
Sample records for pengendalian terpadu hama

  1. Selektivitas Beberapa Insektisida Terhadap Hama Liriomyza Huidobrensis Blanchard (Diptera : Agromyzidae) Dan Parasitoid Hemiptarsenus Varicornis Girault (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae)


    Setiawati, Wiwin; Somantri, Aang


    Liriomyza huidobrensis merupakan hama baru pada tanaman kentang. Hama ini pertama kali dilaporkan menyerangtanaman kentang di Puncak, Jawa Barat pada tahun 1994 dan diduga telah resisten terhadap berbagai jenis insektisidadari golongan organofosfat, karbamat, dan piretroid sintetik. Upaya pengendalian hama tersebut diarahkan pada pro -gram pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT). Dalam pro gram tersebut penggunaan insektisida hanya dilakukan apabilapopulasi hama sudah mencapai ambang pengendalian dan...

  2. Evaluasi Manfaat Sekolah Lapang Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (SLPHT Perkebunan Kopi Rakyat dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani

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    Hendiarto Hendiarto


    Full Text Available Integrated pest management (IPM Farmers Field School (FFS on coffee crop had been conducted in East Java since 1998 until 2003. The IPM-FFS program aimed to increase productivity and quality of the coffee bean through the improvement of the crop and the environment. The aim of this paper was to 1 describe the benefit of the implementation of IPM practicing farmers. The tabulation descriptive method, the profit function and logit function analysis were used. Results showed that the application of IPM technology could increase the profit and the quality of the coffee bean and the price of coffee at farmer level obviously affected the farmer to adopt IPM and increase the income of the farming.   Sekolah Lapangan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (SLPHT tanaman kopi telah dilaksanakan di provinsi Jawa Timur sejak tahun 1998 sampai 2003. Program SLPHT bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas biji kopi melalui perbaikan teknik budidaya tanaman dan perbaikan lingkungan. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah 1menjelaskan manfaat pelaksanaan teknologi PHT, dan 2 mengetahui faktor-faktor penentu yang mempengaruhi petani melaksanakan PHT. Untuk dapat menjawab tujuan dalam tulisan ini, digunakan metode deskriptif dan fungsi produksi dengan pendekatan fungsi keuntungan dan logit. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: 1 penerapan teknologi PHT dapat meningkatkan keuntungan dan kualtas biji kopi; 2 harga kopi di tingkat petani secara nyata mempengaruhi petani untuk menerapkan PHT dan meningkatkan pendapatan usaha tani.


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    Irham Irham


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pestisida kimia merupakan salah satu masukan dalam produksi padi yang berfungsi untuk menekan kehilangan hasil oleh serangan hama dan penyakit. Penggunaan pestisida kimia harus bijaksana karena selain memberi manfaat juga menimbulkan bahaya terhadap kesehatan dan lingkungan. Banyak petani yang menggunakan pestisida kimia dengan dasar pencegahan, yaitu tanpa mempertimbangkan keadaan serangan hama dan penyakit sehingga penggunaannya cenderung berlebih. Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT diperkenalkan kepada petani melalui Sekolah Lapangan (SL PHT, dengan tujuan untuk nrengurangi pestisida kimia,  dan hanya digunakan jika memang diperlukan. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa SLPHT telah mengubah cara pengambilan keputusan dalam menggunakan pestisida kimia. Keadaan ini menyebabkan penggunaan pestisida kimia menjadi berkurang.   ABSTRACT Chemical pesticide is one of the inputs in rice production used to protect yield loss caused by pest attack. Chemical pesticides should be used wisely as they pose threat to human health and pollute environment. Many farmers use chemical pesticide based on prophylactic concept, that is using chemical pesticides without taking into consideration the level of pest attack, which leads to an excessive use. Integrated Pest Management (IPM concept is introduced to farmers through Farmer’s Field School (FFS in order to reduce chemical pesticides use. According to the IPM principle, farmers can use chemical pesticides when necessary. Results of this study show that farmers have changed their decision-making in chemical pesticides use after adopting IPM concept through participation at FFS in IPM. This condition causes decline in chemical pesticide use.

  4. USAHA MENURUNKAN PENGGUNAAN PESTISIDA KIMIA DENGAN PROGRAM PENGENDALIAN HAMA TERPADU (Efforts to Reduce Chemical Pesticides Use through Integrated Pest Management Program

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    Joko Mariyono


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pestisida kimia merupakan bahan beracun yang menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan dan berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. Penggunaannya yang berlebihan telah menimbulkan biaya eksternal yang sangat tinggi. Sejak tahun 1989 Pemerintah Indonesia telah berusaha mengurangi penggunaan pestisida kimia melalui program Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT Untuk mengetahui dampak program PHT, digunakan fungsi permintaan pestisida kimia. Analisis ini menggunakan data sekunder selama sembilan tahun yang diambil dari empat kabupaten wilayah Yogyakarta. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa  dampak program PHT telah berhasil mengurangi penggunaan pestisida kimia pada padi dan kedelai. Penurunan penggunaan pestisida kimia disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga dan penyebaran teknologi PHT. Turunnya penggunaan pestisida kimia ini akan meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia karena tersedia bahan pangan yang residu pestisida kimianya rendah.   ABSTRACT Chemical pesticide is a poisonous agent that causes deterioration on environment quality and thereatens to human health. It causes considerable high externat cost. Sice 1989 the Government of Indonesia had removed chemical pesticide subsidy and introduced a new program called Integrated {est


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    Akhid Darwin


    Full Text Available AbstrakSalatiga  merupakan  salah  satu  kota  di  Jawa  Tengah  yang  termasuk  sebagiai  wilayah  endemisitas  tinggi demam  berdarah  dengue. Angka  Kematian  Kasus  (CFR  DBD  cenderung  berfluktuasi  yaitu  Tahun  2008 sebesar  1,39%  pada  72  kasus,  Tahun  2009  dengan  109  kasus,  CFR  0,92%  dan  Tahun  2010  terdapat  155 kasus,  CFR  0%. Pemberantasan  Sarang  Nyamuk  (PSN  sebagai  kegiatan  yang  strategis  sampai  saat  ini belum  optimal dilaksanakan.  Alternatif  pengendalian  vektor  DBD  pada  penelitian  ini mengkombinasikan pengendalian kimiawi (pemakaian gorden berisektisida sipermethrin plus etil selulosa dengan pengendalian hayati menggunakan predator larva Mesocyclops aspericornis. Pemilihan metode pengendalian berdasarkan kebiasaan nyamuk menggigit orang (antropofilik di dalam rumah dan beristirahat di tempat-tempat gelap (fototropi  negatif,  lembab  dan  status  kerentanan  terhadap  insektisida  serta  daya  predasi  M.aspericornis terhadap  jentik  nyamuk  Ae.  aegypti. Tujuan  penelitian  adalah  untuk  mengendalikan  Ae.  aegypti  secara terpadu melaluipengendalian hayati (M. aspericornis dan aplikasi gorden berinsektisida sipermethrin10EC plus etil sellulosa 0,1%. Rancangan penelitian adalah eksperimen semu dengan pre-posttest group design pada  penurunan  indikator  entomologi  dan  posttest  control  group  design  untuk  pengujian  efikasi  gorden berinsektisida sipermethrin plus etil sellulosa terhadap vektor DBD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penurunan  signifikan  angka  bebas  jentik  (ABJ  sebesar  96,27%  dari  semula  85,05%,  ovitrap  indeks  dari 14,49% turun menjadi 8,88% dan daya bunuh gorden berinsektisida sipermethrin plus etil sellulosa terhadap nyamuk Ae. aegypti 82,93% pada minggu ke-15 (3 bulan.Kata Kunci:DBD, angka bebas jentik, M. aspericornis dan gorden berinsektisida

  6. Aplikasi Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu untuk Pengendalian Hama Bubuk Buah Kopi (Hypothenemus hampei)


    Inda Laila, Main Sese; Agus, Nurariaty; Saranga, Annie P.


    The purpose of the study was to determine the most effective and efficient integrated control package in suppressing coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei Ferr.). The study was conducted in growers??? coffee plantations in Desa Pana, Kecamatan Alla, Kabupaten Enrekang, South Sulawesi and laboratories at the Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, from November 2010 to April 2011. The study consisted of five treatments of control packages, namely:...

  7. Perilaku Pengendalian Tikus di Daerah Berisiko Penularan Leptospirosis

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    Tri Isnani


    Full Text Available Abstrak Tikus merupakan binatang yang mempunyai daya adaptasi dan daya kembang biak yang tinggi sehingga bisa hidup di semua tempat.  Dampak tikus bagi manusia antara lain tikus sebagai hama pertanian dan menularkan penyakit seperti pes dan leptospirosis.  Berbagai pengendalian tikus telah dilakukan baik secara tradisional yang telah ada sejak nenek moyang maupun cara-cara modern.  Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi perilaku masyarakat dalam usaha pengendalian serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dilakukannya cara-cara tersebut.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif desain deskriptif.  Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah pada 5 informan dan 2 kelompok Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT.  Lokasi penelitian di sebuah desa di Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa cara dalam pengendalian tikus yaitu gropyokan, burung hantu, lem, racun tikus, pengemposan, menggunakan pewangi pakaian, dengan makanan umpan, kucing, dan dengan slametan.  Ada pengendalian tikus dengan mengusirnya saja atau tidak membunuhnya, dan ada pengendalian dengan membunuhnya.  Terdapat mitos dan kepercayaan terhadap tikus.  Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa perilaku dalam pengendalian tikus dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pengetahuan dan kepercayaan.   kata kunci :  perilaku; pengendalian tikus; mitos dan kepercayaan


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    Afit Nadhar Pratitis


    Full Text Available Terbatasnya jumlah pakar membuat proses penyuluhan terhadap petani khususnya petani pepaya dalam pengendalian penyakit dan hama tidak maksimal, sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat di jadikan alternatif berkonsultasi bagi para petani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk merancang dan membangun sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit dan hama tanaman pepaya california yang dapat dijadikan pendamping bagi pakar tanaman pepaya california. Batasan masalah dari penelitian diantaranya hanya meneliti tanaman pepaya california, metode inferensi forward chaining, representasi pengetahuan menggunakan kaidah produksi, diterapkan pada sistem berbasis web. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini telah berhasil dibuat aplikasi sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit dan hama pada tanaman pepaya california menggunakan Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 dan XAMPP-Win32-1.7.7. Dengan adanya sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit dan hama pada tanaman pepaya california dapat menjadi media alternatif konsultasi para petani pepaya california, serta sistem pakar ini dapat dijadikan pendamping untuk pakar dalam memberikan ilmu pengetahuannya.


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    Wilis Kaswidjanti


    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan atas kebutuhan akan adanya alat bantu bagi petani dalam menentukan hama/penyakit pada tanaman sayuran/palawija serta bagaimana mengendalikannya agar tidak keliru dalam memakai peptisida. Alat bantu tersebut merupakan sistem pakar yang selain untuk mendiagnosis, sistem ini diharapkan mampu memberikan saran-saran pengendalian. Pada dasarnya perangkat lunak ini terdiri atas 2 bagian utama, yaitu bagian input basis pengetahuan, dan bagian konsultasi. Keputusan yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode aturan. Metode inferensi yang digunakan adalah metode inferensi fuzzy dengan defuzzifikasi menggunakan metode max-min dan center average. Keluaran dari perangkat lunak ini adalah jenis hama/penyakit yang menyerang tanaman dan saran pengendaliannya sesuai dengan besar kerusakan yang dialami oleh tanaman tersebut.


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    Edi Riyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini tentang strategi komunikasi pemasaran terpadu sekolah dasar islam terpadu di Karaganyar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan strategi komunikasi pemasaran terpadu yang digunakan oleh Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC dapat diterapkan dengan baik di sekolah swasta, maupun sekolah negeri, termasuk SDIT Insan Kamil, SDIT Muhammadiyah Jumapolo dan SDIT MTA. Media promosi yang digunakan sekolah dalam iklan tersebut berupa: televisi, radio, spanduk, banner, buletin, brosur, dan pemasaran online. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan objek penelitian penelitian adalah SDIT Insan Kamil, SDIT Muhammadiyah Jumapolo dan SDIT MTA di Karanganyar. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur secara mendalam untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti. Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu dapat melakukan Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC walaupun dalam program promosi tersebut belum maksimal, namun program tersebut telah memberikan dampak positif, dilihat dari jumlah peserta didik yang meningkat.


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    Suci Maghfiratul


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKPadi (Oryza sativa L merupakan komoditas tanaman pangan utama di Indonesia. Hambatan dalam produksi padi yaitu serangan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (OPT. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efektivitas APH (Agens Pengendali Hayati dalam mengendalikan OPT serta mengetahui pengaruh pengendalian APH terhadap produksi padi. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan pertanaman padi di Kecamatan Mayang, Kabupaten Jember pada bulan juni sampai september 2014. Penelitian dirancang dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK yang terdiri 5 perlakuan yaitu: P1 = Nematoda Entomopatogen (NEP, P2 = Beauveria bassiana, P3 = Bakteri Merah Serratia spp., P4 = Insektisida, dan P5 = Kontrol setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 5 kali. Parameter yang diamati meliputi jenis hama pada tanaman padi: belalang hijau, kepik hijau, dan walang sangit, populasi hama pada tanaman padi, produksi padi yang meliputi berat basah dan berat kering hasil panen padi. Hasil pengematan menunjukkan bahwa berbagai jenis APH memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap penurunan populasi hama belalang hijau (Oxya sp dengan rerata populasi mencapai 4,12 ekor/10rumpun, populasi kepik hijau (Nezara viridula dengan rerata 0,56 ekor/10rumpun dan walang sangit (Leptocorisa oratorius F. dengan rerata 4,76 ekor/10rumpun diakhir pengamatan (91 HST. Hasil berat gabah kering sawah dan berat gabah kering giling terbanyak yaitu pada perlakuan P4 (Insektisida sebesar 532 gram dan 432 gram, sedangkan hasil produksi terkecil pada perlakuan P3 (Bakteri merah sebesar 468 gram dan 390 gram.Kata kunci: Padi, Hama, Agens hayati 


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    Subiyanto Subiyanto


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan energi matahari sebagai energi bersih dan terbarukan melalui sistem pembangkitan listrik tenaga surya terkoneksi dengan jaringan listrik umum (PLTSTJL misalnya Perusahaan Listrik Negara telah menjadi perhatian yang besar bagi para peneliti sebelumnya. Perkembangan terbaru sistem PLTSTJL ini adalah dipadu dengan sistem penyimpan energi untuk menjaga stabilitas dan keandalan sistem tenaga listrik. Paper ini menyajikan model PLTSTJL yang lebih stabil, efektif, murah dan handal daripada sistem yang telah ada yang mendukung kawasan lingkungan konservasi. Metode yang dipakai dalam paper ini adalah melakukan tinjauan pustaka untuk mempelajari dan mengetahui perkembangan sistem yang ada. Langkah berikutnya adalah melakukan desain, pemodelan, simulasi dan analisis topologi yang optimal untuk sistem PLTSTJL terpadu dengan sistem penyimpan energi barupa baterai. Pengubah daya antara baterai dan jaringan listrik adalah sistem 2 arah Selanjutnya mengembangan suatu koordinasi strategi pengendalian yang baru berbasis sistem cerdas yaitu fuzzy logic controller (FLC dalam sistem PLTSTJL tersebut Unjuk kerja sistem yang dikembangkan dibandingan dengan model-model yang telah ada.


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    Wiwik Trapsilowati


    Full Text Available Community empowerment in dengue vector control was an attempt to encourage community to participate in the prevention and control of dengue. The one of global strategy was selective and integrated vector control which involved community participation. The obejctive of this study was to measure community participation in dengue vector control, and indicators of entomology. The study was conducted in Sendang Mulyo, Tembalang district, Semarang city. The design study was participatory action research. This study developed methods of empowerment through participatory rural appraisal, participatory learning and action and communication for behavioural impact, modification was called empowerment in dengue vector control (EDVC. Data collected by quesionare with Likert scale and larvae survey. Participation dengue cadres showed that capacity, involving, volunteering and scope of activities was the excellent category (score : > 80%. Larvae indicators showed the free larvae number increased from 66,84% to 90,75%, house index from 33,16 to 9,25, container index 16Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengendalian ...  (Wiwik Trapsilowati, et. alfrom 11,69 to 1,44 and breteau index  from 41,09 to 11,08. The analysis larvae indicators showed significantly different at second observation with fourth observation (p < 0.05. As well as the facilitator needs to be done periodic refreshing and larvae survey = Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengendalian vektor DBD merupakan upaya untuk mendorong masyarakat berpartisipasi aktif dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan DBD. Salah satu strategi global pemberantasan DBD adalah pengendalian nyamuk secara selektif dan terpadu dengan partisipasi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian mengukur partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengendalian vektor DBD. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelurahan Sendang Mulyo, Kecamatan Tembalang, Kota Semarang. Rancangan penelitian adalah participatory action research serta pengembangan metode pemberdayaan modifikasi metode


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    Joko Mariyono


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to examine the contribution of integtated pest management technology to significant decrease in use of pesticides in rice production.  This study was conducted in Yogyakarta, where the technology has been intensively disseminated through farmer’s field school. Aggregate data shows that the use of pesticides declines significantly after the introduction of the technology.  A constant elasticity of input demand model was employed in this study. The results of the study show that IPM technologi was increasingly disseminated during 1989-1998. At the same period, pesticide use declined significantly. The decrease in pesticide use was affected by the increase dissemination of IPM technology and the increase in relative price of pesticides.

  15. Kajian Keanekaragaman Artropoda pada Lahan Padi Sawah Tanpa Pestisida dan Manfaatnya dalam Pengendalian Hama Terpadu

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    Eddy Mahrub


    Full Text Available The objectives of the research are to study the diversity and abundance of arthropods, and to study the foodweb chain composition in the ricefield ecosystem without application of chemical pesticide. This research has been done in the ricefield at Klaten district, with IR64 rice cultivar. The observation was started when the plant was 7 days old after transplanting, with an interval of 8 days until one week before harvesting, to collect the arthropods samples. Three plots and 50 hills per plot were sampled weekly. Arthropods from each hill were collected by using insect sucking apparatus. The data was analyzed following Cheng method to study the arthropod index diversity and its abundance. The results showed that in the rice ecosystem there were four groups o arthropod consisted of pest (21.19%; predator (26.09%; parasitoid (0.42%, and neutral insect (52.30%. Data of the pest population was very low in free from chemical pesticide application, plot while population of neutral insect was very high. The high population of neutral insect was very useful and functionary as alternate prey for predator and parasitoid when the pest population was very low. The diversity index (H’ of arthropods during the rice growing period in the first to the fourth week increased from 1.38 to 2.37, but during the fifth to the eleventh week the diversity was about constantly low. The diversity index decreased linearly with the rice growth stage, but as the plant got older the population of arthropods decreased because the habitat became unfavourable. It might cause the diversity index and the abundance decreased. Some of the arthropods moved to new area to find the most suitable habitat. There was a foodweb chain in the rice ecosystem consisted of arthropods complex including the natural enemies and which were neutral insects. It indicated a good balanced condition between pest and natural enemies more profitable when no chemical pesticide intervention was applied in the ecosystem. Key words: arthropods, diversity

  16. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berupa Buletin dalam Bentuk Buku Saku untuk Pembelajran IPA Terpadu

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    Ardian Asyhari


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1 mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa buletin IPA terpadu pada materi bunyi; 2 mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap kelayakan media pembelajaran berupa buletin IPA terpadu pada materi bunyi untuk peserta didik kelas VIII, dengan rumusan masalah; 1 Bagaimana mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa buletin IPA terpadu pada materi bunyi?; 2 Bagaimana respon peserta didik terhadap kelayakan media pembelajaran berupa buletin IPA terpadu pada materi bunyi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian R&D yang mengadopsi pengembangan dari Borg & Gall. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Bandar lampung dan SMP Negeri 21 Bandar Lampung berjumlah 40 orang peserta didik dan instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa angket yang diberikan kepada ahli materi, ahli media, dan guru IPA SMP untuk menguji kelayakan media pembelajaran berupa buletin dalam bentuk buku saku untuk pembelajaran IPA terpadu. Jenis data yang dihasilkan adalah data kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang dianalisis dengan pedoman kriteria kategori penilaian untuk menentukan kelayakan produk. Hasil penelitian ini adalah; 1 telah dikembangkan media pembelajaran berupa buletin IPA terpadu dalam bentuk buku saku; 2 kelayakan media pembelajaran buletin IPA terpadu yang telah dikembangkan adalah sangat layak dengan persentasi 82 % berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi tahap akhir setelah perbaikan, ahli desain dengan persentase 79,4% dengan kriteria layak 3 dengan persentase adalah 77,6%, penilaian guru dengan kriteria adalah layak 4 hasil respon peserta didik dengan persentase 80% dengan kriteria layak. Kata kunci: buku saku, buletin, media pembelajaran


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    Pebriana Marlinda


    Full Text Available Abstrak :            Penelitian tentang pengendalian dalam penerbitan izin gangguan (HO di Kecamatan Margahayu Kabupaten Bandung menjelaskan tentang tahap-tahap pengendalian yang dilakukan oleh aparat Kecamatan Margahayu. Pengendalian dilakukan untuk memastikan agar penerbitan izin gangguan (HO berjalan dengan efektif. Namun, masih ada pelaku usaha yang belum memiliki surat izin gangguan (HO ataupun pelaku usaha yang sudah memiliki surat izin gangguan (HO akan tetapi kegiatan usahanya merugkan orang lain seperti sampah yang berserakan, polusi udara, polusi suara, dan lain-lain.                            Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deduktif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan yang meliputi observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Adapun penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini dipilih berdasarkan pertimbangan-pertimbangan dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam pengendalian. Kemudian data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dipaparkan dengan langkah-langkah yang meliputi: reduksi data, penyajian data, menarik kesimpulan/verifikasi. Teori yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah teori dari Stephen P. Robbins tentang tahap-tahap pengendalian yaitu: mengukur kinerja aktual, membandingkan kinerja aktual dengan standar, dan mengambil tindakan manajerial.                            Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah pengendalian yang dilakukan olehaparat Kecamatan Margahayu telah melalui tahap-tahap pengendalian yaitu: mengukur kinerja aktual, membandingkan kinerja aktual dengan standar, dan mengambil tindakan manajerial. Namun perlu dilakukan penguatan di setiap tahap pengendalian terutama pada tahap mengukur kinerja aktual dan pada tahap mengambil tindakan manajerial                            Penelitian tentang pengendalian dalam penerbitan izin gangguan (HO di Kecamatan

  18. Kajian Degradasi Lahan Sebagai Dasar Pengendalian Banjir di DAS Juwana

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    Arina Miardini


    Juwana sebesar 50,25% yang termasuk kriteria tinggi. Daerah yang menjadi prioritas penanganan dalam pengendalian banjir terdapat pada satuan lahan yang memiliki nilai koefisien aliran tinggi sampai ekstrim seluas 48042,46 ha atau sebesar 36,84% dari luas DAS Juwana. Dalam upaya mengendalikan banjir dirumuskan beberapa pengelolaan yaitu penatagunaan lahan merestorasi, reklamasi dan konservasi penggunaan lahan sesuai dengan arahan fungsi penggunaan lahan sehingga dapat dikendalikannya aliran permukaan (surface run-off karena berfungsinya tutupan vegetasi pada setiap penggunaan lahan disertai dengan pengelolaan lahan yang berbasis konservasi tanah dan air serta melalui pendekatan kolaboratif dengan memperhatikan potensi dan sensitivitas sumberdaya dalam DAS dan pesisir sehingga diperoleh pengelolaan yang terpadu.

  19. Alternatif Pengendalian Banjir Kali Juana Berbasis Model HEC-RAS

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    Teguh Marhendi


    Full Text Available Kejadian banjir di Kali Juana terjadi setiap musim hujan berlangsung. Beberapa kecamatan seperti Kecamatan Kaliwungu, Undaan dan Mejobo (Kab. Kudus serta Pati, Margorejo dan Juwana (Kab. Pati selalu menjadi daerah genangan banjir. Beberapa upaya pengendalian banjir sudah dilakukan seperti upaya normalisasi dan perbaikan tanggul. Namun mengingat kompleksnya sistem aliran banir di Kali Juana, upaya tesebut belum memberikan hasil yang memadai. Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis alternatif pengendalian banjir di Kali Juana menggunakan analisis model HEC-RAS. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan simulasi terhadap beberapa bentuk upaya pengendalian, guna mengurangi besaran banjir. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 6 model alternatif yang muncul dalam pengendalian banjir Kali Juana. Dari beberapa model tersebut, terpilih model simulasi yang meliputi Normalisasi, Tanggul, Waduk logung, 8 kolam Retensi dan Floodway.

  20. Moskva gotova k peregovoram s HAMAS / Marianna Belenkaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Belenkaja, Marianna


    Venemaa presidendi Vladimir Putini kavatsusest kutsuda läbirääkimistele hiljutised Palestiina parlamendivalimised võitnud islami vastupanuliikumise Hamas juhid. Põhjused, mis sunnivad Venemaad dialoogile Hamas'iga





    2015 PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU TERHADAP CITRA MEREK PRODUK KARTU SIMPATI PADA PT.TELKOMSEL MAKASSAR Haji Azwar Nurdjanah Hamid Musran Munizu Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat sejauh mana pengaruh program komunikasi pemasaran terpadu terhadap citra merek produk Simpati pada PT. Telkomsel Makassar. Sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis descriptif, analisis regresi linear berganda, uji validitas dan...


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    Wahyu Setia Wisesa


    Full Text Available Perusahaan wajib menerapkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, tetapi bagaimana manajemen dan karyawan dalam mempraktekan pengendalian bahaya di tempat kerja perlu dilakukan pengkajian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari pengaruh pengendalian bahaya di tempat kerja secara kuantitatif pada perusahaan machinery PT. X Bekasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan pengamatan lapangan dengan melibatkan 56 karyawan secara acak sebagai responden. Secara kuantitatif kuesioner diolah menggunakan uji statistik dengan SPSS versi 21 untuk mencari korelasi secara linier regresi sedangkan secara kualitatif pengamatan didokumentasikan berdasarkan kelengkapan penunjang pengendalian bahaya di tempat kerja. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan adanya korelasi secara linier antara pengendalian bahaya di tempat kerja (Y, terhadap desain organisasi (X1, faktor pengendalian manusia (X2 dan pengendalian teknis (X3 dalam bentuk : Y= -5,355 + 1,037 . X1 + 0,996 . X2 + 1,017. X3 dengan koefisien determinasi = 0,994. Hasil pengamatan kualitatif di lapangan menunjukkan masih perlu peran aktif dari pihak manajemen perusahaan dan karyawan dalam menerapkan peraturan K3 serta mengendalikan bahaya di tempat kerja.

  3. Hamas -- How Has a Terrorist Organization Become a Political Power?

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Mehr, Ben-Zion


    .... Understanding the source of Hamas's power and identifying its center of gravity are crucial to understanding how Hamas came to possess such power, and to waging an effective war against terrorism...

  4. Metode Pembelajaran Terpadu untuk Mingkatkan Kreativas Verbal Dan Figural Pada Siswa Kelas Enam di SDN 2 Kenayang Tulungagung

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    Mentari Marwa


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dengan adanya metode pembelajaran terpadu dapat meningkatkan kreativitas verbal dan figural pada siswa kelas VI Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen Pretest-Posttest One Group Design. Metode pembelajaran terpadu yaitu suatu pembelajaran yang memadukan berbagai materi dalam satu sajian pembelajaran agar siswa memahami keterkaitan antara satu materi dengan materi lain atau antara satu mata pelajaran dengan mata pelajaran lain dan partisipasi aktif dari siswa akan membuat siswa lebih mudah untuk mengingat dan mengembangkan kognitif, dinamika afektif dan psikomotorik anak secara simultan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh metode pembelajaran terpadu untuk meningkatkan kreativitas verbal pada anak kelas VI. Metode pembelajaran terpadu ternyata mampu meningkatkan kreativitas verbal siswa, dimana semua siswa mengalami peningkatan kreativitas verbal, dengan nilai Z = -2,041 dan p 0,05


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    Latifa Siswati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengetahui model pertanian tanaman hortikultura organic  .Pertanian organik merupakan suatu usahatani untuk melakukan pemberian pupuk berasal dari urin sapi dan tidak mengandung zat kimia . ini berarti limbah yang dihasilkan akan dimanfaatkan kembali menjadi sumberdaya yang dapat menghasilkan.  Pada penelitian ini tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah menemukan tanaman hortikultura organik. Mengetahui pendapatan jenis hortikultura.menerapkan pengembangan agribisnis tanaman unggulan dengan   pupuk urin sapi di lahan  dengan pertanian terpadu memiliki manfaat ekonomis dan ekologis.Metode penelitian adalah ekperimen , dilakukan penanaman tanaman hortikultura kangkung,timun, pare, gambas Unit Pelaksana Teknis Univ.Lancang Kuning kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini  dapat memberikan model tanaman hortikultura organic serta  mengurangi biaya pupuk tanaman.Hasil penelitian Model tanaman kacang panjang diberikan pupuk urin sapi  yang terbaik. penaman sayur di Unit Pelaksana Teknis  Pertanian terpadu diperoleh hasil tanaman dengan pemakaian pupuk urin cair terjadi peningkatan berat tanaman .Pendapatan pertanian terpadu Rp 514.000- per periode.Key word: pupuk cair, hortikultura,pendapatan 

  6. Efektivitas Bacillus thuringiensis dalam Pengendalian Larva Nyamuk Anopheles sp.

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    Citra Inneke Wibowo


    Full Text Available Nyamuk Anopheles sp adalah vektor penyakit malaria. Pengendalian vektor penyakit malaria dapat dilakukan secara biologis yaitu dengan menggunakan Bacillus thuringiensis. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas konsentrasi Bacillus thuringiensis dalam pengendalian larva nyamuk Anopheles sp.Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RAL Faktorial yang terdiri atas dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi Bacillus thuringiensis dan stadia larva Anopheles dengan pengulangan tiga kali.Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalahkonsentrasi Bacillus thuringiensis (A yang terdiri atas 5 taraf:A0: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 0 CFU.mL-1, A1: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 102 CFU.mL-1, A2: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 104 CFU.mL-1, A3: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 106CFU.mL-1, A4: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 108CFU.mL-1. Perlakuan tahapan instar larva Anopheles sp. (B adalah sebagai berikut:B1: stadia larva instar I, B2: stadia larva instar II, B3: stadia larva instar III, B4: stadia larva instar IVsehingga terdapat 60 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan konsentrasi B. thuringiensis isolat CK dan IPB CC yang paling berpengaruh dalam pengendalian larva Anopheles sp adalah 108 CFU.mL-1 . Instar larva yang paling peka terhadap B. thuringiensis isolat IPB CC adalah instar I dan II sedangkan instar yang peka terhadap isolat CK adalah instar II, Perlakuan konsentrasi isolat B. thuringiensis dan tingkat instar larva yang paling baik dalam pengendalian larva Anopheles sp. adalah 108 CFU.mL-1, dan instar I dan II.

  7. EU–Hamas actors in a state of permanent liminality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pace, Michelle; Pallister-Wilkins, Polly


    This article contributes to the debate on liminality within International Relations (IR) theory by focusing on the actorness of the European Union (EU) and Hamas. The concept of liminality as a transitional process is applied to frame the situation of both the EU and Hamas as political actors in......-between socially established categories. This article explores how the liminal identity of these two actors impacts, on the one hand, their relations with each other and, on the other hand, their relations of ‘self’. Exploring the procedural relations of the EU and Hamas, it argues for the necessity of recognising...... liminal categories in IR theory and practice, while, at the same time, it highlights the limits of such in-between categories in a world order still structured around the state....

  8. Implementasi Kebijakan Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang

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    . Mulyadin


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Implementasi Kebijakan Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tematik terpadu yang dilihat dari perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, penilaian hasil pembelajaran, dan pengawasan pembelajaran di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan dibantu menggunakan data statistitik dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari hasil kuesioner dan wawancara pada responden dan observasi pelaksanaan pembelajarannya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Kurikulum dan Guru. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian bahwa implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tematik terpadu kurikulum 2013 di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang sudah dikategorikan baik, hal ini dilihat dari aspek penguasaan, pemahaman dan kemampuan guru dalam proses perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan penilaian hasil belajar begitupun pada proses pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah sudah berjalan maksimal sesuai dengan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya seperti yang ada pada Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Permendikbud Republik Indonesia Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu dan Kurikulum 2013


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    L. Yuliati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas bahan ajar IPA terpadu untuk SMP, khususnya tema Air Limbah Rumah Tangga. Desain penelitian menggunakan kuasi-eksperimen dengan Pretest-Postest Control Group Design. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMPN 20 Malang kelas VII. Sampel ditetapkan dengan purposive sampling. Perlakuan pada kelompok eksperimen adalah pembelajaran yang menggunakan bahan ajar IPA terpadu, sedangkan kelompok kontrol  menggunakan buku  sekolah elektronik (BSE. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah butir soal tes, lembar observasi pembelajaran, dan perangkat  pembelajaran. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Anava AB untuk uji perbedaan rerata dan uji scheffe untuk uji efektivitas bahan ajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi pada siswa SMP yang menggunakan bahan ajar IPA Terpadu dengan siswa SMP yang menggunakan bahan ajar IPA yang terpisah bidang kajiannya, dan bahan ajar IPA terpadu efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. This study aims totest the effectiveness of an integrated science teaching materials for students of junior high school, particularly in themeof Domestic Wastewater. The study designused a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest with control group design. The experiment was conductedin Junior High School of Malang. Samples were determined by purposive sampling. Treatmentin the experimental group was learning to integrated science teaching materials, whereas in the control group with the teaching materials available in schools. The instrument used were a matter oftestitems, observation sheets of learning, and learningtools. Data analysis was performed with AnovaAB totestmean difference and Scheffetesttotestthe effectiveness ofinstructional materials. The results showed that 1there aredifferences inhigher-order thinkingskillsinjunior high school students using teaching materials in integrated science withjunior high school students


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    Tati Suharti


    Full Text Available Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi daya berkecambah benih adalah serangan penyakit benih. Penyakit yang umumnya berupa cendawan terbawa benih dapat menimbulkan kerusakan pada benih diantaranya mutu dan daya simpan benih menjadi menurun. Teknik pengendalian secara fisik dapat dilakukan dengan penggunaan kemasan plastik yang hampa udara (vacum, sedangkan secara kimia dengan penggunaan fungisida benomil. Teknik pengendalian penyakit benih pilang selama penyimpanan yaitu dengan perlakuan pengepresan vacum. Perlakuan ini dapat menjaga viabilitas benih dan menekan infeksi cendawan Aspergillus sp. Pada umur simpan 1 tahun, perlakuan ini menghasilkan daya berkecambah sebesar 47 % dan persentase infeksi Aspergillus sp. sebesar 18% sedangkan perlakuan plastik menghasilkan daya berkecambah sebesar 34,67 % dan persentase infeksi Aspergillus sp. sebesar 50 %.

  11. Liminality in EU-Hamas relations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pace, Michelle; Pallister-Wilkins, Polly

    their relations of Self. In exploring the procedural relations of the EU and Hamas it argues for the necessity of recognising liminal categories in IR theory and practice while at the same time highlighting the limits of such in-between categories in a world order still structured around the state....


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    Galih Fajar Fadillah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan layanan bimbingan kelompok dapat merubah tingkat pengendalian diri. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian ekperimen dengan desain one group pre-test and post-test design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah penerima manfaat yang tinggal dan memperoleh pendidikan di Balai Rehabilitasi Mandiri Semarang II. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala pengendalian diri yang memiliki 62 butir. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 10 orang meliputi 4 orang yang memiliki pengendalian diri sangat rendah dan rendah dan 2 orang memiliki tingkat pengendalian diri yang tinggi. Perlakuan kepada sampel penelitian berupa layanan bimbingan kelompok sebanyak 8 kali pertemuan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah diskripsi presentase dan analisis wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi perubahan tingkat pengendalian diri yang dimiliki oleh penerima manfaat sebelum mereka mengikuti layanan bimbingan kelompok dan setelah mereka mengikuti layanan bimbingan kelompok. Berdasarkan perhitungan persentase terjadi perubahan tingkat pengendalian diri sebelum (50% dan setelah mengikuti layanan bimbingan kelompok (73%. Berdasarkan perhitungan uji wilcoxon hasil perhitungan jumlah jenjang sebesar=55> t tabel=8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa layanan bimbingan kelompok dapat digunakan sebagai upaya untuk merubah tingkat pengendalian diri yang dimiliki oleh penerima manfaat. The purpose of this research was to prove that group of guidence service could be change the level of selfcontrol. This research including of eksperiment reseach with one group pre-test and post test design. The population is all the client who live and get education in Balai Rehabilitasi Mandiri Semarang II. The sampling technique is using purposive sampling. This research used scale of self control that have 62 items The number of this sample is 10 ,they are 4 people who


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    Heru Susanto


    Full Text Available THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MEMBRANE-FOULANT AND FOULANT-FOULANT INTERACTIONS AS THE BASIS FOR CONTROL OF FOULING. Industrial membrane applications for solid liquid and liquid-liquid filtration are limited by fouling and concentration polarization. Because fouling significantly reduces the membrane performance and often changes the membrane selectivity, efforts to overcome the fouling problem are very important from practical applications point of view. This paper presents the basic knowledge required to control fouling and recent development in fouling control including the method developed by the author. Control of fouling can be done by (i commercial membrane modification (post modification by photo-graft polymerization, (ii modification by polymer blending during membrane manufacturing and (iii integration of a pretreatment into membrane processes. The results showed that all the developed methods can significantly reduce the resulting fouling; however, none of the method could totally remove the occurring fouling. The understanding of the membrane-foulant and foulant-foulant interactions is the key to success in control of fouling.Aplikasi teknologi membran untuk pemisahan padat cair di  berbagai industri dibatasi oleh peristiwa fouling yang menyebabkan penurunan laju produk dan perubahan selektifitas membran. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian fouling merupakan upaya yang mutlak harus dilakukan. Makalah ini mempresentasikan pengetahuan dasar yang diperlukan untuk pengendalian fouling dan perkembangan terkini dalam pengendalian fouling termasuk hasil-hasil yang telah dikembangkan oleh penulis. Pengendalian fouling dilakukan dengan (i modifikasi membran komersial (post modification menggunakan metode photo-grafting, (ii modifikasi dengan pencampuran polimer selama proses pembuatan (polymer blend dan (iii integrasi unit perlakuan awal (pre-treatment dengan proses membran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesemua metode yang dikembangkan dapat


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    - Muqoyyanah


    Full Text Available Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan efisiensi model pembelajaran terpadu yang memang sudahdianjurkan pemerintah untuk diterapkan dalam Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP. Pembelajaran IPA terpadu tipeintegrated dipilih dengan menggabungkan materi dari tiga mata pelajaran, yaitu fisika, biologi, dan geografi dalam satu tema yaitucahaya. Populasi adalah kelas VIII semester 2 yang berjumlah 5 kelas. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik random sampling.Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar kelompok kontrol lebih baik daripada kelompok eksperimen tetapi rata-rata nilai keduakelompok sudah melebihi Standar Ketuntasan Belajar Minimal (SKBM sekolah, yaitu 70. Ketuntasan klasikal kedua kelompokjuga sudah dicapai, bahkan ketuntasannya lebih dari 90%. Efektivitas model pembelajaran IPA terpadu tipe integrated tidakberbeda secara signifikan dengan model pembelajaran IPA terpisah tetapi lebih efisien dalam waktu pembelajaran. Jadi, modelpembelajaran terpadu layak diterapkan dalam pembelajaran dengan beberapa pembenahan. This experiment research aimed to find effectiveness and efficiency of integrated science learning model which is suggested by thegovernment to be applied in Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP. The learning of integrated science was chosen bycombining the materials of three subjects: physics, biology and geography in a theme, which is light. The population of the researchwas the VIII grade second semester student consisting of five classes and sampling technique used was random sampling. Theresult of the research showed that learning achievement of control group was better than that of experiment group, but the averagevalue of both groups was more than minimal learning achievement standard of the school which was 70. Classical learning-masteryof both groups which was 90% has also been reached. Although the effectiveness of integrated science learning model was notdifferent significantly

  15. Flat Plate Boundary Layer Stimulation Using Trip Wires and Hama Strips (United States)

    Peguero, Charles; Henoch, Charles; Hrubes, James; Fredette, Albert; Roberts, Raymond; Huyer, Stephen


    Water tunnel experiments on a flat plate at zero angle of attack were performed to investigate the effect of single roughness elements, i.e., trip wires and Hama strips, on the transition to turbulence. Boundary layer trips are traditionally used in scale model testing to force a boundary layer to transition from laminar to turbulent flow at a single location to aid in scaling of flow characteristics. Several investigations of trip wire effects exist in the literature, but there is a dearth of information regarding the influence of Hama strips on the flat plate boundary layer. The intent of this investigation is to better understand the effects of boundary layer trips, particularly Hama strips, and to investigate the pressure-induced drag of both styles of boundary layer trips. Untripped and tripped boundary layers along a flat plate at a range of flow speeds were characterized with multiple diagnostic measurements in the NUWC/Newport 12-inch water tunnel. A wide range of Hama strip and wire trip thicknesses were used. Measurements included dye flow visualization, direct skin friction and parasitic drag force, boundary layer profiles using LDV, wall shear stress fluctuations using hot film anemometry, and streamwise pressure gradients. Test results will be compared to the CFD and boundary layer model results as well as the existing body of work. Conclusions, resulting in guidance for application of Hama strips in model scale experiments and non-dimensional predictions of pressure drag will be presented.


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    Fristy Yuanita


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian mengenai pengendalian kualitas pada rantai pasok sayuran selada NFT (Nutrient Film Technique adalah untuk melihat kinerja pelaku yang ada dalam rantai pasok sebagai upaya dalam pengendalian kualitas produk dalam bisnis pertanian. Penelitian dilakukan pada PT. Momenta Agrikultura “Amazing Farm” yang berlokasi di Desa Cikahuripan Kampung Cisaroni RT 002/008, Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat Indonesia. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain kualitatif didukung data kuantitatif dengan teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah metode purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan permasalahan utama adalah kontrak yang tidak memadai serta penanganan yang kasar disebabkan kurangnya pengawasan dan evaluasi kinerja secara rutin, serta pengendalian kualitas proses produksi pada rantai pasok selada dilakukan oleh pemasok dan PT Momenta Agrikultura “Amazing Farm”. Kinerja PT Momenta Agrikultura “Amazing Farm” mendekati empat sigma, yang mana merupakan standar industri Amerika dan melebihi standar kebanyakan industri di Indonesia. Tindakan pada perbaikan dan pengendalian yang diusulkan yaitu pembenahan kontrak, pembagian informasi, perbaikan metode kerja dan mengu-rangi resiko penurunan kualitas dengan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP pada Packing House agar lebih steril, efektif, dan efisien.

  17. Eksplorasi dan Potensi Cendawan Entomopatogen Penicillium sp. Sebagai Agens Pengendali Hayati Hama Penggerek Buah Kakao, Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) (Nurariaty Agus, Annie P. Saranga dan Ade Rosmana; Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian Unhas)


    Agus, Nurariaty


    Penggerek buah kakao (PBK), Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) merupakan hama utama tanaman kakao. Potensi kerugian hasil yang disebabkan oleh hama tersebut dapat mencapai 60-80 % dengan kerugian sekitar Rp 810 milyar per tahun. Salah satu musuh alami yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai agens pengendali hayati hama PBK adalah cendawan entomopatogen Penicillium sp. Penelitian tahun kedua ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui potensi cendawan ento...

  18. The new Hamas document: An analytical reading of its development and application

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    Ahmed ALMadani


    Full Text Available The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO has been the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people since the creation of the Palestinian. The PLO adopted the option of armed struggle against the Israeli occupation, but ended with the signing of the Oslo accords between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel in the 1990s. The Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine (Hamas was established in the 1980s. Hamas developed its political ideas through a new political document resulted in a new vision to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict by transforming the conflict from religious conflict to political conflict and accepting the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders as a common ground between the Palestinian movements and parties, while the armed struggle remains a path of resistance. The purpose of this article is to truly understand this development and the possibility of its application on the ground or not, by clarifying the differences between the ideas of the former and the new Hamas, The researcher relied on a number of academic articles and political research in addition to the political TV shows that talked about the new document, the Arab and international positions of this document, The result of this article is that the Palestinian Hamas movement as a Palestinian resistance movement is capable of political development and finding the alternatives available to solve the Palestinian file while preserving the Palestinian national constants. The Conclusion is the Palestinian Hamas movement is developing with the developments of regional and international events and political development has been partially accepted internationally, Hamas have to work more in the political field to balance between political development and the Palestinian constants.


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    Faisal Faisal


    Full Text Available Penelitian pengembangan pengendalian kelembaban pada rumah kaca telah selesai dilakukan. Pengembangan alat ini terdiri atas pengukuran kelembaban, temperatur dan intensitas cahaya dan pengendalian kelembaban udara. Sistem alat ukur terdiri dari power supply DC, sensor SHT11, sensor LDR, relay, mikrokontroler ATMega8535, pengkodisi sinyal, LCD karakter 20x2 dan humidifier. Sensor SHT11 terkalibrasi secara digital melalui port B. Sensor LDR dikarakterisasi menggunakan lampu pijar di dalam chamber tidak tembus cahaya, sehingga menghasilkan persamaan karakteristik sensor v = 0,7595ln(I – 2,2484 volt. Persamaan karakterisasi tersebut diproses melalui program BASCOM AVR untuk mengisi perintah pada mikrokontroler ATMega8535 dalam proses pengukuran secara terus menerus dan menampilkannya pada LCD karakter 20x2 dalam satuan lux dan data disimpan dalam file dengan format *xlsx. Humidifier dihidupkan oleh relay yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler ATMega8535 dengan set poin pengukuran kelembaban udara kurang dari 60%. Rumah kaca yang digunakan berukuran panjang 240 cm, lebar 150 cm, tinggi dinding 200 cm dan tinggi atap 50 cm. Uji pengendalian kelembaban udara berhasil dipertahankan pada kelembaban udara kisaran 60% dengan error rata-rata sebesar 1,9% dari pukul 11.00 WITA sampai dengan 16.00 WITA.

  20. Conflict between Israel and Hamas (United States)


    this plan, war erupted, leading to the free -for-all Arab land grab. The Egyptians usurped Gaza. The Jordanians occupied the West Bank. Then Israel took...102 Yaacov Amidror, “Line in the Sand ,” The BESA Center, February 2, 2015, accessed March 12, 2015, Sand . 69...Laub and Fares Akram, “Hamas Consolidates Its Grip on Gaza as Reconstruction Stalls Gaza City,” ABC News, accessed April 28, 2015, http

  1. Palestiinlaste katastroof : Iisraeli asundused ja äärmuslik Hamas / Ivar Soopan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soopan, Ivar, 1971-


    Äärmusrühmituse Hamas võit 2006. aastal Palestiina parlamendivalimistel näitas, et rahvas oli väsinud korrumpeerunud võimust, samas ei pööratud tähelepanu sellele, et Hamas kasutab oma eesmärkide saavutamiseks vägivalda. Palestiina teabeminister Mustafa Barghout taunib, et Iisrael ei võta Palestiina valitsust kui ühtset võimu, vaid teeb vahet Hamasi ja teiste poliitiliste jõudude ministritel. Palestiinlane Ala Shehadeh palestiinlaste intifadadest, juudi asunduste probleemist. Vt. samas: Miks Palestiinas elatakse nagu sada aastat tagasi?


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    Dani Ari Setiawan


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is analyzing the role of agricultural extension Hall (BPP, analyze the process stages of the occurrence of agricultural learning, and analyze agricultural learning model on a group of farmers. This qualitative research methods are case studies. Data collection techniques: interviews, observation and study of the document. The result is that (1 the existence of the role of agricultural extension officers as education, dissemination of information/innovation facilitators, consultants, supervision, monitors and evaluators, (2 the learning process starts from his protégé participant fedback or, the lesson process, then the output or outputs of learning outcomes to farmers, and (3 learning Models include (a Airy School Integrated pest control (SLPHT; (b Pilot planting padi cultivation; (c guidance techniques; d exercises and visits; (e planting synchronously. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis peran Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP, menganalisis proses tahapan terjadinya pembelajaran pertanian, dan menganalisis model pembelajaran pertanian pada kelompok tani. Metode penelitian ini berupa kualitatif studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data, meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Hasilnya bahwa (1 adanya peran penyuluh pertanian sebagai edukasi, diseminasi informasi/inovasi fasilitator, konsultan, supervisi, pemantau dan evaluator, (2 proses Pembelajaran dimulai dari masukan atau peserta didiknya, proses pembelajarannya, kemudian keluaran dari hasil pembelajaran kepada petani, dan (3 model pembelajaran, meliputi (a Sekolah Lapang Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (SLPHT; (b percontohan budidaya tanam padi; (c bimbingan teknik; (d Latihan dan Kunjungan (LAKU; (e tanam serempak.

  3. Hamas may evolve as peace champion like Sharon-Musharraf

    CERN Multimedia


    "Radical palestinian movement Hamas may follow a political evolution like Israel's premier Ariel Sharon and become champion for peace in the Middle East, pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said" (1/2 page)


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    Nugraheni Rachmawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakPelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran tematik di SD kota Semarang belum optimal. Sebagian besar guru belum menyusun dan menggunakan perangkat pembelaja- ran IPS Terpadu berbasis outdoor learning. Tujuan penelitian ini mengembangkan, mengkaji keefektifan dan kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran. Penelitian ini meru- pakan penelitian pengembangan yang dimodifikasi dari penelitian Borg and Gall. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas 3 SD N Jatingaleh 01-02 Kota Semarang ta- hun pelajaran 2012/2013. Spesifikasi produk yang dikembangkan adalah perangkat pembelajaran IPS terpadu berbasis outdoor learning berupa silabus, RPP, media CD Interaktif, LKS dan alat evaluasi meliputi test kognitif, lembar observasi aktivi- tas serta angket respons siswa dan guru. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan Pretest- Posttest Control Group Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran tergolong valid. Keefektifan perangkat dilihat dari aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Aktivitas siswa tergolong sangat tinggi. Hasil belajar kog- nitif siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran IPS Terpadu berbasis Outdoor Learning mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan serta mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Rata- rata hasil belajar kognitif siswa secara signifikan lebih besar daripada kelompok siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran in door. Saran, hendaknya dapat dikembangkan lagi keefektifanya sehingga dapat lebih menggali kemampuan siswa, tidak hanya dalam segi kognitif dan afektif tetapi juga psikomotor. AbstractImplementation of thematic learning activities in elementary school of Semarang is not opti- mal. Most of the teachers do not prepare and use integrated social science learning tools based on outdoor learning. This research is aimed to develop the tools and to review the effectiveness and practicality of integrated social science learning based on outdoor learning. This is a research and development study modified from the research developed by Borg and


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    Lisavina Juwita


    penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengendalian kadar gula darah dengan melakukan gaya hidup sehat pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II di Bukittinggi tahun 2017: study grounded theory. Partisipan dalam penelitian sebanyak 18 orang. Pengambilan partisipan dalam penelitian ini diawali dengan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan Konsep utama dari grounded theory adalah “Perilaku Pengendalian Kadar Gula Darah”. Bentuk perilaku pengendalian gula darah dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari a Respon tubuh terhadap Perubahan Akibat DM, b Bentuk motivasi pasien DM, c Aktivitas Fisik Pasien DM, d Kepatuhan diet, e Manajemen terapi DM, f Kepatuhan melakukan kontrol, g Gaya hidup sehat keluarga DM, h Dampak perubahan gaya hidup. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi khususnya bagi penderita diabetes mellitus dan keluarga agar menerapkan perilaku pengendalian kadar gula darah. 

  6. Signoles Aude, Le Hamas au pouvoir et après ?, Toulouse, Editions Milan, 2006.

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    Jean-François Legrain


    Full Text Available Dans les étroites limites imposées par la collection (absence totale de notes et de bibliographie, 112 p. en format réduit, le petit livre d’Aude Signoles, Le Hamas au pouvoir et après ?, commence à combler un vide de l’édition française. Le seul livre jusque là disponible en français et entièrement consacré à Hamas remonte à 7 années maintenant ; doté de nombreuses erreurs factuelles et faisant comme si Hamas était apparu avec l’autonomie des années 1990, il ignorait tout de son passé d’Ass...

  7. Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura dengan Teknik Inferensi Forward dan Backward Chaining

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    Ginanjar Wiro Sasmito


    Full Text Available One of the obstacles to doing cultivation of horticulture plant is to overcome pest and disease. Pest and disease attack can decrease productivity and even causes harvest fail that influence toward one of income sources the country. Therefore the diagnose on pest and disease must be done fastly and accurately. One of horticulture plant is red onion and chili plant. An expert system is offered as the second choice after expert on consultation. Using Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC method, combination inference engine of and backward chaining for diagnosing pest and horticulture plant disease created as giving the solution. The technique of reasoning used in this research is the rule-based. The result of the research is an application that can be used to diagnosis pest and disease horticulture plant, that are red onion and chili. By this application, the farmer can determine quick action should be taken if the farm pests and diseases, without waiting for a consultation with an expert to do the handling. The application result also could be a learning system to the farmer about pest and disease horticulture plant. Salah satu kendala melakukan budidaya tanaman hortikultura adalah dalam mengatasi hama dan penyakit. Serangan hama dan penyakit dapat menurunkan produktivitas dan bahkan menyebabkan gagal panen yang berpengaruh terhadap salah satu sumber devisa negara. Oleh karena itu, diagnosis terhadap hama dan penyakit harus dilakukan dengan cepat dan akurat. Tanaman hortikultura tersebut salah satunya adalah bawang merah dan cabai. Sistem pakar dihadirkan sebagai pilihan kedua setelah pakar dalam melakukan konsultasi. Dengan menggunakan metode Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC, penggabungan teknik inferensi forward dan backward chaining untuk diagnosis hama dan penyakit tanaman hortikultura dibuat sebagai solusi atas permasalahan yang ada. Teknik penalaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni rule-based reasoning. Hasil

  8. Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Di Industri Garment Dengan Menggunakan Statistical Procces Control (SPC

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    Rizal Rachman


    Full Text Available Abstrak Perusahaan memandang bahwa kualitas sebagai faktor kunci yang membawa keberhasilan dan standar mutu yang telah ditetapkan oleh buyer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kerusakan produk dalam batas pengendalian kualitas pada proses produksi pakaian jadi pada PT. Asia Penta Garment. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode statistical procces control. Data yang diambil dalam penelitian ini mengunakan data sekunder berupa laporan jumlah produksi dan kerusakan pakaian jadi di bagian finishing pada Januari 2017. Berdasarkan hasil menunjukkan kerusakan diluar batas pengendalian yaitu ada yang diluar batas kendali (out of control dengan batas pengendalian atas (UCL dan batas pengendalian bawah (LCL dan rata-rata kerusakan diluar batas kendali.Untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk khususnya pakaian yang dihasilkan perusahaan, kebijakan mutu yang telah ditetapkan harus dijalankan dengan benar, antara lain dalam pemilihan negoisasi bahan baku dengan buyer sesuai standar, perekrutan tenaga kerja yang berpengalaman, kedisiplinan kerja yang tinggi, pembinaan para karyawan, pemberian bonus pada karyawan yang sesuai target dan disiplin tinggi, perbaikan mesin secara terus menerus dan memperbaiki lingkungan kerja yang bersih, nyaman, serta aman.   Kata Kunci : Pengendalian kualitas, Kualitas produk, SPC. Abstract The Company considers that quality as a key factor that brings success and quality standards set by the buyer. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of damage to the product within the limits of quality control in the production process apparel in PT. Asia Penta Garment. This study uses a statistical procces control methode. Data taken in this study using secondary data from reports on the number of production and damage to clothing in the finishing section in January 2017. Based on the results show the damage outside the control limits is nothing beyond the control limit (out of control with the upper control limit


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    Andi Riyanto


      Keyword : Raw Material Inventory, Internal Control, Internal Auditing.   Abstrak - PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical adalah perusahaan petrokimia terbesar dan terintegrasi secara vertikal di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemeriksaan intern terhadap efektivitas pengendalian intern atas persediaan bahan baku pada PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi berjumlah 27 pegawai dan semua populasi digunakan sebagai sampel dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Dari perhitungan uji statistik menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 20, diperoleh nilai thitung untuk variabel pemeriksaan intern adalah 5,799 dengan df = 24 pada signifikansi (α 0,05, diperoleh ttabel sebesar 2,064, maka keputusan uji yang diambil adalah H0 ditolak. Artinya bahwa pemeriksaan intern berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efektivitas pengendalian intern atas persediaan bahan baku.   Kata Kunci : Pemeriksaan Intern, Pengendalian Intern, Persediaan Bahan Baku.


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    Frans Yosep Sitepu


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK. Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di SumateraUtara yang merupakan daerah endemis. Program pengendalian DBD diharapkan dapat memberikan informasitentang endemisitas dari suatu daerah, musim penularan dan perkembangan penyakit yang dapat digunakanuntuk menjadikan sistem lebih efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah studi deskriptif yang dilakukandengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data DBD dari tahun 2010-2012. Evaluasi mengenai cara pencegahandan program pengendalian DBD telah dilakukan. Cara pencegahan dan program pengendalian DBD diSumatera Utara antara lain: pengamatan epidemiologi yang dilakukan pada semua kasus DBD; penemuan danmanajemen kasus di Rumah Sakit, dokter pribadi dan perawatan kesehatan primer; perluasan dan peningkatanpartisipasi masyarakat, pengendalian vektor di daerah DBD, sistem peringatan dini dan pengendalianperjangkitan, kerjasama dari berbagi sektor, monitoring dan evaluasi. Program pengandalian DBD di SumateraUtara perlu ditingkatkan dengan menambah kerjasama lintas sektor dan program untuk mengoptimalkanprogram tersebut, merotasi insektisida untuk menghindari resistensi vektor.Kata kunci: evaluasi, program pengendalian DBD, Sumatera UtaraABSTRACT. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF is still a public health problem in North Sumatera which is anendemic area. DHF control program is expected to result information about endemicity of an area, season oftransmission and disease progression that can be use to make the system more effective and efficient. It was adescriptive study by collecting and analyzing DHF data from 2010-2012. Evaluated had been done to the processof the DHF prevention and control program. The process of DHF prevention and control program in NorthSumatera such as: epidemiological surveillance conducted to all the DHF cases; discovery and management ofcases at hospitals, private physicians, and primary health care; extension and improvement of


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    Lina Maftukhah,


    Full Text Available Kesulitan belajar dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor, baik faktor intern maupun faktor ekstern. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dari data nilai UAS IPS Terpadu sebagian besar siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Plantungan mendapat nilai rendah dan menyebabkan tidak lulus KKM. Hal ini dapat dijadikan indikasi bahwa siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar IPS Terpadu. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu Siswa Kelas VII dan faktor apakah yang lebih dominan mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Plantungan Kabupaten Kendal Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu dan faktor apakah yang lebih dominan mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP N egeri 1 Plantungan Kabupaten Kendal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII sebanyak 131 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara proposional claster random sampling dan didapat sampel sebanyak 100 siswa. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar IPS Terpadu kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Plantungan Kabupaten Kendal. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis faktor dan deskriptif persentase. Berdasarkan analisis faktor terdapat 5 komponen yang akan membentuk 5 faktor baru. Adapun tingkat kesulitan belajar siswa dari 5 faktor baru berdasarkan uji Deskripsi Persentase sebagai berikut : (a kemampuan siswa 61,55%, (b kemampuan guru 66,75%, (c sarana penunjang 77,00%, (d dukungan sekolah 72,67%, (e dukungan keluarga 62,00%. Dari kelima faktor yang ada, faktor kemampuan siswa merupakan pengaruh yang paling dominan dengan koefisien varian sebesar 61,55% dengan kategori menghambat

  12. Hamas võitis Palestiina valimised ülekaalukalt / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Enamiku vaatlejate hinnangul võib islamirühmituse Hamas võit Palestiina parlamendivalimistel kustutada lootuse rahukõneluste jätkamiseks Iisraeliga. Valitsus astus tagasi, ka president Mahmud Abbas võib tagasi astuda, kui ei suuda uue valitsusega rahuprotsesside edendamiseks koostööd teha. Lisa: Vastukajasid Hamasi võidule


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    _ Sukamto


    Full Text Available Dalam penelitian ini, system terpadu rekam medik rumah sakit dibuat dengan teknologi smart card sebagai media penimpanan data Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menerapkan teknologi smart card sebagai sarana atau media penyimpan informasi pasien yang mempunyai kesederhana, keandalan, dan portabilitas yang tinggi, sehingga meningkatkan jaminan ketersediaan data pada sebuah sistem rekam medik.Tahapan pembuatan rancang bangun sistem rekam medis ini meliputi perancangan data flow diagram, rentity relationshipp diagram, database dan program aplikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa smart card dapat digunakan sebagai sarana atau media penyimpan informasi pasien yang mempunyai kesederhana, keandalan, dan portabilitas yang tinggi.

  14. Repetitive 1 Hz fast-heating fusion driver HAMA pumped by diode pumped solid state laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Yoshitaka; Sekine, Takashi; Komeda, Osamu


    We describe a repetitive fast-heating fusion driver called HAMA pumped by Diode Pumped Solid State Laser (DPSSL) to realize the counter irradiation of sequential implosion and heating laser beams. HAMA was designed to activate DPSSL for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research and to realize a unified ICF machine for power plants. The details of a four-beam alignment scheme and the results of the counter irradiation of stainless plates are shown. (author)

  15. Asap Cair Sabut Kelapa sebagai Repelan Bagi Hama Padi Walang Sangit (Leptocorisa oratorius

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    Rachmat S. Santoso


    Full Text Available Asap cair sabut kelapa berpotensi sebagai repelan terhadap hama padi walang sangit (Leptocorisa oratorius Corixa Acuta Thumb. Asap cair ini diperoleh melalui pirolisis dari bahan yang banyak mengandung biomasa yaitu hemi selulosa, selulosa dan lignin dimana dekomposisinya merupakan senyawa fenol dan asam serta turunannya. Hasil identifikasi asap cair ini ada 25 senyawa dan 3 senyawa dominan diantaranya asam palmitat, metal oleat, siklo tetraheksana, yang mampu bekerja aktif sebagai repelan terhadap walang sangit hingga dapat menekan populasi menuju arah nilai ambang ekonomi. Serta bersifat anti mikroba dan bacteria bagi hama dan penyakit tanaman.Kata kunci: Asap cair, Repelan, Walang sangit.

  16. From trench to governance: A necessary metamorphosis for hamas ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The paper focuses on the hard line position of the Bush Administration towards. Hamas in the wake of its victory at the polls in Palestine and the seeming disagreement amongst members of the Middle East Quartet. Citing and commencing with the George Washington Administration, the paper presents a global overview of ...


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    Josua Tarigan


    Full Text Available As organization search more secure authentication method for user access, biometric security technology is gaining more and more attention. The implementation of biometric security technology in accounting information systems was physical access, virtual access, e-commerce applications and covert suveillance. There are three phase when an organization implementation biometric technology: strategic planning and budgeting, developing a system reliability plan and documentation. The challenges will face when develop biometric technology as control in accounting information system are standardization, hybrid technology uses, life cycle management. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Adanya keinginan setiap organisasi untuk mencari metode pengamanan authentication yang lebih untuk akses user, dijawab dengan adanya teknologi biometric security yang mendapat perhatian yang cukup besar bagi organisasi. Implementasi teknologi biometric security cukup luas dalam sistem informasi akuntansi yaitu sebagai pengendalian pada physical access, virtual access, e-commerce applications dan covert surveillance. Dalam mengimplementasikan teknologi biometric, ada tiga tahapan yang harus dilakukan organisasi, yakni strategic planning and budgeting, developing a system reliability plan dan documentation. Tantangan yang akan dihadapi dalam mengembangkan teknologi biometric sebagai pengendalian dalam sistem informasi akuntansi yakni standarisasi, aplikasi teknologi hybrid dan manajemen siklus hidup pada biometric security. Kata kunci: authentication, akses user dan biometric security.


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    Ong Andre Wahyu Rijanto


    Full Text Available PT. Meshindo Alloy Wheel adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur alloy wheel atau dikenal dengan sebutan velg racing untuk didistribusikan ke industri mobil atau dikenal sebagai OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer baik untuk industri otomotif di Indonesia maupun di Jepang. Mutu merupakan syarat penting dalam sukses bisnis. Kehandalan kinerja proses dan keakuratan pencapaian persyaratan mutu harus dapat dipenuhi. Proses dikatakan capable jika dapat memenuhi spesifikasi pelanggan, variasi yang terjadi pada proses relatif kecil, dan defect atau DPMO yang terjadi kecil. Artikel ini menganalisis pengendalian mutu proses pembuatan valve hole location pada alloy wheel type MS 511 YA. Pengendalian variasi proses produksi dan pengukuran dengan menggunakan metode six sigma DMAIC (Define Measure Analysis Improve Control untuk dapat mencapai target penurunan cacat sampai mencapai 3,4 DPMO (defect per million opportunities, Cp 1,54 dan Cpk 1,54. Setelah proses six sigma selesai, diharapkan implementasi six sigma dapat memberikan saran-saran perbaikan pada proses-proses yang lain.


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    Ong Andre Wahyu Rijanto


    Full Text Available PT. Meshindo Alloy Wheel adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur alloy wheel atau dikenal dengan sebutan velg racing untuk didistribusikan ke industri mobil atau dikenal sebagai OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer baik untuk industri otomotif di Indonesia maupun di Jepang. Mutu merupakan syarat penting dalam sukses bisnis. Kehandalan kinerja proses dan keakuratan pencapaian persyaratan mutu harus dapat dipenuhi. Proses dikatakan capable jika dapat memenuhi spesifikasi pelanggan, variasi yang terjadi pada proses relatif kecil, dan defect atau DPMO yang terjadi kecil.  Artikel ini menganalisis pengendalian mutu proses pembuatan valve hole location pada alloy wheel type MS 511 YA. Pengendalian variasi proses produksi dan pengukuran dengan menggunakan metode six sigma DMAIC (Define Measure Analysis Improve Control untuk dapat mencapai target penurunan cacat sampai mencapai 3,4 DPMO (defect per million opportunities, Cp 1,54 dan Cpk 1,54. Setelah proses six sigma selesai, diharapkan implementasi six sigma dapat memberikan saran-saran perbaikan pada proses-proses yang lain.

  20. Biological Control of Plant Disease Caused by Bacteria

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    Triwidodo Arwiyanto


    Full Text Available Bacterial diseases in plants are difficult to control. The emphasis is on preventing the spread of the bacteria rather than curing the diseased plant. Integrated management measures for bacterial plant pathogens should be applied for successfull control. Biological control is one of the control measures viz. through the use of microorganisms to suppress the growth and development of bacterial plant pathogen and ultimately reduce the possibility of disease onset. The study of biological control of bacterial plant pathogen was just began compared with of fungal plant pathogen. The ecological nature of diverse bacterial plant pathogens has led scientists to apply different approach in the investigation of its biological control. The complex process of entrance to its host plant for certain soil-borne bacterial plant pathogens need special techniques and combination of more than one biological control agent. Problem and progress in controlling bacterial plant pathogens biologically will be discussed in more detail in the paper and some commercial products of biological control agents (biopesticides will be introduced.     Penyakit tumbuhan karena bakteri sulit dikendalikan. Penekanan pengendalian adalah pada pencegahan penyebaran bakteri patogen dan bukan pada penyembuhan tanaman yang sudah sakit. Untuk suksesnya pengendalian bakteri patogen tumbuhan diperlukan cara pengelolaan yang terpadu. Pengendalian secara biologi merupakan salah satu cara pengendalian dengan menggunakan mikroorganisme untuk menekan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bakteri patogen tumbuhan dengan tujuan akhir menurunkan kemungkinan timbulnya penyakit. Sifat ekologi bakteri patogen tumbuhan yang berbeda-beda mengharuskan pendekatan yang berbeda pula dalam pengendaliannya secara biologi. Masalah dan perkembangan dalam pengendalian bakteri patogen tumbuhan secara biologi didiskusikan secara detail dalam makalah ini.


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    _ Sukamto


    Full Text Available Dalam penelitian ini,  system terpadu rekam medik rumah sakit dibuat dengan teknologi smart card sebagai media penimpanan data  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  menerapkan teknologi smart card sebagai sarana  atau media penyimpan informasi pasien yang mempunyai kesederhana, keandalan, dan portabilitas  yang tinggi, sehingga meningkatkan jaminan ketersediaan data pada sebuah sistem rekam medik.Tahapan pembuatan rancang bangun sistem rekam medis ini meliputi  perancangan data flow diagram, rentity relationshipp diagram, database dan program aplikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa smart  card dapat digunakan  sebagai sarana  atau media penyimpan informasi pasien yang mempunyai kesederhana, keandalan, dan portabilitas  yang tinggi.

  2. The use of offensive public relations during a conflict: Hamas's efforts to damage Israel's image during the 2010 flotilla

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    Tomer Mozes-Sadeh


    Full Text Available Crisis communication models contain strategies to rehabilitate an organization's image, but do not deal with strategies used to damage the image of another player or competitor. Using qualitative content analysis of 178 items published by Palestinian Information Center (PIC, the Hamas's leading website, the purpose of this manuscript is to examine Hamas's efforts to run offensive PR and to harm Israel's image restoration efforts at the time of the flotilla crisis in May 2010. We discover that Hamas deployed a strategy that consisted of five elements: evidence of existence of the crisis event, damages, victims, performance history and undermining the competitor's response.

