Document Server

    Fernandez, Bernard


    Retracer l'histoire de la physique nucléaire. Sans jargon scientifique ni formules mathématiques, il s'adresse à la fois aux lecteurs spécialisés, et à l'honnête homme.Une idée-force du livre est que jamais la théorie ne doit s'affranchir de la réalité expérimentale.

  2. Schrödinger à la plage la physique quantique dans un transat

    CERN Document Server

    Antoine, Charles


    Née au début du XXème siècle, la physique quantique décrit un monde bizarre, celui de l'infiniment petit, et ses effets à notre échelle sont encore mal compris. Erwin Schrödinger en est une figure emblématique. Il a participé à presque toutes les étapes clé et son équation décrivant l'évolution dans le temps d'une particule, critiquée par Einstein qui pensait que Dieu ne joue pas aux dés, est devenue l'un des piliers de la mécanique quantique. Aujourd'hui, la physique quantique est partout dans notre quotidien, du smartphone au GPS, en passant par l'imagerie médicale. Elle nous offrira demain de nouvelles applications, tels l'ordinateur ou la téléportation quantiques. Installez-vous confortablement dans un transat, et laissez-vous conter par Charles Antoine l'étrangeté du monde quantique. Mais attention, si le voyage est fabuleux, vous n'en ressortirez pas indemne...

  3. ParticipACTION, cinq ans après sa relance : enquête quantitative sur son rayonnement et sur le pouvoir d'action des organisations au Canada en matière d’initiatives consacrées à l’activité physique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guy Faulkner


    Full Text Available Introduction. ParticipACTION est un organisme canadien relancé en 2007 dédié à la communication et au marketing social en matière d’activité physique. Cette étude porte sur le pouvoir d'action des organismes canadiens dans l'adoption, la mise en oeuvre et la promotion des initiatives en ce domaine. Nos objectifs étaient de comparer les résultats de base (2008 avec les résultats de suivi (2013 en ce qui concerne (1 la connaissance de ParticipACTION, (2 la capacité d'un organisme à adopter, à mettre en oeuvre et à promouvoir des initiatives d’activité physique et (3 les différences potentielles en matière de pouvoir d'action d'une organisation en fonction de sa taille, de son secteur et de son mandat ainsi que (4 d’évaluer la perception de ParticipACTION cinq ans après sa relance. Méthodologie. Dans le cadre de cette étude transversale, des représentants d’organismes locaux, provinciaux, territoriaux et nationaux ont rempli un questionnaire en ligne visant à évaluer la capacité de leur organisme à adopter, à mettre en oeuvre et à promouvoir des initiatives d’activité physique. Nous avons utilisé des méthodes de statistique descriptive et des analyses de variance à un facteur pour répondre à nos objectifs. Résultats. Le taux de réponse correspondant aux personnes ayant ouvert le courriel d’invitation à répondre au sondage et ayant consenti à y participer était de 40,6 % (685/1 688. Au total, 540 questionnaires de sondage ont été remplis. Le taux de connaissance de ParticipACTION, qui se chiffrait à 54,6 % lors de l’étude initiale, avait atteint 93,9 % au moment du suivi (objectif 1. Tant les résultats initiaux que les résultats de suivi ont fait état d’un pouvoir d'action important des organismes dans l'adoption, la mise en oeuvre et la promotion d'initiatives d’activité physique (objectif 2, avec cependant de légères variations en fonction du secteur et du mandat de chaque

  4. Drive for muscularity and social physique anxiety mediate the perceived ideal physique muscle dysmorphia relationship. (United States)

    Thomas, Adam; Tod, David A; Edwards, Christian J; McGuigan, Michael R


    This study examined the mediating role of drive for muscularity and social physique anxiety (SPA) in the perceived muscular male ideal physique and muscle dysmorphia relationship in weight training men. Men (N = 146, mean ± SD; age, 22.8 ± 5.0 years; weight, 82.0 ± 11.1 kg; height, 1.80 ± 0.07 m; body mass index, 25.1 ± 3.0) who participated in weight training completed validated questionnaires measuring drive for muscularity, SPA, perceived muscular male ideal physique, global muscle dysmorphia, and several characteristics of muscle dysmorphia (exercise dependence, diet manipulation, concerns about size/symmetry, physique protection behavior, and supplementation). Perceived ideal physique was an independent predictor of muscle dysmorphia measures except physique protection (coefficients = 0.113-0.149, p ≤ 0.05). Perceived ideal physique also predicted muscle dysmorphia characteristics (except physique protection and diet) through the indirect drive for muscularity pathway (coefficients = 0.055-0.116, p ≤ 0.05). Perceived ideal physique also predicted size/symmetry concerns and physique protection through the indirect drive for muscularity and SPA pathway (coefficients = 0.080-0.025, p ≤ 0.05). These results extend current research by providing insights into the way correlates of muscle dysmorphia interact to predict the condition. The results also highlight signs (e.g., anxiety about muscularity) that strength and conditioning coaches can use to identify at-risk people who may benefit from being referred for psychological assistance.

  5. Le LHC, un tunnel cosmique

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Et si la lumière au bout du tunnel du LHC était cosmique ? En d’autres termes, qu’est-ce que le LHC peut nous apporter dans la connaissance de l’Univers ? Car la montée en énergie des accélérateurs de particules nous permet de mieux appréhender l’univers primordial, chaud et dense. Mais dans quel sens dit-on que le LHC reproduit des conditions proches du Big bang ? Quelles informations nous apporte-t-il sur le contenu de l’Univers ? La matière noire est-elle détectable au LHC ? L’énergie noire ? Pourquoi l’antimatière accumulée au CERN est-elle si rare dans l’Univers ? Et si le CERN a bâti sa réputation sur l’exploration des forces faibles et fortes qui opèrent au sein des atomes et de leurs noyaux, est-ce que le LHC peut nous apporter des informations sur la force gravitationnelle qui gouverne l’évolution cosmique ? Depuis une trentaine d’années, notre compréhension de l’univers dans ses plus grandes dimensions et l’appréhension de son comportement aux plus peti...

  6. La physique quantique (enfin) expliquée simplement

    CERN Document Server

    Rollet, Vincent


    La physique quantique est une discipline aussi obscure que passionnante. Elle fait polémique depuis sa naissance : certains en ont peur ou sont impressionnés, tandis que d'autres exploitent le filon quantique sans scrupule à la sauce métaphysique. D'où vient la physique quantique, pourquoi est-elle si complexe à envisager et comment fonctionne-t-elle ? Vincent Rollet répond à toutes vos questions et bien d'autres, dans ce livre illustré en couleur. Ses talents de pédagogue seront mis à l'honneur tout au long de l'ouvrage pour vous permettre de comprendre les concepts les plus fondamentaux des sciences quantiques. Ce livre s'adresse à toute personne possédant déjà un modeste bagage scientifique, ou tout du moins une grande curiosité à l'égard des sciences. Il sera parfois nécessaire de plonger dans une formule mathématique, de lire une courbe ou de comprendre une expérience qui sort de l'ordinaire.

  7. Conceptions des élèves en physique: quels effets sur la pratique des enseignants vaudois ?


    Besson, Laurent; Borel, Jérémie; Lo Bello, Philippe


    Ce travail de mémoire se centre autour de l'idée que les conceptions, c'est-à-dire les connaissances des élèves à un moment donné, sont souvent un obstacle à l'enseignement. Au vu de l'importance accordée à cette notion dans nos cours de didactique de physique, nous avons voulu voir si cette notion de conception était prise en compte par des enseignants qui n'avaient pas suivi le cursus de formation de la HEP. Nous avons donc interrogé cinq professeur(e)s de physique de différents g...

  8. Trente années qui ébranlèrent la physique histoire de la théorie quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Gamow, George


    G. Gamow, dans cet ouvrage, déploie une fois encore ses qualités d'historien, de vulgarisateur et d'homme d'esprit. L'"histoire de la théorie quantique" raconte la naissance de la physique moderne au cours des trente premières années du siècle, en nous guidant ainsi à travers cette galerie de portraits où les grands noms de la physique sont présentés, par les textes, les photographies et les croquis, sous leur aspect le moins académique.

  9. Introduction à la physique quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Basdevant, Jean-Louis


    Toute la physique actuelle, du transistor à l’astrophysique, de l’énergie photovoltaïque à la physique des particules et aux interactions fondamentales contient une part prédominante de physique quantique. Une large fraction de la technologie moderne provient de processus et phénomènes quantiques. Le but de cet ouvrage est de donner les bases de cette théorie, tout en s’appuyant à chaque étape, sur des phénomènes caractéristiques de la physique moderne à l’aide d’un ensemble d’exercices, certains très simples, d’autre plus approfondis. Ces exemples proviennent de toutes les branches de la physique, de l’optique quantique à la physique du solide et aux particules élémentaires. Cette seconde édition, outre l’ajout de quelques exercices et problèmes complémentaires, intègre maintenant une section consacrée à la distribution de Dirac et une autre aux développements de l’information quantique.

  10. La physique mot à mot

    CERN Document Server

    Diu, Bernard


    Comment comprendre la physique ? Comment savoir pourquoi il y a des particules et des antiparticules, ou dans quel état se trouve le chat de Schrödinger ? Comment découvrir ce qui se conserve dans la nature ? Comment s'initier aux théories à la pointe de notre connaissance de l'Univers ? Ce livre veut aider à parler la physique, à apprendre son vocabulaire. Chaque mot est défini dans son sens immédiat comme dans ses significations plus complexes. Et les renvois d'un mot à l'autre permettent de saisir la physique en bloc. Après Les atomes existent-ils vraiment ? et Traité de physique à l'usage des profanes, Bernard Diu fait partager, sous une nouvelle forme, sa passion pour la physique. A le lire, il ne fait aucun doute qu'Einstein avait raison : " Subtil est le Créateur. "

  11. Hydrodynamique physique

    CERN Document Server

    Guyon, Etienne; Petit, Luc


    Au cours des vingt dernières années, l'enseignement et la recherche en mécanique des fluides se sont ouverts aux communautés de physiciens et de physico-chimistes qui ont, à leur tour, développé de nouvelles approches d'enseignement. Celles-ci sont davantage orientées vers la compréhension des relations existant entre les comportements des fluides à diverses échelles, le développement d'outils expérimentaux variés et les descriptions en termes de mécanismes physiques élémentaires. Cet ouvrage est l'un des premiers à présenter cette approche originale de la mécanique des fluides. Après une présentation des bases microscopiques élémentaires de la théorie statistique des fluides, il aborde les notions classiques de déformation et de contrainte, puis leurs relations que les lois de conservation permettent d'envisager de façon globale. Le problème des écoulements à faible nombre de Reynolds, ainsi que ses applications aux suspensions et aux milieux poreux, sont ensuite traités en dé...

  12. The exhibition"La France au CERN" was inaugurated by Danièle Hulin, Directrice adjointe Secteur Physique, Chimie, Sciences pour l'Ingénieur (PCSI), Ministère délégué à l'Enseignement supérieur et à la recherche.

    CERN Document Server

    Patrice Loïez


    The exhibition"La France au CERN" was inaugurated by Danièle Hulin, Directrice adjointe Secteur Physique, Chimie, Sciences pour l'Ingénieur (PCSI), Ministère délégué à l'Enseignement supérieur et à la recherche.

  13. Etude et optimisation des performances du calorimètre électromagnétique de l'expérience CMS pour la physique au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Descamps, Julien; Jarry, Patrick


    The CMS experiment (Compact Muon Solenoid) is one of the two multi-purpose experiments of the proton-proton collider LHC (Large Hadron Collider) currently starting at CERN (Geneva). One of the main goals of CMS is the search for the Higgs boson. Because of the LHC challenging environment, the collaboration have chosen an electromagnetic calorimeter made of about 75000 scintillating lead tungstate crystals P bW O4 , at the same time fast, radiation hard, and extremely precise, especially in the energy range for the Higgs boson search, in the channel where it decays in two photons. The five first chapters of this thesis present the LHC, the CMS detector and notably the electro- magnetic calorimeter (ECAL). The sixth chapter presents a test beam analysis realized in 2004 at CERN with an electron beam of different energies (20-250 GeV) incident on a part (1/36) of the calorimeter barrel called “ supermodule ”. A study of the energy measurement variation within 9 (3×3) and 25 (5×5) crystals matrices as funct...

  14. Scenarii pour (quasi-) fin du monde traiter les dangers au CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Houdart, Sophie


    Au large de Genève court le plus grand dispositif expérimental jamais construit, le LHC, conçu pour comprendre comment s’est aggloméré l’univers. Les physiciens des particules, à l’échelle internationale, y expérimentent les théories physiques les plus avancées sur l’origine et le devenir du monde. Lové 100 mètres sous terre, et donc invisible dans le paysage, cette machine extraordinaire est, en surface, le point de mire de multiples attentions et l’objet de mesures incessantes. Ce dont elle traite (le Big Bang, les trous noirs, l’antimatière…), son envergure, son empreinte territoriale sont propres à nourrir des scénarios catastrophe que le CERN doit scrupuleusement désamorcer à mesure qu’ils surgissent en usant de procédés hétérogènes : mesures techniques, normes juridiques, monitoring de l’environnement.

  15. Recherche de leptoquarks de troisième génération dans l’expérience CMS au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Chasserat, Julien

    L'expérience CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), construite sur l'anneau du LHC (Large Hadron Collider) a enregistré une quantité colossale de données provenant des collisions proton-proton de 2009 à 2012 à des énergies dans le centre de masse de 7 TeV et 8 TeV. Cette expérience est consacrée aux mesures de précision des paramètres du modèle standard, à l'étude du boson de Higgs ainsi qu'à la mise à l'épreuve de théories au-delà du modèle standard. Un certain nombre de ces théories prévoient l'existence de particules appelées leptoquarks, de nouveaux bosons se couplant à la fois aux leptons et au quarks. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à la présentation du Modèle Standard des particules et à une introduction théorique aux leptoquarks. La seconde explique brièvement le fonctionnement du LHC et de l'expérience CMS. La troisième partie est dédiée au travail effectué dans le groupe générateur de CMS au cours de la première année de ma thèse. Cette mission consis...

  16. 357 Datation des carbonates impurs au Maroc à l'aide de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Datation des carbonates impurs au Maroc à l'aide de la méthode de déséquilibre radioactif 230Th/234U. A. Choukri1, S. Semghouli1, O. Hakam1, M. Moheidine3 et M. Laatiris4. 1Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière et Rayonnement, Equipe de. Physique et Techniques Nucléaires, Faculté des Sciences, P.B 133,. 14000 ...

  17. APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES - Électronicien(ne) et laborantin(e) en physique - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU PERSONNEL HR/PMD L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité suisse (CFC). 6 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature: avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage, avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9e du Cycle d'orientation genevois (3e en France), être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, République tchèque, République slovaque , Suède, Suisse), pour les résidents en Suisse :...

  18. Quelles approches pour synthétiser le fonctionnement physique des écosystèmes d'eaux courantes ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Au regard des outils existants dans les différentes disciplines physiques, de ceux qui peuvent être adaptés à cette préoccupation et de ceux qu'il est nécessaire de développer, nous présentons différents axes de recherches possibles, associant hydrologues, géomorphologues, hydrauliciens et hydrobiologistes.

  19. Inactivité physique et nombre d'heures passées devant la télévision chez les adultes autochtones asthmatiques : analyse transversale de l'Enquête auprès des peuples autochtones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Doggett


    Full Text Available Contexte : Notre analyse visait à déterminer l'association entre l'asthme et le niveau d'activité physique ainsi qu'avec le nombre d'heures d'activités sédentaires chez les adultes autochtones et visait à comprendre l'influence de l'inactivité physique et du nombre d'heures d'activités sédentaires sur l'utilisation des soins de santé par les adultes autochtones asthmatiques. Méthodologie : Notre analyse a porté sur 20 953 répondants adultes de l'Enquête auprès des peuples autochtones de 2006. Nous avons considéré que les répondants étaient atteints d'asthme « actuel » s'ils avaient déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic d'asthme de la part d'un médecin et s'ils avaient une ordonnance valide pour des médicaments contre l'asthme. Notre définition d'une activité physique insuffisante correspondait au fait de pratiquer moins de 3 heures d'activité physique modérée à intense par semaine, et notre définition d'un nombre élevé d'heures passées devant la télévision correspondait au fait de regarder la télévision pendant plus de 10 heures par semaine. Nous avons évalué l'utilisation des soins de santé à l'aide du nombre de consultations de professionnels de la santé et du nombre d'hospitalisations d'au moins une nuit. Résultats : Les adultes autochtones asthmatiques étaient plus susceptibles de déclarer un nombre élevé d'heures passées devant la télévision (RC = 1,16; IC : 1,11 à 1,22 et une activité physique insuffisante (RC = 1,15; IC : 1,10 à 1,20 que les non-asthmatiques. Les asthmatiques ayant déclaré un nombre élevé d'heures passées devant la télévision ont signalé plus de consultations de professionnels de la santé au cours des 12 derniers mois (RC = 2,59; IC : 2,34 à 2,87, plus d'hospitalisations d'au moins une nuit au cours de la dernière année (RC = 1,95; IC : 1,82 à 2,08 et plus d'hospitalisations d'au moins une nuit au cours des 5 dernières années (RC = 1,13; IC : 1,07 à 1

  20. Apprentissages techniques pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    HR/PMD APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU PERSONNEL L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN Pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le Canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité Suisse (CFC). 7 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9e du Cycle d'orientation genevois (3e en France) être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Gr&am...

  1. Apprentissages techniques : L'apprentissage au CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU PERSONNEL HR/PMD L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le Canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité Suisse (CFC). 7 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : • avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage • avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9ème du Cycle d'orientation genevois (3ème en France) • être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgiqu...

  2. L’apprentissage au cern

    CERN Multimedia


    pour les professions d’électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L’apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l’examen de fin d’apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat fédéral de capacité suisse (CFC). 6 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L’apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l’apprentissage ; avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9e du Cycle d’orientation genevois (3e en France) ; être ressortissant d’un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, République tchèque, République slovaque , Suède, Suisse) ; pour les résidents en Suisse : être ressortissant su...

  3. High-p$_{T}$ Tomography of d+Au and Au+Au at SPS, RHIC, and LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Vitev, I; Vitev, Ivan; Gyulassy, Miklos


    The interplay of nuclear effects on the p_T > 2 GeV inclusive hadron spectra in d+Au and Au+Au reactions at root(s) = 17, 200, 5500 GeV is compared to leading order perturbative QCD calculations for elementary p+p (p-bar+p) collisions. The competition between nuclear shadowing, Cronin effect, and jet energy loss due to medium-induced gluon radiation is predicted to lead to a striking energy dependence of the nuclear suppression/enhancement pattern in A+A reactions. We show that future d+Au data can used to disentangle the initial and final state effects.

  4. La Physique des gamma-jets avec le calorimètre EMCal de l'expérience ALICE au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Bourdaud, Guénolé

    Heavy ion collisions at LHC will produce a new state of matter : the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Photons are not sensible to the strong interaction which dominates the nuclear medium, and hence are a valuable tool to explore QGP. Gamma-jets are rare hard processes : a photon and a parton are emitted back-to-back. The parton hadronises and produces a jet of particles. These jets are quenched due to the strong interaction of the parton with the QGP. This quenching, or more precisely the re-distribution of the energy in the jet, can be measured by the modification of the distribution of the particle energy in the jet, comparing p-p and Pb-Pb collisions (fragmentation functions or hump-backed plateau distributions). For this porpose, jet energy is needed, and can be provided precisely by gamma-jet measurement. Our goal is to use EMCal to detect a photon correlated with a jet reconstructed in ALICE tracking system. Then, the jet energy distribution are compared for p-p an Pb-Pb collisions. Gamma-jet physics is first...

  5. Les jardins de la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Allemand, Luc


    À l'écart du monde, loin des laboratoires, en contact avec la nature, des savants réputés du monde entier viennent enseigner les grands sujets de la physique et partager les dernières avancées avec de nombreux élèves. À l'écart du monde, loin des laboratoires, en contact avec la nature, des savants réputés du monde entier viennent enseigner les grands sujets de la physique et partager les dernières avancées avec de nombreux élèves. Ces hauts-lieux sont propices à la méditation et procurent autant d'opportunités de rencontres et d'échanges. La liberté de pensée qui y règne permet d'explorer de nouvelles pistes pour la physique de demain. Car les grandes découvertes surviennent rarement comme des illuminations : elles résultent plutôt de lentes maturations, accompagnées de travail acharné et de discussions suivies. De tels lieux existent depuis les années 1950 en France : l'Institut d'Études scientifiques de Cargèse, en Corse, et l'École de Physique des Houches, dans les Alpes, ...

  6. L’apprentissage au CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    En 1961, sur la base du constat que l’évolution du marché du travail nécessitait un besoin croissant de personnel qualifié, le 1er accord entre la République et canton de Genève et le CERN fut signé. Cet accord avait notamment pour objet la formation professionnelle de jeunes électroniciens et techniciens de laboratoires en physique. Le CERN, acteur local économique d’importance, soulignait par cet accord sa volonté de participer au développement économique et social local. Le 1er apprenti arriva au CERN en 1965. En 1971, le centre d’apprentissage fut créé ; il accueille aujourd’hui plus d’une vingtaine d’apprentis au total, à raison d’environ six nouveaux apprentis chaque année. Cet apprentissage est dédié aux jeunes âgés e...

  7. Partager : des technologies de pointe au service de la société

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; Le Goff, Jean-Marie


    Médecine, climatologie, métrologie et informatique, les techniques utilisées par le LHC trouvent déjà des répercussions dans d’autres domaines scientifiques. Utilisant des techniques inédites, la physique des particules en fait bénéficier la société toute entière.

  8. Chasseurs de Higgs au LHC - A la Recherche des l'Origines

    CERN Multimedia

    Yves Sirois

    To increase understanding of the LHC, why scientists collaborate on this experiment and what they hope to achieve with the LHC. A 51 slide presentation in French for a general audience. Delivered at the "Cité des Sciences" in Paris, "Rencontres du Ciel et de l'Espace," November, 2010 This presentation covers the following topics: - The LHC --what it is --what it looks like --where it is located --the international nature of CERN & experiment collaborations --the experiments - Accelerators --a brief history on accelerators --what accelerators can do - The scientific goals of the LHC - Particle Physics in General --history & the basics - Impact on Technology and Society - First LHC Results - Concluding remarks

  9. Surface emission of quark gluon plasma at RHIC and LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiang Wenchang; Wan Renzhou; Zhou Daicui


    Within the framework of a factorization model, we study the behaviour of nuclear modification factor in Au-Au collisions at RHIC and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC. We find that the nuclear modification factor is inversely proportional to the radius of the quark-gluon plasma and is dominated by the surface emission of hard jets. We predict the nuclear modification factor P AALHS ∼0.15 in central Pb-Pb collisions at LHC. The study shows that the factorization model can be used to describe the centrality dependence of nuclear modification factor of the high transverse momentum particles produced in heavy ion collisions at both RHIC and LHC. (authors)

  10. Activités physiques libres ou encadrées et condition physique liée à la santé chez des adultes burundais: étude transversale (United States)

    Bizimana, Jean Berchmans; Lawani, Mansourou Mohamed; Akplogan, Barnabé; Gaturagi, Charles


    Introduction l’activité physique régulière a un impact positif sur la santé. Cette étude a pour objet de comparer la condition physique liée à la santé des adultes qui s’exercent librement avec celle des adultes bénéficiant d’un encadrement professionnel. Elle tente aussi d’établir une relation entre le niveau d’activité physique et les paramètres de la condition liée à la santé. Méthodes nous avons évalué le niveau d’activité physique et les paramètres de la condition physique liée à la santé. Par le test t pour échantillons indépendants, nous avons comparé les moyennes et avons par le calcul du coefficient de corrélation r de Pearson analysé la relation entre le niveau d’activité physique et les paramètres de la condition physique. Résultats des écarts significatifs (p Le niveau d’activité physique est positivement corrélé (p le cholestérol HDL. Conclusion les résultats de cette étude montrent que l’activité physique libre est aussi efficace que l’activité physique encadrée dans le maintien des profils lipidique et physiologique favorables à la santé chez l’adulte burundais. Cependant, l’activité physique encadrée apporte des bénéfices supplémentaires pour le V˙O2max, la fréquence cardiaque de repos, la souplesse antérieure et la détente verticale PMID:28203315

  11. Le cours de physique de Feynman

    CERN Document Server

    Feynman, Richard; Sands, Matthew

    L’ampleur du succès qu’a rencontré le « Cours de physique de Feynman » dès sa parution s’explique par son caractère fondamentalement novateur. Richard Feynman, qui fut professeur d’université dès l’âge de vingt-quatre ans, a exprimé dans ce cours, avant d’obtenir le prix Nobel de Physique, une vision expérimentale et extrêmement personnelle de l’enseignement de la physique. Cette vision a, depuis, remporté l’adhésion des physiciens du monde entier, faisant de cet ouvrage un grand classique. Ce cours en cinq volumes (Électromagnétisme 1 et 2, Mécanique 1 et 2, Mécanique quantique) s’adresse aux étudiants de tous niveaux qui y trouveront aussi bien les notions de base débarrassées de tout appareil mathématique inutile, que les avancées les plus modernes de cette science passionnante qu’est la physique. Cette nouvelle édition corrigée bénéficie d’une mise en page plus aérée pour un meilleur confort de lecture.

  12. Aux limites de la physique les paradoxes quantiques

    CERN Document Server

    Rothen, François


    Dans l’esprit des pères fondateurs de la science moderne, les phénomènes matériels se déroulent selon un schéma unique. La cause précède nécessairement l’effet, et la connaissance de l’effet permet de remonter à la cause. Sur la scène de la nature, le hasard n’occupe qu’une place congrue. On ne fait appel à lui que pour pallier notre ignorance. Dans les années 1920, la révolution quantique bouleverse ce cadre rigide. Elle accorde une place de choix au hasard, si malmené jusqu’alors, puis elle met en scène une constellation de phénomènes inexplicables aux yeux de la science dite classique. Après une courte introduction historique, l’auteur met ses lecteurs au contact de certains de ces phénomènes si contraires à l’intuition. Refusant l’aide du langage mathématique, il les convie à pénétrer dans un monde quantique qui déconcerte le novice avant de l’éblouir par sa nouveauté et sa cohérence. Un accent particulier est mis sur une application nouvelle de la physiqu...

  13. Introduction \\`a la Physique Quantique


    Piron, Constantin


    En nous laissant guider par la notion de champ qui en fait domine toute la physique nous d\\'efinissons la nature physique d'un syst\\`eme, ses propri\\'et\\'es et ses \\'etats possibles. Nous proposons alors un cadre tr\\`es g\\'en\\'erale permettant la description de tels syst\\`emes et la construction de mod\\`eles consistants. Nous en donnons des exemples et pour illustrer les concepts de notre th\\'eorie nous d\\'ecrivons diff\\'erents types d'\\'evolutions. Pour terminer nous discutons en d\\'etails u...

  14. L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Roland GAY


    APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES FORMATION ET DEVELOPPEMENT HR/TD/AP L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborant(ine) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le Canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité Suisse (CFC). 7 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature :   avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République slovaque, République tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Su&a...

  15. Features of 10-M-long, 50-MM-Twin-aperture LHC dipole magnet prototypes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devred, A.


    In 1991, the Laboratoire Europeen pour la Physique des particules (CERN) has launched the fabrication in industry of seven 10-m long, 50-mm-twin-aperture dipole magnet prototypes for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Three of these prototypes were built in Italy, in collaboration with the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN, by Ansaldo Energia Spa, two were built in Germany by Noell GmbH, one was built in France by a consortium constituted by Jeumont Industries and GEC Alsthom, and the last one was built by a consortium constituted by Elin in Austria and Holec in the Netherlands. In this paper, we review the design and specific features of the seven LHC dipole magnet prototypes. (author)

  16. Physical measurements in Marcoule reactors (1962); Mesures physiques sur les reacteurs de Marcoule (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teste du Bailler, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A brief description of the physical measurements in Marcoule reactors is given here. During commissioning and subsequent years of operation, various experiments ha been carried out to check design data, and improve the operating conditions and also test theoretical models for kinetic studies. (author) [French] On presente une rapide description des mesures physiques effectuees sur les reacteurs de Marcoule. Au cours du demarrage et pendant les premieres annees de fonctionnement de G-2 - G-3, de nombreuses experiences ont ete effectuees pour verifier les donnees du projet, ameliorer les conditions de fonctionnement et eprouver des modeles theoriques de calculs de cinetique. (auteur)

  17. CERN Technical Training 2003: Learning for the LHC! MAGNE-03 : Magnétisme pour l'Electrotechnique Phénomènes magnétiques, matériaux et applications - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    MAGNE-03 est un nouveau cours dans le cadre du programme de l'Enseignement Technique 2003, qui s'adresse aux personnes souhaitant découvrir, améliorer ou remettre à niveau leurs connaissances en magnétisme. Recommandé par l'ancienne division LHC, le cours est donné au CERN par la société CEDRAT Technologies basée à Meylan (France, 38). La participation est ouverte à l'ensemble du personnel technique et scientifique nécessitant une formation en magnétisme dans le cadre de leurs activités professionnelles, courantes ou futures. En ayant organisé des sessions au CERN, une économie d'environ 800.- CHF par participant est réalisée par rapport aux frais nécessaires pour suivre la même formation sur leur site en Isère. MAGNE-03 s'intéresse, entre autres, au développement de la compréhension des phénomènes magnétiques et le "sens physique" appliqués à des produits industriels. Programme : Notions de base en électromagnétisme. Les aspects électrique et mécanique du magnétisme. Les ...

  18. CERN Technical Training 2003: Learning for the LHC! MAGNE-03 : Magnétisme pour l'Electrotechnique
    Phénomènes magnétiques, matériaux et applications. - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    MAGNE-03 est un nouveau cours dans le cadre du programme de l'Enseignement Technique 2003, qui s'adresse aux personnes souhaitant découvrir, améliorer ou remettre à niveau leurs connaissances en magnétisme. Recommandé par l'ancienne division LHC, le cours est donné au CERN par la société CEDRAT Technologies basée à Meylan (France, 38). La participation est ouverte à l'ensemble du personnel technique et scientifique nécessitant une formation en magnétisme dans le cadre de leurs activités professionnelles, courantes ou futures. En ayant organisé des sessions au CERN, une économie d'environ 800.- CHF par participant est réalisée par rapport aux frais nécessaires pour suivre la même formation sur leur site en Isère. MAGNE-03 s'intéresse, entre autres, au développement de la compréhension des phénomènes magnétiques et le "sens physique" appliqués à des produits industriels. Programme : Notions de base en électromagnétisme. Les aspects électrique et mécanique du magnétisme. Les ...

  19. Rapport sur le déroulement de l'expérience sur le double échange de charge des mésons $\\pi^{+} \\pi^{-}$ de 70 MeV/c effectuée les 14-15 mai 1965 au CS du CERN par le Départment de Physique Corpusculaire CRN Strasbourg Utilisation d'un bobinage supra-conducteur niobium-zicornium (dans HE liquide) donnant 42 KG pour aider la détermination du signe des pions au sein des émulsions chargées en lithium isotopique

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva. Emulsion Experiments Committee


    Rapport sur le déroulement de l'expérience sur le double échange de charge des mésons $\\pi^{+} \\pi^{-}$ de 70 MeV/c effectuée les 14-15 mai 1965 au CS du CERN par le Départment de Physique Corpusculaire CRN Strasbourg

  20. Features of 10-M-long, 50-MM-Twin-aperture LHC dipole magnet prototypes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Devred, A. [CEA Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. d`Astrophysique, de la Physique des Particules, de la Physique Nucleaire et de l`Instrumentation Associee]|[CERN, Laboratoire Europeen pour la Physique des Particules, Geneva (Switzerland)


    In 1991, the Laboratoire Europeen pour la Physique des particules (CERN) has launched the fabrication in industry of seven 10-m long, 50-mm-twin-aperture dipole magnet prototypes for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Three of these prototypes were built in Italy, in collaboration with the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN, by Ansaldo Energia Spa, two were built in Germany by Noell GmbH, one was built in France by a consortium constituted by Jeumont Industries and GEC Alsthom, and the last one was built by a consortium constituted by Elin in Austria and Holec in the Netherlands. In this paper, we review the design and specific features of the seven LHC dipole magnet prototypes. (author) 21 refs.

  1. David Bohm la physique de l'infini

    CERN Document Server

    Teodorani, Massimo


    Les idées de David Bohm, indépendamment du scepticisme de ses collègues les plus traditionalistes, ont profondément influencé la physique du siècle dernier et ouvert une porte à la physique du nouveau millénaire. Grâce aussi aux contacts qu'il sut nouer avec des chercheurs d'autres branches du savoir, ses idées ont été accueillies avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme par les neuroscientifiques, les philosophes, les théologiens, les psychologues, les sociologues, les poètes, les artistes et les éducateurs. David Bohm avait peut-être pressenti qu'il existe une "physique de l'âme" et avec elle il voulait tracer un nouveau chemin pour une humanité à la dérive.

  2. Des atomes d'antihydrogene produits en quantites substantielles au CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Sevestre, G


    "Des quantites relativement substantielles d'atomes d'antihydrogene a basse temperature ont ete produites cet ete au Laboratoire europeen de physique des particules, le CERN a Geneve, ouvrant la voie a une etude approfondie de cette antimatiere qui pourrait remettre en cause les theories actuelles, a annonce mercredi sur le site Internet de la revue Nature une equipe internationale de chercheurs" (1 page).

  3. Bien Préparer la prochaine quinquennale

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    2012 : une belle année pour la physique des particules Nous avons toutes et tous pu participer à la belle aventure de la physique des hautes énergies en 2012, la découverte, grâce au LHC d’une particule similaire au fameux boson de Higgs, pierre manquante à l’édifice du Modèle standard. Dans d’autres domaines, l’année 2012 a également été riche en performances exceptionnelles. Le Directeur général, son équipe et tous les Cernois peuvent être fiers de ces réalisations scientifiques et techniques extraordinaires. Les États membres ont montré leur soutien à l’Organisation en approuvant le budget 2013 et le plan à moyen terme jusqu’en 2017 pendant les Comités officiels de décembre 2012, malgré...

  4. Physique ou leçons sur les principes généraux de la nature I

    CERN Document Server



    Extrait : ""Or il n'en est pas dans la nature de plus certain ni de plus évident que le mouvement sous toutes ses formes ; et voilà comment la Physique d'Aristote n'est au fond qu'une théorie du mouvement. C'est une étude sur le principe le plus général et le plus important de la nature ; car sans ce principe, ainsi qu'Aristote l'a dit bien des fois, la nature n'existe pas ; elle s'identifie en quelque sorte avec lui.""

  5. The influence of exercise identity and social physique anxiety on exercise dependence. (United States)

    Cook, Brian; Karr, Trisha M; Zunker, Christie; Mitchell, James E; Thompson, Ron; Sherman, Roberta; Erickson, Ann; Cao, Li; Crosby, Ross D


    Previous research has identified exercise identity and social physique anxiety as two independent factors that are associated with exercise dependence. The purpose of our study was to investigate the unique and interactive effect of these two known correlates of exercise dependence in a sample of 1,766 female runners. Regression analyses tested the main effects of exercise identity and social physique anxiety on exercise dependence. An interaction term was calculated to examine the potential moderating effect of social physique anxiety on the exercise identity and exercise dependence relationship. Results indicate a main effect for exercise identity and social physique anxiety on exercise dependence; and the interaction of these factors explained exercise dependence scores beyond the independent effects. Thus, social physique anxiety acted as a moderator in the exercise identity and exercise dependence relationship. Our results indicate that individuals who strongly identify themselves as an exerciser and also endorse a high degree of social physique anxiety may be at risk for developing exercise dependence. Our study supports previous research which has examined factors that may contribute to the development of exercise dependence and also suggests a previously unknown moderating relationship for social physique anxiety on exercise dependence.

  6. L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES FORMATION ET DEVELOPPEMENT HR/TD/AP L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le Canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité Suisse (CFC). 7 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : - avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire - être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République slovaque, République tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Suède, Suisse) - avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage - avoir un niveau scolaire correspondant à la 9ème générale ou moderne...

  7. La renaissance du temps pour en finir avec la crise de la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Smolin, Lee


    La question du Temps est au coeur de toutes les problématiques scientifiques, de la cosmologie à la mécanique quantique. L’un des plus grands physiciens d’aujourd’hui, Lee Smolin, expose sa conception du Temps et ses implications sur la perception de notre environnement. Le Temps est-il une illusion qui cache une vérité éternelle, ou une réalité physique de notre Univers ? Lee Smolin opte pour la réalité du Temps, s’opposant en cela à la majorité des penseurs, physiciens ou philosophes, inspirés pour les uns par la théorie de la Relativité d’Einstein et pour les autres par les idées platoniciennes.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Przednowek Karolina H.


    Full Text Available Introduction. Physique and body composition are often explored in sport-related research. This is due to the fact that morphological features can be useful for determining a person’s predispositions for practising a given type of physical activity. Dance, as any other sports discipline, has an impact on the physique and motor skills of those who practise it. Most research concerning the physique and body composition of dancers conducted so far has focused on persons practising ballet or competitive ballroom dancing. Investigating these issues in contemporary dancers is a new field of study. The aim of the current study was to examine the physique and body composition of girls aged 14-17 years practising contemporary dance. Material and methods. The study involved 23 girls who trained contemporary dance twice a week for 2 hours. The participants of the study had been training since the age of six. Basic anthropometric measurements were performed. Body composition was analysed based on parameters measured using a Tanita body composition analyser. Conclusions. The analysis found that girls training contemporary dance were characterised by a leptosomatic physique. BMI values in both younger and older contemporary dancers indicated that their weight was normal. Compared to girls who did not practise any particular type of sport, contemporary dancers had a lower weight, a lower body water percentage, and a lower body fat percentage. The dancers were also characterised by a greater circumference of the waist, hips, arm, and chest compared to untrained peers.

  9. Autogestion des troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété par l'activité physique et l'exercice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise Pelletier


    Full Text Available Introduction : L'activité physique et l'exercice constituent une stratégie d'autogestion importante pour les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale. Cette étude visait à caractériser à la fois les personnes atteintes d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété qui faisaient de l'exercice ou de l'activité physique pour aider à gérer leur trouble et celles qui n'en faisaient pas, ainsi qu'à identifier les facteurs facilitant l'activité physique et l'exercice et ceux constituant un obstacle. Méthodologie : L'Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada - Composante des troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété de 2014 a été utilisée pour cette étude. Les répondants (n = 2 678 ont été classés en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle ils faisaient de l'exercice : (1 aucun exercice, (2 exercice une à trois fois par semaine et (3 exercice quatre fois ou plus par semaine. Nous avons procédé à des analyses descriptives et de régression logistique multinomiale. Nous avons pondéré toutes les estimations afin que les données soient représentatives de la population canadienne adulte vivant en logement privé dans l'une des 10 provinces et ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété. Résultats : Sur l'ensemble des Canadiens affectés, 51,0 % ne faisaient aucun exercice pour aider à gérer leur trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété, 23,8 % en faisaient d'une à trois fois par semaine et 25,3 % en faisaient quatre fois ou plus par semaine. On a établi un lien entre, d'une part, un âge plus avancé, des niveaux de scolarité plus bas et une suffisance de revenu du ménage plus faible et, d'autre part, une fréquence plus importante de l'inactivité. Les individus vivant avec un trouble de l'humeur (avec ou sans anxiété et ceux avec des comorbidités physiques étaient moins susceptibles de faire régulièrement de l'exercice. Les recommandations d'un médecin ou d

  10. Les estimations du capital humain au Canada : approche fondee sur le revenu de la vie entiere


    Gu, Wulong; Wong, Ambrose


    Dans le present document, nous produisons une estimation de l'investissement en capital humain fonde sur le marche et du stock de ce capital au Canada au cours de la periode s'etendant de 1970 a 2007 selon l'approche fondee sur le revenu de la vie entiere. Nous comparons cette estimation a celle de l'investissement en capital physique et naturel et du stock de ce capital. En suivant la methode elaboree par Jorgenson et Fraumeni, nous estimons le stock de capital humain sous forme du revenu de...

  11. Study and optimization of the performances of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter for the physics at LHC; Etude et optimisation des performances du calorimetre electromagnetique de l'experience CMS pour la physique au LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Descamps, J


    The CMS experiment (Compact Muon Solenoid) is one of the two multi-purpose experiments of the proton-proton collider LHC (Large Hadron Collider). One of the main goals of CMS is the search for the Higgs boson. The collaboration has chosen an electromagnetic calorimeter made of about 75000 scintillating lead tungstate crystals PbWO{sub 4}, at the same time fast, radiation hard, and extremely precise, especially in the energy range for the Higgs boson search, in the channel where it decays in 2 photons. The five first chapters of this thesis present the LHC, the CMS detector and notably the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL). The sixth chapter presents a test beam analysis realized in 2004 at CERN with an electron beam of different energies (20-250 GeV) incident on a part (1/36) of the calorimeter barrel called super-module. A study of the energy measurement variation within 9 (3*3) and 25 (5*5) crystals matrices as function of the impact position of the initial electron was done to infer a correction method of the energy measured as function of different parameters. This method has improved very significantly the energy resolution of the calorimeter in the test beam configuration. The last chapter of this thesis presents an application of this correction method for the electrons and photons in the full simulation chain of CMS. The energy reconstruction of photons and electrons is more complicated compared to the test beam case, because of an important amount of matter in front of the calorimeter and of the strong magnetic field in the central part of the CMS detector. The photons have a non negligible probability to convert into an electron-positron pair before the calorimeter, while the electrons (and positrons), whose trajectory is bent in the transverse plan, lose energy in the matter and can emit a random number of Bremsstrahlung photons. A reconstruction algorithm of the electrons and photons energy has been developed to take into account this issue and to

  12. Definition of the chief physical quantities in use in vacuum techniques, and their corresponding units; Definition des principales grandeurs physiques en usage dans la technique du vide et des unites correspondantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boulassier, J. C. [Commissariat a l' energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - Service de Physique Appliquee, CEA (France)


    It would seem desirable for vacuum technicians to adopt the coherent systems of units generally used in physics. This article presents an internal standardisation project in the CEA, and gives a brief review of the definitions of the physical quantities to which it applies. Reprint of a paper published in 'Le vide', n. 79, January-February 1959, p. 29-35 [French] Il serait souhaitable de voir les techniciens du vide adopter les systemes d'unites coherents usites generalement en physique. Cet article presente un projet de normalisation interne au C.E. A. et rappelle succinctement les definitions des grandeurs physiques auxquelles il se rapporte. Reproduction d'un article publie dans 'Le vide', n. 79, Janvier-Fevrier 1959, p. 29-35.

  13. Étude qualitative sur les perceptions à propos de la capacité des organisations à promouvoir l’activité physique au Canada et à propos de l’influence de ParticipACTION cinq ans après sa relance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Subha Ramanathan


    campagnes de marketing social et de tirer parti des réalisations et de la réputation de ParticipACTION. Conclusion. Selon les participants, le pouvoir d’action des organisations en matière de promotion de l’activité physique au Canada a augmenté depuis 2007 de façon subtile mais significative, en raison d’un climat favorable à la promotion de l’activité physique, de la présence d’employés compétents et des technologies d’échange d’information. La contribution de ParticipACTION à l’amélioration de ce pouvoir a été jugée faible.

  14. Niveaux d'étude du cerveau, et sagesse physique (United States)

    Toulouse, Gérard


    The brain is a complex spatio-temporal affair. Several brain theories propose the definition of three superposed levels of study. But physics, though the experience of condensed matter physics, suggests that it is unwise to enforce onto brain theories a unified hierarchical scheme, the inspiration for which seems to come from the realm of sub-molecular physics. Le cerveau est une affaire spatio-temporelle complexe. Plusieurs théories du cerveau proposent de définir trois niveaux d'études superposés. Mais la physique, à travers l'expérience de la physique de la matière condensée, suggère qu'il n'est pas sage d'imposer sur les théories du cerveau un schéma hiérarchique unifié, dont l'inspiration semble provenir du domaine de la physique sub-moléculaire.

  15. The Physique of Elite Female Artistic Gymnasts: A Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bacciotti Sarita


    Full Text Available It has been suggested that successful young gymnasts are a highly select group in terms of the physique. This review summarizes the available literature on elite female gymnasts’ anthropometric characteristics, somatotype, body composition and biological maturation. The main aims were to identify: (i a common physique and (ii the differences, if any, among competitive/performance levels. A systematic search was conducted online using five different databases. Of 407 putative papers, 17 fulfilled all criteria and were included in the review. Most studies identified similar physiques based on: physical traits (small size and low body mass, a body type (predominance of ecto-mesomorphy, body composition (low fat mass, and maturity status (late skeletal maturity as well as late age-at-menarche. However, there was no consensus as to whether these features predicted competitive performance, or even differentiated between gymnasts within distinctive competitive levels. In conclusion, gymnasts, as a group, have unique pronounced characteristics. These characteristics are likely due to selection for naturally-occurring inherited traits. However, data available for world class competitions were mostly outdated and sample sizes were small. Thus, it was difficult to make any conclusions about whether physiques differed between particular competitive levels.

  16. The Physique of Elite Female Artistic Gymnasts: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Bacciotti, Sarita; Baxter-Jones, Adam; Gaya, Adroaldo; Maia, José


    It has been suggested that successful young gymnasts are a highly select group in terms of the physique. This review summarizes the available literature on elite female gymnasts' anthropometric characteristics, somatotype, body composition and biological maturation. The main aims were to identify: (i) a common physique and (ii) the differences, if any, among competitive/performance levels. A systematic search was conducted online using five different databases. Of 407 putative papers, 17 fulfilled all criteria and were included in the review. Most studies identified similar physiques based on: physical traits (small size and low body mass), a body type (predominance of ecto-mesomorphy), body composition (low fat mass), and maturity status (late skeletal maturity as well as late age-at-menarche). However, there was no consensus as to whether these features predicted competitive performance, or even differentiated between gymnasts within distinctive competitive levels. In conclusion, gymnasts, as a group, have unique pronounced characteristics. These characteristics are likely due to selection for naturally-occurring inherited traits. However, data available for world class competitions were mostly outdated and sample sizes were small. Thus, it was difficult to make any conclusions about whether physiques differed between particular competitive levels.

  17. Review of selected coil and collared-coil assembly data from 10-M-long, 50-MM-Twin-aperture LHC dipole magnet prototypes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devred, A.


    In 1991, the Laboratoire Europeen pour la Physique des Particules (CERN) has launched the fabrication in industry of seven 10 m long, 50 mm twin aperture dipole magnet prototypes for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The design and specific features of these magnets have been described elsewhere. In this paper, we review some of the coil and collared-coil assembly data and we analyze the influence of tooling imperfections on magnet assembly. (author)

  18. Geneva University - Les catégories pour la physique

    CERN Multimedia

    Université de Genève


    GENEVA UNIVERSITY Ecole de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 Genève 4 Tél.: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92   Lundi 27 février 2012 17h00 - Auditoire Stueckelberg « Les catégories pour la physique » Marc Lachièze-Rey AstroParticule et Cosmologie Université Paris 7 Diderot, Paris La théorie des catégories est un vaste domaine des mathématiques, que l'on peut comparer à la théorie des ensembles avec une dimension de plus. De nombreuses théories et théorèmes sont (re-)formulés dans ce cadre et certains mathématiciens songent à l'utiliser ce pour refonder la totalité des mathématiques. Catégories et foncteurs (morphismes entr...

