
Sample records for perspektiver frem mod

  1. Coaching i perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen er en grundbog, der sætter coaching ind i et større perspektiv og en bredere sammenhæng.......Bogen er en grundbog, der sætter coaching ind i et større perspektiv og en bredere sammenhæng....

  2. Regulation of PDGFC signalling and extracellular matrix composition by FREM1 in mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fenny Wiradjaja


    Fras1-related extracellular matrix protein 1 (FREM1 is required for epidermal adhesion during embryogenesis, and mice lacking the gene develop fetal skin blisters and a range of other developmental defects. Mutations in members of the FRAS/FREM gene family cause diseases of the Fraser syndrome spectrum. Embryonic epidermal blistering is also observed in mice lacking PdgfC and its receptor, PDGFRα. In this article, we show that FREM1 binds to PDGFC and that this interaction regulates signalling downstream of PDGFRα. Fibroblasts from Frem1-mutant mice respond to PDGFC stimulation, but with a shorter duration and amplitude than do wild-type cells. Significantly, PDGFC-stimulated expression of the metalloproteinase inhibitor Timp1 is reduced in cells with Frem1 mutations, leading to reduced basement membrane collagen I deposition. These results show that the physical interaction of FREM1 with PDGFC can regulate remodelling of the extracellular matrix downstream of PDGFRα. We propose that loss of FREM1 function promotes epidermal blistering in Fraser syndrome as a consequence of reduced PDGFC activity, in addition to its stabilising role in the basement membrane.

  3. Studenterproduceret video til eksamen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kristian Nøhr; Hansen, Kenneth


    Formålet med denne artikel er at vise, hvordan læringsdesign og stilladsering kan anvendes til at skabe en ramme for studenterproduceret video til eksamen på videregående uddannelser. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i en problemstilling, hvor uddannelsesinstitutionerne skal håndtere og koordinere...... medieproduktioner. Med afsæt i Lanarca Declarationens perspektiver på læringsdesign og hovedsageligt Jerome Bruners principper for stilladsering, sammensættes en model for understøttelse af videoproduktion af studerende på videregående uddannelser. Ved at anvende denne model for undervisningssessioner og forløb får...... de fagfaglige og mediefaglige undervisere et redskab til at fokusere og koordinere indsatsen frem mod målet med, at de studerende producerer og anvender video til eksamen....

  4. Mit den Bürgerlichen gegen den Faschismus?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lammers, Karl Christian

    Undersøgelse af det tyske socialdemokrati SPD's holdning til og kamp mod fascisme og nationalsocialisme frem til 1933......Undersøgelse af det tyske socialdemokrati SPD's holdning til og kamp mod fascisme og nationalsocialisme frem til 1933...

  5. Alternative Veier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kruse, Tove Elisabeth; Salamonsen, Anita

    reflektioner omkring patienters brug af og erfaringer med alternativ behandling. Patientorganisationer, organisatoner for alternative behandlere og organisationer for læger og medicinstuderende har læst bogens patienthistorier og deres perspektiver lægges frem. Til slut i bogen diskuteres betydningen af de...

  6. Heterozygous mutations of FREM1 are associated with an increased risk of isolated metopic craniosynostosis in humans and mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisenka E L M Vissers


    Full Text Available The premature fusion of the paired frontal bones results in metopic craniosynostosis (MC and gives rise to the clinical phenotype of trigonocephaly. Deletions of chromosome 9p22.3 are well described as a cause of MC with variably penetrant midface hypoplasia. In order to identify the gene responsible for the trigonocephaly component of the 9p22.3 syndrome, a cohort of 109 patients were assessed by high-resolution arrays and MLPA for copy number variations (CNVs involving 9p22. Five CNVs involving FREM1, all of which were de novo variants, were identified by array-based analyses. The remaining 104 patients with MC were then subjected to targeted FREM1 gene re-sequencing, which identified 3 further mutant alleles, one of which was de novo. Consistent with a pathogenic role, mouse Frem1 mRNA and protein expression was demonstrated in the metopic suture as well as in the pericranium and dura mater. Micro-computed tomography based analyses of the mouse posterior frontal (PF suture, the human metopic suture equivalent, revealed advanced fusion in all mice homozygous for either of two different Frem1 mutant alleles, while heterozygotes exhibited variably penetrant PF suture anomalies. Gene dosage-related penetrance of midfacial hypoplasia was also evident in the Frem1 mutants. These data suggest that CNVs and mutations involving FREM1 can be identified in a significant percentage of people with MC with or without midface hypoplasia. Furthermore, we present Frem1 mutant mice as the first bona fide mouse model of human metopic craniosynostosis and a new model for midfacial hypoplasia.

  7. IT-baseret fagleksikografi: Nye perspektiver

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Anne Lise; Duvå, Grete


    IT-baseret fagleksikografi: nye perspektiver For leksikografer vil der altid være områder, der ikke kan behandles tilfredsstillende inden for den traditionelle ordbogs snævre rammer. Elektroniske versioner af forskellige håndbøger, herunder ordbøger, åbner imidlertid for helt nye muligheder, idet...

  8. Performance management i et tværdisciplinært perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ivar; Hansen, Allan


    Performance management er et begreb, der har vundet større og større indpas i både private virksomheder og offentlige organisationer. Mange bruger performance management, og mange giver det indhold og betydning. I denne artikel præsenterer vi et tværdisciplinært perspektiv på performance management...... i bestræbelserne på at komme tættere på, hvordan forskellige discipliner indenfor samfundsvidenskaben kan bruges til at forklare forskellige tilgange til performance management. Vi viser, at et økonomisk perspektiv på performance management repræsenterer en grundlæggende idé om at "bringe markedet...... ind i virksomheden" ved hjælp af konkurrence, stærke finansielle incitamenter og en udpræget grad af decentralisering med så lidt ledelsesinvolvering som muligt. Heroverfor står et psykologisk perspektiv på performance management, der bygger på en idé om at udnytte potentialerne i mennesket fuldt ud...

  9. Intern kontrol fra et Corporate Governance Perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus; Laursen, Peter Birkholm


    En stadig voksende interesse for risiko styring (Risk Management) som en central proces i virksomhedsledelse vil måske betyde en ændret opfattelse af intern kontrol. Dette artikel fokuserer på intern kontrol fra et Corporate Governance perspektiv. "Intern kontrol" kan udfra de forskellige...

  10. Valgretsdebatens vitale stemmer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fiig, Christina


    Med afsæt i habermasiansk og feministisk offentlighedsteori analyserer artiklen en del af valgretsdebatten frem mod opnåelse af valgretten i Danmark 1915. Artiklen diskuterer kvinders politiske modenhed på baggrund af John Stuart Mills tænkning......Med afsæt i habermasiansk og feministisk offentlighedsteori analyserer artiklen en del af valgretsdebatten frem mod opnåelse af valgretten i Danmark 1915. Artiklen diskuterer kvinders politiske modenhed på baggrund af John Stuart Mills tænkning...

  11. Norsk og matematikk i et literacy-perspektiv: metabevissthet også for de svake elevene [Visions 2011: Teaching

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bodil Kleve


    Full Text Available Artikkelen er diskuterende med fokus på teoretiske perspektiver som i didaktisk sammenheng kan brukes til å synliggjøre likheter og ulikheter mellom skolefag. Vi fokuserer spesielt på svake elever som trenger aktive og språkbevisste lærere. Vi tar utgangspunkt i et bevisstgjørende didaktisk metaperspektiv (literacy-perspektiv og et fenomenologisk meningsperspektiv og argumenterer på tre ulike nivå som alle fremmer metaspråklig perspektiv og innsikt. Det første er diskursnivået. Det neste er sjangernivået. Diskursnivået og sjangernivået er nødvendige metaperspektiv i all skolefaglig læring. Til slutt en erkjennelse av læreprosessens grunnleggende perspektiv: De ulike tenkemåter, "modes of thought", som er nødvendig for læring i de to fagene. Bevissthet om de to tenkemåtene, "modes of thought" tydeliggjør likheter og forskjeller mellom norsk og matematikk.

  12. Ph.d.-vejledning i et akademisk, markedsdrevet og samfundsforandrende perspektiv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pia Bøgelund


    Full Text Available Denne artikel identificerer og analyserer 3 idealtypiske ph.d.–vejlednings­per­spektiver, der korresponderer med forskellige forståelser af viden­skabs­syn og akademiske værdisæt. De 3 vejledningsperspektiver bygger på en inter­viewundersøgelse blandt 12 erfarne vejledere ved Det Teknisk-Na­tur­videnskabelige Fakultet på Aalborg Universitet. De identificeres på baggrund af vidensskabssyn og empirisk analyse, og udgør 1 et klassisk akademisk perspektiv; 2 et nyt management perspektiv, der i højere grad vægter projektledelse og produktivitet samt 3 et samfundsforandrende perspektiv baseret på uddannelse af forandringsagenter og ’empowerment’ af den ph.d.-studerende. Artiklen konkluderer, at ph.d.-vejlederes viden­skabs­syn og akademiske værdisæt sætter rammerne for udfoldelsen af vejlederrollen og valg af værktøjer, og som sådan bør ph.d.-vejledere eksplicit stifte bekendtskab med og diskutere disse væsensforskellige perspektiver på vidensproduktion.     This article aims to identify  successful strategies used by PhD supervisors when assessing knowledge production, taking into account their perceptions of science in a contextual and historical setting. The empirical data is made up of statements from 12 supervisors from two different research programs at the Faculty of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University. Three different supervisory perspectives are identified in relation to their understanding of knowledge production: A classical professional perspective, a perspective based on productivity management and a perspective based on change agency and empowerment. In the final discussion it is argued that in light of current challenges that include pressure to increase the number of PhD students and secure an international profile for the PhD education program a balanced use of all three perspectives could prove beneficial.

  13. Livsstilsbegrebet – i miljøsociologisk perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lars Kjerulf


    Denne artikel tager livsstilsbegrebet op til diskussion og gør det ud fra et miljøsociologisk perspektiv men med relevans for sociologien i almindelighed. Livsstilsbegrebet er af stor betydning i miljøsociologien - og i sociologien generelt - fordi studiet af livsstil muliggør en forståelse af sa...

  14. Arbejdsmarkedsreguleringen frem mod år 2018

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Søren Kaj

    Dette notat er udarbejdet som et baggrundsnotat til et udviklingsseminar afholdt af Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening den 15.-16. september 2008. Målsætningen med notatet er at komme med bud på væsentlige forandringer i rammebetingelser og udfordringer til arbejdsmarkedsreguleringen over de kommende ti ...

  15. FRAS1-related extracellular matrix 3 (FREM3 single-nucleotide polymorphism effects on gene expression, amygdala reactivity and perceptual processing speed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuliya eNikolova


    Full Text Available The A allele of the Fras1-related extracellular matrix protein 3 (FREM3 rs7676614 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP was linked to major depressive disorder (MDD in an early genome-wide association study (GWAS, and to symptoms of psychomotor retardation in a follow-up investigation. In line with significant overlap between age- and depression-related molecular pathways, parallel work has shown that FREM3 expression in postmortem human brain decreases with age. Here we probe the effect of rs7676614 on amygdala reactivity and perceptual processing speed, both of which are altered in depression and aging. Amygdala reactivity was assessed using a face-matching BOLD fMRI paradigm in 365 Caucasian participants in the Duke Neurogenetics Study (192 women, mean age 19.7±1.2. Perceptual processing speed was indexed by reaction times in the same task and the Trails Making Test (TMT. The effect of rs7676614 on FREM3 mRNA brain expression levels was probed in a postmortem cohort of 169 Caucasian individuals (44 women, mean age 50.8±14.9. The A allele of rs7676614 was associated with blunted amygdala reactivity to faces, slower reaction times in the face-matching condition (p<0.04, as well as marginally slower performance on TMT Part B (p=0.056. In the postmortem cohort, the T allele of rs6537170 (proxy for the rs7676614 A allele, was associated with trend-level reductions in gene expression in Brodmann areas 11 and 47 (p=0.066, reminiscent of patterns characteristic of older age. The low-expressing allele of another FREM3 SNP (rs1391187 was similarly associated with reduced amygdala reactivity and slower TMT Part B speed, in addition to reduced BA47 activity and Extraversion (p<0.05. Together, these results suggest common genetic variation associated with reduced FREM3 expression may confer risk for a subtype of depression characterized by reduced reactivity to environmental stimuli and slower perceptual processing speed, possibly suggestive of

  16. The Escherichia coli modE gene: effect of modE mutations on molybdate dependent modA expression. (United States)

    McNicholas, P M; Chiang, R C; Gunsalus, R P


    The Escherichia coli modABCD operon, which encodes a high-affinity molybdate uptake system, is transcriptionally regulated in response to molybdate availability by ModE. Here we describe a highly effective enrichment protocol, applicable to any gene with a repressor role, and establish its application in the isolation of transposon mutations in modE. In addition we show that disruption of the ModE C-terminus abolishes derepression in the absence of molybdate, implying this region of ModE controls the repressor activity. Finally, a mutational analysis of a proposed molybdate binding motif indicates that this motif does not function in regulating the repressor activity of ModE.

  17. Ripsteg mot spetskunskap i samisk matematik:lärares perspektiv på transformeringsaktiviteter i samisk förskola och sameskola


    Jannok-Nutti, Ylva


    Syftet med föreliggande avhandling är att utifrån lärarperspektiv beskriva, analysera och försöka förstå transformering av utbildning i matematik så att ett samiskt perspektiv blir utgångspunkt för utbildningen. Avhandlingen genomfördes såsom ett aktionsforskningsprojekt med fokus på lärares perspektiv avseende transformering och genomförande av transformeringsaktiviteter i matematik. Teoretiska utgångspunkter togs utifrån Smiths teori om urfolksperspektiv, Banks teori för integrering av mult...

  18. Fremmed, farlig og fræk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Sune Qvotrup

    fiksering, ved at påberåbe sig normalitet eller ved at ironisere over stereotyper. Modstanden mod othering i forskningsrelationen kan tolkes som en påberåbelse af at være et 'almindeligt menneske'. Men modstanden, mod at blive fastlåst i den position man selv iscenesætter peger også på en kompetence til...... rolleskift. De unge forsøger selv at bestemme, hvornår de vil fremstille sig selv på en stereotyp måde, og hvornår de vil være fri for at blive betragtet gennem stereotypiens patologiserende optik. Analysen af fortællingerne om hverdagsliv og othering viser, at enisk/racial andenhed kommer til at få en...... praksis uden for disse kontekster, må man principielt være forsigtig med at udtale sig. Men det kunne se ud til, at denne er temmelig differentieret. Nogle af de unge mænd er dominerende, måske ligefrem voldelige, mens andre ikke er det. En del af de unge positionerer sig homofobisk, idet de tager stærk...

  19. FRAS1-related extracellular matrix 3 (FREM3) single-nucleotide polymorphism effects on gene expression, amygdala reactivity and perceptual processing speed: An accelerated aging pathway of depression risk (United States)

    Nikolova, Yuliya S.; Iruku, Swetha P.; Lin, Chien-Wei; Conley, Emily Drabant; Puralewski, Rachel; French, Beverly; Hariri, Ahmad R.; Sibille, Etienne


    The A allele of the FRAS1-related extracellular matrix protein 3 (FREM3) rs7676614 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was linked to major depressive disorder (MDD) in an early genome-wide association study (GWAS), and to symptoms of psychomotor retardation in a follow-up investigation. In line with significant overlap between age- and depression-related molecular pathways, parallel work has shown that FREM3 expression in postmortem human brain decreases with age. Here, we probe the effect of rs7676614 on amygdala reactivity and perceptual processing speed, both of which are altered in depression and aging. Amygdala reactivity was assessed using a face-matching BOLD fMRI paradigm in 365 Caucasian participants in the Duke Neurogenetics Study (DNS) (192 women, mean age 19.7 ± 1.2). Perceptual processing speed was indexed by reaction times in the same task and the Trail Making Test (TMT). The effect of rs7676614 on FREM3 mRNA brain expression levels was probed in a postmortem cohort of 169 Caucasian individuals (44 women, mean age 50.8 ± 14.9). The A allele of rs7676614 was associated with blunted amygdala reactivity to faces, slower reaction times in the face-matching condition (p < 0.04), as well as marginally slower performance on TMT Part B (p = 0.056). In the postmortem cohort, the T allele of rs6537170 (proxy for the rs7676614 A allele), was associated with trend-level reductions in gene expression in Brodmann areas 11 and 47 (p = 0.066), reminiscent of patterns characteristic of older age. The low-expressing allele of another FREM3 SNP (rs1391187) was similarly associated with reduced amygdala reactivity and slower TMT Part B speed, in addition to reduced BA47 activity and extraversion (p < 0.05). Together, these results suggest common genetic variation associated with reduced FREM3 expression may confer risk for a subtype of depression characterized by reduced reactivity to environmental stimuli and slower perceptual processing speed, possibly suggestive of

  20. Mod i ledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mellon, Karsten


    Mod i ledelse er en efterspurgt vare i offentligt regi som modsvar på stigende kompleksitet og pres. Men hvad er ’mod i ledelse’ – og er du selv en modig leder?......Mod i ledelse er en efterspurgt vare i offentligt regi som modsvar på stigende kompleksitet og pres. Men hvad er ’mod i ledelse’ – og er du selv en modig leder?...

  1. Enhedsskolen i et historisk analytisk perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Preben Olund


    mange elever uden, de bliver integreret i gode skolefaglige læreprocesser. Skolen reproducerer den sociale ulighed. Der har udviklet sig en eftergivenhedskultur i uddannelsessystemet. I bind 1 bliver den historiske baggrund for enhedsskolen fremstillet. Der gøres rede for, hvordan uddannel...... lavt læringstryk med svage faglige og sociale færdigheder for mange. Reformpædagogikkens illusioner om frigørende pædagogik og udvikling af elevernes selvtillid ender op med en desillusioneret institutionel eftergivenhed. Dale rekonstruerer en ny pædagogik for enhedsskolen gennem den liberale...... perspektiv henviser til mulighederne for forandring af individet gennem dets egen læring og selvdannelse i en institutionaliseret kontekst med henblik på at udvikle handlingskompetence eller livsdygtighed. I bind 2 gøres der rede for, hvordan fælles kvalitetsansvar kan tilvejebringes i uddannelsessystemet...

  2. Numeriske tåger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knakkergaard, Martin


    med dette talpar omtyder vi alt, hvad der lader sig omtyde, til tabeller i en ustoppelig bevægelse, som efterlader det omtydede til glemsel og nostalgi. Afhængig af hvordan vi anskuer disse tabeller, i det rene Aristoteliske perspektiv eller i Heideggers mere spekulative optik, er det enten causa...... finalis eller causa efficiens, som tabellerne fremstiller for os, men hvad blev der af causa materialis og causa formalis undervejs? Og at producere betyder netop at stille frem, at fremstille - dette vægter ifølge sagens natur det 'stillads' - den teknik eller teknologi - gennem hvilket noget stilles...

  3. Algebraic Structures on MOD Planes


    Kandasamy, Vasantha; Ilanthenral, K.; Smarandache, Florentin


    Study of MOD planes happens to a very recent one. In this book, systematically algebraic structures on MOD planes like, MOD semigroups, MOD groups and MOD rings of different types are defined and studied. Such study is innovative for a large four quadrant planes are made into a small MOD planes. Several distinct features enjoyed by these MOD planes are defined, developed and described.

  4. Distribution of the type III DNA methyltransferases modA, modB and modD among Neisseria meningitidis genotypes: implications for gene regulation and virulence. (United States)

    Tan, Aimee; Hill, Dorothea M C; Harrison, Odile B; Srikhanta, Yogitha N; Jennings, Michael P; Maiden, Martin C J; Seib, Kate L


    Neisseria meningitidis is a human-specific bacterium that varies in invasive potential. All meningococci are carried in the nasopharynx, and most genotypes are very infrequently associated with invasive meningococcal disease; however, those belonging to the 'hyperinvasive lineages' are more frequently associated with sepsis or meningitis. Genome content is highly conserved between carriage and disease isolates, and differential gene expression has been proposed as a major determinant of the hyperinvasive phenotype. Three phase variable DNA methyltransferases (ModA, ModB and ModD), which mediate epigenetic regulation of distinct phase variable regulons (phasevarions), have been identified in N. meningitidis. Each mod gene has distinct alleles, defined by their Mod DNA recognition domain, and these target and methylate different DNA sequences, thereby regulating distinct gene sets. Here 211 meningococcal carriage and >1,400 disease isolates were surveyed for the distribution of meningococcal mod alleles. While modA11-12 and modB1-2 were found in most isolates, rarer alleles (e.g., modA15, modB4, modD1-6) were specific to particular genotypes as defined by clonal complex. This suggests that phase variable Mod proteins may be associated with distinct phenotypes and hence invasive potential of N. meningitidis strains.

  5. "Vi kan jo ikke gå hen og voldtage en mand, vel?"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Bodil Maria


    Seksualiserede overgrebs betydninger generaliseres, kønsneutraliseres og patologiseres ofte. I modsætning hertil viser kvinders personlige perspektiver, hvordan de seksualiserede overgrebs betydninger bliver forskelligt reflekterede og kønnede, ligesom de bliver begrundede i aspekter ved kvindern...

  6. Energikravene i BR15

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragh, Jesper; Aggerholm, Søren


    Bygningsreglement 2015 – BR15 – gælder fra 1. januar 2016 med en overgangsfase frem til 1. juli 2016. Det bygger videre på BR10 og de tidligere udmeldte krav til nybyggeriet frem mod 2020. I denne kvikguide får du hurtigt overblik over, hvordan du sikrer, at de bygninger, du er med til at opføre...... eller renovere, lever op til BR15’s energikrav. Disse krav findes primært i reglementets kapitel 7 om energiforbrug og i kapitel 8 om installationer samt i kapitel 6 om indeklima....

  7. Talent, det kan jeg tørre røv i!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borchmann, Simon


    Danmark har rettet blikket mod talenterne. I dag afleverer undervisnings­ministeriets arbejds­gruppe til talentudvikling deres anbefalinger. Også videnskabsministeren har proklameret, at talenterne skal hyldes. Men virkelige kraftpræstationer kommer ikke fra folk, der vil hyldes og bæres frem. De...

  8. Muligheder for klimatilpasning i landbrugserhvervet - status og handlemuligheder. Tjele: Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Agroøkologi / Naalakkersuisut: The Government of Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lehmann, Jesper Overgård; Sharif, Behzad; Kjeldsen, Chris


    Nærværende redegørelse er udarbejdet efter udbud fra det grønlandske selvstyre, hvor formålet var at beskrive klimaforandringernes konsekvenser for landbrugserhvervet frem mod 2050, og med det udgangspunkt at identificere konkrete tiltag for tilpasninger i erhvervet. Ud fra modelberegninger forve...

  9. Intern kontrol fra et Corporate Governance perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus; Laursen, Peter Birkholm

    En stadig voksende interesse for risiko styring (risk management) som en central proces i virksomhedsledelse vil måske betyde en ændret opfattelse af intern kontrol. Et af formålene med COSO rapporten var at bidrage med et fælles framework for intern kontrol på tværs af virksomhedens...... interessegrupper. Derfor er hovedspørgsmålet i dette paper, om COSO-frameworket er tilstrækkeligt, når intern kontrol ses fra et Corporate Governance perspektiv. Spørgsmålet bliver forsøgt besvaret ved at undersøge udviklingen i opfattelsen af intern kontrol over tid. Opfattelsen af intern kontrol hos Corporate...... Governance aktørerne undersøges og diskuteres med udgangspunkt i en sammenligning af COSO-frameworket med revisorernes standarder henholdsvis før og efter COSO-rapporten. Der foretages en indholdsanalyse af de relevante dokumenter som (1) bidrager til en mere detaljeret beskrivelse af udviklingen i begrebet...

  10. Tv-reklamens musik i et tekstanalytisk perspektiv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolai Jørgensgaard Graakjær


    Full Text Available Denne artikel omhandler musik i tv-reklamer i et tekstanalytisk perspektiv. Der tilbydes en analytisk ramme, som involverer tre sammenhængende niveauer: tekst, ko-tekst og kontekst. Niveauet for kontekst præsenteres som et spørgsmål om transtekstualitet omhandlende relationen mellem musikken i tv-reklamen og musik udenfor tv-reklamen. Niveauet for ko-tekst præsenteres som et spørgsmål om relationerne mellem tv-reklamens tekstuelle elementer, og der identificeres et primært niveau for audiovisuel betydningsdannelse. Tekst niveauet præsenteres som et spørgsmål om struktureringen af selve musikken i tv-reklamer, og der identificeres en række forskellige musikformater. Hvert af de tre niveauer er diskuteret og differentieret i forhold til yderligere en række analytiske kategorier, og gennemgående er disse analytiske kategorier eksemplificeret med reference til tv-reklamer vist på dansk tv.

  11. TC-13 Mod 0 and Mod 2 Steam Catapult Test Site (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Located on 11,000 feet of test runway, the TC-13 Mod 0 and Mod 2 Steam Catapult Test Site has in-ground catapults identical to those aboard carriers. This test site...

  12. Functional characterization of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum modA and modB genes involved in molybdenum transport. (United States)

    Delgado, María J; Tresierra-Ayala, Alvaro; Talbi, Chouhra; Bedmar, Eulogio J


    A modABC gene cluster that encodes an ABC-type, high-affinity molybdate transporter from Bradyrhizobium japonicum has been isolated and characterized. B. japonicum modA and modB mutant strains were unable to grow aerobically or anaerobically with nitrate as nitrogen source or as respiratory substrate, respectively, and lacked nitrate reductase activity. The nitrogen-fixing ability of the mod mutants in symbiotic association with soybean plants grown in a Mo-deficient mineral solution was severely impaired. Addition of molybdate to the bacterial growth medium or to the plant mineral solution fully restored the wild-type phenotype. Because the amount of molybdate required for suppression of the mutant phenotype either under free-living or under symbiotic conditions was dependent on sulphate concentration, it is likely that a sulphate transporter is also involved in Mo uptake in B. japonicum. The promoter region of the modABC genes has been characterized by primer extension. Reverse transcription and expression of a transcriptional fusion, P(modA)-lacZ, was detected only in a B. japonicum modA mutant grown in a medium without molybdate supplementation. These findings indicate that transcription of the B. japonicum modABC genes is repressed by molybdate.

  13. Gud og Darwin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjermitslev, Hans Henrik


    Denne artikel nuancerer det synspunkt, at religion og evolution er nødvendige modsætninger, ved at vise, hvordan forholdet gennem historien frem til i dag er blevet tolket på mange forskellige måder, der spænder hele vejen fra ateistisk darwinisme, over teistisk evolution og kreationisme til fladj...

  14. Pedagogical Content knowledge (PCK)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellebæk, Jens Jakob; Nielsen, Birgitte Lund


    Artiklen præsenterer et historisk rids over PCK-forskningen frem mod en ny model der er udviklet i konsensus af centrale forskere. Analysen fokuserer særligt på lærerviden versus færdighed og kompetence og individuel kognition versus distribueret, medieret og situeret viden. Relevans i dansk lære...

  15. Om jazz og race i dansk jazzkritik: nogle eksempler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Christen Kold


    'Race' bliver i dansk jazzkritik, især fra 50erne og frem, ignoreret som et ydre 'sociologisk' faktum, i modsætning til kulturradiklisternes idealisering før 2. verdenskrig af musikernes 'race' . Men faktisk fortsætter begrebet med at spille en uerkendt rolle, ofte som kvalitets- og stilmarkør i ...

  16. Organisatorisk resiliens fra et kommunikativ perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Daniel M

    to forskellige cases fra Forsvaret, hvor militærenheder træner mod at opbygge en høj grad af pålidelighed i organisering og drift. Via observationsstudier og kvalitative forskningsinterview har det empiriske studie tilvejebragt systematiske livsverdensbeskrivelser af situationer, hvor fænomenet resiliens har...... proces, hvor symbolsk betydning gensidigt forhandles mod en konstruktion, korrektion eller afvikling af mening, der er central for organiseringsfænomenet og organisationens eksistens. Forankret i en sådan forståelse af kommunikation og organisationens eksistens indskrives afhandlingen i en crisis...... været aktuelt for enhedernes individer. Der er i forbindelse med det empiriske studie udført i alt 13 kvalitative forskningsinterviews og foretaget i alt 20 dokumenteret observationer. Det empiriske materiale har dernæst været genstand for en fænomenologisk analyse med henblik på at forstå og forklare...

  17. Gadekunst og gentrificering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Samson, Kristine


    Inden for byudvikling er der på det seneste sket et paradigmeskifte fra den funktionalistiske planlægning mod performative og processuelle praksisser. PÅ denne udvidede byudviklingscene spiller den urbane kunst en væsentlig rolle. Street arten har aldrig tilhørt kulturinstitutionernes white cubes....... I stedet markerer street art et urbant territorier og kan pege frem mod fremtidige potentialer og udviklingsmuligheder. Artiklen argumenterer for, at street art kan ses som en performativ æstetik, der peger på et områdes igangværende gentrificeringsproces....

  18. An analysis of the binding of repressor protein ModE to modABCD (molybdate transport) operator/promoter DNA of Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Grunden, A M; Self, W T; Villain, M; Blalock, J E; Shanmugam, K T


    Expression of the modABCD operon in Escherichia coli, which codes for a molybdate-specific transporter, is repressed by ModE in vivo in a molybdate-dependent fashion. In vitro DNase I-footprinting experiments identified three distinct regions of protection by ModE-molybdate on the modA operator/promoter DNA, GTTATATT (-15 to -8; region 1), GCCTACAT (-4 to +4; region 2), and GTTACAT (+8 to +14; region 3). Within the three regions of the protected DNA, a pentamer sequence, TAYAT (Y = C or T), can be identified. DNA-electrophoretic mobility experiments showed that the protected regions 1 and 2 are essential for binding of ModE-molybdate to DNA, whereas the protected region 3 increases the affinity of the DNA to the repressor. The stoichiometry of this interaction was found to be two ModE-molybdate per modA operator DNA. ModE-molybdate at 5 nM completely protected the modABCD operator/promoter DNA from DNase I-catalyzed hydrolysis, whereas ModE alone failed to protect the DNA even at 100 nM. The apparent K(d) for the interaction between the modA operator DNA and ModE-molybdate was 0.3 nM, and the K(d) increased to 8 nM in the absence of molybdate. Among the various oxyanions tested, only tungstate replaced molybdate in the repression of modA by ModE, but the affinity of ModE-tungstate for modABCD operator DNA was 6 times lower than with ModE-molybdate. A mutant ModE(T125I) protein, which repressed modA-lac even in the absence of molybdate, protected the same region of modA operator DNA in the absence of molybdate. The apparent K(d) for the interaction between modA operator DNA and ModE(T125I) was 3 nM in the presence of molybdate and 4 nM without molybdate. The binding of molybdate to ModE resulted in a decrease in fluorescence emission, indicating a conformational change of the protein upon molybdate binding. The fluorescence emission spectra of mutant ModE proteins, ModE(T125I) and ModE(Q216*), were unaffected by molybdate. The molybdate-independent mutant Mod

  19. Who owns the mods?


    Kow, Yong Ming; Nardi, Bonnie


    Modding, the development of end user software extensions to commercial products, is popular among video gamers. Modders form communities to help each other. Mods can shape software products by weaving in contributions from users themselves based on their own experience of a product. The purpose of this paper is to investigate a conflict between a modding community and a gaming company which reveals contested issues of ownership and governance. We studied an online game, World of Warcraft, a l...

  20. Alcator C-Mod Tokamak (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Alcator C-Mod at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is operated as a DOE national user facility. Alcator C-Mod is a unique, compact tokamak facility that uses...

  1. Molybdate binding by ModA, the periplasmic component of the Escherichia coli mod molybdate transport system. (United States)

    Imperial, J; Hadi, M; Amy, N K


    ModA, the periplasmic-binding protein of the Escherichia coli mod transport system was overexpressed and purified. Binding of molybdate and tungstate to ModA was found to modify the UV absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of the protein. Titration of these changes showed that ModA binds molybdate and tungstate in a 1:1 molar ratio. ModA showed an intrinsic fluorescence emission spectrum attributable to its three tryptophanyl residues. Molybdate binding caused a conformational change in the protein characterized by: (i) a shift of tryptophanyl groups to a more hydrophobic environment; (ii) a quenching (at pH 5.0) or enhancement (at pH 7.8) of fluorescence; and (iii) a higher availability of tryptophanyl groups to the polar quencher acrylamide. The tight binding of molybdate did not allow an accurate estimation of the binding constants by these indirect methods. An isotopic binding method with 99MoO42- was used for accurate determination of KD (20 nM) and stoichiometry (1:1 molar ratio). ModA bound tungstate with approximately the same affinity, but did not bind sulfate or phosphate. These KDs are 150- to 250-fold lower than those previously reported, and compatible with the high molybdate transport affinity of the mod system. The affinity of ModA for molybdate was also determined in vivo and found to be similar to that determined in vitro. Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

  2. Pionerserien - Jytte Post

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Ethvert ungt fag hviler på en række pionerers arbejde med at bane vejen, udbrede kendskabet, overbevise politikere og embedsmænd, forsøge sig frem, støde panden mod en mur og forsøge igen. Hele tiden drevet af troen, lysten og glæden ved faget. Jytte Post Petersen er en af musikterapiens store...

  3. Sindsvidde og inklusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korsgaard, Morten Timmermann


    I denne artikel kastes et utraditionelt blik på den teoretiske og politiske inklusionsdagsorden. Med udgangspunkt i Hannah Arendt's tænkning forsøges det at ’fremmedgøre’ inklusionsbegrebet, for at kunne etablere et nyt vokabular for, hvad det er vi bør tale om i forhold til at udvikle skolen og...... børnenes evne til at indlemme det som er anderledes og det som er fremmed i skolens fællesskab. Derpå følger et forsøg på at re-pædagogisere det at tale om forskellighed og fællesskab i skolen. Igen med udgangspunkt i centrale begreber hos Arendt fremskrives et perspektiv på fællesskab der kunne danne...

  4. Overexpression, purification, and partial characterization of ADP-ribosyltransferases modA and modB of bacteriophage T4. (United States)

    Tiemann, B; Depping, R; Rüger, W


    There is increasing experimental evidence that ADP-ribosylation of host proteins is an important means to regulate gene expression of bacteriophage T4. Surprisingly, this phage codes for three different ADP-ribosyltransferases, gene products Alt, ModA, and ModB, modifying partially overlapping sets of host proteins. While gene product Alt already has been isolated as a recombinant protein and its action on host RNA polymerases and transcription regulation have been studied, the nucleotide sequences of the two mod genes was published only recently. Their mode of action in the course of the infection cycle and the consequences of the ADP-ribosylations catalyzed by these enzymes remain to be investigated. Here we describe the cloning of the genes, the overexpression, purification, and partial characterization of ADP-ribosyltransferases ModA and ModB. Both proteins seem to act independently, and the ADP-ribosyl moieties are transferred to different sets of host proteins. While gene product ModA, similarly to the Alt protein, acts also on the alpha-subunit of host RNA polymerase, the ModB activity serves another set of proteins, one of which was identified as the S1 protein associated with the 30S subunit of the E. coli ribosomes.

  5. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 and RELAP5/MOD1-EUR codes on the basis of LOBI-MOD2 test results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Auria, F.; Mazzini, M.; Oriolo, F.; Galassi, G.M.


    The present report deals with an overview of the application of RELAP5/MOD2 and RELAP5/MOD1-EUR codes to tests performed in the LOBI/MOD2 facility. The work has been carried out in the frame of a contract between Dipartimento di Costruzioni Meccaniche e Nucleari (DCMN) of Pisa University and CEC. The Universities of Roma, Pisa, Bologna and Palermo and the Polytechnic of Torino performed the post-test analysis of the LOBI experiment under the supervision of DCMN. In the report the main outcomes from the analysis of the LOBI experiments are given with the attempt to identify deficiencies in the modelling capabilities of the used codes

  6. RELAP5/MOD2 code assessment for the Semiscale Mod-2C Test S-LH-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fineman, C.P.


    RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36.02, was assessed using data from Semiscale Mod-2C experiment S-LH-1. The major phenomena that occurred during the experiment were calculated by RELAP5/MOD2, although the duration and the magnitude of their effect on the transient were not always well calculated. Areas defined where further work was needed to improve the RELAP5 calculation include: (1) the system energy balance, (2) core interfacial drag, and 3) the heat transfer logic rod dryout criterion

  7. R-HyMOD: an R-package for the hydrological model HyMOD (United States)

    Baratti, Emanuele; Montanari, Alberto


    A software code for the implementation of the HyMOD hydrological model [1] is presented. HyMOD is a conceptual lumped rainfall-runoff model that is based on the probability-distributed soil storage capacity principle introduced by R. J. Moore 1985 [2]. The general idea behind this model is to describe the spatial variability of some process parameters as, for instance, the soil structure or the water storage capacities, through probability distribution functions. In HyMOD, the rainfall-runoff process is represented through a nonlinear tank connected with three identical linear tanks in parallel representing the surface flow and a slow-flow tank representing groundwater flow. The model requires the optimization of five parameters: Cmax (the maximum storage capacity within the watershed), β (the degree of spatial variability of the soil moisture capacity within the watershed), α (a factor for partitioning the flow between two series of tanks) and the two residence time parameters of quick-flow and slow-flow tanks, kquick and kslow respectively. Given its relatively simplicity but robustness, the model is widely used in the literature. The input data consist of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration at the given time scale. The R-HyMOD package is composed by a 'canonical' R-function of HyMOD and a fast FORTRAN implementation. The first one can be easily modified and can be used, for instance, for educational purposes; the second part combines the R user friendly interface with a fast processing unit. [1] Boyle D.P. (2000), Multicriteria calibration of hydrological models, Ph.D. dissertation, Dep. of Hydrol. and Water Resour., Univ of Arizona, Tucson. [2] Moore, R.J., (1985), The probability-distributed principle and runoff production at point and basin scale, Hydrol. Sci. J., 30(2), 273-297.

  8. On mod 2 and higher elliptic genera

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Kefeng


    In the first part of this paper, we construct mod 2 elliptic genera on manifolds of dimensions 8k+1, 8k+2 by mod 2 index formulas of Dirac operators. They are given by mod 2 modular forms or mod 2 automorphic functions. We also obtain an integral formula for the mod 2 index of the Dirac operator. As a by-product we find topological obstructions to group actions. In the second part, we construct higher elliptic genera and prove some of their rigidity properties under group actions. In the third part we write down characteristic series for all Witten genera by Jacobi theta-functions. The modular property and transformation formulas of elliptic genera then follow easily. We shall also prove that Krichever's genera, which come from integrable systems, can be written as indices of twisted Dirac operators for SU-manifolds. Some general discussions about elliptic genera are given. (orig.)

  9. ModA and ModB, two ADP-ribosyltransferases encoded by bacteriophage T4: catalytic properties and mutation analysis. (United States)

    Tiemann, Bernd; Depping, Reinhard; Gineikiene, Egle; Kaliniene, Laura; Nivinskas, Rimas; Rüger, Wolfgang


    Bacteriophage T4 encodes three ADP-ribosyltransferases, Alt, ModA, and ModB. These enzymes participate in the regulation of the T4 replication cycle by ADP-ribosylating a defined set of host proteins. In order to obtain a better understanding of the phage-host interactions and their consequences for regulating the T4 replication cycle, we studied cloning, overexpression, and characterization of purified ModA and ModB enzymes. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that amino acids, as deduced from secondary structure alignments, are indeed decisive for the activity of the enzymes, implying that the transfer reaction follows the Sn1-type reaction scheme proposed for this class of enzymes. In vitro transcription assays performed with Alt- and ModA-modified RNA polymerases demonstrated that the Alt-ribosylated polymerase enhances transcription from T4 early promoters on a T4 DNA template, whereas the transcriptional activity of ModA-modified polymerase, without the participation of T4-encoded auxiliary proteins for middle mode or late transcription, is reduced. The results presented here support the conclusion that ADP-ribosylation of RNA polymerase and of other host proteins allows initial phage-directed mRNA synthesis reactions to escape from host control. In contrast, subsequent modification of the other cellular target proteins limits transcription from phage early genes and participates in redirecting transcription to phage middle and late genes.

  10. RELAP5/MOD2 code assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nithianandan, C.K.; Shah, N.H.; Schomaker, R.J.; Miller, F.R.


    Babcock and Wilcox (B and W) has been working with the code developers at EG and G and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission in assessing the RELAP5/MOD2 computer code for the past year by simulating selected separate-effects tests. The purpose of this assessment has been to evaluate the code for use in MIST (Ref. 2) and OTIS integral system tests simulations and in the prediction of pressurized water reactor transients. B and W evaluated various versions of the code and made recommendations to improve code performance. As a result, the currently released version (cycle 36.1) has been improved considerably over earlier versions. However, further refinements to some of the constitutive models may still be needed to further improve the predictive capability of RELAP5/MOD2. The following versions of the code were evaluated. (1) RELAP/MOD2/Cycle 22 - first released version; (2) YELAP5/Cycle 32 - EG and G test version of RELAP5/MOD2/Cycle 32; (3) RELAP5/MOD2/Cycle 36 - frozen cycle for international code assessment; (4) updates to cycle 36 based on recommendations developed by B and W during the simulation of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) pressurizer test; and (5) cycle 36.1 updates received from EG and G

  11. RELAP5/MOD2 code assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nithianandan, C.K.; Shah, N.H.; Schomaker, R.J.; Miller, F.R.


    Babcock and Wilcox (B and W) has been working with the code developers at EG and G and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission in assessing the RELAP5/MOD2 computer code for the past year by simulating selected separate-effects tests. The purpose of this assessment has been to evaluate the code for use in MIST (Ref. 2) and OTIS integral system tests simulations and in the prediction of pressurized water reactor transients. B and W evaluated various versions of the code and made recommendations to improve code performance. As a result, the currently released version (cycle 36.1) has been improved considerably over earlier versions. However, further refinements to some of the constitutive models may still be needed to further improve the predictive capability of RELAP5/MOD2. The following versions of the code were evaluated. (1) RELAP/MOD2/Cycle 22 - first released version; (2) YELAP5/Cycle 32 - EG and G test version of RELAP5/MOD2/Cycle 32; (3) RELAP5/MOD2/Cycle 36 - frozen cycle for international code assessment; (4) updates to cycle 36 based on recommendations developed by B and W during the simulation of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) pressurizer test; and (5) cycle 36.1 updates received from EG and G.

  12. Steady-state simulations of a 30-tube once-through steam generator with the RELAP5/MOD3 and RELAP5/MOD2 computer codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, Y.A.; Salim, P.


    This paper reports on a steady-state analysis of a 30-tube once-through steam generator that has been performed on the RELAPS/MOD3 and RELAPS/MOD2 computer codes for 100, 75, and 65% loads. Results obtained are compared with experimental data. The RELAP5/MOD3 results for the test facility generally agree reasonably well with the data for the primary-side temperature profiles. The secondary-side temperature profile predicted by RELAP5/MOD3 at 75 and 65% loads agrees fairly well with the data and is better than the RELAP5/MOD2 results. However, the RELAP5/MOD3 calculated secondary-side temperature profile does not compare well with the 100% load data

  13. Motivations og mestringsprojekt på en skole - set i psykologisk perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ledertoug, Mette Marie


    Motivation og mestrings projekt på en skole – set i et psykologisk perspektiv. Overvejelser om hvordan man laver Danmarks bedste folkeskole, hvad der skal til for at skabe trivsel og læring for alle børn, hvordan vi arbejder med inklusion, hvordan vi gør undervisningen udbytterig for både drenge og...... piger og gør dem robuste og livsduelige var en del af de spørgsmål, som vi - skolens ledelse og jeg selv stillede på Gladsaxe Skole. Opstarten blev et mindre pilotprojekt omkring Motivation og Mestring , hvor resultaterne blev så positive, at man i skoleåret 2012/2013 valgte at involvere alle skolens...... 750 elever og 80 lærere og pædagoger i projektet og hvor nærværende artikel vil beskrive de teoretiske overvejelser omkring motivation og mestring samt uddybe et enkelt af fokusområderne nemlig det spændende arbejde med børns karakterstyrker....

  14. Post-test analysis of LOBI BT-01 using RELAP5/MOD2 and RELAP5/MOD3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmes, B.J.


    LOBI is a high pressure, electrically heated integral system test facility simulating a KWU 1300 MW PWR scaled 1:712 by volume, although full scale has been maintained in the vertical direction. This report describes the results of an analysis of test BT-01, which simulates a 10% steam line break. The bulk of the analysis was performed using the Project Version of RELAP5/MOD2, with additional calculations using RELAP5/MOD3 for comparison. The codes provided generally good agreement with data. In particular, the break flows were well modelled, although the mass flow data proved to be unreliable, and this conclusion had to be derived from interpreting other signals. RELAP over-predicted primary/secondary heat transfer in the broken loop, however, leading to a more rapid cool-down of the primary circuit. Furthermore, the primary side pressure response was critically dependent upon the pressuriser behaviour, and the correct timing of the uncovery of the surge line. Inter-phase drag was not well predicted in the broken loop steam generator intermals, although some improvement was seen in the RELAP5/MOD3 predictions. MOD3 gave a reduction in primary/secondary heat transfer during the test pre-conditioning phase, resulting in a lower secondary side pressure at the start of the transient compared with MOD2. (author)

  15. CORCON-MOD1 modelling improvements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corradini, M.L.; Gonzales, F.G.; Vandervort, C.L.


    Given the unlikely occurrence of a severe accident in a light water reactor (LWR), the core may melt and slump into the reactor cavity below the reactor vessel. The interaction of the molten core with exposed concrete (a molten-core-concrete-interaction, MCCI) causes copious gas production which influences further heat transfer and concrete attack and may threaten containment integrity. In this paper the authors focus on the low-temperature phase of the MCCI where the molten pool is partially solidified, but is still capable of attacking concrete. The authors have developed some improved phenomenological models for pool freezing and molten core-coolant heat transfer and have incorporated them into the CORCON-MOD1 computer program. In the paper the authors compare the UW-CORCON/MOD1 calculations to CORCON/MOD2 and WECHSL results as well as the BETA experiments which are being conducted in Germany

  16. TRAC-PF1/MOD2 status and plans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spore, J.W.; Steinke, R.G.; Nelson, R.A.; Cappiello, M.W.; Jenks, R.


    The development of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code was completed in July 1988 with the release of Version 14.4. A TRAC-PF1/MOD2 code development plan addresses code deficiencies identified in the MOD1 code in order to provide an accurate and defensible tool that can be used to simulate large-break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), small-break LOCAs, and operational transients. The MOD2 code development plan is an international cooperative effort that includes contributions from Los Alamos National Laboratory, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI), Cray Research, Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB), and United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)

  17. NetMOD Version 2.0 User?s Manual.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merchant, Bion J. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    NetMOD ( Net work M onitoring for O ptimal D etection) is a Java-based software package for conducting simulation of seismic, hydracoustic, and infrasonic networks. Specifically, NetMOD simulates the detection capabilities of monitoring networks. Network simulations have long been used to study network resilience to station outages and to determine where additional stations are needed to reduce monitoring thresholds. NetMOD makes use of geophysical models to determine the source characteristics, signal attenuation along the path between the source and station, and the performance and noise properties of the station. These geophysical models are combined to simulate the relative amplitudes of signal and noise that are observed at each of the stations. From these signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the probability of detection can be computed given a detection threshold. This manual describes how to configure and operate NetMOD to perform detection simulations. In addition, NetMOD is distributed with simulation datasets for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) International Monitoring System (IMS) seismic, hydroacoustic, and infrasonic networks for the purpose of demonstrating NetMOD's capabilities and providing user training. The tutorial sections of this manual use this dataset when describing how to perform the steps involved when running a simulation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the reviewers of this document for their contributions.

  18. Comparison of SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 to TRAC-PF1/MOD1 for timing analysis of PWR fuel pin failures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, K.R.; Katsma, K.R.; Wade, N.L.; Siefken, L.J.; Straka, M.


    A comparison has been made of SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3- and TRAC-PF1/MOD1- based calculations of the fuel pin failure timing (time from containment isolation signal to first fuel pin failure) in a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA). The two codes were used to calculate the thermal-hydraulic boundary conditions for a complete, double-ended, offset-shear break of a cold leg in a Westinghouse 4-loop pressurized water reactor. Both calculations used the FRAPCON-2 code to calculate the steady-state fuel rod behavior and the FRAP-T6 code to calculate the transient fuel rod behavior. The analysis was performed for 16 combinations of fuel burnups and power peaking factors extending up to the Technical Specifications limits. While all calculations were made on a best-estimate basis, the SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 code has not yet been fully assessed for large-break LOCA analysis. The results indicate that SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 yields conservative fuel pin failure timing results in comparison to those generated using TRAC-PF1/MOD1. 7 refs., 5 figs

  19. Alcator C-MOD proposal addendum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonoli, P.; Greenwald, M.; Gwinn, D.


    Since the design concept and overall purpose of the Alcator C-MOD device are similar to that proposed in October 1985, we have chosen in this document only to highlight areas where changes or additions have been made. Chapters in the Addendum correspond to those in the Proposal, except Chapter 9 which describes a number of toroidal improvement concepts which are being considered for inclusion in the Alcator C-MOD experimental program. A description of the redesign and a discussion of the objectives of the experimental program are given

  20. Apo and ligand-bound structures of ModA from the archaeon Methanosarcina acetivorans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, Sum; Giuroiu, Iulia; Chernishof, Irina; Sawaya, Michael R.; Chiang, Janet; Gunsalus, Robert P.; Arbing, Mark A.; Perry, L. Jeanne


    Crystal structures of ModA from M. acetivorans in the apo and ligand-bound conformations confirm domain rotation upon ligand binding. The trace-element oxyanion molybdate, which is required for the growth of many bacterial and archaeal species, is transported into the cell by an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily uptake system called ModABC. ModABC consists of the ModA periplasmic solute-binding protein, the integral membrane-transport protein ModB and the ATP-binding and hydrolysis cassette protein ModC. In this study, X-ray crystal structures of ModA from the archaeon Methanosarcina acetivorans (MaModA) have been determined in the apoprotein conformation at 1.95 and 1.69 Å resolution and in the molybdate-bound conformation at 2.25 and 2.45 Å resolution. The overall domain structure of MaModA is similar to other ModA proteins in that it has a bilobal structure in which two mixed α/β domains are linked by a hinge region. The apo MaModA is the first unliganded archaeal ModA structure to be determined: it exhibits a deep cleft between the two domains and confirms that upon binding ligand one domain is rotated towards the other by a hinge-bending motion, which is consistent with the ‘Venus flytrap’ model seen for bacterial-type periplasmic binding proteins. In contrast to the bacterial ModA structures, which have tetrahedral coordination of their metal substrates, molybdate-bound MaModA employs octahedral coordination of its substrate like other archaeal ModA proteins

  1. Bascule d'un modèle poutre à un modèle 3D en dynamique des machines tournantes


    Tannous , Mikhael; Cartraud , Patrice; Dureisseix , David; Torkhani , Mohamed


    National audience; Les problèmes de machines tournantes incluant un contact rotor-stator, nécessitent un maillage 3D de la zone de contact. Cependant, un modèle 3D pour toute la durée de simulation conduit à des temps de calcul rédhibitoires. Or un modèle poutre est suffisant pour décrire la dynamique de la machine tournante hors contact. Une stratégie qui permet d'utiliser un modèle poutre et un autre 3D, pendant deux phases différentes durant la même simulation, permet donc de gagner en tem...

  2. Apo and ligand-bound structures of ModA from the archaeon Methanosarcina acetivorans. (United States)

    Chan, Sum; Giuroiu, Iulia; Chernishof, Irina; Sawaya, Michael R; Chiang, Janet; Gunsalus, Robert P; Arbing, Mark A; Perry, L Jeanne


    The trace-element oxyanion molybdate, which is required for the growth of many bacterial and archaeal species, is transported into the cell by an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily uptake system called ModABC. ModABC consists of the ModA periplasmic solute-binding protein, the integral membrane-transport protein ModB and the ATP-binding and hydrolysis cassette protein ModC. In this study, X-ray crystal structures of ModA from the archaeon Methanosarcina acetivorans (MaModA) have been determined in the apoprotein conformation at 1.95 and 1.69 A resolution and in the molybdate-bound conformation at 2.25 and 2.45 A resolution. The overall domain structure of MaModA is similar to other ModA proteins in that it has a bilobal structure in which two mixed alpha/beta domains are linked by a hinge region. The apo MaModA is the first unliganded archaeal ModA structure to be determined: it exhibits a deep cleft between the two domains and confirms that upon binding ligand one domain is rotated towards the other by a hinge-bending motion, which is consistent with the 'Venus flytrap' model seen for bacterial-type periplasmic binding proteins. In contrast to the bacterial ModA structures, which have tetrahedral coordination of their metal substrates, molybdate-bound MaModA employs octahedral coordination of its substrate like other archaeal ModA proteins.

  3. Det sorte USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brøndal, Jørn

    Bogen gennemgår det sorte USAs historie fra 1776 til 2016, idet grundtemaet er spændingsforholdet mellem USAs grundlæggelsesidealer og den racemæssige praksis, et spændingsforhold som Gunnar Myrdal kaldte "det amerikanske dilemma." Bogen, der er opbygget som politisk, social og racemæssig histori......, er opdelt i 13 kapitler og består af fire dele: Første del: Slaveriet; anden del: Jim Crow; tredje del. King-årene; fjerde del: Frem mod Obama....

  4. An Optimization Scheme for ProdMod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregory, M.V.


    A general purpose dynamic optimization scheme has been devised in conjunction with the ProdMod simulator. The optimization scheme is suitable for the Savannah River Site (SRS) High Level Waste (HLW) complex operations, and able to handle different types of optimizations such as linear, nonlinear, etc. The optimization is performed in the stand-alone FORTRAN based optimization deliver, while the optimizer is interfaced with the ProdMod simulator for flow of information between the two

  5. Conceptual design of the 7 megawatt Mod-5B wind turbine generator (United States)

    Douglas, R. R.


    Similar to MOD-2, the MOD-5B wind turbine generator system is designed for the sole purpose of providing electrical power for distribution by a major utility network. The objectives of the MOD-2 and MOD-5B programs are essentially identical with one important exception; the cost-of-electricity (COE) target is reduced from 4 cent/Kwhr on MOD-2 to 3 cent/Kwhr on MOD-5B, based on mid 1977 dollars and large quantity production. The MOD-5B concept studies and eventual concept selection confirmed that the program COE targets could not only be achieved but substantially bettered. Starting from the established MOD-2 technology as a base, this achievement resulted from a combination of concept changes, size changes, and design refinements. The result of this effort is a wind turbine system that can compete with conventional power generation over significant geographical areas, increasing commercial market potential by an order of magnitude.

  6. NetMOD version 1.0 user's manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merchant, Bion John [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    NetMOD (Network Monitoring for Optimal Detection) is a Java-based software package for conducting simulation of seismic networks. Specifically, NetMOD simulates the detection capabilities of seismic monitoring networks. Network simulations have long been used to study network resilience to station outages and to determine where additional stations are needed to reduce monitoring thresholds. NetMOD makes use of geophysical models to determine the source characteristics, signal attenuation along the path between the source and station, and the performance and noise properties of the station. These geophysical models are combined to simulate the relative amplitudes of signal and noise that are observed at each of the stations. From these signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the probability of detection can be computed given a detection threshold. This manual describes how to configure and operate NetMOD to perform seismic detection simulations. In addition, NetMOD is distributed with a simulation dataset for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) International Monitoring System (IMS) seismic network for the purpose of demonstrating NetMOD's capabilities and providing user training. The tutorial sections of this manual use this dataset when describing how to perform the steps involved when running a simulation.

  7. MOD silver metallization for photovoltaics (United States)

    Vest, G. M.; Vest, R. W.


    The development of flat plate solar arrays is reported. Photovoltaic cells require back side metallization and a collector grid system on the front surface. Metallo-organic decomposition (MOD) silver films can eliminate most of the present problems with silver conductors. The objectives are to: (1) identify and characterize suitable MO compounds; (2) develop generic synthesis procedures for the MO compounds; (3) develop generic fabrication procedures to screen printable MOD silver inks; (4) optimize processing conditions to produce grid patterns and photovoltaic cells; and (5) develop a model which describes the adhesion between the fired silver film and the silicon surface.

  8. NetMOD Version 2.0 Parameters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merchant, Bion J. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    NetMOD ( Net work M onitoring for O ptimal D etection) is a Java-based software package for conducting simulation of seismic, hydroacoustic and infrasonic networks. Network simulations have long been used to study network resilience to station outages and to determine where additional stations are needed to reduce monitoring thresholds. NetMOD makes use of geophysical models to determine the source characteristics, signal attenuation along the path between the source and station, and the performance and noise properties of the station. These geophysical models are combined to simulate the relative amplitudes of signal and noise that are observed at each of the stations. From these signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the probability of detection can be computed given a detection threshold. This document describes the parameters that are used to configure the NetMOD tool and the input and output parameters that make up the simulation definitions.