  3. Perencanaan Terpadu Penanganan Pekerja Anak (Studi Pada Dinas Sosial Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    Nur Kamilah


    Full Text Available Anak merupakan karunia yang berharga bagi orang tua, lingkungan, bangsa dan negara untuk masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Anak merupakan generasi penerus bangsa yang mempunyai hak asasi atau hak dasar. Salah satu hak dasar anak adalah adanya jaminan untuk tumbuh kembang secara optimal baik secara fisik, mental, sosial dan intelektual. Namun pada kenyataannya tidak semua anak mempunyai kesempatan untuk mendapatkan hak dasar tersebut secara optimal. Bagi keluarga yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi akan mendorong anak-anak ini untuk bekerja. Membantu orang tuanya dalam mencari nafkah. Tidak jarang anak-anak ini bekerja pada bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan terburuk untuk anak (BPTA. Mereka bekerja pada bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan yang sifatnya dapat membahayakan keselamatan dan kesehatan anak tersebut dan  tentunya akan  berpengaruh pula pada tumbuh kembangnya. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah mengenai perencanaan terpadu dalam menangani pekerja anak. Dimana anak-anak yang bekerja tersebut adalah anak-anak yang putus sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis penanganan pekerja anak di Dinas Sosial Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Bandung Barat serta mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis perencanaan terpadu  dalam penanganan pekerja anak di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen serta menggunakan analisis data kualitatif model interaktif (Miles dan Huberman.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanganan pekerja anak di Kabupaten Bandung Barat sudah dilaksanakan melalui upaya preventif, kuratif dan represif dengan melibatkan stakeholders di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Para stakeholders sudah berpartisipasi aktif pada upaya penanganan pekerja anak melalui Program Pengurangan Pekerja Anak dalam mendukung Program Keluarga Harapan (PPA-PKH. Namun masih harus lebih meningkatkan


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    Farid Choirul Akbar


    Full Text Available Gerakan lateral quadcopter dapat dilakukan apabila quadcopter dapat menjaga kestabilan pada saat hover, sehingga quadcopter dapat melakukan gerak rotasi. Perubahan sudut roll akan mengakibatkan gerak translasi pada sumbu Y, sedangkan perubahan sudut pitch akan mengakibatkan gerak translasi pada sumbu X. Disisi lain, quadcopter merupakan suatu sistem non-linear dan memiliki kestabilan yang rendah sehingga rentan terhadap gangguan. Pada penelitian Tugas Akhir ini dirancang pengendalian gerak rotasi quadcopter menggunakan Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR dan Linear Quadratic Tracking (LQT untuk pengendalian gerak translasi. Untuk mendapatkan parameter dari LQT digunakan Algoritma Genetika (GA. Hasil tuning GA yang digunakan pada LQT memiliki nilai Qx 700,1884, nilai Qy 700,6315, nilai Rx 0,1568, dan  nilai Ry 0,1579. Respon LQT tersebut memiliki RMSE pada sumbu X dan sumbu Y sebesar 1,99 % serta memiliki time lagging 0,35 detik. Dengan hasil tersebut quadcopter mampu men-tracking trajectory berbentuk segitigaTekni


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    Emilya Kalsum


    In order to support all activities in KTM, a concept of settlements that could lead to a standard / technical guidelines for KTM is needed. The concept is based on the strategic approach, technical, management; participation; sustainable development and socio-cultural oriented development. KTM settlement concept is divided into the identification of initial conditions, potentials and constraints of regional resources and sectoral policies and regional development policies, analysis of the potential and development of the region, the pattern and structure of regional infrastructure, identification of problem issues of infrastructure; and the formulation of the concept of settlement for KTM. Analysis was conducted by analyzing field data combined with the theoretical basis of spatial layout. The concept of neighborhood settlements adapted to function; manifested by the basic concept of facilities and infrastructure needs, and also are synchronized with the phase of development. REFERENCES Chambers, Robert. (1969. Settlement Schemes In Tropical Africa. New York: Praeger Chiara, Joseph De. (1975. Urban Planning and Design Criteria. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Dirjen Pembinaan Pengembangan Masyarakat dan Kawasan Transmigrasi. (2006. Kota Terpadu Mandiri. Jakarta. Nas, PJM Dr. (1979 Kota Di Dunia Ketiga: Pengantar Sosiologi Kota dalam Tiga Bagian. Jakarta: Bhratara Karya Aksara


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    Nono Supriatna


    Full Text Available Abstract. This research is intended to know the influence. This research is conducted because it is still related to the fraud and inefficiency of government apparatus performance in Bandung. This study uses a sample of Organization of Local Government of Bandung City Government in the form of agency and agency. This research uses descriptive verification method with hypothesis test using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that in Bandung City has done very well. In addition, the performance performance of Bandung City Government apparatus has also been in accordance with the principle of good governance. The results also show a positive influence. H0 rejected and Ha accepted.   Keywords: Internal Control System, Performance, Good Governance.   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi sistem pengendalian internal terhadap kinerja instansi pemerintah. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena masih adanya indikasi terkait dengan kecurangan dan inefisiensi kinerja aparatur pemerintah di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan sample Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Pemerintah Kota Bandung yang berbentuk dinas dan badan sejumlah 23 sample. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif verifikatif dengan uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan sistem pengendalian internal di pemerintah Kota Bandung telah terlaksana dengan sangat baik. Selain itu, pelaksanaan kinerja aparatur Pemerintah Kota Bandung juga telah sesuai dengan prinsip good governance. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara implementasi sistem pengendalian internal terhadap kinerja instansi pemerintah. Sehingga H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima   Kata Kunci: Sistem Pengendalian Internal, Kinerja, Good Governance

  7. Model Integrasi Keputusan Lokasi, Perutean Kendaraan, dan Pengendalian Persediaan Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok Tiga Eselon

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    Nova Saragih


    Full Text Available Keputusan lokasi, perutean kendaraan, dan kebijakan persediaan merupakan keputusan yang saling terkait satu dengan yang lain. Keputusan pengendalian persediaan, seperti ukuran lot pemesanan dan frekuensi pemesanan akan mempengaruhi baik itu ongkos persediaan dan ongkos transportasi. Sebagai contoh, pengiriman dalam kuantitas yang sedikit dan frekuensi yang sering menyebabkan pengurangan ongkos persediaan tetapi membutuhkan tambahan ongkos transportasi. Selanjutnya, keputusan perutean dan keputusan pengendalian persediaan akan mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan lokasi sebab pemilihan lokasi ditentukan berdasarkan kriteria ongkos sistem minimum. Kegagalan dalam melibatkan ongkos persediaan dan ongkos transportasi ke dalam pertimbangan ketika memilih lokasi dapat menyebabkan sub-optimalitas sebab keputusan pemilihan lokasi memiliki dampak yang besar pada ongkos persediaan dan ongkos transportasi. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana memilih lokasi, menentukan rute kendaraan, dan mengendalikan persediaan yang optimal menjadi isu yang penting dalam merancang sebuah sistem logistik. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model integrasi yang secara simultan mengoptimisasikan keputusan lokasi, rute kendaraan, dan pengendalian persediaan pada sistem rantai pasok tiga eselon yang belum pernah dikembangkan sebelumnya. Entitas yang terlibat dalam rantai pasok kajian terdiri dari satu Pemasok, multi Depot, dan multi Ritel. Karakteristik permintaan yang dipertimbangkan dalam penelitian ini bersifat probabilistik dan jumlah produk terdiri dari satu produk. Model integrasi yang dikembangkan selanjutnya dipecahkan dengan metode optimal dan metode heuristik. Setelah dilakukan perbandingan dengan model dekomposisi diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa model integrasi menghasilkan ongkos total sistem yang lebih kecil.


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    Rofily Putriyandari


    Full Text Available Abstract - Plantation Office in West Java is the OPD environment of the Regional Government of West Java Province. The type of oil exploitation in West Java developed include the People's Plantations and Estates consisting of Private Estates and Country Estates.This study discusses the effect payroll and accounting information system of internal control Achievement Against the Plantation Office of West Java Province. With the aim to determine the extent to which accounting information system salaries for employees' performance. Metedologi study is a quantitative descriptive. Independent variable (X of the study is Payroll Accounting Information Systems, while the variable (Y is the internal control. The sample in this study were 35 people on a formula that raised by SolVin. Then the method of data collection using the method which is based on primary and secondary data. Obtained from the calculation of the test statistic used tcount = 5.2847 = 5% (0.05, N-2 = degrees of freedom (df 35-2 = 33, then earned a tTable = 2.0345. Means that Ha is received and Ho is rejected, meaning that the influence of payroll and accounting information system of internal control.  Keyword: Payroll And Accounting Information System Of Internal Control   Abstrak - Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Jawa Barat merupakan OPD dilingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Adapun jenis pengusahaan perkebunan yang dikembangkan di Jawa Barat meliputi Perkebunan Rakyat  dan Perkebunan Besar yang terdiri atas Perkebunan Besar Swasta dan Perkebunan Besar Negara .Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Pengendalian Intern di Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi Jawa Barat. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana system informasi akuntansi penggajian terhadap pengendalian intern. Metedologi  penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Variabel bebas (X dari penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penggajian sedangkan variabel (Y


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    Ari Artaya


    untuk mendukung pariwisata dan para wisatawan yang datang ke Kabupaten Badung. Menurut data Badung dalam angka tahun 2015 pertumbuhan sarana akomodasi pariwisata yaitu hotel bintang, hotel melati dan kondotel sampai tahun 2015 mengalami peningkatan pertumbuhan yang sangat pesat, pertumbuhan jumlah hotel bintang sampai tahun 2015 sebanyak 98 hotel, pertumbuhan jumlah hotel melati sampai tahun 2015 mencapai 885 hotel dan pertumbuhan jumlah kondotel sampai tahun 2015 mencapai 38 kondotel. Tingginya perkembangan pembangunan sarana akomodasi pariwisata, menuntut dikeluarkannya kebijakan moratorium untuk pengendalian pembangunan sarana akomodasi pariwisata. Untuk itu, Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung menindaklanjuti dengan kebijakan menerbitkan Peraturan Bupati (Perbup Nomor 36 tahun 2014 tentang Standar minimal luas lahan dan luas kamar serta fasilitas penunjang hotel dan kondotel. Maka dari itu dirumuskan masalah: Apakah yang menjadi sumber kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Badung dalam pengendalian pembangunan sarana akomodasi pariwisata? Dan Bagaimanakah kebijakan pengendalian perizinan pembangunan sarana akomodasi pariwisata di Kabupaten Badung?. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normative yang merupakan penelitian mengenai substansi hukum yang terdiri dari norma, kaidah, asas-asas hukum, doktrin dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Dengan jenis pendekatan menggunakan: The Statute Approach and Analitical and Conceptual Approach. Dalam RTRW Kabupaten Badung disebutkan bahwa Kewenangan Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung dalam pelaksanaan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang di wilayah Kabupaten Badung yaitu dengan menyusun ketentuan umum Peraturan Zonasi, ketentuan perizinan, ketentuan pemberian insentif dan disinsentif dan arahan sanksi. Salah satu perizinan yang diterapkan untuk pengendalian pembangunan sarana akomodasi pariwisata diatur dalam Pasal 2 Peraturan Bupati (Perbup Nomor 36 tahun 2014.


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    A. Widiyatmoko


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu yang dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki secara menyeluruh sehingga memiliki daya saing yang unggul, mampu mengikuti perkembangan IPTEK, dan memiliki karakter yang bersumber pada nilai-nilai pancasila. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter menggunakan pendekatan humanistik berbantu alat peraga murah di sekolah menengah berupa silabus, RPP, alat peraga, LKS, dan modul yang dihasilkan melalui alur Four-D model, yaitu definition (pendefinisian, design (perancangan, development (pengembangan dan disseminate (penyebaran yang telah melalui tahap validasi dan revisi. The purpose of the research is to produce an integrated science learning tools that can facilitate learners to develop the capabilities of the whole so that it has a superior competitive, able to follow the development of science and technology, and has a character which is based on the values of Pancasila. From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the development of the integrated science learning character humanistic approach berbantu cheap props in the form of school syllabi, lesson plans, visual aids, worksheets, and the modules produced by Four-D flow model, the definition (defining, design (design, development (development and disseminate (spread that have gone through the validation and revision.

  11. 1 Hz fast-heating fusion driver HAMA pumped by a 10 J green diode-pumped solid-state laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Y.; Komeda, O.; Nakayama, S.; Ishii, K.; Hanayama, R.; Fujita, K.; Okihara, S.; Sekine, T.; Satoh, N.; Kurita, T.; Kawashima, T.; Kan, H.; Nakamura, N.; Kondo, T.; Fujine, M.; Azuma, H.; Hioki, T.; Kakeno, M.; Motohiro, T.; Nishimura, Y.


    A Ti : sapphire laser HAMA pumped by a diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSSL) is developed to enable a high-repetitive inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiment to be conducted. To demonstrate a counter-irradiation fast-heating fusion scheme, a 3.8 J, 0.4 ns amplified chirped pulse is divided into four beams: two counter-irradiate a target with intensities of 6 × 10 13 W cm −2 , and the remaining two are pulse-compressed to 110 fs for heating the imploded target with intensities of 2 × 10 17 W cm −2 . HAMA contributed to the first demonstration by showing that a 10 J class DPSSL is adaptable to ICF experiments and succeeded in DD neutron generation in the repetition mode. Based on HAMA, we can design and develop an integrated repetitive ICF experiment machine by including target injection and tracking. (paper)

  12. Dampak Sebelum dan Setelah Penerapan Sekolah Lapang Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (SLPHT) Terhadap Biaya Produksi, Produksi dan Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah Di Kabupaten SerdangBedagai


    Harahap, Khoirul Basri


    The wisdom of Instruction of President No. 3 / 1986 about the Offense of 53 types of Insecticide for Pest Controlling, afterward it becomes the historical pillar for applying the Unity Pest Controlling to the rice plants. Concepts of the Unity Pest Controlling is a suitable choice to answer that dilemma. This research is purposed to analyse and to examine the different rate of Cost of Production, Production and Income of ricefield farmers in the Regency of Serdang Bedagai before and after t...

  13. Penapisan PGPF untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Lunak Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera di Tanah Gambut

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    Supriyanto Supriyanto


    Full Text Available Aloe (Aloe vera planted in West Borneo peat soil is well known as having the best product quality in Indonesia. Soft rot disease is one of the constraints of Aloe cultivation on peat soil. Many methods have no significant result for controlling this disease. This research objectives are to obtain Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF for controlling Aloe bacterial soft rot in peat soil. The research was conducted in Clinical Laboratory of Plant Pathology and glass house of Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta from October 2008 to September 2009. The methods included fungal isolation from peat land, hypovirulent and PGPF ability test, and biological control test in the glass house. Among 42 peat soil fungi tested, 28 isolates were hypovirulent and only 2 isolates i.e. SNTH001 (Penicillium sp. and SNTH003 (Aspergillus sp. showed the PGPF ability. Glass house trial showed that single application of SNTH001 and SNTH003 isolates were able to increase the growth of Aloe. In the biological control of Aloe soft rot disease test showed that the lowest intensity (25% might be obtained by using SNTH001 isolate.   Lidah buaya (Aloe vera asal tanah gambut Kalimantan Barat dikenal mempunyai kualitas terbaik di Indonesia. Penyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan oleh bakterimerupakan salah satu kendala dalam pengembangan tanaman lidah buaya dilahan gambut dan beberapa cara pengendalian yang telah dilakukan belum memberikan hasil nyata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari jamur asal tanah gambut yang mampu berperan sebagai Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman untuk pengendalian penyakit busuk lunak di tanah gambut. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan Klinik dan Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta dari bulan Oktober 2008 sampai September 2009, meliputi isolasi jamur dari tanah gambut, uji hipovirulensi dan uji kemampuan sebagai PGPF serta uji pengendalian hayati penyakit busuk lunak lidah buaya di rumah kaca. Dari

  14. Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Di Industri Garment Dengan Menggunakan Statistical Procces Control (SPC)


    Rizal Rachman


    Abstrak Perusahaan memandang bahwa kualitas sebagai faktor kunci yang membawa keberhasilan dan standar mutu yang telah ditetapkan oleh buyer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kerusakan produk dalam batas pengendalian kualitas pada proses produksi pakaian jadi pada PT. Asia Penta Garment. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode statistical procces control. Data yang diambil dalam penelitian ini mengunakan data sekunder berupa laporan jumlah produksi dan kerusakan pakaian jad...

  15. Sõjakas Hamas loodab Palestiinas võimupirukast suure tüki võtta / Kaarel Kaas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaas, Kaarel, 1978-


    25. jaanuaril Palestiinas toimuvatest parlamendivalimistest. Lähis-Ida Konsultatsiooniinstituudi poolt avalikustatud avaliku arvamuse uuringu andmetel võib islamiliikumine Hamas saada pea pooled parlamendi saadikukohtadest, võimupartei Fatah toetus on vähenenud ja ta saaks 59 kohta. Lisa: Valimiste võtmekujud

  16. Teknologi Pengendalian Gulma Alang-alang dengan Tanaman Legum untuk Pertanian Tanaman Pangan


    Ishak Juarsah


    Di Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv) merupakan salah satu gulma terpenting dan termasuk sepuluh gulma bermasalah di dunia.  Melalui biji dan rimpang, alang-alang dapat tumbuh dan menyebar luas pada hampir semua kondisi lahan. Teknologi pengendalian alang-alang telah banyak dikenal namun belum dapat menjamin eradikasi populasi alang-alang secara berkelanjutan tanpa diikuti oleh kultur teknis dan pola budidaya tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa...

  17. Palestiina valimised suurelt võitnud Hamas keeras al-Qaidale selja / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Al-Qaida kritiseeris Hamasi valimistel osalemise eest, Hamasi liidri al-Zahari sõnul on Hamas, võttes omaks mõõdukama lähenemise, suutnud leida oma islamiprogrammile valijaid. Hamasi esindajate väitel on Iisraeli riigi tunnustamine vaid Palestiina rahva võimuses. Lisa: Iisrael aitas kaasa Hamasi võimule. Vt. samas: Hamasi rajajate ja al-Qaida juhtide taust on ühine

  18. Pengantar Redaksi

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    Redaksi Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi


    tanaman telah banyak dilakukan melalui sistem pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT yang penerapannya didasari oleh pendekatan ekologi. PHT adalah tindakan pengelolaan hama yang mempertimbangkan secara seksama beberapa teknik pengendalian yang tersedia, sehingga dapat mengendalikan populasi hama pada tingkat yang tidak merugikan dan mengurangi resiko terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Tanaman jeruk di Desa Taro Gianyar akhir-akhir ini banyak yang terserang hama yang berdampak pada kerugian ekonomi yang tidak sedikit. Permasalahannya adalah 1 Apakah petani jeruk di Dusun Sengkaduan, Desa Taro sudah mengetahui seranggga D. citri sebagai hama dan sebagai vektor penyakit CVPD. 2 Apakah petani jeruk di Dusun Sengkaduan Desa Taro gejala serangan penyakit dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan penyakit CVPD. 3 Apakah petani jeruk di Dusun Sengkaduan, Desa Taro sudah mengetahui pengendalian D. citri dan penyakit CVPD. Permasalahan di atas di pecahkan oleh N. Wijaya, dkk, dari Program Studi Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana. Hasil selengkapnya disajikan pada nomor ini.Para pembaca yang budiman, adanya persyaratan dari Dikti untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian dalam jurnal sejatinya bagi kami pengelola JUM sangat diuntungkan. Kami akhirnya mendapat naskah yang bagus dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Ini penting supaya JUM tidak hanya diisi oleh penulis internal, tapi juga eksternal. Ayo teman-teman yang lain, kami tunggu naskahnya.

  19. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Treffinger dengan Bantuan Media Audio Visual Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar IPA Terpadu pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Frater Makassar

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    Nur Indah Sari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini adalah  jenis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA Terpadu melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Treffinger dengan bantuan media audio visual pada materi ekosistem siswa kelas VII SMP FRATER Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi aktivitas belajar siswa dan evaluasi pada setiap akhir siklus. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan dilengkapi dengan tabel frekuensi dan presentase. Dari hasil kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar siswa, siklus I sebanyak 14 orang dengan presentase 37,83%, sedangkan pada siklus II sebanyak 32 orang dengan persentase 86,48%. dan terjadi peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa, Semangat siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran IPA Terpadu pada siklus I 50,15% dan  meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 80,05%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Treffinger dengan bantuan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA Terpadu pada materi ekosistem pada siswa kelas VII A SMP FRATER Makassar.Kata kunci: model pembelajaran treffinger, hasil belajar, ipa terpadu.ABSTRACTThis study is classroom action research study that aims to increase activity and study results of Integrated Science of  student by using Treffinger model with audio visual media on ecosystem material of Class VII Student at SMP Frater Makassar. Data collection used in this study was observation and achievement test in the end of every cycle. Analytical data by using descriptive statistical analysis include the frequency tables and percentages. The results of this study indicate that: Treffinger  model with audio visual media showed a positive tendency from 14 students with 37,83% in cycle I and improve to 32 students with 86,48% in cycle II and showed a positive tendency on student’s activity in study. Student


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    Ana Luiza de Oliveira e Silva


    Full Text Available No Níger novecentista, o intelectual Boubou Hama trabalhava pela preservação e divulgação de um arcabouço cultural. A partir de um entendimento específico sobre “conhecimento tradicional”, buscou oferecer respostas em seu próprio tempo. Sob os impactos da colonização, Hama almejava que a África conhecesse seus próprios valores e concepções de mundo.


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    Tantri Windarti


    Full Text Available Untuk menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas yang baik pada era globalisasi saat ini, sebuah industri dituntut untuk memberikan produk yang tidak cacat dan sesuai dengan spesifikasi. PT. X adalah sebuah industri besi beton dengan berbagai macam ukuran diameter. Dalam proses produksinya, PT. X melakukan pengendalian kualitas dengan menetapkan batas maksimum toleransi kerusakan sebesar 2%. Namun, dalam pengendalian kualitas tersebut, masih terdapat produk cacat pada minggu ke-5 dan minggu ke-12 di atas batas toleransi yaitu sebesar 2,42% dan 2,21%. Penyebab kerusakan produk cacat yang terjadi pada besi beton diameter 12 mm didominasi oleh overfill sebanyak 48,97% dan scratch sebanyak 32,93% yang akan dikualifikasikan sebagai Critical To Quality (CTQ. Untuk itu,  metode six sigma ini digunakan dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas produk besi beton melalui tahap DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve dan Control. Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah menggunakan metode six sigma terjadi penurunan nilai DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities sebesar 33,21% dan terjadi peningkatan nilai sigma yang semula 2,96 menjadi 3,17. Faktor penyebab utama terjadinya produk cacat adalah faktor mesin yaitu adanya trouble pada rolling mill, kemudian diikuti faktor manusia dan faktor metode sebagai penyebab lain yang membentuk produk akhir.   Kata kunci:  CTQ; DMAIC; pengendalian kualitas; six sigma   Abstract   To produce products with good quality in era of globalization, an industry is required to provide a product that is not defective and in accordance with the specifications. PT. X is a concrete iron industry with various diameter sizes. In the production process, PT. X performs quality control by setting damage tolerance maximum limit. The maximum limit is 2%. However, in the quality control, there are still defect levels at fifth and twelfth week that over tolerance limit are 2.42% and 2.21%. The causes of products defects that occur at

  2. Kinerja dan Nilai Tambah Agroindustri Sabut Kelapa pada Kawasan USAha Agroindustri Terpadu (Kuat) di Kecamatan Pesisir Selatan Kabupaten Pesisir Barat


    Safitri, Yunica; Abidin, Zainal; Rosanti, Novi


    The research aims to analyze (1) the performance (physic and financially) of cocofiber agroindustry, (2) added value of coco fiber agroindustry. The research was conducted in Kawasan Usaha Agroindustri Terpadu(KUAT) at Pesisir Selatan Sub-District of Pesisir Barat District and the location was choosen purposively. Research location was chosen purposively based on the quantity of workers. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative method. The results showed that (1) performance o...


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    Sri Hartini


    Full Text Available Manajemen persediaan merupakan masalah penting yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan. Untuk mendukung kelancaran produksi yang pada akhirnya akan berpengaruh pada kelancaran pemenuhan permintaan konsumen maka manajemen harus selalu berusaha untuk menjamin ketersediaan bahan. Namun manajemen persediaan yang kurang optimal dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya overstock persediaan bahan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Days of Inventory (DOI persediaan bahan yang cukup tinggi. Faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai DOI adalah hasil peramalan kebutuhan, jumlah safety stock, sisa persediaan serta ketidakpastian – ketidakpastian yang berasal dari supplier. Untuk dapat meminimasi nilai DOI, maka dalam menentukan jumlah pesanan harus dipertimbangkan faktor – faktor tersebut. Saat ini dalam menentukan jumlah pesanan PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Pati hanya mempertimbangkan hasil peramalan kebutuhan, jumlah safety stock, sisa persediaan, dan tidak mempertimbangkan ketidakpastian – ketidakpastian yang berasal dari supplier, sehingga mengakibatkan tingginya nilai DOI persediaan perusahaan. Penelitian ini mencoba membandingkan model kebijakan pengendalian persediaan yang dipergunakan oleh perusahaan (current policy dengan model kebijakan pengendalian persediaan dinamis ( yang mempertimbangkan ketidakpastian permintaan, yield, dan leadtime yang dikembangkan oleh Mohammed Zied Babai  [2]. Studi perbandingan kebijakan dilakukan menggunakan simulasi spreadsheet. Dari hasil simulasi spreadsheet dan analisa kebijakan yang dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa model kebijakan pengendalian persediaan dinamis ( merupakan kebijakan pengendalian persediaan terbaik karena dapat menghasilkan nilai DOI yang lebih rendah dari nilai DOI perusahaan yaitu 36.14 hari, total biaya persediaan lebih rendah dari total biaya perusahaan yaitu Rp. 6,078,696.72, dan pencapaian service level 100%. Key Word : Ketidakpastian Leadtime,  Ketidakpastian Permintaan, Ketidakpastian Yield, Days of

  4. PENGEMBANGAN KONSEP AGROINDUSTRI BERBASIS SISTEM USAHATANI TERPADU DI WILAYAH PASANG SURUT BAGIAN I: (KONSEP PEMIKIRAN The Concept Development of Agroindustry Based on Integrated Farming System at Tidal Swamp Land Areas Chapter I: Conceptual Thinkin

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    Rustan Massinai


    village. Keywords:  Integrated farming system concept , tidal swamp land, agroindustry   ABSTRAK Sistem pertanian terpadu diarahkan pada upaya memperpanjang siklus biologis dengan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan hasil samping pertanian dan peternakan. Setiap mata rantai siklus menghasilkan produk baru yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi, sehingga dengan sistem ini diharapkan pemberdayaan dan pemanfaatan lahan marginal di seluruh daerah dapat lebih dioptimalkan. Permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam sistem pertanian di daerah pasang surut secara umum, yaitu; (a keterbatasan yang berupa lahan, sumberdaya manusia, teknologi, serta modal yang dimiliki petani, maka potensi sumberdaya lokal perlu kelola secara optimal, terarah, terpadu dan berkelanjutan dengan maksud untuk meningkatkan produktifitas lahan serta taraf hidup petani dengan cara penerapan sistem usahatani terpadu (integrated farming system dengan mengintegrasikan tanaman dan ternak berdasarkan potensi wilayah setempat, dan (b masalah dan kendala sosial ekonomi pengembangan tanaman pangan di daerah rawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan konsep pengembangan sistem usahatani terpadu untuk mendukung agroindustri di lahan pasang surut di Kabupaten Pulang Pisau Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi pustaka, yaitu mengidentifikasi sistem yang terdiri dari sistem usahatani terpadu dan sistem agroindustri.  Dalam identifikasi kedua sistem tersebut dilakukan meliputi empat aspek yaitu, aspek ekonomi, aspek teknis, aspek sosial budaya dan aspek lingkungan. Konsep sistem usahatani terpadu di lahan pasang surut yang dilakukan yaitu hasil produksi yang dihasilkan dari sistem usahatani terpadu hendaknya terlebih dahulu diolah melalui sistem pengolahan (agroindustri baik berupa industri rumah tangga (home industry maupun menggunakan alat mekanis, setelah itu dilakukan pemasaran produk, konsep sistem tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah produksi pertanian (padi

  5. Iisrael lubab nädalaid kestvat sõda, et pühkida Hamas Gazas võimult / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Iisrael vastas Hamasi rünnakutele väidetavalt tugevaima pommitamisega Gaza sektoris 1967. a. sõjast saadik, selle üheks põhjuseks peavad vaatlejad Iisraeli sisepoliitilist olukorda. Vt. samas: Hamas ei taha siiani leppida Iisraeli riigi olemasoluga


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    Deny Silvia


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to find out whether there was a significant difference between reading comprehension recount text ability of students who were taught by using Herringbone Technique and those who were taught without using Herringbone Technique. The research method used was experimental research. The instrument for collecting data was test. It was given to subjects before and after the experiment. The test was used in order to find out the students comprehension ability on recount text. The subject chosen for this study were 62 students at the tenth grade of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Terpadu Duri. They were divided into two groups: experimental and control group. Based on the finding, the results of t-test and interpretations, the following conclusions were drawn: (1 Herringbone Technique is applicable to improve students` ablity in comprehending recount text, (2 there is a significant difference between reading comprehension ability of students who were taught before using Herringbone Technique and those who were taught after using Herringbone Technique. And (3 there is significant effect of using Herringbone Technique in comprehending recount text at the Tenth Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Terpadu Duri. It was proved by the calculation of t- test. The result of t-test was (2,00 2,65. It could be concluded that Herringbone Technique improves students’ ability in comprehending recount text.

  7. Penggunaan Media Presentase Microsoft Power Point Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Terpadu Pada Siswa Kelas VIII a SMP Negeri 2 Tanantovea


    Hitler, Ahmad


    Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian adalah apakah dengan penggunaan media Presentase Microsoft Power Point pada mata pembelajaran IPS Terpadu dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII A di SMP Negeri 2 Tanantovea. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan Kolonialisme dan Imperialisme Barat di kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 2 Tanantovea. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, obs...


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    irfan sugiono utomo


    Full Text Available Plutella xylostella L. merupakan hama penting tanaman kubis. Hama ini menyerang bagian daun dengan gejala daun menjadi berlubang sehingga turunnya produksi mencapai 80-100% penyebaran hama Plutella xylostella tersebar di daerah tropis dan subtropis.. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium Hama Tumbuhan Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dan di uji menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT dengan taraf 5%. Perlakuan aplikasi yang digunakan dengan 2 metode, yaitu metode tetes (ulat dan metode celup (pakan. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu: K1 (Konsentrasi akar tuba 20ml/l air, K2 (Konsentrasi akar tuba 25ml/l air, K3 (Konsentrasi akar tuba 30ml/l air, K4 (Konsentrasi umbi gadung 20ml/l air, K5 (Konsentrasi umbi gadung 25ml/l air, K6 (Konsentrasi umbi gadung 30ml/l air, K7 (Konsentrasi akar tuba 20 ml/l air +umbi gadung 30ml/l air, K8 (Konsentrasi akar tuba 30 ml/l air +umbi gadung 20ml/l air. Pengamatan meliputi persentase mortalitas larva P. xlostella , persentase larva yang menjadi pupa, persentase larva yang menjadi imago Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Insektisida nabati akar tuba dan umbi gadung berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap mortalitas larva Plutella xylostella yakni dapat menyebabkan tingkat mortalitas sebesar 86,67 % dengan konsentrasi paling efektif pada perlakuan K8 yaitu ektrak akar tuba 30ml/l air + umbi gadung 20ml/l air. Perlakuan ekstrak nabati akar tuba lebih efektif dengan metode celup sedangkan ekstrak umbi gadung lebih efektif dengan metode tetes. Penggunaan perlakuan kombinasi insektisida nabati lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pemberian insektisida nabati tunggal.Kata kunci: Plutella xylostella, Akar tuba, Umbi gadung 


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    Moh. Farid Nurul Anwar


    Buku siswa dari pemerintah kurang kontekstual. Oleh karena itu, modul pembelajaran memiliki peran penting sebagai pelengkap kekurangan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran tematik terpadu berbasis kearifan lokal Kabupaten Sumenep kelas IV subtema Lingkungan Tempat Tinggalku yang memiliki kevalidan dan keefektivan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu Borg & Gall dengan sedikit modifkasi. Hasil uji validasi ahli materi, bahasa dan desain beturut-turut 76,3%, 92,74%, dan 82,80%. Hasil uji lapangan menunjukkan nilai ketuntasan aspek sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan berturut-turut 96,25; 90,27; 89,54. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan modul pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modul yang dihasilkan memiliki kevalidan dan keefektivan sehingga layak digunakan.

  10. The Use of Herringbone technique in Comprehending Recount Text at The Tenth Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Terpadu Duri

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    deny silvia


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to find out whether there was a significant difference between reading comprehension recount text ability of students who were taught by using Herringbone technique and those who were taught without using Herringbone technique. The research method used was experimental research. The instruments  for collecting data was test. It was given to subjects before and after the experiment. The test was used in order to find out the students comprehension ability on recount text. The subject chosen for this study were 62 students at the tenth grade of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Terpadu Duri. They were divided into two group: experimental and control group. Based on finding, the results of t-test and interpretations, the following conclusions were drawn: (1 Herringbone Technique  was applicable to improve students` ablity in comprehending recount text, (2 there was a significant difference between reading comprehension ability of students who were taught  before using Herringbone Technique and those who were taught after using  Herringbone Technique. And  (3 there was significant effect of using Herringbone Technique in comprehending recount text at the Tenth Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Terpadu Duri. It was evidence by calculation of t- test. The result of t-test was  (2, 00 2, 65. It could be concluded that Ha was accepted.   Key Words: Herringbone Technique, Recount Text

  11. Spain and the Hamas government

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    Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio Alvariño


    Full Text Available Since the restoration of democracy, Spain’s successive governments have been noted for their favourable stance toward the issue of Palestine and their support for the creation of a sovereign independent state in the territories that Israel occupied during the Six-Day War. Yasser Arafat’s visit to Spain in the time of the UCD, the holding of the Madrid Conference during the term of government of the PSOE and the designation of Miguel Ángel Moratinos as the EU’s special envoy for the Peace Process during the Partido Popular’s term of government are some of the landmarks that have expressed this exemplary relationship between the Spanish State and the Palestine question. However, the victory of Hamas in the legislative elections of 25 January 2006 radically changed the situation, as it led to Rodríguez Zapatero’s government joining the international boycott of the new Islamist executive; even so, the Spanish government clearly maintained its support for restarting the Peace Process, in the form of its backing for Mahmud Abbas, the President of the Palestine Authority. The armed conflict in Gaza in June 2007 which led to the Islamists retaking the Gaza Strip and the formation of a new government in the West Bank led by the technocrat Salam Fayad served to normalise the situation, given that it encouraged the raising of international sanctions and a return to normality in Spanish-Palestine relations.

  12. Activity of Liquid Smoke of Tobacco Stem Waste as An Insecticide on Spodoptera litura Fabricius Larvae

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    Heri Prabowo


    Full Text Available The use of chemical insecticide in crop protection around the world has resulted in disturbances of the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to develop for environmentally friendly insect pest management techniques such as the activity of liquid smoke made from tobacco stem waste as an insecticide to Spodoptera litura. Activity of liquid smoke of tobacco stem waste was carried out at the laboratory condition. The results showed that the application of liquid smoke by using the spraying method (direct method showed better results compared to the results of feeding method (indirect method. Lethal concentration (LC at 5 days after treatment, LC50 and LC75 values the direct method of 2.9% and 8.87%, while the indirect method of 6,99% and 21.03%. The sub lethal concentration did not cause mortality of S. litura larvae, but inhibited the growth such as indicated by lower weight of larval and pupal in treated larvae than in control. Liquid smoke of tobacco stem waste has activity as an insecticide to S. litura.   INTISARI Penggunaan pestisida kimia dalam pengendalian hama di dunia telah menimbulkan gangguan terhadap lingkungan. Maka teknik pengendalian hama yang ramah lingkungan perlu dikembangkan, misalnya aktivitas asap cair limbah batang tembakau sebagai insektisida pada Spodoptera litura. Aktivitas asap cair limbah batang tembakau dilakukan pada kondisi laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi asap cair secara langsung (metode semprot lebih efektif daripada tidak langsung (metode celup pakan. Lethal concentration (LC pada 5 hari setelah perlakuan, LC50 dan LC75 pada aplikasi langsung sebesar 2,9% dan 8,87%, sedangkan pada aplikasi tidak langsung 6,99% dan 21,03%. Konsentrasi subletal tidak menyebabkan kematian S. litura tetapi mampu menghambat pertumbuhan yang diindikasikan dengan rendahnya bobot larva dan pupa S. litura. Asap cair limbah batang tembakau bersifat insektisida terhadap larva S. litura.


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    Adi Waluyo


    Full Text Available Negara Indonesia adalah negara maritim yang memiliki banyak pulau baik yang bernama maupun yang belum bernama. Salah satunya adalah pulau Raas Madura, dimana pulau ini memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah di sepanjang garis pantainya. Dibalik melimpahnya sumber daya alam tersebut masih terdapat masyarakat yang sebagian besar prasejahtera. Pemanfaatan yang berlebih (over exploitation dan krisis ekonomi yang menyebabkan terjadinya persaingan untuk memperoleh sumber daya alam yang tersisa sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya degradasi sumber daya alam. Sistem pengelolaan wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang secara terpadu yang dapat mengatisipasi terjadinya degradasi sumber daya alam tersebut. Upaya ini harus didukung oleh pemerintah untuk memberikan kesejahteraan mayarakat di darah pesisir di pulau-pulau kecil. Kata kunci : sumber daya alam, Over exploitation, degradasi, pengelolaan terpadu MODELLING OF COMMUNITY BASED INTEGRATED COASTAL AND SMALL ISLAND MANAGEMENT (CASE STUDY OF RAAS ISLAND SUMENEP DISTRICT MADURA Indonesia is a maritime nation consists of small islands. One of them is the Raas island of Madura. This island has abundant natural resources along its coastline however most of the population lives under the poverty line. Over exploitation of fisheries resources and economic crisis caused competition to obtain the remaining of natural resources resulting in the degradation of natural resources. Integrated coastal and small island management is expected to prevent the degradation. This effort should be supported by the government in order to provide prosperity for the coastal community.Key words : natural resources, over exploitation, degradation, integrated management

  14. Kebutuhan Masyarakat Desa Tebat Gabus Kecamatan Kisam Tinggi Kabupaten OKU Selatan Terhadap Program Pengendalian Malaria

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    Maya Arisanti


    Full Text Available Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan (OKUS merupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di ProvinsiSumatera Selatan dengan Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI yang mengalami perubahan flktuatif,dimana pada tahun 2007 sebesar 6,50/00 meningkat menjadi 8,700/00 di tahun 2008. Desa Tebat Gabusmerupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di Kabupaten OKUS dengan AMI 2011 sebesar231,890/00. Program pemberantasan malaria sudah dijalankan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2000 yaitukegiatan penemuan dan pengobatan penderita, perluasan cakupan pengobatan, pemberantasanvektor, gebrak malaria, penyuluhan, kerja sama lintas sektor dan pengamatan vektor. Hasil penelitian diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Tenang Kecamatan Kisam Tinggi Kabupaten OKUS tahun 2009 menyatakanbahwa pengetahuan masyarakat masih rendah (61,5% dan sebanyak 97,8% masyarakat belum pernahmendapatkan penyuluhan kesehatan tentang malaria. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuikebutuhan masyarakat dalam program pengendalian malaria. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama 5bulan tahun 2012 dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data Focus Group Discussion (FGD.Informan FGD terdiri dari 4 kelompok masyarakat:i. kelompok wanita dengan pendidikan SMP kebawah, ii. kelompok wanita dengan pendidikan SMA ke atas, iii kelompok laki-laki dengan pendidikanSMP ke bawah dan iv. kelompok laki-laki dengan pendidikan SMA ke atas yang memenuhi kriteria inklusidan eksklusi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis konten. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap program pengendalian malaria berupa edukasikesehatan, kemudahan memperoleh pengobatan malaria dan pemeriksaan darah untuk diagnosismalaria serta pembagian kelambu berinsektisida dan penyemprotan insektisida di dinding rumah untuktindakan pencegahan.


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    Desi Fatmawati Maryatun


    Full Text Available Metode cooperative learning tipe group investigation merupakan model pembelajaran kooperatif yang dapat melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mulai dari merencanakan topik-topik yang akan dipelajari, bagaimana melaksanakan investigasinya, hingga melakukan presentasi kelompok dan evaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe Group Investigation terhadap hasil belajar IPS Terpadu peserta didik kelas VIII semester genap SMP YPI 1 Bandar Mataram  Lampung Tengah tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Hipotesis yang penulis ajukan adalah “Ada pengaruh yang positif pada model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe Group Investigation terhadap hasil belajar IPS Terpadu peserta didik kelas VIII semester genap SMP YPI 1 Bandar Mataram  Lampung Tengah tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP YPI 1 Bandar Mataram Lampung Tengah Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 yaitu berjumlah 48 orang siswa dan diantaranya terdiri dari 2 kelas. Dan yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VIIIa dan VIIIb. Kelas VIIIa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIIIb sebagai kelas control, sampel diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, Eksperimen dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas VIIIa Semester Genap SMP YPI 1 Bandar Mataram Lampung Tengah Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 yang berjumlah 24 peserta didik. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan  metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui tingkat validitas dan reliabilitas penulis menggunakan rumus K-R 20. Kemudian untuk menguji/membuktikan hipotesis digunakan rumus Regresi Linier Sederhana yaitu  Ŷ = a + bx. Nilai Ŷ = 73,33+ 0,5 X yang dilanjutkan dengan rumus thitung > ttabel.pada daftar signifikan 5% yaitu 4 > 1,72  dan pada taraf signifikan 1% yaitu 4 > 2,52. Dengan demikian hipotesisnya diterima karena ada pengaruh yang positif


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    Lidya Susanti


    Full Text Available Inventory of raw materials in the company is very important, so it has to be controlled. A good inventory control of raw materials should be supported with cost efficiency. This study was to analyze factors that cause the base material inventories excess at PT. XYZ and analyze the purpose of the base material inventories to be controlled. The reseacrh was using a fish bone method and continue with using pairwise comparison method assisted with the expert choice 2000 software. The classification result based on ABC analysis, the selected item that was going to be analyzed was the A category items.The items that are included in the A category are clay ex belitung jw, clay ja 1/ja b and sodium feldspar. The EOQ equations model was used to answer the purpose of the base material inventories control. Based from the EOQ model, the needed quantity, order quantity, order frequency, reorder point (ROP, total order cost (TOC, total carrying cost (TCC, and total inventory cost (TIC could be obtained. The comparison of the total cost of inventory among the EOQ model and company policies showed that the EOQ model in seven months can save up to Rp311.612.769. PT. XYZ could minimize the base material inventory costs by calculating the costs incurred. The EOQ model could be implemented if all of the departments involved are well cooperated. PT. XYZ should also be able to make inventory control standards which are quantity order, order frequency, and reorder point. Keywords: Cost, EOQ, frequency, inventory, ROPABSTRAKPersediaan bahan baku pada perusahaan sangatlah penting, sehingga harus dapat dikendalikan. Pengendalian persediaan bahan baku yang baik harus didukung dengan efisiensi biaya. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kondisi persediaan bahan baku base material berlebih di PT. XYZ dan menganalisis persediaan bahan baku base material agar dapat dikendalikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fish bone dilanjutkan dengan metode

  17. Upgrade of repetitive fast-heating fusion driver HAMA to implode a shell target by using diode pumped solid state laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MORI, Yoshitaka; NISHIMURA, Yasuhiko; Nakayama, Suisei; HANAYAMA, Ryohei; ISHII, Katsuhiro; SEKINE, Takashi; SATO, Nakahiro; KURITA, Takashi; KAWASHIMA, Toshiyuki; KAN, Hirofumi; KOMEDA, Osamu; NAKAMURA, Naoki; KONDO, Takuya; FUJINE, Manabu; SUNAHARA, Atsushi; MIURA, Eisuke; AZUMA, Hirozumi; HIOKI, Tatsumi; KAKENO, Mitsutaka; KAJINO, Tsutomu


    The HAMA is 1-Hz fast heating fusion driver pumped by a 10 J second-harmonic of diode-pumped Nd:glass laser: KURE-1. We have upgraded HAMA to realize an implosion of spherical shell target by using a remaining fundamental beam from KURE-1. This beam of 6 J/1 Hz is transported to the current counter irradiation system. The resulting beam includes three pulses in sequence: 2.2 J/15 ns and 0.7 J/300 ps for implosion, and 0.5 J/ 190 fs for heating. We estimate the implosion dynamics from 1-D radiation hydrodynamic code (START- 1D). It indicates a possibility of tailored-pulse implosion by optimizing the beam spot sizes of imploding beams on the target surface. This upgrade leads to a demonstration of repetitive implosion and additional heating of a spherical shell target in accordance with a repetition of laser operation and that of a target injection system. (paper)


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    Marthania Firmadita


    Full Text Available RSUD Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang ini memiliki sejumlah layanan kesehatan yang melayani masyarakat umum, layanan kesehatan dinamakan dengan Billing System yang dibuat dengan tujuan mempercepat pelayanan kesehatan terhadap pelanggan. Melihat banyaknya kebutuhan setiap bagian yang terkait sehingga semakin besar pengelolaan data yang ada menyebabkan keterlambatan sistem dan kesalahan dalam pengelolaan data. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk memberikan layanan operasional terbaik dan meminimalisasi kesalahan. Salah satunya dilakukan penilaian kinerja pengelolaan layanan yang diberikan, penilaian kinerja ini merupakan pengendalian kontrol internal secara sistematik, untuk melihat tingkat kesesuaian dan keefektifan implementasi layanan. Dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner berdasarkan COBIT 5 dihasilkan level kapabilitas tata kelola proses pengawasan, evaluasi, dan penilaian pengendalian internal terkait billing system (MEA02 pada RSUD Ungaran saat ini adalah Level 2 dengan status Largely Achieved sebesar 71,56% setara 2,71 dimana Level 1 dan Level 0 tercapai Fully Achieved.Hal ini menunjukan sudah dilakukan komunikasi perencanaan kedepan dari hasil penilaian kinerja tetapi belum diimplementasikan. Dan untuk mencapai level kapabilitas, RSUD Ungaran dapat melakukan strategi perbaikan yang dilakukan secara bertahap dari proses atribut level 1 sampai 3. Kata Kunci: Analisis Tata Kelola TI, Sistem Informasi Kesehatan, COBIT 5, Analisis Tingkat Kapabilitas, Analisis Kesenjangan

  19. AKTIVITAS PENGENDALIAN MUTU JASA AUDIT LAPORAN KEUANGAN HISTORIS (Studi Kasus pada Beberapa Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya

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    Yulius Jogi Christiawan


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to get the descriptive in depth and holistic the quality control activities in several CPAs%2C in Surabaya in order to answer the audit quality questioned by the audit report user. This study was a qualitative research with multiple case studies and multiple unit analysis approach. The study was focused on the competence and independence standards as well as the control procedures and its activities by partners and managers in CPA firms. There were%3A 1%29 the CPA firms face difficult in establishing independence in fact standards and objectives%2C 2%29 the CPA firms applied the professional standard to establish independence in appearance standards and objectives%2C 3%29 the CPA firms applied human resources management function to secure personnel educational competence%2C 4%29 the CPA firms applied planning%2C supervising and performance evaluating in order to obtain experience personnel%2C and 5%29 the CPA firms give strict punishment for violation of independence and competence. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui secara mendalam %28in depth%29 dan menyeluruh tentang aktivitas pengendalian mutu audit yang terjadi di beberapa Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya%2C sehingga diharapkan bisa menjawab keraguan pengguna jasa audit terhadap mutu audit yang ada di kantor akuntan publik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan multiple case study dengan multiple unit analysis. Penelitian diarahkan pada standar independensi dan kompetensi di Kantor Akuntan Publik serta aktivitas dan prosedur pengendalian oleh partner dan manajer Kantor Akuntan Publik. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap empat dari lima puluh satu Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya. Hasil penelitian ini sedikitnya menunjukkan lima fenomena terkait dengan aktivitas pengendalian mutu Kantor Akuntan Publik. Lima fenomena tersebut adalah%3A 1%29 Kantor Akuntan Publik sulit menetapkan suatu standar%2

  20. Transient human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) interference in CA 125 measurements during monitoring of ovarian cancer patients treated with murine monoclonal antibody.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oei, A.L.M.; Sweep, F.C.; Massuger, L.F.A.G.; Olthaar, A.J.; Thomas, C.M.G.


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) on serial CA 125 measurements in serum of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer following single intraperitoneal (IP) therapy with Yttrium-90-labeled human milk fat globule 1 murine monoclonal antibody ((90)Y-muHMFG1) as


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    Stuart Reigeluth


    Full Text Available In the Arab-Israeli conflict, the creation and maintaining of resistance groups, as well as their recurring confrontations with Israel, take place with greater intensity in the Palestinian territories and Lebanon. In the same way that the Palestine Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas was born out of the military occupation of the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, the Lebanese Party of God (Hezbollah emerged to counteract the presence of Israel and her allies in the south of Lebanon. The pressure exerted on Israel to leave the south of Lebanon (2000 and the Gaza Strip (2005 engendered massive popular support which resulted in victories in both municipal and national elections. Both armed Islamist groups shifted towards increasingly passive policies, though at the same time they continue to be condemned to ostracism by the United States and Europe, the rupture with the secular parties became deeper, and thus the solution was deferred: the creation of coalition governments respected by their own peoples. Today, this continues to be the greatest challenge to establishing democracy in the Middle East; in no other place is this more acute than in Palestine and the Lebanon.

  2. Penerapan Pendidikan Akhlak di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Terpadu Darut Taqwa Jenangan Ponorogo Tahun Ajaran 2014-2015

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    Agus Budiman


    Full Text Available Dalam ajaran Islam, akhlak menempati kedudukan yang amat penting, dimana akhlak yang diajarkan oleh nabi Muhammad SAW meliputi akhlak terhadap Allah SWT, akhlak sesama manusia, dan akhlak manusia terhadap lingkungannya. Dengan ketiga akhlak tersebut, diharapkan manusia memiliki keimanan dan ketakwaan yang kuat sehingga terciptalah kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan di dunia dan di akhirat. Untuk pendidikan akhlak harus diajarkan sejak usia dini, terutama pada masa usia sekolah. Namun kenyataan yang ada sekarang, banyak anak yang perilakunya belum mencerminkan akhlak Islami. Sekolah sebagai salah satu dari tri pusat pendidikan memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam menanamkan pendidikan akhlak bagi anak didik. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Terpadu Darut Taqwa merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan di Jenangan Ponorogo yang sangat memperhatikan pembinaan akhlak para anak didiknya. Hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya program pembinaan akhlak yang diterapkan di sekolah ini.

  3. Pengendalian Malaria Di Desa Tebat Gabus Oleh Penyelenggara Kesehatan Melalui Peningkatan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Masyarakat

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    Maya Arisanti


    Desa Tebat Gabus dan program yang belum dilaksanakanoleh penyelenggara kesehatan melalui peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat. Metode penelitian adalah analisa data sekunder kuantitatif dan studi kasus kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data pengamatan, wawancara mendalam dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Tebat Gabus Kecamatan Kisam Tinggi Kabupaten OKUS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan angka AMI di Desa Tebat Gabus dari tahun ke tahun mengalami perubahan. Angka AMI paling tinggi terjadi pada tahun 2011 yaitu 231,890/00 dan paling rendah pada tahun 2009 yaitu 188,970/00. Upaya pencegahan telah dilakukan oleh penyelenggara kesehatan melalui program pengendalian malaria yang sudah berjalan namun terdapat kesenjangan kebutuhan masyarakat dengan ketersediaan layanan petugas puskesmas dan dinas kesehatan dimana belum terpenuhinya kebutuhan masyarakat akan program pengendalian malaria oleh penyelenggara kesehatan. Kejadian malaria di Desa Tebat Gabus masih tinggi dan terdapat kesenjangan antara kebutuhan masyarakat dengan kebutuhan penyelenggara kesehatan.Kata Kunci: Malaria, pengendalian, masyarakat, penyelenggara kesehatan, Tebat Gabus



    ., BERLIAN


    Together with the increasing of tourist who visit in Yogyakarta, the amount of the hotel constructions are increasing too. It is very common to find a hotel in every side of this city. This leads a problem. The hotel construction become uncontrolled in this city. In this situation, the Yogyakarta District Govermentm make a moratorium regulation about a hotel construction with Peraturan walikota Yogyakarta Nomor 77 Tahun 2013 tentang Pengendalian Pembangunan Hotel. This paper will discuss ...


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    Iqbal Syafin Noha


    Full Text Available Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR merupakan pengembangan dari Molten Salt Reactor (MSR yang memiliki karakter berbeda dengan lima reaktor generasi IV lainnya, yaitu menggunakan bahan bakar leburan garam. Pada reaktor MSR, garam lebur tidak digunakan sebagai pendingin tetapi digunakan sebagai medium pembawa bahan bakar. Dengan fase bahan bakar yang berupa garam lebur LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4, maka dapat dilakukan pengendalian daya dengan mengatur laju aliran bahan bakar dan pendingin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan laju alir pendingin terhadap daya reaktor PCMSR. Analisis dilakukan dengan empat jenis masukan untuk perubahan laju alir pendingin, yaitu masukan step, ramp, eksponensial, dan sinusoidal. Untuk masukan step, laju alir pendingin dibuat berubah secara mendadak. Selanjutnya untuk masukan ramp dan eksponensal, perubahan laju alir masing-masing dibuat perlahan secara linear dan mengikuti fungsi eksponensial. Kemudian untuk masukan sinusoidal, laju alir berubah naik turun secara periodik dengan memvariasikan frekuensi dari perubahan laju alir tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan laju alir pendingin sebesar 50% dari laju pendingin sebelumnya, menyebabkan daya pada reaktor PCMSR turun sebesar 63% dari daya sebelumnya. Jika terjadi fluktuasi laju aliran pendingin, maka semakin cepat perubahan tersebut, maka respon daya yang diberikan semakin kecil. Pada frekuensi yang sangat cepat, daya reaktor menjadi konstan dan cenderung tidak memiliki respon terhadap laju aliran. Hal ini merupakan salah satu aspek keselamatan reaktor, karena reaktor tidak merespon perubahan yang terlalu cepat. Kemampuan reaktor mengatur daya menyesuaikan laju aliran pendingin merupakan aspek keselamatan lainnya. Kata kunci : PCMSR, pengendalian daya, laju alir pendingin, uji respon   Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR is the development of Molten Salt Reactor (MSR which has different character from other five

  6. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Petani dalam Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan melalui Analisis Jalur

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    Sunarru Samsi Hariadi


    research, a survey method was used, total of farmer respondents were 60 people. Results of the research showed that factors influencing farmers' behavior in pest and disease control were age, perception, and work motivation. The increasing age of the farmers resulted better behavior in pest and disease control. A better perception of farmers towards pest and disease control, resulted better behavior in pest and disease control. The increasing work motivation of farmers, resulted better behavior in pest and disease control. Therefore, agricultural extension methods had to be developed by Field Extension Workers to increase work motivation and perception of famers, especially through farmer groups. Agricultural extension activities were best not only to increase farmers' knowledge, but also ability to control plant pest and disease, by using participal method in pleasure situation.


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    Full Text Available The use of synthetic insecticide for pest management to protect insect attacking the holticulture product have been done intensivelly and seems not wise which predicted could cause a negative impact to the environmental and human health. Due to that reason then the research prepared to know the pest management technology especially for holticultural product through the use of material or something that come from the agricultural planting material as natural insecticide which could be developed as commercial products that practice and safe to produce healty holticultural product. Three species of fruits and holticultural plant used for the research namely Annona squamosa (Annonaceae/seed, Piper retrofractum (Piperaceae/fruit and Tephrosia vogelii (Leguminosae/Leaves extracted with methanol. Every extract product tested with larva of Cricidolomia pavonana F. (Lepidoptera : Crambidae, that is one of the pest for holticultural product which treated with direction the planting and in the leaves. The extract was tested also to the food barrier of C. Pavonana. The extract of A. Squamosa was contact toxic than abdomen toxic, while on the contrary the extract of P. retrofractum have more impart to the abdomen toxic than contact toxic. The extract of P. Retrofractum and A. Squamosa at the concertation of 0.2 % could protect food activities of the larvas that was about 80 %. The mixed extract of T. Vogelii and A. Squamosa more toxic or more effective than the mixed extract of T. Vogelii and P. Retrofractum. In the developing natural insecticide formula, the using of agristic adjuvant was better tahan tween and miracle especially in formulation establishization. The treatment of P. Retrofractum and T. Vogelii in the field could reduce the development of C. Pavonana which finally those both extract could be used wider as combined with A. Squamosa extract in order to increase the effectiveness

  8. Identifikasi dan Pengendalian Jamur Busuk Putih Buah Salak dengan Ekstrak Bunga Kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa

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    Aries Pratomo


    Full Text Available One of the important disease on snakefruit (Salacca edulis is fruit rot disease with white symptom. Control of snake fruit diseases is better when natural compounds rather than chemicals pesticide were used which might cause consumer hazard. Several of plant extract i.e. from Zingiberaceae which have antimicrobial activity had been studied. The purpose of this study were to identify the pathogen of white rot and to know the effect of torch ginger’s flower (Nicolaia speciosa extract on disease development. The spores was identified under microscopic condition from diseased fruits and isolates. Torch ginger’s flowers was extracted in ethanol. After removal of the ethanol the crude extract was dissolved with distilled water. Food Poisoned Technique was done to evaluate its influence in vitro. Both detached and clustered fruits were sprayed with the extract then inoculated with the pathogen. The result showed that the pathogen was Chalaropsis sp. Detached snakefruit was more susceptible to Chalaropsis sp. infection than those in cluster. In vitro test showed 48–50 % of torch ginger’s flower extract in water inhibit 90% of colony growth. The extract inhibited the development of Chalaropsis sp. in detached snakefruit or in cluster ones. Concentrated extract protected snakefruit up to 100% from Chalaropsis sp. infection.   Salah satu penyakit penting yang menurunkan tingkat pemasaran buah salak adalah penyakit busuk buah dengan gejala jamur putih. Pengendalian penyakit ini dengan bahan nabati lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pestisida kimia yang berbahaya bagi konsumen. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa tanaman dari keluarga Zingeberaceae antara lain bunga kecombrang mengandung senyawa antimikroba. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab penyakit jamur putih pada buah salak dan pengaruh ekstrak bunga kecombrang untuk pengendalian penyakit tersebut. Identifikasi patogen secara mikroskopi dilakukan secara korekan langsung dan


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    Rhini Fatmasari


    Full Text Available The integrated of one-stop service is one of the major breakthroughs made by the government in order to improve public services, its specialized in the field of licensing through Permendagri number 24 concerning about Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PPTSP. In Government regulation district/city administration are required to have PPTSP Institutions, not only formality in the sense of institutional institutions but also in terms of value and mechanisms. General trend in Indonesia is difficult to start a formal business due to hit on the difficulty of the licenses. Although, all parties aware that businesses, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs is one of the main pillar of the nation's economy. Overall formation of the PPTSP can be said to be successful in the district/city. But the success is not evenly distributed in the context of the development of organizational culture. If the formation of institutions PPTSP more leads to the formation of organization and mechanisms that are supported by regulatory which is the organization's culture is more directed at the behavior.The research was conducted in three PPTSP namely District Sragen, District Solok and District 50 Kota by comparing the third success and how to develop organization culture. The results showed that the success 50 Kota in develop of public service supported by the formation of organizational culture continuously. Formation of organization culture done with socializing the values espoused in organization, particularly cultural services to consumers. Success of District Sragen not be separated from the region’s ability to internalize the values of service to staff 50 Kota. The same think was not seen in District Solok and District 50 Kota.


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    Kimberly Febrina Kodrat


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan utama penelitian adalah menganalisis kinerja pengembangan kawasan industri terpadu berwawasan lingkungan. Cakupan aspek penelitian disinkronkan dengan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan sekaligus dijadikan sebagai batasan kajian, yakni mempersekutukan aspek ekonomi, ekologi dan sosial. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode survei melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan pendapat pakar. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan menggunakan perpaduan antara hard system (analisis sistem dinamis dan soft system (analisis prospektif. Dari hasil uji statistik chi square (α = 0,01 diperoleh bahwa kelompok masyarakat yang bekerja di dalam PT. KIM mempunyai hubungan yang sangat signifikan dengan kelompok masyarakat yang bekerja di luat PT. KIM terhadap tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan dan faktor usia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kualitas limbah cair unit IPAL PT. KIM terdapat 5 parameter yang masih berada diatas nilai baku mutu KepMenLHNo.51/1997, yaitu: BOD, COD, TSS, klorida dan amoniak. Tingkat efisiensi pengolahan limbah cair unit IPAL PT. KIM rata-rata 53,07%. Hasil analisis ketergantungan antar faktor dengan menggunakan Analisis Prospektif diperoleh sebanyak 5 faktor strategis masa depan yang mempengaruhi pengembangan kawasan industri terpadu berwawasan lingkungan, yaitu: jumlah industri, permintaan lahan, kebijakan pemerintah, model pengembangan, dan iklim investasi yang kondusif. Pengembangan kawasan industri terpadu berwawasan lingkungan dapat dilakukan dengan strategi moderat dengan kebijakan mencakup jumlah industri bertambah secara bertahap dengan meningkatnya permintaan lahan serta kebijakan pemerintah yang memfasilitasi peningkatan modal pengembangan dan didukung oleh iklim investasi yang kondusif. ABSTRACT The main purpose of the research is to study environmental aspect of industrial estate development. The scope of the research aspects is synchronized with sustainable development concepts, namely


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    Hery Listyawati


    Full Text Available Supervision and control of utilization of water resources for irrigation in Sleman regency is vital in realizing fair use of water resources. This descriptive-qualitative study finds that preventive-internal supervision has been consistent with those set forth in the working procedures and that repressiveinternal supervision is present in the form of sanctions. The locals enjoy preventive and repressive eksternal supervisionary role, which is manifested in local gatherings and public reporting system. We also find that the government exerts control by licensing, reprimands, advocacy, direction, and conflict resolution mechanisms. Practical problems include the absence of provincial irrigation commission and specific agencies that supervise the enforcement of mediation. Pengawasan dan pengendalian pemanfaatan sumber daya air untuk irigasi di Kabupaten Sleman sangat penting dalam mewujudkan penggunaan sumber daya air yang adil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengawasan internal-preventif telah sesuai dengan yang dimandatkan oleh tugas pokok dan fungsi dan bahwa pengawasan internal-represif telah dilaksanakan dalam bentuk sanksi. Masyarakat melakukan pengawasan preventif dan represif dalam bentuk sarasehan/musyawarah dan sistem pelaporan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah mengendalikan penggunaan sumber daya air dengan menyelenggarakan sistem perizinan, teguran, pembinaan, dan penyelesaian sengketa. Beberapa masalah yang ditemukan di lapangan antara lain adalah tidak adanya komisi irigasi provinsi dan lembaga pengawas khusus yang mengawasi pelaksanaan putusan mediasi.  

  12. Pengaruh Jenis Mangsa dan Suhu pada Perkembangan Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae dan Peranannya dalam Pengendalian Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae

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    Tris Haris Ramadhan


    Full Text Available Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae is the vector of citrus greening (Huanglongbing bacterium and the most serious impediment to citrus culture. Classical biological control of this psyllid vector should contribute to suppress their population. This research was conducted to determine the performance of Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae when they were fed with D. citri. The larval performance index of M. sexmaculatus on D. citri compared with Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae diet was 1.3.M. sexmaculatus fed with D. citri had lower fitness than those fed with A. craccivora as shown by longer larval stadium, lower adult dry weight, less number of egg produced and lower percentage of egg hatched. M. sexmaculatus grew best at the temperature of 27oC. Employing the exclusion procedure under field condition,M. sexmaculatus could reduce the population of D. citri up to 90%. These findings showed that theM. sexmaculatus could be a potential predator in reducing D. citri, particularly when the more preferred prey A. craccivora was not present.   Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae merupakan kelompok Psyllid yang menularkan penyebab penyakit Huanglongbing yang sangat berbahaya pada tanaman jeruk. Pengendalian hayati klasik telah banyak memberikan kontribusi dalam pengendalian di lapangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat penampilan Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae dengan pakan D. citri. Indeks penampilan larva M. sexmaculatus dengan pakan D. citri dibandingkan dengan Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae adalah 1,3. M. sexmaculatus yang diberi pakan D. citri menunjukkan penurunan kebugaran dibandingkan jika diberi pakan A. craccivora seperti yang ditunjukkan dengan stadium larva lebih lama, penurunan berat kering serangga dewasa, telur yang dihasilkan lebih sedikit, dan penurunan jumlah telur yang menetas. Menggunakan metode eksklusi pada kondisi

  13. Teknologi Pengendalian Gulma Alang-alang dengan Tanaman Legum untuk Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

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    Ishak Juarsah


    Full Text Available Di Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv merupakan salah satu gulma terpenting dan termasuk sepuluh gulma bermasalah di dunia.  Melalui biji dan rimpang, alang-alang dapat tumbuh dan menyebar luas pada hampir semua kondisi lahan. Teknologi pengendalian alang-alang telah banyak dikenal namun belum dapat menjamin eradikasi populasi alang-alang secara berkelanjutan tanpa diikuti oleh kultur teknis dan pola budidaya tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lahan alang-alang dapat dikendalikan/dikelola menjadi lahan produktif setelah direhabilitasi dengan tanaman legume (Mucuna sp. untuk usaha tani tanaman pangan lahan kering berorientasi konservasi tanah. Bahan hijauan tanaman Mucuna dapat meningkatkan kadar C-organik, memperbaiki sifat fisika, kimia tanah dan meningkatkan  produksi tanaman pangan. In Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv is one of important weeds and included to ten most problematic weeds around the world. Through its seeds and roots, alang-alang can grow and expand in nearly all soil conditions. Many technologies for controlling have been known but can not ensure the eradication of weeds population, however the controlling via food crops cropping systems for the whole years is the best method so far to have sustainability of the agriculture land. Research showed that alang-alang area could be controlled/managed became more productive land after rehabilitation with legume (ie Mucuna sp. especially for dry land conservation oriented. Mucuna green materials might increase C-organic content, both soil chemical and physical improvement, furthermore increased foodcrops production.

  14. Islamist Women of Hamas : Between Feminism and Nationalism

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    Islah Jad


    Full Text Available In December, 1995,when Hamas announced the establishment of the Islamic National Salvation Party, a political organisation separate from its military wing, it opened the way for involvement of the Islamic movement in the political processes brought about in the West Bank and Gaza with the signing of the Oslo Accords and the arrival of the Palestinian National Authority. In speaking of the rights of different groups, including women, in its founding statement, and in setting up in Gaza a Women’s Action Department, the new Party opened its doors to the ‘new Islamic woman’ and to a significant evolution in Islamist gender ideology in Gaza, if not in the West Bank -- where, due to Hamas’ policy there of targeting only males, there exists no parallel to the Salvation Party or organisational support for women like that represented by the Women’s Action Department in Gaza. Hamas’ gender ideology, like that of the secularist parties, remains contradictory, and doors to women’s equality only partly open ; nevertheless, Islamist women have managed to build impressive, well-organised women’s constituencies among highly educated and professional women coming from poor and refugee backgrounds ; and the Salvation Party shows an increasing tendency to foster gender equality and more egalitarian social ideals, while holding fast to the agenda of national liberation. These advances have been achieved both through alternative interpretations of Islamic legal and religious texts, and through positive engagement with the discourses of other groups, whether secular feminists or nationalists. In contrast, secularists are losing ground by advocating a discourse of rights in isolation from the national agenda and in the absence of a mobilising organisation. These developments suggest possibilities for mutual accommodation between Islamist and other Palestinian groups. They suggest also that the nature of the state proposed by Islamists will depend to


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    Mamat Rahmat


    Full Text Available Selama tahun 1998-2002, Bank Dunia melalui Global Environment Facility (GEF bekerja sama dengan Departemen Kehutanan dan Departemen Dalam Negeri dan Otonomi Daerah melakukan kegiatan  Program Konservasi dan Pembangunan Terpadu (Integrated Conservation and Development Program/ICDP di Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak pelaksanaan program tersebut terhadap persepsi masyarakat di 2 desa mengenai keberadaan TNKS. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Napal Licin dan Desa Pulau Kidak, Kecamatan Ulu Rawas, Kabupaten Rawas Ulu, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey rumah tangga dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program ICDP belum mampu merubah persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan kawasan TNKS.


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    Damar Tri Boewono


    Dinas Kesehatan. Walaupun demikian, kasus malaria masih banyak ditemukan beberapa tahun lalu. Penelitian komprehensif telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial kasus malaria dengan pemetaan menggunakaan geographical information system (GIS sehubungan dengan distribusi breeding habitat positip jentik nyamuk vektor. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menentukan strategi pengendalian vektor malaria spesifik, berdasarkan beberapa faktor bionomik, distribusi spasial kasus malaria dan breeding habitat positip jentik nyamuk vektor  dengan pemetaan GIS dan analisis indek jarak (distance index analyses dan status kerentanan vektor malaria terhadap insektisida.  Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa tiga spesies nyamuk dicurigai sebagai vektor malaria seperti: Anopheles balabacensis dan Anopheles maculatus (daerah pegunungan di pedalaman, seperti Desa Sungai Limau and Lapio, sebagai breeding habitat adalah air sumur/perigi, kolam dan parit. Daerah pantai, Desa Sungai Nyamuk dan Liang Bunyu, kolam dan lagoon/goba air payau ditemukan sebagai breeding habitat nyamuk Anopheles sundaicus (dicurigai sebagai vektor malaria. Vektor malaria (An. balabacensis and An. maculatus, ditemukan sudah resisten terhadap insektisida Permetrin dan Lambdacyhalotrin tetapi masih toleran terhadap Malation. Insektisida alternatif perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pengendalian vektor malaria.  Analisis spasial diketahui bahwa kasus malaria tersebar mengelompok clumped/cluster, buffer zones terhadap breeding habitat (< 400 meter sebagai indikasi penularan lokal/setempat (indigenous sehubungan dengan perilaku vektor  dan kurang disebabkan  mobititas manusia.  Pengendalian vektor malaria di Desa Sungai Limau (daerah endemis perlu diperhatikan secara khusus,  Manajemen vektor secara terpadu baik aplikasi dalam rumah  (indoors treatment seperti indoor residual spraying/IRS (penyemprotan insektisida pada dinding rumah, atau distribusi kelambu berinsektisida (LLIN dan aplikasi breeding habitat jentik nyamuk


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    E. D. Hastuti


    Full Text Available AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan perangkat pembelajaran terpadu modelintegrated bermuatan pendidikan karakter untuk meningkatkan kemampuanpemecahan masalah siswa yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Pengembangan perangkatpembelajaran pada penelitian ini menggunakan modofikasi model Thiagarajan.Data TKPM diolah menggunakan t test, uji proporsi z, regresi sederhana, danuji Gain. Pengembangan perangkat menghasilkan: (1 Perangkat valid diperolehskor rata-rata silabus 3,80; RPP 3,87; buku siswa 3,64; LKS 3,58; dan TKPM 3,39dan keseluruhannya dalam kategori “valid”. (2 Perangkat praktis yang dilihatdari pengamatan pengelolaan pembelajaran 3,83 (baik, dan respon siswa 86,21%(sangat positif, (3 pembelajaran efektif  (a TKPM 76,94 melampaui KKM 70dan mencapai ketuntasan klasikal lebih dari 80%, (b Rata-rata hasil TKPMmodel integrated lebih dari rata-rata hasil TKPM dengan metode konvensional, (cAktivitas peserta didik berpengaruh positif  terhadap TKPM sebesar 89,8%, dan (dAda peningkatan yang cukup signifikan pretest 42,18 dan posttest 76,94.AbstractThe purpose of  this study to obtain the integrated learning model of  integrated chargedcharacter education to enhance students’ problem solving abilities are valid, practical, andeffective. The development of  learning tools in this study using a modification of  the modelThiagarajan. TKPM data processed using t-test, z test of  proportion, simple regression, andtest Gain. Software development produces: (1 a valid device obtained an average score of  3.80syllabus; RPP 3.87; BSS 3.64; LKS 3.58, and 3.39 and its overall TKPM in the categoryof  “valid”. (2 practical tools in the observation of  the learning management 3.83 (good,and 86.21% student response (very positive, (3 effective learning (a 76.94 TKPM exceed70 KKM and achieve mastery over classical of  80%, (b Average results TKPM integratedmodel more than the average TKPM results with conventional methods, (c Activities

  18. Detection of Cocoa Pod Borer Infestation Using Sex Pheromone Trap and its Control by Pod Wrapping

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    Dian Rahmawati


    sistem peringatan dini. Dalam upaya pencegahan serangan hama tersebut dilakukan pembrongsongan buah muda. Penelitian dilakukan di kebun kakao rakyat di Desa Banjarharjo dan Banjaroya, Kecamatan Kalibawang, Desa Hargotirto dan Hargowilis, Kecamatan Kokap, serta kebun PT Pagilaran di Desa Pagerharjo, Kecamatan Samigaluh, Yogyakarta. Percobaan dengan empat perlakuan (perangkap feromon, kombinasi perangkap feromon dan brongsong, brongsong, kontrol dan lima ulangan menggunakan rancangan RCBD. Perangkap feromon sebanyak 6 unit/ha dipasang dengan jarak antar perangkap sekitar 40 m. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa satu bulan sebelum pemasangan perangkap terdapat buah tua sebanyak 9−13 % dan umumnya terserang PBK. Selama kajian berlangsung tidak terdapat buah rambutan sebagai inang PBK sehingga sumber PBK diduga hanya dari buah kakao yang terserang. Ngengat PBK yang tertangkap yaitu sebanyak 0−7 (1,13±0,14 ekor/6 perangkap/12 pengamatan. Intensitas kerusakan biji akibat ulat PBK pada perlakuan perangkap feromon (23,98% relatif sama dengan kontrol (20,25%. Kerusakan biji kakao pada perlakuan kombinasi perangkap feromon dan pembrongsongan (0,59% relatif sama dengan pembrongsongan saja (0,20%. Perangkap feromon lebih berfungsi sebagai alat monitoring daripada alat pengendalian PBK, sedangkan pembrongsongan buah merupakan teknologi pengendalian PBK yang efektif.


