
Sample records for perttula pekka sipil

  1. "Tuleviku Bauhaus" = "Future Bauhaus" / Pekka Vapaavuori

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vapaavuori, Pekka


    Arhitekt Pekka Vapaavuori üle-Euroopalisele üliõpilaste arhitektuurikonkursile esitatud arhitektuurikooli projekt, mis on kavandatud ehitada arhitekt Walter Gropiuse poolt projekteeritud Bauhausi hoone lähedale

  2. Professor Pekka Puska loengud / Ene Indermitte

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Indermitte, Ene, 1967-


    Soome Rahvatervishoiu Instituudi direktor, Põhja-Karjala projekti juht prof Pekka Puska peab Tartu ülikoolis loengu "The North Karelia Projekt in Finland and lessons for global chronic disease prevention"


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benny Hosiana Tumbelaka


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini meninjau secara yuridis akan keabsahan Sertifikat Kesehatan Penerbangan Sipil di Indonesia dalam kurun waktu, sejak diterbitkan sampai habis masa berlakunya. Metode pendekatan yang dipergunakan adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif berdasarkan Undang Undang RI nomor 1 tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan, dan Peraturan Pemerintah RI nomor 3 tahun 2001 tentang keamanan dan keselamatan Penerbangan beserta beserta Peraturan Pelaksanaan dari perundang undangan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini, bahwa regulasi bidang Keselamatan penerbangan yang berlaku di Indonesia tentang fungsi pengawasan memperoleh Sertifikat Kesehatan, khususnya pada Penerbang Sipil Airline Transport Pilot (Sertifikat Kesehatan kelas satu, telah sesuai dengan standar ICAO, yaitu Keputusan Direktur Jendral Perhubungan Udara Nomor: SKEP/62/V/2004 tentang Sertifikat Kesehatan Personil Penerbangan. Didapatkan juga bahwa langkah yang diambil agar Sertifikat Kesehatan Penerbang Sipil di Indonesia yang berlaku 6 bulan ke depan, belum ada, baik aturannya, mekanismenya bahkan SDM belum memadai secara kualitas dan kuantitas. Sehingga sertifikat tersebut belum dapat terjaga keabsahannya. Sedangkan Penerbang yang mendapatkan medical flexibility perlu dilindungi statusnya dengan Surat keputusan Menteri bagi Tim penilai kesehatan (Medical Asessor dan Tim Pakar kesehatan Penerbangan (Aeromedical Consultation Service yang merekomendasi kasus ini. Penerbang tersebut selain mengisi checklist, ia dijadwalkan secara tetap untuk memeriksakan kekurangannya dan melaporkan pada dokter penerbangan. Sebagai saran dalam penelitian ini agar diusulkan kepada Menteri Perhubungan melalui Dirjen Perhubungan Udara beberapa hal, yaitu untuk mengeluarkan keputusan tentang tata kerja menjamin keabsahan Sertifikat Kesehatan Penerbang Sipil di Indonesia. Mengusulkan penambahan personil fungsional pada Pusat Kesehatan Penerbangan Sipil sehingga dapat melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sesuai Keputusan Menhub

  4. Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perkawinan Non-muslim pada Dinans Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil PangkalPinang

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    Hamidah .


    Full Text Available Intisari— Kemajuan teknologi yang begitu pesat dalam bidang komputer sekarang ini mendorong banyak kalangan untuk menggunakan sistem komputerisasi dalam proses administrasinya, mulai dari lembaga lembaga instansi pemerintahan, dunia industri, perdagangan, pariwisata, dan sebagainya. Hal ini, menunjukan betapa penting dan vitalnya teknologi komputer dalam semua bidang, khususnya dalam dunia bisnis. Untuk level bisnis kalangan menengah kebawah, tidak semuanya dapat menggunakan sistem komputerisasi tersebut, dikarenakan adanya kemungkinan keterbatasan finansial dan sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya. Hal ini mendorong penulis untuk mencoba meng-aplikasikan teknologi informasi ke dalam proses pemerintahan, khususnya kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil. Karena masih ada diantaranya yang belum menggunakan sistem komputerisasi, dalam aktifitas bisnisnya. Oleh sebab itu penulis mencoba meng-implementasikan salah satu program aplikasi ke dalam proses aktivitas perkawinan non muslim, di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pangkalpinang yang berada di daerah Bangka Belitung, yang dalam hal ini, proses perkawinan non muslim di dinas tersebut masih bersifat manual. Disini penulis membuat suatu program aplikasi, untuk sistem informasi perkawinan non muslim pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pangkalpinang, dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic Studio 2008.

  5. SLO Eesti AS-il uus tegevdirektor / Jaanus Laikmaa, Pekka Syrjäkari ; interv. Rein Aro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laikmaa, Jaanus, 1970-


    Elektritarvikutega seotud hulgimüüjaid koondavasse rahvusvahelisse ettevõtete kooslusesse Sonepar Group kuuluva SLO Eesti AS tegevdirektor Jaanus Laikmaa ja juhatuse esimees Pekka Syrjäkari räägivad oma ettevõtte arengust, tootevalikust, kvaliteedipoliitikast, konkurentsist, elektrikaupade aastamessi SLO Sügispäev korraldamisest, ettevõtte perspektiividest Eesti praeguse majandusseisu taustal

  6. Prevalensi Depresi pada Pensiunan Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang Mengambil Dana Pensiun di Bank BTPN Cabang M. Yamin Padang

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    Finna Dwi Putri


    Full Text Available AbstrakPensiun seringkali dianggap sebagai kenyataan yang tidak menyenangkan sehingga menjelang masanya tiba, sebagian orang sudah merasa cemas karena tidak tahu kehidupan seperti apa yang akan dihadapi kelak. Individu yang memiliki kondisi mental yang tidak stabil sering menjadi akar penyebab terjadinya gangguan mental semasa pensiun yaitu depresi. Depresi merupakan salah satu gangguan mood yang ditandai oleh hilangnya perasaan kendali seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi depresi pada pensiunan Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang mengambil dana pensiun di Bank BTPN Cabang M. Yamin Padang. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan subjek dipilih secara consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 277 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Beck Depression Inventory dan hasil yang didapatkan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi depresi pada pensiunan Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang mengambil dana pensiun di Bank BTPN Cabang M. Yamin Padang sebesar 27,8%. Usia terbanyak berada pada kategori usia ≥60 tahun, gejala depresi terbanyak terjadi pada pensiunan laki-laki, prevalensi depresi terbanyak pada pensiunan Pegawai Negeri Sipil golongan IIIa. Prevalensi terbanyak adalah pensiunan yang menjalani lama pensiun ≤10 tahun.Kata kunci: depresi, pensiun, pegawai negeri sipil AbstractRetirement is often regarded as unpleasant fact that before it’s time comes, most people are worried because they do not know what kind of life to be faced later. Individuals who have an unstable mental condition is often the root causes of mental disorders during retirement i.e depression. Depression is a mood disorder characterized by loss of control of one’s feelings. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of depression in retired civil servants who take the retirement funds in BTPN Bank branch M. Yamin Padang. This was a descriptive study and subjects were chosen by


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    Riko Riyanda


    Full Text Available Abstract Reforms will be able to meet the demands of the public, especially related to the improvement of the quality of public services, but it is still far from reality. Including services are provided by the Department of Population and Civil Registration Batam still not yet optimal. It is characterized by the many complaints from people who are not satisfied with the service that is given by the Department of Population and Civil Registration Batam.The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. Type of research is descriptive.Methods of data collection is done by observation and documentation, informant selection technique is done by purposive sampling, data analysis performed by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion.The research found that investigators found the constraints of service in terms of Batam City Disdukcapil tangible, asurance and reability still not optimal. The cause is a factor of human resources and infrastructure, and systems that are not transparency. While the factors supporting online data base nationally integrated very helpful in order to avoid double data residence documents.Keywords: Public Service, Dimension Satisfaction Services AbstrakReformasi akan dapat memenuhi tuntutan masyarakat terutama berkaitan dengan perbaikan kualitas layanan publik, namun harapan itu dianggap masih jauh dari kenyataan. Termasuk pelayanan yang di berikan oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Batam masih belumlah optimal. Hal ini ditandai dengan masih banyak keluhan dari masyarakat yang merasa tidak puas dengan pelayanan yang di berikan oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Batam. Tujuan dalam penerlitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat dan penumjang proses pelayanan publik yang dilayani oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Batam. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif.Metode pengambilan


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    Evi Deliana


    Full Text Available Human rights are inherent rights for human being. It is independent from the influence of the law system and government.  One of those rights is the right of health. PT. Askes (Persero is one of the companies which hold health insurance for civil servants (Pegawai Negeri Sipil/PNS. Based on legislation, civil servants must join this insurance. The problem is civil servants do not have information about their right and duty in health insurance contract. However, health institutions do not give their service well for civil servants.Keywords: human rights, health insurance, civil servants.


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    Made Aditya Pramana Putra


    Full Text Available The emergence of The State Civil Apparatus (No. 5 of 2014 gives an impact to position and the legal protection to honorary employees. According to that law, honorary employee was substituted by the government employee with treaty of work. This substitution makes the honorary employees do not have status and legal protection. The aim of this study is to examine position and legal protection of the honorary employee.  This study used normative, legislation, historical, and conceptual approaches. Legal materials used in this study come from primary, secondary, and tertiary, which used library research methods. This study found that since the government publishes the Law No. 5 of 2014 to substitute the Law no. 43 of 1999, the status and the legal protection of the honoraryemployee became unclear. This is because of the government was not able to handle the problem of the honorary employee, especially for the salary, recruitment, and the status. However, actually the case is honorary employee have been playing important roles in government institution. Thus, the Law of the State Civil Apparatus should makes a better protection for the government employee with treaty work as a substitute for the honorary employee. Terbitnya Undang-Undang nomor 5 tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negarasangat mempengaruhi kedudukan dan perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga honorer.Dalam undang-undang tersebut, istilah tenaga honorer diganti menjadi pegawai pemerintah dengan perjanjian kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji posisi dan perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga honorer. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan normatif, perundangan, historis, dan konseptual. Materi hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari sumber primer, sekunderm dan tersier, dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menemukan bahw sejak diterbitkannya Undang-undang No. 5 Tahun 2014 yang menggantikan Undang-Undang No. 43 Tahun 1999, status dan perlindungan hukum tenaga


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    Denny Astrie Anggraini


    Full Text Available Kepuasan masyarakat merupakan hal yang penting dilakukan oleh pemberi pelayanan publik salah satunya Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil (Disdukpencapil Kabupaten Pelalawan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel yang mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan, mengukur tingkat kualitas layanan yang diberikan saat ini dan memberikan rekomendasi tindakan perbaikan dalam pembuatan Akta Kelahiran. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan Six Sigma. Pada tahap define dilakukan penyebaran kuesioner terbuka, diperoleh 17 variabel yang mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan. Selanjutnya dirancang dan disebar kuesioner tertutup. Setelah dinyatakan Valid dan Reliabel maka penyebaran kuesioner sebenarnya dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan dan kepentingan yang dirasakan masyarakat saat ini. Pada tahap Measure dilakukan pengukuran kondisi saa tini dengan melihat tingkat sigma dan menggunakan diagram IS. Terdapat 8 variabel berada pada kuadran Attention dan 9 variabel berada pada kuadran Bravo.Variabel yang berada pada kuadran Attention dicari akar penyebab masalah yang umumnya disebabkan oleh faktor SDM. Pada tahap Analyze digunakan metode 5W-1H. Tahap Improve diketahui elemen-elemen yang terkait dalam pelayanan pembuatan Akta Kelahiran yaitu pimpinan, staf dan masyarakat. Kemudian SOP dibakukan dan dioptimalkan pelaksanaanya. Pada tahap Control dilakukan pengawasan pada setiap proses agar sesuai dengan SOP yang sudah dibakukan.

  11. Reformasi di Kementerian Pertahanan RI

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    Beni Sukadis


    Full Text Available Abstrak Reformasi bidang pertahanan yang dialami Indonesia sejak disahkan UU Pertahanan Negara dan UU TNI hingga kini belum selesai karena beberapa faktor yang cukup menghambat reformasi ini. Beberapa faktor yang menghambat, yaitu masih ada budaya paternalistik dalam birokrasi, masih ada ketidakjelasan kedudukan antara menteri pertahanan dan panglima TNI dalam pembagian wewenang khususnya terkait hubungan sipil-militer dan kepemimpinan sipil yang lemah dalam mengelola reformasi di Kementerian Pertahanan. Hingga saat ini implementasi supremasi sipil masih samar di Kementerian Pertahanan, walaupun secara faktual menteri pertahanan berasal dari sipil, tapi di sisi lain dominasi militer dalam jabatan pengambilan keputusan masih terjadi. Padahal supremasi sipil seharusnya direpresentasikan dalam wujud nyata bukan hanya dari hanya dari satu posisi pimpinan, yakni bagaimana otoritas sipil secara dominan dapat mengambil keputusan politik yang otonom sesuai dengan kebijakan negara yang dimandatkan oleh UU dan aturan yang ada. Kata kunci: reformasi pertahanan, hubungan sipil militer, supremasi sipil.   Defense reform still underway since Indonesia passed the Law on State Defense and the TNI the reform law has not completed yet, because there are many factors that impede the reform process. Some of the factors are the paternalistic culture still exist in the bureaucracy, there is also ambiguity on the relations between the Defense Minister and the Commander of TNI in the division of labor especially to civil-military relations and weak civilian leadership in managing the reform at the Ministry of Defense. Until now, the implementation of civil supremacy within the Ministry is vague, although the ministers are civilian, but in fact the military domination in decision making process remains strong. Whereas, civil supremacy should not be exemplified on the top position, but the civilians authority take the lead in the decision making in accordance to the

  12. Propaganda mitu nägu / Kulle Raig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raig, Kulle, 1940-


    Arvustus: Lehtonen, Pekka. Tehtävä Tallinnassa : neuvostopropagandaa ja itsenäisyysinnostusta. Helsinki : Into, 2016 ; Lehtonen, Pekka. Ülesandega üle lahe : propaganda mitu nägu. Tallinn : K&K, 2016

  13. Kajian Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Bengkel di Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Fakultas Teknik Uny

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    Nur Hidayat


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to analyse: (1 the plan (2 the implementation, and (3 the evaluation of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH management in the workshop of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (YSU. This study was categorised into descriptive study that scientifically explained the workplace environment of the workshop specifically in terms of the OSH management. The data collection techniques used observations, interviews and questionnaires. The data of this study was analysed descriptively. This study presented the detailed descriptions of the collected data in the field. The results revealed (1 It is crucial to develop a more systematic OSH management plan in the workshop of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education, Faculty of Engineering, YSU (2 the planning policies and the implementation of the OSH management need a continual improvement  and (3 the evaluation of the OSH management should be conducted simultaneously by the stakeholders, the lecturers and the technicians. (4 The OSH policy in the practices should be properly organised to promote the OSH culture in the workshop. (5 The OSH management control and review were prioritised for fostering the effectiveness of the OSH management implementation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan  evaluasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3 di Bengkel Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan FT UNY. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif (descriptive reasearch yang memaparkan secara ilmiah keadaan di lingkungan bengkel khususnya mengenai aspek K3. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan secara detail terhadap apa yang ditemukan dalam pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa

  14. Viron televisio- ja radiokeskus = Estonian National Broadcasting Building / Pentti Kareoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kareoja, Pentti


    Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu hoone arhitektuurikonkursi võitis Taani arhitektuuribüroo Nobel Arkitekter. Teise koha pälvis Soome arhitektuuribüroo Harris-Kjisik OY (arhitektid Trevor Harris, Taru Niskanen) töö "Mediatetris". Ergutuspreemia pälvis Pekka Lassila Arhitektuuribüroo (arhitektid Pekka Lassila, Janne Kantee, Annika Ritola, Tuomas Arnala) töö "Auteur"


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    Nurul Anjarsari


    Full Text Available SKP (Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai merupakan salah satu bagian yang menjadi unsur penilaian prestasi kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Sebagai upaya untuk DISHUBKOMINFO Kudus dalam melakukan manajemen penilaian SKP, di dalam penelitian ini akan membuat sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu penyusun penilaian kinerja PNS (Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Aplikasi yang dihasilkan, dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode waterfall. Metode perancangan sistemnya menggunakan OOD (Object Oriented Development dan alat yang digunakan adalah UML (Unified Modelling Language. Kata kunci: sasaran kinerja pegawai, web, object oriented development.

  16. Downstream Stockton Assessments (United States)


    Collins et al. (1983), Heldman (1960), Holland (1985), Kaplan et al. (1967), McMillan (1965 and 1968), Moffat and Houston (1986), Nichols et al. (1980...along the Sac River by Calabrese et al. (1968 and 1969) and Kaplan et al. (1967). Investigations by Perttula and Purrington (1983:118) focused on Woodland...23CE446. WA Repos Daownmeam Ssoclon Assessment pe97 TEST UNIT 2 WEST WALL PROFILE . .. . ... 4.MW q04 z. .- ) -~’Ail MA2 " -4,P A ’V 1OYR3/2 silt

  17. Kips / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Katkendeid Rait Avestiku raamatust "Urmas Kibuspuu 31 aastat" (Tänapäev, 2009). Meenutavad vend Marko Kibuspuu, venna abikaasa Helle, Reet ja Ivo Linna, Ilo Kokamägi, Aarne Üksküla, Anne Paluver, Ago-Endrik Kerge, Elle Kull

  18. Pekka Erelt annab ülevaate 2005. aasta lõpu oksjonitest / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Eesti Sportlaste Ühenduse ja Riose galerii heategevuslik kunstioksjon, Kunstisalong Allee oksjon ja Bukowskise-Hörhammeri oksjonimaja (Helsingi) oksjon - müüdud tööde autorid, nimetused ja hinnad

  19. The History of the Labour Movement in South Korea 1947-1997: The Role of Blue Collar and White Collar Workers

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    Cahyo Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini membahas mengenai perkembangan gerakan buruh di Korea Selatan sejak awal kemerdekaan hingga kini. Menurut saya, saat gerakan buruh kuat, ia memiliki efek yang lebih kuat pula pada proses demokratisasi karena adanya akar sejarah gerakan buruh dalam melawan feodalisme dan imperialisme. Temuan lainnya adalah bahwa kehadiran rezim demokratis tidak berarti bahwa aspirasi kelompok buruh dapat terakomodasi. Tekanan kekuatan neo-liberal, baik pada level nasional maupun internasional, dapat menekan pemerintahan yang demokratis untuk mengikuti kepentingan pemilik modal besar, khususnya dalam memaksakan sistem kerja kontrak. Namun, aliansi antara gerakan buruh dengan elemen masyarakat sipil dapat melawan dan menolak kebijakan ini. Faktor lain yang penting yang memengaruhi gerakan buruh adalah demokratisasi dan globalisasi. Jika demokratisasi memperkuat gerakan buruh, maka globalisasi berusaha mengontrolnya. Namun demikian, dinamika relasi antara pemerintah dan gerakan buruh di Korea Selatan menunjukkan bahwa aliansi antara buruh, mahasiswa, dan gereja dapat mempersatukan masyarakat sipil melawan baik pemerintah maupun kekuatan neo-liberal.Tulisan ini membahas mengenai perkembangan gerakan buruh di Korea Selatan sejak awal kemerdekaan hingga kini. Menurut saya, saat gerakan buruh kuat, ia memiliki efek yang lebih kuat pula pada proses demokratisasi karena adanya akar sejarah gerakan buruh dalam melawan feodalisme dan imperialisme. Temuan lainnya adalah bahwa kehadiran rezim demokratis tidak berarti bahwa aspirasi kelompok buruh dapat terakomodasi. Tekanan kekuatan neo-liberal, baik pada level nasional maupun internasional, dapat menekan pemerintahan yang demokratis untuk mengikuti kepentingan pemilik modal besar, khususnya dalam memaksakan sistem kerja kontrak. Namun, aliansi antara gerakan buruh dengan elemen masyarakat sipil dapat melawan dan menolak kebijakan ini. Faktor lain yang penting yang memengaruhi gerakan buruh adalah demokratisasi

  20. La ética hacker y el espíritu del informacionalismo. Wikileaks como caso paradigmático


    Moya Cantero, Eugenio


    En este artículo, Moya analiza el affaire Wikileaks, a la luz de la tesis que Pekka Himanen propone en el libro La ética hacker y el espíritu de la era de la información: los hackers, y sus valores de apertura, cooperación y creatividad, son los verdaderos arquitectos de la nueva sociedad digital. Abstract: This article discusses the Wikileaks affair, in light of the thesis proposed in Pekka Himanen’s book The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age: H...

  1. Kunsti salakäik : Kumu Kunstimuuseum = A secret art passage / Panu Lehtovuori

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehtovuori, Panu, 1968-


    Kumu hoonest, selle suhtest linnaga, hilismodernistlikust muuseumist, kunsti ja muuseumihoone suhtest. Projekteerija: Arkkitehtitoimisto Vapaavuori OY. Arhitekt Pekka Vapaavuori. Kaasautorid: Johan Roman, Miikka Hirsimäki, Pia Sabelström, Marcus Uppmeier, Elina Juureva, Mika Väisänen, Sauli Luttinen (3D). Sisekujundus: Pia Sabelström. Mööbel: Pille Lausmäe, Sisustusarkkitehdit Gullsten-Inkinen. Maastik: DIA Arhitektuur OÜ. Konstruktor: Neoprojekt OÜ. Ehitusfirmad: AS Merko Ehitus, AS Eesti Ehitus. Võistlus 1994, valmis 2005. Kommentaar Pekka Vapaavuorilt. Ill.: II ja V korruse plaan, 2 värv. välis- ja 5 sisevaadet

  2. Kajian Teoritis dan Empiris Terhadap Perawatan Gedung di Indonesia

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    Suparno Suparno


    Full Text Available Sebagaimana juga dialami negara-negara maju yang telah banyak membangun gedung tinggi, persoalan yang muncul adalah bagaimana merawat bangunan tersebut. Pada satu sisi data atau pola kajian ilmiah tentang perawatan gedung di Indonesia masih sangat langka. Padahal data tersebut sangat penting artinya bagi pengembangan ilmu teknik sipil dan juga bagi pelaksana bangunan dalam melakukan kegiatan di lapangan. Kurang lengkapnya data-data tentang perawatan gedung, seharusnya mendorong para pakar bangunan untuk melakukan penelitian. Pada dasarnya perawatan gedung yang menyeluruh (total building maintenance meliputi aspek-aspek komponen elektrik, mekanikal, teknik sipil, pembersihan (cleaning, keamanan (security, dan pertamanan (landscaping. Kegiatan perawatan terhadap komponen-komponen dapat berupa pencegahan (protection, perbaikan (repairing, dan pembaharuan (renovation.

  3. Ideologi Etis Penyingkap Korupsi Birokrasi

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    Arif Awaludin


    Full Text Available Birokrasi dan korupsi ibarat dua sisi mata uang. Dimana ada birokrasi disitu ada korupsi. Menyingkap korupsi di lingkungan birokrasi bukanlah perkara mudah, hal itu butuh orang dalam untuk menyingkap korupsi tersebut, mereka adalah aparatur sipil negara. Oleh sebab itu, tindakan whistleblowing sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyingkap kasus korupsi birokrasi. Keputusan seorang aparatur sipil Negara untuk menyingkap korupsi adalah keputusan yang didasarkan ideologi etis. Keputusan ideologi etis menjadi modal utama bagi seorang penyingkap korupsi (whistleblower. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengungkap alasan para aparatur sipil Negara tersebut dalam menyingkap korupsi yang terjadi di lingkungan kerja mereka, serta mendeskripsikan tindakan mereka dalam menyingkap korupsi birokkrasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan socio legal research, informan penelitian ini adalah para aparatur sipil negara yang menyingkap korupsi birokrasi di Jawa Tengah. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alasan pribadi dan lingkungan merupakan alasan para aparatur sipil negara dalam menyingkap korupsi. Ideologi etis sangat berperan dalam mengungkap terjadinya penyimpangan di tempat kerja, termasuk korupsi birokrasi. Idealisme menjadi pertimbangan etis bagi para penyinngkap korupsi birokrasi. Tipologi ideologi etis yang dimiliki para penyingkap korupsi birokrasi ini adalah Idealisme Absolutists. Idealism absolutis yang dimiliki para whistleblower menjadikan mereka sebagai pihak yang dimusuhi dan disingkirkan di lingkungan birokrasi. Sangat disayangkan, tindakan mereka menyingkap korupsi birokrasi belum mendapat perlindungan hukum. Bureaucracy and corruption are like two sides of a coin. Where no bureaucracy there is no corruption. Exposing corruption within the bureaucracy is not easy. Need an insider to expose corruption, they are civilian state apparatus. Whistleblowing action is needed to expose the corruption of the bureaucracy. The decision of a civilian state apparatus

  4. Pembagian Kewenangan Dalam Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelanggaran Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Di Perairan Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdul Muthalib Tahar


    Tahun 2004 tentang Perikanan, secara umum ditentukan bahwa penyidikan tindak pidana di bidang perikanan dilakukan oleh Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil Perikanan, Perwira TNI AL, dan Pejabat Polisi Negara Republik Indonesia. Bahwa Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil Perikanan dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Propinsi hanya memiliki wewenang penegakan hukum bidang perikanan di laut teritorial (sejauh 8 mil dari batas luar laut teritorial ke sisi darat, dan di perairan kepulauan (sejauh 8 mil dari batas luar yang menjadi wewenang kabupaten. Sedangkan Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil Perikanan dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten memiliki wewenang penegakan hukum bidang perikanan di perairan pedalaman, laut teritorial (4 mil dari garis pangkal kepulauan, dan perairan kepulauan (4 mil dari garis air surut. Belum ada suatu ketentuan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai siapa yang berwenang melakukan tindakan hukum (mengusir, menangkap dan menahan terhadap kapal-kapal asing yang melakukan lintas di laut teritorial dan perairan kepulauan Indonesia yang membahayakan kedamaian, ketertiban, atau keamanan Indonesia, sebagaimana ditentukan dalam KHL 1982 Pasal 19. Bahwa yang berwenang melaksanakan penegakan hukum di zona tambahan dan di perairan kepulauan terhadap kapal dan orang yang melakukan pelanggaran terhadap perundang-undangan bea dan cukai, sesuai dengan UU No. 7 Tahun 2006 tentang Kepabeanan adalah penyidik pegawai negeri sipil pada Direktorat Bea dan Cukai; untuk pelanggaran keimigrasian dan fiskal adalah penyidik pegawai negeri sipil pada Direktorat Keimigrasian; untuk pelanggaran sanitasi adalah penyidik pegawai negeri sipil di Kementerian Kesehatan; sedangkan untuk perompakan di laut adalah polisi perairan (Polair.

