
Sample records for permeabilidade ao ar

  1. Permeabilidade ao ar em Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes sistemas de manejo

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    Sueli Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A permeabilidade ao ar pode ser utilizada para avaliar alterações que ocorrem na estrutura do solo em virtude da adoção de diferentes sistemas de manejo. Este estudo testou a hipótese de que o menor revolvimento do solo sob sistema plantio direto resulta na formação de poros mais contínuos e melhor condição de aeração no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio da permeabilidade ao ar (Ka, da porosidade de aeração (εa e dos índices de continuidade de poros (K1 e N, a aeração em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob preparo convencional (PC e sistema plantio direto (SPD. Oitenta amostras de solo (2 tratamentos x 2 profundidades x 20 repetições com estrutura indeformada foram coletadas de cada sistema de manejo do solo nas profundidades de 0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m em área experimental do Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, no município de Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Depois de saturadas e equilibradas em seis potenciais mátricos (-2, -6, -10, -30, -70 e -100 kPa, determinou-se a permeabilidade ao ar e a porosidade de aeração em cada potencial. Também foram determinados a densidade do solo, a densidade de partícula, o carbono orgânico e a porosidade. A densidade do solo não consistiu em fator limitante, ficando abaixo do limite crítico para solos argilosos nos dois sistemas. No SPD, o maior volume de microporos resultou em maior retenção de água no intervalo de umidade avaliado (-2 a -100 kPa e em maior volume de poros bloqueados para o fluxo de ar (εb, ou seja, redução de Ka. Na profundidade avaliada (00,20 m, os índices de continuidade de poros (K1 e N revelaram que o PC apresentou poros mais contínuos do que o SPD, contradizendo a hipótese testada.

  2. Sistema de aquisição de dados para equipamento de medida da permeabilidade intrínseca do solo ao ar

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    Luciano Roberto da Silveira


    Full Text Available A permeabilidade intrínseca - ou simplesmente permeabilidade do solo ao ar - é uma propriedade importante para a identificação de alterações no espaço poroso do solo causadas pelas práticas de manejo, na estimativa de propriedades do solo mais difíceis e onerosas e na composição de modelos de fluxo de fluidos em solos agrícolas e em solos contaminados. O objetivo do presente estudo foi construir um sistema de aquisição de dados (módulo eletrônico e programa computacional para a medida da permeabilidade do solo ao ar em laboratório, utilizando-se materiais disponíveis no local e ferramentas computacionais de acesso livre. O sistema de aquisição de dados mostrou-se bastante preciso na determinação da permeabilidade do solo ao ar, com intervalo de confiança de 9,42 ± 0,085 μm² (95 %, para uma amostra-padrão constituída de partículas com diâmetro de 0,106 a 0,250 mm da fração areia de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo textura média. A estimativa da permeabilidade do solo ao ar, considerando a viscosidade dinâmica do ar em função da temperatura, foi significativamente maior que a estimativa com valor fixo de viscosidade dinâmica em aproximadamente 20 ºC. A medição realizada em uma amostra de solo com estrutura indeformada de um Latossolo Vermelho foi tão precisa quanto à da amostra-padrão, e a estimativa da massa de água removida da amostra foi de 3,27 mg.



    Gálvez, Luis H.


    Se entiende por permeabilidad dentinaria a la capacidad de difusión y/o transporte de fluidos y solutos a través del sistema canalicular comunicante. Se entiende por permeabilidad dentinaria a la capacidad de difusión y/o transporte de fluidos y solutos a través del sistema canalicular comunicante.

  4. 291. Permeabilidad a medio-largo plazo de los injertos arteriales compuestos en cirugía cardíaca de revascularización miocárdica

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    P. Losada Mora


    Conclusiones: Existe una alta permeabilidad a medio-largo plazo de injertos arteriales compuestos. La permeabilidad de los injertos venosos es menor que la de los arteriales, relacionándose ésta con la dislipemia. No se ha encontrado diferencias entre la utilización de AMD o AR y la mayor permeabilidad a medio-largo plazo.

  5. Influência da adição da goma arábica em filmes isolados de polímero acrílico: estudo das propriedades de intumescimento e de permeabilidade Influence of arabic gum in acrylic polymer isolated films: study of swelling properties and permeability

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    Victor Gustavo Santos Gabas


    Full Text Available Goma arábica associada ao polímero acrílico Eudragit RS30D® na formação de filmes isolados foram obtidos e investigados como material potencialmente adequado à liberação modificada de fármacos. Foram preparadas dispersões aquosas de 4% (p/v e o citrato de trietila (20% massa polímero acrílico foi usado como plastificante. Dispersões foram vertidas em placa de Nylon revestida com Teflon® e colocadas em estufa a 60 ºC. A determinação do índice de intumescimento (Ii% em fluidos de simulação gástrica (FSG e intestinal (FSI, além da permeabilidade ao vapor d'água (TVA foram avaliadas. As dispersões propostas apresentaram habilidades filmogênicas. O polissacarídeo favoreceu, proporcionalmente à sua concentração, o grau de hidratação e a permeabilidade ao vapor d'água dos filmes formados. Estas particularidades observadas sugerem que os filmes constituídos por estas associações garantem acessibilidade com maior intensidade, quando comparado ao polimetacrilato individualmente, condição essa indispensável para uma biodegradação efetiva, em especial às regiões distais do trato gastrintestinal.Arabic gum combined with polymeric acrylic Eudragit RS30D® in isolated films for film coating, were obtained and investigated as potential material adapted for drug delivery systems. They were prepared aqueous dispersions of 4% (p/v, the triethyl citrate (20% w/w of the methacrylate polymer it was used with plasticizer. Sample of dispersions were poured over plate of Nylon covered with Teflon and placed in an air circulated oven at 60 ºC. Determination of the swelling index (Is% in fluids of gastric (SGF or intestinal simulation or intestinal (SIF, and the permeability to the water vapour (TVA were investigated. An increase in the amount of added polysaccharide favored the degree of hydration/swelling and permeability of the formed films. These observed particularities suggest that the films constituted by these

  6. Projecto 254 - Produção de suínos ao ar livre : unidade de demonstração Programa AGRO


    Marinho, M.C.; Dias, S.F.; Rodrigues, J.P.V.


    A produção de suínos ao ar livre pode contribuir para a preservação e valorização das raças autóctones e dos produtos delas derivados, evitando assim a sua extinção. O projecto, Produção de suínos ao ar livre – Unidade de demonstração, cujo período de execução vai de setembro de 2004 a dezembro de 2006, tem como principal objectivo demonstrar a tecnologia de produção de leitões ao ar livre. Programa AGRO - Projecto 254, Medida 8.1.

  7. Relação entre baixo peso ao nascer e a poluição do ar no Município de São Paulo

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    Andréa Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A poluição do ar tem sido investigada como possível determinante do baixo peso ao nascer. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito da poluição do ar sobre o peso ao nascer. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados todos os partos de mães residentes no Município de São Paulo, nos anos de 1998 a 2000. Estimaram-se as prevalências de baixo peso ao nascer conforme características do recém-nascido, da mãe e do parto. Apenas os distritos mais centrais de São Paulo foram incluídos, totalizando uma amostra de 311.735 nascimentos. Para avaliação do efeito da poluição do ar foram excluídos os prematuros, gemelares e analisados somente os nascimentos das áreas mais centrais da cidade. Os elementos poluentes analisados foram ozônio (O3, dióxido de enxofre (SO2, dióxido de nitrogênio (NO2, partículas em suspensão (PM10 e monóxido de carbono (CO. O efeito da exposição materna à poluição do ar no peso ao nascer foi avaliado por meio de regressão linear e logística. RESULTADOS: Do total analisado, 4,6% dos recém-nascidos apresentaram menos de 2.500 g ao nascer. A exposição materna ao CO, PM10 e NO2 durante o primeiro trimestre de gestação mostrou associação estatisticamente significante com a diminuição no peso do recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados reforçam que a exposição materna à poluição do ar no primeiro trimestre de gestação pode contribuir para o menor ganho de peso do feto.


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    Paulo Fernando Trugilho


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o de acompanhar a secagem ao ar livre da madeira serrada de Eucalyptus grandis conduzida na região de Lavras, MG e identificar a micobiota associada à madeira em diversas fases da secagem. As tábuas foram cortadas de oito toras de 3,0 m de comprimento, oriundas de três árvores, com 27 anos de idade, plantadas em área experimental da UFLA. Dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que a secagem da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis ao ar livre, iniciada em janeiro, consumiu 158 dias até atingir umidade próxima a 12,5%. A curva de secagem foi representada por uma equação logarítmica com coeficiente de determinação (R2 igual a 98,3%. Os fungos causadores de bolores superficiais e de manchas tiveram maior ocorrência no início da secagem. As mais altas freqüências de fungos, verificadas no início da secagem, foram observadas para Penicillium spp. e Pestalotiopsis sp. O fungo Lentinus lepideus ocorreu com maior freqüência no final da secagem.

  9. Efeitos do consumo de amendoim com diferentes teores de ácido graxo oléico na permeabilidade intestinal e endotoxemia em homens com excesso de peso


    Moreira, Ana Paula Boroni


    O consumo de amendoim tem sido relacionado a inúmeros benefícios à saúde. A frequência de consumo de amendoim tem se associado inversamente ao índice de massa corporal (IMC) e risco de obesidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do consumo de uma dieta hipocalórica contendo ou não amendoim na permeabilidade intestinal e na concentração de lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) plasmático. Homens com excesso de peso (IMC entre 26-35 kg/m2) e idade entre 18-50 anos foram aleatoriamente alocados...

  10. Resistências aos Antibióticos em Pneumologia

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    J.G. Saraiva da Cunha


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A crescente resistência dos microrganismos aos agentes antimicrobianos tem motivado o interesse da comunidade científica com o objectivo de avaliar a dimensão do problema, perceber a sua origem e encontrar eveotuais soluções. São quatro os mecanismos basicos de resistência das bácterias aos antibióticos: inactivação enzimática, alteração ou excesso de produção das molécules alvo, diminuição da permeabilidade da parede celulalr e eliminação actia (eflauxo do antibiótico para o exterior da bactéria. Para cada uma das diferentes classes de antibioticos sio referidos os priocipais mecanismos de resisteocia, assim como se exemplifica quais os germes de particular relevância em pneumologia que maiores dificuldades terapêuticas actualmente colocam. Finalmente enumeram-se algumas medidas para contrariar a expansão do problema. Palavras-Chave: Resistências aos antibióticos, Pneumologia, Pneumococo

  11. Permeabilidad a medio-largo plazo de los injertos arteriales compuestos en cirugía cardíaca de revascularización miocárdica

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    Pilar Losada-Mora


    No encontramos diferencias entre la utilización de arteria mamaria derecha y la arteria radial en términos de permeabilidad. La angio-TAC coronaria es una técnica segura y factible, permitiendo el estudio de la permeabilidad del injerto de forma no invasiva.

  12. Influência das condições de processamento cerâmico na resistência mecânica e na permeabilidade dos filtros de Al2O3-SiC Influence of ceramic processing on the mechanical resistance and permeability of filters in the Al2O3-SiC system

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    V. R. Salvini


    Full Text Available Filtros cerâmicos devem apresentar alta permeabilidade e eficiência de retenção de inclusões sólidas, além de uma boa resistência mecânica. No entanto, estas propriedades variam de modos distintos para uma determinada estrutura celular. Poros grandes aumentam a permeabilidade, mas diminuem a eficiência de retenção das inclusões. Em relação ao desempenho do filtro, a porosidade aparente apresenta alta relevância, uma vez que a resistência mecânica diminui e a permeabilidade aumenta para valores de porosidade elevados. Neste trabalho investigou-se a relação entre a resistência mecânica e a permeabilidade para filtros do sistema Al2O3-SiC de 10 ppi (poros por polegada linear. A quantidade da suspensão impregnada na esponja, durante a fabricação do filtro, foi escolhida como variável de controle, pois por meio desta modifica-se a porosidade e o tamanho de poro do filtro. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados aos de filtros de 8 a 90 ppi.Ceramic filters must present not only high permeability and particle trapping efficiency, but also suitable mechanical strength. However, these parameters are influenced in different ways by the cellular structure. Large pores favor permeability, but lower removal efficiency of small particles. Small pores, on the other hand, enhance particle collection, although the filter pressure drop increases. The porosity is also essential for determining ceramic foam performance. Mechanical strength generally decreases with increasing porosity, even though permeability is improved. In this work, the relationship between mechanical strength and permeability has been investigated for 10 ppi (pores per linear inch Al2O3-SiC filters. The amount of slurry impregnated on the organic struts walls during processing has been chosen as the control variable. The results have been compared with those obtained from cellular structures where the pore count variation ranged from 10 to 90 ppi.

  13. Perfil dos idosos usuários das academias ao ar livre para a terceira idade

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    Wesley Lessa Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos idosos usuários das academias ao ar livre para a terceira idade de Fortaleza,Ceará. Métodos: Estudo transversal, envolvendo uma amostra de 374 idosos com idade maior ou igual a 60 anos, realizado entre os meses de outubro de 2015 e abril de 2016, nas academias ao ar livre para a terceira idade em Fortaleza, Ceará. Aplicou-se um questionário contendo questões sobre dados sociodemográficos, condições de saúde e hábitos de vida autorrelatados, e sobre a utilização dos equipamentos. Mensurou-se o peso e a altura para a obtenção do índice de massa corporal (IMC. Resultados: A maioria dos entrevistados era mulher (56,7%, n=212 e com faixa etária entre 60 e 69 anos (66,8%, n=250. As principais condições de saúde autorrelatadas foram hipertensão (40,9%, n=153, colesterol alto (32,4%, n=121 e osteoartrite (26,2%, n=98. Entre os hábitos de vida, o consumo de bebida alcoólica (31,6%, n=118 foi o mais relatado. Verificou-se que 42,8% (n=160 encontrava-se com excesso de peso. A maioria utilizava os equipamentos há mais de um ano (68,2%, n=255, até 30 minutos por dia (49,5%, n=185, cinco ou mais dias durante a semana (51%, n=191, tendo em grande parte percebido melhora na saúde (93,6%, n=350. Conclusão: Os idosos apresentaram um perfil jovem e ativo, cujas condições de saúde de maior prevalência podem ser facilmente manejadas com a prática de atividade física, e apresentam características semelhantes independentemente da situação econômica em que se encontram inseridos.

  14. Nanocompósitos de PEAD/PEBDL: avaliação da esfoliação da argila organofílica pela aplicação do modelo de Nielsen e das propriedades mecânicas, ópticas e permeabilidade PEAD/PEBDL composites: evaluation of the exfoliation of organophilic clay using the Nielsen model and of the mechanical, optical and permeability properties

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    Ana R. Morales


    Full Text Available Uma blenda de polietileno de alta densidade e polietileno de baixa densidade (PEAD/PEBDL comumente utilizada em filmes de embalagem foi modificada com argila montmorilonita organofílica comercial para obter nanocompósitos com melhores propriedades de barreira. Amostras com 5 e 7,5% de argila (em massa foram estudadas em diferentes condições de processamento. Filmes produzidos com os nanocompósitos foram avaliados quanto à dispersão da argila por difração de raio X e Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão. As propriedades de barreira dos filmes foram determinadas pelas medições de permeabilidade ao oxigênio e ao vapor d'água. As propriedades mecânicas e ópticas também foram determinadas. Observou-se uma estrutura com a argila parcialmente esfoliada e intercalada. A permeabilidade ao oxigênio diminuiu significativamente enquanto a permeabilidade à água foi pouco influenciada. As propriedades mecânicas e a transparência dos filmes foram pouco alteradas. O modelo de Nielsen foi aplicado para os dados de permeabilidade relativa e demonstrou ser um ótimo recurso para a avaliação do grau de esfoliação da argila para as diferentes amostras, que foram confirmadas pelas análises realizadas em microscopia eletrônica de transmissão.A typical high density polyethylene and linear low density polyethylene (HDPE/LLDPE blend used in flexible packaging was modified with commercial organophylic montmorilonite clay to obtain nanocomposites with superior barrier properties. Samples with 5 and 7.5% of clay were prepared under different processing conditions. Films produced from the nanocomposites were evaluated in terms of oxygen and water vapor permeation and also by X-ray diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy. Tensile and optical properties were also evaluated. The clay showed to be intercalated and partially exfoliated. The oxygen permeation was mainly reduced and the vapor permeation was weakly modified. The mechanical

  15. Permeabilidade de concretos refratários multifuncionais Permeability of multifunctional refractory castables

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    M. D. M. Innocentini


    Full Text Available Concretos multifuncionais oferecem como principal vantagem a possibilidade de aplicação do material refratário através de diversas técnicas de instalação (p.e. socagem, vibração, projeção, auto-escoamento variando-se apenas o teor de água. Essa versatilidade durante a etapa de aplicação associada à necessidade de redução do estoque de materiais refratários nas indústrias siderúrgicas têm resultado em uma crescente demanda por concretos multifuncionais. No entanto, cabe avaliar se a versatilidade desse tipo de concreto durante a aplicação também é observada em etapas posteriores à instalação, particularmente nos processos de secagem e aquecimento do revestimento refratário. A permeabilidade é uma das principais características que influenciam a velocidade de secagem dos concretos e a possibilidade de explosão do revestimento durante o aquecimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a permeabilidade de concretos refratários multifuncionais com composições normalmente aplicadas com técnicas específicas de instalação. Os resultados indicam que a distribuição granulométrica e o teor de água adicionada são os principais fatores determinantes da permeabilidade de concretos de alta alumina com ultra-baixo teor de cimento.The main advantage of multifunctional castables is their ability of being applied using different installation techniques (i.e., ramming, vibration, gunning, self-flowing, etc.. Such versatility during the placing procedure associated to the necessity of reducing the amount of spare refractory material in the steel-making industries have resulted in an increasing demand for multifunctional castables. However, it is important to evaluate whether the benefits of these castables during installation are also observed after the start-up of equipment, particularly along the drying and heating processes of the refractory lining. Permeability is one of the main properties that influences the


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    Leonardo Vieira Wandelli


    Full Text Available O presente artigo procura traçar alguns elementos que pretendem articular como, a partir do discurso jurídico, podem ser significados os aportes sobre saúde e trabalho, especialmente aqueles trazidos pela abordagem da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Um caminho, assim, que vai dos estudos sobre sujeito, trabalho e saúde até o Direito Constitucional, que afirma como seu fundamento a dignidade humana, indissociável da centralidade antropológica do trabalho; um vínculo expressado pelo direito fundamental ao trabalho que, aqui, se propõe reconstruir a partir do desvelamento de um direito fundamental ao conteúdo do próprio trabalho, articulado ao conceito de meio ambiente organizacional do trabalho. 

  17. Estudio in vitro de permeabilidad, porosidad y crecimiento celular en membranas electrohiladas para prótesis vasculares

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    Raúl A. Valencia


    Conclusiones: La variación de estructuras microporosas de gran área superficial para obtener implantes con la técnica de electrospinning, incide en el crecimiento celular y subsecuentemente en la permeabilidad y la porosidad, hecho que abre una gran oportunidad para su uso potencial en aplicaciones vasculares de diámetros pequeños.

  18. Cultivo de Spirulina maxima ao ar livre - I. Inverno

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    Rogério Lacaz Ruiz


    e noturno indicaram que o melhor período de produção de biomassa durante o dia foi das 8 - 13 h e a produtividade atingiu valor máximo de 8,08 g/metro quadrado/dia. Durante todo o experimento foi necessário adicionar água ao sistema, devido à ausência de chuvas; e o total acrescentado equivaleu a 72,14 mm de chuva.



    Dettmam, Deborah; Matos, Nelson Juliano Cardoso


    Este artigo discute se o recurso ao povo ou ao legislador, como instrumento de resolução dos conflitos entre os poderes, viola a separação de poderes e a independência do poder judiciário ou se, antes disso, dá fiel execução à separação de poderes. Para alcançar esse objetivo, esse artigo investiga se existe relação entre o recurso ao legislador e os regimes autoritários; se a Constituição Federal de 1988 proíbe outro guardião constitucional, que não o Supremo Tribunal Federal, e quais as con...

  20. Permeabilidad intrínseca de suelos arenosos con presencia de partículas de limo y arcilla


    Montoro, Marcos; Francisca, Franco


    El flujo de fluidos dentro de los poros del suelo controla aspectos importantes relacionados con la mecánica de suelo. En particular, la permeabilidad intrínseca, junto con la pendiente del terreno es un parámetro de fundamental importancia en el análisis de vulnerabilidad a desastres naturales relacionados con los riesgos de inundación y los derrumbes. Este parámetro afecta considerablemente la relación infiltración-escorrentía en el caso de grandes precipitaciones e influye en la interacció...

  1. Ar-Ar_Redux: rigorous error propagation of 40Ar/39Ar data, including covariances (United States)

    Vermeesch, P.


    Rigorous data reduction and error propagation algorithms are needed to realise Earthtime's objective to improve the interlaboratory accuracy of 40Ar/39Ar dating to better than 1% and thereby facilitate the comparison and combination of the K-Ar and U-Pb chronometers. Ar-Ar_Redux is a new data reduction protocol and software program for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology which takes into account two previously underappreciated aspects of the method: 1. 40Ar/39Ar measurements are compositional dataIn its simplest form, the 40Ar/39Ar age equation can be written as: t = log(1+J [40Ar/39Ar-298.5636Ar/39Ar])/λ = log(1 + JR)/λ Where λ is the 40K decay constant and J is the irradiation parameter. The age t does not depend on the absolute abundances of the three argon isotopes but only on their relative ratios. Thus, the 36Ar, 39Ar and 40Ar abundances can be normalised to unity and plotted on a ternary diagram or 'simplex'. Argon isotopic data are therefore subject to the peculiar mathematics of 'compositional data', sensu Aitchison (1986, The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, Chapman & Hall). 2. Correlated errors are pervasive throughout the 40Ar/39Ar methodCurrent data reduction protocols for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology propagate the age uncertainty as follows: σ2(t) = [J2 σ2(R) + R2 σ2(J)] / [λ2 (1 + R J)], which implies zero covariance between R and J. In reality, however, significant error correlations are found in every step of the 40Ar/39Ar data acquisition and processing, in both single and multi collector instruments, during blank, interference and decay corrections, age calculation etc. Ar-Ar_Redux revisits every aspect of the 40Ar/39Ar method by casting the raw mass spectrometer data into a contingency table of logratios, which automatically keeps track of all covariances in a compositional context. Application of the method to real data reveals strong correlations (r2 of up to 0.9) between age measurements within a single irradiation batch. Propertly taking

  2. Impactos da ocupação urbana na permeabilidade do solo: o caso de uma área de urbanização consolidada em Campina Grande - PB

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    Karla Azevedo Santos


    Full Text Available RESUMO A ocupação urbana intensa e não planejada acarreta problemas diretos à população. Um desses problemas é a diminuição do índice de permeabilidade do solo gerada pela pavimentação crescente que sempre acompanha o desenvolvimento urbano de uma região. Em consequência, o sistema de drenagem pode sofrer sobrecargas uma vez que a capacidade de infiltração do solo é alterada e a pavimentação aumenta a velocidade de escoamento e as vazões de pico. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise integrada da dinâmica do uso do solo ao longo de 32 anos e do comportamento do sistema de microdrenagem urbana para o cenário atual de ocupação dos bairros Catolé e Sandra Cavalcante, em Campina Grande (PB. Verifica-se a deficiência do sistema de microdrenagem em não acompanhar o acelerado crescimento da região, acarretando em pontos de alagamento que geram prejuízos e desconfortos à população em períodos de chuva mais concentrada.

  3. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology at the Instituto de Geociências, USP: instrumentation, analytical procedures, and calibration

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    Full Text Available Laser heating 40Ar/39Ar geochronology provides high analytical precision and accuracy, mum-scale spatial resolution, and statistically significant data sets for the study of geological and planetary processes. A newly commissioned 40Ar/39Ar laboratory at CPGeo/USP, São Paulo, Brazil, equips the Brazilian scientific community with a new powerful tool applicable to the study of geological and cosmochemical processes. Detailed information about laboratory layout, environmental conditions, and instrumentation provides the necessary parameters for the evaluation of the CPGeo/USP 40Ar/39Ar suitability to a diverse range of applications. Details about analytical procedures, including mineral separation, irradiation at the IPEN/CNEN reactor at USP, and mass spectrometric analysis enable potential researchers to design the necessary sampling and sample preparation program suitable to the objectives of their study. Finally, the results of calibration tests using Ca and K salts and glasses, international mineral standards, and in-house mineral standards show that the accuracy and precision obtained at the 40Ar/39Ar laboratory at CPGeo/USP are comparable to results obtained in the most respected laboratories internationally. The extensive calibration and standardization procedures undertaken ensure that the results of analytical studies carried out in our laboratories will gain immediate international credibility, enabling Brazilian students and scientists to conduct forefront research in earth and planetary sciences.A geocronologia de 40Ar/39Ar por aquecimento a laser permite alta precisão e acurácia analítica, tem resolução espacial em escala micrométrica, e fornece um número de dados estatisticamente significantes para o estudo de processos geológicos e planetários. Um recém construído laboratório de 40Ar/39Ar no CPGeo/USP, São Paulo, Brazil, mune a sociedade científica brasileira com uma técnica eficaz aplicável aos estudos geol

  4. Un método rápido y no-destructivo para medir la permeabilidad al aire del hormigón

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    Torrent, R. J.


    Full Text Available New device for non-destructive test. It is designed for "in situ" measurement of the impermeability to air of a concrete coating. The system is based on creating a vacuum inside a cell placed on its surface, and to measure how long does it take for the pressure to be back to the atmospheric value. The characteristic aspects of the method are: a cell with an inward chamber and a regulator to keep the pressure in balance inside this central chamber (measurement and in the surrounding chamber (preservation ring. This ensures a single air flow direction towards the central chamber, avoiding any spurious transversal flow. The data of the measurement are processed by a microprocessor that indicates the permeability coefficient value at the end of the test which lasts 2 to 12 minutes. Results on coatings of different quality obtained through this technique are presented, which show an excellent correlation with values obtained on specimens using Cembureau method for permeability to oxigen imperviousness.

    Se presenta un nuevo dispositivo de ensayo no destructivo, diseñado para la medición "in situ " de la permeabilidad al aire del recubrimiento de hormigón. Se basa en crear vacío dentro de una celda colocada sobre la superficie del mismo y en medir la velocidad con que la presión retorna al valor atmosférico. Aspectos característicos del método son: una celda con doble cámara y un regulador que equilibra la presión en la cámara central (de medicióny en la cámara exterior (anillo de guarda. Esto asegura un flujo unidireccional de aire hacia la cámara central, eliminando todo flujo espúreo transversal. Los datos de la medición son procesados por un microprocesador que indica el valor del coeficiente de permeabilidad al finalizar el ensayo, que dura de 2 a 12 minutos. Se presentan resultados obtenidos con esta técnica sobre recubrimientos de distinta calidad, que muestran una excelente correlación con los valores obtenidos

  5. Biomassa microbiana em amostras de solos secadas ao ar e reumedecidas Microbial biomass in air dried and rewetted soil samples

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    Antônio Samarão Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade do condicionamento de amostras como terra fina secada ao ar (TFSA por curto período, para a determinação do carbono da biomassa microbiana (BMS-C, pelo método da fumigaçãoextração, e verificar a respiração microbiana basal (RB do solo. O condicionamento como TFSA, procedendo-se à fumigação para a análise da BMS-C imediatamente ou 24 horas após o reumedecimento, proporcionou valores de BMS-C para os solos Podzólicos, Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo álico e Orgânico, semelhantes aos valores dos seus controles. Os solos Glei Pouco Húmico e Vertissolo apresentaram valores de BMS-C similares aos do controle a partir de 24 horas de incubação; o solo Planossolo arenoso apresentou valores similares aos do controle com 72 horas, e a Rendizina, com 168 horas de incubação. Na maioria dos solos, a RB determinada na TFSA apresentou valores maiores do que os do tratamento-controle, quando avaliada imediatamente ou 24 horas após o reumedecimento a 60% da capacidade máxima de retenção de água, seguida de queda e manutenção em níveis semelhantes ao do controle nos períodos subseqüentes. O précondicionamento, de curta duração, como TFSA, é promissor para a determinação da BMS-C, quando níveis e períodos adequados de reumedecimento são adotados.The objective of this work was to evaluate the utilization of short term air dried soil samples in a determination of soil microbial biomass (SMB-C, by a fumigationextraction method, and soil microbial basal respiration (BR. Zero time or 24 hours rewetting incubation period before fumigation procedure gave values of SMB-C similar to those of the control for the Podzolic soils, Allic RedYellow Latosol and Organic soil. Low Humic Gley and Vertisol soils gave values of SMB-C similar to those of the control for periods of incubation equal or higher than 24 hours. Planosol (sandy soil and Rendzina soils gave values of SMB-C similar to the

  6. Sensibilidade da rosa 'Osiana' ao etileno

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    Delaine Cristina Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a sensibilidade e as respostas da rosa cultivar Osiana (Rosa × hybrida à presença de etileno ao longo da vida pós-colheita. Para determinar a sensibilidade da flor ao etileno, hastes foram cortadas e colocadas em câmaras herméticas e em seguida tratadas por 24 horas com diferentes concentrações de etileno variando de 0,0; 0,1; 1,0; 10; 100 e 1000 µL L-1do ar no interior da câmara. A rosa teve a vida pós-colheita reduzida pelo etileno, quando exposta a concentração igual ou superior a 10 µL L-1 de etileno. As flores tratadas com no mínimo de 10 µL L-1de etileno desenvolveram necrose, murcha e abscisão prematura das pétalas ainda túrgidas. As concentrações de 0,1 e 1,0 µL L-1de etileno estimularam a abertura do botão floral durante o período de 24 horas de exposição ao etileno, sem no entanto, reduzir a vida pós-colheita. A rosa 'Osiana' pode ser classificada como uma cultivar sensível ao etileno e a concentração influência os processos estimulados.

  7. Promediando curvas de permeabilidad relativa en yacimientos de metano en mantos de carbón con flujo bifásico en Queensland, Australia.

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    Jorge Ordóñez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se propone el uso de un único set de curvas de permeabilidad a ser empleado en los estudios de simulación y caracterización de yacimientos de gas en mantos de carbón (CBM, en vez del uso común de un set de curvas para cada estrato individual. Para comprobar la aplicabilidad de este procedimiento, se simula un yacimiento usando ambos métodos: el resultado de producción debe ser similar en ambas simulacionesEl modelo para promediar la permeabilidad absoluta en un flujo monofásico, fue usado para el caso de predecir un promedio de permeabilidad relativa para un yacimiento con flujo bifásico. Luego de correr varios casos y corroborar que la ecuación propuesta no cumplía las expectativas, el enfoque del trabajo fue explicar el por qué del no funcionamiento de la ecuación propuesta. Una posible explicación fue la no consideración de la gravedad, que acorde a varias simulaciones presentadas, es un parámetro principal en las curvas de producción. La saturación de agua tampoco puede excluirse de la ecuación que prediga este promedio.  Por tanto si se quiere presentar una ecuación para el cálculo de promedio de permeabilidades relativas, es fundamental que tanto la gravedad como la saturación de agua estén incluidas en esta ecuación. Abstract  This paper tries to average relative permeability in a way that instead of using different sets of relative permeability curves to different layers, one single set could be used in one single layer, and to get similar production results as if different layers and different relative permeability were used instead. The model to average absolute permeability in a single-phase flow system was used to predict two-phase flow average relative permeability. After running different cases and corroborating that the equation proposed did not match the expectations. The focus of this work was changed in order to explain why the equation was not working. A possible explanation of

  8. Institucionalidad y permeabilidad el desafió político de Barranquilla ante la globalización

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    Alexandra García Iragorri


    Full Text Available Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación mayor y está encaminado a establecer si en la ciudad de Barranquilla se ofrecen las condiciones necesarias en materia de institucionalidad y permeabilidad política que le permitan ser competitiva frente a un proceso de globalización. Las conclusiones están orientadas a demostrar que aunque el aparato político es poco accesible a los ciudadanos, el poder del alcalde se percibe como alto a costa del cuerpo colegiado co-administardor. La falta de consolidación tanto del Estado como de la sociedad civil, impiden ejercer un verdadero control que evite que desde la alcaldia, individuos aprovechen esa debilidad para beneficio propio

  9. Educação ao ar livre pela aventura: o aprendizado de valores morais em expedições à natureza Education outdoors through adventure: learning moral values in nature expeditions

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    Flavio Theodor Kunreuther


    Full Text Available A educação ao ar livre, por meio de cursos no formato expedição, ainda acontece de forma tímida no Brasil. Entende-se por expedição uma experiência educacional contínua, de múltiplos dias, em que alunos e instrutores aventuram-se em um trajeto em área remota da natureza de forma autossuficiente. O presente estudo analisa os cursos desse tipo. Por meio de entrevistas e questionários semiestruturados, investigou-se a aprendizagem dos alunos segundo suas próprias percepções e as dos educadores da instituição, com ênfase no desenvolvimento moral do indivíduo. Como parte do estudo de caso sobre um aluno adolescente participante de um dos cursos, entrevistou-se também uma psicóloga que coordena um abrigo para menores. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os cursos de educação ao ar livre caracterizam-se por experiências que estimulam trabalhos em grupo, debates sobre justiça e solidariedade, e reflexões sobre valores e princípios como coragem, esforço pessoal, disciplina, respeito e superação de limites. Os resultados também indicam que tal proposta educacional aufere experiências sensíveis e de conexão do ser humano com a natureza. Muito embora haja potencial educacional para a educação ao ar livre, a atuação do educador perante seus alunos é fundamental para que as experiências sejam física e psicologicamente seguras, alcancem seus potenciais pedagógicos de desenvolvimento da moralidade e ajudem as pessoas a desenvolverem uma consciência ambiental, manifestada por meio de ações concretas ao retornarem dos cursos para suas comunidades.Open air education through courses organized as expeditions is still incipient in Brazil. We understand an expedition as a continued educational experience taking several days in which students and instructors venture into a remote natural area in a self-sufficient way. The present study analyzes courses of this type. Using interviews and semi-structured questionnaires, it

  10. Small angle Ar2+ + Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevens, J.J.


    Electron capture in Ar 2+ + Ar is studied at low keV energies. Using Ar 2+ + He collisions as a calibration, it is shown that the dominant single electron capture process is endothermic and of the type Ar 2+ ( 3 P) + ArAr + ( 2 P) + Ar + (3s 2 3p 4 nI), with nI primarily being 3d and 4p. Weaker exothermic processes are also found and are due mainly to the existence of long-lived highly-excited states in the incident Ar 2+ beam. The direct scattering and double electron capture processes are also studied. Direct scattering occurs with no target excitation. Differential cross sections are presented for the collision processes. The single electron capture results are interpreted using a simple model in which a strongly attractive intermediate state couples with incident and outgoing channels

  11. Identification of excess 40Ar by the 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanphere, M.A.; Dalrymple, G.B.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar incremental heating experiments on igneous plagioclase, biotite, and pyroxene that contain known amounts of excess 40 Ar indicate that saddle-shaped age spectra are diagnostic of excess 40 Ar in igneous minerals as well as in igneous rocks. The minima in the age spectra approach but do not reach the crystallization age. Neither the age spectrum diagram nor the 40 Ar/ 36 Ar versus 39 Ar/ 36 Ar isochron diagram reliably reveal the crystallization age in such samples. (Auth.)

  12. Spectroanalytical investigations on inductively coupled N2/Ar and Ar/Ar high frequency plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malinowski, P.; Mazurkiewicz, M.; Nickel, H.


    In order to improve the detection limits of trace elements in corrosion products of metallic materials, the inductively coupled plasma excitation source (ICP) was applied for spectroscopic analysis. Besides optimizing the working conditions for the mentioned materials, the fundamental research clearing the excitation processes in ICP was carried out. Basicly, two plasma systems were investigated: the nitrogen cooled N 2 /Ar- and pure Ar/Ar-plasma. The computed detection limits for 8 chosen elements are between 0.1 and 50 μg ml -1 in both plasmas. The advantage of ion lines was clearly present; in N 2 /Ar-plasma it was larger than in Ar/Ar-plasma. The excitation temperatures measured with help of ArI, FeI and ZnI lines rise with increasing power and decreasing distance from the induction coil. The distribution of Zn excitation temperature in N 2 /Ar-plasma as well as the measured N + 2 rotational and CN vibrational temperatures indicate, that the toroidal structure of Ar/Ar-plasma is not analogue to the N 2 /Ar-plasma. The values of the various excitation temperatures (Ar, Fe, Zn) and the differences between the excitation, vibration, rotation and ionization temperatures (Tsub(i) > Tsub(n) = Tsub(vib) > Tsub(rot)) indicate an absence of thermal equilibrium in the concerned system. (orig.)

  13. Kinetics of Ar isotopes during neutron irradiation: 39Ar loss from minerals as a source of error in 40Ar/39Ar dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hess, J.C.; Lippolt, H.J.


    The loss of 39 Ar from minerals in the course of neutron activation for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating is studied by directly measuring the loss rates in vacuum-sealed ampoules. Biotite shows 39 Ar losses between 0.1% and 16%. These losses are predominantly due to diffusion processes from K-poor alteration-phase intergrowths in the biotites at the elevated temperatures during the irradiation. Estimates for the irradiation temperatures range from 150 0 to 180 0 C. Direct 39 Ar recoil loss from biotite seems to be minor compared to difussion loss of recoil-implanted 39 Ar. Precise 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of biotites therefore requires the measurement of the 39 Ar losses during irradiation. Glauconite loses not only neutron-induced Ar isotopes ( 39 Ar: 20-22%, 37 Ar: 17-19%) but also radiogenic 40 Ar(∼9%). Slight 39 Ar losses are also observed for light micas (0.2% and 0.35%), hornblendes (0.1%) and sanidines (200 and 700 ppm). 25 refs.; 4 figs.; 6 tabs

  14. Influences of atom Ar on Ar at C60 + Ar at C60 collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Qiang; Zhou Hongyu; Zhang Fengshou


    A semi-emperical molecular dynamics model was developed. The central collisions of C 60 + C 60 and Ar at C 60 + Ar at C 60 at the same incident energy were investigated within this model. The fullerene dimers could be formed by a self-assembly of C 60 fullerene, and the new fullerene structure like 'peanut' could be formed by a self-assembly of Ar at C 60 . It was found that atom Ar had a great effect on the collision of Ar at C 60 + Ar at C 60 . (authors)

  15. Exposição ao mercúrio e ao arsênio em Estados da Amazônia: síntese dos estudos do Instituto Evandro Chagas/FUNASA Exposure to mercury and arsenic in Amazon States: a summary of studies by the Evandro Chagas Institute/FUNASA

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    Elisabeth C. de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available Este artigo é uma revisão das pesquisas da Seção de Meio Ambiente do Instituto Evandro Chagas/FUNASA sobre exposição ao mercúrio (Hg no vale do rio Tapajós e Estado do Acre, e exposição ao arsênio (As através de resíduos da exploração de manganês (Mn realizada pela ICOMI deixados no Porto de Santana-AP. Em relação ao mercúrio, têm sido pesquisadas populações sob risco através da via respiratória ou alimentar. No primeiro caso, os trabalhadores de casas de compra e venda de ouro têm apresentado teores mais elevados de Hg em urina do que os garimpeiros estudados. No segundo caso, as populações ribeirinhas têm mostrado níveis diferenciados de exposição (Hg em cabelo. Comunidades ribeirinhas situadas em áreas não afetadas pelo mercúrio da garimpagem e com hábitos alimentares semelhantes às de área de risco têm sido avaliadas, visando a construção de parâmetros de normalidade regional. São também pesquisados os teores de Hg em materiais ambientais e na biota aquática. Os estudos de saúde humana e ambiente na cidade de Santana-AP objetivaram avaliar as fontes e possíveis vias de exposição da população da comunidade do Elesbão ao arsênio. Verificou-se a existência de fonte de risco através dos rejeitos de Mn, porém os níveis de As na água consumida pela população mostraram-se dentro dos parâmetros de normalidade. As médias encontradas em sangue e cabelo coincidem com médias de normalidade referidas na literatura, em populações não expostas, e as associações entre variáveis epidemiológicas, avaliação clínico-laboratorial e os teores de arsênio não mostraram significância estatística.This article is a review of the studies carried out by Environmental Section of the Evandro Chagas Institute/FUNASA on mercury (Hg exposure in the Tapajós river basin, and arsenic exposure (As due to residues of the manganese (Mn exploration, performed by ICOMI and left at the port of Santana

  16. Política de mudança do clima no município de São Paulo, Brasil: reflexividade e permeabilidade do Setor Saúde

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    Rubens Landin


    Full Text Available São Paulo é hoje uma metrópole insustentável, em que as vulnerabilidades sociais e ambientais se deparam com as incertezas das mudanças climáticas. Para o enfrentamento deste contexto o Município criou, em 2009, a Política Municipal de Mudança do Clima. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como se articula o setor saúde na implantação dessa Política até o ano de 2012. O método adotado foi a Análise de Conteúdo e as evidências, os documentos oficiais e as entrevistas semiestruturadas. Em um contexto de transformação da sociedade, afetado por degradação ambiental e agravos socioambientais, a problemática necessita de rupturas a inércias rotineiras e de novos sistemas de conhecimentos. Os resultados demonstraram uma relação dialética intersetorial positiva, pois a hipótese da pesquisa era de que ao setor saúde caberia dar suporte a ações de monitoramento da qualidade do ar e sua verificabilidade constatou abrangência, introduzindo prevenção e promoção da saúde como focos determinantes, sobretudo, influenciando outras políticas. O processo em estudo ganha, assim, reflexividade ao avançar com medidas interativas, rompendo com a tradicionalização do modelo de política setorial reducionista e demonstra intersetorialidade e importância nas questões relacionadas à saúde pública local.

  17. Avaliação da sensibilidade da goiabeira 'Pedro Sato' ao ozônio

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    Regina Maria de Moraes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade da goiabeira 'Pedro Sato' ao ozônio (O3, em comparação à cultivar Paluma, descrita como sensível. Oito plantas de cada cultivar foram submetidas separadamente a ar filtrado e a ar filtrado + O3, cinco horas por dia, durante quatro dias. Foram avaliadas fotossíntese (Asat, injúrias foliares visíveis e concentração de antocianinas e taninos. Plantas das duas cultivares também foram expostas, durante três meses, a condições ambientais em local contaminado por O3, tendo-se avaliado fotossíntese, injúrias foliares e crescimento. Plantas fumigadas com O3 apresentaram redução de Asat e da atividade fotoquímica, além de manifestação de injúrias foliares. 'Paluma' apresentou maior redução de Asat, injúrias foliares mais severas e redução de taninos. Quando exposta ao ambiente contaminado, 'Paluma' apresentou trocas gasosas mais altas, mas apresentou redução de Asat 30 dias antes que 'Pedro Sato'. O crescimento não foi afetado em 'Pedro Sato', cujas injúrias foliares tiveram menor incidência, severidade e precocidade do que em 'Paluma'. A menor taxa de crescimento de 'Paluma' indica maior sensibilidade ao O3. Apesar de responder com menor intensidade ao estresse induzido pelo O3, a cultivar Pedro Sato não pode ser considerada tolerante, pois apresenta danos fotoquímicos, injúrias foliares e alterações nos conteúdos de metabólitos secundários quando exposta a esse poluente.

  18. Simultaneous measurement of the 37Ar and 39Ar activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fisenko, A.V.


    A method for simultaneous measurement of 37 Ar and 39 Ar activities, based on the different radiation penetrabilities of these isotopes is described. Two versions are realized. In the first case, a two-section detector is used whose partition partially transmits 39 Ar β-radiation and fully absorbs 37 Ar Auger electrons. A mixture of 37 Ar and 39 Ar is introduced into an internal counter operating at anticoincidences with an external counter. In the second version, a scintillation detector is used as an external counter, while the 37 Ar- 39 Ar mixture is introduced into a gas counter with a thin cathode. The rated detection efficiency of 37 Ar radiation in both versions is 80%. When measurement duration is 500 h, the sensitivity is approximately 10 -14 and 6x10 -15 Ci for 39 Ar and 37 Ar respectively

  19. Determination of Ar metastable atom densities in Ar and Ar/H2 inductively coupled low-temperature plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fox-Lyon, N; Knoll, A J; Oehrlein, G S; Franek, J; Demidov, V; Koepke, M; Godyak, V


    Ar metastable atoms are important energy carriers and surface interacting species in low-temperature plasmas that are difficult to quantify. Ar metastable atom densities (N Ar,m ) in inductively coupled Ar and Ar/H 2 plasmas were obtained using a model combining electrical probe measurements of electron density (N e ) and temperature (T e ), with analysis of spectrally resolved Ar plasma optical emission based on 3p → 1s optical emission ratios of the 419.8 nm line to the 420.1 nm line. We present the variation of N Ar,m as the Ar pressure and the addition of H 2 to Ar are changed comparatively to recent adsorption spectroscopy measurements. (paper)

  20. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of terrestrial pyroxene (United States)

    Ware, Bryant; Jourdan, Fred


    Geochronological techniques such as U/Pb in zircon and baddeleyite and 40Ar/39Ar on a vast range of minerals, including sanidine, plagioclase, and biotite, provide means to date an array of different geologic processes. Many of these minerals, however, are not always present in a given rock, or can be altered by secondary processes (e.g. plagioclase in mafic rocks) limiting our ability to derive an isotopic age. Pyroxene is a primary rock forming mineral for both mafic and ultramafic rocks and is resistant to alteration process but attempts to date this phase with 40Ar/39Ar has been met with little success so far. In this study, we analyzed pyroxene crystals from two different Large Igneous Provinces using a multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer (ARGUS VI) since those machines have been shown to significantly improve analytical precision compared to the previous single-collector instruments. We obtain geologically meaningful and relatively precise 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages ranging from 184.6 ± 3.9 to 182.4 ± 0.8 Ma (2σ uncertainties of ±1.8-0.4%) and 506.3 ± 3.4 Ma for Tasmanian and Kalkarindji dolerites, respectively. Those data are indistinguishable from new and/or published U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar plagioclase ages showing that 40Ar/39Ar dating of pyroxene is a suitable geochronological tool. Scrutinizing the analytical results of the pyroxene analyses as well as comparing them to the analytical result from plagioclase of the same samples indicate pure pyroxene was dated. Numerical models of argon diffusion in plagioclase and pyroxene support these observations. However, we found that the viability of 40Ar/39Ar dating approach of pyroxene can be affected by irradiation-induced recoil redistribution between thin pyroxene exsolution lamellae and the main pyroxene crystal, hence requiring careful petrographic observations before analysis. Finally, diffusion modeling show that 40Ar/39Ar of pyroxene can be used as a powerful tool to date the formation age of mafic

  1. 40Ar/39Ar studies of deep sea igneous rocks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seidemann, D.


    An attempt to date deep-sea igneous rocks reliably was made using the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating technique. It was determined that the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar incremental release technique could not be used to eliminate the effects of excess radiogenic 40 Ar in deep-sea basalts. Excess 40 Ar is released throughout the extraction temperature range and cannot be distinguished from 40 Ar generated by in situ 40 K decay. The problem of the reduction of K-Ar dates associated with sea water alteration of deep-sea igneous rocks could not be resolved using the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar technique. Irradiation induced 39 Ar loss and/or redistribution in fine-grained and altered igneous rocks results in age spectra that are artifacts of the experimental procedure and only partly reflect the geologic history of the sample. Therefore, caution must be used in attributing significance to age spectra of fine grained and altered deep-sea igneous rocks. Effects of 39 Ar recoil are not important for either medium-grained (or coarser) deep-sea rocks or glasses because only a small fraction of the 39 Ar recoils to channels of easy diffusion, such as intergranular boundaries or cracks, during the irradiation. (author)

  2. Geological Dating by 40 Ar - 39 Ar method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vollbert Romero, M.E.


    The isotope 40 K is radioactive, it decays to 40 Ar stable. The number of 40 Ar atoms produced from 40 K, permits to calculate the date of rocks and minerals. This dating technique is named 'Conventional K-Ar Dating Method'. The 40 Ar - 39 Ar dating method permits to calculate the age of rocks and minerals eliminating the limitation of the K-Ar method by calculating potassium and argon concentrations in a single measurement of the ratio of argon isotopes. In this work, the irradiation of the sample with fast neutrons in the nuclear reactor was established. 39 Ar is obtained from the induced reaction 39 K (n,p) 39 Ar. Thus the ration of 40 Ar - 39 Ar allows to obtain the date of rocks and minerals. This ratio was measured in a mass spectrometer. If the measurement of argon concentration in the sample is carried out at different increasing temperature values, it is possible to get information of paleotemperatures. The number of atoms 39 Ar is a function of the number 39 K atoms, irradiation time, neutrons flux, its energy E and the capture cross section σ of 39 K. These parameters are calculate indirectly by obtaining the so called 'J value ' by using a standard mineral with known age (HD-BI y Biot-133), this mineral is irradiated together with the unknown age sample. The values of 'J' obtained are in the interval of 2.85 a 3.03 (x 10 - 3)J/h. Rocks from 'Tres Virgenes' were dated by the method described in this work, showing an agreement with previous values of different authors. The age of this rocks are from Cenozoico era, mainly in the miocene period. (Author)

  3. Do Universo Privado ao Espaço Aberto, do Espaço Aberto ao Universo Privado - Recepção e Gênese de L´Étranger de Albert Camus

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    Samara Geske


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende traçar linhas gerais sobre a recepção e a gênese de L’Étranger , passando pelo universo privado dos primeiros leitores do manuscrito até chegar ao espaço aberto de seus primeiros críticos, para do espaço aberto da obra publicada retornar o universo privado do processo de criação do romance.

  4. Standardization of 40Ar-39Ar dating facility at KDMIPE, ONGC, Dehradun

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rathore, S.S.; Singh, M.P.; Vijan, A.R.; Bansal, M.; Prabhu, B.N.; Misra, K.N.


    In the pursuit of acquiring state of the art technology, efforts were being made for last more than two years to establish 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating facility at KDMIPE. The 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating technique is an analytical conversion of the conventional K-Ar dating method. In this method, the sample to be dated is first irradiated in a nuclear reactor to transform a portion of 39 K to 39 Ar by the fast neutron reaction i.e. 39 K(n, p) 39 Ar. After irradiation, the sample is placed in an ultra-high vacuum system and the argon extracted from it by fusion is purified and analyzed isotopically in a mass spectrometer. The relative abundances of 40 Ar, 39 Ar, 37 Ar and 36 Ar are measured. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar K is determined, where 40 Ar is the radiogenic argon, and 39 Ar K is the 39 Ar produced from 39 K during the irradiation. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar K ratio is proportional to the 40 Ar/ 40 K ratio in the sample and, therefore, is proportional to age

  5. Temperature and pressure effects on 40Ar-39Ar systematics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozima, M.; Kaneoka, I.; Yanagisawa, M.


    The effects of thermal and compressional treatment on 40 Ar- 39 Ar systematics have been investigated on three artificially heated biotite samples (heated for 1 hour at 700 0 C and 860 0 C in air and 700 0 C in vacuum respectively) and uniaxially compressed granite (p=1400 bar) and basalt samples (p=1660 bar). The 40 Ar- 39 Ar results for the disturbed samples are compared with those for undisturbed samples. Except for the vacuum-heating case, the effects of the disturbances may be interpreted as the combined effect of a partial loss of radiogenic 40 Ar from the sample and an incorporation of air Ar into the sample. Common diagnostic effects are (1) reduction of the total fusion age, (2) distortion of the age spectrum and, if the degree of the partial Ar loss is small (3) approximate preservation of the isochron age, and (4) reduction of the intercept value ( 40 Ar/ 36 Ar) in the isochron plot. The features observed in the age spectra of artificially disturbed samples are rather common in geologically disturbed samples, suggesting that the artificial disturbances simulate the effects of geological disturbances on 40 Ar- 39 Ar systematics. (Auth.)

  6. Parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos da tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L. sob estresse por exposição ao ar Hematological parameters of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L. under air exposure stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Dias da Silva


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho avaliaram-se os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos de exemplares adultos de tilápias (Oreochromis niloticus sob a influência do fator estresse fisiológico em animais submetidos à exposição ao ar durante a engorda em sistema raceway. Foram analisados o eritrograma, teor de hemoglobina, volume globular, o volume corpuscular médio (VCM, a hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM, a concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM, o leucograma, contagem diferencial de leucócitos, o plaquetograma, a glicose, a proteína total, o colesterol, o triglicerídeo e os eletrólitos (cálcio, cloretos, sódio e potássio. Os resultados revelaram que houve uma homogeneidade de distribuição para hemácias, volume globular, hemoglobina, índices hemantimétricos, proteína total, glicose, colesterol, e íons séricos, indicados pelos valores relativamente baixos do coeficiente de variação. Houve correlação positiva somente para leucócitos totais, células de defesa orgânica (neutrófilos e linfócitos, glicose, colesterol, sódio e cálcio. Quanto ao leucograma, à medida que os animais foram expostos ao ar, o número de leucócitos diminuiu gradativamente (leucopenia, ocorrendo simultaneamente neutrofilia e linfopenia. O índice glicêmico constituiu um bom indicador de estresse fisiológico, devido à hiperglicemia (82,0±20,88mg/dL demonstrada nos tratamentos. A exposição ao ar constituiu um fator de desequilíbrio na homeostase iônica, e na síntese de colesterol endógeno. Entretanto, o tempo de recuperação não ocasionou a completa reabilitação fisiológica frente ao desafio imposto.The present study evaluated the hematological and biochemical parameters of adult tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus under the influence of the physiological stress factor in animals submitted to air exposure during fattening in raceway system. Blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV, mean

  7. 39Ar/Ar measurements using ultra-low background proportional counters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, Jeter; Aalseth, Craig E.; Bonicalzi, Ricco M.; Brandenberger, Jill M.; Day, Anthony R.; Humble, Paul H.; Mace, Emily K.; Panisko, Mark E.; Seifert, Allen


    Age-dating groundwater and seawater using the 39 Ar/Ar ratio is an important tool to understand water mass-flow rates and mean residence time. Low-background proportional counters developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory use mixtures of argon and methane as counting gas. We demonstrate sensitivity to 39 Ar by comparing geological (ancient) argon recovered from a carbon dioxide gas well and commercial argon. The demonstrated sensitivity to the 39 Ar/Ar ratio is sufficient to date water masses as old as 1000 years. - Highlights: • 39 Ar/Ar age dating is important for understanding environmental water migration. • Ultra low background proportional counters have been developed. • 39 Ar is detected in atmospheric argon at a rate of 70.3 counts per day. The demonstrated background is 166 counts per day. • Age dating is possible for water with underground residence time of up to 1000 years.

  8. 40Ar/39Ar age calibration against counted annuallayers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storey, Michael; Stecher, Ole


    The 40Ar/39Ar method, based on the decay of the naturally occurring radioactive isotope 40K, is capable of producing ages with precision better than ± 0.1 %. However, accuracy is limited to no better than 1 % mainly due to the relatively large uncertainty in the 40K decay constants. One approach...... worth exploring for an improved absolute age basis for the 40Ar/39Ar system is through cross-calibration with counted annual layers (e.g. tree rings, varves and ice cores). North Atlantic Ash Zone (NAAZ) II is found within the dated part of the annual Greenland ice core record. NAAZ II has been...... correlated to the Icelandic peralkaline rhyolitic Thorsmörk ignimbrite. We will present preliminary 40Ar/39Ar results on the age of this eruption...

  9. 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar dating of altered glassy volcanic rocks: the Dabi Volcanics, P.N.G

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, D.A.; McDougall, I.


    K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages have been determined for altered submarine tholeiitic and boninite (high-Mg andesite) lavas from the Dabi Volcanics, Cape Vogel Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. 40 Ar/ 39 Ar whole rock total fusion and plateau ages identify a Late Paleocene age for the tholeiitic lavas (58.9 +- 1.1 Ma), and also for the boninitic lavas (58.8 +- 0.8 Ma). Apparent K-Ar ages for the same samples range from 27.2 +- 0.7 to 63.9 +- 4.5 Ma, and young K-Ar ages for glassy boninites are probably due to variable radiogenic 40 Ar( 40 Ar*) loss. These new ages effectively reconcile previously ambiguous age data for the Dabi Volcanics, and indicate contemporaneous tholeiitic and boninitic volcanism occurring in southeast PNG during the Late Paleocene. Smectites, developed as alteration products after glass in oceanic lavas commonly do not retain 39 Ar during or subsequent to irradiation, but in some cases may contain 40 Ar*. The results are discussed. (author)

  10. Instrumentos relacionados ao diabetes mellitus adaptados e validados para a cultura brasileira

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    Raquel Curcio


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa, cujo objetivo foi buscar evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre os instrumentos e escalas relacionados ao diabetes mellitus adaptados e validados para a cultura brasileira. Após busca nas bases eletrônicas BDENF, SciELO, LILACS, foram incluídos sete instrumentos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão: Diabetes Mellitus Knowledge (DKN-A; Diabetes Mellitus Attitude (ATT-19; Diabetes Quality of Life Measure (DQOL-Brasil; Diabetes Quality of Life for Youths (DQOLY-Brasil; Diabetes 39 (D-39; Insulin Management Diabetes Self-efficacy (IMDSES; Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID e Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Questionnaire (QAD. Os resultados permitiram traçar uma comparação entre os instrumentos disponíveis, além de conhecer as limitações quanto ao processo de validação e aplicação clínica. Espera-se que esse estudo possa contribuir para uma maior divulgação dos instrumentos relacionados ao diabetes mellitus disponíveis para a cultura brasileira, e oferecer subsídios para a sua utilização em pesquisa ou assistência de enfermagem.

  11. 40Ar-39Ar stepheating studies of clay concentrates from Irish orebodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halliday, A.N.


    40 Ar- 39 Ar step heating analyses of clay concentrates from the Gortdrum and Tynagh orebodies (Ireland) previously dated by conventional K-Ar, indicate major losses of 39 Ar (32 to 45%) and rad. 40 Ar (25 to 35%) during the irradiation. The proportion of rad. 40 Ar loss, unlike that of 39 Ar, increases with J-value. The difference between 39 Ar and rad. 40 Ar proportion losses is related to the mineralogy and grain intimacy. These also affect the stepwise release patterns - the Gortdrum concentrates yield age spectra very consistent with 39 Ar recoil predictions, whereas the Tynagh concentrates in which the grains are intimately intergrown, show no clear evidence for 39 Ar recoil depletion in the K-rich phases. The difference is resolvable if illite argon release is not a simple volume diffusion type process under vacuum conditions. (author)

  12. Influence of residual Ar+ in Ar cluster ion beam for DLC film formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitagawa, Teruyuki; Miyauchi, Kazuya; Toyoda, Noriaki; Kanda, Kazuhiro; Ikeda, Tokumi; Tsubakino, Harushige; Matsuo, Jiro; Matsui, Shinji; Yamada, Isao


    In order to study the influences of residual Ar monomer ion (Ar + ) on sp 2 content and hardness of diamond like carbon (DLC) films formed by Ar cluster ion beam assisted deposition, Ar cluster ion, Ar + and their mixed ions (Ar cluster ion and Ar + ) bombardments were performed during evaporation of C 60 . From near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and Raman spectroscopy measurements, lower sp 2 content in the carbon films was obtained with Ar cluster ion bombardment than that with Ar + and mixed ion. Furthermore higher hardness and smooth surface were shown with Ar cluster ion bombardments. Therefore it was important to reduce Ar + in Ar cluster ion beams to obtain hard DLC films with flat surface

  13. Effects of shock pressure on 40Ar-39Ar radiometric age determinations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, P.K.


    The relation of shock to the drop in the 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar ratio seen at high release temperatures in some neutron-irradiated lunar samples is investigated through measurements of the 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar ratio in gas samples released by stepwise heating of rock samples previously subjected to shock, either in the laboratory or in nature. Explosives were used to shock solid pieces and powder of a basalt from a diabase dike in Liberia to calculated pressures of 65, 150 and 270 kbar. These, an unshocked sample of the powder, two naturally shocked samples from the Brent impact crater in Canada, one unshocked sample from near the crater, and appropriate monitors were irradiated. Ar from stepwise heating was analyzed. The unshocked basalt shows a good 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar plateau at age 198 +-9 m.y. in agreement with a previous result of 186 +- 2 m.y. The shocked samples contain varying amounts of implanted atmospheric Ar, the isotopes of which have experienced mass fractionation. This effect is small enough in four samples so that the linearity of their graphs of 39 *Ar/ 40 Ar vs 36 Ar/ 40 Ar is evidence of a plateau. The ages of these samples are then 201 +- 10, 205 +- 12 and 201 +-9 m.y. It appears that the shock has had little effect on the 40 Ar- 39 Ar age spectrum, although the release patterns of the 39 *Ar are shifted downward by the order of 200 0 C. Shock implantation of Ar was at lower shock pressure, in the presence of less Ar, and into a less porous material than previously demonstrated. The Brent Crater samples do not all show good plateaus, but do indicate an age of 420 m.y. for the crater event and 795 +- 24 m.y. for the rock formation, in agreement with previous results. None of the 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar profiles shows a drop at high temperature, but a possible role of shock implantation of Ar is indicated in the production of this effect. Further experiments are suggested. (author)

  14. Influência da variação da velocidade de rotação e do tipo de cimento nas propriedades de argamassas de revestimento nos estados fresco e endurecido

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    D. R. Torres

    Full Text Available Resumo A etapa de mistura influencia as condições de execução do revestimento de argamassa, visto que desde o primeiro contato dos materiais sólidos com água uma série de eventos de aglomeração e desaglomeração no sistema é verificada. Acontece que durante o processamento das argamassas em obra a utilização de equipamentos com distintos mecanismos de mistura pode modificar o desempenho do sistema de revestimento. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da condição de mistura durante o processamento de argamassas aditivadas com incorporador de ar e formuladas com diferentes tipos de cimento. As misturas foram realizadas em um reômetro rotacional variando-se a velocidade de rotação, porém mantendo-se o tempo total de batimento. Reometria de mistura, ciclo de cisalhamento e teor de ar incorporado foram as propriedades avaliadas no estado fresco, enquanto porosidade, resistência mecânica, módulo de elasticidade e permeabilidade ao ar foram utilizados para avaliação do estado endurecido. Com base nos resultados obtidos pôde-se afirmar que a variação da velocidade de rotação e o tipo de cimento utilizado impactaram as propriedades das composições nos estados fresco e endurecido.

  15. Electron scattering from 36Ar and 40Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finn, J.M.


    The argon isotopes, 36 Ar and 40 Ar, have been investigated using electron scattering at the high-resolution Linac facilities of the National Bureau of Standards. Both elastic scattering and scattering to low-lying states have been observed. A high-pressure, low-volume gas target cell was designed and developed for this experiment. The cell features a transmission geometry and has resolution comparable to solid targets. Spectra were obtained at incident beam energies ranging from 65 to 115 MeV at scattering angles of 92.5 0 and 110 0 . Values obtained for the rms charge radii are 3.327 +- 0.015 and 3.393 +- 0.015 fm for 36 Ar and 40 Ar respectively. A sensitive measurement was made of the difference in the two radii yielding a value of Δ r = 0.079 +- 0.006 fm. The inelastic levels observed are the 1.97 (2 + ) and 4.18 MeV (3 - ) levels in 36 Ar, and the 1.46 (2 + ), 2.52 (2 + ), 3.21 (2 + ), and 3.68 MeV (3 - ) levels in 40 Ar. A Tassie model analysis was made of the inelastic transitions in the DWBA approximation and transition strengths of these levels were extracted

  16. Baicalein suppresses the androgen receptor (AR)-mediated prostate cancer progression via inhibiting the AR N-C dimerization and AR-coactivators interaction. (United States)

    Xu, Defeng; Chen, Qiulu; Liu, Yalin; Wen, Xingqiao


    Androgen receptor (AR) plays a critical role in prostate cancer (PCa) development and progression. Androgen deprivation therapy with antiandrogens to reduce androgen biosynthesis or prevent androgens from binding to AR are widely used to suppress AR-mediated PCa growth. However, most of ADT may eventually fail with development of the castration resistance after 12-24 months. Here we found that a natural product baicalein can effectively suppress the PCa progression via targeting the androgen-induced AR transactivation with little effect to AR protein expression. PCa cells including LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, C4-2, PC-3, and DU145, were treated with baicalein and luciferase assay was used to evaluate their effect on the AR transactivation. Cell growth and IC 50 were determined by MTT assay after 48 hrs treatment. RT-PCR was used to evaluate the mRNA levels of AR target genes including PSA, TMPRSS2, and TMEPA1. Western blot was used to determine AR and PSA protein expression. The natural product of baicalein can selectively inhibit AR transactivation with little effect on the other nuclear receptors, including ERα, and GR. At a low concentration, 2.5 μM of baicalein effectively suppresses the growth of AR-positive PCa cells, and has little effect on AR-negative PCa cells. Mechanism dissection suggest that baicalein can suppress AR target genes (PSA, TMPRSS2, and TMEPA1) expression in both androgen responsive LNCaP cells and castration resistant CWR22Rv1 cells, that may involve the inhibiting the AR N/C dimerization and AR-coactivators interaction. Baicalein may be developed as an effective anti-AR therapy via its ability to inhibit AR transactivation and AR-mediated PCa cell growth.

  17. Condicionamento de ar em salas de operação e controle de infecção - uma revisão

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    May Socorro Martinez Afonso


    Full Text Available Revisão bibliográfica, realizada junto aos bancos de dados MED LINE, LILACS, SCIELO, Ministério da Saúde e outros buscadores, com o objetivo de identificar os fatores que torna o ar condicionado fonte de contaminação ambiental. O ar é contaminado por partículas que transportam microrganismos. As fontes de partículas incluem pacientes e equipe cirúrgica. O controle da temperatura, umidade relativa, pressão, número de trocas de ar realizadas por hora, paramentação, tráfego, número de pessoas nas salas e manutenção e limpeza do sistema de ar condicionado dos centros cirúrgicos, são fatores importantes na redução do número de microrganismos no ambiente de sala de operação.

  18. O letramento e a organização da informação digital aliados ao aprendizado ao longo da vida

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    Sonia Boeres


    Full Text Available O letramento digital é fruto de pensamento crítico e busca potencializar os métodos de estudo pela tecnologia da informação. A questão de pesquisa aqui tratada é compreender como o letramento digital pode contribuir para o aprendizado ao longo da vida. O objetivo é traçar um paralelo entre o letramento e a informação digital e o aprendizado ao longo da vida. Como metodologia fez-se uma revisão de literatura, nacional e internacional, sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, letramento informacional, digital e aprendizado ao longo da vida. Esta pesquisa é de natureza descritiva e base qualitativa. Os principais resultados observados foram que o letramento digital leva a variadas práticas de leitura e escrita por meio das tecnologias da informação. Estas trazem novas possibilidades para educadores e educandos, profissionais e usuários, transcendendo o simples ato de decodificar sinais ou pesquisar na Internet. Ser letrado digitalmente leva à compreensão de que a tecnologia da informação vai além de novas formas de acesso à informação, mas também a novos processos cognitivos e formas de conhecimento. Chegando-se a esse patamar, cabe o árduo e prazeroso trabalho de manter-se atualizado ao longo do tempo, por meio de um esforço pessoal, que envolvem cursos e treinamentos como fonte de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de trabalho em conjunto com especialistas. Em suma, há que se manter atualizado, acompanhando a evolução tecnológica, e para tanto, ser destemido das tecnologias e do uso das mídias digitais.

  19. /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar and K-Ar dating of altered glassy volcanic rocks: the Dabi Volcanics, P. N. G

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walker, D.A. (Australian National Univ., Canberra. Dept. of Geology); McDougall, I. (Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School of Earth Sciences)


    K-Ar and /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar ages have been determined for altered submarine tholeiitic and boninite (high-Mg andesite) lavas from the Dabi Volcanics, Cape Vogel Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar whole rock total fusion and plateau ages identify a Late Paleocene age for the tholeiitic lavas (58.9 +- 1.1 Ma), and also for the boninitic lavas (58.8 +- 0.8 Ma). Apparent K-Ar ages for the same samples range from 27.2 +- 0.7 to 63.9 +- 4.5 Ma, and young K-Ar ages for glassy boninites are probably due to variable radiogenic /sup 40/Ar(/sup 40/Ar*) loss. These new ages effectively reconcile previously ambiguous age data for the Dabi Volcanics, and indicate contemporaneous tholeiitic and boninitic volcanism occurring in southeast PNG during the Late Paleocene. Smectites, developed as alteration products after glass in oceanic lavas commonly do not retain /sup 39/Ar during or subsequent to irradiation, but in some cases may contain /sup 40/Ar*. The results are discussed.

  20. Cartografar é traçar um plano comum

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    Virgínia Kastrup


    Full Text Available A pesquisa de campo sobre produção da subjetividade enfrenta o problema de construir conhecimento envolvendo pesquisadores e pesquisados, com territórios e semióticas singulares. Surgem questões relativas ao protagonismo dos participantes e a como traçar com eles um plano comum, garantindo o caráter participativo da pesquisa. No contexto do método da cartografia, o artigo tem como objetivo tratar do tema do comum num duplo aspecto. Num primeiro, discute o acesso ao plano comum. Com base em Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, tal plano não é dito homogêneo nem reúne atores que manteriam entre si relações de identidade, mas opera comunicação entre singularidades, sendo pré-individual e coletivo. Num segundo aspecto, aponta que, enquanto pesquisa-intervenção, a cartografia se compromete com a criação de um mundo comum e heterogêneo. O artigo mostra que o traçado do comum tem como diretriz metodológica a tranversalidade e examina os procedimentos de participação, inclusão e tradução.

  1. Single electron capture by state-prepared Ar2+ projectiles in Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puerta, J.; Huber, B.A.


    Electron capture by state-selected Ar 2+ projectiles in Ar has been studied at low collision energies ( 2+ ions are measured explaining existing discrepancies of partial and total cross sections in the Ar 2+ /Ar collision system. Although highly excited metastable ions ( 5 D 4 0 , 3 F 4 0 ) represent a minor contamination of a non-prepared Ar 2+ beam (proportional1%), their contributions are found to dominate the capture process due to cross section values larger than 10 -15 cm 2 . (orig.)

  2. A radiation-electric-field combination principle for SO2-oxidation in Ar-mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leonhardt, J.; Krueger, H.; Popp, P.; Boes, J.