  9. RELAP5/MOD3 code coupling model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, R.P.; Johnsen, G.W.


    A new capability has been incorporated into RELAP5/MOD3 that enables the coupling of RELAP5/MOD3 to other computer codes. The new capability has been designed to support analysis of the new advanced reactor concepts. Its user features rely solely on new RELAP5 open-quotes styledclose quotes input and the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) software, which facilitates process management and distributed communication of multiprocess problems. RELAP5/MOD3 manages the input processing, communication instruction, process synchronization, and its own send and receive data processing. The flexible capability requires that an explicit coupling be established, which updates boundary conditions at discrete time intervals. Two test cases are presented that demonstrate the functionality, applicability, and issues involving use of this capability

  10. Gas jet disruption mitigation studies on Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Granetz, R.; Whyte, D.G.; Izzo, V.A.; Biewer, T.; Reinke, M.L.; Terry, J.; Bader, A.; Bakhtiari, M.; Jernigan, T.; Wurden, G.


    Damaging effects of disruptions are a major concern for Alcator C-Mod, ITER and future tokamak reactors. High-pressure noble gas jet injection is a mitigation technique which potentially satisfies the operational requirements of fast response time and reliability, while still being benign to subsequent discharges. Disruption mitigation experiments using an optimized gas jet injection system are being carried out on Alcator C-Mod to study the physics of gas jet penetration into high pressure plasmas, as well as the ability of the gas jet impurities to convert plasma energy into radiation on timescales consistent with C-Mod's fast quench times, and to reduce halo currents given C-Mod's high-current density. The dependence of impurity penetration and effectiveness on noble gas species (He, Ne, Ar, Kr) is also being studied. It is found that the high-pressure neutral gas jet does not penetrate deeply into the C-Mod plasma, and yet prompt core thermal quenches are observed on all gas jet shots. 3D MHD modelling of the disruption physics with NIMROD shows that edge cooling of the plasma triggers fast growing tearing modes which rapidly produce a stochastic region in the core of the plasma and loss of thermal energy. This may explain the apparent effectiveness of the gas jet in C-Mod despite its limited penetration. The higher-Z gases (Ne, Ar, Kr) also proved effective at reducing halo currents and decreasing thermal deposition to the divertor surfaces. In addition, noble gas jet injection proved to be benign for plasma operation with C-Mod's metal (Mo) wall, actually improving the reliability of the startup in the following discharge

  11. VARSKIN MOD 2 and SADDE MOD2: Computer codes for assessing skin dose from skin contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durham, J.S.


    The computer code VARSKIN has been modified to calculate dose to skin from three-dimensional sources, sources separated from the skin by layers of protective clothing, and gamma dose from certain radionuclides correction for backscatter has also been incorporated for certain geometries. This document describes the new code, VARSKIN Mod 2, including installation and operation instructions, provides detailed descriptions of the models used, and suggests methods for avoiding misuse of the code. The input data file for VARSKIN Mod 2 has been modified to reflect current physical data, to include the contribution to dose from internal conversion and Auger electrons, and to reflect a correction for low-energy electrons. In addition, the computer code SADDE: Scaled Absorbed Dose Distribution Evaluator has been modified to allow the generation of scaled absorbed dose distributions for mixtures of radionuclides and intereat conversion and Auger electrons. This new code, SADDE Mod 2, is also described in this document. Instructions for installation and operation of the code and detailed descriptions of the models used in the code are provided

  12. Fødevarepriser, fødevareproduktion og befolkningstilvækst frem mod 2050

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lind, Kim Martin Hjorth; Zobbe, Henrik


    På trods af voldsomme fluktuationer af de internationale fødevarepriser historisk set er den globale fødevareproduktion vokset støt og roligt igennem de sidste 50 år. Hvis den historiske vækst i fødevareproduktionen kan vokse med samme hastighed de næste 50 år, vil det på globalt plan betyde...

  13. Properties of the periplasmic ModA molybdate-binding protein of Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Rech, S; Wolin, C; Gunsalus, R P


    The modABCD operon, located at 17 min on the Escherichia coli chromosome, encodes the protein components of a high affinity molybdate uptake system. Sequence analysis of the modA gene (GenBank L34009) predicts that it encodes a periplasmic binding protein based on the presence of a leader-like sequence at its N terminus. To examine the properties of the ModA protein, the modA structural gene was overexpressed, and its product was purified. The ModA protein was localized to the periplasmic space of the cell, and it was released following a gentle osmotic shock. The N-terminal sequence of ModA confirmed that a leader region of 24 amino acids was removed upon export from the cell. The apparent size of ModA is 31.6 kDa as determined by gel sieve chromatography, whereas it is 22.5 kDa when examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A ligand-dependent protein mobility shift assay was devised using a native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis protocol to examine binding of molybdate and other anions to the ModA periplasmic protein. Whereas molybdate and tungstate were bound with high affinity (approximately 5 microM), sulfate, chromate, selenate, phosphate, and chlorate did not bind even when tested at 2 mM. A UV spectral assay revealed apparent Kd values of binding for molybdate and tungstate of 3 and 7 microM, respectively. Strains defective in the modA gene were unable to transport molybdate unless high levels of the anion were supplied in the medium. Therefore the modA gene product is essential for high affinity molybdate uptake by the cell. Tungstate interference of molybdate acquisition by the cell is apparently due in part to the high affinity of the ModA protein for this anion.

  14. Intern kontrol fra et Corporate Governance perspektiv - Er COSO frameworket tilstrækkeligt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus; Laursen, Peter Birkholm


    En stadig voksende interesse for risiko styring (risk management) som en central proces i virksomhedsledelse vil måske betyde en ændret opfattelse af intern kontrol. Et af formålene med COSO rapporten var at bidrage med et fælles framework for intern kontrol på tværs af virksomhedens...... interessegrupper. Derfor er hovedspørgsmålet i dette paper, om COSO-frameworket er tilstrækkeligt, når intern kontrol ses fra et Corporate Governance perspektiv. Spørgsmålet bliver forsøgt besvaret ved at undersøge udviklingen i opfattelsen af intern kontrol over tid. Opfattelsen af intern kontrol hos Corporate...... Governance aktørerne undersøges og diskuteres med udgangspunkt i en sammenligning af COSO-frameworket med revisorernes standarder henholdsvis før og efter COSO-rapporten. Der foretages en indholdsanalyse af de relevante dokumenter som (1) bidrager til en mere detaljeret beskrivelse af udviklingen i begrebet...

  15. Implementation of the thermal-hydraulic transient analysis code RELAP4/MOD5 and MOD6 on the FACOM 230/75 computer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohsaka, Atsuo; Ishigai, Takahiro; Kumakura, Toshimasa; Naraoka, Ken-itsu


    Development efforts have continued on the extensively used LOCA analysis code RELAP-4, as seen in its history; that is, from the prototype version MOD2 to the latest one MOD6 which is capable of one-through calculations from blowdown to reflood phase of PWR-LOCA. Many improvements and refinements of the models have enlarged the scopes and extents of phenomena to treat. Correspondingly the size of program has increased version to version, and special programming techniques have continuously been introduced to manage the program within limited capacity of core memory. For example, the Dynamic Storage Allocation of MOD5 and the PRELOAD Preprocessor newly incorporated in MOD6 are those designed for the CDC computer with relatively small core size. Described are these programming techniques in detail and experiences on implementation of the codes on FACOM 230/75, together with some results of confirmatory calculations. (author)

  16. Twenty Years of Research on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak (United States)

    Greenwald, Martin


    Alcator C-Mod is a compact, high-field tokamak, whose unique design and operating parameters have produced a wealth of new and important results since its start in 1993, contributing data that extended tests of critical physical models into new parameter ranges and into new regimes. Using only RF for heating and current drive with innovative launching structures, C-Mod operates routinely at very high power densities. Research highlights include direct experimental observation of ICRF mode-conversion, ICRF flow drive, demonstration of Lower-Hybrid current drive at ITER-like densities and fields and, using a set of powerful new diagnostics, extensive validation of advanced RF codes. C-Mod spearheaded the development of the vertical-target divertor and has always operated with high-Z metal plasma facing components--an approach adopted for ITER. C-Mod has made ground-breaking discoveries in divertor physics and plasma-material interactions at reactor-like power and particle fluxes and elucidated the critical role of cross-field transport in divertor operation, edge flows and the tokamak density limit. C-Mod developed the I-mode and EDA H-mode regimes which have high performance without large ELMs and with pedestal transport self-regulated by short-wavelength electromagnetic waves. C-Mod has carried out pioneering studies of intrinsic rotation and found that self-generated flow shear can be strong enough to significantly modify transport. C-Mod made the first quantitative link between pedestal temperature and H-mode performance, showing that the observed self-similar temperature profiles were consistent with critical-gradient-length theories and followed up with quantitative tests of nonlinear gyrokinetic models. Disruption studies on C-Mod provided the first observation of non-axisymmetric halo currents and non-axisymmetric radiation in mitigated disruptions. Work supported by U.S. DoE

  17. NetMOD Version 2.0 Mathematical Framework

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merchant, Bion J. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Young, Christopher J. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Chael, Eric P. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    NetMOD ( Net work M onitoring for O ptimal D etection) is a Java-based software package for conducting simulation of seismic, hydroacoustic and infrasonic networks. Network simulations have long been used to study network resilience to station outages and to determine where additional stations are needed to reduce monitoring thresholds. NetMOD makes use of geophysical models to determine the source characteristics, signal attenuation along the path between the source and station, and the performance and noise properties of the station. These geophysical models are combined to simulate the relative amplitudes of signal and noise that are observed at each of the stations. From these signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the probabilities of signal detection at each station and event detection across the network of stations can be computed given a detection threshold. The purpose of this document is to clearly and comprehensively present the mathematical framework used by NetMOD, the software package developed by Sandia National Laboratories to assess the monitoring capability of ground-based sensor networks. Many of the NetMOD equations used for simulations are inherited from the NetSim network capability assessment package developed in the late 1980s by SAIC (Sereno et al., 1990).

  18. Mod 1 ICS TI Report: ICS Conversion of a 140% HPGe Detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bounds, John Alan [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    This report evaluates the Mod 1 ICS, an electrically cooled 140% HPGe detector. It is a custom version of the ORTEC Integrated Cooling System (ICS) modified to make it more practical for us to use in the field. Performance and operating characteristics of the Mod 1 ICS are documented, noting both pros and cons. The Mod 1 ICS is deemed a success. Recommendations for a Mod 2 ICS, a true field prototype, are provided.

  19. På kanten af ungdomslivet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Niels Ulrik; Pless, Mette


    ). Parallelt hermed fortælles moderne ungdomsliv (i ungdomssociologien) frem gennem ”…theoretical frameworks based on urban experiences which capture neither the lives of rural young people nor the spatial dimensions of the structures and cultures that make up contemporary youth.” (Farrugia 2013......, at yderområder er hårdt ramt af ungdomsarbejdsløshed (Bjørnsted & Andersen 2013), at områderne er præget af høj koncentration af unge med arbejderklassebaggrund (Ottosen et a 2010), mens de uddannelsesorienterede og ressourcestærke unge er tilbøjelige til at flytte væk og ind til byerne (Helve 2003). Og ser man...... stedstilknytning og stedbundne ressourcer. Teoretiske perspektiver, der peger på vigtigheden af en mere ”..spatialised youth sociology that is sensitive to macro-level processes producing different spaces, as well as the local, emplaced ways in which young people are responding to social changest hat shape...

  20. Microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay (MODS for early diagnosis of tuberculosis in children.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dang Thi Minh Ha


    Full Text Available MODS is a novel liquid culture based technique that has been shown to be effective and rapid for early diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB. We evaluated the MODS assay for diagnosis of TB in children in Viet Nam. 217 consecutive samples including sputum (n = 132, gastric fluid (n = 50, CSF (n = 32 and pleural fluid (n = 3 collected from 96 children with suspected TB, were tested by smear, MODS and MGIT. When test results were aggregated by patient, the sensitivity and specificity of smear, MGIT and MODS against "clinical diagnosis" (confirmed and probable groups as the gold standard were 28.2% and 100%, 42.3% and 100%, 39.7% and 94.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of MGIT and MODS was not significantly different in this analysis (P = 0.5, but MGIT was more sensitive than MODS when analysed on the sample level using a marginal model (P = 0.03. The median time to detection of MODS and MGIT were 8 days and 13 days, respectively, and the time to detection was significantly shorter for MODS in samples where both tests were positive (P<0.001. An analysis of time-dependent sensitivity showed that the detection rates were significantly higher for MODS than for MGIT by day 7 or day 14 (P<0.001 and P = 0.04, respectively. MODS is a rapid and sensitive alternative method for the isolation of M.tuberculosis from children.

  1. 20 years of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamaka) (United States)

    Greenwald, M.; Bader, A.; Baek, S.; Bakhtiari, M.; Barnard, H.; Beck, W.; Bergerson, W.; Bespamyatnov, I.; Bonoli, P.; Brower, D.; Brunner, D.; Burke, W.; Candy, J.; Churchill, M.; Cziegler, I.; Diallo, A.; Dominguez, A.; Duval, B.; Edlund, E.; Ennever, P.; Ernst, D.; Faust, I.; Fiore, C.; Fredian, T.; Garcia, O.; Gao, C.; Goetz, J.; Golfinopoulos, T.; Granetz, R.; Grulke, O.; Hartwig, Z.; Horne, S.; Howard, N.; Hubbard, A.; Hughes, J.; Hutchinson, I.; Irby, J.; Izzo, V.; Kessel, C.; LaBombard, B.; Lau, C.; Li, C.; Lin, Y.; Lipschultz, B.; Loarte, A.; Marmar, E.; Mazurenko, A.; McCracken, G.; McDermott, R.; Meneghini, O.; Mikkelsen, D.; Mossessian, D.; Mumgaard, R.; Myra, J.; Nelson-Melby, E.; Ochoukov, R.; Olynyk, G.; Parker, R.; Pitcher, S.; Podpaly, Y.; Porkolab, M.; Reinke, M.; Rice, J.; Rowan, W.; Schmidt, A.; Scott, S.; Shiraiwa, S.; Sierchio, J.; Smick, N.; Snipes, J. A.; Snyder, P.; Sorbom, B.; Stillerman, J.; Sung, C.; Takase, Y.; Tang, V.; Terry, J.; Terry, D.; Theiler, C.; Tronchin-James, A.; Tsujii, N.; Vieira, R.; Walk, J.; Wallace, G.; White, A.; Whyte, D.; Wilson, J.; Wolfe, S.; Wright, G.; Wright, J.; Wukitch, S.; Zweben, S.


    The object of this review is to summarize the achievements of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994) and Marmar, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 261 (2007)] and to place that research in the context of the quest for practical fusion energy. C-Mod is a compact, high-field tokamak, whose unique design and operating parameters have produced a wealth of new and important results since it began operation in 1993, contributing data that extends tests of critical physical models into new parameter ranges and into new regimes. Using only high-power radio frequency (RF) waves for heating and current drive with innovative launching structures, C-Mod operates routinely at reactor level power densities and achieves plasma pressures higher than any other toroidal confinement device. C-Mod spearheaded the development of the vertical-target divertor and has always operated with high-Z metal plasma facing components—approaches subsequently adopted for ITER. C-Mod has made ground-breaking discoveries in divertor physics and plasma-material interactions at reactor-like power and particle fluxes and elucidated the critical role of cross-field transport in divertor operation, edge flows and the tokamak density limit. C-Mod developed the I-mode and the Enhanced Dα H-mode regimes, which have high performance without large edge localized modes and with pedestal transport self-regulated by short-wavelength electromagnetic waves. C-Mod has carried out pioneering studies of intrinsic rotation and demonstrated that self-generated flow shear can be strong enough in some cases to significantly modify transport. C-Mod made the first quantitative link between the pedestal temperature and the H-mode's performance, showing that the observed self-similar temperature profiles were consistent with critical-gradient-length theories and followed up with quantitative tests of nonlinear gyrokinetic models. RF research highlights include direct experimental

  2. Hot particle dose calculations using the computer code VARSKIN Mod 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durham, J.S.


    The only calculational model recognised by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for hot particle dosimetry is VARSKIN Mod 1. Because the code was designed to calculate skin dose from distributed skin contamination and not hot particles, it is assumed that the particle has no thickness and, therefore, that no self-absorption occurs within the source material. For low energy beta particles such as those emitted from 60 Co, a significant amount of self-shielding occurs in hot particles and VARSKIN Mod 1 overestimates the skin dose. In addition, the presence of protective clothing, which will reduce the calculated skin dose for both high and low energy beta emitters, is not modelled in VARSKIN Mod 1. Finally, there is no provision in VARSKIN Mod 1 to calculate the gamma contribution to skin dose from radionuclides that emit both beta and gamma radiation. The computer code VARSKIN Mod 1 has been modified to model three-dimensional sources, insertion of layers of protective clothing between the source and skin, and gamma dose from appropriate radionuclides. The new code, VARSKIN Mod 2, is described and the sensitivity of the calculated dose to source geometry, diameter, thickness, density, and protective clothing thickness are discussed. Finally, doses calculated using VARSKIN Mod 2 are compared to doses measured from hot particles found in nuclear power plants. (author)

  3. Teaching Mods with Class

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Champion, Erik


    from around the world, representing fields as diverse as architecture, ethnography, puppetry, cultural studies, music education, interaction design and industrial design. How can we design, play with and reflect on the contribution of game mods, related tools and techniques, to both game studies...

  4. Soap kræver omtanke

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Kistrup


    Full Text Available Svensk TV har taget Dalgas´ ord til sig i kampen mod syndfloden udefra. Sveriges Radio har startet en TV-serieproduktion med næsten industriel produktivitet. Eva Kistrup beskriver de sammen- hænge mellem indhold/genre (format og produktionsformer, der er nødvendige, hvis "oversættelsen" af soap til svensk skal lykkes. I Danmark kunne vi måske tage arven fra "Huset på Christians- havn" op igen og videreudvikle alle dens fine egenskaber, frem for at starte den ene proviencielle politi- eller majorserie efter den anden.

  5. Soap kræver omtanke

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Kistrup


    Full Text Available Svensk TV har taget Dalgas´ ord til sig i kampen mod syndfloden udefra. Sveriges Radio har startet en TV-serieproduktion med næsten industriel produktivitet. Eva Kistrup beskriver de sammen- hænge mellem indhold/genre (format og produktionsformer, der er nødvendige, hvis "oversættelsen" af soap til svensk skal lykkes. I Danmark kunne vi måske tage arven fra "Huset på Christians- havn" op igen og videreudvikle alle dens fine egenskaber, frem for at starte den ene proviencielle politi- eller majorserie efter den anden.

  6. NAUA Mod 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bunz, H.; Koyro, M.; Schoeck, W.


    This report describes the computer program NAUA Mod4. Its purpose is to calculate the behaviour of a polydisperse aerosol system in a closed vessel containing a condensing atmosphere as a function of the time. The main object is to explain the physical background and to describe the structure of the code and the input and output in detail. (orig.) [de

  7. Developmental assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 using the semiscale natural circulation tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlson, K.E.


    A code development effort creating RELAP5/MOD3 from RELAP5/MOD2 has been completed. Upon completion, a developmental assessment task was performed. One of the problems used for the developmental assessment was the Semiscale Natural Circulation Test. Calculated results from RELAP5/MOD3 are compared to measured data and previously calculated results from RELAP5/MOD2. 10 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab

  8. Introduktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Christa Lykke; Jerslev, Anne


    er taget til.   Kontrolsport handler om udviklingen og konsekvenserne af den øgede overvågning og kontrol, der er sat ind for at fremme fairplay, sundhed og orden. Og for at forhindre doping, snyd, hooliganisme, terror og pædofili i sporten.   Kontrolsport belyser overvågningsproblematikken fra...... etiske, juridiske, sociale, kulturelle og historiske perspektiver. Bogens bidragydere analyserer de aktuelle metoder og strategier der er blevet sat ind, for at skåne sporten mod det, der menes at true den....

  9. Kontrolsport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hanstad, Dag Vidar; Loland, Sigmund; Møller, Verner

    er taget til.   Kontrolsport handler om udviklingen og konsekvenserne af den øgede overvågning og kontrol, der er sat ind for at fremme fairplay, sundhed og orden. Og for at forhindre doping, snyd, hooliganisme, terror og pædofili i sporten.   Kontrolsport belyser overvågningsproblematikken fra...... etiske, juridiske, sociale, kulturelle og historiske perspektiver. Bogens bidragydere analyserer de aktuelle metoder og strategier der er blevet sat ind, for at skåne sporten mod det, der menes at true den....

  10. Københavns Kommunes indsats mod social dumping - målopfyldelsesevaluering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baadsgaard, Kelvin; Jørgensen, Henning


    Evaluering af, om de politiske intentioner med indsats mod social dumping i Københavns Kommune er blevet indfriet......Evaluering af, om de politiske intentioner med indsats mod social dumping i Københavns Kommune er blevet indfriet...

  11. RELAP5/MOD3 AP600 problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riemke, R.A.


    RELAP5/MOD3 is a reactor systems analysis code that has been developed jointly by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and a consortium consisting of several of the countries and domestic organizations that were members of the International Code Assessment and Applications Program (ICAP). The code is currently being used to simulate transients for the next generation of advanced light water reactors (ALWR's). One particular reactor design is the Westinghouse AP600 pressurized water reactor (PWR), which consists of two hot legs and four cold legs as well as passive emergency core cooling (ECC) systems. Initial calculations with RELAP5/MOD3 indicated that the code was not as robust as RELAP5/MOD2.5 with regard to AP600 calculations. Recent modifications in the areas of condensation wall heat transfer, interfacial heat transfer in the presence of noncondensibles, bubbly flow interfacial heat transfer, and time smoothing of both interfacial drag and interfacial heat transfer have improved the robustness, although more reliability is needed

  12. Extension of the lod score: the mod score. (United States)

    Clerget-Darpoux, F


    In 1955 Morton proposed the lod score method both for testing linkage between loci and for estimating the recombination fraction between them. If a disease is controlled by a gene at one of these loci, the lod score computation requires the prior specification of an underlying model that assigns the probabilities of genotypes from the observed phenotypes. To address the case of linkage studies for diseases with unknown mode of inheritance, we suggested (Clerget-Darpoux et al., 1986) extending the lod score function to a so-called mod score function. In this function, the variables are both the recombination fraction and the disease model parameters. Maximizing the mod score function over all these parameters amounts to maximizing the probability of marker data conditional on the disease status. Under the absence of linkage, the mod score conforms to a chi-square distribution, with extra degrees of freedom in comparison to the lod score function (MacLean et al., 1993). The mod score is asymptotically maximum for the true disease model (Clerget-Darpoux and Bonaïti-Pellié, 1992; Hodge and Elston, 1994). Consequently, the power to detect linkage through mod score will be highest when the space of models where the maximization is performed includes the true model. On the other hand, one must avoid overparametrization of the model space. For example, when the approach is applied to affected sibpairs, only two constrained disease model parameters should be used (Knapp et al., 1994) for the mod score maximization. It is also important to emphasize the existence of a strong correlation between the disease gene location and the disease model. Consequently, there is poor resolution of the location of the susceptibility locus when the disease model at this locus is unknown. Of course, this is true regardless of the statistics used. The mod score may also be applied in a candidate gene strategy to model the potential effect of this gene in the disease. Since, however, it

  13. 20 years of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenwald, M.; Baek, S.; Barnard, H.; Beck, W.; Bonoli, P.; Brunner, D.; Burke, W.; Ennever, P.; Ernst, D.; Faust, I.; Fiore, C.; Fredian, T.; Gao, C.; Golfinopoulos, T.; Granetz, R.; Hartwig, Z.; Hubbard, A.; Hughes, J.; Hutchinson, I.; Irby, J.


    The object of this review is to summarize the achievements of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994) and Marmar, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 261 (2007)] and to place that research in the context of the quest for practical fusion energy. C-Mod is a compact, high-field tokamak, whose unique design and operating parameters have produced a wealth of new and important results since it began operation in 1993, contributing data that extends tests of critical physical models into new parameter ranges and into new regimes. Using only high-power radio frequency (RF) waves for heating and current drive with innovative launching structures, C-Mod operates routinely at reactor level power densities and achieves plasma pressures higher than any other toroidal confinement device. C-Mod spearheaded the development of the vertical-target divertor and has always operated with high-Z metal plasma facing components—approaches subsequently adopted for ITER. C-Mod has made ground-breaking discoveries in divertor physics and plasma-material interactions at reactor-like power and particle fluxes and elucidated the critical role of cross-field transport in divertor operation, edge flows and the tokamak density limit. C-Mod developed the I-mode and the Enhanced Dα H-mode regimes, which have high performance without large edge localized modes and with pedestal transport self-regulated by short-wavelength electromagnetic waves. C-Mod has carried out pioneering studies of intrinsic rotation and demonstrated that self-generated flow shear can be strong enough in some cases to significantly modify transport. C-Mod made the first quantitative link between the pedestal temperature and the H-mode's performance, showing that the observed self-similar temperature profiles were consistent with critical-gradient-length theories and followed up with quantitative tests of nonlinear gyrokinetic models. RF research highlights include direct experimental

  14. Vaccine mod halthed testes i besætning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritsen, Klara Tølbøll


    Ny vaccine mod ledbetændelse forårsaget af Mycoplasma hyosynoviae testes nu hos 200 svin i en problembesætning. Håbet er færre halte svin og en nedbringelse af antibiotikaforbruget.......Ny vaccine mod ledbetændelse forårsaget af Mycoplasma hyosynoviae testes nu hos 200 svin i en problembesætning. Håbet er færre halte svin og en nedbringelse af antibiotikaforbruget....

  15. Functional overview of the Production Planning Model (ProdMod)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregory, M.V.; Paul, P.K.


    The Production Planning Model (ProdMod) has been developed by SRTC for use by High Level Waste Program Management and High Level Waste Engineering as a fast running, integrated, comprehensive model of the entire SRS high level waste (HLW) complex. ProdMod can simulate the response of the HLW complex from its current state to the end of tank clean-up or to any intermediate point. The present document describes the initial release of ProdMod at the end of FY95: a model version that contains all the significant elements from the High-level Waste System Plan Revision 5 and is capable of running the simulation all the way to the postulated completion of waste removal. For the scenario represented by this release, that simulates approximately 70 years of operation of the HLW complex (out to FY2065). This initial release of ProdMod will serve as the immediate starting point for the modeling of the High-Level Waste System Plan Revision 6. Thus ProdMod is expected to be in a state of continuous change and improvement.the initial goal has been to generate a simulation of the processes of interest, with the emphasis on mass and volume balances tracked throughout the HLW complex. That has been accomplished. Future development will add a set of cost equations to the process equations and extend the model for use as a linear programming (optimization) application. The goal of this later phase will be to free the ProdMod user to some extent from the need to set up detailed simulation scenarios: the model will automatically make operational choices which minimize or maximize a given objective function. Appendix A contains the source code

  16. Comparision of calculations for the ROSA-IV LSTF with RELAP5/MOD0 and RELAP5/MOD1 (cycle 1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fineman, C.P.; Tanaka, Mitsugu; Tasaka, Kanji


    10% and 2.5% cold leg break analyses have been completed for the ROSA-IV Large Scale Test Facility (LSTF) with the RELAP5/MOD0 and RELAP5/MOD1, cycle 1, computer codes. Comparisons between the calculations were made to determine any differences in the results obtained from the two versions of RELAP5. Differences in the two calculations were found which can be attributed to changes in the flow regime maps and critical flow model. (author)

  17. Cloud-based uniform ChIP-Seq processing tools for modENCODE and ENCODE. (United States)

    Trinh, Quang M; Jen, Fei-Yang Arthur; Zhou, Ziru; Chu, Kar Ming; Perry, Marc D; Kephart, Ellen T; Contrino, Sergio; Ruzanov, Peter; Stein, Lincoln D


    Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the aim of the Model Organism ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements (modENCODE) project is to provide the biological research community with a comprehensive encyclopedia of functional genomic elements for both model organisms C. elegans (worm) and D. melanogaster (fly). With a total size of just under 10 terabytes of data collected and released to the public, one of the challenges faced by researchers is to extract biologically meaningful knowledge from this large data set. While the basic quality control, pre-processing, and analysis of the data has already been performed by members of the modENCODE consortium, many researchers will wish to reinterpret the data set using modifications and enhancements of the original protocols, or combine modENCODE data with other data sets. Unfortunately this can be a time consuming and logistically challenging proposition. In recognition of this challenge, the modENCODE DCC has released uniform computing resources for analyzing modENCODE data on Galaxy (, on the public Amazon Cloud (, and on the private Bionimbus Cloud for genomic research ( In particular, we have released Galaxy workflows for interpreting ChIP-seq data which use the same quality control (QC) and peak calling standards adopted by the modENCODE and ENCODE communities. For convenience of use, we have created Amazon and Bionimbus Cloud machine images containing Galaxy along with all the modENCODE data, software and other dependencies. Using these resources provides a framework for running consistent and reproducible analyses on modENCODE data, ultimately allowing researchers to use more of their time using modENCODE data, and less time moving it around.

  18. Modding a free and open source software video game: "Play testing is hard work"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giacomo Poderi


    Full Text Available Video game modding is a form of fan productivity in contemporary participatory culture. We see modding as an important way in which modders experience and conceptualize their work. By focusing on modding in a free and open source software video game, we analyze the practice of modding and the way it changes modders' relationship with their object of interest. The modders' involvement is not always associated with fun and creativity. Indeed, activities such as play testing often undermine these dimensions of modding. We present a case study of modding that is based on ethnographic research done for The Battle for Wesnoth, a free and open source software strategy video game entirely developed by a community of volunteers.

  19. Ny vaccine mod ledbetændelse er ikke effektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Elisabeth Okholm; Lauritsen, Klara Tølbøll


    En ny mulighed for at vaccinere mod mykoplasma-ledbetændelse er undersøgt hos en slagtesvineproducent. Vaccinen kunne desværre ikke forebygge halthed eff ektivt.......En ny mulighed for at vaccinere mod mykoplasma-ledbetændelse er undersøgt hos en slagtesvineproducent. Vaccinen kunne desværre ikke forebygge halthed eff ektivt....

  20. SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 code development and assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allison, C.M.; Heath, C.H.; Siefken, L.J.; Hohorst, J.K.


    The SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 computer code is designed to describe the overall reactor coolant system (RCS) thermal-hydraulic response, core damage progression, and fission product release and transport during severe accidents. The code is being developed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) under the primary sponsorship of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3, created in January, 1991, is the result of merging RELAP5/MOD3 with SCDAP and TRAP-MELT models from SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD2.5. The RELAP5 models calculate the overall RCS thermal-hydraulics, control system interactions, reactor kinetics, and the transport of noncondensible gases, fission products, and aerosols. The SCDAP models calculate the damage progression in the core structures, the formation, heatup, and melting of debris, and the creep rupture failure of the lower head and other RCS structures. The TRAP-MELT models calculate the deposition of fission products upon aerosols or structural surfaces; the formation, growth, or deposition of aerosols; and the evaporation of species from surfaces. The systematic assessment of modeling uncertainties in SCDAP/RELAP5 code is currently underway. This assessment includes (a) the evaluation of code-to-data comparisons using stand-alone SCDAP and SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3, (b) the estimation of modeling and experimental uncertainties, and (c) the determination of the influence of those uncertainties on predicted severe accident behavior

  1. GeoMod 2014 - Modelling in geoscience (United States)

    Leever, Karen; Oncken, Onno


    GeoMod is a biennial conference to review and discuss latest developments in analogue and numerical modelling of lithospheric and mantle deformation. GeoMod2014 took place at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany. Its focus was on rheology and deformation at a wide range of temporal and spatial scales: from earthquakes to long-term deformation, from micro-structures to orogens and subduction systems. It also addressed volcanotectonics and the interaction between tectonics and surface processes (Elger et al., 2014). The conference was followed by a 2-day short course on "Constitutive Laws: from Observation to Implementation in Models" and a 1-day hands-on tutorial on the ASPECT numerical modelling software.

  2. Assessment and improvement of condensation models in RELAP5/MOD3.2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Ki Yong; Park, Hyun Sik; Kim, Sang Jae; No, Hee Chen [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The condensation models in the standard RELAP5/MOD3.2 code are assessed and improved based on the database, which is constructed from the previous experimental data on various condensation phenomena. The default model of the laminar film condensation in RELAP5/MOD3.2 does not give any reliable predictions, and its alternative model always predicts higher values than the experimental data. Therefore, it is needed to develop a new correlation based on the experimental data of various operating ranges in the constructed database. The Shah correlation, which is used to calculate the turbulent film condensation heat transfer coefficients in the standard RELAP5/MOD3.2, well predicts the experimental data in the database. The horizontally stratified condensation model of RELAP5/MOD3.2 overpredicts both cocurrent and countercurrent experimental data. The correlation proposed by H.J.Kim predicts the database relatively well compared with that of RELAP6/MOD3.2. The RELAP5/MOD3.2 model should use the liquid velocity for the calculation of the liquid Reynolds number and be modified to consider the effects of the gas velocity and the film thickness. 2 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab. (Author)

  3. Assessment and improvement of condensation models in RELAP5/MOD3.2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Ki Yong; Park, Hyun Sik; Kim, Sang Jae; No, Hee Chen [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The condensation models in the standard RELAP5/MOD3.2 code are assessed and improved based on the database, which is constructed from the previous experimental data on various condensation phenomena. The default model of the laminar film condensation in RELAP5/MOD3.2 does not give any reliable predictions, and its alternative model always predicts higher values than the experimental data. Therefore, it is needed to develop a new correlation based on the experimental data of various operating ranges in the constructed database. The Shah correlation, which is used to calculate the turbulent film condensation heat transfer coefficients in the standard RELAP5/MOD3.2, well predicts the experimental data in the database. The horizontally stratified condensation model of RELAP5/MOD3.2 overpredicts both cocurrent and countercurrent experimental data. The correlation proposed by H.J.Kim predicts the database relatively well compared with that of RELAP6/MOD3.2. The RELAP5/MOD3.2 model should use the liquid velocity for the calculation of the liquid Reynolds number and be modified to consider the effects of the gas velocity and the film thickness. 2 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab. (Author)

  4. Digitale dagsordener

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høyrup, Helene


    Artiklen indledes med en diskussion af digitaliseringens udfordringer til "bookspace", defineret som printkulturens moderne videnskompleks.  Op mod denne baggrund sætter artiklen diskussionen af aktuelle definitioner af New Literacy som et interdisciplinært felt.  Forbindelser mellem M.A.K. Halli...... primært fokuserer på henholdsvis et sociokulturelt og æstetisk videnssyn.  Afslutningsvis fremfører artiklen, at de to områder burde samarbejde i udviklingen af et transdisciplinært perspektiv omfattende teoretisk viden om medier, som kan kaste lys over begrebet multimodalitet....

  5. Using computer program RELAP5/MOD2 on microcomputers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grgic, D.; Bajs, T; Cavlina, N.; Debrecin, N.


    Our work on installation of RELAP5/MOD2 code on IBM4341, mVAX 11, MGT-386 and COMPAQ-386/20e computers is described. Main characteristics of RELAP5/MOD2 structure programming style and differences between FORTRAN VS, VAX-11 FORTRAN and NDP FORTRAN 386 are presented. We discussed basic philosophy used in modification and testing and test results. (author)

  6. Characterization of the Hamamatsu 8" R5912-MOD Photomultiplier tube (United States)

    Kaptanoglu, Tanner


    Current and future neutrino and direct detection dark matter experiments hope to take advantage of improving technologies in photon detection. Many of these detectors are large, monolithic optical detectors that use relatively low-cost, large-area, and efficient photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). A candidate PMT for future experiments is a newly developed prototype Hamamatsu PMT, the R5912-MOD. In this paper we describe measurements made of the single photoelectron time and charge response of the R5912-MOD, as well as detail some direct comparisons to similar PMTs. Most of these measurements were performed on three R5912-MOD PMTs operating at gains close to 1 × 107. The transit time spread (σ) and the charge peak-to-valley were measured to be on average 680ps and 4.2 respectively. The results of this paper show the R5912-MOD is an excellent candidate for future experiments in several regards, particularly due to its narrow spread in timing.

  7. Brazilian Irradiation Project: CAFE-MOD1 validation experimental program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mattos, Joao Roberto Loureiro de; Costa, Antonio Carlos L. da; Esteves, Fernando Avelar; Dias, Marcio Soares


    The Brazilian Irradiation Project whose purpose is to provide Brazil with a minimal structure to qualify the design, fabrication and quality procedures of nuclear fuels, consists of three main facilities: IEA-R1 reactor of IPEN-CNEN/SP, CAFE-MOD1 irradiation device and a unit of hot cells. The CAFE-MOD1 is based on concepts successfully used for more than 20 years in the main nuclear institutes around the world. Despite these concepts are already proved it should be adapted to each reactor condition. For this purpose, there is an ongoing experimental program aiming at the certification of the criteria and operational limits of the CAFE-MOD1 in order to get the allowance for its installation at the IEA-R1 reactor. (author)

  8. RELAP5/MOD2: for PWR transient analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ransom, V.H.


    RELAP5 is a light water reactor system transient simulation code for use in nuclear plant safety analysis. Development of a new version, RELAP5/MOD2, has been completed and will be released to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission during September of 1983. The new and improved modeling capability of RELAP5/MOD2 is described and some developmental assessment results are presented. The future plans for extension to severe accident modeling are briefly discussed

  9. RELAP5/MOD2 calculation of OECD LOFT test LP-FW-01

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croxfod, M.G.; Harwood, C.; Hall, P.C.


    RELAP5/MOD2 is being used by GDCD for calculation of certain small break loss-of-coolant accidents and pressurized transients in the Sizewell ''B'' PWR. To test the ability of RELAP5/MOD2 to model the primary feed-and-bleed recovery procedure following a complete loss- of-feedwater event, post test calculations have been carried out of OECD LOFT test LP-FW-01. This report describes the comparison between the code calculations and the test data. It is found that although the standard version of RELAP5/MOD2 gives a reasonable prediction of the experimental transient, the long term pressure history is better calculated with a modified code version containing a revised horizontal stratification entrainment model. The latter allows an improved calculation of entrainment of liquid from the hot leg into the surge line. RELAP5/MOD2 is found to give a more accurate simulation of the experimental transient than was achieved in previous UK studies using RETRAN-02/MOD2

  10. RELAP5/MOD1-EUR evaluation. Comparison with the INEL original version

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazzantini, O.A.


    In this work, the values calculated from two versions of the RELAP5/MOD1 code are compared with those measured in different tests. The first version of RELAP5 is the cycle 19 of the original version of INEL (RELAP5/MOD1-INEL) and the second version improved by EURATOM (RELAP5/MOD1-EUR) which was transferred to ENACE through agreements made with SIEMENS/KWU. (Author) [es

  11. Mod nye frugtmarkeder. Forarbejdning af naturressourcer i kulturanalyse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frida Hastrup


    Full Text Available Gennem en dialog med botanikere udsendt fra England til Britisk Indien for at udvikle handel med frugt i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede udforsker denne artikel, hvad naturressourcer kan være i et kulturanalytisk perspektiv. Artiklen introducerer ideerne i forskningsprojektet Natural Goods? og tilbyder et radikalt etnografisk greb om naturressourcer, hvor disse anses for genereret og løbende kvalificeret i felten gennem en serie af møder mellem forskellige parter – mennesker, frugter eller andet. Den bærende idé i artiklen såvel som i forskningsprojektet som helhed er, at naturressourcer bliver til det, de er, gennem en detaljemættet og omhyggelig kollektiv forarbejdningsproces, som er praktisk og analytisk i en og samme bevægelse, hvilket har stor betydning for, hvad etnografi og feltarbejde kan være.

  12. Expression, purification and DNA-binding activities of two putative ModE proteins of Herbaspirillum seropedicae (Burkholderiales, Oxalobacteraceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André L.F. Souza


    Full Text Available In prokaryotes molybdenum is taken up by a high-affinity ABC-type transporter system encoded by the modABC genes. The endophyte β-Proteobacterium Herbaspirillum seropedicae has two modABC gene clusters and two genes encoding putative Mo-dependent regulator proteins (ModE1 and ModE2. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of the ModE1 protein of H. seropedicae revealed the presence of an N-terminal domain containing a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix motif (HTH and a C-terminal domain with a molybdate-binding motif. The second putative regulator protein, ModE2, contains only the helix-turn-helix motif, similar to that observed in some sequenced genomes. We cloned the modE1 (810 bp and modE2 (372 bp genes and expressed them in Escherichia coli as His-tagged fusion proteins, which we subsequently purified. The over-expressed recombinant His-ModE1 was insoluble and was purified after solubilization with urea and then on-column refolded during affinity chromatography. The His-ModE2 was expressed as a soluble protein and purified by affinity chromatography. These purified proteins were analyzed by DNA band-shift assays using the modA2 promoter region as probe. Our results indicate that His-ModE1 and His-ModE2 are able to bind to the modA2 promoter region, suggesting that both proteins may play a role in the regulation of molybdenum uptake and metabolism in H. seropedicae.

  13. MOD-5A wind turbine generator program design report: Volume 1: Executive Summary (United States)


    The design, development and analysis of the 7.3 MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator covering work performed between July 1980 and June 1984 is discussed. The report is divided into four volumes: Volume 1 summarizes the entire MOD-5A program, Volume 2 discusses the conceptual and preliminary design phases, Volume 3 describes the final design of the MOD-5A, and Volume 4 contains the drawings and specifications developed for the final design. Volume 1, the Executive Summary, summarizes all phases of the MOD-5A program. The performance and cost of energy generated by the MOD-5A are presented. Each subsystem - the rotor, drivetrain, nacelle, tower and foundation, power generation, and control and instrumentation subsystems - is described briefly. The early phases of the MOD-5A program, during which the design was analyzed and optimized, and new technologies and materials were developed, are discussed. Manufacturing, quality assurance, and safety plans are presented. The volume concludes with an index of volumes 2 and 3.

  14. Sur la modélisation des supraconducteurs : le ``modèle de l'état critique'' de Bean, en trois dimensions (United States)

    Bossavit, A.


    Macroscopic modelling of superconductors demands a substitution of some nonlinear behavior law for Ohm's law. For this, a version of Bean's “critical state” model, derived from the setting of a convex functional of the current density field, valid in dimension 3 without any previous assumption about the direction of currents, is proposed. It is shown how two standard three-dimensional finite element methods (“h-formulation” and “e-formulation”), once fitted with this model, can deal with situations were superconductors are present. La modélisation macroscopique des supraconducteurs suppose le remplacement de la loi d'Ohm par une loi de comportement non linéaire adéquate. On présente à cet effet une version du “modèle de Bean”, ou modèle de l'état critique, basée sur la construction d'une certaine fonctionnelle convexe du champ des densités de courant, qui est valable en dimension 3 sans hypothèses préalables sur la direction des courants. On montre comment adapter deux méthodes standards de calcul de courants de Foucault par élérnents finis en trois dimensions (“en h” et “en e”) à la présence de supraconducteurs, en incorporant ce modèle.

  15. RELAP5/MOD2 assessment at Babcock and Wilcox

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nithianandan, C.K.; Shah, N.H.; Schomaker, R.J.; Turk, C.


    Babcock and Wilcox (B and W) has been working with the code developers at EG and G Idaho, Inc. and the NRC assessing the RELAP5/MOD2 computer code by simulating selected separate effects tests. The purpose of this B and W Owners Group-sponsored assessment was to evaluate RELAP5/MOD2 for use in design calculations for the MIST and OTIS integral system tests and in predicting pressurized water reactor (PWR) transients. B and W evaluated various versions of the code and made recommendations to improve code performance. As a result, the currently released version (Cycle 36.1) has been improved considerably over earlier versions. However, further refinements to some of the constitutive models may still be needed to further improve specific predictive capabilities of RELAP5/MOD2

  16. Plans and status of RELAP5/MOD3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weaver, W.L.


    RELAP5/MOD3 is a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system analysis code being developed jointly by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and consisting of several of the countries that are members of the International Code Assessment and Applications Program (ICAP). This code development program is called the ICAP Code Improvement Program. The mission of the RELAP5/MOD3 code improvement program is to develop a code version suitable for the analysis of all transients and postulated accidents in PER systems including both large and small break loss of coolant accidents (LOCA's) as well as the full range of operational transients. The emphasis of the RELAP5/MOD3 development will be on large break LOCA since previous versions of RELAP5 were developed for and assessed against small break LOCA and operation transient test data. The paper discusses the various code models to be improved and presents the results of work completed to date

  17. Code development and analysis program. RELAP4/MOD7 (Version 2): user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual describes RELAP4/MOD7 (Version 2), which is the latest version of the RELAP4 LPWR blowdown code. Version 2 is a precursor to the final version of RELAP4/MOD7, which will address LPWR LOCA analysis in integral fashion (i.e., blowdown, refill, and reflood in continuous fashion). This manual describes the new code models and provides application information required to utilize the code. It must be used in conjunction with the RELAP4/MOD5 User's Manual (ANCR-NUREG-1335, dated September 1976), and the RELAP4/MOD6 User's Manual

  18. Les enjeux du modèle standard

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva


    Toute la matière visible dans l'Univers est décrite par le « Modèle Standard ». Selon cette théorie, la matière est constituée d'atomes, qui contiennent des électrons orbitant autour de noyaux, dont les composants fondamentaux sont les quarks. Quatre forces fondamentales agissent entre ces particules élémentaires : les forces électromagnétique est gravitationnelle, et les interactions nucléaires forte et faible. La description fournie par le Modèle Standard de ces particules et de leurs interactions est en parfait accord avec les expériences. Néanmoins, des questions fondamentales restent sans réponse jusqu'à maintenant : d'où vient la masse des particules ? Pourquoi y a-t-il tant de types de particules ? Existe-t-il une théorie unifiée de toutes les interactions ? Quelle est la nature de la matière cachée prédite par les astrophysiciens ? Le LHC au CERN donnera des éléments de réponse à ces questions au-delà du Modèle Standard.

  19. Mod two homology and cohomology

    CERN Document Server

    Hausmann, Jean-Claude


    Cohomology and homology modulo 2 helps the reader grasp more readily the basics of a major tool in algebraic topology. Compared to a more general approach to (co)homology this refreshing approach has many pedagogical advantages: It leads more quickly to the essentials of the subject, An absence of signs and orientation considerations simplifies the theory, Computations and advanced applications can be presented at an earlier stage, Simple geometrical interpretations of (co)chains. Mod 2 (co)homology was developed in the first quarter of the twentieth century as an alternative to integral homology, before both became particular cases of (co)homology with arbitrary coefficients. The first chapters of this book may serve as a basis for a graduate-level introductory course to (co)homology. Simplicial and singular mod 2 (co)homology are introduced, with their products and Steenrod squares, as well as equivariant cohomology. Classical applications include Brouwer's fixed point theorem, Poincaré duality, Borsuk-Ula...

  20. Modèle exploitable pour la définition de la commande du robot


    ZIMMER-CHEVRET, Sandra; LANGLOIS, Laurent; BEN ATTAR, Amarilys


    Ce document traite de la modélisation des actions mécaniques entre l’outil et la matière. L’objectif est de définir un modèle exploitable pour la définition de la commande du robot. Dans un premier temps, le rapport présente une synthèse bibliographique des modèles des interactions mécaniques développés à ce jour. Pour un modèle choisi, les paramètres constituant ce dernier ont été calculés à partir de données expérimentales. Puis, la validité du modèle a été étudiée. Pour une même configurat...

  1. Development and application of STCP Mod 1.1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Zhiyi


    A state-of-the-art Source Term Code Package-STCP Mod 1.1 is used for assessing the release of radioactive materials to the environment in severe reactor accidents. Its structure and function, and its installation and development on CYBER computer in China are introduced. Through calculations and analyses for 4 selected severe accident sequences from ZION Nuclear Power Plant of the U.S., it shows that the developed STCP Mod 1.1 is suitable to calculate varios scenarios as long as the selections of the model and parameters are reasonable

  2. Molybdate transporter ModABC is important for Pseudomonas aeruginosa chronic lung infection. (United States)

    Périnet, Simone; Jeukens, Julie; Kukavica-Ibrulj, Irena; Ouellet, Myriam M; Charette, Steve J; Levesque, Roger C


    Mechanisms underlying the success of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in chronic lung infection among cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are poorly defined. The modA gene was previously linked to in vivo competitiveness of P. aeruginosa by a genetic screening in the rat lung. This gene encodes a subunit of transporter ModABC, which is responsible for extracellular uptake of molybdate. This compound is essential for molybdoenzymes, including nitrate reductases. Since anaerobic growth conditions are known to occur during CF chronic lung infection, inactivation of a molybdate transporter could inhibit proliferation through the inactivation of denitrification enzymes. Hence, we performed phenotypic characterization of a modA mutant strain obtained by signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM_modA) and assessed its virulence in vivo with two host models. The STM_modA mutant was in fact defective for anaerobic growth and unable to use nitrates in the growth medium for anaerobic respiration. Bacterial growth and nitrate usage were restored when the medium was supplemented with molybdate. Most significantly, the mutant strain showed reduced virulence compared to wild-type strain PAO1 according to a competitive index in the rat model of chronic lung infection and a predation assay with Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. As the latter took place in aerobic conditions, the in vivo impact of the mutation in modA appears to extend beyond its effect on anaerobic growth. These results support the modABC-encoded transporter as important for the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa, and suggest that enzymatic machinery implicated in anaerobic growth during chronic lung infection in CF merits further investigation as a potential target for therapeutic intervention.

  3. Evaluation and assessment of reflooding models in RELAP5/Mod2.5 and RELAP5/Mod3 codes using Lehigh University and PSI-Neptun bundle experimental data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sencar, M.; Aksan, N. [Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland)


    An extensive analysis and assessment work on reflooding models of RELAP5/Mod2.5 and, RELAP5/Mod3/v5m5 and RELAP/Mod3/v7j have been performed. Experimental data from LehighUniversityv. and PSI-NEPTUN bundle reflooding experiments have been used for the assessment, since both of these tests cover a broad range of initial conditions. Within the range of these initial conditions, it was tried to identify their separate impacts on the calculated results. A total of six Lehigh University reflooding bundle tests and two PSI-NEPTUN tests with bounding initial conditions are selected for the analysis. Detailed nodalisation studies both for hydraulic and conduction heat transfer were done. On the basis of the results obtained from these cases, a base nodalisation scheme was established. All the other analysis work was performed by using this base nodalisation. RELAP5/Mod2.5 results do not change with renodalisation but RELAP5/Mod3 results are more sensitive to renodalisation. The results of RELAP5/Mod2.5 versions show very large deviations from the used experimental data. These results indicate that some of the phenomenology of the events occurring during the reflooding could not be identified. In the paper, detailed discussions on the main reasons of the deviations from the experimental data will be presented. Since, the results and findings of this study are meant to be a developmental aid, some recommendations have been drawn and some of these have already been implemented at PSI with promising results.



    Kokoravec, Mateja


    Prisilno delo je antiteza dostojnega dela, za katerega se zavzema MOD. Za 21 milijonov ljudi to ni samo bled spomin iz preteklosti, ampak težka realnost še danes. Mednarodni delovni standardi, ki jih oblikuje MOD, predstavljajo temeljne minimalne socialne standarde, dogovorjene s strani glavnih udeležencev v svetovnem gospodarstvu. Z njimi si MOD prizadeva doseči dostojne delovne pogoje, saj je v današnjem svetu globalizacije za doseganje teh ciljev potrebno ukrepanje na mednarodni ravni. ...

  5. The mod industries? The industrial logic of non-market game production

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nieborg, D.B.; van der Graaf, S.


    This article seeks to make the relationship between non-market game developers (modders) and the game developer company explicit through game technology. It investigates a particular type of modding, i.e. total conversion mod teams, whose organization can be said to conform to the high-risk,

  6. Development of sorbent therapy for multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Li; Pan Jilun; Yu Yaoting


    As a syndrome, multiple organ dysfunction (MODS) is defined as an altered organ function in the setting of sepsis, septic shock or systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and is the most common cause of death in intensive care units. Endotoxin, a constituent of cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria, plays an important role in the initiation and development of MODS. The cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), are early regulators of the immune response and can induce the release of secondary cytokines. To remove endotoxin and TNF-alpha from patients with MODS, the adsorption method has proven to be most effective. In this review, we provide various methods of removal of endotoxins and TNF-alpha using different adsorbents. (topical review)

  7. Nonaxisymmetric field effects on Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolfe, S.M.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Granetz, R.S.; Rice, J.; Hubbard, A.; Lynn, A.; Phillips, P.; Hender, T.C.; Howell, D.F.; La Haye, R.J.; Scoville, J.T.


    A set of external coils (A-coils) capable of producing nonaxisymmetric, predominantly n=1, fields with different toroidal phase and a range of poloidal mode m spectra has been used to determine the threshold amplitude for mode locking over a range of plasma parameters in Alcator C-Mod [I. H. Hutchinson, R. Boivin, F. Bombarda, P. Bonoli, S. Fairfax, C. Fiore, J. Goetz, S. Golovato, R. Granetz, M. Greenwald et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)]. The threshold perturbations and parametric scalings, expressed in terms of (B 21 /B T ), are similar to those observed on larger, lower field devices. The threshold is roughly linear in density, with typical magnitudes of order 10 -4 . This result implies that locked modes should not be significantly more problematic for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor [I. P. B. Editors, Nucl. Fusion 39, 2286 (1999)] than for existing devices. Coordinated nondimensional identity experiments on the Joint European Torus [Fusion Technol. 11, 13 (1987)], DIII-D [Fusion Technol. 8, 441 (1985)], and C-Mod, with matching applied mode spectra, have been carried out to determine more definitively the field and size scalings. Locked modes on C-Mod are observed to result in braking of core toroidal rotation, modification of sawtooth activity, and significant reduction in energy and particle confinement, frequently leading to disruptions. Intrinsic error fields inferred from the threshold studies are found to be consistent in amplitude and phase with a comprehensive model of the sources of field errors based on 'as-built' coil and bus-work details and coil imperfections inferred from measurements using in situ magnetic diagnostics on dedicated test pulses. Use of the A-coils to largely cancel the 2/1 component of the intrinsic nonaxisymmetric field has led to expansion of the accessible operating space in C-Mod, including operation up to 2 MA plasma current at 8 T

  8. Automotive Stirling engine: Mod 2 design report (United States)

    Nightingale, Noel P.


    The design of an automotive Stirling engine that achieves the superior fuel economy potential of the Stirling cycle is described. As the culmination of a 9-yr development program, this engine, designated the Mod 2, also nullifies arguments that Stirling engines are heavy, expensive, unreliable, demonstrating poor performance. Installed in a General Motors Chevrolet Celebrity car, this engine has a predicted combined fuel economy on unleaded gasoline of 17.5 km/l (41 mpg)- a value 50% above the current vehicle fleet average. The Mod 2 Stirling engine is a four-cylinder V-drive design with a single crankshaft. The engine is also equipped with all the controls and auxiliaries necessary for automotive operation.

  9. SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 code development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allison, C.M.; Siefken, J.L.; Coryell, E.W.


    The SCOAP/RELAP5/MOD3 computer code is designed to describe the overall reactor coolant system (RCS) thermal-hydraulic response, core damage progression, and fission product release and transport during severe accidents. The code is being developed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) under the primary sponsorship of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Code development activities are currently focused on three main areas - (a) code usability, (b) early phase melt progression model improvements, and (c) advanced reactor thermal-hydraulic model extensions. This paper describes the first two activities. A companion paper describes the advanced reactor model improvements being performed under RELAP5/MOD3 funding

  10. Alcator C-MOD final safety analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiore, C.L.


    This document is designed to address the safety issues involved with the Alcator C-Mod project. This report will begin with a brief description of the experimental objectives which will be followed by information concerning the site. The Alcator C-Mod experiment is a pulsed fusion experiment in which a plasma formed from small amounts of hydrogen or deuterium gas is confined in a magnetic field for short periods (∼1 s). No radioactive fuels or fissile materials are used in the device, so that no criticality hazard exists and no credible nuclear accident can occur. During deuterium operation, the production of a small number of neutrons from a short pulse could result in a small amount of short- and intermediate-lived radioactive isotopes being produced inside the experimental cell. This report will demonstrate that this does not pose an additional hazard to the general population. The health and safety hazards resulting from Alcator C-Mod occur to the workers on the experiment, each of which is described in its own chapter with the steps taken to minimize the risk to employees. These hazards include fire, chemicals and cryogenics, air quality, electrical, electromagnetic radiation, ionizing radiation, and mechanical and natural phenomena. None of these hazards is unique to the facility, and methods of protection from them are well defined and are discussed in the chapter which describes each hazard. The quality assurance program, critical to ensuring the safety aspects of the program, will also be described

  11. Kyllinger har effektivt immunforsvar mod herpes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchmann, Kurt


    Forskere ved Københavns Universitet, Fakultet for Biovidenskab har studeret kyllingens MHC molekyler og kan derigennem forklare hvorfor en særlig stamme indenfor denne art er modstandsdygtige mod en særlig herpesvirus. Udgivelsesdato: 18. januar 2008...