  19. Physique appliquée à l’exposition externe dosimétrie et radioprotection

    CERN Document Server

    Antoni, Rodolphe


    Cet ouvrage fait la synthèse de nombreuses années d'expériences en dosimétrie et techniques de protection contre l’exposition externe, aussi bien dans le domaine industriel que médical. Il rappelle les concepts physiques de base puis propose un certain nombre d'outils d’évaluation des nuisances radiologiques, et les moyens de s'en prémunir, en détaillant notamment les techniques de calcul pour des blindages appropriés. Le premier chapitre traite de la définition des grandeurs radiométriques et dosimétriques fondamentales. Il permet d’aborder au chapitre 2 la question de l'interaction rayonnement-matière sous un angle dédié au dépôt de la dose dans les tissus biologiques. Le troisième chapitre définit quant à lui les grandeurs de protection et les grandeurs opérationnelles liées à la radioprotection. Dans les deux chapitres suivants, l’accent a été mis sur la définition des risques et contre-mesures associées (i.e. protections biologiques) inhérents aux sources de rayonnemen...

  20. Live broadcast from the Globe

    CERN Multimedia

    La tête au carréTuesday, 17 June 2008 between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m.“La tête au carré”, a France Inter radio programme devoted to science, will set up its sound booth at CERN for a special broadcast on the LHC.The journalist Mathieu Vidard will interview the following guests: - Pierre Van Hove, an experimental physicist working on CMS. He is a CNRS research scientist from the Institut Hubert Curien in Strasbourg, France.- Abdelhak Djouadi is a theoretical physicist. He is a research director at the CNRS’s Laboratoire de physique théorique at Orsay, France and holder of the CNRS silver medal.- Magali Gruwe, one of the engineers in charge of LHC operations at CERN.» To take part in this live broadcast, which is open to the public, come to the Globe at 1:30 p.m. The number of places is limited.» No specialist knowledge required.» See the programme's homepage

  1. Social Physique Anxiety, Obligation to Exercise, and Exercise Choices among College Students (United States)

    Chu, Hui-Wen; Bushman, Barbara A.; Woodard, Rebecca J.


    Objective: The authors examined relationships among social physique anxiety, obligation to exercise, and exercise choices. Participants and Methods: College students (N = 337; 200 women, 137 men) volunteered to complete 3 questionnaires: the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS), Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire (OEQ), and Physical Activity…

  2. Body self-discrepancies and women's social physique anxiety: the moderating role of the feared body. (United States)

    Woodman, Tim; Steer, Rebecca


    We explored ideal, ought, and feared body image self-discrepancies as predictors of social physique anxiety within Carver, Lawrence, and Scheier's and Woodman and Hemmings' interaction frameworks. One hundred women completed actual, ideal, ought, and feared body self-discrepancy visual analogue scales, the Social Physique Anxiety Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses indicated that the relationship between ought body fat discrepancies and social physique anxiety was moderated by proximity to the feared fat self. Specifically, the positive relationship between ought fat discrepancies and social physique anxiety was stronger when women were far from their feared body self. The results highlight the importance of considering the feared self in order to more fully understand the relationship between body image and social physique anxiety. ©2010 The British Psychological Society.

  3. Development of a software for a multi-processor system aimed at the on-line control of nuclear physics experiments; Developpement de logiciel pour un systeme multiprocesseur destine au controle en ligne d'experiences de physique nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poggioli, Jean Renaud


    This research thesis reports the development of a software for an acquisition computer aimed at the on-line control of nuclear physics experiments. An original architecture, based on the assignment of a processor to each fundamental task, enables the implementation of a high performance system. In order to make the user free of programming constraints, the author developed a software for dynamic generation of acquisition and processing codes. These codes are created from a data base which is programmed by the user by using a language close to the physical reality. Procedures of interactive control of the experiment are thus simplified by displaying function menus on the operator terminal. The author evokes possible hardware improvements and possible extensions of the system [French] Cette these rend compte du developpement logiciel realise pour un calculateur d'acquisition destine au controle en ligne d'experiences de Physique Nucleaire. Une architecture originale, basee sur l'attribution d'un processeur a chacune des taches fondamentales permet de facon simple la mise en oeuvre d'un systeme a hautes performances. Le souci de liberer l'utilisateur des contraintes de programmation a conduit a l'elaboration d'un logiciel de generation dynamique des codes acquisition et traitement; ces derniers sont crees a partir d'une base de donnees que l'experimentateur programme a l'aide d'un langage approchant la realite physique. Les procedures de controle interactif de l'experience se trouvent simplifiees par l'affichage de menus de fonctions sur la console operateur. En conclusion sont evoquees les ameliorations materielles et les extensions possibles du systeme. (auteur)

  4. Espaces et espaces-temps en physique. : Colloque "Géométrie au XXe siècle, 1930-2000"


    Lachieze-Rey , Marc; Flament , Dominique; de Pablo , Elisabeth; LEGRAND , Valérie


    Corpus "AHM"; On peut voir la relativité générale comme un aboutissement de la dynamique de géométrisation du monde portée par la physique. Après un bref rappel historique, partant d'Aristote et passant par Newton, Marc Lachièze-Rey se demande comment définir l'espace dans l'espace-temps de la relativité générale. Comment passer d'une définition locale, comme hypersurface orthogonale à la ligne de temps de l'observateur, à un système de référence global, valable pour une communauté d'observat...

  5. 23 octobre 2012 - Le Président du Conseil général de la Haute-Savoie C. Monteil signe le livre d'or en présence du Directeur général R. Heuer, la chef des Relations Internationales F. Pauss, le chef du département Physique P. Bloch et le chef du département Technologie F. Bordry; visite du hall de test des aimants supraconducteurs du LHC avec F. Bordry.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    23 octobre 2012 - Le Président du Conseil général de la Haute-Savoie C. Monteil signe le livre d'or en présence du Directeur général R. Heuer, la chef des Relations Internationales F. Pauss, le chef du département Physique P. Bloch et le chef du département Technologie F. Bordry; visite du hall de test des aimants supraconducteurs du LHC avec F. Bordry.

  6. Social physique anxiety, obligation to exercise, and exercise choices among college students. (United States)

    Chu, Hui-Wen; Bushman, Barbara A; Woodard, Rebecca J


    The authors examined relationships among social physique anxiety, obligation to exercise, and exercise choices. College students (N = 337; 200 women, 137 men) volunteered to complete 3 questionnaires: the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS), Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire (OEQ), and Physical Activity Specification Survey (PASS). On the SPAS, men (M score = 31.9 +/- 8.8) differed from women (M score = 37.3 +/- 8.3; p = .001). Men (M score = 43.0 +/- 9.9) and women (M score = 43.0 +/- 9.6) responded similarly (p = .94) on the OEQ. There was no interaction between sex and exercise level on the SPAS or OEQ. When separated by low, medium, and high SPAS scores, neither OEQ nor exercise scores differed. Obligation to exercise appears to be similar for both sexes. Women, however, appear to have higher levels of anxiety regarding how others evaluate their physique than do men. The combination of level of activity and sex do not appear to be associated with social physique anxiety or obligation to exercise.

  7. Calculs de doses générées par les rayonnements ionisants principes physiques et codes de calcul

    CERN Document Server

    Vivier, Alain


    Cet ouvrage et les codes associés s’adressent aux utilisateurs de sources de rayonnements ionisants : techniciens, ingénieurs de sécurité, personnes compétentes en radioprotection, mais aussi médecins, chercheurs, concepteurs, décideurs… Les contraintes croissantes liées à la radioprotection rendent indispensables l’utilisation de codes de calcul permettant d’évaluer les débits de doses générées par ces sources et la façon dont on peut s’en protéger au mieux. De nombreux codes existent, dont certains restent des références incontournables, mais ils sont relativement complexes à mettre en oeuvre et restent en général réservés aux bureaux d’études. En outre, ces codes sont souvent des « boîtes noires » qui ne permettent pas de comprendre la physique sous-jacente. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est double : - Exposer les principes physiques permettant de comprendre les phénomènes à l’oeuvre lorsque la matière est irradiée par des rayonnements ionisants. Il devient al...

  8. Etude du système de déclenchement électronique pour le projet HL-LHC et recherche de nouvelle physique dans le spectre de masse invariante top anti-top au sein de l'expérience CMS du LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Beaupère, Nicolas; Perriès, S

    This manuscript describes my thesis work within the CMS experiment of the LHC collider. It presents both subjects on which I worked: a detector subject and a data analysis subject. The first subject, detector, is situated within the framework of the HL-LHC project which plans an increase by a factor five the instantaneous luminosity. Such an increase and the preservation of the high level trigger (HLT) system, generate new constraints on the CMS detector. This is particularly true for the electronic trigger (L1) system. The CMS collaboration intends to implant this within tracker detector. the associative memorie method is proposed. However, associative memorie method require a clever preselection of electric signals to be usable. The cluster width method is proposed to preselecte electric signals. The optimization of this method, in particular geometrical parameters of modules and thresholds applied for the electric signals preselection, is the result of my own work. It is detailed throughout the part III of...

  9. Du sport aux activités physiques de loisir : des formes culturelles et sociales bigarrées

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Éric Dugas


    Full Text Available L'espace ludique des formes sociales des pratiques physiques accepte maintes variations. Du jeu informel et libre aux activités physiques institutionnelles (les sports, plusieurs catégories de situations motrices, distinctes des unes des autres, jalonnent l'espace des jeux sportifs. Après avoir défini et délimité, dans un premier temps, les contours et la richesse de l'univers des pratiques physiques ludiques, nous essayons, dans un second temps de mettre au jour le type de pratiques qui coïncident le mieux aux aspirations des pratiquants du xxie siècle. On s'aperçoit actuellement que malgré l'hégémonie du sport au sein de l'espace médiatique et économique, il se dessine néanmoins une tendance forte : la prédominance d’activités physiques ludiques de plus en plus autocontrôlées qui laissent l'initiative aux pratiquants et dans lesquelles les institutions sportives ne sont plus totalement ou pas du tout maître du jeu.From sport to leisure physical activities: mixed cultural and social formsThe game space of physical activities' social forms accepts many variations. From informal and free games to institutional physical activities (sports, several motor situation categories, distinct from each other, punctuate the space of physical games. After having specified and delimited the contours and richness of the world of playful physical activities, we will try to bring to light the kind of practices which coincide best with the 21st century's players or sports (women. Currently, we can see that in spite of sport's hegemony within the media and the economic spheres, a strong tendency is becoming apparent: the predominance of more and more self-controlled playful physical activities, which leave the initiative to players and in which governing bodies are not totally or not at all in command any more.Del deporte a las actividades de ocio: una mezcolanza en las formas culturales y socialesEl espacio lúdico de las formas sociales de

  10. Intégration d'un bouchon du trajectographe au silicium de l'expérience CMS au LHC et étude du potentiel de découverte de résonances se désintégrant en paires de quarks top

    CERN Document Server

    Chabert, Eric


    La première partie de cette thèse porte sur l'intégration d'un bouchon du trajectographe au silicium de l'expérience CMS. Les procédures mises en œuvre et les tests qui ont permis d'aboutir à la qualification du système de détection sont présentés dans ce document. La deuxième partie est dédiée à la recherche de nouvelle physique dans le secteur du quark top. Une des voies les plus prometteuses consiste à rechercher une résonance dans la distribution en masse invariante des paires de quarks top. Une analyse réalisée en simulation complète dans le canal lepton+jets montre qu'à l'échelle du TeV, des processus de quelques centaines de fb à 1 pb pourraient être observés lors des premières années de prises de données.

  11. M. G.-F. Leclerc, Préfet de la Haute-Savoie lors de sa visite dans le tunnel du LHC au Point 2 avec D. Delikaris, Département Technologie; dans la caverne de l'expérience ALICE avec B. Erazmus, Collaboration ALICE et lors de la signature du livre d'or avec F. Bordry, Chef du Département Technologie. P. Fassnacht, Conseiller au Bureau des Relations internationales présent.

    CERN Multimedia

    Jean-Claude Gadmer


    M. G.-F. Leclerc, Préfet de la Haute-Savoie lors de sa visite dans le tunnel du LHC au Point 2 avec D. Delikaris, Département Technologie; dans la caverne de l'expérience ALICE avec B. Erazmus, Collaboration ALICE et lors de la signature du livre d'or avec F. Bordry, Chef du Département Technologie. P. Fassnacht, Conseiller au Bureau des Relations internationales présent.

  12. Identification de l'Électron à D0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pluquet, Alain [Pierre and Marie Curie Univ., Paris (France)


    Cette théetudie les techniques d'identication de l'electron dans l'experience D0 au laboratoire Fermi pres de Chicago Le premier chapitre rappelle quelques unes des motivations physiques de l'experience physique des jets physique electrofaible physique du quark top Le detecteur D0 est decrit en details dans le second chapitre Le troisieme cha pitre etudie les algorithmes didentication de lelectron trigger reconstruction ltres et leurs performances Le quatrieme chapitre est consacre au detecteur a radiation de transition TRD construit par le Departement dAstrophysique Physique des Particules Physique Nucleaire et dInstrumentation Associee de Saclay il presente son principe sa calibration et ses performances Enn le dernier chapitre decrit la methode mise au point pour lanalyse des donnees avec le TRD et illustre son emploi sur quelques exemples jets simulant des electrons recherche du quark top

  13. Le LHC peut-il produire des trous noirs?

    CERN Document Server

    Chardin, Gabriel


    Dan Simmons, dans son ouvrage Ilium, imagine que les physiciens de l'Institut de Paris, à la suite d'une malencontreuse expérience, ont laissé s'échapper un trou noir microscopique qui, avant de se précipiter vers le centre de la Terre, a détruit une part non négligeable de Paris, appelé désormais « Paris Crater ». Les physiciens de tous pays rassemblés au CERN autour du LHC, le plus puissant accélérateur de particules au monde, sont-ils des apprentis sorciers et pourraient-ils déclencher la destruction de la Terre, voire de l’Univers entier ?

  14. Psychophysiological Tracking of a Female Physique Competitor through Competition Preparation. (United States)

    Rohrig, Brandon J; Pettitt, Robert W; Pettitt, Cherie D; Kanzenbach, Todd L


    Natural physique competitions are based on subjective judgments of how a competitor appears on show day. Prior to competition, there is a prolonged dieting phase referred to as contest preparation. The primary goal is to reduce body fat levels while maintaining skeletal muscle mass. The study tracked the physiological and psychological changes for a 24 year old female preparing for a physique competition. The study was conducted to describe the physiological and psychological changes of a female physique competitor who engages in long-term contest preparation. Diet, body composition, blood work, energy expenditure, mood, and performance were evaluated through contest preparation. The participant lost 10.1kg throughout contest preparation in a strong weekly linear pattern (R 2 =0.97). Body fat was reduced from 30.45% to 15.85% while fat free mass was maintained. Mood for the participant remained stable until month five, when an observed variation occurred, with performance maintaining. Contest preparation was successful in reducing the body fat in the participant while having a minimum effect on both performance and fat free mass. For athletes looking to lose large amounts of body fat with minimal performance decrements a prolonged diet period with moderate exercise and food restriction can be an effective solution.

  15. Calibration of Cryogenic Thermometers for the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Balle, Ch; Vauthier, N; Thermeau, JP


    6000 cryogenic temperature sensors of resistive type covering the range from room temperature down to 1.6 K are installed on the LHC machine. In order to meet the stringent requirements on temperature control of the superconducting magnets, each single sensor needs to be calibrated individually. In the framework of a special contribution, IPN (Institut de Physique Nucléaire) in Orsay, France built and operated a calibration facility with a throughput of 80 thermometers per week. After reception from the manufacturer, the thermometer is first assembled onto a support specific to the measurement environment, and then thermally cycled ten times and calibrated at least once from 1.6 to 300 K. The procedure for each of these interventions includes various measurements and the acquired data is recorded in an ORACLE®-database. Furthermore random calibrations on some samples are executed at CERN to crosscheck the coherence between the approximation data obtained by both IPN and CERN. In the range of 1.5 K to 30 K...

  16. Social Physique Anxiety and Intention to Be Physically Active: A Self-Determination Theory Approach. (United States)

    Sicilia, Álvaro; Sáenz-Alvarez, Piedad; González-Cutre, David; Ferriz, Roberto


    Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between social physique anxiety and intention to be physically active, while taking into account the mediating effects of the basic psychological needs and behavioral regulations in exercise. Having obtained parents' prior consent, 390 students in secondary school (218 boys, 172 girls; M age  = 15.10 years, SD = 1.94 years) completed a self-administered questionnaire during physical education class that assessed the target variables. Preliminary analyses included means, standard deviations, and bivariate correlations among the target variables. Next, a path analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood estimation method with the bootstrapping procedure in the statistical package AMOS 19. Analysis revealed that social physique anxiety negatively predicted intention to be physically active through mediation of the basic psychological needs and the 3 autonomous forms of motivation (i.e., intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, and identified regulation). The results suggest that social physique anxiety is an internal source of controlling influence that hinders basic psychological need satisfaction and autonomous motivation in exercise, and interventions aimed at reducing social physique anxiety could promote future exercise.

  17. Etudes physiques des mélanges eau-cryoprotecteurs (United States)

    Vassoille, R.; Perez, J.

    The aim of the following review is to present the most important studies concerning the physical properties of water-solutes mixtures used in cryobiology. Cryobiology is a branch of biology which deals with the very low temperature behaviour of cells. This technique is developed today in several directions. The creation of banks of cells and perhaps in a short time of small organs, is the purpose of much research in this domain. Before freezing, living cells are generally put in a solution containing one or more solutes. The role of these solutes is to protect the cells against damage due to crystallization of water (cryoprotectors). The mechanisms of cryoprotection are not well known ; nevertheless the vitreous state formation during cooling is often invoked. So, it is possible to avoid crystallization damage such as mechanical strain (due to an increase of volume of about 10 %) and salt effects (due to osmotic pressure). The conditions in which the vitreous state is obtained, maintained during cooling, storage at low temperature and rewarming can be defined by physical studies presented in the following review. Le présent travail est essentiellement une revue bibliographique des principales études physiques qui ont été réalisées avec des solutions de composés habituellement employés en cryobiologie. La cryobiologie est une branche de la biologie qui s'intéresse au comportement des cellules à basse température. Cette discipline est actuellement en plein développement dans des domaines très divers. Son principal but est la création de banques de cellules de plus en plus complexes avec comme perspective la conservation des organes. Les cellules vivantes sont généralement placées avant congélation dans une solution contenant divers composés dont le rôle est de protéger les cellules contre les effets de la cristallisation de l'eau. L'action protectrice de ces cryoprotecteurs est encore mal connue; cependant, la formation d'un état vitreux lors du

  18. D-meson production in d+Au process using a perturbative approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gay Ducati, M.B.; Goncalves, V.P.; Mackedanz, L.F.


    The D-meson production at forward rapidities in d+Au processes is calculated using a pQCD based model, assuming that this treatment could be used as a baseline for distinct dynamical and medium effects. It is analysed how the nuclear effects in the nuclear partonic distributions may affect this process at RHIC and LHC energies. An enhancement in the moderate q T region for RHIC, due to antishadowing in the nuclear medium, is found. Our prediction for LHC suggests that shadowing will suppress the D-meson spectra for q T <14 GeV

  19. Global Variables in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC using the ATLAS Detector

    CERN Document Server

    Steinberg, P


    While high $p_T$ phenomena are of primary interest at the LHC, due to the expected increased rates of hard processes, the subsequent modification of jets and heavy quark transport will depend on the energy and gluon density of the medium, as well as its dynamical behavior reflected in the global properties of the "underlying event". "Global" observables, which include the total and differential charged-particle yields ($dN/d\\eta$), transverse energy ($dE_T/d\\eta$) and charged particle spectra, are typically thought to be dominated by the non-perturbative soft processes observed in nucleon-nucleon interactions, with some contribution from hard processes. The interplay between the two reflects the nuclear collision geometry and beam energies, and leads to various proposed scaling laws that describe various aspects of the data. These have been studied at RHIC since the earliest Au+Au runs. With the upcoming thirty-fold increase in energy and similarly large nuclei, Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC offer a powerful le...

  20. L'ultime atome de Démocrite au boson de Higgs et au-delà

    CERN Document Server

    Klein, Etienne


    L'enjeu de ce dialogue entre un spécialiste de la pensée antique, Heinz Wismann, et un théoricien de la physique moderne, Etienne Klein, est de retracer la longue histoire de l'idée de l'atome qui n'a cessé de hanter l'imagination des chercheurs. Il ressort de cette reconstruction des étapes successives de l'atomisme que, même si les moyens de vérification changent d'une époque à l'autre, c'est le génie créatif des savants qui, d'hypothèses en hypothèses, fait progresser les découvertes. De Démocrite, qui au Ve siècle avant notre ère pense au vide dynamique, à la théorie moderne de l'atome, ce sont des hypothèses spéculatives qui ont fait bouger les lignes ; pour progresser, la science a besoin de "penser". Avec ces deux complices, il sera démontré de façon vivante et passionnante que la jonction se fait entre la science la plus avancée et la culture, que tout commence toujours par la pensée, la spéculation, c'est-à-dire quelque chose qui n'est pas encore schématisé.

  1. Assessment of the full content of physique stereotypes with a free-response format. (United States)

    Butler, J C; Ryckman, R M; Thornton, B; Bouchard, R L


    A major limitation of physique stereotyping research is that American subjects have used a restricted set of traits provided by the experimenter to evaluate endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs. A free-response procedure was used in Study 1 to identify the full domain of traits associated with each physique. Although many of the traits identified were similar to those used in previous research, a number of new trait dimensions were uncovered. In Study 2, the large number of traits generated with the free-response format was reduced by combining synonyms. This new set of traits was placed in semantic differential format and given to a new sample of subjects to evaluate. The results paralleled those of the first study with the exception that ectomorphs were seen more favorably. This discrepancy, as well as the fact that raters listed trait antonyms within each of the three major physiques in Study 1, suggests the possibility of unique subtypes within the global stereotypes. Examples of these subtypes are proposed.

  2. The Effect of Muscle Dysmorphia and Social Physique Anxiety on the Use of Supplements and Drugs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yadollah Khorramabady


    Full Text Available Background The use of dietary supplements and drugs to improve performance and physical appearance has recently increased among professional and recreational ‎athletes. Literature shows that bodybuilders, more than other athletes use supplements and drugs. Objectives This study aims to predict the use of supplements and drugs by muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety variables among Hamedan bodybuilders. Methods This cross-sectional investigation was conducted with 438 bodybuilders in Hamedan province. For collecting data, we used a demographic questionnaire, muscle dysmorphia scale, and social ‎physique anxiety scale. Results The results showed that 79.2% of the subjects used supplements, and vitamins (22.1% and protein powders (21.9% had the highest rates of use among supplements. Moreover, 145 subjects (33.1% used drugs, and steroid derivatives (16.2% and peptide hormones and growth factors (12.6% had the highest rates of use among drugs. The results of t-test showed that muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety were significantly higher in the subjects who used supplements and drugs than those who did not. Additionally, the results of logistic regression indicated that muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety can predict the likelihood of drug abuse. Conclusions The present study provides novel findings of the effect of social physique anxiety and muscle ‎dysmorphia on nutritional supplement and drugs use among bodybuilders. ‎

  3. Au Cern, premières collisions de protons hier

    CERN Multimedia

    Galeazzi, Juliette


    "Hier, les scientifiques du monde entier ont salué le redémarrage du LHC, grand collisionneur de hadrons, au Cern à Genève. Après quatorze mois d'arrêt, à la suite d'une panne, les expériences ont pris et les premières collisions ont eu lieu" (2 pages)

  4. Rapport final de la Collaboration CERN-CNRS pour la construction du LHC Accord Technique d'Exécution No 2 Cryostats et assemblage des sections droites courtes (SSS) du LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Bergot, JB; Poncet, A; Rohmig, P; Roy, E; Vincent, D


    Depuis 1995 et suite à la signature du protocole de Collaboration, le CERN, le CEA et le CNRS ont étroitement collaboré dans le cadre de la contribution exceptionnelle de la France à la construction du LHC. Pour le CNRS, l'Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay a pris en charge deux Accords Techniques d'Exécution. Le premier concerne la conception et l'assemblage des Sections Droites Courtes de la machine, et le deuxième, l'étalonnage des thermomètres cryogéniques du LHC. Dans le cadre de l'Accord Technique d'Exécution N°2, le Bureau d'Etudes de la Division Accélérateur de l'IPNO et le groupe AT-CRI du CERN ont travaillé de concert pour mener à bien la conception des SSS (Short Straight Section) et de tous les équipements nécessaires à l'assemblage. Ce rapport a donc pour objectif de dresser, en termes d'historique, d'organisation, de résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs et de moyens mis en ?uvre, un tableau aussi complet que possible du déroulement de cette Collaboration entre le CERN e...

  5. L'éducation physique et sportive scolaire en Algérie


    Yahiaoui, Boubeker


    Le problème qui se pose à nous dans cet essai d'analyse est que l'Education Physique et Sportive (par abréviation EPS) reste toujours marginalisée à l'école algérienne. Alors que les activités physiques sont considérées dans le monde comme un moyen fondamental d'amélioration de la santé et de l'éducation, plus particulièrement des jeunes, en Algérie, l'EPS et le sport scolaire ont régressé : 2x45mn hebdomadaires d'enseignement très peu assurées à l'école primaire, 2h par semaine dans les ense...

  6. Throne of Glass, Celaena Sardothien et la violence au féminin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fanie Demeule


    Full Text Available En analysant le cas de l’héroïne de la série de fantasy jeunesse Throne of Glass de Sarah J. Maas, cet article désire réfléchir sur la normativité des représentations de la violence physique chez un personnage littéraire de sexe féminin. Pour ce faire, nous examinerons dans un premier temps les stratégies de négociation de la violence du personnage de Celaena Sardothien à travers le dispositif textuel, puis nous observerons la polémique entourant sa réception au sein du lectorat.

  7. Journée LabVIEW au CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department

    Le service de l’Enseignement technique a le plaisir de vous informer qu’une journée LabVIEW aura lieu au CERN le 19 novembre 2009. La conférence sera donnée à 70% en français et à 30% en italien; à l’issue de la première demi-journée une visite sera organisée au système de control des collimateurs du LHC. «Au cours des dernières années, les journées LabVIEW se sont imposées comme un événement à ne pas manquer, offrant aux utilisateurs mais aussi aux nouveaux venus dans le domaine, la possibilité d’approfondir leurs connaissances en programmation, d’apprendre à exploiter efficacement de nouvelles fonctions et de tout savoir sur la nouvelle version de l’outil de développement graphique.» Date: 19 novemb...

  8. An Examination of Women's Self-Presentation, Social Physique Anxiety, and Setting Preferences during Injury Rehabilitation (United States)

    Hall, Craig R.


    Objectives. This study investigated whether women experience self-presentational concerns related to rehabilitation settings and explored preferences for characteristics of the social and physical treatment environment in relation to women's Social Physique Anxiety (SPA). Methods. Two cross-sectional studies were conducted. In Study 1, female undergraduate students (n = 134) completed four questionnaires (Social Physique Anxiety Scale; three bespoke questionnaires assessing self-presentation in rehabilitation and social and physical environment preferences) with respect to hypothetical rehabilitation scenarios. Study 2 recruited injured women who were referred for physiotherapy (n = 62) to complete the same questionnaires regarding genuine rehabilitation scenarios. Results. Women with high SPA showed less preference for physique salient clothing than women with low SPA in both hypothetical (p = 0.001) and genuine settings (p = 0.01). In Study 2, women with high SPA also preferred that others in the clinic were female (p = 0.01) and reported significantly greater preference for private treatment spaces (p = 0.05). Conclusions. Self-presentational concerns exist in rehabilitation as in exercise settings. Results indicated inverse relationships between women's SPA and preference for the presence of men, physique-enhancing clothing, and open-concept treatment settings. Future studies to determine the effect of self-presentational concerns on treatment adherence are needed. PMID:28386484

  9. Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Military Health (Symptomes physiques medicalement inexpliques dans la sante militaire) (United States)


    REPORT TR-HFM-175 Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Military Health (Symptômes physiques médicalement inexpliqués dans la santé militaire...STO TECHNICAL REPORT TR-HFM-175 Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Military Health (Symptômes physiques médicalement inexpliqués dans...The General Internist 10-7 10.5.1 The Health Psychologist 10-8 10.5.2 Medical Specialists 10-8 10.5.3 The Physiatrist 10-9 10.5.4 The Physical

  10. Geneva University: seminar of particle physics

    CERN Multimedia

    Geneva University


    Université de Genève École de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 Genève 4 Tél.: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Mercredi 20 juin 2012 SÉMINAIRE DE PHYSIQUE CORPUSCULAIRE 11h15 - Auditoire Stückelberg, École de physique Searches for SUSY at the LHC : status and prospects Dr Monica D’Onofrio - University of Liverpool Supersymmetry is a theory that provides an extension of the Standard Model and naturally solves the hierarchy problem by introducing supersymmetric partners of the known bosons and fermions. The ATLAS and CMS collaborations are searching for SUSY particles in several final states, exploiting at best the excellent quality of the data delivered by the LHC and recorded by the experiments. I shall review the most recent results, with prospects for near and far future. INFORMATION :

  11. Observation of Au + AuAu + Au + ρ0 and Au + AuAu* + Au* + ρ0 with STAR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spencer, K.


    First observation of the reactions Au + AuAu + Au + ρ 0 and Au + AuAu* + Au* + ρ 0 with the STAR detector are reported. The ρ are produced at small perpendicular momentum, as expected if they couple coherently to both nuclei. Models of vector meson production and the correlation with nuclear breakup are discussed, as well as a fundamental test of quantum mechanics that is possible with the system. (author)

  12. Bose-Einstein correlations in pp and PbPb collisions with ALICE at the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    We report on the results of identical pion femtoscopy at the LHC. The Bose-Einstein correlation analysis was performed on the large-statistics ALICE p+p at sqrt{s}= 0.9 TeV and 7 TeV datasets collected during 2010 LHC running and the first Pb+Pb dataset at sqrt{s_NN}= 2.76 TeV. Detailed pion femtoscopy studies in heavy-ion collisions have shown that emission region sizes ("HBT radii") decrease with increasing pair momentum, which is understood as a manifestation of the collective behavior of matter. 3D radii were also found to universally scale with event multiplicity. In p+p collisions at 7 TeV one measures multiplicities which are comparable with those registered in peripheral AuAu and CuCu collisions at RHIC, so direct comparisons and tests of scaling laws are now possible. We show the results of double-differential 3D pion HBT analysis, as a function of multiplicity and pair momentum. The results for two collision energies are compared to results obtained in the heavy-ion collisions at similar multipl...

  13. Exercise dependence, social physique anxiety, and social support in experienced and inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters (United States)

    Hurst, R.; Hale, B.; Smith, D.; Collins, D.


    Objectives—To investigate psychological correlates of exercise dependence in experienced and inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters. Secondary objectives included measuring social physique anxiety, bodybuilding identity, and social support among bodybuilders and weightlifters. Methods—Thirty five experienced bodybuilders, 31 inexperienced bodybuilders, and 23 weightlifters completed the bodybuilding dependence scale, a bodybuilding version of the athletic identity measurement scale, the social physique anxiety scale, and an adapted version of the social support survey-clinical form. Results—A between subjects multivariate analysis of variance was calculated on the scores of the three groups of lifters for the four questionnaires. Univariate F tests and follow up tests indicated that experienced bodybuilders scored significantly higher than inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters on bodybuilding dependence (pbodybuilding identity (pbodybuilders exhibit more exercise dependence, show greater social support behaviour, and experience less social physique anxiety than inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters. Key Words: bodybuilding; exercise dependence; social physical anxiety; social support; athletic identity PMID:11131230

  14. The Relationship of Gender and Self-Efficacy on Social Physique Anxiety among College Students. (United States)

    Rothberger, Sara M; Harris, Brandonn S; Czech, Daniel R; Melton, Bridget

    The anxiety or fear associated with physique evaluation is defined as Social Physique Anxiety (SPA). Numerous studies have examined this construct, yet a gap exists exploring this phenomenon among current college students with SPA, self-efficacy, and gender concurrently. Therefore, the purposes of this study included quantitatively analyzing the association between SPA, gender, and self-efficacy. Participants included 237 students at a Southeastern university participating in jogging, body conditioning, or weight training courses. Analysis of Variance yielded a significant main effect for self-efficacy as well, as those with lower self-efficacy displayed higher levels of SPA ( p college student population.

  15. Proposal for the Award of Two Contracts for the Supply of High Temperature SuperconductingTape for the LHC

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of two contracts for the supply of high temperature superconducting (HTS) BSCCO 2223 Ag-Au tape, of two different types, for the LHC. Following a call for tenders (IT-3143/AT/LHC) sent on 5 March 2003 to four firms in two Member States and one firm in the US, CERN received one tender from a firm in a Member State and one tender from the firm in the United States. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of contracts with: - VACUUMSCHMELZE (DE), for the supply of 17 km of HTS BSCCO 2223 Ag-Au tape with Ic > 66 A at 77 K for a total amount of 807 833 euros (1 201 900 Swiss francs), not subject to revision, with an option for the supply of up to additional 17 km of HTS BSCCO 2223 Ag-Au tape, for a total amount of up to 807 833 euros (1 201 900 Swiss francs), not subject to revision, bringing the total amount to a maximum of 1 615 666 euros (2 403 800 Swiss francs), not subject to revision. The rate of exchange used is that stipulated in the tender.

  16. Nuclear suppression of the φ meson yields with large p{sub T} at the RHIC and the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dai, Wei; Zhang, Ben-Wei; Zhang, Han-Zhong; Wang, Enke [Central China Normal University, Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE) and Institute of Particle Physics, Wuhan (China); Chen, Xiao-Fang [Jiangsu Normal University, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xuzhou (China)


    We calculate φ meson transverse momentum spectra in p+p collisions as well as their nuclear suppressions in central A + A collisions both at the RHIC and the LHC in LO and NLO with the QCD-improved parton model. We have included the parton energy loss effect in a hot/dense QCD medium with the effectively medium-modified φ fragmentation functions in the higher-twist approach of jet quenching. The nuclear modification factors of the φ meson in central Au + Au collisions at the RHIC and central Pb + Pb collisions at the LHC are provided, and nice agreement of our numerical results at NLO with the ALICE measurement is observed. Predictions of the yield ratios of neutral mesons such as φ/π{sup 0}, φ/η and φ/ρ{sup 0} at large p{sub T} in relativistic heavy-ion collisions are also presented for the first time. (orig.)

  17. 30 July 2012 - Prime Minister of France, Mr. Jean-Marc Ayrault, visits CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximillien Brice


    Ligne d'accueil: Directeur général, R. Heuer présente: Directeur S. Myers, Chef des Relations internationales F. Pauss et Chefs de Département P. Bloch et A.-S. Catherin ; Représentants du CEA et du CNRS des 4 experiences LHC : J.-L. Faure, L. Fayard, C. Guyot, M.-H. Schune, Y. Schutz, Y. Sirois, Protocole CERN S. Molinari. Les autorités locales saluent le Premier ministre: M. Christophe Bouvier, maire de Cessy, M. Rachel Mazuir, sénateur de l'Ain, président du CG01, M. Etienne Blanc, député de l'Ain, maire de Divonne les Bains, et Mme Yvette Brachet, conseillère régionale représentant M. Jean-Jack Queyranne, président du CR Rhône Alpes. CERN-GE-1207163 32: dans le tunnel du LHC au Point 5: R. Garoby, Chef adjoint du département Faisceaux P. Lebrunm, Attaché à la Direction P. Bloch, Chef du département Physique J. Bertrand, (représente Alain Fuchs),CNRS Y. Sirois, Collaboration CMS, Responsable pour la France, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, LLR Ecole Polytechnique J.-Y. Le Deaut, Dépu...

  18. LHC Injection Beam Quality During LHC Run I

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2079186; Kain, Verena; Stapnes, Steinar

    The LHC at CERN was designed to accelerate proton beams from 450 GeV to 7 TeV and collide them in four large experiments. The 450 GeV beam is extracted from the last pre-accelerator, the SPS, and injected into the LHC via two 3 km long transfer lines, TI 2 and TI 8. The injection process is critical in terms of preservation of beam quality and machine protection. During LHC Run I (2009-2013) the LHC was filled with twelve high intensity injections per ring, in batches of up to 144 bunches of 1.7*10^11 protons per bunch. The stored beam energy of such a batch is already an order of magnitude above the damage level of accelerator equipment. Strict quality and machine protection requirements at injection have a significant impact on operational efficiency. During the first years of LHC operation, the injection phase was identified as one of the limiting factors for fast LHC turnaround time. The LHC Injection Quality Check (IQC) software framework was developed as a part of this thesis to monitor the beam quality...

  19. Big Bang à Genève - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    C'est la dernière conférence du cycle organisé par la section de physique de l'Université de Genève à l'occasion de l'Année internationale de la physique. Pour le bouquet final, la section de physique a choisi le grand boum du Big Bang. Intitulée « Big Bang à Genève », la conférence donnée par Laurent Chevalier de l'institut français CEA Saclay évoquera les expériences qui se préparent au CERN avec le LHC. Leur but est de reproduire et d'analyser les conditions qui prévalaient à l'origine de l'Univers, juste après le Big Bang. L'exposé décrira de façon simple les techniques utilisées pour cette exploration, qui démarrera en 2007. Laurent Chevalier se demandera avec le public quels phénomènes nouveaux les physiciens espèrent découvrir dans ce monde inexploré. Comme les précédentes, la conférence débutera par une démonstration de détection de rayons cosmiques dans l'auditoire et l'utilisation de ces signaux pour créer une « musique cosmique », en collaboration avec le Pr...

  20. LHC physics

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Binoth, T


    "Exploring the phenomenology of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, LHC Physics focuses on the first years of data collected at the LHC as well as the experimental and theoretical tools involved...

  1. 2008 LHC Open Days LHC magnets on display

    CERN Multimedia


    Over the last few years you’ve probably seen many of the 15 m long blue LHC dipole magnets being ferried around the site. Most of them are underground now, but on the LHC Open Days on 5 and 6 April the magnets will also play a central role on the surface. Installation of one of the LHC dipole magnets on the Saint-Genis roundabout on 7 March. The LHC dipole testing facility with several magnets at various stages of testing. The 27 km ring of the LHC consists of 1232 double-aperture superconducting dipole magnets, 360 short straight sections (SSS) and 114 special SSS for the insertion regions. On the Open Day, you will be able to "Follow the LHC magnets" through different stages around the site, culminating in their descent into the tunnel. Discover all the many components that have to be precisely integrated in the magnet casings, and talk to the engine...

  2. LHC Report: Tests of new LHC running modes

    CERN Document Server

    Verena Kain for the LHC team


    On 13 September, the LHC collided lead ions with protons for the first time. This outstanding achievement was key preparation for the planned 2013 operation in this mode. Outside of two special physics runs, the LHC has continued productive proton-proton luminosity operation.   Celebrating proton-ion collisions. The first week of September added another 1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity to ATLAS’s and CMS’s proton-proton data set. It was a week of good and steady production mixed with the usual collection of minor equipment faults. The peak performance was slightly degraded at the start of the week but thanks to the work of the teams in the LHC injectors the beam brightness – and thus the LHC peak performance – were restored to previous levels by the weekend. The LHC then switched to new running modes and spectacularly proved its potential as a multi-purpose machine. This is due in large part to the LHC equipment and controls, which have been designed wi...

  3. 1216-IJBCS-Article-Michel Amani Kouassi

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ' Nord et les longitudes 8°30 et 2°30. Ouest. Elle couvre une .... intéressée au bicarbonate, au calcium, au magnésium, au sodium, au potassium, au chlore, au fer, au manganèse, au nitrate, au nitrite et au sulfate. Les paramètres physiques.

  4. What's in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths. (United States)

    Voracek, Martin; Rieder, Stephan; Stieger, Stefan; Swami, Viren


    Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith). Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980). Study 1 (N = 224) indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prototypically strength-related activities (professions, sports, hobbies) in a random sample of Smiths. The counterpart effect (higher aptitude for dexterity-related activities among Tailors) was directionally correct, but not significant, and Tailor-Smith differences in basic physique variables were nil. Study 2 examined two large total-population-of-interest datasets (Austria/Germany combined, and UK: N = 7001 and 20,532) of men's national high-score lists for track-and-field events requiring different physiques. In both datasets, proportions of Smiths significantly increased from light-stature over medium-stature to heavy-stature sports categories. The predicted counterpart effect (decreasing prevalences of Tailors along these categories) was not supported. Related prior findings, the viability of possible alternative interpretations of the evidence (differential positive selection for trades and occupations, differential endogamy and assortative mating patterns, implicit egotism effects), and directions for further inquiry are discussed in conclusion.

  5. Un CERNOIS au sommet de la GTJ200 !!

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Running Club


    Les 9 et 10 mars dernier a eu lieu la plus longue des courses de ski de fond au monde. C’est une épreuve qui cumule 200 km de ski de fond en empruntant les pistes de Giron (dans l’Ain) à Grand’Combe-Chateleu (dans le Doubs). Elle s’effectue par équipe de 2 avec l’aide d’une 3e personne pour l’assistance. Cette 4e édition a vu la victoire de Guillaume Michet et son binôme Herve Balanche. Ils sont allés chercher cette victoire grâce à une parfaite gestion de course et un magnifique esprit d’équipe (assistance comprise). Guillaume est un membre actif du running club. Ses entrainements assidus et intenses lui ont permis d’augmenter son niveau physique et de parfaire ses capacités mentales nécessaires pour arriver à bout d’une telle épreuve. Notons également...

  6. Le modèle standard de la physique des particules de l'électron au boson de Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Samueli, Jean-Jacques


    Le modèle standard de la physique des particules est une théorie qui décrit les constituants élémentaires de la matière et les interactions qui existent entre eux. Le présent ouvrage est un exposé du développement historique de ce modèle qui suppose que toute la matière est composée de quarks et de leptons, particules ponctuelles de spin 1?2. On dénombre trois générations de quarks et autant de leptons. Les interactions faible, forte et électromagnétique sont, pour leur part, décrites par des théories de jauge dont la médiation est effectuée par des quanta de jauge de spin 1. Ces médiateurs sont les ? , W + , W ? , Z ainsi que huit gluons. La gravitation est par ailleurs analysée dans l'ouvrage dans sa formulation classique et relativiste. Enfin le mécanisme dit de Englert-Brout-Higgs prévoit des particules de spin zéro, correspondant à un champ scalaire qui est supposé donner une masse aux quarks, leptons et aux bosons vecteurs intermédiaires W + , W ? , Z . Nous décrivons ce m�...

  7. Předsoutěžní příprava závodníka kategorie men's physique


    Vízek, Petr


    Title: Pre-competition preparation of athletes category of men's physique Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is the accumulation of available sources of information about problems in the field of bodybuilding and fitness. The data analysis, confirmation or disproval of hypotheses and preparation of detailed attitudes of experienced or future competitors in the category Men's physique. Methods: The research in this thesis was based on survey containing 10 questions intended for respondent...

  8. CERN Multimedia



    Le Prof.Jeremy Bernstein, né aux Etats Unis, est professeur de physique et spécialiste de la physique théorique à l'Institut de Technology à New Jersey et également journaliste au New York Magazine. Il a écrit 5 livres, consacrés à l'alpinisme. Les clichés qu'il commente, ont été pris au cours de trois voyages en Asie.

  9. A Polytomous Item Response Theory Analysis of Social Physique Anxiety Scale (United States)

    Fletcher, Richard B.; Crocker, Peter


    The present study investigated the social physique anxiety scale's factor structure and item properties using confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory. An additional aim was to identify differences in response patterns between groups (gender). A large sample of high school students aged 11-15 years (N = 1,529) consisting of n =…

  10. For information: Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia


    Ecole de physiqueDépartement de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet - 1211 GENEVE 4TéL: (022) 379 62 73 - Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 15 February PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINARat 17:00 - Stückelberg Auditorium High-energy photon interactions at the LHC by Prof. Krzysztof Piotrzkowski / Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique A significant fraction of proton collisions at the LHC will involve photon interactions at the energies above the electroweak scale. Experimental prospects for studying such interactions at the LHC will be presented, including the rôle of the forward proton detectors in tagging and reconstruction of photon induced events. Physics scope of high-energy photon-photon fusion and photon-proton interactions at the LHC will be discussed, focusing in particular on the two-photon production of W and Z pairs, and the associated photo-production of W and Higgs bosons. Finally, importance of studying the exclusive production of lepton pairs for searches beyond th...

  11. HL-LHC Accelerator

    CERN Document Server

    Zimmermann, F


    The tentative schedule, key ingredients, as well as progress of pertinent R&D and component prototypes for the LHC luminosity upgrade, "HL-LHC," are reviewed. Also alternative scenarios based on performance-improving consolidations (PICs) instead of a full upgrade are discussed. Tentative time schedules and expected luminosity evolutions for the different scenarios are sketched. The important role of HL-LHC development as a step towards a future HE-LHC or VHE-LHC is finally highlighted. Presented at "Higgs & Beyond" Conference Tohoku University, Sendai 7 June 2013.

  12. HL-LHC and HE-LHC Upgrade Plans and Opportunities for US Participation (United States)

    Apollinari, Giorgio


    The US HEP community has identified the exploitation of physics opportunities at the High Luminosity-LHC (HL-LHC) as the highest near-term priority. Thanks to multi-year R&D programs, US National Laboratories and Universities have taken the leadership in the development of technical solutions to increase the LHC luminosity, enabling the HL-LHC Project and uniquely positioning this country to make critical contributions to the LHC luminosity upgrade. This talk will describe the shaping of the US Program to contribute in the next decade to HL-LHC through newly developed technologies such as Nb3Sn focusing magnets or superconducting crab cavities. The experience gained through the execution of the HL-LHC Project in the US will constitute a pool of knowledge and capabilities allowing further developments in the future. Opportunities for US participations in proposed hadron colliders, such as a possible High Energy-LHC (HE-LHC), will be described as well.

  13. Comparing a Yoga Class with a Resistance Exercise Class: Effects on Body Satisfaction and Social Physique Anxiety in University Women. (United States)

    Gammage, Kimberley L; Drouin, Breanne; Lamarche, Larkin


    The current study compared a single yoga group exercise class and a resistance group exercise class for their effects on state body satisfaction and social physique anxiety in women. A pretest-posttest design was used. Participants (N = 46) completed both a resistance exercise class and yoga class in a counterbalanced order. Measures of body satisfaction and social physique anxiety were completed immediately before and after each class. A 2 (time) × 2 (class type) repeatedmeasures multiple analysis of variance showed a significant overall Time × Class Type interaction (F 2,44 = 5.69, P class. After both classes, there was a significant decrease in social physique anxiety, but the magnitude of the change was larger after the yoga class than after the resistance class. Both types of exercise class were associated with improvements in body image, but there were greater improvements after the yoga class. This study provided evidence of the positive effects of yoga for reducing state social physique anxiety and increasing state body satisfaction, adding to correlational evidence suggesting that yoga is particularly beneficial for improving body image-related outcomes in women.

  14. Search for time-dependent fluctuations in cosmic ray flux with the AMS-01 detector and construction of the AMS-02 detector

    CERN Document Server

    Paniccia, Mercedes

    La découverte au début du vingtième siècle de l’existence d’un flux de particules énergétiques provenant de l’espace a engendré un vif intérêt auprès de la communauté scientifique de l’époque, donnant naissance à de nouvelles branches d’étude, dont la physique des particules est l’exemple le plus éclatant. La formulation d’un modèle pouvant expliquer l’origine et le spectre du rayonnement cosmique et aussi décrire les mécanismes de propagation et d’accélération dans l’espace interstellaire et interplanétaire, a nécessité l’effort conjoint de différents domaines: la physique des particules, la physique des plasmas, l’astrophysique, la physique solaire et la géophysique. L’analyse de l’enorme quantité de données collectées au sujet de rayons cosmiques au moyen de détecteurs au sol, en ballon et dans l’espace, combinée avec les observations des événements astrophysiques, solaires et géophysiques, a permis d’expliquer la plupart des propriétés des...

