
Sample records for pengukuran sel ssurya


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    Cynthia Agelina Purnomo


    Full Text Available UMKM XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan keripik buah nangka. Pada proses observasi langsung di lapangan, perusahaan mempunyai masalah dalam melakukan pengukuran kinerja. Pengukuran kinerja yang dilakukan hanya berdasarkan Net Profit Margin (rasio laba bersih dibandingkan dengan pendapatan tiap tahunnya. Pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan tidak cukup representatif menilai kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan alat ukur kinerja yang tepat dan fleksibel, yaitu dengan metode Performance Prism. Proses penentuan Key Performance Indicator (KPI kinerja berdasarkan persetujuan dari pihak manajer perusahaan. Dengan periode dasar (tahun 2015 didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat 25 Key Performance Indicator yang terdiri dari: 2 KPI Investor, 8 KPI Konsumen, 4 KPI Suplier, 6 KPI Karyawan, dan 5 KPI Masyarakat Sekitar dengan nilai total kinerja keseluruhan sebagai pembanding dengan periode pengukuran adalah 2,232 (kategori cukup sehingga perlu ditingkatkan lagi pada periode selanjutnya berdasarkan saran-saran pada periode dasar.


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    Ajeng Silvia Puji Lestari, Agus Mulyono


    Nilai threshold yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini yaitu 0.66, 0.67, 0.68. Nilai yang paling tepat untuk mencirikan sel piknosis dan nekrosis adalah nilai threshold 0.67, selanjutnya citra hasil threshold ditest dengan aplikasi penghitungan sel dan mendapatkan hasil yang cukup memuaskan yaitu dengan nilai KR (Kesalahan Relatif masing-masing sel (sel piknosis dan sel nekrosis adalah 8.5% dan 9%.


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    Catharina Sri Wahyu Widayati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan besarnya estimasi kesalahan pengukuran perangkat soal Ujicoba Ujian Nasional mata pelajaran Biologi SMA. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada respons siswa peserta tes ujicoba di kabupaten Bantul tahun pelajaran 2007/2008. Sumber data berupa lembar jawaban siswa yang diambil dengan teknik stratified proportional random sampling sebanyak 842 respons siswa dari 9 SMA negeri. Metode estimasi kesalahan pengukuran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1 metode Thorndike, 2 metode Polynomial, 3 pendekatan Binomial Lord dengan modifikasi Keats, 4 pendekatan compound Binomial, 5 metode analisis varians, dan 6 metode teori respons butir. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa besarnya estimasi kesalahan pengukuran perangkat soal tes ujicoba ujian nasional mata pelajaran biologi SMA tahun pelajaran 2007/2008 dengan menggunakan metode Thorndike, Polynomial, Binomial dengan modifikasi Keats, Compound Binomial, Analisis Varians, dan teori respons butir berturut-turut sebagai berikut: 2,96, 2,99, 2,87, 2,87, 2,83, dan 2,81, sedangkan hasil perhitungan root mean square error (RMSE untuk masing-masing metode berturut-turut sebagai berikut: 0,02869, 0,02904, 0,02891, 0,02873, 0,02854, dan 0,02848. Harga RMSE terkecil diperoleh dengan metode teori respons butir, sehingga metode ini merupakan metode yang paling tepat. Kata kunci: metode estimasi kesalahan pengukuran

  4. Implementasi Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) Untuk Paket Data Pemantauan dan PengukuranUntuk Paket Data Pemantauan dan Pengukuran


    Arief Goeritno


    Telah dilakukan implementasi Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) untuk paket data pemantauan dan pengukuran melalui tujuan penelitian, berupa: a) penyetelan program aplikasi pada jaringan APRS dan b) pengukuran terhadap penerimaan data berdasarkan kinerja sensor-sensor. Penyetelan program aplikasi APRS merupakan konfigurasi perangkat lunak untuk APRS yang akan digunakan pada stasiun penerimaan data APRS dengan program aplikasi yang biasa digunakan, yaitu hyperterminal dan UI-View 32. Pen...

  5. Implementasi Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS Untuk Paket Data Pemantauan dan PengukuranUntuk Paket Data Pemantauan dan Pengukuran

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    Arief Goeritno


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan implementasi Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS untuk paket data pemantauan dan pengukuran melalui tujuan penelitian, berupa: a penyetelan program aplikasi pada jaringan APRS dan b pengukuran terhadap penerimaan data berdasarkan kinerja sensor-sensor. Penyetelan program aplikasi APRS merupakan konfigurasi perangkat lunak untuk APRS yang akan digunakan pada stasiun penerimaan data APRS dengan program aplikasi yang biasa digunakan, yaitu hyperterminal dan UI-View 32. Pengukuran penerimaan data berdasarkan kinerja sensor yang dilakukan melalui proses perekaman pada stasiun penerimaan data APRS. Kinerja sensor-sensor akan diamati pada stasiun pengiriman dan data hasil pengamatan akan dapat diterima pada stasiun penerimaan secara real time. Program aplikasi berbasis hyperterminal dan UI View 32 telah berhasil melakukan proses handshaking antara Terminal Node Controller (TNC dan komputer, sehingga data telemetri dari stasiun pengiriman paket data dapat diterima di stasiun penerimaan. Data telemetri dapat diamati pada stasiun penerimaan dan dapat diperoleh secara real time dengan format: YB0LRB-11>BEACON,WIDE2-1 [05/18/2014 04:03:49]: : T#010,008,093,004,122,075. Notifikasi YB0LRB-11 merupakan stasiun pengiriman paket data telemetri, kemudian data tersebut akan diterima pada stasiun penerima YD1PRY dengan format: YD1PRY-2>APLPN,ARISS [05/18/2014 04:03:07]: : !06.30.37S/106.48.26E#. Notifikasi tersebut merupakan pengiriman informasi data posisi oleh stasiun YD1PRY untuk inisialisasi pada jaringan APRS. Stasiun YB0LRB-11 ketika mengirim paket data telemetri dengan format: YB0LRB-11>BEACON,WIDE2-1 [05/18/2014 04:00:49]: : T#001,004,035,005,122,075. Paket data dari stasiun YB0LRB yang dipancar ulang atau digipeater dengan format: YB0LRB-11>BEACON,YD1PRY-2,WIDE2* [05/18/2014 04:00:50]: : T#001,004,035,005,122,075. Sensor pengukuran berkinerja relatif stabil, walaupun terdapat nilai simpangan pengukuran sebesar 1 cm atau


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    Toni Arifin


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT - The Pap Smear test is done to see the presence of infection or changes in cells that can turn into cancer cells. In this research is using data on analysis results of texture image processing on previous research that is using a nucleus cell and inflammation cell in the image Pap Smear cell. The purpose of this research is to find the best method for classifying the nucleus cell and inflammation cell based on texture analysis GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix in this research used of method Decision tree (C 4.5, Naive Bayes and k-Nearest Neighbour. The results of this research brings about the best methods for classification of the data nucleus cell and inflammation cell that is a method of Decision tree (C4.5 with accuracy 97,56% whereas results for Naive Bayes 90,89% and k-Nearest Neighbour 95,97%. Keywords: Data mining, classification, Pap Smear cell, Texture Analysis ABSTRAKSI - Tes Pap Smear dilakukan untuk melihat adanya infeksi atau perubahan sel-sel yang dapat berubah menjadi sel kanker. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan data analisis tekstur yang didapatkan dari hasil pengolahan citra pada penelitian sebelumnya yaitu menggunakan sel nukleus dan sel radang pada citra sel Pap Smear. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari metode terbaik untuk mengklasifikasikan sel nukleus dan sel radang berdasarkan analisa teksur GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Decision tree (C4.5, Naive Bayes dan k-Nearest Neighbour. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan metode terbaik untuk klasifikasi data sel nukleus dan sel radang yaitu metode Decision tree (C4.5 dengan akurasi 97,56% sedangkan hasil untuk Naive Bayes 90,89% dan k-Nearest Neighbour 95,97%. Kata Kunci: Data mining, Klasifikasi, Sel Pap Smear, Analisa Tekstur

  7. SEL's Software Process-Improvement Program (United States)

    Basili, Victor; Zelkowitz, Marvin; McGarry, Frank; Page, Jerry; Waligora, Sharon; Pajerski, Rose


    The goals and operations of the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is reviewed. For nearly 20 years the SEL has worked to understand, assess, and improve software and the development process within the production environment of the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The SEL was established in 1976 with the goals of reducing: (1) the defect rate of delivered software, (2) the cost of software to support flight projects, and (3) the average time to produce mission-support software. After studying over 125 projects of FDD, the results have guided the standards, management practices, technologies, and the training within the division. The results of the studies have been a 75 percent reduction in defects, a 50 percent reduction in cost, and a 25 percent reduction in development time. Over time the goals of SEL have been clarified. The goals are now stated as: (1) Understand baseline processes and product characteristics, (2) Assess improvements that have been incorporated into the development projects, (3) Package and infuse improvements into the standard SEL process. The SEL improvement goal is to demonstrate continual improvement of the software process by carrying out analysis, measurement and feedback to projects with in the FDD environment. The SEL supports the understanding of the process by study of several processes including, the effort distribution, and error detection rates. The SEL assesses and refines the processes. Once the assessment and refinement of a process is completed, the SEL packages the process by capturing the process in standards, tools and training.



    Ari Widyanti; Addie Johnson; Dick de Waard


    Metode pengukuran beban kerja mental meliputi metode obyektif dan subyektif. Metode pengukuran beban kerja mental secara subyektif yang banyak diaplikasikan di Indonesia adalah Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT) dan NASA TLX (NASA Task Load Index). SWAT dan NASA TLX adalah pengukuran subyektif yang bersifat multidimensional (multidimensional scaling) yang relatif membutuhkan waktu dalam aplikasinya. Sebagai alternatif SWAT dan NASA TLX, Rating Scale Mental Effort (...


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    Darminto Pujotomo


    Full Text Available CV. Citra Jepara adalah perusahaan furnitur ekspor. Pada masa itu, perusahaan hanya melihat level keuntungan untuk mengkaji perusahaan telah berjalan lebih baik atau kebalikannya. Hasil persepsi membuat perusahaan hanya sedikit memperhatikan efisiensi pemakaian sumber daya yang dimiliki (input sehingga perusahaan membutuhkan biaya besar untuk melakukan aktivitas perusahaan.Penelitian ini mempelajari evaluasi produktivitas perusahaan dan pengukuran serta hubungan antara level produktivitas dengan level profitabilitas (kemampuan perusahaan untuk menciptakan laba yang dapat dicapai oleh perusahaan.Hasil penelitian ini tentang pengukuran produktivitas parsial memperlihatkan level produktivitas berubah-ubah dan masih memerlukan usaha peningkatan produktivitas parsial terutama dalam pemakaian masing-masing input dengan efisien. Level Total Factor Productivity selama perioda pengukuran memperlihatkan level pertumbuhan positif. Ini melukiskan perusahaan sukses dalam mengelola input tenaga kerja dan modal kolektif yang dimiliki. Level Total Productivity selama perioda pengukuran menunjukkan level pertumbuhan yang berubah-ubah. Ini melukiskan perusahaan itu belum dapat mengelola input yang dimiliki keseluruhan dengan sukses. Untuk melukiskan hubungan antara produktivitas total dengan profitabilitas dari hasil penelitian bisa diketahui faktor produktivitas (0,998 mempunyai pengaruh lebih besar dibandingkan pemulihan harga (0,457 untuk peningkatan profitabilitas perusahaan selama kurun waktu satu tahun perioda pengukuran. Diperlukan usaha untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan untuk periode mendatang disertai usaha untuk meningkatkan produktivitas yang memusatkan pada peningkatan produktivitas material dan produktivitas modal sebagai input yang sangat mempengaruhi profitabilitas perusahaan dengan cara berkelanjutkan dan berkesinambungan. Kata kunci: pengukuran evaluasi dan produktivitas, profitabilitas    CV. Citra Jepara is an export furniture


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    Triwulandari S. Dewayana


    Full Text Available Penelitian yang berhubungan dengan upaya perbaikan kinerja pabrik gula (sebagai proses yang digunakan secara sistematis untuk memperbaiki kinerja secara berkesinambungan belum pernah dilakukan. Terkait dengan pengukuran kinerja pabrik gula, pada penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan adanya keterbatasan karena hanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan range ukuran kinerja yang terbatas dan tidak memperhatikan keterkaitannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pengukuran kinerja pabrik gula (sebagai sub model dari model perbaikan kinerja  yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja pabrik gula (skala kecil, menengah dan besar dengan meningkatkan range ukuran kinerja (efisiensi dan produktivitas dan memperhatikan keterkaitannya. Tahapan yang dilakukan  yaitu 1 identifikasi terhadap ukuran kinerja, 2 merancang proses pengukuran, dan 3 menentukan infrastruktur teknis. Terdapat 10 ukuran kinerja yang digunakan. Cara pengukurannya menggunakan pendekatan Fuzzy Expert System. Infrastruktur teknis yang digunakan yaitu MATLAB (versi 7.01.Verifikasi dan validasi  model dilakukan dengan uji coba model pada 11 pabrik gula menggunakan data kinerja tahun 2008. Hasil pengukuran kinerja menunjukkan bahwa 1 rerata kinerja strategis untuk skala pabrik menengah dan kecil adalah rendah sedangkan untuk skala besar adalah tinggi; 2 rerata kinerja operasional pada semua skala pabrik gula adalah rendah; 3 rerata kinerja taktis pada skala menengah dan kecil adalah sedang, dan untuk skala besar adalah tinggi. Kata kunci : Fuzzy Expert System, pabrik gula, pengukuran kinerja, ukuran kinerja      Research related to improvement of the performance of the sugar factory (as the process used systematically to improve performance on an ongoing basis has not been done. Related to performance measurement of sugar mills, in previous studies showed limitations because it only be done using a limited range of performance measures and do not pay attention to their relation. This


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    Ritia Rahmawati


    Matakuliah Biologi Sel merupakan salah satu matakuliah wajib yang ditempuh oleh mahasiswa tingkat S1 Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Negeri Malang Referensi yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran matakuliah Biologi Sel belum ada referensi yang berbasis penelitian virtual screening dengan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu pengembangan buku ajar biologi sel berbasis penelitian bioinformatika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode pengembangan Dick and Carey (2009. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu produk berupa buku ajar yang berbasis penelitian virtual screening yang telah dilakukan validasi ahli (ahli materi dan ahli media pembelajaran dengan nilai 80% dan pengguna buku dengan nilai 89%.


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    Ghea Okta Audina


    Untuk memperoleh usulan sistem pengukuran kinerja, diawali dengan merancang strategi berdasarkan analisis SWOT, mengelompokkan Critical Success Factors dari sasaran strategi, menyusun Key Performance Indicator sebagai indikator pengukuran, melakukan pembobotan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, terdapat 7 sasaran strategi, 13 CSF, dan 17 KPI. Bobot tertinggi terdapat pada perspektif pelanggan sebesar 36,41%, keuangan 24,13%, pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran 23,61%, dan internal proses bisnis 15,85%.

  13. Perbandingan Akurasi Pengukuran Suhu Dan Kelembaban Antara Sensor DHT11 Dan DHT22


    Saptadi, Arief Hendra


    Suhu dan kelembaban merupakan dua objek pengukuran yang acapkali terdapat di dalam sistem akuisisi data. Terdapat banyak piranti sensor yang berfungsi untuk mengukur dua objek tersebut dan akurasi merupakan salah satu parameter yang dapat digunakan untuk memilihnya. DHT11 dan DHT22 adalah sensor seri DHT dari Aosong Electronics yang dapat melakukan pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban secara serempak dengan keluaran digital. Informasi tentang akurasi terdapat di dalam lembar data keduanya. Kendati ...

  14. Data collection procedures for the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database (United States)

    Heller, Gerard; Valett, Jon; Wild, Mary


    This document is a guidebook to collecting software engineering data on software development and maintenance efforts, as practiced in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL). It supersedes the document entitled Data Collection Procedures for the Rehosted SEL Database, number SEL-87-008 in the SEL series, which was published in October 1987. It presents procedures to be followed on software development and maintenance projects in the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) of Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) for collecting data in support of SEL software engineering research activities. These procedures include detailed instructions for the completion and submission of SEL data collection forms.

  15. Pengukuran Beban Kerja Mental Dalam Searching Task Dengan Metode Rating Scale Mental Effort (Rsme)


    Widyanti, Ari; Johnson, Addie; de Waard, Dick


    Metode pengukuran beban kerja mental meliputi metode obyektif dan subyektif. Metodepengukuran beban kerja mental secara subyektif yang banyak diaplikasikan di Indonesia adalahSubjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT) dan NASA TLX (NASA Task Load Index).SWAT dan NASA TLX adalah pengukuran subyektif yang bersifat multidimensional (multidimensionalscaling) yang relatif membutuhkan waktu dalam aplikasinya. Sebagai alternatif SWAT dan NASA TLX,Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME) adalah satu me...


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    Nia Budi Puspitasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menguraikan hasil penelitian perancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja pada PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang dengan model Performance Prism. Selama ini PDAM Tirta Moedal belum memiliki sistem pengukuran kinerja. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja. Dari kondisi PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang, model yang tepat digunakan adalah model performance prism  dibanding model lain. Sistem pengukuran kinerja ini memiliki 44 KPI yang meliputi 12 KPI pelanggan, 9 KPI karyawan, 11 KPI pemilik modal, 6 KPI supplier, 6 KPI pemerintah dan masyarakat di sekitar lingkungan. Dari hasil implementasi sistem pengukuran kinerja dengan proses scoring system menggunakan metode OMAX menunjukkan nilai current performance indicator yang telah dicapai oleh PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang adalah sebesar 75,1 %. Hasil pengukuran menjadi landasan pihak manajemen mengevaluasi dan menentukan rencana kerja perbaikan sehingga harapan dari semua stakeholder dapat terpenuhi Kata kunci : Pengukuran Kinerja, Performance Prism, PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang   Abstract This study describes the results of research on the performance measurement system design PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang with model Performance Prism. During this PDAM Tirta Moedal not have a performance measurement system. Therefore, it is necessary to design performance measurement systems. From the condition of PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang, the exact model used is a prism model performance compared to other models. This performance measurement system has 44 KPIs which include 12 customer KPI, KPI 9 employees, 11 KPI owners of capital, supplier KPI 6, KPI 6 governments and communities around the neighborhood. From the results of performance measurement system implementation with the scoring system using the OMAX shows the current performance indicator has been achieved by PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang amounted to 75.1%. The basis of measurement results to evaluate and determine the management

  17. Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database organization and user's guide (United States)

    So, Maria; Heller, Gerard; Steinberg, Sandra; Spiegel, Douglas


    The organization of the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database is presented. Included are definitions and detailed descriptions of the database tables and views, the SEL data, and system support data. The mapping from the SEL and system support data to the base tables is described. In addition, techniques for accessing the database, through the Database Access Manager for the SEL (DAMSEL) system and via the ORACLE structured query language (SQL), are discussed.


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    Iwan Vanany


    Full Text Available This article described a result of research design of performance measurement system in hotel business with Performance Prism Model. As long as, performance measurement system at hotel X not yet representatived organization performance according to comprehensif and integrated. Because of needed redesign performance measurement system with new model. From the objective condition of hotel X, Performance Prism model more representative than others. The result of design described that stakeholder in hotel X such as: customer, employee, supplier, owner and investor, and regulator and community. From the performance measurement system design are obtained 36 types Key Performance Indicator (KPI such as: 6 KPI of customer, 9 KPI of staff manajerial, 9 KPI of staff operational, 4 KPI of supplier, 3 KPI of investor, and 5 KPI of regulator & community. Result of implementation performance measurement system with scoring system indicates that the amount of scor current performance indicator is 50,75%. Result of measurement can be based management act evaluation and choice planning improvement organization and all Stakeholder requirements must be request. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Artikel ini menguraikan hasil penelitian perancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja pada sebuah perusahaan dalam bisnis hotel dengan model Performance Prism. Selama ini, sistem pengukuran kinerja di Hotel X belum merepresentasikan kinerja organisasi secara komprehensif dan integratif. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perancangan kembali sistem pengukuran kinerjanya. Dari kondisi objektif hotel X, model yang tepat digunakan adalah model Performance Prism dibanding model lain. Hasil rancangan menunjukkan bahwa stakeholder hotel X meliputi: konsumen, tenaga kerja, supplier, pemilik/investor, serta pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar lingkungan hotel. Sistem pengukuran kinerja memuat 36 KPI yang meliputi 6 KPI konsumen, 9 KPI staff manajerial, 9 KPI staff operasional, 4 KPI supplier, 3


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    Siti Khomsatun


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aims to investigate the impact of the compulsory measurement of fair value and choice on the comparability of financial statements. This study uses data from nonfinancial public companies listed on the BEI. The method of determining the appeal level using the Taplin index and the increase or decrease of the appeal rate using the different test of Mc Nemar and Wilcoxon. The results show that there is no increase in the comparability of financial statements for accounting policies required to use value measurement. The accounting policy allowed to choose the method of measurement is also not proven there is a decrease in the comparability of financial statements. Differences in appeals occur only in the accounting policies of fixed assets that have increased appeal. This study shows that before and after the adoption of new standards related to fair value measurement, the financial reporting appeal level is still high. This study also indicates that the fair value measurement for the accounting policy allowed to select the measurement method is still low. Keyword: Measurement of Fair Value; Power of Appeals; Choice of Accounting, Index-Taplin   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dampak pengukuran nilai wajar yang diwajibkan dan pilihan terhadap daya banding laporan keuangan.Penelitian ini menggunakan data perusahaan publik non keuangan yang tercatat di BEI. Metode penentuan tingkat daya banding dengan menggunakan indeks Taplin dan peningkatan atau penurunan tingkat daya banding menggunakan uji beda Mc Nemar dan Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada peningkatan daya banding laporan keuangan untuk kebijakan akuntansi yang diwajibkan menggunakan pengukuran nilai.Kebijakan akuntansi yang diperbolehkan memilih metode pengukuran juga tidak terbukti terdapat penurunan daya banding laporan keuangan.Perbedaan daya banding terjadi hanya pada kebijakan akuntansi Aset Tetap yang mengalami kenaikan


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    Asih Sutanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan bagaimana mengukur perangkat lunak yang dilihat dari sudut pandang produk, mengukur kualitas perangkat  lunak Sistem Informasi Hotel yang memerlukan  alat bantu untuk mempermudah melakukan pengukuran kualitas software tersebut berdasarkan ISO 9126 yang sesuai dengan enam karakteristik dari model kualitas software/perangkat lunak yaitu Functionability, Reliability, usability, efesiency, maintainability dan portability. Faktor kualitas umum yang paling penting diurutkan dan ditambahkan ke sub-faktor dari ISO 9126. Sehingga pihak manajemen dalam pengukurannya lebih akurat dalam memperoleh informasi untuk menentukan keputusan strategis. Melalui pemrosesan data dari masukan pengguna terhadap tingkat preferensi faktor dan sub-faktor kualitas akan diperoleh bobot faktor kualitas dan bobot relatif sub-faktor kualitas. Perkalian kedua nilai tersebut akan menghasilkan bobot absolut yang kemudian dikalikan dengan penilaian kriteria aplikasi hotel dari pengguna. Hasil akhirnya berupa nilai kualitas total dari aplikasi perangkat lunak Sistem Informasi Hotel. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dengan enam karakteristik Standart ISO 9126, diperoleh nilai  Sistem Informasi Hotel 13.25 yang merupakan hasil pengukuran kualitas sehingga aplikasi ini tidak masuk kategori standar ISO 9126 karena ada Karakteristik Portability yait u unsur Adaptability, dan Installability tidak terpenuhi.

  1. Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) cleanroom process model (United States)

    Green, Scott; Basili, Victor; Godfrey, Sally; Mcgarry, Frank; Pajerski, Rose; Waligora, Sharon


    The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) cleanroom process model is described. The term 'cleanroom' originates in the integrated circuit (IC) production process, where IC's are assembled in dust free 'clean rooms' to prevent the destructive effects of dust. When applying the clean room methodology to the development of software systems, the primary focus is on software defect prevention rather than defect removal. The model is based on data and analysis from previous cleanroom efforts within the SEL and is tailored to serve as a guideline in applying the methodology to future production software efforts. The phases that are part of the process model life cycle from the delivery of requirements to the start of acceptance testing are described. For each defined phase, a set of specific activities is discussed, and the appropriate data flow is described. Pertinent managerial issues, key similarities and differences between the SEL's cleanroom process model and the standard development approach used on SEL projects, and significant lessons learned from prior cleanroom projects are presented. It is intended that the process model described here will be further tailored as additional SEL cleanroom projects are analyzed.


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    Mashita Andiana


    Full Text Available Kultur sel merupakan suatu proses saat sel hidup ditempatkan ke dalam suatu media yang dapat membuat sel tersebut berkembang biak atau tumbuh secara in vitro, Kultur sel dapat berupa kultur sel primer maupun cell line, Metode dalam kultur sel terdiri atas kultur monolayer dan kultur suspensi. Pembuatan media kultur untuk pertumbuhan sel diusahakan memenuhi kriteria. Konstituen dasar dari media kultur yang paling banyak digunakan adalah BSS (Balanced Sald Solution. Untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan sel yang optimal, media kultur ditambahkan serum. Serum yang biasa digunakan dalam kultur adalah serum anak sapi (calf serum, serum fetus sapi (foetal bovine serum, serum kuda dan serum manusia. Perhitungan sel menggunakan counting chamber. Metode yang digunakan adalah revival kemudian split sel, stor sel dan menghitung sel. Hasil revival  jumlah sel tertinggi didapat dari botol nomer 3 dengan jumlah sel 310 yaitu botol dengan sel BHK label tahun 2016, dan hasil split sel yang paling tinggi juga didapat dari botol kultur nomer 3 dengan jumlah sel 345 dan 311.


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    Mashita Andiana


    Full Text Available Kultur sel merupakan suatu proses saat sel hidup ditempatkan ke dalam suatu media yang dapat membuat sel tersebut berkembang biak atau tumbuh secara in vitro, Kultur sel dapat berupa kultur sel primer maupun cell line, Metode dalam kultur sel terdiri atas kultur monolayer dan kultur suspensi. Pembuatan media kultur untuk pertumbuhan sel diusahakan memenuhi kriteria. Konstituen dasar dari media kultur yang paling banyak digunakan adalah BSS (Balanced Sald Solution. Untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan sel yang optimal, media kultur ditambahkan serum. Serum yang biasa digunakan dalam kultur adalah serum anak sapi (calf serum, serum fetus sapi (foetal bovine serum, serum kuda dan serum manusia. Perhitungan sel menggunakan counting chamber. Metode yang digunakan adalah revival kemudian split sel, stor sel dan menghitung sel. Hasil revival  jumlah sel tertinggi didapat dari botol nomer 3 dengan jumlah sel 310 yaitu botol dengan sel BHK label tahun 2016, dan hasil split sel yang paling tinggi juga didapat dari botol kultur nomer 3 dengan jumlah sel 345 dan 311.

  4. Implementasi Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Aktivitas, Green Supply Chain Management (Gscm (Studi Kasus: Kud “Dau”

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    Al Wafdah Lazuardian


    Full Text Available KUD "DAU" merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang memiliki aktivitas supply chain dalam memproduksi susu pasteurisasi yang diberi nama Dau Fresh Milk. Selama ini, KUD "DAU" belum pernah membuat pengukuran kinerja manajemen rantai pasokan yang ramah lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu metode yang diterapkan dalam mengukur kinerja SCM yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat pencapaian kinerja manajemen rantai pasokan KUD "DAU" yang ramah lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja SCM adalah metode pendekatan hijau ramah lingkungan untuk manajemen rantai pasokan (GSCM. Model pengukuran kinerja GSCM terdiri dari kegiatan pengadaan hijau, green manufacturing, green distribution logistics. Pengamatan diperoleh dari sejumlah 44 indikator yang mengukur indikator kinerja utama yang valid. Dari pengukuran tersebut dapat diberikan rekomendasi perbaikan indikator kinerja yang memiliki kategori merah traffic light system.

  5. Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Aktivitas Green Supply Chain Management (Gscm) (Studi Kasus: Kud “Batu”


    Fortuna, Irvan Fauzi; Suamtri, Yeni; Yuniarti, Rahmi


    KUD “BATU” merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang memiliki aktivitas supply chain dalam memproduksi susu pasteurisasi Nandhi Murni. Selama ini, KUD “BATU” belum pernah melakukan pengukuran kinerja supply chain management yang ramah lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat diterapkan dalam pengukuran kinerja supply chain management yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur sejauh mana pencapaian kinerja supply chain management KUD “BATU” yang rama...


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    Fanni Fatoni, cakrawala


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara siswa belajar memahami satuan pengukuran panjang standar menggunakan permainan tradisional batok kelapa untuk kelas dua sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain riset dengan Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT. Penelitian dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu desain awal, percobaan mengajar, dan analisis retrospektif. Penelitian dilakukan di SDN 1 Palembang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui rekaman video terhadap peristiwa di kelas dan kerja kelompok, pengumpulan pekerjaan siswa, pemberian pretes dan postes, dan wawancara dengan siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman siswa terhadap pengukuran panjang dapat dirangsang dengan menggunakan permainan tradisional batok kelapa sebagai konteks. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, disarankan bahwa PMRI dapat digunakan sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran pengukuran panjang di sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci: pengukuran panjang, batok kelapa, desain riset, PMRI USING TRADITIONAL GAME OF BATOK KELAPA IN LENGTH MEASUREMENT FOR THE SECOND GRADE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL Abstract: This research aims to investigate how students learn to understand the unit standards of length measurement using a traditional game of batok kelapa for the second grade of primary school. The method is the design research with Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT was developed and a set of activities was performed to gain a better understanding of how to develop an understanding of length measurement through three phases, namely preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. This research was conducted at SDN 1 Palembang. Data collections were generated through video recordings of classroom events and group work, collecting student work, giving pre-test and post-test, and interviewing the students. The results indicate that students' understanding of length measurements can be stimulated by using traditional game of batok

  7. Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database organization and user's guide, revision 2 (United States)

    Morusiewicz, Linda; Bristow, John


    The organization of the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) database is presented. Included are definitions and detailed descriptions of the database tables and views, the SEL data, and system support data. The mapping from the SEL and system support data to the base table is described. In addition, techniques for accessing the database through the Database Access Manager for the SEL (DAMSEL) system and via the ORACLE structured query language (SQL) are discussed.

  8. Ösel Foodsi müügihitid / Aivar Hundimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hundimägi, Aivar, 1975-


    2001. aastal müüs Ösel Foods poole firma käibest andnud Linnuse kalja Coca-Colale, 2003. aastal otsustas A. Le. Coq Tartu Õlletehas Öseli ära osta. Mõlemat tehingut peetakse heaks müügitehinguks müüjale. Diagramm: Kali ja mahlad tõid Öseli tagasi kasumisse. Lisad: Ösel Foods keskendus 2001. aastal mahla tootmisele; Ösel hindas Aura ACE turuletoomise edukaks; Ösel Foodsi tippjuhid tegid mitu müügitehingut

  9. SEL/Project Language. Level II, Kindergarten, Teacher's Handbook. (United States)

    Valladares, Ann E.; Lynch, Helen C.

    The Teacher's Handbook is part of the publication series of the Southeastern Education Laboratory/Project Language (SEL/PL), an 8-year language-centered program designed to alleviate the language deficiencies of disadvantaged children between the ages of four and eleven. For teachers utilizing SEL/PL, the Handbook provides a research summary and…

  10. Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran pH dan Temperatur Pada Bioreaktor Anaerob Tipe Semi-Batch

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    Dimas Prasetyo Oetomo


    Full Text Available Proses pada bioreaktor dapat dilakukan secara aerob yaitu menggunakan bantuan oksigen dan anaerob yaitu tidak menggunakan bantuan oksigen. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan fermentasi  enceng gondok untuk menghasilkan biogas menggunakan bioreaktor anaerob tipe semi-batch. Enceng gondok memiliki rasio C/N sebesar 22.5 – 35.84% yang merupakan komposisi optimum untuk ekstraksi biogas. Kinerja dari bioreaktor dalam produksi biogas dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter seperti pH dan temperatur. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan sistem pengukuran besaran pH dan temperatur secara online sehingga memudahkan dalam pengambilan data. Bahan yang digunakan pada proses fermentasi adalah campuran enceng gondok yang telah dicincang dan dicampur air dengan dua komposisi penambahan berbeda untuk dibandingkan. Pada Bioreaktor1 digunakan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 1:3 dan pada bioreaktor 2 digunakan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 0,75: 1,25. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa bioreaktor 2 dengan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 0,75: 1,25 menghasilkan biogas lebih aktif dibandingkan dengan bioreaktor 1 dengan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 1 : 3. Hal tersebut diketahui dari hasil pengukuran selama 76 hari. Dari hasil pengukuran juga diketahui bahwa penurunan nilai COD pada bioreaktor 2 lebih besar dari pada  bioreaktor 1.


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    Monika Kussetya Ciptani


    Full Text Available Performance measurement is an essential thing for a company. To become the winner in this global competition world, the company has to show a performance improvement from period to period. Recently, financial performance measurement is not enough to reflect the real business performance. That why Kaplan developed Balanced Scorecard Concept. The Balanced Scorecard Concept measure the organization's performance through four perspectives that are the financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective and learning and growth perspective. In dead, the Balanced Scorecard Concept is a concept in translating strategy into action to achieve organization's gool in the long term. The action is measured and controlled continually. This article count on the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard Concept in some companies in USA. Many problems a difficulties which occur on the implementation of the concept could became opinion and suggestions for some companies who want to implement the Balanced Scorecard. However, Balanced Scorecard will help organizations (companies to measure their performance more comprehensive and accurate. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penilaian kinerja merupakan hal yang esensial bagi perusahan. Untuk memenangkan persaingan global yang semakin ketat ini, kinerja sebuah organisasi haruslah mencerminkan peningkatan dari satu periode ke periode berikutnya. Dewasa ini pengukuran kinerja secara finansial tidaklah cukup mencerminkan kinerja organisasi sesungguhnya, sehingga dikembangkan suatu konsep Balanced Scorecard. Konsep Balanced Scorecard mengukur kinerja suatu organisasi dari empat perspektif yaitu perspektif finansial, perspektif customer, perspektif proses bisnis internal, perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Konsep Balanced Scorecard ini pada dasarnya merupakan penerjemahan strategi dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh suatu perusahaan dalam jangka panjang, yang kemudian diukur dan dimonitor

  12. Potensi Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen dan Penghasil Hormon IAA Dari Sampel Rhizosfer Paku Epifit Di Mulut Gua Anjani, Kawasan Karst Menoreh

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    Andi Joko Purnomo


    Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan hasil pengukuran fiksasi nitrogen pada media NB dengan panjang gelombang 420 nm, pada jam ke 24 didaptkan hasil, isolat T1 memiliki rerata 0,416, G2 sebesar 0,408, dan R2 sebesar 0,402. Kemudian pengukuran pada jam ke 48 didapatkan hasil rerata untuk T1 sebesar 0,457, G2 sebesar 0,635 dan R2 sebesar 0,628. Kemudian dari hasil pengukuran terhadap kepadatan sel pada media NFM diketahui bahwa pada jam ke 24, isolat T1 memiliki rerata 1,605, G2 sebesar 1,682 dan R2 sebesar1,679. Kemudian pada jam ke 48 didapat rerata T1 sebesar 1,764, G2 sebesar 1,725 dan R2 sebesar 1,773.


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    I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Psychological Empowerment, Empowering Leadership, dan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Pada Motivasi Intrinsik First-Line Employees Perbankan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa kuesioner yang menggunakan skala likert 1-5 dan terdiri atas 36 item pertanyaan. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah manajemen lini garis pertama pada sektor perbankan yaitu sejumlah 35 orang yang berasal dari 7 BPR yang ada di Kabupaten Buleleng. Metode analisis data menggunakan model regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan alat statistik SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  Psychological Empowerment, Empowering Leadership, dan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada Motivasi Intrinsik First-Line Employees Perbankan dengan menggunakan taraf signifikansi 5%.

  14. Pengolahan Citra untuk Mengukur Diameter Terkecil Kayu Guna Mengatasi Rugi Akibat Kesalahan Pengukuran pada Industri Kayu

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    Rifyal Rachmat


    Full Text Available Kayu merupakan hasil hutan sebagai bahan dasar dari produk jadi seperti lemari, kursi, dan produk olahan lain. Pada industri pengolahan kayu, metode penentuan harga umumnya didasarkan terhadap perhitungan isi kayu (volume dimana nilai tersebut diawali dengan perhitungan diameter terkecil. Pekerja lapangan pada usaha kayu menggunakan nilai dari diameter terkecil untuk dijadikan acuan perhitungan dengan penggaris. Akan tetapi pengukuran ini kurang akurat karena kayu gelondong mempunyai bentuk yang tidak bulat sempurna. Padahal, selisih satu centimeter saja dapat menentukan grade kayu dan berpengaruh terhadap harga kayu gelondong tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan algorithma pengolahan citra telah dilakukan  maupun dengan spesifikasi tentang permukaan kayu. Teknologi yang dirancang memanfaatkan penginderaan mesin visual yang dilakukan oleh kamera  untuk melakukan penghitungan otomatis terhadap nilai kayu dengan program OpenCV. Pada tugas akhir ini, sebuah alat tepat guna dengan raspberry pi yang akan menjadi standarisasi pengukuran pada usaha kayu dengan menggunakan pengolahan citra digital. Devais yang dibuat sangat portabel dan berhasil mengukur diameter terkecil kayu dengan akurasi pengukuran 97% menggunakan metode kontur dan bounding box. Metode tersebut lebih baik dari metode lingkaran Hough dengan akurasi 89%. Perbaikan sistem dapat dilakukan pada deteksi obyek melalui pencahayaan dan segmentasi kontur.


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    Bambang Purwanggono


    Full Text Available Tata letak pabrik dapat didefinisikan sebagai tata cara pengaturan fasilitas-fasilitas pabrik dengan memanfaatkan luas seoptimal mungkin guna menunjang kelancaran proses produksi. Tata letak fasilitas pada PT. Cokro Bersaudara diatur berdasarkan process layout dimana segala jenis mesin / fasilitas produksi lainnya yang memiliki tipe atau jenis yang sama ditempatkan dalam satu tempat. Dengan layout seperti itu perusahaan memperoleh keuntungan berupa fleksibilitas dalam memproduksi produk yang memiliki tingkat variasi yang tinggi, namun sebagai akibatnya perusahaan menghadapi permasalahan berupa tingginya kebutuhan material handling. Cellular Manufacturing System adalah aplikasi dari Group Technology yang merupakan metode pengaturan fasilitas-fasilitas produksi yang dibutuhkan untuk memproses suatu part family tertentu kedalam sel manufaktur. Dengan menerapkan Cellular Manufacturing System dapat diketahui pengurangan jarak antar mesin dan biaya material handling. Berdasarkan pengolahan data menggunakan algoritma heuristik yaitu Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA, Rank Order Clustering (ROC, dan Rank Order Clustering 2 (ROC 2 disimpulkan bahwa metode terpilih adalah metode BEA, dengan mengelompokkan 6 mesin (M dan 6 komponen (P kedalam 2 sel manufaktur, dimana sel 1 (M4, M6, M1, M2, P2, P5, P6, P1 dan sel 2 (M4, M6, M1, M3, M5, P3, P4. Dengan perubahan layout ini didapatkan pengurangan total jarak material handling sebesar 428,06 meter dan pengurangan biaya material handling sebesar Rp. 2.111.316,058 / bulan Kata Kunci : Cellular Manufacturing System, Algoritma Heuristik, Gorup Technology

  16. SEL2 servicing: increased science return via on-orbit propellant replenishment (United States)

    Reed, Benjamin B.; DeWeese, Keith; Kienlen, Michael; Aranyos, Thomas; Pellegrino, Joseph; Bacon, Charles; Qureshi, Atif


    Spacecraft designers are driving observatories to the distant Sun-Earth Lagrange Point 2 (SEL2) to meet ever-increasing science requirements. The mass fraction dedicated to propellant for these observatories to reach and operate at SEL2 will be allocated with the upmost care, as it comes at the expense of optics and instrument masses. As such, these observatories could benefit from on-orbit refueling, allowing greater dry-to-wet mass ratio at launch and/or longer mission life. NASA is developing technologies, capabilities and integrated mission designs for multiple servicing applications in low Earth orbit (LEO), geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) and cisluner locations. Restore-L, a mission officially in formulation, will launch a free-flying robotic servicer to refuel a government-owned satellite in LEO by mid 2020. This paper will detail the results of a point design mission study to extend Restore-L servicing technologies from LEO to SEL2. This SEL2 mission would launch an autonomous, robotic servicer spacecraft equipped to extend the life of two space assets through refueling. Two space platforms were chosen to 1) drive the requirements for achieving SEL2 orbit and rendezvous with a spacecraft, and 2) to drive the requirements to translate within SEL2 to conduct a follow-on servicing mission. Two fuels, xenon and hydrazine, were selected to assess a multiple delivery system. This paper will address key mission drivers, such as servicer autonomy (necessitated due to communications latency at L2). Also discussed will be the value of adding cooperative servicing elements to the client observatories to reduce mission risk.


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    Tuti Sumiati


    Full Text Available Kasus kematian massal pada ikan mas dan koi (Cyprinus carpio yang disebabkan oleh koi herpesvirus (KHV terjadi sejak tahun 2002 dan masih berlangsung hingga sekarang. Pemilihan sampel yang tepat sangat penting untuk mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi penyakit KHV tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jaringan yang menjadi target infeksi KHV dengan cara isolasi virus menggunakan kultur sel KT-2. Kultur sel diinokulasi dengan ekstrak jaringan organ target (otak, mata, insang, ginjal, limfa, hati, jantung, dan usus, serta gabungan insang, ginjal, dan limfa dan diinkubasi pada suhu 25oC selama 14 hari. Kerusakan sel terjadi pada kultur sel yang diinokulasi dengan ekstrak dari jaringan insang, ginjal dan gabungan organ insang, ginjal, dan limfa. Uji PCR dari media kultur dan sel yang mengalami CPE menunjukkan bahwa CPE disebabkan oleh KHV.



    Athoillah, Ibnu; Dewi, Saraswati; Renggono, Findy


    IntisariBalai Besar Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca (BB-TMC) BPPT bekerjasama dengan Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) melakukan kegiatan Intensive Observation Period (IOP) selama puncak musim hujan pada tanggal 18 Januari - 16 Februari 2016 di wilayah Jabodetabek. Salah satu peralatan yang digunakan untuk observasi adalah Radiometer dan Radiosonde. Pada penelitian ini akan difokuskan bagaimana perbandingan hasil dari pengukuran Radiometer dan Radiosonde selama kegiatan IOP teruta...


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    Ema Kurnia W,


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui efek vitamin C dalam medium DMEM terhadap pertumbuhan sel paru-paru fetus hamster secara in vitro dan untuk mengetahui pada konsentrasi berapakah vitamin C dalam medium DMEM yang berpengaruh paling efektif terhadap pertumbuhan sel paru-paru fetus hamster secara in vitro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan 6 perlakuan dan 2 ulangan. Masing-masing perlakuan tersebut adalah vitamin C dengan konsentrasi 0mM (kontrol, 5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM, dan 25mM. Vitamin C dengan berbagai konsentrasi tersebut ditambahkan ke dalam medium DMEM dan selanjutnya digunakan untuk menumbuhkan sel paru-paru fetus hamster. Sel paru-paru fetus hamster diisolasi dari fetus hamster berumur 2 hari, ditumbuhkan dalam medium DMEM yang sudah ditambah dengan vitamin C dengan berbagai konsentrasi dan diinkubasi dalam inkubator CO2 5% pada suhu 370C selama beberapa hari sampai biakan sel-sel tersebut konfluen. Setelah konfluenbiakan sel diamati persentase konfluen, viabilitas dan abnormalitas sel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa vitamin C dengan konsentrasi 0mM (kontrol, 5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM, dan 25mM dalam medium DMEM mampu menghasilkan persentase konfluen berturut-turut 50%, 65%, 72.5%, 82.5%, 87.5%, dan 92.5% dan persentase viabilitas sel sebesar 89%, 94.5%, 94%, 93%, 94%, dan 96.5%. Sedangkan konsentrasi vitamin C yang efektif terhadap pertumbuhan sel paru-paru fetus hamster secara in vitro adalah konsentrasi 25mM.


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    Hery Suliantoro


    Full Text Available Selama ini Plaza hotel belum pernah melakukan pengukuran kinerja yang terintegrasi yang terdiri dari aspek finansial dan non finansial. Dilihat dari prosentase tingkat hunian yang tidak memenuhi target yang ditetapkan, maka pengukuran kinerja yang terintegrasi diharapkan mampu memberikan perbaikan kinerja yang diharapkan. Dengan menggunakan performance prism, dilakukan identifikasi kebutuhan dan kontribusi stakeholder secara keseluruhan sehingga didapat indikator kinerja dari kriteria strategi, proses dan kapabilitas yang dijadikan tolok ukur perbaikan kinerja.. tahap pengumpulan data dengan menyebarkan matriks perbandingan berpasangan sebagai dasar penyusunan bobot kepentingan pada AHP dan kuesioner target pencapaian kinerja sebagai dasar penetapan skor aktual pada OMAX. Dari analisis yang dilakukan setelah bobot kepentingan diperoleh dan perhitungan nilai performansi, dilakukan simulasi perbaikan satu-satuan nilai performansi agar didapat kriteria dan elemen apa saja yang mendapat prioritas perbaikan dan rekomendasi perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja Plaza Hotel Semarang. Kata kunci : Performance Prism, AHP, OMAX, skor aktual

  1. SEL Hardness Assurance in a Mixed Radiation Field

    CERN Document Server

    Garcia Alia, Ruben; Danzeca, Salvatore; Ferlet-Cavrois, Veronique; Frost, Christopher; Gaillard, Remi; Mekki, Julien; Saigné, Frédéric; Thornton, Adam; Uznanski, Slawosz; Worbel, Frédéric; CERN. Geneva. ATS Department


    This paper explores the relationship between monoenergetic and mixed-field Single Event Latchup (SEL) cross sections, concluding for components with a very strong energy dependence and highly-energetic environments, test results from monoenergetic or soft mixed-field spectra can significantly underestimate the operational failure rate. We introduce a semi-empirical approach that can be used to evaluate the SEL rate for such environments based on monoenergetic measurements and information or assumptions on the respective sensitive volume and materials surrounding it. We show that the presence of high-Z materials such as tungsten is particularly important in determining the hadron cross section energy dependence for components with relatively large LET thresholds.


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    M. Choirul Umam


    Full Text Available Sel surya merupakan energy alternatif yang sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Salah satu jenis sel surya adalah sel surya organic yang menggunakan elektrolit sebagai medium transport muatan dan dye sebagai penyerap sinar matahari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi lama perendaman dalam dye hasil ekstraksi teh hitam dan tinta sotong terhadap efisiensi sel surya dan mengetahui efisiensi sel surya tersensitisasi dye dengan menggunakan kaca TCO. Pembuatan Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC diawali dengan menyiapkan elektroda yang dibuat dari nanokristal TiO2 yang dilapiskan pada substrat kaca konduktif, yang kemudian direndam dalam dye. Sedangkan elektroda lawan dibuat dengan cara melapiskan grafit pensil pada kaca konduktif. Sel surya dibentuk dengan struktur sandwich dimana dua substrat kaca konduktif mengapit komponen- komponen dari DSSC. Lama perendaman sel surya dalam dye mempengaruhi voltase dan arus keluaran. Daya dan efisiensi maksimum yang dihasilkan menggunakan dye teh hitam sebesar    8,85 x 10-8  W dan 8,5 x 10-3  %. Sedangkan daya dan efisiensi maksimum yang dihasilkan menggunakan dye tinta sotong sebesar 23,4 x 10-8 W dan 23,19 x 10-3 %.





    2014 ABSTRAK Evaluasi Penerapan Pengukuran Kinerja Bank Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard Pada Bank Papua (Persero). Evaluation of the Implementation of Bank Performance Measurement Balanced Scorecard Approach To Bank of Papua ( Persero ) . Talha Tri Rejeki Yulianus Sampe M. Christian Mangiwa Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kinerja Bank Papua Persero), Tbk dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard dari segi ...

  4. Thermodynamics of the GTP-GDP-operated conformational switch of selenocysteine-specific translation factor SelB. (United States)

    Paleskava, Alena; Konevega, Andrey L; Rodnina, Marina V


    SelB is a specialized translation factor that binds GTP and GDP and delivers selenocysteyl-tRNA (Sec-tRNA(Sec)) to the ribosome. By analogy to elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), SelB is expected to control the delivery and release of Sec-tRNA(Sec) to the ribosome by the structural switch between GTP- and GDP-bound conformations. However, crystal structures of SelB suggested a similar domain arrangement in the apo form and GDP- and GTP-bound forms of the factor, raising the question of how SelB can fulfill its delivery function. Here, we studied the thermodynamics of guanine nucleotide binding to SelB by isothermal titration calorimetry in the temperature range between 10 and 25 °C using GTP, GDP, and two nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs, guanosine 5'-O-(γ-thio)triphosphate (GTPγS) and guanosine 5'-(β,γ-imido)-triphosphate (GDPNP). The binding of SelB to either guanine nucleotide is characterized by a large heat capacity change (-621, -467, -235, and -275 cal × mol(-1) × K(-1), with GTP, GTPγS, GDPNP, and GDP, respectively), associated with compensatory changes in binding entropy and enthalpy. Changes in heat capacity indicate a large decrease of the solvent-accessible surface area in SelB, amounting to 43 or 32 amino acids buried upon binding of GTP or GTPγS, respectively, and 15-19 amino acids upon binding GDP or GDPNP. The similarity of the GTP and GDP forms in the crystal structures can be attributed to the use of GDPNP, which appears to induce a structure of SelB that is more similar to the GDP than to the GTP-bound form.


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    Andi Suhandi


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan simulasi perhitungan untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengaruh penambahan lapisan anti refleksi ZnO terhadap persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya Silikon. Proses perhitungan dilakukan dengan bantuan software Sigma Plot. Perhitungan menggunakan konsep-konsep dasar fisika terkait optika, diantaranya konsep refleksi dan transmisi gelombang cahaya ketika melewati bidang batas dua medium yang berbeda kerapatan optiknya, konsep polarisasi cahaya, dan konsep anti refleksi. Hasil simulasi perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya silikon nilainya bergantung pada panjang gelombang cahaya datang (. Persen refleksi turun dari dari 38% ketika permukaan sel surya Silikon tidak dilapisi lapisan antirefleksi ZnO menjadi sekitar 15 % setelah permukaan sel surya silikon dilapisi lapisan ZnO dengan ketebalan sekitar 110 nm. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya Silikon yang telah dilapisi lapisan anti refleksi ZnO nilainya bervariasi bergantung pada ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi yang digunakan. Dalam rentang data simulasi, ketika tebal lapisan anti refleksi ZnO ditingkatkan, persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya silikon nilainya turun, namun ketika ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi ditingkatkan lagi, ternyata persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya naik kembali. Keadaan ini menunjukkan adanya nilai ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi optimum yang menghasilkan persen refleksi cahaya oleh sel surya bernilai minimum. Penurunan persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya akan meningkatkan persen transmisi cahaya menuju lapisan aktif sel surya, yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan efisiensi konversi sel surya Silikon.

  6. Penerapan european foundation for quality management’s (efqm excellence model pada sistem pengukuran kinerja jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana

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    I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra


    Full Text Available Abstrak Globalisasi merupakan fenomena yang tidak dapat dihindari dalam tata kehidupan kita dimana persaingan antar negara semakin terbuka terutama pada bidang sumber daya manusia. Untuk menghadapi keadaan tersebut maka perguruan tinggi diharapkan menjadi pusat penyelenggaraan dan pengembangan pendidikan tinggi yang menghasilkan manfaat dan meningkatkan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Jurusan Teknik Mesin adalah salah satu jurusan yang telah mendapatkan akreditasi A dari BAN PT dimana saat ini baru 20% jurusan yang terakreditasi di lingkungan Unuversitas Udayana. Didalam meningkatkan kinerja perlu kiranya dirancang suatu sistem pengukuran kinerja yang terintegrasi dimana saat ini Jurusan Teknik Mesin belum memiliki sistem pengukuran kinerja yang baik. Dalam menyempurnakan sistem pengukuran kinerja yang telah ada, maka akan dilakukan Analisis, perancangan dan implementasi sistem pengukuran kinerja dengan European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM Execellence Model dimana metode tersebut diintregasikan dengan beberapa metode yaitu Metode Objectives Matrix (OMAX, Integrated Performance Measurement Systems (IPMS, dan Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP pada Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana. Langkah-langkah atau rincian dari metode penelitian yang diharapkan adalah mengikuti tahapan sebagai berikut : Pemilihan Metode Pengukuran Produktivitas, Jenis dan Metode Pengumpulan Data, Identifikasi Indikator-Indikator atau Kriteria Produktivitas yang Akan Diukur, Pemberian Bobot Dari Masing-Masing KPI Yang Diukur, Pengolahan Data Atau Pengukuran Kriteria Produktivitas, Evaluasi Produktivitas. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Implementasi Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja dengan European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM Execellence Model yang diintegrasikan Integrated Performance Measurement Systems (IPMS dan Metode Objectives Matrix (OMAX memiliki perbedaan pandangan pada penentuan stakeholder requirement

  7. Evaluación de mezclas biodiésel-diésel en la generación de energía eléctrica


    Rojas-González, Andrés; Chaparro-Anaya, Óscar; Ospina, Carlos Andrés


    En este artículo se muestra el efecto de tres diferentes biodieseles mezclados con diésel en el funcionamiento de una planta de generación de energía eléctrica que simula el consumo eléctrico de una vivienda pequeña. En la planta se realizaron pruebas a diferentes cargas, para evaluar el consumo específico de combustible (CEC) y emisiones gaseosas (CO, CO2, O2 y otros gases). Se utilizó biodiésel de aceite de higuerilla (H), aceite de fritura usado (AFU) y aceite de palma (P), mezclados con p...


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    Dyah Aisyah Putri


    Full Text Available PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak (TBBM Semarang Group memiliki tugas utama yaitu sebagai tempat Penerimaan, Penyimpanan, dan Penyaluran. TBBM Semarang Group menargetkan posisi perusahaan ada pada peringkat “GOLD” di Tahun 2014 dengan standar kriteria persentase penilaian keseluruhan sebesar 90%. Dari data yang didapatkan hasil nilai audit POSE (Pertamina Operation & Service Excellent pada tahun 2013 mencapai 92%, dan pada tahun 2014 meningkat menjadi 93,9%. Namun pada 4 elemen yang berkaitan dengan aspek Human Resources terjadi penurunan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi KPI (Key performance indicator terpilih yang dapat menunjang peningkatan nilai POSE dengan menggunakan rancangan HR Scorecard, serta menghitung bobot masing-masing KPI dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan mengukur nilai pencapaian kinerja dengan metode Scoring System dan evaluasi hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan Traffic Light System. Perancangan pengukuran kinerja dengan kerangka Human Resources Scorecard menghasilkan 17 KPI yang dapat menunjang peningkatan nilai POSE, yaitu 5 KPI dari perspektif High Performance Work System, 3 KPI HR System Alignment, 4 KPI HR Efficiency, dan 5 KPI HR Deliverable. Dari hasil pengukuran kinerja TBBM Semarang Group berada pada level hijau dengan hasil kinerja sebesar 98% atau sudah baik. Namun, masih terdapat 2 KPI yang berada pada level merah yaitu tingkat keterlambatan karyawan dan biaya penjagaan lingkungan. Maka, perusahaan harus melakukan perbaikan segera pada kedua KPI tersebut agar dapat meningkatkan nilai persentase POSE pada aspek Human Resources. Kata Kunci : human resources scorecard; key performance indicator; pengukuran kinerja; analytical hierarchy process; scoring system dan traffic light system Abstract The main roles of PT. Pertamina (Persero Fuel Oil Terminal (TBBM Semarang Group consist of Receiving, Storing, and Distribution. In 2004, TBBM Semarang Group targeted the


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    Purnawan Adi Wicaksono


    Full Text Available Pengukuran kinerja pengadaan di Universitas Diponegoro telah dilakukan dengan melihat segi financial. Pengukuran secara finansial memiliki kelemahan yaitu tidak dapat menjelaskan apakah dengan penyerapan anggaran yang semakin besar maka akan semakin baik efisiensi dan kinerjanya. Ukuran kinerja lain yang penting seperti ketepatan waktu pengiriman barang, kecocokan spesifikasi dan jumlah barang, hingga tujuan dan keinginan pengguna apakah sesuai atau tidak, belum terukur dengan jelas. Pengukuran kinerja pengadaan akan dilakukan menggunakan model Sink’s Seven Performance Criteria, yaitu model pengukuran kinerja yang menggambarkan suatu sistem manajemen sebagai suatu mekanisme untuk membangun siklus perbaikan yang lebih efektif. Hasil perancangan pengukuran kinerja terdiri dari 6 kriteria dengan urutan prioritas sebagai berikut: kriteria Kualitas (31%, kriteria Efisiensi (17.2%, kriteria Efektivitas (17.2%, kriteria Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja (13.8%, kriteria Budgetabilitas (11.6%, dan kriteria Inovasi (9.2%. Dari keenam kriteria kinerja tersebut, diperoleh rancangan akhir 32 KPI yang berisi: 17 KPI Kuantitatif dan 15 KPI Kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan Objective Matrix dan Traffic Light System, menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pengadaan tahun 2007 adalah sebesar 4.564 yang berada dalam kategori warna kuning yang berarti pencapaian kinerjanya ini sudah cukup baik meskipun nilainya mendekati kategori buruk, sehingga masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Dari hasil analisis Importance – Performance Matrix, diperoleh indikator-indikator yang berada dalam zona penting tetapi ternyata kinerjanya masih rendah. Indikator tersebut adalah Efisiensi waktu, Efisiensi jumlah personil, Pemborosan waktu, Pemborosan personil, Jumlah lelang gagal/lelang ulang, Jumlah keluhan pengguna, Jumlah penyedia ingkar kontrak, dan Inovasi proses. Oleh karena itu rekomendasi diutamakan untuk indikator-indikator di atas. Kata Kunci: Pengukuran kinerja Pengadaan

  10. SEL monitoring of the earth's energetic particle radiation environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauer, H.H.


    The Space Environment Laboratory (SEL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) maintains instruments on board the GOES series of geostationary satellites, and aboard the NOAA/TIROS series of low-altitude, polar-orbiting satellites, which provide monitoring of the energetic particle radiation environment as well as monitoring the geostationary magnetic field and the solar x-ray flux. The data are used by the SEL Space Environment Services Center (SESC) to help provide real-time monitoring and forecasting of the state of the near earth environment and its disturbances, and to maintain a source of reliable information to research and operational activities of a variety of users

  11. Le commerce des sels de Guérande (xviie-xviiie siècles)


    Buron, Gildas


    Depuis les travaux de Michel Mollat, Henri Touchard, Jean Tanguy et Jean Meyer touchant au sel et aux marais salants du pays de Guérande, l’historien en est resté à l’idée que la production salicole guérandaise n’avait connu, aux Temps modernes, de débouchés que régionaux, vers la Bretagne intérieure par le biais de la troque effectuée par les gens du marais. L’enquête en cours montre que les sels de Guérande, certes peu présents dans le grand commerce international du sel de la Baie du xive ...

  12. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of Aquifex aeolicus SelA, a bacterial selenocysteine synthase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Yuzuru; Sekine, Shun-ichi; Yokoyama, Shigeyuki


    The bacterial selenocysteine synthase SelA from Aquifex aeolicus was crystallized and the diffraction resolution was improved by lysine-residue methylation, truncation of N-terminal region (ΔN), and Lys-to-Ala point mutations. Phases were determined by using a selenomethionine-substituted crystal of the ΔN mutant. Selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid, is synthesized on its specific tRNA (tRNA Sec ) via a multi-step process. In bacteria, tRNA Sec is ligated first with serine by seryl-tRNA synthetase, which is followed by Ser-to-Sec conversion by Sec synthase (SelA). To elucidate its structure and catalytic mechanism, Aquifex aeolicus SelA was crystallized. Although wild-type SelA crystals diffracted X-rays poorly (to up to 8 Å resolution), the resolution was improved by introducing a quadruple point mutation targeting the loop regions and by methylating the lysine residues, which yielded 3.9 Å resolution diffraction data from a full-length SelA crystal. Truncation of the N-terminal region (ΔN) also improved the resolution. A 3.3 Å resolution data set for phase determination was obtained from a crystal of selenomethionine-substituted Lys-methylated SelA-ΔN

  13. "seisatan sel minemise rajal..." : [luuletused] / Hanna Kangro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kangro, Hanna


    Sisu: "seisatan sel minemise rajal..." ; "mingis hääletus sisemuses..." ; "murdumisnurk terav..." ; "Vasaku käe veen on veel vaba" ; "jaapanlased teevad ületunde..." ; "kuulsin praginat..." ; "kütan kolme ahju..." ; "tühi hääbunud õhtune pühapäev..." ; "ootasin tulemist..."

  14. Ösel Foods paindub turul hästi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ösel Foods AS-i juhatuse esimees Kuldar Leis tutvustab ettevõtte tegevust, tootearendust ja müügistrateegiat ning võrdleb eestlaste maitsmismeelt ja tarbimisharjumusi naaberriikidega. Kommenteerib Põltsamaa Felix AS-i juhatuse esimees Andres Koern

  15. "Koolitants" kutsub noori ka sel hooajal / Liisi Seil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seil, Liisi, 1971-


    Festival "Koolitants", mille tänavune moto on "Tants toob naeru näole!", püüab sel aastal hakkama saada kolmandiku võrra väiksema eelarvega. Kokkuhoiu mõttes jäetakse ära piirkondlikud voorud

  16. Maksilektomi Inferior pada Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Palatum Durum

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    Sukri Rahman


    Full Text Available Abstrak          Karsinoma Palatum Durum adalah keganasan daerah kepala dan leher yang jarang terjadi dimana setengah diantaranya merupakan Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa. Pada fase awal keganasan ini dapat bersifat asimptomatis namun dapat juga menimbulkan gejala berupa ulkus yang terasa nyeri pada perkembangan penyakitnya. Operasi maksilektomi inferior merupakan salah satu pilihan tindakan yang dapat dilakukan dalam tatalaksana kasus ini, diikuti oleh pemberian radioterapi. Kasus ini dibuat untuk memahami penatalaksanaan karsinoma palatum durum. Dilaporkan kasus seorang laki-laki 45 tahun dengan diagnosis Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Palatum Durum (Well to Moderately Differentiated Keratinized stadium IVa (T4aN0M0 dilakukan operasi maksilektomi inferior, namun tidak diikuti dengan radioterapi karena pasien menolak. Maksilektomi inferior merupakan pilihan pembedahan pada tumor yang terbatas pada palatum, lantai sinus maksila dan kavum nasi. Prognosis karsinoma sel skuamosa palatum durum cukup baik dan angka harapan hidup lima tahun akan bertambah bila dilakukan operasi diikuti dengan pemberian radioterapi. Kata kunci: Karsinoma sel skuamosa, maksilektomi inferior, radioterapi AbstractCarcinoma of the hard palate is a rare head and neck cancer in which half of it was Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In the initial phase of this malignancy may be asymptomatic, but can also cause symptoms such as painful ulcers in the development of the disease. Inferior maxillectomy is one of the choice of operation that can be performed, followed by radiotherapy to understand the management of carcinoma of the hard palate. Reported one case of a man 45 years old with diagnosis Squamous Cell Carcinoma of hard palate (Well to Moderately Differentiated Keratinized stage IVa (T4aN0M0 treated by inferior maxillectomy surgery, but not followed by radiotherapy because the patient refused. Inferior Maksilektomi is a surgical option in tumor that limited to the palate, floor of the

  17. Selection Finder (SelFi: A computational metabolic engineering tool to enable directed evolution of enzymes

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    Neda Hassanpour


    Full Text Available Directed evolution of enzymes consists of an iterative process of creating mutant libraries and choosing desired phenotypes through screening or selection until the enzymatic activity reaches a desired goal. The biggest challenge in directed enzyme evolution is identifying high-throughput screens or selections to isolate the variant(s with the desired property. We present in this paper a computational metabolic engineering framework, Selection Finder (SelFi, to construct a selection pathway from a desired enzymatic product to a cellular host and to couple the pathway with cell survival. We applied SelFi to construct selection pathways for four enzymes and their desired enzymatic products xylitol, D-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, methanol, and aniline. Two of the selection pathways identified by SelFi were previously experimentally validated for engineering Xylose Reductase and RuBisCO. Importantly, SelFi advances directed evolution of enzymes as there is currently no known generalized strategies or computational techniques for identifying high-throughput selections for engineering enzymes.

  18. Staphylococcal enterotoxin-like X (SElX is a unique superantigen with functional features of two major families of staphylococcal virulence factors.

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    Ries J Langley


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that produces many virulence factors. Two major families of which are the staphylococcal superantigens (SAgs and the Staphylococcal Superantigen-Like (SSL exoproteins. The former are immunomodulatory toxins that induce a Vβ-specific activation of T cells, while the latter are immune evasion molecules that interfere with a wide range of innate immune defences. The superantigenic properties of Staphylococcal enterotoxin-like X (SElX have recently been established. We now reveal that SElX also possesses functional characteristics of the SSLs. A region of SElX displays high homology to the sialyl-lactosamine (sLacNac-specific binding site present in a sub-family of SSLs. By analysing the interaction of SElX with sLacNac-containing glycans we show that SElX has an equivalent specificity and host cell binding range to the SSLs. Mutation of key amino acids in this conserved region affects the ability of SElX to bind to cells of myeloid origin and significantly reduces its ability to protect S. aureus from destruction in a whole blood killing (WBK assay. Like the SSLs, SElX is up-regulated early during infection and is under the control of the S. aureus exotoxin expression (Sae two component gene regulatory system. Additionally, the structure of SElX in complex with the sLacNac-containing tetrasaccharide sialyl Lewis X (sLeX reveals that SElX is a unique single-domain SAg. In summary, SElX is an 'SSL-like' SAg.

  19. Sel nädalal on silmad Gruusial / Toomas Alatalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alatalu, Toomas, 1942-


    7. augustil möödub aasta Venemaa-Gruusia sõjalisest konfliktist. Sel puhul teatas Venemaa esindaja Vitali Tšurkin ÜRO peaassambleele, et Venemaa kiire tegutsemine Lõuna-Osseetias päästis maailma "uuest genotsiidist"


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    Muzli Muzli


    Full Text Available Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu wilayah yang aktif gempabumi di Indonesia. Sumber gempabumi dapat berasal dari patahan lokal Opak di bagian timur ataupun zona subduksi pada bagian selatan Yogyakarta. Pembuatan peta mikrozonasi gempa sangat dibutuhkan untuk pertimbangan pembangunan infrastruktur atau bangunan yang tahan terhadap gempabumi. Upaya tersebut diharapkan dapat mengurangi dampak resiko yang mungkin ditimbulkan. Pada pertengahan tahun 2014 telah dilakukan pengukuran kecepatan gelombang geser (Vs30 di wilayah Yogyakarta khususnya wilayah Kabupaten Bantul dan Sleman. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap 55 titik yang menyebar pada dua wilayah Kabupaten tersebut dengan jarak antar titik sekitar 1 sampai 5 km. Vs30 merupakan salah satu parameter yang digunakan dalam peta mikrozonasi. Pengukuran Vs30 dengan metode Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW menggunakan 24 geofon komponen vertikal dengan frekuensi 4.5 Hz. Nilai Vs30 memberikan informasi klasifikasi tanah permukaan sampai pada kedalaman 30 meter. Hasil interpretasi nilai Vs30 menunjukkan bahwa pusat kota yaitu Kotamadya Yogyakarta memiliki resiko amplifikasi gelombang yang relatif besar dengan nilai Vs30 berkisar antara 115-175 m/s. Pembangunan di wilayah ini sangat disarankan untuk memperhatikan aturan yang memenuhi standard sesuai rujukan SNI 1726-2012. Pada sisi lain, wilayah yang memiliki tanah permukaan klasifikasi padat dengan nilai rata-rata Vs30 antara 350-480 m/s adalah Kecamatan Kretek, Sanden, Pandak dan Bambanglipuro. Wilayah ini memiliki potensi untuk pelemahan atau atenuasi gelombang sehingga resiko kerusakan akibat gempabumi relatif lebih kecil.   Yogyakarta region is one of a seismically active region in Indonesia. Earthquake source can be generatedfrom a local fault Opak in the easternor subduction zone in the southern part of Yogyakarta. Map of seismic microzonation is needed for infrastructure development considerations or buildings resistant to earthquakes. The

  1. Judokas Indrek Pertelson rajab veel sel aastal kaks spordikeskust / Merike Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Merike


    Tippspordiga lõpparve teinud judoka Indrek Pertelson avab veel sel aastal Tallinnas kaks perespordikeskust, kus peale idamaiste võitlusviiside harrastamise saab ka tervist kontrollida ja jõudu taastada


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    Bestari Dwi Handayani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur kinerja perusahaan di RSUD Kebumen, yang selama ini menekankan pada aspek keuangan. Penilaian tersebut kurang menggambarkan kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan, karena hanya menilai kinerja jangka pendek dan mengabaikan aset tidak berwujud. Pengukuran kinerja menggunakan metode Balanced Scorecard mempertimbangkan baik aspek keuangan dan non-keuangan. Pengukuran ini melibatkan empat perspektif, yaitu: keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, dan pembelajaran dan perspektif pertumbuhan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan skor kinerja rumah sakit melalui empat perspektif Balanced Scorecard. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa hasil perspektif finansial dinilai baik dengan rasio efektivitas yang sesuai target. Kinerja berdasarkan perspektif pelanggan dianggap cukup baik. Namun, tingkat akuisisi pasien menurun. Berdasarkan perspektif proses bisnis internal, kinerja dinilai ideal. Tingkat produktivitas dilihat dari perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan rata-rata sebesar Rp24.663.959, dan kepuasan karyawan dinilai cukup baik. This study aimed to measure the performance of companies in Kebumen Hospital, which has emphasized the financial aspects. The assessment describes the lack of overall company performance, as only assess short-term performance and ignores intangible assets. Measurement of performance using the Balanced Scorecard method is to consider both aspects of financial and non-financial. This measurement involves four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth perspective. The analysis shows the hospital performance scores over the four Balanced Scorecard perspectives. Based on the results of the study, concluded that the financial rating of good results with the corresponding effectiveness ratio target. Performance which based on the customer’s perspective is considered quite good. However, the acquisition of patient decline. Based on


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    Hasmyati .