    A simple model for a radiation-induced SO 2 -oxidation in Ar using SO 2 /O 2 /Ar-mixtures has been described by Leonhardt a.o. It is possible to improve the efficiency of the radiation-induced SO 2 -oxidation in such mixtures if the electrons produced by the ionizing radiation are accelerated by means of an electric field. The energy of the field-accelerated electrons must be high enough to form reactive SO 2 radicals but not high enough to ionize the gas mixture. Such an arrangement is described. The connection between the rate of SO 3 -formation and the electric field and the connection between SO 3 -formation and decreasing of the O 2 -concentration in the reaction chaimber were experimentally determined. Further the G-values attained by means of the radiation-electric-field combination are discussed. (author)

  3. AoS28D, a proline-Xaa carboxypeptidase secreted by Aspergillus oryzae. (United States)

    Salamin, Karine; Eugster, Philippe J; Jousson, Olivier; Waridel, Patrice; Grouzmann, Eric; Monod, Michel


    Prolyl peptidases of the MEROPS S28 family are of particular interest because they are key enzymes in the digestion of proline-rich peptides. A BLAST analysis of the Aspergillus oryzae genome revealed sequences coding for four proteases of the S28 family. Three of these proteases, AoS28A, AoS28B, and AoS28C, were previously characterized as acidic prolyl endopeptidases. The fourth protease, AoS28D, showed high sequence divergence with other S28 proteases and belongs to a phylogenetically distinct cluster together with orthologous proteases from other Aspergillus species. The objective of the present paper was to characterize AoS28D protease in terms of substrate specificity and activity. AoS28D produced by gene overexpression in A. oryzae and in Pichia pastoris was a 70-kDa glycoprotein with a 10-kDa sugar moiety. In contrast with other S28 proteases, AoS28D did not hydrolyze internal Pro-Xaa bonds of several tested peptides. Similarly, to human lysosomal Pro-Xaa carboxypeptidase, AoS28D demonstrated selectivity for cleaving C-terminal Pro-Xaa bonds which are resistant to carboxypeptidases of the S10 family concomitantly secreted by A. oryzae. Therefore, AoS28D could act in synergy with these enzymes during sequential degradation of a peptide from its C-terminus.

  4. On mechanism of Ar(3p54p) states excitation in low-energy Ar-Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurskov, S Y; Kashuba, A S


    The present work is devoted to study of Ar(3p 5 4p) states excitation in binary low-energy Ar-Ar collisions. The results of the experimental investigation of excitation cross sections of Ar I 4p'[l/2] 1 , 4p'[3/2] 1 , 4p'[3/2] 2 and 4p[3/2] 2 levels in the collision energy range from threshold up to 500 eV (cm) and degree of polarization for 4s[3/2] 2 0 -4p'[l/2] 1 and 4s[3/2] 2 0 -4p[3/2] 2 transitions in this energy range are represented.

  5. First-principles calibration of 40Ar/39Ar mineral standards and complete extraction of 40Ar* from sanidine (United States)

    Morgan, L. E.; Kuiper, K.; Mark, D.; Postma, O.; Villa, I. M.; Wijbrans, J. R.


    40Ar/39Ar geochronology relies on comparing argon isotopic data for unknowns to those for knowns. Mineral standards used as neutron fluence monitors must be dated by the K-Ar method (or at least referenced to a mineral of known K-Ar age). The commonly used age of 28.02 ± 0.28 Ma for the Fish Canyon sanidine (FCs) (Renne et al., 1998) is based upon measurements of radiogenic 40Ar in GA1550 biotite (McDougall and Roksandic, 1974), but underlying full data were not published (these measurements were never intended for use as an international standard), so uncertainties are difficult to assess. Recent developments by Kuiper et al. (2008) and Renne et al. (2010) are limited by their reliance on the accuracy of other systems. Modern technology should allow for more precise and accurate calibration of primary K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar standards. From the ideal gas law, the number of moles of 40Ar in a system can be calculated from measurements of pressure, volume, and temperature. Thus we have designed and are proceeding to build a pipette system to introduce well-determined amounts of 40Ar into noble gas extraction lines and mass spectrometers. This system relies on components with calibrations traceable to SI unit prototypes, including a diaphragm pressure gauge (MKS Instruments), thermocouples, and a “slug” of an accurately determined volume to be inserted into the reservoir for volume determinations of the reservoir and pipette. The system will be renewable, with a lifetime of ca. 1 month for gas in the reservoir, and portable, to permit interlaboratory calibrations. The quantitative extraction of 40Ar* from the mineral standard is of highest importance; for sanidine standards this is complicated by high melt viscosity during heating. Experiments adding basaltic “zero age glass” (ZAG) to decrease melt viscosity are underway. This has previously been explored by McDowell (1983) with a resistance furnace, but has not been quantitatively addressed with laser heating

  6. Microbiota e barreira intestinal: implicações para obesidade

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    Alynne Moniellen Oliveira


    Full Text Available A epidemia da obesidade é considerada um importante problema de saúde pública na sociedade ocidental, pois ela relaciona-se à comorbidades como síndrome metabólica, diabetes mellitus e hipertensão. A microbiota intestinal pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da obesidade através do aumento da extração energética dos componentes da dieta, da lipogênese, da permeabilidade intestinal e da endotoxemia, mediada especialmente pelos lipopolissacarídeos. Estudos tem demonstrado diferenças na composição da microbiota intestinal entre indivíduos obesos e magros. Ao que parece, o aumento na proporção de Firmicutes em relação a Bacteroidetes parece estar presente na obesidade, podendo ser alterada a medida que ocorre perda de peso. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é revisar a literatura acerca dos mecanismos que relacionam a microbiota e a barreira intestinal ao desenvolvimento ou agravamento da obesidade. Palavras-chave: Obesidade; microbioma gastrointestinal; microbiota; permeabilidade intestinal

  7. Structural, K-Ar and 40Ar-39Ar age studies of adularia K-feldspars from the Lizard Complex, England

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halliday, A.N.; Mitchell, J.G.


    Conventional K-Ar analyses of fifteen adularia feldspars from the Lizard Complex yield ages between 181+-2 Ma and 220+-3 Ma (with one exception from Holseer Cove yielding an age of 156+-3 Ma). The feldspars are dominantly monoclinic but most contain a minor but constant proportion of triclinic material with variable triclinicity. An inverse correlation exists between triclinicity and K-Ar age interpreted as representing argon loss related to the structural state. Extrapolation of the data to zero triclinicity indicates a true age of 210-220 Ma. 40 Ar- 39 Ar stepwise degassing analyses yield plateau ages related to the K-Ar ages and not the crystallization age. The results can be explained in terms of postcrystallization Al-Si ordering resulting in argon loss from lattice sites which under normal diffusion conditions requires a range of activation energies. The Holseer Cove sample is monoclinic and an 40 Ar- 39 Ar stepheating analysis suggests a later crystallization at 160-170 Ma. Neither primary crystallization nor spontaneous ordering through time explain the origin of the triclinic adularia. It is suggested that ordering has been induced by the passage of low-temperature alkaline solutions at a subsequent point in geological time. Argon loss by ordering could explain the low ages found using both K-Ar and 40 Ar- 39 Ar stepheating methods when applied to feldspars in general. The 210-220 Ma, and 160-170 Ma hydrothermal events affected much of southwest England and are probably related to major geotectonic movements in western Europe. (Auth.)

  8. Evidência de alterações de permeabilidade vascular na dengue: quando a dosagem de albumina sérica define o quadro? Plasma leakage detection in severe dengue: when serum albumin quantification plays a role?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos A.A. Brito


    Full Text Available Evidência de extravasamento vascular decorrente do aumento da permeabilidade capilar caracteriza e diferencia febre hemorrágica da dengue. Este artigo avalia o valor de albumina sérica na detecção de alterações de permeabilidade vascular em casos de dengue. Quatorze pacientes diagnosticados com febre hemorrágica da dengue em dois hospitais privados em Recife, Brasil, entre janeiro e maio de 2002 foram seguidos com dosagens diárias de hematócrito e albumina sérica. Ultra-son e Raio X de tórax foram realizados. Oito (57% casos apresentaram hemoconcentração de 20% ou mais. Hipoalbuminemia foi detectado em dez (71% pacientes. Dosagem de albumina sérica aumentou a detecção de alterações de permeabilidade em seis (43% casos na qual a hemoconcentração foi inferior a 20% e os sintomas foram compatíveis com um a resposta imune exacerbada. Raio-X foi normal em todos os casos. A utilização, portanto, de dosagem de albumina sérica aumenta a sensibilidade de detecção de casos de febre hemorrágica da dengue.Evidence of vascular leakage due to increased capillary permeability characterizes and differentiates dengue hemorrhagic fever. This article assesses the value of serum albumin for detecting vascular permeability abnormalities in dengue cases. Fourteen patients diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever at two private hospitals in Recife, Brazil, between January and May 2002 were followed up with daily hematocrit and serum albumin assays. Ultrasound scans and chest X-rays were also performed. Eight (57% of the cases presented hemoconcentration of 20% or more. Hypoalbuminemia was detected in ten patients (71%. Serum albumin assays increased the detection of permeability abnormalities in six cases (43% in which the hemoconcentration was less than 20% and the symptoms were compatible with an exacerbated immune response. The X-rays were normal in all cases. Thus, the use serum albumin quantification increased the sensitivity of dengue

  9. Geochronology and thermochronology by the 40Ar/39Ar method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDougall, I.; Harrison, T.M.


    This work is a response to the authors' belief that there is a need for a monograph on 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating to provide concise knowledge concerning the application of this method to geological studies. They aim to provide a reasonably comprehensive but by no means exhaustive coverage of the principles and practices of 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating, with emphasis on interpretation of results. In attempting to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge, they commonly cite examples from the available literature. They draw rather heavily upon their own work, because they feel comfortable with their own examples. (author)

  10. A flavor of 40Ar-39Ar geochronology research at lIT Bombay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pande, Kanchan


    Geochronology based on radiogenic isotopes has become an invaluable tool in earth sciences. Several radioactive parent-daughter systems of varying half-lives such as Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, K-Ar have been traditionally used by researchers for determining the timing of geological and planetary processes. 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating, a variant of the K-Ar system, is a well-established and versatile method of determining the eruptive ages of volcanic rocks and the ∼150-500° C thermal histories of a variety of more slowly cooled igneous and metamorphic rocks. In the 40 Ar- 39 Ar method the sample is irradiated by fast neutrons in a nuclear reactor to convert some of 39 K into 39 Ar. The fixed natural ratio 39 K/ 40 K provides estimate for the parent 40 K by measuring 39 Ar. In order to know the conversion factor of 39 K to 39 Ar and to take care of other nuclear interfering reactions a sample of known K-Ar age is irradiated along with the unknown. The age of the unknown is then derived by comparison with the monitor sample of known age

  11. Alkali-resistant glass fiber reinforced high strength concrete in simulated aggressive environment; Hormigón de altas resistencia reforzado con fibras de vidrio resistentes a alcalis en ambientes agresivos simulados.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwan, W.H.; Cheah, C.B.; Ramli, M.; Chang, K.Y.


    The durability of the alkali-resistant (AR) glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) in three simulated aggresive environments, namely tropical climate, cyclic air and seawater and seawater immersion was investigated. Durability examinations include chloride diffusion, gas permeability, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy examination (SEM). The fiber content is in the range of 0.6 % to 2.4 %. Results reveal that the specimen containing highest AR glass fiber content suffered severe strength loss in seawater environment and relatively milder strength loss under cyclic conditions. The permeability property was found to be more inferior with the increase in the fiber content of the concrete. This suggests that the AR glass fiber is not suitable for use as the fiber reinforcement in concrete is exposed to seawater. However, in both the tropical climate and cyclic wetting and drying, the incorporation of AR glass fiber prevents a drastic increase in permeability. [Spanish] Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de la durabilidad de hormigón reforzado con fibra de vidrio resistente a álcalis (CRFVRA) en tres ambientes agresivos simulados como son, condiciones de clima tropical, ciclos de aire y agua de mar e inmersión marina. Los tests de durabilidad incluyeron la difusión de cloruros, permeabilidad de gas, difracción de rayos X (XRD) y evaluacion por microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Los contenidos de fibra evaluados estuvieron en el rango desde 0.6% hasta 2.4%. Los resultados revelan que la muestra que contiene el mayor porcentaje de fibra sufre una severa pérdida de resistencia en condiciones de agua de mar, y una menor disminución de resistencia bajo condiciones cíclicas. Su permeabilidad disminuyó al incrementar el contenido de fibras en el hormigón. Lo anterior sugiere que el refuerzo con fibra resistente a alcalinos no es adecuado para su uso en hormigón en ambiente de agua de mar. Sin embargo, bajo condiciones de clima

  12. Vector analyzing power and cross section for the reactions 40Ar(d(pol),p)41Ar and 40Ar(d(pol),t)39Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sen, S.; Darden, S.E.; Yoh, W.A.; Berners, E.D.


    Angular distributions of vector analyzing power and cross section for the reactions 40 Ar(d,p) 41 Ar and 40 Ar(d,t) 39 Ar have been measured at an incident deuteron energy of 14.83 MeV. The bound-state data in the (d,p) reaction and the (d,t) data are compared to DWBA calculations. The data for the neutron-unbound states are analyzed in the framework of the DWBA using (i) a form factor for weakly bound neutron and (ii) a resonance form factor, following the approach of Vincent and Fortune. The j-dependence of the (d,p) vector analyzing power permits definite spin-parity assignments to be made for 19 neutron-bound and 4 neutron unbound states in 41 Ar with excitation energy up to 6.57 MeV. Tentative Jsup(π) assignments have been made for 3 states. The l-value for the 5.62 MeV states has been determined. Data for the observed unbound states are found to be equally well reproduced by the type (i) calculations as by the type (ii) calculations. The (d,t) vector cnalyzing power data show definite J-dependence although not as strongly as in the (d,p) reaction. For relatively weakly excited states a pre-knowledge of the l-value of the transition is desirable for an unambiguous spin assignment. In general, the J-dependence in the (d,t) vector analyzing power can be utilized for definitive Jsup(π) assignments. On this basis, Jsub(π) values have been assigned for seven states in 39 Ar with excitation energies up to 4.47MeV excitation. Possible spin values for three other states are suggested. Spectroscopic factors fo the states in 41 Ar and 39 Ar have been extracted and are in fair agreement with those obtained by other workers. (Auth.)

  13. Spectroscopic analysis of visible and near UV light emitted by Ar7+ and Ar6+ ions produced in Ar8+-He and Ar8+-H2 collisions at 120 keV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boduch, P.; Chantepie, M.; Hennecart, D.; Husson, X.; Kucal, H.; Lecler, D.; Stolterfoht, N.; Druetta, M.; Fawcett, B.; Wilson, M.


    A spectroscopic analysis of light emitted in the 2000-6000A wavelength range by Ar 7+ and Ar 6+ ions produced in Ar 8+ -He and Ar 8+ -H 2 collisions at 120 keV is performed. Well resolved fine structure components of 5s-5p and 5p-5d transitions in Ar VIII following single electron capture are precisely measured. Predominant lines due to double electron capture are observed. In particular, strong lines observed both in Ar 8+ -He and Ar 8+ -H 2 collisions are attributed to Ryberg transitions 3snl-3sn'l' in Ar VII. Attempts at identifications are made for the transition 3dnl-3dn'l' (n=4, 5) with the help of ab initio calculations. Photon emission cross sections for individual lines are determined from the measured data. (orig.)

  14. Nanocompósitos de blendas HDPE/LLDPE e OMMT - Parte II: avaliação das propriedades térmica, óticas e de transporte a gases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio R. Passador


    Full Text Available Nanocompósitos de blendas de polietileno de alta densidade (HDPE com polietileno linear de baixa densidade (LLDPE e OMMT (montmorilonita organofílica foram preparados sob fusão em extrusora de dupla-rosca, utilizando HDPE-g-MA como agente compatibilizante. Os nanocompósitos foram caracterizados através das propriedades térmicas, óticas e de transporte de gases. A blenda HDPE/LLDPE e os nanocompósitos das blendas HDPE/LLDPE como esperado comportam-se como barreira ao vapor de água e são permeáveis ao CO2 e O2. A adição de nanoargila modificou o grau de cristalinidade da matriz polimérica dos nanocompósitos e a diminuição do coeficiente de permeabilidade foi atribuída ao aumento do grau de cristalinidade e do aumento ao caminho difusional para as moléculas do gás passarem pelo filme polimérico. O caminho difusional mais longo devido ao aumento da tortuosidade está relacionado a uma boa dispersão da carga inorgânica, boa molhabilidade desta pela matriz e forte interações na interface. Modelos teóricos de permeabilidade propostos por Nielsen e Bharadwaj foram utilizados para estimar a razão de aspecto da nanoargila nos nanocompósitos e forneceram resultados que se correlacionam bem com as morfologias observadas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão.

  15. 40Ar/39Ar dating of pyrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    York, D.; Masliwec, A.; Kuybida, P.; Hanes, J.A.; Hall, C.M.; Kenyon, W.J.; Spooner, E.T.C.; Scott, S.D.


    To overcome difficulties encountered in the customary method of determining the age of mineralization of sulphide ore deposits by analysing silicate material, the sulphide minerals themselves have been examined to see if they contained sufficient potassium and argon for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age determination. Initial results indicate that this is the case for pyrite from the Geco ore body in northwestern Ontario, Canada. (U.K.)

  16. Ar-40/Ar-39 Studies of Martian Meteorite RBT 04262 and Terrestrial Standards (United States)

    Park, J.; Herzog, G. F.; Turrin, B.; Lindsay, F. N.; Delaney, J. S.; Swisher, C. C., III; Nagao, K.; Nyquist, L. E.


    Park et al. recently presented an Ar-40/Ar-39 dating study of maskelynite separated from the Martian meteorite RBT 04262. Here we report an additional study of Ar-40/Ar-39 patterns for smaller samples, each consisting of only a few maskelynite grains. Considered as a material for Ar-40/Ar-39 dating, the shock-produced glass maskelynite has both an important strength (relatively high K concentration compared to other mineral phases) and some potentially problematic weaknesses. At Rutgers, we have been analyzing small grains consisting of a single phase to explore local effects that might be averaged and remain hidden in larger samples. Thus, to assess the homogeneity of the RBT maskelynite and for comparison with the results of, we analyzed six approx. 30 microgram samples of the same maskelynite separate they studied. Furthermore, because most Ar-40/Ar-39 are calculated relative to the age of a standard, we present new Ar-40/Ar-39 age data for six standards. Among the most widely used standards are sanidine from Fish Canyon (FCs) and various hornblendes (hb3gr, MMhb-1, NL- 25), which are taken as primary standards because their ages have been determined by independent, direct measurements of K and A-40.

  17. Permeabilidade a quente de refratários para revestimento de cubas eletrolíticas Hot permeability of refractories for aluminum electrolytic cells lining at high temperatures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Y. Miyaji


    Full Text Available Na indústria do alumínio primário, um dos principais responsáveis pela deterioração do revestimento refratário nas cubas de redução eletrolítica é o ataque por banho criolítico com alta concentração de NaF, que penetra e reage com o refratário podendo, em condições extremas, causar a parada prematura de operação da cuba e grandes prejuízos econômicos. Baseando-se nos mais recentes estudos de caracterização de refratários para cubas, uma boa correlação tem sido encontrada entre a resistência à corrosão e a permeabilidade, a qual é calculada pela equação de Forchheimer para a obtenção das constantes k1 Darciana (efeito viscoso e k2 não Darciana (efeito inercial. Entretanto, na maioria das situações, as medidas da permeabilidade têm sido efetuadas à temperatura ambiente, embora o refratário em uso esteja a superior temperatura. Este trabalho visa avaliar como esta permeabilidade se altera em temperaturas de até 700 ºC buscando, assim, uma melhor correlação dos resultados com as condições reais de operação. Pretende-se também, investigar essa propriedade em refratários empregados no revestimento de cadinhos para o transporte de alumínio líquido, com o intuito de verificar a aplicabilidade da permeametria como uma ferramenta de caracterização desses materiais cujo interesse de aplicação e desenvolvimento tem sido cada vez maior.In the aluminium primary industry, one of the main causes for electrolytic cells lining deterioration is the chemical attack by high NaF content cryolitic bath, that penetrates and reacts with the refractory, shortening the cell’s service life and resulting great economic losses. Based on the most recent studies on characterization of alumino-silicate refractories for aluminum cell linings, a good correlation has been found between its chemical attack by molten fluorides and the permeability, which is calculated by Forchheimer’s equation in order to obtain the Darcian

  18. Desnudar e dançar, a pesar de... [Clarice Lispector e Pina Bausch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleonora Frenkel


    Full Text Available O texto propõe pensar a escritura de Clarice Lispector como a condução de um corpo-linguagem que quer se espaçar como o corpo do dançarino: livre de qualquer determinação exterior. Uma escrita que se desloca evadindo as figurações e a fixidez do discurso condutor de sentido. O desafio está em sair das normativas da linguagem com ela mesma, criando no espaço da literatura uma suspensão de suas leis. No contato da literatura com a música e a dança, trata-se de fazer ressoar a palavra, fazê-la vibrar como no improviso do jazz, aberta ao erro e aos desvios da harmonia, e de conduzi-la no deslocamento de uma dança, livre do ordenamento sintático de seus passos.

  19. 37Ar and 39Ar in meteorites and the spatial cosmic ray gradient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heusser, G.; Schaeffer, O.A.


    Cosmic-ray-produced 37 Ar (tsub(1/2) = 35 days), and 39 Ar (tsub(1/2) = 269 years) in the Fe-Ni phase of meteorites have been studied in connection with their implications for the radial gradient of cosmic ray particles. For the chondrite, Canon City, which fell on October 27, 1973, 20.1 +- 1.5 dpm/kg FeNi of 37 Ar and 22.5 +- 1.4 dpm/kg FeNi of 39 Ar was found. Usually, the 37 Ar/ 39 Ar ratio is used to deduce a spatial gradient. However, 37 Ar data reported in the literature are inconsistent. They fluctuate much more than could be accounted for by different orbits and the anticipated correlation with the cosmic ray neutron registrations is rather weak. Consequently, the 37 Ar/ 39 Ar-derived gradient has a low confidence level. On the other hand, 39 Ar activities group close to a mean value of 22.5 dpm/kg FeNi and appear to be almost independent of the different meteoroid orbits. A comparison of measured 39 Ar activities in meteorites with those calculated for orbits obtained from fireball data shows that a gradient of 10%/Au or less is reconcilable with the experimental findings. The average gradient (E > 200 MeV) during the last 500 years was probably not much larger than that measured presently by the Pioneer 10 and 11, and Helios spacecrafts. (Auth.)

  20. Photoionization study of HgAr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linn, S.H.; Brom, J.M. Jr.; Tzeng, W.; Ng, C.Y.


    Photoionization efficiency data for HgAr + have been obtained in the region of 680--1240 A. The ionization energy of HgAr was determined to be 10.217 +- 0.012 eV. This value allows the calculation of the dissociation energy of HgAr + to be 0.228 +- 0.017 eV. The relative probabilities for the formation of HgAr + via the reactions Ar* x Hg or Hg* x Ar→ HgAr + +e - with Ar* and Hg* prepared in high Rydberg states in the energy range of 10.22--15.79 eV were estimated. Although the radii for the 3d and 5s Rydberg ortitals of Ar have similar values, the probabilities for the formation of HgAr + from Hg x Ar* with Ar* in the 5s[3/2] 0 1 and 5s'[1/2] 0 1 Rydberg states are substantially greater than those when the Ar* excited atoms are in the 3d[1/2] 0 1 , 3s[3/2] 0 1 , and 3d'[3/2] 0 1 Rydberg levels. The ratio for the cross sections for the formation of HgAr + from Hg x Ar* with Ar* formed in the 3d[1/2] 0 1 and 4d[1/2] 0 1 states, as well as that with Ar* prepared in the 5d[1/2] 0 1 and 6d[1/2] 0 1 states, were found to be consistent with the predictions of the previous impact parameter calculations

  1. Análise temporal da permeabilidade da superfície urbana da sub-bacia do córrego centenário em Lavras, MG Temporal analysis of permeability urban surfaces locaty of the Centenário sub-basin creek in Lavras, MG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Barbosa Furtini


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, séries de estudos têm sido realizadas por estudiosos de diferentes áreas para estabelecer os efeitos da urbanização na hidrologia de sub-bacias. O processo de urbanização freqüentemente produz alterações na drenagem da água pluvial. Um SIG com dados cadastrais planaltimétricos e fotografias aéreas permitiram estudar a ocupação em 3 diferentes períodos (1999, 1986 e 1971 na sub-bacia do Centenário, na cidade de Lavras, MG. Objetivou-se com este estudo realizar a análise temporal da permeabilidade da superfície na sub-bacia do Centenário comparando os 3 períodos. A permeabilidade da superfície urbana foi obtida pela análise da ocupação dos quarteirões por área construída ou pavimentada. Os resultados permitiram verificar que a permeabilidade da superfície decaiu de 1971 para 1999. Nestes anos a área urbana cresceu reduzindo a permeabilidade do solo da sub-bacia. Conclui-se que, sendo óbvio que a urbanização causou impactos na sub-bacia, as metodologias utilizadas para essas análises foram muito eficientes para determinar os impactos de superfícies impermeáveis.Over the past years, a series of studies have been undertaken by scientists of different areas, to assess the effects of urbanization on the hidrology of subbasins. The urbanization process has frequently been done alterations on the drainage of pluvial water. A GIS data base containing the cadastral planiltimetric charts and aerial photographies allowed to study the land occupation in three different periods (1999, 1986 and 1971 of the Centenário Subbasin in Lavras city, MG. So, the subject of this study was to realize a temporal analysis of the surface permeability of the Centenário subbasin comparing the three periods. The urban surface permeability was avaibled by the analysis of the city's squares occupation per builted or paved area. The results permitted verify that the surface permeability downed from 1971 to 1999 years. In

  2. Age measurements of potassium-bearing sulfide minerals by the 40Ar/39Ar technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czamanske, G.K.; Lanphere, M.A.; Erd, R.C.; Blake, M.C. Jr.


    K-Ar ages have been determined for sulfide minerals for the first time. The occurrence of adequate amounts of potassium-bearing sulfides with ideal compositions K 3 Fe 10 S 14 (approximately 10 wt.% K) and KFe 2 S 3 (approximately 16 wt.% K) in samples from a mafic alkalic diatreme at Coyote Peak, California, prompted an attempt to date these materials. K 3 Fe 10 S 14 , a massive mineral with conchoidal fracture, gives an age of 29.4 +- 0.5 m.y. ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar), indistinguishable from the 28.3 +- 0.4 m.y. ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar) and 30.2 +- 1.0 m.y. (conventional K-Ar) ages obtained for associated phlogopite (8.7 wt.% K). KFe 2 S 3 , a bladed, fibrous sulfide, gives a younger age, 26.5 +- 0.5 m.y. ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar), presumably owing to Ar loss. (Auth.)

  3. Ar-Ar dating techniques for terrestrial meteorite impacts (United States)

    Kelley, S. P.


    The ages of the largest (>100 km) known impacts on Earth are now well characterised. However the ages of many intermediate sized craters (20-100 km) are still poorly known, often the only constraints are stratigraphic - the difference between the target rock age and the age of crater filling sediments. The largest impacts result in significant melt bodies which cool to form igneous rocks and can be dated using conventional radiometric techniques. Smaller impacts give rise to thin bands of melted rock or melt clasts intimately mixed with country rock clasts in breccia deposits, and present much more of a challenge to dating. The Ar-Ar dating technique can address a wide variety of complex and heterogeneous samples associated with meteorite impacts and obtain reasonable ages. Ar-Ar results will be presented from a series of terrestrial meteorite impact craters including Boltysh (65.17±0.64 Ma, Strangways (646±42 Ma), and St Martin (220±32 Ma) and a Late Triassic spherule bed, possibly representing distal deposits from Manicouagan (214±1 Ma) crater. Samples from the Boltysh and Strangways craters demonstrate the importance of rapid cooling upon the retention of old ages in glassy impact rocks. A Late Triassic spherule bed in SW England is cemented by both carbonate and K-feldspar cements allowing Ar-Ar dating of fine grained cement to place a mimimum age upon the age of the associated impact. An age of 214.7±2.5 Ma places the deposit with errors of the age of the Manicouagan impact, raising the possibility that it may represent a distal deposit (the deposit lay around 2000 km away from the site of the Manicouagan crater during the Late Triassic). Finally the limits of the technique will be demonstrated using an attempt to date melt rocks from the St Martin Crater in Canada.

  4. ScattAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baldwin, Alex Dempster; Serafin, Stefania; Erkut, Cumhur


    We present an augmented reality (AR) audio application where scattering delay networks efficiently generate and organize a reverberator, based on room geometry scanned by an AR device. The application allows for real-time processing and updating of reflection path geometry. It provides a proof...

  5. Ar-39/Ar-40 systematics of Allende inclusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herzog, G.F.; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ); Bence, A.E.


    A laser microprobe was used to measure the Ar isotopic contents of individual mineral grains in four neutron-irradiated Allende samples: two coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions, one fine-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusion, and one sample with matrix and miscellaneous chondrules. The following K-Ar ages (G.y.) were obtained after degassing low Ar retentive sites by preheating the samples for one hour at 675 C: matrix, 3.5 + or - 0.2 three miscellaneous chondrules, 4.4 + or - 0.1, 4.0 + or - 0.1, and 4.4 + or - 0.1 and the fine-grained inclusion, 4.5 + or - 0.2. The minerals in the coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions have ubiquitous chlorine, less than 10 ppm K and apparent ages ranging upwards from 4.6 G.y. to well over 10 G.y. Possible explanations for these apparent ages are atmospheric contamination, the decay of K-40 prior to the formation of the solar system, and the trapping of radiogenic Ar-40 lost by the matrix

  6. Teste de permeabilidade de vias aéreas pré-extubação: comparação entre três métodos em ventilação espontânea Cuff leak test preextubation: comparison between three methods in spontaneous ventilation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samantha da Silva Souza


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O teste de permeabilidade avalia obstrução de via aérea superior e é classicamente realizado em modo assistido-controlado de ventilação mecânica. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar este teste em ventilação espontânea, através de três diferentes métodos e compará-los. MÉTODO: Vinte pacientes intubados foram submetidos a três diferentes formas do teste de permeabilidade, todos em ventilação espontânea: com o ventilômetro e o paciente conectado ao ventilador (teste 1; através do display do ventilador mecânico (teste 2; e com o ventilômetro e o paciente desconectado do ventilador (teste 3. O vazamento ao redor do tubo traqueal (TT foi definido como a porcentagem decorrente da diferença entre o volume-corrente inspirado (balonete insuflado e expirado (balonete desinsuflado. Foram avaliadas as diferenças entre os três testes, bem como correlacionado a porcentagem de vazamento entre os testes com três variáveis: pressão do balonete, diâmetro do TT e tempo de intubação. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença significativa (p BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The cuff leak test aims to evaluate the presence of airway obstruction and normally is carried through in the controlled mode of mechanical ventilation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cuff leak in patients breathing spontaneously, across three different methods, and to compare them. METHODS: Twenty intubated patients had been submitted to three different forms of cuff leak test, all of them in spontaneous respiration: measuring air leak buy using a ventilometer and with the patient connected to the mechanical ventilator (test 1; through the display of the mechanical ventilator (test 2; and with ventilometer and the patient detached from the mechanical ventilator (test 3. The air leak around the tracheal tube (TT was defined as the percentage difference between the inspired tidal volume (insufflated cuff and exhaled (deflated cuff. The air

  7. Métodos clássicos de protecção de sistemas elevatórios contra o golpe de aríete


    Mendes, Luís Filipe Martins


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Engenharia Sanitária A ocorrência de regimes transitórios, em particular do golpe de aríete e subsequente propagação de ondas de pressão, em sistemas elevatórios de água e águas residuais, é um acontecimento normal e frequente, que acompanha qualquer alteração nas suas condições normais de funcionamento. As circunstâncias mais violentas, associadas ao golpe de aríete, normalmente, resultam do corte de energia ...

  8. AR copy number and AR signaling-directed therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer. (United States)

    Salvi, Samanta; Conteduca, Vincenza; Lolli, Cristian; Testoni, Sara; Casadio, Valentina; Zaccheroni, Andrea; Rossi, Lorena; Burgio, Salvatore Luca; Menna, Cecilia; Schepisi, Giuseppe; De Giorgi, Ugo


    Adaptive upregulation of androgen receptor (AR) is the most common event involved in the progression from hormone sensitive to castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). AR signaling remains the main target of new AR signalling-directed therapies such as abiraterone and enzalutamide in CRPC patients. In this review, we discuss general mechanisms of resistance to AR-targeted therapies, with a focus on the role of AR copy number (CN). We reported methods and clinical applications of AR CN evaluation in tissue and liquid biopsy, thus to have a complete information regarding its role as predictive and prognostic biomarker. Outcomes of CRPC patients are reported to be highly variable as consequence of tumor heterogeneity. AR CN could contribute to patient selection and tumor monitoring in CRPC treated with new anti-cancer treatment as abiraterone and enzalutamide. Further studies to investigate AR CN effect to these agents and its potential combination with other prognostic or predictive clinical factors are necessary in the context of harmonized clinical trial design. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  9. AR4VI: AR as an Accessibility Tool for People with Visual Impairments. (United States)

    Coughlan, James M; Miele, Joshua


    Although AR technology has been largely dominated by visual media, a number of AR tools using both visual and auditory feedback have been developed specifically to assist people with low vision or blindness - an application domain that we term Augmented Reality for Visual Impairment (AR4VI). We describe two AR4VI tools developed at Smith-Kettlewell, as well as a number of pre-existing examples. We emphasize that AR4VI is a powerful tool with the potential to remove or significantly reduce a range of accessibility barriers. Rather than being restricted to use by people with visual impairments, AR4VI is a compelling universal design approach offering benefits for mainstream applications as well.

  10. 40Ar/39Ar age spectra from the KBS Tuff, Koobi Fora Formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDougall, I.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra on anorthoclase phenocrysts from three pumice clasts in the KBS Tuff yield nearly ideal flat patterns, providing good evidence that the samples have remained undisturbed since crystallization. The ages are concordant at 1.88 = 0.02 Myr, and confirm that the KBS Tuff, a key marker bed in the Koobi Fora Formation, northern Kenya, is now very well dated. These results resolve the conflict between earlier 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and conventional K-Ar dating measurements on the KBS Tuff. (author)

  11. 40Ar/39Ar age spectra from the KBS Tuff, Koobi Fora Formation. (United States)

    McDougall, Ian


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra on anorthoclase phenocrysts from three pumice clasts in the KBS Tuff yield nearly ideal flat patterns, providing good evidence that the samples have remained undisturbed since crystallization. The ages are concordant at 1.88±0.02 Myr, and confirm that the KBS Tuff, a key marker bed in the Koobi Fora Formation, northern Kenya, is now very well dated. These results resolve the conflict between earlier 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and conventional K-Ar dating measurements on the KBS Tuff.

  12. MonitAR, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — We propose to develop MonitAR, an Augmented Reality (AR) system that provides procedure completion guidance to astronauts. MonitAR will replace guidance from mission...

  13. The 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar dating of lavas from the Hilo 1-km core hole, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (United States)

    Sharp, W.D.; Turrin, B.D.; Renne, P.R.; Lanphere, M.A.


    Mauna Kea lava flows cored in the HilIo hole range in age from <200 ka to about 400 ka based on 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating and K-Ar analyses of 16 groundmass samples and one coexisting plagioclase. The lavas, all subaerially deposited, include a lower section consisting only of tholeiitic basalts and an upper section of interbedded alkalic, transitional tholeiitic, and tholeiitic basalts. The lower section has yielded predominantly complex, discordant 40Ar/39Ar age spectra that result from mobility of 40Ar and perhaps K, the presence of excess 40Ar, and redistribution of 39Ar by recoil. Comparison of K-Ar ages with 40Ar/39Ar integrated ages indicates that some of these samples have also lost 39Ar. Nevertheless, two plateau ages of 391 ?? 40 and 400 ?? 26 ka from deep in the hole, combined with data from the upper section, show that the tholeiitic section accumulated at an average rate of about 7 to 8 m/kyr and has an mean recurrence interval of 0.5 kyr/flow unit. Samples from the upper section yield relatively precise 40Ar/39Ar plateau and isotope correlation ages of 326 ?? 23, 241 ?? 5, 232 ?? 4, and 199 ?? 9 ka for depths of -415.7 m to -299.2 m. Within their uncertainty, these ages define a linear relationship with depth, with an average accumulation rate of 0.9 m/kyr and an average recurrence interval of 4.8 kyr/flow unit. The top of the Mauna Kea sequence at -280 m must be older than the plateau age of 132 ?? 32 ka, obtained for the basal Mauna Loa flow in the corehole. The upward decrease in lava accumulation rate is a consequence of the decreasing magma supply available to Mauna Kea as it rode the Pacific plate away from its magma source, the Hawaiian mantle plume. The age-depth relation in the core hole may be used to test and refine models that relate the growth of Mauna Kea to the thermal and compositional structure of the mantle plume.

  14. AR4VI: AR as an Accessibility Tool for People with Visual Impairments


    Coughlan, James M.; Miele, Joshua


    Although AR technology has been largely dominated by visual media, a number of AR tools using both visual and auditory feedback have been developed specifically to assist people with low vision or blindness – an application domain that we term Augmented Reality for Visual Impairment (AR4VI). We describe two AR4VI tools developed at Smith-Kettlewell, as well as a number of pre-existing examples. We emphasize that AR4VI is a powerful tool with the potential to remove or significantly reduce a r...

  15. Reevaluation of the Solar Wind 36Ar/38Ar Ratio (United States)

    Becker, R. H.; Schlutter, D. J.; Rider, P. E.; Pepin, R. O.


    The isotopic composition of solar wind (SW) argon is an important parameter in the modeling of the evolution of the terrestrial planet atmospheres. Anders and Grevesse assumed a 36Ar/38Ar ratio for SW of 5.31, essentially equal to that of air. Considerable evidence has since developed which indicates that this ratio is too low. Benkert et al. have reported their best estimate for the recent SW as 5.48 +/- 0.05, determined from measurements of lunar soil 71501. Based on Ar data obtained from surface oxidation of a metal separate from the Weston meteorite and from an uncontrolled etch of lunar sample 67701, reported by our group previously, we consider even this value to be too low. Since values of 5.75 to 5.85 were reported by Black for initial low temperature (fairly high SW 36Ar/38Ar ratio (in the range of ~5.6 to ~5.7), we decided to analyze Kapoeta for its light solar wind gases using the acid-etching techniques developed in our laboratory based on the CSSE procedure of Benkert et al.

  16. 40Ar/39Ar laser-probe dating of diamond inclusions from the Premier kimberlite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phillips, D.; Onstott, T.C.; Harris, J.W.; Strathclyde Univ., Glasgow


    Inclusions encapsulated by diamonds at the time of their formation provide a means for determining diamond crystallization ages and the chemistry of the surrounding upper mantle at that time. Sm-Nd studies of peridotitic inclusions, from Cretaceous-age kimberlites in southern Africa, suggest that the diamonds formed 3.3 Gyr ago. By contrast, eclogite-suite inclusions generally yield younger ages, sometimes approaching the time of kimberlite eruption. Here we report the results of 40 Ar/ 39 Ar laser-probe analyses of individual eclogitic clinopyroxene inclusions from Premier diamonds, which yield a mean age of 1,198±14 Myr. This age agrees well with Sm-Nd and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar analyses on similar Premier inclusions, and is indistinguishable from the inferred time of emplacement of the host kimberlite (1,150-1,230 Myr), which implies that diamond formation was essentially synchronous with kimberlite generation. The extrapolated non-radiogenic 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio of 334±102 is similar to the present-day atmospheric composition. This value is inconsistent with Sr and Nd isotopic signatures from Premier eclogite inclusions, which suggest a depleted mantle source ( 40 Ar/ 36 Ar>20,000). Pre-entrapment equilibration of the inclusions with an 36 Ar-rich fluid is the most probable explanation for the low non-radiogenic ( 40 Ar/ 36 Ar) composition. (author)

  17. Cromotubación histeroscópica: técnica alternativa para la evaluación de la permeabilidad tubárica y la cavidad uterina en un solo paso


    Gómez C,Fernando; Giraldo P,Claudia Camila


    La evaluación de la permeabilidad tubárica es un paso esencial en el estudio de la infertilidad femenina. Existen varios métodos que permiten realizar esta evaluación. La histerosalpingografía (HSG) se ha considerado el método estándar, sin embargo es conocida su limitación en la evaluación de la obstrucción proximal con alta tasa de falsos positivos. Presentamos una técnica alternativa para la evaluación por medio de cromotubación histeroscópica, que tiene entre otras, la ventaja de permitir...

  18. Arsenic exposure assessment of children living in a lead mining area in Southeastern Brazil Avaliação da exposição de crianças ao arsênio em área de mineração de chumbo na Região Sudeste do Brasil

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    Alice Momoyo Sakuma


    Full Text Available Environmental contamination by arsenic compounds in the Ribeira River Valley, São Paulo, Brazil has already been observed. Lead mining and refining activities had been carried on since late colonial times and finished recently, at the end of 1995. The source of As in the region is known to be mainly from arsenopirite geological presence in the lead ore. Chronic exposure to arsenic compounds may cause peripheral vascular disorders, hyperpigmentation, hiperkeratosis and cancer of the skin, bladder, lung, liver and other internal organs. The purpose of this study was to assess children exposure to arsenic from environmental sources in the region. Urine samples from children between 7 to 14 years old were collected at the following localities: Cerro Azul (Paraná; urban areas of Ribeira (São Paulo and Adrianópolis (Paraná; Vila Mota neighborhood (rural area of Adrianópolis and Serra neighborhood (Iporanga, São Paulo, identified as groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Group 1 was considered as non-exposed control group. Toxicologically relevant forms of As were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation system. The median values of urine arsenic levels obtained in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were respectively: 3.60, 6.30, 6.41 e 8.94μg/L.Contaminação ambiental por compostos de arsênio no Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brasil, tem sido já observada. As atividades de mineração e refinamento do chumbo têm ocorrido desde a época colonial e foram encerradas recentemente, no final de 1995. A principal fonte de arsênio na região é arsenopirita que ocorre geologicamente no minério de chumbo. Exposição crônica aos compostos de arsênio podem causar desordens vasculares periféricas, hiperpigmentação, hiperqueratose, além de câncer de pele, bexiga, pulmão, fígado e outros órgãos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a exposição de crianças ao arsênio proveniente de fontes ambientais na região. Amostras de

  19. Ars disyecta Ars disyecta

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    Alejandra Castillo


    Full Text Available Bajo la nominación Ars Disyecta se busca exponer el vínculo entre artes visuales, feminismo y metamorfosis. Las prácticas artísticas feministas aquí presentadas se proponen perturbar el espacio metafórico heredado de la diferencia sexual (pensemos, por ejemplo, en las palabras engendramiento, matriz, vida, compenetración o invaginamiento. En este sentido, la nominación Ars disyecta pone en escena un conjunto de prácticas e intervenciones que intentan interrumpir la matriz de la diferencia, desestabilizando lo femenino desde aquellas figuras que se resisten a la lógica de la totalidad y de un tiempo propio. Buscando seguir la huella de un arte disyecto es que interrogaré en este ensayo aquellas autorías feministas que en el arte contemporáneo trafican con las huellas del contagio, la mutación y la alteridad.This article aims to present the relation between visual arts, feminism I and metamorphosis. The feminist artistic practices portrayed in this article attempt to question categories inherited from the metaphor of sexual difference such as engendering, matrix and life. From this perspective, Ars disyecta will establish a set of artistic practices and interventions that intend to interrupt the proper idea of «feminine difference». Following this line of argument, I will discuss in this article a few contemporary feminist works of art that could be defined by words such as contagious, mutation and otherness.

  20. 40Ar-39Ar method for age estimation: principles, technique and application in orogenic regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalmejer, R.


    A variety of the K-Ar method for age estimation by 40 Ar/ 39 Ar recently developed is described. This method doesn't require direct analysis of potassium, its content is calculated as a function of 39 Ar, which is formed from 39 K under neutron activation. Errors resulted from interactions between potassium and calcium nuclei with neutrons are considered. The attention is paid to the technique of gradual heating, used in 40 Ar- 39 Ar method, and of obtaining age spectrum. Aplicabilities of isochronous diagram is discussed for the case of presence of excessive argon in a sample. Examples of 40 Ar- 39 Ar method application for dating events in orogenic regions are presented

  1. Evidence of interatomic Coulombic decay in ArKr after Ar 2p Auger decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morishita, Y; Saito, N; Suzuki, I H; Fukuzawa, H; Liu, X-J; Sakai, K; Pruemper, G; Ueda, K; Iwayama, H; Nagaya, K; Yao, M; Kreidi, K; Schoeffler, M; Jahnke, T; Schoessler, S; Doerner, R; Weber, T; Harries, J; Tamenori, Y


    We have identified interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) processes in the ArKr dimer following Ar 2p Auger decay, using momentum-resolved electron-ion-ion coincidence spectroscopy and simultaneously determining the kinetic energy of the ICD electron and the KER between Ar 2+ and Kr + . We find that the spin-conserved ICD processes in which Ar 2+ (3p -3 3d) 1 P and 3 P decay to Ar 2+ (3p -2 ) 1 D and 3 P, respectively, ionizing the Kr atom, are significantly stronger than the spin-flip ICD processes in which Ar 2+ (3p -3 3d) 1 P and 3 P decay to Ar 2+ (3p -2 ) 3 P and 1 D, respectively

  2. Feldspar 40Ar/39Ar dating of ICDP PALEOVAN cores (United States)

    Engelhardt, Jonathan Franz; Sudo, Masafumi; Stockhecke, Mona; Oberhänsli, Roland


    Volcaniclastic fall deposits in ICDP drilling cores from Lake Van, Turkey, contain sodium-rich sanidine and calcium-rich anorthoclase, which both comprise a variety of textural zoning and inclusions. An age model records the lake's history and is based on climate-stratigraphic correlations, tephrostratigraphy, paleomagnetics, and earlier 40Ar/39Ar analyses (Stockhecke et al., 2014b). Results from total fusion and stepwise heating 40Ar/39Ar analyses presented in this study allow for the comparison of radiometric constraints from texturally diversified feldspar and the multi-proxy lacustrine age model and vice versa. This study has investigated several grain-size fractions of feldspar from 13 volcaniclastic units. The feldspars show textural features that are visible in cathodoluminescence (CL) or back-scattered electron (BSE) images and can be subdivided into three dominant zoning-types: (1) compositional zoning, (2) round pseudo-oscillatory zoning and (3) resorbed and patchy zoning (Ginibre et al., 2004). Round pseudo-oscillatory zoning records a sensitive alternation of Fe and Ca that also reflects resorption processes. This is only visible in CL images. Compositional zoning reflects anticorrelated anorthite and orthoclase contents and is visible in BSE. Eleven inverse isochron ages from total fusion and three from stepwise heating analyses fit the age model. Four experiments resulted in older inverse isochron ages that do not concur with the model within 2σ uncertainties and that deviate from 1 ka to 17 ka minimum. C- and R-type zoning are interpreted as representing growth in magma chamber cupolas, as wall mushes, or in narrow conduits. Persistent compositions of PO-type crystals and abundant surfaces recording dissolution features correspond to formation within a magma chamber. C-type zoning and R-type zoning have revealed an irregular incorporation of melt and fluid inclusions. These two types of zoning in feldspar are interpreted as preferentially

  3. Medición "in situ" de la permeabilidad al aire del hormigón: status quo Concrete air permeability "in situ "test status quo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Ebensperger


    Full Text Available Los autores han estado involucrados en la creación y primeros ensayos y desarrollos del llamado "Método Torrent" para medir la permeabilidad al aire del hormigón. Transcurridos más de 15 años de ese trabajo fundacional, el artículo presenta una revisión de la evolución y estado de situación del método, incluido como Norma Oficial Suiza en 2003. Se presentan ejemplos de su aplicación en laboratorio y en obras (puentes, túneles, etc., con datos de valores medidos, provenientes de distintos países del mundo. Se presentan correlaciones entre el coeficiente de permeabilidad al aire kT y otros indicadores de durabilidad, tales como la migración de cloruros (ASTM C1202 y la penetración de agua a presión (EN 12390-8 o por capilaridad. Finalmente se discuten sus perspectivas de uso futuro, como herramienta de control de calidad de estructuras nuevas, con las importantes implicancias que ello acarreará, así como de diagnóstico de estructuras existentes.The authors have been involved in the creation, preliminary tests and development of the "Torrent Method", which is intended to test air permeability in concrete. It's been more than 15 years since such foundational research and, now, this paper presents a review of the evolution and current situation of the Method, included in the Switzerland standards in 2003. Application examples conducted in laboratory and civil works (bridges, tunnels, and so on are introduced, including data from different countries worldwide. Correlations between the air permeability coefficient kT and other durability indicators, such as chloride migration (ASTM C1202, penetration of water under pressure (EN 12390-8 or capillary action are presented. Finally the future prospective uses are discussed, as quality control tool for new structures, considering relevant implications they would lead to, as well as the diagnosis on existing structures.

  4. Quantificação em escala de bancada do volume de ar em ligações prediais de água Measuring air volume in household pipes by means of a pilot scale study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ney Procópio Lopes


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa em escala piloto, simulando trecho de uma rede interligada a um ramal predial, visou quantificar o volume de ar aferido pelos hidrômetros residenciais. Para tal fim, testaram-se ventosas, bloqueadores de ar e válvulas eliminadoras de ar. Sob condições normais de operação da rede, o volume de ar medido pelos hidrômetros é comparável ao encontrado na água natural, não justificando a instalação de equipamento de eliminação de ar de qualquer natureza. Todavia, logo após esvaziamento da rede interligada ao ramal, a sobremedição pode atingir até 21% em condições de pressão máxima na rede de distribuição (500 kPa. Por fim, verificou-se que a menor vazão afluente associa-se ao maior volume de ar aferido pelo hidrômetro. Dessa forma, é possível supor que os consumidores situados na menor faixa de consumo sejam os mais prejudicados pela situação de desabastecimento.The purpose of the present work is to evaluate the volume of air measured in domestic water supply pipe connections. Tests were performed to evaluate the efficiency and applicability of air reducing valves in domestic water supply connections. The results obtained under regular water supply conditions showed that the volume of air in the water measured by the hydrometers is comparable to the one found in natural waters. On the other hand, other tests, right after emptying the network connected to the domestic water supply pipe, revealed that the volume of water which gets to the gauged reservoir comprehends up to 21% of the total air-water volume recorded by the hydrometer for the experiments performed under pressure of 500 kPa.

  5. Photodissociation dynamics of Ar2(+) and Ar3(+) excited by 527 nm photons. (United States)

    Lepère, V; Picard, Y J; Barat, M; Fayeton, J A; Lucas, B; Béroff, K


    The photofragmentation dynamics of Ar(2)(+) and Ar(3)(+) clusters has been investigated at a 527 nm wavelength (2.35 eV) using a setup that allows simultaneous detection of the ionic and neutral fragments in a coincidence experiment. Measurement of positions and times of flight enables in principle a complete description of the fragmentation dynamics. The photofragmentation dynamics of Ar(3)(+) clusters is similar to that of Ar(2)(+) with, in addition, the ejection of a third fragment that can be neutral or ionized via a resonant electron capture. This is attributed to the triangular geometry of the Ar(3)(+) ion.

  6. The effects of acid treatment and sample preparation on 40Ar/39Ar ages (United States)

    Morgan, L. E.; Davidheiser, B.; Kuiper, K.; Wijbrans, J. R.


    Practitioners of K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology regularly use dilute acids (typically 5-10% hydrofluoric acid (HF)) to clean mineral grains prior to irradiation (in the case of 40Ar/39Ar), and analysis (e.g. Evernden and Curtis, 1965; Dalrymple, 1967). This treatment has been shown to reduce contamination from atmospheric Ar, which consists largely of 40Ar and thus must be differentiated from radiogenic 40Ar* (Evernden and Curtis, 1965). Acid treatments can also remove fine grained material attached to mineral grains, such as glass shards or devitrified glass, which can affect analyses and is difficult to remove by other means (Evernden and Curtis, 1965). Such treatments were originally examined for their efficacy in reducing atmospheric argon contamination (Dalrymple, 1967) but were not assessed for the possibility of leaching Ar* or K differentially, which would affect both K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages. Indeed, Evernden and Curtis (1965) state that they are simply removing the "outer portions of the crystals" and apparently do not account for the potential for leaching of 40Ar* or K from the mass of their host mineral. Moreover, the capabilities of the K-Ar system in the 1960s was limited to a precision of ca. 3-4% on samples of 1-3 Ma (Cox and Dalrymple, 1967). Effects of smaller magnitude could not have been detected at the time. As the developments of the 40Ar/39Ar system and modern mass spectrometer technology have allowed for precision to approach 0.1%, the potential effects of acid treatment during sample preparation warrant revisiting. Additionally, the use of Calgon for sample disintegration has not previously been quantitatively assessed but is used extensively in some laboratories. Here we present a series of experiments from co-irradiated Fish Canyon sanidine (FCs) and Mes-4 (Kuiper et al., 2008). FCs is used as the mineral standard following standard procedures. Mes-4 splits were treated with H2O (10 minutes, ultrasonic), Calgon (10%, overnight at 50

  7. Demandas de cuidado domiciliar da criança nascida exposta ao HIV na ótica da teoria ambientalista

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    Ivana Cristina Vieira de Lima

    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar as demandas de cuidado domiciliar da criança nascida exposta ao HIV, sob a perspectiva da teoria ambientalista. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo exploratório-descritivo realizado de janeiro a abril de 2011. Participaram dez mães infectadas pelo HIV, com crianças nascidas expostas ao vírus, em Fortaleza, Ceará. Constituíram-se como instrumentos de coleta de dados: câmera fotográfica descartável e digital e formulários para captação de informações em saúde associadas ao ambiente domiciliar. Os resultados foram contextualizados de acordo com a teoria e organizados em categorias: "vulnerabilidades associadas à estrutura física da moradia"; "ar intradomiciliar e peridomiciliar impuro"; "água utilizada para consumo"; "rede de esgoto e saneamento"; "iluminação e ventilação da residência". Conclui-se que o ambiente domiciliar oferece condições ambientais desfavoráveis para a criança. Urge a realização de intervenções focalizadas no ambiente domiciliar, para promover a saúde da criança nascida exposta ao HIV.

  8. 40Ar/36Ar in MORB glasses: Constraints on atmosphere and mantle evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarda, P.; Staudacher, T.; Allegre, C.J.; Paris-7 Univ., 75


    Argon isotopic composition measurements of MORB glassy samples from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans are performed. There is a very large scatter in the 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio, from 980 up to 24,400 for bulk rock analyses, which is mainly due to atmospheric contamination: Using the stepwise heating technique, very high ratios are obtained, from 15,000 up to 25,250 which is the highest 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio ever measured in MORB. We establish a negative correlation between the highest 40 Ar/ 36 Ar results from stepwise heating and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios, which is perfectly consistent with a two-layered mantle structure. From both 40 Ar and 129 Xe MORB systematics a model is proposed for the kinetics of degassing: a very early and extensive burst, with a time constant of approx.= 4 My, is followed by a slower process of present day type, with a time constant of approx.= 0.5 Gy. The mean age of the atmosphere is so determined to be around 4.4 Gy. (orig./WB)


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    Francisco Edi de Oliveira Sousa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho revisita a literatura latina, lançandolhe um olhar pautado em recente tendência dos estudos literários: a interação texto-receptor. As teorias e métodos que desenvolvem tal tendência convergem ao horizonte de uma poética da leitura. Nesta linha, destacam-se a estética da recepção e a teoria do efeito estético: a primeira corrente analisa a recepção histórica de obras literárias e efeitos estéticos que elas produzem nos receptores; a segunda parte destes princípios, todavia volta-se mais para o texto, permitindo examinar nas obras procedimentos artísticos orientados para a interação com o receptor. Ancorados nestas abordagens, comentamos a recepção de obras literárias no universo romano do início do Império e procedimentos artísticos condicionados por esta interação. Ao fim, as reflexões tecidas encontram respaldo na Ars poetica de Horácio. Palavras-chave: Literatura latina; Ars poetica de Horácio; poética da leitura.

  10. Análise de um protótipo de condicionador de ar adsortivo evaporativo para clima quente e úmido

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    Jesus Marlinaldo de Medeiros


    Full Text Available O sistema de condicionamento de ar adsortivo evaporativo funciona com a desumidificação do ar externo, forçando-o a passar através de um adsorvente, onde parte do vapor de água é retido e o ar quase seco é umidificado através de resfriadores evaporativos para redução de sua temperatura. O desumidificador adsortivo utilizou cerca de 4,4 kg de sílica-gel com diâmetro de 2 a 5 mm sobre telas metálicas garantindo maior rigidez à estrutura, melhor distribuição da sílica e circulação do ar. A sílica-gel foi regenerada através de aquecedor elétrico com fluxo de ar forçado por um período de 4 horas. O climatizador comercial tipo resfriador evaporativo foi testado com fibras evaporativas sintéticas e naturais. Os resultados mostraram que dependendo do painel evaporativo ocorre uma maior perda de carga no escoamento, provocando a diminuição da velocidade e comprometendo o rendimento do equipamento. O sistema completo foi testado, verificandose que o desumidificador reduziu a razão de umidade do fluxo de ar, mas o aumento da temperatura do ar associado ao calor de adsorção comprometeu o rendimento do protótipo. Portanto, para obter conforto térmico com o condicionador adsortivo evaporativo será necessário resfriar o ar após o desumidificador com a circulação da água do climatizador.

  11. Legacy K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data from the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith of south-central Alaska (United States)

    Koeneman, Lisa L.; Wilson, Frederic H.


    Sample descriptions and analytical data for more than 200 K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analyses from rocks of the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith of south-central Alaska are reported here. Samples were collected over a period of 20 years by Bruce R. Reed and Marvin A. Lanphere (both U.S. Geological Survey) as part of their studies of the batholith.

  12. On the doubly ionized states of Ar2 and their intra- and interatomic decay to Ar23+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoychev, Spas D.; Kuleff, Alexander I.; Tarantelli, Francesco; Cederbaum, Lorenz S.


    Potential energy curves of the Auger state Ar + (2p -1 )-Ar, the different one- and two-site dicationic states Ar 2 ++ (with energies in the range of 32-77 eV), and the lowest two-site tricationic states Ar ++ -Ar + (with energies in the range of 64-76 eV) computed using elaborated ab initio methods are reported. The accessible relaxation channels of the electronic states of Ar ++ -Ar populated by Auger decay are studied. In particular, we study in detail the interatomic Coulombic decay following the population of one-site satellite states of Ar ++ (3s -1 3p -1 )-Ar recently observed experimentally. Other relaxation pathways of Ar ++ -Ar, including radiative charge transfer, nuclear dynamics through curve crossing, and intra-atomic decay processes are also investigated

  13. 40Ar-39Ar age determinations on the Owyhee basalt of the Columbia plateau

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bottomley, R.J.; York, D.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating analyses have been performed on 11 samples of basalt from sites near Owyhee Reservoir of southeastern Oregon, U.S.A. These rocks were extruded during the great flood basalt episode of the Pacific Northwest. The whole-rock points are highly correlated on a plot of 40 Ar/ 36 Ar versus 39 Ar/ 36 Ar, corresponding to a common age of the samples of 14.3+-0.3 m.y. Inspite of this, individual 'plateau' plots of the age versus fraction of 39 Ar released do not give good plateaux. These age spectra exhibit to varying degrees a common structure in which lower age values are found at higher temperatures. This pattern may result from a closed-system redistribution of the argon isotopes. The usefulness of grinding the basalts in removing a loosely held atmospheric argon component is confirmed. (Auth.)

  14. 40Ar/39Ar age and thermal history of the Kirin chondrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, S.; McDougall, I.; Tetley, N.; Harrison, T.M.


    The Kirin meteorite, a large (> 2800 kg) H5 chondrite, fell in Kirin Province, China in 1976. A sample from each of the two largest fragments (K-1. K-2) yield 40 Ar/ 39 Ar total fusion ages of 3.63 +- 0.02 b.y. and 2.78 +- 0.02 b.y. respectively. 40 Ar/ 40 Ar age spectra show typical diffusional argon loss profiles. Maximum apparent ages of 4.36 b.y. (K-1) and approx. 4.0 b.y. (K-2) are interpreted as possible minimum estimates for the age of crystallization of the parent body. (orig./ME)

  15. Avaliação das propriedades de intumescimento e permeabilidade de filmes isolados de polimetacrilato contendo polissacarídeo da raiz de Lótus (Nelumbo nucifera Evaluation of swelling and permeability properties of films isolated from polymethacrylate containing polysaccharide from Lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera

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    Claudia Renata Rosina


    Full Text Available Polissacarídeo extraído da raiz de Lótus (Nelumbo nucifera adicionado a polimetacrilato foi utilizado para a obtenção de filmes isolados, constituindo material candidato ao revestimento de formas farmacêuticas sólidas orais, sendo estas voltadas à liberação modificada de fármacos, potencialmente suscetíveis à degradação pela microflora presente exclusivamente na região distal do trato gastrintestinal. A adição do polissacarídeo ao polímero de base, dispersão aquosa Eudragit®RS 30D, ocorreu em diferentes proporções: 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30. Os filmes isolados foram caracterizados pela determinação do índice de intumescimento e pela transmissão de vapor de água. Os resultados registraram, para as diferentes associações testadas, características de transparência (opacidade e de flexibilidade alteradas e dependentes do aumento da concentração do polissacarídeo: 100:0>90:10>80:20>7030, o mesmo ocorrendo no tocante à permeabilidade ao vapor d'água. Todavia estas diferenças não foram significativas entre si, demonstrando manutenção das propriedades físico-químicas do polímero sintético contendo polissacarídeo, o que permite sugerir o material obtido como candidato potencial ao desenvolvimento de sistema para liberação colônica.Polysaccharides such as extracted from Lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera combined with polymethacrylates on isolated films for film coating was studied as potential vehicles for colonic drug delivery, susceptible to fermentation by micro flora. For the preparation we used the association of Eudragit®RS 30D and polysaccharides in different concentrations (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 in aqueous-based solvents. In the present study, the films were characterized by swelling studies and water vapor transmission studies. These tests demonstrated that different associations do not present significant differences, showing that the physico-chemical properties of EudragitâRS 30D are not

  16. The effects of retrograde reactions and of diffusion on 39Ar-40Ar ages of micas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allaz, Julien; Engi, Martin; Berger, Alfons


    Effects of metamorphic reactions occurring during decompression were explored to understand their influence on 39Ar-40Ar ages of micas. Monometamorphic metasediments from the Lepontine Alps (Switzerland) were studied. Collected samples reached lower amphibolite facies during the Barrovian....... XRD-data indicated that some mineral separates prepared for Ar-Ar stepwise heating analysis were monomineralic, whereas others were composed of two white micas (muscovite with paragonite or margarite), or biotite and chlorite. In monomineralic samples 37Ar/39Ar and 38Ar/39Ar (proportional to Ca....../K and Cl/K ratios) did not change and the resulting ages can be interpreted unambiguously. In mineral separates containing two white micas, Ca/K and Cl/K ratios were variable, reflecting non-simultaneous laboratory degassing of the two heterochemical Ar-reservoirs. These ratios were used to identify each...


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    Full Text Available Actualmente, existe una necesidad sentida para el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos antimaláricos o de compuestos conocidos dirigidos contra blancos terapéuticos diferentes a los afectados por los medicamentos usuales. Son diversos los blancos que pueden ser aprovechados en Plasmodium, y la alteración de parámetros fisiológicos como el pH y el transporte de solutos pueden explicar la muerte del parásito cuando se usan compuestos antiplasmodiales, lo que representa una opción para el desarrollo de nuevas alternativas antiparasitarias. El propósito de esta revisión es por tanto, proporcionar una visión general de los efectos causados por esteroides, discutiendo el caso específico de los esteroides antiplasmodiales aislados de Solanum nudum y revisar dos procesos fisiológicos importantes en el parásito como posibles blancos terapéuticos, la modificación de permeabilidad del eritrocito infectado y el mantenimiento del pH intracelular de Plasmodium.

  18. Development and characterization of edible films based on gluten from semi-hard and soft Brazilian wheat flours (development of films based on gluten from wheat flours Desenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes comestíveis de glúten de farinhas fortes e fracas de trigos brasileiros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Sayuri Tanada-Palmu


    Full Text Available Edible films based on gluten from four types of Brazilian wheat gluten (2 "semi-hard" and 2 "soft" were prepared and mechanical and barrier properties were compared with those of wheat gluten films with vital gluten. Water vapor, oxygen permeability, tensile strength and percent elongation at break, solubility in water and surface morphology were measured. The films from "semi-hard" wheat flours showed similar water vapor permeability and solubility in water to films from vital gluten and better tensile strength than the films from "soft" and vital gluten. The films from vital gluten had higher elongation at break and oxygen permeability and also lower solubility in water than the films from the Brazilian wheat "soft" flours. In spite of the vital gluten showed greater mechanical resistance, desirable for the bakery products, for the purpose of developing gluten films Brazilian "semi-hard" wheat flours can be used instead of vital gluten, since they showed similar barrier and mechanical properties.Filmes à base de glúten de quatro tipos de farinhas de trigo brasileiras (2 "semi-fortes " e 2 "fracas" foram preparados e suas propriedades mecânicas e de barreira foram comparadas com filmes com glúten vital (comercial. Permeabilidade ao vapor d'água e oxigênio, resistência à tração, porcentagem de elongação na ruptura, solubilidade em água e morfologia de superfície foram medidas. Filmes de glúten das farinhas "semi-fortes" mostraram similar permeabilidade ao vapor d'água e solubilidade em água em comparação aos filmes de glúten vital e melhor resistência à tração do que os filmes das farinhas "fracas" e glúten vital. O filme de glúten vital apresentou maior elongação na ruptura e permeabilidade ao oxigênio do que os filmes das farinhas brasileiras e ainda mais baixa solubilidade que as farinhas fracas. Apesar do glúten vital ter uma grande resistência mecânica, desejável para produtos de panificação, para o prop

  19. Geochronology and thermochronology by the sup 40 Ar/ sup 39 Ar method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDougall, I. (Australian National Univ., Canberra (Australia)); Harrison, T.M. (State Univ. of New York, Albany, NY (USA))


    This work is a response to the authors' belief that there is a need for a monograph on {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar dating to provide concise knowledge concerning the application of this method to geological studies. They aim to provide a reasonably comprehensive but by no means exhaustive coverage of the principles and practices of {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar dating, with emphasis on interpretation of results. In attempting to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge, they commonly cite examples from the available literature. They draw rather heavily upon their own work, because they feel comfortable with their own examples. (author).

  20. Evaluation of the permeability of the furcation area of deciduous molars conditioned with Er:YAG laser and cyanoacrylate Avaliação da permeabilidade da região da furca de molares decíduos condicionada com laser de Er:YAG e cianoacrilatos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriene Mara Souza Lopes-Silva


    âmara pulpar foi irradiado com laser de Er:YAG (250 mJ, 10 Hz por 30 segundos, energia total de 80 J e 320 pulsos, e coberto com uma fina camada de 2-octil cianoacrilato; e Grupo 4 - o assoalho da câmara pulpar foi irradiado com laser de Er:YAG, nos parâmetros já descritos. Em seguida, os espécimes receberam aplicação do corante azul de metileno a 0,5%, por 15 minutos. Todos os espécimes foram cortados no sentido mésio-distal, foi realizada a leitura das imagens digitalizadas no programa ImageLab e os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. As amostras do Grupo 4 (Er:YAG apresentaram as maiores médias em porcentagem de área corada (19,5%, seguidas das do Grupo 1 (11,1%, Grupo 3 (1,4% e Grupo 2 (0,2%, respectivamente. O modelo experimental empregado permitiu concluir que os espécimes condicionados com 2-octil cianoacrilato (Grupo 2 e laser de Er:YAG associado ao 2-octil cianoacrilato (Grupo 3 apresentaram redução da permeabilidade, e os espécimes tratados com laser de Er:YAG (Grupo 4 apresentaram aumento da permeabilidade da área analisada.

  1. 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar age constraints on the timing of regional deformation, south coast of New South Wales, Lachlan Fold Belt: problems and implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fergusson, C.L.; Phillips, D.


    Four slate samples from subduction complex rocks exposed on the south coast of New South Wales, south of Batemans Bay, were analysed by K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating methods, One sample contains relatively abundant detrital muscovite flakes that are locally oblique to the regional cleavage in the rock, whereas the remaining samples appear to contain sparse detrital muscovite. Separates of detrital muscovite yielded plateau ages of 505 + 3 Ma and 513 + 3 Ma indicating that inheritance has not been eliminated by metamorphism and recrystallisation. Step-heating analyses of whole-rock chips from all four slate samples produced discordant apparent age spectra with 'saddle shapes' following young apparent ages at the lowest temperature increments. Elevated apparent ages associated with the highest temperature steps are attributed to the presence of variable quantities of detrital muscovite ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar integrated ages of ca 455Ma, which are some 15-30 million years older than K-Ar ages for the same samples. These discrepancies suggest that the slates have also been affected by recoil loss/redistribution of 39 Ar, Ieading to anomalously old 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages. Two other samples, from slaty tectonic melange and intensely cleaved slate, yielded average 40 Ar/ 39 Ar integrated ages of ca 424Ma, which are closer to associated mean K-Ar ages of 423 + 4Ma and 409 + 16Ma, respectively. Taking into account the potential influences of recoil loss/redistribution of 39 Ar and inheritance, the results from the latter samples suggest a maximum age of ca 440 Ma for deformation/metamorphism. The current results indicate that recoil and inheritance problems may also have affected whole-rock 40 Ar/ 39 Ar data reported from other regions of the Lachlan Fold Belt. Therefore, until these effects are adequately quantified, models for the evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt, that are based on such whole-rock 40 Ar/ 39 Ar data, should be treated with caution. Copyright (2001) Geological

  2. Alignment and orientation of Ar+ in He+-Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moudry, B.W.; Yenen, O.; Jaecks, D.H.