  5. Kepemimpinan untuk Masyarakat Sipil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samodra Wibawa


    Full Text Available It is apparent that the middle class in Indonesia is experiencing change in all &mentions including the economic. social and political aspects. This change. ofcource. requires that there is a shift in the paradigm of the athninistration of-development which has a paternalistic pattern pointing toward an egalitarian and participative pattern. The desire for this shill can only be fulfilled by among others. a shift in leadership which is initiated by the public leaders themselves. 77rc mahor is ultimately lured to draw a conclusion that the application of carious leadership soles which air explored in this piece of work will Ivy much depend on the assumptions which are used when evamining the community as a whole. If the civil society in Indonesia is seen as one which will grow towards the social situation as it is intended to be shaped. then the choice of a participative type of leadership becomes inevitable.

  6. Penerapan Program Microsoft Project 2010 untuk Perencanaan dan Pengendalian pada Pembangunan Gedung Serbaguna Fakultas Kedokteran


    Santoso, Erick; Rafie; Wardhani, Nurul


    Banyak program komputer yang dikembangkan untuk membantu dalam bidang Teknik Sipil diantaranya Microsoft Project 2010yang dibuat oleh Microsoft. Program ini dapat membantu para manajemen proyek konstruksi dalam merencanakan suatu proyek dan mengontrol setiap pekerjaan yang dikerjakan.

  7. Flight Hours in 7 Consecutive Days and Physical Exercise among the Civil Pilot in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harry Wicaksana


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang Tidak tersedianya waktu merupakan salah satu hambatan melakukan latihan fisik yang sering dilaporkan di negara berkembang. Berdasarkan Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil bagian 121, jam terbang maksimal pilot sipil komersial dalam 7 hari terakhir adalah 30 jam. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan jam terbang 7 hari terakhir terhadap kebiasaan latihan fisik pada pilot sipil di Indonesia. Metode Penelitian potong lintang terhadap 600 orang pilot sipil yang melakukan pengujian kesehatan personil penerbangan di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan pada bulan April 2016 dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi/ekslusi.  Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu karakteristik demografi, pekerjaan, kebiasaan olahraga, tinggi dan berat badan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan pemeriksaan fisik. Pilot dikategorikan memiliki kebiasaan latihan fisik sesuai rekomendasi ACSM apabila melakukan latihan fisik dengan intensitas sedang selama 150 menit per minggu atau latihan fisik dengan intensitas berat selama 75 menit per minggu. Hasil Jam terbang 7 hari terakhir merupakan faktor dominan terhadap kebiasaan latihan fisik. Jika dibandingkan dengan pilot dengan jam terbang 7 hari terakhir < 3,5 jam, maka pilot dengan jam terbang 7 hari terakhir 3,5-14 jam berisiko 24% lebih rendah memiliki kebiasaan latihan fisik sesuai [RRa= 0,76; p=0,032]. Simpulan Faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap kebiasaan latihan fisik adalah jam terbang 7 hari terakhir. Kata kunci: Jam terbang 7 hari terakhir, kebiasaan latihan fisik, pilot sipil Indonesia  Background The most frequently reported barrier of doing physical exercise in developed countries is lack of time. Based on the Civil Aviation Safety Regulation part 121, the maximum working hour for commercial pilot in 7 consecutive days is 30 hours. The study objective is to identify the relation between flight hours in 7 consecutive days and the physical exercise habit among the civil pilots in

  8. Neli korda restoranis / Pekka Toivanen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toivanen, Pekka


    Kultuurirestoran "Hima ja Sali" (Talberginkatu 1 C 10), mille sisustuse ja kinnise mööbli on kujundanud Kari Lappalainen. Telekokk Jyrki Sukula restoran "Via" (Ludviginkatu 8-10), mille sisustuse on kujundanud Jani Koivula ja Mikael Mantila. Restoran "Mother" (Eerikinkatul) Stefan Lindforsi kujunduses ning Antti Rouhunkoski ja Sami Sorvali kaasajastatud kujunduses. Büroo Valvomo kujundatud "Wrong Nuudle Bar". 13 ill

  9. Kirjad Hitlerile - Eestist! / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Eesti Riigiarhiivis säilitatakse kümmekonda 1936.-1937. aastal Eesti elanikelt Adolf Hitlerile saadetud kirja. Need on osa 1945. aastal Berliinist saadud ja Moskvasse veetud sõjasaagist. Artikkel sisaldab katkendeid kirjadest

  10. Politseiniku lustlik ABC / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Politsei on välja andnud 'Politseiniku ABC', mis antakse igale politseinikule. Karikaturist Heiki Ernits on peaaegu igale taskuraamatu leheküljele joonistanud pildikese mundrimeestest kentsakates situatsioonides.

  11. Carolyn Carlson, Atelier de Paris - harmooniad ja ebakõlad / Agni Lass

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lass, Agni


    28. apr. KUMU auditooriumis etendunud Carolyn Carlsoni nüüdisaegne tantsuetendus "Down by the River" ("Allajõge") ja Juha-Pekka Marsalo lavastus tantsulavastus "Scene d'Amour"("Armastuse vaatepilt")

  12. Mehe pilk teisele soole / Juta Kivimäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivimäe, Juta, 1952-


    Näitus "Igavesti naiselik" Adamson-Ericu muuseumis 13. novembrini 2011, kuraatorid Ülle Kruus ja Pekka Erelt, kujundaja Andres Tolts. Eksponeeritakse maalikunstnik Johannes Greenbergi ja skulptor Ferdi Sannamehe loomingut. Kunstnikest

  13. KUMU sisustuses on esikohal lihtsus, inimsõbralikkus ja põhjamaine stiil / Brigitta Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Brigitta, 1983-


    Eesti Kunstimuuseumi KUMU hoone projekteerimisest räägib peaarhitekt Pekka Vapaavuori ja kunstitempli sisustusest KUMU sisearhitekt Pille Lausmäe. KUMU saamislugu. Suurema osa mööblist valmistab Standard

  14. Energy outlooks of young members of parliament

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tolonen, P.


    Pekka Tolonen Energy outlooks of young members of parliament The main theme is 'youth and nuclear energy'. This article presents opinions of young opinion leaders over energy policy and nuclear energy

  15. Bagatellid : Maailm / Nele-Eva Steinfeld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    Muusikasõnumeid maailmast: Arvo Pärdi Neljanda sümfoonia maailma esiettekanne Los Angeleses. Felix Mendelssohni 200. sünniaastapäeva eel avastati helilooja kadunud teoseid. Esa-Pekka Salonen lahkub Los Angelese Filharmoonikute juurest

  16. New Estonian museum - two cases / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Kumu arhitektuurist ja tähtsusest (arhitekt Pekka Vapaavouri). Eesti Rahva Muuseumi uue hoone rahvusvahelise arhitektuurikonkursi võitnud projektist "Mälestuste väli/Memory Field", autorid Dan Dorell, Tsuyoshi Tane ja Lina Ghotmeh. Aerofotod

  17. Värvilised pisimunad / Robert Koistinen, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi ja Pekka Rantanen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TM võrdleb. Väikesed väikeautod: Citroën C1 e-VTi 68 Feel, Hyundai i10 1,0 Comfort, Mitsubishi Space Star 1,2 H-Line 5MT Invite, Renault Twingo Zen 1,0 SCe 70, Seat Mii 1,0 Start&Stop Style 5D, Toyota Aygo 1,0 X-cite

  18. An Assessment of Various Appreoaches for Countering Corryuption in Poor Economies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muyanja Seenyonga


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini mengupas berbagai cares yang bisa ditempuh dalam toaya pemberatasan korupsi. Pertama mengidenhfikasipenyebab dasar korupsi, agar upayapemberatasan korupsi dapat dititiberatkan ke akar rumputpermasalahan tersebut. Pengurangan peluang koripsi yang terdapat dalam rentetan peraturan melalui kebijakan deregulasi, swastanisasi, mendorong terciptagapersaingan dalam penyedianjara umum, menaikan upah dan gift riilpegawai negeri sOil, yang hares kenaikannya hams dikaitkan langsung dengan kineda mereka, adalah beberapa cars lee arah pengurangan prevalensi korupsi. Selain itu, kebijakan tadi harm diimbangi dengan beberape mekanisme untuk memonitor kinerja pegawai negeri sipil, dan kepatuhan mereka pada peraturan yang ada. Pendirian dan pernberdayaan upaya badan pemberatasan korupsi anti- corruption agency dengan tenaga ahli dart berbagai bidang dan leetrampilan, diberikan wewenang untuk mencegah, menyelidiki dan menyidik kasus-kasus korupsi, serta mengadakan pendidikan tentang hukum pemberatasan korupsi, pergebab korupsi, datnpak yang ,ditimbulkannya, dan tanguingjawab macjarakat dalam toga pemberatasan korupsi. Penegakan hukum tanpa pandang buluh pada siapa sajayang terlibat kasus korupsi memberikan sigalyangjelas pada magarakat bah= korusi tidak bermanfaat karena resikonya amat bout. Upgayang tidak kalah penting dalam upga pemberatasan korupsi adalah pemberdayaan civil society melalui kebijakan yang memerikan berdin"ga kebebasam media massa, kegiatan LSM, dan iranoarensi di lembaga legislative, akna memberikan checks and balances pada kegiatan pegawai negeri sipil dan perusahaan swasta dan miliki pemerintah. sipil Komitmen pemerintah, yang tenvujud dalam ritewenangyang diberikan badan pemberatas Korupsi, sumber daya alam dan manusia yang dOerunutkkan kea rah tersebut, , dan dasar hukum yang kuatyang melandasi kegiatannya, dan pemberian kin dan ntewenanguntuk mendapat berbagai bantuan dari luarnegeriyangperlu dalam operasitga amat penting untuk

  19. Baltika Moetänav = Baltika Fashion Street

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas Veerenni 24 asuvast Baltika Moetänava sisearhitektuursest lahendusest. Autorid: Maire Milder, Ott Kangur, Ülo-Tarmo Stöör, Maris Kerge, Kaur-Lembit Stöör, Pärtel Eelma, Pekka Porkanen, Lauri Eltermaa

  20. "ARS 01", perspektiivide avamine / Helen Kivisoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivisoo, Helen


    30. IX 2001-20. I 2002 Kiasmas kuuendat korda toimuvast rahvusvahelisest näitusest "ARS", kus Eestist osaleb Marko Mäetamm. Kuraatorid Tuula Arkio, Maaretta Jaukkuri, Patrik Nyberg, Jari-Pekka Vanhala. Teemaks "kolmas ruum". Näituse kajastamisest.

  1. TÜ tähistab rahvusülikooli aastapäeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Emakeelse ülikooli 91. aastapäeva tähistamisest. Aktusel promoveeriti 103 doktorit ja 5 audoktorit. Audoktoriks said: Jaan Einasto (Eesti), Vilmos Voigt (Ungari), Pekka Topias Männistö (Soome), William J. Mitsch (USA), Lars Oreland (Rootsi)

  2. Hobune kolis Veneetsiasse / Tõnu Kaalep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaalep, Tõnu, 1966-2018


    Muljeid Veneetsia 9 rahvusvaheliselt arhitektuuribiennaalilt Arsenale hallides. Eestit esindavad sisearhitekt Kristajan Holm, arhitekt Agu Külm ja soome skulptor Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara näituseprojektiga, mis tugineb Madis Jürgeni raamatule "Hää koht" kuivkäimlatest. 7 ill

  3. Preemiad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riigi kultuuripreemia 2006 - Jaak Soans. Kultuuripreemia 2005. a. loominguliste saavutuste eest - Krista Kodres, Pekka Vapaavuori. Kultuurkapitali aastapreemiad 2005. Vaala kunstipreemia - Maarit Murka. Parimad "mitmikud". Pikemalt Hansapanga kunstipreemia laureaadist Mark Raidperest ja Massimo Martini Design Award 2006 saanud Pavel Sidorenkost

  4. Dar al-Kalima akadeemia kultuuri- ja konverentsikeskus "AD DAR" : Petlemm, Palestiina = Dar al-Kalima Academy Cultural and Convention Centre "AD DAR" : Bethlehem, Palestine, 1998-2003 / Juha Leviskä

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leviskä, Juha


    Projekteerija: Vilhelm Helander, Juha Leviskä Arkkitehdit. Autorid Jyha Leviskä ja Jari Heikkinen, kaasautor Pekka Kivisalo, sisekujundaja Jari Heikkinen. Projekt 1998-1999, valmis 1999-2003. 2 joon.: plaan, vaade, 8 fotot: 4 välis- ja 4 sisevaadet

  5. Inimese murdmine ühiskonna prismas / Andri Ksenofontov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ksenofontov, Andri, 1962-


    Epp Kubu näitus "Raha ajab lapsi taga" Tallinna Linnagaleriis 8. maini 2011. Kristina Kiviranna ja Riina-Ingel Keskpaiga ehk Lumi Kylma näitus "Escape" ("Põgenemine") Tallinnas Aatriumi galeriis 21. maini 2011. Johanna Sipilä (Soome) ja Katrin Piile maalinäitus "Jonathan Krani" Tallinnas Polymeri kunstikonteineris 1. maini 2011

  6. Koreograaf Carolyn Carlson ujub vastu valitseva trendi voolu / Heili Einasto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Einasto, Heili


    28. apr. etenduvad KUMUs Carolyn Carlsoni nüüdisaegne tantsuetendus "Down by the River" ("Allajõge") ja tema õpilase, soome päritolu Juha-Pekka Marsalo lavastus "Scene d'Amour"("Armastuse vaatepilt". Tutvustatakse mõlema koreograafi loomingut ja esteetikat

  7. "Külaline" Võrumaal / Ivi Kaarna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaarna, Ivi


    Võrumaal jätkusid Suurbritannia-Saksamaa-Soome-Eesti ühisfilmi "Külaline" võtted, režissöör Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää, operaator Tuomo Hutri, produtsent Exitfilmist Anneli Ahven, peaosades Vitali Bobrov, Emilia Ikäheimo, Pavel Liski

  8. Soome "Kalevala" illustratsioonid ja Matti Visanti : pilguheit soome kunstnike varasematele "Kalevala"-ainelistele piltidele / Erkki Anttonen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anttonen, Erkki


    "Kalevala" teemade kujutamisest soome kunstis ja väljendusvahendite ning kunstistiilide muutumisest sajandivahetusel. Pikemalt Matti Visanti (1885-1957) erinevast müstilisest kujutluslaadist võrreldes A. Gallen-Kallela rahvusaatelisusega ning teosoof Pekka Ervasti (1875-1934) mõjutustest tema "Kalevala" illustratsioonide loomisel

  9. Eestis võltsitakse kunsti / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    25. X 1999 kunstiagentuuri Haus oksjonil Anne Luigele müüdud Elmar Kitse õlimaal "Tants" on tõenäoliselt võltsing. Maie Raitari, Mai Levini, Tiiu Talvistu, Saskia Kasemaa, Jüri Kuuskemaa, Silvia Jõgeveri, Valve Janovi arvamused. Maali värvide keemilise analüüsi teeb EKMi restauraator Alar Nurkse.

  10. Tulevikuennustus - mood aastal 2000 / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Pariisi moekuninga Paul Poiret' ennustus 1936. aastal 2000. a. moe kohta: moekunstnikke pole, riie on kadunud, inimesed kannavad tehiskatet, millel vahetub värv, kingade asemel rulluiskude sarnased sandaalid jne

  11. Pärlid mustalt turult / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Kadrioru Kunstimuuseumi näitusel "Šedöövri sünd" eksponeeritud maalide päritolust. Suur osa kunstiteostest osteti Moskvast ja Petrogradist. Lähemalt järgmistest maalidest: Lambert Jacobsz "Õhtusöök Emmauses", Hieronymus Boschi lähikondne "Rahavahetajate ja kaubitsejate väljaajamine templist", Andrea Vaccaro ateljee "Simson ja Delila", Jacob Jordaens "Püha perekond", Franz Xaver Winterhalter "Vürstinna Olimpiada Barjatinskaja portree"

  12. "Hull"soomlane, kes räägib inglise keelt / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Prantsusmaal tegutsevast tantsukunstnikust Carolyn Carlsonist, kelle looming on mõjutanud mitme riigi tantsukunsti. 28. apr. etendub KUMU auditooriumis tema nüüdisaegne tantsuetendus "Down by the River" ("Allajõge"), samuti tema õpilase, Juha-Pekka Marsalo lavastus "Scene d'Amour"("Armastuse vaatepilt"

  13. VI Tallinna arhitektuuritriennaal / Leonhard Lapin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lapin, Leonhard, 1947-


    15.-17. IX Tallinnas Niguliste kirikus toimuval VI Tallinna arhitektuuritriennaalil esinevad inglise arhitektuurikriitik Peter Davey, šveitsi arhitekt Peter Zumthor, soome arhitekt Juha Leviskä, eesti arhitekt Vilen Künnapu, eesti kunstiajaloolane Juhan Maiste jt. Külastatakse KUMU, tutvutab autor Pekka Vapaavuori

  14. "Kahetsen, et üldse end filmiga sidusin" / Kirsti Vainküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vainküla, Kirsti, 1972-


    Pekka Lehto mängufilmi sugemetega dokumentaalfilmi Aivar ja Ülo Voitka 15-aastasest metsas redutamisest "W.O.I.T.K.A. Metsavennad" võtetest, EFS-i poolsest vähesest rahalisest toetusest filmi tegemisse. H. Laksbergi, J. Tammineni ja M. Aadamsoo kommentaarid

  15. Penerapan Penjadwalan Probabilistik Menggunakan Simulasi Monte Carlo Pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Giant Extra Pettarani




    PENERAPAN PENJADADWALAN PROBABILISTIK MENGGUNAKAN SIMULASI MONTE CARLO PADA PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG GIANT EXTRA PETTARANI Nasruddin Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin Jalan Poros Malino Km 6 Bontomarannu,92172 Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan ??? Indonesia E-mail : ABSTRAK Dalam bidang manajemen proyek, simulasi Monte Carlo digunakan untuk menghitung atau mengiterasi biaya dan waktu sebuah proyek dengan menggunakan nilai - nilai yang...

  16. 21st Century Skylines / Amy Bryzgel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bryzgel, Amy


    Kumu Kunstimuuseumist Tallinnas (arh. Pekka Vapaavuori), Leedu rahvusliku kunstigalerii renoveerimisest (Vilnius, ehitatud 1968. aastal, arh. Gediminas Baravykas ja Vytautas Vielius), uuest ehitatavast Guggenheim-Ermitaazhi muuseumist Vilniuses (arh. Zaha Hadid), Riia uuest kunstimuuseumist, mis ehitatakse vanasse 1905. a. ehitatud tööstushoonesse. (arh. Rem Koolhaas)

  17. Õhksoojuspumbad vastavad lubadustele / Markku Lindell, Juho Huttula ; tõlge Ingrid Maasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lindell, Markku


    Võrdluses on 6 soojuspumpa: Gree Artful 12, IVT Nordic Inverter 12 GR-N, Mitsubishi Electric Kirigamine+ MSZ-FD35VAH, Panasonic Flagship HE12GKE, Technibel Techno GRF128R51, Toshiba RAS-13S-ND. Vt. samas: Pekka Rantti. Kuidas mõõdeti

  18. Euroopa kultuuripealinnadest / Robert Palmer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Palmer, Robert


    Ilmunud ka: International cultural marketing conference : November 3-4, 2005, Tartu : a collection of speeches. Kultuuripealinna tiitli tähendusest, sellega kaasnevatest võimalustest ja kuludest, nõuandeid kultuuripealinnaks kandideerijaile. Tabel. Diagrammid. Vt. ka lk. 25-28: Timonen, Pekka. Helsingi - Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2000. aastal

  19. Kuressaare 2008. aasta parimad ehitised selgunud / kommenteerinud Hannes Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Parim terviklahendus golfiala (golfiväljaku projekteerija soome arhitekt Lassi Pekka Tilander, klubihoone projekteeris arhitektuuristuudio Siim & Kreis arhitekt Andres Siim). Parim uusehitis eramu Merikotka 45 (projekteerija Ösel Plan arhitekt Terje Truumaa) ja parim renoveeritud ehitis vana pritsumaja (Kuressaare Kommunaalprojekt projekteerija Galina Kanemägi)

  20. Amet kohustab / Sandra Peetso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peetso, Sandra


    18.-22. okt. Pärnu teatris Endla toimunud rahvusvahelisest laste- ja noorteteatrite festivalist "NB festival 2008". Pikemalt lavastustest "Võimaluste aed" (Prantsuse teatritrupp Association 16 rue de Plaisance), "Sailor & Pekka" (Rootsi teater TRE), "Misantroop" (VAT-teater), "Maria Bonita" (Taani teater Batida), "Avatud ring" (Leedu teatrilabor Open Circle)

  1. Linnaruum - kas ainult arhitektuur? / Mari-Liis Tammi-Kelder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammi-Kelder, Mari-Liis


    25. IV Tallinna Õpetajate Majas Eesti Kujurite Ühenduse seminar, mis keskendub monumentaalskulptuurile kaasaegses linnaruumis. Esinevad Bernard Gerboud Pariisist, Pekka Jylhä Soomest, Kristaps Gulbis ja Irena Buzinska Lätist, Jüri Soolep, Triin Ojari, Rael Artel, Jaan Elken ja Aili Vahtrapuu. Seminari juhatab Jaak Soans

  2. Mõne läänemeresoome sufiksi taustast / Ago Künnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Künnap, Ago, 1941-


    Vastukaja artiklile: Grünthal, Riho. The Mordvinic languages between bush and tree : a historical reappraisal // Sámit, sánit, sátnehámit : riepmočála Pekka Sammallahtii miessemánu 21. beaivve 2007. Helsinki : Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 2007. (Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran toimituksia ; 253)

  3. Mida paljastas nutitelefoni lõhkumine? / Villu Zirnask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zirnask, Villu, 1966-


    Soome majandusuuringute instituudi teadurid ja elektroonikainsenerid Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö, Petri Rouvinen, Timo Seppälä ja Pekka Ylä-Anttila analüüsisid uuringus "Who Captures Value in Global Supply Chains? Case Nokia N95 Smartphone" nutitelefoni hinnakujundust. Detailihindade, koostehindade ja lõpphinna suhe. Diagramm.

  4. Delegation of Canadian scientists accompanied by Swiss Ambassador to Canada Urs Ziswiler (fourth from left) visiting the ATLAS assembly hall.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    From left to right: John Ellis, Michael Bancroft, Robert Orr, Ambassor Ziswiler, Brigitte Léger, Robert McPherson, Isabel Trigger, Arthur Carty, Claude Leroy, James Pinfold, Louise Proulx, Carmen Charette (partly hidden), Alain Caillé, Dennis Salahub, Paul Guild, Alain Shotter, Nigel Lloyd, Regula Bubb, Benjamin Smith, Pekka Sinervo, Peter Jenni.

  5. Muusikamaailm : Uus muusikasaal Philadelphias. Elgari teostekogu jätkatakse. Mortier tuleb ka Pariisi. Salonen loovutas Suomi-palkinto. Uusooper Dallases / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Philadelphia sai uue kontserdisaali. Londoni kirjastus Novello jätkab Edward Elgari kogutud teoste väljaandmist. Belgia teatrimees ja ooperiadministraator Gerard Mortierist saab Ruhri kunstidetriennaali juht. Esa-Pekka Salonen loovutas oma 100 000margalise preemia kolmele noorele soome heliloojale. Dallase Ooperis tuli maailmaesiettekandele USA helilooja Tobias Pickeri ooper "Therese Raquin"





    AbstrakSecara kuantitas pertambahan pegawai negeri sipil perempuan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan, namun belum diikuti dengan terbukanya akses untuk dapat menjadi pejabat struktural dan pejabat publik yang strategis. Artikel ini membahas faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan belum terbukanya akses untuk menjadi pejabat. Penelitian dilakukan di Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perasaan  ambigu, kurang percaya diri, dan kurangnya dukungan lingkungan sosial yang disebabkan karena dominasi dari ...

  7. Perubahan Entitas Palestina Oleh Pbb Dan Eksistensinya Sebagai Negara Pemantau Non Anggota


    Utami, Windy Widya


    Konflik Israel-Palestina bermula ketika dikeluarkannya resolusi PBB yang membagi tanah Palestina menjadi dua bagian. Israel mendapatkan tanah lebih luas sementara Palestina mendapat bagian yang lebih kecil. Konflik semakin memuncak ketika Israel mendirikan Negara Israel pada tahun 1948 di Palestina berdasarkan resolusi tersebut. Konflik terus berlangsung, tak sedikit masyarakat sipil baik dari Palestina maupun Israel yang menjadi korban. Palestina adalah sebuah Negara yang sedang memperjuangk...