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap keadaan postur tulang belakang (vertebrae atlet PPLM UNM. Penelitian survey ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah 15 atlet PPLM UNM. Alat ukur menggunakan Foremetric Diers. Metode Penelitian melalui pemeriksaan famus yang terdiri atas foremetric dan myoline. Hasil pengukuran dianalisis dan ditabulasi berdasarkan penggolongan kyphosis, scoliosis, dan lordosis dan melalui komputer terintegrasi yang langsung menghasilkan program latihan terapi untuk pemulihan asal. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dari 15 atlet terdapat 1 dinyatakan kyphosis, 6 dinyatakan scoliosis, dan tidak ditemukan adanya lordosis. Kasus tersebut disebabkan oleh pola latihan dengan gerakan dan penambahan beban yang satu dimensi. Karenanya, tubuh membentuk reposisi sesuai pola aktivitas yang kerap dilakukan. Temuan tersebut sebagai bahan tindak lanjut untuk mereposisi tulang belakang yang telah mengalami kelainan. Kata Kunci: vertebrae, kyphosis, lordosis, skoliosis

  4. 200 varju uurib sel nädalal tudengielu / Agne Narusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Narusk, Agne, 1971-


    Sel nädalal toimub Tallinna Ülikoolis ning TLÜ Rakvere ja Haapsalu kolledžites tudengivarju nädal, mis pakub abiturientidele võimaluse osaleda ühe päeva vältel end huvitava eriala õppetöös

  5. Valitsus sel korral sügisest majandusennustust ei tee / Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Raimo


    Rahandusministeeriumi osakonnajuhataja Andrus Sääliku selgitusel on sügisese majandusprognoosi edasilükkamise taga EL-i otsus lükata sel aastal stabiilsus- ja konvergentsiprogrammide raportite esitamine kaks kuud edasi. Diagramm


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    Hamsah Hamsah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas bubuk daun sirih yang dicampur dalam pakan (pelet untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan ikan nila Gift dengan mengukur nilai hematokrit dan jumlah leukosit. Pengukuran nilai hematokrit dan jumlah leukosit darah ikan nila Gift dilakukan setelah ikan uji diberi pakan yang telah dicampur bubuk daun sirih (0,2 g/100 g pakan; 0,3 g/100 g pakan; 0,4 g/100 g pakan selama 4 minggu masa pemeliharaan. Sedang ikan kontrol selama masa pemeliharaan diberi pakan pelet yang tidak dicampur bubuk daun sirih. Nilai hematokrit dan jumlah leukosit ikan nila Gift diukur setiap minggu dengan cara mengambil darah pada bagian vena caudal (ekor ikan uji. Pengambilan darah dilakukan dengan menggunakan jarum suntik steril yang berukuran 26G, yang terlebih dahulu dibasahi Na-Sitrat 3,8% sebagai antikoagulan. Selanjutnya, darah yang telah diambil ditampung dalam tabung eppendorf yang juga telah dibasahi Na-Sitrat, kemudian dipreparasi lalu diukur nilai hematokrit dan jumlah leukositnya. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa nilai hematokrit ikan nila Gift yang diberi pakan yang dicampur bubuk daun sirih mengalami peningkatan berkisar dari 17% (minggu I menjadi 28,66% (minggu IV, jumlah leukositnya meningkat dari 28,243 sel/mm3 (minggu I menjadi 32,813 sel/mm3 (minggu IV. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan bubuk daun sirih dalam pakan mampu meningkatkan status kesehatan ikan nila Gift

  7. Korelasi pengukuran antropometri dengan tekanan darah dan angiotensinogen plasma pada dewasa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Desmawati Desmawati


    Full Text Available Prevalensiobesitas makin lama makin meningkat. Obesitas berhubungan dengan peningkatankadar angiotensinogen (AGT plasma dan tekanan darah. Salah satu pengukuran statusgizi dengan antropometri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi pengukuranantropometri dengan tekanan darah dan kadar AGT plasma pada orang dewasa etnikMinangkabau.Sebanyak 75 subyek berusia 35 - 54 tahun di Padang diambil secara random. Seluruh subyekdiwawacara untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan tingkat aktivitas fisik. Pengukuran persentaselemak tubuh dan antropometri ( indeks massa tubuh /lMT dan lingkar pinggang / LP, tekanandarah dan pemriksaan kadar AGT plasma juga dilakukan. Data dianalisis menggunakan ujikorelasi.Rata - rata IMT subyek adalah 26.297 t 4.03 kglm2. Sebanyak 92.1% subyek mempunyai LPlebih besar dari normal. Rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik adalah 145.47 r 19.40 dan tekanandarah diastolik 87.33 t 8.75 mmHg. Rerata kadarAGTplasma adalah 79.4d0 xfi.Ag ng/mL.tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara IMT dan tekanan darah dan terdapat korelasiyang lemah dengan kadarAGT plasma (r=0.291, p=0.011. LP mempunyai korelasi lemahdengan tekanan darah sistolik (r=0.298, p=0.009, dengan TDD (r=0.298, p=6.999, dan jugadengan kadar AGT plasm a (r=0.347 , p=0.002.These result show a moderate correlation between BMI with plasma AGT levels in adultMinangkabau ethnic group. There is also a weak correlation between WC with BP and plasmaAGT levels.AbstrackPrevalence of obesity increased and related with increased of pasma angiotensinogen (AGTlevels and blood pressure. This study aimed to determine the correlation of antropometric withblood pressure (BP and plasma AGT levels in adult Minangkabau ethnic.Seventy five adult, 35-54 years old, in Padang were enrolled randomely. All subjects wereinterviewed to determine the characteristics and physicai activity. Body fat percentagemeasurement, anthropometric (body mass inde/BMl and wrist circumference/ WC, bloodpressure and

  8. "Sel kevadel olen ma eriti ilus..." : [luuletused] / Triin Soomets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomets, Triin


    Sisu: "Sel kevadel olen ma eriti ilus..." ; "Tahaksin teha midagi tõelist; midagi suurt..." ; "veebruaris on keha nii valge et syda läheb pahaks..." ; "kõige kohutavamad lepingud..." ; "Igal loojangul kutsun sind ja igal koidikul tõukan su ära..." ; "need hakid..." ; "Põhja vajudes on viimane asi, mida ma näen, rohelised sähvatused..."

  9. Pengukuran Tingkat Efektivitas Kinerja UMKM Batik Bakaran Secara Berkelanjutan Mengunakan Model Green SCOR

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    Daniel Alfa Puryono


    Full Text Available Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM merupakan salah satu kekuatan pendorong terdepan dalam pembangunan perekonomi di Indonesia. Agar UMKM tersebut tetap mampu bertahan dalam menghadapai tantangan sekaligus peluang yang ada, maka UMKM harus bisa meningkatkan kinerja dan kerja sama dengan sektor usaha yang lainnya. Selain itu UMKM tersebut juga harus tetap memperhatikan dampak terhadap linkgungannya. Untuk itu maka diperlukan adanya pengukuran tingkat efektivitas kinerja dalam UMKM tersebut. Supaya bisa menjadi tolak ukur maupun penetuan arah kebijakan kedepanya. Serta bisa memastikan bahwa semua faktor dalam usaha tersebut tidak menimbulkan pencemaran serta dampak sosial ekonomi bagi lingkungannya. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan pada penelitian ini mengunakan model Green Supply Chain Operations Refernece (Green SCOR. Model tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan kriteria serta tujuan sistem rantai pasok UMKM Batik Bakaran yang ramah lingkungan. Selain metode tersebut penelitian ini juga mengunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP yang digunakan untuk menentukan Key performance Indikator (KPI yang mempengaruhi tingkat efektivitas kinerja UMKM Batik, serta dapat mengukur tingkat kinerja maupun proses kinerja dari masing masing kriteria tersebut. Sehingga akan menghasilkan tingkat efektivitas kinerja yang ramah lingkungan bagi UMKM Batik Bakaran. Model Green SCOR dan metode AHP mampu untuk menghubungkan semua kriteria kinerja yang ada. Kombinasi metode tersebut, terbukti mampu untuk memberikan penilaian tingkat efesiensi sebesar 65,4% dan profitability sebesar 34,6%. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM merupakan kata kunci untuk meyakinkan bahwa semua faktor atau semua elemen dalam rantai pasokan memperhatikan lingkungannya atau tidak menimbulkan dampak berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Namun karena pengukuran dan penerapan GSCM yang begitu kompleks jadi tidak semua kriteria dapat diidentifikasi dan di hubungkan dengan

  10. Esimene Teater Ö(ö)sel festival läks korda / Merje Pors

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pors, Merje


    15.-16. juulil Kuressaares ja Saare maakonnas toimunud Läänemere saari ühendavast festivalist "Teater Ö(ö)sel". Festivalist võtsid osa Rügeni, Alandi, Gotlandi, Hiiumaa ja Saaremaa teatritrupid

  11. Predicción y análisis de emisiones de mezclas combustibles diésel/ biodiésel modificadas con nanopartículas de alúmina y ácido oleico

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    Andrés Peñaloza


    Full Text Available El software Diésel-RK fue utilizado para evaluar el efecto del uso de un aditivo basado en nanopartículas de alúmina y ácido oleico para la reducción de emisiones de gases contaminantes en mezclas diésel/biodiésel. Para esto, se estimaron las propiedades físico-químicas de las mezclas combustibles con ayuda de correlaciones para dispersiones coloidales y reglas de mezclado, fijando concentraciones de 10 y 20ppm del aditivo. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron reducciones del 11% y 25% en emisiones de SO2 y material particulado, respectivamente; mientras que las emisiones de CO2 no mostraron mejoras significativas, así como tampoco se presentaron mejoras en el consumo específico de combustible, los cuales permanecieron por debajo del 1,0%. En cuanto a las emisiones de NO2, se observó un incremento desde 2,1g/kWh a 3,1g/kWh con la adición de las diversas concentraciones de nanoaditivo; de esta forma se evidenciaron mejoras en la disminución en el retraso de los tiempos de ignición, lo cual es apropiado para el adecuado funcionamiento de los motores.

  12. ORELA data acquisition system hardware. Vol. 5. SEL 810B/PDP-4/PDP-9 intercomputer link

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reynolds, J.W.; Holladay, J.H.


    A report is given describing the IOT assignments and programming for the PDP-4 and PDP-9, the ground isolation wiring, the connector pin assignments, a simplified theory of operation for the SEL 810B link interface, a detailed theory of operation for the link interfaces at the PDP-4 and the PDP-9, and the use of the PDP-4 and PDP-9 link interfaces as an input to the SEL 810B Four-Channel Priority Multiplexer

  13. Analisa kinerja sistempendingin peltier yang menggunakan sel PVdengan sumber energi radiasi matahari

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    Terang UHSG


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pemanfaatan energi surya secara umum digunakan untuk energi termal dan energi listrik. Salah satu aplikasi dari sistempemanfaatan untuk energi listrik adalah penggunaan fotovoltaik (PV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerjasistem kerja kotak pendingin dengan bantuan sel PV yang menyerap sumber energi matahari. Kelebihan dari dari sistempendinginan ini adalah beroperasi tanpa menggunakan energi listrik serta ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakankomponen elektronik peltier untuk pendingin. Komponen peltier dirangkai dengan heat sink dan kipas kecil diletakkan di bagianluar dan kipas yang lain diletakkan di bagian dalam kotak pendingin. Kotak pendingin terbuat dari styrofoam. Data perubahantemperatur sistem kotak pendingin yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisa sehingga dapat diperoleh kinerja sistem kotak pendingintersebut. Pengujian dilakukan di ruangan terbuka yang mengalami paparan radiasi matahari. Proses pengukuran parametercuaca dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur cuaca HOBO dan untuk merekam perubahan temperatur pada setiapkomponen sistem pendingin peltier digunakan data akuisisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai COP maksimum sistempendingin peltier yang dapat dicapai adalah 0,317. Pada penelitian ini, juga diteliti pengaruh kondisi cuaca yang meliputi radiasimatahari, temperatur dan kelembaban udara terhadap kinerja sistem pendingin peltier.Kata kunci: sistem pendingin peltier, kinerja Abstract: The utilization of solar energy consist of thermal energy and electrical energy. One application of the system for the utilization ofelectrical energy was photovoltaic (PV. The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of cooler box with PV cellsthat absorb the solar energy. The advantages of this cooling system was operated without using the electrical energy andenvironmentally friendly. This study uses electronic components Peltier for cooling. The peltier component assembled with a heatsink. The

  14. Ravimiturg peaks ka sel aastal jõudsalt kasvama / Violetta Riidas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Riidas, Violetta


    Ilmunud ka: Äripäev 30. apr. lk. 16. Eelmise aasta ravimituru kasv jätkub tõenäoliselt ka sel aastal, kuna negatiivne riigieelarve ravimihüvitisi ei kärbi. Vt. samas: Võrdlus: Ravimituru jaotus haiglaapteekide ning teiste asutuste vahel peamiste ATC rühmade lõikes, 2007

  15. Analisis Nilai Tambah Dan Penentuan Metrik Pengukuran Kinerja Rantai Pasok Pepaya Calina (Studi Kasus Di PT Sewu Segar Nusantara)


    Rizqiah, Fatih; Slamet, Alim Setiawan


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi rantai pasok pepaya Calina, menganalisis nilai tambah yang dihasilkan oleh setiap anggota pada rantaipasokankomoditas pepaya Calina, dan mendesain metrik pengukurankinerja anggota rantai pasokan. Metode Hayami dan Analytic Network Process (ANP) merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung nilai tambah dan mendesain metrik pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok pepaya Calina. Nilai keuntungan yang diraih oleh mitra tani sebesar 57.74%. Sementara P...


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    Ika Widya Ardhyani


    Full Text Available Kualitas layanan merupakan kunci sukses dalam pemasaran dan bisnis strategi. Peningkatan kualitas layanan terhadap perguruan tinggi merupakan hal yang perlu mendapatkan prioritas, karena kualitas layanan berhubungan erat dengan peningkatan keuntungan kompetitif. UMAHA merupakan universitas swasta di Sidoarjo. Sejak didirikan tahun 1998 hingga 2015 animo masyarakat terhadap UMAHA terus mengalami peningkatan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah mahasiswa yang mendaftar. Namun disisi lain masih terjadi keluhan-keluhan terhadap pelayanan akademik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka pengukuran kualitas layanan pendidikan yang akurat sangat penting dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih baik dan menjadi pedoman dalam melakukan suatu perbaikan. Item-item dalam penelitian ini diadaptasi dari instrumen HEdPERF dan HiEdQUAL. Pengukuran kualitas layanan dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan responden dosen, staf administrasi dan mahasiswa sebagai pelanggan perguruan tinggi. Kuesioner digunakan untuk memperoleh data, berupa harapan dan persepsi. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cluster sampling. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Kualitas layanan akan di ukur dengan menggunakan model diskonfirmasi SERVQUAL, yang mendefinisikan kualitas dalam hal perbedaan yang muncul antara harapan pelanggan dan persepsi layanan yang sebenarnya. Hasil perhitungan skor SERVQUAL untuk ketiga responden, menunjukkan masing-masing item belum dapat memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil perhitungan semua item yang bernilai negatif.

  17. SEL/Project Language. Level II, Kindergarten, Volume II (Lessons 17-32). (United States)

    Valladares, Ann E.; And Others

    This curriculum guide contains the Southeastern Education Laboratory/Project Language Lessons 17-32 stressing listening, speaking, and reading readiness for disadvantaged kindergarten children. The lessons are designed to be used in the SEL's mobile preschool units or as readiness materials for kindergarten. The major emphasis of this intervention…

  18. Analysis of SEL on Commercial SRAM Memories and Mixed-Field Characterization of a Latchup Detection Circuit for LEO Space Applications (United States)

    Secondo, R.; Alía, R. Garcia; Peronnard, P.; Brugger, M.; Masi, A.; Danzeca, S.; Merlenghi, A.; Vaillé, J.-R.; Dusseau, L.


    A single event latchup (SEL) experiment based on commercial static random access memory (SRAM) memories has recently been proposed in the framework of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Latchup Experiment and Student Satellite nanosatellite low Earth orbit (LEO) space mission. SEL characterization of three commercial SRAM memories has been carried out at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) facility, using monoenergetic focused proton beams and different acquisition setups. The best target candidate was selected and a circuit for SEL detection has been proposed and tested at CERN, in the CERN High Energy AcceleRator Mixed-field facility (CHARM). Experimental results were carried out at test locations representative of the LEO environment, thus providing a full characterization of the SRAM cross sections, together with the analysis of the single-event effect and total ionizing dose of the latchup detection circuit in relation to the particle spectra expected during mission. The setups used for SEL monitoring are described, and details of the proposed circuit components and topology are presented. Experimental results obtained both at PSI and at CHARM facilities are discussed.

  19. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the mRNA-binding domain of elongation factor SelB from Escherichia coli in complex with RNA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soler, Nicolas; Fourmy, Dominique; Yoshizawa, Satoko


    The mRNA-binding domain of E. coli selenocysteine-specific elongation factor SelB (residues 478–614; SelB-WH3/4) was overproduced in E. coli and its cognate mRNA ligand, 23 nucleotides of the SECIS RNA hairpin, was prepared by in vitro transcription. The purified SelB-WH3/4–SECIS RNA complex crystallized in space group C2 and diffracted to 2.3 Å. In bacteria, selenocysteine (the 21st amino acid) is incorporated into proteins via machinery that includes SelB, a specific translational elongation factor. SelB binds to an mRNA hairpin called the selenocysteine-insertion sequence (SECIS) and delivers selenocysteyl-tRNA Sec to the ribosomal A site. The minimum C-terminal fragment (residues 478–614) of Escherichia coli SelB (SelB-WH3/4) required for SECIS binding has been overexpressed and purified. This protein was crystallized in complex with 23 nucleotides of the SECIS hairpin at 294 K using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. A data set was collected to 2.3 Å resolution from a single crystal at 100 K using ESRF beamline BM-30. The crystal belongs to space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 103.50, b = 56.51, c = 48.41 Å. The asymmetric unit contains one WH3/4-domain–RNA complex. The Matthews coefficient was calculated to be 3.37 Å 3 Da −1 and the solvent content was estimated to be 67.4%

  20. Ansip : uus valitsus tuleb sel nädalal / Anneli Ammas, Jaanus Piirsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ammas, Anneli, 1962-


    Reformierakonna esimees Andrus Ansip on seisukohal, et kokkulepped valitsuse moodustamiseks sõlmitakse sel nädalal, Riigikogu juhatuse valimised näitasid, et ratsionaalseteks kokkulepeteks ollakse valmis. Peale A. Ansipi on teine võimalik peaministrikandidaat Villu Reiljan. Lisa: Erakondade positsioonid kõnelustel

  1. Pengukuran Performansi Supply Chain Dengan Menggunakan Supply Chain Operation Reference (Scor) Berbasis Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp) Dan Objective Matrix (Omax)


    Hanugrani, Nikita; Setyanto, Nasir Widha; Efranto, Remba Yanuar


    PT. Indonesian Tobacco merupakan salah satu Perusahaan rokok yang telah menerapkan konsep Supply Chain Management untuk mengatur proses aliran material. Selama berjalannya Supply Chain Management tersebut, Perusahaan belum pernah melakukan pengukuran terhadap performansi supply chain yang melibatkan semua pihak yang terkait. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur performansi supply chain adalah Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). SCOR merupakan suatu model acuan proses untuk operasi supply...


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    Ardini Pangastuti


    Buku ajar merupakan buku panduan pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh siswa guna membantu mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional. Pengembangan buku ajar merupakan salah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi tercapainya indikator pembelajaran. Pengembangan buku ajar Biologi Sel dengan pendekatan Bioinformatika menggunakan model pengembangan Dick and Carey. Buku ajar yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh ahli materi, ahli media pembelajaran, 15 mahasiswa uji coba perorangan, dan 15 mahasiswa uji coba kelompok sedang. Hasil validasi ahli materi menyatakan layak sebesar 84% dengan kategori baik. Hasil validasi ahli media pembelajaran menyatakan layak sebesar 82,4% dengan kategori baik.

  3. Model-based neural networks to predict emissions in a diesel engine operating with biodiesel blends of castor; Modelo basado en redes neuronales para predecir las emisiones en un motor diésel que opera con mezclas de biodiésel de higuerilla

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    Fabio Narváez


    Full Text Available Some identification methods of nonlinear systems using artificialneural networks are explained. Also, a model based on Neural Networks“Supervised Feed Forward” is presented, developed to identifyand predict the behavior of volumetric emissions from combustion of astationary diésel engine based on two input variables: the engine load and the mixture of castor biodiésel. The neural network training and model validation was performed by using the NNModel.

  4. Effets des sels sur la réflectance et télédétection des sols salés


    Mougenot, Bernard


    La présence de sels dans les sols et les nappes modifie les états de surface. La télédétection facilite leur identification et améliore la cartographie des sols salés. On distingue des effets directs sur la réflectance avec la présence de sels en surface (croûtes ou efflorescences salines), et des effets indirects sur la structure (pseudosables), la végétation (stress salin, végétation spécifique) ou l'absence de végétation dans les cas extrêmes. Les caractéristiques spectrales des sels du vi...


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    Haryono Yuniarto


    Full Text Available Kanker kolorektal menempati urutan kejadian kanker ketiga di seluruh dunia, dengan lebih dari 1 juta angka kejadian tiap tahunnya. Berbagai strategi terapi pengobatan kanker kolorektal tetapi relatif belum optimal. Oleh karena itu, terdapat kebutuhan mengembangkan terapi alternatif sebagai pendamping. Propolis menunjukkan aktivitas proapoptosis pada berbagai jenis sel kanker. Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian propolis yang berasal dari Kerjo, Karanganyar, Indonesia terhadap induksi proses apoptosis dan aktivitas antiproliferasi, terutama terkait dengan penekanan ekspresi protein Bcl 2 dan cyclin D1 pada kultur sel WiDr (cell line kanker kolon. Penelitian eksperimental laboratorik menggunakan post test with control group design. Penelitian dilakukan pada kultur sel WiDr (sel kanker kolon dengan pemberian propolis. Pengamatan ekspresi protein Cyclin D1 dan Bcl2 dilakukan dengan metode imunositokimia, sedangkan pengamatan induksi apoptosis dilakukan dengan flowcytometry. Analisis statistik dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis, signifikan bila p <0,05. Rata-rata ekspresi Bcl2 pada kelima kelompok yaitu kontrol 83.40 ± 0.69 μg/ml, EEP 1/2 IC50 60.63 ± 0.40, EEP IC50 33.77 ± 1.08 μg/ml, EEP 2 IC50 24.28 ± 1.91 μg/ml, 5fluorouracil 12.74 ± 2.19 μg/ml. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna ekspresi Bcl2 antara kelompok uji dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (p < 0,001. Rata-rata ekspresi cyclin D1 pada kelima kelompok yaitu kontrol 83.77 ± 0.39 μg/ml, EEP 1/2 IC50 61.44 ± 0.41, EEP IC50 36.67 ± 1.18 μg/ml, EEP 2 IC50 24.50 ± 0.38 μg/ml, 5fluorouracil 13.42 ± 1.04μg/ml. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna ekspresi cyclin D1 antara kelompok uji dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (p < 0,001. Pemberian ekstrak etanol propolis mempunyai pengaruh menekan ekspresi Bcl2, cyclin D1, dan menginduksi apoptosis pada kultur sel kanker kolon (WiDr Cell Line.   Kata Kunci: Ekstrak Ethanol Propolis, Bcl2, cyclin D1, Sel WiDr

  6. Comparative evaluation of volatiles, phenolics, sugars, organic acids and antioxidant properties of Sel-42 and Tainung papaya varieties. (United States)

    Kelebek, Hasim; Selli, Serkan; Gubbuk, Hamide; Gunes, Esma


    The present study was designed to determine the phenolic compounds, organic acids, sugars, aroma profiles and antioxidant properties of Sel-42 and Tainung papayas grown in Turkey. High-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method was used for the phenolic compounds analysis. Twelve phenolic compounds were identified and quantified in the samples. The total phenolic content of Sel-42 was clearly higher than that of Tainung. Protocatechuic acid-hexoside, gallic acid-deoxyhexoside, ferulic acid and chlorogenic acids were the most abundant phenolics in both cultivars. Aroma composition of papaya was analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 46 and 42 aroma compounds, including esters, alcohols, terpenes, lactones, acids, carbonyl compounds, and volatile phenols were identified in the Sel-42 and Tainung, respectively. The significant linear correlation was confirmed between the values for the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of papaya extracts. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Studi Kasus; “Koreksi terhadap Pengukuran Polutan di Udara Unit Perajin Logam dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Husaini Husaini


    Full Text Available AbstractUnderstanding on the reaction of various air pollutants until today continues to grow, even it is hard to find information about the results of the reaction of various air pollutants standard. The aim of the research was to analyze and to correct of the the various air pollutants as well as to determine the health impact of blacksmith in 2014. The samples consisted of 38 blacksmith from 38 working units in Hulu Sungai Selatan of South Kalimantan. Analytical approach of the examination of air pollutants, blood samples and pulmonary functions of selected workers was applied in this study. The results showed a decrease in lung function and abnormalization workers immune response, as a result of exposure to various air pollutants. It is very difficult to determine and predict the causality of air pollution and health impact since there must be various factors contributing to the the health impact. because it is caused by pollutants singly or may be caused from the various reactions of these pollutants, for that, the correction need on the measurement and analysis of air pollutants that made so far, including its impact on the human body. The benefit of this research as a form of correction to use the Threshold Limit Value (TLV and measurement of air pollutants, including the impact of the target organ in the human body.Keywords : Measurements correction, pollutants, lung function, immune response.AbstrakPemahaman reaksi berbagai polutan di udara sampai saat ini terus berkembang, bahkan hampir tidak ditemukan informasi tentang standar hasil reaksi berbagai polutan di udara. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis dan koreksi pengukuran berbagai polutan di udara serta dampaknya terhadap kesehatan perajin logam. Studi kasus dilakukan pada 38 perajin logam serta 38 unit kerjanya di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan Kalimantan Selatan tahun 2013 dengan pendekatan observational analitik beserta pengambilan contoh polutan di udara dan pengambilan sampel

  8. Biogenic SeNPs from Bacillus mycoides SelTE01 and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia SelTE02: Characterization with reference to their associated organic coating (United States)

    Piacenza, Elena; Bulgarini, Alessandra; Lampis, Silvia; Vallini, Giovanni; Turner, Raymond J.


    The exploitation of biological systems (i.e. plants, fungi and bacteria) for the production of nanomaterials relies on their ability to bioconvert toxic metal(loid) ions into their less toxic and bioavailable elemental states forming mainly nanoparticles (NPs) or nanorods (NRs). Further, these methods of nanomaterial production are nowadays recognized as eco-friendly alternatives to the chemical synthesis processes. A common feature among the so-called biogenic nanomaterials is the presence of an organic layer surrounding them. However, we are just learning the existing relation between biogenic nanostructures and their organic material. Our work is focused on the study of bacterial strains for the production of selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) as end product of selenite (SeO32 -) bioconversion. In this context, our previous reports described the ability of two bacteria, namely Bacillus mycoides SelTE01 and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia SelTE02, to generate SeNPs, which were surrounded by organic material. Here, the potential role of this organic material as stabilizing agent of SeNPs was investigated altering both the bacteria cells culturing and the SeNPs extraction procedure, in order to understand the interaction between these two elements in suspension. As a result, SeNPs produced by both bacterial strains showed the tendency to aggregate when subjected to the treatments tested, suggesting an involvement of the surrounding organic material in their stabilization in suspension.


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    Robby Suhendra


    Full Text Available Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE is an effectiveness measurement method of equipment utilization in the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM. The ability of identification in details toward main problem and the cause factors that makes the improvement efforts become more focused is the reason why this method applied comprehensively by all manufacturing companies around the world. Manufacturing process at Stamping Production Division an automotive isdustry still keeps some unrevealed problems. This condition makes the achievement of OEE figure below the target that means production equipments are not utilized optimally yet. The expression of main problem and the cause factors is needed before the company starts some improvement efforts. This research is started by understanding the equipment losses that existed in company. Then, measuring the achievement of OEE figure in one period and through the pareto analysis toward the measurement's results, the main problem and the cause factors are obtained and clearly depicted in cause-and-effect diagram. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE adalah metode pengukuran efektivitas penggunaan suatu peralatan. OEE dikenal sebagai salah satu aplikasi progam Total Productive Maintenance (TPM. Kemampuan mengidentifikasikan secara jelas akar permasalahan dan faktor penyebabnya sehingga membuat usaha perbaikan menjadi terfokus merupakan faktor utama metode ini diaplikasikan secara menyeluruh oleh banyak perusahaan didunia. Saat ini proses manufaktur di Stamping Production Division sebuah industri otomotif memiliki permasalahan yang belum terungkap jelas. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan penggunaan peralatan yang ada belum optimal. Pengungkapan akar masalah dan faktor penyebabnya diperlukan sebelum perusahaan melakukan usaha perbaikan. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi kerugian peralatan (Equipment Losses yang terjadi. Kemudian mengukur pencapaian nilai OEE


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    Iwan Vanany


    Full Text Available The paper discusses the application of Analytic Network Process (ANP to support the weighted of design performance measurement system with Balanced Scorecard method. During the time, the weighted uses method that disregarding interdependence between objectives strategy and Key Performance Indicator (KPI's. The method which often used in this weighted is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP. In fact this condition does not express the concept of strategy map of Balanced Scorecard. Therefore is needed apply the other weighted method which attention to the interdependence between Key Performance Indicator (KPI. Application of the weighted with ANP method is conducted at one of the power company. This company represents result of restructuring of PT. PLN (Persero. The result of design performance measurement system of PT. X are objective strategy, Key Performance Indicator (KPI and strategy map, will be weighted by method of ANP. Further more Modeling of ANP based on strategy map. The result of application indicates that related of model of strategy map in Balanced Scorecard at PT. X is Feedback Network (hiernet with phenomenon of inner and dependence of outer dependence. The perspective on Balanced Scorecard is identically with cluster on ANP, while objective strategy and KPI are identically with sub-element and element. Result of weighted with ANP method shows the existence of culmination of weighted on financial perspective of Strategy Map at PT. X. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Makalah ini membahas aplikasi Analytic Network Process (ANP untuk mendukung pembobotan pada perancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja dengan metode Balanced Scorecard. Selama ini, pembobotan yang ada menggunakan metode yang mengabaikan saling keterkaitan antar strategi objektif dengan Key Performance Indicator (KPI-KPI -nya. Metode yang sering digunakan didalam pembobotan ini adalah Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP. Kondisi ini sebenarnya tidak mencerminkan konsep Strategy Map

  11. Mice deficient for ERAD machinery component Sel1L develop central diabetes insipidus. (United States)

    Bichet, Daniel G; Lussier, Yoann


    Deficiency of the antidiuretic hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP) underlies diabetes insipidus, which is characterized by the excretion of abnormally large volumes of dilute urine and persistent thirst. In this issue of the JCI, Shi et al. report that Sel1L-Hrd1 ER-associated degradation (ERAD) is responsible for the clearance of misfolded pro-arginine vasopressin (proAVP) in the ER. Additionally, mice with Sel1L deficiency, either globally or specifically within AVP-expressing neurons, developed central diabetes insipidus. The results of this study demonstrate a role for ERAD in neuroendocrine cells and serve as a clinical example of the effect of misfolded ER proteins retrotranslocated through the membrane into the cytosol, where they are polyubiquitinated, extracted from the ER membrane, and degraded by the proteasome. Moreover, proAVP misfolding in hereditary central diabetes insipidus likely shares common physiopathological mechanisms with proinsulin misfolding in hereditary diabetes mellitus of youth.


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    Handoko Sugiharto


    Full Text Available The conventional method of water content measurement of aggregate and fresh concrete need along time to perform. As an alternative the use of microwave oven is explored in this research. The microwave oven used has 900 watt power and equiped with a turn table. Nine (9 type of aggregate consist of five (5 type of fine aggregate and four (4 type of coarse aggregate with varions water absorbsion value, are unvestigated. The rater contents measured is then compared with the once obtained using conventional oven. Four (4 type of mix using aggegate with varions water absorbsion values. Water content used for the fresh concrete mix is 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7. The test results show that this method can beused to measure water content of fine and coarse aggregate regardless of the water absorbsion values of the aggregates. For fine aggregate nine (9 minutes drying time is needed to get 100% accuracy while for coarse aggregate 11 minutes with 96% accuracy. For fresh concrete using aggregate with less than 5% absorbsion value 18 minutes is neede to get 98% accuracy, while for aggregate with 40% absorbsion value 35 minutes is needed to get 80% accuracy. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pengukuran kadar air pada agregat dan beton segar dengan metode konvensional memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama, maka dilakukan penelitian penggunaan microwave oven sebagai metode alternatifnya. Microwave oven yang digunakan mempunyai daya 900 watt dan dilengkapi dengan piring putar. Dilakukan penelitian terhadap 9 tipe agregat (5 jenis agregat halus dan 4 jenis agregat kasar dengan berbagai nilai absorpsi. Sedangkan untuk beton segar dibuat 4 macam campuran dengan berbagai nilai absorpsi agregat. Faktor air-semen yang digunakan adalah 0.3, 0.5 dan 0.7. Hasil pengukuran kadar airnya dengan microwave oven dibandingkan terhadap oven standard. Hasil tes yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa metode ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kadar air agregat halus dan kasar dengan tidak tergantung pada

  13. Uudised : Tormisega Amsterdamis. AS Ösel toetab Voices of Europe'i kontserti / Ingrid Peek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peek, Ingrid


    15. aug. dirigeeris E. Klas Amsterdami Concertgebouws V. Tormise "Avamängu nr. 2". AS Ösel toetab 100 000 krooniga 1. sept. toimuvat kontserti, kus tuleb ettekandele A. Pärdi uudisteos "which was the son of"


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    Bambang Syairuddin


    Full Text Available To assure the quality of education in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, we need to design an integrated performance measurement system. For that purpose, we used the IPMS (Integrated Performance Measurement Systems method. Using the IPMS method, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs of the Department of Mechanical Engineering were determined by pursuant to stakeholder requirement through four steps. Those are identifying the stakeholder requirement, external monitor, stipulating objectives, and identification of KPIs. Performance measurement system with the IPMS method in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Mataram University can be identified into 38 KPIs grouped in 9 criterias of performance of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, that are curriculum, student, financial, human resources, administration academic, teaching and learning, alumnus, evaluation and operation, and external party. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Untuk menjamin kualitas pendidikan di Jurusan Teknik Mesin, diperlukan sebuah rancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja (SPK yang terintegrasi dengan metode IPMS (Integrated Performance Measurement Systems. Dengan metode IPMS, Key Performance Indicators (KPI Jurusan Teknik Mesin ditentukan berdasarkan stakeholder requirement melalui empat tahapan yaitu; identifikasi stakeholder requirement, external monitor, penetapan objectives, dan identifikasi KPIs. Hasil perancangan SPK di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Mataram, dapat mengidentifikasi 38 KPIs yang dikelompokkan dalam 9 kriteria kinerja Jurusan Teknik Mesin, yaitu; kurikulum, mahasiswa, finansial, SDM, administrasi akademik, proses pembelajaran, alumni, evaluasi dan pengendalian, dan external party. Kata Kunci : Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja, IPMS, Teknik Mesin Unram.

  15. Molten salts in nuclear reactors; Les sels fondus dans les reacteurs nucleaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dirian, J; Saint-James, [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Collection of references dealing with the physicochemical studies of fused salts, in particular the alkali and alkali earth halides. Numerous binary, ternary and quaternary systems of these halides with those of uranium and thorium are examined, and the physical properties, density, viscosity, vapour pressure etc... going from the halides to the mixtures are also considered. References relating to the corrosion of materials by these salts are included and the treatment of the salts with a view to recuperation after irradiation in a nuclear reactor is discussed. (author) [French] Bibliographie regroupant l'etude physico-chimique des sels fondus, en particulier des halogenures alcalins et alcalino-terreux. On etudie de nombreux systemes binaires, ternaires et quaternaires de ces halogenures avec des halogenures d'uranium, et de thorium. On etudie egalement les proprietes physiques des halogenures ou des melanges d'halogenures (densite, viscosite, tension de vapeur, etc...). On donne egalement des references quant a la corrosion des materiaux par ces sels, et le traitement de ceux-ci en vue de recuperation, apres irradiation dans un reacteur nucleaire. (auteur)

  16. Réduction de la consommation de sel dans l'ensemble de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    tante cause d'hypertension, laquelle augmente les risques de maladies cardiovasculaires, renales et de décès. Des ini- tiatives nationales visant à réduire la consommation de sel peuvent améliorer la tension artérielle au niveau de l'ensem- ble de la population. Cependant, plusieurs défis subsistent afin de réduire la ...

  17. Karakteristik Pasta TiO2 Suhu Rendah untuk Aplikasi Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC

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    Mariya Al Qibtiya


    Full Text Available Pada tulisan ini, diuraikan karakteristik pasta TiO2 suhu rendah untuk aplikasi sel surya berbasis dye-sensitized yang dipreparasi dengan penambahan serbuk TiO2 reflektor. Penambahan TiO2 reflektor sebagai light scattering layer pada pasta dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik listrik sel surya yang dihasilkan. Preparasi pasta dilakukan menggunakan bahan komersial yaitu pasta T-Nanooxide D-L (Solaronix dan serbuk pasta WER2-O (Dyesiol sebagai bahan reflector. Bahan tersebut dianalisis struktur kristalnya. Hasil karakterisasi X-Ray Diffraction (XRD menunjukan bahwa bahan TiO2 serbuk yang digunakan adalah nanokristal dengan struktur kristal anatase. Pasta ini dideposisi di atas permukaan plastik dan kaca konduktif (ITO-PET dan FTO dengan metode doctor blade printing. Proses sintering lapisan TiO2 dilakukan pada suhu rendah yaitu 120 ˚C selama 4 jam. Morfologi permukaan lapisan TiO2 dianalisa menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. Lapisan TiO2 yang terbentuk diaplikasikan pada DSSC sebagai fotoelektroda. Pewarnaan dengan larutan N-719 (Ruthenium Complex, lapisan elektroda kerja platina dan larutan elektrolit iodine. Karakteristik kurva I-V dengan ukuran sel daerah aktif 1 cm2 diukur menggunakan Sun Simulator AM1,5 dengan sumber cahaya Xenon dan intensitas 50 mW/cm2. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan penambahan serbuk TiO2 reflektor dapat meningkatkan unjuk kerja sel surya fleksibel yang dihasilkan. Efisiensi terbaik DSSC yang dihasilkan adalah 0,166% untuk substrat plastik dan 0,167% untuk substrat kaca.

  18. Testing Causal Impacts of a School-Based SEL Intervention Using Instrumental Variable Techniques (United States)

    Torrente, Catalina; Nathanson, Lori; Rivers, Susan; Brackett, Marc


    Children's social-emotional skills, such as conflict resolution and emotion regulation, have been linked to a number of highly regarded academic and social outcomes. The current study presents preliminary results from a causal test of the theory of change of RULER, a universal school-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL).…





    2015 Pengukuran Kadar Natrium Alginate dari Alga Cokelat Spesies Sargassum sp. sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Bahan Cetak Kedokteran Gigi (Irreversible Hydrocolloid/Dental Impression Material) Siti Mutmainnah Sunar Abstrak Latar belakang : Irreversible hydrocolloid merupakan bahan cetak yang relatif sering digunakan di bidang kedokteran gigi. Namun, bahan baku dari bahan cetak ini masih diimpor dari luar negeri. Natrium alginate sebagai bahan baku masih menggunakan ekstraksi alga c...

  20. L'esprit de sel science, culture, politique

    CERN Document Server

    Lévy-Leblond, Jean-Marc


    L'esprit de sel. Activité de recherche, la science est-elle nécessairement productrice de connaissances ? Y a-t-il de nouvelles formes et normes du savoir ? Qu'est la science pour la science ? Activité intellectuelle. la science est-elle aussi une activité culturelle ? La science moderne est-elle dans la culture. est-elle une nouvelle culture - devrait-elle l'être ? Qu'est la science pour la culture ? Activité sociale. la science est liée de façon complexe aux structures économiques et à la conjoncture politique. Quel rôle joue-t-elle, quels conditionnements subit-elle ? Qu'est la science pour la politique ? Voici un ensemble de contributions pour aiguiser ces questions cruciales et décaper les idées reçues.

  1. WebSelF: A Web Scraping Framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Jakob; Ernst, Erik; Brabrand, Claus


    We present, WebSelF, a framework for web scraping which models the process of web scraping and decomposes it into four conceptually independent, reusable, and composable constituents. We have validated our framework through a full parameterized implementation that is flexible enough to capture...... previous work on web scraping. We have experimentally evaluated our framework and implementation in an experiment that evaluated several qualitatively different web scraping constituents (including previous work and combinations hereof) on about 11,000 HTML pages on daily versions of 17 web sites over...... a period of more than one year. Our framework solves three concrete problems with current web scraping and our experimental results indicate that com- position of previous and our new techniques achieve a higher degree of accuracy, precision and specificity than existing techniques alone....

  2. A Critical Discourse Analysis of the New Labour Discourse of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) across Schools in England and Wales: Conversations with Policymakers (United States)

    Emery, Carl


    This paper reports on a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the New Labour (1997-2010) discourse of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in schools, and how it was understood and enacted by policymakers in England and in Wales within the context of devolved government across the UK. By SEL I mean universal school-based programs, located in the…

  3. Evaluación de mezclas biodiésel-diésel en la generación de energía eléctrica


    Rojas González, Andrés; Chaparro Anaya, Óscar; Ospina, Carlos Andrés


    En este artículo se muestra el efecto de tres diferentes biodieseles mezclados con diésel en el funcionamiento de una planta de generación de energía eléctrica que simula el consumo eléctrico de una vivienda pequeña. En la planta se realizaron pruebas a diferentes cargas, para evaluar el consumo específico de combustible (CEC) y emisiones gaseosas (CO, CO2, O2 y otros gases). Se utilizó biodiesel de aceite de higuerilla (H), aceite de fritura usado (AFU) y aceite de palma (P), mezclados con p...


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    María Cristina Petenello


    Full Text Available La actividad industrial, el transporte de combustibles y las fugas de tanques y cañerías provocan frecuentemente derrames de hidrocarburos durante la manipulación y el uso de los mismos, que contaminan el suelo con el riesgo de alcanzar las capas freáticas. Dentro de los métodos de remediación de suelos contaminados, la fitorremediación es una de las técnicas de remoción de contaminantes para recuperar la salud del suelo que combina la acción de las plantas con los microorganismos asociados a ellas. En el presente trabajo se utilizó el proceso de remediación menos costoso, no se emplearon fertilizantes, ni se incorporaron bacterias seleccionadas por su capacidad remediadora, sino que se aprovechó la propia actividad de los microorganismos (atenuación natural. Ciertas propiedades biológicas del suelo pueden emplearse para monitorear la marcha de un proceso fitorremediador. En el experimento se emplearon dos concentraciones de diésel-oil en suelo (1 y 2%, con la presencia de plantas de Spartina argentinensis y Melilotus alba, se evaluaron la respiración, la biomasa microbiana y el cociente respiratorio en dos momentos. Hacia el final del experimento, la producción de CO2 se vio incrementada por la presencia de diésel-oil. La biomasa microbiana aumentó con la menor concentración de diésel-oil pero la mayor concentración provocó probablemente un efecto tóxico sobre los microorganismos, en consecuencia, el mayor estrés causado por la concentración de contaminante (2% de diésel-oil quedó demostrado con el qCO2. La importancia de los parámetros evaluados radica en que permiten conocer la respuesta de las comunidades microbianas del suelo ante la presencia del diésel-oil.

  5. Kesehatan Karang di Perairan Kessilampe Kota Kendari Berdasarkan Skor Kesehatan Karang dan Densitas Zooxanthellae

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    Palupi Diyah Ratna


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kesehatan karang berdasarkan tutupan persentase karang hidup, skor kesehatan karang, dan densitas zooxanthellae sebagai simbion karang. Metode penentuan titik stasiun dengan menggunakan purposif sample. Metode pengukuran kondisi terumbu karang menggunakan Line Intersept Transect (LIT dengan 3 (tiga kali ulangan tiap stasiun, skor kesehatan karang menggunakan metode quadrat transect (1x1m, dan densitas zooxanthellae dihitung dengan pengambilan sampel jaringan karang. Pengambilan data di perairan menggunakan alat bantu selam SCUBA. Hasil penelitian ini didapat kondisi terumbu karang di lokasi penelitian dalam keadaan rusak dengan rata-rata tutupan karang hidup sebesar 19%. Secara umum biota karang yang mampu bertahan hidup di lokasi penelitian dalam kondisi cukup sehat (skor 4. Hal ini didukung dengan rata-rata jumlah zooxanthellae yang tidak begitu banyak yaitu 1,4 juta sel/cm2 dengan kisaran yang lebar (250ribu-2,5juta sel/cm2. Keberadaan terumbu karang di pantai Mayaria beradaptasi dalam bentuk spot-spot dan didominasi oleh karang foliose dan masive. Kata Kunci : kesehatan karang, Pantai Kessilampe, zooxanthellae


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    Sigit Saptono


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Higher order thinking skills sangat dibutuhkan untuk memahami permasalahan dan esensi materi perkuliahan Biologi Sel. Studi dengan desain Research and Development ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran dan berpikir analitik mahasiswa calon guru biologi melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Integrasi Atribut Asesmen Formatif (IAAF. Sejumlah 61 mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Negeri Semarang semester tiga yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Biologi Sel menjadi subjek penelitian. Kemampuan penalaran dan berpikir analitik mahasiswa diukur melalui tugas individu, tugas kelompok pembuatan peta konsep dan penyusunan laporan reviu artikel, dan 30 item soal berbentuk selected response questions dan constructed response questions tervalidasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan penalaran dan berpikir analitik mahasiswa dapat berkembang secara signifikan, meskipun perkembangan kemampuan argumentasi, salah satu kategori kemampuan berpikir analitik, masih perlu perhatian yang cukup serius.   Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ Higher order thinking skills are needed to understand the problem and the essence of the lecture material Biology Sel. Study design Research and Development aims to develop reasoning skills and analytic thinking biology student teachers through the application of learning models Integration Attributes Formative Assessment (IAAF. Some 61 students of Biology Education Semarang State University who is doing his third semester courses Cell Biology is the subject of research. Analytical reasoning and thinking ability of students is measured through individual assignments, group assignments concept map creation and preparation of the Review articles, and 30 items about the shape of the selected response and constructed response questions, validated questions. The result showed

  7. Efek eugenol terhadap jumlah sel inflamasi pada pulpa gigi molar tikus Sprague Dawley

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    Raras Ajeng Enggardipta


    Full Text Available Inflammatory cells infiltration after eugenol administration in Sprague Dawley rat’s molars. The purpose of this study was to determine effect of eugenol on inflammatory cells infiltration (neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes in the inflamed dental pulp. Thirty male Sprague Dawley rats aged 3-4 months and weighed 300-350 g were randomly divided into 2 groups: treated and control groups. Rats were injected with ketamine HCl i.m. (0.1 ml/100 grams BW before cavity preparation at occlusal surface of the upper molars. Cavity preparation was made using a round bur No.010 to pulp perforation. At the cavity base of treated group, 15 rats were given eugenol and of control group 15 rats were given aquadest, before filled with temporary filling. Three rats from each group were sacrificed at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days after the cavity preparation. Rats were injected with ketamine HCl im (0.1 ml / 100 g BW on the thigh then tissues were collected for histological process and stained using haematoxylin eosin. The number of inflammatory cells (neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes was analysed by Two-Way Anova. The result of the study showed number of inflammatory cells infiltration of treated group was lower than control and showed significant differences between groups (p <0.05. The conclusion from this study is eugenol administration in Sprague Dawley rats’s inflamed dental pulp can reduce the number of inflammatory cells (neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh eugenol terhadap jumlah sel inflamasi (netrofil, makrofag dan limfosit pada pulpa gigi terinflamasi. Tiga puluh ekor tikus Sprague Dawley jantan berumur  3-4 bulan dengan berat badan 300-350 g dibagi secara acak dalam 2 kelompok yaitu perlakuan dan kontrol. Tikus diinjeksi ketamine HCl i.m. (0,1 ml/100 gram BB sebelum dilakukan preparasi kavitas pada permukaan oklusal gigi molar satu rahang atas. Preparasi kavitas dibuat dengan


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    Toni Arifin


    Full Text Available Abstract - Pap Smear is an early examination to diagnose whether there’s indication cervical cancer or not, the process of observations were done by observing pap smear cell under the microscope. There’s so many research has been done to differentiate between normal and abnormal cell. In this research presents a classification of pap smear cell based on texture analysis. This research is using the Harlev image which amounts to 280 images, 140 images are used as training data and 140 images other are used as testing. On the texture analysis used Gray level Co-occurance Matrix (GLCM method with 5 parameters that is correlation, energy, homogeneity and entropy added by counting the value of brightness. For choose which the best attribute used correlation-based feature selection method and than used C45 algorithm for produce classification rule. The result accuracy of the classification normal and abnormal used decision tree C45 is 96,43% and errors in predicting is 3,57%. Keywords : Classification, Pap Smear cell image, texture analysis, Correlation-based feature selection, C45 algorithm. Abstrak - Pap Smear merupakan pemeriksaan dini untuk mendiagnosa apakah ada indikasi kanker serviks atau tidak, proses pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengamati sel pap smear dibawah mikroskop. Banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk membedakan antara sel normal dan abnormal. Dalam penelitian ini menyajikan klasifikasi inti sel pap smear berdasarkan analisis tektur. Citra yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah citra Harlev yang berjumlah 280 citra, 140 citra digunakan sebagai data training dan 140 citra lain digunakan sebagai testing. Pada analisis tekstur mengunakan metode Gray level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM menggunakan 5 parameter yaitu korelasi, energi, homogenitas dan entropi ditambah dengan menghitung nilai brightness. Untuk memilih mana atribut terbaik digunakan metode correlation-based feature selection lalu digunakan algoritma C45 untuk

  9. Selenium Supplementation in Fish: A Combined Chemical and Biomolecular Study to Understand Sel-Plex Assimilation and Impact on Selenoproteome Expression in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss.

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    Davide Pacitti

    Full Text Available Selenium (Se is an essential oligonutrient, as a component of several Se-containing proteins (selenoproteins, which exert important biological functions within an organism. In livestock, Se-enriched products have been proposed as dietary supplements to be included into functional feeds for animal preventive health care. To this end, it is important to understand the optimal range of concentrations for supplementation and how long it takes to be assimilated into the organism.In this study, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss were fed a control diet containing 0.9 g Kg-1 Se or the same diet supplemented with a Se-Yeast product (Sel-Plex to achieve Se concentrations ranging from 1.5-8.9 g Kg-1 for a period of ten weeks. Fish were sampled every two weeks for analysis. The kinetics of Se bioaccumulation and the effects on fish selenoprotein expression was determined in different tissues combining chemical and bimolecular techniques.The Sel-Plex enriched diets did not have any effect on survival and growth performance. The highest Se levels were found in liver and kidney followed by muscle and blood cells. Analysis of the Se concentration factor showed that liver is able to initially regulate the amount of Se accumulated. However, with higher dietary Se level (4.8 and 8.9 g Kg-1 and longer times of exposure (10 weeks, regulation is ineffective and the Se tissue concentration increases. The expression of the selected trout selenoprotein transcripts showed an inverse correlation with Sel-Plex augmentation in most cases. In liver, kidney and blood cells the highest up-regulation of the trout selenoprotein genes was seen mostly in the group fed the diet enriched with the lowest concentration of Sel-Plex (0.5 g Kg-1 for 10 weeks.Sel-Plex may represent an excellent Se supplement to deliver a high level of Se without provoking harm to the fish and to guarantee the maximal absorption of the element. According to our results, a dietary supplementation of Sel

  10. Crecimiento de Casuarina equisetifolia (Casuarinaceae en suelo con diésel, y aplicación de bioestimulación y bioaumentación

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    María Esther Díaz-Martínez


    Full Text Available La fitorremediación es una biotecnología ecológicamente racional que está dirigida a la limpieza de suelos contaminados; sin embargo, el estudio de especies arbóreas para la fitorremediación de suelos con hidrocarburos del petróleo es limitado. Más aún, la combinación de la fitorremediación con procesos de bioaumentación y bioestimulación es también limitada. Por lo anterior, este estudio evaluó el efecto de la inoculación de Glomus intraradices, un consorcio bacteriano (M2BOS1-R2 y M2BOSI-F4 y Trichoderma viride en el crecimiento de plantas de Casuarina equisetifolia L. fertilizadas con Floranid® o Triple 17, en suelo contaminado con diésel (7 500mg/kg. El experimento factorial 2x5x3 incluyó 30 tratamientos y 10 repeticiones, distribuidos completamente al azar en invernadero, durante 120 días. El diésel disminuyó significativamente la altura, la biomasa total y el índice de calidad (ICP de planta. Glomus o las bacterias aumentaron significativamente la altura, la biomasa seca total y el ICP con respecto al tratamiento sin inocular o con la triple inoculación. El Floranid redujo el crecimiento vegetal y el ICP, en presencia de diésel. El Triple 17 combinado con los tres microorganismos produjo mayor crecimiento vegetal en ausencia de contaminación, pero en presencia de diésel, el Triple 17 combinado con bacterias o con Trichoderma, estimuló la biomasa seca total y el ICP. La colonización micorrízica fue inhibida por el diesel, especialmente con la fertilización del Floranid. El Triple 17 (bioestimulación combinado con los microorganismos (bioaumentación, favoreció el crecimiento de Casuarina en suelo contaminado con diésel.

  11. Intoxicação por selênio em suínos no Sul do Brasil

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    Danilo C. Gomes


    Full Text Available São descritos dois surtos de intoxicação por selênio em suínos na região Sul do Brasil. Foram acometidos leitões em fase de creche, entre 27 e 22 dias, com mortalidade variando de 16% a 15,3% (Surto 1 e 2 respectivamente. Os suínos apresentaram poliomielomalacia simétrica focal e lesões de casco, que inicialmente eram caracterizadas por uma linha avermelhada na borda coronária que evoluía nos suínos sobreviventes para desprendimento do casco. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram após seis dias (Surto 1 e 30 horas (Surto 2 da introdução da ração com alto teor de selênio. O surgimento dos sinais foi abrupto, caracterizado por andar cambaleante, com evolução para paralisia dos membros pélvicos e posteriormente tetraparesia. Macroscopicamente observaram-se focos circulares amarelados com áreas deprimidas mais escuras, restritas ao corno ventral da substância cinzenta em intumescências cervical e lombar. Microscopicamente essas áreas corresponderam à malacia da substância cinzenta, caracterizada por microcavitações, perda neuronal, cromatólise, neuronofagia, infiltrado de células Gitter, microgliose, astrócitos de Alzheimer tipo II e proliferação de células endoteliais evidenciadas na imunohistoquímica (IHQ para fator de von Willebrand. Ainda, no segundo surto, dois animais apresentaram vacuolização difusa do citoplasma de neurônios e em um suíno foram observados astrócitos gemistocíticos. Na IHQ para GFAP ficou evidenciada uma astrocitose e astrogliose. Além dessas alterações medulares, em dois suínos observou-se, polioencefalomalácia simétrica no tronco encefálico. Em amostras de ração, detectou-se 3,38ppm (Surto 1 e 154ppm (Surto 2 de Se/kg e em amostras de fígado foram encontradas dosagens superiores a 3,34ppm (variando de 3,34 até 10ppm. No Surto 2, após 44 dias da retirada da ração, foi realizada eutanásia de seis suínos para monitoramento de níveis hepáticos de selênio (dois su


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    Süleyman Murat Yıldız


    Full Text Available Öz Bu çalışmada sosyal mübadelenin içsel pazarlama ve iş performansı arasındaki aracılık etkisi incelenmiştir. Veriler yükseköğretim kurumlarında görev yapan öğretim elemanlarından elde edilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak içsel pazarlama için Yıldız ve Kara’nın (2015, sosyal mübadele için Shore vd.’nin (2006 ve iş performansı için Sigler ve Pearson’un (2000 geliştirdiği ölçekler kullanılmıştır. Araştırma hipotezlerini test etmek amacıyla korelasyon analizi ile regresyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular sosyal mübadelenin içsel pazarlama ve iş performansı arasında tam aracılık etkisinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Abstract In this study, the mediating effect of social exchange between internal marketing and job performance was investigated. The data were obtained from the academic staff in higher educational institutions. IM-11 Scale developed by Yildiz and Kara (2015 was used to measure internal marketing,social exchange scale developed by Shore et al. (2006 was used to measure social exchange, and job performance scale developed by Sigler and Pearson (2000 was used to measure job performance. In order to test the hypothesis of this study, correlation analyzes and regression analyzes were applied. The findings of the study demonstrated that the effects of internal marketing on job performance were fully mediated by social exchange.

  13. Pembangunan Aplikasi Perhitungan Honor dan Pengukuran Kinerja Asisten Praktikum Berbasis SaaS

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    Fitri Susanti


    Full Text Available Bagi suatu perguruan tinggi, kegiatan praktikum sangat penting untuk mendukung pembelajaran di kelas. Beberapa masalah yang muncul dalam pengelolaan kegiatan praktikum seperti keterlambatan pengumpulan berita acara praktikum (BAP sehingga memperlambat perhitungan, pembayaran dan pelaporan honor asprak. Dibutuhkan waktu sekitar dua minggu untuk rekapitulasi dan validasi ratusan lembar BAP yang telah terkumpul setiap bulannya. Dibutuhkan pengolahan data lebih lanjut untuk menilai kinerja asprak berdasarkan data BAP. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas maka dibangun aplikasi perhitungan honor dan kinerja asprak. Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk mengelola data BAP, perhitungan dan pelaporan honor, perhitungan nilai transkrip aktivitas kemahasiswaan (TAK dan pencetakan sertifikat asprak. Keterbatasan SDM atau biaya menyebabkan tidak semua perguruan tinggi dapat langsung membuat aplikasi yang dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu aplikasi ini dibangun berbasis Software as A Service (SaaS. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dengan metode analisis perancangan terstruktur dengan model waterfall. Pengumpulan data kebutuhan aplikasi dilakukan dengan survey ke fakultas-fakultas di Universitas Telkom. Hasilnya dianalisis dan dikembangkan menjadi rancangan aplikasi. Aplikasi diimplementasikan pada pemrograman PHP. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode black box testing. Hasilnya berupa aplikasi SaaS untuk perhitungan honor dan pengukuran kinerja asisten praktikum. Perguruan tinggi pengguna aplikasi SaaS ini dapat melakukan kostumisasi terhadap fitur yang ada sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

  14. Mastite clínica em vacas leiteiras suplementadas com selênio e vitamina E Clinical mastitis in dairy cows supplemented with selenium and vitamin E

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    Juliana Jorge Paschoal


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do selênio e da vitamina E sobre a prevalência de mastite clínica em vacas da raça Holandesa. Oitenta vacas foram distribuídas em quatro tratamentos: controle e suplementação com 2,5 mg selênio dia-1 , com 1.000 UI vitamina E dia-1 e com 2,5 mg selênio + 1.000 UI vitamina E dia-1 . A suplementação foi iniciada 30 dias antes da provável data de parição, prolongando-se até o parto. Amostras do volumoso e do concentrado foram colhidas, quinzenalmente, para análise bromatológica completa e levantamento dos níveis de selênio. O sangue foi colhido antes do início da suplementação, no parto, 30 e 60 dias após o parto, para determinação dos níveis de selênio. O teste de Tamis e a análise clínica do úbere foram realizados semanalmente, para detecção de mastite até a décima segunda semana de lactação. Um mês após a suplementação, as vacas que receberam selênio apresentaram níveis séricos superiores (pThe aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of selenium and vitamin E on incidence of mastitis in Holstein cows. Eighty cows were allocated into four treatments: control, supplementation with 2.5 mg Se day-1, supplementation with 1,000 UI vitamin E day-1 , and supplementation with 2.5 mg Se day-1 + 1,000 UI vitamin E day-1 . The supplementation started 30 days prior to probable parturition date until parturition. Forage and concentrate samples were taken every 15 days for chemical and selenium analyses. Blood samples were taken before starting supplementation, right after parturition, 30 and 60 days after it to determine the selenium serum levels. Tamis test and udder analysis were weekly performed to detect clinical mastitis. Selenium supplemented cows had higher serum selenium concentration compared with control group (P<0.05. Vitamin E and selenium did not decrease the prevalence of clinical mastitis up to 12th week and there was no interaction between those

  15. Disposal of Radioactive Wastes in Natural Salt; Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs dans le Sel Naturel; 0423 0414 ; Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos en Formaciones Salinas Naturales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parker, F. L.; Boegly, W. J.; Bradshaw, R. L.; Empson, F. M.; Hemphill, L.; Struxness, E. G.; Tamura, T. [Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    The proposed use of cavities in salt formations as a disposal site for radioactive wastes is based upon : 1. Existence of salt for geologic time periods, 2. The impermeability of salt to the passage of water; 3. The widespread geographical distribution of salt; 4. The extremely large quantities of salt available; 5. The structural strength of salt; 6. The relatively high thermal conductivity of salt in comparison with other general geologic formations; 7. The possible recovery of valuable fission products in the wastes injected into the salt; 8. The relative ease of forming cavities in salt by mining, and the even greater ease and low cost of developing solution cavities in salt; and 9. The low seismicity in the areas of major salt deposits. Radioactive liquid wastes can be stored in cavities in natural salt formations if the structural properties of the salt are not adversely affected by chemical interaction, pressure, temperature, and radiation. Analytical studies show that it is possible to-store 2-year-old 10,000 MWD/T, 800 gal/ton waste in a sphere of 10 ft diameter without exceeding a temperature of 200 Degree-Sign F. Laboratory tests show that the structural properties and thermal conductivity of rock salt are not greatly altered by high radiation doses, although high temperatures increase the creep rate for both irradiated and unirradiated samples. Chemical interaction of liquid wastes with salt produces chlorine and other chlorine compound gases, but the volumes are not excessive. The migration of nuclides through the salt and deformation of the cavity and chamber can only be studied in undisturbed salt in situ. One-fifth-scale models have been run in a bedded salt deposit in Hutchinson, Kansas, and full-scale field tests are in progress. (author) [French] L'emploi envisage des cavites des gisements de sel comme lieu d'evacuation des dechets radioactifs se-fonde sur les considerations suivantes: 1. L'existence du sel dans des formations correspondant a

  16. Karakteristik Life Time dan Efisiensi Modul Surya Berbasis Pewarna Menggunakan Interkoneksi Seri

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    Iqbal Febriana


    Full Text Available Sel surya berbasis pewarna atau yang dikenal dengan dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC merupakan sel surya generasi baru yang bekerja berdasarkan photoelectrochemical. Proses absorpsi cahaya dilakukan oleh molekul pewarna (dye dan proses pemisahan muatan oleh bahan semikonduktor anorganik (dalam penelitian ini digunakan TiO2. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pabrikasi modul surya menggunakan lapisan partikel nano TiO2 (non-scattering dan menggunakan campuran lapisan partikel nano TiO2 dengan lapisan partikel sub-mikron TiO2 (scattering. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu hidup (life time dan efisiensi modul surya dengan bahan yang berbeda. Pabrikasi modul surya ini menggunakan teknik screen printing. Karakteristik life time diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran I-V yang dilakukan secara manual menggunakan lampu LED 15 Watt dengan intensitas 40 mW/cm2 . Pengujian life time dilakukan selama 500 jam, dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa modul surya dengan lapisan scattering dapat mempengaruhi karakteristik life time namun efisiensi yang didapatkan kurang baik yaitu sebesar 0,31% sedangkan modul surya dengan lapisan non-scattering menunjukkan efisiensi yang baik yaitu sebesar 1,83% namun karakteristik life time yang kurang baik.

  17. Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) data base reporting software user's guide and system description. Volume 1: Introduction and user's guide (United States)


    Reporting software programs provide formatted listings and summary reports of the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) data base contents. The operating procedures and system information for 18 different reporting software programs are described. Sample output reports from each program are provided.

  18. Modelado de la combustión en motores Diésel: revisión del estado del arte

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    Gabriel Fernando García Sánchez


    Full Text Available El estudio del proceso de combustión en motores Diésel ha sido, durante años, un tema de gran interés debido principalmente a la creciente necesidad de mejorar el rendimiento de los motores, reducir el consumo de combustible y reducir la emisión de contaminantes. Los estudios experimentales presentan la desventaja de requerir grandes recursos económicos y tiempo en su realización, razón por la cual se utilizan modelos computacionales que permiten estudiar el proceso de combustión de una forma más económica y práctica. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de varios de los modelos de combustión en motores Diésel más relevantes, desarrollados a nivel nacional e internacional, con el fin de dar al lector una visión de la evolución y el estado actual de este tipo de modelos.

  19. Perbandingan sitotoksisitas tiga jenis algyrogel terhadap sel fibroblas (Citotoxicity comparation of three types of algyrogel on fibroblast cells

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    Stefany Elan Saktiyawardani


    Full Text Available Background: The prevalence of osteoporosis and bone defects in the world and Indonesia increase each year. Algyrogel is a alginate-based hydrogel material recently very popular used as a bone substitute through injectable bone substitute (IBs method. One of advantages algyrogel is biocompatibility to the body tissues. some natural-based polymer (alginate, chitosan, dan hyaluronat have different biocompatibility. Purpose: The study was aimed to determine the cytotoxicity of three types algyrogel against fibroblast cells. Methods: This study used three types algyrogel, there were algyrogel containing alginate (Alg, a mixture of alginate with chitosan (Alg/Ch, and a mixture of alginate with hyaluronic acid (Alg/Ha. Each type algyrogel was exposed in the Vero cell line of fibroblast with volume 2 μL; 4 μL; 6 μL; 8 μL; 10 μL; 12 μL; 14 μL; 16 μL; 18 μL; and 20 μL respectively. The cytotoxicity performed by MTT method to determine the percentage of cell death. The optical density was measured by an ELIsA plate reader then data was analyzed using ANOVA and probit. Results: The percentage of cell death in all groups of algyrogel have below 30%. LC50 value at Alg was 651.017 mg/mL (21.56%, Alg/Ch was 280.478 mg/mL (20.91%, and Alg/Ha was 1054.094 mg/ mL (17.2%. Conclusion: Alg/Ha has the lowest cytotoxicity on fibroblast cells and may have potential as an osteoconductor-synthetic bone product.Latar belakang: Prevalensi osteoporosis dan cacat tulang di Indonesia maupun dunia semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya. Algyrogel sebagai bahan hidrogel yang berbasis alginat akhir-akhir ini sangat popular digunakan sebagai bahan pengganti tulang melalui metode Injectable Bone substitute. Kelebihan algyrogel antara lain biokompatibel terhadap jaringan tubuh. Beberapa hidrogel berbasis polimer alami (alginat, chitosan, dan hyaluronat memiliki perbedaan biokompatibilitas. Tujuan: studi ini bertujuan meneliti sitotoksisitas tiga jenis algyrogel terhadap sel


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    Miswanto Miswanto


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengukuran Risiko Bisnis dan Risiko Pendanaan dalam Perusahaan. Dalam melakukan pengambilan keputusan leverage, manajer keuangan tidak cukup hanya memperhatikan laba, melainkan juga risiko yang ditimbulkan. Risiko dapat berupa risiko bisnis, risiko pendanaan, dan risiko total. Pengukurannya dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan statistika dan pendekatan pasar. Menurut pendekatan statistika, risiko total diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EPS, atau dihitung dari Koefisien Variasi EBIT kali Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL. Risiko bisnis diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EBIT, dan risiko pendanaan diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EPS dikurangi dengan Koefisien Variasi EBIT. Menurut pendekatan pasar, risiko total diukur dengan beta leverage firm, risiko bisnis diukur dengan beta unleveraged firm, dan risiko pendanaan diukur dari beta leverage firm dikurangi dengan beta unleverage firm. Melalui pendekatan pasar dapat diperoleh adanya keterkaitan yang berupa trade-off antara risiko leverage dan return yang diharapkan.   Kata kunci: beta, bisnis, laba, leverage, pendanaan, dan risiko   Abstract:  Business and Financial Risk Measurement in the Firms. In making decisions on leverage, financial managers is not enough to pay attention to the earnings, but should also pay attention to the risks. The risks can be business risk, financial risk, and total risk. They can be measured either by statistical or market approach. With the statistical approach, the total risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS, or calculated from the coefficient of variation of EBIT times the Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL. Business risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EBIT, and financial risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS reduced coefficient of variation of EBIT. With the market approach, the total risk is measured by beta leverage firm, business risk measured by beta unleveraged firm, and financial risk obtained by reducing

  1. Estudio de la reactividad en diversas atmósferas y caracterización de diferentes tipos de hollines representativos de motor diésel


    Arnal Forcada, Cristina; Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael; Millera Peralta, Ángela


    1. Introducción El número de vehículos con motor diésel se ha incrementado en gran medida a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Los gases de escape de los motores diésel contienen materia particulada y óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) como principales contaminantes. Las regulaciones de emisiones de estos contaminantes son cada vez más restrictivas y las nuevas tecnologías han de adaptarse a la legislación vigente (Jung y cols., 2008). La materia particulada consiste en partículas de hollín o soot, de m...

  2. Propriétés structurales et électroniques de sels de BEDT-TTF. Influence de la température et de la pression


    Guionneau , Philippe


    Les sels conducteurs organiques basés sur la molécule BEDT-TTF présentent une gamme de comportements dont la diversité s'exprime par application de contraintes de température et de pression. La connaissance des prorpriétés structurales de ces sels en tout point du diagramme de phase s'avère indispensable à la compréhension de leurs propriétés physiques. La diffraction X à très basse température et haute pression demeure encore une voie d'investigation pionnière. Nous avons étudié les comporte...

  3. Selective enhancement of Selényi rings induced by the cross-correlation between the interfaces of a two-dimensional randomly rough dielectric film (United States)

    Banon, J.-P.; Hetland, Ø. S.; Simonsen, I.


    By the use of both perturbative and non-perturbative solutions of the reduced Rayleigh equation, we present a detailed study of the scattering of light from two-dimensional weakly rough dielectric films. It is shown that for several rough film configurations, Selényi interference rings exist in the diffusely scattered light. For film systems supported by dielectric substrates where only one of the two interfaces of the film is weakly rough and the other planar, Selényi interference rings are observed at angular positions that can be determined from simple phase arguments. For such single-rough-interface films, we find and explain by a single scattering model that the contrast in the interference patterns is better when the top interface of the film (the interface facing the incident light) is rough than when the bottom interface is rough. When both film interfaces are rough, Selényi interference rings exist but a potential cross-correlation of the two rough interfaces of the film can be used to selectively enhance some of the interference rings while others are attenuated and might even disappear. This feature may in principle be used in determining the correlation properties of interfaces of films that otherwise would be difficult to access.

  4. A SEL1L mutation links a canine progressive early-onset cerebellar ataxia to the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD machinery.