  12. Estimation des paramètres de modèles pour la digestion anaérobie


    Martinez , Ricardo


    La finalité de ce travail a été d'estimer de la meilleure manière possible des paramètres de différents modèles sur la respiration anaérobie. Dans un premier temps nous présentons les bases qu'on utilise pour construire les modèles du procédé biochimique. Puis nous faisons une analyse qualitative des modèles les plus connus sur le sujet. Dans un deuxième temps nous avons suggéré différents modèles, afin de mieux estimer les paramètres du modèle initial. Nous avons mis au point un programme d'...

  13. The LHCD Launcher for Alcator C-Mod - Design, Construction, Calibration and Testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosea, J.; Beals, D.; Beck, W.; Bernabei, S.; Burke, W.; Childs, R.; Ellis, R.; Fredd, E.; Greenough, N.; Grimes, M.; Gwinn, D.; Irby, J.; Jurczynski, S.; Koert, P.; Kung, C.C.; Loesser, G.D.; Marmar, E.; Parker, R.; Rushinski, J.; Schilling, G.; Terry, D.; Vieira, R.; Wilson, J.R.; Zaks, J.


    MIT and PPPL have joined together to fabricate a high-power lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) system for supporting steady-state AT regime research on Alcator C-Mod. The goal of the first step of this project is to provide 1.5 MW of 4.6 GHz rf [radio frequency] power to the plasma with a compact launcher which has excellent spectral selectivity and fits into a single C-Mod port. Some of the important design, construction, calibration and testing considerations for the launcher leading up to its installation on C-Mod are presented here

  14. Fatigue Properties of Aged Mod. 9Cr-1Mo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dae Whan; Kim, Sung Ho; Lee, Chan Bock


    Ferritic/Martensitic steel has a good mechanical properties and a lower thermal expansion coefficient than austenitic stainless steel. Mechanical property of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel is less than austenitic stainless steel at high temperature. High temperature mechanical properties are affected by precipitation for Mod. 9Cr-1Mo. FMS steel is used for long time at high temperature and the effect of aging on mechanical properties is very important. In this study, low cycle fatigue properties with aging were investigated

  15. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 with condensation experiment for pure steam condensation in a vercal tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Sang Jae; No, Hee Cheon [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The film condensation models in RELAP5/MOD3.1 and RELAP5/MOD3.2 are assessed with the data of experiment performed in the scaled down condensation experimental facility with a single vertical tube of inner diameter of 46 mm in the range of pressure 0.1 {approx} 7.5 MPa for the PSCS(Passive Secondary Condenser System). Both MOD3.1 and MOD3.2 don`t shows any reliable predictions of the experimental data. The RELAP5/MOD3.1 overpredicts the heat transfer coefficients of experiment, whereas the RELAP5/MOD3.2 underpredicts those data. It is recommended that the film condensation model in RELAP5/MOD3.2 should be modified to have a larger heat transfer coefficient than those of the present model to give the reliable predictions. 7 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab. (Author)

  16. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 with condensation experiment for pure steam condensation in a vercal tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Sang Jae; No, Hee Cheon [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The film condensation models in RELAP5/MOD3.1 and RELAP5/MOD3.2 are assessed with the data of experiment performed in the scaled down condensation experimental facility with a single vertical tube of inner diameter of 46 mm in the range of pressure 0.1 {approx} 7.5 MPa for the PSCS(Passive Secondary Condenser System). Both MOD3.1 and MOD3.2 don`t shows any reliable predictions of the experimental data. The RELAP5/MOD3.1 overpredicts the heat transfer coefficients of experiment, whereas the RELAP5/MOD3.2 underpredicts those data. It is recommended that the film condensation model in RELAP5/MOD3.2 should be modified to have a larger heat transfer coefficient than those of the present model to give the reliable predictions. 7 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab. (Author)

  17. Vold mod børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Else; Agerlund Sloth Larsen, Dorthe

    er der gennemført en interviewundersøgelse, hvor i alt 14 sagsbehandlere fra fire forskellige store kommuner er interviewet om deres erfaringer fra sager med (mistanke om) fysisk vold mod børn, om hvordan sådanne sager sædvanligvis starter i socialforvaltningen, om undersøgelsesforløbet, om...

  18. Om den uformelle (misbrug af medier i det formelle uddannelsessystem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Paulsen


    Full Text Available En kombination af uddannelsesforskning og medieforskning anvendes til at forstå gymnasieelevers brug af nye digitale medier. På baggrund af elev- og lærerinterview fremlægger forfatterne en tolkning af mediebrugens betydning for de formelle læreprocesser. Artiklen kommer frem til, at medierne afleder elevernes opmærksomhed og fører til afhængighedsproblemer. Forfatterne fremlægger en tolkning af, hvordan eleverne afledes, og hvad de afledes til. Igennem denne tolkning kommer artiklen frem til, at medier som Messenger ikke blot afleder opmærksomhed, men også dekonstruerer forskellen mellem formelle og uformelle læreprocesser. I modsætning til, hvad eleverne og lærerne selv fortæller, indikerer tolkningen, at der finder en læring sted via elevernes dekonstruerende brug af de nye medier, men at lærerne ekskluderes fra de processer, hvorigennem læringen initieres. Artiklen konkluderer, at der bør udvikles en mediedidaktik, der dels afhjælper elevers afhængighedsproblemer, dels giver lærerne styrke til at spille en aktiv rolle ift. den sociale interaktion og læring, som de nye medier muliggør.

  19. Om den uformelle (misbrug af medier i det formelle uddannelsessystem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Paulsen


    Full Text Available En kombination af uddannelsesforskning og medieforskning anvendes til at forstå gymnasieelevers brug af nye digitale medier. På baggrund af elev- og lærerinterview fremlægger forfatterne en tolkning af mediebrugens betydning for de formelle læreprocesser. Artiklen kommer frem til, at medierne afleder elevernes opmærksomhed og fører til afhængighedsproblemer. Forfatterne fremlægger en tolkning af, hvordan eleverne afledes, og hvad de afledes til. Igennem denne tolkning kommer artiklen frem til, at medier som Messenger ikke blot afleder opmærksomhed, men også dekonstruerer forskellen mellem formelle og uformelle læreprocesser. I modsætning til, hvad eleverne og lærerne selv fortæller, indikerer tolkningen, at der finder en læring sted via elevernes dekonstruerende brug af de nye medier, men at lærerne ekskluderes fra de processer, hvorigennem læringen initieres. Artiklen konkluderer, at der bør udvikles en mediedidaktik, der dels afhjælper elevers afhængighedsproblemer, dels giver lærerne styrke til at spille en aktiv rolle ift. den sociale interaktion og læring, som de nye medier muliggør.

  20. Assessment of RELAP/MOD2 using large break loss-of-coolant experimental data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kao, L.; Liao, L.Y.; Liang, K.S.; Wang, S.F.; Chen, Y.B.


    In this paper assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 using LOFT L2-5 and Semiscale S-06-3 tests are performed to provide information of the code capability and its limitation in analyzing large break LOCA of a nuclear power plant. Experiments L2-5 and S-06-3 are conducted to simulate a hypothetical LOCA which results from a 200% double-ended offset shear break in the cold-leg of a typical pressurized water reactor by utilizing scaling facilities of the LOFT and Semiscale Mod-1 systems, respectively. The RELAP5/MOD2 calculations for both tests begin with break initiation and subsequent blowdown, continue through lower plenum refill, core reflood, and terminate with corewide quench. Major phenomena of both large break loss-of-coolant tests are well predicted by RELAP5/MOD2. The results indicate that the break flow and system pressure are reasonably calculated. The cladding temperature response during blowdown period, which is the major importance to a large break LOCA, calculated by RELAP5/MOD2 shows good agreement with the test data

  1. Comparison of MAAP4.03 with RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohriyama, T.; Ohtani, M. [Technical Support Project, Institute of Nuclear Technology, Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Incorporated, Mihama, Fukui (Japan); Ezzidi, A.; Morota, H. [Computer Software Development Co., Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    The MAAP4.03 code has been widely used for analyses of severe accident phenomena. It is, however, a system level code applying simpler models and could show phenomenological uncertainties. In order to support MAAP4.03 by a more detailed mechanistic code such as RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2, code-to-code comparisons are performed. For a typical 4 loop PWR, analyses of two severe accident sequences were executed. Both codes predicted similar tendencies until the beginning of core melt. MAAP4.03 showed earlier slumping of molten core to a lower head of a reactor pressure vessel than RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2. MAAP4.03 considers only axial flows of molten core and crusts suddenly breach by Creep Rupture. RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2 treats axial and radial spreads by repeated cycles of melting, flowing and freezing. Bottom crusts can be supported by intact fuel rods. By these more realistic RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2 models, MAAP4.03 could be supported maintaining conservatism. (author)

  2. Identification of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1AbMod binding-proteins from Spodoptera frugiperda. (United States)

    Martínez de Castro, Diana L; García-Gómez, Blanca I; Gómez, Isabel; Bravo, Alejandra; Soberón, Mario


    Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins are currently used for pest control in transgenic crops but evolution of resistance by the insect pests threatens the use of this technology. The Cry1AbMod toxin was engineered to lack the alpha helix-1 of the parental Cry1Ab toxin and was shown to counter resistance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins in different insect species including the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda. In addition, Cry1AbMod showed enhanced toxicity to Cry1Ab-susceptible S. frugiperda populations. To gain insights into the mechanisms of this Cry1AbMod-enhanced toxicity, we isolated the Cry1AbMod toxin binding proteins from S. frugiperda brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV), which were identified by pull-down assay and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The LC-MS/MS results indicated that Cry1AbMod toxin could bind to four classes of aminopeptidase (N1, N3, N4 y N5) and actin, with the highest amino acid sequence coverage acquired for APN 1 and APN4. In addition to these proteins, we found other proteins not previously described as Cry toxin binding proteins. This is the first report that suggests the interaction between Cry1AbMod and APN in S. frugiperda. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. The mod industries? The industrial logic of non-market game production



    Abstract This article seeks to make the relationship between non-market game developers (modders) and the game developer company explicit through game technology. It investigates a particular type of modding, i.e. total conversion mod teams, whose organization can be said to conform to the high-risk, technologically-advanced, capital-intensive, proprietary practice of the developer company. The notion ...

  4. MOD-RTG multicouple test results and mission readiness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartman, R.F.; Kelly, C.E.


    MOD-RTG represents the design configuration for the next generation of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTG), aimed at improving specific power and efficiency over current General Purpose Heat Source Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (GPHS-RTGs). The modular RTG reference design has been described in previous papers (Hartman 1988). The multicouple is a key element required for the successful development of the modular RTG. The multicouple is a high voltage, thermoelectric device employing a close packed, glass bonded thermopile array of twenty thermoelectric couples, connected in a series circuit. The multicouple is designed to operate at a 1270 K hot junction temperature and a 570 K cold junction temperature, yielding a power output of approximately 2.1 watts at 3.5 volts at beginning of life. The objectives of the MOD-RTG program are focused on establishing a multicouple life test data base and life prediction capability which will permit, with reasonable margin, a projected multicouple life of greater than eight (8) years. This paper summarizes the current status of multicouple life testing and performance modeling and the level of technology readiness needed to demonstrate mission readiness for MOD-RTG

  5. Recueil de modèles aléatoires

    CERN Document Server

    Chafai, Djalil


    Ce recueil puise sa source dans les cours de master de mathématiques appliquées et de préparation à l’épreuve de modélisation de l’agrégation de mathématiques. Le parti pris de cet ouvrage est de polariser la rédaction par les modèles plutôt que par les outils, et de consacrer chaque chapitre à un modèle. Le premier public visé est celui des enseignants-chercheurs en probabilités, débutants ou confirmés. De nombreux chapitres peuvent également bénéficier directement à des étudiants de master ou préparant l’agrégation. Collected Stochastic Models This collection was inspired by applied mathematics Master classes in stochastic modeling. The focus is on models rather than on tools, and each chapter is devoted to a specific model. Though the book is primarily intended for academics in the field of probability theory, beginners and experienced researchers alike, many chapters will also benefit students preparing to pursue their Master degree in mathematics. .

  6. The molybdate-binding protein (ModA) of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. (United States)

    Balan, Andrea; Santacruz, Carolina P; Moutran, Alexandre; Ferreira, Rita C C; Medrano, Francisco J; Pérez, Carlos A; Ramos, Carlos H I; Ferreira, Luís C S


    The modABC operon of phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (X. citri) encodes a putative ABC transporter involved in the uptake of the molybdate and tungstate anions. Sequence analyses showed high similarity values of ModA orthologs found in X. campestris pv. campestris (X. campestris) and Escherichia coli. The X. citri modA gene was cloned in pET28a and the recombinant protein, expressed in the E. coli BL21 (DE3) strain, purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The purified protein remained soluble and specifically bound molybdate and tungstate with K(d) 0.29+/-0.12 microM and 0.58+/-0.14 microM, respectively. Additionally binding of molybdate drastically enhanced the thermal stability of the recombinant ModA as compared to the apoprotein. This is the first characterization of a ModA ortholog expressed by a phytopathogen and represents an important tool for functional, biochemical and structural analyses of molybdate transport in Xanthomonas species.

  7. Moving Past "Hello World": Learning to Mod in an Online Affinity Space (United States)

    Subramanian, Shree Durga


    Game modding has increasingly become a mainstream and "cutting edge" medium to foster a broad range of critical software design and programming practices to learners coming from wide-ranging educational and professional backgrounds. Participatory practices, like game modding, are highly interest-driven and entail intense engagement with…

  8. Musik – En viktig del i förskolan : Fyra förskollärares perspektiv på musikverksamheten i förskolan


    Almgren, Josefin


    Syftet med min studie är att undersöka hur fyra förskollärare, verksamma i en musikförskola, uppfattar musikens funktion i förskolan och hur betydelsefull de anser att musikverksamheten är för barn i förskolan. Jag valde att genomföra en semistrukturerad gruppintervju där fyra förskollärare deltog. Jag har valt Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv som teoretisk utgångspunkt i mitt arbete. I mitt resultat kunde jag se ett mönster av samarbete, gemenskap och barns inflytande som något som är v...

  9. MOD-2 wind turbine system concept and preliminary design report. Volume 2: Detailed report (United States)


    The configuration development of the MOD-2 wind turbine system (WTS) is documented. The MOD-2 WTS project is a continuation of DOE programs to develop and achieve early commercialization of wind energy. The MOD-2 is design optimized for commercial production rates which, in multiunit installations, will be integrated into a utility power grid and achieve a cost of electricity at less than four cents per kilowatt hour.

  10. Sympathy for the Spectres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graham, Brian Russell


    Med Brian Grahams artikel “Sympathy for the Spectres: The Double Nature of Blake’s Spectral Figures in Jerusalem” forbliver vi inden for den litterære tradition, men bevæger os en smule længere frem i tiden. Graham retter blikket mod William Blakes forfatterskab og påpeger, at Blakes univers er...... feministisk synsvinkel – er spøgelserne dobbelte: de spiller en rolle i kristendommens historie, samtidig med at de spiller en kontrasterende sympatisk rolle i den universelle strid mellem Blakes ”male and female powers”, denne evige strid mellem disse to poler ses af Blake som grundlaget for al skabelse og...

  11. Claus Beck-Nielsen som spøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Stein


    Med Brian Grahams artikel “Sympathy for the Spectres: The Double Nature of Blake’s Spectral Figures in Jerusalem” forbliver vi inden for den litterære tradition, men bevæger os en smule længere frem i tiden. Graham retter blikket mod William Blakes forfatterskab og påpeger, at Blakes univers er...... feministisk synsvinkel – er spøgelserne dobbelte: de spiller en rolle i kristendommens historie, samtidig med at de spiller en kontrasterende sympatisk rolle i den universelle strid mellem Blakes ”male and female powers”, denne evige strid mellem disse to poler ses af Blake som grundlaget for al skabelse og...

  12. Integrated uncertainty analysis using RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez, M.; Reventos, F.; Wagner, R.; Allison, C.


    The RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0 code, designed to predict the behavior of reactor systems during normal and accident conditions, is being developed as part of an international nuclear technology Software Development and Training Program (SDTP). RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0, which is the first version of RELAP5 completely rewritten to FORTRAN 90/95/2000 standards, uses the publicly available RELAP5 and SCDAP models in combination with (a) advanced programming and numerical techniques, (b) advanced SDTP-member-developed models for LWR, HWR, and research reactor analysis, and (c) a variety of other member-developed computational packages. One such computational package is an integrated uncertainty analysis package being developed jointly by the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC) and Innovative Systems Software (ISS). The integrated uncertainty analysis approach used in the package uses the following steps: 1. Selection of the plant; 2. Selection of the scenario; 3. Selection of the safety criteria; 4. Identification and ranking of the relevant phenomena based on the safety criteria; 5. Selection of the appropriate code parameters to represent those phenomena; 6. Association of uncertainty by means of Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) for each selected parameter; 7. Random sampling of the selected parameters according to its PDF and performing multiple computer runs to obtain uncertainty bands with a certain percentile and confidence level; 8. Processing the results of the multiple computer runs to estimate the uncertainty bands for the computed quantities associated with the selected safety criteria. The first four steps are performed by the user prior to the RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0 analysis. The remaining steps are included with the MOD4.0 integrated uncertainty analysis (IUA) package. This paper briefly describes the integrated uncertainty analysis package including (a) the features of the package, (b) the implementation of the package into RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0, and

  13. Modélisation de l'évaporation en milieu poreux: développement de modèles fondamentaux et appliqués


    Debaste, Frédéric


    L'étude des phénomènes fondamentaux detransport et de thermodynamique apparaissant lors de l'évaporationen milieu poreux permet l'investigation d'applications pratiquesvariées. Dans ce travail, nous développons des modèles fondamentauxd'évaporation en milieu poreux que nous appliquons ensuite auséchage en lit fluidisé de deux matériaux granulaires poreux :lePVC et la levure.Les modèles mis au point sont réalisés suivant une approchemultiéchelle. Nous nous intéressons tout d'abord aux phénomèn...

  14. Origin of the diversity in DNA recognition domains in phasevarion associated modA genes of pathogenic Neisseria and Haemophilus influenzae. (United States)

    Gawthorne, Jayde A; Beatson, Scott A; Srikhanta, Yogitha N; Fox, Kate L; Jennings, Michael P


    Phase variable restriction-modification (R-M) systems have been identified in a range of pathogenic bacteria. In some it has been demonstrated that the random switching of the mod (DNA methyltransferase) gene mediates the coordinated expression of multiple genes and constitutes a phasevarion (phase variable regulon). ModA of Neisseria and Haemophilus influenzae contain a highly variable, DNA recognition domain (DRD) that defines the target sequence that is modified by methylation and is used to define modA alleles. 18 distinct modA alleles have been identified in H. influenzae and the pathogenic Neisseria. To determine the origin of DRD variability, the 18 modA DRDs were used to search the available databases for similar sequences. Significant matches were identified between several modA alleles and mod gene from distinct bacterial species, indicating one source of the DRD variability was via horizontal gene transfer. Comparison of DRD sequences revealed significant mosaicism, indicating exchange between the Neisseria and H. influenzae modA alleles. Regions of high inter- and intra-allele similarity indicate that some modA alleles had undergone recombination more frequently than others, generating further diversity. Furthermore, the DRD from some modA alleles, such as modA12, have been transferred en bloc to replace the DRD from different modA alleles.

  15. Udvikling af vaccine mod dyr tarmsygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jungersen, Gregers


    DTU Veterinærinstituttet arbejder på at udvikle en effektiv vaccine mod bakterien Lawsonia intracellularis, der forårsager den antibiotikakrævende tarmsygdom proliferativ enteritis. Bakterien driller i laboratoriet, så forskerne må finde innovative veje til vaccinen. Målet er, at vaccinens...

  16. USP38, FREM3, SDC1, DDC, and LOC727982 Gene Polymorphisms and Differential Susceptibility to Severe Malaria in Tanzania. (United States)

    Manjurano, Alphaxard; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Nadjm, Behzad; Mtove, George; Wangai, Hannah; Maxwell, Caroline; Olomi, Raimos; Reyburn, Hugh; Drakeley, Christopher J; Riley, Eleanor M; Clark, Taane G


    Populations exposed to Plasmodium falciparum infection develop genetic mechanisms of protection against severe malarial disease. Despite decades of genetic epidemiological research, the sickle cell trait (HbAS) sickle cell polymorphism, ABO blood group, and other hemoglobinopathies remain the few major determinants in severe malaria to be replicated across different African populations and study designs. Within a case-control study in a region of high transmission in Tanzania (n = 983), we investigated the role of 40 new loci identified in recent genome-wide studies. In 32 loci passing quality control procedures, we found polymorphisms in USP38, FREM3, SDC1, DDC, and LOC727982 genes to be putatively associated with differential susceptibility to severe malaria. Established candidates explained 7.4% of variation in severe malaria risk (HbAS polymorphism, 6.3%; α-thalassemia, 0.3%; ABO group, 0.3%; and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, 0.5%) and the new polymorphisms, another 4.3%. The regions encompassing the loci identified are promising targets for the design of future treatment and control interventions. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

  17. Obamas Fortsatte Krig mod Terror

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrich, Philip Christian


    Kronikken argumenterer for at den type overvågningsskandaler som er fulgt i kølvandet på Edward Snowdens afsløringer blot er et symptom på den nye fase af krigen mod terror som Obama administrationen har ønsket at føre USA ind i. Den nye fase vil være præget af mere efterretningsvirksomhed snarere...

  18. Beskyttelse mod passiv rygning i botilbud

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, Louise


    ikke tidligere har været forbud. Denne problemstilling er aktuelt lige nu i forhold til passiv rygning, der tolereres mindre end tidligere. I denne artikel undersøges, i hvilket omfang der er mulighed for, at udstede rygeforbud på botilbud, når formålet med forbuddet er at beskytte andre beboere mod......Myndigheder har pligt til at beskytte individer mod ufrivillig sundhedsskadelig påvirkning i medfør af EMRK art. 8, stk. 1. På områder, hvor individets tolerancetærskel for sundhedsskadelig påvirkning bliver mindre end tidligere, kan der opstå behov for at udstede forbud i situationer, hvor der...... ufrivillig passiv rygning. Problemstilingen belyses i en forvaltningsretlig kontekst med udgangspunkt i dansk ret. Forfatteren konkluderer, at der er hjemmel i den danske Lov om Røgfrie Miljøer til at forbyde rygning, men at reglerne ikke giver tilstrækkelig beskyttelse i den situation, hvor en beboer...

  19. RELAP4/MOD5: a computer program for transient thermal-hydraulic analysis of nuclear reactors and related systems. User's manual. Supplement 1, RELAP4/MOD5, Update 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruch, C.G.


    RELAP4/MOD5, Update 1 was released to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in January 1976. Six months of extensive use of Update 1 has led to the identification and correction of a number of errors in the code, as well as some logic changes, additional Evaluation Model (EM) checks, and one model revision. These changes have culminated in the release of an improved code identified as RELAP4/MOD5, Update 2. The RELAP4/MOD5 interim User's Manual (Interim Report SRD-113-76) reflected the Update 1 version of the code. The purpose of the supplement presented is to update the Interim User's Manual for use with RELAP4/MOD5, Update 2. Major differences between Updates 1 and 2 and the checkout of Update 2 are discussed. The final version of the User's Manual will be written in accordance with Update 2 and will be published as ANCR-NUREG 1335 during September 1976. Annotation of the existing three volumes of the User's Manual to cross-reference this Supplement is recommended

  20. Radon transport modelling: User's guide to RnMod3d

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Claus Erik


    RnMod3d is a numerical computer model of soil-gas and radon transport in porous media. It can be used, for example, to study radon entry from soil into houses in response to indoor-outdoor pressure differences or changes in atmospheric pressure. It canalso be used for flux calculations of radon...... decay, diffusion and advection of radon can be solved. Moisture is included in the model, and partitioning ofradon between air, water and soil grains (adsorption) is taken into account. Most parameters can change in time and space, and transport parameters (diffusivity and permeability) may...... be anisotropic. This guide includes benchmark tests based on simpleproblems with known solutions. RnMod3d has also been part of an international model intercomparison exercise based on more complicated problems without known solutions. All tests show that RnMod3d gives results of good quality....

  1. PReMod: a database of genome-wide mammalian cis-regulatory module predictions. (United States)

    Ferretti, Vincent; Poitras, Christian; Bergeron, Dominique; Coulombe, Benoit; Robert, François; Blanchette, Mathieu


    We describe PReMod, a new database of genome-wide cis-regulatory module (CRM) predictions for both the human and the mouse genomes. The prediction algorithm, described previously in Blanchette et al. (2006) Genome Res., 16, 656-668, exploits the fact that many known CRMs are made of clusters of phylogenetically conserved and repeated transcription factors (TF) binding sites. Contrary to other existing databases, PReMod is not restricted to modules located proximal to genes, but in fact mostly contains distal predicted CRMs (pCRMs). Through its web interface, PReMod allows users to (i) identify pCRMs around a gene of interest; (ii) identify pCRMs that have binding sites for a given TF (or a set of TFs) or (iii) download the entire dataset for local analyses. Queries can also be refined by filtering for specific chromosomal regions, for specific regions relative to genes or for the presence of CpG islands. The output includes information about the binding sites predicted within the selected pCRMs, and a graphical display of their distribution within the pCRMs. It also provides a visual depiction of the chromosomal context of the selected pCRMs in terms of neighboring pCRMs and genes, all of which are linked to the UCSC Genome Browser and the NCBI. PReMod:

  2. Culture and Creativity: World of Warcraft Modding in China and the US (United States)

    Kow, Yong Ming; Nardi, Bonnie

    Modding - end-user modification of commercial hardware and software - can be traced back at least to 1961 when Spacewar! was developed by a group of MIT students on a DEC PDP-1. Spacewar! evolved into arcade games including Space Wars produced in 1977 by Cinematronics (Sotamaa 2003). In 1992, players altering Wolfenstein 3-D (1992), a first person shooter game made by id Software, overwrote the graphics and sounds by editing the game files. Learning from this experience, id Software released Doom in 1993 with isolated media files and open source code for players to develop custom maps, images, sounds, and other utilities. Players were able to pass on their modifications to others. By 1996, with the release of Quake, end-user modifications had come to be known as "mods," and modding was an accepted part of the gaming community (Kucklich 2005; Postigo 2008a, b). Since late-2005, we have been studying World of Warcraft (WoW) in which the use of mods is an important aspect of player practice (Nardi and Harris 2006; Nardi et al. 2007). Technically minded players with an interest in extending the game write mods and make them available to players for free download on distribution sites. Most modders work for free, but the distribution sites are commercial enterprises with advertising.

  3. Modèle d’alerte des crises bancaires basé sur une approche hybride : modèle bayésien – machines à vecteurs supports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taha Zaghdoudi


    Full Text Available Ces dernières années, la succession des crises bancaires, qui dans la plupart ont été soldées par des pertes économiques et financières énormes, a suscité l’intérêt de plusieurs chercheurs. Empiriquement, ces auteurs ont opté pour des modèles d’alerte précoce (Early Warning System pour prévenir leurs occurrences. L’objectif de ce papier est de construire un Modèle d’alerte des crises bancaires basé sur une approche hybride. Sur la base des données relatives à 22 pays qui ont subi des crises bancaires observées sur la période 1990–2011, nous avons développé un modèle d’alerte des crises bancaires. Ce modèle est basé sur une approche hybride Bayesian model averaging–Support vectors machine. Sur les 25 variables explicatives retenues, les résultats empiriques du modèle hybride ont fait ressortir 9 indicateurs qui sont considérés comme les principaux facteurs déterminants du déclenchement des crises bancaires. Ces derniers ont une probabilité postérieure d’inclusion supérieure à 0,5. Ces indicateurs potentiels sont la rentabilité nette des actifs, la compétitivité de l’intermédiation bancaire, les provisions sur les créances douteuses, les investissements directs étrangers, la concentration bancaire, la stabilité financière des banques, les produits nets financiers, le taux d’intérêt réel et le taux d’inflation.

  4. Physician-initiated courtesy MODS testing for TB and MDR-TB diagnosis and patient management. (United States)

    Nic Fhogartaigh, C J; Vargas-Prada, S; Huancaré, V; Lopez, S; Rodríguez, J; Moore, D A J


    Laboratorio de Investigación de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) and government health centres, Lima, Peru. To evaluate the contribution of unselected (courtesy) microscopic observation drug susceptibility (MODS) testing to the diagnosis and/or drug susceptibility testing (DST) of tuberculosis and their subsequent impact upon patient management. Retrospective database analysis and case note review of MODS culture-positive cases. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated in 28.9% of 225 samples (209 patients); 22.2% of 63 positive cases were multidrug-resistant. In 58 MODS culture-positive cases with follow-up data available, MODS provided culture confirmation of diagnosis, DST or both in 82.8%, before any standard method. In 41.4%, this result should have prompted a modification in patient management. Delays between laboratory result and initiation or change of treatment, where applicable, took on average 42 and 64 days, respectively, of which a delay of respectively 17 and 48 days occurred after the receipt of results by the health facility. MODS provides important data for clinical management within a meaningful timeframe and should contribute positively to patient outcomes due to earlier initiation of appropriate therapy. Although clinicians may successfully select patients likely to benefit from MODS, ongoing work is required to identify optimal implementation of the assay and to reduce logistical and health system derived delays.

  5. Dimensionering af stålrammebygninger mod kipning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borchersen, E.; Frederiksen, J.O.; Skov, K.

    Rapporten beskriver en metode til dimensionering af stålrammebygninger mod kipning. Metoden er baseret dels på elasticitetsteoretiske overvejelser, dels på forsøg udført med 3-charniers stålrammmer i fuld skala....

  6. Conceptual design of the 6 MW Mod-5A wind turbine generator (United States)

    Barton, R. S.; Lucas, W. C.


    The General Electric Company, Advanced Energy Programs Department, is designing under DOE/NASA sponsorship the MOD-5A wind turbine system which must generate electricity for 3.75 cent/KWH (1980) or less. During the Conceptual Design Phase, completed in March, 1981, the MOD-5A WTG system size and features were established as a result of tradeoff and optimization studies driven by minimizing the system cost of energy (COE). This led to a 400' rotor diameter size. The MOD-5A system which resulted is defined in this paper along with the operational and environmental factors that drive various portions of the design. Development of weight and cost estimating relationships (WCER's) and their use in optimizing the MOD-5A are discussed. The results of major tradeoff studies are also presented. Subsystem COE contributions for the 100th unit are shown along with the method of computation. Detailed descriptions of the major subsystems are given, in order that the results of the various trade and optimization studies can be more readily visualized.

  7. Evaluating the Auto-MODS Assay, a Novel Tool for Tuberculosis Diagnosis for Use in Resource-Limited Settings (United States)

    Wang, Linwei; Mohammad, Sohaib H.; Li, Qiaozhi; Rienthong, Somsak; Rienthong, Dhanida; Nedsuwan, Supalert; Mahasirimongkol, Surakameth; Yasui, Yutaka


    There is an urgent need for simple, rapid, and affordable diagnostic tests for tuberculosis (TB) to combat the great burden of the disease in developing countries. The microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay (MODS) is a promising tool to fill this need, but it is not widely used due to concerns regarding its biosafety and efficiency. This study evaluated the automated MODS (Auto-MODS), which operates on principles similar to those of MODS but with several key modifications, making it an appealing alternative to MODS in resource-limited settings. In the operational setting of Chiang Rai, Thailand, we compared the performance of Auto-MODS with the gold standard liquid culture method in Thailand, mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) 960 plus the SD Bioline TB Ag MPT64 test, in terms of accuracy and efficiency in differentiating TB and non-TB samples as well as distinguishing TB and multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB samples. Sputum samples from clinically diagnosed TB and non-TB subjects across 17 hospitals in Chiang Rai were consecutively collected from May 2011 to September 2012. A total of 360 samples were available for evaluation, of which 221 (61.4%) were positive and 139 (38.6%) were negative for mycobacterial cultures according to MGIT 960. Of the 221 true-positive samples, Auto-MODS identified 212 as positive and 9 as negative (sensitivity, 95.9%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 92.4% to 98.1%). Of the 139 true-negative samples, Auto-MODS identified 135 as negative and 4 as positive (specificity, 97.1%; 95% CI, 92.8% to 99.2%). The median time to culture positivity was 10 days, with an interquartile range of 8 to 13 days for Auto-MODS. Auto-MODS is an effective and cost-sensitive alternative diagnostic tool for TB diagnosis in resource-limited settings. PMID:25378569

  8. International Code Assessment and Applications Program: Summary of code assessment studies concerning RELAP5/MOD2, RELAP5/MOD3, and TRAC-B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schultz, R.R.


    Members of the International Code Assessment Program (ICAP) have assessed the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) advanced thermal-hydraulic codes over the past few years in a concerted effort to identify deficiencies, to define user guidelines, and to determine the state of each code. The results of sixty-two code assessment reviews, conducted at INEL, are summarized. Code deficiencies are discussed and user recommended nodalizations investigated during the course of conducting the assessment studies and reviews are listed. All the work that is summarized was done using the RELAP5/MOD2, RELAP5/MOD3, and TRAC-B codes

  9. Perspectives d’avenir du modèle autrichien


    Neisser, Heinrich


    Plusieurs de ceux qui m’ont précédé ont déjà décrit des éléments de ce modèle autrichien qui suscite beaucoup d’intérêt à l’étranger, mais qui – et cela aussi a été signalé un certain nombre de fois – ne peut pas être transposé dans sa totalité à d’autres pays. De tels modèles concrets pour la solution de conflits sociaux naissent à partir d’un certain contexte historique. Ils se développent de manière pragmatique, c’est-à-dire pour résoudre, le mieux possible, des problèmes qui se posent à u...

  10. Preliminary validation of RELAP5/Mod4.0 code for LBE cooled NACIE facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumari, Indu; Khanna, Ashok, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Detail discussion of thermo physical properties of Lead Bismuth Eutectic incorporated in the code RELAP5/Mod4.0 included. • Benchmarking of LBE properties in RELAP5/Mod4.0 against literature. • NACIE facility for three different power levels (10.8, 21.7 and 32.5 kW) under natural circulation considered for benchmarking. • Preliminary validation of the LBE properties against experimental data. • NACIE facility for power level 22.5 kW considered for validation. - Abstract: The one-dimensional thermal hydraulic computer code RELAP5 was developed for thermal hydraulic study of light water reactor as well as for nuclear research reactors. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the code RELAP5/Mod4.0 for analysis of research reactors. This paper consists of three major sections. The first section presents detailed discussions on thermo-physical properties of Lead Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) incorporated in RELAP5/Mod4.0 code. In the second section, benchmarking of RELAP5/Mod4.0 has been done with the Natural Circulation Experimental (NACIE) facility in comparison with Barone’s simulations using RELAP5/Mod3.3. Three different power levels (10.8 kW, 21.7 kW and 32.5 kW) under natural circulation conditions are considered. Results obtained for LBE temperatures, temperature difference across heat section, pin surface temperatures, mass flow rates and heat transfer coefficients in heat section heat exchanger are in agreement with Barone’s simulation results within 7% of average relative error. Third section presents validation of RELAP5/Mod4.0 against the experimental data of NACIE facility performed by Tarantino et al. test number 21 at power of 22.5 kW comparing the profiles of temperatures, mass flow rate and velocity of LBE. Simulation and experimental results agree within 7% of average relative error.

  11. Monoterpene concentrations in fresh, senescent, and decaying foliage of singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frem.: Pinaceae) from the western Great Basin. (United States)

    Wilt, F M; Miller, G C; Everett, R L; Hackett, M


    Senescent foliage from pines is potentially a large contributor to the total monoterpene content of the litter layer, and the availability of these compounds as phytotoxins may result from release of these compounds into the vapor phase. In order to determine the fate of several monoterpene hydrocarbons in the natural environment, we examined their concentrations in fresh, senescent, and decaying needles from 32 single-leaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frem.: Pinaceae) trees growing at two different locations. Total monoterpene content was highest in the fresh needles (mean=5.6 ± 2.2 mg/g extracted air dry weight), but also remained relatively high in senescent needles (mean=3.6 ±1.8 mg/g extracted air dry weight), either still attached to the tree or forming the freshest layer of understory litter. Decaying needles within a dark decomposing layer of litter material 5-20 cm from the surface were found to contain much lower amounts of total monoterpenes (average: =0.12 ±0.06 mg/g extracted air dry weight). Further investigation of the fate of these compounds in the pinyon understory is required to determine if these hydrocarbons are indeed exerting phytotoxic characteristics.

  12. Improved guidelines for RELAP4/MOD6 reflood calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, T.H.; Fletcher, C.D.


    Computer simulations were performed for an extensive selection of forced- and gravity-feed reflood experiments. This effort was a portion of the assessment procedure for the RELAP4/MOD6 thermal hydraulic computer code. A common set of guidelines, based on recommendations from the code developers, was used in determining the model and user-selected input options for each calculation. The comparison of code-calculated and experimental data was then used to assess the capability of the RELAP4/MOD6 code to model the reflood phenomena. As a result of the assessment, the guidelines for determining the user-selected input options were improved

  13. "De vil os stadig til livs"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Asta Smedegaard

    Med udgangspunkt i et perspektiv på terrortruslen mod Danmark som et diskursivt og oplevet fænomen udforskes de betydningskonstruktioner, der skabes i public service-medierne DR1 og TV2’s tv-nyhedsformidling om truslen, med særligt fokus på konstruktioner af racial, national og etnisk enshed og f...... bestræbelserne til at forstå og bekæmpe terrortruslen. Afhandlingen lægger vægt på betydningen af ’race’ i disse betydningskonstruktioner, idet analyserne peger på, at Breiviks hvidhed havde væsentlig betydning for den individualisering, der skete af ham og hans terror....

  14. Når læreren tager skolen ud af skolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyllested, Trine

    Lærere har mange tilbud om at tage ud af skolen med deres klasser, men støtter det altid undervisningen? Denne ph.d.-afhandling har et bredt empirisk udgangspunkt og kortlægger nogle læreres forestillinger og pædagogiske hensigter i forhold til professionelle formidlingssteder, hvor de tog deres ...... Bourdieus teorier. Dens pædagogiske perspektiv bevæger sig fra en læringsforståelse inspireret af Piaget mod en mere social situeret forståelse baseret på bl.a. Vygotskys teorier om læring. Der relateres til teoretiske forskningsresultater af læring udenfor skolen....

  15. Arbejdsmarkedsrelationer i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Carsten Strøby

    overenskomst- og aftalesystem. Samtidigt indeholder bogen kapitler der belyser konsekvenserne af EU-samarbejdet for det danske arbejdsmarked, ligesom globaliseringens konsekvenser vurderes. Boger er på 318 sider indeholder følgende kapitler. 1. Arbejdsmarkedsrelationer i Danmark, 2. Teorier om de industrielle...... relationer, 3. Faglige organisationer og de industrielle relationer, 4. Arbejdsgiverorganisering og de industrielle relationer, 5. Staten og de industrielle relationer, 6. Overenskomstsystemets grundtræk og udviklingstendenser, 7. Mod nye ledelses-medarbejderrelationer, 8. Komparative perspektiver på...... arbejdsmarkedsrelationerne i Europa, 9. Europæisering af de industrielle relationer, 10. Globaliseringens udfordringer og den danske IR-model, 11. Konklusion - Fra konfliktbaseret konsensus til konsensusbaseret konflikt.   ...

  16. A modified MOD16 algorithm to estimate evapotranspiration over alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau, China (United States)

    Chang, Y.; Ding, Y.; Zhao, Q.; Zhang, S.


    The accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is crucial for managing water resources in areas with extreme climates affected by climate change, such as the Tibetan Plateau (TP). The MOD16 ET product has also been validated and applied in many countries with various climates, however, its performance varies under different climates and regions. Several have studied ET based on satellite-based models on the TP. However, only a few studies on the performance of MOD16 in the TP with heterogeneous land cover have been reported. This study proposes an improved algorithm for estimating ET based on a proposed modified MOD16 method over alpine meadow on the TP in China. Wind speed and vegetation height were integrated to estimate aerodynamic resistance, while the temperature and moisture constraint for stomatal conductance were revised based on the technique proposed by Fisher et al. (2008). Moreover, Fisher's method for soil evaporation was introduced to decrease the uncertainty of soil evaporation estimation. Five representative alpine meadow sites on the TP were selected to investigate the performance of the modified algorithm. Comparisons between ET observed using Eddy Covariance (EC) and estimated using both the original method and modified method suggest that the modified algorithm had better performance than the original MOD16 method. This result was achieved considering that the coefficient of determination (R2) increased from 0.28 to 0.70, and the root mean square error (RMSE) decreased from 1.31 to 0.77 mm d-1. The modified algorithm also outperformed on precipitation days compared to non-precipitation days at Suli and Hulugou sites, while it performed well for both non-precipitation and precipitation days at Tanggula site. Comparisons of the 8-day ET estimation using the MOD16 product, original MOD16 method, and modified MOD16 method with observed ET suggest that MOD16 product underestimated ET over the alpine meadow of the TP during the growing season

  17. An evaluation of TRAC-PF1/MOD1 computer code performance during posttest simulations of Semiscale MOD-2C feedwater line break transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, D.G.; Watkins, J.C.


    This report documents an evaluation of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 reactor safety analysis computer code during computer simulations of feedwater line break transients. The experimental data base for the evaluation included the results of three bottom feedwater line break tests performed in the Semiscale Mod-2C test facility. The tests modeled 14.3% (S-FS-7), 50% (S-FS-11), and 100% (S-FS-6B) breaks. The test facility and the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 model used in the calculations are described. Evaluations of the accuracy of the calculations are presented in the form of comparisons of measured and calculated histories of selected parameters associated with the primary and secondary systems. In addition to evaluating the accuracy of the code calculations, the computational performance of the code during the simulations was assessed. A conclusion was reached that the code is capable of making feedwater line break transient calculations efficiently, but there is room for significant improvements in the simulations that were performed. Recommendations are made for follow-on investigations to determine how to improve future feedwater line break calculations and for code improvements to make the code easier to use

  18. Disruption Warning Database Development and Exploratory Machine Learning Studies on Alcator C-Mod (United States)

    Montes, Kevin; Rea, Cristina; Granetz, Robert


    A database of about 1800 shots from the 2015 campaign on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak is assembled, including disruptive and non-disruptive discharges. The database consists of 40 relevant plasma parameters with data taken from 160k time slices. In order to investigate the possibility of developing a robust disruption prediction algorithm that is tokamak-independent, we focused machine learning studies on a subset of dimensionless parameters such as βp, n /nG , etc. The Random Forests machine learning algorithm provides insight on the available data set by ranking the relative importance of the input features. Its application on the C-Mod database, however, reveals that virtually no one parameter has more importance than any other, and that its classification algorithm has a low rate of successfully predicted samples, as well as poor false positive and false negative rates. Comparing the analysis of this algorithm on the C-Mod database with its application to a similar database on DIII-D, we conclude that disruption prediction may not be feasible on C-Mod. This conclusion is supported by empirical observations that most C-Mod disruptions are caused by radiative collapse due to molybdenum from the first wall, which happens on just a 1-2ms timescale. Supported by the US Dept. of Energy under DE-FC02-99ER54512 and DE-FC02-04ER54698.

  19. TRAC-PF1/MOD1 independent assessment: Semiscale Mod-2A intermediate break test S-IB-3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kmetyk, L.N.


    The TRAC-PF1/MOD1 independent assessment project at Sandia National Laboratories is part of an overall effort funded by the NRC to determine the ability of various system codes to predict the detailed thermal/hydraulic response of light water reactors during accident and off-normal conditions. The TRAC code is being assessed at SNLA against test data from various integral and separate effects test facilities. As part of this assessment matrix, an intermediate break test (S-IB-3), performed at the Semiscale Mod-2A facility, has been analyzed. Using an input model with a 3-D VESSEL component, the vessel and downcomer inventories during 3-IB-3 were generally well predicted, but the core heatup was underpredicted compared to data. An equivalent calculation with an all 1-D input model ran about twice as fast as our basecase analysis using a 3-D VESSEL in the input model, but the results of the two calculations diverged significantly for many parameters of interest, with the 3-D VESSEL model results in better agreement with data. 22 refs., 100 figs

  20. Autres modèles de prestation de services publics dans les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les écrits sur la prestation de services publics à l'aide de modèles différents ont porté jusqu'à maintenant sur des endroits très précis. Ils ont par ailleurs été circonscrits à des secteurs donnés et ont manqué d'uniformité sur le plan méthodologique. Ce projet vise à analyser les modèles de prestation de services de santé, ...

  1. ModFOLD6: an accurate web server for the global and local quality estimation of 3D protein models. (United States)

    Maghrabi, Ali H A; McGuffin, Liam J


    Methods that reliably estimate the likely similarity between the predicted and native structures of proteins have become essential for driving the acceptance and adoption of three-dimensional protein models by life scientists. ModFOLD6 is the latest version of our leading resource for Estimates of Model Accuracy (EMA), which uses a pioneering hybrid quasi-single model approach. The ModFOLD6 server integrates scores from three pure-single model methods and three quasi-single model methods using a neural network to estimate local quality scores. Additionally, the server provides three options for producing global score estimates, depending on the requirements of the user: (i) ModFOLD6_rank, which is optimized for ranking/selection, (ii) ModFOLD6_cor, which is optimized for correlations of predicted and observed scores and (iii) ModFOLD6 global for balanced performance. The ModFOLD6 methods rank among the top few for EMA, according to independent blind testing by the CASP12 assessors. The ModFOLD6 server is also continuously automatically evaluated as part of the CAMEO project, where significant performance gains have been observed compared to our previous server and other publicly available servers. The ModFOLD6 server is freely available at: © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  2. A field evaluation of the Hardy TB MODS Kit™ for the rapid phenotypic diagnosis of tuberculosis and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Martin

    Full Text Available Even though the WHO-endorsed, non-commercial MODS assay offers rapid, reliable TB liquid culture and phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST at lower cost than any other diagnostic, uptake has been patchy. In part this reflects misperceptions about in-house assay quality assurance, but user convenience of one-stop procurement is also important. A commercial MODS kit was developed by Hardy Diagnostics (Santa Maria, CA, USA with PATH (Seattle, WA, USA to facilitate procurement, simplify procedures through readymade media, and enhance safety with a sealing silicone plate lid. Here we report the results from a large-scale field evaluation of the MODS kit in a government service laboratory.2446 sputum samples were cultured in parallel in Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ, conventional MODS and in the MODS kit. MODS kit DST was compared with conventional MODS (direct DST and proportion method (indirect DST. 778 samples (31.8% were Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture-positive. Compared to conventional MODS the sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values (95% confidence intervals of the MODS Kit were 99.3% (98.3-99.8%, 98.3% (97.5-98.8%, 95.8% (94.0-97.1%, and 99.7% (99.3-99.9%. Median (interquartile ranges time to culture-positivity (and rifampicin and isoniazid DST was 10 (9-13 days for conventional MODS and 8.5 (7-11 for MODS Kit (p<0.01. Direct rifampicin and isoniazid DST in MODS kit was almost universally concordant with conventional MODS (97.9% agreement, 665/679 evaluable samples and reference indirect DST (97.9% agreement, 687/702 evaluable samples.MODS kit delivers performance indistinguishable from conventional MODS and offers a convenient, affordable alternative with enhanced safety from the sealing silicone lid. The availability in the marketplace of this platform, which conforms to European standards (CE-marked, readily repurposed for second-line DST in the near future, provides a fresh opportunity for improving equity of

  3. Evaluation of the MODS culture technique for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maxine Caws


    Full Text Available Tuberculous meningitis (TBM is a devastating condition. The rapid instigation of appropraite chemotherapy is vital to reduce morbidity and mortality. However rapid diagnosis remains elusive; smear microscopy has extremely low sensitivity on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF in most laboratories and PCR requires expertise with advanced infrastructure and has sensitivity of only around 60% under optimal conditions. Neither technique allows for the microbiological isolation of M. tuberculosis and subsequent drug susceptibility testing. We evaluated the recently developed microscopic observation drug susceptibility (MODS assay format for speed and accuracy in diagnosing TBM.Two hundred and thirty consecutive CSF samples collected from 156 patients clinically suspected of TBM on presentation at a tertiary referal hospital in Vietnam were enrolled into the study over a five month period and tested by Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN smear, MODS, Mycobacterial growth Indicator tube (MGIT and Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ culture. Sixty-one samples were from patients already on TB therapy for >1day and 19 samples were excluded due to untraceable patient records. One hundred and fifty samples from 137 newly presenting patients remained. Forty-two percent (n = 57/137 of patients were deemed to have TBM by clinical diagnostic and microbiological criteria (excluding MODS. Sensitivity by patient against clinical gold standard for ZN smear, MODS MGIT and LJ were 52.6%, 64.9%, 70.2% and 70.2%, respectively. Specificity of all microbiological techniques was 100%. Positive and negative predictive values for MODS were 100% and 78.7%, respectively for HIV infected patients and 100% and 82.1% for HIV negative patients. The median time to positive was 6 days (interquartile range 5-7, significantly faster than MGIT at 15.5 days (interquartile range 12-24, and LJ at 24 days (interquartile range 18-35 days (P<0.01.We have shown MODS to be a sensitive, rapid technique for the diagnosis of TBM with

  4. Preliminary assessment of PWR Steam Generator modelling in RELAP5/MOD3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preece, R.J.; Putney, J.M.


    A preliminary assessment of Steam Generator (SG) modelling in the PWR thermal-hydraulic code RELAP5/MOD3 is presented. The study is based on calculations against a series of steady-state commissioning tests carried out on the Wolf Creek PWR over a range of load conditions. Data from the tests are used to assess the modelling of primary to secondary side heat transfer and, in particular, to examine the effect of reverting to the standard form of the Chen heat transfer correlation in place of the modified form applied in RELAP5/MOD2. Comparisons between the two versions of the code are also used to show how the new interphase drag model in RELAP5/MOD3 affects the calculation of SG liquid inventory and the void fraction profile in the riser

  5. Betænkning om Indsatsen mod ungdomskriminalitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reimann, Johan; Balvig, Flemming; Bay, Jens

    Kommissionen foretager i betænkningen en samlet gennemgang af indsatsen mod ungdomskriminalitet og præsenterer på grundlag heraf en række forslag til, hvordan indsatsen kan styrkes med henblik på at gøre den så målrettet og virkningsfuld som mulig. Til brug for sine overvejelser har kommissionen...... overvejelser og forslag vedrørende indsatsen mod ungdomskriminalitet omfatter dels den forebyggende indsats, dels reaktionen på kriminalitet, der begås af børn og unge. På baggrund af erfaringerne fra eksisterende tiltag fremhæver kommissionen generelt den tidlige, helhedsorienterede, tværsektorielle og...... sammenhængende kriminalitetsforebyggende indsats som den væsentligste, hvis man for alvor ønsker at sætte effektivt ind for at begrænse ungdomskriminaliteten. Derudover stiller kommissionen en lang række forslag om konkrete tiltag med henblik på at styrke henholdsvis den forebyggende indsats og reaktionen på...

  6. strong> Om den uformelle (mis)brug af medier i det formelle uddannelsessystemstrong>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tække, Jesper; Paulsen, Michael


    eder elevernes opmærksomhed og fører til afhængighedsproblemer. Forfatterne fremlægger en tolkning af, hvordan eleverne afl edes, og hvad de afl edes til. Igennem denne tolkning kommer artiklen frem til, at medier som Messenger ikke blot afl eder opmærksomhed, men også dekonstruerer forskellen mellem...... formelle og uformelle læreprocesser. I modsætning til, hvad eleverne og lærerne selv fortæller, indikerer tolkningen, at der fi nder en læring sted via elevernes dekonstruerende brug af de nye medier, men at lærerne ekskluderes fra de processer, hvorigennem læringen initieres. Artiklen konkluderer, at der...

  7. En kommentar til Becks model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Philipps, Morten; Andersen, Thomas Dyreborg


    Flipped classroom – en trend vi må forholde os til Online læringsressourcer har de sidste par år fået mange til at indse at teknologien har noget radikalt andet at byde på, og dette har skabt en populær didaktik kaldet flipped classroom som vi både ser vinde indpas i folkeskolen og på...... Professionshøjskolen Metropol hvor vi er ansat. Kommentaren her retter sig mod en tidligere bragt artikel i MONA, “Det virtuelle læringsrums topologi” af Claus Jessen. Vi argumenterer for at den didaktiske model flipped classrooms brug af video, frem for tavleundervisning, kan frigøre undervisningstid til at arbejde...

  8. Relap4/SAS/Mod5 - A version of Relap4/Mod 5 adapted to IPEN/CNEN - SP computer center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabundjian, G.


    In order to improve the safety of nuclear reactor power plants several computer codes have been developed in the area of thermal - hydraulics accident analysis. Among the public-available codes, RELAP4, developed by Aerojet Nuclear Company, has been the most popular one. RELAP4 has produced satisfactory results when compared to most of the available experimental data. The purposes of the present work are: optimization of RELAP4 output and messages by writing there information in temporary records, - display of RELAP4 results in graphical form through the printer. The sample problem consists on a simplified model of a 150 MW (e) PWR whose primary circuit is simulated by 6 volumes, 8 junctions and 1 heat slab. This new version of RELAP4 (named RELAP4/SAS/MOD5) have produced results which show that the above mentioned purposes have been reached. Obviously the graphical output by RELAP4/SAS/MOD5 favors the interpretation of results by the user. (author) [pt

  9. Qualification of the AUTOBUS Mod. 2 Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciarniello, U.; Peroni, P.


    The paper presents the qualification of AUTOBUS MOD.2 code. After a brief description of the code itself, all the critical experiments simulated by the code are illustrated to prove the accuracy of criticality calculation and power distribution. An interpretation of the results and a conclusion close this presentation

  10. MOD-AGE - an algorithm for age-depth model construction; U-series dated speleothems case study (United States)

    Hercman, H.; Pawlak, J.


    We present MOD-AGE - a new system for chronology construction. MOD-AGE can be used for profiles that have been dated by different methods. As input data, the system uses the following basic measurements: activities, atomic ratios or age, as well as depth measurement. Based on probability distributions describing the measurement results, MOD-AGE estimates the age~depth relation and its confidence bands. To avoid the use of difficult-to-meet assumptions, MOD-AGE uses nonparametric methods. We applied a Monte Carlo simulation to model age and depth values based on the real distribution of counted data (activities, atomic ratios, depths etc.). Several fitting methods could be applied for estimating the relationships; based on several tests, we decide to use LOESS method (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing). The stratigraphic correction procedure applied in the MOD-AGE program uses a probability calculus, which assumes that the ages of all the samples are correctly estimated. Information about the probability distribution of the samples' ages is used to estimate the most probable sequence that is concordant according to the superposition rule. MOD-AGE is presented as a tool for the chronology construction of speleothems that have been analyzed by the U-series method, and it is compared to the StalAge algorithm presented by D. Scholtz and D.L Hoffmann (2011). Scholtz, D., Hoffmann, D. L., 2011. StalAge - An algorithm designed for construction of speleothem age models. Quaternary Geochronology 6, 369-382.

  11. Mod-2 wind turbine system concept and preliminary design report. Volume 1: Executive summary (United States)


    The configuration development of the MOD-2 wind turbine system is presented. The MOD-2 is design optimized for commercial production rates which, in multi-unit installations, will be integrated into a utility power grid and achieve a cost of electricity at less than 4 cents per kilowatt hour.