  8. Korter Helsingi kohal / Suvi Ruotsi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruotsi, Suvi


    Soome disaineri Tanja Sipilä perekonna korter (71, 5 m2) Helsingi kesklinnas 20. sajandi algul ehitatud kivimajas. Korter on suures osas sisustatud modernse disainmööbliga. T. Sipila kujundab esemeid, mööblit ning teeb sisekujundusi koos Susanna Hoikkalaga, kellega koos asutasid firma Design Machine. Vt. ka lk. 48: Meister, Lylian. Valge kodu stiilsed aktsendid - valik esemeid Eestist kodu sisustamiseks samas võtmes

  9. ÕhuLoss - ehtides maailma / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Ehtekunstnike rühmitusest õhuLoss (Kadri Mälk, Piret Hirv, Eve Margus-Villems, Tanel Veenre, Kristiina Laurits, Villu Plink, Katrin Sipelgas). Esimest korda astus rühmitus üles 10 aastat tagasi Hollandis Marzee galeriis toimunud näitusel. 2011. aasta augustis-septembris toimus näitus Tallinna Põhjatuletornis

  10. Heitlikud üheksakümnendad / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Ülevaade sündmustest Eestis 1990ndatel aastatel. Ühel juuresolevatest fotodest president Lennart Meri, proua Helle Meri, USA kaitseminister William Perry ja Eesti suursaadik USAs Toomas Hendrik Ilves 1995. a. novembris

  11. Total flying hours and risk of high systolic blood pressure in the civilian pilot in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferdi Afian


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang: Tekanan darah sistolik tinggi di antara pilot sipil antara lain akan menyebabkan gangguan kardiovaskular sehingga akan mengganggu kelancaran penerbangan. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan terhadap tekanan darah sistolik tinggi pada pilot sipil. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dengan metode sampling purposif pada pilot yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan pada tanggal 18-29 Mei 2015. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah karakteristik demografi dan pekerjaan, klinis, kebiasaan olahraga, kebiasaan makan, indeks massa tubuh dan riwayat penyakit. Tekanan darah sistolik tinggi ialah tekanan darah sistolik140 mmHg atau lebih. Hasil: Dari 690 pilot yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala, 428 pilot laki-laki bersedia berpartisipasi mengikuti penelitian ini. Usia dan riwayat penyakit hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko dominan yang berhubungan dengan tekanan darah sistolik tinggi. Jika dibandingkan dengan pilot usia 19-39 tahun, yang berusia 40-65 tahun mempunyai 15,1 kali lipat lebih besar risiko terkena tekanan darah sistolik tinggi [rasio odds suaian (ORa= 15,12; p= 0,001]. Pilot dengan riwayat penyakit hipertensi dibandingkan dengan yang tidak ada riwayat memiliki risiko tekanan darah sistolik tinggi 93,2 kali lipat lebih besar (ORa= 93,21; p= 0,001 Kesimpulan: Usia 40-65 tahun dan memiliki riwayat hipertensi meningkatkan risiko tekanan darah sistolik tinggi di antara pilot sipil di Indonesia. Kata kunci: tekanan darah sistolik, total jam terbang, pilot sipil, Indonesia.  Abstract Background: Systolic high blood pressure among civilian pilots among others will cause cardiovascular disease and this condition will disrupt the flight.The purpose of this study was to identified the dominant factors related to high systolic blood pressure in the civilian pilots. Methods: A cross-sectional study with a purposive sampling method on a pilot who performed periodic

  12. Yli 100 syytä mennä Viroon / Terhi Pääskylä-Malmström

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pääskylä-Malmström, Terhi, 1979-


    Tutvustus: Did you know that there are over 100 exciting, quirky, unique and important reasons to visit Estonia! = Tiesitkö että on yli 100 jännittävää, outoa, ainutlaatuista ja tärkeää syytä tulla Viroon? / koostanud Jussi-Pekka Aukia, Peep Ehasalu. Tallinn : AS Sokotel, 2015

  13. Pemanfaatan Limbah Batu Marmer Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Pada Campuran Aspal Beton Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall


    Syaiful Amal, Andi; Saleh, Chairil


    PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH BATU MARMER SEBAGAI PENGGANTI AGREGAT KASAR PADA CAMPURAN ASPAL BETON TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MARSHALLThe Implementation Of Stone Marble Waste For Changer The Aggregate Rough To Mix Aplhalt Concrete Characteristics Of MarshalAndi Syaiful Amal1 & Chairil Saleh21,2Jurusan Teknik Sipil – Fakultas Teknik Univ. Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang 65144Email : The waste of marble stone is waste produced when manu...

  14. 19.-25. IX toimub Rüütelkonna hoones Kumu pärlite nädal...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    23. IX kõneleb Anu Allikvee teemal "Eestlane baltisaksa kunstnike vaatepiiris"; 24. IX tutvustab Mai Levin Eugen Dückeri maale, 25. IX Ene Lamp Konrad Mäge. Vt. ka lk. 24 Tähtede nädal 26. IX-2. X - kohtumisõhtutel esinevad Marika ja Heinz Valk, Jüri Kuuskemaa, Sirje Helme, Pekka Vapaavuori, Inge Teder, Rain Lõhmus

  15. Voitka-filmi esilinastus / Jaak Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Jaak


    Inglase Daniel Elliotti Eestis tehtud lühimängufilm "Fender Bender" sai Tampere lühifilmide festivalil maineka Prix UIP (United International Pictures) Tampere auhinna. Samal festivalil toimus Pekka Lehto tõsielufilmi "V.O.I.T.K.A. - Metsa vennad" maailmaesilinastus. Erkki Määttäneni "Järveehitaja" portreteeris Leigo järvemuusikakontsertide korraldajat Tõnu Tamme

  16. Crafted - meisterdatud / Mihkel Tüür

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tüür, Mihkel, 1976-


    12. Alvar Aalto sümpoosion Jyväskyläs 10.-12. augustil 2012 teemal "Crafted". Kuraator Pekka Heikkinen. Pikemalt Mohsen Mostafavi ettekandest "Arhitektuur on materiaalne" ja Jürg Conzetti ettekandest "Strukturaalse tava jätkamine". Autori sõnul jäi kõlama mõte, et meisterlikult ehitatud maja saab olla ainus arhitektuuri tegelik mõõde

  17. Membangun Civil Religion Pada Masyarakat Yang Plural; Dilema Pancasila Di Era Reformasi


    Ruslan, Idrus


    Tema civil religion merupakan tema yang terkait dalam konteks sebuah negara yang plural seperti Indonesia. Arti civil religion itu sendiri secara harfiah adalah agama sipil (rakyat), akan tetapi jika dilihat secara apa adanya seakan-akan merupakan agama tersendiri. Oleh karenanya lebih tepat jika diartikan “Keberagamaan sipil”, karena memang dia tidak memiliki Tuhan, kitab suci, rasul, pendeta, biksu dan sebagainya. Indonesia dengan dasar negara Pancasila dimana kata “Tuhan” dalam sila Ketuha...

  18. Pengaruh Strategi SQ4R Tipe Bantuan Multimedia vs Buku Teks, Pengetahuan Awal, Gaya Belajar Kolb terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Teknik


    Meiti Leatemia


    Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki pengaruh strategi SQ4R tipe bantuan multimedia versus buku teks, pengetahuan awal dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Inggris Teknik. Subjek penelitian adalah 96 mahasiswa  Teknik Sipil dan Mesin Politeknik Negeri Ambon tahun akademik 2011-2012. Desain eksperimen menggunakan kuasi versi  factorial  (2 x 2 x 2) pre test-post test non-equivalent control group design. Analisis data menggunakan statistik Three Ways ANOVA. Pengujian hipotesis dilakuk...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Hartini


    Full Text Available Basically, the substance of democracy is the existence of role/active participation in the governance based on independence, equality and freedom. Somehow in new era, this strategic position of public servant was used by political party which finally makes political problems in the conception of law enforcement and makes confusedness to the role of public servant. Finally, the government make coherent regulation concerning with the neutrality in the public service law. Arrangement of public service neutrality, arranged in article 3 sentence (2 and sentence (3 Law No. 43 Year 1999 and Government Regulation No. 37 Year 2004 concerning prohibition order of public servant becoming political party member and official member. The regulation only arranging concerning public servant becoming member and official member of political party, while public servant which was nonmember of political party, what exactly more loyal in political party not yet been arranged in that regulation. The regulation which straightening of neutrality arrange in the preamble which public servant that impinge this regulation not yet arranged to collision, though sanction to this regulation was riffed as public servant, for public servant that becoming member and official member of political party.

  20. Perilaku Profesional Dosen Pegawai Negeri Sipil Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guspika Guspika


    Full Text Available The civil servant lecturer professional behavior model was designed based on the social cognitive theory of Bandura (1991,1989,2001 theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1988,2005, moral development stages of Kohlberg and ethical decision making model (Jones, 1991; Weber and Gillespie, 1998. The Structural equation analysis result show a fit and goodness of the model with the empirical data i.e; Chi square is only 14,384, probability equal to 0,421, RMSEA is 0,009, GFI is 0,990, AFGI is 0,969, and CMIN/DF is 1,027. The model and empirical data explain that professional behavior of civil servant lecturer in Indonesia at This time is determined by interaction dynamics of: 1 personal factor, i.e. intention to behave professionally, occupational commitment, and organizational commitment; and 2 situational factor, i.e lecturer's response to organizational design. Only around 9,57% of respondents have been successful to demonstrate professional behavior and able to reach "engage in moral behavior"

  1. Arhitektuurimuuseumi loengusarjas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    18. märtsil Pekka Korvenmaa loeng '20. sajandi soome arhitektuur ja tööstus'. 24. aprillil toimunud Tallinna külastanud inglise päritolu Prantsusmaal elava moodsa arhitektuuri teoreetiku William J. R. Curtise loeng 'Modernism, Nature, Tradition' käsitles Alvar Aalto loomingut. 5. mail Lic. Phil. Pauline von Bonsdorffi (Helsingi Ülikool) loeng 'Arhitektuurse keskkonna esteetilisest tajumisest'

  2. Prajurit Profesional-Patriot: Menuju TNI Profesional pada Era Reformasi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syamsul Ma’arif


    aspek-aspek tertentu dari tesis Stepan yang disebut profesionalisme baru. Sebagai militer profesional patriot, selain hadir dengan karakteristik profesional TNI juga memiliki komitmen kuat untuk mengambil peran dalam tugas-tugas nonpertahanan berdasarkan keputusan pemerintah sipil. Untuk itu, TNI perlu berkembang dalam kondisi kontrol sipil objektif yang menitikberatkan profesionalisme militer itu sendiri, dan turut menjunjung supremasi sipil. Tulisan ini disusun dengan pendekatan sosiologi militer. Adapun proses penelitiannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif.

  3. Funk - iseseisvuse rikutud sümbol / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Eesti 1930. a-te funktsionalistlike ehitiste ümberehitamisest. Ebaõnnestunud : villa Kadriorus Lahe t. 6 (arhitekt E. Lohk, ü-e arhitekt O. Zhemtshugov), maja Roosikrantsi t. 19 (E. Sacharias) ja Raua/Kreutzwaldi t. nurgal (E. Lohk, ü-e Alver Trummal Arhitektid AS), Pirita restoran (A. Jürvetson, ü-e A. Kose, A. Sisask), villa Roosikrantsi 4b (O. Siinmaa, ü-e A. Vainomäe). Õnnestunud : villa Pärnus Ringi t. 14 (O. Siinmaa, ü-e nõustab M. Kalm), Tallinna Kunstihoone (A. Soans, E. J. Kuusik), Nurme pood Vabaduse pst. 73a (E. Velbri, ü-e J. Huimerind). Arvamusi : M. Kalm, L. Lapin, J. Kuuskemaa.

  4. Arhitektuur rahu toomas / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Näitus "Identiteet ja arhitektuur [post-]konfliktsetes piirkondades" ("Peacebuilding") 30. okt.-9. nov. 2008 Casa dell' Architetturas Roomas. Üldkuraator Pippo Ciorra. Näitus keskendus Euroopa idaosa, Balkanimaade ja Lähis-Ida regioonile. Eestist oli näitusele valitud 7 objekti, autoriteks bürood Kolm Pluss Üks, KOKO Arhitektid, Kavakava, arhitektid Pekka Vapaavuori, Siiri Vallner, Indrek Peil, Tomomi Hayashi, Veronika Valk ja Aili Vahtrapuu

  5. 20. X avati arhitektuuri- ja disainigaleriis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Väljapanek "Vaateaken Eesti ekspositsioonile Veneetsia arhitektuuribiennaalil". Eestit esindab 9. Veneetsia arhitektuuribiennaalil Eesti Arhitektide Liidu projekt "Aeg-maha-arhitektuur", idee autor Kristjan Holm, kaasautorid Liina Jänes ja Pille Epner. Kabli rannast Veneetsiasse teisaldatud puust hobusekujulise välikäimla on loonud Agu Külm ja Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara. Ku-Ku klubis esilinastus Marianne Kõrveri, Rain Tolgi ja Andres Maimiku dokumentaalfilm "Surm Veneetsias"

  6. Terrorism, pommid ja pangarööv / Anari Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Anari


    Töös olevad Eesti mängufilmid - "Kid&Killer" (produtsent Piret Tibbo Hudgins, stsenaristid Mart Kivastik, Katrin Laur ja Hannu Salonen, kes ka filmi lavastab), "Külaline" (soome, saksa eesti, inglise koostööfilm, lavastaja Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää, operaator Tuomo Hutri, produtsent Marit Ahven), "Pangarööv" (režissöör Andrus Tuisk, stsenarist Mihkel Ulman, produtsent Manfred Vainokivi)

  7. Seitsme venna koolitee / Enn Anupõld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anupõld, Enn, 1937-


    Soome lähiajaloost ja kaasajast, samuti poliitikast. Järgneb: 16. juuli, lk. 7 (sisaldab vestlust Soome poliitiku Max Jakobsoniga) ; 23. juuli, lk. 5 (sisaldab vestlust Soome kauaaegse poliitiku ja ühiskonnategelase Pekka Silvolaga) ; 6. aug., lk. 7 ; 13. aug., lk. 7 ; 20. aug., lk. 7 ; 3. sept., lk. 7 ; 10. sept. ; 17. sept. ; 24. sept. ; 1. okt. ; 8. okt. ; 15. okt. ; 22. okt. ; 29. okt.

  8. Molecular Quantum Mechanics: Analytic Gradients and Beyond - Program and Abstracts (United States)


    Kutzelnigg (Bochum, Germany) Chair: Pekka Pyykko (Helsinki, Finland) Which Masses are Vibrating or Rotating in a Molecule? 15:40-16:15 O30...Krylov (Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.) Multiconfigurational Quantum Chemistry for Actinide Containing Systems: From Isolated Molecules to Condensed...the genetic algorithm will be critically assessed. For B4n, the double rings are notably stable. The DFT calculations provide strong indications of

  9. ALOITTAVAN YRITYKSEN LIIKETOIMINTA-SUUNNITELMA : Case: Tuontivaatteita myyvä verkkokauppa


    Finnilä, Ilkka


    Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana oli muotivaatteita myyvä verkkokauppayritys, joka tullaan perustamaan Ylivieskaan. Yrityksen perustajina toimivat Veli-Pekka Hyväri ja Md Rokonuzzaman. Yrityksen on tarkoitus aloittaa toimintansa ja lanseerata oma vaatemallisto markkinoille lähivuosina. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli avata liiketoimintasuunnitelman tekoprosessia ja sisältöä sekä laatia liiketoimintasuunnitelma perustettavalle yritykselle. Liiketoimintasuunnitelman oli tarkoitus auttaa yritys...

  10. Arhitektuuriuudised / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Mari Cucinella päikesepaneelidel töötav Pekingi uus ülikoolihoone. Arhitektuuristuudio Van der Merwe Miszewski projekteeritud eramu, mis koosneb kolmest, üksteisega risti asetsevast hooneosast, maastiku kujundaja Tarba Klitzner. Hiroaki Ohtani ribimaja 34 m2 suurusel krundil Kobes. AB Verstas Arkkitehdit Oy projekteeritud lahtise vahekäiguga saun. Gernot Hertli kuupjas eramaja romantilises Austria vanalinnas Waidhofen an der Ybbs. Pekka Mäki suvevilla Turu saarestiku kaljusel rannikul

  11. Baltika kvartal = Baltika Quarter / Maris Kerge, Kadri Kerge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kerge, Maris


    Rekonstrueeritud Baltika tööstushoonest: Moetänavast ja AS Baltika büroodest. Projekteerija, sisearhitektuur büroode osas: Studio 3 (4 arhitekti), büroo Kolm Pluss Üks (9 arhitekti). Sisearhitektuur Moetänava osas: Pekka Porkanen, Maris Kerge, Ott Kangur, Maire Milder, Lembit-Kaur Stöör, Ülo-Tarmo Stöör, Lauri Eltermaa, Pärtel Eelma. Projekt: 2007-2009, valmis: 2009

  12. The number of sectors and other risk factors related to fatigue among shorthaul commercial pilots in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inne Yuliawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Kelelahan penerbang sipil, termasuk pada penerbangan jarak dekat, dapat mempengaruhi fungsikognitif penerbang sehingga membahayakan keselamatan penerbangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasifaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kelelahan penerbang sipil pada penerbangan jarak dekat di Indonesia.Metode: Desain penelitian potong lintang dengan purposive sampling dilakukan di antara penerbang jarak dekatdengan rating Boeing 737 series yang melaksanakan pengujian kesehatan di Balai Kesehatan Penerbanganperiode 5-26 Mei, 2014. Kelelahan diukur dengan Self-Reporting Questionnaire, Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS.Data dikumpulkan dengan pengisian kuesioner oleh subyek yang meliputi demografi, pekerjaan, kehilanganwaktu tidur (Epworth Sleepiness Scale - ESS, faktor personal, dukungan manajemen, dan FSS. Analisis regresilinear dipakai untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dominan berkaitan kelelahan.Hasil: Di antara 785 penerbang yang melaksanakan pengujian kesehatan, 382 bersedia berpartisipasi, dan239 penerbang yang memenuhi kriteria. Rata-rata skala kelelahan adalah 4,66 (standar deviasi 1,202.Faktor-faktor dominan yang mempertinggi skala kelelahan adalah jumlah sektor 24 jam terakhir, jam terbangpenugasan di luar jadwal, dan kehilangan waktu tidur. Setiap penambahan 1 sektor dalam 24 jam terakhirmeningkatkan 0,371 skala kelelahan [koefisien regresi (β = 0,371; P = 0,000]. Selanjutnya setiap penambahan1 jam terbang penugasan di luar jadwal mempertinggi 0,033 skala kelelahan (β = 0,033; P = 0,000. Sedangkan setiap penambahan 1 nilai ESS mempertinggi 0,043 skala kelelahan (β = 0,043; P = 0,008.Kesimpulan: Penambahan jumlah sektor 24 jam terakhir, kehilangan waktu tidur, dan penambahanjam terbang penugasan di luar jadwal mempertinggi risiko kelelahan di antara penerbang sipil padapenerbangan jarak dekat di Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:69-75Kata kunci: kelelahan, jumlah sektor, penerbang sipil, Indonesia

  13. Fifteen years of heating enterprise in southern Finland; Laempoeyrittaejyyttae Uudellamaalla jo 15 vuotta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vuorio, K.; Lahdensaari-Natt, L., Email:, Email:


    Heating entrepreneurs produce heat locally and sell heat to the end user at an agreed price. Heat is usually produced by burning wood chips from the companys own forests or from the surrounding forests. There were more than 500 heating plants run by heating entrepreneurs in Finland in the beginning of 2012. Some thirty of them were situated in the area of Uusimaa in southern Finland. It seems that heating entrepreneurship is steadily gaining ground, since the amount of heating plants has increased annually by around twenty. TTS-Tyoetehoseura (Work Efficiency Institute) started the nationwide research and development of heating entrepreneurship in 1993. At that time there were only three heating companies in Finland. The first started to operate in Uusimaa during 1994-1998. Among the first heating plants to be built in 1998 were Perttula Vocational School (KEUDA) with 500 kiloWatts capacity in Nurmijaervi, Ohkola school with 200 kiloWatts capacity in Maentsaelae and the Vaestankvarn schoolfarm with 700 kiloWatts capacity in Inkoo, of which we will give more info about in this bulletin. (orig.)

  14. Arhitektuuriuudised / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Radikaalne kortermaja Itaalias Bolzanos, kus terrassid ja korteri vahelduvad fassaadil ja lähevad sujuvalt üksteiseks üle. Pouya Khazaeli Parsa projekteeritud villa Teherani lähedal, mis valminud Le Corbusier' loomingu eeskujul. Bitumi ja Pekka Manneri ülimoodne avalik tualett Suomenlinnas. Wolfgang Feyferliki ja Susi Fritzeri projekteeritud eramu, mis sobitub edukalt tammede vahele. Mätaskatusega pargipaviljon Lääne-Holsteinis. Šveitsi Alpidesse projekteeritud elamiskompleks, kus leitud vanaeuroopalik tasakaal vana ja uue vahel

  15. Uudiseid maailmast / Nele-Eva Steinfeld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    Lühisõnumeid muusikamaailmast: Paavo Järvi ordeni Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Letters kavaler. Esa-Pekka Salonen pälvis Grawemeyeri auhinna. Suri Montserrat Figueras. Inglise plaadifirma EMI oksjonil. Erkki-Sven Tüüri värske teos "Flamma". Sibeliuse Kaheksanda sümfoonia visandid. Helsingi Musiikkitalo juhid lahkusid ametist. Anne-Sophie Mutteri 35 aastat lavateed ja Gustav Adolfi preemia. Norwegian Air plaanib keelata tšellode transpordi lunnukikabiinis jne.

  16. Vene propaganda kasutab eesti ajaloolasi Eesti vastu / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Kaliningradis toimunud konverentsist "Rahvusvaheline teaduslik konverents Balti uuringud Venemaal", kus esines ka Tallinna ülikooli ajaloolane Magnus Ilmjärv rääkides ajaloo rollist Eesti-Vene suhetes ja kõneledes ka holokaustist

  17. Ema veab võitlust Tallinna TV vastu / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Kerstin Raidma algatas kampaania "Maha Tallinna TV - raha lasteaedadele". Tema koostatud petitsioonile on alla kirjutanud ligi 4500 inimest, liikumisest on välja kasvanud MTÜ Kodaniku Hääl. K. Raidma eestvedamisel esitati Tallinna linnavolikogule eelnõu, milles nõutakse lasteaedadele rohkem raha

  18. Hitler ja tema Eesti jüngrid / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Vt. ka Vesti : Nedelja Pljus Mar/3 lk. 16. Vabadussõjalased ehk natsid ei olnud ainsad Eesti paremäärmuslased. 1930. aastate algul asutas baltisakslane Victor von Zur Mühlen Eestis Balti natsionaal-sotsialistliku liikumise

  19. Muusikauudiseid maailmast / Ia Remmel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remmel, Ia, 1965-


    Lühisõnumeid maailmast: Gidon Kremer pälvis Praemium Imperiale preemia. Selgunud on Gramophone'i auhindade laureaadid. Shanghai viiulikonkursi võitis jaapanlanna Mayu Kishima. Esa-Pekka Salonenil uus positsioon Soome Rahvusooperis. Murray Perahia vahetas Sony plaadifirma DG vastu. Korea dirigent Myung-Whun Chung uues ametis. Marcel Johannes Kits võitis Johanes Brahmsi nimelise konkursi Austrias. Eurovisiooni klassikakonkursi võitis poola saksofonist Lukasz Dyczko. Edvard Griegi konkursi võitis Ah Ruem Ahn. Suri suupillivirtuoos Toots Thielemans

  20. Kultuurkapitali aastapreemiad 2004 / Sverre Laanjärv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laanjärv, Sverre


    Eesti Kultuurkapitali peapreemia sai Toomas Rank Rägavere mõisa ennistamise eest. Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali renoveerimispreemia - Mari Kurismaa, Eesti Draamateatri interjööride renoveerimine; objektipreemia - Martin Aunin, Ülemiste hotell; interjööripreemia - Jan Joonas Graps, Ken-Kristjan Ruut, "Jungenti" büroo; arhitektuurse tegevuse preemia - Veneetsia biennaali Eesti väljapaneku "Time Out Architecture" autorid (Kristjan Holm ning Liina Jänes, Agu Külm, Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara, Pille Epner, Madis Jürgen, Tõnu Kaalep, Ingmar Muusikus)

  1. Elulähedus enne ja nüüd / Marin Roose

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roose, Marin


    Kirjandusmuuseumi kevadsessioon 24. ja 25. mail Nüplis. Ülevaade ettekannetest: Piret Noorhani "Tagasi maailma lõpust", Mihkel Volt "Romantiline kunstnikumüüt ja orbiitlus", Marin Laak "Eesti kirjanikud eluläheduse kaevikuis", Pekka Erelt "Sõda A. Kivikase loomingus", Toomas Muru "Marginaale arbujate elulähedasest vaimulähedusest", Arne Merilai "Lähemale elulähedusele", Peeter Olesk "Vaimulähedus 1960. aastatel. Aga elu?", Piret Viires "Haiguste ravi, kontrollitud, Eesti noor proosa ja elulähedus"

  2. Arhitektuuriaasta 2004 = The year in architecture 2004 / Epp Lankots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lankots, Epp, 1976-


    Arhitektuuriauhindade nominentidest ja premeeritutest. Eesti Kultuurkapitali aastapreemia sai Toomas Rank Rägavere mõisa renoveerimise eest. Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali renoveerimispreemia - Mari Kurismaa, Eesti Draamateatri interjööride renoveerimine; objektipreemia - Martin Aunin, Ülemiste hotell; interjööripreemia - Jan Joonas Graps, Ken-Kristjan Ruut, "Jungenti" büroo; arhitektuurse tegevuse preemia - Kristjan Holm, Liina Jänes, Agu Külm, Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara, Pille Epner, Madis Jürgen, Tõnu Kaalep, Ingmar Muusikus, Eesti ekspositsioon "Aeg-maha-arhitektuur" Veneetsia arhitektuuribiennaalil

  3. Arhitektuuriuudised / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Elamurajoon Witbrant (Jacq de Brouwer, Erna van Sambeek) Tilburgis Lõuna-Hollandis. Kaubakonteineritest kokkuopandav reisimuuseum (Shigeru Ban). Säästlik, kerge, transporditav ja vähese materjalikuluga näidismaja (Richard Horden, saksa AB Haack + Höpfner). Ristikujuline maja (Bevk Perovic Arhitektid) Ljubljanas. Onnist inspireeritud pargikeskus (Chris Thurlbourne) Taani Rahvuspargis. Eestile ja muuseumidele pühendatud Soome arhitektuuriajakirja Arkkitehti 2006. a. 3. numbrist. Autoritest nimetatud Jorma Mukala, Pekka Vapaavuori, Leonhard Lapin, Triin Ojari, Tarja Nurmi (retsensioon Karin Hallas-Murula raamatule "Soome-Eesti : sajand arhitektuurisuhted)

  4. Penilaian Kriteria Green Building Pada Gedung Teknik Sipil ITS


    Putri, Aristia A; Rohman, M. Arif; Utomo, Christiono


    Green building merupakan suatu konsep bangunan ramah lingkungan yang sudah menjadi perhatian khusus di berbagai negara dan mulai diterapkan di Indonesia. Konsep Green Building merupakan salah satu upaya penghematan energi yang dapat diterapkan pada suatu gedung. Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan untuk mengukur rating/sertifikasi sebagai tolak ukur sudah sejauh mana tingkat green building gedung-gedung di ITS, dengan cara melakukan pengukuran langsung, yang dilakukan oleh peneliti berdasark...