    We have measured the alignment and orientation parameters of the 2 F 7/2 0 and 2 F 5/2 0 states of Ar + formed in the two-electron process; He + +Ar→He(1s 2 )+Ar + (3p 4 4p'). These have been measured at a collision energy of 0.25 keV/amu and for scattering angles ranging from 0.94 to 3.75 . First, by comparing the orientation prameter for the Ar + [(3p 4 [ 1 D]4p' 2 F 7/2 0 ] and the Ar + [(3p 4 [ 1 D]4p' 2 F 5/2 0 ] states, we have experimentally determined the importance of the spin-dependent interactions for the present collision system, by testing the Percival-Seaton hypothesis of spin independence. If the Percival-Seaton hypothesis holds for this system, the orientation parameter should be J-independent. Secondly, the magnitude of the orientation prameter can be interpreted as resulting from the collective circulation of the unexcited 3p 4 electrons and the excited 4p electron. The direction of this collective circulation is compared to the propensity rule for colliding di-atom systems. (orig.)

  3. 3 to 15 keV Ar+ induced Auger electron emission from Si and Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kempf, J.; Kaus, G.


    Ar + induced Auger electrons from Si and Ar were investigated at bombardment energies between 3-15 keV and target currents of a few μA. The Auger electron yields were compared with secondary ion yields of Si and Ar by simultaneous SIMS-AES measurements. In the ion induced Auger spectra of Si five Auger peaks and in the Ar spectra three Auger peaks were observed. The ion induced Auger electron yield of Si and Ar were found to be strongly dependent upon the primary ion energy. 'Bulk like' and 'atomic like' Auger transitions of ion induced Auger electrons of Si were observed. (orig.) [de

  4. Androgen Receptor-Mediated Growth Suppression of HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR Prostate Epithelial Cells.

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    Young-Chae Kim

    Full Text Available The androgen receptor (AR mediates the developmental, physiologic, and pathologic effects of androgens including 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT. However, the mechanisms whereby AR regulates growth suppression and differentiation of luminal epithelial cells in the prostate gland and proliferation of malignant versions of these cells are not well understood, though they are central to prostate development, homeostasis, and neoplasia. Here, we identify androgen-responsive genes that restrain cell cycle progression and proliferation of human prostate epithelial cell lines (HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR, and we investigate the mechanisms through which AR regulates their expression. DHT inhibited proliferation of HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR, and cell cycle analysis revealed a prolonged G1 interval. In the cell cycle, the G1/S-phase transition is initiated by the activity of cyclin D and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK complexes, which relieve growth suppression. In HPr-1AR, cyclin D1/2 and CDK4/6 mRNAs were androgen-repressed, whereas CDK inhibitor, CDKN1A, mRNA was androgen-induced. The regulation of these transcripts was AR-dependent, and involved multiple mechanisms. Similar AR-mediated down-regulation of CDK4/6 mRNAs and up-regulation of CDKN1A mRNA occurred in PC3-Lenti-AR. Further, CDK4/6 overexpression suppressed DHT-inhibited cell cycle progression and proliferation of HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR, whereas CDKN1A overexpression induced cell cycle arrest. We therefore propose that AR-mediated growth suppression of HPr-1AR involves cyclin D1 mRNA decay, transcriptional repression of cyclin D2 and CDK4/6, and transcriptional activation of CDKN1A, which serve to decrease CDK4/6 activity. AR-mediated inhibition of PC3-Lenti-AR proliferation occurs through a similar mechanism, albeit without down-regulation of cyclin D. Our findings provide insight into AR-mediated regulation of prostate epithelial cell proliferation.

  5. Analysis list: Ar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Ar Gonad,Kidney,Prostate + mm9,,,http://dbarchive.bioscience

  6. Ramon Llull's Ars Magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thessa


    might be a viable and valuable approach to understand some of the challenges and possibilities found in computer science and ethics. Vita Llull was born in 1232 in Palma de Mallorca, a melting pot for different cul-tures and religions at the time. Being educated at the king’s court, Llull learned...... of belief, life, and God as such. Computer Science? Llull was an inspiration for later scientists, most notably Giordano Bruno, Athanasius Kirchner, Agrippa of Nettesheim and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, whose dissertation De Arte Combinatoria begins with a discussion of Llull’s Ars Magna. Umberto Eco also......-ple of Mallorca have since tried to have Llull canonised as a saint. Ars Magna A few years before his death Llull began to write the most thorough and final version of his Ars Magna, the Ars Generalis Ultima [3]. The books explain the different figures of the Ars, its principles, questions, descriptions...

  7. The celecoxib derivatives AR-12 and AR-14 induce autophagy and clear prion-infected cells from prions. (United States)

    Abdulrahman, Basant A; Abdelaziz, Dalia; Thapa, Simrika; Lu, Li; Jain, Shubha; Gilch, Sabine; Proniuk, Stefan; Zukiwski, Alexander; Schatzl, Hermann M


    Prion diseases are fatal infectious neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. The autocatalytic conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrP C ) into the pathologic isoform PrP Sc is a key feature in prion pathogenesis. AR-12 is an IND-approved derivative of celecoxib that demonstrated preclinical activity against several microbial diseases. Recently, AR-12 has been shown to facilitate clearance of misfolded proteins. The latter proposes AR-12 to be a potential therapeutic agent for neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we investigated the role of AR-12 and its derivatives in controlling prion infection. We tested AR-12 in prion infected neuronal and non-neuronal cell lines. Immunoblotting and confocal microscopy results showed that AR-12 and its analogue AR-14 reduced PrP Sc levels after only 72 hours of treatment. Furthermore, infected cells were cured of PrP Sc after exposure of AR-12 or AR-14 for only two weeks. We partially attribute the influence of the AR compounds on prion propagation to autophagy stimulation, in line with our previous findings that drug-induced stimulation of autophagy has anti-prion effects in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, this study demonstrates that AR-12 and the AR-14 analogue are potential new therapeutic agents for prion diseases and possibly protein misfolding disorders involving prion-like mechanisms.

  8. High-resolution Auger spectroscopy on 79 MeV Ar5+, 89 MeV Ar6+, and 136 MeV Ar7+ ions after excitation by helium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, T.


    In this thesis the atomic structure of highly excited Ar 6+ and Ar 7+ ions was studied. For this 79 MeV Ar 5+ , 89 MeV Ar 6+ , and 136 MeV Ar 7+ ions of a heavy ion accelerator were excited by a He gas target to autoionizing states and the Auger electrons emitted in the decay were measured in highly-resolving state. The spectra were taken under an observational angle of zero degree relative to the beam axis in order to minimize the kinematical broadening of the Auger lines. (orig./HSI) [de

  9. A compilation of 40Ar-39 and K-Ar ages: report 25

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunt, P.A.; Roddick, J.C.


    Twenty-three 40 Ar- 39 Ar age determinations (including two potassium-argon analyses) carried out by the Geological Survey of Canada are reported. Each age determination is accompanied by a description of the rock and mineral concentrate used; brief interpretative comments regarding the geological significance of each age are also provided where possible. The experimental procedures employed are described in outline. An index of all Geological Survey of Canada K-Ar age determinations published in this format has been prepared using NTS quadrangles as the primary reference. (author). 6 refs., 2 tabs., 1 fig

  10. Arsénico en el agua de bebida: un problema de salud pública Arsênio na água de beber: um problema de saúde pública

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    Alexandra Galetovic Carabantes


    Full Text Available La presencia de arsénico en el ambiente es un problema de salud pública debido a que se trata de un evento de alta frecuencia que ha sido detectado en países como Argentina, Brasil, Chile, China, India, México y Taiwán, entre otros. El arsénico fue clasificado por la International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, como un agente carcinogénico para humanos con base en estudios epidemiológicos que relacionan la ingestión de arsénico en el agua de bebida y cáncer en la piel y estudios ocupacionales que relacionan la exposición al arsénico y cáncer de pulmón. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS recomienda um valor orientador para agua de bebida de 10 mg As/L. Por su parte la Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, considerando estimativas de riesgo realizadas utilizando modelos estadísticos basados en observaciones en humanos y extrapolando los datos para concentraciones inferiores a 50 µg/L, reducirá el valor guía para arsénico en el agua de bebida de 50 µg/L para 10 µg/L. La utilización de biomarcadores permite el desarrollo de la epidemiología molecular que promete ser una herramienta que ayudará a detectar efectos tempranos en poblaciones expuestas, permitiendo la prevención de efectos nocivos considerando las características genéticas de las poblaciones.A presença de arsênio no ambiente é um problema de saúde pública por ser um evento de alta freqüência detectado em países como Argentina, Brasil, Chile, China, Índia, México e Taiwan, entre outros. O arsênio foi classificado pela Agência Internacional de Pesquisa sobre Câncer (IARC, como um agente carcinogênico para humanos com base em estudos epidemiológicos que relacionam a ingestão de arsênico na água para consumo humano e câncer na pele e estudos ocupacionais que relacionam a exposição ao arsênico e câncer no pulmão.A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS recomenda um valor orientador para água de beber de 10 mg As/L, enquanto que a

  11. Cross Sections of the 36Ar(d,α)34mCl, 40Ar(d,α)38Cl and 40Ar(d,p)41Ar Nuclear Reactions below 8.4 MeV (United States)

    Engle, J W; Severin, G W; Barnhart, T E; Knutson, L D; Nickles, R J


    We have measured the cross section for production of the medically interesting isotope 34mCl, along with 38Cl and 41Ar, using deuteron bombardments of 36Ar and 40Ar below 8.4 MeV. ALICE/ASH analytical codes were employed to determine the shape of nuclear excitation functions, and experiments were performed using the University of Wisconsin tandem electrostatic accelerator to irradiate thin targets of argon gas. PMID:22041299

  12. Histone demethylase JMJD1A promotes alternative splicing of AR variant 7 (AR-V7) in prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Fan, Lingling; Zhang, Fengbo; Xu, Songhui; Cui, Xiaolu; Hussain, Arif; Fazli, Ladan; Gleave, Martin; Dong, Xuesen; Qi, Jianfei


    Formation of the androgen receptor splicing variant 7 (AR-V7) is one of the major mechanisms by which resistance of prostate cancer to androgen deprivation therapy occurs. The histone demethylase JMJD1A (Jumonji domain containing 1A) functions as a key coactivator for AR by epigenetic regulation of H3K9 methylation marks. Here, we describe a role for JMJD1A in AR-V7 expression. While JMJD1A knockdown had no effect on full-length AR (AR-FL), it reduced AR-V7 levels in prostate cancer cells. Reexpression of AR-V7 in the JMJD1A-knockdown cells elevated expression of select AR targets and partially rescued prostate cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. The AR-V7 protein level correlated positively with JMJD1A in a subset of human prostate cancer specimens. Mechanistically, we found that JMJD1A promoted alternative splicing of AR-V7 through heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F (HNRNPF), a splicing factor known to regulate exon inclusion. Knockdown of JMJD1A or HNRNPF inhibited splicing of AR-V7, but not AR-FL, in a minigene reporter assay. JMJD1A was found to interact with and promote the recruitment of HNRNPF to a cryptic exon 3b on AR pre-mRNA for the generation of AR-V7. Taken together, the role of JMJD1A in AR-FL coactivation and AR-V7 alternative splicing highlights JMJD1A as a potentially promising target for prostate cancer therapy.

  13. A Refined Astronomically Calibrated 40Ar/39Ar Age for Fish Canyon Sanidine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rivera, Tiffany; Storey, Michael; Zeeden, Christian


    Intercalibration between the astronomical and radio-isotopic dating methods provides a means to improving accuracy and reducing uncertainty of an integrated, multi-chronometer geologic timescale. Here we report a high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Fish Canyon sanidine (FCs) neutron fluence...... sanidine age of 0.7674±0.0022 Ma (2σ, external errors) is indistinguishable from the ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon age (0.7671±0.0019 Ma). The consistency between the astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar sanidine age and U/Pb zircon age for this Quaternary unit suggests that agreement between these two radio-isotopic...... dating techniques is now achievable at better than±0.3% (2σ) in the youngest part of geologic time (

  14. Androgen Receptor Variant AR-V9 Is Coexpressed with AR-V7 in Prostate Cancer Metastases and Predicts Abiraterone Resistance. (United States)

    Kohli, Manish; Ho, Yeung; Hillman, David W; Van Etten, Jamie L; Henzler, Christine; Yang, Rendong; Sperger, Jamie M; Li, Yingming; Tseng, Elizabeth; Hon, Ting; Clark, Tyson; Tan, Winston; Carlson, Rachel E; Wang, Liguo; Sicotte, Hugues; Thai, Ho; Jimenez, Rafael; Huang, Haojie; Vedell, Peter T; Eckloff, Bruce W; Quevedo, Jorge F; Pitot, Henry C; Costello, Brian A; Jen, Jin; Wieben, Eric D; Silverstein, Kevin A T; Lang, Joshua M; Wang, Liewei; Dehm, Scott M


    Purpose: Androgen receptor (AR) variant AR-V7 is a ligand-independent transcription factor that promotes prostate cancer resistance to AR-targeted therapies. Accordingly, efforts are under way to develop strategies for monitoring and inhibiting AR-V7 in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). The purpose of this study was to understand whether other AR variants may be coexpressed with AR-V7 and promote resistance to AR-targeted therapies. Experimental Design: We utilized complementary short- and long-read sequencing of intact AR mRNA isoforms to characterize AR expression in CRPC models. Coexpression of AR-V7 and AR-V9 mRNA in CRPC metastases and circulating tumor cells was assessed by RNA-seq and RT-PCR, respectively. Expression of AR-V9 protein in CRPC models was evaluated with polyclonal antisera. Multivariate analysis was performed to test whether AR variant mRNA expression in metastatic tissues was associated with a 12-week progression-free survival endpoint in a prospective clinical trial of 78 CRPC-stage patients initiating therapy with the androgen synthesis inhibitor, abiraterone acetate. Results: AR-V9 was frequently coexpressed with AR-V7. Both AR variant species were found to share a common 3' terminal cryptic exon, which rendered AR-V9 susceptible to experimental manipulations that were previously thought to target AR-V7 uniquely. AR-V9 promoted ligand-independent growth of prostate cancer cells. High AR-V9 mRNA expression in CRPC metastases was predictive of primary resistance to abiraterone acetate (HR = 4.0; 95% confidence interval, 1.31-12.2; P = 0.02). Conclusions: AR-V9 may be an important component of therapeutic resistance in CRPC. Clin Cancer Res; 23(16); 4704-15. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  15. Single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating reveals bimodal sanidine ages in the Bishop Tuff (United States)

    Andersen, N. L.; Jicha, B. R.; Singer, B. S.


    The 650 km3 Bishop Tuff (BT) is among the most studied volcanic deposits because it is an extensive marker bed deposited just after the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary. Reconstructions of the vast BT magma reservoir from which high-silica rhyolite erupted have long influenced thinking about how large silicic magma systems are assembled, crystallized, and mixed. Yet, the longevity of the high silica rhyolitic melt and exact timing of the eruption remain controversial due to recent conflicting 40Ar/39Ar sanidine vs. SIMS and ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon dates. We have undertaken 21 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating ages on 2 mm BT sanidine crystals from pumice in 3 widely separated outcrops of early-erupted fall and flow units. Plateau ages yield a bimodal distribution: a younger group has a mean of 766 ka and an older group gives a range between 772 and 782 ka. The younger population is concordant with the youngest ID-TIMS and SIMS U-Pb zircon ages recently published, as well as the astronomical age of BT in marine sediment. Of 21 crystals, 17 yield older, non-plateau, steps likely affected by excess Ar that would bias traditional 40Ar/39Ar total crystal fusion ages. The small spread in older sanidine ages, together with 25+ kyr of pre-eruptive zircon growth, suggest that the older sanidines are not partially outgassed xenocrysts. A bimodal 40Ar/39Ar age distribution implies that some fraction of rhyolitic melt cooled below the Ar closure temperature at least 10 ky prior to eruption. We propose that rapid "thawing" of a crystalline mush layer released older crystals into rhyolitic melt from which sanidine also nucleated and grew immediately prior to the eruption. High precision 40Ar/39Ar dating can thus provide essential information on thermo-physical processes at the millenial time scale that are critical to interpreting U-Pb zircon age distributions that are complicated by large uncertainties associated with zircon-melt U-Th systematics.

  16. Optical characteristics of a RF DBD plasma jet in various {Ar}/ {O}_{2}Ar/O2 mixtures (United States)

    Falahat, A.; Ganjovi, A.; Taraz, M.; Ravari, M. N. Rostami; Shahedi, A.


    In this paper, using the optical emission spectroscopy (OES) technique, the optical characteristics of a radiofrequency (RF) plasma jet are examined. The Ar/O2 mixture is taken as the operational gas and, the Ar percentage in the Ar/O2 mixture is varied from 70% to 95%. Using the optical emission spectrum analysis of the RF plasma jet, the excitation temperature is determined based on the Boltzmann plot method. The electron density in the plasma medium of the RF plasma jet is obtained by the Stark broadening of the hydrogen Balmer H_{β }. It is mostly seen that, the radiation intensity of Ar 4p→ 4s transitions at higher argon contributions in Ar/O2 mixture is higher. It is found that, at higher Ar percentages, the emission intensities from atomic oxygen (O) are higher and, the line intensities from the argon atoms and ions including O atoms linearly increase. It is observed that the quenching of Ar^{*} with O2 results in higher O species with respect to O2 molecules. In addition, at higher percentages of Ar in the Ar/O2 mixture, while the excitation temperature is decreased, the electron density is increased.


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    Osmar Antônio Dalla Costa


    Full Text Available

    O sistema intensivo de produção de suínos criados ao ar livre (SISCAL é caracterizado por manter os suínos em piquetes com cobertura vegetal, nas fases de reprodução, maternidade e creche, cercados com tela e/ou fios de arame eletrificado. Este trabalho teve por objetivo relatar aspectos epidemiológicos de um foco de tungíase ocorrido em um SISCAL. Foram examinados clinicamente 72 animais, sendo 6 cachaços, 9 fêmeas lactantes, 13 em gestação e 6 em cobrição, 20 leitões lactantes e 34 leitões desmamados e transferidos para unidades de terminação. Verificou-se que nenhum dos cachaços estava infestado (granja 1= 48 e que em 50% do total de fêmeas examinadas ocorreram lesões com maior freqüência nos tetos, o que nas porcas lactantes deu origem à agalaxia por obstrução do canal galactóforo ocasionando involução da glândula mamária. Em 90% dos leitões lactantes constatou-se dificuldade de locomoção causada pela presença do parasito na região plantar do casco e 25% apresentavam, além disto, lesões no jarrete. Dos leitões desmamados transferidos para unidades de terminação em confinamento, com 40-47 dias (granja 2, n=24 e com 70 dias (granja 3, n= 10 de idade 100% e 80%, respectivamente. ainda apresentavam lesões semelhantes às observadas em leitões lactantes. Conclui-se que a tungíase pode afetar suínos criados ao ar livre podendo causar agalaxia em porcas lactantes e dificuldade de locomoção em leitões lactantes e desmamados.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Tunga penetrans; bicho-de-pé; tungíase; sistema intensivo de suínos criados ao ar livre; agalaxia.

    The outdoors intensive-type pig production is characterized by maintaining swine during

  18. Cross sections of the 36Ar(d,α)34mCl, 40Ar(d,α)38Cl, and 40Ar(d,p)41Ar nuclear reactions below 8.4 MeV. (United States)

    Engle, J W; Severin, G W; Barnhart, T E; Knutson, L D; Nickles, R J


    We have measured the cross section for production of the medically interesting isotope (34m)Cl, along with (38)Cl and (41)Ar, using deuteron bombardments of (36)Ar and (40)Ar below 8.4 MeV. ALICE/ASH analytical codes were employed to determine the shape of nuclear excitation functions, and experiments were performed using the University of Wisconsin tandem electrostatic accelerator to irradiate thin targets of argon gas. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Classical treatment of Li2++Ar and He2++Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jorge, A; Illescas, Clara; Pons, B


    Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo calculations are carried out for Li 2+ +Ar and He 2+ +Ar collisions, motivated by recent experiments on these systems. Cross sections for electron capture, projectile electron loss and target multiple ionization processes are evaluated and compared to the experimental values in the 75-500 keV/amy impact energy range. (paper)

  20. Filmes compostos de gelatina, triacetina, ácido esteárico ou capróico: efeito do pH e da adição de surfactantes sobre a funcionalidade dos filmes Composite films made with gelatin, tracetin, stearic and caproic acids: effect of pH and surfactants addition on the functionality of films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taciana Davanço


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento de biofilmes tem crescido devido à possibilidade de substituição parcial de materiais plásticos não biodegradáveis. Proteínas e polissacarídeos têm sido utilizados para a produção de filmes com boas propriedades mecânicas. Porém, filmes a partir desses materiais apresentam alta permeabilidade ao vapor de água. Uma alternativa usada para diminuir a permeabilidade ao vapor de água dos filmes é a incorporação de substâncias hidrofóbicas na composição da solução filmogênica, porém essa incorporação não ocorre de maneira homogênea. Com o objetivo de melhorar a incorporação das substâncias hidrofóbicas (ácido esteárico e ácido capróico na matriz protéica (gelatina do filme foram adicionados os surfactantes (SDS e Tween 80, que são substâncias capazes de interagir com a proteína e com o ácido graxo, tornando a matriz filmogênica menos heterogênea. O efeito do pH também foi estudado, com a finalidade de observar se este exerce influência na homogeneidade da matriz filmogênica. A adição do ácido esteárico aos filmes de gelatina foi mais eficiente na redução da permeabilidade ao vapor de água do que o ácido capróico. A adição do surfactante SDS reduziu a permeabilidade ao vapor de água dos filmes contendo ácido esteárico, ou ácido capróico. O ajuste de pH nos filmes sem adição de surfactantes também produziu matrizes mais homogêneas.The development of biofilms has grown considering the possibility of partial substitution of plastic materials which are not biodegradable. Proteins and polysaccharides have been used to produce films with good mechanical properties. However, films produced with these materials present a high permeability in water vapor. An alternative to improve the water vapor barrier of films is to incorporate hydrophobic substances (stearic and caproic fatty acids in the composition of the filmogenic solution, however this incorporation does not occur

  1. Thermal significance of potassium feldspar K-Ar ages inferred from /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar age spectrum results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harrison, T.M.; McDougall, I. (Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School of Earth Sciences)


    /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar age spectrum analyses of three microcline separates from the Separation Point Batholith, northwest Nelson, New Zealand, which cooled slowly through the temperature zone of partial radiogenic /sup 40/Ar accumulation are characterized by a linear age increase over the first 65 percent of gas release with the lowest ages corresponding to the time that the samples cooled below about 100/sup 0/C. The last 35 percent of /sup 39/Ar released from the microclines yields plateau ages which reflect the different bulk mineral ages, and correspond to cooling temperatures between about 130 to 160/sup 0/C. Theoretical calculations confirm the likelihood of diffusion gradients in feldspars cooling at rates =< 5/sup 0/C-Ma/sup -1/. Diffusion parameters calculated from the /sup 39/Ar release yield an activation energy, E = 28.8 +- 1.9 kcal-mol/sup -1/, and a frequency factor/grain size parameter, D/sub 0//l/sup 2/ = 5.6sub(-3.9)sup(+14) sec/sup -1/. This Arrhenius relationship corresponds to a closure temperature of 132 +- 13/sup 0/C which is very similar to the independently estimated temperature. From the observed diffusion compensation correlation, this D/sub 0//l/sup 2/ implies an average diffusion half-width of about 3, similar to the half-width of the perthite lamellae in the feldspars. The results are discussed.

  2. 40Ar-39Ar dating of hornfels dredged near the Japan trench

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takigami, Yutaka; Fujioka, Kantaro


    During the KH 81-3 Cruise of the R/V Hakuho-Maru, biotite-bearing hornfelses were dredged from the landward slope of the Japan Trench. Bulk sample and separated biotite were dated by the 40 Ar- 39 Ar method and they showed 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages of 28.9±1.4 Ma and 28.5±1.4 Ma, respectively. This would indicate that biotite was formed at about 29 Ma by the thermal metamorphism which might have related with some magmatic activity. In this magmatic activity was caused by the subducting oceanic plate in the similar conditions at present, it seems to have occurred at a place too close to the present trench axis. This discrepancy could be explained by such processes as the change of the angle of the subducting plate, the moving of the trench axis by tectonic erosion and so on. However, more age data are required to solve this discrepancy. (author)

  3. 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar whole rock age constraints on the timing of regional deformation, South Coast of New South Wales, Lachlan Fold Belt, Southeastern Australia: problems and implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phillips, D.; Fergusson, C.L.


    Full text: Subduction complex rocks are well exposed on the south coast of New South Wales around Batemans Bay. Farther south in the Narooma and Bermagui region, Offier et al (1998) have determined two 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages of 450 ± 3 Ma and 445 ± 2 Ma. They argued that these ages constrain the timing of intense underplating-related deformation and we have undertaken farther work, from an area south of Batemans Bay, to test this suggestion. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method applied to fine-grained, low temperature metamorphic rocks, such as slates, is beset by the problem of recoil loss and/or redistribution of 39 Ar during the irradiation process. Another problem is the difficulty of distinguishing between the contributions to 40 Ar/ 39 Ar spectra from illite/muscovite grown during the cleavage-producing deformation and detrital muscovite/illite. In the current study, four slate samples, with variable contents of detrital white mica, were analysed by both the K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating methods. A separate of detrital white mica from one slate sample yields a plateau age of 500 ± 2 Ma. This result indicates that inheritance has not been eliminated by metamorphism as is commonly assumed and that the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages provide only a maximum estimate for the timing of deformation. 40 Ar/ 39 Ar analyses of state chips yield discordant, saddle-shaped age spectra, with minimum, within-saddle' ages of ca. 420 Ma. Two slate samples give identical 40 Ar/ 39 Ar integrated ages of 455 ± 2 Ma. One sample contains relatively abundant detrital bedding-parallel mica flakes that are locally oblique to the regional cleavage in the rock. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages are some 20 Ma older than K-Ar ages for these same samples, suggesting that recoil loss of 39 Ar may also have affected these slates. Both recoil loss of 39 Ar and inherited white micas will yield elevated apparent ages, thus providing only maximum ages for the cleavage-producing deformation. Two other samples from slaty tectonic

  4. Androgen Receptor (AR) Physiological Roles in Male and Female Reproductive Systems: Lessons Learned from AR-Knockout Mice Lacking AR in Selective Cells1 (United States)

    Chang, Chawnshang; Lee, Soo Ok; Wang, Ruey-Sheng; Yeh, Shuyuan; Chang, Ta-Min


    ABSTRACT Androgens/androgen receptor (AR) signaling is involved primarily in the development of male-specific phenotypes during embryogenesis, spermatogenesis, sexual behavior, and fertility during adult life. However, this signaling has also been shown to play an important role in development of female reproductive organs and their functions, such as ovarian folliculogenesis, embryonic implantation, and uterine and breast development. The establishment of the testicular feminization (Tfm) mouse model exploiting the X-linked Tfm mutation in mice has been a good in vivo tool for studying the human complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, but this mouse may not be the perfect in vivo model. Mouse models with various cell-specific AR knockout (ARKO) might allow us to study AR roles in individual types of cells in these male and female reproductive systems, although discrepancies are found in results between labs, probably due to using various Cre mice and/or knocking out AR in different AR domains. Nevertheless, no doubt exists that the continuous development of these ARKO mouse models and careful studies will provide information useful for understanding AR roles in reproductive systems of humans and may help us to develop more effective and more specific therapeutic approaches for reproductive system-related diseases. PMID:23782840

  5. Uso da solução salina para manutenção de acessos venosos em adultos: uma revisão


    Oliveira,Francimar Tinoco de; Silva,Lolita Dopico da


    Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a prática da salinização em cateteres venosos periféricos. O estudo objetivou analisar os artigos científicos sobre o uso de solução salina na manutenção da permeabilidade de cateteres venosos periféricos em adultos, indexados no MedLine e LILACS no período de 1995 a 2005. A amostra consistiu de 5 artigos os quais foram analisados quanto à procedência e periódico de publicação, ao delineamento do estudo, a amostragem, e ao efeito da solução salina. ...

  6. Prostate Cancer Cells Express More Androgen Receptor (AR) Following Androgen Deprivation, Improving Recognition by AR-Specific T Cells. (United States)

    Olson, Brian M; Gamat, Melissa; Seliski, Joseph; Sawicki, Thomas; Jeffery, Justin; Ellis, Leigh; Drake, Charles G; Weichert, Jamey; McNeel, Douglas G


    Androgen deprivation is the primary therapy for recurrent prostate cancer, and agents targeting the androgen receptor (AR) pathway continue to be developed. Because androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) has immmunostimulatory effects as well as direct antitumor effects, AR-targeted therapies have been combined with other anticancer therapies, including immunotherapies. Here, we sought to study whether an antigen-specific mechanism of resistance to ADT (overexpression of the AR) may result in enhanced AR-specific T-cell immune recognition, and whether this might be strategically combined with an antitumor vaccine targeting the AR. Androgen deprivation increased AR expression in human and murine prostate tumor cells in vitro and in vivo The increased expression persisted over time. Increased AR expression was associated with recognition and cytolytic activity by AR-specific T cells. Furthermore, ADT combined with vaccination, specifically a DNA vaccine encoding the ligand-binding domain of the AR, led to improved antitumor responses as measured by tumor volumes and delays in the emergence of castrate-resistant prostate tumors in two murine prostate cancer models (Myc-CaP and prostate-specific PTEN-deficient mice). Together, these data suggest that ADT combined with AR-directed immunotherapy targets a major mechanism of resistance, overexpression of the AR. This combination may be more effective than ADT combined with other immunotherapeutic approaches. Cancer Immunol Res; 5(12); 1074-85. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  7. The 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb dating of young rhyolites in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic complex, Eastern Aegean Arc, Greece: Age discordance due to excess 40Ar in biotite (United States)

    Bachmann, O.; Schoene, B.; Schnyder, C.; Spikings, R.


    High-precision dating of Quaternary silicic magmas in the active Kos-Nisyros volcanic center (Aegean Arc, Greece) by both 40Ar/39Ar on biotite and U/Pb on zircon reveals a complex geochronological story. U/Pb ID-TIMS multi and single-grain zircon analyses from 3 different units (Agios Mammas and Zini domes, Kefalos Serie pyroclasts) range in age from 0.3 to 0.5 to 10-20 Ma. The youngest dates provide the maximum eruption age, while the oldest zircons indicate inheritance from local continental crust (Miocene and older). Step-heating 40Ar/39Ar experiments on 1-3 crystals of fresh biotite yielded highly disturbed Ar-release patterns with plateau ages typically older than most U/Pb ages. These old plateau ages are probably not a consequence of inheritance from xenocrystic biotites because Ar diffuses extremely fast at magmatic temperatures and ratios are reset within a few days. On the basis of (1) elevated and/or imprecise 40Ar/36Ar ratios, (2) shapes of the Ar release spectra, and (3) a high mantle 3He flux in the Kos-Nisyros area, we suggest that biotite crystals retained some mantle 40Ar that led to the observed, anomalously old ages. In contrast, sanidine crystals from the only sanidine-bearing unit in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center (the caldera-forming Kos Plateau Tuff) do not appear to store any excess 40Ar relative to atmospheric composition. The eastern edge of the Aegean Arc is tectonically complex, undergoing rapid extension and located close to a major structural boundary. In such regions, which are characterized by high fluxes of mantle volatiles, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on biotite can lead to erroneous results due to the presence of excess 40Ar and should be checked either against 40Ar/39Ar sanidine or U/Pb zircon ages.

  8. Acesso ao cuidado à saúde da criança em serviços de atenção primária

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosane Meire Munhak da Silva


    Full Text Available Realizou-se uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa com base no referencial metodológico da hermenêutica dialética, com o objetivo de identificar o atributo acesso da atenção primária para a resolução dos problemas de saúde de crianças menores de um ano a partir dos relatos de pais e cuidadores. Envolveram-se 16 cuidadores de crianças atendidas em unidades de pronto atendimento de Cascavel-PR, em 2010. Foram reconhecidas quatro categorias temáticas: Aconselhamento familiar ao buscar atenção à saúde da criança; Ausência de acolhimento ao primeiro contato; Presença de classificação de risco para atenção à saúde da criança; Barreiras que impedem o acesso à atenção à saúde. Concluiu-se que as famílias exibiram dificuldades para alcançar resolutividade aos problemas de saúde dos filhos, mediante a falta de acesso aos serviços de atenção primária.

  9. Accurate and precise 40Ar/39Ar dating by high-resolution, multi-collection, mass spectrometry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storey, Michael; Rivera, Tiffany; Flude, Stephanie

    New generation, high resolution, multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometers equipped with ion-counting electron multipliers provide opportunities for improved accuracy and precision in 40Ar/39Ar dating. Here we report analytical protocols and age cross-calibration studies using a NU-Instruments......New generation, high resolution, multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometers equipped with ion-counting electron multipliers provide opportunities for improved accuracy and precision in 40Ar/39Ar dating. Here we report analytical protocols and age cross-calibration studies using a NU......-Instruments multi-collector Noblesse noble gas mass spectrometer configured with a faraday detector and three ion-counting electron multipliers. The instrument has the capability to measure several noble gas isotopes simultaneously and to change measurement configurations instantaneously by the use of QUAD lenses...... (zoom optics). The Noblesse offer several advantages over previous generation noble gas mass spectrometers and is particularly suited for single crystal 40Ar/39Ar dating because of: (i) improved source sensitivity (ii) ion-counting electron multipliers, which have much lower signal to noise ratios than...

  10. 40Ar/ 39Ar ages and paleomagnetism of São Miguel lavas, Azores (United States)

    Johnson, Catherine L.; Wijbrans, Jan R.; Constable, Catherine G.; Gee, Jeff; Staudigel, Hubert; Tauxe, Lisa; Forjaz, Victor-H.; Salgueiro, Mário


    We present new 40Ar/ 39Ar ages and paleomagnetic data for São Miguel island, Azores. Paleomagnetic samples were obtained for 34 flows and one dike; successful mean paleomagnetic directions were obtained for 28 of these 35 sites. 40Ar/ 39Ar age determinations on 12 flows from the Nordeste complex were attempted successfully: ages obtained are between 0.78 Ma and 0.88 Ma, in contrast to published K-Ar ages of 1 Ma to 4 Ma. Our radiometric ages are consistent with the reverse polarity paleomagnetic field directions, and indicate that the entire exposed part of the Nordeste complex is of a late Matuyama age. The duration of volcanism across São Miguel is significantly less than previously believed, which has important implications for regional melt generation processes, and temporal sampling of the geomagnetic field. Observed stable isotope and trace element trends across the island can be explained, at least in part, by communication between different magma source regions at depth. The 40Ar/ 39Ar ages indicate that our normal polarity paleomagnetic data sample at least 0.1 Myr (0-0.1 Ma) and up to 0.78 Myr (0-0.78 Ma) of paleosecular variation and our reverse polarity data sample approximately 0.1 Myr (0.78-0.88 Ma) of paleosecular variation. Our results demonstrate that precise radiometric dating of numerous flows sampled is essential to accurate inferences of long-term geomagnetic field behavior. Negative inclination anomalies are observed for both the normal and reverse polarity time-averaged field. Within the data uncertainties, normal and reverse polarity field directions are antipodal, but the reverse polarity field shows a significant deviation from a geocentric axial dipole direction.

  11. Application of quadrupole mass spectrometer to the 40Ar-39Ar geochronological study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takigami, Yutaka; Nishijima, Tadashi; Koike, Toshio; Okuma, Kouichi.


    A Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS) has commonly been used for qualitative analyses of gases in organic chemistry or for monitoring the vacuum conditions in industrial machines. No attempt has been made, however, to apply it to geochronological studies because of its disadvantages such as the difficulty in obtaining precise isotope ratios due to triangular peak shapes and poor reproducibility. On the other hand, there are advantages that a QMS is relatively inexpensive and gives a shorter scanning time for analysis compared with a sector type mass spectrometer. The latter characteristics is useful for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronological studies, since it gives a lower background in the QMS and the possibility to obtain many more data from one sample in a limited time. In this study, we have tried to improve a commercial QMS at many parts, such as rf-generator, quadrupole, ionization chamber, source magnet, and so on, in order to meet the requirements to use it for geochronological studies. With the use of the improved QMS equipped with an on-line microcomputer, we could obtain Ar isotope data which are sufficiently precise for the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronological studies. (author)

  12. ARS-Media for excel instruction manual (United States)

    ARS-Media for Excel Instruction Manual is the instruction manual that explains how to use the Excel spreadsheet ARS-Media for Excel application. ARS-Media for Excel Instruction Manual is provided as a pdf file....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erick Meira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.12957/cadest.2017.31363 Os padrões fluviais brasileiros são sensíveis a diversos fatores geográficos e atmosféricos locais e de grande escala, sofrendo variações consideráveis ao longo da extensão territorial do País. Apesar da vasta gama de informações hoje disponíveis sobre esses fatores, sabe-se que a vazão de rios brasileiros possui relações significativas com padrões climáticos bem característicos, podendo se substituir, por vezes, uma quantidade expressiva de elementos por amostras que concentrem a maior parte das informações estatísticas da base de dados. Nesse contexto, este trabalho buscou identificar, por meio da aplicação de diferentes técnicas de análise estatística multivariada, características comuns a diferentes rios brasileiros, utilizando como informação principal suas vazões. Os resultados sugerem que os comportamentos de grande parte dos rios brasileiros usados para aproveitamento hidrelétrico podem ser caracterizados por um conjunto pequeno de padrões bem definidos, que traduzem os diferentes regimes de massas de ar aos quais o território brasileiro está submetido. Palavras-chave: Análise Multivariada; Vazões de Rios; Massas de ar.

  14. Microbial contamination of central supply systems for medical air Contaminação microbiana dos sistemas centrais de abastecimento de ar medicinal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Machado Andrade


    Full Text Available There are many standards and recommendations for breathing air quality associated with respiratory protection equipment, but little has been done regarding the possible microbial contamination of medical air. The present study demonstrates quantitatively and qualitatively that pipelines might be incriminated as source of microbial contamination of compressed and synthetic air for medical use. Air samples were drawn into an especially pressure-resistant device and the bacterial and fungi contents were identified after growth on agar plates. The bacterial flora isolated from peripheral air outlets was virtually the same as that found in the central air-generating installations, consisting of a mixture of pathogens and normal skin bacteria. Several factors contributing to microbial contamination of medical air are mentioned and preventive measures are discussed.Existem vários padrões e recomendações para a qualidade do ar respirável relacionado aos equipamentos de proteção respiratória, mas pouco tem sido feito em relação a uma possível contaminação microbiana do ar medicinal. O presente trabalho demonstra quantitativa e qualitativamente que as linhas de ar estão relacionadas à contaminação microbiológica do ar comprimido e ar sintético para uso medicinal. Amostras de ar foram coletadas por um equipamento especialmente resistente a pressão, e o conteúdo bacteriano e fúngico foi identificado após crescimento em placa. A flora bacteriana isolada tanto dos sistema periféricos de ar foi virtualmente a mesma encontrada nas instalações centralizadas, sendo uma mistura de patógenos e bactérias normais da pele. Vários fatores contribuintes para a contaminação microbiana do ar medicinal e medidas preventivas são discutidas.

  15. The thermal history of the Lhasa Block, South Tibetan Plateau based on FTD and Ar-Ar dating

    CERN Document Server

    Yang, T F; Lo Chong Huah; Chung, S L; Tien, R L; Xu, R; Deng, W


    Twelve basement samples were collected from South Tibet Plateau for FTD and Ar-Ar analysis to demonstrate their uplifting history since Cenozoic era. The preliminary results from different minerals with different closure temperatures, including apatite and zircon for fission-track dating, and K-feldspar, biotite for Ar-Ar dating, show that at least four stages of thermal history can be recognized in the studied area.

  16. The thermal history of the Lhasa Block, South Tibetan Plateau based on FTD and Ar-Ar dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, T.F.; Wang, J.R.; Lo, C.H.; Chung, S.L.; Tien, R.L.; Xu, R.; Deng, W.


    Twelve basement samples were collected from South Tibet Plateau for FTD and Ar-Ar analysis to demonstrate their uplifting history since Cenozoic era. The preliminary results from different minerals with different closure temperatures, including apatite and zircon for fission-track dating, and K-feldspar, biotite for Ar-Ar dating, show that at least four stages of thermal history can be recognized in the studied area

  17. Resiliência física de dois latossolos vermelhos sob plantio direto Physical resilience of two red oxisols under no-tillage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Araújo Bavoso


    Full Text Available A resiliência física de solos é proveniente de processos regenerativos que incluem ciclos de umedecimento e secamento, congelamento e descongelamento, assim como as atividades biológicas. Este estudo testou a hipótese de que as propriedades físicas do solo, como a permeabilidade do solo ao ar, densidade do solo, porosidade de aeração e porosidade total, são indicadores físicos eficientes para quantificar a resiliência de solos de diferentes texturas submetidos ao estresse mecânico (compactação e após subsequentes ciclos de umedecimento e secamento. O objetivo foi avaliar o comportamento e a resiliência do solo por meio de propriedades físicas de dois Latossolos Vermelhos. Foram retiradas 25 amostras indeformadas (0,00-0,05 m de dois solos: solo I, com textura argilosa, e solo II, com textura franco-argilo-arenosa, realizando as determinações das propriedades físicas nos tratamentos: antes da compactação (A, depois da compactação (C0 e após ciclos de umedecimento e secamento (C1, C2, C3 e C4. As propriedades densidade do solo e porosidade total não apresentaram recuperação da condição inicial após a compactação nos solos I e II; as propriedades conteúdo volumétrico de água e porosidade de aeração mostraram recuperação parcial apenas no solo I; e a permeabilidade do solo ao ar foi a propriedade que apresentou a melhor recuperação e a maior resiliência. Em relação ao distinto comportamento dos dois solos, observou-se que o solo I foi mais resiliente que o solo II nas propriedades que apresentaram recuperação.The physical resilience of soil is the result of regenerative processes with cycles of wetting and drying, freezing and thawing, as well as of biological activities. This study tested the hypothesis that the physical properties of soil such as soil permeability, bulk density, aeration porosity, and total porosity are efficient physical indicators to quantify the resilience of soils with different

  18. Funcionalidade da oleoresina de páprica microencapsulada em goma-arábica e amido de arroz/gelatina.




    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a funcionalidade da oleoresina de páprica microencapsulada em goma-arábica e amido de arroz/gelatina, incorporada nos sistemas-modelo bolo e gel de gelatina. Avaliou-se a cor por meio de medida instrumental e aceitação sensorial por atributos de aparência e aceitação global. O pigmento encapsulado solubilizou-se, tingiu e se distribuiu uniformemente nos bolos, os quais apresentaram boa aceitação global. Nos géis, a goma apresentou desempenho superior ao a...

  19. High-resolution 40Ar/39Ar chronology of multiple intrusion igneous complexes (United States)

    Foland, K. A.; Chen, J.-F.; Linder, J. S.; Henderson, C. M. B.; Whillans, I. M.


    The Mount Brome complex of the Monteregian province of southern Quebec, Canada, consits of several major intrusions ranging compositionally from gabbro to syenite. The relative ages of these intrusives have been investigated with high-resolution 40Ar/39Ar analyses, including a specially designed irradiation configuration to cancel the effects of fluence gradients. Small yet distinct apparent age differences are observed. While a number of analytical and geological factors could be proposed to explain the small variations, evaluation of these suggests the age differences reflect those in emplacement times. The gabbro and nepheline diorite were emplaced within a short span 123.1 Ma ago. Generally more evolved lithologies (biotite monzodiorite, pulaskite, nordmarkite) appear to have been emplaced within a restricted interval 1.4±0.3 Ma later. Whole-rock Rb-Sr systematics do not give acceptable isochrons because of significant scatter interpreted to reflect initial 87Sr/86Sr heterogeneities resulting from crustal contamination. Considering the variations in initial ratio, the Rb-Sr data are consistent with the 40Ar/39Ar age.

  20. Fatores associados aos comportamentos de risco à saúde entre adolescentes brasileiros: uma revisão integrativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Ramos de Moura


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar o conhecimento sobre fatores associados aos comportamentos de risco para a saúde entre adolescentes brasileiros. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados Cochrane, IBECS, LILACS, MEDLINE e SciELO, em relação aos comportamentos de risco recomendados pelo Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças. Resultados: Analisaram-se 37 estudos, com predomínio do comportamento sexual de risco, uso do tabaco e comportamento violento. O avançar da idade favoreceu o sexo desprotegido, o uso do álcool e tabaco. A influência familiar e de amigos relacionou-se com tabagismo e alcoolismo. O sexo masculino envolveu-se mais em situações de violência e o sexo feminino associou-se à inatividade física. Pertencer a classes econômicas mais baixas relacionou-se com sexo desprotegido, inatividade física, comportamento alimentar não saudável e violência. Estudar em escola privada referiu-se ao comportamento alimentar não saudável. Conclusão: Comportamentos de risco relacionaram-se a fatores sociais, econômicos e familiares e tendem a se aglomerar.

  1. Developing a chronostratigraphic tool for climatic archives: absolute dating (K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar) and paleo-magnetism applied to lavas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasco, Romain


    The understanding of climatic mechanisms and rapid climate changes requires a high-resolution, robust, and precise timescale which allows long-distance and multi-archives correlations.An appropriate tool to construct such a timescale is provided by the Earth magnetic field (EMF). The EMF is independent from climatic variations and its past evolution, global at the surface of the Earth, is recorded by most of the geological/climatic archives. Sedimentary sequences provide continuous records of relative intensities of the EMF on timescales usually based on ice core age models or orbital tuning. Lavas, though discontinuously emitted through time, record the absolute intensity of the EMF during their cooling at the surface of the Earth. Lavas are dated using 2 complementary methods: 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and K-Ar, both independent from climatic parameters. Lavas have therefore the potential to deliver tie-points (age - paleo-intensity couples) enabling the time calibration of sedimentary sequences and their transfer onto absolute intensity scale and chronological time scale. This timescale can then be transferred to other climatic archives. The present study focusses on the last 200 ka with lavas sampled from young volcanoes of Ardeche (South Massif Central, France) and recent phases of volcanism in the Canary Islands. Lava flows from Ardeche provided un-exploitable paleo-intensity results and ages with large uncertainties. Therefore, they failed to provide suitable tie-points. However, our geochronological results evidence how crucial the combination of both the K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar methods is to test the accuracy and geological meaning of the ages. Ardeche lavas have abundant mantellic and crustal xenoliths, potential carriers of excess 40 Ar*. Our study suggests that the argon excess is located in sites that decrepitate at low temperature (≤600 C). Because 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages are not affected by excess 40 Ar*, they provide reliable results. The new age dataset indicates

  2. A refined astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age for Fish Canyon sanidine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rivera, T.A.; Storey, M.; Zeeden, C.; Hilgen, F.J.; Kuiper, K.


    Intercalibration between the astronomical and radio-isotopic dating methods provides a means to improving accuracy and reducing uncertainty of an integrated, multi-chronometer geologic timescale. Here we report a high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the FishCanyon sanidine (FCs) neutron fluence monitor,

  3. Call for Development of New Mineral Standards for 40Ar/39Ar Dating (United States)

    Deino, A. L.; Turrin, B. D.; Renne, P. R.; Hemming, S. R.


    Age determination via the 40Ar/39Ar dating method relies on the intercomparison of measured 40Ar*/39ArK ratios of geological unknowns with those of co-irradiated mineral standards. Good analytical procedure dictates that these ratios (and the evolution of the Ar ion beams underpinning them) be as similar as practical for the greatest accuracy. Unfortunately, throughout several intervals of the geological time scale this 'best practice' cannot be achieved with existing widely used standards. Only two internationally utilized sanidine standards are available for the middle to late Cenozoic: the Alder Creek Rhyolite sanidine (ACs), at ~1.2 Ma (Turrin et al., 1994; Nomade et al., 2005), and the Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine (FCs) at ~28.2 Ma (e.g., Kuiper et al., 2008; Renne et al, 2011). The situation is even worse throughout much of the rest of the Phanerozoic, as the next oldest standard in common use is the Hb3gr hornblende standard with an age of ~1.1 Ga (Turner, 1971; Jourdan et al., 2006). We propose, as a community effort, the development a set of standards covering the entire target range of high-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating, i.e. the Phanerozoic. Their ages would be stepped in a regular fashion with no more than approximately a factor of 3 between standards, such that in the worse case the 40Ar*/39Ar ratios of standards and unknown need differ by no more than a factor of two. While somewhat arbitrary, an approximately 3 X age progression allows the entire time scale to be covered by a manageable number of standards. Anchoring the progression in the widely used ACs, FCs, and Hb3gr (in bold, below) yields the following set of suggested standard ages: 0.4, 1.2, 3.3, 9.4, 28.2, 95, 320, and 1100 Ma. A suitable standard should be highly reproducible in age at the grain-to-grain and sub-grain levels, and highly radiogenic. The mineral should be abundant and easily separated from the host rock. These criteria may be most easily achieved by focusing on sanidine phenocrysts

  4. Spectroscopic and electric dipole properties of Sr+Ar and SrAr systems including high excited states (United States)

    Hamdi, Rafika; Abdessalem, Kawther; Dardouri, Riadh; Al-Ghamdi, Attieh A.; Oujia, Brahim; Gadéa, Florent Xavier


    The spectroscopic properties of the fundamental and several excited states of Sr+Ar and SrAr, Van der Waals systems are investigated by employing an ab initio method in a pseudo-potential approach. The potential energy curves and the spectroscopic parameters are displayed for the 1-10 2Σ+, 1-6 2Π and 1-3 2Δ electronic states of the Sr+Ar molecule and for the 1-6 1Σ+, 1-4 3Σ+, 1-3 1,3Π and 1-3 1,3Δ states of the neutral molecule SrAr. In addition, from these curves, the vibrational levels and their energy spacing are deduced for Σ+, Π and Δ symmetries. The spectra of the permanent and transition dipole moments are studied for the 1,3Σ+ states of SrAr, which are considered to be two-electron systems and 2Σ+ states of the single electron Sr+Ar ion. The spectroscopic parameters obtained for each molecular system are compared with previous theoretical and experimental works. A significant correlation revealed the accuracy of our results.

  5. Skolotāju uztvertā stresa saistība ar apmierinātību ar darbu


    Dejus, Ilze


    Pētījuma „Skolotāju uztvertā stresa saistība ar apmierinātību ar darbu” mērķis, pamatojoties uz teorētisko analīzi, pētīt skolotāju uztvertā stresa saistību ar apmierinātību ar darbu. Pētījuma jautājumi: 1.Vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība starp skolotāju uztvertā stresa līmeni un apmierinātību ar darbu? 2.Vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp Liepājas 15.vidusskolas un Grobiņas novada skolotāju uztvertā stresa līmeni un apmierinātību ar darbu? Aptaujāti 113 skolot...

  6. Combined U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes, Hawaii

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aciego, S.M.; Jourdan, F.; DePaolo, D.J.; Kennedy, B.M.; Renne, P.R.; Sims, K.W.W.


    Late Quaternary, post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawaii have been dated using the {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar and U-Th/He methods. The objective of the study is to compare the recently demonstrated U-Th/He age method, which uses basaltic olivine phenocrysts, with {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages measured on groundmass from the same samples. As a corollary, the age data also increase the precision of the chronology of volcanism on the Big Island. For the U-Th/He ages, U, Th and He concentrations and isotopes were measured to account for U-series disequilibrium and initial He. Single analyses U-Th/He ages for Hamakua lavas from Mauna Kea are 87 {+-} 40 ka to 119 {+-} 23 ka (2{sigma} uncertainties), which are in general equal to or younger than {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages. Basalt from the Polulu sequence on Kohala gives a U-Th/He age of 354 {+-} 54 ka and a {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar age of 450 {+-} 40 ka. All of the U-Th/He ages, and all but one spurious {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages conform to the previously proposed stratigraphy and published {sup 14}C and K-Ar ages. The ages also compare favorably to U-Th whole rock-olivine ages calculated from {sup 238}U - {sup 230}Th disequilibria. The U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar results agree best where there is a relatively large amount of radiogenic {sup 40}Ar (>10%), and where the {sup 40}Ar/{sup 36}Ar intercept calculated from the Ar isochron diagram is close to the atmospheric value. In two cases, it is not clear why U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages do not agree within uncertainty. U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar results diverge the most on a low-K transitional tholeiitic basalt with abundant olivine. For the most alkalic basalts with negligible olivine phenocrysts, U-Th/He ages were unattainable while {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar results provide good precision even on ages as low as 19 {+-} 4 ka. Hence, the strengths and weaknesses of the U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar methods are

  7. The mass of sup 3 sup 2 Ar and sup 3 sup 3 Ar for fundamental tests

    CERN Document Server

    Blaum, K; Beck, D; Bollen, G; Herfurth, F; Kellerbauer, A G; Kluge, H J; Sauvan, E; Schwarz, S


    Masses of the short-lived radionuclides sup 3 sup 2 Ar (T sub 1 sub / sub 2 = 98 ms) sup 3 sup 3 Ar (T sub 1 sub / sub 2 = 173 ms) have been determined with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. Relative uncertainties of 6.0 x 10 sup - sup 8 (delta m = 1.8 keV) and 1.4 x 10 sup - sup 8 (delta m = 0.44 keV), respectively, have been achieved. At present, these new mass data serve as the most stringent test of the quadratic form of the isobaricmultiplet mass equation IMME. Furthermore, the improved accuracy for the mass of sup 3 sup 2 Ar yields a better constraint on scalar contributions to the weak interaction. New mass values have also been measured for sup 4 sup 4 Ar and sup 4 sup 5 Ar, and a 20 sigma deviation for sup 4 sup 4 Ar from the literature value was found and interpreted.

  8. Quantum treatment of the Ar-HI photodissociation dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez-Lopez, Sergio; Prosmiti, Rita; Garcia-Vela, Alberto


    A wave packet simulation of the ultraviolet photolysis dynamics of Ar-HI(v=0) is reported. Cluster photodissociation is started from two different initial states, namely, the ground van der Waals (vdW) and the first excited vdW bending state, associated with the Ar-I-H and Ar-H-I isomeric forms of the system, respectively. Formation of Ar-I radical products is investigated over the energy range of the cluster absorption spectrum. It is found that the yield of bound Ar-I radical complexes is typically 90%-100% and 70%-80% for the initial states associated with the Ar-I-H and Ar-H-I isomers, respectively. This result is in agreement with the experimentally observed time-of-flight spectrum of the hydrogen fragment produced after Ar-HI photodissociation. The high Ar-I yield is explained mainly by the small amount of energy available for the radical that is converted into internal energy in the photofragmentation process, which enhances the Ar-I survival probability. Quantum interference effects manifest themselves in structures in the angular distribution of the hydrogen fragment, and in pronounced rainbow patterns in the rotational distributions of the Ar-I radical

  9. Ao leitor sem medo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Eisenberg


    Full Text Available O texto resenha Ao leitor sem medo, de Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999.This text is a review of Ao leitor sem medo by Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999

  10. Ars Baltica-verkoston puheenjohtajuus Suomeen Risto Ruohoselle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    1990. a. loodud võrgustiku Ars Baltica sekretariaat (Ars Baltica Contact Point & Communication Center) tuleb Kielist Tallinnasse Eesti kultuuriministeeriumi kuni aastani 2002 (Suur-Karja 23). Ars Baltica (ühendus)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joelma Amélia Muniz


    Full Text Available A estratégia saúde da família (ESF é a base para a estrutura desse tipo de atendimento, uma vez que proporciona ao profissional a possibilidade de conhecer o meio em que seu paciente está inserido e também propiciar mudanças nesse meio. O presente trabalho se propôs a refletir sobre a capacitação e habilidade do profissional de enfermagem, envolvido no processo de acolhimento, encaminhamentos e recuperação do dependente químico. Essa pesquisa baseou-se em revisão bibliográfica usando como material: artigos, periódicos, manuais, dissertação, sites e livros referentes ao tema. Percebeu-se que a capacitação e educação permanente dos profissionais envolvidos no processo da recuperação do dependente de substâncias psicoativas são de indiscutível importância. Identificou-se que, além de promover a capacitação a equipe, o chefe da equipe de enfermagem deve perceber quais são os profissionais que possuem maior afinidade com esse tipo de atendimento, para após isso, designar tais profissionais à essa tarefa, eassim, alcançar melhores resultados.

  12. Single grains, thermal histories, and the 40Ar/39Ar method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, Norrie


    A key part in unraveling the history of the physical evolution of the earth is knowledge of the earth's thermal history. 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step heating of mineral samples provides a means of defining a local thermal history. to do this accurately the challenge is to extract meaningful diffusion parameters from a mineral's Arrhenius plot. In the case of biotite single grains, where the laboratory release of argon is a complex process, this can be a difficult task. (12 refs., 5 figs.)

  13. 40Ar/39Ar ages of adularia from the Golden Cross, Neavesville, and Komata epithermal deposits, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauk, J.L.; Hall, C.M.


    New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages of adularia from three epithermal vein deposits in the Hauraki Goldfield constrain when these deposits formed. Adularia from veins at Neavesville has 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau and isochron ages of 6.89 ± 0.02 and 6.86 ± 0.02 Ma, respectively, similar to the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau and isochron ages of adularia from veins at Golden Cross of 6.96 ± 0.04 and 6.93 ± 0.03 Ma, respectively. In contrast, Komata mineralisation formed at 5.99 ± 0.02 to 6.07 ± 0.03 Ma, based on the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar isochron and plateau ages of the adularia in these veins, similar to the previously reported 6.0 Ma age of mineralisation at Waihi/Favona. These preliminary data suggest that mineralisation in the Hauraki Goldfields occurred episodically. (author). 19 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab

  14. HDR-Aggregate Read Service (ARS) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — ARS is a SOAP web service exposed over HTTPS that provides an aggregated (report) view of HTH Survey, DMP and Census data stored in the HDR DB. ARS is deployed in...

  15. Ars Electronica tulekul / Rael Artel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    6.-11. IX toimub Austrias Linzis "Ars Electronica" festival, mille teema on "Code - The Language of Our Time". Festivali kavast, osalejatest, ava-performance'ist "Europe - A Symphonic Vision", näitusest "Cyberarts 2003. Prix Ars Electronica"

  16. A compilation of {sup 40}Ar-{sup 39} and K-Ar ages: report 25

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunt, P A [Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON (Canada); Roddick, J C


    Twenty-three {sup 40}Ar-{sup 39}Ar age determinations (including two potassium-argon analyses) carried out by the Geological Survey of Canada are reported. Each age determination is accompanied by a description of the rock and mineral concentrate used; brief interpretative comments regarding the geological significance of each age are also provided where possible. The experimental procedures employed are described in outline. An index of all Geological Survey of Canada K-Ar age determinations published in this format has been prepared using NTS quadrangles as the primary reference. (author). 6 refs., 2 tabs., 1 fig.

  17. ^<40>Ar-^<39>Ar Age Studies for Tectonics of the Gondwana Land


    Takigami, Yutaka; Sugiura, Naoji


    ^Ar-^Ar age studies have been performed for samples from Antarctica and India which were parts of the Gondwana land at Mesozoic and Paleozoic time in order to investigate their thermal history and tectonic movement. From the both areas, ages of about 500 Ma which have been considered to be the age of Pan-African Orogeny were obtained, which represents that this thermal event spread widely over the Gondwana land.

  18. GPS-Based AR Games Development Potential

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregorius Alvin Raditya Santoso


    Full Text Available The application of new technologies in a game is not a new thing. One example is the application of Augmented Reality (AR technology in game. Many people do not know the application of AR technology in game, although the application of this technology is able to produce a game with unique gameplay. In addition, since AR game is GPS-based, it offers new gaming experience, that is, playing outdoors in which the real world becomes the game arena. This advantage gives the AR technology a huge potential to be developed into a game

  19. Obtenção de membranas microporosas a partir de nanocompósitos de polimida 6/argila nacional. Parte 2: avaliação microestrutural e de permeabilidade das membranas obtidas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda M. D. Leite


    Full Text Available Membranas de híbridos orgânico/inorgânico de poliamida 6 e argilomineral constituído de silicatos em camadas foram estudadas em comparação com o polímero puro. Uma argila sódica, como recebida da indústria, e outra organofilizada com os sais quaternários de amônio Dodigen e Cetremide foram utilizadas. Os sais tornam hidrofóbica a superfície da argila e favorecem sua incorporação na matriz polimérica no estado fundido. A partir dos nanocompósitos obtidos foram preparadas membranas por meio da técnica de imersão-precipitação, tendo como solvente o ácido fórmico e como método de produção a precipitação em um banho de água (não-solvente. O teor do ácido nas soluções poliméricas, dos híbridos e da poliamida 6 pura, foi variado para avaliar sua influência na morfologia e na permeabilidade das membranas produzidas. As membranas apresentaram morfologia assimétrica, constituída de uma pele filtrante e um suporte poroso. A presença da argila tratada com os diferentes sais alterou a formação dos poros, tanto na superfície como na seção transversal. As partículas de argila provavelmente atuaram como barreira ao fluxo. Observou-se ainda que o teor de ácido utilizado influenciou de forma significativa a estrutura assimétrica da membrana; quanto maior o teor de ácido maior a espessura da pele filtrante. O teor de ácido também levou à alteração do tamanho e da distribuição dos poros. As medidas de fluxo realizadas com os dois teores de ácido diferentes mostraram uma resposta em função da morfologia diferenciada obtida.

  20. 40Ar-39Ar age studies for tectonics of the Gondwana land

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takigami, Yutaka; Sugiura, Naoji.


    40 Ar- 39 Ar age studies have been performed for samples from Antarctica and India which were parts of the Gondwana land at Mesozoic and Paleozoic time in order to investigate their thermal history and tectonic movement. From the both areas, ages of about 500 Ma which have been considered to be the age of Pan-African Orogeny were obtained, which represents that this thermal event spread widely over the Gondwana land. (author)

  1. Apmierinātības ar dzīvi saistība ar laika perspektīvu


    Selga, Toms


    Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot vai pastāv saistības starp apmierinātību ar dzīvi un laika perspektīvu. Tika sagaidīts, ka indivīdiem, kam izteiktākas pozitīvās pagātnes un tagadnes hedoniskā laika uztvere, apmierinātības ar dzīvi rezultāti būs augstāki, bet indivīdiem ar negatīvās pagātnes uztveri apmierinātības ar dzīvi rādītāji būs zemāki (Zhang & Howell, 2011). Lai to noskaidrotu, tika izmantota apmierinātības ar dzīvi aptauja (Satisfaction With Life Scale, SWLS, Diener, Emmons, Larsen,...

  2. A test of the 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum technique on some terrestrial materials (United States)

    Lanphere, M.A.; Brent, Dalrymple G.


    40Ar/39Ar age spectra were determined for 10 terrestrial rock and mineral samples whose geologic history is known from independent evidence. The spectra for six mineral and whole rock samples, including biotite, feldspar, hornblende, muscovite, and granodiorite, that have experienced post-crystallization heating did not reveal the age of crystallization in any obvious way. Minima in the spectra, however, give reasonable maximum ages for reheating and high-temperature maxima can be interpreted as minimum crystallization ages. High-temperature ages of microcline and albite that have not been reheated are approximately 10% younger than the known crystallization age. Apparently there are no domains in these feldspars that have retained radiogenic 40Ar quantitatively. Spectra from two diabase samples that contain significant quantities of excess argon might mistakenly be interpreted as spectra from reheated samples and do not give the age of emplacement. The 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum technique may be a potentially valuable tool for the study of geologic areas with complex histories, but the interpretation of age spectra from terrestrial samples seems to be more difficult than suggested by some previous studies. ?? 1971.

  3. 244-AR Vault Interim Stabilization Project Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    LANEY, T.


    The 244-AR Vault Facility, constructed between 1966 and 1968, was designed to provide lag storage and treatment for the Plutonium-Uranium Extraction Facility (PUREX) tank farm sludges. Tank farm personnel transferred the waste from the 244-AR Vault Facility to B Plant for recovery of cesium and strontium. B Plant personnel then transferred the treatment residuals back to the tank farms for storage of the sludge and liquids. The last process operations, which transferred waste supporting the cesium/strontium recovery mission, occurred in April 1978. After the final transfer in 1978, the 244-AR facility underwent a cleanout. However, 2,271 L (600 gal) of sludge were left in Tank 004AR from an earlier transfer from Tank 241-AX-104. When the cleanout was completed, the facility was placed in a standby status. The sludge had been transferred to Tank 004AR to support Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [PNNL] vitrification work. Documentation of waste transfers suggests that a portion of the sludge may have been moved from Tank 004AR to Tank 002AR in preparation for transfer back to the AX Tank Farm; however, quantities of the sludge that were moved to Tank 002AR from that transfer must be estimated

  4. Dating method with /sup 39/Ar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loosli, H H [Bern Univ. (Switzerland). Physikalisches Inst.


    The principles of a dating method based on the cosmic-ray-produced radioisotope /sup 39/Ar are given. Technical requirements such as background and standard gas samples and gas proportional counting systems are described. With samples extracted from Greenland ice it can be demonstrated that /sup 39/Ar ages agree with ages obtained by other methods. First results on ocean water samples show that with this isotope valuable information on ocean mixing and circulation can be expected. /sup 39/Ar results on groundwater samples disagree for some aquifers with conventional /sup 14/C ages; possible explanations are discussed, especially underground production of /sup 39/Ar.

  5. 40Ar-39Ar dating of terrestrial and exterrestrial materials. Basalts from the Japan Sea floor, Deccan Plateau and meteorites from Antarctica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaneoka, Ichiro; Takigami, Yutaka.


    Through a series of 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating for terrestrial and exterrestrial samples, the results for basalts from the Japan Sea floor, Deccan Plateau and for meteorites from Antarctica give significant information concerning their formation histories. 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages of basalts from the Japan Sea floor give a constraint that the Japan Sea floor was formed at least 20 Ma. 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages for dyke samples from the Deccan Plateau indicate a possibility for the occurrence of a little younger ages than that of the main plateau formations by a few million years. Meteorites collected from Antarctica show some variable 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages reflecting their different thermal histories. (author)

  6. Energy dependence of the reaction rate constants of Ar+, Ar++ and N2+ ions with Cl2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukac, P.; Holubcik, L.; Morva, I.; Lindinger, W.


    Dry etching processes using low temperature plasmas in Cl 2 and in Cl 2 -noble gas or nitrogen mixtures are common in the manufacture of semiconductor devices, but their chemical mechanisms are often poorly understood. Results are given for the reaction rate constant measurements of Ar + , Ar ++ , N 2 + ions with chlorine as a function of mean relative kinetic energy. The experiments were performed by using the innsbruck flow drift tube (IFDT) apparatus. Measurements were done at various E/N values, where E is the electric field strength and N the buffer gas density in the drift section. The mean relative kinetic energy KE CM between the ions and the neutral chlorine Cl 2 was calculated using the Wanniers formula. It was found that The N 2 + , Ar + and Ar ++ positive ions react with chlorine Cl 2 very fast and the corresponding reaction rate coefficients depend on the mean relative kinetic energy. For the reaction of Ar - with Cl 2 , its reaction coefficient depends also on the buffer gas. It can imply the enhancement of Cl 2 + ions during etching of Si in the Ar/Cl 2 mixtures. (nevyjel)

  7. Support for the Astronomically Calibrated 40Ar/39Ar Age of Fish Canyon Sanidine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rivera, Tiffany; Storey, Michael; Zeeden, Christian


    al. (2008) determined an astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age of 28.201 0.046 Ma (2), relative to the indirect astronomically tuned Moroccan Melilla Basin Messâdit section. Here, we provide independent verification for the Kuiper, et al. (2008) FCs age using sanidines extracted from the A1 tephra...

  8. Microarea dating of mineral and rock. The application of technique by combining 40Ar/39Ar mass spectrometer with laser probe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Shiling; Dai Tongmo; Pu Zhiping


    The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of probe technique by the continuous laser is successfully applied to determine the ages of microarea samples for mineral and whole rock, including the standard samples from internal and abroad, volcanical rock from westsouthern Antarctica and Green Pissolites of Guizhou. Isochron ages for volcanical rock to be excess or lost argon are accomplished by the whole fused, and for 'green Pisolites' not only by the whole fused, but also by the steps heat. All of which shows the significant geological ages. It would be exhibited the obvious advantage for dating some special samples to make the microarea 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating technique by laser probe as compare with conventional K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar methods

  9. 40Ar/39Ar age of the Rotoiti Breccia and Rotoehu Ash, Okataina Volcanic Complex, New Zealand, and identification of heterogeneously distributed excess 40Ar in supercooled crystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flude, Stephanie; Storey, Michael


    Co-magmatic granitoid clasts erupted as part of the Rotoiti Ignimbrite (Rotoehu Tephra) contain euhedral K-feldspar and biotite crystals that protrude into miarolytic cavities and show textural evidence for growth in super-cooled conditions and are thus interpreted as growing during eruption. 40Ar...... that appear to be largely unaffected by excess 40Ar. This population gives a statistically robust weighted mean age of 47.4 ± 1.5 ka (1σ, n = 13) and an indistinguishable inverse isochron age of 50 ± 3 ka for this historically difficult to date eruption. The weighted mean age is significantly younger than...... previous age estimates of the Rotoiti eruption obtained by K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating of bracketing lavas, but is indistinguishable from recent 14C and (U–Th)/He dates and estimates based on orbital tuning and sedimentation rates constrained by 14C ages....