  12. The alcator C-MOD control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bosco, J.; Fairfax, S.


    The Alcator C-MOD experiment includes over 30 engineering and diagnostic subsystems. The control system hardware and software is a mixture of custom and commercial products which includes sensors, signal conditioners, hard-wired controls, programmable logic controllers, displays, a hybrid analog/digital computer, networked personal computers, and networked VAX workstations. This paper describes the computer-based portions of the control system. The control system coordinates all C-MOD systems including power, vacuum, heating and cooling, access control, plasma shape and position control, and diagnostics. Programmable logic controllers (PLC's) are located near each subsystem. The control room is isolated by fiber optics. Functions that are essential to personnel or equipment safety (e.g. access control) are implemented in hardwired logic and monitored but not controlled by the PLC's. The initial configuration will include over 25 Allen-Bradley PLC-5 units. The PLCs in each subsystem are connected to personal computers (PC's) in the control room. The PC's provide graphical displays and operator interface. The Pc's are networked and share process data with each other and with a master control console and a large mimic panel

  13. Calculation of pre and post-test of the third. proposed standard problem exercise, for the PMK-NVH-IAEA experiment using the RELAP4/MOD5 and RELAP5/MOD1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neves Conti, T. das; Sabundjian, G.; Oliveira Neto, J.M. de


    The results of RELAP4/MOD5 and RELAP5/MOD1 modeling tests against the steam generator tube rupture experiments performed at PMK-NVH Experimental Loop Facility (IAEA-Standard Problem Exercise-3) are presented in the report. The pre and post-test results, when compared against the experimental data were satisfactorily good, except a discrepancy in the steam-generator relief valve opening time. (author)

  14. Three-dimensional Simulation of Gas Conductance Measurement Experiments on Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stotler, D.P.; LaBombard, B.


    Three-dimensional Monte Carlo neutral transport simulations of gas flow through the Alcator C-Mod subdivertor yield conductances comparable to those found in dedicated experiments. All are significantly smaller than the conductance found with the previously used axisymmetric geometry. A benchmarking exercise of the code against known conductance values for gas flow through a simple pipe provides a physical basis for interpreting the comparison of the three-dimensional and experimental C-Mod conductances

  15. Varmeplan Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyrelund, Anders; Lund, Henrik; Möller, Bernd

    brændselsforbrug, CO2-emission og samfundsøkonomi som fjernvarme. Samfundsøkonomisk er de lidt dårligere indenfor og i nærheden af eksisterende fjernvarmeområder, mens de er lidt bedre når man kommer længere ud. På langt sigt i et 100% VE-system er brændselsøkonomien god, men der kræves en højere andel af biogas...... kedler baseret på olie, naturgas eller biomasse. I forhold til dette udgangspunkt viser analyserne, at der generelt er god brændselsøkonomi, CO2-reduktioner og samfundsøkonomi i at omlægge disse til fjernvarme. Dette udsagn gælder såvel i det nuværende (år 2006) system som i et fremtidigt scenario frem...... brændselsceller på brint ser ikke ud til at være et hverken brændselseffektivt, CO2-effektivt eller samfundsøkonomisk godt alternativ, heller ikke i et langsigtet 100 % VE-perspektiv. Tabene og omkostningerne er simpelthen for store. Og der er bedre og billigere måder at udnytte eventuel overskuds produktion fra...

  16. BLOW.MOD2: program for a vessel depressurization calculation with the contribution of structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doval, A.


    The BLOW.MOD2 program developed to calculate pressure vessels' depressurization is presented, considering heat contribution of the structures. The results are opposite to those obtained from other more complex numerical models, being the comparison extremely satisfactory. BLOW.MOD2 is a software of the 'Systems Sub-Branch', INVAP S.E. (Author) [es

  17. Analysis of the OECD-LOFT International Standard Problem 31 using SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hohorst, J.K.; Allison, C.M.


    The CORA-13 bundle heating and melting experiment performed at the Kernforechungszentrum, Karlaruhe, (KfK) was analyzed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) using SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3. This analysis was part of a systematic assessment of SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to (a) evaluate the variances between calculated and observed behavior, (b) identify outstanding modeling deficiencies, and (c) to evaluate the impact of ongoing modeling improvements. A brief discussion of the CORA-13 experiment including a description of the facility, important test conditions, and comparisons with other CORA experimental conditions and results is provided in this report. This report describes the results of the SCDAP/RELAPS/MOD3 analysis including a description of the SCDAP/RELAPS model of the facility, base case results, sensitivity results, and a comparison with other SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3 code-to-data comparisons

  18. Implementation of PWR steady state self-initialization feature into RELAP4/MOD6/U4/J3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshida, Kazuo


    A PWR steady state self-initialization feature has been implemented into the RELAP4/MOD6/U4/J3 code which is an improved version of RELAP4/MOD6 and can analyze not only large break but also small break LOCA in LWRs. This feature is originated from RELAP4/MOD7 which is the most updated released version of RELAP4 from INEL. Several FORTRAN subroutines in MOD7 related to this feature were transplanted into MOD6/U4/J3 with some improvements, which were the modification of method to take a balance of heat transfer between primary and secondary side at SG-U tubes, and to make it possible to nodalize secondary side of SG as multi-node. Advantages realized by implementation of this option are saving of time in initializaing a new model and an assurance of steady state and self consistency of input data in a small break LOCA analysis of a PWR. (author)

  19. Rotation and transport in Alcator C-Mod ITB plasmas (United States)

    Fiore, C. L.; Rice, J. E.; Podpaly, Y.; Bespamyatnov, I. O.; Rowan, W. L.; Hughes, J. W.; Reinke, M.


    Internal transport barriers (ITBs) are seen under a number of conditions in Alcator C-Mod plasmas. Most typically, radio frequency power in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRFs) is injected with the second harmonic of the resonant frequency for minority hydrogen ions positioned off-axis at r/a > 0.5 to initiate the ITBs. They can also arise spontaneously in ohmic H-mode plasmas. These ITBs typically persist tens of energy confinement times until the plasma terminates in radiative collapse or a disruption occurs. All C-Mod core barriers exhibit strongly peaked density and pressure profiles, static or peaking temperature profiles, peaking impurity density profiles and thermal transport coefficients that approach neoclassical values in the core. The strongly co-current intrinsic central plasma rotation that is observed following the H-mode transition has a profile that is peaked in the centre of the plasma and decreases towards the edge if the ICRF power deposition is in the plasma centre. When the ICRF resonance is placed off-axis, the rotation develops a well in the core region. The central rotation continues to decrease as long as the central density peaks when an ITB develops. This rotation profile is flat in the centre (0 ITB density profile is observed (0.5 ITB foot that is sufficiently large to stabilize ion temperature gradient instabilities that dominate transport in C-Mod high density plasmas.

  20. Long Term Retention of Deuterium and Tritium in Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    We estimate the total in-vessel deuterium retention in Alcator C-Mod from a run campaign of about 1090 plasmas. The estimate is based on measurements of deuterium retained on 22 molybdenum tiles from the inner wall and divertor. The areal density of deuterium on the tiles was measured by nuclear reaction analysis. From these data, the in-vessel deuterium inventory is estimated to be about 0.1 gram, assuming the deuterium coverage is toroidally symmetric. Most of the retained deuterium is on the walls of the main plasma chamber, only about 2.5% of the deuterium is in the divertor. The D coverage is consistent with a layer saturated by implantation with ions and charge-exchange neutrals from the plasma. This contrasts with tokamaks with carbon plasma-facing components (PFC's) where long-term retention of tritium and deuterium is large and mainly in the divertor due to codeposition with carbon eroded by the plasma. The low deuterium retention in the C-Mod divertor is mainly due to the absence of carbon PFC's in C-Mod and the low erosion rate of Mo

  1. 64 Application d'un modèle conceptuel et d'un modèle de réseaux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Application of a conceptual model and a model of artificial neural networks for the ... évaluer l'impact hydrologique d'un aménagement d'un bassin ou pour ... une catégorie de modèles pluie–débit basée sur l'intelligence artificielle [4]. ..... et D.P. SOLOMATINE, « River flow forecasting using Artificial Neuronal Networks”.

  2. MOD control center automated information systems security evolution (United States)

    Owen, Rich


    The role of the technology infusion process in future Control Center Automated Information Systems (AIS) is highlighted. The following subject areas are presented in the form of the viewgraphs: goals, background, threat, MOD's AISS program, TQM, SDLC integration, payback, future challenges, and bottom line.

  3. Vold mod førskolebørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oldrup, Helene; Lindstrøm, Maia; Korzen, Sara

    Denne rapport handler om praksis og barrierer for opsporing af og underretning om vold mod førskolebørn. Rapporten er baseret på 22 kvalitative interviews med fagfolk inden for dagpasning, sundhedsvæsen og det sociale system. Undersøgelsen viser bl.a., at en del af fagfolkene ofte tøver med at un...

  4. RETRAN02/MOD02: an outside perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, T.Y.C.


    ANL recently participated in a review of the RETRAN02/MOD02 code to determine the range of accuracy, the reliability and the reproducibility of results obtained with the code for Chapter 15 non-LOCA system transients for both pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs). This paper summarizes the technical aspects of that review

  5. Irradiation hardening of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Woo-Seog; Kim, Sung-Ho; Choo, Kee-Nam; Kim, Do-Sik


    An irradiation test of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel was carried out in the OR5 test hole of HANARO of a 30 MW thermal power at 390±10degC up to a fast neutron fluence of 4.4x10 19 (n/cm 2 ) (E > 1.0 MeV). The dpa of the irradiated specimens was evaluated to be 0.034 - 0.07. Tensile and impact tests of the irradiated Mod.9Cr-1Mo were done in the hot cell of the IMEF. The change of the tensile strength by irradiation was similar to the change of the yield strength. The increase of the yield and tensile strengths was up to 18% and 10% respectively. The elongation reduction of the weldment was up to 65%. (author)

  6. Evaluation of MODS Culture in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Z Aminzadeh


    Full Text Available

    Background and Objectives

    Culture of M. tuberculosis is the golden standard for the diagnosis of TB which is a much more sensitive test than Smear examination. There is a strong need to use the new assays in order to speed up diagnostic methods. The aim of this research was to determine the evaluation of Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility culture in pulmonary tuberculosis in comparison with Ziehl-Neelsen stain and Lowenstein-Jensen culture of sputum.



    The research method was a Cross-sectional (diagnostic test and the technique was observational-interview type. If the patient's history revealed clinical criteria compatible with TB and the infectious specialist’s judgment was that of "TB suspected case, the patient was considered a pulmonary TB suspect. Then, in addition to sputum Ziehl-Neelsen stain and culture for Lowenstein-Jensen, we carried out MODS culture as well.



    100 patients (48 male, 52 female with mean age of 52.9 ± 21.83 were evaluated. During sputum examination, 40% were Ziehl-Neelsen stain positive while 30% had positive sputum culture for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Lowenstein-Jensen and 47% had positive MODS culture. In comparison with sputum smear and Lowenstein-Jensen culture, MODS had a sensitivity of 82.5% and 86%, specificity of 77% and 70%, positive predictive value of 70% and 55%, negative predictive value of 86% and 92%, respectively.



    MODS culture demonstrated faster recovery and higher negative predictive value than by Lowenstein-Jensen method; it could be a simple and rapid method in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.

  7. Analysis of the reflood experiment by RELAP5/MOD2 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prosek, A.; Stritar, A.


    The analysis of the reflood experiment on the test rig Achilles has been performed. The analysis has been done by the RELAP5/MOD2 code after the results of the experiment had been released. The experiment has been analyze in several other laboratories around the world. Our results are comparable to other analyses and are in the range of RELAP5/MOD2 capabilities. Two analyses have been done: the core only and the complete system. Computed clad temperatures in the first case are higher than measured, in the second case they are somewhat lower. (author)

  8. Chromate Binding and Removal by the Molybdate-Binding Protein ModA. (United States)

    Karpus, Jason; Bosscher, Michael; Ajiboye, Ifedayo; Zhang, Liang; He, Chuan


    Effective and cheap methods and techniques for the safe removal of hexavalent chromate from the environment are in increasingly high demand. High concentrations of hexavalent chromate have been shown to have numerous harmful effects on human biology. We show that the E. coli molybdate-binding protein ModA is a genetically encoded tool capable of removing chromate from aqueous solutions. Although previously reported to not bind chromate, we show that ModA binds chromate tightly and is capable of removing chromate to levels well below current US federal standards. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Modélisation multi-échelles en viscoplasticité endommageable de composites thermoplastiques renforcés par des fibres discontinues




    Un nouveau modèle multi-échelles en régime viscoplastique endommageable est développé pour un composite à matrice polypropylène renforcé par des fibres de verre courtes. Basé sur l’approche en champs moyens de Mori Tanaka, il intègre une matrice viscoplastique modélisée par un modèle phénoménologique nommé par ses auteurs DSGZ et des fibres de verres modélisées par un comportement élastique linéaire. Le modèle multi-échelles permet d’intégrer la microstructure du composite préalablement carac...

  10. Élaborer un modèle d'équilibre général dynamique et stochastique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un éventail d'outils employés en économie appliquée, comme les modèles de série chronologique ou les modèles économétriques qui s'appuient sur des propriétés ... Ces dernières années, des recherches ont montré que les modèles estimés d'EGDS peuvent produire des prévisions d'une plus grande exactitude que les ...

  11. A Comparison of Nuclear Power Plant Simulator with RELAP5/MOD3 code about Steam Generator Tube Rupture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sung Hyun; Moon, Chan Ki; Park, Sung Baek; Na, Man Gyun


    The RELAP5/MOD3 code introduced in cooperation with U. S. NRC has been utilized mainly for validation calculation of accident analysis submitted by licensee in Korea. The Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety has built a verification system of LWR accident analysis with RELAP5/MOD3 code engine. Therefore, the simulator replicates the design basis accident and its results are compared with RELAP5/MOD3 code results that will have important implications in the verification of the simulator in the future. The SGTR simulations were performed by the simulator and its results were compared with ones by RELAP5/MOD3 code in this study. Thus, the results of this study can be used as materials to build the verification system of the nuclear power plant simulator. We tried to compare with RELAP5/MOD3 verification code by replicating major parameters of steam generator tube rupture using the simulator for OPR-1000 in Yonggwang training center. By comparing the changes in temperature, pressure and inventory of the reactor coolant system and main steam system during the SGTR, it was confirmed that the main behaviors of SGTR which the simulator and RELAP5/MOD3 code showed are similar. However, the behavior of SG pressure and level that are important parameters to diagnose the accident were a little different. We estimated that RELAP5/MOD3 code was not reflected the major control systems in detail, such as FWCS, SBCS and PPCS. The different behaviors of SG level and pressure in this study should be needed an additional review. As a result of the comparison, the major simulation parameters behavior by RELAP5/MOD3 code agreed well with the one by the simulator. Therefore, it is thought that RELAP5/MOD3 code is used as a tool for validation of NPP simulator in the near future through this study

  12. Peer review of RELAP5/MOD3 documentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craddick, W.G.


    A peer review was performed on a portion of the documentation of the RELAP5/MOD3 computer code. The review was performed in two phases. The first phase was a review of Volume 3, Developmental Assessment problems, and Volume 4, Models and Correlations. The reviewers for this phase were Dr. Peter Griffith, Dr. Yassin Hassan, Dr. Gerald S. Lellouche, Dr. Marino di Marzo and Mr. Mark Wendel. The reviewers recommended a number of improvements, including using a frozen version of the code for assessment guided by a validation plan, better justification for flow regime maps and extension of models beyond their data base. The second phase was a review of Volume 6, Quality Assurance of Numerical Techniques in RELAP5/MOD3. The reviewers for the second phase were Mr. Mark Wendel and Dr. Paul T. Williams. Recommendations included correction of numerous grammatical and typographical errors and better justification for the use of Lax's Equivalence Theorem

  13. RELAP 4/MOD 6 boiling water nodalization study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sonneck, G.; Pfau, H.


    The risk of nuclear steam supply systems is dominated by the core melt accidents. The first step to a realistic assessment of these sequences is the successful prediction of a loss of coolant event in a test loop. One of the codes for that is RELAP 4/MOD 6 and one of the important options in this code is the nodalization. The base of this work is the test LOCA No. 1 FIX II in Studsvik (Sweden) which also served as the OECD International Standard Problem 15. This report discusses the influence of different nodalizations, of different distributions of pressure, water and structural heat as well as of different bubble rise options, break flow coefficients, and heat transfer time steps. The most important result is that a simple RELAP 4/MOD6 model with less than 10 volumes is able to predict an experiment as LOCA No. 1 in FIX II successfully using only a fraction of the usual computing time. (Author)

  14. Transport Studies in Alcator C-Mod ITB Plasmas (United States)

    Fiore, C. L.; Bonoli, P. T.; Ernst, D.; Greenwald, M. J.; Ince-Cushman, A.; Lin, L.; Marmar, E. S.; Porkolab, M.; Rice, J. E.; Wukitch, S.; Rowan, W.; Bespamyatnov, I.; Phillips, P.


    Internal transport barriers occur in C-Mod plasmas that have off-axis ICRF heating and also in Ohmic H-mode plasmas. These ITBs are marked by highly peaked density and pressure profiles, as they rely on a reduction of particle and thermal flux in the barrier region which allows the neoclassical pinch to peak the central density without reducing the central temperature. Enhancement of several core diagnostics has resulted in increased understanding of C-Mod ITBs. Ion temperature profile measurements have been obtained using an innovative design for x-ray crystal spectrometry and clearly show a barrier forming in the ion temperature profile. The phase contrast imaging (PCI) provides limited localization of the ITB related fluctuations that increase in strength as the central density increases. Simulation of triggering conditions, integrated simulations with fluctuation measurements, parametric studies, and transport implications of fully ionized boron impurity profiles in the plasma are under study. A summary of these results will be presented.

  15. RELAP5/MOD2 development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, C.S.


    Status of the RELAP5/MOD2 computer code is discussed. While the code is undergoing international assessment, emphasis is on user support and code maintenance with modifications allowed only for error correction and user convenience improvements. User support discussed is the response to user inquiries, maintenance of manuals and the implementation of a PC based newletter service. The major 1986 user convenience improvement is the self-initialization option. The method is discussed and examples for PWR ''U tube'' and ''once through'' plants are illustrated. Future plans are also outlined

  16. RELAP5/MOD2 development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, C.S.


    Status of the RELAP5/MOD2 computer code is discussed. While the code is undergoing international assessment, emphasis is on user support and code maintenance with modifications allowed only for error correction and user convenience improvements. User support discussed is the response to user inquiries, maintenance of manuals and the implementation of a PC based newsletter service. The major 1986 user convenience improvement is the self-initialization option. The method is discussed and examples for PWR U tube and once through plants are illustrated. Future plans are also outlined

  17. Fokusgruppeinterview som led i en evalueringsproces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen-Mølgaard, Hanna; Harrit, Ole


    Teoretiske begrundelser og perspektiver, responsiv-konstruktivistisk evaluering, fokusgruppeinterview som led i BIKVAmodellen, eksempler, vurdering og perspektivering......Teoretiske begrundelser og perspektiver, responsiv-konstruktivistisk evaluering, fokusgruppeinterview som led i BIKVAmodellen, eksempler, vurdering og perspektivering...

  18. Modèles d'affaires ouverts : nouveaux mécanismes de revenus pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet de recherche vise à examiner les principaux modèles d'affaires qui émergent dans une société réseautée, les répercussions qu'ont ces modèles sur les droits des consommateurs et des créateurs et le rôle qu'ils peuvent jouer pour favoriser une plus grande inclusion et la diversité culturelle. Le projet se penchera ...

  19. Standardissimo. Les limitations théoriques du Modèle Standard. Quelles réponses y apporter? (United States)

    Renard, F. M.

    Nous présentons I 'état du Modèle Standard des interactions fortes, faibles et électromagnétiques. Après une description rapide de ses 3 secteurs, secteur de jauge (radiation), secteur fermionique (matière) et secteur scalaire (génération des masses), nous insistons sur le grand nombre de paramètres libres et sur les choix arbitraires qu'il a fallu faire dans l'élaboration du modèle. Nous faisons ressortir les problèmes techniques non résolus et nous dressons la liste des questions fondamentales restées sans réponses. Nous passons ensuite en revue les idées et méthodes proposées pour répondre à ces questions. Elles utilisent essentiellement 3 voies différentes. La première consiste à requérir plus de symétrie (extension du modèle, symétrie Gauche-Droite, Grandes Unifications, Supersymétrie,...). La seconde contient les diverses alternatives au Modèle Standard impliquant des modifications dans certains secteurs (par exemple le secteur scalaire avec le modèle de la Technicouleur) ou de façon plus violente l'hypothèse d'une sous-structure des leptons, des quarks et des bosons W et Z eux-mêmes. Une dernière voie cherche à justifier les particularités du Modèle Standard et relier ses paramètres libres en se basant sur des principes de cohérence interne du modèle. Les conséquences observables de ces diverses approches sont dans chaque cas mentionnées.

  20. Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation hydrologique distribuée du bassin versant du Bandama (Côte d'Ivoire) : apport d'un modèle numérique d'altitude, de la télédétection et du SIG Physitel.

  1. TRAC-PF1/MOD1 assessment at Los Alamos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knight, T.D.


    The Los Alamos National Laboratory is developing the Transient Reactor Analysis Code (TRAC) to provide an advanced best-estimate predictive capability for the analysis of postulated accidents in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). Over the past several years, four distinct versions of the code have been released; each new version introduced improvements to the existing models and numerics and added new models to extend the applications of the code. The first goal of the code was to analyze large-break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and the TRAC-P1A and TRAC-PD2 codes primarily addressed the large-break LOCA. (The TRAC-PD2/MOD1 code is essentially the same as the TRAC-PD2 code but it also includes a released set of error corrections.) The TRAC-PF1 code contained major changes to the models and trips and to the numerical methods. These modifications enhanced the computational speed of the code and improved the application to small-break LOCAs. The TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code, the latest released version, added improved steam-generator modeling, a turbine component, and a control system together with modified constitutive relations to model the balance of plant on the secondary side and to extend the applications to non-LOCA transients. The TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code also contains reasonably general reactor-kinetics modeling to facilitate the simulation of transients with delayed scram or without scram. 13 references, 24 figures

  2. Feasibility of using auto Mod-MPI system, a novel technique for automated measurement of fetal modified myocardial performance index. (United States)

    Lee, M-Y; Won, H-S; Jeon, E-J; Yoon, H C; Choi, J Y; Hong, S J; Kim, M-J


    To evaluate the reproducibility of measurement of the fetal left modified myocardial performance index (Mod-MPI) determined using a novel automated system. This was a prospective study of 116 ultrasound examinations from 110 normal singleton pregnancies at 12 + 1 to 37 + 1 weeks' gestation. Two experienced operators each measured the left Mod-MPI twice manually and twice automatically using the Auto Mod-MPI system. Intra- and interoperator reproducibility were assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and the manual and automated measurements obtained by the more experienced operator were compared using Bland-Altman plots and ICCs. Both operators successfully measured the left Mod-MPI in all cases using the Auto Mod-MPI system. For both operators, intraoperator reproducibility was higher when performing automated measurements (ICC = 0.967 and 0.962 for Operators 1 and 2, respectively) than when performing manual measurements (ICC = 0.857 and 0.856 for Operators 1 and 2, respectively). Interoperator agreement was also better for automated than for manual measurements (ICC = 0.930 vs 0.723, respectively). There was good agreement between the automated and manual values measured by the more experienced operator. The Auto Mod-MPI system is a reliable technique for measuring fetal left Mod-MPI and demonstrates excellent reproducibility. Copyright © 2013 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Improving containment mass and energy releases for CONTEMPT-LT/028 TU with RELAP5/MOD3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DaSilva, H.C.; Choe, W.G.


    In order to obtain boundary conditions for RELAP5/MOD3 best estimate (BE) large break (LB) loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) calculations, it is necessary to utilize a separate containment analysis code CONTEMPT-LT/028 TU, which in turn accepts mass and energy releases from the RELAP5/MOD3 calculation. When these boundary conditions are obtained, they are observed to be significantly lower than those reported in FSAR containment analyses. This motivates the present study, where RELAP5/MOD3 mass and energy releases are generated using the same assumptions listed in the FSAR containment calculations. Then CONTEMPT-LT/028 TU pressures and temperatures calculated with both sets of mass and energy releases are compared. It is seen that those obtained with the RELAP5/MOD3 input are still significantly lower, indicating a level of conservatism in the FSAR mass and energy releases that is even above that explicitly listed and also incorporated into the RELAP5/MOD3 calculation. An important conclusion from this finding is that Environmental Qualification (EQ) issues requiring containment re-analyses are likely to be easily resolved if new mass and energy releases are calculated with state-of-the-art LOCA codes modeling the entire reactor coolant system, even when conservative assumptions are incorporated

  4. Assessment and improvement of condensation model in RELAP5/MOD3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rho, Hui Cheon; Choi, Kee Yong; Park, Hyeon Sik; Kim, Sang Jae [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Sang Il [Korea Power Engineering Co., Inc., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The objective of this research is to remove the uncertainty of the condensation model through the assessment and improvement of the various heat transfer correlations used in the RELAP5/MOD3 code. The condensation model of the standard RELAP5/MOD3 code is systematically arranged and analyzed. A condensation heat transfer database is constructed from the previous experimental data on various condensation phenomena. Based on the constructed database, the condensation models in the code are assessed and improved. An experiment on the reflux condensation in a tube of steam generator in the presence of noncondensable gases is planned to acquire the experimental data.

  5. A new formulation of the law of octic reciprocity for primes ≡±3(mod8 and its consequences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard H. Hudson


    Full Text Available Let p and q be odd primes with q≡±3(mod8, p≡1(mod8=a2+b2=c2+d2 and with the signs of a and c chosen so that a≡c≡1(mod4. In this paper we show step-by-step how to easily obtain for large q necessary and sufficient criteria to have (−1(q−1/2q(p−1/8≡(a−bd/acj(modp for j=1,…,8 (the cases with j odd have been treated only recently [3] in connection with the sign ambiguity in Jacobsthal sums of order 4. This is accomplished by breaking the formula of A.E. Western into three distinct parts involving two polynomials and a Legendre symbol; the latter condition restricts the validity of the method presented in section 2 to primes q≡3(mod8 and significant modification is needed to obtain similar results for q≡±1(mod8. Only recently the author has completely resolved the case q≡5(mod8, j=1,…,8 and a sketch of the method appears in the closing section of this paper.

  6. Correlation ECE diagnostic in Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sung, C.; Irby, J.; Leccacorvi, R.; Vieira, R.; Oi, C.; Rice, J.; Reinke, M.; Gao, C.; Ennever, P.; Porkolab, M.; Churchill, R.; Theiler, C.; Walk, J.; Hughes, J.; Hubbard, A.; Greenwald, M.


    Correlation ECE (CECE) is a diagnostic technique that allows measurement of small amplitude electron temperature, Te, fluctuations through standard cross-correlation analysis methods. In Alcator C-Mod, a new CECE diagnostic has been installed[Sung RSI 2012], and interesting phenomena have been observed in various plasma conditions. We find that local Te fluctuations near the edge (ρ ~ 0:8) decrease across the linearto- saturated ohmic confinement transition, with fluctuations decreasing with increasing plasma density [Sung NF 2013], which occurs simultaneously with rotation reversals [Rice NF 2011]. Te fluctuations are also reduced across core rotation reversals with an increase of plasma density in RF heated L-mode plasmas, which implies that the same physics related to the reduction of Te fluctuations may be applied to both ohmic and RF heated L-mode plasmas. In I-mode plasmas, we observe the reduction of core Te fluctuations, which indicates changes of turbulence occur not only in the pedestal region but also in the core across the L/I transition [White NF 2014]. The present CECE diagnostic system in C-Mod and these experimental results are described in this paper

  7. Reliability of the MODS assay decentralisation process in three health regions in Peru (United States)

    Mendoza, A.; Castillo, E.; Gamarra, N.; Huamán, T.; Perea, M.; Monroi, Y.; Salazar, R.; Coronel, J.; Acurio, M.; Obregón, G.; Roper, M.; Bonilla, C.; Asencios, L.; Moore, D. A. J.


    OBJECTIVE To deliver rapid isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RMP) drug susceptibility testing (DST) close to the patient, we designed a decentralisation process for the microscopic observation drug susceptibility (MODS) assay in Peru and evaluated its reliability. METHODS After 2 weeks of training, laboratory staff processed ≥120 consecutive sputum samples each in three regional laboratories. Samples were processed in parallel with MODS testing at an expert laboratory. Blinded paired results were independently analysed by the Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) according to predetermined criteria: concordance for culture, DST against INH and RMP and diagnosis of multidrug-resistant t uberculosis (MDR-TB) ≥ 95%, McNemar's P > 0.05, kappa index (κ) ≥ 0.75 and contamination 1–4%. Sensitivity and specificity for MDR-TB were calculated. RESULTS The accreditation process for Callao (126 samples, 79.4% smear-positive), Lima Sur (n = 130, 84%) and Arequipa (n = 126, 80%) took respectively 94, 97 and 173 days. Pre-determined criteria in all regional laboratories were above expected values. The sensitivity and specificity for detecting MDR-TB in regional laboratories were >95%, except for sensitivity in Lima Sur, which was 91.7%. Contamination was 1.0–2.3%. Mean delay to positive MODS results was 9.9–12.9 days. CONCLUSION Technology transfer of MODS was reliable, effective and fast, enabling the INS to accredit regional laboratories swiftly. PMID:21219684

  8. Real-time sensing and gas jet mitigation of VDEs on Alcator C-Mod (United States)

    Granetz, R. S.; Wolfe, S. M.; Izzo, V. A.; Reinke, M. L.; Terry, J. L.; Hughes, J. W.; Zhurovich, K.; Whyte, D. G.; Bakhtiari, M.; Wurden, G.


    Experiments have been carried out in Alcator C-Mod to test the effectiveness of gas jet disruption mitigation of VDEs with real-time detection and triggering by the C-Mod digital plasma control system (DPCS). The DPCS continuously computes the error in the plasma vertical position from the magnetics diagnostics. When this error exceeds an adjustable preset value, the DPCS triggers the gas jet valve (with a negligible latency time). The high-pressure gas (argon) only takes a few milliseconds to enter the vacuum chamber and begin affecting the plasma, but this is comparable to the VDE timescale on C-Mod. Nevertheless, gas jet injection reduced the halo current, increased the radiated power fraction, and reduced the heating of the divertor compared to unmitigated disruptions, but not quite as well as in earlier mitigation experiments with vertically stable plasmas. Presumably a faster overall response time would be beneficial, and several ways to achieve this will also be discussed.

  9. Experiment data report for Semiscale Mod-1 Test S-05-1 (alternate ECC injection test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feldman, E.M.; Patton, M.L. Jr.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-05-1 of the Semiscale Mod-1 alternate ECC injection test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-05-1 was conducted from initial conditions of 2263 psia and 544 0 F to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the cold leg broken loop piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the vessel lower plenum to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR, with the flow rate based on system volume scaling

  10. Power oscillation of the Mod-0 wind turbine (United States)

    Seidel, R. C.


    The Mod-0 power has noise components with varying frequency patterns. Magnitudes reach more than forty percent power at the frequency of twice per rotor revolution. Analysis of a simple torsional model of the power train predicts less than half the observed magnitude and does not explain the shifting frequencies of the noise patterns.

  11. Modélisation du comportement et des couplages HMC des milieux poreux


    Hoang , Ha


    Modelling of the behavior and the couplings HMC of the porous circles; La modélisation du comportement hydromécanique chimique des milieux poreux saturés et non saturés est abordée au niveau microscopique et mésoscopique. Au niveau microscopique la modélisation des écoulements diphasiques est basée sur une représentation du réseau poral comme un ensemble de tubes dont les orientations et les rayons sont choisis sur un principe d’équivalence avec les pores. L’algorithme régissant la génération...

  12. Peer review of RELAP5/MOD3 documentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craddick, W.G.


    A peer review was performed on a portion of the documentation of the RELAP5/MOD3 computer code. The review was performed in two phases. The first phase was a review of Vol. III, Developmental Assessment Problems, and Vol. IV, Models and Correlations. The reviewers for this phase were Dr. Peter Griffith, Dr. Yassin Hassan, Dr. Gerald S. Lellouche, Dr. Marino di Marzo and Mr. Mark Wendel. The reviewers recommended a number of improvements, including using a frozen version of the code for assessment guided by a validation plan, better discussion of discrepancies between the code and experimental data, and better justification for flow regime maps and extension of models beyond their data base. The second phase was a review of Vol. VI, Quality Assurance of Numerical Techniques in RELAP5/MOD3. The reviewers for the second phase were Mr. Mark Wendel and Dr. Paul T. Williams. Recommendations included correction of numerous grammatical and typographical errors and better justification for the use of Lax's Equivalence Theorem

  13. Investigation of RF-enhanced plasma potentials on Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochoukov, R.; Whyte, D.G.; Brunner, D.; Cziegler, I.; LaBombard, B.; Lipschultz, B.; Myra, J.; Terry, J.; Wukitch, S.


    Radio frequency (RF) sheath rectification is a leading mechanism suspected of causing anomalously high erosion of plasma facing materials in RF-heated plasmas on Alcator C-Mod. An extensive experimental survey of the plasma potential (Φ P ) in RF-heated discharges on C-Mod reveals that significant Φ P enhancement (>100 V) is found on outboard limiter surfaces, both mapped and not mapped to active RF antennas. Surfaces that magnetically map to active RF antennas show Φ P enhancement that is, in part, consistent with the recently proposed slow wave rectification mechanism. Surfaces that do not map to active RF antennas also experience significant Φ P enhancement, which strongly correlates with the local fast wave intensity. In this case, fast wave rectification is a leading candidate mechanism responsible for the observed enhancement

  14. Primes of the form x2 + dy2 with x ≡ 0(mod N)

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A Mersenne prime Mp = 2p −1 is a quadratic residue of 7 if and only if p ≡ 1(mod 3). In such cases Mp ≡ 1(mod 7) ... if the norm of Mp,α is a rational prime, then Mp,α is a quadratic residue of 7. Then it is proved that, for ..... [13] Vaugham T P, The construction of unramified cyclic quartic extension of Q(. √ m),. Math. Comput.

  15. Assessment of PWR Steam Generator modelling in RELAP5/MOD2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Putney, J.M.; Preece, R.J.


    An assessment of Steam Generator (SG) modelling in the PWR thermal-hydraulic code RELAP5/MOD2 is presented. The assessment is based on a review of code assessment calculations performed in the UK and elsewhere, detailed calculations against a series of commissioning tests carried out on the Wolf Creek PWR and analytical investigations of the phenomena involved in normal and abnormal SG operation. A number of modelling deficiencies are identified and their implications for PWR safety analysis are discussed -- including methods for compensating for the deficiencies through changes to the input deck. Consideration is also given as to whether the deficiencies will still be present in the successor code RELAP5/MOD3

  16. Study of MOD control system in ECRH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su Yu; Liu Baohua; Ding Tonghai; Kuang Guangli


    High-voltage power supply (HVPS) is one of the important components in ECRH (Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating). The MOD (modulator) control system is a key of the operation of HVPS and the whole system. The background and principium is introduced in this paper, especially the detail of the hardware and software of the control system is shown. The experiment, that shows stability, accuracy and reliability had reached the expected goal. (authors)

  17. Experiments and Simulations of ITER-like Plasmas in Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, R.; Kessel, C.E.; Wolfe, S.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Bonoli, P.; Fiore, C.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hughes, J.; Lin, Y.; Ma, Y.; Mikkelsen, D.; Reinke, M.; Scott, S.; Sips, A.C.C.; Wukitch, S.


    Alcator C-Mod is performing ITER-like experiments to benchmark and verify projections to 15 MA ELMy H-mode Inductive ITER discharges. The main focus has been on the transient ramp phases. The plasma current in C-Mod is 1.3 MA and toroidal field is 5.4 T. Both Ohmic and ion cyclotron (ICRF) heated discharges are examined. Plasma current rampup experiments have demonstrated that (ICRF and LH) heating in the rise phase can save voltseconds (V-s), as was predicted for ITER by simulations, but showed that the ICRF had no effect on the current profile versus Ohmic discharges. Rampdown experiments show an overcurrent in the Ohmic coil (OH) at the H to L transition, which can be mitigated by remaining in H-mode into the rampdown. Experiments have shown that when the EDA H-mode is preserved well into the rampdown phase, the density and temperature pedestal heights decrease during the plasma current rampdown. Simulations of the full C-Mod discharges have been done with the Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC) and the Coppi-Tang energy transport model is used with modified settings to provide the best fit to the experimental electron temperature profile. Other transport models have been examined also.

  18. A study of the dispersed flow interfacial heat transfer model of RELAP5/MOD2.5 and RELAP5/MOD3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andreani, M. [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (Switzerland); Analytis, G.T.; Aksan, S.N. [Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland)


    The model of interfacial heat transfer for the dispersed flow regime used in the RELAP5 computer codes is investigated in the present paper. Short-transient calculations of two low flooding rate tube reflooding experiments have been performed, where the hydraulic conditions and the heat input to the vapour in the post-dryout region were controlled for the predetermined position of the quench front. Both RELAP5/MOD2.5 and RELAP5/MOD3 substantially underpredicted the exit vapour temperature. The mass flow rate and quality, however, were correct and the heat input to the vapour was larger than the actual one. As the vapour superheat at the tube exit depends on the balance between the heat input from the wall and the heat exchange with the droplets, the discrepancy between the calculated and the measured exit vapour temperature suggested that the inability of both codes to predict the vapour superheat in the dispersed flow region is due to the overprediction of the interfacial heat transfer rate.

  19. Participer à l’évolution du modèle québécois

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Dussault


    Full Text Available Ce court texte vise à expliquer la position de l’Association des manufacturiers et exportateurs du Québec (AMEQ sur la question du modèle québécois. Pour l’association, il existe un modèle québécois, comme il existe un modèle français, américain, japonais ou autres. Ce modèle, ni tout a fait original, ni tout à fait pareil aux autres, est à la fois libéral et social démocratique. Il se caractérise par le nationalisme, l’équité et la concertation. L’histoire économique moderne est devenue, en partie celle du rôle de l’État par les leviers économiques qu’il a mis en place depuis la révolution tranquille. Le modèle québécois a permis le rattrapage sur l’Ontario mais, en même temps, n’a pas réussi à abaisser son taux de chômage au niveau de la moyenne canadienne. Et après mûres réflexion, l’AMEQ est d’avis que la solution ne se trouve pas dans l’adoption d’éléments issus du modèle américain. Mais, le renouveau du modèle passe par la contribution de la société civile et non seulement par des solutions étatiques, marchandes ou encore de la concertation institutionnaliséeThis short text aims at explaining the position of the Association of the manufacturers and exporters of Quebec (AMEQ on the question of the Quebecois model. For the association, there is a Quebecois model, as there is a French, American, Japanese model or other. This model, neither everything made original, nor the completely similar to the others, is liberal and social at the same moment democratic. It is characterized by the nationalism, the equity and the dialogue. The modern economic story, partially that of the role of the state by the economic control levers which it set up since the “Révolution tranquille”. The Quebecois model allowed the picking up on Ontario but, at the same time, did not manage to lower its unemployment rate at the level of the Canadian avarage. And after reflection, the AMEQ is of

  20. Analysis of Rod Withdrawal at Power (RWAP) Accident using ATHLET Mod 2.2 Cycle A and RELAP5/mod 3.3 Codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bencik, V.; Cavlina, N.; Grgic, D.


    The system code ATHLET is being developed at Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) in Germany. In 1996, the NPP Krsko (NEK) input deck for ATHLET Mod 1.1 Cycle C has been developed at Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FER), University of Zagreb. The input deck was tested by analyzing the realistic plant event 'Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure' and the results were assessed against the measured data. The input deck was established before plant modernization that took place in 2000 and included the power uprate and SG replacement. The released ATHLET version (Mod 2.2 Cycle A) is now being available at FER Zagreb. Accordingly, the NEK input deck for ATHLET Mod 2.2 Cycle A has been developed. A completely new input deck has been created taking into account the large number of changes due to power uprate and SG replacement as well as taking advantage of developmental work on NEK data base performed at FER. The new NEK input deck for ATHLET code has been tested by analyzing the Rod Withdrawal Power (RWAP) accident and the results were assessed against the analysis performed by RELAP5/mod 3.3 code. The RWAP accident can be either Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) ratio or overpower limiting accident depending on initial power and reactivity insertion rate. Since the automatic rod control system is assumed unavailable, the only negative reactivity is due to Doppler and moderator feedback. Consequently, the nuclear power and the transferred heat in the steam generators (SGs) increase. Since the steam flow to the turbine and the extracted power from the SGs remain constant, the SG secondary pressure and the temperatures on the primary side increase. Unless terminated by manual or automatic action, the power mismatch between primary and secondary side and the resultant coolant temperature rise could eventually result in DNB ratio and/or fuel centreline melt. In order to avoid core damage, the reactor protection system is designed to automatically

  1. Migration of alcator C-Mod computer infrastructure to Linux

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fredian, T.W.; Greenwald, M.; Stillerman, J.A.


    The Alcator C-Mod fusion experiment at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts has been operating for twelve years. The data handling for the experiment during most of this period was based on MDSplus running on a cluster of VAX and Alpha computers using the OpenVMS operating system. While the OpenVMS operating system provided a stable reliable platform, the support of the operating system and the software layered on the system has deteriorated in recent years. With the advent of extremely powerful low cost personal computers and the increasing popularity and robustness of the Linux operating system a decision was made to migrate the data handling systems for C-Mod to a collection of PC's running Linux. This paper will describe the new system configuration, the effort involved in the migration from OpenVMS, the results of the first run campaign under the new configuration and the impact the switch may have on the rest of the MDSplus community

  2. Experiment data report for semiscale Mod-1 test S-06-4 (LOFT counterpart test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillins, R.L.; Sackett, K.E.; Coppin, C.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-06-4 of the Semiscale Mod-1 LOFT counterpart test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-06-4 was conducted from initial conditions of 15,653 kPa and 564 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact loop to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. The heater rods in the electrically heated core were operated at an axial peak power density which was 100 percent of the maximum peak power density

  3. Experiment data report for semiscale Mod-1 test S-06-1 (LOFT counterpart test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collins, B.L.; Patton, M.L. Jr.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-06-1 of the Semiscale Mod-1 LOFT counterpart test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying an hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-06-1 was conducted from initial conditions of 15 568 kPa and 564 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact loop to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. The heater rods in the electrically heated core were operated at an axial peak power density which was 30% of the maximum peak power density

  4. Experiment data report for semiscale Mod-1 Test S-06-2 (LOFT counterpart test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patton, M.L. Jr.; Collins, B.L.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-06-2 of the Semiscale Mod-1 LOFT counterpart test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying an hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-06-2 was conducted from initial conditions of 15 513 kPa and 563 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact loop to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. The heater rods in the electrically heated core were operated at an axial peak power density which was 50% of the maximum peak power density

  5. Mod-5A wind turbine generator program design report. Volume 3: Final design and system description, book 2 (United States)


    The design, development and analysis of the 7.3MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator is documented. The report is divided into four volumes: Volume 1 summarizes the entire MOD-5A program, Volume 2 discusses the conceptual and preliminary design phases, Volume 3 describes the final design of the MOD-5A, and Volume 4 contains the drawings and specifications developed for the final design. Volume 3, book 2 describes the performance and characteristics of the MOD-5A wind turbine generator in its final configuration. The subsystem for power generation, control, and instrumentation subsystems is described in detail. The manufacturing and construction plans, and the preparation of a potential site on Oahu, Hawaii, are documented. The quality assurance and safety plan, and analyses of failure modes and effects, and reliability, availability and maintainability are presented.

  6. Internal transport barriers on Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiore, C.L.; Rice, J.E.; Bonoli, P.T.; Boivin, R.L.; Goetz, J.A.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Granetz, R.S.; Greenwald, M.J.; Marmar, E.S.; Mossessian, D.; Porkolab, M.; Taylor, G.; Snipes, J.; Wolfe, S.M.; Wukitch, S.J.


    The formation of internal transport barriers (ITBs) has been observed in the core region of Alcator C-Mod [I. H. Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] under a variety of conditions. The improvement in core confinement following pellet injection (pellet enhanced performance or PEP mode) has been well documented on Alcator C-Mod in the past. Recently three new ITB phenomena have been observed which require no externally applied particle or momentum input. Short lived ITBs form spontaneously following the high confinement to low confinement mode transition and are characterized by a large increase in the global neutron production (enhanced neutron or EN modes). Experiments with ion cyclotron range of frequencies power injection to the plasma off-axis on the high field side results in the central density rising abruptly and becoming peaked. The ITB formed at this time lasts for ten energy confinement times. The central toroidal rotation velocity decreases and changes sign as the density rises. Similar spontaneous ITBs have been observed in ohmically heated H-mode plasmas. All of these ITB events have strongly peaked density profiles with a minimum in the density scale length occurring near r/a=0.5 and have improved confinement parameters in the core region of the plasma

  7. Les industries culturelles en mutation : des modèles en question

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucien Perticoz


    Full Text Available La présente contribution se propose de questionner la notion de modèles socio-économiques dans le cadre des travaux relatifs aux mutations des industries culturelles. À cette fin, l’exposé se déroulera en trois temps : nous reviendrons tout d’abord sur les caractéristiques essentielles des modèles génériques (modèle éditorial et de flot ainsi que sur leurs principaux apports ; nous expliquerons ensuite dans quelle mesure ils doivent être considérés, non comme une description fidèle de la réalité dont ils entendent rendre compte, mais davantage comme des règles du jeu permettant d’appréhender les mutations à l’œuvre ; enfin, à l’aune de la numérisation des contenus et de leur consommation via Internet, nous interrogerons l’hypothèse de l’émergence de nouveaux modèles génériques. En conclusion, nous insisterons sur la nécessité, à notre sens, de prendre en compte l’évolution des pratiques culturelles médiatiques en tant que dimension structurante de ces modèles.This paper aims to question the concept of socio-economic models within the framework of research about cultural industries mutations. For this purpose, our presentation will proceed in three parts : first of all, we will reconsider the essential characteristics of the generic models (publishing model and flow model and their main contributions to the research ; we will explain then why they must be considered, not as a faithful description of the reality of which they intend to give an account, but more like rules of the game allowing to understand the mutations of cultural industries ; finally, considering the digitalization of contents and their consumption using Internet, we will question the hypothesis of the emergence of new generic models. In conclusion, we will insist on the importance, from our opinion, to take into account the evolution of the media cultural practices as a structuring dimension of these models.

  8. For det kommende i det tidlige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønbæk, Niels


    . Man kan sige at fortroligheden er enten medieret - fx gennem sprog, skrift, håndtering af værktøj osv., eller opstår i og med de stabile formationer - som fx det vi i fremskredne stadier kender som vaner. Vaner kan opfattes som stabile formationer, som mønstre; men det kan de 'medierede fortroligheder......' også, hvis man i stedet for at lægge vægten på værktøjet eller mediet, lægger den på teknikken - og dermed på en praksis eller en kunnen. I min afhandling fører det til et radikalt materiale-begreb: 'egentligt' materiale kan ikke være nærværende - nærværende véd vi ikke andet om det end at der er noget...... Udgangspunktet for afhandlingens kulturkritiske dimension, er dén påstand eller dobbelt-tese at: 1) kulturen (for tiden) foretrækker visse teknikker frem for andre. Her er min overordnede påstand at epistemet er kendetegnet af en orientering mod tegnene - hvilket egentlig vil sige: mod sit kulturelle indre. Et...

  9. Second Generation HTs Wire Based on RABiTS Substrates and MOD YBCO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoop, U. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Rupich, Marty [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Thieme, C. L. H. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Verebelyi, D. T. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Zhang, W. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Li, Xiaoping [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Kodenkandath, Thomas [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Nguyen, N. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Siegal, E. E. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Civale, L. [Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); Holesinger, T. G. [Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); Maiorov, B. [Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); Goyal, Amit [ORNL; Paranthaman, Mariappan Parans [ORNL


    The performance of Second Generation (2G) high temperature superconducting wire manufactured by continuous reel-to-reel processes is nearing the 300 A/cm-width (77 K, self field) performance threshold for commercial power cable applications. The 2G manufacturing approach under development at American Superconductor is based on the combination of the RABiTS substrate-buffer technology with metal organic deposition (MOD) of the YBCO layer. The capability of this process has been demonstrated in multiple 10 meter lengths with critical currents exceeding 250 A/cm-width with high uniformity and reproducibility. Critical currents of 380 A/cm-width have been achieved in short length samples prepared by the same basic process. The incorporation of nanoparticles ('nanodots') into the YBCO layer using the MOD process has resulted in a 2-fold improvement in the critical current at 65 K in a 3 T field. The research and development focus at ASMC is now directed toward the economical scale-up of the RABiTS/MOD process, optimization of the conductor properties for targeted applications and the use of 2G wire in initial demonstration applications.

  10. Radon transport modelling: User's guide to RnMod3d

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersen, C.E.


    RnMod3d is a numerical computer model of soil-gas and radon transport in porous media. It can be used, for example, to study radon entry from soil into houses in response to indoor-outdoor pressure differences or changes in atmospheric pressure. It can also be used for flux calculations of radon from the soil surface or to model radon exhalation from building materials such as concrete. The finite-volume model is a technical research tool, and it cannot be used meaningfully without good understanding of the involved physical equations. Some understanding of numerical mathematics and the programming language Pascal is also required. Originally, the code was developed for internal use at Risoe only. With this guide, however, it should be possible for others to use the model. Three-dimensional steady-state or transient problems with Darcy flow of soil gas and combined generation, radioactive decay, diffusion and advection of radon can be solved. Moisture is included in the model, and partitioning of radon between air, water and soil grains (adsorption) is taken into account. Most parameters can change in time and space, and transport parameters (diffusivity and permeability) may be anisotropic. This guide includes benchmark tests based on simple problems with known solutions. RnMod3d has also been part of an international model intercomparison exercise based on more complicated problems without known solutions. All tests show that RnMod3d gives results of good quality. (au)

  11. Waste removal sequencing using ProdMod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paul, P.K.; Gregory, M.V.; Davis, N.R.; Brooke, J.N.


    The Savannah River Site (SRS) is starting to solidify its accumulated high-level radioactive waste into borosilicate glass in stainless steel canisters for eventual permanent storage. The in-tank precipitation process (ITP) and extended sludge processing (ESP) are two key operations in the waste processing complex. The supernate and dissolved salt from the waste storage tanks are transferred to the ITP process tank where the solution is decontaminated in batch processes. Soluble radioactive cesium is precipitated with sodium tetraphenylborate and strontium, uranium, and plutonium are adsorbed on monosodium titanate. The precipitate and adsorbent solids, which now contain the radionuclides, are concentrated using crossflow filters. The concentrated solids are sent to the high-level waste vitrification process. The decontaminated salt solution is sent to the low-level waste solidification process to form cement grout. In parallel with the precipitate operations, insoluble sludges that settled originally to the bottom of the waste tanks are reslurried and sent to ESP to undergo washing to reduce soluble salt content and aluminum dissolution, if required. In the vitrification process in the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF), the concentrated precipitate from the ITP is mixed with the washed sludge from ESP and glass frit in proportion to form a stable borosilicate glass. A novel and fast-running Production Planning Model (ProdMod) has been developed to simulate the waste processing operation. This paper describes the application of ProdMod in sequencing the ITP batches and scheduling the ESP batches

  12. Mechanical measurements in RFX-mod experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dalla Palma, M., E-mail: [Consorzio RFX, EURATOM-ENEA Association, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova (Italy); Ravarotto, D.; Dal Bello, S.; Fincato, M.; Ghiraldelli, R.; Marchiori, G.; Taliercio, C.; Zaccaria, P. [Consorzio RFX, EURATOM-ENEA Association, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova (Italy)


    The ongoing experimental campaigns of RFX-mod are performed setting operational parameters at the nominal or exceeding design values of the experiment. Compressive forces up to 11 MN are produced by high magnetizing currents that reach values up to 50 kA. These forces heavily load the mechanical structure of RFX-mod and their effects are measured and monitored in order to assess the expected structural response and machine reliability during operation. Mechanical strains and relative displacements are real time measured during each experimental pulse by 48 strain gauges located on 12 mechanical struts and 16 potentiometers positioned between the toroidal assembly and the support mechanical structure. The strains in the most stressed components are measured by means of 24 half bridge gauges preliminarily calibrated. Particular care has been given to sensor choices and installation in order to minimize signal noises induced by the electrical and magnetic fields. The residual noises have been further reduced by proper sampling frequency and averaging techniques. The strains measured on the struts are then post-processed to calculate the resultant forces and bending moments, while the displacement measurements give an estimate of the overall stiffness of the mechanical structure. The measured forces and displacements are shown per toroidal locations and as a function of the current intensity, so verifying the uniform sharing of forces among the different struts and the proper square law correlation with the magnetizing current intensity.

  13. Analyse géographique et modélisation des dynamiques d’urbanisation à La Réunion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pascal Thinon


    Full Text Available Cet article propose un prototype de modèle d’interprétation des dynamiques urbaines sur l’Ile de la Réunion. En entrée, le modèle combine un ensemble de champs géographiques jouant en faveur ou en défaveur de l’urbanisation ; en sortie, il indique une propension à l’urbanisation de chaque lieu. Il est conçu de manière à permettre une analyse exploratoire de ces dynamiques selon une approche heuristique. Les premiers résultats ont permis d’obtenir, sur l’ensemble de l’île, une carte de la propension à l’urbanisation, jugée satisfaisante eu égard aux dynamiques observées entre 1989 et 2002 ; un premier scénario d’évolution, concernant les espaces de savanes à l’ouest de l’île, est également proposé. Les premiers travaux sur ce modèle, encore à un stade préliminaire, sont encourageants mais soulèvent de nombreuses questions concernant notamment le calibrage des facteurs et leur rôle respectif, l’intégration de nouveaux champs comme le voisinage, l’analyse des résidus, la mesure de la qualité du modèle ou bien encore la mobilisation de ce type de modèle comme outil d’accompagnement de projets de territoires.

  14. Investigation of RF-enhanced plasma potentials on Alcator C-Mod

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ochoukov, R., E-mail: [PSFC MIT, NW17, 175 Albany Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Whyte, D.G.; Brunner, D. [PSFC MIT, NW17, 175 Albany Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Cziegler, I. [Center for Energy Research, UCSD, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093 (United States); LaBombard, B.; Lipschultz, B. [PSFC MIT, NW17, 175 Albany Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Myra, J. [Lodestar Research Corporation, 2400 Central Avenue P-5, Boulder, CO 80301 (United States); Terry, J.; Wukitch, S. [PSFC MIT, NW17, 175 Albany Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States)


    Radio frequency (RF) sheath rectification is a leading mechanism suspected of causing anomalously high erosion of plasma facing materials in RF-heated plasmas on Alcator C-Mod. An extensive experimental survey of the plasma potential (Φ{sub P}) in RF-heated discharges on C-Mod reveals that significant Φ{sub P} enhancement (>100 V) is found on outboard limiter surfaces, both mapped and not mapped to active RF antennas. Surfaces that magnetically map to active RF antennas show Φ{sub P} enhancement that is, in part, consistent with the recently proposed slow wave rectification mechanism. Surfaces that do not map to active RF antennas also experience significant Φ{sub P} enhancement, which strongly correlates with the local fast wave intensity. In this case, fast wave rectification is a leading candidate mechanism responsible for the observed enhancement.

  15. Analyses for MARIA Research Reactor with RELAP/MOD3 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szczurek, J.; Czerski, P.


    This paper deals with the application of the RELAP5/MOD3 code to the transient analyses for MARIA research reactor. Poland's MARIA Research Reactor is water and beryllium moderated, water-cooled reactor of a pool type with pressurized fuel channels containing concentric multi-tube assemblies of highly enriched uranium clad in aluminium. The RELAP5/MOD3 input data model includes the whole primary cooling circuit of the MARIA reactor. The model was qualified against the reactor data at steady state conditions and additionally against the existing reliable experimental data for a transient initiated by the reactor scram. The RELAP transient simulation was performed for loss of forced flow accidents including two scenarios with protected and unprotected (no scram) reactor core. Calculations allow estimating time margin for reactor scram initiation and reactivity feedbacks contribution to the results. (author)

  16. Analysis of Semiscale Mod-1 integral test with asymmetrical break (Test S-29-1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langerman, M.A.


    Selected experimental data obtained from Semiscale Mod-1 cold leg break Test S-29-1 and results obtained from analytical codes are analyzed. This test was the first integral blowdown reflood test conducted with the Mod-1 system and was a special test designed specifically to evaluate the sensitivity of the early Mod-1 core thermal response (0 to 5 sec after rupture) to the magnitude and direction of the core flow. To achieve this specific objective in Test S-29-1, the vessel side break area was reduced to approximately one-half the scaled break area associated with a 200 percent cold leg break test. The reduction in break area significantly reduced the core flow reversal that took place immediately after rupture and resulted in periods of positive core flow in the early portion of the test. The results obtained from this test are compared with results obtained from a 200 percent cold leg break test and the effect of core flow on early core thermal response is evaluated. Since Test S-29-1 was the first integral blowdown reflood test conducted with the Mod-1 system, data are also presented through the reflood stage of the test and the results are analyzed. The test data and the core thermal response calculated with the RELAP4 code are also compared

  17. C-Mod Collaboration Informal Technical Progress Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kenneth W. Gentle


    The aims of the collaboration have not changed. A specific list of tasks was agreed upon during the Fall of 2006 in preparation for the 2007 C-Mod campaign by Earl Marmar, Head of the Alcator Project, Kenneth Gentle, Principal Investigator, and William Rowan, Collaboration Coordinator with the facilitation of Adam Rosenberg (DOE grant monitor for the collaboration). The activities follow the list of tasks and are discussed in this progress report

  18. Intelligence artificielle et agents collectifs : le modèle EUROSIM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Pumain


    Full Text Available EUROSIM est un modèle multi-agents conçu pour simuler l’évolution à moyen terme du système des villes européennes. Les agents sont des entités collectives, les grandes villes caractérisées par leur taille et leur fonction dans le système des villes, et dont les interactions (échanges modulés par des relations de proximité ou de réseau déterminent la dynamique relative, tandis que la croissance d’ensemble dépend de l’innovation. Des outils d’analyse multiscalaire ont été développés afin d’interpréter les sorties du modèle et faciliter le calibrage.