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    Try Susanti


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti hubungan antara kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy dan prestasi akademik siswa pada sekolah menengah. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 37 orang siswa sekolah tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang dipilih dengan teknik total sampling. Pengukuran kepercayaan diri (self – efficacy menggunakan skala The Teacher Efficacy Scale, sedangkan pengukuran prestasi siswa menggunakan nilai rata-rata rapor siswa. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy diri siswa memiliki hubungan dengan prestasi akademik siswa pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam terpadu (Biologi.  Semakin tinggi kepercayaan diri (self efficacy siswa, semakin tinggi prestasi mereka, sebaliknya semakin rendah kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy siswa maka semakin rendah prestasi akademik mereka pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam (Biologi.   Kata kunci: Self Efficacy, Prestasi, Siswa                 Abstract   [Relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement in science subjects  (Biology].The aim of the study was to  investigate the relation between self-efficacy  and academic achievement in high school students. In this study, 37 students in the academic year 2014/2015 were selected by means of total sampling. To measure self efficacy, The Teacher Efficacy Scale  was used. To measure achievement score grade point average (school report in classes was used.  To analyze data product moment correlation analysis was used.  Analysis of data revealed that self –efficacy are correlated with academic achievement in Biology. The higher the students' self efficacy, the higher the student achievement in science subject (Biology. Conversely, the lower the students' self-efficacy, the lower the learning achievements of students in science subjects (Biology.  Keywords: Sel -f Efficacy, Achievement, Student


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    suhartini suhartini


    ABSTRACT The use of chemical pesticides has many negative impacts on the environment, it is necessary for the use of biological pesticide towards sustainable agriculture or environmentally friendly agriculture. In the village were encountered many types of leaves that can be used as a biological pesticide, and therefore this study aims to determine the effectiveness of pesticide plant extracts of the leaves of some plants covering the leaves of tobacco, elephantopus, yellow wood and green betel on mortality of Plutella xylostella pests in plants mustard greens (Brassica juncea L, heavy wet mustard and mustard leaf damage    This study uses a completely randomized design with the treatment of various crops as a pesticide vegetable. The treatments used 6 kinds (degree ie negative control (P0, the leaves of tobacco (P1, the leaves of elephantopus (P2, the leaves of yellow wood (P3, the leaves of greens betel (P4 and chemical pesticides as a positive control (P5 with each grade of 10 %. Parameters measured were mortality pests, heavy wet mustard greens and mustard greens leaf damage rate. The analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA.    The results showed that the extract from the leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum, the leaves of elephantopus, the leaves of yellow wood (Arcangelisia flava L. and the leaves of green betel (Piper betle Linn. With a 10 percent concentration of the extract on a variety of  leaves are not yet significant effect on mortality pests Plutella xylostella, heavy wet of mustard greens (brassica juncea l. and severity of leaf mustard greens (brassica juncea l.. The leaf extract the most influence on mortality Plutella xylostella sequential is an extract of the leaves tobacco, the leaves of greens betel, the leaves of yellow wood and the leaves of elephantopus. While the effect on weight of wet mustard greens (Brassica juncea l. in order are as follows: the leaves of yellow wood, the leaves of green betel, the leaves of elephantopus, and the leaves of tobacco. Meanwhile the level of damage to the mustard greens leaves are starting from the smallest breakdown in order are the leaves of green betel, the leaves of tobacco, the leaves of elephantopus and the leaves of yellow wood.   Keywords: Pesticides Vegetable, extract, Plutella xylostella, mortality, Brassica juncea

  1. Pengendalian hama penggerek ubi jalar Cylas formicarius (Fabricus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae menggunakan cendawan entomopatogen Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo Vuillemen

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    Marida Santi Yudha Ika Bayu


    Full Text Available Cylas formicarius (Fabricus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae is one of the major pest on sweetpotato which can cause yield lost up to 100%. The objective of this study was to obtain the effective and efficiency control technique of sweetpotato weevils. The research was conducted on June–October 2014 at Muneng Research Station, Probolinggo, East Java, using randomized block design, five treatments and three replicates. The treatments consisted of immersion of sweetpotato cuttings in the suspension of conidia Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill. for 30 minutes before planting; application of suspension of conidia B. bassiana on soil at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks after sowing (WAS; immersion of sweetpotato cuttings in the suspension of conidia B. bassiana for 30 minutes before planting combined with application of suspension of conidia B. bassiana on soil at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 WAS; application of chemical insecticide every week; and control. Analysis of variance showed that the application of various control technique significantly lowered the population of larvae and imago of C. formicarius and the level of tuber damage. The population level found on all treatments ranged from 1–4 eggs/plant, 1–19 larvae/plant, 0–0.2 pupae/plant and 0–4 imago/plant. The weight of tuber was 571–700 g/plant with the level of damage 6–53%. Low level of damage was found in the aplication of suspension of conidia B. bassiana on soil at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 WAS which were 6%. Application of suspension of conidia B. bassiana on soil at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 WAS can suppress the population of C. formicarius on tuber and reduce the level of damage up to 48%.

  2. Analisis Efektivitas Perangkat pada Program Desa Broadband Terpadu [Analysis of Device Effectiveness in Integrated Broadband Village Program

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    Hilarion Hamjen


    Full Text Available Pemerintah berkomitmen mendukung pertumbuhan e-commerce dan ekonomi digital di Indonesia untuk mencapai visi Indonesia 2020 sebagai negara ekonomi digital terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Secara fundamental diperlukan dukungan konektivitas nasional dari tingkat pusat sampai ke tingkat lokal, salah satunya melalui program KPU/USO yaitu program DBT (Desa Broadband Terpadu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas perangkat pada program DBT phase 1 dan keterkaitannya dengan konektivitas, dengan menggunakan metode analisis kepentingan kinerja dan uji statistik Chi square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa efektivitas perangkat meliputi variabel kondisi, fungsi, pemeliharaan dan pemanfaatan rata-rata adalah 84,5 persen. Dengan nilai efektivitas tersebut diketahui bahwa keseluruhan variabel kondisi perangkat, fungsi dan pemanfaatannya tidak mempengaruhi konektivitas.  *****The Indonesian government has a strong commitment in supporting the growth of e-commerce and Digital Economy in Indonesia to attain Indonesia’s vision by 2020 as the largest digital economy nation in Southeast Asia. Fundamentally, the national connectivity supports from central level to local level are needed, where one of them comes from Integrated Broadband Village program. This research determines the effectiveness of devices in the DBT program and its correlation to the connectivity, by using importance-performance analysis method and Chi-square statistical test. It is known from the result that the effectiveness of devices, including condition, function, maintenance, and utilization variables, achieves 84.5 percent on average. The value shows that all mentioned variables have insignificant correlations to the connectivity.


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    Moerdiyanto *


    ment index, Indonesia hanya berada di peringkat 111 dari 177 negara di dunia yang disurvei. Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan mutu layanan pendidikan dituangkan dalam Keputusan Mendiknas nomor 0971U/2002, tentang pengawasan penyelenggaraan pendidikan, termasuk pemenuhan standar pelayanan minimal (SPM. Pada tataran praktis justru yang harus menjadi perhatian adalah bagaimana mekanisme dan prosedur monitoring dan kontrol dilakukan, agar pelaksanaan SPM di setiap lembaga pendidikan berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Model monitoring dan pengawasan yang intensif adalah bentuk kolaborasi yang sinergis dan produktif antara inspektorat jenderal, Bawasda Provinsi, Bawasda KabupatenlKota dan Pengawas Sekolah, dan masyarakat. Oi dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan perlu dilakukan koordinasi dan sinkronisasi melalui pembagian kekuasaan dan kewenangan pengawasan yang diatur dalam Buku Pedoman Pengawasan Standar Pelayanan Minimal. Pelaksanaan pemeriksaan kolaboratif hendaknya dilandasi oleh prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut: (1 prinsip manajemen yaitu fungsi kontrol, (2 prinsip pengendalian yaitu memberikan bimbingan, (3 prinsip integritas yang dilandasi integritas pribadi dan profesional, (4 prinsip pemberdayaan atas kemampuan dan kinerja kelembagaan, dan (5 prinsip efektivitas dan efisiensi agar pengawasan hemat biaya, tenaga, dan waktu. Selain itu, pengawasan harus ditempuh secara prosedural, yaitu: (1 dilaksanakan secara berkala dan terpadu, (2 melakukan penilaian atas manfaat dan keberhasilan pelaksanaan program kegiatan, (3 memberikan informasi adanya kotupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme, dan penyampaian saran perbaikan, (4 dilakukan oleh pengawas yang memadai, dan (5 adanya semangat saling memberi dan menerima secara profesional, obyektif dan akuntabel yang bernuansa pemberdayaan.

  4. Sistem Informasi Manajemen Terpadu Tanggap Darurat Bencana Berbasis Web

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    Isnardi ,


    tersebut dapat tersedia secara up to date sehingga tercapai sebuah sistem pendistribusian bantuan yang efisien dan efektif terutama sesaat setelah terjadinya bencana.Dengan judul penelitian Sistem Informasi Manajemen Terpadu Tanggap Darurat Bencana Berbasis Web, maka telah dapat disajikan beberapa informasi seperti (a. Dampak bencana di daerah tertentu melalui web secara visual yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk gambar atau foto, video dan peta (b. Daftar kebutuhan pokok mendesak bagi korban bencana di setiap terkena bencana (c. Jumlah bantuan yang tersedia di posko bantuan bencana dan (d. Jumlah bantuan yang telah didistribusikan ke daerah terkena bencana serta (d. Data dan Jumlah korban pasca bencana di setiap daerah.Dengan adanya kegiatan penelitian ini, dihasilkan sebuah web site yang berperan sebagai pusat informasi tanggap darurat bencana yang mampu mengakomodir seluruh informasi masyarakat akan jenis bantuan yang dibutuhkan serta jumiah bantuan yang telah berhasil disalurkan agar tidak terjadi penumpukan bantuan di daerah tertentu dehingga distribusi bantuan akan merata untuk seluruh daerah-daerah yang terkena dampak  bencana.Keyword : Bencana, Web, Sistem, Distribusi, Bantuan


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    Pepi Rospina Pertiwi


    Full Text Available Farmers group is lead by a farmer leader that was expected to improve a dynamic of group activities. The farmer leader has significant role in ensuring the relationship between farmers in relation to the information sharing of the agricultural innovation. This study was aimed to examine the leadership role of the farmer leaders in the process of technology diffusion namely PTT Paddy, an innovation that was currently being introduced. An explanatory research design was chosen to describe the phenomenon of the leadership role of farmer leaders that was evaluated by other farmers. The research was conducted in the subdistrict Carenang, Serang, Banten. Forty participants in successfull farmer groups were selected to evaluate farmer leadership characteristics. The results showed that the farmer leaders have been helping the group to achieve goals, improving communication, increasing the motivation of the farmers, facilitating the farming infrastructure, and solving problems. The role of the farmer leaders as bridging agent in communication is categorized satisfactory. This role is effectively used in the process of the innovation dissemination of PTT Paddy to the farmers. Kelompok tani dipimpin oleh seorang kontak tani yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan dinamika kegiatan kelompok. Kontak tani memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan hubungan antara petani dengan berbagi informasi mengenai inovasi pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran kontak tani dalam proses difusi teknologi yaitu Pengelolaan Tanaman dan Sumberdaya Terpadu (PTT Padi, sebuah inovasi yang saat ini sedang diperkenalkan. Desain penelitian adalah eksplanatory research dipilih untuk menggambarkan fenomena peran kontak tani yang dievaluasi oleh petani lain. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Carenang, Serang, Banten. Empat puluh peserta dalam kelompok tani terpilih untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik kontak tani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontak tani telah membantu

  6. Pre-Eminent Curriculum in Islamic Basic School Integrated Comparative Studies in Islamic Basic School Integrated Al-Izzah Serang and Al-Hanif Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia (United States)

    Fauz, Anis; Hasbullah


    Compare to General SD (Primary school), the superiority of SD Islam Terpadu (Integrated Islamic Primary School) lies on the development of the curriculum and learning that is more emphasize on integrated curriculum and integrated learning. Curriculum model applied in Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) is integrated curriculum. This curriculum is…

  7. Keragaman Genetik Metarhizium anisopliae dan Virulensinya pada Larva Kumbang Badak (Oryctes rhinoceros

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    Aisyah Surya Bintang


    Full Text Available Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros is one of the important pests of coconut tree. One of eco-friendly control applied for this pest is by using entomopathogenic fungiMetarhizium anisopliae. There is not much information about the variability and virulence of M. anisopliae toward O. rhinoceros. M. anisopliae isolates obtained from Biological Control Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada were cultured on PDA medium.M. anisopliae isolates was isolated from O. rhinoceros larvae (MaOr, Lepidiota stigma larvae (MaLs, Brontispa longissima beetle (MaBl.O. rhinoceros beetles were obtained from Kulon Progo, DIY. This study used molecular test, and virulence test toward 3rd stadium of O. rhinoceros larvae by using dipping method. Molecular test by sequence and phylogenetic analysis, showed that MaOr was located at different group (out group with MaLs and MaBr. On the density 107 conidium/ml MaOr and MaLs were more virulent than MaBl towards 3rd stadium of O. rhinoceros larvae. INTISARI Kumbang badak (Oryctes rhinoceros merupakan salah satu hama penting pada tanaman kelapa. Salah satu upaya pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan adalah dengan menggunakan jamur entomopatogen, yakni Metarhizium anisopliae. Belum banyak diketahui mengenai keragaman dan juga virulensi dari M. anisopliae terhadap O. rhinoceros. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik M. anisopliae dan virulensinya pada larva kumbang badak. Isolat yang digunakan berasal dari Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada dalam bentuk kultur murni pada medium PDA. Isolat yang gunakan diisolasi dari larvaOryctes rhinoceros (MaOr, larva Lepidiota stigma (MaLs, dan kumbang Brontispa longissima (MaBl. Serangga yang diuji berasal dari daerah Kulon Progo, DIY. Pengujian secara molekuler dengan analisis sekuensing dan filogenetik, menunjukkan bahwa isolat MaOr terletak pada grup yang berbeda dengan MaLs dan Ma


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    Zainol Arifin


    penelitian menunjukkan 99% menggunakan pupuk N (Urea dan Pupuk kandang, dan sebesar 1% menggunakan pupuk N (Urea, TSP dan Pupuk kandang. Masyarakat daerah penelitian pupuk kandang di aplikasikan pada awal penanaman sedangkan pupuk N (Urea dan TSP diaplikasikan pada waktu tanaman talas berumur tiga bulan.Pemberian pupuk pada tanaman talas masyarakat memberikan dua kali, berdasarkan survey masyarakat yang memberikan dua kali sebesar 98% dan 2%nya memberikan sebanyak tiga kali.Sedangkan jumlah pupuk yang diberikan tidak konsisten, jumlah pupuk yang diberikan berdasarkan sisa pupuk yang dipakai pada tanaman tembakau atau tanaman padi.Untuk pupuk kandang jumlah yang diberikan berdasarkan ketersediaan pupuk yang dipunya oleh masyarakat Organisme pengganggu tanaman dapat berupa hama, penyakit, dan gulma. Kehadiran hama, penyakit dan gulma dapat menurunkan produktifitas tanaman, oleh karenanya perlu langkah pengendalian.Seiring dengan adanya isu kelestarian linkungan, pengendalian OPT (Pengendalian Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman perlu diusahakan dilakukan di bawah ambang ekonomi dan bukan bersifat pemusnahan karena hama, penyakit dan gulma merupakan unsur penyeimbang ekologis.Nilai R/C Ratio usahatani talas /usahatani/musim sebesar 2,28. Ini berarti setiap Rp 1,00 modal yang diinvestasikan untuk usatani talas akan memberikan penerimaan sebesar 2,28 sehingga dapat dijelaskan bahwa usahatani talas layak diusahakan. Menurut Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh R/C > 1, Soekartawi (1995 apabila R/C ratio > 1 maka usahatani tersebut layak diusahakan atau dengan kata lain usahatani talas menguntungkan bagi petani di Kec.Pegantenan Oleh karena itu keputusan yang diambil oleh petani tepat dan usahatani talas tetap diusahakan..Kata kunci: OPT talas bentul, kesuburan tanah dan pendapatan


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    Darminto Pujotomo


    Full Text Available PT. APAC Inti Corpora merupakan salah satu perusahaan tekstil yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara dimana salah satu jenis produknya adalah benang PCM yang dihasilkan oleh departemen spinning 4. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah produk akhir yang cacat melebihi target perusahaan sebesar 0,8% dari total produksi, sedangkan perusahaan dituntut untuk menghasilkan produk cacat seminimal mungkin. Masalah ini muncul karena masih banyaknya cacat yang timbul pada benang PCM yang didominan oleh cacat crossing (24,67%,  cacat ring cone (21,98%, cacat tanpa ekor (16,02% dan kontaminasi (12,50%. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap proses yang terjadi dan apabila ternyata memang terjadi proses yang tidak terkendali maka selanjutnya akan dilakukan identifikasi dan analisa faktor-faktor yang mempunyai pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ttimbulnya cacat crossing pada benang PCM. Metode yang digunakan untuk menilai proses operasi adalah metode pengendalian proses statistik (statistical process control, sedangkan metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap timbulnya cacat benang PCM adalah metode desain eksperimen faktorial.  Dari grafik pengendali dan penentuan kemampuan proses dapat diketahui bahwa proses operasi yang terjadi berada di luar kontrol karena menghasilkan cukup banyak produk cacat. Faktor-faktor yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor ukuran benang, umur mesin dan kecepatan mesin yang masing-masing faktor terdiri dari 2 taraf faktor. Faktor ukuran benang terdiri dari tipis dan tebal. Faktor umur mesin terdiri dari mesin lama dan mesin baru.Faktor kecepatan mesin terdiri dari 900 MPM dan 1000 MPM. Berdasarkaan perhitungan analisa variansi (ANAVA dan test hipotesa, faktor yang signifikan menyebabkan timbulnya cacat crossing adalah faktor ukuran benang  dan umur mesin.   Kata kunci : cacat crossing, pengendalian kualitas, ANAVA   PT.APAC Inti Corpora is the largest textile


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    Muhamad Adi Sungkono


    Full Text Available Suatu perusahaan sering kali mengalami kesulitan dalam pengendalian bahan baku, diantaranya adalah persediaan yang terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit. Untuk menghindari masalah tersebut perlu dibuat suatu pemecahan masalah. Perencanaan kebutuhan material dimaksudkan agar dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan, penggunaan material menjadi efisien dan efektif sehingga tidak terjadi masalah akibat tidak tersedianya material pada saat dibutuhkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merencanakan dan mengendalikan bahan baku dan pemilihan supplier dengan metode Material Requirement Planning (MRP. Perencanaan kebutuhan bahan (Material Requirement Planning adalah suatu metode untuk menentukan bahan-bahan atau komponen-komponen apa yang harus di buat atau di beli, berapa jumlah yang dibutuhkan dan kapan dibutuhkan. Hasil yang didapatkan dengan melakukan perhitungan dengan metode MRP, di dapatkan metode yang paling baik di pergunakan adalah metode Period Order Quantity (POQ karena dari perhitungan metode Period Order Quantity didapatkan total biaya yang paling kecil yaitu sebesar Rp. 23.372.166,- . bila dibandingkan dengan perhitungan Lot For Lot yaitu sebesar Rp. 28.567.200,- , dan perhitugan Economic Order Quantity yaitu sebesar Rp. 37.209.031,- . karena dengan metode POQ dapat meminimalkan biaya pesan dan biaya simpan sehingga total biaya yang dikeluarkan kecil dibandingkan dengan metode EOQ dan L-F-L. sedangkan biaya terbesar adalah metode EOQ, karena pada perhitungan metode EOQ biaya pesan dan biaya simpan sangat besar.


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    Wijaya I N.


    Full Text Available Training on jumping plantlice of citrus (Diaphorina citri Kuw the vector of CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration has been held at Taro village, Gianyar regency on 30st July 2012. The activities aimed to know bioecology of D. citri, the vector of CVPD. The training was attended by 32 participants from local farmer groups of Taro village. The method used in activities were lectures, demontration and practical in the citrus field. All participants participited anthusiastically and hope the have the next intensive traning of the citrus culture.

  12. Model Pengendalian Faktor Risiko Stunting pada Anak Bawah Tiga Tahun

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    Erna Kusumawati


    Full Text Available Stunting merupakan masalah gizi, terbukti data pemantauan status gizi Kabupaten Banyumas 2012 prevalensi stunting sebesar 28,37% dan prevalensi tertinggi (41,6% di Puskesmas Kedungbanteng. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor risiko terkait faktor anak, ibu, lingkungan terhadap stunting bawah tiga tahun (batita agar dapat dikembangkan model pengendaliannya. Penelitian menggunakan desain kasus kontrol, populasi adalah seluruh anak usia 6 sampai 36 bulan di Puskesmas Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas selama enam bulan tahun 2013. Sampel kasus adalah 50 batita stunting, sampel kontrol adalah 50 batita status normal. Teknik pengambilan sampel kasus diambil dari tujuh desa yang terbanyak stuntingnya, sedangkan kontrol adalah batita normal tetangga terdekat kasus dengan usia yang disamakan. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan pengukuran. Analisis data univariat, bivariat (uji kai kuadrat, dan multivariat (uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian menemukan karakteristik batita stunting terkena penyakit infeksi (82%, riwayat panjang badan lahir < 48 centimeter (66%, riwayat pemberian ASI dan makanan pendamping ASI kurang baik (66%, riwayat berat badan lahir rendah (8%. Pada penelitian ini, faktor risiko stunting adalah penyakit infeksi, pelayanan kesehatan, immunisasi, pengetahuan ibu, pendapatan keluarga, ketersediaan pangan keluarga, dan sanitasi lingkungan. Faktor yang paling dominan adalah penyakit infeksi. Model pengendalian stunting melalui peningkatan pemberdayaan keluarga terkait pencegahan penyakit infeksi, memanfaatkan pekarangan sebagai sumber gizi keluarga dan perbaikan sanitasi lingkungan. Model of Stunting Risk Factor Control among Children under Three Years Old Stunting is a nutritional problem, proved by the evidence of nutritional status monitoring at Banyumas District in 2012, the prevalence of stunting was 28.37% and the highest prevalence 41.6% at Kedungbanteng Primary Health Care. This study aimed to analyze risk factors

  13. Perancangan Miniatur Traffic Light Dengan Mempergunakan Pengendali Port Paralel

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    Eka Wahyudi


    Full Text Available Port paralel tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi dalam dunia komputer. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena port paralel merupakan sarana komunikasi yang terdapat pada Personal Computer (PC. Dengan memanfaatkan port tersebut, saat ini komputer juga dapat dipergunakan untuk keperluan pengontrolan/pengendalian rangkaian listrik dengan memanfaatkan port paralel (port printer. Port paralel memiliki kecepatan transfer data yang lebih cepat apabila dibandingkan dengan port serial, maka dari itu port paralel lebih banyak dipergunakan untuk pengendalian nyala lampu (LED. Dengan memanfaatkan bantuan software Saraf Listrik versi 1.01, maka port paralel dapat menjadi alternatif baru untuk pengendalian traffic light.


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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Education and training on integrated pest management (IPM of CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration was held at Pelaga village, Badung regency on 22 September 2005. The activities aimed to improve knowledge of the farmers about CVPD and factors influencing the intensity, insect vector and integrated pest management of CVPD. The topics convered were disease symptons, and pathogen bacteria, Diaphorina citri are as vector insect infection mechanism, disease distribubution and integrated management of CVPD. The training was attended by 26 participants from local groups of Pelaga village. The method used in activities were lectures, demonstration and practical work in the citrus field. All participants enthusiastically took part and hoped to have the next intensive traning of citrus culture.

  15. Measuring anxiety in depressed patients: A comparison of the Hamilton anxiety rating scale and the DSM-5 Anxious Distress Specifier Interview. (United States)

    Zimmerman, Mark; Martin, Jacob; Clark, Heather; McGonigal, Patrick; Harris, Lauren; Holst, Carolina Guzman


    DSM-5 included criteria for an anxious distress specifier for major depressive disorder (MDD). In the present report from the Rhode Island Methods to Improve Diagnostic Assessment and Services (MIDAS) project we examined whether a measure of the specifier, the DSM-5 Anxious Distress Specifier Interview (DADSI), was as valid as the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) as a measure of the severity of anxiety in depressed patients. Two hundred three psychiatric patients with MDD were interviewed by trained diagnostic raters who administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) supplemented with questions to rate the DADSI, HAMA, and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD). The patients completed self-report measures of depression, anxiety, and irritability. Sensitivity to change was examined in 30 patients. The DADSI and HAMA were significantly correlated (r = 0.60, p anxiety than with measures of the other symptom domains. The HAMD was significantly more highly correlated with the HAMA than with the DADSI. For each anxiety disorder, patients with the disorder scored significantly higher on both the DADSI and HAMA than did patients with no current anxiety disorder. A large effect size of treatment was found for both measures (DADSI: d = 1.48; HAMA: d = 1.37). Both the DADSI and HAMA were valid measures of anxiety severity in depressed patients, though the HAMA was more highly confounded with measures of depression than the DADSI. The DADSI is briefer than the HAMA, and may be more feasible to use in clinical practice. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    MM Heni Widiastuti


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika model Cycle 7E terpadu program sekolah untuk peningkatan karakter rasa ingin tahu dan pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangandengan menggunakan model Borg and Gall (1987. Perangkat pembelajaranyang dikembangkan adalah Silabus, RPP, LKPD, Buku Ajar Peserta Didik, CDPembelajaran, dan TKPM.  Subjek uji coba dalam penelitian ini adalah pesertadidik kelas X SMA PL Don Bosko. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis deskriptif,uji t, uji z, uji regresi, dan uji normalitas gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid dengan skor silabus4.51, RPP 4.34, LKPD 4.48, Buku Ajar Peserta Didik 4.41, CD Pembelajaran 4.54,dengan skor tertinggi 5 sedangkan TKPM memenuhi kriteria valid; 2 perangkatpembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan praktis karena respon positif  pesertadidik 91,98 % dan skor kemampuan guru mengajar 4.42 dari skor tertinggi 5; (3 ujicoba perangkat pembelajaran efektif karena  rata-rata hasil kemampuan pemecahanmasalah kelas eksperimen 81,07 melebihi KKM=73, rataan kelas ekperimen lebihtinggi daripada kelas kontrol, serta ada pengaruh positif  antara rasa ingin tahu danketerampilan pemecahan masalah terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah yangditunjukkan dengan persamaan regresi y ̂ =31,735  + 7,689x_1+ 7,207x_2 dengannilai pengaruh 64,6 %.AbstractThis research was aiming at developing mathematic learning device model Cycle 7E integratedwith school program to improve curiosity character and problem solving. The learning devicedeveloped covered Syllabus, Lesson Plan, Students Worksheet, Students Text Book, CD onLearning and Problem Solving Competence test. Technique of  data analysis was descriptiveanalysis ,t-test, z-test, regression test, and normality gain test. The result of  the researchshowed (1 learning deviced which was developed was stated valid with 4.51 for the syllabus,4

  17. Hari Malaria Sedunia 2013 Investasi Di Masa Depan. Taklukkan Malaria

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    Hotnida Sitorus


    dukungan dana ataupun fasilitas bagi negara-negara endemis malaria yang tidak memiliki sumber daya yang cukup untuk mengendalikan malaria. Banyak upaya yang telah dilakukan maupun yang masih dalam tahap pengembangan. Penggunaan kelambu berinsektisida tahan lama secara tepat dapat mengurangi kasus malaria. Penggunaan rapid diagnostic test terutama pada daerah pelosok dan yang tidak memiliki fasilitas pemeriksaan mikroskopis sangat bermanfaat bagi penderita untuk memperoleh pengobatan yang cepat dan tepat. Pengendalian malaria melalui manajemen vektor terpadu merupakan proses pengambilan keputusan yang rasional untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya dalam pengendalian vektor. Teknik serangga mandul memiliki prospek yang menjanjikan dan diharapkan dapat menggantikan peran insektisida kimiawi yang berdampak negatif baik terhadap lingkungan maupun vektor sasaran (resistensi. Kata kunci: Malaria, Kelambu berinsektisida tahan lama, uji diagnostik cepat

  18. Kompatibilitas Jamur Entomopatogenik Paecilomyces fumosoroseus dengan Beberapa Bahan Aktif Pestisida Secara In Vitro

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    Fani Fauziah


    Full Text Available Untuk mengurangi penggunaan pestisida di perkebunan teh, maka salah satu upaya pengendalian hama yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengkombinasikan aplikasi pestisida dengan jamur entomopatogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompatibilitas antara jamur P. fumosoroseus  dengan beberapa bahan aktif pestisida di laboratorium. Perlakuan dirancang dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL terdiri dari 5 jenis bahan aktif yaitu metomil, bifentrin, imidakloprid, tembaga oksida dan metidation pada taraf konsentrasi sesuai rekomendasi lapang (RL, 0,5x RL dan 2x RL. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa diantara kelima jenis bahan aktif pestisida yang diuji, metidation memiliki tingkat toksisitas yang paling tinggi. Persentase produksi spora tertinggi sebesar 13,77% ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan bifentrin 2x RL. Combining application of pesticides and entomopathogenic fungi is an alternative way for controlling pest in order to reduce pesticides application in the tea field. This research was aimed toexamine the compatibility of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus tosome active agents of pesticide in laboratory. Completely Randomized Block Designed (CRBD with 5 active agents: methomyl, bifenthrin, imidacloprid, copper oxide and metidation in three different concentration was employed in this study, which was based on the existing field recommendation (FR: 0,5x FR and 2x FR. The results showed that among the five tested pesticides, metidation appeared to be the most toxic agentto P. fumosoroseus. Meanwhile, the highest percentage of spore production was counted in bifenthrin 2x RL (13,77%.

  19. Biological Control of Bacterial Wilt in South East Asia

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    Triwidodo Arwiyanto


    Full Text Available Bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum destroys many crops of different plant families in South East Asia despite many researches about the disease, and the availability of developed control method in other parts of the world. There is no chemical available for the bacterial wilt pathogen and biological control is then chosen as an alternative to save the crops. Most of the biological control studies were based on antagonism between biological control agent and the pathogen. The biological control agents were intended to reduce the initial inoculum of the pathogen. The effort to minimize the initial inoculum of the pathogen by baiting with the use of hypersensitive host-plant was only reliable when conducted in the greenhouse experiments. Various microorganisms have been searched as possible biological control agents, for instance avirulent form of the pathogen, soil or rhizosphere bacteria (Bacillus spp. and fluorescent pseudomonads, actinomycetes (Streptomyces spp., yeast (Pichia uillermondii, Candida ethanolica, and a consortium of microorganisms known as effective microorganisms (EM. None of these biological control agents has been used in field application and they need further investigation in order to effectively control bacterial wilt. Opportunities and challenges in developing biological control to combat bacterial wilt are discussed in the paper. Penyakit layu bakteri yang disebabkan oleh Ralstonia solanacearum menghancurkan banyak tanaman dalam famili yang berbeda di Asia Tenggara meskipun telah banyak penelitian tentang metode pengendaliannya. Penyakit ini sulit dikendalikan karena banyaknya variabilitas patogen dan belum tersedianya sumber ketahanan yang mapan. Di samping itu, sampai saat ini belum ada bahan kimia yang tersedia untuk patogen layu bakteri ini sehingga pengendalian biologi kemudian dipilih sebagai cara alternatif untuk menyelamatkan tanaman. Sebagian besar penelitian pengendalian biologi didasarkan

  20. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in the central provinces of Hama and Edlib in Syria: Vector identification and parasite typing. (United States)

    Haddad, Nabil; Saliba, Hanadi; Altawil, Atef; Villinsky, Jeffrey; Al-Nahhas, Samar


    Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a disease transmitted by sand fly bites. This disease is highly prevalent in Syria where Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica are the known aetiological agents. In 2011, more than 58,000 cases were reported in the country by the Ministry of Health. The central region of the country harbors 20 % of the reported cases. However, the epidemiology of the disease in this area is not well understood. An epidemiological survey was conducted in 2010 to identity the circulating parasite and the sand fly vector in the central provinces of Edlib and Hama. Sand fly specimens were collected using CDC light traps and identified morphologically. Total DNA was extracted from the abdomens of female specimens and from Giemsa-stained skin lesion smears of 80 patients. Leishmania parasites were first identified by sequencing the ITS1 gene amplicons. Then polymorphism analysis was performed using the RFLP technique. A total of 2142 sand flies were collected. They belonged to eight species, among which Phlebotomus sergenti and Phlebotomus papatasi were the most predominant. L. tropica ITS1 gene was amplified from two pools of P. sergenti specimens and from skin smears of cutaneous leishmaniasis patients. This suggests that P. sergenti is the potential vector species in the study area. The digestion profiles of the obtained amplicons by TaqI restriction enzyme were identical for all analysed L. tropica parasites. Moreover, L. infantum ITS1 gene was amplified from two pools of Phlebotomus tobbi in the relatively humid zone of Edlib. L. tropica is confirmed to be the aetiological agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis cases in the central provinces. RFLP technique failed to show any genetic heterogeneity in the ITS1 gene among the tested parasites. The molecular detection of this parasite in human skin smears and in P. sergenti supports the vector status of this species in the study area. The detection of L. infantum in P. tobbi specimens indicates a potential

  1. Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Layu Fusarium Pisang (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense dengan Trichoderma sp.

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    Albertus Sudirman


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to study the inhibiting ability of Trichoderma sp. to control fusarium wilt of banana in greenhouse condition. The experiments consisted of the antagonism test between Trichoderma sp. and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc in vitro using dual culture method and glass house experiment which was arranged in 3×3 Factorial Complete Randomized Design. First factor of the latter experiment was the dose of Trichoderma sp. culture (0, 25, and 50 g per polybag, second factor was time of Trichoderma culture application (2 weeks before Foc inoculation, at same time with Foc inoculation and 2 weeks after Foc inoculation. Trichoderma sp. was cultured in mixed rice brand and chaff medium. The disease intensity was observed with scoring system of wilting leaves (0–4. The results showed that Trichoderma sp. was antagonistic against Foc in vitro and inhibited 86% of Foc colony development. Mechanism of antagonism between Trichoderma sp. and Foc was hyperparasitism. Trichoderma hyphae coiled around Foc hyphae. Lysis of Foc hyphae was occurred at the attached site of Trichoderma hyphae on Foc hyphae. Added banana seedling with Trichoderma sp. Culture reduced disease intensity of Fusarium wilt. Suggested dose of Trichoderma culture application in glass house was 25 g/polybag, given at the same time with Foc inoculation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan Trichoderma sp. untuk pengendalian penyakit layu fusarium pisang di rumah kaca. Penelitian meliputi pengujian daya hambat Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc in vitro dan kemampuan menekan intensitas penyakit di rumah kaca. Penelitian in vitro meliputi uji antagonisme dan mekanismenya yang dilakukan secara dual culture. Uji pengaruh Trichoderma sp. terhadap penyakit layu Fusarium dilakukan di rumah kaca dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah dosis biakan Trichoderma sp., dengan tiga aras (0, 25, 50 g/per bibit dalam polibag. Faktor kedua

  2. Generalized anxiety disorder and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale in Parkinson's disease Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada e a Escala de Ansiedade de Hamilton na doença de Parkinson

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    Arthur Kummer


    Full Text Available Anxiety is common in Parkinson's disease (PD, but studies concerning specific anxiety disorders are scarce. Essential psychometric properties of anxiety rating scales are also lacking. OBJECTIVE: To investigate general anxiety disorder (GAD in PD and psychometric properties of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (Ham-A. METHOD: Ninety-one PD patients underwent neurological and psychiatric examination, which included the MINI-Plus, the Ham-A and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (Ham-D. RESULTS: GAD was present in 30.8% of PD patients. Patients with GAD had longer disease duration (p=0.044 and were in use of higher doses of levodopa (p=0.034. They also tended to have more motor fluctuations and dyskinesias. The group with GAD scored higher in Ham-A (pAnsiedade é comum na doença de Parkinson (DP, mas estudos sobre transtornos de ansiedade específicos são ainda escassos. Faltam também estudos sobre propriedades psicométricas essenciais das escalas de ansiedade. OBJETIVO: Investigar o transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (TAG na DP e propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Ansiedade de Hamilton (Ham-A. MÉTODO: Noventa e um pacientes com DP se submeteram a exames neurológico e psiquiátrico, que incluiu o MINI-Plus, a Ham-A e a Escala de Depressão de Hamilton (Ham-D. RESULTADOS: TAG esteve presente em 30,8% dos participantes. Pacientes com TAG tinham maior duração de doença (p=0,044 e estavam em uso de maiores doses de levodopa (p=0,034. Também havia uma tendência desses pacientes terem mais flutuações motoras e discinesias. O grupo com TAG pontuou mais alto na Ham-A (p<0,001, nas subescalas somática (p<0,001 e psíquica da Ham-A (p<0,001, e na Ham-D (p=0,004. A Ham-A mostrou boa consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach=0,893 e um ponto de corte de 10/11 é sugerido para triar o TAG. CONCLUSÃO: TAG é freqüente na DP e a Ham-A pode ser um instrumento útil para triar esse transtorno.

  3. Juudi sõduri aitas vabadusse sakslaste "härra Hezbollah" / Kadri Veermäe

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    Veermäe, Kadri


    Iisrael sõlmis Gaza sektorit kontrolliva rühmitusega Hamas leppe, mille raames Iisrael vabastab 1000 Palestiina vangi kui Hamas vabastab 2006. aastal Gaza mässuliste poolt vangistatud Gilad Shaliti. Noore miinipilduri pikaajaline vangistus


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    Angela Mariana Lusiastuti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kombinasi probiotik mikroenkapsulasi melalui pakan dalam pengendalian penyakit pada ikan lele, Clarias gariepinus. Penelitian dilakukan mulai dari penyiapan kombinasi probiotik Bacillus cereus ND2 dan Staphylococcus lentus L1K, mikroenkapsulasi probiotik, uji probiotik mikroenkapsulasi, serta uji dosis secara in vivo. Proses mikroenkapsulasi menggunakan BUCHI mini spray dryer dengan suhu inlet 131°C-133°C dan suhu outlet 65°C-70°C. Pakan yang digunakan adalah pakan buatan dengan kadar protein 38% yang dicampur dengan probiotik mikroenkapsulasi sesuai dengan dosis perlakuan dan diberi putih telur 2% sebagai binder. Perlakuan yang dilakukan adalah membandingkan secara in vivo probiotik mikroenkapsulasi (PM dan probiotik non-mikroenkapsulasi (PNM, dan dilanjutkan pengujian dosis melalui pakan untuk memperoleh dosis terbaik dari aplikasi probiotik mikroenkapsulasi. Parameter pengamatan berupa tingkat sintasan, biomassa, kadar hematokrit, hemoglobin, respiratory burst activity, dan total bacterial count. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi kombinasi probiotik mikroenkapsulasi Bacillus cereus ND2 dan Staphylococcus lentus L1K pada pakan lebih efektif, dan dengan dosis 2% menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik dalam meningkatkan sintasan hingga 97,33%, biomassa dan respons imun (NBT assay, hematocrit, hemoglobin ikan lele terhadap A. hydrophila. This study was aimed to know the effectivity of microencapsulated probiotic combinations administered through diet to control motile aeromonads septicemia disease in catfish (Clarias gariepinus. The research stages consisted of preparation probiotics, microencapsulation of probiotics and probiotic microencapsulation testing in vivo. BUCHI mini spray dryer was used in the microencapsulation process with inlet temperature ranged between 131°C-133°C and outlet temperature ranged between 65°C-70°C. The diets used in the research were pelleted


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    Sanny Stephanie


    Full Text Available Suatu proyek konstruksi selalu dimulai dengan proses perencanaan proyek (Project planning hingga pengendalian proyek (Project controlling Apabila terjadi perencanaan yang tidak matang dan pengendalian proyek yang kurang efektif, maka akan mengakibatkan penyimpangan dalam proyek tersebut seperti proyek selesai lebih cepat ataupun keterlambatan proyek.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan dan pengendalian proyek gedung Rusunawa Universitas Indonesia (asrama UI Jakarta Selatan dengan menggunakan bantuan program Microsoft Project. Berdasarkan kontrak, proyek ini dimulai pada tanggal 4 Desember 2014 s/d 10 Juli 2015. Dilihat dari hasil analisa kurva S Rencana dan kurva S aktual sampai dengan tanggal 31 Mei 2015, kurva S Aktual berada dibawah kurva S Rencana, dimana pada minggu ke-9 s/d minggu ke -35 proyek mengalami keterlambatan sebesar 18%, yaitu terlambat 10 hari dari rencana. Namun, dengan dilakukannya percepatan jadwal pada proyek ini dengan memperpendek durasi dan menambah tenaga kerja, maka penyelesaian proyek Rusunawa UI Jakarta Selatan ini masih dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu dan sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan.


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    Noor Yulita Dwi Setyaningsih


    Full Text Available Inkubator bayi merupakan salah satu media medis yang digunakan untuk menjaga kondisi suhu dari bayi prematur atau bayi yang baru lahir. Suhu merupakan salah satu faktor yang sangat penting untuk dijaga bagi bayi baru lahir, karena kondisi bayi baru lahir yang tidak stabil dan belum bisa melakukan produksi panas sendiri untuk menghangatkan tubuhnya dan memproduksi panas untuk menjaga kestabilan tubuhnya. Kendali logika fuzzy digunakan untuk mengendalikan suhu pada penelitian ini, karena kebutuhan bayi yang berbeda-beda sehingga pemanfaatan sistem kendali fuzzy ini sangat mempermudah dalam melakukan pengendalian. Parameter yang digunakan dalam pengendalian ini adalah nilai Error, d-eror, dan sinyal kontrol. Hasil penggunaan sistem kendali logika fuzzy untuk pengendalian suhu pada plant inkubator bayi adalah kesalahan yang terjadi dapat dikurangi dan kestabilan dapat dipertahankan. Meskipun adanya gangguan yang diberikan pada sistem, dengan pemanfaatan sistem kendali fuzzy ini, dapat menjaga sistem pada keadaan yang stabil. Kata kunci: sistem kendali, temperature, inkubator bayi, plant, logika fuzzy, new born.


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    Sri Ngapiyatun


    Full Text Available One of the factors that cause the minus of palm oil is caterpillar pest attack. This study is conducted to make vegetable pesticides from seeds and soursop leaves, lemon grass, pepper and tobacco to overcome the palatability of the caterpillar. This study aims to determine the best extraction of vegetable pesticide and their effect in reducing the palatability of the caterpillar. The research was carried out in the laboratory and in palm fruit garden of MuaraBadak. The duration of research is 2 months covering preparation of tools and materials, making and application of vegetable pesticide and data retrieval. This study used a complete randomized design consisting of 6 treatments, namely control, soursop seeds, soursop leaves, lemongrass, peppercorn, and tobacco that are repeated 3 times. The leaves are dipped in pesticides according to the treatment and then the leaves are applied to the caterpillars for 7 days in which the leaves and the caterpillar are inserted into a jar being covered with gauze. The observed parameters are the activity of the caterpillar, the day of the caterpillar, and the caterpillar palatability. The results show that the best vegetable pesticides that could decrease the palatability of the caterpillars are tobacco extract treatment, which reaches 100%, where the caterpillars do not want to eat the application leaves and the caterpillars die on the 1st day after application. Keywords : Biological pesticide; palatability; fire caterpillar; palm oil. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya hasil buah sawit adalah serangan hama ulat api. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan pestisida nabati dari biji dan daun sirsak, serai, biji lada dan tembakau untuk mengatasi palatabilitas ulat api. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan ekstraksi pestisida nabati yang terbaik dan pengaruhnya dalam menurunkan palatabilitas ulat api. Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium dan di kebun sawit Muara Badak, lama waktu penelitian 2

  8. When Liminals Interact

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pace, Michelle; Pallister-Wilkins, Polly

    This article engages with the concept of liminality by focusing on two, theoretically and empirically dubious categories: the EU and Hamas. Theoretically, both are in-between the traditional categories we use to make sense of the world and as such they challenge state-based, Westphalian, Eurocent......This article engages with the concept of liminality by focusing on two, theoretically and empirically dubious categories: the EU and Hamas. Theoretically, both are in-between the traditional categories we use to make sense of the world and as such they challenge state-based, Westphalian......, Eurocentric categories that dominate International Relations (IR). By analysing Hamas and the EU as liminals this article demonstrates how far certain collective discourses and non-state identities can go in challenging pre-existing categories on which the social order of international relations relies. Hamas...... does not ‘fit’ into pre-existing social categories of the social order in world politics. The EU does not fit into the system of states in international relations, although it attempts, in part, to behave like one at a supranational level. Empirically, both the EU and Hamas are able to exercise power...


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    Halimah Halimah


    Full Text Available Background: Life expectacy in Indonesia was increasing every year as impact of access to health services. On 2004 number of elderly people is 16.5 million, 52.6% is female. The most health problem facing by female elderly was osteoporosis that it proved by incidence of osteoporosis among female was higher than male. In fact of that one out of three female tends to have osteoporosis; meanwhile the incidence among male is one out of seven. The objective of this study was to know the length of time for bone development in order to increase the mineral bone density up to 1.5% and 3 percentages in three measurement locations (lumbal, femur, radius. Method: The study has probed as well as the influence factors of bone growth among the osteoporosis patients who were examinated their bone at Klinik Makmal Terpadu Imunoendokrinologi FK UI. This is a longitudinal study with scope in clinical area which include the secondary data analysis form medical record data. The total sample was 52 osteoporosis patients. Analysis survival application is performed for data analysis by using variable time and event from January 2004 to December 2007. The analysis in this study is univariate, bivariate,Kaplan-Meier method, and multivariate with double regresi cox. The factors related with time of remodeling bone were medication standard operating procedure (SOP, and body mass index (BMI. Results: Medication SOP in Klinik Makmal has faster time of remodeling bone and significant result comparing with SOP in other policlinic; on lumbal (event 1.5% and 3% and femur (event 1.5%. Patients with BMI <25 has faster time remodeling bone than patients BMI >25 on femur 1.5%. Contraception group and patient’s age have not enough provided the different time of remodeling bone in those measurement. SOP hazard ratio on lumbal was 3.359, it means patient who receive therapy in Klinik Makmal has 3.36 times chance to have lumbal remodeling bone up to 1.5%. Meanwhile, medication SOP


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    A. Arifin


    Full Text Available The purposes of this study are to develop, to test the feasibility, to describe the characteristic, and to test the students understanding about integrated science teaching material about air using Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD. The Research and Development method was use to develop integrated science teaching materials which is involving  all science perspectives that are not presented in junior high school science book. The air theme was chosen in this study since it can be explained using biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space science  perspectives. Development the teaching materials was consists of selection, structuring, characterization, and reduction didactic steps. Based on the of feasibility test results, the teaching material is qualified in content, presentation, language, and graphic feasibility aspects. The characteristic of this teaching material expose the closeness theme with student daily lifes and its compatibility with National Books Standard. Based on the understanding test results, the teaching material is qualified in understanding aspect with high category. It can be concluded that the teaching material qualified to be used as supplement teaching material of science learning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan, menguji kelayakan, memaparkan karakteristik, dan menguji keterpahaman bahan ajar IPA terpadu pada tema udara untuk siswa SMP kelas VII melalui Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD. Penelitian dengan metode Research and Development (R&D ini dilatar belakangi oleh tidak tersedianya bahan ajar IPA SMP yang disajikan secara terpadu melalui tema udara. Pengembangan bahan ajar IPA terpadu tema udara terdiri dari tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi dan reduksi didaktik. Berdasarkan uji kelayakan, bahan ajar telah memenuhi aspek kelayakan isi, kelayakan penyajian, kelayakan bahasa dan kelayakan kegrafikan. Karakteristik bahan ajar meliputi kedekatan tema bahan ajar


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    Aryani Pujiyanti


    Full Text Available Kegiatan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN melalui 3M plus (menguras, mengubur, menutup kontainer air adalah salah satu upaya pengendalian vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD yang efektif dan ramah lingkungan. Masyarakat Kelurahan Ledok, Kota Salatiga lebih memilih tindakan menguras untuk pengendalian vektor DBD dibandingkan tindakan larvasidasi atau pemberian ikan pemakan jentik di lingkungan mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan faktor demografi (jenis kelamin, usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, sikap, dan alasan melakukan tindakan menguras tempat penampungan air terhadap perilaku menguras penampungan air. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sebanyak 50 orang sebagai sampel penelitian diambil secara kluster yaitu seluruh rumah di wilayah Rukun Tetangga (RT1/Rukun Warga (RW5 dan RT 1/RW 8 Kelurahan Ledok. Pengumpulan data dilakukan Oktober 2013. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin dengan perilaku menguras penampungan air. dan alasan melakukan perilaku menguras dengan tindakan menguras penampungan air. Faktor kebersihan menjadi indikator utama responden untuk melakukan tindakan menguras tempat air. Kata kunci: menguras, penampungan air, perilaku, pengendalian vektor DBD

  12. Pengendalian Pemberian Hak Guna Usaha atas Tanah sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Kerusakan Hutan karena Perambahan Kawasan Hutan yang Dilakukan oleh Perkebunan

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    Yusuf Saepul Zamil


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kasus kebakaran hutan yang terjadi di Provinsi Riau dan beberapa daerah di Indonesia menjadi bencana nasional karena dampak dari kebakaran hutan tersebut menyebabkan kabut asap yang merusak kesehatan, mengganggu aktivitas masyarakat, merusak ekosistem tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan, membahayakan penerbangan, protes dari negara tetangga karena adanya kabut asap, dan kerugian-kerugian lainnya. Perambahan hutan juga menyebabkan masyarakat adat dipaksa keluar dari tanah leluhur karena hutan tempat hidup dan mencari penghidupan hangus terbakar. Hal ini adalah kejahatan kemanusiaan luar biasa yang dilakukan oleh para penjarah hutan. Pemberian hak guna usaha atas tanah untuk perkebunan yang mengalihfungsikan kawasan hutan menjadi kawasan perkebunan seharusnya terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, walaupun hak guna usaha yang dimohonkan berada pada kawasan area penggunaan lain yang dikuasai oleh pemerintah daerah. Pengendalian izin pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan lahan untuk perkebunan yang merambah kawasan hutan dapat dilakukan antara lain: membuat peraturan daerah tentang tata ruang wilayah dengan menetapkan kawasan hutan di dalam tidak boleh dialihfungsikan menjadi kawasan perkebunan atau kawasan lainnya, menetapkan hutan abadi di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, dan kebijakan moratorium izin-izin usaha perkebunan. Abstract Cases of fires in Riau Province and some areas in Indonesia became a national disaster due to the impact of forest fires causing smog that damage health, disrupt community activities, destruction of the ecosystem of plants and animals, endanger the flight, protests from neighboring countries because of the smog, and other loses. Encroachment also led to indigenous people being forced out of their ancestral lands as forest where they live and make a living is burned down. This is an incredible crimes against humanity committed by forest dwellers. Granting land use permit which transforms

  13. Manajemen Mutu Terpadu

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    Teguh Sriwidadi


    Full Text Available Total Quality Management (TQM is the effort to meet or exceed the customer needs with the lowest cost. The business will successful if it can produce an output (product and service fit according to the customer needs. They will raise the profit if only they can operate efficiently (effective cost, avoid waste, and rework , and to ensure that all the activity directed to the effort to satisfy the customer needs.

  14. Integrating Islamist Militants into the Political Process : Palestinian ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Integrating Islamist Militants into the Political Process : Palestinian Hamas. The striking victory of Hamas in the elections of January 2006 raises questions about the integration of Islamists into the Palestinian political system. This project, which is part of a larger program of research on the role of political parties in the Middle ...

  15. Depression and anxiety in hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Demet, Mehmet Murat; Ozmen, Bilgin; Deveci, Artuner; Boyvada, Sibel; Adigüzel, Hakan; Aydemir, Omer


    Our objective was to determine symptomatology of depression and anxiety in patients with untreated hyperthyroidism and compare with euthyroid patients. Thirty-two patients with hyperthyroidism (high free T3 and free T4, and suppressed TSH) and 30 euthyroid (normal free T3, free T4, and TSH) controls attending the Endocrinology Out-Patient Department at Celal Bayar University Hospital in Manisa, Turkey were included in the study. Hormonal screening was performed by immunoassay and hemagglutination method. For psychiatric assessment, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HAD], Hamilton Depression Rating Scale [HAM-D], and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale [HAM-A] were used. There was no difference between the two groups in terms of demographic features. Total scores obtained both from HAM-D and HAM-A were significantly greater in the hyperthyroidism group than that of the euthyroid group (p weight loss (HAM-D#16), insomnia (HAM-A#4), and cardiovascular symptoms (HAM-A#8) were significantly more frequent in the hyperthyroidism group. By Wilks lambda discriminant analysis, psychomotor agitation (HAM-D#9), weight loss (HAM-D#16), and insomnia (HAM-A#4) were found as the discriminating symptoms for the hyperthyroidism group, whereas somatic anxiety (HAM-A#11) and loss of interest (HAD#14) were distinguishing symptoms of the euthyroidism group. Hyperthyroidism and syndromal depression-anxiety have overlapping features that can cause misdiagnosis during acute phase. For differential diagnosis, one should follow-up patients with hyperthyroidism with specific hormonal treatment and evaluate persisting symptoms thereafter. In addition to specific symptoms of hyperthyroidism, psychomotor retardation, guilt, muscle pain, energy loss, and fatigue seem to appear more frequently in patients with comorbid depression and hyperthyroidism; thus, presence of these symptoms should be a warning sign to nonpsychiatric professionals for the need for psychiatric consultation.


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    Setyarini Santosa


    Full Text Available The emerging of the internet and world wide web as enabler of electronic commerce has resulted in some complexities for accountants in conducting their engagement. In electronic commerce, which trading activities have been facilitated with computer network such as intranet, extranet or internet, internal control structure has become more complicated than those without network. Confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation are some of the major complex issues in the application of electronic commerce these days.Those complexities, which do not occur in non computer-based trading, are based on the fact that electronic commerce not only involves accounting disiplines but also technical comprehension from other diciplines. Accountants find difficulties in facing the internal control issues in computer-based information system environment, especially in a situation that business has already been implementing computer network in conducting its primary and support activities. This article will discuss material related to the current issues of internal control structure, the implication of electronic commerce on internal control structure and opportunities for accountants. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Kemunculan internet dan world wide web sebagai dasar berkembangnya perdagangan elektronik atau electronic commerce telah menimbulkan permasalahan yang cukup pelik bagi seorang akuntan dalam menjalankan penugasannya. Dalam lingkungan perdagangan yang sudah memanfaatkan jaringan komputer, baik dalam kapasitasnya sebagai intranet, extranet, maupun internet, sistem pengendalian internal menjadi semakin rumit. Beberapa isu seperti keamanan dan keaslian transaksi yang dulunya nampak sederhana dalam lingkungan yang tidak berbasis komputer, sekarang menjadi sangat kompleks. Dalam electronic commerce, isu-isu tersebut dikenal dengan istilah confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation dan sebagainya. Kekompleksan ini dikarenakan hal


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    Sisilia Sari Dewi


    Full Text Available Penggabungan dari empat pendidikan tinggi di bawah Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT merupakan wujud implementasi visi YPT dalam mencapai world class university. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa hal tersebut memunculkan tingkat kekhawatiran yang berbeda-beda terhadap suatu risiko pada proses TI yang sudah dijalankan. Begitu pula dengan tingkat kemapanan setiap proses TI yang merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian. Maka dari itu, perlu dibuat pemetaan terhadap profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan pada masing-masing lembaga. Penelitian berfokus pada domain Plan and Organise,yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemetaan proses TI di Telkom University berdasarkan COBIT 4.1, pemetaan profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan di empat fakultas dengan kuadran prioritas, serta untuk mendapatkan teknik pengendalian umum untuk merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian dalam rangka integrasi manajemen menjadi Telkom University. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang bergabung menjadi Telkom University memiliki bobot risiko dan tingkat kemapanan proses TI yang berbeda-beda. Selain itu, proses-proses TI yang sudah dijalankan oleh masing-masing lembaga juga berbeda-beda. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Telkom University sebaiknya melakukan integrasi terhadap pengelolaan teknologi informasi serta menerapkan langkah-langkah prioritas untuk proses TI yang berada dalam kuadran under-controlled


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    Sara Gustia Wibowo


    Full Text Available Aedes aegypti merupakan vektor pembawa virus Dengue yang menyebabkan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD.Pengendalian secara alami menggunakan bahan nabati merupakan alternatif pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan. Salahsatu pengendalian secara alami adalah memodifikasi ovitrap dengan penambahan zat aktif nabati sebagai atraktan untukmenarik nyamuk bertelur dan dapat menjadi ovisida dan larvasida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui preferensibertelurnya nyamuk Ae. aegypti pada ovitrap dengan ekstrak daun mimba (Azadirachta indica, kecubung (Datura metel,zodia (Evodia suavolens dan jenu (Derris elliptica. Jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Keempatjenis ekstrak daun tersebut diisiikan pada ovitrap, dimasukan ke dalam kandang yang berisi 30 ekor Ae. aegypti dengankondisi kenyang darah. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari sampai hari ke-3. Hasil uji preferensi berbagai jenis ekstrak inimenunjukkan ovitrap yang berisi ekstrak daun jenu (D. elliptica lebih banyak ditemukan telur Ae. aegypti dibandingkandengan kontrol maupun ovitrap dengan ekstrak daun lainnya. Persentase telur pada kontainer dengan ekstrak jenu adalah44,2%, sedangkan yang terkecil ekstrak zodia (E. suaveolans 9,2%. Hasil uji Anova menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan antarkelompok berbeda nyata (p=0,000. Tanaman jenu (D. elliptica mempunyai potensi sebagai atraktan terhadap nyamuk Ae.aegypti dalam proses oviposisi.Kata kunci: atraktan, oviposisi, jenu (Derris elliptica, Aedes aegypti

  19. Perancangan Autonomous Landing pada Quadcopter Menggunakan Behavior-Based Intelligent Fuzzy Control

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    Chalidia Nurin Hamdani


    Full Text Available Quadcopter adalah salah satu platform unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV yang saat ini banyak diriset karena kemampuannya melakukan take-off dan landing secara vertikal. Karena menggunakan 4 motor brushless sebagai penggerak utama, quadcopter memiliki kompleksitas yang cukup tinggi baik dalam pemodelan maupun pengendalian. Landing merupakan salah satu mekanisme pada quadcopter yang membutuhkan kecepatan yang akurat dan aman dengan tetap mempertahankan keseimbangan. Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan Behavior-Based Intelligent Fuzzy Control (BBIFC sebagai dasar kontrol untuk penerapan autonomous landing pada quadcopter. BBIFC adalah salah satu skema high-level control di mana desain kontrol terdiri dari beberapa layer. Ada 2 layer yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu layer untuk pengendalian sudut pitch, roll, yaw dan layer untuk pengendalian ketinggian. Setiap layer memiliki mekanisme kontrol yang berbeda yang didesain menggunakan Intelligent Fuzzy Controller dan kontroler PID. Dengan metode ini dihasilkan algoritma untuk mekanisme safe autonomous landing dengan mengikuti sinyal eksponensial di mana quadcopter mencapai titik 0 (nol meter dalam waktu 15 detik dan Kontroler PID dapat mengendalikan keseimbangan quadcopter dalam waktu 7.97 detik untuk roll dan pitch serta 1.25 detik untuk yaw sejak gangguan sudut diberikan.

  20. Networks, Netwar, and Information-Age Terrorism (United States)


    intermediate nodes. • The star, hub, or wheel network, as in a franchise or a cartel structure where a set of actors is tied to a central node or actor...Aviv and Jerusalem. On March 21, a Hamas satchel bomb exploded at a Tel Aviv cafe , killing three persons and injuring 48; on July 30, two Hamas

  1. POTENSI TUMBUHAN BANGKAL (Nauclea Orientalis UNTUK PENGENDALIAN BAKTERI Aeromonas Hydrophila (POTENTIAL PLANT BANGKAL (Nauclea orientalis FOR CONTROL Aeromonas Hydrophila

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    Siti Aisiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah didapatkan metode pengendalian penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila pada budi daya ikan yang ramah lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan uji sensitivitas terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila, uji minimal konsentrasi menghambat  bakteri A. hydrophila (uji MIC dan uji toksisitas terhadap ikan nila. Rancangan  yang digunakan untuk  uji toksisitas  adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL, dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu A  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak bangkal konsentrasi 20%, B  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak bangkal konsentrasi 40%,  C  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak bangkal konsentrasi 80%, dan D  = Kontrol (ikan tidak disuntik, diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Perlakuan ini didapat dari hasil uji sensitivitas antibakteri bangkal yang mempunyai daya hambat dan daya bunuh paling besar terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila yaitu ekstrak daun bangkal dengan pelarut akuades. Pengujian MIC menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak bangkal-akuades memiliki daya hambat minimal  20 % terhadap aktivitas bakteri A. hydrophila. Hasil uji toksisitas yang dilakukan terhadap ikan nila dengan konsentrasi 20%, 40% dan 80%  mortalitas ikan nila dibawah 50 %. Pengamatan hematologis yaitu eretrosit, leokosit, plasma darah, hematokrit dan leokokrit pada masing-masing perlakuan sebagian besar masih berada dalam kisaran yang normal. Parameter kualitas air yaitu, kadar oksigen terlarut,  pH, amoniak, CO2 dan suhu masih dapat mendukung kehidupan normal ikan nila. The purpose of this study was obtained method of controlling diseases caused by Aeromonas hydrophila in fish farming is environmentally friendly. In this study the sensitivity of the test  A. hydrophila, a minimum test konsentari inhibiting A. hydrophila (MIC test and toxicity test on  tilapia. The design used for toxicity tests is completely randomized design with 4 treatments it A = Fish injected with extracts bangkal concentration of 20 %,  B = Fish injected with extracts bangkal

  2. Learning to Mow Grass: IDF Adaptations to Hybrid Threats (United States)


    April 2006. The language of SOD, however, was a mixed bag from “post-modern French philosophy, literary theory, architecture and psychology.”44 It...ground forces OCL soon proved this assessment. Near the end of 2008, Hamas had broken the Egyptian -brokered truce between it and Israel. Having...turned to southern Gaza to destroy more of Hamas tunnel network near the Egyptian border.176


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    Tevi Leviany


    Full Text Available Abstract. The Audit Board of The Republic Indonesia in implementing audit on Local Government Financial Reports  to assess the accountability of regional financial not only gave assessment on the qualification of audit report in forms of auditors’ opinion but also inside the audit of Local Government Financial Reports. The auditors also assess the effectiveness of internal control system which applied in regional government and compliance towards the laws. The problem was the weakness of financial accountability that occurred in government of Kabupaten Musi Rawas Provinsi Sumatera Selatan year 2015 acquired Qualified Opinion. The purpose of this research was to do deeper analysis towards Audit Reports on Regional Government Financial Statement of Kabupaten Musi Rawas by using content analysis to get complete description of Regional Government Financial Statement Accountability condition in Kabupaten Musi Rawas, especially observed from the effectiveness of internal control system. According to the result of analysis, it was concluded that the problem of effectiveness of government internal control of Kabupaten Musi Rawas was most found related with the weakness of Control Environment , Risk Assessment and Monitoring. Keywords: Financial Accountability; Audit Report; Internal Control System   Abstrak. BPK – RI dalam pelaksanaan audit atas LKPD (Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah untuk menilai akuntabilitas keuangan daerah tidak hanya melalukan penilaian atas kewajaran laporan keuangan dalambentuk pernyataan opini auditor saja, namun  lebih dari itu dalam kerangka audit LKPD tersebut, auditor juga melakukan penilaian atas efektivitas sistem pengendalian intern yang diterapkan pemerintah daerah tersebut serta kepatuhannya terhadap peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Permasalahan lemahnya akuntabilitas keuangan juga terjadi pada pemerintah kabupaten Musi Rawas Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang untuk tahun 2015 memperoleh Wajar dengan

  4. Kisaran Inang Hama Krepes

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    Suryanti Suryanti


    Full Text Available Krepes is an acarina which caused damaged to Auricularia sp. cultivation. The fungi attacked by acarina will be dead and decayed. The host range test were done by inoculating krepes on several edible mushroom and on several stages of cultivated Auricularia sp. The research show that krepes attacks only Auricularia sp., and attack all stages of cultivated Auricularia sp.,

  5. Vitamin D status is associated with anxiety levels in postmenopausal women evaluated for osteoporosis

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    Gabriella Martino


    Full Text Available Vitamin D status has been previously associated with a wide range of acute and chronic diseases. The nervous system express vitamin D receptors and thus vitamin D may be involved in mental health. Poor data exist about the correlation between vitamin D and anxiety levels.Our aim was to investigate the association of vitamin D status with anxiety severity. A group of 177 postmenopausal women (mean age 65.5±8.22 yr. referring to an outpatients clinic for the prevention of osteoporosis were evaluated. Severity of perceived anxiety symptoms was measured by the Hamilton Anxiety rating scale (HAMA. Depression levels were also evaluated using the Beck Depression Inventory-second edition scale (BDI-II.  25(OHD serum levels, indicative of vitamin D status, were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography. 25(OHD levels were significantly related HAMA-score (r=-0.15, p=0.04; particularly a deep association was observed between 25(OHD levels and somatic symptoms (r=-0.195, p=0.009. HAMA score was associated with BDI-II score (r=0.487, p=<0.001; HAMA psychic symptom score was also related with age and time since menopause (r=0.149, p=0.039 and r=0.222, p=0.003, respectively. At a multiple regression analysis, after correcting for age and depression levels, 25(OHD was predictive of HAMA score (β =-0,05961, p= 0.02, SE=-2.206, but the strength of association was lost further correcting for time since menopause.  In conclusion, in a setting of postmenopausal women, we observed a significant association between anxiety levels and serum 25(OHD concentrations irrespective of age and depression levels.


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    Ika Maratus Sholekhah


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh fasilitas belajar dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap hasil belajar IPS Terpadu melalui motivasi belajar kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa. Dalam penelitian ini populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa yang berjumlah 269 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel yang berjumlah 81 sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel bebas yaitu fasilitas belajar (X1, lingkungan keluarga (X2, motivasi belajar (Y1 sebagai variabel interfening dan Hasil Belajar (Y2 sebagai variabel terikat. Metode pengumpulan data: observasi, dokumentasi dan angket. Metode analisis yaitu analisi deskriptif persentase. Uji asumsi klasik: normalitas, multikolinieritas, heteroskedastisitas. Sedangkan uji hipotesis: uji parsial, uji signifikansi simultan, regresi linier berganda dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh persamaan regresi Y₁= 0,638 X₁+ 0,58 X₂+0,723+e₁ dan Y₂= 0,639 X₁+0,572 X₂+0,725+e₂. Secara deskriptif penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kategori fasilitas belajar, dan lingkungan keluarga adalah sedang. Pengaruh fasilitas belajar terhadap motivasi belajar sebesar 63,8%, lingkungan keluarga terhadap motivasi belajar sebesar 58%, pengaruhnya positif dan signifikan. Sedangkan pengaruh fasilitas belajar dan lingkungan keluarga secara bersama berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar melalui motivasi belajar sebesar 41,9% dan sisanya sebesar 58,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning facilities and family environment on Integrated Social Science learning Outcomes through sudents’ motivation SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa. The population of this study of 269 students and sample of 81 students. The population of this study was the entire seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa, amounting to 269 students. This study used a


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    Hj. Efni Ramli


    Full Text Available Integrated Quality Management (TQM is a management system focuses on a group of people aiming at an increase in satisfying customers with lower costs continuously. Integrated Quality is an integrated system approach (not a separate area or program, and an integral part of the strategy high.In the level of total quality perspective, the educational managers should be held that: (1 Everyone involved in education is a part of the educational process. (2 All the education process should be supervised,  because it required the presence of inspectors. (3 The education managers must also control the functioning of self sebagain any educational process. The process involves the design of education, process control by education providers, and managers of education must involve all parties to get their commitment in the design, re-design and control of the educational process in order to remain productive


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    Ria Arifianti


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh kajian tentang pelaksanaan pengendalian kualitas sepatu Tomkins pada PT Primarindo Asia Infrastruktur Tbk Bandung, Pengendalian kualitas menggunakan peta kendali c dan memilih metode yang paling efektif antara peta kendali c dengan pengendalian kualitas yang digunakan perusahaan. Kualitas berkaitan dengan pemenuhan permintaan, atau melebihi permintaan, pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen untuk saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. Hal ini berarti bahwa produk yang dihasilkan memenuhi kebutuhan  konsumen dan cocok dengan penggunaan konsumen. Tipe penelitian adalah kuantitatif. Pengumpulan datanya adalah studi literatur dan studi lapangan. Studi lapangan berkaitan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Teknik penarikan sampelnya menggunakan purposive random sampling. Data yang digunakan adalah data produksi tahun 2007 sampai dengan 2009. Pengendalian yang dilakukan perusahaan pada saat produksi berdasarkan pada spesifikasi produk yang telah ditetapkan di awal. Pengolahan data menggunakan peta kendali c  menunjukkan semua proses produksi berada dalam batas kendali. Hal ini berarti penggunaan peta kendali c lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode yang digunakan perusahaan.The objective of this research were to determine the quality control processof Tomkins shoes at PT. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure Tbk. Bandung.Quality can be defined is meeting, or exceeding, customer requirements now and in the future. This means the product or service is fit for customer’s use. Controlling product quality using c chart.It select the method which one is better or effective for the company. The research methode type is qualitative. Data collection methods are literature and field studies. Field study covers observation and interview.The sampling technique by purposive random sampling. Sample is used that occurred during production years 2007-2009. Control is carried out by Firm, at the time of production based on


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    Sugiharto Sugiharto


    Full Text Available Riset Unggulan Terpadu (RUT merupakan kegiatan riset yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan Sistem Iptek Nasional, dengan memadukan dan mendayagunakan sumberdaya manusia, dana, prasarana dan sarana yang tersedia, serta untuk meningkatkan mutu hasil riset dalam rangka pelaksanaan kegiatan riset unggulan dengan pendanaan yang wajar untuk memecahkan masaiah prioritas pembangunan sesuai dengan PUSNAS RISTEK. Riset Unggulan Terpadu telah berlangsung selama 7 kali, dan Tahun Anggaran 1999/2000 ini memasuki RUT ke VIII. RUT sudah bejalan sejak tahun 1993 dengan pengelola Kantor Menteri Riset dan Teknologi/BPP Teknologi. Mulai tahun 1996, melalui S.K. Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi NO. 18/M/Kp/XII/1996 tanggal 25 Desember 1996, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI ditugasi sebagai pengelola pelaksanaan Riset Unggulan Terpadu (RUT. Selama tujuh tahun pelaksanaan RUT telah terjaring sebanyak 920 topik riset unggulan dan telah memasyarakatkan kebijakan satu pintu Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan teknologi (KMNRT dalam memanfaatkan dana APBN sektor 16. Pelaksanaan Program ini dapat diikuti oleh para peneliti dari Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen, Badan Penelitian dan pengembangan Departemen dan dari Universitas. Berbagai aturan yang berlaku bagi para peneliti yang mengajukan usulan riset telah diikuti dengan baik, sehingga terdapat keseragaman. Penyempumaan dalam menangani usulan riset masih terus dilakukan mengingat dinamika permasalahan baru selalu timbul, antara lain krisis moneter yang belum kunjung berhenti. Kesulitan memperoleh bahan baku industri, lemahnya daya beli masyarakat terhadap produksi yang dihasilkannya, serta ketersediaan bahan pangan dan obat-obatan yang merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia menjadi sesuatu hal yang selalu dipertanyakan masyarakat. Kelangkaan bahan baku produksi dan tingginya harga kedua bahan serta kesediaannya dipasar menjadi fokus utama program riset saat ini. Oleh karena itu, bidang/topik RUT saat ini


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    Naniek Utami Handayani


    Full Text Available Untuk memenuhi keinginan konsumen dalam hal mutu dan jumlah, PT AHM telah menerapkan ISO 9001:2000 (International Standard Organization versi tahun 2000, SIX SIGMA dan ISO/TS 16949:2002 untuk menangani customer claim dan memperbaiki mutu supplier yang ada. Sebelum penerapan ISO/TS 16949:2002, untuk keharmonisan kualitas supplier/penyalur tersebut, PT AHM telah menggunakan QS-9000 dalam mengendalikan kualitas produknya. Berhubung QS-9000 tidak diperbaharui lagi dan hanya akan berlaku sampai tahun 2006, maka sebagai gantinya perusahaan mengambil kebijakan untuk menerapkan ISO/TS 16949:2002 dan menyertakan dalam keseluruhannya kebutuhan ISO 9001:2000. Dari beberapa jenis motor yang diproduksi pada pabrik II dari PT AHM, jenis motor yang diproduksi adalah Legenda, Tiger, GL Max, Mega Pro dan Supra. Diantara kelima motor tersebut, Supra mempunyai prosentase permintaan yang paling tinggi dan juga sekaligus market claim tertingggi (periode Agustus s/d Desember 2004, yaitu sebesar 2,7%, sedangkan berdasarkan penelitian terhadap banyaknya claim customer terhadap komponen motor Supra periode Agustus s/d Desember 2004, claim terhadap komponen  terbesar mencapai 337 claim dari total 1440 claim. Komponen  motor Supra yang dimaksud disini adalah Valve Inlet. Dalam penelitian ini, dievaluasi hasil dari pelaksanaan persiapan penerapan ISO/TS 16949:2002 sebagai teknik pengendalian kualitas terbaru yang telah dipilih dengan menggunakan tools dari ISO/TS 16949:2002 yaitu SPC, FMEA dan Corrective Action. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyebab Valve Inlet bengkok bukan hanya berasal dari Valve inlet itu sendiri, melainkan juga sebagai akibat dari adanya ketidaksesuaian pada Guide Valve Inlet dan Cylinder head. Dari penelitian penerapan ISO/TS 16949:2002 di PT AHM dapat diketahui beberapa manfaat ISO/TS 16949:2002 dalam mengendalikan kualitas produk dan memenuhi kebutuhan customer. Kata Kunci: Market Claim, Customer Claim, ISO/TS 16949:2002, SPC, FMEA dan

  11. Kumbang Pupus Pisang: Hama Baru?

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    Dwinardi Apriyanto


    Full Text Available Many insects have been reported as pests of banana, among which the corm borer (Cosmopolites sordidus Germar and pseudo-stem borer (Odoiphorus longicollis [Oliver] are considered as the most important species. We found a beetle species during 2003 pest survey of banana in Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, that had not been reported before in any publication. The adult feeds on and damages whorl of banana, and therefore we named it as "banana whorl beetle". The adult feeds on whorl causing irreguler elongated holes, forming a pattern of more or less parallel with leaf midrib when the leaf has fully opened. The holes often fuse and form larger ones. The larvae bores and tunnels into leaf midrib and pseudostem, very often from the base of leaf midribs, and develop to pupae inside the tunnel. Feeding activity of larvae and adult on banana cause serious growth retardation and failure to flowering. The beetle is sluggish, stays inside whorl or at the base of leaf midribs. It is bright/light brown in color, rather flattened, elongated, 17-19 mm length and 4.5-5.5 mm wide. The antennae are filiform, half of the body in length, consist of 11 segments. The elytra cover the whole abdomen, with parallel lines along them. Tarsi consist of four segment. The larvae have a bristle like structure along side the lateral and anal forceps at the tip of abdomen. Thoracic legs are absent. This beetle belongs to the family Chrysomelidae and subfamily Hispinae. The distribution of this insect is restricted to the area >400 m asl. and serious damages often occur above >700 m asl.