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    Elly Rosalina


    Full Text Available Kontribusi yang diberikan oleh retribusi daerah terhadap PAD di Kabupaten Kudus sudah cukup besar, namun masih belum optimal dan bahkan kecenderungan menurun, sehingga perlu ditemukan permasalahannya dan dipecahkan agar tidak memberikan gangguan bagi penerimaan asli daerah dan kinerja pemerintahan Kabupaten Kudus. Variabel-variabel penelitian yaitu jumlah rumah sakit dan puskesmas, penerbitan KTP dan akta catatan sipil, jumlah kendaraan bermotor bersama-sama merupakan penyumbang bagi penerimaan retribusi daerah dalam bentuk pos pungutan retribusi daerah. Berdasarkan analisis dapat diperoleh hasil bahwa jumlah rumah sakit dan puskesmas memberikan kontribusi bagi pos retribusi pelayanan kesehatan dengan rata-rata sebesar 66,3% per tahun yang tumbuh cenderung meningkat dari tahun 2001 hingga tahun 2011 dan menurun pada tahun 2012 dan 2013, jumlah penerbitan KTP dan akta catatan sipil memberikan kontribusi bagi pos retribusi ganti cetak KTP, KK dan akta catatan sipil dengan rata-rata sebesar 1,73% per tahun dengan pertumbuhan cenderung meningkat dari tahun 2001 hingga 2008 dan mengalami penurunan pada tahun 2009 hingga 2013, jumlah kendaraan diproyeksikan oleh pos penerimaan retribusi parkir di tepi jalan umum, retribusi pengujian kendaraan bermotor, retribusi terminal, retribusi tempat parkir dan retribusi ijin trayek dengan rata-rata sebesar 7,62% per tahun dengan pertumbuhan rata-rata 20% pertahun.  Retribution income in Kudus gives a big contribution into government self-income, but in the last years the retribution income of Kudus region is not significant and it tends to attenuate. Considering to this current background, it is necessary to ascertain and solve the issues, particularly in order to bear the governmental self-income and disrupt to the work of the regional government of Kudus. The research variables are the number of hospital and puskesmas, the number of civilian registration and the number of vehicle. These variables in the

  6. The eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers: Knowledge Manage-ment across the Sourcing Life-cycle


    Laaksonen, Pekka


    Laaksonen, Pekka The eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers: Knowledge Manage-ment across the Sourcing Life-cycle Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2011, 42 s. Tietojärjestelmätiede, kandidaatintutkielma Ohjaaja(t): Käkölä, Timo Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa selvitettiin sitä, miten the eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers-mallin käytännöt (practices) ovat liittyneet tietä-myksenhallinnan neljään prosessiin: tiedon luominen, varastointi/noutaminen, jakamine...

  7. "Vaibaparadiisist" saab puhkajate paradiis / Jukka-Pekka Pajunen ; interv. Margit Aedla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pajunen, Jukka-Pekka


    Kinnisvarafirma Arco Vara ja Soome juhtiv vaba aja sisustaja Holiday Club Finland kavandavad Tallinnasse aastaks 2007 Põhjamaade suurimat spaahotelli. Holiday Club Finlandi projektidirektor spaade turust Eestis, Holiday City Tallinna spaa eripärast ja eelistest võrreldes teiste Eesti spaadega, selle sihtrühmast ning hindadest, Soomes tegutsevatest spaadest. Lisad: Holiday City Tallinn; Taust. Kommenteerib Arco Vara investeerimisdivisjoni projektijuht Jüri Kuusk

  8. Silmakirjalik aastasada / Vaapo Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Vaapo, 1945-


    Tutvustus: Hyvärinen, Pekka. Soome mees : Urho Kekkose elu / tlk. Tauno Vahter. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2006 ; Tuchman, Barbara W. Augustikahurid / tlk. Armand Tungal ja Tõnis Värnik. Tallinn : Varrak, 2006 ; Ernesaks, Viive. Viiv. Tallinn : Varrak, 2006 ; Kiik, Heino. Leida ennast : 1954-1963. Viies raamat. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2006 ; Lotman, Juri. Vestlusi vene kultuurist : Vene aadli argielu ja traditsioonid 18. sajandil ja 19. sajandi algul. 2 / [tõlkinud Kajar Pruul]. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2006 ; Lotman, Mihhail. Pistriku talvekarje : esseid Joseph Brodsky poeetikast ja surmast. Tallinn : Varrak, 2005

  9. Euroopa parimad puitfassaadid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa puiduajakirja Building Europe, Euroopa ja Põhjamaade Puidunõukogu korraldatud konkursist. Žürii tõstis esile 7 tööd: Kärsämäki küla puukirik Soomes (Anssi Lassila ja Oulu Ülikool), Weald and Downland'i vabaõhumuuseumi sõrestikkonstruktsioon (Edward Cullinan & John Romer) ja Maa Keskuse varikatus (Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP) Suurbritannias, Skautide klubihoone Hollandis (Maarten Min & Jetti Min), suvila Austrias (Marte Marte Architekten), Soome saatkond (Pekka Mäki, Rauno Lehtinen, Toni Peltola) ja Nordrhein-Westfaleni liidumaa esindus (Thomas Pink) Berliinis. 9 värv. ill

  10. Kumutekitav arhitektuuriaasta 2005 = The Kumu-lative year in architecture 2005 / Liina Jänes, Karin Paulus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jänes, Liina, 1977-


    Eesti Kultuurkapitali aastapreemia 2005 - Kumu Kunstimuuseum, arhitekt Pekka Vapaavuori. Objektipreemia - büroohoone City Plaza - Alver Trummal Arhitektid (Andres Alver, Tiit Trummal, Martin Melioranski, Indrek Rünkla). Arhitektuuri ja sisekujunduse parima terviku preemia - Jõelähtme golfiklubi, arhitekt Andres Siim, sisearhitekt Juta Lember. Tegevuaspreemia - Teddy Böckler, Tallinna raekoja pikaajalise uurimis- ja restaureerimistöö, raamatu "Tallinna raekoda : uurimine ja restaureerimine 1952-2004" eest. Teadustöö preemia - Karin Hallas-Murula, kahe eesti-soome teemalise arhitektuuriuurimuse eest: "Suurlinn Tallinn: Eliel Saarineni "Suur-Tallinna" projekt, 1913" ja "Soome-Eesti - sajand arhitektuurisuhteid"


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    Subagyo Subagyo


    Full Text Available Police at this time not only have the duty as a “crime hunter” and “law enforcement”, but they are required to act as a “problem solving oriented team, maintaining order officers, public servant, public observer and chief executive officer” who are solid in pluralism and social problems in the community. That is part of the efforts to change the old culture of police officers and build civilian character of police. Building a new culture can be started by setting up Police Academy officer with civilian character. Departing from the strategic issues, empirical research on the Police Academy Tarun and devices that contribute to the development of civilian police as the educational system , training and care at the Police Academy are required.Problems discussed in this research are: (1 How far the Police Academy Taruna has an understanding on civilian police? (2 how much education / teaching contributed to the development of civilian police? (3 How much training gave effect on the development of civilian police? (4 how parenting affects the development of the civilian police? The purpose of this study are: (1 Knowing the understanding of the Police Academy Taruna on Civilian Police; (2 Knowing that education / teaching contributed to the development of civilian police, (3 Knowing that training influence on the development of civilian police, (4 Knowing that parenting influence the development of civilian police.This study uses a quantitative approach. Target of the research is the Police Academy Taruna level II and III. Samples of the research is conducted by using stratified proportional random sampling. The independent variablecomprised three variables, namely Education / Teaching, training, and parenting. Dependent variable is the Civilian Police. The data collection wa done by using a questionnaire, collecting the relevant documents and interviews. Data were analyzed with regression techniques. Results showed that education / teaching, training and parenting together contribute positively to the development of the Civilian Police with significance level 0.05 with F = 23.916 count is greater than the F table = 3.943. It can be concluded that the education / teaching, training and parenting give a positive contribution to the process of building a civilian character to Police Academy Taruna. Based on the results of these studies, it is suggested that in order to support the development of civilian police to the Police Academy Taruna in Indonesia, it is required a process of education / teaching, training and nurturing that consistently have to really put forward the principles that form a picture of civilian police, so that in the future, these three things can be a guidance / reference in creating the Police Academy Tarun with police civilian character.

  12. Uudiseid maailmast / Nele-Eva Steinfeld, Ia Remmel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    Lühisõnumeid muusikamaailmast: Erkki-Sven Tüüri teose "De profundis" esiettekanne Helsingis. Mitu Soome orkestrit sulgemise ohus. Muusikud protesteerivad kahe Saksamaa orkestri ühendamise vastu. Barenboim lahkub La Scalast enne lepingu lõppemist. Sir John Eliot Gardiner andis välja Bachi kantaadid ja uue raamatu. Salzburgi festival käsitleb sõjateemat. Wagneri "Sõrmus" mälupulgal. Universal Music Classics. Lang Lang nimetati ÜRO rahusaadikuks. Sir John Tavener (1944-2013). György Kurtag ja Andras Schiff pälvivad kuldmedali. Pekka Kuusisto sai Põhjamaade Nõukogu muusikaauhinna. Sten Lassmann Elleri plaadiseeriast Gramophone'is ja International Pianos

  13. Uue ringhäälingumaja arhitektuurikonkurss / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu hoone (Tallinn, Tuisu t.) arhitektuurikonkursi võitis Erik Nobel Taani arhitektuuribüroost Nobel Arkitekter tööga "Ring-Hääl-Hing". II - Trevor Harris ja Taru Niskanen Soome arhitektuuribüroost Harris ja Kjisk Oy tööga "Mediatetris". III - Jaak Looveer, Indrek Järve, Tõnu Laanemäe, Lauri Saar, kaasautor Toomas Paaver arhitektuuribüroost Paik tööga "Mänd". Ergutuspreemiad - Pekka Lassila arhitektuuribüroo ja büroo HG Arhitektuur. Arvamust avaldavad žürii (loetletud) liikmed Toomas Rein, Andres Jõesaar, Toomas Tammis ja Ignar Fjuk

  14. Saksa turist leidis Eestist ülikalli ikooni / Pekka Erelt, Tarmo Vahter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Baden-Württenbergis asuva ikoonigalerii omanik Renate Gerstenlauer ostis 2006. aastal Tallinna antiigipoest ikooni, mis varjas 16. saj. Pihkvas loodud pühapildi osa. Ikooni ostmisest ja restaureerimisest


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    Habi Kusno


    Abstrak perlindungan hukum hak cipta terhadap pencipta lagu yang diunduh melalui internet dilakukan dengan cara yaitu secara administrasi, melalui instrumen hukum pidana dan gugatan perdata. Upaya hukum yang dilakukan dalam melindungi hak cipta pencipta lagu yang diunduh melalui internet dilakukan beberapa cara yaitu Kementerian Informasi dan Teknologi untuk berperan aktif dalam melakukan pemblokiran terhadap situs-situs yang menyediakan fasilitas download lagu gratis dan menyiapkan sumber daya manusia di bidang penyidikan seperti dari Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia serta Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan lainnya seperti jaksa dan hakim yang memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan di bidang HKI serta peran Dewan Hak Cipta untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai arti penting HKI.   Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Hak Cipta, Lagu, Internet

  16. KETERKAITAN JALUR KERETA API BATAVIA – CILACAP DENGAN SISTEM PERTAHANAN HINDIA BELANDA DI PULAU JAWA The Relation between The Railway Routes of Batavia - Cilacap And The Defense System of Dutch Colonial Government in Java Island

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    Iwan Hermawan


    Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengungkapkan keterkaitan antara jaringan jalan kereta api dengan pertahanan pemerintah kolonial Belanda di pulau Jawa. Pendekatan Deskriptif digunakan pada tulisan ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kegiatan studi pustaka, studi peta, dan survei. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan keruangan. Pembangunan jaringan kereta api bertujuan utama untuk memperlancar lalu lintas barang dan jasa. Keberadaannya juga memiliki arti penting dalam sistem pertahanan pulau Jawa. Kereta api merupakan angkutan massal bagi prajurit dan persenjataan ke medan perang. Pada kondisi darurat, kereta api juga merupakan sarana transportasi untuk mengevakuasi warga sipil dan pemimpin pemerintahan ke tempat pengungsian yang terlindung dan aman.   Kata  kunci : jalan kereta api, strategi militer, angkutan massal

  17. Total working period and other risk factors related to eating protein foods habits among civil pilots in Indonesia

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    Indah Imelda Hutabarat


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Kebiasaan makan protein yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan penyakit ginjal dan hati serta meningkatkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya inkapasitasi pada pilot. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor sosiodemografi dan faktor lainnya terhadap kebiasaan makan protein berlebih pada pilot sipil di Indonesia. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang menggunakan data sekunder Survei kebiasaan makan, minum dan latihan fisik pada pilot  sipil di Indonesia 2016. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah karakteristik demografi, kebiasaan latihan fisik, pengetahuan, indeks massa tubuh dan karakteristik penerbangan. Analisis regresi cox dipakai untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kebiasaan makan protein berlebih. Hasil: Di antara 528 pilot yang berusia 19-64 tahun, 194 (36.74% pilot memiliki kebiasaan makan protein berlebih. Lama masa kerja dan indeks massa tubuh menjadi faktor risiko dominan yang berkaitan dengan kebiasaan makan protein berlebih pada pilot. Jika dibandingkan dengan pilot dengan lama masa kerja 1 – 9 tahun, pilot dengan masa kerja 10 – 40 tahun berisiko 35% lebih kecil memiliki kebiasaan makan protein berlebih (RRa = 0.65 ; 95% CI 0.49 – 0.87. Jika dibandingkan dengan pilot dengan indeks massa tubuh normal, pilot yang overweight berisiko 34% lebih  kecil  memiliki kebiasaan makan protein berlebih (RRa = 0.66 ; 95% CI 0.47 – 0.93. Kesimpulan: Masa kerja yang lebih panjang dan overweight merupakan faktor protektif terhadap risiko kebiasaan makan protein berlebih Kata kunci: kebiasaan makan protein, lama masa kerja, indeks massa tubuh, pilot sipil Indonesia       ABSTRACT Background: Excessive protein eating habits may cause kidney and liver disease and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease leading to incapacitation of the pilot. The purpose of this study was to identify sociodemographic and other factors on protein eating habits among civilian

  18. Conference “Computational Analysis and Optimization” (CAO 2011)

    CERN Document Server

    Tiihonen, Timo; Tuovinen, Tero; Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Optimization, and Technological Problems : Dedicated to Professor P. Neittaanmäki on His 60th Birthday


    This book contains the results in numerical analysis and optimization presented at the ECCOMAS thematic conference “Computational Analysis and Optimization” (CAO 2011) held in Jyväskylä, Finland, June 9–11, 2011. Both the conference and this volume are dedicated to Professor Pekka Neittaanmäki on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. It consists of five parts that are closely related to his scientific activities and interests: Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Problems; Reliable Methods for Computer Simulation; Analysis of Noised and Uncertain Data; Optimization Methods; Mathematical Models Generated by Modern Technological Problems. The book also includes a short biography of Professor Neittaanmäki.

  19. Self-Esteem dan Makna Hidup pada Pensiunan Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS

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    Riris Setyarini


    significant correlation between self-esteem and life meaning in the retired civil servants, r=0.615, p= 0.000 (α<0.01. The research subjects scored higher than expected in the mentioned scales because the empiric score is larger than hypothetic score. The effective contribution of self-esteem variable towards life meaning is 38%.

  20. Self-Esteem dan Makna Hidup pada Pensiunan Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS)


    Riris Setyarini; Nuryati Atamimi


    The main purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between self-esteem and life meaning in retired civil servants of Republic of Indonesia. The additional aim is to determine the level of self-esteem and life meaning amongst the subjects. There were 32 retired civil servants selected as research subjects using the purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted on October 13, 2012, from 09:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the PWRI Srandakan office in Srandakan, Bantul, Yog...

  1. Self-Esteem Dan Makna Hidup Pada Pensiunan Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS)


    Setyarini, Riris; Atamimi, Nuryati


    The main purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between self-esteem and life meaning in retired civil servants of Republic of Indonesia. The additional aim is to determine thelevel of self-esteem and life meaning amongst the subjects. There were 32 retired civil servants selected as research subjects using the purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted onOctober 13, 2012, from 09:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the PWRI Srandakan office in Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta....

  2. Pentingnya Perbandingan Nilai-Nilai Spesifik antara Mahasiswa Akuntansi dan Teknik Sipil

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    Sri Suryaningsum


    Full Text Available This research analyzed, appeals and differentiaves the specific values between accounting students and civil engineering students from some universities in Jogjakarta. Specific values is value which differentiaves student behavior specifically where specific values contens about individuality value, social value, theoretical values, and esthetic value. The data is used a questioner from Rokeach’s model and Schwartz’s model. Measurement is conducted with Likert Scale. The analysis instrument uses t-test. The result of analysis show that there differentiation the specific value between accounting students and engineering students where the differentiation is in the esthetic value.

  3. Membangun Sistem Rekrutmen Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Pada Era Otonomi Daerah

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    Mahathir Muhammad Iqbal


    Full Text Available The concept of decentralization which manifests the concept of local autonomy has implications for efforts to strengthen regional governance based on local potential, including strengthening resource management apparatus is characterized by the process and implementation of personnel management started from procurement personnel consisting of; planning, formation, recruitment and selection, development, promotion, remuneration, discipline, and dismissal or retirement. Procedures and implementation of recruitment candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS from internal sources (Workers Honorary and from external sources (the general public or a common path, and potentially very susceptible to spoil the practice of system and Nepo system. One of the efforts that must be made to minimize all forms of deviation in the framework of the process of recruitment and implementation is to implement a merit system, as the antithesis of giving jobs on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, political award, gender discrimination, personal favoritism, or the selection of equipment valid.

  4. Kumu Kunstimuuseum / Pekka Vapaavuori, Pia Sabelström, Pille Lausmäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vapaavuori, Pekka, 1962-


    II ja V korruse plaan, 2 välis- ja 5 sisevaadet; fotod: Kaido Haagen; projekteerija: Arkkitehtitoimisto Vapaavuori OY, 7 kaasautorit loetletud; sisekujundus: P. Sabelström; mööbel: P. Lausmäe, maastik: DIA Arhitektuur

  5. Peran Strategis Profesi Public Relations dalam Membangun Kemitraan Berbasis Nilai Spiritual

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    Ani Yuningsih


    Full Text Available Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisis realitas sosial yang terjadi di kalangan profesi public relations (PR, sebagai profesi yang diharapkan mampu berperan secara strategis dalam meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM di Jawa Barat Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk menjawab: 1 Bagaimana peran  profesi public relations dalam membangun nilai-nilai utama dari corporate culture di  perusahaan atau organisasinya ?; 2 Bagaimana peran profesi PR dalam mentransformasi dan mensosialisasikan nilai-nilai spiritual corporate social responsibility di  perusahaan atau organisasinya ?; 3 Bagaimana peran perusahaan atau organisasinya dalam meningkatkan IPM di Jawa Barat ?; 4 Faktor apa saja yang harus diperhatikan dalam upaya peningkatan IPM di Jawa Barat ?; dan 5 Kendala apa saja yang dihadapi dalam membangun kemitraan dengan pemerintah dan komunitas sipil lainnya untuk berpartisipasi dalam peningkatan IPM di Jawa Barat ? Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis, dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner kepada para praktisi dan akademisi public relations di Jawa Barat, yang hadir pada Seminar Public Relations  dan Musyawarah Daerah Humas 2006, BPC Cabang Bandung-Jawa Barat, tanggal 13 September 2006, di Hotel Savoy Homan Bandung. Peneliti juga melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada para narasumber yang sekaligus menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini. Dari 70 kuesioner yang disebarkan, hanya sebanyak 52 yang bisa diolah dan dianalisis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa: 1 Profesi PR berperan strategis dalam membangun nilai-nilai utama yang akan menjadi fondasi bagi bangunan budaya perusahaan (corporate culture dimana ia berkarya; 2 Profesi PR juga berperan strategis dalam proses transformasi dan sosialisasi nilai-nilai spiritual yang diwujudkan ke dalam peluncuran program-program CSR perusahaan/lembaga; 3 Peran perusahaan/ lembaga dalam meningkatkan IPM adalah menjalin kemitraan dengan pemerintah dan komunitas sipil

  6. No more coal-fired units

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    According to Minister of the Environment Pekka Haavisto natural gas, bioenergy and renewables are the ways of responding to future base load power need. Greenhouse gas emissions using natural gas are around 60 % of those with coal. Increasing the share of generation accounted for by natural gas in the Nordic region is just as feasible in principle as elsewhere in Europe. A good proportion of new power stations elsewhere in the community are natural gas-fired. Vattenfall is planning a combined cycle station in the 700 - 900 MW range for Imatra, and Imatran Voima a 600 MW gas-fired unit for Inkoo. Replacing coal with natural gas is an essential part of efforts to stabile CO 2 emissions

  7. Total flight hours, irritated and burning eye and risk of mild myopia in civilian pilots in Indonesia

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    Pritha Maya Savitri


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Miopia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang sering terjadi di antara penerbang. Penelitianini bertujuan mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor risiko dominan terhadap miopia ringan pada penerbang sipildi Indonesia.Metode: Subyek adalah penerbang sipil pria berusia 21-45 tahun yang dipilih secara purposif di antara yangsedang melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Jakarta. Data tajampenglihatan dan gula darah didapatkan dari rekam medik. Miopia ringan adalah subyek dengan penurunantajam penglihatan dengan koreksi lensa -0,25 sampai dengan -0,30. Analisis data dengan regresi Coxmenggunakan Stata 10.Hasil: Persentase miopia ringan dalam penelitian ini sebesar 36%. Faktor risiko dominan terhadap myopiaringan adalah jam terbang total, riwayat orang tua myopia, dan gejala iritasi dan gatal mata. Subyekdengan dibandingkan dengan yang kurang dari 1000 jam terbang 28% lebih tinggi berisiko myopia ringan[risiko relatif suaian (RRa = 1,28; 95% interval kepercayaan (CI =1,00-1,64; P = 0,047]. Subyek dengandibandingkan ttanpa riwayat orang tua myopia 32% lebih tinggi berisiko myopia ringan (RRa = 5,32; 95%CI = 3,75-7,55; P = 0,000. Sedangkan subyek dengan dibandingkan tanpa gejala iritasi mata 48% lebihbesar berisiko miopia ringan RRa = 1,48; 95% CI = 1,19-1,85; P = 0,001. Subyek dengan dibandingkantanpa gejala iritasi mata 46% lebih berisiko miopia ringan (RRa = 0,46; 95% CI = 0,26-0,83; P = 0,009.Kesimpulan: Jam terbang total lebih dari 1000 jam, riwayat orang tua miopia, iritasi mata merupakanfaktor risiko dominan terhadap miopia ringan pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. (Health Science Journalof Indonesia 2016;7:49-53Kata kunci: miopia ringan, penerbang sipil, jam terbang, Indonesia Background: Spatial orientation is the main problem to pilots that determined by visual, vestibuler andpropioseptif. This study aims to identify several dominant risk factors related to mild myopia in civilianpilots in Indonesia

  8. Hubungan Antara Stress Dengan Perilaku Merokok Pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil Laki-laki


    Rizkiani, Melly; Widyastuti, Rita Hadi


    Stress is a condition that could be experienced by everybody, including civil employees. Stress in civil employees could be derived from work problems, household problems, and neighborhood problems. Stress is one of many reasons for some people to smoke. Based on the result of observation and informal interview to some civil employees in Regional Secretariat Office of Brebes District, there are 86% from 173 employees that smoke. The goal of this research is to know the relationship between st...