  19. Mod-5A wind turbine generator program design report. Volume 4: Drawings and specifications, book 5 (United States)


    The design, development and analysis of the 7.3 MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator is documented. There are four volumes. This volume contains the drawings and specifications that were developed in preparation for building the MOD-5A wind turbine generator. Detail drawings of several assemblies and subassemblies are given. This is the fifth book of volume 4.

  20. Experiment data report for semiscale Mod-1 Test S-06-5. (LOFT counterpart test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-06-5 of the Semiscale Mod-1 LOFT counterpart test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-06-5 was conducted from initial conditions of 2272 psia and 536 0 F to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold legs of the intact and broken loops to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. The purpose of Test S-06-5 was to assess the influence of the break nozzle geometry on core thermal and system response and on the subcooled and low quality mass flow rates at the break locations

  1. Comparison of tungsten nano-tendrils grown in Alcator C-Mod and linear plasma devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, G.M.; Brunner, D.; Baldwin, M.J.; Bystrov, K.; Doerner, R.P.; Labombard, B.; Lipschultz, B.; De Temmerman, G.; Terry, J.L.; Whyte, D.G.; Woller, K.B.


    Growth of tungsten nano-tendrils (“fuzz”) has been observed for the first time in the divertor region of a high-power density tokamak experiment. After 14 consecutive helium L-mode discharges in Alcator C-Mod, the tip of a tungsten Langmuir probe at the outer strike point was fully covered with a layer of nano-tendrils. The depth of the W fuzz layer (600 ± 150 nm) is consistent with an empirical growth formula from the PISCES experiment. Re-creating the C-Mod exposures as closely as possible in Pilot-PSI experiment can produce nearly-identical nano-tendril morphology and layer thickness at surface temperatures that agree with uncertainties with the C-Mod W probe temperature data. Helium concentrations in W fuzz layers are measured at 1–4 at.%, which is lower than expected for the observed sub-surface voids to be filled with several GPa of helium pressure. This possibly indicates that the void formation is not pressure driven

  2. Experiment data report for Semiscale Mod-1 Test S-05-5 (alternate ECC injection test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collins, B.L.; Patton, M.L. Jr.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-05-5 of the Semiscale Mod-1 alternate ECC injection test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-05-5 was conducted from initial conditions of 2263 psia and 537 0 F to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the cold leg broken loop piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact and broken loops to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. The upper plenum was vented through a reflood bypass line interconnecting the hot and cold legs of the broken loop

  3. Underholdning, emotioner og identitet. Et mediepsykologisk perspektiv på underholdningspræferencer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Jantzen


    Full Text Available Underholdning er mere end adspredelse og alt andet end tidsfordriv. Mennesker er motiverede for at lade sig underholde, fordi underholdning rummer kvaliteter, der er af væsentlig betydning for deres fysiske, psykiske og sociale velbefindende. Ved at identificere disse oplevelseskvaliteter vil artiklen for det første præcisere underholdningens emotionsregulerende og identitetskonstituerende funktioner. Men ikke alle mennesker motiveres af og er motiverede for samme type underholdning og samme oplevelseskvaliteter. Artiklen vil derfor for det andet vise, hvordan individuelle forskelle i motivation i vid udstrækning er begrundet i personlighedsmæssige forhold, der får individer til at foretrække bestemte oplevelseskvaliteter frem for andre. Denne redegørelse munder ud i en psykografisk segmenteringsmodel, som artiklen for det tredje søger at beskrive forskelle i underholdningspræferencer ud fra. Det er artiklens pointe, at underholdningsprogrammer kan fungere som segmentknusere ved at rumme oplevelseskvaliteter, der er relevante for forskellige segmenter. Entertainment, Emotions and Personality Analyzing Preferences for Media Entertainment from a Media Psychological Perspective Entertainment is far more than a simple pastime and anything but a waste of time. On the contrary we are as humans motivated towards entertainment, as entertainment offers distinct qualities crucial for our psychical, psychological and social well-being. By identifying such experiential qualities this paper aims firstly at defining how entertainment regulates emotions as well as constituting our identity. Not all people are however motivated by or are motivated towards the same type of entertainment and the same experiential qualities. Therefore this paper aims secondly at demonstrating how individual differences in motivation to a large degree stem from differences in personality, determining preferences for certain experiential qualities rather than others. This

  4. Relap5/mod2 post-test calculation of a loss of feedwater experiment at the Pactel test facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Protze, M. [Siemens-KWU, Erlangen (Germany)


    Post-test calculations for verification purposes of the thermal hydraulic code RELAP5/MOD2 are of fundamental importance for the licensing procedure. The RELAP5/MOD2 code has a large international assessment base regarding western PWR. WWER-reactors are russian designed PWRs with some specific differences compared with the western PWR`s, especially the horizontal steam generators. For that reason some post-test calculations have to be performed to verify the RELAP5/MOD2 code for these WWER typical phenomena. The impact of the horizontal steam generators on the accident behaviour during transients or pipe ruptures on the secondary side is significant. The nodalization of the test facility PACTEL was chosen equally to WWER plant nodalization to verify the use of a coarse modelling of the steam generator secondary side for analyses of transient with decreasing water level in the SG secondary side. The calculational results showed a good compliance to the test results, demonstrating the correct use of a coarse nodalization. To sum up, the RELAP5/ MOD2 results met the test results appropriately thereby the RELAP5/ MOD2 code is validated for analyses of transients with decreasing water level in a horizontal steam generator secondary side. (orig.). 4 refs.

  5. Relap5/mod2 post-test calculation of a loss of feedwater experiment at the Pactel test facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Protze, M [Siemens-KWU, Erlangen (Germany)


    Post-test calculations for verification purposes of the thermal hydraulic code RELAP5/MOD2 are of fundamental importance for the licensing procedure. The RELAP5/MOD2 code has a large international assessment base regarding western PWR. WWER-reactors are russian designed PWRs with some specific differences compared with the western PWR`s, especially the horizontal steam generators. For that reason some post-test calculations have to be performed to verify the RELAP5/MOD2 code for these WWER typical phenomena. The impact of the horizontal steam generators on the accident behaviour during transients or pipe ruptures on the secondary side is significant. The nodalization of the test facility PACTEL was chosen equally to WWER plant nodalization to verify the use of a coarse modelling of the steam generator secondary side for analyses of transient with decreasing water level in the SG secondary side. The calculational results showed a good compliance to the test results, demonstrating the correct use of a coarse nodalization. To sum up, the RELAP5/ MOD2 results met the test results appropriately thereby the RELAP5/ MOD2 code is validated for analyses of transients with decreasing water level in a horizontal steam generator secondary side. (orig.). 4 refs.

  6. Morphological characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a MODS culture for an automatic diagnostics through pattern recognition.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alicia Alva

    Full Text Available Tuberculosis control efforts are hampered by a mismatch in diagnostic technology: modern optimal diagnostic tests are least available in poor areas where they are needed most. Lack of adequate early diagnostics and MDR detection is a critical problem in control efforts. The Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility (MODS assay uses visual recognition of cording patterns from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB to diagnose tuberculosis infection and drug susceptibility directly from a sputum sample in 7-10 days with a low cost. An important limitation that laboratories in the developing world face in MODS implementation is the presence of permanent technical staff with expertise in reading MODS. We developed a pattern recognition algorithm to automatically interpret MODS results from digital images. The algorithm using image processing, feature extraction and pattern recognition determined geometrical and illumination features used in an object-model and a photo-model to classify TB-positive images. 765 MODS digital photos were processed. The single-object model identified MTB (96.9% sensitivity and 96.3% specificity and was able to discriminate non-tuberculous mycobacteria with a high specificity (97.1% M. avium, 99.1% M. chelonae, and 93.8% M. kansasii. The photo model identified TB-positive samples with 99.1% sensitivity and 99.7% specificity. This algorithm is a valuable tool that will enable automatic remote diagnosis using Internet or cellphone telephony. The use of this algorithm and its further implementation in a telediagnostics platform will contribute to both faster TB detection and MDR TB determination leading to an earlier initiation of appropriate treatment.

  7. BioJava-ModFinder: identification of protein modifications in 3D structures from the Protein Data Bank. (United States)

    Gao, Jianjiong; Prlic, Andreas; Bi, Chunxiao; Bluhm, Wolfgang F; Dimitropoulos, Dimitris; Xu, Dong; Bourne, Philip E; Rose, Peter W


    We developed a new software tool, BioJava-ModFinder, for identifying protein modifications observed in 3D structures archived in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Information on more than 400 types of protein modifications were collected and curated from annotations in PDB, RESID, and PSI-MOD. We divided these modifications into three categories: modified residues, attachment modifications, and cross-links. We have developed a systematic method to identify these modifications in 3D protein structures. We have integrated this package with the RCSB PDB web application and added protein modification annotations to the sequence diagram and structure display. By scanning all 3D structures in the PDB using BioJava-ModFinder, we identified more than 30 000 structures with protein modifications, which can be searched, browsed, and visualized on the RCSB PDB website. BioJava-ModFinder is available as open source (LGPL license) at ( ). The RCSB PDB can be accessed at . © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  8. Analysis of the VVER-440 reactor steam generator secondary side with the RELAP5/MOD3 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuunanen, J.


    Nuclear Engineering Laboratory of the Technical Research Centre of Finland has widely used RELAP5/MOD2 and -MOD3 codes to simulate horizontal steam generators. Several models have been developed and successfully used in the VVER-safety analysis. Nevertheless, the models developed have included only rather few nodes in the steam generator secondary side. The secondary side has normally been divided into about 10 to 15 nodes. Since the secondary side at the steam generators of VVER-440 type reactors consists of a rather large water pool, these models were only roughly capable to predict secondary side flows. The paper describes an attempt to use RELAP5/MOD3 code to predict secondary side flows in a steam generator of a VVER-440 reactor. A 2D/3D model has been developed using RELAP5/MOD3 codes cross-flow junctions. The model includes 90 volumes on the steam generator secondary side. The model has been used to calculate steady state flow conditions in the secondary side of a VVER-440 reactor steam generator. (orig.) (1 ref., 9 figs., 2 tabs.)

  9. Conception d’un automate cellulaire non stationnaire à base de graphe pour modéliser la structure spatiale urbaine: le modèle Remus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnaud Banos


    Full Text Available Nous proposons dans cet article une formalisation originale des automates cellulaires géographiques, à même de mieux prendre en compte grâce à une structure de graphe le voisinage irrégulier et dynamique d’entités spatiales. Le modèle Remus permet ainsi de représenter sous la forme d’un graphe mathématique les entités spatiales du bâti et les réseaux de transport urbain (graphe urbain ; il permet aussi de calculer la distance-temps entre bâtiments par le réseau. Le modèle Remus permet l’extraction de différents graphes, dont le graphe fonctionnel des distances-temps entre les immeubles et le graphe de relations de voisinage qui représente le voisinage par le réseau pour un certain seuil de temps de trajet et pour un mode de transport donné.

  10. Numerical modelling of ICRF physics experiments in the Alcator C-mod tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonoli, P.T.; Boivin, R.L.; Brambilla, M.


    A full-wave spectral code (TORIC) has been used to simulate mode converted ion Bernstein wave (IBW) propagation and absorption for the first time at high poloidal mode number (-80< m<+80). Converged wave solutions for the mode converted wave are obtained in this limit and the predicted electron damping of the IBW is found to be consistent with experimental measurements from the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. The TORIC code has also been coupled to a bounce-averaged Fokker Planck module FPPRF and the combined codes are now run within the transport analysis tool TRANSP. This model was used to analyze off-axis hydrogen minority heating experiments in C-Mod where an internal transport barrier was obtained. (author)

  11. Experiment data report for Semiscale Mod-1 Test S-05-4 (alternate ECC injection test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collins, B.L.; Feldman, E.M.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-05-4 of the Semiscale Mod-1 alternate emergency core coolant injection test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-05-4 was conducted from initial conditions of 2266 psia and 543 0 F to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the cold leg broken loop piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of each loop and into the vessel upper plenum to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. The upper plenum coolant injection was scaled according to the heat stored in the metal mass of the upper plenum

  12. Progress on MOD/RABiTSTM 2G HTS wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rupich, M.W.; Zhang, W.; Li, X.; Kodenkandath, T.; Verebelyi, D.T.; Schoop, U.; Thieme, C.; Teplitsky, M.; Lynch, J.; Nguyen, N.; Siegal, E.; Scudiere, J.; Maroni, V.; Venkataraman, K.; Miller, D.; Holesinger, T.G.


    The development of the second generation (2G) high temperature superconducting wire has advanced beyond initial laboratory demonstrations and is now focused on developing and testing high critical current conductor designs required for commercial applications. The approach pursued at American Superconductor for 2G wire manufacturing is based on the combination of the RABiTS TM substrate-buffer technology with metal organic deposition (MOD) of the YBCO layer. This MOD/RABiTS TM approach has been demonstrated in 10 m lengths with critical currents of up to 184 A/cm-width (∼2.3 MA/cm 2 ) and in short length with critical currents of up to 270 A/cm-width (∼3.4 MA/cm 2 ). In addition to a high critical current, the superconducting wire must also meet stringent mechanical and electrical stability requirements that vary by application. Commercially viable architectures designed to meet these specifications have been fabricated and tested. Wires manufactured by this process have been successfully tested in prototype cable and coil applications

  13. TRAC-PF1/MOD2 best-estimate analysis of a large-break LOCA in a 15 x 15 generic four-loop Westinghouse nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spore, J.W.; Lin, J.C.; Schnurr, N.M.; White, J.R.; Cappiello, M.C.


    Calculations of a large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) in a 15 x 15 generic four-loop Westinghouse nuclear power plant with both the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 and TRAC-PF1/MOD2 computer codes will be presented. The Transient Reactor Analysis Code (TRAC) has been developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory to provide advanced best-estimate simulations of real postulated transients in pressurized light-water reactors (LWRs) and for many related thermal-hydraulic facilities. The latest released version of TRAC is TRAC-PF1/MOD2. Significant improvements and enhancements over the MOD1 version were implemented in the MOD2 heat-transfer and constitutive models. One of the most significant improvements in the MOD2 code has been the implementation of the two-step numerics method in the three-dimensional components, which can significantly reduce run times for long, slow transients. A very important area of improvement has been in the reflood heat-transfer models. Developmental assessment results (i.e., code comparisons with experimental data) will be discussed for several separate-effects and integral test, including analysis of the Upper Plenum Test Facility (UPTF), the Cylindrical Core Test Facility (CCTF), and the Loss-of-Fluid Test Facility (LOFT). The assessment results provide information on the anticipated accuracy for the best-estimate models in the MOD2 computer code. The MOD1 to MOD2 comparison will provide an estimate for the effect of improved heat-transfer models on predicted peak cladding temperatures

  14. Evaporation in porous media modelling :fundamental and applied models development /Modélisation de l'évaporation en milieu poreux :développement de modèles fondamentaux et appliqués


    Debaste, Frédéric


    L'étude des phénomènes fondamentaux de transport et de thermodynamique apparaissant lors de l'évaporation en milieu poreux permet l'investigation d'applications pratiques variées. Dans ce travail, nous développons des modèles fondamentaux d'évaporation en milieu poreux que nous appliquons ensuite au séchage en lit fluidisé de deux matériaux granulaires poreux :le PVC et la levure. Les modèles mis au point sont réalisés suivant une approche multiéchelle. Nous nous intér...

  15. Mod-5A wind turbine generator program design report. Volume 3: Final design and system description, book 1 (United States)


    The design, development and analysis of the 7.3 MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator is documented. Volume 3, book 1 describes the performance and characteristics of the MOD-5A wind turbine generator in its final configuration. Each subsystem - the rotor, drivetrain, nacelle, tower and foundation is described in detail.

  16. Assessment of TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code for large break LOCA in PWR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimoto, Hajime; Ohnuki, Akira; Murao, Yoshio; Abe, Yutaka.


    As the first step of the REFLA/TRAC code development, the TRAC/PF1/MOD1 code has been assessed for various experiments that simulate postulated large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LBLOCA) in PWR to understand the predictive capability and to identify the problem areas of the code. The assessment calculations were performed for separate effect tests for critical flow, counter current flow, condensation at cold leg and reflood as well as integral tests to understand predictability for individual phenomena. This report summarizes results from the assessment calculations of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code for LBLOCA in PWR. The assessment calculations made clear the predictive capability and problem areas of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code for LBLOCA in PWR. The areas, listed below, should be improved for more realistic and effective simulation of LBLOCA in PWR: (1) core heat transfer model during blowdown, (2) ECC bypass model at downcomer during refill, (3) condensation model during accumulator injection, and (4) core thermal hydraulic model during reflood. (author) 57 refs

  17. Prise en compte des ``courants de London'' dans la modélisation des supraconducteurs (United States)

    Bossavit, Alain


    A model is given, in variational form, in which volumic “Bean currents”, ruled by Bean's law, and surface “London currents” coexist. This macroscopic model generalizes Bean's one, by appending to the critical density j_c a second parameter, with the dimension of a length, similar to London's depth λ. The one-dimensional version of the model is investigated, in order to link this parameter with the standard observable H-M characteristics On propose un modèle, sous forme variationnelle, associant des “courants de Bean” volumiques, décrits par la loi de Bean, et des “courants de London”, surfaciques. Ce modèle macroscopique généralise celui de Bean, caractérisé par le courant critique j_c, et fait intervenir un second paramètre, homogène à une longueur, analogue au λ de London. La version unidimensionnelle du modèle est étudiée en détail de manière à relier ce paramètre à l'observation des caractéristiques H-M usuelles.

  18. Bare et spil? Perspektiver i at bruge serious games i arbejdsmiljøundervisningen i erhvervsskolerne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helene Meldgaard Pedersen


    Full Text Available Et godt psykisk arbejdsmiljø på erhvervsskole og læreplads kan være afgørende for, om elever færdiggør deres uddannelse. For at ruste elever til at håndtere problematikker på arbejdspladsen, er det vigtigt med en relevant og virkelighedsnær undervisning i psykisk arbejdsmiljø. I denne artikel undersøger vi perspektiverne i at bruge et bestemt 'serious game', der kombinerer pædagogiske og spilrelaterede elementer, i undervisningen i psykisk arbejdsmiljø på erhvervsskoler i Danmark. Undersøgelsen fokuserer specifikt på læring: hvordan elever og lærlinge tilegner sig viden om de udfordringer og dilemmaer, de kan møde på en arbejdsplads. Undervisningssitet er et undervisningsmateriale til erhvervsskolernes undervisning i arbejdsmiljø, arbejdspladskultur og samarbejde. Sitet består af et Dilemmaspil, historier baseret på elevers og lærlinges arbejdserfaringer, en vidensbank samt didaktisk materiale. I artiklen inddrages data fra en afprøvning af undervisningssitet foretaget inden for fagene frisør, social- og sundhedshjælper, tømrer samt bygningsmaler. Resultaterne peger på, at eleverne gennem brug af spillet motiveres til at forholde sig aktivt og reflekterende til de emner og dilemmaer, der præsenteres, og at de identificerer sig med de problematikker, der beskrives af andre unge i de autentiske historier. Ud fra et socialkonstruktivistisk læringsperspektiv diskuterer artiklen, hvilke perspektiver der er i at bruge ’serious games’ i arbejdsmiljøundervisningen.

  19. Posttest analysis of international standard problem 10 using RELAP4/MOD7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsu, M.; Davis, C.B.; Peterson, A.C. Jr.; Behling, S.R.


    RELAP4/MOD7, a best estimate computer code for the calculation of thermal and hydraulic phenomena in a nuclear reactor or related system, is the latest version in the RELAP4 code development series. This paper evaluates the capability of RELAP4/MOD7 to calculate refill/reflood phenomena. This evaluation uses the data of International Standard Problem 10, which is based on West Germany's KWU PKL refill/reflood experiment K9A. The PKL test facility represents a typical West German four-loop, 1300 MW pressurized water reactor (PWR) in reduced scale while maintaining prototypical volume-to-power ratio. The PKL facility was designed to specifically simulate the refill/reflood phase of a hypothetical loss-of-coolant accident

  20. Background and system description of the Mod 1 wind turbine generator (United States)

    Ernst, E. H.


    The Mod-1 wind turbine considered is a large utility-class machine, operating in the high wind regime, which has the potential for generation of utility grade power at costs competitive with other alternative energy sources. A Mod-1 wind turbine generator (WTG) description is presented, taking into account the two variable-pitch steel blades of the rotor, the drive train, power generation/control, the Nacelle structure, and the yaw drive. The major surface elements of the WTG are the ground enclosure, the back-up battery system, the step-up transformer, elements of the data system, cabling, area lighting, and tower foundation. The final system weight (rotor, Nacelle, and tower) is expected to be about 650,000 pounds. The WTG will be capable of delivering 1800 kW to the utility grid in a wind-speed above 25 mph.

  1. Experiment data report for Semiscale Mod-1 Test S-05-3 (alternate ECC injection test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feldman, E.M.; Patton, M.L. Jr.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-05-3 of the Semiscale Mod-1 alternate ECC injection test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-05-3 was conducted from initial conditions of 2263 psia and 545 0 F to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the cold leg broken loop piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg sides of the intact and broken loops and into the vessel upper plenum to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. For Test S-05-3, specifically the effects of upper plenum coolant injection on core thermal and system response were being investigated

  2. Pulsed klystrons with feedback controlled mod-anode modulators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reass, William A [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Baca, David M [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Jerry, Davis L [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Rees, Daniel E [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    This paper describes a fast rise and fall, totem-pole mod-anode modulators for klystron application. Details of these systems as recently installed utilizing a beam switch tube ''on-deck'' and a planar triode ''off-deck'' in a grid-catch feedback regulated configuration will be provided. The grid-catch configuration regulates the klystron mod-anode voltage at a specified set-point during switching as well as providing a control mechanism that flat-top regulates the klystron beam current during the pulse. This flat-topped klystron beam current is maintained while the capacitor bank droops. In addition, we will review more modern on-deck designs using a high gain, high voltage planar triode as a regulating and switching element. These designs are being developed, tested, and implemented for the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator refurbishment project, ''LANSCE-R''. An advantage of the planar triode is that the tube can be directly operated with solid state linear components and provides for a very compact design. The tubes are inexpensive compared to stacked semiconductor switching assemblies and also provide a linear control capability. Details of these designs are provided as well as operational and developmental results.

  3. GalMod: the last frontier of Galaxy population synthesis models (United States)

    Pasetto, Stefano; Kollmeier, Juna; Grebel, Eva K.; chiosi, cesare


    We present a novel Galaxy population synthesis model: GalMod (Pasetto et al. 2016, 2017a,b) is the only star-count model featuring an asymmetric bar/bulge as well as spiral arms as directly obtained by applying linear perturbative theory to self-consistent distribution function of the Galaxy stellar populations. Compared to previous literature models (e.g., Besancon, Trilegal), GalMod allows to generate full-sky mock catalogue, M31 surveys and provides a better match to observed Milky Way (MW) stellar fields.The model can generate synthetic mock catalogs of visible portions of the MW, external galaxies like M31, or N-body simulation initial conditions. At any given time, e.g., a chosen age of the Galaxy, the model contains a sum of discrete stellar populations, namely bulge/bar, disk, halo. The disk population is itself the sum of subpopulations: spiral arms, thin disk, thick disk, and gas component, while the halo is modeled as the sum of a stellar component, a hot coronal gas, and a dark matter component. The Galactic potential is computed from these subpopulations' density profiles and used to generate detailed kinematics by considering the first few moments of the Boltzmann collisionless equation for all the stellar subpopulations. The same density profiles are then used to define the observed color-magnitude diagrams within an input field of view from an arbitrary solar location. Several photometric systems have been included and made available on-line, e.g., SDSS, Gaia, 2MASS, HST WFC3, and others. Finally, we model the extinction with advanced ray tracing solutions.The model's web page (and tutorial) can be accessed at

  4. Code Development and Analysis Program: developmental checkout of the BEACON/MOD2A code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramsthaler, J.A.; Lime, J.F.; Sahota, M.S.


    A best-estimate transient containment code, BEACON, is being developed by EG and G Idaho, Inc. for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's reactor safety research program. This is an advanced, two-dimensional fluid flow code designed to predict temperatures and pressures in a dry PWR containment during a hypothetical loss-of-coolant accident. The most recent version of the code, MOD2A, is presently in the final stages of production prior to being released to the National Energy Software Center. As part of the final code checkout, seven sample problems were selected to be run with BEACON/MOD2A

  5. Quality Assurance Procedures for ModCat Database Code Files

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siciliano, Edward R.; Devanathan, Ram; Guillen, Zoe C.; Kouzes, Richard T.; Schweppe, John E.


    The Quality Assurance procedures used for the initial phase of the Model Catalog Project were developed to attain two objectives, referred to as “basic functionality” and “visualization.” To ensure the Monte Carlo N-Particle model input files posted into the ModCat database meet those goals, all models considered as candidates for the database are tested, revised, and re-tested.

  6. Countercurrent flow limitation model for RELAP5/MOD3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riemke, R.A.


    This paper reports on a countercurrent flow limitation model incorporated into the RELAP5/MOD3 system transient analysis code. The model is implemented in a manner similar to the RELAP5 chocking model. Simulations using air/water flooding test problem demonstrate the ability of the code to significantly improve its comparison to data when a flooding correlation is used

  7. TRAC-PF1/MOD 1 independent assessment: Semiscale MOD-2A feedwater-line break (S-SF-3) and steam-line break (S-SF-5) tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobranich, D.


    The TRAC-PF1/MOD1 independent assessment project at Sandia is part of an overall effort funded by the NRC to determine the ability of various systems codes to predict the detailed thermal/hydraulic response of LWRs during accident and off-normal conditions. As part of this effort, calculations for Semiscale Mod-2A test S-SF-3, a feedwater-line break test, and S-SF-5, a steam-line break test, were performed with TRAC-PF1/MOD1. Most aspects of both the S-SF-3 and S-SF-5 steady-state calculations were found to be in good agreement with data. However, the need for a better steam separator model was identified from the S-SF-3 calculation. Overall, the qualitative behavior of both transients was calculated reasonably well; however, there were some discrepancies in the prediction of the quantitative behavior. The results for the S-SF-3 transient calculation indicate that the primary-to-secondary heat transfer degradation began too early. This was possibly due to overprediction of entrainment in the steam generator boiler, leading to an incorrect calculation of the secondary-side fluid distribution during the steady state. However, there was insufficient data to verify this. Results for the S-SF-5 transient calculation indicate that the primary-side fluid temperature response to a steam-line break was in reasonable agreement with data but the pressure response did not coincide with the data. Uncertainties in the data are sufficient to prevent us from determining the exact cause of this discrepancy, but there is indirect evidence that the calculated rate of phase change in the pressurizer was incorrect. 16 refs., 73 figs., 13 tabs

  8. Testing Gyrokinetics on C-Mod and NSTX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redi, M.H.; Dorland, W.; Fiore, C.L.; Stutman, D.; Baumgaertel, J.A.; Davis, B.; Kaye, S.M.; McCune, D.C.; Menard, J.; Rewoldt, G.


    Quantitative benchmarks of computational physics codes against experiment are essential for the credible application of such codes. Fluctuation measurements can provide necessary critical tests of nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations, but such require extraordinary computational resources. Linear micro-stability calculations with the GS2 [1] gyrokinetic code have been carried out for tokamak and ST experiments which exhibit internal transport barriers (ITB) and good plasma confinement. Qualitative correlation is found for improved confinement before and during ITB plasmas on Alcator C-Mod [2] and NSTX [3], with weaker long wavelength micro-instabilities in the plasma core regions. Mixing length transport models are discussed. The NSTX L-mode is found to be near marginal stability for kinetic ballooning modes. Fully electromagnetic, linear, gyrokinetic calculations of the Alcator C-Mod ITB during off-axis rf heating, following four plasma species and including the complete electron response show ITG/TEM microturbulence is suppressed in the plasma core and in the barrier region before barrier formation, without recourse to the usual requirements of velocity shear or reversed magnetic shear [4-5]. No strongly growing long or short wavelength drift modes are found in the plasma core but strong ITG/TEM and ETG drift wave turbulence is found outside the barrier region. Linear microstability analysis is qualitatively consistent with the experimental transport analysis, showing low transport inside and high transport outside the ITB region before barrier formation, without consideration of ExB shear stabilization

  9. L’essai de la modélisation systématique de la transformation de l’espace et les modèles numériques prédictifs dans la géographie physique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrei-Emil BRICIU


    Full Text Available Dans cet article nous présentons les principes (géographique et informatique qui ont développé un modèledynamique des Collines de Tutova à l’aide du logiciel SpaCelle: on a une carte dynamique quiessaie (à partir d’une combinaison d'aléatoire et de déterminisme stricte, donc à partir d’unedérivation locale de la théorie du chaos de représenter l'évolution de la morphohydrographiedes Collines de Tutova depuis le Méotien jusqu'à l'Holocène. La prise en compte du temps nonseulement en tant que facteur abstrait ou coordonné, mais en tant qu’expression directe del'espace, impose une méthode géographique qui présente de nombreux potentiels.Des recherches récentes, faites en Roumanie ou à l'étranger, ont mis en évidencel'émergence d'un nouveau type d'analyse géographique. Il s’agit d’une analyse moins connue,une analyse spatio-temporelle qui traite de la dynamique des phénomènes géographiques. Elleutilise des automates cellulaires divers, tels que CAESAR (The Cellular AutomatonEvolutionary Slope And River model pour créer des modèles numériques de l'évolution quiprennent en compte un élément essentiel: le temps. Les modèles numériques standards enRoumanie sont statiques et, même s’ils présentent les différentes étapes d'un lieu, ces étapesne sont pas liées entre elles par un énoncé déterministe et continu.Nous avons utilisé l‘automate cellulaire SpaCelle v4.0 développé par Langlois (2000 dansle cadre du Laboratoire MTG, Université de Rouen. On a obtenu un modèle dynamique durelief. Nous avons adopté l’appellation de MNP (Modèle Numérique Prédictif pour ce modèleparce que, même si c’est le dynamisme qui caractérise les paramètres, ce dynamisme estsimplement le résultat des hypothèses et des perspectives théoriques. Ce qu’on vise par un telmodèle c’est l’identification des caractéristiques de l'évolution à partir d'un point de vuethéorique ou d'un autre, le

  10. Experiment data report for Semiscale Mod-1 test S-28-3 (steam generator tube rupture test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillins, R.L.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-28-3 of the Semiscale Mod-1 steam generator tube rupture test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-28-3 was conducted from initial conditions of 15621 kPa and 555 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact and broken loops to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. Twelve steam generator tube ruptures were simulated by a controlled injection from a heated accumulator into the intact loop hot leg

  11. Experiment data report for semiscale Mod-1 test S-28-2 (steam generator tube rupture test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patton, M.L.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-28-2 of the Semiscale Mod-1 steam generator tube rupture test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-28-2 was conducted from initial conditions of 15 936 kPa and 558 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact and broken loops to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. For Test S-28-2, accumulator injection into the intact loop hot leg was provided to simulate simulate the rupture of six steam generator tubes

  12. Experiment data report for semiscale Mod-1 test S-28-4 (steam generator tube rupture test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esparza, V.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-28-4 of the Semiscale Mod-1 steam generator tube rupture test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-28-4 was conducted from initial conditions of 15 646 kPa and 557 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact and broken loops to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. Thirty steam generator tube ruptures were simulated by a controlled injection from a heated accumulator into the intact loop hot leg

  13. Code option guideline improvement using comparisons of RELAP4/MOD6 with forced and gravity-feed reflood data. [PWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, T H; Fletcher, C D


    Improved guidelines are developed for the selection of RELAP4/MOD6 reflood heat transfer options. The development, involving modifications to the original guidelines, assessed the effect of those modifications on RELAP4/MOD6 data comparisons using previously analyzed reflood experiments. The report also presents an evaluation of the application of the revised guidelines. Data comparisons between RELAP4/MOD6, using the original and revised guidelines, and experimental data are presented for Semiscale and FLECHT, forced-feed reflood tests and Semiscale and FLECHT-SET gravity-feed reflood tests. Because a general improvement was evident in data comparisons using the revised guidelines, their use is recommended in future calculations.

  14. Orbit Representations from Linear mod 1 Transformations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Correia Ramos


    Full Text Available We show that every point $x_0in [0,1]$ carries a representationof a $C^*$-algebra that encodes the orbit structure of thelinear mod 1 interval map $f_{eta,alpha}(x=eta x +alpha$. Such $C^*$-algebra is generated by partial isometries arising from the subintervals of monotonicity of the underlying map $f_{eta,alpha}$. Then we prove that such representation is irreducible. Moreover two such of representations are unitarily equivalent if and only if the points belong to the same generalized orbit, for every $alphain [0,1[$ and $etageq 1$.

  15. Conceptual design Alcator C-MOD magnetic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schultz, J.H.; Becker, H.; Fertl, K.; Gwinn, D.; Montgomery, D.B.; Pierce, N.T.; Pillsbury, R.D. Jr.; Thome, R.J.


    The conceptual designs of the magnetic systems for Alcator C-MOD, a proposed tokamak at M.I.T., are described, including the toroidal magnet, the poloidal field coils and the cryogenic system. The toroidal magnet is constructed from rectangular plates, connected by sliding joints. Toroidal magnet forces are contained by a steel superstructure. Poloidal coil system options are largely or wholly inside the TF magnet, in order to control plasmas with high current, strong shaping, and expanded boundaries. All magnets are cryocooled by the natural circulation of boiling liquid nitrogen. 3 refs., 5 figs

  16. Use of moving heat conductor mesh to perform reflood calculations with RELAP4/MOD6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, S.R.; Ellis, L.V.; Chen, Y.S.


    RELAP4 is a computer code which can be used for the transient thermal hydraulic analysis of light water reactors and related systems. RELAP4/MOD6 includes many new analytical models which were developed primarily for the analysis of the reflood phase of a PWR loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) transient. The key feature forming the basis for the MOD6 reflood calculation is a unique moving finite differenced heat conductor. The development and application of the moving heat conductor mesh for use in reflood analysis are described

  17. Construction of low-cost, Mod-OA wood composite wind turbine blades (United States)

    Lark, R. F.


    Two sixty-foot, low-cost, wood composite blades for service on 200 kW Mod-OA wind turbines were constructed. The blades were constructed of epoxy resin-bonded Douglas fir veneers for the leading edge sections, and paper honeycombcored, birch plywood faced panels for the afterbody sections. The blades were joined to the wind turbine hub by epoxy resin-bonded steel load take-off studs embedded into the root end of the blades. The blades were installed on the 200 kW Mod-OA wind turbine facility at Kahuku, Hawaii, The blades completed nearly 8,000 hours of operation over an 18 month period at an average power of 150 kW prior to replacement with another set of wood composite blades. The blades were replaced because of a corrosion failure of the steel shank on one stud. Inspections showed that the wood composite structure remained in excellent condition.

  18. 3D effects on RWM physics in RFX-mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baruzzo, M.; Bolzonella, T.; Guo, S.C.; Marchiori, G.; Paccagnella, R.; Soppelsa, A.; Wang, Z.R.; Liu, Y.Q.; Villone, F.


    In this paper insights into the behaviour of resistive wall modes (RWMs) in the RFX-mod reversed field pinch device are given, with a focus on 3D issues in the characterization of the m spectrum of the mode and on the study of multi-harmonic coupling. In the first part of the paper the interaction between multiple unstable RWMs is studied and the presence of a coupling between different poloidal components of the most unstable RWM is demonstrated, taking advantage of the flexibility of the RFX-mod control system. In the second part of the work, the dependence of the growth rates of RWMs on a complete set of plasma parameters is studied in order to create a complete and homogeneous database, which permits a careful validation of stability codes. Finally, the experimental data are compared with the code predictions which take into account the 3D structure of conductors around the plasma. The different effects that modify the simple description, where unstable modes can be identified with single Fourier harmonics, appear to be explained by a mixture of toroidicity-induced and 3D eddy current effects.

  19. RELAP4/MOD6 analysis of forced- and gravity-feed reflood tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, T.H.; Fletcher, C.D.


    The RELAP4/MOD6 computer code is used for the analysis of the reactor core heat transfer during the reflooding phase of a postulated loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). The code requires the user to specify input parameters for the reflood heat transfer models. Results of previous comparisons of code calculations with experimental data have indicated no single selection of input parameters is adequate for a spectrum of tests and test facilities. This paper presents the development of revised quidelines and assesses the effect of those modifications on RELAP4/MOD6 data comparisons using previously analyzed reflood experiments. The paper also presents an assessment of the revised guidelines and the original guidelines against experimental data significantly different from previously analyzed tests

  20. European Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning 2010

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Kirsten


    Rapporten er en status over arebjdet med anerkendelse af realkomptencer i Danmark, om nationale perspektiver, organisationelle perspektiver, og perspektiver på anerkednelse af realkompetncer set ud fra et individperspektiv. Endeligt beskrives arbejdet med kvalitetssikring, det konkrete arbejde me...

  1. Universitetsuddannelsens relevans i samfundsvidenskabelige studerendes perspektiv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Pérez Skardhamar


    Full Text Available Det seneste årti har oplevet et stærkt fokus fra politikernes side på den praktiske relevans af universitetsuddannelser, og dette fokus har ofte været baseret på en snæver forståelse af 'praktisk relevans’ som jobspecifikke kompetencer. Men et svar på spørgsmålet om, hvad der udgør jobspecifikke kompetencer, forudsætter en evne til at se ind i fremtiden og se, hvad det fremtidige arbejdsmarked vil kræve af studerende. Imidlertid tyder nyere uddannelsesforskning på, at de relevante, jobspecifikke kompetencer rettet mod behovene på arbejdsmarkedet bør fokusere på 'eksistentiel uddannelse’ snarere end jobspecifikke og snævert skræddersyede færdigheder. På baggrund af kvalitative interviews med sociologi- og antropologistuderende undersøger vi de studerendes opfattelser af forholdet mellem deres universitetsstudier og det fremtidige arbejdsmarked. Især ser vi på hvilke elementer af deres uddannelse, de studerende opfatter som relevante, herunder hvilken form for læring, de tror, vil være nyttig med hensyn til mulige jobfunktioner, de vil komme til at udfylde på et fremtidigt arbejdsmarked. In the past decade politicians have emphasized the importance of practical relevance in university programmes. This focus has often hinged on a narrow understanding of 'practical relevance' as job-specific competencies. Defining job-specific competencies is, however, more complex than it may first seem, since it requires an ability to look beyond current requirements and see what the future labour market will demand of students. Recent educational research suggests that relevant job-specific competences tailored to the needs of the labour market should focus on 'existential training', rather than job-specific and narrowly tailored skills. Using the outcomes of qualitative interviews with sociology and anthropology students, we examine the students’ perceptions of the relationship between their university studies and the future

  2. Du teikei à l’AMAP, un modèle acculturé

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Lagane


    Full Text Available Cet article compare à travers deux ethnographies en France et au Japon le modèle français de l’AMAP – association de maintien de l’agriculture paysanne – au modèle dont il se réclame, le teikei, système japonais de partenariat agricole entre producteurs et consommateurs. Terrain en mutation permanente, le développement des formes de circuit court et leurs emprunts accentuent lors de la transposition la nécessité de coller le plus étroitement possible à la réalité du terrain, à son histoire sociétale, à ses traditions institutionnelles et culturelles, à ses crises, à ses dynamiques. L’analyse fait apparaître à travers les similitudes, dissemblances et adaptations de ce modèle d’emprunt, l’incidence et la complexité de la prise en compte de facteurs culturels.After two ethnological fieldworks completed in France and Japan, this article deals with the French system of Community Supported Agriculture - AMAP - and its Japanese inspiration counterpart, the Teikei system built upon local solidarity-based partnerships between farmers and members. Constantly evolving, the growing process of agriculture one-shot sale circuits and the way they are received in other cultures recalls the necessity to tune with the reality of these societies, their history, their institutional and cultural traditions as well as their crises and dynamics. The analysis emphasizes the complexity of the acculturation process related with points of convergence and discrepancy.

  3. RELAP4/MOD-5-CEA pump coastdown experiment simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borges, R.C.; Freitas, R.L.


    Since is important the theoretical-experimental comparison to evaluate the computer codes, these paper presents the simulation with RELAP4/MOD5 Code of a loss of power energy in the pump of the ''Circuito Experimental de Agua-CEA''. From the results attained, the existing models in the Code showed to be very satisfatory quantitative and qualitative behavior of the attained experimental results. (author) [pt

  4. TRAC-PF1 MOD1 post test calculations of the OECD LOFT Experiment LP-SB-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, E.J.


    Analysis of the small, hot leg break, OECD LOFT Experiment LP-SB-1. using the ''best-estimate'' computer code TRAC-PF1/MOD1 is presented. Descriptions of the LOFT facility and the LP-SB-1 experiment are given and development of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 input model is detailed. The calculations performed in achieving the steady state conditions, from which the experiment was initiated, and the specification of experimental boundary conditions are outlined. 24 refs., 66 figs., 12 tabs

  5. Mod-5A Wind Turbine Generator Program Design Report. Volume 4: Drawings and Specifications, Book 1 (United States)


    The design, development and analysis of the 7.3 MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator is documented. Volume 4 contains the drawings and specifications that were developed in preparation for building the MOD-5A wind turbine generator. This is the first of five books of volume four. It contains structural design criteria, generator step-up transformer specs, specs for design, fabrication and testing of the system, specs for the ground control enclosure, systems specs, slip ring specs, and control system specs.

  6. Mechanical behaviour of SFR materials: proposition of fatigue weld joint coefficient for MOD9CR-1MO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ancelet, O.; Matheron, Ph.


    Mod 9Cr-1Mo steel (T91) is a candidate material for steam generator of SFR (Sodium Fast Reactors). In order to validate this choice, it is necessary, firstly to verify that it is able to withstand the planned environmental and operating conditions, and secondly to check if it is covered by the existing design codes, concerning its procurement, fabrication, welding, examination methods and mechanical design rules. A large R and D program on mod9Cr-1Mo steel has been undertaken at CEA in order to characterize the behavior of this material and of its welded junctions. In this program, the role of the Laboratory for structural Integrity and Standards (LISN) is to develop high temperature defect assessment procedures under fatigue and creep loadings. In this frame, complementary studies are conducted in order to validate the existing methods (developed for the fast reactors) and to get new experimental data on Mod9Cr-1Mo steel. In particular, some new experiments are conducted on specimen with a weld joint and compared with classical experiments on base metal specimen. These results associated with finite element modeling allow to propose a weld joint coefficient at 550 degrees C for the Mod9Cr1Mo steel. (authors)

  7. Evaluation of the RELAP4/MOD6 thermal-hydraulic code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haigh, W.S.; Margolis, S.G.; Rice, R.E.


    The NRC RELAP4/MOD6 computer code was recently released to the public for use in thermal-hydraulic analysis. This code has a unique new capability permitting analysis of both the blowdown and reflood portions of a postulated pressurized water reactor (PWR) loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA). A principal code evaluation objective is to assess the accuracy of the code for computing LOCA behavior over a wide range of system sizes and scaling concepts. The scales of interest include all LOCA experiments and will ultimately encompass full-sized PWR systems for which no experiments or data are available. Quantitative assessment of the accuracy of the code when it is applied to large PWR systems is still in the future. With RELAP4/MOD6, however, a technique has been demonstrated for using results derived from small-scale blowdown and reflood experiments to predict the accuracy of calculations for similar experiments of significantly different scale or component size. This demonstration is considered a first step in establishing confidence levels for the accuracy of calculations of a postulated LOCA

  8. Measurement of local critical currents in TFA-MOD processed coated conductors by use of scanning Hall-probe microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiohara, K.; Higashikawa, K.; Kawaguchi, T.; Inoue, M.; Kiss, T.; Yoshizumi, M.; Izumi, T.


    We have investigated 2-dimensional distribution of critical current density. We have measured TFA-MOD processed YBCO coated conductor. We used scanning Hall-probe microscopy. These provided information is useful for fabrication process of coated conductor. We have carried out 2-dimensional (2D) measurement of local critical current in a Trifluoroacetates-Metal Organic Deposition (TFA-MOD) processed YBCO coated conductor using scanning Hall-probe microscopy. Recently, remarkable R and D accomplishments on the fabrication processes of coated conductors have been conducted extensively and reported. The TFA-MOD process has been expected as an attractive process to produce coated conductors with high performance at a low production cost due to a simple process using non-vacuum equipments. On the other hand, enhancement of critical currents and homogenization of the critical current distribution in the coated conductors are definitely very important for practical applications. According to our measurements, we can detect positions and spatial distribution of defects in the conductor. This kind of information will be very helpful for the improvement of the TFA-MOD process and for the design of the conductor intended for practical electric power device applications.

  9. TRAC-PF1/MOD3 calculations of Savannah River Laboratory Rig FA single-annulus heated experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, S.R.; McDaniel, C.K.


    This paper presents the results of TRAC-PF1/MOD3 benchmarks of the Rig FA experiments performed at the Savannah River Laboratory to simulate prototypic reactor fuel assembly behavior over a range of fluid conditions typical of the emergency cooling system (ECS) phase of a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA). The primary purpose of this work was to use the SRL Rig FA tests to qualify the TRAC-PF1/MOD3 computer code and models for computing Mark-22 fuel assembly LOCA/ECS power limits. This qualification effort was part of a larger effort undertaken by the Los Alamos National Laboratory for the US Department of Energy to independently confirm power limits for the Savannah River Site K Reactor. The results of this benchmark effort as discussed in this paper demonstrate that TRAC/PF1/MOD3 coupled with proper modeling is capable of simulating thermal-hydraulic phenomena typical of that encountered in Mark-22 fuel assembly during LOCA/ECS conditions

  10. RELAP5/MOD2 code modifications to obtain better predictions for the once-through steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanchat, T.; Hassan, Y.


    The steam generator is a major component in pressurized water reactors. Predicting the response of a steam generator during both steady-state and transient conditions is essential in studying the thermal-hydraulic behavior of a nuclear reactor coolant system. Therefore, many analytical and experimental efforts have been performed to investigate the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the steam generators during operational and accident transients. The objective of this study is to predict the behavior of the secondary side of the once-through steam generator (OTSG) using the RELAP5/MOD2 computer code. Steady-state conditions were predicted with the current version of the RELAP5/MOD2 code and compared with experimental plant data. The code predictions consistently underpredict the degree of superheat. A new interface friction model has been implemented in a modified version of RELAP5/MOD2. This modification, along with changes to the flow regime transition criteria and the heat transfer correlations, correctly predicts the degree of superheat and matches plant data

  11. PREFACE: Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering (ModTech2015) (United States)

    Oanta, E.; Comaneci, R.; Carausu, C.; Placzek, M.; Cohal, V.; Topala, P.; Nedelcu, D.


    The dominant feature of the current stage of society development is the update, refinement and innovation of the technological processes and products whose ultimate goal is to satisfy the market requirements. New and modern technologies should be considered in terms of their applicability in industry while the materials can lead to an increase in the quality of the end products. Replacing the existing technologies with innovative and eco-efficient technologies can contribute to an added value increase in the production of new materials. Materials are one of the most dynamic and prospective fields, with applications in all other fields. The development of new advanced materials and technologies shall contribute to the procurement of a wide range of reliable products, with competitive prices and worldwide performance, high sensitivity and functionality, user-friendly and reduced energy consumption, for different industrial applications. Research in the field of advanced/intelligent materials supposes a fundamental, experimental, laboratory and technological research and its approach has to be linked to the application. This involves, even for the niche fields, complex projects which result in scientific issues in top journals, patents and functional models. The third edition of ModTech International Conference was held in Mamaia, Romania, between June 17-20, with the Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech, as main organizer, and the Constanta Maritime University, Constanta, Romania, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, the Technical University of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova and the Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine as co-organizers. The ModTech2015 International Conference brought together representatives of technology and materials manufacturers, various universities, professional associations and research institutes that exchanged the latest knowledge on the conference topics. This edition was

  12. Mission Operations Directorate - Success Legacy of the Space Shuttle Program (Overview of the Evolution and Success Stories from MOD During the Space Shuttle program) (United States)

    Azbell, Jim A.


    In support of the Space Shuttle Program, as well as NASA's other human space flight programs, the Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) at the Johnson Space Center has become the world leader in human spaceflight operations. From the earliest programs - Mercury, Gemini, Apollo - through Skylab, Shuttle, ISS, and our Exploration initiatives, MOD and its predecessors have pioneered ops concepts and emphasized a history of mission leadership which has added value, maximized mission success, and built on continual improvement of the capabilities to become more efficient and effective. This paper provides specific examples that illustrate how MOD's focus on building and contributing value with diverse teams has been key to their successes both with the US space industry and the broader international community. This paper will discuss specific examples for the Plan, Train, Fly, and Facilities aspects within MOD. This paper also provides a discussion of the joint civil servant/contractor environment and the relative badge-less society within MOD. Several Shuttle mission related examples have also been included that encompass all of the aforementioned MOD elements and attributes, and are used to show significant MOD successes within the Shuttle Program. These examples include the STS-49 Intelsat recovery and repair, the (post-Columbia accident) TPS inspection process and the associated R-Bar Pitch Maneuver for ISS missions, and the STS-400 rescue mission preparation efforts for the Hubble Space Telescope repair mission. Since their beginning, MOD has consistently demonstrated their ability to evolve and respond to an ever changing environment, effectively prepare for the expected and successfully respond to the unexpected, and develop leaders, expertise, and a culture that has led to mission and Program success.

  13. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 with condensation experiment in the presence of noncondensables in a vertical tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Hyun Sik; No, Hee Cheon [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The standard RELAP5/MOD3.2 code were assessed with the condensation experiment in the presence of noncondensable gas in a vertical tube of PCCS of CP-1300. There are two wall film condensation models, the default model and the alternative model, in RELAP5/MOD3.2. The experimental apparatus was modeled with the two models, and simulations were performed for several sub-tests to be compared with the experimental results. In overall sense the simulation results showed that the default model of RELAP5/MOD3.2 under-predicts the heat transfer coefficients, while the alternative model over-predicts them throughout the condensing tube. 10 refs., 6 figs. (Author)

  14. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 with condensation experiment in the presence of noncondensables in a vertical tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Hyun Sik; No, Hee Cheon [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The standard RELAP5/MOD3.2 code were assessed with the condensation experiment in the presence of noncondensable gas in a vertical tube of PCCS of CP-1300. There are two wall film condensation models, the default model and the alternative model, in RELAP5/MOD3.2. The experimental apparatus was modeled with the two models, and simulations were performed for several sub-tests to be compared with the experimental results. In overall sense the simulation results showed that the default model of RELAP5/MOD3.2 under-predicts the heat transfer coefficients, while the alternative model over-predicts them throughout the condensing tube. 10 refs., 6 figs. (Author)

  15. Evaluation of the applicability of cladding deformation model in RELAP5/MOD3.2 code for VVER-1000 fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vorob'ev, Yu.; Zhabin, O.


    Applicability of cladding deformation model in RELAP5/MOD3.2 code is analyzed for VVER-1000 fuel cladding from Zr+1%Nb alloy. Experimental data and calculation model of fuel assembly channel of the core are used for this purpose. The model applicability is tested for the cladding temperature range from 600 to 1200 deg C and pressure range from 1 to 12 MPa. Evaluation results demonstrate limited applicability of built-in RELAP5/MOD3.2 cladding deformation model to the estimation of Zr+1%Nb cladding rupture conditions. The limitations found shall be considered in application of RELAP5/MOD3.2 cladding deformation model in the design-basis accident analysis of VVER reactors

  16. L’esprit du droit : modèle russe contre modèle français Sense of law : Russian model versus French model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chantal Kourilsky-Augeven


    Full Text Available Un stéréotype récurrent dans la littérature russe distingue entre un « esprit » ou « sens du droit » qui serait propre à la culture française et un « sens de la justice » qui serait propre à la culture russe. Cette distinction s’appliquerait au premier chef à une religion catholique qualifiée de juridique en ce qu’elle serait comptable des péchés et une religion orthodoxe davantage fondée sur l’amour. Mais le modèle traditionnel russe pris en compte par la littérature, l’histoire et l’anthropologie ne saurait être statique. Deux enquêtes menées auprès de populations d’adolescents et d’adultes en 1993 et 2000 montrent comment le modèle russe fondé sur la justice et la morale se juridicise et en arrive à rejoindre le modèle français sur plusieurs points.A recurring stereotype in Russian literature opposes a « sense of law » inherent to French culture to a « sense of justice » inherent to Russian culture.This distinction is first and foremost applied to a catholic religion qualified as legalistic due to a strict accounting of sins and an orthodox religion essentially based on love. But the traditional Russian model described by literature, history and anthropology is anything but static. Two research projects carried out among an adolescent and adult population sample in 1993 and 2000 show how a Russian model based on justice and morals is being judiciarized and is increasingly moving towards the French model on several accounts.

  17. Disruption Neutral Point Experiment on Alcator C-Mod (United States)

    Granetz, R. S.; Nakamura, Y.


    Disruptions of single-null elongated plasmas generally result in loss of vertical position control, leading to a current quench occurring at the top or bottom of the machine, with all the attendant problems of halo and eddy currents flowing in divertor structures. On JT-60U, it has been found that if the plasma is operated with its magnetic axis at a particular height, called the neutral point, the initial vertical drift after a thermal quench is significantly slower than usual, and sometimes can even be arrested, thereby avoiding a current quench in the divertor region entirely. In an ongoing collaboration between MIT and JAERI, the neutral point concept is being tested in Alcator C-Mod, which has a significantly higher plasma elongation than JT-60U (1.65 vs 1.3). Calculations using TSC predict a neutral point at z~=+1 cm above the midplane (a=22 cm). The existence of a neutral point has now been experimentally confirmed, albeit at a height of z=+2.7 cm. The plasma has remained vertically stable for up to 9 ms after the disruption thermal quench, which in principle, is long enough for the PF control system to respond, if programmed appropriately. In addition, the physics of the neutral point stability on C-Mod appears to be somewhat different than that on JT-60U.

  18. Appreciative Leadership and Shame

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerg, Helle; Staunæs, Dorthe


    Artiklen forbinder et teoretisk-analytisk perspektiv på styring og ledelse i et governmentality perspektiv med et begreb om affektivitet og affektiv ledelse. De to analytiske perspektiver udfoldes i en empirisk analyse af, hvordan anerkendende ledelse i folkeskolen ikke alene producerer positive ...

  19. Implementation of JAERI's reflood model into TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimoto, Hajime; Ohnuki, Akira; Murao, Yoshio


    Selected physical models of REFLA code, that is a reflood analysis code developed at JAERI, were implemented into the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code in order to improve the predictive capability of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code for the core thermal hydraulic behaviors during the reflood phase in a PWR LOCA. Through comparisons of physical models between both codes, (1) Murao-Iguchi void fraction correlation, (2) the drag coefficient correlation acting to drops, (3) the correlation for wall heat transfer coefficient in the film boiling regime, (4) the quench velocity correlation and (5) heat transfer correlations for the dispersed flow regime were selected from the REFLA code to be implemented into the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code. A method for the transformation of the void fraction correlation to the equivalent interfacial friction model was developed and the effect of the transformation method on the stability of the solution was discussed. Through assessment calculation using data from CCTF (Cylindrical Core Test Facility) flat power test, it was confirmed that the predictive capability of the TRAC code for the core thermal hydraulic behaviors during the reflood can be improved by the implementation of selected physical models of the REFLA code. Several user guidelines for the modified TRAC code were proposed based on the sensitivity studies on fluid cell number in the hydraulic calculation and on node number and effect of axial heat conduction in the heat conduction calculation of fuel rod. (author)

  20. Radon transport modelling: User's guide to RnMod3d

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersen, C.E


    RnMod3d is a numerical computer model of soil-gas and radon transport in porous media. It can be used, for example, to study radon entry from soil into houses in response to indoor-outdoor pressure differences or changes in atmospheric pressure. It can also be used for flux calculations of radon from the soil surface or to model radon exhalation from building materials such as concrete. The finite-volume model is a technical research tool, and it cannot be used meaningfully without good understanding of the involved physical equations. Some understanding of numerical mathematics and the programming language Pascal is also required. Originally, the code was developed for internal use at Risoe only. With this guide, however, it should be possible for others to use the model. Three-dimensional steady-state or transient problems with Darcy flow of soil gas and combined generation, radioactive decay, diffusion and advection of radon can be solved. Moisture is included in the model, and partitioning of radon between air, water and soil grains (adsorption) is taken into account. Most parameters can change in time and space, and transport parameters (diffusivity and permeability) may be anisotropic. This guide includes benchmark tests based on simple problems with known solutions. RnMod3d has also been part of an international model intercomparison exercise based on more complicated problems without known solutions. All tests show that RnMod3d gives results of good quality. (au)

  1. The design of a second harmonic tangential array interferometer for C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bretz, N.; Jobes, F.; Irby, J.