  12. Hamas between Violence and Pragmatism (United States)


    Islamic Palestinian state. Nonetheless, as a movement, it has another far more existential objective. Once established, a movement needs to sustain...34 (related by al- Bukhari, Moslem, Abu-Dawood and al-Tarmadhi). F. Followers of Other Religions: The Islamic Resistance Movement Is A Humanistic ...Movement: Article Thirty-One: The Islamic Resistance Movement is a humanistic movement. It takes care of human rights and is guided by Islamic

  13. The hamas government should recognized

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reinhart, T.


    In a just and well-ordered world, it would be unthinkable for a government that was elected in this way to be disqualified because Israel does not like the choice of the electorate in question. But in a world in which the U.S. rules, might is right, and might can define democracy as it chooses. Thus

  14. Symptoms of anxiety in depression: assessment of item performance of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale in patients with depression. (United States)

    Vaccarino, Anthony L; Evans, Kenneth R; Sills, Terrence L; Kalali, Amir H


    Although diagnostically dissociable, anxiety is strongly co-morbid with depression. To examine further the clinical symptoms of anxiety in major depressive disorder (MDD), a non-parametric item response analysis on "blinded" data from four pharmaceutical company clinical trials was performed on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAMA) across levels of depressive severity. The severity of depressive symptoms was assessed using the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD). HAMA and HAMD measures were supplied for each patient on each of two post-screen visits (n=1,668 observations). Option characteristic curves were generated for all 14 HAMA items to determine the probability of scoring a particular option on the HAMA in relation to the total HAMD score. Additional analyses were conducted using Pearson's product-moment correlations. Results showed that anxiety-related symptomatology generally increased as a function of overall depressive severity, though there were clear differences between individual anxiety symptoms in their relationship with depressive severity. In particular, anxious mood, tension, insomnia, difficulties in concentration and memory, and depressed mood were found to discriminate over the full range of HAMD scores, increasing continuously with increases in depressive severity. By contrast, many somatic-related symptoms, including muscular, sensory, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, and genito-urinary were manifested primarily at higher levels of depression and did not discriminate well at lower HAMD scores. These results demonstrate anxiety as a core feature of depression, and the relationship between anxiety-related symptoms and depression should be considered in the assessment of depression and evaluation of treatment strategies and outcome.

  15. Hypercortisolemia is associated with severity of bone loss and depression in hypothalamic amenorrhea and anorexia nervosa. (United States)

    Lawson, Elizabeth A; Donoho, Daniel; Miller, Karen K; Misra, Madhusmita; Meenaghan, Erinne; Lydecker, Janet; Wexler, Tamara; Herzog, David B; Klibanski, Anne


    Anorexia nervosa (AN) and functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) are associated with low bone density, anxiety, and depression. Women with AN and HA have elevated cortisol levels. Significant hypercortisolemia, as in Cushing's disease, causes bone loss. It is unknown whether anxiety and depression and/or cortisol dysregulation contribute to low bone density in AN or HA. Our objective was to investigate whether hypercortisolemia is associated with bone loss and mood disturbance in women with HA and AN. We conducted a cross-sectional study in a clinical research center. We studied 52 women [21 healthy controls (HC), 13 normal-weight women with functional HA, and 18 amenorrheic women with AN]. Serum samples were measured every 20 min for 12 h overnight and pooled for average cortisol levels. Bone mineral density (BMD) was assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at anteroposterior and lateral spine and hip. Hamilton Rating Scales for Anxiety (HAM-A) and Depression (HAM-D) were administered. BMD was lower in AN and HA than HC at all sites and lower in AN than HA at the spine. On the HAM-D and HAM-A, AN scored higher than HA, and HA scored higher than HC. Cortisol levels were highest in AN, intermediate in HA, and lowest in HC. HAM-A and HAM-D scores were associated with decreased BMD. Cortisol levels were positively associated with HAM-A and HAM-D scores and negatively associated with BMD. Hypercortisolemia is a potential mediator of bone loss and mood disturbance in these disorders.

  16. Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Perguruan Tinggi


    Shalahudin, Shalahudin


    The problem facing education is the lack of quality output, management, human resources, and weak ability to compete in the Global World Arena. This is Evidences by the increasing number of educated unemployment and lack of student academic achievement. To that end, expert of management education (total quality management) quality (TQM) as Joseph M. Juran and his colleagues offer in order to implement TQM in a consistent and continuous. By involving all components of the organization to impro...


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    I Made Candiasa


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pengembangan tes bakat online didasari ide untuk memperluas otomasi layanan pendidikan, melengkapi e-learning yang sudah berkembang dengan baik untuk otomasi pembelajaran. Kelebihan tes bakat online yang dikembangkan adalah dapat digunakan setiap saat, dan tidak terlalu terikat tempat, serta tidak memerlukan petugas yang memahami evaluasi. Selain itu, tes bakat online dapat menyajikan variasi tes yang berbeda setiap kali diakses, serta dapat memberikan informasi hasil tes secara otomatis langsung setelah peserta tes memvalidasi jawabannya. Kata kunci: tes bakat online, otomasi layanan pendidikan Abstract Development of online aptitude test based on idea of widening automation on educational service, completing existing various e-learning model for instructional automation. There are some advantages of online aptitude test. It can be used anytime and anywhere by everyone. Furthermore, it can present various package of test every time it is accessed and automatically gives score and feedback immediately after tester finish answer the test. Keywords: online aptitude test, automation of educational service


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    Kamariah Tambunan


    Full Text Available This study aims to know the results of integrated featured research (IFR activities, covering the number of the researches, the scoup of research fields, and the affiliations of research. Moreover, this study is for understanding the scientific researches resulted from the IFR, the fields, the types of the research documents and the authors’ ratio. The source of data was taken from “Tracking Hasil Riset Unggulan Terpadu” (Tracking of the IFR publication year 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006. The study showed that there are 372 IFR’s titles which covering 14 fields. The most frequently appeared field is thetechnology of agricultural products, i.e. 69 titles (18,55%. The most common affiliation is from university, i.e. 279. The IFR resulted in 2.188 scientific publications, and at most, i.e. 1.301 titles (59,46% are from the seminar papers and the like, nationally and internationally. The scientific research publications published at most in the year 1999, i.e. 248 titles (11,33%. If they are seen from the author collaboration side then the scientific research written by the collaborating authors are more than those which written by the single author.

  19. Fifty years with the Hamilton scales for anxiety and depression. A tribute to Max Hamilton

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, P; Bech, P


    as the method for the evaluation of the clinical effects of psychotropic drugs. Inspired by Eysenck, Hamilton took the long route around factor analysis in order to qualify his scales for anxiety (HAM-A) and depression (HAM-D) as scientific tools. From the moment when, 50 years ago, Hamilton published his first...... placebo-controlled trial with an experimental anti-anxiety drug, he realized the dialectic problem in using the total score on HAM-A as a sufficient statistic for the measurement of outcome. This dialectic problem has been investigated for more than 50 years with different types of factor analyses without...

  20. To be or not to be Violent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sen, Somdeep


    June 19, 2012: the Palestinian skies lit up again with an exchange of rockets and air strikes between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, breaking the uneasy calm that had prevailed since March when Islamic Jihad had engaged in hostilities with Israel following the assassination of Zuhir al-Qaisi, the Secr......June 19, 2012: the Palestinian skies lit up again with an exchange of rockets and air strikes between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, breaking the uneasy calm that had prevailed since March when Islamic Jihad had engaged in hostilities with Israel following the assassination of Zuhir al...

  1. Analisis Nilai Tambah Produk Olahan Bolu dan Brownies Rambutan (Studi Kasus : Industri Royyan Bakery, Kota Binjai)


    Syaputra, Eka; Lubis, Iskandarini, Satia Negara


    Rambutan Kota Binjai yang merupakan salah satu rambutan yang terbaik di Indonesia. Dengan melakukan pengolahan terhadap buah rambutan maka harga jual dapat meningkat, masa simpan menjadi lama dan jangkauan pemasaran lebih luas. Kegiatan pengolahan pasca panen atau agroidustri sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah. Peningkatan nilai tambah produk pertanian dapat dilakukan dari pengolahan secara terpadu yang memperhatikan pengoptimalan setiap tahapan proses dan pemanfaatan hasil sam...


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    mochamad subianto


    Full Text Available Saat ini pengendalian on/off berbagai piranti listrik kebanyakan masih dikendalikan dengan menekan tombol saklar atau remote yang penggunaannya dengan jarak yang dekat. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat tentang sistem kontrol yang cepat dan dinamis diperlukan suatu teknologi sistem kontrol jarak jauh yang memungkinkan proses secara cepat agar dapat menghemat waktu dan tenaga khususnya pengendalian beberapa alat pendingin ruangan yang berada di beberapa ruangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan dari peneliti terdahulu dan menggunakan perangkat yang mempunyai teknolgi terbaru yaitu Raspberry Pi sebagai pengendali untuk membuat suatu sistem kontrol beberapa AC (Air Conditioning pada ruangan yang berbeda secara jarak jauh. Diharapkan dapat sebagai salah satu solusi untuk perkembangan gaya hidup dan dinamika sosial saat ini yang semakin mementingkan kepraktisan dan efisiensi. Metodologi penelitian yang akan digunakan menggunakan metodologi waterfall dengan tahap-tahapannya yaitu tinjauan pustaka, analisa kebutuhan pengguna, analisis sistem, perancangan sistem, implementasi dan pengujian. Hasil akhir dari penelitian adalah prototipe pengendali jarak jauh beberapa perangkat AC Raspberry Pi.


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    Suparno Suparno


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengendalian kualitas dan pemborosan yang terjadi dalam produksi side frame S2HD 9C menggunakan metode lean six sigma dengan pendekatan DMAIC di PT Barata Indonesia (Persero Gresik. Side frame S2HD 9C merupakan bagian dari produk bogie barber S2HD 9C. Penelitian ini pada tahap six sigma difokuskan pada analisis defect dan capaian sigma, sedangkan pada tahap lean six sigma difokuskan pada analisis waste dan capaian sigma. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada 2 jenis yaitu data primer dan sekunder, yang bersifat kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Data primer diperoleh dari observasi lapangan, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari telaah dokumen. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan sesuai dengan pendekatan DMAIC ( define, measure, analyze, improve, control . Setelah dilakukan analisis pada tahap six sigma diketahui terdapat 5 jenis defect yang terjadi pada periode Januari sampai April 2016. Yaitu: defect gas terperangkap 58.18%, defect core patah 21.82%, defect sand drop 12.73%, defect brake mould 5.46% dan defect misplace core 1.82%. Dan nilai capaian tingkat sigma dari masing-masing defect adalah sebagai berikut:  defect gas terperangkap 1235.71 DPMO dengan tingkat sigma 4.52σ, defect core patah 463.392 DPMO dengan tingkat sigma 4.81σ, defect sand drop 270.312 DPMO dengan tingkat sigma 4.96σ, defect brake mould 115.848 DPMO dengan tingkat sigma 5.18σ dan defect misplace core 38.616 DPMO dengan tingkat sigma 5.45σ. Dalam tahap lean six sigma diketahui terdapat 4 jenis waste, yaitu: waste defect product, waste waiting time (delay, waste transportation dan waste excess process. Berikut ini merupakan nilai capaian dari masing-masing waste: waste defect product 6890 DPMO dengan tingkat sigma 3.96σ dan nilai capability process 1.31 dengan tingkat sigma 3.94σ, waste waiting time (delay nilai capability process 1 dengan tingkat sigma 3σ, waste transportation nilai capability process 1.31 dengan tingkat

  4. Investigation of the relationship between anxiety and heart rate variability in fibromyalgia: A new quantitative approach to evaluate anxiety level in fibromyalgia syndrome. (United States)

    Bilgin, Suleyman; Arslan, Evren; Elmas, Onur; Yildiz, Sedat; Colak, Omer H; Bilgin, Gurkan; Koyuncuoglu, Hasan Rifat; Akkus, Selami; Comlekci, Selcuk; Koklukaya, Etem


    Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is identified by widespread musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, nonrestorative sleep, fatigue, morning stiffness and anxiety. Anxiety is very common in Fibromyalgia and generally leads to a misdiagnosis. Self-rated Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and doctor-rated Hamilton Anxiety Inventory (HAM-A) are frequently used by specialists to determine anxiety that accompanies fibromyalgia. However, these semi-quantitative anxiety tests are still subjective as the tests are scored using doctor-rated or self-rated scales. In this study, we investigated the relationship between heart rate variability (HRV) frequency subbands and anxiety tests. The study was conducted with 56 FMS patients and 34 healthy controls. BAI and HAM-A test scores were determined for each participant. ECG signals were then recruited and 71 HRV subbands were obtained from these ECG signals using Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT). The subbands and anxiety tests scores were analyzed and compared using multilayer perceptron neural networks (MLPNN). The results show that a HRV high frequency (HF) subband in the range of 0.15235Hz to 0.40235Hz, is correlated with BAI scores and another HRV HF subband, frequency range of 0.15235Hz to 0.28907Hz is correlated with HAM-A scores. The overall accuracy is 91.11% for HAM-A and 90% for BAI with MLPNN analysis. Doctor-rated or self-rated anxiety tests should be supported with quantitative and more objective methods. Our results show that the HRV parameters will be able to support the anxiety tests in the clinical evaluation of fibromyalgia. In other words, HRV parameters can potentially be used as an auxiliary diagnostic method in conjunction with anxiety tests. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Psychological Symptoms in Obesity and Related Factors. (United States)

    Değirmenci, Taner; Kalkan-Oğuzhanoğlu, Nalan; Sözeri-Varma, Gülfizar; Özdel, Osman; Fenkçi, Semin


    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between levels of depression and anxiety symptoms and quality of life, self-esteem in obesity. Fifty-two subjects whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is 30 kg/m 2 and over and 43 control whose BMI is normal were recruited for this study. The socio demographic data form, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D17), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Quality of Life Scale Short Form (WHOQOL-Brief-TR), Coopersmith Self Esteem Scale (CSES), The Eating Attitudes (EAT), were applied to the participants. In this study most of the patients are women, married, postgraduated and live in urban areas. It was determined to scores of HAM-D17, HAM-A and EAT are higher in obese group than control group; WHOQOL-Brief-TR physical field scores was lower in obese group than control group. CSES scores wasn't difference between obese and control group. In obese group, there was HAM-D17 and HAM-A scores a negative correlation between quality of life physical field score, negative correlation between CSES score, positive correlation between EAT scale score. There is no correlation between scores of HAM-D17 and HAM-A and BMI. Our results suggest that depressive and anxiety levels are high in induvidual with obesity. They have problems in eating attitudes and their quality of life especially physical field is poor. The psychological symptoms have negative effects on the quality of life, self-esteem, and eating attitudes. Our results suggest that psychiatric support to improving positive effects quality of life and self-esteem in individual with obesity.

  6. Operation «Brother’s Keeper» in Context of the Palestinian-Israeli Standoff

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    Vladimir Mihailovich Morozov


    Full Text Available Nowadays the Gaza Strip radical movement HAMAS is the most dangerous opponent for the State of Israel in the Palestinian arena. In recent years most attention of the world community has been focused on the events in the Gaza Strip. This attention is caused by the dynamics of standoff and the scale of events occurred. During the period after authority setting in the Palestinian enclave by HAMAS movement Israel carried out a series of large-scale military operations. These were «Cast Lead», «Pillar of Defense» and «Protective Edge». However for better understanding of dynamics of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians it is necessary to pay equal attention to confrontation both in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. In the article the authors study the events of June 2014 that were a part of the permanent standoff in the West Bank. In June 2014 after abduction of the three teenagers by radicals Israel carried out the operation «Brother's Keeper» which preceded the large-scale operation «Protective Edge». The actions of Israelis aimed at weakening the infrastructure of HAMAS. During the operation in the West Bank Israel used considerable forces. Israelis caused a painful blow to HAMAS. The results of the operation «Brother's Keeper» suggested that the radicals of the West Bank may get developed underground infrastructure and developed infrastructure for production of rockets. The events of summer 2014 in zone of the Palestinian- Israeli conflict showed that escalation may spread from one part of the Palestinian land to another.

  7. Affective symptoms in schizophrenia are strongly associated with neurocognitive deficits indicating disorders in executive functions, visual memory, attention and social cognition. (United States)

    Kanchanatawan, Buranee; Thika, Supaksorn; Anderson, George; Galecki, Piotr; Maes, Michael


    The aim of this study was to assess the neurocognitive correlates of affective symptoms in schizophrenia. Towards this end, 40 healthy controls and 80 schizophrenia patients were investigated with six tests of the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), assessing spatial working memory, paired-association learning, one touch stocking, rapid visual information (RVP), emotional recognition test and intra/extradimensional set shifting. The Hamilton Depression (HDRS) and Anxiety (HAMA) Rating Scales and the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) as well as the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) were also used. There were highly significant associations between all 6 CANTAB tests and HDRS, HAMA and CDSS (except RVP) scores. The most significant items associating with neurocognitive impairments in schizophrenia were self-depreciation (CDSS), fatigue, psychomotor retardation and agitation, psychic and somatic anxiety (HDRS), fears, cognitive symptoms, somatic-muscular, genito-urinary and autonomic symptoms and anxious behavior (HAMA). The selected HDRS and HAMA symptoms indicate fatigue, fears, anxiety, agitation, retardation, somatization and subjective cognitive complaints (SCC) and are therefore labeled "FAARS". Up to 28.8% of the variance in the 6 CANTAB measurements was explained by FAARS, which are better predictors of neurocognitive impairments than the PANSS negative subscale score. Neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia are best predicted by FAARS combined with difficulties in abstract thinking. In conclusion, depression and anxiety symptoms accompanying the negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia are associated with neurocognitive deficits indicating disorders in executive functions, attention, visual memory, and social cognition. Neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia reflect difficulties in abstract thinking and FAARS, including subjective cognitive complaints. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights

  8. A control study on treatment for benzodiazepine dependence with trazodone

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    ZHANG Hong-ju


    Full Text Available Objective To determine the efficacy and safety of trazodone in the treatment of benzodiazepine dependence. Methods Forty insomnia patients who met the Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders in China Third Edition (CCMD-3 of dependence syndrome due to benzodiazepine were involved in the study. Patients were randomly assigned to trazodone group and placebo group for 3 months. The efficacy were assessed by Withdrawal Symptoms Checklist, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAMA and polysomnography (PSG. Adverse events were assessed by Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS. Results The Withdrawal Symptoms Checklist of trazodone group was significantly lower after 7 d treatment than that of placebo group (P = 0.000, and HAMA score of the trazodone group was also significantly lower after 15 d treatment than that of placebo group (P = 0.000. There were no difference in Withdrawal Symptoms Checklist and HAMA of placebo group before and after treatment. Withdrawal Symptoms Checklist and HAMA of the trazodone group were decreased after treatment (P = 0.000. In comparison with placebo group, sleep parameters of the trazodone, including total sleep time (TST, sleep efficiency (SE, sleep latency (SL and slow wave sleep (SWS time presented improvement after 7 d treatment (P = 0.000, for all. After trazodone treatment, total sleep time, slow wave sleep time, sleep efficiency and sleep latency were improved (P = 0.000, for all. No obvious adverse reaction occurred. There were no significant differences in TESS scores between pre? and post?treatment in both groups (P > 0.05. Conclusion Trazodone is markedly effective and safe in the treatment for benzodiazepine dependence.


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    Laurensia Ajeng Martrianingtyas


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan karakter dan kondisi ekonomi terhadap hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran ips terpadu melalui perhatian orang tua. Dalam penelitian ini populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 32 Semarang yang berjumlah 249 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel yang berjumlah 72 sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel bebas yaitu pendidikan karakter (XI, kondisi ekonomi (X2, hasil belajar (Y sebagai variabel terikat dan perhatian orang tua (y1 sebagai variabel intervening.Metode pengumpulan data: dokumentasi dan angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif persentase.Uji asumsi klasik:multikolinieritas, heteroskesdastisitas. Sedangkan uji hipotesis:uji parsial, uji signifikan simultan, regresi linier berganda, dan koefisien determinasi.Hasil penelitian diperoleh persamaan regresi Y1= 0,821X₁+ 0,821X₂ dan Y2 = 0,476X₁+ 0,369X₂+ 0,165Y₁. Secara deskriptif penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kategori pendidikan karakter, dan kondisi ekonomi adalah sedang. Pengaruh pendidikan karakter terhadap hasil belajar sebesar 29,6%. kondisi ekonomi terhadap hasil belajar sebesar 27,1%, pengaruhnya positif dan signifikan. Sedangkan pengaruh pendidikan karakter dan kondisi ekonomi secara bersama berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar melalui perhatian orang tua sebesar 18,5% dan sisanya sebesar 71,5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. Based on the result of observation, it indicates that students achievement are less optimal. It might happen because of the effect of character education, economy conditions, and parents attention. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of character education, economy condition towards students achievement through parents attention for eighth grade students of SMP N 32 Semarang. In this research,population at the

  10. Evaluation of the effect of Spiritual care on patients with generalized anxiety and depression: a randomized controlled study. (United States)

    Sankhe, A; Dalal, K; Save, D; Sarve, P


    The present study was conducted to assess the effect of spiritual care in patients with depression, anxiety or both in a randomized controlled design. The participants were randomized either to receive spiritual care or not and Hamilton anxiety rating scale-A (HAM-A), Hamilton depression rating scale-D (HAM-D), WHO-quality of life-Brief (WHOQOL-BREF) and Functional assessment of chronic illness therapy - Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp) were assessed before therapy and two follow-ups at 3 and 6 week. However, with regard to the spiritual care therapy group, statistically significant differences were observed in both HAM-A and HAM-D scales between the baseline and visit 2 (p scales during the follow-up periods for the control group of participants. When the scores were compared between the study groups, HAM-A, HAM-D and FACIT-Sp 12 scores were significantly lower in the interventional group as compared to the control group at both third and sixth weeks. This suggests a significant improvement in symptoms of anxiety and depression in the spiritual care therapy group than the control group; however, large randomized controlled trials with robust design are needed to confirm the same.

  11. Amyloid-β oligomer detection by ELISA in cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue. (United States)

    Bruggink, Kim A; Jongbloed, Wesley; Biemans, Elisanne A L M; Veerhuis, Rob; Claassen, Jurgen A H R; Kuiperij, H Bea; Verbeek, Marcel M


    Amyloid-β (Aβ) deposits are important pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Aβ aggregates into fibrils; however, the intermediate oligomers are believed to be the most neurotoxic species and, therefore, are of great interest as potential biomarkers. Here, we have developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for Aβ oligomers by using the same capture and (labeled) detection antibody. The ELISA predominantly recognizes relatively small oligomers (10-25 kDa) and not monomers. In brain tissue of APP/PS1 transgenic mice, we found that Aβ oligomer levels increase with age. However, for measurements in human samples, pretreatment to remove human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMAs) was required. In HAMA-depleted human hippocampal extracts, the Aβ oligomer concentration was significantly increased in AD compared with nondemented controls. Aβ oligomer levels could also be quantified in pretreated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples; however, no difference was detected between AD and control groups. Our data suggest that levels of small oligomers might not be suitable as biomarkers for AD. In addition, we demonstrate the importance of avoiding HAMA interference in assays to quantify Aβ oligomers in human body fluids. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Lebanon: The Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah Conflict

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sharp, Jeremy M; Blanchard, Christopher; Katzman, Kenneth; Migdalovitz, Carol; Prados, Alfred; Gallis, Paul; Rennack, Dianne; Rollins, John; Browne, Marjorie; Bowman, Steve; Veillette, Connie; Kumins, Lawrence


    ... in a surprise attack along the Israeli-Lebanese border. Israel has responded by carrying out air strikes against suspected Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, and Hezbollah has countered with rocket attacks against cities and towns in northern Israel...

  13. Lebanon: The Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah Conflict

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sharp, Jeremy M; Blanchard, Christopher; Katzman, Kenneth; Migdalovitz, Carol; Prados, Alfred; Gallis, Paul; Rennack, Dianne; Rollins, John; Bowman, Steve; Veillette, Connie


    ... in a surprise attack along the Israeli-Lebanese border. Israel responded by carrying out air strikes against suspected Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, and Hezbollah countered with rocket attacks against cities and towns in northern Israel...

  14. Lebanon: The Israel-Hamas Hezbollah Conflict

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sharp, Jeremy M; Blanchard, Christopher; Katzman, Kenneth; Migdalovitz, Carol; Prados, Alfred; Gallis, Paul; Rennack, Dianne; Rollins, John; Bowman, Steve; Veillette, Connie


    ... in a surprise attack along the Israeli-Lebanese border. Israel responded by carrying out air strikes against suspected Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, and Hezbollah countered with rocket attacks against cities and towns in northern Israel...

  15. Comparing the Efficacy of 8 Weeks Treatment of Cipram® and its Generic Citalopram in Patients With Mixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder. (United States)

    Khoonsari, Hasan; Oghazian, Mohammad Bagher; Kargar, Mona; Moin, Mahdiyeh; Khalili, Hossein; Alimadadi, Abbas; Torkamandi, Hassan; Ghaeli, Padideh


    Patients with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder (MADD) suffer both anxiety and depression. Antidepressants, especially, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are among agents of choice for treating this condition. This study compared the efficacy of Cipram® with its generic, citalopram. Forty adult outpatients (between 18 to 55 years of age) with a diagnosis of MADD who met the trial criteria, entered this double-blind, randomized study. Subjects were assigned to receive either generic citalopram or Cipram® for 8 weeks. Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) and Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A) were utilized to assess depression and anxiety at baseline, weeks 4 and 8 of the study. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 14.0. Twenty patients received citalopram (mean dosages of 22 mg/day during the first 4 weeks and 33 mg/day during weeks 4 to 8) and 20 received Cipram® (mean dosages of 22 mg/day during the first 4 weeks and 29 mg/day during weeks 4 to 8). Both treatments were noted to be effective in improving the symptoms of MADD at weeks 4 and 8. The mean differences of HAM-D and HAM-A between Citalopram and Cipram® groups were significantly different at the end of week 4 (HAM-D: P = 0.038, HAM-A: P = 0.025), but not at the end of week 8 (HAM-D: P = 0.239, HAM-A: P = 0.204). Both medications were tolerated well by the patients. This study suggests that the efficacy of citalopram is similar to that of Cipram® in the treatment of MADD after 8 weeks. Meanwhile, Cipram® may reduce depression and anxiety quicker than its generic, citalopram.

  16. Iisraeli valitsus haub sõjakäiku Gazasse / Igor Taro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taro, Igor


    Iisraeli võimude plaanist lõpetada radikaalse islamiliikumise Hamas omavoli Gaza sektoris. Palestiina autonoomia uueks peaministriks nimetati Salam Fayyad. Vt. samas: Röövitud reporteril lootus vabaneda

  17. "Priznat Izrail? Mõ provedjom referendum" / Abdel Aziz Dweik ; interv. Lorenzo Cremonesi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dweik, Abdel Aziz


    Palestiina terroriorganisatsioon Hamas on teoreetiliselt valmis Iisraeli tunnustamiseks tulevikus, seda läbi referendumi, kus osaleksid kõik palestiinlased, olenemata elukohast, kahe riigi võimalikest suhetest tulevikus

  18. Clinical Studies on Treatment of Earthquake-Caused Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using Electroacupuncture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu Wang


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of electroacupuncture in 138 patients with earthquake-caused PTSD using Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs. 138 cases enrolled were randomly assigned to an electro-acupuncture group and a paroxetine group. The electro-acupuncture group was treated by scalp electro-acupuncture on Baihui (GV 20, Sishencong (EX-HN 1, Shenting (GV 24, and Fengchi (GB 20, and the paroxetine group was treated with simple oral administration of paroxetine. The efficacy and safety of the electro-acupuncture on treatment of 69 PTSD patients were evaluated using Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS, Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA, and Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS according to clinical data. The total scores of CAPS, HAMD, and HAMA in the two groups after treatment showed significant efficacy compared to those before treatment. The comparison of reduction in the scores of CAPS, HAMD, and HAMA between the two groups suggested that the efficacy in the treated group was better than that in the paroxetine group. The present study suggested that the electro-acupuncture and paroxetine groups have significant changes in test PTSD, but the electro-acupuncture 2 group was more significant.

  19. Imipramine for vestibular dysfunction in panic disorder: a prospective case series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Andre Mezzasalma


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of imipramine on the treatment of comorbid chronic dizziness and panic disorder. METHOD: Nine patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia associated with chronic dizziness underwent otoneurological screening and were treated with a 3-months course of imipramine. Anxiety levels were measured with the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A, dizziness levels were evaluated using the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI, and panic severity and treatment outcome were assessed with the Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI. RESULTS: At the baseline 33.3% (n=3 had a bilateral peripheral deficit vestibulopathy, the mean scores for HAM-A were 27.2±10.4, for DHI were 51.7±22.7, and for CGI-S were 4.8±0.9. All patients had a significant reduction in their HAM-A (11.1±5.5, p=0.008, DHI (11.5±8.1, p=0.008 and CGI-I (1.8±0.7, p=0.011 levels after 3-months imipramine treatment (mean=72.2±23.2 mg/day. CONCLUSION: This study found a decrease in anxiety levels and in the impact of dizziness in the patients' quality of life after a 3-months treatment course with imipramine.

  20. Anxiety symptoms in crack cocaine and inhalant users admitted to a psychiatric hospital in southern Brazil. (United States)

    Zubaran, Carlos; Foresti, Katia; Thorell, Mariana Rossi; Franceschini, Paulo Roberto


    The occurrence of psychiatric comorbidity among individuals with crack or inhalant dependence is frequently observed. The objective of this study was to investigate anxiety symptoms among crack cocaine and inhalant users in southern Brazil. The study investigated two groups of volunteers of equal size (n=50): one group consisted of crack cocaine users, and the other group consisted of inhalant users. Research volunteers completed the Portuguese versions of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), and Self-Report Questionnaire (SRQ). Both crack and inhalant users experience significant symptoms of anxiety. Inhalant users presented significantly more anxiety symptoms than crack users according to the HAM-A questionnaire only. In contrast to the results of the HAM-A, the STAI failed to demonstrate a significant difference between the two groups of substance users. SRQ scores revealed that crack and inhalants users had significant degrees of morbidity. A significant difference regarding anxiety symptomatology, especially state anxiety, was observed among inhalant and crack users. Anxiety and overall mental psychopathology were significantly correlated in this sample. The results indicate that screening initiatives to detect anxiety and additional psychiatric comorbidities among crack and inhalant users are feasible and relevant. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  1. Iisrael paneb ise piirid paika, kui vaja / Yitzhak ben Israel ; interv. Sten A. Hankewitz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Israel, Yitzhak ben


    Iisraeli partei Kadima kandidaat parlamendivalimistel Yitzhak ben Israel selgitab, milline on programm, kui peaministriks saab Ehud Olmert. Tema sõnul Hamas ilmselt ei nõustu Teekaardi-nimelise rahuplaaniga

  2. Uus Lähis-Ida / Robert Malley ; tõlk. Märt Väljataga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Malley, Robert


    Lähis-Ida konfliktist ja selle võimalikust edasisest arengust. Sisepoliitilisest olukorrast Palestiinas pärast äärmusrühmituse Hamas valimisvõitu 2006. aasta jaanuaris. Islamiliikumisest Hezbollah

  3. The Egypt-Gaza Border and its Effect on Israeli-Egyptian Relations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sharp, Jeremy M


    .... Israel claims that ongoing smuggling of sophisticated weaponry into the Gaza Strip could dramatically strengthen the military capabilities of Hamas, which seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007...

  4. Lääs koondub Palestiina presidendi selja taha

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Palestiina Omavalitsuse president Mahmoud Abbas kuulutas välja eriolukorra, vabastas ametist äärmusrühmituse Hamas valitsuse ning nimetas uue valitsuse juhiks sõltumatu parlamendiliikme Salam Fayyadi

  5. Bogi i monstrõ, ili biografija Supermena / Olga Marsheva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marsheva, Olga


    Ameerika tuntuimad koomiksikunstnikud Larry Hama, Stan Lee, Jerry Seagel, Bob Kain, Frank Miller ja nende loodud tegelaskujud. Ka briti kirjanik Alan Moore, kellele ei meeldi oma kangelastest tehtud ekraniseeringuid vaadata

  6. Komparace strategie íránské podpory terorismu na příkladu Hamásu a Hizballáhu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josef KRAUS


    Full Text Available This paper is focused on the comparison of strategy of state-sponsoring of terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The strategy is described using five types of support – propaganda and political support, directing the terror, the use of financial leverage, instruction and training, the transfer of weaponry. The primary aim of this text is to clear up the Iranian role in supporting of two chosen Islamic terrorist organization and to explain its differences caused by historical, ideological, political and technical matters to the reader of this article. The text also contains the explanation of the origin, ideological background, political demands and the main terroristic activity of Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah.

  7. The Implementation of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI Controlling Programme and the Coverage of Pneumonia among Under-Five Children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ni'mal Baroya


    Full Text Available Abstract Pneumonia is an acute infection of lung tissue (alveoli. Pneumonia is one of the main focus ARI preventing and controlling program.  One of the ARI preventing and controlling program indicators was pneumonia coverage among under five years old. The coverage of pneumonia finding among under five years old in Banyuwangi Regency since 2014-2016 years have not reached the national target. Pneumonia toddler coverage in 2014 and 2015 shows 33,7% and 71,1%, while in 2016 shows 41,99%. This research aims to analyze the association between officer characteristics, logistics availability and ARI control activities with pneumonia toddler coverage in Banyuwangi Regency. The research uses cross sectional analytic desain with 31 respondents. The result of this research has significant relationship is age, work length and capacity buailding. Nevertheless, gender, education, knowladge, availability of diagnostic tools, guideline, KIE media, recording and reporting media, advocation and socialisation, pneumonia find and management, supervision, recording and reporting, partnership and network, monitoring and evaluation has not significant relationship. Banyuwangi Health Office is hoped to do conduct periodic training every year to ARI program officer on ARI control management, management of pneumonia toddler and promotion of pneumonia control in under fives to increase human resources capacity in primary health facility.                 Abstrak Pneumonia merupakan salah satu fokus utama Program Pencegahan dan Pengendalian ISPA. Salah satu indikator program P2 ISPA adalah cakupan penemuan pneumonia balita. Cakupan pneumonia pada balita di Kabupaten Banyuwangi dari tahun 2014-2016 belum mencapai target nasional. Pada tahun 2014 dan 2015 cakupan pneumonia pada balita sebesar 33,7% dan 71,1% sedangkan tahun 2016 sebesar 41,99%. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik petugas, ketersediaan  logistik dan kegiatan

  8. International Reaction to the Palestinian Unity Government

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Morro, Paul


    .... The international sanctions have not driven Hamas from power, and instead, some assert they may have provided an opening for Iran to increase its influence among Palestinians by filling the void...

  9. Vägivallalaine uputas Palestiina ühisvalitsuse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Radikaalne islami vastupanuliikumise Hamas ja palestiinlaste mõõdukamat osa esindava Fatah'i võitlejad pidasid Gaza linnaosades veriseid lahingud. Autonoomia presidendi Mahmoud Abbasi ja Iisraeli peaministri Ehud Olmerti hukkamõistvast suhtumisest

  10. Defense Against Rocket Attacks in the Presence of False Cues

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Harari, Lior


    Rocket attacks on civilian and military targets, from both Hezbollah (South Lebanon) and Hamas (Gaza strip) have been causing a major operational problem for the Israeli Defense Force for over two decades...

  11. Balneotherapy versus paroxetine in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. (United States)

    Dubois, Olivier; Salamon, Roger; Germain, Christine; Poirier, Marie-France; Vaugeois, Christiane; Banwarth, Bernard; Mouaffak, Fayçal; Galinowski, André; Olié, Jean Pierre


    Preliminary studies have suggested that balneotherapy (BT) is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and psychotropic medication withdrawal syndrome. We carried out a study in 4 spa resorts to assess the efficacy of BT in GAD. We compared BT to paroxetine in terms of efficacy and safety in a randomized multicentre study lasting 8 weeks. Patients meeting the diagnostic criteria of GAD (DSM-IV) were recruited. Assessments were conducted using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A) and other scales, by a specifically trained and independent physician. The primary outcome measure was the change in the total HAM-A score between baseline and week 8. A total of 237 outpatients were enrolled in four centres; 117 were assigned randomly to BT and 120 to paroxetine. The mean change in HAM-A scores showed an improvement in both groups with a significant advantage of BT compared to paroxetine (-12.0 vs -8.7; p<0.001). Remission and sustained response rates were also significantly higher in the BT group (respectively 19% vs 7% and 51% vs 28%). BT is an interesting way of treating GAD. Due to its safety profile it could also be tested in resistant forms of generalized anxiety and in patients who do not tolerate or are reluctant to use pharmacotherapies. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Associations Among Plasma Stress Markers and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Breast Cancer Following Surgery (United States)

    Ju, Hyun-Bin; Kang, Eun-Chan; Jeon, Dong-Wook; Kim, Tae-Hyun; Moon, Jung-Joon; Kim, Sung-Jin; Choi, Ji-Min; Jung, Do-Un


    Objective The objective of present study is to analyze the prevalence of depression and anxiety following breast cancer surgery and to assess the factors that affect postoperative psychological symptoms. Methods The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Body Image Scale (BIS), and Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSES) were used to assess the psychological states of patients who had been diagnosed with and had undergone surgery for breast cancer. Blood concentrations of the stress markers adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol, arginine-vasopressin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme were measured. Pearson’s correlation analysis and multilinear regression analysis were used to analyse the data. Results At least mild depressive symptoms were noted in 50.5% of patients, while 42.4% of patients exhibited at least mild anxiety symptoms. HAM-D score was positively correlated with HAM-A (r=0.83, p<0.001) and BIS (r=0.29, p<0.001) scores and negatively correlated with RSES score (r=-0.41, p<0.001). HAM-A score was positively correlated with BIS score (r=0.32, p<0.001) and negatively correlated with RSES score (r=-0.27, p<0.001). There were no statistically significant associations between stress markers and depression/anxiety. Conclusion Patients with breast cancer frequently exhibit postoperative depression and anxiety, which are related to low levels of self-esteem and distorted body image. PMID:29475233

  13. Cluster Resource Planning System untuk Efektivitas Rantai Pasok


    Utama, Ditdit N.


    Aktivitas rantai pasok di dalam sebuah klaster, termasuk klaster lidah buaya, merupakan inti dari kegiatanklaster tersebut. Sehingga, manajemen yang baik sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan proses rantai pasok.Pengendalian manajemen berbasis komputer. Salah satunya adalah sistem informasi berbasis komputer.Sebuah Klaster dapat dianggap sebagai sebuah holding company. Sistem informasi yang digunakan padasebuah holding company adalah Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERPs), sebuah sistem ber...

  14. Shaping Jihadism: How Syria Molded the Muslim Brotherhood

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Krummrich, Seth


    In February 1982, Syrian President Assad's military and security forces surrounded, assaulted, and leveled the fourth largest city in Syria, Hama, killing between 5,000-25,000 Syrians in less than three weeks...

  15. Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on pain, mood and serum endorphin level in the treatment of fibromyalgia: A double blinded, randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Khedr, Eman M; Omran, Eman A H; Ismail, Nadia M; El-Hammady, Dina H; Goma, Samar H; Kotb, Hassan; Galal, Hannan; Osman, Ayman M; Farghaly, Hannan S M; Karim, Ahmed A; Ahmed, Gehad A

    Recent studies have shown that novel neuro-modulating techniques can have pain-relieving effects in the treatment of chronic pain. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in relieving fibromyalgia pain and its relation with beta-endorphin changes. Forty eligible patients with primary fibromyalgia were randomized to receive real anodal tDCS or sham tDCS of the left motor cortex (M1) daily for 10 days. Each patient was evaluated using widespread pain index (WPI), symptom severity of fibromyalgia (SS), visual analogue scale (VAS), and determination of pain threshold as a primary outcome. Hamilton depression and anxiety scales (HAM-D and HAM-A) and estimation of serum beta-endorphin level pre and post-sessions were used as secondary outcome. All rating scales were conducted at the baseline, after the 5th, 10th session, 15 days and 1 month after the end of the sessions. Eighteen patients from each group completed the follow-up schedule with no significant difference between them regarding the duration of illness or the baseline scales. A significant TIME × GROUP interaction for each rating scale (WPI, SS, VAS, pain threshold, HAM-A, HAM-D) indicated that the effect of treatment differed in the two groups with higher improvement in the experimental scores of the patients in the real tDCS group (P = 0.001 for WPI, SS, VAS, pain threshold, and 0.002, 0.03 for HAM-A, HAM-D respectively). Negative correlations between changes in serum beta-endorphin level and the changes in different rating scales were found (P = 0.003, 0.003, 0.05, 0.002, 0002 for WPI, SS, VAS, HAM-A, and HAM-D respectively). Ten sessions of real tDCS over M1 can induce pain relief and mood improvement in patients with fibromyalgia, which were found to be related to changes in serum endorphin levels. Identifier: NCT02704611. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Iisrael lõdvendab Gaza maablokaadi / Hendrik Vosman, Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vosman, Hendrik


    Israeli valitsus vähendas piiranguid ja lubab nüüd toiduaineid, mänguasju, kirjatarbeid, madratseid ja rätikuid Gaza sektorisse tarnida. Hamas nimetas blokaadi leevendamise otsust tühiseks meediapropagandaks

  17. Search Results | Page 36 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 351 - 360 of 420 ... Integrating Islamist Militants into the Political Process : Palestinian Hamas ... Replicable Waste Recycling Project in Gianyar, Bali. Urban areas in Indonesia generate about 55 000 tonnes of solid waste per day, ...

  18. Analisis Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gas LPG Menggunakan Sensor TGS 2610 Berbasis Mikrokontroler AVR ATMega8535




    Telah dilakukan analisis kuantitatif gas dalam LPG. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur konsentrasi gas LPG terhadap sensor. Metoda yang digunakan untuk mengukur konsentrasi gas LPG yaitu sensor gas semikonduktor jenis TGS 2610 keluaran Figaro yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan gas. Sementara yang menjadi pusat pengendalian dari seluruh alat yang dirancang digunakan mikrokontroler AVR ATMega8535. Selain itu sistem yang dirancang dilengkapi LCD sebagai tampilan nilai konsentrasi ga...

  19. Perancangan Miniatur Traffic Light Dengan Mempergunakan Pengendali Port Paralel


    Eka Wahyudi; Desi Permanasari


    Port paralel tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi dalam dunia komputer. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena port paralel merupakan sarana komunikasi yang terdapat pada Personal Computer (PC). Dengan memanfaatkan port tersebut, saat ini komputer juga dapat dipergunakan untuk keperluan pengontrolan/pengendalian rangkaian listrik dengan memanfaatkan port paralel (port printer). Port paralel memiliki kecepatan transfer data yang lebih cepat apabila dibandingkan dengan port serial, maka dari itu port parale...

  20. Model Lokasi Menara BTS Ditinjau Dari Faktor – Faktor Penentu Lokasi Menara BTS Di Surabaya


    Dynastya, Dynastya; Sulistyarso, Haryo


    Perkembangan tower Base Transceiver Station (BTS) di Kota Surabaya berlangsung sangat pesat. Keberadaan tower BTS yang mulai menjamur di kawasan permukiman mengakibatkan protes dari masyarakat yang takut akan dampak negatif tower BTS. Perkembangan jumlah penggunaan telepon genggam di kota Surabaya dapat diasumsikan bahwa kebutuhan jaringan komunikasi nirkabel bertambah. Untuk mengatur hal tersebut diperlukan adanya suatu pengendalian tower BTS di Kota Surabaya untuk meminimalisasi gangguan te...


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    Monika Kussetya Ciptani


    Full Text Available Improving quality is an essential thing for a company to exist in the business competitive world. It's not time for a company to focus only on a high sales volume, but it's time for a company to focus on customer satisfaction. If the company can give customer satisfaction through their product, they will achieve maximum profit automatically. They are many method techniques to identify quality cost appeared in a company. It is very easy to control quality cost in a company if they are accounting data about it. But it will be very difficult to control the quality cost if the cost is hidden and can not be seen on accounting data. Variety techniques have been developed to solve this hidden quality cost. One of these method is Taguchi Method. By using Taguchi Method, a company will be helped to control and estimate quality cost especially hidden quality cost. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Peningkatan Kualitas merupakan suatu hal yang paling esensial bagi suatu perusahaan untuk tetap eksis dalam dunia bisnis yang competitif ini. Kini sudah tidak jamannya lagi perusahaan hanya mementingkan volume penjualan yang begitu besar untuk mencapai keuntungan yang maksimal, tetapi lebih berorientasi pada aspek kepuasan konsumen. Dengan adanya kemampuan perusahaan untuk memberikan kepuasan terhadap konsumen yang membeli produknya, maka secara otomatis perusahaan akan mencapai keuntungan yang maksimal. Oleh karena itu dikembangkan berbagai cara dan teknik untuk mengidentifikasi besarnya biaya kualitas (kerugian yang muncul akibat barang yang dihasilkan menyimpang dari standar suatu perusahaan. Apabila biaya kualitas yang muncul tersebut nampak dalam catatan akuntansi perusahaan yang bersangkutan, maka perusahaan akan lebih mudah melakukan pengendalian, tetapi apabila biaya kualitas tersebut sifatnya tersembunyi, maka akan lebih sulit untuk melakukan pengendalian dan estimasi. Berbagai teknik telah dikembangkan untuk memecahkan masalah Hidden Quality Cost ini


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    i wayan arta ariawan


    Full Text Available Based on the data from Bali Regional Police (2014 appear that a lot of custom disputes unfinished effectively thus create some question : (1 what is the factor that influencing effectiveness of solving custom dispute? How is an ideal mechanism for solving custom dispute in Bali according to the contemporary concept? That question is becoming a problem in this script. Since the problem reviewed normatively, indentified some factors that influencing not effectively solving custom dispute, there are (a law factor that not sufficient yet. (b law implementer factor with a weak skill and quality in solving the custom dispute.; (c the supporting of tool and facility factor is not sufficient yet; and (d society factor who is ignoring the values of custom law; (e value of society cultures that start shifting, leaving togetherness and glorifying individualistic. About an ideal mechanism for solving accustom dispute in Bali according to contemporary concept, result of the solution conclude that the most accurate of solving custom dispute through internal mechanism based on local wisdom. But, if an internal mechanism failed, then solving of custom dispute can do by using an external mechanism, that is solving of custom dispute which doing by Government with forward an exist custom regulation and /or social regulation and the existence of all is recognized. In the case of this mechanism failed, then conflict solution done by the unit of solving social conflict task that established by government. Disahkannya Undang-Undang RI Nomor 7 Tahun 2012 tentang Penanganan konflik sosial, adalah sebagai upaya pemerintah dalam  rangka menyelesaikan  sengketa adat secara  terpadu dan terintegrasi dalam wadah satuan tugas terpadu. Namun, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tim terpadu belum berperan maksimal dalam penyelesaian sengketa adat di Bali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris bersifat deskriptif.  Jenis data primer  dan data sekunder

  3. [Effect analysis on Deanxit combined with Shuganjieyu capsule in the treatment of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease]. (United States)

    Yang, X Y; Guo, C Y; Zhang, X; Zhong, Y Q; Tian, C


    Objective: To investigate the curative effect of Deanxit combined with Shuganjieyu capsule on the treatment of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease. Methods: A total of 125 patients with refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease who had failed in standard lansolazole capsule treatment in the Department of Gastroenterology, First People's Hospital of Neijiang were selected. According to the symptom scores and mood scores of gastroesophageal reflux disease, patients were randomly and double-blindly divided into five groups. Group A(Lansoprazole Capsules + Mosapride Citrate + Deanxit), B(Lansoprazole Capsules + Mosapride Citrate + Shuganjieyu capsule), C(Lansoprazole Capsules + Mosapride Citrate+ Deanxit + Shuganjieyu capsule) and D(Deanxit) groups are study groups, the other was control group (Lansoprazole Capsules + Mosapride Citrate). The scores of symptoms and mood were compared after 4 weeks and 8 weeks of treatment. Results: The clinical symptoms score, HAMA and HAMD scores were significantly lower in the all study groups in comparison to the control group after 4 weeks and 8 weeks therapy. The clinical symptoms score, HAMA and HAMD scores in group C were significantly lower than those in group A and B ( P 0.05). The HAMA and HAMD scores of group D were significantly higher than those of group A, B, C and control group, and the differences were statistically significant ( P gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can effectively improve the total treatment efficiency, reduce the symptom scores and mood scores of gastroesophageal reflux disease patients.

  4. Kanegelo ya Nimirode: Re lebelela diphihlelelo t�a gagwe ka lefsa

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    Elelwani B. Farisani


    Full Text Available Kanegelo ya Hama/Nimirode e �omi�it�we go gatelela Bathobaso ba Afrika-Borwa le ba Amerika. Taodi�wana ye e lekola Nimirode ka lefsa le go t�ea magato a go bu�et�a seriti sa gagwe le sa Bathobaso sekeng.Seo se tlo dirwa ka dikgato t�e tlhano ka mo tlase. Sa mathomo, re tlo lekola dimelo t�a bana ba Noage, go kwe�i�a Nimirode, yo e lego yena �edi ye kgolo ya taodi�wana ye. Sa bobedi re tlo lebelela ka fao bangwadi ba bangwe ba t�welet�ago seswant�ho sa go befa sa Nimirode. Sa boraro, re tlo sekaseka tiri�o ya kanegelo ya Hama/Nimirode go gatelela le go dira Bathobaso makgoba. Sa bone, re tlo sekaseka diphihlelelo le dikatlego t�a Nimirode. Mo re tlo tsepelela diphihlelelo t�a gagwe t�e tharo t�e kgolo bjalo ka go ba mmu�i wa maemo, motsomi yo maatla le moagi. Nepo ya karolo ye ke go ganet�ana le tshekatsheko ya go se be botse ye e nepilwego Nimirode nakong ya go feta. Re tlo tlalelet�a ka go fa tshekatsheko ye e tebilego ya thogako godimo ga Hama/Ku�e/Nimirode. Sa bohlano, ebile e le sa mafelelo, re tlo t�welet�a nyanyeng bohlokwa bja kanegelo ya Nimirode go bao ba bego ba gatelet�we le go ba makgoba ka baka la temana ye. Re tlo nepi�a Afrika-Borwa.

  5. A multicomponent yoga-based, breath intervention program as an adjunctive treatment in patients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder with or without comorbidities

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    Martin A Katzman


    Materials and Methods: Forty-one patients were enrolled in an open-label trial of the SKY course as an adjunct to standard treatment of GAD at the START Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders, a tertiary care mood and anxiety disorder clinic in Toronto. The SKY course was administered over five days (22 h total. Subjects were encouraged to practice the yoga breathing techniques at home for 20 min per day after the course and were offered group practice sessions for 2 h once a week led by certified yoga instructors. The primary outcome measure was the mean change from pre-treatment on the HAM-A scale. Psychological measures were obtained at baseline and four weeks after completing the intervention. Results:Thirty-one patients completed the program (mean age 42.6 ± 13.3 years. Among completers, significant reductions occurred in the pre- and post-intervention mean HAM-A total score (t=4.59; P<0.01 and psychic subscale (t=5.00; P≤0.01. The response rate was 73% and the remission rate 41% as measured on the HAM-A. Conclusion: The results of this small pilot trial suggest that the SKY course represents a potentially valuable adjunct to standard pharmacotherapy in patients with GAD or treatment-resistant GAD, and warrants further investigation. In particular, changes in worry and body symptoms showed significant improvements that may further our understanding of the mechanism of change in the tolerance of anxiety and worry.

  6. Monoclonal antibodies: A review of therapeutic applications and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    production of human anti-mouse antibodies. (HAMA) that invariably ... in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and cancer, with .... It is found to binds to a vascular integrin. (alpha-v/beta-3) ... arthritis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. [6].


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    Mei Ahyanti


    Full Text Available Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA merupakan penyakit infeksi yang masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia karena kasusnya masih cukup tinggi. Meski pada orang dewasa tidak menimbulkan kesakitan yang parah, namun para orang tertentu menimbulkan masalah kesehatan yang lebih besar. ISPA juga paling sering menjadi penyebab anak bolos sekolah atau orang dewasa bolos kantor, artinya mengganggu dan menurunkan produktifitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proporsi merokok pada mahasiswa dan hubungan merokok dengan kejadian ISPA pada mahasiswa setelah mengontrol status gizi, jenis kelamin, olahraga, lingkungan fisik rumah, ada pencemar dalam rumah dan kepadatan hunian. Penelitian dengan jenis analitik menggunakan rancangan case control dilakukan di Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Tanjungkarang dengan populasi kasus mahasiswa yang menderita ISPA pada bulan Januari sampai April 2012, dan populasi control adalah mahasiswa yang berobat ke klinik terpadu pada bulan yang sama tetapi tidak menderita ISPA dan tidak menunjukkan gejala ISPA saat penelitian dilaksanakan. Sampel berjumlah 172 mahasiswa namun yang dapat diwawancarai hanya 162 mahasiswa terdiri dari 81 kasus dan 81 kontrol. Hasil penelitian diketahui proporsi mahasiswa merokok 29,6%, ada hubungan merokok dengan kejadian ISPA pada mahasiswa setelah mengontrol jenis kelamin, status gizi, pencemaran dalam rumah, lingkungan fisik rumah dan interaksi antara jenis kelamin dengan merokok. Perlu dilakukan upaya primary prevention oleh pihak Poltekkes dan Klinik Terpadu untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada mahasiswa dan menjadi trendsetter dalam bidang kesehatan, dan spesifik protection oleh mahasiswa dengan tidak menyediakan asbak didalam rumah


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    Jehuda Ghrahito Hutomo Krussell


    Full Text Available In past few years, retail business has significantly improved. Company needs marketing strategy to raise their competitiveness and make a good brand equity. One of these strategy that can be used is Integrated Marketing Communication. This study aimed to examine the influence of integrated marketing communication toward brand equity. This study was a quantitative study. The sample of 150 respondents were taken by using purposive sampling. The data analysis used multiple linear regression. These findings showed that dimension of integrated marketing communication consists of Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relation, Direct Marketing, Interactive Marketing, and Corporate Design together influence Alfamart Brand Equity. While partially, only Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, and Corporate Design has significantly influence Alfamart Brand Equity

  9. Program terpadu penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kota Surabaya

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    Erna Setijatiningrum


    Full Text Available Surabaya is one of metropolitan city in Surabaya, yet still has a high poverty rates. This research aims to design an integrated program in reducing poverty in Surabaya. The high poverty rates lead to several complex problems such as unemployment, education, health, crime and social problem. Actually, a lot of poverty alleviation programs have been implemented by the municipal government of Surabaya. However, the program is still less effective because: 1 there is lack of coordination among agencies in running the program and 2 the program does not reflect the needs of the poor to a decent life in urban areas. This research employs qualitative method carried out in several governmental bodies relating to the issue of poverty alleviation. The result of this study indicates that there are eight priority needs of the poor, namely (1 education, (2 health, (3 housing, (4 nine basic needs, (5 clean water, (6 ease of administration, (7 training expertise, and (8 employment. From the eight priority needs of the poor, we found design of integrated program of poverty reduction which requires good coordination among relevant agencies. There are eight institutions which government agency should coordinate in the integrated program, namely (1 the Department of Education, (2 Social Service, (3 Departement of Health, (4 the Ministry of Community Empowerment, (5 Department of housing, planning, and urban development (6 Water Supply Company, (7 Department of Civil and Population, (8 the Ministry of Labour.

  10. Model LPA Terpadu untuk Wilayah Surabaya Metropolitan

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    Mimien Bt. M. Al Muhdhar a Henie Irawati


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to establish the integrated LPA model for Surabaya Metropolitan Area. The methods used are literature overviews, comparative studies to well-established areas, and expert assistantships through national seminars. The result shows that the integrated LPA has opportunity to combine some activities such as sorting and classifying, producing, wrapping and containing, selling the compost and decayed materials, and filling residual waste by landfill system. In 25 Ha land area, 14.10 Ha is allocated for waste management, and 10.90 Ha for sanitary landfill.

  11. Genetics Home Reference: fatty acid hydroxylase-associated neurodegeneration (United States)

    ... Mutat. 2010 Apr;31(4):E1251-60. doi: 10.1002/humu.21205. Citation on PubMed Edvardson S, Hama H, ... Neurol. 2010 Nov;68(5):611-8. doi: 10.1002/ana.22122. Citation on PubMed Schipper HM. Neurodegeneration ...

  12. Vooluallikad, mis ei väsigi? / Heikki Parviainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parviainen, Heikki


    TM võrdleb AA-akusid: Ansmann max e, Biltema 2700 mAh, Duracell 2500 mAh, Energizer Recharge, GP 2700 series, Hama 2700, Lenmar 2700 mAh, Panasonic Rechargeable Accu, Philips Multilife, Sony Cycle-Energy, Tronic Energy, Varta Poer Accu



    ani, andri


    Perubahan pola demografi di negara maju dan negara berkembang, angka kejadian infertilitas di negara maju dilaporkan sekitar 5%-8% dan di negara berkembang sekitar 30%.WHO memperkirakan sekitar 8%-10% atau sekitar 50-80 juta pasangan suami istri di seluruh dunia mengalami masalah infertilitas, sehingga membuat infertilitas menjadi masalah mendesak. Untuk itu diperlukan pengendalian infertilitas, salah satunya adalah kewaspadaan perubahan gaya hidup, perubahan ini juga mempengaruhi pola konsum...



    Riska Listyanti; Lilik Hendrarini; narto narto


    Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan terlaksananya penerapan HACCP untuk bubur beras me-rah yang ditujukan untuk bayi usia 6-10 bulan, dan secara khusus menetapkan perbedaan lama waktu simpan bubur tersebut antara penerapan HACCP (variasi 1) dengan penerapan HACCP tanpa pengendalian CCP persiapan bahan (variasi 2); sanitasi alat (variasi 3); penjamah (variasi 4); cara pengolahan (variasi 5); penyimpanan (variasi 6) dan penyajian (variasi 7), serta mene-tapkan perbedaan penerimaan bubur beras ...

  15. A multicomponent yoga-based, breath intervention program as an adjunctive treatment in patients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder with or without comorbidities. (United States)

    Katzman, Martin A; Vermani, Monica; Gerbarg, Patricia L; Brown, Richard P; Iorio, Christina; Davis, Michele; Cameron, Catherine; Tsirgielis, Dina


    The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) course in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) outpatients, who after eight weeks of an appropriate dose of traditional therapy had not yet achieved remission. The adult participants (18-65 years) were outpatients with a primary diagnosis of GAD with or without comorbidities on the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Participants had a minimum of eight weeks standard treatment with an appropriate dose of a standard prescription anxiolytic, a clinician global impression-severity (CGI-S) score of 5-7, a Hamilton anxiety scale (HAM-A) total score ≥20 including a score of >2 on the anxious mood and tension items. Forty-one patients were enrolled in an open-label trial of the SKY course as an adjunct to standard treatment of GAD at the START Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders, a tertiary care mood and anxiety disorder clinic in Toronto. The SKY course was administered over five days (22 h total). Subjects were encouraged to practice the yoga breathing techniques at home for 20 min per day after the course and were offered group practice sessions for 2 h once a week led by certified yoga instructors. The primary outcome measure was the mean change from pre-treatment on the HAM-A scale. Psychological measures were obtained at baseline and four weeks after completing the intervention. Thirty-one patients completed the program (mean age 42.6 ± 13.3 years). Among completers, significant reductions occurred in the pre- and post-intervention mean HAM-A total score (t=4.59; P<0.01) and psychic subscale (t=5.00; P≤0.01). The response rate was 73% and the remission rate 41% as measured on the HAM-A. The results of this small pilot trial suggest that the SKY course represents a potentially valuable adjunct to standard pharmacotherapy in patients with GAD or treatment-resistant GAD, and warrants further investigation. In particular, changes in worry and body


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    An anaerobic fungus was isolated from Hama faeces. Based on its morphological characteristics, polyflagellated zoospores, extensive rhizoid system and the formation of monocentric colonies, the fungus is assigned to the genus Neocallimastix. Neocallimastix sp. L2 is able to grow on several poly-,

  17. Thyroglobulin (Tg) recovery testing with quantitative Tg antibody measurement for determining interference in serum Tg assays in differentiated thyroid carcinoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Persoon, ACM; Links, TP; Wilde, J; Sluiter, WJ; Wolffenbuttel, BHR; van den Ouweland, JMW

    Background: Thyroglobulin (Tg) measurements are complicated by interference from Tg autoantibodies (TgAbs) or heterophilic antibodies (HAMAs). We used a new automated immunochemiluminometric assay (ICMA) with Tg recovery (TgR) on the Nichols Advantage (R) platform to reassess the clinical utility of

  18. Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Pengaturan Optimal LQR untuk Menjaga Kestabilan Hover pada Quadcopter

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    Kardono Kardono


    Full Text Available Quadcopter adalah pesawat terbang yang memiliki potensi untuk lepas landas, hover, terbang manuver, dan mendarat bahkan di daerah kecil. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi modern, saat ini quadcopter banyak digunakan untuk pengawasan area, pengambilan foto/video, pelaksanaan misi yang beresiko tinggi dan lain-lain. Kestabilan hover pada quadcopter sangatlah penting dan harus dimiliki quadcopter agar pemanfaatannya dapat maksimal. Kontrol hover merupakan prioritas utama dalam setiap upaya pengendalian quadcopter baik pada pengendalian fase take-off, landing, dan trajectory, hal ini dikarenakan kesalahan yang kecil saja yang terjadi pada sudut dan atau ketinggian quadcopter dapat menyebabkan quadcopter bergerak baik terhadap sumbu x, y, maupun z. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dibahas desain sistem kontrol pada quadcopter agar dapat melakukan proses hover secara otomatis dengan stabil dan metode yang digunakan adalah kontroler Linier Quadratic Regulator (LQR. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, didapatkan nilai parameter kontrol LQR dari hasil tuning diperoleh parameter R=1 dan Q=Q4 yang pada simulasi dapat terbang hover pada ketinggian 2 m, dan dapat mengatasi gangguan dengan rise time selama 0,1332detik. Respon hasil implementasi pada quadcopter tidak sebaik dengan hasil simulasi, terbang hover dengan set point ketinggian 100 cm masih berisolasi antara 50cm sampai 200cm, dan respon kestabilan sudut lebih lambat yaitu 0,23detik.


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    M. Hasyimi


    Full Text Available Kejadian luar biasa (KLB penyakit Demam berdarah dengue (DBD sering terjadi sejak dilaporkan tahun 1968. Pemberantasannya dengan penemuan penderita, pengobatan dan pengendalian vektor. Karena obat dan vaksin belum ditemukan maka sampai saat ini pemberantasan dan pencegahannya masih mengandalkan pada pengendalian vektor. Tujuan dari penelitian vektor ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang habitat perkembangbiakan, kepadatan larva dan nyamuk penular DBD pada waktu terjadi KLB serta tipe virus yang dikandung vektornya. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur selama tiga bulan yaitu Juni sampai dengan Agustus 2003. Penelitian entomologi dilakukan merujuk kepada alamat penderita rawat inap yang bertempat tinggal di Kecamatan Pasar Rebo. Diagnosa penderita dilakukan dengan uji Hemagglutination inhibition (HI terhadap 24 akut konvalesen sera penderita yang diambil dari Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo. Basil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa index larva sebagai berikut House index (HI 22,6%; Container index (Cl 11,4% dan Breuteau index (Bl 30,3. Kontainer yang positif larva yang berada di dalam rumah 12, 7% dari 387 kontainer. Sementara yang berada di luar rumah 3,1% dari 65 kontainer. Angka bebas jentik (ABJ di daerah KLB kurang dari 95%. Hasil uji HI sera penderita menunjukkan 70,8% dari pasangan sera yang diperiksa, terinfeksi oleh virus dengue.


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    I Nyoman Subagia


    Full Text Available Men are full of desires that need to be satisfied through functioning the senses, which are part of the mind used for reasoning, feeling, and acting. From the senses happiness or sadness may come. When the senses are connected to the out world the selves within may see problems even calamities if the desires are uncontrolled. In Hindu there are several teachings that can be refered to as the ethics for controlling the self. Trikaya Parisudha teaches that life should be directed to reach happiness by thinking, speaking, and doing good. The Sad Ripu teaches the six enemies within self that are to fight, namely desires, greediness, anger, disorientation, drunkness, and envy. Sapta Timira teaches seven things that can blind the mind, namely beauty, rich, intellectuality, family line, youth, alchoholic beverage, braveness. Beisdes all of them, the inclination of being good or bad that are latent within the self should be also realized as Hindus.

  1. Kebijakan Pengendalian HIV/AIDS di Denpasar

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    Tri Rini Puji Lestari


    Full Text Available Secara nasional, Indonesia telah mengantisipasi epidemi HIV/AIDS, tetapi jumlah kasus HIV/AIDS di Provinsi Bali dari tahun ke tahun memperlihatkan peningkatan yang semakin mengkhawatirkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan jumlah kasus dan kebijakan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS di Denpasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dilakukan di Denpasar pada tanggal 11-17 September 2011. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan informan terpilih yaitu kepala bappeda, pejabat Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Denpasar, direktur rumah sakit, puskesmas, ketua komisi penanggulangan AIDS di kabupaten/kota dan pemerhati HIV/AIDS termasuk ODHA. Penelitian menemukan jumlah kasus HIV/AIDS di Kota Denpasar yang tertinggi dan penularan terbesarnya melalui hubungan seks. Namun, dukungan pemerintah daerah dalam upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS terlihat belum maksimal. Padahal kebijakan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS sangat ditentukan oleh cara pandang pemerintah terhadap penyakit HIV/AIDS. Untuk itu, perlu peningkatan pemahaman tentang HIV/AIDS serta pencegahan dan penanganan semua pihak terkait sehingga penanggulangan HIV/AIDS dapat lebih efektif, efisien, dan tepat sasaran. Nationally, Indonesia anticipated HIV/AIDS epidemic, but the number of cases of HIV/AIDS in Bali province from year to year showed an increase in the increasingly alarming. This study aimed to determine the number of cases and the development of policies on HIV / AIDS in Denpasar. This research was conducted using qualitative methods in Denpasar on 11-17 September 2011. The study sample was selected using the informant is head of planning, Denpasar District health officers, the director of the hospital, health center, chairman of the commission on AIDS in the district/city and observer of HIV / AIDS, including people living with HIV. The study found the number of cases of HIV / AIDS in the city of Denpasar is the highest and greatest transmission through sexual intercourse. However, the support of local governments in efforts to prevent and control HIV/AIDS looks not maximized. In fact the policy of HIV/AIDS is largely determined by the government perspective on HIV / AIDS. To that end, should be an increased understanding of HIV/AIDS as well as prevention and treatment of all parties concerned. So that HIV/ AIDS can be more effective, efficient, and targeted.


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    Nurul Dzikrillah


      Quality improvement and costs control are vital to organizations for work performance enhancement and fulfilling customers’ requirement. Inventories that are stored in large amount of quantities will result in waste. It is a significant job for the inventory control personnel to select an appropriate policy and maintain an optimum level of inventory. The selection of inventory policy is very much important in the current scenario of intensive global competition and dynamic nature. The aim of this study is to reduce inventory value by determining strategy of each product. Inventory model classification was done based on production planning and total pending order. The result is inventory value reduce by the end of the year in 11.3 million USD which is achieve the target. The target was locked in 1.5 million USD. DIO value is 75 days by the end of the year.

  3. Sõjaraport õõnestab ÜRO usaldusväärsust / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    ÜRO Gaza sõda puudutavas raportis kritiseeritakse nii Iisraeli kui ka Palestiina islamistlikku äärmusrühmitust Hamas. ÜRO inimõiguste uurija Richard Goldstone leiab, et raport on siiski puudulik, kuna praegu omab ÜRO juba rohkem infot Gaza sõja kohta

  4. Отчёт о войне в Газе подрывает доверие к ООН

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    ÜRO Gaza sõda puudutavas raportis kritiseeritakse nii Iisraeli kui ka Palestiina islamistlikku äärmusrühmitust Hamas. ÜRO inimõiguste uurija Richard Goldstone leiab, et raport on siiski puudulik, kuna praegu omab ÜRO juba rohkem infot Gaza sõja kohta


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    Muthmainnah Muthmainnah


    Full Text Available The general purpose of this study was to build the management and utilization of the bamboo economically. The specific purpose of this research (1 was to know the techniques of cultivation and utilization of the bamboo in the community, (2, the incomes from the utilization of the bamboo, and (3 the marketing of the bamboo. The population that used in this research was the whole area of the bamboo utilization in Tanralili districts that consists 16 villages. The sample that used was the community who lives in Toddopulia and Lekopancing, Tanralili. Results of the research showed that the bamboo cultivation techniques by the community consist of some activities; preparation,planting, maintenance, fertilization, pest and disease control, and logging (harvesting. The revenue of the bamboo are; the bamboo merchants are Rp. 53.658 million/year, the meatball skewer makers/skewers are Rp. 39.0391 million/year and the manufacturer of bale-bale are Rp. 15.6666 million/year. The trade channel for the bamboo traders are from the owner to traders then to consumers. The trade channel for the meatball skewer makers/skewers and bale-bale are from the owner of the bamboo to the skewermeatball makers and the bale-bale then to consumers. Tujuan umum penelitian, adalah membangun pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan bambu secara ekonomi.  Adapun tujuan khusus dalam penelitian ini (1 mengetahui teknik budidaya dan pemanfaatan bambu dimasyarakat, (2 pendapatan masyarakat dari pemanfaatan bambu, (3  saluran tataniaga (pemasaran bambu.Populasi penelitan adalah seluruh areal pemanfaatan bambu yang berada di Kecamatan Tanralili. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang berada di Kecamatan Tanralili yang terdiri dari 16 desa yang diambil untuk sampel sebanyak 2 desa yaitu Desa Toddopulia dan Desa Lekopancing.  Hasil penelitian Teknik budidaya bambu yang dilakukan masyarakat terdiri dari kegiatan persiapan penanaman, penanaman, pemeliharaan,pemupukan, pengendalian hama


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    Fajar Baskoro


    Full Text Available Perancangan perangkat lunak merupakan tahapan yang penting di dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak. Pemilihan perangkat perancangan yang dapat membantu memodelkan perangkat lunak menentukan kemudahan spesifikasi, implementasi, visualisasi, pengujian, dan dokumentasi perangkat lunak. UML, Unified Modelling Language sebagai Bahasa Pemodelan Terpadu mempunyai perangkat untuk memodelkan perangkat lunak memvisualisasikan use case, statis, dan perilaku perangkat lunak di dalam sistem. Penggunaan UML di dalam perancangan sistem informasi berbeda dengan penggunaan UML di dalam perangkat Lunak Waktu Nyata (Realtime. Pendekatan Unified adalah salah satu panduan yang digunakan untuk perancangan perangkat lunak dengan menggunakan UML. Kata kunci: UML, pendekatan unified, reservasi hotel.


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    Gugus Wahyu S. Utomo


    Full Text Available Di wilayan perairan Asia Tenggara dalam kurun waktu antara 1991-2001 tercatat 1194 kasus dari 20.411 kasus pembajakan. Menurut catatan International Maritime Bereu terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan pada tahun 1999 yakti 113 dari 285 total kasus yang dilaporkan. Kewenangan penanganan perompakan di Selat malaka ada pada tiga negara pantai dengan menggunakan sistem pengamanan maritim terpadu atau Integrated Maritime Security System. Ketiga negara yang berdaulat terhadap perairan Selat Malaka adalah Indonesia, Singapura, dan Malaysia telah sepakat melibatkan Thailand untuk ikut mengamankan Selat Malaka dari aksi perompakan. Ketiga negara juga telah sepakat untuk tidak melibatkan kekuatan asing dalam pengamanan Selat Malaka.