  9. Väikesed viieukselised / Jussa Nieminen, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nieminen, Jussa


    TM võrdleb viieukselisi väikeautosid: Ford Fiesta 1,0 EcoBoost Titanium; Kia Rio 1,4 EX; Peugeot 208 VTi 82 Allure; Renault Clio TCe 90 Expression; Seat Ibiza 1,2 TSI 77 kW Style Ecomotive; Toyota Yaris 1,33 Dual VVT-i VSC 73kW Linea Terra

  10. 15 aastat ehitamist Eestis / Ado Eigi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eigi, Ado, 1938-2008


    Eesti arhitektuur viimase 15 aasta jooksul. Loetletud parimad arhitektuuriteosed: Mardi talu Saaremaal (Jüri Okas, 2002); Transgroup Investi büroohoone Tallinnas (Urmas Lõoke, 2005); Ferrumi kaubanduskeskuse hoone Kuressaares (Andres Alver, Tiit Trummal, Tarmo Laht, Indrek Rünkla, Ulla Mets, 2002); KUMU kunstimuuseum (Pekka Vapaavuori, 2005); Lootsi 3a korterelamu Tallinnas (Hanno Grossschmidt, 2005); City Plaza Tallinnas (Andres Alver, Tiit Trummal, Martin Melioranski, Indrek Rünkla, 2005); Okupatsioonide muuseum (Indrek Peil, Siiri Vallner, 2003); Pärnu kesklinna koolide võimla (Katrin Koov, Kaire Nõmm, Heidi Urb, Siiri Vallner, 2005); De la Gardie kaubamaja Tallinnas (Andres Alver, Tiit Trummal, Tarmo Laht, 2000); Lasnamäe spordihoone Tallinnas (Siiri Vallner, Hanno Grossschmidt, Tomomi Hayashi, 2003); TTP büroohoone Tallinnas (Meelis Press, 2005)

  11. Total flight hours, irritated and burning eye and risk of mild myopia in civilian pilots in Indonesia

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    Pritha Maya Savitri


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang: Miopia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang paling sering terjadi di antara penerbang. Pada penerbang, koreksi  miopia yang tidak sesuai dapat mempengaruhi  orientasi ruang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi timbulnya miopia ringan pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. Metode : penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang dengan purposive sampling diantara pilot berusia 21-45 tahun yang sedang melaksanakan pemeriksaan ksehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan pada tanggal 5-21 Mei 2014. Subyek mengisi kuesioner sedangkan data tajam penglihatan didapatkan dari rekam medik. Analisis data dengan regresi Cox menggunakan Stata 9. Batasan miopia ringan adalah subyek dengan penurunan tajam penglihatan dan menggunakan lensa koreksi -0,25 s/d -0,30. Hasil : persentase miopia ringan dalam penelitian ini sebesar 36%. Subyek dengan jam terbang total 1000 jam atau lebih memiliki 28% resiko lebih tinggi untuk mengalami miopia ringan [risiko relatif (Rra = 1,28%; 95% interval kepercayaan (CI = 1,00-1,64; P= 0,047]. Adanya riwayat orang tua miopia akan meningkatkan risiko miopia ringan 5 kali (RRa=5,32; P=0,000. Subyek yang mengalami gejala kesulitan fokus memiliki risiko 48% lebih tinggi untuk mengalami miopia ringan (RRa = 1,48; 95% CI = 1,19-1,85; P = 0,001.  Subyek dengan gejala berupa iritasi mata, berpasir,rasa terbakar memiliki risiko 54% lebih rendah untuk mengalami miopia ringan (RRa = 0,46 ; 95% CI = 0,26-0,83; P = 0,009. Simpulan : Jam terbang total, riwayat orang tua miopia, adanya gejala kelelahan visual kesulitan fokus dan huruf berkabut merupakan faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap miopia ringan pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. Kata kunci : miopia ringan, penerbang sipil, jam terbang total, Indonesia.   Abstract Background: Spatial orientation is the main problem to pilot that determined by visual, vestibuler and propioseptif.  Myopia is more prevalent refraction error


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    ali sodiqin


    selatan dan pembentukan “peaceful village”. Jalur terakhir adalah jalur hukum yang dilakukan melalui intervensi hukum berupa pembatasan berlakunya hukum Islam serta kewenangan Dato’ Yuthithams, penghapusan peradilan Islam karena disatukan dengan peradilan sipil dan pemberlakuan hukum sipil Thai di Pattani. Proyek assimilasi ini mendapatkan perlawanan dari masyarakat Muslim Pattani, karena dianggap sebagai upaya dekulturisasi kultur Melayu Muslim yang menjadi identitas mereka. Tujuan perlawanan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan otonomi di wilayah Pattani hingga keinginan untuk menjadi negara yang merdeka.

  13. The Legal Implication of Palestine's Ad Hoc Declaration and Accession to the ICC's Jurisdiction Based on the Rome Statute 1998 (Case Study of Israeli Attacks on Gaza Strip from January 2009 to December 2014

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    Nabilla Utami Dhiya Rahmani


    Full Text Available Abstract The conflict between Israel and Palestine on Gaza Strip has caused not only military casualties but also civilian casualties which are protected by the international law. The protection of civilians in armed conflict is basically set in the Geneva Convention of 1949 which has been ratified by Israel and Palestine, in which violations of its provisions constitute war crimes. This paper discusses the mechanism of the International Criminal Court based on the Rome Statute 1998 in enforcing the law against war crimes on Gaza Strip. Articles 13 and 15 of Rome Statute 1998 provide jurisdiction for the settlement of an international criminal case. Palestine has made several attempts in accepting the jurisdiction of the ICC in 2009 and 2015, namely through their declaration and accession which further gave legal implication on the implementation of the international law. Based on these studies, this paper will further discuss the legal implication of the Palestine's declaration in 2009 and 2015, as well as its accession in 2015. Abstrak Konflik yang telah terjadi bertahun-tahun antara Israel dan Palestina di jalur Gaza telah memakan tidak hanya korban militer namun juga korban sipil yang dilindungi oleh hukum internasional. Perlindungan terhadap penduduk sipil dalam konflik bersenjata pada dasarnya diatur dalam Konvensi Jenewa IV tahun 1949 yang telah diratifikasi oleh Israel dan Palestina di mana pelanggaran terhadap ketentuannya merupakan kejahatan perang. Penulis dalam tulisan ini membahas mengenai mekanisme International Criminal Court berdasarkan Statuta Roma 1998 dalam menegakkan hukum terhadap kejahatan perang di jalur Gaza. Berdasarkan Statuta Roma 1998 Pasal 13 dan 15, ICC memiliki yurisdiksi atas penyelesaian suatu kasus pidana internasional yang diajukan negara anggota, rekomendasi Dewan Keamanan PBB, investigasi mandiri yang dilakukan oleh jaksa Mahkamah Pidana Internasional, atau deklarasi ad hoc yang dilakukan bagi negara bukan


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    Erwan Suryono


    Full Text Available This study aims to investigate factors that influence civil servants to whistle-blow fraud. It also investigates the effect of government’s bureaucracy reforming program on the civil servants’ intention to whistle-blow fraud. By employing the theory of reasoned action, this study included variables of subjective norms, attitudes, and whistle-blowing intentions. This study used primary data gathered from questionnaires of 293 respondents. Respondents were civil servants in the ministries/agencies that have and have not implemented bureaucratic reforms. The findings of this study indicated that subjective norms positively affected the attitudes and intentions of civil servants to report the wrongdoings. However, the attitudes had no significant effect on civil servants’ whistle-blowing intentions. In addition, there are no significant differences on subjective norms, attitudes, and whistle-blowing intentions between civil servants in ministries/agencies that have implemented bureaucratic reforms and civil servants in ministries/agencies that have not implement bureaucratic reforms.

  15. Prosedur Penerbitan Surat Izin Belajar Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lingkungan Pemerintahan Deli Serdang

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    Wahyu Rahmadhan


    Full Text Available This study aims to find out about the village government performance, especially in terms of cooperation, discipline, creativity, responsibility as well as identify obstacles and barriers to the performance of the Government of the District Rural Middle Bandar Khalifah Bedagai Serdang. Issues to be raised in this study are: (1 the performance of the Government of the District Rural Middle Bandar Khalifah Bedagai Serdang, (2 Barriers, constraints and performance tasks Village Government, (3 prevention efforts and performance bottleneck tasks Village Government Central City Subdistrict Bandar Khalifah Bedagai Serdang. This study uses a qualitative description as a method of data analysis that takes research location in Airport Village Head Office Central District of Bandar Khalifah Bedagai Serdang. Source of data in this study is the Village Head and local villagers. Data were collected by interviews and documentation. These results indicate that the performance of the Government of the District Rural Middle Bandar Khalifah Bedagai Serdang in terms of the gobernance process that emphasizes teamwork, discipline, creativity and responbilities have not been able provide maximum services that fit the needs of the community.

  16. Peran Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pada Guru Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS di Yogyakarta

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    Fatwa Tentama


    Full Text Available The problems faced by organizations is employee performance tends to decline over time resulting ineffectiveness of the organization. One of the factors that affect performance is job satisfaction. This study aims to determine empirically the correlation between job satisfaction and performance of the civil servant teachers. Subjects were 29 civil service teachers both male and female who become permanent employees and has worked at least 1 year in SLB Negeri 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. Data were collected using the Job Satisfaction Scale and the Performance Scale. Pearson’s product moment correlation were used to test the relationship between job satisfaction and teacher performance. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and performance of the civil servant teachers (rxy= .551; p= .001. The more satisfied the teachers, the higher their performance.


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    Adia Ferizko


    Full Text Available Abstrak                   :            Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kewenangan bupati dalam menentukan mutasi PNS dalam jababtan structural di lingkungan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir . Metode dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris . Sebagai data utama adalah data primer , yaitu data yang langsung diperoleh dari sumber dan wawancara dan didukung oleh data sekunder. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif . Dalam menarik kesimpulan, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penalaran induktif , berdasarkan contoh khusus untuk mencapai kesimpulan umum tentang sesuatu.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah kewenangan bupati dalam menentukan mutasi PNS dalam jababtan struktural di lingkungan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir .telah dilakukan dengan baik meskipun ada beberapa kasus mutasi tercemar dengan alasan politik atau balas jasa , tapi masih sesuai dengan hukum. Kata Kunci        :    Pelaksanaan kewenangan, penentu mutasi Abstract               :    The aim of this research paper is to find out the regent’s authority implementation in deciding structural-rank civil servant officers mutation in Rokan Hilir regency administration. The method in conducting this research paper is empirical legal research. As the main data is primary data, namely data directly gained from source and interview and supported by secondary data. This research paper uses qualitative analytical method. In drawing conclusion, this research paper uses inductive reasoning method, based on particular examples to reach a general conclusion about something. The result of this research paper is the regent’s authority in deciding structural-rank civil servant officers mutation in Rokan Hilir regency administration has been carried out well although there are some mutation cases tainted with political or logrolling reason, but it’s still in line with the law.  Keyword                : implementation of authority, determination of movement

  18. Sixpack diisleid / Hannu Ahonen, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi, Isak Kullman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Diiselmootoriga mahukad pereautod: Citroën C5 2,0 Hdi Aut.; Ford Mondeo 2,0 TDCi Trend; Mazda 6 Sedan 2,0 TD Elegance; Renault Laguna 2,0 dCi Dynamique; Toyota Avensis 2,0 dt Linea Sol; Volkswagen Passat Sedan 2,0 TDI

  19. Pengabaian Distinction Principle dalam Situasi Blokade oleh Israel di Jalur Gaza

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    Erwin Erwin


    Full Text Available Abstrak      Konflik bersenjata (perang telah ada dan terjadi ribuan tahun yang lalu walaupun berbeda situasi dan derajat konfliknya dengan konflik bersenjata (perang pada masa modern seperti sekarang. Salah satu konflik yang terjadi dalam sejarah modern peradaban manusia adalah konflik Israel-Palestina. Dalam catatan sejarah peradaban manusia, konflik Israel-Palestina merupakan salah satu konflik terpanjang di dunia, karena sampai saat inipun masih terjadi. Terdapat banyak upaya perdamaian dan perjanjian terus dilakukan berbagai pihak untuk merintis dan mencapai kesepakatan perdamaian, akan tetapi konflik tetap terus terjadi. Adapun peristiwa yang terjadi sebagai bagian dari konflik Israel-Palestina adalah terjadinya blokade atas Gaza pada bulan Juli tahun 2007 oleh Israel. Blokade Israel di Gaza telah mengabaikan prinsip pembedaan (distinction combatan dan civilian (penduduk sipil. Dengan alasan apapun tindakan blokade Israel telah melanggar hukum internasional pada umumnya dan Hukum Humaniter Internasional (HHI pada khususnya.Kata Kunci : Blokade, Gaza, Distinction Principle

  20. New Trends in Islamic Political Parties in the Arab Spring Countries

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    Ibnu Burdah


    [Perkembangan mutakhir partai-partai politik Islam di sejumlah negara Arab “Musim Semi” menunjukkan adanya perubahan orientasi dan agenda baru, berupa penegasan kembali komitmen mereka terhadap nilai-nilai demokrasi, penguatan masyarakat sipil, dan adopsi prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia. Pada saat yang sama, mereka tampak kurang tertarik kepada agenda-agenda politik Islam lama seperti jihad bagi pendirian negara Islam dan pendirian pemerintahan Islam global di bawah satu khalifah yang tersentralisasi. Hal ini relevan terhadap kasus Partai Keadilan dan Pembangunan (Ḥizb al-‘Adālah wa’l-Tanmiyah di Maroko, Partai Kebebasan dan Keadilan (Ḥizb al-Ḥurriyyah wa’l-‘Adālah di Mesir, dan Partai Kebangkitan (Ḥizb al-Nahḍah di Tunisia. Artikel ini berupaya mengeksplorasi dan menjelaskan fakta baru ini. Berdasarkan kajian pustaka dan wawancara dengan sejumlah petinggi Partai Keadilan dan Pembangunan di Maroko, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa orientasi baru ini terjadi akibat dari gelombang demokratisasi dunia, “angin kencang musim semi” Arab yang begitu kuat, dan dinamika internal partai.

  1. Internet Politics in an Information economy

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    Jon Marshall


    Full Text Available It is argued that models of the "new" Information economy are in many ways incompatible with the more free wheeling modes of exchange which were part of the traditions of online society. The so called "hacker ethic" built around the prestation of open or free software seems to be under challenge, and not, as Pekka Himanen suggests, the forerunner of a new freer society. Knowledge workers may not be particularly powerful, or part of any kind of democratic vanguard. A contestation over types of property is occurring and apparently being won by the corporate sector. Furthermore it seems the "information society" may favour inaccuracies and certainty in information, rather than a kind of problem solving democracy based on factuality. As a result expectations that the Internet may lead to a revitalisation of democracy, or discussion, are probably over optimistic.

  2. Pengaruh Fasilitas Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Minahasa Tenggara


    Thomas, Yeltsin Aprioke; Rorong, Arie Junus; Tampongangoy, Deysi


    The research is to know whether Facility (Computer, Office Working, Transportation, Electricity)influence to civil servant performance (work process, working condition, time in work, number of mistakes,amount in job type, job quality, punctuality, ability Work, evaluating ability.) At the Education Office ofSoutheast Minahasa District Under guidance. Where the data has been collected to 22 orga pimpinaan tosubordinate results o, 837 expressed relationships influence very strongly. Utuk determ...


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    Suhartoyo Suhartoyo


    Full Text Available The aims of this study were to evaluate the strategy execution system that has been carried out by Bapertarum-PNS, to evaluate the external and internal conditions influencing the Bapertarum-PNS in increasing the amount of Housing Saving distribution, to formulate alternative strategies to increase the amount of Housing Saving distribution, to determine strategic priorities of Bapertarum-PNS in increasing the Housing Saving fund for the civil servants, and formulate a strategic execution plan of Bapertarum-PNS in carrying out the planned strategic priorities. This study used the analysis of internal and external factors, SWOT analysis to determine alternative strategies and used QSPM to search for strategic priorities and their execution stage using the strategic execution system of Kaplan and Norton. The values of IFE and EFE at Bapertarum-PNS are located in quadrant IV that is in the position of Growing and Developing. The position shows that the most effective effort to increase housing is establishing a strategy of product development. Determination of strategic prioritization generates priorities in order to increase the support value of home financing, develop new products and services, expand information services reaching across Indonesia, implement incentive mechanism for employees, expand cooperation with banking executives, promote the formation of law on Bapertarum-PNS as well as to improve coordination with stakeholders of Bapertarum- PNS.Keywords: Bapertarum-PNS, housing, priority strategy, strategy executionAbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi sistem eksekusi strategi yang sudah dilakukan oleh Bapertarum-PNS, mengevaluasi kondisi ekternal dan internal yang memengaruhi Bapertarum-PNS dalam meningkatkan jumlah penyaluran Tabungan Perumahan, merumuskan alternatif strategi dalam meningkatkan jumlah penyaluran Tabungan Perumahan, menentukan prioritas strategi Bapertarum-PNS dalam meningkatkan penyaluran dana Tabungan Perumahan PNS, serta merumuskan rencana eksekusi strategi Bapertarum-PNS untuk menjalankan prioritas strategi yang telah direncanakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis faktor internal dan eksternal, kemudian analisis SWOT, untuk menentukan alternatif strateginya dan menggunakan QSPM guna mencari prioritas strategi serta tahap eksekusinya menggunakan sistem eksekusi strategi Kaplan dan Norton. Hasil nilai IFE dan EFE posisi Bapertarum-PNS terletak pada kuadran IV yaitu posisi Tumbuh dan Kembangkan. Posisi tersebut menunjukan bahwa upaya peningkatan penyaluran dana bantuan perumahan yang paling efekif adalah melakukan strategi pengembangan produk. Penentuan prioritas strategi menghasilkan prioritas peningkatkan nilai bantuan pembiayaan rumah, mengembangkan produk dan layanan baru, perluasan layanan informasi menjangkau seluruh indonesia, menerapkan mekanisme insentif bagi karyawan, perluasan kerjasama dengan perbankan pelaksana, mendorong pembentukan UU tentang Bapertarum-PNS serta peningkatan koordinasi dengan stakeholders Bapertarum-PNS.Kata kunci: Bapertarum-PNS, perumahan, prioritas strategi, eksekusi strategi

  4. Prosedur Penerbitan Surat Keputusan Pensiun Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Deli Serdang

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    Tengku Ayu Atika


    Full Text Available PNS berhak memperoleh gaji, tunjangan, fasilitas, cuti, jaminan pensiun, jaminan hari tua, perlindungan dan pengembangan kompetensi. PNS diberikan jaminan pensiun apabila meninggal dunia, atas permintaan sendiri dengan usia dan masa kerja tertentu, mencapai batas usia pensiun, perampingan organisasi atau kebijakan pemerintah yang mengakibatkan pensiun dini atau tidak cakap jasmani dan/atau rohani sehingga tidak dapat menjalankan tugas dan kewajiban. Setiap PNS yang pensiun akan mendapatkan Surat Keputusan (SK Pensiun sebagai tanda bukti secara tertulis bahwa PNS tersebut telah mendapatkan hak pensiunnya. SK Pensiun ini diperoleh setelah memenuhi kelengkapan administrasi dan melalui standar operasional prosedur yang berlaku. Pejabat yang berhak menetapkan SK Pensiun adalah Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN, sehingga Pejabat Pembina Kepegawaian Pemerintah Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota harus menyampaikan usulan pensiun kepada Kepala BKN. Berkas yang telah disampaikan kepada Kepala BKN akan diproses dan diperiksa kelengkapannya oleh bidang yang menangani pensiun. Jika berkas sudah dinyatakan lengkap dan sesuai, baru kemudian dilakukan pencetakan SK Pensiun dan dilakukan penandatanganan oleh pejabat yang berwenang.

  5. Luksust ja ruumi / Aimo Niemi, Jyri Ajomaa, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TM võrdleb diiselmootoriga universaale: Citroën C5 1,6 Hdi Tourer; Ford Mondeo 2,0 TDCi DPF Wagon; Opel Insignia 2,0 CDTi Sports Tourer Cosmo; Renault Laguna Sport Tourer 1,5 dCi; Toyota Avensis D-4D DPF Linea Sol Wagon; Volkswagen Passat Variant 2,0 TDI

  6. AIPA – Kohti digitaalista lainkäyttöä / Marko Loisa, Jukka-Pekka Sirviö

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loisa, Marko


    Soome justiitsministeeriumi algatatud digitaase infosüsteemi AIPA projektist, mis puudutab prokuröride ja kohtute tööd ja kavatsetakse lõpetada aastaks 2021. Projekt on mõeldud elektrooniliste kohtuprotsesside läbiviimiseks

  7. Rock stress measurements. Preparatory stage of the equipment development project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mononen, S.; Hakala, M.; Mikkola, P.


    In recent years the rock stress measurement methods used in Finland have been overcoring and hydraulic fracturing. There have been mainly two companies involved in these measurements, namely Suomen Malmi Oy (Smoy) and SwedPower AB. Smoy has done measurements for mines and for rock engineering projects, whereas SwedPower AB has mainly been involved in nuclear waste disposal investigations and conducted hydraulic fracturing measurements in deep boreholes. Smoy together with its partners started in February 2001 a project named JTM, which was a preliminary stage for a future project, which aims to develop a device most suitable for rock stress measurements in Finland. The partners in the project were HUT Rock Engineering, Posiva Oy, Saanio and Riekkola Oy, Gridpoint Finland Oy and Geopros Oy. Tekes, the National Technology Agency, provided almost half of the project funding. In the management group of the project were Pekka Mikkola (chairman) and Tero Laurila from Smoy, Pekka Saerkkae and Sakari Mononen (full-time researcher) from HUT, Aimo Hautojaervi (Posiva Oy), Erik Johansson (Saanio and Riekkola Oy), Matti Hakala (Gridpoint Finland Oy) and Heikki Haemaelaeinen (Geopros Oy). The aim of the JTM-project was to find out the needs for the development of a device most suitable for rock stress measurements in Finnish mines and rock engineering projects. During the project work was done to find out the range of rock stress measurement devices available, to find out the needs for measurements, and to get acquainted to the measurements done in Scandinavia. Also a report of the most suitable methods for Finnish rock conditions was done based on literature and on interviews of rock stress experts. Based on all the information collected during the project a clear picture of the needs for rock stress measurements in Finland could be formed and a preliminary plan of a future project was done. The aim of the suggested project is to build a device based on hydraulic fracturing

  8. Mr Erkki Liikanen, European Commissioner for Enterprise and Information Society

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Photo 01: Visit of Mr Erkki Liikanen, at CMS experiment assembly hall at Point 5, L. to r.: : Mr Mario Campolargo, Head of Unit, Research Infrastructure, DG Information Society; Prof. Dan-Olof Riska, Director, Helsinki Institute of Physics; Prof. Ari-Pekka Hameri, HEC, University of Lausanne, Helsinki Institute of Physics; Mr Wolfgang Boch, Head of Unit, Grids for Complex Problems Solving, DG Information Society; Mr David O. Williams, Relations with the European Commission; Mr Erkki Liikanen, European Commissioner for Enterprise and Information Society; Dr Hans F. Hoffmann, Director for Technology Transfer and for Scientific Computing; Prof. Jorma Tuominiemi, Director of the CMS Programme for the Helsinki Institute of Physics; H.E. Mr Carlo Trojan, Ambassador, Head of the permanent delegation of the European Commission to the international organizations in Geneva; Prof. Erkko Autio, Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Strategy & International Business. Photo 02: Prof. Dan-Olof Riska, Director,...


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    Jayanti Armida Sari


    Full Text Available The purpose of this reaseach to reveal how the West Pasaman regency’s civil servants’ understanding of Islamic values particularly those associated with; (1 sincerity, (2 patience, (3 piety and trust in working influence their work culture. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data is collected through questionnaire and documentation. Quantitative data analysis was performed through multiple regression analysis and partial. This reaserch indicates that (1 the comprehension of Islamic values including sincerity, patience, piety and trust in work at the same time influence the work culture with 38.9% contribution, which is considered low category. (2 Sincerity in work influences work culture at 11.5%, which is very low category. (3 Patience in work influences work culture at 25%, which is low category. (4 Piety and trust in work influence work culture at 31%, which is low category.

  10. Perbedaan Aspirasi Karir Antara Wanita yang Sudah Menikah dan yang Belum Menikah Pegawai Negeri Sipil


    Setyowati, Retno; Riyono, Bagus


    This study examined difference in career aspiration between married and single women who work for government offices. Subjects of study were government employee at Pemda Kulon Progo with a total number of 120 person; 84 of them were married with working husband and 36 were single working women. Data were collected through questionnaire consisting Career Aspiration Scale (Wisnuwardhani 1998) and demographic data questionnaire. The data were analyzed with t-test for independent samples and prod...