    A design for a tangential array interferometer for C-Mod operating at 1.06 and 0.53 μm is presented. This is a special type of two color interferometer in which a Nd:YAG laser is frequency doubled in a nonlinear crystal. Because the doubling efficiency is imperfect, two frequencies propagate collinearly through the plasma after which the 1.06 μm ray is doubled again mixing in the optical domain with the undoubled ray. The resulting interference is insensitive to path length but is affected by plasma dispersion in the usual way. A typical central fringe shift in C-Mod is expected to be 0.1 endash 1.0, but the absolute and relative accuracy in n e l measurements can be as high as in a conventional interferometer. This design uses a repetitively pulsed laser which is converted to a fan beam crossing the horizontal midplane. The chordal array is defined by internal retroreflectors on the C-Mod midplane which return the beam to the second doubler and a detector array. This interferometer design has beam diameters of a few millimeters and element spacings of a few centimeters, uses a repetitively pulsed, TEM 00 Nd:YAG laser, fiber optic beam transport, commercial components, and a compact optical design which minimizes port space requirements. An optical system design is presented which is based on the performance of a tabletop prototype at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. copyright 1997 American Institute of Physics

  2. Edge plasma physics modifications due to magnetic ripple in RFX-mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scarin, P.; Agostini, M.; Carraro, L.; Cavazzana, R.; Ciaccio, G.; De Masi, G.; Spizzo, G.; Spolaore, M.; Vianello, N.


    The edge of the RFX-mod (R = 2 m, a = 0.46 m) Reversed Field Pinch is characterized by weak magnetic chaos affecting ion and electron diffusion. Edge particle transport is strongly influenced by a toroidal asymmetry caused by magnetic islands. An ambipolar radial electric field ensures local neutrality and possesses the same symmetry as the parent magnetic ripple: the result is the modulation of the perpendicular flow, with a slowing-down at the island X-point. In this paper we present a complete statistical analysis, over a large database of RFX-mod discharges, of the edge properties as they are modified by the magnetic topology: the plasma wall footprint follows the helical shape of the dominant central mode (m/n = 1/7), with an increase of H α emission and electron density corresponding to the O-point of the inner magnetic island. Edge turbulence is modified by the magnetic topology, being generated in the O-point region and damped near the X-point

  3. The Role of Plasma Rotation in C-Mod Internal Transport Barriers (United States)

    Fiore, C. L.; Ernst, D. R.; Rice, J. E.; Podpaly, Y.; Reinke, M. L.; Greenwald, M. J.; Hughes, J. W.; Ma, Y.; Bespamyatnov, I. O.; Rowan, W. L.


    ITBs in Alcator C-Mod featuring highly peaked density and pressure profiles are induced by injecting ICRF power with the second harmonic of the resonant frequency for minority hydrogen off-axis at the plasma half radius. These ITBs are formed in the absence of particle or momentum injection, and with monotonic q profiles with qmin ITB forms, this rotation decreases in the center of the plasma and forms a well, and often reverses direction in the core. This indicates that there is a strong EXB shearing rate in the region where the foot in the ITB density profile is observed. Preliminary gyrokinetic analyses indicate that this shearing rate is comparable to the ion temperature gradient mode (ITG) growth rate at this location and may be responsible for stabilizing the turbulence. Gyrokinetic analyses of recent experimental data obtained from a complete scan of the ICRF resonance position across the entire C-Mod plasma will be presented.

  4. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 against a natural circulation experiment in Nuclear Power Plant Borssele

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winters, L.


    As part of the ICAP (International Code Assessment and Applications Program) agreement between ECN (Netherlands Energy Research Foundation) and USNRC, ECN has performed a number of assessment calculations for the thermohydraulic system analysis code RELAP5/MOD2/36.05. This document describes the assessment of this computer program versus a natural circulation experiment as conducted at the Borssele Nuclear Power Plant. The results of this comparison show that the code RELAP5/MOD2 predicts well the natural circulation behaviour of Nuclear Power Plant Borssele

  5. Blowdown heat transfer surface in RELAP4/MOD6 and data comparisons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, R.A.; Sullivan, L.H.


    RELAP4 is a thermal hydraulic analysis tool written to analyze transients in light water reactors (LWR). To date, most of the applications for RELAP4 have been to analyze postulated LOCA transients in LWR and the response of experimental systems to loss-of-coolant experiments. An important part of these analyses is the prediction of the fuel rod or heater surface temperature which involves the calculation of surface heat transfer coefficients. The paper describes the outcome of a significant blowdown heat transfer development effort which is incorporated in RELAP4/MOD6 (the current version of the code available to the United States public from the Argonne Code Center). The primary emphasis in the MOD6 development was on a PWR reflood capability. The best-estimate blowdown heat transfer correlation and logic were added to provide improved blowdown predictive capability

  6. RELAP5/MOD2 Overview and Developmental. Assessment Results from TMl-1 Plant Transient Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, J. C.; Tsai, C. C.; Ransom, V. H.; Johnsen, G. W.


    RELAP5/MOD2 is a new version of the RELAP5 thermal-hydraulic computer code containing improved modeling features that provide a generic capability for pressurized water reactor transient simulation. The objective of this paper is to provide code users with an overview of the code and to report developmental assessment results obtained from a Three Mile Island Unit One plant transient analysis. The assessment shows that the injection of highly sub-cooled water into a high-pressure primary coolant system does not cause unphysical results or pose a problem for RELAP5/MOD2. (author)

  7. Assessment of ICRF Antenna Performance in Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schilling, G.; Wukitch, S.J.; Lin, Y.; Basse, N.; Bonoli, P.T.; Edlund, E.; Lin, L.; Parisot, A.; Porkolab, M.


    The Alcator C-Mod has presented a challenge to install high-power ICRF antennas in a tight space. Modifications have been made to the antenna plasma-facing surfaces and the internal current-carrying structure in order to overcome performance limitations. At the present time, the antennas have exceeded 5 MW into plasma with heating phasing, up to 2.7 MW with current-drive phasing, with good efficiency and no deleterious effects

  8. Vector models in RETRAN-02 MOD 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinnersly, S.R.


    The vector momentum model in RETRAN-02 allows momentum flux to be modelled in two dimensions. Vector models in RETRAN-2 are described, including both the actual implementation in the code and the specification given in the code manual. The vector momentum model is described in detail. Other models which use vector quantities include models for volume average flow, volume average slip velocity, volume average phase velocities and fill junction flows. Both code implementations and code manual descriptions are described and inconsistencies noted. The differences between the standard RETRA-02 Mod 2 version and the Winfrith version RETN2204 are noted. (U.K.)

  9. Experiment data report for Semiscale Mod-1 Test S-28-1 (steam generator tube rupture test series)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collins, B.L.; Coppin, C.E.; Sackett, K.E.


    Recorded test data are presented for Test S-28-1 of the Semiscale Mod-1 steam generator tube rupture test series. These tests are among several Semiscale Mod-1 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-28-1 was conducted from initial conditions of 15 767 kPa and 557 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-1 system to a depressurization and reflood transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact and broken loops to simulate emergency core coolant injection in a PWR. Sixty steam generator tube ruptures were simulated by a controlled injection from a heated accumulator into the intact loop hot leg

  10. Calculation of design load for the MOD-5A 7.3 mW wind turbine system (United States)

    Mirandy, L.; Strain, J. C.


    Design loads are presented for the General Electric MOD-SA wind turbine. The MOD-SA system consists of a 400 ft. diameter, upwind, two-bladed, teetered rotor connected to a 7.3 mW variable-speed generator. Fatigue loads are specified in the form of histograms for the 30 year life of the machine, while limit (or maximum) loads have been derived from transient dynamic analysis at critical operating conditions. Loads prediction was accomplished using state of the art aeroelastic analyses developed at General Electric. Features of the primary predictive tool - the Transient Rotor Analysis Code (TRAC) are described in the paper. Key to the load predictions are the following wind models: (1) yearly mean wind distribution; (2) mean wind variations during operation; (3) number of start/shutdown cycles; (4) spatially large gusts; and (5) spatially small gusts (local turbulence). The methods used to develop statistical distributions from load calculations represent an extension of procedures used in past wind programs and are believed to be a significant contribution to Wind Turbine Generator analysis. Test/theory correlations are presented to demonstrate code load predictive capability and to support the wind models used in the analysis. In addition MOD-5A loads are compared with those of existing machines. The MOD-5A design was performed by the General Electric Company, Advanced Energy Program Department, under Contract DEN3-153 with NASA Lewis Research Center and sponsored by the Department of Energy.

  11. Simulation de l'habitat physique du barbeau fluviatile (Barbus barbus, L. 1758 : choix des modèles biologiques et sensibilité de la réponse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Des courbes monovariées et des modèles multivariés de préférence d'habitat du barbeau, Barbus barbus, ont été établis à partir de données récoltées sur 3 cours d'eau. Dans les deux cas (monovarié et multivarié, trois modèles locaux, correspondant aux données d'une rivière, et un modèle général, regroupant l'ensemble des données, ont été établis. La qualité de la prédiction et la sensibilité de la réponse lors de la simulation des capacités d'accueil d'un cours d'eau révèlent : 1 que les modèles multivariés ont une valeur prédictive plus forte que les courbes de préférence, 2 que les modèles construits à partir de jeux de données locaux sont plus performants que les modèles généraux, et 3 que la perte de précision est moindre dans le cas du modèle général multivarié.

  12. Web based electronic logbook and experiment run database viewer for Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fredian, T.W.; Stillerman, J.A.


    Since 1991, the scientists and engineers at the Alcator C-Mod experiment at MIT have been recording text entries about the experiments being performed in an electronic logbook. In addition, separate documents such as run plans, run summaries and experimental proposals have been created and stored in a variety of formats in computer files. This information has now been organized and made available via any modern web browser. The new web based interface permits the user to browse through all the logbook entries, run information and even view some key data traces of the experiment. Since this information is being catalogued by Internet search engines, these tools can also be used to quickly locate information. The web based logbook and run information interface provides some additional capabilities. Once logged into the web site, users can add, delete or modify logbook entries directly from their browser. The logbook window on their browser also provides dynamic updating when any new logbook entries are made. There is also live C-Mod operation status information with optional audio announcements available. The user can receive the same state change announcements such as 'entering init' or 'entering pulse' as they would if they were sitting in the C-Mod control room. This paper will describe the functionality of the web based logbook and how it was implemented

  13. Models for the Behavior of Offshore Structure Foundations. Part One: Methodologies and Rheological Models for Soils Modèles pour le comportement des fondations d'ouvrages types marins. Première partie : Méthodologies et modèles rhéologiques de sols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meimon Y.


    structure. Prospects opened up by the research are discussed. La conception des fondations de grands ouvrages est une tâche complexe qui requiert à la fois l'expérience de l'expert et l'utilisation de modèles numériques adéquats pour assurer la sécurité et optimiser les coûts de dimensionnement. En fait, prévoir le comportement d'une fondation nécessite de bien évaluer les effets combinés de la technique de mise en place, de la variabilité spatiale des propriétés mécaniques, de l'incertitude sur les chargements et des techniques de modélisation du comportement mécanique des géomatériaux. Ceci est particulièrement vrai pour les plates-formes marines, qu'elles soient destinées à l'exploration ou à la production du pétrole, dans la mesure où les chargements non-monotones dus à l'environnement marin, souvent très sévère, peuvent avoir des effets très néfastes sur le comportement de ces structures. On présente, en deux parties, la synthèse d'une dizaine d'années d'activités de recherche, menées par une équipe de l'Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP, en collaboration avec plusieurs équipes universitaires et des centres techniques et industriels, pour la mise au point de méthodologies et d'outils adaptés au calcul du comportement des fondations d'ouvrages types marins durant toute la durée de vie de la plate-forme. Cet article concerne la première partie qui est dévolue à l'exposé des démarches développées et à la modélisation de l'état local des géomatériaux par des modèles rhéologiques. Démarches de modélisation du comportement des fondations d'ouvrages marins : On analyse d'abord la spécificité des fondations de plates-formes marines en insistant sur les différences avec les ouvrages à terre : dimension inusitée, chargement aléatoire par les éléments marins. On peut alors dégager plusieurs types de fondation (fig. 2. 1 et 2. 2 et les classes de problèmes qu'il est important d'étudier, qui recouvrent aussi

  14. The implementation of the CDC version of RELAP5/MOD1/019 on an IBM compatible computer system (AMDAHL 470/V8)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolar, W.; Brewka, W.


    RELAP5/MOD1 is an advanced one-dimensional best estimate system code, which is used for safety analysis studies of nuclear pressurized water reactor systems and related integral and separate effect test facilities. The program predicts the system response for large break, small break LOCA and special transients. To a large extent RELAP5/MOD1 is written in Fortran, only a small part of the program is coded in CDC assembler. RELAP5/MOD1 was developed on the CDC CYBER 176 at INEL*. The code development team made use of CDC system programs like the CDC UPDATE facility and incorporated in the program special purpose software packages. The report describes the problems which have been encountered when implementing the CDC version of RELAP5/MOD1 on an IBM compatible computer systems (AMDAHL 470/V8)

  15. Mod-1 wind turbine generator analysis and design report, volume 1 (United States)


    The activities leading to the completion of detail design of the MOD-1 wind turbine generator are described. Emphasis is placed on the description of the design as it finally evolved. However, the steps through which the design progressed are also traced in order to understand the major design decisions.

  16. Effect of reflection on Hα emissions in Alcator C-MOD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karney, C.F.; Stotler, D.P.; Skinner, C.H.; Terry, J.L.; Pappas, D.A.


    In order to explain anomalous intensity ratios which have been observed in Alcator C-MOD, the H α emissions in that experiment have been modeled with the DEGAS 2 code including the effects of wall reflection. By assuming that the first wall has different reflection coefficients for the two polarizations, we have qualitatively reproduced the observed anomaly. copyright 1999 American Institute of Physics

  17. Plasma performance and scaling laws in the RFX-mod reversed-field pinch experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Innocente, P.; Alfier, A.; Canton, A.; Pasqualotto, R.


    The large range of plasma currents (I p = 0.2-1.6 MA) and feedback-controlled magnetic boundary conditions of the RFX-mod experiment make it well suited to performing scaling studies. The assessment of such scaling, in particular those on temperature and energy confinement, is crucial both for improving the operating reversed-field pinch (RFP) devices and for validating the RFP configuration as a candidate for the future fusion reactors. For such a purpose scaling laws for magnetic fluctuations, temperature and energy confinement have been evaluated in stationary operation. RFX-mod scaling laws have been compared with those obtained from other RFP devices and numerical simulations. The role of the magnetic boundary has been analysed, comparing discharges performed with different active control schemes of the edge radial magnetic field.

  18. Development of wide area reaction system for Reel-to-Reel TFA-MOD process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nomoto, Sukeharu; Aoki, Yuji; Teranishi, Ryo; Sato, Akihiro; Izumi, Teruo; Shiohara, Yuh


    The previously developed numerical simulation method for the TFA-MOD process, which calculated the YBCO growth kinetics, gas element diffusion and gas flow, was applied to study the suitable gas flow mode for a multi-turning Reel-to-Reel tape conveyance system of a long YBCO coated conductors. The high YBCO production rate with uniform J c distribution among tape lines is desired in the system. It was found by the numerical simulation for the vertical gas flow onto the tape surface to realize the above demands even in a wider reaction area. We developed a new wide area reaction tube for the Reel-to-Reel TFA-MOD process according to the numerically designed gas flow configuration. The demand for the new tube was confirmed to be satisfied by experiments

  19. Vectorization of LWR transient analysis code RELAP5/MOD1 and its effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishiguro, Misako; Harada, Hiroo; Shinozawa, Naohisa; Naraoka, Ken-itsu


    The RELAP5/MOD1 is a large thermal-hydraulic code to analyze LWR LOCA and non-LOCA transients. The code originally was designed for use on a CDC Cyber-176. This report documents vectorization of the RELAP5/MOD1 code conducted for the purpose of efficient use of VP-100 (peak speed 250 MFLOPS, clock period 7.5 ns) at the JAERI. The code was vectorized using the junction and volume level parallelisms in the hydrodynamic calculations, and the heat-structure and heat-mesh level in the heat conduction calculations. The vectorized version runs as much as 2.4 to 2.8 times faster than the original scalar version, while the speedup ratio is dependent on the number of spactial cells included in the problem. (author)

  20. L'utilisation d'un modèle spécifique: l'exemple de la Bolivie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available La modélisation graphique connaît aujourd’hui un essor certain depuis la publication de la Géographie Universelle sous la direction de R. Brunet en France. Les utilisations en sont diverses, qu’elles aient des fins pédagogiques, expérimentales ou prospectives, mais il n’en demeure pas moins qu’à la différence du langage mathématique, la pratique du langage graphique constitue un handicap lorsqu’il s’agit de valider ce type de modèles. Pourtant cette démarche est non seulement possible mais souhaitable, un modèle non validable n’étant plus un modèle. Cependant les tests de validation/vérification et de validation/exploration utilisés pour analyser le modèle de l’espace bolivien sont globalement satisfaisants. LA UTILIZACIÓN DE UN MODELO ESPECÍFICO: EL EJEMPLO DE BOLIVIA. La modelización gráfica tiene en Francia un verdadero desarrollo con la publicación de la Geografía Universal dirigida por R. Brunet. Las utilizaciones son variadas: pedagógicas, experimentales o de investigación pero la práctica del código gráfico es mucho más problemático que la práctica del código matemático cuando se necesita validar un modelo. Sin embargo las pruebas de validación/comprobación y de validación/investigación utilizadas para analizar el modelo del espacio boliviano son bastante satisfactorias. USING SPECIFIC MODELIZATION IN THE CASE OF BOLIVIA. The use of grafic modelization has grown to be acknowledged in France since the publishing of Géographie Universelle edited by R. Brunet. However, in spite of its various applications, whether pedagogical, experimental or prospective, evidence is there to show that graphic models do not as yet compare with mathematical models as regards the validating process. Nonetheless, the two-step testing based on validation/verification and validation/ exploration carried out here on a Bolivian space model does give quite satisfying results.

  1. Insertion of lead lithium eutectic mixture in RELAP/SCDAPSIM Mod 4.0 for Fusion Reactor Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tiwari, Ashutosh; Allison, Brian; Hohorst, J.K.; Wagner, R.J.; Allison, Chris


    Highlights: ► Thermodynamic and transport properties of lead lithium eutectic mixture have been inserted in RELAP/SCDAPSIM MOD 4.0 code. ► Code results are verified for a simple pipe problem with lead lithium eutectic mixture flowing in it. ► Code is calculating the inserted properties of lead lithium eutectic mixture to a fairly good agreement. - Abstract: RELAP/SCDAPSIM Mod 4.0 code was developed by Innovative System Software (ISS) for the analysis of nuclear power plants (NPPs) cooled by light water and heavy water. Later on the code was expanded to analyze the NPPs cooled by liquid metal, in this sequence: lead bismuth eutectic mixture, liquid sodium and lead lithium eutectic mixture (LLE) are inserted in the code. This paper focuses on the insertion of liquid LLE as a coolant for NPPs in the RELAP/SCDAPSIM Mod 4.0 code. Evaluation of the code was made for a simple pipe problem connected with heat structures having liquid LLE as a coolant in it. The code is predicting well all the thermodynamic and transport properties of LLE.

  2. Flux pinning characteristics of Sn-doped YBCO film by the MOD process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, S.M.; Shin, G.M.; Yoo, S.I.


    Highlights: ► The pinning effects of undoped and Sn-doped YBCO films by MOD were characterized. ► Sn-containing nanoparticles were trapped in Sn-doped YBCO films by MOD. ► Sn-containing nanoparticles were identified as the YBa 2 SnO 5.5 (YBSO) phase by TEM. ► The YBSO nanoparticles are responsible for improved flux pinning effect. ► We report the orientation relationship between YBSO nanoparticles and YBCO matrix. -- Abstract: Compared with the undoped YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ (YBCO) film, 10 mol% Sn-doped YBCO film exhibited significantly enhanced critical current densities (J c ) in magnetic fields up to 5 T at 65 and 77 K for H//c, indicating that the Sn-doped YBCO film possesses more effective flux pinning centers. Both samples were grown on the SrTiO 3 (STO) (1 0 0) single crystal substrates by the metal-organic deposition (MOD) process. Larger J c (77 K, 1 T) values of Sn-doped YBCO film are observed over a wide field-orientation angle (θ) except the field-orientations close to the ab-plane of YBCO (85° c values for 85° 2 SnO 5.5 (YBSO) phase by STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy)-EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) analysis. Further analyses by HR-TEM (high resolution-transmission electron microscopy) revealed that YBSO nanoparticles completely surrounded by the YBCO matrix had random orientation with YBCO while those located at the interface of YBCO/STO substrate had epitaxial relationship with YBCO

  3. idRHa+ProMod - Rail Hardening Control System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro, L


    idRHa+ProMod is the process control system developed by Primetals Technologies to foresee the thermo-mechanical evolution and micro-structural composition of rail steels subjected to slack quenching into idRHa+ Rail Hardening equipments in a simulation environment. This tool can be used both off-line or in-line, giving the user the chance to test and study the best cooling strategies or letting the automatic control system free to adjust the proper cooling recipe. Optimization criteria have been tailored in order to determine the best cooling conditions according to the metallurgical requirements imposed by the main rail standards and also taking into account the elastoplastic bending phenomena occurring during all stages of the head hardening process. The computational core of idRHa+ProMod is a thermal finite element procedure coupled with special algorithms developed to work out the main thermo-physical properties of steel, to predict the non-isothermal austenite decomposition into all the relevant phases and subsequently to evaluate the amount of latent heat of transformation released, the compound thermal expansion coefficient and the amount of plastic deformation in the material. Air mist and air blades boundary conditions have been carefully investigated by means of pilot plant tests aimed to study the jet impingement on rail surfaces and the cooling efficiency at all working conditions. Heat transfer coefficients have been further checked and adjusted directly on field during commissioning. idRHa+ is a trademark of Primetals Technologies Italy Srl (paper)

  4. idRHa+ProMod - Rail Hardening Control System (United States)

    Ferro, L.


    idRHa+ProMod is the process control system developed by Primetals Technologies to foresee the thermo-mechanical evolution and micro-structural composition of rail steels subjected to slack quenching into idRHa+ Rail Hardening equipments in a simulation environment. This tool can be used both off-line or in-line, giving the user the chance to test and study the best cooling strategies or letting the automatic control system free to adjust the proper cooling recipe. Optimization criteria have been tailored in order to determine the best cooling conditions according to the metallurgical requirements imposed by the main rail standards and also taking into account the elastoplastic bending phenomena occurring during all stages of the head hardening process. The computational core of idRHa+ProMod is a thermal finite element procedure coupled with special algorithms developed to work out the main thermo-physical properties of steel, to predict the non-isothermal austenite decomposition into all the relevant phases and subsequently to evaluate the amount of latent heat of transformation released, the compound thermal expansion coefficient and the amount of plastic deformation in the material. Air mist and air blades boundary conditions have been carefully investigated by means of pilot plant tests aimed to study the jet impingement on rail surfaces and the cooling efficiency at all working conditions. Heat transfer coefficients have been further checked and adjusted directly on field during commissioning. idRHa+ is a trademark of Primetals Technologies Italy Srl

  5. Particle size distribution of dust collected from Alcator C-MOD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorman, S.V.; Carmack, W.J.; Hembree, P.B.


    There are important safety issues associated with tokamak dust, accumulated primarily from sputtering and disruptions. The dust may contain tritium, it may be activated, chemically toxic, and chemically reactive. The purpose of this paper is to present results from analyses of particulate collected from the Alcator C-MOD tokamak located at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The sample obtained from C-MOD was not originally intended for examination outside of MIT. The sample was collected with the intent of performing only a composition analysis. However, MIT provided the INEEL with this sample for particle analysis. The sample was collected by vacuuming a section of the machine (covering approximately 1/3 of the machine surface) with a coarse fiber filter as the collection surface. The sample was then analyzed using an optical microscope, SEM microscope, Microtrac FRA particle size analyzer. The data fit a log-normal distribution. The count median diameter (CMD) of the samples ranged from 0.3 microm to 1.1 microm with geometric standard deviations (GSD) ranging from 2.8 to 5.2 and a mass median diameter (MMD) ranging from 7.22 to 176 microm

  6. Combining MOD10A1 and MYD10A1 Images For Snow Cover Area Monitoring (United States)

    Tekeli, A. E.


    MOD10A1 and MYD10A1 daily snow cover maps at 500 m resolution are available from MODIS sensors on Terra and Aqua satellites. Aqua obtains the image of same region approximately three hours after Terra over Turkey region. MODIS is an optic sensor and cloud cover degrades the usability of derived snow cover maps. Moreover, spectral similarity between clouds and snow complicates their separability in visible imagery. Fortunately, dynamic behavior of clouds enables their discrimination from snow stationary on the surface. Combined use of MOD10A1 and MYD10A1 images mostly reduces the cloud cover present in one image alone and provides better representation of surface snow cover. Comparison of merged images with in situ data indicated higher hit ratios. The individual comparison of MOD10A1 and MYD10A1 images with ground data each yielded 31% hit ratio whereas, the merged images provided 38%. One-day shifts in comparisons increased hit ratios to 52 % and 46% whereas and two-day shifts gave 77 % and 79 % for MOD10A1 and MYD10A1 respectively. Merged maps yielded 54% and 83% for one and two day shifts. The improvement provided by the merging technique is found to be 7% for the present day, 7 % for one- day and 5% for two-day shifts for the whole season. Monthly decomposition resulted 25% improvement as the maximum. The snow cover product obtained by merging Terra and Aqua satellites provided higher hit ratios, as expected.

  7. Internet i internationale virksomheder : et undervisningsnotat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rask, Morten

    Notatet angiver forskellige vinkler på fænomenet "Internet i internationale virksomheder". Disse vinkler eller perspektiver hænger sammen, men er her behandlet (nogenlunde) hver for sig. Litteraturen om internet i internationale virksomheder fokuserer ofte på e-handel. E-handel er dog ikke det......-teknologisk perspektiv, der handler om sammenhængen mellem ansigt-til-ansigt og grænseflade interaktioner. De næste to perspektiver fokuserer på virksomhedens aktiviteter i relation til marketing og internationaliseringsprocessen. Disse fem perspektiver stammer fra min Ph.d.-afhandlig (Rask, 2001a). Det sidste...

  8. Alcator C-Mod predictive modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pankin, Alexei; Bateman, Glenn; Kritz, Arnold; Greenwald, Martin; Snipes, Joseph; Fredian, Thomas


    Predictive simulations for the Alcator C-mod tokamak [I. Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] are carried out using the BALDUR integrated modeling code [C. E. Singer et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 49, 275 (1988)]. The results are obtained for temperature and density profiles using the Multi-Mode transport model [G. Bateman et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 1793 (1998)] as well as the mixed-Bohm/gyro-Bohm transport model [M. Erba et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 39, 261 (1997)]. The simulated discharges are characterized by very high plasma density in both low and high modes of confinement. The predicted profiles for each of the transport models match the experimental data about equally well in spite of the fact that the two models have different dimensionless scalings. Average relative rms deviations are less than 8% for the electron density profiles and 16% for the electron and ion temperature profiles

  9. Mod-5A wind turbine generator program design report. Volume 4: Drawings and specifications, book 4 (United States)


    The design, development and analysis of the 7.3 MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator are documented. There are four volumes. This volume contains the drawings and specifications that were developed in preparation for building the MOD-5A wind turbine generator. This volume contains 5 books of which this is the fourth, providing drawings 47A380128 through 47A387125. In addition to the parts listing and where-used list, the logic design of the controller software and the code listing of the controller software are provided. Also given are the aerodynamic profile coordinates.

  10. Mod-5A wind turbine generator program design report. Volume 4: Drawings and specifications, book 2 (United States)


    The design, development and analysis of the 7.3 MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator is documented. There are four volumes. This volume contains the drawings and specifications that were developed in preparation for building the MOD-5A wind turbine generator. This is the second book of volume four. Some of the items it contains are specs for the emergency shutdown panel, specs for the simulator software, simulator hardware specs, site operator terminal requirements, control data system requirements, software project management plan, elastomeric teeter bearing requirement specs, specs for the controls electronic cabinet, and specs for bolt pretensioning.

  11. Progress on MOD/RABiTS{sup TM} 2G HTS wire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rupich, M.W.; Zhang, W.; Li, X.; Kodenkandath, T.; Verebelyi, D.T.; Schoop, U.; Thieme, C.; Teplitsky, M.; Lynch, J.; Nguyen, N.; Siegal, E.; Scudiere, J.; Maroni, V.; Venkataraman, K.; Miller, D.; Holesinger, T.G


    The development of the second generation (2G) high temperature superconducting wire has advanced beyond initial laboratory demonstrations and is now focused on developing and testing high critical current conductor designs required for commercial applications. The approach pursued at American Superconductor for 2G wire manufacturing is based on the combination of the RABiTS{sup TM} substrate-buffer technology with metal organic deposition (MOD) of the YBCO layer. This MOD/RABiTS{sup TM} approach has been demonstrated in 10 m lengths with critical currents of up to 184 A/cm-width ({approx}2.3 MA/cm{sup 2}) and in short length with critical currents of up to 270 A/cm-width ({approx}3.4 MA/cm{sup 2}). In addition to a high critical current, the superconducting wire must also meet stringent mechanical and electrical stability requirements that vary by application. Commercially viable architectures designed to meet these specifications have been fabricated and tested. Wires manufactured by this process have been successfully tested in prototype cable and coil applications.

  12. Calculations of flow oscillations during reflood using RELAP4/MOD6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Y.S.; Fischer, S.R.; Sullivan, L.H.


    RELAP4/MOD6 is an analytical computer code which can be used for best-estimate analysis of LWR reactor system blowdown and reflood response to a postulated LOCA. In this study, flow oscillations in the PKL reflood test K5A were investigated using RELAP4/MOD6. Both calculated and measured oscillations exhibited transient characteristics of density-wave and pressure-drop oscillations. The calculated average core mixture level rising rate agrees closely with the test data. Several mechanisms which appear to be responsible for initiation and continuation of calculated or experimental reflood flow oscillations are (a) the coupling between the vapor generation in the core channel and the U-tube geometrical arrangement of a downcomer and a heated core; (b) the inherent low core inlet resistance and the high system outlet resistance; (c) the dependence of heat transfer rate on mass flow rate especially in the dispersed flow ially in the dispersed flow regime; (d) the amount of the liquid entrainment fraction of the heated core channel

  13. Blow.MOD2: a program for blowdown transient calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doval, A.


    The BLOW.MOD2 program has been developed to calculate the blowdown phase in a pressurized vessel after a break/valve is opened. It is a one volume model where break height and flow area are specified. Moody critical flow model was adopted under saturation conditions for flow calculation through the break. Heat transfer from structures and internals have been taken into account. Long term depressurization results and a more complex model are compared satisfactorily. (Author)

  14. Study of the Relap5/mod3.2 wall heat flux partitioning model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hari, S.; Hassan, Y.A.


    The performance of the subcooled boiling model adapted in RELAP5/MOD3.2 computer code has been assessed in detail for low-pressure conditions and it has been found that the void fraction profile is under-predicted. In general, any subcooled boiling model is composed of individual sub-models that account for the different physical mechanism that govern the overall process, as the wall vapor generation, interfacial shear and condensation etc. The wall heat flux partitioning model is one of the important sub-models that is a constituent of any subcooled boiling model. The function of this model is to apportion the wall heat flux to the different components (as the single/two phase fluid or bubble), as the case may be, in a two-phase flow-boiling scenario adjacent to a heated wall. The ''pumping factor'' approach is generally followed by most of the wall heat flux partitioning models, for partitioning the wall heat flux. In this work, the wall heat flux partitioning model of RELAP5/MOD3.2 computer code is studied; in particular, the ''pumping factor'' formulation in the present code version is assessed for its performance under low-pressure conditions. In addition, three different ''pumping factor'' formulations available in the literature have been introduced into the RELAP5/MOD3.2 code. Simulations of two low-pressure subcooled flow boiling experiments were performed with the refined code versions to determine the appropriate pumping factor to be used under these conditions. (author)

  15. Self-organized 3D equilibrium formation and its feedback control in RFX-mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piovesan, P.; Bonfiglio, D.; Marrelli, L.; Soppelsa, A.; Spolaore, M.; Terranova, D.


    The reversed-field pinch exhibits a strong tendency to self-organize into a helical equilibrium as the plasma current is increased. The helical reversed-field pinch is characterized by reduced magnetic stochasticity and by the formation of electron internal transport barriers. The paper gives an update on recent experimental and modelling work on helical states in RFX-mod (Sonato et al 2003 Fusion Eng. Des. 66 161), also discussing similarities with 3D equilibria in tokamaks. The helical equilibrium is modelled with 3D codes developed for stellarators, such as VMEC/V3FIT. The reconstructed safety factor profile has low or reversed magnetic shear in the core, which may be related to transport barrier formation. A significant extension of the RFX-mod database to high current and density confirms the dependence observed before of various helical state properties on macroscopic quantities. Even under conditions where it does not form spontaneously, such as at low current or high density, the 3D magnetic equilibrium can be stimulated and robustly controlled with external fields applied by an extensive set of non axi-symmetric coils. An advanced magnetic feedback algorithm that compensates for error fields induced by eddy currents in the 3D wall structures has been developed. This work stimulated similar experiments in RFX-mod run as a tokamak, where external 3D fields are applied to control a m = 1/n = 1 helical equilibrium. (paper)

  16. Experiment predictions of LOFT reflood behavior using the RELAP4/MOD6 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, J.C.; Kee, E.J.; Grush, W.H.; White, J.R.


    The RELAP4/MOD6 computer code was used to predict the thermal-hydraulic transient for Loss-of-Fluid Test (LOFT) Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) experiments L2-2, L2-3, and L2-4. This analysis will aid in the development and assessment of analytical models used to analyze the LOCA performance of commercial power reactors. Prior to performing experiments in the LOFT facility, the experiments are modeled in counterpart tests performed in the nonnuclear Semiscale MOD 1 facility. A comparison of the analytical results with Semiscale data will verify the analytical capability of the RELAP4 code to predict the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the Semiscale LOFT counterpart tests. The analytical model and the results of analyses for the reflood portion of the LOFT LOCA experiments are described. These results are compared with the data from Semiscale

  17. PL-MOD: a computer code for modular fault tree analysis and evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olmos, J.; Wolf, L.


    The computer code PL-MOD has been developed to implement the modular methodology to fault tree analysis. In the modular approach, fault tree structures are characterized by recursively relating the top tree event to all basic event inputs through a set of equations, each defining an independent modular event for the tree. The advantages of tree modularization lie in that it is a more compact representation than the minimal cut-set description and in that it is well suited for fault tree quantification because of its recursive form. In its present version, PL-MOD modularizes fault trees and evaluates top and intermediate event failure probabilities, as well as basic component and modular event importance measures, in a very efficient way. Thus, its execution time for the modularization and quantification of a PWR High Pressure Injection System reduced fault tree was 25 times faster than that necessary to generate its equivalent minimal cut-set description using the computer code MOCUS

  18. Investigation of the critical edge ion heat flux for L-H transitions in Alcator C-Mod and its dependence on B T (United States)

    Schmidtmayr, M.; Hughes, J. W.; Ryter, F.; Wolfrum, E.; Cao, N.; Creely, A. J.; Howard, N.; Hubbard, A. E.; Lin, Y.; Reinke, M. L.; Rice, J. E.; Tolman, E. A.; Wukitch, S.; Ma, Y.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; Alcator C-Mod Team


    This paper presents investigations on the role of the edge ion heat flux for transitions from L-mode to H-mode in Alcator C-Mod. Previous results from the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak indicated that a critical value of edge ion heat flux per particle is needed for the transition. Analysis of C-Mod data confirms this result. The edge ion heat flux is indeed found to increase linearly with density at given magnetic field and plasma current. Furthermore, the Alcator C-Mod data indicate that the edge ion heat flux at the L-H transition also increases with magnetic field. Combining the data from Alcator C-Mod and ASDEX Upgrade yields a general expression for the edge ion heat flux at the L-H transition. These results are discussed from the point of view of the possible physics mechanism of the L-H transition. They are also compared to the L-H power threshold scaling and an extrapolation for ITER is given.

  19. RELOS.MOD2: a code system for the determination of instationary fission product releases from molten pools

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kortz, Ch.; Koch, M.K.; Unger, H.; Funke, F.


    For the assessment of molten corium pool source terms, a mechanistic model has been developed to describe the transport of fission products from liquid corium pool surfaces into a colder gas atmosphere. Modelling is based on an approach for diffusive and convective transport processes coupled with thermochemical equilibrium considerations enabling detailed speciation analyses of the fission products released. Both have been implemented into the code system RELOS.MOD2. RELOS.MOD2 sensitivity calculations on possible effects of anticipated uncertainties in the thermo-chemical data on the fission product release predictions are presented. (author)

  20. Upgrade of the RFX-mod real time control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manduchi, G.; Barbalace, A.; Luchetta, A.; Soppelsa, A.; Taliercio, C.; Zampiva, E.


    Highlights: ► The paper describes the experience in running the real-time control system of RFX-mod. ► It proposes a new architecture based multicore technology. ► It analyzes two different solutions for data acquisition. ► It discusses the effect of non simultaneous sampling in acquisition. ► It provides some preliminary performance measurements. - Abstract: The real-time control system of RFX-mod, in operation since 2005, has been successful and has allowed several important achievements in the RFX physics research program. As a consequence of this fact, new control algorithms are under investigation, which are more demanding in terms of both enhanced computing power and reduced system latency, currently around 1.5 ms. For this reason, a major upgrade of the system is being considered, and a new architecture has been proposed, taking advantage of the rapid evolution of computer technology in the last years. The central component of the new architecture is a Linux-based multicore server, where individual cores replace the VME computers. The server is connected to the I/O via PCI-e based bus extenders, and every PCI-e connection is managed by a separate core. The system is supervised by MARTe, a software framework for real-time applications written in C++ and developed at JET and currently used for the JET vertical stabilization and in other fusion devices.

  1. Control of substrate oxidation in MOD ceramic coating on low-activation ferritic steel with reduced-pressure atmosphere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, Teruya, E-mail:; Muroga, Takeo


    Highlights: • A Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer was produced on a ferritic steel substrate with a reduced-pressure. • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer prevents further substrate oxidation in following coating process. • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer has a function as a hydrogen permeation barrier. • A smooth MOD Er{sub 2}O{sub 3} coating was successfully made on the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer by dip coating. • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer would enhance flexibility in MOD coating process and performances. - Abstract: An Er{sub 2}O{sub 3} ceramic coating fabricated using the metal–organic decomposition (MOD) method on a Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}-covered low-activation ferritic steel JLF-1 substrate was examined to improve hydrogen permeation barrier performance of the coating. The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer was obtained before coating by heat treating the substrate at 700 °C under reduced pressures of <5 × 10{sup −3} Pa and 5 Pa. The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer was significantly stable even with heat treatment at 700 °C in air. This layer prevented further production of Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3}, which has been considered to degrade coating performance. An MOD Er{sub 2}O{sub 3} coating with a smooth surface was successfully obtained on a Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}-covered JLF-1 substrate by dip coating followed by drying and baking. Preprocessing to obtain a Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer would provide flexibility in the coating process for blanket components and ducts. Moreover, the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer suppressed hydrogen permeation through the JLF-1 substrate. While further optimization of the coating fabrication process is required, it would be possible to suppress hydrogen permeation significantly by multilayers of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} and MOD oxide ceramic.

  2. Blob sizes and velocities in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kube, R.; Garcia, O.E.; LaBombard, B.

    A new blob-tracking algorithm for the GPI diagnostic installed in the outboard-midplane of Alcator C-Mod is developed. I t tracks large-amplitude fluctuations propagating through the scrape-off layer and calculates blob sizes and velocities. We compare the results of this method to a blob velocity...

  3. Application of RELAP5/MOD3.1 code to the LOFT test L3-6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pylev, S.S.; Roginskaja, V.L.


    A calculation of LOFT Experiment L3-6, a small break equivalent to a 4-in diameter rupture in the cold leg of a four-loop commercial pressurized water reactor, has been performed to help validate RELAP5/MOD3.1 for this application. The version of the code to be used is SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3.1.8d0. Three calculations were carried out in order to study the sensitivity to change break nozzle superheated discharge coefficient. Conducted comparative analysis of the LOFT L3-6 experiment shows on the whole a reasonable agreement between calculated data. Some discrepancies in the system pressure do not distort a picture of the transient. 6 refs

  4. Application of RELAP5/MOD3.1 code to the LOFT test L3-6

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pylev, S.S.; Roginskaja, V.L.


    A calculation of LOFT Experiment L3-6, a small break equivalent to a 4-in diameter rupture in the cold leg of a four-loop commercial pressurized water reactor, has been performed to help validate RELAP5/MOD3.1 for this application. The version of the code to be used is SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3.1.8d0. Three calculations were carried out in order to study the sensitivity to change break nozzle superheated discharge coefficient. Conducted comparative analysis of the LOFT L3-6 experiment shows on the whole a reasonable agreement between calculated data. Some discrepancies in the system pressure do not distort a picture of the transient. 6 refs.

  5. Modeling of BWR core meltdown accidents - for application in the MELRPI. MOD2 computer code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koh, B R; Kim, S H; Taleyarkhan, R P; Podowski, M Z; Lahey, Jr, R T


    This report summarizes improvements and modifications made in the MELRPI computer code. A major difference between this new, updated version of the code, called MELRPI.MOD2, and the one reported previously, concerns the inclusion of a model for the BWR emergency core cooling systems (ECCS). This model and its computer implementation, the ECCRPI subroutine, account for various emergency injection modes, for both intact and rubblized geometries. Other changes to MELRPI deal with an improved model for canister wall oxidation, rubble bed modeling, and numerical integration of system equations. A complete documentation of the entire MELRPI.MOD2 code is also given, including an input guide, list of subroutines, sample input/output and program listing.

  6. Transport and confinement studies in the RFX-mod reversed-field pinch experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Innocente, P.; Alfier, A.; Carraro, L.; Lorenzini, R.; Pasqualotto, R.; Terranova, D.


    In the modified RFX experiment (RFX-mod) external magnetic field coils and a close fitting thin conductive shell control radial magnetic fields. In the so-called virtual shell (VS) operation, radial field zeroing at the thin shell radius is stationary provided by the feedback-controlled coils. First experiments on RFX-mod proved the capability of the active scheme to steadily reduce the radial magnetic field. Furthermore it has been found that such edge magnetic field control extends its beneficial effects to the whole plasma. With respect to the old RFX, where magnetohydrodynamic modes amplitude was controlled by the use of a passive thick conductive shell, a stationary 2- to 3-fold reduction of the B r field amplitude in the core is obtained. The reduction of field fluctuations positively reflects on confinement. In fact, a strong reduction of the loop voltage is observed and correspondingly a 3-fold increase in pulse length is achieved by using the same poloidal flux swing. Temperature and particle measurements confirm the improved confinement properties of the VS operation. With a lower ohmic input power, higher electron temperature and lower particle influx are measured. Particle and heat transport have been studied by means of a 1D code. Local power balance was used to compute the heat conductivity profile: for the VS discharges a lower conductivity over a significant region of the plasma is found. The improved properties of RFX-mod VS operation provide a better confinement scaling in terms of plasma current. The results show that compared with the thick shell configuration, a significant confinement improvement can be obtained under stationary conditions by actively controlling the plasma magnetic boundary

  7. Tableaux et modèles: «vive la sintayse»

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian GERMANAZ


    Full Text Available L’image géographique et la peinture présentent beaucoup de similitudes. Il est possible d’analyser l’image picturale sous l’angle de la modélisation. Par l’intermédiaire de la chorématique une équivalence dans le langage plastique et pictural a été trouvée Le Christ jaune de Gauguin permet de tester cette transposition.

  8. RELAP5/MOD 3.3 analysis of Reactor Coolant Pump Trip event at NPP Krsko

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bencik, V.; Debrecin, N.; Foretic, D.


    In the paper the results of the RELAP5/MOD 3.3 analysis of the Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Trip event at NPP Krsko are presented. The event was initiated by an operator action aimed to prevent the RCP 2 bearing damage. The action consisted of a power reduction, that lasted for 50 minutes, followed by a reactor and a subsequent RCP 2 trip when the reactor power was reduced to 28 %. Two minutes after reactor trip, the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV) were isolated and the steam dump flow was closed. On the secondary side the Steam Generator (SG) pressure rose until SG 1 Safety Valve (SV) 1 opened. The realistic RELAP5/MOD 3.3 analysis has been performed in order to model the particular plant behavior caused by operator actions. The comparison of the RELAP5/MOD 3.3 results with the measurement for the power reduction transient has shown small differences for the major parameters (nuclear power, average temperature, secondary pressure). The main trends and physical phenomena following the RCP Trip event were well reproduced in the analysis. The parameters that have the major influence on transient results have been identified. In the paper the influence of SG 1 relief and SV valves on transient results was investigated more closely. (author)

  9. From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene: Modelling a Complete Glacial Cycle (PalMod) (United States)

    Brücher, Tim; Latif, Mojib


    We will give a short overview and update on the current status of the national climate modelling initiative PalMod (Paleo Modelling, PalMod focuses on the understanding of the climate system dynamics and its variability during the last glacial cycle. The initiative is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and its specific topics are: (i) to identify and quantify the relative contributions of the fundamental processes which determined the Earth's climate trajectory and variability during the last glacial cycle, (ii) to simulate with comprehensive Earth System Models (ESMs) the climate from the peak of the last interglacial - the Eemian warm period - up to the present, including the changes in the spectrum of variability, and (iii) to assess possible future climate trajectories beyond this century during the next millennia with sophisticated ESMs tested in such a way. The research is intended to be conducted over a period of 10 years, but with shorter funding cycles. PalMod kicked off in February 2016. The first phase focuses on the last deglaciation (app. the last 23.000 years). From the ESM perspective PalMod pushes forward model development by coupling ESM with dynamical ice sheet models. Computer scientists work on speeding up climate models using different concepts (like parallelisation in time) and one working group is dedicated to perform a comprehensive data synthesis to validate model performance. The envisioned approach is innovative in three respects. First, the consortium aims at simulating a full glacial cycle in transient mode and with comprehensive ESMs which allow full interactions between the physical and biogeochemical components of the Earth system, including ice sheets. Second, we shall address climate variability during the last glacial cycle on a large range of time scales, from interannual to multi-millennial, and attempt to quantify the relative contributions of external forcing and processes

  10. Application of a MODIS Soil Moisture-Evapotranspiration (MOD-SMET) Model to Evaluate Landscape and Hydrologic Recovery after the High Park Fire in Colorado, USA (United States)

    Blount, W. K.; Hogue, T. S.; Franz, K.; Knipper, K. R.


    Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is critical for the management of water resources, especially in water-stressed regions. ET accounts for approximately 60% of terrestrial precipitation globally and approaches 100% of annual rainfall in arid ecosystems, where transpiration becomes the dominant term. ET is difficult to measure due to its spatiotemporal variation, which requires adequate data coverage. While new remote sensing-based ET products are available at a 1 km spatial resolution, including the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance model (SSEBop) and the MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Project (MOD16), these products are available at monthly and 8-day temporal resolutions, respectively. To better understand the changing dynamics of hydrologic fluxes and the partitioning of water after land cover disturbances and to identify statically significant trends, more frequent observations are necessary. Utilizing the recently developed MODIS Soil Moisture-Evapotranspiration (MOD-SMET) model, daily temporal resolution is achieved. This presentation outlines the methodology of the MOD-SMET model and compares SSEBop, MOD16, and MOD-SMET ET estimates over the High Park Fire burn scar in Colorado, USA. MOD-SMET estimates are used to identify changes in fluxes and partitioning of the water cycle after a wildfire and during recovery in the High Park Fire near Fort Collins, Colorado. Initial results indicate greenness and ET from all three models decrease post-fire, with higher statistical confidence in high burn areas and spatial patterns that closely align with burn severity. MOD-SMET improves the ability to resolve statistically significant changes in ET following wildfires and better understand changes in the post-fire water budget. Utilizing this knowledge, water resource managers can better plan for, and mitigate, the short- and long-term impacts of wildfire on regional water supplies.

  11. Evaluation of Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility (MODS) and the string test for rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV/AIDS patients in Bolivia. (United States)

    Lora, Meredith H; Reimer-McAtee, Melissa J; Gilman, Robert H; Lozano, Daniel; Saravia, Ruth; Pajuelo, Monica; Bern, Caryn; Castro, Rosario; Espinoza, Magaly; Vallejo, Maya; Solano, Marco; Challapa, Roxana; Torrico, Faustino


    Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common opportunistic infection and the leading cause of death in HIV-positive people worldwide. Diagnosing TB is difficult, and is more challenging in resource-scarce settings where culture-based diagnostic methods rely on poorly sensitive smear microscopy by Ziehl-Neelsen stain (ZN). We performed a cross-sectional study examining the diagnostic utility of Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility liquid culture (MODS) versus traditional Ziehl-Neelsen staining (ZN) and Lowenstein Jensen culture (LJ) of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) in HIV-infected patients in Bolivia. For sputum scarce individuals we assessed the value of the string test and induced sputum for TB diagnosis. The presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in the sputum of 107 HIV-positive patients was evaluated by ZN, LJ, and MODS. Gastric secretion samples obtained by the string test were evaluated by MODS in 102 patients. The TB-HIV co-infection rate of HIV patients with respiratory symptoms by sputum sample was 45 % (48/107); 46/48 (96 %) were positive by MODS, 38/48 (79 %) by LJ, and 30/48 (63 %) by ZN. The rate of MDRTB was 9 % (4/48). Median time to positive culture was 10 days by MODS versus 34 days by LJ (p Bolivia.

  12. Molybdenum erosion measurements in Alcator C-Mod

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wampler, W.R. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States); LaBombard, B.; Lipshultz, B.; Pappas, D.; Pitcher, C.S. [Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge, MA (United States); McCracken, G.M. [JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon (United Kingdom)


    Erosion of molybdenum was measured on a set of 21 tiles after a run campaign of 1,090 shots in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. The net erosion of molybdenum, was determined from changes in the depth of a thin chromium marker layer measured by Rutherford backscattering. Net Mo erosion was found to be approximately 150 nm near the outer divertor strike point, and much less everywhere else. Gross erosion rates by sputtering were estimated using ion energies and fluxes obtained from Langmuir probe measurements of edge-plasma conditions. Predicted net erosion using calculated gross erosion with prompt redeposition and measured net erosion agree within a factor of 3. Sputtering by boron and molybdenum impurities dominates erosion.

  13. Mods and Rockers, Drunken Debutants, and Sozzled Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bill Thompson


    Full Text Available Over the last decade, moral panic theory has affected a paradigm shift in the social construction of deviance and social problems in the United States, without any real debate about its viability. This article raises key questions about this perspective by offering the first ever critique of the seminal case study of British youth subcultures on which the paradigm is based. It argues that when analyzed in the context of contemporary criticism of vandalism, hooliganism, and delinquency, the Mods and Rockers case study never justified Cohen’s original criteria for a moral panic.

  14. Fatigue impact on Mod-1 wind turbine design (United States)

    Stahle, C. V., Jr.


    Fatigue is a key consideration in the design of a long-life Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) system. This paper discusses the fatigue aspects of the large Mod-1 horizontal-axis WTG design starting with the characterization of the environment and proceeding through the design. Major sources of fatigue loading are discussed and methods of limiting fatigue loading are described. NASTRAN finite element models are used to determine dynamic loading and internal cyclic stresses. Recent developments in determining the allowable fatigue stress consistent with present construction codes are discussed relative to their application to WTG structural design.

  15. Transport and Stability in C-Mod ITBs in Diverse Regimes (United States)

    Fiore, C. L.; Ernst, D. R.; Howard, N. T.; Kasten, C. P.; Mikkelsen, D.; Reinke, M. L.; Rice, J. E.; White, A. E.; Rowan, W. L.; Bespamyatnov, I.


    Internal Transport Barriers (ITBs) in C-Mod feature highly peaked density and pressure profiles and are typically induced by the introduction of radio frequency power in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) with the second harmonic of the resonance for minority hydrogen ions positioned off-axis at the plasma half radius on either the low or high field side of the plasma. These ITBs are formed in the absence of particle or momentum injection, and with monotonic q profiles with qminITB dynamics in a reactor relevant regime. Recently, linear and non-linear gyrokinetic simulations have demonstrated that changes in the ion temperature and plasma rotation profiles, coincident with the application of off-axis ICRF heating, contribute to greater stability to ion temperature gradient driven fluctuation in the plasma. This results in reduced turbulent driven outgoing heat flux. To date, ITB formation in C-Mod has only been observed in EDA H-mode plasmas with moderate (2-3 MW) ICRF power. Experiments to explore the formation of ITBs in other operating regimes such as I-mode and also with high ICRF power are being undertaken to understand further the process of ITB formation and sustainment, especially with regard to turbulent driven transport.

  16. RELAP4/MOD6 reflood heat transfer and data comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, R.A.; Sullivan, L.H.


    This discussion of RELAP4/MOD6 will be limited to the reflood heat transfer models and evaluation of these models by comparison of calculation with results from three reflood experiments. The discussion of the model includes the heat transfer surface concept, the heat transfer correlations, the superheat model and the entrainment model which presents both the two-phase heat transfer and hydraulic models. In the discussion of the reflood heat transfer, the mathematical concept of a multidimensional surface is used to represent the heat flux of a given heat transfer correlation or correlations dependent upon such variables as quality, wall superheat and flux. This concept has been used to investigate the characteristics of the correlations, which are discusssed in detail, and the way they are applied to the two-phase mixture. Of primary importance in the reflood core heat transfer is the consideration of thermal nonequilibrium between the phases and the liquid entrainment, and its distribution up the core. Results obtained to date show the heat transfer and hydraulics to be closely coupled. Comparison of the RELAP4/MOD6 reflood calculations with the data from the forced feed FLECHT and gravity feed FLECHT-SET and Semiscale reflood experiments indicates that the heat transfer and hydraulic models are operational and yield good results

  17. Méditerranée asiatique : un modèle urbain polycentrique


    Gipouloux , François


    Publication de la revue "Diplomatie. Affaires stratégiques et relations internationales"; International audience; En Asie orientale, un corridor maritime a pris forme autour de plates-formes logistiques et portuaires, fidèles au modèle de Hong Kong. C'est là que bat le coeur de l'économie régionale.

  18. MOD-1 Wind Turbine Generator Analysis and Design Report, Volume 2 (United States)


    The MOD-1 detail design is appended. The supporting analyses presented include a parametric system trade study, a verification of the computer codes used for rotor loads analysis, a metal blade study, and a definition of the design loads at each principal wind turbine generator interface for critical loading conditions. Shipping and assembly requirements, composite blade development, and electrical stability are also discussed.