  10. Estimation of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of the permeability of rocky formations through one single mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) measurement at the wellhead; Estimacion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de permeabilidades de formaciones rocosas a partir de una sola medicion flujo masico-presion- entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    L Moya, Sara; Aragon, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The proposed methodology described ahead (Moya et al.,1996; Moya et al.,1997a, 1997b and 1997c) simplifies the construction of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of its associated thermal productivity, in requiring one single measurement of mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) at the wellhead. Therefore it is an ecological option, technically and economically more feasible. On the other hand, the methodology also allows to diagnose the rocky formation absolute permeability in the well feeding zone. This permeability is usually determined through well bottom pressure tests, than in some cases are difficult to interpret. The permeability inferred by means of the proposed technology represents a complementary tool for these field tests and for the laboratory measurements on drilling cores. [Espanol] La metodologia propuesta que se describe a continuacion [Moya et al., 1995d; Moya et al., 1996; Moya et al., 1997a, 1997b y 1997c] simplifica la construccion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de su productividad termica asociada al requerir solo una medicion de flujo masico-presion-entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo. Es por tanto una alternativa ecologica, tecnica y economicamente mas factible. Por otra parte, la metodologia tambien permite diagnosticar el valor de la permeabilidad absoluta de la formacion rocosa en la zona de alimentacion al pozo. Esta permeabilidad se determina usualmente a partir de pruebas de presion a fondo de pozo que en algunos casos son dificiles de interpretar. La permeabilidad inferida mediante la metodologia propuesta representa una herramienta complementaria a estas pruebas de campo y a las mediciones de laboratorio sobre nucleos de perforacion.

  11. Estimation of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of the permeability of rocky formations through one single mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) measurement at the wellhead; Estimacion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de permeabilidades de formaciones rocosas a partir de una sola medicion flujo masico-presion- entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    L Moya, Sara; Aragon, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The proposed methodology described ahead (Moya et al.,1996; Moya et al.,1997a, 1997b and 1997c) simplifies the construction of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of its associated thermal productivity, in requiring one single measurement of mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) at the wellhead. Therefore it is an ecological option, technically and economically more feasible. On the other hand, the methodology also allows to diagnose the rocky formation absolute permeability in the well feeding zone. This permeability is usually determined through well bottom pressure tests, than in some cases are difficult to interpret. The permeability inferred by means of the proposed technology represents a complementary tool for these field tests and for the laboratory measurements on drilling cores. [Espanol] La metodologia propuesta que se describe a continuacion [Moya et al., 1995d; Moya et al., 1996; Moya et al., 1997a, 1997b y 1997c] simplifica la construccion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de su productividad termica asociada al requerir solo una medicion de flujo masico-presion-entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo. Es por tanto una alternativa ecologica, tecnica y economicamente mas factible. Por otra parte, la metodologia tambien permite diagnosticar el valor de la permeabilidad absoluta de la formacion rocosa en la zona de alimentacion al pozo. Esta permeabilidad se determina usualmente a partir de pruebas de presion a fondo de pozo que en algunos casos son dificiles de interpretar. La permeabilidad inferida mediante la metodologia propuesta representa una herramienta complementaria a estas pruebas de campo y a las mediciones de laboratorio sobre nucleos de perforacion.

  12. The ArDM experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Haranczyk, M; Badertscher, A; Boccone, V; Bourgeois, N; Bueno, A; Carmona-Benitez, M C; Chorowski, M; Creus, W; Curioni, A; Daw, E; Degunda, U; Dell'Antone, A; Droge, M; Epprecht, L; Haller, C; Horikawa, S; Kaufmann, L; Kisiel, J; Knecht, L; Laffranchi, M; Lagoda, J; Lazzaro, C; Lightfoot, P; Lozano, J; Lussi, D; Maire, G; Mania, S; Marchionni, A; Mavrokoridis, K; Melgarejo, A; Mijakowski, P; Natterer, G; Navas-Concha, S; Otiougova, P; Piotrowska, A; Polinski, J; de Prado, M; Przewlocki, P; Ravat, S; Regenfus, C; Resnati, F; Robinson, M; Rochet, J; Romero, L; Rondio, E; Rubbia, A; Scotto-Lavina, L; Spooner, N; Viant, T; Trawinski, A; Ulbricht, J; Zalewska, A


    The aim of the ArDM project is the development and operation of a one ton double-phase liquid argon detector for direct Dark Matter searches. The detector measures both the scintillation light and the ionization charge from ionizing radiation using two independent readout systems. This paper briefly describes the detector concept and presents preliminary results from the ArDM R&D program, including a 3 l prototype developed to test the charge readout system.

  13. The potential of AR-V7 as a therapeutic target. (United States)

    Uo, Takuma; Plymate, Stephen R; Sprenger, Cynthia C


    The androgen receptor variant AR-V7 is gaining attention as a potential predictive marker for as well as one of the resistance mechanisms to the most current anti-androgen receptor (AR) therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Accordingly, development of next-generation drugs that directly or indirectly target AR-V7 signaling is urgently needed. Areas covered: We review proposed mechanisms of drug resistance in relation to AR-V7 status, the mechanisms of generation of AR-V7, and its transcriptome, cistrome, and interactome. Pharmacological agents that interfere with these processes are being developed to counteract pan AR and AR-V7-specific signaling. Also, we address the current status of the preclinical and clinical studies targeting AR-V7 signaling. Expert opinion: AR-V7 is considered a true therapeutic target, however, it remains to be determined if AR-V7 is a principal driver or merely a bystander requiring heterodimerization with co-expressed full-length AR or other variants to drive CRPC progression. While untangling AR-V7 biology, multiple strategies are being developed to counteract drug resistance, including selective blockade of AR-V7 signaling as well as inhibition of pan-AR signaling. Ideally anti-AR therapies will be combined with agents preventing activation and enrichment of AR negative tumor cells that are otherwise depressed by AR activity axis.

  14. Argon defect complexes in low energy Ar irradiated molybdenum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veen, A. van; Buters, W.T.M.; Kolk, G.J. van der; Caspers, L.M.; Armstrong, T.R.


    Thermal desorption spectrometry has been used to study the defects created in Mo irradiated along the direction with Ar ions ranging in energy from 0.1 to 2 keV. In addition to monitoring the release of the implanted Ar, additional information has been obtained by decoration of the defects with low energy helium and subsequent monitoring of the helium release. The studies show evidence that the Ar can be trapped in both substitutional sites and in a configuration in which the Ar is associated with vacancies (ArVsub(n), n >= 2). Most of the Ar implanted at high energy is released at approx. equal to 1500 K by thermal vacancy assisted diffusion. Argon trapped closer to the surface is released at lower temperatures via at least three different surface related release mechanisms. Additional results are presented on the interaction of self interstitial atoms (introduced by 100 eV Xe bombardment) with the Ar defects. Substitutional Ar is found to convert to interstitial Ar which seems to be mobile at room temperature. The Ar-vacancy complexes are found to be reduced to substitutional Ar. The results of atomistic calculations of the release mechanisms will also be presented. (orig.)

  15. Experimental system to measure excitation cross-sections by electron impact. Measurements for ArI and ArII

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanco, F.; Sanchez, J.A.; Aguilera, J.A.; Campos, J.


    An experimental set-up to measure excitation cross-section of atomic and molecular levels by electron impact based on the optical method is reported. We also present some measurements on the excitation cross-section for ArI 5p'(1/2)0 level, and for simultaneous ionization and excitation of Ar leading to ArII levels belonging to the 3p 4 4p and 3p 4 4d configurations. (Author)

  16. Reacções adversas aos antibacilares em doentes internados: Gravidade e factores de risco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Sofia Vilariça


    édia do grupo de doentes com RA foi de 58,4 dias. Esta demora média apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p< 0,001 em relação à demora média dos doentes sem RA, que foi de 26 dias. Os fármacos mais implicados foram a isoniazida (62,2% e a rifampicina (51,9%. Dos 134 casos em que foi possível caracterizar a gravidade das RA, em 106 casos (79% houve necessidade de suspensão do fármaco. A relação causal fármaco-RA foi definitiva em 23 casos (17%. Dos 13 doentes (9,6% que faleceram, em 6 (4,4% a RA esteve directamente implicada na causa de morte.A ocorrência de qualquer RA foi associada ao alcoolismo (risco relativo [RR] de 3,0; 95% de intervalo confiança [IC], 1,1-7,9 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm 3 ([RR] de 2,6; [IC], 1,4-5.No modelo preditivo, as reacções hepáticas foram associadas à ocorrência de hepatites virais B e/ou C ([RR] de 2,5; [IC], 1,2-5,1 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 ([RR] de 5,5; [IC], 1,6-18,6.Conclusões: Os antibacilares estão associados a um número significativo de RA que podem condicionar grande morbilidade, prolongamento do internamento e mesmo alguma mortalidade. Os nossos resultados mostram que o alcoolismo e os níveis de CD4 <350 células/mm3 foram significativamente associados a um elevado risco de ocorrência de qualquer RA e que as hepatites B e C e os níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 foram associados, também de forma significativa, ao risco de RA hepáticas.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (3: 431-451 Abstract: Introduction: Given Mycobacterium tuberculosis’s characteristics, the treatment of tuberculosis (TB infection is administered over a long period of time (for six months or more with a combination of several drugs which could cause adverse reactions (AR. These can cause significant morbidity and compromise tuberculosis treatment regimens.Aim: To determine the incidence and severity of and risk factors for major

  17. Reacções adversas aos antibacilares em doentes internados: Gravidade e factores de risco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Sofia Vilariça


    média do grupo de doentes com RA foi de 58,4 dias. Esta demora média apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,001 em relação à demora média dos doentes sem RA, que foi de 26 dias. Os fármacos mais implicados foram a isoniazida (62,2% e a rifampicina (51,9%. Dos 134 casos em que foi possível caracterizar a gravidade das RA, em 106 casos (79% houve necessidade de suspensão do fármaco. A relação causal fármaco-RA foi definitiva em 23 casos (17%. Dos 13 doentes (9,6% que faleceram, em 6 (4,4% a RA esteve directamente implicada na causa de morte. A ocorrência de qualquer RA foi associada ao alcoolismo (risco relativo [RR] de 3,0; 95% de intervalo confiança [IC], 1,1–7,9 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/ mm3 ([RR] de 2,6 ; [IC], 1,4–5. No modelo preditivo, as reacções hepáticas foram associadas à ocorrência de hepatites virais B e/ou C ([RR] de 2,5; [IC], 1,2–5,1 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 ([RR] de 5,5; [IC], 1,6–18,6. Conclusões: Os antibacilares estão associados a um número significativo de RA que podem condicionar grande morbilidade, prolongamento do internamento e mesmo alguma mortalidade. Os nossos resultados mostram que o alcoolismo e os níveis de CD4 <350 células/mm3 foram significativamente associados a um elevado risco de ocorrência de qualquer RA e que as hepatites B e C e os níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 foram associados, também de forma significativa, ao risco de RA hepáticas. Abstract: Introduction: Given Mycobacterium tuberculosis's characteristics, the treatment of tuberculosis (TB infection is administered over a long period of time (for six months or more with a combination of several drugs which could cause adverse reactions (AR. These can cause significant morbidity and compromise tuberculosis treatment regimens. Aim: To determine the incidence and severity of and risk factors for major

  18. Use of an A.E.I. MS 10 mass spectrometer for 40Ar-39Ar dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baksi, A.K.


    The use of an AEI mass spectrometer for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating could, in principle, be problematical due to its limited mass resolution and because of non-linear mass discrimination under certain operating conditions. These possible drawbacks have been investigated and are found to be easy to overcome. Tailing corrections are relatively small and can be applied precisely for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ratios <= 300. By operating the instrument with a trap current of 50 μA and an ion repeller voltage of +1.0 w.r.t. cage, problems due to non-linear mass discrimination are eliminated. Using the incremental heating technique and total fusion studies on very small subsamples (10-25 mg.), the homogeneity of some well-known inter-laboratory standards has been investigated; the relative merits of these standards are discussed. (K.B.)

  19. Avaliação de Coberturas de Cabanas de Maternidade em Sistema Intensivo de Suínos Criados ao Ar Livre (Siscal, no Verão Maternity Hut Covering Evaluation in Outdoor Pig Production System, Summer Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Giovanni de Abreu


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as condições térmicas ambientais de diferentes materiais de cobertura de cabana de maternidade, no verão, utilizando os seguintes tratamentos: 1 cabana de maternidade coberta com fécula de isopor 2 cabana de maternidade coberta com isolamento de alumínio 3 cabana de maternidade coberta com tela e capim na cobertura 4 cabana de maternidade coberta com lona e capim na cobertura 5 ambiente ao ar livre e 6 à sombra da árvore. O delineamento experimental usado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com 6 tratamentos nas parcelas, 5 horas nas subparcelas e 3 repetições. A categoria animal utilizada foi porcas lactantes, Landrace x Large White, distribuídas aleatoriamente por ordem de parto. Foi determinada a Umidade Relativa do Ar (UR, a Velocidade do Ar, a Temperatura Ambiente (Ta e foram calculados o Índice de Temperatura de Globo e Umidade (ITGU e a Carga Térmica Radiante (CTR. Apesar de os materiais utilizados como cobertura de maternidade terem melhorado o conforto térmico das porcas em relação as condições ambientais, ainda, não foram suficientes em atender as condições ideais de conforto térmico.The objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental thermal conditions of different maternity hut covering materials, in the summer period through the following treatments: 1 maternity hut with polystyrene fecula covering 2 maternity hut with isolation of aluminum covering 3 maternity hut with screen and grass covering 4 maternity hut with canvas and grass covering 5 outdoor environment 6 under shade a tree. The six treatments were arranged in a randomized split-plot design where the six treatments were in the plot with five schedules hours in the subplots and three replicates. Sow lactantes Landrace x Large White were alloted at random considering farrowing order. Relative Humidity Air (RH, Air Speed, and Environmental Temperature (Te data were determined

  20. MEIS1 functions as a potential AR negative regulator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cui, Liang [Department of Urology, Chinese PLA Medical School/Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853 (China); Department of Urology, Civil Aviation General Hospital/Civil Aviation Medical College of Peking University, Beijing 100123 (China); Li, Mingyang [Department of Gastroenterology, Nan Lou Division, Chinese PLA Medical School/Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853 (China); Feng, Fan [Department of Pharmacy, General Hospital of Shenyang Military Command, Shenyang 110016 (China); Yang, Yutao [Beijing Institute for Neuroscience, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069 (China); Hang, Xingyi [National Scientific Data Sharing Platform for Population and Health, Beijing 100730 (China); Cui, Jiajun, E-mail: [Department of Cancer and Cell Biology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH 45267 (United States); Gao, Jiangping, E-mail: [Department of Urology, Chinese PLA Medical School/Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853 (China)


    The androgen receptor (AR) plays critical roles in human prostate carcinoma progression and transformation. However, the activation of AR is regulated by co-regulators. MEIS1 protein, the homeodomain transcription factor, exhibited a decreased level in poor-prognosis prostate tumors. In this study, we investigated a potential interaction between MEIS1 and AR. We found that overexpression of MEIS1 inhibited the AR transcriptional activity and reduced the expression of AR target gene. A potential protein–protein interaction between AR and MEIS1 was identified by the immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays. Furthermore, MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation and the recruitment to androgen response element in prostate specific antigen (PSA) gene promoter sequences. In addition, MEIS1 promoted the recruitment of NCoR and SMRT in the presence of R1881. Finally, MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells. Taken together, our data suggests that MEIS1 functions as a novel AR co-repressor. - Highlights: • A potential interaction was identified between MEIS1 and AR signaling. • Overexpression of MEIS1 reduced the expression of AR target gene. • MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation. • MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells.

  1. MEIS1 functions as a potential AR negative regulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui, Liang; Li, Mingyang; Feng, Fan; Yang, Yutao; Hang, Xingyi; Cui, Jiajun; Gao, Jiangping


    The androgen receptor (AR) plays critical roles in human prostate carcinoma progression and transformation. However, the activation of AR is regulated by co-regulators. MEIS1 protein, the homeodomain transcription factor, exhibited a decreased level in poor-prognosis prostate tumors. In this study, we investigated a potential interaction between MEIS1 and AR. We found that overexpression of MEIS1 inhibited the AR transcriptional activity and reduced the expression of AR target gene. A potential protein–protein interaction between AR and MEIS1 was identified by the immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays. Furthermore, MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation and the recruitment to androgen response element in prostate specific antigen (PSA) gene promoter sequences. In addition, MEIS1 promoted the recruitment of NCoR and SMRT in the presence of R1881. Finally, MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells. Taken together, our data suggests that MEIS1 functions as a novel AR co-repressor. - Highlights: • A potential interaction was identified between MEIS1 and AR signaling. • Overexpression of MEIS1 reduced the expression of AR target gene. • MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation. • MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells

  2. SRAO: the first southern robotic AO system (United States)

    Law, Nicholas M.; Ziegler, Carl; Tokovinin, Andrei


    We present plans for SRAO, the first Southern Robotic AO system. SRAO will use AO-assisted speckle imaging and Robo-AO-heritage high efficiency observing to confirm and characterize thousands of planet candidates produced by major new transit surveys like TESS, and is the first AO system to be capable of building a comprehensive several-thousand-target multiplicity survey at sub-AU scales across the main sequence. We will also describe results from Robo-AO, the first robotic LGS-AO system. Robo-AO has observed tens of thousands of Northern targets, often using a similar speckle or Lucky-Imaging assisted mode. SRAO will be a moderate-order natural-guide-star adaptive optics system which uses an innovative photoncounting wavefront sensor and EMCCD speckle-imaging camera to guide on faint stars with the 4.1m SOAR telescope. The system will produce diffraction-limited imaging in the NIR on targets as faint as mν = 16. In AO-assisted speckle imaging mode the system will attain the 30-mas visible diffraction limit on targets at least as faint as mν = 17. The system will be the first Southern hemisphere robotic adaptive optics system, with overheads an order of magnitude smaller than comparable systems. Using Robo-AO's proven robotic AO software, SRAO will be capable of observing overheads on sub-minute scales, allowing the observation of at least 200 targets per night. SRAO will attain three times the angular resolution of the Palomar Robo-AO system in the visible.

  3. Microbiologia do ar : monitorização do ar em ambiente hospitalar


    Santos, Ana Carina Marques dos


    O complexo ambiente hospitalar requer atenção especial, para assegurar uma saudável qualidade do ar interior, protegendo assim os profissionais de saúde e utentes de infecções nosocomiais e de doenças ocupacionais. Embora seja amplamente reconhecido que a contaminação de um bloco operatório seja a principal responsável pela complicação de uma cirurgia, em Portugal, estudos sobre microbiologia do ar a nível hospitalar são escassos. O objectivo deste estudo é investigar a vari...

  4. Progress on using deuteron-deuteron fusion generated neutrons for 40Ar/39Ar sample irradiation (United States)

    Rutte, Daniel; Renne, Paul R.; Becker, Tim; Waltz, Cory; Ayllon Unzueta, Mauricio; Zimmerman, Susan; Hidy, Alan; Finkel, Robert; Bauer, Joseph D.; Bernstein, Lee; van Bibber, Karl


    We present progress on the development and proof of concept of a deuteron-deuteron fusion based neutron generator for 40Ar/39Ar sample irradiation. Irradiation with deuteron-deuteron fusion neutrons is anticipated to reduce Ar recoil and Ar production from interfering reactions. This will allow dating of smaller grains and increase accuracy and precision of the method. The instrument currently achieves neutron fluxes of ˜9×107 cm-2s-1 as determined by irradiation of indium foils and use of the activation reaction 115In(n,n')115mIn. Multiple foils and simulations were used to determine flux gradients in the sample chamber. A first experiment quantifying the loss of 39Ar is underway and will likely be available at the time of the presentation of this abstract. In ancillary experiments via irradiation of K salts and subsequent mass spectrometric analysis we determined the cross-sections of the 39K(n,p)39Ar reaction at ˜2.8 MeV to be 160 ± 35 mb (1σ). This result is in good agreement with bracketing cross-section data of ˜96 mb at ˜2.45 MeV and ˜270 mb at ˜4 MeV [Johnson et al., 1967; Dixon and Aitken, 1961 and Bass et al. 1964]. Our data disfavor a much lower value of ˜45 mb at 2.59 MeV [Lindström & Neuer, 1958]. In another ancillary experiment the cross section for 39K(n,α)36Cl at ˜2.8 MeV was determined as 11.7 ± 0.5 mb (1σ), which is significant for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology due to subsequent decay to 36Ar as well as for the determination of production rates of cosmogenic 36Cl. Additional experiments resolving the cross section functions on 39K between 1.5 and 3.6 MeV are on their way using the LICORNE neutron source of the IPN Orsay tandem accelerator. Results will likely be available at the time of the presentation of this abstract. While the neutron generator is designed for fluxes of ˜109 cm-2s-1, arcing in the sample chamber currently limits the power—straightforwardly correlated to the neutron flux—the generator can safely be run at. Further

  5. Suscetibilidade do capim-colonião e de cultivares de milho ao flúor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rimena Ramos Domingues


    Full Text Available A emissão de fluoretos à atmosfera oriunda da produção de superfosfatos e de cerâmica tem causado preocupação pelo efeito tóxico às plantas, contudo são poucos os estudos desenvolvidos acerca do problema com espécie de interesse econômico agrícola. Desenvolveu-se o estudo para avaliar o efeito do flúor (F atmosférico em plantas de capim-colonião e de cultivares de milho, utilizando como referência espécies bioindicadoras do tipo sensível e tolerante. As plantas foram expostas à contaminação pelo F atmosférico por curtos períodos durante 32 dias em sistema de nebulização com 0,16 mol L-1 de ácido fluorídrico no ambiente interno de uma câmara (~0,20 mmol m-3 de F, havendo um controle não exposto, com quatro repetições. A exposição das plantas ao F causou aumento da concentração do elemento nas folhas até 60 mg kg-1 para o capim-colonião, e entre 100 mg kg-1 nas folhas novas e 170 mg kg-1 nas folhas velhas para quatro cultivares de milho, o que demonstrou o efeito cumulativo do elemento no ambiente. Sintomas visuais da toxicidade foram observados nas plantas e se caracterizaram pela ocorrência de cloroses e necroses na lâmina foliar. O capim-colonião é uma espécie bastante sensível ao poluente no ar. As cultivares de milho DKB 390 e Ômega 8315 também são mais sensíveis ao F quando comparadas às AG7088 e 2B707. Os teores de clorofila a nas plantas foram mais afetados pelo F em relação aos teores de clorofila b.

  6. Ar + NO microwave plasmas for Escherichia coli sterilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hueso, Jose L; Rico, Victor J; Cotrino, Jose; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R; Frias, Jose E


    Ar + NO microwave discharges are used for sterilization and the results are compared with additional experiments with Ar, O 2 and N 2 -O 2 plasma mixtures. The NO * species produced in the Ar-NO mixtures remain up to long distances from the source, thus improving the sterilization efficiency of the process. E. coli individuals exposed to the Ar + NO plasma undergo morphological damage and cell lysis. Combined effects of etching (by O * and Ar * species) and UV radiation (from deactivation of NO * species) are responsible for the higher activity found for this plasma mixture. (fast track communication)

  7. Tibetan tectonics from 40Ar/39Ar analysis of a single K-feldspar sample

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richter, F.M.; Lovera, O.M.; Harrison, T.M.; Copeland, P.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar data on an alkali feldspar sample from the Quxu pluton, Gangdese batholith, southern Tibet, allow a detailed assessment of unroofing and uplift history between 35 and 18 Ma. The 39 Ar Arrhenius plot for this sample shows departures from a linear relationship between the effective diffusion parameter, log(D/r 2 ), and reciprocal temperature, which we interpret to be the result of a distribution of distinct diffusion-domain sizes. We use an alternative way of plotting the Arrhenius data that exhibits domain size versus cumulative % 39 Ar released during step heating. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectrum of the sample has features, such as local age plateaus, that are most easily explained in terms of the distinctive closure age of particular domains. The fact that the same distribution of diffusion-domain sizes explains both the Arrhenius data and the age spectrum is an indication that the diffusion properties operating in the laboratory are those of the sample while it was in its natural environment. Modelling of the age spectrum with a distribution of domain sizes results in the recovery of a continuous cooling-history segment rather than a single time-temperature datum. We demonstrate the robustness of the cooling-curve determination by showing the large misfits to the age spectrum that arise from relatively small changes in the cooling history. The best-fit cooling curve for the Quxu sample shows a decreasing rate of cooling in the time interval 35-18 Ma, followed by a very rapid cooling beginning at about 18 Ma. We have used a thermal model for the conductive cooling of an unroofing pluton to estimate the rate of unroofing required to explain the Quxu cooling curve, and find that in the 35-20 Ma time interval, the primary control of the thermal evolution is the conductive loss of magmatic heat with little or no unroofing (unroofing rates of approximately 0.05 mm/yr) followed by a brief period (<5 Ma) of very rapid unroofing with rates of order 2 mm

  8. In Situ Detection and Quantification of AR-V7, AR-FL, PSA, and KRAS Point Mutations in Circulating Tumor Cells. (United States)

    El-Heliebi, Amin; Hille, Claudia; Laxman, Navya; Svedlund, Jessica; Haudum, Christoph; Ercan, Erkan; Kroneis, Thomas; Chen, Shukun; Smolle, Maria; Rossmann, Christopher; Krzywkowski, Tomasz; Ahlford, Annika; Darai, Evangelia; von Amsberg, Gunhild; Alsdorf, Winfried; König, Frank; Löhr, Matthias; de Kruijff, Inge; Riethdorf, Sabine; Gorges, Tobias M; Pantel, Klaus; Bauernhofer, Thomas; Nilsson, Mats; Sedlmayr, Peter


    Liquid biopsies can be used in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) to detect androgen receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7), a splicing product of the androgen receptor. Patients with AR-V7-positive circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have greater benefit of taxane chemotherapy compared with novel hormonal therapies, indicating a treatment-selection biomarker. Likewise, in those with pancreatic cancer (PaCa), KRAS mutations act as prognostic biomarkers. Thus, there is an urgent need for technology investigating the expression and mutation status of CTCs. Here, we report an approach that adds AR-V7 or KRAS status to CTC enumeration, compatible with multiple CTC-isolation platforms. We studied 3 independent CTC-isolation devices (CellCollector, Parsortix, CellSearch) for the evaluation of AR-V7 or KRAS status of CTCs with in situ padlock probe technology. Padlock probes allow highly specific detection and visualization of transcripts on a cellular level. We applied padlock probes for detecting AR-V7, androgen receptor full length (AR-FL), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in CRPC and KRAS wild-type (wt) and mutant (mut) transcripts in PaCa in CTCs from 46 patients. In situ analysis showed that 71% (22 of 31) of CRPC patients had detectable AR-V7 expression ranging from low to high expression [1-76 rolling circle products (RCPs)/CTC]. In PaCa patients, 40% (6 of 15) had KRAS mut expressing CTCs with 1 to 8 RCPs/CTC. In situ padlock probe analysis revealed CTCs with no detectable cytokeratin expression but positivity for AR-V7 or KRAS mut transcripts. Padlock probe technology enables quantification of AR-V7, AR-FL, PSA, and KRAS mut/wt transcripts in CTCs. The technology is easily applicable in routine laboratories and compatible with multiple CTC-isolation devices. © 2017 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.

  9. Ar + NO microwave plasmas for Escherichia coli sterilization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hueso, Jose L; Rico, Victor J; Cotrino, Jose; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Centro Mixto CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla, Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas Isla de la Cartuja, Avda. Americo Vespucio 49, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Frias, Jose E [Instituto de BioquImica Vegetal y FotosIntesis (IBVF-CSIC). Centro de Investigaciones CientIficas Isla de la Cartuja. Avda Americo Vespucio, 49, 41092 Sevilla (Spain)], E-mail:


    Ar + NO microwave discharges are used for sterilization and the results are compared with additional experiments with Ar, O{sub 2} and N{sub 2}-O{sub 2} plasma mixtures. The NO{sup *} species produced in the Ar-NO mixtures remain up to long distances from the source, thus improving the sterilization efficiency of the process. E. coli individuals exposed to the Ar + NO plasma undergo morphological damage and cell lysis. Combined effects of etching (by O{sup *} and Ar{sup *} species) and UV radiation (from deactivation of NO{sup *} species) are responsible for the higher activity found for this plasma mixture. (fast track communication)

  10. Identification of an IL-1-induced gene expression pattern in AR+ PCa cells that mimics the molecular phenotype of AR- PCa cells. (United States)

    Thomas-Jardin, Shayna E; Kanchwala, Mohammed S; Jacob, Joan; Merchant, Sana; Meade, Rachel K; Gahnim, Nagham M; Nawas, Afshan F; Xing, Chao; Delk, Nikki A


    In immunosurveillance, bone-derived immune cells infiltrate the tumor and secrete inflammatory cytokines to destroy cancer cells. However, cancer cells have evolved mechanisms to usurp inflammatory cytokines to promote tumor progression. In particular, the inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-1 (IL-1), is elevated in prostate cancer (PCa) patient tissue and serum, and promotes PCa bone metastasis. IL-1 also represses androgen receptor (AR) accumulation and activity in PCa cells, yet the cells remain viable and tumorigenic; suggesting that IL-1 may also contribute to AR-targeted therapy resistance. Furthermore, IL-1 and AR protein levels negatively correlate in PCa tumor cells. Taken together, we hypothesize that IL-1 reprograms AR positive (AR + ) PCa cells into AR negative (AR - ) PCa cells that co-opt IL-1 signaling to ensure AR-independent survival and tumor progression in the inflammatory tumor microenvironment. LNCaP and PC3 PCa cells were treated with IL-1β or HS-5 bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) conditioned medium and analyzed by RNA sequencing and RT-QPCR. To verify genes identified by RNA sequencing, LNCaP, MDA-PCa-2b, PC3, and DU145 PCa cell lines were treated with the IL-1 family members, IL-1α or IL-1β, or exposed to HS-5 BMSC in the presence or absence of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1RA). Treated cells were analyzed by western blot and/or RT-QPCR. Comparative analysis of sequencing data from the AR + LNCaP PCa cell line versus the AR - PC3 PCa cell line reveals an IL-1-conferred gene suite in LNCaP cells that is constitutive in PC3 cells. Bioinformatics analysis of the IL-1 regulated gene suite revealed that inflammatory and immune response pathways are primarily elicited; likely facilitating PCa cell survival and tumorigenicity in an inflammatory tumor microenvironment. Our data supports that IL-1 reprograms AR + PCa cells to mimic AR - PCa gene expression patterns that favor AR-targeted treatment resistance and cell survival. © 2018 Wiley

  11. 75 FR 12165 - Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR (United States)


    ...-1177; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-34] Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation... Class E airspace at Batesville, AR. Decommissioning of the Independence County non-directional beacon... for standard instrument approach procedures at Batesville Regional Airport, Batesville, AR. Airspace...

  12. 37Ar monitoring techniques and on-site inspection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan Rongliang; Chen Yinliang; Li Wei; Wang Hongxia; Hao Fanhua


    37 Ar is separated, purified and extracted from air sample with a low temperature gas-solid chromatographic purifying method, prepared into a radioactive measurement source and its radioactivity is measured with a proportional counter. Based on the monitoring result, a judgement can be made if an nuclear explosion event has happened recently in a spectabilis area. A series of element techniques that are associated the monitoring of the trace element 37 Ar have been investigated and developed. Those techniques include leaked gas sampling, 37 Ar separation and purification, 37 Ar radioactivity measurement and the on-site inspection of 37 Ar. An advanced 37 Ar monitoring method has been developed, with which 200 liters of air can be treated in 2 hours with sensitivity of 0.01 Bq/L for 37 Ar radioactivity measurement. A practical 37 Ar On-site Inspection system has been developed. This research work may provide technical and equipment support for the verification protection, verification supervision and CTBT verification

  13. Formation of doubly charged argon ions, Ar2+, from long-lived highly excited argon ions, Arsup(+*), colliding with Ar and N2 gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okuno, Kazuhiko


    Formation of Ar 2+ from long-lived highly excited Ar + * colliding with Ar and N 2 gases is studied by means of a tandem mass spectrometer. The tandem mass spectrometer used consists of two mass analyzers connected in series and a collision chamber located in between. The collision chamber is electrically floated and can be set at a desired potential, so that one can identify the fast ions (resulting from the primary ions) and the slow ions (secondary ions) in the mass spectra taken by the second mass analyzer. When the first mass analyzer is tuned to Ar + , peaks corresponding Ar 2+ appear in the second mass spectra. From the analysis of variation of mass positions and heights of these peaks with the change of the potential and pressure of the collision chamber, the Ar 2+ is concluded to result from the primary Ar + in collision with gas molecules and wall surface. From the threshold behavior of the product Ar 2+ with the electron energy in the ion source, three sets of long-lived highly excited Ar + * states (Rydberg states) are found to be responsible for this process. They are 3s 2 3p 4 ( 3 P)nl, 3s 2 3p 4 ( 1 D 2 )n'l and 3s 2 3p 4 ( 1 S 0 )n''l converging to Ar 2+3 Psub(2.1.0) (43.38, 43.51, 43.57 eV), 1 D 2 (45.11 eV) and 1 S 0 (47.50 eV), respectively. Their fractional ratio in the primary Ar + beam is determined as 3.0:1.0:1.2 which is close to that of multiplicities of the states concerned. The autoionization mechanism reported by other investigators to be responsible for the formation of Ar 2+ in Aston band or tandem mass spectra is found to be negligible. The cross sections of formation of Ar 2+ from Ar + * colliding with Ar and N 2 increase in proportion to the 1.15th power of the collision energy in the range from 750 eV to 2.5 keV. At the collision energy of 1.0 keV, they are 2.0x10 -20 /F cm 2 for Ar target and 6.6x10 -20 /F cm 2 for N 2 target, where the fractional density of Ar + * is estimated to be 0.7x10 -4 -4 . (auth.)

  14. I-Xe and 40Ar-39Ar analyses of silicate from the Eagle Station pallasite and the anomalous iron meteorite Enon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niemeyer, S.


    Silicate from two unusual iron-rich meteorites were analyzed by the I-Xe and 40 Ar- 39 Ar techniques. Enon, an anomalous iron meteorite with chondritic silicate, shows no loss of radiogenic 40 Ar at low temperature, and gives a plateau age of 4.59 +- 0.03 Ga. Although the Xe data fail to define an I-Xe correlation the inferred Pu/U ratio is more than 2 σ above the chondritic value, and the Pu abundance derived from the concentration of Pu-fission Xe is 6 times greater than the abundance inferred for CI meteorites. These findings for Enon, coupled with data for IAB iron meteorites, suggest that presence of chondritic silicate in an iron-rich meteorite is diagnostic of an old radiometric age with little subsequent thermal disturbance. The Eagle Station pallasite, the most 16 O-rich meteorite known, gives a complex 40 Ar- 39 Ar age pattern which suggests a recent severe thermal disturbance. The absence of excess 129 Xe, and the low trapped Ar and Xe contents, are consistent with this interpretation. The similarity between 40 Ar- 39 Ar data for Eagle Station and for the olivine-rich meteorite Chassigny lends credence to the previous suggestion of a connection between Chassigny and pallasites. (author)

  15. Efeito da velocidade do ar em barra de pulverização na deposição de produtos fitossanitários em feijoeiro Efect of the air speed in air-assisted sprayer on bean crop pesticide spray deposition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Gilberto Raetano


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da variação da velocidade do ar em barra de pulverização na deposição da calda na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris, realizou-se o experimento em 9 e 10 de outubro de 2000, no Centro de Pesquisas Agronômicas - Cyanamid, em Iracemápolis (SP, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, aos 48 dias após a emergência (DAE. Para isso, convencionou-se que a rotação máxima do ventilador, medida com o auxílio de fototacômetro, possibilitou a obtenção da velocidade máxima do ar na barra de pulverização e, a partir daí, níveis de 50% e 75% da velocidade máxima do ar. Alvos artificiais foram fixados na superfície adaxial e na abaxial de folíolos posicionados, nos terços superior e inferior das plantas selecionadas, ao acaso, e distribuídas perpendicularmente ao deslocamento do pulverizador. O óxido cuproso (50% de cobre metálico foi o traçador utilizado em pulverização e a determinação quantitativa dos depósitos feita com o uso da espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os resultados sugerem que a variação da velocidade do ar na barra pulverizadora não influenciou sobre os níveis de depósitos no feijoeiro, aos 48 DAE, nas condições do presente trabalho.The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of air speed in air-assisted sprayer on bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris spray deposition. The experiment was carried out at 48 days after crop emergence and the experimental design was randomized. The maximum air speed in spray boom was obtained with the maximum of the fan rotation by a phototachometer. The middle and third air speed were obtained with lower fan rotation. The tracer used in the spray solution was copper oxid (50% of the metalic copper. It was measured by atomic spectrophotometry absorption equipment. The targets were fixed on the under and upper-side of the leaves, in the top and lower third of the same plant under the spray boom. The effects of variation

  16. Near thermal charge transfer between Ar+2 and N2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzscheiter, H.M.; Church, D.A.


    The near thermal charge transfer reaction of Ar +2 with N 2 has been studied at total pressures below 10 -7 Torr using a stored ion technique. Ar +2 ions produced by electron impact double ionization of Ar gas were selectively stored for times the order of seconds in a split-ring Penning-type ion trap. The decay with time of the initial ion sample number in a mixture of Ar and N 2 gases was fit to the sum of two exponentials, corresponding to different reaction rates for the 3 P and 1 D low-lying Ar +2 levels. The observed Ar +2 number decrease is attributed to the double-charge transfer process Ar +2 +N 2 →Ar+N 2 +2 →Ar+N + +N + in accord with recent flow-tube measurements. A rate constant for the metastable Ar +2 ( 1 D) level reaction with a value k( 1 D)=1.4 x 10 -9 cm 3 /sec is obtained, using the previously measured rate constant for the Ar +2 ( 3 P) state

  17. Laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Darwin Impact Glass (United States)

    Lo, Ching-Hua; Howard, Kieren T.; Chung, Sun-Lin; Meffre, Sebastien


    Three samples of Darwin Glass, an impact glass found in Tasmania, Australia at the edge of the Australasian tektite strewn field were dated using the 40Ar/39Ar single-grain laser fusion technique, yielding isochron ages of 796-815 ka with an overall weighted mean of 816 ± 7 ka. These data are statistically indistinguishable from those recently reported for the Australasian tektites from Southeast Asia and Australia (761-816 ka; with a mean weighted age of 803 ± 3 ka). However, considering the compositional and textural differences and the disparity from the presumed impact crater area for Australasian tektites, Darwin Glass is more likely to have resulted from a distinct impact during the same period of time.

  18. Ar-37 in the Atmospheric and Sub-Soil Gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purtschert, R.; Raghoo, L.S.


    On-site inspection of the radioactive noble gas isotope 37Ar is a definitive and unambiguous indicator of an underground nuclear explosion. 37Ar is produced underground by neutron activation of calcium by the reaction 40Ca(n,α)37Ar. In the atmosphere, 37Ar is produced by the spallation reaction 40Ar(n,4n)37Ar. Periodic measurements over the last six years on air collected in Bern revealed a background level in the order of 1-5 mBq/m 3 air in agreement with former findings and theoretical calculations. Those calculations also indicated that the intrusion of stratospheric air masses may lead to elevated tropospheric 37Ar concentrations up to 8-10 mBq/m 3 air. Selected samples taken up to now in the vicinity of nuclear power plants revealed no significant deviation from the natural background. In order to distinguish between natural and artificially elevated 37Ar the location-specific 37Ar activity range in soils, rocks and the atmosphere were identified. From CARIBIC flights, a passenger aircraft with a special air freight container filled with scientific equipment in the cargo compartment, tropospheric air samples were analyzed for 37Ar and 85Kr. The natural 37Ar production in soils and the rock basement underlying the alluvium is investigated by means of in situ measurements of different isotopes, theoretical calculations and irradiation experiments on selected rock samples. This will help resolve the temporal evolution and/or constancy of the natural 37Ar background and allow for an interpretation in terms of the identification of clandestine nuclear explosions. (author)

  19. Targeting AR Variant-Coactivator Interactions to Exploit Prostate Cancer Vulnerabilities. (United States)

    Magani, Fiorella; Peacock, Stephanie O; Rice, Meghan A; Martinez, Maria J; Greene, Ann M; Magani, Pablo S; Lyles, Rolando; Weitz, Jonathan R; Burnstein, Kerry L


    Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) progresses rapidly and is incurable. Constitutively active androgen receptor splice variants (AR-Vs) represent a well-established mechanism of therapeutic resistance and disease progression. These variants lack the AR ligand-binding domain and, as such, are not inhibited by androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), which is the standard systemic approach for advanced prostate cancer. Signaling by AR-Vs, including the clinically relevant AR-V7, is augmented by Vav3, an established AR coactivator in CRPC. Using mutational and biochemical studies, we demonstrated that the Vav3 Diffuse B-cell lymphoma homology (DH) domain interacted with the N-terminal region of AR-V7 (and full length AR). Expression of the Vav3 DH domain disrupted Vav3 interaction with and enhancement of AR-V7 activity. The Vav3 DH domain also disrupted AR-V7 interaction with other AR coactivators: Src1 and Vav2, which are overexpressed in PC. This Vav3 domain was used in proof-of-concept studies to evaluate the effects of disrupting the interaction between AR-V7 and its coactivators on CRPC cells. This disruption decreased CRPC cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth, caused increased apoptosis, decreased migration, and resulted in the acquisition of morphological changes associated with a less aggressive phenotype. While disrupting the interaction between FL-AR and its coactivators decreased N-C terminal interaction, disrupting the interaction of AR-V7 with its coactivators decreased AR-V7 nuclear levels. Implications: This study demonstrates the potential therapeutic utility of inhibiting constitutively active AR-V signaling by disrupting coactivator binding. Such an approach is significant, as AR-Vs are emerging as important drivers of CRPC that are particularly recalcitrant to current therapies. Mol Cancer Res; 15(11); 1469-80. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  20. 75 FR 12162 - Class E Airspace; Manila, AR (United States)


    ...-1184; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-39] Class E Airspace; Manila, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation... Class E airspace at Manila, AR. Decommissioning of the Manila non-directional beacon (NDB) at Manila... instrument approach procedures at Manila Municipal Airport, Manila, AR. Airspace reconfiguration is necessary...

  1. agradecimento aos consultores ad hoc

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    REA Editor


    Full Text Available Agradecemos aos professores Nildo Viana (UFG e Flavio Sofiati (UFG, organizadores do DOSSIÊ JUVENTUDE & SOCIEDADE, e aos Consultores Ad hoc pela leitura e apreciação crítica dos artigos submetidos e publicados nesta edição.

  2. Combate ao niilismo e ao totalitarismo em Camus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emanuel Ricardo Germano


    Full Text Available A partir de uma leitura da peça Calígula, elaborada entre 1941 e 1943, procurar-se-á contribuir na restituição das preocupações éticas, políticas e filosóficas em cena no teatro de Albert Camus, analisando o sentido de sua expressão teatral no contexto de dois combates,ao niilismo filosófico e ao totalitarismo político de seu tempo. Observaremos em Calígula um importante registro do amadurecimento das leituras de duas heranças filosóficas relevantes na formação intelectual de Camus, Nietzsche e Heráclito, à luz da experiência do totalitarismo, observando e ressaltando com isso a amplitude de seu intertexto filosófico e a importância do aporte ético e político de Camus como pensador multifacetado, engajado nos enfrentamentos históricos e solicitações críticas de seu tempo.

  3. Efeitos ambientais da produção de suínos ao ar livre: evolução e distribuição espacial das formas de P no solo e perdas de P na água de drenagem Environmental impact of outdoor pig production: soil P forms evolution spatial distribution and P losses in drainage waters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmo Horta


    Full Text Available A produção de suínos ao ar livre é considerada pelos consumidores como um modo de produção mais amigo do ambiente e do bem-estar animal. No entanto, os nutrientes contidos na ração e no "excreta" dos suínos são continuamente introduzidos no solo conduzindo a aumentos significativos desses nutrientes no solo, em especial do fósforo (P. Esta continua adição de P ao solo pode exceder a sua capacidade de retenção originando perdas significativas de P para as águas de drenagem e de escoamento superficial, contribuindo para a poluição difusa das águas superficiais. O principal objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto da produção de suínos ao ar livre sobre o teor em P do solo avaliando a sua distribuição espacial e temporal, e avaliar também a perda de P através das águas de drenagem interna do solo. A unidade experimental de produção de suínos ao ar livre deste trabalho tem 2.8 ha, um declive entre 5 e 30% e uma carga animal de 9 adultos / ha. Observou-se um aumento do P do solo, quer do P biodisponível (P Olsen, P-Ol quer do P inorgânico (Pi ou orgânico (Po. No Inverno observaram-se elevadas perdas de P por erosão e escoamento superficial, mas ao longo do tempo observou-se um aumento global do P no solo. Um teor em P-Ol > 20 mg kg-1 originou um aumento significativo na perda de P para as águas de drenagem interna. Melhores práticas de maneio da unidade experimental, bem como uma escolha da área de produção menos susceptível à erosão, conduzirão a uma prevenção nos riscos de perda de P e na eutrofização das águas superficiais.When compared with intensive indoor production, outdoor pig production is considered by consumers as the production system that causes the least negative environmental effects and contributes to animal welfare. Nevertheless, the continuous input of nutrients in food or pig excretions, increases soil nutrients levels, as is the case with phosphorus (P. This continuous soil P

  4. A Prediction of the Damping Properties of Hindered Phenol AO-60/polyacrylate Rubber (AO-60/ACM) Composites through Molecular Dynamics Simulation (United States)

    Yang, Da-Wei; Zhao, Xiu-Ying; Zhang, Geng; Li, Qiang-Guo; Wu, Si-Zhu


    Molecule dynamics (MD) simulation, a molecular-level method, was applied to predict the damping properties of AO-60/polyacrylate rubber (AO-60/ACM) composites before experimental measures were performed. MD simulation results revealed that two types of hydrogen bond, namely, type A (AO-60) -OH•••O=C- (ACM), type B (AO-60) - OH•••O=C- (AO-60) were formed. Then, the AO-60/ACM composites were fabricated and tested to verify the accuracy of the MD simulation through dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). DMTA results showed that the introduction of AO-60 could remarkably improve the damping properties of the composites, including the increase of glass transition temperature (Tg) alongside with the loss factor (tan δ), also indicating the AO-60/ACM(98/100) had the best damping performance amongst the composites which verified by the experimental.

  5. Effects of lamellae size distributions from 40Ar/39Ar on sedimentary thermo-chronology in the San Joaquin Basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jepsen, A.-M.; Lerche, I.; Thomsen, R.O.


    A model description is provided for the release of 40 Ar/ 39 Ar from detrital microclines which specifically includes the effects of grain size distributions, thus allowing smaller grains to release argon faster than the more retentive larger grains. The model also includes the effects of sedimentary thermal history after burial influencing the pre-depositional 40 Ar/ 30 Ar ratio. Application of the model to the measured age spectra from six depths in the Tejon Block and four in the Basin Block of the San Joaquin Basin demonstrates that the grain size distribution effect plays a major role in masking the extraction of thermal history information from the observed age spectra. In addition, the grain size effect is not systematic with depth, and other competing effects, such as isotopic fractionation of diffusion coefficients, multi-provenance depositional supply, and variable concentrations of 40 Ar and 39 K per microcline at burial deposition time, make the extraction of thermal history information even more difficult. (author)

  6. Timing of Secondary Hydrothermal Alteration of the Luobusa Chromitites Constrained by Ar/Ar Dating of Chrome Chlorites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Guo


    Full Text Available Chrome chlorites are usually found as secondary phases formed by hydrothermal alteration of chromite deposits and associated mafic/ultramafic rocks. Here, we report the 40Ar/39Ar age of chrome chlorites separated from the Luobusa massive chromitites which have undergone secondary alteration by CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids. The dating results reveal that the intermediate heating steps (from 4 to 10 of sample L7 generate an age plateau of 29.88 ± 0.42 Ma (MSWD = 0.12, plateau 39Ar = 74.6%, and the plateau data points define a concordant inverse isochron age of 30.15 ± 1.05 Ma (MSWD = 0.08, initial 40Ar/36Ar = 295.8 ± 9.7. The Ar release pattern shows no evidence of later degassing or inherited radiogenic component indicated by an atmospheric intercept, thus representing the age of the hydrothermal activity. Based on the agreement of this hydrothermal age with the ~30 Ma adakitic plutons exposed in nearby regions (the Zedong area, tens of kilometers west Luobusa and the extensive late Oligocene plutonism distributed along the southeastern Gangdese magmatic belt, it is suggested that the hydrothermal fluids are likely related to the ~30 Ma magmatism. The hydrothermal fluid circulation could be launched either by remote plutons (such as the Sangri granodiorite, the nearest ~30 Ma pluton west Luobusa or by a similar coeval pluton in the local Luobusa area (inferred, not found or reported so far. Our results provide important clues for when the listwanites in Luobusa were formed.

  7. Avaliação das propriedades geotécnicas de uma encosta coluvionar no oleoduto Auraucária-Paranaguá (Olapa)


    Vogt, Vanessa


    Resumo: Encostas coluvionares são comuns ao longo de toda a costa brasileira. Os solos dessas regiões apresentam estratigrafia bastante heterogênea e complexa, além de suscetíveis a movimentos de massa de diversos tipos. Dados discretos sobre solos coluvionares são comumente usados na avaliação de estabilidade de taludes. Nível d'água, estratigrafia, resistência e permeabilidade são normalmente obtidos através de furos de sondagens. Porém, em solos de grande heterogeneidade, como os coluviona...

  8. Avaliação da construção e operação de técnicas compensatórias de drenagem urbana: o transporte de finos, a capacidade de infiltração, a taxa de infiltração real do solo e a permeabilidade da manta geotêxtil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Hirata Lucas


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou aspectos da construção e operação de técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana e seu efeito na taxa de infiltração das unidades em escala real. Para tal, foram estudados dois sistemas, a saber: i filtro-vala-trincheira de infiltração (FVT e ii poço de infiltração (PI. A infiltração do solo foi avaliada por meio de ensaios de campo (ensaios de duplo anel e poço invertido e por medidas das unidades experimentais. Além disso, foram investigados o teor de material pulverulento e a permeabilidade de amostras do geotêxtil utilizado no FVT e PI, nas condições pré e pós-instalação. A despeito das proteções instaladas, houve transporte de finos para o interior das unidades e que esses influenciaram na permeabilidade da manta geotêxtil (redução de 30 a 90% para o FVT e de 40 a 70% para o PI e nas taxas de infiltração nas unidades em escala real (de 4,7 x 10-6 a 10-5 m.s-1.

  9. An 40 Ar- 39 Ar study of the Cape Verde hot spot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Paul Martin; Grandvuinet, Tanja; Wilson, James Richard


    The 40Ar-39Ar analyses of 28 groundmass separates from volcanic rocks from the islands of Santiago, Sal, and São Vicente, Cape Verde archipelago, are presented. The new age data record the volcanic evolution for Santiago from 4.6 to 0.7 Ma, for Sal from around 15 to 1.1 Ma, and for São Vicente from...... Cretaceous age for limestones deposited on the seafloor and later uplifted. The Cape Verde Rise is indicated to have fully formed in the early Miocene around 22 Ma, accompanied by the initial alkaline volcanism. Considerable volcanism on Sal, Boa Vista, and Maio took place in the Miocene and Pliocene...

  10. Tolerância de porta-enxertos de videira ao alumínio do solo

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    José Carlos Fráguas


    Full Text Available Onze porta-enxertos e duas cultivares americanas de videira (Vitis spp foram avaliadas mediante níveis de saturação por Al no solo (Cambissolo Húmico álico, objetivando alcançar a tolerância diferenciada ao Al. O trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, com seis tratamentos completamente casualizados e quatro repetições, na Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Uva e Vinho, em Bento Gonçalves, RS, no período de 1987 a 1990. As características avaliadas foram: altura das plantas, comprimento das raízes, peso da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes e teores de P, K, Ca e Mg em folhas e raízes. Diante dos acréscimos ou aumentos verificados em cada característica (variação % e por cultivar, foi possível estabelecer a tolerância diferenciada das cultivares. O teor de K na parte aérea não foi afetado pelos níveis de saturação por Al, enquanto os teores de Ca e Mg foram os mais afetados. O teor de P teve um comportamento estável entre os níveis de saturação por Al. As cultivares Isabel e Cunningham apresentaram diferença na tolerância ao Al do solo; a Cunningham teve melhor comportamento. Os porta-enxertos R99, Rupestris du Lot e Kober 5BB, juntamente com Isabel, foram os mais sensíveis ao Al, e P1103, 101-14 e 196-17Cl foram os mais tolerantes.

  11. Marketing de Relacionamento: Agregando Valor ao Negócio com Big Data

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    Ana Cláudia Borges Coutrim dos Reis


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, as constantes inovações tecnológicas, o aumento exponencial do volume de dados, junto às evoluções nas tendências de consumo, geraram um cenário global de grandes desafios para as organizações. O uso de tecnologias de Big Data, para análise do volume crescente de dados, disponíveis no mundo virtual globalizado, oferece uma nova visão sobre o mercado e pode contribuir com o futuro das organizações, por meio da disponibilização de informações de qualidade que apoiarão fortemente a tomada de decisão. Nesse cenário de alta competitividade, considerar o contexto de análises de dados, com o uso de tecnologias de Big Data, pode ampliar a visão das empresas para as tendências do mercado, favorecendo a identificação de estratégias melhor direcionadas aos perfis de comportamentos e preferências de consumo. O objetivo da pesquisa é investigar como o uso das tecnologias de Big Data pode ampliar a capacidade do marketing de relacionamento das organizações, agregando valor ao negócio. Os resultados demonstram que as organizações que fazem uso das tecnologias de Big Data, conseguem melhor definir suas estratégias de marketing de relacionamento com os clientes, obtendo como resultados relacionamentos mais duradouros com o mercado e seus clientes e retornos favoráveis aos seus negócios. Em um futuro próximo, a utilização de Big Data, para ampliação das estratégias de marketing de relacionamento, serão regras de sobrevivência para as organizações. O diferencial estará na forma como o gestor interpretará as informações disponíveis e agirá para alcançar os resultados almejados.

  12. Electronic-state distribution of Ar* produced from Ar+(2P3/2)/2e- collisional radiative recombination in an argon flowing afterglow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuji, Masaharu; Matsuzaki, Toshinori; Tsuji, Takeshi


    The Ar + /2e - collisional radiative recombination has been studied by observing UV and visible emissions of Ar* in an Ar flowing afterglow. In order to clarify recombination mechanism, the Ar + ( 2 P 3/2 ) spin-orbit component was selected by using a filter gas of the Ar + ( 2 P 1/2 ) component. Spectral analysis indicated that 34 Ar*(4p, 4d, 5p, 5d, 6s, 6p, 6d, 4p ' , 4d ' , 5p ' , 5d ' , 6s ' ) states in the 13.08-15.33 eV range are produced. The electronic-state distribution decreased with an increase in the excitation energy of Ar*, which was expressed by a Boltzmann electronic temperature of 0.54 eV. The formation ratios of the 4p: 4d + 5p + 5d + 6s + 6p + 6d: 4p ' : 4d ' + 5p ' + 5d ' + 6s ' states were 43%, 2.8%, 54%, and 0.31%, respectively. The high formation ratio of the 4p ' state having an Ar + ( 2 P 1/2 ) ion core in the Ar + ( 2 P 3/2 )/2e - recombination indicated that such a two-electron process as an electron transfer to an inner 3p orbital followed by excitation of a 3p electron to an outer 4p orbital occurs significantly. The higher formation ratios of 4d + 5p + 5d + 6s + 6p + 6d than those of 4d ' + 5p ' + 5d ' + 6s ' led us to conclude the formation of these upper states dominantly proceeds through one electron transfer to an outer nl orbital of Ar + ( 2 P 3/2 )

  13. Characterization of a novel androgen receptor (AR) coregulator RIPK1 and related chemicals that suppress AR-mediated prostate cancer growth via peptide and chemical screening. (United States)

    Hsu, Cheng-Lung; Liu, Jai-Shin; Lin, Ting-Wei; Chang, Ying-Hsu; Kuo, Yung-Chia; Lin, An-Chi; Ting, Huei-Ju; Pang, See-Tong; Lee, Li-Yu; Ma, Wen-Lung; Lin, Chun-Cheng; Wu, Wen-Guey


    Using bicalutamide-androgen receptor (AR) DNA binding domain-ligand binding domain as bait, we observed enrichment of FxxFY motif-containing peptides. Protein database searches revealed the presence of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) harboring one FxxFY motif. RIPK1 interacted directly with AR and suppressed AR transactivation in a dose-dependent manner. Domain mapping experiments showed that the FxxFY motif in RIPK1 is critical for interactions with AR and the death domain of RIPK1 plays a crucial role in its inhibitory effect on transactivation. In terms of tissue expression, RIPK1 levels were markedly higher in benign prostate hyperplasia and non-cancerous tissue regions relative to the tumor area. With the aid of computer modeling for screening of chemicals targeting activation function 2 (AF-2) of AR, we identified oxadiazole derivatives as good candidates and subsequently generated a small library of these compounds. A number of candidates could effectively suppress AR transactivation and AR-related functions in vitro and in vivo with tolerable toxicity via inhibiting AR-peptide, AR-coregulator and AR N-C interactions. Combination of these chemicals with antiandrogen had an additive suppressive effect on AR transcriptional activity. Our collective findings may pave the way in creating new strategies for the development and design of anti-AR drugs.

  14. The development of AR book for computer learning (United States)

    Phadung, Muneeroh; Wani, Najela; Tongmnee, Nur-aiynee


    Educators need to provide the alternative educational tools to foster learning outcomes of students. By using AR technology to create exciting edutainment experiences, this paper presents how augmented reality (AR) can be applied in the education. This study aims to develop the AR book for tenth grade students (age 15-16) and evaluate its quality. The AR book was developed based on ADDIE framework processes to provide computer learning on software computer knowledge. The content was accorded with the current Thai education curriculum. The AR book had 10 pages in three topics (the first was "Introduction," the second was "System Software" and the third was "Application Software"). Each page contained markers that placed virtual objects (2D animation and video clip). The obtained data were analyzed in terms of average and standard deviation. The validity of multimedia design of the AR book was assessed by three experts in multimedia design. A five-point Likert scale was used and the values were X¯ =4 .84 , S.D. = 1.27 which referred to very high. Moreover, three content experts, who specialize in computer teaching, evaluated the AR book's validity. The values determined by the experts were X¯ =4 .69 , S.D. = 0.29 which referred to very high. Implications for future study and education are discussed.

  15. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitors suppress the AR-V7-mediated transcription and selectively inhibit cell growth in AR-V7-positive prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Nakata, Daisuke; Koyama, Ryokichi; Nakayama, Kazuhide; Kitazawa, Satoshi; Watanabe, Tatsuya; Hara, Takahito


    Recent evidence suggests that androgen receptor (AR) splice variants, including AR-V7, play a pivotal role in resistance to androgen blockade in prostate cancer treatment. The development of new therapeutic agents that can suppress the transcriptional activities of AR splice variants has been anticipated as the next generation treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. High-throughput screening of AR-V7 signaling inhibitors was performed using an AR-V7 reporter system. The effects of a glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) inhibitor, LY-2090314, on endogenous AR-V7 signaling were evaluated in an AR-V7-positive cell line, JDCaP-hr, by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The relationship between AR-V7 signaling and β-catenin signaling was assessed using RNA interference. The effect of LY-2090314 on cell growth in various prostate cancer cell lines was also evaluated. We identified GSK3 inhibitors as transcriptional suppressors of AR-V7 using a high-throughput screen with an AR-V7 reporter system. LY-2090314 suppressed the reporter activity and endogenous AR-V7 activity in JDCaP-hr cells. Because silencing of β-catenin partly rescued the suppression, it was evident that the suppression was mediated, at least partially, via the activation of β-catenin signaling. AR-V7 signaling and β-catenin signaling reciprocally regulate each other in JDCaP-hr cells, and therefore, GSK3 inhibition can repress AR-V7 transcriptional activity by accumulating intracellular β-catenin. Notably, LY-2090314 selectively inhibited the growth of AR-V7-positive prostate cancer cells in vitro. Our findings demonstrate the potential of GSK3 inhibitors in treating advanced prostate cancer driven by AR splice variants. In vivo evaluation of AR splice variant-positive prostate cancer models will help illustrate the overall significance of GSK3 inhibitors in treating prostate cancer. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. ONC201 Targets AR and AR-V7 Signaling, Reduces PSA, and Synergizes with Everolimus in Prostate Cancer. (United States)

    Lev, Avital; Lulla, Amriti R; Ross, Brian C; Ralff, Marie D; Makhov, Petr B; Dicker, David T; El-Deiry, Wafik S


    Androgen receptor (AR) signaling plays a key role in prostate cancer progression, and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a mainstay clinical treatment regimen for patients with advanced disease. Unfortunately, most prostate cancers eventually become androgen-independent and resistant to ADT with patients progressing to metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Constitutively activated AR variants (AR-V) have emerged as mediators of resistance to AR-targeted therapy and the progression of mCRPC, and they represent an important therapeutic target. Out of at least 15 AR-Vs described thus far, AR-V7 is the most abundant, and its expression correlates with ADT resistance. ONC201/TIC10 is the founding member of the imipridone class of small molecules and has shown anticancer activity in a broad range of tumor types. ONC201 is currently being tested in phase I/II clinical trials for advanced solid tumors, including mCRPC, and hematologic malignancies. There has been promising activity observed in patients in early clinical testing. This study demonstrates preclinical single-agent efficacy of ONC201 using in vitro and in vivo models of prostate cancer. ONC201 has potent antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in both castration-resistant and -sensitive prostate cancer cells. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that ONC201 downregulates the expression of key drivers of prostate cancer such as AR-V7 and downstream target genes including the clinically used biomarker PSA (KLK3). Finally, the data also provide a preclinical rationale for combination of ONC201 with approved therapeutics for prostate cancer such as enzalutamide, everolimus (mTOR inhibitor), or docetaxel. Implications: The preclinical efficacy of ONC201 as a single agent or in combination, in hormone-sensitive or castration-resistant prostate cancer, suggests the potential for immediate clinical translation. Mol Cancer Res; 16(5); 754-66. ©2018 AACR . ©2018 American Association for Cancer

  17. AR-Signaling in Human Malignancies: Prostate Cancer and Beyond

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael T. Schweizer


    Full Text Available In the 1940s Charles Huggins reported remarkable palliative benefits following surgical castration in men with advanced prostate cancer, and since then the androgen receptor (AR has remained the main therapeutic target in this disease. Over the past couple of decades, our understanding of AR-signaling biology has dramatically improved, and it has become apparent that the AR can modulate a number of other well-described oncogenic signaling pathways. Not surprisingly, mounting preclinical and epidemiologic data now supports a role for AR-signaling in promoting the growth and progression of several cancers other than prostate, and early phase clinical trials have documented preliminary signs of efficacy when AR-signaling inhibitors are used in several of these malignancies. In this article, we provide an overview of the evidence supporting the use of AR-directed therapies in prostate as well as other cancers, with an emphasis on the rationale for targeting AR-signaling across tumor types.

  18. AR Signaling in Human Malignancies: Prostate Cancer and Beyond. (United States)

    Antonarakis, Emmanuel S


    The notion that androgens and androgen receptor (AR) signaling are the hallmarks of prostate cancer oncogenesis and disease progression is generally well accepted. What is more poorly understood is the role of AR signaling in other human malignancies. This special issue of Cancers initially reviews the role of AR in advanced prostate cancer, and then explores the potential importance of AR signaling in other epithelial malignancies. The first few articles focus on the use of novel AR-targeting therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer and the mechanisms of resistance to novel antiandrogens, and they also outline the interaction between AR and other cellular pathways, including PI3 kinase signaling, transcriptional regulation, angiogenesis, stromal factors, Wnt signaling, and epigenetic regulation in prostate cancer. The next several articles review the possible role of androgens and AR signaling in breast cancer, bladder cancer, salivary gland cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as the potential treatment implications of using antiandrogen therapies in these non-prostatic malignancies.

  19. Fusion-fission in Ar-heavy nuclei collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaric, Alexandre


    Fusion-fission products have been studied for three reactions: Ar + Au, Ar + Bi and Ar + U (5.25-7.5 MeV/u). By measuring symmetric fragmentation components (fission-like events), cross sections for fusion were deduced and compared with the prediction of static and dynamic models. With increasing projectile energy, the width of the mass distributions strongly increases for the two lighter systems. By contrast, for Ar + U it remains essentially constant at a very large value. These results clearly demonstrate that the large increase of the width of the mass distribution cannot be attributed simply to large values of the angular momentum. However, they can be explained by the occurrence of a different dissipative process, fast fission, which can be expected if there is no barrier to fission. For the reaction Ar + Au, the total kinetic-energy distributions were also studied in detail. In this case fast fission occurs only at high incident energy. The average total kinetic energy (TKE) was found to be constant with increasing energy. (author) [fr

  20. Electron temperatures of inductively coupled Cl2-Ar plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuller, N.C.M.; Donnelly, Vincent M.; Herman, Irving P.


    Trace rare gases optical emission spectroscopy has been used to measure the electron temperature, T e , in a high-density inductively coupled Cl 2 -Ar plasma at 18 mTorr as function of the 13.56 MHz radio frequency power and Ar fraction. Only the Kr and Xe emission lines were used to determine T e , because of evidence of radiation trapping when the Ar emission lines were also used for larger Ar fractions. At 600 W (10.6 W cm-2), T e increases from ∼4.0±0.5 eV to ∼6.0±2.0 eV as the Ar fraction increases from 1% to 96%. In the H (inductive, bright) mode, T e , for a 'neat' chlorine plasma (including 1% of each He/Ne/Ar/Kr/Xe) increases only slightly from ∼3.8 to 4.0 eV as power increases from 450 to 750 W. This increase is much larger for larger Ar fractions, such as from ∼4.0 to 7.3 eV for 78% Ar. Most of these effects can be understood using the fundamental particle balance equation

  1. Ars Electronica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Thomas Bjørnsten


    Anmeldelse af Ars Electronica festivalen 3. - 8. september, 2009 i Linz, Østrig, der fejrede 30 års jubilæum under temaet "Human Nature". Festivalen fokuserer på interaktion mellem menneske, teknologi, kunst og samfund med særlig vægt på udviklingen af computeren og det digitale. Udgivelsesdato: 15.12...

  2. Heterogeneous 40Ar/39Ar laser probe apparent ages in low-grade mylonitic rocks: Constraining a meaningful geological age

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arancibia, G


    Obtaining meaningful geological ages from mylonitic rocks has been a major problem for structural geologist, because apparent ages have usually no geologic significance. Over the last years, in situ high spatial resolutions 40 Ar/ 39 Ar studies (e.g. Ruffet et al., 1991; Reddy et al., 1996; Pickles et al., 1997), permit obtain apparent ages of mineral and link them directly with textural, microstructural and chemical patterns that can previously be obtained by optical and scanning electron (SEM) microscopes and electron microprobe. In this work, heterogeneous 40 Ar/ 39 Ar laser probe ages from low-grade volcanic mylonites show complex argon distributions patterns. Inverse isochron analysis suggests that most obtained apparent ages contain argon excess and only younger ages have a meaningful geologically interpretation (au)

  3. A composite microdose Adaptive Response (AR) and Bystander Effect (BE) model-application to low LET and high LET AR and BE data. (United States)

    Leonard, Bobby E


    It has been suggested that Adaptive Response (AR) may reduce risk of adverse health effects due to ionizing radiation. But very low dose Bystander Effects (BE) may impose dominant deleterious human risks. These conflicting behaviors have stimulated controversy regarding the Linear No-Threshold human risk model. A dose and dose rate-dependent microdose model, to examine AR behavior, was developed in prior work. In the prior work a number of in vitro and in vivo dose response data were examined with the model. Recent new data show AR behavior with some evidence of very low dose BE. The purpose of this work is to supplement the microdose model to encompass the Brenner and colleagues BaD (Bystander and Direct Damage) model and apply this composite model to obtain new knowledge regarding AR and BE and illustrate the use of the model to plan radio-biology experiments. The biophysical composite AR and BE Microdose Model quantifies the accumulation of hits (Poisson distributed, microdose specific energy depositions) to cell nucleus volumes. This new composite AR and BE model provides predictions of dose response at very low dose BE levels, higher dose AR levels and even higher dose Direct (linear-quadratic) Damage radiation levels. We find good fits of the model to both BE data from the Columbia University microbeam facility and combined AR and BE data for low Linear Energy Transfer (LET) and high LET data. A Bystander Factor of about 27,000 and an AR protection factor of 0.61 are obtained for the low LET in vivo mouse spleen exposures. A Bystander Factor of 317 and an AR protection factor of 0.53 are obtained for high LET radon alpha particles in human lymphocytes. In both cases the AR is activated at most by one or two radiation induced charged particle traversals through the cell nucleus. The results of the model analysis is consistent with a premise that both Bystander damage and Adaptive Response radioprotection can occur in the same cell type, derived from the same

  4. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the El Teniente porphyry copper deposit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maksaev, V; Munizaga, F; McWilliams, M; Thiele, K; Arevalo, A; Zuniga, P; Floody, R


    breccias. Phyllic alteration primarily occurs as quartz-sericite haloes of quartz-sulfide-sulfate veinlets within the perimeter of the orebody, and slightly overprints potassic alteration. Propylitic alteration occurs largely peripheral to ore-grade rock. The relatively restricted development of phyllic alteration and the occurrence of the central breccia conflict with the classic porphyry copper model of Lowell and Gilbert (1970), but El Teniente may be regarded as a 'variation on a theme' of the classic model, as suggested by Gustafson and Hunt (1975). The exceedingly large size of the El Teniente deposit, coupled with its apparently young mineralization age prompted us to initiate a systematic 40 Ar/ 39 Ar study whose goals are to determine the age(s) of the hydrothermal event(s) that produced such a remarkable copper concentration and ultimately to estimate the duration of the hydrothermal activity at El Teniente. This is particularly relevant to an understanding of the processes that formed super-giant high-grade copper deposits in the Chilean Andes and elsewhere. We report here 32 total fusion 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages from sericite and biotite from different lithologic units of El Teniente and five step-heating 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages of samples previously dated using conventional K-Ar methods (Cuadra, 1986) (au)

  5. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Hélène; Belmahfoud, Nizar; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Cloché, Sophie; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mière, Arnaud; Ramage, Karim; Vermeulen, Anne; Boulanger, Damien


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters , intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services, such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between ICARE, IPSL and OMP data centers and has been set up in the framework of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. ChArMEx data, either produced or used by the project, are documented and accessible through the database website: The website offers the usual but user-friendly functionalities: data catalog, user registration procedure, search tool to select and access data... The metadata (data description) are standardized, and comply with international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE European Directive; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assignement procedure allows to automatically register the datasets, in order to make them easier to access, cite, reuse and verify. At present, the ChArMEx database contains about 120 datasets, including more than 80 in situ datasets (2012, 2013 and 2014 summer campaigns, background monitoring station of Ersa...), 25 model output sets (dust model intercomparison, MEDCORDEX scenarios...), a high resolution emission inventory over the Mediterranean... Many in situ datasets

  6. 40Ar/39Ar dating and geochemistry of tholeiitic magmatism related to the early opening of the Central Atlantic rift

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sebai, A.; Feraud, G.; Bertrand, H.; Hanes, J.