  15. Physical and Physiological Correlates of Social Physique Anxiety in College Students (United States)

    Yaman, Çetin


    The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship among social physique anxiety, physical measures such as body fat and physical self-concept. 367 (226 male and 141 female) college students ranging in age from 21 to 33 participated in the study. Participants were randomly chosen among the healthy students without any metabolic and…

  16. What's in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Voracek

    Full Text Available Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith. Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980. Study 1 (N = 224 indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prototypically strength-related activities (professions, sports, hobbies in a random sample of Smiths. The counterpart effect (higher aptitude for dexterity-related activities among Tailors was directionally correct, but not significant, and Tailor-Smith differences in basic physique variables were nil. Study 2 examined two large total-population-of-interest datasets (Austria/Germany combined, and UK: N = 7001 and 20,532 of men's national high-score lists for track-and-field events requiring different physiques. In both datasets, proportions of Smiths significantly increased from light-stature over medium-stature to heavy-stature sports categories. The predicted counterpart effect (decreasing prevalences of Tailors along these categories was not supported. Related prior findings, the viability of possible alternative interpretations of the evidence (differential positive selection for trades and occupations, differential endogamy and assortative mating patterns, implicit egotism effects, and directions for further inquiry are discussed in conclusion.

  17. Phénomène de pincement de l'écoulement secondaire entre deux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Laboratoire de Physique Energétique, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Exactes, .... La condition initiale (au temps 0t. = ) ...... Dans ce qui suit, nous présentons une interprétation physique de l'apparition du phénomène de pincement. Dans notre étude, la fonction de courant est calculée avec la définition.

  18. Ultra-relativistic Au+Au and d+Au collisions: (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.

    In this talk I will review PHOBOS data on charged particle multiplicities, obtained in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at RHIC. The general features of the Au+Au pseudorapidity distributions results will be discussed and compared to those of /line{p}p collisions. The total charged particle multiplicity, scaled by the number of participant pairs, is observed to be about 40% higher in Au+Au collisions than in /line{p}p and d+Au systems, but, surprisingly at the same level of e+e- collisions. Limiting fragmentation scaling is seen to be obeyed in Au+Au collisions.

  19. LHC Report: LHC hit the target!

    CERN Multimedia

    Enrico Bravin for the LHC team


    Last week, the accumulated integrated luminosity reached the target value for 2016 of 25 fb-1 in both ATLAS and CMS.   The integrated luminosity delivered to ATLAS and CMS reached (and already passed!) 25 fb-1– the target for the whole year! Tuesday, 30 August was just a regular day for the 2016 LHC run. However,  on that day, the integrated luminosity delivered to ATLAS and CMS reached 25 fb-1 – the target for the whole year! How did we get here? A large group of committed scientists and technical experts work behind the scenes at the LHC, ready to adapt to the quirks of this truly impressive machine. After the push to produce as many proton-proton collisions as possible before the summer conferences, several new ideas and production techniques (such as Bunch Compression Multiple Splitting, BCMS) have been incorporated in the operation of LHC in order to boost its performance even further. Thanks to these improvements, the LHC was routinely operated with peak luminos...

  20. Calorimétrie à argon liquide et recherche de nouvelle physique via l'étude de paires de quarks top boostés dans l'expérience ATLAS au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00438457; Trocmé, Benjamin; Delsart, Pierre Antoine

    The Standard Model of particle physics is a very predictive theory, but it still fails to explain some observations and so leads to the idea of the existence of new physics. To discover it experimentally, the ATLAS collaboration analyses the proton-proton collisions provided by the LHC. Analyses need data of good quality. Hence, the first part of this document describes a work to characterize the coherent noise bursts observed in the liquid argon calorimeters of the ATLAS experiment. Such noise has been studied and cured to ensure a high level of data quality. The second part of this thesis takes place in the context of a new physics search using top quark pairs. This study is focused on the case where boosted top quarks decay electronically. The reconstruction of top quarks in such cases was never optimized by the ATLAS collaboration. Therefore this study has lead to the definition and implementation of a new method called "electron-in-jet removal" improving significantly the top quark reconstruction in such...

  1. 6 March 2012 - CERN Director-General R. HEUER holding the keynote speech at NIDays 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

    CERN Multimedia

    Balle, Ch


    15e congrès des technologies et des experts pour la technique de la mesure et de l’automatisation par ordinateur.Pour la 15ème fois, le congrès des technologies et des experts « NIDays » qui eut lieu le 6 mars 2012 au Swissôtel à Zurich, a enthousiasmé près de 400 visiteurs.Prof. Heuer. lors du discours d'ouveture, a présente le centre de recherche CERN et décrit le potentiel de découverte du LHC pour la physique tout en mentionnant les résultats les plus importants de la première collecte de données. Le LHC fonctionne avec l'aide de plusieurs centaines de systèmes PXI. Ceux-ci font en sorte que les particules qui sortent du cœur de rayonnement soient absorbées. Grâce à LabVIEW Real-Time et LabVIEW FPGA, environ 600 moteurs sont synchronisés à la milliseconde le long des 27 km de l'accélérateur.

  2. Auto adaptation incluant une double mobilité logicielle et physique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans ce papier, nous étudions les possibilités d'auto adaptation que pourrait offrir un calcul réparti incluant une double mobilité : d'une part une mobilité physique des sites supports d'exécution et, d'autre part, une mobilité des composants logiciels métiers ou clients. Cette mobilité de niveau logiciel est envisagée dans le ...

  3. Spectra of identified particles, geometry categorization and bias and global observables in d+Au collisions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campbell, Sarah


    Geometry selection in d+Au/p+Pb collisions is crucial for understanding the physics underlying modified nuclear parton distribution functions, gluon saturation or shadowing, initial state energy loss, and possible hydrodynamic flow in these small systems. The PHENIX Collaboration tests for auto-correlation biases in the geometry determination in small collision systems. These biases are well understood and an order of magnitude smaller at RHIC as compared to the LHC. As a result, auto-correlation biases are unable to describe the suppression of high transverse momentum (p{sub T}) π{sup 0}'s seen in the ratio of central-to-peripheral d+Au collisions. The centrality dependent d+Au pion, kaon and proton yields relative to binary collision-scaled p+p yields are also reported, including the high p{sub T}π{sup 0} and K{sub S}{sup 0}. At intermediate p{sub T}, between 2and5GeV/c, baryons are enhanced in central d+Au collisions. The baryon enhancement is present in d+Au and Au+Au collisions and increases with centrality. We compare identified particle yields in peripheral Au+Au collisions to central d+Au collisions that have a comparable number of participants and binary collisions. The p{sub T} dependence of this ratio is strikingly similar for mesons and baryons.

  4. Traitements didactiques preventifs d'un type de conceptions erronees en sciences physiques chez des eleves du secondaire (United States)

    Blondin, Andre

    Dans un contexte constructiviste, les connaissances anterieures d'un individu sont essentielles a la construction de nouvelles connaissances. Quelle qu'en soit la source (certaines de ces connaissances ont ete elaborees en classe, d'autres ont ete elaborees par interaction personnelle de l'individu avec son environnement physique et social), ces connaissances, une fois acquises, constituent les matieres premieres de l'elaboration des nouvelles conceptions de cet individu. Generalement, cette influence est consideree comme positive. Cependant, dans un milieu scolaire ou l'apprentissage de certaines conceptions enchassees dans un programme d'etudes et enterinees par l'ensemble d'une communaute est obligatoire, certaines connaissances anterieures peuvent entraver la construction des conceptions exigees par la communaute. La litterature abonde de tels exemples. Cependant, certaines connaissances anterieures, en soi tout a fait conformes a l'Heritage, peuvent aussi, parce qu'utilisees de facon non pertinente, entraver la construction d'une conception exigee par la communaute. Ici, la litterature nous donne peu d'exemples de ce type, mais nous en fournirons quelques-uns dans le cadre theorique, et ce sera un d'entre eux qui servira de base a nos propos. En effet, une grande proportion d'eleves inscrits a un cours de sciences physiques de la quatrieme secondaire, en reponse a un probleme deja solutionne durant l'annee et redonne lors d'un examen sommatif, "Pourquoi la Lune nous montre-t-elle toujours la meme face?", attribue principalement la cause de ce phenomene a la rotation de la Terre sur son axe. En tant que responsable de l'enseignement de ce programme d'etudes, plusieurs questions nous sont venues a l'esprit, entre autres, comment, dans un contexte constructiviste, est-il possible de reduire chez un eleve, l'impact de cette connaissance anterieure dans l'elaboration de la solution et ainsi prevenir la construction d'une conception erronee? Nous avons teste nos

  5. The LHC babies

    CERN Multimedia

    Laëtitia Pedroso


    With the machine restart and first collisions at 3.5 TeV, 2009 and 2010 were two action-packed years at the LHC. The events were a real media success, but one important result that remained well hidden was the ten births in the LHC team over the same period. The mothers – engineers, cryogenics experts and administrative assistants working for the LHC – confirm that it is possible to maintain a reasonable work-life balance. Two of them tell us more…   Verena Kain (left) and Reyes Alemany (right) in the CERN Control Centre. With the LHC running around the clock, LHC operations engineers have high-pressure jobs with unsociable working hours. These past two years, which will undoubtedly go down in the annals of CERN history, the LHC team had their work cut out, but despite their high-octane professional lives, several female members of the team took up no less of a challenge in their private lives, creating a mini-baby-boom by which the LHC start-up will also be remembe...

  6. PDF4LHC recommendations for LHC Run II

    CERN Document Server

    Butterworth, Jon; Cooper-Sarkar, Amanda; De Roeck, Albert; Feltesse, Joel; Forte, Stefano; Gao, Jun; Glazov, Sasha; Huston, Joey; Kassabov, Zahari; McNulty, Ronan; Morsch, Andreas; Nadolsky, Pavel; Radescu, Voica; Rojo, Juan; Thorne, Robert


    We provide an updated recommendation for the usage of sets of parton distribution functions (PDFs) and the assessment of PDF and PDF+$\\alpha_s$ uncertainties suitable for applications at the LHC Run II. We review developments since the previous PDF4LHC recommendation, and discuss and compare the new generation of PDFs, which include substantial information from experimental data from the Run I of the LHC. We then propose a new prescription for the combination of a suitable subset of the available PDF sets, which is presented in terms of a single combined PDF set. We finally discuss tools which allow for the delivery of this combined set in terms of optimized sets of Hessian eigenvectors or Monte Carlo replicas, and their usage, and provide some examples of their application to LHC phenomenology.

  7. RF upgrade program in LHC injectors and LHC machine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jensen, E.


    The main themes of the RF upgrade program are: the Linac4 project, the LLRF-upgrade and the study of a tuning-free wide-band system for PSB, the upgrade of the SPS 800 MHz amplifiers and beam controls and the upgrade of the transverse dampers of the LHC. Whilst LHC Splice Consolidation is certainly the top priority for LS1, some necessary RF consolidation and upgrade is necessary to assure the LHC performance for the next 3- year run period. This includes: 1) necessary maintenance and consolidation work that could not fit the shorter technical stops during the last years, 2) the upgrade of the SPS 200 MHz system from presently 4 to 6 cavities and possibly 3) the replacement of one LHC cavity module. On the longer term, the LHC luminosity upgrade requires crab cavities, for which some preparatory work in SPS Coldex must be scheduled during LS1. (author)

  8. LHC@home is ready to support HiLumi LHC: take part!

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Recently relaunched, the LHC@home volunteer computing project is now ready to support the HiLumi LHC project, the design phase of the planned upgrade of the LHC that will increase its luminosity by a factor of 5 to 10 beyond its original design value. HiLumi will need massive simulations to test the beam dynamics. Whether you are at home or at work, you can help experts design the future LHC by connecting your computer to LHC@home. Go for it!   LHC@home is aimed at involving the public in real science. If you have a computer that is connected to the Internet, you can join the large team of volunteers who are already supporting its two main projects: Test4Theory, which runs computer simulations of high-energy particle collisions, and SixTrack, which is aimed at optimizing the LHC performance by performing beam dynamics simulations. In both cases, the software is designed to run only when your computer is idle and causes no disruption to your normal activities. To the simulations run by the Six...

  9. Some LHC milestones...

    CERN Multimedia


    October 1995 The LHC technical design report is published. This document details the operation and the architecture of the future accelerator. November 2000 The first of the 1232 main dipole magnets for the LHC are delivered. May 2005 The first interconnection between two magnets of the accelerator is made. To carry out the 1700 interconnections of the LHC, 123 000 operations are necessary. February 2006 The new CERN Control Centre, which combines all the control rooms for the accelerators, the cryogenics and the technical infrastructure, starts operation. The LHC will be controlled from here. October 2006 Construction of the largest refrigerator in the world is complete. The 27 km cryogenic distribution line inside the LHC tunnel will circulate helium in liquid and gas phases to provide cryogenic conditions for the superconducting magnets of the accelerator. November 2006 Magnet production for the LHC is complete. The last of t...

  10. Review of gyrotron development at the Centre de Recherche en Physique des Plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tran, M.Q.


    Gyrotron development activities at the Centre de Recherche en Physique des Plasmas in Lausanne are directed along two directions, quasi optical gyrotrons and, with less emphasis, cylindrical cavity gyrotrons. This paper will review the recent work performed in these two fields. (author) 9 refs., 5 figs

  11. What’s in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths (United States)

    Voracek, Martin; Rieder, Stephan; Stieger, Stefan; Swami, Viren


    Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith). Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980). Study 1 (N = 224) indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prototypically strength-related activities (professions, sports, hobbies) in a random sample of Smiths. The counterpart effect (higher aptitude for dexterity-related activities among Tailors) was directionally correct, but not significant, and Tailor-Smith differences in basic physique variables were nil. Study 2 examined two large total-population-of-interest datasets (Austria/Germany combined, and UK: N = 7001 and 20532) of men’s national high-score lists for track-and-field events requiring different physiques. In both datasets, proportions of Smiths significantly increased from light-stature over medium-stature to heavy-stature sports categories. The predicted counterpart effect (decreasing prevalences of Tailors along these categories) was not supported. Related prior findings, the viability of possible alternative interpretations of the evidence (differential positive selection for trades and occupations, differential endogamy and assortative mating patterns, implicit egotism effects), and directions for further inquiry are discussed in conclusion. PMID:26161803

  12. LHC Report: a record start for LHC ion operation

    CERN Multimedia

    Jan Uythoven for the LHC Team


    After the technical stop, the LHC switched over to ion operation, colliding lead-ions on lead-ions. The recovery from the technical stop was very smooth, and records for ion luminosity were set during the first days of ion operation.   The LHC technical stop ended on the evening of Friday, 11 November. The recovery from the technical stop was extremely smooth, and already that same evening ion beams were circulating in the LHC. ‘Stable beams’ were declared the same night, with 2 x 2 bunches of ions circulating in the LHC, allowing the experiments to have their first look at ion collisions this year. However, the next step-up in intensity – colliding 170 x 170 bunches – was postponed due to a vacuum problem in the PS accelerator, so the collisions on Sunday, 13 November were confined to 9 x 9 bunches. The vacuum problem was solved, and on the night of Monday, 14 November, trains of 24 lead bunches were injected into the LHC and 170 x 170 bunches were brough...

  13. Aux origines de la masse particules élémentaires et symétries fondamentales

    CERN Document Server

    Iliopoulos, Jean


    Pourquoi les « particules élémentaires » qui forment toute la matière ont-elles une masse ? Étrange question qui semble être en contradiction avec toute notre intuition physique. Dans ce livre, nous montrons d'abord que la réponse à cette question est tout sauf évidente et ensuite que la clé peut se trouver dans la découverte récente d'une nouvelle particule à l'accélérateur géant LHC (Large Hadron Collider) situé au CERN, près de Genève. Nous proposons au lecteur une promenade guidée qui l'emmènera des confins de l'Univers pendant les premières fractions de seconde après le Big Bang, aux plus petits constituants de la matière tels que nous les apercevons dans nos laboratoires. Notre guide sera un principe profond de symétrie qui, de façon surprenante, semble déterminer la structure du monde.

  14. LHC report

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    This week's Report, by Gianluigi Arduini,  will be included in the LHC Physics Day, dedicated to the reviews of the LHC physics results presented at ICHEP 2010. See 

  15. PDF4LHC recommendations for LHC Run II

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Butterworth, Jon; Carrazza, Stefano; Cooper-Sarkar, Amanda; Roeck, Albert de; Feltesse, Joel; Forte, Stefano; Gao, Jun; Glazov, Sasha; Huston, Joey; Kassabov, Zahari; McNulty, Ronan; Morsch, Andreas; Nadolsky, Pavel; Radescu, Voica; Rojo, Juan; Thorne, Robert S.


    We provide an updated recommendation for the usage of sets of parton distribution functions (PDFs) and the assessment of PDF and PDF+$\\alpha_s$ uncertainties suitable for applications at the LHC Run II. We review developments since the previous PDF4LHC recommendation, and discuss and compare the new

  16. Keeping HL-LHC accountable

    CERN Multimedia


    This week saw the cost and schedule of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) projects come under close scrutiny from the external review committee set up for the purpose.    HL-LHC, whose implementation requires an upgrade to the CERN injector complex, responds directly to one of the key recommendations of the updated European Strategy for Particle Physics, which urges CERN to prepare for a ‘major luminosity upgrade’, a recommendation that is also perfectly in line with the P5 report on the US strategy for the field. Responding to this recommendation, CERN set up the HL-LHC project in 2013, partially supported by FP7 funding through the HiLumi LHC Design Study (2011-2015), and coordinated with the American LARP project, which oversees the US contribution to the upgrade. A key element of HL-LHC planning is a mechanism for receiving independent expert advice on all aspects of the project.  To this end, several technical reviews h...

  17. LHC-B: a dedicated LHC collider beauty experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erhan, S.


    LHC-B is a forward detector optimized for the study of CP-violation and other rare phenomena in the decays of beauty particles at the LHC. An open geometry forward detector design, with good mass, vertex resolution and particle identification, will facilitate the collection of a large numbers of event samples in diverse B decay channels and allow for a thorough understanding of the systematic uncertainties. With the expected large event statistics, LHC-B will be able to test the closure of the unitarity triangle and make sensitive tests of the Standard Model description of CP-violation. Here we describe the experiment and summarize its anticipated performance. (orig.)

  18. Examining Combinations of Social Physique Anxiety and Motivation Regulations Using Latent Profile Analysis (United States)

    Ullrich-French, Sarah; Cox, Anne E.; Cooper, Brittany Rhoades


    Previous research has used cluster analysis to examine how social physique anxiety (SPA) combines with motivation in physical education. This study utilized a more advanced analytic approach, latent profile analysis (LPA), to identify profiles of SPA and motivation regulations. Students in grades 9-12 (N = 298) completed questionnaires at two time…

  19. LHC synchronization test successful

    CERN Multimedia

    The synchronization of the LHC's clockwise beam transfer system and the rest of CERN's accelerator chain was successfully achieved last weekend. Tests began on Friday 8 August when a single bunch of a few particles was taken down the transfer line from the SPS accelerator to the LHC. After a period of optimization, one bunch was kicked up from the transfer line into the LHC beam pipe and steered about 3 kilometres around the LHC itself on the first attempt. On Saturday, the test was repeated several times to optimize the transfer before the operations group handed the machine back for hardware commissioning to resume on Sunday. The anti-clockwise synchronization systems will be tested over the weekend of 22 August.Picture:

  20. Safe LHC beam commissioning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uythoven, J.; Schmidt, R.


    Due to the large amount of energy stored in magnets and beams, safety operation of the LHC is essential. The commissioning of the LHC machine protection system will be an integral part of the general LHC commissioning program. A brief overview of the LHC Machine Protection System will be given, identifying the main components: the Beam Interlock System, the Beam Dumping System, the Collimation System, the Beam Loss Monitoring System and the Quench Protection System. An outline is given of the commissioning strategy of these systems during the different commissioning phases of the LHC: without beam, injection and the different phases with stored beam depending on beam intensity and energy. (author)

  1. Tracking detectors for the sLHC, the LHC upgrade

    CERN Document Server

    Sadrozinski, Hartmut F W


    The plans for an upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to the Super-LHC (sLHC) are reviewed with special consideration of the environment for the inner tracking system. A straw-man detector upgrade for ATLAS is presented, which is motivated by the varying radiation levels as a function of radius, and choices for detector geometries and technologies are proposed, based on the environmental constraints. A few promising technologies for detectors are discussed, both for sensors and for the associated front-end electronics. On-going research in silicon detectors and in ASIC technologies will be crucial for the success of the upgrade.

  2. Regards croisés d'un physicien et d'un dessinateur sur Einstein et la physique the recipe of the Universe

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Rencontre donnée par John Ellis et Fiami. Partez à la découverte de la physique avec un auteur de bande dessinée qui vous fera découvrir six étapes cruciales de l’histoire de la connaissance, en compagnie de son héros Albert Einstein. Après ce voyage littéraire, un physicien du CERN vous expliquera les enjeux de la physique aujourd’hui, plus de 100 ans après Einstein.

  3. Towards LHC experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    As plans for the LHC proton collider to be built in CERN's 27-kilometre LEP tunnel take shape, interest widens to bring in the experiments exploiting the big machine. The first public presentations of 'expressions of interest' for LHC experiments featured from 5-8 March at Evian-les-Bains on the shore of Lake Geneva, some 50 kilometres from CERN, at the special Towards the LHC Experimental Programme' meeting

  4. Social Physique Anxiety and Intention to Be Physically Active: A Self-Determination Theory Approach (United States)

    Sicilia, Álvaro; Sáenz-Alvarez, Piedad; González-Cutre, David; Ferriz, Roberto


    Purpose: Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between social physique anxiety and intention to be physically active, while taking into account the mediating effects of the basic psychological needs and behavioral regulations in exercise. Method: Having obtained parents' prior consent, 390…

  5. CERN Technical Training 2005: MAGNE-05 - Magnétisme pour l’électrotechnique

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Learning for the LHC ! Phénomènes magnétiques, matériaux et applications MAGNE-05 est un cours dans le cadre du programme de l’Enseignement Technique qui s’adresse aux personnes souhaitant découvrir, améliorer ou remettre à niveau leurs connaissances en magnétisme. Le cours est donné au CERN par la société CEDRAT Technologies basée à Meylan (France). La participation est ouverte à l’ensemble du personnel technique et scientifique nécessitant une formation en magnétisme dans le cadre de leurs activités professionnelles, courantes ou futures. Une importante économie par participant est réalisée par rapport aux frais nécessaires pour suivre la même formation sur le site de CEDRAT en France. MAGNE-05 s’intéresse, entre autres, au développement de la compréhension des phénomènes magnétiques et au « sens physique », appliqués à des produits industriels. Programme : Notions de base en électromagnétisme. Les aspects électrique et mécanique du magnétisme. Les régim...

  6. CERN Technical Training 2005: MAGNE-05 - Magnétisme pour l'électrotechnique

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Learning for the LHC ! Phénomènes magnétiques, matériaux et applications MAGNE-05 est un cours dans le cadre du programme de l'Enseignement technique qui s'adresse aux personnes souhaitant découvrir, améliorer ou remettre à niveau leurs connaissances en magnétisme. Le cours est donné au CERN par la société CEDRAT Technologies basée à Meylan (France). La participation est ouverte à l'ensemble du personnel technique et scientifique nécessitant une formation en magnétisme dans le cadre de leurs activités professionnelles, courantes ou futures. Une importante économie par participant est réalisée par rapport aux frais nécessaires pour suivre la même formation sur le site de CEDRAT en France. MAGNE-05 s'intéresse, entre autres, au développement de la compréhension des phénomènes magnétiques et au « sens physique », appliqués à des produits industriels. Programme : Notions de base en électromagnétisme. Les aspects électrique et mécanique du magnétisme. Les régimes variab...

  7. CERN enseignement technique 2005: MAGNE-05 - Magnétisme pour l’électrotechnique

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Learning for the LHC ! Phénomènes magnétiques, matériaux et applications MAGNE-05 est un cours dans le cadre du programme de l’Enseignement Technique qui s’adresse aux personnes souhaitant découvrir, améliorer ou remettre à niveau leurs connaissances en magnétisme. Le cours est donné au CERN par la société CEDRAT Technologies basée à Meylan (France). La participation est ouverte à l’ensemble du personnel technique et scientifique nécessitant une formation en magnétisme dans le cadre de leurs activités professionnelles, courantes ou futures. Une importante économie par participant est réalisée par rapport aux frais nécessaires pour suivre la même formation sur le site de CEDRAT en France. MAGNE-05 s’intéresse, entre autres, au développement de la compréhension des phénomènes magnétiques et au « sens physique », appliqués à des produits industriels. Programme : Notions de base en électromagnétisme. Les aspects électrique et mécanique du magnétisme. Les régi...

  8. LHC Report: astounding availability

    CERN Multimedia

    Andrea Apollonio for the LHC team


    The LHC is off to an excellent start in 2016, having already produced triple the luminosity of 2015. An important factor in the impressive performance so far this year is the unprecedented machine availability.   LHC integrated luminosity in 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016 and the prediction of the 2016 performance foreseen at the start of the year. Following the 2015-2016 end of year shutdown, the LHC restarted beam operation in March 2016. Between the restart and the first technical stop (TS1) in June, the LHC's beam intensity was successively increased, achieving operation with 2040 bunches per beam. The technical stop on 7-8 June was shortened to maximise the time available for luminosity production for the LHC experiments before the summer conferences. Following the technical stop, operation resumed and quickly returned to the performance levels previously achieved. Since then, the LHC has been running steadily with up to 2076 bunches per beam. Since the technical stop, a...

  9. Graphite reactor physics; Physique des piles a graphite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bacher, P; Cogne, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Noc, B [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France)


    physique des piles de puissance a graphite et uranium naturel se poursuit depuis parallelement au developpement de ce type de piles. L'etude systematique des proprietes des reseaux en fonction du pas, de la geometrie du combustible et du diametre des canaux de refroidissement a pu etre entreprise a partir de 1960 grace a l'empilement critique MARIUS. Cette etude a permis de couvrir un domaine tres etendu: pas variant de 19 a 38 cm, barreaux et tubes d'uranium dont les sections droites vont de 6 a 35 cm{sup 2}, canaux dont le diametre est compris entre 70 et 140 mm. On a pu ainsi verifier, et au besoin adapter, les methodes de calcul de reseaux. Le fonctionnement des piles de Marcoule, ainsi que les experiences effectuees sur ces piles au cours des dernieres annees, ont apporte des renseignements precieux sur l'evolution globale des proprietes neutroniques du combustible en fonction de l'irradiation. Des experiences plus precises ont egalement ete faites dans MARIUS avec des combustibles contenant du plutonium (combustibles irradiee ou reconstitues), et seront entreprises des le debut 1965 en temperature dans l'empilement critique CESAR, dont la construction s'acheve a Cadarache. Les analyses des combustibles irradies permettent de completer ces resultats et de faciliter leur interpretation. Il sera ainsi possible de verifier dans tout le domaine utile de temperature les theories de thermalisation et de spectres developpees en France. L'efficacite de barres de controle en fonction de leurs dimensions, des materiaux les constituant, et des reseaux les environnant a ete mesuree dans MARIUS, et les resultats ont ete confrontes d'une part avec le calcul, d'autre part avec les mesures effectuees dans EDF 1. Les etudes du controle proprement dit des piles a graphite ont porte essentiellement sur les risques d'instabilites spatiales, et sur les moyens de les deceler et de les combattre, ainsi que sur les deformations du flux provoquees par les barres de controle. (auteurs)

  10. LHC Report: LHC smashes collision records

    CERN Multimedia

    Sarah Charley


    The Large Hadron Collider is now producing more than a billion proton-proton collisions per second.   The LHC is colliding protons at a faster rate than ever before: approximately 1 billion times per second. Since April 2016, the LHC has delivered more than 30 inverse femtobarns (fb-1) to both ATLAS and CMS. This means that around 2.4 quadrillion (2.4 million billion) collisions have been seen by each of the experiments this year. The inverse femtobarn is the unit of measurement for integrated luminosity, indicating the cumulative number of potential collisions. This compares with the total of 33.2 fb-1 produced between 2010 and 2015. The unprecedented performance this year is the result of both the incremental increases in collision rate and the sheer amount of time the LHC has been up and running. This comes after a slow start-up in 2015, when scientists and engineers still needed to learn how to operate the machine at a much higher energy. “With more energy, the machine is much more sen...

  11. LHC collimator controls for a safe LHC operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redaelli, S.; Assmann, R.; Losito, R.; Donze, M.; Masi, A.


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) collimation system is designed to protect the machine against beam losses and consists of 108 collimators, 100 of which are movable, located along the 27 km long ring and in the transfer lines. The cleaning performance and machine protection role of the system depend critically on accurate jaw positioning. A fully redundant control system has been developed to ensure that the collimators dynamically follow optimum settings in all phases of the LHC operational cycle. Jaw positions and collimator gaps are interlocked against dump limits defined redundantly as functions of time, beam energy and the β functions, which describe the focusing property of the beams. In this paper, the architectural choices that guarantee a safe LHC operation are presented. Hardware and software implementations that ensure the required performance are described. (authors)

  12. Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 20 November

    CERN Multimedia


    Standard Model measurements at the LHC: importance and prospects, Dr Michelangelo Mangano, CERN.   Wednesday 20 November 2013, 11:15 a.m. Science III, Auditoire 1S081 Boulevard d’Yvoy, 1211 Genève 4 Abstract: The key missions of the LHC include the study of the Higgs boson and of electroweak symmetry, and the search for new physics phenomena. These goals, nevertheless, rely on the precise measurements of Standard Model (SM) particles, which are the ultimate measurable decay products of any phenomenon emerging from the LHC. The detailed and accurate study of the dynamics of SM interactions, therefore, becomes a crucial step in fulfilling the LHC's key missions. The dynamical regime exposed by the LHC, with the highest energies ever produced in the laboratory, and the precision required by the experimental measurements, challenge our ability to deliver accurate enough theoretical predictions, and limit the fullest exploitation of the LHC results. A global and coordinat...

  13. La quête de l'unité l'aventure de la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Klein, Etienne


    L'idée que la diversité du réel puisse être expliquée par une unité sous-jacente est sans doute aussi ancienne que la pensée elle-même : les grandes mythologies le racontent, les premiers philosophes l'affirment, et la science moderne en a repris le programme en unifiant les conceptions du monde, de la matière et du mouvement. De ce pari métaphysique et quasiment religieux, la physique a aussi fait la vérité de sa démarche : identifier les objets les plus élémentaires possibles, violer les lois les plus fondamentales en cherchant à les raccorder jusqu'à pouvoir les unifier, fournir de l'ensemble la description la plus globale qui soit. Ce que l'on pourrait résumer par l'antique formule des néo-platoniciens : hen-ta-panta, c'est-à-dire l'" Un-toutes-les-choses ". Mais comment appréhender le statut exact de cette quête d'unité ? Remontant à ses origines, examinant ses succès comme ses échecs, analysant sa place dans la physique d'aujourd'hui, Etienne Klein et Marc Lachièze-Rey en cern...

  14. LHC Report: The beam is back at the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    Reyes Alemany


    A series of sector beam tests paved the way for the start-up of the LHC in 2008 and 2009. These tests and the follow-up of the issues that arose were part of the process that led to a smooth start-up with beam.   Given this experience, sector tests were scheduled to take place several weeks before the 2015 start-up. On the weekend of 6-9 March, beam from the SPS was injected into both LHC injection regions, followed by a first pass through the downstream LHC sectors. For the clockwise LHC beam (called “beam 1”) this meant passing through ALICE and into Sector 2-3, while the anticlockwise beam (called “beam 2”) was threaded through LHCb and all the way from Point 8 to Point 6, where it was extracted by the beam dump kickers onto the beam dump block. The dry runs in the previous weeks were mainly targeted at preparation for the sector tests. The systems tested included: injection, timing, synchronisation and beam instrumentation. The beam interlock ...

  15. Lifting high-tech pour le LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    Vos, Anton


    Un an après l'accident qui a conduit à son arrêt total, l'accélérateur de particules est à nouveau prêt à ouvrir de nouveaux chapitres de la physique. Tour d'horizon des réparations. (1 page)

  16. Report of visiting Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas, Universite Paris-Sud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.


    The activities carried out by identification mission to the Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (LPGP) of Paris-Sud University are related. The mission is part of the project of Study on Plasma wave and Plasma turbulence which is part of international agreement between CAPES and COFECUB in France. (M.C.K.)

  17. Heurs et malheurs de la physique quantique des vérités incroyables

    CERN Document Server

    Pharabod, Jean-Pierre


    La mécanique quantique est l’un des domaines de la physique les plus surprenants et controversés. Depuis le début, elle a suscité les plus vifs débats quant à sa signification et à son lien avec le réel. L’atomisme, la lumière ou les théories relativistes ont aussi défrayé la chronique, mais rien ne semble devoir arrêter les polémiques qui entourent l’interprétation des phénomènes quantiques. De Heisenberg à Schrödinger en passant par la fameuse controverse entre Einstein et Niels Bohr, Jean-Pierre Pharabod et Gérard Klein n’omettent aucune péripétie de cette saga de la physique quantique qui mène aujourd’hui à l’affirmation pour le moins surprenante de la « non-localité » de la nature. C’est un nouveau défi à nos modes de pensée ordinaires.

  18. Physics perspectives with AFTER@LHC (A Fixed Target ExpeRiment at LHC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Massacrier L.


    Full Text Available AFTER@LHC is an ambitious fixed-target project in order to address open questions in the domain of proton and neutron spins, Quark Gluon Plasma and high-x physics, at the highest energy ever reached in the fixed-target mode. Indeed, thanks to the highly energetic 7 TeV proton and 2.76 A.TeV lead LHC beams, center-of-mass energies as large as sNN = 115 GeV in pp/pA and sNN = 72 GeV in AA can be reached, corresponding to an uncharted energy domain between SPS and RHIC. We report two main ways of performing fixed-target collisions at the LHC, both allowing for the usage of one of the existing LHC experiments. In these proceedings, after discussing the projected luminosities considered for one year of data taking at the LHC, we will present a selection of projections for light and heavy-flavour production.

  19. Magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au and Fe-Au alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohno, S.; Shimakura, H. [Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, Higashijima, Akiha-ku, Niigata 956-8603 (Japan); Tahara, S. [Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara-cho, Okinawa 903-0213 (Japan); Okada, T. [Niigata College of Technology, Kamishin’eicho, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2076 (Japan)


    The magnetic susceptibility of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au, Fe-Au and Cu-Au alloys was investigated as a function of temperature and composition. Liquid Cr{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.5 ≤ c and Mn{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.3≤c obeyed the Curie-Weiss law with regard to their dependence of χ on temperature. The magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Fe-Au alloys also exhibited Curie-Weiss behavior with a reasonable value for the effective number of Bohr magneton. On the Au-rich side, the composition dependence of χ for liquid TM-Au (TM=Cr, Mn, Fe) alloys increased rapidly with increasing TM content, respectively. Additionally, the composition dependences of χ for liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au, and Fe-Au alloys had maxima at compositions of 50 at% Cr, 70 at% Mn, and 85 at% Fe, respectively. We compared the composition dependences of χ{sub 3d} due to 3d electrons for liquid binary TM-M (M=Au, Al, Si, Sb), and investigated the relationship between χ{sub 3d} and E{sub F} in liquid binary TM-M alloys at a composition of 50 at% TM.

  20. HL-LHC alternatives

    CERN Document Server

    Tomás, R; White, S


    The HL-LHC parameters assume unexplored regimes for hadron colliders in various aspects of accelerator beam dynamics and technology. This paper reviews three alternatives that could potentially improve the LHC performance: (i) the alternative filling scheme 8b+4e, (ii) the use of a 200 MHz RF system in the LHC and (iii) the use of proton cooling methods to reduce the beam emittance (at top energy and at injection). The alternatives are assessed in terms of feasibility, pros and cons, risks versus benefits and the impact on beam availability.

  1. The super-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Mangano, Michelangelo L


    We review here the prospects of a long-term upgrade programme for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN laboratory's new proton-proton collider. The super-LHC, which is currently under evaluation and design, is expected to deliver of the order of ten times the statistics of the LHC. In addition to a non-technical summary of the principal physics arguments for the upgrade, I present a pedagogical introduction to the technological challenges on the accelerator and experimental fronts, and a review of the current status of the planning.

  2. LHC Supertable

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira, M.; Lahey, T.E.; Lamont, M.; Mueller, G.J.; Teixeira, D.D.; McCrory, E.S.


    LHC operations generate enormous amounts of data. This data is being stored in many different databases. Hence, it is difficult for operators, physicists, engineers and management to have a clear view on the overall accelerator performance. Until recently the logging database, through its desktop interface TIMBER, was the only way of retrieving information on a fill-by-fill basis. The LHC Supertable has been developed to provide a summary of key LHC performance parameters in a clear, consistent and comprehensive format. The columns in this table represent main parameters that describe the collider operation such as luminosity, beam intensity, emittance, etc. The data is organized in a tabular fill-by-fill manner with different levels of detail. Particular emphasis was placed on data sharing by making data available in various open formats. Typically the contents are calculated for periods of time that map to the accelerator's states or beam modes such as Injection, Stable Beams, etc. Data retrieval and calculation is triggered automatically after the end of each fill. The LHC Supertable project currently publishes 80 columns of data on around 100 fills. (authors)

  3. Logistique de transport pour le projet LHC enseignements des premiers secteurs

    CERN Document Server

    Prodon, S


    Ce papier dresse un premier bilan de la logistique de transport mise en place pour l'installation du LHC. Les moyens de planification mis en oeuvre seront tout d'abord évoqués avec notamment les réunions avec les groupes utilisateurs, l'élaboration de procédures de transport, la génération de listings d'articles à transporter ou encore l'établissement d'un planning des ressources. Cependant, les premiers travaux d'installation du LHC ont fait apparaître des divergences importantes entre le planning logistique établi et la réalité du terrain. Ces écarts seront analysés, qu'il s'agisse de différences sur le volume de matériel à acheminer, d'opérations non planifiées, de changements de plannings entraînant de longues et délicates traversées de chantiers ou de manque de planification des besoins en personnel dans certaines zones. Tous ces enseignements acquis au cours des premiers travaux devraient permettre de dégager des voies d'amélioration à mettre en place pour les prochains secteur...

  4. Wolfgang Pauli et l'arrière-plan de la physique

    CERN Multimedia

    Bringuier, Eric


    "Wolfgang Pauli est l'une des figures scientifiques majeures du XXe siècle. Ses contributions sur la structure de l'atome ont été déterminantes pour l'établissement de la théorie quantique. Mais une grande partie de son activité fut aussi consacrée à une réflexion plus large sur les processus cognitifs. L'une de ses obsessions: trouver un langage commun pour décrire le monde physique et le monde psychique" (3 pages)

  5. L'accès aux collections physiques de la Bpi


    Etesse, Cécile


    L'objectif de l’étude est d'analyser l’accès des usagers aux collections physiques de la Bpi. La méthodologierepose sur des entretiens semi-directifs - une quarantaine réalisés auprès d’usagers en situation de recherche dans la bibliothèque, dans les rayons ou aux bureaux d’information et sur un benchmarking auprès d’une dizaine de bibliothèques - portant sur leurs pratiques en matière de supports d’information, signalétique, mise en espace des collections et choix de classification.Les princ...

  6. HL-LHC updates in Japan

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso


    At a recent meeting in Japan, updates on the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project were presented, including the progress made so far and the deadlines still to be met for the upgraded machine to be operational from 2020.   New magnets made with advanced superconductor Nb3Sn in the framework of the HL-LHC project. These magnets are currently under construction at CERN by the TE-MSC group. The LHC is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, and in 2015 it will reach yet another new record for the energy of its colliding beams. One key factor of its discovery potential is its ability to produce collisions described in mathematical terms by the parameter known as “luminosity”. In 2025, the HL-LHC project will allow the total number of collisions in the LHC to increase by a factor of 10. The first step in this rich upgrade programme is the delivery of the Preliminary Design Report (PDR), which is also a key milestone of the HiLumi LHC Design Study partly fund...

  7. LHC luminosity upgrade detector challenges

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; de Roeck, Albert; Bortoletto, Daniela; Wigmans, Richard; Riegler, Werner; Smith, Wesley H


    LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges The upgrade of the LHC machine towards higher luminosity (1035 cm -2s-1) has been studied over the last few years. These studies have investigated scenarios to achieve the increase in peak luminosity by an order of magnitude, as well as the physics potential of such an upgrade and the impact of a machine upgrade on the LHC DETECTORS. This series of lectures will cover the following topics: • Physics motivation and machine scenarios for an order of magnitude increase in the LHC peak luminosity (lecture 1) • Detector challenges including overview of ideas for R&D programs by the LHC experiments: tracking and calorimetry, other new detector developments (lectures 2-4) • Electronics, trigger and data acquisition challenges (lecture 5) Note: the much more ambitious LHC energy upgrade will not be covered

  8. Nuclear suppression of J/Ψ: From RHIC to the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kopeliovich, B.Z.; Potashnikova, I.K.; Schmidt, Ivan


    A parameter-free calculation for J/Ψ suppression in pA collisions, based on the dipole description, is confronted with the new data from the PHENIX experiment. Achieving good agreement, we employed this model predicting the contribution of initial state interactions (ISI) to J/Ψ suppression in AA collisions. Such a transition from pA to AA is not straightforward, since involves specific effects of double color filtering and boosting of the saturation scale. Relying on this refined ISI contribution, we updated the previous analysis of RHIC data on J/Ψ production in Cu-Cu and Au-Au collisions at √(s)=200 GeV, and determined the transport coefficient of the created dense medium at q-hat 0 =0.6 GeV 2 /fm. Nuclear effects for J/Ψ production at the LHC are predicted using the transport coefficient q-hat 0 =0.8 GeV 2 /fm, extracted from data on suppression of high-p T hadrons in central lead-lead collisions at √(s)=2.76 TeV. Our analysis covers only direct J/Ψ production, while data may also include the feed-down from decay of heavier states and B-mesons.

  9. LHC Luminosity Performance

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2091107; Fuchsberger, Kajetan; Papotti, Giulia

    This thesis adresses several approaches with the common goal of assessing, understanding and improving the luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To better exploit existing margins for maximum luminosity while fulfilling the requirements of the LHC experiments, new techniques for luminosity levelling are studied and developed to an operational state, such as changing the crossing angle or $\\beta^*$ (beam size) at the interaction points with the beams in collisions. In 2017 LHC operation, the crossing angle reduction in collisions improved the integrated luminosity by $\\mathrm{\\sim} 2\\,\\mathrm{fb^{-1}}$ ($\\mathrm{\\sim} 4\\,\\mathrm{\\%}$ of the yearly production). For additional diagnostics, a new method for measuring beam sizes and orbits for each circulating bunch using the luminosity measurement during beam separation scans is shown. The results of these Emittance Scans improved the understanding of the LHC luminosity reach and of the orbit offsets introduced by beam-beam long-range effects.

  10. LHC preparations change gear

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    After the formal approval by CERN Council in December (January, page 1) of the LHC protonproton collider for CERN's 27- kilometre LEP tunnel, preparations for the new machine change gear. Lyndon Evans becomes LHC Project Leader, and CERN's internal structure will soon be reorganized to take account of the project becoming a definite commitment. On the experimental side, the full Technical Proposals for the big general purpose ATLAS and CMS detectors were aired at a major meeting of the LHC Committee at CERN in January. These Technical Proposals are impressive documents each of some several hundred pages. (Summaries of the detector designs will appear in forthcoming issues of the CERN Courier.) The ALICE heavy ion experiment is not far behind, and plans for other LHC experiments are being developed. Playing an important role in this groundwork has been the Detector Research and Development Committee (DRDC), founded in 1990 to foster detector development for the LHC experimental programme and structured along the lines of a traditional CERN Experiments Committee. Established under the Director Generalship of Carlo Rubbia and initially steered by Research Director Walter Hoogland, the DRDC has done sterling work in blazing a trail for LHC experiments. Acknowledging that the challenge of LHC experimentation needs technological breakthroughs as well as specific detector subsystems, DRDC proposals have covered a wide front, covering readout electronics and computing as well as detector technology. Its first Chairman was Enzo larocci, succeeded in 1993 by Michal Turala. DRDC's role was to evaluate proposals, and make recommendations to CERN's Research Board for approval and resource allocation, not an easy task when the LHC project itself had yet to be formally approved. Over the years, a comprehensive portfolio of detector development has been built up, much of which has either led to specific LHC detector subsystems for traditional detector tasks

  11. Emotional Intelligence Construct; a Missing Link in Explanation of Social Physique Anxiety


    Mohammad Abbaszadeh; Marzieh Mokhtari


    Introduction In contemporary society, the mass media emphasizes the importance of physical appearance and provides unattainable standards of beauty which may lead to mental health and social problems for people, especially young women. Social physique anxiety is one of these mental disorders which can occur as the result of these social pressures. This anxiety arises when a person thinks that his or her body is evaluated negatively. Various issues may happen because of anxiety, so trying t...

  12. Coherent J/ψ production-A novel feature at LHC?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arsene, I.C.; Bravina, L.; Kaidalov, A.B.; Tywoniuk, K.; Zabrodin, E.


    Energy dependence of heavy quarkonia production in hadron-nucleus collisions is studied in the framework of the Glauber-Gribov theory. We emphasize a change in the space-time picture of heavy-quark state production on nuclei with energy. Longitudinally ordered scattering of a heavy-quark system takes place at low energies, while with increasing energy it transforms to a coherent scattering of projectile partons on the nuclear target. The characteristic energy scale for this transition depends on masses and rapidities of produced particles. For J/ψ, produced in the central rapidity region, the transition happens at RHIC energies. The parameter-free calculation of J/ψ in dAu collisions is in good agreement with recent RHIC data. We use distributions of gluons in nuclei to predict suppression of heavy quarkonia at LHC

  13. The LHC is safe

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva; Alvarez-Gaumé, Luís


    Concerns have been expressed from time to time about the safety of new high-energy colliders, and the LHC has been no exception. The LHC Safety Assessment Group (LSAG)(*) was asked last year by the CERN management to review previous LHC safety analyses in light of additional experimental results and theoretical understanding. LSAG confirms, updates and extends previous conclusions that there is no basis for any conceivable threat from the LHC. Indeed, recent theoretical and experimental developments reinforce this conclusion. In this Colloquium, the basic arguments presented by LSAG will be reviewed. Cosmic rays of much higher effective centre-of-mass energies have been bombarding the Earth and other astronomical objects for billions of years, and their continued existence shows that the Earth faces no dangers from exotic objects such as hypothetical microscopic black holes that might be produced by the LHC - as discussed in a detailed paper by Giddings and Mangano(**). Measurements of strange particle produc...

  14. Invigoration of the work of the Medical Physique in Latin America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez, G.F.


    Before the difficulties for the development of the Medical Physics, in developing countries, where the social, economic problems and politicians contribute with their most disastrous components in its against and whose social cost in the quality of life of the population it is enormous, the project ARCAL LXXXIII seeks to evaluate the necessity of the professional acting of the Medical Physique and to promote the increase of its status in the Labor and Social environment. With the consequent benefit in the quality of treatment and diagnose with sources of ionizing radiation [es

  15. LHC status report

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Following the great success of the first 3.5 TeV collisions in all four LHC experiments on 30 March, the focus of the LHC commissioning teams has turned to consolidating the beam injection and acceleration procedures.   During the last two weeks, the operators have adopted a cycle of beam commissioning studies by day and the preparation and delivery of collisions during the night shifts. The injection and acceleration processes for the beams are by now well established and almost all feedback systems, which are an essential ingredient for establishing reliable and safe machine operation, have been commissioned. Thanks to special current settings for the quadrupoles that are situated near the collision points, the LHC luminosity at high energy has been increased by a factor of 5 in three of the four experiments. Similar improvements are under way for the fourth experiment. The next steps include adjustments of the LHC machine protection and collimation devices, which will ensure 'stable beam' co...