  11. Flowing Plasma Interaction with an Electric Sail Tether Element (United States)

    Schneider, Todd; Vaughn, Jason; Wright, Kenneth; Anderson, Allen; Stone, Nobie


    Harnessing the power of the solar wind, an Electric Sail, or E-sail, is a relatively new concept that promises to deliver high speed propellant-less propulsion. The electric sail is an invention made in 2006 at the Kumpula Space Centre in Finland by Pekka Janhunen [Janhunen and Sandroos, 2007]. At its core, an electric sail utilizes multiple positively biased tethers which exchange momentum with solar wind protons via the repelling electric field established around each tether, in other words, by reflecting the solar wind protons. Recognizing the solar wind is a plasma, the effective repelling area of each tether is increased significantly by the formation a plasma sheath around each tether. Fig. 1 shows schematically a spacecraft employing an electric sail. The positive voltage bias (greater than10kV) applied to each tether naturally results in electron collection. Therefore, the electric sail concept necessarily includes an electron source (electron gun) to return collected electrons to space and maintain the positive bias of the tether system.

  12. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Course d'orientation Le coup d’envoi de la coupe genevoise a été donné samedi 31 août dans les bois de Combe Froide à Prémanon. Plus de 150 coureurs avaient fait le déplacement. Les parcours facile court, facile moyen et technique court ont été remportés par des coureurs du club O’Jura - Ulysse Dannecker, Léo Lonchampt, Franck Lonchampt, le technique moyen par Pekka Marti du club Ol Biel Seeland et le technique long par Térence Risse du CA Rosé – également membre de l’équipe nationale suisse des moins de 20 ans. Pour le club du CERN, les meilleures résultats ont été obtenus pas Emese Szunyog sur technique court et Marie Vuitton sur technique moyen avec une 4e place. La prochaine course aura lieu samedi 14 septembre à La Faucille. Le club propose aussi...

  13. Tim Berners-Lee receives the Millennium Technology Prize

    CERN Multimedia


    On 15 April, for his invention of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee was awarded the first ever Millennium Technology Prize by the Finnish Technology Award Foundation, which recognises technological innovations of lasting benefit to society. "Tim Berners-Lee's invention perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the Prize. The Web is encouraging new types of social networks, contributing to transparency and democracy, and opening up new avenues for information management and business development," underlined Pekka Tarjanne, chairman of the jury and former Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Tim Berners-Lee is congratulated by Jukka Valtasaari, Finland's Ambassador to the United States. Tim Berners-Lee created the first server, browser and editor, the HTML code, the URL address and the HTTP transmission protocol at CERN in 1990. CERN released the Web into the public domain in 1993. Tim Berners-Lee is currently head of the World Wide Web Consortium, managed by ERCIM (Europe...

  14. Analisis Kebijakan Batas Usia Pensiun PNS Dalam UU No.5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara

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    Argo Pambudi


    This research is motivated by a deep desire of understanding the changes of policy content of the Limit of Retirement Age of civil servants in the Government of the city of Yogyakarta. Substantive analysis of this research focused on the acceptability of the regulation of the Limit Age of Retirement. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the empowerment of the state apparatus through a intensification of existing civil servants, preventing civil servants who are still productive to leave the bureaucratic structure in earlier - which means a waste of state finances - and to propose alternative arrangements of future policy of retirement age for civil servants. The research method used in this study is a Mixed Methods Analysis, which is a combination of both Survey Method with Qualitative Descriptive research methods. Informants and respondents of this study is the structural and functional officials in the city government that is actually involved in the problems associated with the implementation of this regulatory changes. The results of this research showed that most civil servants who was observed received this new rules, but from the perspective of the municipal government organization this policy raises a number of internal problems, especially problems related to fulfilment structural positions pertaining with limited in number of the existing number of civil servants.



    Alamin, Rahmatan Lil


    Aktivitas disposal merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari aktivitas penambangan. Disposal adalah daerah pada suatu operasi tambang terbuka yang digunakan sebagai tempat membuang material kadar rendah dan/atau material bukan bijih. Material-material tersebut, merupakan material yang perlu digali dari pit demi memperoleh bijih/material kadar tinggi. PT. Inco Tbk. mempunyai dua tipe disposal aktif yang dibedakan berdasarkan faktor geometrinya, yaitu disposal tipe Finger dan disposal tipe Semi I...

  16. "Faster than History" valiku kriteerium oli eripära ja individuaalsus / Jari-Pekka Vanhala ; interv. Eero Epner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vanhala, Jari-Pekka


    Kuraator tutvustab Helsingis Kiasmas avatud Soome, Baltimaade ja Venemaa kunstnike ühisnäitust "Kiirem kui ajalugu". Lühidalt ka näitusel osalevatest eesti kunstnikest. Intervjuu valmis 7. II eetris olnud Vikerraadio saatele "Kultuurikaja"

  17. Kenad ja kõrged / Aimo Niemi, Pekka Aromaa, Olli Laitinen ja Jari Pitkäjärvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Linnamaasturite võrdlus: Fiat 500X 1,4 Multiair Popstar, Honda HR-V 1,5 i-VTEC Elegance, Mazda CX-3 2,0 Skyactiv-G Premium Plus, Opel Mokka 1,4 Turbo ECOTEC Start/Stop, Ssangyong Tivoli 1,6i 2WD Quartz, Suzuki Vitara 1,6 VVT GLX


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    Full Text Available Secara kuantitas pertambahan pegawai negeri sipil perempuan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan, namun belum diikuti dengan terbukanya akses untuk dapat menjadi pejabat struktural dan pejabat publik yang strategis. Artikel ini membahas faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan belum terbukanya akses untuk menjadi pejabat. Penelitian dilakukan di Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perasaan ambigu, kurang percaya diri, dan kurangnya dukungan lingkungan sosial yang disebabkan karena dominasi dari kultur dan struktur menguatkan fenomena glass ceiling. Rendahnya akses perempuan dalam jabatan strategis akan berdampak pada kualitas kebijakan publik yang dirumuskan menjadi tidak sensitif gender. The number of female civil servant has increased significantly nowadays. However, this opportunity yet to be followed by the opening access for women in the structural and strategic position. The research aims to discuss factor that inhibit women’s careers. The research was conducted in Nangroe Aceh Darrusalam. The result shows that. Ambiguous feelings, lack of confidence and social support environment as well as dominance of the culture and structure in hibit women’s career in bureacracy. The lack of women’s access in strategic positions would impact to the gender insensitive-based public policy formulation.


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    Partini -


    Full Text Available AbstrakSecara kuantitas pertambahan pegawai negeri sipil perempuan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan, namun belum diikuti dengan terbukanya akses untuk dapat menjadi pejabat struktural dan pejabat publik yang strategis. Artikel ini membahas faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan belum terbukanya akses untuk menjadi pejabat. Penelitian dilakukan di Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perasaan  ambigu, kurang percaya diri, dan kurangnya dukungan lingkungan sosial yang disebabkan karena dominasi dari kultur dan struktur menguatkan fenomena glass ceiling. Rendahnya akses perempuan dalam jabatan strategis akan berdampak pada kualitas kebijakan publik yang dirumuskan menjadi tidak sensitif gender.AbstractThe number of female civil servant has increased significantly nowadays. However, this opportunity yet to be followed by the opening access for women in the structural and strategic position. The research aims to discuss factors that inhibit women’s careers. The research was conducted in Nangroe Aceh Darrusalam. The result shows that ambiguous feelings, lack of confidence and social support environment as well as dominance of patriarchal culture and structure inhibit women’s career in bureaucracy. The lack of women’s access in strategic positions would result in gender insensitive public policies.© 2013 Universitas Negeri Semarang

  20. Pengembangan Kurikulum Diklat (Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi dalam Membangun Profesionalisme dan Kompetensi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS

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    Widi Asih Nurhajati


    Full Text Available Diklat berbasis kompetensi diselenggarakan untuk mengatasi diskrepansi kompetensi PNS agar kemampuan PNS lulusan diklat sesuai dengan kompetensi yang diharapkan. Salah satu komponen dalam diklat berbasis kompetensi adalah kurikulum yang berbasis kompetensi berdasar pada kebutuhan akan kompetensi peserta diklat. Dalam rangka memenuhi tuntutan perkembangan jaman berikut situasi dan kondisi di masyarakat, pengembangan kurikulum diklat perlu dilakukan. Pengembangannya tetap menyesuaikan dengan landasan pengembangan kurikulum, yakni landasan filosofis, psikologis, sosiologis dan IPTEK. Pengembangan kurikulum diklat berbasis kompetensi juga menyesuaikan dengan model kurikulum yang dikehendaki, sehingga kurikulum tersebut nantinya dapat menghasilkan lulusan diklat dengan kemampuan sesuai yang diinginkan. Pengembangan kurikulum diklat berbasis kompetensi pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat membangun profesionalisme dan kompetensi PNS dalam menjawab tantangan di masa depan.Dengan demikian diklat akan menghasilkan lulusan, dalam hal ini PNS, yang profesional dan kompeten.  Abstract Competency-based training is held to overcome the discrepancy of civil servant competence to the ability of civil servants graduate training in accordance with the expected competencies. One component of competency-based training is a competency-based curriculum based on competency needs of training participants. In order to meet the demands of the development of the times following the situation and conditions in the community, the development of training curriculum needs to be done. Its development still adjusts to the curriculum development foundation, namely philosophical, psychological, sociological and science and technology. Development of competency-based training curriculum also adapts to the desired curriculum model, so that the curriculum will be able to produce training graduates with the desired ability. Development of competency-based training curriculum is ultimately expected to build the professionalism and competence of civil servants in answering challenges in the future. Thus the training will produce graduates, in this case civil servants, who are professional and competent.

  1. Employee coaching and counseling program metode alternatif untuk optimalisasi human capital pada pegawai aparatur sipil negara (ASN

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    Marina Sulastiana


    Full Text Available State Civil Servants Apparatus (ASN have to be more integrity, professional, neutral and capable to carrying out a public service to the community. It was an important one that can be optimized through development of human capital. Based on previous research investigated role of Human Capital towards Services and performance of Public Service, shows that staff and head divison level only has moderate degree of human capital. While, Emotional Capital was a most dominan aspect in Human Capital. Otherwise, Social Capital aspects results in the low level. It comes with consequences to optimized them through psychological intervention with group Employee Coaching and Counseling Program (ECCP. This study was action research, experimental one group preteset and postest design. The result shows that ECCP was contribute effectively to enhance Human Capital, particularly in Emotional Capital optimization.


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    Ayuningtyas A.K.


    Full Text Available The promotion process is part of the career development conducted by Civil State Apparatus Employee (Pegawai Aparatur Sipil Negara which should be implemented by applying merit system. Employee-related strategic decision making has not applied merit system as mandated in applied laws. It occurred due to Public Service Appointment Board (Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan not possessing assessment model and criteria which could be used to support promotion process implementation in the appropriate structural position based on employee competence and performance. This study aims to describe and analyze assessment criteria and subcriteria required to be considered in State Civil Servant Officers promotion planning by applying Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP method in National Public Procurement Agency (Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah. This study uses the explanative quantitative univariate method. Data collection technique used questionnaire instrument. Analytical tool used was AHP. Research result exhibits that ASN employee promotion planning using assessment model is described as follows: Employee Performance Assessment consist of Employee Work Performance element with three criteria and Employee Work Behavior with twenty-three criteria; and Evaluation of Employee Promotion Implementation with eleven criteria. Through the use of AHP methods employee, promotion planning could be utilized as a tool for Baperjakat to produce employee decisions that will be promoted objectively and effectively.


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    Aldri Frinaldi


    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze the influence of ethnic work culture ‘ewuh pakewuh’ of civil servant working in the West Pasaman regency. Ethnic work culture ‘ewuh pakewuh’ is someone’s behavior of worrying his/her attitude or remark wiil offend other people. This research used qualitative approach. Informants are selected using purposive sampling of civil servants from Javanese ethnic group who work in West Pasaman administration. The sample are also selected using snowball and convenience/accidental method. The research is conducted in local inspectorate, plantation agency, civil servant agencies, education and training agency, and local secretariat. Informants consist of 2 echelon III officials, 2 echelon IV and 8 staff. Data is interpreted using thick description method; so that the cultural significance of this work ethic can be explored more intensely in order to elaborate deeply the ewuh pakewuh work culture beyond what is visible. The results obtained indicate that the ethnic work culture ewuh pakewuh have positive and negative sides. The positive side shows high appreciation for higher authority, and an effort to respect and implement sincerely the policies made by the authority. However the ewuh pakewuh ethnic work culture discourages the staff to give suggestions and opinions, causing uncritical (nrimo work culture. A change is needed to encourage them implement less the ewuh pakewuh that leads to ethnic work culture in order to create creative and innovative work culture. This change has to be started by the leaders and staff to establish an egalitarian culture in the working environment of the local goverment agencies. Key words: Ethnic Work Culture, Ewuh Pakewuh, Civil Servants

  4. Aplikasi Peminjaman dan Pengembalian Koleksi Berbasis Framework Code Igniter di Perpustakaan Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Fakultas Teknik UGM

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    Bagus Wijaya


    Full Text Available A library is an important facility to support the academic activities of students. There are various types of collections that require good management in order that the information retained in the collections can be utilized by the user. The collection in the library can be easily borrowed and returned quickly so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance of library staff. The author aimed to facilitate library staff in providing collection circulation services, especially for students majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering. The application was expected to give fast and accurate process in data as well as report collection.

  5. Pengaruh Strategi SQ4R Tipe Bantuan Multimedia vs Buku Teks, Pengetahuan Awal, Gaya Belajar Kolb terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Teknik

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    Meiti Leatemia


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki pengaruh strategi SQ4R tipe bantuan multimedia versus buku teks, pengetahuan awal dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Inggris Teknik. Subjek penelitian adalah 96 mahasiswa  Teknik Sipil dan Mesin Politeknik Negeri Ambon tahun akademik 2011-2012. Desain eksperimen menggunakan kuasi versi  factorial  (2 x 2 x 2 pre test-post test non-equivalent control group design. Analisis data menggunakan statistik Three Ways ANOVA. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan pada taraf signifikansi 5% atau á=0,5  menggunakan SPSS 17.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1 Ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar  antara kelompok strategi SQ4R tipe bantuan multimedia dan buku teks, (2 ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar antara kelompok pengetahuan awal tinggi dan rendah, (3 tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pembelajar diverger dan assimilator,  (4 tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara strategi SQ4R tipe bantuan dengan pengetahuan awal terhadap hasil belajar, (5 tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara strategi SQ4R tipe bantuan dengan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar, (6 ada pengaruh interaksi an-tara pengetahuan awal dengan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar, dan, (7 ada pengaruh interaksi antara strategi SQ4R tipe bantuan, pengetahuan awal dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar. Kata kunci: strategi SQ4R tipe bantuan, multimedia, pengetahuan awal, gaya belajar,  hasil  belajar

  6. The Politics of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs Post-Reformation 1998

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    Aditya Perdana


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Setelah Reformasi tahun 1998, sebagian organisasi organisasi masyarakat sipil (OMS mendorong agenda perubahan kebijakan dari luar pemerintahan dan terlibat dalam berbagai tim asistensi implementasi program pembangunan dari berbagai kementrian. Perubahan tindakan politik kelompok OMS dari luar pemerintahan dan menjadi bagian pemerintahan disebabkan oleh adanya kesempatan politik yang lebih terbuka dan akomodatif dari rejim politik paska Reformasi. Meskipun OMS memanfaatkan kesempatan politik tersebut, OMS menghadapi tantangan serius dalam arena politik yaitu fragmentasi kelompok masyarakat sipil dalam mendorong berbagai perubahan dan reformasi kebijakan dan tidak adanya dukungan perubahan struktur budaya politik yang masih mewarisi hubungan patronase diantara para aktor. Studi ini memperkuat argumen dari Aspinall (2013a dan Mietzner (2013 dalam hal memanfaatkan kesempatan politik paska Reformasi dan tantangan serta respon OMS dalam struktur warisan politik rejim Suharto di dua arena politik: pembuatan kebijakan dan politik elektoral. OMS di Indonesia mengalami ketidaksolidan dan lemah dalam mendorong isu-isu perubahan dalam pembentukan kebijakan di DPR dan lemahnya dukungan politik elektoral bagi pemenangan kandidat dari kelompok OMS di semua pemilihan umum.Untuk mendapatkan data yang terkait aktivitas politik OMS dalam ranah pembuatan undang-undang serta partisipasi politik aktor OMS dalam pemilu, studi ini menggunakan metode pelacakan proses. After the Reformation (reformasi in 1998, some civil society organizations (CSOs have endorsed policy changes from outside the government and have involved in many ministries’ assistance team to implement government’s development programs. These CSOs’political action changes from outside to become inside the government are caused by the openness of political opportunity from political regime after Reformasi

  7. Ibn Khaldūn’s Social Thought on Bedouin and Ḥaḍar

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    Moh. Pribadi


    [Melalui kerangka teori sosiologi modern serta metode penafsiran teks secara historis-sosiologis, penelitian ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan pemikiran sosial Ibn Khaldun tentang masyarakat badui dan ḥaḍar. Ide Ibnu Khaldun tentang masyarakat dapat dilihat pada konsepnya mengenai dua masyarakat ini beserta solidaritas sosial mereka, dengan karakteristik masing-masing. Masyarakat nomaden yang identik dengan masyarakat badui memiliki struktur sosial dan spesifisitas dengan kecenderungan pada kebajikan, ramah, dan keseragaman; sementara masyarakat ḥaḍar memiliki struktur dan kekhasan sosial seperti pluralis, pragmatis, dan hedonis. Dalam hal gaya hidup, masyarakat badui tampak lebih dinamis daripada ḥaḍar. Cara hidup masyarakat badui ditandai dengan terus berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, dan ini membuat komunitas ini cerdas dalam merumuskan visi, misi, program, dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai dalam hidup. Spesifisitas badui tercermin dalam kesiap-siagaan mereka, satu hal yang tidak terlihat dalam komunitas ḥaḍar. Sementara itu, dengan kemakmuranya, orang ḥaḍar sibuk dengan aktivitas perkotaan dan pembangunan masyarakat sipil. Ibn Khaldun telah berusaha untuk memahami manusia dan keberadaannya secara individu ataupun sosial melalui ‘ilm al-‘umrān. Metodologi sosialnya mencerminkan pandangannya secara keseluruhan melalui pengamatan realitas sosial secara komprehensif. Penulis berpendapat bahwa metodologi sosial Ibn Khaldun yang menggabungkan data dan fakta sosial dengan agama bisa menjadi referensi dan contoh pendekatan yang komprehensif. Ide penting Ibnu Khaldun lainnya adalah tentang perkembangan kecerdasan masyarakat yang meliputi tiga tahap: tamyīzī, tajrībī, dan naẓārī.

  8. Flight time, number of sectors and risk of low back pain among short and medium haul commercial female flight attendants in Indonesia

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    Irma Khrisnapandit


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang: Nyeri pinggang bawah (NPB sering dialami pramugari dan dapat membatasi tugas serta tanggung jawab pramugari. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jam terbang dan faktor lainnya dengan NPB pramugari sipil penerbangan jarak dekat dan menengah di Indonesia. Metode: Studi potong lintang dengan sampling purposif dilakukan pada pramugari sipil penerbangan jarak dekat dan menengah yang melaksanakan pengujian kesehatan di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan tanggal 5-26 Mei 2014. Data demografi, pekerjaan dan NPB dikumpulkan dengan pengisian kuesioner dan pemeriksaan fisik. Definisi NPB ialah nyeri anamnesis yang pernah atau masih dirasakan pada pinggang bawah 1 bulan terakhir, non-neural, dan tidak terkait cedera akut yang tidak berhubungan pekerjaan. Analisis regresi Cox digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko yang berhubungan NPB. Hasil: Di antara 333 pramugari yang melaksanakan pengujian kesehatan, 287 orang bersedia berpartisipasi, dan 240 di antaranya memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sebanyak 37,9% pramugari menderita NPB. Faktor dominan yang mempertinggi risiko NPB ialah jam terbang dan jumlah sektor 24 jam terakhir. Pramugari dengan jam terbang 9 jam atau lebih dibandingkan dengan yang  kurang dari 9 jam berisiko 82% lebih tinggi mengalami NPB [risiko relatif suaian (RRa = 1,82; p = 0,000]. Ditinjau dari jumlah sektor 24 jam terakhir, pramugari dengan 4 sektor atau lebih dibandingkan yang kurang dari 4 sektor berisiko 53% lebih tinggi mengalami NPB (RRa = 1,53; p = 0,034.   Kesimpulan: Jam terbang 24 jam terakhir selama 9 jam atau lebih dan jumlah sektor sebanyak 24 jam terakhir 4 sektor atau lebih meningkatkan risiko NPB Kata kunci: nyeri pinggang bawah, pramugari, jam terbang, jumlah sektor   Abstract Background: Low back pain (LBP often experienced by flight attendants could limit their duties and responsibilities. Aim of this study was to determine the correlation between flight time and other factors

  9. Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Iklim Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Pns) Pada Badan Perencanaan Penelitian Dan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) Kabupaten Morowali


    Suarni, Suarni


    The research objectives are: 1) to test and analyze the significant influence of leadership and work climate on civil servants' performance in The Agency of Planning, Research, and Regional Development (Bappeda), Morowali Regency; 2) to test and analyze significant influence of leadership on civil servants' performance; 3) to test and analyze significant influence of work climate on civil servants' performance. This is a quantitative research that looking at the influence among variables by i...


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    Mahrita .


    Full Text Available This study aimed to analyze the effects of job satisfaction (X1 and Transformational Leadership Style (X2 as independent variables simultaneously and partially on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y as the dependent variable in the Civil Service, Tanah Laut District Land Office. This research method uses a questionnaire to 32 employees in Tanah Laut District Land Office as a sample. Sampling technique used is the Census. Using variable measurement technique Likert scale with a weight scale from 1 to 5. To analyze the influence of variables Job Satisfaction and Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y using a statistical technique of linear regression. The results showed that the variables job satisfaction and Transformational Leadership Style jointly significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior PNS Tanah Laut District Land Office. Variables Job Satisfaction partially not significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior PNS Tanah Laut District Land Office. Variable Transformational Leadership Style partially not significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior PNS Tanah Laut District Land Office. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, and Transformational Leadership Style Organizational Citizenship Behavior

  11. UNEP and IAEA exploring the possibility of sending depleted uranium missions to Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Iraq

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Full text: Vienna/Nairobi - Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), have agreed to consider ways and means to respond to requests for fact-finding missions to Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Iraq where depleted uranium (DU) was used during military conflicts. The two organizations will co-ordinate their action with the World Health Organization, which has recently decided to send a team to study the health effects of depleted uranium in Iraq, as well as with other relevant UN system organizations. Pekka Haavisto, Chairman of UNEP's Depleted Uranium Assessment Team, is meeting today with UN officials in Sarajevo for consultations on a possible future mission to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mr. Haavisto will visit Belgrade tomorrow to meet with officials of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The IAEA is considering holding a training course to improve the understanding and skills of specialist staff from concerned countries. The main focus will be on measurement methods and the assessment of risks from depleted uranium and other radioactivity. The possibility of sending fact-finding missions to Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Iraq follows last year's mission to Kosovo by the UNEP-led DU Assessment Team. UNEP will wait for the scientific findings of the report of the Kosovo mission, expected to be released in early March, before it embarks on new DU field assessments. (author)

  12. The role of research and development work on the production costs of logging residue chips

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nousiainen, I.