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    Kaisa Kyöstilä

    Full Text Available Inherited ataxias are characterized by degeneration of the cerebellar structures, which results in progressive motor incoordination. Hereditary ataxias occur in many species, including humans and dogs. Several mutations have been found in humans, but the genetic background has remained elusive in dogs. The Finnish Hound suffers from an early-onset progressive cerebellar ataxia. We have performed clinical, pathological, and genetic studies to describe the disease phenotype and to identify its genetic cause. Neurological examinations on ten affected dogs revealed rapidly progressing generalized cerebellar ataxia, tremors, and failure to thrive. Clinical signs were present by the age of 3 months, and cerebellar shrinkage was detectable through MRI. Pathological and histological examinations indicated cerebellum-restricted neurodegeneration. Marked loss of Purkinje cells was detected in the cerebellar cortex with secondary changes in other cortical layers. A genome-wide association study in a cohort of 31 dogs mapped the ataxia gene to a 1.5 Mb locus on canine chromosome 8 (p(raw = 1.1x10(-7, p(genome = 7.5x10(-4. Sequencing of a functional candidate gene, sel-1 suppressor of lin-12-like (SEL1L, revealed a homozygous missense mutation, c.1972T>C; p.Ser658Pro, in a highly conserved protein domain. The mutation segregated fully in the recessive pedigree, and a 10% carrier frequency was indicated in a population cohort. SEL1L is a component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD machinery and has not been previously associated to inherited ataxias. Dysfunctional protein degradation is known to cause ER stress, and we found a significant increase in expression of nine ER stress responsive genes in the cerebellar cortex of affected dogs, supporting the pathogenicity of the mutation. Our study describes the first early-onset neurodegenerative ataxia mutation in dogs, establishes an ERAD-mediated neurodegenerative

  5. Pengaruh Penambahan Karbon terhadap Sifat Mekanik dan Konduktivitas Listrik Komposit Karbon/Epoksi sebagai Pelat Bipolar Polimer Elektrolit Membran Sel Bahan Bakar (Polymer Exchange Membran(PEMFC

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    Ara Gradiniar Rizkyta


    Full Text Available Sel bahan bakar merupakan sel elektrokimia yang mampu mengkonversi bahan bakar menjadi energi listrik. Lebih dari 70% dari total berat dan 60%  biaya dalam  fuel cell berupa pelat bipolar. Maka dibutuhkan pemilihan bahan yang sesuai untuk mereduksi berat, volume dan biaya  pada sel bahan bakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karbon terhadap sifat mekanik dan konduktivitas listrik komposit karbon/epoksi. Matriks yang digunakan adalah epoksi dengan hardener poliamino amid dengan  rasio pencampuran 20 dan 80% poliamino amid. Filler yang digunakan adalah karbon dengan kadar karbon 20, 40, 60 dan 80%.  Bahan campuran dimatangkan dalam furnace pada temperatur 50, 100, 150, 200, 240oC selama satu jam. Pengujian yang dilakukan yaitu FT-IR, tarik, SEM, TGA dan konduktivitas listrik. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan penambahan karbon  dapat meningkatkan Modulus Young tetapi menurunkan sifat tarik dan elongasi. Kekuatan tarik epoksi tertinggi adalah 61 MPa, sedangkan pada 20% karbon 18,9 MPa. Stabilitas thermal meningkat dengan penambahan karbon, data 60% karbon menunjukkan  berat sisa pada 800⁰ C senilai 63%. Penambahan karbon juga dapat menaikkan konduktivitas listrik. Data tertinggi diperoleh pada komposisi 80% karbon yaitu 424,8 S.Cm-1

  6. La teneur en iode du sel de cuisine consommé à Lubumbashi et le statut iode des personnes vulnérables: cas de femmes enceintes de milieux défavorisés (United States)

    Banza, Bienvenue Ilunga; Lumbu, Jean Baptiste Simbi; Donnen, Philippe; Twite, Eugène Kabange; Kwete, Daniel Mikobi; Kazadi, Costa Mwadianvita; Ozoza, Jean Okolonken; Habimana, Laurence; Kalenga, Prosper Muenze Kayamba; Robert, Annie


    Introduction La consommation du sel faiblement iodé peut engendrer des troubles divers liés à la carence iodée Ce travail a pour objectif d’évaluer la teneur en iode du sel consommé à Lubumbashi et de déterminer le statut iodé des femmes enceintes, cible privilégiée de la carence iodée. Méthodes Une étude transversale descriptive a été consacrée à une analyse iodométrique d'iode dans 739 échantillons de sel collectés dans les ménages et marchés de Lubumbashi en 2014. Précédemment, l'iode urinaire a été déterminé par la technique de minéralisation au persulfate d'ammonium chez 225 femmes enceintes reçues en consultation du 15 mars 2009 au 25 avril 2011. Résultats Notre enquête a révélé 47,5% des échantillons de sels de cuisine adéquatement iodés (15 à 40 ppm), 36,9% d’échantillons faiblement iodés, 7,4% d’échantillons trop riches en iode et 8,1% des échantillons non iodés. La disponibilité en iode du sel de cuisine analysé était globalement de 54,9%, se trouvant nettement en dessous des normes OMS (90%). En mesurant l'iode urinaire chez la femme enceinte, la carence iodée (iode urinaire <150 µg/l) a été observée dans une proportion de 52%. Conclusion La faible disponibilité en iode du sel consommé à Lubumbashi pourrait être responsable d'une grande proportion de la carence iodée observée chez la femme enceinte, ce qui expose celle-ci aux risques majeurs des troubles dus à la carence en iode. PMID:27279956

  7. L'utilisation d'un mélange de sels fondus pour le stockage de chaleur


    Roche , M.


    L'exploitation rationnelle de l'énergie solaire nécessite le stockage d'une partie de la chaleur produite aux heures d'ensoleillement pour pouvoir la restituer aux heures de consommation, ou tout au moins pour assurer la continuité du fonctionnement pendant les passages nuageux. Les sels fondus et en particulier le H.T.S. (Heat Transfer Salt) apparaissent comme les meilleurs fluides de stockage thermique. En effet, ils permettent un stockage d'une grande densité pour un faible coût et bénéfic...

  8. Evolution de la perméabilité d'agrégats de sels sous contrainte liée à des circulations de fluides : dissolution, colmatage, déformation


    Chen , Tao


    Le but de ce travail est d'étudier l'évolution de la perméabilité d'agrégats de sels sous contrainte lorsque les fluides circulant dans ces agrégats peuvent réagir avec le solide par des dissolutions et/ou des colmatages. Des essais de circulation de divers fluides à travers des échantillons de briques de sels sous contrainte ont permis de suivre l'évolution de la composition des fluides en cours d'essai. L'évolution des matériaux a été aussi caractérisée en cours d'essai (mesure de vitesse a...

  9. Seláquios do Acervo do Museu de Ciências da Terra / DNPM-RJ

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    Alex Alves Souto


    Full Text Available Os seláquios depositados na Coleção de Peixes Fósseis do MCTer correspondem a uma amostragem da ocorrência do grupo no Brasil. São 86 registros, sendo 9 deles holótipos, no acervo, 32,5% dos exemplares são representantes do Devoniano e Permiano, 46,5% do Cretáceo e 21% do Cenozóico, que correspondem a 19 gêneros e 36 espécies. Devido a configuração cartilaginosa do seu esqueleto, o registro fóssil restringe-se a partes mineralizadas como dentes, escamas, espinhos de nadadeiras e cefálicos. Eventualmente, ocorre a preservação de um esqueleto completo incluindo partes moles como o Tribodus limae Brito & Ferreira, 1989. Do Paleozóico, destacam-se os espinhos de Xenacanthiformes e pertencem ao acervo os holótipos de Xenacanthus tocantinsensis Santos & Salgado, 1970; Xenacanthus albuquerquei (Santos, 1946 e Xenacanthus santaritensis Ragonha, 1986. Da ordem Ctenacanthiformes há os holótipos de Ctenacanthus gondwanus Santos, 1947 e Ctenacanthus maranhensis Santos, 1946; há um representante ainda, dos Eugeneodontiformes, síntipos de Anisopleurodontis pricei Santos 1994. Entre os seláquios cretáceos estão os Lamniformes, com os exemplares de Cretolamna serrata, (Agassiz, 1843 e Scapanorhynchus rapax (Quaas, 1902. Os Hibodontiformes constituem o grupo mais representativo do mesozóico, são espinhos de nadadeiras, espinhos cefálicos e alguns dentes de Hybodus sp. O holótipo de Hybodus florencei (Moraes Rego, 1960 da Formação Corumbataí, bem como o parátipo de Tribodus limae Brito & Ferreira 1989; da Formação Santana, bacia do Araripe, fazem parte do acervo do MCTer. Dos seláquios cenozóicos estão os representantes da Formação Pirabas, Mioceno do Estado do Pará, dos quais constam dois holótipos, Carcharhinus ackermanii, Santos & Travassos 1960 e Galeocerdo paulinoi Santos & Travassos, 1960; e um dente de Carcharocles megalodon (Agassiz,1835, o maior tubarão carnívoro já existente e alguns peixes fósseis que


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    Hening Laswati


    Full Text Available AbstrakTelah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui uji aktivitas anti-osteoporosis secara in vivo dari tanaman Spilanthes acmella terhadap sel osteoblas tulang trabekula proksimal femur mencit jantan model osteoporosis induksi deksametason. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan penelitian posttest only control group, 60 ekor mencit jantan sehat (usia >5 bulan dikelompokkan secara random menjadi 10 kelompok yaitu kelompok sehat tanpa induksi deksametason dan kelompok osteoporosis induksi deksametason. Kontrol positif mendapat suspensi alendronat dan kelompok latihan fiik menggunakantreadmill mencit berjalan 10m/menit bertahap selama 5 -12 menit, 3 kali dalam satu minggu, kelompok kombinasi ekstrak etanol 70% dan latihan fiik serta kelompok uji fraksi butanol, heksan, etil asetat dan air. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 4 minggu. Osteoporosis akibat pemakaian glukokortikoid menjadi penyebab osteoporosis sekunder yang meningkatkan risiko fraktur. Telah banyak bukti klinik tentang peran fioestrogen dalam pengobatan osteoporosis pada pascamenopause. Spilanthes acmella, atau yang dikenal masyarakat dengan sebutan Legetan, termasuk famili Asteracea merupakan satu tanaman obat di Indonesia yang mempunyai kandungan senyawa polifenol dan flvonoid. Dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa baik fraksi butanol dan air dari tanaman tersebut mampu meningkatkan aktivitas enzim alkalin fosfatase yang merupakan marker pembentukan tulang. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 70% Spilanthes acmella dikombinasikan dengan latihan fiik meningkatkan jumlah sel osteoblas secara bermakna bila dibandingkan dengan hanya ekstrak etanol atau latihan fiik. Ini membuktikan bahwa ekstrak etanol 70% Spilanthes acmella mempunyai efek additive terhadap efek latihan pembebanan aksial pada kondisi osteoporosis. Fraksi heksana, etil asetat dan air juga meningkatkan secara bermakna jumlah sel osteoblas. Fraksi non polar merupakan fraksi yang lebih potensial untuk


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    Aswiyanti Asri


    Full Text Available AbstrakTelah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh pemberian perasan seledri pada tikus wistar yang diinduksi karsinogenesis kolon.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa seledri dapat mencegah karsinogenesis kolon pada tikus wistar yang diinduksi dengan 1,2 dimethylhydrazine (DMH dengan dan tanpa diet tinggi lemak dan tinggi protein.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan desain randomized post test control group. Subyek penelitian adalah 25 ekor tikus wistar jantan berusia 12 minggu yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok I mendapat injeksi 1,2 DMH subkutan; kelompok II mendapat injeksi 1,2 DMH dan seledri per oral ; kelompok III mendapat injeksi 1,2 DMH subkutan dan diet tinggi lemak dan protein sedangkan kelompok IV selain mendapat injeksi 1,2 DMH subkutan dan diet tinggi lemak dan protein, juga diberi seledri per oral. Perlakuan untuk kelompok I –IV diberikan selama 12 minggu. Sedangkan kelompok V mendapat 1,2 DMH dan seledri selama 16 minggu.Setelah masa perlakuan berakhir, semua tikus dimatikan dan usus besar diambil. Untuk menilai perubahan histopatologik salah satu potongan diproses dan diwarnai dengan HE. Potongan yang lain diwarnai dengan teknik argirofilik dari Ploton untuk analisis aktivitas proliferasi sel. Perubahan histopatologis dinilai secara mikroskopik sesuai kriteria WHO sedangkan aktivitas proliferasi sel dinilai dari jumlah titik AgNOR.Perubahan histopatologik menunjukkan bahwa tikus yang diinduksi dengan 1,2 DMH atau disertai diet tinggi lemak dan protein mengalami perubahan morfologik dan displasia yang lebih berat dibanding tikus yang diinduksi dan diberi seledri.Analisis statistik memakai uji Mann-Whitney didapatkan perbedaan bermakna aktivitas proliferasi sel antara kelompok yang diberi 1,2 DMH dan seledri dengan kelompok yang hanya diberi 1,2 DMH. Pemberian seledri mampu menghambat perubahan histopatologis dan aktivitas proliferasi argrophylic nucledar regions (AgNOR sel epitel mukosa pada

  12. Determinação espectrofotométrica de selênio em rações para animais empregando análise por injeção em fluxo


    Rejane Mara Frizzarin


    Na presente dissertação foi desenvolvido um procedimento automático para a determinação de selênio em rações para animais doméstico digeridas em meio ácido. O método automatizado foi baseado no efeito catalítico do selênio(IV) na reação de sulfato de ferro amoniacal com EDTA em meio contendo NaNO3. O módulo de análise foi baseado no processo de multicomutação em fluxo. Tendo em vista que reação tem cinética lenta, o módulo de análise foi projetado com seis bobinas de reação acopladas em paral...

  13. "Sa, haavapuu, kesköösel valendad..." : [luuletused] / Paul Celan ; saksa k. tlk. [ja saatesõna]: Ain Kaalep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Celan, Paul, pseud., 1920-1970


    Autorist lk. 49-50. Sisu: "Sa, haavapuu, kesköösel valendad..." ; Mälestus Prantsusmaast ; Aastad sinust minuni ; Surmafuuga ; Aja silm ; Kõnevõre ; Silm, lahtine ; Zürich, "Toonekure" kohvik : Nelly Sachsile ; Psalm ; "Niitpäikesed..." ; "Maovankris, mööda..." ; "Maastik urnidega..." ; Prahas ; "Kõmin: see on..." ; "Üks hambajälg eikuskilpool..." ; "Kahinais, otsekui meie alguses..." ; Teine ; "Teie oma..." ; "See, mis meid..." ; "Lõika palvekäsi..." ; "Ma kuulen, et kirves lõi õitsema..." ; "Leht, mille puu küljest..."

  14. [Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung : Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Teil 1.] / Jürgen Beyer

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    Beyer, Jürgen, 1965-


    Arvustus: Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Teil 1. (Münster : Aschendorff, 2009)

  15. Eosinophilic pneumonitis induced by aerosol-administered diesel oil and pyrethrum to mice Neumonía eosinofílica inducida por aerosol de aceite diésel y piretroide en ratones

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    Maria Lúcia B. Garcia


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To confirm the episode of eosinophilic pneumonitis that occurred in March 2001 in Manaus, Amazon, northern Brazil, as secondary to home aerosolization with 2% cypermethrin diluted in diesel compared with the more conventional 1% cypermethrin and soybean solution used in prophylaxis of dengue. METHODS: Four groups of Swiss mice were kept in polycarbonate cages aerosolized with one of the following solutions: diesel, diesel and cypermethrin, soy oil and cypermethrin, and saline. Three and 6 days after exposure, resistance and compliance of the respiratory system and white cell kinetics in peripheral blood and lung tissue were analyzed. RESULTS: The group exposed to diesel and cypermethrin showed higher respiratory system resistance (p OBJETIVO: Confirmar el episodio de neumonía eosinofílica ocurrido en marzo de 2001 en Manaus, Amazonas, en el norte de Brasil, secundario al uso de aerosol de cipermetrina diluida al 2% en aceite diésel en las viviendas en comparación con la profilaxis más convencional contra el dengue, basada en cipermetrina al 1% con aceite de soya. MÉTODOS: Se mantuvieron cuatro grupos de ratones suizos en jaulas de policarbonato y se aplicó aerosol con una de las siguientes soluciones: aceite diésel, aceite diésel y cipermetrina, aceite de soya y cipermetrina, y solución salina. Se analizaron la resistencia y el funcionamiento del sistema respiratorio y la cinética de leucocitos en sangre periférica y tejido pulmonar a los tres y seis días después de la exposición. RESULTADOS: El grupo expuesto a aceite diésel y cipermetrina mostró mayor resistencia del sistema respiratorio (P < 0,001, peor funcionamiento (P = 0,03 y más eosinófilos en sangre (P = 0,03 y tejido pulmonar (P = 0,005 que los otros grupos. Se observó un aumento de neutrófilos en sangre en todos los grupos experimentales al tercer día después de la exposición (P < 0,001. CONCLUSIONES: El aceite diésel con cipermetrina indujo una

  16. Can Universal SEL Programs Benefit Universally? Effects of the Positive Action Program on Multiple Trajectories of Social-Emotional and Misconduct Behaviors. (United States)

    Duncan, Robert; Washburn, Isaac J; Lewis, Kendra M; Bavarian, Niloofar; DuBois, David L; Acock, Alan C; Vuchinich, Samuel; Flay, Brian R


    Behavioral trajectories during middle childhood are predictive of consequential outcomes later in life (e.g., substance abuse, violence). Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs are designed to promote trajectories that reflect both growth in positive behaviors and inhibited development of negative behaviors. The current study used growth mixture models to examine effects of the Positive Action (PA) program on behavioral trajectories of social-emotional and character development (SECD) and misconduct using data from a cluster-randomized trial that involved 14 schools and a sample of predominately low-income, urban youth followed from 3rd through 8th grade. For SECD, findings indicated that PA was similarly effective at improving trajectories within latent classes characterized as "high/declining" and "low/stable". Favorable program effects were likewise evident to a comparable degree for misconduct across observed latent classes that reflected "low/rising" and "high/rising" trajectories. These findings suggest that PA and perhaps other school-based universal SEL programs have the potential to yield comparable benefits across subgroups of youth with differing trajectories of positive and negative behaviors, making them promising strategies for achieving the intended goal of school-wide improvements in student outcomes.


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    Dessy Eka Jayanti


    Full Text Available AbstrakSecara umum tujuan penelitian ini dideskripsikannya proses pembelajaran dankemampuan literasi matematika serta karakter siswa pada materi geometri danpengukuran menggunakan analisis POAC. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitiankualitatif. Bentukpendekatanpenelitian yangdigunakan adalah pendekatandeskriptif.Pengumpulandata dilakukan denganangket, observasi,wawancara,dadokumentasi.Sumberdata utama adalah gurumatematika dan siswa.Keabsahandatayangdigunakan dalampenelitian inidenganmenggunakan uji credibility,ujitransferability,ujidependability,uji dependability,dan uji confirmability.Hasilpenelitianyangdidapatkan bahwaproses pembelajarandankemampuanliterasimatematikasertakarakter siswapada materi geometridan pengukuran kelasVIIISMPN 1 TulismenggunakananalisisPOACtelah dilakukanberdasarkananalisisPOAC.Prosespembelajaranmatematika diidentifikasiberdasarkanprosespengajarandanprosesbelajar.Kemampuanliterasi matematikasiswarendah karenahanyamencapailevel4.AbstractThe general research questions in this study how the learning process and maths literacy skillsas well as the character of  the students on the geometry material and the measurement usingPOAC analysis. Generally this study’s aim are described the learning process and mathematicsliteracyskillsas well as the characterof the students on the geometry material and themesurement of  eight class of  Junior High School 1 Tulis using POAC analysis. This is a kindof  qualifative sudy. The form of  study approached were used descriptive observation, interviews,and documentation. Themain data source were mathematics teachersand students.Thevalidity data was used by using thetest of credibility. The test used in this study wereTesof  transferability, test of  dependabrility, and test of  confirmability. The result of  the studythat the learning process and maths literacy skills as well as the character of  the students onthe geometry material and the measurement of  the eight class

  18. The maturing of the quality improvement paradigm in the SEL (United States)

    Basili, Victor R.


    The Software Engineering Laboratory uses a paradigm for improving the software process and product, called the quality improvement paradigm. This paradigm has evolved over the past 18 years, along with our software development processes and product. Since 1976, when we first began the SEL, we have learned a great deal about improving the software process and product, making a great many mistakes along the way. Quality improvement paradigm, as it is currently defined, can be broken up into six steps: characterize the current project and its environment with respect to the appropriate models and metrics; set the quantifiable goals for successful project performance and improvement; choose the appropriate process model and supporting methods and tools for this project; execute the processes, construct the products, and collect, validate, and analyze the data to provide real-time feedback for corrective action; analyze the data to evaluate the current practices, determine problems, record findings, and make recommendations for future project improvements; and package the experience gained in the form of updated and refined models and other forms of structured knowledge gained from this and prior projects and save it in an experience base to be reused on future projects.

  19. [Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Teil I] / Heinrich Wittram

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wittram, Heinrich, 1931-


    Arvustus : Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Teil I. Münster : Aschendorff, 2009. (Katholisches Leben und Kirchenreform im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung, 69)

  20. Selênio e glucosinolatos em brássicas e fosfito na nutrição fosfatada em feijoeiro


    Ávila, Fabrício William de


    Algumas formas orgânicas de selênio (Se) e alguns glucosinolatos (ß-tioglicosídio-N-hidroxissulfatos) são conhecidos por apresentarem excelente atividade anticancerígena, enquanto fosfito (P+3) tem sido comercializado como fungicida e, mais recentemente, também como uma complementar fonte de fósforo (P) para as culturas. Objetivou-se neste estudo (i) investigar se é possível simultaneamente aumentar o acúmulo do composto anticancerígeno Se-metil-seleno-cisteína (SeMSCis) sem necessariamente a...

  1. Evaluación de las técnicas de atenuación natural, bioventing, bioaumentación y bioaumentación- bioventing, para la biodegradación de diésel en un suelo arenoso, en experimentos en columna

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    Angélica María Muskus Morales


    Full Text Available El presente estudio fue desarrollado dentro del convenio de cooperación institucional realizado entre laUniversidad Pontifi cia Bolivariana, Seccional Bucaramanga y el Instituto Colombiano de Petróleos – ICP, con el fi nde dar solución a una problemática que se presenta en las zonas de manejo de hidrocarburos, donde se evidenciansuelos arenosos contaminados con diésel hasta concentraciones del 6% y a una profundidad máxima de 80 cm.Para el desarrollo metodológico se contaminó un suelo artifi cialmente con diésel para evaluar las técnicas deBioventing, Atenuación Natural, Bioaumentación y Bioventing-Bioaumentación, utilizando montajes en columnas.Se defi nieron los parámetros de diseño y seguimiento como dimensiones de las columnas, caudal de entrada,concentración de diésel, oxígeno disuelto y crecimiento bacteriano; para la bioaumentación se inoculó el suelocon un consorcio bacteriano producido por el ICP. Se realizaron los montajes experimentales por triplicado y secontroló el proceso durante cuatro meses. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que en la técnica de Bioventingse obtuvieron porcentajes de remoción de diésel hasta del 97%. Con la técnica de Bioventing-Bioaumentación sealcanzaron porcentajes de remoción hasta del 75% y con las técnicas de Atenuación Natural y Bioaumentación,los porcentajes de remoción no superaron el 48%. El estudio mostró que el consorcio bacteriano utilizado yevaluado mediante las técnicas de Bioaumentación y Bioventing-Bioaumentación, no potencializó la efi cienciade los procesos de biorremediación del suelo arenoso contaminado con diésel.

  2. [Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Letgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. 2. und 3. Teil] / Anti Selart

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    Selart, Anti, 1973-


    Arvustus: Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Letgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Hrsg. von Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholz, Anton Schindling. 2. und 3. Teil.


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    Yun Astuti Nugroho


    Full Text Available Latar belakang, kombinasi buah sirih (Piper betle L, daun miyana (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L. R. BR, madu dan kuning telur dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Sulawesi Utara untuk mengobati malaria.  Diharapkan kombinasi buah sirih (Piper betle L, daun miyana (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L. R. BR, madu dan kuning telur juga memiliki potensi untuk merangsang respon imun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kombinasi buah sirih (Piper betle L, daun miyana (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L. R. BR, madu dan kuning telur terhadap aktivitas dan kapasitas sel makrofag. Metode, tiga puluh ekor mencit Swiss dibagi ke dalam 5 grup. Grup I mendapatkan air suling, grup II mendapatkan 0,55 mg/20g BB Stimuno. Sementara kelompok perlakuan: grup III sampai V masing-masing mendapatkan  0,07 mL; 0,21 mL; 0,6 mL/20 g BB. Bahan uji diberikan secara oral pada hari pertama sampai dengan ketujuh. Pada hari kedelapan, kepada masing-masing mencit disuntik secara intraperitoneal bakteri Staphylococcus aureus (SA. Aktivitas dan kapasitas sel  makrofag dihitung dari sediaan apus cairan peritoneum dengan menghitung persentase fagosit yang melakukan fagositosis dari 100 fagosit. Kapasitas fagositosis ditetapkan berdasarkan jumlah SA yang difagositosis oleh 50 fagosit aktif. Hasil, aktivitas dan kapasitas sel makrofag meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan dosis kombinasi buah sirih (Piper betle L, daun miyana (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L. R. BR, madu dan kuning telur dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif. Kata  kunci: Buah sirih, Piper betle L, Makrofag, Fagositosis 

  4. Contribution to the study of uranyl salts in butyl phosphate solutions; Contribution a l'etude des solutions de sels d'uranyle dans les phosphates butyliques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coulon, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A spectroscopic study in the normal infrared region and involving the following associations: tri-alkyl phosphates (tri-butyl, tri-ethyl, tri-methyl), uranyl salts (nitrate, chloride, acetate) has confirmed the existence of an interaction between the phosphoryl group and the uranium atom, as shown by a movement of absorption band for the valency P = 0 from {approx} 1270 cm{sup -1} to {approx} 1180 cm{sup -1}. A study of the preparation, analysis and spectroscopy of the solids obtained by the precipitation of uranyl salts by acid butyl phosphates has been carried out. By infrared spectrophotometry it has been shown that the tri-butyl and di-butyl phosphates are associated in non-polar diluents even before the uranium is introduced. The extraction of uranyl salts from acid aqueous solutions by a diluted mixture of tri-butyl and di-butyl phosphates proceeds by different mechanisms according to the nature of the ion (nitrate or chloride). (author) [French] Une etude spectroscopique dans l'infrarouge moyen portant sur les associations: - phosphates trialcoyliques (tributylique - triethylique - trimethylique) - sels d'uranyle (nitrate, chlorure, acetate) a confirme l'existence d'une interaction entre le groupement phosphoryle et l'atome d'uranium, se manifestant par un deplacement de la bande d'absorption de la vibration de valence P = 0 de {approx} 1270 cm{sup -1} a {approx} 1180 cm{sup -1}. Une etude preparative, analytique et spectroscopique des solides obtenus par precipitation de sels d'uranyle par les phosphates butyliques acides a ete effectuee. La spectrophotomerie infrarouge met en evidence l'association, anterieure a toute introduction d'uranium, des phosphates tributylique et dibutylique dans des diluants non polaires. L'extraction de sels d'uranyle, d'une solution aqueuse acide par un melange dilue de phosphates tributylique et dibutylique, s'effectue suivant des processus differents a la nature de l'anion (nitrate ou chlorure). (auteur)

  5. İçsel Markalaşma Uygulamalarıyla Markanın Örgüt İçerisinde Tutundurulması: ARKAS Holding Örnek Olayı* ( Promoting Brand Within Organization Via Internal Branding: ARKAS Holding Case Study

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    Aysun KAHRAMAN


    Full Text Available İçsel markalaşma; çalışanların, çalıştıkları işletmenin marka vaadini, marka değerini anlaması ve benimsemesi sonucunda, dış müşterilerin de markayı daha kolay benimseyeceğini savunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ülkemiz literatüründe yeterince ele alınmamış olan içsel markalaşma olgusunu teorik temeller ve uygulama aşamaları açısından açıklığa kavuşturmaktır. Çalışmada ilk olarak markalaşmanın önemine ve markalaşma sürecinde çalışanların rollerine değinilmiştir. Daha sonra içsel markalaşma kavramı, içsel markalaşma uygulamalarında kullanılan teknikler ve araçlar teorik olarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın uygulama bölümü için bir hizmet işletmesi olan Arkas Holding’in iki yöneticisiyle, Arkas Holding’deki içsel markalaşma uygulamalarıyla ilgili olarak derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Yapılan görüşmeler sonrasında elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildikten sonra Arkas Holding’de içsel markalaşmanın önemi, içsel markalaşma uygulamalarının nasıl gerçekleştiği, bu süreçte dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurlar ve karşılaşılan zorluklar ortaya konulmuştur. Internal branding supports the idea that external customers will internalize the brand more easily if employees understand and adopt the brand promise and brand values of the company which they work for. The aim of this study is to clarify internal branding phenomenon, which which has not been discussed enough in the Turkish literature, in terms of literature and application areas. Firstly the study has discussed the importance of branding process and the role of employees in this process. Then, the concept of internal branding, the technics and the tools whics are used for application of internal branding is examined theoretically. In the application part in-depth interviews were conducted with two managers of Arkas Holding about internal branding activities in Arkas Holding. After

  6. Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholz, Anton Schindling (Hrsg.): Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Tl. 2, Münste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wittram, Heinrich, 1931-


    Arvustus: Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung : Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen : Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Teil 2. Münster, 2010

  7. Caravanes de lamas, sel et échanges dans une communauté de Potosí, en Bolivie

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    Full Text Available Les Salares d'Uyuni et de Coipasa sont, en Bolivie, les principales réserves de sel lequel constitue l'une des plus importantes ressources naturelles des habitants de la haute puna. Transporté par caravanes de lamas vers les basses terres orientales ou occidentales où il est échangé, ce sel leur permet d'acquérir les produits indispensables à leur vie quotidienne: maïs, piment, bois, coca. Cet article se propose de décrire et d'analyser la vie traditionnelle des caravaniers boliviens durant un périple d'échange vers les vallées. En Bolivia, los Salares de Uyuni y de Coipasa son las principales reservas de sal la que constituye una de las más importantes fuentes de recursos para los habitantes de la puna del altiplano central. Trasladada por medio de caravanas de llamas, hasta las yungas orientales u occidentales del litoral pacífico donde se intercambia, esta sal permite a estas poblaciones adquirir los productos indispensables para su vida cotidiana tales como la coca, el maíz, la madera.... A partir de un ejemplo preciso, intentamos, en este artículo, hacer una descripción y un análisis completo de la vida tradicional de estos llameros, durante uno de sus viajes de trueque hacia los valles. The great Salares of Uyuni and Coipasa are, in Bolivia, the main centers to provide salt, which is one of the most important resources of the inhabitants from the high puna. Carried each year by llama's caravans down to the other ecozones, as far as oriental or occidental valleys, and there bartered, it helps each community to obtain complementary row material which is necessary to their subsistence: maize, aji, wood, coca, etc... We intent, in this paper, to describe in detail, and from a specific example, the traditional way of living of the bolivian herdsmen during their annual trip to the valleys, and to analyze its possible socio-economical and ritual meaning.

  8. Concentrações de selênio na dieta e nas unhas de pré-escolares de um centro de educação infantil de São Paulo-SP
    Selenium in diet and nails of preschool from the nursery in São Paulo, Brazil

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    C. R. SILVA


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    O estudo objetivou determinar a concentração de selênio nas unhas e na dieta consumida por 66 pré-escolares matriculados em um Centro de Educação Infantil do Município de São Paulo. Para a obtenção do consumo alimentar foi utilizado o método de registro alimentar, com a aplicação da pesagem direta dos alimentos. Os teores de selênio na dieta e nas unhas foram determinados por espectrometria de absorção atômica em forno de grafi te. A ingestão média de selênio das crianças de 2 a 3 anos foi de 18,7μg/dia e das de 4 a 6 anos de 29,5μg/dia. Os teores de selênio nas unhas das crianças de 2 a 3 anos foi 0,50μg/g e nas de 4 a 6 anos 0,48μg/g. Os resultados sugerem que os pré-escolares recebem na instituição uma alimentação adequada com relação ao selênio.

  9. Determinación de puntos óptimos para la localización e implantación de plantas de biodiésel en el estado de Tocantins

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    Karyn Siebert Pinedo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar el resultado de un análisis realizado en el Estado de Tocantins (Brasil con la finalidad de determinar los puntos óptimos para la instalación de usinas para la fabricación de biodiésel. Para este análisis fueron considerados las variables del tipo transporte, producción, almacenamiento, abastecimiento de materia prima como sebo, aceite o cualquier otro producto que pueda servir para producir biodiésel. Sabemos que en tiempos actuales para obtener un buen resultado, las empresas tienen que centrarse en un análisis riguroso de la cadena logística, que tiene como objetivo a un menor costo posible hacer que los productos y servicios queden disponibles en algún lugar donde sea necesario. Para obtener los resultados usamos en nuestro modelo matemático la Programación Lineal Entera Mixta (PLEM y después la técnica de escenarios afín de obtener un resultado satisfactorio.


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    İlknur TÜFEKÇİ


    Full Text Available ÖZ: Günümüzde geleneksel birçok moda perakendecisi, esnek olmayan tedarik zinciri, onun yarattığı aşırı stok ve kâr kayıplarıyla mücadele ederken, hızlı moda perakendecileri esnek tedarik zinciri yönetimi ve yeni trendlere hızla uyum sağlayarak bu problemi avantaja dönüştürmüşlerdir. Bu sayede hızlı moda pazarını oluşturma ve geliştirmede büyük başarı sağlamışlardır. Dolayısıyla çalışma, bu pazarda yer alan tüketicilerin algı ve tutumlarının satın alma davranışlarına etkisini belirlemek amacıyla düzenlenmiştir. Çalışma Atatürk Üniversitesi’nde okuyan kız öğrencilere 387 adet anket uygulaması yoluyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın amaçları doğrultusunda öncelikle hızlı moda perakendeciliğine yönelik tutum, kıtlık algısı, düşük fiyat algısı ve tükenebilir algısının moda odaklı içgüdüsel satın alma davranışı üzerine etkisini belirlemek için çoklu regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Sonrasında ise çok kriterli karar verme tekniklerinden TOPSIS yöntemi ile bu değişkenlerin önem sıralaması belirlenmiştir. Söz konusu değişkenlerin moda odaklı içgüdüsel satın alma üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu ve kriterler arasında en önemi etkiyi “tükenebilir algısı”nın taşıdığı belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hızlı Moda, Moda Odaklı İçgüdüsel Satın Alma, TOPSIS. ABSTRACT: Many traditional fashion retailer are struggling with inflexible supply chain and the excess inventory and profit loss due to this inflexibility. But, these problems have been converted into advantages by fast fashion retailers, via adapting quickly to new trends and flexible supply chain management. In this way, they have achieved great success which is the creation of the fast fashion market and development. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine consumers' perceptions and attitudes effect on purchase behavior in this market


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    Royyana Muslim Ijtihadie


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Dengan meningkatnya perkembangan jumlah pengguna internet dan mulai diadopsinya penggunaan internet dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, maka lalulintas data di Internet telah meningkat secara signifikan. Sejalan dengan itu pula beban kerja server-server yang memberikan service di Internet juga mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan. Hal tersebut dapat mengakibatkan suatu server mengalami kelebihan beban pada suatu saat. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka diterapkan skema konfigurasi server cluster menggunakan konsep load balancing. Load balancing server menerapkan algoritma dalam melakukan pembagian tugas. Algoritma round robin telah digunakan pada Linux Virtual Server. Penelitian ini melakukan pengukuran kinerja terhadap Linux Virtual Server yang menggunakan algoritma round robin untuk melakukan penjadwalan pembagian beban terhadap server. Penelitian ini mengukur performa dari sisi client yang mencoba mengakses web server.performa yang diukur adalah jumlah request yang bisa diselesaikan perdetik (request per second, waktu untuk menyelesaikan per satu request, dan   throughput yang dihasilkan. Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan bahwa penggunaan LVS bisa meningkatkan performa, yaitu menaikkan jumlah request per detik


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    Sigit Saptono


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTHigher order thinking skills are needed to understand the problem and the essence of the lecture material Biology Sel. Study design Research and Development aims to develop reasoning skills and analytic thinking biology student teachers through the application of learning models Integration Attributes Formative Assessment (IAAF. Some 61 students of Biology Education Semarang State University who is doing his third semester courses Cell Biology is the subject of research. Analytical reasoning and  thinking ability of students is measured through individual assignments, group assignments concept map creation and preparation of the Review articles, and 30 items about the shape of the selected response and constructed response questions, validated questions. The result showed that the ability of reasoning and analytical thinking of students can be expanded significantly, although the development of the ability of argumentation, one category of analytic thinking skills, they need serious attention.

  13. Study of acid-base properties in various water-salt and water-organic solvent mixtures; Etude de proprietes acides-bases dans divers melanges eau-sels et eau-solvants organiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lucas, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Acid-base reactions have been studied in water-salt mixtures and water organic solvent-mixtures. It has been possible to find some relations between the displacement of the equilibria and the numerical value of water activity in the mixture. First have been studied some equilibria H{sup +} + B {r_reversible} HB{sup +} in salt-water mixtures and found a relation between the pK{sub A} value, the solubility of the base and water activity. The reaction HO{sup -} + H{sup +} {r_reversible} H{sub 2}O has been investigated and a relation been found between pK{sub i} values, water activity and the molar concentration of the salt in the mixture. This relation is the same for every mixture. Then the same reactions have been studied in organic solvent-water mixtures and a relation found in the first part of the work have been used with success. So it has been possible to explain easily some properties of organic water-mixture as the shape of the curves of the Hammett acidity function Ho. (authors) [French] Nous avons envisage l'etude des reactions acides-bases dans des melanges eau-sels MX et des melanges d'eau et de solvants organiques. Les uns et les autres ont ete choisis de facon a ce que la basicite du solvant ou celle de l'anion X{sup -} soit negligeable devant celle de l'eau dans les melanges consideres. Dans un premier temps nous avons etudie dans les melanges eau-sels MX les equilibres H{sup +} + B {r_reversible} HB{sup +} et HA {r_reversible} H{sup +} + A{sup -}. On montre que connaissant la valeur de la solubilite de la base B et de l'acide HA dans le melange eau-sel considere et dans l'eau pure et celle de l'activite de l'eau dans le melange, il est possible de prevoir la valeur de la constante de l'equilibre acide-base etudiee. Dans un deuxieme temps nous avons cherche a generaliser ces resultats, lorsque l'on remplace le sel MX dans le melange avec l'eau par un solvant organique. De meme que precedemment, nous avons compare les constantes d'equilibre du type HB

  14. Contribution to the study of uranyl salts in butyl phosphate solutions; Contribution a l'etude des solutions de sels d'uranyle dans les phosphates butyliques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coulon, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A spectroscopic study in the normal infrared region and involving the following associations: tri-alkyl phosphates (tri-butyl, tri-ethyl, tri-methyl), uranyl salts (nitrate, chloride, acetate) has confirmed the existence of an interaction between the phosphoryl group and the uranium atom, as shown by a movement of absorption band for the valency P = 0 from {approx} 1270 cm{sup -1} to {approx} 1180 cm{sup -1}. A study of the preparation, analysis and spectroscopy of the solids obtained by the precipitation of uranyl salts by acid butyl phosphates has been carried out. By infrared spectrophotometry it has been shown that the tri-butyl and di-butyl phosphates are associated in non-polar diluents even before the uranium is introduced. The extraction of uranyl salts from acid aqueous solutions by a diluted mixture of tri-butyl and di-butyl phosphates proceeds by different mechanisms according to the nature of the ion (nitrate or chloride). (author) [French] Une etude spectroscopique dans l'infrarouge moyen portant sur les associations: - phosphates trialcoyliques (tributylique - triethylique - trimethylique) - sels d'uranyle (nitrate, chlorure, acetate) a confirme l'existence d'une interaction entre le groupement phosphoryle et l'atome d'uranium, se manifestant par un deplacement de la bande d'absorption de la vibration de valence P = 0 de {approx} 1270 cm{sup -1} a {approx} 1180 cm{sup -1}. Une etude preparative, analytique et spectroscopique des solides obtenus par precipitation de sels d'uranyle par les phosphates butyliques acides a ete effectuee. La spectrophotomerie infrarouge met en evidence l'association, anterieure a toute introduction d'uranium, des phosphates tributylique et dibutylique dans des diluants non polaires. L'extraction de sels d'uranyle, d'une solution aqueuse acide par un melange dilue de phosphates tributylique et dibutylique, s'effectue suivant des processus differents a la

  15. [Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholz, Anton Schindling. Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung : Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen; Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. T. 1-3] / Axel von C

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    Campenhausen, Axel von


    Arvustus: Asche, Matthias, Bucholz, Werner, Achindling, Anton. (Hrsg.) Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung : Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen; Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. T. 1-3. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag 2009, 2010, 2011

  16. Producción de biodiésel por etanolisis utilizando aceites de fritura de hoteles y su uso en calderas pirotubulares


    Bulla-Pereira, Edwin Alberto; Guerrero-Fajardo, Carlos Alberto; Sierra-Vargas, Fabio Emiro


    La producción de biocombustibles a partir del aceite usado de fritura (AUF) es una importante alternativa para utilizarse en la generación de biodiésel, además su uso contribuiría en la reutilización de un producto altamente contaminante. Este trabajo busca determinar el mayor rendimiento del proceso de producción de ésteres etílicos a partir de los parámetros: relación molar AUF/etanol (1:5 - 1:7), porcentaje de catalizador en peso (0,5 - 0,7%wt), temperatura de reacción (50 - 60 °C) y como ...


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    Try Susanti


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti hubungan antara kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy dan prestasi akademik siswa pada sekolah menengah. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 37 orang siswa sekolah tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang dipilih dengan teknik total sampling. Pengukuran kepercayaan diri (self – efficacy menggunakan skala The Teacher Efficacy Scale, sedangkan pengukuran prestasi siswa menggunakan nilai rata-rata rapor siswa. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy diri siswa memiliki hubungan dengan prestasi akademik siswa pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam terpadu (Biologi.  Semakin tinggi kepercayaan diri (self efficacy siswa, semakin tinggi prestasi mereka, sebaliknya semakin rendah kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy siswa maka semakin rendah prestasi akademik mereka pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam (Biologi.   Kata kunci: Self Efficacy, Prestasi, Siswa                 Abstract   [Relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement in science subjects  (Biology].The aim of the study was to  investigate the relation between self-efficacy  and academic achievement in high school students. In this study, 37 students in the academic year 2014/2015 were selected by means of total sampling. To measure self efficacy, The Teacher Efficacy Scale  was used. To measure achievement score grade point average (school report in classes was used.  To analyze data product moment correlation analysis was used.  Analysis of data revealed that self –efficacy are correlated with academic achievement in Biology. The higher the students' self efficacy, the higher the student achievement in science subject (Biology. Conversely, the lower the students' self-efficacy, the lower the learning achievements of students in science subjects (Biology.  Keywords: Sel -f Efficacy, Achievement, Student

  18. Diseño y simulación de una planta para la producción de biodiésel a partir de Jatropha curcas L. en el departamento de Bolívar

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    Luis Rafael De la Rosa Ramos


    Full Text Available En los últimos años los biocombustibles han sido estudiados como una alternativa frente al uso de combustibles fósiles. Dentro de las recientes fuentes de producción de biodiésel se destaca la Jatropha curcas L. (J. curcas cuyo aceite no es comestible, tiene buenos rendimientos, presentando con esto mayores ventajas que las materias primas tradicionales. En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un diseño conceptual y simulación del proceso de producción de biodiésel a partir del aceite de J. curcas, mediante la simulación de sus etapas en el software HYSYS®. Para este estudio, se trabajó con 11000kg/h de aceite como materia prima, se tuvo en cuenta una etapa de esterificación debido a los altos contenidos de ácidos grasos libres (FFA presentes en este aceite y se emplearon diversos modelos termodinámicos, lo cual permitió obtener un biocombustible con una composición mayor al 98% (masa en metilésteres. En cuanto a las propiedades fisicoquímicas del aceite y biodiésel obtenido por la simulación y correlaciones para la estimación de propiedades, se apreció concordancia con los datos experimentales reportados por diferentes autores, así como por normas ASTM D6751 y el Estándar Europeo EN-12214 que regulan sus características. Estos resultados permitieron identificar a la J. curcas como una alternativa viable para la producción de biocombustibles, y su posible implementación a escala industrial en el departamento de Bolívar, al no poner en riesgo la seguridad alimenticia y propiciar la producción de biocombustibles en Colombia a partir de fuentes vegetales no comestibles

  19. [Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung : Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen : Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Teil 4. Hrsg. von Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholtz und Anton Schindlin

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    Maasing, Madis, 1984-


    Arvustus: Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung : Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Lettgallen : Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Teil 4. (Katholisches Leben und Kirchenreform im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung, 72). Hrsg. von Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholtz und Anton Schindling. Verlag Aschendorff. Münster 2012

  20. Preparation and characterization of semiconductor thin film cells of n-CdSe and CdSel-x Tex. Application in solar cells of liquid union

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gutierrez, M.A.


    The development of the new energy sources, constitutes one of the most active and changing investigation areas of nowday. Within this frame, the conservation of photovoltaic solar energy, has taken a particular importance, as these systems become directly the photovoltaic solar energy, which incises on a semiconductor, in electric energy. In spite of this advantage, the use of photovoltaic systems is limited, being the main reason for this, the still high cost of the devices. One of the objectives of this Memory is to contribute to the reduction of these photovoltaic devices by using available methods for the preparation of photosensitive material, and for the union formation. The chosen preparation method is the electrochemical one and the electric field is made up in the interphase semiconductor/electrolyte, dipping the semiconductor in a convenient electrolyte. Summarizing, it can be said that the Memory's objetive presented is to discover the experiences realized in the electrochemical preparation of the n-CdSel-x Tex and its characterization by chemical analysis, X-rays difraction, electronic microscope of swept, optical techniques and photoelectrochemical methods. From the data obtained with these techniques, a study of the physical parameters evolution which determine the photovoltaic properties of the semiconductor, is made, as: the concentration of minoritary carriers, ND, and the diffusion length of these carriers, LP. Finally, taking into account the results obtained by the characterization of n-CdSe and CdSel-x Tex, is made from the construction of the photoelectrochemical cell, using two kinds of electrolyte: sulfide- polysulfide ands ferro-ferricyanide. (Author)

  1. Absorption of some mineral salts by root system of different woody species and accumulation over a whole vegetative cycle (1963); Absorption de quelques sels par l'appareil radiculaire de differentes especes ligneuses et accumulation au cours d'un cycle vegetatif complet (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gagnaire, J; Gerard, J M [Commisariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The concentration power of plant tissues and the translocation speed of mineral salts are considerably varying with the absorbed salt, the botanical species, the considered tissue and the part of the vegetative cycle. In Grenoble, with Picea excelsa, the 'true dormancy' is short (half-november, end of december). It is accompanied by a pre-dormancy period (October, half-november) and a post dormancy period (January, february, march). In vegetative period, Picea excelsa leaves are less concentrating mineral salt than Acer campestris leaves (coefficient 2 for calcium - 3 for phosphates) and Populus nigra leaves (coefficient 3 for calcium, coefficient 5 for phosphates). (author) [French] Le pouvoir de concentration de tissus vegetaux, et particulierement la vitesse de transport des sels mineraux varient beaucoup selon le sel mineral absorbe, l'espece vegetale, le tissu considere ainsi que la periode du cycle vegetatif. A Grenoble, pour les epiceas 'la dormance veritable' est courte (mi-novembre, fin decembre). Elle est encadree par des periodes de pre-dormance (octobre, mi-novembre) et de post-dormance (janvier, fevrier, mars). Pendant la periode vegetative, le pouvoir de concentration de sels mineraux des aiguilles d'epiceas est plus faible que celui des feuilles d'erables (coefficient 2 pour le calcium - coefficient 3 pour les phosphates) ou que celui des feuilles de peupliers (coefficient 3 pour le calcium - coefficient 5 pour les phosphates). (auteur)


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    Erman Sutarno


    and the students can easily check their own progress, (5 every segment of this model was completed with reinforcement to improve the learning quality. Keywords: Learning Model, Interactive Multimedia, Experiential Learning Cycle. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran Pengukuran berbasis multimedia interaktif  yang dapat meningkatkan hasil dan kemandirian belajar siswa di SMP kelas VII. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP di Kota Bandung menggunakan pendekatan research and development. Proses dilaksanakan melalui tahapan: studi pendahuluan, pengembangan, dan pengujian. Instrumen yang digunakan pada tahap studi pendahuluan adalah studi pustaka dan survei lapangan; tahap pengembangan model dilakukan berupa penyusunan draf awal model, uji-coba terbatas, dan uji-coba diperluas; tahap validasi model berupa eksperimen pre-test treatment post-test dengan menggunakan matching pretest-posttest control group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan profil model pembelajaran experiential learning cycle dari teori belajar Kolb (1994 dengan karakteristik: (1 mengintegrasikan pengalaman awal siswa dengan pengalaman scientific (ilmiah, (2 belajar sambil bekerja (work-base laboratory, (3 pendidikan yang bersifat kooperatif (bekerja sama dalam konteks sosial, dan (4 menjamin penguasaan kompetensi dasar pengukuran arus, meter, kilogram yang memadai. Hasil uji efektivitas melalui model pembelajaran berbasis multimedia interaktif  dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kemandirian belajar siswa. Beberapa temuan terpenting adalah: (1 model ini dapat meningkatkan kompetensi belajar siswa pada ranah kognitif, (2 melalui perangkat lunak keterampilan siswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bekerjasama dalam kelompok belajar, melatih berfikir kreatif, dan berkomunikasi, (3 mampu menerapkan berbagai kemampuan dengan terampil ketika mengerjakan LKS. Beberapa rekomendasi penelitian untuk guru, sekolah, pemerintah adalah: (1 Multimedia interaktif melalui animasi yang didisain

  3. Acción fundente de cenizas de glicerina de biodiésel en pastas cerámicas

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    Acosta, A.


    Full Text Available Biodiesel glycerin ashes are residual ashes generated in the combustion of glycerine that is produced as a by-product in the manufacture of biodiesel. The aim of this work is to check their flux action in ceramic fabrics. In order to do so, both mineralogical and chemical characterisation of these ashes and some ceramic pastes, used in stoneware, has been performed, as well as an assessment of its thermal behaviour. Different mixtures of biodiesel ceramics adding ashes to a paste in a ceramic 5, 7 and 10% by weight have been used. Such mixtures have been studied with a hot stage microscope and it can be concluded that the ash acts as a flux of the ceramic paste reducing its sintering temperature in more than 100 ºC, which in an industrial process would result in energy savings in the firing process and valorisation of waste it as a secondary raw material, in addition to obtaining an environmental benefit reusing waste products and preventing its dumping.

    Las cenizas de glicerina de biodiésel son unas cenizas residuales generadas en la combustión de la glicerina que se obtiene como subproducto en la fabricación de biodiésel. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar su acción fundente en pastas cerámicas. Para ello se ha realizado la caracterización mineralógica y química de dichas cenizas y de unas pastas cerámicas destinadas a la fabricación de gres, así como el estudio de su comportamiento térmico. Se han formulado diferentes mezclas adicionando cenizas de glicerina a la pasta cerámica en un 5, 7 y 10 % en peso. Estas mezclas se han estudiado con el microscopio de calefacción de manera comparada y se concluye que la ceniza actúa como fundente de la pasta cerámica reduciendo su temperatura de sinterización en más de 100ºC, lo cual en un proceso industrial se traduciría en un ahorro energético en la cocción y en la valorización de un residuo al considerarlo como una materia prima secundaria, además de obtener un

  4. Identifikasi Urat (Vein) Sulfida Menggunakan Metode Induksi Polarisasi di Daerah Kemawi


    Wibowo, Alamsyah


    Metode induksi polarisasi merupakan pengembangan dari metode tahanan jenis yang didasarkan pada pengukuran efek polarisasi yang terjadi akibat induksi arus. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengolahan, analisis dan interpretasi data pengukuran induksi polarisasi untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran mineralisasi sulfida pada daerah Kemawi, Jawa Tengah. Data yang digunakan berjumlah 11 lintasan dengan spasi 200 meter antar lintasan dan spasi elektroda 50 meter. Pengukuran dilakukan dalam domain...

  5. Toluidine Blue Vital Staining sebagai Alat Bantu Diagnostik pada Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Lidah

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    Dwi Suhartiningtyas


    Full Text Available Latar belakang. Karsinoma sel skuamus oral (KSSO merupakan salah satu kanker mulut yang paling sering terjadi. Deteksi dini kanker mulut menyulitkan oleh karena etiologi yang tidak pasti dan gambaran klinis yang tidak khas. Toluidine blue vital staining (TBVS dilaporkan dapat membantu penegakan diagnosis KSSO. Tujuan. Penulisan ini bertujuan melaporkan kasus KSSO di lidah yang terdiagnosis melalui TBVS. Kasus dan penanganannya. Laki-laki 77 tahun dengan gigi tiruan lengkap mengeluhkan sakit pada lidah sejak 2 minggu lalu, yang tidak sembuh dengan terapi konvensional. Pasien adalah perokok berat selama 60 tahun. Temuan klinis menunujukkan ulkus soliter berdiameter 2,5 cm pada ventral lidah, tepi membulat, indurasi dan tertutup pseudomembran putih. Temuan lain berupa kandidas mulut pada mukosa palatal, kedua sudut mulut dan dorsum lidah. Berdasar anamnesis dan pemeriksaan klinis, dicurigai adanya keganasan pada lesi lidah. Perawatan awal ditujuan untuk pembersihan rongga mulut, terapi anti jamur dan perbaikan status nutrisi. Lima hari kemudian, dilaporkan adanya kaku lidah dan gangguan fungsi mulut. Klinis tampak ulkus pada lidah semakin dalam dan melebar, untuk memastikan kecurigaan keganasan dilaksanakan pemeriksaan TBVS. Hasil pemeriksaan positif sehingga ditegakkan diagnosis kerja KSSO. Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut, pasien dikirim ke Klinik Bedah Mulut Rumah Sakit Dr. Sarjito. Hasil biopsi positif menunjukkan KSSO, selanjutnya pasien dirujuk ke Klinik Onkologi. Kesimpulan. Karsinoma sel skuamus oral memiliki gambaran klinis tidak khas sehingga penyakit ini sulit terdeteksi secara dini. Diagnosis dan perawatan dini KSSO akan meningkatkan survival rate dan kualitas hidup penderitanya. Metode pemeriksaan diagnostic bantu dengan TBVS sangat membantu dalam penegakan diagnosis keganasan di rongga mulut.   Background. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC is one of the most oral cancers occurred. Early detection of oral cancer is difficult due to uncertain

  6. Listado de especies recopiladas en salidas de campo a Alceda (Corvera de Toranzo), Obregón y Sel de la Carrera (Luena), en Cantabria, entre 1942 y 1950


    Valverde Gómez, José Antonio, 1926-2003


    Listado de las especies observadas durante numerosas salidas de campo a Alceda (Corvera de Toranzo), Obregón y Sel de la Carrera (Luena), en Cantabria, realizadas entre 1942 y 1950, entre las que se incluyen las siguientes aves: Accipiter gentilis (Azor común), Accipiter nisus (Gavilán común, también llamado Astur palumbarius por el autor), Actitis hypoleucos (Andarríos chico, llamado Actynioides hypoleucus por el autor), Aegithalos caudatus (Mito), Anthus campestris (Bisbita campestre), Alce...

  7. Extracción supercrítica de fracciones lipídicas de residuos de café para su transformación en biodiésel


    Escribano León, Daniel


    Proyecto Fin de Carrera leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2010/2011. Directores del Proyecto: Alicia García Sánchez y José Iglesias Morán Colaboradora: Rebeca Sánchez Vázquez El biodiésel se define como ésteres monoalquílicos de ácidos grasos de cadena larga derivados de lípidos renovables tales como aceites vegetales o grasas de animales. Es uno de los combustibles alternativos con mayor crecimiento en los últimos años. Además es biodegradable, no tóxi...

  8. Analisa Beban Kerja Dengan Menggunakan Work Sampling Dan Nasa-tlx Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Operator (Studi Kasus: PT Xyz)


    Ramadhan, Rahadian; Tama, Ishardita Pambudi; Efranto, Remba Yanuar


    PT. XYZ merupakan pabrik yang bergerak di bidang sandang. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah pengukuran beban secara fisik dan pengukuran beban secara mental. Pada PT XYZ para pelaksana mesin sering sekali mengeluh tentang kelelahan karena harus mengoperasikan mesin yang banyak dalam sekali kerja. Untuk mengurangi kelelahan tersebut maka dibuatlah rencana penambahan jumlah karyawan tetap untuk mengurangi beban kerja setiap pelaksana mesin.. Pengukuran beban kerja menggunakan m...

  9. Bipolar tip-II bozuklukta ötimik dönemde psikososyal işlevselliğin klinik ve bilişsel yordayıcıları


    İLHAN, Rifat Serav


    Amaç: Bipolar bozukluğu (BB) olan hastaların, iyileşme dönemlerinde de psikososyal işlevsellik kusuru yaşadıkları bildirilmektedir. Klinik belirtilerin ve bilişsel işlevlerdeki bozulmanın, hastaların ötimik dönemde psikososyal işlevselliğindeki bozulmayı yordadığı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Ancak bu konuya ilişkin bilgiler çoğunlukla, bipolar tip I bozuk...

  10. Sustitución de combustible diésel por gas licuado de petróleo en un tostador de café de la Torrefactora del Este en Cuba

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    Jehannara Calle Domínguez


    Full Text Available El tema del uso racional de la energía y el cuidado del medio ambiente se ha convertido en una preocupación para dirigentes y técnicos relacionados con la investigación y los servicios, por el encarecimiento de los portadores energéticos y el impacto medioambiental. Actualmente en Cuba, el tostado de café se realiza utilizando diésel como portador energético, sin embargo, es conocido que a nivel mundial se utilizan preferentemente combustibles gaseosos, tales como, el gas natural y gas licuado de petróleo. En este trabajo se estudiaron algunos aspectos de factibilidad técnica-económica de sustitución del combustible diésel por gas licuado de petróleo en la Torrefactora del Este del Grupo Empresarial Cubacafé. Se realizó un balance de energía. Se calculó el volumen del tanque de almacenamiento requerido. Se obtuvo que la cantidad de gas licuado de petróleo necesaria sería de 1240 L diarios con un gasto de 496 dólares. En relación al aspecto ambiental, fue favorable, ya que se dejarían de emitir 383,8 kg de CO2 y 7,9 kg de SO2 por día; garantizándose una reducción en la cantidad de emisiones a la atmósfera.

  11. Sustitución de combustible diésel por gas licuado de petróleo en un tostador de café de la Torrefactora del Este en Cuba

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    Jehannara Calle Domínguez


    Full Text Available El tema del uso racional de la energía y el cuidado del medio ambiente se ha convertido en una preocupación para dirigentes y técnicos relacionados con la investigación y los servicios, por el encarecimiento de los portadores energéticos y el impacto medioambiental. Actualmente en Cuba, el tostado de café se realiza utilizando diésel como portador energético, sin embargo, es conocido que a nivel mundial se utilizan preferentemente combustibles gaseosos, tales como, el gas natural y gas licuado de petróleo. En este trabajo se estudiaron algunos aspectos de factibilidad técnica-económica de sustitución del combustible diésel por gas licuado de petróleo en la Torrefactora del Este del Grupo Empresarial Cubacafé. Se realizó un balance de energía. Se calculó el volumen del tanque de almacenamiento requerido. Se obtuvo que la cantidad de gas licuado de petróleo necesaria sería de 1240 L diarios con un gasto de 496 dólares. En relación al aspecto ambiental, fue favorable, ya que se dejarían de emitir 383,8 kg de CO2 y 7,9 kg de SO2 por día; garantizándose una reducción en la cantidad de emisiones a la atmósfera.

  12. Producción de biodiésel a partir de aceite de girasol en una planta piloto de reacción por cavitación


    Gil Martín, Rocío


    En este trabajo, se realiza la puesta en marcha de una planta de reacción por cavitación para la obtención de biodiésel. El principal objetivo es la demostración de los beneficios, a nivel operativo, que produce la tecnología de cavitación. Para ello, se usa un reactor de cavitación de 1L de capacidad, en el cual se instalarán dos placas de orificio cuyo diseño depende de las propiedades de la mezcla. El proceso consta de una serie de pruebas usando aceite de girasol como ma...



    ERGÜN, Zührem


    Son yıllarda hizmet sektöründeki hızlı gelişmeler, sektör içinde hizmet konusuna verilen önemin bir göstergesidir. İşletmeler sürekli olarak değişen ve gelişen çevre koşullarına uyum sağlayabilmek konusunda çeşitli hizmetlerden yararlanmaktadır. Sektörel farklılık nedeniyle, hizmetlerde sektörlere göre değişim göstermektedir. Her alanda hizmete olan talep gibi, sağlık kuruluşları alanında da giderek artan bir talep söz konusudur. Sağlık kuruluşlarında da önemi giderek artan hizmetin içsel paz...

  14. Biosensor Urea Berbasis Biopolimer Khitin Sebagai Matriks Immobilisasi

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    Nazruddin Nazaruddin


    Full Text Available Penelitian tentang biosensor urea menggunakan biopolimer khitin sebagai matriks immobilisasi telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja biosensor yang dihasilkan yang meliputi sensitivitas, trayek pengukuran, limit deteksi, waktu respon, koefisien selektifitas, dan waktu hidup. Penelitian meliputi beberapa tahap yaitu pembuatan membran polimer khitin dan immobilisasi enzim urease, pelekatan membran khitin pada elektroda pH, dan pengukuran parameter kinerja elektroda. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan sensitivitas biosensor urea berbasis membran khitin adalah 19,11 mV/dekade, trayek pengukuran 10-4 – 10-8 M, limit deteksi 10-8 M, waktu respon 3,10–6,02 menit, dengan urutan kekuatan ion penggangu: NH4Cl > NaCl > CH3COONa > campuran garam > KCl > CaCl2 > asam askorbat. Kata kunci: biosensor, immobilisasi, khitin, urea

  15. Diagnóstico de fallos en la combustión para motores de combustión interna alternativos diésel por análisis de vibraciones


    Criollo Jadán, Olger Rodrigo; Matute Bravo, Héctor Marcelo


    Los motores diésel y sus constantes innovaciones en la gestión electrónica y de control en el proceso de combustión, a través de sistemas sofisticados de inyección directa exigen un adecuado mantenimiento; el análisis de vibraciones a través del estudio de la imagen espectral producto de la aplicación del algoritmo computacional de la transformada rápida de Fourier de la señal en el tiempo se ha convertido en una técnica a ser aplicada. The diesel engines and their constant innovation in t...

  16. Rancang Bangun Platform Sistem SFN TV Digital DVB-T2

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    Rakhmat Oktariza


    Full Text Available Menyambut implementasi penuh standar penyiaran TV digital DVB-T2 di Indonesia, pemahaman konsep dan realisasi terkait skema alokasi frekuensi dan susunan pemancar-penerima amat diperlukan untuk dapat melakukan perencanaan jaringan yang matang. Adanya suatu platform untuk implementasi, pengukuran dan analisis kinerja sistem DVB-T2 akan sangat membantu hal tersebut. Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan merancang platform sistem Single Frequency Network (SFN untuk implementasi, pengukuran dan analisis pada aplikasi TV digital berstandar DVB-T2. Rancangan platform untuk pengukuran terdiri atas sebuah PC berisi card DekTec DTA-2131 dan antena UHF sebagai unit penerima, sedangkan dua buah PC berisi card DekTec DTA-2111 sebagai unit pemancar dan sebuah RF channel simulator ditambahkan untuk memungkinkan implementasi dan pengujian SFN secara mandiri dalam skala laboratorium. Pengukuran lapangan melalui drive test dilakukan dengan unit penerima sebagai evaluasi terhadap jaringan penyiaran TV digital di wilayah Gerbang Kertasusila. Hasil yang diperoleh kemudian digunakan dalam simulasi untuk menentukan rekomendasi skenario pengimplementasian SFN di wilayah tersebut, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan faktor Power Imbalance (PI antara dua atau lebih pemancar. Platform yang dirancang sudah mampu diaplikasikan untuk pengukuran dan evaluasi jaringan penyiaran existing. Sementara hasil pengukuran dari 8 test point memberikan rata-rata level RF sebesar -67,70 dBm dan CNR sebesar 20,40 dB untuk wilayah Gerbang Kertasusila. Skenario pasangan pemancar yang direkomendasikan dari hasil simulasi adalah Tx1-2 untuk SFN-SISO dan Tx2-3 untuk SFN-MISO.


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    Rita Prasetyowati


    Full Text Available Peningkatan efisiensi sel surya titania terus dikembangkan. Salah satunya adalah memodifikasi titania yang berfungsi sebagai lapisan aktif. Lapisan titania dapat disisipi dengan logam Cu. Penyisipan logam Cu pada TiO2 dilakukan melalui pembuatan nanokomposit TiO2-Cu dengan metode sol-gel. Lapisan TiO2-Cu yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi dengan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy untuk mengetahui struktur morfologi permukaan, EDX (Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy untuk mengetahui komposisi bahan. Sedangkan resistansi lapisan diukur menggunakan Jembatan Wheatstone. Berdasarkan hasil SEM dapat ditunjukkan bahwa struktur morfologi permukaan lapisan TiO2-Cu tidak berbeda secara signifikan dengan lapisan TiO2, yaitu cukup homogen dan memiliki ukuran butir (grain yang hampir sama. Tetapi dari hasil EDX diperoleh bahwa lapisan TiO2-Cu yaitu lapisan TiO2 yang disisipi logam tembaga mengandung  unsur Ti sebanyak 59,8%, unsur O sebanyak 40,02% dan unsur Cu sebanyak 0,19%. Sedangkan lapisan TiO2 saja mengandung unsur Ti sebanyak 54,25% dan unsur O sebanyak 45,75%. Penyisipan logam tembaga pada lapisan titania dapat menurunkan resistansi listrik lapisan. Nilai resistansi lapisan TiO2 adalah 7,714 kilo ohm. Sedangkan nilai resistansi lapisan TiO2-Cu adalah 6,624 kilo ohm.

  18. 4. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Üstbilişsel Okuma Stratejilerini Kullanma Durumları ve Bu Stratejilerle Okuduğunu Anlama Arasındaki İlişki 4th Grade Students' Using Metacognitive Reading Strategies Conditions and between the Relationship Reading Comprehension and Using These Strategies

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    Mustafa BAŞARAN


    Full Text Available Aim of this study is to determine that 4th grade students' usingmetacognitive reading strategies conditions and the relationshipbetween reading comprehension rates and using these strategies ratesin this grade. The Research method of this study is relational scan thatis a descriptive method. The universe of the study is 4th grade students,who attend state elementary schools in the center of Kütahya provincein 2012-2013 academic season. The sample of study is 89 4th gradestudents, who were selected from this universe. The study consists offour parts. In the first chapter, Metacognition and metacognitive readingstrategies are discussed. The method of study is explained in the secondchapter. The findings and the comments are available in the thirdsection. In the last chapter, there are the results of the study and thediscussing of results. According to the results of study, 4th gradestudents’ use often before reading, during reading and after readingmetacognitive reading strategies but students use fewer strategies forremembering. The gender of students has no significant effect on usingmetacognitive reading strategies However, the branch has significanteffect on the rate of use metacognitive reading strategies. According tothe results of the research there is not a significant relationshipbetween using metacognitive reading strategies rates andunderstanding. Bu araştırmada 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin üstbilişsel okuma stratejilerini kullanma durumlarının ve bu sınıf seviyesindeki öğrencilerin üstbilişsel okuma stratejilerini kullanma oranı ile okuduğunu anlamaları arasındaki ilişkinin tespiti amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın yöntemi, betimsel yöntemlerden, ilişkisel taramadır. Araştırmanın çalışma evreni 2012-2013 eğitim öğretim yılında Kütahya il merkezindeki ilkokullarda öğrenimine devam eden 4. sınıf öğrencileridir. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise bu evrenden rastgele seçilen bir devlet okulunun

  19. Perbaikan Metode Penghitungan Debit Sungai Menggunakan Cubic Spline Interpolation

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    Budi I. Setiawan


    Full Text Available Makalah ini menyajikan perbaikan metode pengukuran debit sungai menggunakan fungsi cubic spline interpolation. Fungi ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan profil sungai secara kontinyu yang terbentuk atas hasil pengukuran jarak dan kedalaman sungai. Dengan metoda baru ini, luas dan perimeter sungai lebih mudah, cepat dan tepat dihitung. Demikian pula, fungsi kebalikannnya (inverse function tersedia menggunakan metode. Newton-Raphson sehingga memudahkan dalam perhitungan luas dan perimeter bila tinggi air sungai diketahui. Metode baru ini dapat langsung menghitung debit sungaimenggunakan formula Manning, dan menghasilkan kurva debit (rating curve. Dalam makalah ini dikemukaan satu canton pengukuran debit sungai Rudeng Aceh. Sungai ini mempunyai lebar sekitar 120 m dan kedalaman 7 m, dan pada saat pengukuran mempunyai debit 41 .3 m3/s, serta kurva debitnya mengikuti formula: Q= 0.1649 x H 2.884 , dimana Q debit (m3/s dan H tinggi air dari dasar sungai (m.

  20. Implementasi Analog Front End Pada Sensor Kapasitif Untuk Pengaturan Kelembaban Menggunakan Mikrokontroller STM32

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    Rendy Setiawan


    Full Text Available Sensor kapasitif merupakan jenis sensor yang mengubah stimulus fisik menjadi perubahan kapasitansi. Pada sensor kapasitif, adanya stray capacitance atau kapasitansi parasitik pada sensor dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dalam pengukuran. Dalam aplikasi pengaturan kelembaban, dibutuhkan sistem pengukuran kelembaban dengan kesalahan minimum untuk mendapatkan nilai setting point dengan galat minimum. Maka diperlukan implementasi analog front end yang dapat meminimalisir kesalahan akibat stray capacitance pada sensor kapasitif untuk pengukuran kelembaban relatif. Pada sistem pengukuran sensor kapasitif ini, sensor dieksitasi dengan sinyal AC yang dihasilkan oleh generator sinyal pada frekuensi 10 KHz, kemudian diimplementasikan analog front end untuk mengondisikan sinyal dari sensor. Keluaran dari analog front end dikonversi menjadi sinyal DC menggunakan demodulator sinkron dan filter low pass lalu dikonversi menjadi data digital menggunakan ADC di mikrokontroller STM32. Hasil pengukuran yang didapatkan dengan implementasi analog front end kemudian kemudian gunakan untuk mengatur kelembaban pada sebuah plant growth chamber. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian, rangkaian analog front end dapat mengompensasi stray capacitance dengan kesalahan pembacaan nilai kapasitansi maksimal sebesar 4.2% pada kondisi stray capacitance sebesar 236,6pF, 174,3pF dan 115,7pF. Implementasi analog front end pada pengaturan kelembaban menghasilkan galat pada setting point maksimal sebesar 8.8% untuk nilai RH 75% dan 33%.