  16. Mark the date! LHC inauguration and LHC-Fest CERN, Tuesday 21 October 2008

    CERN Document Server


    "For a long time we will remember the year 2008, an important year for CERN. as it marks the achievement of the LHC, a great tool for future discoveries, and the completion of exceptional works that demanded the commitment and motivation of many… a remarkable motivation," declared Director-General Robert Aymar during a recent interview. To celebrate this historical milestone in this very important "Big Science" project, CERN has organised two events on October 21: the LHC official inauguration and the LHC-fest. The LHC official inauguration will take place from 14h00 to 18h00, at Point 18 of the Laboratory, in the presence of the highest representatives from the member states of CERN and representatives from the other communities and authorities of the countries participating in the LHC adventure. 300 members from the international press are also expected, giving a total of 1500 guests. The ceremony will be broadcast live in the Lab...

  17. Impedance measurements and simulations for the LHC and HL-LHC injection protection collimator

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2125995; Biancacci, Nicolò

    This thesis focuses on the study and the data analysis of the Injection Protection Collimator (also Injection Protection Target Dump or TDI), one of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) collimators at CERN, in Geneva. The last chapters also deal with the Segmented TDI (TDIS), the TDI upgrade for High Luminosity-LHC (HL-LHC). Going more into details, measurements on the TDI - hexagonal Boron Nitride (TDI - hBN, installed in the LHC during run 2015) were carried out. Using the obtained results as an input, two derivations followed: one evaluating the layer resistivity and the other one for its thickness, in order to consider all the possible coating degradations that could occur. The whole range of data obtained from both the derivations was then fed to Impedance Wake 2D (IW2D), a code performing numerical simulations, to attain impedances. Finally, the resulting longitudinal impedance was compared to some measurements performed on the real TDIs, immediately after they were removed from the LHC. The TDI - Graphite, ...

  18. The LHC at level best

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    On 10 March, a team of CERN surveyors descended into the LHC tunnel. Their aim: to take measurements of the height of the LHC magnets to see how geological shifts might be affecting the machine and to take reference positions of the machine before the interconnects are opened.    CERN surveyors take levelling measurements of the LHC magnets during LS1. The LHC tunnel is renowned for its geological stability: set between layers of sandstone and molasse, it has allowed the alignment of the world’s largest accelerators to be within sub-millimetre precision. But even the most stable of tunnels can be affected by geological events. To ensure the precise alignment of the LHC, the CERN survey team performs regular measurements of the vertical position of the magnets (a process known as “levelling”). Over the past month, the team has been taking measurements of the LHC before the temperature of the magnets reaches 100 K, beyond which there may be some mechanic...

  19. The High Luminosity LHC Project (United States)

    Rossi, Lucio

    The High Luminosity LHC is one of the major scientific project of the next decade. It aims at increasing the luminosity reach of LHC by a factor five for peak luminosity and a factor ten in integrated luminosity. The project, now fully approved and funded, will be finished in ten years and will prolong the life of LHC until 2035-2040. It implies deep modifications of the LHC for about 1.2 km around the high luminosity insertions of ATLAS and CMS and relies on new cutting edge technologies. We are developing new advanced superconducting magnets capable of reaching 12 T field; superconducting RF crab cavities capable to rotate the beams with great accuracy; 100 kA and hundred meter long superconducting links for removing the power converter out of the tunnel; new collimator concepts, etc... Beside the important physics goals, the High Luminosity LHC project is an ideal test bed for new technologies for the next hadron collider for the post-LHC era.

  20. LHC Commissioning and First Operation


    Myers, S


    A description is given of the repair of the LHC after the accident of September 2008. The LHC hardware and beam commissioning and initial operation are reviewed both in terms of beam and hardware performance. The implemented machine protection measures and their impact on LHC operation are presented.

  1. Support for the LHC experiments

    CERN Document Server

    Butin, François; Gastal, M; Lacarrère, D; Macina, D; Perrot, A L; Tsesmelis, E; Wilhelmsson, M; CERN. Geneva. TS Department


    Experimental Area Teams have been put in place and charged with the general co-ordination and management of the LHC experimental areas and of the zones in the LHC tunnel hosting near-beam detectors of the experiments. This organization is responsible for the in situ co-ordination of work with the aim of providing a structure that enables the experiment collaborations and accelerator groups to carry out their work effectively and safely. This presentation will review some key elements in the support given to the LHC experimental areas and, given the track record and successful implementation during the LHC installation and commissioning phase, will argue that such an organization structure will be required also for the period of LHC exploitation for physics.

  2. Physics Validation of the LHC Software

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The LHC Software will be confronted to unprecedented challenges as soon as the LHC will turn on. We summarize the main Software requirements coming from the LHC detectors, triggers and physics, and we discuss several examples of Software components developed by the experiments and the LCG project (simulation, reconstruction, etc.), their validation, and their adequacy for LHC physics.

  3. The LHC

    CERN Multimedia


    The LHC will use the latest technologies on an enormous scale. 8000 superconducting magnets will keep the beams on track. The entire 27 km ring will be cooled by 700 000 litres of liquid helium to a temperature of -271 degrees Celsius , making the LHC the world's largest superconducting installation. Conventional superconducting wire will form the magnet coils, while high-temperature superconductors will carry a total of 2 300 000 amperes from the power supplies into the magnet cryostat

  4. Physics possibilities at LHC/SSC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hinchliffe, I.


    This document reviews some recent work on physics simulations for SSC/LHC. Included are reviews of some of the recent developments in physics simulations for the SSC/LHC and comments upon the requirements that are placed upon detectors by the need to extract specific physics signatures. The material in the various EOI/LOI documents submitted to the SCC Laboratory and the work done at the Aachen LHC workshop are discussed. In the following discussion 1 SSC (LHC) year corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 10 (100) fb -1 . 41 refs., 14 figs

  5. LHC challenges and upgrade options

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruning, O [CERN AB/ABP, Y03600, 1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland)], E-mail:


    The presentation summarizes the key parameters of the LHC collider. Following a discussion of the main challenges for reaching the nominal machine performance the presentation identifies options for increasing the operation tolerances and the potential performance reach of the LHC by means of future hardware upgrades of the LHC and its injector complex.

  6. LHC challenges and upgrade options

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruning, O


    The presentation summarizes the key parameters of the LHC collider. Following a discussion of the main challenges for reaching the nominal machine performance the presentation identifies options for increasing the operation tolerances and the potential performance reach of the LHC by means of future hardware upgrades of the LHC and its injector complex

  7. Fully transparent LHC

    CERN Multimedia


    Thanks to the first real signals received from the LHC while in operation before the incident, the experiments are now set to make the best use of the data they have collected. Report from the LHCC open session.The September open session of the LHCC (LHC Experiments Committee) came just a few days after the incident that occurred at the LHC. The packed auditorium was a testament to the huge interest raised by Lyn Evans’ talk about the status of the machine and the plans for the future. After being told that the actual consequences of the incident will be clear only once Sector 3-4 has been warmed up, the audience focussed on the reports from the experiments. For the first time, the reports showed performance results of the various detectors with particles coming from the machine and not just from cosmic rays or tests and simulations. "The first days of LHC beam exceeded all expectations and the experiments made extensive and rapid use of the data they collected", says ...

  8. The whole world behind the LHC

    CERN Multimedia


    The LHC Board, which includes representatives of the non-Member State organisations directly involved in the construction of the LHC accelerator and representatives of CERN, held its fourth meeting on Monday 21 May 2001. From left to right: 1st row, A. Yamamoto (KEK, Japan), P. Pfund (FNAL, United States), L. Maiani (CERN Director-General), L. Evans (LHC Project Leader), F. Dupont (IN2P3, France), D.D. Bhawalkar (CAT, India) ; 2nd row, P. Brossier (CEA, France), N. Tyurin (IHEP, Russia), A. Skrinsky (BINP, Russia), A. Astbury (TRIUMF, Canada), P. Lebrun (LHC Division Leader, CERN); 3rd row, T. Taylor (Deputy Division Leader LHC Division, CERN), A. Shotter (TRIUMF, Canada), P. Bryant (LHC, CERN), K. Hübner (Director for Accelerators, CERN), J. van der Boon (Director of Administration, CERN). Although Canada, the United States, India, Japan and the Russian Federation are not members of CERN, they are all playing an active part in the construction of the LHC through important technical and financial co...

  9. LHC Accelerator Fault Tracker - First Experience

    CERN Document Server

    Apollonio, Andrea; Roderick, Chris; Schmidt, Ruediger; Todd, Benjamin; Wollmann, Daniel


    Availability is one of the key performance indicators of LHC operation, being directly correlated with integrated luminosity production. An effective tool for availability tracking is a necessity to ensure a coherent capture of fault information and relevant dependencies on operational modes and beam parameters. At the beginning of LHC Run 2 in 2015, the Accelerator Fault Tracking (AFT) tool was deployed at CERN to track faults or events affecting LHC operation. Information derived from the AFT is crucial for the identification of areas to improve LHC availability, and hence LHC physics production. For the 2015 run, the AFT has been used by members of the CERN Availability Working Group, LHC Machine coordinators and equipment owners to identify the main contributors to downtime and to understand the evolution of LHC availability throughout the year. In this paper the 2015 experience with the AFT for availability tracking is summarised and an overview of the first results as well as an outlook to future develo...

  10. LHC Olympics flex physicists' brains

    CERN Multimedia


    Physicists from around the world met at CERN to strengthen their data-deciphering skills at the second LHC Olympics workshop. Physicists gather for the second LHC Olympics workshop. Coinciding with the kick-off of the winter Olympics in Turin, more than 70 physicists gathered at CERN from across the globe for the second LHC Olympics workshop on 9-10 February. Their challenge, however, involved brains rather than brawn. As the switch-on date for the LHC draws near, scientists excited by the project want to test and improve their ability to decipher the unprecedented amount of data that the world's biggest and most powerful particle accelerator is expected to generate. The LHC Olympics is a coordinated effort to do just that, minus the gold, silver and bronze of the athletics competition. 'In some ways, the LHC is not a precision instrument. It gives you the information that something is there but it's hard to untangle and interpret what it is,' said University of Michigan physicist Gordy Kane, who organiz...

  11. Last cast for the LHC

    CERN Multimedia


    The first major contract signed for the LHC is drawing to a close. Belgian firm Cockerill Sambre (a member of the Arcelor Group) has just completed production of 50,000 tonnes of steel sheets for the accelerator's superconducting magnet yokes, in what has proved to be an exemplary partnership with CERN. Philippe Lebrun, Head of the AT Department, Lyn Evans, LHC Project Leader, and Lucio Rossi, Head of the AT-MAS Group, in front of the last batch of steel for the LHC at Cockerill Sambre. It was a bright red-letter day at the end of May, when Belgian firm Cockerill Sambre of the Arcelor Group marked the completion of one of the largest contracts for the LHC machine by casting the last batch of steel sheets for the LHC superconducting magnet yokes in the presence of LHC Project Leader Lyn Evans, AT Department Head Philippe Lebrun, Magnets and Superconductors (AT-MAS) Group Leader Lucio Rossi and Head of the AT-MAS Group's components centre Francesco Bertinelli. The yokes constitute approximately 80% of the acc...

  12. The LHC on the table

    CERN Multimedia


    How many dipoles have been manufactured so far? How many have been delivered? To find out, you can now consult the LHC Progress Dashboard on the web. The dashboard tracks progress with regard to manufacture and delivery of thirty different types of LHC components. Do you want to know everything about progress on LHC construction? The LHC's engineers have recently acquired a very useful tracking tool precisely for that purpose. This is the LHC Progress Dashboard which makes it possible to track work progress in graph form. In the interests of transparency, the LHC Project Management has decided to make it accessible to the public on the web. You can now consult normalized graphs for each of the thirty different types of components that form part of machine construction, such as the cold masses of the dipole magnets, the vacuum chambers and the octupoles, etc. The graphs show: in blue: the contractual delivery curves, i.e. the delivery schedules to which the suppliers have committed themselves in their contra...

  13. LHC magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Preparations for the LHC proton collider to be built in CERN's LEP tunnel continue to make good progress. In particular development work for the high field superconducting magnets to guide the almost 8 TeVproton beams through the 'tight' curve of the 27-kilometre ring are proceeding well, while the magnet designs and lattice configuration are evolving in the light of ongoing experience. At the Evian LHC Experiments meeting, this progress was covered by Giorgio Brianti

  14. 2367-IJBCS-Article-Koffi Mathias Yao

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    comportement serait lié au prix de vente des différents alcools. C'est pourquoi, la publicité ... troubles physiques et mentaux, parmi lesquels ... consommation de 5 verres chez l'homme ou ... consomme trois à quatre verres, au plus une fois par ...

  15. La Physique du Futur Collisionneur Linéaire e+e- Partie I

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Depuis la fin des années 80, une grande partie de notre communauté scientifique penche pour un collisionneur électron-positon avec une énergie dans le centre de masse pouvant aller jusqu'à 500 GeV et même 1 TeV. Les technologies possibles et le programme de Physique aux différentes énergies seront détaillés, avec un accent sur les points forts (mesures de précision, secteur de Higgs) et les faiblesses de cet outil.

  16. The search for charginos and neutralinos with the ATLAS detector at LHC; La recherche des charginos et des neutralinos avec le detecteur Atlas au LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muanza, G.S.


    This thesis concerns the prospective study to evidence the supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) by searching for the disintegration of chargino-neutralino pairs into three leptons. The analysis of this channel is performed through a rapid simulation of the detector used for the signal processing and to process the background (from the standard model and from the MSSM) which may hinder the detection. The results are given for different configurations of LHC: at low energy ({radical}s = 9.3 TeV), at high energy ({radical}s = 14 TeV), at low luminosity (L = 10 sup 3 sup 3 cm sup -2 sup -1), at high luminosity (L = 10 sup 3 sup 4 cm sup -2 sup -1). Finally, we propose an original method allowing the estimation of the gluino mass (an essential parameter of the MSSM) as well as that of all the charginos and neutralinos. This method is of course approximated but it relies on a unique experimental measurement and permits the rebuilding of the whole mass spectrum of the MSSM jauginos to be performed with a worthy precision. The experimental part of this thesis deals with the tests performed on the new photomultipliers (PMTs) HAMAMATSU R5900 which are foreseen for the outfit of the ATLAS tile calorimeter TICAL. The results of these tests show that the PMTs are in conformity with the specifications of the reading of TICAL. (N.T.).

  17. LHC superconducting strand

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loiez


    This cross-section through a strand of superconducting matieral as used in the LHC shows the 8000 Niobium-Titanium filaments embedded like a honeycomb in copper. When cooled to 1.9 degrees above absolute zero in the LHC accelerator, these filaments will have zero resistance and so will carry a high electric current with no energy loss.

  18. ATLAS. LHC experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who had to hold up the heavens with his hands as a punishment for having taken part in a revolt against the Olympians. For LHC, the ATLAS detector will also have an onerous physics burden to bear, but this is seen as a golden opportunity rather than a punishment. The major physics goal of CERN's LHC proton-proton collider is the quest for the long-awaited£higgs' mechanism which drives the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the electroweak Standard Model picture. The large ATLAS collaboration proposes a large general-purpose detector to exploit the full discovery potential of LHC's proton collisions. LHC will provide proton-proton collision luminosities at the aweinspiring level of 1034 cm2 s~1, with initial running in at 1033. The ATLAS philosophy is to handle as many signatures as possible at all luminosity levels, with the initial running providing more complex possibilities. The ATLAS concept was first presented as a Letter of Intent to the LHC Committee in November 1992. Following initial presentations at the Evian meeting (Towards the LHC Experimental Programme') in March of that year, two ideas for generalpurpose detectors, the ASCOT and EAGLE schemes, merged, with Friedrich Dydak (MPI Munich) and Peter Jenni (CERN) as ATLAS cospokesmen. Since the initial Letter of Intent presentation, the ATLAS design has been optimized and developed, guided by physics performance studies and the LHC-oriented detector R&D programme (April/May, page 3). The overall detector concept is characterized by an inner superconducting solenoid (for inner tracking) and large superconducting air-core toroids outside the calorimetry. This solution avoids constraining the calorimetry while providing a high resolution, large acceptance and robust detector. The outer magnet will extend over a length of 26 metres, with an outer diameter of almost 20 metres. The total weight of the detector is 7,000 tonnes. Fitted with its end

  19. LHC Supertable

    CERN Document Server

    Pereira, M; Lamont, M; Muller, GJ; Teixeira, D D; McCrory, ES


    LHC operations generate enormous amounts of data. This data is being stored in many different databases. Hence, it is difficult for operators, physicists, engineers and management to have a clear view on the overall accelerator performance. Until recently the logging database, through its desktop interface TIMBER, was the only way of retrieving information on a fill-by-fill basis. The LHC Supertable has been developed to provide a summary of key LHC performance parameters in a clear, consistent and comprehensive format. The columns in this table represent main parameters that describe the collider’s operation such as luminosity, beam intensity, emittance, etc. The data is organized in a tabular fill-by-fill manner with different levels of detail. Particular emphasis was placed on data sharing by making data available in various open formats. Typically the contents are calculated for periods of time that map to the accelerator’s states or beam modes such as Injection, Stable Beams, etc. Data retrieval and ...

  20. LHC Report: Beams are back in the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    The LHC has shaken itself awake after the winter break, and, as the snow melts on the lower slopes, the temperature in the magnets has dropped to a chilly 1.9 K once more.   Following the cool-down, the last few weeks have seen an intense few tests of the magnets, power supplies and associated protection systems. These tests, referred to as hardware commissioning, have been completed in record time. At the same time the other accelerator systems have been put through the preparatory machine checkout. In parallel, the injectors (LINAC2, Booster, PS and SPS) have also come out of the technical stop in order to prepare to deliver beam to the LHC very early in the season. Of particular note here was the remarkably seamless transition to POPS, the PS's new main power supply system. All this work culminated in the LHC taking beam again for the first time in 2011 on Saturday, 19 February. The careful preparation paid off, with circulating beams being rapidly re-established. There then followed a programme ...

  1. L'épistémologie et l'histoire des sciences et des techniques peuvent elles aider les futurs enseignants de sciences physiques dans l'exercice de leur métier ? Regards portés pour une ingénierie de formation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guedj Muriel


    Full Text Available Cette étude interroge la place de l'Epistémologie, l'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques comme élément pertinent pour améliorer la professionnalité des enseignants de sciences physiques. La réflexion se nourrit des nouvelles orientations prises au sein d'écoles d'ingénieurs et de facultés de médecine qui ont fait le choix d'introduire des unités d'enseignement dédiées aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales afin de perfectionner la qualité professionnelle de leurs formations. Une étude de cas dédiée à l'enseignement de l'énergie illustre le propos.

  2. La particule de Dieu à la découverte du boson de Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Baggott, Jim


    De quoi le monde est-il constitué? Des questions aussi simples que celle-ci ont taraudé l'esprit de l'Homme depuis les origines. Même si les raisonnements sont devenus de plus en plus complexes au fil du temps, au fond, cette question centrale reste très basique. Ce livre raconte la quête des scientifiques pour élaborer un modèle permettant d'expliquer la structure de la matière à son niveau le plus élémentaire, jusqu'à l'annonce de la découverte du fameux boson de Higgs, au LHC, le 4 juillet 2012. Qu'est-ce que le boson de Higgs et en quoi sa découverte est-elle si importante? La réponse à cette question réside dans l'histoire du modèle standard de la physique des particules. Ce modèle, élaboré découverte après découverte, depuis le début du XXe siècle, recense toutes les particules constitutives de l'univers. Il prédisait jusqu'ici l'existence d'un champs dit de Higgs indispensable pour donner leur masse aux autres particules du modèle. Sans le boson de Higgs, l'univers ne pouv...

  3. Electronics for LHC experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourgeois, Francois


    Full text: A major effort is being mounted to prepare the way handling the high interaction rates expected from CERN's new LHC proton-proton collider (see, for example, November, page 6). September saw the First Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, organized by Lisbon's Particle Physics Instrumentation Laboratory (LIP) on behalf of CERN's LHC Electronics Review Board (LERB - March, page 2). Its purpose was not only for the LERB to have a thorough review of ongoing activities, but also to promote cross fertilization in the engineering community involved in electronics design for LHC experiments. The Workshop gathered 187 physicists and engineers from 20 countries including USA and Japan. The meeting comprised six sessions and 82 talks, with special focus on radiation-hard microelectronic processes, electronics for tracking, calorimetry and muon detectors, optoelectronics, trigger and data acquisition systems. Each topic was introduced by an invited speaker who reviewed the requirements set by the particular detector technology at LHC. At the end of each session, panel discussions were chaired by each invited speaker. Representatives from four major integrated circuit manufacturers covered advanced radiation hard processes. Two talks highlighted the importance of obsolescence and quality systems in the long-lived and demanding environment of LHC. The Workshop identified areas and encouraged efforts for rationalization and common developments within and between the different detector groups. As a result, it will also help ensure the reliability and the long term maintainability of installed equipment. The proceedings of the Workshop are available from LIP Lisbon*. The LERB Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments will become a regular event, with the second taking place in Hungary, by Lake Balaton, from 23-27 September 1996. The Hungarian institutes KFKIRMKI have taken up the challenge of being as successful as LIP Lisbon in the organization

  4. The LHC access system LACS and LASS

    CERN Document Server

    Ninin, P


    The LHC complex is divided into a number of zones with different levels of access controls.Inside the interlocked areas, the personnel protection is ensured by the LHC Access System.The system is made of two parts:the LHC Access Safety System and the LHC Access Control System. During machine operation,the LHC Access Safety System ensures the collective protection of the personnel against the radiation hazards arising from the operation of the accelerator by interlocking the LHC key safety elements. When the beams are off, the LHC Access Control System regulates the access to the accelerator and its many subsystems.It allows a remote, local or automatic operation of the access control equipment which verifies and identifies all users entering the controlled areas.The global architecture of the LHC Access System is now designed and is being validated to ensure that it meets the safety requirements for operation of the LHC.A pilot installation will be tested in the summer 2005 to validate the concept with the us...

  5. The LHC Tier1 at PIC: Experience from first LHC run

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flix, J.; Perez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.; Accion, E.; Acin, V.; Acosta, C.; Bernabeu, G.; Bria, A.; Casals, J.; Caubet, M.; Cruz, R.; Delfino, M.; Espinal, X.; Lanciotti, E.; Lopez, F.; Martinez, F.; Mendez, V.; Merino, G.; Pacheco, A.; Planas, E.; Porto, M. C.; Rodriguez, B.; Sedov, A.


    This paper summarizes the operational experience of the Tier1 computer center at Port d'Informacio Cientifica (PIC) supporting the commissioning and first run (Run1) of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The evolution of the experiment computing models resulting from the higher amounts of data expected after there start of the LHC are also described. (authors)

  6. Energy Deposition in Adjacent LHC Superconducting Magnets from Beam Loss at LHC Transfer Line Collimators

    CERN Document Server

    Beavan, S; Kain, V


    Injection intensities for the LHC are over an order of magnitude above the damage threshold. The collimation system in the two transfer lines is designed to dilute the beam sufficiently to avoid damage in case of accidental beam loss or mis-steered beam. To maximise the protection for the LHC most of the collimators are located in the last 300 m upstream of the injection point where the transfer lines approach the LHC machine. To study the issue of possible quenches following beam loss at the collimators part of the collimation section in one of the lines, TI 8, together with the adjacent part of the LHC has been modeled in FLUKA. The simulated energy deposition in the LHC for worst-case accidental losses and as well as for losses expected during a normal filling is presented.

  7. Conference: STANDARD MODEL @ LHC

    CERN Multimedia


    HCØ institute Universitetsparken 5 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark Room: Auditorium 2 STANDARD MODEL @ LHC Niels Bohr International Academy and Discovery Center 10-13 April 2012 This four day meeting will bring together both experimental and theoretical aspects of Standard Model phenomenology at the LHC. The very latest results from the LHC experiments will be under discussion. Topics covered will be split into the following categories:     * QCD (Hard,Soft & PDFs)     * Vector Boson production     * Higgs searches     * Top Quark Physics     * Flavour physics

  8. submitter LHC experiments

    CERN Document Server

    Tanaka, Shuji


    Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is under construction at the CERN Laboratory in Switzerland. Four experiments (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, ALICE) will try to study the new physics by LHC from 2006. Its goal to explore the fundamental nature of matter and the basic forces. The PDF file of the transparency is located on

  9. LHC? Of course we’ve heard of the LHC!

    CERN Multimedia


    Well, more or less. After its first outing in Meyrin (see last Bulletin issue), our street poll hits the streets of Divonne-les-Bains and the corridors of the University of Geneva. While many have heard of the LHC, the raison d’être of this "scientific whatsit" often remains a mystery.On first questioning, the "man-in-the-street" always pleads ignorance. "Lausanne Hockey Club?" The acronym LHC is not yet imprinted on people’s minds. "Erm, Left-Handed thingamajig?" But as soon as we mention the word "CERN", the accelerator pops straight into people’s minds. Variously referred to as "the circle" or "the ring", it makes you wonder whether people would have been so aware of the LHC if it had been shaped like a square. Size is another thing people remember: "It’s the world’s biggest. Up to now…" As for its purpose, well that’s another kettle of fish. &...

  10. The LHC personnel safety system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ninin, P.; Valentini, F.; Ladzinski, T.


    Large particle physics installations such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider require specific Personnel Safety Systems (PSS) to protect the personnel against the radiological and industrial hazards. In order to fulfill the French regulation in matter of nuclear installations, the principles of IEC 61508 and IEC 61513 standard are used as a methodology framework to evaluate the criticality of the installation, to design and to implement the PSS.The LHC PSS deals with the implementation of all physical barriers, access controls and interlock devices around the 27 km of underground tunnel, service zones and experimental caverns of the LHC. The system shall guarantee the absence of personnel in the LHC controlled areas during the machine operations and, on the other hand, ensure the automatic accelerator shutdown in case of any safety condition violation, such as an intrusion during beam circulation. The LHC PSS has been conceived as two separate and independent systems: the LHC Access Control System (LACS) and the LHC Access Safety System (LASS). The LACS, using off the shelf technologies, realizes all physical barriers and regulates all accesses to the underground areas by identifying users and checking their authorizations.The LASS has been designed according to the principles of the IEC 61508 and 61513 standards, starting from a risk analysis conducted on the LHC facility equipped with a standard access control system. It consists in a set of safety functions realized by a dedicated fail-safe and redundant hardware guaranteed to be of SIL3 class. The integration of various technologies combining electronics, sensors, video and operational procedures adopted to establish an efficient personnel safety system for the CERN LHC accelerator is presented in this paper. (authors)

  11. 173 Résumé Abstract

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée de l'Université de Fianarantsoa - Madagascar. 2 Département de Sciences Exactes ... 3 Laboratoire de Mathématiques Et Physique des Systèmes-Groupes de Mécanique. Énergétique à .... Par définition, la vitesse de séchage est la variation par rapport au temps de l'humidité absolue ...

  12. Exercise Motivation and Social Physique Anxiety In Adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Sicilia


    Full Text Available Based on self-determination theory (SDT, the goal of this study was to analyze the relation between satisfaction of basic psychological needs, types of motivation to exercise, and social physique anxiety (SPA. Participants in the study were 398 secondary education students, aged between 12 and 19 years, who completed questionnaires that measured the variables of interest. The results of multiple mediation analysis revealed that satisfaction of the need for competence negatively predicted SPA, both directly and indirectly through the mediation of integrated, identified, and external regulations. Introjected regulation also positively predicted SPA. Gender and body mass index (BMI affected the relationships analyzed and were also shown to predict SPA. The results of this study further our understanding of the motivational process that explains SPA in adolescents within an exercise context, showing the positive influence of perceived competence and types of self-determined motivation to reduce SPA.

  13. Luminosity Optimization for a Higher-Energy LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Dominguez, O


    A Higher-Energy Large Hadron Collider (HE-LHC) is an option to further push the energy frontier of particle physics beyond the present LHC. A beam energy of 16.5 TeV would require 20 T dipole magnets in the existing LHC tunnel, which should be compared with 7 TeV and 8.33 T for the nominal LHC. Since the synchrotron radiation power increases with the fourth power of the energy, radiation damping becomes significant for the HE-LHC. It calls for transverse and longitudinal emittance control vis-a-vis beam-beam interaction and Landau damping. The heat load from synchrotron radiation, gas scattering, and electron cloud also increases with respect to the LHC. In this paper we discuss the proposed HE-LHC beam parameters; the time evolution of luminosity, beam-beam tune shifts, and emittances during an HE-LHC store; the expected heat load; and luminosity optimization schemes for both round and flat beams.

  14. Résultats de recherche | Page 10 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... physique et du transport actif chez les enfants d'âge scolaire au Kenya, au Nigeria et au Mozambique. Les maladies non transmissibles (MNT) représentent un important problème de santé publique à l'échelle mondiale. Les pays à faible revenu et les pays à revenu intermédiaire (PFR-PRI) sont particulièrement touchés.

  15. DECES - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Ses amis et collaborateurs déplorent le décès de Maurice SPIGHEL. Directeur de recherche au CNRS, il a commencé sa carrière auprès du professeur Joliot-Curie au laboratoire d'Ivry. Depuis 1963, il a poursuivi ses activités d'expérimentateur au CERN, d'abord comme chercheur détaché de l'Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay, ensuite comme membre du LAPP (Annecy). Ses programmes l'ont conduit successivement du SC au PS et au SPS. Il a fait partie de l'équipe qui a mené la première expérience de collaboration CERN-URSS à l'Institut de Physique des Hautes Energies à Serpukhov en 1968. Comme initiateur du programme qui aurait du conduire à la découverte du J/y, il a vivement ressenti la déception de voir celle-ci précédée par BNL, le laboratoire américai...

  16. Compréhension de la violence à l'encontre des enfants au Rwanda ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Toutes les formes de violence (physique, émotionnelle et sexuelle) à l'encontre des enfants constituent une grave violation des droits de la personne et entraînent de profondes séquelles sur le plan mental et physique à court et à long terme (Étude du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies sur la violence contre les enfants).

  17. Scenarios for the LHC Upgrade

    CERN Document Server

    Scandale, Walter


    The projected lifetime of the LHC low-beta quadrupoles, the evolution of the statistical error halving time, and the physics potential all call for an LHC luminosity upgrade by the middle of the coming decade. In the framework of the CARE-HHH network three principal scenarios have been developed for increasing the LHC peak luminosity by more than a factor of 10, to values above 1035 cm−2s−1. All scenarios imply a rebuilding of the high-luminosity interaction regions (IRs) in combination with a consistent change of beam parameters. However, their respective features, bunch structures, IR layouts, merits and challenges, and luminosity variation with β∗ differ substantially. In all scenarios luminosity leveling during a store would be advantageous for the physics experiments. An injector upgrade must complement the upgrade measures in the LHC proper in order to provide the beam intensity and brightness needed as well as to reduce the LHC turnaround time for higher integrated luminosity.

  18. Physics at LHC and beyond

    CERN Document Server


    The topics addressed during this Conference are as follows. ---An overview of the legacy results of the LHC experiments with 7 and 8 TeV data on Standard Model physics, Scalar sector and searches for New Physics. ---A discussion of the readiness of the CMS, ATLAS, and LHCb experiments for the forthcoming high-energy run and status of the detector upgrades ---A review of the most up-to-date theory outcome on cross-sections and uncertainties, phenomenology of the scalar sector, constraints and portals for new physics. ---The presentation of the improvements and of the expected sensibilities for the Run 2 of the LHC at 13 TeV and beyond. ---A comparison of the relative scientific merits of the future projects for hadron and e+e- colliders (HL-LHC, HE-LHC, ILC, CLIC, TLEP, VHE-LHC) towards precision measurements of the Scalar boson properties and of the Electroweak-Symmetry-Breaking parameters, and towards direct searches for New Physics.

  19. Performance of the CMS precision electromagnetic calorimeter at LHC Run II and prospects for High-Luminosity LHC (United States)

    Zhang, Zhicai


    Many physics analyses using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the LHC require accurate, high-resolution electron and photon energy measurements. Following the excellent performance achieved during LHC Run I at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is operating at the LHC with proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV center-of-mass energy. The instantaneous luminosity delivered by the LHC during Run II has achieved unprecedented levels. The average number of concurrent proton-proton collisions per bunch-crossing (pileup) has reached up to 40 interactions in 2016 and may increase further in 2017. These high pileup levels necessitate a retuning of the ECAL readout and trigger thresholds and reconstruction algorithms. In addition, the energy response of the detector must be precisely calibrated and monitored. We present new reconstruction algorithms and calibration strategies that were implemented to maintain the excellent performance of the CMS ECAL throughout Run II. We will show performance results from the 2015-2016 data taking periods and provide an outlook on the expected Run II performance in the years to come. Beyond the LHC, challenging running conditions for CMS are expected after the High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) . We review the design and R&D studies for the CMS ECAL and present first test beam studies. Particular challenges at HL-LHC are the harsh radiation environment, the increasing data rates, and the extreme level of pile-up events, with up to 200 simultaneous proton-proton collisions. We present test beam results of hadron irradiated PbWO crystals up to fluences expected at the HL-LHC . We also report on the R&D for the new readout and trigger electronics, which must be upgraded due to the increased trigger and latency requirements at the HL-LHC.

  20. High Luminosity LHC Project Description

    CERN Document Server

    Apollinari, Giorgio; Rossi, Lucio


    The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is a novel configuration of the Large Hadron Collider, aiming at increasing the luminosity by a factor five or more above the nominal LHC design, to allow increasing the integrated luminosity, in the high luminosity experiments ATLAS and CMS, from the 300 fb-1 of the LHC original design up to 3000 fb-1 or more. This paper contains a short description of the main machine parameters and of the main equipment that need to be developed and installed. The preliminary cost evaluation and the time plan are presented, too. Finally, the international collaboration that is supporting the project, the governance and the project structure are discussed, too.

  1. New strategies of the LHC experiments to meet the computing requirements of the HL-LHC era

    CERN Document Server

    Adamova, Dagmar


    The performance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during the ongoing Run 2 is above expectations both concerning the delivered luminosity and the LHC live time. This resulted in a volume of data much larger than originally anticipated. Based on the current data production levels and the structure of the LHC experiment computing models, the estimates of the data production rates and resource needs were re-evaluated for the era leading into the High Luminosity LHC (HLLHC), the Run 3 and Run 4 phases of LHC operation. It turns out that the raw data volume will grow 10 times by the HL-LHC era and the processing capacity needs will grow more than 60 times. While the growth of storage requirements might in principle be satisfied with a 20 per cent budget increase and technology advancements, there is a gap of a factor 6 to 10 between the needed and available computing resources. The threat of a lack of computing and storage resources was present already in the beginning of Run 2, but could still be mitigated, e.g....

  2. Introduction to the HL-LHC Project

    CERN Document Server

    Rossi , L


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of largest scientific instruments ever built. It has been exploring the new energy frontier since 2010, gathering a global user community of 7,000 scientists. To extend its discovery potential, the LHC will need a major upgrade in the 2020s to increase its luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of five beyond its design value and the integrated luminosity by a factor of ten. As a highly complex and optimized machine, such an upgrade of the LHC must be carefully studied and requires about ten years to implement. The novel machine configuration, called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will rely on a number of key innovative technologies, representing exceptional technological challenges, such as cutting-edge 11–12 tesla superconducting magnets, very compact superconducting cavities for beam rotation with ultra-precise phase control, new technology for beam collimation and 300-meter-long high-power superconducting links with negligible energy dissipation. HL-LHC federa...

  3. Injection Protection Upgrade for the HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2067108; Biancacci, Nicolo; Bracco, Chiara; Frasciello, Oscar; Gentini, Luca; Goddard, Brennan; Lechner, Anton; Maciariello, Fausto; Perillo Marcone, Antonio; Salvant, Benoit; Shetty, Nikhil Vittal; Steele, Genevieve; Velotti, Francesco; Zobov, Mikhail


    The injector complex of the LHC is undergoing important changes in the light of the LIU project to provide brighter beams to the LHC. For this reason and as part of the High Luminosity LHC project the injection protection system of the LHC will be upgraded in the Long Shutdown 2 (2018 - 2019) to be able to protect downstream elements against injection failures with the high brightness, high intensity HL-LHC beams. The upgraded LHC injection protection system will consist of a segmented injection protection absorber TDIS, and auxiliary collimators and masks. The layout modifications are described, and the machine element protection and absorber jaw robustness studies are presented for the new systems.

  4. LHC: seven golden suppliers

    CERN Multimedia


    The fourth CERN Golden Hadron awards saw seven of the LHC's best suppliers receive recognition for the high quality of their work, compliance with delivery deadlines, flexibility and adaptability to the demanding working conditions of the project. The representatives of the seven companies which received awards during the Golden Hadron ceremony, standing with Lyn Evans, LHC Project Leader. 'The Golden Hadron awards are a symbol of our appreciation of not only the quality and timely delivery of components but also the collaborative and flexible way the firms have contributed to this very difficult project,' said Lyn Evans, head of the LHC project. The awards went to Kemppi-Kempower (Finland), Metso Powdermet (Finland), Transtechnik (Germany), Babcock Noell Nuclear (Germany), Iniziative Industriali (Italy), ZTS VVU Kosice (Slovakia), and Jehier (France). Babock Noell Nuclear (BNN) successfully produced one-third (416 cold dipole masses) of the LHC's superconducting dipole magnets, one of the most critical an...

  5. A table-top LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    Barbara Warmbein


    Many years ago, when ATLAS was no more than a huge empty underground cavern and Russian artillery shell casings were being melted down to become part of the CMS calorimetry system, science photographer Peter Ginter started documenting the LHC’s progress. He was there when special convoys of equipment crossed the Jura at night, when cranes were lowering down detector slices and magnet coils were being wound in workshops. Some 18 years of LHC history have been documented by Ginter, and the result has just come out as a massive coffee table book full of double-page spreads of Ginter’s impressive images.   The new coffee table book, LHC: the Large Hadron Collider. Published by the Austrian publisher Edition Lammerhuber in cooperation with CERN and UNESCO Publishing, LHC: the Large Hadron Collider is an unusual piece in the company’s portfolio. As the publisher’s first science book, LHC: the Large Hadron Collider weighs close to five kilos and comes in a s...

  6. Looking back over the LHC Project

    CERN Multimedia


    Have you always wanted to delve into the history of the phenomenal LHC Project? Well, now you can. A chronological history of the LHC Project is now available on the web. It traces the Project's key milestones, from its first approval in 1994 to the most recent spectacular transport operations for detector components. The photographs used to illustrate these events are linked to the CDS database, allowing visitors who wish to do so the opportunity to download them or to search for photographs associated with subjects that are of interest to them. To explore the history of the LHC Project, go to the CERN Public Welcome page and click on 'LHC Milestones' or simply go directly to the following link:

  7. Optical data transmission ASICs for the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, X; Huang, G; Sun, X; Liu, G; Deng, B; Gong, D; Guo, D; Liu, C; Liu, T; Xiang, A C; Ye, J; Zhao, X; Chen, J; You, Y; He, M; Hou, S; Teng, P-K; Jin, G; Liang, H; Liang, F


    We present the design and test results of two optical data transmission ASICs for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) experiments. These ASICs include a two-channel serializer (LOCs2) and a single-channel Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) driver (LOCld1V2). Both ASICs are fabricated in a commercial 0.25-μm Silicon-on-Sapphire (SoS) CMOS technology and operate at a data rate up to 8 Gbps per channel. The power consumption of LOCs2 and LOCld1V2 are 1.25 W and 0.27 W at 8-Gbps data rate, respectively. LOCld1V2 has been verified meeting the radiation-tolerance requirements for HL-LHC experiments

  8. Physical activity and body composition, body physique, and quality of life in premenopausal breast cancer patients during endocrine therapy--a feasibility study. (United States)

    Hojan, Katarzyna; Molińska-Glura, Marta; Milecki, Piotr


    Endocrine therapy (ET) is a common method of treatment in breast cancer patients; however, its negative impact on body composition, body physique (physical body shape/measurements), and quality of life (QoL) remains controversial. Previous studies have shown physical exercise can have a positive effect on QoL in breast cancer patients, especially premenopausal subjects. In this feasibility study, we sought to assess the impact that physical exercise had on body composition and QoL in premenopausal breast cancer patients undergoing ET, and to determine the appropriateness of further testing of this intervention in this patient group. This study involved 41 premenopausal female breast cancer patients before and after six, 12, and 18 months of ET. Aerobic training began in the 6th month and resistance training was added in the 12th month. Body composition was evaluated using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans, body physique was evaluated using anthropometric measurement techniques, and QoL was evaluated using questionnaires from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. The initial period of ET with no exercise resulted in a reduction in fat-free body mass (FFBM), an increase in fat body mass (FBM), and a decline in QoL scores. Adding aerobic training resulted in a reduction of FBM and percentage of android fat, and improved QoL scores. The introduction of resistance training further reduced percentage of android and gynoid fat, increased FFBM, and further improved QoL scores. ET negatively impacts body composition, body physique, and QoL of premenopausal breast cancer patients. This feasibility study shows that physical activity may improve QoL and reduce adverse effects of ET on body composition and body physique, indicating appropriateness for further investigation on the use of exercise programs in premenopausal breast cancer patients to improve the outcomes of therapy.

  9. From the LHC to Future Colliders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    De Roeck, A.; Ellis, J.; Grojean, C.


    Discoveries at the LHC will soon set the physics agenda for future colliders. This report of a CERN Theory Institute includes the summaries of Working Groups that reviewed the physics goals and prospects of LHC running with 10 to 300/fb of integrated luminosity, of the proposed sLHC luminosity up...

  10. Large hadron collider (LHC) project quality assurance plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gullo, Lisa; Karpenko, Victor; Robinson, Kem; Turner, William; Wong, Otis


    The LHC Quality Assurance Plan is a set of operating principles, requirements, and practices used to support Berkeley Lab's participation in the Large Hadron Collider Project. The LHC/QAP is intended to achieve reliable, safe, and quality performance in the LHC project activities. The LHC/QAP is also designed to fulfill the following objectives: (1) The LHC/QAP is Berkeley Lab's QA program document that describes the elements necessary to integrate quality assurance, safety management, and conduct of operations into the Berkeley Lab's portion of the LHC operations. (2) The LHC/QAP provides the framework for Berkeley Lab LHC Project administrators, managers, supervisors, and staff to plan, manage, perform, and assess their Laboratory work. (3) The LHC/QAP is the compliance document that conforms to the requirements of the Laboratory's Work Smart Standards for quality assurance (DOE O 414.1, 10 CFR 830.120), facility operations (DOE O 5480.19), and safety management (DOE P 450.4).

  11. Large hadron collider (LHC) project quality assurance plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gullo, Lisa; Karpenko, Victor; Robinson, Kem; Turner, William; Wong, Otis


    The LHC Quality Assurance Plan is a set of operating principles, requirements, and practices used to support Berkeley Lab's participation in the Large Hadron Collider Project. The LHC/QAP is intended to achieve reliable, safe, and quality performance in the LHC project activities. The LHC/QAP is also designed to fulfill the following objectives: (1) The LHC/QAP is Berkeley Lab's QA program document that describes the elements necessary to integrate quality assurance, safety management, and conduct of operations into the Berkeley Lab's portion of the LHC operations. (2) The LHC/QAP provides the framework for Berkeley Lab LHC Project administrators, managers, supervisors, and staff to plan, manage, perform, and assess their Laboratory work. (3) The LHC/QAP is the compliance document that conforms to the requirements of the Laboratory's Work Smart Standards for quality assurance (DOE O 414.1, 10 CFR 830.120), facility operations (DOE O 5480.19), and safety management (DOE P 450.4)

  12. Heavy-ion operation of HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Jowett, J M; Versteegen, R


    The heavy-ion physics programme of the LHC will continue during the HL-LHC period with upgraded detectors capable of exploiting several times the design luminosity for nucleus–nucleus (Pb–Pb) collisions. For proton–nucleus (p–Pb) collisions, unforeseen in the original design of the LHC, a comparable increase beyond the 2013 luminosity should be attainable. We present performance projections and describe the operational strategies and relatively modest upgrades to the collider hardware that will be needed to achieve these very significant extensions to the physics potential of the High Luminosity LHC.

  13. Social Physique Anxiety and Pressure to Be Thin in Adolescent Ballet Dancers, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Swimming Athletes (United States)

    Kosmidou, Evdoxia; Giannitsopoulou, Evgenia; Moysidou, Dimitra


    Participation in sports may influence negative body image and Social Physique Anxiety (SPA) as there is pressure by significant others to have a certain body image. The aim of the present study was to examine possible differences in SPA and perceived pressure to be thin between female preadolescent and adolescent ballet dancers, rhythmic…

  14. The Lhc beam commissioning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redarelli, S.; Bailey, R.


    The plans for the Lhc proton beam commissioning are presented. A staged commissioning approach is proposed to satisfy the request of the Lhc experiments while minimizing the machine complexity in early commissioning phases. Machine protection and collimation aspects will be tackled progressively as the performance will be pushed to higher beam intensities. The key parameters are the number of bunches, k b , the proton intensity pe bunch, N, and the β in the various interaction points. All together these parameters determine the total beam power and the complexity of the machine. We will present the proposed trade off between the evolution of these parameters and the Lhc luminosity performance.

  15. LHC 2008 lectures
    The LHC: an accelerator of science

    CERN Multimedia


    In 2008, CERN will be switching on the greatest physics experiment ever undertaken. The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, is a particle accelerator that will provide many answers to our questions about the Universe - What is the reason for mass? Where is the invisible matter in the Universe hiding? What is the relationship between matter and antimatter? Will we have to use a theory claiming more than four dimensions? … and what about "time" ? To understand better the raison d’être of the LHC, this gigantic, peerless scientific instrument and all the knowledge it can bring to us, members of the general public are invited to a series of lectures at the Globe of Science and Innovation. Thursday 8 May 2008 at 8.00 p.m. « Comment fonctionne l’Univers ? Ce que le LHC peut nous apprendre » Alvaro de Rujula, CERN physicist Thursday 15 May 2008 at 8.00 p.m. – « Une nouvelle vision du monde » Jean-Pierre Luminet, Director of...

  16. HL-LHC kicker magnet (MKI)

    CERN Multimedia

    Brice, Maximilien


    HL-LHC kicker magnet (MKI): last vacuum test, preparation for transport to LHC transfer line in underground tunnel.The LHC injection kicker systems (MKIs) generate fast field pulses to inject the clockwise rotating beam at Point 2 and the anti-clockwise rotating beam at Point 8: there are eight MKI magnets installed in total. Each MKI magnet contains a high purity alumina tube: if an MKI magnet is replaced this tube requires conditioning with LHC beam: until it is properly conditioned, there can be high vacuum pressure due to the beam. This high pressure can also cause electrical breakdowns in the MKI magnets. A special coating (Cr2O3) has been applied to the inside of the alumina tube of an upgraded MKI magnet – this is expected to greatly reduce the pressure rise with beam. In addition, HL-LHC beam would result in excessive heating of the MKI magnets: the upgraded design includes modifications that will reduce heating, and move the power deposition to parts that will be easier to cool. Experience during 2...

  17. The LHC and its successors

    CERN Multimedia

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    Not too long before the first long technical stop of the LHC, engineers and physicists are already working on the next generation of accelerators: HL-LHC and LHeC. The first would push proton-proton collisions to an unprecedented luminosity rate; the second would give a second wind to electron-proton collisions.   The ring-ring configuration of the LHeC would need this type of magnets, currently being studied for possible future use. In one year, the LHC will begin to change. During the first long shutdown, from December 2012 to late 2014, the machine will go through a first phase of major upgrades, with the objective of running at 7 TeV per beam at the beginning of 2015. With this long technical stop and the two others that will follow (in 2018 and 2022), a new project will see the light of day. Current plans include the study of something that looks more like a new machine rather than a simple upgrade: the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). Much more powerful than the current machine, the HL-...