  8. Peningkatan Determinan Sosial dalam Menurunkan Kejadian Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Dyah Wulan Sumekar Rengganis Wardani


    Full Text Available Upaya pengendalian tuberkulosis paru oleh World Health Organization telah meningkatkan angka kesembuhan dan menyelamatkan banyak jiwa, tetapi kurang berhasil dalam menurunkan insiden tuberkulosis. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian tuberkulosis akan lebih menekankan pada kebijakan determinan sosial karena determinan sosial secara langsung maupun melalui faktor risiko tuberkulosis berpengaruh terhadap tuberkulosis. Di Bandar Lampung, angka notifikasi tuberkulosis dari tahun 2009 – 2010 mengalami peningkatan walaupun angka kesembuhan sudah lebih dari 85%. Bandar Lampung juga merupakan bagian dari salah satu provinsi termiskin di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh determinan sosial (yang diukur melalui indikator pendidikan, pendapatan dan kelas sosial terhadap kejadian tuberkulosis. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli – Oktober 2012 di seluruh pelayanan kesehatan di Bandar Lampung yang telah melaksanakan strategi Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse. Responden penelitian ini adalah 238 penderita tuberkulosis basil tahan asam positif dan 238 suspek yang tidak menderita tuberkulosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa determinan sosial yang rendah akan meningkatkan risiko untuk terkena tuberkulosis. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian tuberkulosis perlu disertai dengan peningkatan determinan sosial untuk menurunkan kejadian tuberkulosis. Tuberculosis control program conducted by World Health Organization, has increased tuberculosis cure rate and saved million people, but has less success in reducing tuberculosis incidence. Therefore, tuberculosis control program needs to put more emphasis on social determinants. It is obvious, since social determinants, directly or through its tuberculosis-risk factors, affect tuberculosis. In Bandar Lampung, notification rate during the period of 2009 - 2010 has increased although the cure rate of the period was more than 85%. Moreover, Bandar Lampung is located in Lampung, one of the


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    Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar


    In Indonesia, many plantation as use as beneficial plants. This study aims to obtain an effective formula that can be used as a biopesticide to control snail pests during the vegetative phase from May to July 2017 using random non-factorial methods at two rice planting locations in the Village Lae parira, Dairi, North Sumatra. Design with 6 treatments and 3 replicates (ie control, neem leaves (Azadirachta indica, tobacco leaf (Nicotiana tabacum, sweet potato leaf (Manihot glaziovii, noni fruit, Morinda citrifolia, and betel nut (Areca catechu and papaya (Carica papaya as an eco-friendly herbaceous and biopesticide. Based on the study recorded in sampling for 7 days with 6 treatments had significant effect on the percentage affected by the clump of rice attacked and the percentage of death. Pearson correlation value recorded percentage of death and percentage of impacted  showed a very significant relationship. Neem is the best biopesticide in controlling mollusicides, followed by betel nuts, tobacco, poisonous yams and noni. Death of 100% snail mas will prevent damage to the clump of rice plants Dairi, North Sumatra. All biopesticide treatments were tested to control snail pests in rice plants that will increase agicultural productivity in maintaining food security in Dairi, North Sumatra.

  10. Saudi Arabia walks a tightrope

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, P.


    Saudi diplomacy seems more active than ever. This has to do with three recent major regional developments: the summer 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, the violent clashes between Hamas and Fatah in the occupied Palestinian territories, and the Iraqi quagmire. In each of these, the role of Iran

  11. Silexan, an orally administered Lavandula oil preparation, is effective in the treatment of 'subsyndromal' anxiety disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. (United States)

    Kasper, Siegfried; Gastpar, Markus; Müller, Walter E; Volz, Hans-Peter; Möller, Hans-Jürgen; Dienel, Angelika; Schläfke, Sandra


    This study was performed to investigate the anxiolytic efficacy of silexan, a new oral lavender oil capsule preparation, in comparison to placebo in primary care. In 27 general and psychiatric practices 221 adults suffering from anxiety disorder not otherwise specified (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders-IV 300.00 or International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth revision F41.9) were randomized to 80 mg/day of a defined, orally administered preparation from Lavandula species or placebo for 10 weeks with visits every 2 weeks. A Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) total score >or=18 and a total score >5 for the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were required. The primary outcome measures were HAMA and PSQI total score decrease between baseline and week 10. Secondary efficacy measures included the Clinical Global Impressions scale, the Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale, and the SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire. Patients treated with silexan showed a total score decrease by 16.0+/-8.3 points (mean+/-SD, 59.3%) for the HAMA and by 5.5+/-4.4 points (44.7%) for the PSQI compared to 9.5+/-9.1 (35.4%) and 3.8+/-4.1 points (30.9%) in the placebo group (PLavandula oil preparation had a significant beneficial influence on quality and duration of sleep and improved general mental and physical health without causing any unwanted sedative or other drug specific effects. Lavandula oil preparation silexan is both efficacious and safe for the relief of anxiety disorder not otherwise specified. It has a clinically meaningful anxiolytic effect and alleviates anxiety related disturbed sleep.

  12. A comparison of low-dose risperidone to paroxetine in the treatment of panic attacks: a randomized, single-blind study

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    Galynker Igor I


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Because a large proportion of patients with panic attacks receiving approved pharmacotherapy do not respond or respond poorly to medication, it is important to identify additional therapeutic strategies for the management of panic symptoms. This article describes a randomized, rater-blind study comparing low-dose risperidone to standard-of-care paroxetine for the treatment of panic attacks. Methods Fifty six subjects with a history of panic attacks were randomized to receive either risperidone or paroxetine. The subjects were then followed for eight weeks. Outcome measures included the Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS, the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (Ham-A, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (Ham-D, the Sheehan Panic Anxiety Scale-Patient (SPAS-P, and the Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI. Results All subjects demonstrated a reduction in both the frequency and severity of panic attacks regardless of treatment received. Statistically significant improvements in rating scale scores for both groups were identified for the PDSS, the Ham-A, the Ham-D, and the CGI. There was no difference between treatment groups in the improvement in scores on the measures PDSS, Ham-A, Ham-D, and CGI. Post hoc tests suggest that subjects receiving risperidone may have a quicker clinical response than subjects receiving paroxetine. Conclusion We can identify no difference in the efficacy of paroxetine and low-dose risperidone in the treatment of panic attacks. Low-dose risperidone appears to be tolerated equally well as paroxetine. Low-dose risperidone may be an effective treatment for anxiety disorders in which panic attacks are a significant component. Trial Registration Identifier: NCT100457106

  13. Dukungan Target Group Terhadap Zoning Regulation

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    Susi Ridhawati


    Full Text Available Kegiatan pembangunan yang diwarnai oleh market driven akan menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. Apabila terjadi secara terus-menerus, bisa mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan hidup. Oleh karena itu penataan ruang (spatial planning menjadi aspek yang amat penting agar ruang yang terbatas dapat digunakan secara efisien dengan tetap memelihara kelestarian dan daya dukung lingkungan hidup. Proses invasi dan urban sprawl sebagai akibat dari keterbatasan ruang perkotaan telah merembet ke sebagian daerah di Kabupaten Sleman, terutama di wilayah Kecamatan Mlati. Perkembangan wilayah di daerah ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus agar di kemudian hari tidak menjadi unmanaged growth. Untuk menjaga kelestarian alam dan mengurangi dampak kerusakan lingkungan yang bisa berakibat terhadap terganggunya sistem ekologi wilayah sekitar Kabupaten Sleman, Badan Pengendalian Pertanahan Daerah (BPPD Kabupaten Sleman melakukan pengendalian atas perubahan penggunaan tanah melalui sosialisasi atas kebijakan pertanahan yang telah ditetapkan Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman. BPPD memasang/membuat papan informasi/baliho pada tempat strategis, sehingga dapat dibaca dengan mudah oleh masyarakat. Salah satu baliho dipasang di kawasan pertanian di Jalan Sendari-Gombang, Tirtoadi, Kecamatan Mlati. Berkenaan dengan hal di atas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai sikap target grup terhadap zoning regulations dengan studi kasus di Jalan Sendari Gombang Tirtoadi, Kecamatan Mlati. Penelitian juga ingin mengungkap faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi dukungan target grup terhadap implementasi zoning regulations di Kecamatan Mlati, terutama di Jalan Sendari-Gombang, Tirtoadi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif naturalistik dengan metode studi kasus.


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    Emah Khuzaemah


    Full Text Available This research is motivated by the lack of a culture still writing among students. The ability to write literature students is still low. For that how to develop an integrated model of literary learning and its application to improve the writing skills of students. Thus the spiritual experience of students / students would be more meaningful if it is able to be expressed in a literary work. With a unified theoretical model developed by Fogarty (1991 and developed a theory of writing short stories integrated learning model in teaching writing short stories. Through a qualitative approach with descriptive analytic method, can be described Islami ability to write short stories high school students Kramat Dukupuntang after application of integrated learning model. Students' ability to write short stories Islami was satisfactory, catchy title, theme and content laden with religious values with storytelling techniques that have been organized.

  15. Implementasi Web-Service Untuk Pengembangan Layanan Pariwisata Terpadu


    Priyambodo, Tri Kuntoro


    This paper describes an integrated tourism information system developed using web-service technology. In order to give a clear picture of multi-tier system used for developing web-services, two cases (“WisataBudayaJawa web-service” for giving recommendations for users to select tourism objects to visit in the areas of the Province of Central Java and the Province of Yogyakarta; and “Kurs web-service” for delivering information on foreign currency exchange rate) are presented. The results of t...

  16. Religion and the quest of peace and happiness in a world of nuclear ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The jihadist groups such as Hamas, Hizbullah, Al Qaeda, Aqimi, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, etc. destabilizing the world nowadays, menacing dangerously the world peace and the security, creating thus the psychosis in the mind of people all over the world, call themselves religious people, that is, committed Moslems, the ...

  17. A Game Theoretic Model for the Optimal Disposition of Integrated Air Defense System Assets (United States)


    fellows of Miami Valley Philosophical and Lifting Society v Acknowledgements I want to thank LTC Brian J. Lunday and Lt Col Matthew J. Robbins for...on the defender’s valuation of tar- gets. However, if we assume that Hamas, the attacker, knows the layout of Israel’s defense, they may attack

  18. When Liminals Interact

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pace, Michelle

    their relations of Self. In exploring the procedural relations of the EU and Hamas it argues for the necessity of recognising liminal categories in IR theory and practice while at the same time highlighting the limits of such in-between categories in a world order still structured around the state....

  19. Social Structure Simulation and Inference Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques (United States)


    human languages is an unsolved (and possibly unsolvable) problem. Thus, let us only use English grammar as a trampoline towards mapping semantics of...editing screen. This behavior of the interface allows for fast manual data entry from text sources. For example, to code a statement ”Hamas was headed by

  20. Gaza ceasefire crumbles while West embarks on a new round of hand-wringing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pace, Michelle


    Tragically, the 72-hour ceasefire brokered between the Israeli Defence Force and Hamas collapsed within two hours – just as shops in Gaza were opening and the fishing fleet setting out to sea for the first time in days. It’s unclear how the truce was broken, and both sides are flinging blame...

  1. Running for extinction? Aerobic exercise as an augmentation of exposure therapy in panic disorder with agoraphobia. (United States)

    Bischoff, Sophie; Wieder, Gesine; Einsle, Franziska; Petzold, Moritz B; Janßen, Christiane; Mumm, Jennifer L M; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Fydrich, Thomas; Plag, Jens; Ströhle, Andreas


    Exposure-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (eb-CBT) represents the most evidence-based psychotherapeutic approach in anxiety disorders. However, its efficacy may be limited by a delay in onset of action and a substantial number of patients does not respond sufficiently to treatment. In this context, aerobic exercise was found to be effective in reducing clinical anxiety as well as to improve (elements of) disorder-specific CBT in some mental disorders. We therefore investigated the effect of aerobic exercise supplementary to an eb-CBT in panic disorder and agoraphobia (PD/AG). 77 patients with PD/AG performed a 30 min treadmill task with moderate or low intensity (70% or 30% of the maximal oxygen uptake [VO 2max ]) prior to five exposure sessions within a standardized seven-week CBT. At baseline, after completing the treatment period (post) and six month after post (follow-up), several measures of (un)specific psychopathology (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale [Ham-A], Mobility Inventory [MI], Panic and Agoraphobia Scale [PAS], Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire [ACQ], Body Sensations Questionnaire [BSQ]) were established to assess for clinical changes. All patients experienced a significant improvement of symptoms from baseline to post (for all measures p < .001) but repeated-measures analyses of variance found a trend towards a significant time × group interaction in the Ham-A in favor for the moderate intense exercise group (f[1, 74] = 4.15, p = .045, α=.025). This trend, however, disappeared at follow-up since the low-intense exercise group further improved significantly in Ham-A after post. Our findings therefore might point to an accelerating effect of moderate-intense exercise within an exposure-based CBT for AG/PD. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Severity of anxiety- but not depression- is associated with oxidative stress in Major Depressive Disorder. (United States)

    Steenkamp, Lisa R; Hough, Christina M; Reus, Victor I; Jain, Felipe A; Epel, Elissa S; James, S Jill; Morford, Alexandra E; Mellon, Synthia H; Wolkowitz, Owen M; Lindqvist, Daniel


    Oxidative stress is implicated in both depression and anxiety, but it is currently unclear whether this relates to syndromal diagnoses or trans-diagnostic dimensional symptoms. We examined the relationship between oxidative stress and severity of depression and anxiety symptoms in individuals with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Plasma oxidative stress markers F2-isoprostanes and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and the antioxidant reduced glutathione (GSH), were assessed in 69 physically healthy, medication-free MDD subjects. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hamilton Anxiety (HAM-A) and Hamilton Depression (HAM-D) Rating Scales. Total HAM-A and HAM-D scores, along with "core" anxiety and depression subscales, and individual HAM-D items "psychic anxiety" and "depressed mood," were related to oxidative stress markers. Analyses controlled for age, sex, BMI, and smoking. Total HAM-A ratings were positively associated with F2-isoprostanes (β=.26, p=.042) and GSSG (β=.25, p=.049), but not GSH (β=.05, p=.711). Core anxiety severity was positively associated with F2-isoprostanes (β=.34, p=.012) and GSSG, although this did not reach significance (β=.24, p=.074). None of the biological markers were significantly associated with total HAM-D or core depression ratings (all p>.13). Subjects scoring high on "psychic anxiety" had elevated F2-isoprostanes (p=.030) and GSSG (p=.020). This was not seen with "depressed mood" scores (all p>.12). We assessed peripheral oxidative markers, but their relationship to the brain is unclear. Oxidative stress is more closely related to anxiety than depression symptoms in MDD. This highlights the importance of relating oxidative stress to specific symptoms and could provide new insights into the biological correlates of affective disorders. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study of Quetiapine-XR Monotherapy or Adjunctive Therapy to Antidepressant in Acute Major Depressive Disorder with Current Generalized Anxiety Disorder. (United States)

    Li, Ranran; Wu, Renrong; Chen, Jun; Kemp, David E; Ren, Ming; Conroy, Carla; Chan, Philip; Serrano, Mary Beth; Ganocy, Stephen J; Calabrese, Joseph R; Gao, Keming


    To pilot efficacy and safety data of quetiapine-XR monotherapy or adjunctive therapy to antidepressant(s) in the acute treatment of MDD with current generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview was used to ascertain the diagnosis of DSM-IV Axis I disorders. Eligible patients were randomly assigned to quetiapine-XR or placebo for up to 8 weeks. Changes from baseline to endpoint in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17 items (HAMD-17), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S), Quick Inventory of Depression Symptomatology-16 items Self-Report (QIDS-16-SR) total scores, and other outcome measures were analyzed with the last observation carried forward strategy and/or mixed-effects modeling for repeated measures. Of the 34 patients screened, 23 patients were randomized to receive quetiapine-XR (n = 11) or placebo (n = 12), with 5 and 4 completing the study, respectively. The mean dose of quetiapine-XR was 154 ± 91 mg/d. The change from baseline to endpoint in the total scores of HAMD-17, HAM-A, QIDS-16-SR, and CGI-S were significant in the quetiapine-XR group, but only the change in HAM-A total score was significant in the placebo group. The differences in these changes between the two groups were only significant in CGI-S scores, with the rest of numerical larger in the quetiapine-XR group. The most common side effects from quetiapine-XR were dry mouth, somnolence/sedation, and fatigue. In this pilot study, quetiapine-XR was numerically superior to placebo in reducing depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients with MDD and current GAD. Large sample studies are warranted to support or refute these preliminary findings.

  4. Riluzole Effect on Occipital Cortex: A Structural and Spectroscopy Pilot Study (United States)

    Abdallah, Chadi G.; Coplan, Jeremy D.; Jackowski, Andrea; Sato, João R.; Mao, Xiangling; Shungu, Dikoma C.; Mathew, Sanjay J.


    Background To investigate the mechanism underlying the anxiolytic properties of riluzole, a glutamate-modulating agent, we previously studied the effect of this drug on hippocampal N-Acetylaspartate (NAA) and volume in patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). In the same cohort, we now extend our investigation to the occipital cortex, a brain region that was recently implicated in the antidepressant effect of riluzole. Methods Fourteen medication-free adult patients with GAD received 8-week of open-label riluzole. Ten healthy subjects served as a comparison group. The healthy group did not receive riluzole treatment. Both groups underwent magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy at baseline and at the end of Week 8. Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) and Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) were used as the primary and secondary outcome measures, respectively. Results At baseline, we found clusters of increased cortical thickness in the occipital region in GAD compared to healthy subjects. In the right hemisphere, eight weeks of treatment reduced occipital cortical thickness in the GAD group (t = 3.67, p = 0.004). In addition, the improvement in HAM-A scores was negatively correlated with post-treatment right occipital NAA (r = − 0.68, p = 0.008), and with changes in NAA levels (r = − 0.53, p = 0.051). In the left hemisphere, we found positive associations between changes in occipital cortical thickness and improvement in HAM-A (r = 0.60, p = 0.04) and PSWQ (r = 0.62, p = 0.03). Conclusion These pilot findings implicate the occipital cortex as a brain region associated with pathology and clinical improvement in GAD. In addition, the region specific effect of riluzole implies a distinct pathophysiology in the occipital cortex – compared to other, previously studied, frontolimbic brain structures. PMID:23043888

  5. Sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction in chronic hepatitis C patients

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    Bruno Cópio Fábregas


    Full Text Available Introduction The prevalence of sexual dysfunction (SD and dissatisfaction with sexual life (DSL in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection (CHC was jointly investigated via a thorough psychopathological analysis, which included dimensions such as fatigue, impulsiveness, psychiatric comorbidity, health-related quality of life (HRQL and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Methods Male and female CHC patients from an outpatient referral center were assessed using the Brief Fatigue Inventory, the Barrat Impulsiveness Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF. Structured psychiatric interviews were performed according to the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. SD was assessed based on specific items in the BDI (item 21 and the HAM-A (item 12. DSL was assessed based on a specific question in the WHOQOL-BREF (item 21. Multivariate analysis was performed according to an ordinal linear regression model in which SD and DSL were considered as outcome variables. Results SD was reported by 60 (57.1% of the patients according to the results of the BDI and by 54 (51.4% of the patients according to the results of the HAM-A. SD was associated with older age, female gender, viral genotype 2 or 3, interferon-α use, impulsiveness, depressive symptoms, antidepressant and benzodiazepine use, and lower HRQL. DSL was reported by 34 (32.4% of the patients and was associated with depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, antidepressant use, and lower HRQL. Conclusions The prevalence of SD and DSL in CHC patients was high and was associated with factors, such as depressive symptoms and antidepressant use. Screening and managing these conditions represent significant steps toward improving medical assistance and the HRQL of CHC patients.

  6. Uus etapp Iisraeli võitluses palestiinlastega / Kalev Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Kalev


    Ilmunud ka: Meie Maa, 27. apr. 2004, lk. 6. Iisraeli ja Hamasi vahelise võitluse ägenemise käigus tapeti Iisraeli julgeolekujõudude poolt Palestiina äärmusrühmituse Hamas juht Abdel-Aziz al-Rantisi. Lähis-Ida rahuplaani hakkavad Berliinis arutama rahuprotsessi nelja osapoole esindajad - USA, Euroopa Liit, ÜRO ja Venemaa

  7. Geochemistry and environmental isotope of groundwater from the upper Cretaceous aquifer of Orontes basin (Syria)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Charideh, A.


    Chemical and environmental isotopes have been used for studying the Upper Cretaceous aquifer systems in the Middle Orontes basin. The results indicate that the salinity of groundwater (0.2 to 2 g/l) reveals the dissolution of evaporate rocks is the main factor of high salinity especially in the Homes depression. The degree of salinity and its spaces distribution are basically related to the pattern of groundwater movement in the Upper cretaceous aquifer. The stable isotopes composition of groundwater in the Homes depression are more depleted by -2.5% and -17.0% for δ 18 O and δ 2 H respectively, than the groundwater from Hama elevation, suggested different origin and recharge time between this two groundwater groups. Estimates of their mean subsurface residence times have been constrained on the basis of 14 C D IC. The corrected ages of groundwater are recent and less to 10 thousand years in Hama uplift. However, the corrected age of groundwater in the Homs depression range between 10 to 25 thousand years indicate late Pleistocene recharge period. (author)

  8. Colorectal carcinoma metastases: Detection with In-111-labeled monoclonal antibody CCR 086

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Nabi, H.H.; Levine, G.; Lamki, L.M.; Murray, J.L.; Tauxe, W.N.; Shah, A.N.; Patt, Y.Z.; Doerr, R.J.; Klein, H.A.; Gona, J.


    A phase I/II clinical trial with indium-111-labeled antimucin murine monoclonal antibody (MoAb) CCR 086 was conducted. Seventeen patients with histologically proved colorectal carcinoma and known metastatic disease underwent external scintigraphy after administration of 5.5 mCi (203.5 MBq) of In-111 CCR 086 at doses of 5 and 20 mg. Of 25 known lesions, 17 were detected (sensitivity, 68%). The smallest detected lesion in the lung was 1 cm and in the liver was 1.5 cm. The serum half-life of In-111-labeled CCR 086 MoAb was approximately 64 hours. The formation of human antimouse antibody (HAMA) was detected in the serum of four of five patients who received 20 mg of MoAb. No HAMAs were detected in four patients receiving 5 mg of MoAb. No side effects were encountered. Because of effective detection of liver and lung metastases with lower doses (5-20 mg) of CCR 086 conjugated with In-111, further investigations are warranted to assess clinical and therapeutic potentials of CCR 086 in the management of colorectal cancer

  9. Depression and anxiety in hypothyroidism. (United States)

    Demet, M M; Ozmen, B; Deveci, A; Boyvada, S; Adiguzel, H; Aydemir, O


    The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and severity of depression and anxiety in patients with hypothyroidism and to compare this with euthyroid patients. Thirty patients with hypothyroidism and 30 euthyroid controls attending the Endocrinology outpatient department of Celal Bayar University, Medical Faculty were included in the study. The hormonal screening was done by immunoassay and haemagglutination methods. Then, for psychiatric assessment, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) were used. There was no difference between the two groups in terms of demographic features. Total scores obtained from the scales used in the study did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). The frequency of items of both HAM-D and HAM-A did not show any differences in the two groups. By Wilks' Lambda discriminant analysis, depressive mood (HAM-D#1) was found to be the discriminating feature between the hypothyroid group and the euthyroid group. Therefore, depression and anxiety were not outstanding features in hypothyrodism. However, depression was more significant in the hypothyroid than euthyroid group.


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    Moch. Sodiq


    Full Text Available Lalat buah telah menjadi salah satu hama penting pada tanaman belimbing (Averrhoa carambola L..  Guna mengatasi serangan lalat buah, petani selalu membungkus buah dan memasang atraktan metil eugenol pada tanaman belimbing pada saat tanaman berbunga sampai dengan buah belimbing dipanen, namun hasilnya belum optimal dalam mengendalikan lalat buah, sehingga perlu dicari cara lain untuk mengendalikan lalat buah belimbing yang lebih efektif.  Penelitian dilakukan pada lahan belimbing petani Kabupaten Blitar.  Sedangkan untuk mengetahui jenis lalat buah yang menyerang buah belimbing, dilakukan identifikasi di Laboratorium HamaTanaman.  Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali.  Parameter yang diamati adalah spesies, intensitas serangan, jumlah, dan kelamin lalat buah yang terperangkap.            Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atraktan tidak berpengaruh terhadap intensitas serangan lalat buah.  Lalat buah yang terperangkap hanya satu spesies yaitu Bactrocera carambolae dan kombinasi jenis atraktan, perangsang bau pakan, warna dan volume tempat atraktan tidak berpengaruh terhadap ketertarikan lalat buah jantan dan betina. Kata kunci : pengaruh, atraktan, lalat buah

  11. Evaluasi Pengendalian Sistem Informasi Pengiriman pada TL

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    Nelly Nelly


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to evaluate the control systems on the TL shipping information, in order to discern weaknesses or problems in delivery of enterprise information systems control using CobIT approach. The research method used is the data collecting by observation, checklists, interviews, and literature study. The results achieved are findings and issue recommendations that provide an illustration about a control of the running information delivery systems. From the illustration it is known that on the company’s control of information delivery system, there are still many things that have not been up to standard. The conclusion obtained is that the control of information delivery systems that have been implemented meets only partially the standards set small, so it still needs much improvement. 

  12. Desentralisasi, Sistem Pengendalian Akuntansi Dan Kinerja Organisasi

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    Ietje Nazaruddin


    Full Text Available This study examines the relationship between the use accounting controls system and decentralization with manager’s performance on public sector organizations. Decentralization refers to the level autonomy delegated to the manager’s public sector organizations. Responses of 45 managers public sector organizations in Yogyakarta were analyzed by using a path analytic technique.  The relationships between variables were specified by a series of path coefficient, which are equivalent to standardized beta coefficient.   The result studies indicate a positive and significant relationship between decentralization and use of accounting controls system, thereby supporting H1.  Other result reveal a positive and significant relationship between the use of accounting controls system and decentralization with performance, thus H2, H3 could be supported. The results of study indicate that the use of accounting controls system acts as mediator in the relationship between decentralization of decision making and performance of managers public sector on Yogyakarta.  The result reveal that increased level of decentralization is associated with and increased use accounting controls system which, in turn, is associated with improved managers performance on public sector organizations

  13. Model Pengendalian Sedimentasi Waduk Mrica Dengan Fluidisasi

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    Suroso Suroso


    This research was carried out to experiment model in a laboratory regarding effectiveness of fluidization system especially to support sediment flushing. Sample sediment tested was from Mrica reservoir bed. There were two models including a flushing model alone and a flushing model assisted by a fluidizer pipe. Experiment was conducted in various discharges, sediment depths, and pipe pressures. The research results show that sediment category in Mrica reservoir is cohesive material consisting around 80% of medium to coarse silt. Compared to the flushing mechanism alone, the combination of flushing and fluidization can increase the volume of sediment removal by 67.54 %, 67.88 %, and 71.26 % for the discharges of 0.123 litre/sec, 0.185 litre/sec, and 0.369 litre/sec respectively. The combination of flushing and fluidization is also able to improve model efficiency by around 4.38 %, 4.54 %, and 5.07 % for the same variation of discharges.

  14. Pengendalian Persediaan Primary Items dalam Logistik Konstruksi

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    Lady Lisya


    Full Text Available Construction logistics are activities that consist of ordering, storage and transportation of materials of construction projects. Storage material is logistics activity that ensure the availability of materials in project site. Generally, material storage activities have been conducted at the project site. Logistics construction is aimed to support the project activities that the completion schedule has been set. Construction logistics issues is determining the schedule of ordering materials so that the project can be implemented on schedule. The purpose of research is to determine the optimum ordering period for the primary items on the main building structure construction and designing inventory control cards as a mechanism for monitoring procurement of materials. This research has been obtained optimal ordering period for the primary items of main building structure with elements of the work using Fixed Period Requirement method. Inventories were already meet the material requirement of each period. Material management has been conducted based grouping approach as many as 31 groups. In addition, this research has proposed the inventory control cards as an instrument for material procurement monitoring. The implications of inventory control cards are coordinate contracting parties with vendors to plan the replenishment  of materials to meet the work schedule. Further research can be developed with other aspects such as integrated material order system between contractors and vendors to consider the safety stock. In addition, the information system for planning material is an important consideration for construction projects with large scale so that the companies can plan primary items inventory and other materials in the projects completion more easily, quickly and accurately.

  15. Equation of state for inert gas solids

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    their melting points. The EOS is basically a pressure–volume–temperature relationship. The studies based on EOS are widely important not only in physics but ..... Earth Planet. Inter. 109, 1 (1998). [11] J Hama and K Suito, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 116, 133 (1999). [12] A Prasad, M Singh and B R K Gupta, Indian J. Phys.

  16. Alex Miller, Knesseti liige : Iisrael mõtleb oma kodanikele / Alex Miller ; interv. Ivar Soopan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Miller, Alex


    Iisraeli parlamendiliikme sõnul ei ole läbirääkimised Palestiinaga vastuvõetavad, kui valitsuses on Hamas. Iisraeli-Palestiina konflikt ei ole tema sõnul mitte territoriaalprobleem, vaid tsivilisatsioonidevaheline konflikt. Parlamendiliige vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Palestiinale kuuluva 600 miljoni dollari maksuraha kinnihoidmist ning 40 Palestiina parlamendiliikme vangistamist, samuti Liibanoni ründamist eelmisel aastal

  17. U.S. Policy in the Israeli-Palestinian Dispute (United States)


    Project (0704-0188) Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE September 2017 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Master’s...policy, Israel, Palestine, peace process, Oslo Accords, qualitative military edge, Middle East, strategic interests, U.S. strategy, Hamas, Palestinian...role. vi THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK vii TABLE OF CONTENTS I. MAJOR RESEARCH QUESTION

  18. Efikasi Ekstrak Daun dan Bunga Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti

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    Meiske Elisabeth Koraag


    Full Text Available Abstract. Three widely known dengue vector control programs in Indonesia are chemical, biological, and environmental modification control where chemical control with organophosphate insecticide (malathion and temephos is the most common. The long term use of chemical insecticide will result in the vector beingtolerant and eventually resistant to insecticide. One of the alternative solutions is to use biological larvacide from the plant. The objective of this study was to determine the lethal concentration of the extract of Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior leaves and flowers against Aedes aegypti larvae. This was an experimentalstudy where the sample size was determined by using the Federer formula. The study used six different concentrations and four repetitions. Two controls group, Bacillus thuringiensis and water used as positive and negative control. The results showed that the LC50 and LC90 of Kecombrang leave extract were 1.20% and 2.05% respectively whereas for Kecombrang flowers extract were 0,05% and 0.09% respectively. Extract of Kecombrang leaves and flowers is effective to kill Ae. aegypti larvae where the flowers extract is more effective than the leaves extract in killing Ae. aegypti larvae.Keywords: dengue, Ae. aegypti, larvae, Etlingera elatiorAbstrak. Pengendalian vektor penular demam berdarah dengue (DBD yang selama ini dikenal yaitu pengendalian secara kimia, biologi dan modifikasi lingkungan. Pengendalian vektor DBD di Indonesia masih banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan insektisida dari golongan organofosfat (malation dan temefos. Penggunaan insektisida kimia dalam jangka waktu lama akan memberi efek menekan dan menyeleksi serangga vektor sasaran untuk menjadi toleran sampai resisten. Salah satu solusi alternatif yaitu menggunakan larvasida yang berasal dari tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan daya bunuh ekstrak daun dan bunga kecombrang (Etlingera elatior terhadap larva nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Jenis penelitian yang


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    Pwee Leng


    Full Text Available The rise of globalization causes the influence of a company's environment to be wider and more complex. The role of handling information is very dominant in highly competitive situations, especially in the business world. Information has even been accepted as one of the business resources, where the company attempts to optimize the role of information in management decision-making, for planning, operations and even control. With the help of computer technology, the spread of information, which initially was quite limited, can now be distributed according to need. This is also the case in accounting, where accounting information, which before only had a role at the operations control level, now has a role in management control. As a result of the increasing role of information in accounting, a system is needed to organize the accounting information in order to give the company a strategic competitive advantage. Because of that, Berlian Eka Sakti Tangguh, an export-oriented company located in Medan, operating in the cooking oil industry has purposed to upgrade the present system (semi-computerized to become a computerized, on-line system in order to help the company face the ever-increasing competition in the business world. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Derasnya arus globalisasi menyebabkan pengaruh lingkungan usaha di tempat perusahaan beroperasi menjadi semakin luas dan kompleks. Peran penguasaan informasi menjadi sangat dominan dalam persaingan yang ketat, tidak terkecuali dalam dunia bisnis. Bahkan informasi telah diakui sebagai salah satu sumber daya, dimana perusahaan berupaya mengoptimalkan peran informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan manajemen baik untuk perencanaan, pelaksanaan, maupun pengendalian. Dengan bantuan teknologi komputer, penyebaran informasi yang pada awalnya sangat terbatas kini telah dapat didistribusikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Demikian pula pada bidang akuntansi, dimana informasi akuntansi yang sebelumnya hanya berperan

  20. Hamas and Israel: Conflicting Strategies of Group-Based Politics (United States)


    Justice, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1990, pp. 189-197. 3. Many works deal with this issue. A detailed study of the city of Acre is...instructive. Rebecca L. Torstrick, The Limits of Coexistence: Identity Politics in Israel, Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2000. 4. with “Intifadha farms,” raising produce, chickens , and dairy cows, and boycotting Israeli products, refusing to pay taxes, and in merchants

  1. Efficacy and tolerability of escitalopram in treatment of major depressive disorder with anxiety symptoms: a 24-week, open-label, prospective study in Chinese population

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    Jiang KD


    Full Text Available Kaida Jiang,1 Lingjiang Li,2 Xueyi Wang,3 Maosheng Fang,4 Jianfei Shi,5 Qiuyun Cao,6 Jincai He,7 Jinan Wang,8 Weihao Tan,8 Cuili Hu8 1Psychiatry Department, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai, 2Psychiatry Department,The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, 3Psychiatry Department, First affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, 4Psychiatry Department, Wuhan Mental Health Center, Wuhan, 5Psychiatry Department, Hangzhou the 7th Hospital, Hangzhou, 6Psychology Department, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing, 7Neurology Department, First affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, 8Medical Affairs Department, Xi’an Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd., Beijing, People’s Republic of China Background: Significant anxiety symptoms are associated with poor clinical course and outcome in major depressive disorder (MDD. This single-arm, open-label study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of escitalopram treatment in patients with MDD and anxiety symptoms. Methods: Adult patients with MDD and anxiety symptoms (Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale [MADRS] ≥22 and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale [HAM-A] ≥14 were enrolled and received escitalopram (10–20 mg/day treatment for 24 weeks. Symptom status was assessed by MADRS, 17-item-Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, HAM-A, and Clinical Global Impression Scale at baseline and the following visits. Quality of life was assessed by Short Form-12, and safety was evaluated by adverse events, laboratory investigations, vital signs, and physical findings. Results: Overall, 200 of 318 (66.2% enrolled patients completed the 24-week treatment. The remission (MADRS ≤10 and HAM-A ≤7 rate in the full analysis set (N=285 was 73.3% (95% confidence interval: 67.80, 78.38 at week 24. Mean (± standard deviation MADRS total score was 33.4 (±7.13 and HAM-A score was 27.6 (±7.26 at baseline, which reduced to 6.6 (±10.18 and 6.0 (±8

  2. Minor human antibody response to a mouse and chimeric monoclonal antibody after a single i.v. infusion in ovarian carcinoma patients: a comparison of five assays

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buist, M. R.; Kenemans, P.; van Kamp, G. J.; Haisma, H. J.


    The human anti-(mouse Ig) antibody (HAMA) response was measured in serum of 52 patients suspected of having ovarian carcinoma who had received an i.v. injection of either the murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) OV-TL 3 F(ab')2 (n = 28, 1 mg) or the chimeric mouse/human mAb MOv18 (cMOv18; n = 24, 3 mg).


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    BUIST, MR; KENEMANS, P; VANKAMP, GJ; Haisma, Hidde

    The human anti-(mouse Ig) antibody (HAMA) response was measured in serum of 52 patients suspected of having ovarian carcinoma who had received an i.v. injection of either the murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) OV-TL 3 F(ab')(2) (n = 28, 1 mg) or the chimeric mouse/human mAb MOv18 (cMOv18; n = 24, 3

  4. Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses (United States)


    evaluating their backgrounds according to constitutional requirements that a candidate demonstrate knowledge of Islam, loyalty to the Islamic...containment and missile defense strategies and with most U.S. and multilateral sanctions against Iran, including by selling more oil to the customers ... restaurants , and other civilian targets inside Israel. In recent years, however, Hamas has directly involved itself in Palestinian politics and its

  5. Granting Concessions and Paying Ransoms to Terrorists: A Policy Options Analysis of the U.S. Policy on Hostage Recovery (United States)


    businesses like General Motors, which received bailout money from the federal government, and the Catholic Church, which receives tax-exempt status...from gaining independence from France . Other examples of absolute terrorists include the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), Hamas, and al...The conflict began when the IRA, which represented the Catholic minority, felt discriminated against by the Protestant majority, represented by


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    Siti Sumariyah


    Full Text Available Changes in the oral mucosa frequently is associated with aging. The epithelium becoming thinner, less hydrated and thus supposedly more susceptible to injury. Aging is characterized by decline in the ability of individuals to adapt to environmental stress. The major problems that affect mucous membranes in the aged include candidiasis, xerostomia, atrophic mucositis, aphthous stomatitis, herpes simplex, lichen planys, pemphigus vulgaris, and benign mucous membrane pemphigoif. A special disease of the oral mucosa with the greatest potential morbidity and mortality is cancer. The management of such oral mucosal diseases should be organized and developed to secure continuously adequate early detection, prevention and treatment of oral health problems. It requires the involvement and willingness of other health professionals, to get the optimal result.


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    Ahmad Banin


    Full Text Available Banjarbaru has prepared as the capital of South Kalimantan which has a barometer was grown as the center of government, economic, education and services, so it can be a magnet for people who wants to get their opportunity. This situation should become to increase facilities and infrastructure to support the activities and movements of populations. It can make governments gets many tasks. The research aims to know the effectiveness of existence and give a solution or the alternative model to handle the utility of underground network in Banjarbaru, for the future from management and institution mainly. This problem is interesting to study as material for making an integrating model for the utility of underground network continuously. The experiment was conducted by using Qualitative methods. Data was collected by direct observation, interview and questioner to strengthen the data. Then, the data was analyzed by using SWOT analysis. The result showed that the utility of underground network ( existing is perceived by society is not effective because it is usually digging holes in the same place for different installation. So, the management of handling in the utility of underground network should be performed or handle as integrating and professional, not detrimental and stakeholders are leaded by the government in Banjarbaru. The result also provides the solution or alternative model to gain all underground networks such as Telkom, PDAM, drainage, PLN, sanitation and gas. This model can applicate in Banjarbaru area, particularly for the government of South Kalimantan especially at offices because it was designed with environmental sustainable management.

  8. Peran Tim Bidang Kedokteran Gigi dalam Pelayanan Geriatri Terpadu

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    Tri Budi W. Rahardjo


    Full Text Available The characteristic of geriatric problems are multiple, interdependent, and chronic diseases, in which mastication is significant in affecting general health condition among the elderly. In this regard, the role of dental team in integrated geriatric services is highly needed. The number of dentists and various disciplines in dentistry will depend on the level of health facilities. The role dentists will be important both in "Day Hospital" or in the geriatric wards, as members of the team who will involve in the process of services since diagnostic stage until the follow up treatment. In addition, the dental team will also be able to solve the geriatric problems, in promotion/prevention program as well as home visit.


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    Buyung Syukron


    Full Text Available Abstract The system of quality management implemented with the consistent commitment would provide the benefits and success for all stakeholders in the University. To obtain those benefits and success should be based on several principles of the established quality management. The starting entry of foreign University enliven the “competition” existed in Indonesia. The University is not only seen as the center of science, research, and community service, but also as the corporation entity of “producing science” that needs to compete to ensure the survival. The competition, as experienced by companies for profit, covers the competition of quality, price, and service. University as nonprofit entity also faces the same case. To manage these all, it needs the knowledge and skill of management namely integrated quality management of University.   Keywords: Integrated Quality Management, Transformation of Management, University


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    Sriyana Sriyana


    Full Text Available A low carrying capacity of drainage basin or watershed may cause several problems, where floods occur inrainy season and droughts occur in dry season, also the occurrence of erosion, sedimentation and so on, hasbeen government’s problem in watershed management all along. In order to anticipate this condition,characteristic data of a watershed are required, so that it can be used as basic reference of watershedmanagement.The purpose of this paper is to conduct a study on the characteristics of Tuntang watershed of Central JavaProvince and watershed management model.The method of approach uses aspects of watershed geomorphology such as the shape of watershed, elongationratio and circularity ratio approaches, order of river using Strahle method, watershed density using Lynsleyformula, and river gradient calculated based on the comparison between elevation difference and length of mainrivers.Results show that magnitude index of Tuntang Sub watershed has elongated shape with Rc value between 0.27 to0.46, which means that the longer concentration time needed, the lower flood fluctuation. And relatively roundedshape with Rc value between 0.57 to 1.00, which means that the shorter concentration time needed, the higherflood fluctuation occurs. Sub watershed order range from 4 to 6 order, which means that river basins have floodwater level increase (moderately quick to fast, likewise water level decrease. Level slope between 0 - 8 % (lowflow velocity with an area of 117605.56 Ha, and very steep slope > 40 % (very high flow velocity with an areaof 4219.09 Ha. The highest drainage density occurs in Sub watershed of Tuntang downstream 1.88 Km / Km²,and lowest Sub watershed of Blorong 1.01 Km / Km². Based on both magnitudes, the water being stored is inmedium category and floods and droughts occur. The flow pattern has the shape of rectangular dendritic anddendritic medium, showing that soil characteristics is limestone and shale. To obtain optimal performance resultof Tuntang watershed, integrated watershed management program is needed in watershed managementintegration by involving various associated parties.

  11. Genetically engineered multivalent single chain antibody constructs for cancer therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Surinder Batra


    Current therapeutic approaches against the advanced stages of human solid tumors are palliative rather than curative. Many modalities, including, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, either alone or in combination have met with only modest success for advanced metastatic cancers. Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) combines the specificity of monoclonal antibodies with cytotoxic effects of radioisotopes. It is the ''smart'' way of delivering radiation to the known and occult metastatic cancer cells and is independent of drug toxicity and/or hormone resistance. The tumor associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG-72) containing the unique disaccharide sialyl-Tn, is highly expressed in majority of adenocarcinomas, including carcinomas of the prostate, breast, ovaries, pancreas and colon (80-90%) compared to undetectable expression in normal tissues. Monoclonal antibody CC49, reactive with TAG-72, after conjugation to potent gamma- and beta-emitting radionuclides, has been useful in selective systemic radiolocalization of disease and therapy of primary and metastatic tumor sites. However, limited therapeutic responses were observed in patients. Limited success of antibody based delivery of radioisotopes can be attributed to several factors including undesirable pharmacokinetics, poor tumor uptake and high immunogenicity of intact antibodies (IgGs). The primary factors contributing towards the failure of RIT include: (1) longer serum half-lives of the intact IgG molecules resulting in the radiotoxicity, (2) generation of human antibodies against murine antibodies (HAMA) that limits the frequency of dose administration, (3) poor diffusion rates of intact IgG due to the large size and (4) high interstitial fluid pressures (IFP) encountered in solid tumors. The major goal of our multidisciplinary project was to develop specific novel radiopharmaceuticals, with desired pharmacokinetics, for the diagnosis and therapy of solid tumors. To overcome the low uptake of radioactivity by tumors and to

  12. [Approach to the Development of Mind and Persona]. (United States)

    Sawaguchi, Toshiko


    To access medical specialists by health specialists working in the regional health field, the possibility of utilizing the voice approach for dissociative identity disorder (DID) patients as a health assessment for medical access (HAMA) was investigated. The first step is to investigate whether the plural personae in a single DID patient can be discriminated by voice analysis. Voices of DID patients including these with different personae were extracted from YouTube and were analysed using the software PRAAT with basic frequency, oral factors, chin factors and tongue factors. In addition, RAKUGO story teller voices made artificially and dramatically were analysed in the same manner. Quantitive and qualitative analysis method were carried out and nested logistic regression and a nested generalized linear model was developed. The voice from different personae in one DID patient could be visually and easily distinquished using basic frequency curve, cluster analysis and factor analysis. In the canonical analysis, only Roy's maximum root was personae could guide to the risky situation such as suicide. So if the voice approach can show the time threshold of changes between the different personae, it would be useful as an Access Assessment in the form of a simple HAMA.

  13. Iran’s Foreign and Defense Policies (United States)


    Palestinian peace process through Hamas attacks on buses, restaurants , and other civilian targets inside Israel. However, in 2012, their differing positions...mid-2015, declared its loyalty to the Islamic State organization. 105 Almost all of the Central Asian states share a common language and culture with...natural gas customer . Perhaps in an attempt to diversify gas export routes, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov signaled in 2007 that Turkmenistan

  14. Uji Efektifitas Beberapa Konsentrasi Larutan Daun Kirinyuh (Choromolaena odorata (L. King & Robinson Terhadap Ulat Tritip (Plutella xylostella L Pada Tanaman Kubis (Brassica oleraceae var. capitata Di Laboratorium

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    Firdaus Firdaus


    Full Text Available Ulat tritip, Plutella xylostella, merupakan hama cosmopolitan yang memiliki kecendrungan tinggi untuk resisten terhadap insektisida konvensional.  Oleh karenanya perlu terus dikaji bahan alternative yang berpotensi insektisidal untuk hama ini.  Kirinyuh, Chromolaena odorata, merupakan gulma invasive yang memiliki kandungan senyawa dengan  potensi insektisidal.   Penelitian ini  telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Riau, Jalan Kaharudin Nasution, Kelurahan Simpang Tiga, Kecamatan Bukit Raya, Pekanbaru KM 11; dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi konsentrasi filtrate daun kirinyuh dengan dua cara aplikasi (metoda tetes/topical dan metoda celup daun/pakan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap ( RAL faktorial, dimana faktor pertama adalah berbagai tingkat konsentrasi larutan daun kirinyuh ( D terdiri dari 5 taraf perlakuan yaitu : kontrol, 150 gr/liter air, 300 gr/liter air, 450 gr/liter air dan 600 gr/liter air dan faktor kedua adalah cara aplikasi ( A yang terdiri dari 2 taraf perlakuan dimana  cara pertama yaitu larutan yang ditetesi secara topikal ketubuh larva dan bahan makan larva yang dicelupkan kedalam larutan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah : persentase mortalitas larva Plutella xylostella, persentase larva menjadi pupa, persentase pupa menjadi imago dan dampak perlakuan terhadap progeni.Dari hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai tingkat konsentrasi filtrat kirinyuh dan cara aplikasi larutan daun kirinyuh secara interaksi berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap parameter pengamatan persentase mortalitas larva, persentase larva menjadi pupa, dan persentase pupa menjadi imago. Kombinasi perlakuan terbaik yaitu pada konsentrasi tertinggi yang di uji 600 g bahan per liter air dan metode celup daun.  Sedangkan perlakuan utama tingkat konsentrasi larutan kirinyuh berpengaruh nyata terhadap seluruh parameter pengamatan. Pengaruh

  15. Evaluasi Pengendalian Internal Siklus Pendapatan Pada PT X

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    Aries Wicaksono


    Full Text Available This study aims to evaluate the implementation of internal control in revenue cycle, to identify weaknesses and limitations of internal control, and to suggest improvements as needed. Research was carried out by using several methods. First, the method of data collection was conducted with internal control questionnaires of revenue cycle, interview, and observation. Second, the method of analysis was performed by using COSO internal control framework. Results obtained are internal control in the revenue cycle applied to the company in general is quite good; and there are ineffective implementation of internal control which can lead to the emergence of risks that could harm the company.


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    Purnawan Adi Wicaksono


    Full Text Available PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (PT. CCAI merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang minuman ringan dalam kemasan. Perusahaan ini menjadi pusat produksi produk Coca-Cola regional Jawa Tengah. Berbagai macam produk seperti Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Minute Maid dan Frestea diproduksi demi memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Produk-produk tersebut tentunya tidak terlepas dari permasalahan produk cacat, dimana dalam produksinya terdapat produk yang tidak sesuai dengan standar ketetapan produk. Secara umum, produk cacat PT.CCAI dibagi menjadi tiga tipe, yakni cap, cap quality, dan underfill. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan, produk Coca-Cola 1000 ml memiliki jumlah cacat yang paling besar, yakni 0,49%. Penyebab terbesar dari terjadinya cacat produk pada produk Coca-Cola 1000 ml adalah underfill, dimana volume dari produk yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan batas minimal. Permasalahan tersebut diselesaikan menggunakan konsep Lean Six Sigma dengan menggunakan tools diagram Pareto dan diagram tulang ikan. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan tools tersebut, PT. CCAI Semarang  disarankan untuk memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan mengenai manajemen waktu pada karyawan-karyawannya, terutama pada karyawan-karyawan baru. Selain itu, PT. CCAI Semarang harus  juga melakukan pengecekan mesin yang lebih rutin dan lebih memperhatikan lingkungan area produksi.


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    Teguh Sriwidadi


    Full Text Available This article discusses sales force performance measurement at PT Merapi Utama Pharma and integrates performance measurement and management control system. The balanced scorecard (BSC is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. The balanced scorecard suggests that we view the organization from four perspectives : the learning and growth perspective, the internal business processes perspective, the customer perspective, and the financial perspective.The management control system used is levers of control framework, included beliefs control system, boundary control system, diagnostic control system, and interactive control systems. 

  18. Wolbachia Sebagai Alternatif Pengendalian Vektor Nyamuk Aedes SP.


    Lusiyana, Novyan


    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue. Virus dengue ditransmisikan kepada manusia melalui perantara vektor yaitu nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus (Aedes sp.). Penyakit ini dapat terjadi sepanjang tahun dan meningkat seiring dengan datangnya musim penghujan. Penyakit DBD memiliki mortalitas yang cukup tinggi terutama di negara-negara beriklim tropis dimana banyak faktor yang mendukung perkembangbiakan nyamuk vektor tersebut.

  19. Komparasi Sistem Pengendalian Internal Pengelolaan Lembaga Amil Zakat

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    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to evaluate the internal control system of management practices of zakat institution (LAZ in Semarang in term of their accountability. The research method used is multiple case study through descriptive qualitative approach. The result indicates that most zakat institutions have weak and simple procedures in accepting and distributing zakat. Moreover, there are also other weaknesses in internal control, in term of separation of accounting function, position rotation, and also the availability of specific accounting division and internal auditor.

  20. Beyond al-Qaeda. Part 1. The Global Jihadist Movement (United States)


    the Tokyo subway in March 1995, was able to fashion a crude chemical weapon, but failed to fabricate a biological device, despite Morocco, terrorist lead- ers with al-Qaeda connections who trained in Afghanistan were the organizers. One major change in these “ franchised ...from Eurasia. Hamas and its offshoot, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), provided shelter, food , and training. From Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Saudi

  1. Israel: Background and U.S. Relations (United States)


    principle to raise the electoral threshold for political parties seeking to enter the Knesset from 2% to 4%. Shelly Yachimovich formally leads the...Israel’s 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead, which was directed against Hamas in the Gaza Strip) as acts of aggression. During the 111th Congress, the...Senate and the House overwhelmingly passed resolutions during the week of January 5, 2009 in connection with Operation Cast Lead that supported


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    Dewi Rumbia Mustikawati


    Full Text Available The resistance of some_introduced hybrid genotypes maize (Zea mays towards insect pests. Plant resistance to insect pest play an important role in integrated pest management. Fourty hybrid genotypes released by CIMMYT Mexico and two National hybrid varieties (Pioner 13 and Andalas as local control had been tested threir resistance to insect pests. The trial was conducted at Natar Station Experimental, South Lampung from April to July 2002. The objective of the experiment was to obtaine the hybrid genotypes in which have a good tolerint or resistance toward insect pests. Alpha latice design with three replicates were used in this experiment. The varieties were grown in two-row plots of 5 m length at row-to-row spacing of 75 cm and hill-to-hill spacing within rows of 25 cm. 300 kg Urea, 150 kg SP-36 and 100 kg KCI ha_1 was applied to the trial. Insect pests damage were observe d at 16 and 80 days after planting. The results showed that there were 12 genotypes have moderate resistance toward insect pests: CMS 991006, CTM 011004, CMT 011018, CMT 011028, CMT 011030, CMT 011036, CMT 011038, CMT 011044, CMT 011050, CMS 951220 (RE, CMT 011056, CMT 011060 and one genotype was susceptible that was CMS 991018, however the others showed varies resistance traits against insect pest.


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    Dini Yuliani


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Metarhizium anisopliae and Andrographis paniculata to the natural enemies of Nephotettix virescens and non-target insect pests. This research was conducted in tungro endemic areas in Subang District, West Java in the wet season 2013/2014. The method of research used a split plot design with four replications. The main plot was IR66, Inpari 9, and Ciherang varieties. Subplot was the application of M. anisopliae, A. paniculata, and control. Observations were carried out five times started at nursery (2 weeks after seedling, 14, 28, 42, and 56 days after planting using insect nets, double swing 10 times on each plot observations. The results show M. anisopliae and A. paniculata not adversely affect on non-target insect pests such as Chironomid and natural enemies of N. virescens namely Lycosa pseudoannulata, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, Sepedon sp., damselfly, Tipulidae sp., Telenomus sp., dragonfly, and Tetrastichus sp.. Efficacy of M. anisopliae and A. paniculata as one of the control strategies that are environmentally friendly and proved not harmful to non-target insect pests.

  4. A Hydrogel Model Incorporating 3D-Plotted Hydroxyapatite for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering

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    Michal Bartnikowski


    Full Text Available The concept of biphasic or multi-layered compound scaffolds has been explored within numerous studies in the context of cartilage and osteochondral regeneration. To date, no system has been identified that stands out in terms of superior chondrogenesis, osteogenesis or the formation of a zone of calcified cartilage (ZCC. Herein we present a 3D plotted scaffold, comprising an alginate and hydroxyapatite paste, cast within a photocrosslinkable hydrogel made of gelatin methacrylamide (GelMA, or GelMA with hyaluronic acid methacrylate (HAMA. We hypothesized that this combination of 3D plotting and hydrogel crosslinking would form a high fidelity, cell supporting structure that would allow localization of hydroxyapatite to the deepest regions of the structure whilst taking advantage of hydrogel photocrosslinking. We assessed this preliminary design in terms of chondrogenesis in culture with human articular chondrocytes, and verified whether the inclusion of hydroxyapatite in the form presented had any influence on the formation of the ZCC. Whilst the inclusion of HAMA resulted in a better chondrogenic outcome, the effect of HAP was limited. We overall demonstrated that formation of such compound structures is possible, providing a foundation for future work. The development of cohesive biphasic systems is highly relevant for current and future cartilage tissue engineering.

  5. An orally administered lavandula oil preparation (Silexan) for anxiety disorder and related conditions: an evidence based review. (United States)

    Kasper, Siegfried


    Silexan is a lavender oil preparation in gelatine capsules containing 80 mg. We reviewed the clinical trials investigating the anxiolytic efficacy and tolerability of Silexan as well as its safety and potential for drug interactions. Seven trials were included, among which four therapeutic trials had a treatment duration of 6 or 10 weeks. In patients with subsyndromal anxiety or generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) an anxiolytic effect of Silexan was evident after 2 weeks. Patients treated with Silexan showed Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) total score decreases between 10.4 ± 7.1 and 12.0 ± 7.2 points at Week 6 and between 11.8 ± 7.7 and 16.0 ± 8.3 points at Week 10. HAMA total score reductions between baseline and end of treatment were significantly superior to placebo in patients with subsyndromal anxiety and comparable to lorazepam in its starting dose in patients with GAD. Silexan had beneficial effects on typical co-morbidity symptoms of anxiety disorders, for example, disturbed sleep, somatic complaints, or decreased quality of life. Except for mild gastrointestinal symptoms, the drug was devoid of adverse effects and did not cause drug interactions or withdrawal symptoms at daily doses of 80 or 160 mg.

  6. North Korea: a mercenary proliferator?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hemez, Remy


    After having recalled that North Korea possesses a rather advanced ballistic programme which has been started in the 1970 with the Chinese support, that North Korea is the fourth world producer of ballistic missiles, the author outlines that this country has become a major proliferator as it exports this production to different States and non-State actors. He recalls the long history of relationships between North Korea and terrorist organisations (even during the Cold War), comments the current and major support of North Korea to Hamas and Hezbollah in Gaza and in Lebanon. These relationships are then related with those these both organisations have with Syria and Iran who are in fact the relays between them and North Korea. The author explains why Hamas and Hezbollah must buy their weapons to such a far country: Iran is submitted to international sanctions, Iran and Syria want to avoid being banned from the international community for selling weapon to a terrorist (or so-said) organisation, and prices are rather competitive. If North Korea is also submitted to international sanctions, weapon smuggling seems to be institutional in this country. The author finally briefly evokes the issue of chemical weapons: North Korea possesses few thousand tonnes of these weapons, and could export them to non-state organisations

  7. Development of the Biopen: a handheld device for surgical printing of adipose stem cells at a chondral wound site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O’Connell, Cathal D; Thompson, Fletcher; Beirne, Stephen; Cornock, Rhys; Richards, Christopher J; Chung, Johnson; Gambhir, Sanjeev; Yue, Zhilian; Zhang, Binbin; Taylor, Adam; Quigley, Anita; Kapsa, Robert; Wallace, Gordon G; Di Bella, Claudia; Choong, Peter; Augustine, Cheryl; Bourke, Justin


    We present a new approach which aims to translate freeform biofabrication into the surgical field, while staying true to the practical constraints of the operating theatre. Herein we describe the development of a handheld biofabrication tool, dubbed the ‘biopen’, which enables the deposition of living cells and biomaterials in a manual, direct-write fashion. A gelatin–methacrylamide/hyaluronic acid–methacrylate (GelMa/HAMa) hydrogel was printed and UV crosslinked during the deposition process to generate surgically sculpted 3D structures. Custom titanium nozzles were fabricated to allow printing of multiple ink formulations in a collinear (side-by-side) geometry. Independently applied extrusion pressure for both chambers allows for geometric control of the printed structure and for the creation of compositional gradients. In vitro experiments demonstrated that human adipose stem cells maintain high viability (>97%) one week after biopen printing in GelMa/HAMa hydrogels. The biopen described in this study paves the way for the use of 3D bioprinting during the surgical process. The ability to directly control the deposition of regenerative scaffolds with or without the presence of live cells during the surgical process presents an exciting advance not only in the fields of cartilage and bone regeneration but also in other fields where tissue regeneration and replacement are critical. (paper)


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    Angelina Puspita Sandy


    Full Text Available Waste management in Jembrana District, had been handled by the Environmental Sanitation Department, which in 2012 the amount of garbage in Jembrana District it’s about 684.80 m3. The amount of garbage was large and continues to grow up every day, thus feared that TPA Peh will overload. This problem encourages the needed for Integrated Waste Sites Planning in TPA Peh, where it will accept the loads of Jembrana garbage. The Integrated Waste Site Planning in TPA Peh requires some studies, such as study of the technical aspects, financial aspects and environmental aspects. Based on technical analysis it was known that the garbage of Jembrana district in TPA Peh amounted to 150.56 m3/day. Recovery factor value was 80.33% with 19.87% residue. If this large amount of garbage is not processed, then TPA Peh predicted will be overloud in November 2015. By Integrated Waste Site Planning which is only the residue that wasted on landfill, then it could be extended the lifespan of the landfill until 9 (nine years and 3 (three month. Required area in the application of Integrated Waste Site Planning in TPA Peh is 13.701 m2. The total cost of investment in the implementation of the Integrated Waste Site in TPA Peh is Rp. 12.331.282.000.00. Total operational cost is Rp. 5.811.760.000, while the revenue potential of recycling such as composting and stalls selling stuff in 2022 is Rp. 18.390.154.291.56. Net Present Value (NPV obtained positive value of Rp. 13.933.193.788 with a value of IRR is 45,23% and B / C ratio is 1,159. Environmental analysis on TPA Peh Jembrana by analysis of well water quality around the landfill, is known that most of the physical and chemical parameters are still under the quality standard. Biological parameters are still above the water quality standards based on Permenkes No. 416.Menkes/Per/IX/1990. From the analysis of landfill leachate water quality parameters known for Total Suspended Solids (TSS, Ammonium-free, BOD, COD and biological parameters are still higher then the effluent quality standards compared to Bali Governor Regulation No. 8 of 2007 on Environmental Quality Standards and Criteria Standard Environmental Damage.


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    Ismail B Arifin


    Full Text Available The development of science and technology that is integrated with the Islamic knowledge wishes to create a potential religious generation. Islamic education institution creates a religious Islamic individual through two approaches; those are natural and cultural approaches. Method that is applied is descriptive, that is collecting and analyzing the primary and secondary data. Then, planning and designing approaches are done to review various aspects oriented with architect knowledge, basic theoretic and standard. The pressure of green architecture concept enclose energy efficiency because in architect concept that is friendly environment, continuing, holistic and based on the efforts to reach designing to create energy efficiency.


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    Bani Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta memiliki tanggung jawab meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran rakyat serta menjaga kelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup di daerah. Namun tanggung jawab tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan sendiri. Dibutuhkan dukungan Dunia Usaha dan Masyarakat. Untuk memfasilitasi dukungan tersebut ditetapkan Pergub No. 112 tahun 2013 tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Dunia Usaha. Penelitian ini mengulas tentang evaluasi ketentuan Pergub tersebut beserta usulan perubahannya. Menggunakan metode penelitian kombinasi yang menggabungkan metode penelitian hukum normatif dan empiris, penelitian ini melakukan kajian empiris dengan menggunakan metode Modified Participatory Action Research. Kombinasi analisis yuridis dengan model perancangan peraturan digunakan pada tahapan analisa. Perbaikan tata kelola  TSLDU/CSR, dilakukan melalui 4 (empat aspek yaitu (1 penyediaan Informasi dan Tata Kelola Administrasi TSLDU/CSR menggunakan Sistem Informasi berbasis web; (2 mengintegrasikan Dukungan TSLDU dengan Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan dan Anggaran Daerah; (3 Perluasan Ruang Lingkup TSLDU/CSR; dan (4 Mengembangkan Skema TSLDU/CSR Kolaboratif.

  11. The Decision Calculus of Terrorist Leaders


    J. Tyson Chatagnier; Alex Mintz; Yair Samban


    This article contributes to the literature on terrorist group decision-making by introducing a new procedure, Applied Decision Analysis, in an attempt to understand how leaders of terrorist organizations make decisions. We examine twenty-three decisions taken by leaders of three terrorist organizations: Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hizballah. We also demonstrate the use of the Applied Decision Analysis procedure to uncover the "Decision DNA" or “decision code” of leaders of such organizat...

  12. Změna konceptu terorismu v praxi


    Pejcha, Zdeněk


    This thesis demonstrates the general change of theoretical concept of terrorism. The general concept of terrorism is divided into two "subsections": "old" terrorism and "new" terrorism. These two subsections are different in their basic characteristics. So the general change between the "old" and "new" terrorism is illustrated using the four cases of terrorist groups (Irish Republican Army, Basque Homeland and Freedom, Hamas and al Qaeda). In order to make successful demonstration of the chan...

  13. A study of the use of radioimmunoscintigraphy (RIA) with the monoclonal antibody MAb-170, and fluorine-18 flurodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18FDG-PET) for the preoperative imaging of complex ovarian masses and their ability to identify ovarian cancer (United States)

    Lieberman, Gidon

    The hypothesis for this study is whether the newer diagnostic techniques of radioimmunoscintigraphy (RIS) utilising radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies and 2-[[18]F] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([18]FDG) imaging using a double headed gamma camera offer improvements in preoperative selection for referral of patients to Cancer Centres. Monoclonal antibody radioimmunoscintigraphy (RIS) is hindered by several factors including false positive results due to physiological excretion, concern over production of human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) that would prevent repeated doses and difficulty in precisely relating areas of accumulation and anatomy. [18]FDG imaging relies on the accumulation of radiolabelled sugars, and subsequent breakdown products within tumour. [18]FDG imaging with dedicated positron emission tomography has real potential, but its use is limited by large capital outlay. Newer techniques involving "dual headed cameras" (DHC) offer PET capability at a lower cost. Chapter two describes the evaluation of a monoclonal antibody (MAb-170) in 27 women who presented with suspicious pelvic masses. The preoperative clinical, radiological and radioimmunoscintigraphy findings are compared to those at surgery and subsequent histology. All 18 patients with malignant or borderline ovarian cancer were correctly identified using RIS. The overall sensitivity and specificity for all sites were 100% and 38%. RIS was particularly useful in the identification of (intra-abdominal) serosal deposits. Enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) was used to quantify the HAMA. A strong HAMA production was seen in at least 3 patients, however HAMA response was independent of clinical parameters. Chapter three describes the immunohistochemical staining of paraffin embedded biopsy specimens from the 27 patients who underwent RIS with MAb-170. The original research into the cellular location of the specific epitope to which the antibody interacts was performed on isopentane frozen biopsies

  14. Radiocesium sorption in relation to clay mineralogy of paddy soils in Fukushima, Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakao, Atsushi, E-mail: [Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, Hangi-cho 1-5, Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8522 (Japan); Ogasawara, Sho [Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, Hangi-cho 1-5, Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8522 (Japan); Sano, Oki; Ito, Toyoaki [Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Naruko-Onsen 232-3, Osaki, Miyagi 989-6711 (Japan); Yanai, Junta [Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, Hangi-cho 1-5, Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8522 (Japan)


    Relationships between Radiocesium Interception Potential (RIP) and mineralogical characteristics of the clay fraction isolated from 97 paddy soils (Hama-dori, n = 25; Naka-dori, n = 36; Aizu, n = 36) in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan were investigated to clarify the mineralogical factors controlling the {sup 137}Cs retention ability of soils (half-life 30.1 y). Of all the fission products released by the Fukushima accident, {sup 137}Cs is the most important long-term contributor to the environmental contamination. The RIP, a quantitative index of the {sup 137}Cs retention ability, was determined for the soil clays. The composition of clay minerals in the soil clays was estimated from peak areas obtained using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. The predominant clay mineral was smectite in soils from Hama-dori and Aizu, while this was variable for those from Naka-dori. Native K content of the soil clays was found to be an indicator of the amount of micaceous minerals. The average RIP for the 97 soil clays was 7.8 mol kg{sup −1}, and ranged from 2.4 mol kg{sup −1} to 19.4 mol kg{sup −1}. The RIP was significantly and positively correlated with native K content for each of the geographical regions, Hama-dori (r = 0.76, p < 0.001), Naka-dori (r = 0.43, p < 0.05), and Aizu (r = 0.76, P < 0.001), while it was not related to the relative abundance of smectite. The linear relationship between RIP and native K content not only indicate a large contribution of micaceous minerals to the {sup 137}Cs retention ability of the soil clays, but also could be used to predict the {sup 137}Cs retention ability of soil clays for other paddy fields in Fukushima and other areas. - Highlights: • RIP was measured for 97 paddy soils from Fukushima to assess {sup 137}Cs retention ability. • The dominant clay mineral was smectite, but this did not control RIP. • RIP was positively correlated with native K content. • Micaceous minerals were found to control the {sup 137}Cs retention

  15. [Resting state fMRI study of emotional network in patients with postconcussion syndrome]. (United States)

    Zhang, X; Qian, R B; Fu, X M; Lin, B; Zhang, D; Xia, C S; Wei, X P; Niu, C S; Wang, Y H


    Objective: To discuss functional connectivity changes in the emotional network of patients with post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and their clinical significance by resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). Methods: Twenty-seven patients with PCS were recruited from the Department of Neurosurgery of Anhui provincial hospital affiliated to Anhui medical university from October 2015 to April 2016, and 27 healthy subjects were recruited as the controls. The Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) and The Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) were used to evaluate the emotional state of two groups of subjects. All fMRI data were preprocessed after RS-fMRI scanning, the left and right amygdala were selected as region of interest (ROI) to make functional connectivity (FC) calculation with the whole brain and then the results were did statistical analysis in order to obtain the altered brain areas of amygdala and whole brain functional connectivity in the PCS patient, to understand the functional changes of emotional network. Results: HAMA and HAMD scores of PCS group and the health controls had significant statistical difference (HAMA: the PCS group 9.8±1.5, the health controls 4.5±1.2, P =0.044; HAMD: the PCS group 12±1.2, the health controls was 4.2±1.5, P =0.024). Compared with the health controls, the left amygdala in PCS patients showed decreased FC with left insula, left putamen, left anterior cingulate gyrus, left inferior orbital frontal gyrus, left medial superior frontal gyrus, bilateral superior temporal gyrus, left superior temporal pole, bilateral supramarginal gyrus et al, on the contrary with the increased FC with right superior orbital frontal gyrus, right middle frontal lobe, right orbital frontal lobe, right middle frontal gyrus. The right amygdala in PCS patients showed decreased FC with bilateral putamen, right inferior orbital frontal gyrus, left insula, bilateral precuneus, bilateral superior temporal pole, right superior temporal gyrus

  16. The Palestinians: Background and U.S. Relations (United States)


    with its hybrid Islamist/Palestinian nationalist views. In 2009, Hamas even produced its first feature-length film celebrating the life and death of...status to the PLO in 1974, declaring that Zionism is a form of racism in 1975, and broadening PLO rights as “observer” in the Assembly in 1998.138 The...138 In 1988, the Assembly redesignated the PLO as Palestine and in 1991 repealed the “Zionism equals racism ” resolution. The Institute for Palestine


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    Nia Budi Puspitasari


    Full Text Available Pengendalian kualitas merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk mempertahankan reputasi perusahaan di mata konsumen. PT. Asaputex Jaya adalah perusahaan textil yang bergerak dalam bidang sarung tenun.  Pada saat ini cacat produk yang terjadi pada perusahaan masih ada yang diluar dari ketentuan batas perusahaan yaitu diatas angka persentase yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan yaitu sebesar 2%. Sehingga perusahaan segera melakukan perbaikan agar tidak terjadi waste yang merugikan perusahaan. Dengan adanya pengendalian kualitas secara baik dan benar, maka akan diperoleh produk yang dapat memenuhi keinginan konsumen. Salah satu tool yang digunakan untuk membantu pengendalian kualitas adalah menggunakan metode Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA. Penggunaan FMEA mampu mengidentifikasi resiko kegagalan yang terjadi selama proses produksi pada pembuatan sarung tenun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa moda kegagalan yang menyebabkan cacat produk dengan menggunakan metode FMEA, mendapatkan resiko kegagalan proses produksi terbesar dalam nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number, memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk produksi selanjutnya.  Berdasarkan pengolahan dengan metode FMEA dapat mengidentifikasi moda kegagalan yang terjadi pada proses pembuatan sarung tenun. Moda kegagalan potensial pada proses pembuatan sarung tenun dengan alat tenun mesin (ATM pada PT. Asaputex Jaya terdiri dari 14 jenis kegagalan. Kata Kunci : kualitas; alat tenun mesin; failure mode and effect analysis; risk priority number Abstract Quality control is one of the things that are important to maintain the company's reputation in the eyes of consumers. PT. Asaputex Jaya is a company engaged in the field of textile woven sarongs. At this time the product defect that occurs in companies that still exist outside the corporate limits of the provisions of the above percentage figures set by the company which is 2%. So the company immediately repairs to prevent harmful waste. With

  18. Tekanan Metarhizium anisopliae dan Feromon terhadap Populasi dan Tingkat Kerusakan oleh Oryctes rhinoceros

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    Wtjaksono Witjaksono


    Full Text Available Oryctes rhinoceros is one of the most serious pests in coconut palm tree. Biological control for controlling the pest is done by applying fungal entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae on its breeding sites to infect the larvae. Recent development for controlling Oryctes beetle was including the use of pheromone trap baited with ethyl-4-methyl octanoic which attract both male and female of the Oryctes beetle. This research was aimed to determine the effect of combination of both entomopathogen and pheromone application on the population dynamics of rhinoceros beetle, and the intensity of leaf damage on coconut tree. For this purpose, a research was conducted in local farmer coconut tree in the Bojong Village, Panjatan District, Kulon Progo from June 2009−January 2010. Observation including leaf damage intensity before and after application, the number of adult beetle trapped by pheromone, and the number infected larvae in the breeding site. The result showed that there were significant differences among all treatments in term of intensity of leaf damage, the number of trapped adult beetle, and the number of larvae at the breeding site. Leaf damage on control, pheromone application, and combined treatment were: 4.73%; 1.08% and 0.65%. The number of trapped Rhinoceros beetle by ferotrap was 101; in combined treatment was 52. The number of M. anisopliae infected grub were 265 out of 281 total observed grub.   INTISARI Kerusakan tanaman kelapa akibat serangan Oryctes rhinoceros terjadi mulai pada tanaman muda. Mengingat besarnya kerugian yang ditimbulkan, maka perlu diupayakan cara pengendalian yang efisien, efektif dan aman bagi sumber daya alam dan lingkungan. Salah satu cara pengendalian secara hayati adalah dengan menggunakan cendawan patogenik Metarhizium anisopliae. Selain menggunakan cendawan, upaya terkini dalam mengendalikan kumbang badak adalah dengan menggunakan perangkap berferomon. Feromon dengan bahan aktif Etil-4-metil oktanoat dapat


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    Siska Nofita


    Full Text Available Paddy field conversion occurs along with population growth followed by increased need for non-agricultural land. This research aims to formulate the direction control of paddy field conversion in Solok. Therefore it is necessary to analyze, they are scalogram analysis, and stepwise regression analysis. Paddy fields conversion in period of 2004-2014 in the Solok city 32,28 ha, mostly in the Lubuk Sikarah District. The threat of paddy fields conversion based of RTRW Solok city 2012-2031 is 403,60 ha (41,55%. Most of the villages in Solok belong to Hierarchy 1 except IX Korong with hierarchy 2 and Laing with hierarchy 3. The factors affecting of paddy field conversion in Solok city is land and building tax, land tittling, and the allocation of land for industrial, low density residential, high density residential, worship, and paddy fields allocation in the RTRW. Control direction of paddy field conversion in Solok city is to raise taxes on non-agriculture land, increasing the role of traditional institutions, community leaders and agricultural extension, zoning by setting RDTR of  Solok city, determination of food sustainable agricultural land (LP2B and repair damaged irrigation networks.