    1. Overexpression of pig selenoprotein S blocks OTA-induced promotion of PCV2 replication by inhibiting oxidative stress and p38 phosphorylation in PK15 cells (United States)

      Gan, Fang; Hu, Zhihua; Huang, Yu; Xue, Hongxia; Huang, Da; Qian, Gang; Hu, Junfa; Chen, Xingxiang; Wang, Tian; Huang, Kehe


      Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the primary cause of porcine circovirus disease, and ochratoxin A (OTA)-induced oxidative stress promotes PCV2 replication. In humans, selenoprotein S (SelS) has antioxidant ability, but it is unclear whether SelS affects viral infection. Here, we stably transfected PK15 cells with pig pCDNA3.1-SelS to overexpress SelS. Selenium (Se) at 2 or 4 μM and SelS overexpression blocked the OTA-induced increases of PCV2 DNA copy number and infected cell numbers. SelS overexpression also increased glutathione (GSH), NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) mRNA, and γ-glutamyl-cysteine synthetase mRNA levels; decreased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels; and inhibited p38 phosphorylation in PCV2-infected PK15 cells, regardless of OTA treatment. Buthionine sulfoximine reversed all of the above SelS-induced changes. siRNA-mediated SelS knockdown decreased Nrf2 mRNA and GSH levels, increased ROS levels, and promoted PCV2 replication in OTA-treated PK15 cells. These data indicate that pig SelS blocks OTA-induced promotion of PCV2 replication by inhibiting the oxidative stress and p38 phosphorylation in PK15 cells. PMID:26943035


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      Yasrin Zabidi


      Full Text Available Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto (STTA sebagai sebuah perguruan tinggi yang baru terbentuk sangatlah perlu untuk membentuk Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja (SPK demi terciptanya visi dan misi. SPK yang baik haruslah terintegrasi untuk semua unit dan aktivitas di perguruan tinggi. Indikator kinerja yang terbentuk tidak hanya berupa indikator kinerja finansial (keuangan tetapi juga indikator kinerja nonfinansial. Oleh karena itu peneliti mencoba merancang sistem pengukuran kinerja dengan melibatkan indikator kinerja finansial dan nonfinansial. Prores perancangan SPK menggunakan model Balanced Scorecard , yaitu keseimbangan antara finansial dan nonfinansial dengan didasarkan pada langkah-langkah (framework yaitu penetapan arsitek pengukuran, penentuan tujuan strategis (strategic objectives dari masing-masing perspektif (finansial, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, belajar dan tumbuh, penentuan Key Performance Indicators (KPI dan penentuan target. Indikator-indikator kinerja (key performance indicators yang terbentuk dalam penelitian ini ada 45 indikator kinerja. Untuk melakukan penilaian kinerja adalah menggunakan lembar kerja pengukuran kinerja yang dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai kinerja.

    3. Ethnoarchéologie du salar d'Uyuni: sel et cultures régionales inter salar

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      Full Text Available Le sel a toujours été l'une des denrées fondamentalement indispensables à la vie quotidienne des hommes. Abondant dans les hauts plateaux des Andes centrales, il constitue l'une des principales richesses des populations locales. Transporté par caravanes de lamas vers d'autres écozones où il est troqué, littoral pacifique, moyennes et basses vallées orientales, il permet à chaque communauté d'acquérir les matières premières complémentaires nécessaires à sa propre subsistance: maïs, piment, coca ou algues... En Bolivie, les grands salars d'Uyuni et de Coipasa sont les principaux centres d'approvisionnement en sel. Leur exploitation à l'échelle régionale semblerait remonter bien avant la colonisation espagnole? La zone 'inter salar,' comprise entre ces deux grandes salines proches de la frontière chilienne, est la mieux localisée pour essayer de déterminer l'exploitation dont elles ont pu faire l'objet par les diverses cultures régionales anciennes ou plus contemporaines. Cette interrogation est à la base du projet d'ethnoarchéologie commencé sur cette région. Cet article présente les premiers résultats de la prospection archéologique menée du 15 novembre au 15 décembre 1983 dans le cadre de ce programme. Il révèle l'existence de nombreux sites fortifiés ou d'inhumations pré-inca correspondant, dans leur ensemble, à des cultures ou grandes chefferies régionales ou 'señoríos' post-Tiwanaku, pouvant être liés au salar et au commerce du sel? Il met l'accent sur les problèmes soulevés par cette étude, les possibilités d'interprétation que nous pouvons avancer et les orientations souhaitées pour compléter ce projet. Siempre la sal ha sido uno de los productos fundamentalmente necesarios para la vida cotidiana del ser humano. Muy abundante en el altiplano de los Andes centrales, la sal constituye, para las poblaciones locales, una de sus riquezas más valiosas. Cargada y trasladada por caravanas de

    4. Disain Sistem Pemantauan Lingkungan Untuk Evaluasi Lepasan Radionuklida dari Subsistem pada Kecelakaan Reaktor Daya PWR

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      Sri Kuntjoro


      Full Text Available PLTN. (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir sebagai sumber energi baru dipilih sebagai alternatif, karena memiliki berbagai kelebihan yaitu ramah lingkungan, pasokan bahan bakar yang tidak bergantung musim, serta harganya yang dapat bersaing dengan pembangkit listrik yang lain. Namun demikian, adanya keraguan sebagian masyarakat tentang keselamatan radiasi PLTN, maka pemerintah harus bisa meyakinkan tentang operasi PLTN yang aman dan selamat. Penelitian tentang disain sistem pemantauan lingkungan untuk evaluasi lepasan radionuklida dari subsistem reaktor dan lingkungan akibat terjadinya kecelakaan pada reaktor daya telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan sebaran radionuklida ke subsistem dan lingkungan serta membuat sistim monitoring radiasi di lingkungan. Sistem monitoring lingkungan terdiri dari system pencacah radiasi, sistem peringatan dini, sistem pengukuran meteorologi, sistem GPS dan system GIS. Sistem pencacah radiasi digunakan untuk mencatat data radiasi, sistem pengukuran meteorologi digunakan untuk mencatat data arah dan kecepatan angin, sedangkan sistem GPS digunakan untuk menentukan data posisi pengukuran. Data tersebut kemudian dikirimkan ke system akuisisi data untuk ditransmisikan ke pusat kendali. Pengumpulan dan pengiriman data dilakukan melalui SMS menggunakan perangkat modem yang ditempatkan di ruang kendali. Ruang kendali menerima data dari berbagai tempat pengukuran. Dalam hal ini ruang kendali memiliki fungsi sebagai SMS gateway. Sistem ini dapat memvisualisasi untuk lokasi pengukuran yang berbeda. Selanjutnya, data posisi dan data radiasi diintegrasikan dengan peta digital. Integrasi sistem tersebut kemudian divisualisasikan dalam personal komputer. Untuk posisi pengukuran terlihat langsung di peta dan untuk data radiasi ditampilkan di monitor dengan tanda lingkaran merah atau hijau yang digunakan sebagai pemonitor batas aman radiasi. Bila tanda lingkaran berwarna merah maka akan menyalakan alarm di

    5. Uyarlanmış Bilişsel Strateji Öğretiminin Öykü Yazmada Uygulanması: Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Bir Öğrenci İle Vaka Çalışması

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      E. Rüya Özmen


      Full Text Available Bu vaka çalışmasında, Uyarlanmış Bilişsel Strateji Öğretimi’nin (UBSÖ, hafif düzeyde zihinsel yetersizliği olan bir öğrencinin öykü yazma becerisine ve yazma süreci işlemsel bilgisine etkisi incelenmiştir. Öğrenci 6. sınıf özel eğitim sınıfına devam etmektedir. UBSÖ, Yazmada Bilişsel Strateji Öğretimi ve Kendini Düzenleme Gelişimi Yaklaşımının öğretimsel özelliklerine göre desenlenmiştir. Çalışmada öğrencinin öyküleri; öykü ögeleri, öykü kalitesi, öykü uzunluğu bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca öğrencinin yazmaya harcadığı süre hesaplanmıştır. Öğrencinin yazma süreci işlemsel bilgisini belirlemek için üstbilişsel görüşme yapılmıştır. Öğretim sonunda öğrenci çalışmanın tüm değişkenleri bakımından ilerleme göstermiştir. Çalışmada sonuçlar tartışılmış, uygulama ve araştırma önerilerine yer verilmiştir. In this case study, the effects of Modified Cognitive Strategy Instruction (MCSI on the story writing skills and procedural knowledge of writing process of a student with mild intellectual disability was investigated. The student is attending the 6th grade special education class. MCSI was designed in accordance with the instructional properties of Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing and Self-Regulation Strategy Development. In this study, the stories of student were assessed respect to the story elements, quality and length. Furthermore, the time spent by the student for writing was also calculated. In order to determine student’s procedural knowledge of writing process, metacognitive interview was administered. In consequence of instruction, the student showed improvement in terms of all the study variables. In the study, the results were discussed and suggestions for further implementation and research were provided.

    6. Information Management System for Electronic Voting In Support of the Schieffelin Award for Excellence in Teaching (United States)


      oldz3 decimal(5,3), @sel1 decimal(5,3), @sel2 decimal(5,3), @sel3 decimal(5,3), @ sel4 decimal(5,3), @sel5 decimal(5,3), @sel6 decimal(5,3...tnpSchieffelinHistory WHERE EmployeeID = @s4 and CalendarYear = @year SET @ sel4 = @z4formula + @oldsel4 UPDATE tnpSchieffelinHistory SET...SelectedOnBallotScore = @ sel4 WHERE EmployeeID = @s4 and CalendarYear = @year 345 END

    7. PROTEKSI VAKSIN MONOVALEN DAN KOKTAIL SEL UTUH TERHADAP KO-INFEKSI Mycobacterium fortuitum DAN Aeromonas hydrophila PADA IKAN GURAME, Osphronemus gouramy Uni

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Uni Purwaningsih


      serangan agen patogen. Pemberian vaksin diharapkan dapat merangsang respons imun spesifik dan non spesifik pada ikan. Keberhasilan vaksinasi dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi antigen, reaksi silang dan kompetisi di antara antigen yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis level proteksi vaksin monovalen dan koktail sel utuh terhadap ko-infeksi M. fortuitum dan A. hydrophila pada ikan gurame. Respons imun perlakuan vaksin monovalen maupun koktail pada gurame pasca ko-infeksi menunjukkan nilai parameter-parameter yaitu: hematokrit, hemoglobin, indeks fagositik, persentase fagositik, titer antibodi, uji respiratory burst (NBT, aktivitas komplemen, dan diferensial leukosit yang berbeda nyata (P<0,05 dibanding kontrol. Vaksin monovalen A. hydrophila menunjukkan nilai RPS sebesar 92,3% dan monovalen M. fortuitum sebesar 78,6% setelah ditantang dengan infeksi tunggal bakteri homolog namun menunjukkan proteksi yang rendah terhadap ko-infeksi. Vaksin koktail 50Mf :50Ah memberikan proteksi yang lebih baik dari vaksin monovalen pasca uji tantang dengan ko-infeksi bakteri M. fortuitum dan A. hydrophila.

    8. Kavunda ebeveyn hat ile melezlerinin bazı tohum ve tohum çıkışı özelliklerinin belirlenmesi


      TUR, Ayşegül; SEYMEN, Musa; TÜRKMEN, Önder


      Bu çalışma, 2015-2016 yıllarında yürütülmüş ve bitkisel materyal olarak, 13 genotip (SÇ-1: Sel-1-1. SÇ-2: Sel-1-2. SÇ-3: Sel-2. SÇ-4: Sel-3. SÇ-5: Sel-4. SÇ-6: Sel-6-1. SÇ-7: Sel-6-2. SÇ-8: Sel-7. SÇ-9: Sel-8. SÇ-10: Sel-9. SÇ-11: Sel-10. SÇ-12: Sel-11. SÇ-13: Pop. Diyarbakır). 4 ebeveyn hat (EB-1: saf hat-7. EB-2: saf hat-A4. EB-3: saf hat-G22. EB-4: saf hat-136) ve 9 melez (M-1: safhat 7xsafhat-136. M-2: safhat-7xsafhat-A4. M-3: safhat-7xsafhat-G22. M-4: safhat-G22xsafhat-136. M-5: safhat-G...


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      Asti Herliana


      Full Text Available Abstract – Cervical cancer was the most dangerous disease and generally attacks women. Early detection through Pap Smear method was one way to prevent the desease to grow in womans cervival canal. Based on the result of Pap Smear methode, the single cell of data that known as herlev data is available. This data, then used as a reference by the experts to find the best level classification from each class of cervical cancer. The decision tree C4.5 and Naïve Bayes have proven to give the best result on 280 data trial of herlev with support by Correlation based Features Selection (CFS optimization method. The issues raised in the present study was does CFS optimization methode that combined with the classification method of C4.5 and Naïve Bayes can provide increased the accuracy results when it faced the 917 data of herlev. The results of this study show that CFS method that combined either with C4.5 methods and naïve bayes classification accuracy was decrease when compared without using CFS method. In terms of showing that CFS can not provide the best result when if confronted with big data. Keywords : optimization, classification, single cell of Pap Smear, Correlation based Features Selection, C4.5, Naïve Bayes   Abstrak – Kanker serviks merupakan penyakit yang sangat berbahaya dan pada umumnya menyerang kaum wanita. Deteksi sejak dini melalui metode Pap Smear merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah penyakit ini berkembang didalam saluran serviks wanita. Berdasarkan hasil dari metode Pap Smear, didapatkanlah data sel tunggal yang kini dikenal dengan data herlev. Data ini, kemudian dijadikan acuan dalam penelitian oleh para ahli dewasa ini untuk menemukan tingkat klasifikasi terbaik dari masing-masing kelas kanker serviks. Metode Decision tree C4.5 dan Naïve Bayes terbukti memberikan hasil yang terbaik pada ujicoba data herlev sebanyak 280 data dengan dukungan dari metode optimasi Correlation based Features Selection(CFS. Permasalahan

    10. Estudio de la influencia del número de Peclet sobre la eficiencia de filtrado y la pérdida de presión de filtros de partículas diésel




      [ES] Los límites impuestos por las normativas que regulan las emisiones contaminantes de los motores Diésel y gasolina de inyección directa hacen necesaria la presencia, entre otros sistemas de post-tratamiento, de un filtro de partículas (PF) en la línea de escape del motor. Las prestaciones de un PF varían con las condiciones fluido-dinámicas. En este proyecto se propone analizar la relación entre la variación de las condiciones de operación del filtro, caracterizadas por medio del número d...

    11. Active FPGA Security Through Decoy Circuits (United States)


      enable : in std_logic; -- enable for muxes sel1, sel2 : in std_logic; sel3, sel4 : in std_logic; o1, o2 : out std_logic; o3, o4 : out...NOT i1 AND i2 AND NOT i5) OR (NOT i2 AND NOT i4 AND i5); process(enable, sel4 , sel3, sel2, sel1) – the multiplexer begin if enable = 𔃻’ then...if sel4 = 𔃺’ then o4 <= out14; else o4 <= out24; end if; if sel3 = 𔃺’ then o3 <= out13; else o3 <= out23; end if; if

    12. Analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoates granuales in bacillus Sp. MFD11 and enterobacter Sp. SEL2

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Naheed, N.; Jamil, N.


      Bacillus sp. MFD11 (JF901809) and Enterobacter sp. SEL2 (JF901810) were isolated from agriculture waste contaminated sites. When fed with 2% glucose as a carbon source, these bacteria produced 75.26±0.45% and 76.61±0.28% PHA of their wet weight respectively. The accumulated PHA was extracted by direct addition of sodium dodysyl sulphate in the culture medium, which yielded 52.3±0.56 micro g/l and 136.21±0.45 micro g/l PHA respectively when assayed with Crotonic acid. The PHA detection medium (PDM) provided nutrient limitation condition which favored accumulation of PHA granules. A tremendous increase in cell size was observed when strain MFD11 was grown in PDM. The size of the granules as revealed by TEM micrographs spanned from 0.1 to 1.5 micro m which is quite large as compared to the size reported in the literature 0.2 to 0.5 micro m 18). (PHA polymer was analyzed by FTIR, GC/MS and proton Nuclear magnetic resonance. The intense absorption band in the spectrum at 1724-1740 cm -1 and 1215 cm -1 to 1280 corresponding to C=O and C-O stretching group, respectively, indicated that the both strains were PHA producers. GC/MS analysis indicated that the polymer produced were copolymers of PHB-co-PHV. NMR also suggested that the extracted PHA was not a homopolymer but was the blend of copolymers with 3HV in lower abundance. Differential calorimetric thermal analysis showed melting temperature of 163 and 169 degree C for PHA produced by both strains, respectively. However, the observed melting temperature was found to be lower than the standard PHB (Signa-aldrich). (author)

    13. Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) in a Configurable Fault-Tolerant Processor (CFTP) for Space Applications (United States)


      internal structure ARCHITECTURE rtl OF log_barrel IS signal sel1, sel2, sel3, sel4 : std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0); signal buf0b, buf0c, buf0d...shift(2); sel3(0) <= ar_or_log and shift(2); sel4 (1) <= l_or_r and shift(3); sel4 (0) <= ar_or_log and shift(3); buf0b <= in_word(14 downto 0...mux4: word_mux4 port map ( a => buf3a, b => buf3b, c => buf3c, d => buf3d, sel => sel4 , out_word => out_word

    14. Micro Computer Feedback Report for the Strategic Leader Development Inventory; Source Code (United States)


      SEL5 ;exit if error CALL SELZCT SCRZEN ;display select screen JC SEL4 ;no files in directory .------- display the files NOV BX, [BarPos] ;starting...SEL2 ;if not goto next test imp SEL4 ; Ecit SEL2: CUP AL,ODh ;in it a pick ? 3Z SEL3 ;if YES exit loop ------- see if an active control key was...file CALL READCOMFIG eread file into memory JC SEL5 ;exit to main menu CALL OPEN DATA FILE ;is data arailable? SEL4 : CALL RELEASE_ _MDR ;release mom

    15. Propuesta de mejora para el mantenimiento del equipo pesado de la constructora COANDES S.A. basado en un análisis del aceite lubricante usado en los motores de combustión interna diésel


      Arévalo Avalos, David Alejandro


      Se realiza una propuesta de mejora proactiva-predictiva para el mantenimiento efectuado por COANDES. Primero se efectúa una evaluación de criticidad de los equipos y un estudio del aceite usado en los motores de combustión interna diésel. Finalmente se propone un modelo de análisis de fallas basado en los resultados que incluye un software de interpretación de resultados de análisis de aceite. The investigation performs a proposal for proactive-predictive improvement for the maintenance by...

    16. Micro Computer Feedback Report for the Strategic Leader Development Inventory (United States)


      POS or NEG variables CALL CREATE MEM DIR ;make a memory directory JC SELS ;exat I error CALL SELECT-SCREEN ;dlsplay select screen JC SEL4 ;no flles in...get keyboaI Input CMP AL,1Bh3 ;ls I an Esc key ? JNZ SEL2 ;X not goto nrod test G-95 JMP SEL4 ;Exit SEL2: CMP AL,OOh Iskapick? JZ SEL ;I YES exit loop...position CALL READ DATE ;gat DOS daoe od 4e CALL F4ND -ERO ;kxlae OW In data ue JC SEL.5 SEL4 : CALL RELEASE MEM DIR ;release meu block CLC ;cler carry fag

    17. Biosensor Urea Berbasis Biopolimer Khitin Sebagai Matriks Immobilisasi


      Nazruddin Nazaruddin


      Penelitian tentang biosensor urea menggunakan biopolimer khitin sebagai matriks immobilisasi telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja biosensor yang dihasilkan yang meliputi sensitivitas, trayek pengukuran, limit deteksi, waktu respon, koefisien selektifitas, dan waktu hidup. Penelitian meliputi beberapa tahap yaitu pembuatan membran polimer khitin dan immobilisasi enzim urease, pelekatan membran khitin pada elektroda pH, dan pengukuran parameter kinerja elektroda. H...

    18. Separation of calcium isotopes by counter-current electromigration in molten salts (1962); Separation des isotopes du calcium par electro-migration a contre-courant en sels fondus (1962)

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Menes, F; Dirian, G; Roth, E [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


      The method of counter-current electromigration in molten salts has been applied to calcium bromide with an alkali metal bromide added to the cathode compartment. Enrichments on calcium-46 greater than a factor of two were obtained at the anode. The mass effect was found to be about 0.06. An estimation of the cost of energy for a process based on this method has been made. (authors) [French] La methode d'electro-migration a contre-courant en sels fondus a ete appliquee au bromure de calcium additionne dans le compartiment cathodique d'un bromure alcalin. On a pu ainsi obtenir avec surete des enrichissements anodiques superieurs a 2 sur l'isotope 46, determiner l'effet de masse (environ 0,06) et faire une estimation sommaire du cout energetique d'un procede base sur cette methode. (auteurs)


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      Basundari Sri Utama


      Full Text Available Respon imun terhadap antigen asing dapat terjadi karena kemampuan dari organisme untuk membedakan "non self" dengan "self", sehingga dapat terhindar dari efek patogen dari antigen yang masuk. Hal ini terjadi karena kemampuan polimorfisme dari komponen molekul yang terdapat pada permukaan sel presentan pada saat proses respon imun terjadi. Komponen molekul tersebut disebut MHC (Major Hystocompatibility Complex pada tikus diberi kode H-2 atau HLA (Human Leucocyt Antifen pada manusia. Pengkode genetik MHC pada tikus terletak pada kromosom 17, pada manusia terletak pada kromosom 6. MHC tersebar pada hampir semua permukaan sel tubuh. Pada tikus MHC kelas 1 terdapat sel-sel yang berinti, platelet dan sel darah merah. Pada manusia terdapat pada sel-sel yang berinti dan platelet. MHC pada tikus terutama terdapat pada sel B, makrofag, sel epithel, sel limfosit T. Pada manusia terutama terdapat pada sel B dan makrofag. Fungsi MHC kelas I diantaranya adalah reaksi penolakan jaringan, stimulasi produksi antibodi, proses interaksi antigen dengan sel T. MHC kelas II diperlukan dalam proses presentasi antigen. Pengetahuan tentang MHC/HLA seseorang, dapat dipakai untuk memperkirakan risiko seseorang mendapatkan penyakit yang bersifat herediter atau kelainan imunologik. Dengan mengetahui bahwa MHC/HLA hanya dapat mengikat peptida, hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pencegahan reaksi alergi.

    20. SKR-1, a homolog of Skp1 and a member of the SCFSEL-10 complex, regulates sex-determination and LIN-12/Notch signaling in C. elegans (United States)

      Killian, Darrell J.; Harvey, Elizabeth; Johnson, Peter; Otori, Muneyoshi; Mitani, Shohei; Xue, Ding


      Sex-determination in C. elegans requires regulation of gene transcription and protein activity and stability. sel-10 encodes a WD40-repeat-containing F-box protein that likely mediates the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of important sex-determination factors. Loss of sel-10 results in a mild masculinization of hermaphrodites, whereas dominant alleles of sel-10, such as sel-10(n1074), cause a more severe masculinization, including a reversal of the life versus death decision in sex-specific neurons. To investigate about how sel-10 regulates sex-determination, we conducted a sel-10(n1074) suppressor screen and isolated a weak loss-of-function allele of skr-1, one of 21 Skp1-related genes in C. elegans. Skp1, Cullin, and F-box proteins, such as SEL-10, are components of the SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. We present genetic evidence that the sel-10(n1074) masculinization phenotype is dependent upon skr-1 and cul-1 activity. Furthermore, we show that the SKR-1(M140I) weak loss-of-function mutation interferes with SKR-1/SEL-10 binding. Unexpectedly, we found that the G567E substitution in SEL-10 caused by the n1074 allele impairs the binding of SEL-10 to SKR-1 and the dimerization of SEL-10, which may be important for SEL-10 function. Our results suggest that SKR-1, CUL-1 and SEL-10 constitute an SCF E3 ligase complex that plays an important role in modulating sex-determination and LIN-12/Notch signaling in C. elegans. PMID:18718460

    1. Genel Bilişsel Yetenek Ölçümlerinde Süre ve Performans İlişkisinde A Tipi Kişiliğin Rolü(The Role of Type A Personality on the Relationship between Time and Performance in Measurement of General Cognitive Ability

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      Murat GÜLER


      Full Text Available Organizasyonların personel seçiminde kullanılan bilişsel yetenek ölçümlerinin, objektif ve yansız olarak yapılması, ihtiyaç duyulan uygun nitelikteki insan kaynağının temin edilmesi için önemli bir husustur. Ancak, bilişsel yetenek testlerinin kişilik özelliklerinden etkilendiğine dair bazı bulgular öne sürülmektedir. Mevcut araştırmada, genel bilişsel yetenek (GBY ölçümlerinde süre ve performans ilişkisinde A Tipi kişiliğin rolü 271 üniversite öğrencisinden elde edilen verilerle incelenmiştir. Veriler, A Tipi Kişilik Ölçeği ve Raven Standart Progresif Matrisler Testi ile toplanmıştır. Genel örneklemde ve A Tiplerinde GBY test performansı ve süresi ile A Tipi kişilik arasında anlamlı bir ilişki gözlenmezken, B Tiplerinde test süresinin ve yaşın GBY test performansının yordayıcısı olduğuna ilişkin bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. Objectively and impartially application of cognitive ability measurements that used in personnel selection of organizations, is a vital issue for providing needed appropriate human resources. But, some findings have been suggested that personality traits influence the measurement of cognitive abilities. In the current study the relationship between general cognitive ability (GCA and Type A personality (TAP was investigated with the data collected from 271 university students. The assessment instruments used were: Type-A Behavior Scale and Raven Standard Progressive Matrices Test. The findings revealed that, while there was no relationship between GCA, testing time and TAP in the general sample and Type A group, testing time and age were predictors of the GCA test performance in the Type B group

    2. Perancangan Kontroler Fuzzy PD untuk Kontrol Toleransi Kesalahan Sensor

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      Moch - Hafid


      Full Text Available Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR merupakan suatu plant nonlinear yang banyak digunakan di industri-industri kimia sebagai pengaduk bahan-bahan kimia. Proses di dalam CSTR sangat dipengaruhi oleh suhu, di mana suhu tersebut didapat dari uap panas yang mengalir di dalam dinding tangki melalui pipa, sehingga suhu tersebut harus dijaga supaya tetap berada pada suhu kerja dengan merancang suatu kontroler. Suhu di dalam tangki dideteksi oleh suatu sensor dan dari informasi pengukuran, kontroler akan memberikan sinyal kontrol agar proses di dalam CSTR berjalan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Kesalahan pengukuran pada sensor dapat menyebabkan proses tidak berjalan dengan baik, bahkan dapat mengakibatkan berhentinya proses. Fault Tolerant Control (FTC, kontrol toleransi kesalahan, dapat memberikan kompensasi sehingga proses dapat berjalan dengan baik meskipun terjadi kesalahan pengukuran pada sensor. Pada Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan perancangan kontroler fuzzy PD untuk menjaga suhu di dalam CSTR tetap pada suhu kerja. Kesalahan sensor yang terjadi pada sistem diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan model-based fault diagnosis. Dari hasil identifikasi, ditentukan kategori-kategori kesalahan sensor. Tiap kategori memiliki nilai-nilai kompensasi terhadap kesalahan yang terjadi. Dengan adanya kompensasi tersebut maka proses pada CSTR dapat beroperasi dengan baik meskipun terjadi kesalahan pengukuran pada sensor.

    3. Exchange reactions between a molten salt and a solution of tri-butyl phosphate in a liquid silicone; Reactions d'echange entre un sel fondu et une solution de phosphate de tributyle dans un silicone liquide

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Hertzog, D [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


      . The equilibrium constants for the reactions: (I) Co{sup 2+} + CN{sup -} {yields} CoCN{sup +} (II) Co{sup 2+} + Cl{sup -}{yields} CoCl{sup +} have been determined: K{sub 1} 10{sup -4}, K{sub 2} = 0.16. (author) [French] L'interet actuel porte aux sels fondus s'explique par leur emploi possible clans le domaine de l'energie nucleaire, en particulier comme supports de combustibles et comme agents de reprocessing. II nous a paru interessant de considerer un sel fondu comme un solvant et d'y etudier les phenomenes de partage avec une seconde phase stable a haute temperature. Le sel choisi est un eutectique ternaire de nitrates alcalins et la seconde phase est une solution de phosphate de tributyle dans un silicone liquide. La temperature de travail est fixee a 150 deg. C. Nous avons etudie en premier lieu la stabilite des deux phases et leurs solubilites respectives a cette temperature. On a demontre que les deux solvants sont immiscibles et stables. D'autre part nous avons decrit l'extraction par la solution de silicone de differents corps en solution dans la phase sel, determine les coefficients de partage et les formules des molecules extraites. Il nous a ete possible de calculer les coefficients de partage des cations suivants extraits sous la forme nitrates: Li{sup +}, Na{sup +}, K{sup +}, Sr{sup 2+}, Ca{sup 2+}, Ba{sup 2+}, Hg{sup 2+} dont les coefficients de partage sont tres faibles: Mg{sup 2+}, Ni{sup 2+}, Co{sup 2+}, Zn{sup 2+}, dont les rendements d'extraction sont superieurs a 50 pour cent; enfin Ce{sup 3+}, La{sup 3+}, UO{sub 2}{sup 2+}, tres extraits. De meme les anions suivants ont ete extraits sous forme de sels alcalins: F{sup -}, Cl{sup -}, Br{sup -}, I{sup -}, IO{sub 3}{sup -}, CN{sup -}, SO{sub 4}{sup -}, C{sub 2}O{sub 4}{sup -}, NO{sub 2}{sup -}. Parmi ceux-ci seuls les halogenes ont des coefficients de partage non negligeables. Dans certains cas particuliers, nous avons pu etudier l'influence de la formation de complexes sur les phenomenes d


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      Natelda Rosaldiah Timisela


      berlangsung baik dan lancar. Hasil analisis terhadap pengukuran indeks struktural statistik seperti indeks pengukuran GFI (0,901, AGFI (0,857, TLI (0,994, CFI (0,995, CMIN/DF (1,022, RMSEA (0,015, probabilitas (0,423 dan nilai χ2 (84,834. Data tersebut berada dalam rentang nilai yang diharapkan memenuhi kriteria. Kata kunci:  Manajemen rantai pasok, kinerja agroindustri, pangan lokal, dan model persamaan struktural


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      Shinta Setiadevi


      Full Text Available This study aims to 1 analyze the methods and the customer satisfaction measurement results; 2 analyze the satisfaction of customer based on alternatives method by using Servqual approach and EPA; 3 Analyze the comparison between method and the customer satisfaction measurement results; 4 formulate recommendations for improvement of measurement methods and results of customer satisfaction in the Technical Implementation Unit Testing Certification-Institute for Product Quality Tobacco Jember. The processing of the data in this study was used the analysis of Service Quality (Servqual and Expectation-Performance Analysis (EPA. The results of this study including: 1 Attributes which are considered sufficient by the IKM UPT measurement result  are nine attributes: the effectiveness and efficiency of service, courtesy, friendliness, and obtain justice and other services; 2 Attribute selected as a top priority improvements based on EPA method is the availability of equipment and the latest technology; 3 Methods and results of measuring the level of customer satisfaction can be compared based on: the number of dimensions and attributes of service; outputs and implications of measurement methods; measurement results; 4 Recommendations for improvement, the management should renew equipment and the latest technology in testing and calibration laboratories, and increase equipment and the latest technology at the service of fumigation.Keywords: EPA, service quality, servqual, UPT PSMB-LT JemberABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan 1 menganalisis metode dan hasil pengukuran indek kepuasan masyarakat; 2 menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pelanggan berdasarkan alternatif metode melalui pendekatan Servqual dan EPA; 3 menganalisis perbandingan antara metode dan hasil pengukuran kepuasan pelanggan; 4 merumuskan rekomendasi perbaikan metode dan hasil pengukuran kepuasan pelanggan pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pengujian Sertifikasi Mutu Barang-Lembaga Tembakau Jember. Pengolahan

    6. Social and Emotional Learning and the Work of Itinerant Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (United States)

      Norman, Nancy; Jamieson, Janet R


      The study investigated how social and emotional learning (SEL) is reflected in the attitudes, beliefs, and practices of itinerant teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing (ITDHHs). A mixed-methods approach was taken to survey 53 ITDHHs about their comfort with teaching SEL, commitment to ongoing professional development in SEL skills, and perceptions of SEL in school cultures. Follow-up interviews with 11 ITDHHs provided a deeper perspective on how these teachers prioritize and teach SEL skills within their unique teaching role. Overall, the findings revealed that ITDHHs overwhelmingly recognized the need to provide SEL support to their students, and very often provided direct teaching of SEL skills. However, they did not necessarily feel adequately prepared, nor supported by their schools, in terms of teaching SEL. Implications of the findings for professional preparation and practice are discussed.

    7. Life cycle analysis of biodiesel production from flesh from the tannery industry Análisis del ciclo de vida de la producción de biodiésel a partir del descarne procedente de la industria de la curtiduría

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      Jose de Jesus Rodríguez Ibarra


      Full Text Available The tanning industry is a source of contamination by hazardous waste generation and special handling. One of these elements is the flesh, which help this study to determine if fleshing is able to add value to a source of employment and a reduction of pollution: production of biodiesel promises to be the sustainable alternative, economically and socially viable. The study was divided into 3 unit processes with a base of 1 kg of biodiesel: a flesh collection, b cooked and rendered, c esterification and transesterification. The impact categories evaluated were the primary energy consumption and the potential nonrenewable emissions of greenhouse gases. As a result of this article, it is had that the tanning is a source of biodiesel economically and environmentally feasible for the least environmental impact occurred. With the availability of annual flesh (79 200 000 kg can be reduced combustion emissions of CO2 from the air to 11 980 300 kg per year.La industria de la curtiduría es un foco de contaminación debido a la generación de residuos peligrosos y de manejo especial. Entre estos elementos se encuentra el descarne. Sobre este elemento, el actual estudio busca determinar si puede contar con un valor agregado para nuevas fuentes de empleo y la reducción de la contaminación: la producción de biodiésel promete ser la alternativa sustentable, económica y socialmente viable. El sistema de estudio se dividió en 3 procesos unitarios con una base de 1 kg de biodiésel: a recolección del descarne, b cocido y rendido, c esterificación y transesterificación. Las categorías de impacto evaluadas fueron el consumo de energía primaria no renovable y el potencial de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Como resultado del estudio se tuvo que la curtiduría resulta ser una fuente de producción de biodiésel económica y ambientalmente viable gracias a su menor impacto ambiental producido. Con la disponibilidad de descarne anual (79 200 000 kg

    8. Arroz integral, seleno-levedura e acetato de alfa-tocoferol na dieta de frangos de corte: efeitos sobre a qualidade da carne

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      Aline Arassiana Piccini Roll


      Full Text Available Foram estudados os efeitos da suplementação com acetato de alfa-tocoferol (VE e seleno-levedura (SeL Sel-Plex, Alltech® Inc, sobre o pH, a capacidade de retenção de água (CRA, perdas por cocção (PC, perdas por gotejamento (PG, cor do músculo e a concentração de selênio no peito de frangos alimentados com dietas a base de milho ou arroz. A partir de 21 dias de idade 200 frangos de corte Cobb foram alojados em 38 boxes (unidade experimental num delineamento casualizado num arranjo fatorial 2x2x2 em que foram fixados os níveis de suplementação “on top” de VE (0 e 200 mg/kg, SeL (0 e 0,3 ppm e dois ingredientes da dieta (100% milho e 100% arroz integral totalizando oito tratamentos: T1 milho + 0SeL + 0VE (controle; T2 milho + 200mg/kg VE + 0SeL; T3 milho + 0VE + 0,3ppm SeL; T4 milho + 200mg/kg VE + 0,3ppm SeL; T5 arroz + 0VE +0SeL; T6 arroz + 200mg/kg VE + 0SeL; T7 arroz + 0VE + 0,3ppm SeL; T8 arroz + 200mg/kg VE + 0,3ppm SeL. A quantidade de selênio no peito foi maior (P < 0,0001 com a inclusão de 200mg/kg de VE, em comparação com os demais tratamentos. Entretanto, observou-se uma interação positiva entre VE e SeL na dieta sobre a quantidade de selênio recuperada na carne (P = 0,06. Foi encontrada melhor CRA com a inclusão de SeL e VE em dietas a base de arroz. A substituição do milho por arroz nas dietas reduziu a cor amarela na carne (P < 0,05. PC e PG não foram significativamente afetadas pelos tratamentos. O pH da carne do peito foi significativamente mais elevado nas aves recebendo dietas suplementadas de SeL. Em conclusão, a interação entre VE e SeL aumenta o selênio na carne, porém, melhorando a CRA somente em dietas a base de arroz. A substituição de milho por arroz integral reduz a intensidade da coloração amarela da carne do peito de frangos.

    9. Kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Plankton di Perairan Selat Bali (Plankton Abundance and Diversity in the Bali Strait

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      Ruly Isfatul Khasanah


      Full Text Available Fitoplankton mempunyai peran sangat penting dalam suatu perairan, selain berada pada dasar rantai makanan sedangkan zooplankton merupakan herbivor pemangsanya. Penelitian mengenai kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman plankton di perairan Selat Bali dilakukan pada musim peralihan II (Nopember 2012 dan musim barat (Pebruari 2013. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengamati perbedaan kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman plankton pada dua musim angin muson. Sampel air diambil dengan menggunakan water sampler sedangkan sampel plankton diambil secara horisontal dan vertikal  pada kedalaman 1 m dan 20 m dengan jaring plankton Kitahara bermata jaring 20 µm. Hasil pengukuran nutrien pada musim peralihan II memiliki kadar fosfat, nitrat, bahan organik, silikat dan klorofil-a lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada musim barat. Informasi tersebut memperkuat indikasi adanya perpindahan massa air dari lapisan yang lebih dalam ke lapisan yang lebih dangkal. Nutrien fosfat dan nitrat diperlukan untuk mempertahankan fungsi membran sel dan silikia dibutuhkan untuk pembentukan dinding sel terutama pada diatom. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa kelas diatom (Bacillariophyceae mencapai 95,9 % dari total jenis dan kelimpahan fitoplankton seluruh stasiun penelitian, sisanya berasal dari genus Dinophyceae. Kelimpahan fitoplankton tertinggi terjadi pada musim peralihan II dengan Rhizosolenia stolterfothii sebesar 51.405 sel.L-1 (80,1%, sedangkan pada musim barat copepoda ditemukan melimpah sebesar 8.178 ind.L-1 (88,3 %. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa dengan kelimpahan plankton yang ditemukan perairan Selat Bali dinilai cukup potensial untuk mendukung kehidupan biota laut pelagis. Kata kunci: plankton, selat Bali, rhizosolenia stolterfothii, muson   Abstract Phytoplankton has important role as primary producer in the sea and act as base of food chain while zooplankton act as herbivore prey on them. Research on abundance and diversity of plankton at Bali Strait was performed during

    10. Pengukuran Kualitas Jasa


      Merianti, Maria Merry


      Service management is very important, because it determines Service Quality. Service Quality determines customer's satisfaction, and customer's satisfaction determines customer's behavior intentions. It is not easy to measure Service Quality, especially because service is intangible, but every service company which want to improve their service quality, should measure their service quality. We can measure service quality using SERVQUAL or SERVPERF. Research result determined that SERVPERF bet...

    11. Perancangan, Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Tranduser Ultrasonik 3,5 MHz Untuk Pengujian Bahan Padat

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      Mokhamad Halim Fathoni


      Full Text Available Dalam penelitian ini telah dibuat sepasang transduser ultrasonik untuk pengujian bahan padat. Konstruksi transduser ultrasonik yang dibuat terdiri dari holder berbahan akrilik dan kuningan, backing material berbahan styrofoam, epoxy dan busa karet, elemen aktif berbahan piezoelektrik dan matching layers menggunakan akrilik. Bahan penyusun konstruksi tersebut dilakukan pengujian terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik transduser ultrasonik. Dan untuk menunjang pengujian, maka dibuat sebuah alat sederhana dengan metode transmisi pulsa untuk melakukan pengukuran Time of Flight(TOF gelombang ultrasonik. Karakterisasi bahan transduser dilakukan dengan melakukan beberapa tahap pengujian. Tahap pertama dilakukan  pengujian respon frekuensi pada piezoelektrik untuk mendapatkan frekuensi resonansi yang sesuai. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian bahan backing material untuk mengetahui respon impulse dari sinyal ultrasonik dan menguji bahan matching layers untuk mendapatkan faktor delay pada pengukuran. Setelah karakterisasi bahan didapatkan, maka dilanjutkan dengan implementasi transduser ultrasonik untuk pengujian cacat pada bahan. Pengujian ini menggunakan aluminium berdimensi (15x5x1cm dengan bentuk cacat yang telah ditentukan. Proses pengujian cacat ini dilakukan dengan cara scanning secara manual dengan perubahan jarak setiap 0.5 cm. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh  karakteristik transduser ultrasonik dengan holder berbahan akrilik, backing material berbahan styrofoam, frekuensi resonansi sebesar 3.5 MHz, bandwith sebesar 2.04 MHz, respon impulse >10 siklus, delay sebesar 1,6 us ,Q (faktor kualitas mekanis getaran harmonis sebesar 1,667 dan impedansi sebesar 78,6 ohm. Untuk pengujian cacat bahan didapatkan hasil bahwa transduser ultrasonik bisa mendeteksi adanya cacat dan mengestimasi panjang ukuran cacat dengan error pengukuran sebesar 0.5 cm. Namun, kedalaman cacat tidak bisa ditentukan sehingga

    12. Analisis Ketelitian Geometrik Citra Pleiades 1A untuk Pembuatan Peta Dasar Lahan Pertanian (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Socah, Kabupaten Bangkalan

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      Andreas Kelvin Pujianto


      Full Text Available Penggunaan citra satelit resolusi tinggi lebih tepat dan akurat dibanding citra satelit resolusi rendah. Pada saat ini, beberapa satelit dapat menghasilkan citra dengan resolusi spasial kurang dari 1 m. Selain itu, salah satu keuntungan dari data citra satelit resolusi tinggi untuk deteksi dan inventarisasi sumber daya alam adalah setiap lembar (scene citra ini mencakup wilayah yang sangat luas yaitu sekitar 60–180 km2 (360.000–3.240.000 ha [5]. Interpretasi visual pada citra Pleiades 1A dan survei lapangan telah membuktikan bahwa mayoritas daerah Kecamatan Socah memiliki tutupan lahan berupa lahan pertanian yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan kecamatan lainnya di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Alasan tersebut menjadikan Kecamatan Socah sebagai lokasi penelitian. Proses rektifikasi citra menggunakan koordinat titik horizontal (X,Y dari Ground Control Point (GCP yang didapatkan dari pengukuran lapangan menggunakan GPS geodetik dengan metode static dengan lama pengukuran 45 menit tiap baseline. Sedangkan untuk uji ketelitian citra menggunakan pengukuran titik Independent Control Point (ICP yang didapatkan dari pengukuran GPS geodetik dengan metode static dengan lama pengukuran 15 menit. Nilai Root Mean Square Error (RMSE titik ICP dari transformasi affine sebesar 0,645 m, sedangkan polynomial orde-2 sebesar 0,533 m. Masing-masing nilai RMSE titik ICP kemudian dikalikan dengan koefisien Circular Error 90% (CE90 dari Perka BIG no. 15 tahun 2014 maka didapatkan nilai ketelitian geometric sebesar 0,979 m pada affine dan 0,809 m pada polynomial orde-2. Hasil ketelitian geometric dari kedua metode transformasi menunjukkan nilai ≤ 1 m, sehingga citra Pleiades 1A memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan sebagai peta dasar skala 1:5.000 dengan kategori kelas 1.

    13. Rancang Bangun Prototipe Monitoring Suhu Tubuh Manusia Berbasis O.S Android Menggunakan Koneksi Bluetooth

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      Moh Fajar Rajasa Fikri


      Full Text Available Tanda-tanda vital kesehatan manusia dapat diketahui dari suhu tubuh, pernapasan, tekanan darah, dan denyut nadi. Dalam tugas akhir ini, dirancang sebuah prototipe monitoring suhu tubuh manusia berbasis android menggunakan koneksi bluetooth dengan performansi dalam bentuk jaket yang terdiri dari tiga buah titik pengukuran. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk merancang sistem pengukuran suhu tubuh adalah dengan mendesain sistem perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Sensor yang digunakan adalah IC-LM35 yang tersebar di tiga titik pengukuran. Sensor ini sebagai pendeteksi perubahan suhu tubuh, kemudian hasil perubahan suhu akan dibaca dan diproses pada mikrokontroler ATMega8a-pu. Setelah data terproses, selanjutnya data akan dikirimkan ke perangkat android melalui koneksi bluetooth. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dan analisis data, dapat diketahui bahwa alat ini memiliki respon dinamis settling time sebesar 5 menit. Jarak maksimum koneksi perangkat adalah 35 meter, dan kemampuan baterai sebesar 9 volt selama 90 menit. Alat ini memiliki nilai eror akurasi sebesar 0.29150C, eror presisi sebesar 0.8°C untuk sensor A (mulut, dan nilai eror akurasi sebesar 0.4149°C, eror presisi sebesar 0.2974°C untuk sensor B (ketiak kanan, dan nilai eror akurasi sebesar 0.3846°C, eror presisi sebesar 0.5956°C untuk sensor C (ketiak kiri

    14. A Database Design for the Brazilian Air Force Military Personnel Control System. (United States)



    15. Interaksi Ekstrak Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.F.Ness dengan Glibenklamid terhadap Ekspresi Gen CYP3A4 pada Kultur Sel HepG2

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      Andzar Fikranus Shofa


      Full Text Available Diabetes melitus (DM merupakan salah satu penyakit metabolik kronis yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia. Berbagai terapi dilakukan untuk mengatasi hiperglikemia, baik dengan menggunakan obat antidiabetes oral maupun tanaman herbal berkhasiat antidiabetes. Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.F.Nees merupakan salah satu herbal antidiabetes yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia. Andrografolida merupakan zat aktif yang terdapat dalam sambiloto yang berperan sebagai agen antidiabetes. Namun, dalam banyak kasus kombinasi antara herbal dan obat sintesis menyebabkan interaksi jika digunakan pada waktu bersamaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data interaksi ekstrak etanol herba sambiloto dengan glibenklamid terhadap ekspresi gen CYP3A4 pada kultur sel HepG2. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan ekspresi gen CYP3A4 pada pengujian sampel tunggal maupun kombinasi antara ekstrak etanol herba sambiloto dan glibenklamid dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi. Pada konsentrasi 50 dan 100 μg/mL sambiloto, glibenklamid, dan kombinasinya menyebabkan penurunan ekspresi gen CYP3A4 sekitar 0,82, 0,70; 0,89, 0,53; 0,84, 0,72. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan terjadi penurunan ekspresi gen CYP3A4 dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi sampel.

    16. Comportement mécanique des cavités dans le sel. Etat actuel de nos connaissances Mechanical Behaviour of Salt Cavities. Present State of Our Knowledge

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      Boucly P.


      Full Text Available L'utilisation depuis dix ans des premières cavités salines créées sur le site de Tersanne s'est accompagnée d'une réduction de leur volume relativement importante. Cette observation a conduit le Gaz de France à développer d'importantes études sur le comportement rhéologique du sel dans lequel sont creusées les cavités. Ces études, effectuées en collaboration avec des laboratoires universitaires, ont consisté en de nombreux essais en laboratoire (essais de longue durée à la température des terrains visant à déterminer les lois de comportement du matériau. Parallèlement, des modèles de calcul de divers degrés de complexité ont été élaborés afin de prendre en compte ces lois dans l'estimation de la stabilité et de la tenue à long terme de la cavité. Ces études ont abouti récemment à la mise au point d'un premier modèle de comportement du sel qui rend compte de l'ensemble des observations effectuées à ce jour sur les cavités. Grâce à ce modèle, il est maintenant possible d'étudier quelle influence a sur leur volume un type d'utilisation donné des cavités. The exploitation over the last ten years of the first salt cavities created in the Tersanne area has resulted in a relatively large decrease in their volume. This observation led Gaz de France to do extensive research on the rheological behavior of the salt into which cavities are leached. This research, performed in cooperation with university laboratories, consisted of numerous laboratory tests (long-duration tests at formation temperatures to determine the behavior laws of the material. At the same time, models for computing different degrees of complexity were developed to take these laws into account in evaluating the stability and long-term resistance of the cavity. This research has recently resulted in the development of an initial salt-behavior model involving all the observations made concerning these cavities to date. This model can now be

    17. Dietary supplementation of chelated selenium and broiler chicken meat qualitySuplementação de selênio quelatado na ração e qualidade da carne de frango

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      Massami Shimokomaki


      Full Text Available The glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px is selenium-containing enzyme, which catalyses the reduction of hydrogen peroxides and lipid hydroperoxides preventing the oxidative damages in animal tissues. The selenium (Se deficiency increases the need for vitamin E. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of chelated Se on the poultry meat quality. Fourteen Cobb chicks with 1 day of age were divided into two groups: C-Control group (without supplementation and S-Supplemented group (with 0.03mg of chelated of feed. Birds at 42 days of age were slaughtered and boneless skinless chicken thighs were collected and stored at –18ºC for 30 days. Thighs were analyzed for the cooking loss, lipid oxidation by Thiobarbituric-Acid-Reactive Substances (TBARS and GSH-Px activity by coupled assay procedure recording the NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced oxidation. Samples of Supplemented group presented 33.8% less water after cooking (p ? 0.05 and were 23.6% (p ? 0.10 less oxidized when compared with samples of group Control. The GSH-Px activity of thighs did not differ significantly (p> 0.05 between groups Supplemented and Control. The supplementation with 0.03mg of Se in the kg of feed improved the meat quality by reducing the lipid oxidation and cooking loss, however did not increase the GSH-Px activity.O selênio (Se é componente da enzima glutationa peroxidase (GSH-Px que catalisa a redução de peróxido de hidrogênio e peróxido lipídico, prevenindo danos oxidativos nos tecidos animais. A deficiência de Se aumenta a necessidade de vitamina E pelos animais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação de selênio quelatado sobre a qualidade da carne de frango. Os 14 pintinhos de corte da linhagem Cobb de 1 dia de idade foram divididos em 2 grupos: C-Controle (sem suplementação e S-Suplementado com 0,03mg Se quelatado. kg-1 de ração. Os frangos com 42 dias de

    18. Perbandingan Aktivitas Antioksidan Campuran Ekstrak-Etanol A.indica dan C.asiatica terhadap Ekstrak-Etanol A.indica

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      Kemas R Notariza


      Full Text Available Radikal bebas, dalam kadar rendah atau menengah, mempunyai peran fisiologis bagi kehidupan sel tubuh. Pada konsentrasi tinggi, radikal-bebas dapat memicu stres oksidatif yang menjadi dasar patogenesis berbagai penyakit. Suplai antioksidan eksogen dibutuhkan untuk membantu kinerja antioksidan endogen dalam menangkal stres oksidatif. Ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica masing-masing diketahui memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan aktivitas antioksidan campuran ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica terhadap ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica. Kombinasi ekstrak diharapkan mampu meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan yang dihasilkan dan menurunkan dosis yang digunakan. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak diukur dengan metode spektrofotometri melalui uji DPPH. Kandungan fitokimia ekstrak juga diuji secara kualitatif. Hasil uji kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica maupun campuran ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica positif mengandung fitokimia berupa flavonoid dan steroid. Hasil pengukuran aktivitas antioksidan menunjukkan bahwa Vitamin C yang menjadi kontrol positif menunjukkan nilai EC50 sebesar 0,012 mg/mL. Nilai EC50 ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica adalah 13,68 mg/mL, sedangkan nilai EC50 campuran ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica adalah 39,65 mg/mL. Nilai EC50 yang lebih kecil mengindikasikan aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, aktivitas antioksidan campuran ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan ekstrak-etanol Acalypha indica.   Kata kunci: Acalypha indica; aktivitas antioksidan; Centella asiatica Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE

    19. Identification and Characterization of Genes That Interact with Lin-12 in Caenorhabditis Elegans


      Tax, F. E.; Thomas, J. H.; Ferguson, E. L.; Horvitz, H. R.


      We identified and characterized 14 extragenic mutations that suppressed the dominant egg-laying defect of certain lin-12 gain-of-function mutations. These suppressors defined seven genes: sup-17, lag-2, sel-4, sel-5, sel-6, sel-7 and sel-8. Mutations in six of the genes are recessive suppressors, whereas the two mutations that define the seventh gene, lag-2, are semi-dominant suppressors. These suppressor mutations were able to suppress other lin-12 gain-of-function mutations. The suppressor ...


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      Djaenudin Dhaenudin


      Full Text Available EFFECT OF ANODES TYPES ON NICKEL RECOVERY FROM SYNTHETIC ELECTROPLATING WASTE ELECTRODEPOSITION CELLS. A study concerning the recovery of nickel from electroplating wastewater artificial solution. The study was conducted with a batch system using electrodeposition cell consisting of two spaces separated by water hyacinth leaf, copper cathode plate, H2SO4 solution anolyte, catholyte solution of NiSO4 plus NaCl supporting electrolyte and anode varied. Electrodeposition performed at the direct current of 5V power for 4 hours each run. The research objective was to obtain the best anode in nickel electrodeposition process of electroplating waste artificial solution. Graphite, stainless steel type AISI 316 and the lead were used as a variation of the anode. Concentration of nickel in the catholyte at baseline 2200 mg/L. The results showed that the anode was a graphite anode with best value decreased by 72.44% nickel concentration, deposition of nickel on the cathode of 0.188 grams and specific energy values ​​of 6.1625 kWh/kg.nickel.   Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pemulihan logam nikel dari larutan tiruan air limbah electroplating. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sistem batch menggunakan sel elektrodeposisi yang terdiri dari dua ruang yang dipisahkan dengan daun eceng gondok, katoda pelat tembaga, anolit larutan H2SO4, katolit larutan NiSO4 ditambah elektrolit pendukung larutan NaCl dan anoda divariasikan. Elektrodeposisi dilakukan pada listrik searah sebesar 5V selama 4 jam setiap tempuhan. Tujuan penelitian adalah memperoleh anoda terbaik pada proses elektrodeposisi nikel dari larutan tiruan limbah electroplating. Grafit, Stainless Steel  tipe AISI 316 dan timbal digunakan sebagai variasi jenis anoda. Konsentrasi nikel dalam katolit pada awal penelitian 2200 mg/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anoda grafit merupakan anoda yang paling baik dengan nilai penurunan konsentrasi nikel sebesar 72,44%, deposisi nikel di katoda sebesar 0

    1. Investigation of single event latchup

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Xue Yuxiong; Yang Shengsheng; Cao Zhou; Ba Dedong; An Heng; Chen Luojing; Guo Gang


      Radiation effects on avionics microelectronics are important reliability issues for many space applications. In particular, single-event latchup (SEL) phenomenon is a major threat to CMOS integrated circuits in space systems. To effectively circumvent the failure, it is important to know the behavior of such devices during latchup. In this paper, the mechanisms for SEL in CMOS devices are investigated. Several microelectronic devices used in avionics are tested using heavy ion beams, pulsed laser and 252 Cf source. Based on the SEL test results, SEL-hardening and monitoring methods for preventing SEL from the systems design level are proposed. (authors)

    2. "Vastu panna viimase meheni!" : Mälestused lahingutest Saaremaal 1941-1945 / Mart Laar

      Index Scriptorium Estoniae

      Laar, Mart, 1960-


      Rets. rmt.: Halten bis zum letzen Mann : der Kampf um Ösel : Erinnerungen an die Jahre 1941-1946 / herausgegeben von der Interessengemeinschaft "Ösel 1941-1944". Büsum : Interessengemeinschaft "Ösel 1941-1944", 2004



      Lideman Lideman; Asda Laining


      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan cahaya terhadap laju fotosintesis Kappaphycus sp. (strain Sumba) yang diukur berdasarkan perubahan oksigen terlarut. Pengukuran laju fotosintesis Kappaphycus sp. pertama-tama dilakukan pada suhu 20oC, 24oC, 28oC, dan 32oC pada tingkat cahaya 353 μmol photons m-2 s-1 untuk mendapatkan kurva fotosintesis versus suhu (kurva P-T). Selanjutnya, pengukuran laju fotosintesis dilakukan pada suhu 20oC, 24oC, dan 28oC dengan intensitas cahaya ...

    4. Perbandingan Ko-kultur 2D dan 3D dengan Metode Hanging Drop untuk Menghasilkan Micro-environment yang Lebih Relevan Secara Klinis

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      Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto


      Full Text Available Ko-kultur sel 2 dimensi (2D kurang menyerupai micro-environment seperti in vivo sedangkan ko-kultur 3 dimensi (3D membentuk mikromassa yang lebih mirip micro-environment in vivo sehingga bermanfaat dalam penelitian biologi dasar. Penelitian ini membandingkan ko-kultur 2D dan 3D sel punca serta sel stelata hepatik dengan metode hanging drop untuk menilai morfologi sel dan pembentukan sferoid dari mikromassa yang terbentuk. Studi in vitro ini dilakukan di Pusat Virologi dan Kanker Patobiologi (PRVKP UI dan laboratorium histologi FKUI pada bulan September 2015 sampai Oktober 2016 menggunakan sel punca yang diisolasi dari darah tali pusat manusia dan sel lestari LX2 (stelata hepatik manusia. Darah tali pusat disortir dengan MACS CD34 dan dianalisis flowcytometry. Ko-kultur sel punca sumsum tulang atau darah tali pusat dan LX2 dilakukan dengan metode hanging drop untuk ko-kultur 2D dan ko-kultur 3D. Triplikasi eksperimen dilakukan untuk tiap set ko-kultur. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan morfologi ko-kultur 2D dan 3D hanging drop dibandingkan monokultur. Di ko-kultur 2D terdapat mikromassa dan di monokultur 2D tidak terbentuk mikromassa. Di ko-kultur 3D hanging drop, terdapat sferoid yang lebih kecil dibandingkan monokultur 3D hanging drop. Morfologi sel ko-kultur 2D dan 3D dengan metode hanging drop dibandingkan monokultur menunjukkan perubahan fenotip sel-sel yang tergabung dalam mikromassa. Normal 0 false false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE Normal 0 false false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE Social and Emotional Learning and Academic Achievement in Portuguese Schools: A Bibliometric Study

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      Ana M. Cristóvão


      Full Text Available Social and Emotional Learning (SEL is an educational movement that is gaining ground throughout the world. We can define SEL as the capacity to recognize and manage emotions, solve problems effectively, and establish positive relationships with others. Research has demonstrated the significant role of SEL in promoting healthy student development and academic achievement. Extensive research confirms that SEL competencies: can be taught, that they promote positive development and reduce problem behaviors, and that they improve students' academic achievement and citizenship. At the international level, several rigorous studies have identified programs and practices that promote SEL. In Portugal, however, no review has yet been published regarding the implementation of SEL programs. Such a study would elucidate the current panorama of SEL programs in Portugal. This study aims to identify research on SEL programs implemented in Portuguese schools and the relationship of those programs with academic achievement. To this end, we have consulted the following databases: Scientific Repository of Open Access of Portugal (RCAAP, Online Knowledge Library (b-on, and Web of Science (WoS. The criteria were: (a all time frames; (b publications in either Portuguese or English; (c programs that developed socio-emotional competencies in Portuguese schools; (d academic levels including elementary, middle, and high school and (e students of regular education. Few publications on SEL programs implemented in Portugal were found, although the recent decade has witnessed an upsurge of interest in the topic, principally that arising from academic research.

    5. [Oral health status evaluation of pre-school children: longitudinal epidemiologic study (1993-1994), Córdoba, Argentina]. (United States)

      Battellino, L J; Cornejo, L S; Dorronsoro de Cattoni, S T; Luna Maldonado de Yankilevich, E R; Calamari, S E; Azcura, A I; Virga, C


      A one-year longitudinal survey was carried out on a sample of the Cordoba City 4-year old kindergarten population (n = 820); so as to determine the role of several variables upon the incidence of caries. The dmf-t, dmf-s, oral hygiene and oral health indexes as well as incidence rates and caries relative risks of caries were inversely related to the socioeconomic level (SEL) of the children involved. Thus in the SEL III (typical proletariat, non-typical proletariat and sub-proletariat) children, the relative risk of caries was almost five times higher (RR = 4.9) than in the SEL I (entrepreneureal and managerial bourgeoisie) children. In SEL I, almost all new lesions occurred on smooth surfaces (61.2%), while in SEL III the molar occlusal faces were mainly affected (66.3%). Daily sugar intake was higher in SEL III children but experience of caries showed poor correlation to the amount (r = 0.40) and frequency (r = 0.52) of carbohydrate intake. No significant interlevel differences were observed in the biochemical salivary parameters analyzed. Assisted toothbrushing and fluoride topications strongly lowered the incidence of caries among SEL III children, also making the corresponding rates fall almost to SEL I values (0.31, 0.23 and 0.22 vs. 0.21). In conclusion, SEL III children should be treated prophylactically with effective preventive measures, because of their susceptibility to caries. Such preventive measures include assisted toothbrushing and fluoride topications.

    6. Galectin-1 Is an Interactive Protein of Selenoprotein M in the Brain

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      Qiong Liu


      Full Text Available Selenium, an essential trace element for human health, mainly exerts its biological function through selenoproteins. Selenoprotein M (SelM is one of the highly expressed selenoproteins in the brain, but its biological effect and molecular mechanism remain unclear. Thus, the interactive protein of SelM was investigated in this paper to guide further study. In order to avoid protein translational stop, the selenocysteine-encoding UGA inside the open reading frame of SelM was site-directly changed to the cysteine-encoding UGC to generate the SelM' mutant. Meanwhile, its N terminal transmembrane signal peptide was also cut off. This truncated SelM' was used to screen a human fetal brain cDNA library by the yeast two-hybrid system. A new interactive protein of SelM' was found to be galectin-1 (Gal-1. This protein-protein interaction was further verified by the results of fluorescence resonance energy transfer techniques, glutathione S-transferase pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays. As Gal-1 plays important roles in preventing neurodegeneration and promoting neuroprotection in the brain, the interaction between SelM' and Gal-1 displays a new direction for studying the biological function of SelM in the human brain.

    7. Collected software engineering papers, volume 11 (United States)


      This document is a collection of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) from November 1992 through November 1993. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. This is the 11th such volume of technical papers produced by the SEL. Although these papers cover several topics related to software engineering, they do not encompass the entire scope of SEL activities and interests. Additional information about the SEL and its research efforts may be obtained from the sources listed in the bibliography at the end of this document.

    8. Collected software engineering papers, volume 12 (United States)


      This document is a collection of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) from November 1993 through October 1994. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. This is the 12th such volume of technical papers produced by the SEL. Although these papers cover several topics related to software engineering, they do not encompass the entire scope of SEL activities and interests. Additional information about the SEL and its research efforts may be obtained from the sources listed in the bibliography at the end of this document.

    9. Analysis of the Interactions Between Thioredoxin and 20 Selenoproteins in Chicken. (United States)

      Liu, Qi; Yang, Jie; Cai, Jingzeng; Luan, Yilin; Sattar, Hamid; Liu, Man; Xu, Shiwen; Zhang, Ziwei


      Thioredoxin (Trx) is a small molecular protein with complicated functions in a number of processes, including inflammation, apoptosis, embryogenesis, cardiovascular disease, and redox regulation. Some selenoproteins, such as glutathione peroxidase (Gpx), iodothyronine deiodinase (Dio), and thioredoxin reductase (TR), are involved in redox regulation. However, whether there are interactions between Trx and selenoproteins is still not known. In the present paper, we used a Modeller, Hex 8.0.0, and the KFC2 Server to predict the interactions between Trx and selenoproteins. We used the Modeller to predict the target protein in objective format and assess the accuracy of the results. Molecular interaction studies with Trx and selenoproteins were performed using the molecular docking tools in Hex 8.0.0. Next, we used the KFC2 Server to further test the protein binding sites. In addition to the selenoprotein physiological functions, we also explored potential relationships between Trx and selenoproteins beyond all the results we got. The results demonstrate that Trx has the potential to interact with 19 selenoproteins, including iodothyronine deiodinase 1 (Dio1), iodothyronine deiodinase 3 (Dio3), glutathione peroxidase 1 (Gpx1), glutathione peroxidase 2 (Gpx2), glutathione peroxidase 3 (Gpx3), glutathione peroxidase 4 (Gpx4), selenoprotein H (SelH), selenoprotein I (SelI), selenoprotein M (SelM), selenoprotein N (SelN), selenoprotein T (SelT), selenoprotein U (SelU), selenoprotein W (SelW), selenoprotein 15 (Sep15), methionine sulfoxide reductase B (Sepx1), selenophosphate synthetase 1 (SPS1), TR1, TR2, and TR3, among which TR1, TR2, TR3, SPS1, Sep15, SelN, SelM, SelI, Gpx2, Gpx3, Gpx4, and Dio3 exhibited intense correlations with Trx. However, additional experiments are needed to verify them.

    10. Avaliação do Potencial Tóxico de Latossolos e Chernossolos Acrescidos de Lodo de Esgoto Utilizando Bioensaios com Oligoquetas da Espécie Eisenia andrei.

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      Ricardo Gonçalves Cesar


      Full Text Available Sewage Sludge (SEL has been used in agricultural activities to improve physical and chemical properties of soils. However, thiscompound also contains very high levels of heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause serious negative effects onbiota and human health. This paper aims to assess potential toxicity of latosols and chernosols amended with SEL, using Eisenia andreiearthworms. Acute toxicity and behavioral tests were performed according to ASMT (2004 and ISO (2002 procedures, respectively.Heavy metals determination was made by Atomic Absorption, and mineralogical characterization by Ray-X Difratometry. Biomass losswas evaluated considering average individual weight. Mercury, lead, zinc and cooper determination in SEL in natura and soils amendedwith SEL revealed values higher than that recommended by Brazilian legislation. SEL addition to the soils caused no mortality to theorganisms, while SEL in natura provoked lethal effects on 100% of the earthworms. Latosol in natura demonstrated higher mortalityin comparison to chernosol in natura Behavioral tests indicated that 98,3% and 96,43% of the organisms avoided SEL in natura andlatosol with SEL, respectively. However, only 31% of the organisms avoided chernosol with SEL, suggesting a lower level of toxicity incomparison to latosol. Possibly the natural properties of the studied soils (fertility, organic matter content, clay mineralogy, etc. playedan important role in the avoidance behavior of the organisms. Probably expansive clays presence in chernosol stimulates ions adsorptionand their concentrations decreasing in soil solution; consequently contaminants bioavailability also tends to decrease. Biomass loss resultsrevealed that the SEL addition decreased the weight loss of the tested organisms, and biomass losses were higher for latosol than forchernosol. In conclusion, it is expected that these results can be used in human health and ecological risk assessment, as well as

    11. Prototype Automatic Target Screener. (United States)


      JLIST OF TABLES I Table Page 1 PATS Modules 4 2 Vector Read/Write Command Format ( SEL4 ) 29 1 3 Read Vector Data Command Format ( SEL4 ) 30 J 4 Use Matrix...VECTOR READ/WRITE COMMAND FORMAT ( SEL4 ) S 1,4A Output 15 14 1:3 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Da taI To VNUM VDIR V LEN InterfaceIT TNT = 1 Intensify...elements ! | 29 I TABLE 3. READ VECTOR DATA COMMAND FORMAT ( SEL4 ) SEL4 Read Vector Data Input 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Da ta D D V To 0 A D


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      Marta Catur Pamungkas


      Full Text Available Consumers make purchases based on certain choices. These options include product attributes and attribute level. Meatball has attributes such as texture, price, and taste. These attributes affect the consumer buying process . The aim  of this study was to determine the utility values for all attributes and attribute level of meatballs that have been selected by consumers. This research is  a qualitative and quantitative research conducted in Bangkalan Regency. Respondents of this study consisted of 60 people. The results of this research  revealed that the value of the utility for the level of preference of texture was soft texture with a utility value of  0.058, meatballs price at Rp 500.00 with utility value of 0.006, and the selected flavor attributes are taste spicy sauce with  utility value of 0.36. Attributes to contribute to consumer's decision to buy meatballs were flavor at 63.321 % , texture at 20.114 % and meatball price at 16.565 % contribution


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      Muhammad Andang Novianta


      Full Text Available Pada saat ini di dunia industri sangat diperlukan adanya suatu pengukuran yang dapat melakukan pembacaan data lebih dari satu parameter dengan hanya satu tampilan, seperti halnya pengukuran suhu pada beberapa peralatan pemanas untuk mengetahui suhu panas, dingin dan sedang. Pada penelitian ini dirancang suatu instrumen pengukuran suhu yang memiliki banyak masukan dengan satu keluaran tampilan data. Sistem yang akan dikembangkan menggunakan transduser LM35 dan multiplekser 3 bit ADC0808 serta mikrokontroler AT89S51 yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan ADC dalam membaca kedelapan masukan. Dengan sebuah tombol maka kedelapan parameter suhu dapat ditampilkan ke tampilan secara bergantian. Berdasarkan percobaan didapatkan bahwa LM35 memiliki linearitas yang baik. LM35 hanya memiliki kesalahan 0,25 – 0,5 ºC. Pembacaan tampilan tidak bisa stabil karena proses konversi ADC 0808 yang tidak bisa stabil. Ketidakstabilan ADC ini disebabkan karena resolusi ADC yang terlalu kecil. Jika masukan ADC dikuatkan hingga 2 kali, proses konversi ADC akan stabil. Jika karakteristik LM35 dipenuhi, pembacaan temperatur akan memberikan ketelitian yang tinggi walaupun tanpa kalibrasi.

    14. Distribution of class ii major histocompatibility complex antigenexpressing cells in human dental pulp with carious lesions

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      Tetiana Haniastuti


      antigen-antigen permukaan sel. Sel-sel yang mengekspresikan molekul-molekul ini berpartisipasi dalam pengenalan awal substansi-substansi antigenik untuk selanjutnya diproses dan dipresentasikan pada permukaan sel. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan distribusi sel-sel yang mengekspresikan molekul MHC kelas II pada pulpa gigi manusia dengan meningkatnya keparahan karies. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 15 gigi molar ketiga yang mengalami karies pada permukaan oklusal dengan berbagai tingkat kedalaman dan 5 gigi molar ketiga normal (tidak mengalami karies. Sebelum didekalsifikasi dengan larutan EDTA 10% (pH 7,4, seluruh sampel diamati dengan menggunakan micro-computed tomography untuk mengetahui kedalaman lesi karies secara tiga dimensi. Spesimen kemudian diproses untuk dilakukan cryosection dan dilakukan immunohistokimia dengan menggunakan monoklonal antibodi anti MHC kelas II. Hasil: Ekspresi MHC kelas II oleh sel-sel pada ruang pulpa dijumpai disemua spesimen baik pada kondisi normal maupun karies. Pada gigi normal, sel-sel yang mengekspresikan MHC kelas II terletak terutama pada tepi pulpa. Pada gigi-geligi yang mengalami karies, agregasi sel-sel yang mengekspresikan MHC kelas II terutama terletak di bawah lesi karies. Semakin dalam lesi karies, jumlah sel-sel yang mengekspresikan MHC kelas II semakin meningkat. Kesimpulan: Kedalaman lesi karies berpengaruh terhadap distribusi sel-sel yang mengekspresikan MHC kelas II pada pulpa.

    15. Diffusion, electrical mobility and ionic interactions in molten Salts; Diffusion, mobilite electrique et interactions ioniques dans les sels fondus

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Lantelme, F. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


      The diffusion and the electrical migration of ions in the molten alkali nitrates LiNO{sub 3}, NaNO{sub 3} and KNO{sub 3} and in their mixtures have been examined using stable or radio-active isotope indicators. This experimental works shows that there are large differences in the diffusion coefficients and the electric mobilities when they are compared using the Nernst-Einstein formula. An interpretive model has been put forward which shows the role played by poly-ionic displacements: in a salt AC the particles moving are not only the free ions A{sup -} and C{sup +} but also the groups [A{sub n}C{sub m}]{sup (m-n)+}... These results confirm the importance of electrostatic attraction and of the polarizability of the ions. This mechanisms, furthermore, explains the inversions of electrical mobilities often observed in liquid ionic media. (author) [French] La diffusion et la migration electrique des ions dans les nitrates alcalins fondus LiNO{sub 3}, NaNO{sub 3} et KNO{sub 3} et dans leurs melanges ont ete examinees a l'aide d'indicateurs isotopiques stables et radioactifs. Cette etude experimentale fait apparaitre des ecarts importants entre les coefficients de diffusion et les mobilites electriques compares au moyen de la formule de Nernst-Einstein. Un modele d'interpretation a pu etre propose mettant en evidence l'existence de deplacements polyioniques: dans un sel AC les particules en mouvement sont non seulement les ions libres A{sup -} et C{sup +} mais aussi des groupes [A{sub n}C{sub m}]{sup (}m{sup -n)+}. Ces resultats precisent l'importance des attractions electro-statiques et de la polarisabilite des ions. D'autre part, ce mecanisme permet de rendre compte des renversements des mobilites electriques souvent observes en milieu ionique liquide.