    Purchase of logging residue chips in the early 80s was mainly based on production chains in which the residues were collected with load-carrying tractors at the road-side storage, from which it was chipped or crushed directly into the trailer of a waiting lorry. Six new production chains were developed in the national Bioenergy Research Programme. Three of these are now commercial. Kotimaiset Energiat Pekka Lahti Ky has developed, on the basis of a traditional logging residue production chain, a high-efficiency EVOLUTION intermediate storage chipper, suitable for chipping of logging residues. Oy Logset Ab has developed a new type of lot-chipping chip-harvester, the LOGSET 536C. Nested containers have also been developed for the lot-chipping method. MOHA multi-purpose chipper, in which the chipping and lorry-transportation of chips have been integrated, has also been developed as a part of the research programme. In addition to these, a chipper-container lorry combination, transportation of complete logging residues, and whole- tree skidding have been developed in the project for production of logging residue chips. In the beginning of the 80s the production costs of logging residues at the place of utilization were about 52 FIM/MWh, and the average transportation distance 50 km. In 1992 the production costs, 64 FIM/MWh at the distance of 100 km, was significantly higher than the price of alternative fuels. The lowest production cost level, obtainable by the developed methods is 46 FIM/MWh


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    Sri Wartini


    Full Text Available The objective of the study was to examine the direct and indirect influences of Islamic work ethics on employees behavior toward organization change with organizational commitment as mediation. The population of the study was Public Civil Servants of the general inspectors of finance ministry. The samples were taken by Solvin method. It was a purposive sampling with 87 respondents. The results of the study showed that there was a direct influence of Islamic work ethics on organizational commitment, there was not any direct influence of organizational commitment on employees behavior toward organizational change, there was an indirect influence of Islamic work ethics on employees behavior toward organization change with organizational commitment as the mediation. It is concluded that there were a direct and an indirect influences of Islamic work ethics on employees behavior toward organizational commitmen as the mediation. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung etika kerja Islami pada perilaku karyawan terhadap perubahan organisasi dengan komitmen organisasional sebagai mediasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Itjen Kementerian Keuangan RI sebanyak 87 responden, menggunakan metode Slovin dengan teknik Purposive Sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa terdapat pengaruh langsung etika kerja Islami pada komitmen organisasional, tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung komitmen organisasional pada perilaku karyawan terhadap perubahan organisasi, terdapat pengaruh langsung etika kerja Islami pada perilaku karyawan terhadap perubahan organisasi dan terdapat pengaruh etika kerja Islami pada perilaku karyawan terhadap perubahan organisasi dengan komitmen organisasional sebagai mediasi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan, bahwa ada pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung etika kerja Islami pada perilaku karyawan terhadap perubahan organisasi dengan komitmen organisasional sebagai

  14. Politik Hukum Perlindungan Hakim

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    Akbar Faisal


    Full Text Available Abstract: The independence of the judicial power is a must and an absolute guarantee given to the judge. Judges should be independent of any pressures that may disturb his contemplation in making a decision that determines one's fate. The independence of the key is not only focused on how the pressure from outside in order to judge themselves neutral decision, but also expanded the independence of a judge rules that govern self itself. Judges can not be equated with the State Civil Apparatus employees, because the position is different judges. Placement of this is not specifically regulated in the country of Indonesia. It could be argued that these ideals are still owed by the constitution of this country when compared to other law enforcement officials who already have the legality of their own profession as prosecutors, police and lawyers.Abstrak: Independensi kekuasaan kehakiman merupakan garansi yang harus dan mutlak diberikan kepada Hakim. Hakim harus independen dari tekanan manapun yang dapat mengganggu kontemplasinya dalam membuat sebuah putusan yang menentukan nasib seseorang. Kunci independensi tersebut bukan hanya tertuju dari bagaimana tekanan dari luar diri hakimnya sendiri agar putusannya netral, tetapi juga independensi yang diperluas dari sebuah aturan yang mengatur diri hakim itu sendiri. Hakim tidak dapat disamakan dengan pegawai Aparatur Sipil Negara, sebab kedudukan hakim berbeda. Penempatan inilah yang belum diatur secara spesifik dalam negara Indonesia. Dapat dikatakan bahwa cita-cita tersebut masih menjadi utang konstitusi negeri ini jika dibandingkan dengan aparat penegak hukum lainnya yang sudah memiliki legalitas profesinya masing-masing seperti Jaksa, Polisi dan Pengacara DOI: 10.15408/jch.v4i1.2621

  15. with special issue from Finland

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    Yngve Nordkvelle


    in vocational tourism education. It demonstrates how the use of smartphones was applied in the project and its usefulness in the student’s work with the learning material.Antero Lindstedt, Kristian Kiili, Pauliina Tuomi and Arttu Perttula, all from Tampere University of Technology, Pori department provide the paper called “A user experience case study: two embodied cognition user interface solutions for a math learning game». They have used a particular game development environment, Semideus, to test out how different user interfaces influenced. They found interesting differences, mainly in favour of the «tilting user interface».


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    Wasis Budiarto


    Full Text Available The criteria of remote areas as difficult geographic areas to access that causes difficulty to reach out health centres including nearest hospitals and as consequences the health manpower development would be different from other areas. The study aimed to determine recruitment, selection and job allocation of nursing staffs at health centres in remote areas in the Provinces of East Java and East Nusa Tenggara. It was conducted in Sumenep Regency in East Java Province which consisted of 6 (six health centres in remote islands, and South Central Timor Regency in East Nusa Tenggara Province consisted 11 (eleven health centres in remote mountaineous. There were 34 nursing staff as respondents for each regency. Data collected by depth interview, questionaires, secondary data and focus group discussion. The data were analyzed discriptively. Results showed that the distribution of nursing staffs were relatively inequity in Sumenep Regency whereas they were located evenly in South Central Timor Regency. Recruitment of the nursing respondents were in accordance to other non remote areas that increasing by civil servant candidate (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/CPNS, yet the recruiment of CPNS in remote areas were not a priority. The rotation nursing staffs were not so high and most of them felt that their work did not comply with their expectation and competencies. They were just, 20,6%-23,5%, had continuing education in Diplomas (D3. They worked for treatment, mother and child health cares, in-patient cares and health promotion. The reward system was not good and financial incentives for remote areas was none anymore. It concludes that the recruitmentof nursing staffs at health centers in remote areas did not have a specific pattern, not prioritizing local citizen and althoughthe distribution was good but continuing education was still lack. Key words: recruitment, job allocation, nursing staf, performance appraisal


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    Felly Philipus Senewe


    Full Text Available Mother and child health local area monitoring system "Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat-Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak" (PWS-KIA as a mean of management KIA's program to observe KIA program services continually with scope at a work area. Registration in Tangerang district and PWS-KIA recording reporting system were well conducted, but still not yet applied accordingly as the system. This research aimed to determine village midwive ("bides" practices towards registration and PWS-KIA recording reporting system. The benefits of the study were evidenced data supporting policy and intervention to decrease maternal and child mortality rate ("angka kematian anak-AKA". The respondents consists of village midwives, midwives coordinators at Puskesmas and heads of Puskesmas. Focus Group Discussion (FGD was conducted for village midwives, while indepth interview for the midwives coordinators and heads of puskesmas. The results showed that informans, midwives, were aged 22-37 years old, diploma 1 (D1 in midwifery and not official/permanent workers "bukan pegawai negeri sipil/PNS". Reason that village midwives were lazy or not doing the registration and PWS-KIA recording reporting because too many registration/reporting should be conducted by the village midwives. There was no kohort form for pregnant women, there as no kohort form for babies, and under five, "kesehatan ibu dan anak"-KIA's bookand mother's "kartu menuju sehat"-KMS and also there is no children under five, Other forms must be boughyt or copied by village midwieves themselves. Midwives usially discussed among themselves at Puskesmas and made the report together with the guidance of widwife coordinator. Midwife working divices were very limited. It is recommended that the Puskesmas or district public health services should provide registration forms and PWS-KIA report forms. Keywords: "PWS-KIA ", midwife at village ("Bides", Kohort mother, Kohort baby


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    Retno Wulandari


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali persepsi pegawai di instansi pemerintahan mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi fraud. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain sistem pengendalian internal, asimetri informasi, keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, kultur organisasi, penegakan hukum dan moralitas individu.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS yang bekerja pada bagian keuangan di SKPD Kabupaten Temanggung sebanyak 95 responden. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuesioner dengan skala likert 1-5. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis data regresi berganda.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh negatif sistem pengendalian internal terhadap fraud, terdapat pengaruh positif asimetri informasi terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh keadilan distributif terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh keadilan prosedural terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh kultur organisasi terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh penegakan hukum terhadap fraud, terdapat pengaruh negatif moralitas individu terhadap fraud. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of employees in government agencies about the factors that influence fraud. These factors include the internal control system, the asymmetry of information, distributive justice, procedural justice, organizational culture, law enforcement and individual morality. The population in this study is were employees of SKPD in Temanggung Regencyas many as 95 respondents. Methods of data collection is done by using questionnaires with Likert scale 1-5. This study uses multiple regression data analysis tools. The results showed that there was a negative effect of the internal control system against fraud, there is a positive effect of information asymmetry against fraud, there is no influence of distributive justice against fraud, there is no influence procedural justice against fraud, there is no influence of organizational


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    Triana Fitriastuti


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji pengaruh kecerdasan emosional, komitmen organisasional dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain survei dengan responden adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Organisasi Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Kutai Timur, sebanyak 89 orang. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling berdasarkan pada kriteria tertentu. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menggunakan regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional, komitmen organisasional, dan OCB berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karyawan yang mempunyai kecerdasan emosional tinggi akan bekerja lebih baik sesuai standar organisasi dan pada akhirnya akan mencapai kinerja yang lebih baik. Selain itu, dibutuhkan karyawan dengan komitmen yang tinggi untuk menunjukkan kinerja optimal, sehingga mampu berkontribusi pada organisasi. Sementara karyawan yang berperilaku OCB secara tidak langsung berpengaruh pada pencapaian tujuan organisasi, karena perilaku OCB  yang ditunjukkan karyawan akan berkontribusi meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Emotional Intellegent, Organizational commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on employee performance. This study uses survey research design and the respondents are 89 Government Employees of industry and trade organization, located in Kutai. The sampling method used is Purposive Sampling based on some criterias. The result of multiple regression analysis shows that Emotional Intellegent, organizational commitment and OCB have positive impact on employee performance. The result of study shows that employees who have emotional intelligent will work better based on organization standard and they will have better performance. It is also needed employees with high comitment for showing the optimal work so that they can contribute to the

  20. Pengembangan Sistem Navigasi Otomatis Pada UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle dengan GPS(Global Positioning System Waypoint

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    Rahmad Hidayat


    Full Text Available UAV adalah salah satu wahana tanpa awak di udara yang mana dapat terbang tanpa pilot, menggunakan gaya aerodinamik untuk menghasilkan gaya angkat (lift, dapat terbang secara autonomous atau dioperasikan dengan radio kontrol. UAV digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan baik di lingkup militer maupun sipil. Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang dan direalisasikan pengembangan sistem navigasi otomatis pada UAV dengan GPS waypoint. Sistem ini menggunakan kontrol manual dan autopilot. Pada mode manual, pengguna secara manual mengendalikan pergerakan pesawat melalui radio kontroler sedangkan pada mode autopilot pesawat dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler Arduino Mega 2560 yang mengolah data-data sensor IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit yang didalamnya terdapat gyroscope dan accelerometer, GPS dan barometric altimeter sehingga dapat terbang secara otomatis dengan sesuai waypoint GPS yang dimasukkan. Mikrokontroler menerima dan menolah data dari sensor dan menghasilkan keluaran untuk menggerakkan servo aktuator. Pengolahan data dari sensor menggunakan kontrol PID (Proportional Integral Derivative. Pesawat akan terkoneksi dengan ground station melalui perangkat telemetri untuk mengirimkan data penerbangan ke darat. Sistem navigasi ini diharapkan dapat secara tepat mengarahkan pesawat menuju satu titik atau lebih dengan toleransi kesalahan ≤ 30 meter pada ketinggian 30-100 meter. Selain itu pesawat diharapkan dapat terbang dengan radius ± 2 km dari ground station. Hasil dari pengujian dapat dilaksanakan kontrol manual dan otomatis pada UAV melalui 5 channel (aileron, elevator, throttle, rudder dan saklar. Distorsi pada kontrol manual diminimalisir dengan memperbesar faktor pembagi sinyal PWM sebesar 50μs-100μs. Kontrol otomatis dapat menstabilkan sikap pesawat di udara (sudut roll 45° dan sudut pitch 30° Setting Kp 1,2 dan Ki 0,01, setting Kp navigasi GPS 0,2 Ki 0,01 dan Kd 4 dengan sudut roll maksimal 15°.

  1. Experiences and attitudes about physical activity and exercise in patients with chronic pain: a qualitative interview study

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    Karlsson L


    Full Text Available Linn Karlsson,1 Björn Gerdle,1 Esa-Pekka Takala,2 Gerhard Andersson,3,4 Britt Larsson1 1Pain and Rehabilitation Centre, Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; 2Work-related Diseases, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland; 3Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; 4Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry Section, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe how patients with chronic pain experience physical activity and exercise (PA&E.Method: This qualitative interview study included 16 women and two men suffering from chronic pain and referred to a multimodal pain rehabilitation program. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the interviews.Results: One main theme emerged: “To overcome obstacles and to seize opportunities to be physically active despite chronic pain.” This main theme was abstracted from five themes: “Valuing a life with physical activity,” “Physical activity and exercise – before and after pain,” “A struggle – difficulties and challenges,” “The enabling of physical activity,” and “In need of continuous and active support.” Conclusion: Although these participants valued PA&E, they seldom achieved desirable levels, and performance of PA&E was undermined by difficulties and failure. The discrepancy between the intention to perform physical activity and the physical activity accomplished could be related to motivation, self-efficacy, and action control. The participants desired high-quality interaction with healthcare providers. The findings can be applied to chronic pain rehabilitation that uses PA&E as treatment. Keywords: chronic pain, experiences, physical activity, rehabilitation, qualitative content analysis

  2. Toward the Replacement of Animal Experiments through the Bioinformatics-driven Analysis of 'Omics' Data from Human Cell Cultures. (United States)

    Grafström, Roland C; Nymark, Penny; Hongisto, Vesa; Spjuth, Ola; Ceder, Rebecca; Willighagen, Egon; Hardy, Barry; Kaski, Samuel; Kohonen, Pekka


    This paper outlines the work for which Roland Grafström and Pekka Kohonen were awarded the 2014 Lush Science Prize. The research activities of the Grafström laboratory have, for many years, covered cancer biology studies, as well as the development and application of toxicity-predictive in vitro models to determine chemical safety. Through the integration of in silico analyses of diverse types of genomics data (transcriptomic and proteomic), their efforts have proved to fit well into the recently-developed Adverse Outcome Pathway paradigm. Genomics analysis within state-of-the-art cancer biology research and Toxicology in the 21st Century concepts share many technological tools. A key category within the Three Rs paradigm is the Replacement of animals in toxicity testing with alternative methods, such as bioinformatics-driven analyses of data obtained from human cell cultures exposed to diverse toxicants. This work was recently expanded within the pan-European SEURAT-1 project (Safety Evaluation Ultimately Replacing Animal Testing), to replace repeat-dose toxicity testing with data-rich analyses of sophisticated cell culture models. The aims and objectives of the SEURAT project have been to guide the application, analysis, interpretation and storage of 'omics' technology-derived data within the service-oriented sub-project, ToxBank. Particularly addressing the Lush Science Prize focus on the relevance of toxicity pathways, a 'data warehouse' that is under continuous expansion, coupled with the development of novel data storage and management methods for toxicology, serve to address data integration across multiple 'omics' technologies. The prize winners' guiding principles and concepts for modern knowledge management of toxicological data are summarised. The translation of basic discovery results ranged from chemical-testing and material-testing data, to information relevant to human health and environmental safety. 2015 FRAME.



    Nopansyah, Jaka


    This research entitled"The role of the international civil aviation organization on international commercial civil aviation over the area of conflict" (A case study on Malaysia Airlines MH17 flight shooting in the air space of Eastern Ukraine in 2014) The research method used is Normative Research, Library Research at Atmajaya University Yogyakarta, And Internet Media. MH17 Malaysian plane crash in Ukraine 2014, All 298 people on board a Malaysia Airlines plane died after th...

  4. Manajemen Birokrasi Profesional Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik

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    Jaelan Usman


    depan organisasi (jalan birokrasi tingkat terkait dengan pelayanan publik. Jika non-pemerintah, kemudian membentuk organisasi partai politik, organisasi keagamaan, lembaga swadaya masyarakat dan organisasi masyarakat sipil yang lain. Siapapun pelayanananya bentuk kelembagaan, hal yang paling penting adalah bagaimana memberikan bantuan dan kemudahan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepentingan.


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    Sumanto Al Qurtuby


    dari kesamaan dan perbedaan antara keduanya, agama -baik Katolik maupun Islam- memainkan peran penting, baik negatif maupun positif, dalam politik global dan budaya publik. Ini menandai kuatnya peran agama di kedua negara itu. Artikel ini menggunakan analisis perbandingan, utamanya terhadap dinamika sejarah hubungan antara agama, masyarakat sipil, dan aktifisme politik.

  6. Reimagining peace, reimagining education: Peace educational potential of social media

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    M. Ayaz Naseem


    Full Text Available Abstract In this paper I examine the potential of blogosphere for civic education. My main argument is that in in-crisis societies such as Pakistan the blogosphere is a space where conversations and multilogues on issues that are crucial to societal regeneration are taking place. These conversations and multilogues in/through the blogosphere are democratic and inclusive in that they are not confined by the traditional articulations of ‘expertise’, privilege and subject positioning. Neither the writer nor those who participate in the ensuing conversation are or have to be experts in a disciplinary sense. They are not privileged by credentials or by their positioning in the ‘knowledge’ hierarchy. Any and all agents of the civil society can either start or engage in these multilogues, many of which directly or indirectly, focus on issues of national and societal self-regeneration. Abstrak Dalam makalah ini saya meneliti potensi ruang-blog (blogosphere untuk pendidikan kewarganegaraan. Argumen utama saya adalah bahwa dalam masyarakat yang sedang dilanda krisis seperti Pakistan ruang-blog (blogosphere merupakan ruang di mana percakapan dan interaksi percakapan tentang isu-isu yang sangat penting bagi regenerasi sosial, berlangsung. Percakapan dan multilogues melalui ruang-blog ini bersifat demokratis dan inklusif karena tidak dibatasi oleh artikulasi tradisional yang mencirikan 'keahlian', pengaturan posisi berdasarkan hak istimewa dan subjek masalah. Baik penulis maupun orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam percakapan tidak harus ahli dalam disiplin tertentu. Mereka tidak diberi hak istimewa atas dasar prestasi atau posisi mereka dalam hirarki 'pengetahuan' . Setiap dan semua masyarakat sipil dapat memulai atau terlibat dalam interaksi percakapan ini, banyak di antara mereka yang baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, berfokus pada isu-isu regenerasi diri di tingkat nasional dan masyarakat.How to Cite : Naseem, M., A. (2015. Reimagining Peace

  7. Effect of tunnel placements on clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings 2 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the double-bundle technique

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    Suomalainen P


    Full Text Available Piia Suomalainen,1 Tommi Kiekara,2 Anna-Stina Moisala,1 Antti Paakkala,2 Pekka Kannus,3 Timo Järvelä4 1Division of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Department of Trauma, Musculoskeletal Surgery and Rehabilitation, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, 2Medical Imaging Centre, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, 3Injury and Osteoporosis Research Center, UKK Institute, Tampere, 4Arthroscopic and Sports Medicine Center Omasairaala, Helsinki, Finland Purpose: The purpose of the study reported here was to find out if the clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI findings of a reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL have an association. Our hypothesis, which was based on the different functions of the ACL bundles, was that the visibility of the anteromedial graft would have an impact on anteroposterior stability, and the visibility of the posterolateral graft on rotational stability of the knee. Methods: This study is a level II, prospective clinical and MRI study (NCT02000258. The study involved 75 patients. One experienced orthopedic surgeon performed all double-bundle ACL reconstructions. Two independent examiners made the clinical examinations at 2-year follow-up: clinical examination of the knee; KT-1000, International Knee Documentation Committee and Lysholm knee evaluation scores; and International Knee Documentation Committee functional score. The MRI evaluations were made by two musculoskeletal radiologists separately, and the means of these measurements were used. Results: We found that the location of the graft in the tibia had an impact on the MRI visibility of the graft at 2-year follow-up. There were significantly more partially or totally invisible grafts if the insertion of the graft was more anterior in the tibia. No association was found between the clinical results and the graft locations. Conclusion: Anterior graft location in the tibia can cause graft invisibility in the MRI 2 years after ACL reconstruction, but this


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    Fengky Satria Yoresta


    Safety Initiative. Indonesia. Chauf KA. (2005. Karakteristik Mekanik Kayu Kamper sebagai Bahan Konstruksi. Majalah Ilmiah MEKTEK 7: 41-47. Gangarao HVS, Narendra T & Vijay PV. (2007. Reinforced Concrete Design with FRP Composites. CRC Press, Boca Raton. PKKI (Indonesian Timber Construction Code. (1961. PKKI NI – 5 1961. Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Bandung. Pranata YA, Bambang S & Johannes AT. (2012. Rasio Modulus Penampang Elastik Balok Kayu Laminasi-Baut. Jurnal Teknik Sipil 19: 223-236. Thelandersson S. (2003. Introduction: Wood as a construction material. Pp 15-22 in Sven T & Hans JL (Eds Timber Engineering. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, West Sussex.


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    Djumikasih Djumikasih


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper aims to identify and analyze what the juridical implications of the publication of the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 46/PUU-VIII / 2010 on Child Outside Marriage Deed which has been published by the Department of Population and Civil Registration prior to the establishment of the Constitutional Court's decision . The method used in this study is a normative juridical approach legislation. From the discussion, it can be concluded that the Constitutional Court 46/PUU-VIII/2010 Number of Tests on Article 43 paragraph ( 1 Marriage Act ( Act No. 1 of 1974 when viewed from the angle of legal certainty it will lead to legal certainty . But the decision will not have any juridical implications of the child's birth certificate that has been published outside of marriage and illegitimate child who was born before the date of February 17, 2012, as if enacted would be contrary to the principle of legality is interpreted Article 47 of the Law on the Constitutional Court and Article 28 ( i of the 1945 Constitution . Likewise, if the terms of the fairness and usefulness , especially for justice seekers / applicant , the timing of this decision is not fair and not useful , because although the Court granted the petition but the Constitutional Court can not be applied to her .   Key words: yuridical implication, birth certificate, children who are born outside of marriage   Abstrak   Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis apa implikasi yuridis dari terbitnya putusan MK Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/ 2010 terhadap Akta Anak Luar Kawin yang sudah diterbitkan oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil sebelum lahirnya putusan MK tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normative dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Dari pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Putusan MK Nomer 46/PUU-VIII/2010 tentang Pengujian terhadap Pasal 43 ayat (1 UU Perkawinan (UU NO 1 Tahun 1974 jika dilihat dari sudut kepastian

  10. Replacing sedentary time with physical activity: a 15-year follow-up of mortality in a national cohort

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    Dohrn IM


    Full Text Available Ing-Mari Dohrn,1 Lydia Kwak,2 Pekka Oja,3 Michael Sjöström,4 Maria Hagströmer1,5 1Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS, 2Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; 3UKK Institute, Tampere, Finland; 4Department of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut, Karolinska Institutet, 5Functional Area Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden Background: Sedentary behavior is associated with health risks in adults. The potential benefits of reducing sedentary time may be dependent not only on decrease per se, but also on the type of activity it replaces. Few longitudinal studies have investigated the effects on mortality when replacing objectively assessed sedentary time with another physical activity (PA behavior. Objective: To investigate the effects of replacing objectively assessed sedentary time with time in light-intensity PA or moderate-vigorous PA (MVPA on all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD mortality or cancer mortality in a cohort with 15 years follow-up time.Methods: In total, 851 women and men from the population-based Sweden Attitude Behaviour and Change study were included. Time spent sedentary, in light-intensity PA and in MVPA were assessed using an Actigraph 7164 accelerometer. Mortality data were obtained from Swedish registers. Cox proportional hazards models estimated hazard ratios (HR of mortality with 95% confidence intervals (CI and isotemporal substitution models were used to estimate the effect of replacing sedentary behavior with PA for the same amount of time.Results: Over a follow-up of 14.2 years (SD 1.9 with 12,117 person-years at risk, 79 deaths occurred, 24 deaths from CVD, 27 from cancer, and 28 from other causes. Replacing 30 minutes/day of sedentary time with light-intensity PA was associated with significant reduction in all-cause mortality risk (HR: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.81-0.98 and CVD mortality risk (HR

  11. Structure of Suasselkä Postglacial Fault in northern Finland obtained by analysis of ambient seismic noise (United States)

    Afonin, Nikita; Kozlovskaya, Elena


    the SPGF corresponds to a narrow region of low S-wave velocities surrounded by rocks with high S-wave velocities. We interpret this low velocity region as a non-healed mechanically weak fault damage zone (FDZ) remained after the last major earthquake that occurred after the last glaciation. Seismic instruments for the DAFNE/FINLAND experiment were provided by the institute of Seismology of the University of Helsinki and by the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory. The study was partly funded by Posiva Oy and Geological Survey of Finland. DAFNE/FINLAND Working Group: Ilmo Kukkonen Pekka Heikkinen Kari Komminaho Elena Kozlovskaya Riitta Hurskainen Tero Raita Hanna Silvennoinen

  12. Natural history of bleeding and characteristics of early bleeders among warfarin initiators – a cohort study in Finland

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    Rikala M


    Full Text Available Maria Rikala,1 Helena Kastarinen,1,2 Pekka Tiittanen,1 Risto Huupponen,1,3 Maarit Jaana Korhonen1,4,5 1Department of Pharmacology, Drug Development and Therapeutics, University of Turku, Turku, 2Social Insurance Institution, Regional Office for Eastern and Northern Finland, Kuopio, 3Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, Turku University Hospital, 4Department of Public Health, University of Turku, Turku, Finland; 5Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA Aims: The demand for oral anticoagulant therapy will continue to increase in the future along with the aging of the population. This study aimed to determine the rate of bleeding requiring hospitalization and to characterize early bleeders among persons initiating warfarin therapy. Characterization of those most susceptible to early bleeding is important in order to increase the safety of warfarin initiation. Patients and methods: Using data from nationwide health registers, we identified persons initiating warfarin therapy between January 1, 2009 and June 30, 2012, n=101,588, and followed them until hospitalization for bleeding, death, or administrative end of the study (December 31, 2012. We defined early bleeders as persons with a bleeding requiring hospitalization within 30 days since warfarin initiation. Results: The rate of hospitalization for bleeding during a median follow-up of 1.9 years was 2.6% per person-year (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5%–2.7%, with a peak within the first 30 days of warfarin initiation (6.5% per person-year, 95% CI 6.0%–7.1%. In a multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analysis, early bleeders were characterized by prior bleeding (<180 days before initiation, hazard ratio [HR] =13.7, 95% CI 10.9–17.1; during 180 days–7 years before initiation, HR =1.48, 95% CI 1.15–1.90, male sex (HR =1.32, 95% CI 1.10–1.57, older age (HR =1.13, 95% CI 1.04–1

  13. Health Information-Seeking Patterns of the General Public and Indications for Disease Surveillance: Register-Based Study Using Lyme Disease. (United States)

    Pesälä, Samuli; Virtanen, Mikko J; Sane, Jussi; Mustonen, Pekka; Kaila, Minna; Helve, Otto


    an increasing trend over time but also greater fluctuations, especially during peak opening seasons. Outside these seasons, publications in the media coincide with Health Library article openings only occasionally. Lyme disease-related information-seeking behaviors between the general public and HCPs from Internet medical portals share similar temporal variations, which is consistent with the trend seen in epidemiological data. Therefore, the general public's article openings could be used as a supplementary source of information for disease surveillance. The fluctuations in article openings appeared stronger among the general public, thus, suggesting that different factors such as media coverage, affect the information-seeking behaviors of the public versus professionals. However, media coverage may also have an influence on HCPs. Not every publication was associated with an increase in openings, but the higher the media coverage by some publications, the higher the general public's access to Health Library. ©Samuli Pesälä, Mikko J Virtanen, Jussi Sane, Pekka Mustonen, Minna Kaila, Otto Helve. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 06.11.2017.