  20. Formulasi Bakteri Endofit Akar Kedelai untuk Pengendalian Pustul Bakteri

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    Trimurti Habazar


    Full Text Available Two isolates of bacterial endophyte from soybean root were found to be effective to control bacterial pustule caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines. Formulation of the bacterial isolates is required to maintain the effectivity of this bacterial isolates during storage, transportation and application. The aim of this research was to obtain the best carrier for formulation to maintain the effectivity of bacterial endophyte in storage to control bacterial pustule on soybean. Three kind of carrier agent was evaluated for formulation of bacterial endophyte i.e. peat soil, tapioca flour and coconut water + 1% palm oil. Each carrier agent was combined with 5 treatment of storage time i.e. 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 weeks. Soybean plants was inoculated by. X. axonopodis pv. glycines 2 weeks after planting by rubbing bacterial suspension (106 cel mL-1 on lower surface of leaves. The results showed that all formulas of bacterial endophyte were able to suppress the bacterial pustule on soybean. The best formulations were bacterial endophyte in peat soil stored for 1 and 7 weeks (effectivity rate 79.85% and 77.02% and coconut water + palm oil and storaged for 3 weeks (effectivity rate 77.46%.

  1. Mikobiota pada Buah Cabai untuk Pengendalian Hayati Colletotrichum capsici

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    Okky Setyawati Dharmaputra


    Full Text Available Colletotrichum capsici is a pathogenic fungus causing anthracnose on various tropical fruits, especially chilli. Biological control agents have been used as an alternative method to control postharvest diseases. This study aims to examine the antagonistic potential of mycobiota on red chilli fruit against C. capsici. The pathogen was obtained from diseased red chilli fruits collected from three traditional markets in Municipality of Bogor, isolated on potato dextrose agar (PDA medium containing chloramphenicol (100 mg L-1. Candidates of antagonistic mycobiota were isolated from healthy chilli fruits using serial diution method, followed by pour-plate method on PDA medium containing chloramphenicol (100 mg L-1. C. capsici isolate BIO51046 showed highest pathogenicity on chilli fruit var. IPB Perbani compared to other isolates. Seven isolates of filamentous fungi and 7 yeast isolates were obtained from healthy chilli fruits. Test of antagonism using dual culture method obtained 3 filamentous fungal isolates (Plectosphaerella cucumerina, MF2 and Aspergillus flavus and 1 yeast isolate (Issatchenkia orientalis which inhibited the growth of C. capsici BIO 51046 more than 70%. Plectosphaerella cucumerina and I.orientalis did not cause any diseases on chilli fruits var. IPB Perbani. Therefore, these 2 isolates were considered as potential antagonist against C. capsici BIO51046 as the causal agent of anthracnose of chilli

  2. Biometric Security: Alternatif Pengendalian Dalam Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Terkomputerisasi


    Tarigan, Josua


    As organization search more secure authentication method for user access, biometric security technology is gaining more and more attention. The implementation of biometric security technology in accounting information systems was physical access, virtual access, e-commerce applications and covert suveillance. There are three phase when an organization implementation biometric technology: strategic planning and budgeting, developing a system reliability plan and documentation. The challenges w...



    Josua Tarigan


    As organization search more secure authentication method for user access, biometric security technology is gaining more and more attention. The implementation of biometric security technology in accounting information systems was physical access, virtual access, e-commerce applications and covert suveillance. There are three phase when an organization implementation biometric technology: strategic planning and budgeting, developing a system reliability plan and documentation. The challenges w...

  4. Pengendalian Diaphorina citri (Vektor Penyakit CVPD dengan Metarrhizium anisopliae

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    Kardi Raharjo


    and after insect infestation. The first phase of the research phase has been conducted in Temanggung, Completely Randomize Design (CRD factorial with three time replication. Factor I: sterile water without fructose, concentration 10^6 conidia/ml without fructose, concentration 10^8 conidia/ml without fructose, concentration 10^10 conidia/ml: without fructose, sterile water + fructose 5 mg/ml, concentration 10^6 conidia/ml without fructose 5 mg/ml, concentration 10^8 conidia/ml + fructose (fungi application before insect infestation and W1 (fungi application after insect infestation. Research phase II was carried out with the best treatment combination compare with control treatment in Temanggung and Bantul. The results of experiment showed that the initial die of D. citri caused by M. anisopliae infection are on 4-6 days after application. The application of M. anisopliae at concentration 10^10 conidia/ml without fructose, applied after insect infestation was most effective. The application after insect infestation was more effective compare with application before insect infestation especially on 4 days after application, but on 35th days after application there was no significant difference. Fructose has no effect to mortality of D. citri.

  5. Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Akar Merah pada Akasia dengan Trichoderma

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    S. M. Widyastuti


    Full Text Available The experiment was aimed to measure the distribution and intensity of root rot disease of Acacia spp. in the urban forest at the campus of Gadjah Mada University, to isolate and identify the causal organism and to select Trichoderma sp. as biological agent for controlling the disease. The pathogenicity of the causal organism was tested using Crotalaria juncea L. and trunk of A. mangium Willd. (10 cm diameter, 8 cm length as indicator plant. The ability of Trichoderma sp. as antagonist was tested in vitro. It was concluded that the pathogen of the root rot disease was Ganoderma philippii. The pathogen attacked for species of Acacia spp. in the location namely A. auriculiformis, A. mangium, A. oraria, and A. crassicarpa. Of the total individual trees of those species in the campus, as much as 38.6%, 22.2%, and 66.7% were attacked by the root rot pathogen respectively. Of the 20 Trichoderma spp. isolate capable to inhibit the pathogen in vitro, three isolates were found as promising agents for biological control of the pathogen. The promising isolates were T. resei/T23, T. koningii/T1, and T. koningii/T16 with inhibition effectivity of 94.58%; 93.66%; and 91.76% respectively. Key words: biological control, red root-rot disease, Trichoderma, acacia

  6. Psychological Status of Adolescents with Respiratory Allergic Diseases and Their Caregivers

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    Duygu Erge


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychological status of adolescents with respiratory allergies and their caregivers. Materials and Methods: Child and adolescent psychiatrists evaluated the adolescents’ psychological status using the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI and Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED. Psychiatrist evaluated the psychological status of their caregivers using the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A. Results: Anxiety symptoms were found in 21 of 63 patients. CDI scores were higher in controls than in patients (p=0.03. HAM-D scores were higher in the caregivers of adolescents with allergic rhinitis and comorbid asthma than in those of controls (p=0.025. None of the scores were affected by the severity of asthma and allergic rhinitis, asthma control levels, presence of an asthma attack in the preceding year as well as by pulmonary function tests (p>0.05. Moderate and strong positive correlations were found between SCARED and CDI (r=0.644, p<0.001 and HAM-A and HAM-D scores (r=0.860, p<0.001. Conclusion: Anxiety symptoms were found in one-third of the patients. HAM-D scores were higher in the caregivers of adolescents with allergic rhinitis and comorbid asthma than in those of controls.

  7. An Open-Label Trial of Memantine for Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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    Sriram Ramaswamy


    Full Text Available Background. Studies using standard neuropsychological instruments have demonstrated memory deficits in patients with PTSD. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of the N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist memantine in veterans with PTSD and cognitive impairment. Methods. Twenty-six veterans with PTSD and cognitive impairment received 16 weeks of memantine in an open-label fashion. Cognition was assessed using the Spatial Span, Logical Memory I, and Letter-Number Sequencing subtests of the Wechsler Memory Scale III and the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS. RBANS measures attention, language, visuospatial skills, and immediate and delayed memories. The Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS, Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A, Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q, and Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS were secondary outcome measures. Results. There was a significant improvement in RBANS, both total and subscale scores (P<0.05, over time. There was a reduction in total CAPS scores, avoidance/numbing symptoms (CAPS-C and hyperarousal symptoms (CAPS-D, HAM-D, Q-LES-Q, and SDS scores. However, there was no reduction in reexperiencing (CAPS-B and HAM-A scores. Memantine was well tolerated. Conclusions. Memantine improved cognitive symptoms, PTSD symptoms, and mood in veterans with PTSD. Randomized double-blind studies are needed to validate these preliminary observations.

  8. Comparison of psychiatric morbidity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and non-ulcer dyspepsia

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    Susanta Kumar Padhy


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: The present study aimed to find psychiatric morbidity, stress, anxiety, and depression in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS and compare it with patients having non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD. Methods: This case NUD study compared 50 patients each with IBS and NUD. The two groups were compared on demographic data, psychiatric diagnosis using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis 1 disorders, anxiety levels using the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A, and depression using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D. The Presumptive Stressful Life Events Scale (PSLES was used to measure stress. Results: The cases of IBS were more likely to be of female gender (P = 0.012, married (P = 0.009, and employed (P < 0.001. Psychiatric diagnoses were more common in the cases of IBS than NUDs (88% vs. 30%, P< 0.001, the most common being major depression and somatization disorder. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were more common in patients with IBS (P < 0.001 for HAM-A and HAM-D. Logistic regression revealed that having IBS and increased age were independent predictors of having a psychiatric diagnosis. Conclusions: IBS is associated with the considerable degree of psychiatric morbidity. Adequate attention should be paid toward comorbid psychiatric illnesses, and prompt treatment should be instituted.

  9. 5-HTTLPR, anxiety and gender interaction moderates right amygdala volume in healthy subjects. (United States)

    Cerasa, Antonio; Quattrone, Aldo; Piras, Fabrizio; Mangone, Graziella; Magariello, Angela; Fagioli, Sabrina; Girardi, Paolo; Muglia, Maria; Caltagirone, Carlo; Spalletta, Gianfranco


    Genetic variants within the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) impact the neurobiology and risk for anxiety-related behaviours. There are also gender differences in the prevalence of anxiety-related behaviours. Although numerous studies have investigated the influence of 5-HTTLPR genotype on the neural systems involved in emotional regulation, none have investigated how these effects are modulated by gender and anxiety. We investigated this issue using two complementary region of interest-based structural neuroimaging approaches (voxel-based morphometry and Freesurfer) in 138 healthy individuals categorized into 'no anxiety' and 'subclinical anxiety' groups based on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A). Preliminarily, using anxiety as a continuous variable, we found a significant interaction effect of genotype by gender on anxiety. Females homozygous for the Short allele showed the highest HAM-A scores and males the lowest. In addition, a three-way significant interaction among genotype, gender and anxiety category was found for the right amygdala volume. Post hoc tests revealed that homozygous females carrying the Short variant with a subclinical anxiety condition had larger volume. The reported interaction effects demonstrate that gender strongly modulates the relationship between 5-HTTLPR genotype and subclinical expression of anxiety acting on amygdala, one region of the emotional neural network specifically involved in the anxiety-like behaviours. © The Author (2013). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:

  10. Modified Suanzaorentang Had the Treatment Effect for Generalized Anxiety Disorder for the First 4 Weeks of Paroxetine Medication: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Study

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    Ming-Fen Song


    Full Text Available Background. Paroxetine does not show satisfactory therapeutic effect for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD patients for the first 2–4 weeks of medication. Diazepam is always concurrently used although it has some shortcomings such as physical dependence and withdrawal reactions. In this study, we aimed to identify whether modified Suanzaorentang (MSZRT, a combined Chinese formula including Suanzaorentang (SZRT and Zhizichitang (ZZCT, could control the anxiety of GAD for the first 4 weeks of paroxetine medication. Methods. 156 GAD patients were randomized to the treatment of paroxetine, paroxetine-diazepam, or paroxetine-MSZRT for 4 weeks. Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA Test and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS Test were determined each week as the evaluation of clinical efficacy. Adverse events (AEs were also closely observed by performing the Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS Test. Results. Both paroxetine-MSZRT and paroxetine-diazepam decreased more HAMA and SAS total scores than paroxetine from weeks 1 to 3. Paroxetine-MSZRT as well as paroxetine-diazepam had an obviously higher onset rate than paroxetine in each week. After 4 weeks’ treatment, the overall effectiveness rate in the paroxetine-MSZRT group (90.00% was obviously higher than those of the paroxetine group (74.42% but did not significantly differ from the paroxetine-diazepam group (93.88%. Conclusion. MSZRT had the treatment effect for GAD when paroxetine was used for the first 4 weeks.

  11. Resistensi populasai hama bawang merah Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae terhadap klorfluazuron

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    Abdi Negara


    Full Text Available Resistance of Onion Pest Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae Populations to Chlorfluazuron. The research was conducted from August 2001 until April 2002 in the Kalitiro Agriculture Training and Development Research Station, Gadjah Mada University. The objective of research was to determine the resistance level of Spodoptera exigua populations collected from the district of Sanden, Kretek, Wates, Temon, Panjatan, Wonosari, Panggang and Playen (all are in Yogyakarta Province to chlorfluazuron insecticide. Research was conducted by dipping artificial diet about 30 seconds in insecticide solution and there are used test two hours after they were air dried. Based on the preliminary test, different concentrations were tested to determine the toxicity of the insecticide to each population. Third instar larvae (five days old of the first generation were used in bioassays. Each larvae with its artificial diet was placed in a plastic cup (diameter 3,5 cm. Larval mortality was recorded at 72 hours after exposure. Data was analyzed using probit analysis to determine LC50 values. The result showed that the LC50 values of chlorfluazuron againsts eight population of S. exigua at 72 hours after exposure varied from 16,10 ppm (Panggang to 84,76 ppm (Panjatan. The results suggested that all populations from Panggang, Playen, Kretek, Sanden, Wates, Wonosari and Temon were still susceptible to chlorfluazuron. Population from Panjatan indicated to be resistant to chlorfluazuron.


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    Retno Wulandari


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali persepsi pegawai di instansi pemerintahan mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi fraud. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain sistem pengendalian internal, asimetri informasi, keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, kultur organisasi, penegakan hukum dan moralitas individu.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS yang bekerja pada bagian keuangan di SKPD Kabupaten Temanggung sebanyak 95 responden. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuesioner dengan skala likert 1-5. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis data regresi berganda.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh negatif sistem pengendalian internal terhadap fraud, terdapat pengaruh positif asimetri informasi terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh keadilan distributif terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh keadilan prosedural terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh kultur organisasi terhadap fraud, tidak terdapat pengaruh penegakan hukum terhadap fraud, terdapat pengaruh negatif moralitas individu terhadap fraud. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of employees in government agencies about the factors that influence fraud. These factors include the internal control system, the asymmetry of information, distributive justice, procedural justice, organizational culture, law enforcement and individual morality. The population in this study is were employees of SKPD in Temanggung Regencyas many as 95 respondents. Methods of data collection is done by using questionnaires with Likert scale 1-5. This study uses multiple regression data analysis tools. The results showed that there was a negative effect of the internal control system against fraud, there is a positive effect of information asymmetry against fraud, there is no influence of distributive justice against fraud, there is no influence procedural justice against fraud, there is no influence of organizational


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    Ario Sunar Baskoro


    Full Text Available Dalam penelitian ini telah dikembangkan sistem pengelasan otomatis Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG dengan menggunakan sensor vision pada pengelasan pipa aluminum. Penelitian ini mempelajari proses pengelasan cerdas pipa paduan aluminum 6063S-T5 dalam posisi tetap dengan obor las (welding torch bergerak dan menggunakan mesin las AC. Model Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (neural network untuk pengendalian kecepatan pengelasan telah dikembangkan agar dapat bekerja secara otomatis. Untuk melatih Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan ini diperlukan cukup banyak data dari penelitian sehingga memerlukan waktu dan dana yang cukup besar. Penelitian ini menawarkan proses baru untuk memperkirakan dan mengendalikan penetrasi pengelasan dalam pengelasan pipa paduan aluminum. Penetrasi las diperkirakan dengan menggunakan metode perkiraan secara hibrida yaitu dengan mengombinasikan simulasi pengelasan dan pengamatan visual menggunakan sensor vision. Dari hasil eksperimen didapatkan bahwa sistem pengendalian cukup efektif untuk mendeteksi kolam las (molten pool dan menghasilkan pengelasan yang baik. This research has developed an automatic welding system Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG using sensor vision on aluminum pipe welding. This research studied the process of intelligent welding of alloy pipe aluminum 6063S-T5 in a fixed position with a welding torch to move and use the AC welding machines. The neural network model to control the speed of the welding has been developed in order to work automatically. The neural network train need quite a lot of data from studies that require time and substansial funds. This research offers a new process for estimating and controlling welding penetration in welding of aluminum alloy pipe. Weld penetration was estimated by using the approximate hybrid method that combines the simulations of welding and visual inspection using sensor vision. The experiment results that the control system is effective enough to detect the molten pool and produce a good weld.

  14. Geriatric Medicine, Sarkopenia, Frailty, dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Usia Lanjut: Tantangan Masa Depan Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Kedokteran di Indonesia

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    Siti Setiati


    Full Text Available Geriatri adalah cabang ilmu kedokteran dengan fokus pada penuaan dini dan tatalaksana penyakit terkaitusia lanjut. Proses menua mengakibatkan penurunan fungsi sistem organ seperti sistem sensorik, sarafpusat, pencernaan, kardiovaskular, dan sistem respirasi. Selain itu terjadi pula perubahan komposisitubuh, yaitu penurunan massa otot, peningkatan massa dan sentralisasi lemak, serta peningkatanlemak intramuscular. Masalah yang sering dijumpai pada pasien geriatri adalah sindrom geriatri yangmeliputi: imobilisasi, instabilitas, inkontinensia, insomnia, depresi, infeksi, defisiensi imun, gangguanpendengaran dan penglihatan, gangguan intelektual, kolon irritable, impecunity, dan impotensi. Dimasa yang akan datang diperlukan tempat rawat jalan terpadu dan perawatan kasus akut geriatri dirumah sakit di seluruh Indonesia. Program lainnya adalah nutrisi usia lanjut, tempat istirahat sementara,layanan psiko-geriatri dan dementia care, dukungan care giver, pencegahan penyakit kronis dankonseling, serta menyiapkan moda transportasi yang sesuai.Kata kunci: geriatri, kedokteran, penurunan fungsi, sindrom geriatri.

  15. Perancangan Alat Pemanas Elektrik da Penoreh Malam Terpadu yang Bersifat Inklusif

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    Paulus Bawole


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKPenguasaan ketrampilan membatik harus lebih menyebar ke berbagai pelosok di Indonesia. Kecacatan tubuh (impairment, baik brakidaktili maupun paraplegia bukanlah halangan untuk menguasai ketrampilan membatik. Terdapat tiga faktor penyebab tingginya biaya produksi batik tulis, yaitu waktu, energi dan ketrampilan tinggi. Penelitian ergonomi dengan studi kasus para pembatik difabel ini bertujuan memperoleh pemahaman tentang kemampuan pengguna dan keluhan muskuloskeletal para pembatik difabel yang diakibatkan oleh alat tersebut. Hasil yang diperoleh akan menjadi spesifikasi performa produk untuk perancangan alat membatik elektrik yang bersifat inklusif, dapat digunakan oleh berbagai pengguna, mulai dari kalangan pembatik pemula hingga yang berpengalaman, bertangan normal maupun tidak sempurna. Pengukuran dengan metode RULA, pengamatan dan wawancara dalam ujicoba penggunaan aneka jenis gagang canting desain baru diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa genggaman presisi eksternal menghasilkan kebutuhan ukuran gagang yang sama baik bagi pembatik dengan tangan normal maupun brakidaktili. Sedangkan pada analisa metode NBM dan HTA didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa jika unit pemanas malam bisa disatukan dengan canting maka didapatkan pengurangan satu langkah dalam kegiatan membatik sekaligus mengurangi keletihan dalam membatik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan konsep perancangan unit pemanas malam elektrik arus DC yang menyatu dengan penoreh malam. Alat membatik yang bersifat inklusif ini akan membuat pekerjaan membatik bisa dilakukan oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat terutama di desa dengan pasokan listrik yang terbatas. Kata kunci: pembatik difabel, inklusif, pemanas arus DCABSTRACTThe skill of batik craftmanship should spread wider to the nook and corner of Indonesia archipelago. Impairment such as brachydactile as well as paraphlegia shouldn’t be a hindrance to master the batik technique. There are three factors found as a source of high production cost in  hand-made batik; time, energy, and high skill. The goal of this ergonomic research using case studies of difable batik artisans is to get an understanding of user capabilities and musculoskeletal problems of users while operating standard batik equipment. The result then will be used as a specification of product performance for designing inclusive electric batik equipment, that can be operated by most users, from beginners to advance artisans, with normal fingers as well as challenged. Measurement using RULA method, observation and interviews on the trials of several new handles showed that there is an agreement on handle size when both extreme impaired users performed external precision grip. NBM and HTA analyzes concluded that if wax heating unit could be integrated with canting, it will eliminate one production step as well as reduce fatique. This research had produced a design of electric batik equipment with DC current. This inclusive equipment will enable batik production to be made in villages with limited supply from national electrical company. Keywords: diffable batik artisan, inclusive, DC heating unit

  16. Analisis Manajemen Mutu Terpadu di PT Madu Pramuka Cibubur Jakarta Timur

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    A. Sukmawati


    Full Text Available The study was conducted to determine the critical component of a Total Quality Management (TQM Program. The objectives of this research were: (1 identifying the problems of TQM implementation and, (2 analyzing of TQM performace in PT Madu Pramuka. Data were collected from PT Madu Pramuka through an expert survey instrument. Data analysis was done through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP. Results of this study indicated that the most important problem was the quality of raw material (honey which were still under the standard. This is due to limited honey quality control tools. The TQM performance was not satisfying because it was only storage and packaging division used standard as the critical component of TQM.

  17. Perancangan Alat Pemanas Elektrik da Penoreh Malam Terpadu yang Bersifat Inklusif


    Paulus Bawole; Eko A. Prawoto; Puspitasari Darsono; Winta Guspara


    ABSTRAKPenguasaan ketrampilan membatik harus lebih menyebar ke berbagai pelosok di Indonesia. Kecacatan tubuh (impairment), baik brakidaktili maupun paraplegia bukanlah halangan untuk menguasai ketrampilan membatik. Terdapat tiga faktor penyebab tingginya biaya produksi batik tulis, yaitu waktu, energi dan ketrampilan tinggi. Penelitian ergonomi dengan studi kasus para pembatik difabel ini bertujuan memperoleh pemahaman tentang kemampuan pengguna dan keluhan muskuloskeletal para pembatik difa...

  18. Sinergitas Stakeholders Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu Untuk Administrasi Publik Yang Demokratis Dalam Perspektif Teori Governance (Studi Pada Tempat Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu Mulyoagung Bersatu Kecamatan DAU Kabupaten Malang)


    Aditya, Bayu Rizky


    : Sinergy of Stakeholders in Integrated Waste Management for Democratic Public Administration in the Perspective Governance Theory (Study on Integrated Waste Management Mulyoagung Bersatu Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang) This research was conducted based on the number of services provided by the government to the people are still the concept of Top-Down, which is issued by a government policy without seeing what was needed and required by society, even most of the services provided to the publ...

  19. Target injection and engagement for neutron generation at 1 Hz

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komeda, Osamu; Mori, Yoshitaka; Nishimura, Yasuhiko


    Target injection is a key technology to realizing inertial fusion energy. Here we present the first demonstration of target injection and neutron generation. We injected more than 600 spherical deuterated polystyrene (C 8 D 8 ) bead targets during 10 minutes at 1 Hz. After the targets fell for a distance of 18 cm, we applied the synchronized laser-diode-pumped ultra-intense laser HAMA and successfully generated neutrons repeatedly. The result is a step toward fusion power and also suggests possible industrial neutron sources. (author)

  20. Konflik Palestina dan Israel: Perspektif Komunikasi

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    Junardi Harahap


    Full Text Available A harsh incident which killed Hamas top leader, Abdul Aziz Rantisi, has escalated Middle East conflict. As had been cited from many sources, Palestinians and Israelis publicly stated strong comments and blamed each other over this incident. From communication perspective, this incident and the aftermath became an example of labeling-based-conflict. Such conflict was resulted from ideological influence, life and everyday beliefs, and also religion background. One can prevent the incidents if only such differences could be maintained and managed wisely.

  1. Interview with Ramadan Shallah, Secretary General, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

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    Scott Atran


    Full Text Available On December 14-16, 2009, a delegation from the World Federation of Scientists, including the authors, traveled to Damascus to interview senior Syrian and Palestinian leaders from Syria and various Palestinian factions, including the members of the leadership of Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The objective was to gain insight from field interviews into how to further advance scientific understanding of cultural and political conflict in order to create new theoretical and practical frameworks for negotiation and cooperation.


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    Yunus P Paulangan


    Full Text Available Ekosistem mangrove memiliki keanekaragaman hayati baik dari manfaat  ekologi maupun sosialnya. Ekosistem ini berperan dalam siklus ekologi di wilayah pesisir dengan ketergantungan biota perairan dan manusia terhadap keberadaannya. Manfaat ekonomi langsung dari ekosistem mangrove adalah kayu mangrove sebagai bahan bakar maupun sebagai bahan bangunan dan kawasan hutan yang dialih fungsikan sebagai area tambak. Kawasan ekosistem mangrove Taman Wisata Teluk Youtefa yang berada dekat dengan perkotaan, menjadikan kawasan tersebut berkaitan langsung dengan keberagaman aktivitas tersebut, seperti pemanfaatan kayu mangrove sebagai kayu bakar, bahan bangunan dan sebagainya yang mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas ekosistem mangrove. Selain itu terdapat aktivitas, seperti konversi lahan menjadi tambak, pemukiman dan industri, serta tingginya pencemaran dan sedimentasi dari lahan perkotaan. Sebagai upaya pengelolaannya berdasarkan konsep dan prinsip terpadu, maka perlu disusun rencana strategis pengelolaanya agar dapat berkelanjutan. Dari proses penyusunan tersebut, terlihat bahwa peranan stakeholder sangat dibutuhkan dalam setiap langkah penyusunan program. Selain itu, dimensi pengelolaan, yaitu ekologi, sosial ekonomi maupun kelembagaan menjadi pertimbangan utama sebagai satu kesatuan tahapan.Kata Kunci: Mangrove, Pengelolaan terpadu, Teluk YoutefaPOTENTIAL MANGROVE ECOSYSTEM IN YOUTEFA BAY TOURIST PARK, JAYAPURA CITY, PAPUAABSTRACTMangrove ecosystem has biodiversity, either in ecology or social use. This ecosystem plays a role in ecology cycle in coastal area with the reliance of aquatic biota and humans upon its existence. The location of mangrove ecosystem of Youtefa Bay Tourist Park that is near to the city placed it in direct contact with a variety of activities, such as the utilization of mangrove wood as a firewood, building material and others that threat the quality of the mangrove ecosystem to experience a decrease. Besides, there were activities

  3. Efficacy and safety of escitalopram versus desvenlafaxine in the treatment of major depression: A preliminary 1-year prospective randomized open label comparative trial

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    Brij Mohan Gupta


    Full Text Available Aim and Objective: To compare efficacy and safety of escitalopram with desvenlafaxine in the treatment of major depression.Materials and Methods: A total of 60 patients of depression were randomized into two groups after meeting inclusion criterion. In the first 3 weeks, escitalopram 10 mg/day was given and then 20 mg/day for the next 3 weeks in group 1 (n = 30. Desvenlafaxine in the first 3 weeks was given 50 mg/day and 100 mg/day for the next 3 weeks in group 2 (n = 30. The parameters evaluated during the study were efficacy assessments byHamilton Scale of Rating Depression (HAM-D, Hamilton Rating Scale of Anxiety (HAM-A, and Clinical Global Impression (CGI. Safety assessments were done by UKU-scale. Results: Escitalopram and desvenlafaxine significantly (P < 0.001, reduced HAM-D, HAM-A, and CGI scores from their respective base lines. However, on comparison failed show any statistical difference at 3 and 6 weeks of treatment. Escitalopram and desvenlafaxine were both found to be safe and well-tolerated and there was not much difference between the two groups as evident from UKU Scale and their effect on various biochemical parameters. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated similar efficacy and safety in reducing depression and anxiety with both escitalopram and desvenlafaxine, but clinical superiority of one drug over the other cannot be concluded due to limitations of the small sample size.

  4. Engineering a 3D-Bioprinted Model of Human Heart Valve Disease Using Nanoindentation-Based Biomechanics

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    Dewy C. van der Valk


    Full Text Available In calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD, microcalcifications originating from nanoscale calcifying vesicles disrupt the aortic valve (AV leaflets, which consist of three (biomechanically distinct layers: the fibrosa, spongiosa, and ventricularis. CAVD has no pharmacotherapy and lacks in vitro models as a result of complex valvular biomechanical features surrounding resident mechanosensitive valvular interstitial cells (VICs. We measured layer-specific mechanical properties of the human AV and engineered a three-dimensional (3D-bioprinted CAVD model that recapitulates leaflet layer biomechanics for the first time. Human AV leaflet layers were separated by microdissection, and nanoindentation determined layer-specific Young’s moduli. Methacrylated gelatin (GelMA/methacrylated hyaluronic acid (HAMA hydrogels were tuned to duplicate layer-specific mechanical characteristics, followed by 3D-printing with encapsulated human VICs. Hydrogels were exposed to osteogenic media (OM to induce microcalcification, and VIC pathogenesis was assessed by near infrared or immunofluorescence microscopy. Median Young’s moduli of the AV layers were 37.1, 15.4, and 26.9 kPa (fibrosa/spongiosa/ventricularis, respectively. The fibrosa and spongiosa Young’s moduli matched the 3D 5% GelMa/1% HAMA UV-crosslinked hydrogels. OM stimulation of VIC-laden bioprinted hydrogels induced microcalcification without apoptosis. We report the first layer-specific measurements of human AV moduli and a novel 3D-bioprinted CAVD model that potentiates microcalcification by mimicking the native AV mechanical environment. This work sheds light on valvular mechanobiology and could facilitate high-throughput drug-screening in CAVD.

  5. Correlations between abnormal iron metabolism and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Xu, Wu; Zhi, Yan; Yuan, Yongsheng; Zhang, Bingfeng; Shen, Yuting; Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Kezhong; Xu, Yun


    Despite a growing body of evidence suggests that abnormal iron metabolism plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), few studies explored its role in non-motor symptoms (NMS) of PD. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between abnormal iron metabolism and NMS of PD. Seventy PD patients and 64 healthy controls were consecutively recruited to compare serum iron, ceruloplasmin, ferritin, and transferrin levels. We evaluated five classic NMS, including depression, anxiety, pain, sleep disorder, and autonomic dysfunction in PD patients using the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD), the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), the short form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Scale for Outcomes in Parkinson's disease for Autonomic Symptoms, respectively. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the correlations between abnormal iron metabolism and NMS. No differences in serum ceruloplasmin and ferritin levels were examined between PD patients and healthy controls, but we observed significantly decreased serum iron levels and increased serum transferrin levels in PD patients in comparison with healthy controls. After eliminating confounding factors, HAMD scores and HAMA scores were both negatively correlated with serum iron levels and positively correlated with serum transferrin levels. In summary, abnormal iron metabolism might play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of depression and anxiety in PD. Serums levels of iron and transferrin could be peripheral markers for depression and anxiety in PD.

  6. Lifetime posttraumatic stress disorder in Turkish alcohol-dependent inpatients: relationship with depression, anxiety and erectile dysfunction. (United States)

    Evren, Cuneyt; Can, Suat; Evren, Bilge; Saatcioglu, Omer; Cakmak, Duran


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of lifetime posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Turkish male alcohol-dependent inpatients, and to investigate the relationship of lifetime PTSD diagnosis with anxiety, depression, hopelessness, erectile dysfunction and psychosocial problems related with alcohol dependency. Eighty-two male inpatients who met DSM-IV criteria for alcohol dependence and 48 subjects without substance use disorder as a control group were included in the study. Subjects were applied the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). Rate of lifetime PTSD diagnosis was found to be 26.8% among alcohol-dependent inpatients. The mean age of patients with lifetime PTSD was lower than in patients without this diagnosis, while there were no significant differences between these two groups in terms of age of first alcohol use, lifetime major depression, current depression, presence and severity of erectile dysfunction. Mean scores of HAM-D, HAM-A, BHS and MAST in the group with lifetime PTSD were significantly higher than the group without this diagnosis. There was a positive relationship between lifetime PTSD diagnosis and depression, anxiety, hopelessness and severity of psychosocial problems related to alcohol dependency, while there was no relationship between lifetime PTSD comorbidity and erectile dysfunction in alcohol-dependent patients.

  7. Iraqi Perspectives Project. Primary Source Materials for Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents. Volume 2 (Redacted) (United States)


    File 12 CMPC-2004-004572 3 Volunteers for "Nusrat al-’Iraq" and "Ashbal Saddam" Courses 13 IISP -2003-00026588 3 Details on ’Far’ay Saddam and Mahdi’ Sector and Letters to the lIS 14 IISP -2003-00027 I92 3 Agreement between Iran and Hamas designating $15 million dollars a month to form group called "Palestine Hizbullah" 15 IISP -2003-00027194 3 Information about the Palestinian internal situation. 16 IISP -2003-00029003 3 liS

  8. Trichoderma sp. dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada Tanaman Tomat


    Novita, Trias


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Trichoderma sp dalam pengendalianpenyakit layu fusarium pada tanaman tomat. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca FakultasPertanian Universitas Jambi, perlakuannya terdiri dari : t0 = tanpa Trichoderma sp; t1 = 25 gTrichoderma sp/8 kg media; t2 = 50 g Trichoderma sp/8 kg media; t3 = 75 g Trichoderma sp/8 kgmedia; dan t4 = 100 g Trichoderma sp /8 kg media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Trichodermasp berperan dalam mengendalikan penyakit layu...

  9. Pengendalian Respirasi untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Pasca Panen Produk Segar Hortikultura

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    Full Text Available The Public demand on fresh horticultural products is fairly high, and the data showed for the past few years, the domestic and overseas demands for fresh (topical fruits have a tandency to incrase. Fresh horticultural are perishable ptoduces with limited of shelf life. Consequently, the continuity of fruit supply could be distrubed in terms of time, quantity, and quality. On the order hand, the moden market need the perpect delivery and want the fruits in the consumer hands in fresh, uniformly ripened, and ready to consume conditions. Biological products still carry out metabolic activity like respiration even after harvest, Most of the postharvest physico-chemical canges of frutis are related to respiration, such as maturity process, developmentof aroma and sweetness, softening of fruit meat, quality degradiation, etc. Thus, controlling the respiration process could be done for maintaining the qualityof fruits during post-hervest handling. Over the past years, the mathematical model for predicting and thus controlling respiration characteristics were already developed by many researchers. An application of the results of those research were also commercially used such as for Cold Storage, Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP, Artifical Ripening (AR and Controlled Atmosphere Storage (CAS. This paper will reviewed the importance of controlling the respiration in relation to perserved the quality of fresh horticultural products during post-harvest handling.


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    Umi Widyastuti


    Full Text Available Mesocyclops aspericornis was investigated for its effectiveness in controlling Aedes aegypti larvae in a variety of containers e.g metal drum, cistern, clay jars, and other container made of plastic. A study was carried out in Kenteng hamlet, Tegalrejo village, Salatiga Municipality. It was conducted by health-workers (staff of Vector and Reservoir Control Research Unit and Health Center of Tegalrejo and the community, especially the woman's organization namely "family empowering and welfareness ". which participate in releasing M. aspericornis for controlling Ae. aegypti larvae. The community has responsibility to release M. aspericornis in Kenteng RT01 and 02 as the treated area I. Meanwhile, Health-workers have responsibility to release it in Kenteng RT 04, 05, and 07 as the treated area II and Kenteng RT 03 and 06 as the untreated control area (no M. aspericornis released. The aim of the study were: a, to determine the effectiveness of M. aspericornis in decreasing larval populations of Ae. aegypti in the containers, and b. to determine the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP of the community, referring to disease, vector and control of Dengue Haemorhagic Fever (DHF. M. aspericornis was effective to decrease larval populations of Ae. aegypti in Kenteng area. The increasing number of Ae. aegypti larvae free containers of 24.29-84,02% and 35.75-92.01% were shown in respectively treated area I and II. The KAP of the community referring to disease, vector and control of DHF increased after the health education conducted. It's concluded that the community of Kenteng hamlet is active in participation to control Ae. aegypti. As a recommend, control of Ae. aegypti larvae using M. aspericornis through community partisipation should be considered due to a good prospect and effectiveness of this agent to control of Ae. aegypti larvae in the laboratory as well as in the field   Key words : Vector control, M. aspericornis, Ae. aegypti, Dengue Haemorhagic Fever


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    Marcelly Widya Wardana


    Full Text Available Inventories almost always exist in every company both manufacturing and service companies. The investment value of the company in the form of supplies could reach 50 % of the value of all assets . Basically resource inventory is idle resources, which means that if the excess inventory will lead to wasted investment , but if there is no inventory would be difficult to anticipate fluctuations in demand can lead to stockout . So, we need a good inventory management to manage the balance between inventory investment and customer service . This research took a case study in Olla Bakery where there is demand and uncertain lead time , which affects the supply of raw material flour . To control the supply of the raw material , in this study using Monte Carlo simulation due to the properties of probabilistic variables , fluctuating demand , lead time is uncertain , and also considering the quantity discounts in the purchase of raw materials as a consideration in the simulation . The results obtained from this study that the Monte Carlo simulation method can reduce inventory costs by 6.83% , so it can be taken into consideration for the company in the purchase of raw materials.

  12. Removable Watermarking Sebagai Pengendalian Terhadap Cyber Crime Pada Audio Digital

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    Reyhani Lian Putri


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat menuntut penggunanya untuk lebih berhati-hati seiring semakin meningkatnya cyber crime.Banyak pihak telah mengembangkan berbagai teknik perlindungan data digital, salah satunya adalah watermarking. Teknologi watermarking berfungsi untuk memberikan identitas, melindungi, atau menandai data digital, baik audio, citra, ataupun video, yang mereka miliki. Akan tetapi, teknik tersebut masih dapat diretas oleh oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab.Pada penelitian ini, proses watermarking diterapkan pada audio digital dengan menyisipkan watermark yang terdengar jelas oleh indera pendengaran manusia (perceptible pada audio host.Hal ini bertujuan agar data audio dapat terlindungi dan apabila ada pihak lain yang ingin mendapatkan data audio tersebut harus memiliki “kunci” untuk menghilangkan watermark. Proses removable watermarking ini dilakukan pada data watermark yang sudah diketahui metode penyisipannya, agar watermark dapat dihilangkan sehingga kualitas audio menjadi lebih baik. Dengan menggunakan metode ini diperoleh kinerja audio watermarking pada nilai distorsi tertinggi dengan rata-rata nilai SNR sebesar7,834 dB dan rata-rata nilai ODG sebesar -3,77.Kualitas audio meningkat setelah watermark dihilangkan, di mana rata-rata SNR menjadi sebesar 24,986 dB dan rata-rata ODG menjadi sebesar -1,064 serta nilai MOS sebesar 4,40.

  13. Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Kelapa Sawit secara Kultur Teknis

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    Hari Priwiratama


    Full Text Available Effort to manage basal stem rot disease (BSR caused by Ganoderma boninense could be conducted through several cultural practice approaches. Four series of field experiments was conducted to observe the effectiveness of cultural practice methods for controlling the epidemic of basal stem rot due to G. boninense. Sanitation trial consisted of three treatments i.e root sanitation with big hole planting system, big hole without root sanitation, and standard replanting system as comparison. Hole in hole and standard planting system were compared in the hole in hole trial. Digging and mounding trial was conducted in four treatments, i.e. digging and mounding with teer and Trichoderma, digging and mounding with Trichoderma, mounding with Trichoderma, and infected palm without any treatment as comparison. Meanwhile, a 4 m × 4 m trench was used in the isolation trench trial. Annual observation was conducted to determine the disease incidence of BSR in each trial. Results showed that all methods could prevent palms from G. boninense infection in the early stage of oil palm development. Proper root sanitation delayed G. boninense infection until 2 years after treatment (YAT, hole in hole planting system was able to suppress disease incidence up to 7 YAT, digging and mounding was useful to prolong the life of the infected palms up to 3 YAT, meanwhile the use of isolation trench was demonstrated to prevent G. boninense infection to neighboring palms up to 2 YAT.

  14. Pengendalian Malaria dalam Upaya Percepatan Pencapaian Target Millennium Development Goals

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    Tri Rini Puji Lestari


    health official Malaria Center, and community leaders who observe malaria. Retrieval of data time is 10 – 16 April 2011 by in-depth interviews. It was found that malaria control programs have been implemented by the Departement of Health North Maluku Province, but have not been able to effectively reduce malaria morbidity. This is because malaria control is performed is not comprehensive. Handling is more directed to break the chain transmission to human, their habitats have not been touched up. Key words: Control of malaria, millennium development goals, malaria morbidity


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    Dinilla Husna


    Full Text Available Building permit (Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan/IMB is one of the development control mechanism inIndonesia that allows people to develop their land. The idea in using this permit to control developmentmay come from a reasonable thought, i.e. managing building as the core of urban development will be ableto create a proper urban planning. Therefore, as one of control system, building permit has to followregulations that have been determined by the authority.Concerning the issue above, Surakarta’s municipality has determined a bundle of regulation functioned asguidance for permit decision into a municipal regulation (Peraturan Daerah/ Perda as well as conventionregulation. That regulation control Building Coverage Ratio (Koefisien Dasar Bangunan/KDB, FloorAverage Ratio (Koefisien Lantai Bangunan/KLB, Set Back Building (Garis Sempadan Bangunan, andBuilding Height. Unfortunately, the implementation of that regulation is frequently questioned because theprocedure and the phenomenon of building permit which has been issued by the local government was noteffectively implemented. Hence, this study aims to answer the question on to what extent the buildingregulation has been used in controlong urban land development in Surakarta.This study uses comparative and qualitative descriptive analyses. The first analysis aims to observewhether that regulation have been considered in issuing a building permit. The second analysis is used toidentify how the factors above influence the implementation of that regulation. The triangulation techniquethat combines desk study, interview with the apparatus, questioners for IMB owners, and direct observationwas used to collect the data.The result of study shows that building permit was not issued based on the available regulation andmoreover not considered as a preventive action to control land development. The deviation between thedetermined ragulation and the building permit issued was affected by some factors, e.g. bureaucracysystem that does not use them as a control function to integrate permit decisions, low commitment of localgovernment staffs in controlling land development, and political intervention from its higher level of localgovernment authority. To overcome these problems, a brief regulation and a punishment mechanism arecertainly needed. Besides, improvement of apparatus quality, optimization of coordination and watchingsystem in building permit process are supposed to be able to support urban land development.


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    Eko Apriliyanto


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to know the pest population and natural enemies in intercropping of cowpea and pakchoy then its influence toward the yield. The experiment was conducted in March to August 2014 at the Polytechnique Banjarnegara field trial. The design of the research used Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD factorial with 4 treatment and 6 replications. Treatment plot size was 6 m x 6 m. The first factor was the spacing and the second factor was the type of fertilizer. Spacing of cowpea was 75 cm x 30 cm intercropped with pakchoy using interlinear treatment (75 cm contained 1 pakchoy plant (J1 and 2 plant pakchoy interlinear (J2. The second factor was the provision of goat manure is 15 tonnes/ ha (P1 and the synthesis of chemical fertilizer (P2, urea 50 kg/ ha, SP36 75 kg/ ha, and KCl 25 kg/ ha, so that there were 4 treatments combinations i.e. J1P1, J1P2, J2P1, and J2P2. Analysis of the data was using the F-test, if there was any significantly different, the study was followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT at the 5% level. The main pests wich attacked cowpea intercropped with pakchoy were grasshoppers (Oxya sp., Fam. Acrididae, green leafhoppers (Empoasca spp., Fam Cicadellidae, caterpillars (Fam. Pyralidae, and aphis (Aphis cracivora, Fam. Aphididae. The type of intercropping (type of fertilizers and the amount of pakchoy lines had not been able to reduce pest population on cowpea. The dominant natural enemies on the cowpea were spiders (Fam. Lycosidae and ladybugs (Fam. Coccinellidae. The population of natural enemies along with the prey population. Intercropping types had not been able to increase the crop of cowpea (plant weight, strand number of cowpea, and cowpea weight and also to yield of pakchoy (number of leaves, plant height, and plant weight.

  17. 不同类型音乐对缓解乳腺癌患者化疗焦虑、抑郁的效果研究%Effect of different types of music to alleviate the chemotherapy anxiety and depression of the patients with breast cancer

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    胡淑贤; 石搏; 黄可欣


    目的:探讨不同类型音乐对缓解乳腺癌术后患者化疗焦虑、抑郁的作用.方法:将首次接受化学治疗的乳腺癌改良根治术后120例患者分为莫扎特音乐干预组(莫扎特音乐+化疗)40例、梁祝音乐干预组(梁祝音乐+化疗)40例和对照组(单纯化疗)40例,检测3组肿瘤患者的抑郁及焦虑自评量表(SDS、SAS)、汉密尔顿抑郁及焦虑量表(HAMD、HAMA)和生活质量评定(QLQ-CCC)指标的变化.结果:对照组化疗后SDS、SAS、HAMD和HAMA与化疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),化疗后QLQ-CCC明显低于化疗前差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);莫扎特音乐干预组化疗后SDS、SAS、HAMD和HAMA低于化疗前但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),化疗后QLQ-CCC与化疗前差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);梁祝音乐干预组化疗后SDS、SAS、HAMD和HAMA明显低于化疗前差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),化疗后QLQ-CCC与化疗前差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:梁祝音乐能明显降低乳腺癌化疗患者的焦虑、抑郁及提高患者生活质量;莫扎特音乐降低乳腺癌化疗患者的焦虑、抑郁不明显,但不会降低患者生活质量.%Objective: To explore the effect of different types of music to ease the breast cancer patients after chemotherapy anxiety and depression. Methods: A total of 120 patients who would be received the first chemotherapy after modified radical mastectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups; Mozart intervention group (Mozart + chemotherapy) (40 cases) , lovers music intervention group ( Butterfly music + chemotherapy) (40 cases) and control group ( chemotherapy alone) (40 cases). The self - rating scale of depression and anxiety (SDS, SAS), the scale of Hamilton depression and anxiety (HAMD, HAMA) and the assessment of life quality (QLQ - CCC) were observed in the three groups. Results: In control group, the differences of SDS, SAS, HAMD and HAMA between before and after chemotherapy were not


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    Fitri Yuliawati


    Full Text Available Background of this research is the analysis of the results of interviews some junior secondary schools in Yogyakarta and the conclusion that teachers do not use an integrated science teaching and teachers still find difficulties in the application of learning science in an integrated manner. It can be influenced by several factors, such as the lack of reference used by teachers in presenting the material Integrated Science relevantly, most of science teachers are from educational background of chemistry, physics, and biology instead of science education, so that teachers find difficulties to create an integrated learning of science. In addition, teachers feel difficulty in determining the depth of the material, limits of integration in integrated science teaching, and did not know the concept of integrated science teaching. This research is a development research. Learning tools developed included : student books, lesson plans, student activity sheets and evaluation tools. The development of the learning which is done in this study use the models of 4D development which includes the step of Define (definition which at this stage conducted a needs analysis. Design : it is the stage of Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP software design. Development, it is the stage of development after the draft was made followed by a learning device validation by experts. This stage is also conducted to seek input from all the responses, reactions and comments from teachers, students, and observers so that it can be used for further improvement of science teaching later. The Disseminate, it is the stage of field tests are widely but not done. Data collection instruments used in this study include : test items and questionnaire. The conclusion of this development research are as follows : the results of the validation SSP integrated science by learning tools expert, material experts and media experts indicate the category of Very Good (SB so that SSP integrated science results development can be used by teachers as a reference of science learning process, in addition the use of SSP Integrated science can also be improve student learning outcomes in cognitive aspects.

  19. Desain Tata Letak Sirkuit Terpadu sebagai Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dalam Hukum Indonesia

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    Sanusi Bintang


    Design of integrated circuits as blue prints for integrated circuit used in various products of information technology, such as computer, cellular phone, and telecomunication media, has its own characteristics which is not fit to be put under the previous intellectual property law regimes, therefore, it needs to be regulate under a specific legislation (sui generis. This research utilizes doctrinal legal research method by applying statute approach and comparative approach. Indonesia has enacted laws on Design of Integrated Circuits, but the law has certain limitations. The limitations is regarding the adequacy of subject matter, the quality of norms, and the legal enforcement. The limitations is not only from the aspect of technical legal drafting, but also rooted on legal culture.

  20. Analisis Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu dalam Meningkatan Partisipasi Pemilih pada Pemilu 2014

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    Wira Respati


    Full Text Available As the institution in charge of election administration, Election Commission of Republic of Indonesia or Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU has consistently conducted campaign to increase number of voters who will participate in election. As a matter of fact, result of previous elections showed how the level of participation has been decreased. Lack of political awareness, level of knowledge upon the importance of election as well as skepticism on government and representatives’ performance were believed to be the trigger. Hence, it is important for KPU to enhance effective marketing communication program, ranging from the stages of planning, implementation and evaluation to promote public awareness to participate in the election. Therefore, this study aims to find how the principles of social marketing are actually implemented in designing communication program to increase voter awareness upon the importance of 2014 election. This study used qualitative method. Data were gathered from interview with related parties and literature study. Research found that the principles of social marketing to build awareness of voters basically have already been integrated in the programs of KPU toward the entire group of voters. In addition, KPU is quite aware of the importance of synergy between the programs of their communications both above the line and below the line. On April 9th legislative election, level of participation were increasing, reached 75.11%, up from 71% in the previous 2009 election. However, the level of participation of the July 9th presidential election dropped to 70% compared to the previous election in 2009, 72%. The result of these two elections should be considered as another challenge to KPU in improving their marketing communication strategy in the future. 

  1. Sekolah Islam terpadu; Filsafat, ideologi, dan tren baru pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

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    Full Text Available Toward the 21st century, there is an interesting change in the trend of education (read Islamic education in Indonesia . The dominance of educational institutions that consists of “Pesantren”,“Madrasah”, and Schools become different. It is based on the phenomenon that there is Integrated Islamic Schools in this country. The educational institutions,whicht have been spread to all parts of Indonesia, were established by some mosque activists at the ITB and UI campuses. The very rapid development of this school indicates that the Integrated Islamic School becomes the new trend of Islamic education in Indonesia. In this school, it is emphasized on the education of religious moral values and the excellent modern education nowadays. This kind of Integrated Islamic School has also proved a new style of the middle reislamization class of Indonesian Muslims.


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    Muntadliroh Muntadliroh


    Full Text Available Ecotourism of Bali Botanical Garden, Bedugul, Tabanana Regency, Bali, has been able to increase the number of visitors from time to time though it is still far from the optimum level. In 2010-2011 the number of visitors at Bali Botanical Gardens was counted for 368.927 people. Based on the data, visitors interest to visit Bali Botanical Garden are still low. Facing this problem, integrated marketing communication strategy is needed.This paper discusses implementation of integrated marketing communication concept created by Philip Kotler to the market ecotourism at Bali Botanical Garden, by using case study for qualitative research.The results of this analysis show that implementing this concept made a better relationship between Bali Botanical Garden and its visitors, also increasing quantity of its visitors.


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    I G. A. Ketut Wira Sutha


    Full Text Available In order to give a more efficient and effective public service, the Badung government formed a Board for Integrated Permit Services (BPPT as stipulated by the Local Government Regulation Number 4 / 2013 on 21 March 2013 which started its service on 1 May 2013. They used community’s satisfaction as a measure in order to give a good quality of services which is evaluated periodically. This study purposeful to know the community’s satisfaction level of BPPT services in order to know the effect of the five quality dimension of services which are tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Quisioner method were use to collect data, which are contain 25 questions descriptivetly about the fact and realization of BPPT services regarding to the ninety six customers. And inferential analysis method were use to get conclusion about population based on behavior. The conclusion of descriptive analysis mention that the satisfaction level of community regarding to the overall of BPPT services is 66.98% value with category of “sufficiently satisfactory” where the most influential dimension of the community’s satisfaction was Empathy with the coefficient of 0.787 as shown in the regression equation Y = 15.133 + 0.630X1 + 0.463X2 + 0.659X3 + 0.602X4 + 0.787X5. The inferential analysis method mention that five dimension influence simultaneously dan partially to the community’s satisfaction. The suggestions that can be given from this study is to opptimalyzed the supporting facilities with providing a centre of communication which is usually called “call centre”, so easly for the community to get information and to propose critic and suggest regarding to the services.

  4. Rancang Bangun Auto Switch PID pada Sistem ILFM (In Line Flash Mixing Untuk Proses Netralisasi pH

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    Hariadi Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Perubahan nilai pH larutan asam terhadap penambahan larutan basa memiliki sifat nonlinier. Pada umumnya pengendalian PID digunakan pada proses yang linier. Namun demikian, pada pengendalian pH yang merupakan proses nonlinier  ini akan diterapkan auto switch PID sebagai solusinya. Sistem ILFM merupakan  pengembangan dari sistem CSTR (Continous Stirred Tank Reactor yang mengasumsikan reaksi asam-basa terjadi secara cepat. Pada sistem ILFM laju aliran asam dibuat konstan sedangkan laju aliran basa dapat dikontrol. Pompa DC 12V digunakan untuk mengalirkan larutan asam dan basa. Alat ukur pH yang digunakan adalah pH meter YK-2001PH. Software LabVIEW digunakan sebagai penanaman algoritma autoswitch PID dan HMI pada tugas akhir ini. Auto switch PID akan bekerja sesuai dengan daerah linier yang telah dibagi. Daerah linier tersebut didapatkan berdasarkan hasil kurva eksperimen titrasi larutan CH3COOH 0,1M, 16,25ml dengan NaOH 0,1M, 20 ml.  Terdapat tiga daerah linier pada kurva titrasi, yaitu 3,5≤pH≤6,21, 6,22≤pH≤10,73 dan 10,74≤pH≤11,9. Pada uji closed loop,untuk setpoint pH5 didapatkan nilai karateristik respon maximum overshoot sebesar 19,6 %,Ess (error steady state sebesar 0,04% dan Ts (Time Settling sebesar 6s. Pada uji setpoint 6 didapatkan maximum overshoot 3,3%, Ess 3% dan Ts 13s. Pada uji nilai setpoint pH 11 didapatkan maximum overshoot sebesar 6 %,Ess sebesar 2,7% dan Ts sebesar 20s. Pada tracking turun nilai setpoint pH 11-5 didapatkan maximum overshoot 1,6%,Ess sebesar  1% dan Ts sebesar 8s. Pada daerah linier 2 tidak dapat tercapainya SP yang diinginkan. Hal ini dikarenakan daerah linier 2 adalah  daerah kritis dengan penambahan 1ml/s akan mengubah nilai pH menjadi 2 kali semula sedangkan resolusi pompa melibihi dari 1mL/s.

  5. Enkapsulasi B. bassiana menggunakan maizena dan daya infeksinya terhadap larva Aedes aegypti, Anopheles sp., Culex sp.

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    Mutiara Widawati


    Full Text Available Abstract. Encapsulation formulae of mycoinsecticide have to be able to maintain fungus viability and pathogenicity. This mycoinsecticide was developed as an alternative way to control mosquito borne disease. The aim of this study was to encapsulate Beauveria bassiana as viable storage and have the capability to kill larvae of Aedes aegypti, Anopheles sp. and Culex sp. Mosquito larvae obtained from laboratory reared at health research laboratory; Loka Litbang P2B2 Ciamis. The treatments made in this study were the formu-lation of cornstarch and controls for comparison. This study showed potential formulation of cornstarch encapsulation as a biolarvacidal. Cornstarch formulations proven to be succeed in maintaining fungus viability, however, the pathogenicity of the microcapsule still not effective to kill Aedes, Culex and Anopheles larvae. Keywords: encapsulation, Beauveria bassiana, Ae.aegypti, Anopheles sp., Culex sp. Abstrak. Pembuatan formula bioinsektisida yang optimal sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk pengen-dalian nyamuk vektor perlu di kembangkan. Sediaan mikoinsektisida yang dibuat harus dapat memper-tahankan viabilitas jamur B. bassiana sehingga masih efektif pada saat penggunaannya. Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk menjaga kestabilan sediaan mikoinsektisida yang berdampak langsung pada via-bilitas jamur adalah dengan menerapkan metode enkapsulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meng-hasilkan sediaan mikokapsul dari Beauvaria bassiana melalui proses enkapsulasi menggunakan maizena yang memiliki kapabilitas tinggi sebagai penyimpan B. bassiana dan efektif dalam membunuh larva dan telur Aedes aegypti, Anopheles sp. dan Culex sp. Semua larva uji berasal dari insektarium laboratorium penelitian kesehatan Loka litbang P2B2 Ciamis. Pembuatan enkapsulasi dimulai dengan kultur dan pema-nenan B. bassiana, uji viabilitas, proses enkapsulasi serta uji larvasida di laboratorium. Uji dilakukan dengan satu perlakuan dan satu kontrol untuk

  6. A pilot study of hippocampal volume and N-acetylaspartate (NAA) as response biomarkers in riluzole-treated patients with GAD. (United States)

    Abdallah, Chadi G; Coplan, Jeremy D; Jackowski, Andrea; Sato, João R; Mao, Xiangling; Shungu, Dikoma C; Mathew, Sanjay J


    Anxiolytic benefit following chronic treatment with the glutamate modulating agent riluzole in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was previously associated with differential changes in hippocampal NAA concentrations. Here, we investigated the association between hippocampal volume and hippocampal NAA in the context of riluzole response in GAD. Eighteen medication-free adult patients with GAD received 8-week of open-label riluzole. Ten healthy subjects served as a comparison group. Participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy at baseline and at the end of Week 8. GAD patients who completed all interventions were classified as remitters (n=7) or non-remitters (n=6), based on final Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) scores ≤7. At baseline, GAD patients had a significant reduction in total hippocampal volume compared to healthy subjects (F(1,21)=6.55, p=0.02). This reduction was most pronounced in the remitters, compared to non-remitters and healthy subjects. Delta (final-baseline) hippocampal volume was positively correlated with delta NAA in GAD. This positive association was highly significant in the right hippocampus in GAD [r=0.81, p=0.002], with no significant association in healthy subjects [Fisher r-to-z p=0.017]. Across all GAD patients, delta hippocampal volume was positively associated with improvement in HAM-A (rspearman=0.62, p=0.03). These preliminary findings support hippocampal NAA and volume as neural biomarkers substantially associated with therapeutic response to a glutamatergic drug. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

  7. Fifty years with the Hamilton scales for anxiety and depression. A tribute to Max Hamilton. (United States)

    Bech, P


    From the moment Max Hamilton started his psychiatric education, he considered psychometrics to be a scientific discipline on a par with biochemistry or pharmacology in clinical research. His clinimetric skills were in operation in the 1950s when randomised clinical trials were established as the method for the evaluation of the clinical effects of psychotropic drugs. Inspired by Eysenck, Hamilton took the long route around factor analysis in order to qualify his scales for anxiety (HAM-A) and depression (HAM-D) as scientific tools. From the moment when, 50 years ago, Hamilton published his first placebo-controlled trial with an experimental anti-anxiety drug, he realized the dialectic problem in using the total score on HAM-A as a sufficient statistic for the measurement of outcome. This dialectic problem has been investigated for more than 50 years with different types of factor analyses without success. Using modern psychometric methods, the solution to this problem is a simple matter of reallocating the Hamilton scale items according to the scientific hypothesis under examination. Hamilton's original intention, to measure the global burden of the symptoms experienced by the patients with affective disorders, is in agreement with the DSM-IV and ICD-10 classification systems. Scale reliability and obtainment of valid information from patients and their relatives were the most important clinimetric innovations to be developed by Hamilton. Max Hamilton therefore belongs to the very exclusive family of eminent physicians celebrated by this journal with a tribute. 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  8. Investigation of attention via the counting Stroop task in patients with functional constipation. (United States)

    Sun, Yi; Li, Xiao-Yi; Yao, Lin-Yan; Zhao, Lan; Dai, Ning; Wu, Hao


    The etiology and pathology of functional constipation (FC) is unclear. Some researches suggest that psychological factors may be related to this common problem. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between attention processing and emotional status in FC patients compared with healthy controls. We investigated selective attention and emotional status in patients with FC using the counting Stroop task. Thirty-five FC patients (FCP group) and 24 healthy controls (HCs) underwent an event-related potential (ERP) study while performing the task. Response time, latency and amplitude of P300 were collected and compared between the two groups. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) were administered prior to the counting Stroop task. Scores for the FCP group differed significantly from those for the HCs on the HAMD-17, HAMA, SCL-90 (Global Severity Index, Positive Symptoms Total, dimensions of somatization, obsessive-compulsive, depression, anxiety, and psychosis), as well as extraversion and neurosis dimensions of the EPQ (P 0.05). ERP results showed prolonged latency at F4, additionally found enhanced activation at F3, FC1 and T8, and decreased activation at sites FC6 and P7 in the patients with FC. Statistically, significant differences of P300 latency at site F4 (P well as somatization, obsessive-compulsive tendencies and other neurotic personality characteristics. Patients may employ psychological defense mechanisms to avoid the pain of depression and anxiety. ERP results imply there may be some brain dysfunction and attention deficits in patients with FC.

  9. Depressive symptoms, anxiety, and quality of life in women with pelvic endometriosis. (United States)

    Sepulcri, Rodrigo de P; do Amaral, Vivian F


    To assess depressive symptoms, anxiety and quality of life in women with pelvic endometriosis. A prospective study of 104 women diagnosed with pelvic endometriosis. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) were used to evaluate depressive symptoms; the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A) to evaluate anxiety symptoms; and the short (26-item) version of the World Health Organization Quality Of Life instrument (WHOQOL-BREF) to evaluate quality of life. Of the patients evaluated, 86.5% presented depressive symptoms (mild in 22.1%, moderate in 31.7%, and severe in 32.7%) and 87.5% presented anxiety (minor in 24% and major in 63.5%). Quality of life was found to be substandard. Age correlated positively with depressive symptoms, as determined using the BDI (P=0.013) and HAM-D (P=0.037). There was a positive correlation between current pain intensity and anxiety symptoms, as assessed using the STAI (state, P=0.009; trait, P=0.048) and HAM-A (P=0.0001). The complaints related to physical limitations increased in parallel with the intensity of pain (P=0.017). There was an inverse correlation between duration of treatment and quality of life (P=0.017). There was no correlation between psychiatric symptoms and endometriosis stage. A rational approach to endometriosis should include an evaluation of the emotional profile and quality of life. That approach would certainly reduce the functional damage caused by the endometriosis.

  10. A comparison between two lingual orthodontic brackets in terms of speech performance and patients' acceptance in correcting Class II, Division 1 malocclusion: a randomized controlled trial

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    Samiha Haj-Younis

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: To compare speech performance and levels of oral impairment between two types of lingual brackets. Methods: A parallel-group randomized controlled trial was carried out on patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusion treated at the University of Hama School of Dentistry in Hama, Syria. A total of 46 participants (mean age: 22.3 ± 2.3 years with maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion were randomly distributed into two groups with 23 patients each (1:1 allocation ratio. Either STb (Ormco or 7th Generation (Ormco lingual brackets were applied. Fricative sound/s/ spectrograms were analyzed directly before intervention (T0, one week following premolar extraction prior to bracket placement (T1, within 24 hours of bracket bonding (T2, one month after (T3, and three months after (T4 bracket placement. Patients′ acceptance was assessed by means of standardized questionnaires. Results: After bracket placement, significant deterioration in articulation was recorded at all assessment times in the 7th Generation group, and up to T3 in the STb group. Significant intergroup differences were detected at T2 and T3. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in reported tongue irritation levels, whereas chewing difficulty was significantly higher in the 7th Generation group one month after bracket placement. Conclusions: 7th Generation brackets have more interaction with sound production than STb ones. Although patients in both groups complained of some degree of oral impairment, STb appliances appeared to be more comfortable than the 7th Generation ones, particularly within the first month of treatment.

  11. A study on cognitive impairment and gray matter volume abnormalities in silent cerebral infarction patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, Wei; Wei, Xiaofeng; Li, Mengxiong [The First Affiliated Hospital of Yangtze University, Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Jingzhou, Hubei (China); Jiang, Xun [Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Wuhan, Hubei (China); Li, Shanshan [JingZhou City Central Blood Bank, Jingzhou, Hubei (China)


    The relationship between silent cerebral infarction (SCI) and the integrity of cognitive function is unknown. We intended to investigate whether cognitive impairment is associated with gray matter volume (GMV) in the SCI patients. Sixty-two patients with SCI and 62 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (HC) were evaluated with P300 test, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), and Hamilton Depression Scale (HDRS). Whole brain high-resolution T1-weighted images were processed with SPM12b software and analyzed by voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Correlation analysis was performed between the GMV and the scores of MoCA Scale, P300 latency, P300 amplitude, HAMA, HDRS, age, and educational level. The brains of the SCI patients have a significant reduction in GMV in the left superior and inferior frontal gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus, right middle temporal gyrus, and bilateral hippocampus gyrus (p < 0.01, FDR correction). No significant increase of GMV was detected. The GMV of their frontal and temporal lobes is positively correlated with the score of MoCA scale and P300 amplitude (r ≥ 0.62, p < 0.01). The GMV of frontal, temporal, and hippocampus is negatively correlated with P300 latency (r ≤ -0.71, p < 0.05). No significant correlation between the GMV of abnormal brain regions and another two clinical characteristics was found. SCI patients have impaired cognitive function and reduced GMV compared to the HC subjects. The neuropathological basis of such cognitive deficits in SCI patients might be a reduced GMV. (orig.)

  12. A study on cognitive impairment and gray matter volume abnormalities in silent cerebral infarction patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, Wei; Wei, Xiaofeng; Li, Mengxiong; Jiang, Xun; Li, Shanshan


    The relationship between silent cerebral infarction (SCI) and the integrity of cognitive function is unknown. We intended to investigate whether cognitive impairment is associated with gray matter volume (GMV) in the SCI patients. Sixty-two patients with SCI and 62 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (HC) were evaluated with P300 test, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), and Hamilton Depression Scale (HDRS). Whole brain high-resolution T1-weighted images were processed with SPM12b software and analyzed by voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Correlation analysis was performed between the GMV and the scores of MoCA Scale, P300 latency, P300 amplitude, HAMA, HDRS, age, and educational level. The brains of the SCI patients have a significant reduction in GMV in the left superior and inferior frontal gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus, right middle temporal gyrus, and bilateral hippocampus gyrus (p < 0.01, FDR correction). No significant increase of GMV was detected. The GMV of their frontal and temporal lobes is positively correlated with the score of MoCA scale and P300 amplitude (r ≥ 0.62, p < 0.01). The GMV of frontal, temporal, and hippocampus is negatively correlated with P300 latency (r ≤ -0.71, p < 0.05). No significant correlation between the GMV of abnormal brain regions and another two clinical characteristics was found. SCI patients have impaired cognitive function and reduced GMV compared to the HC subjects. The neuropathological basis of such cognitive deficits in SCI patients might be a reduced GMV. (orig.)

  13. A comparison between two lingual orthodontic brackets in terms of speech performance and patients' acceptance in correcting Class II, Division 1 malocclusion: a randomized controlled trial (United States)

    Haj-Younis, Samiha; Khattab, Tarek Z.; Hajeer, Mohammad Y.; Farah, Hassan


    ABSTRACT Objective: To compare speech performance and levels of oral impairment between two types of lingual brackets. Methods: A parallel-group randomized controlled trial was carried out on patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusion treated at the University of Hama School of Dentistry in Hama, Syria. A total of 46 participants (mean age: 22.3 ± 2.3 years) with maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion were randomly distributed into two groups with 23 patients each (1:1 allocation ratio). Either STb (Ormco) or 7th Generation (Ormco) lingual brackets were applied. Fricative sound/s/ spectrograms were analyzed directly before intervention (T0), one week following premolar extraction prior to bracket placement (T1), within 24 hours of bracket bonding (T2), one month after (T3), and three months after (T4) bracket placement. Patients′ acceptance was assessed by means of standardized questionnaires. Results: After bracket placement, significant deterioration in articulation was recorded at all assessment times in the 7th Generation group, and up to T3 in the STb group. Significant intergroup differences were detected at T2 and T3. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in reported tongue irritation levels, whereas chewing difficulty was significantly higher in the 7th Generation group one month after bracket placement. Conclusions: 7th Generation brackets have more interaction with sound production than STb ones. Although patients in both groups complained of some degree of oral impairment, STb appliances appeared to be more comfortable than the 7th Generation ones, particularly within the first month of treatment. PMID:27653268

  14. The effect of fecal microbiota transplantation on psychiatric symptoms among patients with irritable bowel syndrome, functional diarrhea and functional constipation: An open-label observational study. (United States)

    Kurokawa, Shunya; Kishimoto, Taishiro; Mizuno, Shinta; Masaoka, Tatsuhiro; Naganuma, Makoto; Liang, Kuo-Ching; Kitazawa, Momoko; Nakashima, Moeko; Shindo, Chie; Suda, Wataru; Hattori, Masahira; Kanai, Takanori; Mimura, Masaru


    The intestinal microbiota is considered as a potential common underpinning pathophysiology of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs) and psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) has been reported to have therapeutic effects on diseases related to dysbiosis, but few studies have evaluated its effect on psychiatric symptoms. We followed 17 patients with either Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Functional Diarrhea (FDr) or Functional Constipation (FC) who underwent FMT for the treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms and observation of psychiatric symptoms. Changes in Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) and subscale of sleep-related items, Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A) and Quick Inventory for Depressive Symptoms (QIDS) between baseline and 4 weeks after FMT, and relationship with the intestinal microbiota were measured. At baseline, 12 out of 17 patients were rated with HAM-D ≥ 8. Significant improvement in HAM-D total and sleep subscale score, HAM-A and QIDS were observed (p = 0.007, p = 0.007, p = 0.01, p = 0.007, respectively). Baseline Shannon index indicated that microbiota showed lower diversity in patients with HAM-D ≥ 8 compared to those of healthy donors and patients with HAM-D control group. Our results suggest that depression and anxiety symptoms may be improved by FMT regardless of gastrointestinal symptom change in patients with IBS, FDr and FC, and the increase of microbiota diversity may help to improve patient's mood. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. A comparison between two lingual orthodontic brackets in terms of speech performance and patients' acceptance in correcting Class II, Division 1 malocclusion: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Haj-Younis, Samiha; Khattab, Tarek Z; Hajeer, Mohammad Y; Farah, Hassan


    To compare speech performance and levels of oral impairment between two types of lingual brackets. A parallel-group randomized controlled trial was carried out on patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusion treated at the University of Hama School of Dentistry in Hama, Syria. A total of 46 participants (mean age: 22.3 ± 2.3 years) with maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion were randomly distributed into two groups with 23 patients each (1:1 allocation ratio). Either STb (Ormco) or 7th Generation (Ormco) lingual brackets were applied. Fricative sound/s/ spectrograms were analyzed directly before intervention (T0), one week following premolar extraction prior to bracket placement (T1), within 24 hours of bracket bonding (T2), one month after (T3), and three months after (T4) bracket placement. Patients' acceptance was assessed by means of standardized questionnaires. After bracket placement, significant deterioration in articulation was recorded at all assessment times in the 7th Generation group, and up to T3 in the STb group. Significant intergroup differences were detected at T2 and T3. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in reported tongue irritation levels, whereas chewing difficulty was significantly higher in the 7th Generation group one month after bracket placement. 7th Generation brackets have more interaction with sound production than STb ones. Although patients in both groups complained of some degree of oral impairment, STb appliances appeared to be more comfortable than the 7th Generation ones, particularly within the first month of treatment.