    Tholeiitic effusive and intrusive magnetism from Iberia, Morocco, Algeria and Mali, realted to the early opening of the Central Atlantic rift, was dated by the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating method. Four plateau ags, rangin from 203.7±2.7 to 197.1±1.8 Ma, were obtained on plagioclase from dykes from theTaoudenni area (Mali) and two lava flows from Morocco. The Messejana dyke (Iberia), which previously yielded discrepant conventional K-Ar dates, did not furnish any 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau dates. However, there is a clear inverse relationship between apparent age and K/Ca atio for gas fractions from a plagioclase separate (proportional to the alteration degree) which, combined with dates obtained on amphibole, biotite and pyroxene, allows us to determine an age of around 200 Ma for this body. These data, and those obtained on the Foum Zguid (Morocco) and the Ksi Ksou (Algeria) dykes, give evidence of a brief magmatic event (between 206 and 195 Ma ago) which affected a large area ca. 2500 km long. Trace-element modelling shows that most of these formations originated from a homogeneous, enriched, source material. Such a brief magmatic episode related to the opening of a continental rift is in agreement with findings in other magmatic provinces (e.g. the Deccan traps and the Red Sea rift, precisely dated by the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method as well). (orig.)


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    Full Text Available Stemming is a main step used to process textual data. It is usually used in several types of applications such as: text mining, information retrieval (IR, and natural language processing (NLP. A major task in stemming is to standardize words; which can be achieved by reducing each word to its base (root or stem. Arabic stemming is not an easy task. Unlike other languages, Arabic language is a highly inflected language, since it uses many inflectional forms. Researchers are divided on the benefit of using stemming in fields of IR, NLP...etc., since in Arabic the morphological variants of a certain word are not always semantically related. The aim of this paper is to design and implement a new Arabic light stemmer (ARS which is not based on Arabic root patterns. Instead, it depends on well defined mathematical rules and several relations between letters. A series of tests were conducted on ARS stemmer to compare its effectiveness with the effectiveness of two other Arabic stemmers. Test shows clearly the effectiveness superiority of ARS compared to effectiveness of these two Arabic stemmers.

  8. 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Zn-Pb-Ag Mineralization in the Northern Brooks Range, Alaska (United States)

    Werdon, Melanie B.; Layer, Paul W.; Newberry, Rainer J.


    The 40Ar/39Ar laser step-heating method potentially can be used to provide absolute ages for a number of formerly undatable, low-temperature ore deposits. This study demonstrates the use of this method by determining absolute ages for Zn-Pb-Ag sediment-hosted massive sulfide deposits and vein-breccia occurrences found throughout a 300-km-long, east-west-trending belt in the northern Brooks Range, Alaska. Massive sulfide deposits are hosted by Mississippian to Pennsylvanian(?) black carbonaceous shale, siliceous mudstone, and lesser chert and carbonate turbidites of the Kuna Formation (e.g., Red Dog, Anarraaq, Lik (Su), and Drenchwater). The vein-breccia occurrences (e.g., Husky, Story Creek, West Kivliktort Mountain, Vidlee, and Kady) are hosted by a deformed but only weakly metamorphosed package of Upper Devonian to Lower Mississippian mixed continental and marine clastic rocks (the Endicott Group) that stratigraphically underlie the Kuna Formation. The vein-breccias are mineralogically similar to, but not spatially associated with, known massive sulfide deposits. The region's largest shale-hosted massive sulfide deposit is Red Dog; it has reserves of 148 Mt grading 16.6 percent zinc, 4.5 percent lead, and 77 g of silver per tonne. Hydrothermally produced white mica in a whole-rock sample from a sulfide-bearing igneous sill within the Red Dog deposit yielded a plateau age of 314.5 Ma. The plateau age of this whole-rock sample records the time at which temperatures cooled below the argon closure temperature of the white mica and is interpreted to represent the minimum age limit for massive sulfide-related hydrothermal activity in the Red Dog deposit. Sulfide-bearing quartz veins at Drenchwater crosscut a hypabyssal intrusion with a maximum biotite age of 337.0 Ma. Despite relatively low sulfide deposition temperatures in the vein-breccia occurrences (162°-251°C), detrital white mica in sandstone immediately adjacent to large vein-breccia zones was partially to

  9. Criação intensiva de suínos em confinamento ou ao ar livre: estudo meta-analítico do desempenho zootécnico nas fases de crescimento e terminação e avaliação de carcaça e carne no Longissimus dorsi Intensive pig production in confinement or outdoor systems: a meta-analytical study of the production performance in the growing and finishing phases and carcass and meat evaluation from the Longissimus dorsi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alice Bogoni Demori


    Full Text Available Uma meta-análise foi realizada para avaliar o desempenho e a qualidade de carcaça e carne de suínos em função do sistema de alojamento nas fases de crescimento/terminação. Foram selecionadas publicações indexadas com resultados de experimentos comparando variáveis de desempenho e de pós-abate de suínos alojados em sistemas intensivos convencionais ou ao ar livre. A base de dados contemplou 27 artigos publicados entre 1997 e 2009. Ao total, foram considerados 2.985 animais e 701 médias na análise de dados. A meta-análise foi realizada através de duas análises sequenciais: gráfica e de variância-covariância. O sistema de criação de suínos ao ar livre aumentou em 9% (P0,05 pelo sistema de alojamento dos suínos. Concluiu-se que o sistema de criação influencia no desempenho dos suínos, mas não interfere nas características de carcaça e carne estudadas.A meta-analysis was carried out to study performance and characteristics of carcass and meat in pigs in function of housing system during the growing/finishing period. Indexed publications with results of experiments comparing performance and post-slaughter variables of pigs housed in outdoor or conventional intensive systems were selected. In total, 2.985 animals and 701 averages were considered in the data analysis. Meta-analysis followed two sequential analyses: graphic and variance. The outdoor productive system increased in 9% (P0.05 by the housing system. It is concluded that the housing system influences the pig performance, but does not interfere in characteristics of carcass and meat.

  10. K-Ar and Ar-Ar dating of the Palaeozoic metamorphic complex from the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts., Central Dinarides, Bosnia and Hercegovina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pamic, J.; Balogh, K.; Hrvatovic, H.; Balen, D.; Palinkas, L.; Jurkovic, I.


    K-Ar and Ar-Ar whole rock and mineral ages are presented for 25 samples of metamorphic rocks from the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts., representing one of the largest allochthonous Palaeozoic terranes incorporated within the Internal Dinarides. Four main age groups can be distinguished: 1) Variscan (∼ 343 Ma), 2) post-Variscan (288-238 Ma), 3) Early Cretaceous (mainly 121-92 Ma), and 4) Eocene (59--35 Ma) ages. Apart from this, an Oligocene (31 Ma) age was obtained on Alpine vein hyalophane. The radiometric dating indicates a polyphase metamorphic evolution of the Palaeozoic formations and suggests a pre-Carboniferous age of the volcano-sedimentary protoliths, an Early Carboniferous age of Variscan metamorphism and deformation, post-Variscan volcanism, an Early Cretaceous metamorphic overprint related to out-of-sequence thrusting of the Palaeozoic complex, and an Eocene and Oligocene metamorphic overprint related to the main Alpine compressional deformation and subsequent strike-slip faulting, and uplift of the metamorphic core. Accordingly, the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts. can be correlated in its multistage geodynamic evolution with some Palaeozoic tectonostratigraphic units from the Austroalpine domain in the Eastern Alps. (author)

  11. I-Xe and 40Ar-39Ar dating of silicate from Weekeroo Station and Netschaevo IIE iron meteorites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niemeyer, S.


    Silicate inclusions from two IIE iron meteorites were dated by the I-Xe and 40 Ar- 39 Ar techniques. Weekeroo Station, a 'normal' IIE iron, shows no loss of radiogenic 40 Ar at low temperature, and the well defined 40 Ar- 39 Ar plateau yields an age of 4.54 +- 0.03 Byr. The xenon data define a good I-Xe correlation with an age of + 10.9 +- 0.5 Myr relative to Bjurbole. Despite its relatively young age, Weekeroo Station's ( 129 Xe/ 132 Xe)sub(trapped) ratio (= 0.84 +- 0.05) lies significantly below the solar value. Netschaevo silicate has a chondritic composition, unlike 'normal' IIE silicate which is more differentiated. Nevertheless Netschaevo gives a 40 Ar- 39 Ar plateau-age of only 3.79 +- 0.03 Byr, with the xenon data failing to define an I-Xe isochron. Only irons from the IAB and IIE groups contain silicate inclusions, but these two groups differ in many other respects, mostly suggesting that IAB meteorites are more primitive. The I-Xe chronology supports this suggestion inasmuch as Weekeroo Station formed well after IAB silicates. The four silicate-bearing IIE irons which have now been dated can be subdivided into distinct pairs: Weekeroo Station and Colomera formed near the beginning of the solar system, while Netschaevo and Kodaikanal both formed only 3.8 Byr ago. A review of other properties of these meteorites generally supports this subdivision. This work underscores the complexity of the history of IIE meteorites; in particular, an adequate model must account for the formation of two IIE irons at 3.8 Byr without disturbing rare gases in Weekeroo Station. All formation models are quite speculative, but the one which seems best to fit the available evidence postulates two parent bodies: the 3.8 Byr old silicate formed on one parent body, all other IIE material resided in a separate body, and subsequent collision(s) mixed the young silicate with IIE metal. (author)

  12. 40Ar/ 39Ar, K-Ar and 230Th- 238U dating of the Laschamp excursion: A radioisotopic tie-point for ice core and climate chronologies (United States)

    Singer, Brad S.; Guillou, Hervé; Jicha, Brian R.; Laj, Carlo; Kissel, Catherine; Beard, Brian L.; Johnson, Clark M.


    A brief period of enhanced 10Be flux that straddles the interstadial warm period known as Dansgaard-Oeschger event 10 in Greenland and its counterpart in Antarctica, the Antarctic Isotope Maximum 10 is but one consequence of the weakening of Earth's magnetic field associated with the Laschamp excursion. This 10Be peak measured in the GRIP ice core is dated at 41,250 y b2k (= before year 2000 AD) in the most recent GICC05 age model obtained from the NorthGRIP core via multi-parameter counting of annual layers. Uncertainty in the age of the 10Be peak is, however, no better than ± 1630 y at the 95% confidence level, reflecting accumulated error in identifying annual layers. The age of the Laschamp excursion [Guillou, H., Singer, B.S., Laj, C., Kissel, C., Scaillet, S., Jicha, B., 2004. On the age of the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 227, 331-343.] is revised on the basis of new 40Ar/ 39Ar, unspiked K-Ar and 238U- 230Th data from three lava flows in the Massif Central, France, together with the 40Ar/ 39Ar age of a transitionally magnetized lava flow at Auckland, New Zealand. Combined, these data yield an age of 40,700 ± 950 y b2k, where the uncertainty includes both analytical and systematic ( 40K and 230Th decay constant) errors. Taking the radioisotopic age as a calibration tie point suggests that the layer-counting chronologies for the NorthGRIP and GISP2 ice cores are more accurate and precise than previously thought at depths corresponding to the Laschamp excursion.

  13. Measurements of the 40Ar(n, γ)41Ar radiative-capture cross section between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV (United States)

    Bhike, Megha; Fallin, B.; Tornow, W.


    The 40Ar(n, γ)41Ar neutron capture cross section has been measured between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV neutron energy using the activation technique. The data are important for estimating backgrounds in argon-based neutrino and dark-matter detectors and in the neutrino-less double-beta decay search GERDA, which uses liquid argon as cooling and shielding medium. For the first time the 40Ar(n, γ)41Ar cross section has been measured for neutron energies above 1 MeV. Our results are compared to the evaluation ENDF/B-VII.1 and the calculated prediction TENDL-2013. The latter agrees very well with the present results.

  14. Spatial autocorrelation method using AR model; Kukan jiko sokanho eno AR model no tekiyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamamoto, H; Obuchi, T; Saito, T [Iwate University, Iwate (Japan). Faculty of Engineering


    Examination was made about the applicability of the AR model to the spatial autocorrelation (SAC) method, which analyzes the surface wave phase velocity in a microtremor, for the estimation of the underground structure. In this examination, microtremor data recorded in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, was used. In the SAC method, a spatial autocorrelation function with the frequency as a variable is determined from microtremor data observed by circular arrays. Then, the Bessel function is adapted to the spatial autocorrelation coefficient with the distance between seismographs as a variable for the determination of the phase velocity. The result of the AR model application in this study and the results of the conventional BPF and FFT method were compared. It was then found that the phase velocities obtained by the BPF and FFT methods were more dispersed than the same obtained by the AR model. The dispersion in the BPF method is attributed to the bandwidth used in the band-pass filter and, in the FFT method, to the impact of the bandwidth on the smoothing of the cross spectrum. 2 refs., 7 figs.

  15. Astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age for the Toba supereruption and global synchronization of late Quaternary records (United States)

    Storey, Michael; Roberts, Richard G.; Saidin, Mokhtar


    The Toba supereruption in Sumatra, ∼74 thousand years (ka) ago, was the largest terrestrial volcanic event of the Quaternary. Ash and sulfate aerosols were deposited in both hemispheres, forming a time-marker horizon that can be used to synchronize late Quaternary records globally. A precise numerical age for this event has proved elusive, with dating uncertainties larger than the millennial-scale climate cycles that characterized this period. We report an astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age of 73.88 ± 0.32 ka (1σ, full external errors) for sanidine crystals extracted from Toba deposits in the Lenggong Valley, Malaysia, 350 km from the eruption source and 6 km from an archaeological site with stone artifacts buried by ash. If these artifacts were made by Homo sapiens, as has been suggested, then our age indicates that modern humans had reached Southeast Asia by ∼74 ka ago. Our 40Ar/39Ar age is an order-of-magnitude more precise than previous estimates, resolving the timing of the eruption to the middle of the cold interval between Dansgaard-Oeschger events 20 and 19, when a peak in sulfate concentration occurred as registered by Greenland ice cores. This peak is followed by a ∼10 °C drop in the Greenland surface temperature over ∼150 y, revealing the possible climatic impact of the eruption. Our 40Ar/39Ar age also provides a high-precision calibration point for other ice, marine, and terrestrial archives containing Toba sulfates and ash, facilitating their global synchronization at unprecedented resolution for a critical period in Earth and human history beyond the range of 14C dating.

  16. 40Ar/39Ar ages (600-570 Ma of the Serra do Azeite transtensional shear zone: evidence for syncontractional extension in the Cajati area, southern Ribeira belt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rômulo Machado


    Full Text Available This paper presents 40Ar/39Ar ages of the rocks from the Serra do Azeite transtensional shear zone in the southern part of the Ribeira belt, between the States of São Paulo and Paraná, and also discusses the regional correlations and the tectonic implications for other parts of the belt. The geochronological data suggest that transtensional deformation was active between 600 and 580 Ma (hornblende and muscovite apparent ages, respectively. This time span is considerably older than previous proposals for the period of activity of these structures (520-480 Ma in the northern segment of this belt and in the Araçuaí belt. Kinematic analysis of the dated mylonites shows extensional structures with top-down movement to ESE compatible with structures found in other tectonic segments in the eastern portion of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero and in the Rio Doce Valley region. Our ages are situated in the same time interval defined for the alkaline magmatism of the Serra do Mar suite. We suggest that the regional tectonic framework was developed during continental-scale extension. This process has been coeval with convergent strain in the adjacent Neoproterozoic shear zones of the Apiaí/Ribeira and Araçuaí belts, which make up significant segments of these belts. The available data show that these structures may not be simply related to post-orogenic gravitational collapse, but must involve a more complex process probably related to dynamic balance between crustal thickening and thinning during tectonic convergence, basin formation and exhumation processes.Este trabalho apresenta idades 40Ar/39Ar de rochas da Zona de Cisalhamento Transtrativa Sinistral da Serra do Azeite, situada na parte sul do cinturão Ribeira, entre os Estados de São Paulo e Paraná, bem como discute a correlação regional e as implicações tectônicas com outras partes do cinturão. Os dados geocronológicos sugerem que a deformação extensional foi ativa entre 600 e 580 Ma

  17. 75 FR 12163 - Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR (United States)


    ...-1181; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-36] Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation... Class E airspace at Mountain View, AR. Decommissioning of the Wilcox non-directional beacon (NDB) at... View, AR. Airspace reconfiguration is necessary due to the decommissioning of the Wilcox NDB and the...

  18. Bone blood flow measured by 41Ar clearance formed by 44Ca(n,α)41Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenthal, M.S.; DeLuca, P.M. Jr.; Pearson, D.W.; Nickles, R.J.


    A technique to measure regional inert gas washout in bone, in vivo, by measuring 41 Ar clearance formed by fast-neutron activation of 44 Ca has been developed. Following fast-neutron irradiation of whole rats, the perfusion-limited clearance of 41 Ar was measured for both dead and living rats. The clearance rate for the live rats indicate that the bone perfusion is in the range of 3 to 20 ml/100 Argon distribution volume

  19. A pulsed plasma jet with the various Ar/N2 mixtures (United States)

    Barkhordari, A.; Ganjovi, A.; Mirzaei, I.; Falahat, A.; Rostami Ravari, M. N.


    In this paper, using the Optical Emission Spectroscopy technique, the physical properties of a fabricated pulsed DBD plasma jet are studied. Ar/N2 gaseous mixture is taken as operational gas, and Ar contribution in Ar/N2 mixture is varied from 75 to 95%. Through the optical emission spectra analysis of the pulsed DBD plasma jet, the rotational, vibrational and excitation temperatures and density of electrons in plasma medium of the pulsed plasma jet are obtained. It is seen that, at the wavelength of 750.38 nm, the radiation intensity from the Ar 4p → 4 s transition increases at the higher Ar contributions in Ar/N2 mixture. It is found that, for 95% of Ar presence in the mixture, the emission intensities from argon and molecular nitrogen are higher, and the emission line intensities will increase nonlinearly. In addition, it is observed that the quenching of Ar* by N2 results in the higher intensities of N2 excited molecules. Moreover, at the higher percentages of Ar in Ar/N2 mixture, while all the plasma temperatures are increased, the plasma electron density is reduced.

  20. Acoustic resonance spectroscopy (ARS): ARS300 operations manual, software version 2.01

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) is a nondestructive evaluation technology developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The ARS technique is a fast, safe, and nonintrusive technique that is particularly useful when a large number of objects need to be tested. Any physical object, whether solid, hollow, or fluid filled, has many modes of vibration. These modes of vibration, commonly referred to as the natural resonant modes or resonant frequencies, are determined by the object`s shape, size, and physical properties, such as elastic moduli, speed of sound, and density. If the object is mechanically excited at frequencies corresponding to its characteristic natural vibrational modes, a resonance effect can be observed when small excitation energies produce large amplitude vibrations in the object. At other excitation frequencies, i.e., vibrational response of the object is minimal.

  1. Filme ativo de acetato de celulose incorporado com nanosuspensão de curcumina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deivis de Moraes Carvalho

    Full Text Available Resumo As embalagens ativas podem liberar substâncias para inibir a microbiota e as reações na superfície dos alimentos. Dentre essas substâncias a curcumina pode ser usada pois apresenta atividade antimicrobiana e antioxidante. A difusão de compostos ativos em filmes de acetato de celulose pode ser estendida por longos períodos a taxa controlada. Sua adição pode afetar as propriedades mecânicas e de barreira dos filmes, tornando-se necessário mensurar estas alterações. Assim, objetivou-se preparar filmes ativos de acetato de celulose e tween 80 incorporados com mistura simples de curcumina e nanosuspensão de curcumina e avaliar cor, propriedades mecânicas, permeabilidade ao CO2 e migração do componente ativo. A curcumina influenciou as características mecânicas, ópticas e não afetou a permeabilidade dos filmes. O tween 80 favoreceu a migração da curcumina e a redução do tamanho das partículas não aumentou a migração de curcumina.

  2. Etching properties of BLT films in CF4/Ar plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong Pyo; Kim, Kyoung Tae; Kim, Chang Il


    CF 4 /Ar plasma mass content and etching rate behavior of BLT thin films were investigated in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) reactor as functions of CF 4 /Ar gas mixing ratio, rf power, and dc bias voltage. The variation of relative volume densities for F and Ar atoms were measured by the optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The etching rate as functions of Ar content showed the maximum of 803 A/min at 80 % Ar addition into CF 4 plasma. The presence of maximum etch rate may be explained by the concurrence of two etching mechanisms such as physical sputtering and chemical reaction. The role of Ar ion bombardment includes destruction of metal (Bi, La, Ti)-O bonds as well as support of chemical reaction of metals with fluorine atoms

  3. VLA radio observations of AR Scorpii (United States)

    Stanway, E. R.; Marsh, T. R.; Chote, P.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Steeghs, D.; Wheatley, P. J.


    Aims: AR Scorpii is unique amongst known white dwarf binaries in showing powerful pulsations extending to radio frequencies. Here we aim to investigate the multi-frequency radio emission of AR Sco in detail, in order to constrain its origin and emission mechanisms. Methods: We present interferometric radio frequency imaging of AR Sco at 1.5, 5 and 9 GHz, analysing the total flux and polarization behaviour of this source at high time resolution (10, 3 and 3 s), across a full 3.6 h orbital period in each band. Results: We find strong modulation of the radio flux on the orbital period and the orbital sideband of the white dwarf's spin period (also known as the "beat" period). This indicates that, like the optical flux, the radio flux arises predominantly from on or near the inner surface of the M-dwarf companion star. The beat-phase pulsations of AR Sco decrease in strength with decreasing frequency. They are strongest at 9 GHz and at an orbital phase 0.5. Unlike the optical emission from this source, radio emission from AR Sco shows weak linear polarization but very strong circular polarization, reaching 30% at an orbital phase 0.8. We infer the probable existence of a non-relativistic cyclotron emission component, which dominates at low radio frequencies. Given the required magnetic fields, this also likely arises from on or near the M-dwarf. A table of the flux time series is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via

  4. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Late Cretaceous

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaylor, Jonathan


    As part of the wider European GTS Next project, I propose new constraints on the ages of the Late Cretaceous, derived from a multitude of geochronological techniques, and successful stratigraphic interpretations from Canada and Japan. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, we propose a new constraint on the age of the K/Pg boundary in the Red Deer River section (Alberta, Canada). We were able to cyclo-stratigraphically tune sediments in a non-marine, fluvial environment utilising high-resolution proxy records suggesting a 11-12 precession related cyclicity. Assuming the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method is inter-calibrated with the cyclo-stratigraphy, the apparent age for C29r suggests that the K/Pg boundary falls between eccentricity maxima and minima, yielding an age of the C29r between 65.89 ± 0.08 and 66.30 ± 0.08 Ma. Assuming that the bundle containing the coal horizon represents a precession cycle, the K/Pg boundary is within the analytical uncertainty of the youngest zircon population achieving a revised age for the K/Pg boundary as 65.75 ± 0.06 Ma. The Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary is preserved in the sedimentary succession of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation and has been placed 8 m below Coal nr. 10. Cyclo-stratigraphic studies show that the formation of these depositional sequences (alternations) of all scales are influenced directly by sea-level changes due to precession but more dominated by eccentricity cycles proved in the cyclo-stratigraphic framework and is mainly controlled by sand horizons, which have been related by auto-cyclicity in a dynamic sedimentary setting. Our work shows that the Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin coincides with 2.5 eccentricity cycles above the youngest zircon age population at the bottom of the section and 4.9 Myr before the Cretaceous - Palaeogene boundary (K/Pg), and thus corresponds to an absolute age of 70.65 ± 0.09 Ma producing an 1.4 Myr younger age than recent published ages

  5. Efeito do estresse pré-natal na regulação da inflamação alérgica pulmonar no modelo murino de asma experimental


    Gonçalves, Vagner; Ligeiro de Oliveira, Ana Paula; Kieling, Karin; Cruz Ochoa, Natalia Andrea; Ochoa Amaya, Julieta E; Cruz-Casallas, Pablo Emilio; Bernardi, Maria Martha


    Devido ao seu rápido crescimento, o feto é particularmente vulnerável a insultos e modificações no millieu hormonal. Este fato sugere que situações adversas experimentadas pela mãe grávida podem alterar o desenvolvimento e a saúde da prole, explicado principalmente pela permeabilidade da barreira placentária a diversos hormônios e substâncias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito do estresse pré-natal na regulação da inflamação alérgica pulmonar, empregando o modelo murino de asma e...

  6. Programação de entretenimento não ficcional na TV aberta brasileira: levantamento do ao vivo na TV Globo, TV Record e SBT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Cesar Fernandes


    Full Text Available A TV aberta tem uma penetração muito grande no Brasil e, tradicionalmente, ainda é referência em produção televisiva. Os gêneros e formatos consagrados permanecem há décadas na grade nas emissoras, sem grandes modificações. O objetivo deste estudo é fazer um levantamento da programação de entretenimento não ficcional das três maiores redes nacionais abertas do País, em audiência: TV Globo, TV Record e SBT. Ao categorizar os conteúdos desses programas, é possível analisar a quantidade de produção feita, de fato, ao vivo e o impacto dessa linguagem na sobrevivência da mídia, principalmente em um momento em que se discute o futuro da TV tradicional por conta da disseminação de telas e o avanço da internet. Ao todo, mais de 120 horas de produção foram gravadas, decupadas e analisadas, para se traçar uma situação atual da TV aberta no País e seu futuro.DOI: Recebido em: 14/04/2017 Aceito em: 20/06/2017  

  7. Determinación de la permeabilidad viral de los condones de membrana de poliolefina al bacteriófago phi chi 174.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Eugenio Sierra


    Full Text Available En las membranas utilizadas para la fabricación de los condones existe la posibilidad de encontrar pequeños agujeros, lo cual pone en duda su efectividad como barrera para agentes infecciosos como los virus; por lo anterior, se estandarizó una técnica fundamentada en la capacidad que tienen los virus bacteriófagos para atravesar membranas e infectar una determinada especie de bacterias, consistente en formar placas de lisis en una capa de crecimiento de la bacteria hospedera, para así evaluar la capacidad de barrera física de sesenta condones de membrana de poliolefina frente a la difusión del bacteriófago FX174(ATCC13706-B1 de 27 nm de diámetro, comparándolos con veinte condones de membrana de látex. Se simularon condiciones fisiológicas de presión, pH, tensión superficial, longitud y tiempo de exposición y título viral. Para el proceso se diseñó un sistema de presurización con el cual se inyectó aire comprimido a diez condones en forma simultánea. Se encontró que cuatro de sesenta condones de poliolefinas, y uno de veinte condones de látex fueron permeables al virus, evidenciándose que más de 93% de los condones evaluados mostraron capacidad de retener el virus. La diferencia de permeabilidad entre los dos tipos de membranas evaluadas no fue estadísticamente significativa (p=0,7897.

  8. Argon in hornblende, biotite and muscovite in geologic cooling - Ar-40/Ar-39-investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rittman, K.L.


    The results of the Ar-40/Ar-39 studies are discussed under the aspect of whether the age data of the minerals indicate a cooling process. The author hopes that isotope dating of minerals with different closing temperatures will describe the temperature/time history of an area in the temperature range of 600 to 200 0 C. The findings are analyzed under three aspects: How much do they contribute to the initial methodological question, what do they contribute to the regional geology of the areas investigated, and in what respects do they extent the present knowledge of the geochronological analysis, i.e. its techniques and interpretation. (orig.) [de

  9. 40Ar/39Ar laster fusion and K-Ar ages from Lathrop Wells, Nevada, and Cima, California: The age of the latest volcanic activity in the Yucca Mountain area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turrin, B.D.; Champion, D.E.


    K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages from the Lathrop Wells volcanic center, Nevada, and from the Cima volcanic field, California, indicate that the recently reported 20-ka age estimate for the Lathrop Wells volcanic center is incorrect. Instead, an age of 119 ± 11 to 141 ± 10 ka is indicated for the Lathrop Wells volcanic center. This age corrected is concordant with the ages determined by two independent isotopic geochronometric techniques and with the stratigraphy of surficial deposits in the Yucca Mountain region. In addition, paleomagnetic data and radiometric age data indicate only two volcanic events at the Lathrop Wells volcanic center that are probably closely linked in time, not as many as five as recently reported. 32 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  10. AR Expression in Breast Cancer CTCs Associates with Bone Metastases. (United States)

    Aceto, Nicola; Bardia, Aditya; Wittner, Ben S; Donaldson, Maria C; O'Keefe, Ryan; Engstrom, Amanda; Bersani, Francesca; Zheng, Yu; Comaills, Valentine; Niederhoffer, Kira; Zhu, Huili; Mackenzie, Olivia; Shioda, Toshi; Sgroi, Dennis; Kapur, Ravi; Ting, David T; Moy, Beverly; Ramaswamy, Sridhar; Toner, Mehmet; Haber, Daniel A; Maheswaran, Shyamala


    Molecular drivers underlying bone metastases in human cancer are not well understood, in part due to constraints in bone tissue sampling. Here, RNA sequencing was performed of circulating tumor cells (CTC) isolated from blood samples of women with metastatic estrogen receptor (ER) + breast cancer, comparing cases with progression in bone versus visceral organs. Among the activated cellular pathways in CTCs from bone-predominant breast cancer is androgen receptor (AR) signaling. AR gene expression is evident, as is its constitutively active splice variant AR-v7. AR expression within CTCs is correlated with the duration of treatment with aromatase inhibitors, suggesting that it contributes to acquired resistance to endocrine therapy. In an established breast cancer xenograft model, a bone-tropic derivative displays increased AR expression, whose genetic or pharmacologic suppression reduces metastases to bone but not to lungs. Together, these observations identify AR signaling in CTCs from women with bone-predominant ER + breast cancer, and provide a rationale for testing androgen inhibitors in this subset of patients. Implications: This study highlights a role for the AR in breast cancer bone metastasis, and suggests that therapeutic targeting of the AR may benefit patients with metastatic breast cancer. Mol Cancer Res; 16(4); 720-7. ©2018 AACR . ©2018 American Association for Cancer Research.

  11. Jumps in binomial AR(1) processes


    Weiß , Christian H.


    Abstract We consider the binomial AR(1) model for serially dependent processes of binomial counts. After a review of its definition and known properties, we investigate marginal and serial properties of jumps in such processes. Based on these results, we propose the jumps control chart for monitoring a binomial AR(1) process. We show how to evaluate the performance of this control chart and give design recommendations. correspondance: Tel.: +49 931 31 84968; ...

  12. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Hélène; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Mière, Arnaud; Vermeulen, Anne


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters, intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between OMP and ICARE data centres and falls within the scope of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. All the data produced by or of interest for the ChArMEx community will be documented in the data catalogue and accessible through the database website: The database website offers different tools: - A registration procedure which enables any scientist to accept the data policy and apply for a user database account. - Forms to document observations or products that will be provided to the database in compliance with metadata international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). - A search tool to browse the catalogue using thematic, geographic and/or temporal criteria. - Sorted lists of the datasets by thematic keywords, by measured parameters, by instruments or by platform type. - A shopping-cart web interface to order in situ data files. At present datasets from the background monitoring station of Ersa, Cape Corsica and from the 2012 ChArMEx pre-campaign are available. - A user-friendly access to satellite products

  13. Single-electron capture into Ar+ excited states in Ar2 + Na collision below 12 keV, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Atsushi; Tsurubuchi, Seiji; Okuno, Kazuhiko; Ohtani, Shunsuke; Iwai, Tsuruji.


    Emission spectra between 2800 and 6000 A have been observed at the ionic energies from 0.2 to 12 keV. Absolute measurements of emission cross-sections have been made for the emission lines coming from ArII excited states at 4 and 8 keV with a crossed-beam technique. Processes of single-electron capture into the ArII 4p- and 4p'-states, with exothermicity of a few eV, take place dominantly (--10 15 cm 2 ), while the endothermic processes producing ArII in the 4d- and 5s-states occur with small cross-sections. Sum of the cross-sections for electron capture into the excited states observed is comparable with the total single-electron capture cross-section estimated from attenuation measurements of ion currents. Possible errors and uncertainties are discussed. (author)

  14. Single-electron capture into Ar+ excited states in Ar2++Na collision below 12 keV, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Atsushi; Tsurubuchi, Seiji; Iwai, Tsuruji; Ohtani, Shunsuke; Okuno, Kazuhiko


    Emission spectra between 2800 and 6000 A have been observed at the ionic energies from 0.2 to 12 keV. Absolute measurements of emission cross-sections have been made for the emission lines coming from ArII excited states at 4 and 8 keV with a crossed-beam technique. Processes of single-electron capture into the ArII 4p- and 4p'-states, with exothermicity of a few eV, take place dominantly (--10 -15 cm 2 ), while the endothermic processes producing ArII in the 4d- and 5s-states occur with small cross-sections. Sum of the cross-sections for electron capture into the excited states observed is comparable with the total single-electron capture cross-section estimated from attenuation measurements of ion currents. Possible errors and uncertainties are discussed. (author)

  15. Análise hidro-mecânica da barragem de terra e enrocamento UHE emborcação


    Rocha, Daniel de Oliveira


    Esta pesquisa apresenta os resultados das análises acopladas de equilíbrio e fluxo (tensãodeformação- poropressão) em 3 dimensões (3D) da barragem UHE Emborcação, de propriedade da Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais. Na tentativa de avançar nos estudos do comportamento mecânico e hidráulico da barragem de terra e enrocamento da UHE Emborcação, realizaram-se os estudos divididos em três partes: análise da influência da anisotropia na permeabilidade na fase construção, análise ...

  16. Measurements of the 40Ar(n, γ41Ar radiative-capture cross section between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Megha Bhike


    Full Text Available The 40Ar(n, γ41Ar neutron capture cross section has been measured between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV neutron energy using the activation technique. The data are important for estimating backgrounds in argon-based neutrino and dark-matter detectors and in the neutrino-less double-beta decay search GERDA, which uses liquid argon as cooling and shielding medium. For the first time the 40Ar(n, γ41Ar cross section has been measured for neutron energies above 1 MeV. Our results are compared to the evaluation ENDF/B-VII.1 and the calculated prediction TENDL-2013. The latter agrees very well with the present results.

  17. Characteristics of violent collisions in Ar-induced reactions at intermediaire energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivet, M.F.; Borderie, B.


    We report on two experiments performed with the Ganil facility using the 27 MeV/u Ar beam. The first one concerns an intermediate mass system, Ar + Ag. For the second one a heavier fissile system, Ar + U, was chosen. For Ar + Ag information about fusion requires the measurements of evaporation residues and fission. In the Ar + U reaction, most of the collisions lead to fission. The violence of the collision is therefore determined from the correlation angle of the coincidence fission fragments

  18. Levels in 45K and 46K excited by the β decay of 45Ar and 46Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huck, A.; Klotz, G.; Knipper, A.; Miehe, C.; Walter, G.


    The nuclides 45 Ar and 46 Ar have been produced by spallation reactions on vanadium targets at Esub(p)=600MeV. The subsequent decays to 45 K and 46 K states have been studied. An intensity of 98.6+-0.6% was measured for the β transition of the 1.94MeV state in 46 K. A decay scheme involving 13 β branches has been established for 45 Ar, and the corresponding log values have been deduced. Eleven states are reported for the first time in the decay scheme of 45 Ar 1.42, 1.47, 1.72, 2.52, 2.57, 2.75, 3.31, 3.99, 4.04, 4.36 and 4.57MeV. From the lifetime, tau=4.6+-0.6ns, deduced from γ-γ delayed coincidences, the angular momentum of the 1081keV level has been established as (7/2) - on the basis of the transition strength of its γ decay. A survey on the 1fsub(7/2)→1dsub(3/2)M2 transition in odd K nuclei is presented and the observed hindrance factors are discussed

  19. Sensibility of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar+ implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Huanhu; Jing Hua; Ma Aiping; Kang Xiuli; Yang Liping; Huang Mingjing; Ma Buzhou; Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan


    The sensibility of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + implantation was studied. The results showed that the survival rate of 21 wheat varieties (strains) at the dose of 6 x 10 16 Ar + /cm 2 could be divided into five groups: surplus sensitive varieties (strains), sensitive varieties (strains), transitional varieties (strains), obtuse varieties (strains) and surplus obtuse varieties (strains). The sensibility of wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + injection is high-moisture-fertility wheat varieties (strains) > medium-moisture-fertility wheat varieties (strains) > dry land wheat varieties (strains). The study has provided theoretical basis in induced mutation medial lethal dose of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + implantation. (authors)

  20. AR-v7 protein expression is regulated by protein kinase and phosphatase (United States)

    Li, Yinan; Xie, Ning; Gleave, Martin E.; Rennie, Paul S.; Dong, Xuesen


    Failure of androgen-targeted therapy and progression of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) are often attributed to sustained expression of the androgen receptor (AR) and its major splice variant, AR-v7. Although the new generation of anti-androgens such as enzalutamide effectively inhibits AR activity, accumulating pre-clinical and clinical evidence indicates that AR-v7 remains constitutively active in driving CRPC progression. However, molecular mechanisms which control AR-v7 protein expression remain unclear. We apply multiple prostate cancer cell models to demonstrate that enzalutamide induces differential activation of protein phosphatase-1 (PP-1) and Akt kinase depending on the gene context of cancer cells. The balance between PP-1 and Akt activation governs AR phosphorylation status and activation of the Mdm2 ubiquitin ligase. Mdm2 recognizes phosphorylated serine 213 of AR-v7, and induces AR-v7 ubiquitination and protein degradation. These findings highlight the decisive roles of PP-1 and Akt for AR-v7 protein expression and activities when AR is functionally blocked. PMID:26378044



    Ana Paula de Oliveira Ferreira


    O traumatismo crânio encefálico (TCE) é uma das maiores causas de morte e de incapacitação, resultando frequentemente em disfunções neurológicas e prejuízo cognitivo. Neste contexto, tem sido demonstrado que a bradicinina, o principal metabólito do sistema calicreína-cininas, está envolvida no aumento da permeabilidade da barreira hematoencefálica, na formação de edema e no acúmulo de leucócitos induzidos pelo TCE. Achados experimentais também indicam uma interconexão entre os receptores das ...

  2. Dating quartz: Ar/Ar analyses of coexisting muscovite and fluid inclusion - rich quartz from paleocene amorphic aureole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthews, S.J.; Perez de Arce, C.; Cornejo, P.; Cuitino, L; Klein, J


    We present Ar/Ar total fusion and step-heating data for coexisting muscovite and white quartz from the metamorphic aureole of the Lower Paleocene La Copiapina Pluton, 6 km south of Inca de Oro, III Region, Chile. The pluton intrudes the upper clastic sedimentary member of the Punta del Cobre Group (Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous) and the calcareous sedimentary rocks of the Chanarcillo Group (Neocomian), and comprises fine to coarse grained pyroxene-hornblende-biotite quartz diorites and monzodiorites. Its emplacement was controlled on its north-western side by a subvertical NE-trending fault, along which were developed vertically banded skarns (skarn mylonite), suggesting syntectonic intrusion. Biotite K-Ar ages for the pluton fall in the range 61-63 Ma, relating it to a latest Cretaceous to Lowest Paleocene syn-compressional intrusive belt which is present in the area (Matthews and Cornejo, 2000). A metamorphic / metasomatic aureole is developed within the sandstones of the Punta del Cobre Group, on the extreme northern limit of the pluton. In this area, the sedimentary rocks have been replaced by quartz-sericite and quartz-muscovite assemblages, with minor hematite and tourmaline, and late supergene kaolinite and pyrophyllite. A coarse muscovite-quartz-tourmaline-hematite assemblage is developed in and around older (early Upper Cretaceous) andesitic dykes, in the form of replacement / fracture fill veins and replacement zones. Further from the contact with the pluton, fine-grained quartz-sericite rock with coarser muscovite-rich replacement veins represents the dominant lithology. Quartz in the coarse replacement rock is very rich in fluid inclusions. Primary inclusions are mainly of two coexisting types; bi-phase (liquid and gas bubble) and tri-phase (liquid, gas bubble and halite crystal), indicating that the quartz formed in the presence of a boiling fluid. Some inclusions also contain sylvite and occasional hematite daughter crystals. Secondary inclusions

  3. 75 FR 68416 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR (United States)


    ...-0690; Airspace Docket No. 10-ASW-2] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR AGENCY: Federal... for Berryville, AR, to accommodate Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAP) at Carroll County Airport, Berryville, AR. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety...

  4. 76 FR 73505 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR (United States)


    ...-0497; Airspace Docket No. 11-ASW-4] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR AGENCY: Federal... for Nashville, AR, to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures... a notice of proposed rulemaking to amend Class E airspace for Nashville, AR, creating additional...

  5. 75 FR 29655 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR (United States)


    ...-1177; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-34] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR AGENCY: Federal... Batesville, AR. Decommissioning of the Independence County non-directional beacon (NDB) at Batesville Regional Airport, Batesville, AR, has made this action necessary to enhance the safety and management of...

  6. Influence of Ar addition on ozone generation in nonthermal plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Hsin Liang; Lee, How Ming; Chen, Shiaw Huei; Wei, Ta Chin; Chang, Moo Been


    Inconsistency regarding the influence of Ar addition on ozone generation in a corona discharge has been found in relevant studies. Unlike in the literature to date, a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor is adopted in this study. In addition to clarifying whether using Ar as an additive would lead to different types of behavior in a DBD and a corona discharge, this study is also motivated to explore the possible causes leading to the inconsistency. The experimental results show that adding Ar into the O 2 plasma would lead to the same influence on ozone generation in the DBD and corona discharge. Moreover, all types of controversial behavior caused by Ar addition reported in the relevant literature are observed in this study as well, indicating that the results of this study are comprehensive enough to interpret the inconsistency. By examining the experimental results in detail, it is found that the controversial influences of Ar addition on ozone generation were found using different assumptions. At a fixed applied voltage, the ozone generation might increase as the Ar concentration is increased, which results from a higher discharge power. Nevertheless, for a certain specific input energy (the ratio of discharge power to gas flow rate), the ozone concentration is lower as the Ar concentration is increased. Therefore, adding Ar is not a good way to enhance ozone generation from an economic point of view.

  7. Contribution of the 40Ar/39Ar method to improve Middle-Pleistocene archaeological/palaeontological sites from the Italian Peninsula (United States)

    Nomade, Sebastien, ,, Dr.; Pereira, MSc. Alison; voinchet, Pierre, ,, Dr.; Bahain, Jean-Jacques, ,, Dr.; Aureli, Daniele, ,, Dr.; Arzarello, Marta, ,, Dr.; Anzidei, Anna-Paola, ,, Dr.; Biddittu, Italo, ,, Dr.; Bulgarelli, Maria-Grazia, ,, Dr.; Falguères, Christophe, ,, Dr.; Giaccio, Biagio, ,, Dr.; Guillou, Hervé, ,, Dr.; Manzi, Gorgio, ,, Dr.; Moncel, Marie-Hélène, ,, Dr.; Nicoud, Elisa, ,, Dr.; Pagli, Maria, ,, Dr.; Parenti, Fabio, ,, Dr.; Peretto, Carlo, ,, Dr.; Piperno, Marcello, ,, Dr.; Rocca, Roxane, ,, Dr.


    European Middle-Pleistocene archaeological and/or paleontological sites lack a unified and precise chronological framework. Despite recent efforts mostly focused on methods such as OSL, ESR/U-series or cosmogenic nuclides, the age of numerous sites from this period fundamentally still relies on qualitative and speculative palaeoenvironmental and/or palaeontological/palaeoanthropological considerations. The lack of robust chronologies, along with the scarcity of human fossils, prevent coherent correlations between European sites which in turn limits our understanding of human diffusion dynamics, understand techno-cultural evolution or correlate archaeological sites with palaeoclimatic and environmental records. With the goal of providing an accurate and precise chronological framework based on a multi-method approach, a research network including geochronologists, archaeologist and paleoanthropologists from various French and Italian institutions launched in 2010 a wide study of Middle-Pleistocene archaeological sites of central and southern Italy. This study combining the 39Ar/40Ar method with palaeo-dosimetric methods applied to European sites in the age range of 700 ka to 300 ka is unprecedented. In parallel, a large effort has been done to improve the regional Middle-Pleistocene tephrostratigraphic database through a massive application of both high-precision 40Ar/39Ar geochronological and geochemical investigations. We illustrate our approach and results in addressing several key-sites such as Notarchirico, Valle Giumentina; Ceprano-Campogrande and La Polledrara di Cecanibbio. The accurate and precise chronological framework we built permits us to replace all the investigated archaeological and palaeontological records into a coherent climatic and environmental context. Furthermore, our work provides the opportunity to compare lithic industries from a technical and evolutionary point of view within a homogeneous temporal frame. These preliminary results border

  8. Problems in the K-Ar dating of Quaternary volcanic rocks younger than 1 Ma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takaoka, Nobuo


    The assumption that the 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio of Ar trapped in volcanic rocks at eruption is atmospheric often gives a large systematic error in the K-Ar dating of Quaternary volcanic rocks younger than 1 Ma. There are two possible sources of error, the existence of excess Ar and mass-fractionated, initial Ar. The major source of excess Ar is supposed to be magma. The 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio for magmatic Ar in the North-East Japan arc is tentatively estimated to be 340±10 from measurements of Ar in large phenocrysts separated from Quaternary volcanic rocks. Separation of phenocrysts is the most effective to decrease the systematic error caused by excess Ar. The mass-fractionation of initial Ar should give the 38 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio which was changed from the atmospheric ratio. This can be checked by determining the 38 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio in samples. Since the systematic error caused by the mass-fractionated, initial Ar increases greatly with the increasing atmospheric Ar correction, it is important to correct the result for the mass-fractionation. Correction formulae are given. The error sources other than those mentioned above are uncertainty in the blank correction and instabilities in the sensitivity of spectrometer and the Ar isotopic ratio measurement. In order to increase accuracy of the K-Ar age obtained, to check the systematic errors by measuring samples together with standard samples is of great importance in the K-Ar dating of very young volcanic rocks. (author)

  9. arXiv ARS Leptogenesis

    CERN Document Server

    Drewes, M.; Hernandez, P.; Kekic, M.; Lopez-Pavon, J.; Racker, J.; Rius, N.; Salvado, J.; Teresi, D.


    We review the current status of the leptogenesis scenario originally proposed by Akhmedov, Rubakov and Smirnov (ARS). It takes place in the parametric regime where the right-handed neutrinos are at the electroweak scale or below and the CP-violating effects are induced by the coherent superposition of different right-handed mass eigenstates. Two main theoretical approaches to derive quantum kinetic equations, the Hamiltonian time evolution as well as the Closed-Time-Path technique are presented, and we discuss their relations. For scenarios with two right-handed neutrinos, we chart the viable parameter space. Both, a Bayesian analysis, that determines the most likely configurations for viable leptogenesis given different variants of flat priors, and a determination of the maximally allowed mixing between the light, mostly left-handed, and heavy, mostly right-handed, neutrino states are discussed. Rephasing invariants are shown to be a useful tool to classify and to understand various distinct contributions to...

  10. 40Ar/39Ar incremental-release ages of biotite from a progressively remetamorphosed Archean basement terrane in southwestern Labrador

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dallmeyer, R.D.


    Gneisses within Archean basement terrane adjacent to the southwestern portion of the Labrador Trough were variably retrograded during a regional metamorphism of Grenville age (ca. 1000 Ma). Bioties from non-retrograded segments of the gneiss terrane record 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau and isochron ages which date times of cooling following an episode of the Kenoran orogeny (2376-2391 Ma). A suite of gneiss samples displaying varying degrees of retrograde alteration was collected across the Grenville metamorphic gradient. Bioties in these samples show no petrographic evidence of retrograde alteration, however they do record internally discordant 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra. Although the extent of internal discordance is variable, the overall character of the release patterns is similar with younger apparent ages recorded in intermediate-temperature gas fractions. The total-gas dates range from 2257+-27 Ma (northwest) to 1751+-23 Ma (southeast), suggesting that variable quantities of radiogenic argon were lost from the Archean biotites during Grenville metamorphism. The 'saddle-shaped' nature of the discordant spectra indicates that argon loss was not accomplished through single-stage, volume diffusion processes. (orig./ME)

  11. Ar-40/Ar-39 age determinations for the Rotoiti eruption, New Zealand (United States)

    Flude, S.; Storey, M.


    The contemporaneous Rotoiti and Earthquake Flat ignimbrites, erupted from the Taupo Volcanic zone, New Zealand, form a distinctive tephrostratigraphic horizon in the Southern Pacific. Radioisotopic dating results for these eruptions remain controversial, with published ages ranging from 35.1 × 2.8 ka [1] to 71 × 6 ka [2], with 61.0 × 1.5 ka [3] often being cited as the most widely accepted age. These eruptions are difficult to date as their age is near the limit for various radiometric dating techniques, which are complicated by a large proportion of inherited material (xenocrysts) and a lack of phases suitable for dating. Glass-bearing plutonic blocks erupted with the Rotoiti and Earthquake Flat ignimbrites have previously been interpreted as deriving from a slowly cooled and incompletely solidified magma body that was sampled by the eruptions. They contain large vugs lined with euhedral quartz, sanidine and biotite crystals, indicating that these crystals grew in a gas or aqueous fluid rich environment and are interpreted to have formed shortly before or during eruption. Here we will present Ar-40/Ar-39 ages for sanidines and biotites extracted from vugs in lithic blocks erupted as part of the Earthquake Flat ignimbrite. We show that, even for vug-lining material, inherited ages remain a problem and are the likely source of the wide variation in published radiometric ages. Nevertheless, many of the Ar-40/Ar-39 ages are much younger than the 61 ka age [3] and are more consistent with the recent stratigraphic, C-14 and U-238/Th-230+(U-Th)/He ages that have been suggested (e.g. [4,5]). 1. Whitehead, N. & Ditchburn, R. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 37, 381-383 (1994). 2. Ota, Y., Omura, A. & Iwata, H. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 32, 327-331 (1989). 3. Wilson, C. J. N. et al. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 1861-1870 (2007). 4. Molloy, C., Shane, P. & Augustinus, P. Geological Society of America Bulletin 121, 1666-1677 (2009). 5

  12. 78 FR 41838 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR (United States)


    ...-1281; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-13] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR AGENCY: Federal... at Colt, AR. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard... Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to establish Class E airspace for the Colt, AR...

  13. 75 FR 29657 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR (United States)


    ...-1167; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-33] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR AGENCY: Federal... for Marianna, AR to accommodate Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Marianna/Lee County Airport--Steve Edwards Field, Marianna, AR. The FAA is taking this action to...

  14. 75 FR 29656 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR (United States)


    ...-1179; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-35] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR AGENCY: Federal... airspace for Magnolia, AR. Decommissioning of the Magnolia non-directional beacon (NDB) at Magnolia Municipal Airport, Magnolia, AR has made this action necessary to enhance the safety and management of...

  15. 75 FR 37291 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR (United States)


    ...-1183; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-38] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR AGENCY: Federal... Osceola, AR. Decommissioning of the Osceola non-directional beacon (NDB) at Osceola Municipal Airport has... rulemaking to amend Class E airspace for Osceola, AR, reconfiguring controlled airspace at Osceola Municipal...

  16. Exhumation history of the NW Indian Himalaya revealed by fission track and 40Ar/39Ar ages (United States)

    Schlup, Micha; Steck, Albrecht; Carter, Andrew; Cosca, Michael; Epard, Jean-Luc; Hunziker, Johannes


    New fission track and Ar/Ar geochronological data provide time constraints on the exhumation history of the Himalayan nappes in the Mandi (Beas valley) — Tso Morari transect of the NW Indian Himalaya. Results from this and previous studies suggest that the SW-directed North Himalayan nappes were emplaced by detachment from the underthrusted upper Indian crust by 55 Ma and metamorphosed by ca. 48–40 Ma. The nappe stack was subsequently exhumed to shallow upper crustal depths (

  17. Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska (United States)

    Selby, D.; Creaser, R.A.; Hart, C.J.R.; Rombach, C.S.; Thompson, J.F.H.; Smith, Moira T.; Bakke, A.A.; Goldfarb, R.J.


    New Re-Os molybdenite dates from two lode gold deposits of the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska, provide direct timing constraints for sulfide and gold mineralization. At Fort Knox, the Re-Os molybdenite date is identical to the U-Pb zircon age for the host intrusion, supporting an intrusive-related origin for the deposit. However, 40Ar/39Ar dates from hydrothermal and igneous mica are considerably younger. At the Pogo deposit, Re-Os molybdenite dates are also much older than 40Ar/39Ar dates from hydrothermal mica, but dissimilar to the age of local granites. These age relationships indicate that the Re-Os molybdenite method records the timing of sulfide and gold mineralization, whereas much younger 40Ar/39Ar dates are affected by post-ore thermal events, slow cooling, and/or systemic analytical effects. The results of this study complement a growing body of evidence to indicate that the Re-Os chronometer in molybdenite can be an accurate and robust tool for establishing timing relations in ore systems.

  18. El papel de la institución en el escoger, acoger y acompañar al profesor universitario O papel da instituição para escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário The role of the institution in choosing, receiving and chaperone professors in the university

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Lourdes da Silva Marques Ferreira


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar el papel de la institución en el proceso de escoger, acoger y acompañar al profesor universitario. Metodología. Estudio cualitativo cuyo cuerpo de análisis estuvo compuesto por 32 participaciones en un foro temático de un grupo de nueve profesionales del área de la salud. Resultados. Después de la contratación del profesor es necesario acogerlo y acompañarlo. Los profesores con mayor tiempo en la institución representan un papel importante en la acogida del nuevo compañero. El proceso de acompañamiento es una oportunidad para cambios y redefinición de reglas y debe ser apoyado por la evaluación permanente. La universidad como escenario legítimo de aprendizaje, producción y reconstrucción de conocimiento debe acompañar las transformaciones de la ciencia contemporánea y apoyar las exigencias interdisciplinarias en la construcción de nuevo conocimiento. Conclusión. Es fundamental el papel de la universidad en acoger y acompañar al docente desde su vinculación; así mismo la universidad debe favorecer el crecimiento del profesor, no solo apoyando los desafíos de su actividad pedagógica, sino principalmente a través del respeto de su autonomía.Objetivo. Analisar o papel da instituição ao escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário. Metodologia. Estudo qualitativo, cujo corpo de análise esteve composto por 32 participações num foro temático de um grupo de nove profissionais da área da saúde. Resultados. Depois da contratação do professor, é necessário acolhê-lo e acompanhá-lo. Os professores com maior tempo de instituição representam um papel importante na acolhida do novo colega. O processo de acompanhamento é uma oportunidade para mudanças e redefinição de regras, e deve ser apoiado pela avaliação permanente. A universidade como palco legítimo de aprendizagem, produção e reconstrução de conhecimento deve acompanhar as transformações da ciência contemporânea e

  19. 75 FR 12161 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR (United States)


    ...-1167; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-33] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR AGENCY: Federal... proposes to establish Class E airspace at Marianna/Lee County Airport-Steve Edwards Field, Marianna, AR, to... operations at Marianna/Lee County Airport-Steve Edwards Field, Marianna, AR. Controlled airspace is needed...

  20. Potential hydroxyl ultraviolet laser. [Ar-H/sub 2/O

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, C H; Payne, M G


    A strong emission band extending from 3060 to 3120 A was observed following proton beam excitation of an Ar--H/sub 2/O mixture. This emission band was assigned to the transition of OH(A/sup 2/Sigma/sup +/)/sub nu=o/ ..-->.. OH(X/sup 2/Pi)/sub nu=o/. At high argon partial pressure (> 200 torr), the precursor of this emission band is believed to be the argon excimer Ar/sup *//sub 2/(1/sub u/). The fluorescence efficiency of Ar--H/sub 2/O is estimated to be a factor of 4 times that of Ar--N/sub 2/. Development of a highly efficient, tunable uv laser by e-beam pumping is promising.

  1. A phase one AR/C system design (United States)

    Kachmar, Peter M.; Polutchko, Robert J.; Matusky, Martin; Chu, William; Jackson, William; Montez, Moises


    The Phase One AR&C System Design integrates an evolutionary design based on the legacy of previous mission successes, flight tested components from manned Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO) space programs, and additional AR&C components validated using proven methods. The Phase One system has a modular, open architecture with the standardized interfaces proposed for Space Station Freedom system architecture.

  2. The beta decay asymmetry parameter of 35Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garnett, J.D.


    The beta decay asymmetry parameter for 35 Ar = 35 Cl + e + + nu/sub e/ has been remeasured in order to resolve a long standing puzzle. Previous asymmetry measurements, when combined with the comparative half-life, yield a value for the vector coupling constant, G/sub v/, that is in serious disagreement with the accepted value. We produced polarized 35 Ar by a (p,n) reaction on 35 Cl using the polarized proton beam provided by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's 88-Inch Cyclotron. The polarization of the 35 Ar was determined by measuring the asymmetry of the positrons produced in 35 Ar decay to the first excited state in 35 Cl (branching ratio = 1.3%) in coincidence with a 1219.4 keV gamma ray. Our result, A 0 = 0.49 +- 0.10, combined with the comparative half-life yields a value for G/sub v/ in agreement with the accepted value

  3. Geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar age of Early Carboniferous dolerite sills in the southern Baltic Sea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gediminas Motuza


    Full Text Available The Early Carboniferous magmatic event in the southern Baltic Sea is manifested by dolerite intrusions. The presumable area in which the dolerite intrusions occur ranges from 30 to 60 km in east–west direction, and is about 100 km in north–south direction. The dolerites were sampled in well D1-1 and investigated by applying chemical analysis and 40Ar/39Ar step-heating dating. Dolerites are classified as alkali and sodic, characterized by high TiO2 (3.92, 3.99 wt% and P2O5 (1.67, 1.77 wt% and low MgO (4.89, 4.91 wt% concentrations, enriched in light rare earth elements, originated from an enriched mantle magma source and emplaced in a continental rift tectonic setting. The 351 ± 11 Ma 40Ar/39Ar plateau age for groundmass plagioclase indicates a considerable age gap with the 310–250 Ma magmatism in southern Scandinavia and northern Germany. The magmatic rocks in the Baltic Sedimentary Basin are coeval with alkaline intrusions of NE Poland. Both magmatic provinces lie in the northwestward prolongation of the Pripyat–Dnieper–Donetsk Rift (370–359 Ma and may constitute a later phase of magmatic activity of this propagating rift system.

  4. Ar-Ar Ages of Nakhlites Y000593, NWA998, and Nakhla and CRE Age of NWA998. (United States)

    Garrison, D. H.; Bogard, D. D.


    The seven known Martian nakhlites are Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, and four recent finds from hot and cold deserts: MIL03346 from the Transantarctic Mountains, a paired group from the Yamato Mountains (Y000593, Y000749, and Y000802; 1), and two from Morocco (NWA998 and NWA817; 2). Radiometric ages (Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, U-Pb, and Ar-Ar) for the first three nakhlites, along with Chassigny, fall in the range of 1.19-1.37 Gyr and may suggest a common formation age (e.g., 3). These meteorites also show very similar cosmic-ray (space) exposure ages, which suggests a single ejection event from Mars (3). The ages for nakhlites are different from those of Martian shergottites, whose radiometric ages vary by nearly a factor of three (approximately 165-475 Myr) and whose space exposure ages vary over a factor of approximately 20 (3). Shergottite ages suggest that multiple locations on the Martian surface have been sampled, whereas nakhlite data imply that only one Mars surface location has been sampled. Because older Martian surfaces are expected to be more abundant, it seems surprising that all nakhlites would represent only one Martian impact event. To address this issue, we are measuring the Ar-39-Ar-40 ages of Y-000593, NWA-998, Nakhla, and MIL-03346, and the space (CRE) exposure age of NWA998.

  5. Ar-Ar Ages of Nakhlites Y000593, NWA998, and Nakhla and CRE Ages of NWA998 (United States)

    Garrison, D. H.; Bogard, D. D.


    The seven known Martian nakhlites are Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, and four recent finds from hot and cold deserts: MIL03346 from the Transantarctic Mountains, a paired group from the Yamato Mountains (Y000593, Y000749, and Y000802, and two from Morocco (NWA998 and NWA817. Radiometric ages (Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, U-Pb, and Ar-Ar) for the first three nakhlites, along with Chassigny, fall in the range of 1.19-1.37 Gyr and may suggest a common formation age. These meteorites also show very similar cosmic-ray (space) exposure ages, suggesting a single ejection event from Mars. The ages for nakhlites are different from those of Martian shergottites, whose radiometric ages vary by nearly a factor of three (approx. 165-475 Myr) and whose space exposure ages vary over a factor of approx. 20. Shergottite ages suggest that multiple locations on the Martian surface have been sampled, whereas nakhlite data imply sampling of only one Mars surface location. Because older Martian surfaces are expected to be more abundant, it seems surprising that all nakhlites would represent only one Martian impact event. To address this issue, we are measuring the (39)Ar-(40)Ar ages of Y-000593, NWA-998, Nakhla, and MIL-03346, and the space (CRE) exposure age of NWA998. Additional information is included in the original extended abstract.

  6. Timing and processes for exhumation of HP/LT rocks of the southern Brooks Range (AK): Insight from combined geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of white mica (United States)

    O'Brien, T.; Miller, E. L.; Grove, M. J.; Hayden, L. A.


    The obduction of an island arc onto the Arctic Alaska continental margin in the Jura-Cretaceous led to southward subduction of continental crust and high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism in the southern Brooks Range (BR). A regionally developed greenschist facies normal-sense shear zone system along the southern margin of the BR suggests that extensional faulting had an influential role in the exhumation of the metamorphic core. To better constrain the exhumation history of the metamorphic core of the BR, samples were collected from a N-S transect through the metamorphic core of the orogen. Electron microprobe (EMP) analyses of white micas reveal that they are composed of phengite (Si > 3.0 pfu) or a combination of phengite + paragonite. Si-content of phengites reveal a southward increase in Si from 3.1 to 3.4 pfu (corresponding to an increase in pressure). Si-contents in higher-P phengites are scattered, reflecting subsequent muscovite growth. The Si trend is matched by a southward increase in the 40Ar/39Ar total gas ages of white micas. Phengite from the north are characterized by younger ages (~115 Ma) and flatter 40Ar/39Ar spectra. Farther south, phengites and paragonites yield older 40Ar/39Ar ages. These samples yield convex, staircase 40Ar/39Ar spectra that initiate ~115-120 Ma and flatten-out ~130-138 Ma. Modeling using MacArgon proposes that an initial cooling of HP/LT metamorphism occurred ~130-138 Ma, recorded in the high-Si phengites and paragonites. Following initial cooling, modeling suggests HP/LT rocks stalled in the greenschist facies field before subsequent exhumation, resulting in the staircase 40Ar/39Ar spectra. Flatter 40Ar/39Ar spectra recorded by the northern samples and modeling of 40Ar/39Ar results from the southern samples suggest that these rocks from metamorphic core of the BR were exhumed to temperatures < 300°C by ~115 Ma.

  7. 75 FR 66300 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR (United States)


    ...-1182; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-37] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This action amends Class E airspace for Searcy, AR. Decommissioning of the Searcy non-directional beacon (NDB) at Searcy Municipal Airport, Searcy, AR, has made this...

  8. 75 FR 29654 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Manila, AR (United States)


    ...-1184; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-39] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Manila, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This action amends Class E airspace for Manila, AR. Decommissioning of the Manila non-directional beacon (NDB) at Manila Municipal Airport, Manila, AR has made this...

  9. Noninvasive Detection of AR-FL/AR-V7 as a Predictive Biomarker for Therapeutic Resistance in Men with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (United States)


    acknowledged federal support) 5. Antonarakis ES, Armstrong AJ, Dehm SM, Luo J. Androgen receptor variant-driven prostate cancer : clinical implications...Resistant Prostate Cancer abstract Purpose A splice variant of the androgen receptor , AR-V7, confers resistance to AR-targeted therapies (ATTs) but not...androgen receptor ; AR-V7, androgen receptor splice variant 7; mCRPC, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer ; n/N, number of patients in that

  10. XRD-based 40Ar/39Ar age correction for fine-grained illite, with application to folded carbonates in the Monterrey Salient (northern Mexico) (United States)

    Fitz-Díaz, Elisa; Hall, Chris M.; van der Pluijm, Ben A.


    Due to their minute size, 40Ar/39Ar analysis of illite faces significant analytical challenges, including mineral characterization and, especially, effects of grain size and crystallography on 39Ar recoil. Quantifying the effects of 39Ar recoil requires the use of sample vacuum encapsulation during irradiation, which permits the measurement of the fraction of recoiled 39Ar as well as the 39Ar and 40Ar∗ retained within illite crystals that are released during step heating. Total-Gas Ages (TGA) are calculated by using both recoiled and retained argon, which is functionally equivalent to K-Ar ages, while Retention Ages (RA) only involve retained Ar in the crystal. Natural applications have shown that TGA fits stratigraphic constraints of geological processes when the average illite crystallite thickness (ICT) is smaller than 10 nm, and that RA matches these constraints for ICTs larger than 50 nm. We propose a new age correction method that takes into account the average ICT and corresponding recoiled 39Ar for a sample, with X-ray Corrected Ages (XCA) lying between Total-Gas and Retention Ages depending on ICT. This correction is particularly useful in samples containing authigenic illite formed in the anchizone, with typical ICT values between 10 and 50 nm. In three samples containing authigenic illite from Cretaceous carbonates in the Monterrey Salient in northern Mexico, there is a range in TGAs among the different size-fractions of 46-49, 36-43 and 40-52 Ma, while RAs range from 54-64, 47-52 and 53-54 Ma, respectively. XCA calculations produce tighter age ranges for these samples of 52.5-56, 45.5-48.5 and 49-52.5 Ma, respectively. In an apparent age vs ICT or %2M 1illite plot, authigenic illite grains show a slope that is in general slightly positive for TGA, slightly negative for RA, but close to zero for XCA, with thinner crystallites showing more dispersion than thicker ones. In order to test if dispersion is due to a different formation history or the result

  11. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Helene; Belmahfoud, Nizar; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Mière, Arnaud; Vermeulen, Anne


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters, intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services, such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between OMP and ICARE data centres and has been set up in the framework of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. All the data produced by or of interest for the ChArMEx community will be documented in the data catalogue and accessible through the database website: At present, the ChArMEx database contains about 75 datasets, including 50 in situ datasets (2012 and 2013 campaigns, Ersa background monitoring station), 25 model outputs (dust model intercomparison, MEDCORDEX scenarios), and a high resolution emission inventory over the Mediterranean. Many in situ datasets have been inserted in a relational database, in order to enable more accurate data selection and download of different datasets in a shared format. The database website offers different tools: - A registration procedure which enables any scientist to accept the data policy and apply for a user database account. - A data catalogue that complies with metadata international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE European Directive; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). - Metadata forms to document

  12. 40Ar-39Ar laser probe dating of individual clinopyroxene inclusions in Premier eclogitic diamonds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burgess, R.; Turner, G.; Laurenzi, M.; Harris, J.W.


    The ages of seven individual clinopyroxene inclusions in Premier diamonds of eclogitic association have been determined using the 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating technique. Syngenetic inclusions weighing between 10 and 130 μg were exposed on cleaved surfaces of the diamonds and analysed using a laser probe. The inclusion ages were found to be in the range 1111±35 to 1254±38 Ma with an average of 1185±94 Ma. The ages obtained are in good agreement with previous determinations made on aggregates of eclogitic inclusions from Premier diamonds and demonstrate the applicability of the laser probe to dating individual diamond inclusions. (orig.)

  13. Piesaistes stila saistība ar apmierinātību ar dzīvi


    Čiekure, Līva


    Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot vai pastāv saistības starp piesaistes stilu un apmierinātību ar dzīvi. Tika aptaujāti 100 respondenti- 50 sievietes un 50 vīrieši. Pētījumā tika izmantotas Piesaistes stilu aptauja (Attachment Styles -Inventory /ASI/, Sperling & Berman, 1991), Latvijā adaptējusi Baiba Martinsone (2003) un Apmierinātības ar dzīvi aptauja ( Satisfaction with life scales,/SWLS/, Diener, 1985), Latvijā adaptēja Maslovska, Voitkāne, Miezīte & Raščevska ( 2005) un Upmane (Upmane, 2010)...

  14. CNPY2 inhibits MYLIP-mediated AR protein degradation in prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Ito, Saya; Ueno, Akihisa; Ueda, Takashi; Nakagawa, Hideo; Taniguchi, Hidefumi; Kayukawa, Naruhiro; Fujihara-Iwata, Atsuko; Hongo, Fumiya; Okihara, Koji; Ukimura, Osamu


    The androgen receptor (AR) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that promotes prostate cancer (PC) cell growth through control of target gene expression. This report suggests that Canopy FGF signaling regulator 2 (CNPY2) controls AR protein levels in PC cells. We found that AR was ubiquitinated by an E3 ubiquitin ligase, myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein (MYLIP) and then degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. CNPY2 decreased the ubiquitination activity of MYLIP by inhibition of interaction between MYLIP and UBE2D1, an E2 ubiquitin ligase. CNPY2 up-regulated gene expression of AR target genes such as KLK3 gene which encodes the prostate specific antigen (PSA) and promoted cell growth of PC cells. The cell growth inhibition by CNPY2 knockdown was rescued by AR overexpression. Furthermore, positive correlation of expression levels between CNPY2 and AR/AR target genes was observed in tissue samples from human prostate cancer patients. Together, these results suggested that CNPY2 promoted cell growth of PC cells by inhibition of AR protein degradation through MYLIP-mediated AR ubiquitination.