    16. Diffusion, electrical mobility and ionic interactions in molten Salts; Diffusion, mobilite electrique et interactions ioniques dans les sels fondus

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Lantelme, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


      The diffusion and the electrical migration of ions in the molten alkali nitrates LiNO{sub 3}, NaNO{sub 3} and KNO{sub 3} and in their mixtures have been examined using stable or radio-active isotope indicators. This experimental works shows that there are large differences in the diffusion coefficients and the electric mobilities when they are compared using the Nernst-Einstein formula. An interpretive model has been put forward which shows the role played by poly-ionic displacements: in a salt AC the particles moving are not only the free ions A{sup -} and C{sup +} but also the groups [A{sub n}C{sub m}]{sup (m-n)+}... These results confirm the importance of electrostatic attraction and of the polarizability of the ions. This mechanisms, furthermore, explains the inversions of electrical mobilities often observed in liquid ionic media. (author) [French] La diffusion et la migration electrique des ions dans les nitrates alcalins fondus LiNO{sub 3}, NaNO{sub 3} et KNO{sub 3} et dans leurs melanges ont ete examinees a l'aide d'indicateurs isotopiques stables et radioactifs. Cette etude experimentale fait apparaitre des ecarts importants entre les coefficients de diffusion et les mobilites electriques compares au moyen de la formule de Nernst-Einstein. Un modele d'interpretation a pu etre propose mettant en evidence l'existence de deplacements polyioniques: dans un sel AC les particules en mouvement sont non seulement les ions libres A{sup -} et C{sup +} mais aussi des groupes [A{sub n}C{sub m}]{sup (}m{sup -n)+}. Ces resultats precisent l'importance des attractions electro-statiques et de la polarisabilite des ions. D'autre part, ce mecanisme permet de rendre compte des renversements des mobilites electriques souvent observes en milieu ionique liquide.

    17. Application of Polynomial Neural Networks to Classification of Acoustic Warfare Signals (United States)


      PNNTrain - PNN Trainer (command line version) [sect. 2.4.2] LookClass - Examines ". sel4 " exemplar files [sect. 2.4.3] ChangeClass - Edits ". sel4 " exemplar...accumulated in the local trining file). Use the file selection window to go to the directoriesI where the raw exemplar data (*. sel4 files) are stored...the exemplar files to the training database. UNIX wildcard characters may be used for convenience. For example, you may type "PNNTrain p*. sel4 " to


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      Muhammad Firdaus


      yang bersumber dari LED dengan cahaya monokromatis merah (M, biru (B, dan biru-merah (BM, serta cahaya dari lampu fluoresens sebagai kontrol (K. Puncak kepadatan sel terjadi pada hari ke-18 dengan kepadatan masing-masing sebanyak 5,56 x 104 sel/mL (M; 1,65 x 104 sel/mL (B; 4,15 x 104 sel/mL (BM; dan 4,56 x 104 sel/mL (K. Perlakuan pencahayaan LED dengan cahaya monokromatis merah mencapai biomassa panen tertinggi sebesar 3,91 mg/mL dengan kandungan protein 49,77%; lemak 19,61%; karbohidrat 6,15%; serat kasar 0,00%; dan abu 24,48%. Pencahayaan dengan LED merah berpotensi diaplikasikan sebagai sumber cahaya dalam produksi Spirulina.

    19. Changes and challenges in the Software Engineering Laboratory (United States)

      Pajerski, Rose


      Since 1976, the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) has been dedicated to understanding and improving the way in which one NASA organization, the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD), develops, maintains, and manages complex flight dynamics systems. The SEL is composed of three member organizations: NASA/GSFC, the University of Maryland, and Computer Sciences Corporation. During the past 18 years, the SEL's overall goal has remained the same: to improve the FDD's software products and processes in a measured manner. This requires that each development and maintenance effort be viewed, in part, as a SEL experiment which examines a specific technology or builds a model of interest for use on subsequent efforts. The SEL has undertaken many technology studies while developing operational support systems for numerous NASA spacecraft missions.

    1. Social and Emotional Learning Policies and Physical Education (United States)

      Jacobs, Jenn; Wright, Paul


      There is a current push to broaden the educational agenda by integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies into the academic curriculum. This article describes how physical education (PE) provides a strong platform for integrating SEL standards into the curriculum. The alignment between SEL and the affective learning objectives of…

    2. What's Happening in the Software Engineering Laboratory? (United States)

      Pajerski, Rose; Green, Scott; Smith, Donald


      Since 1976 the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) has been dedicated to understanding and improving the way in which one NASA organization the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) at Goddard Space Flight Center, develops, maintains, and manages complex flight dynamics systems. This paper presents an overview of recent activities and studies in SEL, using as a framework the SEL's organizational goals and experience based software improvement approach. It focuses on two SEL experience areas : (1) the evolution of the measurement program and (2) an analysis of three generations of Cleanroom experiments.

    3. Radiation Hardened NULL Convention Logic Asynchronous Circuit Design

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      Liang Zhou


      Full Text Available This paper proposes a radiation hardened NULL Convention Logic (NCL architecture that can recover from a single event latchup (SEL or single event upset (SEU fault without deadlock or any data loss. The proposed architecture is analytically proved to be SEL resistant, and by extension, proved to be SEU resistant. The SEL/SEU resistant version of a 3-stage full-word pipelined NCL 4 × 4 unsigned multiplier was implemented using the IBM cmrf8sf 130 nm 1.2 V process at the transistor level and simulated exhaustively with SEL fault injection to validate the proposed architectures. Compared with the original version, the SEL/SEU resilient version has 1.31× speed overhead, 2.74× area overhead, and 2.79× energy per operation overhead.

    4. The impact of enhancing students' social and emotional learning: a meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. (United States)

      Durlak, Joseph A; Weissberg, Roger P; Dymnicki, Allison B; Taylor, Rebecca D; Schellinger, Kriston B


      This article presents findings from a meta-analysis of 213 school-based, universal social and emotional learning (SEL) programs involving 270,034 kindergarten through high school students. Compared to controls, SEL participants demonstrated significantly improved social and emotional skills, attitudes, behavior, and academic performance that reflected an 11-percentile-point gain in achievement. School teaching staff successfully conducted SEL programs. The use of 4 recommended practices for developing skills and the presence of implementation problems moderated program outcomes. The findings add to the growing empirical evidence regarding the positive impact of SEL programs. Policy makers, educators, and the public can contribute to healthy development of children by supporting the incorporation of evidence-based SEL programming into standard educational practice. © 2011 The Authors. Child Development © 2011 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.

    5. Zinc-Laccase Biofuel Cell

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      Abdul Aziz Ahmad


      Full Text Available A zinc-laccase biofuel cell adapting the zinc-air cell design features is investigated. A simple cell design configuration is employed: a membraneless single chamber and a freely suspended laccase in a quasi-neutral buffer electrolyte. The cell is characterised according to its open-circuit voltage, polarization profile, power density plot and discharge capacity at constant current. The biocatalytic role of laccase is evident from the polarization profile and power output plot. Performance comparison between a single chamber and dual chamber cell design is also presented. The biofuel cell possessed an open-circuit voltage of 1.2 V and delivered a maximum power density of 0.9 mW/cm2 at current density of 2.5 mA/cm2. These characteristics are comparable to biofuel cell utilising a much more complex system design.KEY WORDS (keyword:  Biofuel cell, Bioelectrochemical cell, Zinc anode, Laccase and Oxidoreductase.ABSTRAK: Sel bio-bahan api zink-laccase dengan adaptasi daripada ciri-ciri rekabentuk sel zink-udara telah dikaji. Sel dengan konfigurasi rekabentuk yang mudah digunapakai: ruangan tunggal tanpa membran dan laccase diampaikan secara bebas di dalam elektrolit pemampan quasi-neutral. Sel dicirikan berdasarkan voltan litar terbuka, profil polarisasi, plot ketumpatan kuasa dan kapasiti discas pada arus malar. Peranan laccase sebagai bio-pemangkin adalah amat ketara daripada profil polarisasi dan plot ketumpatan kuasa. Perbandingan prestasi di antara sel dengan rekabentuk ruangan tunggal and dwi-ruangan turut diketengahkan. Seperti dijangkakan, sel dengan rekabentuk ruangan tunggal menunjukkan kuasa keluaran yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan rekabentuk dwi-ruangan kemungkinan disebabkan fenomena cas bocor. Sel bio-bahan api ini mempunyai voltan litar terbuka 1.2 V dan memberikan ketumpatan kuasa maksima 0.9 mW/cm2 pada ketumpatan arus 2.5 mA/cm2. Ciri-ciri ini adalah sebanding dengan sel bio-bahan api yang menggunapakai rekabentuk sel

    6. Microbeam mapping of single event latchups and single event upsets in CMOS SRAMs

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Barak, J.; Adler, E.; Fischer, B.E.; Schloegl, M.; Metzger, S.


      The first simultaneous microbeam mapping of single event upset (SEU) and latchup (SEL) in the CMOS RAM HM65162 is presented. The authors found that the shapes of the sensitive areas depend on V DD , on the ions being used and on the site on the chip being hit by the ion. In particular, they found SEL sensitive sites close to the main power supply lines between the memory-bit-arrays by detecting the accompanying current surge. All these SELs were also accompanied by bit-flips elsewhere in the memory (which they call indirect SEUs in contrast to the well known SEUs induced in the hit memory cell only). When identical SEL sensitive sites were hit farther away from the supply lines only indirect SEL sensitive sites could be detected. They interpret these events as latent latchups in contrast to the classical ones detected by their induced current surge. These latent SELs were probably decoupled from the main supply lines by the high resistivity of the local supply lines

    7. Prognostic effect of symptomatic extracranial lesions on survival of recursive partitioning analysis Class III brain metastatic patients treated with stereotactic radiotherapy

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      Xiu-Jun Chen


      Conclusion: The presence of SELs was a negative prognosis factor for the survival of RPA Class III brain metastatic patients. If RPA Class III brain metastatic patients were without SELs, SRT may be a reasonable treatment option, but if they had SELs, SRT may not be a reasonable treatment due to the short overall survival time and KDT.

    8. Establishing Systemic Social and Emotional Learning Approaches in Schools: A Framework for Schoolwide Implementation (United States)

      Oberle, Eva; Domitrovich, Celene E.; Meyers, Duncan C.; Weissberg, Roger P.


      Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a fundamental part of education. Incorporating high-quality SEL programming into day-to-day classroom and school practices has emerged as a main goal for many practitioners over the past decade. The present article overviews the current state of SEL research and practice, with a particular focus on the United…


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      I Wayan Sutaya


      Full Text Available Penelitian yang telah dilakukan ini adalah membuat prototipe alat solar tracker. Alat ini berfungsi untuk menggerakkan modul sel surya sehingga permukaan sel surya bisa terkena sinar matahari secara maksimal. Saat ini sel surya di Indonesia banyak terpasang secara statis atau tidak dilengkapi alat solar tracker sehingga energi matahari tidak diterima secara maksimal. Hal ini menyebabkan sel surya yang terpasang di beberapa daerah di Indonesia tidak memberikan manfaat yang optimal. Alat solar tracker yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini diharapkan sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang ada saat ini. Mikrokontroler 8 bit ATMega8535 yang digunakan sebagai otak utama dari alat solar tracker menjadikan alat ini menjadi berbiaya murah. Serta teknik memprogram dengan bahasa assembly menjadikan alat ini tahan terhadap kegagalan sistem. Solar tracker ini sudah bisa beroperasi dengan baik dan cocok digunakan pada modul sel surya berukuran kecil.

    10. Manajemen Sumber Daya Teknologi Informasi Laboratorium Komputer Menggunakan Balanced Scorecard (BSC dan COBIT 5

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      M. Panji Ismail


      Full Text Available Laboratorium komputer merupakan salah satu sarana pembelajaran yang berbasis Teknologi Informasi (TI yang terdiri dari tiga sumber daya TI, yaitu software, hardware, dan brainware. Tidak adanya kesesuaian antara kemampuan hardware dengan spesifikasi hardware yang digunakan dapat menghambat pengguna (brainware dalam melakukan praktikum dan pembelajaran di laboratorium. Selain itu, ketidaksesuaian tersebut juga mengakibatkan software berjalan lambat dan computer sering error sehingga praktikum menjadi terganggu dan berjalan tidak lancar. Untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antar sumber daya TI yang ada di laboratorium dibutuhkan proses pengukuran manajemen sumber daya TI yang ada saat ini. Skala likert menjadi salah satu metode untuk mengukur kinerja software, hardware, dan tata kelola laboratorium saat ini. Hasil pengukuran kemudian dievaluasi menggunakan framework Balance Scorecard (BSC dengan melalui beberapa tahapan dan penyelarasan strategi TI. Setelah mengetahui hasil evaluasi dan kendala-kendala apa saka yang ada dalam melakukan pengelolaan maka langkah berikutnya adalah menentukan bagaimana cara memperbaiki dan melakukan peningkatan tata kelola TI. COBIT 5 akan menjadi framework pelengkap untuk memperbaiki sekaligus memprediksi pengembangan manajemen sumber daya TI. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa integrase antara COBIT 5 dengan Balance Scorecard (BSC memberikan kemampuan dalam melakukan pengukuran tata kelola laboratorium serta memberikan kemampuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan secara kontinyu.


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      Faisal Faisal


      Full Text Available Penelitian pengembangan pengendalian kelembaban pada rumah kaca telah selesai dilakukan. Pengembangan alat ini terdiri atas pengukuran kelembaban, temperatur dan intensitas cahaya dan pengendalian kelembaban udara. Sistem alat ukur terdiri dari power supply DC, sensor SHT11, sensor LDR, relay, mikrokontroler ATMega8535, pengkodisi sinyal, LCD karakter 20x2 dan humidifier. Sensor SHT11 terkalibrasi secara digital melalui port B. Sensor LDR dikarakterisasi menggunakan lampu pijar di dalam chamber tidak tembus cahaya, sehingga menghasilkan persamaan karakteristik sensor v = 0,7595ln(I – 2,2484 volt. Persamaan karakterisasi tersebut diproses melalui program BASCOM AVR untuk mengisi perintah pada mikrokontroler ATMega8535 dalam proses pengukuran secara terus menerus dan menampilkannya pada LCD karakter 20x2 dalam satuan lux dan data disimpan dalam file dengan format *xlsx. Humidifier dihidupkan oleh relay yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler ATMega8535 dengan set poin pengukuran kelembaban udara kurang dari 60%. Rumah kaca yang digunakan berukuran panjang 240 cm, lebar 150 cm, tinggi dinding 200 cm dan tinggi atap 50 cm. Uji pengendalian kelembaban udara berhasil dipertahankan pada kelembaban udara kisaran 60% dengan error rata-rata sebesar 1,9% dari pukul 11.00 WITA sampai dengan 16.00 WITA.


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      Eko Dini Danafi


      Full Text Available Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus adalah satwa endemik Jawa dan Bali. Populasi lutung Jawa semakin mengalami penurunan dan masuk kategori satwa yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi lutung jawa dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat stres pada satwa. Javan Langur Center yang berlokasi di Cangar, Batu merupakan salah satu tempat untuk merehabilitasi lutung Jawa sebelum dilepasliarkan ke alam. Javan Langur Center terdiri dari tiga kandang yaitu kandang perawatan, kandang karantina dan kandang sosialisasi. Respon stress pada primata dapat dievaluasi dengan menggunakan indikator pengukuran hormon kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit sebagai indikator stres pada lutung Jawa di kandang perawatan dengan kandang karantina. Lutung Jawa dengan umur 2-7,5 tahun dan berjenis kelamin jantan dan betina. Pengukuran kadar kortisol dengan metode ELISA Indirect gelombang pada 450 nm dan diferensial leukosit diukur dengan hematology analizer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel pada kandang perawatan memiliki rata-rata kadar kortisol yang lebih tinggi (116,1 ng/mL daripada kandang karantina (87,5 ng/mL, dan pengukuran rasio N/L pada kandang perawatan lebih tinggi (11,3 daripada kandang karantina (1,2.

    13. Characterization of mammalian selenoprotein o: a redox-active mitochondrial protein. (United States)

      Han, Seong-Jeong; Lee, Byung Cheon; Yim, Sun Hee; Gladyshev, Vadim N; Lee, Seung-Rock


      Selenoproteins exhibit diverse biological functions, most of which are associated with redox control. However, the functions of approximately half of mammalian selenoproteins are not known. One such protein is Selenoprotein O (SelO), the largest mammalian selenoprotein with orthologs found in a wide range of organisms, including bacteria and yeast. Here, we report characterization of mammalian SelO. Expression of this protein could be verified in HEK 293T cells by metabolic labeling of cells with 75Se, and it was abolished when selenocysteine was replaced with serine. A CxxU motif was identified in the C-terminal region of SelO. This protein was reversibly oxidized in a time- and concentration-dependent manner in HEK 293T cells when cells were treated with hydrogen peroxide. This treatment led to the formation of a transient 88 kDa SelO-containing complex. The formation of this complex was enhanced by replacing the CxxU motif with SxxC, but abolished when it was replaced with SxxS, suggesting a redox interaction of SelO with another protein through its Sec residue. SelO was localized to mitochondria and expressed across mouse tissues. Its expression was little affected by selenium deficiency, suggesting it has a high priority for selenium supply. Taken together, these results show that SelO is a redox-active mitochondrial selenoprotein.

    14. Characterization of mammalian selenoprotein o: a redox-active mitochondrial protein.

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      Seong-Jeong Han

      Full Text Available Selenoproteins exhibit diverse biological functions, most of which are associated with redox control. However, the functions of approximately half of mammalian selenoproteins are not known. One such protein is Selenoprotein O (SelO, the largest mammalian selenoprotein with orthologs found in a wide range of organisms, including bacteria and yeast. Here, we report characterization of mammalian SelO. Expression of this protein could be verified in HEK 293T cells by metabolic labeling of cells with 75Se, and it was abolished when selenocysteine was replaced with serine. A CxxU motif was identified in the C-terminal region of SelO. This protein was reversibly oxidized in a time- and concentration-dependent manner in HEK 293T cells when cells were treated with hydrogen peroxide. This treatment led to the formation of a transient 88 kDa SelO-containing complex. The formation of this complex was enhanced by replacing the CxxU motif with SxxC, but abolished when it was replaced with SxxS, suggesting a redox interaction of SelO with another protein through its Sec residue. SelO was localized to mitochondria and expressed across mouse tissues. Its expression was little affected by selenium deficiency, suggesting it has a high priority for selenium supply. Taken together, these results show that SelO is a redox-active mitochondrial selenoprotein.


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      Ahmad Muzaki


      Full Text Available Mikroalga merupakan sumberdaya biologis yang eksklusif dan berperan sangat luas untuk aplikasi penyedia komponen bernilai tinggi di bidang perikanan dalam rangka peningkatan ekonomi. Tujuan riset ini adalah mendapatkan teknik pengkulturan Haematococcus pluvialis dan teknik stimulasi melalui penyinaran sel untuk menghasilkan produk astaxantin. Media tumbuh Bold (PIV metal dan modifikasi Bold (Clewat-32 diujikan untuk pengkulturan. Pengkulturan juga diterapkan dengan menggunakan 6 jenis air tawar dari sumber berbeda (mata air alam, sumur artesis, air mineral kemasan I, air mineral kemasan II, air sumur, dan air PAM. Efek stres dilakukan melalui penyinaran dengan UV selama 3 jam dan inkubasi lanjutan dengan menggunakan penyinaran intensitas cahaya tinggi untuk mendapatkan sel merah yang mengandung astaxantin. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan sel H. pluvialis pada media Bold (PIV metal lebih baik (55 x 104 sel/mL dan air tawar yang berasal dari mata air alam menghasilkan kepadatan sel lebih tinggi (166 x 104 sel/mL pada hari ke-5 dan 245 x104 sel/mL pada hari ke-13 dibandingkan air dari sumber lainnya. Penyinaran UV dan dilanjutkan dengan penyinaran intensitas cahaya tinggi mempercepat perubahan warna sel dan produksi metabolit sekunder sebagai astaxantin. Microalgae are exclusive biological resources to provide valuable compounds in fisheries. The purpose of the research was to evaluate culture technique of H. pluvialis and stimulation technique through UV irradiation to produce astaxanthin. Growth media of Bold (PIV metal and Bold (clewat-32 modifications were tested to culture microalgae. Other culture technique applied by using 6 fresh water from various sources (natural fresh water, deep well water, mineral water I, mineral water II, well water, and municipal water supply sample. Stress effects were tested by using UV irradiation for 3 hours and incubation with high light intensity to find red cells containing astaxanthin

    16. Perancangan Sistem Pencatatan Trafo Distribusi Berbasis Mobile Device di PT PLN Salatiga

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      Fira Nathania


      Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan metode black box testing. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan pertukaran data berjalan dengan baik dan komponen-komponen pada aplikasi dapat berfungsi sesuai fungsi yang diharapkan. Selain itu dilakukan pula pengujian terhadap keakuratan data lintang dan bujur dengan cara membandingkan data lintang dan bujur yang diambil melalui aplikasi pada mobile device Android dengan data lintang dan bujur yang didapatkan melalui GPS dengan merek ‘Garmin’. Selisih hasil pengukuran lintang dan bujur menunjukkan nilai yang sangat kecil sehingga hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penentuan lokasi trafo distribusi berdasarkan pengukuran lintang dan bujur pada aplikasi pencatatan trafo distribusi pada mobile device Android memiliki hasil yang cukup akurat.

    17. Quantification of physical activity using the QAPACE Questionnaire: a two stage cluster sample design survey of children and adolescents attending urban school. (United States)

      Barbosa, Nicolas; Sanchez, Carlos E; Patino, Efrain; Lozano, Benigno; Thalabard, Jean C; LE Bozec, Serge; Rieu, Michel


      Quantification of physical activity as energy expenditure is important since youth for the prevention of chronic non communicable diseases in adulthood. It is necessary to quantify physical activity expressed in daily energy expenditure (DEE) in school children and adolescents between 8-16 years, by age, gender and socioeconomic level (SEL) in Bogotá. This is a Two Stage Cluster Survey Sample. From a universe of 4700 schools and 760000 students from three existing socioeconomic levels in Bogotá (low, medium and high). The random sample was 20 schools and 1840 students (904 boys and 936 girls). Foreshadowing desertion of participants and inconsistency in the questionnaire responses, the sample size was increased. Thus, 6 individuals of each gender for each of the nine age groups were selected, resulting in a total sample of 2160 individuals. Selected students filled the QAPACE questionnaire under supervision. The data was analyzed comparing means with multivariate general linear model. Fixed factors used were: gender (boys and girls), age (8 to 16 years old) and tri-strata SEL (low, medium and high); as independent variables were assessed: height, weight, leisure time, expressed in hours/day and dependent variable: daily energy expenditure DEE ( during leisure time (DEE-LT), during school time (DEE-ST), during vacation time (DEE-VT), and total mean DEE per year (DEEm-TY) RESULTS: Differences in DEE by gender, in boys, LT and all DEE, with the SEL all variables were significant; but age-SEL was only significant in DEE-VT. In girls, with the SEL all variables were significant. The post hoc multiple comparisons tests were significant with age using Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD) test in all variables. For both genders and for all SELs the values in girls had the higher value except SEL high (5-6) The boys have higher values in DEE-LT, DEE-ST, DEE-VT; except in DEEm-TY in SEL (5-6) In SEL (5-6) all DEEs for both genders are highest. For SEL

    18. Identification and characterization of a selenoprotein family containing a diselenide bond in a redox motif (United States)

      Shchedrina, Valentina A.; Novoselov, Sergey V.; Malinouski, Mikalai Yu.; Gladyshev, Vadim N.


      Selenocysteine (Sec, U) insertion into proteins is directed by translational recoding of specific UGA codons located upstream of a stem-loop structure known as Sec insertion sequence (SECIS) element. Selenoproteins with known functions are oxidoreductases containing a single redox-active Sec in their active sites. In this work, we identified a family of selenoproteins, designated SelL, containing two Sec separated by two other residues to form a UxxU motif. SelL proteins show an unusual occurrence, being present in diverse aquatic organisms, including fish, invertebrates, and marine bacteria. Both eukaryotic and bacterial SelL genes use single SECIS elements for insertion of two Sec. In eukaryotes, the SECIS is located in the 3′ UTR, whereas the bacterial SelL SECIS is within a coding region and positioned at a distance that supports the insertion of either of the two Sec or both of these residues. SelL proteins possess a thioredoxin-like fold wherein the UxxU motif corresponds to the catalytic CxxC motif in thioredoxins, suggesting a redox function of SelL proteins. Distantly related SelL-like proteins were also identified in a variety of organisms that had either one or both Sec replaced with Cys. Danio rerio SelL, transiently expressed in mammalian cells, incorporated two Sec and localized to the cytosol. In these cells, it occurred in an oxidized form and was not reducible by DTT. In a bacterial expression system, we directly demonstrated the formation of a diselenide bond between the two Sec, establishing it as the first diselenide bond found in a natural protein. PMID:17715293

    19. [Enterotoxin genes occurance among S. aureus strains isolated from inpatients and carriers]. (United States)

      Lawrynowicz-Paciorek, Maja; Kochman, Maria; Piekarska, Katarzyna; Wyrebiak, Agata; Potracka, Ewa; Leniak-Chmiel, Urszula; Magdziak, Agnieszka


      We examined 44 inpatients and 66 carriers Staphylococcus aureus strains, isolated in years 2002-2005, for the presence of 18 enterotoxin genes (se/sel) (by PCR), the ability for A-D enterotoxin production (by SET-RPLA) and antibiotic resistance distribution (by disc diffusion method). se/sel genes were detected in 90,9% of all strains, sea (70,5%) and selk and selq (52,3%) - among inpatients strains and egc (65,2%) - among carriers strains were the most frequently se/sel genes found. Positive results of SET-RPLA were consistent with PCR results. There was no correlation observed between antibiotic resistance and se/sel genes distribution among tested S. aureus strains.

    20. Perbedaan Kadar Calprotectin Sebelum Dan Sesudah Radioterapi Pada Pasien Karsinoma Nasofaring Akibat Infeksi Epstein-Barr Virus

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      Rurie Ratna Shantiningsih


      Full Text Available Latar belakang: Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV adalah anggota herpes virus berkaitan dengan etiologi karsinoma nasofaring (KNF. Pada pasien KNF jumlah monosit dalam sel darah tepi mengalami penurunan dan kebanyakan masih dalam bentuk immature sehingga menurunkan respon imun pasien serta meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya penyakit periodontal. Radioterapi merupakan salah satu metode terapi yang banyak digunakan untuk kasus KNF. Calprotectin diproduksi dalam sitoplasma sel monosit dan levelnya meningkat pada beberapa penyakit inflamasi, termasuk inflamasi jaringan periodontal, ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar calprotectin pada cairan sulkus gingiva (CSG. Tujuan: mengkaji perbedaan kadar calprotectin pada pasien KNF sebelum dan setelah dilakukan radioterapi, pada sel monosit, serum dan CSG. Metode Penelitian: sepuluh pasien KNF akibat infeksi EBV digunakan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Lima orang sebagai sampel kelompok sebelum radioterapi dan 5 orang sebagai sampel kelompok sesudah radioterapi. Dari masing-masing pasien diambil sel monosit dan serum darah tepi serta CSG. Kadar calprotectin diukur menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil: kadar calprotectin pada kelompok sampel sebelum radioterapi lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok sam pel sesudah radioterapi dilihat melalui sel monosit dan serum darah tepi. Sementara dari CSG, kadar calprotectin kelompok sampel sebelum radioterapi nampak lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok sesudah radioterapi. Hasil analisis statistik Anova menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05. Kesimpulan: terdapat perbedaan kadar calprotectin pada sel monosit, serum darah tepi dan CSG pasien KNF antara sebelum dan sesudah radioterapi. Pada sel monosit dan serum darah tepi, terjadi penurunan kadar calprotectin, sementara pada CSG terjadi peningkatan kadar calprotectin antara sebelum dan sesudah radioterapi.

    1. Spent nuclear fuel project cold vacuum drying facility safety equipment list

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      IRWIN, J.J.


      This document provides the safety equipment list (SEL) for the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility (CVDF). The SEL was prepared in accordance with the procedure for safety structures, systems, and components (SSCs) in HNF-PRO-516, ''Safety Structures, Systems, and Components,'' Revision 0 and HNF-PRO-097, Engineering Design and Evaluation, Revision 0. The SEL was developed in conjunction with HNF-SO-SNF-SAR-O02, Safety Analysis Report for the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility, Phase 2, Supporting Installation of Processing Systems (Garvin 1998). The SEL identifies the SSCs and their safety functions, the design basis accidents for which they are required to perform, the design criteria, codes and standards, and quality assurance requirements that are required for establishing the safety design basis of the SSCs. This SEL has been developed for the CVDF Phase 2 Safety Analysis Report (SAR) and shall be updated, expanded, and revised in accordance with future phases of the CVDF SAR until the CVDF final SAR is approved


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      Titien Ng. Praptosuwiryo


      Full Text Available Gametofit Asplenium nidus L dari Kalimantan Barat diamati dengan mengecambahkan spora pada media campuran akar paku pohon dan arang sekam (1:1. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti taksonomi baru untuk mendukung keberadaan jenis komplek dalam A. nidus. Spora coklat tua simetris bilateral yang berkecambah menghasilkan benang berklorofil yang terdiri atas 4-6 sel. Rizoid berkecambah pada sisi polar, sedangkan benang berklorofil pada sisi ekuator. Pembentukan piringan berawal pada sel sub terminal dari benang yang berkecambah pada hari ke-12 dengan pembelahan sel secara mencong. Rizoid terbentuk lagi pada sel-sel pangkal atau semi pangkal pada piringan. Gametofit muda berbentuk jantung panjang dan anteridium muda mulai timbul pada umur 60 hari. Gametofit dewasa menjantung dan menghasilkan anteridium dewasa mulai umur 75 hari. Gametofit hermaprodit dan betina tidak ditemukan. Sporofit muda mulai muncul pada umur 90 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ciri-ciri morfologi gametofit menambah bukti taksonomi dalam mendukung keberadaan jenis komplek atau jenis tersembunyi dalam A. nidus.

    3. The Description Of 1 Liter Of Tears Written By Aya Kito


      Yendie, Rizka


      Tulisan ini membahas arti dari judul novel 1 liter of Tears. Novel ini dibuat berdasarkan diary sang penulis Aya Kito dalam berjuang melawan penyakit yang tidak ada obatnya yaitu Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA), penyakit yang menyerang sel-sel penopang sel saraf. Awalnya penderita merasakan tubuhnya melemah. Berangsur-angsur kemampuan motorik penderita menurun. Sampai-sampai Aya-chan mengalami kesulitan menelan makanan, berbicara dan bahkan tersenyum. Aya-chan mulai merasakan gejala penyakit...

    4. Closing the loop on improvement: Packaging experience in the Software Engineering Laboratory (United States)

      Waligora, Sharon R.; Landis, Linda C.; Doland, Jerry T.


      As part of its award-winning software process improvement program, the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) has developed an effective method for packaging organizational best practices based on real project experience into useful handbooks and training courses. This paper shares the SEL's experience over the past 12 years creating and updating software process handbooks and training courses. It provides cost models and guidelines for successful experience packaging derived from SEL experience.

    5. Long-term seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcome following trans-middle temporal gyrus amygdalohippocampectomy and standard temporal lobectomy. (United States)

      Bujarski, Krzysztof A; Hirashima, Fuyuki; Roberts, David W; Jobst, Barbara C; Gilbert, Karen L; Roth, Robert M; Flashman, Laura A; McDonald, Brenna C; Saykin, Andrew J; Scott, Rod C; Dinnerstein, Eric; Preston, Julie; Williamson, Peter D; Thadani, Vijay M


      Previous comparisons of standard temporal lobectomy (STL) and selective amygdalohippocampectomy (SelAH) have been limited by inadequate long-term follow-up, variable definitions of favorable outcome, and inadequate consideration of psychiatric comorbidities. The authors performed a retrospective analysis of seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcomes in a noncontemporaneous cohort of 69 patients with unilateral refractory temporal lobe epilepsy and MRI evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis after either an STL or an SelAH and examined seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcomes. The mean duration of follow-up for STL was 9.7 years (range 1-18 years), and for trans-middle temporal gyrus SelAH (mtg-SelAH) it was 6.85 years (range 1-15 years). There was no significant difference in seizure outcome when "favorable" was defined as time to loss of Engel Class I or II status; better seizure outcome was seen in the STL group when "favorable" was defined as time to loss of Engel Class IA status (p=0.034). Further analysis revealed a higher occurrence of seizures solely during attempted medication withdrawal in the mtg-SelAH group than in the STL group (p=0.016). The authors found no significant difference in the effect of surgery type on any cognitive and most psychiatric variables. Standard temporal lobectomy was associated with significantly higher scores on assessment of postsurgical paranoia (p=0.048). Overall, few differences in seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcome were found between STL and mtg-SelAH on long-term follow-up. Longer exposure to medication side effects after mtg-SelAH may adversely affect quality of life but is unlikely to cause additional functional impairment. In patients with high levels of presurgical psychiatric disease, mtg-SelAH may be the preferred surgery type.

    6. Plutonium extraction by the formation of insoluble salts (1960); Extraction du plutonium par formation de sels insolubles (1960)

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Ganivet, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


      The aim of this work is to convert Pu IV nitrate in solution into an insoluble salt. Three methods have been studied: 1) the conventional oxalic acid method was improved; 2) precipitation with 8-hydroxyquinoline was tried; 3) the hydrogen peroxide method was adapted to the eluates of the ionic resins from Marcoule. The yield from the oxalic process has been increased (loss of Pu in the mother-liquor brought from 200 mg/l to 20 mg/l). The study of Pu IV precipitation by 8-hydroxyquinoline has shown that the yield is excellent (Pu concentration in the mother-liquor less than 5 mg/h), but decontamination from impurities is nil. Finally, experiments on the precipitation by hydrogen peroxide of Pu IV solutions at the concentrations normally obtained from the anionic resins at Marcoule have given us good yields (Pu concentration in the mother-liquor less than 7 mg/l), and the purification is better than that obtained by oxalic acid (1000 ppm total impurities after a precipitation). (author) [French] L'objet de l'etude est la transformation en sel insoluble du nitrate de Pu IV en solution. Trois procedes ont ete etudies: 1) la methode classique a l'acide oxalique a ete amelioree, 2) la precipitation a la 8-hydroxyquinoleine a ete essayee; 3) le procede a l'eau oxygenee a ete adapte aux solutions d'elution des resines anion de Marcoule. Le rendement du procede oxalique a ete augmente (perte en Pu dans les eaux-meres ramenee de 200 mg/l a 20 mg/l). L'etude de la precipitation du Pu IV par la 8-hydroxyquinoleine a montre que le rendement etait excellent (concentration du Pu dans les eaux-meres inferieure a 5 mg/l), mais la decontamination en impuretes est nulle. Enfin, l'etude et l'application de la precipitation par l'eau oxygenee de solutions de Pu IV de concentrations habituellement obtenues a la sortie des resines anion a Marcoule nous ont permis d'obtenir un bon rendement (concentration de Pu dans les eaux-meres inferieure a 7 mg/l); la purification est meilleure que

    7. MONTAGE: A Methodology for Designing Composable End-to-End Secure Distributed Systems (United States)


      and verification, from PSOS [NF03] to the recent seL4 [KEH+09]. While they make considerable progress toward high-assurance OS, these works are not...of the specification itself. Examples include the seL4 microkernel work by Klein et al. [KEH+09], which presents the experience of formally proving...David Cock, Philip Derrin, Dhammika Elkaduwe, Kai Engelhardt, Rafal Kolanski, Michael Norrish, Thomas Sewell, Harvey Tuch, and Simon Winwood. sel4


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      Dewa Made Mahendra Yudha


      Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi dalam sistem komunikasi bergerak sudah berkembang cukup pesat. Salah satu contohnya ada teknologi HSDPA. Pihak provider biasanya melakukan metode walk test untuk mengecek kekuatan sinyal dengan menggunakan software TEMS Investigtions. Dengan kemajuannya Teknologi walk test dapat diterapkan dengan lebih mudah yaitu menggunakan perangkat android yang sudah terinstal aplikasi G-Net track Pro. Pada penelitian ini, akan menggunakan tahapan sesuai alur yang ada pada metode penelitian yaitu dimulai dengan melakukan pengukuran berdasarkan jarak dengan membandingkan software TEMS Investigations dan G-NET TRACK PRO dengan parameter RSCP dan Ec/No. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran kemudian akan dilanjutkan dengan menganalisa antara hubungan parameter RSCP dan Ec/No menggunakan TEMS Investigations dan G-Net Pro. kemudian dilanjutkan menggunakan perhitungan teoritis parameter RSCP. Dari hasil pengukuran diproleh pada lantai I antena 1-1 pada titik jarak 5 meter parameter RSCP dengan TEMS Investigation memiliki nilai -75 dBm sedangkan dari G-Net Track Pro memiliki nilai -83 dBm. Pada parameter Ec/No dengan TEMS Investigation memiliki nilai -6 dB dan G_Net Track memiliki nilai -5 dB. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi G-NetTrack Pro mampu menampilkan parameter yang dibutuhkan akan tetapi tidak sedetail TEMS investigation sehingga untuk proses pembelajaran dan pengenalan walk test aplikasi G-Net track Pro dapat digunakan.

    9. In Situ Electron Microscopy of Lactomicroselenium Particles in Probiotic Bacteria

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Gabor Nagy


      Full Text Available Electron microscopy was used to test whether or not (a in statu nascendi synthesized, and in situ measured, nanoparticle size does not differ significantly from the size of nanoparticles after their purification; and (b the generation of selenium is detrimental to the bacterial strains that produce them. Elemental nano-sized selenium produced by probiotic latic acid bacteria was used as a lactomicroselenium (lactomicroSel inhibitor of cell growth in the presence of lactomicroSel, and was followed by time-lapse microscopy. The size of lactomicroSel produced by probiotic bacteria was measured in situ and after isolation and purification. For these measurements the TESLA BS 540 transmission electron microscope was converted from analog (aTEM to digital processing (dTEM, and further to remote-access internet electron microscopy (iTEM. Lactobacillus acidophilus produced fewer, but larger, lactomicroSel nanoparticles (200–350 nm than Lactobacillus casei (L. casei, which generated many, smaller lactomicroSel particles (85–200 nm and grains as a cloudy, less electrodense material. Streptococcus thermophilus cells generated selenoparticles (60–280 nm in a suicidic manner. The size determined in situ in lactic acid bacteria was significantly lower than those measured by scanning electron microscopy after the isolation of lactomicroSel particles obtained from lactobacilli (100–500 nm, but higher relative to those isolated from Streptococcus thermopilus (50–100 nm. These differences indicate that smaller lactomicroSel particles could be more toxic to the producing bacteria themselves and discrepancies in size could have implications with respect to the applications of selenium nanoparticles as prebiotics.

    10. Pengukuran Jarak Berbasiskan Stereo Vision

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Iman Herwidiana Kartowisastro


      Full Text Available Measuring distance from an object can be conducted in a variety of ways, including by making use of distance measuring sensors such as ultrasonic sensors, or using the approach based vision system. This last mode has advantages in terms of flexibility, namely a monitored object has relatively no restrictions characteristic of the materials used at the same time it also has its own difficulties associated with object orientation and state of the room where the object is located. To overcome this problem, so this study examines the possibility of using stereo vision to measure the distance to an object. The system was developed starting from image extraction, information extraction characteristics of the objects contained in the image and visual distance measurement process with 2 separate cameras placed in a distance of 70 cm. The measurement object can be in the range of 50 cm - 130 cm with a percentage error of 5:53%. Lighting conditions (homogeneity and intensity has a great influence on the accuracy of the measurement results. 

    11. Pengukuran Kinerja Dengan Balanced Scorecard

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      Ita Mariza


      Full Text Available Performance of the company influenced by two factors, internal factors (controllable factors and external factors (uncontrollable factors. From the internal factors itself consist of  two parts, from managerial skills and financial side. The external factors are politic condition, economics condition, culture, social, etc. To survive in the market the company have to have the competitive advantage, it can be mangerial skills or financial side. So, to improve our ability or advantage or strength, we have to know first the performance of the current condition. There are four perspective in the Balanced scorecard to measure the performance,  financial perspective, customers perspective, internal business, and learning and growth. In this article, will be discuss about the controllable factors only and with Balanced scorecard to measure the performance  of the company.

    12. Pengukuran Kinerja Dengan Balanced Scorecard


      Ita Mariza


      Performance of the company influenced by two factors, internal factors (controllable factors) and external factors (uncontrollable factors). From the internal factors itself consist of  two parts, from managerial skills and financial side. The external factors are politic condition, economics condition, culture, social, etc. To survive in the market the company have to have the competitive advantage, it can be mangerial skills or financial side. So, to improve our ability or advantage or stre...

    13. Formal System Verification - Extension 2 (United States)


      vision of truly trustworthy systems has been to provide a formally verified microkernel basis. We have previously developed the seL4 microkernel...together with a formal proof (in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL) of its functional correctness [6]. This means that all the behaviours of the seL4 C...source code are included in the high-level, formal specification of the kernel. This work enabled us to provide further formal guarantees about seL4 , in

    14. An overview of the Software Engineering Laboratory (United States)


      This report describes the background and structure of the SEL organization, the SEL process improvement approach, and its experimentation and data collection process. Results of some sample SEL studies are included. It includes a discussion of the overall implication of trends observed over 17 years of process improvement efforts and looks at the return on investment based on a comparison of total investment in process improvement with the measurable improvements seen in the organization's software product.

    15. Detecting early response to cyclophosphamide treatment of RIF-1 tumors using selective multiple quantum spectroscopy (SelMQC) and dynamic contrast enhanced imaging. (United States)

      Poptani, Harish; Bansal, Navin; Graham, Robert A; Mancuso, Anthony; Nelson, David S; Glickson, Jerry D


      The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable, noninvasive method for early detection of tumor response to therapy that would facilitate optimization of treatment regimens to the needs of the individual patient. In the present study, the effects of cyclophosphamide (Cp, a widely used alkylating agent) were monitored in a murine radiation induced fibrosarcoma (RIF-1) using in vivo (1)H NMR spectroscopy and imaging to evaluate the potential of these techniques towards early detection of treatment response. Steady-state lactate levels and Gd-DTPA uptake kinetics were measured using selective multiple quantum coherence (Sel-MQC) transfer spectroscopy and dynamic contrast enhanced imaging, respectively in RIF-1 tumors before, 24 and 72 h after 300 mg/kg of Cp administration. High-resolution (1)H NMR spectra of perchloric acid extracts of the tumor were correlated with lactate and glucose concentrations determined enzymatically. In vivo NMR experiments showed a decrease in steady-state lactate to water ratios (5.4 +/- 1.6 to 0.6 +/- 0.5, p < 0.05) and an increase in Gd-DTPA uptake kinetics following treatment response. The data indicate that decreases in lactate result from decreased glycolytic metabolism and an increase in tumor perfusion/permeability. Perchloric acid extracts confirmed the lower lactate levels seen in vivo in treated tumors and also indicated a higher glycerophosphocholine/phosphocholine (GPC/PC) integrated intensity ratio (1.39 +/- 0.09 vs 0.97 +/- 0.04, p < 0.01), indicative of increased membrane degradation following Cp treatment. Steady-state lactate levels provide metabolic information that correlates with changes in tumor physiology measured by Gd-DTPA uptake kinetics with high spatial and temporal resolution. Both of these parameters may be useful for monitoring early tumor response to therapy. Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    16. Collected software engineering papers, volume 9 (United States)


      This document is a collection of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) from November 1990 through October 1991. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. This is the ninth such volume of technical papers produced by the SEL. Although these papers cover several topics related to software engineering, they do not encompass the entire scope of SEL activities and interests. For the convenience of this presentation, the eight papers contained here are grouped into three major categories: (1) software models studies; (2) software measurement studies; and (3) Ada technology studies. The first category presents studies on reuse models, including a software reuse model applied to maintenance and a model for an organization to support software reuse. The second category includes experimental research methods and software measurement techniques. The third category presents object-oriented approaches using Ada and object-oriented features proposed for Ada. The SEL is actively working to understand and improve the software development process at GSFC.

    17. Korelasi antara dimensi vertikal oklusi dengan panjang jari kelingking pada sub-ras Deutro Melayu

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Cytha Nilam Chairani


      Full Text Available Correlation between VDO with length of little finger in Malay Deutro sub race. The correct determination of vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO is an important step to to concern for dentist in clinical procedures of dental treatment. VDO is defined as the distance between two selected anatomic points, one point on maxilla and the other on mandibule in centric occlusion. There are various measurements of VDO methods suggested. Recently, many researchers have been studied antropometric method to determine the VDO. One of the antropometric methods is the length of little finger measurement. VDO and length of little finger are influenced by human race and each race has different specific characteristic. This study choose Malay Deutro sub race as one of sub-races in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between measurement of DVO and length of little finger of Malay Deutro sub race in Padang. This study use observational analysis with cross sectional approach. The samples consist of 56 males and 56 females, 112 respondents in total. The respondents are Malay Deutro sub race that domicile in Padang and are eligible. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test. VDO and length of little finger of Mal ay Deutro sub race was significantly correlated (r value= 0,768 and the result of VDO was almost equal with length of little fi nger (p value= 0,000 that means statistically significant. The Antropometric parameter measurement of the length of little finger can be used in determination of VDO.   ABSTRAK Penentuan dimensi vertikal oklusi (DVO yang tepat merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang perlu diperhatikan dokter gigi dalam prosedur klinis perawatan gigi. DVO adalah jarak antara dua titik anatomi yang dipilih, yaitu satu titik pada maksila dan satu titik pada mandibula ketika posisi oklusi sentrik. Beberapa metode dianjurkan dalam pengukuran DVO. Salah satu metode penentuan DVO yang dikembangkan oleh para ahli

    18. Concentrate supplementation strategies in ryegrass pasture for productive performance in lambs

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Santos, S.K.; Falbo, M.K.; Sandini, I.E.; Pacentchuk, F.; Neumann, M.; Garbossa, G.


      This study evaluated the effect of two concentrate supplementation strategies on performance, metabolic profile and economic evaluation of suckling lambs and ewes in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) pasture. Twenty-seven ewes and 45 lambs were divided into three groups: (1) ryegrass pasture without supplementation - control (CON); (2) CON plus supplemented ewes and lambs at 1% of live weight (SEL), and (3) CON plus creep feeding supplemented lambs at 1% of live weight (CSL). Concentrate use increased (p<0.05) average daily gain (ADG) by 19.95% over CON (21.6 and 18.3% for SEL and CSL, respectively). Concentrate use contributed to minimizing forage quality fluctuation and provided greater ADG stability, mainly when ryegrass nutritional content and digestibility decreased. Blood metabolites profiles did not differ between groups, with exception of phosphorus which was higher for CON than SEL, and calcium which was higher for CSL than CON (p<0.05). Compared to CON, stoking rate values were greater to SEL (p<0.05). Compared to CSL, ewe and total stocking rate were greater (p<0.05) to SEL. Considering the control group as break even feed investment, SEL strategy had a positive economic return, while CSL showed economic losses. Concentrate use increased ADG of lambs and decrease the impact of nutrient quality changes of forage on daily gains, but must be considered that supplemental strategy used could affect negatively economic return.

    19. Process improvement as an investment: Measuring its worth (United States)

      Mcgarry, Frank; Jeletic, Kellyann


      This paper discusses return on investment (ROI) generated from software process improvement programs. It details the steps needed to compute ROI and compares these steps from the perspective of two process improvement approaches: the widely known Software Engineering Institute's capability maturity model and the approach employed by NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL). The paper then describes the specific investments made in the SEL over the past 18 years and discusses the improvements gained from this investment by the production organization in the SEL.

    20. From a Proven Correct Microkernel to Trustworthy Large Systems (United States)

      Andronick, June

      The seL4 microkernel was the world's first general-purpose operating system kernel with a formal, machine-checked proof of correctness. The next big step in the challenge of building truly trustworthy systems is to provide a framework for developing secure systems on top of seL4. This paper first gives an overview of seL4's correctness proof, together with its main implications and assumptions, and then describes our approach to provide formal security guarantees for large, complex systems.

    1. Verified OS Interface Code Synthesis (United States)


      results into the larger proof framework of the seL4 microkernel to be directly usable in practice. Beyond the stated project goals, the solution...CakeML, can now also be used in the Isabelle/HOL system that was used for the verified seL4 microkernel. This combination increases proof productivity...were used for the verified ML compiler CakeML, can now also be used in the Isabelle/HOL system that was used for the verified seL4 microkernel. This

    2. GEEC All the Way Down (United States)


      applying formal methods to systems software, e.g., IronClad [16] and seL4 [19], promise that this vision is not a fool’s er- rand after all. In this...kernel seL4 [19] is fully verified for functional correct- ness and it runs with other deprivileged services. How- ever, the verification process used...portion, which is non-trivial for theorem proving-based approaches. In our COSS example, adding the trusted network logging extensions to seL4 will


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      NFN Desmiwati


      Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi dan tingkat partisipasi petani penggarap dalam pengelolaan Hutan Penelitian (HP Parungpanjang yang selama ini telah berjalan. Studi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan bahan informasi dan masukan bagi perumusan strategi dan arah kebijakan pengelolaan HP Parungpanjang secara berkelanjutan agar terpenuhinya aspek pemberdayaan bagi petani penggarap dan keamanan hutan penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, data dikumpulkan melalui survey, diskusi kelompok terfokus, wawancara semi terstruktur, observasi, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Pengukuran persepsi menggunakan Skala Likert dan pengukuran tingkat partisipasi menggunakan derajat tangga Arnstein. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi petani penggarap terhadap pengelolaan HP Parungpanjang sangat baik namun tingkat partisipasi petani penggarapnya berada pada level terapi yang berarti pengelolaan HP Parungpanjang dalam hal pelibatan petani penggarap masih bersifat non-partisipatif.


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      Nanang Dwi Ardi


      Full Text Available Makalah ini menampilkan sebuah pendekatan dalam penyelidikan rongga-rongga di bawah tanah. Akuisisi data resistivitas telah dilakukan di Gua Dago Pakar, Bandung. Lintasan resistivitas telah diukur dan dilanjutkan dengan pengukuran secara manual dengan menggunakan tali serta GPS untuk memperkirakan bentuk gua secara akurat. Sistem konfigurasi lintasan resistivitas menggunakan konfigurasi elektroda WennerSchlumberger. Pemrosesan dan pemodelan data menggunakan perangkat lunak Res2DInv dengan metode komputasi kuadrat terkecil. Hasil dari pemodelan inverse 2D menunjukkan bahwa bentuk tubuh gua berlokasi sekitar 10 – 12,4 m di bawah lintasan resistivitas dengan rentang nilai resistivitas 540-600 Ohm meter. Hasil ini dikorelasikan dengan data geologi dan pengukuran secara manual di dalam gua. Kata kunci:  Rongga, Resistivitas, Wenner-Schlumberger, Inversi

    5. The Sortie-Generation Model System. Volume 5. Maintenance Subsystem (United States)


      05 D-S-T-E-KEY-3 PIC X. 15290 05 D-S-T-E-KEY-4 PIc X. 15300 05 FILLER PIG X(5) 15310 03 FILLER PIG: X VALUE SPACE.15320 03 D-S-T-E- LINKI PIG 9(6...TT 1’NAL SThATE 00~ * rENT. 2c24-:0 MOVE E;EL-TAB-1-INK1 (RPT-START) TO 203S50 SEL-TAB- LINKI (SEL-TA-:-SS) 20඄ MOVE RPT-IDl-C3-SS: TO SRPT- 1D-SO 20... LINKI fSRD-St’l TO SEL TBSS 23� I E-TABm-KEY- 1-NUNt- fSEL-TAB--) 240 RPT- ID-REPORT-CLASS (RPT- ID-SS) 441?-0GO TO SRDP-EX I!T. 232:4 50 * IONORE

    6. Secure Control Systems for the Energy Sector

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Smith, Rhett [Schweitzer Engineering Lab., Inc., Alpharetta, GA (United States); Stewart, John [Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN (United States); Chavez, Adrian [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


      The Padlock Project is an alliance between Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc. (SEL). SEL is the prime contractor on the Padlock project. Rhett Smith (SEL) is the project director and Adrian Chaves (SNL) and John Stewart (TVA) are principle investigators. SEL is the world’s leader in microprocessor-based electronic equipment for protecting electric power systems. The Tennessee Valley Authority, a corporation owned by the U.S. government, provides electricity for 9 million people in parts of seven southeastern states at prices below the national average. TVA, which receives no taxpayer money and makes no profits, also provides flood control, navigation and land management for the Tennessee River system and assists utilities, and state and local governments with economic development.

    7. Collected software engineering papers, volume 8 (United States)


      A collection of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) during the period November 1989 through October 1990 is presented. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. Although these papers cover several topics related to software engineering, they do not encompass the entire scope of SEL activities and interests. Additional information about the SEL and its research efforts may be obtained from the sources listed in the bibliography. The seven presented papers are grouped into four major categories: (1) experimental research and evaluation of software measurement; (2) studies on models for software reuse; (3) a software tool evaluation; and (4) Ada technology and studies in the areas of reuse and specification.

    8. Collected Software Engineering Papers, Volume 10 (United States)


      This document is a collection of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) from Oct. 1991 - Nov. 1992. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. Although these papers cover several topics related to software engineering, they do not encompass the entire scope of SEL activities and interests. Additional information about the SEL and its research efforts may be obtained from the sources listed in the bibliography at the end of this document. For the convenience of this presentation, the 11 papers contained here are grouped into 5 major sections: (1) the Software Engineering Laboratory; (2) software tools studies; (3) software models studies; (4) software measurement studies; and (5) Ada technology studies.

    9. Belgia rahvuspüha puhul kuuleb Eestis kammermuusikat / Maarja Pehk

      Index Scriptorium Estoniae

      Pehk, Maarja


      21. juulil on Belgia Kuningriigil rahvuspüha. Suursaadik Pierre Clement Dubuisson tutvustab sel puhul belgia kultuuri kolme kontserdi kaudu. Sel aastal tutvustab saatkond Belgia kultuuri ka koostöös Pimedate Ööde filmifestivaliga

    10. Genetic variation in selenoprotein genes, lifestyle, and risk of colon and rectal cancer.

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Martha L Slattery

      Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Associations between selenium and cancer have directed attention to role of selenoproteins in the carcinogenic process. METHODS: We used data from two population-based case-control studies of colon (n = 1555 cases, 1956 controls and rectal (n = 754 cases, 959 controls cancer. We evaluated the association between genetic variation in TXNRD1, TXNRD2, TXNRD3, C11orf31 (SelH, SelW, SelN1, SelS, SepX, and SeP15 with colorectal cancer risk. RESULTS: After adjustment for multiple comparisons, several associations were observed. Two SNPs in TXNRD3 were associated with rectal cancer (rs11718498 dominant OR 1.42 95% CI 1.16,1.74 pACT 0.0036 and rs9637365 recessive 0.70 95% CI 0.55,0.90 pACT 0.0208. Four SNPs in SepN1 were associated with rectal cancer (rs11247735 recessive OR 1.30 95% CI 1.04,1.63 pACT 0.0410; rs2072749 GGvsAA OR 0.53 95% CI 0.36,0.80 pACT 0.0159; rs4659382 recessive OR 0.58 95% CI 0.39,0.86 pACT 0.0247; rs718391 dominant OR 0.76 95% CI 0.62,0.94 pACT 0.0300. Interaction between these genes and exposures that could influence these genes showed numerous significant associations after adjustment for multiple comparisons. Two SNPs in TXNRD1 and four SNPs in TXNRD2 interacted with aspirin/NSAID to influence colon cancer; one SNP in TXNRD1, two SNPs in TXNRD2, and one SNP in TXNRD3 interacted with aspirin/NSAIDs to influence rectal cancer. Five SNPs in TXNRD2 and one in SelS, SeP15, and SelW1 interacted with estrogen to modify colon cancer risk; one SNP in SelW1 interacted with estrogen to alter rectal cancer risk. Several SNPs in this candidate pathway influenced survival after diagnosis with colon cancer (SeP15 and SepX1 increased HRR and rectal cancer (SepX1 increased HRR. CONCLUSIONS: Findings support an association between selenoprotein genes and colon and rectal cancer development and survival after diagnosis. Given the interactions observed, it is likely that the impact of cancer susceptibility from genotype is


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      Muhartono Muhartono


      Full Text Available Gelombang elektromagnetik handphone dapat menyebabkan peningkatan reactive oxygen species (ROS sehingga merubah struktur histopatologi testis. Untuk mengatasinya dibutuhkan senyawa antioksidan yang terkandung dalam kulit manggis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak etanol kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L. dalam memperbaiki gambaran histopatologi testis terhadap sel spermatozoa dan spermatogenik tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus galur Sprague dawley yang diberi paparan gelombang elektromagnetik handphone. Penelitian ini menggunakan 25 ekor tikus putih galur Sprague dawley dengan berat badan 200-300 gram yang dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok, yaitu kontrol 1 (K1 tikus yang tidak diberikan perlakuan, kontrol 2 (K2 diberikan NaCl 0,9% dan paparan gelombang elektromagnetik handphone, pada kelompok perlakuan (P1, (P2 dan (P3 diberikan ekstrak etanol kulit manggis dengan dosis bertingkat 50, 100, 200 mg/kgBB dan dilakukan paparan gelombang elektromagnetik handphone selama 3 jam/28 hari. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan rerata jumlah sel spermatozoa pada K1=173,75±16,978 SD, K2=101,75±7,455 SD, P1=148,50±10,149 SD, P2=162,50±10,247 SD, P3=180,75±7,365 SD dan rerata jumlah sel spermatogenik pada K1=306,75±11,955 SD, K2=157,00±7,303 SD, P1=243,50±21,672 SD P2=266,75±10,340 SD P3=294,75±13,150 SD. Pada uji One Way Anova (p<0,005 didapatkan masing-masing sel spermatozoa dan sel spermatogenik menunjukkan hasil yang bermakna p=0,000. Ekstrak etanol kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L. dapat memperbaiki gambaran histopatologi testis dengan meningkatkan jumlah sel spermatozoa dan sel spermatogenik tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus galur Sprague dawley yang diberi paparan gelombang elektromagnetik handphone.

    12. Selenium regulates gene expression of selenoprotein W in chicken skeletal muscle system. (United States)

      Ruan, Hongfeng; Zhang, Ziwei; Wu, Qiong; Yao, Haidong; Li, Jinlong; Li, Shu; Xu, Shiwen


      Selenoprotein W (SelW) is abundantly expressed in skeletal muscles of mammals and necessary for the metabolism of skeletal muscles. However, its expression pattern in skeletal muscle system of birds is still uncovered. Herein, to investigate the distribution of SelW mRNA in chicken skeletal muscle system and its response to different selenium (Se) status, 1-day-old chickens were exposed to various concentrations of Se as sodium selenite in the feed for 35 days. In addition, myoblasts were treated with different concentrations of Se in the medium for 72 h. Then the levels of SelW mRNA in skeletal muscles (wing muscle, pectoral muscle, thigh muscle) and myoblasts were determined on days 1, 15, 25, and 35 and at 0, 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively. The results showed that SelW was detected in all these muscle components and it increased both along with the growth of organism and the differentiation process of myoblasts. The thigh muscle is more responsive to Se intake than the other two skeletal muscle tissues while the optimal Se supplementation for SelW mRNA expression in chicken myoblasts was 10(-7) M. In summary, Se plays important roles in the development of chicken skeletal muscles. To effect optimal SelW gene expression, Se must be provided in the diet and the media in adequate amounts and neither at excessive nor deficient levels.

    13. Deficient tyrosine phosphorylation of c-Cbl and associated proteins in phorbol ester-resistant EL4 mouse thymoma cells. (United States)

      Luo, X; Sando, J J


      Two tyrosine phosphoproteins in phorbol ester-sensitive EL4 (S-EL4) mouse thymoma cells have been identified as the p120 c-Cbl protooncogene product and the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Tyrosine phosphorylation of p120 and p85 increased rapidly after phorbol ester stimulation. Phorbol ester-resistant EL4 (R-EL4) cells expressed comparable amounts of c-Cbl and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase protein but greatly diminished tyrosine phosphorylation. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed complexes of c-Cbl with p85, and of p85 with the tyrosine kinase Lck in phorbol ester-stimulated S-EL4 but not in unstimulated S-EL4 or in R-EL4 cells. In vitro binding of c-Cbl with Lck SH2 or SH3 domains was detected in both S-EL4 and R-EL4 cells, suggesting that c-Cbl, p85, and Lck may form a ternary complex. In vitro kinase assays revealed phosphorylation of p85 by Lck only in phorbol ester-stimulated S-EL4 cells. Collectively, these results suggest that Cbl-p85 and Lck-p85 complexes may form in unstimulated S-EL4 and R-EL4 cells but were not detected due to absence of tyrosine phosphorylation of p85. Greatly decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of c-Cbl and p85 in the complexes may contribute to the failure of R-EL4 cells to respond to phorbol ester.

    14. Studi Bio-Molekuler Virus Penyakit Jembrana: Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Tissue Culture Vaksin

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      I Wayan Masa Tanaya


      Full Text Available Patogenesis dan bio-molekuler virus penyakit Jembrana (JDV hanya menyerang B-cells sebagai target selnya, sehingga antibodi (kekebalan humoral tidak terbentuk sampai 2-3 bulan pasca infeksi. Peningkatan populasi CD8+ T-cells secara signifikan dan menurunnya CD4+ T-cells secara drastis selama phase akut berakibat turunnya rasio CD8:CD4 yang menyebabkan meningkatnya kepekaan hewan terhadap infeksi sekunder. Sembilan ekor sapi bali yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikelompokkan berdasarkan status infeksi terkait pengambilan sampel. Tujuh ekor diinfeksi dengan JDV isolate Tabanan/87 dan 2 ekor lainnya diinfeksi dengan BIV isolate R29, sebagai kontrol negatif (Non-JDV infected cattle. Sampel diuji terhadap identitas selular dan target sel, kekebalan selular dan ekpresi sitokin. Sampel diuji dengan uji Flow cytometry dan dianalisis dengan uji varian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan sub-populasi sel-sel T terkait penyembuhan infeksi JDV memperkuat peranan kekebalan seluler dalam proses kesembuhan penyakit Jembrana. Bukti-bukti atas meningkatnya ekpresi gen-gen sitokin yang diproduksi oleh sel-sel T CD8 terutama, IFN-g dan IL-2, mengindikasikan pentingnya gen-gen ini dalam proses infeksi dan kesembuhan.

    15. Migration of activated CD8(+) T lymphocytes to sites of viral infection does not require endothelial selectins

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Bartholdy, C; Marker, O; Thomsen, Allan Randrup


      or marginal reduction was found in E/P-sel -/- mice, compared with wild-type mice after local challenge with virus or immunodominant viral MHC class I restricted peptide, respectively. Similar results were obtained after adoptive transfer of wild-type effector cells into E/P-sel -/- recipients, whereas...... footpad swelling was markedly decreased in P-sel/ICAM-1 -/- and ICAM-1 -/- recipients. LCMV-induced footpad swelling was completely inhibited in ICAM-deficient mice transfused with donor cell preincubated with soluble VCAM-1-Ig chimeric protein. Taken together, the current findings strongly indicate...

    16. End-to-End Verification of Information-Flow Security for C and Assembly Programs (United States)


      seL4 security verification [18] avoids this issue in the same way. In that work, the authors frame their solution as a restriction that disallows...identical: (σ, σ′1) ∈ TM ∧ (σ, σ′2) ∈ TM =⇒ Ol(σ′1) = Ol(σ′2) The successful security verifications of both seL4 and mCertiKOS provide reasonable...evidence that this restriction on specifications is not a major hindrance for usability. Unlike the seL4 verification, however, our framework runs into a

    17. Festol külas / Taivo Paju

      Index Scriptorium Estoniae

      Paju, Taivo, 1968-


      Stuttgardis peetakse Euroopa suurim kooste- ja tootekäsitsemise mess MOTEK. Sel puhul kutsus maailma üks suurimaid pneumaatikaseadmete tootjaid Festo külla ajakirjanikud kogu maailmast. Sel aastal käis Festo uusi tooteid vaatamas ka ajakiri Inseneeria

    18. Evaluasi Performansi Jaringan UMTS di Kota Semarang menggunakan Metode Drive Test

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



      Full Text Available ABSTRAK Saat ini penggunaan telepon seluler tidak hanya untuk komunikasi suara, melainkan juga untuk komunikasi data. Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kota besar dengan jumlah pengguna telepon seluler yang banyak. Kondisi ini membutuhkan dukungan kualitas jaringan yang optimal dan kecepatan akses yang tinggi.  Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian kualitas sinyal jaringan UMTS di kota tersebut. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode drive test menggunakan software TEMS dan Map info dalam pengolahan datanya. Ada beberapa parameter pengamatan dalam kegiatan pengukuran kualitas jaringan UMTS ini diantaranya RSCP (Receive Signal Code Power, Ec/No, Throughput dan KPI (Key Performance indicator. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dan analisis perlu dilakukan proses simulasi optimasi yang dilakukan menggunakan software Atoll 3.2.1. Dari hasil pengukuran diperoleh nilai parameter RSCP, Ec/No, dan Throughput berturut-turut sebesar 68,45%, 91%, dan 52.2%. Setelah dilakukan simulasi optimasi terjadi peningkatan nilai parameter RSCP dan Ec/Noberturut-turut sebesar 97.28% dan 99.74%. Kata kunci: UMTS, Drive Test, Map Info, Atoll, KPI. ABSTRACT Today the use of mobile phone is not only for voice communication but also for data communications (mobile Internet. There are a lot of mobile phone users in Semarang, so that it requires the support of a good network quality and high-speed access. In this research, it will test and measure the signal quality UMTS network. The measurement is done with drive test method by using TEMS and Map Info software. There are several parameters of observation in quality measurement of UMTS network. They are RSCP (Received Signal Code Power, Ec/No , Throughput and KPI (Key Performance Indicator. After measurement and analysis it is needed to simulate the optimization recommendations process by using Atoll 3.2.1. to the observation’s parameters. From the measurement results obtained parameter values RSCP, Ec/No , and Throughput

    19. Evaluasi Performansi Jaringan UMTS di Kota Semarang menggunakan Metode Drive Test

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



      Full Text Available ABSTRAKSaat ini penggunaan telepon seluler tidak hanya untuk komunikasi suara, melainkan juga untuk komunikasi data. Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kota besar dengan jumlah pengguna telepon seluler yang banyak. Kondisi ini membutuhkan dukungan kualitas jaringan yang optimal dan kecepatan akses yang tinggi.  Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian kualitas sinyal jaringan UMTS di kota tersebut. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode drive test menggunakan software TEMS dan Map info dalam pengolahan datanya. Ada beberapa parameter pengamatan dalam kegiatan pengukuran kualitas jaringan UMTS ini diantaranya RSCP (Receive Signal Code Power, Ec/No , Throughput dan KPI (Key Performance indicator. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dan analisis perlu dilakukan proses simulasi optimasi yang dilakukan menggunakan software Atoll 3.2.1. Dari hasil pengukuran diperoleh nilai parameter RSCP, Ec/No , dan Throughput berturut-turut sebesar 68,45%, 91%, dan 52.2%. Setelah dilakukan simulasi optimasi terjadi peningkatan nilai parameter RSCP dan Ec/No berturut-turut sebesar 97.28% dan 99.74%.Kata kunci: UMTS, Drive Test, Map Info, Atoll, KPI.ABSTRACTToday the use of mobile phone is not only for voice communication but also for data communications (mobile Internet. There are a lot of mobile phone users in Semarang, so that it requires the support of a good network quality and high-speed access. In this research, it will test and measure the signal quality UMTS network. The measurement is done with drive test method by using TEMS and Map Info software. There are several parameters of observation in quality measurement of UMTS network. They are RSCP (Received Signal Code Power, Ec/No , Throughput and KPI (Key Performance Indicator. After measurement and analysis it is needed to simulate the optimization recommendations process by using Atoll 3.2.1. to the observation’s parameters. From the measurement results obtained parameter values RSCP, Ec/No , and Throughput


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      H.P. Kusumaningrum


      Full Text Available Molekul DNA menunjukkan polarisasi yang kuat sehingga memungkinkan baik gerak elektroforesis berdasarkan muatan negatifnya maupun gerak dielektroforesis berdasarkan induksi polarisasi. Perancangan alat menggunakan kombinasi prinsip elektroforesis dan dielektroforesis dilengkapi perangkat lunak untuk mengukur konsentrasinya sangat diperlukan. Utamanya mengingat uji kualitatif DNA berbasis visualisasi pada gel elektroforesis bersifat sangat subyektif dan kurang terukur. Pengukuran konsentrasi DNA menggunakan spektrofotometer UV/VIS sangat tergantung oleh ketersediaannya di laboratorium. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendesain piranti untuk mengukur konsentrasi DNA berdasarkan visualisasinya pada gel elektroforesis menggunakan perangkat lunak berbasis MatLab. Pengukuran konsentrasi DNA didasarkan visualisasinya pada gel elektroforesis lalu dibandingkan dengan hasil penghitungan spektrofotometer UV/VIS. Hasil penelitian menggunakan piranti tersebut memperlihatkan visualisasi DNA yang lebih optimal. Hasil pengukuran jumlah DNA menggunakan spektrofotometer memiliki kecenderungan yang sama dengan hasil pengukuran menggunakan perangkat lunak berbasis MatLab meskipun terdapat perbedaan nilai kuantitatif.ABSTRACTMolecules of deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA show a strong polarization allowing for both motions of the dielectrophoresis induced by polarization and electrophoresis based on its negative charge. Considering high subjective and less quantifiable result of the visualization based qualitative test of DNA on gel electrophoresis, designing the tool using a combination of the principles of electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis completed with a software for optimization of DNA visualization and to measure the concentration of small and large–sized DNA fragment is very needed. Accuracy of measurement of DNA concentration using a spectrophotometer UV /VIS is depend on its availability in the laboratory. The aim of this study was to design device for

    1. Some epitopes conservation in non structural 3 protein dengue virus serotype 4

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Tegar A. P. Siregar


      Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Protein Non Struktural 3 (NS3 virus dengue menginduksi respon antibodi netralisasidan respon sel T CD4+ dan CD8+, serta berperan dalam replikasi virus. Protein NS3 memiliki epitopepitopsel T dan B yang terdapat perbedaan kelestarian pada berbagai strain virus dengue serotipe 4(DENV-4. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelestarian epitop sel T dan B pada protein NS3DENV-4 strain-strain dunia dan keempat serotipe virus dengue strain Indonesia.Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan di Departemen Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran UI sejak Juni 2013 - April2014. Sekuens asam amino NS3 DENV-4 strain 081 didapatkan setelah produk PCR gen NS3 DENV-4 081disekuensing. Epitop-epitop sel T dan sel B protein NS3 DENV-4 081 dianalisis dan dibandingkan dengansekuens asam amino protein NS3 dari 124 strain DENV-4 di dunia dan keempat serotipe DENV strain Indonesia.Strain-strain dunia merupakan strain yang ada di benua Amerika (Venezuela, Colombia, dll dan Asia (Cina,Singapura, dll. Referensi posisi epitop sel T dan B protein NS3 diperoleh dari laporan penelitian terdahulu.Hasil: Delapan epitop sel T dan 2 epitop sel B dari protein NS3 DENV-4 081 ternyata identik dan lestaripada protein NS3 dari 124 strain DENV-4 dunia. Epitop sel B di posisi asam amino 537-544 pada proteinNS3 DENV-4 081 ternyata identik dan lestari dengan epitop sel B protein NS3 dari keempat serotipeDENV strain Indonesia.Kesimpulan: Kelestarian yang luas dari epitop sel T dan B pada hampir seluruh strain DENV-4 dunia danserotipe-serotipe DENV strain Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:126-31Kata kunci: virus dengue, protein NS3, epitop sel T, epitop sel B AbstractBackground: Non Structural 3 (NS3 protein of dengue virus (DENV is known to induce antibody, CD4+and CD8+ T cell responses, and playing role in viral replication. NS3 protein has T and B cell epitopes,which has conservation difference between DENV-4 strains. This study aimed to identify

    2. Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Ketinggian Permukaan Air Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATMEGA328P Berbasis Web Service

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      Rausan Fikri


      Full Text Available Telah dilakukan pembuatan alat sistem monitoring ketinggian permukaan air dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler ATmega328P berbasis web service. Sistem perangkat secara garis besar terdiri atas mikrokontroler ATmega328P, sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04, sensor suhu dan kelembaban  DHT-11, modul bluetooth HC-05 dan modul ethernet ENC28J60. Sistem juga dilengkapi dengan panel surya dan baterai berkapasitas 35Ah sebagai sumber energi listrik.  Setelah dilakukan pengujian, alat ini memiliki keakuratan rata-rata sebesar 96,48% dalam menentukan ketinggian permukaan air. Hasil dari pengukuran dapat diakses secara online dan realtime pada sebuah halaman web yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik dan tabel. Ketinggian maksimum yang dapat diukur alat ini sebesar 2,5 m dengan rentang waktu pengukuran setiap 10 menit. Alat ini bisa digunakan untuk mengukur ketinggian permukaan air.