  16. Effects of a music-creation programme on the anxiety, self-esteem, and quality of life of people with severe mental illness: A quasi-experimental design. (United States)

    Chang, Beh-Huan; Chen, Bo-Wei; Beckstead, Jason W; Yang, Chiu-Yueh


    Many studies have shown that music therapy improves patients' symptoms. However, interventions using music creation as their core await further development for patients with severe mental illness (SMI). The current study investigated the effect of a music-creation programme on the anxiety, self-esteem, and quality of life of patients with SMI. A quasi-experimental design using convenience sampling was adopted to recruit patients with SMI from a psychiatric day care centre. Participants were grouped based on their willingness to undergo an intervention (26 patients in the experimental group and 23 patients in the control group). The control groups participated in conventional mental rehabilitation therapy activities. The experimental group participated in a music-creation session for 90 min every week over a 32-week period. The outcome indicators before and after the intervention were assessed using the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF). Finally, the intervention effect was determined using generalized estimating equations (GEEs). After 32 weeks of intervention activities, the experimental group showed significant improvements in their HAM-A total scores (P < 0.001) and RSES total scores (P = 0.005). Regarding quality of life, the improvements of the experimental group in terms of the psychological (P = 0.016) and social relationship domains (P = 0.033) were superior to those of the control group. Music-creation programmes are recommended for inclusion in the routine rehabilitation activities of patients with SMI. © 2017 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.

  17. Identifikasi Sistim Peternakan di Manokwari, Papua Barat-Indonesia

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    D. A. Iyai


    Full Text Available Pembangunan peternakan yang moderen membutuhkan kejelasan dan ketegasan batasan, corak dan dinamika produksinya. Penelitian eksploratif dengan metode survei melalui pendekatan Participative Rural Appraisal selama satu bulan dilakukan untuk mencatat sumberdaya yang dimiliki oleh para peternak berdasarkan kawasan agro-ekologi di Manokwari, yang meliputi Manokwari Utara, Manokwari Selatan, Warmare, Prafi, Masni, Oransbari, Ransiki, Anggi dan Minyambouw. Karakteristik agroekologi dibuat dengan software Microsoft Office VISIO. Matriks sederhana digunakan untuk pengelompokan kriteria komoditi ternak, komoditi pertanian, dan komoditi perikanan dan indikator BioFisik. Sistim peternakan terpadu yang dapat diidentifikasi pada wilayah agroekologi pesisir adalah sistim peternakan sapi berbasis tanaman kelapa (cocobeef dan tanaman pertanian (crops livestock farming system serta backyard poultry farming system. Pada daerah dataran rendah sistim yang dikembangkan adalah cattle-palm farming system, pig palm farming system, goat faming system, poultry farming system dan Crops livestock farming system. Pada kawasan Agroekologi Dataran Tinggi, Crop Pig Farming System, Poultry Farming System dan Backyard Cattle farming system sudah dikembangkan.

  18. Audit Capability EAM menggunakan COBIT 5 dan ISO 55002 pada Perusahaan Kelistrikan Negara

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    Ni Kadek Rahayu Widya Utami


    Full Text Available Manajemen aset distribusi merupakan sistem komputerisasi terpadu yang dapat membantu optimalisasi kegiatan maintenance dengan mengatur, menjadwalkan, merencanakan kegiatan pemeliharaan sumber daya sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan. PT.X sebagai perusahaan pengelola kelistrikan di Bali, saat ini melakukan penggabungan antara pengelolaan aset distribusi perusahaan dengan teknologi informasi yang menghasilkan EAM. Penerapan audit capability manajemen aset distribusi yang belum pernah dilakukan PT.X menjadi alasan dilakukannya penelitian ini. Audit capability dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan sistem serta melakukan analisis kondisi eksisting dari manajemen aset distribusi dalam perannya memenuhi tujuan perusahaan. COBIT 5 dan ISO 55002 digunakan sebagai panduan untuk melakukan analisa terhadap kelayakan sebuah investasi teknologi informasi yang sudah dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan. Hasil dari audit terpilih 3 domain yakni EDM 02, EDM 05 dan APO 11 yang menjadi domain evaluasi capability level dengan analisis GAP pada setiap domainnya. Penyusunan rekomendasi menggunakan 7 klausul ISO 55002 untuk penerapan manajemen aset distribusi yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Aset Distribusi, Capability Level COBIT 5, GAP, ISO 55002

  19. Perancangan Model Simulasi Sistem Kontrol pH pada Pengolahan Limbah di Reject Treatment Plant PT Krakatau Steel

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    Oktavia Dijah Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Reject Treatment Plant (RTP CRM PT. Krakatau Steel  adalah pengolahan limbah pabrik CRM yang  apabila tidak dikendalikan dengan baik akan berdampak langsung kepada masyarakat sekitar pabrik. Kadar pH dari limbah tersebut dikategorikan layak di dalam daerah pH 6 sampai 9. Pengendalian pH merupakan proses titrasi antara asam dan basa yang merupakan gabungan dari model statik dan model dinamik. Model statik dibentuk dari hukum kesetimbangan elektronitas berdasarkan reaksi invarian, sedangkan model dinamik dipengaruhi oleh tempat terjadinya reaksi antara asam dan basa yaitu pada Continues Injection Pipe Mixing (CIPM. Sistem kendali mengunakan Logika Fuzzy. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dalam daerah  set point pH set point 5 sampai 10.5, keandalan sistem masih dikatakan baik sesuai batasan yang diberikan oleh pemilik plant.

  20. Web Server Berbasis ATmega 128 Untuk Monitoring dan Kontrol Peralatan Rumah

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    Sigit Pramono


    Full Text Available Penggunaan mikropengendali untuk mengendalikan perangkat yang ada di rumah tentu menjadi salah satu penerapan prinsip kerja yang praktis dan fleksibel.Mikropengendali dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan dalam mengendalikan lampu ruangan, pemantauan suhu, dan pengendalian sistem penggerak tirai.Dengan memanfaatkan modul jaringanNM7010A TCP/IP Starter Kit maka aplikasi rumah tersebut dapat dikendalikan melalui jaringan intranet. Pada mikropengendali ATmega128, data akan diproses dan dieksekusi untuk mengendalikan sistem kerja keseluruhan rangkaian. Dari hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa mikropengendali dapat berperan sebagai Embedded Server untuk mengendalikan lampu, pengaktifan kanal Analog to Digital Converter (ADC yang digunakan untuk memantau suhu.Hasil pengujian terhadap LM35 menunjukan bahwa rata-rata error konversi sebesar 0,64%. Untuk mengeksekusi sistem melalui jaringan TCP/IP diperlukan waktu tunda antara 0,5 sampai 1,2 detik.


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    Damar Tri Boewono


    Full Text Available Abstract Vector control programs of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF have been conducted by Bontang Health Office, unfortunately DHF cases were still occurred in the years. Comprehensive research was conducted to determine the distribution of DHF cases using spatial analysis, in relation to positive larvae of breeding habitat distributions. The study was done in Belimbing village, West Bontang Subdistrict and Gunung Elai village, Nort Bontang Subdistrict. The aim  of the study was to determine the specific vector control strategy based on the breeding habitats, larvae free index (LFI, insecticide susceptible status of dengue vector Ae. aegypti and cases distribution (GIS mapping and distance index analyses.  The study revealed that the average LFI in the study areas were 31.9-67.5% and lower the national standar of 95%.  Dengue vector in the study areas were found to be resistant to both insecticides. The average mortality of Malathion was 15.0-65% and 5.0-7.50% on Lambdacyhalothrin. The application dosage of Temefos were effective against the larvae. Dengue cases distribution in the study areas were found in  clusters/gregorious. Distance index analysis revealed that 35.62% of dengue cases in Bontang city were distributed in the radius of 360 meters. This result reflected that the transmission was dominant due to human mobility. The health community empowerment is needed to encourage the people to participate on the vector control program especially regular household sanitation or clean-up campaigns ( to dry of, cover and bury /the vector habitats cleaning and larvicide applications in an effort to sustain the vector control programs. Key Words: DHF, Spatial distribution, Cases Distance Index, Bontang City Abstrak. Berbagai program pengendalian nyamuk vektor demam berdarah dengue (DBD telah dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bontang, beberapa tahun sebelum 2008. Walaupun demikian, kasus DBD masih dijumpai setiap tahun. Penelitian komprehensif

  2. The HISH-alliance and the Arab spring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dandan, Salem Ben Souhail

    , in terms of relative strength, as being essential in understanding the alliance. It then goes on to look at what the Arab-spring has so far meant for the different actors and how this has impacted the alliance. It is argued that the ability of the non-state armed entities, Hezbollah and Hamas...... within the global community, due to the current systemic situation and the Arab-spring. In short, the paper aims to establish a correlation between the international and regional changes, the newly found autonomy of the non-state entities and the decreasing capabilities of the states, in order...

  3. Clinical characteristics of synthetic cannabinoid-induced psychosis in relation to schizophrenia: a single-center cross-sectional analysis of concurrently hospitalized patients

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    Altintas M


    Full Text Available Merih Altintas,1 Leman Inanc,2 Gamze Akcay Oruc,1 Selim Arpacioglu,1 Huseyin Gulec1 1Department of Psychiatry, Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, 2Department of Psychiatry, Dr Cevdet Aykan Mental Health and Diseases Hospital, Tokat, Turkey Background: This study aimed to evaluate synthetic cannabinoid (SC-induced psychosis in terms of patient profile and clinical characteristics with reference to concurrently hospitalized schizophrenic patients. Methods: A total of 81 male patients diagnosed with psychotic disorder induced by the use of SCs (n=50; mean (standard deviation [SD] age: 25.9 (5.5 years or with schizophrenia (n=31, mean (SD age: 42.9 (11.6 years based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, diagnosis criteria who were concurrently hospitalized at Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital were included in this cross-sectional study. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS, Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD, and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A were recorded in all the patients. Results: Mean (SD age at disease onset in SC-induced psychosis patients was 22.3 (5.6 years; 26.0% had suicidal ideation and 58.4% were hospitalized involuntarily. Marijuana was the most common first used substance (72.0%, and solitary use of SC was noted in 38.0% of patients. SC-induced psychosis patients had similar PANSS positive, BPRS, HRSD, and FAB scores and significantly lower PANSS negative scores (18.0 [6.5] vs 22.3 [6.0], P=0.004 than patients with schizophrenia, while they had similar HAM-A scores (17.8 [10.3] vs 21.6 [5.5], P=0.085 as young schizophrenics. Age at onset for SC (r=0.364, P=0.05 or substance (r=0.395, P=0.01 use was correlated positively with total FAB scores.Conclusion: In conclusion, our


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    Ely Triwulan Dani


    Full Text Available Bogor Regency has three strategic functions, as a buffer zone of Jakarta, water system conservation area, and agricultural development area. Rapid population growth led to the need for land better place to live and businesses, it triggers a change in land use that resulted in the violation of spatial pattern plan. Therefore, the spatial usage must be controlled, in order to be in line with the spatial pattern plan and support functions of Bogor Regency. The main purpose of this study was to formulate the control direction of spatial usage in Bogor Regency. The spatial analysis used to obtain information on land use, land ownership, location permits, and evaluation of land use on spatial pattern plan. Schallogram method used to determine the level of the hierarchy of the region, and factors affecting the inconsistency of land use on spatial pattern plan obtained by the analysis of field data. Formulation of the directives controlling spatial utilization is obtained by descriptive analysis. The results showed that 51.33% of exsisting land use in Bogor Regency has not been done and still can be directed in order to conform with the spatial pattern plan, the remaining 38.06% was suitable and unsuitable 10.62%. The factors that cause such inconsistency were the lack socialization policy less, the absence of licensing, housing needs, public facilities availability and accessibility, lands of usage before defined spatial pattern plan, the transfer of land ownership, and sortage of agricultural support facilities. The implications of these results were necessary to apply four control instruments, those are licensing, zoning regulations, provision of incentives and disincentives, and sanctions. Besides, the need for policy dissemination and surveillance, monitoring and evaluation periodically.


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    Putut Hargiyanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This research aims at revealing (1 types of hazard that potentially arise, (2 the level of existing hazard, (3 the urgency of hazard management that should be done, and (4 the formula of recommended action to control the hazard in workstations or labs. This study belongs to survey research. Data collection techniques were using observation, interview, and visit. The number of workstations or labs were 23 from 11 state schools and 4 private schools. Data validation techniques were obtained through in-depth observation and examniation towards the documentation of visit photos as well as in-depth interview. Data analysis techniques were using quantitative data analysis by calculating the frequency of occurence on each type of hazard and then formulating the average and the percentage. The findings showed that (1 the hazard covered 9 items related to: material handling, the use of hands tool, machine protection, workplace design, lightning, weather, managemnent of noise hazard, vibration and electricity, workers’ facility, and working organization; (2 the average of hazard ratio consisted of (a 68 cases of non-hazard catagory (58%; (b 43 cases that required treatment (34%; 10 cases that catagorized as high-priority treatment; and 6 cases that had no data (4%; (3 the hazard control of high urgency on risky condition through repairment action; (4 recommendation for repairment condition was conducted through several stages, i.e. setting the target, selecting the approach, setting the procedure, and conducting continual evaluation. Keywords: hazard control/ management, types and hazard, workstation or labs in Vocational High Schools

  6. Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Super Absorbent Polymer Dengan Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma

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    Rosihin Rosihin


    Full Text Available Quality control is an effort to increase customer satisfaction and minimize damage. Super Absorbent Polymer which is a product as a raw material for making baby diapers / elderly and sanitary napkins. In Super Absorbent Polymer, defects usually found in the colour contamination that there is a dark colour on the product, print labels mistakes and packaging defects. This study aims to determine the value of DPMO and sigma level, identify the efforts which is taken to reduce disability, identify the types of disability, and find the main factors causing disability. Six Sigma method is used to analyze data with define, measure, analyze, improve and control. The quantitative data obtained by direct observation of quality problems. By using the method of six sigma can be seen that the quality of the resulting product is quite good that is 3.07 sigma with a damage rate of 58,624 for a million production (DPMO. The three highest defect product causes are color contamination of 93.34%, misprint of 3.55%, and packaging damage as much as 3.11%. The main factor causing defects is the engine factor for the type of colour contamination defect,. The type of improper defects in the packaging labels and main factor for the packaging defects is the human factor.kecacatan rusaknya kemasan faktor utama ialah faktor manusia.

  7. Modifikasi Perilaku Remaja dengan Pendekatan Belajar-melalui-Pengamatan dan Pengendalian Diri

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    Abdul Hadis


    Full Text Available Globalization era, characterized by a rapid growth in communication of information and transportation network all over the world, brings positive and negative effects. Those effects can be received by our adolescents or teenagers through sophisticated information media, either electronical media or printed media, and sophisticated transportation network as a consequence of the current growth of knowledge, technology, and arts. The adolescents have to be able to make their adjusments and dicisions properly. To do that, they can be prepared in applying the Observational Learning Modelling and Self Control Approach


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    Astria Dewi


    Full Text Available This research was counducted in May to June 2016 in the city of Makassar. Given the PT Jujur Jaya Sakti is a major distributor of Daihatsu vehicles brands that dominate the market in the city of Makassar, the purpose of this study to minimize irregularities in the company’s cash. Cash is the sala of the most important asset in running a company. Cash said to be important because  it is the mosr liquid asset. To protect these assets from theft and musise of company should have a system of internal control is good and right. The results showed that the internal control system that is still less effective where the cash comes in usually not deposited directly to the bank. Researchers used data sources, namely primary and secondary data. the procedure of data collection was done by questionnaire. The conclusion of this study are : (1 employee there was rotated periodically, (2 cash received is not directly deposited to the bank every day.


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    Abdul Kahar


    Full Text Available Abstract: Spiral Dynamics Theory-Based Criticism Typology Management Control Systems Concepts. This study aims to construct a typology model of management control systems. Post-positivism paradigm was used to find the meaning of management control system on PT Hadji Kalla (HK. The result shows the adaptation, internalization, and convergence between HK’s and Toyota’s values in the practices. The values of local Bugis-Makassar wisdom such as sipakatau, Getteng, mappakalabbi', assamaturu, sipatuo-sipatokkong can be found in the HK’s values, while the Japanese’s wisdom like: kaizen, jidoka, heijunka, hoshin, genchi gembutsi can be identified as Toyota’s. Internalizing the values of siri na pesse wisdom into the management control system concept become a holistic management control system construction.



    Ari Riswanto; Sri Rahayu Ningsih; Dewi Daryati


    Abstract. Necessary strategic efforts in maintaining the wheels of business that is being run, one business that can be done is to maximize the internal control of the company. Control can be done by this company depends on the type of company, whether for service, commercial or manufacturing. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of control internal role undertaken by the company in providing business loans to prospective clients effectively and in accordance with a predeterm...


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    Andik Setiyono


    Full Text Available Motif dan warna batik dihasilkan dengan pewarna yang mengandung logam berat kromium (Cr. Industri batik secara umum tergolong usaha kecil dan menengah sehingga sebagian besar tidak mengolah limbah batik yang mengandung logam berat Cr. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan alternatif solusi dari dampak pencemaran Cr dengan memanfaatkan berbagai tumbuhan untuk menyerap Cr pada limbah batik. Penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan desain pre and post test. Tanaman air yang dipilih adalah enceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes, kayu apu (Pistia stratiotes, dan kayambang (Salvinia cucullata yang ditanam pada wadah yang berisi air limbah selama 5 hari. Konsentrasi Cr pada air limbah kelompok 1 menurun dari 0,0546 mg/l menjadi 0,0378 mg/l setelah diberi perlakuan dengan enceng gondok. Konsentrasi Cr pada air limbah kelompok 2 menurun dari 0,0488 mg/l menjadi 0,0315 mg/l setelah diberi perlakuan dengan kayambang. Konsentrasi Cr pada air limbah kelompok 1 menurun dari 0,0464 mg/l menjadi 0,0240 mg/l setelah diberi perlakuan dengan kayu apu. Hasil uji statistik dengan uji Kruskal Wallis menunjukkan nilai p= 0,280 sehingga disimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan penyerapan Cr yang terdapat pada limbah batik pada jenis tanaman enceng gondok, kayu apu, dan kayambang.   Kata Kunci : Cr, Limbah batik, Fitoremediasi   Abstract Batik motifs and colors are produced with dyes containing heavy metal chromium (Cr. Batik industries is generally classified as small and medium enterprises, so most of them do not process batik waste containing heavy metal Cr. The purpose of this research was to provide alternative solution from Cr pollution impact by utilizing various plants to absorb Cr in batik waste. This research was a quasi experiment with pre and post test design. The selected aquatic plants were water hyacinth or “enceng gondok” (Eichornia crassipes, “kayu apu” (Pistia stratiotes, and “kayambang” (Salvinia cucullata. They were grown in containers containing waste water for 5 days. The Cr concentration in wastewater of group 1 decreased from 0.0546 mg/l to 0.0378 mg/l after being treated with water hyacinth. The Cr concentration in wastewater of group 2 decreased from group 2 from 0.0488 mg/l to 0.0315 mg/l after being treated with “kayambang”. The Cr concentration in wastewater of group 3 decreased from 0.0464 mg/l to 0.0240 mg/l after being treated with “kayu apu”. Statistical test with Kruskal Wallis test showed that p = 0,280. It was concluded that there were no difference in Cr absorbtion among water hyacinth, kayambang and kayu apu.

  12. Eksplorasi Fusarium Nonpatogen untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Pangkal pada Bawang Merah

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    Umi Sallamatul Isniah


    Full Text Available Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae causing basal rot disease is one of an important constrains in shallot productions. Result from several studies showed that non-pathogenic F.  oxysporum was very potential to control fusarium basal rot in shallot. This study was conducted to explore non-pathogenic isolates of F. oxysporum from shallot fields which might be effective for controlling basal rot disease.  Eighteen out of 21 isolates did not cause any disease symptom, they even promoted shallot growth when inoculated onto bulbs. Three out of 18 selected isolates, i.e. P13a, T14a, and P21a were the most effective isolates in controlling the disease in two consecutive experiments with level of efficacy ranges from 61.2% to 83.3%. This level of efficacy was higher than those of fungicide (benomyl treatment.

  13. Pengendalian Getah Kuning Manggis Menggunakan Ekstrak Rumput Laut dan Pemupukan Kalium

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    Full Text Available The Control of Mangosteen Yellow Latex Using Seaweed Extract and Potassium Fertilizer. The yellow latex disease decreases fruit quality of mangosteen because of exogenic latex causes dirty fruit and the endogenic latex makes the bitter fruit taste, then it does not deserve to be consumed. The causal agent of the disease was Verticillium alboatrum, Fusarium oxysporum, and Pestalotia macrotricha. Control using synthetic chemical for the fungus is severely decreasing the quality of the environment, therefore the use of organic agent such as botanical fungicide and the use of potassium fertilizer is recommended. The purpose of this research is to find the dose of potassium fertilizer and sea weed extract to decrease yellow latex disease of mangosteen fruit. The research was done in-vivo in the field with indicator of the decrease of yellow latex incident. The research showed that potassium fertilizer of 1.5 kg/plant combine with 1% extract was the best treatment with the lowest yellow latex incident of 9.4%. The treatment effective decreasing the disease of 56.3% compared to control and 56.9% when it is compared to 0,2% Antracol fungicide.

  14. Pengendalian Sosial Berbasis Modal Sosial Lokal pada Masyarakat di Kalimantan Barat

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    Nuraini Asriati


    Full Text Available This study is about Social Control Based On Social Capital (A Case Study on Dayak-Malay-Madurese at Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan. The aims of this study are: (1 To know how social interaction exists on multicultural communities at Ketapang Regency; (2 How is the social capital at multicultural communities at Ketapang Regency; (3and  How is the social control on multicultural communities at Ketapang Regency.  The research method is a case study of multisitus. The observational and deep interview targets:  goverment official leaders and staffs (Camat, Kepala Desa, Kepala Dusun, traditional management or custom leaders, and multiethnic grass-roots.  The research findings are: (1 the form of social capital on Dayak communities at Ketapang Regency is traditional law, whereas on Malay and Madurese communities, the form is tradition of musyawarah based on Islam law (2 preventively the social control by local community as social bonding was run by traditional  leadership, religious leaders, interethnic communication forums, interreligion communication forums and other social institutions leadership; (3 represively  social control by local social capital as social bridging was run on law of  Dayak custom, custom of ethnicity called “musyawarah bersendikan syariat Islam” on Malay and Madurese,  and formal law implementation.

  15. Khamir Antagonis untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Antraknosa pada Buah Avokad Selama Penyimpanan

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    Yuli Fitriati


    Full Text Available Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is an important disease in avocado fruit during storage. An effective, cheap, and safe control method is necessary as an alternative to subtitute the use of fungicides in postharvest disease control. This research aimed to identify yeast antagonist from avocados that are effective in controlling anthracnose disease on avocado fruit. Research was started with isolation of C. gloeosporioides and yeast from avocado fruit, followed by in vivo bioassay, antibiosis assay, and chitinolitic activity assay. In vivo bioassay was done by dipping avocado fruit on yeast cell suspension. As many as 23 yeasts isolates was obtained from avocado fruits. Eight yeast isolates (A28, A32, A33, A34, A35, A36, A37, A38 showed very effective for inhibiting anthracnose disease in avocado fruit at concentration of 106 mL-1 and 107 mL-1. However, only four isolates were chosen for further characterization based on morphological and molecular identification. Two species of yeast was identified as Pichia anomala, i.e. isolates A33 and A37 and Candida intermedia, i.e. isolates A35 and A36.


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    Esti Widiasari


    Full Text Available Good internal control and good corporate governance will reduce activities which will be carried out by auditor. The activities reduction will bring about auditor fee cutback. The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of internal control function and corporate governance structures, i.e. major shareholders, independent commissioners and audit committe, toward audit fees. This study is replication of Hay’s et al. research in 2008. The data collection uses purposive sampling method. Data was collected from annual reports of manufacturing companies which listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia in 2005-2007. The method used in analysis is multiple linear regression. The results show that internal audit functions do not affect to audit fees. By contrast, audit committee negatively influence toward audit fees. The two corporate governance structures (major shareholders and independent commissioners have significant positive influncial on audit fees. The results consistent with previous studies and consistent with the explanation that controls are complementary (controls, corporate governance and auditing are complement, an increase in one control will lead to an increase in the others.

  17. Pengelolaan Lingkungan dalam Rangka Mengantisipasi Perkembangan Hama Belalang Nomadacris succincta Linnaeus (Orthoptera: Acrididae

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    Sri Suharni Siwi


    Full Text Available Swarming grasshopper Nomadacris succincta (Linnaeus, sinonim: Patanga succincta (L. was one of the dominant species attacked corn and soybean plantations at Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi in early 2005. The species has been identified for a long time occurred in that environment, although has never been reported before as pest of farmer's crops. For a basis of the capability in controlling the swarm grasshopper in the field, changed of increasing population hould be monitored regularly to prevent future outbreak. Information on taxonomic and ecology research of N. succincta are needed for environmental management efforts, such as change in morphology, physiology and behavior, change in host's preferences of gregarious adult, and environmental conditions i.e. climate, cultural techniques, and the death of natural enemies in the field.

  18. Ziprasidone Augmentation of Escitalopram for Major Depressive Disorder: Efficacy Results From a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. (United States)

    Papakostas, George I; Fava, Maurizio; Baer, Lee; Swee, Michaela B; Jaeger, Adrienne; Bobo, William V; Shelton, Richard C


    The authors sought to test the efficacy of adjunctive ziprasidone in adults with nonpsychotic unipolar major depression experiencing persistent symptoms after 8 weeks of open-label treatment with escitalopram. This was an 8-week, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial conducted at three academic medical centers. Participants were 139 outpatients with persistent symptoms of major depression after an 8-week open-label trial of escitalopram (phase 1), randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive adjunctive ziprasidone (escitalopram plus ziprasidone, N=71) or adjunctive placebo (escitalopram plus placebo, N=68), with 8 weekly follow-up assessments. The primary outcome measure was clinical response, defined as a reduction of at least 50% in score on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). The Hamilton Anxiety Rating scale (HAM-A) and Visual Analog Scale for Pain were defined a priori as key secondary outcome measures. Rates of clinical response (35.2% compared with 20.5%) and mean improvement in HAM-D total scores (-6.4 [SD=6.4] compared with -3.3 [SD=6.2]) were significantly greater for the escitalopram plus ziprasidone group. Several secondary measures of antidepressant efficacy also favored adjunctive ziprasidone. The escitalopram plus ziprasidone group also showed significantly greater improvement on HAM-A score but not on Visual Analog Scale for Pain score. Ten (14%) patients in the escitalopram plus ziprasidone group discontinued treatment because of intolerance, compared with none in the escitalopram plus placebo group. Ziprasidone as an adjunct to escitalopram demonstrated antidepressant efficacy in adult patients with major depressive disorder experiencing persistent symptoms after 8 weeks of open-label treatment with escitalopram.

  19. Thorax deformity, joint hypermobility and anxiety disorder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gulsun, M.; Dumlu, K.; Erbas, M.; Yilmaz, Mehmet B.; Pinar, M.; Tonbul, M.; Celik, C.; Ozdemir, B.


    Objective was to evaluate the association between thorax deformities, panic disorder and joint hypermobility. The study includes 52 males diagnosed with thorax deformity, and 40 healthy male controls without thorax deformity, in Tatvan Bitlis and Isparta, Turkey. The study was carried out from 2004 to 2006. The teleradiographic and thoracic lateral images of the subjects were evaluated to obtain the Beighton scores; subjects psychiatric conditions were evaluated using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-1), and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) was applied in order to determine the anxiety levels. Both the subjects and controls were compared in sociodemographic, anxiety levels and joint mobility levels. In addition, males with joint hypermobility and thorax deformity were compared to the group with thorax deformity without joint hypermobility. A significant difference in HAM-A scores was found between the groups with thorax deformity and without. In addition, 21 subjects with thorax deformity met the joint hypermobility criteria in the group with thorax deformity and 7 subjects without thorax deformity met the joint hypermobility criteria in the group without thorax deformity, according to Beighton scoring. The Beighton score of subjects with thorax deformity were significantly different from those of the group without deformity. Additionally, anxiety scores of the males with thorax deformity and joint hypermobility were found higher than males with thorax deformity without joint hypermobility. Anxiety disorders, particularly panic disorder, have a significantly higher distribution in males subjects with thorax deformity compared to the healthy control group. In addition, the anxiety level of males with thorax deformity and joint hypermobility is higher than males with thorax deformity without joint hypermobility. (author)

  20. Indium-111-labeled B72. 3 monoclonal antibody in the detection and staging of breast cancer: A phase 1 study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamki, L.M.; Buzdar, A.U.; Singletary, S.E.; Rosenblum, M.G.; Bhadkamkar, V.; Esparza, L.; Podoloff, D.A.; Zukiwski, A.; Hortobagyi, G.N.; Murray, J.L. (Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston (USA))


    Sixteen patients with primary breast cancer were studied with a pancarcinoma monoclonal antibody B72.3, an IgG1 molecule directed against tumor-associated glycoprotein (TAG-72) present in several tumors. Five millicuries of 111In was used to label 0.2 mg (six patients), or 2 mg (six patients), or 20 mg using the site-directed bifunctional DTPA method (at carbohydrate moiety). Digital, planar, and SPECT images were obtained at 2, 48, 72 and 96 hr when possible. HAMA levels were obtained before the Mab infusion and at 1, 3, and 6 wk postinfusion. Fourteen of 14 known primary breast lesions were detected by imaging (100% sensitivity). Two fibrocystic lesions were negative. Seven of 14 patients had lymph node metastases by histologic methods, but all were missed by radioimmunoscintigraphy. Tumor uptake of Mab ranged 0.00054%-0.0038% of the ID/g. The tumor-to-normal breast tissue ratio was 4.3 {plus minus} 0.91 (mean {plus minus} s.e.m.). Lymph nodes localization of 111In-B72.3 by tissue analysis was similar for tumor-bearing and normal nodes (0.0039 {plus minus} 0.0023 versus 0.0025 {plus minus} 0.0019). Pharmacokinetics revealed mean plasma half-life of 33.3-41.2 hr for the different doses. There was no statistical difference between any of the pharmacokinetic parameters of different doses. HAMA was positive only in 17% of the patients. The study suggests that this antibody has 100% sensitivity for primary breast cancers, but very poor detection rate of metastatic lesions in axillary lymph nodes; thus making it of questionable value in the initial staging process of this disease.

  1. 优质护理服务对HIE恢复期患儿家长心理焦虑的改善%Influence of quality care on psychological anxiety of parents of hospitalized children in HIE convalescence

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    杜慧莹; 贺莉; 陈艳妮


    Objective To explore the influence of quality care on psychological anxiety of parents of hospitalized children in convalescence of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy( HIE ). Methods Thirty parents of children hospitalized in department of child care and rehabilitation and in HIE recovery period were randomly chosen as study objects. Parents whose children were given quality care were recruited in experimental group, and parents whose children were not given quality care were recruited in control group. At the time of admission and 7 th day of hospitalization, Hamilton Anxiety Scale ( HAM A ) was used to understand the situation of psychological anxiety of two groups. Results At the time of admission, parents in two groups had anxiety of different degree, and the scores of HAMA and the incidence of anxiety showed no significant difference between two groups ( all P >0. 05 ). Seven days later HAMA score of experimental group was 9. 2 ?.9, which was lower than that of control group ( 14. 0 ?2. 1 ) (t = 2. 492, P 0.05.接受优质护理服务的家长HAMA评分为14.0±2.1(对照组为9.2±2.9),t=2.492,P<0.05;焦虑心理发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义,χ2=3.86,P<0.05.结论 优质护理服务活动的开展可减轻HIE恢复期住院患儿家长的心理焦虑,值得推广.

  2. The association of affective temperaments with smoking initiation and maintenance in adult primary care patients. (United States)

    Eory, Ajandek; Rozsa, Sandor; Gonda, Xenia; Dome, Peter; Torzsa, Peter; Simavorian, Tatevik; Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N; Pompili, Maurizio; Serafini, Gianluca; Akiskal, Knarig K; Akiskal, Hagop S; Rihmer, Zoltan; Kalabay, Laszlo


    Smoking behaviour and its course is influenced by personality factors. Affective temperaments could allow a more specific framework of the role trait affectivity plays in this seriously harmful health-behaviour. The aim of our study was to investigate if such an association exists in an ageing population with a special emphasis on gender differences. 459 primary care patients completed the TEMPS-A, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). Subjects were characterized according to their smoking behaviour as current, former or never smokers. Univariate analysis ANOVA and logistic regression were performed to analyse differences in the three smoking subgroups to predict smoking initiation and maintenance. Current smokers were younger and less educated than former or never smokers. Males were more likely to try tobacco during their lifetime and were more successful in cessation. Depressive, cyclothymic and irritable temperament scores showed significant differences between the three smoking subgroups. Irritable temperament was a predictor of smoking initiation in females whereas depressive temperament predicted smoking maintenance in males with a small, opposite effect of HAM-A scores independent of age, education, lifetime depression and BDI scores. Whereas smoking initiation was exclusively predicted by a higher BDI score in males, smoking maintenance was predicted by younger age and lower education in females. The cross-sectional nature of the study design may lead to selective survival bias and hinder drawing causal relationships. Affective temperaments contribute to smoking initiation and maintenance independently of age, education, and depression. The significant contribution of depressive temperament in males and irritable temperament in females may highlight the role of gender-discordant temperaments in vulnerable subgroups. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. The Efficacy of Neurofeedback in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: An Open Labeled Prospective Study. (United States)

    Cheon, Eun-Jin; Koo, Bon-Hoon; Choi, Joong-Hyun


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of neurofeedback on depressive symptoms and electrophysiological disturbances in patients with major depressive disorder. We recruited participants suffering from depression to evaluate efficacy of left prefrontal beta with alpha/theta training. An 8-week, prospective, open-label study was undertaken. Twenty participants were recruited. The treatment protocol was twice or three times a week training of beta at F3 with alpha/theta at Pz for 8 weeks. When every visit, patients were received beta training for 30 min, and then alpha/theta training for 30 min. Baseline, 4 and 8 week scores of; the Hamilton rating scale for Depression (HAM-D), the Hamilton rating scale for Anxiety (HAM-A), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)-II, the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Clinical global impression-severity (CGI-S), and pre- and post-treatment resting state EEGs were compared. Interhemispheric alpha power asymmetry (A score) was computed for homologous sites F3-F4. Pre- and post-training clinical assessments revealed significant improvements in HAM-D, HAM-A, BDI, and CGI-S scores. Cumulative response rates by HAM-D were 35.0 and 75.0 % at 4 and 8 weeks, respectively, corresponding cumulative remission rates by HAM-D were 15.0 and 55.0 %, respectively. No significant differences were found between pre- and post-treatment A score. Neurofeedback treatment could improve depressive symptoms significantly. In addition, anxiety symptoms and clinical illness severity decreased significantly after neurofeedback treatment. Despite its several limitations, such as, small sample size and lack of a control group, this study suggested neurofeedback has significant effects in patients with major depressive disorder.

  4. Pengaruh Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Terhadap Ekuitas Merek (Survey Pada Pelanggan Hotel Pelangi Malang)


    Fathoni, Fathir


    This study aims to identify and explain how the influence of Integrated Marketing Communications consists of Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relations, Direct Marketing, Interactive Marketing, and Corporate Design together and partially on Brand Equity. The type of this research is explanatory research and using questionnaires as research instruments that distributed to 100 respondents who are customers and stay at the Hotel Pelangi Malang. The results showed that varia...

  5. Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu pada Suratkabar Malaysia (Studi Deskriptif Harian Sinar Harian Selangor)


    Nasarruddin, Razie Bin; Hermawan, Anang


    Sinar Harian has new comer daily newspaper in Selangor, and positioned as an independent newspapers. So, this media use marketing communication concepts in order to accepted by communities in their audience in Malaysia. The whole factor are become from their integrated marketing communication strategy (IMC), that have five indicators included advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations and sales promotions as a promotional mix. Besides IMC strategy, Sinar Harian also mak...

  6. Pendidikan Karakter Holistik Integratif di PAUD Terpadu ‘Aisyiyah Nur’aini Ngampilan Yogyakarta

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    Hendro Widodo


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine: 1 The basis of character education holistically and integratively in Early Childhood Nuraini; 2 The PAUD program environment is developed for the development of character education in a holistic and integrative manner; 3 actions and actions of educators in their role of developing character education holistically and integratively, and 4 parent involvement in the character education model holistically and integratively. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1 Moral Education Platform, Moral, Holistic and Integrative Character in Integrated Early Childhood 'Aisyiyah Nur'aini uses the foundation of religion, local culture and objective values of the nation. Character values can be taught systematically in the Holistic character education model as follows: a Habituation (good habituation and culture, b learning good things (mora, knowing, c morale Feeling and loving: feeling and loving good, d moral acting (good action, and e model (moral model of the surrounding environment; 2 the environment here is divided into the physical and social environment. In view of the physical environment shows the lack of school lighting due to the geographic conditions of schools located in the lowlands and surrounding there are level buildings so that the school conditions seem dark or lack of open lighting. Non-physical environment is seen from the interaction of all teachers in developing character education in an integrative holistic way. Implementation of character education is done every day in the classroom through habituation (habituation with modeling of teachers with 5K requirements (consensus, commitment, consistent, continuous and consequent; 3 The teacher's action is to integrate the child's character in integrated intellectual, moral and physical development; and 4 parental involvement in character education through parenting education and parenting class activities.

  7. BUDI DAYA TERPADU Cherax quadricarinatus DAN C. albertisi DENGAN PADI DALAM KOLAM TANAH

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    Taufik Ahmad


    Cherax spp. in Indonesia is not so well known compare to other crustaceans such as penaeids shrimp, the main aquaculture products. Since the 1990’s, the production of cherax post larvae has been intended to supply the hobbyists of ornamental crustaceans.  No data available of how large is the production of cherax in Indonesia, either for food or ornament. To provide evidence that cherax is not a padi eater, an experiment was carried out in an integrated culture with padi in 1 m x 1 m x 0.5 m earthen ponds. The cherax stocked into the ponds are C. quadricarinatus and C. albertisi, at 15 PL-45/m2 of each different pond. The water depth in each pond is maintained at 30—40 cm on the perimeter ditch. The feed, grower penaeids shrimp feed, is given at 3% biomass weight when necessary. The cherax is sampled every 30 days for total and carapace length as well as individual weight. Number and weight of grain produced and numbers of paddy seedling are the variable observed to monitor padi growth. The number of grains and seedling in cherax ponds which is not significantly different (P>0.05 from those in ponds without cherax indicating that cherax is not padi eater. Either C. quadricarinatus or C. albertisi achieved maximum individual weight of 20 g in 90 days rearing period. Both of the cherax are dyke hole maker, but tend to causing seepage. The depth of the hole ranges from 20—80 cm, just enough for the cherax to hide just after moulting. Obviously, cherax culture could be developed as a new source of income for the farmers and would not cherax is not padi eater. Either C. quadricarinatus or C. albertisi achieved maximum individual weight of 20 g in 90 days rearing period. Both of the cherax are dyke hole maker, but tend to causing seepage. The depth of the hole ranges from 20—80 cm, just enough for the cherax to hide just after moulting. Obviously, cherax culture could be developed as a new source of income for the farmers and would not threaten the production rice, the Indonesian staple food.


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    Elisa Christiana


    Full Text Available Abstract: The aim of research to find out the factors related to theperformance of health workers in ANC Integrated in Blitar. This study isa qualitative research with cross-sectional approach. Technique ofsampling with a total sampling found 40 health workers and 3 head ofPuskesmas. The results showed the performance of health workers inANC Integrated categorized 52.5% less, Factors related to theperformance of that age, leadership, attitude and motivation, while factorsunrelated are working time and supervision. The most dominant factorrelated to the performance is leadership after the controlled variablemotivation.Keywords: performance, health workers, ante natal care integrated

  9. Israel - Palestine: The Geopolitics of Electricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amsellem, David


    The electricity sector in the Middle-East is rarely studied, however this energy has a key role in the rivalry between Israelis and Palestinians. Indeed, the Hebrew State uses it as a tool of conquest and control in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, by giving an access to commodities to Jewish settlers. Moreover, Palestinians are strongly dependent on electricity produced by Israeli power plants, which enables Israel to pressure on the Palestinians. Yet the Palestinian electricity dependence is a critical issue for Israel's security as the Hamas, whose leadership is at stake in the region, knows how to take advantage of the situation

  10. Psychological benefits 2 and 4 weeks after a single treatment with near infrared light to the forehead: a pilot study of 10 patients with major depression and anxiety

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    Teicher Martin H


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Many studies have reported beneficial effects from the application of near-infrared (NIR light photobiomodulation (PBM to the body, and one group has reported beneficial effects applying it to the brain in stroke patients. We have reported that the measurement of a patient's left and right hemispheric emotional valence (HEV may clarify data and guide lateralized treatments. We sought to test whether a NIR treatment could 1. improve the psychological status of patients, 2. show a relationship between immediate psychological improvements when HEV was taken into account, and 3. show an increase in frontal pole regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF, and 4. be applied without side effects. Methods We gave 10 patients, (5 M/5 F with major depression, including 9 with anxiety, 7 with a past history of substance abuse (6 with an opiate abuse and 1 with an alcohol abuse history, and 3 with post traumatic stress disorder, a baseline standard diagnostic interview, a Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D, a Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A, and a Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS. We then gave four 4-minute treatments in a random order: NIR to left forehead at F3, to right forehead at F4, and placebo treatments (light off at the same sites. Immediately following each treatment we repeated the PANAS, and at 2-weeks and at 4-weeks post treatment we repeated all 3 rating scales. During all treatments we recorded total hemoglobin (cHb, as a measure of rCBF with a commercial NIR spectroscopy device over the left and the right frontal poles of the brain. Results At 2-weeks post treatment 6 of 10 patients had a remission (a score ≤ 10 on the HAM-D and 7 of 10 achieved this on the HAM-A. Patients experienced highly significant reductions in both HAM-D and HAM-A scores following treatment, with the greatest reductions occurring at 2 weeks. Mean rCBF across hemispheres increased from 0.011 units in the off condition to 0.043 units in

  11. [Treatment of Persistent Somatoform Pain Disorder by Floating Needle Therapy and Duloxetine]. (United States)

    Ren, Wan-wen; Zhou, Zhi-ying; Xu, Mi-mi; Long, Sen; Tang, Guang-zheng; Mao, Hong-jing; Chen, Shu-lin


    To evaluate clinical effect and safety of floating needle therapy and duloxetine in treating patients with persistent somatoform pain disorder (PSPD). Totally 108 PSPD patients were randomly assigned to the floating needle treatment group, the duloxetine treatment group, and the placebo treatment group, 36 in each group. Patients in the floating needle treatment group received floating needle therapy and placebo. Those in the duloxetine treatment group received duloxetine and simulated floating needle therapy. Those in the placebo treatment group received the placebo and simulated floating needle therapy. All treatment lasted for six weeks. Efficacy and adverse reactions were evaluated using Simple McGill pain scale (SF-MPQ) and Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS) before treatment and immediately after treatment, as well as at the end of 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th week of treatment, respectively. Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD, 17 items), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) were assessed before treatment and at the end of 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th week of treatment, respectively. Patients in the floating needle treatment group and the duloxetine treatment group with the total reducing score rate of SF-MPQ in Pain Rating index (PRI) ≥ 50% after 6 weeks' treatment were involved in the follow-up study. (1) Compared with the same group before treatment, SF-MPQ score, HAMD score and HAMA total scores all decreased in all the three groups at the end of 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th week of treatment (P floating needle treatment group (P floating needle treatment group significantly decreased after 1, 2, 4, and 6 weeks of treatment (P floating needle treatment group, 17 (50.0%) in the duloxetine treatment group, and 7 (21.2%) in the placebo treatment group. Compared with the placebo treatment group, the incidence of adverse reaction increased in the duloxetine treatment group (χ² = 6.04, P floating needle treatment group (χ² = 14.9, P floating needle treatment group and 17


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    Johari Johari


    Full Text Available Tugas dan wewenang Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK terdapat di dalam Pasal 26 dan Pasal 27 Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2003 tentang Tindak Pencucian Uang. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut, tugas dan wewenang PPATK tersebut bertujuan untuk mendeteksi terjadinya tindak pidana pencucian uang, dan membantu penegakan hukum yang berkaitan dengan pencucian uang, termasuk tindak pidana asal yang melahirkannya (predicate offences. Namun, Peranan PPATK akan berjalan secara efektif apabila aparat penegak hukum seperti Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, Pengadilan, Bea dan Cukai, para regulator seperti Bank Indonesia, Departemen Keuangan, Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal serta Penyedia Jasa Keuangan, industri perbankan, asuransi, perusahaan pembiayaan, dana pensiun, perusahaan efek, pengelola reksadana, media massa, masyarakat bekerjasama secara terorganisir dan terpadu dalam pemberantasan tindak pencucian uang di Indonesia. Dengan kewenangan yang dimilikinya, PPATK dapat mengejar hasil dari kejahatan, apabila hasil kejahatan tersebut dapat dikejar dan disita maka negara dengan sendirinya akan mengurangi tindak kejahatan itu sendiri. Kata kunci : Pencucian uang, tindak pidana pencucian uang (money laundering, kejahatan terorganisir, dan Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK.

  13. Effect of School Community Empowerment Model towards Handwashing Implementation among Elementary School Students in Dayeuhkolot Subdistrict

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    Tetti Solehati


    Perilaku mencuci tangan dengan sabun di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah. Penyebabnya dikaitkan dengan kurangnya kesadaran dalam mencuci tangan pakai sabun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberdayaan komunitas sekolah terhadap penerapan mencuci tangan di kalangan siswa sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Dayeuhkolot, Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimental dengan pretest dan posttest serta melakukan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Sampel terdiri dari 24 guru, 377 siswa di kelas 4-6, dan 24 dokter kecil. Metode pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan usaha kesehatan sekolah terpadu (gabungan model fit for school dan UKS terpilih, yang terdiri dari enam tahap. Instrumen terdiri dari kuesioner pengetahuan, lembar observasi, dan lembar checklist. Cuci tangan pakai sabun dievaluasi selama tiga bulan. Hasil menemukan bahwa terdapat skor meningkat dalam kategori baik untuk keterampilan cuci tangan pakai sabun guru dari 12,5% menjadi 100%, skor dokter kecil dalam kategori baik meningkat pada keterampilan cuci tangan pakai sabun dari 0% sampai 100%, keterampilan dari cuci tangan pakai sabun pada siswa meningkat dalam kategori baik dari 0% menjadi 87,5%. Pemberdayaan komunitas sekolah memengaruhi perilaku mencuci tangan di kalangan siswa SD.


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    Tigor Butarbutar


    Full Text Available Undang-undang No. 7 Tahun 1996 tentang pangan menyebutkan tujan ketahanan pangan  sebagai kondisi terpenuhinya pangan bagi setiap rumah tangga, yang tercermin dari tersedianya pangan yang cukup, baik jumlah maupun mutunya, aman dan terjangkau. Resesi ekonomi global yang masih akan terjadi beberapa tahun kedepan akan menyebabkan menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi karena sulitnya mendapatkan dana dalam menjalankan sektor riil.  Kelangkaan  lapangan kerja dan pertambahan penduduk menyebabkan sulitnya  masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, terutama  pangan. Untuk antisipasi hal tersebut diperlukan kontribusi sektor kehutanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan. Sektor kehutanan dapat berkontribusi terhadap pangan dengan mengembangkan potensi hutan yang terdapat di hutan alam, hutan tanaman, hutan lindung dan kawasan konservasi. Selain pemanfaatan dan pengembangan potensi yang ada juga perlu dipertimbangkan pemanfaatan areal hutan/kawasan sebagai areal pengembangan pangan terpadu. Pola agroforestri yang lebih berorientasi komoditi pangan dapat dikembangkan. Pengembangan agroforestri dapat dilakukan dengan model silvopastur serta harus mempertimbangkan kesesuaian jenis, ekonomi dan kebijakan. Tujuan dari pengembangan model agroforestry ini adalah untuk pemanfaatan kawasan hutan guna memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat sekitar hutan khususnya dan masyarakat Indonesia umumnya.

  15. Pengembangan E-Lecture menggunakan Web Service Sikadu untuk Mendukung Perkuliahan di Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    Anggyi Trisnawan Putra


    Full Text Available Proses penjadwalan di Universitas Negeri Semarang yang sedemikian rumit menghasilkan data penjadwalan yang tersimpan di dalam database Sikadu (Sistem Informasi Akademik Terpadu berupa keterkaitan antara data dosen, mahasiswa, dan mata kuliah. Namun, data ini tidak diintegrasikan secara langsung ke dalam aplikasi/sistem e-learning yang disediakan oleh Unnes, mengakibatkan adanya proses/kegiatan yang tidak perlu sebelum dapat menggunakan aplikasi e-learning. Dengan fakta bahwa data penjadwalan dapat diakses secara online, dapat dirancang aplikasi pendukung e-lecture dengan memanfaatkan data tersebut. Pertama-tama, dirancang web service yang akan menyajikan akses aman ke dalam data Sikadu. Lalu, dirancang database e-lecture yang akan memanfaatkan web service yang telah dibuat tersebut. Data akan disajikan dalam interface yang dibuat dengan HTML, bermesin PHP. Dosen dan mahasiswa dapat menggunakan akses login yang sama dengan Sikadu untuk dapat langsung memanfaatkan aplikasi ini. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, proses perkuliahan meliputi sharing bahan ajar, pemberian tugas/aktivitas kuliah, integrasi pengumpulan tugas, koreksi nilai tugas, pembatasan waktu pengumpulan tugas secara tegas (tersistem dan lain sebagainya dapat dilakukan secara mudah dan efisien. 


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    M. Nur Salim


    Full Text Available Perancangan system yang baru untuk aplikasi pengolahan data nasabah pada koperasi jasa keuangan syari’ah (KJKS balai usaha mandiri terpadu (BMT artha mandiri Al Miftah Kota Metro yaitu menggunakan aliran informasi, diagram konteks, bagan alir dokumen, dan data flow diagram (DFD, entry relationship diagram (ERD, dan normalisasi. Bahasa pemograman yang digunakan yaitu Delphi 7.Berdasarkan perancangan aplikasi pengolahan data jaminan nasabah dibuat, maka proses pengolahan data jaminan nasabah dapat berjalan dengan cepat, yaitu entry data dilakukan menggunakan computer yang telah terprogram sehingga proses pengolahan data menjadi lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Perancangan aplikasi pengolahan data jaminan nasabah terdiri dari login user, tampilan menu, entry data nasabah dan data jaminan, ubah data nasabah dan data jaminan, lihat data nasabah dan data jaminan, cetak laporan data nasabah dan cetak laporan data jaminan. Sehingga dalam aplikasi pengolahan data jaminan nasabah akan menghasilkan laporan data nasabah serta laporan data jaminan dan aplikasi ini dapat menghasilkan dokumen sebagai arsip fisik dalam bentuk cetakan laporan maupun arsip elektronik dalam bentuk data/file.

  17. Control of Polychaetes by Dipping Infected Pearl Oyster on Different Salinity

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    Yani Hadiroseyani


    Full Text Available Dip treatment on pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima was conducted in different concentrations of saline water to eliminate boring polychaetes. Results shows that polychaetes leave the osyters which treated on saline water at 0 ppt, 45 ppt, and 60 ppt as long as 15 minutes each. It also shows that the oysters got high survival rate 7 days after the treatment. Key words : Polychaetes, pearl oyster, dipping, salinity   ABSTRAK Pengendalian polikaeta pengebor dengan menggunakan berbagai konsentrasi larutan garam telah dilakukan pada tiram mutiara (Pinctada maxima. Berdasarkan jumlah polikaeta yang keluar, hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa perendaman dengan konsentrasi garam 0 ppt. 45 ppt, dan 60 ppt selama 15 menit lebih efektif dibandingkan pada konsentrasi 15 dan 30 ppt. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup tiram mutiara yang diamati 7 hari setelah perendaman dalam larutan garam mencapai 100%. Kata kunci : Polikaeta. tiram mutiara, perendaman. salinitas

  18. Surveilens Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Riau

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    Mitra Mitra


    Full Text Available Indonesia sedang mengalami transisi epidemiologi dibuktikan dengan terjadinya peningkatan angka kematian akibat penyakit non infeksi. Salah satu penyakit non infeksi yang saat ini cenderung menunjukkan peningkatan angka kesakitan yang cukup tinggi adalah Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah (PJPD. Langkah awal untuk pengendalian dan pencegahan adalah melaksanakan Program Surveilens PJPD melalui deteksi dini. Surveilens aktif di lakukan di Kabupaten Kampar. Hasil Surveilans PPJPD dari faktor risiko adalah obesitas umum 11,2%, obesitas sentral 41,4%, hiperkolesterol 65,4%, Diabetes Melitus 5,6%, dan kelainan jantung 46,2%. Prevalensi faktor risiko dan gaya hidup adalah kebiasaan merokok 24,3%, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi alkohol 11,9%, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi asin 41,2%, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi lemak tinggi 72,5%, kurang mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah 53,3%, kurang aktivitas 59,3%, dan stress tinggi 35%. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan survei deteksi dini secara berkala dan berkesinambungan, mengintensifkan penyuluhan kesehatan dan melibatkan peran serta aktif masyarakat.

  19. Distribusi patogen dan kualitas lingkungan pada budidaya perikanan laut di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Romi Novriadi


    Full Text Available Peningkatan laju produksi perikanan budidaya secara umum berperan penting dalam peningkatan masalah lingkungan dan patogen di beberapa unit produksi budidaya. Oleh karena itu, pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit saat ini menjadi prioritas untuk menjamin keberlanjutan industri ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan monitoring dan menilai distribusi patogen pada beberapa sentra produksi perikanan laut di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Monitoing dilakukan mulai Februari 2011 sampai Desember 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nodavirus dan Iridovirus merupakan agen penyebab penyakit virus yang umum ditemukan di budidaya ikan laut. Sementara Vibrio spp., Aeromonas spp. dan Edwardsiella spp. merupakan mikroorganisme patogen yang umum ditemukan di sentra budidaya ikan laut dan ikan air tawar. Hasil kajian monitoring juga menunjukkan bahwa Diplectanum sp., Gyrodactilus sp., Caligus sp., Trichodina sp., Rhexanella sp., Hirudinae sp., Benedenia sp. dan Cylodonela sp. merupakan parasit yang memiliki distribusi tinggi di berbagai sentra produksi ikan air laut dan tawar di Kepulauan Riau.


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    Raden Budiarto


    Full Text Available Sekalipun sudah populer di bidang teknik industri, metode Failure Mode & Effect Analysis FMEA masih sangat jarang dilaporkan penelitiannya terhadap objek sistem informasi. Hal ini menarik untuk dieksplorasi lebih lanjut pemanfaatannya pada sistem informasi. Variabel yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah occurrence (frekuensi kejadian, severity (dampak dan detection (pencegahan. Data penelitian diambil terutama berdasarkan dari hasil pengamatan langsung. Penelitian ini mencakup perlindungan terhadap aset informasi di lingkungan Organisasi XYZ dengan melakukan penilaian risiko keamanan informasi. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode (FMEA. Pada penelitian ini juga menggunakan kerangka kerja ISO 27001 untuk melengkapi daftar rekomendasi aksi penanggulangan mode kegagalan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu berupa laporan hasil pengelolaan manajemen risiko yang berisikan daftar prioritas analisis risiko yang disertai akar sebab permasalahan dan pengendalian risiko sesuai dengan standar ISO 27001. Hasil dari studi kasus telah membuktikan penerapan standar ISO 27001 berimbas terhadap penurunan tingkat kerawanan sebesar 30%.

  1. Imaging of infection and inflammation with 99mTc-Fanolesomab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Love, C.; Tronco, G.G.; Palestro, G.J.


    9 9mT c-Fanolesomab, a murine M class anti granulocyte antibody, is injected directly into patients, avoiding in vitro leukocyte labeling. Normal distribution includes reticuloendothelial system, genitourinary tract, and blood pool. Small bowel activity appears within 4 h, colonic activity by 24 h. Accumulation in infection is via two mechanisms: binding to circulating neutrophils that migrate to the infection and binding to neutrophils and neutrophil debris containing CD-15 receptors already sequestered in the infection. 9 9mT c-Fanolesomab is valuable in atypical appendicitis. Its sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, in 200 patients were 91%, 86%, and 87%, respectively. This agent is comparable to 1 11I n- labeled leukocytes for diagnosing osteomyelitis in the appendicular skeleton in general and in diabetic patients with pedal ulcers. Preliminary experience suggests 9 9mT c-Fanolesomab might replace in vitro labeled leukocytes for other indications as well. Initial clinical investigations found the agent was safe. A transient decrease in circulating leukocytes within 20 min after injection occurred, but with no associated clinical complaints. Recovery averaged about 20 min. One study found no statistically significant HAMA titer elevation and no adverse reactions following injection. In another investigation 5 out of 30 subjects who received two separate antibody injections, exhibited HAMA induction with no serious or severe adverse events. Forty-nine adverse events, including 4 severe ones, were reported among 523 subjects in clinical trials. In 2004, 9 9mT c-Fanolesomab was approved in the United States for use in patients with equivocal presentation of appendicitis. However, following postmarketing reports of serious adverse events, including two fatalities, the agent was withdrawn in late 2005, and its future is uncertain

  2. In Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety, and Physiosomatic Symptoms Are Strongly Related to Psychotic Symptoms and Excitation, Impairments in Episodic Memory, and Increased Production of Neurotoxic Tryptophan Catabolites: a Multivariate and Machine Learning Study. (United States)

    Kanchanatawan, Buranee; Thika, Supaksorn; Sirivichayakul, Sunee; Carvalho, André F; Geffard, Michel; Maes, Michael


    The depression, anxiety and physiosomatic symptoms (DAPS) of schizophrenia are associated with negative symptoms and changes in tryptophan catabolite (TRYCAT) patterning. The aim of this study is to delineate the associations between DAPS and psychosis, hostility, excitation, and mannerism (PHEM) symptoms, cognitive tests as measured using the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) and IgA/IgM responses to TRYCATs. We included 40 healthy controls and 80 participants with schizophrenia. Depression and anxiety symptoms were measured with The Hamilton Depression (HAM-D) and Anxiety (HAM-A) Rating Scales, respectively. Physiosomatic symptoms were assessed with the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Rating Scale (FF). Negative symptoms as well as CERAD tests, including Verbal Fluency Test (VFT), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Word List Memory (WLM), and WL Delayed Recall were measured, while ratios of IgA responses to noxious/protective TRYCATs (IgA NOX_PRO) were computed. Schizophrenia symptoms consisted of two dimensions, a first comprising PHEM and negative symptoms, and a second DAPS symptoms. A large part of the variance in DAPS was explained by psychotic symptoms and WLM. Of the variance in HAM-D, 58.9% was explained by the regression on excitement, IgA NOX_PRO ratio, WLM, and VFT; 29.9% of the variance in HAM-A by psychotic symptoms and IgA NOX/PRO; and 45.5% of the variance in FF score by psychotic symptoms, IgA NOX/PRO, and WLM. Neural network modeling shows that PHEM, IgA NOX_PRO, WLM, and MMSE are the dominant variables predicting DAPS. DAPS appear to be driven by PHEM and negative symptoms coupled with impairments in episodic memory, especially false memory creation, while all symptom dimension and cognitive impairments may be driven by an increased production of noxious TRYCATs, including picolinic, quinolinic, and xanthurenic acid.

  3. Technetium-99m antimyosin antibody (3-48) myocardial imaging: human biodistribution, safety and clinical results in detection of acute myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taillefer, R.; Boucher, L.; Lambert, R.; Gregoire, J.; Phaneuf, D.C.; Sikorsa, H.


    The purpose of this study was to determine the human biodistribution, the safety profile and the sensitivity of 99m Tc-AM (3-48) imaging in the detection of both Q-wave and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction (MI). Biodistribution and safety parameters were mainly determined in 12 normal healthy volunteers while 40 patients with proven MI (22 Q-wave, 18 non-Q-wave) were injected with 99m Tc-AM (20-25 mCi) between 5 h and 7 days after the onset of acute chest pain. Three standard planar views were performed at 6 h and at 24 h post injection. Both sets of images were completed in 33 patients while two patients were imaged only at 6 h, three patients only at 18 h and one at 18 and 24 h. One patient was not imaged. Vital signs and ECG were recorded and blood samples for haematology, biochemistry and human antimurine antibodies (HAMA) and urinalysis were obtained in all volunteers and patients. No serious adverse reactions or side-effects attributable to 99m -Tc-AM have been reported. No volunteers or patients developed allergic reactions or significant increases in HAMA titres. Reading of 99m Tc-AM imaging was performed by two blinded experienced observers. The sensitivity of 99m Tc-AM in the detection of MI was 100% for Q-wave and 83.3% for non-Q-wave infarctions. The overall sensitivity was 92.3%. The three false-negative case were inferoposterior MI. A certain degree of uptake focalization was seen in 26 out of 35 at 6 h. At 24 h, two patients did not show 99m Tc-AM uptake while 22 showed intense focal uptake, seven moderate uptake and 3 slight uptake. (orig./MG)

  4. Evaluation of anxiety, depression and suicidal intent in undergraduate dental students: A cross-sectional study

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    Manish Bathla


    Full Text Available Background: There is an increasing amount of stress in undergraduate dental students leading to anxiety, depression, and suicidal attempts/suicide. Aims: This study aims to evaluate anxiety, depression and suicidal intent in undergraduate dental students and to find out the various areas of stress. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire (to assess academic and nonacademic areas of stress and three scales-Hamilton scale for anxiety (HAM-A; Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS and Beck′s Suicide Intent Scale (BSI. Descriptive statistics; Pearson′s Chi-square test; Multiple ANOVA; Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test were used to analyze the data at the significant level of P ≤ 0.05. Results: In a total of 258 dental undergraduate students, academic areas of stress that were found to be statistically significant were long teaching hours (P = 0.002; high workload (P ≤ 0.001; frequency of tests (P ≤ 0.001 and competition/fear of failure (P = 0.009. Lack of interest in the profession was a statistically significant nonacademic area for stress (P ≤ 0.001. The students of first and final year reported higher anxiety (HAM-A 13.93 ± 6.908 and 16.44 ± 7.637 respectively and depression (HDRS 14.29 ± 6.302 and 14.22 ± 5.422; whereas suicidal intent was reported almost the same throughout the study sample (BSI 5.65 ± 5.465. Conclusion: An increasing level of anxiety, depression and suicidal intent due to various stressors in undergraduate dental students indicate a need to modify current education system and timely help to have psychological healthy dental professionals in future.

  5. Sequential use of indium-111 labeled monoclonal antibodies 96.5 and ZME-018 does not increase detection sensitivity for metastatic melanoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frontiera, M.; Murray, J.L.; Lamki, L.


    Two indium-111 labeled anti-melanoma murine monoclonal antibodies (MAb), 96.5 and ZME-018, each recognizing separate antigens on melanoma cells, were administered intravenously to 17 patients with melanoma in a sequential fashion to determine whether: (1) additional tumor sites could be imaged with the combination compared to a single Mab; (2) the first MAb influenced the biodistribution and tumor localization of the second; and (3) significantly toxicity occurred with the combination. Patients were randomized to receive either 96.5, followed by ZME-018, ZME-018 followed by 96.5, or each MAb followed by itself (controls). Infusions of the second MAb occurred 10 days after the first infusion. Gamma camera images were obtained 72 hours after each antibody infusion. There were 139 known metastatic sites of which 72 lesions were localized by either MAb for an overall sensitivity of 52%. The detection rate was higher when lesions only greater than 1.5 cm were considered. Imaging results were independent of MAb administration sequence. When ZME-018 was given as the first infusion, when ZME-018 was given as a second infusion (p = NS). However, mean sensitivities using 96.5 as the first or second infusion were 48% and 66% respectively (p = NS). There was not a significant number of sites detected by MAb 2 that were missed by MAb 1. Human anti-murine antibody (HAMA) response occurred in seven of eight patients studied; two patients who experienced toxicity had levels of HAMA greater than 2000 ng/ml. We conclude that the use of these two murine anti-melanoma monoclonal antibodies given in sequential fashion did not significantly change the imaging sensitivity from that seen with each individual antibody

  6. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose phase III study of vilazodone in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. (United States)

    Gommoll, Carl; Durgam, Suresh; Mathews, Maju; Forero, Giovanna; Nunez, Rene; Tang, Xiongwen; Thase, Michael E


    Vilazodone, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist, is approved for treating major depressive disorder in adults. This study (NCT01629966 evaluated the efficacy and safety of vilazodone in adults with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). A multicenter, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose study in patients with GAD randomized (1:1:1) to placebo (n = 223), or vilazodone 20 mg/day (n = 230) or 40 mg/day (n = 227). Primary and secondary efficacy parameters were total score change from baseline to week 8 on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAMA) and Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS), respectively, analyzed using a predefined mixed-effect model for repeated measures (MMRM). Safety outcomes were presented by descriptive statistics. The least squares mean difference (95% confidence interval) in HAMA total score change from baseline (MMRM) was statistically significant for vilazodone 40 mg/day versus placebo (-1.80 [-3.26, -0.34]; P = .0312 [adjusted for multiple comparisons]), but not for vilazodone 20 mg/day versus placebo. Mean change from baseline in SDS total score was not significantly different for either dose of vilazodone versus placebo when adjusted for multiplicity; significant improvement versus placebo was noted for vilazodone 40 mg/day without adjustment for multiplicity (P = .0349). The incidence of adverse events was similar for vilazodone 20 and 40 mg/day (∼71%) and slightly lower for placebo (62%). Nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting, and fatigue were reported in ≥5% of patients in either vilazodone group and at least twice the rate of placebo. Vilazodone was effective in treating anxiety symptoms of GAD. No new safety concerns were identified. © 2015 The Authors. Depression and Anxiety published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled pilot study of neuropsychiatric adverse events in abstinent smokers treated with varenicline or placebo. (United States)

    Garza, Dahlia; Murphy, Michael; Tseng, Li-Jung; Riordan, Henry J; Chatterjee, Anjan


    Varenicline is an α4β2 partial nicotinic agonist approved for smoking cessation. There have been spontaneous postmarketing reports of neuropsychiatric adverse events (NPAEs) in smokers without a history of psychiatric illness quitting with varenicline. One hundred ten smokers without history of psychiatric illness (screened by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV) were randomized to 12 weeks of varenicline 1 mg twice daily (n = 55) or placebo. Adverse events were solicited systematically. Depressive symptoms, anxiety, aggression, and irritability were measured at baseline and weekly using the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), and the Overt Aggression Scale-Modified (OAS-M). The Profile of Mood States (POMS) was administered daily. Mixed-model analysis of repeated measures was conducted to compare mean changes in scores between groups across study periods. Participants' mean baseline characteristics were 33 years of age, 22 cigarettes/day and Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence score > 7. Reported NPAEs were similar between groups. No suicidal events were reported. There were no significant differences between groups for the MADRS (treatment difference vs. placebo = .03, 95% confidence interval [CI] -.68-.73; NS), HAM-A (treatment difference [TD] = .14, 95% CI -.62-.90; NS), OAS-M Aggression subscale (TD = .5, 95% CI -1.18-2.18; NS), OAS-M Irritability subscale (TD = .08, 95% CI -.17-.34; NS), and the POMS total scores (TD = .5, 95% CI -.52-1.53; NS). There were no significant differences between groups on measures of depressive symptoms, anxiety, or aggression/hostility. Systematically solicited NPAEs were similar between the varenicline and placebo groups. Copyright © 2011 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Keefektivan padi transgenik terhadap hama penggerek batang padi kuning Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae

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    N. Usyati


    Full Text Available Transformation two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa and transformation with a single the cry1B gene under the control of a wound-inducible maize proteinase inhibitor gene (mpi promoter were two approaches that were used to get resistant rice to the rice stemborer which may be had a durable resistance. To obtain information on the effectiveness of seven transgenic rice lines to the rice yellow stemborer S. incertulas, a test was conducted in greenhouse. The seven lines were 1. line 4.2.3 and 2 line 4.2.4 both contain fusion of two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa; 3 line 3R9 and 4 line 3R7 lines both contain of mpi-cryIB gene; and 5 line 6.11 contains of cryIAb gene by particle bombardment, 6 line DT-cry (Azygous that do not contain cry gene (null, and 7 DT-cry line contains cryIAb gene by Agrobacterium, and as a negative control, we used three non transgenic rice varieties i.e., Rojolele, Cilosari, and Ciherang. The result showed that transgenic rice lines, except DT-cry and DT-cry (Azygous lines were effective to suppress damage by the insect, and showed an inhibition effect on the growth of S. incertulas, and had a high level ofresistance than non transgenic rice varieties had. There were differences on resistance value/level among transgenic rice lines. Based on the resistance value, 6.11 line was the highest followed by 4.2.4 line and 3R7 line, these lines were categorized as high resistance. Transgenic rice-4.2.3 line and 3R9 line were categorized as moderat resistance. DT-cry and DT-cry (Azygous lines were susceptible.

  9. Keefektivan Padi Transgenik terhadap Hama Penggerek Batang Padi Kuning Scirpophaga Incertulas (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)


    Usyati, N; Buchori, Damayanti; Manuwoto, Syafrida; Hidayat, Purnama; -Loedin, Inez H. Slamet


    Transformation two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa) and transformation with a single the cry1B gene under the control of a wound-inducible maize proteinase inhibitor gene (mpi) promoter were two approaches that were used to get resistant rice to the rice stemborer which may be had a durable resistance. To obtain information on the effectiveness of seven transgenic rice lines to the rice yellow stemborer S. incertulas, a test was conducted in greenhouse. The seven lines were 1). line 4.2.3 and 2) line...

  10. Keefektivan padi transgenik terhadap hama penggerek batang padi kuning Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)


    N. Usyati; Damayanti Buchori; Syafrida Manuwoto; Purnama Hidayat; Inez H. Slamet -Loedin


    Transformation two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa) and transformation with a single the cry1B gene under the control of a wound-inducible maize proteinase inhibitor gene (mpi) promoter were two approaches that were used to get resistant rice to the rice stemborer which may be had a durable resistance. To obtain information on the effectiveness of seven transgenic rice lines to the rice yellow stemborer S. incertulas, a test was conducted in greenhouse. The seven lines were 1). line 4.2.3 and 2) line...

  11. Efektivitas Pengendalian Internal Penjualan Kredit Rumah pada Perum Perumnas Cabang Kalimantan Timur


    Paung, Yustiani Manasye


    The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the control in the sale of home loans in East Kalimantan branch Perumnas.In accordance with the purposes of this study the main issues pointed out "Is the internal control of credit sales Perumnas East Kalimantan branch has been carried out effectively."Based on the subject matter, the proposed hypothesis is as follows: "Internal control sale of home loans Perumnas East Kalimantan branch has not been effective".The analytical tool used i...


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    Maryani Cyccu Tobing, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, Lisnawita, dan Meirani.


    Full Text Available The use of protozoan Sarcocystis singaporensis (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae for control rice field rat Rattus argentiventer.  Rats are still a number-one-pest in field rice of various areas in Indonesia. Biological control using microparasite                         Sarcocystis singaporensis (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae is a highly host-specific protozoan for controlling the rats. The objective of this research was to study the use of protozoa parasite S. singaporensis against rodent pest Rattus argentiventer. The design of experiment was Factorial Randomized Complete Design with ten treatments and four replications.  The first factor was sporocyt doses of S. singaporensis (control; 1 x 105; 2 x 105; 3 x 105; 4 x 105, while the second factor was rats sexual category (male and female. The results showed that dose of sporocysts S. singaporensis was significantly different but rats’ sexual category has no effect on the treatments. The highest mortalities was on dose  4 x 105 (100% at 12.08 days, food consumption decreased two to four days before rats died, weight of rats decreased because of the infection of S. singaporensis.