  18. Hybrid beams in the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    The first proton-ion beams were successfully circulated in the LHC a couple of weeks ago. Everything went so smoothly that the LHC teams had planned the first p-Pb collisions for Wednesday, 16 November. Unfortunately, a last-minute problem with a component of the PS required for proton acceleration prevented the LHC teams from making these new collisions. However, the way is open for a possible physics run with proton-lead collisions in 2012.   Members of the LHC team photographed when the first hybrid beams got to full energy. The proton and lead beams are visible on the leftmost screen up on the wall (click to enlarge the photo). The technical challenge of making different beams circulate in the LHC is by no means trivial. Even if the machine is the same, there are a number of differences when it is operated with beams of protons, beams of lead or beams of proton and lead. Provided that the beams are equal, irrespective of whether they consist of protons or lead nuclei, they revolve at the...

  19. Technological challenges for the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; Rossi, Lucio; Lebrun, Philippe; Bordry, Frederick; Mess, Karl Hubert; Schmidt, Rüdiger


    For the LHC to provide particle physics with proton-proton collisions at the centre of mass energy of 14 TeV with a luminosity of 1034 cm-2s-1, the machine will operate with high-field dipole magnets using NbTi superconductors cooled to below the lambda point of helium. In order to reach design performance, the LHC requires both, the use of existing technologies pushed to the limits as well as the application of novel technologies. The construction follows a decade of intensive R&D and technical validation of major collider sub-systems. The first lecture will focus on the required LHC performance, and on the implications on the technologies. In the following lectures several examples for LHC technologies will be discussed: the superconducting magnets to deflect and focus the beams, the cryogenics to cool the magnets to a temperature below the lambda point of helium along most of the LHC circumference, the powering system supplying about 7000 magnets connected in 1700 electrical circuits with a total curr...

  20. La physique et l'énigme du réel les difficultés d'interprétation de la théorie quantique et de la relativité générale

    CERN Document Server

    Felden, Marceau


    "L'univers est-il accessible à la connaissance humaine ?" Malgré d'extraordinaires progrès, la science n'est pas parvenue, jusqu'ici, à apporter de réponse rationnelle à cette question - pire, elle a fini par obscurcir la notion de "réel" qui paraissait pourtant évidente, remettant très profondément en cause les conceptions de base de la physique classique. D'où la question que l'on ne peut plus éviter aujourd'hui : Quel est vraiment le contenu, c'est-à-dire la signification, d'une théorie physique fondamentale ? C'est tout le problème de l'interprétation qui est ici discuté par Marceau Felden, professeur de physique à l'Université de Paris XI-Orsay et à l'École supérieure d'Électricité. Une analyse critique rigoureuse de la physique actuelle mène l'auteur à mettre en évidence trois discontinuités qui conduisent irréductiblement à distinguer physiquement trois domaines complémentaires : Le "microcosme", le "mésocosme" et le "mégacosme". Il montre que l'analyse de leurs spécif...

  1. For information - Université de Genève : Accelerator Physics Challenges for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Université de Genève


    UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE Faculte des sciences Section de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet - 1211 GENEVE 4 Tél : (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Mercredi 16 March SEMINAIRE DE PHYSIQUE CORPUSCULAIRE à 17h00 - Auditoire Stückelberg Accelerator Physics Challenges for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN Prof. Olivier Bruning / CERN The Large Hadron Collider project at CERN will bring the energy frontier of high energy particle physics back to Europe and with it push the accelerator technology into uncharted teritory. The talk presents the LHC project in the context of the past CERN accelerator developments and addresses the main challenges in terms of technology and accelerator physics. Information: Organizer: A. Cervera Villanueva

  2. What?s in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths


    Voracek, Martin; Rieder, Stephan; Stieger, Stefan; Swami, Viren


    Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith). Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980). Study 1 (N = 224) indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prot...

  3. Cluster-to-cluster transformation among Au6, Au8 and Au11 nanoclusters. (United States)

    Ren, Xiuqing; Fu, Junhong; Lin, Xinzhang; Fu, Xuemei; Yan, Jinghui; Wu, Ren'an; Liu, Chao; Huang, Jiahui


    We present the cluster-to-cluster transformations among three gold nanoclusters, [Au6(dppp)4]2+ (Au6), [Au8(dppp)4Cl2]2+ (Au8) and [Au11(dppp)5]3+ (Au11). The conversion process follows a rule that states that the transformation of a small cluster to a large cluster is achieved through an oxidation process with an oxidizing agent (H2O2) or with heating, while the conversion of a large cluster to a small one occurs through a reduction process with a reducing agent (NaBH4). All the reactions were monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy and ESI-MS. This work may provide an alternative approach to the synthesis of novel gold nanoclusters and a further understanding of the structural transformation relationship of gold nanoclusters.

  4. Robust Tracking at the High Luminosity LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Woods, Natasha Lee; The ATLAS collaboration


    The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) aims to increase the LHC data-set by an order of magnitude in order to increase its potential for discoveries. Starting from the middle of 2026, the HL-LHC is expected to reach the peak instantaneous luminosity of 7.5×10^34cm^-2s^-1 which corresponds to about 200 inelastic proton-proton collisions per beam crossing. To cope with the large radiation doses and high pileup, the current ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced with a new all-silicon Inner Tracker. In this talk the expected performance of tracking and vertexing with the HL-LHC tracker is presented. Comparison is made to the performance with the Run2 detector. Ongoing developments of the track reconstruction for the HL-LHC are also discussed.

  5. Future of LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Dova, Maria-Teresa; The ATLAS collaboration


    The High-Luminosity LHC aims to provide a total integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1 from p-p collisions at  14 TeV over the course of 10 years. The upgraded ATLAS detector must be able to cope well with increased occupancies and data rates. The large data samples at the High-Luminosity LHC will enable precise measurements of the Higgs boson and other Standard Model particles, as well as searches for new phenomena BSM.

  6. Physics programmes of the restarted LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tokushuku, Katsuo


    Experimental programs at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have started. On March 30th in 2010, proton beams collided at 7 TeV in the LHC, at the highest center-of-mass energy the humankind has ever produced. The machine will be operated almost continuously until the end of 2011, providing many collision data to explore new physics in the TeV region. The LHC has recovered from the unfortunate helium-leak incident in September 2009. In this article, after describing the history of the consolidation works in the LHC, physics prospects from the 2 year run are discussed. (author)

  7. LHC crab-cavity aspects and strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calaga, R.; Tomas, R.; Zimmermann, F.


    The 3rd LHC Crab Cavity workshop (LHC-CC09) took place at CERN in October 2009. It reviewed the current status and identified a clear strategy towards a future crab-cavity implementation. Following the success of crab cavities in KEK-B and the strong potential for luminosity gain and leveling, CERN will pursue crab crossing for the LHC upgrade. We present a summary and outcome of the variousworkshop sessions which have led to the LHC crab-cavity strategy, covering topics like layout, cavity design, integration, machine protection, and a potential validation test in the SPS.

  8. Autobiographie scientifique et derniers écrits

    CERN Document Server

    Planck, Max


    Penseur et philosophe, Max Planck a dominé par sa personnalité toute la science moderne. Pour Albert Einstein, il a " doté le monde d'une grande idée créatrice " dont la découverte deviendrait " la base de toute la recherche en physique au XXe siècle ". C'est dans le domaine de la thermodynamique que fit irruption sa découverte révolutionnaire, en 1900, alors qu'il s'intéressait au rayonnement émis par les corps qu'on échauffe et aux propriétés de la matière avec laquelle ce rayonnement interagit: contrairement à ce que supposait la physique classique, les échanges d'énergie entre le rayonnement et la matière ne peuvent se faire que par paquets discontinus, les quanta. Une hypothèse de quantification vis-à-vis de laquelle Planck lui-même exprima la plus extrême réticence mais qui signa l'acte de naissance de la physique quantique. Au terme de sa vie, à l'âge de quatre-vingt-sept ans, l'illustre savant revient une dernière fois sur son oeuvre et nous livre la démarche même de son e...

  9. Au-delà de l’espace et du temps

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Dans quel monde vivons-nous ? Pourquoi est-il tel qu'il est ? L'espace est-il fini ou infini ? La matière est-elle réellement faite de particules ? Y a-t-il une physique capable de décrire ce monde ? Toutes ces interrogations se mêlent et se rejoignent. Comment s’opposent les concepts de l’infiniment grand et de l’infiniment petit : physique quantique et relativité se révèlent incompatibles ? Faut-il inventer de nouvelles géométries, extraordinaires, pour tenter de décrire ce qui, dans l’Univers, nous échappe encore : vivons-nous dans un monde à 10 dimensions ?

  10. LHC: forwards and onwards

    CERN Multimedia


    Following the recent incident in Sector 3-4, which has brought the start-up of the LHC to a halt, the various teams are working hard to establish the cause, evaluate the situation and plan the necessary repairs. The LHC will be started up again in spring 2009 following the winter shutdown for the maintenance of all the CERN installations. The LHC teams are at work on warming up Sector 3-4 and establishing the cause of the serious incident that occurred on Friday, 19 September. Preliminary investigations suggest that the likely cause of the problem was a faulty electrical connection between two magnets. The connections probably melted, leading to a mechanical failure and a large leak of helium into the tunnel. However, the teams will not be able to carry out a full evaluation and assess the repairs needed until the sector has been warmed up again and inspected. "We are not worried about repairing the magnets as spare parts are available", said Lyn Evans, the LHC Project Leade...

  11. LHC Report: Ion Age

    CERN Multimedia

    John Jowett for the LHC team


    The LHC starts the New Year facing a new challenge: proton-lead collisions in the last month before the shutdown in mid-February.    Commissioning this new and almost unprecedented mode of collider operation is a major challenge both for the LHC and its injector chain. Moreover, it has to be done very quickly to achieve a whole series of physics goals, requiring modifications of the LHC configuration, in a very short time. These include a switch of the beam directions halfway through the run, polarity reversals of the ALICE spectrometer magnet and Van der Meer scans.    The Linac3 team kept the lead source running throughout the end-of-year technical stop, and recovery of the accelerator complex was very quick. New proton and lead beams were soon ready, with a bunch filling pattern that ensures they will eventually match up in the LHC. The LEIR machine has even attained a new ion beam intensity record.  On Friday 11 January the first single bunches o...

  12. The LHC in numbers

    CERN Multimedia

    Alizée Dauvergne


    What makes the LHC the biggest particle accelerator in the world? Here are some of the numbers that characterise the LHC, and their equivalents in terms that are easier for us to imagine.   Feature Number Equivalent Circumference ~ 27 km   Distance covered by beam in 10 hours ~ 10 billion km a round trip to Neptune Number of times a single proton travels around the ring each second 11 245   Speed of protons first entering the LHC 299 732 500 m/s 99.9998 % of the speed of light Speed of protons when they collide 299 789 760 m/s 99.9999991 % of the speed of light Collision temperature ~ 1016 °C ove...

  13. Beam Scraping for LHC Injection

    CERN Document Server

    Burkhardt, H; Fischer, C; Gras, J-J; Koschik, A; Kramer, Daniel; Pedersen, S; Redaelli, S


    Operation of the LHC will require injection of very high intensity beams from the SPS to the LHC. Fast scrapers have been installed and will be used in the SPS to detect and remove any existing halo before beams are extracted, to minimize the probability for quenching of superconducting magnets at injection in the LHC. We briefly review the functionality of the scraper system and report about measurements that have recently been performed in the SPS on halo scraping and re-population of tails.

  14. The physics behind LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    What do physicists want to discover with experiments at the LHC? What is the Higgs boson? What are the new phenomena that could be observed at the LHC?I will try to answer these questions using language accessible also to non-experts. Organiser(s): L. Alvarez-Gaume / PH-THNote: * Tea & coffee will be served at 16:00.

  15. LHC physics results and prospects

    CERN Document Server

    Kono, Takanori; The ATLAS collaboration


    This talk presents the latest results from LHC Run-2 as of May 2018 which include Standard Model measurements, Higgs boson properties and beyond Standard Model search results. The prospects for future LHC runs are also shown.

  16. Le CERN va devoir supprimer quelques 600 postes d'ici a 2007

    CERN Multimedia


    "Le Laboratoire europeen pour la physique des particules (CERN) qui procede actuellement a la construction du LHC (Large Hadron Collider) , le plus grand accelerateur de particules du monde, va devoir supprimer, comme cela avait ete evoque en juin, quelques 600 postes d'ici a 2007" (1 paragraph).

  17. LHC an unprecedented technological challenge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baruch, J.O.


    This article presents the future LHC (large hadron collider) in simple terms and gives some details concerning radiation detectors and supra-conducting magnets. LHC will take the place of the LEP inside the 27 km long underground tunnel near Geneva and is scheduled to operate in 2007. 8 years after its official launching the LHC project has piled up 2 year delay and has exceeded its initial budget (2 milliard euros) by 18%. Technological challenges and design difficulties are the main causes of these shifts. The first challenge has been carried out successfully, it was the complete clearing out of the LEP installation. In order to release 14 TeV in each proton-proton collision, powerful magnetic fields (8,33 Tesla) are necessary. 1248 supra-conducting 15 m-long bipolar magnets have to be built. 30% of the worldwide production of niobium-titanium wires will be used each year for 5 years in the design of these coils. The global cryogenic system will be gigantic and will use 94 tons of helium. 4 radiation detectors are being built: ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus), CMS (compact muon solenoid), ALICE (a large ion collider experiment) and LHC-b (large hadron collider beauty). The 2 first will search after the Higgs boson, ALICE will be dedicated to the study of the quark-gluon plasma and LHC-b will gather data on the imbalance between matter and anti-matter. (A.C.)

  18. Heavy feet for the LHC

    CERN Document Server


    The first 800 jacks (adjustable supports) for one sector of the LHC have arrived from India in recent weeks. After the final acceptance of the preseries jacks at the end of October, they can now be used to support the LHC cryo-magnets. How do you move the weight of eight adult Indian elephants by the breadth of a human hair? If you are a surveyor at CERN who has to adjust the 32 ton LHC dipoles with a resolution of 1/20 of a millimetre, you use the 80 kg jacks which were designed and are being procured by the Centre for Advanced Technology (CAT) in India. The jacks are undergoing final pre-shipment inspection by CAT engineers in India. More than 800 jacks have arrived in recent weeks from India, enough to equip the first sector of the LHC (one octant of the ring). For all the cryo-magnets (dipoles and quadrupoles) of the LHC 7000 jacks are needed in total. They are now being continuously delivered to CERN up to mid-2005. The close collaboration between the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) in India and CE...

  19. Japanese contributions to CERN-LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kondo, Takahiko; Shintomi, Takakazu; Kimura, Yoshitaka


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is now under construction at CERN, Geveva, to study frontier researches of particle physics. The LHC is the biggest superconducting accelerator using the most advanced cryogenics and applied superconductivities. The accelerator and large scale detectors for particle physics experiments are being constructed by collaboration with European countries and also by participation with non-CERN countries worldwide. In 1995, the Japanese government decided to take on a share in the LHC project with funding and technological contributions. KEK contributes to the development of low beta insertion superconducting quadrupole magnets and of components of the ATLAS detector by collaboration with university groups. Some Japanese companies have received contracts for technically key elements such as superconducting cable, cold compressor, nonmagnetic steel, polyimide film, and so on. An outline of the LHC project and Japanese contributions are described. (author)

  20. Introduction to the HL-LHC Project (United States)

    Rossi, L.; Brüning, O.

    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of largest scientific instruments ever built. It has been exploring the new energy frontier since 2010, gathering a global user community of 7,000 scientists. To extend its discovery potential, the LHC will need a major upgrade in the 2020s to increase its luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of five beyond its design value and the integrated luminosity by a factor of ten. As a highly complex and optimized machine, such an upgrade of the LHC must be carefully studied and requires about ten years to implement. The novel machine configuration, called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will rely on a number of key innovative technologies, representing exceptional technological challenges, such as cutting-edge 11-12 tesla superconducting magnets, very compact superconducting cavities for beam rotation with ultra-precise phase control, new technology for beam collimation and 300-meter-long high-power superconducting links with negligible energy dissipation. HL-LHC federates efforts and R&D of a large community in Europe, in the US and in Japan, which will facilitate the implementation of the construction phase as a global project.

  1. Helium Inventory Management For LHC Cryogenics

    CERN Document Server

    Pyarali, Maisam


    The LHC is a 26.7 km circumference ring lined with superconducting magnets that operate at 1.9 K. These magnets are used to control the trajectory of beams of protons traveling in opposite directions and collide them at various experimental sites across the LHC where their debris is analyzed. The focus of this paper is the cryogenic system that allows the magnets to operate in their superconducting states. It aims to highlight the operating principles of helium refrigeration and liquefaction, with and without nitrogen pre-cooling; discuss the various refrigerators and liquefiers used at CERN for both LHC and Non-LHC applications, with their liquefaction capacities and purposes; and finally to deliberate the management of the LHC inventory and how it contributes to the strategic decision CERN makes regarding the inventory management during the Year-End Technical Stop (YETS), Extended Year-End Technical Stop (EYETS) and long shutdowns.

  2. HL-LHC parameter space and scenarios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruning, O.S.


    The HL-LHC project aims at a total integrated luminosity of approximately 3000 fb -1 over the lifetime of the HL-LHC. Assuming an exploitation period of ca. 10 years this goal implies an annual integrated luminosity of approximately 200 fb -1 to 300 fb -1 per year. This paper looks at potential beam parameters that are compatible with the HL-LHC performance goals and discusses briefly potential variation in the parameter space. It is shown that the design goal of the HL-LHC project can only be achieved with a full upgrade of the injector complex and the operation with β* values close to 0.15 m. Significant margins for leveling can be achieved for β* values close to 0.15 m. However, these margins can only be harvested during the HL-LHC operation if the required leveling techniques have been demonstrated in operation

  3. Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia


    École de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENÈVE 4 Tél: (022) 379 62 73 - Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 22 September 2010 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR àt 17:00 – Auditoire Stückelberg New Physics with Leading Baryons at the LHC Dr. Sebastian White, Brokhaven National Laboratory, BNL The leading baryon remnants in high energy proton-proton and nuclear collisions carry a great deal of information. In the ATLAS experiment a new device for high energy pp collider physics - the Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) - has been providing information from this kinematic region and ATLAS triggers since LHC startup. Previous high energy collider experiments have measured leading protons, albeit in a miniscule range of Feynman x, and this has led to the very productive field of hard diffraction. ATLAS ZDC measurements, instead, cover neutral leading baryon and photon production over ...

  4. Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia


    École de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENÈVE 4Tél: (022) 379 62 73 - Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 29 April 2009 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17:00 - Stückelberg Auditorium Search for spin-1 excited bosons at the LHC Mihail V. Chizhov (Physics Department, Sofia University, Bulgaria) I will discuss the resonance production of new type spin-1 excited bosons, Z*, at hadron colliders. They can be observed as a Breit-Wigner resonance peak in the invariant dilepton mass distribution in the same way as the well-known hypothetical gauge bosons, Z�. This makes them very interesting objects for early searches with the LHC first data. Moreover, they have unique signatures in transverse momentum and angular distributions, which allow to distinguish them from other resonances. Information : Organizer: J.-S. Graulich

  5. Le recours aux modeles dans l'enseignement de la biologie au secondaire : Conceptions d'enseignantes et d'enseignants et modes d'utilisation (United States)

    Varlet, Madeleine

    Le recours aux modeles et a la modelisation est mentionne dans la documentation scientifique comme un moyen de favoriser la mise en oeuvre de pratiques d'enseignement-apprentissage constructivistes pour pallier les difficultes d'apprentissage en sciences. L'etude prealable du rapport des enseignantes et des enseignants aux modeles et a la modelisation est alors pertinente pour comprendre leurs pratiques d'enseignement et identifier des elements dont la prise en compte dans les formations initiale et disciplinaire peut contribuer au developpement d'un enseignement constructiviste des sciences. Plusieurs recherches ont porte sur ces conceptions sans faire de distinction selon les matieres enseignees, telles la physique, la chimie ou la biologie, alors que les modeles ne sont pas forcement utilises ou compris de la meme maniere dans ces differentes disciplines. Notre recherche s'est interessee aux conceptions d'enseignantes et d'enseignants de biologie au secondaire au sujet des modeles scientifiques, de quelques formes de representations de ces modeles ainsi que de leurs modes d'utilisation en classe. Les resultats, que nous avons obtenus au moyen d'une serie d'entrevues semi-dirigees, indiquent que globalement leurs conceptions au sujet des modeles sont compatibles avec celle scientifiquement admise, mais varient quant aux formes de representations des modeles. L'examen de ces conceptions temoigne d'une connaissance limitee des modeles et variable selon la matiere enseignee. Le niveau d'etudes, la formation prealable, l'experience en enseignement et un possible cloisonnement des matieres pourraient expliquer les differentes conceptions identifiees. En outre, des difficultes temporelles, conceptuelles et techniques peuvent freiner leurs tentatives de modelisation avec les eleves. Toutefois, nos resultats accreditent l'hypothese que les conceptions des enseignantes et des enseignants eux-memes au sujet des modeles, de leurs formes de representation et de leur approche

  6. High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) general infographics

    CERN Multimedia

    Landua, Fabienne


    The High-Luminosity LHC, which is expected to be operational after 2025, will increase the LHC’s luminosity by a factor of 10. To achieve this major upgrade, several technologies, some of which are completely innovative, are being developed.

  7. Electronics at LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Hall, Geoffrey


    An overview of the electronic readout systems planned for use in the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the LHC will be given, with an emphasis on the motivations for the designs adopted and major technologies to be employed, specially those which are specific to LHC. At its design luminosity, the LHC will deliver hundreds of millions of proton-proton interactions per second. Storage and computing limitations limit the number of physics events that can be recorded to about 100 per second. The selection will be carried out by the Trigger and data acquisition systems of the experiments. This lecture will review the requirements, architectures and various designs currently considered. Introduction. Structure of gauge theories. The QED and QCD examples. Chiral theories. The electroweak theory. Spontaneous symmetry breaking. The Higgs machanism.Gauge boson and fermion masses. Yukawa coupling. Charges current couplings. The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and CP violation. neutral current couplings. the Clashow-Iliopoul...

  8. Status of the LHC machine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faugeras, P.


    The report represents itself a set of diagrams, characterizing: the LHC main parameters for proton-proton collisions and lead ion collisions, parameters of SC dipole and quadrupole magnets and outlines of their designs, LHC cryogenic systems, injection complex and detectors [ru

  9. HL-LHC (High-Luminosity LHC) first stone ceremony June 2018

    CERN Document Server

    Brice, Maximilien


    The first two pictures: Point 1 of the LHC. The Director-General of CERN inserts the time capsule containing a document submitted by France submits a document which is inserted in a time capsule at Point 1 of the LHC. This is the article "Geneva" of the Encyclopedia de Diderot and d'Alembert. In August 1756, during his stay in Geneva, Voltaire stayed in a property called Les Délices, many visitors including d'Alembert were involved in writing this article. Today, that location is the Library of Geneva's centre of research for the Enlightenment period. The following two pictures: Point 5 of the LHC. The Director-General of CERN inserts the time capsule containing a document submitted by the Republic and Canton of Geneva. This historic document from 1952 is the telegram by which the President of the Council of State at the time, Mr. Louis Casai, announced to his fellow members of the Government of Geneva the news of the decision taken by the signatory states of the convention for the establishment of a Europea...

  10. Commissioning of the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The LHC construction is now approaching the end and it is now time to prepare for commissioning with beam. The behavior of a proton storage ring is much different to that of LEP, which profited from strong radiation damping to keep the beam stable. Our last experience with a hadron collider at CERN goes back more than 15 years when the proton-antiproton collider last operated. Ppbar taught us a lot about the machine physics of bunched beam proton storage rings and was essential input for the design of the LHC. After a short presentation of where we stand today with machine installation and hardware commissioning, I will discuss the main machine physics issues that will have to be dealt with in the LHC.

  11. Clustering of color sources and the shear viscosity of the QGP in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dias de Deus, J. [Instituto Superior Tecnico, CENTRA, Lisbon (Portugal); Hirsch, A.S.; Scharenberg, R.P.; Srivastava, B.K. [Purdue University, Department of Physics, West Lafayette, IN (United States); Pajares, C. [Universidale de Santiago de Compostela and Instituto Galego de Fisica de Atlas Enerxias (IGFAE), Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Santiago, de Compostela (Spain)


    We present our results on the shear viscosity to entropy ratio ({eta}/s) in the framework of the clustering of the color sources of the matter produced at RHIC and LHC energies. The onset of de-confinement transition is identified by the spanning percolating cluster in 2D percolation. The relativistic kinetic theory relation for {eta}/s is evaluated using the initial temperature (T) and the mean free path ({lambda}{sub mfp}). The analytic expression for {eta}/s covers a wide temperature range. At T{proportional_to}150 MeV below the hadron to QGP transition temperature of {proportional_to}168 MeV, with increasing temperatures the {eta}/s value drop sharply and reaches a broad minimum {eta}/s{proportional_to}0.20 at T{proportional_to}175-185 MeV. Above this temperature {eta}/s grows slowly. The measured values of {eta}/s are 0.204{+-}0.020 and 0.262{+-}0.026 at the initial temperature of 193.6{+-}3 MeV from central Au+Au collisions at {radical}(s{sub NN})=200{proportional_to}GeV (RHIC) and 262.2{+-}13 MeV in central Pb+Pb collisions at {radical}(s{sub NN})= 2.76{proportional_to}TeV (LHC). These {eta}/s values are 2.5 and 3.3 times the AdS/CFT conjectured lower bound 1/4{pi} but are consistent with theoretical {eta}/s estimates for a strongly coupled QGP. (orig.)

  12. LHC Highlights, from dream to reality

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    The idea of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was born in the early 1980s. Although LEP (CERN’s previous large accelerator) was still under construction at that time, scientists were already starting to think about re-using the 27-kilometre ring for an even more powerful machine. Turning this ambitious scientific plan into reality proved to be an immensely complex task. Civil engineering work, state-of-the-art technologies, a new approach to data storage and analysis: many people worked hard for many years to accomplish all this.   Here are some of the highlights: 1984. A symposium organized in Lausanne, Switzerland, is the official starting point for the LHC. LHC prototype of the two beam pipes (1992). 1989. The first embryonic collaborations begin. 1992. A meeting in Evian, France, marks the beginning of the LHC experiments. 1994. The CERN Council approves the construction of the LHC accelerator. 1995. Japan becomes an Observer of CERN and announces a financial contribution to ...

  13. Performance of the LHC Pre-Injectors

    CERN Document Server

    Benedikt, Michael; Chanel, M; Garoby, R; Giovannozzi, Massimo; Hancock, S; Martini, M; Métral, Elias; Métral, G; Schindl, Karlheinz; Vallet, J L


    The LHC pre-injector complex, comprising Linac 2, the PS Booster (PSB) and the PS, has undergone a major upgrade in order to meet the very stringent requirements of the LHC. Whereas bunches with the nominal spacing and transverse beam brightness were already available from the PS in 1999 [1], their length proved to be outside tolerance due to a debunching procedure plagued by microwave instabilities. An alternative scenario was then proposed, based on a series of bunch-splitting steps in the PS. The entire process has recently been implemented successfully, and beams whose longitudinal characteristics are safely inside LHC specifications are now routinely available. Variants of the method also enable bunch trains with gaps of different lengths to be generated. These are of interest for the study and possible cure of electron cloud effects in both the SPS and LHC. The paper summarizes the beam dynamics issues that had to be addressed to produce beams with all the requisite qualities for the LHC.

  14. The LHC Project Status and Prospects

    CERN Document Server

    Faugeras, Paul E


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN's future major facility for high-energy physics, has entered into the construction and preparation for installation phases. After recalling briefly the main machine design choices and challenges, one will review the progress of civil works for the machine and experimental areas and the status of the main LHC components, which are presently series-built and for some of them procured in kind through world-wide collaborations. Report will also be given on the full-scale prototype of an elementary LHC lattice cell, called String 2, which is being commissioned and used for optimising the installation and testing procedures of the LHC. The size and duration of the LHC Project, its intrinsic complexity and the large number of world-wide collaborations involved require rather elaborate project management tools, which will be shortly described. Finally, following the extended running of the LEP and the delay for emptying of the machine tunnel, a new planning for project completion...

  15. To the LHC and beyond

    CERN Document Server

    Rodgers, Peter


    CERN was conceived in 1949 as a new European laboratory to halt the exodus of physics talent from Europe to North America. In 1954, the new lab formally came into existence upon ratification of the resolution by the first 12 European member states. To further strengthen its position as the top particle-physics laboratory in the world, the CERN council agreed a new seven-point strategy. Completing the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on schedule in 2007 is the top priority, followed by consolidating the lab's infrastructure to guarantee reliable operation of the LHC; examining the lab's experimental program apart from the LHC; coordinating research in Europe; building a new injector for the LHC in 2006; increasing R&D on the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC); and working on a long-term strategy for the lab. CERN expects to complete half of these at the end of 2008. (Edited abstract).

  16. Review of LHC dark matter searches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kahlhoefer, Felix


    This review discusses both experimental and theoretical aspects of searches for dark matter at the LHC. An overview of the various experimental search channels is given, followed by a summary of the different theoretical approaches for predicting dark matter signals. A special emphasis is placed on the interplay between LHC dark matter searches and other kinds of dark matter experiments, as well as among different types of LHC searches.

  17. Review of LHC dark matter searches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kahlhoefer, Felix


    This review discusses both experimental and theoretical aspects of searches for dark matter at the LHC. An overview of the various experimental search channels is given, followed by a summary of the different theoretical approaches for predicting dark matter signals. A special emphasis is placed on the interplay between LHC dark matter searches and other kinds of dark matter experiments, as well as among different types of LHC searches.

  18. Recherche d’un neutrino lourd avec le détecteur ATLAS au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Bazid, Houriya

    This M.Sc. thesis describes a search for fourth generation heavy leptons using data from the ATLAS detector at LHC. The total integrated luminosity is 1.02 fb-1 in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. This analysis study the single production of fourth generation neutral heavy lepton (N) via the charged channel and where W decays leptonically : pp -> W -> Ne -> eWe -> eevl (l = e ou ), which depends on the mixing element between the heavy lepton and the light lepton. The model of fourth generation leptons is constructed using FeynRules while the production of events is done by MadGraph As point of reference, we chose a mass of 100 GeV for the fourth generation neutral heavy lepton (N) with $\\xi^2_{N_e}$ = 0.19, which produce a cross section of 0.312 pb. The generation of the signal was done privately in Montreal and not by the ATLAS collaboration. Therefore the results cannot be considered official. With the simulation, the expected superior limit at 95% C.L. on the cross section is 0.145 pb with 0.294 ...

  19. Delivering LHC software to HPC compute elements

    CERN Document Server

    Blomer, Jakob; Hardi, Nikola; Popescu, Radu


    In recent years, there was a growing interest in improving the utilization of supercomputers by running applications of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN when idle cores cannot be assigned to traditional HPC jobs. At the same time, the upcoming LHC machine and detector upgrades will produce some 60 times higher data rates and challenge LHC experiments to use so far untapped compute resources. LHC experiment applications are tailored to run on high-throughput computing resources and they have a different anatomy than HPC applications. LHC applications comprise a core framework that allows hundreds of researchers to plug in their specific algorithms. The software stacks easily accumulate to many gigabytes for a single release. New releases are often produced on a daily basis. To facilitate the distribution of these software stacks to world-wide distributed computing resources, LHC experiments use a purpose-built, global, POSIX file system, the CernVM File System. CernVM-FS pre-processes dat...

  20. New U.S. LHC Web site launched

    CERN Multimedia

    Katie Yurkewicz


    On September 12, the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science launched a new Web site,, to tell the story of the U.S. role in the LHC. The site provides general information for the public about the LHC and its six experiments, as well as detailed information about the participation of physicists, engineers and students from the United States. The U.S. site joins the UK's LHC site in providing information for a national audience, with sites from several more countries expected to launch within the next year. The US LHC site features news and information about the LHC, along with high-resolution images and resources for students and educators. The site also features blogs by four particle physicists, including ATLAS collaborators Monica Dunford from the University of Chicago and Peter Steinberg from Brookhaven National Laboratory. More than 1,300 scientists from over 90 U.S. institutions participate in the LHC and its experiments, representing universities and national laboratories from...

  1. Beam-gas Background Observations at LHC

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00214737; The ATLAS collaboration; Alici, Andrea; Lazic, Dragoslav-Laza; Alemany Fernandez, Reyes; Alessio, Federico; Bregliozzi, Giuseppe; Burkhardt, Helmut; Corti, Gloria; Guthoff, Moritz; Manousos, Athanasios; Sjoebaek, Kyrre; D'Auria, Saverio


    Observations of beam-induced background at LHC during 2015 and 2016 are presented in this paper. The four LHC experiments use the non-colliding bunches present in the physics-filling pattern of the accelerator to trigger on beam-gas interactions. During luminosity production the LHC experiments record the beam-gas interactions using dedicated background monitors. These data are sent to the LHC control system and are used to monitor the background levels at the experiments during accelerator operation. This is a very important measurement, since poor beam-induced background conditions can seriously affect the performance of the detectors. A summary of the evolution of the background levels during 2015 and 2016 is given in these proceedings.

  2. Budker INP in the LHC Machine (2)

    CERN Multimedia


    The main BINP contributions to the LHC machine are magnets for transfer lines (26 MCHF) and bus- bar sets (23 MCHF). Budker INP is also responsible for construction of some other LHC magnets and vacuum parts. In total, the contribution to the LHC machine will reach about 90 MCHF.

  3. Le futur du project LHC

    CERN Multimedia



    Since 2004, and specitally during the long study in 2005, we used the results of the LHC Project to evaluate differents parameters of the machiene (LHC). The final choices for the design of the machine are based partly on these results. (1,5 page)

  4. CERN LHC dipole prototype success

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In a crash programme, the first prototype superconducting dipole magnet for CERN's LHC protonproton collider was successfully powered for the first time at CERN on 14 April, eventually sailing to 9T, above the 8.65T nominal LHC field, before quenching for the third time. The next stage is to install the delicate measuring system for making comprehensive magnetic field maps in the 10 m long, 50 mm diameter twin-apertures of the magnet. These measurements will check that the required LHC field quality has been achieved at both the nominal and injection fields

  5. $A^t_{FB}$ Meets LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hewett, JoAnne L.; /SLAC; Shelton, Jessie; /Yale U.; Spannowsky, Michael; /Oregon U.; Tait, Tim M.P.; /UC, Irvine; Takeuchi, Michihisa; /Heidelberg U.


    The recent Tevatron measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of the top quark shows an intriguing discrepancy with Standard Model expectations, particularly at large t{bar t} invariant masses. Measurements of this quantity are subtle at the LHC, due to its pp initial state, however, one can define a forward-central-charge asymmetry which captures the physics. We study the capability of the LHC to measure this asymmetry and find that within the SM a measurement at the 5{sigma} level is possible with roughly 60 fb{sup -1} at {radical}s = 14 TeV. If nature realizes a model which enhances the asymmetry (as is necessary to explain the Tevatron measurements), a significant difference from zero can be observed much earlier, perhaps even during early LHC running at {radical}s = 7 TeV. We further explore the capabilities of the 7 TeV LHC to discover resonances or contact interactions which modify the t{bar t} invariant mass distribution using recent boosted top tagging techniques. We find that TeV-scale color octet resonances can be discovered, even with small coupling strengths and that contact interactions can be probed at scales exceeding 6 TeV. Overall, the LHC has good potential to clarify the situation with regards to the Tevatron forward-backward measurement.

  6. Transverse emittance measurement and preservation at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuhn, Maria


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is a high energy storage ring that provides proton and heavy ion collisions to study fundamental particle physics. The luminosity production is closely linked to emittance preservation in the accelerator. The transverse emittance is the phase space density of the beam and should be conserved when the particle beam is transformed through the accelerator. Perturbing effects, however, can lead to emittance increase and hence luminosity degradation. Measuring the emittance growth is a complex task with high intensity beams and changing energies. The machine optics and the transverse beam size have to be measured as accurately as possible. Beta function measurements with k-modulation are discussed. With this method the quadrupole focussing strength is varied and the resulting tune change is traced to determine the beta function at the quadrupole. A new k-modulation measurement tool was developed for the LHC. The fully automatic and online measurement system takes constraints of various systems such as tune measurement precision and powering limitations of the LHC superconducting circuits into account. With sinusoidal k-modulation record low beta function measurement uncertainties in the LHC have been reached. 2015 LHC beta function and β*, which is the beta function at the collision point, measurements with k-modulation will be presented. Wire scanners and synchrotron light monitors are presently used in the LHC to measure the transverse beam size. Accuracy and limitations of the LHC transverse profile monitors are discussed. During the 2012 LHC proton run it was found that wire scanner photomultiplier saturation added significant uncertainty on all measurements. A large discrepancy between emittances from wire scanners and luminosity was discovered but not solved. During Long Shutdown 1 the wire scanner system was upgraded with new photomultipliers. A thorough study of LHC wire scanner measurement precision in 2015 is presented

  7. Proposal to negotiate a collaboration agreement for the design, testing and prototyping of superconducting elements for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project and for the production of spare quadrupole magnets for LHC

    CERN Document Server


    Proposal to negotiate a collaboration agreement for the design, testing and prototyping of superconducting elements for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project and for the production of spare quadrupole magnets for LHC

  8. LHC bending magnet coil

    CERN Multimedia

    A short test version of coil of wire used for the LHC dipole magnets. The high magnetic fields needed for guiding particles around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring are created by passing 12’500 amps of current through coils of superconducting wiring. At very low temperatures, superconductors have no electrical resistance and therefore no power loss. The LHC is the largest superconducting installation ever built. The magnetic field must also be extremely uniform. This means the current flowing in the coils has to be very precisely controlled. Indeed, nowhere before has such precision been achieved at such high currents. Magnet coils are made of copper-clad niobium–titanium cables — each wire in the cable consists of 9’000 niobium–titanium filaments ten times finer than a hair.

  9. Sprint final pour l'accélérateur Le LHC du CERN va entrer en service au mois de juin

    CERN Multimedia

    Du Brulle, Christian


    "Our new tool should be ready to function this summer", is delighted Jos Engelen, the scientific director of the international scientific organization. In more than hundred metres deep, under the French-Swiss border, the circular tunnel 27 kilometres in diameter of the LHC is almost equipped.

  10. LHC Report: Back in operation

    CERN Multimedia


    With the machine back in their hands since Friday, 4 March, the LHC operators are now performing the powering tests on the magnets. This is a crucial step before receiving the first beams and restarting Run 2 for physics.   A Distribution Feed-Box (DFB) brings power to the LHC magnets and maintains the stability of the current in the superconducting circuits. The LHC was the last machine to be handed back to operators after the completion of maintenance work carried out during the Year-End Technical Stop (YETS) that had started on 14 December 2015. During the eleven weeks of scheduled maintenance activities, several operations took place in all the accelerators and beam lines. They included the maintenance in several points of the cryogenic system, the replacement of 18 magnets in the Super Proton Synchrotron; an extensive campaign to identify and remove thousands of obsolete cables; the replacement of the LHC beam absorbers for injection (TDIs) that are used to absorb the SPS b...

  11. Keeping the LHC in power

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    The critical safety equipment around the LHC, including the machine protection systems, is connected to Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS).  In case of mains failure, the UPS systems continue to power, for a limited time, these critical systems and ensure a safe shutdown of the accelerator. This week, work began to upgrade and replace over 100 UPS systems in the LHC.   The new UPS installations. For the LHC, even a perturbation on the mains is more than just an inconvenience: it often results in beam dumps and, in some cases, requires an energy extraction from superconducting circuits. When this occurs, machine protection systems, and in particular the Quench Protection System, must remain active to correctly carry out the shutdown procedure. With the UPS systems, 10 minutes of crucial power can be provided to the protection systems during this critical phase. There are currently two UPS systems in place in each one of the 32 LHC UPS zones. Originally one was used as a backup if ...

  12. Chiral magnetic effect search in p+Au, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at RHIC (United States)

    Zhao, Jie


    Metastable domains of fluctuating topological charges can change the chirality of quarks and induce local parity violation in quantum chromodynamics. This can lead to observable charge separation along the direction of the strong magnetic field produced by spectator protons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a phenomenon called the chiral magnetic effect (CME). A major background source for CME measurements using the charge-dependent azimuthal correlator (Δϒ) is the intrinsic particle correlations (such as resonance decays) coupled with the azimuthal elliptical anisotropy (v2). In heavy-ion collisions, the magnetic field direction and event plane angle are correlated, thus the CME and the v2-induced background are entangled. In this report, we present two studies from STAR to shed further lights on the background issue. (1) The Δϒ should be all background in small system p+Au and d+Au collisions, because the event plane angles are dominated by geometry fluctuations uncorrelated to the magnetic field direction. However, significant Δϒ is observed, comparable to the peripheral Au+Au data, suggesting a background dominance in the latter, and likely also in the mid-central Au+Au collisions where the multiplicity and v2 scaled correlator is similar. (2) A new approach is devised to study Δϒ as a function of the particle pair invariant mass (minv) to identify the resonance backgrounds and hence to extract the possible CME signal. Signal is consistent with zero within uncertainties at high minv. Signal at low minv, extracted from a two-component model assuming smooth mass dependence, is consistent with zero within uncertainties.

  13. Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 6 May

    CERN Multimedia


    The Standard Model of Nature: Lessons from Two Success Stories, by Professeur Gabriele Veneziano, Collège de France (Paris) and CERN.   Monday 6 May 2013, 5 p.m. École de Physique, Auditoire Stueckelberg Quai Ernest-Ansermet, 24 1211 Genève 4 Abstract: Our present standard model of Nature is based on general relativity for gravity and on a gauge theory for all other fundamental interactions. Its amazing successes - and its puzzles - may carry some important lessons for our quest of a truly unified theory of space, time, and matter. More information here.

  14. LS1 general planning and strategy for the LHC, LHC injectors

    CERN Document Server

    Foraz, K


    The goal of Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) is to perform the full maintenance of equipment, and the necessary consolidation and upgrade activities in order to ensure reliable LHC operation at nominal performance from mid 2014. LS1 not only concerns LHC but also its injectors. To ensure resources will be available an analysis is in progress to detect conflict/overload and decide what is compulsary, what we can afford, and what can be postponed to LS2. The strategy, time key drivers, constraints, and draft schedule will be presented here.

  15. The 1989 annual report of the Institut de Physique Nucleaire-Orsay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The activity report of the Institut de Physique Nucleaire (Orsay-France) from 1 Sep 1988 to 1 Aug 1989 is presented. Theoretical and experimental investigations were carried out in the following fields: light and medium exotic nuclei, on line spectroscopy, discrete high spin states, new radioactivities, thermal fission, detection systems, giant resonances, high excitation energy structure, reaction mechanisms at energies below 10 MeV/u and at 200 MeV/u and their evolution between 10 and 100 MeV/u, meson production, transfer reactions, spin modes in nuclei, dibaryonic resonances, inelastic scattering of polarized protons. Research programs in the field of radiochemistry and relating to inter-disciplinary fields are included. The activities involving teaching, the lists of publications conferences, seminars and theses are presented [fr

  16. First LHC beam in 2017

    CERN Multimedia

    ATLAS Collaboration


    Impressions from the ATLAS control room while waiting for the very first 2017 LHC beams, from the traditional croissants in the morning to the "beam splashes" in the evening. The shift crew, online experts, run coordinators and management are looking forward to the next steps of the LHC restart.

  17. First LHC beam in 2017

    CERN Multimedia

    ATLAS Collaboration


    Impressions from the ATLAS control room while waiting for the very first 2017 LHC beams, from the traditional croissants in the morning to the "beam splashes" in the evening. The shift crew, online experts, run coordinators and management are looking forward the next steps of the LHC restart.

  18. Gravitino LSP scneario at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heisig, Jan


    In this thesis we discuss the phenomenology of the gravitino LSP scenario at the large hadron collider (LHC) experiment. We concentrate on a long-lived stau NLSP which gives rise to a prominent signature in the LHC detector as a 'slow muon'. We discuss the production channels and compute the cross sections for direct production via the Drell-Yan process. On this basis we claim a conservative estimation of the discovery potential for this scenario at the LHC. (orig.)

  19. LHC Dipoles Accelerate

    CERN Multimedia


    Andrezej Siemko (left), Peter Sievers (centre), and Lucio Rossi (right), have the exciting challenge of preparing and testing 2000 magnets for the LHC. The LHC is going to require a lot of powerful magnets by the time it begins operation in 2006. More specifically, it is going to need 130 special magnets, 400 quadrupoles, and a whopping 1250 dipoles! Preparing and testing these magnets for the conditions they will encounter in the LHC is not an easy task. But evaluation of the most recently received magnet, from the German company Noell, is showing that while the monumental task of receiving and testing nearly 2000 magnets is going to be exhausting, the goals are definitely attainable. At the moment and over the next year, pre-series magnets (the magnets that CERN uses to fine tune performance) are arriving slowly (90 in total will arrive), but by 2003 the rate of series magnet arrival will accelerate to 9 per week, that's over 450 in a single year! And working with these magnets when they arrive is tough. ...

  20. The Physics Landscape of the High Luminosity LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Mangano, M


    We review the status of HEP after the first run of the LHC and discuss the opportunities offered by the HL-LHC, in light of the needs for future progress that are emerging from the data. The HL-LHC will push to the systematic limit the precision of most measurements of the Higgs boson, and will be necessary to firmly establish some of the more rare decays foreseen by the Standard Model, such as the decays to dimuons and to a Z+ photon pair. The HL-LHC luminosity will provide additional statistics required by the quantitative study of any discovery the LHC may achieve during the first 300 inverse femtobarn, and will further extend the discovery potential of the LHC, particularly for rare, elusive or low-sensitivity processes.

  1. The CMS Outer Tracker for HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Dierlamm, Alexander Hermann


    The LHC is planning an upgrade program, which will bring the luminosity to about $5-7\\times10^{34}$~cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ in 2026, with a goal of an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$ by the end of 2037. This High Luminosity LHC scenario, HL-LHC, will require a preparation program of the LHC detectors known as Phase-2 Upgrade. The current CMS Tracker is already running beyond design specifications and will not be able to cope with the HL-LHC radiation conditions. CMS will need a completely new Tracker in order to fully exploit the highly demanding operating conditions and the delivered luminosity. The new Outer Tracker system is designed to provide robust tracking as well as Level-1 trigger capabilities using closely spaced modules composed of silicon macro-pixel and/or strip sensors. Research and development activities are ongoing to explore options and develop module components and designs for the HL-LHC environment. The design choices for the CMS Outer Tracker Upgrade are discussed along with some highlig...

  2. 1754 Days to the LHC and counting!

    CERN Multimedia


    At the 118th session of CERN Council, held on Friday 15 June under the chairmanship of Professor Maurice Bourquin of Switzerland, Director-General, Luciano Maiani, presented the commissioning schedule for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for the first time. The LHC will collide its first beams in a pilot run starting on 1 April 2006. 'We are 1754 days from the LHC', said Professor Maiani. A full seven-month physics run will begin in August 2006, and the LHC's heavy-ion programme will start in February 2007. Left to right: Lyn Evans, Luciano Maiani, Alexander Skrinsky, and Kurt Hubner with the magnets from Novosibirsk. Professor Maiani underlined to Council that the LHC is now CERN's most important single activity, accounting for over 70% of the Laboratory's resources. Moreover, with some 70% of the total LHC cost adjudicated and 30% paid, the project is very far advanced. With the adjudication this Autumn of the contracts for the 1236 fifteen metre superconducting dipole magnets, the placing of major contrac...