    3. Studi Eksperimen Distribusi Temperatur Nyala Api Kompor Bioetanol Tipe Side Burner dengan Variasi Diameter Firewall

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      R.R. Vienna Sona Saputri Soetadi


      Full Text Available Untuk mendapatkan kompor bioetanol efisiensi thermal maksimal diperlukan penelitian komprehensif. Salah satunya adalah penelitian terhadap posisi peletakkan beban pada kompor bioetanol kompak. Pengujian dilakukan pada kompor uji bioetanol dengan kadar 99%, yaitu kompor bioetanol tipe side burner dengan firewall 2.5 inci dan firewall 3 inci. Pengukuran temperatur api dengan 13 thermocouple K dengan pengukuran searah api keatas setiap 5 mm-an. Kemudian, water boiling test dilakukan untuk mendapatkan daya dan beban dan dilanjutkan mengukur waktu pendidihan air. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran total distribusi temperatur nyala api difusi. Hasil menunjukkan untuk kompor 2.5 inci dengan daya 1.6 kW mempunyai temperatur 542 ºC dengan jarak ketinggian 5 mm dari rim kompor sedangkan kompor 3 inci menghasilkan daya 2.38 kW dengan temperatur 516 ºC.


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      - Munaji


      Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan nilai resistivitas dan kedalaman batuan andesit di Desa Polosiri. Prinsip kerja metode geolistrik adalah mempelajari aliran listrik di dalam bumi dan cara mendeteksi di permukaan bumi. Metode tahanan jenis didasari oleh hukum Ohm, untuk mengetahui jenis lapisan batuan didasarkan pada distribusi nilai resistivitas pada tiap lapisan. Variasi harga tahanan jenis akan didapatkan jika jarak masing-masing elektroda diubah, sesuai konfigurasi alat yang dipakai (konfigurasi Schlumberger. Data hasil pengukuran di lapangan berupa beda potensial dan arus yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung resistivitas semu. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak tiga lintasan. Data hasil pengukuran diolah menggunakan software IPI2Win. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa batuan andesit di Desa Polisiri memiliki resistivitas 212 Ωm – 300 Ωm dengan kedalaman 1.3 m - 1.86 m.

    5. "Practice What You Preach": Teachers' Perceptions of Emotional Competence and Emotionally Supportive Classroom Practices (United States)

      Zinsser, Katherine M.; Denham, Susanne A.; Curby, Timothy W.; Shewark, Elizabeth A.


      Research Findings: The connections between parents' emotional competence (emotion expression, regulation, and knowledge) and children's social-emotional learning (SEL) have been well studied; however, the associations among teachers' emotional competencies and children's SEL remain widely understudied. In the present study, private preschool and…

    6. Somatic embryo-like structures of strawberry regenerated in vitro on media supplemented with 2,4-D and BAP. (United States)

      Omar, Genesia F; Mohamed, Fouad H; Haensch, Klaus-Thomas; Sarg, Sawsan H; Morsey, Mohamed M


      Somatic embryo-like structures (SELS) were produced in vitro from leaf disk and petiole explants of two cultivars of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) on Murashige and Skoog medium with different concentrations and combinations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and sucrose to check the embryonic nature of these structures histologically. A large number of SELS could be regenerated in both cultivars on media with 2-4 mg L(-1) 2,4-D in combination with 0.5 -1 mg L(-1) BAP and 50 g x L(-1) sucrose. Histological examination of SELS revealed the absence of a root pole. Therefore these structures cannot be strictly classified as somatic embryos. The SELS formed under the tested culture conditions represent malformed shoot-like and leaf-like structures. The importance of these results for the propagation of strawberries via somatic embryogenesis is discussed.


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      M. Wien Winarno


      Full Text Available Buah pare (Momordica charantia L.. selain dikenal sebagai sayuran juga digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Beberapa hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa perasan buah pare dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Sebagai kontrasepsi pria, buah pare terbukti menyebabkan abnormalitas struktur morfologi sperma dan menurunkan kadar testosteron darah. Ekstrak buah pare secara invitro menghambat pertumbuhan sel-sel kanker prostat. Buah pare mengandung momordisin, momordin, asam resinal dan sterol. Berdasarkan efeknya yaitu dapat menurunkan hormon testosteron, dan secara invitro menghambat sel-sel kanker prostat dan adanya kandungan sterol, maka dilakukan penelitian Pengaruh infus buah pare (M. charantia L. terhadap kelenjar prostat tikus putih. Penelitian menggunakan hewan coba tikus putih, galur Wistar dengan bobot badan 180-200 gram. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan "Rancangan Acak Lengkap". Bahan yang diteliti berupa infus buah pare dengan dosis pemberian 625 mg, 1250 mg, 2500 mg dan 5000 mg/kg bb. Sebagai pembanding digunakan akuades. Bahan diberikan secara oral, satu kali sehari selama 30 hari. Hari ke-31 hewan dibunuh, diambil kelenjar prostatnya untuk dibuat preparat histopatologi. Pengamatan meliputi berat dan ketebalan sel epitel kelenjar prostat. Hasilnya, pemberian infus buah pare pada semua dasis dibandingkan dengan akuades (kontrol berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01 terhadap berat kelenjar prostat. Sementara infus buah pare dosis 2500 mg/kg bb. berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01 terhadap tebal set epitel kelenjar prostat. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa infus buah pare dapat menurunkan berat kelenjar prostat normal dan menipiskan sel epitel dari kelenjar prostat.   Kata kunci : pare, Momordica charantia L., kelenjar prostat

    8. Educating the Whole Child: Social-Emotional Learning and Ethics Education (United States)

      Burroughs, Michael D.; Barkauskas, Nikolaus J.


      Research supporting social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools demonstrates numerous benefits for students, including increased academic achievement and social and emotional competencies. However, research supporting the adoption of SEL lacks a clear conception of "ethical competence." This lack of clarity is problematic for two…

    9. Impact of Ada and object-oriented design in the flight dynamics division at Goddard Space Flight Center (United States)

      Waligora, Sharon; Bailey, John; Stark, Mike


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of applications software. The goals of the SEL are (1) to understand the software development process in the GSFC environment; (2) to measure the effects of various methodologies, tools, and models on this process; and (3) to identify and then to apply successful development practices. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document.

    10. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Software Engineering Workshop (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of applications software. The goals of the SEL are: (1) to understand the software development process in the GSFC environment; (2) to measure the effects of various methodologies, tools, and models on this process; and (3) to identify and then to apply successful development practices. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that include this document.

    11. Digital limiter for a self-excited loop

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Joshi, G.; Singh, P.; Agarwal, V.; Kumar, G.


      Limiter is one of the main signal processing modules of a self-excited loop (SEL). It plays a crucial role in initiating and stabilizing the amplitude of the RF field in a free running SEL. In a recently reported implementation of a self excited loop in digital domain, the limiter has been realized at based band in the form of a feedback loop. This feedback loop stabilizes the amplitude of the RF phasor present at its input without affecting its phase. In the present work we study the suitability of this implementation of limiter through analysis and simulations. An approximate equivalent model of an SEL, incorporating the digital limiter, is created in analog domain. It is demonstrated that even in the presence for large transients, such as, at the start up of oscillations, SEL continues to exhibit smooth and predictable response. In free running mode of operation the coupling from loop oscillation frequency change to resonator field amplitude change is absent, thus avoiding instability due to electro-mechanical coupling. In the locked mode, the transmission of amplitude jitter through the limiter is far exceeded by that through the controller gain thereby keeping the behavior of the digital SEL close to its analog counterpart. (author)

    12. Search for plutonium salt deposits in the plutonium extraction batteries of the Marcoule plant (1963); Recherche de depots de sels de plutonium dans les batteries d'extraction du plutonium de l'usine de Marcoule (1963)

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Bouzigues, H; Reneaud, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


      This report describes a method and a special apparatus making it possible to detach the insoluble plutonium salt deposits in the extraction chain of an irradiated fuel treatment plant. The process chosen allows the detection, in the extraction batteries or in the highly active chemical engineering equipment, of plutonium quantities of a few grains. After four years operation it has been impossible to detect measurable quantities of plutonium in any part of the extraction chain. The results have been confirmed by visual examinations carried out with a specially constructed endoscope. (authors) [French] Ce rapport decrit une methode et un montage special permettant de detacher les accumulations de sels de plutonium insolubles dans les chaines d'extraction d'une usine de traitement de combustible irradie. Le procede retenu permet de reperer, dans des batteries d'extraction ou dans l'appareillage de genie chimique fortement actif, des masses de plutonium de quelques grammes. Apres quatre annees de fonctionnement, il n'a pas ete possible de deceler des quantites ponderables de plutonium en aucun endroit de la chaine d'extraction. Ces resultats ont ete confirmes par les examens visuels effectues a l'aide d'un endoscope concu specialement pour cet usage. (auteurs)

    13. Comparative research on “high currents” induced by single event latch-up and transient-induced latch-up

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Chen Rui; Han Jian-Wei; Zheng Han-Sheng; Yu Yong-Tao; Shangguang Shi-Peng; Feng Guo-Qiang; Ma Ying-Qi


      By using the pulsed laser single event effect facility and electro-static discharge (ESD) test system, the characteristics of the “high current”, relation with external stimulus and relevance to impacted modes of single event latch-up (SEL) and transient-induced latch-up (TLU) are studied, respectively, for a 12-bit complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (CMOS) analog-to-digital converter. Furthermore, the sameness and difference in physical mechanism between “high current” induced by SEL and that by TLU are disclosed in this paper. The results show that the minority carrier diffusion in the PNPN structure of the CMOS device which initiates the active parasitic NPN and PNP transistors is the common reason for the “high current” induced by SEL and for that by TLU. However, for SEL, the minority carrier diffusion is induced by the ionizing radiation, and an underdamped sinusoidal voltage on the supply node (the ground node) is the cause of the minority carrier diffusion for TLU. (paper)

    14. Polymorphisms in the selenoprotein S gene: lack of association with autoimmune inflammatory diseases

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      Díaz-Rubio Manuel


      Full Text Available Abstract Background Selenoprotein S (SelS protects the functional integrity of the endoplasmic reticulum against the deleterious effects of metabolic stress. SEPS1/SelS polymorphisms have been involved in the increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α and IL-6 in macrophages. We aimed at investigating the role of the SEPS1 variants previously associated with higher plasma levels of these cytokines and of the SEPS1 haplotypes in the susceptibility to develop immune-mediated diseases characterized by an inflammatory component. Results Six polymorphisms distributed through the SEPS1 gene (rs11327127, rs28665122, rs4965814, rs12917258, rs4965373 and rs2101171 were genotyped in more than two thousand patients suffering from type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel diseases and 550 healthy controls included in the case-control study. Conclusion Lack of association of SEPS1 polymorphisms or haplotypes precludes a major role of this gene increasing predisposition to these inflammatory diseases.


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      Ervi Husni


      Full Text Available Pendahuluan: Jumlah penduduk Indonesia sensus tahun 2010 sebanyak 237,6 juta jiwa dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk 1,49 % per tahun. Target RPJPMN 2010-2014 sebesar1,14 %, laju pertumbuhan penduduk saat ini  0,53 % masih lebih tinggi. Pengendalian penduduk diperlukan antara lain dengan pemakaian kontrasepsi pada wanita maupun pria. Keterlibatan pria dalam KB masih rendah hanya 6,26 %. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuktikan zat aktif daun jambu biji merah dapat menurunkan kadar FSH dan spermatogenesis pada tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegikus. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan Post test only control group design. Besar sampel menggunakan rumus Federer dengan jumlah sampel 30 ekor tikus putih, terbagi tiga kelompok yaitu Kelompok 1 (K1 kelompok kontrol diberikan larutan CMC 0,5 % 1 ml/ hari, Kelompok Perlakuan 1 (P1 diberikan ekstrak daun jambu biji merah dosis 40 mg/ml/hari dan kelompok Perlakuan 2 (P2 diberikan ekstrak daun jambu biji merah dosis 80 mg/ml/hari dan diberikan selama 30 hari. Variabel penelitian  jumlah sel spermatogenik ( Spermatogonium, Spermatosit primer dan Spermatid. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji  ANOVA. Hasil: Hasil analisis data dengan uji ANOVA jumlah sel spermatogonium nilai p 0,801 (p < 0,05: tidak ada perbedaan signifikan diantara ketiga kelompok, uji LSD tidak dilakukan. Hasil uji ANOVA untuk jumlah sel spermatosit primer didapatkan nilai p 0,102 ( p < 0,05 , berarti  tidak ada perbedaan signifikan diantara ketiga kelompok, uji LSD tidak dilakukan. Hasil uji ANOVA untuk jumlah sel spermatid nilai p 0,001  (p < 0,05 berarti terdapat perbedaan signifikan diantara ketiga kelompok. Hasil uji LSD kontrol dengan P1 (p 0,036 : berbeda, Kontrol dengan P2 (p <0,000: berbeda, P1 dengan P2 (p <0,033 : berbeda. Diskusi: Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemberian ekstrak daun jambu biji merah tidak menurunkan jumlah sel spermatogonium dan sel spermatosit primer tetapi menurunkan jumlah

    16. Karakteristik Beberapa Jenis Antibiotik Berdasarkan Pola Difraksi Sinar-X (XRD Dan Spektrum FTIR

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Mirzan T Razzak


      Full Text Available Telah dilakukan pengukuran karakteristik difraksi sinar-x (XRD terhadap beberapa jenisantibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami karakteristik difraksi sinar-x suatuantibiotik sebagai upaya untuk identifikasi antibiotik secara cepat. Dalam penelitian ini diamatikarakteristik difraksi sinar-x dari 15 (lima belas antibiotik yang tersedia di pasaran. SpektrumXRD diukur pada sudut 2 antara 5 – 75 untuk dibandingkan dan dievaluasi mengenai bentukkristalnya. Selanjutnya diukur pula spektrum XRD dari pencampuran antibiotik dengan tepungtapioka. Pengukuran spektrum infrared dengan FTIR juga dilakukan untuk menguji konsistensihasil evaluasi spektrum XRD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa amoxicillin dan ampicillinmempunyai struktur kristal yang sama, yaitu orthorombic primitif. Sayangnya baik XRDmaupun FTIR, tidak memberikan nilai kuantitatif pada antibiotik. Oleh sebab itu, perbedaankonsentrasi dengan pencampuran tepung tapioka tidak dapat dideteksi. Walaupun demikian,metode ini terbukti dapat digunakan untuk membedakan komposisi zat penyusun antibiotiksecara cepat dan akurat.

    17. Balanced Scorecard: Perspektif Baru dalam Menilai Kinerja Organisasi

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      Barbara Gunawan


      Full Text Available Dengan semakin kompleksnya kondisi lingkungan organisasi, diperlukan ukuran-ukuran kinerja yang komprehensif sehingga akan terlihat kondisi berbagai sisi organisasi. Hal tersebut memberikan kejelasan arah dan sasaran bagi organisasi untuk bergerak maju baik dari sisi finansial maupun non finansial secara seimbang. Balanced Scorecard hadir untuk memfasilitasi pengukuran kinerja secara komprehensif baik dari sisi finansial dan sisi perspektif customer, internal business process, dan learning and growth dimana belum bias difasilitasi oleh pengukuran kinerja manajerial. Apabila semua sisi organisasi bias terukur maka organisasi akan dapat dikelola dengan baik seperti ungkapan “If We can count it, we can manage it”. Lebih dari itu Balanced Scorecard juga memberikan penawaran kepada organisasi akan pencapaian keunggulan kompetitif karena dengan terukurnya seluruh aspek organisasi secara komprehensif dan seimbang akan dapat memotivasi “breaktrough improvement” di berbagai bidang seperti: produk, proses, customer, dan pengembangan pasar.

    18. Determination of selenium toxicity to Oreochromis niloticus based on hematological parameters=Determinação da toxicidade do Selênio por meio de análises hematológicas em Oreochromis niloticus

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      Silmara Regina Siqueira


      Full Text Available Selenium (Se is described as an essential micronutrient and participates in different biological functions, as the antioxidant defense systems maintenance and regulation. However, when in high concentrations, Se may cause toxic effects as well as hematological changes in fish. The aim of the present study was to determine the toxicity of selenium in the form of sodium selenate (Na2Se6+O4 in Oreochromis niloticus based on hematological parameters, after exposure to different concentrations (0.01, 0.14 and 1.4 mg Se6+ L-1. The erythrocytic and leukocytic series were examined over 14 days at intervals of 0, 3, 5, 7,10 and 14 days. The erythrocytic series showed significant alterations in the first 7 days, including the control group. Neutrophils and monocytes showed variations in the first 3 days at a concentration of 1.40 mgSe6+ L-1 characterizing an acute response. The total number of leukocytes was different in relation to time zero on all Se concentrations. The thrombocyte count also differed statistically from time zero and control in the first 3 days at 0.14 mgSe6+ L-1. These results indicate that different concentrations induce an acute response with diminution of total leukocytes, neutrophilia, monocytosis and thrombocytosis.O selênio (Se é descrito como um micronutriente essencial e participa de diversas funções biológicas. No entanto, quando em concentrações elevadas, o Se pode causar efeitos tóxicos, bem como alterações hematológicas em peixes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a toxicidade do selênio na forma de Selenato de sódio (Na2Se6+O4 em Oreochromis niloticus com base em parâmetros hematológicos, após a exposição a diferentes concentrações (0,01, 0,14 e 1,4 mg + Se6+ L-1. A série eritrocitária e leucocitária foram examinadas por 14 dias, em intervalos de 0, 3, 5, 7,10 e 14 dias. A série eritrocítica mostrou alterações significativas nos primeiros 7 dias, incluindo o grupo controle. Neutr

    19. An Observation Tool for Monitoring Social Skill Implementation in Contextually Relevant Environments (United States)

      Morgan, Joseph John; Hsiao, Yun-Ju; Dobbins, Nicole; Brown, Nancy B.; Lyons, Catherine


      Skills related to social-emotional learning (SEL) are essential for college and career readiness. Failure to use appropriate skills for SEL in school is often linked to several negative academic outcomes, including rejection by school community members, academic deficits, and higher rates of problematic behavior. Social skills interventions are…

    20. Design, Development, and Automated Verification of an Integrity-Protected Hypervisor (United States)


      also require considerable manual effort. For example, the verification of the SEL4 operating system [45] required several man years effort. In...Winwood. seL4 : formal verification of an OS kernel. In Proc. of SOSP, 2009. [46] K. Kortchinsky. Cloudburst: A VMware guest to host escape story

    1. The Impact of Trial Stage, Developer Involvement and International Transferability on Universal Social and Emotional Learning Programme Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis (United States)

      Wigelsworth, M.; Lendrum, A.; Oldfield, J.; Scott, A.; ten Bokkel, I.; Tate, K.; Emery, C.


      This study expands upon the extant prior meta-analytic literature by exploring previously theorised reasons for the failure of school-based, universal social and emotional learning (SEL) programmes to produce expected results. Eighty-nine studies reporting the effects of school-based, universal SEL programmes were examined for differential effects…


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      Anggita Langgeng


      Full Text Available This research is a study of the literature that discusses the measurement of accounting conservatism. Research about accounting conservatism raises several alternative methods that can be used to measure the level of accounting conservatism in a company. With reference to some previous literature it can be conclude that conservatism can be measured by several methods, including: 1 the market model of Basu (1997, 2 market to book ratio approach, 3 operating income approach, 4 the accrual of cash flow approach, 5 non-operating accrual approach.


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      Monika Kussetya Ciptani


      Full Text Available Improving quality is an essential thing for a company to exist in the business competitive world. It's not time for a company to focus only on a high sales volume, but it's time for a company to focus on customer satisfaction. If the company can give customer satisfaction through their product, they will achieve maximum profit automatically. They are many method techniques to identify quality cost appeared in a company. It is very easy to control quality cost in a company if they are accounting data about it. But it will be very difficult to control the quality cost if the cost is hidden and can not be seen on accounting data. Variety techniques have been developed to solve this hidden quality cost. One of these method is Taguchi Method. By using Taguchi Method, a company will be helped to control and estimate quality cost especially hidden quality cost. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Peningkatan Kualitas merupakan suatu hal yang paling esensial bagi suatu perusahaan untuk tetap eksis dalam dunia bisnis yang competitif ini. Kini sudah tidak jamannya lagi perusahaan hanya mementingkan volume penjualan yang begitu besar untuk mencapai keuntungan yang maksimal, tetapi lebih berorientasi pada aspek kepuasan konsumen. Dengan adanya kemampuan perusahaan untuk memberikan kepuasan terhadap konsumen yang membeli produknya, maka secara otomatis perusahaan akan mencapai keuntungan yang maksimal. Oleh karena itu dikembangkan berbagai cara dan teknik untuk mengidentifikasi besarnya biaya kualitas (kerugian yang muncul akibat barang yang dihasilkan menyimpang dari standar suatu perusahaan. Apabila biaya kualitas yang muncul tersebut nampak dalam catatan akuntansi perusahaan yang bersangkutan, maka perusahaan akan lebih mudah melakukan pengendalian, tetapi apabila biaya kualitas tersebut sifatnya tersembunyi, maka akan lebih sulit untuk melakukan pengendalian dan estimasi. Berbagai teknik telah dikembangkan untuk memecahkan masalah Hidden Quality Cost ini. Salah satu metode yang populer adalah dengan menggunakan metode Taguchi. Dengan metode Taguchi ini akan membantu perusahaan dalam melakukan pengendalian dan estimasi khususnya terhadap biaya kualitas yang tersembunyi. Kata kunci : biaya kualitas, biaya kualitas tersembunyi, metode Taguchi


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      Dien GA Nursa


      Full Text Available Kehilangan fungsi pada Usia lanjut merupakan tahapan akhir dari berbagai penyakit yang dialami Usia lanjut. Kemunduran fungsional berarti menurunnya kemampuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi dan hal ini dapat diukur dengan menilaiADL (Activity Daily Life, termasuk didalamnya mobility, eating, toileting, dressing, grooming. Halini dapat pula dilanjutkan dengan memeriksa aktivitas tambahan sehari-hari IADL seperti berbelanja, pergi ke bank, memasak, menyetir, membersihkan rumah atau menggunakan fasilitas kendaraan umum. Sebagai tambahan, pemeriksaan objektif dari fungsi kognitif dan perilaku serta ekonomi, sosial, emosionaljuga dibutuhkan untuk memperoleh data yang lengkap mengenai fungsi tubuh yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan pada Usia lanjut.


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      Eko Julianto Sasono


      Full Text Available The noise on the ship is a fitness factor. When it is over, can effect the healthy and concentration of crews, finally it can effect safety of ships. The rules of noise level for commercial ship is inserted in ”Code on noise levels on board ships” of IMO. The noise level evaluate of Coaster ship have done when the main machine speed is 85 % MCR. The evaluate used Noise Onsoku of equipment. The navigation when it was evaluated was sea trial. As a result, the noise level of Coaster ship is still get the specification of IMO codes.

    6. Software process improvement in the NASA software engineering laboratory (United States)

      Mcgarry, Frank; Pajerski, Rose; Page, Gerald; Waligora, Sharon; Basili, Victor; Zelkowitz, Marvin


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) was established in 1976 for the purpose of studying and measuring software processes with the intent of identifying improvements that could be applied to the production of ground support software within the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The SEL has three member organizations: NASA/GSFC, the University of Maryland, and Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). The concept of process improvement within the SEL focuses on the continual understanding of both process and product as well as goal-driven experimentation and analysis of process change within a production environment.

    7. Procedimiento para aumentar la velocidad de obtención de biodiesel mediante su incorporación como aditivo


      López Granados, Manuel; Mariscal López, Rafael; Martín Alonso, David; Bretes García, Pilar


      Procedimiento para aumentar la velocidad de obtención de biodiésel mediante su incorporación como aditivo. La presente invención se refiere al uso de biodiésel como aditivo para aumentar la velocidad de reacción en reacciones de transesterificación catalítica con alcoholes y para proteger a los catalizadores del contacto con el CO{sub,2} y H{sub,2}O atmosféricos. De forma más concreta, en esta invención se describe un procedimiento de obtención de biodiésel a partir de la transesterificación ...

    8. Sadhana | Indian Academy of Sciences

      Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

      compacting repair mortars · Selçuk Türkel Yiğit Altuntaş · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF ... A comparative study on the use of fly ash and phosphogypsum in the brick production · Selçuk Türkel Emrah Aksin · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF.

    9. Analysis of Conserved Structural Features of Selenoprotein K | Al ...

      African Journals Online (AJOL)

      Selenium plays important roles in human health and these roles may be exerted through its presence in selenoproteins. Among the 25 selenoproteins in human is selenoprotein K (SelK) whose exact function is still unclear. Here, we investigated the conserved structural features of SelK using bioinformatics as an approach ...

    10. "Absent Fathers", and Children's Social and Emotional Learning: An Exploration of the Perceptions of "Positive Male Role Models" in the Primary School Sector (United States)

      Wood, Peter; Brownhill, Simon


      This paper focuses on the testimonies of three male primary school staff members who utilised social and emotional learning (SEL) in their everyday practice within their respective schools. The data, collected through individual interviews, illustrate how these three men interpreted SEL, and their role in the development of children's social,…

    11. A Social-Ecological Approach to Addressing Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Schools: Focusing on Group Processes and Social Dynamics (United States)

      Trach, Jessica; Lee, Matthew; Hymel, Shelley


      A substantial body of evidence verifies that social-emotional learning (SEL) can be effectively taught in schools and can reduce the prevalence and impact of emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) among children and youth. Although the positive effects of SEL on individual student's emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes have been…


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      Muh. Alias L. Rajamuddin


      Full Text Available Untuk mendukung program transgenesis pada rumput laut, embrio somatik dapat digunakan sebagai material untuk transfer gen baik secara individu sel ataupun kluster sel embriogenik, sehingga mempercepat keberhasilan dengan peluang transformasi yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji induksi kalus rumput laut K. alvarezii untuk produksi sel embrio somatik (e.s. dengan beberapa rasio zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT dan konsentrasi agar media induksi, sampai sel menjadi filamen. Penelitian terdiri atas dua tahap: Tahap (1 induksi kalus, dengan rasio ZPT asam indol asetat (IAA:kinetin = 0,5:0,0 mg/L; 1,0:1,0 mg/L; dan 2,0:0,2 mg/L dengan konsentrasi agar media induksi = 0,6%; 0,8%; 1,0%; dan 1,5%. Tahap (2 regenerasi massa sel e.s., dengan rasio IAA:kinetin = 0,1:1,0 mg/L; 0,0:0,1 mg/L dan tanpa ZPT dengan konsentrasi agar media = 0,4%; 0,6%; dan 0,8%. Untuk perkembangan sel-sel e.s. lebih lanjut dipelihara pada kultur cair. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tahap induksi kalus, rasio IAA: kinetin = 1:1 mg/L dengan konsentrasi agar media 0,8% dan 1,0% menghasilkan persentase induksi kalus tertinggi (90%. Pada tahap regenerasi massa sel e.s., ZPT tidak berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan massa sel e.s., di mana tanpa ZPT dengan konsentrasi agar 0,6% memperlihatkan perkembangan tertinggi (rata-rata diameter massa sel 5 mm. Pada media cair, perkembangan sel e.s. dari single cell ukuran 3-4 mm menjadi filamen-filamen ukuran rata-rata 0,5 mm dapat dicapai dalam satu bulan kultur. Keberhasilan produksi sel e.s. K. alvarezii, selain sebagai material untuk transfer gen juga dapat dijadikan acuan dalam produksi benih rumput laut kultur jaringan. To support the program of seaweed transgenesis, somatic embryo can be used as a materials for gene transfer purpose either by individual or cluster of cells in accelerating the higher rate of transformation. This research aims to study the callus induction of seaweed K. alvarezii for production of somatic

    13. [Nutritional status, food consumption and physical activity in female school children of different socioeconomic levels from Santiago, Chile]. (United States)

      Olivares C, Sonia; Bustos Z, Nelly; Lera M, Lydia; Zelada, María Eugenia


      A high prevalence of obesity is the main public health problem in Chilean school children. To compare the nutritional status, consumption of selected foods and extracurricular physical activity (PA) habits in school children of different socioeconomic levels as a baseline for developing effective educational interventions. Cross-sectional study that determined the body mass index, food consumption and physical activity with previously validated instruments in 202 and 358 girls from 3rd to 8th grade in schools of medium-high and low socioeconomic level (SEL) from Santiago, Chile, respectively. Compared to their counterparts of low socioeconomic level (SEL), the prevalence of obesity was significantly lower in 8-9 year-old girls of medium high SEL (19% and 9%, respectively, p =0.012) and 12-13 year-old (12% and 2.5% respectively, p =0.008). Also median daily intake of dairy products was higher in girls of medium high SEL (250 and 470 ml/day, respectively). The intake of fruits and vegetables was similar (200 g/d); and the intake of bread was lower (230 and 70 g/day, respectively, p Consumption of energy-dense foods was lower in 10-13 year-old girls of medium high SEL (80 and 50 g/day, respectively, p food and PA habits and to promote an environment that enhances healthy behaviors.

    14. Recovery of barotrauma injuries in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from exposure to pile driving sound.

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      Brandon M Casper

      Full Text Available Juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, were exposed to simulated high intensity pile driving signals to evaluate their ability to recover from barotrauma injuries. Fish were exposed to one of two cumulative sound exposure levels for 960 pile strikes (217 or 210 dB re 1 µPa(2·s SEL(cum; single strike sound exposure levels of 187 or 180 dB re 1 µPa(2⋅s SEL(ss respectively. This was followed by an immediate assessment of injuries, or assessment 2, 5, or 10 days post-exposure. There were no observed mortalities from the pile driving sound exposure. Fish exposed to 217 dB re 1 µPa(2·s SEL(cum displayed evidence of healing from injuries as post-exposure time increased. Fish exposed to 210 dB re 1 µPa(2·s SEL(cum sustained minimal injuries that were not significantly different from control fish at days 0, 2, and 10. The exposure to 210 dB re 1 µPa(2·s SEL(cum replicated the findings in a previous study that defined this level as the threshold for onset of injury. Furthermore, these data support the hypothesis that one or two Mild injuries resulting from pile driving exposure are unlikely to affect the survival of the exposed animals, at least in a laboratory environment.

    15. Preparation of C{sup 14}-labelled tetrazolium salts and tracer study of the tetrazene-formazan rearrangement; Preparation de sels de tetrazolium marques au carbone-14 et etude de la transposition tetrazene-formazan, au moyen d'indicateurs radioactifs; Izgotovlenie mechennykh C{sup 14} solej tetrazosoedinenij i issledovanie pri pomoshchi indikatorov peregruppirovok tetrazona-formazana; Preparacion de sales de tetrazolio marcadas con {sup 14}C y estudio de la transposicion tetraceno-formazan con ayuda de trazadores

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Marton, Joseph; Meisel, Julia [Central Research Institute for Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Hungary); Gosztonyi, Thomas [Institute of Organic Chemical Technology, Technical University, Budapest (Hungary)


      The preparation of [5-C{sup 14}]-TTC, [5, 5'-di-C{sup 14}]NT (neotetrazolium) and [5, 5'-di-C{sup 14}]-BT (tetrazolium blue) starting from benzaldehyde- [1-C{sup 14}] has been accomplished. The yields for both mono- and ditetrazolium salts are high, and the products can be obtained with high sp. activity. The purity of the samples was investigated by paper chromatography. In the case of ditetrazolium salts some impurities could be detected and conclusions drawn as to their structure and quantity. A method has been developed to prepare C{sup 14}- labelled ditetrazolium salts of high purity. The formation of the formazan, the precursor of the tetrazolium salt, goes through an unstable intermediate of tetrazene-type structure which rearranges rapidly in basic medium, to yield the formazan. The tetrazene intermediate can be isolated under suitable conditions. By using C{sup 14}-labelled benzaldehyde phenylhydrazone this rearrangement was investigated and a verification of its intramolecular character given. (author) [French] On a procede a la preparation de [5-C{sup 14}]-TTC, de [5,5'-di-C{sup 14}] NT (neotetrazolium) et de [5,5'-di-C{sup 14}]-VT (bleu de tetrazolium), en partant du benzaldehyde-[1-C{sup 14}]. On a pu obtenir un grand rendement, tant pour les sels de monotetrazolium que pour les sels de ditetrazolium, et des produits d'une activite specifique elevee. La purete des echantillons a ete examinee par chromatographie sur papier. Dans le cas des sels de ditetrazolium, on a pu deceler quelques impuretes et tirer des conclusions quant a leur structure et quantite. On a mis au point une methode permettant de preparer des sels de ditetrazolium marques au carbone-14 et presentant une grande purete. Dans la synthese du formazan, precurseur du sel de tetrazolium, on obtient un produit intermediaire instable d'une structure analogue a celle du tetrazene; ce produit se transforme rapidement en milieu alcalin pour donner du formazan. Le tetrazene intermediaire peut

    16. Analisis Kinerja Subscriber Station WiMAX di Urban Area Bandung

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      Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Teknologi komunikasi wireless semakin pesat mengalami perkembangan. WiMAX  merupakan suatu teknologi broadband yang didukung oleh standar IEEE 802.16d (802.16-2004 yang mampu memberikan layanan data berkecepatan tinggi hingga 75 Mbps dalam radius maksimal 40-50 km pada bandwidth 20 MHz. Alokasi frekuensi yang dipakai Indonesia untuk jaringan WiMAX  ini ialah 3,3 – 3,4 GHz. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan proses pengukuran kinerja perangkat radio WiMAX  yaitu HiMax 331-SS. Proses pengukuran dilakukan antara CPE dan base station dengan antenna sektoral 1200 pada ketinggian 45 m. Lokasi pengukuran dilakukan di beberapa area kota Bandung yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Hasil pengukuran memperlihatkan nilai CINR tertinggi adalah 31 dB dengan modulasi 64 QAM – ¾ dan terendah nilai 10 dB dengan modulasi BPSK 1/2. Nilai RSSI tertinggi -54 dBm berada dan nilai RSSI terendah -89 dBm. Nilai throughput tertinggi untuk layanan streaming video sebesar  1000,8 kbps (downlink dengan modulasi 64 QAM – ¾. Nilai delay terendah sebesar 56,247 ms pada kondisi LOS dan tertinggi sebesar 139,5 ms pada kondisi NLOS. Nilai terbesar packet loss sebesar 20% yaitu pada lokasi pengukuran terjauh 14,3 km. Kata Kunci : delay, packet loss, RSSI, CINR, throughput, CPE, WiMAX .   ABSTRACT   Wireless communication technologies have evolved more rapidly. WiMAX  is a broadband technology that is supported by the IEEE standard 802.16-2004/d which is able to provide high speed data services of up to 75 Mbps within a radius of 40-50 km at a maximum bandwidth of 20 MHz. Indonesia frequency allocation used for the WiMAX  network is 3.3 to 3.4 GHz. This study was conducted with the performance measurement process that is Himax 331 WiMAX  radio - SS. Process measurement is made between the CPE and base station sector antennas at a height of 45 m in 1200. Locations measurements performed in several areas of Bandung predetermined. The measurement

    17. Crafting a Usable Microkernel, Processor, and I/O System with Strict and Provable Information Flow Security (United States)


      OS level, Flume [22] has even been shown to be information flow secure through abstractions such as processes, pipes, file systems etc, while seL4 ...Andronick, D. Cock, P. Derrin, D. Elkaduwe, K. Engelhardt, R. Kolanski, M. Norrish, T. Sewell, H. Tuch, and S. Winwood. sel4 : formal verification of an

    18. Progress in Teachers' Readiness to Promote Positive Youth Development among Students during the Lions Quest Teaching Workshop (United States)

      Talvio, Markus; Berg, Minna; Ketonen, Elina; Komulainen, Erkki; Lonka, Kirsti


      Modern learning psychology places an emphasis on the ability of teachers to promote their students' social and emotional learning (SEL) and living a good life. Research on precisely how teachers promote SEL and well-being among their students, however, remains scarce. This study focused on evaluating the Lions Quest teaching workshop (LQ), which…

    19. Plutonium finishing plant safety systems and equipment list

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Bergquist, G.G.


      The Safety Equipment List (SEL) supports Analysis Report (FSAR), WHC-SD-CP-SAR-021 and the Plutonium Finishing Plant Operational Safety Requirements (OSRs), WHC-SD-CP-OSR-010. The SEL is a breakdown and classification of all Safety Class 1, 2, and 3 equipment, components, or system at the Plutonium Finishing Plant complex

    20. Implementasi Reflector Antena Wajanbolik Pada Layanan EVDO (Evolution Data Optimized

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      Full Text Available Abstrak Antena merupakan perangkat yang memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam sistem komunikasi tanpa kabel (wireless. Pada penelitian ini akan diimplementasikan reflektor antena wajanbolik yang beroperasi pada frekuensi CDMA 2000 1x EVDO 1900 MHz. Antena ini menggunakan  reflektor dari wajan, dengan waveguide dari pipa paralon yang dilapisi dengan lakban alumunium, dan penerima sinyal menggunakan USB modem adapter. Antena ini ditujukan untuk menjadi media bantu  dalam  memperkuat  penerimaan sinyal  EVDO dan memaksimalkan dan kecepatan transfer data. Antena ini memberikan gain sebesar 15,530 dB berdasarkan pengukuran dan 15,156 dB berdasarkan teoritis. Pengujian menggunakan wajanbolik menunjukkan adanya peningkatan level sinyal modem yang terendah sebesar 4 dB pada pengukuran dengan kondisi indoor di siang hari serta tertinggi sebesar 19 dB pada pengukuran dengan kondisi outdoor di malam hari. Hasil dari pengujian pun menunjukkan peningkatan kecepatan transfer data rata – rata sebesar 42 KBps sampai dengan 269 KBps dibandingkan pengukuran tanpa wajanbolik.   Kata kunci: Reflektor, Waveguide, Wajanbolik, USB adapter, EVDO.    Abstract   The antenna is a device that has a very important role in wireless communication systems (wireless. In this research will be implemented wajanbolik reflector antenna which operates at frequencies of CDMA 2000 1x EVDO 1900 MHz. This antenna uses a reflector of the pan, with the waveguide of the pipe is coated with aluminum duct tape, and a signal receiver using a USB modem adapter. This antenna is intended to be a media aids in strengthening the EVDO and signal reception to maximize data transfer speeds. This antenna give a gain of 16.015 from measurement dBi and 15.156 dBi based on theory. Tests using wajanbolik showed an increase in the level of modem signals a low of 4 dB in measurement with indoor conditions during the day and 19 dB at the peak of measurements with outdoor conditions at night


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      Kharisma Aprilina


      Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hubungan antara konsentrasi karbon monoksida (CO dan suhu udara pada saat Perayaan Hari Raya Nyepi tahun 2015 di Provinsi Bali (tanpa intervensi anthropogenik dan pada hari-hari biasa di luar Hari Raya Nyepi (dengan intervensi anthropogenik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pengukuran konsentrasi CO dan suhu udara di tiga titik pengukuran yaitu Denpasar, Singaraja, dan Bedugul antara tanggal 17-25 Maret 2015, dimana hari Raya Nyepi dirayakan pada tanggal 21 Maret 2015. Pengukuran gas CO dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat pengukur konsentrasi polutan yang dinamakan Multi Gas Sensync dan pengukuran suhu udara dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Portable Weather Station (PWS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara konsentrasi CO dan suhu diDenpasar, Bedugul dan Singaraja pada saat hari Raya Nyepi menunjukkan adanya hubungan linier yang positifyang berarti antara konsentrasi CO dan suhu udara terjadi pengaruh yang saling menguatkan yaitu apabila terjadi peningkatansuhu udaramaka konsentrasi CO juga akan meningkat dan sebaliknya, sedangkan pada hari-hari di luar hari raya Nyepi hubungan antara keduanya terlihat tidak konsisten yang diduga karena adanya pengaruh dari faktor lain terutama yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia (faktor anthropogenik. This study was conducted to determine the differences of carbon monoxide (CO concentration and air temperature relation during the celebration of Nyepi Day 2015 (without anthropogenic intervention in Bali Province and the days outside Nyepi Day (with anthropogenic intervention. The study was conducted by measuring the CO concentration and air temperature at the three measuring points those were Denpasar, Singaraja, and Bedugul, from 17 to 25 March 2015 which Nyepi Day was celebrated on March 21, 2015.CO measurement was performed using pollutant concentration measuring tool called Multi Gas Sensync and air temperature measurement was performed

    2. Odontoblast layer structure alteration as a response to carious lesions

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      Tetiana Haniastuti


      Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial disease affecting the hard tissue of the teeth as well as the pulp. The human dental pulp consists of odontoblast which are organized as a densely packed cell layer. Odontoblasts is located at the periphery of the pulp; therefore, they are the first cells encountered by cariogenic bacteria and their products that are represented in the carious lesion. Purpose: This study aimed to elucidate the effect of cariogenic bacteria to odontoblasts of human teeth. Methods: Five intact third molars and 15 third molars with occlusal caries at various stages of decay were extracted because of orthodontic or therapeutic reasons. The tooth specimens were fixed, decalcified with 10% EDTA solution (pH 7.4, and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 μm thickness were cut and stained with haematoxylin eosin and Gram’s, in addition to nestin immunohistochemistry. The specimens were then examined under light microscopy. Results: In normal teeth, odontoblast layer were aligned along the pulp chamber showing normal morphology of the cells. Slight disorganization of odontoblast layer was seen in the cases of carious lesions confined to enamel. In the cases of carious lesions confined to dentin, odontoblast layer was not observed in the areas subjacent to the lesions, only single cells showing flattened cell morphology were found. Odontoblasts beneath the lesion suffered severe damage and diminished nestin immunoreaction were observed in all cases of carious lesions with pulp exposure. Conclusion: Cariogenic bacteria invasion may damage the odontoblasts by affecting the morphology and vitality of the cells. The severity of the damage of the odontoblasts may increase as the bacterial invasion progresses toward the pulp.Latar belakang: Karies merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, yang dapat memengaruhi jaringan keras gigi maupun pulpa. Pada pulpa gigi manusia terdapat sel odontoblas yang tersusun atas lapisan sel

    3. Relationship between deep venous thrombosis and inflammatory cytokines in postoperative patients with malignant abdominal tumors

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Du, T.; Tan, Z. [National Wuhan University, Zhongnan Hospital, School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Wuhan, Hubei Province (China)


      Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a common surgical complication in cancer patients and evidence that inflammation plays a role in the occurrence of DVT is increasing. We studied a population of cancer patients with abdominal malignancies with the aim of investigating whether the levels of circulating inflammatory cytokines were associated with postoperative DVT, and to determine the levels in DVT diagnoses. The serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukins (IL)-6 and IL-10, nuclear transcription factor-κB (NF-κB) and E-selectin (E-Sel) were determined in 120 individuals, who were divided into 3 groups: healthy controls, patients with and patients without DVT after surgery for an abdominal malignancy. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, Dunnet's T3 test, chi-square test, and univariate and multivariate logistic regression as needed. The CRP, IL-6, NF-κB, and E-Sel levels in patients with DVT were significantly higher than those in the other groups (P<0.05). The IL-10 level was higher in patients with DVT than in controls but lower than in patients without DVT. Univariate analysis revealed that CRP, IL-6, NF-κB, and E-Sel were statistically associated with the risk of DVT (OR=1.98, P=0.002; OR=1.17, P=0.000; OR=1.03, P=0.042; and OR=1.38, P=0.003; respectively), whereas IL-10 had a protective effect (OR=0.94, P=0.011). Multivariate analysis showed that E-Sel was an independent risk factor (OR=1.41, P=0.000). Thus, this study indicated that an increased serum level of E-Sel was associated with increased DVT risk in postoperative patients with abdominal malignancy, indicating that E-Sel may be a useful predictor of diagnosis of DVT.

    4. Software Engineering Laboratory Series: Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Software Engineering Workshop (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of application software. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document.

    5. Software Engineering Laboratory Series: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Software Engineering Workshop (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of application software. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document.

    6. Software Engineering Laboratory Series: Collected Software Engineering Papers. Volume 14 (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of application software. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document.

    7. Software Engineering Laboratory Series: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Software Engineering Workshop (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of application software. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document.

    8. Software Engineering Laboratory Series: Collected Software Engineering Papers. Volume 15 (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of application software. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document.

    9. Promoting Social and Emotional Competencies in Elementary School (United States)

      Jones, Stephanie M.; Barnes, Sophie P.; Bailey, Rebecca; Doolittle, Emily J.


      There's a strong case for making social and emotional learning (SEL) skills and competencies a central feature of elementary school. Children who master SEL skills get along better with others, do better in school, and have more successful careers and better mental and physical health as adults. Evidence from the most rigorous studies of…

    10. Software Engineering Laboratory Series: Collected Software Engineering Papers. Volume 13 (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of application software. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document.


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      Tukiran Surbakti


      Full Text Available RSG-GAS, mulai dari komisioning, operasi teras kerja hingga kini telah 30 tahun beroperasi sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi keselamatan parameter neutroniknya. Untuk tujuan keselamatan telah dilakukan berbagai aktivitas penelitian, baik yang berhubungan dengan operasi, keselamatan, maupun dalam rangka penggunaan reaktor. Analisis dan pengelolaan besaran reaktivitas yang menunjang keselamatan operasi reaktor sangat penting dilakukan karena besaran ini mempengaruhi desain, kendali dan jadual operasi reaktor. Besaran tersebut dapat ditentukan melalui pengukuran reaktivitas batang kendali dan eksperimen pemuatan bahan bakar di dalam teras. Pengukuran reaktivitas batang kendali yang dilakukan pada setiap awal siklus teras (dengan kondisi teras dingin dan bersih, bebas pengaruh xenon, menghasilkan nilai reaktivitas batang kendali yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan nilai reaktivitas lainnya seperti reaktivitas lebih, reaktivitas padam dan reaktivitas total. Pengelolaan reaktivitas teras telah dilakukan dengan baik selama 30 tahun dalam rangka mendukung operasi reaktor untuk keperluan penelitian dan iradiasi target.

    12. Pollen Ultrastructure of Genus Dendrobium Orchids as a Learning Resource

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      Lika Dwi Apriani


      Full Text Available Anggrek genus Dendrobium merupakan salah satu genus dari divisi spermatophyta yang merupakan kelompok tumbuhan yang berkembang dengan menggunakan biji. Tumbuhan berbiji tentu memiliki bunga sebagai alat perkembangan generatifnya. Perkembangan generatif pada bunga artinya pertemuan antara sel gamet jantan dan sel gamet betina. Sel gamet betina pada tumbuhan dihasilkan oleh putik, sedangkan sel gamet jantan disebut serbuk sari atau pollen. Genus Dendrobium merupakan salah satu kekayaan alam Indonesia, jumlahnya diperkirakan mencapai 275 spesies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana ultrastruktur pollen anggrek genus Dendrobium dari sepuluh spesies yang diamati menggunakan SEM. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan unit pollen untuk semua spesies yaitu kategori pollinia, sedangkan untuk polaritas pollen adalah apolar. Jenis aperture kesepuluh spesies yang diamati mempunyai aperture dengan pola yang tidak beraturan dan lebih dari enam yang disebut colpate. Bentuk pollen dari semua spesies yang diteliti bentuknya adalah subprolate hingga prolate dan ukuran pollen termasuk dalam kategori minuta hingga media. Ornamentasi pollen atau skluptur pollen tidak teridentifikasi dikarenakan ukuran pollen yang terlalu kecil, permukaan pollen terlihat kurang jelas. Sumber belajar yang digunakan adalah atlas.

    13. Attitudes of Chilean students from different socioeconomic levels at the beginning of the implementation of the law governing the sale and advertising of foods high in critical nutrients (United States)

      Olivares Cortes, Sonia; Araneda Flores, Jacqueline; Morales Illanes, Gladys; Leyton Dinamarca, Bárbara; Bustos Zapata, Nelly; Hernández Moreno, María Angélica; Oyarzún Macchiavello, María Teresa


      Background: On June 27th 2016 the law that regulates sale and advertising of foods high in critical nutrients was implemented in Chile. This law regulates the processed food packaging labelling of foods high in calories, saturated fats, sugars and sodium. Objective: To determine 8-12 year old school children attitudes, from different socioeconomic levels (SEL) and nutritional status, toward the new food labelling law. Methods: A previously validated survey was applied, adding questions regarding the new logos to be added on the packaging of foods and beverages. A descriptive analysis of the variables being studied was conducted and differences in relation to the SEL and nutritional status were determined using the Chi2 test. Results: Statistically significant differences were not observed for gender or city. Regarding the new logos, 87.3% of the children from a medium to high SEL and 78.5% from low SEL indicated that they liked to be informed about the contents of food (p educational and social marketing support to improve the understanding, compliance and fulfillment of the law.

    14. TNF induction of EL4 hyposensitivity to lysis by recombinant (soluble) and membrane-associated TNFs: TNF binding, internalization, and degradation. (United States)

      Fishman, M; Costlow, M


      EL4 mouse thymoma cells sensitive to TNF-mediated lysis only in the presence of cycloheximide (S-EL4) or in the presence or absence of cycloheximide (N-EL4) were used in these experiments. Murine tumor cell line (S-EL4) sensitivity to TNF cytotoxicity is augmented when cycloheximide is added together with TNF or when cycloheximide is added 1 hr before or after TNF. No enhanced sensitivity is observed when target cells are incubated with cycloheximide 2-4 hr before or after the addition of TNF. In the absence of cycloheximide, S-EL4 cells preexposed to murine TNF are less susceptible to lysis by TNF and TNF receptor-conjugated TNF but are lysed by integral membrane TNF. TNF-induced hyposensitivity is partially reversed by actinomycin D or by culturing the preexposed cells for 4 hr prior to TNF lytic assay. TNF preincubation of N- and S-EL4 cells results in an immediate decrease in 125I-TNF binding due to TNF receptor occupancy. Recovery of TNF-R occupancy and TNF internalization were subsequently noted.


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      Zuhair Zuhair


      Full Text Available PTRKN sebagai salah satu unit kerja di BATAN dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi yang berkaitan erat dengan teknologi reaktor dan keselamatan nuklir, menaruh perhatian khusus pada konsep reaktor pebble bed. Dalam makalah ini pemodelan reaktor pebble bed HTR-PROTEUS dilakukan dengan program transport Monte Carlo MCNP5. Partikel bahan bakar berlapis TRISO dimodelkan secara detail dan eksak dimana distribusi acak partikel ini dalam bola bahan bakar didekati menggunakan array teratur kisi SC dengan fraksi packing 5,76% tanpa zona eksklusif. Model teras pebble bed didekati dengan memanfaatkan kisi teratur dari bola yang disusun sebagai kisi BCC berdasarkan sel berulang yang digenerasi dari sejumlah sel satuan. Hasil perhitungan MCNP5 memperlihatkan kesesuaian yang sangat baik dengan eksperimen, walaupun teras HTR-PROTEUS diprediksi lebih reaktif daripada pengukuran, khususnya di teras 4.2 dan 4.3. Pustaka ENDF/B-VI menunjukkan konsistensi dengan estimasi keff paling akurat dibandingkan pustaka ENDF/B-V, terutama ENDF/B-VI (66c. Deviasi estimasi keff yang dihitung dengan eksperimen dikaitkan sebagai konsekuensi dari komposisi reflektor grafit yang dispesifikasikan. Komparasi yang dibuat memperlihatkan bahwa MCNP5 menghasilkan keff teras HTR-PROTEUS lebih presisi daripada hasil dari MCNP4B dan MCNPBALL. Hasil ini menyimpulkan bahwa, sukses metodologi pemodelan ini menjustifikasi aplikasi MCNP5 untuk analisis reaktor pebble bed lainnya. Kata kunci: pemodelan teras HTR-PROTEUS, konstanta multiplikasi, MCNP5   PTRKN as a working unit in BATAN whose main duties and functions are related to reactor technology and nuclear safety, consern attention to pebble bed reactor concept. In this paper modeling of HTR-PROTEUS pebble bed reactor was done using Monte Carlo transport code MCNP5. The TRISO coated fuel particle is modeled in detailed and exact manner where random distributions of these particles in fuel pebble is approximated by using regular array of SC lattice


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      Lideman Lideman


      Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan cahaya terhadap laju fotosintesis Kappaphycus sp. (strain Sumba yang diukur berdasarkan perubahan oksigen terlarut. Pengukuran laju fotosintesis Kappaphycus sp. pertama-tama dilakukan pada suhu 20oC, 24oC, 28oC, dan 32oC pada tingkat cahaya 353 μmol photons m-2 s-1 untuk mendapatkan kurva fotosintesis versus suhu (kurva P-T. Selanjutnya, pengukuran laju fotosintesis dilakukan pada suhu 20oC, 24oC, dan 28oC dengan intensitas cahaya 9, 22, 46, 58, 87, 137, 245, 353, 487, 608, dan 789 μmol photons m-2 s-1 dan juga pengukuran laju respirasi pada tingkat cahaya 0 μmol photons m-2 s-1 untuk menghasilkan kurva fotosintesis versus cahaya (kurva P-I. Beberapa parameter fotosintesis yaitu: laju fotosintesis maksimum (Pmax, koefisien fotosintesis (α, intensitas cahaya jenuh (Ek, dan intensitas cahaya kompensasi (Ec dihitung dengan cara memplotkan kurva P-I terhadap model persamaan regresi non linear P = {Pmax x tanh (α / Pmax x I} + Rd. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa laju fotosintesis tertinggi sebesar 6,92 μg O2 gww-1 min-1 dicapai pada suhu 28oC dengan tingkat cahaya 353 μmol photons m-2 s-1. Pada suhu 20oC, 24oC, dan 28oC, laju fotosintesis mencapai tingkat maksimum (Pmax pada intensitas cahaya (Ek 86,1; 154,2; dan 162,4 μmol photons m-2 s-1. Suhu yang optimum untuk aktivitas fotosintesis berkorelasi erat dengan suhu pada lingkungan budidaya di alam.


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      Hendra Rosada Nasution


      Full Text Available ABSTRAK. Lahan gambut adalah jenis tanah yang terbentuk dari sisa-sisa tumbuhan yang terpendam dalam jangka  waktu yang sangat lama. Lahan gambut memiliki  karakteristik mudah terbakar  pada kondisi panas tertentu yang membentuk bara api di bawah permukaan dan menjalar ke atas permukaan hingga menyebabkan terbakarnya semak belukar atau hutan yang berada di atasnya, sehingga perlu dilakukan monitoring temperatur dan kelembaban permukaan dan bawah lahan gambut. Prototipe yang dibuat terdiri dari dua perangkat transmitter yang dilengkapi dengan sensor sebagai pengukur parameter dan satu perangkat receiver sebagai penerima data kedua transmitter. Pengukuran temperatur tanah di bawah permukaan digunakan sensor LM35 berbentuk probe, kemudian pengukuran temperatur dan kelembaban udara di permukaan digunakan sensor SHT11. pengiriman data dilakukan secara nirkabel menggunakan nRF24L01 dengan jarak maksimal 450 meter dengan jarak yang baik 200 meter. Perangkat receiver dilengkapi sistem interface PC berbasis database pada server  localhost/phpmyadmin. Hasil karakterisasi sensor LM35 dalam bentuk probe menunjukan linieritasnya adalah 0,9994 dan 0,9996; deviasi error 0,380C dan 0,400C; sensitivitas 0,960C dan 0,810C. Hasil lima kali pengukuran pada dua titik pengujian setiap transmitter menunjukkan temperatur tanah memiliki nilai 30,200C - 38,100C dan 24,800C - 38,600C, temperatur udara 25,000C - 38,860C dan 24,850C - 40,150C, kelembaban udara 51,65% - 96,51% dan 43,03% - 96,17%.   Kata kunci : Prototipe, Database, Lahan Gambut, LM35, nRF24L01, SHT11

    18. : tous les projets | Page 197 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

      International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

      Les initiatives de réduction de la consommation de sel qui visent l'ensemble de la population et qui ciblent la teneur en sodium des aliments et sensibilisent les consommateurs sont susceptibles de réduire la consommation de sel dans toutes les couches de la population et d'améliorer la santé cardiovasculaire.

    19. Collaboration for a Curriculum of Caring: The Zeitgeist Is Right (United States)

      Smith, Emily R.; Gill Lopez, Paula


      Recent catastrophic school shootings have drawn worldwide attention to issues of gun control and mental health. In the wake of these tragedies, more and more schools have begun to adopt school-wide social and emotional learning (SEL) programs. However, we have few examples of what it looks like to integrate SEL skills into content curricula.…

    20. Control-Display Investigation of Complex Trajectory Flight Using the Microwave Landing System. Analysis Phase. (United States)


      perspective to create the illusion of depth as the third dimension for mapping distance. The perspective treatment is limited to the depiction of a channel...0> -i > > 0 > ON s > ca6 INS CRS SEL INS CRSSEL SYS INS DRIFT Ifl --- imp ANGLE RADANS SW J]HSI DIRECT HDGSEL UNIT C MCDULE HOG SEL IL 0 N RAD CRS

    1. Seeking Balance in Cyber Education (United States)


      to be practical today. It is true that some computer systems have been developed with provable security in mind. For example, seL4 is a microkernel...Aug. 2014. <>. 6. Klein, Gerwin, et al. “ seL4 : Formal verification of an OS kernel.” Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS

    2. A Review of the Literature on Social and Emotional Learning for Students Ages 3-8: Implementation Strategies and State and District Support Policies (Part 2 of 4). REL 2017-246 (United States)

      O'Conner, Rosemarie; De Feyter, Jessica; Carr, Alyssa; Luo, Jia Lisa; Romm, Helen


      Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process by which children and adults learn to understand and manage emotions, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. This is the second in a series of four related reports about what is known about SEL programs for students ages 3-8. The report series addresses four issues raised…

    3. A Review of the Literature on Social and Emotional Learning for Students Ages 3-8: Teacher and Classroom Strategies that Contribute to Social and Emotional Learning (Part 3 of 4). REL 2017-247 (United States)

      O'Conner, Rosemarie; De Feyter, Jessica; Carr, Alyssa; Luo, Jia Lisa; Romm, Helen


      Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process by which children and adults learn to understand and manage emotions, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. This is the third in a series of four related reports about what is known about SEL programs for students ages 3-8. The report series addresses four issues raised…

    4. Mammalian Cell Culture Clarification: A Case Study Using Chimeric Anti-CEA Monoclonal Antibodies

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      Mohamed Ali Abol Hassan


      Full Text Available The extracellular expression of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs in mammalian cell culture provides both opportunities and restrictions for the design of robust harvest and clarification operations. With advances in cell culture media and cell lines, it is now possible to achieve high titers of over 5 g/l for mAbs. However, Mammalian cells are sensitive to breakage due to shear stress that can result in release of proteases and other host cell proteins (HCPs which eventually affects product stability and purity. There is larger number of mAbs undergoing clinical development and it has placed significant importance on platform technologies of process development. Generally, Centrifugation and microfiltration are the primary harvest techniques used in the industry and depth filtration is also used as a step operation on clarification. This study compares the unit operations; centrifugation, microfiltration and depth filtration for maximum recovery of monoclonal antibodies. The results have shown that the depth filtration as more suitable operation for mammalian cell culture clarification since it gives 96% recovery of mAbs in comparison to centrifugation and microfiltration. ABSTRAK: Pengungkapan luar sel dari antibodi monoklon (monoclonal antibodies ((mAbs dalam kultur sel mamalia memberi ruang dan batasan terhadap reka bentuk penuaian yang cekap dan penerangan operasi. Dengan kemajuan dalam media sel kultur dan cell lines (produk yang berupa sel kekal yang digunakan untuk tujuan kajian biologi, kini adalah berkemungkinan untuk memperolehi titer tinggi melebihi 5g/l untuk mAbs [2]. Walaupun begitu, sel mamalia sensitif terhadap retakan disebabkan tegasan ricih yang menyebabkan pengeluaran protease dan hos sel protein yang lain, (host cell proteins (HCPs akhirnya mempengaruhi kestabilan dan keaslian produk. Terdapat mAbs dalam jumlah besar yang masih menjalani pembangunan klinikal dan sesungguhnya ini penting sebagai satu landasan teknologi dalam

    5. Dextran sulphate crowding and sodium deoxycholate lysis of primary breast fibroblast cells achieve extracellular matrix deposition and decellularization for breast cancer stem cell culture

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      Aroem Naruni


      Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Lingkungan mikro yaitu sel stromal dam matriks ekstraseluler saat ini dinyatakansebagai kontributor dalam perkembangan tumor. Beberapa penelitian telah mengembangkan matriksekstraseluler yang mendukung perkembangan sel in vitro. Matriks ekstraseluler adalah suatu komplekssusunan supramolekuler dari berbagai macam glycoprotein dan proteoglycan. Matriks ekstraselulermenyediakan integritas jaringan, bertindak sebagai scaffold alami tempat sel melekat dan berinteraksiserta berperan sebagai reservoir pertumbuhan sel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan deposisidan deselularisasi yang optimal pada matriks ekstraseluler.Metode: Dalam penelitian ini, kami mengembangkan cells crowder untuk meningkatkan deposit matriksekstraseluler dari kultur sel primer fibroblast payudara yang diperoleh dari spesimen hasil operasimammoplasty. Dextran 500 kDa ditambahkan dalam media kultur DMEM lengkap yang telah ditambahkan0.5% FBS dan 100μM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate. Setelah tujuh hari, sel dilisis dengan menggunakanSodium Deoxycolate (DOC.Hasil: Deposisi matriks ekstraseluler dan proses deselulerisasi dari sel primer fibroblas payudara dapatterdeteksi dengan menggunakan antibodi Rabbit anti human fibronectin yang selanjutnya ditambahkandengan anti rabbit IgG yang telah dikonjugasi dengan Alexa Fluor 488.Kesimpulan: Penambahan dextran sulfat dan prosesing lysis dengan sodium deoxycolate dapatmeningkatkan deposisi dan menghasilkan deselularisasi matriks ekstraseluler. (Health Science Journalof Indonesia 2015;6:43-7Kata kunci: matriks ekstra selular, kanker mammae, stem cell, sel fibroblast AbstractBackground: The microenvironment including stromal cells and extracellular matrix (ECM is now consideredan active contributor to tumor progression. Certain studies have developed ECM which supports a suitable cellulargrowth in vitro. The ECM is a complex supramolecular assembly of a variety of glycoproteins and proteoglycans


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      Syafaruddin Ch


      Full Text Available The ability to produce electrical energy at Solar Power Plant  is highly dependent on the magnitude and duration of sun exposure on the solar cell panels. The movement of the sun from east to west that periodicity in every day is a problem at  the  optimization generation of electricity at  Solar Power Plant   if using solar panel that motionless. This is because the solar cell panel can not catch the maximum sun exposure. To solve the above problem then designed a solar cell panel  tracker  capable of follo-wing the movements of the sun. Then conducted a test to see the performance of solar cell pa-nel  tracker  and compare it with the performance of solar cell panel was motionless. The testing doing along 6 days, with way to irradiate the panel of solar cells  tracker  and panels of solar cell motionless with sun exposure  along a  full day. Then the electric current generated each panel were recorded. The comparison of current then generating comparison of electric power delivery. The result show that the solar cell panel  tracker  produce the average current is 2.19 A whereas solar-cell panel still 1.97 A.  This result   indicate that average power for solar cell panel  tracker  39.41 W while for solar cell panel that motionless is  35.46 W. These results indicate that the performance of solar cell panel  tracker  better than  solar cell panel motionless.

    7. Efek pemberian larutan diazinon per oral terhadap kerusakan sel-sel tubuli ginjal mencit

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      Saikhu Ahmad Husein


      Full Text Available One of the pesticide which very common to protect plants from the pest is diazinon. But this pesticide contain neurotoxic organophosphate bound. The organophosphate bound has also an effect on kidney’s tissue. Recently the research about effect of diazinon still required. The sudy was carried out to observe the effect of diazinon on cells of tubuli renalis in mice. This study was used 30 mice, by random sampling became 6 goup. Three groups for controle (K1, K2, and K3 and three groups for treatment (P1, P2, and P3. The controle groups were given 0.5 ml aquadest and the treatment groups were given 150 ppm of 0.5 ml diazinon solution up to 10,20, and 40 days for P1, P2, and P2 sub sequently. The result showed that the effect of diazinon solution given per oral for the difference time were caused difference demage level on cells ob the tubuli renalis in mice.



      Syafaruddin Ch


      The ability to produce electrical energy at Solar Power Plant  is highly dependent on the magnitude and duration of sun exposure on the solar cell panels. The movement of the sun from east to west that periodicity in every day is a problem at  the  optimization generation of electricity at  Solar Power Plant   if using solar panel that motionless. This is because the solar cell panel can not catch the maximum sun exposure. To solve the above problem then designed a solar cell panel  tracker...

    9. sodium

      International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

      Les initiatives de réduction de la consommation de sel qui visent l'ensemble de la population et qui ciblent la teneur en sodium des aliments et sensibilisent les consommateurs sont susceptibles de réduire la consommation de sel dans toutes les couches de la population et d'améliorer la santé cardiovasculaire. Ce projet a ...

    10. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Software Engineering Workshop (United States)


      The Twenty-third Annual Software Engineering Workshop (SEW) provided 20 presentations designed to further the goals of the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) of the NASA-GSFC. The presentations were selected on their creativity. The sessions which were held on 2-3 of December 1998, centered on the SEL, Experimentation, Inspections, Fault Prediction, Verification and Validation, and Embedded Systems and Safety-Critical Systems.

    11. The testing of a method for dosing plutonium by {alpha}-counting in the presence of strong concentrations of salts or of uranium; Essai d'une methode de dosage du plutonium par comptage {alpha} en presence de fortes concentrations en sels ou en uranium

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Fontaine, A M; Baude-Malafosse, L M; Cunq, M J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


      This report describes a method for dosing small quantities of plutonium in a solution having a high concentration of salts. It shows the possibility of dosing up to 5.10{sup -3} {mu}g of Pu in the presence of 10 mg of NaNO{sub 3} with out decreasing the counting-rate. The only error possible is that in the counting. It is also possible to dose 10{sup -3} {mu}g of Pu in the presence of 1,7 mg of uranyl nitrate. (author) [French] Ce rapport decrit une methode de dosage de faibles quantites de plutonium dans une solution de forte concentration en sels. Il montre la possibilite de doser jusqu'a 5.10{sup -3} {mu}g de Pu en presence de 10 mg de NO{sub 3}Na sans diminution du taux de comptage. La seule erreur que l'on puisse faire est l'erreur de comptage. On peut aussi doser 10{sup -3} {mu}g de Pu en presence de 1,7 mg de nitrate d'uranyle. (auteur)

    12. Machine Learning Untuk Estimasi Posisi Objek Berbasis RSS Fingerprint Menggunakan IEEE 802.11g Pada Lantai 3 Gedung JTETI UGM

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      Chairani Chairani


      Full Text Available Penelitian ini membahas tentang estimasi posisi (localization objek dalam gedung menggunakan jaringan wireless atau IEEE 802.11g dengan pendekatan Machine Learning. Metode pada pengukuran RSS menggunakan RSS-based fingerprint.  Algoritma Machine Learning yang digunakan dalam memperkirakan lokasi dari pengukuran RSS-based menggunakan Naive Bayes.  Localization dilakukan pada lantai 3 gedung Jurusan Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JTETI dengan luas 1969,68 m2 dan memiliki 5 buah titik penempatan access point (AP. Untuk membentuk peta fingerprint digunakan dimensi 1 m x 1 m sehingga terbentuk grid sebanyak  1893 buah. Dengan menggunakan software Net Surveyor terkumpul data kekuatan sinyal yang diterima (RSS dari jaringan wireless ke perangkat penerima (laptop sebanyak 86.980 record. Hasil nilai rata-rata error jarak estimasi untuk localization seluruh ruangan di lantai 3 dengan menggunakan algoritma Naive Bayes pada fase offline tahap learning adalah 6,29 meter. Untuk fase online dan tahap post learning diperoleh rata-rata error jarak estimasi sebesar 7,82 meter.

    13. Sistem Pakar Otomatisasi Baku Mutu Limbah Pertambangan Nikel Menggunakan Algoritma Supervised Mechine

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      Komang Aryasa


      Full Text Available Metode buka tutup pintu pembuangan limbah secara manual  berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium  membutuhkan waktu relatif lama. Ketika hasil uji laboratorium menyatakan proses pembuangan harus dihentikan, limbah yang tidak memenuhi standar kelayakan sudah ikut terbuang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  untuk merancang sistem pakar menggunakan algoritma Supervised Learning untuk otomatisasi standar baku limbah pertambangan nikel, algoritma ini digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan besaran nilai kandungan unsur dalam limbah, dan digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan proses penentuan kelayakan buang limbah. Algoritma ini bekerja setelah menerima data dalam bentuk nilai-nilai kandungan unsur yang dibangkitkan oleh sebuah aplikasi simulator yang mendeteksi kadar kandungan unsur dalam air limbah. Hasil analisis tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan kelayakan pembuangan limbah. Dari 11 unsur yang dianalisis tujuh unsur memiliki bobot nilai tertinggi dalam setiap pengukuran yaitu pH, TSS, Cu, Zn, Cr(6+, Cr Total, dan Fe., sementara Support Vector Machine hanya empat unsur yang memiliki nilai bobot tertinggi dari setiap pengukuran, yaitu unsur Cd, Pb, Ni dan Co.