  19. Tungsten impurity transport experiments in Alcator C-Mod to address high priority research and development for ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loarte, A.; Polevoi, A. R.; Hosokawa, M. [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067 St Paul Lez Durance Cedex (France); Reinke, M. L. [York Plasma Institute, Department of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD (United Kingdom); Chilenski, M.; Howard, N.; Hubbard, A.; Hughes, J. W.; Rice, J. E.; Walk, J. [Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (United States); Köchl, F. [Technische Universität Wien, Atominstitut, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna (Austria); Pütterich, T.; Dux, R. [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmanstraße 2, D-85748 Garching (Germany); Zhogolev, V. E. [NRC “Kurchatov Institute,” Kurchatov Square 1, 123098 Moscow (Russian Federation)


    Experiments in Alcator C-Mod tokamak plasmas in the Enhanced D-alpha H-mode regime with ITER-like mid-radius plasma density peaking and Ion Cyclotron Resonant heating, in which tungsten is introduced by the laser blow-off technique, have demonstrated that accumulation of tungsten in the central region of the plasma does not take place in these conditions. The measurements obtained are consistent with anomalous transport dominating tungsten transport except in the central region of the plasma where tungsten transport is neoclassical, as previously observed in other devices with dominant neutral beam injection heating, such as JET and ASDEX Upgrade. In contrast to such results, however, the measured scale lengths for plasma temperature and density in the central region of these Alcator C-Mod plasmas, with density profiles relatively flat in the core region due to the lack of core fuelling, are favourable to prevent inter and intra sawtooth tungsten accumulation in this region under dominance of neoclassical transport. Simulations of ITER H-mode plasmas, including both anomalous (modelled by the Gyro-Landau-Fluid code GLF23) and neoclassical transport for main ions and tungsten and with density profiles of similar peaking to those obtained in Alcator C-Mod show that accumulation of tungsten in the central plasma region is also unlikely to occur in stationary ITER H-mode plasmas due to the low fuelling source by the neutral beam injection (injection energy ∼ 1 MeV), which is in good agreement with findings in the Alcator C-Mod experiments.

  20. De Bronislaw Malinowski à Virginia Henderson: révélation sur l'origine anthropologique d'un modèle de soins infirmiers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Le modèle des quatorze besoins fondamentaux de Virginia Henderson est sûrement le plus populaire des modèles de soins chez les infirmières d'ici et d'ailleurs. Par contre, son origine et les grandes inspirations d'Henderson dans l'élaboration de son modèle sont mal connues. Ce texte lève en quelque sorte le voile à ce sujet en montrant que ce modèle trouve sa source en anthropologie et qu'il entretient de très fortes correspondances avec les éléments clefs retrouvés dans les travaux de l'anthropologue Malinowski. En retraçant et en revenant sur ces correspondances, voire sur les emprunts qu'aurait faits Henderson des travaux de Malinowski, nous trouvons dans ce texte une bonne occasion de souligner la part des savoirs empruntés, et notamment des savoirs anthropo-sociologiques, au sein de la discipline infirmière.

  1. Thermal fatigue crack growth tests and analyses of thick wall cylinder made of Mod.9Cr–1Mo steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wakai, Takashi, E-mail: [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 4002 Narita-cho Oarai, Ibaraki 3111393 (Japan); Inoue, Osamu [IX Knowledge Inc., 3-22-23 MSC Center Bldg, Kaigan Minato-ku, Tokyo 1080022 Japan (Japan); Ando, Masanori; Kobayashi, Sumio [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 4002 Narita-cho Oarai, Ibaraki 3111393 (Japan)


    Highlights: • A thermal fatigue crack growth test was performed using Mod.9Cr–1Mo steel cylinder. • Axial/circumferential notches were machined on the inner surface of the cylinder. • Simplified analytical results were compared to the test data. • Crack length could not be predicted by the analyses because of crack conjunctions. • If there are no surface cracks, the calculations might agree with the observations. - Abstract: In Japan, the basic designing works for a demonstration plant of Japan Sodium cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) are now conducted. JSFR is an advanced loop type reactor concept. To enhance the safety and the economic competitiveness, JSFR employs modified 9% chromium–1% molybdenum (Mod.9Cr–1Mo) steel as a material for coolant pipes and components, because the steel has both excellent high temperature strength and thermal properties. The steel has been standardized as a nuclear material in Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) code in 2012. In JSFR pipes, demonstration of Leak Before Break (LBB) aspect is strongly expected because the safety assessment may be performed on the premise of leak rate where the LBB aspect is assured. Although the authors have already performed a series of thermal fatigue crack growth tests of austenitic stainless steel cylinders (Wakai et al., 2005), crack growth behavior in the structures made of Mod.9Cr–1Mo steel has not been investigated yet. Especially for the welded joints of Mod.9Cr–1Mo steel, “Type-IV” cracking may occur at heat affected zone (HAZ). Therefore, this study performed a series of thermal fatigue crack growth tests of thick wall cylinders made of Mod.9Cr–1Mo steel including welds, to obtain the crack growth data under cyclic thermal transients. The test results were compared to the analytical results obtained from JAEA's simplified methods (Wakai et al., 2005).

  2. Developmental assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 code against ROSA-IV/TPTF horizontal two-phase flow experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kukita, Yutaka; Asaka, Hideaki; Anoda, Yoshinari; Ishiguro, Misako; Tasaka, Kanji; Mimura, Yuichi; Nemoto, Toshiyuki.


    A developmental version of the RELAP5/Mod3 code (as of June 1989) was assessed for accuracy using experimental data taken for high-pressure (7MPa) steam-water two-phase flow in a large-diameter (0.18 m) horizontal-pipe test section of the ROSA-IV Two-Phase Flow Test Facility (TPTF). The agreement between the measured and calculated test section void fractions was much better than that for the previous generation of RELAP5 (MOD2). The improvement was achieved primarily due to the code changes with respect to the flow stratification criterion and interfacial-drag calculation scheme. (author)

  3. Assessment of TRAC-BD1/MOD1 using FIST data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jo, J.H.; Connell, H.R.


    This report is concerned with the assessment of the TRAC-BD1/MOD1 Code, developed at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. The assessment was conducted using data from the FIST (Full Integral Simulation Test) facility, which is a BWR safety test facility which was built to investigate small break LOCA and operational transients in BWR's and to complement earlier large break LOCA test results from TLTA (Two-Loop Test Apparatus). 21 figs

  4. MOD/R : A knowledge assisted approach towards top-down only CMOS VLSI design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spaanenburg, L.; Beunder, M.; Beune, F.A.; Gerez, Sabih H.; Holstein, B.; Luchtmeyer, R.C.C.; Smit, Jaap; van der Werf, A.; Willems, H.


    MOD/R models all views on the design space in relations. This is achieved by eliminating the package constraints, as are apparent in PCB oriented hardware description languages. Assisted by knowledge engineering it allows for a top-down, mostly hierarchical decomposition, virtually eliminating the

  5. Sociale læringsprocesser, ulighed, mistrivsel, resiliens og transformation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berliner, Peter; Nielsen, Anne Maj


    I artiklen diskuterer vi nogle perspektiver på social læring. Det første perspektiv vedrører spørgsmål om sammenhænge mellem uddannelse og lige muligheder. Her vil forebyggelse af mistrivsel relateret til manglende uddannelse indgå. Det andet perspektiv vedrører spørgsmål om social læring som sam...

  6. La Sémantique des Possibles Argumentatifs : un modèle de description-construction-représentation des significations lexicales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginie Marie


    Full Text Available Cet article se donne pour tâche d’illustrer le modèle théorique de la SPA (Sémantique des Possibles Argumentatifs proposé et développé par GALATANU. Cette théorie se présente comme un modèle de description de la signification lexicale susceptible de rendre compte aussi bien des représentations du monde perçu et « modélisé » par la langue que du « potentiel argumentatif » des mots, potentiel que l’environnement pragmatique de la phase énoncée et/ou l’environnement pragmatique (le contexte du discours peuvent activer, voire renforcer ou, au contraire, affaiblir, voire neutraliser ou même intervertir. Cette théorie s’inscrit dans la filiation de la sémantique argumentative (ANSCOMBRE, DUCROT, 1983, 1995 ; DUCROT, CAREL, 1999 et d’autre part, dans celle de la recherche sur les stéréotypes linguistiques (AMOSSY, 1994 ; KLEIBER, 1999a, b. Dans l’espace de cette communication nous nous proposons de présenter et d’appliquer ce modèle aux notions « francophile, francophilie, francophone, francophonie » qui rendra compte des déploiements argumentatifs en analysant l’évolution des définitions lexicographiques étudiées en termes de noyau et de stéréotypes.

  7. Design and operation of the RFX-mod plasma shape control system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marchiori, G., E-mail: [Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova (Italy); Finotti, C. [Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova (Italy); Kudlacek, O. [Università di Padova, Padova (Italy); Villone, F. [Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Informazione (DIEI), Università di Cassino (Italy); Zanca, P. [Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova (Italy); Abate, D. [Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Informazione (DIEI), Università di Cassino (Italy); Cavazzana, R. [Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova (Italy); Jackson, G.L.; Luce, T.C. [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States); Marrelli, L. [Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova (Italy)


    Highlights: • Linearized plasma response model of RFX-mod Tokamak Double/Single Null discharges. • Model based design of a vertical stability control system. • Model based design of a plasma shape LQG control system with Kalman state estimator. • Real time plasma boundary reconstruction algorithm. • Tracking and disturbance rejection experimental tests. - Abstract: The aim of executing Single Null discharges in RFX-mod operating as a Tokamak led to the design and implementation of a plasma shape feedback control system. A fully model-based approach was followed which allowed dealing with critical issues such as the presence of a conducting shell, the strong coupling of the poloidal field coils and the voltage limits of the power supplies. A Linear Quadratic regulator and a Kalman state estimator were designed and implemented in the real time MARTe framework together with an algorithm for the real-time plasma boundary reconstruction. The problem of a number of sensors along the poloidal direction adequate only for circular discharges was also successfully tackled. The development of the system and its performances in terms of tracking and disturbance rejection capability are presented in the paper.

  8. The measurement of the intrinsic impurities of molybdenum and carbon in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak plasma using low resolution spectroscopy (United States)

    May, M. J.; Finkenthal, M.; Regan, S. P.; Moos, H. W.; Terry, J. L.; Goetz, J. A.; Graf, M. A.; Rice, J. E.; Marmar, E. S.; Fournier, K. B.; Goldstein, W. H.


    The intrinsic impurity content of molybdenum and carbon was measured in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak using low resolution, multilayer mirror (MLM) spectroscopy ( Delta lambda ~1-10 AA). Molybdenum was the dominant high-Z impurity and originated from the molybdenum armour tiles covering all of the plasma facing surfaces (including the inner column, the poloidal divertor plates and the ion cyclotron resonant frequency (ICRF) limiter) at Alcator C-Mod. Despite the all metal first wall, a carbon concentration of 1 to 2% existed in the plasma and was the major low-Z impurity in Alcator C-Mod. Thus, the behaviour of intrinsic molybdenum and carbon penetrating into the main plasma and the effect on the plasma must be measured and characterized during various modes of Alcator C-Mod operation. To this end, soft X-ray extreme ultraviolet (XUV) emission lines of charge states, ranging from hydrogen-like to helium-like lines of carbon (radius/minor radius, r/a~1) at the plasma edge to potassium to chlorine-like (0.4Data Nucl. Data Tables 33 (1985) 149), which were incorporated into the collisional radiative model. The intrinsic i

  9. Modélisation et simulation à base d'agents exemples commentés, outils informatiques et questions théoriques

    CERN Document Server

    Treuil, Jean-Pierre; Zucker, Jean-Daniel


    Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux étudiants de master des universités et aux élèves des écoles d'ingénieurs ainsi qu'aux mathématiciens, informaticiens et chercheurs de diverses disciplines qui sont amenés à créer des modèles dans leur domaine. La modélisation informatique à base d'agents permet de modéliser, à l'échelle macroscopique, des systèmes complexes à partir du comportement à l'échelle microscopique d'un grand nombre de leurs composants. L'objectif de ce livre se décline en cinq points complémentaires : Présenter au lecteur un panorama des approches de modélisation et simulation à base d'agents sous la forme de 11 exemples représentatifs puisés dans différents domaines scientifiques et technologiques. Proposer un cadre commun de définitions et une ébauche de démarche de conception qui permettent de fournir, au-delà de leur diversité apparente, une base sinon théorique du moins pratique de ces approches. Présenter les outils informatiques existants pour concevoir, spécifier...

  10. Stability of Microturbulent Drift Modes during Internal Transport Barrier Formation in the Alcator C-Mod Radio Frequency Heated H-mode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redi, M.H.; Fiore, C.L.; Dorland, W.; Mikkelsen, D.R.; Rewoldt, G.; Bonoli, P.T.; Ernst, D.R.; Rice, J.E.; Wukitch, S.J.


    Recent H-mode experiments on Alcator C-Mod [I.H. Hutchinson, et al., Phys. Plasmas 1 (1994) 1511] which exhibit an internal transport barrier (ITB), have been examined with flux tube geometry gyrokinetic simulations, using the massively parallel code GS2 [M. Kotschenreuther, G. Rewoldt, and W.M. Tang, Comput. Phys. Commun. 88 (1995) 128]. The simulations support the picture of ion/electron temperature gradient (ITG/ETG) microturbulence driving high xi/ xe and that suppressed ITG causes reduced particle transport and improved ci on C-Mod. Nonlinear calculations for C-Mod confirm initial linear simulations, which predicted ITG stability in the barrier region just before ITB formation, without invoking E x B shear suppression of turbulence. Nonlinear fluxes are compared to experiment, which both show low heat transport in the ITB and higher transport within and outside of the barrier region

  11. Modèles de gestion des ressources forestières du massif ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Expérimentation Participative et Adaptative de Modèles de Gestion des Ressources Forestières dans la Chaine Montagneuse de l'Atlas (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie) : rapport final (17 mars 2009 au 18 septembre 2012). Download PDF. Reports. Unité de transformation de cire d'abeille (Commune de M'Sara). Download PDF ...

  12. Upgrade of the RFX-mod real time control system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manduchi, G., E-mail: [Consorzio RFX, Euratom-ENEA Association, Corso Stati Uniti 4, Padova 35127 (Italy); Barbalace, A.; Luchetta, A.; Soppelsa, A.; Taliercio, C.; Zampiva, E. [Consorzio RFX, Euratom-ENEA Association, Corso Stati Uniti 4, Padova 35127 (Italy)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The paper describes the experience in running the real-time control system of RFX-mod. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer It proposes a new architecture based multicore technology. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer It analyzes two different solutions for data acquisition. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer It discusses the effect of non simultaneous sampling in acquisition. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer It provides some preliminary performance measurements. - Abstract: The real-time control system of RFX-mod, in operation since 2005, has been successful and has allowed several important achievements in the RFX physics research program. As a consequence of this fact, new control algorithms are under investigation, which are more demanding in terms of both enhanced computing power and reduced system latency, currently around 1.5 ms. For this reason, a major upgrade of the system is being considered, and a new architecture has been proposed, taking advantage of the rapid evolution of computer technology in the last years. The central component of the new architecture is a Linux-based multicore server, where individual cores replace the VME computers. The server is connected to the I/O via PCI-e based bus extenders, and every PCI-e connection is managed by a separate core. The system is supervised by MARTe, a software framework for real-time applications written in C++ and developed at JET and currently used for the JET vertical stabilization and in other fusion devices.

  13. Développement d'un modèle ostéoarticulaire du genou humain pour une analyse dynamique du contact en grands déplacements


    Bideau , Nicolas; Dao , T.T.; Rassineux , Alain; Ho Ba Tho , Marie-Christine


    National audience; Le principal objectif de ce travail est le développement d'un modèle tridimensionnel de l'articulation du genou en grands déplacements. A partir des données d'imagerie médicale (IRM), un modèle géométrique 3D a été développé. Ce modèle est résolu par la méthode des éléments finis. La simulation proposée permet de comprendre le comportement dynamique des différentes structures articulaires lors d'un mouvement de grande amplitude.

  14. MOD-0A 200 kW wind turbine generator design and analysis report (United States)

    Anderson, T. S.; Bodenschatz, C. A.; Eggers, A. G.; Hughes, P. S.; Lampe, R. F.; Lipner, M. H.; Schornhorst, J. R.


    The design, analysis, and initial performance of the MOD-OA 200 kW wind turbine generator at Clayton, NM is documented. The MOD-OA was designed and built to obtain operation and performance data and experience in utility environments. The project requirements, approach, system description, design requirements, design, analysis, system tests, installation, safety considerations, failure modes and effects analysis, data acquisition, and initial performance for the wind turbine are discussed. The design and analysis of the rotor, drive train, nacelle equipment, yaw drive mechanism and brake, tower, foundation, electricl system, and control systems are presented. The rotor includes the blades, hub, and pitch change mechanism. The drive train includes the low speed shaft, speed increaser, high speed shaft, and rotor brake. The electrical system includes the generator, switchgear, transformer, and utility connection. The control systems are the blade pitch, yaw, and generator control, and the safety system. Manual, automatic, and remote control are discussed. Systems analyses on dynamic loads and fatigue are presented.

  15. ModSAF-based development of operational requirements for light armored vehicles (United States)

    Rapanotti, John; Palmarini, Marc


    Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs) are being developed to meet the modern requirements of rapid deployment and operations other than war. To achieve these requirements, passive armour is minimized and survivability depends more on sensors, computers, countermeasures and communications to detect and avoid threats. The performance, reliability, and ultimately the cost of these systems, will be determined by the technology trends and the rates at which they mature. Defining vehicle requirements will depend upon an accurate assessment of these trends over a longer term than was previously needed. Modelling and simulation are being developed to study these long-term trends and how they contribute to establishing vehicle requirements. ModSAF is being developed for research and development, in addition to the original requirement of Simulation and Modelling for Acquisition, Rehearsal, Requirements and Training (SMARRT), and is becoming useful as a means for transferring technology to other users, researchers and contractors. This procedure eliminates the need to construct ad hoc models and databases. The integration of various technologies into a Defensive Aids Suite (DAS) can be designed and analyzed by combining field trials and laboratory data with modelling and simulation. ModSAF (Modular Semi-Automated Forces,) is used to construct the virtual battlefield and, through scripted input files, a "fixed battle" approach is used to define and implement contributions from three different sources. These contributions include: models of technology and natural phenomena from scientists and engineers, tactics and doctrine from the military and detailed analyses from operations research. This approach ensures the modelling of processes known to be important regardless of the level of information available about the system. Survivability of DAS-equipped vehicles based on future and foreign technology can be investigated by ModSAF and assessed relative to a test vehicle. A vehicle can

  16. Assessment of TRAC-PF1/MOD3 Mark-22 assembly model using SRL ''A'' tank single-assembly flow experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, S.R.; Lam, K.; Lin, J.C.


    This paper summarizes the results of an assessment of our TRAC-PF1/MOD3 Mark-22 prototype fuel assembly model against single-assembly data obtained from the ''A'' Tank single-assembly tests that were performed at the Savannah River Laboratory. We felt the data characterize prototypic assembly behavior over a range of air-water flow conditions of interest for loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) calculations. This study was part of a benchmarking effort performed to evaluate and validate a multiple-assembly, full-plant model that is being developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory to study various aspects of the Savannah River plant operating conditions, including LOCA transients, using TRAC-PF1/MOD3 Version 1.10. The results of this benchmarking effort demonstrate that TRAC-PF1/MOD3 is capable pf calculating plenum conditions and assembly flows during conditions thought to be typical of the Emergency Cooling System (ECS) phase of a LOCA. 10 refs., 12 fig

  17. Analyse, Modélisation et Simulation du Mouvement Humain


    Multon , Franck


    Comprendre le mouvement humain mobilise des chercheurs de nombreuses disciplines scientifiques : physiologie, biomécanique, neurosciences comportementales, anatomie fonctionnelle, les sciences du sport... Mes travaux s'inscrivent donc dans une démarche pluridisciplinaire d'analyse/synthèse du mouvement humain. Pour mener à bien cette démarche, une première tâche consiste à modéliser et à simuler le système moteur ainsi qu'un ensemble d'hypothèses. L'objectif est de disposer d'une représentati...

  18. Blowdown heat transfer surface in RELAP4/MOD6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, R.A.; Sullivan, L.H.


    New heat transfer correlations for both PWR and BWR blowdowns have been implemented in the RELAP4/MOD6 program. The concept of a multidimensional surface is introduced with the heat flux from a given heat transfer correlation or correlations depicted as a mathematical surface that is dependent upon quality, wall superheat, mass flow and pressure. The heat transfer logic has been modularized to facilitate replacing boiling curves for future correlation data comparisons and investigations. To determine the validity of the blowdown surface, comparison has been performed using data from the Semiscale experimental facility. (author)

  19. Double blind post-test prediction for LOBI-MOD2 small break experiment A2-81 using RELAP5/MOD1/19 computer code as contribution to international CSNI-standardproblem no. 18

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobs, G.; Mansoor, S.H.


    The first small break experiment A2-81 performed in the LOBI-MOD2 test facility was the base of the 18th international CSNI standard problem (ISP 18). Taking part in this exercise, a blind post-test prediction was performed using the light water reactor transient analysis code RELAP5/MOD1. This paper describes the input model preparation and summarizes the findings of the pre-calculation comparing the calculational results with the experimental data. The results show that there was a good agreement between prediction and experiment in the initial stage (up to 250 sec) of the transient and an adequate prediction of the global behaviour (thermal response of the core), which is important for safety related considerations. However, the prediction confirmed some deficiencies of the models in the code concerning vertical and horizontal stratification resulting in a high break mass flow and an erroneous distribution of mass over the primary loops. (orig.) [de

  20. Improvement and validation of the wall heat transfer package of RELAP5/MOD3.3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Pan; Xiong, Xiaofei; Shan, Jianqiang; Gou, Junli; Zhang, Bin; Zhang, Bo


    Highlights: • A new heat transfer package has been developed. • It has been incorporated into RELAP5/MOD3.3 to verify its advantages. • The results of modified code were compared with available experimental data. • The results showed that higher prediction accuracy was achieved. - Abstract: The process of energy transfer from heat structure to control volume is determined by the wall-to-fluid heat transfer package, which is crucial for nuclear reactor safety analysis codes. The current logic for selection of heat transfer modes of RELAP5/MOD3.3 code is too complex and may result in incorrect heat transfer mode judgment. Also, the narrow application scope of film boiling heat transfer correlations may result in large errors in film boiling region which is of paramount importance for the predicted peak clad temperatures during hypothetical LB-LOCAs in PWRs. In this study, a new heat transfer package has been developed and incorporated into the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code. Differing from the original package, the modified one consists of twelve heat transfer modes and proposes a new logic for selection of heat transfer modes. For each mode, the models in the existing safety analysis codes and the leading models in literature have been reviewed in order to determine the best model which can easily be applicable to the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code. Particularly (1) a new package of heat transfer correlations are produced; (2) a new logic for selection of film boiling and transition boiling heat transfer modes is proposed which use minimum film boiling temperature and critical heat flux temperature as distinguished points. The modified code has been validated by comparing the analysis results with available experimental data from tube post dryout experiments and loss-of-fluid test (LOFT) facility. The calculation results showed that the improved package could better predict the experimental phenomena with higher prediction accuracy.

  1. Adjoint sensitivity analysis of the RELAPS/MOD3.2 two-fluid thermal-hydraulic code system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ionescu-Bujor, M.


    This work presents the implementation of the Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Procedure (ASAP) for the non-equilibrium, non-homogeneous two-fluid model, including boron concentration and non-condensable gases, of the RELAP5/MOD3.2 code. The end-product of this implementation is the Adjoint Sensitivity Model (ASM-REL/TF), which is derived for both the differential and discretized equations underlying the two-fluid model with non-condensable(s). The consistency requirements between these two representations are also highlighted. The validation of the ASM-REL/TF has been carried out by using sample problems involving: (i) liquid-phase only, (ii) gas-phase only, and (iii) two-phase mixture (of water and steam). Thus the 'Two-Loops with Pumps' sample problem supplied with RELAP5/MOD3.2 has been used to verify the accuracy and stability of the numerical solution of the ASM-REL/TF when only the liquid-phase is present. Furthermore, the 'Edwards Pipe' sample problem, also supplied with RELAP5/MOD3.2, has been used to verify the accuracy and stability of the numerical solution of the ASM-REL/TF when both (i.e., liquid and gas) phases are present. In addition, the accuracy and stability of the numerical solution of the ASM-REL/TF have been verified when only the gas-phase is present by using modified 'Two-Loops with Pumps' and the 'Edwards Pipe' sample problems in which the liquid and two-phase fluids, respectively, were replaced by pure steam. The results obtained for these sample problems depict typical sensitivities of junction velocities and volume-averaged pressures to perturbations in initial conditions, and indicate that the numerical solution of the ASM-REL/TF is as robust, stable, and accurate as the original RELAP5/MOD3.2 calculations. In addition, the solution of the ASM-REL/TF has been used to calculate sample sensitivities of volume-averaged pressures to variations in the pump head. (orig.) [de

  2. Improvement and validation of the wall heat transfer package of RELAP5/MOD3.3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Pan; Xiong, Xiaofei; Shan, Jianqiang, E-mail:; Gou, Junli; Zhang, Bin; Zhang, Bo


    Highlights: • A new heat transfer package has been developed. • It has been incorporated into RELAP5/MOD3.3 to verify its advantages. • The results of modified code were compared with available experimental data. • The results showed that higher prediction accuracy was achieved. - Abstract: The process of energy transfer from heat structure to control volume is determined by the wall-to-fluid heat transfer package, which is crucial for nuclear reactor safety analysis codes. The current logic for selection of heat transfer modes of RELAP5/MOD3.3 code is too complex and may result in incorrect heat transfer mode judgment. Also, the narrow application scope of film boiling heat transfer correlations may result in large errors in film boiling region which is of paramount importance for the predicted peak clad temperatures during hypothetical LB-LOCAs in PWRs. In this study, a new heat transfer package has been developed and incorporated into the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code. Differing from the original package, the modified one consists of twelve heat transfer modes and proposes a new logic for selection of heat transfer modes. For each mode, the models in the existing safety analysis codes and the leading models in literature have been reviewed in order to determine the best model which can easily be applicable to the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code. Particularly (1) a new package of heat transfer correlations are produced; (2) a new logic for selection of film boiling and transition boiling heat transfer modes is proposed which use minimum film boiling temperature and critical heat flux temperature as distinguished points. The modified code has been validated by comparing the analysis results with available experimental data from tube post dryout experiments and loss-of-fluid test (LOFT) facility. The calculation results showed that the improved package could better predict the experimental phenomena with higher prediction accuracy.

  3. Narrative teorier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bank, Mads


    kapitlet omhandler Narrative psykologiske teorier i et personlighedspsykologisk og socio-kulturelt perspektiv.......kapitlet omhandler Narrative psykologiske teorier i et personlighedspsykologisk og socio-kulturelt perspektiv....

  4. Scaling criteria and an assessment of Semiscale Mod-3 scaling for small-break loss-of-coolant transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larson, T.K.; Anderson, J.L.; Shimeck, D.J.


    Various methods of scaling fluid thermal-hydraulic test facilities and their relative merits and disadvantages are examined in light of nuclear reactor safety considerations. Particular emphasis is placed on examination of the scaling of the Semiscale Mod-3 system and determination of thermal-hydraulic phenomena thought to be important during a small break loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water nuclear reactor. The influence of geometric and dynamic scaling concerns in the Mod-3 system on small break behavior are addressed from an engineering viewpoint and corrective measures contemplated or required to make results from Semiscale tests more meaningful relative to expected PWR response are discussed

  5. Modélisation et automatisation des procédés d’écriture et de production de supports de formation numérisés - Le modèle M.A.Ï.HEU.T.I.C. de la CCI de Paris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Martin


    Full Text Available Cet article expose les conclusions d’un projet de recherche de la Direction de l’Enseignement de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris (CCIP, mené de 2003 à 2005, dont l’aboutissement est un modèle didactique de production de contenus de cours numérisés, baptisé M.A.Ï.HEU.T.I.C.[[ M.A.Ï.HEU.T.I.C. : Modèle Appliqué d’Interprétation Heuristique des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication.

  6. Simulation of small break loss of coolant accident using relap 5/ MOD 2 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Megahed, M.M.


    An assessment of relap 5 / MOD 2/Cycle 36.05 best estimate computer code capabilities in predicting the thermohydraulic response of a PWR following a small break loss of coolant accident is presented. The experimental data base for the evaluation is the results of Test S-N H-3 performed in the semi scale MOD-2 c Test facility which modeled a 0.5% small break loss of coolant accident with an accompanying failure of the high pressure injection emergency core cooling system. A conclusion was reached that the code is capable of making small break loss of coolant accident calculations efficiently. However, some of the small break loss of coolant accident related phenomena were not properly predicted by the code, suggesting a need for code improvement.9 fig., 3 tab

  7. Verification of the HDR-test V44 using the computer program RALOC-MOD1/83

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahn, H.; Pham, T. v.; Weber, G.; Pham, B.T.


    RALOC-MOD1/83 was extended by a drainage and sump level modul and several component models to serve as a containment systems code for various LWR types. One such application is to simulate the blowdown in a full pressure containment which is important for the short and long term hydrogen distribution. The post test calculation of the containment standard problem experiment HDR-V44 shows a good agreement, to the test data. The code may be used for short and long term predictions, but it was learned that double containments need the representation of the gap between the inner and outer shell into several zones to achieve a good long-term temperature prediction. The present work completes the development, verification and documentation of RALOC-MOD1. (orig.) [de

  8. RELAP/REFLA (Mod 0): a system reflooding analysis computer program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiki, Kazuo; Murao, Yoshio; Shimooke, Takanori.


    A new computer code RELAP/REFLA has been developed, aiming at analyses of the core reflooding phenomena during the postulated loss-of-coolant accident of PWRs. The code was originated from the combination of two distinct codes, RELAP4-FLOOD and REFLA-1D. The characteristics of the code are: (1) Kinematical model based on the observation and analysis of quench experiments is used for the thermal-hydraulic analysis of reflooding core, (2) it has the capability to analyse the reflooding phenomena in an arbitrary type of PWR or experimental facility, including the system feedback effects, (3) the flow paths in the actual system are represented by the combination of 1-dimentional flow paths, and vapor-liquid equilibrium model is applied except the reflooding core. This report is a code manual of RELAP/REFLA (version Mod 0) and contains the descriptions of the basic models, basic equations, code structure and input format. The calculated results of two kinds of sample problems, i.e., reflooding problem on the 4 loop PWR and FLECHT-SET experiment, are also presented. Relatively close agreement between FLECHT-SET data and the calculated results was obtained for the lower portion of the core, but poor agreement for the temperature histories in the upper core and carryover ratio. Running speed and core memory size are almost equal to those of RELAP 4/Mod 3. (author)

  9. Simulation, modélisation et décision en pratique

    CERN Document Server

    Rennard, Jean-Philippe; Duymedjian, Raffi


    Avec l'explosion de la puissance informatique, le grand public dispose désormais d'outils aptes à résoudre des problèmes complexes, auparavant hors de portée des non-spécialistes. Le tableur notamment est particulièrement adapté à la modélisation et à la simulation de nombre de problèmes quotidiens de décision. En parallèle, le décideur est confronté à un environnement en évolution rapide, où la décision éclairée est une condition de succès. Face à une avalanche de données, il est le plus souvent amené à sélection intuitivement celles qui sont susceptibles de l'aide à anticiper les conséquences de ses décisions. Cet ouvrage se propose de présenter les principale méthodes d'aide à la décision et d'en montrer la mise en oeuvre avec le tableur. D'une difficulté progressive, l'ouvrage introduit à la modélisation e à la simulation pour la décision avant de présenter les outils dédiés à différents types de problèmes (prévision, optimisation, théorie des jeux, arbres d...

  10. Atlantvolden i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Claus Bundgård


    Anmeldelse af Lulu Anne Hansen & Martin Rheinheimer (red.): Bunkers. Atlantvoldens perspektiver i Danmark.......Anmeldelse af Lulu Anne Hansen & Martin Rheinheimer (red.): Bunkers. Atlantvoldens perspektiver i Danmark....

  11. Installation and validation of RELAP4/MOD6 on the VAX 11/780 computer at IKE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lang, U.; Haussmann, C.


    RELAP4/MOD6 is a FORTRAN 4 code for the transient thermohydraulic analysis of nuclear reactors and similar systems. This code has been developed by the Idaho National Engeneering Laboratory for CDC and IBM computers. The implementation of the code on a VAX 11/780 has been possible due to the fact, that this computer is a byte oriented system as the IBM machines, and that the code has been wirtten only in part in a machine dependent way. Two versions of RELAP4/MOD6 are available on the VAX-system, with different dimensions for the input parameters (SI-units or BTU-units). The implementation of the two versions and their validation is described in this report. (orig.) [de

  12. Validation of the RALOC-mod.4 thermal-hydraulics code on evaporation transients in the Phebus containment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spitz, P.B.; Lemoine, F.; Tirini, S.


    IPSN (Nuclear Protection and Safety Institute) and GRS (Gesellschaft fur Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit Schwertnergasse 1) are developing the ESCADRE-ASTEC systems of codes devoted to the prediction of the behaviour of water-cooled reactors during a severe accident. The RALOC-mod 4 code belongs to this system and is specifically devoted to containment thermal-hydraulics studies. IPSN has designed a Thermal Hydraulic Containment Test Program in support to the Phebus Fission Product Test Program/2/. Evaporation tests have been recently performed in the Phebus containment test facility. The objective of this work is to assess against these tests the capability of the RALOC -mod 4 code to capture the phenomena observed in these experiments and more particularly the evaporation heat transfer and wall heat transfers. (DM)

  13. Assessment of RELAP5/Mod3 system thermal hydraulic code using power test data of a BWR6 reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, M.; Chiang, C.S.


    The power test data of Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant were used to assess RELAP5/Mod3 system thermal hydraulic analysis code. The plant employed a General Electric designed Boiling Water Reactor (BWR6) with rated power of 2894 MWth. The purpose of the assessment is to verify the validity of the plant specific RELAP5/Mod3 input deck for transient analysis. The power tests considered in the assessment were 100% power generator load rejection, the closure of main steam isolation valves (MSIVs) at 96% power, and the trip of recirculation pumps at 68% power. The major parameters compared in the assessment were steam dome pressure, steam flow rate, core flow rate, and downcomer water level. The comparisons of the system responses predicted by the code and the power test data were reasonable which demonstrated the capabilities of the code and the validity of the input deck. However, it was also identified that the separator model of the code may cause energy imbalance problem in the transient calculation. In the assessment, the steam separators were modeled using time-dependent junctions. In the approach, a complete separation of steam and water was predicted. The system responses predicted by RELAP5/Mod3 code were also compared with those from the calculations of RETRAN code. When these results were compared with the power test data, the predictions of the RETRAN code were better than those of RELAP5/Mod3. In the simulation of 100% power generator load rejection, it was believed that the difference in the steam separator model of these two codes was one of the reason of the difference in the prediction of power test data. The predictions of RELAP/Mod3 code can also be improved by the incorporation of one-dimensional kinetic model. There was also some margin for the improvement of the input related to the feedwater control system. (author)

  14. RELAP5/MOD3 analysis of a heated channel in downflow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimenna, R.A.; Qureshi, Z.H.; Boman, A.L.


    The onset of flow instability (OFI) is a significant phenomenon affecting the determination of a safe operating power limit in the Savannah River Site production reactors. Tests performed at Columbia University for a single tube with uniform axial and azimuthal heating have been analyzed with RELAP5/NPR, Version 0, a version of RELAP5/MOD3. The tests include water flow rates from 3.2 x l0 -4 - 2.l x 10 -3 m 3 /s (5 - 33 gpm), Reynolds numbers from 30,000 - 400,000, and surface heat fluxes from 0 - 3.2 x l0 6 w/m 2 (0 - 1,000,000 Btu/hr- ft 2 ). Pressure drop versus flow rate curves were mapped for both fixed pressure boundary conditions and fixed flow boundary conditions. RELAP5/MOD3 results showed fair agreement with data for both types of boundary conditions, and good internal consistency between calculations using the two different types of boundary conditions. Under single-phase unheated conditions, the code overpredicted the pressure drop by 22 - 34%. Under single-phase heated conditions, the overprediction increased to as much as 55%. For those tests where two-phase conditions were observed at the channel exit, RELAP5 predicted lower flows than seen in the tests before voiding occurred

  15. A specific interdomain interaction preserves the structural and binding properties of the ModA protein from the phytopathogen Xanthomonas citri domain interaction and transport in ModA. (United States)

    Santacruz-Perez, Carolina; Pegos, Vanessa Rodrigues; Honorato, Rodrigo V; Verli, Hugo; Lindahl, Erik; Barbosa, João Alexandre Ribeiro Gonçalves; Balan, Andrea


    The periplasmic-binding proteins in ATP-binding cassette systems (ABC Transporters) are responsible for the capture and delivery of ligands to their specific transporters, triggering a series of ATP-driven conformational changes that leads to the transport of the ligand. Structurally consisting of two lobes, the proteins change conformation after interaction with the ligand. The structure of the molybdate-binding protein (ModA) from Xanthomonas citri, bound to molybdate, was previously solved by our group and an interdomain interaction, mediated by a salt bridge between K127 and D59, apparently supports the binding properties and keeps the domains closed. To determinate the importance of this interaction, we built two ModA mutants, K127S and D59A, and analysed their functional and structural properties. Based on a set of spectroscopic experiments, crystallisation trials, structure determination and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we showed that the salt bridge is essential to maintain the structure and binding properties. Additionally, the MD simulations revealed that this mutant adopted a more compact structure that packed down the ligand-binding pocket. From the closed bound to open structure, the positioning of the helices forming the dipole and the salt bridge are essential to induce an intermediate state. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. BEACON/MOD: a computer program for thermal-hydraulic analysis of nuclear reactor containments - user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broadus, C.R.; Doyle, R.J.; James, S.W.; Lime, J.F.; Mings, W.J.


    The BEACON code is a best-estimate, advanced containment code designed to perform a best-estimate analysis of the flow of a mixture of air, water, and steam in a nuclear reactor containment system under loss-of-coolant accident conditions. The code can simulate two-component, two-phase fluid flow in complex geometries using a combination of two-dimensional, one-dimensional, and lumped-parameter representations for the various parts of the system. The current version of BEACON, which is designated BEACON/MOD3, contains mass and heat transfer models for wall film and wall conduction. It is suitable for the evaluation of short-term transients in dry-containment systems. This manual describes the models employed in BEACON/MOD3 and specifies code implementation requirements. It provides application information for input data preparation and for output data interpretation

  17. Edge Turbulence Imaging on NSTX and Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    S.J. Zweben; R.A. Maqueda; J.L. Terry; B. Bai; C.J. Boswell; C.E. Bush; D. D'Ippolito; E.D. Fredrickson; M. Greenwald; K. Hallatschek; S. Kaye; B. LaBombard; R. Maingi; J. Myra; W.M. Nevins; B.N. Rogers; D.P. Stotler; J. Wilgen; and X.Q. Xu


    Edge turbulence images have been made using an ultra-high speed CCD camera on both NSTX and Alcator C-Mod. In both cases, the D-alpha or HeI (587.6 nm) line emission from localized deuterium or helium gas puffs was viewed along a local magnetic field line near the outer midplane. Fluctuations in this line emission reflect fluctuations in electron density and/or electron temperature through the atomic excitation rates, which can be modeled using the DEGAS-2 code. The 2-D structure of the measured turbulence can be compared with theoretical simulations based on 3-D fluid models

  18. Modèles aléatoires en écologie et évolution

    CERN Document Server

    Méléard, Sylvie


    Le but du livre est de définir et développer une grande gamme d'outils probabilistes pour la modélisation en biologie des populations, afin de décrire des dynamiques temporelles de quantités biologiques telles que la taille d'une ou plusieurs populations, la proportion d'un allèle dans une population ou la position d'un individu. En partant de modèles markoviens discrets (marches aléatoires, processus de Galton-Watson), nous abordons progressivement le calcul stochastique et les équations différentielles stochastiques, puis les processus markoviens de saut, tels les processus de branchement à temps continu et les processus de naissance et mort. Nous étudions également les processus discret et continu pour l'évolution génétique et les généalogies: processus de Wright-Fisher et coalescent. Le livre détaille systématiquement les calculs de quantités d'intérêt pour les biologistes. De nombreux exercices d'application sont proposés. Le dernier chapitre montre l'apport de ces outils pour des...

  19. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3 condensation models for the tube bundle condensation in the PCCS of ESBWR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, W.; Wolf, B.; Revankar, S.T.


    The passive containment condenser system (PCCS) in an ESBWR reactor consists of vertical tube bundle submerged in a large pool of water. The condensation model for the PCCS in a thermalhydraulics code RELAP5/MOD3.3 consists of the default Nusselt model and an alternate condensation model from UCB condensation correlation. An assessment of the PCCS condensation model in RELAP5/MOD3.3 was carried out using experiments conducted on a single tube and tube bundle PCCS tests at Purdue University. The experimental conditions were simulated with the default and the alternate condensation models in the REALP5/MOD3.3 beta version of the code. The default model and the UCB model (alternate model) give quite different results on condensation heat transfer for the PCCS. The default model predicts complete condensation well whereas the UCB model predicts the through flow condensation well. Based on this study it was found that none of the models in REALP5 can predict complete condensation as well as the through flow condensation well. (author)

  20. Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3 condensation models for the tube bundle condensation in the PCCS of ESBWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, W., E-mail: [Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Wolf, B. [Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States); Revankar, S. [Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States); POSTECH, Pohang (Korea, Republic of)


    The passive containment condenser system (PCCS) in an ESBWR reactor consists of vertical tube bundle submerged in a large pool of water. The condensation model for the PCCS in a thermalhydraulics code RELAP5/MOD3.3 consists of the default Nusselt model and an alternate condensation model from UCB condensation correlation. An assessment of the PCCS condensation model in RELAP5/MOD3.3 was carried out using experiments conducted on a single tube and tube bundle PCCS tests at Purdue University. The experimental conditions were simulated with the default and the alternate condensation models in the REALP5/MOD3.3 beta version of the code. The default model and the UCB model (alternate model) give quite different results on condensation heat transfer for the PCCS. The default model predicts complete condensation well whereas the UCB model predicts the through flow condensation well. Based on this study it was found that none of the models in REALP5 can predict complete condensation as well as the through flow condensation well.

  1. Combustion Modeling with the G-Equation Modélisation de la combustion avec l'équation de G

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peters N.


    Full Text Available Numerical investigations concerning the turbulent flame front propagation in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI engines were made by implementing a flamelet model in the CFD code Fire. The advantage of this combustion model is the decoupling of the chemistry from the turbulent flow. For this purpose the combustion chamber has to be divided into a burned and an unburned area, which is realized by transporting a scalar field (G-Equation. The reference value defines the present averaged flame position. The complete reaction kinetics is calculated interactively with the CFD code in a one dimensional Representative Interactive Flamelet (RIF code. This combustion model was verified by simulating a 2. 0 l-2 V gasoline engine with homogeneous combustion where a parameter study was conducted to check the flamelet model for plausibility. Finally, the potential of this combustion model was investigated by simulating a hypothetical 2. 0 1-4 V GDI engine. Une investigation numérique relative à la propagation des fronts de flammes turbulents dans les moteurs à essence à injection directe (GDI a été menée en implantant un modèle de flameletdans le code 3D Fire. L'avantage de ce modèle de combustion est de découpler la chimie de l'écoulement turbulent en divisant la chambre de combustion en deux zones : brûlée et imbrûlée, à l'aide d'une équation de transport d'un scalaire (équation de G. Une valeur de référence de ce scalaire définit la position moyenne de la flamme. Une chimie complète est calculée interactivement avec le calcul 3D à l'aide d'un code monodimensionnel RIF (Representative Interactive Flamelet. Le modèle de combustion a été validé sur la simulation d'un moteur 2 litres à 2 soupapes en combustion homogène pour vérifier la représentativité de l'approche flamelet . Puis, le potentiel du modèle de combustion a été étudié en simulant un moteur modèle 2 litres 4 soupapes GDI.

  2. Validation of TGLF in C-Mod and DIII-D using machine learning and integrated modeling tools (United States)

    Rodriguez-Fernandez, P.; White, Ae; Cao, Nm; Creely, Aj; Greenwald, Mj; Grierson, Ba; Howard, Nt; Meneghini, O.; Petty, Cc; Rice, Je; Sciortino, F.; Yuan, X.


    Predictive models for steady-state and perturbative transport are necessary to support burning plasma operations. A combination of machine learning algorithms and integrated modeling tools is used to validate TGLF in C-Mod and DIII-D. First, a new code suite, VITALS, is used to compare SAT1 and SAT0 models in C-Mod. VITALS exploits machine learning and optimization algorithms for the validation of transport codes. Unlike SAT0, the SAT1 saturation rule contains a model to capture cross-scale turbulence coupling. Results show that SAT1 agrees better with experiments, further confirming that multi-scale effects are needed to model heat transport in C-Mod L-modes. VITALS will next be used to analyze past data from DIII-D: L-mode ``Shortfall'' plasma and ECH swing experiments. A second code suite, PRIMA, allows for integrated modeling of the plasma response to Laser Blow-Off cold pulses. Preliminary results show that SAT1 qualitatively reproduces the propagation of cold pulses after LBO injections and SAT0 does not, indicating that cross-scale coupling effects play a role in the plasma response. PRIMA will be used to ``predict-first'' cold pulse experiments using the new LBO system at DIII-D, and analyze existing ECH heat pulse data. Work supported by DE-FC02-99ER54512, DE-FC02-04ER54698.

  3. La modélisation mathématique éclaire les politiques de prévention ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 avr. 2016 ... Un projet de recherche financé par le CRDI utilise la modélisation mathématique pour influer sur les politiques locales et nationales de réduction de la transmission du VIH en Chine.

  4. Serial evaluation of the MODS, SOFA and LOD scores to predict ICU mortality in mixed critically ill patients. (United States)

    Khwannimit, Bodin


    To perform a serial assessment and compare ability in predicting the intensive care unit (ICU) mortality of the multiple organ dysfunction score (MODS), sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) and logistic organ dysfunction (LOD) score. The data were collected prospectively on consecutive ICU admissions over a 24-month period at a tertiary referral university hospital. The MODS, SOFA, and LOD scores were calculated on initial and repeated every 24 hrs. Two thousand fifty four patients were enrolled in the present study. The maximum and delta-scores of all the organ dysfunction scores correlated with ICU mortality. The maximum score of all models had better ability for predicting ICU mortality than initial or delta score. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for maximum scores was 0.892 for the MODS, 0.907 for the SOFA, and 0.92for the LOD. No statistical difference existed between all maximum scores and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score. Serial assessment of organ dysfunction during the ICU stay is reliable with ICU mortality. The maximum scores is the best discrimination comparable with APACHE II score in predicting ICU mortality.

  5. Flux-driven turbulence GDB simulations of the IWL Alcator C-Mod L-mode edge compared with experiment (United States)

    Francisquez, Manaure; Zhu, Ben; Rogers, Barrett


    Prior to predicting confinement regime transitions in tokamaks one may need an accurate description of L-mode profiles and turbulence properties. These features determine the heat-flux width upon which wall integrity depends, a topic of major interest for research aid to ITER. To this end our work uses the GDB model to simulate the Alcator C-Mod edge and contributes support for its use in studying critical edge phenomena in current and future tokamaks. We carried out 3D electromagnetic flux-driven two-fluid turbulence simulations of inner wall limited (IWL) C-Mod shots spanning closed and open flux surfaces. These simulations are compared with gas puff imaging (GPI) and mirror Langmuir probe (MLP) data, examining global features and statistical properties of turbulent dynamics. GDB reproduces important qualitative aspects of the C-Mod edge regarding global density and temperature profiles, within reasonable margins, and though the turbulence statistics of the simulated turbulence follow similar quantitative trends questions remain about the code's difficulty in exactly predicting quantities like the autocorrelation time A proposed breakpoint in the near SOL pressure and the posited separation between drift and ballooning dynamics it represents are examined This work was supported by DOE-SC-0010508. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC).

  6. Analysis of the General Electric Company swell tests with RELAP4/MOD7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, S.R.; Hendrix, C.E.


    The RELAP4/MOD7 nuclear reactor transient analysis code, presently being developed by EG and G Idaho, Inc., will incorporate several significant improvements over earlier versions of RELAP4. As part of the development of RELAP4/MOD7, a thorough assessment of the capability of the code to simulate water reactor LOCA phenomena is being made. This assessment is accomplished in part by comparing results from code calculations with test data from experimental facilities. Simulations of the General Electric Company (GE) level swell tests were performed as part of the code checkout. In these tests, a pressurized vessel partially filled with nearly saturated water was blown down through a simulated break located near the top of the vessel. Comparison of RELAP4 calculations with data from these experiments indicates that the code has the capability to model the unequal phase velocity flow and resulting density gradients that might occur in a BWR steam line break transient. Comparisons of RELAP4 calculations with data from two level swell experiments are presented

  7. Comparison and Evaluation of Annual NDVI Time Series in China Derived from the NOAA AVHRR LTDR and Terra MODIS MOD13C1 Products. (United States)

    Guo, Xiaoyi; Zhang, Hongyan; Wu, Zhengfang; Zhao, Jianjun; Zhang, Zhengxiang


    Time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from multiple satellite sensors are crucial data to study vegetation dynamics. The Land Long Term Data Record Version 4 (LTDR V4) NDVI dataset was recently released at a 0.05 × 0.05° spatial resolution and daily temporal resolution. In this study, annual NDVI time series that are composited by the LTDR V4 and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) NDVI datasets (MOD13C1) are compared and evaluated for the period from 2001 to 2014 in China. The spatial patterns of the NDVI generally match between the LTDR V4 and MOD13C1 datasets. The transitional zone between high and low NDVI values generally matches the boundary of semi-arid and sub-humid regions. A significant and high coefficient of determination is found between the two datasets according to a pixel-based correlation analysis. The spatially averaged NDVI of LTDR V4 is characterized by a much weaker positive regression slope relative to that of the spatially averaged NDVI of the MOD13C1 dataset because of changes in NOAA AVHRR sensors between 2005 and 2006. The measured NDVI values of LTDR V4 were always higher than that of MOD13C1 in western China due to the relatively lower atmospheric water vapor content in western China, and opposite observation appeared in eastern China. In total, 18.54% of the LTDR V4 NDVI pixels exhibit significant trends, whereas 35.79% of the MOD13C1 NDVI pixels show significant trends. Good agreement is observed between the significant trends of the two datasets in the Northeast Plain, Bohai Economic Rim, Loess Plateau, and Yangtze River Delta. By contrast, the datasets contrasted in northwestern desert regions and southern China. A trend analysis of the regression slope values according to the vegetation type shows good agreement between the LTDR V4 and MOD13C1 datasets. This study demonstrates the spatial and temporal consistencies and discrepancies between the AVHRR LTDR and MODIS MOD13C1 NDVI

  8. Overview of Alcator C-Mod Research (United States)

    White, A. E.


    Alcator C-Mod, a compact (R =0.68m, a =0.21m), high magnetic field, Bt Research spans the topics of core transport and turbulence, RF heating and current drive, pedestal physics, scrape-off layer, divertor and plasma wall interactions. In the last experimental campaign, Super H-mode was explored and featured the highest pedestal pressures ever recorded, pped 90 kPa (90% of ITER target), consistent with EPED predictions. Optimization of naturally ELM-suppressed EDA H-modes accessed the highest volume averaged pressures ever achieved (〈p〉>2 atm), with pped 60 kPa. The SOL heat flux width has been measured at Bpol = 1.25T, confirming the Eich scaling over a broader poloidal field range than before. Multi-channel transport studies focus on the relationship between momentum transport and heat transport with perturbative experiments and new multi-scale gyrokinetic simulation validation techniques were developed. U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FC02-99ER54512.

  9. A Unified Model for Slug Flow Generation Modélisation de la formation des bouchons : vers un modèle stochastique unifié

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernicot M.


    Full Text Available In order to improve the global safety and reliability level of multi-phase production systems and to guarantee their economical efficiency, we need a better understanding and control of hydraulic instabilities observed at the outlet of multi-phase sea-lines. This may be obtained through the development of slug flow stochastic models, which must be able to explain:(a The generation of the various types of slug length distributions which are observed on experimental data sets. (b The evolution of these distributions along the sea-lines up to their outlets, where large hydraulic fluctuations may be dangerous for the treatment installations. Based on experimental as well as theoretical arguments, we present such a model with emphasis on slug generation. We give a detailed theoretical analysis, together with a discussion of the underlying assumptions which justify the introduction of this model. Ce résumé contient des formules (*** qui ne peuvent s'afficher à l'écran. Pour garantir à la fois la sûreté de fonctionnement et la rentabilité des systèmes de production avec transport polyphasique, il est nécessaire de mieux comprendre et maîtriser les phénomènes d'instabilité hydraulique dans les conduites polyphasiques. Ceci suppose la mise au point et l'utilisation de Modèles de Simulation des écoulements portant, non seulement sur l'évolution dans le temps et en tout point de la conduite des valeurs moyennes des diverses variables (cf. le modèle TACITE, mais aussi sur leurs aspects stochastiques en prenant spécialement en compte : - les lois statistiques propres des divers mécanismes fondamentaux de formation des bouchons (distribution des longueurs de bouchons de liquide et de poches de gaz; - l'évolution de ces lois statistiques dans le temps et tout le long de la conduite (et ceci, jusqu'à son extrémité, extrémité dont les caractéristiques intéressent tout spécialement l'opérateur de la conduite. Nous présenterons ici

  10. Assessment of ICARE/CATHARE V1mod1 and V1 applications to full scale studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chatelard, P.; Barre, F.; Mutelle, H.


    The objective initially assigned to the ICARE/CATHARE V1mod1 validation task was to draw a synthesis of the ability of the code to correctly reproduce the main physical processes occurring during severe accidents. Therefore, both the domain in which the ICARE/CATHARE V1mod1 predictions are satisfactory (good confidence level) and, conversely, the identification of the main code deficiencies have to be highlighted. After a brief recall of the validation strategy and the current status of the work, this paper summarizes the main lessons which were drawn by IPSN from the validation activity which was conducted during the last two years (in 2000-2001) in the particular framework of the Users' Club (both IPSN and several foreign partners were involved in this task, under the management of IPSN). (authors)

  11. Testing of Software Routine to Determine Deviate and Cumulative Probability: ModStandardNormal Version 1.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    A.H. Monib


    The purpose of this calculation is to document that the software routine ModStandardNomal Version 1.0 which is a Visual Fortran 5.0 module, provides correct results for a normal distribution up to five significant figures (three significant figures at the function tails) for a specified range of input parameters. The software routine may be used for quality affecting work. Two types of output are generated in ModStandardNomal: a deviate, x, given a cumulative probability, p, between 0 and 1; and a cumulative probability, p, given a deviate, x, between -8 and 8. This calculation supports Performance Assessment, under Technical Product Development Plan, TDP-EBS-MD-000006 (Attachment I, DIRS 3) and is written in accordance with the AP-3.12Q Calculations procedure (Attachment I, DIRS 4)

  12. Evaluation of the RELAP5/MOD3 multidimensional component model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomlinson, E.T.; Rens, T.E.; Coffield, R.D.


    Accurate plenum predictions, which are directly related to the mixing models used, are an important plant modeling consideration because of the consequential impact on basic transient performance calculations for the integrated system. The effect of plenum is a time shift between inlet and outlet temperature changes to the particular volume. Perfect mixing, where the total volume interacts instantaneously with the total inlet flow, does not occur because of effects such as inlet/outlet nozzle jetting, flow stratification, nested vortices within the volume and the general three-dimensional velocity distribution of the flow field. The time lag which exists between the inlet and outlet flows impacts the predicted rate of temperature change experienced by various plant system components and this impacts local component analyses which are affected by the rate of temperature change. This study includes a comparison of two-dimensional plenum mixing predictions using CFD-FLOW3D, RELAP5/MOD3 and perfect mixing models. Three different geometries (flat, square and tall) are assessed for scalar transport times using a wide range of inlet velocity and isothermal conditions. In addition, the three geometries were evaluated for low flow conditions with the inlet flow experiencing a large step temperature decrease. A major conclusion from this study is that the RELAP5/MOD3 multidimensional component model appears to be adequately predicting plenum mixing for a wide range of thermal-hydraulic conditions representative of plant transients

  13. Production of internal transport barriers via self-generated mean flows in Alcator C-Mod

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fiore, C. L.; Ernst, D. R.; Podpaly, Y. A.; Howard, N. T.; Lee, Jungpyo; Reinke, M. L.; Rice, J. E.; Hughes, J. W.; Ma, Y. [MIT-PSFC, 77 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (United States); Mikkelsen, D. [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-0451 (United States); Rowan, W. L.; Bespamyatnov, I. [FRC, U of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 (United States)


    New results suggest that changes observed in the intrinsic toroidal rotation influence the internal transport barrier (ITB) formation in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [E. S. Marmar and Alcator C-Mod group, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 261 (2007)]. These arise when the resonance for ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) minority heating is positioned off-axis at or outside of the plasma half-radius. These ITBs form in a reactor relevant regime, without particle or momentum injection, with Ti Almost-Equal-To Te, and with monotonic q profiles (q{sub min} < 1). C-Mod H-mode plasmas exhibit strong intrinsic co-current rotation that increases with increasing stored energy without external drive. When the resonance position is moved off-axis, the rotation decreases in the center of the plasma resulting in a radial toroidal rotation profile with a central well which deepens and moves farther off-axis when the ICRF resonance location reaches the plasma half-radius. This profile results in strong E Multiplication-Sign B shear (>1.5 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup 5} rad/s) in the region where the ITB foot is observed. Gyrokinetic analyses indicate that this spontaneous shearing rate is comparable to the linear ion temperature gradient (ITG) growth rate at the ITB location and is sufficient to reduce the turbulent particle and energy transport. New and detailed measurement of the ion temperature demonstrates that the radial profile flattens as the ICRF resonance position moves off axis, decreasing the drive for the ITG the instability as well. These results are the first evidence that intrinsic rotation can affect confinement in ITB plasmas.