  3. Particles are back in the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    The LHC has introduced beam for the first time since the year-end technical stop began in December 2015.   CERN Management and LHC operators applaud as the first beam circulates in the LHC, on Friday 25 March.   On Friday, the LHC opened its doors to allow particles to travel around the ring for the first time since the year-end technical stop (YETS) began in December 2015. At 10:30 a.m., a first bunch was circulating and by midday the beam was circulating in both directions. Progress over the weekend has been good and low intensity beam has already been taken to 6.5 TeV and through the squeeze. Last week, the LHC underwent the final phase of preparation before beam -known as the machine checkout. During this phase all the systems of the LHC are put through their paces without beam. A key part of the process is driving the magnetic circuits, radiofrequency accelerating cavities, collimators, transverse dampers etc. repeatedly through the nominal LHC cycle. A fu...

  4. LHC Report: The machine under maintenance

    CERN Multimedia

    Katy Foraz for the LHC Team


    The LHC Christmas break started on 12 December. Since then, teams have been working hard to complete all the maintenance work planned to ensure the reliable operation of the LHC in 2012.   Installation of shielding at Point 1. The maintenance work is being carried out on key infrastructure such as the cooling, ventilation, electricity and safety systems. Maintenance work is being carried out not just in the LHC but also across the whole accelerator complex, which makes planning the work even more complicated. At the time of going to print, 50% of the cryogenics system maintenance has been finished, which, according to the schedule, will allow the LHC teams to start cooling down the first sectors next week to have the entire machine cold by the end of February. A lot of activity is going on in order to mitigate the effects of radiation on equipment installed in the LHC tunnel and underground areas during 2012 operation. To this end, teams have installed additional shielding at Point 1 (see ph...

  5. LHC Power Converters: A Precision Game

    CERN Multimedia


    The LHC test-bed, String 2, is close to commissioning and one important element to get a first chance to prove what it can do is the power converter system. In String 2 there are 16 converters, in the full LHC there will be almost 1800. This article takes a look at what is so special about the power converters for the LHC. The 13 000 Amps power converters with the watercooled cables going to the String 2 feedboxes. The LHC's superconducting magnets will be the pinnacle of high technology. But to work, they'll need the help of high-precision power converters to supply them with extremely stable DC current. Perfection will be the name of the game, with an accuracy of just 1-2 parts per million (ppm) required. LEP, for the sake of comparison, could live with 10-20 ppm. The LHC's power converters will be very different from those of LEP or the SPS since the new accelerator's magnets are mostly superconducting. That means that they require much higher currents at a lower voltage since superconductors have no re...

  6. Prototype HL-LHC magnet undergoes testing

    CERN Multimedia

    Corinne Pralavorio


    A preliminary short prototype of the quadrupole magnets for the High-Luminosity LHC has passed its first tests.   The first short prototype of the quadrupole magnet for the High Luminosity LHC. (Photo: G. Ambrosio (US-LARP and Fermilab), P. Ferracin and E. Todesco (CERN TE-MSC)) Momentum is gathering behind the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project. In laboratories on either side of the Atlantic, a host of tests are being carried out on the various magnet models. In mid-March, a short prototype of the quadrupole magnet underwent its first testing phase at the Fermilab laboratory in the United States. This magnet is a pre-prototype of the quadrupole magnets that will be installed near to the ATLAS and CMS detectors to squeeze the beams before collisions. Six quadrupole magnets will be installed on each side of each experiment, giving a total of 24 magnets, and will replace the LHC's triplet magnets. Made of superconducting niobium-tin, the magnets will be more powerful than their p...

  7. High Luminosity LHC: challenges and plans (United States)

    Arduini, G.; Barranco, J.; Bertarelli, A.; Biancacci, N.; Bruce, R.; Brüning, O.; Buffat, X.; Cai, Y.; Carver, L. R.; Fartoukh, S.; Giovannozzi, M.; Iadarola, G.; Li, K.; Lechner, A.; Medina Medrano, L.; Métral, E.; Nosochkov, Y.; Papaphilippou, Y.; Pellegrini, D.; Pieloni, T.; Qiang, J.; Redaelli, S.; Romano, A.; Rossi, L.; Rumolo, G.; Salvant, B.; Schenk, M.; Tambasco, C.; Tomás, R.; Valishev, S.; Van der Veken, F. F.


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the largest scientific instruments ever built. Since opening up a new energy frontier for exploration in 2010, it has gathered a global user community working in fundamental particle physics and the physics of hadronic matter at extreme temperature and density. To sustain and extend its discovery potential, the LHC will undergo a major upgrade in the 2020s. This will increase its rate of collisions by a factor of five beyond the original design value and the integrated luminosity by a factor ten. The new configuration, known as High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will rely on a number of key innovations that push accelerator technology beyond its present limits. Among these are cutting-edge 11-12 T superconducting magnets, including Nb3Sn-based magnets never used in accelerators before, compact superconducting cavities for longitudinal beam rotation, new technology and physical processes for beam collimation. The dynamics of the HL-LHC beams will be also particularly challenging and this aspect is the main focus of this paper.

  8. High Luminosity LHC: Challenges and plans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arduini, G.; Barranco, J.; Bertarelli, A.; Biancacci, N.; Bruce, R.


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the largest scientific instruments ever built. Since opening up a new energy frontier for exploration in 2010, it has gathered a global user community working in fundamental particle physics and the physics of hadronic matter at extreme temperature and density. To sustain and extend its discovery potential, the LHC will undergo a major upgrade in the 2020s. This will increase its rate of collisions by a factor of five beyond the original design value and the integrated luminosity by a factor ten. The new configuration, known as High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will rely on a number of key innovations that push accelerator technology beyond its present limits. Among these are cutting-edge 11–12 T superconducting magnets, including Nb 3 Sn-based magnets never used in accelerators before, compact superconducting cavities for longitudinal beam rotation, new technology and physical processes for beam collimation. As a result, the dynamics of the HL-LHC beams will be also particularly challenging and this aspect is the main focus of this paper.

  9. Press Conference: LHC Restart, Season 2

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    PRESS BRIEFING ON THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER (LHC) RE-START, SEASON 2 AT CERN, GLOBE OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Where :   at the Globe of Science and Innovation When : Thursday, 12 March from 2.30 to 3.30pm - Open seating as from 2.15pm Speakers : CERN’s Director General, Rolf Heuer and Director of Accelerators, Frédérick Bordry, and representatives of the LHC experiments Webcast : Dear Journalists, CERN is pleased to invite you to the above press briefing which will take place on Thursday 12 March, in the Globe of Science and Innovation, 1st floor, from 2.30 to 3.30pm. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is ready to start up for its second three-year run. The 27km LHC is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world operating at a temperature of -217 degrees Centigrade and powered to a current of 11,000 amps. Run 2 of the LHC follows a two-year technical s...

  10. LHC INAUGURATION, LHC Fest highlights: exhibition time!

    CERN Multimedia


    David Gross, one of the twenty-one Nobel Laureates who have participated in the project.Tuesday 21 October 2008 Accelerating Nobels Colliding Charm, Atomic Cuisine, The Good Anomaly, A Quark Somewhere on the White Paper, Wire Proliferation, A Tale of Two Liquids … these are just some of the titles given to artworks by Physics Nobel Laureates who agreed to make drawings of their prize-winning discoveries (more or less reluctantly) during a special photo session. Science photographer Volker Steger made portraits of Physics Nobel Laureates and before the photo sessions he asked them to make a drawing of their most important discovery. The result is "Accelerating Nobels", an exhibition that combines unusual portraits of and original drawings by twenty-one Nobel laureates in physics whose work is closely related to CERN and the LHC. This exhibition will be one of the highlights of the LHC celebrations on 21 October in the SM18 hall b...

  11. From the LHC to Future Colliders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Roeck, A.; Ellis, J.; /CERN; Grojean, C.; Heinemeyer, S.; /Cantabria Inst. of Phys.; Jakobs, K.; /Freiburg U.; Weiglein, G.; /Durham U., IPPP; Azuelos, G.; /TRIUMF; Dawson, S.; /Brookhaven; Gripaios, B.; /CERN; Han, T.; /Wisconsin U., Madison; Hewett, J.; /SLAC; Lancaster, M.; /University Coll. London; Mariotti, C.; /INFN, Turin; Moortgat, F.; /Zurich, ETH; Moortgat-Pick, G.; /Durham U., IPPP; Polesello, G.; /INFN, Pavia; Riemann, S.; /DESY; Assamagan, K.; /Brookhaven; Bechtle, P.; /DESY; Carena, M.; /Fermilab; Chachamis, G.; /PSI, Villigen /Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U. /INFN, Florence /Bonn U. /CERN /Bonn U. /Freiburg U. /Oxford U. /Louvain U., CP3 /Bangalore, Indian Inst. Sci. /INFN, Milan Bicocca /Munich, Max Planck Inst. /Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U. /Frascati /Fermilab /Warsaw U. /Florida U. /Orsay, LAL /LPSC, Grenoble /Warsaw U. /Yale U. /Stockholm U., Math. Dept. /Durham U., IPPP /DESY /Rome U. /University Coll. London /UC, San Diego /Heidelberg U. /Florida State U. /SLAC /Durham U., IPPP /Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins /McGill U. /Durham U., IPPP; /more authors..


    Discoveries at the LHC will soon set the physics agenda for future colliders. This report of a CERN Theory Institute includes the summaries of Working Groups that reviewed the physics goals and prospects of LHC running with 10 to 300 fb{sup -1} of integrated luminosity, of the proposed sLHC luminosity upgrade, of the ILC, of CLIC, of the LHeC and of a muon collider. The four Working Groups considered possible scenarios for the first 10 fb{sup -1} of data at the LHC in which (i) a state with properties that are compatible with a Higgs boson is discovered, (ii) no such state is discovered either because the Higgs properties are such that it is difficult to detect or because no Higgs boson exists, (iii) a missing-energy signal beyond the Standard Model is discovered as in some supersymmetric models, and (iv) some other exotic signature of new physics is discovered. In the contexts of these scenarios, theWorking Groups reviewed the capabilities of the future colliders to study in more detail whatever new physics may be discovered by the LHC. Their reports provide the particle physics community with some tools for reviewing the scientific priorities for future colliders after the LHC produces its first harvest of new physics from multi-TeV collisions.

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 97 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet concerté examinera le rôle que pourrait jouer le modèle intégré de coopératives pour réduire la pauvreté et favoriser le développement dans les collectivités rurales de l'Afrique. Projet ... Évaluation de l'activité physique et du transport actif chez les enfants d'âge scolaire au Kenya, au Nigeria et au Mozambique.

  13. LHC related projects and studies - Part (II)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, L.; De Maria, R.


    The session was devoted to address some aspects of the HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC) project and explore ideas on new machines for the long term future. The session had two parts. The former focused on some of the key issues of the HL-LHC projects: beam current limits, evolution of the collimation system, research plans for the interaction region magnets and crab cavities. The latter explored the ideas for the long term future projects (LHeC and HE-LHC) and how the current research-development program for magnets and RF structures could fit in the envisaged scenarios

  14. Gravitino LSP scneario at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heisig, Jan


    In this thesis we discuss the phenomenology of the gravitino LSP scenario at the large hadron collider (LHC) experiment. We concentrate on a long-lived stau NLSP which gives rise to a prominent signature in the LHC detector as a 'slow muon'. We discuss the production channels and compute the cross sections for direct production via the Drell-Yan process. On this basis we claim a conservative estimation of the discovery potential for this scenario at the LHC. (orig.)

  15. LS1 to LHC Report: LHC key handed back to Operations

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    This week, after 23 months of hard work involving about 1000 people every day, the key to the LHC was symbolically handed back to the Operations team. The first long shutdown is over and the machine is getting ready for a restart that will bring its beam to full energy in early spring.   Katy Foraz, LS1 activities coordinator, symbolically hands the LHC key to the operations team, represented, left to right, by Jorg Wenninger, Mike Lamont and Mirko Pojer. All the departments, all the machines and all the experimental areas were involved in the first long shutdown of the LHC that began in February 2013. Over the last two years, the Bulletin has closely followed  all the work and achievements that had been carefully included in the complex general schedule drawn up and managed by the team led by Katy Foraz from the Engineering Department. “The work on the schedule began two years before the start of LS1 and one of the first things we realised was that there was no commercial...

  16. LHC Nobel Symposium Proceedings (United States)

    Ekelöf, Tord


    In the summer of 2012, a great discovery emerged at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva. A plethora of new precision data had already by then been collected by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at LHC, providing further extensive support for the validity of the Standard Model of particle physics. But what now appeared was the first evidence for what was not only the last unverified prediction of the Standard Model, but also perhaps the most decisive one: the prediction made already in 1964 of a unique scalar boson required by the theory of François Englert and Peter Higgs on how fundamental particles acquire mass. At that moment in 2012, it seemed particularly appropriate to start planning a gathering of world experts in particle physics to take stock of the situation and try to answer the challenging question: what next? By May 2013, when the LHC Nobel Symposium was held at the Krusenberg Mansion outside Uppsala in Sweden, the first signs of a great discovery had already turned into fully convincing experimental evidence for the existence of a scalar boson of mass about 125 GeV, having properties compatible with the 50-year-old prediction. And in October 2013, the evidence was deemed so convincing that the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics to Englert and Higgs for their pioneering work. At the same time the search at the LHC for other particles, beyond those predicted by the Standard Model, with heavier masses up to—and in some cases beyond—1 TeV, had provided no positive result. The triumph of the Standard Model seems resounding, in particular because the mass of the discovered scalar boson is such that, when identified with the Higgs boson, the Standard Model is able to provide predictions at energies as high as the Planck mass, although at the price of accepting that the vacuum would be metastable. However, even if there were some feelings of triumph, the ambience at the LHC Nobel Symposium was more one of

  17. Fast crab cavity failures in HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Yee-Rendon, B; Calaga, R; Tomas, R; Zimmermann, F; Barranco, J


    Crab cavities (CCs) are a key ingredient of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) to ensure head on collisions at the main experiments (ATLAS and CMS) and fully profit from the smaller provided by the ATS optics [1]. At KEKB, CCs have exhibited abrupt changes of phase and voltage during a time period of few LHC turns and considering the large energy stored in the HL-LHC beam, CC failures represent a serious risk to the LHC machine protection. In this paper, we discuss the effect of CC voltage or phase changes on a time interval similar to, or longer than, the one needed to dump the beam. The simulations assume a realistic steady-state distribution to assess the beam losses for the HL-LHC. Additionally, some strategies are studied in order to reduce the damage caused by the CC failures.

  18. Volunteer Clouds and Citizen Cyberscience for LHC Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguado Sanchez, Carlos; Blomer, Jakob; Buncic, Predrag; Ellis, John; Harutyunyan, Artem; Marquina, Miguel; Mato, Pere; Schulz, Holger; Segal, Ben; Sharma, Archana; Skands, Peter; Chen Gang; Wu Jie; Wu Wenjing; Garcia Quintas, David; Grey, Francois; Lombrana Gonzalez, Daniel; Rantala, Jarno; Weir, David; Yadav, Rohit


    Computing for the LHC, and for HEP more generally, is traditionally viewed as requiring specialized infrastructure and software environments, and therefore not compatible with the recent trend in v olunteer computing , where volunteers supply free processing time on ordinary PCs and laptops via standard Internet connections. In this paper, we demonstrate that with the use of virtual machine technology, at least some standard LHC computing tasks can be tackled with volunteer computing resources. Specifically, by presenting volunteer computing resources to HEP scientists as a v olunteer cloud , essentially identical to a Grid or dedicated cluster from a job submission perspective, LHC simulations can be processed effectively. This article outlines both the technical steps required for such a solution and the implications for LHC computing as well as for LHC public outreach and for participation by scientists from developing regions in LHC research.

  19. Resistive wall instability for the LHC: intermediate review

    CERN Document Server

    Brandt, D


    As the design of some basic components of the LHC becomes available, it is possible to refine the evaluation of the expected contribution of these elements to the total impedance budget of the machine. The LHC beam-screen being expected to be the main contributor for the resistive wall effect, it appeared justified to review the impedance budget, taking into account the latest available data. This note first recalls the original estimations presented in the LHC Conceptual Design [1], then presents an updated review of the instability rise times and finally discusses a possible reduction of this rather large contribution. ------------- !!Note!!: Please note that updated values for the LHC impedance budget are now available from the report CERN LHC Project Report 585 (Coupled Bunch Instabilities in the LHC, D. Angal-Kalinin and L. Vos, EPAC, July 2002 ).

  20. Plans for the upgrade of the LHC injectors

    CERN Document Server

    Garoby, R; Goddard, B; Hanke, K; Meddahi, M; Vretenar, M


    The LHC injectors upgrade (LIU) project has been launched at the end of 2010 to prepare the CERN accelerator complex for reliably providing beam with the challenging characteristics required by the high luminosity LHC until at least 2030. Based on the work already started on Linac4, PS Booster, PS and SPS, the LIU project coordinates studies and implementation, and interfaces with the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project which looks after the upgrade of the LHC itself, expected by the end of the present decade. The anticipated beam characteristics are described, as well as the status of the studies and the solutions envisaged for improving the injector performances.

  1. Physique, chimie 1re S

    CERN Document Server


    • Des activités conçues pour correspondre aux pratiques des enseignants ou au temps d’enseignement attribué à une notion. Avec des « Découverte » courtes basées sur les savoirs que possède l’élève en début de chapitre et des « Documentaires » pour construire le cours avec leur « aide aux activités ». Ainsi que des TP pour pratiquer expérimentalement ou exploiter des données. • Un Cours structuré renvoyant aux activités, illustré, enrichi d’applications du cours avec renvois vers les exercices. Il se termine par l’essentiel. • De nombreux Exercices résolus avec des corrections détaillées et après le test de compétences, des exercices classés en entraînement et approfondissement et un exercice en langue anglaise. • Pour satisfaire la curiosité des élèves : Des pages « Culture et Sciences » en fin de cours. Et au long du manuel : L’histoire des sciences et L’histoire des arts. Un site pour les élèves • Simulateurs en ...

  2. Successful synthesis and thermal stability of immiscible metal Au-Rh, Au-Ir andAu-Ir-Rh nanoalloys (United States)

    Shubin, Yury; Plyusnin, Pavel; Sharafutdinov, Marat; Makotchenko, Evgenia; Korenev, Sergey


    We successfully prepared face-centred cubic nanoalloys in systems of Au-Ir, Au-Rh and Au-Ir-Rh, with large bulk miscibility gaps, in one-run reactions under thermal decomposition of specially synthesised single-source precursors, namely, [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6], [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6] х [Rh(NO2)6]1-х and [AuEn2][Rh(NO2)6]. The precursors employed contain all desired metals ‘mixed’ at the atomic level, thus providing significant advantages for obtaining alloys. The observations using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy show that the nanoalloy structures are composed of well-dispersed aggregates of crystalline domains with a mean size of 5 ± 3 nm. Еnergy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements confirm the formation of AuIr, AuRh, AuIr0.75Rh0.25, AuIr0.50Rh0.50 and AuIr0.25Rh0.75 metastable solid solutions. In situ high-temperature synchrotron XRD (HTXRD) was used to study the formation mechanism of nanoalloys. The observed transformations are described by the ‘conversion chemistry’ mechanism characterised by the primary development of particles comprising atoms of only one type, followed by a chemical reaction resulting in the final formation of a nanoalloy. The obtained metastable nanoalloys exhibit essential thermal stability. Exposure to 180 °C for 30 h does not cause any dealloying process.

  3. Study of the asymptotic expansion of multiple integrals in mathematical physics; Etudes sur les developpements asymptotiques des integrales multiples de la physique mathematique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chako, N [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    , provided one interprets in a proper manner the results derived from the two methods, especially the expression of the geometrical wave. (author) [French] Nous avons applique la methode de la phase stationnaire pour evaluer les integrales doubles et multiples du type: (A) U(k) = g(x)e{sup ik{phi}}{sup (x)} d(x), (x)=(x{sub 1},..., x{sub n}) pour les grandes valeurs du parametre k. Dans la premiere partie nous avons etendu d'une maniere rigoureuse la methode de la phase stationnaire aux integrales doubles et multiples de type (A). De plus, nous avons obtenu un developpement asymptotique de (A), lorsque l'amplitude et la phase peuvent se developper sous forme canonique au voisinage de points critiques ou stationnaires de l'integrale (A). Ce developpement contient comme cas particuliers tous les cas importants dans les applications physiques et particulierement en diffraction et diffusion d'ondes electromagnetiques et corpusculaires par des systemes optiques, corps diffractants et potentiels de diffusions. Dans la seconde partie nous avons considere le probleme de la convergence du developpement de la contribution principale a l'integrale, au sens asymptotique de Poincare. La preuve est basee sur la methode des majorantes, utilisee en analyse mathematique. La troisieme partie contient la derivation des series asymptotiques diverses, due aux types varies de points critiques ou stationnaires lies aux fonctions d'amplitude et de phase. Dans la quatrieme partie nous avons generalise la methode aux integrales multiples et au cas ou le parametre k entre implicitement dans la fonction de phase. Ce dernier type d'integrales permet l'extension du premier type a de nombreux problemes physiques, par exemple a la propagation d'ondes en milieux dispersifs et absorbants. Au dernier chapitre, nous faisons l'etude des integrales doubles de diffractions (theorie de Kirchhoff) et nous comparons les resultats par l'application de la methode de la phase stationnaire et de la methode Young

  4. Upgrades to the SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Beam Stoppers for the LHC High-Luminosity Era

    CERN Document Server

    Kain, Verena; Fraser, Matthew; Goddard, Brennan; Meddahi, Malika; Perillo Marcone, Antonio; Steele, Genevieve; Velotti, Francesco


    Each of the 3 km long transfer lines between the SPS and the LHC is equipped with two beam stoppers (TEDs), one at the beginning of the line and one close to the LHC injection point, which need to absorb the full transferred beam. The beam stoppers are used for setting up the SPS extractions and transfer lines with beam without having to inject into the LHC. Energy deposition and thermo-mechanical simulations have, however, shown that the TEDs will not be robust enough to safely absorb the high intensity beams foreseen for the high-luminosity LHC era. This paper will summarize the simulation results and limitations for upgrading the beam stoppers. An outline of the hardware upgrade strategy for the TEDs together with modifications to the SPS extraction interlock system to enforce intensity limitations for beam on the beam stoppers will be given.

  5. Synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates from hexagonal-close-packed Au square sheets

    KAUST Repository

    Fan, Zhanxi


    The synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic (fcc) Au@Pt rhombic nanoplates is reported through the epitaxial growth of Pt on hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) Au square sheets (AuSSs). The Pt-layer growth results in a hcp-to-fcc phase transformation of the AuSSs under ambient conditions. Interestingly, the obtained fcc Au@Pt rhombic nanoplates demonstrate a unique (101)f orientation with the same atomic arrangement extending from the Au core to the Pt shell. Importantly, this method can be extended to the epitaxial growth of Pd on hcp AuSSs, resulting in the unprecedented formation of fcc Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates with (101)f orientation. Additionally, a small amount of fcc (100)f-oriented Au@Pt and Au@Pd square nanoplates are obtained with the Au@Pt and Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates, respectively. We believe that these findings will shed new light on the synthesis of novel noble bimetallic nanostructures. Phase change: Ultrathin Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates were prepared from Au square sheets. A phase transformation from hexagonal close-packed (hcp) to face-centered cubic (fcc) is observed upon coating the hcp Au square sheets with Pt or Pd under ambient conditions. The prepared fcc Au@Pt and Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates demonstrate unique (101)f orientation (picture shows a typical fcc Au@Pt rhombic nanoplate). © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. LHC: Past, Present, and Future

    CERN Document Server

    Landsberg, Greg


    In this overview talk, I give highlights of the first three years of the LHC operations at high energy, spanning heavy-ion physics, standard model measurements, and searches for new particles, which culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS experiments in 2012. I'll discuss what we found about the properties of the new particle in 10 months since the discovery and then talk about the future LHC program and preparations to the 2015 run at the center-of-mass energy of ~13 TeV. These proceedings are meant to be a snapshot of the LHC results as of May 2013 - the time of the conference. Many of the results shown in these proceedings have been since updated (sometimes significantly) just 4 months thereafter, when these proceedings were due. Nevertheless, keeping this writeup in sync with the results shown in the actual talk has some historical value, as, for one, it tells the reader how short is the turnaround time to update the results at the LHC. To help an appreciation of this fact, I b...

  7. LHC and the neutrino paradigm

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    I argue that LHC may shed light on the nature of neutrino mass through the probe of the seesaw mechanism. The smoking gun signature is lepton number violation through the production of same sign lepton pairs, a collider analogy of the neutrinoless double beta decay. I discuss this in the context of L-R symmetric theories, which predicted neutrino mass long before experiment and led to the seesaw mechanism. A WR gauge boson with a mass in a few TeV region could easily dominate neutrinoless double beta decay, and its discovery at LHC would have spectacular signatures of parity restoration and lepton number violation. I also discuss the collider signatures of the three types of seesaw mechanism, and show how in the case of Type II one can measure the PMNS mixing matrix at the LHC, complementing the low energy probes. Finally, I give an example of a simple realistic SU(5) grand unified theory that predicts the hybrid Type I + III seesaw with a weak fermion triplet at the LHC energies. The seminar will be fol...

  8. Parton distributions with LHC data

    CERN Document Server

    Ball, Richard D.; Carrazza, Stefano; Deans, Christopher S.; Del Debbio, Luigi; Forte, Stefano; Guffanti, Alberto; Hartland, Nathan P.; Latorre, Jose I.; Rojo, Juan; Ubiali, Maria


    We present the first determination of parton distributions of the nucleon at NLO and NNLO based on a global data set which includes LHC data: NNPDF2.3. Our data set includes, besides the deep inelastic, Drell-Yan, gauge boson production and jet data already used in previous global PDF determinations, all the relevant LHC data for which experimental systematic uncertainties are currently available: ATLAS and LHCb W and Z lepton rapidity distributions from the 2010 run, CMS W electron asymmetry data from the 2011 run, and ATLAS inclusive jet cross-sections from the 2010 run. We introduce an improved implementation of the FastKernel method which allows us to fit to this extended data set, and also to adopt a more effective minimization methodology. We present the NNPDF2.3 PDF sets, and compare them to the NNPDF2.1 sets to assess the impact of the LHC data. We find that all the LHC data are broadly consistent with each other and with all the older data sets included in the fit. We present predictions for various ...

  9. LS1 general planning and strategy for the LHC, LHC injectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foraz, K.


    The goal of Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) is to perform the full maintenance of equipment and the necessary consolidation and upgrade activities in order to ensure reliable LHC operation at nominal performance from mid-2014. LS1 is scheduled to last 20 months. LS1 not only concerns the LHC but also its injectors. To ensure resources will be available an analysis is in progress to detect conflict/overload and decide what is compulsory, what we can afford, and what can be postponed until LS2. The strategy, time key drivers, constraints, and draft schedule are presented here. (author)

  10. Academic Training: A walk through the LHC injector chain

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    2004-2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 21, 22, 23 March from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 A walk through the LHC injector chain M. BENEDIKT, P. COLLIER, K. SCHINDL /CERN-AB Proton linac, PS Booster, PS, SPS and the two transfer channels from SPS to LHC are used for LHC proton injection. The lectures will review the features of these faithful machines and underline the modifications required for the LHC era. Moreover, an overview of the LHC lead ion injector scheme from the ion source through ion linac, LEIR, PS and SPS right to the LHC entry will be given. The particular behaviour of heavy ions in the LHC will be sketched and the repercussions on the injectors will be discussed. ENSEIGNEMENT ACADEMIQUE ACADEMIC TRAINING Françoise Benz 73127

  11. Considerations on Energy Frontier Colliders after LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shiltsev, Vladimir [Fermilab


    Since 1960’s, particle colliders have been in the forefront of particle physics, 29 total have been built and operated, 7 are in operation now. At present the near term US, European and international strategies of the particle physics community are centered on full exploitation of the physics potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) through its high-luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC). The future of the world-wide HEP community critically depends on the feasibility of possible post-LHC colliders. The concept of the feasibility is complex and includes at least three factors: feasibility of energy, feasibility of luminosity and feasibility of cost. Here we overview all current options for post-LHC colliders from such perspective (ILC, CLIC, Muon Collider, plasma colliders, CEPC, FCC, HE-LHC) and discuss major challenges and accelerator R&D required to demonstrate feasibility of an energy frontier accelerator facility following the LHC. We conclude by taking a look into ultimate energy reach accelerators based on plasmas and crystals, and discussion on the perspectives for the far future of the accelerator-based particle physics. This paper largely follows previous study [1] and the presenta ion given at the ICHEP’2016 conference in Chicago [2].

  12. Dashboard for the LHC experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreeva, J; Cirstoiu, C; Miguel, M D F D; Ivanchenko, A; Gaidioz, B; Herrala, J; Janulis, M; Maier, G; Maguire, E J; Rivera, R P; Rocha, R; Saiz, P; Sidorova, I; Belov, S; Berejnoj, A; Kodolova, O; Chen, Y; Chen, T; Chiu, S; Munro, C


    In this paper we present the Experiment Dashboard monitoring system, which is currently in use by four Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. The goal of the Experiment Dashboard is to monitor the activities of the LHC experiments on the distributed infrastructure, providing monitoring data from the virtual organization (VO) and user perspectives. The LHC experiments are using various Grid infrastructures (LCG/EGEE, OSG, NDGF) with correspondingly various middleware flavors and job submission methods. Providing a uniform and complete view of various activities like job processing, data movement and publishing, access to distributed databases regardless of the underlying Grid flavor is the challenging task. In this paper we will describe the Experiment Dashboard concept, its framework and main monitoring applications

  13. The LHC road at CERN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    To explore the 1 TeV energy scale where fundamental particle interactions should encounter new conditions, two major routes were proposed - a high magnetic field proton collider in the LEP tunnel, dubbed LHC for Large Hadron Collider, and the CERN Linear Collider (CLIC) to supply beams of electrons and positrons. Exploratory studies have shown that while CLIC remains a valid long-term goal, LHC appears as the most cost-effective way for CERN to enter the 1 TeV arena. High-field superconducting magnet prototype work demonstrates that a 'two-in-one' design supplying the 10 tesla fields needed to handle LHC's 8 TeV proton beams (collision energy 16 TeV) is a practical proposition. (orig./HSI).

  14. Inclusive production at LHC energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merino, C.; Pajares, C.; Shabelski, Yu.M.


    We consider the first LHC data for pp collisions in the framework of Regge theory. The integral cross sections and inclusive densities of secondaries are determined by the Pomeron exchange, and we present the corresponding predictions for them. The first measurements of inclusive densities in the midrapidity region are in agreement with these predictions. The contribution of the baryon-number transfer due to String Junction diffusion in the rapidity space is at the origin of the differences in the inclusive spectra of particle and antiparticle in the central region, and this effect could be significant at LHC energies. We discuss the first data of ALICE and LHCb collaborations on the baryon/antibaryon asymmetry at LHC. (orig.)

  15. Study of mass ordering of v_2"h"a"d"r"o"n from hadronic interactions in AMPT in p-Pb collisions at LHC energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarkar, Debojit; Choudhury, Subikash; Chattopadhyay, Subhasis


    The results obtained from relativistic heavy ion programme in RHIC and LHC have provided strong evidences of the formation of the Quark-Gluon plasma at such ultra-relativistic energies. A large azimuthal anisotropy in the momentum space (described by second order fourier coefficient (v_2)) has been regarded as one of the most definitive and strong indication of such collective behaviour and argued to be a consequence of collective expansion of the system that starts with an initial azimuthal anisotropy in the coordinate space. The two particle and multi-particle correlation measurements in p-Pb and d-Au collisions at the LHC and RHIC energies, respectively, have shown unexpected collective behaviours qualitatively indicating towards collective dynamics in small collision systems where small size in the overlap geometry may not be suitable for hydrodynamical treatment that demands an early thermalization

  16. High Intensity Beam Test of Low Z Materials for the Upgrade of SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Collimators and LHC Injection Absorbers

    CERN Document Server

    Maciariello, Fausto; Butcher, Mark; Calviani, Marco; Folch, Ramon; Kain, Verena; Karagiannis, Konstantinos; Lamas Garcia, Inigo; Lechner, Anton; Nuiry, Francois-Xavier; Steele, Genevieve; Uythoven, Jan


    In the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) and High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, the collimators in the SPS-to LHC transfer lines will undergo important modifications. The changes to these collimators will allow them to cope with beam brightness and intensity levels much increased with respect to their original design parameters: nominal and ultimate LHC. The necessity for replacement of the current materials will need to be confirmed by a test in the High Radiation to Materials (HRM) facility at CERN. This test will involve low Z materials (such as Graphite and 3-D Carbon/Carbon composite), and will recreate the worst case scenario those materials could see when directly impacted by High luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) or Batch Compression Merging and Splitting (BCMS) beams. Thermo-structural simulations used for the material studies and research, the experiment preparation phase, the experiment itself, pre irradiation analysis (including ultrasound and metrology tests on the target materials), the resul...

  17. Abort Gap Cleaning for LHC Run 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uythoven, Jan [CERN; Boccardi, Andrea [CERN; Bravin, Enrico [CERN; Goddard, Brennan [CERN; Hemelsoet, Georges-Henry [CERN; Höfle, Wolfgang [CERN; Jacquet, Delphine [CERN; Kain, Verena [CERN; Mazzoni, Stefano [CERN; Meddahi, Malika [CERN; Valuch, Daniel [CERN; Gianfelice-Wendt, Eliana [Fermilab


    To minimize the beam losses at the moment of an LHC beam dump the 3 μs long abort gap should contain as few particles as possible. Its population can be minimised by abort gap cleaning using the LHC transverse damper system. The LHC Run 1 experience is briefly recalled; changes foreseen for the LHC Run 2 are presented. They include improvements in the observation of the abort gap population and the mechanism to decide if cleaning is required, changes to the hardware of the transverse dampers to reduce the detrimental effect on the luminosity lifetime and proposed changes to the applied cleaning algorithms.

  18. Abort Gap Cleaning for LHC Run 2

    CERN Document Server

    Uythoven, J; Bravin, E; Goddard, B; Hemelsoet, GH; Höfle, W; Jacquet, D; Kain, V; Mazzoni, S; Meddahi, M; Valuch, D


    To minimise the beam losses at the moment of an LHC beam dump the 3 μs long abort gap should contain as few particles as possible. Its population can be minimised by abort gap cleaning using the LHC transverse damper system. The LHC Run 1 experience is briefly recalled; changes foreseen for the LHC Run 2 are presented. They include improvements in the observation of the abort gap population and the mechanism to decide if cleaning is required, changes to the hardware of the transverse dampers to reduce the detrimental effect on the luminosity lifetime and proposed changes to the applied cleaning algorithms.

  19. The Electronic Properties and L3 XANES of Au and Nano-Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yiu, Y.M.; Zhang, P.; Sham, T.K.


    The electronic properties of Au crystal and nano Au have been investigated by theory and experiment. Molecularly capped nano-Au was synthesized using the two-phase method. Au nano-particles have been characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). They retain the fcc crystal structure. Their sizes have been determined to be in a range from 5.5 nm to 1.7 nm. The L3 X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) of nano-Au and Au foil have been recorded using synchrotron radiation, and examined by theoretical calculation based on the first principles. Both theory and experiment show that the nano-Au particles have essentially all the Au L3 XANES features of bulk Au in the near edge region with less pronounced resonance peaks. It is also shown that nano Au exhibits lower 4f binding energy than bulk Au in good agreement with quantum confined Au systems reported previously.

  20. Le traitement informatisé de ressources électroniques au Service de l'Information Scientifique du CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Pignard, Nathalie; Jerdelet, Jocelyne


    Nous présentons une méthode automatique d'importation de données mise en oeuvre au Service de l'Information Scientifique, SIS, du CERN. Ce programme informatique, baptisé Uploader, permet d'importer dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque du CERN des notices bibliographiques et le texte intégral de documents provenant de diverses sources sur Internet. Ces bases de données concernent la littérature grise en physique et dans les disciplines voisines (par exemple DOE, KEK, Math-Doc, TipTop, etc.). Cette politique d'acquisition, qui met en avant le traitement informatisé des ressources électroniques, soulève quelques réflexions sur l'augmentation du nombre de documents collectés et sur l'élargissement des domaines traités. Le souci constant d'enrichir ces données et d'en faciliter l'accès aux utilisateurs, sur un mode hypertextuel, conduit à une évolution des métiers de la gestion documentaire.

  1. Report from LHC MD 2158: IR-nonlinear studies

    CERN Document Server

    Maclean, Ewen Hamish; Cruz Alaniz, Emilia; Dalena, Barbara; Dilly, Joschua Werner; Fol, Elena; Giovannozzi, Massimo; Hofer, Michael; Malina, Lukas; Persson, Tobias Hakan Bjorn; Coello De Portugal - Martinez Vazquez, Jaime Maria; Skowronski, Piotr Krzysztof; Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo; Tomas Garcia, Rogelio; Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso, Ana; Wegscheider, Andreas; CERN. Geneva. ATS Department


    For the first time the LHC is running for luminosity-production with local corrections for nonlinear errors in the ATLAS and CMS insertions. While a major step forward in LHC optics commissioning strategy (and one which has yielded clear operational benefits) considerable challenges remain to be overcome, both in regard to the optimization of LHC optics and in order to ensure successful commissioning of the High-Luminosity LHC. MD 2158 sought to follow up several aspects of the 2017 nonlinear optics commissioning which are not yet understood, and by enhancing sextupole and dodecapole sources in the ATLAS and CMS insertions explore the prospects for linear and nonlinear optics commissioning in the HL-LHC.

  2. 100-MeV proton beam intensity measurement by Au activation analysis using {sup 197}Au(p, pn){sup 196}Au and {sup 197}Au(p, p3n){sup 194}Au reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mokhtari Oranj, Leila [Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Nam-Suk; Oh, Joo-Hee [Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Hee-Seock, E-mail: [Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of)


    The proton beam intensity of a 100-MeV proton linac at the Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex (KOMAC) was measured by an Au activation analysis using {sup 197}Au(p, pn){sup 196}Au and {sup 197}Au(p, p3n){sup 194}Au reactions to determine the accuracy and precision of beam intensity measurement using Gafchromic film dosimetry method. The target, irradiated by 100-MeV protons, was arranged in a stack consisting of Au, Al foils and Pb plates. The yields of produced radio-nuclei in Au foils were obtained by gamma-ray spectroscopy. The FLUKA code was employed to calculate the energy spectrum of protons onto the front surface of Au foils located at three different depth points of the target and also to investigate the condition of incident beam on the target. A good agreement was found between the beam intensity measurements using the activation analysis method at three different depth points of the target. An excellent agreement was also observed between the beam intensity measurements using the Au activation analysis method and the dosimetry method using Gafchromic film.

  3. The B-Physics Programme of ATLAS in LHC Run-II and in HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Reznicek, P; The ATLAS collaboration


    Slides for the talk to be given at Beauty 2014 conference in Edinburgh, 14-18 July 2014. The talk describes the ATLAS B-physics programme planned to future LHC runs: Run 2, 3 and HL-LHC. The relevant ATLAS detector upgrades are dicussed and a results of pilot sensitivity study of $B_{s} \\to J/\\psi \\phi$ measurement in the future runs are shown.

  4. Requirements for the LHC collimation system

    CERN Document Server

    Assmann, R W; Brugger, M; Bruno, L; Burkhardt, H; Burtin, G; Dehning, Bernd; Fischer, C; Goddard, B; Gschwendtner, E; Hayes, M; Jeanneret, J B; Jung, R; Kain, V; Kaltchev, D I; Lamont, M; Schmidt, R; Vossenberg, Eugène B; Weisse, E; Wenninger, J


    The LHC requires efficient collimation during all phases of the beam cycle. Collimation plays important roles in prevention of magnet quenches from regular beam diffusion, detection of abnormal beam loss and subsequent beam abort, radiation protection, and passive protection of the superconducting magnets in case of failures. The different roles of collimation and the high beam power in the LHC impose many challenges for the design of the collimation system. In particular, the collimators must be able to withstand the expected particle losses. The requirements for the LHC collimation system are presented.

  5. The HL-LHC accelerator physics challenges

    CERN Document Server

    Fartoukh, S


    We review the conceptual baseline of the HL-LHC project, putting into perspective the main beam physics challenges of this new collider in comparison with the existing LHC, and the series of solutions and possible mitigation measures presently envisaged.

  6. The HL-LHC Accelerator Physics Challenges (United States)

    Fartoukh, S.; Zimmermann, F.

    The conceptual baseline of the HL-LHC project is reviewed, putting into perspective the main beam physics challenges of this new collider in comparison with the existing LHC, and the series of solutions and possible mitigation measures presently envisaged.

  7. The HL-LHC accelerator physics challenges

    CERN Document Server

    Fartoukh, S


    The conceptual baseline of the HL-LHC project is reviewed, putting into perspective the main beam physics challenges of this new collider in comparison with the existing LHC, and the series of solutions and possible mitigation measures presently envisaged.

  8. Chasseur de hadrons

    CERN Document Server

    Eytier, Jean-Louis


    Qu'aurait-il proposé comme solutions face aux déboires du LHC, le grand collisionneur du hadrons du CERN, arrêté peu après son démarrage à l'automne 2008? Lucien Edmond André Montanet était un des grands de la physique des particules. (2 pages)

  9. Standard Model at the LHC 2017

    CERN Document Server


    The SM@LHC 2017 conference will be held May 2-5, 2017 at Nikhef, Amsterdam. The meeting aims to bring together experimentalists and theorists to discuss the phenomenology, observational results and theoretical tools for Standard Model physics at the LHC.

  10. The LHC detectors and the first CMS data

    CERN Document Server

    Green, Dan


    This chapter describes the subsystems of a generic LHC detector and explains how the values of the detector parameters were selected. The design of the LHC detectors follows from the requirement of confronting electroweak symmetry breaking in a decisive fashion. The LHC accelerator also meets those requirements.

  11. LHC-ILC synergy

    CERN Document Server

    Godbole, Rohini M


    I will begin by making a few general comments on the synergy between the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which will go in action in 2007 and the International Linear Collider (ILC) which is under planning. I will then focus on the synergy between the LHC and the PLC option at the ILC, which is expected to be realised in the later stages of the ILC program. In this I will cover the possible synergy in the Higgs sector (with and without CP violation), in the determination of the anomalous vector boson couplings and last but not the least, in the search for extra dimensions and radions.

  12. LHC beampipe interconnection

    CERN Document Server

    Particle beams circulate for around 10 hours in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). During this time, the particles make four hundred million revolutions of the machine, travelling a distance equivalent to the diameter of the solar system. The beams must travel in a pipe which is emptied of air, to avoid collisions between the particles and air molecules (which are considerably bigger than protons). The beam pipes are pumped down to an air pressure similar to that on the surface of the moon. Much of the LHC runs at 1.9 degrees above absolute zero. When material is cooled, it contracts. The interconnections must absorb this contraction whilst maintaining electrical connectivity.

  13. EU supports the LHC high-luminosity study

    CERN Document Server

    CERN Bulletin


    The design collision energy and luminosity of the LHC are already at record numbers, making the machine one of the most complex scientific instruments ever built. However, to extend its discovery potential even further, a major upgrade of the LHC will be required around 2020. This will increase its average luminosity by a factor of 5 to 10 beyond its design value. Fifteen worldwide institutions and the European Union are supporting the initial design phase of the project through the HiLumi LHC programme, whose kick-off meeting will take place on 16-18 November.   The CERN team that has successfully built and tested the Short Magnet Coil – a small 40 cm long magnet capable of producing a 12.5 T magnetic field. The upgrade of the LHC will require about 10 years of design, construction and implementation. The new machine configuration will be called “High Luminosity LHC” (HL-LHC). The similarly named “HiLumi LHC” is the EU programme that supports...

  14. The CMS Tracker upgrade for HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Ahuja, Sudha


    The LHC machine is planning an upgrade program which will smoothly bring the luminosity to about 5 $\\times$ $10^{34} $cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ in 2028, to possibly reach an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$ by the end of 2037. This High Luminosity LHC scenario, HL-LHC, will require a preparation program of the LHC detectors known as Phase-2 upgrade. The current CMS Outer Tracker, already running beyond design specifications, and CMS Phase1 Pixel Detector will not be able to survive HL-LHC radiation conditions and CMS will need completely new devices, in order to fully exploit the high-demanding operating conditions and the delivered luminosity. The new Outer Tracker should have also trigger capabilities. To achieve such goals, R$\\&$D activities are ongoing to explore options both for the Outer Tracker, and for the pixel Inner Tracker. Solutions are being developed that would allow including tracking information at Level-1. The design choices for the Tracker upgrades are discussed along with some highlights...

  15. Anatomy of the inert two-Higgs-doublet model in the light of the LHC and non-LHC dark matter searches (United States)

    Belyaev, Alexander; Cacciapaglia, Giacomo; Ivanov, Igor P.; Rojas-Abatte, Felipe; Thomas, Marc


    The inert two-Higgs-doublet model (i2HDM) is a theoretically well-motivated example of a minimal consistent dark matter (DM) model which provides monojet, mono-Z , mono-Higgs, and vector-boson-fusion +ETmiss signatures at the LHC, complemented by signals in direct and indirect DM search experiments. In this paper we have performed a detailed analysis of the constraints in the full five-dimensional parameter space of the i2HDM, coming from perturbativity, unitarity, electroweak precision data, Higgs data from the LHC, DM relic density, direct/indirect DM detection, and LHC monojet analysis, as well as implications of experimental LHC studies on disappearing charged tracks relevant to a high DM mass region. We demonstrate the complementarity of the above constraints and present projections for future LHC data and direct DM detection experiments to probe further i2HDM parameter space. The model is implemented into the CalcHEP and micrOMEGAs packages, which are publicly available at the HEPMDB database, and it is ready for a further exploration in the context of the LHC, relic density, and DM direct detection.

  16. Analysis of the Dependability of the LHC Quench Detection System During LHC Run 2 and Further System Evolution


    Podzorny, Tomasz; Calcoen, Daniel; Denz, Reiner; Siemko, Andrzej; Spasic, Jelena; Steckert, Jens


    The quench detection system (QDS) of the LHC superconducting circuits is an essential part of the LHC machine protection and ensures the integrity of key elements of the accelerator. The large amount of hardwired and software interlock channels of the QDS requires a very high system dependability in order to reduce the risk of affecting the successful operation of the LHC. This contribution will present methods and tools for systematic fault tracking and analysis, and will discuss recent resu...

  17. LHC First Beam 2008

    CERN Multimedia

    Tuura, L


    The CMS Centre played a major part in the LHC First Beam Event on September 10th 2008: it was a central point for CMS, hosting journalists from all over the world and providing live link-ups to collaborating institutes as well as, of course, monitoring events as they happened at Point 5. It was also a venue for celebration as the beam completed circuits of the LHC in both directions, passing successfully through the detector (Courtesy of Lassi Tuura)

  18. QCD and hard diffraction at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albrow, Michael G.; Fermilab


    As an introduction to QCD at the LHC I given an overview of QCD at the Tevatron, emphasizing the high Q 2 frontier which will be taken over by the LHC. After describing briefly the LHC detectors I discuss high mass diffraction, in particular central exclusive production of Higgs and vector boson pairs. I introduce the FP420 project to measure the scattered protons 420 m downstream of ATLAS and CMS

  19. 6. workshop on electronics for LHC experiments. Proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the workshop was to review the electronics for LHC experiments and to identify areas and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics within and between the different LHC experiments and to promote collaboration in the engineering and physics communities involved in the LHC activities. (orig.)

  20. 6. workshop on electronics for LHC experiments. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of the workshop was to review the electronics for LHC experiments and to identify areas and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics within and between the different LHC experiments and to promote collaboration in the engineering and physics communities involved in the LHC activities. (orig.)

  1. LHC detectors trigger/DAQ at LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Sphicas, Paris


    At its design luminosity, the LHC will deliver hundreds of millions of proton-proton interactions per second. Storage and computing limitations limit the number of physics events that can be recorded to about 100 per second. The selection will be carried out by the Trigger and data acquisition systems of the experiments. This lecture will review the requirements, architectures and various designs currently considered.