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      Hikmatul Fitri


      Full Text Available Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh corporate governance dan charter value terhadap pengambilan risiko perbankan pada bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 20042013. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data panel tidak berimbang. Corporate governance diukur dengan jumlah komisaris, persentase komisaris independen, kualitas manajemen risiko, dan jumlah rapat gabungan komisari dan direksi per tahun. Charter value diukur dengan Tobins’Q. Proksi pengambilan risiko yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan data pasar saham (market based measure dan data akuntansi (accounting based measure. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa corporate governance dan charter value mampu mendisiplinkan pengambilan risiko perbankan. Kepemilikan asing dan domestik sebagai ultimate shareholder di suatu bank, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan terkait pengambilan risiko mereka. Kedua kelompok kepemilikan tersebut menginginkan return yang lebih tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pengambilan risiko yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen bank lebih tercermin dalam pengukuran risiko berdasarkan data akuntansi, karena pengukuran tersebut memberikan hasil yang lebih konsisten.Kata kunci: corporate governance, charter value, tipe kepemilikan, pengambilan risiko, z-score

    15. The cleanroom case study in the Software Engineering Laboratory: Project description and early analysis (United States)

      Green, Scott; Kouchakdjian, Ara; Basili, Victor; Weidow, David


      This case study analyzes the application of the cleanroom software development methodology to the development of production software at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. The cleanroom methodology emphasizes human discipline in program verification to produce reliable software products that are right the first time. Preliminary analysis of the cleanroom case study shows that the method can be applied successfully in the FDD environment and may increase staff productivity and product quality. Compared to typical Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) activities, there is evidence of lower failure rates, a more complete and consistent set of inline code documentation, a different distribution of phase effort activity, and a different growth profile in terms of lines of code developed. The major goals of the study were to: (1) assess the process used in the SEL cleanroom model with respect to team structure, team activities, and effort distribution; (2) analyze the products of the SEL cleanroom model and determine the impact on measures of interest, including reliability, productivity, overall life-cycle cost, and software quality; and (3) analyze the residual products in the application of the SEL cleanroom model, such as fault distribution, error characteristics, system growth, and computer usage.

    16. Selective up-regulation of protein kinase C eta in phorbol ester-sensitive versus -resistant EL4 mouse thymoma cells. (United States)

      Resnick, M S; Luo, X; Vinton, E G; Sando, J J


      Stimulation of sensitive EL4 mouse thymoma cells (s-EL4) with phorbol esters results in production of interleukin 2 (IL-2), adherence to a plastic substrate, and growth inhibition, whereas a phorbol ester-resistant variant (r-EL4) fails to respond. Previous studies revealed substantially decreased expression of protein kinase C (PKC) epsilon in the r-EL4 versus s-EL4 cells. This work has been extended to examine the more recently described PKC isozymes. Western and Northern analyses revealed a marked decrease in PKC eta and theta in r-EL4 as compared to s-EL4 cells. Treatment of these lines with phorbol ester for 24 h resulted in down-regulation of all PKC isozymes examined except PKC eta, which was up-regulated in the s-EL4 cells at the time of maximal IL-2 production. Two newly isolated EL4 clones, resistant to phorbol ester-induced growth inhibition but still exhibiting the phorbol ester-induced adherence and IL-2 production, both expressed PKC eta and theta. Collectively, these observations suggest a dissociation of growth inhibition from adherence and IL-2 production pathways and a potential role for PKC eta in the latter.


      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Blanc, Guillermo A. [Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, CA 91101 (United States); Kewley, Lisa; Vogt, Frédéric P. A.; Dopita, Michael A. [Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611 (Australia)


      We present a new method for inferring the metallicity (Z) and ionization parameter (q) of H II regions and star-forming galaxies using strong nebular emission lines (SELs). We use Bayesian inference to derive the joint and marginalized posterior probability density functions for Z and q given a set of observed line fluxes and an input photoionization model. Our approach allows the use of arbitrary sets of SELs and the inclusion of flux upper limits. The method provides a self-consistent way of determining the physical conditions of ionized nebulae that is not tied to the arbitrary choice of a particular SEL diagnostic and uses all the available information. Unlike theoretically calibrated SEL diagnostics, the method is flexible and not tied to a particular photoionization model. We describe our algorithm, validate it against other methods, and present a tool that implements it called IZI. Using a sample of nearby extragalactic H II regions, we assess the performance of commonly used SEL abundance diagnostics. We also use a sample of 22 local H II regions having both direct and recombination line (RL) oxygen abundance measurements in the literature to study discrepancies in the abundance scale between different methods. We find that oxygen abundances derived through Bayesian inference using currently available photoionization models in the literature can be in good (∼30%) agreement with RL abundances, although some models perform significantly better than others. We also confirm that abundances measured using the direct method are typically ∼0.2 dex lower than both RL and photoionization-model-based abundances.


      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Blanc, Guillermo A.; Kewley, Lisa; Vogt, Frédéric P. A.; Dopita, Michael A.


      We present a new method for inferring the metallicity (Z) and ionization parameter (q) of H II regions and star-forming galaxies using strong nebular emission lines (SELs). We use Bayesian inference to derive the joint and marginalized posterior probability density functions for Z and q given a set of observed line fluxes and an input photoionization model. Our approach allows the use of arbitrary sets of SELs and the inclusion of flux upper limits. The method provides a self-consistent way of determining the physical conditions of ionized nebulae that is not tied to the arbitrary choice of a particular SEL diagnostic and uses all the available information. Unlike theoretically calibrated SEL diagnostics, the method is flexible and not tied to a particular photoionization model. We describe our algorithm, validate it against other methods, and present a tool that implements it called IZI. Using a sample of nearby extragalactic H II regions, we assess the performance of commonly used SEL abundance diagnostics. We also use a sample of 22 local H II regions having both direct and recombination line (RL) oxygen abundance measurements in the literature to study discrepancies in the abundance scale between different methods. We find that oxygen abundances derived through Bayesian inference using currently available photoionization models in the literature can be in good (∼30%) agreement with RL abundances, although some models perform significantly better than others. We also confirm that abundances measured using the direct method are typically ∼0.2 dex lower than both RL and photoionization-model-based abundances


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      Ary Sulistyo Utomo


      180m. Pengujian suhu ruang baby incubator menggunakan termometer sebagai perbandingan dengan nilai suhu yang dibaca pada alat. Dari pengukuran diperoleh tingkat perbedaan 0% pada suhu 30oC dan 2,8% pada suhu 37oC.   Kata kunci: baby incubator, sistem monitoring sentral, microsoft visual studio, arduino.

    20. Development of a Gun Wear Data Bank. (United States)


      GO TO 3 INC.(j)zI 3 CONTINUE *4OLS=MF( ICCIr RETURN ENTRY SEL4 Jug C0 4 IIRKIN,IRPAX IJ=79 .AND. ISERS (1,1) 00 5 19219" IF (ZJ *EO. KODE (19)) GO TO 6... SEL4 will find data for each requested gun that also meets the requirements for selected records. 2. SUBROUTINE RBU will unpack velocity data for a

    1. Leadership for the 1970s. Human Relations in the Military Environment (United States)


      maids, civil-engineering employees , and other inspection per- sonnel, who entered their rooms without knocking. 9) There were complaints about continual...SimplcityNeeds Goodulness EfArlvesnessIn(alldequil) Sel f--sufficienc Necn gu essit Sel f-esteem Esteem by Others Love & Belongingness Safety & Security Basic...private businesses have begun to employ full-time counselors to assist employees in dealing with problems and tc provide feedback to management

    2. Perilaku Pegawai PT. Bank Kesawan Tbk Cabang Pematang Siantar Terhadap Pencegahan Penyakit Degeneratif Tahun 2006


      Martha Adelina Simarmata


      Penyakit degeneratif merupakan penyakit yang terjadi akibat degenerasi sel-sel atau sistem dalam tubuh kita, Penyakit degeneratif seperti penyakit jantung, hipertensi kencing manis merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang dapat dicegah sedini mungkin melalui pola hidup sehat seperti : tidak merokok, tidak minum alkohol, olah raga secara rutin, menghindari stress, istirahat yang cukup, makanan sehat dan seimbang serta menghindari kegemukan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuant...


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      Kamal ABDULLA


      Full Text Available In the given article cognitive-linguistic interpretation of Turkic language concept was done according to the Turkic world and culture context and to the Turkic language-conversation borrowings used in the Russian language. From this point of view according to the “TurkicSlavistic” notion, Turkic-Russian language relationships were looked through and some language-conversation borrowings from Turkic into Russian were analysed. According to the text and proverb examples from “Taury Kassandra” by Chingiz Aytmatov. Some textual-linguistic and parameological borrowings used in Russian are appreciated as conceptual-linguistic. Türk dili kavramının bilişsel-lengüistik açıklanması, Türk dünyası ve uygarlığı bağlamına ve Rusça’da kullanılan Türkçe dil-konuşma alıntılarına göre yapılmıştır. Bu bakımdan makalede “Türkslavistik” anlayışına göre Türkçe-Rusça ilişkileri bütün olarak ele alınmış ve Türkçeden Rusçaya geçen dil-konuşma alıntıları tahlil edilmiştir. Şöyle ki; C. Aytmatov’un “Tavrı Kassandra” eserinden alınan metin ve atasözü örneklerine göre Rusçada kullanılan metindilbilimsel ve atasözübilimsel nitelikteki bazı alıntılar kavramsal-lengüistik olarak değerlendirilmiştir.

    4. Servqual sebagai Alternatif Pendekatan Pengukuran Kualitas Layanan

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      Aisyah Larasati


      Full Text Available Kualitas layanan dapat diukur dengan cara membandingkan harapan/keinginan pelanggan terhadap layanan yang diterima dengan persepsi pelanggan terhadap layanan yang benar-benar ia terima. Kepuasan konsumen tercapai saat persepsi konsumen terhadap layanan yang ia terima lebih baik dibandingkan harapannya. Servqual mengukur kualitas layanan pada 5 titik kesenjangan yang mungkin terjadi selama proses penyampaian layanan oleh penyampai jasa kepada konsumen. Metode Servqual sangat sesuai untuk mengukur kualitas layanan jasa karena dimensi-dimensi yang ada mampu mengukur performansi dari aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap suatu kualitas layanan jasa.


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      Ferry Prasetyia


      Full Text Available Efficiency was very important to note because it reflected the performance of a bank. This research aimed todetermine the level of efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia using risk management approach during theperiod 2005 to 2009. The samples in this research were commercial Islamic banks and sharia business unit.Commercial Islamic banks consisted of Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Syariah Mega, and Bank Muamalat.While the Sharia Business Unit consisted of Bank Permata and Bank Niaga. This research used Data EnvelopmentAnalysis (DEA to obtain the level of efficiency of each bank which was being investigated. Inputvariables used in this study were the input variable of risk such as operational risk, liquidity risk, andfinancing risk. While the output used was the total financing, and revenue sharing. The results showed thatlevels of efficiency in this research period, Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank Muamalat always had an efficientcondition. This was because the number of customers of the two banks were large and both of them had arelatively large branch network.

    6. Pengukuran Kinerja Perpustakaan Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

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      Vera Devani


      Full Text Available This research aims to investigate, identify and describe the performance level and the factor which impacts to the performance of the Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang (PTSL using Balanced Scorecard approach. The descriptive analysis was used to proceed data on 4 perspectives, were financial, customer, internal business process and learning and growth, respestively. The questionnaires were distributed to 24 employees and 120 questionnaires were distributed to customers. The finding shosw that performance level of PTSL is in good category by the total score 41.75. Performance level of another perspective shows financial performance is very good by the total score 9, customer performance is good by the total score 3.62, internal business process performance is very good by the total score 8.79 and learning and growth performance is good by the total score the 19.34. Based on findings recommendation is formulated in order that PTSL should focus on employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

    7. Algoritma Filter Kalman untuk Menghaluskan Data Pengukuran


      Rudiyanto; Setiawan, Budi Indra; Saptomo, Satyanto Krido


      The objective of this paper is to apply a simple algorithm of Kalman Filter, wich is know as noise data filtering. The computer program was written in Macro Visual Basic in MS Exel. Testings were carried out on available temperature, Water level and force data and then were comared with the mooving average method. The result shows that the algorithm performed better and lesser deviation than the mooving average.

    8. Algoritma Filter Kalman untuk Menghaluskan Data Pengukuran

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      Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to apply a simple algorithm of Kalman Filter, wich is know as noise data filtering. The computer program was written in Macro Visual Basic in MS Exel. Testings were carried out on available temperature, Water level and force data and then were comared with the mooving average method. The result shows that the algorithm performed better and lesser deviation than the mooving average.

    9. 341-IJBCS-Article-Yao Koffi Marcelin

      African Journals Online (AJOL)

      Dr Gatsing

      est bien oxygénée et présente des signes d'un dépôt des particules minérales. Les résultats des teneurs en sels nutritifs révèlent que les teneurs en ammonium de certaines zones affectent la vie aquatique et que les principales sources de sels nutritifs sont les rejets domestiques et industriels, les eaux de ruissellement et.

    10. Pengaruh Pemberian Kascing (Bekas Cacing) dengan Dosis yang Berbeda dalam Kultur Skeletonema Costatum


      Fauziah, Fauziah; Hatta, Muhammad


      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis kascing yang baik pada Kultur sel Skeletonema costatum untuk menghasilkan kepadatan sel Skeletonema costatum yang optimal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 - 25 Desember 2013. Di Balai Budidaya Air Payau (BBAP) Ujoeng Batee, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperiment dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan dalam...

    11. Pascal Statistical Procedures Package (PSPP). (United States)


      sel4 -correlation matrices and the 4 (a first/second cross-correlation matrix. 4) i s* These partitions are stored in CORRMATRIX (CM). *) *.(*4...8217CR13,YK34 ELfttaSEiac’CH~3) FOR J~a TO N 0D VDE INN N:=P; FOR I:-i TO P DO (e Access sel4 -correlations ) FOR 3:-i TO P DO RYY[I,3:=CMEI,32; FOR i:-i

    12. Emotional pedagogy and the gendering of social and emotional learning


      Evans, Rhiannon Emily


      Social and emotional learning (SEL) has predominantly been conceptualised as a neurological process, which has precluded understanding of how social, cultural and material discourses inform the expression of emotional experiences. Gender remains a notable omission. This article explores the micro-practices through which gender structures the development of young people’s emotional subjectivities within the context of a school-based SEL intervention. Particular emphasis is placed on the gender...

    13. Pulsed laser-induced SEU in integrated circuits

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Buchner, S.; Kang, K.; Stapor, W.J.; Campbell, A.B.; Knudson, A.R.; McDonald, P.; Rivet, S.


      The authors have used a pulsed picosecond laser to measure the threshold for single event upset (SEU) and single event latchup (SEL) for two different kinds of integrated circuits. The relative thresholds show good agreement with published ion upset data. The consistency of the results together with the advantages of using a laser system suggest that the pulsed laser can be used for SEU/SEL hardness assurance of integrated circuits

    14. Efficacy of deep biopsy for subepithelial lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract. (United States)

      Vaicekauskas, Rolandas; Stanaitis, Juozas; Valantinas, Jonas


      Accurate diagnosis of subepithelial lesions (SELs) in the gastrointestinal tract depends on a variety of methods: endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound and different types of biopsy. Making an error-free diagnosis is vital for the subsequent application of an appropriate treatment. To evaluate the efficacy of deep biopsy via the endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) technique for SELs in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It was a case series study. Deep biopsy via the ESD technique was completed in 38 patients between November 2012 and October 2014. Thirty-eight SELs in the upper gastrointestinal tract of varying size (very small ≤ 1 cm, small 1-2 cm and large ≥ 2 cm) by means of the ESD technique after an incision with an electrosurgical knife of the overlying layers and revealing a small part of the lesion were biopsied under direct endoscopic view. Deep biopsy via the ESD technique was diagnostic in 28 of 38 patients (73.3%; 95% CI: 59.7-89.7%). The diagnostic yield for SELs with a clear endophytic shape increased to 91.3%. An evident endophytic appearance of a subepithelial lesion, the mean number of biopsied samples (6.65 ±1.36) and the total size in length of all samples per case (19.88 ±8.07 mm) were the main criteria influencing the positiveness of deep biopsy in the diagnostic group compared to the nondiagnostic one (p = 0.001; p = 0.025; p = 0.008). Deep biopsy via the ESD technique is an effective and safe method for the diagnosis of SELs especially with a clear endophytic appearance in a large number of biopsied samples.

    15. Transcortical selective amygdalohippocampectomy technique through the middle temporal gyrus revisited: An anatomical study laboratory investigation. (United States)

      Bozkurt, Baran; da Silva Centeno, Ricardo; Chaddad-Neto, Feres; da Costa, Marcos Devanir Silva; Goiri, Marcelo Augusto Acosta; Karadag, Ali; Tugcu, Bekir; Ovalioglu, Talat Cem; Tanriover, Necmettin; Kaya, Serdar; Yagmurlu, Kaan; Grande, Andrew


      The anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) and selective amygdalohippocampectomy (SelAH) have been used for surgical treatment of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. We examined the comprehensive white matter tract anatomy of the temporal lobe to gain an insight into the trans-middle temporal gyrus, a lateral approach which has been commonly used. The transmiddle temporal gyrus approach was performed in a stepwise manner on cadaveric human heads to examine the traversing white matter pathways through it and the structures located in the temporal horn. We reviewed the literature to compare the trans-middle temporal gyrus approach with other SelAH techniques based on surgical outcomes. There does not appear to be a significant difference in seizure outcome between SelAH and ATL. However, the SelAH provides a better neuropsychological outcomes than the ATL in selected patients. Each SelAH approach has individual advantages and disadvantages. Based on our anatomical study, in the transcortical amygdalohippocampectomy technique through the middle temporal gyrus the white matter pathways to be encountered. In the temporal horn, the collateral eminence, hippocampus, lateral ventricular sulcus, choroidal fissure, inferior choroidal point, choroid plexus, fimbria of the fornix, and amygdala are exposed. The subpial dissection is performed along the lateral ventricular sulcus from the collateral eminence on lateral side and from the choroidal fissure on medial side by microdissector for en bloc resection of the hippocampus proper. The trans-middle temporal gyrus approach is commonly used in treatment of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients. A better anatomical and functional understanding of the structures of the temporal lobe is crucial for safer and more accurate surgery. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    16. Peningkatan Ekspresi Gen NKG2D Sel-sel NK oleh Brokoli untuk Mencegah Kanker

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      Diana Krisanti Jasaputra


      Cancer is the non-communicable diseases (NCD and the biggest cause of death in the world. One of the factors that affect cancer development is NKG2D receptors (natural-killer group 2, member D is a receptor complex that activates NK cells and is important in cancer immunosurveilance. Broccoli, Cruciferae vegetable, contains glucosinolate and isothiocyanate. Glucosinolate will be hydrolysed by the mirosinase (thioglucodase β and form the isothiocyanate compound. Isothiocyanate compounds essential to prevent cancer are sulforafan compounds. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of broccoli in enhancing NKG2D receptor expression in order to improve NK cell activity to prevent cancer. This experimental study is a comparative true experimental laboratory, conducted in the Aretha Medika Utama in February to July 2016. Broccoli was freeze dryer and made two concentrations of flour, 50 μg/mL and 25 μg/mL. The study begins with multiplication of NK cells (cell line, then continued with treatment for 24 hours and assessment of NKG2D gene expression using qPCR. NKG2D gene expression research data was calculated by Livak formula and analyzed using one-way ANOVA test and Tukey's advanced test (SPSS 16. The administration of broccoli concentrations of 50 μg/mL and 25 μg/mL increased the level of NKG2D gene expression, indicating an increase in NK cell activity. The conclusion of this study is the provision of broccoli increases the activity of NK cells in preventing and fighting cancer cells.

    17. [Food promotion and food preferences in Chilean school age children from different socioeconomic levels]. (United States)

      Olivares, Sonia; Lera, Lydia; Mardones, María Angélica; Araneda, Jacqueline; Bustos, Nelly; Olivares, María Antonieta; Colque, María Ester


      To determine the attitude towards marketing of food and beverages a sample of 1,048 school children ages 8 to 13 from three cities of Chile (north, center and south of the country) were interviewed. The instrument applied was a validated questionnaire used in previous studies. A descriptive analysis of the variables was performed and differences were determined by region, socioeconomic level (SEL) and gender using Chi2 test. Differences per SEL were higher in Santiago. A greater proportion of school children of medium-low SEL watched more than 2 hours of TV during weekdays and weekends (p food and beverage commercials was greater in medium-low SEL in Santiago (66%) (p foods at supermarkets, on the streets, shopping centers and on the Internet. The preferred commercials were those for beverages, chocolates, ice-creams and cereals. Most common foods taken from home to school were cookies, fruits and yogurt. Most of the children had money available to buy food and the products more frequently preferred were cookies, sweets, French fries, beverages with sugar, chocolates, ice-creams and hot-dogs. marketing of food and beverages is recognized and remembered by school age children, influencing what they buy and consume regularly at school.

    18. Enhancing cognitive and social-emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

      Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A; Oberle, Eva; Lawlor, Molly Stewart; Abbott, David; Thomson, Kimberly; Oberlander, Tim F; Diamond, Adele


      The authors hypothesized that a social and emotional learning (SEL) program involving mindfulness and caring for others, designed for elementary school students, would enhance cognitive control, reduce stress, promote well-being and prosociality, and produce positive school outcomes. To test this hypothesis, 4 classes of combined 4th and 5th graders (N = 99) were randomly assigned to receive the SEL with mindfulness program versus a regular social responsibility program. Measures assessed executive functions (EFs), stress physiology via salivary cortisol, well-being (self-reports), prosociality and peer acceptance (peer reports), and math grades. Relative to children in the social responsibility program, children who received the SEL program with mindfulness (a) improved more in their cognitive control and stress physiology; (b) reported greater empathy, perspective-taking, emotional control, optimism, school self-concept, and mindfulness, (c) showed greater decreases in self-reported symptoms of depression and peer-rated aggression, (d) were rated by peers as more prosocial, and (e) increased in peer acceptance (or sociometric popularity). The results of this investigation suggest the promise of this SEL intervention and address a lacuna in the scientific literature-identifying strategies not only to ameliorate children's problems but also to cultivate their well-being and thriving. Directions for future research are discussed.

    19. Social-Emotional Learning Championing Freedom, Education and Development: A Vehicle for At-risk Students to Succeed

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Mary K. Sheard


      Full Text Available The paper examines the potential of a social-emotional learning (SEL programme, Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHSin Northern Ireland (NI, to prepare at-risk students to succeed in education and later life. At-risk students are defined as students living in communities traditionally divided and fractured by social, religious, cultural intolerance, and sectarianism. The risk is not developing the social-emotional competencies necessary for good emotional health and positive relationships that are often necessary for personal and academic achievement. Themes of freedom, education and development are explored in reference to findings from a matched randomised control evaluation of PATHS implemented in six primary schools in Northern Ireland between 2008 and 2011. Results of data obtained through individual student assessments of social-emotional skills and findings from interviews with school principals, teachers and students are reported, and the potential of SEL as a vehicle for at-risk students to succeed are discussed. Findings from the evaluation clearly demonstrate how SEL provides a potential vehicle for breaking down the constraints and barriers to personal development and success for at-risk students. Recommendations are made for the further development and implementation of SEL programmes in Europe to advance the opportunities for at-risk students in divided communities to succeed.

    20. A Simulation Model Depicting Fleet Expansion Effects on the Fire Control Technicians Training Pipeline. (United States)


      35 682 SSIO S GN* I TR B(I NOW; NIE* 3uE 663 t010 JsUjUE(4.g),7,. SEL4 ; O-IE* UU 665 * SR T 2; TRAVEL To a SCHOOL 666 AO9 1j( ),jQ35:SLI; FJTfSL JAT...INPUT 66a tET. .ATR 4 .Q 36 SSLI; E 5LT ~u 664 ICT,,,PIPL; 87’ OPL As 5IGNvATRISI4)*S:5Tl SLI AS I’NATR1413IUT4Ow; Qk~~ UU 672 all Q3UE’Jf(4’.1 ,, SEL4 ...WAT RB() FLEE INPU m3; 689 012 OUQUEE52).,,, SEL4 ; LE -PT;EJ bQ0 T126 rREA TE9289O; 691 TgF54 692 CAEAtE*159a,1; OSVET INPUT IOENTIFIED 643 ACT: 694

    1. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Software Engineering Workshop (United States)


      The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by GSFC and created for the purpose of investigating the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of applications software. The goals of the SEL are: (1) to understand the software development process in the GSFC environment; (2) to measure the effect of various methodologies, tools, and models on this process; and (3) to identify and then to apply successful development practices. Fifteen papers were presented at the Fifteenth Annual Software Engineering Workshop in five sessions: (1) SEL at age fifteen; (2) process improvement; (3) measurement; (4) reuse; and (5) process assessment. The sessions were followed by two panel discussions: (1) experiences in implementing an effective measurement program; and (2) software engineering in the 1980's. A summary of the presentations and panel discussions is given.

    2. Promouvoir des systèmes alimentaires sains

      International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


      d'hypertension, de maladie cardiaque, de diabète et d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Le CRDI contribut aux efforts déployés pour réduire la consommation de sel, de sucre et de gras : Au Costa Rica, des objectifs de réduction de la consommation de sel ont été établis en s'appuyant sur les résultats de la recherche.

    3. Characterization of Mammalian Selenoprotein O: A Redox-Active Mitochondrial Protein


      Han, Seong-Jeong; Lee, Byung Cheon; Yim, Sun Hee; Gladyshev, Vadim N.; Lee, Seung-Rock


      Selenoproteins exhibit diverse biological functions, most of which are associated with redox control. However, the functions of approximately half of mammalian selenoproteins are not known. One such protein is Selenoprotein O (SelO), the largest mammalian selenoprotein with orthologs found in a wide range of organisms, including bacteria and yeast. Here, we report characterization of mammalian SelO. Expression of this protein could be verified in HEK 293T cells by metabolic labeling of cells ...

    4. A Signal Averager Interface between a Biomation 6500 Transient Recorder and a LSI-11 Microcomputer. (United States)


      decode the proper bus synchronizing signals. SA data lines 1 and 2 are decoded to produce SELO L - SEL4 L which select one of four SA registers. The...J42 A > SACCI..N.. 31 is41 4--.----(~~#I)I MMELYH-[@- T~. S5 46NI INI 404 II CSkN M.3 > ____ ____47 INWO L 3CSRRD L U SEL4 L MRPLY L t5CSRWHB H OUTHB L

    5. Safety equipment list for the 241-SY-101 RAPID mitigation project

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      MORRIS, K.L.


      This document provides the safety classification for the safety (safety class and safety RAPID Mitigation Project. This document is being issued as the project SEL until the supporting authorization basis documentation, this document will be superseded by the TWRS SEL (LMHC 1999), documentation istlralized. Upon implementation of the authorization basis significant) structures, systems, and components (SSCS) associated with the 241-SY-1O1 which will be updated to include the information contained herein.

    6. Safety equipment list for the 241-SY-101 RAPID mitigation project

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Morris, K.L.


      This document provides the safety classification for the safety (safety class and safety RAPID Mitigation Project. This document is being issued as the project SEL until the supporting authorization basis documentation, this document will be superseded by the TWRS SEL (LMHC 1999), documentation istlralized. Upon implementation of the authorization basis significant) structures, systems, and components (SSCS) associated with the 241-SY-1O1 which will be updated to include the information contained herein

    7. Evaluación del estado de salud bucodental en preescolares: estudio epidemiológico longitudinal (1993-1994, Córdoba, Argentina Oral health condition evaluation of kindergarten children: longitudinal epidemiologic study (1993-1994, Córdoba, Argentina

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Luis José Battellino


      well as incidence rates and caries relative risks of caries were inversely related to the socioeconomic level (SEL of the children involved. Thus in the SEL III (typical proletariat, non-typical proletariat and sub-proletariat children, the relative risk of caries was almost five times higher (RR = 4.9 than in the SEL I (entrepreneureal and managerial bourgeoisie childreen. In SEL I, almost all new lesions occurred on smooth surfaces (61.2%, while in SEL III the molar occlusal faces were mainly affected (66.3%. Daily sugar intake was higher in SEL III children but experience of caries showed poor correlation to the amount (r = 0.40 and frequency (r = 0.52 of carbohydrate intake. No significant interlevel differences were observed in the biochemical salivary parameters analyzed. Assisted toothbrushing and fluoride topications strongly lowered the incidence of caries among SEL III children, also making the corresponding rates fall almost to SEL I values (0.31, 0.23 and 0.22 vs. 0.21. In conclusion, SEL III children should be trated prophylactically with effective preventive measures, because of their susceptibility to caries. Such preventive measures include assisted toothbrushing and fluoride topications.

    8. EMISI CO2 TANAH AKIBAT ALIH FUNGSI LAHAN HUTAN RAWA GAMBUT DI KALIMANTAN BARAT (Soil Emissions of CO2 Due to Land Use Change of Peat Swamp Forest at West Kalimantan

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Rossie Wiedya Nusantara


      Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alih fungsi lahan gambut yang menyebabkan perubahan emisi CO2 tanah pada hutan rawa gambut primer (HP, hutan gambut sekunder (HS, semak belukar (SB, kebun sawit (KS, dan kebun jagung (KJ dan menganalisis pengaruh suhu dan jeluk muka air tanah (water-table depth terhadap emisi CO2 tanah. Sampel dari tiap tipe lahan diambil sebanyak lima ulangan, total sampel 25. Saat pengukuran respirasi CO2 tanah gambut dilakukan pengukuran suhu tanah dan muka air tanah. Pengukuran di lapangan dilaksanakan dua kali yaitu awal musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa emisi CO2 tanah tertinggi dan terendah pada dua waktu pengukuran tersebut adalah pada tipe lahan KJ (6,512 ton ha-1 th-1 dan SB (1,698  ton ha-1 th-1 serta pada tipe lahan KS (6,701 ton ha-1 th-1 dan SB (3,169 ton ha-1 th-1 berturut-turut. Suhu tanah gambut tertinggi dan terendah pada dua waktu pengukuran tersebut berturut-turut adalah pada tipe lahan SB (27,78 oC dan HP (22,78 oC, dan pada tipe lahan KS (29,08 oC dan HP (26,56 oC serta jeluk muka air tanah gambut berturut-turut pada tipe lahan KJ (56,2 cm dan  SB (32,1 cm. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perubahan emisi CO2 tanah gambut adalah suhu tanah, jeluk muka air tanah dan pengelolaan lahan yang menyebabkan perubahan sifat tanah gambut, seperti ketersediaan C-organik (jumlah dan kualitas bahan organik, pH tanah dan kematangan gambut. ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze peatland use change that caused changes soil emissions of CO2 at primary peat swamp forest (HP, secondary peat forest (HS, shrub (SB, oil palm plantations (KS and corn field (KJ, and to analyze the influence of temperature and water-table depth to soil emission of CO2. Soil samples were taken from each five replications that accunt for 25 samples. Simultaneously with measurement of soil respiration measuremnts soil temperature. Field measurement is carried out twice at the beginning of dry season and

    9. Optimización de metodologías de cribaje para la búsqueda de Streptococcus agalactiae en embarazadas Optimization of screening methodologies for the detection of Streptococcus agalactiae in pregnant women

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Silvia E. Montibello


      Full Text Available Streptococcus agalactiae es una causa importante de morbimortalidad en mujeres embarazadas y neonatos en todo el mundo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la utilidad del medio cromogénico chromID Strepto B de bioMérieux para detectar S. agalactiae en embarazadas cuando la muestra es sembrada directamente en dicho medio o después del enriquecimiento en caldo de Todd Hewitt selectivo, opciones que se compararon con la metodología propuesta por el CDC . Se analizaron 1924 hisopados, 962 de introito vaginal y 962 rectales, correspondientes a 962 embarazadas entre la semana 35 y 37 de gestación, asistidas en distintos hospitales. Los hisopados se sembraron directamente en el medio chromID Strepto B (CR y luego se colocaron en un caldo de Todd Hewitt selectivo, suplementado con 15 µg/ml de ácido nalidíxico y 10 µg/ml de colistina (CTH-sel. Luego de 24 h de incubación, se realizaron subcultivos en el medio CR y en agar con 5% de sangre de carnero (ASO. La prevalencia global de S. agalactiae fue de 17,4%. La sensibilidad, la especificidad y los valores predictivos positivo y negativo del subcultivo en CR del material desarrollado en el CTH -sel fueron 98,8%, 100%, 100% y 99,7% respectivamente, con una incubación de 48 h. Los valores correspondientes de la siembra directa fueron 57,8%, 100%, 100% y 90%. La sensibilidad del subcultivo en ASO del material desarrollado en el CTH -sel fue del 85%. Se destaca el excelente rendimiento del subcultivo en CR luego del enriquecimiento en caldo de Todd Hewitt selectivo en comparación con el método propuesto por el CDC.Streptococcus agalactiae is a significant worldwide cause of morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and their newborn infants. The objective of this work was to determine the usefulness of bioMrieux chromogenic medium chromID Strepto B (CR for detecting S. agalactiae in pregnant women from the selective Todd-Hewitt broth (sel-THB against the methods proposed by the CDC

    10. Estimasi Kedalaman Dengan Spektral 1Dimensin Terhadap Data Anomali Bouguer Lengkap


      Maria, Maria


      Telah dilakukan interpretasi terhadap data anomali gravitasi Bouguer lengkap dari data pengukuran di daerah gunng Merapi dan gunung Merbabu, untuk mengatahui kedalaman struktur lokal dan regional. Data anomali Bouguer lengkap di proyeksikan ke bidang datar pada ketinggian 4 km di atas sferoida referensi. perhitungan kedalaman struktur lokal dan regional diperolah berdasarkan analisis spektral 1-Dimensi.


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      Farida Ariyani


      Full Text Available Produk perikanan yang berlemak tinggi seperti jambal patin sangat rentan mengalami kemunduran mutu karena oksidasi. Daun cincau hijau dikenal mengandung senyawa antioksidan alami. Untuk menghambat kemunduran mutu ikan karena oksidasi, serangkaian percobaan menggunakan ekstrak daun cincau hijau dilakukan dengan merendam patin asin dalam ekstrak daun cincau hijau pada konsentrasi 0%; 0,5%; 1,0%; dan 1,5% selama 30 menit sebelum pengeringan. Sebagai kontrol positif digunakan perendaman dalam Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT pada konsentrasi 0,1%, sedangkan untuk kontrol negatif digunakan patin asin tanpa penambahan ekstrak daun cincau hijau. Pengukuran bilangan Thiobarbituric acid (FBA, produk berfluoresen (fluorescent products, dan penilaian organoleptik dilakukan selama penyimpanan pada suhu kamar, sedangkan pengukuran profil asam lemak tidak jenuh dilakukan pada jambal patin sebelum penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan paling efektif dalam memperlambat proses oksidasi dan dapat diterima panelis adalah perendaman patin asin dalam ekstrak cincau hijau pada konsentrasi 0,5% selama 30 menit dengan nilai TBA 2,0-2,9 µmol/kg ikan, produk berfluoresen 0,21-0,24 µg/g ikan, dan asam lemak tidak jenuh 5,6%.


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      Full Text Available Tanaman seledri (Apium graveolens L. memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi obat antiinflamasi karena kandungan senyawa glikosida flavonoid yaitu apiin sehingga digunakan fraksi air karena lebih mudah tertarik pada fraksi air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas fraksi air ekstrak daun seledri sebagai antiinflamasi pada mencit putih dengan menggunakan metode induksi karagenan pada telapak kaki serta mengetahui nilai ED50. Pengukuran aktivitas antiinflamasi digunakan 5 kelompok perlakuan hewan uji, kontrol (+ digunakan kalium diklofenak 50 mg, kontrol (- suspensi Na. CMC 0,5%, dosis I adalah 125mg/kgBB, dosis II adalah 250mg/kgBB dan dosis III adalah 500mg/kgBB. Dengan pengukuran setiap 30 menit selama 5 jam dengan alat pletismometer. Analisis data digunakan metode statistik One way ANOVAdengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% yang dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga dosis fraksi air ekstrak daun seledri memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi. Pada menit ke-300 tidak terjadi perbedaan bermakna antara kontrol positif dengan dosis 500 mg/kgBB dengan persen inhibisi 86,04%. Dari perhitungan ED50 didapatkan hasil sebesar 100 mg/kgBB.

    13. Analisa Beban Kerja Fisik dan Mental dengan Menggunakan Work Sampling dan NASA-TLX Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Operator

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      Anton Maretno


      Full Text Available Perbedaan sistem kerja yang ada di antara operator Quality Control dan operator produksi pada divisi Particle Board menyebabkan adanya perbedaan nilai beban kerja. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari perbedaan jumlah jam lembur pada kedua bagian tersebut dimana jumlah jam lembur pada operator Quality Control lebih besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa beban kerja operator Quality Control serta menganalisa jumlah operator yang optimal untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan Quality Control.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengukuran beban kerja fisik (Work sampling dan pengukuran beban kerja Mental NASA - Task Load Index (NASA-TLX. Menurut perhitungan beban kerja fisik dan mental, pelaksana yang memiliki load paling tinggi adalah pekerjaanQuality Control ( QC Finish board (108.1%, sedangkan terendah ada pada pekerjaan Quality Control ( QC Produk (72.3%. Setelah penambahan pelaksana  Quality Control ( QC Finish board sebanyak 1 orang, beban kerja fisik untuk pekerjaanQuality Control ( QC Finish board menjadi 71.1%. Sedangkan untuk pekerjaan Quality Control yang lain tidak membutuhkan tambahan operator karena bisa memanfaatkan waktu idle yang dimiliki pelaksana Quality Control ( QC Produk untuk membantu pekerjaan lain


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      Nur Hasanah


      Full Text Available Kamar kos harus memenuhi persyaratan luas atau ukuran kamar, jumlah penghuni, luas ventilasi, serta suhu dan kelembaban, sesuai dengan baku mutu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan penghuni, luas lantai dan luas ventilasi terhadap suhu dan kelembaban di rumah kos Putri Kajor yang berada di Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah survei dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional, yang hasilnya dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analitik. Jumlah kamar yang diteliti sebanyak 52 buah. Pengukuran kepadatan, luas lantai dan luas ventilasi menggunakan meteran, sementara pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban menggunakan termohigrometer. Secara deskriptif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kamar yang memenuhi syarat kepadatan penghuni 5 buah (9,6 %, memenuhi syarat luas lantai 5 buah (9,6 %, memenuhi syarat luas ventilasi 49 kamar (94,2 %, memenuhi syarat suhu 52 buah (100 %, dan tidak ada yang memenuhi syarat kelembaban. Hasil analisis statistik pada taraf signifikan 5 % meyimpulkan bahwa kepadatan penghuni, luas lantai dan luas ventilasi berpengaruh terhadap suhu (nilai p = 0,019, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelembaban (nilai p = 0,513.

    15. Safety equipment list for the light duty utility arm system

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Barnes, G.A.


      The initial issue (Revision 0) of this Safety Equipment List (SEL) for the Light Duty Utility Arm (LDUA) requires an explanation for both its existence and its being what it is. All LDUA documentation leading up to creation of this SEL, and the SEL itself, is predicated on the LDUA only being approved for use in waste tanks designated as Facility Group 3, i.e., it is not approved for use in Facility Group 1 or 2 waste tanks. Facility Group 3 tanks are those in which a spontaneous or induced hydrogen gas release would be small, localized, and would not exceed 25% of the LFL when mixed with the remaining air volume in the dome space; exceeding these parameters is considered unlikely. Thus, from a NFPA flammable gas environment perspective the waste tank interior is not classified as a hazardous location. Furthermore, a hazards identification and evaluation (HNF-SD-WM-HIE-010, REV 0) performed for the LDUA system concluded that the consequences of actual LDUA system postulated accidents in Flammable Gas Facility Group 3 waste tanks would have either NO IMPACT or LOW IMPACT on the offsite public and onsite worker. Therefore, from a flammable gas perspective, there is not a rationale for classifying any of SSCs associated with the LDUA as either Safety Class (SC) or Safety Significant (SS) SSCs, which, by default, categorizes them as General Service (GS) SSCs. It follows then, based on current PHMC procedures (HNF-PRO-704 and HNF-IP-0842, Vol IV, Section 5.2) for SEL creation and content, and from a flammable gas perspective, that an SEL is NOT REQ at sign D HOWEVER exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point There is both a precedent and a prudency to capture all SSCS, which although GS, contribute to a Defense-In-Depth (DID) approach to the design and use of equipment in potentially flammable gas environments. This Revision 0 of the LDUA SEL has been created to capture these SSCs and they are designated as GS-DID in this document. The specific reasons for

    16. Preliminary Investigation of Myo-Inositol Phosphates Produced by ASUIA279 Phytase on MCF-7 Cancer Cells

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      N. Mohd. Yusoff


      Full Text Available Phytate or myo-inositol hexakisphosphates (IP6 is widely distributed in plants like rice brans. The production of myo-inositol phosphate intermediates has received much attention due to the remarkable potential health benefits offered by the compounds. In this study, the cytotoxicity of the partially purified myo-inositol phosphate fractions and commercial IP1 and IP6 were investigated against MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. The study showed that the commercial standard IP1 and IP6 showed good inhibition towards the MCF-7 cell line. The MCF-7 cells growth was inhibited in minimum concentration of myo-inositol phosphates (<1000 µg/ml. However, no inhibition observed on the MCF-7 cell line by the myo-inositol phosphates fractions partially purified from rice bran at concentration <1000 ?g/ml. The inhibition of MCF-7 was only observed at concentration more than 30 mg/ml with more than 40% cells were inhibited. This indicates that the partially purified rice bran myo-inositol phosphates degraded by ASUIA279 phytase on MCF-7 breast cancer cells exhibit positive results towards the inhibition of cancer cells growth at relatively high concentration..KEYWORDS: myo-inositol phosphates, phytase, MCF-7,  cancerABSTRAK: Fitat atau myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6 dikenali umum teragih di dalam tumbuhan seperti dedak padi. Penghasilan perantaraan fosfat myo-inositol mendapat perhatian memandangkan ia berpotensi tinggi dalam kesihatan. Dalam kajian ini, kesitotoksikan sebahagian daripada fosfat myo-inositol separa tulen, IP1 komersil dan IP6 komersil dikaji terhadap produk yang berupa sel kekal (cell lines kanser payu dara MCF-7. Tumbesaran sel MCF-7 direncatkan dalam pekatan minima fosfat myo-inositol (<1000 μg/ml. Tetapi, tidak ada perencatan dilihat terhadap sel kekal MCF-7 oleh sebahagian fosfat myo-inositol separa tulen daripada dedak padi pada kepekatan <1000 mg/ml. Perencatan MCF-7 hanya dilihat pada kepekatan lebih daripada 30 mg/ml dengan lebih

    17. Identification and characterization of a selenoprotein family containing a diselenide bond in a redox motif


      Shchedrina, Valentina A.; Novoselov, Sergey V.; Malinouski, Mikalai Yu.; Gladyshev, Vadim N.


      Selenocysteine (Sec, U) insertion into proteins is directed by translational recoding of specific UGA codons located upstream of a stem-loop structure known as Sec insertion sequence (SECIS) element. Selenoproteins with known functions are oxidoreductases containing a single redox-active Sec in their active sites. In this work, we identified a family of selenoproteins, designated SelL, containing two Sec separated by two other residues to form a UxxU motif. SelL proteins show an unusual occur...

    18. Résultats de recherche | Page 22 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

      International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

      L'augmentation de la portée des politiques et des programmes de réduction du sel et leur évaluation dans des pays de l'Amérique latine. Les régimes à teneur élevée en sel sont une cause majeure de l'hypertension artérielle et un facteur prédominant des décès, et comptent pour près des deux tiers des accidents ...


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      Much. Djunaidi


      Full Text Available Group Technology System merupakan metode pengaturan fasilitas produksi (machine groups yang dibutuhkan untuk memproses suatu part family tertentu ke dalam sel-sel manufaktur. Pengaturan tata letak di CV. Sonytex yang berdasarkan process layout mengakibatkan perusahaan menghadapi permasalahan berupa tingginya kebutuhan material handling. Salah satu kriteria kinerja dalam pembentukan sel manufaktur pada GTS adalah meminimasi total jarak material handling, sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya material handling dan meningkatkan produktivitas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan tiga metode, yaitu Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA, Rank Order Clustering (ROC dan Rank Order Clustering 2 (ROC2. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dengan menerapkan group technology systems diperoleh total pengurangan jarak material handling sebesar 70 m dan penghematan biaya material handling sebesar Rp 1.534.978,-. Berdasarkan model simulasi, relayout dengan metode BEA meningkatkan jumlah produksi sebesar 1 unit produk/hari dan penurunan waktu tunggu sebesar 0,575 menit.

    20. gastrointestinal tract

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      Rolandas Vaicekauskas


      Full Text Available Introduction : Accurate diagnosis of subepithelial lesions (SELs in the gastrointestinal tract depends on a variety of methods: endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound and different types of biopsy. Making an error-free diagnosis is vital for the subsequent application of an appropriate treatment. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of deep biopsy via the endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD technique for SELs in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Material and methods: It was a case series study. Deep biopsy via the ESD technique was completed in 38 patients between November 2012 and October 2014. Thirty-eight SELs in the upper gastrointestinal tract of varying size (very small ≤ 1 cm, small 1–2 cm and large ≥ 2 cm by means of the ESD technique after an incision with an electrosurgical knife of the overlying layers and revealing a small part of the lesion were biopsied under direct endoscopic view. Results: Deep biopsy via the ESD technique was diagnostic in 28 of 38 patients (73.3%; 95% CI: 59.7–89.7%. The diagnostic yield for SELs with a clear endophytic shape increased to 91.3%. An evident endophytic appearance of a subepithelial lesion, the mean number of biopsied samples (6.65 ±1.36 and the total size in length of all samples per case (19.88 ±8.07 mm were the main criteria influencing the positiveness of deep biopsy in the diagnostic group compared to the nondiagnostic one (p = 0.001; p = 0.025; p = 0.008. Conclusions : Deep biopsy via the ESD technique is an effective and safe method for the diagnosis of SELs especially with a clear endophytic appearance in a large number of biopsied samples.

    1. Molecular and epidemiological characterization of staphylococcal foodborne outbreak of Staphylococcus aureus harboring seg, sei, sem, sen, seo, and selu genes without production of classical enterotoxins. (United States)

      Umeda, Kaoru; Nakamura, Hiromi; Yamamoto, Kaori; Nishina, Nobuko; Yasufuku, Kiyoshi; Hirai, Yuki; Hirayama, Teruo; Goto, Kaoru; Hase, Atsushi; Ogasawara, Jun


      Staphylococcal food poisoning is the result of consumption of food contaminated with staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) produced by Staphylococcus aureus. To date, 23 SEs and SE-like enterotoxins (SEls) have been described in the literature. They are divided into classical SEs (SEA-SEE) and new SE/SEls (SEG-SElX). Some have proved to be foodborne-inducible, but others remain unidentified. In May 2016, at an elderly group home in Osaka city, Japan, an outbreak from foodborne pathogens occurred among lunch party participants. Within 2h 30min to 4h 40min, 15 of 53 participants presented gastrointestinal symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. A subsequent laboratory investigation detected S. aureus from most stool samples from patients, several left-over food items, a kitchen swab, and hand swabs from two food handlers. Classical SEs was not detected from S. aureus isolates or left-over food items. From examination for the presence of SE/SEl genes of 20 kinds by PCR, seg, sei, sem, sen, seo, and selu genes were detected in almost all isolates. These isolates exhibited identical or closely related types by coagulase type (type VII), Sma I digested pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis and multi-locus sequence typing (MLST-CC45 lineage). These results suggest that the foodborne outbreak was caused by S. aureus harboring seg, sei, sem, sen, seo, and selu genes without production of classical SEs. Additionally, some S. aureus isolates from human nasal swabs and healthy human feces harboring seg, sei, sem, sen, seo, and selu genes without production of classical SEs were classified into CC45 lineage using MLST. These findings suggest new SE/SEls as a potential cause of foodborne outbreaks. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    2. Diseño de un sistema de diagnóstico para la instalación motriz diésel de los carros de transporte en explotación; Design of Diagnosis System for the Installation Motive Diesel of the Cars of Transport in Exploitation

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      Luis García Abreu


      Full Text Available Se desarrolla la metodología propuesta para el diagnóstico integral en el diseño de un sistema de diagnósticopara las instalaciones motrices diésel de los vehículos en explotación con la finalidad de conocer el estado ocondición de las mismas. De especial interés resulta la obtención del período de muestreo a partir de elementosde riesgo. Es de destacar que este artículo viene precedido por otro sobre la caracterización del sistema actualde diagnóstico establecido para ellas.  In the following work the authors develop the methodology proposed by the Integral diagnosis in the design of adiagnosis system for the installation motive diesel of the vehicles in exploitation with the purpose of knowing thestate or condition of the same ones. Of special interest it is the obtaining their period of sampling starting fromelements of risk. It is of to highlight that this article comes preceded by another envelope the characterization ofthe current system of diagnosis settled down in them.

    3. Evaluation of deflection forces of orthodontic wires with different ligation types

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      José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES


      Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate deflection forces of orthodontic wires of different alloys engaged into conventional brackets using several ligation types. Stainless steel, conventional superelastic nickel-titanium and thermally activated nickel-titanium archwires tied into conventional brackets by a ring-shaped elastomeric ligature (RSEL, a 8-shaped elastomeric ligature (8SEL and a metal ligature (ML were tested. A clinical simulation device was created especially for this study and forces were measured with an Instron Universal Testing Machine. For the testing procedure, the block representing the maxillary right central incisor was moved 0.5 and 1 mm bucco-lingually at a constant speed of 2 mm/min, and the forces released by the wires were recorded, in accordance with the ISO 15841 guidelines. In general, the RSEL showed lighter forces, while 8SEL and ML showed higher values. At the 0.5 mm deflection, the 8SEL presented the greatest force, but at the 1.0 mm deflection the ML had a statistically similar force. Based on our evaluations, to obtain lighter forces, the thermally activated nickel-titanium wire with the RSEL are recommended, while the steel wire with the 8SEL or the ML are recommended when larger forces are desired. The ML exhibited the highest force increase with increased deflections, compared with the elastomeric ligatures.

    4. Simple single-emitting layer hybrid white organic light emitting with high color stability (United States)

      Nguyen, C.; Lu, Z. H.


      Simultaneously achieving a high efficiency and color quality at luminance levels required for solid-state lighting has been difficult for white organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). Single-emitting layer (SEL) white OLEDs, in particular, exhibit a significant tradeoff between efficiency and color stability. Furthermore, despite the simplicity of SEL white OLEDs being its main advantage, the reported device structures are often complicated by the use of multiple blocking layers. In this paper, we report a highly simplified three-layered white OLED that achieves a low turn-on voltage of 2.7 V, an external quantum efficiency of 18.9% and power efficiency of 30 lm/W at 1000 cd/cm2. This simple white OLED also shows good color quality with a color rendering index of 75, CIE coordinates (0.42, 0.46), and little color shifting at high luminance. The device consists of a SEL sandwiched between a hole transport layer and an electron transport layer. The SEL comprises a thermally activated delayer fluorescent molecule having dual functions as a blue emitter and as a host for other lower energy emitters. The improved color stability and efficiency in such a simple device structure is explained as due to the elimination of significant energy barriers at various organic-organic interfaces in the traditional devices having multiple blocking layers.

    5. Tunable Optical Tweezers for Wavelength-dependent Measurements (United States)


      have been studied in an optical levitation scheme over short laser wavelength ranges20 and for dye-loaded di- electric particles.21 In the first case...M. Block, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 2, 1066 (1996). 7K. Dholakia, W. M. Lee, L. Paterson, M. P. MacDonald, I. Andreev, P. Mthunzi, C. T. A...Brown, R. F. Marchington, and A. C. Riches, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 13, 1646 (2007). 8K. Dholakia, M. P. MacDonald, P. Zemanek, and T

    6. Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaaan Pada Lapangan Panasbumi X Dengan Menggunakan Metode Audio Magnetotelurik Dan Magnetotelurik


      Dewi, Cinantya Nirmala; Maryanto, Sukir; Gaffar, Eddy Z


      Penelitian geofisika dengan menggunakan metode audio magnetotelurik dan magnetotelurik telah dilaksanakan di lapangan panasbumi X. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur bawah permukaan dan menentukan sistem panasbumi di daerah penelitian. Daerah penelitian terdiri dari 3 lintasan dengan jumlah titik pengukuran sebanyak 24 titik. Pengolahan data dilakukan hingga didapatkan peta kontur resistivitas. Hasil pengolahan data 2D menunjukkan bahwa nilai resistivitas lapisan bawah p...

    7. Analisa Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Customer Loyalty Dengan Customer Satisfaction Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Salon Madass


      Surianto, Allan Richardo


      Penelitian membahas pengaruh service quality terhadap customer loyatly dengan customer satisfaction sebagai variabel intervening di Salon Madass Surabaya. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 100 responden pelanggan Salon Madass yang sudah pernah melakukan transaksi lebih dari 3 kali. Pengukuran dilakukan dari variabel service quality (X1) dengan indikator Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangible, variabel customer satisfaction (Y1) dengan indikator Fulfillment, Pleasure, Ambivala...



      Gendon Barus


      Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan menghasilkan instrumen asesmen kebutuhan peserta didik, disebut Invantori Kebutuhan Perkembangan Murid (IKPM). Penelitian mengikuti model Plomp (1999) dengan lima fase. Reliabilitas instrumen diestimasi dengan teknik Alpha Cronbach, validitas isi diperiksa oleh pakar dan telaah praktisi melalui FGD. Validitas empirik dan kecocokan model pengukuran dibuktikan dengan analisis faktor konfirmatori (CFA) dengan program Lisrel 8.30. Telaah praktisi melibatkan 6...



      Pande Putu Wahyu Pramanda; Pande Ketut Sudiarta; Ngurah Indra ER.


      Berkembangnya dunia teknologi telekomunikasi dan informasi sejalan dengan kebutuhan akan kecepatan dan kestabilan akses internet teknologi UMTS. Metode drive test adalah metode yang biasanya digunakan untuk pengukuran kualitas sebuah site. Pihak provider umumnya menggunakan software TEMS Investigation dalam melakukan drive test. Melakukan drive test dengan TEMS Investigation sangatlah tidak praktis dan memerlukan biaya yang besar. Berkembangnya teknologi smartphone membuat drive test dapat di...


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      Iva Nurdiana Nurfarida


      Full Text Available Customer satisfaction index (CSI can be used by companies as a measure of the level of customer satisfaction. CSI also be used to compare the performance of products/services with competitors. CSI measurement results can be used to set a strategy to improve the quality of services in order to increase customer satisfaction in the future. Some CSI measurement model has been applied in previous studies, but all have the same focus, comparing the value to the customer expectations. This research use Importance-Performance (IP Analysis model to measure the level of customer satisfaction of PDAM Malang Regency. IP-Analysis will give information about elements are a priority, what elements need to be maintained, the element that is not a priority to be addressed, and that high last element that has been good, but not an important element for customers. The results showed that the priority of the elements that must be addressed by PDAM Malang Regency to improve customer satisfaction is about the terms of service, fairness in service, as well as courtesy and hospitality.


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      Nurul Huda


      Full Text Available The aim of this research is to measure the performance of Islamic banking using balance scorecard. Performance of Islamic Banking is seen with the Balanced Scorecard is used there are four perspectives, namely: finance, banking / internal business perspective, learning and growth, however in this study used only three perspektif , minus the customer's perspective. The third perspective is transformed into the five components of performance measurement variable Banking. The result of this research is learning and growth perspective for shariah compliance, legal, and institution has a very good score. For fundraising, financing performance and services for Islamic banking shariah compliance perspective has a good score. From financial report and social legitimacy has a good scoreDOI: 10.15408/etk.v12i1.1900

    12. Pengukuran Kualitas Layanan di Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI

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      Freddy Simbolon


      Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to determine the service quality that was held by UKI based on student’s perceptions. The method used in this study is the survey method on UKI’s students using questionnaires. The statement in the questionnaires were arrange based on the five dimensions of service quality. Those were tangibles, responbilities, assurances, realibilities, and emphathy. The servqual analysis shows that all attributes get a negative response which means that student’s perception is less than the student’s expectations. The IPM shows attributes that need to get first priority to be improved are library facilities more complete, lecturing process more interactive, handling complaints about the lectures properly, the tuition in accordance with benefits, and the librarian serve students with friendly.



      Handayani, Naniek Utami; Santoso, Haryo; Rochmawati, Siti


      XYZ company is a printing and publishing company, especially for lesson and education books with more than 50 branch offices in Indonesia. As a profit oriented organization, so far performance measures of this company only based on financial aspect. Whereas, non financial aspect and stakeholder wants and needs ignored and didn’t get enough attention. So, it is difficult to know overall company performance exactly. Therefore, required new performance measurement system that can describe compan...


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      Moechamad Nasir


      Full Text Available This Research aim to know influence change of Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Return On Investment, Return On Equity, Inventory Turn Over, Total of Asset Turn Over, and Earning to share price change either through together and or partial as well as to know change of finance ratio which having biggest influence to share price change In this research formulation of problem by researcher focused at what is change of Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Return On Investment, Return On Equity, Inventory Turn Over, Total Asset Turn Over and Earning have influence to share price change, either through partial and or by together and from some the finance ratio, change of ratio which having biggest influence to share price change. The hypothesis is H1 : anticipated change of Current Ratio variable, Debt To Equity Ratio, Return On Investment, Return On Equity, Inventory Turn Over, Total Asset Turn Over and Earning have influence to Share price change by partial. H2 : anticipated change of Current Ratio variable, Debt To Equity Ratio, Return On Investment, Return On Equity, Inventory Turn Over, Total  Asset Turn Over and Earning have influence to Share price change by together. H3 : anticipated change of Earning variable represent variable having dominant influence to Share price change from other variable. The result of analysis show by using pooling data to analyses factor influencing KI Manufacture share price change in BEJ during period 2002 till 2005, with amount of n = 240, seen that PEPS variable, PITO, PTATO individually (evaluated from t value count and is significant influence to share price change (PHS. Hereinafter PEPS variable represent most variable of significant influence share price change.

    15. BZLF1 Expression of EBV is correlated with PARP1 Regulation on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Tissues

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      Wahyu nur laili fajri, Ahmad Rofi'i, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah


      Full Text Available Nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC is a cancer that arises in the epithelial tissue that covers the inside of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and nasopharynx. Infected Epstein Barr Virus (EBV cell in a latent infection associated with the expression of nine latent proteins. Latent Membrane Protein 1 (LMP1 is one of latent proteins, and mayor EBV oncoprotein, with functions including virus growth, and to activate BamHI-Z Leftward Reading Frame 1 (BZLF1-EBV, which can inhibit p53 to induce apoptotic resistance, metastasis, and immune modulation. The body will respond to the expansion of EBV infection with activation of Poly(ADP-ribosePolymerase-1 (PARP1. The objective of study is to observe the expression of BZLF1 and determine PARP1 regulation in nasopharyngeal tissues. NPC-T2, NPC-T3 and polyp tissues slides are from Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin. To characterize the necrotic cells such as pyknosis, karyorrhexsis, and karyolysis, histological slides were stained by HE that the necrotic cells measured by using a BX-53 microscope (Olympus with CellSens Standard software. Tissues slides were stained by using immunofluorohistochemistry with EBV-BZLF1 antibody-Mouse anti-EBV monoclonal antibody against Goat anti-mouse IgG-FITC and anti-PARP1 antibody (MC-10 against Goat anti-mouse IgG labeled Rhodamin. The expression intensities were measured by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (Olympus. The percentage number of necrotic cells and BZLF1 and PARP1 expression intensity were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 by one-way ANOVA test with α = 0.05, beside that we use correlate and regression analyze. The research showed that the amount of karryorhexis higher than pyknosis and karyolysis in both tissues. BZLF1 expression 1.79 INT/sel (in polyp, 2.76 INT/sel (NPC Type 2 and 4.36 INT/sel (NPC Type 3, PARP1 expression 2.25 INT/sel (in polyp, 3.31 INT/sel (NPC Type 2, dan 5.93 INT/sel (NPC Type 3.The high of intensity of expression BZLF1 induced the increasing of PARP1 expression

    16. Multitasking metering enhances generation, transmission operations

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Sullivan, E.


      The Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) which operates from La Crosse, Wisconsin has the capacity to generate and transmit 1000 MW of power to 25 member cooperatives and 20 municipalities who serve over 500,000 customers. When DPC was experiencing diminished service within its analog cellular-based data communications system, it was presented with an opportunity to install a new automated telecommunications system that would provide secure collection of meter readings from all of its substations. DPC decided to evaluate an advanced multifunctional digital meter from Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL). The SEL-734 Revenue Metering System offers complete instantaneous metering functions, including voltages, currents, power, energy and power factor. Other capabilities include predictive demand, time-of-use metering, automatic voltage monitoring, harmonics metering and synchrophasor measurement. From a metering perspective, DPC wanted to perform daily load profiles and interval-by-interval metering of their delivery points for billing purposes. They also wanted to provide real-time monitoring of electricity being delivered for both generation and transmission purposes and to make that information available to a distribution SCADA system for their members. The SEL-734 Revenue Meter was well suited to those needs. The SEL-734 provides very high-accuracy energy metering, load profile data collection, instantaneous power measurements, power quality monitoring, and communicates simultaneously over a modem, serial ports, and wide area networks (WAN). The meter is backed with a ten-year warranty as well as field support engineers. 5 figs.

    17. Penetration effect of prostaglandin E2 gel on oral mucosa of rats

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      Rafinus Arifin


      mempunyai kekurangan berupa resorpsi yang besar pada tulang alveolar dan akar gigi, serta adanya rasa sakit akibat penggunaan jarum suntik. Gel PGE2 dibuat untuk mengatasi kekurangan pemberian PGE2 secara injeksi. Tujuan: Untuk membuktikan bahwa gel PGE2 dapat berpenetrasi pada mukosa mulut tikus dengan efek munculnya sel PMN. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental laboratorik in vivo, menggunakan 36 tikus Sprague Dawley yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok normal; kelompok pengolesan gel PGE2 setelah 1 jam, 2 jam, 4 jam, 8 jam (4 sub kelompok; kelompok pengolesan gel tanpa PGE2 setelah 1 jam, 2 jam, 4 jam, 8 jam (4 sub kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri 4 sampel, sehingga total sampel seluruh kelompok penelitian 36 tikus. Gel PGE2 dosis 25 µg/mL dan gel tanpa PGE2 dioleskan pada mukosa mulut rahang bawah selama 2 menit. Tikus di sacrifice setelah 1 jam, 2 jam, 4 jam dan 8 jam pengolesan. Kemudian dibuat sediaan histologi dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin dan Eosin. Foto preparat diambil menggunakan OptiLab View. Hitung jumlah sel-sel PMN menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dengan pembesaran 400x. Hasil: Efek penetrasi gel PGE2 pada mukosa mulut terlihat distribusi sel-sel inflamasi PMN. Uji one-way ANOVA menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan jumlah sel PMN yang bermakna pada mukosa rahang bawah tikus antara kelompok gel tanpa PGE2 dan normal. Ada perbedaan bermakna antara jumlah sel PMN kelompok pengolesan gel PGE2 dengan gel tanpa PGE2. (p = 0,001. Hasil aplikasi gel PGE2 menunjukkan gel PGE2 sebagai media inflamasi, meskipun zat aktif diberikan secara topikal. Kesimpulan: PGE2 gel dapat berpenetrasi ke mukosa mulut tikus, dengan efek adanya sel-sel PMN pada 1 jam, 2 jam, 4 jam dan 8 jam setelah pengolesan gel PGE2.

    18. Thermal Radiometer Signal Processing Using Radiation Hard CMOS Application Specific Integrated Circuits for Use in Harsh Planetary Environments (United States)

      Quilligan, G.; DuMonthier, J.; Aslam, S.; Lakew, B.; Kleyner, I.; Katz, R.


      Thermal radiometers such as proposed for the Europa Clipper flyby mission require low noise signal processing for thermal imaging with immunity to Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and Single Event Latchup (SEL). Described is a second generation Multi- Channel Digitizer (MCD2G) Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) that accurately digitizes up to 40 thermopile pixels with greater than 50 Mrad (Si) immunity TID and 174 MeV-sq cm/mg SEL. The MCD2G ASIC uses Radiation Hardened By Design (RHBD) techniques with a 180 nm CMOS process node.

    19. Ictiofauna del Mioceno superior del Suroeste de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir (Suroeste de España)


      Garcia-Garcia, E.X.M.,; Muñoz, R.; Antunes, M.T.; Balbino, A.; Toscano-Grande, A.; Abad de los Santos, M.


      Se estudiaron los restos de ictiolitos obtenidos en seis localidades de la Formación Arcillas de Gibraleón (Tortoniense superior - messiniense). Esta Formación se caracteriza en su inicio por um nivel glauconítico, fechado en 7,512-8 millones de años. Suprayacente, aparece un potente tramo de arcillas azules masivas y margas que puede llegar hasta 1.000m encontrados em sondeos. Se encontram dientes de seláceos, otolitos y vertebras de osteíctios. Se registraron siete taxones de seláceos.

    20. Dental erozyon

      NARCIS (Netherlands)

      Özen, B.; Yönel, N.; Çetiner, S.


      Dental erozyon, plak içermeyen diş yüzeyleri üzerinde içsel ve dışsal asitlerin veya şelatların etkileriyle oluşan kimyasal bir aşınmadır. İçsel ve/veya dışsal kaynaklar nedensel faktörler olarak tanımlanırken tükürük ve pelikıl gibi biyolojik faktörler, yeme ve içme alışkanlıkları ve ağız hijyeni


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      Bilpen Nainggolan


      Full Text Available Indonesia Digital Home atau Indihome adalah salah satu produk layanan dari PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia , Tbk. berupa paket layanan komunikasi dan data seperti tel epon rumah ( voice , internet ( Internet on Fiber atau High Speed Internet dan layanan televisi interaktif IPTV ( Internet Protocol TeleVision . Untuk melayani kebutuhan pelanggan Indihome dalam hal penanganan keluhan gangguan maupun permintaan pasang baru, Telkom menyediakan beberapa touch point atau channel agar pelanggan dapat dengan mudah berinte raksi dengan Telkom. Namun, masih terdapat permasalahan yang dihadapi Telkom mengenai efektivitas masing - masing touch point dalam merespon keluhan gangguan maupun permintaan pasang baru . Pengukuran efektivitas touch point belum sempurna dilakukan, sehingga Telkom perlu menyempurnakan touch point mana yan g paling efektif dalam merespon keluhan gangguan dan pasang baru pelanggan Indihome . T ouch point sangat berdampak langsung terhadap keputusan pelanggan untuk membeli dan loyalitas pelanggan. Riset ini mencakup eksplorasi pada pengukuran efektivitas Indihome touch point terhadap keluhan gangguan dan pasang baru pelanggan Indihome melalui beberapa metode sehin gga dapat dipetakan customer experience journey masing - masing touch point , baik kondisi ideal maupun kondisi eksisting , serta dapat teridentifikasi gap customer experience journey masing - masing touch point antara kondisi ideal dengan kondisi eksisting.

    2. Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Untuk Mengukur Kualitas Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard dan Blue Ocean Strategy

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      Herlinah Baharuddin


      Full Text Available Semakin tingginya persaingan saat ini, khususnya perguruan tinggi bidang pendidikan, memunculkan kebutuhan strategi bisnis untuk bertahan. Pemodelan Sistem Informasi dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecardkini merupakan salah satu tujuan dalam pencapaian pengukuran hasil kinerja untuk mencapai sasaran perguruan tinggi serta menciptakan inovasi solusi dengan menerapkan Blue Ocean sehingga selaras dengan strategi bisnis yang dijalankan. Pemodelan sistem informasi yang akan dibahas adalah menggunakan strategi bisnis Balanced Scorecard (BSC diintegrasikan dengan Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS. Dengan sifat-sifat pada BSC dan BOS, model ini menjawab kebutuhan Strategi Sistem Informasi pada perguruan tinggi yang berkarakteristik dinamis, inovatif, dan tingkat persaingan tinggi dengan hasil pencapaian kinerja yang terukur. Pemodelan sistem informasi diimplementasikan pada Universitas Pancasakti Makassar. Hasil menunjukkan komponen-komponen perguruan tinggi yang dipetakan ke dalam 4 perspektif BSC, yaitu perspektif pelanggan, finansial, proses bisnis internal, pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan dan kanvas strategi serta kerangka kerja 4 langkah pada BOS yaitu kurangi-tingkatkan-hapus-ciptakan. Hasil penelitian berupa pengukuran penilaian kinerja dengan program aplikasi berbasis web, yang merupakan bagian dari sistem informasi management perguruan tinggi. Sistem ini memberikan informasi kepada seluruh anggota yang terkait tentang kualitas kinerja. Kata kunci : Balanced Scorecard(BSC; Kualitas kinerja; Blue ocean strategy(BOS; Web; Perguruan tinggi

    3. Desain Antena Hexagonal Patch Array Berbasis Sistem Transfer Daya Wireless pada Frekuensi 2,4 GHz

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      Herma Nugroho R. A. K.


      Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini telah didesain antena hexagonal patch array yang dapat digunakan sebagai perangkat catu daya wireless. Antena hexagonal patch array ini didesain untuk menangkap gelombang radio (RF pada frekuensi 2,4 GHz yang dapat diaplikasikan sebagai antena pada Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN. Desain antena dilakukan menggunakan software CST Microwave studio, kemudian dilakukan pabrikasi dan pengukuran secara riil. Parameter pengujian antena hexagonal patch array meliputi return loss, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR, gain, bandwidth, dan daya. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemodelan transmission line dan corporate feed line untuk pengaturan perubahan jarak antar patch antena. Perubahan variabel juga diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap parameter antena khususnya daya terima antena yang kemudian ditransmisikan ke rangkaian power harvester. Nilai parameter antena hasil simulasi menunjukkan nilai return loss adalah -33,38 dB, VSWR sebesar 1,041, gain sebesar 8,81 dBi, bandwidth adalah 0,084 GHz, daya sebesar 0,499 W (-3 dBm. Sedangkan parameter hasil pengukuran dari antena yang telah dipabrikasi adalah nilai return loss sebesar -33,21 dB, VSWR sebesar 1,048, gain sebesar 5 dBi, bandwidth adalah 0,145 GHz, daya sebesar -33 dBm.