  14. Le nouveau modèle québécois axé sur la gouvernance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey Roy


    Full Text Available L'article soutient qu'il a bien eu un modèle québécois de développement, mais il est devenu inefficace et remis en question. Ce modèle se distinguait par son interventionniste étatique dynamique et par la constitution d'alliances entre les différents partenaires sociaux. Mais les fondements d'un modèle performant tels que l'étatisme et le nationalisme civique sont devenus empreints de faiblesses et d'insuffisances que l'utilisation du concept de gouvernance permet d'identifier. Le concept se définit comme étant « la coordination efficace de l'ensemble des activités d'une entité socio-économico-politique quand les ressources, le pouvoir et l'information sont vastement distribués ». Malgré l'inefficacité décrite, il est possible de repenser le modèle québécois de développement par la construction des communautés qui s'appuie sur la régionalité et la socialité. Finalement, le renouveau s'appuierait sur une stratégie de-gouvernance pour un meilleur usage de l'intelligence collective et des cités-régions intelligentes.The article supports that it indeed had a Quebecois model of development, but it became ineffective and questioned. This model distinguished itself by his(her dynamic state interventionist and by the constitution of alliances among the various social partners. But the foundations of a successful model such as the state control and the civil nationalism became printed by weaknesses and by incapacities which the use of the concept of governance allows to identify. The concept defines itself as being « the effective coordination of all the activities of an entity « socio-économico-politique » when the resources, the power and the information are distributed spaciously » Meanwhile the described ineffectiveness, it is possible to rethink the Quebecois model of development by the construction of the communities which leans on the regionality and the sociality. Finally, the flourish would lean on a strategy

  15. Forstenende samværsformer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib


    Livet på nettet stormer frem, men vores øvrige samværsformer står i stampe. Social innovation ønskes.......Livet på nettet stormer frem, men vores øvrige samværsformer står i stampe. Social innovation ønskes....

  16. RELAP5/MOD2 models and correlations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimenna, R.A.; Larson, J.R.; Johnson, R.W.; Larson, T.K.; Miller, C.S.; Streit, J.E.; Hanson, R.G.; Kiser, D.M.


    A review of the RELAP5/MOD2 computer code has been performed to assess the basis for the models and correlations comprising the code. The review has included verification of the original data base, including thermodynamic, thermal-hydraulic, and geothermal conditions; simplifying assumptions in implementation or application; and accuracy of implementation compared to documented descriptions of each of the models. An effort has been made to provide the reader with an understanding of what is in the code and why it is there and to provide enough information that an analyst can assess the impact of the correlation or model on the ability of the code to represent the physics of a reactor transient. Where assessment of the implemented versions of the models or correlations has been accomplished and published, the assessment results have been included

  17. Fuld kraft frem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adler-Nissen, Rebecca


    Traktaten har fået et nyt navn, symbolerne er pillet ud, men i substansen er der sket meget få ændringer. Hele forhandlingsforløbet har haft ét formål: at få vedtaget traktaten uden at spørge de europæiske befolkninger....

  18. Se servir de la modélisation pour lutter contre les maladies ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En se fondant sur des données émanant des activités de recherche et de surveillance du National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention de la Chine, l'équipe de recherche s'emploie à concevoir des modèles propres à certaines maladies, en commençant par l'infection au VIH. Après avoir déterminé les différents ...

  19. High Speed Images of Edge Plasmas in NSTX and Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maqueda, R.J.; Grulke, O.; Terry, J.L.; Zweben, S.J.


    This talk will describe the high speed imaging diagnostics on NSTX and Alcator C-Mod and show movies of various edge phenomena, including turbulence during L-modes and H modes, L-H and H-L transitions, effects of MHD activity and ELMs of various types, and wide angle views of the toroidal vs. poloidal structure of these edge '' filaments ''. Issues concerning the interpretation of these images will be discussed. (author)

  20. Lyd som kommunikation. En tværfaglig forskningsoversigt og en dagsorden for medieforskningen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaus Bruhn Jensen


    Full Text Available Lyden har ikke noget videnskabeligt hjem – i modsætning til f.eks. faste og levende billeder, der traditionelt er blevet studeret af henholdsvis kunsthistorien og filmvidenskaben. Denne artikel giver en oversigt over de mange, meget forskellige slags forskning om lyd. Formålet er at stimulere og kvalificere mere medieforskning om lyd. Hovedvægten ligger på lyd som kommunikation i og omkring medierne – som en kilde til mening og en ressource i social og kulturel handling, snarere end på lyd i et teknisk eller akustisk perspektiv (se f.eks. Plomp, 2002. Første del af artiklen gennemgår forskellige humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige tilgange til lydens tre grundformer – tale, musik og soundscapes eller lydmiljøer. Det midterste afsnit diskuterer den tidligere forsknings relevans for forskellige slags medier; artiklen skelner her mellem tre grader af medier. Og artiklens sidste del samler de tværfaglige indsigter i en dagsorden for (meget mere medieforskning om lyd som kommunikation.

  1. Lyd som kommunikation. En tværfaglig forskningsoversigt og en dagsorden for medieforskningen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaus Bruhn Jensen


    Full Text Available Lyden har ikke noget videnskabeligt hjem – i modsætning til f.eks. faste og levende billeder, der traditionelt er blevet studeret af henholdsvis kunsthistorien og filmvidenskaben. Denne artikel giver en oversigt over de mange, meget forskellige slags forskning om lyd. Formålet er at stimulere og kvalificere mere medieforskning om lyd. Hovedvægten ligger på lyd som kommunikation i og omkring medierne – som en kilde til mening og en ressource i social og kulturel handling, snarere end på lyd i et teknisk eller akustisk perspektiv (se f.eks. Plomp, 2002. Første del af artiklen gennemgår forskellige humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige tilgange til lydens tre grundformer – tale, musik og soundscapes eller lydmiljøer. Det midterste afsnit diskuterer den tidligere forsknings relevans for forskellige slags medier; artiklen skelner her mellem tre grader af medier. Og artiklens sidste del samler de tværfaglige indsigter i en dagsorden for (meget mere medieforskning om lyd som kommunikation.

  2. TRAC-BDl/MOD1 post-dryout wall heat transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shumway, R.W.


    A comparison of TRAC-BWR heat transfer package with 766 data points is presented. On the average, TRAC-BWR provides a better prediction of the data compared to any single correlation although there is still a large scatter in TRAC-BWR prediction. Regarding any potential changes in the TRAC-BD1/MOD1 wall heat transfer package, it is concluded that no significant improvement in the film boiling area can be made until data with better measurements are obtained and analyzed. Specifically, data is needed which has a wide range of accurately measured void fractions. Heated tube data is also needed which addresses the countercurrent flow transition conditions

  3. Stationary density profiles in the Alcator C-mod tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kesner, J.; Ernst, D.; Hughes, J.; Mumgaard, R.; Shiraiwa, S.; Whyte, D.; Scott, S.


    In the absence of an internal particle source, plasma turbulence will impose an intrinsic relationship between an inwards pinch and an outwards diffusion resulting in a stationary density profile. The Alcator C-mod tokamak utilizes RF heating and current drive so that fueling only occurs in the vicinity of the separatrix. Discharges that transition from L-mode to I-mode are seen to maintain a self-similar stationary density profile as measured by Thomson scattering. For discharges with negative magnetic shear, an observed rise of the safety factor in the vicinity of the magnetic axis appears to be accompanied by a decrease of electron density, qualitatively consistent with the theoretical expectations.

  4. Utilization of the RELAP4/MOD5/SAS code version in loss of coolant accident in the Angra 1 nuclear power station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabundjian, G.; Freitas, R.L.


    A new version of computer code RELAP4/MOD5 was developed to improve the output. The new version, called RELAP4/MOD5/SAS, prints the main variables in graphical form. In order to check the program, a 36 - volume simulation of the Loss-of-Coolant Accident for Angra - I was performed and the results compared to those of a existing 44 - volume simulation showed a satisfactory agreement with a substantial reduction in computing time. (author)

  5. Edge Minority Heating Experiment in Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zweben, S.J.; Terry, J.L.; Bonoli, P.; Budny, R.; Chang, C.S.; Fiore, C.; Schilling, G.; Wukitch, S.; Hughes, J.; Lin, Y.; Perkins, R.; Porkolab, M.; Alcator C-Mod Team


    An attempt was made to control global plasma confinement in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak by applying ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) power to the plasma edge in order to deliberately create a minority ion tail loss. In theory, an edge fast ion loss could modify the edge electric field and so stabilize the edge turbulence, which might then reduce the H-mode power threshold or improve the H-mode barrier. However, the experimental result was that edge minority heating resulted in no improvement in the edge plasma parameters or global stored energy, at least at power levels of P RF (le) 5.5 MW. A preliminary analysis of these results is presented and some ideas for improvement are discussed

  6. Nonequilibrium constitutive models for RELAP5/MOD2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, J.C.; Trapp, J.A.; Riemke, R.A.; Ransom, V.H.


    RELAP5/MOD2 is a new version of RELAP5 containing improved modeling features that provide a generic pressurized-water transient simulation capability. In particular, the nonequilibrium modeling capability has been generalized to include conditions that occur in operational transients including repressurization and emergency-feed-water injection with loss-of-coolant accidents. The improvements include addition of a second energy equation to the hydrodynamic model, addition of nonequilibrium heat-transfer models, and the associated nonequilibrium vapor-generation models. The objective of this paper is to describe these models and to report the developmental assessment results obtained from similar of several separate effects experiments. The assessment shows that RELAP5 calculated results are in good agreement with data and the nonequilibrium phenomena are properly modeled

  7. La modélisation des réseaux d’habitat en archéologie: trois expériences.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laure Nuninger


    Full Text Available Cet article est le résultat d’une collaboration entre archéologues et géographes utilisant les principes d’un modèle classique d’analyse spatiale, le modèle de gravité, pour formaliser les interactions entre des établissements humains à des époques anciennes (y compris protohistoriques. Trois expériences ont été réunies afin de rendre compte de l’émergence d’une démarche et de son adaptation/enrichissement selon l’époque, l’espace considérés et les hypothèses sur l’organisation des sociétés correspondantes.

  8. Comparison of Measurements and FluorMOD Simulations for Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Reflectance of a Corn Crop under Nitrogen Treatments [SIF and Reflectance for Corn (United States)

    Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Corp, Lawrence A.; Campbell, Petya K. E.


    The FLuorescence Explorer (FLEX) satellite concept is one of six semifinalist mission proposals selected in 2006 for pre-Phase studies by the European Space Agency (ESA). The FLEX concept proposes to measure passive solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) of terrestrial ecosystems. A new spectral vegetation Fluorescence Model (FluorMOD) was developed to include the effects of steady state SIF on canopy reflectance. We used our laboratory and field measurements previously acquired from foliage and canopies of corn (Zea mays L.) under controlled nitrogen (N) fertilization to parameterize and evaluate FluorMOD. Our data included biophysical properties, fluorescence (F) and reflectance spectra for leaves; reflectance spectra of canopies and soil; solar irradiance; plot-level leaf area index; and canopy SIF emissions determined using the Fraunhofer Line Depth principal for the atmospheric telluric oxygen absorption features at 688 nm (O2-beta) and 760 nm (O2-alpha). FluorMOD simulations implemented in the default "look-up-table" mode did not reproduce the observed magnitudes of leaf F, canopy SIF, or canopy reflectance. However, simulations for all of these parameters agreed with observations when the default FluorMOD information was replaced with measurements, although N treatment responses were underestimated. Recommendations were provided to enhance FluorMOD's potential utility in support of SIF field experiments and studies of agriculture and ecosystems.

  9. 50 Modélisation des propriétés diélectriques des nanocomposites ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 Laboratoire de Physique des Solides et des Couches Minces, Faculté des Sciences,. Sémlalia ... renfort (fibres de verre, carbone ou Kevlar,..) ont alors été utilisés ... diélectrique. Par ailleurs, pour modéliser le comportement diélectrique à la.

  10. Music and early man

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jakob


    Anmeldelse af bogen 'The singing Neanderthals', der fremsætter en hypotese om, at Neanderthalernes sprog ikke var semantisk, men overvejende prosodisk og 'musikalsk'......Anmeldelse af bogen 'The singing Neanderthals', der fremsætter en hypotese om, at Neanderthalernes sprog ikke var semantisk, men overvejende prosodisk og 'musikalsk'...

  11. Fra depressiv til tragisk realist

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosengaard, Hans Ulrik


    Med udgangspunkt i Jonathan Franzens essay "Why bother?" og nedslag i forfatterskabets romaner skrives en distinktion frem mellem to former for realisme og sortsyn.......Med udgangspunkt i Jonathan Franzens essay "Why bother?" og nedslag i forfatterskabets romaner skrives en distinktion frem mellem to former for realisme og sortsyn....

  12. A review of analyses of LOFT and semiscale tests made at IDAHO National Engineering Laboratory using RELAP5/MOD1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, P.C.


    Within the LOFT and Semiscale programs at INEL, many post-test analysis calculations have been performed using RELAP5/MOD1. In this report, these calculations are reviewed from the standpoint of assessing the performance of the code. Because the calculations were spread over a number of years, different cycles of RELAP5/MOD1 have been employed. Rather than explicitly assessing several cycles of the code, a more general view has been adopted and an attempt has been made to identify those areas in which the code is systematically successful or alternatively, frequently experiences difficulties. (author)

  13. RELAP5/MOD2 implementation on various mainframes including the IBM and SX-2 supercomputer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeForest, D.L.; Hassan, Y.A.


    The RELAP5/MOD2 (cycle 36.04) code is a one-dimensional, two-fluid, nonequilibrium, nonhomogeneous transient analysis code designed to simulate operational and accident scenarios in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). System models are solved using a semi-implicit finite difference method. The code was developed at EG and G in Idaho Falls under sponsorship of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The major enhancement from RELAP5/MOD1 is the use of a six-equation, two-fluid nonequilibrium and nonhomogeneous model. Other improvements include the addition of a noncondensible gas component and the revision and addition of drag formulation, wall friction, and wall heat transfer. Several test cases were run to benchmark the IBM and SX-2 installations against the CDC computer and the CRAY-2 and CRAY/XMP. These included the Edward's pipe blow-down and two separate reflood cases developed to simulate the FLECHT-SEASET reflood test 31504 and a postcritical heat flux (CHF) test performed at Lehigh University

  14. Vessel coolant mass depletion during a 5% SBLOCA in the Semiscale Mod-2C facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaw, R.A.; Loomis, G.G.


    Experimental results are presented from two 5% small-break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) simulations in the Semiscale Mod-2C facility. In performing the simulated 5% SBLOCAs, boundary conditions scaled from a pressurized water reactor (PWR) were used. The experiment was run with initial conditions typical of a PWR (15.6 MPa pressure and 35 K core differential temperature). The Mod-2C facility represents the state-of-the-art in small facilities scaled from PWRs. Phenomena which occurred during the transient included: primary fluid saturation (change from subcooled to saturated blowdown), break uncovery (a centerline break was simulated), condensation-induced liquid hold-up in the steam generator primary tubes, pump suction liquid seal formation and core level depression with resulting core rod temperature excursion, pump suction liquid seal clearance, loop fluid mass redistribution, and gradual core rewet. The influence of core bypass flow is also discussed. 11 refs., 13 figs

  15. Optimisation de modèles de propagation à partir des données de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    optimisation radio dans les réseaux mobiles. Le présent article présente une étude comparative de cinq méthodes d'optimisation de modèles de propagation à savoir : La régression linéaire, la méthode de Newton de second ordre, le recuit ...

  16. RELAP5/MOD3.3 assessment against MSIV closure events in Krsko NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parzer, I.


    The paper presents RELAP5/MOD3.3 analysis of two abnormal events occurred in Krsko NPP originating from sudden closure of Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV). Both events occurred before the SG replacement in 2000, the first one in September 1995 and the second one in January 1997. Valuable plant data were obtained from real plant transients and the RELAP5 code assessment was performed. Recently the last frozen version RELAP5/MOD3.3 has been released, before merging with another best-estimate thermalhydraulic system code TRAC into an integrated code. It is thus of utmost importance to assess models built in RELAP5 code against real plant transients before the code merger. A full twoloop plant model, developed at Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI), has been used for the analyses. The model includes old Westinghouse D4 type steam generators (SGs) with assumed 18% Utubes plugged in both steam generators. In the first case a malfunction in the MSIV in SG-1 caused inadvertent valve closure, while in the second case the valve stem has been broken in the SG-2, which also caused sudden valve closure.(author)

  17. Three-dimensional equilibria and transport in RFX-mod: A description using stellarator tools

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gobbin, M.; Bonfiglio, D.; Lorenzini, R.; Marrelli, L.; Martin, P.; Martines, E.; Momo, B.; Predebon, I.; Puiatti, M. E.; Spizzo, G.; Terranova, D.; Boozer, A. H.; Cooper, A. W.; Escande, D. F.; Hirshman, S. P.; Lore, J.; Sanchez, R.; Spong, D. A.; Pomphrey, N.


    RFX-mod self-organized single helical axis (SHAx) states provide a unique opportunity to advance 3D fusion physics and establish a common knowledge basis in a parameter region not covered by stellarators and tokamaks. The VMEC code has been adapted to the reversed-field pinch (RFP) to model SHAx equilibria in fixed boundary mode with experimental measurements as constraint. The averaged particle diffusivity over the helical volume, estimated with the Monte Carlo code ORBIT, has a neoclassical-like dependence on collisionality and does not show the 1/ν trend of un-optimized stellarators. In particular, the helical region boundary, corresponding to an electron transport barrier with zero magnetic shear and improved confinement, has been investigated using numerical codes common to the stellarator community. In fact, the DKES/PENTA codes have been applied to RFP for local neoclassical transport computations, including radial electric field, to estimate thermal diffusion coefficients in the barrier region for typical RFX-mod temperature and density profiles. A comparison with power balance estimates shows that residual chaos due to secondary tearing modes and small-scale turbulence still contribute to drive anomalous transport in the barrier region.

  18. Design of a New Optical System for Alcator C-Mod Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, Jinseok; Scott, Steve; Bitter, Manfred; Lerner, Scott


    The motional Stark effect (MSE) diagnostic on Alcator C-Mod uses an in-vessel optical system (five lenses and three mirrors) to relay polarized light to an external polarimeter because port access limitations on Alcator C-Mod preclude a direct view of the diagnostic beam. The system experiences unacceptable, spurious drifts of order several degrees in measured pitch angle over the course of a run day. Recent experiments illuminated the MSE diagnostic with polarized light of fixed orientation as heat was applied to various optical elements. A large change in measured angle was observed as two particular lenses were heated, indicating that thermal-stress-induced birefringence is a likely cause of the spurious variability. Several new optical designs have been evaluated to eliminate the affected in-vessel lenses and to replace the focusing they provide with curved mirrors; however, ray tracing calculations imply that this method is not feasible. A new approach is under consideration that utilizes in situ calibrations with in-vessel reference polarized light sources. 2008 American Institute of Physics.

  19. Control of substrate oxidation in MOD cerawwwmic coating on low-activation ferritic steel with reduced-pressure atmosphere (United States)

    Tanaka, Teruya; Muroga, Takeo


    An Er2O3 ceramic coating fabricated using the metal-organic decomposition (MOD) method on a Cr2O3-covered low-activation ferritic steel JLF-1 substrate was examined to improve hydrogen permeation barrier performance of the coating. The Cr2O3 layer was obtained before coating by heat treating the substrate at 700 °C under reduced pressures of baking. Preprocessing to obtain a Cr2O3 layer would provide flexibility in the coating process for blanket components and ducts. Moreover, the Cr2O3 layer suppressed hydrogen permeation through the JLF-1 substrate. While further optimization of the coating fabrication process is required, it would be possible to suppress hydrogen permeation significantly by multilayers of Cr2O3 and MOD oxide ceramic.

  20. Risøs treårsplan 2000-2002. Rullende 3-årsplan med hovedlinier for året 2000 og perspektiver for årene 2001 og 2002

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forskningscenter Risø, Roskilde


    Denne treårsplan fastlægger rammerne for Forskningscenter Risøs virksomhed i perioden 2000 - 2002. Risø hører under Forskningsministeriet og driver naturvidenskabelig og teknisk-videnskabelig forskning med det formål at skabe nye udviklingsmuligheder forerhvervsliv og samfund rettet mod anvendels...

  1. Risøs treårsplan 1999-2001. Rullende 3-årsplan med hovedlinier for året 1999 og perspektiver for årene 2000 og 2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forskningscenter Risø, Roskilde


    Denne treårsplan fastlægger rammerne for Forskningscenter Risøs virksomhed i perioden 1999-2001. Risø hører under Forskningsministeriet og driver naturvidenskabelig og teknisk-videnskabelig forskning med det formål at skabe nye udviklingsmuligheder forerhvervsliv og samfund rettet mod anvendelse ...

  2. ModFossa: A library for modeling ion channels using Python. (United States)

    Ferneyhough, Gareth B; Thibealut, Corey M; Dascalu, Sergiu M; Harris, Frederick C


    The creation and simulation of ion channel models using continuous-time Markov processes is a powerful and well-used tool in the field of electrophysiology and ion channel research. While several software packages exist for the purpose of ion channel modeling, most are GUI based, and none are available as a Python library. In an attempt to provide an easy-to-use, yet powerful Markov model-based ion channel simulator, we have developed ModFossa, a Python library supporting easy model creation and stimulus definition, complete with a fast numerical solver, and attractive vector graphics plotting.

  3. Modélisation environnementale de l'estuaire de la Seine


    Bacq, Nicolas; Cugier, Philippe; Grasso, Florent; Le Gendre, Romain; Le Hir, Pierre; Lemoine, Jean-philippe; Riou, Philippe; Schulz, Elisabeth; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Verney, Romaric


    Dans le cadre du programme de recherche Seine-Aval 5, différentes stratégies de modélisation numérique sont mises en place pour aider à répondre aux questionnements scientifiques et sociétaux associés au fonctionnement physique, biologique, chimique et écologique de l'estuaire de la Seine (ex. projets RESET et HYMOSED). Les forçages météo-marins (vent, vague, marée) et hydrologique (débit) contrôlent le fonctionnement hydro-morpho-sédimentaire et biogéochimique de l'estuaire, modifiant ainsi ...

  4. Les adakites d'Equateur : modèle préliminaire


    Monzier, Michel; Robin, Claude; Hall, M.L.; Cotten, J.; Mothes, P.; Eissen, Jean-Philippe; Samaniego, P.


    L'ensemble des roches de 12 volcans quaternaires des Andes équatoriennes (286 analyses nouvelles) présente une signature adakitique, plus ou moins forte selon les appareils. Cette signature proviendrait de la fusion partielle de matériaux basaltiques métamorphisés de la croûte continentale (MORB et/ou basaltes d'arc) sous l'action des remontées magmatiques d'origine mantellique. Un modèle pétrogénétique préliminaire est proposé, qui explique les grands traits d'ensemble de la géochimie des vo...

  5. Edge Thomson scattering on RFX-mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfier, A.; Pasqualotto, R.


    Electron temperature and density profiles of the RFX-mod experiment are characterized by edge gradients typically steeper than the flatter central region. The main Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic which measures 84-point profiles along a diameter is mainly devoted to cover the core region. A second TS system has been developed to measure 12-point profiles in the external region 0.8< r/a<1, with a spatial resolution of 1 cm. It uses a single shot ruby laser. Input and collection optics share the same vacuum port and they are mounted on one optical bench, which allows offline aligning the system before connecting it to the vessel. The scattered signal is collected by a row of 12 fibers, while 4 fibers on the sides are used to check the alignment and measure the plasma light. The fibers, arranged in a 4x4 pattern, are fed into a four channel filter spectrometer and the spectrum is detected by a GaAs intensified charge-coupled device camera. The filters are arranged in a zigzag geometry, such that only one detector is needed

  6. Neutral particle dynamics in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niemczewski, Artur P. [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    This thesis presents an experimental study of neutral particle dynamics in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. The primary diagnostic used is a set of six neutral pressure gauges, including special-purpose gauges built for in situ tokamak operation. While a low main chamber neutral pressure coincides with high plasma confinement regimes, high divertor pressure is required for heat and particle flux dispersion in future devices such as ITER. Thus we examine conditions that optimize divertor compression, defined here as a divertor-to-midplane pressure ratio. We find both pressures depend primarily on the edge plasma regimes defined by the scrape-off-layer heat transport. While the maximum divertor pressure is achieved at high core plasma densities corresponding to the detached divertor state, the maximum compression is achieved in the high-recycling regime. Variations in the divertor geometry have a weaker effect on the neutral pressures. For otherwise similar plasmas the divertor pressure and compression are maximum when the strike point is at the bottom of the vertical target plate. We introduce a simple flux balance model, which allows us to explain the divertor neutral pressure across a wide range of plasma densities. In particular, high pressure sustained in the detached divertor (despite a considerable drop in the recycling source) can be explained by scattering of neutrals off the cold plasma plugging the divertor throat. Because neutrals are confined in the divertor through scattering and ionization processes (provided the mean-free-paths are much shorter than a typical escape distance) tight mechanical baffling is unnecessary. The analysis suggests that two simple structural modifications may increase the divertor compression in Alcator C-Mod by a factor of about 5. Widening the divertor throat would increase the divertor recycling source, while closing leaks in the divertor structure would eliminate a significant neutral loss mechanism.

  7. High performance discharges and capabilities in Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porkolab, M.


    Alcator C-Mod is a compact, diverted, shaped, high magnetic field (B = 9 T) tokamak operating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plasma Fusion Center. The machine interior is all metallic, and the walls and divertor region are covered with molybdenum tiles. The vacuum vessel is a continuous, thick wall stainless steel construction, prototypical of future fusion devices (e.g., ITER). Typical discharge cleaning utilizes ECDC, or electron-cyclotron discharge cleaning, in the steady state at low magnetic field (0.0875 T). While its dimensions are compact (R = 0.67 m, a = 0.22 m, K = 1.8), C-Mod is designed to operate up to 2.5 MA at 9.0 T magnetic field. To present date the machine has operated at currents up to 1.5 MA at B = 5.3 T, and magnetic fields up to 8.0 T at I p = 1.2 MA. Due to the high current density, line average densities of 4.0 x 10 20 m -3 are obtained with gas fueling, and peak densities in excess of 1.0 x 10 21 m -3 have been obtained with pellet fueling. Typical pulse lengths are up to 2.0 seconds, with a flat-top of typically 1.0 sec. Presently the device is equipped with 4.0 MW of ICRF heating power operating at 80 MHz, but this capability is being upgraded to 8.0 MW with the addition of 4.0 MW of tunable ICRF power operating at 40.80 MHz. A 20 pellet/pulse deuterium injector is operational, and a 4 pellet Li injector is also operational. To reduce the influx of metallic impurities during high power operation, recently boronization of the machine interior was begun prior to plasma discharges, this allowed plasma operation with full auxiliary power capability without excessive radiative power losses from the plasma core. 7 refs

  8. Neutral particle dynamics in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niemczewski, A.P.


    This thesis presents an experimental study of neutral particle dynamics in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. The primary diagnostic used is a set of six neutral pressure gauges, including special-purpose gauges built for in situ tokamak operation. While a low main chamber neutral pressure coincides with high plasma confinement regimes, high divertor pressure is required for heat and particle flux dispersion in future devices such as ITER. Thus we examine conditions that optimize divertor compression, defined here as a divertor-to-midplane pressure ratio. We find both pressures depend primarily on the edge plasma regimes defined by the scrape-off-layer heat transport. While the maximum divertor pressure is achieved at high core plasma densities corresponding to the detached divertor state, the maximum compression is achieved in the high-recycling regime. Variations in the divertor geometry have a weaker effect on the neutral pressures. For otherwise similar plasmas the divertor pressure and compression are maximum when the strike point is at the bottom of the vertical target plate. We introduce a simple flux balance model, which allows us to explain the divertor neutral pressure across a wide range of plasma densities. In particular, high pressure sustained in the detached divertor (despite a considerable drop in the recycling source) can be explained by scattering of neutrals off the cold plasma plugging the divertor throat. Because neutrals are confined in the divertor through scattering and ionization processes (provided the mean-free-paths are much shorter than a typical escape distance) tight mechanical baffling is unnecessary. The analysis suggests that two simple structural modifications may increase the divertor compression in Alcator C-Mod by a factor of about 5. Widening the divertor throat would increase the divertor recycling source, while closing leaks in the divertor structure would eliminate a significant neutral loss mechanism. 146 refs., 82 figs., 14 tabs

  9. Evaluation of fuel-temperature feedback mechanisms in TRAC-PF1/MOD2/NESTLE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knepper, Paula L.; Feltus, Madeline; Hochreiter, L.E.; Ivanov, Kostadin


    Coupled spatial kinetics and thermal-hydraulics system codes provide a means to model transient nuclear reactor behavior more accurately. Transients marked by strong perturbations, both with thermal-hydraulics and neutronics, such as a control-rod ejection or a main steam-line break, are especially of interest. It is now feasible to model complex reactor behavior with a coupled thermal-hydraulics and spatial kinetics code that provides a means to forecast safety margins. Recently, the Transient Reactor Analysis Code (TRAC)-PF1/MOD2, Version 5.4.25, was coupled with the NESTLE code. This coupled code (TRAC-PF1/MOD2/NESTLE) is used to examine effective fuel-temperature models. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) rod-ejection benchmark was analyzed to evaluate the influence of effective fuel temperature. The rod-ejection transient tests only the fuel-rod, heat-conduction coupling. The coolant thermal-hydraulic coupling is not tested because of the speed of the transient. The neutronics solution changes extremely rapidly, whereas the convective heat transfer at the fuel surface requires more time to influence the coolant temperature of the system. The need to model the response of the system coolant temperature is not crucial in this analysis. The influence of the effective fuel temperature is the key component of this study. Various models were examined using the coupled code to calculate effective fuel temperatures. The influence of different, effective fuel-temperature models on the coupled-code results is studied. Three effective fuel-temperature models are examined: (l) volume average effective fuel temperature, (2) the effective fuel-temperature model suggested by the Office of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) rod-ejection benchmark, and (3) the NESTLE effective fuel-temperature model. A discussion is provided describing the effective fuel-temperature models examined in TRAC-PF1/MOD2/NESTLE and the influence of effective fuel temperature in

  10. Validation of one-dimensional module of MARS 2.1 computer code by comparison with the RELAP5/MOD3.3 developmental assessment results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Y. J.; Bae, S. W.; Chung, B. D.


    This report records the results of the code validation for the one-dimensional module of the MARS 2.1 thermal hydraulics analysis code by means of result-comparison with the RELAP5/MOD3.3 computer code. For the validation calculations, simulations of the RELAP5 code development assessment problem, which consists of 22 simulation problems in 3 categories, have been selected. The results of the 3 categories of simulations demonstrate that the one-dimensional module of the MARS 2.1 code and the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code are essentially the same code. This is expected as the two codes have basically the same set of field equations, constitutive equations and main thermal hydraulic models. The results suggests that the high level of code validity of the RELAP5/MOD3.3 can be directly applied to the MARS one-dimensional module

  11. Mod-ϕ convergence normality zones and precise deviations

    CERN Document Server

    Féray, Valentin; Nikeghbali, Ashkan


    The canonical way to establish the central limit theorem for i.i.d. random variables is to use characteristic functions and Lévy’s continuity theorem. This monograph focuses on this characteristic function approach and presents a renormalization theory called mod-ϕ convergence. This type of convergence is a relatively new concept with many deep ramifications, and has not previously been published in a single accessible volume. The authors construct an extremely flexible framework using this concept in order to study limit theorems and large deviations for a number of probabilistic models related to classical probability, combinatorics, non-commutative random variables, as well as geometric and number-theoretical objects. Intended for researchers in probability theory, the text is carefully well-written and well-structured, containing a great amount of detail and interesting examples. .

  12. Self-similar current decay experiment in RFX-mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanca, Paolo


    The self-similar current decay (SSCD) has been suggested as a promising operation for reversed field pinch devices by numerical simulations, which show a decrease in modes amplitude and stochasticity when the magnetic field is forced to decay at a suitable rate at a fixed radial profile (Nebel et al 2002 Phys. Plasmas 9 4968). The first experimental test of SSCD has recently been performed in RFX-mod. An initial fast decrease in the mode amplitudes (about 40% of the initial value) is observed. After that, a regime characterized by transient states close to the single-helicity condition (Cappello and Paccagnella 1992 Phys. Fluids B 4 611, Finn et al 1992 Phys. Fluids B 4 1262) is established. This brings about a 50% increase in the global confinement parameters

  13. Freud, Maslow og Motivation


    Nyhus, Allan; Glarøe, Ditte; SteenBrand, Kim; Møller, Maria; Drumm, Kristian; Hørbo, Mie


    Hvorledes er det muligt at motivere medarbejdere ud fra et Freud/Maslow perspektiv? Teoretisk projekt uden inddragelse af empiri. Hvorledes er det muligt at motivere medarbejdere ud fra et Freud/Maslow perspektiv? Teoretisk projekt uden inddragelse af empiri.

  14. Un modèle cognitif computationnel de représentation de la connaissance au sein des environnements virtuels d’apprentissage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehdi Najjar


    Full Text Available Dans le cadre de la représentation des connaissances au sein des environnements virtuels d’apprentissage (EVA et du fait de la nature relationnelle et structurée de ces connaissances, leur exploitation nécessite de faire appel à des processus d’analyse capables de traiter et de manipuler un grand volume de données structurées. Dans ce sens, un modèle de représentation trouve sa pleine utilité pour la recherche et le traitement automatique d’information guidant le raisonnement, le diagnostic et la prédiction d’un système tuteur dont la tâche est de fournir des suggestions, des exemples et des explications bien adaptés à chaque apprenant. Nous présentons dans cet article un modèle pour représenter la connaissance du domaine et celle des usagers utilisant des EVA. Le modèle s’inspire des recherches en intelligence artificielle sur la modélisation computationnelle et des théories de la psychologie cognitive qui expliquent l’activité cognitive humaine en termes de sous-systèmes de la mémoire et de leurs processus. Ces sous-systèmes (implémentés dans un EVA, parce qu’ils sont similaires à ceux utilisés par l’apprenant, facilitent, d’une part, l’identification de la connaissance acquise correcte ou erronée, et suggèrent, d’autre part, la planification d’une séquence d’activités pédagogiques pour améliorer de manière significative le niveau cognitif de cet apprenant.

  15. Design and operating experience on the U.S. Department of Energy Experimental Mod-O 100 kW Wind Turbine (United States)

    Glasgow, J. C.; Birchenough, A. G.


    The Mod-O 100 kW Experimental Wind Turbine was designed and fabricated by NASA, as part of the Federal Wind Energy Program, to assess technology requirements and engineering problems of large wind turbines. The machine became operational in October 1975 and has demonstrated successful operation in all of its design modes. During the course of its operations the machine has generated a wealth of experimental data and has served as a prototype developmental test bed for the Mod-OA operational wind turbines which are currently used on utility networks. This paper describes the mechanical and control systems as they evolved in operational tests and describes some of the experience with various systems in the downwind rotor configuration.

  16. Transient simulation of ALWR passive safety systems using RELAP5/MOD2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elias, E.; Nekhamkin, Y.; Arshavski, I.


    Numerical simulation is presented of some passive safety systems currently incorporated in the design of the next generation advanced light water reactors (ALWRs). The performance and effectiveness of ex-core natural convection cooling and the concept of gravity driven water injection at high pressure are investigated using the RELAP5/MOD2 thermal-hydraulic code. The study identifies areas that should be investigated more fully in future experimental programs related to hypothetical large and small LOCA in ALWRs. (author)

  17. Assessment of Human Bio-Behavior During Gait Process Using LifeMOD Software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Rogozea


    Full Text Available In this paper we present a set of observations concerning the
    analysis and assessment of human bio-behavior during gait process. In the first part of the paper the fundamental and theoretical considerations of the gait process are approached and aspects connected to malfunctions are expressed. In the second part of the paper we present the modeling methodology using
    the LifeMOD software, while in the third part the results and conclusions are presented.

  18. Evaluation of piping heat transfer, piping flow regimes, and steam generator heat transfer for the Semiscale Mod-1 isothermal tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    French, R.T.


    Selected experimental data pertinent to piping heat transfer, transient fluid flow regimes, and steam generator heat transfer obtained during the Semiscale Mod-1 isothermal blowdown test series (Test Series 1) are analyzed. The tests in this first test series were designed to provide counterparts to the LOFT nonnuclear experiments. The data from the Semiscale Mod-1 intact and broken loop piping are evaluated to determine the surface heat flux and average heat transfer coefficients effective during the blowdown transient and compared with well known heat transfer correlations used in the RELAP4 computer program. Flow regimes in horizontal pipe sections are calculated and compared with data obtained from horizontal and vertical densitometers and with an existing steady state flow map. Effects of steam generator heat transfer are evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The Semiscale Mod-1 data and the analysis presented in this report are valuable for evaluating the adequacy and improving the predictive capability of analytical models developed to predict system response to piping heat transfer, piping flow regimes, and steam generator heat transfer during a postulated loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). 16 references. (auth)

  19. Design and initial testing of a one-bladed 30-meter-diameter rotor on the NASA/DOE mod-O wind turbine (United States)

    Corrigan, R. D.; Ensworth, C. B. F.


    The concept of a one-bladed horizontal-axis wind turbine has been of interest to wind turbine designers for many years. Many designs and economic analyses of one-bladed wind turbines have been undertaken by both United States and European wind energy groups. The analyses indicate significant economic advantages but at the same time, significant dynamic response concerns. In an effort to develop a broad data base on wind turbine design and operations, the NASA Wind Energy Project Office has tested a one-bladed rotor at the NASA/DOE Mod-O Wind Turbine Facility. This is the only known test on an intermediate-sized one-bladed rotor in the United States. The 15.2-meter-radius rotor consists of a tip-controlled blade and a counterweight assembly. A rigorous test series was conducted in the Fall of 1985 to collect data on rotor performance, drive train/generator dynamics, structural dynamics, and structural loads. This report includes background information on one-bladed rotor concepts, and Mod-O one-bladed rotor test configuration, supporting design analysis, the Mod-O one-blade rotor test plan, and preliminary test results.

  20. En af anarkister tilberedt sardindåse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thing, Morten


    Henrik Pontoppidan bruger 'det jødiske' som tema i sit forfatterskab, især i Lykke-Per, til at gestalte 'det moderne' som noget fremmed.......Henrik Pontoppidan bruger 'det jødiske' som tema i sit forfatterskab, især i Lykke-Per, til at gestalte 'det moderne' som noget fremmed....

  1. Experimental/theoretical comparisons of the turbulence in the scrape-off-layers of Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and NSTX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terry, J.L. . E-mail :; Zweben, S.J.; Rudakov, D.L.


    The intermittent turbulent transport in the scrape-off-layers of Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and NSTX is studied experimentally. On DIII-D the fluctuations of both density and temperature have strongly non-Gaussian statistics, and events with amplitudes above 10 times the mean level are responsible for large fractions of the net particle and heat transport, indicating the importance of turbulence on the transport. In C-Mod and NSTX the turbulence is imaged with a very high density of spatial measurements. The 2-D structure and dynamics of emission from a localized gas puff are observed, and intermittent features (also sometimes called 'blobs') are typically seen. On DIII-D the turbulence is imaged using BES and similar intermittent features are seen. The dynamics of these intermittent features are discussed. The experimental observations are compared with numerical simulations of edge turbulence. The electromagnetic turbulence in a 3-D geometry is computed using non-linear plasma fluid equations. The wavenumber spectra in the poloidal dimension of the simulations are in reasonable agreement with those of the C-Mod experimental images once the response of the optical system is accounted for. The resistive ballooning mode is the dominant linear instability in the simulations. (author)

  2. Boundary plasma heat flux width measurements for poloidal magnetic fields above 1 Tesla in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak (United States)

    Brunner, Dan; Labombard, Brian; Kuang, Adam; Terry, Jim; Alcator C-Mod Team


    The boundary heat flux width, along with the total power flowing into the boundary, sets the power exhaust challenge for tokamaks. A multi-machine boundary heat flux width database found that the heat flux width in H-modes scaled inversely with poloidal magnetic field (Bp) and was independent of machine size. The maximum Bp in the database was 0.8 T, whereas the ITER 15 MA, Q =10 scenario will be 1.2 T. New measurements of the boundary heat flux width in Alcator C-Mod extend the international database to plasmas with Bp up to 1.3 T. C-Mod was the only experiment able to operate at ITER-level Bp. These new measurements are from over 300 plasma shots in L-, I-, and EDA H-modes spanning essentially the whole operating space in C-Mod. We find that the inverse-Bp dependence of the heat flux width in H-modes continues to ITER-level Bp, further reinforcing the empirical projection of 500 μm heat flux width for ITER. We find 50% scatter around the inverse-Bp scaling and are searching for the `hidden variables' causing this scatter. Supported by USDoE award DE-FC02-99ER54512.

  3. Analysis of loss of normal feedwater transient using RELAP5/MOD1/NSC; KNU1 plant simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hho Jung; Chung, Bub Dong; Lee, Young Jin; Kim, Jin Soo


    Simulation of the system thermal-hydraulic parameters was carried out following the KNU1(Korea Nuclear Unit-1) loss of normal feedwater transient sequence occurred on november 14, 1984. Results were compared with the plant transient data, and good agreements were obtained. Some deviations were found in the parameters such as the steam flowrate and the RCS(Reactor Coolant System) average temperature, around the time of reactor trip. It can be expected since the thermal-hydraulic parameters encounter rapid transitions due to the large reduction of the reactor thermal power in a short period of time and, thereby, the plant data involve transient uncertainties. The analysis was performed using the RELAP5/MOD1/NSC developed through some modifications of the interphase drag and the wall heat transfer modeling routines of the RELAP5/MOD1/CY018. (Author)

  4. Utilisation d'un modèle distribué sur un petit bassin versant de savane (Booro-Borotou, Côte d'Ivoire)


    Chevallier, Pierre; Girard, Georges


    Le programme Hyperbav a pour cadre un petit bassin versant du Nord-Ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire. Sur une superficie de 136 hectares des observations fines ont été conduites de 1984 à 1988 sur toutes les grandeurs intéressant le fonctionnement hydrique (hydrologie, climatologie, pédologie, hydrogéologie, botanique, agronomie). Il est intéressant de tenter d'intégrer ces informnations dans une représentation modéliste des échanges hydriques superficiels et internes. Le "modèle couplé" développé co...

  5. Får fagbevægelsen et nyt flagskib?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Henning; Høgedahl, Laust Kristian


    LO og FTF beslutter den 13.4.2018, om de vil fusionere. Strategiske hensyn og perspektiver for fusion ridses op......LO og FTF beslutter den 13.4.2018, om de vil fusionere. Strategiske hensyn og perspektiver for fusion ridses op...

  6. TRAC-PF1/MOD1 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liles, D.R.; Mahaffy, J.H.


    The TRAC-P1 program was designed primarily for the analysis of large-break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs) in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). Because of its versatility, however, it can be applied directly to many analyses ranging from blowdowns in simple pipes to integral LOCA tests in multiloop facilities. A refined version, called TRAC-P1A, was released to the National Energy Software Center (NESC) in March 1979. Although it still treats the same class of problems, TRAC-P1A is more efficient than TRAC-P1 and incorporates improved hydrodynamic and heat-transfer models. It also is easier to implement on various computers. TRAC-PD2 contains improved reflood and heat-transfer models and improvements in the numerical solution methods. Although a large LOCA code, it has been applied successfully to small-break problems and to the Three Mile Island incident. Distinguishing characteristics of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 are summarized

  7. TRAC-PF1/MOD1 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liles, D.R.; Mahaffy, J.H.


    TRAC-PF1 was designed to improve the ability of TRAC-PD2 to handle small-break LOCAs and other transients. TRAC-PF1 has all of the major improvements of TRAC-PD2 but, in addition, uses a full two-fluid model with two-step numerics in the one-dimensional components. The two-fluid model, in conjunction with a stratified-flow regime, handles countercurrent flow better than the drift-flux model previously used. The two-step numerics allow large time steps to be taken for slow transients. TRAC-PF1/MOD1 was designed to provide full balance-of-plant modeling capabilities. This required addition of a general capability for modeling plant control systems. The steam generator model was replaced to allow a wider variety of feedwater connections and better modeling of steam tube ruptures. A special turbine component also has been added, but new components were not required for adequate modeling of condensors, heaters, and pumps in the secondary system

  8. Watershed Modeling Applications with the Open-Access Modular Distributed Watershed Educational Toolbox (MOD-WET) and Introductory Hydrology Textbook (United States)

    Huning, L. S.; Margulis, S. A.


    Traditionally, introductory hydrology courses focus on hydrologic processes as independent or semi-independent concepts that are ultimately integrated into a watershed model near the end of the term. When an "off-the-shelf" watershed model is introduced in the curriculum, this approach can result in a potential disconnect between process-based hydrology and the inherent interconnectivity of processes within the water cycle. In order to curb this and reduce the learning curve associated with applying hydrologic concepts to complex real-world problems, we developed the open-access Modular Distributed Watershed Educational Toolbox (MOD-WET). The user-friendly, MATLAB-based toolbox contains the same physical equations for hydrological processes (i.e. precipitation, snow, radiation, evaporation, unsaturated flow, infiltration, groundwater, and runoff) that are presented in the companion e-textbook ( and taught in the classroom. The modular toolbox functions can be used by students to study individual hydrologic processes. These functions are integrated together to form a simple spatially-distributed watershed model, which reinforces a holistic understanding of how hydrologic processes are interconnected and modeled. Therefore when watershed modeling is introduced, students are already familiar with the fundamental building blocks that have been unified in the MOD-WET model. Extensive effort has been placed on the development of a highly modular and well-documented code that can be run on a personal computer within the commonly-used MATLAB environment. MOD-WET was designed to: 1) increase the qualitative and quantitative understanding of hydrological processes at the basin-scale and demonstrate how they vary with watershed properties, 2) emphasize applications of hydrologic concepts rather than computer programming, 3) elucidate the underlying physical processes that can often be obscured with a complicated

  9. CONTEMPT4/MOD6: a multicompartment containment system analysis program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, C.C.; Economos, C.; Lehner, J.R.; Maise, G.


    CONTEMPT4/MOD6 is a digital computer program that describes the response of multicompartment containment system subjected to postulated loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) conditions. The program is written in FORTRAN IV and can accomodate both pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) containment systems. Also, both design basis accident (DBA) and degraded core type LOCA conditions can be analyzed. The program calculates the time variation of compartment pressures, temperatures and mass and energy inventories due to intercompartment mass and energy exchange taking into account user supplied descriptions of compartments, intercompartment junction flow areas, LOCA source terms and user selected problem features. Analytical models available to describe containment systems include models for containment fans and pumps, cooling sprays, heat conducting structures, sump drains, PWR ice condensers and BWR pressure suppression systems. To accommodate degraded core type accidents, analytical models for hydrogen and carbon monoxide combustion within compartments and energy transfer due to gas radiation are also provided. Dynamic storage allocation (DSA) is used to limit the amount of computer core used for each problem. The flexibility needed to more realistically model the complexity of prototypical containments is provided by the multicompartment capability (up to 999 individual compartments) and generalized user oriented input data descriptions. The program employs an implicit algorithm to compute junction flow when numerically induced flow oscillations are encountered. This capability provides significant reduction of computer run time relative to previous codes in the CONTEMPT series. Descriptions of these analytical models are presented, together with input instructions for the CONTEMPT4/MOD6 program and sample problem results. 23 refs., 62 figs

  10. R vinder terræn forud for kommunalvalget

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Søren Risbjerg


    KOMMUNALVALG: S går tilbage og R frem i den nyeste prognose for kommunalvalget i november. Men SF står stadig som den store vinder.......KOMMUNALVALG: S går tilbage og R frem i den nyeste prognose for kommunalvalget i november. Men SF står stadig som den store vinder....

  11. RELAP5/MOD2 code assessment using a LOFT L2-3 loss of coolant experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bang, Young Seok; Chung, Bub Dong; Kim, Hho Jung


    The LOFT LOCE L2-3 was simulated using the RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.04 code to assess its capability in predicting the thermal-hydraulic phenomena in LBLOCA of the PWR. The reactor vessel was simulated with two core channels and split downcomer modeling for a base case calculation using the frozen code. The result of the base calculation showed that the code predicted the hydraulic behavior, and the blowdown thermal response at high power region of the core in a reasonable range and that the code had deficiencies in the critical flow model during subcooled-two-phase transition period, in the CHF correlation at high mass flux and in the blowdown rewet criteria. An overprediction of coolant inventory due to the deficiencies yielded the poor prediction of reflood thermal response. A Sensitivity calculation with an updated version from RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.04 improved the prediction of the rewet phenomena

  12. A containment convective loop analysis using the RELAP5-Mod 3.2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ventura, M.


    The present study was performed to verify the RELAP5-Mod 3.2 code capability to calculate convection phenomena of the type occurring in a convective loop. A simplified geometrical model of a reactor containment system was used. The parametric studies were made for the main variables which govern material transport in the volume junctions considered. The results obtained and that got using the same model with the CONTAIN code, were compared. The comparison is satisfactory. (author). 3 refs., 11 figs

  13. Validation of CATHENA MOD-3.5/Rev0 for single-phase water hammer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beuthe, T.G.


    This paper describes work performed to validate the system thermalhydraulics code CATHENA MOD-3.5c/Rev0 for single-phase water hammer. Simulations were performed and are compared quantitatively against numerical tests and experimental results from the Seven Sisters Water Hammer Facility to demonstrate CATHENA can predict the creation and propagation of pressure waves when valves are opened and closed. Simulations were also performed to show CATHENA can model the behaviour of reflected and transmitted pressure waves at area changes, dead ends, tanks, boundary conditions, and orifices in simple and more complex piping systems. The CATHENA results are shown to calculate pressure and wave propagation speeds to within 0.2% and 0.5% respectively for numerical tests and within 3.3% and 5% for experimental results respectively. These results are used to help validate CATHENA for use in single-phase water hammer analysis. They also provide assurance that the fundamental parameters needed to successfully model more complex forms of water hammer are accounted for in the MOD-3.5c/Rev0 version of CATHENA, and represent the first step in the process to validate the code for use in modelling two-phase water hammer and condensation-induced water hammer. (author)

  14. FUDA MOD-2: a computer program for simulation the performance of fuel element validation exercise

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chouhan, S.K.; Tripathi, R.M.; Prasad, P.N.; Chauhan, Ashok


    The PHWR fuel element performance is evaluated using the fuel analysis computer code FUDA MOD2. It is specifically written for performance simulation of UO 2 fuel pellet, located in zirconium alloy sheath operating under coolant pressure. For specific element power histories, the code investigates the variables and their interactions that govern fuel element performance. The input data requires pellet dimensions, element dimensions, sheath properties, heat transfer data, thermal hydraulic parameters of coolant, the inner filler gas composition, flux gradient and linear heat ratings (LHR) at different burn up. The output data generated by the code are radial temperature profile of fuel and sheath, fuel sheath-gap heat transfer coefficient, fission gas generated and released, fission gas pressure, sheath stress and strain for different burn-up zones. The code has been verified against literature data and post irradiation examinations carried out. It is also bench marked against various international fuel element simulation programmes available with water cooled reactors operating countries. The present paper describes the FUDA MOD2 code verification studies carried out using the literature data and post irradiation examination data. (author)

  15. Influence of boronization on operation with high-Z plasma facing components in Alcator C-Mod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipschultz, B.; Lin, Y.; Marmar, E.S.; Whyte, D.G.; Wukitch, S.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Irby, J.; LaBombard, B.; Reinke, M.L.; Terry, J.L.; Wright, G.


    We report the results of operation of Alcator C-Mod with all high-Z molybdenum plasma facing component (PFC) surfaces. Without boron-coated PFCs energy confinement was poor (H ITER,89 ∼ 1) due to high core molybdenum (n Mo /n e ≤ 0.1%) and radiation. After applying boron coatings, n Mo /n e was reduced by a factor of 10-20 with H ITER,89 approaching 2. Results of between-discharge boronization, localized at various major radii, point towards important molybdenum source regions being small, outside the divertor, and due to RF-sheath-rectification. Boronization also has a significant effect on the plasma startup phase lowering Z eff , radiation, and lowering the runaway electron damage. The requirement of low-Z coatings over at least a fraction of the Mo PFCs in C-Mod for best performance together with the larger than expected D retention in Mo, give impetus for further high-Z PFC investigations to better predict the performance of un-coated tungsten surfaces in ITER and beyond

  16. RALOC Mod 1/81: Program description of RALOC version by the structural heat model HECU

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pham, V.T.


    In the version RALOC-Mod 1/81 an expanded heat transfer model and structure heat model is included. This feature allows for a realistic simulation of the thermodynamic and fluiddynamic characteristics of the containment atmosphere. Steel and concrete substructures with a plain or rotational symmetry can be represented. The treat transfer calculations for the structures are problem oriented, taking into account, the time- and space dependencies. The influence of the heat transfer on the gas transport (in particular convection) in the reactor vessel is demonstrated by the numerical calculations. In contrast to the calculations without a simulation of the heat storage effects of the container structures showing a widely homogenious hydrogen distribution, the results on the basis of the HECU-model give an inhomogenious distribution during the first 8 to 12 days. However these results are only examples for the application of the RALOC-Mod 1/81 -code, which have not been intended to contribute to the discussion of hydrogen distributions in a PWR-type reactor. (orig./GL) [de

  17. RETRAN-3D MOD003 Peach Bottom Turbine Trip 2 Multidimensional Kinetics Analysis Models and Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Michitsugu; Ogura, Katsunori; Gose, Garry C.; Wu, J.-Y.


    An analysis of the Peach Bottom Unit 2 Turbine Trip Test 2 (PB2/TT2) has been performed using RETRAN-3D MOD003. The purpose of the analysis was to investigate the PB2/TT2 overpressurization transient using the RETRAN-3D multidimensional kinetics model

  18. Dokumentarfilmboom i Mumbai

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moestrup, Steffen Damkjær


    Mumbai International Film Festival tydeliggør, at indisk dokumentarfilm er på vej frem med subjektive vinkler og eksperimenterende former, der udfordrer den ellers dominerende aktivistiske filmmetode......Mumbai International Film Festival tydeliggør, at indisk dokumentarfilm er på vej frem med subjektive vinkler og eksperimenterende former, der udfordrer den ellers dominerende aktivistiske filmmetode...

  19. Risbjerg: SF vandt valgkampen, NA og R tabte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Søren Risbjerg


    ANALYSE: Endnu engang flyttede en valgkamp for alvor stemmer. SF gik undervejs 27 pct. frem, mens NA gik 34 pct. tilbage og R 26 pct. Udgivelsesdato: 25. november......ANALYSE: Endnu engang flyttede en valgkamp for alvor stemmer. SF gik undervejs 27 pct. frem, mens NA gik 34 pct. tilbage og R 26 pct. Udgivelsesdato: 25. november...

  20. Vectorization, parallelization and implementation of nuclear codes [MVP/GMVP, QMDRELP, EQMD, HSABC, CURBAL, STREAM V3.1, TOSCA, EDDYCAL, RELAP5/MOD2/C36-05, RELAP5/MOD3] on the VPP500 computer system. Progress report 1995 fiscal year

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemoto, Toshiyuki; Watanabe, Hideo; Fujita, Toyozo; Kawai, Wataru; Harada, Hiroo; Gorai, Kazuo; Yamasaki, Kazuhiko; Shoji, Makoto; Fujii, Minoru.


    At Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering, time consuming eight nuclear codes suggested by users have been vectorized, parallelized on the VPP500 computer system. In addition, two nuclear codes used on the VP2600 computer system were implemented on the VPP500 computer system. Neutron and photon transport calculation code MVP/GMVP and relativistic quantum molecular dynamics code QMDRELP have been parallelized. Extended quantum molecular dynamics code EQMD and adiabatic base calculation code HSABC have been parallelized and vectorized. Ballooning turbulence simulation code CURBAL, 3-D non-stationary compressible fluid dynamics code STREAM V3.1, operating plasma analysis code TOSCA and eddy current analysis code EDDYCAL have been vectorized. Reactor safety analysis code RELAP5/MOD2/C36-05 and RELAP5/MOD3 were implemented on the VPP500 computer system. (author)