  15. 40Ar/39Ar dates in the Central Cordillera of Colombia: Evidence for an upper triassic regional tecnomagmatic event

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinasco, C.J.; Cordani, U.G.; Vasconcelos, P


    The Coastal, Western, Central and the Eastern Cordilleras constitute four independent mountain ranges in the Northern Andes. The Coastal and Western Cordillera comprises allochthonous oceanic sequences of basic volcanic rocks and marine sediments of Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous age (Aspden et al., 1987). The so-called Central Cordillera Polymetamorphic Complex (Restrepo and Toussaint, 1982), made up the pre-Mesozoic Central Cordillera basement, consists of low through high-grade metamorphic rocks intruded by Meso-Cenozoic batholiths. The Eastern Cordillera is a polydeformed continental mountain range consisting of Precambrian and Paleozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks overlain by Paleozoic to Mesozoic sedimentary covers. The northern part of the Central Cordillera has been described as a suspect terrain affected by several tectonometamorphic episodes. The most important of them have been always considered those related to the Hercynian orogeny, in Devonian and Carboniferous times, and those occurring at the beginning of the Andean Cycle in the Cretaceous (Restrepo and Toussaint, 1982). A possible Lower Paleozoic and even Precambrian age for the basement of the terrain has also been proposed. Although some indications of a Permo-Triassic event are already available, this period was not considered as of great importance for the geologic evolution of the region. The available radiometric dates in the 200-250 Ma interval, for the Central Cordillera, are as follows: 1. One K-Ar whole rock age for a Granulite of 251±21 Ma. (Restrepo et al, 1991) of the El Retiro group SE of Medellin. However, a K-Ar biotite age of 110±10 Ma. (Toussaint et al., 1978) was obtained for a migmatite rock associated with the same group. 2. A Sm/Nd garnet and whole rock age of 226±17 Ma in rocks associated to granulites, SE of Medellin, interpreted as metamorphic ages (Correa and Martins, 2001). 3. K-Ar biotite dates for the Puqui metamorphic complex, occurring north of Medellin, ranging

  16. Suppression of Plant Immune Responses by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 Type III Effector Tyrosine Phosphatases HopAO1 and HopAO2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Pilar Castañeda-Ojeda


    Full Text Available The effector repertoire of the olive pathogen P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 includes two members of the HopAO effector family, one of the most diverse T3E families of the P. syringae complex. The study described here explores the phylogeny of these dissimilar members, HopAO1 and HopAO2, among the complex and reveals their activities as immune defense suppressors. Although HopAO1 is predominantly encoded by phylogroup 3 strains isolated from woody organs of woody hosts, both HopAO1 and HopAO2 are phylogenetically clustered according to the woody/herbaceous nature of their host of isolation, suggesting host specialization of the HopAO family across the P. syringae complex. HopAO1 and HopAO2 translocate into plant cells and show hrpL-dependent expression, which allows their classification as actively deployed type III effectors. Our data also show that HopAO1 and HopAO2 possess phosphatase activity, a hallmark of the members of this family. Both of them exert an inhibitory effect on early plant defense responses, such as ROS production and callose deposition, and are able to suppress ETI responses induced by the effectorless polymutant of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (DC3000D28E in Nicotiana. Moreover, we demonstrate that a ΔhopAO1 mutant of P. savastanoi NCPBB 3335 exhibits a reduced fitness and virulence in olive plants, which supports the relevance of this effector during the interaction of this strain with its host plants. This work contributes to the field with the first report regarding functional analysis of HopAO homologs encoded by P. syringae or P. savastanoi strains isolated from woody hosts.

  17. Suppression of Plant Immune Responses by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 Type III Effector Tyrosine Phosphatases HopAO1 and HopAO2 (United States)

    Castañeda-Ojeda, María Pilar; Moreno-Pérez, Alba; Ramos, Cayo; López-Solanilla, Emilia


    The effector repertoire of the olive pathogen P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 includes two members of the HopAO effector family, one of the most diverse T3E families of the P. syringae complex. The study described here explores the phylogeny of these dissimilar members, HopAO1 and HopAO2, among the complex and reveals their activities as immune defense suppressors. Although HopAO1 is predominantly encoded by phylogroup 3 strains isolated from woody organs of woody hosts, both HopAO1 and HopAO2 are phylogenetically clustered according to the woody/herbaceous nature of their host of isolation, suggesting host specialization of the HopAO family across the P. syringae complex. HopAO1 and HopAO2 translocate into plant cells and show hrpL-dependent expression, which allows their classification as actively deployed type III effectors. Our data also show that HopAO1 and HopAO2 possess phosphatase activity, a hallmark of the members of this family. Both of them exert an inhibitory effect on early plant defense responses, such as ROS production and callose deposition, and are able to suppress ETI responses induced by the effectorless polymutant of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (DC3000D28E) in Nicotiana. Moreover, we demonstrate that a ΔhopAO1 mutant of P. savastanoi NCPBB 3335 exhibits a reduced fitness and virulence in olive plants, which supports the relevance of this effector during the interaction of this strain with its host plants. This work contributes to the field with the first report regarding functional analysis of HopAO homologs encoded by P. syringae or P. savastanoi strains isolated from woody hosts. PMID:28529516

  18. A high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Nördlinger Ries impact crater, Germany, and implications for the accurate dating of terrestrial impact events (United States)

    Schmieder, Martin; Kennedy, Trudi; Jourdan, Fred; Buchner, Elmar; Reimold, Wolf Uwe


    40Ar/39Ar dating of specimens of moldavite, the formation of which is linked to the Ries impact in southern Germany, with a latest-generation ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer yielded three fully concordant plateau ages with a weighted mean age of 14.808 ± 0.021 Ma (± 0.038 Ma including all external uncertainties; 2σ; MSWD = 0.40, P = 0.67). This new best-estimate age for the Nördlinger Ries is in general agreement with previous 40Ar/39Ar results for moldavites, but constitutes a significantly improved precision with respect to the formation age of the distal Ries-produced tektites. Separates of impact glass from proximal Ries ejecta (suevite glass from three different surface outcrops) and partially melted feldspar particles from impact melt rock of the SUBO 18 Enkingen drill core failed to produce meaningful ages. These glasses show evidence for excess 40Ar introduction, which may have been incurred during interaction with hydrothermal fluids. Only partially reset 40Ar/39Ar ages could be determined for the feldspathic melt separates from the Enkingen core. The new 40Ar/39Ar results for the Ries impact structure constrain the duration of crater cooling, during the prevailing hydrothermal activity, to locally at least ∼60 kyr. With respect to the dating of terrestrial impact events, this paper briefly discusses a number of potential issues and effects that may be the cause for seemingly precise, but on a kyr-scale inaccurate, impact ages.

  19. 40Ar/ 39Ar and paleomagnetic results from Liberia and the Precambrian APW data base for the West African Shield (United States)

    Onstott, T. C.; Dorbor, J.

    Lower amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphic rocks in Nimba County, Liberia have yielded 2.2-2.9 Ga RbSr whole rock ages, indicating that they are part of the Archean Liberian age province. We report a 2040 Ma 4040Ar/ 39Ar plateau date on hornblende from an amphibolite in this region, and suggest that these rocks were also severelyreworked during the Eburnean (˜2.0 Ga) metamorphic episode. 40Ar/ 39Ar analyses of biotite and feldspars from neighboring schists also indicate the presence of two mild thermal events, at 1.5 Ga and 0.6 Ga. Paleomagnetic analyses of samples from these same metamorphic rocks reveal three components of magnetization. The predominant and most stable component (273°E, 21°N) is considered to have been acquired as a result of pos Eburnean uplift and cooling at ˜ 2.0 Ga, whereas the two less stable components with poles at 235°E, 43°N and 16°E, 36°N, probably correlate with the 1.5 Ga and 0.6 Ga thermal pulses, respectively. Rock units from southern Liberia also yield two secondary magnetizations, one at 247°E, 37°N and the other at 104°E, 5°N, and a 1.5 Ga 40Ar/ 39Ar date on plagioclase. Comparison of the paleomagnetic poles corresponding to the ˜2.0 Ga Eburnean component with published paleomagnetic data for West Africa is not consistent with prior interpretations of the polar wander path for West Africa. Our paleomagnetic data, when compared to poles of comparable age from the Kalahari Shield, still suggest that some form of displacement has occurred between the Kalahari and West African Shields since 2.0 Ga.

  20. Multimodal actions of the phytochemical sulforaphane suppress both AR and AR-V7 in 22Rv1 cells: Advocating a potent pharmaceutical combination against castration-resistant prostate cancer. (United States)

    Khurana, Namrata; Kim, Hogyoung; Chandra, Partha K; Talwar, Sudha; Sharma, Pankaj; Abdel-Mageed, Asim B; Sikka, Suresh C; Mondal, Debasis


    Prostate cancer (PCa) cells expressing full-length androgen receptor (AR-FL) are susceptible to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). However, outgrowth of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) can occur due to the expression of constitutively active (ligand-independent) AR splice variants, particularly AR-V7. We previously demonstrated that sulforaphane (SFN), an isothiocyanate phytochemical, can decrease AR-FL levels in the PCa cell lines, LNCaP and C4-2B. Here, we examined the efficacy of SFN in targeting both AR-FL and AR-V7 in the CRPC cell line, CWR22Rv1 (22Rv1). MTT cell viability, wound-heal assay, and colony forming unit (CFU) measurements revealed that 22Rv1 cells are resistant to the anti-androgen, enzalutamide (ENZ). However, co-exposure to SFN sensitized these cells to the potent anticancer effects of ENZ (PAR-FL and AR-V7 levels, and immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM) depicted decreased AR in both cytoplasm and nucleus with SFN treatment. SFN increased both ubiquitination and proteasomal activity in 22Rv1 cells. Studies using a protein synthesis inhibitor (cycloheximide) or a proteasomal inhibitor (MG132) indicated that SFN increases both ubiquitin-mediated aggregation and subsequent proteasomal-degradation of AR proteins. Previous studies reported that SFN inhibits the chaperone activity of heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) and induces the nuclear factor erythroid-2-like 2 (Nrf2) transcription factor. Therefore, we investigated whether the Hsp90 inhibitor, ganetespib (G) or the Nrf2 activator, bardoxolone methyl (BM) can similarly suppress AR levels in 22Rv1 cells. Low doses of G and BM, alone or in combination, decreased both AR-FL and AR-V7 levels, and combined exposure to G+BM sensitized 22Rv1 cells to ENZ. Therefore, adjunct treatment with the phytochemical SFN or a safe pharmaceutical combination of G+BM may be effective against CRPC cells, especially those expressing AR-V7.

  1. Hybrid simulation of electron energy distributions and plasma characteristics in pulsed RF CCP sustained in Ar and SiH4/Ar discharges (United States)

    Wang, Xi-Feng; Jia, Wen-Zhu; Song, Yuan-Hong; Zhang, Ying-Ying; Dai, Zhong-Ling; Wang, You-Nian


    Pulsed-discharge plasmas offer great advantages in deposition of silicon-based films due to the fact that they can suppress cluster agglomeration, moderate the energy of bombarding ions, and prolong the species' diffusion time on the substrate. In this work, a one-dimensional fluid/Monte-Carlo hybrid model is applied to study pulse modulated radio-frequency (RF) plasmas sustained in capacitively coupled Ar and SiH4/Ar discharges. First, the electron energy distributions in pulsed Ar and SiH4/Ar plasmas have been investigated and compared under identical discharge-circuit conditions. The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in Ar discharge exhibits a familiar bi-Maxwellian shape during the power-on phase of the pulse, while a more complex (resembling a multi-Maxwellian) distribution with extra inflection points at lower energies is observed in the case of the SiH4/Ar mixture. These features become more prominent with the increasing fraction of SiH4 in the gas mixture. The difference in the shape of the EEDF (which is pronounced inside the plasma but not in the RF sheath where electron heating occurs) is mainly attributed to the electron-impact excitations of SiH4. During the power-off phase of the pulse, the EEDFs in both Ar and SiH4/Ar discharges evolve into bi-Maxwellian shapes, with shrinking high energy tails. Furthermore, the parameter of ion species in the case of SiH4/Ar discharge is strongly modulated by pulsing. For positive ions, such as SiH3+ and Si2H4+ , the particle fluxes overshoot at the beginning of the power-on interval. Meanwhile, for negative ions such as SiH2- and SiH3- , density profiles observed between the electrodes are saddle-shaped due to the repulsion by the self-bias electric field as it builds up. During the power-off phase, the wall fluxes of SiH2- and SiH3- gradually increase, leading to a significant decrease in the net surface charge density on the driven electrode. Compared with ions, the density of SiH3 is poorly modulated

  2. 40Ar/(39)Ar geochronology and paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the Lukeino and lower Chemeron Formations at Tabarin and Kapcheberek, Tugen Hills, Kenya. (United States)

    Deino, Alan L; Tauxe, Lisa; Monaghan, Marc; Hill, Andrew


    (40)Ar/(39)Ar single-crystal laser-fusion dating, K-Ar dating, and paleomagnetic reversal stratigraphy have been used to determine the chronostratigraphy of the Kabarnet Trachyte, Lukeino Formation, Kaparaina Basalt Formation, and Chemeron Formation at the sites of Kapcheberek (BPRP#77) and Tabarin (BPRP#77) in the Tugen Hills, Kenya. The succession ranges in age from 6.56-3.8 Ma. The upper Lukeino Formation at Kapcherberek, including the fauna from the site BPRP#76, was deposited during chron C3r and can be constrained to the interval 5.88-5.72 Ma. The Chemeron Formation at Tabarin includes at the base an ignimbrite and associated basal air-fall tuff with a combined age of 5.31+/-0.03 Ma. Sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks of the Chemeron Formation which unconformably overlie the ignimbrite record chrons C3n.2n through C2Ar. The combined(40)Ar/(39)Ar and paleomagnetic data constrain the age of this sequence to 4.63-3.837 Ma. The age of the Tabarin mandible fragment (KNM-TH 13150) and associated fauna at site BPRP#77 in the Chemeron Formation is 4.48-4.41 Ma, marginally older than similar early hominids from Aramis, Ethiopia. Basin subsidence appears to be defining an overall accumulation rate of about 17 cm/ka over the 2.7 Ma represented at Tabarin and Kapcheberek, despite episodes of rapid accumulation and hiatuses. Copyright 2002 Academic Press.

  3. Robo-AO KP: A new era in robotic adaptive optics (United States)

    Riddle, Reed L.; Baranec, Christoph; Law, Nicholas M.; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.; Duev, Dmitry; Ziegler, Carl; Jensen-Clem, Rebecca M.; Atkinson, Dani Eleanor; Tanner, Angelle M.; Zhang, Celia; Ray, Amy


    Robo-AO is the first and only fully automated adaptive optics laser guide star AO instrument. It was developed as an instrument for 1-3m robotic telescopes, in order to take advantage of their availability to pursue large survey programs and target of opportunity observations that aren't possible with other AO systems. Robo-AO is currently the most efficient AO system in existence, and it can achieve an observation rate of 20+ science targets per hour. In more than three years of operations at Palomar Observatory, it has been quite successful, producing technology that is being adapted by other AO systems and robotic telescope projects, as well as several high impact scientific publications. Now, Robo-AO has been selected to take over operation of the Kitt Peak National Observatory 2.1m telescope. This will give Robo-AO KP the opportunity to pursue multiple science programs consisting of several thousand targets each during the three years it will be on the telescope. One-sixth of the observing time will be allocated to the US community through the NOAO TAC process. This presentation will discuss the process adapting Robo-AO to the KPNO 2.1m telescope, the plans for integration and initial operations, and the science operations and programs to be pursued.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cueto, M.; Herrero, V. J.; Tanarro, I.; Doménech, J. L. [Molecular Physics Department, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM-CSIC), Serrano 123, E-28006 Madrid (Spain); Cernicharo, J. [Department of Astrophysics, CAB. INTA-CSIC. Crta Torrejón-Ajalvir Km 4, E-28850 Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid (Spain); Barlow, M. J.; Swinyard, B. M., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London. Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT (United Kingdom)


    The protonated argon ion, {sup 36}ArH{sup +}, was recently identified in the Crab Nebula from Herschel spectra. Given the atmospheric opacity at the frequency of its J = 1-0 and J = 2-1 rotational transitions (617.5 and 1234.6 GHz, respectively), and the current lack of appropriate space observatories after the recent end of the Herschel mission, future studies on this molecule will rely on mid-infrared observations. We report on accurate wavenumber measurements of {sup 36}ArH{sup +} and {sup 38}ArH{sup +} rotation-vibration transitions in the v = 1-0 band in the range 4.1-3.7 μm (2450-2715 cm{sup –1}). The wavenumbers of the R(0) transitions of the v = 1-0 band are 2612.50135 ± 0.00033 and 2610.70177 ± 0.00042 cm{sup –1} (±3σ) for {sup 36}ArH{sup +} and {sup 38}ArH{sup +}, respectively. The calculated opacity for a gas thermalized at a temperature of 100 K and with a linewidth of 1 km s{sup –1} of the R(0) line is 1.6 × 10{sup –15} × N({sup 36}ArH{sup +}). For column densities of {sup 36}ArH{sup +} larger than 1 × 10{sup 13} cm{sup –2}, significant absorption by the R(0) line can be expected against bright mid-IR sources.

  5. Adesão ao tratamento da ambliopia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arakaki Mara Regina


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da adesão no resultado do tratamento da ambliopia. MÉTODOS: Foi feito estudo retrospectivo avaliando a resposta ao tratamento da ambliopia em 151 crianças portadoras de ambliopia, tratadas com esquema de oclusão diária, com o número de dias variando de acordo com a idade da criança. Os pacientes foram separados em dois grupos que diferiam entre si pela adesão ou não ao tratamento. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que o tratamento teve melhores resultados nas crianças de 4 a 7 anos e que aderiram ao tratamento; as crianças que aderiram ao tratamento necessitaram de tempo menor de permanência em tratamento. Mesmo crianças com idade superior a 7 anos tiveram resultados positivos com a oclusão. CONCLUSÃO:O tratamento oclusivo é um meio terapêutico eficiente desde que haja a cooperação do paciente.

  6. Tamanho ao nascer e problemas de saúde mental aos 11 anos em uma coorte brasileira de nascimentos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erika Alejandra Giraldo Gallo


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a associação entre tamanho ao nascer e problemas de saúde mental aos 11 anos na Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, de 1993. Foram pesados e medidos ao nascer 4.358 recém-nascidos. Avaliou-se problemas de saúde mental com o questionário de capacidades e dificuldades (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - SDQ. A prevalência de problemas de saúde mental foi de 32% (IC95%: 31-33. Na análise ajustada, os 291 (6,7% recém-nascidos com escorez de peso/idade e os 268 (6,2% com índice de massa corporal (IMC/idade +2 DP tiveram, respectivamente, 34% (IC95%: 6-71 e 19% (IC95%: 1-40 maior risco de apresentar esses problemas se comparados com aqueles com escore normal. Os resultados sugerem que fatores ocorridos na gestação e refletidos nas medidas de tamanho ao nascer podem ocasionar problemas de saúde mental em etapas tardias.

  7. Efeito dos solventes orgânicos sobre o comportamento físico-químico do polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD e polipropileno (PP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thieres Magaive Costa Pereira


    Full Text Available O mercado brasileiro de embalagens empregado ao armazenamento de petróleo e seus derivados vem crescendo a cada ano, sendo constituídas basicamente por polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD e polipropileno (PP. Contudo durante o armazenamento, a matriz polimérica fica exposta ao óleo, comprometendo suas propriedades físicas e consequentemente a durabilidade do material. Portanto, estudos relacionados com a interação entre solventes orgânicos e a matriz polimérica tornam-se importantes. Neste trabalho, a interação do PEAD e PP com diferentes solventes apolares (tolueno, n-heptano, n-decano e n-tetradecano foram estudadas em função da temperatura (25, 50 e 80 ºC. Os valores de ganho de massa, coeficientes de difusão, sorção, permeabilidade e parâmetros de mecanismo de transporte foram calculados. O ganho de massa observado para o PP foi maior do que para o PEAD, em todas as temperaturas, sendo que o tolueno foi o solvente responsável pelo maior ganho de massa, atingindo o equilíbrio em um menor intervalo de tempo. Esse resultado corrobora com os valores de coeficiente de difusão e de permeabilidade, que aumentaram na seguinte ordem: n-heptano > n-decano > n-tetradecano. Uma ordem inversa foi observada para os solventes alifáticos quando os valores de coeficiente de sorção foram calculados. O mecanismo de transporte foi também estudado através da regressão dos dados de sorção, sendo classificado como anômalo.

  8. Beam-induced back-streaming electron suppression analysis for an accelerator type neutron generator designed for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. (United States)

    Waltz, Cory; Ayllon, Mauricio; Becker, Tim; Bernstein, Lee; Leung, Ka-Ngo; Kirsch, Leo; Renne, Paul; Bibber, Karl Van


    A facility based on a next-generation, high-flux D-D neutron generator has been commissioned and it is now operational at the University of California, Berkeley. The current generator designed for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of geological materials produces nearly monoenergetic 2.45MeV neutrons at outputs of 10 8 n/s. The narrow energy range is advantageous relative to the 235 U fission spectrum neutrons due to (i) reduced 39 Ar recoil energy, (ii) minimized production of interfering argon isotopes from K, Ca, and Cl, and (iii) reduced total activity for radiological safety and waste generation. Calculations provided show that future conditioning at higher currents and voltages will allow for a neutron output of over 10 10 n/s, which is a necessary requirement for production of measurable quantities of 39 Ar through the reaction 39 K(n,p) 39 Ar. A significant problem encountered with increasing deuteron current was beam-induced electron backstreaming. Two methods of suppressing secondary electrons resulting from the deuterium beam striking the target were tested: the application of static electric and magnetic fields. Computational simulations of both techniques were done using a finite element analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics ® . Experimental tests verified these simulations. The most reliable suppression was achieved via the implementation of an electrostatic shroud with a voltage offset of -800V relative to the target. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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    Wesley Saldanha Nogueira Oliveira


    Full Text Available RESUMO. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados iniciais da comparação de alguns parâmetros de funcionamento do protótipo de uma turbina de ação simples, operando com ar comprimido como fluido de trabalho, realizados na unidade do SENAI de Barra do Piraí/RJ. O protótipo foi desenvolvido integralmente no Centro Universitário Geraldo Di Biase - UGB - Campus de Barra do Piraí/RJ, que inicialmente teve como o fluido de trabalho o vapor d’água, que nos testes inicias se mostrou ineficiente. A simulação computacional do sistema foi feita através do software SolidWorks na Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - Campus de Volta Redonda/RJ, o que permitiu determinar a faixa de trabalho que apresentou maior eficiência nos resultados experimentais do sistema por meio da relação entre pressão de operação, velocidade angular transmitida pelo fluido ao eixo da turbina e a potência da mesma. Os valores nas simulações em velocidade tangencial na região rotacional apresentaram-se convergentes aos valores experimentais medidos no protótipo.

  10. Measurements of the {sup 40}Ar(n, γ){sup 41}Ar radiative-capture cross section between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhike, Megha, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 (United States); Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708 (United States); Fallin, B.; Tornow, W. [Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 (United States); Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708 (United States)


    The {sup 40}Ar(n, γ){sup 41}Ar neutron capture cross section has been measured between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV neutron energy using the activation technique. The data are important for estimating backgrounds in argon-based neutrino and dark-matter detectors and in the neutrino-less double-beta decay search GERDA, which uses liquid argon as cooling and shielding medium. For the first time the {sup 40}Ar(n, γ){sup 41}Ar cross section has been measured for neutron energies above 1 MeV. Our results are compared to the evaluation ENDF/B-VII.1 and the calculated prediction TENDL-2013. The latter agrees very well with the present results.

  11. 75 FR 53876 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR (United States)


    ... Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). SUMMARY: This action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Berryville, AR... SIAPs operations at Carroll County Airport, Berryville, AR. Controlled airspace is needed for the safety...

  12. 78 FR 25231 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR (United States)


    ...-1281; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-13] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Colt, AR. Controlled airspace is necessary to...-mile radius of Delta Regional Airport, Colt, AR, to accommodate new standard instrument approach...

  13. Cerebral A1 adenosine receptors (A1AR) in liver cirrhosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boy, Christian; Meyer, Philipp T.; Kircheis, Gerald; Haussinger, Dieter; Holschbach, Marcus H.; Coenen, Heinz H.; Herzog, Hans; Elmenhorst, David; Kaiser, Hans J.; Zilles, Karl; Bauer, Andreas


    The cerebral mechanisms underlying hepatic encephalopathy (HE) are poorly understood. Adenosine, a neuromodulator that pre- and postsynaptically modulates neuronal excitability and release of classical neurotransmitters via A 1 adenosine receptors (A 1 AR), is likely to be involved. The present study investigates changes of cerebral A 1 AR binding in cirrhotic patients by means of positron emission tomography (PET) and [ 18 F]CPFPX, a novel selective A 1 AR antagonist. PET was performed in cirrhotic patients (n = 10) and healthy volunteers (n = 10). Quantification of in vivo receptor density was done by Logan's non-invasive graphical analysis (pons as reference region). The outcome parameter was the apparent binding potential (aBP, proportional to B max /K D ). Cortical and subcortical regions showed lower A 1 AR binding in cirrhotic patients than in controls. The aBP changes reached statistical significance vs healthy controls (p 1 AR binding may further aggravate neurotransmitter imbalance at the synaptic cleft in cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy. Different pathomechanisms may account for these alterations including decrease of A 1 AR density or affinity, as well as blockade of the A 1 AR by endogenous adenosine or exogenous xanthines. (orig.)

  14. Decisive factors affecting plasma resistance and roughness formation in ArF photoresist

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jinnai, Butsurin; Uesugi, Takuji; Koyama, Koji; Samukawa, Seiji [Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Kato, Keisuke; Yasuda, Atsushi; Maeda, Shinichi [Yokohama Research Laboratories, Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd, 10-1 Daikoku-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-0053 (Japan); Momose, Hikaru, E-mail: [Corporate Research Laboratories, Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd, 2-1 Miyuki-cho, Otake, Hiroshima 739-0693 (Japan)


    Low plasma resistance and roughness formation in an ArF photoresist are serious issues in plasma processes. To resolve these issues, we investigated several factors that affect the roughness formation and plasma resistance in an ArF photoresist. We used our neutral beam process to categorize the effects of species from the plasma on the ArF photoresist into physical bombardment, chemical reactions and ultraviolet/vacuum ultraviolet (UV/VUV) radiation. The UV/VUV radiation drastically increased the etching rates of the ArF photoresist films, and, in contrast, chemical reactions increased the formation of surface roughness. FTIR analysis indicated that the UV/VUV radiation preferentially dissociates C-H bonds in the ArF photoresist, rather than C=O bonds, because of the dissociation energies of the bonds. This indicated that the etching rates of the ArF photoresist are determined by the UV/VUV radiation because this radiation can break C-H bonds, which account for the majority of structures in the ArF photoresist. In contrast, FTIR analysis showed that chemical species such as radicals and ions were likely to react with C=O bonds, in particular C=O bonds in the lactone groups of the ArF photoresist, due to the structural and electronic effects of the lactone groups. As a result, the etching rates of the ArF photoresist can vary in different bond structures, leading to increased surface roughness in the ArF photoresist.

  15. 77 FR 42430 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR (United States)


    ...-0155; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-1] Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR AGENCY: Federal... at West Memphis, AR. Separation of existing Class E airspace surrounding West Memphis Municipal... the West Memphis, AR, area, creating controlled airspace at West Memphis Municipal Airport (77 FR...

  16. 76 FR 53359 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR (United States)


    ...-0497; Airspace Docket No. 11-ASW-4] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Nashville, AR. Controlled airspace is necessary to... approach procedures at Howard County Airport, Nashville, AR. Controlled airspace is needed for the safety...

  17. 75 FR 5904 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR (United States)


    ...-1179; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-35] Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR AGENCY... action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Magnolia, AR. Decommissioning of the Magnolia non-directional beacon (NDB) at Magnolia Municipal Airport, Magnolia, AR, has made this action necessary for the...

  18. Identification of a new androgen receptor (AR) co-regulator BUD31 and related peptides to suppress wild-type and mutated AR-mediated prostate cancer growth via peptide screening and X-ray structure analysis. (United States)

    Hsu, Cheng-Lung; Liu, Jai-Shin; Wu, Po-Long; Guan, Hong-Hsiang; Chen, Yuh-Ling; Lin, An-Chi; Ting, Huei-Ju; Pang, See-Tong; Yeh, Shauh-Der; Ma, Wen-Lung; Chen, Chung-Jung; Wu, Wen-Guey; Chang, Chawnshang


    Treatment with individual anti-androgens is associated with the development of hot-spot mutations in the androgen receptor (AR). Here, we found that anti-androgens-mt-ARs have similar binary structure to the 5α-dihydrotestosterone-wt-AR. Phage display revealed that these ARs bound to similar peptides, including BUD31, containing an Fxx(F/H/L/W/Y)Y motif cluster with Tyr in the +5 position. Structural analyses of the AR-LBD-BUD31 complex revealed formation of an extra hydrogen bond between the Tyr+5 residue of the peptide and the AR. Functional studies showed that BUD31-related peptides suppressed AR transactivation, interrupted AR N-C interaction, and suppressed AR-mediated cell growth. Combination of peptide screening and X-ray structure analysis may serve as a new strategy for developing anti-ARs that simultaneously suppress both wt and mutated AR function. Copyright © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. The transcriptional programme of the androgen receptor (AR) in prostate cancer. (United States)

    Lamb, Alastair D; Massie, Charlie E; Neal, David E


    The androgen receptor (AR) is essential for normal prostate and prostate cancer cell growth. AR transcriptional activity is almost always maintained even in hormone relapsed prostate cancer (HRPC) in the absence of normal levels of circulating testosterone. Current molecular techniques, such as chromatin-immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq), have permitted identification of direct AR-binding sites in cell lines and human tissue with a distinct coordinate network evident in HRPC. The effectiveness of novel agents, such as abiraterone acetate (suppresses adrenal androgens) or enzalutamide (MDV3100, potent AR antagonist), in treating advanced prostate cancer underlines the on-going critical role of the AR throughout all stages of the disease. Persistent AR activity in advanced disease regulates cell cycle activity, steroid biosynthesis and anabolic metabolism in conjunction with regulatory co-factors, such as the E2F family, c-Myc and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) transcription factors. Further treatment approaches must target these other factors. © 2013 The Authors. BJU International © 2013 BJU International.

  20. Simulação de fraturamento hidráulico usando elementos finitos de elevada razão de aspecto com acoplamento hidromecânico


    Cleto, Pedro Rogério [UNESP


    A técnica de fraturamento hidráulico é amplamente utilizada na indústria petrolífera para aumentar a permeabilidade da rocha-reservatório numa região próxima ao poço e permitir a extração, e consequente produção, de hidrocarbonetos armazenados em seus poros. Primeiramente a rocha é perfurada criando-se um poço e então injeta-se fluido a uma pressão suficientemente alta para fraturar a rocha. A injeção contínua de fluido permite que as fraturas se propaguem pelo reservatório, formando ass...

  1. AR(p) -based detrended fluctuation analysis (United States)

    Alvarez-Ramirez, J.; Rodriguez, E.


    Autoregressive models are commonly used for modeling time-series from nature, economics and finance. This work explored simple autoregressive AR(p) models to remove long-term trends in detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). Crude oil prices and bitcoin exchange rate were considered, with the former corresponding to a mature market and the latter to an emergent market. Results showed that AR(p) -based DFA performs similar to traditional DFA. However, the former DFA provides information on stability of long-term trends, which is valuable for understanding and quantifying the dynamics of complex time series from financial systems.

  2. Pre-Himalayan tectono-magmatic imprints in the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya (DSH) constrained by 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovite (United States)

    Acharyya, Subhrangsu K.; Ghosh, Subhajit; Mandal, Nibir; Bose, Santanu; Pande, Kanchan


    The Lower Lesser Himalayan Sequence (L-LHS) in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya (DSH) displays intensely deformed, low-grade meta-sedimentary rocks, frequently intervened by granite intrusives of varied scales. The principal motivation of our present study is to constrain the timing of this granitic event. Using 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, we dated muscovite from pegmatites emplaced along the earliest fabric in the low grade Daling phyllite, and obtained ∼1850 Ma Ar-Ar muscovite cooling age, which is broadly coeval with crystallization ages of Lingtse granite protolith (e.g., 1800-1850 Ma U-Pb zircon ages) reported from the L-LHS. We present here field observations to show the imprints (tectonic fabrics) of multiple ductile deformation episodes in the LHS terrain. The earliest penetrative fabric, axial planar to N-S trending reclined folds, suggest a regional tectonic event in the DSH prior to the active phase of Indo-Asia collision. Based on the age of granitic bodies and their structural correlation with the earliest fabric, we propose that the L-LHS as a distinct convergent tectono-magmatic belt, delineating the northern margin of Indian craton in the framework of the ∼1850 Ma Columbia supercontinent assembly.

  3. A Study on Tracking and Augmentation in Mobile AR for e-Leisure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seong-Wook Jang


    Full Text Available Recently, a mobile augmented reality (AR system with AR technology that requires high performance has become popular due to the improved performance of smartphones. In particular, mobile AR that directly interacts with outdoor environments has been in development because of increasing interest in e-leisure due to improvements in living standards. Therefore, this paper aims to study tracking and augmentation in mobile AR for e-leisure. We analyzed the performance of human body tracking application implemented in a mobile system (smartphone using three methods (marker-based, markerless, and sensor-based for the feasibility examination of human body tracking in mobile AR. Furthermore, game information augmentation was examined through the implementation of mobile AR using two methods (marker- and sensor-based.

  4. 75 FR 29656 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR (United States)


    ...-1181; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-36] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR AGENCY: Federal... Mountain View, AR. Decommissioning of the Wilcox non-directional beacon (NDB) at Mountain View Wilcox Memorial Field Airport, Mountain View, AR, has made this action necessary to enhance the safety and...

  5. 75 FR 6594 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR (United States)


    ...-1183; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-38] Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR AGENCY... action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Osceola, AR. Decommissioning of the Osceola non-directional beacon (NDB) at Osceola Municipal Airport, Osceola, AR, has made this action necessary for the safety and...

  6. Alpine orogenic evolution from subduction to collisional thermal overprint: The 40Ar/39Ar age constraints from the Valaisan Ocean, central Alps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiederkehr, Michael; Sudo, Masafumi; Bousquet, Romain


    in general. The timing of high-pressure metamorphism, subsequent retrogression and following Barrow-type overprint was studied by 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite and several white mica generations that are well characterized in terms of mineral chemistry, texture and associated mineral assemblages. Four distinct...

  7. Ramon Llull's Ars Magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thessa


    The Ars Magna of Ramon Llull must be seen as one of the first attempts to formalise language, thought processes, and creating a basis for rational discussions. It consists of so-called principles, concepts, which are defined and combined through the use of four main figures. Llull's contribution...

  8. ARS-Media for Excel (United States)

    ARS-Media for Excel is an ion solution calculator that uses Microsoft Excel to generate recipes of salts for complex ion mixtures specified by the user. Generating salt combinations (recipes) that result in pre-specified target ion values is a linear programming problem. Thus, the recipes are genera...

  9. Investigation of the energy levels of 38AR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waanders, F.B.


    In this project information on the energy levels of 38 Ar was obtained by means of the (p,γ) reaction. The 1,1 MeV Cockroft-Walton accelerator of the Potchefstroom University for CHE was used to produce the proton beam while a 80 cm 3 Ge(Li) detector was used to detect the gamma-rays. Precise gamma-branchings were determined for 50 bound levels, of which four have not previously been determined. These branchings were obtained from the 28 resonances studied in the 37 Cl(p,γ) 38 Ar reaction. The resonance with a proton energy of (592 plus minus 3) keV was not detected previously. The resonance energies, Q-value and energies of the bound levels used in this project were taken from the study done by Alderliesten. The mean lifetimes of a few bound levels of 38 Ar were measured by means of the doppler shift attenuation method. The results concerning the bound states and mean lifetimes are in good agreement with previous experiments. Limitations on the spin and parities of 19 (p,γ) resonances have been set by means of Weisskopf estimates. Only those cases for which the spin could be limited to two values are discussed in the text. A summary of experimental data obtained on 38 Ar is compared with the results from shellmodel calculations done by various workers. A short discussion on the analogue states in 38 Ar is also given [af

  10. Reappraisal of Los Humeros Volcanic Complex by New U/Th Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Dating: Implications for Greater Geothermal Potential (United States)

    Carrasco-Núñez, G.; Bernal, J. P.; Dávila, P.; Jicha, B.; Giordano, G.; Hernández, J.


    Longevity and size of magmatic systems are fundamental factors for assessing the potential of a geothermal field. At Los Humeros volcanic complex (LHVC), the first caldera-forming event was reported at 460 ± 40 ka. New zircon U/Th and plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar dates of pre-, syn- and postcaldera volcanics allow a reappraisal of the evolution of the geothermally active LHVC. The age of the voluminous Xaltipan ignimbrite (115 km3 dense rock equivalent [DRE]) associated with the formation of the Los Humeros caldera is now constrained by two geochronometers (zircon U/Th and plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar dating) to 164 ± 4.2 ka, which postdates a long episode of precaldera volcanism (rhyolitic domes), the oldest age of which is 693.0 ± 1.9 ka (40Ar/39Ar). The inferred short residence time (around 5 ka) for the paroxysmal Xaltipan ignimbrite is indicative of rapid assembly of a large magma body and rejuvenation of the system due to recurrent recharge magmas, as it has been occurred in some other large magmatic systems. Younger ages than previously believed have been obtained also for the other voluminous explosive phases of the Faby fall tuff at ˜70 ka and the second caldera-forming Zaragoza ignimbrite with 15 km3 DRE, which erupted immediately after. Thus, the time interval that separates the two caldera-forming episodes at Los Humeros is only 94 kyr, which is a much shorter interval than suggested by previous K-Ar dates (410 kyr). This temporal proximity allows us to propose a caldera stage encompassing the Xaltipan and the Zaragoza ignimbrites, followed by emplacement at 44.8 ± 1.7 ka of rhyolitic magmas interpreted to represent a postcaldera, resurgent stage. Rhyolitic eruptions have also occurred during the Holocene (˜1,200 km3) and these new ages indicating much younger caldera-forming volcanism than previously believed are fundamental factors in the application of classical conductive models of heat resource, enhancing the heat production capacity and favor a higher

  11. 41Ar-concentration measurements at the Finnish TRIGA Mark II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamminen, A.


    41 Ar-concentrations in the reactor hall and in the Ar-ventilation duct of FiR-1 (IRIGA Mark II, 250 kW) have been measured during normal operation conditions. Additional measurements have been performed varying Ar-ventilation and hall ventilation flow. A γ- and background compensated thin window proportional detector and a β-Geiger detector for 41 Ar-measurements are described. The hall concentration has also been estimated from background measurements with an unshielded Ge(Li)-detector. The saturation concentration in the reactor hall with and without the hall ventilation is about 1 x 10 -7 μCi/cm 3 and 3 x 10 -7 μCi/cm 3 , respectively. (author)

  12. 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of Late Permian evaporites, southeastern New Mexico, USA (United States)

    Renne, Paul R.; Sharp, Warren D.; Montañez, Isabel P.; Becker, Tim A.; Zierenberg, Robert A.


    40Ar/ 39Ar dating of the potassium-magnesium sulfate mineral langbeinite from Permian evaporites of the Salado formation near Carlsbad, New Mexico, provides quantitative evidence that some salts in these deposits have not recrystallized for 251 Myr since deposition. Survival of Permian salts supports the possibility that Bacillus bacteria recovered from nearby halite was isolated in a closed system and represents a sample of uncontaminated Permian life. Local recrystallization of langbeinite and other nearby minerals is also indicated by the dating, suggesting both the need and the opportunity to document closed system behavior more rigorously. The shoaling and desiccation event recorded by the Salado formation began at least 1 Myr before the Permian-Triassic boundary. Temporal correlation of the Salado with the Zechstein evaporites of north-central Europe supports previously inferred regression models for the origin of these deposits. Significant paleoenvironmental change at the Permian-Triassic boundary thus occurred on a time scale more protracted than that implied by geologically instantaneous events such as bolide impacts.

  13. 75 FR 43884 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR (United States)


    ...-1182; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-37] Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR AGENCY: Federal... proposes to amend Class E airspace at Searcy, AR. Decommissioning of the Searcy non-directional beacon (NDB) at Searcy Municipal Airport, Searcy, AR, has made this action necessary for the safety and management...

  14. Geochronological 40Ar/39Ar data on the submarine fault-scarps in the Sardinia channel (western mediterranean)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouillin, J.P.; Tricart, P.; Mascle, G.; Monie, P.; Rolfo, F.; Torelli, L.


    Granite and gneiss have been sampled on the submarine fault scarps of the Sardinia Channel and have been dated using the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method. The majority of rocks partially preserve Hercynian ages. Some of them display Lower Cretaceous ages. In addition, Upper Eocene-Oligocene argon resetting is recorded only in rocks from the southeast sector of the Channel. We thus propose that the basement of the Sardinia Channel occupied a shallow position within the stack of the Alpine tectonic units, behind the more deformed front of the internal zones of the Maghrebide Chain. (authors)

  15. Uso da poeira e do ar como indicadores de contaminação ambiental em áreas circunvizinhas a uma fonte de emissão estacionária de chumbo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quiterio Simone Lorena


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, determinou-se o nível de chumbo (Pb presente no ar em ambientes externos e na poeira doméstica de residências localizadas próximo a uma reformadora de baterias (RB. Uma das principais fontes de exposição ao Pb são empresas do setor de RB, que ainda utilizam processos e tecnologia obsoletos em instalações precárias. Na área externa à RB foram realizadas coletas em seis pontos localizados a aproximadamente 25m e a 500m da RB. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o limite para Pb no ar atmosférico (Pb-Ar de 1,5µg Pb.m-3 foi excedido em 50% das amostras coletadas, variando de 0,03 a 183,3µg Pb.m-3. As coletas nas dependências internas e externas das residências foram realizadas em seis pontos de quatorze residências localizadas a aproximadamente 25m, 50m e a 500m da RB. O limite de Pb na poeira doméstica (Pb-Pd de 1.500µg Pb.m-2 foi excedido em 44% das amostras coletadas, apresentando valores variáveis de 2,2 a 54.338,9µg Pb.m-2.

  16. Uso da poeira e do ar como indicadores de contaminação ambiental em áreas circunvizinhas a uma fonte de emissão estacionária de chumbo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Lorena Quiterio


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, determinou-se o nível de chumbo (Pb presente no ar em ambientes externos e na poeira doméstica de residências localizadas próximo a uma reformadora de baterias (RB. Uma das principais fontes de exposição ao Pb são empresas do setor de RB, que ainda utilizam processos e tecnologia obsoletos em instalações precárias. Na área externa à RB foram realizadas coletas em seis pontos localizados a aproximadamente 25m e a 500m da RB. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o limite para Pb no ar atmosférico (Pb-Ar de 1,5µg Pb.m-3 foi excedido em 50% das amostras coletadas, variando de 0,03 a 183,3µg Pb.m-3. As coletas nas dependências internas e externas das residências foram realizadas em seis pontos de quatorze residências localizadas a aproximadamente 25m, 50m e a 500m da RB. O limite de Pb na poeira doméstica (Pb-Pd de 1.500µg Pb.m-2 foi excedido em 44% das amostras coletadas, apresentando valores variáveis de 2,2 a 54.338,9µg Pb.m-2.

  17. Research on AO/FO batch management technology in aircraft production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yin Haijun


    Full Text Available Based on the analysis of the characteristics and significance of AO/FO in the process of aircraft production, this paper analyzes the format rules of AO/FO batch management from the perspective of technology realization, and details the AO/FO The change of the query and the change status tracking, introduces the AO/FO single-stand status display in the batch management, increases the structure definition of the attribute table in the batch management, and designs the relevant algorithm to store and calculate the batch information. Finally, based on the above theory support AO/FO batch management system successfully used in the production of a machine.

  18. 40Ar/39Ar dating and zircon chronochemistry for the Izu-Bonin rear arc, IODP site U1437 (United States)

    Schmitt, A. K.; Konrad, K.; Andrews, G. D.; Horie, K.; Brown, S. R.; Koppers, A. A. P.; Busby, C.; Tamura, Y.


    The scientific objective of IODP Expedition 350 drilling at Site U1437 (31°47.390'N, 139°01.580'E) was to reveal the "missing half of the subduction factory": the rear arc of a long-lived intraoceanic subduction zone. Site U1437 lies in a 50 km long and 20 km wide volcano-bounded basin, 90 km west of the Izu arc front, and is the only IODP site drilled in the rear arc. The Izu rear arc is dominated by Miocene basaltic to dacitic seamount chains, which strike at a high angle to the arc front. Radiometric dating targeted a single igneous unit (1390 mbsf), and fine to coarse volcaniclastic units for which we present zircon and 40Ar/39Ar (hornblende, plagioclase, and groundmass) age determinations. All zircons analyzed as grain separates were screened for contamination from drill-mud (Andrews et al., 2016) by analyzing trace elements and, where material was available, O and Hf isotope compositions. Igneous Unit 1 is a rhyolite sheet and yielded concordant in-situ and crystal separate U-Pb zircon ages (13.7±0.3 Ma; MSWD = 1.3; n = 40 spots), whereas the 40Ar/39Ar hornblende plateau age (12.9±0.3; MSWD = 1.1; n = 9 steps) is slightly younger, possibly reflecting pre-eruptive zircon crystallization, or alteration of hornblende. U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from samples above igneous Unit 1 are concordant with biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic ages (available to 1300 mbsf), but plagioclase and groundmass samples below 1300 m become younger with depth, hinting at post-depositional alteration. A single zircon from 1600 mbsf yielded a U-Pb age of 15.4±1.8 Ma; its trace element composition resembles other igneous zircons from U1437, and is tentatively interpreted as a Middle Miocene age for the lowermost lithostratigraphic unit VII. Oxygen and Hf isotopic values of igneous zircon indicate mantle origins, with some influence of assimilation of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust evident in sub-mantle oxygen isotopic compositions. Lessons from site U1437 are

  19. 40Ar/39Ar dating of Quaternary volcanic ashes by multi-collection noble gas mass spectrometry: protocols, precision and intercalibration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storey, Michael; Rivera, Tiffany; Flude, Stephanie

    ) higher mass resolution allows hydrocarbon interferences to be pseudo resolved for the different argon isotopes; and (iv) multi-collection, allowing more data to be gathered in a fixed time in comparison with single-collector peak-switching measurements. We evaluate (i) protocols for detector inter......The recent availability of commercial high-resolution, multi-collector, noble gas mass spectrometers equipped with ion-counting electron multipliers provides new opportunities for improved precision in 40Ar/39Ar dating. This is particularly true for single crystal dating of Quaternary aged samples...... where potassium-bearing phenocrysts may contain relatively small amounts of radiogenic 40Ar. In 2005, the Quaternary Dating Laboratory, Roskilde University, installed a Nu-Instruments multi-collector Noblesse noble gas mass spectrometer, which is configured with a Faraday detector and three ion...

  20. Ars ornata / Kadri Mälk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mälk, Kadri, 1958-


    V rahvusvaheline ehtekunsti konverents 'Ars ornata Europeana' juuni lõpus Stockholmis. New Yorgis elava kuraatori Charon Kranseni ja prantsuse ehtekunstniku Christophe Burger' juhitud vestlusringidest. 1997. a. Pariisis loodud International Craft Design Association'ist (ICDA).


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    Zehra YAZBAHAR


    Full Text Available With his stories in his first book which is Steppe Which Fade To Crocuses he published in 2010, Imdat Avşar reflects our society and our traditional values. In this study which is primarily composed of two major parts, after giving brief information about Imdat Avşar in the first section, the art of storytelling will be part in the second section and the stories in the mentioned book are gotten the grips with narrator, viewpoint, content, characters, language and style. İmdat Avşar, 2010 yılında yayımladığı Çiğdemleri Solan Bozkır isimli ilk hikâye kitabındaki hikâyeleri ile aynasını Türk toplumuna ve onun geleneksel değerlerine tutar. Esas itibariyle iki ana bölümden oluşan bu çalışmada, ilk bölümde İmdat Avşar hakkında kısa bir bilgi verildikten sonra ikinci bölümde hikâyeciliğine geçilecek ve sözü edilen kitabındaki hikâyeleri, anlatıcı ve bakış açısı, içerik ve kişiler kadrosu, dil ve üslûp başlıkları altında ele alınacaktır.

  2. Androgen-Sensitized Apoptosis of HPr-1AR Human Prostate Epithelial Cells.

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    Congcong Chen

    Full Text Available Androgen receptor (AR signaling is crucial to the development and homeostasis of the prostate gland, and its dysregulation mediates common prostate pathologies. The mechanisms whereby AR regulates growth suppression and differentiation of luminal epithelial cells in the prostate gland and proliferation of malignant versions of these cells have been investigated in human and rodent adult prostate. However, the cellular stress response of human prostate epithelial cells is not well understood, though it is central to prostate health and pathology. Here, we report that androgen sensitizes HPr-1AR and RWPE-AR human prostate epithelial cells to cell stress agents and apoptotic cell death. Although 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT treatment alone did not induce cell death, co-treatment of HPr-1AR cells with DHT and an apoptosis inducer, such as staurosporine (STS, TNFt, or hydrogen peroxide, synergistically increased cell death in comparison to treatment with each apoptosis inducer by itself. We found that the synergy between DHT and apoptosis inducer led to activation of the intrinsic/mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, which is supported by robust cleavage activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3. Further, the dramatic depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential that we observed upon co-treatment with DHT and STS is consistent with increased mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP in the pro-apoptotic mechanism. Interestingly, the synergy between DHT and apoptosis inducer was abolished by AR antagonists and inhibitors of transcription and protein synthesis, suggesting that AR mediates pro-apoptotic synergy through transcriptional regulation of MOMP genes. Expression analysis revealed that pro-apoptotic genes (BCL2L11/BIM and AIFM2 were DHT-induced, whereas pro-survival genes (BCL2L1/BCL-XL and MCL1 were DHT-repressed. Hence, we propose that the net effect of these AR-mediated expression changes shifts the balance of BCL2-family proteins

  3. $\\beta$ decay of $^{47}$Ar

    CERN Document Server

    Weissman, L; Bergmann, U C; Brown, B A; Catherall, R; Cederkäll, J; Dillmann, I; Hallmann, O; Fraile-Prieto, L M; Franchoo, S; Gaudefroy, L; Köster, U; Kratz, K L; Pfeiffer, B; Sorlin, O; 10.1103/PhysRevC.70.024304


    Information on beta -decay properties of neutron-rich /sup 47/Ar was obtained at the ISOLDE facility at CERN using isobaric selectivity. This was achieved by a combination of a plasma-ion source with a cooled transfer line and subsequent mass separation. A doubly charged beam was used in order to improve the signal-to-background ratio associated with multi-charged noble gas fission products. The identification of the /sup 47/Ar gamma -ray transitions was performed by comparing the spectra obtained from direct proton bombardment of the target and of the neutron converter. New excited levels in the daughter /sup 47/K nucleus corresponding to the negative-parity states were observed. The obtained data are compared to the result of large-scale shell model calculations and quasiparticle random-phase approximation predictions. (29 refs).

  4. Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) Munition Classification System enhancements. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vela, O.A.; Huggard, J.C.


    Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) is a non-destructive evaluation technology developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). This technology has resulted in three generations of instrumentation, funded by the Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA), specifically designed for field identification of chemical weapon (CW) munitions. Each generation of ARS instrumentation was developed with a specific user in mind. The ARS1OO was built for use by the U.N. Inspection Teams going into Iraq immediately after the Persian Gulf War. The ARS200 was built for use in the US-Russia Bilateral Chemical Weapons Treaty (the primary users for this system are the US Onsite Inspection Agency (OSIA) and their Russian counterparts). The ARS300 was built with the requirements of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in mind. Each successive system is an improved version of the previous system based on learning the weaknesses of each and, coincidentally, on the fact that more time was available to do a requirements analysis and the necessary engineering development. The ARS300 is at a level of development that warrants transferring the technology to a commercial vendor. Since LANL will supply the computer software to the selected vendor, it is possible for LANL to continue to improve the decision algorithms, add features where necessary, and adjust the user interface before the final transfer occurs. This paper describes the current system, ARS system enhancements, and software enhancements. Appendices contain the Operations Manual (software Version 3.01), and two earlier reports on enhancements.

  5. C5a and C5aR are elevated in joints of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis patients, and C5aR blockade attenuates leukocyte migration to synovial fluid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hornum, Lars; Hansen, Anker Jon; Tornehave, Ditte


    synovial fluid was significantly inhibited by anti-C5aR. The data support that the C5a-C5aR axis may be driving the infiltration of inflammatory cells into the synovial fluid and synovium in both rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, and suggest that C5a or C5aR may be a promising treatment target in both...... a Boyden chamber. Appropriate statistical tests were applied for comparisons. C5aR+ cells were detected in most rheumatoid arthritis, in all psoriatic arthritis, but not in non-inflammatory control synovia. C5aR+ cells were primarily neutrophils and macrophages. C5aR+ macrophages were mainly found...

  6. K/Ar dating of diagenetic illites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizusaki, A.M.P.; Anjos, S.M.C. dos; Costa, M.G.F. da; Silva, O.B. da; Kawashita, K.


    Ascertaining the potassium/argon (K/Ar) age of diagenetic illites yields important information for hydrocarbon exploration since the growth of this mineral in the pores of sandstone reservoir and oil migration are interlinked events in the diagenetic evolution of rocks. Illite growth ceases as soon as hydrocarbons completely fill in rock pores, displacing interstitial water. By providing an estimate of the period when the illite formed, K/Ar dating can indirectly tells us when hydrocarbons entered the reservoir. Samples of oil-saturated sandstones collected from Carboniferous reservoirs of the Solimoes Basin reveal a diagenetic evolution consisting predominantly of quartz, calcite, and illite overgrowths. In the present study, illite was mechanically separated by repeating a series of ultrasonic baths and ultrasonic probes followed by high-speed centrifuging. Resultant fractions were analyzed by X-ray diffractometry to measure the illite content of each sample. The separated illite material was found to be composed of illite and ordered mixed layer illite-smectite with 80% illite layers. Separated fractions were dated radiometrically by the K/Ar method. Preliminary results indicate an average age of some 200 m.y., which marks the end of the diagenetic development of the illites of this area. (author)

  7. 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleo-magnetism of traps from Ethiopia, Deccan and Siberia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, C.


    Recent studies have shown that major flood basalt provinces have been emplaced as short events (∼ 1 Myr), more or less synchronous with climatic crises and mass extinctions. We present new geochronologic ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar) and magneto-stratigraphic results for the Ethiopian traps, one of the last remaining flood basalts for which little of such data were available. The ages obtained in a 2000 m thick section are indistinguishable. Moreover, magneto-stratigraphy reveals a simple 3-chron reverse-normal-reverse sequence. Although magnetic chrons cannot be yet unambiguously identified, there is more likelihood for the normal sub-chron in the main basaltic pile to correspond to 11N, supporting a brief duration (less than 1.5 Ma). The Ethiopian traps erupted near 30 Ma at or near the time of the cold and dry climate, major Antarctic ice sheet advance, and the largest sea-level drop in the Tertiary. Bhandari et al. (GRL, 1995) have discovered inter-traps sediments with a triple iridium anomaly in a series of seven basaltic lava flows in the Kutch area of the North Western Deccan traps of India. Plagioclases from three flows above the iridium bearing sediments yield 39 Ar/ 40 Ar plateau ages near 65.0 Ma: these flows have unambiguously reversed magnetic polarity interpreted as chron 29R. As a preliminary summary, evidence of the KTB asteroid impact is confirmed in the Deccan traps, showing that they are coeval events in a general sense (in a Ma long window) though clearly with vastly different time constants. This is compatible with paleontologic evidence of two scales of extinctions, one quasi-instantaneous and the other on the order of 10 5 to 10 6 yrs. Clearly, the impact cannot have caused trap eruptions. On the other hand, the exact age and significance of the lower flows more altered remains to be analyzed further as they pertained to the much debated question of duration of Deccan trap volcanism. (author)

  8. Programa computacional para a estimativa da temperatura do ar para a região Nordeste do Brasil A computer program to estimate air temperature for Northeast region of Brazil

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    Enilson P. Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available A meta principal através desta pesquisa foi estabelecer modelo de estimativa de temperatura do ar (Estima_T em função das coordenadas geográficas e das Anomalias de Temperaturas da Superfície do Mar (ATSM. Neste estudo foram utilizadas as séries temporais das médias mensais de temperatura do ar (média diária, mínima e máxima de 69 estações meteorológicas do Nordeste do Brasil (NEB e ATSM do oceano Atlântico Tropical. O modelo Estima_T mostrou-se capaz de reconstruir séries temporais de temperatura do ar com razoável precisão para todo o NEB. Os resultados mostraram correlações estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 1% de probabilidade entre as temperaturas do ar observada e estimada pelo modelo, em toda a região de estudo.The objective of this research was to establish a model to estimate air temperature (Estima_T as a function of geographical coordinates and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies (SSTA. The mean monthly time series of air temperatures (daily mean, minimum and maximum of 69 weather stations and SSTA of the Tropical Atlantic were analyzed. The model Estima_T showed good agreement between real and estimated air temperature data of Northeast Brazil. The results showed statistically significant correlation at 1% level between observed air temperatures and those estimated by model in the whole area of study.

  9. Ar-41 measurements and nuclear emergency preparedness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunst, J.J.; Rodriguez, M.; Ugarte, R.; Vigile, R.S.; Boutet, L.I.; Jordan, O.D.; Hernandez, D.G.


    During the early phase of an emergency is necessary to confirm the release of radioactivity predictions made by the operator of the nuclear plant. In this context, it has begun measuring Ar-41 in the vicinity of a research reactor. Since the Ar-41 is produced in the reactor, it has been studied as a good way to validate the air dispersion model used in nuclear emergencies and to develop a method to improve the characterization of the release. For this latter purpose a pilot experiment was conducted to determine computational and experimental methods, the flux of 1.29 MeV of Ar-41 and compared to evaluate the accuracy of the assessments made. This paper describes meteorological forecasting systems used in the experiment, the estimate of the stability class and the concentration of nuclides using a calculation code developed by the ARN, as well as the methodology and equipment used for measurement in the field. (authors) [es

  10. Collisional excitation of ArH+ by hydrogen atoms (United States)

    Dagdigian, Paul J.


    The rotational excitation of the 36ArH+ ion in collisions with hydrogen atoms is investigated in this work. The potential energy surface (PES) describing the 36ArH+-H interaction, with the ion bond length r fixed at the average of r over the radial v = 0 vibrational state distribution, was obtained with a coupled cluster method that included single, double, and (perturbatively) triple excitations [RCCSD(T)]. A deep minimum (De = 3135 cm-1) in the PES was found in linear H-ArH+ geometry at an ion-atom separation Re = 4.80a0. Energy-dependent cross-sections and rate coefficients as a function of temperature for this collision pair were computed in close-coupling (CC) calculations. Since the PES possesses a deep well, this is a good system to test the performance of the quantum statistical (QS) method developed by Manolopoulos and co-workers as a more efficient method to compute the cross-sections. Good agreement was found between rate coefficients obtained by the CC and QS methods at several temperatures. In a simple application, the excitation of ArH+ is simulated for conditions under which this ion is observed in absorption.

  11. The Educational Values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman Book

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    Maya Yunita


    Full Text Available Athiyyah ar-Rahman is an influential book which written by Muhammad Azhari al-Palembani ibn Abdullah ibn Ahmad or also known as Kemas Azhari (1811-1874. The book was written in 1842 and until today is learned by Islamic community in Palembang. This article tries to elucidate the values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman book from education perspectives. The discourse-historical approach of Reisigl and Wodak (2008 is used to analyze the book. The findings show that Athiyyah ar-Rahman describes six pillars of Islam. The six pillars of Islam are framing three dimensions, including personal dimension, social dimension, and transformative dimension. The personal dimension relates to the core of the education to construct the self of student. The social dimension relates to the visions for harmonizing among humans and between humans and nature. Meanwhile, the transformational dimension relates to the effect of education to solve the problems in human life as well as transform the society. Based on the analysis, the educational values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman could be summarized as follows: religiosity, spirituality, morality, solidarity, tolerance, environmentalism, pragmatism and transformational.

  12. Audit, Control and Monitoring Design Patterns (ACMDP for Autonomous Robust Systems (ARS

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    C. Trad


    Full Text Available This paper proposes the Audit, Control and Monitoring Design Patterns (ACMDP for building Autonomous and Robust Systems (ARS such as Mobile Robot Systems (MRS. These patterns are also applicable to other Mission Critical and Complex Systems (MCCS. This paper presents a proposal which will help ARS project managers and engineers design, build and estimate the probability that an ARS will succeed or fail. Furthermore, this proposal offers the possibility to ARS problems with the help of audit, monitoring and controlling components, adjust the project management pathways, and define the problem sources as well as their possible solutions, in order to deliver an ARS or an MRS.

  13. Variação anual na abertura do dossel, temperatura e umidade do ar no sub-bosque de três ambientes florestais no sul da Bahia, Brasil

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    Marayana Prado Pinheiro


    Full Text Available contribuir para o conhecimento dos fatores físicos que afetam a estrutura da comunidade vegetal em remanescentes de mata atlântica do sul da Bahia foi analisada a variação anual do microclima do sub-bosque num fragmento de floresta de encosta na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Serra do Teimoso (RST e num sistema agroflorestal rústico utilizado para o cultivo do cacau (Cabruca, localizado nas proximidades da RST. Dados da abertura do dossel (CO, da temperatura do ar (Ta, da umidade relativa do ar (RH e do déficit de pressão de vapor (VPD foram coletados entre abril de 2005 e abril de 2006 na base (RSTB, 340 m e no topo (RSTT, 640 m da RST e na Cabruca (CB, 250 m. Dados de precipitação pluvial, Ta, RH e VPD foram também coletados numa área aberta (OA, 270 m. As maiores precipitações (> 100 mm ocorreram em Novembro de 2005 e Abril de 2006, enquanto outubro de 2005 foi o mês mais seco (< 20 mm. CO variou entre 2,5% na CB (Abril, 2006 e 7,7% na RST (Outubro, 2005. Os baixos valores de pluviosidade registrados em Outubro de 2005 afetaram VPDmax em todos os ambientes. Estes efeitos foram mais pronunciados em OA, seguido de CB, RSTB e RSTT. Os valores de Ta, RH e VPD em CB foram mais próximos aos valores observados em OA do que aos valores observados no interior da floresta.

  14. Episodic Holocene eruption of the Salton Buttes rhyolites, California, from paleomagnetic, U-Th, and Ar/Ar dating (United States)

    Wright, Heather M.; Vazquez, Jorge A.; Champion, Duane E.; Calvert, Andrew T.; Mangan, Margaret T.; Stelten, Mark E.; Cooper, Kari M.; Herzig, Charles; Schriener Jr., Alexander


    In the Salton Trough, CA, five rhyolite domes form the Salton Buttes: Mullet Island, Obsidian Butte, Rock Hill, North and South Red Hill, from oldest to youngest. Results presented here include 40Ar/39Ar anorthoclase ages, 238U-230Th zircon crystallization ages, and comparison of remanent paleomagnetic directions with the secular variation curve, which indicate that all domes are Holocene. 238U-230Th zircon crystallization ages are more precise than but within uncertainty of 40Ar/39Ar anorthoclase ages, suggesting that zircon crystallization proceeded until shortly before eruption in all cases except one. Remanent paleomagnetic directions require three eruption periods: (1) Mullet Island, (2) Obsidian Butte, and (3) Rock Hill, North Red Hill, and South Red Hill. Borehole cuttings logs document up to two shallow tephra layers. North and South Red Hills likely erupted within 100 years of each other, with a combined 238U-230Th zircon isochron age of: 2.83 ± 0.60 ka (2 sigma); paleomagnetic evidence suggests this age predates eruption by hundreds of years (1800 cal BP). Rock Hill erupted closely in time to these eruptions. The Obsidian Butte 238U-230Th isochron age (2.86 ± 0.96 ka) is nearly identical to the combined Red Hill age, but its Virtual Geomagnetic Pole position suggests a slightly older age. The age of aphyric Mullet Island dome is the least well constrained: zircon crystals are resorbed and the paleomagnetic direction is most distinct; possible Mullet Island ages include ca. 2300, 5900, 6900, and 7700 cal BP. Our results constrain the duration of Salton Buttes volcanism to between ca. 5900 and 500 years.

  15. Substituent effect in spin-crossover behavior of iron(II)-Ar-pybox complexes (Ar-pybox = 4-aryl-2,6-bis(oxazolin-2-yl)pyridine) (United States)

    Kimura, Akifumi; Ishida, Takayuki


    Spin-crossover (SCO) is a reversible transition between low-spin (LS) and high-spin (HS) states by external stimuli like heat. The SCO behavior of [Fe(Ar-pybox)2](ClO4)2 was investigated, where Ar-pybox stands for 4-aryl-2,6-bis(oxazolin-2-yl)pyridine with Ar = 4-pyridyl (4Py), 3-thienyl (3Th), and phenyl (Ph). They were characterized by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction study, being consistent with the results of the magnetic measurements. The SCO temperatures (T1/2) in the polycrystalline state were determined to be 360 and 230 K for Ar = 4Py and Ph, respectively. The 3Th derivative possessed a HS state in all the temperature range. The solution susceptometry was also performed to purge intermolecular interaction and rigid crystal lattice effects, affording T1/2 = 310, 240, and 240 K for Ar = 4Py, 3Th, and Ph, respectively, in acetone. The substituent effect analysis using the Hammett substituent constant (σp) clarified that electron-withdrawing groups raise T1/2. A plausible model describing the substituent effect on T1/2 is proposed based on d-π interaction. The present result is regarded as a successful example of crystal field engineering.

  16. The AR Sandbox: Augmented Reality in Geoscience Education (United States)

    Kreylos, O.; Kellogg, L. H.; Reed, S.; Hsi, S.; Yikilmaz, M. B.; Schladow, G.; Segale, H.; Chan, L.


    The AR Sandbox is a combination of a physical box full of sand, a 3D (depth) camera such as a Microsoft Kinect, a data projector, and a computer running open-source software, creating a responsive and interactive system to teach geoscience concepts in formal or informal contexts. As one or more users shape the sand surface to create planes, hills, or valleys, the 3D camera scans the surface in real-time, the software creates a dynamic topographic map including elevation color maps and contour lines, and the projector projects that map back onto the sand surface such that real and projected features match exactly. In addition, users can add virtual water to the sandbox, which realistically flows over the real surface driven by a real-time fluid flow simulation. The AR Sandbox can teach basic geographic and hydrologic skills and concepts such as reading topographic maps, interpreting contour lines, formation of watersheds, flooding, or surface wave propagation in a hands-on and explorative manner. AR Sandbox installations in more than 150 institutions have shown high audience engagement and long dwell times of often 20 minutes and more. In a more formal context, the AR Sandbox can be used in field trip preparation, and can teach advanced geoscience skills such as extrapolating 3D sub-surface shapes from surface expression, via advanced software features such as the ability to load digital models of real landscapes and guiding users towards recreating them in the sandbox. Blueprints, installation instructions, and the open-source AR Sandbox software package are available at .

  17. Influência da espessura de biofilmes feitos à base de proteínas miofibrilares sobre suas propriedades funcionais Thickness effects of myofibrillar protein based edible films on their functional properties

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    Full Text Available O emprego potencial de filmes comestíveis e biodegradáveis em embalagens é condicionado pelas suas propriedades funcionais, que são influenciadas por muitos fatores, inclusive pela espessura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência da espessura dos biofilmes feitos à base de proteínas miofibrilares (de carne bovina e de tilápia-do-nilo sobre suas propriedades funcionais. Os biofilmes foram preparados a partir de uma solução filmogênica com 1 g de proteínas/100 g de solução. A concentração de plastificante foi de 45 g de glicerina/100 g de proteínas, e o pH foi mantido em 2,7. Após secagem, os filmes foram acondicionados em dessecadores a 58% de umidade relativa e 22°C, por quatro dias. As propriedades mecânicas foram determinadas por teste de perfuração; a permeabilidade ao vapor de água, por um método gravimétrico, e a cor e a opacidade, com colorímetro HunterLab, a 22°C. A força na perfuração, a permeabilidade ao vapor de água, a diferença de cor e a opacidade dos dois biofilmes aumentaram linearmente com a espessura dos corpos-de-prova. A deformação na perfuração foi pouco dependente da espessura e apresentou grande dispersão, em ambos os filmes. A taxa de permeabilidade ao vapor de água diminuiu linearmente com a espessura.Research on edible and biodegradable films had been promoted recently because of environmental concerns. The use of these materials for packaging applications is conditioned by their functional properties, which are influenced by many factors, including thickness. The objective of this work was to study the influence of thickness of myofibrillar protein-based biofilms on some of their functional properties. Biofilms were prepared from film forming solutions (FFS containing 1 g of protein/100 g of FFS. The plasticizer concentration was 45 g glycerin/100 g of protein and the pH was kept at 2.7. After drying, biofilms were conditioned in desiccators at 58% relative humidity and

  18. Arsenic phytoextraction and hyperaccumulation by fern species Fitoextração e hiperacumulação de arsênio por espécies de samambaias

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    Maria Isidoria Silva Gonzaga


    Full Text Available Arsenic (As is an ubiquitous trace metalloid found in all environmental media. Its presence at elevated concentrations in soils derives from both anthropogenic and natural inputs. Arsenic is a toxic and carcinogenic element, which has caused severe environmental and health problem worldwide. Technologies currently available for the remediation of arsenic-contaminated sites are expensive, environmentally disruptive, and potentially hazardous to workers. Phytoextraction, a strategy of phytoremediation, uses plants to clean up contaminated soils and has been successfully applied to arsenic contaminated soils. It has the advantage of being cost-effective and environmentally friendly. A major step towards the development of phytoextraction of arsenic-impacted soils is the discovery of the arsenic hyper accumulation in ferns, first in Pteris vittata, which presented an extraordinary capacity to accumulate 2.3% arsenic in its biomass. Another fern, Pityrogramma calomelanos was found to exhibit the same hyperaccumulating characteristics. After that, screening experiments have revealed that the Pteris genus is really unique in that many species have the potential to be used in phytoextraction of arsenic. In general, these plants seem to have both constitutive and adaptive mechanisms for accumulating or tolerating high arsenic concentration. In the past few years, much work has been done to understand and improve the hyperaccumulating capability of these amazing plants. In particular, the field of molecular biology seems to hold the key for the future of the phytoremediation.O arsênio e um metalóide traço encontrado basicamente em todos os ambientes. Elevadas concentrações de arsênio no solo podem acontecer naturalmente devido ao intemperismo de rochas ricas em arsênio, como também de atividades antropogênicas. O arsênio é um elemento tóxico e cancerígeno. Em muitas partes do mundo, a contaminação pelo arsênio tem causado problemas

  19. Novel galeterone analogs act independently of AR and AR-V7 for the activation of the unfolded protein response and induction of apoptosis in the CWR22Rv1 prostate cancer cell model. (United States)

    McCarty, David J; Huang, Weiliang; Kane, Maureen A; Purushottamachar, Puranik; Gediya, Lalji K; Njar, Vincent C O


    The androgen receptor (AR) has long been the primary target for the treatment of prostate cancer (PC). Despite continuous efforts to block AR activity through ligand depletion, AR antagonism, AR depletion and combinations thereof, advanced PC tumors remain resilient. Herein, we evaluate two galeterone analogs, VNPT-178 and VNLG-74A, in PC cell models of diverse androgen and AR dependence attempting to delineate their mechanisms of action and potential clinical utility. Employing basic biochemical techniques, we determined that both analogs have improved antiproliferative and anti-AR activities compared to FDA-approved abiraterone and enzalutamide. However, induction of apoptosis in these models is independent of the AR and its truncated variant, AR-V7, and instead likely results from sustained endoplasmic reticulum stress and deregulated calcium homeostasis. Using in silico molecular docking, we predict VNPT-178 and VNLG-74A bind the ATPase domain of BiP/Grp78 and Hsp70-1A with greater affinity than the AR. Disruption of 70 kDa heat shock protein function may be the underlying mechanism of action for these galeterone analogs. Therefore, despite simultaneously antagonizing AR activity, AR and/or AR-V7 expression alone may inadequately predict a patient's response to treatment with VNPT-178 or VNLG-74A. Future studies evaluating the context-specific limitations of these compounds may provide clarity for their clinical application.