    4. Implementasi Estimator Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Mikroorganisme pada Bioreaktor Anaerob

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      Dewinta Ria Wardhani


      Full Text Available Mikroba memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam produktivitas biogas pada pengolahan limbah bahan organik khususnya kotoran ternak pada bioreaktor anaerob, dimana dalam pengolahanya bakteri dipengaruhi oleh nutrisi, pH dan temperatur. Sehingga akan mempengaruhi produk biogas yang dihasilkan. Agar mendapatkan hasil biogas yang diharapkan maka diperlukan sebuah monitoring kecepatan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme. Namun saat ini belum ada alat untuk memonitoring secara langsung sehingga diperlukan sebuah estimator untuk memprediksi pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, untuk memprediksi pertumbuhan mikroorganisme berdasarkan parameter pH dan volume yang diukur. Estimator bekerja berdasarkan model matematis dengan menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan arsitektur Backpropagation dengan metode Lavenberg Marquardt. Estimator yang telah dihasilkan secara offline memiliki input berupa pH dan volume yang dianalogikan melalui tegangan dari potensiometer. Pada penelitian ini akan di implementasikan estimator kecepatan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme (µ secara online pada bioreaktor anaerob yang digunakan untuk mengekstrak kotoran ternak. Dari pengukuran secara online dan offline didapatkan nilai µ terbaik pada pengukuran secara online yaitu 7,5 pada pH 7,45 dan volume 0,05 L sedangkan nilai µ terbaik pada simulasi 7,3092 pada pH 5,47 dan volume 0,0106 L


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      Sobron Lubis


      Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi objek dalam pembuatan protipe cepat (rapid prototyping dengan menggunakan 3D printing untuk bahan polymer PLA dan ABS terhadap kekuatan tarik maupun ketelitian dimensi yang dihasilkan. Untuk  mencapai objektif penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan dengan membuat prototype spesimen ujitarik berdasarkan ASTM dengan menggunakan 3D printer. Produk yang dihasilkan dilakukan pengukuran dimensi untuk melihat akurasi peroduk melalui perubahan dua posisi variasi orientasi objek yakni secara vertikal dan horizontal. Setelah proses pengukuran dimensi, dilakukan pengujian tarik spesimen dengan menggunakan alat uji tarik. Dari eksperimen yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa posisi orientasi dan besar layer pada proses printing memberi efek terhadap kualitas permukaan, efisiensi waktu dan kekuatan dari benda. Produk material PLA dengan orientasi posisi objek horizontal memiliki kualitas dimensi yang paling baik. Jumlah kesalahan akurasi material ini tidak melebihi 1 mm pada setiap layer. Material ABS dengan posisi orientasi objek  vertikal dan tebal layer sebesar 0,10 mm menghasilkan kekuatan tegangan tarik yang terkecil sebesar 8,62 MPa dan material PLA dengan orientasi posisi objek horizontal dengan dan tebal layer sebesar 0,40 mm menghasilkan kekuatan tegangan tarik terbesar 35,57 MPa


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      Emy Yuliantini


      Pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi seimbang sangatlah penting, mengingat peran ibu dalam keluarga sebagai pengelola makanan. Ibu yang tidak tahu gizi makanan, akan menghidangkan makanan yang tidak seimbang gizinya. Agar tubuh tetap sehat dan terhindar dari berbagai penyakit kronis atau penyakit tidak menular (PTM terkait gizi, maka pola makan masyarakat perlu diarahkan ke konsumsi gizi seimbang. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam memantau status gizi dengan mengatur pola makan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pemahaman ibu tentang tumpeng gizi seimbang dengan status gizi anak prasekolah di TK IT Auladuna Kota Bengkulu. Desain penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan metode cross sectional di TK IT Auladuna Kota Bengkulu. Populasi penelitian adalah anak prasekolah. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara proporsional sampel sebanyak 68 orang. Data tentang pengetahuan ibu dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan data pengukuran BB dan TB anak dilakukan dengan melakukan penimbangan dan pengukuran menggunakan alat terstandar. Berdasarkan uji chi-square diperoleh hasil bahwa hanya pengetahuan tentang tumpeng gizi seimbang ada hubungan nyata dengan status gizi (p< 0,05, namun tidak pada pengetahuan tentang piring makanku. Pengetahuan tentang gizi seimbang perlu ditingkatkan pada semua kelompok masyarakat khususnya pada ibu yang mempunyai anak prasekolah.

    7. Biopotensial Elektroda di Bidang Medis


      Zairul Arifin


      Dalam hal mengukur dan mencatat potensial dan arus listrik dalam tubuh, perlu ada penghubung antara tubuh dengan peralatan pengukur elektronik. Fungsi penghubung ini dilakukan oleh biopotensial elektroda. Biopotensial elektroda ada pada berbagai jenis sistem peralatan medis seperti yang dipergunakan untuk pengukuran ECG, EEG, EMG dan potensial intraseluler. Selama bertahun-tahun telah dikembangkan banyak jenis elektroda yang berbeda untuk mencatat berbagai potensial di dalam tubuh, misalny...



      Susiana; Ali, Syamsu Alam; Rukminasari, Nita


      Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan diversitas dan kerapatan mangrove dengan kepadatan gastropoda dan bivalvia di mangrove alami dan rehabilitasi. Pengukuran ekosistem mangrove menggunakan transek kuadrat 10 m x 10 m. Kelimpahan dan kepadatan gastropoda dan bialvia menggunakan transek kuadrat berukuran 1 m x 1 m. Analisis nMDS, cluster untuk melihat hubungan karekteristik mangrove alami dan rehabilitasi dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisis regresi untuk mendetermi...

    9. Penempatan Optimal Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) Dengan Integer Programming


      Amrulloh, Yunan Helmy


      Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) merupakan peralatan yang mampu memberikan pengukuran fasor tegangan dan arus secara real-time. PMU dapat digunakan untuk monitoring, proteksi dan kontrol pada sistem tenaga listrik. Tugas akhir ini membahas penempatan PMU secara optimal berdasarkan topologi jaringan sehingga sistem tenaga listrik dapat diobservasi. Penempatan optimal PMU dirumuskan sebagai masalah Binary Integer Programming (BIP) yang akan memberikan variabel dengan pilihan nilai (0,1) yang menu...

    10. Prototype Sistem Multi-Telemetri Wireless untuk Mengukur Suhu Udara Berbasis Mikrokontroler ESP8266 pada Greenhouse


      Hanum Shirotu Nida


      Telemetri wireless adalah proses pengukuran parameter suatu obyek yang hasil pengukurannya dikirimkan ke tempat lain melalui proses pengiriman data tanpa menggunakan kabel (wireless), sedangkan multi telemetri adalah gabungan dari beberapa telemeteri itu sendiri. Penelitian ini merancang prototype sistem multi-telemetri wireless untuk mengukur suhu udara dan kelembaban udara pada greenhouse dengan menggunakan sensor DHT11 dan data hasil dari pembacaan sensor dikirim dengan menggunakan modul W...

    11. Korelasi indeks morfologi wajah dengan sudut interinsisal dan tinggi wajah secara sefalometri (Cephalometric correlation of facial morphology index with interincisal angle and facial height

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Pricillia Priska Sianita K


      Full Text Available Background: In a disaster or criminal case, comprehensive information is needed for identification process of each victim. Especially for some cases that only leave skull without any information that could help the identification process, including face reconstruction that will be needed. One way of identifications is specific face characteristic, race, some head-neck measurements, such as facial morphology index, interincisal angle and facial height. Purpose: The aim of study was to determine the correlation of facial morphology index with interincisal angle and facial height through cephalometric measurement. Methods: The samples were cephalogram of 31 subjects (Deutro-Malayid race who met the inclusive criteria. Cephalometric analysis were done to all samples and followed by Pearson Correlation statistical test. Results: The correlation was found between facial morphology index and facial height, but no correlation between facial morphology index and interincisal angle. Conclusion: The study showed that the cephalometric measurement of facial morphology index and facial height could be used as the additional information for identification process.Latar belakang: Dalam bencana alam atau kasus kriminal informasi yang komprehensif diperlukan untuk proses identifikasi masing korban. Khususnya pada beberapa kasus yang hanya meninggalkan tengkorak tanpa informasi yang dapat membantu proses identifikasi, termasuk rekonstruksi wajah yang akan dibutuhkan. Salah satu cara identifikasi karakteristik wajah tertentu, ras, beberapa pengukuran kepala leher, seperti indeks morfologi wajah, sudut interincisal dan tinggi wajah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti korelasi indeks morfologi wajah dengan sudut interincisal dan tinggi wajah melalui pengukuran sefalometrik. Metode: Sampel penelitian adalah cephalogram dari 31 subyek ras Deutro - Malayid ras yang memenuhi kriteria inklusif. Analisis cephalometri dilakukan pada semua sampel dan dilanjutkan

    12. Pengaruh Implantasi Subkutan Logam Kobalt Kromium sebagai Bahan Alternatif Mini Screw Orthodontics terhadap Reaksi Jaringan Kelinci Albino

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      Ananto Ali Alhasyimi


      t-test untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan jumlah sel-sel inflamasi pada kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Hasil pengamatan makroskopis, kelompok perlakuan maupun kontrol hanya terlihat tanda inflamasi ringan berupa eritema. Rerata dan Simpangan baku jumlah PMN, limfosit, sel plasma, makrofag, giant cell, neovaskularisasi, fibrosis kobalt kromium dan kontrol berturut turut yaitu (0,6 ± 0,49; 0,7 ± 0,48; (0,9 ± 0,87; 1,0 ± 0,67; (0,6 ± 0,24; 0,6 ± 0,21; (1,4 ± 0,84; 0,9 ± 0,74; (0,5 ± 0,27; 0; (0,6 ± 0,33; 0,7 ± 0,48; (0,5 ± 0,27; 0,1 ± 0,02. Hasil t-test menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan (p>0,05 pada 6 parameter inflamasi sedangkan parameter giant cell menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p0.05. The conclusion of this study is that the cobalt chromium alloy can affect the subcutaneous tissue by inducing giant cell infiltration on day 14 post-implantation as the result of foreign body reactions.


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      Hartono Hartono


      Full Text Available ABSTRAK Paparan bising pesawat udara dapat berisiko terhadap kesehatan. Terdapat banyak bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa paparan bising pesawat udara dapat menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran, hipertensi, penyakit jantung iskemik, ketergangguan (annoyance, gangguan tidur dan penurunan prestasi sekolah. Sedangkan efek terhadap perubahan pada sistem imun dan lahir cacat, bukti-bukti masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara general reaction score dengan aktivitas sel NK pada wanita yang terpapar bising pesawat udara di sekitar bandara Adi Sumarmo Solo. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan bagi masyarakat serta pemerintah daerah khususnya dalam upaya pencegahan terhadap dampak paparan bising pesawat udara. Rancangan penelitian adalah survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan mengambil lokasi di Desa Dibal dan Gagak Sipat, Kecamatan Ngemplak, Kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Juli 2008 sampai dengan bulan Juni 2009. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel 39, terbagi dalam 3 kelompok; kelompok 1 terpapar bising intensitas 92,29 dB (13 responden; kelompok 2 terpapar bising intensitas 71,79 dB (13 responden; kelompok 3 terpapar bising intensitas 52,17dB (13 responden. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara simple random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova diikuti dengan Post Hoc Test metode LSD dilengkapi dengan Homogenous Subsets. Uji Anova menujukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antar kelompok terhadap general reaction score yang ditunjukkan dari nilai p=0,000. Uji Pearson Correlation menunjukkan ada hubungan yang negatif antara general reaction score dengan aktivitas sel NK (r = – 0,631; p < 0,05. ABSTRACT Exposure to noise constitutes a health risk. There is sufficient scientific evidence that aircraft noise exposure can induce hearing impairment, hypertension and ischemic heart disease, annoyance, sleep disturbance, and decreased school

    14. A Technique for Designing Variation Resilient Subthreshold Sram Cell

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      Aminul Islam


      Full Text Available This paper presents a technique for designing a variability aware subthreshold SRAM cell. The architecture of the proposed cell is similar to the standard read-decoupled 8-transistor (RD8T SRAM cell with the exception that the access FETS are replaced with transmission gates (TGs. In this work, various design metrics are assessed and compared with RD8T SRAM cell. The proposed design offers 2.14× and 1.75× improvement in TRA (read access time and TWA (write access time respectively compared with RD8T. It proves its robustness against process variations by featuring narrower spread in TRA distribution (2.35× and TWA distribution (3.79× compared with RD8T. The proposed bitcell offers 1.16× higher read current (IREAD and 1.64× lower bitline leakage current (ILEAK respectively compared with RD8T. It also shows its robustness by offering 1.34× (1.58× tighter spread in IREAD (ILEAK compared with RD8T. It exhibits 1.42× larger IREAD to ILEAK ratio. It shows 2.2× higher frequency @ 250 mV with read bitline capacitance of 10 fF. Besides, the proposed bitcell achieves same read stability and write-ability as that of RD8T at the cost of 3 extra transistors. The leakage power of the proposed design is close to that of RD8T.   ABSTRAK: Kertas kerja ini membentangkan teknik merekabentuk sel bawah ambang SRAM yang bolehubah. Senibina sel yang dicadangkan adalah sama dengan sel SRAM 8-transistor (RD8T “pisahan-bacaan” piawai kecuali FET akses  digantikan dengan sel pintu transmisi (TGs. Di dalam kajian ini, beberapa metrik rekabentuk dinilai dan dibandingkan dengan sel RD8T SRAM. Rekabentuk yang dicadangkan menawarkan  peningkatan 2.14× dan 1.75×  dalam TRA (masa akses baca dan TWA (masa akses tulis berbanding dengan RD8T. Ia membuktikan kekukuhan variasi proses dengan menampilkan tebaran yang lebih sempit dalam pengagihan TRA (2.35 × dan pengagihan TWA (3.79 × berbanding dengan RD8T. Sel-Bit yang dicadangkan mempunyai arus baca 1.16

    15. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the School-Based Assessment Evaluation Scale Among Teachers

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      Nor Hasnida Che Md. Ghazali


      Sekolah Berbasis Standar di Malaysia. Dalam rangka untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan SBA, skala pengukuran divalidasi. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk pengumpulan data. Tujuh ratus tujuh puluh enam guru sekolah dasar dan menengah terpilih sebagai responden dengan menggunakan Stratified Random Sampling. Data dianalisis dengan SPSS dan AMOS versi 18. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi struktur faktor yang berbeda dari skala evaluasi SBA dengan menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model evaluasi SBA merupakan skala yang valid dan reliabel. Model pengukuran masukan divalidasi dengan dua faktor (kualifikasi personil dan infrastruktur fisik, model pengukuran proses telah divalidasi dengan enam faktor (sikap, pemahaman, keterampilan, tantangan, moderasi dan pemantauan dan model pengukuran produk divalidasi dengan dua faktor (sikap dan motivasi siswa. Studi ini memberikan masukan untuk menggunakan alat yang sah dalam mengevaluasi pelaksanaan SBA di sekolah-sekolah. Selain itu, prosedur CFA digunakan mendukung kerangka kerja konseptual yang ditetapkan sebelumnya. Dengan demikian, menyajikan dengan jelas pentingnya proses evaluasi dari setiap sistem pendidikan untuk mengikuti semua dimensi yang digariskan dalam model evaluasi yang diusulkan oleh Daniel Stufflebeam.

    16. Effects of tissue-preparation-induced callose synthesis on estimates of plasmodesma size exclusion limits. (United States)

      Radford, J E; White, R G


      Plasmodesmata are often characterised by their size exclusion limit (SEL), which is the molecular weight of the largest dye, introduced by microinjection, that will move from cell to cell. In this study, we investigated whether commonly used techniques for isolation and manipulation of tissues, and microinjection of fluorescent dyes, affected the SEL, and whether any such effects could be ameliorated by inhibiting callose deposition. We examined young root epidermal cells of Arabidopsis thaliana and staminal hair cells of Tradescantia virginiana, two tissues often used in experiments on symplastic transport. Transport in root tips dissected from the main plant body and in stamen hairs removed from the base of the stamen filament was compared with transport in undissected roots and stamen hairs attached to the base of the filament, respectively. Tissues were microinjected with fluorescent dyes (457 Da to > 3 kDa) with or without prior incubation in the callose deposition inhibitors 2-deoxy-D-glucose or aniline blue fluorochrome. In both tissues, dissection reduced the SEL, which was largely prevented by prior incubation in 2-deoxy-D-glucose but not by incubation in aniline blue fluorochrome. Thus, standard methods for tissue preparation can cause sufficient callose deposition to reduce cell-to-cell transport, and this needs to be considered in studies employing microinjection. Introduction of the dyes by pressure injection rather than iontophoresis decreased the SEL in A. thaliana but increased it in T. virginiana, showing that these two injection techniques do not necessarily give identical results and that plasmodesmata in different tissues may respond differently to similar experimental procedures.

    17. Mu ema must roos : [luuletused] / S{u00E1ndor Cso̤ri

      Index Scriptorium Estoniae

      Cso̤ri, S{u00E1ndor


      Sisu: Mu ema must roos ; Viinamägi, enne sõda ; Su lauba hämarusest ; Cantata profana ; Kolmandal päeval hakkas sadama lund ; Ema jutt ; Lume mälestus ; Lampide ja rusikate ette ; Kümnes õhtu ; Jutustab koit ; Oleksid kehv taevaelanik ; Päikesevalgus ja must öine põldmari ; Kiri põhjast ; Öösel koputab moon ; Keegi su sõber ; Rajan endale teed ; Ülestunnistus Linnale ; Lesknaised tantsivad ; Värvimata jäänud silmalaugude eleegia ; 1956. aasta novembri mälestuseks ; Vihane tund ; Sel ajal jaanuaris. Eluloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 389-391


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      Sri Redjeki Hesti Mulyaningrum


      Full Text Available Dalam usaha perbaikan kualitas bibit rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dilakukan kultur protoplas dengan isolasi protoplas menggunakan enzim. Untuk mendapatkan sumber enzim yang ekonomis sebagai alternatif pengganti enzim komersial dan untuk mengetahui perbandingan konsentrasi enzim komersial yang optimum agar menghasilkan jumlah protoplas yang maksimum, dilakukan karakterisasi terhadap enzim dari berbagai sumber. Aktivitas ekstrak kasar enzim dari viscera bekicot (Achatina fulica tidak berbeda nyata dengan enzim komersial (P>0,05 dengan aktivitas sebesar 0,729 unit/mL; enzim komersial 0,354 unit/mL; ekstrak kasar enzim dari viscera keong mas (Pila polita 0,048 unit/mL; dan ekstrak kasar enzim dari viscera abalon (Haliotis asinina 0,014 unit/mL. Perbandingan enzim komersial yang optimum adalah 2:1 menghasilkan protoplas sebanyak 1,26 x 108 sel/mL; kemudian 1:2 dengan jumlah protoplas 1,22 x 108 sel/mL; perbandingan 1:1 menghasilkan protoplas sebanyak 8,36 x 107 sel/mL; perbandingan 0:1 menghasilkan protoplas sebanyak 6,33 x 107 sel/mL; dan perbandingan 1:0 menghasilkan protoplas sebanyak 9,55 x 106 sel/mL. Rumput laut asal Takalar memiliki protoplas dengan kepadatan tertinggi sebesar 3,7 x 108 sel/mL. Effort to improve the quality of seaweed seed Kappaphycus alvarezii has been done by protoplast culture with protoplast isolation using enzyme. To find out economical enzyme sources as alternatives to substitute the expensive commercial enzyme and to determine the optimum concentration ratio of commercial enzyme to produce maximum amount of protoplast, characterization was executed to several potential sources. Activity of crude extract enzyme from viscera of garden snail (Achatina fulica was not significantly different with commercial enzyme (P>0.05 it was 0.729 unit/mL, commercial enzyme 0.354 unit/mL activity; crude extract enzyme from viscera of golden snail (Pila polita 0.048 unit/mL activity and crude extract enzyme from viscera of abalone

    19. Penilaian Kriteria Green Building Pada Gedung Teknik Sipil ITS


      Putri, Aristia A; Rohman, M. Arif; Utomo, Christiono


      Green building merupakan suatu konsep bangunan ramah lingkungan yang sudah menjadi perhatian khusus di berbagai negara dan mulai diterapkan di Indonesia. Konsep Green Building merupakan salah satu upaya penghematan energi yang dapat diterapkan pada suatu gedung. Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan untuk mengukur rating/sertifikasi sebagai tolak ukur sudah sejauh mana tingkat green building gedung-gedung di ITS, dengan cara melakukan pengukuran langsung, yang dilakukan oleh peneliti berdasark...

    20. Keadaan Budidaya Rumput Laut di Pulau Panjang Provinsi Bangka Belitung


      Melki, Melki; Agussalim, Andi


      Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan dari tanggal 20 dan 21 Desember 2003 di Pulau Panjang Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dan wawancara serta data diperoleh dengan pengukuran langsung. Dari hasil pengamatan bahwa Pulau Panjang cocok dijadikan daerah budidaya, karena sudah tersedia bibit alami rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii, faktor lingkungan yang mendukung kegiatan budidaya serta adanya pangsa pasar. Namun kendala yang dihadapi adalah rendahnya nilai jual rum...

    1. SEL Ada reuse analysis and representations (United States)

      Kester, Rush


      Overall, it was revealed that the pattern of Ada reuse has evolved from initial reuse of utility components into reuse of generalized application architectures. Utility components were both domain-independent utilities, such as queues and stacks, and domain-specific utilities, such as those that implement spacecraft orbit and attitude mathematical functions and physics or astronomical models. The level of reuse was significantly increased with the development of a generalized telemetry simulator architecture. The use of Ada generics significantly increased the level of verbatum reuse, which is due to the ability, using Ada generics, to parameterize the aspects of design that are configurable during reuse. A key factor in implementing generalized architectures was the ability to use generic subprogram parameters to tailor parts of the algorithm embedded within the architecture. The use of object oriented design (in which objects model real world entities) significantly improved the modularity for reuse. Encapsulating into packages the data and operations associated with common real world entities creates natural building blocks for reuse.

    2. Aitajaid sel teekonnal pole / Madli Pesti

      Index Scriptorium Estoniae

      Pesti, Madli, 1980-


      11. märtsil esietendus teatris NO98 ja Sine Loco (A. Türnpu projekt) koostöös lavastus "Inimese teekond", mille lähtematerjaliks on J. Bunyani religioosne teos "Palveränduri tee". Lavastaja ja kokkupanija A. Türnpu

    3. Portable Battery Charger Berbasis Sel Surya

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      Budhi Anto


      Full Text Available A type of solar battery charger is introduced in this paper. This equipment functions as a medium size rechargeable battery that is needed to move culinary merchants and coastal fishermen living in area which is not supplied by electrical networks. The equipment consists of solar module mounted onto portable mechanical construction, a 12-V 7.5-Ah lead acid battery and charge controller. Solar module charges the battery through charge controller and then the battery can be discharged to power on electric lamps for lightening culinary wagon or fisherman’s boat at night. Charge controller charges the battery with float charging which is implemented by maintaining 13.5 Volt between battery terminals and limiting the charging current to 1.5 Amperes. Charge controller circuit is based on adjustable linear voltage regulator LM338. The battery is of sealed lead acid type. This type of battery is maintenance free and more hygiene than other types of lead acid battery. The field experiment of charging the baterry of 50% residual capacity from 8 am to 4 pm under sunny weather shows that the solar module has charged the battery to its full capacity under battery safe charging conditions.Keywords: portable solar battery charger, float charging, LM338

    4. Portable Battery Charger Berbasis Sel Surya


      Anto, Budhi; Hamdani, Edy; Abdullah, Rizki


      A type of solar battery charger is introduced in this paper. This equipment functions as a medium size rechargeable battery that is needed to move culinary merchants and coastal fishermen living in area which is not supplied by electrical networks. The equipment consists of solar module mounted onto portable mechanical construction, a 12-V 7.5-Ah lead acid battery and charge controller. Solar module charges the battery through charge controller and then the battery can be discharged to power ...

    5. Selçuklular Döneminde Sincar

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      Tülay Yürekli


      Full Text Available In this article transition period of Sinjar city, today within the borders of Iraq, to the Turkish rule has been addressed. The important cities of Upper Mesopotamia such as Mosul, Sinjar after a short time of subsequent to the Oguz invasion to this region were included by Soltan Tuğrul but remained periodically in the hands of former owners. This situation has changed after the death of Malik Shah and the city was ruled by Turkish governors.

    6. Darüşşifas Where Music Threapy was Practiced During Anatolian Seljuks and Ottomans / Selçuklu ve Osmanlı Darüşşifalarında Müzikle Tedavi

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      Gülşen Erdal


      etki günümüzde açıkça bilinmektedir. Bilinen en eski tedavi yöntemlerinden biri olan Müzikle tedavinin geçmişi binlerce yıl öncesine dayanır. Türklerin, müzikle tedavide İbn Sina, Razî, Farabî, Hasan Şuurî ve Gevrekzade Hasan Efendi gibi bilim adamlarının yaptıkları araştırmaların yer aldığı kitaplardan faydalanarak, Selçuklu ve Osmanlılar döneminde, akıl hastalıklarının tedavisine uygun akustikle inşa edilen hastaneler-darüşşifalarda kullanmaları, ilk ciddi müzikle tedavi uygulamaları olarak değerlendirilir. Darüşşifa, Türk ve İslam dünyasında pratiğe ve gözleme dayalı sağlık hizmetleri veren hastaları tedavi eden sağlık ve eğitim kurumlarına verilen isimlerden birisidir. Darüşşifalar Tıp mesleğinin uygulanmasına yönelik özel mimari anlayış içeren yapıları ile de ayrıcalıklı bir yere sahiptir. Türkler Anadolu’ya yerleşmeleri ile birlikte çeşitli imar faaliyetlerine başlamışlardır. Yapılan bu faaliyetler içerisinde kervansaraylar, medreseler ve camilerle birlikte darüşşifalar da bulunmaktadır. Selçuklu ve Osmanlı darüşşifalarında tıbbi konular araştırmalara ve bilimsel esaslara bağlı kalınarak işleniyor, aynı zamanda tıp medreselerinde cerrah yetiştiriliyordu. Yapılan eğitimler dışında tatbiki uygulamaların da yaptırıldığı bilinmektedir. Darrüşşifalar, Anadolu Selçuklu ve Osmanlı medreseleri plan şemasına uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. Genelde derslerin verildiği ana eyvan ve farklı ihtiyaçlar için düzenlenmiş avlu etrafında yer alan odalardan oluşmaktaydı. Türk sanat tarihi içerisinde sıklıkla karşılaştığımız tıp siteleri aynı zamanda günümüz tıp fakültesi mantığı ile örtüşmektedir. Buralarda tedavi edici sağlık hizmetleri sunulmaktaydı. Müzikle tedavi yapılan darüşşifalardan günümüze ulaşan ve önem teşkil edenler bu çalışmada sanat tarihi ve müziğin iyileştirici gücünün yüzyıllar


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      I Wayan Subamia


      Full Text Available Ikan hias koi merupakan salah satu produk perikanan yang budidayanya telah dikuasai oleh petani ikan di beberapa daerah. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas warna benih ikan hias koi melalui pengayaan tepung kepala udang dalam pakan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan perlakuan dosis tepung kepala udang dalam formulasi pakan sebagai sumber karotenoid yaitu: 0% (kontrol, 5%, 10%, 15%. Pakan yang diberikan diformulasikan dengan isoprotein (30%, dan isolipid (15%. Ikan yang digunakan adalah benih dan ditempatkan dalam hapa-hapa di kolam. Pengamatan yang dilakukan selama pemeliharaan adalah parameter kualitas warna yang dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan TCF (Toca Color Finder, sedangkan pengukuran kuantitatifnya dilakukan dengan pengukuran total karotenoid pakan dan jaringan tubuh ikan. Selain itu, dilakukan pula pengamatan parameter pertumbuhan panjang, dan bobot yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas warna pada ikan koi optimal pada pemberian tepung kepala udang sebesar 10% dicirikan dari nilai warna kuning dan merah. Selama penelitian juga diketahui bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan bobot dan panjang mutlak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik bobot dan panjang tubuh, dan sintasan pada semua perlakuan.

    8. Implementasi dan Analisis Teknik Reduksi PAPR OFDM Menggunakan Metode PTS pada WARP

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      Rizkha Ajeng Rochmatika


      Full Text Available Sistem OFDM cocok digunakan sebagai solusi yang dapat memenuhi layanan komunikasi data kecepatan tinggi karena memiliki efisiensi bandwidth dengan performansi terbaik. Namun dalam implementasinya, sistem OFDM memiliki kelemahan yang disebabkan oleh tingginya nilai Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR sehingga sinyal OFDM rentan terkena distorsi nonlinear yang disebabkan oleh adanya komponen RF power amplifier yang menyebabkan kompleksitas komponen Analog to Digital Converter (ADC yang terdapat pada Wireless Open Access Research Platform (WARP. Nilai PAPR yang besar pada OFDM membutuhkan power amplifier dengan dynamic range yang lebar untuk mengakomodasi sinyal, apabila hal tersebut tidak terpenuhi maka menyebabkan distorsi nonlinear dan pada akhirnya menurunkan performansi OFDM. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengatasinya dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat mereduksi nilai PAPR salah satunya menggunakan metode PTS. Guna melihat unjuk kerja teknik PTS, maka pada penelitian ini dibandingkan dua skema antara sistem OFDM tanpa dan dengan teknik PTS menggunakan analisa pada bit error rate dan nilai CCDF. Dari hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kinerja teknik PTS mampu meningkatkan kinerja sistem OFDM saat terkena distorsi nonlinear, terlihat pada pengukuran dengan modulasi 16-QAM untuk gain 56 didapatkan peningkatan BER sebesar 95.98%. Sedangkan pada grafik CCDF terjadi penurunan nilai PAPR sebesar 34.17% untuk M=4.

    9. Analisa Penerapan Aplikasi Pelaporan Kepegawaian Berbasis Web Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten Cilacap

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      Rina Mediaswati


      Full Text Available Tulisan ini mendiskusikan tentang penerapan Aplikasi Pelaporan Kepegawaian (APK berbasis Web pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD di Kabupaten Cilacap. Penilaian sistem pelaporan kepegawaian melalui Web ini penting untuk dikaji karena dari sistem SIMPEG yang digunakan sebelumnya dinilai masih kurang optimal. Mixed method research digunakan sebagai studi pendekatan kualitatif dengan indepth interviewdan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan survei digunakan untuk mengambarkan secara rinci hasil penerapan aplikasi pelaporan kepegawaian berbasis Web tersebut dari sisi pengguna (SDM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dalam penerapan Aplikasi Pelaporan Kepegawaian (APK berbasis Web menunjukkan bahwa yang menjadi faktor pendukung keberhasilan SIMPEG adalah adanya pemikiran serta komitmen pemimpin dan anggaran yang cukup memadai. Belum adanya ketersediaan infrastruktur berupa sarana dan prasarana teknologi yang memadai menjadi faktor kendalanya. Sementara itu, pengukuran dari sisi pengguna (SDM dengan pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan pengguna APK berbasis Web memiliki perilaku, minat, dan persepsi yang baik. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan hasil pengukuran rerata variabel tertinggi yaitu Performance Expectancy sebesar 4,29 dan terendah yaitu variabel Image sebesar 3,32. Namun, masih banyaknya pengguna yang mempunyai tugas rangkap dengan beban kerja yang tinggi (work load pada SKPD-SKPD menyebabkan kesulitan untuk mengupdate data secara tepat menjadi kendala dalam pemutakhiran data kepegawaian pada sistem Web tersebut.

    10. Pengembangan Dashboard Information System (DIS

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      Dwi Januarita


      Full Text Available Perkembangan dan perubahan teknologi informasi saat ini harus dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh organisasi. Informasi merupakan salah satu aset yang paling utama dalam mendukung kemajuan dan pencapaian tujuan suatu organisasi. Pengukuran kinerja dari suatu organisasi perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan ketercapaian yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam proses pengukuran kinerja diperlukan data dan informasi yang diambil dari bagian yang terkait ataupun keseluruhan. Hasil dari monitoring kinerja dapat langsung di lihat oleh user yang berkepentingan secara efektif dan efisien. Dashboard merupakan suatu alat yang dapat membantu pimpinan dari perguruan tinggi untuk memonitoring dan mengevaluasi kinerja organisasinya dengan menyajikan informasi Key Performance Indicators (KPI dalam bentuk antar muka visual secara sekilas dalam satu layar, sehingga data dapat dianalisa dengan lebih efektif dan efisien. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan studi kasus. Studi literatur dilakukan untuk mengkaji berbagai konsep mengenai dashboard, KPI dan visualisasi informasi. KPI yang digunakan dalam pengembangan dashboard di LPPM menggunakan indikator dari kontrak manajemen pada program customer dan learning growth yang diterapkan di ST3 Telkom Purwokerto. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model waterfall pada penyampaian dashboard ke user yang telah dilakukan dengan 2 iterasi, dashboard ini sudah memenuhi kebutuhan dari LPPM dalam memantau kinerjanya.

    11. Analisis Unjuk Kerja Rancangan Jaringan Fiber To The Home Area Jakarta Garden City dengan Metode Eye-Diagram

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      Dodi Zulherman


      Full Text Available Dalam tulisan ini, kami merancang jaringan akses fiber to the home berbasis gigabit passive optical network (FTTH-GPON pada area Jakarta Garden City. Pemodelan rancangan menggunakan GoogleEarth dan OptiSystem. Rancangan yang kami usulkan menggunakan kecepatan downstream 2,4 Gbps dan upstream 1,2Gbps. Kami mengamati kesesuaian unjuk kerja rancangan terhadap standar FTTH-GPON yang dikeluarkan oleh ITU-T. Kami menggunakan metode perhitungan link power budget dan risetime budget dalam perancangan jaringan FTTH. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan didapatkan link budget sebesar 22 dB dengan margin daya sebesar 3 dB, risetime budgetd downstream sebesar 0,27 ns, dan risetime upstream sebesar 0,25 ns. Pengukuran unjuk kerja rancangan menggunakan metode eye-diagram yang menampilkan jitter, distorsi, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, nilai Q-factor dan nilai BER. Pengukuran unjuk kerja dengan menggunakan power masukan 5 dBm dan panjang gelombang 1490 nm menghasilkan jitter sebesar 16,7 ps, distorsi sebesar 1,07µ a.u., SNR sebesar 6,87, Q Factor sebesar 21,249 dan BER sebesar 1,9×10-99. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan analisis terhadap hasil tersebut, rancangan jaringan FTTH pada area Jakarta Garden City yang kami usulkan telah memenuhi standar ITU-T untuk penggunaan layanan internet kecepatan tinggi

    12. Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Listrik Prabayar dengan Menggunakan Arduino Uno

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      Diah Risqiwati


      Full Text Available Abstrak Kebutuhan akan listrik akan terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, hal ini dikarenakan pembuatan produk yang menggunakan listrik sebagai energi nya juga gencar dikeluarkan oleh produsen sehingga kebutuhan akan listrik sudah menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat vital untuk masing-masing individu. Saat ini di negara kita telah dikembangkan listrik prabayar disamping listrik pasca bayar yang telah berjalan, fungsi dari listrik prabayar ini adalah untuk dapat mengontrol penggunaan dari listrik itu sendiri. Namun, penggunaan listrik prabayar tidak sepenuhnya digunakan secara optimal oleh pelanggan, dikarenakan pelanggan tidak mengetahui beban dari alat listrik yang digunakan sehingga tidak dapat melakukan kontrol dari pulsa listrik yang dibeli. Dari permasalahan itu peneliti mengusulkan untuk membuat suatu alat kontrol dengan menggunakan arduino uno sehingga pemilik dapat mengontrol penggunaan listriknya secara real time. Board Arduino berfungsi sebagai sistem kontrol pengambilan data, sebelum data tersebut di olah pada server. Terdapat sistem sensor berfungsi untuk pengambilan data ampere yaitu sensor AC712-20A dan modul relay sebagai saklar elektrik berfungsi untuk memutus daya listrik ketika pulsa tidak mencukupi. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat kesalahan pengukuran rata-rata sensor ACS712-20A dengan multitester sebesar 26%, sedangkan untuk pengukuran billing listrik prabayar terdapat kesalahan sebesar 6%.

    13. The anti-inflammatory effect of kaempferol on early atherosclerosis in high cholesterol fed rabbits (United States)


      Background Atherosclerosis has been widely accepted as an inflammatory disease of vascular, adhesion molecules play an important role in the early progression of it. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of kaempferol on the inflammatory molecules such as E-selectin (E-sel), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesionmolecule-1 (VCAM-1) and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) in high cholesterol induced atherosclerosis rabbit models. Methods Thirty male New Zealand white (NZW) rabbits were randomly divided into five groups, control group, model group, fenofibrate (12mg/kg) group and kaempferol groups (150 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg). The rabbits were fed with a normal diet or a high cholesterol diet for 10 weeks. Levels of blood lipids, serum tumour-necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and serum interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) were detected at the end of the sixth and tenth week. Malonaldehyde (MDA) level and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in serum were also determined. Lesion areas of the aorta were measured with morphometry analysis after ten weeks. Gene expression of E-sel, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and MCP-1 in aortas was determined by RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction). Immunohistochemical staining was employed to measure protein expression of E-sel, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and MCP-1. Results Model rabbits fed with ten weeks of high-cholesterol diet developed significant progression of atherosclerosis. Compared with the control, levels of blood lipids, TNF-α, IL-1β and MDA increased markedly in serum of model rabbits, while SOD levels decreased. Gene and protein expressions of E-sel, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and MCP-1 in atherosclerotic aortas increased remarkably in model group. However, comparing to the model rabbits, levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and MDA decreased significantly and serum SOD activity increased, gene and protein expressions of E-sel, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and MCP-1 in aortas decreased significantly with the treatment of


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      José Henrique Stringhini


      Full Text Available

      This experiment was carried out in the Água Limpa Farm, of the University of Brasília, aiming to estimate the level of selenium and its variation during the year in some cultivated pastures of the cerrados region (Andropogon gayanus var. bisquamulatus, Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria ruziziensis. On the other hand, it was determined the effects of the supplementation, through intramuscular applications, in 24 Bergamacia weaned lambs. Pastures samples were collected trying to simulate the animal grazing, at intervals of 84 days, and different chemical methods of determination of selenium were evaluated. The fluorometric method has the best response and the levels of the samples varied from 0.025 to 0.075 ppm. In relation to the lambs, difference in weight gains were not statistically significant (P>0.05.

      KEY-WORDS: Brazilian savannas (“cerrados”; sheep; selenium supplementation.

      O presente experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Água Limpa, da Universidade de Brasília, e teve como objetivos verificar os níveis estacionais de selênio encontrados nas pastagens de Andropogon gayanus var. bisquamulatus, Brachiaria decunbens e Brachiaria ruziziensis e avaliar os efeitos da suplementação de selênio por via intramuscular em 24 ovinos desmamados da raça Bergamácia. Foram efetuadas quatro coletas de forragem procurando imitar o pastejo dos animais e testados os métodos químicos para análise de selênio. O método fluorométrico foi o mais adequado e determinaram-se os níveis que variaram entre 0,025 e 0,075 ppm para as pastagens estudadas. Com relação aos cordeiros, não se observou efeito significativo para o ganho de peso dos cordeiros (P>0

    15. Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis to Ipsilateral Parotid and Submandibular Glands: Report of a Case with Sonoelastographic Findings

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Balaban, Mehtap; Dogruyol, Sureyya Vudali; Idilman, Ilkay S.; Unal, Ozlem; Ipek, Ali


      Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) – also known as hypernephroma or grawitz tumor – accounts for 3% of the adulthood malignancies. Approximately 30–40% of the patients have metastasis at the time of the diagnosis and most common sites for metastasis are lung, regional lymph nodes, bone and liver. A total of 8–14% of the patients with RCC has head and neck metastasis. However, metastasis to major salivary glands is rarely seen. In this paper, we aimed to report a RCC case with metastasis to parotid and submandibular glands that has the same sonographic and sonoelastographic findings with the primary tumor. 66-year old woman with RCC history was referred to our radiology department for neck ultrasound (US) with painful swelling in the right parotid gland region. A well-defined, 37×21 mm sized hypoechoic heterogeneous solid mass was detected in the superficial-deep lobe of the right parotid gland. The mass was prominently hypervascular in color Doppler ultrasonography scan. Coincidentally, a 13×13 mm hypoechoic lobulated solid mass was detected in the right submandibular gland with similar sonographic findings. Real-time sonoelastography (SEL) was performed to the masses and both of them were blue-green colored that indicates hard tissue. An US and SEL evaluation was also performed to the renal mass (RCC) of the patient. The primary mass was also similar in sonographic and SEL appearance as salivary gland masses. In the patient history, she revealed chemotherapy-radiotherapy treatment 1.5 years ago due to inoperable mass in the mid-lower pole of the left kidney diagnosed as clear cell RCC with vascular invasion, liver, lung and brain metastasis. Because of known primary tumor, the masses in the salivary glands were suspected to be metastatic and a tru-cut biopsy was performed. Pathological result was reported as clear cell RCC metastasis. The etiology of RCC is still unknown and metastatic involvement can be seen at unexpected tissue and organs. Metastatic disease

    16. Tolerance of the High Energy X-ray Imaging Technology ASIC to potentially destructive radiation processes in Earth-orbit-equivalent environments (United States)

      Ryan, D. F.; Baumgartner, W. H.; Wilson, M.; Benmoussa, A.; Campola, M.; Christe, S. D.; Gissot, S.; Jones, L.; Newport, J.; Prydderch, M.; Richards, S.; Seller, P.; Shih, A. Y.; Thomas, S.


      The High Energy X-ray Imaging Technology (HEXITEC) ASIC is designed on a 0.35 μm CMOS process to read out CdTe or CZT detectors and hence provide fine-pixellated spectroscopic imaging in the range 2-200 keV. In this paper, we examine the tolerance of HEXITEC to both potentially destructive cumulative and single event radiation effects. Bare ASICs are irradiated with X-rays up to a total ionising dose (TID) of 1 Mrad (SiO2) and bombarded with heavy ions with linear energy transfer (LET) up to 88.3 MeV mg-1 cm-2. HEXITEC is shown to operate reliably below a TID of 150 krad, have immunity to fatal single event latchup (SEL) and have high tolerance to non-fatal SEL up to LETs of at least 88.3 MeV mg-1 cm-2. The results are compared to predictions of TID and SELs for various Earth-orbits and aluminium shielding thicknesses. It is found that HEXITEC's radiation tolerance to both potentially destructive cumulative and single event effects is sufficient to reliably operate in these environments with moderate shielding.


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      G. Zurlini


      Full Text Available How an apparent static and ordered landscape condition in social ecological landscapes (SELs, can be made sustainable in terms of maintenance and improvement of the provision of ecosystem services (ESs in face of unpredictable disturbance and change? Our contribution to the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services (MAES working group is to advance some recommendations on how to approach the dynamic analysis of complex adaptive systems to improve ecosystem resilience, habitat connectivity and the delivery of ESs. We show exemplary cases where we utilize the NDVI provided by remote sensing to evaluate land cover transformations and processes and ES provisioning. We focus on NDVI because it allows the supply of information on net primary production, i.e., the energetic foundation of nearly all ecosystems and that provides the basis of most of ESs. The use of spectral entropy, and nonlinear analysis of spatial temporal dynamics to investigate trajectory predictability of SELs provide very useful insight into the dynamics of SELs and can assist in the characterization of the links between land cover patterns with ecological processes to support more reliable assessments and accountings of ESs.

    18. Cluster-randomized trial demonstrating impact on academic achievement of elementary social-emotional learning. (United States)

      Schonfeld, David J; Adams, Ryan E; Fredstrom, Bridget K; Weissberg, Roger P; Gilman, Richard; Voyce, Charlene; Tomlin, Ricarda; Speese-Linehan, Dee


      This study evaluated the results of a social and emotional learning (SEL) program on academic achievement among students attending a large, urban, high-risk school district. Using a cluster-randomized design, 24 elementary schools were assigned to receive either the intervention curriculum (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies, or PATHS) or a curriculum that delivered few if any SEL topics (i.e., the control group). In addition to state mastery test scores, demographic data, school attendance, and dosage information were obtained from 705 students who remained in the same group from the 3rd to the 6th grade. Analyses of odds ratios revealed that students enrolled in the intervention schools demonstrated higher levels of basic proficiency in reading, writing, and math at some grade levels. Although these between-groups differences held for race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status, significant within-group differences also were noted across these variables. Collectively, these findings indicated that social development instruction may be a promising approach to promote acquisition of academic proficiency, especially among youth attending high-risk school settings. Implications of these findings with respect to SEL programs conclude the article. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

    19. Effects of chronic postnatal opioid receptor blockade by naltrexone upon proliferation capacity in the prenatally x-irradiated brain of the rat

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Schmahl, W.; Miaskowski, U.


      We recently reported that in rats prenatally x-irradiated on gestation day 14 with 1 Gy, postnatal chronic application of the opioid antagonist naltrexone (Nx) led to a remarkable growth spurt of the microencephalic brain. In the present study we present histological and autoradiographic results found in the subependymal layer (SEL) of the forebrain lateral ventricles. Nx led to an intermittent augmentation of the mitotic index of the x-irradiated brains within a postnatal observation period of 24 weeks. The most conspicuous finding was transient hyperplasia of the SEL at 4-6 weeks of age which occurred in close proximity to an intact ependymal lining. Districts of the lateral ventricles which were denuded from ependyme and where the rest of the ependymal layer (EL) was dislocated peripherally showed upon Nx treatment a long-lasting SEL hyperplasia with a tendency towards dysplasia. These results revealed that repair proliferation of embryotoxic x-irradiation is normally under strong control by the opioid system. If that system, which exerts a suppressing effect upon glial growth, is blocked by Nx, prominent hyperplastic reactions occur which may be useful for repairing the lesion pattern

    20. The Lions Quest Program in Turkey: Teachers’ Views and Classroom Practices.

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      Mine Gol-Guven


      Full Text Available This is a pilot study to explore the classroom implementation of the Lions Quest Program in Turkey. Teachers of first through eighth grades at two elementary schools who applied the program were interviewed about the program and their classroom practices while they were also observed and their classrooms were also observed. Considerable program implementation differences were found within and between the schools. Three main issues were raised in the interviews, namely that the teachers were not clear about whether social emotional learning (SEL skills should be taught to students as a separate lesson or not; they seemed to doubt whether school personnel should be responsible for SEL implementation; and although they had positive views of the implementation, they underlined that students’ social and emotional wellbeing is dependent on family background and the developing maturity of the child. In conclusion, the teachers expressed positive views about the Lions Quest Program, yet lacked strong opinions about when, where, and by whom the program needed to be included in the curriculum. Limitations, implementation challenges, and implications for SEL in the Turkish context were also identified.

    1. Effects of chronic postnatal opioid receptor blockade by naltrexone upon proliferation capacity in the prenatally x-irradiated brain of the rat

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Schmahl, W.; Miaskowski, U. (Department of Pathology, Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen-und Umweltforschung mbh Muechen, Neuherberg (West Germany))


      We recently reported that in rats prenatally x-irradiated on gestation day 14 with 1 Gy, postnatal chronic application of the opioid antagonist naltrexone (Nx) led to a remarkable growth spurt of the microencephalic brain. In the present study we present histological and autoradiographic results found in the subependymal layer (SEL) of the forebrain lateral ventricles. Nx led to an intermittent augmentation of the mitotic index of the x-irradiated brains within a postnatal observation period of 24 weeks. The most conspicuous finding was transient hyperplasia of the SEL at 4-6 weeks of age which occurred in close proximity to an intact ependymal lining. Districts of the lateral ventricles which were denuded from ependyme and where the rest of the ependymal layer (EL) was dislocated peripherally showed upon Nx treatment a long-lasting SEL hyperplasia with a tendency towards dysplasia. These results revealed that repair proliferation of embryotoxic x-irradiation is normally under strong control by the opioid system. If that system, which exerts a suppressing effect upon glial growth, is blocked by Nx, prominent hyperplastic reactions occur which may be useful for repairing the lesion pattern.

    2. Monitoreo de emisiones generadas por el tráfico de vehículos en Bogotá

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      Héctor Manuel García Lozada


      Full Text Available Se analizaron los gases de exhosto de 25.173 vehículos que circulan en Bogotá, en el periodo de noviembre del 2002 a mayo del 2003. Del total de vehículos evaluados, 19.938 consumen gasolina y 5.233 operan con diésel. Se encontró que 14.7% de los vehículos con motor de gasolina no cumplen el límite permitido para monóxido de carbono establecido por la autoridad ambiental de la ciudad y 22.6% incumplen la norma de hidrocarburos. Igualmente se identificó que 30.8% de los vehículos con motor diésel presentan porcentajes de opacidad de los humos por encima del límite permitido. Por otro parte, se destaca que en los vehículos de gasolina que incumplen la norma de hidrocarburos las concentraciones superan en más de dos veces el límite normativo mientras que en los que operan con diésel y que no cumplen la norma de opacidad, en promedio, la excedencia es cercana al 45% de lo permitido.

    3. Kajian Spasial Suhu Permukaan Laut Akibat Air Bahang Pltu Paiton Menggunakan Saluran Termal Satelit Landsat 7/etm+ Di Pantai Bhinor Kabupaten Probolinggo Jawa Timur


      Ismayati, Qorihah; Helmi, Muhammad; Rochaddi, Baskoro


      Penelitian bertujuan untuk memetakan secara horisontal suhu permukaan laut di perairan PLTU Paiton Probolinggo dan mengkaji sebaran spasial termal perairan akibat air bahang PLTU Paiton Probolinggo. Pengolahan data citra dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak ER Mapper 7.0 dan ArcGIS 9.3. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah citra Satelit Landsat 7ETM+ tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2012, data arus permukaan dan angin yang diperoleh dari BMKG Maritim Perak Surabaya dan data hasil pengukuran la...


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      Rudy M Harahap


      Full Text Available The success rate of information technology (IT projects is still low. Based on one survey done in 1990s, only about 10% of software development project could be finished according to its planned budget and schedule. Another study in 1995 found that only 16.2% IT project succeed, and at the same time more than 31% IT projects were cancelled before finished. It has been found a lot of IT projects had been implemented with swelling budget. Although it is still debatable, one of the reasons of IT project implementation failure is because risk management in some IT projects is not implemented by the IT providers. The objectives of this research are to get knowledge and assess risks in implementing IT projects. This research also gives recommendations in mitigating IT project risks. In two projects that were used as sample of this research, it has been found some risks that could be happened in IT projects. That risks were then assessed based on the probability and its impact, and finally produced the recommendation for risk mitigation. All risks are described in the Risk Priority, moreover risk probability and impact is described in the probability-impact matrix from all of 4 levels. This research could improve the awareness of IT providers in Indonesia about the important of implementing IT risk management so that more IT projects in Indonesia could be run successfully.Keywords: Risk assessment, information technology project, impact, frequency

    5. Model Pengukuran Kinerja Customer Relationship Management dalam Industri Perbankan

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      Freddy Simbolon


      Full Text Available High competition in the banking industry requires the banking industry to properly manage relationships with customers, as it is known as Customer Relationship Management (CRM. CRM applications will become effective when supported by information technology. Investment in information technology is not a small investment, because the higher the information technology, the greater the value of the investment. This study aims to obtain a model of CRM performance measurement in the banking industry efficiently and effective. The method in this study uses descriptive analytical method, while the results obtained in this study is a CRM Scorecard. CRM Scorecard is one of the approach models that correctly measure the performance of CRM, which is based on information technology. Through CRM Scorecard approach, information technology investment in CRM is no longer seen as a cost center, but seen to be a profit center, because the company can manage customers efficiently and effectively in order to enhance shareholder value in the future.


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      Dhidik Apriyanto


      Full Text Available This reseach is an attempt to measure how the performance of health center services at Parit Haji Husein II Pontianak in order to improve public health services. The analysis tool used is a statistical method to determine the Cartesian diagram where the gap of each answer the questionnaire. While the variables used are five dimensions of service quality developed by Parasuraman, with the acronym RATER namely Reliability, Assurance, Tangible, Empaty, and Responsiveness. The results of the analysis of Cartesian diagram of the five variables are: item questions coming in the position I was Diagnosis doctor precise and accurate, Caution patient satisfaction, skills of employees in the airport, Courtesy of services, Analysis Physicians who do not doubt, Analysis doctor is not at risk, doctors can be trusted Easy, consult a physician and employee, there is no obstacle in consultation with a doctor, Doctor with your info detail, doctor requested information to the patient about the complaint, Doctor responsive, Diagnosis physician accountable, Doctor listened well, doctor serving patients during hours work. While the services that go into quadrant II on the Compliance schedule open and close. And service entry in quadrant III is the speed of service, employee came right on time, good physical form health center, health center facilities complete, ready at the desk clerks, Means technology is already good, adequate waiting room chair. While the service entrance in quadrant IV is a doctor and staff give direction well and say hello to the visitor confused.

    7. Menilai Keberhasilan Balanced Scorecard sebagai Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Strategik

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      Tri Ramaraya Koroy


      Full Text Available This paper reviews the literature of Balanced Scorecard (BSC as a strategic performance measurement tool. The research concerning the effectiveness of BSC indicate that BSC is a useful tool for communicating strategy, strategic learning and developing organizational culture. However, related research also shows that the implementation of BSC is not associated with economic benefit particularly for short-term period. This suggests that the adoption of BSC need a careful inquiry by the organization and the organization should not accept it as a ‘generic’ solution as a performance measurement tool.

    8. Analisis Pengukuran Produktivitas Perusahaan Alsintan CV. Cherry Sarana Agro

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      Prima Fithri


      Full Text Available CV Cherry Sarana Agro is a manufacturing company, which produces agricultural machinery. In reality, company evaluatesits work and performance based on level of profits. In order to maintain the company's performance, it is necessary to measures the productivity of company to see how effective the performance of this company. So it can be determined what is needed in order to improve the performance of the company and also can increase profits. Measuring the productivity can be seen from the financial data that obtained from the company. Then based on data processing, show this company's productivity levels decreased during the period of measurement and it means company requires efforts to increase the efficient use of inputs. It is necessary for company to increase its productivity for the future. This improvement was made by taking into account the partial productivity as inputs that affect the profitability of the company on an ongoing basis.


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      Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono


      Full Text Available The changing paradigm from labor based business to knowledge based business has made an inclusion of human resources into an income statement. Among intangible assets, human resources, which is called intellectual capital (IC, becomes the core asset in a company. IC consists three basic elements, they are human capital, structural capital and customer capital. In fact, these are the real power of the company in producing, developing, and bringing the company to the future. Accordingly proponents agree to disclose these on the income statement. Unfortunately, accounting practice has not accounted for them. Whilst, IC describes the creation values, accounting practice does not have tools to identity, measures and disclose them on the annual reports. Therefore this research attempts to provide ideas and open nuance for accountants. This research employ a thick library research, an alternative research methodology that suitable to answer the research question. This research is conducted in depth discourse producing some methods for measuring and reporting IC that are practiced recently. The study concludes that methods of measurement IC have been classified into a financial and non-financial measurement. For the reporting purposes, it is needed a supplement to the income statement consisting an intellectual capital statement.

    10. Balanced Scorecard Sebagai Pengukuran Kinerja Masa Depan: Suatu Pengantar


      Ciptani, Monika Kussetya


      Performance measurement is an essential thing for a company. To become the winner in this global competition world, the company has to show a performance improvement from period to period. Recently, financial performance measurement is not enough to reflect the real business performance. That why Kaplan developed Balanced Scorecard Concept. The Balanced Scorecard Concept measure the organization's performance through four perspectives that are the financial perspective, customer perspective, ...

    11. Radiochemical determination of Beryllium-7 in a fission-product mixture containing many inorganic salts; Determination radiochimique du beryllium-7 dans un melange de produits de fission riche en sels mineraux

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Prigent, Y; Van Kote, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Bruyeres-le-Chatel (France). Centre d' Etudes


      A radiochemical method is described for analysing beryllium-7 in a mixture of fission products containing many inorganic salts. By studying the influence of various parameters it has been possible to speed up the decontamination on an anionic resin using an HCl isopropanol mixture, as proposed by KORKISCH- and al. Be(OH){sub 2} is first precipitated in the presence of E.D.T.A.; the main contaminants are then fixed on Dowex 1 x 10 in 12 M HCl and on Dowex 1 x 8 in a 3 M HCl (20 per cent)-isopropanol (80 per cent) (vol/vol) mixture. The Be, which is not fixed, is precipitated by NH{sub 4}H{sub 2}PO{sub 4} in the presence of E.D.T.A., ignited as Be{sub 2}P{sub 2}O{sub 7}, filtered, weighed, and analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The method makes it possible to dose 4 samples in 16 hours with a chemical yield of 80 per cent, using a 4 day-old fission product solution. The overall decontamination factor, exceeds 10{sup 8}. (authors) [French] On decrit un procede d'analyse radiochimique du beryllium-7 a partir d'un melange de produits de fission riche en sels mineraux. L'etude de l'influence de differents parametres a permis d'accelerer la decontamination sur resine anionique en milieu HCl-isopropanol proposee par KORKISCH et COLL. On precipite d'abord Be(OH){sub 2} en presence d'E.D.T.A., puis fixe les principaux contaminants sur Dowex 1 x 10 en milieu HCl 12 M et sur Dowex 1 x 8 en milieu HCl 3 M (20 pour cent)-isopropanol (80 pour cent) (v/v). Be, non fixe, est precipite par NH{sub 4}H{sub 2}PO{sub 4} en presence d'E.D.T.A., calcine en Be{sub 2}P{sub 2}O{sub 7}, filtre, pese et analyse par spectrometrie gamma. La methode permet de traiter quatre echantillons en 16 h, avec un rendement de 80 pour cent, a partir d'une solution de produits de fission vieille de quatre jours. Le facteur de decontamination global depasse 10{sup 8}. (auteurs)

    12. Loodushariduse mammutkongress Colombias / Aarne Tõldsepp

      Index Scriptorium Estoniae

      Tõldsepp, Aarne


      Sel suvel toimunud rahvusvahelisest matemaatika- ja loodushariduse kongressist Colombia ajaloolises sadamalinnas Cartagenas, mille peakorraldajaks oli 19 aastat tagasi Valgevenest Colombiasse emigreerunud professor Juri Orlik

    13. Avaliação do efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação tecidual em ratos Evaluation of the radioprotective effect of sodium selenite in the tissue repair process in rats

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      Fabrício M. Tuji


      Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação radioprotetora do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação tecidual. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico para a realização de ferida na região dorsal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: controle, selênio, irradiado e selênio-irradiado. Os grupos selênio e selênio-irradiado receberam 2,0 mg/kg de selenito de sódio, 48 horas após a cirurgia. Os grupos irradiado e selênio-irradiado foram submetidos à irradiação em dose única de 6 Gy, administrada somente nas bordas das feridas. Após 4, 7, 13 e 21 dias do procedimento cirúrgico, os animais foram sacrificados e avaliados por meio de análise morfológica, histoquímica e birrefringência do tecido. RESULTADOS: O aspecto estrutural e morfológico, assim como a qualidade do tecido e sua maturação através da quantidade e disposição dos feixes de fibras colágenas, juntamente com o seu grau de orientação macromolecular, permitiu observar a presença de intenso retardo provocado pela irradiação, bem como o efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação. CONCLUSÃO: Dentro das condições experimentais utilizadas, o selenito de sódio apresentou-se como radioprotetor eficaz, visto que o processo de reparação no grupo selênio-irradiado comportou-se, histologicamente, semelhante ao grupo controle.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radioprotective effect of sodium selenite in the tissue repair process. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male Wistar rats submitted to a surgical procedure to produce a wound in the dorsal region. These animals were then divided in four experimental groups: control, selenium, irradiated and selenium-irradiated. The selenium and selenium-irradiated groups received sodium selenite (2.0 mg/kg, 48 hours after surgery. The irradiated and selenium-irradiated groups received a single dose of 6 Gy, administered only in the borders of the wound. The animals were

    14. Biyoloji Öğretmen Adaylarının “Bakteri” Konusundaki Bilişsel Yapılarının Ve Alternatif Kavramlarının Belirlenmesi Determining Biology Student Teachers’ Cognitive Structure And Alternative Concepts On The Concept Of “Bacteria”

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      Hakan KURT


      ; Mills, Shaw, Van Horne, Zhang ve Boughman, 2008. Bu yaklaşıma göre önceki deneyimlerle yapılan ilişkilendirmeler nedeniyle zihindeki mevcut bilişsel yapılar bireylerin yeni olayları algılamalarını ve yeni oluşturacakları bilişsel yapıları etkilemektedir. Zayıf bir bilişsel yapının, yeni bilgilerin zihinde yapılandırılma sürecini olumsuz etkilemesi ve böylece yeni bilginin anlamlı olarak yapılanamamasını olumsuz etkilemesi söz konusu olabilmektedir (Tsai ve Huang 2002; Vosniadou, Ioannides, Dimitrakopoulou ve Papademetriou, 2001.Bu kapsamda araştırmacılar öğrencilerin sadece sahip oldukları bilgileri değil; öğrencilerin sahip oldukları farklı bilgi ve kavramlar arasındaki ilişkilerini ve bilişsel yapılarını ölçen tekniklere yönelmişlerdir (Vance, Miller ve Hand, 1995. Bahar (2003, bu stratejiler, kelime ilişkilendirme, yapılandırılmış grid, dallanmış ağaç, kavram haritaları, kavramsal değişim metinleri, analoji, tahmin-gözlem-açıklama şeklinde sıralanabilir. Öğrencilerin bilişsel yapısını inceleyen bu tekniklerden en genel ve en eski olanı, aynı zamanda bu araştırmada da kullanılmış olan teknik kelime ilişkilendirme tekniğidir (Bahar, Johnstone ve Sutcliffe, 1999; Hovardas ve Korfiatis, 2006; Özatlı ve Bahar, 2010; White ve Gunstone, 2000. Bu çalışmanın amacı biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının “bakteri” kavramı konusundaki bilişsel yapılarını incelemektir. Konuyla ilgili literatür taramasında bağımsız kelime ilişkilendirme testi ve çizme-yazma tekniğinin birlikte kullanılarak biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının bakteriyle ilgili kavramsal yapılarını araştıran herhangi bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır (Yıldırım ve Şimşek, 2006. Veriler toplam 44 öğretmen adayının katılımıyla toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında bağımsız kelime ilişkilendirmetesti ve çizme-yazma tekni

    15. Svoboda bez granits. I bez otvetstvennosti? / Artur Kurvits

      Index Scriptorium Estoniae

      Kurvits, Artur


      Rahvusvaheline organisatsioon Piirideta Reporterid avaldas iga-aastase aruande ajakirjandusvabaduse tasemest maailmas, kus Eesti asub sel aastal kuuendal kohal. Hinnangud tegelikule olukorrale viimastele presidendivalimistele tagasi vaadates

    16. Spirometer Non-Invasive dengan Sensor Piezoelektrik untuk Deteksi Kesehatan Paru-Paru

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      Full Text Available ABSTRAKPolusi udara dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan paru-paru. Umumnya pengukuran fungsi paru menggunakan spirometer, dilakukan di rumah sakit dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mengetahui hasilnya. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dirancang Spirometer non-invasive yang portable dengan menggunakan sensor piezoelektrik yang diletakkan di dada. Perubahan tekanan yang diukur oleh sensor piezoelektrik adalah 10 – 80 mV, sehingga diperlukan rangkaian amplifier, filter, clamper, mikrokontroler AVR ATMega 32 sebagai pengolah data I/O dan LCD grafik untuk menampilkan hasil ukur serta SD card untuk menyimpan data. Alat ini mengukur  kapasitas vital paru-paru, respirasi rate, dan jika hasil ukur kapasitas vital paru-paru kurang  dari 80 % dari nilai prediksi kapasitas paru-paru maka kondisi paru-paru dideteksi tidak sehat.  Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan bahwa persentase nilai keberhasilan alat adalah 95,70 %, hasil pengukuran dan deteksi kondisi paru-paru dapat langsung diketahui dari tampilan di LCD grafik, data hasil pengukuran bisa disimpan dan alat berukuran kecil sehingga portable, mudah digunakan oleh siapapun dan dimanapun dengan nyaman.Kata kunci: Spirometer, Piezoelektrik, Mikrokontroler, Kapasitas Paru-Paru, LCD Grafik.ABSTRACTAir pollution can be affected the health of the lungs. Generally the measurement of lungs function use a spirometry, performed  in the hospital and takes a long time to know the results. To overcome this problem, a portable non-invasive Spirometry is designed using a piezoelectric sensors placed on the chest. The changes of pressure is measured by the piezoelectric sensor are 10 - 80 mV, so it needs a amplifier circuit, filter, clamper, ATMega 32 AVR microcontroller as I/O data processor and LCD graph to display result of measurement and SD card for save the data. This instrument measure lungs vital capacity, respiration rate, and if the measured of lungs vital capacity is less than 80 % of the predicted of lung

    17. Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Putar Kompresor Dan Beban Pendinginan Pada Sistem Refrigerasi Cascade

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      Ilman Ilman


      Full Text Available Peningkatan kebutuhan energi masyarakat mendorong manusia untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas sistem maupun proses yang lebih baik dan hemat energi. Salah satu hasil perkembangan teknologi di zaman sekarang Adalah Sistem Refrigerasi Cascade yang mampu mecapai temperatur jauh di bawah 0 . Salah satu aplikasi sistem tersebut adalah sebagai cold storage yang mampu bekerja dengan beban yang berbeda-beda. Hal tersebut menyebabkan adanya pengaruh beban terhadap sistem. Selain itu, kecepatan putar kompresor yang berbeda menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi performa sistem, sehingga dilakukan penelitian untuk meningkatkan performa sistem refrigersi cascade dengan memvariasikan kecepatan putar kompresor dan beban pendinginan, sehingga didapatkan kecepatan putar yang sesuai dengan besar beban pendinginan yang diterima oleh sistem cascade. Pengujian Sisem Refrigerasi Cadcase ini menggunakan refrigeran Musicool-22 pada High Stage dan R-407F pada Low Stage, dengan 8 titik pengukuran temperatur dan tekanan. Saat pengukuran dilakukan, sistem diberikan beban pendinginan berupa kalor yang dihasilkan oleh electric heater. Dimana beban tersebut terpasang di dalam kabin sehingga kalor yang dihasilkan oleh electric heater dapat diserap oleh evaporator Low Stage. Beban yang divariasikan dari electric heater tersebut adalah 0 (tanpa beban, 28,8; 86,4; dan 158,4 Watt. Selain itu, frekuensi listrik yang masuk ke kompresor juga divariasikan. Besar frekuensi yang divariasikan yaitu 30, 35,40,45, dan 50 Hz. Pengukuran dan pengambilan data dilakukan sebanyak 5 kali. Hasil yang didapatkan dari eksperimen ini yaitu kecepatan putar yang paling sesuai dengan beban yang diberikan terhadap sistem cascade. Pada beban 0 Watt kecepatan putar yang sesuai adalah 1800 rpm dengan COP sebesar 1,397, temperature kabin senilai -31,12 oC dan daya yang dibutuhkan 0,554 kW.  Pada beban 28,8 Watt kecepatan putar yang sesuai adalah 1800 rpm dengan COP sebesar 1,405, temperature kabin

    18. Whole-body counting 1990

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Strand, P.; Selnaes, T.D.


      In order to determine the doses from radiocesium in foods after the Chernobyl accident, four groups were chosen in 1987. Two groups, presumed to have a large consumption of food items with a high radiocesium content, were selected. These were Lapp reindeer breeders from central parts of Norway, and hunters a.o. from the municipality of Oeystre Slidre. Two other groups were randomly selected, one from the municipality of Sel, and one from Oslo. The persons in these two groups were presumed to have an average diet. The fall-out in Sel was fairly large (100 kBq/m 2 ), whereas in Oslo the fall-out level was low (2 kBq/m 2 ). The persons in each group were monitored once a year with whole-body counters, and in connection with these countings dietary surveys were preformed. In 1990 the Sel-group and the Lapps in central parts of Norway were followed. Average whole-body activity in each group is compared to earlier years's results, and an average yearly effective dose equivalent is computed. The Sel-group has an average whole-body activity of 2800 Bq for men, and 690 Bq for women. Compared to earlier years, there is a steady but slow decrease in whole-body activities. Yearly dose is calculated to 0.06 mSv for 1990. The Lapps in central parts of Norway have an average whole-body content of 23800 Bq for men and 13600 Bq for women. This results in an average yearly dose of 0.9 mSv for the individuals in the group. Compared to earlier years, the Lapp group show a decrease in whole-body contents since 1988. This decrease is larger among men than women. 5 refs., 8 figs., 6 tabs


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      Elif ERDOĞAN


      Full Text Available In dieser Arbeit wird festgestellt, welche typische Schreibfehler die StudentInnen der Germanistikabteilung der Philologischen Fakultät der Universität Selçuk, die Türkisch bereits als Muttersprache und Englisch als erste Fremdsprache gelernt hatten, am häufigsten machen und was deren Ursache ist. Nach der Untersuchung der verschiedenen Texte von 88 StudentInnen der Germanistikabteilung der Philologischen Fakultät der Universität Selçuk kam heraus, dass die StudentInnen nicht nur aus ihrer ersten Fremdsprache, sondern auch aus ihrer Muttersprache transferieren. Sie greifen also, bei ihrer Sprachproduktion bewusst oder unbewusst auf ihrer vorherigen Sprachkenntnisse zurück.Bu çalışmada Selçuk Üniversitesi, Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı bölümü öğrencilerinin Alman Dilinde bir kompozisyon yazarken yaptıkları hatalar ve bu hataların nedenleri ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın deneysel kısmında Selçuk Üniversitesi, Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı bölümünde öğrenim gören 88 öğrencinin farklı konularda Almanca olarak yazdıkları kompozisyonlar incelenerek, en çok cümle dizimi alanında hatalar yaptıkları ortaya konmuştur. Düzeltme sonuçlarından, öğrencilerin yalnızca anadillerinden değil, aynı zamanda birinci yabancı dilleri olan İngilizceden de aktarma yaptıkları ve daha önce öğrendikleri dillerin kurallarını bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz olarak yeni öğrendikleri dile aktardıkları tespit edilmiştir.

    20. Social Inequalities in Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Older Adults in Spain: The Seniors-ENRICA Study. (United States)

      Pérez-Hernández, Bibiana; García-Esquinas, Esther; Graciani, Auxiliadora; Guallar-Castillón, Pilar; López-García, Esther; León-Muñoz, Luz M; Banegas, José R; Rodríguez-Artalejo, Fernando


      To examine the distribution of the main cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) according to socioeconomic level (SEL) among older adults in Spain. A cross-sectional study conducted in 2008-2010 with 2699 individuals representative of the noninstitutionalized Spanish population aged ≥ 60 years. Socioeconomic level was assessed using educational level, occupation, and father's occupation. The CVRF included behavioral and biological factors and were measured under standardized conditions. In age- and sex-adjusted analyses, higher educational level was associated with a higher frequency of moderate alcohol consumption and leisure time physical activity, and less time spent watching television. An inverse educational gradient was observed for frequency of obesity (odds ratio [OR] in university vs primary level or below education, 0.44; 95% confidence interval [95%CI], 0.33-0.57; P-trend < .01), metabolic syndrome (OR = 0.56; 95%CI, 0.43-0.71; P-trend < .01), diabetes (OR = 0.68; 95%CI, 0.49-0.95; P-trend < .05), and cardiovascular disease (OR = 0.52; 95%CI, 0.29-0.91; P-trend < .05). Compared with a nonmanual occupation, having a manual occupation was associated with a higher frequency of several CVRF; this association was stronger than that observed for father's occupation. Differences in CVRF across SELs were generally greater in women than in men. There are significant social inequalities in CVRF among older adults in Spain. Reducing these inequalities, bringing the levels of CVRF in those from lower SEL in line with the levels seen in higher SEL, could substantially reduce the prevalence of CVRF in the older adult population. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.