  2. Beam dynamics requirements for HL–LHC electrical circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Gamba, Davide; Cerqueira Bastos, Miguel; Coello De Portugal - Martinez Vazquez, Jaime Maria; De Maria, Riccardo; Giovannozzi, Massimo; Martino, Michele; Tomas Garcia, Rogelio


    A certain number of LHC magnets and relative electrical circuits will be replaced for the HL-LHC upgrade. The performance of the new circuits will need to be compatible with the current installation, and to provide the necessary improvements to meet the tight requirements of the new operational scenario. This document summarises the present knowledge of the performance and use of the LHC circuits and, based on this and on the new optics requirements, provides the necessary specifications for the new HL-LHC electrical circuits.

  3. Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties Report of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group

    CERN Document Server

    Heinemeyer, S; Passarino, G; Tanaka, R; Andersen, J R; Artoisenet, P; Bagnaschi, E A; Banfi, A; Becher, T; Bernlochner, F U; Bolognesi, S; Bolzoni, P; Boughezal, R; Buarque, D; Campbell, J; Caola, F; Carena, M; Cascioli, F; Chanon, N; Cheng, T; Choi, S Y; David, A; de Aquino, P; Degrassi, G; Del Re, D; Denner, A; van Deurzen, H; Diglio, S; Di Micco, B; Di Nardo, R; Dittmaier, S; Dührssen, M; Ellis, R K; Ferrera, G; Fidanza, N; Flechl, M; de Florian, D; Forte, S; Frederix, R; Frixione, S; Gangal, S; Gao, Y; Garzelli, M V; Gillberg, D; Govoni, P; Grazzini, M; Greiner, N; Griffiths, J; Gritsan, A V; Grojean, C; Hall, D C; Hays, C; Harlander, R; Hernandez-Pinto, R; Höche, S; Huston, J; Jubb, T; Kadastik, M; Kallweit, S; Kardos, A; Kashif, L; Kauer, N; Kim, H; Klees, R; Krämer, M; Krauss, F; Laureys, A; Laurila, S; Lehti, S; Li, Q; Liebler, S; Liu, X; Logan, E; Luisoni, G; Malberti, M; Maltoni, F; Mawatari, K; Maierhoefer, F; Mantler, H; Martin, S; Mastrolia, P; Mattelaer, O; Mazzitelli, J; Mellado, B; Melnikov, K; Meridiani, P; Miller, D J; Mirabella, E; Moch, S O; Monni, P; Moretti, N; Mück, A; Mühlleitner, M; Musella, P; Nason, P; Neu, C; Neubert, M; Oleari, C; Olsen, J; Ossola, G; Peraro, T; Peters, K; Petriello, F; Piacquadio, G; Potter, C T; Pozzorini, S; Prokofiev, K; Puljak, I; Rauch, M; Rebuzzi, D; Reina, L; Rietkerk, R; Rizzi, A; Rotstein-Habarnau, Y; Salam, G P; Sborlini, G; Schissler, F; Schönherr, M; Schulze, M; Schumacher, M; Siegert, F; Slavich, P; Smillie, J M; Stål, O; von Soden-Fraunhofen, J F; Spira, M; Stewart, I W; Tackmann, F J; Taylor, P T E; Tommasini, D; Thompson, J; Thorne, R S; Torrielli, P; Tramontano, F; Tran, N V; Trócsányi, Z; Ubiali, M; Vazquez Acosta, M; Vickey, T; Vicini, A; Waalewijn, W J; Wackeroth, D; Wagner, C; Walsh, J R; Wang, J; Weiglein, G; Whitbeck, A; Williams, C; Yu, J; Zanderighi, G; Zanetti, M; Zaro, M; Zerwas, P M; Zhang, C; Zirke, T J E; Zuberi, S


    This Report summarizes the results of the activities in 2012 and the first half of 2013 of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group. The main goal of the working group was to present the state of the art of Higgs Physics at the LHC, integrating all new results that have appeared in the last few years. This report follows the first working group report Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables (CERN-2011-002) and the second working group report Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions (CERN-2012-002). After the discovery of a Higgs boson at the LHC in mid-2012 this report focuses on refined prediction of Standard Model (SM) Higgs phenomenology around the experimentally observed value of 125-126 GeV, refined predictions for heavy SM-like Higgs bosons as well as predictions in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and first steps to go beyond these models. The other main focus is on the extraction of the characteristics and properties of the newly discovered p...

  4. LHC Cryogenics on the mend

    CERN Multimedia


    On 29 September, repairs began on the LHC cryogenic distribution line, or QRL, to replace a faulty part that occurs in the hundreds of elements of the line that are already on-site. The Accelerator Technology Department is designing a work programme to finish the repairs as soon as possible and minimize delays to the rest of the LHC project.

  5. UFOs in the LHC after LS1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baer, T.; Barnes, M.J.; Carlier, E.; Cerutti, F.; Dehning, B.; Ducimetiere, L.; Ferrari, A.; Garrel, N.; Gerardin, A.; Goddard, B.; Holzer, E.B.; Jackson, S.; Jimenez, J.M.; Kain, V.; Lechner, A.; Mertens, V.; Misiowiec, M.; Moron Ballester, R.; Nebot del Busto, E.; Norderhaug Drosdal, L.; Nordt, A.; Uythoven, J.; Velghe, B.; Vlachoudis, V.; Wenninger, J.; Zamantzas, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Fuster Martinez, N.


    UFOs (Unidentified Falling Objects) are potentially a major luminosity limitation for nominal LHC operation. With large-scale increases of the BLM thresholds, their impact on LHC availability was mitigated in the second half of 2011. For higher beam energy and lower magnet quench limits, the problem is expected to be considerably worse, though. Therefore, in 2011, the diagnostics for UFO events were significantly improved, dedicated experiments and measurements in the LHC and in the laboratory were made and complemented by FLUKA simulations and theoretical studies. In this paper, the state of knowledge is summarized and extrapolations for LHC operation after LS1 are presented. Mitigation strategies are proposed and related tests and measures for 2012 are specified. (authors)

  6. UFOs in the LHC after LS1

    CERN Document Server

    Baer, T; Carlier, E; Cerutti, F; Dehning, B; Ducimetière, L; Ferrari, A; Garrel, N; Gérardin, A; Goddard, B; Holzer, E B; Jackson, S; Jimenez, J M; Kain, V; Lechner, A; Mertens, V; Misiowiec, M; Morón Ballester, R; Nebot del Busto, E; Norderhaug Drosdal, L; Nordt, A; Uythoven, J; Velghe, B; Vlachoudis, V; Wenninger, J; Zamantzas, C; Zimmermann, F; Fuster Martinez, N


    UFOs (Unidentified Falling Objects) are potentially a major luminosity limitation for nominal LHC operation. With large-scale increases of the BLM thresholds, their impact on LHC availability was mitigated in the second half of 2011. For higher beam energy and lower magnet quench limits, the problem is expected to be considerably worse, though. Therefore, in 2011, the diagnostics for UFO events were significantly improved, dedicated experiments and measurements in the LHC and in the laboratory were made and complemented by FLUKA simulations and theoretical studies. In this paper, the state of knowledge is summarized and extrapolations for LHC operation after LS1 are presented. Mitigation strategies are proposed and related tests and measures for 2012 are specified.

  7. LHC Report: imaginative injectors

    CERN Multimedia

    Pierre Freyermuth for the LHC team


    A new bunch injection scheme from the PS to the SPS allowed the LHC to achieve a new peak luminosity record.   Figure 1: PSB multi-turn injection principle: to vary the parameters during injection with the aim of putting the newly injected beam in a different region of the transverse phase-space plan. The LHC relies on the injector complex to deliver beam with well-defined bunch populations and the necessary transverse and longitudinal characteristics – all of which fold directly into luminosity performance. There are several processes taking place in the PS Booster (PSB) and the Proton Synchrotron (PS) acting on the beam structure in order to obtain the LHC beam characteristics. Two processes are mainly responsible for the beam brightness: the PSB multi-turn injection and the PS radio-frequency (RF) gymnastics. The total number of protons in a bunch and the transverse emittances are mostly determined by the multi-turn Booster injection, while the number of bunches and their time spacin...

  8. LHC Report: Beam on

    CERN Multimedia

    Rossano Giachino for the LHC Team


    The powering tests described in the last edition of the Bulletin were successfully finished at the end of the first week of March opening the way for 4 TeV operations this year. The beam was back in the machine on Wednesday 14 March. The first collisions at 4 TeV are scheduled for the first week of April.   The first beam of 2012 is dumped after making a few rounds in the LHC. The magnet powering tests were followed by the machine checkout phase. Here the operations team in collaboration with the equipment groups performs a sequence of tests to ensure the readiness of the LHC for beam. The tests include driving all the LHC systems – beam dump, injection, collimation, RF, power converters, magnet circuits, vacuum, interlocks, controls, timing and synchronization – through the operational cycle. The “checkout phase” is really a massive de-bugging exercise, which is performed with the objective of ensuring the proper functioning of the whole machine and t...

  9. UFOs in the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grob, Laura [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (Germany)


    In the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) localized and recurring beam losses have been observed, which usually persist for several hundred microseconds. With increasing beam energy these losses were found to pose a serious risk to the machine availability, as some of these events can cause quenches in the superconducting magnets. The current understanding is that these losses are caused by falling microparticles that interact with the proton beam. To describe these so-called UFOs (unidentified falling objects) and their dynamics, a model was developed starting from the approach that only gravitational and electrostatic forces act on a neutrally charged particle. However, the model's results cannot reproduce the actual data from the LHC's beam loss monitors (BLMs), which indicates a more complex UFO dynamic. Experimental studies and further analysis of the BLM data are planned to investigate the UFO dynamics in greater detail and to understand origins and release mechanisms for microparticles in the LHC beam pipe.

  10. QCD@LHC International Conference

    CERN Document Server


    The particle physics groups of UZH and ETH will host the QCD@LHC2016 conference (22.8.-26.8., UZH downtown campus), which is part of an annual conference series bringing together theorists and experimentalists working on hard scattering processes at the CERN LHC, ranging from precision studies of Standard Model processes to searches for new particles and phenomena. The format of the conference is a combination of plenary review talks and parallel sessions, with the latter providing a particularly good opportunity for junior researchers to present their results. The conference will take place shortly after the release of the new data taken by the LHC in sping 2016 at a collision energy of 13TeV, expected to more than double the currently available data set. It will be one of the first opportunities to discuss these data in a broader context, and we expect the conference to become a very lively forum at the interface of phenomenology and experiment.

  11. Lectures on LHC physics

    CERN Document Server

    Plehn, Tilman


    With the discovery of the Higgs boson, the LHC experiments have closed the most important gap in our understanding of fundamental interactions, confirming that such interactions between elementary particles can be described by quantum field theory, more specifically by a renormalizable gauge theory. This theory is a priori valid for arbitrarily high energy scales and does not require an ultraviolet completion. Yet, when trying to apply the concrete knowledge of quantum field theory to actual LHC physics - in particular to the Higgs sector and certain regimes of QCD - one inevitably encounters an intricate maze of phenomenological know-how, common lore and other, often historically developed intuitions about what works and what doesn’t. These lectures cover three aspects to help understand LHC results in the Higgs sector and in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model: they discuss the many facets of Higgs physics, which is at the core of this significantly expanded second edition; then QCD, to the deg...

  12. LHC Report: Summer temperatures in the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    Jan Uythoven for the LHC Team


    The LHC experiments have finished their data-taking period before the summer conferences. The machine has already delivered substantially more collisions to the experiments this year than in the whole of 2011. The LHC has now started a six-day Machine Development period, which will be followed by the second Technical Stop of the year.   The number of collisions delivered to the experiments is expressed in integrated luminosity. In 2011, the integrated luminosity delivered to both ATLAS and CMS was around 5.6 fb-1. On Monday 18 June, experiments finished taking data before the summer conferences and the integrated luminosity for 2012 so far is about 6.6 fb-1, well above the unofficial target of 5 fb-1. The LHC’s performance over the last week of running was so efficient that the injection kicker magnets – which heat up due to the circulating beam – did not have time to cool down between the subsequent fills. As the time constants for warming up and cooli...

  13. Pour une physique de puissance - Le grand collisionneur de hadron

    CERN Multimedia

    Baquiast, Jean-Paul


    On a technical level, the LHC is already the biggest and the most complex machine built by Man. On an human level, it gave work to hundreds of subonctractors, to thousands of ingeneers and technicians. (1,5 page)

  14. Memorial V.J.Glaser

    CERN Multimedia

    Tearing,W; Epstein,H; Bros,J; Martin,A

    Plusieurs orateurs rendent hommage au grand physicien et scientifique Vladimir Jurko Glaser (1924 - 1984) qui travaillait au Ruder Boscovic Institut à Zagreb avant de venir au Cern en 1957 où il trouvait un poste permanent au département de physique théorique. Walter Tearing, Harry Lehmann,Henry Epstein, Jacques Bros et André Martin font des résumés biographiques de leurs collègue et ami en honorant ses grands qualités d'homme et ses remarquables conquêtes de la science et leurs accomplissement.

  15. Longitudinal Beam measurements at the LHC: The LHC Beam Quality Monitor

    CERN Document Server

    Papotti, G; Follin, F; Wehrle, U


    The LHC Beam Quality Monitor is a system that measures individual bunch lengths and positions, similarly to the twin system SPS Beam Quality Monitor, from which it was derived. The pattern verification that the system provides is vital during the injection process to verify the correctness of the injected pattern, while the bunch length measurement is fed back to control the longitudinal emittance blow up performed during the energy ramp and provides a general indication of the health of the RF system. The algorithms used, the hardware implementation and the system integration in the LHC control infrastructure are presented in this paper, along with possible improvements.

  16. Successful test of SPS-to-LHC beamline

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    On 23 October there was great excitement in the Prevessin control room when, on the first attempt, a beam passed over 2.5 km down the new SPS-to-LHC transfer line, TI8, to within a few metres of the LHC tunnel. Members of the AB, AT and TS departments involved in the beamline and its test, celebrate their success with the Director General, Robert Aymar, and the LHC Project Leader, Lyn Evans.

  17. Successful test of SPS-to-LHC beamline

    CERN Multimedia


    On 23 October there was great excitement in the Prevessin control room when, on the first attempt, a beam passed over 2.5 km down the new SPS-to-LHC transfer line, TI8, to within a few metres of the LHC tunnel. Above: members of the AB, AT and TS departments involved in the beamline and its test, celebrate their success with the Director General, Robert Aymar, and the LHC Project Leader, Lyn Evans.

  18. Highlights from LHC experiments and future perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campana, P.


    The experiments at LHC are collecting a large amount of data in a kinematic of the (x, Q 2 ) variables never accessed before. Boosted by LHC analyses, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is experiencing an impressive progress in the last few years, and even brighter perspectives can be foreseen for the future data taking. A subset of the most recent results from the LHC experiments in the area of QCD (both perturbative and soft) are reviewed

  19. LHC Report: focus on luminosity

    CERN Document Server

    Reyes Alemany Fernandez for the LHC team


    The intensity ramp-up of the LHC beams resumed last Friday after the main powering system of the PS accelerator was put back in service.    The image above shows the last twenty four hours of fill #4947 in the machine. The LHC operations team kept the beams of this fill in the machine for a record 35 and a half hours.  Beams are back in the LHC. On Friday, the accelerator resumed the intensity ramp-up, reaching 1752 bunches per beam last week-end. The intensity ramp-up was interrupted on 20 May because of a problem with the PS’s main power supply (see box). A steady increase in the total number of bunches per beam is required to check out all aspects of beam operation and make sure the LHC is fully safe before the nominal number of bunches per beam can be brought into collision. At present, four intensity steps have been completed: 313, 601, 889, and 1177 bunches per beam. The qualification of the next step with 1752 bunches is in progress. At every s...

  20. Cryogenics will cool LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Results of the investigation into the cryogenic regulating line (QRL) performed by the LHC laboratory are presented. It is projected that eight cryogenic units located in five places around the LHC ring will provide superconducting magnets by liquid helium through eight cryogenic regulating lines of 3.2 km each. All QRL zones remain to be independent. CERN uses three test units with the aim of the certification of chosen constructions and verification of their thermal and mechanical efficiency before starting full-scale production [ru

  1. Séminaire de physique corpusculaire

    CERN Multimedia


    Higgs Boson properties and how to constrain them by Dr Bill Murray, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Wednesday 26 Septembre 2012 at 11:15 Science III, Auditoire 1S081 30, quai Ernest-Ansermet, 1211 Genève 4 Abstract: The recently-discovered new boson at CERN seems to be a good candidate for the long-sought Higgs boson. This seminar explores what we need to learn about it to confirm that it is the Higgs boson and how we will obtain that information. Some progress should come rather rapidly at the LHC, but other information will be much harder. If it is the Higgs boson then its existence at this mass presents some interesting puzzles, and more detailed measurements may tell us something about the dark matter binding galaxies together and maybe the ultimate fate of the Universe. More information here.

  2. Beam Loss and Beam Shape at the LHC Collimators

    CERN Document Server

    Burkart, Florian

    In this master thesis the beam loss and the beam shape at the LHC collimators was measured, analysed, presented and discussed. Beginning with a short introduction of the LHC, the experiments, the supercon- ducting magnet system, the basics on linear beam dynamics and a describtion of the LHC collimation system are given. This is followed by the presentation of the performance of the LHC collimation sys- tem during 2011. A method to convert the Beam Loss Monitor signal in Gy/s to a proton beam loss rate will be introduced. Also the beam lifetime during the proton physics runs in 2011 will be presented and discussed. Finally, the shape of the LHC beams is analysed by using data obtained by scraping the beam at the LHC primary collimators.

  3. LHC magnet string in 1994

    CERN Multimedia


    On 6-7 December 1994, a string of powerful superconducting magnets for CERN's next particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), ran successfully at 8.36 tesla for 24 hours. This magnetic field is 100 000 times that of the Earth and is required to keep beams of protons travelling on the correct circular path over 27 km at 7 TeV in the new LHC accelerator.

  4. Supersymmetry Breaking, Gauge Mediation, and the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shih, David


    Gauge mediated SUSY breaking (GMSB) is a promising class of supersymmetric models that automatically satisfies the precision constraints. Prior work of Meade, Seiberg and Shih in 2008 established the full, model-independent parameter space of GMSB, which they called 'General Gauge Mediation' (GGM). During the first half of 2010-2015, Shih and his collaborators thoroughly explored the parameter space of GGM and established many well-motivated benchmark models for use by the experimentalists at the LHC. Through their work, the current constraints on GGM from LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC were fully elucidated, together with the possible collider signatures of GMSB at the LHC. This ensured that the full discovery potential for GGM could be completely realized at the LHC.

  5. High-Luminosity LHC moves to the next phase

    CERN Multimedia


    This week saw several meetings vital for the medium-term future of CERN.    From Monday to Wednesday, the Resource Review Board, RRB, that oversees resource allocation in the LHC experiments, had a series of meetings. Thursday then saw the close-out meeting for the Hi-Lumi LHC design study, which was partially funded by the European Commission. These meetings focused on the High Luminosity upgrade for the LHC, which responds to the top priority of the European Strategy for Particle Physics adopted by the CERN Council in 2013. This upgrade will transform the LHC into a facility for precision studies, the logical next step for the high-energy frontier of particle physics. It is a challenging upgrade, both for the LHC and the detectors. The LHC is already the highest luminosity hadron collider ever constructed, generating up to a billion collisions per second at the heart of the detectors. The High Luminosity upgrade will see that number rise by a factor of five from 2025. For the detectors...

  6. Run II of the LHC: The Accelerator Science (United States)

    Redaelli, Stefano


    In 2015 the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) starts its Run II operation. After the successful Run I at 3.5 TeV and 4 TeV in the 2010-2013 period, a first long shutdown (LS1) was mainly dedicated to the consolidation of the LHC magnet interconnections, to allow the LHC to operate at its design beam energy of 7 TeV. Other key accelerator systems have also been improved to optimize the performance reach at higher beam energies. After a review of the LS1 activities, the status of the LHC start-up progress is reported, addressing in particular the status of the LHC hardware commissioning and of the training campaign of superconducting magnets that will determine the operation beam energy in 2015. Then, the plans for the Run II operation are reviewed in detail, covering choice of initial machine parameters and strategy to improve the Run II performance. Future prospects of the LHC and its upgrade plans are also presented.

  7. LHC Interaction Region Upgrade Phase I

    CERN Document Server

    Ostojic, R


    The LHC is starting operation with beam in 2008. The primary goal of CERN and the LHC community is to ensure that the collider is operated efficiently, maximizing its physics reach, and to achieve the nominal performance in the shortest term. Since several years the community has been discussing the directions for upgrading the experiments, in particular ATLAS and CMS, the LHC machine and the CERN proton injector complex. A well substantiated and coherent scenario for the first phase of the upgrade, which is foreseen in 2013, is now approved by CERN Council. In this paper, we present the goals and the proposed conceptual solution for the Phase-I upgrade of the LHC interaction regions. This phase relies on the mature Nb-Ti superconducting magnet technology, with the target of increasing the luminosity by a factor of 2-3 with respect to the nominal luminosity of 1034 cm-2s-1, while maximising the use of the existing infrastructure.

  8. High Luminosity LHC Studies with ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Duncan, Anna Kathryn; The ATLAS collaboration


    The High-Luminosity LHC aims to provide a total integrated luminosity of 3000fb$^{-1}$ from proton-proton collisions at $\\sqrt{s}$ = 14 TeV over the course of $\\sim$ 10 years, reaching instantaneous luminosities of up to L = 7.5 $\\times$ 1034cm$^{-2}s$^{-1}$, corresponding to an average of 200 inelastic p-p collisions per bunch crossing ($\\mu$ = 200). Fast simulation studies have been carried out to evaluate the prospects of various benchmark physics analyses to be performed using the upgraded ATLAS detector with the full HL-LHC dataset. The performance of the upgrade has been estimated in full simulation studies, assuming expected HL-LHC conditions. This talk will focus on the results of physics prospects studies for benchmark analyses involving in particular boosted hadronic objects (e.g. ttbar resonances, HH resonances), and on results of Jet/EtMiss studies of jet performance and pileup mitigation techniques that will be critical in HL-LHC analyses.

  9. LHC and CLIC LLRF final reports

    CERN Document Server

    Dexter, A; Woolley, B; Ambattu, P; Tahir, I; Syratchev, Igor; Wuensch, Walter


    Crab cavities rotate bunches from opposing beams to achieve effective head-on collision in CLIC or collisions at an adjustable angle in LHC. Without crab cavities 90% of achievable luminosity at CLIC would be lost. In the LHC, the crab cavities allow the same or larger integrated luminosity while reducing significantly the requested dynamic range of physics detectors. The focus for CLIC is accurate phase synchronisation of the cavities, adequate damping of wakefields and modest amplitude stability. For the LHC, the main LLRF issues are related to imperfections: beam offsets in cavities, RF noise, measurement noise in feedback loops, failure modes and mitigations. This report develops issues associated with synchronising the CLIC cavities. It defines an RF system and experiments to validate the approach. It reports on the development of hardware for measuring the phase performance of the RF distributions system and cavities. For the LHC, the hardware being very close to the existing LLRF, the report focuses on...

  10. First beam splashes at the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    After a two-year shutdown, the first beams of Run 2 circulated in the LHC last Sunday. On Tuesday, the LHC operators performed dedicated runs to allow some of the experiments to record their first signals coming from particles splashed out when the circulating beams hit the collimators. Powerful reconstruction software then transforms the electronic signals into colourful images.     “Splash” events are used by the experiments to test their numerous subdetectors and to synchronise them with the LHC clock. These events are recorded when the path of particles travelling in the LHC vacuum pipe is intentionally obstructed using collimators – one-metre-long graphite or tungsten jaws that are also used to catch particles that wander too far from the beam centre and to protect the accelerator against unavoidable regular and irregular beam losses. The particles sprayed out of the collision between the beam and the collimators are mostly muons. ATLAS and CMS&...

  11. For information - Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia

    A. Cervera Villanueva


    Ecole de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVE 4 TéL: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 3 November 2004 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17.00 hrs – Stückelberg Auditorium Tools for Electroweak physics at LHC by Pr. Stanislaw JADACH, Department of Particle Theory, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will provide a large amount of high quality data on the production of the W and Z bosons. It will be a highly nontrivial task to exploit fully these data in order to measure precisely the mass of the W boson and its anomalous couplings. Other challenges are to measure with high precision parton luminosities and to find the presence of new physics at multi-TeV scales. For this purpose one needs a new generation of Monte Carlo tools that must include QCD, QED and Electroweak calculations beyond-the-leading-order. Information : http://dp...

  12. External conference: Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia


    Ecole de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVE 4 Tél: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 13 December 2006 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17.00 hrs - Stückelberg Auditorium Radiation Tolerant Sensors for Solid State Tracking Detectors by Dr Michael MOLL / CERN The envisaged upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN towards the Super-LHC (SLHC) with a 10 times increased luminosity of 1035 cm2 s-1 will present severe challenges for the tracking detectors of the SLHC experiments. Unprecedented high radiation levels and track densities and a reduced bunch crossing time in the order of 10 ns as well as the need for cost effective detectors have called for an intensive R&D program. The CERN RD50 collaboration 'Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders' is working on the development of semiconductor sensors matching the requirements of the SLHC. Sensors based on defect engineered silic...

  13. For information: Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia

    A. Cervera Villanueva


    ECOLE DE PHYSIQUE Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet - 1211 GENEVE 4 Tél : (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 13 April PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17:00 - Stückelberg Auditorium Status and prospects of the LHCb experiment Prof. Ulrich Straumann / Université de Zurich The LHCb experiment is designed to exploit the large b quark production cross section in pp collisions at the future LHC at CERN in order to perform a wide range of precision studies of CP violating phenomena and rare decays in the B meson systems. The experiment will operate at a moderate luminosity of 2Ã^_1032 cm-2s-1 and should be fully operational from the start of LHC operation in mid of 2007. An overview of the design and present production status of the experiment will be given, with some emphasis on the silicon tracking system, provided by the Swiss groups. The physics reach of the experiment will be demon...

  14. A Global Computing Grid for LHC; Una red global de computacion para LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Calama, J. M.; Colino Arriero, N.


    An innovative computing infrastructure has played an instrumental role in the recent discovery of the Higgs boson in the LHC and has enabled scientists all over the world to store, process and analyze enormous amounts of data in record time. The Grid computing technology has made it possible to integrate computing center resources spread around the planet, including the CIEMAT, into a distributed system where these resources can be shared and accessed via Internet on a transparent, uniform basis. A global supercomputer for the LHC experiments. (Author)

  15. Concept of a Machine Protection System for the High-Energy LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Raginel, Vivien; Wollmann, Daniel


    The High-Energy LHC (HE-LHC) is setting new precedents in stored energy in both, the superconducting magnet system (∼ 20 GJ) and the beams (1.34 GJ) as compared to LHC and the LHC upgrade to increase the luminosity (HL-LHC). Therefore, the requirements and performance of the existing machine protection systems have to be reviewed and adapted to the new HE-LHC beam parameters, failure cases and machine availability requirements.

  16. Local structure of disordered Au-Cu and Au-Ag alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frenkel, A. I.; Machavariani, V. Sh.; Rubshtein, A.; Rosenberg, Yu.; Voronel, A.; Stern, E. A.


    X-ray-absorption fine structure (XAFS) and x-ray-diffraction (XRD) measurements of disordered alloys Au x Cu 1-x and Au 0.5 Ag 0.5 prepared by melt spinning were performed. In the Au 0.5 Ag 0.5 alloy, no significant local deviations of the atoms from the average fcc lattice were detected while in Au x Cu 1-x alloys, significant deviations of atoms from the average fcc lattice were found. Mean-square vibrations of the Cu-Cu distances revealed by the XAFS in Au x Cu 1-x alloys indicate the weakening of contact between Cu atoms in the dilute limit. Our computer simulation for Au x Cu 1-x clusters of 10 5 atoms reproduces the main features of both the XAFS and XRD data

  17. Snapshots to shed light on LHC performance

    CERN Multimedia


    With the impressive size and unprecedented power of the LHC, it is all too easy to overlook the smaller devices that have the difficult task of monitoring the new accelerator. You don't have to stand too far back from the big picture to see examples of clever technology inside the LHC. One of the undulators installed in the LHC tunnel can be seen on the right of the photo. From right to left, back row: Lucio Rossi (group leader, MCS), Davide Tommasini (conceptual design, MCS), Thierry Tenaglia (integration design,TS-MME), Remo Maccaferri (project leader, MCS) and Hans Kummer (MCS/ME); front row: Gilles Trachez (MCS-ME) and Bruno Meunier (FSU-AT12). In contrast to the usual articles about the LHC's big number statistics, examples of clever problem-solving found in beam monitoring machinery show that smaller things can be beautiful too. The design of the LHC accelerator brought new challenges for monitoring the shape of the particle beam, known as the beam profile. The size of the beam shrinks as higher energi...

  18. Social Cost Benefit Analysis of HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Bastianin, Andrea


    We present a Social Cost–Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), assessing its economic costs and benefits up to 2038. The Net Present Value (NPV) of the HL-LHC project is positive at the end of the observation period. The ratio between incremental benefits and incremental costs of the HL-LHC with respect to continue operating the LHC under normal consolidation (i.e. without high-luminosity upgrade) is slightly over 1.7, meaning that each Swiss Franc invested in the HL-LHC upgrade project pays back approximately 1.7 CHF in societal benefits. Simulations based on 50000 Monte Carlo rounds show that there is a 94% chance to observe a positive NPV (i.e. a quantifiable economic benefit for the society). The attractiveness of CERN for Early Stage Researchers (ESR) is key for a positive CBA result. Given that benefits to ESRs are the single most important societal benefit, CERN should invest more in activities facilitating the transition to the international job...

  19. The first LHC sector is fully interconnected

    CERN Multimedia


    Sector 7-8 is the first sector of the LHC to become fully operational. All the magnets, cryogenic line, vacuum chambers and services are interconnected. The cool down of this sector can soon commence. LHC project leader Lyn Evans, the teams from CERN's AT/MCS, AT/VAC and AT/MEL groups, and the members of the IEG consortium celebrate the completion of the first LHC sector. The 10th of November was a red letter day for the LHC accelerator teams, marking the completion of the first sector of the machine. The magnets of sector 7-8, together with the cryogenic line, the vacuum chambers and the distribution feedboxes (DFBs) are now all completely interconnected. Sector 7-8 has thus been closed and is the first LHC sector to become operational. The interconnection work required several thousand electrical, cryogenic and insulating connections to be made on the 210 interfaces between the magnets in the arc, the 30 interfaces between the special magnets and the interfaces with the cryogenic line. 'This represent...

  20. Academic Training - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    ACADEMIC TRAINING LECTURE SERIES 13, 14, 15, March, from 11:00 to 12:00 - 16 March from 10:00 to 12:00 Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 on 14, 15 March, Council Room on 13, 16 March LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges A. De Roeck / CERN-PH, D. Bortoletto / Purdue Univ. USA, R. Wigmans / Texas, Tech Univ. USA, W. Riegler / CERN-PH, W. Smith / Wisconsin Univ. USA The upgrade of the LHC machine towards higher luminosity (1035 cm-2s-1) has been studied over the last few years. These studies have investigated scenarios to achieve the increase in peak luminosity by an order of magnitude, as well as the physics potential of such an upgrade and the impact of a machine upgrade on the LHC DETECTORS. This series of lectures will cover the following topics: Physics motivation and machine scenarios for an order of magnitude increase in the LHC peak luminosity (lecture 1) Detector challenges including overview of ideas for R&D programs by the LHC experiments: tracking and calorimetry, other new detector ...

  1. Academic Training: The LHC machine /experiment interface

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    2004-2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 April from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 The LHC machine /experiment interface S. TAPPROGGE, Univ. of Mainz, D, R. ASSMANN, CERN-AB E. TSESMELIS and D. MACINA, CERN-TS This series of lectures will cover some of the major issues at the boundary between the LHC machine and the experiments: 1) The physics motivation and expectations of the experiments regarding the machine operation. This will include an overview of the LHC physics programme (in pp and PbPb collisions), of the experimental signatures (from high pT objects to leading nucleons) and of the expected trigger rates as well as the data sets needed for specific measurements. Furthermore, issues related to various modes of operation of the machine (e.g. bunch spacings of 25 ns. vs. 75 ns.) and special requirements of the detectors for their commissioning will be described. 2) The LHC machine aspects: introduction of the main LHC parameters and discu...

  2. ATLAS Plans for the High-Luminosity LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Walkowiak, Wolfgang; The ATLAS collaboration


    Despite the excellent performance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN an upgrade to a High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) with a peak instantaneous luminosity of up to $7.5\\times 10^{34}$ fb$^{-1}$ will be required after collecting a total dataset of approximately 300 fb$^{-1}$ by the end of Run 3 (in 2023). The upgrade will substantially increase the statistics available to the experiments for addressing the remaining open puzzles of particle physics. The HL-LHC is expected to start operating in 2026 and to deliver up to 4000 fb$^{-1}$ within twelve years. The corresponding upgrades of the ATLAS detector and the ATLAS beauty physics program at the HL-LHC are being discussed. As examples, preliminary results on the expected sensitivities for the search for CP-violation in the decay channel $B^0_s \\to J/\\psi \\,\\phi$ using the parameters $\\Delta\\Gamma_s$ and $\\phi_s$ as well as projections for the branching fractions of the rare decays $B^0_s \\to \\mu^+\\mu^-$ and $B^0\\to\\mu^+\\mu^-$ are provided.

  3. Academic Training: The LHC machine /experiment interface

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    2004-2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 April from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 The LHC machine /experiment interface S. TAPPROGGE, Univ. of Mainz, D, R. ASSMANN, CERN-AB E. TSESMELIS and D. MACINA, CERN-TS This series of lectures will cover some of the major issues at the boundary between the LHC machine and the experiments: 1) The physics motivation and expectations of the experiments regarding the machine operation. This will include an overview of the LHC physics programme (in pp and PbPb collisions), of the experimental signatures (from high pT objects to leading nucleons) and of the expected trigger rates as well as the data sets needed for specific measurements. Furthermore, issues related to various modes of operation of the machine (e.g. bunch spacings of 25 ns. vs. 75 ns.) and special requirements of the detectors for their commissioning will be described. 2) The LHC machine aspects: introduction of the main LHC parameters and disc...

  4. Parton Distribution Benchmarking with LHC Data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ball, Richard D.; Carrazza, Stefano; Debbio, Luigi Del; Forte, Stefano; Gao, Jun; Hartland, Nathan; Huston, Joey; Nadolsky, Pavel; Rojo, Juan; Stump, Daniel; Thorne, Robert S.; Yuan, C. -P.


    We present a detailed comparison of the most recent sets of NNLO PDFs from the ABM, CT, HERAPDF, MSTW and NNPDF collaborations. We compare parton distributions at low and high scales and parton luminosities relevant for LHC phenomenology. We study the PDF dependence of LHC benchmark inclusive cross

  5. Academic Training: A walk through the LHC injector chain

    CERN Document Server

    Françoise Benz


    2004-2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 14, 15, 16 February from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 A walk through the LHC injector chain M. BENEDIKT, P. COLLIER, K. SCHINDL /CERN-AB Proton linac, PS Booster, PS, SPS and the two transfer channels from SPS to LHC are used for LHC proton injection. The lectures will review the features of these faithful machines and underline the modifications required for the LHC era. Moreover, an overview of the LHC lead ion injector scheme from the ion source through ion linac, LEIR, PS and SPS right to the LHC entry will be given. The particular behaviour of heavy ions in the LHC will be sketched and the repercussions on the injectors will be discussed. ENSEIGNEMENT ACADEMIQUE ACADEMIC TRAINING Françoise Benz 73127 If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on...

  6. Performance of the CMS precision electromagnetic calorimeter at LHC Run II and prospects for High-Luminosity LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Zhicai


    Many physics analyses using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the LHC require accurate, high-resolution electron and photon energy measurements. Following the excellent performance achieved during LHC Run I at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is operating at the LHC with proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV center-of-mass energy. The instantaneous luminosity delivered by the LHC during Run II has achieved unprecedented levels. The average number of concurrent proton-proton collisions per bunch-crossing (pileup) has reached up to 40 interactions in 2016 and may increase further in 2017. These high pileup levels necessitate a retuning of the ECAL readout and trigger thresholds and reconstruction algorithms. In addition, the energy response of the detector must be precisely calibrated and monitored. We present new reconstruction algorithms and calibration strategies that were implemented to maintain the excellent performance of the CMS ECAL throughout Run...

  7. LHC goes global

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    As CERN's major project for the future, the LHC sets a new scale in world-wide scientific collaboration. As well as researchers and engineers from CERN's 19 European Member States, preparations for the LHC now include scientists from several continents. Some 50 per cent of the researchers involved in one way or another with preparations for the LHC experimental programme now come from countries which are not CERN Member States. Underlining this enlarged international involvement is the recent decision by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture ('Monbusho') to accord CERN a generous contribution of five billion yen (about 65 million Swiss francs) to help finance the construction of the LHC. This money will be held in a special fund earmarked for construction of specific LHC components and related activities. To take account of the new situation, CERN is proposing to set up a totally new 'Associate State' status. This is foreseen as a flexible bilateral framework which will be set up on a case-by-case basis to adapt to different circumstances. This proposal was introduced to CERN Council in June, and will be further discussed later this year. These developments reflect CERN's new role as a focus of world science, constituting a first step towards a wider level of international collaboration. At the June Council session, as a first step, Japan was unanimously elected as a CERN Observer State, giving them the right to attend Council meetings. Introducing the topic at the Council session, Director General Chris Llewellyn Smith sketched the history of Japanese involvement in CERN research. This began in 1957 and has gone on to include an important experiment at the LEAR low energy antiproton ring using laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms, the new Chorus neutrino experiment using an emulsion target, and a major contribution to the Opal experiment at the LEP electronpositron collider. In welcoming the development, many Council delegates looked

  8. Nuclear spin of 185Au and hyperfine structure of 188Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekstroem, C.; Ingelman, S.; Wannberg, G.


    The nuclear spin of 185 Au, I = 5/2, and the hyperfine separation of 188 Au, Δγ = +- 2992(30) MHz, have been measured with the atomic-beam magnetic resonance method. The spin of 185 Au indicates a deformed nuclear shape in the ground state. The small magnetic moment of 188 Au is close in value to those of the heavier I = 1 gold isotopes 190 192 194 Au, being located in a typical transition region. (Auth.)

  9. Evidence of final-state suppression of high-p{_ T} hadrons in Au + Au collisions using d + Au measurements at RHIC (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Becker, B.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harrington, A. S.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.; Zhang, J.

    Transverse momentum spectra of charged hadrons with pT 2 GeV/c). In contrast, the d + Au nuclear modification factor exhibits no suppression of the high-pT yields. These measurements suggest a large energy loss of the high-pT particles in the highly interacting medium created in the central Au + Au collisions. The lack of suppression in d + Au collisions suggests that it is unlikely that initial state effects can explain the suppression in the central Au + Au collisions. PACS: 25.75.-q

  10. Scintillating Fibre Calorimetry at the LHC

    CERN Multimedia


    Good electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry will play a central role in an LHC detector. The lead/scintillating fibre calorimeter technique provides a fast signal response well matched to the LHC rate requirements. It can be made to give equal response for electrons and hadrons (compensation) with good electromagnetic and hadronic energy resolutions.\\\\ \\\\ The aim of this R&D proposal is to study in detail the aspects that are relevant for application of this type of calorimeter in an LHC environment, including its integration in a larger system of detectors, e.g.~projective geometry, radiation hardness, light detection, calibration and stability monitoring, electron/hadron separation.....

  11. LHC computing (WLCG) past, present, and future

    CERN Document Server

    Bird, I G


    The LCG project, and the WLCG Collaboration, represent a more than 10-year investment in building and operating the LHC computing environment. This article gives some of the history of how the WLCG was constructed and the preparations for the accelerator start-up. It will discuss the experiences and lessons learned during the first 3 year run of the LHC, and will conclude with a look forwards to the planned upgrades of the LHC and the experiments, discussing the implications for computing.

  12. Current and expected performance of tracking and vertexing with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and the HL-LHC.

    CERN Document Server

    Kastanas, Alex; The ATLAS collaboration


    The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has had an extremely successful data collecting period during 2017, recording over 45 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV. This was achieved, in part, by running the LHC at a high instantaneous lumi- nosity level of over 1.5 x 10+34 cm-2s-1, which corresponds to over 57 inelastic proton-proton collisions per beam crossing. This talk will highlight the tracking and vertexing performance of the tracking detector within ATLAS (Inner Detector) throughout this successful year of data taking. In order to increase its potential for discoveries, the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) aims to increase the LHC data-set by an order of magnitude by collecting 3,000 fb-1 of recorded data. Starting, from mid-2026, the HL-LHC is expected to reach the peak instantaneous luminosity of 7.5 x 10+34 cm-2s-1, which corresponds to about 200 inelastic proton-proton collisions per beam crossing. To cope with the large radiation doses and high pile...

  13. Partons and jets at the LHC

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Partons and jets at the LHC. DAVISON E SOPER. Institute of Theoretical Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5203, USA. Abstract. I review some issues related to short distance QCD and its relation to the experimental program of the large hadron collider (LHC) now under construction in Geneva. Keywords.

  14. 2741-IJBCS-Proof-Njoyim Estella Buleng T

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Néanmoins, le chrome et fer étaient fortement concentrés dans presque tous les échantillons au mois de janvier (0,14 à ...... d'eau, augmentant ainsi les infections observées en ces mois. Ce cycle résulte en l'occurrence des infections d'origine hydrique tout au long de l'année. Conclusion. A l'issue des analyses physiques,.

  15. Complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures : à propos de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : La médecine moderne, comme celle traditionnelle, concourt au rétablissement du bien être physique, mental et social. Au Sénégal comme ailleurs ces deux médecines se pratiquent à tous les niveaux. Faut-il établir un rapport de nécessité entre les deux ou mettre une nette séparation ; chacune évoluant pour ...

  16. Characterization and performance optimization of radiation monitoring sensors for high energy physics experiments at the CERN LHC and Super-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Mekki, Julien


    In order to study the matter originating from the universe, a new particle accelerator named the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been built at CERN. The radiation environment generated by the hadrons collisions in the high energy physics experiments of the LHC will be complex and locally very intense. For monitoring this complex radiation field, dosimeters have been installed in the LHC experiments. In previous study, RadFET dosimeters and PIN diodes have been characterized for their use in the particle accelerator. However, even if the RadFETs sensors have been already extensively characterized, their radiation response can be affected by their package. Depending on the material and the geometry, the package can induce errors in the dose measurement. In this thesis, a complete study has been carried out in order to evaluate its influence. Concerning the PIN diodes, the readout protocol used for the LHC is no longer valuable for the Super-LHC. Therefore, a complete study on their radiation response has been p...

  17. Superconducting magnet development for the LHC upgrades

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, Lucio


    LHC is now delivering proton and heavy ion collisions at the highest energy. Upgrading the LHC beyond its design performance is a long term program that started during the LHC construction, with some fundamental R and D programs. The upgrade program is based on a vigorous superconductor and magnet R and D, aimed at increasing the field in accelerator magnets from 8 T to 12 T for the luminosity upgrade, with the scope of increasing the collider luminosity by a factor 5 to 10 from 2022. The upgrade program might continue with the LHC energy upgrade, which would require magnets producing field in the range of 16-20 T. The results obtained so far and the future challenges are discussed together with the possible plan to reach the goals. (author)

  18. Comparative efficiencies of photothermal destruction of malignant cells using antibody-coated silica-Au nanoshells, hollow Au/Ag nanospheres and Au nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheng, Fong-Yu; Chen, Chen-Tai; Yeh, Chen-Sheng, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan (China)


    Three Au-based nanomaterials (silica-Au nanoshells, hollow Au/Ag nanospheres and Au nanorods) were evaluated for their comparative photothermal efficiencies at killing three types of malignant cells (A549 lung cancer cells, HeLa cervix cancer cells and TCC bladder cancer cells) using a CW NIR laser. Photodestructive efficiency was evaluated as a function of the number of nanoparticles required to destroy the cancer cells under 808 nm laser wavelength at fixed laser power. Of the three nanomaterials, silica/Au nanoshells needed the minimum number of particles to produce effective photodestruction, whereas Au nanorods needed the largest number of particles. Together with the calculated photothermal conversion efficiency, the photothermal efficiency rankings are silica-Au nanoshells > hollow Au/Ag nanospheres > Au nanorods. Additionally, we found that HeLa cells seem to present better heat tolerance than the other two cancer cell lines.

  19. Cryogenics for HL-LHC (United States)

    Tavian, L.; Brodzinski, K.; Claudet, S.; Ferlin, G.; Wagner, U.; van Weelderen, R.

    The discovery of a Higgs boson at CERN in 2012 is the start of a major program of work to measure this particle's properties with the highest possible precision for testing the validity of the Standard Model and to search for further new physics at the energy frontier. The LHC is in a unique position to pursue this program. Europe's top priority is the exploitation of the full potential of the LHC, including the high-luminosity upgrade of the machine and detectors with an objective to collect ten times more data than in the initial design, by around 2030. To reach this objective, the LHC cryogenic system must be upgraded to withstand higher beam current and higher luminosity at top energy while keeping the same operation availability by improving the collimation system and the protection of electronics sensitive to radiation. This chapter will present the conceptual design of the cryogenic system upgrade with recent updates in performance requirements, the corresponding layout and architecture of the system as well as the main technical challenges which have to be met in the coming years.

  20. LHC Report: Rocky XIV

    CERN Multimedia

    Mike Lamont for the LHC Team


    The LHC has been in luminosity production mode for the last couple of weeks. Peak luminosities have ranged between 6 and a record 7.74 x 1033 cm -2 s-1. Integrated luminosities per fill have been healthy, with 170 inverse picobarn per fill reached on five occasions in the last two weeks.  The total integrated luminosity for the year has passed 14 inverse femtobarns.   Injected bunch currents have peaked at an average of  1.69 x 1011 protons per bunch on average - a remarkable achievement for both the injectors and the LHC: the injectors to be able to produce good quality beam at these intensities; the LHC for being able to cope with these intensities without excessive losses. Peak performance from day to day depends strongly on the beam sizes and bunch intensities delivered by the injectors. It is a continual challenge to keep the Booster, PS and SPS optimally tuned while they deliver beams to their other wide range of users. Despite the excel...

  1. Connecting LHC, ILC, and quintessence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Daniel J.H.; Everett, Lisa L.; Kong, Kyoungchul; Matchev, Konstantin T.


    If the cold dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), anticipated measurements of the WIMP properties at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC) will provide an unprecedented experimental probe of cosmology at temperatures of order 1 GeV. It is worth emphasizing that the expected outcome of these tests may or may not be consistent with the picture of standard cosmology. For example, in kination-dominated quintessence models of dark energy, the dark matter relic abundance can be significantly enhanced compared to that obtained from freeze out in a radiation-dominated universe. Collider measurements then will simultaneously probe both dark matter and dark energy. In this article, we investigate the precision to which the LHC and ILC can determine the dark matter and dark energy parameters under those circumstances. We use an illustrative set of four benchmark points in minimal supergravity in analogy with the four LCC benchmark points. The precision achievable together at the LHC and ILC is sufficient to discover kination-dominated quintessence, under the assumption that the WIMPs are the only dark matter component. The LHC and ILC can thus play important roles as alternative probes of both dark matter and dark energy

  2. Physics with heavy ions at LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Safarik, K.


    We discuss the motivation to study heavy ion collisions at LHC, and the experimental conditions under which detectors will have to operate. A short description of the detectors under construction is given. Physics performance is illustrated in two examples, which will become accessible at LHC energies, jet quenching and heavy-flavor production. (author)

  3. Parton distributions with LHC data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ball, R.D.; Deans, C.S.; Del Debbio, L.