  20. On the relationship between atmospheric rivers (ARs) and heavy precipitation over Japan (United States)

    Yatagai, A. I.; Takayabu, Y. N.


    Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) are known as the water-vapor rich part of the broader warm conveyor belt. Recently, several AR detection algorithms are proposed, and structures and that of statistical features are studied globally. Since Japan is a humid country located in the north of the warm pool, ARs, middle tropospheric fast moisture transport, might be an important moisture source for heavy precipitation events in Japan. The purpose of this study is to develop an algorithm of detection of ARs over Japan, and to investigate the possible relationship between them and Japanese heavy precipitation events. Since high spatial correlations were obtained between ERA-Interim reanalysis PW and that of SSM/I (microwave images), we used daily PW (0.75 degree grid) for detection of the ARs. Using 36 years (1979-2014) ERA-Interim, we defined daily smoothed PW climatology. Then, we detected AR area with daily anomaly of PW exceeding 10 mm. However, we exclude round-shaped (caused by Typhoon etc) area and the case of moisture transport not exceeding 30N/30S. The daily AR events over Japan (123-146E, 24-46N) are; 1013 cases for winter (DJF), 1722 for spring (MAM), 2229 for summer (JJA) and 1870 for autumn (SON) during the 36 years. They successfully include Hiroshima disaster event (19 August 2014, Hirota et al., 2015) and Amami heavy precipitation event (20 October 2010). The summer with large AR appearance (1998 and 2010) had negative SOI (La Nina), and lowest appearance year (1992) was the year of El Nino (positively significant SOI). Totally, more ARs come over Japan area in La Nina years, however, the seasonal statistics between SOI and the number of AR is not straightforward, indicating that it is difficult to explain ARs over Japan with only tropical inter-annual variability. We use APHRO-JP (Kamiguchi et al., 2010) daily gridded (0.05 degree) precipitation (1979-2011) over Japanese land areas for comparison. Among the 32 years (1979-2011), we had 82 cases of heavy

  1. Microbiological air quality of processing areas in a dairy plant as evaluated by the sedimentation technique and a one-stage air sampler Qualidade microbiológica do ar de ambientes de processamento em indústria de laticínios avaliada por amostrador de ar de um estágio e pela técnica da sedimentação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valéria Costa Salustiano


    ância de fungos filamentosos e leveduras pela técnica de sedimentação em ágar e de mesófilos aeróbios pela de impressão em ágar. O aumento da temperatura ambiente, ao contrário do aumento da umidade relativa do ar, não contribuiu para maiores contagens microbianas no ar.

  2. SCExAO: First Results and On-Sky Performance (United States)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Martinache, Frantz; Clergeon, Christophe; McElwain, Michael; Thalmann, Christian; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Singh, Garima; Kudo, Tomoyuki


    We present new on-sky results for the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics imager (SCExAO) verifying and quantifying the contrast gain enabled by key components: the closed-loop coronagraphic low-order wavefront sensor (CLOWFS) and focal plane wavefront control ("speckle nulling"). SCExAO will soon be coupled with a high-order, Pyramid wavefront sensor which will yield greater than 90% Strehl ratio and enable 10(exp 6) -10(exp 7) contrast at small angular separations allowing us to image gas giant planets at solar system scales. Upcoming instruments like VAMPIRES, FIRST, and CHARIS will expand SCExAO's science capabilities.

  3. A Knock-in Reporter for a Novel AR-Targeted Therapy (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0049 TITLE: A Knock -in Reporter for a Novel AR-Targeted Therapy PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Chunhong Yan, Ph.D...5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A Knock -in Reporter for a Novel AR-Targeted Therapy 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-15-1-0049 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S...enhancer. While the knock -in reporter is expected to faithfully reproduce chemical responses of the endogenous AR gene, we carried out a pilot screen

  4. Educação, Cidadania e Trabalho: o Novo Plano Nacional de Educação e os desafios educacionais com vistas ao Desenvolvimento Humano.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Afonso Soares Oliveira Sobrinho


    Full Text Available Geração após geração, ouvimos um discurso de educação de qualidade conforme previsão legal. No entanto, há impasses do processo ensino-aprendizagem, a começar pelo distanciamento do discurso à realidade escolar onde temos o professor e o gestor que, em regra, vivenciam práticas culturais escolares baseadas na perspectiva analógica do século XX. Por sua vez, a estrutura escolar advém de uma lógica de vigilância e disciplina do século XIX. Pari passo as dimensões culturais intergeracionais e seus conflitos identifica-se um aluno da era digital focado na ética e estética do consumo. Assim, advém a necessidade de rupturas quanto ao olhar etnocêntrico dos diversos sujeitos sociais pelo aprendizado compartilhado (professores, alunos, gestores, comunidade. Há, portanto, a necessidade da escola se abrir ao diálogo respeitoso e sem preconceitos, com vistas ao desenvolvimento humano. A educação no século XXI orienta-se na concepção inclusiva, da diversidade e pluralismo cultural. A escola democrática se faz pela práxis que vislumbre uma aprendizagem significativa e permita o desenvolvimento humano. Nesse diapasão, encontramos inserido o Novo Plano Nacional de Educação como instrumento discursivo que vislumbra uma educação de qualidade.

  5. Irradiation effects of Ar cluster ion beams on Si substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Masahiro; Sugahara, Gaku; Takaoka, G.H.; Yamada, Isao


    Gas-cluster ion beams can be applied to new surface modification techniques such as surface cleaning, low damage sputtering and shallow junction formation. The effects of energetic Ar cluster impacts on solid surface were studied for cluster energies of 10-30keV. Irradiation effects were studied by RBS. For Si(111) substrates, irradiated with Ar ≥500 clusters to a dose of 1x10 15 ion/cm 2 at acceleration voltage 15kV, 2x10 14 atoms/cm 2 implanted Ar atoms were detected. In this case, the energy per cluster atom was smaller than 30eV; at this energy, no significant implantation occurs in the case of monomer ions. Ar cluster implantation into Si substrates occurred due to the high energy density irradiation. (author)

  6. K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating of emerald mineralizations from Brazil. Evidence of Transamazonian (2 Ga) and Brazilian (650 - 500 Ma) ages. Influence of phlogopite crystallo-chemistry on argon retention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro-Althoff, A.M.


    The emerald deposits of Brazil are always found within basic and ultra-basic formations which have been metasomatized by hydrothermal fluids, and transformed into phlogopitites. Two types of deposits may be distinguished: one associated with pegmatites, the other with shear zones. In both cases the precipitation of emerald is contemporaneous with that of phlogopite. The age of these has been determined by dating of the latter, using K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar methods. Deposits associated with pegmatite have ages between 2.0 et 1.9 Ga (Carnaiba, Socoto), and between 650 et 500 Ma (Pombos, Juca, Pirenoplis, Capoeirana, Coqui). The Santa Terezinha deposit, associated with a shear zone where pegmatites are absent, gives an age of formation of 520 Ma. These results show that brazilian emeralds were formed during two distinct orogenic periods: the Transamazonian (2.0 Ga), in the Sao Francisco craton, and the Brasilian (650 - 500 Ma)

  7. Qualidade de melões (Cucumis melo L. var. cantalupensis Naud., híbrido Torreon, produzidos em hidroponia e armazenados em embalagens de polietileno Quality of Torreon hybrid melon fruits (Cucumis melo L. var. cantalupensis Naud. grown in hydroponic system and stored in polyethylene packaging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Auri Brackmann


    Full Text Available Este experimento teve por objetivos avaliar a permeabilidade de filmes de polietileno de diferentes espessuras e densidades ao O2 e ao CO2, a composição gasosa (O2, CO2 e etileno formada no interior das embalagens e a qualidade físico-química de melões (Cucumis melo L. var. cantalupensis Naud., híbrido Torreon, produzidos no sistema hidropônico "Nutrient Film Technique" (NFT e armazenados em embalagens de polietileno. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: (1 armazenamento refrigerado (sem uso de filme; (2 polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD de 40µm; (3 PEBD de 60µm; (4 PEBD de 90µm; (5 polietileno de média densidade (PEMD de 40µm; (6 PEMD de 60µm. Os frutos permaneceram armazenados durante 25 dias a 3,8±0,2°C e por mais dois dias a 20°C. Os filmes de PEBD de 60 e 90µm e o PEMD de 60µm apresentaram menor permeabilidade ao CO2, mantendo as maiores concentrações de CO2 nas embalagens. O filme de PEBD de 90µm apresentou menor permeabilidade ao O2. A menor concentração de etileno foi obtida com o uso de PEBD de 40µm. O uso de filmes reduziu drasticamente a perda de massa dos frutos, quando comparados aos frutos não embalados. Os frutos acondicionados na embalagem de PEBD de 40µm mantiveram uma maior firmeza da polpa após o período de armazenamento, não diferindo estatisticamente dos frutos armazenados em PEMD de 40µm. Já a incidência de podridões foi significativamente menor nos frutos armazenados em PEMD de 60µm. De modo geral, os filmes avaliados mantêm semelhante a qualidade físico-química de melões híbrido Torreon produzidos hidroponicamente no sistema NFT.This study was carried out to evaluate the permeability to O2 and CO2, and gas composition (O2, CO2 and ethylene inside packages of different thickness and density polyethylene films. Moreover, the physical and chemical quality of Torreon hybrid melon fruit (Cucumis melo L. var. cantalupensis Naud. grown in a Nutrient Film Technique hydroponic system and stored

  8. Ar Rahman-Based Dysmenorrhea Gymnastic to Reduce Pain


    Sumaryani, Sri; Puspita Sari, Praditiana Indah


    Introduction: More than 50% dysmenorrhea are caused by excessive amounts of prostaglandin hormone during menstruation.  The combination of dysmenorrhea gymnastics and Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman relaxation techniques is a new innovation in non-pharmacological therapy to overcome dysmenorrhoea. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of pain differences on respondents who were given dysmenorrhea gymnastics treatment, Al Quran Surah Ar-Rahman recitation, and dysmenorrhea gymnastics comb...

  9. Low energy total cross section of 36Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mughabghab, S.F.; Magurno, B.A.


    To compare the predictions of the valence model with measured partial radiative widths of 36 Ar an accurate knowledge of the bound-level parameters is required. This is achieved by carrying out a Breit-Wigner parameter fit to the total cross section of 36 Ar measured by Chrien et al and renormalized to the recommended values of the thermal capture and scattering cross sections. (1 figure, 1 table) (U.S.)

  10. Aurora Kinase A Promotes AR Degradation via the E3 Ligase CHIP. (United States)

    Sarkar, Sukumar; Brautigan, David L; Larner, James M


    Reducing the levels of the androgen receptor (AR) is one of the most viable approaches to combat castration-resistant prostate cancer. Previously, we observed that proteasomal-dependent degradation of AR in response to 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME) depends primarily on the E3 ligase C-terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (STUB1/CHIP). Here, 2-ME stimulation activates CHIP by phosphorylation via Aurora kinase A (AURKA). Aurora A kinase inhibitors and RNAi knockdown of Aurora A transcript selectively blocked CHIP phosphorylation and AR degradation. Aurora A kinase is activated by 2-ME in the S-phase as well as during mitosis, and phosphorylates CHIP at S273. Prostate cancer cells expressing an S273A mutant of CHIP have attenuated AR degradation upon 2-ME treatment compared with cells expressing wild-type CHIP, supporting the idea that CHIP phosphorylation by Aurora A activates its E3 ligase activity for the AR. These results reveal a novel 2-ME→Aurora A→CHIP→AR pathway that promotes AR degradation via the proteasome that may offer novel therapeutic opportunities for prostate cancer. Mol Cancer Res; 15(8); 1063-72. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  11. {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar dating and paleo-magnetism of traps from Ethiopia, Deccan and Siberia; Datation {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar et paleomagnetisme des traps d'Ethiopie, du Deccan et de Siberie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hofmann, C


    Recent studies have shown that major flood basalt provinces have been emplaced as short events ({approx} 1 Myr), more or less synchronous with climatic crises and mass extinctions. We present new geochronologic ({sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar) and magneto-stratigraphic results for the Ethiopian traps, one of the last remaining flood basalts for which little of such data were available. The ages obtained in a 2000 m thick section are indistinguishable. Moreover, magneto-stratigraphy reveals a simple 3-chron reverse-normal-reverse sequence. Although magnetic chrons cannot be yet unambiguously identified, there is more likelihood for the normal sub-chron in the main basaltic pile to correspond to 11N, supporting a brief duration (less than 1.5 Ma). The Ethiopian traps erupted near 30 Ma at or near the time of the cold and dry climate, major Antarctic ice sheet advance, and the largest sea-level drop in the Tertiary. Bhandari et al. (GRL, 1995) have discovered inter-traps sediments with a triple iridium anomaly in a series of seven basaltic lava flows in the Kutch area of the North Western Deccan traps of India. Plagioclases from three flows above the iridium bearing sediments yield {sup 39}Ar/{sup 40}Ar plateau ages near 65.0 Ma: these flows have unambiguously reversed magnetic polarity interpreted as chron 29R. As a preliminary summary, evidence of the KTB asteroid impact is confirmed in the Deccan traps, showing that they are coeval events in a general sense (in a Ma long window) though clearly with vastly different time constants. This is compatible with paleontologic evidence of two scales of extinctions, one quasi-instantaneous and the other on the order of 10{sup 5} to 10{sup 6} yrs. Clearly, the impact cannot have caused trap eruptions. On the other hand, the exact age and significance of the lower flows more altered remains to be analyzed further as they pertained to the much debated question of duration of Deccan trap volcanism. (author)

  12. "Ars Electronica 2009" / Raivo Kelomees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kelomees, Raivo, 1960-


    30. "Ars Electronica" festival "Human Nature" ("Inimese loomus") Linzis. Osaka ülikooli professori Hiroshi Ishiguro mehaanilis-digitaalsest nukust. Hübriidkunsti kategoorias peapreemia saanud Eduardo Kaci inimtaimest. Konverentsidest. Näitusest "See this Sound", mis oli pühendatud helile kujutavas kunstis

  13. 40Ar-39Ar age clustering in the active phonolitic Cadamosto Seamount (Cape Verdes): Indications for periodic magmatic activity (United States)

    Samrock, L. K.; Hansteen, T. H.; Wartho, J. A.


    The Cape Verde archipelago is situated 400-800 km off the west coast of Africa and is comprised of a northern and southern chain of islands and seamounts. Morphological observations and previous radiometric dating of the islands indicate a slow age progression, over 22 Ma, from east to west (Holm et al. 2008). We present the first radiometric ages for Cadamosto Seamount, which is composed of complex evolved volcanics and is situated at the southwestern tip of the Cape Verde archipelago (e.g. Barker et al. 2012). We analyzed five different submarine phonolites that were sampled by remotely operated vehicles (ROV) Kiel 6000 and dredging during the RV Meteor (M80/3) and RV Poseidon (POS320/2) cruises. Fresh sanidine, nepheline, and biotite grains were selected and carefully prepared for 40Ar-39Ar single grain total fusion analysis. Sanidine single grain 40Ar-39Ar ages from 5 samples range from 11.5 ± 6.5 ka to 349.0 ± 20.4 ka (2σ errors), and cluster in several age groupings (using the decay constant and atmospheric air ratio of Steiger & Jäger (1977), and age standard TCS2 (27.87 ± 0.04 Ma; 1σ; M.A. Lanphere, pers. comm.)). Three age groups can be identified within the youngest (0-170 ka) sanidines, which are separated by periods of 52-54 ka. Nepheline grains from one sample yielded much older ages of 169.5 ± 16.5 ka to 1521.5 ± 8.3 ka (2σ). Our data suggests young ages for the Cadamosto Seamount, which is in accordance with recorded seismic activity (Grevemeyer et al. 2010), and its position adjacent to the recently active islands of Fogo (last eruption in 2014/2015) and Brava (recent seismic activity). The different sub-groups of sanidine 40Ar-39Ar ages can be used to identify different activity maxima corresponding to cycles of magmatic productivity in a long-lived magmatic system. Ongoing petrologic investigations will be used to identify the relative importance of processes such as mantle melting rates, magma replenishment and magma chamber processes

  14. Cooling, exhumation, and deformation in the Hindu Kush, NW Pakistan: New constraints from preliminary 40Ar/39Ar and fission track analyses (United States)

    Faisal, Shah; Larson, Kyle P.; Camacho, Alfredo; Coutand, Isabelle


    Asian crust in the Hindu Kush region in northern Pakistan records a protracted history of rifting, subduction and collision not commonly preserved within the Himalaya. Because of this, it is key to understanding the development of the southern Eurasian margin both prior to and after collision with India. New mica 40Ar/39Ar and apatite fission track geochronologic data from this region provide constraints on the kinematics of the Hindu Kush. 40Ar/39Ar muscovite and biotite ages from the late Cambrian Kafiristan pluton are 379.7 ± 1.7 Ma and 47.2 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively. The muscovite age may record cooling or partial resetting, while the biotite age is interpreted to record a thermal disruption associated with the early stages of continental collision in the Himalayan system. A 111.0 ± 0.6 Ma muscovite age from the northern part of the Tirich Mir pluton (∼123 Ma old; U-Pb) is interpreted to indicate a recrystallization event ∼12 Myrs after its intrusion. In addition, a younger muscovite age of 47.5 ± 0.2 Ma was derived from the opposite side of the same pluton in the immediate hanging wall of the Tirich Mir fault. This Eocene age is interpreted to represent the time of recrystallization during fault (re)activation in the early stages of India-Asia continent-continent collision. 40Ar/39Ar biotite analysis from the Buni-Zom pluton yields an age of 61.6 ± 1.1 Ma and is interpreted to reflect cooling at mid-upper crustal levels subsequent to the pluton's emplacement in the middle Cretaceous. Finally, 17.1-21.3 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages from the Garam Chasma pluton and surrounding metapelites indicate cooling immediately following crystallization of the leucogranite body in the earliest Miocene/latest Oligocene. The younger cooling history is resolved by fission track dating of apatite (AFT). In the vicinity of the bounding Tirich Mir fault, the Tirich Mir pluton yields an AFT age of 1.4 ± 0.3 Ma, which is consistent with active exhumation associated with the surface

  15. ArControl: An Arduino-Based Comprehensive Behavioral Platform with Real-Time Performance. (United States)

    Chen, Xinfeng; Li, Haohong


    Studying animal behavior in the lab requires reliable delivering stimulations and monitoring responses. We constructed a comprehensive behavioral platform (ArControl: Arduino Control Platform) that was an affordable, easy-to-use, high-performance solution combined software and hardware components. The hardware component was consisted of an Arduino UNO board and a simple drive circuit. As for software, the ArControl provided a stand-alone and intuitive GUI (graphical user interface) application that did not require users to master scripts. The experiment data were automatically recorded with the built in DAQ (data acquisition) function. The ArControl also allowed the behavioral schedule to be entirely stored in and operated on the Arduino chip. This made the ArControl a genuine, real-time system with high temporal resolution (<1 ms). We tested the ArControl, based on strict performance measurements and two mice behavioral experiments. The results showed that the ArControl was an adaptive and reliable system suitable for behavioral research.

  16. Uso de água residual do ar condicionado e de agua pluvial como gestão da oferta em uma edificação comercial: estudo de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celso Silva Bastos


    Full Text Available O conceito do uso racional para a conservação de água consiste na gestão da demanda e da oferta de água, com ações voltadas para o fornecimento de fontes alternativas visando suprir o uso em áreas menos nobres por águas de qualidade inferior. Este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar a aplicação de um sistema que aproveita a água drenada dos evaporadores de ar-condicionado e das águas pluviais como fontes alternativas. Verificou-se que cada evaporador produz 4,8 litros/água/hora, considerando 10 horas de uso diário, o volume acumulado chegaria a 48 litros/dia por aparelho que multiplicado pelo total de 137 unidades chega-se ao volume diário de 4.298 litros o que representa 77,72% da demanda das descargas sanitárias que é de 5.530 litros/dia. Em relação ao aproveitamento de águas pluviais, a previsão de acumulação refere-se a 10% da área do terreno que multiplicado pelo índice de 0,05 e pela retenção de 1 hora, obtém o volume de 14,8 m3 . Pretende-se com essa prática, alcançar uma redução significativa do volume de água potável, hoje utilizada praticamente para a realização de todas as atividades, contribuindo assim para uma obra mais sustentável, minimizando os impactos ambientais causados pela construção.

  17. Paleomagnetism and 40Ar / 39Ar Geochronology of Yemeni Oligocene volcanics: Implications for timing and duration of Afro-Arabian traps and geometry of the Oligocene paleomagnetic field (United States)

    Riisager, Peter; Knight, Kim B.; Baker, Joel A.; Ukstins Peate, Ingrid; Al-Kadasi, Mohamed; Al-Subbary, Abdulkarim; Renne, Paul R.


    A combined paleomagnetic and 40Ar / 39Ar study was carried out along eight stratigraphically overlapping sections in the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province in Yemen (73 sites). The composite section covers the entire volcanic stratigraphy in the sampling region and represents five polarity zones that are correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale based on 40Ar / 39Ar ages from this and previous studies. The resulting magnetostratigraphy is similar to that of the conjugate margin in Ethiopia. The earliest basaltic volcanism took place in a reverse polarity chron that appears to correspond to C11r, while the massive rhyolitic ignimbrite eruptions correlated to ash layers in Oligocene Indian Ocean sediment 2700 km away from the Afro-Arabian traps, appear to have taken place during magnetochron C11n. The youngest ignimbrite was emplaced during magnetochron C9n. Both 40Ar / 39Ar and paleomagnetic data suggest rapid Red Sea. By analyzing Afro-Arabian paleomagnetic data in conjunction with contemporaneous paleomagnetic poles available from different latitudes we argue that the Oligocene paleomagnetic field was dominated by the axial dipole with insignificant non-dipole field contributions.

  18. Modification of van La ar activity coefficient model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vakili-Nezhaad, G. R.; Modarress, H.; Mansoori, G. A.


    Based on statistical and mechanical arguments, the original van La ar activity coefficient model has been improved by reasonable assumptions. This modifications has been done by replacing the van der Waals equation of state with the Redlich-K wong equation of state in the formulation of van La ar with consistent mixing rules for the energy and volume parameters of this equation of state (a mix , b mix ). Other equations of state, such as the Soave modification of the Redlich-K wong equation of state, P eng-Robinson and Mohsen-Nia, Modarress and Mansoori equations of state, have been introduced in the formulation of van La ar for the activity coefficients of the components present in the binary liquid mixtures, and their effects on the accuracy of the resultant activity coefficient models have been examined. The results of these revised models have been compared with the experimental data and it was found that the Redlich-K wong equation of state with the van der Waals mixing rules for the volume and energy parameters of this equation, is the best choice among these equations of state. In addition, it can improve the original van La ar activity coefficient model and, therefore a better agreement with the experimental data is obtained

  19. 77 FR 17363 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR (United States)


    ...-0155; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-1] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at West Memphis, AR. Separation of existing Class E... surface at West Memphis, AR, to accommodate the separation of existing Class E airspace surrounding West...

  20. Behaviour of AR glass fibre for building structural applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miravete, A.


    Full Text Available The AR glass reinforcement fibres were designed to resist the alkalis from the concrete. This is the main reason for its utilisation as a short-fibre-reinforcement of mortar and concrete for the last decades. Originally, the AR glass fibre sizing was not compatible with synthetic resins, so that this type of reinforcement was applied exclusively to mortar and concrete matrices. Recently, due to the developments of sizing, which are compatible with synthetic resins, the AR- glass fibres may be used as reinforcement of organic matrix composite materials, broadening the range of structural applications. The mechanical properties of AR glass fibre and organic matrix composite materials will be studied in this paper. First, the behaviour of this material under stress corrosion will be analysed. Their mass loss will be compared to E, C, and boron free glass fibres. Second, an experimental study dealing with 3P test bending and short beam ofAR glass fibre/polyester will de described with the goal of obtaining their Young modulus and tensile and interlaminar shear strengths. Finally, these experimental results will be compared to E glass fibre/polyester and several conclusions about their structural applications will be drawn.

    El vidrio AR y su presentación en forma de fibras de refuerzo, fue diseñado para ser inerte a los álcalis de los cementos. Por este motivo se viene utilizando desde hace varias décadas como refuerzo de morteros y hormigones en forma de fibra corta. El ensimaje que estas fibras de vidrio de refuerzo A R presentaba en su origen no era compatible con resinas de tipo sintéticas, por lo que el refuerzo era exclusivo para cementos y hormigones fuera cual fuera la aplicación, formato o proceso productivo. Recientemente, gracias al desarrollo específico de ensimajes especiales acordes a las fibras de vidrio AR ha aparecido la misma tipología de vidrio AR como refuerzo en forma de fibra continua compatible con resinas sint

  1. Numerical simualtion of underground 37Ar transportation to the ground

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    She Ruogu; Li Hua; Liu Cheng'an; Wu Jun


    Monitoring radioactive gas 37 Ar is an important technique for the On-Site Inspection(OSI) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) verification regime. In order to establish a theoretical model that can be used to calculate the appearing time and radioactivity of 37 Ar which transports to the ground after a nuclear explosion, the rock media in the test area is assumed to be a homogeneous porous media, without consideration of gas absorption by and release from the rock media. The seepage model in the porous media is used to calculate 37 Ar transportation. Computational results give the time 37 Ar leaks to the ground and the variation of its radioactivity with time. And we can analyze and consider the computational results when we have developed OSI noble gas monitoring systems and evaluated their effectiveness. (authors)

  2. Adesão ao tratamento no transtorno bipolar


    Santin,Aida; Ceresér,Keila; Rosa,Adriane


    O transtorno bipolar (TB) é uma doença crônica, recorrente, presente em 1,5% da população, estando associada a altas taxas de mortalidade e prejuízos socioeconômicos. O lítio, a carbamazepina e o ácido valpróico são os estabilizadores de humor mais usados. Em tratamentos prolongados, como é o caso do TB, a má-adesão dos pacientes é uma das maiores dificuldades. Verifica-se que fatores ligados ao paciente, aos medicamentos e aos médicos possam ser responsáveis pela baixa adesão. A psicoeducaçã...

  3. CERN inspires 2011 edition of the ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival

    CERN Multimedia

    Jordan Juras


    This year’s annual ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival featured CERN as the springboard for its theme, ORIGIN – How it All Begins. The prestigious digital arts festival also served as the perfect venue to launch the Collide@CERN project.   Colours and Lights at the ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival in Linz (Austria). (Photo by Claudia Marcelloni) The CERN cultural policy project, announced at the beginning of 2011 has started to gain momentum. Ariane Koek, art specialist for the Communication Group, received confirmation in May that ARS Electronica had chosen her proposal to use CERN as the primary source of inspiration for their annual ARS Electronica Festival. This marks the first of the cultural policy’s arts partnerships. The world-renowned celebration for the digital arts is held annually in Linz, Austria, where, amongst the incredible collection of displays and productions, the Prix ARS Electronica – the Oscars of the digital arts world -&...

  4. The role of the AR/ER ratio in ER-positive breast cancer patients. (United States)

    Rangel, Nelson; Rondon-Lagos, Milena; Annaratone, Laura; Osella-Abate, Simona; Metovic, Jasna; Mano, Maria Piera; Bertero, Luca; Cassoni, Paola; Sapino, Anna; Castellano, Isabella


    The significance of androgen receptor (AR) in breast cancer (BC) management is not fully defined, and it is still ambiguous how the level of AR expression influences oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) tumours. The aim of the present study was to analyse the prognostic impact of AR/ER ratio, evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC), correlating this value with clinical, pathological and molecular characteristics. We retrospectively selected a cohort of 402 ER+BC patients. On each tumour, IHC analyses for AR, ER, PgR, HER2 and Ki67 were performed and AR+ cases were used to calculate the AR/ER value. A cut-off of ≥2 was selected using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses. RNA from 19 cases with AR/ER≥2 was extracted and used for Prosigna-PAM50 assays. Tumours with AR/ER≥2 (6%) showed more frequent metastatic lymph nodes, larger size, higher histological grade and lower PgR levels than cases with AR/ERAR/ER≥2 had worse disease-free interval (DFI) and disease-specific survival (DSS) (hazard ratios (HR) = 4.96 for DFI and HR = 8.69 for DSS, both P  ≤ 0.004). According to the Prosigna-PAM50 assay, 63% (12/19) of these cases resulted in intermediate or high risk of recurrence categories. Additionally, although all samples were positive for ER assessed by IHC, the molecular test assigned 47.4% (9/19) of BCs to intrinsic non-luminal subtypes. In conclusion, the AR/ER ratio ≥2 identifies a subgroup of patients with aggressive biological features and may represent an additional independent marker of worse BC prognosis. Moreover, the Prosigna-PAM50 results indicate that a significant number of cases with AR/ER≥2 could be non-luminal tumours. © 2018 Society for Endocrinology.

  5. An analysis of the 1977 AD/AR TARSLL.


    Hargrove, James Wiley Jr.


    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited The industrial mission of Destroyer Tenders (AD) and Repair Ships (AR) is to provide intermediate level maintenance and repair for supported ships. The Tender and Repair Ship Load List for these ships (AD/AR TARSLL) designates the range (number) and depth (quantity) of repair parts to be carried to support this industrial mission. This thesis details the logical reasoning and mathematical theory used to develop the...

  6. ID4 promotes AR expression and blocks tumorigenicity of PC3 prostate cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komaragiri, Shravan Kumar; Bostanthirige, Dhanushka H.; Morton, Derrick J.; Patel, Divya; Joshi, Jugal; Upadhyay, Sunil; Chaudhary, Jaideep


    Deregulation of tumor suppressor genes is associated with tumorigenesis and the development of cancer. In prostate cancer, ID4 is epigenetically silenced and acts as a tumor suppressor. In normal prostate epithelial cells, ID4 collaborates with androgen receptor (AR) and p53 to exert its tumor suppressor activity. Previous studies have shown that ID4 promotes tumor suppressive function of AR whereas loss of ID4 results in tumor promoter activity of AR. Previous study from our lab showed that ectopic ID4 expression in DU145 attenuates proliferation and promotes AR expression suggesting that ID4 dependent AR activity is tumor suppressive. In this study, we examined the effect of ectopic expression of ID4 on highly malignant prostate cancer cell, PC3. Here we show that stable overexpression of ID4 in PC3 cells leads to increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and migration. In addition, in vivo studies showed a decrease in tumor size and volume of ID4 overexpressing PC3 cells, in nude mice. At the molecular level, these changes were associated with increased androgen receptor (AR), p21, and AR dependent FKBP51 expression. At the mechanistic level, ID4 may regulate the expression or function of AR through specific but yet unknown AR co-regulators that may determine the final outcome of AR function. - Highlights: • ID4 expression induces AR expression in PC3 cells, which generally lack AR. • ID4 expression increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and invasion. • Overexpression of ID4 reduces tumor growth of subcutaneous xenografts in vivo. • ID4 induces p21 and FKBP51 expression- co-factors of AR tumor suppressor activity.

  7. ID4 promotes AR expression and blocks tumorigenicity of PC3 prostate cancer cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Komaragiri, Shravan Kumar; Bostanthirige, Dhanushka H.; Morton, Derrick J.; Patel, Divya; Joshi, Jugal; Upadhyay, Sunil; Chaudhary, Jaideep, E-mail:


    Deregulation of tumor suppressor genes is associated with tumorigenesis and the development of cancer. In prostate cancer, ID4 is epigenetically silenced and acts as a tumor suppressor. In normal prostate epithelial cells, ID4 collaborates with androgen receptor (AR) and p53 to exert its tumor suppressor activity. Previous studies have shown that ID4 promotes tumor suppressive function of AR whereas loss of ID4 results in tumor promoter activity of AR. Previous study from our lab showed that ectopic ID4 expression in DU145 attenuates proliferation and promotes AR expression suggesting that ID4 dependent AR activity is tumor suppressive. In this study, we examined the effect of ectopic expression of ID4 on highly malignant prostate cancer cell, PC3. Here we show that stable overexpression of ID4 in PC3 cells leads to increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and migration. In addition, in vivo studies showed a decrease in tumor size and volume of ID4 overexpressing PC3 cells, in nude mice. At the molecular level, these changes were associated with increased androgen receptor (AR), p21, and AR dependent FKBP51 expression. At the mechanistic level, ID4 may regulate the expression or function of AR through specific but yet unknown AR co-regulators that may determine the final outcome of AR function. - Highlights: • ID4 expression induces AR expression in PC3 cells, which generally lack AR. • ID4 expression increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and invasion. • Overexpression of ID4 reduces tumor growth of subcutaneous xenografts in vivo. • ID4 induces p21 and FKBP51 expression- co-factors of AR tumor suppressor activity.

  8. Bartlett correction in the stable AR(1) model with intercept and trend

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Giersbergen, N.P.A.


    The Bartlett correction is derived for testing hypotheses about the autoregressive parameter ρ in the stable: (i) AR(1) model; (ii) AR(1) model with intercept; (iii) AR(1) model with intercept and linear trend. The correction is found explicitly as a function of ρ. In the models with deterministic

  9. Comparison of Ne and Ar seeded radiative divertor plasmas in JT-60U

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakano, T., E-mail:


    In H-mode plasmas with Ne, Ar and a mixture of Ne and Ar injection, the divertor radiation power fractions amongst these impurities in addition to an intrinsic impurity, C, are investigated. In plasmas with the inner divertor plasma attached, carbon is the biggest radiator, whichever impurity, Ne, Ar or a mixture of Ar and Ne is injected. In contrast, in plasmas with the inner divertor plasma detached, Ne is the biggest radiator due to a significantly high recombination radiation from Ne VIII. Ar is always a minor contributor in plasmas with the inner divertor both attached and detached.


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    Sílvio Luiz de Paula


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever uma prática pedagógica, inserida no bojo das metodologias ativas, que leva em consideração a interdisciplinaridade, o desenvolvimento de competências e uma avaliação centrada no processo. Para tanto, ao buscar ampliar o entendimento sobre metodologias ativas e dar intelecção sobre as bases que deram suporte a experiência, no embasamento teórico discute-se sobre interdisciplinaridade, desenvolvimento de competências e avaliação de aprendizagem. Na metodologia, visando a alcançar o entendimento da prática realizada, além dos registros programados realizados pelos três professores envolvidos na condução da atividade, aplicaram-se questionários com os alunos durante o processo, realizando-se ao final um grupo focal. A prática, realizada no segundo semestre letivo de 2016, contou com a participação de aproximadamente 90 alunos dos cursos de Administração e Gestão da Informação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE que, por meio da modelagem Canvas, método utilizado na fase de ideação para a criação dos novos empreendimentos, desenvolveram sete empresas inovadoras e criativas, finalizando o semestre com a apresentação das empresas no formato de roadshow, forma de apresentação utilizada em ambiente de startup nas rodadas de negócios para captação de investimentos. Como principais achados identifica-se a importância de experiências interdisciplinares que conduzam os alunos a vivenciarem situações que possibilitem o desenvolvimento de competências para além dos conteúdos curriculares. Da perspectiva dos docentes envolvidos ressaltam-se os desafios na formação para a condução de tais práticas, bem como as dificuldades da estrutura e modelo pedagógico adotado na instituição.

  11. Metodologia de um ensaio não destrutivo, baseado em medidas de tensão Hall, para determinação de descontinuidades em aços ao carbono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rayssa Sousa de Andrade Toscano Lins


    Full Text Available Os ensaios não destrutivos são usados para avaliar a presença de descontinuidades que possam afetar a integridade de materiais em serviço. Esse é o motivo principal pelo qual eles são usados em manutenção para detectar defeitos. No presente trabalho, é estudada a potencialidade do uso da interação entre densidades de linhas de campo magnético e material para detecção de descontinuidades. Foram utilizadas para ensaio duas amostras de um aço SAE 1020 laminado, com dimensões de 30x40x12 mm – uma amostra sem furo e outra com um furo passante de 2 mm no centro da face de 30x40 mm. Essas amostras foram submetidas a campos externos de até 18,6 Oe. Um sensor de efeito Hall do tipo SS495A foi utilizado para medições das densidades das linhas de campo resultantes da interação entre o campo e o material. Os resultados mostram que a mudança de permeabilidade de um material em função da presença de uma descontinuidade pode ser detectada através das variações de medidas de densidade de linhas de campo. Um defeito padrão de 2 mm, utilizado em ensaios de ultrassom, foi detectado com a metodologia apresentada. A condição de detecção da descontinuidade para os diferentes aços ao carbono comum foi determinada a partir da aplicação do campo externo ideal encontrado.

  12. Essential Characteristics of Plasma Antennas Filled with He-Ar Penning Gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Naifeng; Li Wenzhong; Wang Shiqing; Li Jian; Ci Jiaxiang


    Based on the essential theory of Penning gases, the discharge characteristics of He-Ar Penning gases in insulating tubes were analyzed qualitatively. The relation between the effective length of an antenna column filled with He-Ar Penning gases and the applied radio frequency (RF) power was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The distribution of the plasma density along the antenna column in different conditions was studied. The receiving characteristics of local frequency modulated (FM) electromagnetic waves by the plasma antenna filled with He-Ar Penning gases were compared with those by an aluminum antenna with the same dimensions. Results show that it is feasible to take plasma antennas filled with He-Ar Penning gases as receiving antennas.

  13. Recoil ion charge state distributions in low energy Arq+ - Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vancura, J.; Marchetti, V.; Kostroun, V.O.


    We have measured the recoil ion charge state distributions in Ar q+ -- Ar (8≤q≤16) collisions at 2.3 qkeV and 0.18qkeV by time of flight (TOF) spectroscopy. For Ar 8-16+ , recoil ion charge states up to 6+ are clearly present, indicating that the 3p subshell in the target atom is being depleted, while for Ar 10-16+ , there is evidence that target 3s electrons are also being removed. Comparison of the recoil ion charge state spectra at 2.3 and 0.18 qkeV shows that for a given projectile charge, there is very little dependence of the observed recoil target charge state distribution on projectile energy

  14. Electron transfer from H2 and Ar to stored multiply charged argon ions produced by synchrotron radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kravis, S.D.; Church, D.A.; Johnson, B.M.; Meron, M.; Jones, K.W.; Levin, J.C.; Sellin, I.A.; Azuma, Y.; Berrah-Mansour, N.; Berry, H.G.; Druetta, M.


    The rate coefficients for electron transfer from Ar and H 2 to Ar q+ ions (3≤q≤6) have been measured using an ion-storage technique in a Penning ion trap. The ions were produced in the trap by K-shell photoionization of Ar atoms, using broadband synchrotron x-ray radiation. K-electron removal resulted in vacancy cascading, yielding a distribution of argon-ion charge states peaked near Ar 4+ . The stored ion gas had an initial temperature near 480 K. The basic data determining the rate coefficients k(Ar q+ ) are the storage time constants of each charge state in the trap, in the presence of a measured pressure of target gas. The results of the measurements (in units of 10 -9 cm 3 s -1 ) are k(Ar 3+ ,H 2 )=4.3(0.7), k(Ar 3+ ,Ar)=1.6(0.2), k(Ar 4+ ,H 2 )=5.2(0.6), k(Ar 4+ ,Ar)=2.5(0.3), k(Ar 5+ ,H 2 )=5.9(0.7), k(Ar 5+ ,Ar)=2.9(0.3), k(Ar 6+ ,H 2 )=8.5(1.2), and k(Ar 6+ ,Ar)=2.5(0.3)

  15. Testing of a prototype of calibration facility for noble gas monitoring using 41Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saibathulham, Holnisar; Wurdiyanto, Gatot; Marsum, Pujadi


    A prototype of a calibration facility for noble gas monitoring using 41 Ar in the PTKMR-BATAN has been tested. The facility was designed in such a way that the standard source of gas can be reused. The radioactive 41 Ar source was obtained by thermal neutron reaction of 40 Ar(n, γ) 41 Ar using a thermal neutron flux of 4.8×10 13 neutrons per cm 2 per second in two minutes on the multipurpose G.A. Siwabessy Reactor (Batan, Serpong, Indonesia). Gamma spectrometry was used to measure the radioactivity and purity of 41 Ar. The spectrum of the 41 Ar observed yields an energy of 1294 keV because of the highest intensity (99.2%). The activity of 41 Ar was 2821 kBq and 4% of the expanded uncertainty. The time required for 41 Ar to reach homogeneity was 7 min, and the effectiveness of resuse was 53%. - Highlights: ► Testing of a calibration facility prototype for noble gas monitor using 41 Ar in PTKMR-BATAN. ► This facility was designed such that a standard radioactive gas source can be used repeatedly. ► Standardization of the 41 Ar is performed using gamma spectrometry. ► The time required for the 41 Ar gas to be distributed evenly throughout the cavity of the facility was 7 min. ► The effectiveness of repeated use was 53%.

  16. In-situ 40Ar/39Ar Laser Probe Dating of Micas from Mae Ping Shear Zone, Northern Thailand (United States)

    Lin, Y. L.; Yeh, M. W.; Lo, C. H.; Lee, T. Y.; Charusiri, P.


    The Mae Ping Shear Zone (MPSZ, also known as Wang Chao Fault Zone), which trends NW-SE from Myanmar to central Thailand, was considered as the southern boundary of the SE extrusion of Indochina and Sibumasu block during the Cenozoic escape tectonic event of SE asia. Many analyses of 40Ar/39Ar dating on biotite and K-feldspar, K/Ar dating on biotite and illite, zircon fission-track and apatite fission-track dating had been accomplished to constrain the shearing period. Nevertheless, it is hard to convince that the ages could represent the end of the shearing since none of the dated minerals have been proved to be crystallized syn-tectonically. Meta-granitoid and gneiss from the MPSZ were analyzed in this study by applying in-situ 40Ar/39Ar laser probe dating with combination of petrology and micro-structural analysis in the purpose to decipher the geological significance of the dates. Plagioclase was replacing K-feldspar for K-feldspar was cut and embayed by plagioclase observed by SEM + EDS. Muscovite in the granitoid own fish shapes of sinistral sense of shearing, and are always in contact with plagioclase and quartz, which suggests that the muscovite crystallized from the dissolving K-feldspar under amphibolite facies condition. 117 spots on 12 muscovite fishes yield ages from 44 Ma to 35 Ma and have a mean age of 40 Ma. Since the growth condition of the muscovite is higher than the closure temperature, thus we can interpret these muscovite ages as cooling ages. Hence left-lateral shearing of the MPSZ can be deduced as syn- to post-muscovite growth and uplifted the crystalline rocks within the shear zone. The ages of matrix biotite in gneiss has a mean age of 35 Ma, which is consistent with the cooling path reconstructed from previous studies. While the ages of inclusion biotite in the K-feldspar phenocryst scatter from 40 to 50 Ma due to the isotopes were not totally re-equilibrated during the shearing. Consequently, the left-lateral shearing of the MPSZ was

  17. Microstructural finite strain analysis and 40Ar/39Ar evidence for the origin of the Mizil gneiss dome, eastern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia (United States)

    Al-Saleh, Ahmad M.; Kassem, Osama M. K.


    The Mizil antiform is a gneiss-cored culmination situated near the northern end of the Ar Rayn island arc terrane, which is the easternmost exposed tectonic unit of the Arabian Shield. This domal structure has a mantle of metamorphosed volcanosedimentary rocks belonging to the Al-Amar Group, and an igneous interior made up of foliated granodiorite-tonalite with adakitic affinity. The gneissic core has a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of 689 ± 10 Ma making it the oldest rock unit in the Ar Rayn terrane. An adakite diapir, formed by the melting of the subducted crust of a young marginal basin, and rising through the volcanosedimentary succession of the Ar Rayn island arc is thought to have caused the observed doming. Relatively uniform strain throughout the dome combined with strong vertical shortening and the roughly radial pattern of stretching lineation is consistent with diapirism; the absence of strain localization rules out detachment faulting as a causative mechanism. Amphibolites from the metamorphic envelope have an 40Ar/39Ar age of 615 ± 2 Ma; the age gap between core and cover is thought to reflect the resetting of metamorphic ages during the final suturing event, a phenomenon that is often observed throughout the eastern shield. Aeromagnetic anomalies beneath the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover indicate the presence of a collage of accreted terranes east of the Ar Rayn terrane that were probably amalgamated onto the Arabian margin during the latest stages of the closure of the Mozambique ocean; culminant orogeny is believed to have taken place between 620 and 600 Ma as these terrane collided with a major continental mass to the east referred to here as the eastern Arabian block (EAB). The Mizil gneiss dome is therefore considered to have formed in a convergent contractional setting rather than being the outcome of extensional post-orogenic collapse.

  18. Atmospheric pressure plasma jet utilizing Ar and Ar/H2O mixtures and its applications to bacteria inactivation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng Cheng; Shen Jie; Xiao De-Zhi; Xie Hong-Bing; Lan Yan; Fang Shi-Dong; Meng Yue-Dong; Chu Paul K


    An atmospheric pressure plasma jet generated with Ar with H 2 O vapor is characterized and applied to inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores. The emission spectra obtained from Ar/H 2 O plasma shows a higher intensity of OH radicals compared to pure argon at a specified H 2 O concentration. The gas temperature is estimated by comparing the simulated spectra of the OH band with experimental spectra. The excitation electron temperature is determined from the Boltzmann's plots and Stark broadening of the hydrogen Balmer H β line is applied to measure the electron density. The gas temperature, excitation electron temperature, and electron density of the plasma jet decrease with the increase of water vapor concentration at a fixed input voltage. The bacteria inactivation rate increases with the increase of OH generation reaching a maximum reduction at 2.6% (v/v) water vapor. Our results also show that the OH radicals generated by the Ar/H 2 O plasma jet only makes a limited contribution to spore inactivation and the shape change of the spores before and after plasma irradiation is discussed. (physics of gases, plasmas, and electric discharges)

  19. Age intercalibration of 40Ar/39Ar sanidine and chemically distinct U/Pb zircon populations from the Alder Creek Rhyolite Quaternary geochronology standard

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rivera, Tiffany; Storey, Michael; Schmitz, M. D.


    , and have less pronounced positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies, lower incompatible trace element contents, higher TiZR temperatures that range up to 840 °C, and significantly younger dates. The youngest Group A dates yield a weighted mean of 1.1978 ± 0.0046 Ma (2σ, including systematic uncertainties...... with the astronomical age estimate for the Cobb Mountain subchron determined by correlating the oxygen isotope record of the giant piston core MD972143 to the La93(1,1) orbital solution. On the basis of independent radio-isotopic and orbital forcing results, we propose the refined age of 1.1850 ± 0.0016 Ma (2σ external......We report results from a 40Ar/39Ar sanidine and CA-TIMS 238U/206Pb zircon dating study of eruption and crystal residence timescales of the Alder Creek Rhyolite (ACR), California, extruded during the Cobb Mountain normal-polarity subchron (C1r.2n). A 40Ar/39Ar ACR sanidine date of 1.1850 ± 0.0016 Ma...

  20. Geochronological {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar data on the submarine fault-scarps in the Sardinia channel (western mediterranean); Donnees geochronologiques {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar sur les socles sarde et kabylo-peloritain submerges dans le canal de Sardaigne (mediterranee occidentale)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouillin, J.P.; Tricart, P.; Mascle, G. [Grenoble-1 Univ., 38 - Grenoble (France). Laboratoire de Geodynamique des Chaines Alpines, CNRS UPRES-A5025; Monie, P. [Montpellier-2 Univ., 34 (France). Laboratoire de Geochronologie, Geochimie et de petrologie, UMR 5567; Rolfo, F. [Universita Torino, (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Mineralogiche et Petrologiche; Torelli, L. [Parma Univ. (Italy). Ditp. di Scienze della Terra


    Granite and gneiss have been sampled on the submarine fault scarps of the Sardinia Channel and have been dated using the {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar method. The majority of rocks partially preserve Hercynian ages. Some of them display Lower Cretaceous ages. In addition, Upper Eocene-Oligocene argon resetting is recorded only in rocks from the southeast sector of the Channel. We thus propose that the basement of the Sardinia Channel occupied a shallow position within the stack of the Alpine tectonic units, behind the more deformed front of the internal zones of the Maghrebide Chain. (authors) 20 refs.

  1. The 40Ar-39Ar dating of the metasomatites in the deep-fault zones of margin suture system of Siberian platform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savel'eva, V.B.; Travin, A.V.; Zyryanov, A.S.


    For clarifying the time sequence of metasomatites formation of diverse geochemical types in deep-fault zones of margin suture system of Siberian platform the 40 Ar- 39 Ar-isotope dating of their rock-forming minerals was performed. It was ascertained that formation of major metasomatic formations in the Baikal and Sayan branches of the margin suture system of Siberian platform was asynchronous, the time lag being in excess of 100 bl. years [ru

  2. Experimental Determination of the Cosmogenic Ar Production Rate From Ca (United States)

    Niedermann, S.; Schäfer, J. M.; Wieler, R.; Naumann, R.


    Cosmogenic 38Ar is produced in terrestrial surface rocks by spallation of target nuclides, in particular K and Ca. Though the presence of cosmogenic Ar in Ca-rich minerals has been demonstrated earlier [1], is has proven difficult to establish its production rate. To circumvent problems connected to 36Ar production by 35Cl neutron capture and different production rates from K and Ca, we have analyzed the noble gases in seven pyroxene separates (px) from the Antarctic Dry Valleys which are essentially free of Cl and K. The px were obtained from dolerite rocks, for which 3He and 21Ne exposure ages from 1.5 to 6.5 Ma have been reported [2]. The noble gases were extracted in two or three heating steps at GFZ Potsdam, yielding 38Ar/36Ar ratios up to 0.2283 ± 0.0008 (air: 0.1880). Ca (3.7-11.2 wt. %) is expected to be the only relevant target element for Ar production in the five pure px (ratio of 1.5 ± 0.2, we obtain cosmogenic 38Ar concentrations between 130 and 530x106 atoms/g. The 38Ar production rate was calculated based on 21Ne exposure ages [2], corrected for elevated nuclide production in Antarctica due to prevailing low air pressure and for the revised 21Ne production rate from Si. We obtain values between 188 ± 17 and 243 +110/-24 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1 at sea level and high (northern) latitudes for four out of the five pure px, while one yields a very high value of 348 ± 70 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1. Values above 250 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1 are also obtained from two less pure px containing 0.3 and 0.9% K and from one feldspar/quartz accumulate, indicating that the production rate from K may be higher than that from Ca. The weighted mean (excluding the outlier) of ~200 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1 is in excellent agreement with Lal's [3] theoretical estimate. [1] Renne et al., EPSL 188 (2001) 435. [2] Schäfer et al., EPSL 167 (1999) 215. [3] Lal, EPSL 104 (1991) 424.

  3. Precision angle-resolved autoionization resonances in Ar and Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berrah, N.; Langer, B.; Gorczyca, T.W. [Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo, MI (United States)] [and others


    Theoretical work has shown that the electron angular distribution and the shape of the autoionization resonances are crucial to the understanding of certain types of electron-electron correlation. Autoionization resonances in Ne (Ar) result from the decay of the excited discrete state Ne{sup *} 2s2p{sup 6} np (Ar{sup *} 3s3p{sup 6} np) into the continuum state Ne{sup +} 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd) (Ar{sup +} 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd)). Since the continuum can also be reached by direct photoionization, both paths add coherently, giving rise to interferences that produce the characteristic Beutler-Fano line shape. In this work, the authors report on quantitative angle-resolved electron spectrometry studies of (a) the Ne 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2s2p{sup 6} np (n=3-5) autoionizing resonances and the 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2p{sup 4}3s3p doubly excited resonance, (b) the Ar 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 3s3p{sup 6} np (n=4-9) autoionization resonances and extended R-matrix calculations of the angular-distribution parameters for both Ne and Ar measurements. Their results are compared with previous theoretical work by Taylor.

  4. O direito fundamental ao conteúdo do próprio trabalho: uma reconstrução normativa do direito ao trabalho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Vieira Wandelli


    Full Text Available Resumo: Pretende-se enfrentar a inefetividade do direito humano e fundamental ao trabalho a partir de um esforço de reconstrução normativa da sua fundamentação, apoiada em um duplo pilar teórico, nas teorias das necessidades e nas teorias do reconhecimento. Com isso, não somente se recupera a importância do vínculo entre trabalho e dignidade humana, como se explicitam aspectos essenciais da centralidade do trabalho para os sujeitos. A partir disso, o direito ao trabalho se desvela não apenas como necessidade radical, tendente à transformação da institucionalidade vigente, mas também como direito positivado em um amplo leque de normas internacionais e nacionais, que contempla diversas dimensões normativas atualmente exigíveis. Propõe-se que, no centro desse direito, está um direito fundamental ao conteúdo do próprio trabalho, que determina juridicamente as condições da atividade e da organização do trabalho. Recente estudo adotado pelo Alto Comissariado em Direitos Humanos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU sobre o direito ao trabalho reforça essa compreensão. Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos. Direitos fundamentais. Direito ao trabalho. Psicodinâmica do trabalho. Direito do trabalho.

  5. Effects of antibiotic resistance (AR) and microbiota shifts on Campylobacter jejuni-mediated diseases. (United States)

    Brooks, Phillip T; Mansfield, Linda S


    Campylobacter jejuni is an important zoonotic pathogen recently designated a serious antimicrobial resistant (AR) threat. While most patients with C. jejuni experience hemorrhagic colitis, serious autoimmune conditions can follow including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the acute neuropathy Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS). This review examines inter-relationships among factors mediating C. jejuni diarrheal versus autoimmune disease especially AR C. jejuni and microbiome shifts. Because both susceptible and AR C. jejuni are acquired from animals or their products, we consider their role in harboring strains. Inter-relationships among factors mediating C. jejuni colonization, diarrheal and autoimmune disease include C. jejuni virulence factors and AR, the enteric microbiome, and host responses. Because AR C. jejuni have been suggested to affect the severity of disease, length of infections and propensity to develop GBS, it is important to understand how these interactions occur when strains are under selection by antimicrobials. More work is needed to elucidate host-pathogen interactions of AR C. jejuni compared with susceptible strains and how AR C. jejuni are maintained and evolve in animal reservoirs and the extent of transmission to humans. These knowledge gaps impair the development of effective strategies to prevent the emergence of AR C. jejuni in reservoir species and human populations.

  6. ARS 01 Helsingi Kiasmas / Tarmo Virki

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virki, Tarmo


    Helsingis Kiasmas avatud rahvusvahelisest kunstinäitusest ARS 01 alapealkirjaga "Avanevaid perspektiive", kus esines oma töödega ka Marko Mäetamm. Näituse raames toimuvast Santiago Sierra kunstiprojektist kodututega

  7. 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Supergene K-bearing Sulfate Minerals: Cenozoic Continental Weathering, Landscape Evolution and Paleoclimates in the Tu-Ha Basin, Northwestern China (United States)

    Yang, J.; Zheng, D.; Chen, W.; Hough, B.; Qiu, H.; Wang, W.; Wu, Y.; Yang, L.


    40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating analyses of supergene jarosite and yavapaiite from three weathering profiles at the Hongshan, Liuhuangshan, and Caihuagou deposits in the Tu-Ha Basin, China, were carried out to provide numerical constraints on the timing and duration of weathering and derive insights into local paleoclimatic and landscape evolution. Well-constrained plateau ages and best-fitting inverse isochrons have been obtained for 11 samples, yield 40Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 33.3±0.5 Ma to 3.3±0.4 Ma (1σ). Our 40Ar/39Ar ages, combined with the published ages, indicate that the high elevations sites hosting the most complete and complex weathering profiles present. The presence of ancient weathering ages in current outcrop in the Tu-Ha Basin suggests that denudation was not homogeneous, and the landscape evolution follow a scarp retreat model. These geochronological results suggest that a protracted history of weathering and supergene enrichment and, by inference, arid-semiarid climate (with at least a moderate amount of precipitation (>10 cm/y)) favorable to intense chemical weathering emerged at 33.3 Ma, 27.7-23.3 Ma, and 16.4-14.7 Ma, and prevailed from 11-7.8 Ma. Then, a progressive change from arid-semiarid towards hyperarid conditions and predominantly hyperarid conditions may have persisted since at least ca. 3.3 Ma. The climatic implications inferred from the weathering geochronology are in agreement with the chemical parameters and isotopic compositions of the Cenozoic sedimentary sequence from the Lianmuqin section in the Tu-Ha Basin, attesting to the reliability of weathering geochronology by the 40Ar/39Ar method as an indicator of paleoclimate in arid areas. Our results suggest that the retreat of the Paratethys Sea, which would have reduced eastward water vapor transport by the westerlies to the Tu-Ha Basin, led to its aridification in the Oligocene and that increased rain shadow effects, resulting from uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and Tian Shan

  8. The total collision cross section of Ar-Ar as a function of velocity in the thermal range

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linse, C.A.; Biesen, J.J.H. van den; Meijdenberg, C.J.N. van den


    To describe the Ar-Ar interaction several potentials have been proposed. These potentials have been derived starting from different bulk property data as well as spectroscopic and differential cross section data. The measurements of the glory structure in the total cross section as performed by Bredewout (1976) provided in principle an essential test for the existing potentials. However, the overall energy dependence of the measured cross sections was not in agreement with the theoretically predicted C 6 and C 8 values. Therefore new measurements were performed with improved angular and velocity resolution. There are still differences between the results of the measured and calculated cross sections. However, the energy dependence of the cross section remains within the limits to be expected from the theoretical predictions. (Auth.)

  9. Development of a Control and Vision Interface for an AR.Drone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheema Prasad


    Full Text Available The AR.Drone is a remote controlled quadcopter which is low cost, and readily available for consumers. Therefore it represents a simple test-bed on which control and vision research may be conducted. However, interfacing with the AR.Drone can be a challenge for new researchers as the AR.Drone's application programming interface (API is built on low-level, bit-wise, C instructions. Therefore, this paper will demonstrate the use of an additional layer of abstraction on the AR.Drone’s API via the Robot Operating System (ROS. Using ROS, the construction of a high-level graphical user interface (GUI will be demonstrated, with the explicit aim of assisting new researchers in developing simple control and vision algorithms to interface with the AR.Drone. The GUI, formally known as the Control and Vision Interface (CVI is currently used to research and develop computer vision, simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM, and path planning algorithms by a number of postgraduate and undergraduate students at the school of Aeronautical, Mechanical, and Mechatronics Engineering (AMME in The University of Sydney.

  10. Cerebral artery alpha-1 AR subtypes: high altitude long-term acclimatization responses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ravi Goyal

    Full Text Available In response to hypoxia and other stress, the sympathetic (adrenergic nervous system regulates arterial contractility and blood flow, partly through differential activities of the alpha1 (α1 - adrenergic receptor (AR subtypes (α1A-, α1B-, and α1D-AR. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that with acclimatization to long-term hypoxia (LTH, contractility of middle cerebral arteries (MCA is regulated by changes in expression and activation of the specific α1-AR subtypes. We conducted experiments in MCA from adult normoxic sheep maintained near sea level (300 m and those exposed to LTH (110 days at 3801 m. Following acclimatization to LTH, ovine MCA showed a 20% reduction (n = 5; P<0.05 in the maximum tension achieved by 10-5 M phenylephrine (PHE. LTH-acclimatized cerebral arteries also demonstrated a statistically significant (P<0.05 inhibition of PHE-induced contractility in the presence of specific α1-AR subtype antagonists. Importantly, compared to normoxic vessels, there was significantly greater (P<0.05 α1B-AR subtype mRNA and protein levels in LTH acclimatized MCA. Also, our results demonstrate that extracellular regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2-mediated negative feedback regulation of PHE-induced contractility is modulated by α1B-AR subtype. Overall, in ovine MCA, LTH produces profound effects on α1-AR subtype expression and function.

  11. Sedimentary cycles and volcanic ash beds in the Lower Pliocene lacustrine succession of Ptolemais (NW Greece): discrepancy between 40 Ar/39 Ar and astronomical ages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steenbrink, J.; Vugt, N. van; Hilgen, F.J.; Wijbrans, J.R.; Meulenkamp, J.E.


    A high-resolution cyclostratigraphy for the rhythmically bedded lignite-marl sequences of the Lower Pliocene Ptole-mais Formation is combined with 40 Ar= 39 Ar dating results of intercalated volcanic ash beds. Detailed field reconnaissance in three open-pit lignite mines reveals three end-member

  12. Splicing Factor Prp8 Interacts With NES(AR) and Regulates Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer Cells. (United States)

    Wang, Dan; Nguyen, Minh M; Masoodi, Khalid Z; Singh, Prabhpreet; Jing, Yifeng; O'Malley, Katherine; Dar, Javid A; Dhir, Rajiv; Wang, Zhou


    Androgen receptor (AR) plays a pivotal role in the development of primary as well as advanced castration-resistant prostate cancer. Previous work in our lab identified a novel nuclear export signal (NES) (NES(AR)) in AR ligand-binding domain essential for AR nucleocytoplasmic trafficking. By characterizing the localization of green fluorescence protein (GFP)-tagged NES(AR), we designed and executed a yeast mutagenesis screen and isolated 7 yeast mutants that failed to display the NES(AR) export function. One of those mutants was identified as the splicing factor pre-mRNA processing factor 8 (Prp8). We further showed that Prp8 could regulate NES(AR) function using short hairpin RNA knockdown of Prp8 coupled with a rapamycin export assay in mammalian cells and knockdown of Prp8 could induce nuclear accumulation of GFP-tagged AR in PC3 cells. Prp8 expression was decreased in castration-resistant LuCaP35 xenograft tumors as compared with androgen-sensitive xenografts. Laser capture microdissection and quantitative PCR showed Prp8 mRNA levels were decreased in human prostate cancer specimens with high Gleason scores. In prostate cancer cells, coimmunoprecipitation and deletion mutagenesis revealed a physical interaction between Prp8 and AR mainly mediated by NES(AR). Luciferase assay with prostate specific antigen promoter-driven reporter demonstrated that Prp8 regulated AR transcription activity in prostate cancer cells. Interestingly, Prp8 knockdown also increased polyubiquitination of endogenous AR. This may be 1 possible mechanism by which it modulates AR activity. These results show that Prp8 is a novel AR cofactor that interacts with NES(AR) and regulates AR function in prostate cancer cells.

  13. Absolute total and one and two electron transfer cross sections for Ar8+ on Ar as a function of energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vancura, J.; Kostroun, V.O.


    The absolute total and one and two electron transfer cross sections for Ar 8+ on Ar were measured as a function of projectile laboratory energy from 0.090 to 0.550 keV/amu. The effective one electron transfer cross section dominates above 0.32 keV/amu, while below this energy, the effective two electron transfer starts to become appreciable. The total cross section varies by a factor over the energy range explored. The overall error in the cross section measurement is estimated to be ± 15%


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Oliveira de SOUZA, Andrews Marques do NASCIMENTO, Eduardo Roberto COLE


    Full Text Available A busca pelo corpo perfeito está assumindo proporções assustadoras em todas as partes do mundo. O culto ao corpo desencadeou uma busca desenfreada por artifícios que permitam alcançar um ideal de beleza fora da realidade para a maior parte da população. Dentre estes artifícios, destaca-se o uso de esteroides anabólicos androgênicos (EAA. Os EAA sintéticos são substâncias consideradas “construtoras” de músculos, pois conseguem potencializar os efeitos do exercício físico sobre os músculos, que apresentam efeitos semelhantes aos da testosterona, promovendo aumento da força de contratilidade e do volume das células musculares. O farmacêutico, enquanto profissional devidamente habilitado em medicamentos, insere-se neste contexto de forma decisiva, assumindo o papel de “educador em saúde”, e esclarecendo aos usuários (ou futuros usuários sobre os riscos inerentes a tal prática. A participação efetiva do profissional farmacêutico em um trabalho educativo direcionado aos usuários dessas drogas é de suma importância, atuando de forma decisiva no desencorajamento do uso de EAA ao se depararem nas drogarias com indivíduos intencionados a fazer o uso não médico/ilícito de EAA, procurando sempre abordagens que fujam das tradicionais campanhas de conscientização (que poucos resultados têm obtido nos últimos anos.

  15. Benchmark calculations with correlated molecular wave functions. IX. The weakly bound complexes Ar - H2 and Ar - HCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woon, D.E.; Peterson, K.A.; Dunning, T.H. Jr.


    The interaction of Ar with H 2 and HCl has been studied using Moeller - Plesset perturbation theory (MP2, MP3, MP4) and coupled-cluster [CCSD, CCSD(T)] methods with augmented correlation consistent basis sets. Basis sets as large as triply augmented quadruple zeta quality were used to investigate the convergence trends. Interaction energies were determined using the supermolecule approach with the counterpoise correction to account for basis set superposition error. Comparison with the available empirical potentials finds excellent agreement for both binding energies and transition state. For Ar - H 2 , the estimated complete basis set (CBS) limits for the binding energies of the two equivalent minima and the connecting transition state (TS) are, respectively, 55 and 47cm -1 at the MP4 level and 54 and 46cm -1 at the CCSD(T) level, respectively [the XC(fit) empirical potential of Bissonnette et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 105, 2639 (1996)] yields 56.6 and 47.8cm -1 for H 2 (v=0)]. The estimated CBS limits for the binding energies of the two minima and transition state of Ar - HCl are 185, 155, and 109cm -1 at the MP4 level and 176, 147, and 105cm -1 at the CCSD(T) level, respectively [the H6(4,3,0) empirical potential of Hutson [J. Phys. Chem. 96, 4237 (1992)] yields 176.0, 148.3, and 103.3cm -1 for HCl (v=0)]. Basis sets containing diffuse functions of (dfg) symmetries were found to be essential for accurately modeling these two complexes, which are largely bound by dispersion and induction forces. Highly correlated wave functions were also required for accurate results. This was found to be particularly true for ArHCl, where significant differences in calculated binding energies were observed between MP2, MP4, and CCSD(T). copyright 1998 American Institute of Physics

  16. AR DOC: Augmented reality documentaries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vistisen, Peter


    Augmented Reality Documentaries (AR DOC) er et ’lille’ Shareplay projekt (ansøgte midler augmented reality cross media løsninger, til at skabe engagerende publikumsformidling...... indenfor oplevelsesindustrien. Projektet har genereret ny viden omkring, hvordan fysisk og digital formidling kan understøttes via Augmented Reality som formidlingsformat....

  17. Emergency preparedness with Ar-41 measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunst, Juan J.; Rodriguez, Monica; Ugarte, Ricardo; Vigile, Sebastian; Boutet, Luis; Jordan, Osvaldo; Hernandez, Daniel


    Full text: The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) of Argentina is training their intervention group in the forecast of radiological consequences in case of a radiological or nuclear accident. In this context it has begun the measurement of Ar-41 near the research reactor RA3. It is well known the Ar-41 production inside research reactor, and it has been studied like a good mean to validate atmosphere dispersion model occurrence, or to develop method to improve the estimation of the characteristic of the emission. The measurements were made in two laboratories of ARN, Gamma measurement Laboratory, and CTC (Total Body Counter) Laboratory near the research reactor RA3. The emission of Ar-41 were determined by Measurements Group of Environmental Control Division inside the research reactor. The laboratories are at SE and ESE direction from the reactor. After the passage of a cold front, the wind flown from SE, in this situation and if the reactor is operating we could detect the presence of Ar-41 in the environment. This meteorological situation can be forecast by information submitted by National Meteorological Service of Argentina (SMN) in a meteograma. To correlate and evaluate the concentration in this laboratory, first it was determined the direction and persistence of wind in the site using the forecast of the National Meteorological Service (SMN) of Argentina to establish when the detectors were irradiated, during the radiological measurements, the real time wind direction an velocities measurement were did, with a site meteorological tower. With this information and cloudiness we determined de stability class and concentration. To determine concentration we used the code Hotspot and our code SEDA developed in ARN. In this paper are present the calibration of GeH detectors, and the location of them. We present several measurements did in this experience. We analyze the capacity developed by our teams to predict changes in wind direction and concentrations

  18. In situ dating on Mars: A new approach to the K-Ar method utilizing cosmogenic argon (United States)

    Cassata, William S.


    Cosmogenic argon isotopes are produced in feldspars via nuclear reactions between cosmic rays and Ca and K atoms within the lattice. These cosmogenic isotopes can be used as proxies for K and Ca, much like nuclear reactor-derived 39Ar and 37Ar are used as proxies for K and Ca, respectively, in 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. If Ca and K are uniformly distributed, then the ratio of radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar*) to cosmogenic 38Ar or 36Ar (38Arcos or 36Arcos) is proportional to the difference between the radioisotopic and exposure ages, as well as the K/Ca ratio of the degassing phase. Thus cosmogenic, radiogenic, and trapped Ar isotopes, all of which can be measured remotely and are stable over geologic time, are sufficient to generate an isochron-like diagram from which the isotopic composition of the trapped component may be inferred. Such data also provide a means to assess the extent to which the system has remained closed with respect to 40Ar*, thereby mitigating otherwise unquantifiable uncertainties that complicate the conventional K-Ar dating method.