  13. Modifikasi Nosel pada Sistem Penyemprotan untuk Pengendalian Gulma Menggunakan Sprayer Gendong Elektrik

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    Muhammad Nafis Rahman


    Full Text Available This research aimed to modify the Nozzle of spraying system on the sprayer output to reduce the shift in spraying points on sprayed granules as a result of the wind blow from the environment. This electric sprayer consists of several components which are not found in a power sprayer or manual sprayer such as a 12-V battery or a 5.8 bar-pressure water pump. The result of the pressure comparison on the outlet showed a significant difference, namely in a 3-bar manual sprayer and a 4-bar electric sprayer. The pressure difference resulted in the difference in discharge, the length and width of the spraying.

  14. Penerapan Metode Six Sigma Pada Pengendalian Kualitas Air Baku Pada Produksi Makanan

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    Dino Rimantho


    Full Text Available The quality of water as a raw material in the process of food production has an important role. Water quality control is the key in maintaining production. This is the underlying purpose of this study to make improvements in its production activities to reduce the number of defective products in the production process. Water quality control of production is done by specifying several parameters, such as pH, turbidity, and iron. This study uses the concept of Six Sigma DMAIC.Pareto diagram shows water tends to acid, muddy, and contain much iron. Furthermore, the fishbone diagram is used to determine the percentage biggest defect. Improvement performed at the highest RPN value of around 630 in the filter. In addition, the value of sigma level before improvement around 3.3 with the possibility of defects approximately 34491 to a million process. Furthermore, the level of sigma after improvement roughly 4:09 with the possible failure of the process around 5526.

  15. Pengendalian Mutu Laboratorium Kimia Klinik Dilihat dari Aspek Mutu Hasil Analisis Laboratorium


    -, Riyono


    This study was aimed at learning the quality of laboratory analysis result, accuracy and precision of laboratory analysis and how the relationship of analytical internal quality control with accuracy and precision of laboratory analysis result. The measurement tools were questionnaires and gold standard. The analysis used t-test, Variance Index Score (VIS) and Spearman's Rank Correlation. Data collected from 30 respondents and 360 sample (precinorm ‘U) on 9 laboratory hospital of Sub-Province...


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    Abdul Latif


    Full Text Available Abstract This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the internal control system covering quality employees in accordance with their responsibilities. The separation of responsibilities properly and periodically comparison to Amanah Finance receivables management in Gorontalo branch. This type of approach of this research is descriptive research type. This study found that the internal implementation of internal control processes are already running with less good, because the management has done a separation of responsibility on each employee based on the competence of each employee and has done secarah full delegation of authority. Each recording transactions authorized by the accounts receivable function of cash receipts and disbursements. Then, at the end of each period selau made adjusting entries, and financially prepared financial statements on a regular basis. The management of Finance to evaluate periodically based on financial statements prepared in each period. Keywords: Internal Control System, Receivables Management.


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    A. Esfandari


    Full Text Available This experiment was conducted to study the prospect of bovine colostrum utilization to produce specific antibody as passive immunotherapy against avian influenza. Pregnant Frisian Holstein cows were injected with commercial killed Avian Influenza (AI vaccine given double doses subcutaneously three times every two weeks. Prior to vaccination, the cows were given immunomodulator 0.1 BW administered orally for three days. The animals then were injected by inactive H5N1 antigent without adjuvant intravenously to meet the dose of 104 HAU. Blood samples were collected to detect anti AI antibody using Enzyme Linked Jmmunosorbent Assay technique. Colostral samples were analysed to detect antibody against AI using Haemagglutination Inhibition technique. IgG stabilities were tested against enzyme, pH, and spray dried prosessing with inlet dan outlet temperature of 1400C and 520C.repectively. The colostral lgG efficacy on neutralizing H5N1 virus activity was determined in vitro (by using Serum Neutralization Test and protective titer measurement and in ovo (challenge test by using Embryonic Chicken Egg. The result indicated that serum antibody against H5N1 was detected one week after the second vaccination. Titer of colostral antibody against H5N1 was high (28 . Biological activity of colostral IgG remain stable at pH 5-7 and after spraying-drying prosessing, but decreased after treatment by trypsin and pepsin enzymes. The neutralization test showed that the fresh and spray dried colostral IgG against H5N1 were able to neutralize 107 EID50 AI virus H5N1 with neutralization index of 1.1 and 1.0, respectively. In conclusion, pregnant Frisian Holstein cows injected with commercial killed Avian Influenza (AI vaccine were able to produce colostral lgG against AI H5Nl

  18. Pengendalian Kualitas Kertas Dengan Menggunakan Statistical Process Control di Paper Machine 3

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    Vera Devani


    Full Text Available Purpose of this research is to determine types and causes of defects commonly found in Paper Machine 3 by using statistical process control (SPC method.  Statistical process control (SPC is a technique for solving problems and is used to monitor, control, analyze, manage and improve products and processes using statistical methods.  Based on Pareto Diagrams, wavy defect is found as the most frequent defect, which is 81.7%.  Human factor, meanwhile, is found as the main cause of defect, primarily due to lack of understanding on machinery and lack of training both leading to errors in data input.


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    Wahyudi Wahyudi


    Full Text Available Fuzzy control is one of the controller alternative using expert system ( human being logic as controller sothat do not need knowledge concerning parameter of systems. Fuzzy control also have ability of lightcomputing. This paper goal is making a Fuzzy control and observe the response of the plant had beencontrolled. The experiment’s purpose is to show the performance of Fuzzy control in control valve systemin order to liquid level controlling on-linely. Water level controlled by opening the load valve in the holdtank. The project experiment’s include examination conduct logic of Fuzzy program of Codevision AVR,examination of system at some references, examination the changing of liquid level reference, andexamination of system with the influence of disturbance. From the test, it is known that Fuzzy control withAVR ATmega8535 can yield eliminate offset in arranging opening of valve. Offset in examination ofsystem at some references are 0,4 cm , 0,02 cm , 0,17 cm, 0,11 cm, and 0,54 cm. Offset in examination thechanging of liquid levels are 0,07 cm, 0,02 cm, and 0,04 cm.

  20. Pengendalian Kutu Putih pada Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) dengan Insektisida Botani


    Bangun, Susana


    Susana Bangun “Controlling of Mealybugs on Mangosteen Fruits (Garcinia mangostana L.) Using Botanical Insecticides“ supervised by Maryani Cyccu Tobing and Darma Bakti. The objectives of the research were to find out an effective and eco-friendly method controlling on mealybug, and technique on keeping mangosteen fruits freshness lasts longer taking the advantages of using botanical insecticides that can be used for the need of certificating mealybug-free mangosteen for export destination. The...

  1. Implementasi Kebijakan Pengendalian Penggunaan BBM Bersubsidi Untuk Kendaraan Dinas Di Kota Semarang


    Saffanah, Afina Putri; Kismartini, Kismartini; Rostyaningsih, Dewi


    Fuel Oil Control Policy refer to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 1 2013 regarding control of the use of a particular fuel oil. The fuel oil subsidy control program aims to stabilize the fuel oil consumption, fuel oil subsidies are mainly so that in the future can still be consumed. As we know that all our needs there is no escape from a fuel oil, whether it be of processing or use. So with the fuel oil control is expected to continue to meet the needs now and in...

  2. Purwarupa Sistem Pendataan Pengunjung dan Pengendalian Perangkat Laboratorium Dalam Pengembangan Smart Campus

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    Heny Ispur Pratiwi


    Full Text Available The laboratory visitors data collection system serves as a timestamp data collection of laboratory visitors, and the control system is set for controlling electrical devices such as air conditioners, lights, and door locks inside the laboratory room according to the visitors amount, both are integrated as one system for implementing the development of Smart Campus and supporting conveniences and security for Lecturers, staff and students. The system uses hardware such as door lock solenoid, relay board, RFID reader, serial-cables and Arduino microcontrollers. Some software are used  such as Node.js scripts (JavaScript runtime environment as the central logic and communication, one Arduino microcontroller programmed with Arduino software program, and another Arduino microcontroller is embedded with firmware Firmata and application software such as server XAMPP for web pages using Bootstrap framework and Javascript library such as AngularJS, JQuery and Javascript Bootstrap. Furthermore, MySQL is used as a database by using a serial protocol, and then WebSocket and Johnny-Five Framework are used as a complement system solution. Overall integration of the systems is expected to run smoothly as designed.


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    Riska Robianto


    Full Text Available Utilization of Internet services to the hotspot network raises particular problems in traffic control and web filtering. Linux as an operating system that is open (open source, offers a variety of internet firewall systems to assist in the management of traffic, bandwidth, web filtering and one using Smoothwall Express to Linux which can convert a personal computer (PC to the Internet firewall reliable and stable. Smoothwall allows to integrated with the add-ons extends like AdvProxy and URL Filter to improve the performance of Smoohtwall and simplify configuration of the traffic control and web filtering. The research was conducted by collecting data from various sources related, then experiment with implementing Smoohtwall by adding add-ons extends to help administrators manage and regulate the bandwidth allocation of each client, block websites (URLs that are not needed. Based on these results bandwidth management can be divided equally and can block websites (URLs that are not needed like porn sites, warez, bad word, and also the quality of the network connection updatesites more stable.

  4. Pengendalian Risiko Ergonomi Kasus Low Back Pain pada Perawat di Rumah Sakit

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    L. Meily Kurniawidjaja


    Full Text Available Nurses are at high risk of low back pain (LBP. This study aimed to assess physical activities and working facilities as the risk factors that can lead to LBP in nurses in the wards and the emergency units of several hospitals in Jakarta to provide recommendations for controlling the risk of LBP. Observations were performed to identify high-risk activities and the rapid entire body assessment (REBA method was used to assess the ergonomic risk. Questionnaires and Nordic body map were also used to assess the other risk factors and LBP-related complaints. In addition, the cross-sectional design for association analysis, measurement and analysis to assess the working tools were also applied. The results showed that the prevalence of LBP among nurses was higher in the RSUD Tarakan emergency unit in 2013 (61.1% and RS Bhayangkara wards in 2012 (31.8%. In the private hospital emergency unit, the LBP is lower compared to the results of a global survey (43.1–87%. The dominant causes of LBP were bending and patient-lifting. A significant association was evident between the risk level of LBP and bending posture (p=0.031, OR=1.18–133.89, curved spine angle (p=0.024, OR=1.65–196.31, and patients transfer (p=0.011, OR=5.22–176.83. In conclusion, nurse physical activities and their work facilities can induce LBP. Therefore, it is suggested to provide adjustable facilities and wall-mounted tables in the toilets for urine measurements. Meeting the the minimum nurse: patient ratio, providing SOPs, and educating the nurses to control the risks of LBP are also needed.


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    Yulian Taviv


    Full Text Available Abstract. Palembang city has the highest dengue cases compare to other region in South Sumatera Province. This study compares two regions, first region with jumantik (leader and application of ikan cupang, and the second region only applied with jumantik. This study aims to find public acceptance of ikan cupang (Ctenops vittatus as larvae control in the community and to determine larvae index (house index, container index, breteau index in both regions. Larvae found in this study were Aedes aegypty, Ae. albopictus and Culex spp. Comparative indicators of mosquito larvae inspection before and after treatment in Kelurahan Kebun Bunga were angka bebas jentik from 48% to 86%, house index from 52% to 14%, container index from 48% to 25%, and breteau index from 66% to 50%, while in Kelurahan Sukarami free account of jentik from 58% to 72%, house index from 42% to 28%, container index from 36% to 50%, and breteau index from 66% to 50%. Kelurahan Kebun Bunga and Kelurahan Sukarami categorized as region with high risk of dengue infection. Ikan cupang was effective as Aedes larvae predator, and more acceptable to the community compare to the chemical insecticide. This study suggest to maintain jumantik in order to minimize dengue cases in Palembang city.   Key words : dengue fever, jumantik plus, ikan cupang, larvae index

  6. Efektivitas Formula Bacillus subtilis TM4 untuk Pengendalian Penyakit pada Tanaman Jagung

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    Nurasiah Djaenuddin


    Full Text Available Banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB and maydis leaf blight (MLB caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Bipolaris maydis, respectively are considered as important diseases in maize.   The use of biopesticides is an alternative method to control the diseases. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of bacterial formula Bacillus subtilis to inhibit the development of BLSB and MLB on the plant. Testing of biopesticide formula was done in two different applications, i.e. seed treatment for BLSB control and leaf spraying in the field for MLB. The results showed that the B.subtilis formula effectively suppressed the development of BLSB but it was not effectively suppressed the development of MLB .Key words: Bacillus subtilis, biopesticide, Bipolaris maydis, leaf blight diseaseBanded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB and maydis leaf blight (MLB caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Bipolaris maydis, respectively are considered as important diseases in maize.   The use of biopesticides is an alternative method to control the diseases. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of bacterial formula Bacillus subtilis to inhibit the development of BLSB and MLB on the plant. Testing of biopesticide formula was done in two different applications, i.e. seed treatment for BLSB control and leaf spraying in the field for MLB. The results showed that the B.subtilis formula effectively suppressed the development of BLSB but it was not effectively suppressed the development of MLB.


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    I N. Wijaya


    Full Text Available Training on ginger wilt diseases was held at Taro village, Gianyar regency on 18 st July 2013. The activitiesaimed how to know control of ginger wilt diseases. The training was attended by 25 participants from local farmergroups of Taro village. The methods used in activities were lectures, demonstration and practice in the gingerfield. All participants participated enthusiastically and hope they have the next intensive training again.

  8. Israel and Iran's Nuclear Program: Groundless Obsession or Genuine Concern?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menashri, David


    The combination of radical ideology, as espoused by Iran's leadership, and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is the root cause of Israeli concerns. Iran's attitude towards Israel seems to be rooted in a deep sense of religious mission, identification with the Palestinian problem, opposition to Israel and to its policies. For Islamic Iran, Judaism is a religion, not a nationality, and therefore Jews do not have the right to a state, certainly not in the Middle East. Moreover Iran supports Islamic groups as Hezbollah and Hamas. In this context Israel should view the Iranian nuclear program as the problem of the world, but the international community is not doing what it is supposed to do to solve the problem

  9. «…multiplicibus modulorum varietatibus sonantes…». Alcune riflessioni sulla dimensione musicale nel mondo greco e romano

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    Enrico Trudu


    Full Text Available The profile of the sonic dimension in the classical age appear to be rather evanescent, and seems to be a lack of an autonomous instrumental dimension as well as a complete structuring of music theory. The development of a process of musical theorizing is related, starting from the fourth century BC, to the evolution of the instruments that reach its peak with the construction of the hydraulis. The idea of music indeed evolves and in Roman times it’s possible to recognize a new relationship between musical performance and audience, and the development of the idea of ensemble, summarized by the concert scene in the mosaic of Hama (Syria.

  10. Clinical assay stage I clinical trial with the murine monoclonal antibody IOR-T1: Pharmacokinetic and immune answers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faxas Garcia, Maria E.; Guerra Yi, Marta E.; Alvarez, Alejandro; Calderon, Carlos


    As part of the stage I clinical trial with the murine monoclonal antibody IOR-T1 at repeated doses (200-800 mg) in patients carriers of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, the pharmacokinetics and the response against the mouse protein (HAMA) were studied in the 10 patients under treatment. It was observed a great individual variation in the maximum concentration in serum, which was estimated at 2 hours. The mean life time of the monoclonal antibody was between 13.93 and 19.6 hours. Most of the patients developed antibodies against the monoclonal antibody IOR-T1. The presence of this second antibody did not alter significantly the pharmacokinetics of the administered monoclonal antibody


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    Alfian Nur Ubay


    Full Text Available This research was aimed at designing strategies for improving total quality management at CV XYZ and PT HIJ. The research locations were selected intentionally with the consideration that the company is a middle class company that started to apply a study in line with the research topic. The experts were chosen using an approach method. This research used a descriptive approach and quantitative analysis through questionnaires using purposive sampling. The stages began with data processing, i.e. testing the questionnaire quality through validity and reliability tests, making a causality diagram, evaluating the implementation levels of each company by giving evaluation scales based on the existing condition, making House of Quality (HOQ using QFD methods, and then analyzing the problem solutions produced from the QFD methods with 5W + IH analysis, and finally determining the improvement priorities using Fuzzy AHP methods. The results were the strategies for improving total quality management /TQM of CV XYZ, namely the factor that plays the most important role was improving the quality management performance. The actor that has the competence to carry out the TQM improvement is the director. The prioritized goal to be achieved is a commitment to improve the quality of goods and services.  The prioritized strategy used in improving TQM is carrying out SOP consistently.Keywords: strategies, improvement, TQM, manufacturing company, fuzzy AHPABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan merancang strategi peningkatan manajemen mutu terpadu pada CV XYZ dan PT HIJ. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja dengan pertimbangan bahwa perusahaan tersebut merupakan perusahaan kelas menengah yang mulai menerapkan kajian sesuai dengan topik penelitian. Penentuan pakar dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan secara sengaja. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan analisa kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara sengaja (purposive sampling

  12. Strategi Marketing Mix Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) Unit Gabungan Terpadu (UGT) Sidogiri Pasuruan


    Kirom, Cihwanul


    Within the business realm, marketing is a key factor which determines the success of distribution. Therefore, strategy and innovation are a necessity. Marketing activity would ensure whether a certain product is delivered to the costumers. In order to achieve the desired goals of marketing, it is important to manufacturers to follow a set of marketing processes, which comprise market overview, marketing strategy, marketing mix, and evaluation. Marketing mix is a set of strategies consist of p...

  13. Prasasti Turryan Menengok Bendungan Jaman Kuno Di Turen (Suatu Kajian IPS Terpadu Peninggalah Sejarah

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    Sinyamin Sinyamin


    Full Text Available Uncovering the function and role of geography, is useful to (1 cultivate an attitude of awareness and concern for the environment and resources. (2 Increasing Tolerance to socio-cultural awareness for the community. Historical heritage is a vehicle that is suited to make it happen. Turen, ancient city in Indonesia has a history of the area should retain identity, safeguard the environment, natural resources, history, and human. Cultural property need to be cultivated as fixed tepeliharanya environmental sustainability and culture. Potential Geography enables Turen region to develop the area to increase the welfare of society through historical heritage and the possibility of development. Keywords: Geography, History, cultural legacy, Environment, Resources.


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    Sumoharjo Sumoharjo


    Full Text Available Tiga spesies tanaman sayur, kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptana, sawi (Brassica juncea, dan kemangi (Ocimum basilicum dibandingkan guna mengonversi ammonium dan nitrat nitrogen dari sistem akuakultur. Tanaman tersebut ditanam secara hidroponik menggunakan teknik rakit (rafting technique dengan tata letak rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konversi nitrogen oleh ketiga jenis tanaman berbeda secara nyata dengan tingkat retensi nitrogen tertinggi pada tanaman kangkung sebesar 0,73±0,28 g; diikuti oleh kemangi (0,30±0,17 g; dan terakhir oleh sawi (0,03±0,07 g. Secara keseluruhan ketiga tanaman mampu menyisihkan limbah nitrogen sebesar 6,70% dari total produksi TAN dari sisa metabolisme ikan yang dibudidayakan.

  15. Pengaruh Pemberian Kredit terhadap Peningkatan USAha Anggota pada Koperasi Pedagang Pasar (Koppas) Terpadu Pekanbaru


    Yostasia, Winda; ', Caska; ', Hendripides


    This research was motivated by the difficulty of traditional traders in accessing and managing capital resources, so it is necessary to study how traditional merchants meet the need for capital in the provision of goods traded and how traders maximize the use of existing capital resources for the improvement and development of their businesses. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze how much influence the provision of credit to the improvement of business members in the cooper...


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    Ade Kohar


    Full Text Available Integrated data base is a data base records bibliographic data of several types of document like textbook, periodicals, proceedings, research report, thesis, and article. Purposes of this study were to investigate document type description and searching strategy in integrated data base of online public access catalogs (OPAC in PDII-LIPI, and to know user opinion about that data base existence. It used observation and interviews to 100 data base users to collect data. Result of this study stated that document type description in OPAC was not indexed, so users couldn't do information searching of special type of document directly in the data base. There was only one method could be used to search information of special type of document. User could select it from some information records on the computer screen as the result of document title, author name or subject searching in the data base. This information access method was not efficient. So document type description and indexing was an important factor and should be done in information retrieval system using integrated data base. But respondent majority (84% in PDII-LIPI stated that they liked using separated data base to search information of special type of document.


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    Nailil Faroh


    Full Text Available AbstrakPada kurikulum 2013 pelajaran TIK dihilangkan dan terintegrasi pada setiap matapelajaran.Ini menjadi tantangan bagi guru matematika supaya kompetensi TIK siswa tetap ditanamkan di sekolah meskipun pelajaran TIK telah dihilangkan.Skenario model MMPterpadu dengan TIK yaitu siswa diberi tugas terstrukturdengan memanfaatkan TIK pada setiap pertemuan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmenghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian inimerupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model Borg and Gall.Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah Silabus, RPP, Buku Siswa,LKS, dan TKPM.Cara pengambilan data dengan dokumen, angket, observasi,wawancara, dan tes. Pengolahan data uji efektifitas dengan uji ketuntasan, ujipengaruh, uji banding, dan uji peningkatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan:perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid dengan skor rataan 4.14;perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan praktis karena respon positif  siswa83,10 % dan skor kemampuan guru mengelola kelas 4,26; pembelajaran matematikaefektif  karena rataan hasil TKPM kelas eksperimen 77,33 melebihi KKM = 70,rataan kelas ekperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol, ada pengaruh positif kemandirian belajar dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah terhadap kemampuanpemecahan masalah sebesar 79%; serta terdapat peningkatan kemandirian,keterampilan pemecahan masalah, dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah.AbstractIn 2013 curriculum eliminated and integrated ICT lessons in each subject. It’s a challenge formathematics teachers ICT competencies that students stay in school despite the lessons instilledICT has removed.MMP Scenario models integrated with ICT that students are given structuredtasks with the use ICT at each meeting.The purpose this research to producemathematicallearningvalid, practical and effective. This research is development of  model Borg and Gall. Learning device was developed syllabus, lesson plans, Student Book, worksheets, and TKPM.Obtaining data based on collecting documents, questionnaire, observation, interview, and tests.The data processing effectiveness test included test completeness, effect of  test, test differenceand improvement test. The results showed: learning developed device valid with average skor4.14;learning developed device is practical based on 83,10% positive response of  students andscore of  the ability teachers to manage the class is 4.26; the learning mathematics effectiveresult because average results of  experimental class problem solving abilities is 77,33 exceedKKM 70, average experimental grade higher than control, and there is positive effect betweenindependence learningand problem solving skills to problem solving ability many 79%; therean increase independence learning, problem solving skills, and problem solving ability.


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    Derek Polakitan


    Full Text Available Coconut Commodity as a source of income many people in North Sulawesi. The area of   266,147.36 ha of coconut plantation largely cultivated in monoculture. Under these conditions it is necessary to empower that coconut farming remains a mainstay source of income for the family farm. Objective of the assessment that has been done is to analyze the integrated plant and goat farming in the area of   coconut plantation. The rationale, the lower the productivity of coconut. In the 2003 - 2004 has made   the development of goats in the plantation area in KP Pandu village Talawaan Bantik Wori District of North Minahasa. Development is done using a model of integrated farming of coconut, corn and goats. One hectare of coconut land area fenced with Gliricidia produced 843.2 kg of fresh forage /90 day. 0.2 ha of  land planted with king grass has produced fresh forage 9,150kg/45 day. 0.6 ha of land planted with corn yield 2,829.6 kg and 8,787 kg of straw hay. Compiling the ability to produce forage of three forage sources can meet the needs of 90 goats. Compiling the ability to produce forage of three forage sources can meet the needs of 90 goats. An increase in profits of  Rp 634,650/year/ha in monoculture to Rp 14,262,070/year/ha in integrated farming. In conclusion, in order to increase productivity and farm income coconut diversification should do both vertical and horizontal. How to apply the integrated farming systems integration goat corn coconut (SIKJK.

  19. Strategi Marketing Mix Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT Unit Gabungan Terpadu (UGT Sidogiri Pasuruan

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    Cihwanul Kirom


    Full Text Available Within the business realm, marketing is a key factor which determines the success of distribution. Therefore, strategy and innovation are a necessity. Marketing activity would ensure whether a certain product is delivered to the costumers. In order to achieve the desired goals of marketing, it is important to manufacturers to follow a set of marketing processes, which comprise market overview, marketing strategy, marketing mix, and evaluation. Marketing mix is a set of strategies consist of product, price, promotion, and distribution, which guarantee the success of marketing activities. All of these aspects are intended to attain responses from the targeted market. The article seeks to discuss the marketing mix strategy implemented by BMT UGT Sidogiri Pasuruan based on four “Ps”, namely product, price, place, and promotion. The study finds that the marketing mix strategy employed by BMT UGT has met the costumers’ needs in terms of product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy. The study also concludes that the proper implementation of marketing mix strategy and its compatibility with Islamic sharîʻah as well as the organization’s obedience towards Islamic business ethics are among pivotal factors that have significantly influenced the development of BMT UGT Sidogiri

  20. Evaluasi Ekonomi Mikro: Dampak Proyek Terpadu Peternakan dan Pertanian Pangan di Indonesia Bagian Timur

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    Budiman Notoatmojo


    Full Text Available Impact evaluation of integrated livestock and food crop project micro analysis will concentrate  in the increase of farmers income, the increase of farmers food nutrient, and woman participation. Macro analysis has also been used to study on decentralization. The project has given 41.800 cattles for 19.000 farmers, 20.000 goats for 9 000 farmers, construct infrastructures (village road system, livestoc holding ground, etc, facilitate agroinputs for 28,000 package, training and extensions, and more others with total cost about US$ 34,200,000. The area covers South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo , Maluku, and North East Maluku. Total number of samples which have been taken for the survey were 162, which consist of 27 women, 63 farmers, 18 project staf, and 18 respondent from outside project. The result from the survey has shown that farmers have got benefits from project and their income has increased. 79% farmers has satisfied with the credit they have received already, however, the repayment has moved slowly. Eventhough they have raised only chicken, however, the farmers’ food nutrient has increased already.  


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    Noor Amaliah


    Full Text Available Flebitis merupakan masalah serius karena mengancam kesehatan dan keselamatan pasien. Flebitis mempunyai dampak terhadap kualitas pelayanan dan peningkatan pembiayaan pelayanan kesehatan. Kejadian flebitis yang tinggi mencerminkan rendahnya mutu pelayanan keperawatan dalam hal pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menganalisis pengembangan model kinerja perawat terhadap pencegahan infeksi flebitis di Rumah Sakit Islam Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain Explanatory Research menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dan Focus Group Discussion. Populasi 69 orang perawat pelaksana. Sampel berjumlah 65 responden. Tekhnik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat pengaruh faktor individu, faktor psikologis dan faktor organisasi terhadap kinerja perawat terhadap pencegahan infeksi flebitis dengan nilai T-Statistik > 1,96 dan p Value < 0,05. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah tidak terdapat pengaruh faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja perawat terhadap pencegahan infeksi flebitis. Saran dari penelitian ini diharapkan agar perawat dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya terhadap pencegahan infeksi flebitis melalui sikap, motivasi maupun dukungan dari supervisi.


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    Gede Bima Nugraha


    Full Text Available PT. PJB UP Gresik merupakan pembangkit energi listrik yang berada di Gresik, Jawa Timur. PT. PJB UP Gresik berusaha mencapai peningkatan kesiapan, keandalan, dan efisiensi yang merupakan target utama dari proses unit pembangkitan, dengan perencanaan dan pengendalian pemeliharaan yang disebut dengan Work Planning & Control (WP&C. Walaupun PT. PJB UP Gresik telah menggunakan sistem WP&C, kegiatan pemeliharaan pembangkit yang dilakukan masih belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Berdasarkan pengukuran performansi model Overall Measure of Maintenance Performance, hanya beberapa faktor indikator perhitungan yang telah memenuhi target, yaitu Overdue tasks, Degree of scheduling, Evaluation of preventive maintenance and predicitve maintenance dan Emergency man-hours. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk meningkatkan efisiensi aktivitas pemeliharaan yang salah satunya dengan mengurangi pemborosan atau waste. Penelitian ini diterapkan konsep Lean performansi model Overall Measure of Maintenance Performance, Value Stream Maintenance Mapping (VSMM dan Risiko. Model performansi digunakan untuk mengukur aktivitas awal perawatan dan menggunakan konsep lean untuk mendeteksi waste. Waste yang terdeteksi dikaitkan dengan risiko kegagalan unit pembangkit


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    Full Text Available Penjadwalan bagi perusahaan adalah aspek yang sangat penting, karena penjadwalan merupakan salah satu elemen perencanaan dan pengendalian produksi, sehingga perusahaan dapat mengirim barang sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan, agar diperoleh waktu total penyelesaian yang minimum. Dalam penelitian ini, penjadwalan menggunakan metode Simulated Annealing (SA dengan bantuan Matlab diharapkan dapat menghasilkan waktu total penyelesaian (makespan lebih cepat dari penjadwalan yang ada pada perusahaan. Metode SA mensimulasikan proses annealing pada pembuatan materi yang terdiri dari butiran Kristal atau logam. Tujuan dari proses ini adalah menghasilkan struktur kristal yang baik dengan menggunakan energi seminimal mungkin. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan adalah perusahaan belum mempertimbangkan makespan dalam penyelesaian produk dan penjadwalan produksi untuk produk paket satu rumah kos-kosan. Hal ini berdasarkan data produksi yang terjadi keterlambatan dilihat dari waktu penyelesaian (makespan produksi, sehingga perusahaan harus menambah 2-5 hari lagi untuk bisa menyelesaikan keseluruhan produk. Dengan menggunakan metode SA menghasilkan makespan 23 jam, lebih cepat 2 jam dari pada penjadwalan awal.

  4. Sunni and Shi’a Terrorism: Differences that Matter (United States)


    Upon the United States (Washington, DC: St. Martin’s Press, 2004), 88‐89.  The  report’s  language  was curiously qualified when discussing the Iranian...such a tactic cannot be ruled out in the future.  84 Poland, the Czech Republic, the  Slovak  Republic...Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)*    Hamas*    Iranian Extremists/Militants – Kuwait ( label  applied by Sunni Kuwait  government

  5. Progress toward a unified kJ-machine CANDY

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitagawa, Yoneyoshi; Mori, Yoshitaka; Komeda, Osamu; Hanayama, Ryohei; Ishii, Katsuhiro; Okihara, Shinichiro; Fujita, Kazuhisa; Nakayama, Suisei; Sekine, Takashi; Sato, Nakahiro; Kurita, Takashi; Kawashima, Toshiyuki; Watari, Takeshi; Kan, Hirofumi; Nakamura, Naoki; Kondo, Takuya; Fujine, Manabu; Azuma, Hirozumi; Motohiro, Tomoyoshi; Hioki, Tatsumi


    To construct a unified experimental machine CANDY using a kJ DPSSL driver in the fast-ignition scheme, the Laser for Fast Ignition Experiment (LFEX) at Osaka is used, showing that the laser-driven ions heat the preimploded core of a deuterated polystyrene (CD) shell target from 0.8 keV to 2 keV, resulting in 5 x 10 8 DD neutrons best ever obtained in the scheme. 4-J/10-Hz DPSSL laser HAMA is for the first time applied to the CD shell implosion- core heating experiments in the fast ignition scheme to yield neutrons and also to a continuous target injection, which yields neutrons of 3 x 10 5 n/4πsr n/shot. (paper)

  6. Perbandingan Efek Pemberian Bioinsektisida dan Ekstrak Kompos terhadap Produksi Padi Ratun dan Populasi Serangga Hama

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    Siti Herlinda


    Full Text Available The advantages of ratooning rice are to save water, cost production, labor, preparation time for planting and harvesting, but the ratooning productivity is still low.  This research aimed to study the effect of the bioinsecticide and compost extract on ratooning rice production and insect populations. The ratooning rice was applied by bioinsecticide, compost extract, and combination of bioinsecticide and compost extract with dose 2 L ha-1  per application, respectively. Data of agronomic variables were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance, whereas insect pest population data were analyzed using Chi Square test. The seedling height of ratoon applied by compost extract was the highest among treatments. The number of productive tillers per clumps and rice production on plot applied by compost extract were higher than the insecticide treatment. At the age of 17 day-ratooning rice, application bioinsecticide reduced the population of insect pests, such as Ciccadulina bipunctata, Recilia dorsalis, Nilaparvata lugens, and Nephotettix nigropictus. Thus, application of compost extract tended to improved the growth and production of the ratooning rice, while the bioinsecticide decreased the insect pest population.Keywords: Beauveria bassiana, rice growth, production

  7. Biologi Hama Kumbang Penggerek Pucuk Kelapa Sawit (Oryctes rhinoceros L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Di Rumah Kassa


    Sejahtra, Ahmad


    Ahmad Sejahtra, "BIOLOGY SHOOT BORERS BEETLE PEST OF COCONUT PALM (Oryctes rhinoceros L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) AT KASSA HOUSE", Under supervised by Ms Marheni and Ms Fatima Zahara. This study aims to determine biological pest of oil palm bud weevil (Oryctes rhinoceros L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at home kassa. The experiment was conducted on people's plantations in PERUMNAS Simalingkar starting from September 2010 until April 2011. Research using observational methods for this resear...

  8. Sistem Penjejak Pipa pada Balon Udara dengan Menggunakan Kamera dan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy

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    Dion Hayu Fandiantoro


    Full Text Available Balon udara merupakan salah satu jenis Unmaned Aerial Vehicle (UAV yang mampu bergerak secara otomatis, salah satu aplikasinya adalah sebagai penjejak pipa. Pada dasarnya digunakan sistem navigasi dengan bantuan global positioning system (GPS dan kontrol PID untuk mengatur arah tujuan. Tetapi penggunaan GPS pada daerah yang tidak memiliki ruang terbuka bebas tidaklah memungkinkan dikarenakan pada daerah tersebut sinyal GPS menjadi lemah ataupun hilang. Sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat bekerja secara independen tanpa menggunakan GPS dalam proses penjejakan pipa. Digunakan proses pengolahan citra dengan contour finding dan region of interest yang terpadu dalam sebuah sistem yang terdiri dari Raspberry Pi dan Arduino Mega dalam memandu balon udara untuk menyusuri pipa, sehingga balon udara dapat berjalan secara otomatis menyusuri pipa. Serta digunakan kontrol logika fuzzy untuk menentukan kecepatan motor untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan dan untuk menyusuri pipa. Hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan dengan simulasi menggunakan pipa fleksibel berwarna biru pada tugas akhir ini menunjukan bahwa balon udara dapat menyusuri pipa dengan panduan pipa fleksibel. Selain menyusuri pipa fleksibel, balon udara juga dipertahankan kondisi roll-nya untuk selalu setimbang. Didapatkan kesalahan ukur dalam proses penjejakan pipa sebesar 4,7%, sedangkan untuk kondisi roll didapatkan kesalahan sebesar 0,76%.


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    Bagus Sediadi Bandol Utomo


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan riset tentang pengaruh konsentrasi larutan asap cair terhadap mutu belut asap yang dihasilkan. Belut yang digunakan adalah jenis Monopterus albus dan asap cair yang dipakai diperoleh dari CV Pusat Pengolahan Kelapa Terpadu,Yogyakarta. Riset pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mengetahui waktu pengeringan yang terbaik, dengan melakukan pengeringan dalam oven pada suhu 90ºC selama 2, 4, 6, dan 8 jam diikuti pengujian kadar air terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Riset utama dilakukan unluk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi asap cair terhadap mutu belut asap yang dihasilkan dengan variasi konsentrasi larutan asap cair 0, 10, 20, dan 30%. Penilaian mutu dilakukan berdasarkan analisis komponen asap, komposisi proksimat, den mutu organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi larutan asap cair terbaik untuk pembuatan belut asap adalah 30% dengan waktu pengeringan 8 jam yang menghasilkan rendamen 28,04%. Secara umum produk ini disukai oleh panelis dengan nilai orgenoleptik 7,36 dengan karakteristik kadar air 10,38%, lemak 2,74%, protein 68,96%, dan abu 15,81%. Asap cair den belut asap hasil pengolahan menggunakan asap cair tidak mengandung senyawa Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH, sebaliknya belut asap komersial mengandung senyawa PAH.


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    Ria Normanita


    Full Text Available Increasing the productivity of rice through the approach of Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SL-PTT is one of the strategies that is expected to provide a greater contribution to the national rice production. Based on the results of research, the public response to the program of SL-PTT Non Hybrid Rice in Hulu Sungai Selatan was in the high category (85.71%. Factors affecting the public response to the program were the information, the field guides, the assistance component whereas those having no effects to the public response were the education, the practice, and the application of PTT. The environmental impact of the program of SLPTT Non Hybrid Rice was positive in the economic aspect, which could create welfare for farmers implementing the program. The Social aspect giving a positve impact was  through the transmission of technology adoption that could be applied to non-rice farmers who lived around the area of SL-PTT. The negative impact was the social jealousy among the people who could all not get involved in the program of SL-PTT Non Hybrid Rice.

  11. Penerapan Teknologi RFID untuk Purwarupa Pencatatan Presensi Mahasiswa di Laboratorium Komputer

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    Robby Tan


    Full Text Available Student presence is one of many the academic process. Currently, Information Technology Faculty still uses student signature in Daftar Hadir Mahasiswa dan Dosen (DHMD as proof of attendance. Every week, DHMD will be collected and student presence data will be inserted in Sistem Akademik Terpadu (SAT. The DHMD signing process is likely to lead to a loss of student concentration as it may take a while for the signature before returning to the lecturer's explanation. In addition, there are often signature errors in the sense that students sign other students' presences. In finding a solution to the problem, a prototype of presence attendance system is constructed so lecturer can monitor the while minimizing the process of the error occurring. This research utilizes RFID technology in form of the lecturer card and student identity card (KTM. The process of card identification and creating the flow process of capture digital presence can help the academic process work well. The conclusion of the research that has been done is the data stored in RFID has been successfully read and made in the form of digital attendance data.


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    Ery Abdul Baary


    Full Text Available Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Surabaya II, sistem informasi pertanahan belum diterapkan, jadi untuk melaksanakan tugasnya hanya menggunakan sebatas peta digital, maka dari itu perlu adanya sistem informasi pertanahan yang terpadu dan mutakhir untuk mendukung dan mengoptimalkan pengelolaan sistem informasi pertanahan di Kota Surabaya II.Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pembuatan sistem informasi pertanahan berdasarkan jenis hak atas tanah dengan menggunakan peta digital Kelurahan Genteng, Kecamatan Genteng, Surabaya skala 1:1000, citra Quickbird 2010, database mengenai bidang tanah dan data hasil survey. Pengolahan data menggunakan software utama Autodesk Land Dekstop 2009, ArcGIS 9.3. Pembuatan program aplikasi menggunakan software Visual Basic 6.0 yang dilengkapi dengan software tambahan MapObject 2.2.Dari hasil pembuatan Sistem informasi pertanahan di Kelurahan Genteng, Program ini mampu mengidentifikasi informasi bidang tanah mengenai jenis hak atas tanah yang meliputi 224 bidang tanah yang terdiri dari 132 bidang tanah atas hak guna bangunan, 89 bidang tanah atas hak milik, dan 3 bidang tanah atas hak pakai, serta dilengkapi dengan buku panduan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam pengambilan kebijakan dalam rencana pelaksanaan program inventarisasi penguasaan, pemilikan, penggunaan, dan pemanfaatan tanah.

  13. Impact of Abamectin on Anagrus nilaparvatae, An Egg Parasitoid of Nilaparvata lugens

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    Edi Eko Sasmito


    Full Text Available Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae is an egg parasitoid potential for controlling the major pests on rice, the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens [Hemiptera: Delphacidae].Abamectin is one of insecticides registered for N. lugens. The research was aimed to investigate the impact of contact application of abamectin on the parasitism level of A. nilaparvatae under laboratory conditions. Adults of A. nilaparvatae and the first instars as well as adults of N. lugens were exposed to the residue of abamection inside the test tube. A. nilaparvatae was much more susceptible to abamectin compared to N. lugens. Application of abamectin at the recommended concentration (22.78 ppm for 30 min caused 100% mortality, and it reduced to 85% when the concentration was decreased to 0.36 ppm. In contrast, the mortality for the first instar of N. lugens was only 15% at 22.78 and no mortality at 0.36 ppm. No N. lugens adults died even when they were exposed to 22.78 ppm. Furthermore, the parasitism test was conducted using 38 days after planting of IR-64 rice variety. Those plants were infested with 50 females of N. lugens for 2 days. A. nilaparvatae were exposed by contact to 0.02, 0.23, and 2.28 ppm of abamectin. The survivors were released to the rice plant containing eggs of N. lugens. Contact application of abamectin reduced parasitism level of A. nilaparvatae as much as 86.34, 70.01, and 28.43% with concentrations of 2.28 ppm, 0.23 and 0.02 ppm, respectively. In addition, the number of parasitoids emerged decreased with increasing concentration of abamectin. These results suggest that abamectin could be detrimental to A. nilaparvatae due to direct mortality, reduced the parasitism level, and decreased the number of progeny produced.   Intisari Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae merupakan salah satu parasitoid telur yang berpotensi untuk mengendalikan hama utama tanaman padi, wereng batang padi cokelat (Nilaparvata lugens [Hemiptera


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    Heni Prasetyowati


    Full Text Available DHF is a public health problem in Sukabumi city. The incidence rate of dengue infection in Sukabumi is 350 / 100,000 population and it’s relatively high. Many efforts have been done by Sukabumi government through the district health office, cross-sector, and by the community but so far the results have not been satisfactory yet. The purpose of this study is to observe the differences in the presence of Aedes spp. at the time before and after a treatment carried out. The treatments were given in the form of triggering the community meetings to raise awareness and continued search for a solution for dengue vector control by the community themselves. Increased public participation begins by motivating communities through triggers in the treatment area (RW 11 Baros village and RW 3 Sriwedari village. Larvae survey conducted one month before treatment and two months after treatment. The success of the intervention, decreased the presence of larvae in the intervention area. During post-triggering assistance period, the commitments implementation in RW 03 Sriwedari run relatively well. While in RW 11 Village Baros was less, because not all people carry their mutual commitment. There is a significant difference (p-value <0.05 between the larvae survey before and after the intervention. This shown a success in triggers to motivate the community in controlling Aedes spp. in the study area.

  15. Analisis Pengendalian Risiko Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Pekerjaan Konstruksi (Studi Kasus Asrama Haji Gorontalo

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    Evan Kusuma Wijaya


    Full Text Available A good construction management can support the acceleration of the infrastructure construction and a low performance in implementation of the construction projects will lead to delay and cost overrun. This paper is intended to identify the risk factors which affect to performance of construction project. Gorontalo Hajj Dormitory construction project are not completed within the estimated scheduled and cost. Data in this research were collected through questionnaires from stakeholders. Regression model of an analysis result then simulated with Monte Carlo method and the variables in this model are the most dominant risk factor which influence on a performance. The most dominant risk for cost and schedule performance is bad condition during construction, incorrect of implementation methods, rework and equipment failure. The cost and schedule performance of the construction work are in poor condition. Generated statistical model is aligned with Earn Value Method and can be apply on the field. Keywords: Earned Value Analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, Risk analysis.

  16. Aplikasi Peta Kendali p sebagai Pengendalian Kualitas Karet di PTPN IX Batujamus/Kerjoarum

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    Isti Khomah


    Full Text Available The increasing of global rubber consumption is an opportunity as well as a challenge for Indonesian rubber produsers to increase the quantity and the quality of production. Faced the competition between countries, the quality of rubber products should be enhanced adapted to consumer demand. This study aims to determine whether the quality of the rubber produced in PTPN IX (Persero Garden Batujamus/Kerjoarum still within the control or not. This study uses time series data, in the form of rubber production data during March 2012 - February 201, that were analyzed descriptively using Control p Chart Analysis. Control p Chart describe the proportion of production damage that can be tolerated as a tool for statistical Control p Chart Application as Quality Control Tools for Rubber Production in PTPN IX Batujamus/Kerjoarum process control. This study shows that the quality of the rubber produced by PTPN IX (Persero Garden Batujamus/ Kerjoarum is out of the control. The Control p Chart proves that there are still many points that are outside the production control line. The production domination of the third RSS type (RSS 3 cause this problem, so that the profit and the efficiency of the company can be increased if the RSS 3 product can be controlled and be changed with the production of RSS 1.

  17. Pengendalian Intern Terhadap Sistem Pengawasan Produksi Dan Sistem Biaya (Studi Kasus PT. XYZ

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    Julisar Julisar


    Full Text Available Business use internal control to guide their operations, safeguard assets and prevent abuses their system. Management is responsible for designing and applying five elements of internal control. The results from the evaluation of Internal Control in Production Control System and Cost System are the company has a good enough internal control in both their systems, such as, implement the segregation of duties, effective and efficiency in their manual operation procedure, controlling their documents and assets. But one thing the company needs to be done is the using of pre-numbered form. Most of all their forms have not been a pre-numbered form.



    Dwi Fitri Puspa


    The number of professionals working in bureaucratic organisational settings has been increasing. The organisations may use either formal administrative or bureaucratic controls (output and behaviour controls). As employees, these professionals often expect their behaViOlft to be con­trolled only through the use informal contols such as self and social control process The confluence of a high professional orientation and abureaucratrccontrol environmental will cause role conflict. This study e...


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    Budi S Purnomo


    Full Text Available This research aims to empirically examine the effect of the internal control system and the coercive force of the quality of local government financial reports. The method used is descriptive method of verification. While the technique of data analysis using correlation coefficient analysis and coefficient of determination. Quantitative data is secondary and primary data. Secondary data in the form of examination reports on the financial statements of local government district / city in the first Bogor region of West Java province in 2012 were obtained from Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK. Sementara data primer dikumpulkan dari kepala seksi akuntansi pada pemerintah daerah kabupaten/ kota di wilayah I Bogor provinsi Jawa Barat. The results showed that the internal control system is not a positive influence on the quality of financial reports of local governments while the coercive power of positive influence on the quality of local government financial reports.


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    Nurul Fadillah


    Full Text Available Mount Ciremai National Park (TNGC is a National Park (TN which has enormous ecological functions, especially as a water catchment area. Forest fires in TNGC occur every year and fluctuated from year to year. Forst fires destroy ecosystems and interfere the function of TNGC. Anti Fire Community (MPA is a partnership which consist of local communities involved in forest fire control. Community partnership will never succeess without the MPA’s participation. The research objectives are to describe the perception and participation of MPA on the forest fires control in TNGC and the implementation of MPA policies. This research method is done by questionnaires, observation and interviews. The results showed that MPA positively perceive that dry season as supporting factors and community activities that involve a fire as direct factors of forest fires. The public perception is not always in line with the participation. A strong perception does not guarantee a high participation, it might be the opposit (low participation. The highest MPA’s participation in forest fires control is in forest fighting activities. Affecting factors on MPA's participation in forest fire control activities are economic factors ie wage, logistics dan goods. Occuring gap between the ideal conditions and real conditions is 80,95 percent. Perceptions which is not in line with the participation and the emerge gap is suspected to cause unoptimized of forest fire control conducted by MPA in TNGC. Keywords: forest fire control, gap, MPA, particiation, perception

  1. Evaluasi Lingkungan Pengendalian dalam Pertumbuhan usaha yang Cepat: Studi Kasus pada PT G

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    Heny Kurniawati


    Full Text Available The effective Internal Control System plays fundamental role in a strong corporate governance. One important component of COSO Internal Control is Control Environment. This case study try to describe and discuss about the strengths and weaknesses of Control Environment, one of the Internal Control componen, of company G, a financial institution and how rapid bussiness changes affect the existing control environment. The result of this study showed that rapid business changes and the failure to identify and manage risks of the changes affect the strengths of existing control environment and heighten the weaknesses of control environment. 


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    Petrus A. Beding


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the perception of the application of innovation upland rice integrated crop management at the farm level. The research was conducted from May to October 2015 in the village of Mukti Mawes, District Bonggo, Sarmi. Data collected through a structured interview with guiding questions (questionnaire. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that farmers have a positive perception of technological innovation upland rice integrated crop management. Farmers assume that upland rice integrated crop management profitable, uncomplicated, easy to try, easy to see the result, not bertentangkan with the values of local traditions and in accordance with the needs of the community. Perception level of technological innovation Integrated Crop Management upland rice reached 89.12%. The efforts of priorities that need attention in order to improve farmers' understanding of the management of upland rice farming that is both integrated manner by taking into account several factors: the income of farmers, farm business climate supportive of farmers and extension activities better.


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    Hesti Lestari


    Full Text Available Permitting is considered a very complicated, difficult and take a long time. Maind-seat it makes people reluctant to take care of permissions. Plus cases encountered either directly or indirectly, often distinguish social class. Quality services are closely related to customer satisfaction. This research was conducted in BPMPPT (Investment Board and Integrated Licensing Service Pekalongan, using qualitative research methods, informants and people who take care of licensing related parties, selected purposively. Data retrieved through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Research instruments: the researcher himself, and implementation process using tools: a tape recorder, interview guidelines and documents. Research to identify any implementation issues of licensing services. Data analysis is descriptive analysis using a technique Tri angulation. The result: BPMPPT have assessed IKM in 2012, 2013, and 2014; Results of the assessment in 2012: 76.50 score with a score of 74.0 in 2013 and 2014: a score of 73.8; These results indicate that during the three years from 2012 s / d 2014: decrease. Elements decreased: Getting Justice Services; Courtesy and hospitality Officer; Fairness Service Charge; Care Cost Certainty, Certainty and Security Services Schedule Services.


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    Daryanto Daryanto


    Full Text Available This research is aimed to find out the kinds of students' contribution at some schools' libraries. This research was done Public Service Unit of Muhammadiyah University from March — May 2007. The method used in this research is by analysing the documents as the final report of Public Field Work Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the students' contributions can be both technical and financial aids. The technical aids, such as: room management, inventarization, classification, catalogue, making book card, making member card, putting the book label, giving the book cover, putting the data in computer, book shelfing, arranging the wall paper an doing the administration as well as circulation service. The financial aid was Rp. 3,134,850 used to buy the libraries' needs, including books, bookselves, paint and writing utensils. Key words: shoots' libraries.

  5. Intervensi Terpadu Pengurangan Dampak Buruk Asap Rokok pada Ruangan Berpengatur Udara di Lingkungan Universitas Sriwijaya

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    Najmah Najmah


    Full Text Available Abstract Sriwijaya University is a workplace and learning places which requires to be smoking-free areas. Most of the rooms were designed as closed-air conditioned so it can be harmful if there were smoking activity there. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of the integrated intervention of smoke harm reduction in closed space/air-conditioned rooms in the Sriwijaya University environment. Eighty one University employees were selected as respondents based on a cluster random sampling method. The intervention included interactive counselling, candy cigarette substitutes, and short messages text (SMS of health promotion. Data analysis used was paired t test. The results indicated that the integrated interventions provided significant changes to knowledge and attitudes towards smoking in the closed spaces/air-conditioned rooms after the intervention (p-value = 0.002 and 0.016. Statistically, however, the behaviour has no difference in average scores of 12.89 and 12.78 respectively before and after intervention. To sum up, there is a need of a comprehensive and longterm interventions related to smoking behaviour changes in Sriwijaya University. In addition, a regulation related to smoke-free area in Sriwijaya University is urgently needed to protect passive smokers from the negative impacts of smoking activities. Keywords: air-conditioned room, harm reduction, smoke-free areaAbstrakUniversitas Sriwijaya merupakan kawasan tempat kerja sekaligus tempat proses pembelajaran yang seharusnya membuat kawasan bebas asap rokok. Sebagian besar ruangan didesain tertutup dan berpengatur udara Air Conditioning (AC sehingga dapat menyebabkan dampak buruk jika ada aktivitas merokok di dalamnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas intervensi terintegrasi pengurangan dampak buruk asap rokok pada ruangan tertutup /ber-AC di lingkungan Universitas Sriwijaya. Sebanyak delapan puluh satu pegawai Universitas Sriwijaya diambil sebagai responden menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Intervensi yang diberikan meliputi konseling interaktif, permen pengganti rokok dan pesan singkat promosi kesehatan. Analisis data menggunkan uji t berpasangan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Intervensi terintegrasi ini memberikan perubahan yang signifikan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap aktivitas merokok di ruang tertutup/ber- AC setelah intervensi (p-value = 0.002 dan 0.016. Secara statistik, perilaku sebelum dan setelah intervensi tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dengan rata-rata skor (masing-masing 12.89 dan 12.78. Oleh Karena itu, diperlukan intervensi yang komprehensif dan berkelanjutan dalam mengubah perilaku merokok di Universitas Sriwijaya. Selain itu, diperlukan terkait kawasan tanpa rokok untuk melindungi perokok pasif dari efek negatif aktivitas merokok.Kata kunci: Kawasan Tanpa Rokok, ruangan ber-AC, pengurangan dampak


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    Nelly Yusra


    Full Text Available We often hear a saying mentions that teaching children at the early stage of their life, it will be like you are writing on a stone. But if you teach someone during his adulthood, it will be such you are writing on water which traces nowhere. This proverb cannot be denied since character and moral are nurtured best in the earlier stage of children’s life. Early age of childhood is critical period for forming children character. Educational experts say that the failure in giving moral education in earlier stages of children life will cause bad problems at their adult life later. It becomes worst if they grow in a bad environment


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    Nelly Yusra


    Full Text Available We often hear a saying mentions that teaching children at the early stage of their life, it will be like you are writing on a stone. But if you teach someone during his adulthood, it will be such you are writing on water which traces nowhere. This proverb cannot be denied since character and moral are nurtured best in the earlier stage of children’s life. Early age of childhood is critical period for forming children character. Educational experts say that the failure in giving moral education in earlier stages of children life will cause bad problems at their adult life later. It becomes worst if they grow in a bad environment

  8. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and psychological comorbidity in eating disorder patients. (United States)

    Sala, L; Martinotti, G; Carenti, M L; Romo, L; Oumaya, M; Pham-Scottez, A; Rouillon, F; Gorwood, P; Janiri, L


    There is some evidence that eating disorders (ED) and Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) share common clinical features and that ADHD might contribute to the severity of eating disorders. A greater understanding of how the presence of comorbid ADHD may affect the psychopathological framework of eating disorder seems of primary importance. The aim of our study was to evaluate rates of ADHD in three ED subgroups of inpatients: anorexia nervosa restricting type (AN-R), anorexia nervosa binge-eating/purging type (AN-BP) and bulimia nervosa (BN). The secondary aim was the evaluation of the associated psychological characteristics. The sample consisted of 73 females inpatients (mean age 28.07 ± 7.30), all with longstanding histories of eating disorder (ED). The presence of a diagnosis of ADHD was evaluated in a clinical interview based on DSM-IV-TR criteria. The following psychometric instruments were used: the eating attitude test (EAT-40), the Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh (BITE), the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2), the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS), the Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (BADDS), the Hamilton scales for Anxiety (HAM-A) and Depression (HAM-D), and the Barrat Impulsivity Scale (BIS-10). Among the three ED subgroups, 13 patients reported comorbidity with ADHD; three in the AN-R subtype, nine in the AN-BP and one in the BN. The remaining 60 patients (n = 34 AN-R; n = 19 AN-BP; n = 7 BN) presented only a diagnosis of ED. The EAT (p = 0.04) and HAM-A (p = 0.02) mean scores were significantly higher in patients with comorbid ADHD. In our study the comorbidity between ADHD and ED appeared to be frequent, particularly among patients with AN-BP. ED inpatients with higher level of anxiety and more abnormal eating attitudes and bulimic symptoms should be assessed for potentially associated ADHD.

  9. Sleep Architecture in Partially Acclimatized Lowlanders and Native Tibetans at 3800 Meter Altitude: What Are the Differences? (United States)

    Kong, Fanyi; Liu, Shixiang; Li, Qiong; Wang, Lin


    It is not well known whether high altitude acclimatization could help lowlanders improve their sleep architecture as well as Native Tibetans. In order to address this, we investigated the structural differences in sleep between Native Tibetans and partially acclimatized lowlanders and examined the association between sleep architecture and subjective sleep quality. Partially acclimatized soldiers from lowlands and Native Tibetan soldiers stationed at Shangri-La (3800 m) were surveyed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD). The sleep architecture of those without anxiety (as determined by HAMA>14) and/or depression (HAMD>20) was analyzed using polysomnography and the results were compared between the two groups. One hundred sixty-five male soldiers, including 55 Native Tibetans, were included in the study. After partial acclimatization, lowlanders still exhibited differences in sleep architecture as compared to Native Tibetans, as indicated by a higher PSQI score (8.14±2.37 vs. 3.90±2.85, p<0.001), shorter non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep (458.68±112.63 vs. 501±37.82 min, P=0.03), lower nocturnal arterial oxygen saturation (Spo2; mean 91.39±1.24 vs. 92.71±2.12%, p=0.03), and increased times of Spo2 reduction from 89% to 85% (median 48 vs.17, p=0.04) than Native Tibetans. Sleep onset latency (β=0.08, 95%CI: 0.01 to 0.15), non-REM latency (β=0.011, 95%CI 0.001 to 0.02), mean Spo2 (β=-0.79, 95%CI: -1.35 to -0.23) and time in stage 3+4 sleep (β=-0.014, 95%CI: -0.001 to -0.028) were slightly associated with the PSQI score. Partially acclimatized lowlanders experienced less time in non-REM sleep and had lower arterial oxygen saturation than Native Tibetans at an altitude of 3800 m. The main independent contributors to poor sleep quality are hypoxemia, difficulty in sleep induction, and time in deep sleep.

  10. Exact Bremsstrahlung and effective couplings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mitev, Vladimir [Institut für Physik, WA THEP, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz,Staudingerweg 7, 55128 Mainz (Germany); Institut für Mathematik und Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,IRIS Haus, Zum Großen Windkanal 6, 12489 Berlin (Germany); Pomoni, Elli [DESY Hamburg, Theory Group, Notkestrasse 85, D-22607 Hamburg (Germany); Physics Division, National Technical University of Athens,15780 Zografou Campus, Athens (Greece)


    We calculate supersymmetric Wilson loops on the ellipsoid for a large class of N=2 SCFT using the localization formula of Hama and Hosomichi. From them we extract the radiation emitted by an accelerating heavy probe quark as well as the entanglement entropy following the recent works of Lewkowycz-Maldacena and Fiol-Gerchkovitz-Komargodski. Comparing our results with the N=4 SYM ones, we obtain interpolating functions f(g{sup 2}) such that a given N=2 SCFT observable is obtained by replacing in the corresponding N=4 SYM result the coupling constant by f(g{sup 2}). These “exact effective couplings” encode the finite, relative renormalization between the N=2 and the N=4 gluon propagator and they interpolate between the weak and the strong coupling. We discuss the range of their applicability.

  11. 认知行为治疗对未服药强迫障碍患者的大样本病例研究%Efficacy of Manual-based CBT for the Drug-naive Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Patients in China

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    罗佳; 李占江; 杨祥云; 郭志华; 刘竞; 孟繁强; 马云; 杨晓婕


    目的:验证操作手册指导下的认知行为治疗(CBT)对未服药强迫障碍(OCD)患者的疗效、可接受性及适用性.方法:纳入符合DSM-Ⅳ强迫障碍诊断标准的门诊患者46例,在CBT操作手册指导下进行为期12周共14次个别CBT治疗.应用耶鲁-布朗强迫量表(Y-BOCS)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD-17项)和汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HA-MA)进行疗效评估,并采用0-10分的视觉模拟评分法来进一步评估患者对CBT的满意度和主观有益性.研究期间不服用任何精神药物.结果:39例患者完成了14次治疗(脱落率为15.22%),对完成治疗者进行治疗前后Y-BOCS,HAMA,HAMD分值的配对t检验,结果具有显著性差异(P均小于0.01).按照意向性治疗统计方法,有效率为69.57%(32/46),完全缓解率为21.74%(10/46),OCD患者对CBT治疗的满意度为6.89±0.42,主观有益性为6.62±0.68.结论:手册指导下的单一CBT治疗对中国OCD患者具有较好的疗效,且可接受性高,治疗依从性好.%Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of manual-based cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD).Methods:46 patients who met the DSM-Ⅳ OCD criteria were recruited to receive CBT.The CBT intervention was based on a manual,including 14 sessions across 12 weeks.All participants were assessed with the YaleBrown Obsessive Compulsive Scale(Y-BOCS),Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD) and Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA) by psychiatrists not involved in the treatment.Perceived helpfulness and satisfaction with CBT were also assessed by visual analogue scale(0-10).All patients did not take any psychiatric drugs during the CBT process.Results:39 subjects completed 14 sessions CBT.The dropout rate was 15.22%.At the end of the therapy,significant improvements were found for YBOCS,HAMD and HAMA by paired t test(P<0.01).Based on the intention to treat principle,the response and complete remission rate were 69.57%(32/46) and 21.74%(10/46).Satisfaction and

  12. 艾司西酞普兰改善创伤后应激障碍症状及脑结构的磁共振研究%Effect of escitalopram on the symptoms and brain MRI images of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    金圭星; 安翠霞; 王学义; 王岚; 任庆云; 宋明; 刘小玉; 谭莉; 王金成; 赵晓川


    Objective To evaluate the changes of key symptoms, concomitant symptoms and structural MRI in patients with Post — traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after treatment with eseitalo-pram. Methods We treated 12 PTSD patients (all met diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders—fourth edition (DSM —IV) criteria) with mono—therapy of escitalopram for 3 months. The following 5 scales were used for assessment before and after the treatment: Clinical Diagnosis Using DSM — IV PTSD Scale (CAPS), Hamilton Anxiety Scale( HAMA), Hamilton Depression Scale( HAMD), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST) and, Wechsler Memory Scale(WMS), and magnetic resonance imaging was taken too. Based on Voxel Based Morphometry(VBM)and Statistical Parametric Mapping 5(SPM5) were used to analyze the differences in gray matter volume before and after treatment. Results The scores of CAPS, HAMD, HAMA, WCST, and WPS were all declined obviously (P<0. 05) after treatment. MRI indicated that the grey matter in frontal and temporal lobe was recovered after treatment. Conclusions Escitalopram can improve the key symptoms, concomitant symptoms such as depression and anxiety and the impaired cognitive function; at the same time it can promote the recovery of the grey matter volume apparently.%目的 探讨艾司西酞普兰对创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)核心症状、伴发症状及脑结构的影响.方法 收集符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第四版诊断标准的12例PTSD患者,单独应用艾司西酞普兰治疗3个月.采用临床应用的PTSD诊断量表(CAPS)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、威斯康星分类卡片(WCST)、韦氏记忆量表(WMS)对PTSD患者治疗前后进行评估.治疗前后,所有患者进行核磁共振扫描.采用基于体素的形态学分析(VBM)技术,用统计参数 图5(SPM5)软件包分析治疗前后脑灰质体积的差异.结果 PTSD


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    Safitri -


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Control program of Aedes aegypti in Banjarmasin by using Malation has been done since almost 15 years ago. Related to this, a study about distribution and resistence of Ae.aegypti inBanjarmasin has been done. Ae.aegypti shown to be in almost all area in Banjarmasin, with water container in the bathroom and in the house are more liked. Susceptibility test showed thatthis mosquito was resistence to Malation 0,8%. Therefor, a policy to change this type of insecticide is needed.Key words : Ae.aegypti, resistence, dengue fever, Malation ABSTRAKProgram pengendalian nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Banjarmasin dengan menggunakan Malation telah dilakukan sejak hampir 15 tahun lalu. Terkait hal ini, sebuah studi tentang distribusi dan resistensi Ae. aegypti di Banjarmasin telah dilakukan. Ae. aegypti ditemukan di hampir semua wilayah di Banjarmasin dan lebih menyukai bak mandi dan penampungan air lainnya di dalam rumah. Uji Kerentanan menunjukkan bahwa nyamukini resisten terhadap Malation 0,8%. Maka, kebijakan untuk mengubah jenis insektisida yang digunakan sangat dibutuhkan Kata kunci: Ae. aegypti, resistensi, demam berdarah, Malation

  14. Perancangan dan Implementasi Kontroler PID untuk Pengaturan Autonomous Car-Following Car

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    Andreas Parluhutan Bonor Sinaga


    Full Text Available Pengiriman logistik ke daerah-daerah rawan bencana merupakan hal yang sangat sulit dilakukan, tentunya diperlukan pengetahuan mengenai kondisi medan jalan. Salah satu dampak yang utama adalah sulitnya melakukan manuver dalam pengendalian performansi  truk logistik yang pada umumnya berupa truk-truk gandeng. Untuk membantu pengemudi truk dalam berkendara pada kondisi tersebut, dirancang sebuah prototype mobil mandiri (Autonomous Car yang mampu melakukan manuver-manuver pergerakan secara sendirinya, salah satu manuver tersebut ialah Following Car.  Dalam Tugas Akhir ini perancangan sistem yang akan dilakukan dengan  memodelkan  dua buah kendaraan mobil RC (remote control yang bertindak sebagai  follower dan leader car. Pengoperasian dari  following car dilakukan dengan memodifikasi dari kendaraan RC-1, sedangkan RC-2 bertindak sebagai leader car yang dikondisikan secara manual. Dengan penerapan kontroler PID pada implementasi sistem didapatkan penurunan time settling menjadi 2,7 Detik dan peningkatan error steady state sebesar 2,44%. Pada implementasi diberikan kecepatan leader secara acak, dengan implementasi kontroler PID, kondisi jarak antara autonomous car dengan leader car masih dalam range keadaan ideal pada set point.

  15. AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK BUAH ADAS (Foeniculum vulgare, Mill PADA Vibrio harveyi DAN Vibrio alginolyticus Antibacterial Activity of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill Extract on Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio harveyi

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    Budianto Budianto


    Pada penelitian ini menggunakan ekstrak air dari buah adas untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Vibrio harveyi dan Vibrio alginolyticus dengan menggunakan metode uji Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC dan difusi cakram kertas. Hasil yang diperoleh pada uji MIC, konsentrasi terkecil untuk menghambat pertumbuhan adalah 0,060 g/ml, untuk kedua spesies bakteri. Variasi perlakuan pada uji cakram kertas yaitu konsentrasi A (0,065 g/ml, B (0,070 g/ml, C (0,075 g/ml, D (0,080 g/ml, E (0,085 g/ml, F (0,090 g/ml dan kontrol (0,000 g/ml, hasil yang diperoleh adalah konsentrasi 0,090 g/ml memiliki diameter zona hambat tertinggi sebesar 11,17 ± 0,5 mm (V. harveyi dan 12,53 ± 1,14 mm (V. alginolyticus, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa buah adas (F. vulgare Mill memiliki peranan ekologi yang sangat penting sebagai bahan pengobatan alternatif dalam pengendalian penyebaran penyakit Vibriosis yang disebabkan oleh V. harveyi dan V. alginolyticus. Kata kunci: Foeniculum vulgare Mill, Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio alginolyticus, uji MIC dan difusi cakram kertas

  16. Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Variasi Pegas Kopling Terhadap Gaya Dorong dan Percepatan Pada Kendaraan Yamaha Vixion 150 cc

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    Reza Prakoso Ramadhan


    Full Text Available Saat ini perkembangan dunia otomotif khususnya sepeda motor terus dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan kenyamanan dalam pengendalian. Produsen otomotif khususnya roda dua (sepeda motor telah memproduksi kendaraan berkapasitas besar . Para produsen berlomba – lomba untuk menciptakan kedaraan dengan performa dan akselerasi yang baik . Akselerasi dan performa yang baik salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kekakuan dari pegas kopling. Dengan banyaknya variasi dari pegas kopling yang dijual di pasaran dan memiliki nilai konstanta yang berbeda – beda mengindikasikan bahwa pemilihan pegas kopling yang sesuai dapat memperbaiki performa dari kendaraan standart. Dan ini yang mendasari terlaksananya penelitian kali ini. Pada penelitian ini data yang ingin diperoleh adalah gaya dorong, percepatan. Hasil dari pengujian ini adalah pegas dengan nilai konstanta 13,05 N/mm menghasilkan nilai gaya dorong terbesar dibandingkan pegas dengan nilai konstanta 8,29 N/mm yaitu sebesar 509,805 N untuk nilai gaya dorong dan 4,42 m/s2 untuk nilai percepatan. Ini menandakan bahwa pegas dengan nilai konstanta pegas yang besar enghasilkan performa yang baik untuk kendaraan.


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    Imam Abdul Rozaq


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangat berkembang pesat, dan dapat dirasakan dalam dunia industri maupun masyarakat biasa.Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada sekarang salah satunya adalah remot relay sebagai alat untuk mengendalikan alat rumah tangga seperti lampu, pagar, pintu jendela dan sebagainya.Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah riset dan pengembangan. Rencana kerja dari alat ini adalah dengan menggunakan dua mode yaitu mode manual dan mode otomatis, dengan perincian cara pengendalian pada masing-masing beban. Pertama untuk lampu pada kondisi otomatis akan menggunakan LDR sehingga tidak perlumenyalakan lampu pada malam hari dan mematikan lampu pada siang hari. Pada kondisi manual pada tombol ditekan pertama untuk menyalakan lampu dan ditekan yang kedua akan mematikan lampu.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat bekerja dengan baik, dimana untuk kondisi kendali otomatis, pada waktu kondisi siang maka lampu akan mati dan kondisi malam lampu menyala, kemudian untuk kondisi kendali manualnya, pada sistem ini dapat dilakukan kendali menggunakan remote sejauh 90 meter. Tingkat efisiensi dengan memanfaatkan sistem ini 53% lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan tidak memanfaatkan sistem smart home.

  18. Sistem Otomasi Lampu pada Bangunan Publik dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Stephanie Stephanie


    Full Text Available Konsumsi listrik Indonesia terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Seiring dengan peningkatan konsumsi listrik, efisiensi dalam penggunaan listrik menjadi sangat krusial. Salah satu tolok ukur efisiensi listrik adalah intensitas energi. Untuk menurunkan intensitas energi diperlukan adanya konservasi energi melalui manajemen energi dan penggunaan teknologi hemat energi. Contoh di mana konservasi energi belum dilakukan pada bangunan publik adalah dengan membiarkan barang elektronik tetap menyala walau sedang tidak dipergunakan, contohnya lampu. Oleh karena itu, perlu dirancang suatu sistem untuk mematikan lampu secara otomatis di luar jam operasional dan tidak ada aktivitas pada bangunan publik. Sistem ini menggunakan kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence yang menggunakan metode Forward Chaining dengan sensor Passive Infrared Receiver untuk mendeteksi keberadaan manusia dengan dijembatani oleh Raspberry Pi untuk menghubungkan ke relay sebagai saklar untuk lampu. Sistem akan memutuskan kapan saat yang tepat untuk menyalakan dan memadamkan lampu, bergantung pada kehadiran manusia di setiap ruangan dan jam operasional dari bangunan. Dengan adanya sistem ini, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan penghematan energi yang cukup signifikan. Kata Kunci—forward chaining, otomasi lampu, pengendalian lampu, raspberry pi, sensor passive infrared reciever


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    Lestari Wibowo


    Full Text Available The abundance and diversity of the parasitoid of banana leaf skipper pest (Erionota thrax L. in South Lampung Regency. This research was conducted to determine the abundance, diversity, and parasitation ability of several parasitoids of the banana skipper or banana leafroller (Erionota thrax in South Lampung Regency. This research was carried out with a survey method by taking out samples of larvae and pupae of E. thrax in the District of Natar, Jati Agung, and Tanjung Bintang, South Lampung. Results of the survey showed that there were 8 types of parasitoids recovered from larvae or pupae of E. thrax, i.e. Brachymeria lasus (Chalcididae: Hymenoptera, B. thracis (Chalcididae: Hymenoptera, Charops sp. (Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera, Casinaria sp. (Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera, Xanthopimpla sp. (Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera, Cotesia erionotae (Braconidae: Hymenoptera, and two parasitoids Diptera (Tachinidae and Sarcophagidae. The highest abundance of parasitoid was found in Tanjung Bintang with 171 parasitoids (index of diversity (H’ = 1.0256 and index of evenness (E = 0.5724. In Natar District, the abundance of parasitoid was 63 parasitoids, but it had a greater H’ value (1.4396 and E-value (0.7398. Meanwhile, in Jati Agung District, the abundance of parasitoid was 56 individuals but the value of H’ was also high, which was 1.012 with the value of E of 0.6064. The percentages of parasitation to the larvae and pupae E. thrax were 55.01% (Tanjung Bintang District, 31.68% (Natar District and 33.34% (Jati Agung District.

  20. Efektifitas Pestisida Nabati Daun Nimba Terhadap Serangan Hama Tribolium Castaneum Hbst Pada Kacang Kedelai Di Penyimpanan


    Hanum, Farida


    Soy bean is very popular and accepted commodity, it is almighty material for producing varieties of food, especially to complete consumption of people in Indonesia. Tempe is the highest preferences of Indonesian people, it is a type of food made of soy bean. It is rather defiantly,  although there enormous demand to soy bean products, it is very troublesome to obtain the good quality of soy bean in Indonesia. Most of the struggling technique to produce good quality soy bean is ho...