    We present the first determination of parton distributions of the nucleon at NLO and NNLO based on a global data set which includes LHC data: NNPDF2.3. Our data set includes, besides the deep inelastic, Drell-Yan, gauge boson production and jet data already used in previous global PDF determinati......We present the first determination of parton distributions of the nucleon at NLO and NNLO based on a global data set which includes LHC data: NNPDF2.3. Our data set includes, besides the deep inelastic, Drell-Yan, gauge boson production and jet data already used in previous global PDF...... fraction of the proton. We also present collider PDF sets, constructed using only data from HERA, the Tevatron and the LHC, but find that this data set is neither precise nor complete enough for a competitive PDF determination....

  4. Mesure de la production de J/psi en collisions p-Pb au LHC avec le spectromètre à muons d'ALICE

    CERN Document Server

    Lakomov, Igor

    Hard probes represent one of the hottest topics of the modern high energy physics. The production mechanism of quarkonia (mesons composed of a charm or beauty quark and its antiquark) in hadronic collisions is of particular interest. The suppression of J/psi and other charmonium states was predicted as one of the first signatures of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) formation and was seen at RHIC and SPS. It was also studied at the LHC in Pb-Pb collisions. However, other effects can affect the charmonium production in Pb-Pb collisions without the presence of the QGP. These effects are inherent to the use of nuclei and are called “Cold Nuclear Matter” (CNM) effects. They can be studied in p-Pb collisions. This thesis is dedicated to the studies of J/psi production in p-Pb collisions at the LHC at a center of mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. J/psi production is studied as a function of transverse momentum, rapidity and event activity. These results represent a significant step to better understanding of...

  5. Plan of SPS to LHC transfer tunnels

    CERN Multimedia

    Laurent Guiraud


    This diagram shows the LHC and the SPS pre-accelerator (in blue) and the transfer lines that will connect them (in red). Spanning the France-Swiss border (shown by green crosses), the 27-km LHC tunnel will receive a beam that has been pre-accelerated to 450 GeV in the smaller SPS storage ring. The transfer lines will remove each beam from the SPS and inject them into the LHC where they will be accelerated to the full energy of 7 TeV.

  6. Links between astroparticle physics and the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinfold, James L


    Research into the fundamental nature of matter at the high energy frontier takes place in three main areas: accelerator-based particle physics, high energy astrophysics, and the cosmology of the early universe. As a consequence the study of astroparticle physics can have significant implications for collider physics at the LHC. Likewise, the LHC project provides the laboratory to perform measurements of great importance for cosmic ray astrophysics and cosmology. This paper reviews some of the important synergistic links between astroparticle and LHC physics. (topical review)

  7. LHC Abort Gap Cleaning with the Transverse Damper

    CERN Document Server

    Gianfelice-Wendt, E; Höfle, Wolfgang; Kain, V; Meddahi, M; Shaposhnikova, E; Koschik, A


    In the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, particles not captured by the RF system at injection or leaking out of the RF bucket may quench the superconducting magnets during beam abort. The problem, common to other superconducting machines, is particularly serious for the LHC due to the very large stored energy in the beam. For the LHC a way of removing the unbunched beam has been studied and it uses the existing damper kickers to excite resonantly the particles travelling along the abort gap. In this paper we describe the results of simulations performed with MAD X for various LHC optics configurations, including the estimated multipolar errors.

  8. Computer graphic of LHC in the tunnel

    CERN Multimedia


    A computer-generated image of the LHC particle accelerator at CERN in the tunnel originally built for the LEP accelerator that was closed in 2000. The cross-section of an LHC superconducting dipole magnet is also seen.

  9. Study of micro-strip gas ionisation chambers substrates for CMS experiment at LHC; Etude de substrats pour chambres gazeuses a micropistes dans le cadre de l`experience CMS au LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pallares, A.


    High luminosity, expected interaction and dose rates of the future LHC collider require the development of micro-strips gas chambers. In addition to optimization of this new detector, this work is concerned with understanding of gain loss phenomena. Influence of the gas substrate is carefully analysed, as well as theoretical concepts concerning glasses and their behaviour under polarization and irradiation, and the consequence on detection operations.Electron spin resonance is used to study, in standard glass, creation of radiation induced defects which may be charged. (D.L.). 14 refs.

  10. Synthesis of nir-sensitive Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids for drug delivery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ren, L.; Chow, G.M


    Near IR (NIR) sensitive Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids were prepared by mixing HAuCl{sub 4} and Na{sub 2}S in aqueous solutions. An anti-tumor drug, cis-platin, was adsorbed onto Au-Au{sub 2}S nanoparticle surface via the 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) layers. The results show that the degree of adsorption of cis-platin onto Au-Au{sub 2}S nanoparticles was controlled by the solution pH value, and the drug release was sensitive to near-infrared irradiation. The cis-platin-loaded Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids can be potentially applied as NIR activated drug delivery carrier.

  11. Optics Measurements and Correction Challenges for the HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Carlier, Felix Simon; Fartoukh, Stephane; Fol, Elena; Gamba, Davide; Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso, Ana; Giovannozzi, Massimo; Hofer, Michael; Langner, Andy Sven; Maclean, Ewen Hamish; Malina, Lukas; Medina Medrano, Luis Eduardo; Persson, Tobias Hakan Bjorn; Skowronski, Piotr Krzysztof; Tomas Garcia, Rogelio; Van Der Veken, Frederik; Wegscheider, Andreas


    Optics control in the HL-LHC will be challenged by a very small β* of 15 cm in the two main experiments. HL-LHC physics fills will keep a constant luminosity during several hours via β* leveling. This will require the commissioning of a large number of optical configurations, further challenging the efficiency of the optics measurements and correction tools. We report on the achieved level of optics control in the LHC with simulations and extrapolations for the HL-LHC.

  12. Beam Optics Studies in the Large Hadron Collider Observations on an Anomalous Octupolar Resonance Line in the LHC -- and -- Accuracy & Feasibility of the $\\beta^*$ Measurement for LHC and HL-LHC Using K-Modulation

    CERN Document Server

    Carlier, F S

    While linear LHC dynamics are mostly understood and under control, non-linear beam dynamics will play an increasingly important role in the challenging regimes of future LHC operation. In 2012, turn-by-turn measurements of large betatron excitations of LHC Beam 2 at injection energy were carried out. These measurements revealed an unexpectedly large spectral line in the horizontal motion with frequency $-Q_x-2Q_y$. Detailed analyses and simulations are presented to understand the nature of this spectral line. -- ABSTRACT II -- The future regimes of operation of the LHC will require improved control of $\\beta^*$ measurements to succesfully level the luminosities in the interaction points. The method of K-modulation has been widely used in other machines such as, LEP, HERA, Tevatron and ALBA to measure lattice beta functions. In the LHC, K-modulation of the last quadrupoles of the IP is the method to measure $\\beta^*$ in the IP. This paper highlights the challenge of high precision tune measurements (up to $10...

  13. Geneva University: Pixel Detectors – trends and options for the future

    CERN Multimedia

    Geneva University


    GENEVA UNIVERSITY École de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 Genève 4 Tél.: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92   Wednesday 25 April 2012 SEMINAIRE DE PHYSIQUE CORPUSCULAIRE Science III, Auditoire 1S081 30Science III, Auditoire 1S081 30 Pixel Detectors – trends and options for the future Prof. Norbert Wermes - University of Bonn  Pixel detectors have been invented in the early 90s with the advancement of micro technologies. With the advent of the LHC, big vertex detectors have demonstrated that the pixel detector type is holding many of the promises it had made before. Meanwhile new, different or just improved variants of the pixel technology are being studied for their suitability for future experiments or experiment upgrades. The talk will address the various pro's and con's comparing hybrid and monolithic pixel technologies and their su...

  14. External conference: Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia


    ECOLE DE PHYSIQUE Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVE 4 - Tél : 022 379 62 73 - Fax: 022 379 69 92 Monday 11 June 2007 COLLOQUE DE LA SECTION DE PHYSIQUE at 17:00 - Stückelberg Auditorium The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST). Motivation, concept, results and potential implications Prof. Konstantin ZIOUTAS / University of Patras/Greece & CERN and CAST-spokesperson Axion is one of the leading dark matter particle candidates. The last few years axion searches are in the spotlight. The physics motivation will be presented. Particles like the axions should be produced also in Stars like our Sun. In magnetic fields axions can coherently oscillate to photons and vice versa (Primakoff effect). CAST searches for solar axions pointing a recycled LHC magnet towards the Sun, and, it provides new results since 2002. Its working principle might well be already at work in outer space, asking for an alternative, though exotic, point of view for certain myst...

  15. FOR INFORMATION: Université de Genève - Faculté des Sciences

    CERN Multimedia

    Université de Genève


    Section de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet - 1211 GENEVE 4 Tél : (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Mercredi 26 janvier SEMINAIRE DE PHYSIQUE CORPUSCULAIRE à 17h00 / Auditoire Stückelberg Tau leptons as window for new physics at accelerator experiments Prof. Zbigniew Was / Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow Poland Because of its mass and relative clean experimental signature, the tau lepton is expected to play an important role in the phenomenology of future experiments. We will present the use of observables using taus for the following applications. Higgs boson parity measurement at ILC, signatures for Higgs discovery scenarios at LHC and for the measurement of CP properties of scalar B0 decay to tau tau (if discovered) at Belle/BaBar. This wide spectrum of experimental applications will be complemented with a presentation of the essential theoretical and technical aspects of these ...

  16. An Examination of Motivational Regulations, Dispositional Flow and Social Physique Anxiety among College Students for Exercise: A Self-Determination Theory Approach (United States)

    Ersöz, Gözde


    Based on self-determination theory (SDT), the main goal of this study is to analyze dispositional flow and social physique anxiety (SPA) that could be predicted by gender, BMI and motivational regulations and to examine motivational regulations, dispositional flow and SPA of college students in terms of stage of change for exercise. Participants…

  17. English for au pairs the au pair's guide to learning English

    CERN Document Server

    Curtis, Lucy


    English for Au Pairs has interlinked stories about a group of au pairs new to England. Marta, an 18-year-old from Poland arrives in the UK to work as an au pair. Throughout her year-long stay she has many different experiences - some bad, some good - but with the support of her host family she finds new friends and improves her English. English for Au Pairs offers insight into the joys and difficulties of being an au pair while at the same time reinforcing English language learning through grammar explanations and exercises.

  18. Double-quarkonium production at a fixed-target experiment at the LHC (AFTER@LHC)

    CERN Document Server

    Lansberg, Jean-Philippe


    We present predictions for double-quarkonium production in the kinematical region relevant for the proposed fixed-target experiment using the LHC beams (dubbed as AFTER@LHC). These include all spin-triplet S -wave charmonium and bottomonium pairs, i.e. Psi(n_1S) + Psi(n_2S), Psi(n_1S) + Upsilon(m_1S) and Upsilon(m_1S) + Upsilon(m_2S ) with n_1,n_2 = 1,2 and m_1,m_2 = 1,2,3. We calculate the contributions from double-parton scatterings and single-parton scatterings. With an integrated luminosity of 20 fb-1 to be collected at AFTER@LHC, we find that the yields for double-charmonium production are large enough for differential distribution measurements. We discuss some differential distributions for J/Psi + J/Psi production, which can help to study the physics of double-parton and single-parton scatterings in a new energy range and which might also be sensitive to double intrinsic c-bar(c) coalescence at large negative Feynman x.

  19. Beam-Beam Interaction Studies at LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Schaumann, Michaela; Alemany Fernandez, R


    The beam-beam force is one of the most important limiting factors in the performance of a collider, mainly in the delivered luminosity. Therefore, it is essential to measure the effects in LHC. Moreover, adequate understanding of LHC beam-beam interaction is of crucial importance in the design phases of the LHC luminosity upgrade. Due to the complexity of this topic the work presented in this thesis concentrates on the beam-beam tune shift and orbit effects. The study of the Linear Coherent Beam-Beam Parameter at the LHC has been determined with head-on collisions with small number of bunches at injection energy (450 GeV). For high bunch intensities the beam-beam force is strong enough to expect orbit effects if the two beams do not collide head-on but with a crossing angle or with a given offset. As a consequence the closed orbit changes. The closed orbit of an unperturbed machine with respect to a machine where the beam-beam force becomes more and more important has been studied and the results are as well ...

  20. LHC experiences close encounters with UFOs

    CERN Multimedia

    Mike Lamont for the LHC Team


    On 29 May, yet another record was set as 1092 bunches per beam were injected into the LHC, hitting a peak luminosity of 1.26x1033 cm-2 s-1. While running at 3.5 TeV each beam now packs a total energy of over 70 MJ – equivalent to a TGV travelling at a 70 kph.   Operators in the LHC Control Centre happily show off their display screens after succesfully injecting 1092 bunches injected into the machine for the first time.  As the total beam intensity has been pushed up, the LHC has encountered a number of related problems, such as the so-called UFOs (Unidentified Falling Objects). These are thought to be dust particles falling through the beam, causing localized beam loss. The losses can push nearby beam loss monitors over the threshold and dump the beam. This is more of an annoyance than a danger for the LHC, but UFOs do reduce the operational efficiency of the machine. Despite this, the luminosity delivered to the experiments has steadily increased. On three occasions there ha...

  1. The LHC detector challenge

    CERN Document Server

    Virdee, Tejinder S


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) from CERN, scheduled to come online in 2007, is a multi-TeV proton-proton collider with vast detectors. Two of the more significant detectors for LHC are ATLAS and CMS. Currently, both detectors are more than 65% complete in terms of financial commitment, and the experiments are being assembled at an increasing pace. ATLAS is being built directly in its underground cavern, whereas CMS is being assembled above ground. When completed, both detectors will aid researchers in determining what lies at the high-energy frontier, in particular the mechanism by which particles attain mass. (Edited abstract).

  2. Slice through an LHC bending magnet

    CERN Multimedia

    Slice through an LHC superconducting dipole (bending) magnet. The slice includes a cut through the magnet wiring (niobium titanium), the beampipe and the steel magnet yokes. Particle beams in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have the same energy as a high-speed train, squeezed ready for collision into a space narrower than a human hair. Huge forces are needed to control them. Dipole magnets (2 poles) are used to bend the paths of the protons around the 27 km ring. Quadrupole magnets (4 poles) focus the proton beams and squeeze them so that more particles collide when the beams’ paths cross. There are 1232 15m long dipole magnets in the LHC.

  3. Particle Physics at the LHC Start

    CERN Document Server

    Altarelli, Guido


    I present a concise review of the major issues and challenges in particle physics at the start of the LHC era. After a brief overview of the Standard Model and of QCD, I will focus on the electroweak symmetry breaking problem which plays a central role in particle physics today. The Higgs sector of the minimal Standard Model is so far just a mere conjecture that needs to be verified or discarded by the LHC. Probably the reality is more complicated. I will summarize the motivation for new physics that should accompany or even replace the Higgs discovery and a number of its possible forms that could be revealed by the LHC.

  4. Electron diffraction on amorphous and crystalline AuAl2 , AuGa2 and AuIn2 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohorquez, A.


    Experimental (in situ) measurements of electron diffraction and resistivity of amorphous and crystalline AuAl 2 , AuGa 2 and AuIn 2 thin films were performed. Thin films were produced by quench condensation. Interference and atomic distribution functions were analyzed assuming the same short range order for the three systems in the amorphous phase. The experimental results do not agree with this assumption, giving evidence that the short range order is not the same for the three amorphous systems. Further discussion of interference and atomic distribution functions shows a more evident tendency in amorphous AuIn 2 where short order of AuIn 2 and In can be inferred. (Author)

  5. The LHC machine Exhibition Lepton-Photon 2001

    CERN Multimedia


    The LHC will enable the study of proton-proton and ion-ion collisions. The existing chain of injectors (LINAC, booster, PS, SPS) will provide the necessary particles. The LHC superconducting magnets will generate the highest magnetic fields ever reached in an accelerator of this scale. The dipoles and quadrupoles will be interconnected so as to form a continuous cryogenic "pipe" installed in the 27 km-long LEP/LHC tunnel with its separate cryoline. The superconducting RF accelerating cavities, along with the beam cleaning and beam dump systems, will complete the machine.

  6. Changes to the LHC Beam Dumping System for LHC Run 2

    CERN Document Server

    Uythoven, Jan; Borburgh, Jan; Carlier, Etienne; Gabourin, Stéphane; Goddard, Brennan; Magnin, Nicolas; Senaj, Viliam; Voumard, Nicolas; Weterings, Wim


    The LHC beam dumping system performed according to expectations during Run 1 of the LHC (2009 – 2013). A brief overview of the experience is given, including a summary of the observed performance by comparison to expectations. An important number of changes are applied to the beam dumping system during the present Long Shutdown in order to further improve its safety and performance. They include the addition of a direct link between the Beam Interlock System and the re-triggering system of the dump kickers, the modification of the uninterrupted electrical power distribution architecture, the upgrade of the HV generators, the consolidation of the trigger synchronisation system, the modifications to the triggering system of the power switches and the changes to the dump absorbers TCDQ.

  7. LHC Experiments: refinements for the restart

    CERN Multimedia


    As the LHC restart draws closer, the Bulletin will be taking a look at how the six LHC experiments are preparing and what they have been up to since last September. In this issue we start with a roundup of the past 10 months of activity at CMS and ATLAS, both technical work and outreach activities.

  8. Intensity issues and machine protection of the HE-LHC


    Assmann, R.


    The HE-LHC study investigates the possibilities for upgrading the beam energy of the Large Hadron Collider CERN from 7 TeV to 16.5 TeV. This paper presents a preliminary investigation of intensity issues and machine protection for the HE-LHC. The HE-LHC study investigates the possibilities for upgrading the beam energy of the Large Hadron Collider CERN from 7 TeV to 16.5 TeV. This paper presents a preliminary investigation of intensity issues and machine protection for the HE-LHC.

  9. Open Access to the LHC takes on a new meaning

    CERN Multimedia


    Complete scientific documentation on the LHC machine and detectors is now freely available on the Web. The ATLAS collaboration, shown here, contributed to the 1,600-page scientific documentation of the LHC, along with staff from the other five detectors and the LHC machine.Now that the LHC tunnel and the experimental caverns are shut down for public visits, "Open Access to the LHC" has taken on an entirely new meaning. Last Thursday, 14 August, seven major articles were published electronically in a special issue of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST). Together they form the complete scientific documentation on the design and construction of the LHC machine and the six detectors (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, LHCf and TOTEM), and thus on the entire LHC project, well before start-up on 10 September. For many years to come, these papers will serve as key references for the stream of scientific results that will begin to emerge from the ...

  10. Conceptual Design of the LHC Interaction Region Upgrade Phase-I

    CERN Document Server

    Ostojic, R; Baglin, V; Ballarino, A; Cerutti, F; Denz, R; Fartoukh, S; Fessia, P; Foraz, K; Fürstner, M; Herr, Werner; Karppinen, M; Kos, N; Mainaud-Durand, H; Mereghetti, A; Muttoni, Y; Nisbet, D; Prin, H; Tock, J P; Van Weelderen, R; Wildner, E


    The LHC is starting operation with beam. The primary goal of CERN and the LHC community is to ensure that the collider is operated efficiently and that it achieves nominal performance in the shortest term. Since several years the community has been discussing the directions for maximizing the physics reach of the LHC by upgrading the experiments, in particular ATLAS and CMS, the LHC machine and the CERN proton injector complex, in a phased approach. The first phase of the LHC interaction region upgrade was approved by Council in December 2007. This phase relies on the mature Nb-Ti superconducting magnet technology with the target of increasing the LHC luminosity to 2 to 3 10^34 cm^-2s^-1, while maximising the use of the existing infrastructure. In this report, we present the goals and the proposed conceptual solutions for the LHC IR Upgrade Phase-I which include the recommendations of the conceptual design review.

  11. Stepping outside the neighborhood of Tc at LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiedemann, Urs Achim


    ' As you are well aware, many in the RHIC community are interested in the LHC heavy-ion program, but have several questions: What can we learn at the LHC that is qualitatively new? Are collisions at LHC similar to RHIC ones, just with a somewhat hotter/denser initial state? If not, why not? These questions are asked in good faith, and this talk is an opportunity to answer them directly to much of the RHIC community.' With these words, the organizers of Quark Matter 2009 in Knoxville invited me to discuss the physics opportunities for heavy ion collisions at the LHC without recalling the standard arguments, which are mainly based on the extended kinematic reach of the machine. In response, I emphasize here that lattice QCD indicates characteristic qualitative differences between thermal physics in the neighborhood of the critical temperature (T c 400-500MeV), for which the relevant energy densities will be solely attainable at the LHC.

  12. Shaping Collaboration 2006: action items for the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldfarb, S [CERN-PH, 1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Herr, J; Neal, H A [Assistant Research Scientist, University of Michigan (United States); Research Process Manager, University of Michigan (United States); Professor of Physics, University of Michigan (United States)], E-mail:


    Shaping Collaboration 2006 [1] was a workshop held in Geneva, on December 11-13, 2006, to examine the status and future of collaborative tool technology and its usage for large global scientific collaborations, such as those of the CERN LHC [2]. The workshop brought together some of the leading experts in the field of collaborative tools (WACE 2006) [3] with physicists and developers of the LHC collaborations and HENP (High-Energy and Nuclear Physics). We highlight important presentations and key discussions held during the workshop, then focus on a large and aggressive set of goals and specific action items targeted at institutes from all levels of the LHC organization. This list of action items, assembled during a panel discussion at the close of the LHC sessions, includes recommendations for the LHC Users, their Universities, Project Managers, Spokespersons, National Funding Agencies and Host Laboratories. We present this list, along with suggestions for priorities in addressing the immediate and long-term needs of HENP.

  13. Shaping Collaboration 2006: action items for the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldfarb, S; Herr, J; Neal, H A


    Shaping Collaboration 2006 [1] was a workshop held in Geneva, on December 11-13, 2006, to examine the status and future of collaborative tool technology and its usage for large global scientific collaborations, such as those of the CERN LHC [2]. The workshop brought together some of the leading experts in the field of collaborative tools (WACE 2006) [3] with physicists and developers of the LHC collaborations and HENP (High-Energy and Nuclear Physics). We highlight important presentations and key discussions held during the workshop, then focus on a large and aggressive set of goals and specific action items targeted at institutes from all levels of the LHC organization. This list of action items, assembled during a panel discussion at the close of the LHC sessions, includes recommendations for the LHC Users, their Universities, Project Managers, Spokespersons, National Funding Agencies and Host Laboratories. We present this list, along with suggestions for priorities in addressing the immediate and long-term needs of HENP

  14. Fast Beam Current Change Monitor for the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Kral, Jan

    Stringent demands on the LHC safety and protection systems require improved methods of detecting fast beam losses. The Fast Beam Current Transformer (FBCT) is a measurement instrument, providing information about bunch-to-bunch intensity of the accelerated beam. This thesis describes the development of a new protection system based on the FBCT signal measurements. This system, the Fast Beam Current Change Monitor (FBCCM), measures the FBCT signal in a narrow frequency band and computes time derivation of the beam signal magnitude. This derivation is proportional to the beam losses. When the losses exceed a certain level, the FBCCM requests a beam dump in order to protect the LHC. The LHC protection will be ensured by four FBCCMs which will be installed into the LHC in July 2014. Six FBCCMs have been already constructed and their characteristics were measured with satisfactory results. The FBCCMs were tested by a laboratory simulation of the real LHC environment.

  15. Protons on the doorstep of the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    Mertens, Volker


    The first of the two new beam transfer lines to the LHC was successfully commissioned in autumn 2004. At the first attempt a low-intensity proton beam passed down the line to a few meters before the LHC tunnel (3 pages)

  16. HERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics: Proceedings Part A

    CERN Document Server

    De Roeck, A.; Startup Meeting; Working Group Meeting; Mid-term Review Meeting; Working Group Meeting; Working Group Meeting; Final Meeting


    The HERA electron--proton collider has collected 100 pb$^{-1}$ of data since its start-up in 1992, and recently moved into a high-luminosity operation mode, with upgraded detectors, aiming to increase the total integrated luminosity per experiment to more than 500 pb$^{-1}$. HERA has been a machine of excellence for the study of QCD and the structure of the proton. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will collide protons with a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV, will be completed at CERN in 2007. The main mission of the LHC is to discover and study the mechanisms of electroweak symmetry breaking, possibly via the discovery of the Higgs particle, and search for new physics in the TeV energy scale, such as supersymmetry or extra dimensions. Besides these goals, the LHC will also make a substantial number of precision measurements and will offer a new regime to study the strong force via perturbative QCD processes and diffraction. For the full LHC physics programme a good understanding of QCD phenomena and the ...

  17. NNLO corrections for LHC processes

    CERN Document Server

    Caola, Fabrizio


    To fully profit from the remarkable achievements of the experimental program at the LHC, very precise theoretical predictions for signal and background processes are required. In this contribution, I will review some of the recent progress in fully exclusive next-to-next-toleading-order (NNLO) QCD computations. As an example of the phenomenological relevance of these results, I will present LHC predictions for t-channel single-top production and Higgs boson production in association with one hard jet.

  18. LHC Results Highlights (CLASHEP 2013)

    CERN Document Server

    Gonzalez, O.


    The good performance of the LHC provided enough data at 7 TeV and 8 TeV to allow the experiments to perform very competitive measurements and to expand the knowledge about the fundamental interaction far beyond that from previous colliders. This report summarizes the highlights of the results obtained with these data samples by the four large experiments, covering all the topics of the physics program and focusing on those exploiting the possibilities of the LHC.

  19. LHC: from hot to cold

    CERN Multimedia


    The first cryogenic feedbox designed to supply electricity to the superconducting magnets of one arc has just been installed at Point 8 of the LHC. This latest milestone is the reward for the joint efforts of the AT and TS Departments at CERN, the IHEP Institute in Moscow and CERN’s industrial partners who collaborated in its manufacture, and is a precursor to the forthcoming cool down of the first 3.3 km sector of the LHC.

  20. The first LHC insertion quadrupole

    CERN Multimedia


    An important milestone was reached in December 2003 at the CERN Magnet Assembly Facility. The team from the Accelerator Technology - Magnet and Electrical Systems group, AT-MEL, completed the first special superconducting quadrupole for the LHC insertions which house the experiments and major collider systems. The magnet is 8 metres long and contains two matching quadrupole magnets and an orbit corrector, a dipole magnet, used to correct errors in quadrupole alignment. All were tested in liquid helium and reached the ultimate performance criteria required for the LHC. After insertion in the cryostat, the superconducting magnet will be installed as the Q9 quadrupole in sector 7-8, the first sector of the LHC to be put in place in 2004. Members of the quadrupole team, from the AT-MEL group, gathered around the Q9 quadrupole at its inauguration on 12 December 2003 in building 181.

  1. The LHC inauguration in pictures

    CERN Multimedia


    The LHC inauguration ceremony was a memorable experience for everyone who attended. On Tuesday 21 October the ceremony hall, SMA18, was filled with over 1500 invited guests, VIPs included Swiss President Pascal Couchepin, French Prime Minister François Fillon and several ministers from CERN’s Member States and around the world. You can watch a video of the highlights of the ceremony at The Heads of Delegations from all the Member and Observer States pose with the Director-General. "The LHC is a marvel of modern technology, which would not have been possible without the continuous support of our Member States," said the Director-General in his opening speech. "This is an opportunity for me to thank them on behalf of the world’s particle physics community." The LHC inauguration ceremony officially marked the end of 24 years of conception, development, constru...

  2. A dedicated LHC collider Beauty experiment for precision measurements of CP-violation. LHC-B letter of intent; TOPICAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crosetto, Dario B.


    The LHC-B Collaboration proposes to build a forward collider detector dedicated to the study of CP violation and other rare phenomena in the decays of Beauty particles. The forward geometry results in an average 80 GeV momentum of reconstructed B-mesons and, with multiple, efficient and redundant triggers, yields large event samples. B-hadron decay products are efficiently identified by Ring-Imaging Cerenkov Counters, rendering a wide range of multi-particle final states accessible and providing precise measurements of all angles,(alpha),(beta) and(gamma) of the unitarity triangle. The LHC-B microvertex detector capabilities facilitate multi-vertex event reconstruction and proper-time measurements with an expected few-percent uncertainty, permitting measurements of B(sub s)-mixing well beyond the largest conceivable values of x(sub S). LHC-B would be fully operational at the startup of LHC and requires only a modest luminosity to reveal its full performance potential

  3. Exhibition

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Jan Hladky, physicien de l'Institut de Physique de l'Académie des Sciences de la République tchèque, et membre de la collaboration Alice, expose ses œuvres au Bâtiment principal du 20 avril au 6 mai. Son exposition est dédiée aux victimes du séisme de Sendai. Des copies de ses œuvres seront mises en vente et les sommes récoltées seront versées au profit des victimes.

  4. LHC-GCS Process Tuning selection and use of PID and Smith predictor for the regulations of the LHC experiments' gas systems

    CERN Document Server

    Cabaret, S; Rachid, A; Coppier, H


    The LHC experiment’s Gas Control System (LHC GCS) has to provide LHC experiments with homogeneous control systems (supervision and process control layers) for their 23 gas systems. The LHC GCS process control layer is based on Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Field-Buses and on a library, UNICOS (UNified Industrial COntrol System). Its supervision layer is based on a commercial SCADA system and on the JCOP and UNICOS PVSS frameworks. A typical LHC experiment’s gas system is composed of up to ten modules, dedicated to specific functions (e.g. mixing, purification, circulation). Most of modules require control loops for the regulation of pressures, temperatures and flows or ratios of gases. The control loops of the 23 gas systems can be implemented using the same tools, but need specific tuning according to their respective size, volume, pipe lengths and required accuracy. Most of the control loops can be implemented by means a standard PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative) controller. When this...

  5. External meeting: Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia


    Université de Genève Ecole de physique 24 quai Ernest Ansermet 1211 Genève 4 Tél : + 41 22 379 63 83 (secrétariat) Tél : + 41 22 379 62 56 (réception) Fax: + 41 22 379 69 22 Lundi 4 décembre 2006 17 heures - Auditoire Stueckelberg The Physics Behind the LHC Prof. Gian Francesco Giudice / CERN-TH   What do physicists want to discover with experiments at the LHC? What are we going to learn from the Higgs boson? What are the new phenomena that could be observed at the LHC? I will try to answer these questions using language accessible also to non-expert. More information:

  6. CERN database services for the LHC computing grid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Girone, M


    Physics meta-data stored in relational databases play a crucial role in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments and also in the operation of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) services. A large proportion of non-event data such as detector conditions, calibration, geometry and production bookkeeping relies heavily on databases. Also, the core Grid services that catalogue and distribute LHC data cannot operate without a reliable database infrastructure at CERN and elsewhere. The Physics Services and Support group at CERN provides database services for the physics community. With an installed base of several TB-sized database clusters, the service is designed to accommodate growth for data processing generated by the LHC experiments and LCG services. During the last year, the physics database services went through a major preparation phase for LHC start-up and are now fully based on Oracle clusters on Intel/Linux. Over 100 database server nodes are deployed today in some 15 clusters serving almost 2 million database sessions per week. This paper will detail the architecture currently deployed in production and the results achieved in the areas of high availability, consolidation and scalability. Service evolution plans for the LHC start-up will also be discussed

  7. CERN database services for the LHC computing grid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Girone, M [CERN IT Department, CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland)], E-mail:


    Physics meta-data stored in relational databases play a crucial role in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments and also in the operation of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) services. A large proportion of non-event data such as detector conditions, calibration, geometry and production bookkeeping relies heavily on databases. Also, the core Grid services that catalogue and distribute LHC data cannot operate without a reliable database infrastructure at CERN and elsewhere. The Physics Services and Support group at CERN provides database services for the physics community. With an installed base of several TB-sized database clusters, the service is designed to accommodate growth for data processing generated by the LHC experiments and LCG services. During the last year, the physics database services went through a major preparation phase for LHC start-up and are now fully based on Oracle clusters on Intel/Linux. Over 100 database server nodes are deployed today in some 15 clusters serving almost 2 million database sessions per week. This paper will detail the architecture currently deployed in production and the results achieved in the areas of high availability, consolidation and scalability. Service evolution plans for the LHC start-up will also be discussed.

  8. Geometric beam coupling impedance of LHC secondary collimators (United States)

    Frasciello, Oscar; Tomassini, Sandro; Zobov, Mikhail; Salvant, Benoit; Grudiev, Alexej; Mounet, Nicolas


    The High Luminosity LHC project is aimed at increasing the LHC luminosity by an order of magnitude. One of the key ingredients to achieve the luminosity goal is the beam intensity increase. In order to keep beam instabilities under control and to avoid excessive power losses a careful design of new vacuum chamber components and an improvement of the present LHC impedance model are required. Collimators are among the major impedance contributors. Measurements with beam have revealed that the betatron coherent tune shifts were higher by about a factor of 2 with respect to the theoretical predictions based on the LHC impedance model up to 2012. In that model the resistive wall impedance has been considered as the dominating impedance contribution for collimators. By carefully simulating also their geometric impedance we have contributed to the update of the LHC impedance model, reaching also a better agreement between the measured and simulated betatron tune shifts. During the just ended LHC Long Shutdown I (LSI), TCS/TCT collimators were replaced by new devices embedding BPMs and TT2-111R ferrite blocks. We present here preliminary estimations of their broad-band impedance, showing that an increase of about 20% is expected in the kick factors with respect to previous collimators without BPMs.

  9. The development of diamond tracking detectors for the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adam, W.; Berdermann, E.; Bergonzo, P.; Boer, W. de; Bogani, F.; Borchi, E.; Brambilla, A.; Bruzzi, M.; Colledani, C.; Conway, J.; D'Angelo, P.; Dabrowski, W.; Delpierre, P.; Doroshenko, J.; Dulinski, W.; Eijk, B. van; Fallou, A.; Fischer, P.; Fizzotti, F.; Furetta, C.; Gan, K.K.; Ghodbane, N.; Grigoriev, E.; Hallewell, G.; Han, S.; Hartjes, F.; Hrubec, J.; Husson, D.; Kagan, H.; Kaplon, J.; Karl, C.; Kass, R.; Keil, M.; Knoepfle, K.T.; Koeth, T.; Krammer, M.; Logiudice, A.; Lu, R.; Mac Lynne, L.; Manfredotti, C.; Marshall, R.D.; Meier, D.; Menichelli, D.; Meuser, S.; Mishina, M.; Moroni, L.; Noomen, J.; Oh, A.; Perera, L.; Pernegger, H.; Pernicka, M.; Polesello, P.; Potenza, R.; Riester, J.L.; Roe, S.; Rudge, A.; Sala, S.; Sampietro, M.; Schnetzer, S.; Sciortino, S.; Stelzer, H.; Stone, R.; Sutera, C.; Trischuk, W.; Tromson, D.; Tuve, C.; Vincenzo, B.; Weilhammer, P.; Wermes, N.; Wetstein, M.; Zeuner, W.; Zoeller, M.


    Chemical vapor deposition diamond has been discussed extensively as an alternate sensor material for use very close to the interaction region of the LHC where extreme radiation conditions exist. During the last few years diamond devices have been manufactured and tested with LHC electronics with the goal of creating a detector usable by all LHC experiment. Extensive progress on diamond quality, on the development of diamond trackers and on radiation hardness studies has been made. Transforming the technology to the LHC specific requirements is now underway. In this paper we present the recent progress achieved

  10. The development of diamond tracking detectors for the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Adam, W; Bergonzo, P; de Boer, Wim; Bogani, F; Borchi, E; Brambilla, A; Bruzzi, M; Colledani, C; Conway, J; D'Angelo, P; Dabrowski, W; Delpierre, P A; Doroshenko, J; Dulinski, W; van Eijk, B; Fallou, A; Fischer, P; Fizzotti, F; Furetta, C; Gan, K K; Ghodbane, N; Grigoriev, E; Hallewell, G D; Han, S; Hartjes, F; Hrubec, Josef; Husson, D; Kagan, H; Kaplon, J; Karl, C; Kass, R; Keil, M; Knöpfle, K T; Koeth, T W; Krammer, M; Lo Giudice, A; Lü, R; MacLynne, L; Manfredotti, C; Marshall, R D; Meier, D; Menichelli, D; Meuser, S; Mishina, M; Moroni, L; Noomen, J; Oh, A; Perera, L; Pernegger, H; Pernicka, M; Polesello, P; Potenza, R; Riester, J L; Roe, S; Rudge, A; Sala, S; Sampietro, M; Schnetzer, S; Sciortino, S; Stelzer, H; Stone, R; Sutera, C; Trischuk, W; Tromson, D; Tuvé, C; Vincenzo, B; Weilhammer, P; Wermes, N; Wetstein, M; Zeuner, W; Zöller, M


    Chemical vapor deposition diamond has been discussed extensively as an alternate sensor material for use very close to the interaction region of the LHC where extreme radiation conditions exist. During the last few years diamond devices have been manufactured and tested with LHC electronics with the goal of creating a detector usable by all LHC experiment. Extensive progress on diamond quality, on the development of diamond trackers and on radiation hardness studies has been made. Transforming the technology to the LHC specific requirements is now underway. In this paper we present the recent progress achieved.

  11. The development of diamond tracking detectors for the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adam, W.; Berdermann, E.; Bergonzo, P.; Boer, W. de; Bogani, F.; Borchi, E.; Brambilla, A.; Bruzzi, M.; Colledani, C.; Conway, J.; D' Angelo, P.; Dabrowski, W.; Delpierre, P.; Doroshenko, J.; Dulinski, W.; Eijk, B. van; Fallou, A.; Fischer, P.; Fizzotti, F.; Furetta, C.; Gan, K.K.; Ghodbane, N.; Grigoriev, E.; Hallewell, G.; Han, S.; Hartjes, F.; Hrubec, J.; Husson, D.; Kagan, H. E-mail:; Kaplon, J.; Karl, C.; Kass, R.; Keil, M.; Knoepfle, K.T.; Koeth, T.; Krammer, M.; Logiudice, A.; Lu, R.; Mac Lynne, L.; Manfredotti, C.; Marshall, R.D.; Meier, D.; Menichelli, D.; Meuser, S.; Mishina, M.; Moroni, L.; Noomen, J.; Oh, A.; Perera, L.; Pernegger, H.; Pernicka, M.; Polesello, P.; Potenza, R.; Riester, J.L.; Roe, S.; Rudge, A.; Sala, S.; Sampietro, M.; Schnetzer, S.; Sciortino, S.; Stelzer, H.; Stone, R.; Sutera, C.; Trischuk, W.; Tromson, D.; Tuve, C.; Vincenzo, B.; Weilhammer, P.; Wermes, N.; Wetstein, M.; Zeuner, W.; Zoeller, M


    Chemical vapor deposition diamond has been discussed extensively as an alternate sensor material for use very close to the interaction region of the LHC where extreme radiation conditions exist. During the last few years diamond devices have been manufactured and tested with LHC electronics with the goal of creating a detector usable by all LHC experiment. Extensive progress on diamond quality, on the development of diamond trackers and on radiation hardness studies has been made. Transforming the technology to the LHC specific requirements is now underway. In this paper we present the recent progress achieved.

  12. The development of diamond tracking detectors for the LHC (United States)

    Adam, W.; Berdermann, E.; Bergonzo, P.; de Boer, W.; Bogani, F.; Borchi, E.; Brambilla, A.; Bruzzi, M.; Colledani, C.; Conway, J.; D'Angelo, P.; Dabrowski, W.; Delpierre, P.; Doroshenko, J.; Dulinski, W.; van Eijk, B.; Fallou, A.; Fischer, P.; Fizzotti, F.; Furetta, C.; Gan, K. K.; Ghodbane, N.; Grigoriev, E.; Hallewell, G.; Han, S.; Hartjes, F.; Hrubec, J.; Husson, D.; Kagan, H.; Kaplon, J.; Karl, C.; Kass, R.; Keil, M.; Knöpfle, K. T.; Koeth, T.; Krammer, M.; Logiudice, A.; Lu, R.; mac Lynne, L.; Manfredotti, C.; Marshall, R. D.; Meier, D.; Menichelli, D.; Meuser, S.; Mishina, M.; Moroni, L.; Noomen, J.; Oh, A.; Perera, L.; Pernegger, H.; Pernicka, M.; Polesello, P.; Potenza, R.; Riester, J. L.; Roe, S.; Rudge, A.; Sala, S.; Sampietro, M.; Schnetzer, S.; Sciortino, S.; Stelzer, H.; Stone, R.; Sutera, C.; Trischuk, W.; Tromson, D.; Tuve, C.; Vincenzo, B.; Weilhammer, P.; Wermes, N.; Wetstein, M.; Zeuner, W.; Zoeller, M.; RD42 Collaboration


    Chemical vapor deposition diamond has been discussed extensively as an alternate sensor material for use very close to the interaction region of the LHC where extreme radiation conditions exist. During the last few years diamond devices have been manufactured and tested with LHC electronics with the goal of creating a detector usable by all LHC experiment. Extensive progress on diamond quality, on the development of diamond trackers and on radiation hardness studies has been made. Transforming the technology to the LHC specific requirements is now underway. In this paper we present the recent progress achieved.

  13. Conséquences de l'apport de verre pilé à la surface du champ et de son incorporation dans la couche travaillée


    de Louvigny, Nathalie


    Pour accroître le taux de recyclage du verre d'emballage, Eco-Emballage et BSN Glasspack ont recherché des débouchés alternatifs pour les 100 à 150.000 tonnes/an de calcin ? soit environ 5% du verre d'emballage - trop pollué pour être valorisé en verrerie. Pour estimer ce que seraient les conséquences de l'incorporation de verre au sol, les effets du verre sont mesurés dans les domaines chimiques biologiques et physiques au cours d'expérimentations au terrain et au laboratoire et les résultat...

  14. Wie passt der LHC in den Physikunterricht?

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2084439; Woithe, Julia; Brown, Alex; Jende, Konrad


    Der LHC bietet sich als aktuelles und prominentes Beispiel der Grundlagenforschung an, im Unterricht behandelt zu werden. Der Artikel gibt einen kurzen Überblick über Komponenten und Funktionsweise des LHC. Zudem wird auf hilfreiche Ressourcen und Anknüpfungspunkte zum Curriculum verwiesen.

  15. Successful test of SPS-to-LHC beamline

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    On 23 October there was great excitement in the Prevessin control room when, on the first attempt, a beam passed over 2.5 km down the new SPS-to-LHC transfer line, TI8, to within a few metres of the LHC tunnel.

  16. PS, SL and LHC Auditoria change names

    CERN Multimedia


    Following the replacement of the PS, SL and LHC Divisions by the AB and AT Divisions, the Auditoria are also changing their names. PS Auditorium is renamed AB Meyrin SL Auditorium is renamed AB Prévessin LHC Auditorium is renamed AT

  17. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR (United States)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Bai, X.; Bairathi, V.; Banerjee, A.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Bouchet, J.; Brandenburg, D.; Brandin, A. V.; Bunzarov, I.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Campbell, J. M.; Cebra, D.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chakaberia, I.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, J. H.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Christie, W.; Contin, G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, S.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Esha, R.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Federic, P.; Fedorisin, J.; Feng, Z.; Filip, P.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Fulek, L.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, S.; Gupta, A.; Guryn, W.; Hamad, A.; Hamed, A.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; He, L.; Heppelmann, S.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, T.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Jia, J.; Jiang, K.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikoła, D. P.; Kisiel, A.; Kochenda, L.; Koetke, D. D.; Kosarzewski, L. K.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kumar, L.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; Li, X.; Li, W.; Li, Z. M.; Li, Y.; Li, C.; Li, X.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Ma, R.; Ma, L.; Magdy, N.; Majka, R.; Manion, A.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; Meehan, K.; Mei, J. C.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mishra, D.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Niida, T.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Okorokov, V.; Olvitt, D.; Page, B. S.; Pak, R.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peterson, A.; Pile, P.; Pluta, J.; Poniatowska, K.; Porter, J.; Posik, M.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Sharma, M. K.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Sikora, R.; Simko, M.; Singha, S.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, N.; Smirnov, D.; Song, L.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stepanov, M.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Summa, B.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, X.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Tawfik, A.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Todoroki, T.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Tripathy, S. K.; Tsai, O. D.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Upsal, I.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Varma, R.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S. A.; Vossen, A.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, F.; Wang, H.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Wen, L.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Wu; Xiao, Z. G.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, Z.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y. F.; Xu, N.; Yang, S.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Q.; Yang, Y.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, L.; Zhu, X.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.


    The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au + Au and minimum-bias d + Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au + Au data with respect to the d + Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons) are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.

  18. LHC goes global

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    As CERN's major project for the future, the LHC sets a new scale in world-wide scientific collaboration. As well as researchers and engineers from CERN's 19 European Member States, preparations for the LHC now include scientists from several continents. Some 50 per cent of the researchers involved in one way or another with preparations for the LHC experimental programme now come from countries which are not CERN Member States. Underlining this enlarged international involvement is the recent decision by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture ('Monbusho') to accord CERN a generous contribution of five billion yen (about 65 million Swiss francs) to help finance the construction of the LHC. This money will be held in a special fund earmarked for construction of specific LHC components and related activities. To take account of the new situation, CERN is proposing to set up a totally new 'Associate State' status. This is foreseen as a flexible bilateral framework which will be set up on a case-by-case basis to adapt to different circumstances. This proposal was introduced to CERN Council in June, and will be further discussed later this year. These developments reflect CERN's new role as a focus of world science, constituting a first step towards a wider level of international collaboration. At the June Council session, as a first step, Japan was unanimously elected as a CERN Observer State, giving them the right to attend Council meetings. Introducing the topic at the Council session, Director General Chris Llewellyn Smith sketched the history of Japanese involvement in CERN research. This began in 1957 and has gone on to include an important experiment at the LEAR low energy antiproton ring using laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms, the new Chorus neutrino experiment using an emulsion target, and a major contribution to the Opal experiment at the LEP electronpositron collider. In welcoming the

  19. Robert Aymar seals the last interconnect in the LHC

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    The LHC completes the circle. On 7 November, in a brief ceremony in the LHC tunnel, CERN Director General Robert Aymar (Photo 1) sealed the last interconnect between the main magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Jean-Philippe Tock, leader of the Interconnections team, tightens the last bolt (Photos 4-8).

  20. The LHC test string first operational experience

    CERN Document Server

    Bézaguet, Alain-Arthur; Casas-Cubillos, J; Coull, L; Cruikshank, P; Dahlerup-Petersen, K; Faugeras, Paul E; Flemsæter, B; Guinaudeau, H; Hagedorn, Dietrich; Hilbert, B; Krainz, G; Kos, N; Lavielle, D; Lebrun, P; Leo, G; Mathewson, A G; Missiaen, D; Momal, F; Parma, Vittorio; Quesnel, Jean Pierre; Richter, D; Riddone, G; Rijllart, A; Rodríguez-Mateos, F; Rohmig, P; Saban, R I; Schmidt, R; Serio, L; Skiadelli, M; Suraci, A; Tavian, L; Walckiers, L; Wallén, E; Van Weelderen, R; Williams, L; McInturff, A


    CERN operates the first version of the LHC Test String which consists of one quadrupole and three 10-m twin aperture dipole magnets. An experimental programme aiming at the validation of the LHC systems started in February 1995. During this programme the string has been powered 100 times 35 of which at 12.4 kA or above. The experiments have yielded a number of results some of which, like quench recovery for cryogenics, have modified the design of subsystems of LHC. Others, like controlled helium leaks in the cold bore and quench propagation bewteen magnets, have given a better understanding on the evolution of the phenomena inside a string of superconducting magnets cooled at superfluid helium temperatures. Following the experimental programme, the string will be powered up and powered down in one hour cycles as a fatigue test of the structure thus simulating 20 years of operation of LHC.