  19. Bacillus sp.CDB3 isolated from cattle dip-sites possesses two ars gene clusters

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Somanath Bhat; Xi Luo; Zhiqiang Xu; Lixia Liu; Ren Zhang


    Contamination of soil and water by arsenic is a global problem.In Australia, the dipping of cattle in arsenic-containing solution to control cattle ticks in last centenary has left many sites heavily contaminated with arsenic and other toxicants.We had previously isolated five soil bacterial strains (CDB1-5) highly resistant to arsenic.To understand the resistance mechanism, molecular studies have been carried out.Two chromosome-encoded arsenic resistance (ars) gene clusters have been cloned from CDB3 (Bacillus sp.).They both function in Escherichia coli and cluster 1 exerts a much higher resistance to the toxic metalloid.Cluster 2 is smaller possessing four open reading frames (ORFs) arsRorf2BC, similar to that identified in Bacillus subtilis Skin element.Among the eight ORFs in cluster 1 five are analogs of common ars genes found in other bacteria, however, organized in a unique order arsRBCDA instead of arsRDABC.Three other putative genes are located directly downstream and designated as arsTIP based on the homologies of their theoretical translation sequences respectively to thioredoxin reductases, iron-sulphur cluster proteins and protein phosphatases.The latter two are novel of any known ars operons.The arsD gene from Bacillus species was cloned for the first time and the predict protein differs from the well studied E.coli ArsD by lacking two pairs of C-terrninal cysteine residues.Its functional involvement in arsenic resistance has been confirmed by a deletion experiment.There exists also an inverted repeat in the intergenic region between arsC and arsD implying some unknown transcription regulation.

  20. Ar ion beam mixing at gold-silicon interfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yupu; Chen Jian; Liu Jiarui; Zhang Qichu


    Ar-ion beam mixing at Au-Si interface is investigated systematically as a function of the energy of Ar-ion beam (100-300 keV), dose (5 x 10 15 - 8 x 10 16 /cm 2 ), dose rate (1.6 - 16 μA/cm 2 ) and substrate temperature (77 - 573 K). Very good ion beam mixing is obtained when the Ar-ion range distribution R p ± ΔR p fits the gold film thickness, where R p is the projected range and ΔR p is the standard deviation. At LN 2 temperature, the mixing amount is proportional to the square root of the dose but independent of the dose rate and the mixing process can be explained by the random walking model for the cascade process. At room temperature the dose rate effect is observed because of the beam current induced temperature effect. The temperature effect of the mixing amount, the uniformity, the thickness of mixing layers and the phase structure are observed

  1. Excitation function measurements of sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,3n) sup 3 sup 8 K, sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2pn) sup 3 sup 8 Cl and sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2p) sup 3 sup 9 Cl reactions

    CERN Document Server

    Nagatsu, K; Suzuki, K


    For the production of sup 3 sup 8 K, excitation functions of the sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,3n) sup 3 sup 8 K reaction and its accompanying reactions sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2pn) sup 3 sup 8 Cl, and sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2p) sup 3 sup 9 Cl were measured at the proton energy of 20.5-39.5 MeV to determine the optimum conditions of irradiation. Target cells containing argon gas were prepared using specially developed tools in an argon-replaced glove box. In the sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,3n) sup 3 sup 8 K, sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2pn) sup 3 sup 8 Cl, and sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2p) sup 3 sup 9 Cl reactions, the maximum cross sections were 6.7+-0.7, 34+-3.3 and 11+-1.2mbarn at 37.6, 39.5 and 32.0 MeV, respectively, and the saturation thick target yields were calculated to be 560, 2200, and 1300 sup * MBq/mu A, respectively, at an incident energy of 39.5 MeV ( sup * integral yield above 21 MeV).

  2. AR coating with high damage threshold on SiO2 glass. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toratani, H.; Kanamori, C.; Nakajima, S.; Nakagawa, K.; Izumitani, T.


    The following experimental results are shown: (1) uniformity of AR coatings on Optosil and Sprasil provided by LLNL; (2) relation between cleaning methods and properties of AR coatings; (3) baking and sintering conditions of gel-derived films; (4) heat treatment of AR coating in O 2 flow

  3. Regulation of AR Degradation and Function by Ubiquitylation (United States)


    have carried out similar analyses from androgen ( DHT ) stimulated VCaP cells. The combined results from a series of LC-MS/MS analyses of DHT stimulated...minus or plus DHT . AR was then isolated from whole cell lysates and run on SDS-PAGE, followed by excision of area ~100 Kd (mono or possibly oligo...the stably expressed AR WT versus K911R mutant. As shown in figure 1B, the K911R mutant had increased activity in response to 1 nM DHT . Finally

  4. Dissociative recombination of rare gas hydride ions: II. ArH+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitchell, J B A; Novotny, O; LeGarrec, J L; Florescu-Mitchell, A; Rebrion-Rowe, C; Stolyarov, A V; Child, M S; Svendsen, A; Ghazaly, M A El; Andersen, L H


    A storage ring measurement of the rate coefficient for the production of neutral Ar in e + ArH + collisions is described. It is found that the recombination rate is too small to measure at low centre-of-mass energies but the combined rate coefficient for dissociative recombination and dissociative excitation increases above 2.5 eV displaying peaks centred at 7.5 eV, 16 and 26 eV. Calculated potential energy curves for the ground and excited states of ArH + are presented and these aid in the elucidation of the recombination and excitation processes observed at higher energies. The implications for plasma modelling are discussed. (letter to the editor)

  5. Recurrent Early Cretaceous, Indo-Madagascar (89-86 Ma) and Deccan (66 Ma) alkaline magmatism in the Sarnu-Dandali complex, Rajasthan: 40Ar/39Ar age evidence and geodynamic significance (United States)

    Sheth, Hetu; Pande, Kanchan; Vijayan, Anjali; Sharma, Kamal Kant; Cucciniello, Ciro


    The Sarnu-Dandali alkaline complex in Rajasthan, northwestern India, is considered to represent early, pre-flood basalt magmatism in the Deccan Traps province, based on a single 40Ar/39Ar age of 68.57 Ma. Rhyolites found in the complex are considered to be 750 Ma Malani basement. Our new 40Ar/39Ar ages of 88.9-86.8 Ma (for syenites, nephelinite, phonolite and rhyolite) and 66.3 ± 0.4 Ma (2σ, melanephelinite) provide clear evidence that whereas the complex has Deccan-age (66 Ma) components, it is dominantly an older (by 20 million years) alkaline complex, with rhyolites included. Basalt is also known to underlie the Early Cretaceous Sarnu Sandstone. Sarnu-Dandali is thus a periodically rejuvenated alkaline igneous centre, active twice in the Late Cretaceous and also earlier. Many such centres with recurrent continental alkaline magmatism (sometimes over hundreds of millions of years) are known worldwide. The 88.9-86.8 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages for Sarnu-Dandali rocks fully overlap with those for the Indo-Madagascar flood basalt province formed during continental breakup between India (plus Seychelles) and Madagascar. Recent 40Ar/39Ar work on the Mundwara alkaline complex in Rajasthan, 120 km southeast of Sarnu-Dandali, has also shown polychronous emplacement (over ≥ 45 million years), and 84-80 Ma ages obtained from Mundwara also arguably represent post-breakup stages of the Indo-Madagascar flood basalt volcanism. Remnants of the Indo-Madagascar province are known from several localities in southern India but hitherto unknown from northwestern India 2000 km away. Additional equivalents buried under the vast Deccan Traps are highly likely.

  6. A Framework for Designing Collaborative Learning Environments Using Mobile AR (United States)

    Cochrane, Thomas; Narayan, Vickel; Antonczak, Laurent


    Smartphones provide a powerful platform for augmented reality (AR). Using a smartphone's camera together with the built in GPS, compass, gyroscope, and touch screen enables the real world environment to be overlaid with contextual digital information. The creation of mobile AR environments is relatively simple, with the development of mobile AR…

  7. Suporte relacionado ao cuidado em saúde ao doente com aids: o modelo de comboio e a enfermagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edilene Aparecida Araújo da Silveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a relação e a troca de suporte entre o doente com AIDS e pessoas à sua volta. O estudo está baseado no modelo de comboio das relações sociais que tem como uma de suas características a representação da rede em três círculos concêntricos. Os participantes eram pessoas que estavam internadas e que falaram sobre o suporte relacionado ao cuidado em saúde proporcionado por pessoas próximas, ou seja, que pertenciam ao círculo interno do comboio. A maioria dos participantes descreveu o círculo como sendo composto por no máximo cinco integrantes, sendo que pessoas da família foram as mais citadas. Os profissionais de saúde precisam conhecer o paciente e seu comboio, reconhecendo-os no contexto psicossocial e cultural de forma a favorecer a aceitação da soropositividade, mudanças no estilo de vida, ajuda nos cuidados de saúde e adesão ao tratamento.

  8. Through the Loupe: Visitor engagement with a primarily text-based handheld AR application

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Vaart, M.; Damala, A.; Guidi, G; Scopigno, R.; Torres, J.C.; Graf, H.; Remondino, F.; Duranti, L.; Brunet, P.; Hazan, S.; Barceló, J.


    The use of Augmented Reality (AR) in a museum or heritage setting holds great potential. However, until now, introducing AR into their buildings has been prohibitively expensive for most museums. On the one hand, programming the AR application could not be done in-house and would be rather costly.

  9. Timing of Hydrocarbon Fluid Emplacement in Sandstone Reservoirs in Neogene in Huizhou Sag, Southern China Sea, by Authigenic Illite 40Ar- 39Ar Laser Stepwise Heating (United States)

    Hesheng, Shi; Junzhang, Zhu; Huaning, Qiu; yu, Shu; Jianyao, Wu; Zulie, Long

    Timing of oil or gas emplacements is a new subject in isotopic geochronology and petroleum geology. Hamilton et al. expounded the principle of the illite K-Ar age: Illite is often the last or one of the latest mineral cements to form prior to hydrocarbon accumulation. Since the displacement of formation water by hydrocarbons will cause silicate diagenesis to cease, K-Ar ages for illite will constrain the timing of this event, and also constrain the maximum age of formation of the trap structure. In this study, the possibility of authigenic illites 40Ar- 39Ar dating has been investigated. The illite samples were separated from the Tertiary sandstones in three rich oil reservoir belts within the Huizhou sag by cleaning, fracturing by cycled cooling-heating, soxhlet-extraction with solvents of benzene and methanol and separating with centrifugal machine. If oil is present in the separated samples, ionized organic fragments with m/e ratios of 36 to 40 covering the argon isotopes will be yielded by the ion source of a mass spectrometer, resulting in wrong argon isotopic analyses and wrong 40Ar- 39Ar ages. The preliminary experiments of illite by heating did show the presence of ionized organic fragments with m/e ratios of 36 to 44. In order to clean up the organic gases completely and obtain reliable analysis results, a special purification apparatus has been established by Qiu et al. and proved valid by the sequent illite analyses. All the illite samples by 40Ar- 39Ar IR-laser stepwise heating yield stair-up age spectra in lower laser steps and plateaux in higher laser steps. The youngest apparent ages corresponding to the beginning steps are reasonable to be interpreted for the hydrocarbon accumulation ages. The weighted mean ages of the illites from the Zhuhai and Zhujiang Formations are (12.1 ± 1.1) Ma and (9.9 ± 1.2) Ma, respectively. Therefore, the critical emplacement of petroleum accumulation in Zhujiang Formation in Huizhou sag took place in ca 10 Ma. Late

  10. Dating of ice and ocean samples with Atom Trap Trace Analysis of 39Ar


    Ebser, Sven Conrad


    The noble gas radioisotope 39Ar with a half-life of 269 years is an almost ideal tracer for dating ice and water samples in the time range of 50 to 1000 years ago, for which no other reliable methods exist. Due to its very low relative abundance of 39Ar/Ar = 8.1(3)*10^-16, 39Ar has only been routinely measured by Low-Level Counting so far. However, since Low-Level Counting requires samples in the order of 1000 L, the application of 39Ar, besides some proof-of-principle experiments, has been l...

  11. Backbendings of superdeformed bands in 36;40Ar (United States)

    Xiang, Xu-Hui; He, Xiao-Tao


    Experimentally observed superdeformed (SD) rotational bands in 36Ar and 40Ar are studied by the cranked shell model (CSM) with the pairing correlations treated by a particle-number-conserving (PNC) method. This is the first time that PNC-CSM calculations have been performed on the light nuclear mass region around A=40. The experimental kinematic moments of inertia J (1) versus rotational frequency are reproduced well. The backbending of the SD band at frequency around ℏω=1.5 MeV in 36Ar is attributed to the sharp rise of the simultaneous alignments of the neutron and proton 1d 5/2[202]5/2 pairs and 1f 7/2[321]3/2 pairs, which is a consequence of the band crossing between the 1d 5/2[202]5/2 and 1f 7/2[321]3/2 configuration states. The gentle upbending at low frequency of the SD band in 40Ar is mainly affected by the alignments of the neutron 1f 7/2[321]3/2 pairs and proton 1d 5/2[202]5/2 pairs. The PNC-CSM calculations show that besides the diagonal parts, the off-diagonal parts of the alignments play an important role in the rotational behavior of the SD bands. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11775112 and 11275098) and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions

  12. The immunohistochemical expression and potential prognostic value of HDAC6 and AR in invasive breast cancer. (United States)

    Li, Congying; Cao, Lu; Xu, Cong; Liu, Fang; Xiang, Guomin; Liu, Xiaozhen; Jiao, Jiao; Niu, Yun


    Previous studies have investigated the role of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) in the regulation of androgen receptor (AR) in prostate cancer; however, the role of HDAC6 has not yet been clearly identified in breast cancer. The aim of this study was to examine the expression of HDAC6 and AR, determine the correlation between HDAC6 and AR, and assess the prognostic value of HDAC6 and AR in breast cancer. A total of 228 cases of invasive breast cancer were randomly selected. The expression of HDAC6 and AR was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. χ 2 Tests were performed to determine the association between conventional clinicopathological factors and HDAC6, AR, and HDAC6/AR co-expression. Spearman correlation methods were performed to determine the correlation between HDAC6 and AR, and Kaplan-Meier analyses were performed to determine the prognostic impact of HDAC6, AR and HDAC6/AR co-expression; 58.8% (134/228) patients exhibited high expression of HDAC6. High HDAC6 expression was significantly associated with high histologic grade (G3) (PAR expression levels were significantly associated (r=0.382, PAR+ groups (PAR and HDAC6 and HDAC6/AR co-expression had a worse clinical prognosis. The expression levels of HDAC6 and AR are correlated in breast cancer; moreover, HDAC6 and AR have prognostic value in predicting the overall survival (OS) of ER-negative breast cancer patients. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. A cryptic Early Palaeozoic event in the Narcea Antiform? 40Ar/39Ar amphibole data in the Puente de Selce granitoid


    Gutiérrez Alonso, Gabriel; Fernández Suárez, J.; Keppie, J. D.; Ortega Rivera, M. A.; Lee, J. K. W.; Murphy, J. B.


    Las edades 40Ar/39Ar obtenidas a partir de anfíboles del granitoide Neoproterozoico de Puente de Selce, localizado en el Antiforme del Narcea junto con la existencia de fábricas de deformación relictas generadas en condiciones de media-alta temperatura en las mismas rocas puede ser interpretada como debida a un evento críptico de edad Paleozoico Inferior fuertemente retrabajado durante la deformación varisca. La naturaleza y la cinemática de este posible evento no pueden precisars...

  14. "ARS 01", perspektiivide avamine / Helen Kivisoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivisoo, Helen


    30. IX 2001-20. I 2002 Kiasmas kuuendat korda toimuvast rahvusvahelisest näitusest "ARS", kus Eestist osaleb Marko Mäetamm. Kuraatorid Tuula Arkio, Maaretta Jaukkuri, Patrik Nyberg, Jari-Pekka Vanhala. Teemaks "kolmas ruum". Näituse kajastamisest.

  15. New Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronological Results for the South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica, and Their Tectonic Implications (United States)

    Gao, Liang; Zhao, Yue; Yang, Zhenyu; Liu, Jianmin; Liu, Xiaochun; Zhang, Shuan-Hong; Pei, Junling


    To reconstruct the paleoposition of the Antarctic Peninsula relative to the South American Plate during the breakup of Gondwana, as well as the opening kinematics of the Drake Passage, we conducted detailed paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and isotopic chronology studies of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island) and Fildes Peninsula (King George Island) of the South Shetland Islands. The 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Agate Beach Formation to the Long Hill Formation in Fildes Peninsula range from 56.38 ± 0.2 Ma to 52.42 ± 0.19 Ma. Low natural remanent magnetization/isothermal remanent magnetization ratios, inconsistency with the polarity constrained by the paleomagnetic results and 40Ar/39Ar age constraints, as well as the widespread cation-deficient titanomagnetite and Ti-free magnetite of secondary origin, indicate that the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Fildes Peninsula were remagnetized at about 55 Ma. Combining our results with previous data from the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula, we calculated the paleopoles for 110 Ma and 55 Ma for the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula. The paleomagnetic reconstruction of the relative paleoposition of the Antarctic Peninsula and South America shows that these plates were connected and experienced a southward movement and clockwise rotation from 110 to 55 Ma. Subsequently, southward translation and clockwise rotation of the Antarctic Peninsula between 55 and 27 Ma separated the Antarctic Peninsula and South America, forming the Drake Passage. Northward translation of South America after 27 Ma increased the N-S divergence and increased the distance between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South American Plate.

  16. Postcollision interactions in the Auger decay of the Ar L-shell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samson, J.A.R.; Stolte, W.C.; He, Z.X. [Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE (United States)] [and others


    The photoionization cross sections for Ar{sup +} through Ar{sup 4+}, produced by the Auger decay of an inner shell 2p hole, have been measured between 242 eV and 253 eV on beamline 9.0.1 and 6.3.2. In this study the authors are interested in near threshold phenomenon involving postcollision interactions (PCI), which are related to the Auger decay of a vacancy in the Ar L-shell. During an Auger decay a postcollision interaction can occur causing the out-going photoelectron to be retarded thus losing a certain amount of energy. If the retardation is sufficiently large the photoelectron will not escape. This result produces a singly charged ion, which normally would not be present. Such evidence of electron capture by the PCI effect was first shown clearly by Eberhardt et al. and, with higher resolution, in the present work. However, capture of the photoelectron is expected to be 100% exactly at the L{sub 2,3} thresholds. Thus, from the authors results they would have expected the Ar{sup 2+} signal to be zero at threshold, but it was not? The authors can explain this anomoly on the basis that during the Auger decay the photoelectrons are captured into high lying excited states of Ar{sup +}, which subsequently decay through autoionization yielding Ar{sup 2+}. Future work in this area will seek experimental evidence to verify this prediction.

  17. Ar and K partitioning between clinopyroxene and silicate melt to 8 GPa (United States)

    Chamorro, E. M.; Brooker, R. A.; Wartho, J.-A.; Wood, B. J.; Kelley, S. P.; Blundy, J. D.


    The relative incompatibility of Ar and K are fundamental parameters in understanding the degassing history of the mantle. Clinopyroxene is the main host for K in most of the upper mantle, playing an important role in controlling the K/Ar ratio of residual mantle and the subsequent time-integrated evolution of 40Ar/36Ar ratios. Clinopyroxene also contributes to the bulk Ar partition coefficient that controls the Ar degassing rate during mantle melting. The partitioning of Ar and K between clinopyroxene and quenched silicate melt has been experimentally determined from 1 to 8 GPa for the bulk compositions Ab80Di20 (80 mol% albite-20 mol% diopside) and Ab20Di80 with an ultraviolet laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP) technique for Ar analysis and the ion microprobe for K. Data for Kr (UVLAMP) and Rb (ion probe) have also been determined to evaluate the role of crystal lattice sites in controlling partitioning. By excluding crystal analyses that show evidence of glass contamination, we find relatively constant Ar partition coefficients (DAr) of 2.6 × 10-4 to 3.9 × 10-4 for the Ab80Di20 system at pressures from 2 to 8 GPa. In the Ab20Di80 system, DAr shows similar low values of 7.0 × 10-5 and 3.0 × 10-4 at 1 to 3 GPa. All these values are several orders of magnitude lower than previous measurements on separated crystal-glass pairs. DK is 10 to 50 times greater than DRb for all experiments, and both elements follow parallel trends with increasing pressure, although these trends are significantly different in each system studied. The DK values for clinopyroxene are at least an order of magnitude greater than DAr under all conditions investigated here, but DAr appears to show more consistent behavior between the two systems than K or Rb. The partitioning behavior of K and Rb can be explained in terms of combined pressure, temperature, and crystal chemistry effects that result in changes for the size of the clinopyroxene M2 site. In the Ab20Di80 system, where

  18. Densidade crítica ao crescimento de plantas considerando água disponível e resistência à penetração de um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico Bulk density critical to the growth of plants considering available water and soil resistance to penetration of a Paleudalf

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    Cláudia Liane Rodrigues de Lima


    Full Text Available O estabelecimento de culturas está associado a condições restritivas impostas pelo tipo e pelo manejo de solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o intervalo de densidade crítica de um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico, considerando a disponibilidade de água para as culturas e os valores restritivos de resistência à penetração (1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0 e 3,5MPa. A amostragem de um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico sob plantio direto desde 1989, com estrutura de solo preservada, foi feita nas camadas de 0,00 a 0,10 m e 0,10 a 0,20m. As amostras (oito repetições foram saturadas em água, equilibradas em diferentes potenciais (-0,001; -0,004; -0,006; -0,033; -0,07 e -0,1MPa e dois grupos de amostras foram secadas em laboratório, por um período de 7 e 9 dias, perfazendo um total de 128 amostras. Após atingir o equilíbrio, foi avaliada a resistência à penetração e a densidade do solo. Um incremento na resistência à penetração possibilitou maiores intervalos de densidade adequados ao desenvolvimento das plantas, i.e., quando considerada uma resistência à penetração de 2MPa, o intervalo de densidade adequado foi de 1,44Mg m-3 a 1,76Mg m-3 e, para uma resistência de 3MPa, o intervalo foi de 1,53 a 1,88Mg m-3. Valores superiores e inferiores ao intervalo de densidade obtidos são críticos ao desenvolvimento de culturas, considerando a resistência à penetração e a disponibilidade de água.Crop establishment is linked to restrictive conditions imposed by soil type and soil management. This study aimed at evaluating the interval of bulk density critical for a Paleudalf, considering water availability to the crops and restrictive values to the root resistance to penetration (1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0 e 3.5MPa. Soil samples, from a Paleudalf under no-tillage since 1989, with preserved structure were collected in the layers of 0.00 to 0.10m and 0.10 to 0.20m depth. The samples (eight replicates were saturated in water and

  19. Acoustic rhinometry (AR): An Alternative Method to Image Nasal Airway Geometry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Straszek, Sune; Pedersen, O.F.

      ACOUSTIC RHINOMETRY (AR): AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD TO IMAGE NASAL AIRWAY GEOMETRY.  INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND:  In human studies the acoustic reflection technique was first applied to describe the area-distance relationship of the lower airways, but later the acoustic reflection technique appeared...... to be of more use in the description of nasal cavity geometry. Applied to human subjects AR has been applied to monitor the effect of corrective surgery and mucosal effects of pharmacological interventions. In recent years, however, AR has found use also in pharmacological studies in animals ranging in size...

  20. Uma introdução ao capitalismo dirigido pelas finanças

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    Robert Guttmann


    Full Text Available O capitalismo dirigido pelas finanças sempre teve uma propensão a crises financeiras em momentos fundamentais de sua expansão territorial ao trazer economias até então dirigidas pelo Estado para a órbita da regulamentação do mercado. A crise atual, todavia, é diferente. Não apenas emanou do centro, em vez surgir de algum ponto da periferia, como também revelou falhas estruturais profundas na arquitetura institucional de contratos, fundos e mercados que compunham o sistema financeiro novo e desregulamentado. Estamos diante de uma crise sistêmica, que é sempre um evento de proporções épicas e efeitos duradouros. O objetivo deste artigo é lançar uma luz sobre este momento significativo.Finance-led capitalism always has had a propensity for financial crises at key moments of its territorial expansion when bringing hitherto state-run economies into the orbit of market regulation. The current crisis, however, is different. Not only has it emanated from the center rather than hit somewhere at the periphery, but it also has revealed deep structural flaws in the institutional architecture of contracts, funds, and markets that have made up the new, deregulated system of finance. We are facing a systemic crisis, always an event of epic proportions and lasting impact. We want to shed light on this significant moment.

  1. Ab urbe condita. Desde a fundaçao da cidade de Bracara Augusta

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    Rui Morais


    Full Text Available Neste estudo aborda-se a problemática da fundaçao da antiga cidade de Bracara Augusta, levando em consideraçao o registro arqueológico e sua problemática e significado. A parte da fundaçao ex novo da cidade ou da preexistência de populaçoes autóctones no local, apresentam-se fortes vestígios indicadores da importância do culto imperial e dinástico que pensamos fortemente associados ao acto simbólico da sua fundaçao ou "refundaçao" segundo uma cerimónia à da "Roma Quadrada" augústea.

  2. Hot spots in Ar and Ne gas puff Z-pinch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krejci, A.; Krousky, E.; Renner, O.


    The hot spots in Ar and Ne pinch plasma were investigated. Two pinhole cameras with entrance diameter 13 to 250 μm and flat crystal spectrographs with Si and KAP crystals were used for spatially and spectrally resolved soft X-ray diagnostics. The diameters of Ar (25 to 30 μm) and Ne (40 μm) hot spots were found. From X-ray spectrum of Ar spots the following plasma parameters were determined: T e =1.0 to 1.1 keV and n e =(1.8 to 4.0)x10 27 m -3 . The validity of the Bennett equilibrium for unstable hot spots is discussed. (author). 1 fig., 11 refs

  3. Electron capture in pseudo-two-electron systems: Ar8++He

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, M.; Olson, R.E.


    Molecular-structure calculations using the pseudopotential method have been performed on the (ArHe) 8+ system. The cross section for single-electron capture in Ar 8+ +He collisions was calculated for energies from 20 eV to 10 keV/amu. The perturbed-stationary-state method [M. Kimura, H. Sato, and R. E. Olson, Phys. Rev. A 28, 2085 (1983)], modified to include electron translation factors appropriate to two-electron systems, was used. The total cross section is relatively energy independent with a value of approximately 2.5 x 10 -15 cm 2 . The n = 4 level of Ar 7+ is found to be preferentially populated, with the 4f level being dominant

  4. On the effect of deterministic terms on the bias in stable AR models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Giersbergen, N.P.A.


    This paper compares the first-order bias approximation for the autoregressive (AR) coefficients in stable AR models in the presence of deterministic terms. It is shown that the bias due to inclusion of an intercept and trend is twice as large as the bias due to an intercept. For the AR(1) model, the

  5. A cryptic Early Palaeozoic event in the Nacea Antiform? 40Ar/39Ar amphibole data in the Puente de Selce granitoid


    Gutiérrez Alonso, Gabriel; Fernández Suárez, Javier; Ortega Rivera, M. A.; Lee, J. k. W.; Murphy, J. B.


    Las edades 40Ar/39Ar obtenidas a partir de anfíboles del granitoide Neoproterozoico de Puente de Selce, localizado en el Antiforme del Narcea junto con la existencia de fábricas de deformación relictas generadas en condiciones de media-alta temperatura en las mismas rocas puede ser interpretada como debida a un evento críptico de edad Paleozoico Inferior fuertemente retrabajado durante la deformación varisca. La naturaleza y la cinemática de este posible evento no pueden precisarse pero si se...

  6. Samsun İli Salıpazarı İlçesi Arıcılığının ve Arıcı-Birlik İlişkilerinin İncelenmesi

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    Murat Emir


    Full Text Available Bu araştırma, Samsun ili Salıpazarı ilçesindeki arıcıların sosyo-ekonomik ve üretim yapısı ile arıcı-birlik ilişkilerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamıştır. Araştırma verileri sistematik örnekleme metoduyla seçilmiş 30 arıcıdan 2014-2015 üretim yılı esas alınarak anket yoluyla ve alan çalışmasındaki gözlemlerle elde edilmiştir. Arıcıların sosyo-ekonomik yapısı, klasik ekonomik analizle ortaya konulmuştur. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler kullanılmıştır.  Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; arıcılar, arıcılığı ek gelir amaçlı, kısa mesafeli göçer veya sabit arıcılık olarak yapmaktadırlar. Ortalama 52 yaşında olan arıcılar, 15 yıllık arıcılık deneyimine sahip olup, 8 yıl örgün eğitim görmüşlerdir. İlçede arıcıların ortalama 90 kolonisi olup, koloni başına bal veriminin 15 kg olduğu saptanmıştır. Son yıllarda azalan verimin en önemli nedeni olarak yöre şartlarına uyum sağlamayan arı ırkları gösterilmiştir. Arıcıların %93’ü Varroa destructor ile mücadele ettiğini belirtmiştir. İlçede süzme çiçek balı 25-50 TL kg-1 satılırken; kestane balı 55-90 TL kg-1 arasında pazarlanmaktadır. Arıcıların %80’i birlik faaliyetlerini yararlı bulmaktadır. İlçe gençleri meslek yüksekokullarında açılacak arıcılık bölümlerinde eğitilerek arıcılığa özendirilmeli ve arıcı ortalama yaşı düşürülerek yeni neslin arıcılık mesleğini sahiplenmesi sağlanmalıdır. Varroa destructor mücadelesi için entegre ilaçlama yapılmalıdır. Birliklerin düzenleneceği eğitimlerde, pazarlama, ana arı yetiştiriciliği, arı hastalıkları ve tedavi yöntemleri konularına yer verilmesi ve bu eğitimlerin uygulamalı olması ilçe ve ülke arıcılığında var olan yanlış uygulamaların azaltılmasına katkı sağlayabilecektir.


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    Marcio de Oliveira Cruz


    Full Text Available A necessidade de inserir no mercado técnicos qualificados na produçao de modelos de informaçao da construçao, extraçao de dados, detecçao de interferencias e outras açoes relacionadas ao Building Information Modeling (BIM, fez com que a escola Senai Orlando Laviero Ferraiuolo buscasse meios para incorporá-lo ao ensino. Tendo em vista o objetivo de inserçao da formaçao em BIM a nível básico, iniciou-se uma investigaçao das barreiras para a adoçao deste processo no curso e, paralelamente, adotou-se a utilizaçao de estratégias para a incorporaçao do conteúdo em um conjunto abrangente de disciplinas. Neste artigo busca-se relatar o procedimento de diagnóstico das barreiras para adoçao de BIM realizado e o processo simultâneo de açoes para incorporaçao de BIM. Para apoiar este diagnóstico, foi adotado o método de pesquisa etnográfica. Esta investigaçao foi desenvolvida em dois ciclos: no primeiro, aplicou-se o método de diagnóstico de Checcucci, em formato de entrevista em profundidade juntamente com a observaçao participante; no segundo, adaptou-se o método para o formato de levantamento, por meio de um questionário online. Com esta pesquisa foi possível descrever elementos da organizaçao no contexto da incorporaçao de BIM na formaçao do técnico de edificaçoes. Os elementos caracterizados foram a transformaçao na estrutura curricular e a percepçao do corpo docente sobre as barreiras associadas. As contribuiçoes deste trabalho sao o registro do processo e diagnóstico de implementaçao de BIM no curso Técnico em Edificaçoes, as açoes que possibilitaram o amadurecimento do conhecimento dos professores e a adaptaçao do método de Checcucci para diagnóstico da permeabilidade da inserçao de BIM em estruturas curriculares.

  8. Estudo de caso de uma situação atmosférica entre 12 e 19 de setembro de 2008, com algumas características semelhantes ao evento Catarina Case study of an atmospheric situation between 12 and 19 september 2009 with some similar characteristics to the Catarina event

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    Clara Miho Narukawa Iwabe


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma análise das condições sinótica e dinâmica associadas ao desenvolvimento do ciclone ocorrido entre 12 e 19 de setembro de 2008, com o objetivo de destacar diferenças e semelhanças com o ambiente em que se inseriu o evento Catarina em março de 2004. As principais semelhanças foram encontradas no padrão sinótico geral: a ocorrência de um padrão típico de bloqueio do tipo dipolo associado à anomalia de vorticidade potencial em altos níveis; cavado em níveis médios com inclinação para oeste; a presença de uma coluna de vorticidade ciclônica desde a superfície até a baixa estratosfera; e, em superfície, o padrão de uma alta ao sul de uma baixa pressão. Apesar das semelhanças no padrão geral, diferenças ocorreram entre os dois eventos que influenciaram na intensidade dos sistemas: o Catarina ocorreu em latitudes mais baixas em relação ao caso de setembro de 2008; o padrão típico de bloqueio associado ao caso de setembro de 2008 durou um dia e meio, enquanto no evento Catarina foi de três dias; a configuração da advecção de temperatura na camada entre 1000-500 hPa favoreceu o deslocamento do evento de setembro de 2008 para leste/sudeste, ao contrário do Catarina, a advecção de ar quente a leste do ciclone foi praticamente suprimida e a tendência de altura geopotencial passou a ser positiva, padrões que impedem o deslocamento do sistema para leste; no caso de setembro de 2008 o padrão da inversão do gradiente meridional de temperatura potencial na superfície de -2,0 unidade de vorticidade potencial (UVP foi caracterizado pela incursão de uma região alongada de ar quente vinda do equador em direção ao sul e ar frio vinda do sul em direção ao equador, enquanto no caso Catarina a inversão ocorre pelo isolamento de uma bolha de ar frio ao norte e uma bolha de ar quente ao sul, o que pode ter contribuído para maior duração do padrão de bloqueio, pois a dissipação neste

  9. Resposta ao estresse: II. Resiliência e vulnerabilidade

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    Nicole Leite Galvão-Coelho


    Full Text Available ResumoA crescente exposição a estressores na vida cotidiana aumentou significativamente a investigação da resposta ao estresse nas duas últimas décadas. Embora associada a consequências negativas, pois muitas patologias físicas e mentais são desencadeadas por exposição crônica a estressores, esta resposta é indispensável para sobrevivencia do indivíduo e é extremamente adaptativa quando ativada de forma aguda. Na parte I desta revisão foram abordados os conceitos de homestase e alostase e os sistemas fisiológicos ativados durante a resposta ao estresse. Na parte II serão discutidos fatores que modulam a resposta ao estresse tais como sexo, temperamento, períodos críticos do desenvolvimento e a presença ou ausência de suporte social. A interação entre os fatores genéticos e ambientais gera os perfis da resposta psicofisiológica que caracterizam os fenótipos de susceptibilidade e resiliência frente aos estressores e sua relação com uma patologia mental cada vez mais presente na sociedade moderna, o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático.

  10. 40Ar/39Ar dating of 1.0-1.1 Ga magnetizations from the Sao Francisco and Kalahari cratons: tectonic implications for Pan-African and Brasiliano mobile belts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Renne, P.R.; Onstott, T.C.; Agrella-Filho, M.S. d'; Pacca, I.G.; Teixeira, W.


    Paleomagnetic poles from 1.1-1.0 Ga dyke swarms in eastern Brazil (Sao Francisco Craton) are compared with 1.0 Ga poles from granulites of the Namaqua Province in southern Africa (Kalahari Graton). The intrusive ages of dykes are estimated from 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of outgassed biotites from baked country rocks. The age of magnetization for the granulites is derived by combining 40 Ar/ 39 Ar hornblende and biotite dates. When restored to a Mesozoic pre-drift configuration the paleomagnetic poles are in crude spatial agreement but are temporally discordant. To satisfy both paleomagnetic and geochronologic constraints, a reconstruction involving separation of the Sao Francisco and Kalahari cratons is required, indicating that the intervening Pan-African (Brasiliano) mobile belt may record a craton-craton collision. (orig.)

  11. FOXA1 promotes tumor cell proliferation through AR involving the Notch pathway in endometrial cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu, Meiting; Bao, Wei; Wang, Jingyun; Yang, Tingting; He, Xiaoying; Liao, Yun; Wan, Xiaoping


    Increasing evidence suggests that forkhead box A1 (FOXA1) is frequently dysregulated in many types of human cancers. However, the exact function and mechanism of FOXA1 in human endometrial cancer (EC) remains unclear. FOXA1 expression, androgen receptor (AR) expression, and the relationships of these two markers with clinicopathological factors were determined by immunohistochemistry analysis. FOXA1 and AR were up-regulated by transient transfection with plasmids, and were down-regulated by transfection with siRNA or short hairpin RNA (shRNA). The effects of FOXA1 depletion and FOXA1 overexpression on AR-mediated transcription as well as Notch pathway and their impact on EC cell proliferation were examined by qRT-PCR, western blotting, co-immunoprecipitation, ChIP-PCR, MTT, colony-formation, and xenograft tumor–formation assays. We found that the expression of FOXA1 and AR in ECs was significantly higher than that in a typical hyperplasia and normal tissues. FOXA1 expression was significantly correlated with AR expression in clinical tissues. High FOXA1 levels positively correlated with pathological grade and depth of myometrial invasion in EC. High AR levels also positively correlated with pathological grade in EC. Moreover, the expression of XBP1, MYC, ZBTB16, and UHRF1, which are downstream targets of AR, was promoted by FOXA1 up-regulation or inhibited by FOXA1 down-regulation. Co-immunoprecipitation showed that FOXA1 interacted with AR in EC cells. ChIP-PCR assays showed that FOXA1 and AR could directly bind to the promoter and enhancer regions upstream of MYC. Mechanistic investigation revealed that over-expression of Notch1 and Hes1 proteins by FOXA1 could be reversed by AR depletion. In addition, we showed that down-regulation of AR attenuated FOXA1-up-regulated cell proliferation. However, AR didn’t influence the promotion effect of FOXA1 on cell migration and invasion. In vivo xenograft model, FOXA1 knockdown reduced the rate of tumor growth. These

  12. New 40Ar/39Ar age of the Bishop Tuff from multiple sites and sediment rate calibration for the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary (United States)

    Sarna-Wojcicki, A. M.; Pringle, M.S.; Wijbrans, J.


    Precise dating of sanidine from proximal ash flow Bishop Tuff and air fall Bishop pumice and ash, California, can be used to derive an absolute age of the Matuyama Reversed-Brunhes Normal (M-B) paleomagnetic transition, identified stratigraphically close beneath the Bishop Tuff and ash at many sites in the western United States. An average age of 758.9 ?? 1.8 ka, standard error of the mean (SEM), was obtained for individual sanidine crystals or groups of several crystals, determined from ???70 individual analyses of sanidine separates from 11 sample groups obtained at five localities. The basal air fall pumice (757.7 ?? 1.8 ka) and overlying ash flow tuff (762.2 ?? 4.7 ka) from near the source yield essentially the same dates within errors of analysis, suggesting that the two units were emplaced close in time. A date on distal Bishop air fall ash bed at Friant, California, ???100 km to the west of the source area, is younger, 750.1 ?? 4.3 ka, but not significantly different within analytical error (??1 standard deviation). Previous dates of the Bishop Tuff, obtained by others using conventional K-Ar and the fission track method on zircons, ranged from ???650 ka to ???1.0 Ma. The most recent, generally accepted date by the K-Ar method on sanidine was 738 ?? 3 ka. We infer, as others before, that many K-Ar dates on sanidine feldspar are too young owing to incomplete degassing of radiogenic Ar during fusion in the K-Ar technique and that many older K-Ar dates are too old owing to detrital or xenocrystic contamination in the larger samples that are necessary for the technique. The new dates are similar to recent 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Bishop Tuff determined on individual samples by others but are derived from a larger proximal sample population and from multiple analysis of each sample. The results provide a definitive and precise age calibration of this widespread chronostratigraphic marker in the western United States and northeastern Pacific Ocean. We calculated the

  13. Identification of thermotectonics events by 40Ar/39Ar methodology, in Jauru, Pontes e Lacerda and Rio Alegre Terrane - southwest portion of Amazon Craton

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paulo, Valeria Guimaraes de


    The southwest portion of Amazon Craton, subject of these work, correspond to the southwest region of Mato Grosso State and is inserted on Rio Negro-Juruena, Rondoniana-San Ignacio and Sunsas-Aguapei geochronologic Provinces. This region is surrounded by three big terranes: Jauru, Pontes e Lacerda and Rio Alegre. The main aim of this study is to use the ages of termochronologic events obtained by 40 Ar/ 39 Ar methodology, including data of literature, to contribute with the study of the geotectonic evolution on this region. Twenty samples were analyzed and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages found for the Jauru Terrane vary of 1539 ± 3 Ma to 1338 ± 3 Ma, for the Pontes e Lacerda Terrane the interval obtained was of 946,1 ± 0,8 Ma to 890 ± 2 Ma and for Rio Alegre Terrane the ages are between 1407 ± 3 Ma to 1321 ± 2 Ma. U/Pb, Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd data from previous works, together with 40 Ar/ 39 Ar results allowed to obtain cooling average rates to each terrane. The Jauru Terrane units cooling age is equivalent to 1,52 Ga. The cooling average rates found to Alto Jauru Greenstone belt rocks is 2,4 deg C - 1,0 Ma and to Magmatic Arc Cachoeirinha is 10,8 deg C - 1,0 Ma. Stabilization age obtained for Pontes and Lacerda Terrane is about 900 Ma coherent with the cooling age of the Sunsas Aguapei Event (1,0 - 0,9 Ga) and cooling average rates calculate were the lower, equivalent to 1,0 deg C - 1,0 Ma. Cooling age found in Rio Alegre Terrane was 1,35 Ga, possibility correspond to collision age these terrane with Amazonian protoCraton and cooling average rates of 5,0 deg C - 1,0 Ma. Finally, younger age found of 900 Ma, coherent to the Sunsas - Aguapei Event, probably represent the last regional event that affected these rocks, characterizing the stabilization period of the southwest portion of Amazon Craton. (author)

  14. StAR Enhances Transcription of Genes Encoding the Mitochondrial Proteases Involved in Its Own Degradation (United States)

    Bahat, Assaf; Perlberg, Shira; Melamed-Book, Naomi; Lauria, Ines; Langer, Thomas


    Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) is essential for steroid hormone synthesis in the adrenal cortex and the gonads. StAR activity facilitates the supply of cholesterol substrate into the inner mitochondrial membranes where conversion of the sterol to a steroid is catalyzed. Mitochondrial import terminates the cholesterol mobilization activity of StAR and leads to mounting accumulation of StAR in the mitochondrial matrix. Our studies suggest that to prevent mitochondrial impairment, StAR proteolysis is executed by at least 2 mitochondrial proteases, ie, the matrix LON protease and the inner membrane complexes of the metalloproteases AFG3L2 and AFG3L2:SPG7/paraplegin. Gonadotropin administration to prepubertal rats stimulated ovarian follicular development associated with increased expression of the mitochondrial protein quality control system. In addition, enrichment of LON and AFG3L2 is evident in StAR-expressing ovarian cells examined by confocal microscopy. Furthermore, reporter studies of the protease promoters examined in the heterologous cell model suggest that StAR expression stimulates up to a 3.5-fold increase in the protease gene transcription. Such effects are StAR-specific, are independent of StAR activity, and failed to occur upon expression of StAR mutants that do not enter the matrix. Taken together, the results of this study suggest the presence of a novel regulatory loop, whereby acute accumulation of an apparent nuisance protein in the matrix provokes a mitochondria to nucleus signaling that, in turn, activates selected transcription of genes encoding the enrichment of mitochondrial proteases relevant for enhanced clearance of StAR. PMID:24422629

  15. Vacuum ultraviolet Ar2*laser pumped by a high-intensity laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubodera, Shoichi; Kaku, Masanori; Higashiguchi, Takeshi


    We observed a small-signal gain of Ar 2 * emission at 126 nm by use of an Ar-filled hollow fiber to guide the ultrashort-pulse high-intensity laser propagation. The small signal gain coefficient was measured to be 0.05 cm -1 at 126 nm. Kinetic analysis revealed that the electrons produced by the high-intensity laser through an optical-field ionization process initiated the Ar 2 * production process. This laser scheme could be combined with high harmonic radiation of the pump laser in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), leading to the production of amplified ultrashort VUV pulses. (author)

  16. First evidence for spin-flip M1 strength in 40Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, T.C.; Rainovski, G.; Pietralla, N.; Ahn, T.; Costin, A.; Tonchev, A.P.; Ahmed, M.W.; Blackston, M.A.; Parpottas, Y.; Perdue, B.A.; Tornow, W.; Weller, H.R.; Angell, C.; Keeter, K.J.; Li, J.; Mikhailov, S.; Wu, Y.K.; Lisetskiy, A.


    The 40 Ar(γ→,γ ' ) photon scattering reaction was used to search for spin-flip M1 strength in 40 Ar. The nearly monochromatic, linearly polarized photon beam of HIγS, in an energy region from 7.7 to 11 MeV, was employed in this study. 28 dipole excitations were observed. The azimuthal intensity asymmetry indicated that all of these states were E1 except for the state at E x =9.757 MeV. Shell-model calculations were used to interpret this state as one fragment of the spin-flip M1 strength in 40 Ar

  17. Functional participation of a nifH-arsA2 chimeric fusion gene in arsenic reduction by Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lahiri, Surobhi; Pulakat, Lakshmi; Gavini, Nara


    The NifH (dimer) and ArsA proteins are structural homologs and share common motifs like nucleotide-binding domains, signal transduction domains and also possible similar metal center ligands. Given the similarity between two proteins, we investigated if the NifH protein from Azotobacter vinelandii could functionally substitute for the ArsA1 half of the ArsA protein of Escherichia coli. The chimeric NifH-ArsA2 protein was expressed and detected in the E. coli strain by Western blotting. Growth comparisons of E. coli strains containing plasmids encoding for complete ArsA, partial ArsA (ArsA2) or chimeric ArsA (NifH-ArsA2) in media with increasing sodium arsenite concentrations (0-5 mM) showed that the chimeric NifH-ArsA2 could substitute for the ArsA. This functional complementation demonstrated the strong conservation of essential domains that have been maintained in NifH and ArsA even after their divergence to perform varied functions

  18. Etching mechanism of MgO thin films in inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efremov, A.M.; Koo, Seong-Mo; Kim, Dong-Pyo; Kim, Kyoung-Tae; Kim, Chang-Il


    The etching mechanism of MgO thin films in Cl 2 /Ar plasma was investigated. It was found that the increasing Ar in the mixing ratio of Cl 2 /Ar plasma causes nonmonotonic MgO etch rate, which reaches a maximum value at 70%Ar+30%Cl 2 . Langmuir probe measurement showed the noticeable influence of Cl 2 /Ar mixing ratio on electron temperature and electron density. The zero-dimensional plasma model indicated monotonic changes of both densities and fluxes of active species. At the same time, analyses of surface kinetics showed the possibility of nonmonotonic etch rate behavior due to the concurrence of physical and chemical pathways in ion-assisted chemical reaction

  19. Cascade production of Ar(3p54p) following electron bombardment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keto, J.W.; Kuo, C.


    We observe the time dependence of the fluorescence of Ar(3p 5 4p) following electron excitation of argon at pressures from 2--3000 Torr. The population of these levels at the lowest pressures observed is dominated by radiative cascade from Ar(3p 5 3d) and Ar(3p 5 5s). For argon states 4p'[1/2] 0 , 4p'[3/2] 2 , and 4p[1/2] 0 we find the cascade transitions can be identified and we assign radiative lifetimes of 61 +- 10, 69 +- 12, and 61 +- 6 nsec to 3d'[3/2] 1 , 3d'[5/2] 3 , and 3d[3/2] 1 , respectively. For cascade lifetimes to other levels, unique assignments cannot be made until values for forbidden electron impact cross sections to 3p 5 3d and 3p 5 5s can be obtained. The collisional quenching rates for the cascading levels are measured and found to explain the pressure dependence of the decay of Ar(3p 5 4p) over the full range of pressure except for Ar(3p 5 4p'[1/2] 1 ) which has a unique and interesting behavior at high pressures

  20. 40Ar/39Ar ages of the post-collision volcanic rocks and their geological significance in Yangyingxiang area, south Tibet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Su; Mo Xuanxue; Zhao Zhidan; Zhang Shuangquan; Guo Tieying; Qiu Ruizhao


    Ten new 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age determination of mineral separates have been carried out to date volcanic rocks of Yangyingxiang in the eastern part of the Gangdese, Tibet. The age range of Sanidine and biotite in the five volcanic rock samples from the Yangyingxiang is 10.68 ± 0.05 - 11.42 ± 0.09 Ma. These results, combining with the previously published data, confirmed that Neogene post-collision volcanic rocks in the Gangdese widely occurred and their ages were getting younger eastwards. These volcanic rocks are different from those in Pana Formation of Linzizhong group (52.9 ± 2 Ma) outside Yangyingxiang geothermal field. (authors)

  1. Bioremediación de arsénico mediante la formación de minerales de sulfuro de arsénico


    Regodón Trujillo, Diego Álvaro


    La bioremediación de aguas contaminadas con arsénico mediante la formación de minerals de sulfuro de arsénico ha sido probada con éxito usando la reducción microbiana simultanea de arsenato y sulfato, pero solo bajo estrictas condiciones de pH < 7 y un ratio estequiométrico de S/As. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la eficacia de este método usando ratios S/As alejados del valor estequiométrico y con un pH < 7. Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio...

  2. Adesão ao tratamento da ambliopia


    Arakaki,Mara Regina; Schellini,Silvana Artioli; Heimbeck,Felipe Jorge; Furuya,Margareth Tiemi; Padovani,Carlos Roberto


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da adesão no resultado do tratamento da ambliopia. MÉTODOS: Foi feito estudo retrospectivo avaliando a resposta ao tratamento da ambliopia em 151 crianças portadoras de ambliopia, tratadas com esquema de oclusão diária, com o número de dias variando de acordo com a idade da criança. Os pacientes foram separados em dois grupos que diferiam entre si pela adesão ou não ao tratamento. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que o tratamento teve melhores resultados nas crianças de ...

  3. Protein kinase D1 (PKD1) influences androgen receptor (AR) function in prostate cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mak, Paul; Jaggi, Meena; Syed, Viqar; Chauhan, Subhash C.; Hassan, Sazzad; Biswas, Helal; Balaji, K.C.


    Protein kinase D1 (PKD1), founding member of PKD protein family, is down-regulated in advanced prostate cancer (PCa). We demonstrate that PKD1 and androgen receptor (AR) are present as a protein complex in PCa cells. PKD1 is associated with a transcriptional complex which contains AR and promoter sequence of the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) gene. Ectopic expression of wild type PKD1 and the kinase dead mutant PKD1 (K628W) attenuated the ligand-dependent transcriptional activation of AR in prostate cancer cells and yeast cells indicating that PKD1 can affect AR transcription activity, whereas knocking down PKD1 enhanced the ligand-dependent transcriptional activation of AR. Co-expression of kinase dead mutant with AR significantly inhibited androgen-mediated cell proliferation in both LNCaP and DU145 PC cells. Our data demonstrate for the first time that PKD1 can influence AR function in PCa cells

  4. Gas-phase evolution of Ar/H2O and Ar/CH4 dielectric barrier discharge plasmas (United States)

    Barni, Ruggero; Riccardi, Claudia


    We present some experimental results of an investigation aimed to hydrogen production with atmospheric pressure plasmas, based on the use of dielectric barrier discharges, fed with a high-voltage alternating signal at frequency 30-50 kHz, in mixtures of methane or water vapor diluted in argon. The plasma gas-phase of the discharge was investigated by means of optical and electrical diagnostics. The emission spectra of the discharges was measured with a wide band spectrometer and a photosensor module, based on a photomultiplier tube. A Rogowski coil allowed to measure the electric current flowing into the circuit and a high voltage probe was employed for evaluating the voltage at the electrodes. The analysis of the signals of voltage and current shows the presence of microdischarges between the electrodes in two alternating phases during the period of oscillation of the applied voltage. The hydrogen concentration in the gaseous mixture was measured too. Besides this experimental campaign, we present also results from a numerical modeling of chemical kinetics in the gas-phase of Ar/H2O and Ar/CH4 plasmas. The simulations were conducted under conditions of single discharge to study the evolution of the system and of fixed frequency repeated discharging. In particular in Ar/H2O mixtures we could study the evolution from early atomic dissociation in the discharge, to longer time scales, when chemical reactions take place producing an increase of the density of species such as OH, H2O2 and subsequently of H and H2. The results of numerical simulations provide some insights into the evolution happening in the plasma gas-phase during the hydrogen reforming process.

  5. Single Chondrule K/Ar ages of Mexican Meteorites Using ID-TIMS. (United States)

    Hernandez, M.; Sole, J.


    We have determined the K/Ar ages of two H5 ordinary meteorites: Cosina and Nuevo Mercurio, neither dated until this study. We analyzed several single chondrules - weighing few milligrams - of each meteorite. Ages were obtained by using very precise K content determined by isotope dilution mass spectrometry. The K content in chondrules ranges between 650 and 1400 ppm. The 40Ar was measured by static vacuum noble gas mass spectrometry. Samples were fused with an infrared CO2 laser. Chondrule ages vary from 3.66 to 4.59 Ga for Cosina and from 4.20 to 4.87 Ga for Nuevo Mercurio. A comparison between our data and the published K/Ar ages of H and L whole rocks shows that dates obtained from single chondrules are older than those obtained from whole rocks and seem to preserve older events not evidenced in the WR ages. This implies that chondrules can preserve K/Ar ages very close to U-Pb crystallization ages.

  6. Nano-hardness estimation by means of Ar+ ion etching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartali, R.; Micheli, V.; Gottardi, G.; Vaccari, A.; Safeen, M.K.; Laidani, N.


    When the coatings are in nano-scale, the mechanical properties cannot be easily estimated by means of the conventional methods due to: tip shape, instrument resolution, roughness, and substrate effect. In this paper, we proposed a semi-empirical method to evaluate the mechanical properties of thin films based on the sputtering rate induced by bombardment of Ar + ion. The Ar + ion bombardment was induced by ion gun implemented in Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). This procedure has been applied on a series of coatings with different structure (carbon films) and a series of coating with a different density (ZnO thin films). The coatings were deposited on Silicon substrates by RF sputtering plasma. The results show that, as predicted by Insepov et al., there is a correlation between hardness and sputtering rate. Using reference materials and a simple power law equation the estimation of the nano-hardness using an Ar + beam is possible. - Highlights: • ZnO film and Carbon films were grown on silicon using PVD. • The growth temperature was room temperature. • The hardness of the coatings was estimated by means of nanoindentation. • Evaluation of resistance of materials to the mechanical damage induced by an Ar + ion gun (AES). • The hardness have been studied and a power law with the erosion rate has been found

  7. Comparative simulation analysis on the ignition threshold of atmospheric He and Ar dielectric barrier discharge (United States)

    Yao, Congwei; Chang, Zhengshi; Chen, Sile; Ma, Hengchi; Mu, Haibao; Zhang, Guan-Jun


    Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) is widely applied in many fields, and the discharge characteristics of insert gas have been the research focus for years. In this paper, fluid models of atmospheric Ar and He DBDs driven by 22 kHz sinusoidal voltage are built to analyze their ignition processes. The contributions of different electron sources in ignition process are analyzed, including the direct ionization of ground state atom, stepwise ionization of metastable particles, and secondary electron emission from dielectric wall, and they play different roles in different discharge stages. The Townsend direct ionization coefficient of He is higher than Ar with the same electrical field intensity, which is the direct reason for the different ignition thresholds between He and Ar. Further, the electron energy loss per free electron produced in Ar and He DBDs is discussed. It is found that the total electron energy loss rate of Ar is higher than He when the same electrical field is applied. The excitation reaction of Ar consumes the major electron energy but cannot produce free electrons effectively, which is the essential reason for the higher ignition threshold of Ar. The computation results of He and Ar extinction voltages can be explained in the view of electron energy loss, as well as the experimental results of different extinction voltages between Ar/NH3 and He DBDs.

  8. Apmierinātības ar dzīvi, apmierinātības ar darbu un emocionālā intelekta saistības


    Tavare, Dace


    Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot saistības starp apmierinātību ar dzīvi, apmierinātību ar darbu un emocionālo intelektu, kā arī noskaidrot kā emocionālā intelekta rādītāji prognozē iepriekšminētos mainīgos. Pētījumā piedalījās 135 respondenti (74 sievietes, 61 vīrietis), vecumā no 20 - 45 gadiem. Respondentiem bija jāaizpilda trīs aptaujas - Iezīmju emocionālā intelekta aptauja – īsā versija (TEIQue-SF, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form, Petrides & Furnham, 2001), A...

  9. Air-assisted boom sprayer and spray deposition on bean plants Assistência de ar em barra de pulverização e a deposição da calda em feijoeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Cesar Bauer


    Full Text Available The development of safe pesticide application techniques with low volume rates, frequency and spray drift, along with the need to obtain better control level of crop pest control levels, justify the air-assistance in boom sprayers. The aim of this research was to evaluate the spray deposition on bean plants with different nozzles and volume rates by air-assisted and non-assisted sprayers. A completely randomized experiment was carried out using copper oxide as a tracer (50% metalic copper for deposit evaluation. The artificial targets were fixed on the upper and under-side of the leaflets, at the top and lower third of the same plants under the spray boom. After application, targets were washed individually with an extracting solution of nitric acid (1.0 mol L-1. The tracer deposition on the artificial targets was quantified by atomic absorption spectrofotometry. The effects of air-assisted spray were not significant in relation to spray deposition 48 days after emergence of the bean plants.A possibilidade do desenvolvimento de técnicas de aplicação de produtos fitossanitários mais seguras, com menores volumes de calda, número de aplicações e deriva, aliados à necessidade de se obter melhores níveis de controle dos agentes nocivos às plantas cultivadas, justificam o uso da assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização. Com o objetivo de avaliar a deposição da pulverização na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris, em presença e ausência da assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização, com diferentes pontas de pulverização e volumes de calda, foi conduzido um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, utilizando-se como traçador o óxido cuproso. Alvos artificiais (papel filtro com 3 x 3 cm foram afixados nas superfícies adaxial e abaxial de folíolos posicionados nos terços superior e inferior de plantas, selecionadas ao acaso, distribuídas perpendicularmente ao deslocamento do pulverizador. Ap

  10. Positron Annihilation Ratio Spectroscopy (PsARS) Applied to Positronium Formation Studies (United States)


    Positron Annihilation Ratio Spectroscopy (PsARS). These experimental techniques have been used for a variety of military and civilian applications ... POSITRON ANNIHILATION RATIO SPECTROSCOPY (PsARS) APPLIED TO POSITRONIUM FORMATION STUDIES THESIS...of Defense, or the United States Government. AFIT/GNE/ENP/10-M07 POSITRON ANNIHILATION RATIO SPECTROSCOPY

  11. ARS - Helsinki - 2006 / Galina Balashova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Balashova, Galina


    Steven Holli projekteeritud Kiasma muuseumihoonest Helsingis. Kontseptuaalkunsti näitusest ARS 06 "Reaalsustunne" Kiasmas. Eestlastest esineb Mark Raidpere. Vene kunstnikegrupi AEC+F ja vene kunstnike Juri Vassiljevi ning Aleksandr Ponomarjovi töödest näitusel. Ka Gerda Steineri & Jörg Lenzlingeri (Šveits), Martin & Munoz'i (USA, Hispaania), arvutigraafik Charles Sandisoni (SB), videokunstnik Bill Viola (USA) jt. töödest

  12. Strategic Repositioning for Convection Business Case Study: AR Vendor


    Anindita, Pratisara Satwika; Toha, Mohamad


    The study aims to determine suitable position and strategy in order to reach superiority in convection business based on the company strengths and weaknesses. A study conducted in late 2012 at AR Vendor, a home-based convection company which focus on the t-shirt screen printing service. In response to the issue of the below average profit margin, the company has to rethink their position and strategy in handling the convection business environment. While AR Vendor business may growth in accor...

  13. Identification of AR(I)MA processes for modelling temporal correlations of GPS observations (United States)

    Luo, X.; Mayer, M.; Heck, B.


    In many geodetic applications observations of the Global Positioning System (GPS) are routinely processed by means of the least-squares method. However, this algorithm delivers reliable estimates of unknown parameters und realistic accuracy measures only if both the functional and stochastic models are appropriately defined within GPS data processing. One deficiency of the stochastic model used in many GPS software products consists in neglecting temporal correlations of GPS observations. In practice the knowledge of the temporal stochastic behaviour of GPS observations can be improved by analysing time series of residuals resulting from the least-squares evaluation. This paper presents an approach based on the theory of autoregressive (integrated) moving average (AR(I)MA) processes to model temporal correlations of GPS observations using time series of observation residuals. A practicable integration of AR(I)MA models in GPS data processing requires the determination of the order parameters of AR(I)MA processes at first. In case of GPS, the identification of AR(I)MA processes could be affected by various factors impacting GPS positioning results, e.g. baseline length, multipath effects, observation weighting, or weather variations. The influences of these factors on AR(I)MA identification are empirically analysed based on a large amount of representative residual time series resulting from differential GPS post-processing using 1-Hz observation data collected within the permanent SAPOS® (Satellite Positioning Service of the German State Survey) network. Both short and long time series are modelled by means of AR(I)MA processes. The final order parameters are determined based on the whole residual database; the corresponding empirical distribution functions illustrate that multipath and weather variations seem to affect the identification of AR(I)MA processes much more significantly than baseline length and observation weighting. Additionally, the modelling

  14. Kinematics and 40Ar/ 39Ar geochronology of the Gaoligong and Chongshan shear systems, western Yunnan, China: Implications for early Oligocene tectonic extrusion of SE Asia (United States)

    Wang, Yuejun; Fan, Weiming; Zhang, Yanhua; Peng, Touping; Chen, Xinyue; Xu, Yigang


    The Gaoligong and Chongshan shear systems (GLSS and CSSS) in western Yunnan, China, have similar tectonic significance to the Ailaoshan-Red River shear system (ASRRSS) during the Cenozoic tectonic development of the southeastern Tibetan syntaxis. To better understand their kinematics and the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of SE Asia, this paper presents new kinematic and 40Ar/ 39Ar geochronological data for these shear systems. All the structural and microstructural evidence indicate that the GLSS is a dextral strike-slip shear system while the CSSS is a sinistral strike-slip shear system, and both were developed under amphibolite- to greenschist-grade conditions. The 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of synkinematic minerals revealed that the strike-slip shearing on the GLSS and CSSS at least began at ˜ 32 Ma, possibly coeval with the onset of other major shear systems in SE Asia. The late-stage shearing on the GLSS and CSSS is dated at ˜ 27-29 Ma by the biotite 40Ar/ 39Ar ages, consistent with that of the Wang Chao shear zone (WCSZ), but ˜ 10 Ma earlier than that of the ASRRSS. The dextral Gaoligong shear zone within the GLSS may have separated the India plate from the Indochina Block during early Oligocene. Combined with other data in western Yunnan, we propose that the Baoshan/Southern Indochina Block escaped faster southeastward along the CSSS to the east and the GLSS to the west than the Northern Indochina Block along the ASRRSS, accompanying with the obliquely northward motion of the India plate during early Oligocene (28-36 Ma). During 28-17 Ma, the Northern Indochina Block was rotationally extruded along the ASRRSS relative to the South China Block as a result of continuously impinging of the India plate.

  15. Preparação e caracterização de compósitos poliméricos baseados em amido termoplástico e materiais de alta área superficial: zeólita ZSM-5 e sílica coloidal Preparation and characterization of polymeric composites based on thermoplastic starch and high surface area materials: ZSM-5 zeolite and colloidal silica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio Plotegher


    Full Text Available Foram produzidas amostras de amido termoplástico (TPS reforçadas com materiais de alta área superficial, com o intuito de verificar a variação nas propriedades do polímero, com especial enfoque na sua permeabilidade a vapor d'água. Foram utilizadas como carga a sílica coloidal (área superficial de 122,7 m²/g e uma zeólita do tipo ZSM-5, produzida em laboratório (área superficial de 261,3 m²/g, em teores de 2 a 10% em massa. Os resultados demonstraram que a adição de ambos os materiais melhorou as propriedades mecânicas do TPS, embora nos maiores teores houve redução da qualidade das interfaces e dessas propriedades, principalmente para a ZSM-5. Em todos os casos a introdução da carga inorgânica reduziu a permeabilidade ao vapor d'água em até 20% quando comparada à permeabilidade do TPS, porém a melhor dispersão da sílica coloidal na matriz permitiu as maiores reduções, apesar da área superficial inferior.Compositions of thermoplastic starch (TPS reinforced by high surface area materials were produced, intending to study the variation in polymer properties, focusing on the permeability to water vapor. Colloidal silica (surface area 122.7 m²/g and a ZSM-5 zeolite (surface area 261.3 m²/g were used, in loadings from 2 to 10% weight. The results demonstrated that the addition of both materials was favorable to the TPS mechanical properties, however in higher loadings the quality of polymer interfaces and these properties were negatively affected, especially for ZSM-5. In all the cases the inorganic particles reduced the permeability to water vapor in levels below 20% when compared to pure TPS, although the best dispersion of colloidal silica determined better reductions, despite its lower surface area.

  16. [VR and AR Applications in Medical Practice and Education]. (United States)

    Hsieh, Min-Chai; Lin, Yu-Hsuan


    As technology advances, mobile devices have gradually turned into wearable devices. Furthermore, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) are being increasingly applied in medical fields such as medical education and training, surgical simulation, neurological rehabilitation, psychotherapy, and telemedicine. Research results demonstrate the ability of VR, AR, and MR to ameliorate the inconveniences that are often associated with traditional medical care, reduce incidents of medical malpractice caused by unskilled operations, and reduce the cost of medical education and training. What is more, the application of these technologies has enhanced the effectiveness of medical education and training, raised the level of diagnosis and treatment, improved the doctor-patient relationship, and boosted the efficiency of medical execution. The present study introduces VR, AR, and MR applications in medical practice and education with the aim of helping health professionals better understand the applications and use these technologies to improve the quality of medical care.

  17. Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) and its harmful effects on human health

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khanam, Yasmin; Singh, Yogender


    After radiation exposure a series of many clinical syndromes appear that is called as Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS). ARS also known as radiation toxicology or radiation sickness. Both low and higher doses radiation exposure on human body cause different types of radiation syndromes. These radiations may be ionizing radiations. X-rays and gamma rays etc. some times neutrons or radionuclides may also be deposited in human body and their effective doses cause major injuries or abnormalities even sometimes death also. ARS consist of a sequence of phased symptoms. These symptoms appear after the radiation exposure for several days to several months or sometimes for a long period or years. ARS depends on the quantity of absorbed radiation dose (rad0). ARS is characterized by an initial prodromal stage of malaise, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Critical effects of ARS are Hematologic, that results infections to low white blood cells (WBC), bleeding due to low platelets and anemia due to low red blood cells (RBC), Gastrointestinal results nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and abdominal pain (exposure doses of 600-1000 rad) and Neurovascular depending on the exposure dose. Neurovascular syndrome typically occurs at exposure doses greater than 1000 rad. It presents with neurological symptoms such as dizziness, headache, or decreased level of consciousness with an absence of vomiting. The clinical course of radiation sickness following a single intensive exposure to whole body radiation is characterized by three successive phases; a prodromal phase, which develops within minutes or hours after exposure, an ensuring latent period, which is relatively asymptomatic; and the main phase of the illness. Complete Blood Count (CBC) are helpful for the diagnosis for ARS. ARS may cause skin damage or loss of epidermis. Person suffering from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea should be admitted to well equipped hospitals or clinics. High exposured persons should be analysed CBC. Their

  18. Turbellaria from Curaçao

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marcus, Ernst


    A study of the several fresh and brackish-water springs on Curaçao, carried out by Dr. P. WAGENAAR HUMMELINCK, revealed (a) the common occurrence on that island of Dugesia festai (Borelli 1898), a species which until then had only been known from the South American mainland (nearest find: Ecuador!),



    Wandelli, Leonardo Vieira


    O presente artigo procura traçar alguns elementos que pretendem articular como, a partir do discurso jurídico, podem ser significados os aportes sobre saúde e trabalho, especialmente aqueles trazidos pela abordagem da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Um caminho, assim, que vai dos estudos sobre sujeito, trabalho e saúde até o Direito Constitucional, que afirma como seu fundamento a dignidade humana, indissociável da centralidade antropológica do trabalho; um vínculo expressado pelo direito fundamen...

  20. Titanium embedded cage structure formation in AlnTi+ clusters and their interaction with Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, M. B.; Vega, A.; Balbás, L. C.; Aguilera-Granja, F.


    Recently, Ar physisorption was used as a structural probe for the location of the Ti dopant atom in aluminium cluster cations, Al n Ti + [Lang et al., J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 22, 1508 (2011)]. As an experiment result, the lack of Ar complexes for n > n c determines the cluster size for which the Ti atom is located inside of an Al cage. To elucidate the decisive factors for the formation of endohedrally Al n Ti + , experimentalists proposed detailed computational studies as indispensable. In this work, we investigated, using the density functional theory, the structural and electronic properties of singly titanium doped cationic clusters, Al n Ti + (n = 16–21) as well as the adsorption of an Ar atom on them. The first endohedral doped cluster, with Ti encapsulated in a fcc-like cage skeleton, appears at n c = 21, which is the critical number consistent with the exohedral-endohedral transition experimentally observed. At this critical size the non-crystalline icosahedral growth pattern, related to the pure aluminium clusters, with the Ti atom in the surface, changes into a endohedral fcc-like pattern. The map of structural isomers, relative energy differences, second energy differences, and structural parameters were determined and analyzed. Moreover, we show the critical size depends on the net charge of the cluster, being different for the cationic clusters (n c = 21) and their neutral counterparts (n c = 20). For the Al n Ti + · Ar complexes, and for n n Ti + clusters keeps unaltered in the Ar-cluster complexes. This fact indicates that Ar adsorption does not influence the cluster structure, providing support to the experimental technique used. For n c = 21, the smallest size of endohedral Ti doped cationic clusters, the Ar binding energy decreases drastically, whereas the Ar-cluster distance increases substantially, point to Ar physisorption, as assumed by the experimentalists. Calculated Ar adsorption energies agree well with available experimental binding