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    Yusuf Setiawan Syukur


    Full Text Available According to the 1945 Constitution, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK has an important role in fostering good governance and combating corruption in Indonesia’s public sector through its audit works. To be successful, BPK must implement and enforce ethical behaviours within the organisation. There are laws and regulations (e.g., civil servants’ code of ethics and employee discipline and systems, policies, and practices set up by authorities at BPK (e.g., BPK’s code of ethics, whistle-blowing procedure, the Honourary Council of BPK’s Code of Ethics (MKKE, and ethics training that regulate and influence behaviours of employees and members of the board. When reviewing literature, this paper attempts to understand the antecedents of ethical/unethical behaviours in organisations and look for best practices (including human resource management practices in developing ethical behaviours in organisations. It turns out that the ethical frameworks within BPK have a strong theoretical support. Despite the strong theoretical support from the literature, this study attempts to identify gaps between the best practices and ethical frameworks within BPK. In response to the gaps, this study attempts to offer recommendations so as to close the gaps and improve the ethical frameworks within BPK. In the end, this study produces seventeen recommendations. KEYWORDS code of ethics, ethical behaviours, human resource management, ethics audit, and ethical climate survey. ABSTRAK Berdasarkan Undang-undang Dasar 1945, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (BPK mempunyai peran penting dalam meningkatkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dan memberantas korupsi di sektor publik di Indonesia melalui kegiatan pemeriksaannya. Agar sukses dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut, BPK harus menerapkan dan menegakkan perilaku etis di dalam organisasi. Ada undang-undang dan peraturan peraturan (contoh: kode etik Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS dan peraturan disiplin

  15. Pelaksanaan Penerbitan Catatan Pinggir Pada Akta Kelahiran Sebagai Akibat Pengangkatan Anak dan Akibat Hukumnya

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    Prabowo Setyo Aji


    Full Text Available Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, pengangkatan anak menjadi suatu kebutuhan dalam masyarakat. Khususnya bagi pasangan suami istri yang belum dikaruniai anak. Selain itu faktor ekonomi dan faktor kepercayaan lainnya juga menjadi penyebab dilakukannya pengangkatan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi seseorang atau keluarga dalam melakukan pengangkatan anak di Kabupaten Pemalang yang terjadi selama tahun 2012, bagaimana prosedur serta pelaksanaan penerbitan catatan pinggir pada akta kelahiran terhadap pengangkatan anak dan apa akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan bagi orang tua maupun anak angkat pasca penerbitan catatan pinggir pada akta kelahiran terhadap pengangkatan anak. Jenis penelitian yang di gunakan adalah yuridis sosiologis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor pendorong yang sering melatarbelakangi masyarakat dalam melakukan pengangkatan anak adalah untuk meneruskan keturunan. Pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak di Kabupaten Pemalang berdasarkan perundang-undangan dimulai dari Dinas Sosial setempat, kemudian tahap selanjutnya yaitu mengajukan permohonan penetapan pengangkatan anak kepada Pengadilan Negeri maupun Pengadilan Agama. Setelah penetapan pengangkatan anak dikabulkan kemudian pemohon segera melaporkan kepada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil untuk dibuat catatan pinggir pada akta kelahiran anak yang diangkat sebagai wujud pencatatan peristiwa penting pada administrasi kependudukan. Akibat hukum yang timbul dari peristiwa pengangkatan anak yakni beralihnya hak dan kewajiban orang tua kandung kepada orang tua angkat terhadap anak yang diangkat. Jika penetapan pengangkatan anak dikabulkan oleh Pengadilan Negeri, maka anak angkat tersebut mendapatkan hak sebagaimana ia anak kandung, namun jika penetapan pengangkatan anak dikabulkan oleh Pengadilan Agama, maka anak angkat tersebut hanya memiliki hak berupa wasiat wajibah. Along with the times, adoption becomes a necessity in

  16. The effect of workload and other risk factors of metabolic syndrome among short-haul commercial pilots in Indonesia

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    Inne Yuliawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Sindroma metabolik (MS dapat menyebabkan kecacatan di antara pilot di Indonesia.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko MS antara pilot komersialjarak pendek di Indonesia.Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dengan sampling purposif yang dilakukan di antara pilot komersial yangmelakukan uji medik di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Sipil, Jakarta tanggal 27 Juli-30 Agustus 2014. Sindromametabolik dinilai menurutkriterian National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. Faktorrisiko diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner self-reporting anonim. Data laboratorium diperoleh daricatatan medis. Regresi Cox digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko yang dominan dari MS.Hasil: Selama pengumpulan data, 2135 pilot melakukan uji medik. Jumlah pilot Asia laki-laki memenuhi kriteriainklusi adalah 864 pilot. Prevalensi MS adalah 18,28%. Dibandingkan dengan kelompok 20-35 tahun, yangberusia berusia 56-65 tahun memiliki risiko 88% lebih tinggi untuk MS [risiko relatif sesuaian (RRa = 1,88;P = 0,019]. Jika ditinjau dari jumlah sektor dalam 24 jam terakhir, dibandingkan dengan 0-3 sektor, subyekyang memiliki 6-7 sektor mempunyai risiko 66% lebih tinggi untuk MS (RRa = 1,66; P = 0,033, sedangkanyang memiliki 8 atau lebih sektor dalam 24 jam memiliki 82% lebih berisiko untuk MS (RRa = 1,82; P = 0,072.Kesimpulan: Pilot berusia tahun-56-65, yang memiliki 6 atau lebih sektor dalam 24 jam terakhir, memilikirisiko lebih tinggi untuk sindroma metabolik antara jarak pendek pilot komersial di Indonesia. (HealthScience Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:81-6Kata kunci: Sindroma metabolik, jumlah sektor, pilot, Indonesia Abstract Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS could cause sudden incapacitation among pilots in Indonesia.The aim of this study was to identify risk factors of MS among short-haul commercial pilots in Indonesia.Methods: A cross-sectional study with purposive sampling was conducted

  17. Minat Mahasiswa Setelah Lulus Kuliah Terhadap Entrepreneurs: Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Peserta Pelatihan Entrepreneurship Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul ‘Ulum Jombang Tahun 2015

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    A. Syafi' AS


    Full Text Available Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship adalah kemampuan kreatif dan inovatif dalam menciptakan nilai tambah di pasar melalui proses pengelolaan sumber daya dengan cara-cara baru dan berbeda. Di Indonesia, kewirausahaan dipelajari baru terbatas pada beberapa sekolah atau perguruan tinggi tertentu saja. Program yang dilakukan oleh Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul ‘Ulum Jombang ditambah dengan adanya bantuan penguatan entrepreneurs centre PTKI tahun 2015 dari Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Islam Kementerian Agama RI dapat menjadi batu loncatan bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul ‘Ulum Jombang yang ingin membuka usaha pada saat lulus kuliah nanti. Penelitian ini merupakan SWOT analasis tentang minat mahasiswa peserta entrepreneursip mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul ‘Ulum Jombang setelah lulus kuliah terhadap entrepreneurship. Teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi, wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah sebanyak 63.48% perempuan dan 66.05% laki-laki ingin membuka usaha setelah lulus, artinya minat menjadi wirausaha lebih besar pada mahasiswa laki-laki. Mahasiswa yang ingin bekerja setelah lulus adalah 24.17% perempuan dan 26.12% laki-laki. Untuk mahasiswa yang ingin menjadi Pegawai Negri Sipil setelah lulus hampir berimbang, yaitu 5.19% perempuan dan 5.23% laki-laki. Sedangkan yang menginginkan menjadi guru lebih banyak terjadi pada mahasiswa perempuan, yaitu 7.16% dan hanya 2.14% dari mahasiswa laki-laki. Yang paling menarik dalam temuan penelitian ini adalah didapatnya 0.46% mahasiswa laki-laki yang ingin menjadi ABRI pada saat lulus kuliah, melihat latar belakang data yang di dapat mahasiswa yang ingin jadi ABRI dilatarbelakangi oleh orangtuanya yang memang ABRI. || Entrepreneurship is the ability to be creative and innovative in creating added value in the market through the process of managing resources in new dan different ways. In Indonesia, a new study of

  18. Feasibility of Gamified Mobile Service Aimed at Physical Activation in Young Men: Population-Based Randomized Controlled Study (MOPO). (United States)

    Leinonen, Anna-Maiju; Pyky, Riitta; Ahola, Riikka; Kangas, Maarit; Siirtola, Pekka; Luoto, Tim; Enwald, Heidi; Ikäheimo, Tiina M; Röning, Juha; Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka; Mäntysaari, Matti; Korpelainen, Raija; Jämsä, Timo


    fitness from baseline between the groups, whereas waist circumference was reduced in the most inactive men within the intervention group (P=.01). Among completers with valid physical activity data (n=167), there was a borderline difference in the change in mean daily time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity between the groups (11.9 min vs -9.1 min, P=.055, linear mixed model). Within the intervention group (n=87), baseline vigorous physical activity was inversely associated with change in moderate to vigorous physical activity during the trial (R=-.382, P=.01). The various functionalities related to physical activity of the gamified tailored mobile service were considered important. However, the compliance was limited. Within the current setup, the mobile service had no effect on anthropometry or fitness, except reduced waist circumference in the most inactive men. Among completers with valid physical activity data, the trial had a borderline positive effect on moderate to vigorous physical activity. Further development is needed to improve the feasibility and adherence of an integrated multifunctional service. NCT01376986; (Archived by WebCite at ©Anna-Maiju Leinonen, Riitta Pyky, Riikka Ahola, Maarit Kangas, Pekka Siirtola, Tim Luoto, Heidi Enwald, Tiina M Ikäheimo, Juha Röning, Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Matti Mäntysaari, Raija Korpelainen, Timo Jämsä. Originally published in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth (, 10.10.2017.

  19. Digital Gaming for Improving the Functioning of People With Traumatic Brain Injury: Randomized Clinical Feasibility Study. (United States)

    Välimäki, Maritta; Mishina, Kaisa; Kaakinen, Johanna K; Holm, Suvi K; Vahlo, Jukka; Kirjonen, Markus; Pekurinen, Virve; Tenovuo, Olli; Korkeila, Jyrki; Hämäläinen, Heikki; Sarajuuri, Jaana; Rantanen, Pekka; Orenius, Tage; Koponen, Aki


    . However, depression scores increased significantly between baseline and after 8 weeks and between baseline and after 3 months in the rehabilitative gaming group. No differences were found in patients' self-efficacy between the three measuring points in any of the groups. Participants did use the games (rehabilitation group: 93%, 27/29; entertainment group 100%, 29/29). Games were seen as a usable intervention (rehabilitation group: 70%, 14/29; entertainment group: 83%, 20/29). The rehabilitation group was less satisfied with the gaming intervention (68%, 13/29 vs 83%, 20/29), but they were more willing to use the game after the intervention period (76%, 16/29 vs 63%, 15/29). Total time spent on gaming during the intervention period was low (15.22 hour rehabilitation gaming group, 19.22 hour entertainment gaming group). We did not find differences between the groups in improvement in the outcome measures. The improvements in test performance by all three groups may reflect rehearsal effects. Entertainment gaming had elements that could be considered when rehabilitative games are designed for, implemented in, and assessed in larger clinical trials for persons with TBI. NCT02425527; (Archived by WebCite at ©Maritta Välimäki, Kaisa Mishina, Johanna K Kaakinen, Suvi K Holm, Jukka Vahlo, Markus Kirjonen, Virve Pekurinen, Olli Tenovuo, Jyrki Korkeila, Heikki Hämäläinen, Jaana Sarajuuri, Pekka Rantanen, Tage Orenius, Aki Koponen. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 19.03.2018.

  20. Introducing litter quality to the ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS: Effects on short- and long-term soil carbon dynamics (United States)

    Portner, Hanspeter; Wolf, Annett; Rühr, Nadine; Bugmann, Harald


    and 2007 [Rühr(2009)] and present soil carbon stocks [Heim et al.(2009)]. Our Results show, that for short-term soil carbon dynamics, e.g. estimates of heterotrophic soil respiration on an annual basis, the inclusion of the dependency on litter quality is not necessary, as the differences are minor only. However, when considering long-term soil carbon dynamics, e.g. simulated estimates of present soil carbon content, the dependency on litter quality shows effect, as there are correlations with specific site factors such as site location and forest type. The inclusion of the dependence on litter quality therefore may be of importance for the projection of future soil carbon dynamics, as forest types may well be altered due to climatic change. References [Heim et al.(2009)] A. Heim, L. Wehrli, W. Eugster, and M.W.I. Schmidt. Effects of sampling design on the probability to detect soil carbon stock changes at the swiss CarboEurope site Lägeren. Geoderma, 149(3-4):347-354, 2009. [Rühr(2009)] Nadine Katrin Rühr. Soil respiration in a mixed mountain forest : environmental drivers and partitioning of component fluxes. PhD thesis, ETH, 2009. [Smith et al.(2001)] Benjamin Smith, I. Colin Prentice, and Martin T. Sykes. Representation of vegetation dynamics in the modelling of terrestrial ecosystems: comparing two contrasting approaches within european climate space. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 10(6):621-637, 2001. [Tuomi et al.(2008)] Mikko Tuomi, Pekka Vanhala, Kristiina Karhu, Hannu Fritze, and Jari Liski. Heterotrophic soil respiration-Comparison of different models describing its temperature dependence. Ecological Modelling, 211(1-2): 182-190, 2008.

  1. EDITORIAL: Focus on Cloaking and Transformation Optics (United States)

    Leonhardt, Ulf; Smith, David R.


    multi-frequency cloaking Andrea Alù and Nader Engheta Electromagnetic cloaking devices for TE and TM polarizations Filiberto Bilotti, Simone Tricarico and Lucio Vegni An aberration-free lens with zero F-number D Schurig Transformational optics of plasmonic metamaterials I I Smolyaninov An acoustic metafluid: realizing a broadband acoustic cloak J B Pendry and Jensen Li On the possibility of metamaterial properties in spin plasmas G Brodin and M Marklund A homogenization route towards square cylindrical acoustic cloaks Mohamed Farhat, Sébastien Guenneau, Stefan Enoch, Alexander Movchan, Frédéric Zolla and André Nicolet Transformation optics: approaching broadband electromagnetic cloaking A V Kildishev, W Cai, U K Chettiar and V M Shalaev Generalized field-transforming metamaterials Sergei A Tretyakov, Igor S Nefedov and Pekka Alitalo Electromagnetic beam modulation through transformation optical structures Xiaofei Xu, Yijun Feng and Tian Jiang Superantenna made of transformation media Ulf Leonhardt and Tomáš Tyc Material parameters and vector scaling in transformation acoustics Steven A Cummer, Marco Rahm and David Schurig Isotropic transformation optics: approximate acoustic and quantum cloaking Allan Greenleaf, Yaroslav Kurylev, Matti Lassas and Gunther Uhlmann Transformation optical designs for wave collimators, flat lenses and right-angle bends Do-Hoon Kwon and Douglas H Werner Alternative derivation of electromagnetic cloaks and concentrators A D Yaghjian and S Maci Solutions in folded geometries, and associated cloaking due to anomalous resonance Graeme W Milton, Nicolae-Alexandru P Nicorovici, Ross C McPhedran, Kirill Cherednichenko and Zubin Jacob Finite wavelength cloaking by plasmonic resonance N-A P Nicorovici, R C McPhedran, S Enoch and G Tayeb

  2. Proceedings of the international workshop on building the new HRA: errors of commission - from research to application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    assessment (HRA) methods to identify contributors to risk and assessing their importance. Second-generation HRA methods refer to the common practice by HRA analysts to enhance the characterisation and realism in HRA modelling and quantification by including context as part of the HRA approach. These HRA methods covered in Workshop sessions included CREAM, FACE, ATHEANA, MERMOS, CAHR and CESA. Specialized applications covered pressurised thermal shock, fire analysis, maintenance, and benchmarking predicted error modes against simulator studies. This report is organised by Workshop Session with individual papers (14) and presentations (8) are organised by session appearing in the order in which they were given. The first session presented experiences from the application of three HRA contemporary methods to predict errors of commission for three different scenarios. Alan Kolasckowski, SAIC/USA, summarised recent experience and findings regarding the application of ATHEANA to pressurised thermal shock (PTS). Steven Collier, Halden Reactor Project/Norway, discussed recent experience in the application of the CREAM HRA method to predict error modes during crew simulator trials. Pekka Pyy, VTT Automation/Finland, reviewed the use of the FACE method to characterise and quantify crew response including commission errors to a spurious signal detection process. Pierre Le Bot of Electricite de France presented insights from the method validation of MERMOS. Recent experience from analysing errors of commission using the CESA HRA method were reported by Vinh Dang, Paul Scherrer Institute/Switzerland. Oliver Straeter of the GRS and Munich Technical University/Germany discussed the CAHR HRA method and its benchmark against first-generation methods, and commented upon its application in assessing errors of commission. An after-hours INEEL presentation included a demonstration of a maritime virtual reality workstation based on human factors principles. Donald Wakefield presented the

  3. FOREWORD: Third Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulation in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics (United States)

    Kaski, K.; Salomaa, M.


    ), physics (fluid-dynamical and quantum-mechanical calculations; extensive numerical simulations of various condensed-matter systems; the development of stellar constellations, even the early Universe), chemistry (quantum-chemical calculations on the structures of new chemical compounds; chemical reactions and reaction dynamics), and biology (various models, for example, in population dynamics). We succeeded in our effort to assemble several internationally recognized researchers of Computational Science to deliver invited talks on a couple of exceptionally beautiful late-summer days in the modern premises of the Adult Education Center at Lahti. Among the plenary speakers, Per Bak described his highly original work on self-organized criticality. David Ceperley discussed pioneering numerical simulations of superfluid helium in which, for the first time, Feynman's path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics has been implemented on a computer. Jim Gunton presented his comprehensive studies of the Cahn-Hilliard equation for the dynamics of ordering in a condensed-matter system far from equilibrium, while Alex Hansen explained those on nonlinear breakdown in disordered materials. Representing the important field of computational chemistry, Bo Jönsson dealt with attractive forces between polyelectrolytes. Kurt Kremer gave an interesting account on computer-simulation studies of complex polymer systems, while Ole Mouritsen reviewed studies of interfacial fluctuations in lipid membranes. Pekka Pyykkö introduced his pioneering work which has led to predictions of completely novel chemical species. Annette Zippelius gave an expert introduction to the highly active field of neural networks. It is evident from each of these intriguing plenary contributions that, indeed, the computational approach is a frontier field of science, possibly providing the most versatile research method available today. We also arranged a competition for the best Posters presented at the Symposium; the

  4. PREFACE: Physics-Based Mathematical Models for Nanotechnology (United States)

    Voon, Lok C. Lew Yan; Melnik, Roderick; Willatzen, Morten


    -Foreman correction) coupled to strain and piezoelectric potential calculation. In its turn, in its general setting the problem of strain and piezoelectric potential calculation requires the solution of a nonlinear system of partial differential equation. A large experience in solving these two parts of the problem separately, independently of each other, has been already accumulated in the distinct communities of the researchers. This BIRS workshop effectively combined expertise of these research communities, summarized the state-of-the-art for modeling LDSNs and key challenges facing these communities, and explored ways to address those challenges in interdisciplinary team settings. The workshop brought together researchers working on different aspects of the analysis and modeling of LDSNs which require a concerted efforts of teams of researchers with close interactions between applied and pure mathematicians, physicists (theoreticians and experimentalists), computational scientists, and engineers. These scientific and engineering communities were represented in Banff by the researchers from Japan, Canada, the USA, Russia, France, Denmark, Germany, and the UK (further details can be found at We had four main plenary talks of one hour duration that gave state-of-the-art overviews of the subject from perspectives of applied mathematics (Professor Russel Caflisch of the University of California at Los Angeles), physics (Professor Antti-Pekka Jauho of the Danish Technical University), and computational science and engineering communities (Professor Gerhard Klimeck of Purdue University), as well as from a point of view of experimentalists (Dr Gail Brown of the Materials Lab/Air Force Research Lab at Wright-Patterson AFB). These talks helped identify the areas where joint efforts needed to be directed to, and they set up the scene for further work during the workshop, including discussions at the workshop open problem sessions. All participants

  5. Kongre İzlenimleri

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    Yasemin Balcı


    yapılacağı tartışılıp karar verilecekti. Daha doğrusu bu tartışmadan ziyade ciddi bir yarıştı. Bu aşamada Türkiye’den kongreye katılan tüm arkadaşlar böyle bir kongreye ev sahipliği yapabileceğimiz, bunun ülkemizdeki adli tıp ve adli bilimlerin gelişimine katkısı olacağı, ülkemizin en üst düzeyde tanıtımına destek olacağı inancına sahiptik. Aslında demek olarak bir uluslar arası kongreye ev sahipliği yapmamızın; önemli bir zorunluluk olduğu, en az 10 yıldır gündemde idi. Başta Prof Dr Serpil Salaçin olmak üzere, hocalarımız da bizleri teşvik etmek için sürekli uyarıda bulunuyorlardı. Bu nedenle 2004 İstanbul kongresinden başlayarak; Gaziantep’e kadar giderek artan sayıda yabancı konukla ve giderek artan bir ivme ile ciddi deneyim kazanıldı. Kocaeli’ndeki kongrenin de yabancı ortaklı yapılması ve uluslararası kongre için ön deneyim olması kararlaştırıldı. Bu nedenle, Porto’ya giderken bu kongreyi ülkemize getirmeye aday olmak açısından, ruhen ve fiziksel olarak hazırdık. ATUD Meslekte Yeterlilik Kurulu’nun 4 üyesi ile ATUD başkan yardımcısı da kongrede hazırdı. Tüm ATUD üyeleri ve Adli Bilimler camiasından meslektaşlarımız gibi, diğer ATUD Yönetim Kurulu ve Meslekte Yeterlilik Kurulu üyesi meslektaşlarımızın da kalplerinin bizimle olduğunu biliyorduk. Bu güçle, ülkemiz adına kongreye ev sahipliği yapmak için aday olduk. Diğer aday ülke de İspanya idi. Onlar Granada’yı, biz de Antalya’yı gösterdik. Bu aşamada, kongre başkanlığı önerimizi kabul eden, ATUD MYK Başkanı Prof Dr Mete Gülmen hoca’nın başkanlığında, katılan tüm Türk üyelerin olağan üstü bir çabası başladı (TÜRK TİMİ. Aday ülkeler arasında karar verecek ve bunları etkileyebilecek uluslararası üne sahip meslektaşlarımızla (örn; Prof. Anthony Busuttil, ECLM Başkanı Prof. Pekka Saukko, IALM Başkanı Prof. Nuno Vieira, MAFS Başkan Yard

  6. 6th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology (ISMA

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    Christiane Hilger


    hypoallergenic variant of the major peanut allergen Ara h 2 for allergen-specific immunotherapy Angelika Tscheppe, Dieter Palmberger, Merima Bublin, Christian Radauer, Chiara Palladino, Barbara Gepp, Nina Lengger, Reingard Grabherr, Heimo Breiteneder P36 Mutagenesis of amino acids critical for calcium-binding leads to the generation of a hypoallergenic Phl p 7 variant Marianne Raith, Linda Sonnleitner, Doris Zach, Konrad Woroszylo, Margit Focke-Tejkl, Herbert Wank, Thorsten Graf, Annette Kuehn, Ines Swoboda P37 Are birch pollen allergen immunotherapy induced blocking antibodies protective for cross-reactive allergens? Claudia Asam, Sara Huber, Heidi Hofer, Roland Lang, Thomas Hawranek, Fátima Ferreira, Michael Wallner P38 High success of 58 subcutaneous immunotherapy for pets allergy in a polyallergic cohort of patients: a component resolved individually adapted treatment (CRIAT Fabienne Gay-Crosier P39 Neutrophils are potential antigen presenting cells in IgE- mediated allergy Dominika Polak, Birgit Nagl, Claudia Kitzmüller, Barbara Bohle P40 Characterization of allergen-specific CD8+ T cells in type I allergy Nazanin Samadi, Claudia Kitzmüller, Rene Geyeregger, Barbara Bohle, Beatrice Jahn-Schmid Poster Session 5: Molecular and cellular diagnostic tests P41 Nanofluidic-based biosensors allow quantification of total circulating IgE from a drop of blood in 5 minutes Aurélie Buchwalder, Ariel Gomez, Fabien Rebeaud, Iwan Märki P42 Allergen microarray for the analysis of serum IgE binding profile and allergenic activity Jaana Haka, Liisa Hattara, Marika Heikkinen, Merja H Niemi, Juha Rouvinen, Petri Saviranta, Pekka Mattila, Kristiina Takkinen, Marja-Leena Laukkanen P43 Generation of a well-characterized panel of periplaneta americana allergens for component resolved diagnosis Stephanie Eichhorn, Isabel Pablos, Bianca Kastner, Bettina Schweidler, Sabrina Wildner, Peter Briza, Jung-Won Park, Naveen Arora, Stefan Vieths, Gabriele Gadermaier, Fatima Ferreira P44 Improved